Std^e //Jkri^y
State Librarian,
Caxton Pkinting Company, 429 Montgomf.ry Stkkkt
7^-^ ^f
DR. M. GARDNER, (President) San Francisco
\V. S. GREEN Colusa
L. W. FULKERTH Modesto
State Librarian.
Less tliau six weeks having been allowed for the revising, print-
ing, and binding of this catalogue, it is not so free from error
Hfi it had been onr desire to make it. It may readily be imagined
vvliat despatch has been necessary to complete the work in that
length of time, and moreover we have labored nnder other disad-
\;uitagcs. On account of the State I'rinting Office being closed, the
[dinring and i)i*oof-reading have been Cuniv in San Francisco, where
it lias not been possible to consult ihc boolcs in case of doubt,
which, as every one who has printed a catalogue knows, is very apt
to arise. We had entertained different ideas in regard to the style
of type, but owing to the very short time allowed for the printing,
were (>])liged 1o adojtt 1 he si vie that could be employed most ex-
peditiously. As this catalogue is supplementary to the Author's
('atalogue published in ISS;) we have followed the plan of that
publication (juite closeh^ Tliere were then registered in the two
dej.iirtments of the State Library 77,000 volumes, which number
has been increased to 106,500, exclusive of a number of pamphlets
which have not yet been bound. We have herein recorded the vol-
umes contained in the General Department.
State Librarian.
Feb. 19, 1897.
AARON, Eugene Murray. The butterfly hunters in the Caribbees.
N. Y., 1894. pi. O.
ABAILARD or Ab<51ard, Pierre, abbot of Rutjs.
COMPAYRE, G. Abelard and the origin and early history of universi-
ties. N. Y., 1893. D. (Great educators.)
ABBE, Cleveland. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere: a
collection of translations. Wash., 1893. O. (Smithsonian
Inst. Misc. coll. v. 34.)
ABBON, monk of St.-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, surnamed Cernuus, or Le
Coiirbe. Si^ge de Paris par les Normands, po6me. {In Col.
des m^m. rel. k I'hist. de France, s. 3., v. 6.)
ABBOT, Francis Ellingwood. The scientific method. {In Brook-
lyn Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and
ABBOT, Henry Larcom. Notes on mortars in harbor defence;
March 3, 1869. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 11.)
Notes on the practical gauging of rivers; April 13, 1868. (Es-
sayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 2.)
ABBOT, Willis J. Battle fields and camp fires: a narrative of the
principal military' operations of the civil war, from the re-
moval of McClellan to the accession of Grant, 1862-63. N.Y.,.
[c. 1890]. 11. O.
Battle-fields of '61: a narrative of the military operations of
the war for the Union up to the end of the peninsular cam-
paign. N. Y., [c. 1889]. pi. maps. sq. O.
The naval history of the United States. N. Y., 1896. il. O.
ABBOTT, A. C. Principles of bacteriology. Phil.. 1894. il. D.
ABBOTT, Charles Conrad. M. D. Bird-land echoes. Phil., 1896.
11. D.
The birds about us. Phil., 1895. pi. D.
Recent rambles; or In touch with nature. Phil., 1892. il. D.
Upland and meadows; a Poaotquissings chronicle. N. Y.,
1886. D.
ABBOTT, Per. Edwin Abbott. The Anglican career of Cardinal
Newman. Lond., 1892. 2 v. O.
MARTIN, S. E. The life and professional career of Emma Abbott.
Minneapolis, 1891. pors. O.
ABBOTT, Evelyn. A history of Greece (continuation); pt. 2. From
the Ionian revolt to the thirty years peace, 500-445 B. C. N.
Y., 1892. maps, plans. O.
Pericles and the golden age of Athens. N. Y., 1891. pors. D.
(Heroes of the nations.)
ed. Heroes of the nations. X. Y., 1890-96. 9 v. D. For list
see Heroes of the nations.
and Campbell, Lewis. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett;
master of Balliol College, Oxford. Lond., 1897. il. pors.
2 V. O.
ABBOTT, James, capt. Narrative of a journey from Heraut to
Khiva, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh during the late Russian
invasion of Khiva; with some account of the court of Khiva
and the kingdom of Khaurism. Lond., 1843. 2 v. por.
map. O.
ABBOTT, John Stevens Cabot. History of the civil war in Amer-
ica. Norwich, Conn., 1883. 2 v. pi. pors. maps. O.
ABBOTT, Ber. Lvnian. Christianitv and social problems. Bost.,
1897. S. '
Education of women. (In Woman's book, v. 1.)
The evolution of Christianity. Bost. and N. Y., 1892. D.
Introduction. (In Campbell, Mrs. H. Knox, T: and Byrnes, T:
Darkness and daylight of New York life.)
Popular commentary on the gospels according to Matthew and
Mark. N. Y., etc.!^ 1876. il. pi. map. O.
Same; according to Luke and John. N. Y., etc., [e. 1879]. il.
pi. map. O.
• Popular commentary on the New Testament; v. 3: Acts of the
Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans. N. Y. and Chic,
[c. 1888]. il. pi. maps. O.
ABBOTT, Stephen O. The First Regiment New Hampshire volun-
teers in the great rebellion. Keene, 1890. il. pors. O.
ABBOTT, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. Kant, I. Critique of practical
ABD AL-RAHMAN IBN AHMAD, Niir Al-DIn Abti Muhammad,
called Al J^mi, Yiisuf and Zulaikha; tr. from the Persian
into English verse, by R. T. H. Griffith. Lond., 1882. O.
(Triibner's orient, ser.)
ABDUL HAMID II. sultan of Turkey.
LUSIGNAN, A. de. The twelve years' reign of His Imperial Majesty-
Abdul Hamid II, sultan of Turkey. Lond., 1889. pi. D.
ABDY, John Thomas. Feudalism; its rise, progress, and conse-
quences. Lond., 1890. D.
ABELOTJS, J. fimile. Recherches sur les microbes de I'estomac a
Tetat normal et leur action sur les substances alimentaires.
Paris, 1889. O.
ABER, Mary R. Ailing-. An experiment in education; also the
ideas which inspired it and were inspired bv it. N. Y.,
1897. D.
Register and chronicle of the Abbey of A. from the Harleian ms.; ed.
by Sir H. Ellis. Lond., 1847. 23p. 0. [In Camden Misc., v. 1.
Camden Soc, v. 39.)
AliXEY, William de ^\'iveleslie, capl. Instiiutaneons photograpliv,
N. Y., 1895. il. 95 p. S.
ABOUT, Edmond Fran(;:ois Valentin. The man with the broken
ear; tr. by H: Holt. N. Y., 1878. S. (Leisure hour ser.)
The notary's nose; tr. by H: Holt. 2d ed. N. Y., 1886. S.
The Koman question; tr. from the French bv H. C. Coape.
N. Y., 1859. D.
ABRAHAMS, Israel. Jewish lite in the middle ages. N. Y.,
1896. D.
Abr^c:^ chronologique d'histoire d'Espagne et de Portugal.
aS'cc H^nault, C. J. F.
ABULFEDA, Ismail. Description of the sea of Kolzum, commonly
called the Arabic Gulf, or Ked Sea. (In (rreen, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 1. p. 1.30.)
ABU'LGHAZI. lUihadur Kliau. Origin and history of the Mongols
and Tartars; Keign of Jenghiz Khun. [In Green, J: Voy-
ages and travels, v. 4, pp. 407, 418.)
ABU-SALIH, the Armenian. Churches and monasteries of Egypt
and some neighboring countries; tr. by B. T. A. Evetts.
Oxford, 1895. "il. pi. map. O.
ACADfiMIE des sciences morales et politiques . Stances et tra-
vaux; compte-rendue par Ch. Verg^, sous la direction de M.
Mignet; 3^ ser., v. 1-80, 1852-59; 4^ ser., v. 1-20, 1860-64;
5^ ser., v. 2-12, 14-20, 1865-69. Paris, 1852-69. 68 v. in 66. O.
ACADEMY, The; a weekly review of literature, science and art;
Oct. 1869-Dec. 1897; v. 1-52. Lond., 1869-97. 52 v. Q.
Xote. Title v. 1-4. The academy; a record of literature, science and
ACHETA, Domestica. pseud. See Budgen, Miss L. M.
ACLAXD, Arthur Herbert Dyke, and Jones, Benjamin. Working
men co-operators; what they have done, and what they are
doing. Lond., [etc.], 1884. 136 p. S.
ACTON, Edward Hamilton. See Darwin, F: and Acton. E: H.
Practical x)hysiology of plants.
ADALBfiRON. hp.' of Laon. Fo6me address^ k Robert. (In Col.
des m^m. rel. ;\ Thist. de France. 1824. s. 3. v. 6.)
ADAM, of Cohsam. The wright's chaste wife: a merry tale; from
a ms. in the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lam-
beth, about 1462 A. D.; copied and ed. by F. J. Furnivall;
with supplement; additional analogs, by W. A. Clouston.
Lond., 1865-86. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser.
no. 12, 84.)
ADAM, E., ed. Toi-T'ent of Portyngale; re-ed. from the unique ms.
in the Chetham library. Loud.. 1887. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 51.)
ADAM. Frank. What is my tartan? or, The clans of Scotland,
with their septs and dependents. Edinburgh, 1896. il.
112 p. D.
ADAM, John. Narrative of the Dutch embassy in 1655; with arts
used by the Jesuits to defeat it. (7«. Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 3. p. 489.)
ADAMNAJs', St., abbot of Hy. Life of St. Columba; ed. by W:
Beeves. Edin., 1874. O. (Historians of Scotland, ed. by
W: F. Skene, v. 6.)
ADAMS, Andrew N. A history of the town of Fair Haven, Ver-
mont. Fair Haven, 1870. maps. O.
ADAMS, Arthur. See Adams, H. and A. Genera of recent mol-
ADAMS, B. B. jr. The every day life of railroad men. {In
Clarke, T: C. and others. The American railway.)
ADAMS, Brooks. The emancipation of Massachusetts. Bost.,
1893. D.
The law of civilization and decay ; an essay on history.
Lond., 1895. O.
ADAMS, Charles Francis. Massachusetts: its historians and its
history ; an object lesson. Bost., 1893. 110 p. D.
The prevention of railway strikes. {In Clarke, T : C. and others.
The American railway.)
Richard Henry Dana : a biography. Revised. Bost., 1891.
2v. D.
Three episodes of Massachusetts history: the settlement of
Boston Bay: the Antinomian controversy: -a study of
church and town government. Bost., 1892. 2 v. maps. D.
ADAMS, Charles Kendall. Christopher Columbus: his life and
his work. N. Y., 1892. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
Some recent discoveries concerning Columbus. Wash., 1892.
. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1892, no. 5.)
ed. {and others.'] Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. New ed.
Vols. 1-8. N. Y., 189G-97. il. maps. 8 v. Q.
ADAMS, Francis Colburn. Siege of Washington, D. C, written
expresslv for little people. N. Y., [c. 1867]. 130 p. il.
pi. S.
ADAMS, Sir Francis Ottiwell. The Swiss confederation. N. Y.,
1894. map. O.
ADAMS, George Burton. Civilization during the middle ages;
especially in relation to modern civilization. N. Y., 1894. O.
Rise of imperial federalism. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers,
1894, no. 3.
History of the middle ages, by Victor Duruy; tr. by E. H. and
M. D. Whitney, with notes and revisions by A. N. Y., 1891.
maps. D.
ADAMS, George Huntington. Hand book of the tariff on imports
into the United States, the free list and the bond and ware-
house system now in force;, with notes of judicial decisions
and decisions of the Secretarv of the Treasury. N. Y.,
1890. O.
Hand book of the tariff on imports into the United States
under the Acts of 1890, and the bond and warehouse system
now in force. 2d and rev. ed. N. Y., 1890. Q.
ADAMS, Henry. History of the United States of America. [1801-
17]. N. Y., 1890-91. 9v. D.
Cnntenfa: v. 1-2. The first administration of Jefferson, 1801-05.
3-4. The second administration of Jefferson, 1805-09. 5-6. The
first administration of Madison, 1809-13. 7-9. The second adminis-
tration of Madison, 1813-17; with index to entire work.
ADAMS. Henry. The teiidciu-y of history. [In Anier. llist. Assoc.
Tapers, i81)4, uo. 2.)
— Notes in mecliuuieal en<;ineeriiij;. X. Y., 1888. 13-1-93 p. D.
ADAMS, lleui'v and Arthur. The genera of recent mollusca.
Loud., 1858. 3 v. pi. O.
ADAMS, Henry Cadwalhider. The history of the Jews; from the
war with Rome to the present time. Lond., 1887. O.
ADAMS, Henry Carter. Taxation in tlie United States, 1789-1816.
{In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 2.)
ADAMS, Herbert Baxter. Biographical sketch of Herbert Tuttle.
{In Tuttle, H., History of Prussia, v. 4.)
College of William and Mary: a contribution to the history of
higher education, with suggestions for its national promo-
tion. Wash., 1887. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circulars of infor
mation; 1887, uo. 1.)
The Germanic origin of New England towns. {In Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies, v. 1.)
Historical work of Prof. Herbert Tuttle. {In Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Papers, 1894, no. 4.)
Life and waitings of Jared Sparks. Bost., 1893. 2 v. pors. O.
Maryland's intluence upon laud cessions to the U. S.; with
minor papers on George Washington's interest in western
lands, the Potomac Company and a National University.
{In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 3.)
Methods of historical study. In same, v. 2.)
Norman constables in America. {In same, v. 3.)
Notes on the literature of charities. {In same, v. 5.)
Report of the organization and proceedings of the American
Historical Association, Saratoga, Sept. 9-10, 1884. {In Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Papers, no. 4, 1894.)
Repoi't of the proceedings of the American Historical Associa-
tion. 2d annual meeting, Sept. 8-10, 1885. {In same.)
Report of the proceedings of the American Historical Associa-
tion, third annual meeting, April 27-29, 188fi. {In same,
V. 2.)
Same, Mav 21-24, 1887. (In same, v. 3.)
Same, Dec. 26-28, 1888. {In same, v. 3.)
Same, Dec. 29-31, 1891. (U. S. Cong., S. M. D.)
Same, Dec. 28-31, 1894. (U. S. Cong., S. M. D.)
Saxon tithing men in America. (In Johns Hopkins Univ.
studies, V, 1.)
Seminarv libraries and Tniversity extension. In same, v. 5.)
. The study of history in American colleges and universities.
Wash., 1887. O. (V. S. Bu. of Ed. Circulars of information;
1887, no. 2.)
Thomas Jefferson and Ihe Uiiiveisily of Vii'ginia. Wash.,
1888. O.
Same. (In V. S. Bu. of Ed. Circulars of Information, 1888,
no. 1.)
ADAMS, Herbert Baxter. Village communities of Cape Ann and
Salem. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 1.)
ed. Johns Hoj)kins University studies in historical and political
science; v. 1-13. Bait., 1883-95. 13 v. O.
■ Same, extra volume; 1-3, 8-13. Bait., 1886-92. 9 v. O.
For contents see Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.
Vincent, J. M., Schaife, W., and others. Seminary notes on
recent historical literature. Bait., 1890. {Tn Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
and Wood, Henry. Columbus and his discovery of America.
Bait., 1892. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist.
and pol. sci. v. 10, no. 10-11.)
ADAMS, Nehemiah, D.D. A Sabbath discourse on the death of
Hon. Rufus Choate; with the address at his funeral. Bost.,
1859. 64 p. S.
ADAMS, Oscar Fav. Brief hand-book of American authors. 8th
ed. rev. enl. Bost., 1893. D.
Brief hand-book of English authors. 7th ed. rev. enl. Bost.,
1893. D.
A dictionary of American authors. Bost., 1897. O.
The storv of Jane Austen's life. Xew ed. Bost., 1897. il. D.
ADAMS, Samuel.
HOSMER, J. K. S. Adams, the man of the town-meeting. (In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 2.)
ADAMS, Sarah Holland, fr. Grimm, H. Life of Raphael.
ADAMS, Smith. Genealogy and history of a part of the Newbury
Adams familv, formerly of Devonshire, Eng. Calais, 1895.
61 p. O. "^
ADAMS, William. Voyage to Jap^ni, with adventures and promo-
tion there. (In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 525.)
ADAMS, AVilliam Henry Davenport. Child-life and girlhood of
remarkable women. X. Y., 1895. pors. O.
Eminent soldiers: a series of biographical sketches of great
military commanders, English and foreign. Lond.. [n. d.J.
il. pl.*^ D.
Ei)isodes of Anglo-Indian history: a series of chapters from
the annals of British India, showing the rise and progress of
our Indian empire. Loud., [n. d.]. map. O.
The maid of Orleans: and the great war of the English in
France. Phil., 1889. jil. por. D.
T(>])ogra])hy and history of the Rhine Valley. {In Hozier, 11.
M. ed. Franco-Prussian war.)
The Victoria library for gentlewomen. Lend., 1892- [93]. .3v.
il. por. D.
For list see Vic. lib.
Witch, warlock, and magician: historical sketches of magic
and witchcraft in England and Scotland. N. Y., 1889. O.
ADAMS family.
WHITTEMORE, H: comp. History of the Adams family. N.Y., 1893.
il. 84 p. O.
ADAMS family {Newbury, Mass.).
ADAMS, S. Genealogy and history of a part of the Newbury Adams
family. . . . Calais, 1895. 61 p. O.
ADAMSON, Kobert. Fichto. riiil., 1881. por. S. (Philosophi-
cal classics.)
ADDEMAN, J. M. Reminiscences of two years with the colored
troops. Providence, 1880. 38 p. O. (Personal narratives
of events in the war of the rebellion. 2d ser. no. 7.)
ADDIS, William E., //•. and ed. The documents of the Hexateuch
translated and arranjied in chronological order, with intro-
duction and notes. N. Y., Lond., 1893. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. The oldest book of Hebrew history.
ADDISON, Joseph.
TICKELL, T: Life of A. [1721]. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 6,
p. 513.)
ADEE, Alvey A. The life-magnet. (In stories by Amer. authors,
V. 8.)
ADIX ARGUS. Weekly (continuation); July, 1889-Dec., 1897.
Adin, 1881-97. 2 v. F.
ADLER, Cyrus. Museum collections to illustrate religious his-
tory and ceremonials. (Smithsonian rept., 1893. U. S. Nat'l
(Same. U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
ADLER, Felix. The moral instruction of children. N. Y., 1892.
D. (Int. Ed. ser., v. 21.)
Punishment of children; three lectures delivered; 1886. N. Y.,
18S7. 38 p. D.
ADMIRE, W. W. Political and legislative hand-book for Kansas,
1891. Topeka, 1891. maps. D.
ADVANTAGES of the national banking system. (In Republican
campaign docs., 1880.)
ADY, Mrs. Henry. {Julia C artier ujlii.) Jean Francois Millet, his
life and letters. Lond., 1896. il. O.
ADYE, Sir John. qen. Recollections of a military life. N. Y.,
189;-). il. pi. ■ O.
Sitana: a nu)untain cami)aign on the borders of Afghanistan
in 1S().3. Lond., LS67. 7-^^-101 p. pi. maps. O.
iELFRIC, ahp. of Canierlury. Lives of saints: being a set of ser-
mons on saints' days formerly observed by the English
church; ed. from ms. in the Cottonian collection, with vari-
ous readings from other mss. by W. \V. Skeat. Lond., 1881-
90. 2 V. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 76,
82, 94.)
uESCHYLUS. ^schylus tr. into English prose by F. A. Paley.
2d ed. rev. cor. Cambridge, 1871. O.
Contents: Supplices. — Prometheus bound. — Seven against Thebes. —
Persians. — Agamemnon. — Choephoroe. — EumenijJes.
S])ecimens of Grerk ti'ag«'dy: tr. by Gohlwin Smith. N. Y.,
1894. S. ' ■
lateau region of Ala-
bama, by H: ^IcCalley; including a report on the coal meas-
ures of Blount county, bv A. M. Gibson. Montgomery,
1891. O.
Report uj)()ii the Coosa Coal Field, with sections by A.
]\I. (ribson. Montgomery, 1895. 143 p. O. pam.
Report on the geological structure of Murphree's Valley
and its minerals and other materials of economic value; by
A. :M. Gibson. Montgomery, 1893. 1.32 p. O. i)amp.
ALAMP'DA Countv, (Cal.). (Jreat register (continuation); 1880,
1S9(>, 1S92, 1894, 1896.
ALAMED.X Free Library (Cal.) 15th annual re]M>rt of the board
of trustees; 1S94. Alameda. 1894. O. pamp.
ALAMEDA Times [weekly], Jan. 6, 1894. Dec. 31, 1895. Oaklaud,
1894-95. F.
San Francisco Chronicle almanac and political and commercial sta-
tistician for 1898. V. 1.: 1. S. F., 1898. D.
ALASKA. Governor. Report; 1885-87, 1889-92. Wash., 1885-92.
O. pamps.
ALASKAN: July 14, 1888-July 20, 1889; Aug. 15, 1891-Dec. 30, 1897.
Sitka, 1888-93. 2 v. F.
Albany directory for 1896; including Bath and Greenbush; also a
street and business directory. Sampson, Murdock and Co. Albany,
[c. 1896]. O.
MUNSELL, F. Bibliography of Albany: being a catalogue of books
and other publications relating to the city and county of Albany in
the State of New York. Albany, 1883. 73 p. O.
ALBANY county. (N. Y.) Bicentennial history of Albany. His-
tory of the county of Albany, N. Y.. from 1(;09 to 1886;
ed. by G. R. Howell ; [also History of the county of Schenec-
tady, N. Y., from 1062 to 1886; ed. by J. H. Munsell]. N. Y.,
1886. pors. Q.
ALBERIC, or Albert, canon of Aix. Histoire des croisades. {In
Col. des ni^m. rel. k I'hist. de France. 1824. s. 3. v. 19-20.)
ALBERT d'Aix. See Alberic, or Albert, canon of Aix.
ALBERT. (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel.), frince
consort of Victoria. Golden precepts; or, The opinions and
maxims of His Royal Higlmess, the prince consort. New ed.
Loud., 1873. 133 p. T. (Bayard ser.)
ALBERT Victor, prince, and George, of Wales, prince. The cruise
of Her Majesty's ship ''Bacchante," 1879-82; compiled from
journals, letters and note books, y^ith additions by J: N. Dal-
ton. Lond., 1886. 2 v. ■ il. pi. map. O.
ALBERTIN, Henri Alphonse. Des injections intra-ut^rines au
point de yue obstetrical sous la methode antiseptique; th^se
pr^sent^e a la faculty de m(^decine et de pharmacie de Lyon.
Lyon, 1887. 142 p. Q.
ALBERTIS, Enrico Alberto d'. Le costruzioni nayali e I'arte
della navigazione al tempo di Ci-istoforo Colombo. Roma,
1893. F. (In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di docu-
menti e studi pubblicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 4,
y. 1.)
ALBUQUERQUE, Affonso d'. the Great.
Exploits while vice-roy of India, 1510-16. (In Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 1. p. 71.)
ALCAFORADO, Francisco. Account of the discoyery of the
Lsland of ]\Iadera; written in Portugueze, and here abridged.
(In Green, J: Voynges and trayels, y. 1. p. 566.)
ALCILIA: Philoparthen's loying folly. [1595]. {In Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, y. 4, p. 253.)
ALCOTT. Amos Bronson.
Record of Mr. Alcott's school [by Elizabeth P. Peabody]. 3d ed.
rev. Bost., 1874. S.
SANBORN, F. B. and Harris, W: T. A. Bronson Alcott, his life and
philosophy. Bost., 1893. 2 v. pors. D.
ALCOTT, Louisa ^lav. Hospital sketches. Bost., 1863. 102
ALCUIN. Lot. Alcimnis, ur, Flaccus Albimis.
WEST, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. N. Y.,
1892. D. (Great educators.)
ALDE]S', Edmund K. Mountains and history. {In Amer. Hist.
Assoc. ]*a}»eis, 181)4, no. 25.)
The world's representative assemblies of to-day: a study in
comparative legislation. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies,
V. 11, no. 2.)
[ALDEN, Henrv Mills.] God in his world; an interpretation.
N. Y., [c. 1890.] J).
See Guernsey, A. H. ai}d Alden, H: M. Harper's pictorial his-
tory of the great rebellion.
ALDEN, John. See Brooks, E. S. and Alden, J: The long walls.
ALDEN'S living topics cyclopedia. N. Y., 1896. D.
ALDER, Joshua, and Hancock, Albany. Monograph of the Brit-
ish nudibrauchiate mollusca. Lond., 184.5. pi. F. (Ray
vSoc. Pub.)
ALDRICH, Anne Reeve. The feet of love. N. Y., 1890. il. D.
ALDRICH, Herbert L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia; or Eight
months with the arctic whalemen. Chic, and X. Y., 1889.
il. pi. mai>. D.
ALDRICH, Nelson W. Retail prices and wages: Report by Mr.
Aldrich from the committee on Finance, July 19, 1892.
Wash., 1892. 3 v. O. (U. S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. S. R.)
ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Judith and Holofernes: a poem.
Bost., 1896. 78 p. I).
An old town by the sea. Bost., 1894. D.
The sisters' tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic.
P,ost.. 1891. 108 p. D.
The Stillwater tragedy. Bost., 1887. S.
The story of a bad boy. Bost., 1895. il. D.
T'nguaj'ded gates, and otlier j»oems. Bost., 1895. 121 p. D.
^rf 01i])hant, M. O. W. and Aldrich, T. B. The second son.
ALEMBIC Club reprints; No. 2. Edin., 1893. D.
ycimel!/: No. 2. Dalton, J:. Wollaston, W: H. and Thomson. T:
Foundations of the atomic theory.
ALEXANDER of Macedon.
HOGARTH, T): G. Philip and Alexander of Macedon. N. Y., 1897.
il. map. 0.
ALEXANDER ilie Great. Alexander and Dindimus; or. The letters
of Alexander to Dindimus, king of the Brahmans, with the
re]>lies of Dindimus; being a second fragment of the allitera-
tive romance of Alisaunder; tr. fi'om the Latin, about A. D.
1340-50; reed, from tlie uniiiuc ins. in the Bodleian Library,
by W. W. Skeat. Lond.. 1S78. (). iKaily Vavj;. Text Soc.
Pub. Extra ser. no. 31.)
BI'DGt"]. E. A. W., ed. The history of Alexander the Great: being the
Syriac version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes; ed, from five mss. with
an English translation and notes. Camb., 1889. O.
SAINTE-CROIX, G. E. .J. G. de C.-L., hnnni dr. Critical inquiry into
the life of Alexander the Great; tr. by R. Clayton. Bath, 1793.
map. Q.
ALEXANDER the Great.
SAINTE-CROIX, G. E. J. G. de C.-L., baron de. Examen critique des
anciens liistoriens d'Alexandre-le-grand. 2de ed. Paris, 1804.
map. Q.
Tlie wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance, tr. chiefly from tne
Historia Alexandri Magni de Preliis; r.e-ed. from ms. in the Bodleian
Library, Oxford, and ms. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, by
W. W: Skeat. Lond., 1886. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra
Ser. No. 47.)
[Ye gestes of ye worthie King and Emperour, Alisaunder of Mace-
doine] a fragment of the alliterative romance of Alisaunder; tr.
from the Latin about A.D. 1340. (In William of Palerne. Romance.
Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 1.)
ALEXANDER IIL, emperor of Russia.
LOWE, C: Alexander in. of Russia. N. Y., 1895. por. D.
SAMSON-HIMMELSTIERNA, H. von. Russia under Alexander IIL
and in the preceding period; tr. from the German by J. Morrison;
ed. with explanatory notes and an introduction by Felix Volkhovsky,
N. Y., 1893. por. O.
ALEXANDER, Archibald. A theory of conduct. N. Y., 1890. D.
ALEXANDER. E. Porter, gen. Railway management. {In Clarke,
T: C. and others, The American railway.)
ALEXANDER, Francesca. coll. and tr. Tuscan songs. Bost.,
1897. il. pi. F.
ALEXANDER, Gross. History of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South. (In Amer. Church Hist. ser. v. 11.)
ALEXANDER, Joseph Addison. The Acts of the Apostles ex-
plained. N. Y., [1857]. 2 V. D.
The gospel according to Mark explained. N. Y., [1858]. D.
ALEXANDER, William De Witt. A brief history of the Hawaiian
people; Published by order of the Board of Education of the
Hawaiian kingdom. N. Y., [c. 1891]. pors. maps. O.
ALEXANDRE, Ars«'^ne. and others. The modern poster; French
posters and book-covers. N. Y., 1S95. il. 117 p. O.
Legend or life of St. Alexius, in four versions, from six mss. (In
Furnivall. F. J., cd. Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser., No. 69.)
ALFIERI, Vittorio, ronte. Tragedie Firen/.e, 182fi. O. (Tragedie
classiche Italiane. v. 1.)
ALFORD, B. H. Free education. {In Mackay, T: ed. A plea for
ALFORD, Henry. The New Testament for English readers: con-
taining the authorized Aversion, marginal references and a
critical and explanatory commentary. New ed. Lond.,
1872-81. 2 y. in 4. maps. O.
ALFRED the Great, Kinr/ of England. Orosius; ed. by H. Sweet;
pt. 1. Old English text and Latin original. Lond., 1883. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 79.)
West-Saxon yersion of Gregory's Pastoral care; with an Eng-
lish translation, the Latin text, notes, and an introduction;
ed. by H. Sweet. Lond., 1871. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc.
Pub. Reg. ser., no. 45, 50.)
AL(;KK, John G. Glimpses of the French revolution, myths, ideals
and realities. N. Y., [n. d.]. D.
AL(5HAZZALI. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad, zain Al-Din
Abu HAmid (Al Ghazuli).
HUSEYN of Hamad.-'in. The Taiikh-i-Jadid or new history of Mirzil
'All Muhammad the Bab; tr. from the Persian, with introd. il.
and app. by E. G. Browne. Cambridge, 1893. pi. por. D.
ALICE, Cousin, pseud. See Haven, j\li-s. Alice.
[ALIF LAILA]. Alaeddin and the enchanted lamp: Zein ul As-
nam and the king of the Jinn; tr. by John Payne. Ed. des
am. no. 8. Lond., 1889. il. O.
Arabian Nights' entertainments; tr. by E. W. Lane. New ed.
Ed. by E. S. Poole. Loud., 1859. 3 v. 11. O.
The book of the Thousand nights and one night: now first
completel}^ done into English prose and verse from the orig-
inal Arabic, bv John Payne; v. 1-9. Lond., 1884. il. pi.
9 V. O.
Sinbad, the sailor, and Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Illus-
trated by W: Strang and J. B. Clark. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18)
editions of the book of the Thousand nights and one night
not occurring in the other printed texts of the work now first
done into English bv John Payne. Printed for subscribers
only. V. 1-3. Lond.', 1884. il. 3 v. O.
ALISON, Sir Archibald, Some account of my life and writings:
an autobiography; ed. by Lady Alison. Edin. and Lond.,
1883. 2 V. pors. O.
ALISON family. See Allison family.
ALL about California and the inducements to settle there. S.
F., 1871. 82-i-8 p. O.
ALL the year round, a weekly journal; conducted by Charles
Dickens; with which is incorporated Household words; vol.
8-12, 15-20. Lond., 18G3-68. 11 v. O.
Same. New ser., vol. 1-40; 1868-87. Lond., 1868-87. 40 v. O.
ALLAN, William. The army of Northern Virginia in 1862; with
an introduction by J: C. Ropes. Bost., 1892. maps. O.
ALLBUTT, Thomas Clifford, ed. A system of medicine bv manv
writers, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1896-97. il. pi. 4 v. O. '
ALLCROFT, A. H. and Masom, W. F., eds. Cicero, M. T. De
Senectute. Lond., [1892]. D. (Univ. Corr. Coll. Tutorial
and Plaistowe, F. G., eds. Cicero, M. T. Pro Archia. Lond.,
[1892]. D. (Same.)
ALLEGRT, Marco. Girolamo Benzoni e la sua Hiatoria del mondo
nuovo. Roma. 1894. F. (In Italy. Com. Colombiana.
Raccolta di documenti e studi pubblicati dalla R. Com.
Colombiana. Pt. 5. v. 3.)
ALLEMAN. L. A. W. Optics as related to evolution. (In Brook-
lyn Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy and art.)
ALLEN, Alexander Viets Griswold, D.D. Christian institutions.
N. Y., 1897. O. (Tuler. theol. lib.)
ALLEN, Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. The continuity of Chris-
tian thought; a study of modern tlieology in the light of its
history. Bost., 1895!^ D.
Jonathan Edwards. Bost. and X. Y., 1890. D. (Amer. reli-
gious leaders.)
Primitive Christian liturgies. {Ln Hall, C: C. and others.
Christian worship.)
Religious progress. Bost., 1895. 137 p. S.
ALLEN, Alfred H. Commercial organic analysis, v. 3; pt. 1.
2d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1889. O.
ALLEN, Andrew Hussey. Historical archives of the State depart-
ment. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1894, no. 17.)
ALLEN, Charles Dexter. American book-plates, a guide to their
study with examples. N. Y., 1891. il. pi. D. (Ex-libris
Ex-libris: essays of a collector.Bost., 189G. il. 157 p. D.
ALLEN, Ethan. Washington; or. The Revolution: a drama, v.
1. Chic, 1895. il. D.
ALLEN, Francis H., comp. Nature's diary. Bost., 1897. S.
ALLEN, Fred. H. The great cathedrals of the world. Bost., [e.
188G]. 2 V. pi. F.
ALLEN, Frederick D. Greek versification in inscriptions. Bost.,
1888. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am., Amer. School at Athens.
V. 4.)
ALLEN, George H. Forty-six months with the Fourth R. I. Volun-
unteers in the war of 1861-65. Providence, 1887. por. O.
ALLEN, Grant. The colours of flowers as illustrated in the British
flora. Lond., 1882. 6-^-119 p. il. D.
The evolution of the idea of God ; an inquiry into the origins
of religion. N. Y., 1897. O.
Flow-ers and their pedigrees. N. Y., 1884. il. D.
ALLEN, Harrison. A clinical study of the skull. Wash., 1890.
O. (Toner lecture, no. 10. In Smithsonian Inst. Misc. coll.
V. 34.)
Monograph of the bats of North America. Wash., 1893. O.
(U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull no. 43.)
ALLEN, J. Fisk. Practical treatise on the culture and treatment
of the grape vine. 3d ed. enl. rev. N. Y., 1858. pi. D.
ALLEN, James Lane. The choir invisible. N. Y., 1897. S.
ALLEN, John C. Roster of soldiers, sailors, and marines of the
war of 1812, the Mexican war, and the war of the rebellion,
residing in Nebraska June 1, 1891. Lincoln, 1892. O.
ALLEN, Joseph Henry. Christian history in its three peri-
ods. Bost., 1883-84. 3 v. S.
Namely: 1st. period: Early Christianity. 2d. period: The middle
age. 3d. period: Modern phases.
The contact of American Unitarianism and German thought.
(In Unitarianism: its origin and history.)
Early Christian doctrine. (In same.)
Hebrew men and times from the patriarch to the Messiah.
Bost, 1879. D.
Our liberal movement in theology. 2d ed. Bost., 1883. S.
ALLEN, Joseph Hem v, and Eddy, Richard. History of the Chris-
tians and Universalists in the United States. N. Y., 1894.
O. (Amer. Church Hist. ser. vol. 10.)
ALLEN, Lyman Whituev. Abraham Lincoln, a poem. N. Y., 1896.
112 p. D.
ALLEN, Stanton P. Down in Dixie: life in a cavalry regiment in
the war days, from the Wilderness to Appomattox. Best.,
[e. 1892]. il. O.
ALLEN, Thomas Gaskell, jr., and Sachtleben, William Lewis.
Across Asia on a bicycle: a journey of two American stu-
dents from Constantinoi^le to Peking. N. Y., 1894. il.
pi. D.
ALLEN, W. V\., and Avery, K. B. California gold book; first
nugget, its discovery and discoverers, and some of the results
proceeding therefrom. S. F., 1893. pi. D.
ALLEN, Wilkes. History of Chelmsford from its origin in 1653-
1820; to which is added a memoir of the Pawtuckett tribe
of Indians. Haverhill, 1820. 190 p. O.
ALLEN, William, chief justice. Extracts from Chief Justice William
Allen's letter book, selected and arranged by L. B. Walker;
with an appendix containing pamphlets in the controversy
with Franklin, [n. p.]. 1897. por. 136 p. O.
ALLEN, William Francis, and Spencer, David E. Higher edu-
cation in Wisconsin. Wash., 1889. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed.
Circ. of Inform., 1889. no. 1.)
ed. Tacitus, C. C. Annals, iDooks I-VI; with introduction,
notes and indexes. Bost., 1890. D. (College ser. of Latin
ALLEN, Willis Bovd. The Red Mountain of Alaska. Bost., [c.
1889]. il. 6.
ALLEN, Zachariali. Defence of the Rhode Island system of treat-
ment of the Indians, and of civil and religious libertv. Prov-
idence, 1876. 34 p. O.
ALLEY, B. F., puh. History of Tuolumne County, California. S.
F., 1882. pors. O.
ALLEY, Bow en and Co., pnl. History of Santa Clara Countv.
S. F., 1881. pors. O.
History of Sonoma County. S. F., 1880. pors. O.
ALLEYNE, Sarah Frances, and Abbott, Evelyn, trs. Duncker,
M. History of Greece.
Zeller, E. Outlines of the history of Greek philoso-
ALLIBONE, Samuel Austin.
Supplement to critical dictionary of English literature and British and
American authors, by J: F. Kirk. Phil., 1891. 2 v. Q.
ALLIEN, Justin. Les plants am^ricains j\ Saint Georges. Mont-
pellier, 1882. 36 p. O.
ALLIES. Thomas William. Church and State as seen in the forma-
tion of Christendom. Lond., 1882. O.
The Holv See and the wandering of the nations from St. Leo I.
to St. iGTregorv I. Lond., 1888. O.
A life's decision. Lond., 1S8I). D.
ALLIES, Tliomas William. Per cruceni ad lucem: the result of a
life. Lond., 1879. 2 v. O.
The throne of the fisherman built by the carpenter's son, the
root, the bond, and the crown of Christendom. Lond.,
1887. O.
ALLENSON, Edward P. and Penrose Boies. The city govern-
ment of Philadelphia. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
Philadelphia, 1681-1887: a history of municipal development.
Phil., 1887. O. [Same, extra, v.*'2.)
ALLISON family.
MORRISON, L. A. History of the Alison or Allison family in Europe
and America. A. D. 1135 to 1893. Bost., 1893. pors. O.
ALLIX, Henri. L'eau potable and la fl^vre typhoide. Paris, 1887.
70 p. O.
ALLMAN, George James. Monograph of the fresh water polyzoa;
including all the known species, both British and foreign.
Lond., 1856. col. pi. F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
Monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. Pt.
1-2. Lond., 1871-72. 2 v. pi. F. [Same)
ALLONGfi, Auguste. Charcoal drawing, tr. by S. D. Waring.
Bost., [c. 1876]. il. 47 p. S.
ALLPOET, Frank, M.D. The eye and its care. Phil., 1896. 11.
174 p. D.
ALLSTON, Washington.
FLAGG, J. B. Life and letters of Washington Allston. N. Y., 1892.
pi. O.
ALMACK, Richard, ed. Papers relating to proceedings in the
county of Kent, A. D. 1642-46. Lond., 1854. 7+68 p. O.
{In Camden Misc., v. 3. Camden Soc, v. 61.)
ALMANACS. California almanacs, 1854-1881. S. F., 1854-81. O.
Contents: California state almanac; comp. by J. P. Bogardus. S .F.,
1854. O.^ — Pacific almanac. 1865. comp. by W. H. Knight. — Pacific
Coast almanac and year-book of facts; comp. by H. G. Langley
S. F., 1869.— Same. S. F., 1871. — Alta-California almanac and book
of facts. S. F., Wll.—Same. S. F., 1881.
[California] State almanac and hand-book of statistics for 1863;
comp. by H. G. Langley. S. F., 1863. 95 p. D.
Canadian almanac and miscellaneous directory for the year 1898.
Toronto, [1897]. O.
Hand-book almanac for the Pacific States, 1862; ed. by W. H.
Knight. S. F., 1862. 191 p. D.
Hawaiian almanac and annual; 1892, 1894, 1898. T: G. Thrum,
compiler and publisher. Honolulu, 1891-98. 3 v. 0.
Pacific coaster's nautical almanac for the year 1898. 1st ed.
Wash., 1897. 77 p. O.
Tribune almanac and political register; 1881, 18S1, 1893-94. N. Y.,
[1881-94]. 4 V. D.
Whitaker, J. Almanack for 1894. Lond., [1894]. D.
The world almanac; 1892, 1894, 1895, 1898. N. Y., 1892-98. 4 v. D.
ALMEIDA, Francisco de.
Exploits of the Portugueze in the year 1507, under F. de A.; extracted
from Castaneda, de Barros, and de Faria y Soufa. {In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 58.)
ALMEYDA, Francisco de. See Almeida, F. de.
(ii: \ i:h'.\L ni.i'A utmest. 17
ALl'lXE foiuitv (Cal.). Great regislei- (eontimmtioii); 1800, 1892,
181)4, ISDO.
ALTA Califoiniu [daily]; Feb. l-Sept. :J0; Nov. 1-30, 1860; Jan.
1-Sept. 30, Nov. 1-Dee. 31, 1801; Jau. 1-July 31, Sept. 1-
Dec. 31, 1802; Jan. l-Mar. 31, May l-Oct. 31, Dec. 1-31, 18(53;
Apr. 1-Aug. 31, Oct. 1-31, Dec. 1-31, 1804; Feb. l-Apr. 30,
June 1-30, Alio-. 1-Sept. 30, 1800; Feb. 1-29, Apr. 1-30, June
1-30, Aug'. 1-Oct. 31, 1808, July, 1889-June 2, 1891,. S. F.,
1800-91. 14 V. F.
ALTA California almanac and book of facts, 1871, 1881. S. F.,
[1871-1881]. 2 V. O. (In Cal. Almanacs, 1854-81.)
ALTGELD, John P. Our penal machinery and its victims. New
rev. ed. Chic, 1886. 151 p. O.
ALYIELLA, Goblet d'. Lectures on the origin and growth of the
conception of God as illustrated by anthropology and his-
tory. Lond., 1892. O. (Hibbert lectures, 1891.)
ALWOOD, W. B., camp. List of horticulturists of the Agricultural
Experiment Stations in the U. S.; with an outline of the
work in horticulture at the several stations; Nov., 1889.
Wash., 1889. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agri. Office of Exper. Sta-
tions. Bull. no. 4.)
AMADOR county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation) ; 1880, 1890
1892, 1894, 1890.
History of Amador county, California; with illustrations and
biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers.
Pub. bv Thompson and West. Oakland, 1891. pi. pors. Q.
AMADOR despatch; Mav 17, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Jackson, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
AMADOR republican [weeklv], July 31, 1896-Dec. 31, 1897. Jack-
son, 1896-97. F.
AMATEUR mechanic's workshop [by J. Lukin].
AMATET'R poacher [by R. Jefferies],
AMBERLEY, visrovnt. See Russell, John, viscount Amberley.
AMBROSIT^S, St., hislwp of Milan. Select works and letters. (In
vSchalT, P. and Wace, H: Select library of Nicene and Post-
Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. 2d ser. v. 10.)
AMBROSIUS, Johanna. See Voigt, Fran Johanna Ambrosius.
AMERICA and the Americans from a French point of view. 5th
ed. N. Y., 1897. S.
AMERICA heraldica: a compilation of coats of arms, crests and
mottoes of pi'ominent American families settled in this coun-
trv before 1800; ed. bv E. de Y. Yermont; ill. bv IT: Rvkers.
N\ Y., [c. 1880]. col.' pi. F.
AMERICAN Academv of Political and Social Science. Annals;
V. 1-10; July 1890-Dec. 1897. Phil., 1890-97. 10 v. O.
Supplement to the annals; :^rarch. Mny, 1801. Phil., 1891.
O. Namely: Meitzen, A. nistoi-y. tlieory and technique of
statistics; pt. 1-2.
Same. :^L^rch, 1894. Pliil., 1894. O. Namely: Cohn, O.
Historv of political economy.
Same. Nov., 1894. Phil.. 1894. 44 ]). O. Namely: Consti-
tution of the kingdom of Italy; tr. by S. M. Lindsay and L.
S. Rowe.
AMERICAN Academy of Political and Social Science. Same.
September, 1894. Phil., 1894. 54 p. O. Namely: Consti-
tution of the kingdom of Prussia; tr. by J. H. Robinson.
Saine. July, 1894. Phil., 1894. 80 p. O. Namely: Gid-
dings, F.'h. Theory of sociology.
Sa7ne. September, 1893. Phil., 1893. O. Namely: Johnson,
E R. Inland waterways, their relation to transportation.
Publications: Xo. 199-200. Phil., 1897. 2 v. O.
yamely: No. 199. Williams, T. Silver in China. 200. Webster, W: C.
Comparative study of the state constitutions of the Amer. Revolution.
AMERICAN almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial,
and political (continuation); 1886-88. N. Y. and Wash.,
1886-88. 3 V. D.
AMERICAN ancestry: giving the name and descent, in the male
line, of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United
States previous to the Declaration of Independence, 1776;
vol. 1-10, 1887-95. Albany, 1887-95. 10 v. map. Q.
Contents: Vol. 1. City of Albany, N. Y. 2. Columbia county, N. Y.
3-10. Lineages from the whole of the U. S.
AMERICAN and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Annual report
presented at New York, May 6, 1851; with addresses and res-
olutions. N. Y., 1851. 118 p. O.
AMERICAN annual register for the years 1825-33. N. Y., 1827-35.
8 v. O.
AMERICAN anthropologist; published under the auspices of the
Anthropological Society of Washington; v. 1-10. Wash.,
1888-97. 10 V. O.
AMERICAN antiquarian and oriental journal; ed. by S. D. Peet
(continuation); v. 11-19. Chic, 1889-96. 9 v. O.
AMERICAN Antiquarian Society (continuation). Archaeologia
Americana; transactions and collections; vol. 7. Cambridge,
1885. O.
AMERICAN architect and building news (continuation); v. 15-57;
Jan. 1884-Dec. 1897. Bost., 1884-97. 43 v. in 29. il. pi. F.
AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science. Pro-
ceedings, 1889-91. Salem, 1890-92. 3 v. O.
AMERICAN Association to promote the teaching of speech to the
deaf. Report of the 5th summer meeting, 1896. Rochester,
1896. O. pam.
AMERICAN bee journal; v. 1-37; 1861-97. Chic, etc., 1861-97.
37 V. in 26. O. and Q.
AMERICAN bookmaker; a journal of technical art and informa-
tion (continuation); v. 9-24, July 1889-June 1897. N. Y.,
[1889-97]. 16 V. in 8. F.
AMERICAN book-prices current: a record of books, mss., and au-
tographs sold at auction in New York, Boston and Philadel-
phia from Sept 1, 1894 to Sept. 1, 1897, with the prices real-
ized. L. S. Livingston, comp; vol. 1-3. N. Y., 1895-97. 3
V. O.
AMERICAN catalogue, 1884-1895; books recorded, including re-
prints and importations, July 1, 1884-June 30, 1895; com-
piled under the direction of R: R. Bowker by A. I. Appleton
and others (continuation). N. Y., 1891-96. 2 v. F.
UESEliAL l)i:r.\RT]li:ST. 10
AMERICAN flK'iuical journal (coiitiiuiatioiij; ed. by Ira Remsen;
V. 11-19. Bait., 1881)1)7. i) v. O.
AMERICAN chess joiinial; W: S. Hallock, ed.; June 1876-March
1877, May 1877-Dec. 1877. [Hannibal, Mo.], il. por. O.
AMERICAN Church History series: consisting- of a series of de-
nominational histories published under the auspices of the
American Society of Church History; general editors, P.
Schaff, H. C. Potter [and others] ; vol. 1-13. N. Y., 1893-97.
13 V. O.
Namely: Vol. 1. Carroll, H. K. Religious forces of the United
States. 2. Newman, A. H. History of the Baptist churches in the
U. S. 3. Walker, W: History of the Congregational churches in
the U. S. 4. Jacobs, H. E. History of the Evangelical Lutheran
cnurch in the U. S. 5. Buckley, J. M. History of Methodists in the
U. S. 6. Thompson, R. E. History of the Presbyterian churches in
the U. S. 7. Tiffany, C: C. History of the Protestant Episcopal
church in the U. S. 8. Corwin, E. T. History of the Reformed
.Church, Dutch; Dubbs, J. H. Reformed Church, German; Hamil-
ton, J. T. The Moravian church in the U. S. 9. O'Gorman, T:
History of the Roman Catholic church in the U. S. 10. Allen, J. H.
and Eddy R. History of the Unitarians and Universalists in the
U. S. 11. Alexander, G., Schouller, J. B. [and others]. History of
the Methodist church. South; the United Presbyterian church, and
the Presbyterian church, South, in the U. S. 12. Tyler, B. B. History
of the Disciples of Christ; Thomas, A. C. and R. H. History of the
Society of Friends in America; Berger, D. History of the church of
the United Brethren in Christ; Spreng, S. P. History of the Evan-
gelical Association; Jackson, S. M. Bibliography of American church
history. 13. Bacon, L. W. History of American Christianity.
AMERICAN commonwealths; ed. by H. E. Scudder. Bost., 1888-
92. 2 V. maps. S.
Xfimely: Kansas, by L. W. Spring. Vermont, by R. E. Robinson.
AMERICAN conference on international arbitration, [proceedings
of meeting] held in Washington, D. C, Apr. 22 and 23, 1896.
N. Y., [1896]. O.
AMERICAN dictionary of printing and book-making. N. Y., 1894.
il. Q.
AMERICAN druggist (continuation); v. 18-31.N. Y., 1889-97. 14
V. F.
AMERICAN eclectic; or. Selections from the periodical literature
of all foreign countries; v. 1-4. N. Y., 1841-42. 4 v.
pors. O.
ation); V. 4-10; 1889-95. [Bait.] 1889-95. 6 v. O.
('o)itenls: Vol. 4. Wood, S. Theory of wages. — Clark, J. B. Possi-
bility of a scientific law of wages. — Webb, S. Socialism in England. —
Jenks, J. W. Road legislation for the American State. — Ely, R. T.
Report of the proceedings of the third annual meeting, including open-
ing address. — Walker, F. A. Recent progress of political economy in
the U. S.— Patten, S. N. Malthus and Ricardo.— Dewey, D. R. Study
of statistics. — Folwell, W. W. Analysis in political economy.— An-
drews, E. B. An honest dollar.
5. Ono, Y. Industrial transition in Japan. — Willoughby, W: F.
Child labor. — Graffenried, C. de. Child labor. — James, E. J. The canal
and the railway. — Haupt, L. M. Canals, and their economic relation
to transportation. — Schwab, J: C. History of the New York property
tax. — Patten, S. N. Educational value of political economy.
6. Report of the proceedings, fourth annual meeting. — Pinchot, G.
Government forestry abroad. — Bowers, E. A. Present condition of the
AMERICAN Economic Association.
forests on the public lands.— Fernow, B. E. Practicability of an
American forest administration.— Bemis, E. W. Municipal owner-
ship of gas in the United States.— Clark, F: C. State railroad com-
missions, and how they may be made effective.
7. Taussig, F. W. The silver situation in the U. S. — Seligman,
E R. A. On the shifting and incidence of taxation.— Ross, E. A.
Sinking funds.— Haynes, F. E. The reciprocity treaty with Canada of
1854. .„.,.,.
8. Report of the proceedings of the American Economic Association
at the 5th annual meeting, Chautaqua, N. Y., Aug. 23-26, 1892.—
Reynolds, M. T. The housing of the poor in American cities.— Balch,
E. G. Public assistance of the poor in France. — Hill, W: First stages
of the tariff policy of the U. S.
9. Seligman, B: R. A. Progi-essive taxation in theory and practice.
CO'Oley, C: H. Theory of transportation. — Bevan,W. L. Sir William
Petty; a study in English economic literature. — Clark, J: B. Modern
appeal to legal forces in economic life.— Wright, C. D. The Chicago
strike. — Dewey, D. R. Irregularity of employment. — Brooks, J: G.
The Papal encyclical on labor. — Hadley, A: T. Population and capital.
10. Handbook and report of the seventh annual meeting. — Brecken-
ridge, R. M. The Canadian banking system, 1817-1890.— Cummings. J:
Poor-laws of Massachusetts and New York. — Hollander, J. H., ed.
Letters of David Ricardo to John McCulloch, 1816-1823.
AMERICAN engineer, The; an illustrated weekly journal (contin-
uation); v. 18-23. Chic, 1889-92. 6 v. F.
Note: Ceased publication, March 12, 1892; vol. 23, No. 11.
AMERICAN Entomological Society. Transactions; v. 1-20, 1867-
93. Phil., 1807-93. 20 v. pi. O. Continuation of Ento-
mological Society of Philadelphia. Proceedings.
Same. Supplementary volume. Cresson, E. T. Synopsis of
the families and genera of the hymenoptera of America,
north of Mexico. 1887. ().
AMERICAN folk-lore society. Memoirs: v. o. Bost., 1897. il.
pi. O.
NameJu: Matthews, W. Navaho legends.
AMERICAN Forestry Association. Proceedings at the 13th-15th
annual meetings, 1894-1897. Wash., 1894-97. O. 3 pam.
AMERICAN genealogist, being a catalogue of family histories.
Published in America from 1771 to date; ed. and pub. by J.
Munsell's Sons. 4th ed. Albany, 1897. O.
AMERICAN geologist; v. 1-20. Minneapolis, 1888-97. 20 v. il.
pi. por. O.
AMERICAN Historical Association. Annual report; 1889-90,
1S92-94. Wash., 1890-95. 4 v. O. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Papers; vol. 1-3. N. Y., 1880-89. 3 v. O.
Conlrntft: Vol. 1, 1. Adams, H. B. Report of the organization and
proceedings. 2. White. A. D. On studies in general history. 3.
Knight, George W. History of federal land grants for education.
4. Robertson, C. P. The Louisiana purchase in its influence upon the
American system. 5. Salmon. Lucy M. History of the appointing
power of the President. 6. Adams, H. B. Report of the proceedings,
2d annual meeting, Sept. 8-10, 1885.
2, 1. Adams, H. B. Report of the proceedings, 3d annual meeting,
April 27-29, 1886. 2. White. A. D. A history of the doctrine of comets.
3. Jameson, J. F. Willem Usselinx. 4. Schaff, P. Church and state
in the United States.
3, 1. Adams, H. B. Report of proceedings of 4th annual meeting,
(ii:M:h'.iL iu:rAh"r.]ii:\T. 21
AMERICAN Hislorit;"! Association.
May 21-24, 1887. 2. Report of proceedings, 5th annual meeting, Dec.
26-28, 1888.
Act of Invin-poraiioii (52d Cong., 1st sess., S. M. D.).
Papers; v. 1-3. \yasli., 1892-});j. v. 3. O. (U. S. Cong. Docs.)
Contents: Vol. 1, 1. Adams, H. B. Report of proceedings of Sth
annual meeting, Dec. 29-31, 1891. 2. Henry, W. W. Causes which
produced the Virginia of the Revolutionary period. 3. Jameson, J: F.
Expenditures of foreign governments in behalf of histftry. 4. Moore,
J: B. United States and international arbitration. 5. Adams, C: K.
Some recent discoveries concerning Columbus. 6. Bourne, E: G.
History and determination of the line of demarcation established by
Pope Alexander VI between the Spanish and Portuguese fields of dis-
covery and colonization. 7. Welling, J. C. Slavery in the territories.
8. Du Bois. W: E. B. Enforcement of the slave-trade laws. 9. San-
ford, A: H. State sovereignty in Wisconsin. 10. Harby, Mrs. L. C.
Earliest Texas. 11. Steiner, B. C. Leete and the New Haven Colony.
12. Baldwin. S. E. Visitorial statutes of Andover. 13. Wendell, B.
Characteristics of the Puritans. 14. FoUett, Mrs. M: P. Henry Clay
as Speaker. 15. Wilson, J: G. Lord Lovelace. 16. Schaife, W. B.
Commerce and industry of Florence. 17. Bourinot, J: G: Parlia-
mentary governments in Canada.
2 1. Adams, H. B. Report of proceedings, 9th annual meeting,
July 11-13, 1893. 2. Angell, J: B. Inadequate recognition of diplo-
matists by historians. 3. Walworth, Mrs. E. H. Value of national
archives. 4. Spofford, A. R. American historical nomenclature. 5.
Johnston, W: P. Definition of history. 6. Schouler, J. Historical
industries. 7. Little, C: J. Historical method of writing the history
of Christian doctrines. 8. Emerton, E. Requirements for the his-
torical doctorate in America. 9. Smith, W: H. First fugitive slave
case of record in America. 10. Baxter, J. P. Present status of pre-
Columbian discoverv of America by Norsemen. 11. Bourne, E: G.
Prince Henrv, the navigator. 12. Moses, B. Economic conditions of
Spain in the 16th century. 13. Salmon, L. M. Union of Utrecht.
14. Kriehn, G: English popular uprisings in the Middle Ages. 15.
Fisher G: P. Jefferson and the social compact theory. 16. Marcy, J.
Relation of history to politics. 17. Thwaites, R. G. Early lead min-
ing in Illinois and Wisconsin. 18. Turner, F. J: Significance of the
frontier in American history. 19. Boutell, L: H. Roger Sherman m
the Federal convention. 20. Woodburn, J. A. Historical significance
of the Missouri Compromise. 21. Henry, W: W. First legislative
assemblv in America. 22. Start, Miss C. Naturalization in the Eng-
lish colonies of America. 23. Hinsdale, B. A. Establishment of the
first southern boundary of the United States. 24. Baldwin, S. E.
Historic policy of the U. S. as to annexation. 25. Jameson, J: F:
Origin of the standing-committee system in the legislative bodies of
America. 26. Weeks, S. B. Gen. Joseph Martin and the War of the
Revolution in the west. 27. Blackmar, F. W. Annals of an historic
town. 28. Vincent, J. M. Contributions toward a bibliography of
American history, 1888-1892.
3. 1. Adams, H. B. Report of proceedings of lOth annual meet-
ing, Dec. 26-28, 1894. 2. Adams, H: Tendency of history. 3. .Vdams,
G: B. Rise of imperial federalism. 4. Adams, H. B. Historical work
of Prof. Herbert Tuttle. 5. Johnson. R. Turning-point in the civil
war. 6. Wilson, J. G. Tributes to Hamilton Fish. John Jay. Robt. C.
Winthrop and others. 7. Harby. Mrs. L. C. The Tejas. 8. Winship.
G: P. Why Coronado went to New Mexico in 1540. 9. Moses, B.
Casa ne Contratacion of Seville. 10. Scaife, W. B. Some European
modifications of the jury system. 11. Bassett, J: S. Regulators of
North Carolina. 12. Blackmar, F. W. Chapter in the life of Chas.
Robinson, first Governor of Kansas. 13. Friedenwald, H. Conti-
nental congi-ess. 14. Porritt, E: Labor movement in English politics
15. Bourne, H: E. Organization of the first Committee of Public
Safety. 16. Coffin, V. Quebec act and the American Revolution. 17.
AMERICAN Historical Association.
Allen, A. H. Historical archives of the State department. 18. Hazel-
tine, H. D. Appeals from the Colonial courts to the King in Council
with special reference to R. I. 19. Bates, F. G. Rhode Island and the
impost of 1781. 20. Mowry, A.M. Constitutional controversy in Rhode
Island in 1841. 21. Harding, S: B. Party struggles over the Pennsyl-
vania constitution. 22. Wilgus, J. A. Evolution of township govern-
ment in Ohio. 23. McLaughlin, A. C. Western posts and the British
debts. 24. Curtis, W: E. Existing autographs of Christopher Colum-
bus. 25. Alden, E. K. Mountains and history. 26. Morse, A. D.
Causes and consequences of the party revolution of 1800. 27. Robin-
son, J. H. Tennis Court Oath. 28. Clark, A. H. What the U. S. has
done for history. 29. Whitney, E. L. Biography of colonial history
of South Carolina.
AMERICAN historical record and repertory of notes and queries,
concerning- the history and antiquities of America, and biog-
raphy of Americans; ed. hj B. J. Lossing; vol. 1-3. Phil.,
1872- [74]. 3 V. il. pi. pors. facsim. O. Continued os
Potter's American Monthly.
AMERICAN historical review: v. 1-2. Oct., 1895-Julv, 1897. N.
Y., 1896-97. 2 v. O.
AMERICAN history series. N. Y., 1892-96. 3 v. maps. D.
XameJy: Burgess, J: W. The middle period, 1817-58. Fisher, G: P.
Colonial era. Sloane, W: M. The French war and fhe revolution.
AMERICAN historv told bv contemporaries; ed. by Albert Bush-
nell Hart; v. 1. N. Y., 1897. D.
AMERICAN Humane Association. Report on vivisection in
America, adopted at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 26, 1895.
Chic, 1896. 71 p. O.
AMERICAN Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions; v.
6-13; [1889-97]. N. Y., [1889-97]. 8 v. O.
AMERICAN Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions (contin-
uation); 188.3-93. V. 11-23. N. Y., 1883-91. 13 v. pi. O.
AMERICAN Institute of the Citv of New i'ork. Transactions;
1853-54, 1858-61. Albany, 1854-61. 5 v. O.
AMERICxVN Jersey Cattle Club. Butter tests of registered
Jersey cows; v. 2. n. s.; March 31, 1891-Jan. 2, 1894; to
which are added the dairv tests made at the World's Colum-
bian Exposition. N. Y., 1894. O.
Herd register (continuation); v. 30-47. N. Y., 1890-97. 18 v.
AMERICAN journal of education; ed. by H: Barnard; v. 28.
Hartford, 1878. O.
AMERICAN journal of insanity (continuation); v. 46-53. N. Y.,
Utica, 1888-97. 8 v. pors. pi. O.
General index to the first forty-five volumes, 1844-89, by P. M.
Wise, with introduction bv (t. A. Blumer. Willard,
[1889]. O.
AMERICAN journal of mathematics (continuation); v. 12-19.
Bait.. 1890-97. 8 v. por. Q.
Index volumes 1-10. Bait., 1889. 31 p. Q.
AMERICAN journal of mining, milling, oil-boring, geology, mine-
ralogy, metallurgy. Sop Engineering and Mining journal.
AMERKWN journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and chil-
dren (continuation); v. 22-36. N. Y.. 1889-97. 15 v. O.
AMEKICAN journal of philology; ed. by Basil L. Gildersleeve (con-
tinuation); V. 10-14. Bait., 1880-94. 7 v. O.
AMERICAN journal of politics: v. 4-5. N. Y., 1894. 2 v. O.
Note: Oontinued as American magazine of civics.
AMERICAN journal of science; 1st ser. v. 1-50; 2d ser. v. 1-50;
M ser. V. 1-50; 4tli ser. v. 1-4. New Haven, 1819-97. 154
V. O.
General index to forty-nine volumes, v. 50, 1st ser. ; 2d ser. v.
1-10, V. 10; 11-20, vl^ 20; 21-30, v. 30; 31-40, v. 40; 41-50, v.
50; 3d ser. v. 1-10, v. 10; 11-20, v. 20; 31-40, v. 40.
AMERICAN journal of the medical sciences (continuation); n. s. v.
41-42, 87-97, 99-114. Phil., 1897. 30 v. O.
AMERICAN kennel register: a monthly record; April, 1883-Dec.,
1888; V. 1-6. N. Y., 1883-88. 6 v. pi. O.
AMERICAN lectures on the history of religions; 2d ser. 1897. N.
Y., 1897. D.
yomrlji: Brinton, D. G. Religions of primitive people.
AMERICAN Library Association. Catalogue of "A. L. A."
library; selected by the American Library Association and
shown at the World's Columbian Exposition. Wash.^
1893. O.
PithlisJiing Section. An index to general literature; by W. I.
Fletcher, with the cooperation of many librarians. Bost.,
1893. Q.
AMERICAN magazine of civics, v. 0-9. N. Y., 1895-97. 4 v. O.
Note: Continuation of American journal of politics.
AMERICAN medical monthly; ed. by J. H. Douglas [and others] ;
V. 7-18. N. Y., 1857-62. 9 v.* O. and pts. Wanting, v. 7,
Jan.-May; v. 11, Feb.; v. 13, Feb., May, June; v. 14, July; v.
15. April. June; v. 16, July.
AMERICAN men of letters; ed. bv C: D. AVarner (continuation).
Bost, 1892-96. 3 v. S.
Namely: Curtis, G: W:, by E. Gary. Simms, W: G., by W: P. Trent.
Taylor, Bayard, by A: H. Smyth.
AMERICAN monthly microscopical Journal; containing contribu-
tions to biology; v. M8; 1880-97. N. Y., Wash., 1880- [97].
18 v. pi. O.
Index to v. 1-15. Wash., 1896. O.
AMERICAN monthly review; v. 1-4; Jan. 1832-Dec., 1833. Bost.,
1832-33. 4 V. O.
AMERICAN naturalist; an illustrated magazine of natural his-
tory; V. 24-31. Phil., 1890-97. 8 v. O.
AMERICAN newspaper directory: ])ublished by G: P. Rowell and
Co. 1879, 1890, 1894, 1895. N. Y., 1879-95. 4 v. O.
AMERICAN oflficer. An. /w?/r/. Civil and military history of An-
drew Jackson. N. Y., 1825. por. D.
AMERICAN painter etcliings: ten original etchings by llic best
American artists; witli biographical and descriptive text by
Walt.-r Rowlands. Host., [c. 1888.] pi. F.
AMERICAN Phai'inaoeutical Association. Proceedings; contin-
uation) 1883, 1889-90. Phil., 1884-96. 9 v. pors. O. Gen-
eral index of the Proceedings; v. 31-38; 1883-90; comp. by
H. M. Wilder. Phil., 1891. O. (In Proceedings, 1891.)
AMERICAN Philological Association; [v. 1]-14; 1869-83. Hart-
ford, Camb., 1871-84. 14 v. in 7. O.
AMERICAN Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for pro-
moting useful knowledge. Transactions; new series, v. 1-
14. Phil., 1818-71. 14 v. pi. maps. Q.
AMERICAN Pomological Society. Catalogue of fruits. Grand
Rapids, Mich., [n. d.]. 53 p. Q.
AMERICAN quarterly observer; v. 1-3. Bost., 1833-34. 3 v. in
2. O.
Note: United with "Biblical repository," 1835.
AMERICAN quarterly register; conducted by B. B. Edwariis [and
others]; v. 1-15. Andover and Bost., 1829-43. 15 v. O.
Title Y. 1-2 Quarterly register and journal of the American
Education Society; v. 3 Quarterly register of the American
Education Soc.
AMERICAN quarterly register and magazine; conducted by James
Stryker [continued]; v. 1. Phil., [1848], O. Continued as
Stryker's American register and magazine.
AMERICAN register; or General repository of history, politics and
sciencefor 1806-1810: l;y. 1-7. Phil"., 1807-11. 7 v. O.
AMERICAN religious leaders. Bost., 1890-92. 6 v. D.
Namely: Edwards, Jonathan, by A. V. G. Allen. Finney, C: G. by
G. F. Wright. Fisk, Wilbur, by G: Prentice. Hopkins, Mark, by
F: Carter. Muhlenberg, Dr., by W. W. Newton. Wayland, Francis,
by J. O. Murray.
AMERICAN review: a whig journal of politics, literature, art and
science; V. 1-6, n.s. V. 1-10. N. Y., 1845-52. 16 v. pors. O.
Title n. s. v. 5-10. American whig review.
AMERICAN review of history and politics and general repository
of literature and state papers; v. 1-4. Phil., 1811-12. 4
V. O.
AMERICAN science series; advanced course. N. Y., 1890-92. 2
V. O.
Noiiiejy: Barker, G. F. Physics. James, W: Principles of psy-
Briefer course. N. Y., 1883-86. 3 v. D.
Namely: Martin, H. N. The human body. Packard, A. S. Zoology.
Remsen, Ira. Introduction to the study of chemistry.
AMERICAN slavery as it is. See, Weld, T. D.
AMERICAN Social Science Association. Proceedings of the 5th
annual Conference of Charities held in connection with the
general meeting of the American Social Science Association
Cincinnati. May, 1878. Bost., 1878. O.
AMERICAN Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anilnals. (N.
Y.) 31st annual report, 1896. N. Y., 1897. O. pam.
AMERICAN Society of Church History. Papers (continuation);
v. 2-4, 6,8; ed.'bv Rev. S. M.Jackson. N. Y., 1890-97. 5 v, O,
AMERICAN Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings (continua-
tion); 1888-05. V. 14-21. N. Y., 1888-95. 8 v. O.
Transactions (continuation); July, 1889-Dec., 1807; v. 21-37.
N. Y., 1880-07. 16 v. pi. O.
A3IERICAN Society for the Extension of University Teaching.
Proceedings of the first annual meeting of the national con-
ference on university extension held in Philadelphia, Dec.
20-81, 1801; comp. by G: F. James. Phil., 1802. O.
Sherwood, S. The history and theory of money; Twelve lec-
tures. Phil., 1803. O. '
AMERICAN song: a collection of representative American poems,
with analytical and critical studies of the writers; with in-
troductions and notes by Arthur B. Simonds. N. Y''.,
1804. D.
AMERICAN speaker: a complete program and manual of modern
elocution; ed. bv F. N. Kightlinger. Chic, [n. d.] il. D.
AMERICAN standard'; v. 1-4; March 16, 1880-Dec. 13, 1800. S. F.,
1880-00. 4 V. in 2. Q.
AMERICAN state papers. See U. S. Cong. misc.
\MERI(\VN state papers bearing on Sunday legislation; compiled
by W: A. Blakely. N. Y., 1801. O.
AMERICAN statesmen series: ed. by J: T. Morse, Jr. Bost., 1887-
03. 8 V. pors. D.
Xditirln: Cass, L., bj^ A. C. McLaughlin. Henry, P., by M. C. Tyler.
Jay, J:, by G: Pellew. Lincoln, A., by J: F. Morse Jr. Morris, G., by
T. Roosevelt. Washington, G., by H. C. Lodge.
AMERICAN Statistical Association. Publications: v. 4. 1804-5.
Bost., 1805. O.
AMERICAN summer resorts. N. Y., 1806. il. 3 v. S.
Xamclj/: Grant, R. North shore of Massachusetts. Brownell,
W. C. Newport. Crawford, F: M. Bar Harbor.
AMERKWN text-book of applied therapeutics; ed. by J. C. Wilson.
Phil., 1806. il. pi. Q.
AMERICAN text-book of diseases of children; ed by Louis Starr.
Phil., 1804. il. Q.
AMERICAN text-book of gynecology; ed. by J. M. Baldy. Phil.,
1S04. il. pi. Q.
AMERICAN text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students;
ed. by R: C. Norris. Phil., 1806. il. pi. Q.
AMERICAN text-book of physiology; ed. by W: H. Howell. Phil.,
1806. il. pi. Q.
a;MERICAN Unitarian Association. Quarterly journal. 5'ee Quar-
terly journal of the Amer. T^nitarian Assoc.
AMERICAN whig review.- See Amei'ican review.
AMERICAN year-book of medicine and surgery, being a yearly
digest of scientific ])rogress and authoritative o]nnion in all
branches of medicine and surgery. G: M. Gould, gen. ed.
Phil., 1806-7. il. i»l. 2 v. Q.
AMERICA'S ijrentest men and women. Photographs and biogra-
]>hips of the most famous living peoph* on the continent.
jMib. by W. B. Conkey Co. Chic, 1804. i)ors. Q.
AMERICA'S successful men of affairs; an encyclopedia of contem-
poraneous biograijliy; ed. by H: Hall. V. 1. N. Y., 1895. il.
pors. Q.
AMES, Fisher. Practical guide to whist. 6th ed. rev.; with the
laws of whist as adopted by the American Whist League.
N. Y., 1894. 8+119 p. T.
AMES, John G. Comprehensive index of the publications of the
United States government. 1889-1893. Wash., 1894. Q.
(U. S. Dept. of the Int.)
Same. U. S. 52d Cong. 2d sess. H. M. D.
AMES, John H. Local free trade. Des Moines, 1878. 28 p. O.
AMES, Mrs. Mary Clemmer. See Hudson, Mrs. M. C. A.
HOYT, D: W. Old families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass. pt. 1.
Prov., 1897. O.
AMHERST. (Mass.)
CARPENTER (nid Morehouse, comps. and pubs. History of the town
of Amherst, Massachusetts [1731-1896]. Amherst, 1896. il. pors. 0.
AMHERST, Alicia M. T. A history of gardening in England.
Lond., 1895. il. pi. O.
AMICIS, Edmondo de. Holland and its people; tr. bv C. Tilton.
N. Y., 1887. pi. D.
Militarv life in Italy; tr. by W. W. Cady. N. Y., 1887. pi. D.
Spain; tr. by W. W. Cady. N. Y., 1889. pi. D.
AMIEL, Henri Frederic. Amiel's journal: the journal intime; tr.
with an introduction and notes by Mrs. Humphry Ward.
Lond., 1889. por. D.
Fragments d'un journal intime; precedes d'une ^tude par
Edmond Scherer. 6 ^me 6d. Geneve, 1892-3. 2 v. D.
AMMEN, Daniel. U. S. N. The old navy and the new; with app.
of personal letters from General Grant. Phil., 1891.
por. 0.
AMORY, Thomas C. Life of James Sullivan, with selections from
his writings. Bost., 1869. por. 2 v. O.
AMOS, Andrew. The English constitution in the reign of King
Charles the Second. Lond., 1857. O.
AMOS, Sheldon. A com])arative survey of laws in force for the
prohibition, regulation and licensing of vice in England and
other countries. Lond., 1877. O.
A primer of tlie English constitution and government. 5th ed.
Lond., 1886. S.
ANAHEIM gazette; Jan. 1, 1891-I)ec. 30, 1897. Anaheim, 1S91-
97. F.
ANCIENT and Honorable Artillery Company.
WHITMAN, Z. G. History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery
Co., from its formation in 1637 .... to the present time. 2d ed.
Bost, 1842. O.
ANCIENT biographical ])oems on the Duke of Norfolk, Viscount
Hereford, the Earls of Essex and Queen Elizabeth; from
Gough's Norfolk mss. in the Bodleian library; od. by J. P.
Collier. Lond., 1855. 26 j). O. (In Camden misc!, v. 3.
Camden Soc, v. 61.)
ANCIENT Irish histories. See Ware, Sir J. ed.
ANCREN riwle: a treatise on the rules of monastic life; ed. and tr.
from a semi-Saxon ms. of tlie l.'ith century, by J. ^Morton.
Lond., 1858. O. (Camden Soc, v. 57.)
ANDERSEN. Hans Christian.
BAIN, R. N. Hans Christian Andersen; a biography. N. Y., 1895.
il. pors. O.
ANDERSON, Fulton, Benning, Henry L., and Preston, John S.
Addresses delivered before the Virginia state convention,
February, ISGl. Richmond, 1861. 64 p. O.
ANDERSON, Jerome A. Drif tings in Dreamland. S. F., 1894.
125 p. D.
Reincarnation: a study of the human soul in its relation to re-
birth, evolution, post-mortem states, the compound nature
of man, hypnotism, etc. San Francisco, 1893. por. O,
ANDERSON, John. capt. The Fifty-seventh regiment of Massa-
chusetts volunteers in the war of the rebellion; Army of the
Potomac. Bost, 1896. pors. O.
ANDERSON, Mary. {Mme. de Navarro.) A few memories. N. Y.,
1896. pors.*^ O.
ANDERSON, Richard. Lightning conductors: their history, na-
ture, and mode of application. 3d ed. rev. enl. Lond.,
1885. il. O.
ANDERSON, Thomas McCall. M. D. A treatise on diseases of
the sldn. Phil., 1887. il. pi. O.
ANDERSON, William J. The architecture of the renaissance in
Italy. Lond., 1897. il. pi. 155 p. O.
ANDERSON, Winslow. M. D. Description of the dessicated hu-
man remains in the California State Mining Bureau. Sac,
1888. il. pi. O. (Cal. State Mining Bureau. Bull. no. 1.)
Mineral Springs and health resorts of California, with a com-
plete chemical analvsis of every important mineral water in
the world. S. F., 1890. il. o!
ANDOVER review; a religious and theological monthly (continua-
tion); v. 1-8, 12-19. Bost., 1884-93. 16 v. O.
ANDREAS, A. T. pnh. History of the state of Kansas. Chic,
1883. il. pors. maps. F.
ANDREW, of Wynfoun. The orygynale cronykil of Scotland; ed.
bv David Laing. Edin.. 1872-79. 3 v. O. (Historians of
Scotland: ed. by W: F. Skene, v. 2, 3, 9.)
ANDREW, John Albion.
[BROWN, A. G.]. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew, as
governor of Massachusetts. N. Y., 1868. por. S.
ANDREW, Sir William Patrick. The Indus and its provinces,
their jtolitical and commercial importance considered in con-
nection with iui]»roved means of communication. T-ond.,
[1858]. maps. O.
Memoir on the Euphrates valley route to India: with official
olitical; being a collection of
papers from the Asiatic Journal. Lond., 1838. 3 v. D.
ANGOULEME, Charles de Valois, due d\ Memoires de ce qui s'est
passe en France depuis hi mort d' Henry III. jusques il Tad-
venement d' Henry IV. a la couronne. {fn Col. des mem.
rel. a Thist. de France. 1824. s. 1. v. 44.)
ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters. See
O'Clery, M. and others.
ANNE BOLEYN, qneen nf England.
UDALL, N. English verses and ditties at the coronation procession
of Queen Anne Boleyn. [1533]. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 2
p. 52.)
ANNUAIRE des deux mondes. See Revue des deux mondes.
ANNUAL American catalogue; being the full titles with descrip-
tive notes of all books recorded in the Publishers' Weekly
(continuation); 1889-90. N. Y., 189U-97. 8 v. O. (English
catalogue of books, 1890-9(5. Bound with above.)
ANNUAL literary index; ed. with the cooperation of members of
the American Library Association, and of the Library Jour-
nal staff, by W: I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker; 1892-96.
N. Y., 189:>-97. 5 v. Q. Contimiation of Cooperative index.
ANNUAL mining review and stock ledger. Published by Verde-
nal, Harrison, Murphy and Co. S. F., 1876. Q.
ANNUAL of the universal medical sciences; ed. by C: E. Sajous
[and others] (continuation); 1890-96. Phil., ^890-96. 35 v.
il. pi. O. •
ANNUAL record of science and industry [continuation] ; 1871.
N. Y., 1872. D.
ANNUAL register. New series (continuation); 1882-83, 1885-96.
Lond., 1883-97. 14 v. O.
ANNUAL Statistician (continuation); 1890-98. S. F., 1890-97. 6
y. D. Title, 1893-94. The statistician and economist.
ANNUNZTO, Gab'riele d'. Canto novo. Roma, 1882. 174 p. D.
ANSOX, Sir William Revnell. The law and custom of the consti-
tution; pt. 1-2. Oxford, 1892. 2 v. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. Parliament. 2d ed. 2. The crown.
ANSTED, David T. The gold-seeker's manual. Lond., 1849. 172
p. D.
ANSTEY. F. psciid. See Guthrie, T: A.
AX'STEY, Jolm. The pleader's guide, a didactic poem. From the
SIh London ed. S. F., 1884. (In Croke, J. G. ed. Poems
of tho law.)
AXTE-X'TCEX^E fathers; translations of the writings of the
Fathers to A. D. 325; edited by A. Menzies (supp. to Am ed )
v. 9. X'. Y., 1896. O.
Contents: The writings of the Apostolic fathers: tr. by Robinson,
Hogg [and others]: Gospel of Peter. — Diatessaron of Tatian. —
Apocalypses and romances.— Clement, Epistles.— Apology of Aristidas.
—Passion of the Scillitan martyrs.— Origenes Adamantins. Epistle to
Gregory.— Commentary on the gospel of St. John.— Commentary on
the gospel of St. Matthew.
ANTHONY, Henry Bowen.
STOCKBRIDGE, J: C. The Anthony memorial: a catalogue of the
Han-is collection of American poetry; with biographical and biblio-
graphical notes. Providence, 1886. por. O.
ANTHROPOLOGICAL series; ed. by F. Starr. N. Y., 1894-97.
3 V. pi. maps. D.
JSiiimely: Grosse, E. The beginnings of art. Hoffman, W. J. The
beginnings of writing. Mason, O. T. Woman's share in primitive
ANTHROPOLOGICAL Society of Washington. Transactions; v. 3;
Nov. 6, 1883-May 19, 1885. Wash., 1885. O. [In Smithso-
nian Inst. Misc. coll. v. 34.)
ANTICIPATIONS of the future. See Ruffin, E.
ANTIOCH ledger. Weekly; April 19, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Antioch,
1890-97. 2 v.. F.
ANTIQUARIAN magazine and bibliographer; ed. by E. Walford;
January 1882-November 1887; v. 1-12. Lond., [1882-87]. 12
V. O.
Kote: V. 8, title begins Walford's antiquarian: a magazine and
bibliographical review.
ANTIQUARY, The: a fortnightly medium of intercommunication
for archaeologists, antiquarians, and others; ed. by Jewett;
V. 1-4. Lond., 1871-73. 4 v. O.
ANTIQUARY, The; a magazine devoted to the study of the past;
V. 1-32. Lond., 1880-96. 32 v. O.
ANTONELLI, Agostino. Versi. Roma, 1885. 87 p. D.
ANTURS of Arther at the Tarnewathelan. {In Three early Eng.
romances. Camden Soc, v. 18.)
ANVERS, N. d'. pseud. See Bell, N. R. E.
ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. E'claircissemens geo-
graphiques sur la carte de I'lnde. Paris, 1753.
APJOHN, Lewis. Richard Cobden and the free traders. Lond.,
1886. por. D.
GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles; to which is
prefixed a life of John, the Baptist. Republished from 3d ed. Bost.,
1892. S.
APOSTOLI, Georges. On a new treatment of chronic metritis and
especially of endometritis, with intrauterine chemical gal-
vano-cauterizations; tr. by A. L. Smith. Detroit, 1888. 119
p. pi. D.
APPALACHIA: the journal of the Appalachian mountain club; v.
2-6; June 1879- Jan. 1892. Bost., 1879-92. 5 v. O.
APPEAL to the people of the United States to relieve from starva-
tion the women and children of the Greeks of the Island of
Crete. Bost., 1867. 40 p. O.
APPELL, Johann Wilhelm. The dream of Poliphilus: fac-similes
of one hundred and sixty-eight woodcuts in "Poliphili Hyp-
nerotomachia," Venice, 1499; with an introductory notice
and descriptions by A. [Lond.], 1888. pi. F.
APPLEGARTH, Albert C. Quakers in Pennsylvania. Bait., 1892.
O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci., v. 10,
no. 8-9.)
APPLETON, D., and Compaii.v, puh. The Canadian guide-book;
pt. 1-2. N. Y., 1892. 2 v. il. maps. S.
Contents: Pt. 1. Eastern Canada, by C: G. D. Roberts. Pt. 2. West-
fern Canada, by E. IngersoU.
Library atlas of mod<'rii geography. N. Y., 1892. F.
APPLET05s', D. E., and Co., jmb., S. F. Cliaiupagne Charlie and
Coal Oil Tommy songster.— Conner's Irish song book.— John
Brown and "The Union Eight or Wrong" songster.— John-
son's original comic songs. — Marching Through Georgia and
Wearing of the (Ireeu songster.— Put's golden songster.—
Put's original California songster. S. F., [c. 18.58] -68. T.
{In Cal. song books.)
APPLETON, William Hyde, ed. Greek poets in English verse by
various translators; ed. with introduction and notes by A.
Bost., 1894. D.
APPLETOK'S annual cyclopaedia and register of important events.
New series (continuation); 1889-96; v. 14-20. N. Y., 1890-
97. 8 V. O.
APPLETOX'S cyclopaedia of applied mechanics; ed. by Park Benj-
amin. N.' Y., 1892-98. il. pi. 3 v. Q.
'Note: V. 3. is supp. on Modern mechanism.
APPLETON'S cyclopaedia of technical drawing, embracing princi-
ples of construction as applied to practical design; ed. by
W\ E. Worthen. N. Y., 1889. il. pi. Q.
APPLETON'S dictionary of New York and its vicinity [1890]. N.
Y.. 1890. map. S.
APPLETON'S European guide-book for English-speaking trav-
ellers. 29th ed. N. Y., 1896. il. maps. 2 v. S.
Nnmehj: Pt. 1. England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium and
Holland. 2. Switzerland, Germany, Italy .... Egypt, Algeria, and
the Holy Land.
APPLETON'S guide-book to Alaska and the northwest coast; by
E. K. Scidmore. N. Y., 1893. 5-1-156 p. pi. maps. S.
APPLETON'S home-reading books; ed. by W: T. Harris. N. Y.,
1897. il. S.
Xfrmely: Natural history. Div. 1. Beard, J. C. Curious homes and
their tenants.
APPLETON'S illustrated hand-book of American summer resorts.
N. Y., 1890. il. maps. D.
APPLETON'S journal of literature, science and art; v. 1-15. N.
Y., 1869-70. 15 V. il. pi. O.
APTHORP, William Foster. Musicians and music-lovers, and
other essays. N. Y., 1894. D.
See Champli'n, J: D. nnd Apthorp, W: F. Cyclopedia of music
and musicians.
ARABLVN night's entertainments. See Alif laila.
ARBER, Edward, ed. An English garner. Ingatherings from our
history and literature. Lond., Birmingham, 1877-96. 8
V. D.
Xote: For contents of this coll. see index in each volume. Authors
of articles of any length are entered in their regular order in the
catalogue. . .£
ARBER, Edward, eel. Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1628,
as told by themsehes, their friends and their enemies; edited
from the original texts. Lond., 1897. D.
ARBUTHIS'OT, F. F. Arabic authors: a manual of Arabian his-
tory and literature. Lond., 1890. O
[ARBUTHXOT, J.]. Law is a bottomless pit [1712-14]. {In Arber,
E. Eng. Garner, v. 6. p. 537-625.)
ARCH^EOLOGIA; or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity.
Published bv the i^ociety of Antiquaries of London (continua-
tion); V. 45-52. Lond.,'l877-90. 8 y. in 16. Q.
Index, vol. 1-50. Lond., 1889. Q.
ARCIIiEOLOGICAL Institute of America. 6th-17th annual re-
port: 1884-96. Camb. and Bost., 1885-1896. O. 12 pam.
Index to publications; 1879-1889; by W: Stetson Merrill.
Camb., 1891. O.
Papers. Bost., 1886-88. O. 5 pams.
Nainelii: Clarke, J. T. Doric shaft and base found at Assos. — Proto.
Ionic capital from the site of Neandreia. — Ward.W: H. Report on the
Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 1884-85; — Notes on oriental antiquities.
— Clarke, J. T. Gargara, Lamponia and Pionia: towns of the Troad.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 4th-15th annual
report of the managing committee, 1884-96. Camb., 1885-96.
O. 11 pam.
Papers, v. 1-5, 1882-1890. Bost., 1883-92. il. pi. 5
Contnits: Sterrett, J. R. S., ed. Inscription at Assos; — Inscription at
Tralleis. — Wheeler, J. R. Theatre of Dionysus. — Bevier, L. Olym-
pieron at Athens. — Fowler, H. N. Erechtheion at Athens. — Goodwin,
W: W. Battle of Salamis. V. 2. Sterrett, J. R. S. An epigraphical
journey in Asia Minor. V. 3. Sterrett, J. R. S. Wolfe expedition to
Asia Minor. V. 4. Miller, W. Theatre of Thoricus. — Gushing, W. L.
Theatre of Thoricus. — Allen, F. D. Greek versification in inscrip-
tions. — Crow, J: M. Athenian Pnyx. — Lewis, J. McK. Attic vocalism.
V. 5. McMiirtry, W. J. Excavations at the theatre of Sikyon. — Buck,
C. D. Discoveries in the Attic Deme of Ikaria, 1888. — Hussey, G. B.
Greek sculptured crowns and crown — inscriptions. — Waldstein, C:
Newly discovered head of Iris from the frieze of the Parthenon. —
Tarbell, F. B. Decrees of the Demotionidai. — Waldstein, C: and
Tarbell, F. B. Report on excavations near Stamata in Attika. — Rolfe,
J: C. Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889;— Discoveries at Thisbe in 1889.
—Tarbell, F. B. and Rolfe, J: C. Discoveries at Plataia in 1889.—
Rolfe, J: C. Inscribed tombstone from Boiotia.— Waldstein, C: Dis-
coveries at Plataia in 1890; — The Mantineian reliefs. — Mommsen, T.
Greek fragment of the Edict of Diocletian from Plataia.— Merriam,
A. C. Appendix.
. American series, 1-5. Bost., 1881-90. 5 v. pi. O.
Contents: V. 1: 1-2. Bandelier, A. F. Historical introduction to
studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico; — Report on the
ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. V. 2. Bandelier, A. F. Report of an
archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881. V. 3-4. Bandelier, A. F. Re-
port of investigations among the Indians of south-western United
States, 1880-85. 5. Bandelier, A. F. Hemenway southwestern archae-
ological expedition.
Classical series, 1, 3. Bost, 1882-90. 2 v. pi. O.
Contents: V. 1. Clarke, J. F. Report on the investigations at Assos,
1881; with an app. containing inscriptions from Assos and Lesbos, and
papers by W. C. Lawton and J. S. Diller.
3: 1. Merriam, A. C. Telegraphing among the ancients.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL Institute of Aininica. Wisconsin Society.
Report of tlic first annual meeting held at Madison, May 2,
ISDO. Madison, 18!)(). 25 p. O.
ARCHER. James Henry LaAvrence. Commentaries on the Punjab
campaign, 1848-41); including sonu' additions to the history
of the second !r>ikh war, from original sources. Lond,,
1878. D.
ARCHER, T. A, and Kingsford, C: L. The crusades; the story of
the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. X. Y., 1895. il. pi.
maps. I). (Storv of the nations.)
ARCHER, William. About the theatre. Lond., 3886. D.
and Lowe, Robert W., edf<. Dramatic essays. lst-8d series.
Lond., 1894-90. ]»ors. :) v. I).
Naniclif: 1st ser. Leigh Hunt. 2d ser. William Hazlitt. 3d ser.
Joha Forster, George Henry Lewes.
ARCHITECT, The: a weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engi-
neering and building;' v. l-.'JO; 18()9-83. Lond., [1863-83].
30 V. pi. F.
ARCHITECTURE of the Renaissance in England; illustrated by
views and details from buildings erected between 1560-1635:
historical and critical text by J. A. Gotch and W. T. Brown,
pub., by B. T. Batsford. Lond., 1894. 2 v. F.
ARCHIVES of clinical skiagraphy; ed. by Sj'dnev Rowland; v. 1,
V. O.
May 1896-Apr. 1897. Lond., 1896-97. pi. Q.
Note: Continued d.s Archives of the Roentgen ray.
ARCHIVES of ophthalmology (continuation); v. 18-26. N. Y.,
1889-97. 9 V. O.
ARCHIVES of otology (continuation); v. 18-26. N. Y., 1889-97.
9 V. pi. O.
ARCHIVES of the Roentgen ray; ed. by W. S. Hedley and Sydney
Rowland, v. 2. Lond., 1897. Q.
Continuation of Archives of skiagraphy.
Supplement to the Archives. Wolfenden, R. N. Radiography in
marine zoologj. Lond., 1897. pi. O.
ARCTIC geography and ethnology: a selection of papers on Arctic
geography and ethnology; reprinted, and presented to the
Arctic expedition of 1875 by the president, council and fel-
lows of the Royal Geographical Society. Lond., 1875. O.
ARDITI, Luigi. My reminiscences, with introduction and notes by
Baroness von Zadiltz. N. Y., 1896. il. pors. O.
ARENA, The; ed. bv B. O. Flower: v. 1-18. Bost., 1890-97. 18
V. O.
ARGENS, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d'. The impartial
philosopher; or. The philosophy of common sense. Lond.,
1749. 2 V. S.
ARGENTINE Republic. Argentine evidence laid before the
President of the T'uitcd States. of America in the arbitration
upon a part of the national territory of Misiones disputed by
the United States of Brazil, v. 1. N. Y., 1893. O.
3 1
ARGEIvTIXE Republic. Argument for the Argentine Republic
upon the question with Brazil in regard to the territory of
Misiones; submitted to the arbitration of the President of
the United States, in accordance with the treaty of Sept. 7,
1889. Wash., 1894. maps. Q.
La provincia de Entre-Rios; obra descriptiva estrita con
motivo de la Exposicion Universal de Chicago, bajo la direc-
cion de la comision nombrada por el Exmo. Gobierno de
la provincia, por decreto de fecha lU de Julio de 1892. Pa-
rana, 1893. O.
ARGONAUT, The (continuation); v. 21-36. S. F., 1889-9.5. 13 v.
in 8. F.
ARISTIDES, pseud. See Van Ness, W: P.
ARISTOTLE. Constitution of Athens; a revised text with an in-
troduction, critical and explanatory notes, testimonia and
indices; by J: E. Sandys. Lond., 1893. pi. O.
On youth and old age, life and death and respiration; tr. by
W. Ogle. Lond., 1897. 135 p. O.
Poetics; tr. with a critical text; by S. H. Butcher. Lond.,
1895. 105 p. O.
DAVIDSON, T: Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. N. Y., 1892.
D. (Great educators; ed. by N. M. Butler.)
DEWIS, G: H: Aristotle: a chapter from the history of science, in-
cluding analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings. Lond., 1864. O
ZELLER, E. Aristotle and the earlier peripatetics: tr. from Z's "Phil-
osopny of the Greeks." Lond., 1897. 2 v. D.
ARIZONA (territory). Auditor. Biennial report, 1884. Prescott,
1885. pamp. O.
Legislative Assembhj. Journals (continuation): 7th [8th, 11th,
i3th, 15th] -19th. Legislative Assemblv, 1873, [1875, 1881,
1885, 1889], 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. Tucson. Phoenix, etc.,
1873-97. 9 V. O.
ARKANSAS. Attorney-General. Biennial report; 1889. Little
Rock, 1889. pani. O.
■ Auditor of State. Biennial report; 1887-90. Little Rock, 1888-
90. 2 pamp. O.
General Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives;
1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. Little Rock,
Morrilton, 1883-97. 8 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893,
1895, 1897. Little Rock and Morrilton, 188.3-97. 8 v. O.
Public documents; 1881-82, 1885-86, 1887-88, 1889-90,
1891-92, 1895-96. Little Rock, 1883-97. 6 v. O.
Geological survey. Annual report for 1888; by John C. Bran-
ner, state geologist; v. 1-3. Little Rock, 1888. 3 v. pi.
maps. O.
Contents: V. 1. Branner, J. C. Administrative report for 1888. — Corn-
stock, T. B. Report upon preliminary examination of the geology of
western central Arkansas. 2. Hill, R. T. The neozoic geology of
southwestern Arkansas. — Hay, O. P. Northern limits of the mesozolc
rocks in Arkansas. — Branner, J: C. On the manufacture of Portland
cement. 3. Winslow, A. Geology of the coal region.
Industrial University. Biennial report of the Board of Trus-
tees; 1887 8S. Little Rock, 1889. O. pam.
(iEM:ir\L DKl'.MiTMEST. 35
ARKANSAS. Secretan/ of State. Bieiiiiial report; 1890-92. Little
Kock, 1891-92. niaps. O. 2 pamps.
CUTTER, B: and W: R. History of the town of Arlington, Massachu-
setts afterwards the town of West Cambridge. 1635-
1879: with a genealogical register. Bost., 1880. 11. O.
ARLT, Karl Ferdinand. Meine Erlebnisse. Wiesbaden, 1887.
14-1: p. pors. facsim. O.
ARMAND, F. d', jr. "Rien n' est beau le vrai": the key to the
trade. Sac, 1865. 70 p. S.
ARMOUR, Margaret, tr. The fall of Nibelnngs. Lond., 1897.
il. D.
ARMSTRONG, E. Lorenzo de' Medici, and Florence in the fif-
teenth century. N. Y., 1896. il. pors. pi. D. (Heroes of
the Nations, v. 16.)
ARMSTRONG, George Dodd, D.D. The Christian doctrine of slav-
ery. N. Y., 1857. 148 p. D.
ARMSTRONG, Walter, tr. and ed. Perrot, G., and Chipiez, C:
History of art in ancient Egypt. — History of art in Phoenicia
and its dependencies.
ARMY^ of the Cumberland. See Society of the Army of the Cum-
ARNAULD, at)hot of Bonneval. Vie de Saint-Bernard. {In Col. des
mt^m. rel a 1' hist, de France, 1825. s. 3. v. 10.)
ARNAULD, Antoine V aMc. M^moires; contenant quelques anec-
dotes de la cour de France, 1684-75. {In Col. des m^m. rel. d
I' France, 1824. s. 2. v. 34.)
ARNAULD d' Andilly, Robert. M^moires. {In Col. des m^m.
rel. a V hist, de France, 1824. s. 2. v. 33-34.)
ARNAULT, Antoine Vincent, and Panckouke, Charles Louis
Fleur}'. Life and campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte: giv-
ing an account of all his engagements, from the siege of
Toulon to the battle of Waterloo; tr. from the French. New
ed. Bost., 1857. 2 v. in 1. il. D.
ARNAVIELLE, Albert. Lous cants de 1' aubo (les chants de V Au-
rore); poesies Languedociennes. Nimes, 1868. D.
ARMIN. von. (/ejt,. Extracts from an infantrj- Captain's jour-
nal. Kansas City [1897]. plans. O. (Int. mil. ser., no. 5.)
ARNOLD, Arthur. Free land. 2d ed. Lond., 1880. D.
Social politics. Lond., 1878. O.
ARNOLD, Sir Edwin. Indian poetry. 6th ed. Lond., 1891. O.
(Triibner's oriental ser.)
The light of the world ; or, The great consummation. N. Y''.,
1891. por. D.
The ^larcjuis of Dalhousie's administration of British India.
Lond., 1862-65. 2 v. map. O.
Poti}»har's wife, and other ])oems. 2d ed. N. Y"., 1892. D.
tr. Indian idvlls; from the Sanskrit of the Mahabhi\rata.
Bost., 1884. ■ D.
The song celestial ; or, Bhagavad-gita (from the MahAb-
hilrata). Bost., 1888. 185 p. D.
ARNOLD, Edwin Lester. Coffee: its" cultivation and profit.
Lond., 1886. O.
The story of Ulla. Lond., 1895. D.
ARNOLD, Ethel M. Platonics; a study. N. Y., 1894. 128 p. D.
ARNOLD, George. Why Thomas was discharged. {In Stories by
Amer authors, v. 5.)
ARNOLD, Helen. Practice in parsing and analysis. 2d ed. rev.
enl. Phil., 1898. 82 p. S.
ARNOLD. James N. Vital record of Rhode Island; 1636-1850.
Published under the auspices of the General Assembly.
First series; births, marriages, and deaths; v. 2-9. Provi-
dence, 1892-97. 8 V. in 6. maps. Q.
Contents: V. 1-2-3. Providence county. 4. Newport county. 5.
Washington county. 6. Bristol. 7. Friends and ministers. 8. Epis-
copal and Congregational. 9. Seekouk, Pawtucket and Newman, Con-
gregational church.
ed. Narragansett historical register; v. 1-8; 1882-90. Ham-
ilton, Providence, etc., [1882-90]. 8 v. O.
ARNOLD, Matthew. Alaric at Rome, and other poems. Lond,,
1896. por. D.
A guide to English literature and Essay on Gray. N. Y., 1896.
152 p. T.
FITCH, Sir J. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on
English education. N. Y., 1897. D. (Great educators.)
ARNOLD, Sarah L. Waymarks for teachers, showing aims, princi-
ples and plans of everyday teaching. Bost., 1894. D.
ARNOLD, Thomas.
FITCH, Sir J. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and tlieir influence on
English education. N. Y., 1897. D. (Great educators.)
STANLEY, A. P. Life and correspondence of T: Arnold. N. Y., 1892.
2 V. in 1. p.or. O.
ARNOLD, Mrs. William, tr. Brentano, L. Hours and wages in
relation to production.
ART amateur; a monthly journal devoted to the cultivation of art
in the household (continuation); v. 7-13, 15-16, 21-32; June
1882-Nov. 1885, June 1886-May 1887, June 1889-May 1897.
N. Y., 1882-97. 20 v. in 12. il. pi. F.
ART and letters; an illustrated review (continuation); July 1889-
Dec. 1889. Lond., N. Y., 1889. 2 v. pi. F.
ART journal. New series. Lond., 1889-97. 9 v. F.
ART of the world illustrated in the paintings, statuary and archi-
tecture of the World's Columbian Exposition; ed. by R.
Hitchcock; pub. by D. Appleton and Co. N. Y., 1895. il.
2 V. F.
ART ornamenter and modern sign-writer. ''Up to date"; puh. by
R.Henderson. N. Y. [c. 1895]. pi. obi. Q.
ART pour tons, L'; encyclop^die de 1' art industriel et d^coratif
(continuation); 1889; ed. by fimile Reiber. Paris, 1889.
pi. F.
ART triumphs in water-colors: reproductions in facsimile, photo-
gravure and typogravure of the most famous water-color art-
ists of Europe; critical and descriptive text; by Rene De-
lorme [and others]. Pub. by Haskell Co., Bost., [n. d.].
2 V. F.
GENERAL DEFARTMEST. 3T, James, and riiilij) van.
ASHLEY, W. J. James and Philip van Artevelde. Lond., 1883. D.
ARTHUIS, A. 1/ t^letti-icit6 statiqne et 1' hyst^rie; m(^moire pr^-
qM6 d' line lettre a M. Charcot. Paris, 1881. 72 p. O.
ARTHUR, ling of Britain.
Morte Arthure; ed. from Robert Thornton's ms. about 1440 A. D.
in the library of Lincoln Cathedral, by G: G. Perry. Lond., 1865. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 8.)
FURNIVALL, F. J., fd. Arthur; a short sketch of his life and history
in English verse of the first half of the 15th century; copied and
edited from the Marquis of Bath's ms. Lond.. 1864. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 2.)
WHEATLEY, H: B., cd. Merlin; or, The early history of King Ar-
thur: a prose romance about 1450-60 A. D.;ed. from the unique ms.
in the University library, Cambridge; with an introduction by D. W.
Nash; pt. 1-3; [with an essay on Arthurian localities by J. S. S.
Glennie]. Lond., 1865-69. 2 v. map. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc.
Pub. Reg. ser. no. 10, 21, 36.)
ARTHUR, HI., due de Bretagne.
GRUEL, G. Histoire d'A., contenant ses memorable faicts depuis Ian
1413 jusques u I'an 1457. (/h Col. des mem. rel. a.l' hist, de France.
1825. s. 1. V. 8.)
ARTHUR, Chester Alan. Letters of acceptance of J. A. Garfield
and C. A. Arthur, and the platform adopted by the Republi-
can National Convention. [In Republican campaign docs.^
Same, in German. {In same.)
ARTHUR. Timothv Shav. Orange blossoms, fresh and faded.
Phil., [c. 1871]. pi. D.
ARTISTIC amusements: being instructions for a variety of art
work for home employment, and suggestions for a number of
novel and saleable articles for fancy bazaars. Lond., [n. d.].
112 p. il. D.
ARTISTIC country seats: types of recent American villa and cot-
tage arcliite'cture. with instances of country club-houses. N.
Y.. 1880-87. 2 V. pi. F.
ARTISTIC Jai);in: illustrations and essays; ed. by S. Ring: v.
1-2. Lond., [n. d.]. 1889. 2 v. pi. F.
ARTS for America; v. 5-0. Feb. 18<)()-Feb. 1807. Chic, 1896-97.
2 V. Q.
ASBJORNSEN, Peter Christen. Tales from the fjeld, a series of
popular tales from the Norse; tr. by Sir. G: W. Dasent. N.
Y., 1896. il. D.
ASCHAM. Roger. AA'hole works, now first collected and revised,
with a life of the author by the Rev. Dr. Giles. Lond., 1864-
6;"). ?, V. in 4. S.
ASHBY, Henry, and Wright, G. A. Diseases of children, medical
and surgical. Lond., 1889. il. O.
ASHBY, Turner, gen.
AVIRETT, J. B. Memoirs of General Turner Ashby and his compeers.
Bait., 1867. por. D.
and Eirdell, E. V. W. The story of the Zulu <-}impaigii. Lond..
1880. map. O.
ASHE, Walter, ed. Personal records of the Kandahar campaign,
by officers engaged therein. Lond.. 1881. O.
ASHER'S model books of foreign commercial correspondence.
Lond., 1883. O.
Nann'li/: Dann, J. T. and Gonzales, G. The Spanish correspondent,
ASHLAND county (Ohio).
KNAPP, H. S. History of the pioneer and modern times of Ashland
county from the earliest to the present time. Phil., 1863. O.
ASHLEY, Margaret, tr. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Origin of
property in land.
ASHLEY, William James. The English manor. {In Fustel de
Coulanges. Origin of property in land.)
An introduction to English economic history and theory (con-
tinuation); pt. 2. The end of the middle ages. N. Y. and
Lond., 1893. D.
James and Philip van Artevelde. Lond., 1883. D.
ASHLEY family.
TROWBRIDGE, F: B. History of the descendants of Robert Ashley
of Springfield, Mass. New Haven, 1896. por. O.
ASHTON, John. Curious creatures in zoology. N. Y". [n. d.].
il. O. •
The devil in Britain and America. [Lond.], 1896. il. O.
Hyde Park from Domesday-Book to date. Lond., 1896. il.
map. O.
Romances of chivalrv told and illustrated in fac-simile. N.
Y., 1887. pi. O.
Social England under the Regency. X. Y., 1890. 2 v. il.
pi. O.
ASIATIC journal and monthly register for British India and its
dependencies (continuation); v. 15-16. Lond., 1823. 2 v. O.
ASIATIC quarterly review : v. 1-10 ; new ser. v. 1-9 ; 3d ser. v. 1-4.
Lond., 1890-97. 23 v. in 18. D.
Note: Title from v. 4. July, 1892. The imperial and Asiatic quarter-
ly review and oriental and colonial record.
ASIATIC Society of Bengal. Asiatic researches; transactions of
the physical class; pt. 1-2. Calcutta, 1829. pi. maps. O.
The romance of the Cheuelere Assigne [Chevalier au cygne, i. e.
Elias, knight of the swan], re-ed. from the unique ms. in the British
Museum, with a preface, notes and glossarial index by, H: H. Gibbs.
Lond., 1869. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 6.)
ASSOCIATION for preserving liberty and property against repub-
licans and levellers. Association papers; pt. 1. Publica-
tions; pt. 2. A collection of tracts. To which are prefixed
a preface and the proceedings of the Society. Lond.,
1793. O.
ASSOCIATION of State Librarians. Letters and circulars;
by T. H. Wallis [also tlie letter by the Board]. Sac, 1890.
[no paging]. O.
ASTLEY, Thomas. A new general collection of voyages and trav-
els. See Green, J:
ASTOR. Willinui Waldorf. Sforza: a storv of Milan. N. Y.,
1889. D.
(ii:\/:ix\\L i)i:r.\i{TMi:\T. 39
ASTOK Librarv of the Cilv of Xcw \ovk. Auinuil report of the
trustees;' 4(11 lu 42d-44tli, 4(;th. L88U-y2, 181)4. N. Y., 1889-
95. O. 5 piiiii])s.
A8TE0X0MK'AL rejiisler; v. 1-24; lsr>:i-85. Loud., 18G4-85. 24
V. in 12. pi. O.
ASTRONOMICAL Society of the l^icific. Publications; v. 1-9;
1889-97. S. F.. 1889-97. 9 v. O.
[ASTRTJC, Jean]. Menioires jtour 1' histoire naturelle de la prov-
ince de Languedoc. Paris, 1737. pi. sq. O.
ATCHISON, Eena Michaels. Un-American immigration; its pres-
ent effects and future perils: a study from the census of
1890. Chic, 1894. 198 p. D.
ATHANASIT^S, St., ahp. of Alexandria. Select writings and letters;
ed. with prolegomena, indices, and tables by A. Robertson.
N. Y., 1892. O. (In Schaff, P., and Wace, H: eds. Select
lib. of Nicene and Post Nicene fathers of the Christian
church. 2d ser. v. 4.)
ATHENAEUM, The; journal of literature, science, and the fine
arts (continuation): Jan. 1889-June 1897. Lond.,, 1889-97.
17 T. Q.
ATHERTON, Gertrude. A whirl asunder. N. Y. il. 192 p. T.
ATKINS. James. Coins and tokens of the possessions and colonies
of the British Empire. Lond., 1889. il. O.
ATKINS, John. Sierra Leona; — Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the
West Indies. 1721. {Tn Green J : Voyages and travels, v 2.
pp. 816, 445.)
ATKINSON, Edward. The distribution of products; or. The
mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange; three essays:
What makes the rate of wages? What is a bank? The rail-
way, the farmer, and the public. 3d ed. N. Y. and Lond.,
1888. D.
The industrial progress of the nation; consumption limited,
production unlimited. N. Y. and Lond., 1890. il. O.
Labor and capital allies not enemies. N. Y., [c. 1879]. 98
p. Tt. (Harper's half-hour ser.)
The science of nutrition; The Aladdin oven, invented by E.
Atkinson — what it is — what it does — how it does it. Spring-
field, 1892. 179 p. O.
Same. 4th ed. Bost., 1896. O.
Taxation and work: a series of ti-eatises on the tariff and the
currency. N. Y., 1892. D.
ATKINSON, John. The Ix^giiiuiugs of the Weslevan movement in
America and the establishment thei'ein of Methodism. N.
Y., 1896. O.
ATLANTA. Cnffon Sfafpfi and TiiternaHnnnl Erpoaifinn, 1895.
COOPER, \V. G. The cotton states and international exposition and
south illustrated includine: the official history of the Exposition-
Atlanta, 1896. il. por. F.
ATLANTA Constitution [daily]: Jnlv 1890-Dec. 1890. Atlanta,
1890. 2 v. F.
ATLANTA medir-al and sui'gical j(»ui'nal; v. 1; Sept., 1855. [At-
lanta, 1855]. O. (Tn :M('diral journals, 1853.55.)
ATLANTIC monthly; a uiaj^azine of literature, art, and politics
(continuation)'; v: G4-80. Bost., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
ATLAS classica; being a collection of maps of the countries men-
tioned bv the ancient authors, both sacred and profane; pub.
bv R. Wilkinson. Lond., [1808]. F.
Appleton, D and Co. Library atlas of modern geography. N. Y.,
1892. F.
Atlas classica; being a collection of maps of the countries mentioned
by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane: pub. by R. Wilkin-
son. Lond., [1808.] F.
Bartholomew, J: G: Atlas of commercial geography. Cambridge,
1889. F.
Library reference atlas of the world. Lond., 1890. F.
The royal atlas and gazetteer of Australasia. Lond., 1890. Q.
Bilder-atlas. Ikonographische Encyklopadie der Wissenschaften und
Kunste Ein Erganzumgswerk zu jedem Conversations-Lexikon;
Bearbeitet von K. G. von Berneck, F. Bischoff [and others]. 2.
Aufl. Leipzig, 1875. text 2 v. O. pi. 8 v. obi. O and F.
Black, A. and C. General atlas of the world. New rev. ed. Edin.,
1888. F.
Bradley's atlas of the world for commercial and library reference.
Phil., 1893. F.
Brass, Dr. A. Atlas of human histology; tr. by R. A. Young. N. Y.
1897. pi. O.
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Atlas of
the battlefields of Chickamauga, Chattanooga and vicinity; published
under the direction of the U. S. Secretary of War. Wash. 1897.
pi. F.
Columbian atlas of the world . . . with a ready reference marginal in-
dex, pub. by Garretson, Cox and Co. Buffalo, 1896. 159 p. F.
Geologic atlas of the United States, with descriptive text. Folios
1-32. Wash., 1894-97. 32 folios. (U. S. Geol. Survey. J. W. Powell
and C. D. Walcott directors.)
Hewes, F. W. Citizen's atlas of American politics 1789-1892. N. Y.,
[c. 1883-92.] F.
Macewen, W: Atlas of head sections. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. Q.
Neuer hand atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde. Entworfen und Bearbei-
tet von Dr. H. Kiepert. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1871. F.
Nordenskiold, N. A. E. Facsimllie-atlas to the early history of carto-
graphy with reproductions of the most important maps printed in
the XV and XVI centuries; tr. from the Swedish originals by J. A.
Ekelof and C. R. Markham. Stockholm, 1889. F.
People's illustrated and descriptive family atlas of the world. Chic,
1891. F.
Pictorial atlas of skin diseases and syphilitic affections from models
in the museum of the Saint Louis Hospital, Paris; explanatory
woodcuts and text by E. Besnier, A. Fournier [and others], edited
by J. .1. Pringle. Lond. ,1895-97. il. col. pi. F.
Rand, McNally and Co.'s enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide;
together with a complete reference map of the world. 19th ed.
Chic, 1890. F.
Same, 20th ed. Chic, 1891. F.
Rand, McNally and Co.'s indexed atlas of the world. Chic, N. Y.,
1892. F.
Recueil de documents sur I'expedition et la prise de Constantine par
les frangais en 1837, pour servir a I'histoire de cette campagne.
Paris, 1838. F.
Schreiber, Theodor. Atlas of classical antiquities. N. Y. 1895. pi.
obi. F.
Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. F. von. Atlas der himmelskunde. Liefe-
rung 1-21. Wien., 1897. F.
Scribner-BIack atlas of the world. N. Y.. 1890. F.
(lh:\EHM. nEI'MiTMKST. 41
Starr, M. A. Atlas of nerve cells. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. F.
United States, ('dviniission on hoiniddri/ liflirrcn Voirziicla and British
tlitiinia. Maps of the Orinoco-Essequibo region, South America.
Wash., 1897. Q. (Report of Commission, v. 4.)
Wood's medical hand atlases. N. Y., 1895-97. 5 v. D. (For list see
Wood's Medical hand atlasses.)
ATLEE, Samuel J., col. Journal of tlie battle of Long Island, Aug.
2(), 177(). {In Penn. archives, 2d ser., v. 1.)
ATTEMPT to steal Maine. (In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
ATTHILL, Bev. William, ed. Documents relating to the foundation
and anti(]uities of the collegiate church of Middleham, in the
Count.v of York; with historical introduction and incidental
notices of the castle, town, and neighborhood. Lond., 1847.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 88.)
ATWATER, Edward E. Genealogical register of the descendants
in the male line of David At water, one of the original plant-
ers of New Haven, Conn., to the sixth generation. New
Haven, 1873. 64 p. O.
ed. Historv of the city of New Haven, to the present time.
N. Y., 1887. il. por's. Q.
ATWATER, Isaac, ed. ILstory of tht^ city of Minneapolis, Minne-
sota. N. Y.. 189:^. il. pors. Q.
ATWATER family.
ATWATER, E. E. Genealogical register of the descendants of David
Atwater to the sixth generation. New Haven, 1873. G4
p. 0.
ATWOOD, Charles R. Reminiscences of Taunton, in ye auld lang
syne. Taunton, 1880. S.
AUBER, Peter. Rise and progress of the British power in India.
Lond.. 1837. 2 v. maps. O.
AUBERTIX, J. J. A fight with distances: the States, the Ha-
waiian Islands, Canada, British Colum])ia, Cuba, the Baha-
mas. Lond., 1888. j)!. majis. D.
Wanderings and wonderings. Lond., 1802. por. pi. map.
AUBREY, John. Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme, 1686-87;
ed. and annotated by James Briten. Lond., 1881. O. (Folk-
loie Soc. Pub. no. 4.)
AFBREY, W. H. S. Tlie rise and growth of tl'e English nation,
with s]»ecial reference to ejtochs and crises. N. Y^., 1896. 3
V. I).
ATT^HINCLOSS, William S. Practical application of the slide
valve and link motion to stationary, portable, locomotive and
marine engines, with new and simple methods for proportion-
ing the parts. 10th ed. N. Y., 1887. 5— 170 p. il. pi. O.
AI^DIBERT, Joscjth. Les raisins sees leur commerce et V Industrie
de leur vin. Paris, [1884]. r)-U93 p. O.
AUDIN, Jean Marie X'iucent. History of the life, wiilings and
doctrines of Luther; tr. from the last Ereurli ed. l»y W: B.
TurnbuU. Lend.. 1854. 2 v. ().
AUDR.MX county t^Iissoui'ii. Ilistoi'y of .Vudiaiu county. Mis-
souri. St. Louis, 1884. ().
AUGER, l^:dnard. V()yage en r;iliforni<'. 18.-)2-.~)3. Paris. 18.54. S.
ATTLNOY, or Avninj, Marie Catherine Junielle de teerneville. Com-
tesse d\ Memoirs of the Court of England: with the lady's
pacquet of letters, supposed to be written by several men of
quality. Lond., 1707. 2 v. in 1. D.
AIJNGIER, George James, ed. Croniques de London depuis 1' an
44 Hen. m. jusqu' h. V an 17 Edw. HI.; ed. from a ms. in the
Cottonian library. Lond., 1844. 21-J-12 p. O. (Camden
Soc, V. 28.)
AUNOY, Comtesse d\ See Aulnoy.
AURANGZIB. See Aurung-Zeb.
AURUNG-ZEB. Avreng or Aurang-Zebe.
POOLE, S. L. Aurangzib. Oxford, 1893. por. map. D. (Rulers of
ADAMS, O. F. The story of Jane Austen's life. New ed. Bost., 1897.
il. D.
MALDEN, Mrs. C. Jane Austen. Bost., 1889. S. (Famous women.)
SMITH, G. Life of Jane Austen. Lond. ,1890. O. (Great writers.)
ATTSTEN, W. C. Roberts; an introduction to the study of metal-
lurgy. Lond., 1891. il. pi. D.
Same. 3d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1894. il. O. (Griffin's
metallurgical ser.)
ed. Griffin's metallurgical series. Lond., 1894-5. il. pi. 3
V. O.
'For list see Griffin's metallurgical ser.
AUSTIN, Alfred. The conversion of Winckelmann, and other
poems. Lond., 1897. 158 p. D.
England's darling. N. Y., 1890. por. S.
Fortunatus the ])essimist. Lond., 1892. 179 p. D.
Ti'e garden that I love. Lond., 1896. D.
The golden age. Lond., 1871. 126 p. D.
In Veronica's garden. Lond.. 1896. il. 167 p. D.
Rome or death. Edin., 1883. 184 p. D.
Savonarola: a tragedv. Lond.. 1891. D.
The season; 3d ed. Lond., 1869. 80]). D.
AITSTIX, Amory. Rice: its cultivation, production, and distribu-
tion in the United States and foreign countries; with a chap-
ter on the rice soils of South America; bv M. Whitney.
Wash.. 1893. O. (Tn U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Statistics.
Misc. ser. rept. no. 6.)
AUSTLNT, John Osborne. Ancestry of thirty-three Rhode Islanders
born in tlie eighteenth century. Albany, 1889. 139 p. F.
Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island; comprising three
generations of settlers who came before 1690. Albany, N.
Y., 1887. F.
AT^STIN, Thomas, ed. Two fifteenth-century cookery-books;
Harleian ms. about 1430, and Harleian ms. about 1450; with
extracts from Ashmole ms. 1429, Laud ms. and Douce ms.
Lond., 1888. O. (Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
The year-book of Australia for 1892: ed. by E. Greville. Lond., [etc.
1892]. maps. O.
STANFORD'S compendium of geography and travel. Lond., 1879-94.
il. maps. 2 v. D.
Contents: V. 1. Australasia; ed by A. R. Wallace. V. 2. Malaysia
and the Pacific archipelagoes; ed by F. H. H. Guillemard.
AUSTRALIAN turf statistics: [scrap-book: containing 260 Austra-
lian and 70 English tabulated pedigrees: comp., by T: B.
Merry. [Los Angeles, n. d.] F.
AVELING, Edward. The students' Marx: an introduction to the
study of Karl Marx' Capital. 2d. ed. Lond., 1895, 180
p. D.
fr. Engels, F. Socialism.
a7id Eleanor Marx. The working-class movement in America.
Lond., 1888. D. (Social sci. ser.)
AVELING, Eleanor Marx. tr. Lissagaray, P. History of the
commune of 1871.
AVERY Architectural Library. Catalogue of the Avery Architec-
tural Library, a memorial library of architecture, archaeol-
ogy, and decorative art; established in Columbia College.
N. Y., 1895. Q.
AVERY, R. B. See, Allen W. W. and Avery, R. B. California
gold book.
AVERY family.
CARTER, J. G. A. and Holmes, S. P. comp. Genealogical record of the
Dedham branch of the Avery family in America. [Plymouth.] 1893.
pi. pors. O.
AVESTA. The Zend-Avesta (continuation); pt. 3. The Yasna,
Visparad, Afrinagan. Guhs, and miscellaneous fragments;
tr. by L. H. Mills. Oxford, 1887. O. (Miiller, F. M. ed.
Sacred books of the east, v. 31.)
AVIRETT, h'ev. James B. The memoirs of General Turner Ashby
and his compeers. Bait., 1807. por. D.
AVOWYNGE of King Arther, Sir Gawan, Sir Kaye and Sir Bawde-
wvn of Bretan. (hi Three early Eng. romances. Camden
Soc, V. 18.)
AWDETiEY, John. The fraternitye of vacabondes; as wel of
ruflyng vacabondes, as of beggerly, of women as of men, of
gyries as of boyes, with their proi)er names and qualities;
with a description of the crafty company of cousoners and
shifters; w^hereunto also is adioyned the XXV Orders of
Knaves, otherwise called a quartern of Knaves. Lond., 1575.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Exti-a ser. no. 9.)
AYER, Janies Cook.
COWLEY, Charles, Reminiscences of James C. Ayer and the town of
Aver. 4th ed. Lowell, [1879]. 156 p. O.
AYLSWORTH, Homer Elhanan.
ARNOLD, J. N. ed. Arthur Aylsworth and his descendants in Amer-
ica. Providence, 1887. por. 0.
AYNSLEY, .Vr,s\ H. G. :^^urray. wife of John Crugar ^[urray-
Avnslev. Our visit to Hindostan, Kashmir, and Ladakh.
Lond.. 1879. O.
AYRES. Alfn'd. /»:r>i(l Srr. Osmuu. Tliomas Embley.
AYRES family.
WHITMORE, W: H: Record of the descendants of Capt. John Ayres
of Brookfield, Mass. Bost, 1870. 55 p. O.
AYRTON, Chaplin. Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-sto-
ries. Lond., 1879. il. pi. O.
AYTOUN, William Edmondstoune. The Glenmutchkin railway.
(In Stories by Eng. authors. Scotland.)
AZAM. Le caract^re dans la sant^ et dans la maladie; avec una
preface de Th. Ribot. Paris, 1887. O.
AZARA, Joseph Nicholas de. Elogi storici di Cristoforo Colombo
e di Andrea D'Oria. Parma, 1781. pors. Q.
AZARIAS, Brother. See Mnllany, P. F.
AZEGLIO, Constance d'.
[Biographical sketch.] {In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unification.)
BAAS, Joliann Hermauu. Outlines of the history of medicine and
the medical profession; tr., and in conjunction with the au-
thor revised and enlarged, by H. E. Henderson. N. Y.,
1889. O.
BABCOCK, William H. The two lost centuries of Britain. Phil.,
1890. D.
BACCI, Andrea. De naturali viuorum historia de vinis italiae.
Romae, 1596. F.
BACH, Justin. De la s^dentarit^ scolaire et du surmenage intel-
lectuel. Paris, 1887. 129 p. D.
BACHE, Constance, tr. Biilow, H. G. von. Early correspond-
BACHE, Franklin. See, Wood, G: B. and Bache, F. The dispen-
satory of the U. S.
BACON, Alice P. Mabel. Japanese girls and women. Bost., 1896.
BACON, Edwin Munroe, ed. Boston illustrated: a familiar guide
to Boston and its neighborhood. Bost., [c. 1893]. il.
maps. O.
BACON, Francis, Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albans.
NICHOL, J. Francis Bacon: his life and philosophy; pt 2. Phil.,
1889. por. S. (Knight, W. cd. Philos. classics.)
BACON, Henry. Parisian art and artists. Bost., 1883. il.
pi. D.
BACON, Leonard. Thirteen historical discourses on the comple-
tion of two hundred years, from the beginning of the first
church in New Haven. New Haven, 1839. pors. O.
BACON, Leonard Wolsley. A history of American Christianity.
N. Y., 1897. D. (Amer. Church Hist. ser. v. 13.)
BACON, Nathaniel T. tr. Cournot, A. A. Researches into the
mathematical principles of the theorv of wealth.
BADEN-POWELL, Sir George Smyth. The political and com-
mercial position of Ashanti. (in Baden-Powell, R. S. S. The
downfall of Prempeh.)
Protection and bad times, with special reference to the politi-
cal economy of English colonization. Lond., 1879. O.
BADEN-PO\^'ELL, R. S. S. maj. The downfall of Prempeh; a
diary of life with the native levy in Ashanti, 1895-6: with
a cha})ter on the political and commercial position of
Ashanti. Phil., 1896. il. pi. O.
BADGER. George Percy. An Englisli-Arabic lexicon, in which the
equivalents for English words and idiomatic sentences are
rendered into literary and colloquial Arabic. Lond.,
1881. F.
BADHAM. Charles David. A treatise on the esculent funguses of
England: ed. bv F: Currev. Lond., 1863. 16+152 p. col.
pi. O.
BADLAM, Alexander. The wonders of Alaska. 2d ed. rev. S.
F., 1890. pi. maps. O.
BADMINTON library of sports and pastimes, The; ed. by the Duke
of Beaufort, a'ssisted by A. E. T. Watson. Lond., 1890-95.
3 V. O.
Naiiielij: Dancing, by Mrs. L. Grove. Swimming, by A. Sinclair, and
W: Henry. Tennis: Lawn tennis: Raclvets: Fives; by J, M. and C.
G. Heathcote, E. O. P.-Bouverie and A. C. Ainger.
BADT, F. B. Bell hangers' hand-book. Chic, 1889. 105 p.
il. T.
Dynamo tenders' hand-book. 2d ed. Chic., 1889. 93 p.
il. T.
BAEDEKER, Karl. ed. Belgium and Holland; handbook for
travellers. 9th ed. Leipsic, 1888. maps, plans. S.
The eastern Alps, including the Bavarian Highlands [etc.];
handbook for travellers. 6th ed. Leipsic, 1888. maps.
plans. S.
Egypt: handbook for travellers; Part First: Lower Egypt,
with the Fayum and the peninsula of Sinai. 2d ed. rev.
and aug. Leipsic and Lond., 1885. il. maps. S.
Same. Part Second: Upper Egypt, with Nubia as far as the
second cataract and the western oases. Leipsic, 1892.
maps, plans. S.
Great Britain; handbook for travellers. 2d ed. Leipsic, 1890.
maps, plans. S.
Greece; handbook for travelers. Leipsic, 1889. maps.
plans. S.
Italy ; handbook for travellers. Leipsic, 1887-90. 3 v. maps.
plans. S.
Ndinely: Pt. 1. Northern Italy including Leghorn, Florence, Raven-
na, the island of Corsica. 8th remodelled ed. 2. Central Italy and
Rome. 10th rev. ed. . 3. Southern Italy and Sicily with excursions to
the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu. 9th rev. ed.
London and its environs; handbook for travellers. 7th ed.
Leipsic, 1889. maps, plans. S.
Northern France from Belgium and the English Channel to
the Loire, excluding Paris and its environs; handbook for
travellers. Leipsic, 1889. maps, plans. S.
Northern Germany as far as the Bavarian and Austrian fron-
tiers, with excursions to Copenhagen and the Danish
Islands; handbook for travellers. 10th ed. rev. aug.
Leipsic, 1890. maps, plans. S.
Norway and Sweden; handbook for travellers. 4th rev. ed.
Leipsic, 1889. maps, plans. S.
Palestine and Syria ; handbook for travellers. Leipsic, 1876.
maps. pi. S.
Paris and environs with routes from London to Paris; hand-
book for travellers. 9th rev, ed. Leipsic, 1888. maps,
plans. S.
The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance; handbook for trav-
ellers. 11th rev. ed. Leipsic, 1889. maps, plans. S.
Southern Germany and Austria, including Hungary and Tran-
sylvania; handbook for travellers. 6th ed. rev. aug.
Leipsic, 1887. majis. plans. S.
The United States with an excursion into Mexico; handbook
for travellers. Leipsic, 1893. maps, plans. S.
BAGWELL, Kicluii'd. Irelaud uuder the Tiidois; with a succinct
accoimt of the earlier history (contiuuation); v. 3. Lond.,
1890. map. O.
BAHLEK, John F. Thrillinj^ incidents in the life and experience
of John F. lialiler, (blind num); with poems by his wife; also
fifty hints on healtli and forty recipes of great value, [n. p.]
1884. 88 p. D.
BAILEY, Alfred. The succession to the English crown; a histori-
cal sketch. Lond., 1870. D.
BAILEY, George W. A private chapter of the war, 1861-5. vSt.
Louis, 1880. pors. S.
BAILEY, James Blake. The diary of a resurrectionist, 1811-1812:
to which are added an account of the resurrection men in
London and a short history of the passing of the anatomy
act. Lond., 189G. il. I). '
BAILEY, Libertv Hyde. Annals of horticulture in North America
for the year 1893. N. Y., 1894. D.
The forcing-book, a manual of the cultivation of vegetables
in glass houses. N. Y., 1897. il. S. (Garden-craft ser.)
The horticulturist's rule-book. New ed. N. Y., 1897. S.
(Garden-craft ser.)
The nurserv book; a complete guide to the multiplication of
plants. 3d ed. N. Y., 1897. il. S. (Garden-craft ser.)
Plant-breeding, being five lectures upon the amelioration of
domestic plants. N. Y., 1897. S. (Garden-craft ser.)
The principles of fruit-growing. N. Y., 1897. il, S. (Rural
sci. ser.)
The survival of the unlike: a colection of evolution essays sug-
gested by the study of domestic plants. N. Y., 1896, D.
ed. Garden-craft series. N. Y., 1897. il. v. S. For list see.
Garden-craft series.
Rural science series. N. Y., 1897. il. v. S. For list see,
Rural science series.
[BAILEY, Bamuel.] The rationale of political representation.
Lond., 1835. O.
BAILEY, Thomas P. Child-study in the Tompkins school. (Tomp-
kins school mono. no. 2.)
BAILLON, E. H. Natural historv of plants; tr. by M. M. Hartog.
Lond.. 1871-88. 8 v. il. Q.
BAILY, William L. Our own birds: a familiar natural history of
the birds of the United States: rev. and ed. by E. D. Cope.
Phil., [1893]. il. pi. S.
Trees, jilants, and flowers, where and how they grow; a famil-
iar history of the vegetable kingdom. Phil., 1870. 140 p.
il. S.
BAIN, R. E. M. See, Vincent, J: H., Lee, J. W., Bain, R. E. M.
Earthly footsteps of the Man of Galilee.
BAIN, R. Nisbets. Hans Christian Andersen; a biography. N. Y.,
1895. il. pors. O.
tr. Weird tales from northern seas, from the Danish of Jonas
Lie. Lond., 1893. il. O.
BATNTOX, George, ccmp. and ed. The art of autboi'sbip: literary
reminiscences, methods of work, and advice to young begin-
ners, personally contributed by leading autbors of tbe day.
N. Y., 1891. D.
I^AIRD, Henry Carey. Economic papers. Pbil., 1875-88. O.
Contents: Argument in opposition to the issue of $500,000,000 30-year
4% per cent gold bonds for the refunding of an equal amount of 5-20
bonds; Brief tracts on some economic questions, 1882-85; Same, 3d
ser., 1871-88; — Commerce or association; — Germany;- — the crime of in-
competent governorship; — Mr. David Wells on over-production and
foreign trade; — Mr. Hewitt as a philosopher and a statesman; Money
and its substitutes; — Necessary foundations of individual and national
well-being and of civilization; The price of silver; — -Protection of
home labor and home productions;- — The silver dollar the original
standard of payment; — Two roads.
BAIRD, Henry M. Tbe Huguenots and tbe revocation of tbe edict
of Nantes. N. Y., 1895. maps. 2 v. O.
BAIRD, Spencer Fullerton.
GOODE, G: B. The published writings of B., 1843-82. Wash,. 1883.
0. (U. S. Nat. Museum Bulletin no. 20.)
Brewer, T. M. and Ridgway, R. Tbe water birds of North
America. Bost., 1884. 2 v. il. O. (Cal. Geol. Surv.)
BAIRD, William. M. D. Natural history of tbe British entomo-
straca. Lond., 1850. pi. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
BAIRD lectures. 1876, 1889. Edin. and'^Lond., 1893-96. 2 v. D.
JS'amehj: 1876. Flint, R. Theism. 1889. Robertson, J. Early reli-
gion of Israel.
BAKER, Charles Whiting. Monopolies and tbe people. N. Y.,
1889. D. (Questions of tbe day. no. 59.)
BAKER, E. D. Speech before tbe Senate of California, in support
of tbe charge of an attempt to commit bribery made by Mr.
Peck, against Joseph C. Palmer. {In Cal. land pamps. v. 4.)
BAKER, Edward Dickinson.
BALTZ, J:D. Colonel E. D. Baker's defense in the battle of Ball's
Bluff, fought October 21st, 1861, in Virginia, and slight biographical
sketches of Colonel Baker and Generals Wistar and atone. Lancas-
ter, 1888. pors. map. D.
BAKER, F. P. The value and management of tbe timber lands of
tbe U. S. {In U. S. Dept. of Agric. Misc. Spec. Rept. no 5.)
BAKER, George E. ed. Life of W: H: Seward, with selections
from bis works. N. Y., 1855. por. D.
BAKER, George Henry. Manual of instruction for tbe economical
management of locomotives. Chic, 1889. 122 p. S.
BAKER, Ira O. A treatise on masonry construction. 2d ed. N.
Y., 1890. il. pi. O.
BAKER, John H. Speech in the House of Representatives, June
14, 1880. {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
BAKER, La Fayette C. The United States secret service in the
late war. Chic, etc., [c. 1889]. pi. por. O.
BAKER, Levi W. History of tbe Ninth Mass. battery, 1862-65.
South Framingbam, 1888. il. O.
BAKER, M. N. The manual of American waterworks; compiled
from special returns, 1888, 1897. N. Y., 1889-97. 2 v. 0.
Sewage purification in America. N. Y., 1893. il. maps. D.
BAKER, M. N. See Rafter, G: W. and Baker, M. N. Sewage dis-
posal in the United States.
BAKEK, Robert. Second voyage to Guinea, and the river Sestos,
in 15G8. {in Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 180.)
BAKER, Sir Samuel White. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. Lend.,
1S71). pi. O.
BAKER, Valentine. Clouds in the east: travels and adventures
on the Perso-Turkoman frontier. Lond., 187(1. col. pi.
maps. O.
BAKER, William Spohn. Itinerary of General Washington, from
June 15, 1775, to December 23, 1783. Phil., 1892. por. O.
ed. Early sketches of George Washington; reprinted with bio-
graphical and bibliographical notes. Phil., 1894. 150 p. O.
BAKERSFIELl) dniiocral [weekly], .July 13, 1893-Oct. 10, 1895.
Bakersheld, 189:{-!>5. F.
BAKEWP]LL, Benjamin Gift'ord. The family book of Bake-
well- Page-Campbell Pittsburgh, 1896. il. 99 p. Q.
BAKEWELL family.
BAKEWELL, B. G. The family book of Bakeweii-Page-Campbell.
Pittsburgh, 1896. il. Q.
BALCH, Edwin Swift. Mountain exploration, [n. p.] [c. 1893].
35 p. pi. p. (Bull, of the Geog. Club if Phil., v. 1. no. 1.)
BALCH, Emily Greene. Public assistance of the poor in France.
(Amer, Ec. Assoc. Pub., v. 8, no. 4-5.)
BALCH, Thomas. The French in America during the war of inde-
pendence of the United States, 1777-83; a translation by
T. W. Balch'of Les Franrais en Amdrique pendant la guerre
de Tindependence des fitats-Unis. Phil., 1891-95. 2 v. por.
map. O.
BALCH, Thomas Willing. Some facts about Alsace and Lorraine:
a paper read before the geographical club of Philadelphia,
January 2, 1895. [n. p.] [c. 1895]. 10 p. O.
//•. Balch, T: Les frangais en Amdrique pendant la guerre
de Tindependence des fitats-Unis. 2 v.
BALCH, William Ralston. Life of James Abram Garfield. Phil.,
etc. [c. 1881]. por. D.
camp. The mines, miners and mining interests of the United
States in 1882. Phil., [c. 1882]. pi. Q.
BALDWIN. James. Heroes of the olden time. N. Y., 1896. il.
3 V. D.
Xainel)/: Story of the Golden Age. Story of Roland. Story of Sieg-
BALDWIN, James Mark. Mental development in the child and
the race; methods and processes. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Social and ethical interpretations in mental development.
N. Y., 1897. D.
BALDWIN, Jolin Denison. Prehistoric nations; or, Inciuiries con-
cerning some of the great peoi»lee and civilizations of anti-
quity, and their probable relation to a still older civilization
of the Ethiopians or Cushit<'s of Arabia. N. Y., 1873. D.
BALDWIN, Joseph. Elementary psychology and education. N.
Y., 1889. D. (Int. education ser. v. 6.)
BALDWIN, Joseph. Psychology applied to the art of teaching.
N. Y., 1892. D. (Int. educational ser. v. 19.)
BALDWIN, Simeon E. Historic policy of the United States as to
annexation. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1893, no. 24.)
The vlsltoiial statutes of Andover seminary. Wash., 1892.
O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, no. 12.)
BALDY, J. M. M. D. ed. An American text-book of gynecology,
medical and surgical. Phil., 1894. il. pi. Q.
BALDY, Lizzie F. The California pioneer, and other poems. S.
F., 1879. 159 p. D.
BALE, John. ip. of Ossory. 1495-1563. Kynge Johau: a play in
two parts; ed. by J. P. Collier from the ms. of the author in
the library of the Duke of Devonshire. Lond., 1838. 14-1-
110 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 2.)
BALESTIER, Charles Wolcott. See, Kipling, R. and Balestier, W.
The Naulahka.
BALFOUR, Arthur James. The foundations of belief: being notes
introductory to the study of theology. N. Y"., 1895. D.
The- religion of humanity. Ediu., 1888. 56 p. 0.
BALFOUR, Edward. The agricultural pests of India and of east-
ern and southern Asia, vegetable and animal, injurious to
man and his products. Lond., 1887. 127 p. D.
Cyclopaedia of India and of eastern and southern Asia, com-
mercial, industrial, and scientific. 3d ed. Lond., 1885. 3
V. O.
BALFOUR, Francis Maitland. A treatise on comparative embry-
ology (continuation); v. 2. 2d ed. Lond., 1885. il. O.
BALFOUR, George William. The senile heart, its symptoms, se-
quelae, and treatment. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
BALL, Charles B. Rectum and anus: their diseases and treatment.
Phil., [1887]. il. col. pi. S.
BALL, John Thomas. LL. D. Historical review of the legislative
systems operative in Ireland, 1172-1800. New ed. rev. enl.
Dublin, 1889. O.
BALL, M. V. M. D. Essentials of bacteriology; being a concise
and systematic introduction to the study of micro-organisms.
3d ed. Phil., 1897. il. D.
BALL, Robert. The cause of an ice age. 2d ed. .Lond., 1892. il.
pi. D.
BALL, Sir Robert Stawell. Great astronomers. Phil., 1895. il.
pi. pors. D.
In the high heavens.Lond., 1894. il. pi. D.
The story of the heavens. 4th ed. rev. Lond., etc. 1888. il.
pi. O.*
BALL, V. tr. Tavernier, J. B. Travels in India.
BALLAGH, James Curtis. White servitude in the colony of Vir-
ginia. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, vol. 13, No. 6-7.)
BALLANTYNE, James Robert. A synopsis of science in Sanskrit
and English reconciled with the truths to be found in the
Ny^ya philosophy. 2d ed. Mirzapore, 1856. O.
tr. ' Kapila. Sankhya aphorisms; with extracts from the com-
mentaries. 3d ed. Lond., 1885. O. (Triibner's oriental
BALLANTYNE, Thomas. Essays in luosaio. 3d ed. l.oiid., 1885.
T. (Bayard ser.)
BALLEXGEK, J. 11. and Richards, W. n. piih. Denver city di-
rectory; 1803, ISUG. 21st, 24th aunual. Deuver, [c. 1893-
96]. 2v. O.
BALME, Joshua Khodes. American states, churches, and the war.
4th ed. Lond., 1865. S.
BALMFOKTII, Eamsden. (pseud., Laon Kamsey.) The new refor-
mation and its relation to moral and social problems. Lond.,
1893. D. (Social sci. ser.)
BALTET, Charles. La coulure des raisins. Troves, 1887. 30
p. O.
BALTIMORE. Barons. See Calvert, George and Cecilius.
BALTIMORE, American, [daily]; July-Dec. 1890. Baltimore,
1890. 2 V. F.
BALTZ, John D. Colonel E. D. Baker's defense in the battle of
Ball's Bluff, fought October 21, 1861, in Virginia, and slight
biographical sketches of Colonel Baker and Generals Wistar
and Stone. Lancaster, 1888. pors. map. D.
BALZAC, Honore de. Works: edited by George Saintsbury; tr,
by Ellen Marriage, Clara Bell and James Waring. Ed. de
luxe. No. 475. Lond., 1895-97. il. pi. 26 v. O.
Contents: At the sign of the Cat and Racket. — The Chouans. — Coun-
try doctor. — Eugenie Grandet. — Quest of the absolute. — Ursule Mi-
rouet. — Wild ass's skin. — Atheist's mass. — Bachelor's establishment. —
Beatrix. — Cesar Birotteau. — Country parson. — Le grande Breteche. —
Harlot's progress, 2 v. — Modeste Mignon.^Old Goriot. — Peasantry. —
Pierrette. Abbe Birotteau. — Country parson. — Le grande Breteche. —
ed provincial in Paris.— Lost illusions. — Lily of the Valley. — Woman
of thirty. — Seraphita.— Seamy side of history.
Albert Savarus. [Paz. Madame Firmiani] ; tr. by K. P.
Wormeley. Bost., 1892. D.
The Alkahest; or. The house of Claes; tr. by K. P. Wormeley.
Bost., 1889. D.
Bureaucracy; or, A civil service reformer; tr. by K. P. Worme-
ley. Bost., 1889. D.
Catherine de' Medici; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1894. D.
The Chouans. Engravings on wood by Leveill(^ from drawings
bv Julian Le Blant; newly translated into English by G:
Saintsbury. N. Y. [1892]. ' il. Q.
Fame and sorrow; witli Colonel Chabert, The atheist's raass^
La Grande Breteche, The purse. La grenadi^re; tr. by K. P.
Wormeley. Bost., 1890. D.
A great man of the provinces in Paris; tr. by K. P. Wormeley.
Bost., 1893. D.
An historical mvstery; tr. bv K. P. Wormeley. Bost.,
1891. D.
The Lilv of the Valley; tr. by K. P. Wormeley.Bost., 1891. D.
Lost illusions; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1893. D.
Louis Lambert; tr. by K. P. Wormeley; with an introduction
bv G. F. Parsons [also Facino Cane and Gambara]. Bost,,
1889. D.
Lucien de Rubempr^; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1895. D.
BALZAC, Honors de. Memoirs of two young married women; tr.
by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1894. D.
Ceuvres de Jeunesse. Paris, 186G-78. 10 v. S.
Namely: Argow le pirate, Nouvelle ed. — Le centenaire. — La dernifire
fee, Nouvelle ed. — Dom Gigadas, Nouvelle ed. — L' excommunig. —
L'heritiere de Birague. — L'Israelite, Nouvelle ed. — Jane la Pale. Nou-
velle ed. — Jean-Louis. — Le vicaire des Ardennes, Nouvelle ed.
Pierrette ; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1892. D.
Sons of the soil; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1890. D.
A start in life; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1895. D.
Ursula; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1891. D.
The vilhige rector; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Bost., 1894. D.
The wild ass's skin; tr. by E: Marriage. X. Y., 1895. 11.
por. D.
BARRIERE, M. L'oeuvre de H. de Balzac; etude litteraire et phil-
osophique sur la Comedie humaine. Paris, 1890. O.
GOZLAN, L. Balzac chez lui. 2eme ed. Paris, 1863. S.
Balzac en pantoufles. 3eme. ed. Paris. 1865. S. (Bd, with
Balzac chez lui.)
LEMER, J. Balzac, sa vie-son oeuvre. Paris, 1892. D.
WEDMORB, P. Life of Honore de Balzac. Lond., 1890. O. (Great
WORMELEY, K. P. Memoir of Honore de Balzac. Bost., 1892. por.
BAMPTON Lectures.
KniiirJij: 1880. Hatch, E. The organization of the early Christian
1894. Illingworth, J. R. Personality human and divine.
1858. Mansel, H. L. The limits of religious thought examined.
1890. Watkins, H: W: Modern criticism considered in its relation
to the Fourth gospel.
BANCROFT, A. L., and Company, puh. Bancroft's tourist's guide;
Yosemite, San Francisco, and around the bay. S. F.,
1871. S.
BANCROFT Company, puh. San Francisco blue book and Pacific
Coast elite directory; 1889-93. S. F., 1889-93. 3 v. O.
Note: Title, 1889-90. S. F. blue book.
BANCROFT, George. History of the battle of Lake Erie, and mis-
cellaneous papers; Life and writings of G: Bancroft by
Oliver Dyer. N. Y., 1891. por. S.
History of the United States of America, from the discovery of
the continent. Author's last revision. N. Y., 1888. 6 v.
por. O.
The library of the late Hon. George Bancroft: A sketch of the histor-
ical manuscripts; memoranda concerning the books and pamphlets.
Prepared by Jos. F. Sabin. [n. p. n. d.] 101 p. 0.
BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. Works (continuation); v. 24-26, 31,
38-39. S. F., 1889-90. 6 v. O.
Contents: 24. History of California; v. 7, 1860-90. 25. History of Ne-
vada, Colorado and Wyoming. 26. History of Utah, 1540-1886. 3L
History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-89. 38. Essays and
miscellany. 39. Literary industries.
Achievements of civilization: Tlie book of wealth; wealth in
relation to material and intellectual progress and achieve-
ments. Author's ed. Sect. 1-7. N. Y., 1896-97. 7 v. pi. F.
BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. The book of the Fair: an historical
aud descriptive presentation of the world's science, art and
industry as viewed through the Columbian Exposition at
Chicago in ISO;}. Chic, and S. F., 1895. il. pi. 2 v. F.
Chronicles of the builders of the commonwealth: historical
character study. S. F., 1891-92. 7 v. pors. O.
Index to [above] ; vol. 1-7. S. F., 1892. 113. p. O.
History of the life of Lorenzo Sawyer: a character study. S.
F., 1891. por. O.
Resources and development of Mexico. S. F., 1893. pi.
maps. O.
BANDELIER, Adolph Francis Alphonse. Final report of investi-
gations among the Indians of the south westei'n United
States, carried on mainly from ISSO to 1885. pt. 1-2. Camb.,
1890. il. map. 2 v. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am. Amer. ser.
V 3-4.)
The gilded man (El Dorado) and other pictures of the Spanish
occupancy of America. N. Y., 1893. D.
Hemenway southwestern arcliaeological expedition; contri-
butions to the history of the southwestern portion of the
United States. Camb., 1890. map. O. (xVrch. Inst, of Am.
Amer. ser. v. 5.)
Historical introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians
of New Mexico; — Report on the ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos.
Bost., 1881. pi. O. {In same, v. 1.)
Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881. Host.,
1884. pi. map. O. (In same, v. 2.)
BANGS, John Kendrick. The bicyclers and tliree other farces. N.
Y., 1890. il. 170 p. S.
Coffee and repartee. N. Y., [c. 1893]. il. 123 p. T.
A house-boat on the Styx; being some account of the divers
doings of the Associated Shades. X. Y.. 1896. il. 171 p. S.
Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. N. Y. [c. 1895]. il. S.
Three weeks in politics. N. Y., 1894. 82 ]). il. T.
BANKER'S almanac and register and legal directory; 1894; ed.
by A. S. Bolles. N. Y.. c. 1894. O.
BANKER'S magazine and journal of the money market; v. 1-52,
58-04; Apr. 1844-Dec. 1891: July 1894-Dec. 1897. Lond.,
1844-97. 59 v. O.
Kntr: Title v. 4-13. Bankers' magazine, journal of the money market
and railway digest. 14-49. Bankers' magazine, journal of the money
market and commercial digest. 50-52, 58-64. Bankers', insurance
managers' and agents' magazine.
BANKER'S magazine and statistical register: v. 47-55; July 1892-
Dec. 1897. N. Y., 1892-97. 9 v. O.
Note: Title from July 1895 Rhodes Journal of Banking and Bankers'
BANKS^ Sir Joseph. A short account of the cause of the disease
in corn called by farmers tl-e blight, the mildew, and the
rust. (Tn Curtis', \V : Observations on the British grasses.)
BA^NEKMAN, D. Douglas, and Hunter, David, trs. Meyer, H. A.
W. Critical and exegetical handbook to the epistles to the
BANNISTER, H. M., Ir. Regis, Dr. E. Practical manual of mental
medicine. Utica, 1894. D.
BANNON, John. Linseed oil manufacture and treatment, varnish
manufacture, superior, medium and cheap grades. N. Y.,
[1897]. D.
BANTING, William. Letter on corpulence. 6th ed. Phil., 1870.
51 p. T.
BANTON, Peake, ed. See Cruttwell, C: T: and Banton, P., eds.
Specimens of Roman literature.
BARATOUX, J. See Miot, C, and Baratoux, J. Maladies de V
oreille et du nez.
BARBE, Louis A. Kirkcaldy of Grange. N. Y., [n. d.]. D.
(Famous Scots ser.)
BARBE, Paul Picambril, po^me Toulousain en quatre chants.
Paris., 1875. 75 p. O.
BARBfi-MARBOIS, Francois, marquis de. Histoire de la Louisiane
et de la cession de cette colonic par la France aux fitats-
L^nis; pr^c^dee d' un discours sur la constitution et le gouv-
ernment des fitats-Unis. Paris, 1829. map. O.
BARBER, Edwin Atlee. The potterv and porcelain of the United
States. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. O.
BARBER and Baker,/>M&. Sacramento illustrated. Sac, 1855. F.
BARBIER, Henry. Etude clinique de 1' albuminuric diphth^rique
et de sa valeur semiologique. Paris, 1888. 132 p. O.
BARBOT, James, and Casseneuve, John. Abstract of a voyage to
Kongo river and Kabinda, 1700. {In Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 3. p. 200.)
and Grazilhier, John. Voyage to New Kalabar, Brandi, and
Doni rivers, 1699. {In same. v. 2. p. 105.)
BARBOT, John. Description of Sierra Leona. (In same. v. 2.
p. 310.)
BARBOUR, John. The Bruce; or. The book of the most excellent
and noble prince, Robert de Broyss, king of Scots; compiled
A.D. 1375; ed. with preface, notes, and glossarial index by
W. W. Skeat; pt . 1-4. Lond., 1870-89. 2 v. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 11, 21, 29, 55.)
— — The Bruce; or, The metrical history of Robert I., king of Scots.
Published from a manuscript dated 1489, with notes and a
memoii' of the life of the author; by J: Jameson. New ed.
Glasgow, 1869. D. (Bruce and Wallace, v. 1.)
BARBOUR, John Strode.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of J: S. Barbour, sena-
tor from Virginia; delivered in the Senate and House of Representa-
tives Feb. 3 and 2.5, 1893. Wash.. 1893. 93 p. por. Q. (U. S. Cong.
S. M. D.)
BARCLAY, Alexander. Here begynneth the introductory to wryte
and to pronounce Frenche, compyled by Alexander Barcley
compendiously at the commaundement of the ryght hye ex-
cellent and myghty prynce Thomas duke of Northfolke. {In
Ellis, A. J. Early Eng. pronunciation; pt. 3. Earlv Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Extra sor. no. 14.)
BARCLAY, Jean. Aigeuis; or. The loves of Poliarchus juid Ar-
Reiiis; tr. by K. l^oiif^. Loud., KJlT). (^
BAKFIELD, T. C. Model drawing and shading from easts. Lond.,
ISJHI. il. 92 p. D.
BAK(JlvAVE, John. Pope Alexander VII. and the college of card-
inals; ed. by J. C. Robertson. [Lond.], 1867. 28-1-144 p.
0. (Camden Soc, v. 92.)
BARHAM, A. (L Foster, ir. Nibelungen lied, lay of the Nibelung.
Lond., 1887. D.
BARING-GOULD, Sabine. Deserts of southern France; an in-
troduction to the limestone and chalk plateaux of ancient
Aquitaiue. N. Y., 1894. il. pi. 2 v. O.
Grettir, the outlaw: a story of Iceland. N. Y., [n. d.]. pi.
map. D.
Historic oddities and strange events. lst-2d ser. [1st ser., 2d
ed.]. Lond., 1890-91. 2 v. O.
Lives of the saints; [July, v. 2; October, v. 1-2, 2d ed.]. Lond.,
1872-77. 12 V. pors. D.
Old country life. Lond., 1890. il. O.
The tragedy of the Caesars; a study of the characters of the
Caesars of the Julian and Claudian houses. N. Y^., 1895.
il. Q.
ed. A book of nursery songs and rhymes, with illustrations by
members of the Birmingham Art School. Phil., 1895. il.
• 160 p. O.
BARKER, David Wilson. Manual of elementary seamanship.
Lond., 1897. il. D. (Griffin's naut. ser.)
BARKER, Edmund. Voyage to the East Indies in the year 1591,
being the first performed by the English to those parts;
begun by Capt. G: Raymond, and finished by Capt. James
Lancaster; written from the report of E. Barker, lieutenant
of the Bonaventure. (In Green J: Voyages and travels, v.
1. p. 235.)
BARKER, Fordvce, M.D. The puerperal diseases: clinical lectures
delivered at Bellevue Hospital. 4th ed. N. Y., 1884. O.
BARKER, George M. Tea planter's life in Assam. Calcutta,
1884. il. D.
BARKER, George Frederic. Physics; advanced course. .3d ed.,
rev. N. Y., 1892. il. map. O. tAmer. Sci. ser.)
BARKER'S facts and figures for the vear 1891 ; ed. by T: P. Whit-
taker. Lond. and N. Y., [1891]. D.
BARKLEY, H. C. Studies in the art of rat-catching. Lond., 1896.
185 p. S.
BARLOW, George. The pageant of life: ;in epic poem. Lond.,
1888. D.
BARLOW, Jane. Irish idyls. N. Y.. 1894. D.
Strangei-s at. Lisconncl; a second scries of Irish id^is. N. Y.,
1897. D.
BARNARD. Charles. Gra]»hic methods in teaching; with an intro-
duction by J: F. Woodhull. (//( Indus. Ed. Assn. Mono-
graphs, V. 2.)
BARNARD, Frederick. A series of character sketches from Dick-
ens; from original drawings by B. ; reproduced in photo-
gravure. Lond., etc., 1887. ph F.
BARNARD. Frederick Augustus Porter.
FULTON, J: Memoirs of B., tenth president of Columbia College. N.
Y., 1896. por. O.
MONROE, W. S. The educational labors of Henry Barnard. Syra-
cuse, 1893. 35 p. por. S.
BARNARD, John Gross. The peninsular campaign and its ante-
cedents, as developed by the report of Maj-Gen. G: B. Mc-
Clellan. N. Y., 18(;4. 94 p. map. O.
Theory for a drawbridge counterpoise; Oct. 12, 1869. (Es-
sayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 5.)
BARNARD, M. R. tr. Keyser, R. Private life of the old north-
BARNES, . The treatyse answerynge the boke of berdes;
complied b}' Collyn clowte; dedycated to Barnarde barber
dwellyng in Banbery. {In Borde, A. Furst boke of the in-
troduction of knowledge. Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra
ser., no. 10.)
BARNES, Albert. An inquiry into the Scriptural views of slavery,
Phil., 1846. D.
BARNES, Almont. Report on the agriculture of South America,
with maps and latest statistics of trade. Wash., 1892. O.
{In U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Statistics. Misc. ser., report
no. 2.)
BARNES, Barnabe. Parthenophil and Parthenophe. Sonnets
[etc., 1593-]. {In Arber, E., Eng. Garner, v. 5, p. 385.)
BARNES, C. L. Lessons in elementary practical physics: practi-
cal acoustics. Lond., 1897. il. D. (Stewart and Gee
series, v. 3:1.)
BARNES, Earl. See Barnes, Mary Sheldon, and Earl. Studies in
American history.
ed. Studies in education; a series of ten numbers devoted to
child-stud V and the historv of education, 1896-97. [Palo
Alto], 1897. il. O.
BARNES, Lucy E., /?•. Leader, J. T. and Marcotti, G. Sii" John
BARNES, Mary Sheldon, and Earl. Studies in American history.
Bost., 1893. il. maps. D.
BARNES, William H., ed. The story of Laulii, daughter of Samoa;
also a sketch of the life of Alexander A. Willis (her husband).
S. F., 1889. pi. pors. O.
BARNES, William H. L., qen. Oration delivered before the Society
of California Pioneers, Sept. 10, 1894. S. F., 1894. 15 p. O.
{In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems, 1858-94, v. 2.)
BAROIS, J. Irrigation in Egvpt; tr. from the 'French by A. M.
Miller. Wash., 1889. 14-1-111 p. pi. maps. Q. ' (IT. S.
50th Cong., 2d sess., H. M. D., v. 9.)
BARR, Amelia Edith. Friend Olivia. N. Y., [c. 1889-90]. D.
The king's highway. N. Y., 1897. D.
BARK, James, ed. The liuiiu.ui- of AnuM-ic-a. N. Y., 1894. il. I>.
(Int. Iluiuor ser.)
BARR, Robert. The face and the mask. N. Y., [c. 1895]. il. 8.
■ Revenue. N. Y., [c. 189G]. il. D.
BARRA, E. I. Catalogue of old and rare coins belonging? to B., to
be sold at auction Feb. 19, 20. S. F., ISGG. O. pamp.
BARRANDON, A. See l.oret, 11., and Barrandou, A. Flore de
BARRAS, l*aul Francois Jean Nicholas, connt, de. Memoirs of
Barras, member of the Directorate; ed. by G: Duruy. N. Y.,
1895-G. il. pors. fac-sim. plans. 4 v. O.
BARRETT, J. A. Evolution of the ordinance of 1787; with an
account of the earlier plans for the government of the North-
west territory. N. Y., 1891. O. (Univ. of Neb. Depts. of
Hist, and Economics. Seminary papers.)
BARRETT, Robert N. The Child of the Ganges; a tale of the Jud-
son mission. N. Y. [c. 1890]. il. D.
BARRIE, James Matthew. Novels, tales and sketches. Author's
ed. N. Y., 1896. il. 8 v. D.
XanicUj: V. 1. Auld licht idylls. — Better dead. 2. When a man's sin-
gle. 3. A window in Thrums. — An Edinburgh eleven. 4-5. The little
minister. 6-7. Sentimental Tommy. 8. My Lady Nicotine. — Margaret
Auld licht idylls. Lond., 1895. il. pi. Q.
The courting of T'nowhead's bell. {In stories by Eng. authors.
The inconsiderate waiter. (In stories by Eng. authors. Lon-
The little minister. N. Y., [c. 1891]. por. pi. D.
Sentimental Tommj; the storA' of his bovhood. N. Y., 1890.
il. D.
A window in Thrums. N. Y., 189G. il. D.
BARRIER, Gustavo. See Goubaux, A., and Barrier, G. The ex-
terior of the horse.
BARRIftliE. :Marcel. L' oeuvre de II. de Balzac; etude litteraire et
phil(»so])hi(iue sur la Comedie humaiue. I'aris, 1890. O.
BARRITT. Leon. Engravings: how to estimate their cost. N. Y.,
[c. 1890. unp.]. pi. F.
BARRON, Elwvn A. The viking; with preface bj^ Lawrence Bar-
rett. Cliic, 1888. 141 p. D.
BARROWS, Charles M. Facts and fictions of mental healing.
Bost.. 1887. I).
BARROW'S. Henry I). Inteniat ioiiai bi-niclallisiu : an cssav. TjOS
Angeles, 1891. 55 p. O.
BARliOWS. -To' n Henry, rd. The world's ])arliam('nt of religions:
an illustrated and jtojnilar stoiy of tl'e woi'ld's tiist i)arlia-
ment of religions, lield in Chicago in connection with the
Columbian F.xjtositiou of ISO."'.. Chic. 1S!).M. 2 v. il.
pors. O.
BARROWS, Samuel June .\ F.aptist uieeting house: the stair-
case to the old faitli; iIm' o|)en dooi' to the new. 2(1 ed.
Bost., 1S90. S.
BARROWS, Samuel June. The doom of the majority of mankind.
Bost., 1891. 6+124 p. D.
Evolution of tlie Afric-American. {In Brooklyn Etli. Assoc.
Man and the State.)
BARROWS, William. United States of yesterday and of to-mor-
row. Bost., 1888. D.
BARRUEL, Augustin de, V abhe. Histoire du clerg^ pendant la
revolution francaise. Londres, 1783. O.
BARRY, John Stetson. The historv of Massachusetts (continua-
tion.) [3d period]. Bost., 1857. O.
Contents: The commoiiwealth period.
BARRY, T, A., and Patten, B. A. Men and memories of San Fran-
cisco in the "spring of '50." S. F., 1873. D. 2 cop.
BARRY, William. History of Framingham, Massachusetts, in-
cluding the plantation from 1640 to the present time. Bost.,
1847. O.
BARSTOW, George. Introductory address delivered at the open-
ing of the Medical Department of the University of the
Pacific, May 5, 1859. S. F., 1859. 20 p. O. {In Medical
pamphlets, v. 2.)
■ ^^ ar the only means of preserving our nationality. S. F., 1864.
16 p. O. {In Pam. on war. v. 1.)
BARTHlilLEMY, Jean Jacques. Abhe. Oeuvres completes; with
atlas. Paris., 1821-22 5 v. O. Q.
BARTHOLOMEW, John George. Atlas of commercial geography;
with introductorv notes by Hugh Robert Mill. Cambridge,
1889. F.
■ Handy reference atlas of the world. N. Y., 1889. D.
Library reference atlas of the world. Lond., 1890. F.
The royal atlas and gazetteer of Australasia. Lond., 1890. Q
The tourist's atlas-guide to the continent of Europe. Lond.
[n. d.]. maps, plans. D.
ed. Gazetteer of the British Isles, statistical and topograph
ical, with census supplement 1891 and appendices. Edin.
[1893]. Q.
BARTHOLOW, Roberts, M.D. Cholera: its causes, symptoms
pathology and treatment. Phil., 1893. 132 p. D.
A manual of hypodermatic medication: the treatment of dis
eases by the hypodermatic or subcutaneous method. 5th ed
rev. enl. Pliil., 1891. O.
A treatise on the practice of medicine, for the use of students
and practitioners of medicine. 7th ed. N. Y., 1890. O.
BARTLETT, David W. The life and public services of Hon. Abra-
ham Lincoln; to which is added a biographical sketch of
Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Cin., 1860. D.
The life of Gen. Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire, the Demo-
cratic candidate for President of the United States. Auburn,
1852. i)or. D.
BARTLETT, John. Familiar quotations: a collection of passages,
phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and
modern literature. 9th ed. Bost.. 1892. O.
BARTLETT, -lobu. New and complete concordance or verbal in-
dex to words, i»h rases and passaj?es in tlie dramatic works
of Shakespeaie, willi a supplementary concordance to the
poems. Lond., 1894. Q.
Tlie Sliakespeare i»lirase-book. Bost., 1882. D.
BAKTLKTT, John Kussell, cd. Records of the State of Rhode
Island and Providence I'lantations in New England (continu-
ation); V. 9, 1780-83. Providence, 1864. O.
BARTLETT, W. C. A breeze from the woods. 2d ed. [Oakland],
1883. D.
BARTLETT. Washington. Inaugural address, 1887. {In Cal. Gov.
Inaugural addresses, 1849-91.)
BARTLETT, William Henry Chambers. Interest tables used by
the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York ; 3d ed. ; ed. and
enl. by Emory McClintock. N. Y., 1889. Q.
BARTON, Benjamin H., and Castle, Thomas. British flora medica:
a history of the medicinal plants of Great Britain. New ed.
rev. condensed and partly re-written by J: R. Jackson.
Lond., 1877. col. pi. O. ^
BARTON, Clarence jM. Legislative liand-book and manual of the
State of Washington; 1889-90, 1893-94. [Tacoma], Olympia,
[1889] -93. 2 V. por. S.
BARTON, Steplien. A rigid earth; being devoted to geology as
applied to mining. Visalia, 1888. 90 p. O.
BARTON, Thomas H. Autobiography of B., the self-made physi-
cian; including a history of the Fourth regt. West Va. vol.
inf'v, with an account of Col. Lightburn's retreat. Charles-
ton! 1890. por. O.
BARTTELOT. Edmund Musgrave. Life: being an account of his
services for the relief of Kandahar of Gordon and of Emin;
from his letters and diary, by W. G. Barttelot. Lond., 1890.
por. map. O.
BARUS, Carl. Compressibility of liquids. Wash., 1892. O. (U.
S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 92.)
High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebullition,
chieflv in relation to pressure. Wash., 1893. O. {In same,
no. 103.)
. Mec'anism of solid viscosity. Wash., 1892. O. {In same,
no. 94.)
On the thermo-electric measui-ement of high temperatures.
Wash., 1889. O. {In mme, no. 54.)
The viscosity of solids. Was^i., 1891. O. {In same, no. 73.)
The volume thermodynamics of liquids. W^ash., 1892. O. {In
>inmo, no. 96.)
BARWICK, James A., romp. Annual meteorological review of the
State of California for the year 1891. Sac, 1891. O. (Cal.
State Agri. Soc. Meteorological Dept.)
BARWir'K. Dr. John.
BARWICK. Dr. P: Life of Rev. Dr. John Barwick. D. D. ; with an ap-
pendix of letters from King Charles I in his confinement, and King
Charles II and the Earl of Clarendon in their exile: pub. from the
originals in St. John's College Library. Lond., 1723. por. D.
BARWICK, Dr. Peter. The life of the Eev. Dr. John Barwick; to
which is added an appendix of letters from King Charles I.
in his confinement, and King Charles 11. and the Earl of Clar-
endon in their exile. Published from the originals in St.
Johns' College Library. Lond., 1724. por. D.
BASCOM, John. Aesthetics, or the science of beauty. New ed.
rev. enl. N. Y., 1886. D.
Evolution and religion, or Faith as a part of a complete cosmic
system. N. Y., 1897. D.
Pliilosophy of rhetoric. Bost., 1870. D.
The science of mind. N. Y., [c. 1881]. D.
Sociology. N. Y., [c. 1887]. D.
BASIL, M. M. Commoner diseases and accidents to life and limb;
firstly, their prevention; secondly, their immediate treat-
ment"! Lond., 1887. 104 p. D.
BASILIUS, St., alp. of Caesareia. Treatise de Spiritu Sancto, the
nine homilies of the Hexameron and letters; tr. with notes
by B. Jackson. (In Schaff, P., and Wace, H: eds. Sel. lib. of
Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers. 2d ser. v. 8.)
BASKERVILL, William Maloue. Southern writers; biographical
and critical studies. No. 1-6. Nash., 1896. 4 v. S.
?\amel!i: No. 1. Joel Chandler Harris. 2. Maurice ihompson. 3. Ir-
win Russell. 4-6. Sidney Lanier.
BASNAGE de Beauval, Jacques. History of the Jews from
Jesus Christ to the })resent time; being a supplement and
continuation of the liistorv of Josephus; tr. bv T. Tavlor.
Lond., 1708. F. '
BASS, Edgar W. *SV^ Ludlow, H: H., and Bass, E. W. Elements
of trigonometry.
BASSET, A. B. A treatise on phvsical optics. Cambridge,1892.
il. pi. O.
BASSETT, John Spencer. The constitutional beginnings of North
Carolina, 1663-1729. (Jn Johns Hopkins ITniy. studies, v.
12, no. 3.)
The regulators of North Carolina (176.5-1771). (In Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Papers, 1894, no. 11.)
[Biographical sketch.] (In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unification.
BASSOMPIERRE, Francois, hanm de. Memoires; contenant 1'
liistoire de sa vie et de ce qui s'est fait de plus remarquable k
la cour de France pc^idant quelques ann^es. (In Col. des
m(^m. rel. a r hist, de France. 1822-23. s. 2. v. 19-21.)
BASTABLE, C Francis. The commerce of nations. Lond.. 1892.
S. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
Public finance. Lond., 1892. O.
The theory of international trade, with some of its applications
to economic policy. Dublin, 1887. 6-1-176 p. D.
BASTLA.N, Henrv Charlton, M.D. Evolution and the origin of life.
Lond., 1874. pi. D.
Various forms of hvsterical or functional paralvsis. Phil.,
1893. O.
BASTIAT, Fr(^d(5ric. Sophisms of protection; tr. from the Paris
ed. ofl8G3; with preface by lloraco White. N. Y., 1888. S.
BASTILES of the north; by a member of the Maryland legishiture.
See Sangston, L.
BASTIN, Edsou S. Laboratory exercises in botany. Phil., 1895.
il. O.
BATCHELLOK, Albert Stillman, ed. Early State papers of New
Hampshire. :Manchester, 1891-92. 2 v. O. (N. H. Provin-
cial and State papers, v. 20-21.)
Provincial papers of New Hampshire, [1G79-17G4]. Manches-
ter, 1891. O. (N. H. Provincial and State papers, v. 19.)
BATCHELOK, George. The law of righteousness. {In Unitarian-
ism: its origin and history.)
BATEMAN, Charles Somerville Latrobe. First ascent of the
Kasai: being some records of service under the lone star.
N. Y., 1889. il. pi. maps. O.
BATEMAN. Frederic, M.D. On aphasia, or loss of speech, and the
localisation of the faculty of articulate language. 2d ed. enl.
Lond., [1890]. pi. O.
BATES, Arlo. Sonnets in shadow. Bost., 1887. [no paging.] S.
Talks on the study of literature. Bost., 1897. D.
Talks on writing English. Bost., 1897. D.
BATES, Cadwallader J. A glance at the wages question in Eng-
land. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1878. 99 p. O.
BATES, Frank Greene. Khode Island and the Impost of 1781.
{In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1894, no. 19.
BATES, James L. Alfred Kelley: his life and work. Columbus,
1888. por. O.
BATES, Katharine Lee. The English religious drama. N. Y,,
1893. D.
BATES, Samuel 1». The battle of Chancellorsville. Meadville,
1882. pors. O.
BATH (Eng.). Bath as a health resort; pub. by the Bath Corpora-
tion, [n. p., n. d.]. 54 p. il. T.
BATH (Maine). Reed. P. McC. Bath and environs, Sagadahoc
county, Maine, 1007-1894. Portland, 1894. pors. O.
BATISSIER. L. Histoire de 1' art monumental dans 1' antiquity et
dn moyen age, suivie d' un traits de la peinture sur verre.
Piiris, 1845. il. Q.
BATTETx Andrew. See Lopez, E., and Battel, A. Voyages.
BATTERSH.VLL, Jesse P. Food adulteration and its detection.
N. Y., 1887. pi. O. 2 cop.
BATTLE Abbey. (Mistumals of Rattle Abbev in the reigns of Ed-
ward I. and Edward H., 1283-1312; ed. by S. R. Scargill-
Bird. [Westminster], 1887. O. fCamden "Soc, n. s., v. 41.)
BATTLE, Kemp P. The early history of Raleigh, the capital city
of North Carolina: a centennial address, Oct. 18, 1892. Ral-
eigh, 1893. 144 p. O.
BATTY, . Batty's catalogue of the copper coinage of Great
Britain. Ireland, British Isles, nnd colonies; local and private
tokens, jettons, etc.; comjt. from various authors and the
most celebrated collections. Manchester, 1868. pi. O.
BAUDUY, Jerome K. Diseases of the nervous system. 2d ed.
Phil., 1892. O.
BAUER, Francis. Genera fllicum; or, Illustrations of the ferns
and other allied genera ; with additions and descriptive let-
terpress; bj' Sir William Jackson Hooker. Lond., 1842.
col. pi. Q.
BAUERMAX, Hilary. Text-book of systematic mineralogy. N.
Y., 1881. S.
BAUGHN, Rosa. Character indicated by handwriting; a practi-
cal treatise in support of the assertion that the handwriting
of a person is an infallible guide to his character. 2d ed.
Lond., [n. d.]. il. 139 p. S.
The influence of the stars: a book of old world lore; pt. 1,
Astrology; pt. 2, Chiromancy; pt. 3, Physiognomy. Lond.,
1889. pi. O.
BAUMEISTER, R. The cleaning and sewerage of cities; adapted
from the German by J. M. Goodell. N. Y., 1891. il. O.
BAUMEL, L. Maladies de 1" appareil digestif. Paris, 1888-89. 2
V. pi. O.
BAX, Ernest Belfort. The ethics of socialism; being further
essays in modern socialist criticism, etc. 3d ed. Lond.,
1893. D. (Social sci. ser.)
Outlooks from the new standpoint. Lond., 1891. D. {Same.)
The religion of socialism; being essays in modern socialist
criticism. Lond., [n. d.]. D. (Same.)
The story of the French revolution. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. D.
See Morris, W: and Bax, E. B. Socialism, its growth and out-
BAXEXDALE, Bev. Walter. Dictionary of anecdote, incident, il-
lustrative fact; selected and arranged for the pulpit and the
platform. Lond., 1888. O.
BAXTER, G. R. Wythen. Book of the Bastiles; or, The history
of the working of the new poor-law. Lond., 1841. por. O.
BAXTER, James Phinney. The pioneers of New France in New
England, with contemporary letters and documents. Albany,
1894. O. (Munsell's hist., *^ser. 21.)
Present status of the pre-Columbian discovery of America by
Norsemen. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1893. no. 10.)
The British invasion from the north; campaigns of Generals
Carleton and Burgoyne from Canada, 1776-77, with the jour-
nal of Lieut., W: Digby: historical notes by B. Albany,
1887. il. pors. O. (MunselFs hist., ser. 16.)
BAXTER, Katharine Schuyler. In bamboo lands. N. Y., [c.
189.5]. il. O.
BAXTER, Robert Dudley. National debts. Lond., 1871. 139 p.
diag. O.
BAXTER, William. Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove; or, Scenes and
incidents of the war in Arkansas. Cin., 1864. S.
BAXTER, Wniliam Edward. Our land laws of the past. Lond.,
[n. d.] 32 p. D.
Winter in India. Lond., 1882. pi. map. D.
BAY state monthly. See New England Magazine.
BAYARD, :^riu•^la' Pintard. Journal: London, 1794-97. edited by
S. ]iaY;ird Dod. N. Y., 1894. por. 141 p. D.
BAYAKD, rien-e du Terrail, seigneur de, chevalier.
Trf'S-joyeuse, plaisante et recreative histoire composee par le loyal
serviteur des faiz, gestes, triumphes et prouesses du von chevalier sans
paour et sans reprouche, le gentil seigneur de Bayart. {In Col. des
mem, rel. a. I'hist. de France. 1827. s. 1. v. 15-16.)
BERVlLLE, M. de. and others. Story of the Chevalier Bayard; -d. and
tr. by E. Walford. 7th ed. Lond., [n. d.]. T. (Bayard ser.)
BAYARD series, Lond., 18(18-95. G v. T.
Nannly: Albert, prince consort of Victoria.— Grolden precepts. Ber-
ville, M. de.— Story of the Chevalier Bayard. Ballantyne, T;— Essays
in mosaic. Buchanan, R: fr.— Ballad stories of the auections. Labou-
laye, E.— Abdallah. Morley, H: comp. The king and the commons.
BAYE, Joseph de, haron. The industrial arts of the Anglo-Sax-
ons; tr. bv T. B. Harbottle. Lond., 1893. il. pi. Q-
BAYLEY, Sir Edward Clive. The history of India as told by its
own historians: the Muhanimadan dynasties; Gujarat.
Lond., 1886. map. O.
BAYLEY, ^Yilliam Shirley. The eruptive and sedimentary rocks
on rigeon Point, Minnesota and their contact phenomena.
Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., no. 109.)
See Yan Hise, C: R: and BayleA', AV : S. Marquette iron bear-
ing district of Michigan.
BAYLIES, Francis. An historical memoir of the colony of New
Plymouth from 1608-1692; with some corrections, additions,
and a copious index, by S: G. Drake. Bost., 1866. 2 v. pi.
por. map. O.
BAYLIES, Nicholas. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley of the war of 1812.
Des Moines, 1890. 191 p. O.
BAYNE, Peter. The Christian life social and individual. Bost.,
1856. D.
BAYNES, Donald. Auxiliary methods of cure; the Weir Mitchell
system; massage; Ling's Swedish movements; the hot water
cure; electricity. Lond., 1888. 138 p. S.
BAZIN, Ren6. The Italians of to-day; tr. by W: Marchant. N.
Y., 1897. D.
BEACH, John N. History of the Fortieth Ohio volunteer infantry.
Lond., 1884. D.
BExVCn, Seth C. Unitarianisin and the Reformation. {In Unita-
rianism: its origin and history.)
BEACH, William D. capt. Manual of military field engineering
for the use of officers and troops of the line. Ft. Leaven-
worth, 1894. il. S.
Military mii])-reading, field, outpost and road sketching for
non-commissioned officers. Kansas City, 1897. il. 83 p.
BEACON, Thomas. The seconde part of the bokes which [he]
hath made and published, diligentlye perused and corrected.
A. D. 1.560. Lond., 1563. Q.
BEADLE, J. H. Western wilds and the men who redeem them.
Cin. etc. 1881. il. map. O.
BEAL, Samuel, tr. Si yu-ki: Buddhist records of the western
world; tr. from tlie Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang (A. D. 029).
Lend., 1884. 2 v. map. O. (Triibner's oriental ser.)
BEALBY, J. T. tr. Hoffman, E. T. W. Weird tales.
BEALE, liev. J. H. ed. Gay's standard history of the world's
great nations, from the complete histories by Knight, Ma-
caulaj-, Guizot, Miiller, Cusack, etc. N. Y., [c. 1884]. 2 v.
pi. pors. O.
BEALE, Lionel Smith. Bioplasm: an introduction to the study of
ph3'sioh)gy and medicine. Phil., 1872. S.
Protoplasm: physical life and law; or Nature as viewed from
without. 4th ed. Lond., 1892. D.
BEAM, William. See Lefifman, H., and Beam, W: Analysis of milk
and milk products.
BEAN, Tarleton H. Catalogue of the collections of fishes exhib-
ited by the United States National Museum. Great Int.
Fisheries Exhib. Lond., 1883. Wash., 1883. O. (U. S.
Nat. Mus. Bull., no. 27, sec. F.)
Report on the salmon and salmon rivers of Alaska; with notes
on the conditions, methods and needs of the salmon fisheries.
W^ash., 1890. pi. maps. Q. (Bd. in U. S. Com. of Fish
and Fisheries. Bulletin, v. 8.)
BEARD, Charles. The reformation of the Sixteenth century in its
relation to modern thought and knowledge. 2d ed. Lond.,
1885. O. (Hibbert lectures, 1883.)
tr. Renan, E. Lectures on the influence of the institutions,
thought and culture of Rome.
BEARD, James Carter. Curious homes and their tenants. N. Y.,
1897. il. S. (Appleton's home reading books. Nat. hist.
BEARD, James Melville. K. K. K. sketches, humorous and didac-
tic. Phil., 1877. 192 p. D.
BEATSON, Robert. The book of dignities, containing lists of the
official personages of the British empire. Founded on Beat-
son's political index, 1800; remodelled and brought down
to 1851 by Jose]>h Haydn; continued to the present time with
add. lists and an index to the entire work by Horace Ock-
erby. Lond., 1890. O.
BEATTIE, William. Switzerland illustrated in a series of views
taken expresslj^ for this work by W. H. Bartlett. Lond.,
[18.30]. 2 V. pi. Q.
BEATTY, John. The citizen-soldier; or. Memoirs of a volunteer.
Cin., 1879. D.
A regiment in search of a battle. {In Hunter, R., ed. Sketches
of war history.)
BEAUFORT, Raphael Ledos de. ir. Talleyrand Perigord, C. M.
de. Memoirs; v. 1-4.
BEAUGRAND, Charles. Walks abroad of two young naturalists;
from the French by David Sharp. N, Y., [n. d.]. il. O.
BEAUHARNAIS, Eugene de. Dnle of Leuchteriberg and Prince of
PULITZER, A. The romance of Prince Eugene; an idyl of the time
of Napoleon I. N. Y. 1895. 2 v. pors. O.
BEAULIEU, Anatole Leioy. See J^oroy-Beaulieu, A.
BEAUMOIsT, Francis and Fletcher, John. The lyrical poems of
Beaumont and Fletcher. Lond., [1897] . por. T. (Lyric
BEAUMO]S'T, Gustave Auguste de La Bonnini^re de, and Tocque-
ville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. On the penitentiary
system in the United States and its application in France;
with an appendix on penal colonies and also statistical notes;
tr. with an introduction, notes and additions by F. Lieber.
Phil., 1833. O.
BEAUMONT, Mary. The revenge of her race. {In Stories by Eng.
authors. The Orient.)
BEAUMONT, Roberts. Woollen and worsted cloth manufacture.
2d ed. rev. Lond., 1890. il. S. (Technol. hand-books.)
BEAUREGARD, Pierre Gustave Toutant. gen. A commentary
on the campaign and battle of Manassas of July, 1861; to-
gether with a summary of the art of war. N. Y., 1891.
map. D.
BEAVER, James A. gov. Message to the General Assembly of
Pennsvlvania, January 6, 1891. Harrisburg, 1891. 47 p.
BEAZLEY, C. Raymond. The dawn of modern geography; a his-
tory of exploration and geographical science, from the con-
version of the Roman empire to A. D. 900. Lond., 1897.
maps. O.
BEBEGI, Georges. Combinaison-collection de Tart unique; les
cinq sens; illustr^s par 15 planches. Phil., 1886. pi. F.
[BECCARIA, Cesare Bonesana, marchcse di.] An essay on crimes
and punishments; tr. from the Italian; with a commentary at-
tributed to M. de Voltaire, tr. from the French. 2d ed.
Lond., 1769. O.
Same. New ed. Albany, 1872. O.
BECK, Carl. M. D. A manual of the modern theory and tech-
nique of surgical asepsis. Phil., 1895. il. D.
BECK, James B.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of James B. Beck; de-
livered in the Senate and House of Representatives Aug. 23, and Sep-
tember 13, 1890; prepared by W. H. Michael. Wash. 1891. 146 p.
por. Q.
BECK, James M. Bethlehem and its military hospital: an address
delivered at the unveiling of a tablet erected by the Penn.
Society of the Sons of the Revolution, June 19, 1897, in mem-
ory of the soldiers of the Continental army. [Phil., 1897].
17"^ p. O.
The "distress of Nations": an address delivered at .... .
Gettvsburg, Penn., on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 29, 1895. 27
p. 6.
BECKER, George Ferdinand. Geology of the quicksilver deposits
of the Pacific slope. Wash., 1888. maps. Q. and atlas.
1887. F. (U. S. Geol. surv. Monographs, v. 13.)
Summarv of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pa-
cific slope. [In U. S.'geol. surv. 8th report; pt. 2.)
BECKFORD, William. The history of the Caliph Vathek; and Eu-
ropean travels. Lond., 1S91. pi. por. D. (Minerva lib.
of famous books; ed. by G. T. Bettany.)
BECKFORD family.
BRITTON, J: Heraldical and genealogical notices of the B. family.
(In, Britton, J: Graph, and lit. ill. of Fonthill Abbey.)
BECKINGTON, Thomas, hp. of Bath and Wells. Letters of Queen
Margaret of Anjou and Bp. B. and others; written in the
reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI.; ed. by C. Monro.
[Lond.], 18G3. O. (Camden Soc., v. 86.)
BECKWITH, Paul. Creoles of St. Louis. St. Louis, 1893.
charts. 169 p. O.
BED A, or Bede, the venerable. Be domes daege, De die judicii; an
old English version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede; ed.
with other short poems, from the unique ms. in the library of
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by J. R. Lumby. Loud.,
1876. O. (Early Eug. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 65.)
Ecclesiastical history of the English people; ed. with tr. and
introd. by T: Miller; pt. 1: sec. 1-2. Lond., 1890-91. O.
{Same. no. 95-96.)
BEDDARD, Frank E. Earthworms and leeches. (Camb. nat.
hist. V. 2.)
On structure and classification of British birds. {In Hudson,
W. H. British birds.)
Text-book of zoogeography. Camb., 1895. chart. D. (Camb.
Nat. sci. man. Biol, ser.)
BEDE the venerable. See Beda.
BEDELL, Frederick. The principles of the transformer. N. Y.,
1896. il. O.
BEDELL, William, bp. of Kilmore.
JONES, T: W., ed. True relation of the life and death of B. [West-
minster]. 1872. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 4.)
BEDFORD families.
BROWN, A. E. Genealogy of Bedford old families, with biographical
notes. Bedford, 1892. il. Q.
BEE, Albert W. camp. Hand book of Mount Desert, coast of
Maine, with routes, descriptions, and sketches of history.
Bost., [n. d.]. il. maps. 161 p. S.
BEE, The daily; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Sac, 1889-97. 17 v. F.
BEECHER, Edward. The conflict of ages; or. The great debate
on the moral relations of God and man. 5th ed. Bost.,
1854. D.
BEECHER, Eunice White, ivife of Henry Ward. All around the
house; or. How to make homes happy. N. Y., 1881. D.
Letters from Florida. N. Y., 1879. 85 p. S.
BEECHER, Henry Ward. Life of Jesus, the Christ. N. Y., 1871.
pi. por. Q.
[BEECHER, Lyman]. D. D. The rights of the Congregational
cliurches of Massachusetts; the result of an ecclesiastical
council convened at Groton, Mass., July 17, 1826. 2d ed.
Bost., 1827. 47 p. O.
BEECHTNG, H. C. coll. A book of Christmas verse. N. Y., 1896.
173 p. O.
BEEKHOHM, Max. Works. N. Y., 1896. 1G5 p. S.
BEEKS, (Jeoi-ge A. Vasqiioz; or, The liuuted bandits of the San
Joaiiuiii: containing tlirilling scenes and incidents among the
outhiws and desperadoes of southern California, with a full
and accurate account of the capture, trial and execution of
the noted bandit. N. Y., [187.^?]. 141 p. O.
BEEKS, Henry Augustin. From Chaucer to Tennyson. Mead-
ville. 1894. pors. D.
An outline sketch of English literature. N. Y., 1886. S.
Split zephyr. {In Stories b^' Amer. authors, v. 8.)
BEESLEY, A. H. The Gracci,"^ Marius and Sulla. N. Y., 1895.
maps. S. (Epochs of anc. hist.)
Sir .lohn Franklin. N. Y., [1881]. D. (Makers of hist.)
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig ran.
ELTERLEIN, E. von. Beethoven's symphonies in their ideal signifi-
cance: with an account of the facts relating to the Tenth symphony
by L. Nohls. Lond., [n. d.] . 118 p. D.
GROVE, G: Beethoven and his nine symphonies. Lond., 1895. D.
RUDALL, H. A. Beethoven. Lond., 1890. 152 p. D. (Great musi-
[BEGERT, Jakob]. Nachrichten von der amerikanischen halbin-
sel Calif ornien: mit einem zweifachen anhang falscher nach-
richten. Mannheim, 1772. map. S.
BEGG, Alexander. History of British Columbia from its earliest
discovery to the present time. Toronto, 1894. il. pors.
map. O.
BEGGS, Thomas. An inquiry into the extent and causes of juven-
ile depravity. Lond., 1849. O.
BEHN, Mrs. Aphra. Plays, histories and novels; with life and
memoirs. Lond., 1871. 6 v. por. pi. S.
//■. Discovery of new worlds. Loud., 1688. 158 p. S.
BEHKENDS, A. J. F. Socialism and Christianitv. N. Y., [c.
1886]. D.
BEHRENS, Bertha, {pseud. W. Heimburg.) Her only brother;
tr. by J. W. Wylie. N. Y., [c. 1888]. D.
Lora the major's daughter; tr. bv J. W. Davis. N. Y., 1889.
pi. D.
BEHREXS, Dr. W. J. Text-book of general botany; tr. from the
2d German ed. Rev. bv Patrick Geddes. Edin., 1885. 11.
BEHRING Sea arbitration; letters to The Times by its special cor-
respondent, together with the award. Lond., 1893. 87 p.
BELDING, Lyman. Land birds of the Pacific district. S. F., 1890.
O. {Jn Cal. Academv of Sciences. Occasional papers, v. 2.)
BELFORD'Smonthly magazine; V. 1-3. Toronto, 1877-78. 3 v. O.
Merged info: Canadian monthly, under title Rose-Belford's
Canadian monthly.
BELGIUM. Minisiere dcs Affaires Etrangeres. Biblioth^que du
bureau de legislation catalogue, V^ Juillet, 1892. Bruxelles,
1892. 134 p. O.
BELGRANO, L. T. e. Staglieno, M. eds. Docuraenti relativi a
Cristoforo Colombo e alia sua famiglia. Roma, 189G. F.
{In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di document! e studi
publicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 2. v. I.)
II codice del privilegi di Cristoforo Colombo. Roma, 1894. F.
{In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di document! e studi
pubblicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 2, v. 2.)
BELEs', . See Cliauveau des Roches, A. Belin — and Vigreux, L.
Hydraulique appliqu^e.
[BELKXAP, William W. and others.] History of the Fifteenth
regiment Iowa veteran volunteer infantry, 1861-65. Keo-
kuk, 1887. pors. O.
BELL, A. D. Arguments in favor of immigration: with extracts
from editorials on the subject by S. F. and Sac. journals.
Sac, 1870. O. {In Chinese immigration.)
BELL, Alexander Graham. Growth of the oral method of in-
structing the deaf; an address delivered Nov. 10, 1894. Bost.,
1896. 23 p. O. pam.
comp. Methods of instructing the deaf in the United States,
statistics compiled from American Annals of the Deaf. [n.
p.], 1896. 4 p. O. pam.
See Gallaudet, E. M., and Bell, A. G. Education of deaf chil-
BELL, Alexander Melville. Phonetic syllabication, the cure for
oratorical and other defects of speech. Wasli., [c. 1896].
27 p. D.
The science of speech. Wash., 1897. 56 p. D.
BELL, Charles H. Discourse delivered before the New England
Historic and Genealogical Society. Boston, Mar. IS, 1871,
on the occasion of tlie dedication of the society's house.
Bost., 1871. 23 p. O.
BELL, Clara, and Fischer, H: W. trs. Moltke, H. K. B. von.
Franco-German war. 1870-71. Letters to his mother and his
and Safford, M. J. irs. Eckstein, E. Nero.
BELL, Cora Hamilton, tr. La Rocheterie, M. de. Life of Marie
BELL, Evans, maj. The annexation of the Punjaub and the
Maharajah Duleep Singh. Lond., 1882. 108 p. O.
BELL, Horace, maj. Reminiscences of a ranger; or. Early times
in southern California. Los Angeles, 1881. O.
BELL, James Stanislaus. Journal of a residence in Circassia dur-
ing the vears 1837, 1838 and 1839. Lond., 1840. il. 2 v.
BELL, John H. capL Practical illustrations of the movements of
hurricanes, with plain directions how thev mav be avoided.
S. F., 1862. 8 p. charts. O.
BELL, John W. Memoirs of governor William Smith of Virginia:
his politionl. military and personal history. N. Y., 1891. pi.
pors. facsim. O.
BELL, Louis. Electric power transmission, a practical treatise for
practical men. N. Y., 1897. il. O.
See. Crosby, O. T. and Bell, L. The electric railway.
(lEyERAL ni:i'.\.RTMENT. 69
BELL, Mrs. oSancv \\. K. (psnid. N. d'Aiiveis.) An elementary
history of art, architect iir(>, sculpture, painting. 4th ed.
newly rev. N. Y ., 1S1)5. il. pi. O.
Masterpieces of the great artists. A. 1). 1400-17()(). Lond.,
ISJ).-). il. pi. 85 p. Q.
Vegetable life: an illustrated natural history reader. N. Y.,
[u. d.] 78 p. il. S. (Science Ladders no. 3.)
— — ir. Nadaillac, Marquis de. Manners and monuments of pre-
historic peoples.
[BELL, P. A.] A poem entitled The dav and the war, delivered
Jan. 1, 1804. at Platfs Hall. S. y"^, 1864. 27 p. O.
BELL, Thomas. History of British quadrupeds, including the ce-
tacea. Lond., 1837. il. O.
History of British reptiles. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. il. O.
History of the Britisii stalk-eyed Crustacea. Lond., 1853. IL
BELL, William E. Carpentry made easy; or, The science and art
of framing on a new and improved system. 2d ed. enL
imp. Phil., 1888. 152 p. il. pi. Q.
BELLAIRS, Lady Blanche St. John. ed. [Bellairs, Sir W.] The
Transvaal' war, 1880-81.
[BELLAIRS, Sir William.] The Transvaal war, 1880-1881; ed. by
Lady Bellairs. Edin. and Lond., 1885. pi. O.
BELLAMY, Edward. Looking backw^ard 2000-1887. Bost., 1889.
Lost. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 7.)
BELLAMY, William. A second century of charades. Boat.,
1897. T.
BELLEMO, Vincenzo. Giovanni Cabolo: note critiche. (77i Italy
Com. Col. Raccolta di documeti e studi pub. dalla R. Com.
Col. Pt. 5, v. 2.)
BELLEW, H. W. A new Afghan question; or. Are the Afghans
Israelites, and Who are the Afghans? being the text of two
lectures delivered in the United Service Institute at Simla in
September. 1880. Simla. 1881. 49 p. O.
BELLTO, Vittore. Notizia dcllo ])iu autidie carte geografiche che
si trovano in Italia i-iguardanti V America. Roma, 1892. F.
{In Italy. Com. Colombiana Raccolta di documenti e studi
pubblicate dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 4, v. 2.)
BELLOC, M. A. and Shedlock, M. rompii. and trs. Edmond and
Jules de Goncourt. with letters and leaves from their jour-
nals. N. Y., 1895. il. i)or. 2 v. O.
BELLOWS, Henrv W. Oration delivered before the Society of
California Pioneers. Se])t. 9, 1804. S. F., 1804. 27 p. O.
{In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems. 1858-94. v. 2.)
BELLOWS, Henry AMiitney. The break between modern thought
and ancient faith and worship. iJn Christianity and modern
BELLOY, Auguste, marquis de. Christopher Columbus and the
discovery of the new world; with illustrations by Leopold
Flameng and others. New ed. Phil., 188!). il. pi. por.
BELL'S cathedral series; ed. by Gleasou White and E. F. Strange.
Lond., 1896. iL D.
Namely: Salisbury.
BEMIS, Edward Webster. Cooperation in New EngUmd; — Coop-
eration in the Middle States. [In Johns Hopkins Univ. stud-
ies, V. 6.)
Local government in Michigan and the northwest. (7n Same,
V. L)
Local government in the south and the southwest, {hi Same,
V. 11, no. 11-12.)
Municipal ownership of gas in the United States. (I/i Amer.
Econ. Assn. Pub. v. 6.)
BEMROSE, William. Fret cutting and perforated carving; with
practical instructions. 13th ed. Lond., [n. d.]. 12 p. pi.
Manual of buhl-work and marquetry. 3d ed. Lond. [n. d.]
32 p. col. pi. Q.
BENDIRE, Charles, maj. The cowbirds. (Smithsonian rept.,
1893. U. S. Nat'l mus.) (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.j
Directions for collecting, preparing and preserving birds' eggs
and nests. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull. no. 39.
pt. D.)
Life histories of North American birds with special reference
to their breeding habits and eggs. Wash.. 1892. pi. F.
(Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 28.)
BENEDICT, William A. and Tracy, Hiram A. comps. History of
the town of Sutton, Massachu;setts. 1704-1870. Worcester,
1878. il. O.
BENEDICTUS St., of Monte Casino. The rule of S. Benet; Latin
and Anglo-Saxon interlinear version; ed. with an introduc-
tion and notes by H: Logeman. Lond., 1888. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 90.)
BENHAM, W. ir. Thomas i\ Kempis. Imitation of Christ.
BENHAM, W. Blaxland. Polychaet worms. (C\nnb. nat. hist,
v. 2.)
BENJAMIN, J. P. Argument delivered before U. S. Dist. Court:
U. S. vs. Andres Castillero. Claim for the mine and lands of
New Almaden. S. F., 1860. 156 p. O. iTn Cal. land
pamps., V. .5.)
BENJAMIN, Park. The end of New York. {In Stories by Amer.
authors, v. 5.)
BENJAMIN. Samuel Green Wl'.eeler. Persia and tlie Persians.
Lond., 1887. il. pi. por. O.
• Troy: its legend, history and literature. N. Y., 1895. map.
S. (Epochs of anc. hist.)
BENNETT, E. B. romp. First Connecticut heavy artillery: his-
torical sketch and present addresses of members. [Hart-
ford, n. d.], 53 p. D.
BENNETT, Frank M. Steam navy of the United States: history of
the growth of the steam vessel of war in the I^. S. Navy and
of the Naval Engineer Corps. Pittsburg, 1896. il. O.
BENNETT, John Hughes. Kesearches into the antagonism of
medicinos: being the rej^ort of the Edinburgh committee of
the British Medical Association. Lond., 1875. 1(10 p. O.
BENNETT, L. G. and Haigh, W: M. History of the Thirl j sixth
regiment Illinois volunteers during (he war of the reltcllion.
Aurora, 1876. pors. O.
BENNING, Henry L. See Anderson, F., Benning, H: L. and Pres-
ton, J: S. Addresses delivered before the Virginia state
convention. Fob. 18G1.
BENSON, Edward White, abp. of Canterbury. Archbishop Benson
in Ireland, a record of liis Irish sermons and addresses 189G.
ed. by J. H. Bernard. Lond., 1896. il. 119 p. D.
Cvprian: his life, his times, his work. N. Y., 1897. 0.
BENSON, Joseph. The life of Eev. John W: de la Flech^re. 9th
ed. Lond., 1826. por. T.
BENT, James Theodore. The ruined cities of Mashonaland; being
a record of excavation and exploration in 1891; with a chap-
ter on the orientation and mensuration of the temples, by
K. M. W. Swan. New ed . . Lond., 1893. il. pi. map. D.
BENTHA]\r, George. Labiatarum genera et species; or, A descrip-
tion of the genera and species of plants of the order labiatae;
with their general history, characters, affinities and geogra-
phical distribution. Lond., 1832-36. O.
and Mueller. F. von. Flora Australiensis: a description of the
plants of the Australian territory. Lond., 1863-78. 7 v. O.
BENTHAM, Jeremy. A fragment on government; ed. with an in-
troduction by F. 0. Montague. Oxford, 1891. O.
The rationale of punisliment. Lond., 1830. O.
BENTLEY, Arthur Fisher. The condition of the western farmer
as illustrated by the economic history of a Nebraska town-
ship. {Tn Johns Hopkins Fniv. studies, v. 11, no. 7-8.)
BENTLEY'S miscellany: vol. 1-64. Lond., 1837-[1868]. 64 v. O.
BENTON, J. H. jr. The veto power in the United States. What
is it? [withapp.] Bost., 1888. 83-!-58 p. O.
BENTON, Joel. The truth about "protection." N. Y.. 1892. 35
p. O.
BENZONL Girolamo.
ALLEGRI, M. Girolamo Benzoni e la sua Historia del mondo niiovo.
Roma, 1894. F. (In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di rtocu-
menti e studi publicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 5, v. 3.)
BEOLCO, Angelo. aurnamed Ruzzante. (1502-1542.) [Opcrc di
Ruzzante.] Vinegia, 1553-57. S.
foutnits: Anconitana. 1554.— Dialogo; recitato 1528. 1555.— Due
dialoghi. 1557.— Fiorina. 1556.— Moschetta. 1555. Rhodiana: 1553.
Vaccaria. 1555.
BEOWT'LF; autotypes of the unique Colton ms. in the Brinsh Mu-
seum; with a transliteration and notes, by Julius /upitza.
Lond., 1882. facsira. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Vvh. R«'g.
ser. no. 77.)
BERCHET, Guglielmo. Fonti Italiane per la storia della scopcrta
del nuovo mondo: L Tarteggi diplomatic!. 2. Narra/iorii
sincrone. Roma. 1892-93. 2 v. F. {In Italy. Com. Co-
lombiana. Raccolta di documenti e studi pubblicjiti dalla
R. Com. Colombian;! . Vt. ^. v. 1-2 )
BERDOE, Edward. The Browning cyclopaedia; a guide to the
study of the works of Robert Browning. 3d ed. Lond.,
1897. D.
BERENSON, Bernhard. The central Italian painters of the Ren-
iassauce. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
The Florentine painters of the Reniassance, with an index to
their works. N. Y., 189G. il. 141 p. D.
-Lorenzo Lotto: an essay in constructive art criticism. N. Y.,
1895. il. pi. O.
The Venetian painters of the Renaissance, with an index to
their works. 2d ed. N. Y., 1895. il. 141 p. D.
BERG, Louis De Coppet. Safe building: a treatise giving in the
simplest forms possible the practical and theoretical rules
and formulae used in tlie construction of buildings. Bost.,
1889. il. tables. O.
BERGER, D. History of the church of the United Brethren in
Christ. (In Amer. Church Hist. ser. v. 12.)
BERGEY, David H. Road making and maintenance. (In A move
for better roads. Univ. of Penn. Com. on Better Roads.)
BERGIER,Nicolas Sylvestre. Dictionnaire de th^ologie dogma-
tique liturgique, canonique et disciplinaire. Nouvelle 66..,
mise en rapport avec les progr^s des sciences actuelles, par
M. Pierrot. Paris, 1850-59. 4 v. Q.
BERING, John A. and Montgomery, T: History of the Forty-
eighth Ohio vet. vol. inf., 1861-66. Hillsboro, 1880. S.
BERING, Vitus.
LAl'RIDSEN, P. Vitus Bering the discoverer of Bering strait; tr. by
J. E. Olsen. Chi., 1889. maps. D.
BERINGER, C. and J. J. A text-book of assaying for the use of
those connected with mines. Lond. and Phil., 1890. il. D.
BERINGER, J. J. See Beringer, C. and J. J. Text-book of assay-
BERINGTON, L'cv. Joseph, and Kirk, Eev. John, comps. The faith
of Catholics; rev. by Rev. J. Waterworth; with preface, cor-
rections and additions bv Monsignor Capel. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1885. 3 V. O.
BERJEATT, Jean Philibert. ed. Bookworm, The; a literary and
bibliographical review. Lond., 1866-71. 5 v. O.
BERKELEY, George, hp. of Cloyne.
FRASER, A. C. Berkeley. Phil., 1881. por. S. (Philosophical
PORTER, N. The two-hundredth birthday of Bishop George Berkeley,
a discourse given at Yale College, March 12, 1885. N. Y., 1885.
por. 84 p. 0.
BERKELEY, Bev. Miles Joseph. Introduction to crvptogamic bot-
any. Lond., 18.57. il. O.
Outlines of British fungology; containing characters of above
a thousand species of fungi and a complete list of all that
have been described as natives of the British Isles. Lond.,
1860. col. pi. O.
BERKELEY (Cal.). Berkeley, California, illustrated and de-
scribed; W. W. Elliott, pub., Oakland, [n. d.]. 50 p. O.
BERKELEYAN, The. v. 23. Berkeley, 1887. O.
Note: No. 3 of v. 24 bound with v. 23.
BERLIN Gallery. I'hotoijravui'on nacli Gomiildeu von Rembrandt
iu der Galerie zu Berlin; pub. by Photographische Gesell-
scliaft. Berlin, [ISDT]. pi. F.
BERNARD le ircsorier. [Ilistoire des croisades] ; continuation de
Guillaunie de Tvr. (//; Col. des m^m. rel. t\ I'bist. de France.
1824. s. 3. V. 18.)
BERNARD St., ahbol of Clairvanx. De cura rei famuliaris, with
some early Scottish ])ropliecies, etc., from a ms. in the Cam-
bridge University librai'y; ed. by J. R. Lumby. Lond., 1870.
O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. lies^. ser. no. 42.)
ARNAULD, ohhnt of Bonneral. Vie de Saint-Bernard. {In Col. des
m(''ra. rel. :1 I'hist, de France, s. 3. v. 10.)
GEOFFROI (I', abbot de Clairram-. Vie Saint-Bernard. (In
Col. des mem. rel. t'l I'hist. de France, s. 3. v. 10.)
GUILLAUME,(/b&o^ of St. Thierri. Vie de Saint-Bernard, abbe de Clair-
vaux. (In Col. des mem. rel. a I'hist. de France, s. 3. v. 10.)
BERNARD, Charles Bernard Du Grail de la Villette. Ailes d'
Icare. Nouvelle M. Paris, 1883. D.
L' Ecueil. Nouvelle (^d. Paris, 1887. D.
BERNARD, George S., ed. War talks of confederate veterans.
Petersburg, 1892. pors. map. O.
BERNARD, Henry Meyners. The Apodiae, a morphological study.
Lond., 18!)2! il. ' D. (Nature series.)
BERNARD, J. H., D.I)., ed. Archbishop Benson in Ireland; a rec-
ord of his Irish sermons and addresses, 181)0. Lond., 1896.
il. 119 p. D.
BERNARD, John. Retrospections of America, 1797-1811; ed by
Mrs. B. Bernard: introduction and notes by L. Hutton and
B. Matthews. N. Y., 1887. il. D.
BERNARD, Mountague. A historical account of the neutrality of
Great lirilain during the American civil war. Lond.,
1870. O.
BERNECK, Karl Gustav von. BischofF, Ferdinand, and others, eds.
Bilder-Atlas. Ikonographische Encyklopiidie der Wissen-
schaften und Kiinste Ein Ergilnzumgswerk zu jedem Conver-
sations-Lexikon. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1875. text 2 v. O. pi.
8 v. obi. O. and F.
liERN?:RS. Juliana. Treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle; from
the Poke of St. Albans, 3 490. American ed.; edited by G.
W. Van Siclen. [N. Y.], 187."). 118]). ])1. S.
BERNIIKTM. II. , ^f.D. Suggestive therapeutics: a treatise on the
nature and uses of hypnotism; tr. from the 2d and rev. ed.
bv C. A. Herter. 2d ed. Edin., and Lond., 1890. O.
BERNIER, Francois. Travels in the :\Iogul Empire, A. D. 1656-68;
a revised and imju'oved ed. based upon Irving Brock's trans-
lation by Aichibald Constable. Westminster. 1891. maps.
I). (Constable's orient, misc. v. 1.)
BERNSTKIN. Edward. Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer.
Lond., 1S93. D. (Social sci. ser.)
BERNUTZ, G. Conferences cliniques sur les maladies des femmes.
Paris, 1888. O.
BERRY, Richard J. A., //•. Talamon, Ch. Appendicitis and perit-
BERRYMAN, John R., comp. Subject-index to the law books in
the Wisconsin State Library, Madison, 1892. O.
BERT, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge; complete in
seven parts; tr. by Mrae. P. Bert; rev. and cor. by W: H.
Greene. Phil., 1887. il. S.
BERTELLI, Timoteo. La declinazione magnetica e la sua varia-
zione nello epazio scoperte da Cristoforo Colombo. Roma,
1892. F. (In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raceolta di docu-
ment! e studi publicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 4.
V. 2.)
BERTENSHAW, T. H. Longmans' music course: pts. 1-3. Lond.,
1894-96. 3 V. D.
For list see, Longmans' music course.
BERTHOD, Francois. M(^moires, 1652-53. (hi Col. des m^m. rel.
k V hist, de France, 1825. s. 2. v. 48.)
BERVILLE, M. de, and others. The story of the Chevalier Bavard;
ed. by E. Walford. 7th ed. Lond., [n. d.]. T. (Bayard
BERZELIUS, J. J. The use of the blowpipe in chemistry and
mineralogy; tr. from the 4th enl. and cor. ed. bv J. D. Whit-
ney. Bost., 1845. pi. O.
BESANT, Mrs. Annie Wood. The ancient wisdom; an outline of
Theosophical teachings. N. Y., 1897. D.
Four great religions, four lectures delivered on the twenty-first
anniversary of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras.
Lond., 1897. 183 p. D.
BESAKT, Sir Walter. All sorts and conditions of men: an impos-
sible story. N. Y., 1889. pi. D.
Beyond the dreams of avarice. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Captain Cook. Lond., 1892. por. D. (Eng. men of action.)
Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. 2d ed. Lond., 1889. por. D.
For faith and freedom. N. Y., 1889. pi. D.
A fountain sealed. N. Y., [c. 1897]. il. D.
Gasx^ard de Colignv (Marquis de Chatillion). N. Y., [1879].
il. D. (Makers of hist.)
London. N. Y., [c. 1892]. il. O.
Rabelais. Edin. and Lond., 1879. Reprint, 1885. S. (For.
classics for P^ng. readers; ed. by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant.)
A riverside parish. (In Woods, R: A., and others. Poor in great
The world went very well then. N. Y., 1888. pi. por. D.
ed. Makers of history. N. Y.. [n. d.]. il. 8 v. D.
For list see, Makers of history.
Payn, James [and others]. My first book; experiences of W.
Besant, J. Payn [a7id others] ; with an introduction by Jer-
ome K. Jerome. Phil., 1894. il. pors. D.
and Rice, James. Sir Richard Whittington, lord mavor of
London. N. Y., [1881]. D. (Makers of hist.)
BESNIER, Ernest, Fournier, A. [and others]. Pictorial atlas of skin
diseases and syphilitic affections, from models in the museum
of the St. Louis Hospital, Paris; edited bv J. J. Pringle.
Lond., 1895-97. il. col. pi. F.
BESSEY, Charles Edwin. Botany for high schools and colleges.
Gth ed. rev. N. Y., 1889. il. O. (American science ser.)
BETHEL. (^le.)
LAPHAM, W: B. History of Bethel, (formerly Sudbury. Canada)
Oxford county, Maine. 1768-1890; with a brief sketch of Hanover
and family statistics. Augusta, 1891. pors. O.
BETIS, Victor, and Swan, Howard. Psychological methods of
teaching and studying languages. N. Y., [c. 1896]. O.
Namely: French ser. No. 1. The facts of life. pt. I.
BETTANY, George Thomas. Life of Charles Darwin. Lond.,
1887. O. (Great writers.)
Mohammedanism and other religions of Mediterranean coun-
tries. Loud., 1892. il. D. ("The world's religions" ser.)
BETTS, Lillian W. I'rinciples of housekeeping. (In Woman's
book, V. 1.)
BEUES of Hamtoun. iSee Beves of Hamtoun.
BEVAN, George Phillips. Hand-book to the industries of the Brit-
ish Isles\and the United States. Lond., 1882. D.
BEVAN, Wilson Lloyd. Sir William Petty: a study in English
economic literature. (In Amer. Econ. Assn. Pub., v. 9.)
BEVERIDGE, Henry. Comprehensive history of India, civil, mil-
itary and social, from the first lauding of the English to the
suppression of the Sepoy revolt; including an outline of the
early history of Hindoostau. Lond., 1871. 3 v. il. pi.
pors. maps. O.
BEVES of Hamtoun. The romance of Sir Beves of Hamtoun; ed.
from six manuscripts and the old printed copy; with preface
and notes by Eugen Kolbing; pt. 1-2. Lond., 1885-86. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. No. 16, 48.)
BEVIE:R, Louis. The Olympieion at Athens. (In .Vrch. Inst, of
Amer. School of Athens, v. 1.)
BEVIEK, R. S. History of the First and Second .Alissouri confed-
erate brigades, 1861-6"); and. From Wakarusa to Appomat-
tox. St. Louis, 1879. pors. O.
[BEZOLD, C.]. The Tell el-Amarna tablets in the British Museum,
with autotvi)e facsimiles. Lond.. 1892. pi. facsim. Q.
BHOLANAT'THCHrNDER. Tl e travels of a Hindoo to various
parts of Bengal and upj»er India; with an inlroduction by J.
T. Wheeler. Lond., LS69. 2 v. map. D.
BIBB, C. W. Polished stones and shar]»ened arrows: a collection
of scri])ture texts and illustrations for the TMiristian worker
and the home. N. Y., [c. 1889]. D.
BIBLE, Enrjlish. Holy Bible: containing the entire canonical
scriptures according to the decree of the Council of Trent;
tr. from t' e Latin vulgate; comjtared with other editions;
revised and corrected according to the Clementine ed.; anno-
tations by Dr. Challoner; to which is achled History of the
Holy Catholic P>ible and Calmel's Catholic dictionary of the
Bible; each ed. by I. F. Horstmann. S. F. [n. d.]. il. pL
maps. Q.
BIBLE, English. The Holy Bible according to the authorized ver-
sion, A.D. 1611; with pn explanatory and critical commentary
and a revision of the translation by bishops and other clergy
of the Anglican church; ed. by F. C. Cook (continuation); v.
2-4. N. Y., 1880-90. 3 v. O.
Modern reader's bible; a series of works from the sacred scrip-
tures presented in modern literarv form; ed. by R: G. Moul-
ton. N. Y., 1897. 10 v. T.
Namely: Wisdom series: Book of Job: — Ecclesiasticus: — Ecclesiastus;
— Wisdom of Solomon; — Deuteronomy; — Biblical idyls.
History series : Genesis ; — Exodus ; —Judges ; — Kings ; — Chronicles.
The self-interpreting bible with commentaries, references, har-
mony of the gospels, and the helps needed to understand and
teach the text: references, explanatory notes and statistics
bv J: Brown, rev. and enl. by H: Cooke a7id J. L. Porter.
S'. F., [c. 1896]. il. pi. 4 V. Q.
■ French. La sainte bible qui contient le vieux et le nouveau
testament; revue sur les originaux, par David Martin. N.
Y., 1894. D.
International critical commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old
and New Testaments, ed. by C: A. Briggs, S: R. Driver, A. Plummer.
N. Y., 1895-97. 6 v. O.
For list see, International crit. comm.
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque scripturae interpretum, by M: Poole.
V. 1-4. Lond., 1669-80. 4 v. in 8. F.
FAIRBAIRN, P. The typology of scripture: viewed in connection
witn the whole series of the divine dispensations. 10th ed., with
enl. index. N. Y., [1st ed. 1847]. 2 v. O.
MOULTON, R. G. The literary study of the bible. Bost, 1896. D.
Old Testamcnl. The documents of the Hexateuch, translated
and arranged in chronological order with introduction and
notes, by W: E. Addis. N. Y., Lond., 1893 . . . O.
Contents: Pt. 1. The oldest book of Hebrew history.
FISKE, A. K. The Jewish scriptures; the books of the Old Testament
in the light of their origin and history. N. Y., 1896. D.
KEIL, K. F. Manual of historic-critical introduction to the canonical
scriptures of the Old Testament; tr. from the 2d ed. with supple-
mentary notes from Bleek and others, by G: C. M. Douglas. Edin.,
1882-84. 2 V. O.
KURTZ, J. H. History of the old covenant. 2d ed. Edin., 1870-72.
3 V. O.
PRICE, Ira M. A syllabus of Old Testament history. 3d ed. N. Y.,
[1892]. D.
KEIL, K. F. and Delitzsch, F. J. Biblical commentary: The Penta-
teuch; tr. from the German by J. Martin. Edin., 1885-87. 3 v. 0.
KUENEN, A. An historico-critical inquiry into the origin and com-
position of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and book of Joshua); tr.
from the Dutch, with the assistance of the author, by P. H. Wick-
steed. Lond., 1886. O.
MAC DILL, D., D.D. The Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch de-
fended against the views and arguments of Voltaire, Paine [and
others]. Pittsburg, 1896. D.
DELITZSCH, F. J. New commentary on Genesis; tr. by Sophia
Taylor. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. O.
LATCH, E. B. Indications of the first book of Moses called Genesis.
Phil., 1890. D.
BIBLE. Old Testament.
DRIVER, S: R.,' D.I). Critical and exegetical commentary on Deu-
teronomy. N. Y., 1896. O. (Inter, crit. com.)
KEIL, K. F., and Delitzsch, F. J. Biblical commentary: Joshua,
Judges, Ruth; tr. from the German by J. Martin. Edin., 1887. O.
MOORE, G: F. Critical commentary on Judges. N. Y., 1895. O.
(Inter, crit. com.)
KEIL, K. F., and Delitzsch, F. J. Biblical commentary: Books ol
Samuel; tr. from the German by J. Martin. Edin. ,1886. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The books of the Kinfes; tr. from
the German by J. Martin. 2d. Edin., 1883. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The books of tae Chronicles; tr.
from the German by A. Harper. Edin., [1872]. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The books of Ezra, Nehemiah
and Esther; tr. from the German by S. Taylor. Edin., 1888. O.
DELITZSCH, F. J. Biblical commentary on the book of Job; tr. from
the German by F. Bolton. Edin., 1881-82. 2 v. O.
Anew translation of Job,Ecclesiastes and the Canticles; with introduc-
tions, and notes, chiefly explanatory, by G. R. Noyes. 6th ed. Bost.,
1890. D.
Psalms. The earliest complete prose Psalter; to-
gether with eleven Canticles and a translation of the
Athanasian creed; with preface, notes and glossary, by K.
D. Biilbring; pt. 1. Lond., 1801. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Reg. ser., no. 97.)
A new translation of the book of Psalms and of Proverbs; with
introductions, and notes, chieflv explanatory, by G: R. Noyes.
8th ed. Bost., 1890. D.
DELITZSCH. F. J. Biblical commentary on the Psalms; tr. from the
German (2d ed. rev.) by P. Bolton. 2d ed. Edin., 1889-90. 3 v. O.
GLADSTONE, W: E. The Psalter, with a concordance and other
auxiliary matter. Lond., 1895. T.
DELITZSCH, F. J. Biblical commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon;
tr. from the German by M. G. Easton. Edin., 1882-84. 2 v. O.
Song of Songs.
DELITZSCH, F. J. Commentary on the Song of songs, and Ecclesi-
astes; tr. from the German by M. E. Easton. Edin., 1885. O.
Prophets. A new translation of the Hebrew prophets;
with an introduction and notes, by G: R. Noyes. 7th ed.
Bost., 1890. 2 V. D.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The twelve minor prophets; tr.
from the German by J. Martin. Edin., 1885. 2 v. O.
BIBLE. Old Testament.
■■ — Isaiah.
DELITZSCH, F. J. Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah;
tr. from the German by Rev. James Martin. Edin., 1886-90. 2 v. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The prophecies of Jeremiah; tr.
from the German by D. Patrick and J. Kennedy. Edin., 1880-89.
2 V. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Ezekiel; tr.
from the German by Rev. James Martin. Edin., 1885. 2 v. O.
KEIL, K. F. Biblical commentary: The book of tne prophet Daniel;
tr. from the German by M. G. Easton. Edin., 1884. O.
Neiv Testament. The New Testament; tr. from the Greek text
of Tischendorf by G : R. Noyes. Bost., 1891. D.
The New Testament for English readers: containing the
authorized version, marginal references and a critical and ex-
planatory commentary; by Henry Alford. New ed. Lond.,
1872-81. "^ 2 V. in 4. maps!^ O.
The paraphrase of Erasmus upon the gospel of St. Mathew, St. Mark,
St. Luke, St. John, and upon the Acts of the Apostles. Lond.,
[li2"2?]. Q.
MEYER, H. A. W. Critical and exigetical commnetary on the New
Testament; from the German, with the sanction of the author. The
translation revised and edited by W: P. Dickson, E. Crombie and
W: Stewart. Edin., 1881-9L 20 v. O.
Namely: Gospel of St. Matthew, 2 v. Gospel of Mark and Luke, 2 v.
Gospel of John, 2 v. Acts of the Apostles, 2 v. Epistle to the Romans,
2 V. Epistles to the Corinthians, 2 v. Epistle to the Galatians, 1 v.
Epistle to the Ephesians and to Philemon, 1 v. Epistles to the Philip-
pians and Colossians, 1 v. Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians,
1 V. Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus, 1 v. Epistle to the
Hebrews, 1 v. Pastoral epistles, 1 v. James and John, 1 v. Peter and
Jude, 1 V.
SALMON, G: Historical introduction to the study of the books of
the New Testament. 4th ed. Lond., 1889. D.
SCHAFF, P., ed. A popular commentary on the New Testament by
English and American scholars of various evangelical denomina-
tions. V. 1, 4. N. Y., 1879-83. 2 v. il. pi. maps. O.
■GOEBEL, S. The parables of Jesus: a methodical exposition. Edin-
burgh, 1890. O. (Clark's For. Theol. Lib. v. 15.)
LISCO, F. G. The parables of Jesus explained and illustrated. Edin-
burgh, 1853. S. (Clark's Biblical Cab. v. 29.)
WEISS, K. P. B. Biblical theology of the New Testament; tr. from
the 3d rev. ed. by D. Eaton [and J. E. Duguid]. Edin., 1888-89. 2. O.
Manual of introduction to the New Testament; tr. from
from the German by A. J. K. Davidson, v. 1. Lond., 1887. D.
WESLEY, J. Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. Stereo-
type ed. Lond., [n. d.]. O.
[Greek and Lat.] Pauli a'postoli epistolae; Epistolae
catholicae; Apocalypsis Joannis tlieologi. Lugduni, 1G12.
ABBOTT, L. Popular commentary on the gospels according to Mat-
thew and Mark. N. Y., [etc.] 1876. il. pi. map. O.
. Popular commentary on the gospels according to Luke and
John. N. Y., [etc. 1879]. U. pi. map. O.
lilBLE. New 'Testament.
DODS, M. Parables of our Lord as recorded by St. Matthew. Lond.,
1893. S.
ALEXANDER, J. A. The gospel according to Mark explained. N. Y.,
[1858]. D.
GOULD, E. P., D.D. Gospel according to St. Mark: a critical and
exegetical commentary. N. Y., 1895. O. (Inter, crit. com.)
DODS, M. Parables of our Lord as recorded by St. Luke. Lond.,
1894. S.
GODPjr, F. Commentary on the gospel of St. Luke; tr. from the
2d 1^'rench ed. by B. W. Shalders [v 2; tr. by M. D. Cusin]. 4th ed.
Edin., 1889. 2 v. O.
PLUMMER, A., D.D. The gospel according to St. Luke: a critical
and exegetical commentary. N. Y., 1896 0. Intel*, crit. com.)
LUTHARDT, C. E. St. John's Gospel described and explained accord-
ing to its peculiar character; tr. by C. R. Gregory. Edin., 1876 78.
3 V. O.
ABBOTT, L. Popular commentary on the New Testament; v. 6:
Acts cf the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans. N. Y. and
Chic, [c. 1888]. il. pi. maps. O.
ALEXANDER, J. A. Acts of the Apostles explained. N. Y., [1857].
2 V. D.
Epistles if Paul. The pastoral Epistles of St. Paul; with a
critical and grammatical commentary and a rev. translation,
by C: J: Ellicott. 5th ed., cor. Lond., 1883. O.
GLOAD, P. J. Introduction to the Pauline epistles. Edin., 1874. O.
VINCENT, M. R. Word studies in the New Testament (continua-
tion); V. 3. Epistles of Paul. N. Y., 1890. 0.
HODGE, C: Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 19th ed.
N. Y., [c. 1836]. D.
MEYER, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical handbook to the Epistle
to the Romans; tr. from the 5th ed. of the German by J: C. Moore
and E. Johnson; the translation rev. and ed. by W: P. Dickson;
with preface and supplementary notes to the Amer. ed. by T. Dwight.
N. Y., 1889. O.
Corintliians. St. raul's Epistle to the Corinthians; with a
critical and grammatical commentary and a rev. translation,
by C: J: Ellicott. 4th ed. cor. Lond., 18G7. O.
HODGE, C: An exposition of the first Epistle to the Corinthians.
N. Y., [c. 1857]. D.
An exposition of the second Epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y.,
[c. 1859]. D.
SANDAY, W:, and Headlam, A. C. Critical and exegetical commen-
tary on the epistle to the Romans. N. Y., 1896. O. (Int. crit.
Galatians. St. I'miTs Epistle to the Galatians; with a
critical and grammatical commentary and a rev. translation
by C: J: Ellicott. 4th ed. cor. Lond!^, 1867. O.
BIBLE. New Testament.
Galatians. Saint PauTs Epistle to the Galatians- a rev.
text with introduction, notes and dissertations by J. A. Light-
foot. 10th ed. Lond., 1890. O.
EpJiesians. St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians; with a
critical and grammatical commentary and a rev. translation,
by C: J: Ellicott. 5th ed. cor. Lond., 1884. O.
EADIE, J: A oommentary on the Greek text of the Epistie of Paul
to the Ephesians; ed. by Rev. W: Young. 3d ed. Edin., 1883. O.
HODGES, C: Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians. N. Y.,
[c. 18561. D.
Philippians. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians: a
rev. text, with introduction, notes, and dissertations, bv J. B.
Lightfoot. [6th ed.]. Lond., 1890. O.
St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, the Colossians and
Philemon; with a critical and grammatical commentary, by
C: J: Ellicott. 5th ed. Lond., 1888. O.
VINCENT, M. R. Critical and exegetical commentary on the epistle
to the Philippians and Philemon. N. Y., 1897. O. (Int. crit. comm.)
Colossians. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Colossians and to
Philemon; a rev. text, with introductions, notes and disserta-
tions, by J. B. Lightfoot. 9th ed. Lond., 1890. O.
Tliessalonians. St. Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians;
with a critical and grammatical commentary and a rev.
translation, by C: J: Ellicott. 4th ed. Lond., 1880. O.
HUTCHISON, J: Lectures chiefly expository on St. Paul's first and
second Epistles to the Thessalonians. Edin., 1884. O.
LUNEMANN, G. Critical and exegetical handbook to the epistles of
St. Paul to the Thessalonians; tr. from the 3d ed. of the German by
P. J. Gloag. Edin., 1884. O. (Meyer, H. A. W., Com. on N. T.)
DELITZSCH, F. Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews; tr. from
the German by T: L. Kingsbury, [v. 2 3d ed.]. Edin., [1887].
2 V. O.
LUNEMANN, G. Critical and exegetical handbook to the epistle to
the Hebrews; tr. from 4th ed. of the German by M. J. Evans.
Edin., 1882. O. (Meyer, H. A. W. Commentary on the N. T.)
James. Huther, J. E. Critical and exegetical hand-book
to the general epistles of James and John. Edin., 1882. O.
(Meyer^ H. A. W., Com. on the N. T.)
Same. Peter and Jude. Edin., 1881. O. (Same.)
Same. Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus; tr. from
4th ed. of the German, by D. Hunter. Edin., 1881. O.
Peter. First Epistle of Peter: revised text, with introduc-
tion and commentary, by K. Johnstone. Edin., 1888. O.
LEIGHTON, R. A practical commentary upon the First epistle gen-
eral of Peter. Phil., [c. 1864]. 2 v. O.
The first Epistle of St. John; a contribution to Biblical theology by
E. Haupt; tr. with an introduction by W. B. Pope. Edin., 1879. O.
EBRARD, J. H. A. Biblical commentary on the Epistles of St. John,
in continuation of the work of Olshausen; with an appendix on the
Catholic Epistles and an introductory essay on the life and wriungs
of St. John; tr. by W. B. Pope. Edin., 1860. 0.
HIL'LE. New Teslamenl.
Apocryphal hooks. The upoci'.yi)lial books of the New Testa-
ment: being all the gospels, epistles and other pieces now ex-
tant, attributed in the lirst four centuries to Jesus ('hrist, his
Apostles and their couij)aiiious, and not iucluded by its com-
pilers in the authorized New Testament. New ed. Phil.,
[e. 1889]. pi. O.
BIBLICAL repertory: a collection of tracts in Biblical literature;
by C. Hodge; v. 1-4. N. Y., 1825- [28]. 4 v. O. Continued
as: Biblical repertory and Princeton review'; n. s. ; v. 1-43.
Phil, and N. Y., 1820-t71]. 43 v. O.
Note: n. s., v. 1, has title, Biblical repertory: a journal of Biblical
literature and theological science; v. 2-8, has title Biblical repertory
and theological review. Continued as Presbyterian quarterly and
Princeton review.
BIBLICAL review ; v. 1-6; 184G-r)0. Lond., [1846-50]. 6 v. O.
Note: Title of v. 1-3. Biblical review and Congregational magazine.
BIBLIOGRAPHER, The: A journal of book lore; v. 1-6; Dec. 1881-
Nov. 1884. Lond., 1882-84. 6 v. in 3. O.
Note: Continued under the title "Book-lore : a magazine devoted to
old time literature."
BIBLIOTHECA Americana; or, a chronological catalogue; by
[A. Homer].
BIBLIOTHECA Americana vetustissima: a description of works
relating to America, published between the years 1492 and
l.")l [by H: Harrisse]. N. Y., 1866. Q.
BIBLIOTHECA sacra; vol. 1-48. Andover, 1849-91. 48 v. O.
Note: Vol. 42 and 44 t. p. wanting.
BIBLIOTHEQUE cliretienne, morale et historique. Paris. 1828. S.
Naiiiclij: Charles XII, roi de Suede.
BICKERSTETH, Miss M. Japan as we saw it. N. Y., 1893. 11.
por. O.
BID WELL, D. D. See ^yard, H., and Bid well, D. D. Five years
with the Congo cannibals.
BIDWELL, George. Forging his own chains. Hartford, [c. 1891].
il. por. O.
BIDWELL, ,lennie. There's nothing in it. S. F., 1877. S.
BIEDERMANN, Wilhelm. On the i)heuomena of inhibition pro-
duced by the electrical excitation of striated muscles, and on
positive' kathodic polarisation. [In Sanderson, J. S. B., ed.
Tr. of foreign Viol. mem. I. Phys. of nerve muscle.)
BIERCE, Ambrose. Black beetles in amber. S. F. and N. Y., 1892.
por. I).
Can such things be? N. Y., [c. 1893]. D.
Tales of soldiers and civilians. S. F., 1891. D.
and Danziger, Gustav Adolpli. The monk and the hangman's
daughter. Chic, 1892. 16(5 p. pi. D.
BIERSTADT, O. A. The library of Robert Hoe; a contribution to
the history of bibliophilism iu America. N. Y., 1895. il.
pi. O.
BIG wages and how to earn them; by a foreman. N. Y., 1887. S.
BIGELOW, E. H., ed. See Higginson, T: W., and Bigelow, E. H.,
eds. American sonnets.
BIGELOW, Ella A. Entertaining and instructive prize game; one
hundred and fifty questions on the old masters. Buffalo,
1889. 39 p. S.
BIGELOW, Frank H. Notes on a new method for the discussion
of magnetic observations. Wash., 1892. O. {In U. S. Dept.
of Agric. Weather Bu. Bull. no. 2.)
BIGELOW, Henry J., M.D. The mechanism of dislocation and
fracture of the hip; with the reduction of the dislocations
by the flexion metliod. Phil., 1869. il. O.
BIGELOW, Jacob. Florula Bostoniensis: a collection of plants
of Boston and its vicinity. 2d ed. enl.; to which is added a
glossary of the botanical terms employed in the work. Bost.,
1824. O.
BIGELOW^, John. Life of Samuel J. Tilden. N. Y., 1895. il.
pors. 2 v. O.
Memoir of the life and public services of John Charles Fre-
mont. N. Y., 1856. il. por. D.
BIGELOW, John, jr. The principles of strategy. N. Y., 1891. il.
maps. Q.
Same; 2d ed. rev. and enl. Phil., 1894. il. maps. O.
BIGELOW, Poultney. History of the German struggle for liberty.
N. Y., 1896. il. por. maps. 2 v. O.
White man's Africa. N. Y., 1898. il. O.
BIGHAM, Clive. A ride through Western Asia . Lond., 1897.
il. O.
BIGLER, John. Inaugural address, 1852, 1854. {In Cal. Gov. In-
augural addresses, 1849-91.)
BIG Valley Gazette [weeklv], June 29, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897. Bieber,
1893-97. F.
BILDER-Atlas. Ikonographische Encyklopadie der Wlssenchaften
und Kiinste Ein Erganzungswerk zu jedem Conversations-
Lexikon; Bearbeitet von K. G. von Berneck, F. Bischoff
[and others]. 2. Aulf. Leipzig, 1875. text 2 v. O. pi.
8 V. obi. O. and F.
BILDERDTJK, Willem. Bloemlezing nit dichtwerken met
zijn leven en brieven. Leiden, 1869. O.
BILGRAM, Hugo. Involuntary idleness; an exposition of the
cause of the discrepancy existing between the supply of, and
the demand for, labor and its products. Phil., 1889. 119
p. S.
BILL authorizing the payment of rebel claims by the hundreds of
millions. {In Republican campaign docs., 1880.)
BILLINGS, John Shaw, and others. The national medical diction-
ary. Phil., 1890. 2 V. Q.
and Hurd, Henry M., eds. Hospitals, dispensaries and nursing:
papers and discussions in the International Congress of
Charities, Correction and Philanthropv, section III., Chicago,
June 12-17, 1893. Bait., 1894. O. "^ •
BILLROTH, Dr., Th. The care of the sick at home and in the hos-
j)ital; a hand-book for families and for nurses; tr. by J. B.
Endean. 3d ed. Lond., 1894. il. por. D.
BILTMORE Forest (N. C).
PINCHOT, G. An account of its treatment, and the results of the first
year's work. Chic, 1893. il. obi. 49 p. D.
BLNET, Alfred. Etudes de psycliologie exp^rimentale. Paris,
1888. il. D.
On double consciousness: experimental psychological studies,
Chic, 1890. 93 p. D.
and F^r^, Charles. Animal magnetism. N. Y., 1889. D. (Int.
sci. ser., v. 59.)
BI^sET, W., tr. !Mnudt, C. M. The empress Josephine.
BING, S., ed. Artistic Japan: illustrations and essays; v. 1-2.
Lond., [u. d.]-1889. 2 v. pi. F.
BINGHAM, Denis Arthur. The marriages of the Bonapartes.
2d ed. Lond., 1881-82. 2 v. D.
BUNGLEY, Bev. W. The animal kingdom; its varieties and oddi-
ties. Phil., etc. [n. d.]. il. O.
BINNEY, Charles J. F., coll. Genealogy of the Binney family in
the United States. Albany, 188G. pors. O.
BENNEY, William Greene. A manual of American land shells.
Wash., 1885. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 28.)
BINNEY family.
BINNEY, C: J. F., coll. Genealogy of the Binney family in .he United
States. Albany, 1886. pors. O.
BINYON, Lawrence. Dutch etchers of the seventeenth century.
Lond., 1896. il. pi. Q. {Bd. ivith Hamerton, P. G. Etch-
ings of Rembrandt.)
BIOLETTI, F. T., Ir. Grazzi-Soncini, G. Wine.
BIOLLEY, Paul. Costa Rica and her future; tr. from the French,
by C. Charles. Wash., 1889. 5-^-96 p. map. O.
BIOLOGIA Centrali-Americana; or. Contributions to the knowl-
edge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America;
ed. by F. D. Godman and O. Salvin; Botany, by W: B. Hems-
ley. Lond., 1879-88. 5 v. pi. F.
^awe. Zoology. Pt. 1-138. Lond., 1879-1897. pi. F.
BION, John. Account of the torments the French protestants en-
dure aboard the galleys. 1708. (In Arber, E., Eng. Garner^
V. 6, p. 397.)
BIRCH, John, col
ROE, — Military memoir; with an historical and critical commen-
tary, notes and app. by J: Webb; cd. by T. W. Webb. [West-
minster]. 1873. O. (Camden Soc,. n. s. v. 7.)
BIRCH, Walter De Gray. Index of the styles and titles of English
sovereigns. {In Index Soc. Pub., v. 4, 1879. Rept. of 1st
annual meeting. App. 2.)
BIRD, Isabella L. The Hawaiian archipelago: six months among
the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich
Islands. 6th ed! N. Y., 1886. il. map. D.
BIRD, S. R. Scargill, ed. Custumals of Battle Abbey in the reigns
of Edward I. and Edward IL, 1283-1312. [Westminster].
1887. O. (Camden Soc, n. s., v. 41.)
BIRDSALL, Elias. Fixed faith, free opinions: a sermon, Sept. 12,
1866. S. F.. 1866. 14 p. O. (In Pamps on religion, a. 2.)
BIRfi, Edmond. The diary of a citizen of Paris during "the Ter-
ror"; tr. and ed. bv J: De Villiers. Lond., 1896. pors. 2
V. O.
BIRKMAIER, Elizabeth G. Poseidon's paradise: a romance of
Atlantis. S. F., 1892. D.
BIRKS, Reh. Thomas Rawson. First principles of moral science.
Lond., 1873. D.
— —Supernatural revelation; or, First principles of moral theol-
ogy. Lond., 1879. O.
BIRMINGHAM and Midland Institute. Archaeological section. Re-
gister of the Guild of Knowle in the county of Warwick,
1451-1535; ed. by W. B. Bickley. Walsall, 1894. Q.
BIRNBATTM, Dr. Max. Prof. Koch's method to cure tuberculosis;
tr. by F. Brendecke; with app. being Prof. Koch's first com-
munication on the subject; tr. from the Deutsche Medicin-
ische Wochenschrift. Milwaukee, 1891. 78-1-27 p. por. D.
BIRNEY, James G.
BIRNEY, W: J. G. Birney and his times; the genesis of the republi-
can p-arty; with some account of abolition movements in the south
before 1828. N. Y., 1890. por. D.
BIRNFY, William. James G. Birney and his times; the genesis
of the republican party, with some account of abolition
movements in the South before 1828. N. Y., 1890. por. D.
BIRON, — de Gontaut. duchess-) de. Memoirs of the Duchesse de
Gontaut, gouvernante to the children of France during the
Restoration, 1773-1830. N. Y., 1894. il. pors. 2 v. O.
BIRRELL, Augustine. Life of Charlotte Bronte. Lond., 1887. O.
(Great writers.)
BISCHOFF, James. Comprehensive history of the woolen and
worsted manufactures and the natural and commercial his-
tory of sheep; from the earliest records to the present per-
iod. Lond., 1842. 2 v. pi. table. O.
BISHOP, Cortlandt F. History of elections in the American col-
onies. N. Y., 1893. O. (Columbia Col. Univ. Faculty of
Pol. Sci. ed. Studies in hist, economics and public law; v.
3, no. 1.)
BISHOP, Emily M. Americanized Delsarte culture. 3d ed.
Meadville, 1892. S.
BISHOP, George S. The Book of Daniel — its authorship, integ-
rity, and structure. [In Munhall, L. W. ed. Anti-higher
BISHOP, Judson W. The story of a regiment: being a narrative
of the service of the Second regiment, Minnesota veteran
volunteer infantry, 1861-65. St. Paul, 1890. por. D.
BISHOP, William Henry. A house-hunter in Europe. N. Y., 1893.
il. D.
One of the thirty pieces. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 1.)
BISHOP Paddock lectures for 1887. N. Y., 1887. O.
Namely: Edgar, J. H. Christendom.
BISLAND, Elizabeth. Art of travel. {In Woman's book, v. 1.)
BITTON, (or Button), Thomas de. hp. of Exeter.
Account of the executors of Thomas bp. of Exter, 1310; ed. by W. H.
Hale and H. T. Ellacombe. [Westminster]. 1874. pi. 0. (Cam-
den Soc, n. s. V. 10.)
BIXBY, William H. Report on wood-creosote oil. {In U. S. Dept.
of Agric. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 1.)
BIXIO, Girolamo.
[Biographical sketch]. (In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unifiicaiion.
BIZONFY, Franz de Paula. Enslish-Hiingarian, Himgurian-Bn-
glish dictionarv- Budapest, 1878-81. O.
BIZONFY, Paula. See Bizonfy, Franz de Paula.
BJOKNSON, Bjoi-nstjeine. Novels; ed. by E. Gosse. v. 1-5. N. Y.,
1895-9G. 5 V. S.
Namili/: Vol. 1. Synnove Solbakken. 2. Arne. 3. Happy boy. 4.
Fisher lass. 5. Bridal march: One day.
BLACK, xVdam and Charles. General atlas of the world. New
rev. ed. Edin., 1888. F.
BLACK, Alexander. Photography indoors and out, a book for
amateurs. 1th ed. Bost., 1897. 11. S.
The story of Ohio. Bost., [c. 1888]. il. O. (Htory of the
BLACK, Chauncey F. Biographical sketch. {In Black, J. S. Es-
says and sj)eeehes.)
BLACK, George Ashton. The history of municipal ownership of
land on Manhattan island; to the beginning of sales by the
commissioners of the sinking fund in 1844. N. Y., 1891.
maps. O. (Columbia Col. Univ. Faculty of Pol. Sci. ed.,
Studies in hist, economics and public law; v. 1. no. 3.)
BLACK, J. AVilliam. Maryland's attitude in the struggle for Can-
ada. Bait., 1892. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist,
and pol, sci., v. 10, no. 7.)
BLACK, Jeremiah Sullivan. Essays and speeches; with biograph-
ical sketch by C. F. Black. N. Y., 1885. por. O.
BLACK, William. In far Lochaber. N. Y., 1888. D.
BLACK, ^Yilliam George. Folk-medicine; a chapter in the history
of culture. Lond., 1883. O. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 12.)
BLACKIE, John Stuart. Four phases of morals: Socrates, Aris-
totle, Christianity, utilitarianism. N. Y., 1892. D.
Greek primer; colloquial and constructive. Lond 1891. 204-
64 p. D.
Horae hellenicae; essays and discussions on sonu' important
points of Greek philology and antiquity. Lond.. 1874. O.
Lay sermons. N. Y., 1881. D.
Messis vitae: gleanings of song from a ha])py life. Lond.,
1886. D.
What does history teach. N. Y., 188(). 123 p. S.
BLACKM AX, R. D., ed. A dictionary of foreign phrases and classi-
cal quotations. 11th ed. Lond., 1893. D.
BLACK MAK, Frank W. Annals of an historic town. (Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Pa])ers, 1893. no. 27.)
Chapter in the life of Charles Robinson, the first governor of (fn Some, 1894. Papers, no. 12.)
The history of federal and state aid to higher education in the
V. S. .Wash., ]890. O. {V. S. Bn. of Kd. Circ. of inform.,
1890. no. 1.)
S])anish colonization in the southwest. Bait.. 1890. {In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
Spanish institutions of the southwest. Bait.. 1891. pi. map.
O. (Jolins Hopkins Univ. studies. Extra vol. 10.)
BLAUKMOlJE. Edward. Th<' I'ritish mercantile marine; a short
historiral review. Lond.. 1897. il. 1). (Griftin's naut. ser.)
BLACK MORE, Richard Doddridge. Dariel: a romance of Surrey.
N. Y., 1897. il. D.
Friugilla, or Tales iu verse; witli sundry decorative pictures by
W: H. Bradley. Cleveland, 1895. il. 125 p. O.
Lorna Dooue; a romance of Exmoor. [Gth. ed.] N. Y.,
pi. O.
Slain bv the Doones, and other stories. N. Y., 1895. S.
BLACKSTOCK, E. Frazer. The land of the vildng and the empire
of the Tsar. N. Y., and Lond., 1889. pi. por. S. (2 cop.)
BLACKWALL, John. History of the spiders of Great Britain and
Ireland. Lond., 1861. pi. F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh Magazine (continuation); v. 146-162.
N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
General index; v. 1-50. Edin., 1855. O.
BLAIKIE, Bev. William Garden. Better days for working people.
New ed. rev. enl. [Edn., 188L] I).
Manual of Bil)le history in connection with the general history
of the world. New ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1889. D.
Thomas Chalmers. N. Y., [1896.] 160 p. D. (Famous
BLAINE, James Gillespie. A duel: Free trade, by W: E. Glad-
stone. Protection, by J. G. Blaine. {In Both sides of the
tariff question.)
. Twenty years of Congress: from Lincoln to Garfield; with a
reviewof the events which led to the political revolution of
1860 (continuation), v. 2. Norwich, 1886. pors. O.
. The vote of a confederate soldier south twice as powerful as
the vote of a union soldier north ; speech in the Senate of the
IT. S., Dec. 11, 1878. (In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
Biographical sketch. {Tn Both sides of the tariff question.)
COOKE, V. S. Life and public services of our greatest living states-
man, Hon. James G. Blaine; to which is added Life of Gen'l John A.
Logan. Syracuse, [c. 1884]. il. pors. D.
DODGE, M. A„ {pseud. Gail Hamilton). Biography of James G. Blaine.
Norwich, 1895. il. pors. O.
In memory of James G. Blaine; memorial services of the California
Legislature, 30th session. Sac, 1893. 30 p. O.
JOHNSON, W. F. Life of James G. Blaine, "the plumed knig'ht."
[Phil.], 1893. il. pors. D.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of B. delivered in the
Senate and House of Representatives Jan. 31, 1893. Augusta, 1893.
48 p. por. Q.
Proceedings of the Senate and House of Representatives of Pennsyl-
vania on the adoption of the memorial resolutions relating to J. G.
Blaine of Maine. Harrisburg, 1893. 87 p. por. O.
BLAIR, Edward T. Henrv of Navarre and the religious wars.
Phil., 1895. il. pi. pors. O.
BLAIR, Francis Preston, jr.
CROLY, D. G. Seymour and Blair; their lives and services. N. Y.,
1868. D.
BLAIR, Lewis H. Unwise laws: a consideration of the operations
of a i)rotective tariff upon industry, commerce and society.
N. Y. and Lond., 1886. 6-1-178 p. ' D. (Questions of the day
no. 35.)
UESKh'AL iu:r.\RTMi:sT. 87
BLAKE, Rev. Buchanau. Ilow to read the prophets: being the
prophecies arraii^^ed ehnuiologically in tlieir historical set-
ting. Ediu., 1892-1)5. 5 v. D. "^
BLAKE Edward. The over-taxation of Ireland; speech delivered
in the House of Commons, on L»Dth of March, 1897. Dublin,
1897. 58 p. D.
BLAKE, John F. Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's
"History of the Heavens." Lond., 1877. il. pi. O.
BLAKE, Mortimer. A centurial history of the Mendon Associa-
tion of Congregational ministers and bio-
graphical sketches of the members and licentiates. Bost.,
1853. 1).
BLAKE, William. Selections from the writings of B., with an in-
troductorv essay bv Laurence Housman. Lond., 1893.
il. S. '
BLAKELY, ^Villiam Addison, com'p. Legislative, executive, judi-
cial: American state papers bearing on Sunday legislation.
N. Y., 1891. O.
BLAKSTON, W. A., Swaysland, W. and Wiener, A. F. Illustrated
book of canaries and cage-birds. British and foreign
Lond., etc. [n. d.] il. col. pi. Q.
BLANC, Edmond. De Tintlammation pc'nn-uterine chronique avec
^panchements latents de nature puruleute, s^reuse on h^ma-
tique. Lyon, 1887. 135 p. O.
BLANC, Henry. M. D. The story of the captives: a narrative of
the events of Mr. Rassam's mission to Abyssinia; to which is
subjoined a translation of M. Lejean's articles on Abyssinia
and its monarch. Lond., 1868. 148 p. D.
BLANCHARD, fimile. La vie des etres anim«5s. Paris, 1888. D.
BLANCHARU, Rufus. Rise and fall of i»olitical parties in the
United States. Chic, 1888. T.
BLAND, Mrs. Hubert. (Edith Neshit.) Lavs and legends. 2d. ed.
1887. D.
Leaves of life. Lond., 1888. D.
BLANDING, Stephen F. In the defences of Washington; or. The
sunshine in a soldier's life. Providence, 1889. 54 p. pi. D.
BLAQUIERE, Edward. Letters from the Mediterranean; contain-
ing a civil and political account of Sicily, Tripoly, Tunis, and
Malta. Lond., 1813. maps. 2 v. in 1. ' O.
BLASHFIELD, E. H. and E. W. and Hopkins, A. A. eds. Vasari,
G. Lives of seventy of the most ramous painters, etc.
BLASS, Friedrich Wilhelm. Pronounciation of ancient Greek; tr.
from the 3d German ed. by W. J. Purton. Cambridge, 1890.
6-^140 p. O.
BLAVATSKY, Helene Petrovna. Isis unveiled: a master-key to the
mvsteries of ancient and modern science and theology. N.
y!, 1880-88. 2 v. por. O.
BLAZE de P.nry, Ange Heni'i Blaze, dil. Avant-propos (Dans M^ri-
nu'e. Prosper. Lettres j\ une autre inconnue.)
BLEDSOE, A. J. Indian wars of the northwest: a California
sketch. S. F., 1885. O.
BLEDSOE, Albert Taylor. An essay on liberty and slavery.
Phil. 1856. D.
[BLESSINGTON, J. P.] {pseud., A private soldier.) The cam-
paigns of Wallcer's Texas division. N. Y., 1875. O.
BLEUNAKD, A. Babylon electrified: a history of an expedition
undertaken to restore ancient Babylon by the power of elec-
tricity and how it resulted; tr. by F. L. White. Phil., 1889.
il. map. O.
BLICKLIXG homilies of the 10th century; from the Marquis of
Lothian's unique ms. A. D. 971; ed. with a translation and
index of words, bv Rev. R. ]\lorris. Lond., 1871-80. facsim.
O. (Early Eng. Text !Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 58, 63, 73.)
BLISS Rev. Edwin Munsell. Turkey and the Armenian atrocities,
[n. p.] [c. 189(i] il. pi. O.
The encyclopaedia of missions; descriptive, historical, bio-
graphical, statistical. N. Y., 1891. maps. 2 v. O.
BLISS, N. W. and White, Cliarles A. The private life and scientific
work of Prof. Amos Henry Worthen, with portrait by J.
Reich. {In 111. Geol. surv. v. 8. Ajjp.)
BLISS, W. D. P. Handbook of socialism. Lond., 1895. D. (So-
cial sci. ser.)
BLISS, William Root. Colonial times on Buzzard's Bay. Bost.,
1889. pi. map. D.
Quaint Nantucket. Bost., 1896. D.
BLISSARD, W. The ethic of usury and interest; a study in inor-
ganic socialism. Lond., 1892. D. (Social sci. ser.)
BLODGETTE, George'B. comp. Early settlei-s of Rowley, Massachu-
setts; including all who were here before 1662, with a few
generations of their descendants. Salem, 1887. O.
BLOIS, John T. Gazetteer of the state of Michigan, with succinct
history of the state from the earliest period to the present
time. Detroit, 1839. D.
BLOODGOOD, S. De Witt. ed. The sexagenary, or Reminiscen-
ces of the American revolution. Albany, 1866. pors. O.
BLOOMFIELD, J. H. A Cuban exposition. 'Lond. 1896. D.
BLOOMFIELD, Maurice. //•. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, to-
gether Avith extracts from the ritual books and the commen-
taries. Oxford, 1897. O. CMiiller, F. M. Sacred books of
the east. v. 42)
BLOOMFIELD, Max. Illustrated historical guide, embracing an
account of the antiquities of St. Augustine, Florida. St.
Augustine, 1881. 110 p. maps. D.
BLOIJET, Paul, {pseud. Max O'Rell.) English pharisees, French
crocodiles, and other Anglo-French tvpical characters. N.
Y., [1892]. D.
BLOUNT, Betrauj and Bloxam, A. G. Chemistry for engiuf^n'S
and manufacturers, v. 1. Phil., 1896. il. O.
Contents: V. 1. Chemistry of engineering, building and metallurgy.
BLOUNT, Thomas. Tenures of land and customs of manors; new
ed. entirelv re-arranged, carefullv corrected, and considera-
bly enlarged, by W. C. Hazlitt. 'Lond., 1874. O.
BLOW, Susan E. Symbolic education; a commentary on Froebel's
'^Mother Play.'' N. Y., 1895. D. (Int. ed. ser.) '
tr. and comp. The songs and music of Friedrich Froebel's
Mother Plav. N. Y., 1897. il. D. (Int. ed. ser.)
BLOW, Susan E. See Eliot, TlcnricHa K. and Rlow, S. E. trs. Mot-
toes and coinnionlarics of Frocbcrs Mother IMay.
BLOXAM, A. (}. See Blounl, H. and Liloxani, A. G. Chemistry for
eufiincers and nianulactui'ci's.
CANDAGE, R. G. F. Settlement and progress of the town of Bluehill;
an historical adddi-ess. Bluehill, 1886. por. 43 p. O.
BLUNT, Jolm Uenry. ed. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical
theology. New ed. Lond., ISUi. Q.
The niyroure of onre Ladye, containing a devotional treatise
on divine service, with a translation of the Ollices used by
the Sisters of thclirigittine Monaster}' of Sion at Isleworth
during the 15th and Kilh centuries; ed from the black letter
text of 1531) A. I). Lond., 1873. O. (Early Eng. Text See.
Pub. Extra ser. no. 19.)
BLUNT, Reginald. The Carlyles' Chelsea home, being some ac-
count of No. 5, Chevne Row. Lond., 1895. il. 98 p. D.
BLUNT, Wilfrid Scawen.' In vinculis. Lond., 1889. 03 p. S.
A new pilgrimage, and other poems. Lond., 1889. 182 p. S.
BLUNTSCHLI, Dr. Johann (\is])ar. Tlu^ theorv of the state; tr.
from Gth Cxerman ed. . Oxford, 1885. O.
BOADEN, James, Memoirs of ^Irs. Siddons interspersed with an-
ecdotes of authors and actors. Phil., 1893. pors. D.
BOARDMAN, Emery. Winning whist, a harmonious system of
combined long-suit and short-suit plav of the game of whist.
N. Y., 1896. S.
BOARDMAN, George Dana, D. D. Worship in non-liturgical
churches, {hi Hall, C: C. and others. Christian worship.)
BOARDMAN, Samuel L. The climate, soil, physical resources and
agricultural capabilities of the state of INfaine. Wash., 1884.
O. (U. S. De])t. of Agric. Misc. Spec rept. no. 4.)
BOAS, Dr. Franz. The central Eskimo. (In Smithsonian Inst.
Bureau of Ethnology. (Ith report, 1884-85.)
BOAS, Frederick S. Shakespeare and his predecessors. N. Y.,
1896. S. (University ser.)
BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. The Decameron; now first completely
done into English pros^ and verse by John Payne. Tjond.,
L886. Printed for the Villon Society by private subscription
and for private circulation only. 3 v. D.
SYAK/NDS. J: A. Giovanni Boccaccio as man and author. N. Y.,
1895. 6 -1- 100 p. O.
BODDAM-WHETHAM, J. W. See, Whetham, J. W. li.
BODGE, George ^fadison. Soldieis in King Philip's war, with a
concise history of the Indian wars of N(^w England from
16'J(l-lfi77. also lists of the Narragansett
gi'antees of the rnite<8r).] I>.
A living lie. N.Y ., [c. 189(5.] D.
Oeuvres: poc'-sies, 187r»-1882. Paris, 1887. S.
Outre-Mei"; im])i'essions of America. X^. Y. 1895. D.
A tragic idyl. X. Y., 189(). D.
BOURIXOT, John George. Federal government in Canada. (,ln
Johns Hopkins LTniv. studies, v. 7.)
Historical and descrii)tive account of the island of Cai)e Bre-
ton. Montreal, 1892. 183 p. il. maps. F.
Local government in Canada: an historical study. [In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
Parliamentary government in Cana.da: a constitutional and
historical study. Wash., 1892. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Pajjers. 1892. no. 17.)
BOURKE, John Gregory, capl. The nu'dicine men of the Apa-
ches. (In Smithsonian Inst. Bu. of Ethnology. 9th annual
On the border with Crook. 2d ed. X. Y., 1892. pi. O.
Scatalogic rites of all nations. ^Vash., 1891. O.
BOURKE, Richard Southwell. 67// carl of Md specimens. Lond., 1832. S.
BOWRING. Lewin B. Haidar Ali and T\\m SultAn and the struggle
with the Musalman powers of the south. Oxford. 1898. map.
D. (Rulers of India.)
BOX, Thomas. Practical treatise on mill-gearing, wheels, shafts,.
riggers, etc.. for the use of engineers. 8d ed. Lond., 1882..
8-^120 p. pi. D.
BOY-BISHOP,^ The. Two sermons preached by the boy bishop at
St. Paul's, temp. Henry VIIL, and at Gloucester, temp.
Marv; ed. by J: G. Nichols; with an introduction giving an
account of the festival of the boy bishop in England, by E. F.
Rimbault. [Lond.]. 1875. iJn Camden misc.. v. 7. Camden
Soc. n. s. v. 14.)
BOYCE. A. P. Fresco and decorative designs. Bost.. 1883. obi.
BOYCE, John J. Origin and growth of the municipal law of the
state of California, and the necessity of a permanent Commis-
sion for the Revision and Keform of the Law. [S. F., 1895.]
18 p. O. pam.
BOYCE, Hubert. A textbook of morbid histology for students and
practitioners. N. Y., 1892. 11. O.
BOYD, Belle. See, Hardinge, Mrs. Belle Boyd.
BOYD, John. Annals and family records of Winchester, Conn.,
with exercises of the Centennial Celebration, Aug. 16, 17,
1871. Hartford, 187;i pors. O.
BOYD, Mark. Reminiscences of fifty years. N. Y., 1871. D.
BOYD, William H. pub. Boyd's directory of the District of Colum-
bia; 1893. Wash., c. 1893. O.
BOYD, WMlliam P. History of the town of Conesus, Livingston Co.,
N. Y.; 1793-1.S87: with a brief genealogical record. Conesus,
1887. il. 176 p. O.
BOYESEN, Hjalmar Hjorth. Commentarv on the writings of Hen-
rik Ibsen. N. Y., 1894. D.
A daring fiction. {In, Stories by Amer. authors, v. 10.)
Essays on German literature. N. Y., 1892. D.
Essays on Scandanavian literature. N. Y., 1895. D.
Falconberg. N. Y., 1889. D.
Goethe and Schiller, their lives and works, including a com-
mentary on Goethe's Faust. 7th ed. N. Y., 1894. D.
Gunnar;' a tale of Norse life. 7th ed. N. Y., 1888. S.
Idyls of Norway and other poems. 2d ed. N. Y., 1892. 185 p.
Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories. N. Y., 1891. S.
Literary and social silhouettes. N. Y., 1894. T.
The Norseland series. N. Y., 1894. il. 4 v. D.
Namely: Norseland tales. — Modern Vikings. — Against heavy odds: A
fearless trio. — Boyhood in Norway.
Queen Titania. N. Y., 1881. S.
Social stragglers. N. Y., 1893. D.
BOYKIN, Edward M. The falling Hag: evacuation of Richmond,
retreat and surrender at Appomattox. 3d ed. N. Y., 1874.
67 p. pi. D.
BOYLE, (>)rnelius Breckinridge. A catalogue and bibliography of
North American mesozoic invertebrata. Wash., 1893. O.
(U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 102.)
BOYLSTON, Peter. John Charaxes: a tale of the civil war in
America. Phil., 1889. D.
BOYNE, William. Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century
in England, Wales and Ireland, by corporations, merchants,
tradesmen, etc.; a new and revised edition by G: C. William-
son. Lond., 1889-91. 2 v. pi. O.
BOYNTON, Henry Van Ness. Chattanooga and Chickamauga: re-
print of Gen. H. V. Boynton's letters to the Cincinnati Com-
mercial Gazette, August, 1888. 59 p. map. O.
BRACE, Charles Loring. Gesta Christi; or, A history of humane
progress under Christianity. 4th ed. N. Y., 1885. D.
Life; chiefly told in his own letters; ed. by his daughter,
N. Y., 1894. por. O.
BRACE, Charles Loring. The unknown God; or inspiration among
pre-Christian races. N. V., 181)0. O.
BRACKENBUKY, Charles Booth. Frederick the (ireat. Lond.,
1884. por. maps. D.
BRACKENBrKY, CJeorge. The campaign in the Crimea: an his-
torical sketch; illustrated from drawings by W : Simpson.
Lond., 1855. 8+112 p. id. O.
Same; 2d ser. Lond., 185G. 0-;-loG p. pi. O.
BRACKEXBURV, Henry. The Ashanti war: a narrative prepared
from the official documents by permission of Sir Garnet
Wolseley. Edin and Loud., 1874. 2 v. maps, facsim. O.
The river column: a narrative of the advance of the river
column of the Nile expeditionary force, and its return down
the rapids. Edin. and Lond., 1885. maps. D.
BRACKEXKIIXJE, Hugh Henry. Cursory remarks; printed in
the American Museum, April, 1788. (Jn Ford, 1*. L., ed. Es-
says on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
BRACKETT, Anna C. tr. Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of
BRACKETT, Cyrus F. t:iectricity in the service of man. (fn,
Brackett, C. F., and others. Electricity in daily life.
and others. Electricity in daily life; a popular account uf
the ap])lication of electricitv to every dav uses. N. Y., 1890.
il. O. ... ,
BRACKETT, -Jeffrey R. The negro in Maryland; a studv of the
institution of slavery. Bait., 1889. O.
Notes on the progress of the colored people of Maryland since
the war. Bait., 1890. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
The status of the slave. (In Jameson, J. F., ed. Essays in the
constitutional history of the T'. S.(
BRADDON, Edward. Life in India: a sei'ies of sketches showing
something of the Anglo-Tndian, the land he lives in and the
people among whom he lives. Lond.. 1872. D.
BRADFORD, Amorv Howe, D.D. Hei'editv and Christian prob-
lems. N. Y., 1895. D.
The unity of the spirit — a world-wide necessity. {In Shields,
C: Y^'. and others. Church unity.)
BRADFORD. Major Wai-d. Biogrnpliical sketches, [n. j>. n. d.]
95 p. por. S.
BRADFORD, (^lass.)
KINGSBURY, J. D. Memorial history of Bradford, Mass., to the close
of 1882. Haverhill, 1883. 144 p. 0.
WOODBURY, L. A. An historical sketch of Bradford, Mass., in the
Revolution. Groveland, 1895. il. T.
McKEEN, Rn: S. A history of Bradford, Vermont, 1765-1874: with
various genealogical records. Montpelier, 1875. pors. 0.
BRADLEE, Caleb Davis. Recollections of a ministrv of forty
years; 18.54-94. BosL, 1895. ;?r> y>. O. pamp.
BRADLEY, A. G. Sketches from old Yirginia. Lond., 1897. il.
BRADLEY. F. H. .VpiK-arnncc :nid reality. ;i Tii('ta])livsical orsav.
2d ed. Lond. 1897. O. (T iV. of rhilrs.)
BRADLEY, George Granville. See, Prothero, R. E., and Bradley,
G. G. Life and corespondeuee of Arthur Penrbyn Stanley.
BRADLEY, Henry, ed. A Middle-English dictionary, by F. H.
Stratniann. New ed., re-arranged revised and enlarged by
B. Oxford, 181)1. O.
BRADLEY, William Harrison. Olive culture in the Alpes Mari-
times. Wash., 1891. O. (Spec. Consular repts., v. 2.)
BRADLEY and Go's atlas of the world for commercial and library
reference. Phil., 1893. F.
BRADSHAW, Henry. Life of saint Werburge of Chester; Englisht,
A. D. 1513, printed by Pynson A. D. 1521, and now re-edited
by C. Horstmann. Lond., 1887. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc.
Pub. Reg. ser. no. 88.)
PROTHERO, G: W. Memoir of B. Lond., 1888. por. O.
BRADY, George Stewardson. Monograph of the free and semi-
parasitic copepoda of the British islands. Lond., 1878-80.
3v. pi. O. (Kay Soc. Pub.)
8ee Jones, T. R., Kirkby, J. W. and Brady, G: S. Monograph
of the British entomostraca.
BRADY, John. Clavis calendaria; or, A compendious analysis of
the calendar; illustrated with ecclesiastical, historical and
classical anecdotes. 2d ed. Lond.. 1812. 2 v. O.
BRADY, Robert, jr. See Maxfield, A., and Brady, R. jr. Roster and
statistical record of Company D. of the Eleventh regiment
Maine Infantry volunteers.
BRAHE, Tyge or Tycho.
DREYER, J. L. E. Tycho Brahe: a picture of scientific life and work
in the sixteenth century. Edin., 1890. pi. por. 0.
BRAIN: a journal of nourologv; v. 1-9; 1878-r8r)]. Lond., 1879-87.
9 V. O.
BRAINARD, F. R. The sextant and other reflecting mathematical
instruments. N. Y., 1891. S. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.)
BRAINERD, Ira Hutchinson. The constitutional and political his-
tory of the United States, by Dr. H. von Hoist; index and list
of authorities, by B. Chic, 1892. O.
BRAINERD, Thomas H. psrud. See Jarboe, Mrs. J: R.
BRAITHWAITE, James, ed. Retrosi)ect of practical medicine and
surgery; pt. 100-103. N. Y., 1890-91. 2 v. O.
BRATTH\VAITE, R. M. D. Sphagnaceae, or, peat-mosses of
Europe and North America. Lond., 1880. il. pi. 91 p. O.
BRAMBLE, Charles A. Klondike, a manual for goldseekers.
N. Y. [c. 1897]. il. map. D.
BRAMSTON, Sir John. Autobiography; now first printed from
the original ms. in the possession of T: W: Bramston. Lond.,
1845. O. (Camden Soc, V. 32.)
BRA M WELL, Byron, M. D. Practical medicine and medical diag-
nosis. N. Y,. 1887. 149 p. il. O.
BRANDON, J. R. Re])lv to the Rev. Mr. Hemphill's discourse on
''Our Public Schools." S. F., 1875. 21 p. O. (In Pamps. on
Religion, v. 2.)
BRANDT, Henri Franc-ois.
LEHNERT, H. Henri Francois Brandt, leben und werke. 1789-1845.
Berlin, 1897. pi. F.
({HMJix'Ah in:i'\irrMi:sT. 103
BKANNEK, .Tohn (\ Annual icpoit of the geological survey of
Arkansas; 1888, v. i-o, Lit lie Kock, 1888. 3 v. pi. maps.
Cotton in the empire Bi'azil. Wash., 1885. O. (U. S. Dept. of
Agric. Misc. liepts. uo. 8.)
Glaciation: its relations to the Lackawanna-Wyoming region.
Scranton, 1887. il. O. {In Lackawanna Institute of llistory
and Science Proceed ings, v. 1.)
Notes upon the glacial striae observed in the Wyoming-Lacka-
wanna region. Scranton, 1887. O. {In same.)
On the manufactui'e of Portland cement. (In Arkansas, GeoL
Surv. Annual rept. 1888, v. 2.)
BRANNT, William T. Petroleum: its history, origin, occurrence,
production, plij'sical and chemical, constitution, technology,
examination and uses. Phil., 18!).5. il. pi. O.
A practical treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles;
ed. chiefly from the German of (1 Deite, A. Engelhardt, G.
Schaedler and others, with additions and lists of American
patents relating to these subjects. Phil, and Lond., 1888.
il. O.
tr. Langbein, G: Treatise on the electro deposition of metals.
tr. Lehner, S. Manufacture of ink.
BRASS, Dr. Arnold. xVtlas of human histology; tr. by R. A.
Young. N. Y., 1897. pi. O.
Die niedrigsten Lebewesen ihre Bedeutung als Krankheitser-
reger ihre Beziehuug zum Menschen und den tibrigen Organ-
ismen und ihre Stellung in der Natur. Leipzig, 1888. il. O.
BRASSEY Lady Anna. In the trades, the tropics and the roaring
forties. N. Y., 1885. il. pi. maps. O.
BRASSEY, Sir Thomas. The British navy: its strength, resources
and administration [continuation] ; v. 2-3. Lond., 1882. 2 v.
Coiitcuts: V. 2. Miscellaneous subjects connected with ship building
for the purposes of war. 3. Opinions on the ship building policy of
the navy.
Foreign work and English wages considered with reference to
the depression of trade. Lond., 1870. O.
Papers and addresses: naval aiid maritime, 1872-03; arranged
and ed. bv S. E. Wilmot. Loud.. 1804. 2 v. O.
BRASSEY, Lor'dT. A. ed. Naval annual, L807, Portsmouth. 1807.
il. pi. O.
BURNHAM. H: Brattleboro, Windham county, Vermont; early
history, with biogrnphical sketches of some of its inhabitants.
Brattleboro, 1880. 191 p. O.
BRAUN, Alexandei". Reflections on the ]iheuonienon of rejuven-
escence in nature, es]»e(ially in the life and developmenc of
plants; tr. by A. Tlpnfi(M-. (K;iy Soc Pub. Henfrey A. ed.
Botan and ])liysiol. mem.)
BREAD from stones: a new and rational system of land f<»r-
tilization and regeneration; 1i-. fi'om the German [of Julius
Hensel]. Phil., 1804. 140]). S.
BRECK, Samuel. Genealogy of the Breek family descended from
Edward of Dorchester and his brothers in America. Omaha,
1889. pors. O.
BRECK family.
BRECK, S: Genealogy of the Breck family descended from Edward
of Dorchester and his brothers in America. Omaha, 1889. pors. O.
BRECKEXRIDGE, Roelitl Morton. The Canadian banking sys-
tem, 1817-181)0. {In Amer. Econ. Assoc. Tub. v. 10.)
BRECKINRIDGE, William Campbell Preston. Free trade or Pro-
tection. {In Both sides of the tariff question.)
Biographical sketch. {In same.)
BREEDER and sportsman; v. 10-30; July, 1891-June, 1807. S. F.,
1801-07. 12 V. F.
BREESE, W. W., M. I). Well-springs of truth. S. F., [^.1883].
il. O.
[BREGY, — de Flecelles. Marquis de]. Mdmoires pour servir a
I'histoire du dix-septieme si^cle. {In Col. des mem. reh a
rhist. de France, 1827. s. 2. v, 58-59.)
BREHM, Christian Ludwig. Ornithology; or, the science of birds;
from the text of Dr. Brehm; with illustrations by T. Jasper.
Columbus, Ohio, 1878. 156 p. pi. F.
BREITMANN, Hans, pseud. See, Leland, C: Godfrey.
BRENKMANN, Ch. Hossfeld's new^ piactical method for learning
the German language. N. Y., [c. 1889]. D.
BRENNAN, J. Fletcher. A history of freemasonry in the maritime
provinces of British North America from its origin therein
in 1737 to the year 1841. {In Rebold, E. General hist, of
BRENNAN, John. Erin Mor: the story of Irish republicanism.
H. F., 1892. O.
BRENNAN, John. Letter: The conflict between American piotect-
ive policy and the English policy of free trade. {In Repub-
lican campaign docs. 1880.)
BRENT J. Lancaster. Speech, delivered in the Assembly of the
State of California, Tuesday. INIarch 17, 1857; . reported by
C: A. Sumner. Sac, 1857. 23 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
BRENTANO, Lujo. Hour's and wages in relation to production;
tr. by Mr-s. W: Arnold. Loud., 1894. 8^143 p. D. (Soc. sci.
On the history and development of gilds; and Mie origin of
tr-ade-unions. {In Sniilh, J. T. ed. Eng. gilds; Early Eng.
Text. Soc. Pirb. Reg. ser. no. 40.)
The i-elation of labor- to the law of to-day; tr. from the German
by P. Sher-man. with an intr-oduction. N. Y^,. 1891. D.
BRENTANO'S romantic library. N. Y., 1888-89. 2 v. S.
Coiitrntfi: Feval, P. A noble sacrifice.— Gautier^T. Jettatura.—
Miisset, A. de. Margot;— The beauty-spot;— Croisilles;— Valentine's
wager.— Sardou, V. The black pearl.
BRETON, Jules Adolj)he Aim<'- Louis. La vie d'un ar-tiste: art et
natur-e. 7^ (^d.. Par-is. 1890. D.
BRETON, Nicholas. Chosen ]>oems. Loud., 1890. O. {In Bullen,
A. H. ed. Poems .... of the Elizabethan age.)
BRETZ family.
PARTHEMORE, E. W. S. Genealogy of the Ludwig Bretz family.
1750 to lSi)0. Harrisburg. 1890. O.
BKEWEK, Kbcno/or (\)bhaui. The historic notebook; with an
ai)peiKlix of battles. I'hil., 18!)1. 1).
BKKWEK, -1//-.S'. Eiiuna. ir. Kolb, (J. F. Condition of nations.
BREWEK, Koberl Erederick. Orthonietry; a treatise on the art
of versitication and the t<'(iinicalities of poetry; with u new
and (•onij)le(e rhvniinj; diclionarv. Lond., 1SJ)3. D.
BREWEK, Thomas mIivo. iScc Baird! S. F., Brewer, T. M., and
Hid^way, R. The water birds of North America.
BREWER, distiller and wine mannfactnrer; {Jjivinj; full directions
for the manufacture of beers, spirits, wines, li(]uors, etc.; ed.
by J. Gardner. Phil, 188:i. il. D. (Technolo«,acal hand-
BREWERTON, George Doujiias. The war in Kansas: a rough trip
to the border among new homes and a strange people. N. Y.,
ISoG. pi. por. D.
BREWSTER, Benjamin Harris.
SAVIDGE, E. C. Life of B., with discourses and addresses. Phil.,
1891. por. D.
BRE^^^STER, Sir David.
GORDON, ^. M. The home life of Sir D. Brewster. Edin., 1870. D.
BREWSTER, H. Pomeroy and Humphrey, George H. England and
its rulers: being a concise compendium of the history of
England and its peo])le. Chic, 18J)2. D.
BREYMANN, H. I'rovenyal poetry in ancicMit and modern times.
{In Owens College essays, 1774.)
BRIC-A-BRAC series; ed. bv R. H. Stoddard (continuation); v. 2, 5.
N. Y., 1876-77. 2 v. S.
Contrnt.s-: V. 2. Stoddard, R. H., nl. Anecdote biographies of Thack-
eray and Dickens. 5. Greville, C. C. F. Greville memoirs: a journal
of the reigns of King George IV. and King William IV.; ed by R. H.
BRICE, Thomas. A comi)endions register in metre containing the
names and patient sutferiiigs of the members of Jesus Christ
and the tormented, ana cruelly burned within England;
since the death of our famous king, of immortal memory,
Edward the Sixth, (o the enti-ance and beginning of the reign
of our sovereign and dearest Lady Eii/,abe(h of P'nglaud,
France and Ireland, queen. IT),")!). (//? Arber, E. Eng.)
Garner, v. 4, p. 14H)
BRIDGEPORT chronicle-union; .Inly 12. 18!)0-Dec. 2.~), 181)7.
l?ridge])()rt. 1800-!)7. 2 v. F.
I5RIDGER, .\doIphus E. P>iliousness: its causes and its treat-
ment. Eond., [1887] 2— lOS— p. pi. D.
liRIDGER. Charles. An index to ])riut(Ml jicdigrees, contained in
county and local histories, the Herahls' visilations and in
the more impoi'tant geuealogical collections. Eond., 1807.
BRIDGES, Dr. .1. U. From the Cnioii (o C;ith(tlic einamipation,
18(H-P^2«I. {hi Tw<» r.Mitnrics of Ir-ish historv.)
BRIDGES, M. C. Catalogue descriptif des conif^res de Calitornie,
Oregon, et en g6n6val de toute la cote nord du Paciflque;
snivl d'nn prix courant des graines de ces memes conif^n'es.
Paris, 18G6. 29 p. U.
BRIDGES, Robert. Overheard in Arcady. N. Y., 1894. 133 p. D.
BRIDGES, Thomas, tr. Horner's Iliad: a burlesque translation;
revised and modified bvG: A. Smith. Phil., 1889. il. pi. O.
BRIDGMAN, Frederick Arthur. Winters in Algeria. N. Y.. 1890.
il. pi. O.
BRIEF examination of Lord Sheffield's observations on the com-
merce of the United States [by Tench Coxe] .
BRIENNE, Comte de. See Lom^nie, H. A. de.
BRIGGS, Archibald, and Henry Currer. Memorandum on the in-
dustrial partnership at the Whitwood collieries, 1856-1874.
{In Taylor, S. Profit-sharing between capital and labour.)
BRIGGS, Charles Augustus, D.D. The authority of holy Scripture,
an inaugural address. 3 4th ed. N. Y., 1893. lil p. O.
The Bible, the church and the reason: the three great fount-
ains of divine authority. N. Y., 1892. O.
Biblical study: its principles, methods and history, together
with a catologue of books of reference. N. Y., 1894. D.
The higher criticism of the Hexateuch. N. Y., 1894. D.
The Messiah of the apostles. N. Y., 1895. D.
The Messiah of the gospels. N. Y., 1894. D.
Whither? a theological question for the times. 3d ed. N. Y.,
1890. O.
Driver, Samuel Rolles, Plummer, Alfred, eds. International
critical commentary on the Holv scriptures of the Old and
New Testament. N. Y., 1895-96. ^ 5 v. O.
For list see, Int. crit. com.
and Salmond, Stewart D. F. eds. International theological li-
brary. N. Y., 1892-97. 6 v. O.
For list see. Int. tlieol. lib.
TiRIGGS. George W. Channing. (/?; Fnitarianism: its origin and
Man. (In, Unitarian affirmations.)
BRIGGS. John. U-col. Letters addressed to a young person in India;
calculated to afford instruction for his conduct in general
and more especiallv in his intercourse with the natives.
Lond., 1828. D.
BRIGGS, Lloyd Vernon. History of shipbuilding on North river,
Plymouth county, Massachusetts, with genealogies of the
shipbuilders, 1640-1872. Bost., 1889. pi. O.
BRIGGS, Thomas. The peacemaker: free trade, free labour, free
thought; or. Direct taxation the true principle of ])olitical
economy. Lond.. [n. d.]. D.
BRIGHAM, Gershom N. Phthisis pulmonalis; or, Tubercular con-
sumption. N. Y., etc., 1882. O.
BRIGH;\M, William T. Guatemala the land of the Quetzal. N. Y.,
1887. il. pi. maps. O.
(JIJM'JhWL ni:i'ARTMl-JNT. 107
BRIGHT, James Frank, D.D. History of England, 449-1880. Period
1-4. Lond., 1887-88. 4v. niajts. S.
Contents: Period 1. Mediaeval monarchy. 2. Personal monarchy.
3. Constitutional monarchy. 4. Growth of democracy.
iJKIGHT, John. Spocnlies on the American question; with an in-
troduction by Frank ]Moore. Host., 18G5. por. D.
BKK;HT, Marshall W. See Mabie, H. \V., and Bright, M. W.
Memorial story of America.
BKKiHTMOKE, A. W. See, Turner, J. H. T., and Brightmore, A. W.
Principles of ^yater^vorks engineering.
BRILLAT-SAVARIX, Jean Anthelme. A handbook of gas-
tronomy; tr. by A. Lalauze. Lond., 1884. il. por. 0.
The family of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff. 1638. N. Y., 1887.
188 p. O.
[BRlN(jnURST, Thomas H. and Swigart, Frank.] History of the
Forty-sixth regiment Indiana Volunteer infantry. 1861-Go;
compiled by order of the Regimental Association. [Logans-
port]. 1888. O.
BRINK, Bernhard Ten. History of English literature: v. 1-2. tr. by
H. M. Kennedy, N. Y., LSSl-OO. 2 y. in 3. D.
Contents: V. 1. To Wyclif. 2: 1. Wyclif to Renaissance. 2: 2.
Fourteenth century to the death of Surrey.
BRINKLEY, F. capt. ed. Japan described and illustrated by the
Japanese: with an essay on Japanese art by Kakuzo Okakura.
Ed. de grand luxe no."^40. Sec. 1-4. Bost., [c. 1897] . 4v. il.
pi. F.
BRINKLOW, Henry. Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a
gray fryre, unto the parliament howse of Ingland his natural
country, for the redresse of certen wicked laws, euel customs,
a[n]d cruel decreys, about A. D. l.~)42; and The lameniacyon
of a Christen agaynst the cytye of London, uuide by Roderigo
Mors, A. D. 1545; ed. byj! :M. Cowper. Lond., 1874. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. p:xti'a scr. no. 22.)
BRIXTON, Daniel Garrison. The American race: a linguistic clas-
sification and ethnogra|)hic description of the natiye tribes
of North and South America. N. Y., 1891. D.
Essays of an Amoricanist: L Ethnologic and Archaeologic.
2. Mythology and folk lore. 3. Graphic systems and liter-
ature. 4. Linguistic. Phil., 1890. il. O.
Religions of primitivf^n'oplcs. X.Y., 1897. D. (Amer. lect. on
Hist, of religions. 2d. ser.)
BRISTOL. John Digby, Ist earl of. Defence of his negotiations in
Spain; ed. by S: R. Gardiner. Lond., 1871, .39-^50 p. O. (In
Gambden misc., y. 0. Gambden Soc, y. 104.)
BRITIi^H almanac of the Societv for the DifTusion of Useful
Knowledge [and Gompanion] ; 1828-85. Lond., [1828-85].
58 y. I).
GomT»lete index to the Gompanion to the almanac; 1828-43.
Lond.. 1843. D.
BRTTISn and foreign review; or, European tiuai'terlv jouinal; v.
1-18; 18.35 44. Lond., 18.3.5-44 18 v. O.
yntr: t. p. missing v. 17.
BRITISH and foreinn state papers; 1812-90; compiled by [Lewis],
Edward, and Edward C. Hertslet. Lond., 1841-06.' 82 v. in
81. O.
yofc: Vol. 21 in General list, v. 1-20; v. 43-44 General index, v. 1-43
1373-1873. Vol 80 is General index, v. 65-89. 1873-1888.
BRITISH Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of
meeting (continuation); 1874, 181)1. Lond., 1875-92. 2 v. O.
BRITISH bool^malver; V..3-7; 18!)0-<)4. Lond., 1891-94. 5v. il. pi.
pors. O. Continuation of T\n^ hookhmder.
BRITISH COLUMBIA. Board of Trade. lGth-17th annual report
1895-96. Victoria 1895-96. ' O. 2 pam.
Department of Agriculture. Insect pests and plant diseases, con-
taining remedies and suggestions. Victoria, 1897. O. pam.
4tb-5tli report. 1894-96. Victoria, 1895-97. O.
Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers Association. 5th-7 annual
report. New Westm'r. 1894-97. O. 3 pam, 5th i'ei)t in-
cludes pest and remedy supplement.
Lands and Works Department. Crown lands survey's for the year
ending Dec. 81, 1896. Victoria, 1897, O.
Report of the chief commissioner for the year ending Dec.
31, 1896. Victoria, 1897. O.
— — Minister of Mines. Annual report for the year ending Dec 31st,
1896. Victoria, 1897. il. maps. O. pam.
Natural History Society. Bulletin: no. 1-2. Victoria, 1893-97.
11, pi. O. 2 pam.
Xa7nrlij: No. 1. Fannin, J: Preliminary list of mammals of British
Columbia. — Green, A. H. Notes on the occurrence of new and rare
fish in B. C. — Danby, W. H. and Green, C. De B. Report on the ento-
mology of B. C. — Newcombe, C. F. List of Crustacea in the Provin-
cial Museum of B. C. ; — Report on marine shells of B. C. 2. Dall,
W: H. New or interesting species of shells from B. C, and adjacent
Provincial Board of Health. 2d report ; being for the year ending
Dec. 31st, 1896: with supplementary report, being annual re-
ports of health officers [etc]. Victoria, 1897. O. 2 pam.
Superintrndcnt of Education. 25th annual report of the public
schools, 1895-96. Victoria, 1897. O.
GOSNELL, R. E. British Columbia. A digest of reliable information
regarding its natural resources and industrial possibilities. Van-
couver, 1890. 47 p. 0. (pam.)
Williams' official British Columbia directory, 1897-8; comp. and. pub.
by R. T. Williams. Victoria, [1897]. O.
BRITISH C0LU:mp,1A, its pi-esent resources and future possibili-
ties; a brief attem])t to demonstrate the value of the province.
Victoria, 1893. il. 110 p. O. pam.
BRITISH C()LrMr>L\ mining record: v 3. Jan.-Dec, 1897. Vic-
toria, 1897. Q.
BRITISH gallery of conteni])orai"v })ortraits. Index of portraits;
by R. Bow'es and -J. Douglas. {In Index Soc. Pub., v. 7. 1880.
Rept. 2d annual UKM'ting. App. 1.)
BRITISH INIuseum. Catalogue of the HarhMan manuscripts in the
British Museum; with indexes of persons. ])1aces, and mat-
ters. [Lond.]. 1808-12. 4 v. F.
List of bibliogra])hical \v(»i'ks in the reading room of the British
Museum. 2d ed. rev. [Lond.]. 1889. 11--103 p. O.
BRITISH Museum. List of books of referonco in the reading roona.
;U1 ed. rev. [Lond.], 18S!). plan, facsini. O.
The Tell el-Aniaina tablets in the British Museum with auto-
type facsimiles. Printed bv order of the trustees. Loud.,
1892. pi. faosim. Q.
BRITISH quarterly review: [v. l]-s;{. Lond., [lS4r)]-.S(). S:'. v. O.
BKITTON. .lohu. (irai)hi(al and literary illustrations of I'onthill
Abbev, Wiltshire; with heiahlical and ^enealofjical notices of
the Beckl'ord family. L(»nd., 1SL»;J. pi. F.
BRITTON. Nathaniel Lord and Brown, Addison. An illustrated
flora of the northern Ignited States, Canada and the British
possessions, v. 1-2. N. Y., 189(i-97. 2 v. Q.
yamely: Vol. 1. Ophioglossaceae (ferns) to Aizoaceae (carpet weed).
2. Portulacaceae to Menyanthareae.
BRITTON, Wiley. The civil war on the border, 18(;i-(;2. N. Y.. 1S!)0.
pors. maps. O.
BROADFOOT, ^V., maj. The career of ^lajor Ceorjie Broadfoot in
Afjihanistan and the Punjab; compiled from his papers and
those of Lords Ellenborough and Hardinge. Lond., 1888.
por. maps. O.
BROCAS family.
BURROWS, Montagu. The family of Brocas of Beaurepaire and
Roche Court. L,ond., 1886. O.
BROCHE, Gaston. Petit traits d' agriculture indiquant un proci^d^
de plantation, prc^'servaut les vignes du ])hyllo.\era et les
moyens de combattre cette maladie. Nimes, 1880. 32 p. S.
BROCKEDON, William. Illustrations of the j^asses of the Alps,
bv which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland and
Germany. Lond., 1828-29. 2 v. pi. Q.
BROCKETT, Linus Pierjjont. Our western empire; or. The new
west beyond the Mississif)])!. Chic, [etc.], 1882. pi.
maps. ().
Woman: her rights, wrongs, privileges and responsibilities.
Hartford, 1879. il. D.
See Stiles, H. R., Proctor, L. B. and Brochett, L. P., eds. His-
tory of the county of Kings.
BRODERICK, Mar.v, Sayce, A. and Lyons, Capt. H. G., eds. Hand-
book for travellers in lower and upper Egyi)t. 9th ed. Lond,.
1896. iL maps. D.
BRODHTRST, Bernard Edward. On curvatures and disease of
the spine. 4th ed. Lond., 1888. 8-^129 p. il. O.
BRODIE, Walter. Pitcairn's island, and tl.e islanders in 18.~i0; to-
gether with extracts from his i»rivate journal and a few hints
upon California. 2d ed. Lond., 1851. por. I).
BRODRICK, George Charles. English land and English landlords.
Lond., etc., 1881. O.
BRODRICK, Mary, Ir. ^Liriette, A. Outlines of ancient Egy])tian
BROECK, Peter van den. Voyage to Cape de Verde, ICdO; tr.
from the French. (Tn Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 2.
p. 247.)
BROGLIE, Achille Leonce N'ictor Charles, due de. Silvestre de
Sacy; m^danges de lilK^rature orientale pre'c^d^s de 1' eloge
de Tauteur. Paris, [n. d.]. O.
BROME, Richard. Dramatic works. Lond., 1873. 3 v. por. D.
BRONTE, Cliarlotte.
BIRRELL, A. Life of Charlotte Bronte. Lond., 1887. O. (Great
SHORTER, C. K. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. N. Y,, 1896. il. O.
BRONTE family.
MACKAY, A. M. The Brontes, fact and Action. N. Y., 1897. 187 p. D.
WRIGHT, W: The Brontes in Ireland; or. Facts stranger than
fiction. N. Y., 1893. il. pors. L.
BROOK, George. Antipatliaria (Challenger exped. Zoology, v. 32.)
BROOKE, Stopford Augustus. The history of early English litera-
ture: being the history- of English poetry from its begin-
nings to the accession of king Aelfred. N. Y.,1892., map. D.
Old Paris; etchings by C. M(^ryon; preface and illustrative
notes, by B. Lond., 1887. pi. F.
The old testament and modern life. N. Y., 1896. D.
Tennyson, his art and relation to modern life. N. Y., 1894. D.
BROOKES, James H. Isaiah. {In Munhall, L. W., ed. Anti-
higher criticism.)
The testimony of the Bible to its own integrity. {In Munhall,
L. W. ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
BROOKLINE (Mass.). Pvhlic Library. 35th annual report of the
trustees; 1892. Brookline, 1892. O. pamp.
BROOKLYN (N. Y.). Civil, political, professional and ecclesiasti-
cal history and commercial and industrial record of the
county of Kings and the city of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1683-1884;
ed. by H. R. Stiles [and others]. N. Y., [c. 1884]. 2 v. il.
pors. Q.
Civil Service Commission. llth-13th annual report, 1894-96. N.
Y., 1897. O. 3 pam.
BROOKLYN Ethical Association. Evolution in science, philoso-
phy and art; popular lectures and discussions. N. Y., 1891.
pors. O.
Contents: Abbot, F. E. Scientific method. — Alleman, L. A. W.
Optics as related to evolution. — Chadwick, J: W. Evolution of archi-
tecture. — Cope, E. D. Alfred R. Wallace. — Davidson, T: Evolution of
sculpture. — Eccles, R. G. Evolution of chemistry. — Fiske, J: Doctrine
of evolution, its scope and infiuence. — James, L. G. Life as a fine art.
— Kennel ly, A. E. Evolution of electric and magnetic physics. — Kim-
ball, J: C. Zoology as related to evolution. — Potts, W: Form and
color in nature. — Rundell, F. P. Evolution of painting. — Sampson,
Z. S. Evolution of music. — Taylor, J: A. Evolution of art. — Under-
wood, B. F. Herbert Spencer's synthetic philosophy. — Wakeman,
T. B. Prof. E. Haeckel; his life, works, career and prophecy. — Wul-
ling, F. J. Evolution of botany.
Man and the state: studies in applied sociology. N. Y.,
1892. D.
Contents: Andrews, E. B. The duty of a public spirit. — Barrows,
S. J. Evolution of the Afric-American. — Chadwick, J: W. Education
as related to citizenship. — Eccles, R. G. The study of applied sociology.
— Gunton, G: Taxation and revenue: the protectionist view. — Horr,
R. G. The republican party. — James, L. G. The problem of city gov-
ernment. — Kimball, J: C. Moral questions in politics. — Le Conte, J.
The race problem in the south. — Mason, O. T. The land problem. —
Mead, E. D. Representative government. — Potts, W: The monetary
problem. — Remsen, D. S. Suffrage and the b'allot. — Sampson, Z. S.
The immigration problem. — Shearman, T: G Taxation and revenue:
the free-trade view. — Shepard, E. M. The democratic party. — Taylor,
J: A. The independent in politics.
BROOKLYN daily advertiser [daily] ; Sept., o, (>, 11, 1834. Brook-
lyn, 1834. Q.
Note: Bd. with N. Y. Transcript. 1834.
BROOKLYN Library (N. Y.). 32nd-31)tli annual report of the board
of directors; 1890 1)7. Brooklyn, 18U;{-97. O. 7 pamp.
BROOKS, C. P. Cotton manufacturing. 2d ed. N. Y., 1889.
6H-175 p. il. pi. D.
BROOKS, Charles Wolcott. Early migrations: Early maritime
intercourse of ancient western nations, chronologically ar-
ranged and ethuologically considered; Japanese wrecks
stranded and picked up adrift in the north Tacitic ocean eth-
nologically considered. Origin of the Chinese race. S. F.,
1876. maps. O.
BROOKS, Elbridge Streeter. The story of New York. Bost., [c.
1888]. il. O. (Story of the states.)
ed. Story of the states. Bost., 1888- [92]. 8 v. O. For list
sec, Story of the states.
and Alden, John. Tlie long walls, an American boy's adven-
tures in Greece. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
BROOKS, Francis A. Objections, legal and practical, to our na-
tional currency system. Bost., 1893. 56 p. O. {In Tracts
on finance: v. 7.)
Political and financial errors of our recent monetary legisla-
tion. Bost., 1891. 52 p. O. {In Tracts on finance: v. 7.)
BROOKS, Henry S. A catastrophe in Bohemia, and other stories.
N. Y., 1893. D.
BROOKS, James. A seven months' run up and down and around
the world. N. Y., 1874. map. D.
BROOKS, John Graham. Compulsory insurance in Germany; in-
cluding an appendix relating to compulsory insurance in
other countries in Europe. Prepared under the direction of
C. D. Wright. Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Dept. of Labor. 4th
Spec, rept.)
The Papal encyclical on the labor question. {In Amer. Econ.
Assn. Pub., V. 9.)
BROOKS, Noah. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American
slavery. N. Y., 1894. il. por. D. (Heroes of the nations.)
Boy emigrants. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Bov settlers; a story of early times in Kansas. N. Y., 1896.
if. D.
The Fairport nine. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
How the republic is governed. N. Y., 1895. 170 p. S.
Lost in the fog. {In stories by Amer. authors, v. 4.)
The Mediterranean trip; a short guide to the principal points
on the shores of the western Mediterranean and the Levant.
N. Y., 1895. il. maps. S.
Short studies in party politics. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Statesmen. N. Y., 1897. il. D. (Men of achievement ser.)
Tales of the Maine coast. N. Y.. 1894. S.
BROOKS, Phillips. The candle of the Lord, and other sermons.
N. Y., 1881. D. 2 cop.
The light of the world, and other sermons. 5th series. N. Y.,
1890. D.
BROOKS, l*hillips. Sermons preached in p]nglisli churches. N.
Y., 1887. D.
Twenty sermons. 4th ser. N. Y., 1887. D.
BROOKS, Sarah Warner. English poetry and poets. Bost., [c.
1890] . O.
BROOKS, William K. The oyster: a popular summary of a sci-
entific study. Bait., 18U1. pi. D.
BROTHERS, X. Photography: its history, processes, apparatus
and materials. Lond., 1892. 11. pi. O.
BROUGH, John. Dayton speech. [In Nat. Union Assoc, of Ohio.
Loyal pub. no. 3.)
BROUGHAM, Henry, //■. An inquiry into the colonial policy of
the European powers. Edin., 18U3. 2 v. O.
BROUGHTON, Thomas Duer. Les Marattes; ou, Moeurs, usages
et costumes de ce i^euple; tr. de I'anglais par M. Breton.
Paris, 1817. 2 y. in 1. col. pi. T.
BROWN, Abrani English. Genealogy of Bedford old families,
with biographical notes. Bedford, 1892. 11. Q.
BROWN, Addison. See Britton, N. L. and Brown, A. An illus-
trated flora of northern United States [etc.].
BROWN, Alexander. The Cabells and their kin; a memorial vol-
ume of history, biography, and generalogy. Bost., 1895. il.
por. O.
The genesis of the United States ; a narrative of the movement
in England, 1605-1616, which resulted in the plantation of
North America. Bost., 1890-91. 2 v. pi. pors. maps. O.
BROWN, Alice. By oak and thorn; a record of English davs.
Bost., 1896. S.
The day of his youth. Bost., 1897. 148 p. S.
Mercy Warwen. N. Y., 1896. por. S. (Women of col. and
rev. times.)
BROWN, Alonzo L. History of the Fourth regiment of Minnesota
infantrv volunteers during the great rebellion, 1861-65. St.
Paul, 1892. pors. pi. O.
BROW^N, Charles O. Talks on the labor troubles. Chic, [c. 1886].
181 p. D.
BROWN, Clara Spauldinu. Life at Shut-in Valley, and other Pa-
cific Coast tales. [Franklin, O., 1895]. 188 p. D.
BROAYN, Elmer E. The school. (Tompkins School mono. no. 1.)
BROWN, Francis Henry. Harvard University in the war of 1861-
65: a record of services rendered in the army and navy of
the United States by the graduates and students of Harvard
college and the professional schools. Bost., 1886. O.
BROWN, George Preston. Drainage channel and waterway.
Chic, 1894. O.
BROWN, George William. Baltimore and the nineteenth of April,
1861: a study of the war. Bait., 1887. 176 p. map. O.
(Johns Hopkins Univ. studies. Extra, v 3.)
BROWN, Gerard Baldwin. The fine arts. N. Y., 1896. S. (Univ.
BROWN, H. W., tr. I'reyer, W. Mind of the child.
BROWN, Horatio Robert Forbes. John Addington Symonds: a
biography compiled from his papers and correspondence. N.
Y., 1895. 2 V. pi. pors. O.
BKOWN, Horatio liobcil Forbes. The WMU'lian piinliiif? i)roa8:
an hostoiiial study based upon docunicnts for the most part
hithei'to unpublished. Lond., 1S!)1. iacsini. (2.
Venice: an liistoiical sketcli of tiie i-epublit-. \. V., Lond.,
lSi)3. map. plan. ().
BKOWX, A. Graham. Medical dia^niosis: a uiaimal of clinical
methods. :?d ed. Kdin., ISST. il. jtl. 1).
BROWN, A. Ednie. Ke])ort on the I'oi-ests of Western Australia,
their description, utilisation, and proposed future mauajjje-
nient. Terth, 1SJ)G. il. pi. Q.
BROWN, James, JvL./J. The forester; or, A practical treatise on
the plantinji;, rearinj?, and j^eneral uiana<;ement of forest
trees. 4th ed. enl. imp. Edin. and Lond., 1871. il. O.
BROWN, eJames Temple. The whale fishery and its api)liances.
Wash., 1883. O. (V. S. Nat. Mus. Hull. no. 27, sec. E.)
BRO\\'N, John. Memoirs of the courts of Sweden and Denmark
durinff the reij^ns of Christian Vll.of Denmark and (lustavus
in. and IV. of KSweden. Paris, liost., [n. d.]. il. pi. 2 v.
Q. (Historic court njemoirs.)
BROWN, John, D.D. Self-interpretinp; bible, with commentaries,
references, harmony of the jjospel and the helps necnled to
understand and teach the text; references [etc.] byB. ; rev.
and enl. bv H: Cooke and J. L. Porter. S. F., [c. 1890]. il.
1»1. 4v. Q.
BROWN, John, M.D. Horae subsecivae; lst-8d ser. New ed.
Edin, 1884-80. 3 v. il. pors. S.
Coninits: 1st. ser. Lock and Sydenham and other papers. 5th ed.
2. Rab and his friends and other papers. 14th ed. 3. John Leech
and other papers. 5th ed.
BROWN, John Croumbie, com p. Schools of forestry in Germany;
with addenda relative to a desiderated British National
School of Forestry. Edin., 1887. plan. D.
BROWN, John H. Reminiscences and incidents of "the early
days" of San Francisco, 1845-50. S. F., [c. 1886. n. p.]. O.
BROWN, John :Mason. The i)olitical befiinniiifrs of Kentucky.
Louisville, 18S1). })or. F. (Filson Club. Pub. no. it.)
Same. Louisville, 1880. por. Q.
BROWN, Robert. Miscellaneous botanical works. Lond., 18GG-G8.
2 V. O. Atlas of pi. F.
Confnifs: V. 1. Geographico botanical. — Structural and physio-
logical memoirs. 2. Systematic memoirs. — Contributions to syste-
matic works. 3. Atlas of plates.
BROWN, T., roll. Miscellanea aulica; or, A collection of state
treatises ncniM- before published. Lond., 1702. I).
BROWN, Thomas. Eleiuenls of concholo^M'; or. Natural history
of shells: accordinfj to the Linuean system. Loud.. 18H).
il. lG8p. O.
BROWN. Thomas Edwin. P.J>. Studies in modern socialism an, , ^
With open face; or. Jesus mirroivd m Matthew, .Mark and
Luke. N. Y., 1806. D.
BRUCE, Henry. Life of General Housron. 1703-1863. N. Y.. [c.
1801]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
Life of General Oglethorpe. N. Y., [c. 1800]. por. S.
(Makers of Amer.)
BRUCE, James, earl of Elgin. Letters and journals; ed. by T. Wal-
rond; with a preface by Arthur Peurhyn Stanley. Lond.,
1872. O.
BRUCE, James, ed. Liber fauielicus of Sir James Whitelocke.
[Lond.], 1858. 20^131 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 70.)
BRUCE, John. Tiie quarrel between the Earl of Manchester and
Oliver Cromwell: an episode of the English civil war; an-
notated and completed by D. Masson. [Westminster], 1875.
97— no p. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 12).
ed. Coi-respondeuce of Robert Dudley, earl of Leycester, during
his government of the Low Countries in the years 1585 and
1586. Lond., 1844. O. [Same, v. 27.)
Correspondence of King James VI. of Scotland with Sir
Robert Cecil and others in England during the reign of Q.
Elizabeth; with app. containing papers illustrative of trans-
actions between King James and Robert, earl of Essex.
[Lond.], 1861. O. {Same,\.l^.)
Digby, Sir K. Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean,
1628; ed. from the original autograph ms. in the possession
of W : W. E. Wynne. [Westminster], 1868. 38-1-106 p. O.
{Same, v. 96.)
Hayward, Sir J : Annals of the first four years of the reign
of queen Elizabeth; ed. from a ms. in the Harleian collection.
Lond., 1840. 49+116 p. O. {Same, v. 7.)
Historie of the arrivall of Edward IV. in England and the
finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry VI., 1471.
Lond., 1838. 15+52 p. O. {Same, v. 1.)
Letters and papers of the A'^erney family down to the end
of the year 1639; printed from the original ms. Lond., 1853.
O. {Same, v. 56.)
Letters of king Charles I. to queen Henrietta Maria, 1646.
[Lond.], 1856. 31+104 p. O. (*Same, v. 63.)
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scot-
land; some of them printed from originals in the possession
of Rev. E. Ryder, and others from a ms. which formerly be-
longed to Sir P. Thompson. [Lond.], 1849. O. {Same,
v. 46.)
Manninghara, J: Diary, 1602-03. Westminster, 1868. fac-
sim. O. {Same, v. 99.)
Notes of a treaty carried on at Ripon between King
Charles I. and the covenanters of Scotland, 1640; taken by Sir
J: Borough; ed. from the original ms. [Westminster], 1869.
41_j_82 I)." O. {Same, v. 100.)^
Verney papers: notes of proceedings in the Long Parlia-
ment, temp. Charles I. ; printed from original pencil memor-
anda taken in the House. Lond., 1845. 13+182 p. O. {Same
V. 31.)
BRUCE,, John Mitchell. See, Daland, J., Bruce, J: M. and Finlay,
D: W., eds. International clinics.
BRUCE, Mary Stone, cnmp. Selections for sight translation.
(Heath's modern language series.)
BRUCE, IMiilip Aloxnndcr. Economic liistory of Virj^'iniM in liie
seventeenth centnrv: an in(|uiry into the material condition
of the i)eople based npon original and contemporaneous rec-
ords. N. Y., 180(). il. 2 V. D.
BRUCE, Robert, hing of Scotland.
BARBOUR, J: The Bruce; or. The book of the most excellent and
noble prince, Robert de Broyss, king of Scots; compiled A. D. 1375;
ed. with preface notes and glossarial index, by W. W Skeat- pt
1-4. Lond., 1870-89. 2 v. O. (Early Eng Text Soc. Pub. Extra
ser. no. 11, 21, 29, 55.)
The Bruce; or. The metrical history of Robert 1.. king
of Scats. Published from a manuscript dated 1489, with notes, and
a memoir of the life of the author, bv J: Jamieson. New ed
Glasgow, 1869. D. (Bruce and Wallace, v. 1.)
BRUCP: and Wallace; published from two ancient manuscripts
preserved in the library of the Faculty of Advocates; with
notes, biographical sketches and a glossary. New ed. Glas-
gow, 18()9. 2 v. I).
BRUE, Andre. Description of the river Samaga. Voyages and
travels along the western coasts of Africa, on account of the
French commerce. (In Green, J: Vovages and travels, v. 2^
pp. 45, 27.)
Attempt for a discovery of the lake of Kayor in 1714; with an
account of the trade carried on from Goree; — First, Second,
and Third voyage up the Sanaga in ](J1)7, 1608, and 1715; —
Journey from Albreda on the river Gambra to Kachao by
land, 1700; — Voyage to the isles of I?issao and Bissagos, 170(1.
{In same, v. 2. pp. 54-138.)
BRUGMANN, Karl. Comparative grammar of the Tndo-Germanic
languages; tr. by J. Wright, R. S. Conway, and W. IT. D.
Rouse; v. 1-4. N. V., 1888-95. 4 v. O.
Contnits: Vol. 1. Introduction and phonology. 2-4. Morphology;
pt. 1-3.
The nature and origin of the noun genders in the Tndo-Euro-
pean languages. N. Y.. 1S!>7. -"'2 ]>. S. (Princet(»n lectur<'s.)
BRUNEH, Jane W. Free ])risoners: a storv of ('alifornia life-
Phil., 1877. D.
BRUNER, Lawrence. The more destructive locusts of America
north of Mexico. Wash., 1803. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Div. of Phitomology. Bull. no. 28.)
BRUNNl^R, A. W.. romp, and ed. Cottagers; or. Hints on economical
iMiilding; added A chapter on the water supply. driiinag<',
sewerage [etc.], bvW: P. Gerhard. 5th ed. N. S'., 1800. 54
p. pi. O.
BRUNOR, Martin. The lu'actical electroplater. N. Y., 1801. il.
y)or. O.
BRUTT^'S, pst'ud. The vetoes vetoed: an address to the people of
California on the aitproacliing gul)einatorial election: in-
cluding a review of the veto messages of 1855; J\iiic. 1S55 (n.
imyt.]. 10 p. O. (//? Cal. speeches, v. 8.)
BRY, Theodore de. A brief and true rei)ort of the ne\v-f»)und I:md
of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and man-
ners of the naturall inhabitants. Discovered by the English
colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinuile. KnitMit. In the
yeere 1585 .... This fore book fs made in English By Thomas
TTariot .... Franceforts ad niocnum. 1500. ]>1. F.
BRYAN, Enoch A. The mark in Europe and America: a review
of the discussion on early land tenure. Bost., 1893. 6+164
p. D.
BRYAN, Michael. Dictionar}' of painters and engravers; bio-
graphical and critical. New ed. rev. and ed. by R. E.
Graves. Lond., 1886-89. 2 v. O.
BRYAN, William Jennings. The first battle: a story of the cam-
paign of 1896; a collection of his speeches and a biographi-
cal sketch by his wife. Chic, [c. 1896]. 11. por. O.
METCALFE, R. L. Life and patriotic services of Hon. W. J. Bryan
also tlie life of Hon. A. Seawell. [n. p.]. [c. 1896]. 11.
pors. D.
BRYANT, Edwin E. History of the Third regiment of Wisconsin
Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-65. Madison, 1891. pors.
maps. O.
BRYANT, Thomas. Diseases of the breast. Lond., etc. 1887. il.
col. pi. S.
Hunterian lectures on tension, as met with in surgical prac-
tice; inflammation of bone and on cranial and intracranial
injuries. Delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons of
England, June, 1888. Lond., 1888. 144 p. O.
BRYCE, James. Tlie American commonwealth, 3d ed. com-
pletely revised throughout; v. 1. N. Y., 1893. O.
Impressions of South Africa. N. Y., 1897. O.
The judicature Act of 1873 in its relation to the history of the
judicial system in England. (In Owens College essays, 1874.)
The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. {In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
Transcaucasia and Ararat: being notes of a vacation tour in
the autumn of 1876. 3d ed. Lond., 1878. map. D.
BRYDEN, H. A. See Selous. P. and Bryden, H. A. Travel and
big game.
BUCHAN, Alexander. Atmospheric circulation; based on obser-
vations made on board H. M. S. Challenger, and other me-
teorological observations. (Challenger Exped. Physics and
Chemistrv, v. 2.)
BUCHAN, John. Scholar gipsies. Lond., 1896. il. D.
Social institutions of the United States. N. Y., 1892. D.
BUCHANAN, A. H. M. D. Address on scientific and practical
medicine. Nashville, 1857. {In Nashville journal of medi-
cine and surgerv, v. 14.)
BUCHANAN, Eev. Neil. tr. Schwartzkopff, Dr. P. Prophecies
of Jesus Christ.
BUCHANAN. Roberdeau. Genealogy of the McKean family of
Pennsylvania; with a biography of Hon. Thomas McKean.
Lancaster, 1890. il. O.
Genealogy of the Roberdeau family, including a biography of
Gen. Daniel Roberdeau. Wash., 1876. il. O.
BUCHANAN, Robert, /r. Ballad stories of the affections, from
the Scandinavian. Lond., 1869. 176 p. T. (Bayard ser.)
BUCHARD, Eev. The inquisition. S. F., 1873. O. {In Cal.
Speeches, v. 4.)
(n:M:h'.\ l dijw rtment.
HrCIlXKK, Ak'xaiuh-e. l.c coiuiiKM-nil dc la California. Caen,
1809. 23 p. D.
BUCK, Albeit Ileiiiv. cd. Kefeieiue handbook of the medical sci-
ences (continuation), v. 8. N. Y., 1889. Q.
BUCK, Carl I). Discoveries in the Attic denie of Ikaria, 1888.
Bost., 1892. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am., Amer. School of Classi-
cal studies at Athens, v. 5.)
BUCK, James Smith. Milwaukee under the charter from 1847-60.
Milwaukee, 1884. 2 v. il. pi. pors. O.
rioneer history of Milwaukee from the first American settle-
ment in 1833- [4G]. Milwaukee, 1881-90. 2 v. il. pors.
maps. O.
liote: v. 1 is rev. ed.
BUCKE, Richard Maurice. Walt Whitman. Phil., 1883. por.
BUCKINGHAM, Charles L. The telegraph of today. {In Brack-
ett, C. F. and others. Electricitv in dailv life.)
BUCKINGHAM, Samuel G. Life of William" A. Buckingham, the
war governor of Connecticut. S])ringfield, 1894. por. O.
BUCKINGHAM, William Alfred.
BUCKINGHAM, S. G. Life of W: A. Buckingham, the war governor
of Connecticut. Springfield, 1894. por. 0.
BUCKINGHAM and Chandos. Alice A. duchess of. Glimpses of
four continents; letters written during a tour in Australia,
New Zealand and North America in 1893. N. Y., 1894. il.
pors. D.
CHAPMAN, Rrr. F. W. The Buckingham family; or. The descend-
ants of Thomas Buckingham of Milford, Conn. Hart.,
1872. por. 0.
BUCKLER. William. The larvae of the British butterflies and
moths; ed. by H.T.Stainton. Lond., 1886-89. 3 v. pi. O.
(Ray Soc. Pub.)
Conttntft: V. 1. The butterflies. 2. The sphinges or hawk moths
and part of the bombyces. 3. The concluding portion of thebombyces.
BUCKLEY, James Monroe. A history of :Methodists in the United
States. N. Y., 1896. D. (Amer. Church hist. ser. v. 5.)
BUCKLEY, Theodore Alois. Ir. Iliad of Homer; literally trans-
lated, with notes. N. Y.. 1889. 1). (Harper's new classical
Works of Virgil, literally translated into English prose with
notes, by Davidson. New ed. rev, with additional notes by
B. N. Y., 1889. D. (Har])er's new classical library.)
BUCKTON. George Bowdler. :Monograi»h of the British aphides.
Lond., 1876-83. 4 v. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
Life of Buddha and the early hi.story of his order; tr. by W. W. Rock-
hill. Loud., 1892. O. (Triibner's oriental ser.)
BUDGE, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. First steps in Egyp-
tian, a book for beginners. Lond., 1895. O.
The mummy: chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology.
Cambridge, 1893. il. pi. O.
BUDGE, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, ed. The history of Alex-
ander the Great: he'm^ the ^^yriac version of the Pseudo Cal-
listhenes; ed. from live mss. with an English translation and
notes. Cam!)., 1889. O.
[BUDGEN, Miss L. M.] Episodes of insect life, by Acheta Domes-
tica [pseud.] ; ed. and rev. by Rev. J. G. Wood. Lond., 1867.
il. O.
BUDGETT, John Season Burgess. Hygiene of schools; or, Educa-
tion mentally and physically considered. Lond., 1874. 88
p. D. '
BUEL, Clarence Clough. ed. See Johnson, R. IT. and Buel, C. C.
eds. Battles and leaders of the civil war.
BUEL, J. W. America's wonderlands: a pictorial and descriptive
history of our country's scenic marvels as delineated by pen
and camera. S. F., [c. 1893]. il. pi. obi. O.
• Beautiful Paris; a i)ortfolio of photographs from A. Pepper:
history and description by B. S. F., 1894. pi. pors. obi.
Heroes of the plains. St. Louis, [n. d.]. il. D.
Sea and land; an illustrated history of the wonderful and curi-
ous things of nature existing before and since the deluge.
S. F., [c.1887]. 11. O.
The world's wonders as seen by the great tropical and polar
explorers. S. F., [c. 1884], il. O.
BUGBEE, James M. The city government of Boston. (//) Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
BUHLER, G. tr. The laws of Manu. Oxford, 1886. O. (Miil-
ler, F. M. Sacred books of the east, v. 25.)
BUILDER, The; an illustrated weekly magazine, v. 1-36. Lond.,
1843-78. 36 v. il. pi. F.
BUILDERS of a great city: San Francisco's representative men,
the city, its history and commerce; pub. by San Francisco
Journal of Commerce. S. F., 1891. pors. 1 v. O.
Notr: v. 2 iras not publishefl.
BUILDERS of greater Britain; ed. by H. F. Wilson. N. Y., 1897.
il. D.
Namely: Sir Walter Raleigh, by M. A. S. Hume.
BUILDING and machine draughtsman: a practical guide; by Vari-
ous practical draughtsmen; ed by the editor of ''The indus-
trial self-instructor." Lond., [n. d.]. folded pi. D.
BUIST, John B. Vaccinia and variola: a study of their life his-
tory. Lond., 1887. col. pi. D.
BULBRING, Karl D. ed. The earliest complete English prose
Psalter; together with eleven Canticles and a translation of
the Athanasian creed; pt. 1. Lond., 1891. O. (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 97.)
BULFINCH, Charles.
BULFINCH, E. S., ed. The life and letters of Charles Bulfinch, archi-
tect, with other family papers. Bost., 1896. il. pors. O.
BULFINCH, Ellen Susan, ed. The life and letters of Charles Bul-
finch, architect; with other family papers. Bost., 1896. il.
pors. O.
"BULKLEY, T.. Duiu'aii. Sv])liilis in (lie iimocciit. N. Y., [c. 1894.
BULLEIN, William. A dialojiue aj;aiiis( the fouer postilence;
from the odiliou of IHTS, collated with the earlier editions
of 1504 and 1573; ed. by M. W. and A. H. Bnllen; pt. 1.— the
text. Lond., 1888. O. (Early Enji:. Text Soc. l»iib. Extra
ser. no. 52.)
BULLPEN, Ai'thur Henry, ed. Lyrics from the dramatists of the
Elizabethan iv^e. N. Y., 1806. S.
Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age. N. Y.,
1806. S.
Poems, chiefly lyrical, from romances and prose-tracts of the
Elizabethan age; with chosen poems of Nicholas Breton.
Lond., 1890. 170 p. O.
BULLEN, Mark W. and A. H. eds. A dialogue against the feuer
pestilence, by William Bullein; from the edition of 1578, col-
lated with the earlier editions of 1564 and 1573; pt. 1. — the
text. Lond., 1888. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. I»ub. Extra
ser. no. 52.)
BULLETIN, Daily evening; (continuation). April, 1890-Sept., 1897.
S. F., 1889-07. 16 y. F.
BULLEY, Agues Am^' and AN'hitley, Margaret. Women's work.
Lond., 1804. s'. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
BULLOCH, James D. The secret seryice of the confederate states
in Europe; or. How the confederate cruisers were equipped.
Lond., 1883. 2 y. O.
BULOW, B. yon Marenholz. baroness. Reminiscences of Friedrich
Froebel; tr. by Mrs. Horace :Mann. Bost., 1805. D.
BULOW, Hans Guido yon. Early correspondence of H. yon B.; tr.
byC. Bache. N. Y., [1806]. por. O.
BUNALT-VARILLA, P. Panama: le pass(^ — le present — I'avenir.
Paris, 1802. plans. F.
Panama: le trafic. Paris, 1802. F. (Bd. with Pauanui: le
pass(^, etc.)
BUNBURY. Edward Herbert, harf. A liistory of ancient geog-
raphy among the Greeks and Romans from the <»arliest ages
till the fall of the Roman empire. 2d ed. Loud., 1883. 2
V. maps. O.
[BUNBURY, Henry Charles.] The mutiny of the Bengal army:
an historical narratiye, by One who lias served under Sir
Charles Napier. Lond., 1858. O.
BT'NKT<:R, :\Iary Powell, rcmp. Long Islaiul genealogies: being
descendants of Thomas Powell of Bethpage. L. I., 1<;8S. Al-
l)any, 1895. O. (MuusiMl's hist. ser. no. 14.)
BUNKP:R Hill Monument Association. IM-oceedings at the annual
meeting, June 17. 1861-80. Bost., [18(Jl]-80. 2 v. pi.
pors. map. O.
BUNNELL. Lafayc^ttc Houghton. Discovery of the Yosemite and
t' e Indian war of 1S51. 3(1 rd rev. and cor. X. Y.. Chic,
1880-02. il. D.
BUNNER. Henry Cuyler. .\iueiican ]K»sters. past and present.
{hi .Mexandi't'. -\. mnhlhrrx. The modern i)oster. i
Love in old cloathes. {In Stories l»y Anier. authors, v. 4.)
BUNNER, Henry Ciiyler. Poems. N. Y., 1896. por. D.
See Mattht^ws, J. B. and Biinner, H: C. Documents in the
BUNSEX, Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von. Christianity and
mankind, their beginnings and prospects. Lond., 1854. 7
V. O.
Contents: V. 1-2. Hippolytus and his age. 2d ed. 3-4. Outlines of
the philosophy of universal history, applied to language and religion.
5-7. Analecta ante-nicaena.
VENABLES, E. Life of John Bunyan. Lond., 1888. O. (Great
BUONARROTI, Michel Angelo. Sonnets, now for the first time
translated into rhymed English, by J: A. Sjanonds. Port.,
• 1895. por. 109 p. O.
SYMONDS, J: A. Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti; based on studies
in the archives of the Buonarroti family at Florence. 2d ed.
N. Y.. 1893. 2 V. pi. pors. O.
WILSON, C. H. Life and works of Michelangelo Buonarroti; the
life partly compiled from that by Aurelio Gotti. 2d ed. Lond.,
1881. pi. por. facsim. O.
BURCH, George J. A manual of electrical science. Lond., 1893.
il. S. (Univ. exten. ser.)
BURD, James, col Journal of B. of the provincial service, 1760.
(In Penn. archives, 2d ser. v. 7.)
Journal while building Fort Augusta at Shamokiu, 1756-7.
{In Penn. archives, 2d ser. v. 2.)
BURD papers. See Walker, L. B. ed.
BURDICK, George E. maj. comp. The national guardsman in
camp; duties of officers and soldiers for encampments. Sac,
1892. 40 p. T.
BURDON-SANDERSOX. J. S. See Sanderson. J. S. Burdon-.
BUREAU county (111.).
The voters and taxpayers of Bureau county, Illinois. Chic, 1877. O.
MAtSON, N. Reminiscences of Bureau county. Princeton, 1872. il.
2 pts. in 1 v. D.
BURET, Dr. Fred. Syphilis in ancient and prehistoric times; tr.
from the French, with notes by A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil; v.
1. Phil., 1891. D. (Physiciaias' and students' ready refer-
ence ser. no. 12.)
BURGER, Godfried-August.
RETZSCH, Moritz. Outlines to Burger's ballads, designed and en-
graved by R., with Biirger's text explanations and biographical
notices. Bost., 1873. il. pi. Q. (obi.)
BURGESS, John William. The middle period, 1817-1858. N. Y.,
1897. maps. D. (Amer. hist, ser.)
Political science and comparative constitutional law. Bost.,
1891. 2 V. O. (Systematic ser. ed by the University fa-
culty of Pol. sci. in Columbia Col.)
Contents: V. 1. Sovereignty and liberty. 2. Government.
BURGIS, Edwin. Perils to British trade— how to avert them.
Lond,. 1895. D. (Social sci. ser.)
BURGNER, Jacob. History and oenealo^y of tlie Burgner family
in the Tnited (States as descended from Peter Burguer a
Swiss emigrant of 1734. Oberlin, 1890. il. por. O.
BURGNER family.
BURGNER, J. History and genealogy of the Burgner family in the
United States. Oberlin, 1890. il. por. O.
BURGOYNE, Sir John Fox.
WROTTESLEY, G: Life and correspondence of Field Marshal Sir
J: Burgoyne. Lond., 1873. 2 v. por. facsim. 0.
BURKE, John. ecL The patrician; v. 1-0. Lond., 1846-48. v. O.
BURKE, Sir John Bernard. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary
of the peerage and baronetage, together with menioirs ot
privy councillors and knights. 5'Jth. ed. Lond., 1897. il. Q.
A selection of arms authorized by the laws of heraldry. Lond.,
1800. pi. O.
cd. St. James's magazine, and heraldic and historical register:
V 1-2. Lond., 1850. 2 v. O.
BURKE, S. Hubert. Historical portraits of the Tudor dynasty and
the Reformation period. [v. 1 and 4 in 2d ed.]. Lond.,
1881-87. 4 V. O.
BURKE, William E. Federal finances; or. The income of the
United States. Chic, [c. 1891]. D.
BURLAMAQUI, Jean Jacques. The principles of natural and
politic law; tr. by T: Nugent. 7th ed. corrected. Phil.,
1830-32. 2 Y. in 1. O. , . • i 4. +,
BURLEIGH Bennet. Desert warfare; being the chronicle ot the
eastern Soudan campaign. Lond., 1884. maps, plans. O.
BURLEIGH, Charles. The genealogy and history of the Guild,
Guile, and Gile family. Portland, 1887. pors. O.
GenealogY of the Burley or Burleigh family of America. Port-
land. 1880. pors. O.
BURLEI(4H family. „,,..•, f
BURLEIGH, C: Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of
America. Portland, 1880. pors. 0.
liURLEY familv. See, Burleigh. , ■, a
BURMEISTER.' Hermann. Organizalion of trilobites, d'^^uced
from their living affinities; ed. from the German by Prof. Bell,
and Prof. E. Forbes. Lond., 1840. pi. F. iHay Soc. Pub.)
BURN, Robert Scott. See Stephens, H. and Buin. R. S. l>ook ot
farm-buildings. , , ,, ,
BURN\BY Frederick Gustavus. It-rol On horseback llircugh
Asia Minor, [vol. 2 in 3d ed.] Lond., 1S77. 2 v. por. maps.
BT'RNS" Sir \lexander. Travels into Bokhara; being the account
' of a iournev from India to Cabool. Tartary. and P«M-sia; also
narrative of a vovage on the Indus from the s.-ii to Lahore
18.31-33. Lond., 1834. 3 v. pi. O.
BURNES, James Nelson.
M^TYinrial addresses on the life and character of B. delivered in the
ITouse of Repfeintatives and in the Senate. .-SOth Cong. 2d sess.
wZl ?889 por. O. (U. S. 50th Cong.. 2d sess. H. M. D.)
BURNETT. Charles U. .¥. /). r,l. Sysl.u. of diseas.-s of the ear,
nose and Phil. 1^93. il. 2 v. O.
BURNETT, Fiances Eliza Hodg^son. A lady of quality. N. Y.,
180G. D.
Story of the Latin quarter. {In, Stories by Amer. authors.
V. 8.)
BUKNETT, Peter Hardeman. Inaugural address, 1849. {In Cal.
Goc. Inaugural addresses, 1849-91.)
Reasons why we sliould believe in God, love God and obev God.
N. Y., 1884. O.
BURNHAM, A. H. Operations against the defences of Mobile in
the late war; Mav 4, 1868. (Essayons Club; printed papers,
v. 1, no. 3.)
BURNHAM, Henry. Brattleboro, Windham county, Vermont:
early history with biograpliical sketches of some of its citi-
zens. Brattleboro, 18S0. 191 p. O.
BURNHAM, I. G. tr. Dumas, A. Celebrated crimes.
BURNS, Robert. Comi)lete poetical works; with a memoir of the
poet, new annotations and introductory notices by W. S.
Douglas. Kilmarnock, 1871. por. 2 v. D.
Complete works. Phil., [n. d.] y. il. pi. pors. fac-
sim. O.
Lyrical poems. Lond., [1895.] por. T. (Lyric poets).
Poems and songs of Robert Burns: edited by Andrew Lang.
N. Y., 1896. por. O.
CRAIGIE, W: A. A primer of Burns. Lond., 1896.187 p.. D.
SETOUN, G. Robert Burns. N. Y., [n. d.]. 160 p. D. (Famous
SHELLEY, H: C. The Ayrshire homes and haunts of Burns. N. Y.,
1897. il. 148 p. S.
BURNSIDE, Ambrose E. The Burnside expedition. Pro\idence,
1882. p. 33. D. (R. I. Soldiers and Sailors Hist. Soc. Per-
sonal narratives of events in the war of the rebellion; no. 6.
2d ser.)
BURR, Frank A. and Hinton, R. J. "Little Phil" and his troopers;
the life of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan: its romance and reality.
Providence, R. I., 1888. il. pors. O.
BURR family.
TODD, C: B. General history of the Burr family in America, with a
genealogical record from 1570 to 1878. N. Y., 1878. por. O.
[BURRAGE, Henry S., Hodgkins. AA". H. and others.] History of
the thirty-sixth regiment Massachusetts volunteers, 1862-65;
by a committee of the regiment. Bost., 1884. O.
[BURRIEL, Andres ^larcos.] Noticia de la California; sacada de
la historia manuscrita, formada en Mexico aiio de 1739, por
el padre MiguM Venegas, y de otras noticias, y rela clones
antiguas, y modernas. Madrid, 1757. 3 v. map. O.
BURROUGHS, John. Writings: A^ol. 1-9. Riverside ed. Bost.,
1895. il. pors. 9 v. D.
Namelif: Vol. 1. Wake-Robin. 2. Winter sunshine. 3. Birds and
poets. 4. Locusts and wild honey. 5. Pepacton. 6. Fresh fields. 7.
Signs and seasons. 8. Indoor studies. 9. Riverby.
Whitman, a study. Bost., 1897. S.
A vear in the fields, selections from the writings of B.. Bost.,
1897. il. D.
BUKKOUGHS, Sir Jolm. Ciuiziug- voyaj;e to the Azores, in 15D2,
iu Older to inleixept the East India Caraks. {hi (Jieeu, J:
Voyages and liavels, v. 1, p. 245.)
Kotes of the treaty carried on at Jii[)on between King Charles
1. and the covenanlers of ^^(.•otiand, 1040; ed. by J: liruce.
LWestniiiisierJ, 18GU. 41-i-."S2 p. O. (Camden «oc., v. 100.)
BUKliUW tS, J alius C. "Extra session" threats of 1870: Extract
from speech iu the House of Representatives, April 18, 1871).
{In llepublican campaign docs. 1880).
BUIilvUW S, Montagu. The laniily ol llrocas of Beaurepaire and
Koche Court; with some account of the English rule in Aqui-
taiue. Loud., 1880. O.
The history of the foreign policy of Great Britain. N. Y.,
1805. O.
ed. Kegister of the visitors of the University of Oxford from
A. D. 1047-58; with some account of the state of the Univer-
sity during the Commonwealth. [Westminster]. 1881. O.
(Camden Soc, n. s. v. 29.)
BUKSLEM, lioUo. capt. A peep into Toorkisthan. Lond., 1846.
pi. O.
BURT, Heurv M. Illustrated guide of the Connecticut valley.
Spriugtield, 18G6. il. D.
BURTON, Clarence M. A sketch of the life of Antoine de la Mothe
Cadillac, founder of Detroit. Detroit, 1805. 24 p. O. pam.
BURTON, Bev. Edward. Testimonies of the aute-uicene fathers to
the divinity of Christ. 2d ed. Oxford, 1829. O.
Testimonies of the aute-nicene fatliers to the doctrine of the
Triuitv and of the divinitv of the Holy Ghost. Oxford,
1831. " 17-1-148 p. O.
BURTON, Ernest De Witt. The i-ecords and letters of the apostolic
age; the New Testament, acts, epistles, and revelation in the
version of 1881 arrang<'d for historical study. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1897. O.
BURTON, Lady Isabel. The romance of Isabel Lady Burton, the
story of her life told in part by herself and iu part by W. H.
Wilidns. N. Y., 1897. il. pors. 2 v. O.
BURTON, Sir Richard Francis, copl. Sindh, and the races that
inhabit the valley of the Indus; with notices of the toj»o-
graphy and history of the province. Lond., 1851. map. O.
STISTED, G. M. True life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton. N. Y.,
1897. por. D.
BURTT, Joseph, ed. Account of the expenses of John of Brabant
and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster, .\. D. 1292-93. Lond.,
1853. 10-^18 p. O. '{In Camden misc. v. 2 Camden Soc.
V. 55.)
BURY, John B. A historv of the later Roman lish dogs, the diversities, the names, the
natures, and the properties. A short treatise written in Latin
[1536] and newly drawn into English by Abraham Fleming.
Lond., IoK;. [In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 3. p. 225.)
CAJORI, Florian. The teaching and historv of mathematics in the
U. S. Wash., 1890. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform.
1890, no. 3.)
CALAVERAS chronicle [weeklv] (continuation) Julv 1889-Dec.
1897. Mokelumne Hill, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
CALAVERAS citizen [weekly]; Jan. 23-Dec. 25, 1897. San An-
dreas, 1897. P.
CALAVERAS countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
Vischer's views of California. The mammoth tree grove, Calaveras
county, California, and its avenues. S. F., [c. 1862]. pi. F.
CALAVERAS prospect [weeklv] ; Julv 1, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897. San
Andreas, 1893-97. F.
CALCUTTA reviews v. 1-19, 21-73-75-89; 1844-61, 1863-89. Calcutta,
1844-89. 88 v. in 107. O.
Index to the first fifty volumes; pt. 1-2. Calcutta, 1873. O.
CALDECOTT, Alfred. English colonization and empire. N. Y.,
1891. S. (Univ. ser.)
CALDERON de la liarca, Pedro. Comedias; cotejadas con las
mejores ediciones hasta aliora publicadas; corregidas y dadas
a luz por Juan Jorge Keil. Leipsicjue. 1827-30. 4 v. por. Q.
HASSELL, E. J. Calderon. Edin. and Lond., 1879. S .(For. classics
for Eng. readers.)
CALDERWOOD, Henry. Evolution and man's place in nature. 2d
ed. Lond., 1896. O.
CALDWELL, William. Schopenhauer's system in its philosophical
significance. N. Y., 1896. O.
CALDWELL county, (Mo.). History of Caldwell and Livingston
counties, Missouri .... from ollicial and j)rivate sources ....
biographical sketches St. Louis, 1886. O.
CALFA, Vincenzo. ir. Michelet, J. The P.ible of humanity.
Industrial interests of California; by an old resident. S. F., 1862.
94 p. O.
Memorial and biographical history of northern California.The Lewis
Publishing Co., pub. Chicago., 1891. pi. pors. Q.
Mercantile directory for 1889; a classified book of reference to the
merchants, manufacturers [etc.] of eveiy banking town In Cali-
fornia. S. F., [c. 1889]. 0.
Post-office list of the state of California. Sacramento, Jan., 1860.
[Sac, I860]. 52 p. O.
Spanish. Missions of Alta California; with descriptive notes. [W. K.
Vickery, S. F., n. d.]. pi. Q.
State almanac and hand-book of statistics for lo^3; comp. by H. G.
Langley. S. F., 1863. 95 p. D.
Adjutant-General. Acts of the Legislature [relating to the Na-
tional Guard of California]. Sac, 1897. 21 p. D. pam.
Inspection report of Capt. F. de L. Carrington (1st infan-
try, U. S. A.) to the Division Commander, N. G. C, made
July 15, 1896. [Sac, 1896.] O.
Laws and regulations for the government of the National
guard, [comp. by R. H. Orton.] Sac, 1890. T.
Records of California men in the war of the rebellion,
1861-67; rev. and comp. by R. H. Orton. Sac, 1890. O.
Register of officers of the National guard of California.
Sac, 1896. S.
Reports; 1850-96. Sac, 1850-96. 4 v. O. pams.
Small arms firing regulations for the National Guard of
California: approved November 30, 1896. Sac, 1896. S.
Attorney-General. Reports and opinions; 1852-1896. Sac, 1852-
96. 2v. O. pam.
Board of Bank Commissioner f^. Reports; 1879-96. Sac, 1879-96.
8 V. O. pam.
■Board of Commissioners of Building and Loan Associations. lst-3d
annual report: 1894-96. Sac, 1894-96. O. pams.
Board of Dental Examiners. Annual reports; lst-12th. 1885-
1896. Sac, 1885-96. O. pam.
■Board of Park Commissioners. (San Fran.) Reports: 1871-2,
1876-7, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896. Sac, 1872-96.
O. pams.
■Board of Railroad Commissioners. Reports: 1880-1896. Sac,
1880-96. 7 V. O.
Made annually to 1892. Fourteenth report (1st biennial) made in
■Board of State Capitol Commissioners. Report: to the Legisla-
ture: 1891-1897. Sac, 1891-1897. O. pams.
■Board of State Viticultural Commissio7iers. 3d annual State Viti-
cultural convention, held at Irving Hall, San Francisco, 1884;
a full phonographical report of the proceedings specially ob-
tained by the commission, [n. imp.]. 184 p. O.
Reports; 1861-94. Sac, 1861-94. 6 v. O.
Appendix A. to the annual report 1893 : Grape syrup.
Sac, 1893. 15 p. il. pi O.
Appendix A. to the biennial report 1891-92; Brandy dis-
tillation. Sac. 1892. 125 p. il. pi. O.
Appendix B. to the biennial report 1893-94. Wine produc-
tion, by C. A. Wetmore. Sac, 1894. il. pi. 92 p. O.
Vineyards in Napa county: being the report of E. C.
Briber, commissioner for tlie Napa district. Sac, 1893. 47 p.
Bureau of Lahor Statistics. 4th-7th biennial reports. 1890-96.
Sac, 1890-96. O. pams.
(ii:\j:h'\L nr.i'AHiMtisr. 133
CALIFOKXIA. Cnisiis. Census returns of llie stale of California
foi- 1S!)(), by counties, cities, townships, and \yar(ls. Ke-
jninted by the Secretary of State from an olticial report fur-
nished by K: .1. Porter, sujit. of tlie lltli census. Sac, 1802.
24 |). ().
Cuntniisfr.. [n. t. p.]
Nainrh/: Burnett, P. H., 1849. McDougal, J: 1851. Bigler, J:, 1852,
1854. Johnson, J. N., 185(i. Weller, J: B., 1858. Latham M. S., 1860.
Downev, J: G., 1860. Stanford, L., 1862. Low, F. F., 1863. Haight,
H. H., 1867. Booth, N., 1871. Irwin, W: 1875. Perkins. G: C, 1880.
Stoneman, G:, 1883. Bartlett, W., 1887. Markham, H. H., 1891.
Budd, J. H., 1895.
Home for the Care and Training of Feeble-Minded Children (Cllea
Ellen, Sonoma Co.) IsMltli annual re}f Mechanin.l Trades for the Adult Blind. Annual
reports of the Board of Diiectors: Ist-lOth. 1885-90. Sac,
1884-96. O. pams.
By-laws of the Board of Directors, with ilie ;itt «xov«rninf;
the Home. Sac, 1897; T. pam.
Insurance Commissioner. lst-2!>th annual rejiorls; 1^08-96.
Sac, 1808-96. O.
Irrir/atinn Convention. 1884. Address of (he state irritratioir
convention to the Fresno and Biv«'rsipendix to the journals of Senate and Assembly; 1891,
(5 v.). 189.3, (9 v.), 1895, (6 v.). Sac. 1891-9.5. 20 ^ . O.
CALIFORNIA. Legislature. Draft of a bill for an Act concerning
the military of the state of California. S. F., 1805. 24 p. O.
state of California. S. F., 1865. 24 p. O.
Final calendar of legislative business, thirty-second ses-
sion, 1897, and history of bills introduced, with a report of
legislative expenses. Sac, 1897. O.
General laws, amendments to the codes, and proposed
constitutional amendments, passed at the thirty-first session
of the Legislature. 1895. Sac, 1895. O.
In memory of James C Blaine; memorial services of the
California legislature 30th session. Sac, 1893. 30 p. O.
Legislative directory, 1873-74; comp. by J: F. Uhlhorn.
Sac, 1873. O.
Legislative proceedings; 1891-93; clippings from the news-
papers. Sac, 1891-93. 4 scrap books. O.
Report of committee appointed at the 31st session to per-
fect a system of legislative practice. Sac, 1896. O.
Reports of legislative investigations; 1866-93. 3 v. O.
Report of the Commission for the purpose of examining
the Torrens Land Transfer Act of Australia, to the thirty-
first session of the Legislature, 1895. Sac, 1895. O. pam.
Report of the testimony and proceedings in the matter of
the investigation of the charges made against W. H. H. Hart,
Attorney-General, before the committee of the Assembly.
[Sac, 1893.] 151 p. O.
Standing rules of the Assembly of California, 1849-97.
[Sacramento, etc, 1850-97.] O.
Standing rules of the Senate of California, 1849-97. [Sac-
ramento, etc., 1850-97.] O.
Testimony and ])roceedings in the matter of the charges
of Senator Biggv against Senator Dunn and report of com-
mittee. March 12-15, 1895. [Sac, 1895.] 28 p. O. pam.
Hospitals and Asi/Iudis. Miscellaneous reports: 1852-85.
Sac, 1852-85. O.
Senate. Chinese immigration; the social, moral, and po-
litical effect of Chinese immigration. Testimony taken be-
fore a committee of the Senate, appointed April 3, 1876.
Sac, 1876. 173 p. O.
Marshal] Monument. Report of the Commission. 1890. Sac,
1890. O. pam.
Report of the guardian, 1894. Sac. 1894. O. pam.
Mineral Cahinef. Reports of the Trustees, 2d-5th. 1890-96.
Sac, 1890-96. O. pams.
Pilot Com-missioners. Provisions of the political code estnblish-
ing pilots and pilot regulations for the ])orts of San Fran-
cisco, Mare Island. Vallejo, Port Costa and Benicia; with
the by-laws of the Commissioners. Sac, 1895. 30 p. T.
Preston School of Tndnsfri/. Qone.) lst-2d biennial report of the
Trustees; 1892-96. Snc. 1894-96. O. pam.
Circular of information, 1894. Sac, 1894. O. pam.
Re])orts of the secretary, 1890, 1892. Sac, 1890-92. O.
QENERAL DJJJ'A A' 7 M i:.\ T. 137
C'ALIFOKMA. Sccirlan/ of Slulc. ('alil'oniiii blin- liook, oi" Stale
I'ostor, is!)i, I8l):i, "is!>:.. [Siic, i8!)l-«jr).J :'. v. o.
isy;i, 181)5. [Sac, i8i)i-i>r).j ;? v. o.
Coiistilutiou of the United States, with amendments; and
the coustilnCion (»f the slate of California. Sac, 1890. O.
Election laws of the state of California, with the natural-
ization laws of the United Stales and jtroposed constitu-
tional anicndnients. conip. by U. II. lirown. Sac, ISiKi. O.
Facts and figures roj-ardiiig the school text-books pub-
lished by the state of California, comp. by \j. 11. lirown.
Sac, 181)0. O. pam.
Miscellaneous publications; 1882-1)4. Sac, 1882-9 1. O.
Reports; V. 1-2. 1857-1)0. Sac, 1851-1)0. 2 v. O.
Report on the Veterans' Home at Yountville: by L. H.
Brown. Sac, 181)0. O. pam.
Statement of the vote at the j;eneral election held Nov. 0,
181)4: comp. by A: Hart. Sac, l8t)4. O. pam.
Statement of the vot<' of California for ])residential elec-
tors and congressmen, November :*>. ISDO. Sac, [1890]. O.
State blue books; 1880-9:^. Sac, 1880-l):i. O.
Siate Agrirullurol Socicly. Monthlv bulletin of the California
weatlier service: vol. i-9: Sept., 1891-Ai)r. 1890. Sac, 1891-90.
1 Published bv V. S. Dept. of Agric Cal. section, from v. 10.
Premium list: 39th-44th annual fair at Sacramento 1892-
90. Sac, 1892-90. S.
Reports; 1854-07. Sac, 1854-07. O.
Transactions (continuati(m); 1888-95. Sac. 1889-90. 7 v.
pi. o.
Molenrolof/iral DeparfmriiL Annual meteorological review
of the state' of California for 1891-4: comp. by James A. Bar-
wiclv. Sac, 1892-5. O. pam.
State Board of Arhitralion. Repoi-t of the Commissioners 1892,
1894. Sac. 1892-94. O.
State Board of Education, rowp. < ^\lifornia state series of school
text books (coutinuaticuri. Sac. [c 1890-95]. 8 v. D. O.
F. 2 cop. _,
:Samchj: Anatomy, physiology, hygiene. Elementary geography. El-
ements of civil government [by W: C. Jones]. Advanced geography.
New First reader. New Second reader. New Third reader. New
Fourth reader.
-State Board of Eqvalizalion.. Rejjorts [annnal and bii-nnial];
1871-90 Sac 1871-90. 3 v. O. ])ams.
. Revenue laws of the state of California, 1881 [1885, 1891],
1890 1897 Sac, 1881-97. 4 v. T
Stale Board of Kmmlner.. Reports: 187^. 1875. 18.v;(). 1881. 1883,
1^89 1891 1S9n 1895.1897. Sac, 1 ST-''. !)7. O. ].ams.
Slate Board of Fish Comwissioners. Fish and game laws: comp.
by S. r. Maslin. Sac, 1885. S.
.^r7mr4th-5thed. Sac, 1889-91. S
■ Same: 0th ed: ccmip. by F. P. De.-nng. Sac. 189.'>.. S.
CALIFORNIA. State Board of Fish Commissioners. Same. 7th-8th
ed: comp. by A. G. Fletcher. Sac, 1895-97. S.
Kepoi'ts : 1870-96. Sac, 1871-96. 2 v. O.
State Hoard of Forestry. lst-4th biennial reports; 1885-92. Sac.
1886-92. O.
Board abolished in 1893.
State Board of Harbor Commissioners. Biennial reports; J 865-96.
Sac, 1865-96. 2 v. O.
Biennial report of the Board of State Harbor Commis-
sioners for the Bay of San Dies,'o. 1890-92, 1894, 1896. Sac,
1890-96. O. pam.
Harbor rules, regulations and rates adopted by the Board
of State Harbor Commissioners. 1889, 1891, 1893. Sac, 1889-
93. O. pams.
List of vessels in the port of San Francisco, with ton-
nages, rates of dockage and lenglhs, October 1, 1891. Sac,
1891. 114 p. O.
Miscellaneous documents: 1882-93. Sac, 1882-93. O.
State Board of Health. [lst-14th biennial] reports; 1871-96.
Sac, 1871-96. 5 v. O.
State Board of Horticulture. California olive industry: Proceed-
ings of the 2d-3d State convention of olive growers, held at
San Francisco July, 1892, 1893. Sac, 1892-93. 2 v. O.
Citrus fruits: Pt. 1, Fifteen ^^ears with the lemon, by C
W. Garcelon. Pt. 2, New varieties of citrus fruits, by B. M.
Lelong. Sac, 1891. 38 p. il. pi. map. O.
Miscellaneous publications; 1881-93. Sac, 18S1-93. O.
Peach yellows, by B. M. Lelong [with Report by A. Craw
of the inspection and disinfection of a cargo of orange trees
from Tahiti]. Sac, 1891. 29 p. il. map. O.
Proceedings of the 18th-19th Fruit Growers' Convention
1894-95. Sac, 1895-96. O. pam.
(Previous reports bound with reports of State Board of Horticul-
Reports: 1883-96. Sac, 1883-96. il. 5 v. O.
Dirision of Entomology. Destructive insects, their natural
enemies, remedies and recommendations, by Alexander
Craw. Sac, 1891. 51 p. il. col. pi. O.
— State Board of Pharmacy. Annual reports: lst-5th. 1892-1896.
Sac, 1892-96. O.
— State Board of Prison Directors. Reports ; 1858-96. Sac, 1858-96.
3v. O.
~ State Board of Silk Culture. Memorials and reports; 1868-88.
Sac, 1868-88. O.
— State Board of Trade. California hand-book with state and
county maps. S. F., [1892]. 192 p. folded map. nar. O.
Report of the immigration committee. S. P\, [1895]. O
State Com.missinn in Lunacy. California insanitv law. approved
March 31, 1897. [Sac, 1897.] 2t p. O.
/S'^fl/e 7)rn"n/57/rm7/. Report; 1st. 1895-96. Sac, 1896. O. pam.
State Engineer. Miscellaneous reports; 1880-88. Sac, 1880-88.
2 V. O.
CALIFORNIA. State Engineer. Special report ou the state aud
county boundaries, [n. p., n. d.] O.
State Hospital for the Insane, (at Agnews.) Biennial reports of
the Trustees: 188(5-96. Sac, 18SG-y(). O. panis.
(at Napa.) Biennial reports of tlie Trustees and annual
reports of the Kesident I'hysician of the Napa State Asylum
for the Insane 187;{-1M;. Sac, l87:Mi(>. 2 v. O.
(at San Bernardino.) Biennial reports [lst-2d.] of the
Trustees of the Southern California State Asylum for the
Insane and Inebriates. 1S\)'2, 18U4, 1806. Sac, 1892-96. O.
pams. ,
(at Stockton.) Reports of the Trustees; 1853-62. Biennial
reports of the Directors and of the Superintendent. 1863-96.
Sac, 1853-96 3 v. O.
-(at Ukiah.) Biennial reports of the Mendocino State Asy-
lum for the Insane. 1892, 1891, 1896, Sac, 1892-96. O. pams.
State Library. Biennial report of the trustees. 1892-96. Sac,
1894-96. O. pams.
Catalogues; 1855-93. Sac, 1855-93. 5 v. O.
Indexes; v. 1; 1890-92. Sac, 1890-92. O.
Publications; no. 1. Sac, 1893. O.
Xaiihly: Davis, W. J. History of political conventions in California,
-Reports and miscellaneous publications. Sac, 1853-03. O.
State Medical Society. Ofllicial register of physicians and sur-
geons in the State of California who hold certificates from
the Board of Examiners; to whicli has been appended a com-
plete list of those who hold certificates from the Homoeo-
pathic and Eclectic Boards. 6th ed. S. F., 1893. O.
Same. 9th. ed. S. F., 1897. O.
Transactions: [20th. 22d-27th] session of 1890, 1892-97.
S. F., 1890-97. 7 v. O.
State Mineralogist. Annual reports; 1880-96. Sac, 1881-96 7 v.
and maps. 1 v. O.
lst-3d biennial report. 1892-96 Sac, 1892-96. 3 v. (».
State Mining Bureau. Bulletins no: 1-12. Sac, 1888-97. O.
Contents: no:l. Anderson, W. Description of the dessicated human
remains in the California State Mining Bureau. 2. Storms, W. H.
Methods of mine timbering. .1. Watts, W. L. Gas and petroleum
yielding formations of the central valley of Cal. . 4. Cooper. J. G.
Catalogue of Californian fossils. 5. Scheidel. A. The cyanide pro-
cess. 6. Preston, E: B. California gold mill practices. 7. Showing
by counties the mineral productions of Cal. for 1894. 8. Showing by
counties the mineral production of Cal. for 1S9.=>. 9. Behr. Mans C.
Mine drainage, pumps, etc. 10. Vogdes. A. W. Bibliography relating
to geology, palaeontology, and mineral resources of California. 11.
Watts, W. L. Oil and gas yielding formatioms of Los .\ngeles, Ventu-
ra and Santa Barbara. 12. Showing by counties the mineral produc-
tions of Cal. for 1896.
Catalogues and Bulletins; 1881-04. S:h-.. 1SS2 !M. 2v. O.
State Xorwal Schonls. R('y)orts; 1870-02. Sue. 1S7O-02. O.
(Chico.) Annonncemcnts 1880. S.-ic. ISSO. (). pam.
lst-7th .•innnnl c;ir;ilagne ;ni(l circular. 1890-97.
Sac, 1890-96. O. 7 paras.
CALIFORNIA. State Normal Schools. (Chico.) Report of the trus-
tees 1892-96. Sac, 1894-9G. O. pam.
(Los Angeles.) Catalojjues and Library lists; 1886-96.
Sac, 1886-96. 1 v. and pams. O.
Report of the trustees. 1892-96. Sac, 1894-96.
pam. O.
(San Joe^.) Catalogue, 1878-96. Sac, 1878-96. 3 v. O.
Historical sketch; with a catalogue of its graduates
and a record of their work for twenty-seven years. Sac,
1889. O.
Physiological studies on tlie frog. Sac, 1896. D.
Report of the trustees, 1892-96. Sac, 1894-96. O.
State Prisons. Miscellaneous publications; 1851-93. Sac,
1851-93. 4 y. O.
State J?eform School. (Marysville.) Reports; 1860-69. Sac,
1860-69. O.
State Begistrar. Annual report; 1858-92. Sac, 1858-9. 2
V. O.
State Treasurer. Annual reports; 1850-96. Sac, 1850-96. 3
y. O.
State Veterinari/ Medical Board. lst-2d biennial report; 1894-
96. Sac, 1894-96. O. pam.
Superiniendent of Ptihlic Instruction. An educational directory
of California ; supp. to the 14th biennial report, 1890. Sac,
1890. 77 p. O.
List of library books recommended by the State Board of
Education of the state of California, 1892. Sac, 1892. O.
Reports; 1851-96. Sac, 1851-96. 8 y. O.
School laws [etc] ; 1855-95. Sac, 1855-95. 3 v. O.
Superintendent of PuUic Printing. Reports of the State Printer;
1851-52; Reports of the Superintendent of State Printing;
1877-96. Sac, 1851-96. 2 y. O.
Surreyor General. Reports; 1851-96. Sac, 1851-96. 5 v. O.
Svtter's Fort. Biennial report of the Board of Trustees; 1893.
Sac, 1893. O. pam.
Veteran s Home Association. Reports; 1884-86, 1892. Sac, 1884-
92. O. pams.
Whittier State School. Biennial report of the Trustees; 1894-
96. Sac, 1894-96. O. pams.
Special report and consideration touching the reforms of
juyenile delinquents; by A. :Mit('hell. Sac, [1896]. O.
World's Fair Commission. Biennial report of the * California
World's Fair Commission for the years 1891-92. Sac, 1892.
O. pam.
Final report; including a description of all exhibits from
the state of California at the World's Columbian Exnosition,
Chicago, 1893. Sac, 1894. pi. O.
OALIFORNLV Academy of Sciences. Bulletin; y. 1-2, no. 1-8, 1884-
87. S. F., 1886-87. 2 y. O.
CALIFORNIA Academy of Sciences. Memoirs; v. 1, pt. 1-2; v "
pt. 3-5. 1868-1895. 2 v. Q.
Contents: V. 1. 1. Lesquereux, L. Catalogue of the species of mosses
found up to the present time on the northwest coast of the United
States, and especially in California. 2. Richthofen, F. P. W. D. Nat-
ural system of volcanic rocks. V. 2:3. Eisen, G. California Eudri-
lidae. 4-5. Eisen, G. Pacific Coast Oligochaeta.
Occasional papers; v. 1-5. S. F., 1890-97. 5 v. O.
Conlcnta: V. 1. Eigenmann, C. H. and R. S. Revision of the South
American Nematognathi, or cat-fishes. 2. Belding, L. Land birds of
the Pacific district. 3. Keeler, C: A. Evolution of the colors of
North American land birds. 4. Vogdes, A. W. Bibliography of the
Palaeozoic Crustacea 1698-1892. 5. Van Denburgh, John. Reptiles of
the Pacific Coast and Great Basin.
Proceedings; v. 1-7, 1854-7(5; 2d ser. v. 1-0, 1888-9G. S. F.,
1863-97. 13 V. in 12. O.
Note: V. 1, 2d ed.
3d ser. Botany: v. 1 :l-2, 1S97. S. F., 1897. O. 2 pams.
Xamclij: Campbell, D. H. A morphological study of Naias and
Zannichellia. Eastwood, A. Studies in the herbarium and the field.
3d. ser. Geology: y. 1, pt. 2, 1897. S. F., 1897. O.
Namely: Davidson, G: Submerged valleys of the coast of California,
U. S. A., and of Lower Cal., Mexico.
3d ser. Geology, v. 1, no. 3.
No. 3. Smith, J. P. Development of the Glyphioceras and the phy-
log-eny of the Glyphioceratidse.
3d. ser. Zoology: y. 1:1, 3-5, 1897. S. F., 1897. O. pam.
Namrh/: V. 1. 1. Eisen, G. Plascocytes. 3. Miller, W. Scientific
names of Latin and Greek derivation. 4. Wheeler, W. M. A genus
of maritime Doliehopodida^ new to America. 5. Johnson, H. P. Pre-
liminary account of the marine Aunclids of the Pacific coast.
CALIFORNIA Bankers' Association. 4th annual convention, Oct.
4-5, 1895. [S. F., 1895]. 90 p. O.
CALIFORNIA bankers' magazine, commercial and real estate re-
view; V. 1-13; May 1890-April 1897. vS. F., [1890-97]. 13
V. O.
CALIFORNIA cultivator and ])oultry keeper: v. 8-11. Jan. 1894-
Dec. 1897. Los Angeles, 1894-97. 4 v. Q.
CALIFORNIA educational pamphlets: v. 1-2. S. F. [etc.], 1856-
92. O.
Contents: Cole, P. Cole's war with ignorance and deceit: and his
lecture on Education: 51 p. Janes, H. B. Address on the American-
isms of the common school system: 21 p. Proceedings of the Sacra-
mento County Teachers' Institute, May 13-16, 1862, and Nov. 3-6. 1863.
Act to provide for the maintenance and supervision of common
schools. Apr. 6, 1863: 20 p. Proceedings of the California State
Teachers' Institute, May 4-9. 1863: 166 p.— Second annual rept. School
Supt. of Placer Co, 1863.— Stout, A. B. Public education in California:
12 p.— Duties and powers of the board of school directors of congrega-
tion Emanu-el, S. F: 14 p.— Statement of condition and wants of pub-
lic school department of S. F., 1866. Kusel, E. A. Organization, his-
tory, incidents and financial report of the building of Oroville public
school house, 1868: 29 p.— Sill, E. R. Best use of wealth: 13 p.— Mon-
CALIFORNIA educational pamphlets.
roe, W. S. Examinations and promotions in the schools of Califor-
nia. Comenius, the evangelist of modern pedagogy; Education
of feeble-minded children in California: Prag, Mrs. M. Should the
state pension teachers? — The great need in our public schools: 17 p.
Proceedings of the Cal. Council of Education, Fresno, 1892. 72 p. v. 2:
Prospectus, rules, regulations of the San Francisco College, 1856. — 2d
catalogue of the San Francisco Female Institute, 1857. — Catalogue of
Cumberland College, 1861, Sonoma.^ — University of the Pacific, Santa
Clara, 1861-2. — 2. Catalogue Pacific Fe;»ale College, Oakland, Circular,
1864. — Pacific Methodist College, Vacaville, 8d annual catalogue, 1863-
4. — St. Ignatius College, S. F., Prospectus and catalogue, 1864 — Same,
1867-8.— Mills' Seminary: prospectus, 1871.— College of St. Augustine,
Benicia,, 5th yearly register, 1873. — Program of N. E. A. held at San
Francisco, July 13-20, 1888. — Morrill, J. C. Industrial school inves-
tigation, 16 p. — Place, E: R. The commotion in Moon town, 74 p. —
Monroe, W: S. A pedagogical library. 12 p. — Monroe, W: S. Educa-
tion museums and libraries of Europe. 18 p. — Pierce, E: T. The
teaching force. 24 p. M
CALIFORNIA farmer [weekly] ; v. 3-4, 6-12, 15-17, 19-24, 31-34, 49:
Jan. 4-Dec. 28, 1855; July 25, 1856-Jan. 21, 1860; Mar. 1,
1861-Sept. 1, 1862; Feb. 27, 1863-Dec. 22, 1865; Jan. 21,
1869-Dec. 29, 1870; Jan. 30, 1879-Apr. 1, 1880. Sac, S. F.,
1855-1880. 23 v. in 17. F.
CALIFORNIA fruit grower [weekly], v. 21. Jan.-Dec, 1897. S.
F., 1897. Q.
CALIFORNIA game "marked down." Published by Southern Pa-
cific Railway Company. S. F., 1896. il. 64 p. S.
CALIFORNIA gold regions, with a full account of their mineral
resources; F. M. Pratt publisher. N. Y., [n. d.]. 48 p. O.
CALIFORNIA horticulturist and floral magazine (continuation); v.
8, Jan.-Aug., 1878; v. 9, March-Sept.. 1879. S. F., 1878-79.
10 pts. O.
CALIFORNIA illustrated. No. 1. Published by the California
View Publishing Co. S. F., 1888. pi. Q.
Namely: Wickson, E. J. The Vacaville early fruit district of Cali-
CALIFORNIA: its past history; its present position; its future
prospects; including a history of the rise, progress, and pres-
ent condition of the Mormon settlements; with app. contain-
ing the official reports made to the government of the U. S.
Lond., 1850. col. pi. O.
CALIFORNIA land pamphlets (continuation); v. 4-5. S. F., etc.,
1852-89. maps. 2 v. O.
Contents: V. 4. Hawes, H. Manual Larios for lands near San Juan
Bautista. — Jones, W: C. Before Commission on Land Claims, case of
Cruz Cervantes;— U. S. Supreme C. Cervantes vs. U. S. — Cushing, C.
U. S. Supreme Court, U. S. at the suit of C. Cervantes. — Documents,
depositions [etc.] of the U. S., before U. S. Board of Land Commission-
ers, City of S. F. vs. U. S.— Hawes, H. On behalf of the U. S. before
the U. S. Board of Land Commissioners. — Thomas, I. Points of fact
and proofs in regard to land claim, no. 280. — Crockett, J. B. Before
U. S. Land Commissioners, City of S. F. vs. U. S.— Claim of Jose Y.
Limantour. — Baker, E. D. Speech in support of the charge of bribery-
made by Mr. Peck against J. C. Palmer. — Sutter claim; evidence
taken; with brief of the U. S. land agent. — v. 5. Castillero, A. Regis-
try and act of possession to the mine of New Almaden in 1845. — New
Almaden mine; letter from San Francisco Daily Herald, 185j. — New
CALIFORNIA land pamphlets.
Almaden mine; the discussion renewed, 1859. — Benjamin, J. P. Be-
fore U. S. I3ist Court, U. S. vs. A. Cas-tillero.— U. S. vs. A. Castillero,
opinion of Hall McAllister.— U. S. vs. Executors of J. L Folsom, de-
ceased.— Opinion of Ogden Hoffman.— Arguments on part of the gov-
ernment and opinion in Limantour case.— Land titles in San Fran-
cisco: decisions of the Sup. Ct. of Cal. in the cases of Hart vs. Burnett
and Holliday vs, Frisbie, 18G0.— Hawes, H. Before the Sup. Ct. of Cal.
on behalf of the U. S. Board of Land Commissioners regarding rights
of the Catholic church to the property of the Missions of California. —
Thornton, H: I. commissioner. Opinions on private land claims in
California, 1853— Shaw, W: T. Argument in the case of Hart (Jesse
D. Carr) vs. Burnett et ai, 1859. -George, H: Our land and land pol-
icy, national and state, 1871.— Abstract of title to lands of the Market
and Fourteenth streets Homestead Association. 1876.— California
State Board of Trade. Reclamation of arid lands by irrigation. 1889.
CALIFORNIA magaziue; May, 18(18. S. F., 1803. O.
CALIFORNIA mail bag; v. 1, Juue-Aug., Oct.-Dec, 1871, Jan.-
Feb., 1872; v. 2, March-May, Oct.-Dec, 1872; v. 4, Oct., 1873;
V. 5, July-Auo-., 1874; v. 11, Sept., 1877; v. 12, Jan., 1878,
S. F., 1871-78. pts. O.
CALIFORNIA medical oazette; v. 2, Oct.-Nov.,18Gt); Jan.-May,
1870. S. F., 1809-70. O. pts.
CALIFORNIA Midwinter International Exi>osition. See San
Francisco. Midiuinter International Exposition.
CALIFORNIA nautical magazine; v. 1; Sept.-Dec, 1802; Feb.-
March, May-June, 1803; v. 2, Jan.-March, 1804. [n. p 18G2-
04]. 2 V. in 1. O. Title v. 2. California nautical and com-
mercial magazine.
CALIFORNIA pamphlets: v. 2. O.
Contents. -y. 2: Bushnell, H. Characteristics and prospects of Cali-
fornia. S. F., 1858. 32 p. — California Miscellany of ecleccic literature,
vol. 1-no. 1. July 14, 1860. — Prospectus; San Pascual plantation. S.
F.,1870. 15 p.— Hughes, B. . California of the Padres. S. P., 1875. 41
p.— Philosopher Pickett's anti-plundercraft pamphlet. S. F., 1879.
74 p. — Strange meeting of three California millionaires. S. P., 1880. —
Prospectus: Vigo Bay treasure Company. S. F., 1883. 16 p. — An-
drews, A. An appeal to the people of California for an exhibit at the
Cotton Exposition at New Orleans. S. F., 1884. 8 p. — Truman, B:
C. Homes and happiness in the golden state of California. S. P.,
1885. 88 p. — History of the Joint Anniversary Celebration at Monte-
rey, July 5, 1886. 32 p.— Facio, S. The truth about Lower California.
S. P., 1889. 94 p. — State Board of Trade. Report of the Immigraiion
Committee. S. P., 1895. 21 p.— Resources of Santa Clara Valley. 32
p. — Edwards, P: L. Diary: California in 1837. 47 p.
CALIFORNIA Pioneers. Collection of pamphlets: orations,
poems, reports delivered before the Society, 1853-94. S. F.,
1853-94. 2 V. O.
Contents: V. 1. Freelon, T. W. Oration, 1857.— Johnston, G. P.
Oration, 1855.— Kewen, E. J. C. Oration, 1854.— Pillet, E. Ode, 1.65.—
Pollock, E. Poem, 1856. Ode, 1857.— Soule, F. Poem, 1854.— Van
Voorhies, W: Oration, 1853.— v. 2: Tracy, P. P. Oration. ^ ollock,
B. Poem, 1864.— Dwinelle, J: W. Address, 1866.— Clark, W; H. Ora-
1862.— Lies, E. Oration, 1863.— Bellows, H: W. Oration. Harte, F:
B. Poem, 1864.— Dwinelle, J: W. Address. 1886.— Clark, W: H. Ora-
tion.— Stoddard, C: W. Poem, 1867.— McKinstry. E. W. Oration.—
Rhodes, W: H. Poem, 1871. — Wozencraft. O. M. Oration. Campbell,
E: R. Poem, 1875.— Parwell, W. B. Oration. 1892.— Hittell, J: S. Mar-
shall's gold discovery; lecture, 1893.— Report of investigating commit-
tee appointed by the Society in relation to new members, 1889. — An-
nual report of the officers, 1893. — Searles, N. Oration. Soule, F:
Poem, 1893. — Proceedings in relation to the histories of Hubert howe
Bancroft. — Barnes, W: H. L. Oration. Miller, Joaquin. Poem. 1894.
— Ceremonies at the thirty-fourth anniversary of the Society, 1884. —
Ceremony of the unveiling of the Lick Bronze Statuary at City Hall
avenue. Thanksgiving day, Nov. 29, 1894.
Constitution and In-laws of the Sacramento Society, and list
of officers and members. Sac, 1891. GO p. T.
CALIFORNIA Press Association. Proceedinf?s at 7th-8th annual
meeting, 1895-96. Vallejo, 1895-96. O. pams.
CALIFORNIA School of Mechanical Arts. Circular of information.
1895. S. F., 1895. O.
CALIFORNIA song books. S. F., and N. Y. [c. 1858]. 68. T.
Coiitrntf!: Champagne Charlie and Coal Oil Tommy songster.— Con-
ner's Irish song book. — Hooley's opera house songster. — John Brown,
and "The Union right or wrong" songster. — Johnson's original comic
songs, no. 3. — Marching through Georgia and Wearing of the green
songster.^Put's golden songster. — Put's original California songster.
CALIFORNIA speeches. Collections of pamphlets; v. 3-4. Sac,
S. F. [etc], 1855-96. O.
Contents: Brent, J. L. Speech, March 17, 1857. — Brutus. The ve-
toes vetoed, June 7, 1855.— Canavan, M. The Mortgage tax bill. — Cas-
serly, E. On the House Bill for the cession to the Central Pacific R.
R. Co. of one half of Goat Island.— Cole, C. The public credit;— The
public debt, Dec. 5, 1867; — Whisky frauds, Jan. 14, 1870;— Opinions of
the press of California on C; — Curtis, E. Indictment of the Republi-
can party, Feb. 22, 1869. — Dunne, E. F. The Miranda resolutions, Feb.
17, 1863. — Fairchild, D. Preamble and resolutions on the state of the
Union, introduced in Assembly, March 9, 1860. — Gwin, W- McK. The
senatorial election of 1857; also extracts from speeches. — Hawes, H.
Reply to the Republican county convention. — Holden, W: Military
poll tax, Jan. 24, 1866.— Speech Feb. 18, 1857.— Houston, S: Speech
favoring a Mexican protectorate, Apr. 20, 1858. — Jones, J: P. Address,
Jan. 22, 1873.— Kungle, C: H. State of the Union; speech, March 1,
1861. — Lane, J. On the payment of the Oregon and Washington In-
dian war debt. May 13, 1858.— Latham, M. S. Speech, Aug. 1, 1859;
speeches in the U. S. senate, 1862. — Lewis E. J. On reconstruction,
March 2, 1868. — National Union State Central Committee. Address to
the people of California, Sept. 26, 1866.— Nickerson, B: R. Official cor-
ruption, Oct. 3, 1868.— Pixley, F. M. Speech, Sept. 13, 1864.— Pratt, L.
E. Duties of the citizen, July 4, 1864. — Randolph, E. Speech, Aug.
5, 1859.— Sargent, A. A. Confiscation of rebel property. May 23, 1862.—
Stevens, I.I. Paymentof the Oregon and Washington Indian war debt.
May 13, 1858; — Washington and Oregon war claims, May 31, 1858. — Stew-
art, W. M. Courts in Nevada, Feb. 12, 1865. — Tax-payer. Address to
the Legislature. — Thomson, J. R. The conquest of California, Aug.
9, 1856. — Union State Central Committee. Proceedings of the S. F.
Union ratification meeting, June 25, 1867. — Waller, J: B. Speech,
June 6, 1863; — Addresses at dinner given to W., Washington, D. C,
Jan. 22, 1857. — Winchell, E. C. Oration at the New Idria mines, July
4, 1867.— Wooster, D. Speech, Nov. 5, 1864.— Your fellow-citizen. Ad-
dress to the honest and patriotic members of the late Union party. —
v. 4. Latham, M. S. Speech on the bill to establish a line of mail
steamships between S. F., and China, Jan. 9, 1855. — Carroll, W. Dr.
Scott, the vigilance committee and the church, Oct. 12, 1856. — Durant,
H. Oration at the commencement of the College of California, June
7, 1865.— Gorham, G: C. Speech, July 10, 1867.— Delmas, D. M. Ad-
dress before the Philalethic Society, Santa Clara College, Aug. 10, 1870.
— Sumner, C: A. Popular use and benefits of standard phonography,
Dec. 1, 1872. — Buchard, — . The inquisition. — Hemphill, J: Our pub-
CALIFORNIA speeches.
lie schools. — Estec, M. M. Ilelation of gold and silver to practical
business, Aug. 15, 1895. — Davis, H. Meaning of the university, Mar. 9,
1894.— White, S. M. Speech on the rules of the Senate, Jan 10, 1896.:
Deep sea harbor, San Pedro-Santa Monica, May 8, 9. 12. 1896. — Stan-
ford, L. Co-operation, Feb. 16, 1887.— Scott, Dr. The pavilion palace
of industry, Aug. 23, 1857. — Sumner, C: A. The overland trip. — Mc-
Dougall, J. A. French interference in Mexico, Feb. 3, 1863. — Rose-
crans, W. S. "Manifest destiny," "Monroe doctrine," and Our rela-
tions with Mexico, 1870. — Winn, A. M. Valedictory to the Mechanics'
state council of Cal., Jan. 11, 1871. — Roach, P. A. Address at the Me-
chanics' Pavilion on opening of the fair for the erection of the Ro-
man Catholic Cathedral, Nov. 15, 1887. — White, S. M. Hawaiian af-
fairs, Feb. 21, 1894.
CALIFORNIA state gazetteer and business directory; 18!M), LS93.
Published by R. L. Polk and Co. S. F., c. 1890-93. 2 v. O.
CALIFORNIA teacher; journal of school and home education, and
an organ of the Dep't. of Public Instruction (continuation); v.
1, Feb., 1864; v. 4, April-June, 18G7; v. 5, July-Nov., 18<;7.
S. F., 1864-67. O. pts.
CALIFORNIA illustrated magazine. The; ed. by C: F. Holder;
Oct. 1891- April 1894; v. 1-5. S. F., 1891-94. 5 v. O.
Note: Discontinued, April, 1894.
CALL, Daily morning (continuation); July-Dec, 1889; April, 1890;
Dec, 1897. S. F., 1889-97. 32 v. F.
CALL, Richard Ellsworth. Life and writings of Rafinesque. Louis-
ville, 1895. il. F. (Filson Club Pub. no. 10.)
CALLAWAY, Bev. Henry. Nursery tales, traditions, and histories
of the Zulus, in their own words; with a translation into
English and notes, v. 1. Lond., 1868. O.
CALLENDER, John. An historical discourse on the civil and reli-
gious affairs of the colony of Rhode Island; with a memoir
of the author [etc]; by 'Romeo Elton. {In R. I. Hist, soc
Col. V. 4.)
CALLISTHENES. The history of Alexander the Great: being the
Syriac version of the Pseudo-Callistheues; ed. from five mss.
with an English translation and notes, by E. A. W. Budge.
Camb., 1889. O.
CALMET, Augustine. Catholic dictionary of the Bible; ed. by
Rev. Ignatius F. Horstmann. {In Holy Bible; annotated
by Dr. Challoner. S. F. n. d. Q.)
CALMIRE. 4th ed. rev. N. Y., 1893. D.
CALTHORI*, Samuel R. The life eternal— Heaven and hell, {fn
Unitarian allirmations.)
CALVERLEY, Charles Stuart. Literary remains, with a memoir
by Sir ^Valte^ J. Sendall. Lond., 1896. por. S.
tr. ' Theocritus. Lond., 1896. 184 p. S.
CALVERT, George and Cecilius. larons BaUimore.
BROWNE, W: H. G: Calvert and C. Calvert. N. Y., [c 1890]. por.
S. (Makers of Amer.)
CALVO. Joaciuin Bernardo. The rei»ub]ic of Costa Rica; tr. and
ed. by L. de T.; with introduction, additions, and extensions
bv the editor. ' Chic, and N. v., 1S90. \)\. pors. maps. 1>.
CALWELL, C. E., maj. The effect of maritime commanu on lan«l
campaigns since Waterloo. Edin., 1897. maps, plans. D.
CAMBRIDGE fjeograpbical series; ed. by F. H. H. Guillemard.
Canib., 1896-97. 2 v. D.
Kaiiicljf: Keane, A. H. Ethnology. Tozer, H. F. History of ancient
<3AMBRir)GE historical essays; no. 5. Cambridge, 1891. D.
Namely: Hibbert, F. A. Influence and development of English
<'AMBRir)(JE historical series; ed. by G. W. Prothero. Camb.,
N. Y., 1891 97. 5 v. D.
N'amdy: Chauning, E: United States of America. Cunningham,
W: ond McArthur, E. A. Outlines of English industrial history.
Jenks, E: History of the Australasian colonies. Rose, J. H. The
revolutionary and Napoleonic era. Morris, W. O'C. Ireland: 1494-
•<'AMBRIDGE natural history; ed. by S. F. Harmer and A. E. Ship-
ley; vol. 2, 3, 5. Lond. and N. Y., 1895-96. il. 8 v. O.
Contents: V. 2. Gamble, F. W. Flatworms and Mesozoa. — Sheldon,
L. Nemertines. — Shipley, A. E.' Thread-worms and sagitta. — Hartog,
M. Rotifers. — Benhan, W. B. Polychaet worms. — Beddard, F. E.
Earthworms and leeches. — Shipley, A. E. Gephyrea and Phoronis. —
Harmer, S. F. Polyzoa. 3. Cooke, A. H. Molluscs.— Shipley, A. E.
Brachiopods (recent. — Reed, P. R. C. Brachiopods (fossil). 5. Sedg-
wick, A. Peripatus. — Sinclair, F. G. Myriapods. — Sharp, D. Insects,
pt. 1.
CAMBRIDGE natural science manuals: Biological series; ed.
by A. E. Shipley. Canib., 1891-1897. il. 7 v. D.
Namely: Beddard, F. E. Text-book of zoogeography. Darwin, F:
and Acton, E. H. Practical physiology of plants. Darwin F: Ele-
ments of botany. Reynolds, S. H. Vertebrate skeleton. Rolleston,
H. D. and Kanthack, A. A. Morbid anatomy. Willis, J: C. Manual
and dictionary of flowering plants and ferns. 2 v.
Physical series: ed. bv R. T. Glazebrook. Camb., 1895. 3
V. D.
Namely: Glazebrook, R. T. Heat and light. Glazebrook, R. T. Me-
chanics. Whetham, W. C. D. Solution and electrolysis.
CAMBRIDGE review; vol. 1-13, 1879-92. Cambridge [1879-92]. 13
V. Q.
CAMDEN librarv; ed. by G. L. Gomme and T. F. Ordish. N. Y.
and Lond.; [1891] -94. 2 v. O.
Namely: Hall, H. The antiquities and curiosities of the exchequer.
Ordish, T. F. Early London theatres.
CiAMDEN miscellany. Westminster, 1847-83. 8 v. (Camden Soc.
Tub. no. 39, 55, 61, 73, 104. n. s. no. 14, 31.)
Contents: V. 1. Register and chronicle of the Abbey of Aberconway:
ed. by Sir. H: Ellis. — Chronicle of the rebellion in Lincolnshire 1470;
ed. by J: G: Nichols.— Innocent VIII. Bull on the marriage of Henry
VII. with Elizabeth of York.— Coningsby, Sir T: Journal of the siege
of Rouen, 1591; ed. by J: G. Nichols. Fleetwood, G: Letter to his
father giving an account of the battle of Lutzen and the death of Gus-
tavus Adolphus; ed. by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton.— Lake, E. Diary,
1677-78; ed. by G: P. Elliott. V. 2. 1853. Account of the expenses of
John of Brabant and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, 1892-3. ed. ly
J. Burtt.— Household expenses of the Princess Elizabeth, Hatfield,
Oct. 1. 1551-Sept. 30, 1552; ed. by Vise. Strangford.— Cholmeley, W:
Request and suite of a true-hearted Englishman, 1553; ed. by W: J.
Thorns.- Discovery of the Jesuits' College at Clerkenwell, March.
1627-8; ed. by J: G. Nichols.— Trelawney papers; ed. by W: D. Cooper.
— Taswell, W: Autobiography and anecdotes; ed. by G: P. Elliott. —
ahWKRAj. nh]'.\ix'T.\u:\T. 147
€AMI)EN Miscellaii.v.
V. 3. 1855. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, «..
D. 1642-46; ed. by R: Almack. — Ancient biographical poems on the
Duke of Norfolk. Viscount Heretford, the Earls of Essex, and Queen
Elizabeth; ed. by J. P. Collier.— Relation of some abuses which are
committed against the common weaii..; together with a freindlie re-
prehension of the same; ed, from the original ms. by Sir F. Madden. —
Inventories of the wardrobes, plate, chapel stuff, etc., of Henry Fitz-
roy, duke of Richmond, and of the wardrobe stuff at Baynard's castle
of Katharine, Princess Dowager; ed. with a memoir and letters of the
Duke of Richmond, by J: G. Nichols. V. 4. 1859. London chronicle
during the reigns of Heni-y VII. and Henry VIII.; ed. by C. Hopper. —
Walmysley, T: The expenses of the judges of assize riding the west-
ern and Oxford circuits, temp. Elizabeth, 1.596-1601; ed. by W: D.
Cooper. — The Skryveners' play: the incredulity of St. Thomas; ed. by
J. P. Collier. — Lydgate, J: The childe of Bristow; ed. by C. Hopper.
^Lake,SirE. Account of his interviews with Charles I. on being cre-
ated a baronet; ed. by T. P. Langmead. — Pope, A. Letters to Atter-
bury when in the Tower of London; ed. by J: G. Nichols. — Supple-
mentary note to the discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell;
ed. by J: G. Nichols. V. 5. 1864. Charles II. Five letters; commu-
nicated to the Camden Misc. by the Marquis of Bristol. — Letter of the
council to Sir Thomas Lake relating to the proceedings of Sir Edward
Coke at Oatlands; and Documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh's
last voyage; communicated to the Camden Misc. by S: R. Gardiner. —
Catalogiie of early English miscellanies formerly in the Harleian li-
brary; ed. by W: C. Hazlitt. — Letters selected from the collection of
autographs in the possession of \V: Tite. — Leng, R: Sir Francis
Drake's memorable service done against the Spaniards in 1587; ed.
by C. Hopper. — Inquiry into the genuineness of a letter dated Feb.
3rd, 1613, and signed "Mary Magdaline Davers." V. 6. 1871. Whit-
tlngham, W: Life; ed. by M. A. B. Green. Bristol, Earl of. Defense
of his negotiations in Spain; ed. by S. R. Gardiner. — Walsingham, Sir
F. Journal from Dec. 1570- April, 1583; ed. by C: T. Martin. V. 7.
1875. Two sermons preached by the boy bishop at St. Paul's, temp.
Henry VIII., and at Gloucester, temp. Mary; ed. by J: G. Nichols;
with introd. giving an account of the festival of the boy bishop in
Eng. by E. F. Rimbault.— Heath, Sir R. Speech in the case of Alexan-
der Leighton, 1630; ed. by S: R. Gardiner.— Notes of the judgment de-
livered by Sir G: Croke in the case of ship-money; ed. by S: R. Gardi-
ner.— Letters relating to the mission of Sir T: Roe to Gustavus Adol-
phus, 1629-30; ed. by S: R. Gardiner.— Receipts and expenses on the
building of Bodmin church, 1469-72; ed. by J: J. Wilkinson. V. 8.
1883. Stratford, Earl of. Four letters; with a poem on his illness;
ed. by S: R. Gardiner.— Motteville, Mme. de. Memoir on the life of
Henrietta Marie; ed. by M. G. Hanotaux.— Papers relating to the de-
linquency of Lord Savile, 1642-46; ed. by J. J. Cartwright.— A secret
negociation with Charles I., 1643-44; ed. by B. M. Gardiner.— Man-
chester, Earl of. Letter giving an opinion on the conduct of O. Crom-
well; ed. by S: R. Gardiner.— Letters addressed to the Earl of Lauder-
dale; ed. by 0. Airy.— Monmouth. Duke of. Original letters; ed. by
G: Duckett.— Correspondence of the family of Haddock, 1657-1719; ed.
by E. M. Thompson.— Thompson, R. Letters to H. Thompson; ed. by
J. J. Cartwright.
CAMDEX Society. Publications. Loud, and W.-stuiinslcr. IS^.S-
87. 146 V." O.
'Samely: 1. Historie of the arrivall of Edward IV. in England and the
finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry VI., 1471; ed. by J:
Bruce. 1838.- 2. Bale , J: Kynge Johan: a play; ed. by J. P. Collier.
1838.— 3. Alliterative poem on the deposition of king Richard 11.; —
Maydiston, R. De concordia inter Ric. II. et civitatem London; ed.
by T- Wright. 1838.-4. Plumpton correspondence: a series of let-
ters cTiiefly domestick. written in the reigns of Edward IV., Richard
HI Henry VII. and Henry VIII.; ed. by T: Stapleton from Sir E.
CAMDEN Society.
Plumpton's Book of letters. 1839. — 5. Anecdotes and traditions illus-
trative of early English history and literature derived from ms.
sources; ed by W: J. Thorns. 1839. — 6. Political songs of England
,fr(om the reign of John to that of Edward II.; ed. and tr. by T:
Wright. 1839. — 7. Hayward, Sir J: Annals of the first four years of
the reign of queen Elizabeth; ed. from a ms. in the Harleian collec-
tion, by J: Bruce. 1840. — 8. Ecclesiastical documents: viz. 1. A brief
history of the bishoprick of Somerset from its foundation to the year
1174. 2. Charters from the library of Dr. Cox Macro; now first pub-
lished by Rev. J. Hunter. 1840. — 9. Norden, J; Speculi Britanniae
pars: an historical and chorographical description of the county of
Essex, 1594; ed. from original ms. by Sir H. Ellis. 1840. — 10. Wark-
worth, J: Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of king
Edward IV.; ed. from the ms. now in the library of St. Peter's college.
1839. — 11. Kemps nine dales wonder: performed in a daunce from
London to Norwich; with introd. and notes by Rev. A. Dyce. 1840. —
12. Egerton papers: a collection of public and private documents
chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I.; from original
mss. ; ed. by J. P. Conier. 1840. — 13. Jocelin of BrakeUmd: Chronica
de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasterii S. Edmundi; curante J.
G. Rokewode. 1840. — 14. Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ire-
land in 1641 and 1690; ed. by T: C. Croker. 1841.— 15. Rishanger, W:
de. Chronicle of the Barons' wars. — The miracles of Simon de Mont-
fort; ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1840. — 16. Mapes, W. Latin poems; ed.
by T: Wright. 1841. — 17. Micius, N. Second book of travels; ed.
from the original Greek ms. in the Bodleian library, with an English
translation, by Rev. J. A. Cramer. 1841.^ — 18. Three early English
metrical romances; with introd. and glossary; ed. from a ms. in the
possession of J. I. Blackburne, by J: Robson. 1842. — 19. Dee, J: Pri-
vate diary, and The catalogue of his library of manuscripts; from the
original mss. in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, and Trinity Col-
lege library, Cambridge; ed. by J. 0. Halliwell. 1842. — 20. An apology
for Lollard doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe, now first printed from a
ms. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, with introd. and notes
by J. H. Todd. 1842. — 21. Rutland papers: original documents illus-
trative of the courts and times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. [ed.]
by W: Jerdan. 1842.— 22. Cartwright, T: Diary, Aug. 1686-Oct. 1687.
1843. — 23. Original letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth,
seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries; with notes and illustrations by
Sir Henry Ellis. 1843. — 24. A contemporary narrative of the proceed-
ings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in 1324; ed.
by T: Wright. 1843. — 25, 54, 89. Galfridus. Promptorium parvulo-
rum, sive clericorum lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps. Recensuit A.
Way. 1843-53. 3 v. — 26. Three chapters of letters relating to the sup-
pression of monasteries; ed. from the originals in the British Museum
by T: Wright. 1843. — 27. Dudley, R. earl of Leicester. Correspondence
during his government of the Low Countries in the years 1585 and
1586; ed. by J: Bruce. 1844. — 28. Croniques de London; ed. by G:
J. Aungier. — 29. Vergilio, P. Three books of English history com-
prising the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III.; ed.
by Sir H. Ellis. — 30. The Thornton romances: the early English metri-
cal romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant, select-
ed from mss. at Lincoln and Cambridge; ed. by J. 0. Halliwell. 1844.
—31. Verney, Sir R. Verney papers: notes of proceedings in the Long
Parliament, temp. Charles I.; ed. by J: Bruce. 1845. — 32. Bramston,
Sir J: Autobiography. 1845. — 33. Drummond, J. car-l of Perth. Let-
ters to his sister the Countess of Erroll, and other members of his
family; ed. by W: Jerdan. 1845. — 34. De antiquis legibus liber: cro-
nica maiorum et vice comitum Londoniarum, 1178 ad 1274; cum appen-
dice; cur. T: Stapleton. 1846. — 35. Chronicle of Calais in the reigns of
Henry VII. and Henry VIII. to the year 1540; ed. by J: G. Nichols.
1846.-36. Vergilio, P. English history, from an early translation; v.
1, containing the first 8 books, comprising the period prior to th7 Nor-
(.7; \ /; /,• 1 /, hi: I'. \ in m i:s r. 149
•CAMDEN Socict.v.
man conquest; ed. by Sir H. Ellis. 184G.— 37. Rolation, or rather a
true account of the island of England; with sundry particulars of the
customs of these people, and of the royal revenues under Henry VII.,
about the year JfiOO; tr. from the Italian, with notes, by C. A. Sneyd.
1847.— 38. Doeunicnts relating to the foundation and antiquities of
the collegiate church of Middleham, in the county of York; with
historical introduction, and incidental notices [etc.] by W: Atthill.
1847.— 39, 55, 61, 73. 87, 104, n. s. 14. 31. Camden miscellany.— 40. Grey,
A. Commentary of the services and charges of William Lord Grey of
Wilton; with memoir of the author and illustrative documents; ed.
by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. 1847.-41. Yonge, W. Diary, written at
Colyton and Axminster, from 1604-28: ed. by G: Roberts. 1848. — 42.
Machyn, H; Diary, from A. D. 1550-63; ed. by J: G. Nichols. 1848.—
43. Visitation of the county of Huntingdon by N. Charles, A. D. 1613;
ed. by Sir H: Ellis. 1849.- 44. Smyth, R: Obituary: being a catalogue
of all such persons as he knew in their life, from A. D. 1627-74; ed. by
Sir H: Ellis. 1849.-45. Twysden, Sir R. Certaine considerations
upon the government of England; ed. by J: M. Kemble. 1849. — 46.
Letters of Queen Eliza))eth and King James VI. of Scotland; ed. by J:
Bruce. 1849. — 47. Chronicon Petroburgense; ed. by T: Stapleton.
1849. — 48. Chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary,
and especially of the rebellion of Sir T: Wyat; ed. by J: G: Nichols.
1850. — 49. Wills and inventories from the registers of the commissary
of Bury St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of Sudbury; ed. by S:
Tymms. 1850. — 50. Mapes, W. De Nugis curialium; ed. by T:
Wright. 1850.-51. The pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde to the
Holy Land, A. D. 1506; ed. by Sir H: Ellis. 1851.— 52. Moneys received
and paid for secret services of Charles H. and James II., March 30,
1679-Dec. 25, 1688; ed. by J: Y. Akerman. 1851.-53. Cnronicle of the
Grey Friars of London; ed. by J: G. Nichols. 1852.— 54. (.STcp 25).—
55. (Sec 39). — 56. Letters and papers of the Verney family, to the
year 1639; ed. by J: Bruce. 1853.^ — 57. Acren riwle: a treatise on the
rules and duties of monastic life; ed. and tr. by J: Morton. 1853. — 58.
Harley, Lndi/ B. Letters, [1625-43]; with introd. and notes by T: T.
Lewis. 1854. — 59, 62. Roll of the household expenses of Richard de
Swinfield, bp. of Hereford, during part of the years 1289 and 1290; ed.
by J: Webb. 1854. — 55. 2 v.- — 60. Grants, etc., from the crown during
the reign of Edward V.; and two speeches for opening parliament by
J. Russell; with historical introduction by J: G. Nichols. 1854. — 61.
(Sec 39).— 62. (Sec 59).— 63. Charles I. Letters to Queen Henrietta
Maria; ed. by J: Bruce. 1856. — 64. English chronicle of the reigns of
Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V. and Henry VI. written before 1471;
with app. and supp. add. from the Cotton ms. chronicle called "Eulo-
gium"; ed. by J: S. Davis. 1856. — 65. Knights Hospitallers in Eng-
land: being the report of Philip de Thane to the grand master Elyan
de Villanova for 1338; ed. by L. B. Larking; with historical introduc-
tion by J: M. Kemble. 1857.— 66. Rous. J: Diary from 1625-42; ed.
by M. A. E. Green. 1856.-67, 84. ]05.Trevelyan papers; pt. 1-3 [670-
1776]; ed. by J. P. Collier and Sir W. C. and Sir C: E. Trevelyan.
1857—72. 3 V. — 68. Journal of the Rev. Rowland Davies, from March
8, 1688-9-Sept, 29, 1690; ed. with notes, app. and some account of the
author and his family, by R. Caulfield. 1857.— 69. The domesday of
S. Paul's of 1222; or, Registruni de visitatione maneriorum per Rober-
tum Oecanum: with introd., notes, and ill., by W: H. Hale.
1858.— 70. Whitelock, Sir J. Liber famelicus: ed. by J: Bruce.
1858. — 71. Sp.vile, H. Savile correspondence: letters to and from Henry
Savile; including letters from his brother George, marquess of Hali-
fax; ed. by W: D. Cooper. 1858. --72. Philippe de Reinies. The ro-
mance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin; ed. by Le Roux
de Lincy. 1858. — 73. (Sec 39).— 74. Symonds, R. Diary of the march-
es of the royal army during the great civil war; ed. by C: E. Long.
1859. — 75. Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John
Milton, with documents relating to his connection with the Powell
CAMDEX Society.
family; ed. by W. G. Hamilton. 1859.— 76. Carew, G: lord. Letters
to Sir T: Roe, 1615-17; ed. by J: Maclean. I860.— 77. Narratives of
the days of the Reformation chiefly from the mss. of John Foxe the
martyrologist; with two contemporary biographies of Cranmer; ed.
by J: G. Nichols. 1859. — 78. James VI. Correspondence with Sir R.
Cecil and others in England during the reign of Q. Elizabeth; ed. by
J: Bruce. 1861. — 79. Chamberlain, J: Letters written during the
reign of Q. Elizabeth; ed. by S. Williams. 1861.-80. Proceedings
principally in the county of Kent in connection with the Parliaments
called in 1640, and especially v/ith the committee of religion appointed
in that year; ed. by L. B. Larking, with preface by J: Bruce. 1862.—
81. Parliamentary debates in 1610; ed. from the notes of a member
of the House of Commons, by S. R. Gardiner. 1862. — 82. Lists of
foreign Protestants and aliens resident in England 1618-88; ed. by
W: D. Cooper. 1862. — 83. Wills from Doctors Commons: a selection
from the wills of eminent persons, 1495-1695; ed. by J: G. Nichols and
J: Bruce. 1863.-84. {i
(Famous Scots.)
CAMERON, Verney Lovett. Our future hi^^hway to India. Lond.,
1880. 2 V. pi. map. D.
CAMP, Georjie K. Shadows. S. F., 1885. D.
CAMP, Walter and Deland, Lorin F. Foolball. Ii«.sL. 1s:m;.
dia. O.
CAMPAIGN of Fredericksburg, Nov. -Dec., 18()2; by A liu.- olVu-.-r.
See ITenderson, G. F. R.
CAMPAIGN of the Indus, in a series of letters from an (ttVK < r of
the Bombay division [T. W. E. Iloldsworth].
CAMPAIGNS of Walker's Texas division; by A private soldier.
See Blessington, J. P.
CAMPBELL, Archibald, h,rd. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition.
L Argyllshire series. Lond., 1889. 98 p. pi. O.
CAMPBELL. Sir Polin. Barm Clyde.
SHADWELL, L. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, illustrated by
extracts from his diary and correspondence. Edin. and London., 1881.
2 V. pi. por. maps. O.
CAMPBELL, Douglas. The puritan in Holland, England, and
America: an introduction to American history. N. Y., 1892.
2 V. O.
CAMPBELL, Douglas Houghton. A morphological study of Naias
and Zannichellia. (Cal. Acad, of Sci. 3d ser. Botany, v. 1.)
A morphological study of Naias and Zanuicliellia. S. F., 1897.
O. (L. S. jr. Univ. contrib. to biol. Hopkins seaside library
CAMPBELL, Edwin Rutliven. Poem, delivered before the Society
of California Pioneers, Sept. 9, 1875. S. F., 1875. O. {In
Cal. Pioneers Orations and Poems, 1858-94. v. 2.)
CAMPBELL, F. R. The language of medicine. N. Y., 1888. O.
CAMPBELL, Sir George. Handy book on the eastern question:
being a very recent view of Turkey. Lond., 1876. map. D.
CAMPBELL, H. J. Text-book of elementary biology. Lond., 1893.
il. D.
CAMPBF]LL, Harry Huse. The manufacture and properties of
structural steel. N. Y., 1896. il. O.
CAMPBELL, Mrs. Helen Stuart. Household economics; a course
of lectures in the School of Economics of the University of
Wisconsin. N. Y., 1897. D.
Knox, T: W. and Byrnes, T: Darkness and daylight; or,
Lights and shadows of New York life; with an introduction
by Rev. Lyman Abbott. Hartford, 1895. il. O.
CAMI*BELL, James Dykes. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: a narrative
of the events of his life. Lond., 1894. por. O.
CAMPBELL, John, lord chancellor. The lives of the Chief Justices
of England from the Norman conquest till the death of Lord
Tenterden. New. rev. ed.; by J. Cockcroft. Northport, 1894.
il. 3 V. Q.
CAMPBELL, John P. Biological teaching in the colleges of the
United States. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ.
of inform., 1891, no. 9.)
CAMPBELL, Lewis. See Abbott, E. and Campbell, L. Life and
letters of Benjamin Jowett.
CAMPBELL. Marius R. Geology of the Big Stone Gap coal field
of Virginia and Kentuckv. Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Geol.
Surv. Bull. no. 111.)
CAMPBELL, Robert Allen. Our flag; or. The evolution of the
stars and strii)es. Thic, [c. 1890]. 128 p. il. pi. D.
CAMPBELIj, Walter, maj. The old forest ranger; or. Wild sports
of India on the Neilgherry Hills, in the jungle, and on the
plains. 3d ed. Lond., 18(33. pi. O.
CAMPBELL family. See Bakewell family.
CAMPER, Charles, and Kirkley, 'I. W., cotiips. Historical record of
the First regiment Maryland infantry, 1861-65. Wash.,
1871. D.
CAMPION, p]dniond. A historie of Ireland written in the yeare
1571. [2d ed.]. Dublin, 1809. (Tti Ware, Sir J., ed. Ancient
Irish histories, v. 1.)
A very true report of the apprehension and taking of that arch-Papist
E. C., the Pope his right hand, by George Elliot. IK'S!. {In Arber,
E: Eng. garner, v. 8. p. 204.)
CAM1*10N, Henri de. Extrait des m^moires. {hi Col. des m^m.
rel. ;\ V hist, de France, s. 2 v. 51.)
CAMPION, Thomas. Books of airs. [1613]. {In Arber, E., Eng.
Garner, v. 3.)
Ljrical poems. Lond., [1805]. T. (Lj'ric poets.)
and Rosseter, Philip. Lyrics, elegies, etc., from madrigals
canzonets, etc.; a book of airs. [May, 1601]. {In Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, v. 3, p. 197.)
CAMPION, W. J. H. Christianity and politics. {In Gore, C: ed.
Lux mundi, 11.)
CANADA. Deparlment of the Interior. Official hand-book of infor-
mation relating to the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1896.
map, O. pam.
Boyal Commissio7i on the Liquor Traffic. Report of Commission-
ers, with minutes of evidence, v. 1-4 and index. Ottawa,
1894-95. 5 V. O.
CANADIAN almanac and miscellaneous directory for the year
1898. Toronto [1897]. O.
CANADIAN entomologist; v. 1-20, 1868-1888. Toronto, Lond.,
1869-88. 20 V. il. O.
CANADIAN monthly and national review; v. 1-21. Toronto, 1872-
82. 21 v. O.'
Xotr: Vol. 14, n. s. V. 1, with title Rose-Belford's Canadian
CANAVAN, Matthew. vSpeech in the Assembly chamber of the
state of California on the mortgage tax bill. Sac, 1868. 6
p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
CANDAGE, R. G. F. Settlement and i)rogress of the town of Blue-
hill, ^Laine; an historical address. Bluehill, 18S6. por. 43
].. O.
CANDEE, Helen Churchill. Housebuilding. {In Woman's book,
V. 2.)
CANFIELD, John G, puh. Mines and mining men of Colorado; his-
torical, descriptive and jiictorial. Dcuvim". IS!).',, il. pors.
obi. Q.
CANNAN, Edwin. A history of the theories of i.roduciion and
distribution in English ]tolilic:il economy from 1776-1848.
Lond., 1S93. O.
CANNON. George (}uayle. Wi-i(ings from the -Western Stand-
ard." jMildished in San Francisco, California. Liverpool,
1864. O.
CANTERBURY (Eng.). Christ Church. Christ Church letters: a
volume of mediaeval letters relating to the affairs of the
priory of Christ Church Canterbury; ed. by J. B. Shepi^ard.
[Westminster], 1877. 47-rll3 p. O. (Camden Soc, n. s.^
V. 19.)
CAPE of Good Hope. Report on returns in statistical register^
1896. [n. t. p.], 1897. Q. pam.
Statistical register of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope for
the year 1888; also agricultural and population statistics
for 1889. Cape Town, 1889. dia. F.
CAPEL, Thomas John, D.D. The faith of Catholics; comp. by J.
Berington and J. Kirk; rev. by J. Waterworth, with preface,
corrections and additions by Monsignor Capel. 2d ed. N.
Y., 1885. 3 V. O.
CAPEN, Nahum. The indissoluble nature of the American union,
considered in connection with the assumed right of secession:
a letter to Hon. Peter Cooper, New York. Bost., 1862. 36
p. O.
CAPERS, Henry D. The life and times of C. G. Memminger.
Richmond, 1893. por. O.
CAPES, William Wolfe. Roman history: the early empire; from
the assassination of Julius Caesar to that of Domitian. N.
Y., 1895. maps. S. (Epochs of anc. hist.)
CAPRON family.
HOLDEN, F. A. Genealogy of the descendants of Banfield Capron,
1660 to 1859. Bost., 1859. pors. D.
CARDERERA y Solano, Valentin. Iconografia Espaiiola: colec-
cion de retratos, estatuas, mausoleos y demas monumentos
ineditos desde el siglo XI hasta el XVII. Madrid,
1855-64. il. pi. 2v. F.
CARDONNE, Denis Dominique, //■. Extraits des manuscrits
Arabes dans lesquels il est parld des ^v^nemens historiques
relatifs au r^gne de Saint Louis. {In Col. des m^m, rel, a 1'
hist, de France, 1824. s. 1. v. 3.)
CAREW, George, haron Gareiv of Clopton, afterward earl of Totness.
Letters to Sir T. Roe, ambassador to the Great Mogul, 1615-
17; ed. by J: Maclean. [Lond.], 1860. O. (Camden Soc,
V. 76.)
CAREY, Emily J., tr. Stapfer, P. Shakespeare and classical an-
CAREY, Henry. The ballad of Sally in our alley, [before 1719].
(In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 6, p. 150.)
CAREY, Henry Charles. Essay on the rate of wages; with an ex-
amination of the causes of the differences in the condition of
the labouring population throughout the world. Phil.,
1835. O.
The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing, and
commercial. Phil., 1890. O.
Letters to the president, on the foreign and domestic policy of
the Union and its effects as exhibited in tlie condition of the
people and the state. Phil., [1858]. 171 p. O.
Manual of social science; being a condensation of the "Prin-
ciples of social science"; by Kate McKean. Phil., 1888. D.
CAREY, Henry Oharlos. Misc-clhuu'ous works; with a memoir by
Dr. W: Elder. IMiil., 1883. 2 v. pors. ().
CAREY, Mrs. M., Ir. Duruy, A'. Hist or y of France.
CAREY, Sir Robert, earl of Monmouth. " Account of the death of
Queen Elizabetli; and liis ride (o King James at Edinburgli,
L'otli-L'Tth Marcli, KilKJ. (//; Arber, E: Eng. garner, v 8, p.
CAREY, T. J., colli p. L'KI famous recitations adapted to
public and i)arlor entertainments. N. Y., [189G]. O. (Ex-
celsior library, no. 45.)
CARGILL, Alexander. Izaak Walton. {In Yale, L. AI. [and others].
CARLEv^, W. R. Life in Corea. Lond., 1888. il. map. O.
CARLET, David, capt.
Voyage to Guinea in 1564. (fii Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1.
p. 1!J4.)
CARLET, G. Pr(5cis de zoologie m2. pi. O. (U. S. Dcjtt. of Aoth sides of the tariff (luestion.)
Biographical sketch. (In Both sides of the tariff question.)
CARXOT, Xicolas L«''onard Sadi. Rdlcctions on the nuitivc power
of heat and on machines fitted to dcvehtjt that j»ower; from
the original French; ed. by H. 11. Tlnirston. X. V., 1890.
])OI-. 1>.
CARPENTER, Alfred. The principles and practice of school
hygiene. 3d ed. Lond., 1887. il. D.
CARPENTER, Edward. Civilization, its cause and cure, and other
essay's. Lond., 1895. D. (Social sci. ser.)
England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects. New
rev. ed. Lond., 1895. D. [Same.)
CARPENTER, George N. History of the Eighth regiment, Ver-
mont volunteers, 1861-65. Bost., 1886. pors. O.
CARPENTER, J. Estlin, tr. Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the history
of religion.
CARPENTER, William Benjamin. Introduction to the study of
the foraminifera; by C, assisted by W: K. Parker and T.
Rupert Jones. Lond., 1862. il. pi. F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
CARPENTER and Morehouse, conip. and pub. History of the town
of Amherst, Massachusetts. [1731-1896]. Amhurst, 1896.
il. por. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. General history of the town. 2. Town meeting
CARPINI, Giovanni de Piano, or de Palatio. Travels into Tartary
in the year 1246. {In Green, J: Vovages and travels, v. 4.,
p. 544.)
CARR, Lucien. The mounds of the Mississippi valley, historically
considered. [Frankfort, Ky., n. d.]. 107 p. Q.
and Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. On the prehistoric remains
of Kentucky. [Frankfort, n. d.]. 31 p. pi. Q.
CARRINGTON, Henry Beebee. Columbian selections: American
patriotism for home and school. Phil., 1892. il. pors. O.
CARROLL, Daniel. Letter of A friend to the Constitution; printed
in the Maryland Journal, October, 1787. {In Ford, P. L. ed.
Essays on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
CARROLL, Henry King. The religious forces of the United States,
enumerated, classified and described on the basis of the gov-
ernment census of 1890. N. Y., 1893. O. (The American
Church Hist, ser., v. 1.)
CARROLL, W. Dr. Scott, the vigilance committee, and the church.
S. F.. 1856. 52 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
€ARROLL county (Ind.).
STEWART, J: H. Recollections of the early settlement of Carroll
county, Indiana. Cin., 1872. D.
CARRUTHERS, John. Communal and commercial economy; some
elementary theorems of the political economy of communal
and of commercial societies. Lond., 1883. D.
CARSON, Hampton L. The supreme court of the United States:
its history; and its Centennial celebration February 4th,
1890; prepared under direction of the Judiciary Centennial
Committee. Phil., 1891. pors. Q.
Supplement, pt. 1: George Shiras, jr. Phil., 1892. 12 p.
por. Q.
CARSON, .James Crawford Ledlie. Capital punishment is murder
legalized. Lond., 1866. 68 p. S.
CARTER, A. C. R. camp. The year's art, 1894: a concise epitome
of all matters relating to the arts of painting, sculpture, and
architecture. Lond., 1894. il. pi. pors. D.
CARTER, Franklin. Mark Hopkins. Boat., 1892. D. (Amer. re-
ligious leaders.)
CARTER, Haiinali .lolmsoii. Sngj^estions for the teaching of color.
{In Indus. Ed. Assoc. Mouoj;raphs, v. 3.)
CARTER, Hosea Ballon, comp. and ed. New Hampshire manual
for the General Court, with complete oflicial succession.
IGSO-lSOl. Concord, 1891. por. S.
CARTER, Jane G. Avery, and Holmes, Susie P. comp. Genealogi-
cal record of the Deadham branch of the Avery family, in
America. [Plymouth], 1893. pi. pors. O.
CARTER, Robert Brudenell, and Frost, W: Adams. Ophthalmic
surgery. Phil., [n. d.]. il. pi. S.
CARTER, Russell Kelso. Alpha and Omega; or, The birth and
death of the world. S. F., 1894. il. O.
CARTER, Thomas Fortescne. A narrative of the Boer war; its
causes and results. New ed. Lond., 1896. O.
CARTWRIGHT, .lames J. ed. Papers relating to the delinquency
of Lord Savile, 1642-46. [Lond.], 1883. O. {In Camden
misc., V. 8. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 31.)
CARTWRIGHT, Julia. See, Ady, Mrs. Henry.
CARTWRIGHT, Sir Richard John, and Shearman, Thomas J. The
tariff on trial. In Both sides of the tariff question.)
Biographical sketch. (In Both sides of the tariff question.)
CARTWRIGHT. Thomas, bisJiop of Chester. Diary, Aug. 1686-Oct.
1687 ; now first printed from the original ms. in the posses-
sion of Rev. Joseph Hunter. Lond., 1843. 17-1-110 p. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 22.)
CARTWRIGHT, William Cornwallis. The Jesuits: their constitu-
tion and teaching. Lond., 1876. O.
CARUS, Dr. Paul. Fundamental problems: the method of philo-
sophy as a systematic arrangement of knowledge. Chic,
1889. D.
Nature of the State. Chic, 1894. 56 p. D. (The Religion of
Sci. Lib. V. 2. no. 1.)
CARVALHO, S. N. Incidents of travel and adventure in the far
west with Col. Fremont's last expedition. N. Y., 1857. D.
GARY, Edward. George William Curtis. Bost., 1894. por. D.
(Amer. Men of Letters.)
GARY, Thomas G. Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins. Bost.,
1856. por. O.
CASE, Mrs. Adelaide. Day by day at Lucknow: a journal of the
siege of Lucknow. Lond., 1858. D.
CASE, Lafayette Wallace, comp. Hollister family of America;
Lieut. John Hollister of Wethersfield, Conn, and his descend-
ants. Chic, 1886. il. por. O.
CASENOV. Hans Mulled, ed. Humour of Germany. N. Y., 1893. 11.
D. (Int. humour ser.^l
CASPAR, C. N. Directory of the American book, news and sta-
tionery trade wholesale and retail. :NTilwnukee, 1889. pi.
por. O.
and Zahn. H. H. pvh. The city of ^Milwaukee; a souvenir of
the 24th Siingerfest of the N. A. Siingerbund, July 21-25,
1886. Milwaukee, 1886. 119 p. il. maps. O.
CASS, Lewis.
Mclaughlin, a. C. Lewis Cass. Bost., 1891. D. (Amer. states-
Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statue of Lewis
Cass, presented by the state of Michigan. Wash., 1889. pi. O.
(U. S. 50th Cong., 2d sess. H. M. D.)
CASSEL Gallery. 17 photogravuren nach Gemalden von Rem-
braudt in der Galerie zu Cassel; pub. by Photographisehe Ge-
sellscliaft. Berlin, [1897]. pi. F.
OASSELL and company, pub. Rivers of Great Britain,descrip-
tive, historical, pictorial; Rivers of the east coast. Lond.,
etc., 1889. il. pi. F.
CASSELL'S complete pocket-guide to Europe. Rev. and enl.
E. C. Stedman, E. King comps. and eds. N. Y., 1897. maps.
OASSELS, Walter R. Cotton: an account of its culture in Bombay
presidency. Bombay, 1862. map. diag. O.
CASSENEUVE, John. See Barbot, J. and Casseneuve, J. Voyage
to Kongo river.
OASSERLY, Eugene. Remarks on the House Bill for the cession
to the Central Pacific Railroad company, of California, of one
half of Goat Island, in the harbor of San Francisco. Wash.,
1873. 11 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
CASSIANUS, Joannes. Works; tr. with prolegomena, prefaces
and notes by E. C. S. Gibson. {In Schaff, P. and Wace, H.
eds. Sel. lib. of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 2d ser. v.
[CASSINO, S. E. and Dunbar, E. K.] puh. [Celebrated horses of
America. Printed by Armstrong and Co. Bost. from paint-
ings by Scott Leighton, Henry Stull and others, [c. 1881-
82]. F.
CASTANEDA, Fernando Lopez de., and others. Exploits of the
Portugueze in the year 1507-10, under Don Francisco de
Almeyda; Voyages and transactions of the Portugueze in
India from 1503-07; with the exploits of Pacheco. {In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. pp. 58, 54.)
CASTELLANI, Carlo. Art of printing in Venice; — Printers'
marks — water marks; — Printing of music. Venice, 1895.
il. Q. {In Early Venetian printing; pub. by F. Ongaina.)
CASTELNAU, Francis L. de Laporte, comte de, and Gory, H. His-
toire naturelle et iconographie des insectes col^opt^res.
Paris, 1837-41. 4 v. in 5. text and atlas. Q.
CASTELNAU, Michel de. M^moires. {In Col. des m6m. rel. h
I'hist. de France. 1823. s. 1. v. 33.)
CASTLE, Egerton. English book-plates, ancient and modern.
Lond.," 1894. il. D. (Ex-libris ser.)
Schools and masters of fence from the middle ages to the eigh-
teenth century. Lond., 1885. il. pi. O.
CASTLE, Thomas. ^ See Barton, B: H. and Castle, T: British flora
TATTON, J: Voyage to Priaman in 1612. (In Green, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 1. p. 446.)
CURRIER, Epitaphs of CasllPton (Vt.) church yard. fn. t. p.].
1861. 48 p. O.
CASTKO, Joao de. Voyaj!;e of Don Sk'laiio dc (Jama, Iroiu (ioa,
to Suez, iu 1540; tr. from the rortu};iieze and abbreviated.
{In Green, J: Voyajres and travels, v. 1. \). 107.)
Secona siege of Diu, by Mahmud, king of Kambaya, in 1545, under the
government of C. {Iu sdinc, v. 1. p. 132.)
CATAFAGO, Joseph. Knj;lish and Arabic dictionary, in two
jiarts: Arabic and English, and English and Arabic. 2d ed.
Lond., 1873. O.
CATESBY, Mark. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and
the liaiiama islands; containing the figures of birds, beasts,
[etc.] ; together with their descriptions in English and
French, to which are added observations on the air, soil and
waters. Lond., 1754. 2 v. col. pi. map. F.
CATHAKINE H. empress of Rvssia.
[MASSON, C: F. P.]. Memoirs of Catherine II. and the court of St.
Petersburg during her reign and that of Paul i. Pans, Bost., [n. d.].
il. pi. O. (Hist, court memoirs.)
Secret memoirs of the Court of St. Petersburg, towards the end of the
reign of Catherine II. and the commencement of that of Paul I.
Lond., 1895. por. O.
WALISZEWSKI, K. The story of a throne (Catherine II. of Russia);
from the French. Lond., 1895. 2 v. por. O.
CATHARINE of Alexandria. St.
Life of St. Katherine; from the Royal ms., etc.; with Its Latin original
from the Cotton ms.; ed. with introduction, notes, and glossary, by
E. Einenkel. Lond., 1884. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 80. )
CATHARINE of Aracwu, wife of Henry VIII.
HARPSFIELD, N. Treatise on the pretended divorce between Henry
Ylll. and Catherine of Aragon; [ed.] by Pocock. [Westminster],
1878. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 21.)
CATHEDRALS and abbevs in Great Britain and Ireland; with
descriptive text bv Richai'd Wheatley. N. Y., ISiKK pi. F.
CATHERWOOI), ^Nlary Hartwell. The chase of Saint-Castin and
other stories of "the French in the New \\'orld. Bost.. 1895.
The days of Jeanne d'Arc. N. Y., 1897. D.
The spirit of an Illinois town, and, The little Renault; two
stories of Illinois at difTerent periods. Bost., 1897. il. S.
CATHOLIC world; a monthlv magazine of general literature and
science((ontinuation); V. 1-12, IH-G."). N. Y., 1865-97. 2!) v. O.
Title v. 1-2, Catholic world, a monthly electic niagazine of
general literature and science.
CATHOLICON Anglicnm: an English Latin word-book dated 1483;
ed. with introd. and notes by S. J. 11. Ilerrtage, with a ]>reface
by H. B. \Vheatley. [Oxford]. 1882. O. (Camden Soc,
n^s. V. 30.)
Sarv.c, Lond.. 1881. facsim. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 75.)
CATLTN. W. W. romp. Echoes of the Sunset Club: comitrising a
number of the papers read and addresses delivered before the
Sunset Club of Chicago during the past two years. Chic,
1891. O.
CATON, John Dean. Miscellanies. Bost, 1880. por. O.
CATULLUIS, Caius Valerius. Select poems; ed. with introduc-
tions, notes, and appendices bj Francis P. Simpson. New ed^
rev. Lond., 1886. S.
CAULFIELD, James. Calcographiana: the printsellers chronicle
and collectors guide to the knowledge and value of engraved
British portraits. Lond., 1814. 8-rlG8 p. por. O.
CAULFIELD, Richard, ed. Journal ol the Rev. Rowland Davies^
from March 8, 1688-9-September 29, 1690; ed. with notes,
app. and some account of the author and his family. [Lond.]
1857. O. (Camden Soc, v. 68.)
CAUSES of the Afghan war; being a selection of the papers laid
before Parliament; with a connecting narrative and com-
ment. Lond., 1879. D.
CAUWET, Pierre. Poesies. S. F., 1867. 194 p. O.
CAVE, Alfred. D.JJ. An introduction to theology: its principles,
its branches, its results, and its literature. 2d. ed., Edin.,
1896. O.
CAVE, William. B.D. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia liter-
aria. Col. Allob. 1705. F.
CAVE-BROWNE, J. See Browne, J. Cave.
CAVENAGH, Sir Orfeur. Renuniscences of an Indian official.
Lond., 1884. D.
CAVENDISH, pseud. See Jones, Henry.
CAVENDISH, Henry. Electrical researches written between 1771-
1781; ed. from the original manuscripts in the possession of
the Duke of Devonshire, by J. C. Maxwell. Camb., 1879. il.
facsim. O.
CAVENDISH, Thomas. The worthy and famous voyage of Master
Thomas Cavendish, made round about the globe of the earth;
begun in the year, 1586. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 2,
p. 117.)
CAVENDISH, William duke of Devonshire. Opening address. {In
Owens College essays, 1874.)
CAVERLY, Robert B. Genealogv of the Caverly family from the
yearlll6tothevear 1880. Yowell, 1880. il. pors. D.
CAVERLY family.
CAVERLY, R: B. Genealo^ of the C. family from 1116 to 1880.
Lowell, 1880. 11. pors. D.
CAVOLEU, J. A. Oenologie francaise ou statisque de tous les
vignobles et de toutes les boissons vineuses et spiritueuses de
la France. Paris, 1827. O.
CA WLEY, Frank. Road making and maintenance. [In A move for
better roads. Univ. of Penn. Com. on Better Roads.)
CAXTON, William. Book of curtesye, printed at Westminster
about 1477-78 A. D. and now reprinted, with two ms. copies
of the same treatise; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Lond., 1868. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Extra ser. no. 3.)
ed. The golden legend [by Jacobus de Voragine] . New ed. by
F. S. Ellis. Hammerswith, 1892. 3 v. Q.
tr. Blanehardyn and Eglantine c. 1489; ed. by Dr. Leon Kell-
ner. Lond.. 1890. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra
ser. no. 58.)
(iHM'.UAL i>i:t'xin'Mi:sT. im
OAXTON, William. //•. The Curitil made by Majstert- Alain ('liar-
ix'lier; tnmslalod thus iu Kngiyssh by C, 1484; collated with
the French oiif^iual by I'aul Meyer; ed. by F. J. Furiiivall.
Loud., 1888. (J. {Same uo. 'A.)
Eueydos, 141)0; Euj>iishl from the French liure des
eneydes, 1483; ed. by W . T. Culley and F. J. Furuivall with
a sketch of the old Freuch Roman d'J^^ueas by Dr. Salv(;rda
de Grave. Loud., 181)0. O. {Same no. 57.)
Le Fevre Kaoul. Destruction of Troy.
CAYET, Pierre N'ictor I'alma. Chrouologie uoveuaire contenant
I'histoire de la guerre sous le regne du roy de France et de
Navarre, Henry W . {In Col. des mem. rel. it Thist de France.
1823-24. s.l.v. 3843.)
CAYLUS, Marthe Marguerite de Mllette de Murcjay, muvquisc de.
Souvenirs. {In Col. des mem. rel. a 1" hist, de France. 1828.
S.2.V. GO.)
CAZALIS, Fred(''ric. Instruction popnlaire sur le soufrage des
vignes, d'apres les travaux de MM. Kosecharmeux, Laforgue,
Mar^s [etc.]. 2e dd. Monti)ellier. 1857. 20 p. {In Pam-
phlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
CAZENEU^"E, Paul. La coloration des vins par les couleurs de la
houille. Paris, 188G. D.
CECIL, Sir Kobert. Letters to Sir George Carew; ed. by J- Mac-
lean. [Lond.], 1804. 7—107 j). O. (Camden Soc*. v. 88.)
[CELEBRATED horses of America. Printed by Armstrong and
Co. Bost. from paintings by Scott Leighton, Henry Stull
and others; copyright bv S. E. Cassiuo and E. K. Dunbar,
1881-82.] F.
CENTENARY Conference on Foreign ]\rissions. Report of the Cen-
tenary conference on the Protestant missions of the world,
held in Exeter Hall -June !)-10, London 1888: ed. by J. John-
ston, 3d ed. Loud., 1880. 2 v. O.
CENTRAL Pacific Railroad Companv. Engineers' reports u])on
survevs, cost of construction, estimated revenues [etc] Sac,
S. F.,"l8.50-G3. O. (Railroad pamphlets v. .3.)
Relations between the Central Pacific Railroad Company and
the United States government; summary of facts, 1880. S.
F., 1889. 70 p. O.
Same. {Tn Conkling, R. and Shijunan. AN': D. The C. P. R. R.
Co. in equitable account with tlie V. S.)
CENTURY cyclopedia of names; ed. by B. E. Smith. N. Y.. [c.
L^04.] " F.
CENTI.^RY dictionary: an encyclojtedic lexicon of the English lan-
guage; prepared under the superintend«'nce of W. D. Whit-
ney. N. Y., [c. 1880-01]. V. il. F.
CENTURY illustrated monthly magazine; n.s. (continuati()n): v.
10.32. N. Y., 1880-07. 17 v. O.
CENTURY science series: ed. by Sir II: E. Roscoe. N. Y.. 1805 07.
8 V. D.
Xanirli/: John Dalton, by H: E. Roscoe. Charles Darwin, by E: B.
Poulton! Humphrey Davy, by T. E. Thorpe. The Hen-^rhels. by
A. M. Clarke. Justus von Liebip. by W. A. Shenstone. Charles I^yell.
by T. G. Bonney. James Clerk Maxwell, by .^. T. Glazebrook. James
Rennell, by C. E. Markham.
GENTZ, P. C. The republic of republics; or, American federal
liberty. 4th ed. Bost., 1881. O.
CEKLETTl, Ing. G. B. Costruzioni enotecniche e vasi vinari.
Koma, 1885. 71 p. O. (Societa generale dei viticoltori Ital-
iani. Fascicolo 3.)
GEE\^ANTES Saavedra, Miguel de. Galatea, el Viaje al Parnaso,
y obras dramaticas. ^lueva ed. Paris, 1841. O. (Col. de
los mejores autores espaiioles. v 25.)
L'ing^nieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche; traduction
de Louis Viardot; dessins de Gustave Dor^. Paris, 1868. il.
pi. 2 V. F.
OLIPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. Cervantes, i.din. anu Lond., 1880. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
WATTS, H: E. Life of Miguel de Cervantes. Lond., 1891. O.
(Great v^^riters.)
CESARESCO, Evel^m Martinengo, countess. Italian characters in
the epoch of unification. Loud., 1890. O.
The liberation of Italy, 1815-1870. Lond., 1895. pors. D.
CHAD WICK, Annie Hathaway. See Chadwick, J: White and A.
H. Through love to light.
CH.IDWICK, Edward Marion. Ontarian families: genealogies of
United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of upper
Canada. Toronto, 1895. il. Q.
CHADWICK, F. E. Development of the steamship. [In Chad-
wick, F. E. and others. Ocean steamships.)
[and others]. Ocean steamships, a popular account of their
construction, development, management and appliances. N.
Y., 1891. il. O.
CHADWICK, John White. The Bible of to-day: a course of lec-
tures. N. y. and Lond., 1887. D.
Education as related to citizenship. {In Brooklyn Eth. Assoc.
Man and the state.)
The evolution of architecture. {In same. Evolution in sci-
ence, jihilosophy, and art.)
and Annie Hathaway, comps. Through love to light, a selec-
tion of songs of good courage. Bost., 1896. S.
CHAFFERS, William. Hall marks on gold and silver plate, to
which is now added a history of I'orf^vrerie frangaise. 8th
ed. with introductory essay by C. A. Markham. Lond.,
1896. il. pi. O.
CHALLENGER Expedition (continuation). Report on the scien-
tific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, during the
years 1873-76. Physics and chemistry, v. 2. Zoology, v. 31-
32. Lond., 1889. 3 v. pi. maps. F.
Contents: Physics and chemistry, v. 2. Report on some of the prop-
erties of fresh water and sea-water, by P. G. Tait. — Atmospheric
circulation, by A. Buchan. — Magnetical results obtained by H. M.
S. Challenger, by E. W. Creak. — Report on the rock specimens col-
lected on oceanic islands, by A. Renard.
Zoology: v. 31. Alcyonaria, by E. P. Wright and Th. Studer.—
Pelagic fishes, by A. Giinther.— Supplementary report on the Polyzoa,
by A. W. Waters. 32. Antipatharia, by G. Brook.— Supplementary
report on the Alcyonaria, by Th. Studer.— Deep-sea keratosa, by E.
CUALLENGPiK ExiKHlitioii. I)(M'|» sea (Icposits l)iis<'(l on speci-
mens oolloftcd by 11. M. S. ( 'liallni-icr, by John .Murray and
A. F. Kenaid. Lond., 1S!M. il. pi. F.*^
CHALMEKS, M. 1). Local ;^()v<'iiini.
D. (Knj:;lisli cilizon.)
CHALMKKS, Kobort. llislory of cnirmcy in I lie Hrilish colonics.
Lend., [18<):i]. C).
CHALMERS, Thomiis. Tracts on pauperism, (ilasgow, IS'.V.i. .().
Coiifiiils: Speech delivered on the 24th of May, 1822, before the Gen-
eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland. 1822;— Statement in re-
gard to the pauperism of Glasgow. 182:1;— On the parliamentary
means for the abolition of pauperism in England. 1824.
BLAIKIE, W. G. Thomas Chalmers. N. Y., [1896]. 160 p. iJ.
(Famous Scots.)
OLiPHANT, M. O. W. Thomas Chalmers, preacher, philosopher, and
statesman. Bost., 1893. por. D.
CHAMBERLAIN, Alexander Francis. The child and childhood in
folk-thon^ht; the child in primitive culture. N. Y., 18!M). <>.
CHAMBERLAIN, Basil Hall. Aino folk-tales; with introduction
by Edward B. Tylor. Privately printed. [Lond.], 1888. oT
p. O. (Folk-lore Soc. Bub. no. 22.)
Things Japanese; being notes on various subjects connected
with Japan for the use of travellers and others. 2d ed.
Lond., 1891. map. D.
and Mason, W. B. [Murray's] handbook for travellers in
Japan. 3d ed. rev. and for the most part re-written by ('.
and M. N. Y., 1893. maps. D.
CHAMBERLAIN, Edith L. and Douglas, Fanny. The gentle-
woman's book of gardening. Lond., 1892. il. por. D.
(The Victoria library for gentlewomen.)
CHAMBERLAIN, Houston Stewart. Richard Wagner; tr. from
the German by G. A. Hight. Lond., 1897. il. por. fac-
sim. Q.
CHAMBERLAIN. John. Letters written during the reign of l^
Elizabeth; ed. from the originals by S. Williams. [L«md.l,
1861. O. (Camden Soc, v. 79.)
CHAMBERLAYNE, Edward. The social position of the English
established clergy, in 1669. [1669]. {In Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 7. p. 243.)
CHxVMBERLlN. W. H. The skirmish line in the .Mlanta cam-
paign. (In Hunter, R. ed. Sketches of war history.)
CHAMBERS, E. T. D. The ouananiche and its Canadian environ-
ment, 'n. Y., 1896. il. pi. D.
CHAMBERS, Edmund K. nwip. Knglish pastorals. N. Y.. 18!t;).
D. (Warwick library.)
CHAMBERS George Frederick. Handbook of descriptive and
practical astronomy. 4th ed. Oxford. 1889-90. 3 v. il.
pi. O. (Clarendon press ser.)
Contents: Vol. 1. The sun, planets, and comets. 2. Instruments and
practical astronomy. 3. The starry heavens.
CHAMBERS, Talbot Wilson. The book of Psalms. (Tn Munhall.
L W. ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
ed. See Jackson, S: M.. rhambers. T. W.. and Foster, F. H. eds.
Concise dictionarv of religious knowledge and gazetteer.
('H AMBERS, Theodore Frelinghuysen. The early Germans of
New Jersey, their history, churches and genealogies. [Do-
ver], 1895. il. maps. O.
CHAMBERS, Sir William. A treatise on the decorative part of
civil architecture; with illustrations, notes, and an examina-
tion of Grecian architecture bv J. Givelt. Lond., 1802. por.
pi. O.
<:HAMBERS' concise gazetteer of the world. Phil., 1895. D.
CHAMBERS' Edinburgh journal; conducted by W: and R: Cham-
bers; V. 1-12; 1832-43. Lond., 1836-44. 12 v. F.
CHAMBERS' educational course; no. 5. N. Y., and Chic, 1873.
il. D.
'Samel ij: Hamilton, G. Elements of vegetable and animal physi-
ology; eel. by D. M. Reese; pt. 1-2.
<'HAMBERS' encvclopaedia: a dictionary of universal knowledge.
New ed. (continuation); v. 4-10. Phil., 1890-92. 7 v. Q.
CHAMBERS' journal of popular literature, science and arts (con-
tinuation); V. 19-74. Edin., 1854-97. 56 v. O. Title v.
1-16. Chambers' Edinburgh. journal.
CHAMPAGNE Charlie and Coal Oil Tommy songster; published
by D. E. Appleton and Co. S. F., 1868. 64 p. T. {In Cal.
song books.)
CHAMPERNOWNE, Francis, capt.
TUTTLE, C. W. Captain Francis Champernowne, his ancestry and
kindred, with a slcetch of his life. {In Tuttle, C. W. Captain
Francis Champernowne and other historical papers.)
( HAMPION family.
TROWBRIDGE, F: B. History of the descendants of Henry cham-
pion of Saybrook and Lyme, Conn. New Haven, 1891. n. O.
CHAMPLIN, John Denison. jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of per-
sons and places. 5th ed. rev. N. Y., 1889. il. D.
— — Young folk's history of the war for the Union. N. Y., 1889.
11. O.
and Apthorp, W : Foster, eds. Cyclopedia of music and musi-
cians (continuation) ; v. 2-3. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. pors. Q.
<'HAMPNEY, Elizabeth Williams. The heartbreak cameo. {In
Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.)
Three Vassar girls abroad; rambles of three college girls on a
vacation trip through France and Spain for amusement and
instruction, with their haps and mishaps. Bost., [c. 1882].
il. O.
. Three Vassar girls at home; a holiday trip of three college
girls through the South and West. Bost., [c. 1887]. il map.
Three Vassar girls in England; a holiday excursion of three
college girls through the mother countrj^ Bost., 1887. il. O.
Three Vassar girls in France: a story of the siege of Paris.
Bost, [c. 1888]. il. O.
Three Vassar girls in Italy: a holiday excursion of three col-
lege girls through the classic lands. Bost., 1886. il. O.
Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. Bost., [c. 1889].
il. O.
CHAMPNEV, ElizabHh Williaiii. Thivc \':iss;ii- ^irls in Sonllr
Amciicii: :i holiday trip of three colU't^o f^irls throiijrh 1h<'
soiilhein couliuciit, up the Amazon, down the Ma:{. D.
CHANCE, Henry. Crown and sheet glass. (//(. Powell, II. .1. Prin-
ciples of glass-making.)
CHANDLER, (Jeorge. coU. The descendants of William and Annis
Chandler who settled in Roxbury, Mass. 1637. Worcester,
1883. il. O.
CHANDLER, Izora C. .\ dog of (Constantinople. N. Y.. 180(i.
il. D.
CHANDLER, ?!eth. History of the town of Shirley, Massachusetts,
from its early settlement to 1882. [genealogies]. Shirley,
1883. il. pors. O.
CHANDLER family.
CHANDLER, G: cdU. The descendants of William and Annis
Chandler, who settled in Roxbury, Mass.. 1637. Worcester, 1883.
11. 0.
CHANDOS, U herauhl l.e prince noir; lext<' critique suivi de notes
par Francisque-.Michel: The life and feats of arms of Ed-
ward the Black Prince, by (Miandos Herald; a metrical chron-
icle with an English translation and notes by Frain isque-
Michel. Lond. and Paris. 18S3. il
CHANEY, George Leonard. Belief. Bost.. IS8!>. S.
CHANLER, Mr^. Ainelie Rives. See Troubetzkoy, Mrs. A. R. C.
CHANLER, William Astor. Through jungle and desert: travels m
Eastern Africa. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. pors. O.
CHANNING, Edward. The Narragansett jylanters: a study of
causes. (In Johns Ho])kins T^niv. studies, v. 4.)
Town and county governm«uit in the English colonies of North
AuKM-ica. (In Same, v. 2.)
The T'nited States of America. 17ti."-isr,.-,. X. Y.. lS<5»4.
^ il. O.
CHAP-BOOK, [semi-monthly] ; v. 3, 6-7. Chic, 1892-97. 3 v. S. Q.
CHAPIN, Anna Alice. The story of the lihinegold, told tor young
people. ]V. Y., 1897. il. 138 p. S.
CHAPIN, Charles Wells. Sketches of the old inhabitants and
other citizens of old tSpringtield of the present century.
«pringtleld, 1893. il. O.
CHAPIN, \\ illis O. The masters and master pieces of engraving.
N. Y., 1894. pi. Q.
CHAPLIN, Arnold. See Clark, iSir A. Hadley, W. J. and Chaplin A.
Fibroid diseases of the lungs.
CHAPMAN, Abel. Wild Norway: with chapters on Spitsbergen,
Denmark, etc. Lond., 1897. il. O.
CHAPMAN, Alvan Wentworth. Flora of the southern United
States; containing an abridged description of the flowering
plants and ferns of Tennessee, North and South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida; ferns by Prof. D.
C. Eaton. 2d ed. N. Y., 1889. O.
OHAPMAN, licv. Frederick William. The Buckingham family; or,
The descendants of Thomas Buckingham of ... . Milford,
Conn. Hart., 1872. pors. O.
comp. The Trowbridge family; or, the descendants of Thomas
Trowbridge, one of the first settlers of New Haven, Conn.
New Haven, 1872. O.
CHAPMAN, George. Comedies and tragedies; with illustrative
notes and a memoir of the author. Lond., 1873. 3 v. S.
tr. Homerus. Batrachomvomachia, livmns and epigrams.
Lond., 1888. S.
CHAPMAN, Henrv Cadwalader. Manual of medical jurisprudence
and toxicology. 2d ed. Phil., 1896. il. pi. D.
CHAPMAN, Jacob. A genealogv of the Folsom family: John Fol-
som and his descendants, 1615-1882. Concord, 1882. O.
Leonard Weeks, of Greenland, N. H., and descendants, 16-39-
1888. Albanv, 1889. il. por. O.
CHAPMAN, R. H. 'comp. See, Kerr. Mark B. and Chapman. R. H.
romps. Table of elevations.
CHAPONE, Mrs. Hester Mulso. Letter to a new-married lady. {In
Gi-egorv, J. A father's legacy.)
EGINHARD. Annals des rois Pepin, Charlemagne [768-814] et Louis-
le-Debonnaire. (In Col. des mem, rel, a I'liist. de Prance. 1824.
s. 3. V. 3.)
EGINHARD. Vie de C. (In some.)
Faits et gestes de Charles-le-Grand, par un moine de Saint-Gall. (In
ftnmr. s. 3. v. 3.)
TLTRPIN, Jean. Chronique. Paris, 1835. Q.
CHARTiES L, l-iiig of England. Letters to Queen Henrietta Maria,
1046; ed. bv J: Brnce. [Lond.]. 1856. .31-^104 p. O. (Cam-
den Soc, V. 63.)
AIKIN, L. Memoirs of the court of King Charles the first. 2d ed.
Lond., 1833. 2 v. por.
Eikoh Basilika: the pburtraicture of his sacred majestie in his
solitudes and sufferings. Lona., 1648. Reprinted 1824. por. D.
A secret negotiation with Charles I., 1643-44; ed. by B. M. Gardiner.
[Lond.], 1oo3. O. (In Camden misc., v. 8. Camden Soc, n. s.
V. 31.)
dKNKitM, in:i'\iri Mi:\T. 107
CHARLES II.. l-i)iij of Enqinnd. Five letters [lOnO-OO]. Lond.,
18(>4. 1(5 p. facsim. O. {In Camden misc. v. 5. Camden
Soc, V. 87.1
Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James
II from 30th March. 1679, to 2.5th December. 1688; ed. by J: Y. Akcr-
man from ms. in the possession of W: S. Lowndes. [Lond.], 1851.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 52.)
CHAKLES v., U sage, king of France. , . , ,_„•. an
BOUCICAUT, J. C. M. Histoire de B. et de ses mcmora.^)les factis en
France Italie et antres lieux du regne des roys Charles V. et Charles
VI. jusques en I'an 1408. {In Col. des m6m. rel. fi I'hlst. de France.
1825. s. 1. V. 6-7.)
CHRISTINE (!<■ I'han. Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy
Charles V. (In same. 1824. s. 1.- v. 5-6.)
CHAKIiES VI., le Bien aime, hing of France.
BOUCICAUT, J. C. M. Histoire de B. et de ses mcmorables faicts en
France, Italie et autres lieux de regne des roys Charles V. et Charles
VL jusques en ran 1408. (Ah .wmr. 1825. s. 1. v. 6-7.)
FENIN P. de. Memoires de F., escuyer et panetier de Charles Vi.
contenant I'histoire de ce prince,depuis I'an 1407 jusques ^ I'an 1422.
(/» same.)
CHARLES VII., le Bien servi, hing of France.
Memoires concernant la pucelle d'OrU'ans dans lesquels se trouvent
plusieurs particularites du regne de Charles VII., depuis 1422 jus-
ques en 1429. (m same. 1825. s. 1. v. 8.)
Tableau du regne de C. {In same.)
CHARLES \\\l., VAffalle, king of France.
COMINES P de. Memoires ovl I'on trouve I'histoire des rots de
France Louis XI. et Charles VIII. {In same. 1826. s. 1. v. 11-13.)
VILLENEUVE, G. de. Memoires, 1494-97; contenant la conqueste du
royaume de Naples par C. {In same. 1826. s. 1. v. 14.)
CHARLES XII., Mng of Siceden.
VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XH.. roi de ouede.
Paris, 1828. S.
CHARLES le Bon, comte de Flandre. See Charles the Good.
CHARLES ihe Bold, dul-e of Burgundi/.
LA MARCHE O. de. Memoires augmentes d'un estat particulier de la
maison Due Charles le Hardi. (In Col des mem. rel. :i 1 hist, de
France. 1825. s. 1. v. 9-10.
CHARLES ihe Good, count of Flanders.
GALBERT, ^inuUr of Bruges. Vie de Charles-le-Bon. comte de
Flandre. (/» f^amr. s. 3. v. 8.)
CHARLES. Frank Tryon. ipsead. Karl Karoly.) A fiuide to the
paint in«,^s of Florence. Lond.. 1S!»:?. S.
A jyuide to th(^ i»aintinfrs of Venice Lond., 189.). il. S.
CHARLES, Josc]))!. The disiMMsion of the men at Rabel consid-
ered and the principal cansc of it iiKpiircd into. Lond., 17o5.
CHARLES, X. Cours d'aecouchements doiinf a la imitcrnitt'' de
Li^ffe. Paris, 1887. 2 v. il. O. . , *
CHARLES, Xicholas. Visitation of the «-'«nty of H'H't'nJ^;;^o°. A.
D. ir;i:i;ed. by Sirll. Ellis. [Lond.l, 1840. 1..-140 p. O.
(Camden Soc., v. 4;'.) . , • i
CHARLES. T. Cranstonn. M.V. The .-l.'nK'nts of
and patholo^M.
CHARLESTON medical journal and ivview; v. 0-12; y. 13, Jan.-
July; V. 15, May; n. s. v. 1-2; v. 3, except Jan. 1870. Charles-
ton, 1854-75. 8 V. O. and pt.
CHARMEUX, Rose. Culture du chasselas a Thomery, l»aris^
[18G2]. 99 p. il. S.
CHARNOCK, Stei)lien. Discourses upon the existence and attri-
butes of God; with his life and character bv W: Symington.
N. Y., 1853. 2 V. por. O.
CHARTIER, Alain. The Curial; translated thus in Englyssh by
W: Caxton, 1484; collated with the French original bv Paul
Meyer; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Lond., 1888. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser, no. 54.)
CHASE, Ezra B. Teachings of patriots and statesmen; or, The
founders of the republic on slavery. Phil., 1861. por. D.
CHASE, Frederick. A history of Dartmouth college and the town
of Hanover, New Hampshire; ed. by J: K. Lord; v. 1. Cam-
bridge, 1891. pors. O.
CHASE, Levi B. A genealogy and historical notices of the family
of Plimpton or Plympton in America, and of Plumpton in
England. Hartford, [1884]. pors. O.
CHASE, Samuel. Letter of caution ; printed in the Maryland Jour-
nal, October, 1788. {In Ford, P. L. ed. Essavs on the Con-
stitution, 1787-88.)
CHASE family. See, Lawrence-Townley.
CHATEAUBRLIND, Francois Auguste Ren(^, vicomte de. Atala;
Ren^; Le dernier Abencerage; Les Natchez. Paris, [n. d.].
il. S.
G^nie du christianisme, et defense du Genie du christianisme,
avec notes et <^claircissements. Paris, 1891. il. 2 v. S.
CHATELAIN, Heli, ed. Folk-tales of Angola. Bost., 1894. O.
SHARPE, W: C. coinp. The Chatfield family, principally from
records in tlie Naugatuck Valley, Conn. Seymour, 1896. 32 p.
pors. O.
CHATRIAN, Alexandre. See Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A.
CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Complete works; ed. from numerous manu-
scripts by W. W. Skeat; v. 1-7. Oxford, 1894-97. 7 v.
facsim. O.
Contcnfs: Vol.1. Romauut of the rose; minor poems. 2. Roethius
and Troilus. 3. House of fame. Legend of good women. Treatise
on the Astrolabe, with an account of the sources of the Canterbury
tales. 4. Canterbury tales. 5. Notes to the Canterbury tales. 6. In-
troduction, glossary, and indexes. 7. Chaucerian and other pieces.
The riches of Chaucer: with a new memoir of the
poet by C: Cowden Clarke. 4th ed. Lond., 1896. por. D.
Selections from the Canterbury tales; ed. with introduction,
notes and glossary by Hiram Corson. N. Y., 1897. S.
Treatise on the astrolabe; addressed to his son Lowvs; A. D.
1391; ed. from the earliest niss. by W. W. Skeat. Lond.,
1872. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 16.)
CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Ir. P.octliiiis's "Dc consolatioiu' pliiloso-
phiae"; ed. by li. Monis. LoimI., 1S(;s. (). (/// t^aiiie, no. ;").)
CHILD, F. J. Observations on the language of Chaucer and Gower.
{Ill Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation. Early Eng. Text
See. Pub. Extra ser. no. 2.)
LOUNSBURY, T: R. Studies in Chaucer: his life and writings.
N. Y., 1892. 3 V. O.
THYNNE, Francis, .\nimadversions upon the annotacions and cor-
rections of some imperfections of impressions of Ciiaucer's works
(sett downe before tyme and nowe), reprinted in the yere of our
lorde 1598; now newly edited from the ms. in the Bridgewater
library by G. H. Kingsley. Lond., 1865. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc.
Pub. Reg. ser. no. 9.)
CHAUDKOX, Adelaide De V., It: Mundt, C. M. -loseph II. and
his court. — Priuee Eufi^ene.
CHAUNCEY family.
FOWLER, W: C. Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President
Chauncey, his ancestors and descenaants. Bost., 1858. por. O.
CHAUTAUQUA county, (N. Y.).
YOUNG, A. W. History of Chautauqua county, New York
with biographical and family sketches. Buffalo, 1875. pors. 0.
CHAUTAUQUA reading circle literature. Meadville, 181)<;. il.
2 V. D.
Xaiiielij: Mahaffy, J: P. Survey of Greek civilization. Tarbell,
F. B. History of Greek art.
CHAUVEAU des Roches, A. Belin, — and Vigreux, L. Hy-
draulique appliqu. il. h.
CHEAP money experiments in i>ast and ])resent times. Reprinted,
with sliglit revision from "Topics of tl;e time" in liie Ceii-
turv magazine. X. V.. ISO'J. 12L' p. I>.
CHECKLEY, Edwin. A natural method of physical training; with
illustrations bv H. 1). Eggleslon. New. i-.-v. nnd .-nl. .-d.
Brooklyn. X. Y.. 1802. 188 p. il. S.
CHEF^THAM. Samuel. P.P. A liisiory of tlit- rinisiian rininh
during the first six centuiics. bond.. 1S!H. ma|». D.
CHEF d'oeuvre du ron)an contemi)orain. IMinlrd onl\ tor sub-
scribers. Phil., [n.d.] 11. 8 v. O.
\niiirlii: Realists. V. 1-2. Flaubert. G. .Madame Horary. 3. Halevy,
L. Cardinal family. 4. Goncourt. E. "/"/ .1. de. Germinie Laoerteux.
5. Da;:det, k. S'lppho: Parisian customs. 6. Dumas, .A. Lady of the
Camellias. 7-8. Zola. E. Page of love.
CHEIKO. pseud. Languaj^e of the hand; a complete practical work
on the sciences of cheirognomy and cheiromancy, containing
the system, rules and experience of Cheiro, the palmist. 5th
ed. spec. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. 157 p. O.
CHELSEA (Mass.) Koll of honor of the city of Chelsea: a list of
the soldiers and sailors who served on the quota of Chelsea
in the great civil war, 1861-65. Chelsea, 1880. O.
CHEMICAL news, and journal of physical science; with which is
incorporated the "Chemical gazette" (continuation); v. 60-75.
Lond., 1889-97. 15 v. O.
CHENEKY, Elisha. Alcohol inside out from bottom principles:
facts for the millions. Phil., 1880. D.
CHENEY, Ednah Dow Littlehale. Life of Christian Daniel Rauch
of Berlin, Germany. Bost., 1893. pi. por. O.
CHENEY, John Vance. The golden guess: essavs on poetrv and the
poets. Bost., 1892. D.
That dome in air; thoughts on poetry and the poets. Chic,
1895. S.
[CHENEY, Mrs. Marv Bushnell.] Life and letters of Horace Bush-
nell. N. Y., [c. 1880]. por. O.
CHENEY. Simeon Pease. Wood notes wild: notations of bird
imisie: collected and arranged with appendix, noles [etc.]
by J: V. Cheney. Bost., 1892. por. music. D.
CHENEY, William Atwell. Miranda Higgins. (In short stories, by
Cal. authors.)
CHERRIE, George K. Contribution to the ornithology of San
Domingo. (Field Columbian Mus. Pub. no. 10.)
CHERUBTNI, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobi Salvatore.
CROWEST, F: J. Cherubini. N. Y., 1890. D. (Great musicians
CHESELDEN. William. The anatomy of the human body. 10th
ed. Lond., 177.3. pi. O.
CHESNEAU, Ernest. The education of the artist : tr. bv Clara Bell.
Loud., etc. 1880. D.
Les arts decora tifs. (In Dessins de d<^coration des principaux
CHESXEY, Charles Cornwallis, lieni-col ami Reeve. Henry. The
military resources of Prussia and France and recent changes
in the art of war. Lond., 1870. D.
CHESTER. Frederick D. The gabbros and associated rocks in
Delaware. Wash., 1890. {In V. S. Geol. surv. Bulletins, v. 8
no. 59.)
CHESTER, Josoi)h Lemuel. London marriage licences, 1.521-1869;
ed. by Joseph Foster. Lond.. 1887. por. O.
ed. The mari'iage, ba])tisma1. and burial registers of the col-
letriale clmi-oh or abbev of St. T*eter. Westminster. Lond.,
1876. Q.
CHESTER plays: ed. by H. Deimling; pt. 1. Lond., 1893. O.
(Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Ex. ser. no. 62.)
CHEVALIER. Ulysse. Repertoire des sources historiques du
moyen age; bio-bibliographie. Paris, 1877. 83. 2 v. inl. Q.
Same. Supplement. Paris. 1888. Q.
'.7;.\7;a' I/. DHi'AirrMi'jx'i . 171
CHEVALLIEK, E. See Leuorniiinl, F., and Chevallirr, E. Stu-
dent "s inamial of Orieutal hislorv.
CHEVlLi.AKl) l.EXOIK, A. See J.enoir.
CHEYNE, William Watson. Tubeiciilous diseaso of bones and
joints; its i)athol()plet()n and Co. pubs. N. Y., 1895. 2 v. F.
Catalogue of the exhibits of the state of Pennsylvania and
of Pennsylvanians; prejjared under the direction of A. B.
Farquhar. [llarrisburg], 189:*.. il. O
Catalogue of tli*' Russian section. rnl)lished by the Im-
perial Russian Commission, ^Ministry of Finances. S. Peters-
burg, 189.3. Q.
Final report of the C^alifornia AN'orld's Fair Commission,
including a descrij)tion of all exhibits from the state of Cali-
fornia. Sac, 1894. 1)1. O.
^lachinery Hall, diic, [ IS'll ]. pi. 42x27 in.
Oflicial bird's eve view of the World's Columbian Exposi-
tion, showing grounds and designs of the buildings; from
tlic painting by Chas. (Iraham. Chic, c 1891. si/.r 2.~.xl0 in.
Ollicial catalogue; ed. by the Department of Pnbliciiy and
]»rliotooi';iplis of paiiitinirs and views at the woi'ld's fair.
Soule Phot(»auy. Post., 1893. 3 v. F.
B( port of managers of the \ew York state exliil.if. Al-
banv. 1804. pi. pors. ma|)s. Q.
PeT.ort upon the exliibit of iho V. S. Eiirh* Tloiise P.oard at
the Exposition. (T'. S. Light-House P.oard Peport. ISOf. Ap-
]>endix. III.i
CHlCAdrO (111.). Worhr.s Columbian Exposition. Sbepp's world's
fair photographed. Phil., [e. 1893]. obi. O.
The United States of Venezuela in 1893. N. Y. [1893]. D.
Utah at the AYorld's Columbian Exposition [n.t-p., 1894].
il. pi. pors. O.
—World's Fair expenditures. Report of the Committee on
Appropriations ordered by resolution of the House of Rep-
resentatives. A^'ash., 1892. O. (U. S. o2d Cong. Jst sess.
H. R. V. 6.)
BANCROFT, H. H. The book of the Fair: an historical and de-
scriptive presentation of the world's science, art and industry as
viewed though the Columbian Exposition at Chicago. 1893. Chic
and S. F., 1895. il. pi. 2 v. F.
HANDY, M. P., ed. Official directory of the World's Columbian Expo-
sition, May 1st to October 30th, 1893. Chic, 1893. pi. pors. map.
plans. O.
Marvels of art of the fin de siecle . . . selected from the World's Co-
lumbian Exposition; text by H. Sylvestre, jr: Gebbie Pub. Co.,
pubs. Phil., 1893. il. pi. 2 v. F.
MILLET, F. D. [(nid nfJiers]. Some artists at the fair. N. Y., 1893.
il. 123 p. 0.
Congresses. Addresses delivered before the World's Rail-
way Commerce Congress, Chicago, eTune 19-23, 1893; official
report. Chic, 1893. O.
The Columbian congress of the Universalist church :
papers and addresses at the congress. Bost., 1894. D.
Commitment, detention, care and treatment of the
insane. Prevention and repression of crime. Car<' and
training of the feeble-minded; Sections iv, v, viii, of the In-
ternational Congress of Charities, Correction and Philan-
thropy. Bait, 1894. O.
General exercises of the International Congress of
Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, Chicago, Juiie, 1893;
together with list of officers and members, programme and
rules. Bait., 1894. O.
Hospitals, dispensaries, and nursing: papers and dis-
cussions in the International Congress of Charities, Correc-
tion and Philauthropv, section iii., Chicago, June 12-17, 1893;
ed. by J: S. Billings [and] H: M. Hurd. Bait., 1894. O.
International Congress of Charities, Correction and
Philanthropy. Sections; 1-0, 8. Bait., 1894-90. 7 v. O.
International Congress of Engineers. Operations of
the Division of IMilitary Engineering, held at Chicago, Julv
31-Aug. 5, 1893. Wash'., 1894. O. (U. S. Cong. S. E. D.)
The organization of charities: being a report of the
sixth section of the International Congress of Charities, Cor-
rections, and Philauthropv, Chicago, June, 1893; ed. with
introd. by D. C. Oilman. Bait., 1894. O.
Proceedings of the International Congress of Edu-
cation of the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago. Julv
25-28, 1893. X. Y., 1894. O
Proceedines of the International F]ngineering Con-
gress, Division of Marine and Naval Engineering and Naval
Architecture, held at Chicago, Julv 31-Aug. 5, 1893; ed. bv G:
W.Melville. X. Y., 1894. 2 v. v\. O
OtllCACiO (111.). WorhVs i'obimbian Exposition. Congresses. World's
Columbian Catholic Cougresses and Educational Exhibit.
Chic, [c. 1893]. il. pi. pors. O.
The World's Congress of rciircsciilalivo women, Chi-
cago, May 15-22, IS!):?; ed. by M. W. Sewall. Chic, lSi>4. il.
pors. Q.
TheWorld'sParliament of Religions; held in Cliicago
in connection with the Cohinibian exj)osition of 1893; ed. by
J: H. Barrows. Chic, 1893. 2 v. il. j)ors. O.
CmCAGO Historical Society. Collection; v. 1-2, 4. Chic, 1882-90.
3 V. pi. pors. facsim. O.
Coiitviits: V. 1. Flower, G: History of the English settlement in
Edwards county. Illinois, founded in 1817-18, by M. BirkbecK and
G: Flower. 2. Reid, H. Biographical sketch of Enoch Long. 4.
Mason, E. G., ed. Early Chicago and Illinois.
CHICAGO tribune. The, [dailv; Julv-Dec. 1889. Chic, 1889. F.
CHICKAMAUGA and Chattanooga National Mililary Park.
Mcelroy, Joseph C. Record of the Ohio Commission. Cincinnati,
1896. il. map. O.
CHICKAMAUGA and Chattanooga National Park Commission.
Atlas of the battlefields of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and
vicinity; published under the direction of the U. S. Secretary
of War. Wash., 1897. pi. F.
CHICO weekly chronicle-record (continuation); July, 1889-Dec.
1897. Chico, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
CHILD, P^'rancis James. Observations on the language of Chaucer
and Gower. (hi Ellis, A. J. Early Eng. i)rouuuciation; pt.
1. Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 2.)
CHILD, Frank Samuel. The colonial parson of New England. N.
Y., [c 189(j]. S.
CHILD, Gilbert W. Church and state under the Tudors. Lond.,
1890. O.
CHILD. Theodore. The Spanish American republics. N. Y., 1891.
il. pi. maps. Q.
Wimples and cris])ing pins: being studies in the coiffure and
ornauu^nts of wonien. N. Y., 189ij. pors. O.
CHILE. Director General of Prisons. Estadistica de las Carceles
1894. Santiago, [1896]. F.
CHILTON, John. Travels in Mexico, 1568-85, [1586?]. {In Arber,
E. Eng. Garner, v. 6, p. 11.)
CHINA mail: Jan. 4, 1849-Dec 27, 1855: Jan. 1, 1857-Dec. 31, 1860:
V. 5-11. L3-16. Hongkong, 1849-1860. 11 v. F.
CHINA overland trade report: Jan. 14-Dec 30, 1860. Hongkong^
1860. F.
CHINESE immigration: pamphlets, v. 1-2. 18.53-93. S. F. and
N. Y. 2 V. O.
Content.^: V. 1. Bell. A. D. Argument.'^ in favor of immigration,
with extracts from editorials by S. F. and Sac. journals. Snr.. 1870,
53 p— Gibson, O. Chinaman or white man, which? a reply to Father
Buchard S F.. 1873. 30 p. — Kinley. J. M. Remarks on Chinese
immigration. S. F., 1877. 13 p.— Kerr. J. G. Chinese question
analyzed: appendix on Chinese emigration. S. F.. 1877. 24 p.— Me-
morial of the Senate of California to U. S. Congress and an address to
the people of the U. S. on the evils of Chinese iramigrauon. Sac, 1877.
CHINESE Immigration: pamphlets.
49 p.— Williams, S. W. Chinese immigration. N. Y., 1879 48 p. —
Third annual report of Immigration Association of California. S. F.,
1885. 16 p. — Pei'kins, G. C. Chinese exclusion speech in U. S. Senate.
Wash., 1893. 16 p. — White, S. M. Chinese exclusion speech in U. S.
Senate. Wash., 1893. 16 p.— V. 2. Speer, W: China and California,
their relations past and present. S. F., 1853. 28 p. — Harte, F. B.
Fac-simile of the original manuscript of the 'Heathen Chinee.' S. F.
1871. — Sargent, A. A. Speech in U. S. Senate on Chinese immigration.
Wash., 1878. 31 p. — Davis, H. Speech in House of Representatives,
June 8, 1878. Wash., 1878. 15 p.— Letters of Kwong Chang Ling to
S. F. Argonaut. 1878. 16 p. — Whitney, J. A. The Chinese and the
Chinese question. N. Y., 1880. 87 p. — Chinese in California. S. F.,
1880. 122 p.— Musgrave, Curt. Abel. The Cholera in San Francisco.
S. F., 1885. 28 p.— Ryer, W. M. The conflict of races. S. F., 1886.
80 p.
CHINOOK jargon: the complete language used by the Indians of
Oregon, Washington territory and British possessions; pub.
by Hutchings and Rosenfield. S. F., 1860. 8 p. T. pamp.
CHINQUOPIN. pseud. George Denny; or, Sketches of life in the
far west. S. F., 1856. il. 80 p. O.
CHIPIEZ, Charles. See, Perrot G. and Chipiez, C. History of art
in Persia. — History of art in Plirygia, Lydia, Caria, and Ly-
cia. — History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia
Minor. — History of art in Phaenicia and its dependencies. —
History of art in ancient Egypt.
CHIPMAN, John Logan.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. L. Chipman, a
representative from Michigan, delivered in the House of Repre-
sentatives and in the Senate, Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895.
por. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
CHIPMAN, Norton Parker, genl. The horrors of Andersonville
rebel prison; trial of Henry Wirz, Jefferson Davis' defense
of Andersonville prison fully refuted. S. F., 1891. 89 p. S.
CHISHOLM, George G. The commerce of the British empire. {In
White, A. S. ed. Britannic confederation.)
CHITTENDEN, Lucius Eugene. Personal reminiscences, 1840-
1890; including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and
the war. N. Y., 1893. por. O.
Recollections of president Lincoln and his administration. N.
Y., 1891. por. O.
CHITTENDEN, Newton H. Health seekers,' tourists' and sports-
men's guide to the health and pleasure resorts of the Pacific
coast. 2d ed. S. F., 1884. il. O.
CHOATE, Rufus.
ADAMS, N. Sabbath discourse on the death of Hon. R. Choate; with
the address at his funeral. Bost., 1862. 64 p. S.
CHODZKO, A. E. See, Rix, E: A. and Chodzko, A. E. Practical
treatise on compressed air.
CHODZKO, Alexander. Fairy tales of the Slav peasants and
herdsmen; tr. by E. J. Harding. Lond., 1896. il. D.
CHOISEUL, C(?sar, cnmte du Plessis-Praslin, due de. M^moires des
divers emplois et des principales actions du Mar^chal du
Plessis. (In Col. des m^m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1827. s.
2. V. 57.)
CHOISNIN, Jean. Mdmoires, on discours an \ ray de tout co (jni
s est faict et pass*? pour IVntiere nep;ociatioii de lY'Iection dii
roy de Polojine. (In sanic. 1S1!.'>. s. 1. v. 88.)
CHOISY. Franrois Tinioh'on de rahbr. Menioires pour servir ii
riiistoire de Louis XT^^ (fn same. 1828. s. 2. v. (;:>.)
CHOLMELEY. William. The request and suite of a true-hearted
Englishman, witten in the year 1553; ed. from the orij?inal
ms. by W. J. Thoms. Lond., 1853. 6-1-20 p. O. {In Cam-
den misc. V. 2. Camden Soc, v. 55.)
CHOPIN, Frederic Frangois.
KLECZYNSKI, J. Chopin's greater works: how they should be
understood. Lond., [n. d.]. pors. 115 p. D.
NIECKS, F. F: Chopin as a man and a musician. Lond. and N. Y.,
188S. 2 V. O.
[CHOEIER, Nicolas.] Joannis Meursii Elegautiae Latini sermo-
nis, sen Aloisia Sigaea Toletana de arcanis anioris et veneris,
adjunctis fragmentis quibusdam eroticis. Lugd. Batavorum,
1774. 2 V. in 1. D.
CHORLEY, Henry Fothergill. Thirty years' musical recollections.
Lond., 1862. 2 v. pors. D.
CHOUTEAU family. See Beckwith, P. Creoles of St. Louis.
CHKESTL\N of Troijes. King Arthur and the table round: tales
chiefly after the old French of C with an account of Arthur-
ian romance, and notes by W: W. Newell. Bost., 1897.
2 V. D.
CHRISTIAN VIL Icing of Denmark.
BROWN, J: Memoirs of the courts of Sweden and Denmarlc during
the reigns of Christian VIL of Denmarli and Gustavus III and IV.
of Sweden. Paris, Bost., [n. d.l. il. pi. 0. (Hist, court memoirs.)
CHRISTIAN examiner; v. 1-87. Bost. and N. Y., 1824-69. 87 v. O.
Note: Vol. 6 begins n. s., v. 19, 3d ser., v. 36, 4th ser., v. 63, 5th ser.,
V. 80, n. s.
CHRISTIAN science journal: v 13-14. Apr. 1895-Mar. 1897. Bost.,
1895-97. 2 V. O.
CHRISTIAN spectator; v. 1-8; 1819-26; n.s., v. 1-2, 1827-28. New
Haven, [1819-28]. 10 v. O. Continued as Quarterly Chris-
tian spectator.
CHRISTIAN worship: ten lectures delivered in the Union Theo-
logical Seminarv, N. Y., in the autumn of 1896. by C: C. Hall
[and others]. N. Y\, 1897. D.
CHRISTIANITY^ and modern thought. Bost., 1891. D.
Contents-: Bellows, H: W. The break between modern thought and
ancient faith and worship. Clark, J. F. True theology the basis of
human progress. Coquerel A. Rise and decline of the Romish
church. Dewey, O. Selfhood and sacrifice. Everett, C: C. Relation
of Jesus to the present age. Hedge, F: H: Mythical element in the
New Testament. Martineau, J. The place of mind in nature and
intuition in man. Peabody, A. P. Relation of ethics and theology.
Smith, G. V. Christianity: what it is not, and what it is. Stearns, O.
The aim and hope of Jesus.
CHRISTIANITY in the daily conduct of life: studies of tests relat-
ing to principles of the Christian character. N. Y., 1888. D.
CHRISTIE, Rev. Peter, /r. Meyer. II. A. ^V. Critical and exegetical
handbook to the gospel of Matthew.
CHRISTIE, \Mlliam Doiigal. ed. Letters addressed from Loudon
to Sir Joseph AAilliamson while plenipotentiary at the Con-
gress of Cologne 1073-74. [Westminster] 1871. 2 v. O.
(Camden Soc, n.s. v. 8-9.)
OHIilSTIiS'E de riaan. Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy
C'harles V. {In Col. des rn§m. rel. a V hist, de France. 1824
s. 1. V. 5-0.)
CHRONICLE, S. F. See San Francisco Chronicle.
CHRONICLE and directory for China, Corea, Japan, The Philip-
pines, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Borneo. Malay
States, etc. Hongkong, 1892. O.
CHRONICLE of Calais, in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry
VIII. to the year 1540; ed. from mss. in the British Museum
by J: G. Nichols. Loud., 1840. pi. O. (Camden Soc, v. 35.)
CHRONICLE of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary and
especially of the rebellion of Sir T: Wyat; written by A resi-
dent in the Tower of London; ed. bv J: G. Nichols. [Lond.,]
1850. O. (Same v. 48.)
CHRONICLE of the Grey Friars of London; ed. bv J: G. Nichols.
[Lond.,] 1852. 35^108 p. O. {Same v. 53.)
CHRONICLE of the rebellion in Lincolnshire 1470; ed. by J: G.
Nichols. Lond., 1847. 28 p. {In Camden misc. v. 1. Cam-
den Soc, V. 39.)
CHRONICON Petroburgense; nunc primum typis mandatnm, cur-
ante Thoma Stapleton. [Lond.,] 1849. O. {Camden Soc,
V. 47.)
CHUNDER. See Bholanauth C^h under.
CHURCH, Alfred John. The Chantrv priest of Barnet : a tale of the
two roses. N. Y., [1884]. pi. D.
Henry the fifth. Lond., 1889. 155 p. por. D. (Eng. men of
Stories from English history. Pt. 1, 3. Lond., N. Y., 1895-96.
2 V. il. S.
Contents: Pt. 1. From Julius Caesar to the Black Prince. 3. Prom
the Lord Protector to Victoria.
Stories from Virgil. N. Y., [n.d.]. pi. D.
Stories of the magicians. N. Y., [1880]. pi. D.
To the lions : a tale of the early Christians. N. Y., 1889. pi. D.
and Putnam, Ruth. The count of the Saxon shore; or The villa
in vectis: a tale of the departure of the Romans from Britain.
N. Y., 1887. pi. D.
CHURCH, Arthur Herbert. The chemistrv of paints and paintings.
Lond., 1890. D.
Food-grains of India. Lond., 1886. 180 p. il. Q.
CHURCH, Richard William. Advent sermons, 1885. Lond., 1886.
115 p. D.
Beginning of the middle ages. N. Y., 1893. maps. S. (Epochs
of mod. history.)
Cathedral and university sermons. Lond., 1893. D.
The discipline of the christian character. Lond., 1894. 139 p.
The gifts of civilization and other sermons and lectures deliv-
ered at Oxford and St. Paul's. Lond., 1892. D.
CllUKCH, Kichaid William. Uuiiian liiV and its conditions; sei--
nions preached bcluiv the University of Oxford, 187()-78;
with three ordinal ion t>ernions. Loud., 181)4. D.
The Oxford niovenienl; twelve vears. 1.S33-1845. J^ond., IbUl.
Village sermons preached ai Wliallcv. lid ser. J.ond., 1894.
CHLJRCll, Samuel llardeu, Oliver Cromwell: a history comprising
a narrative of his life, with extracts from his letters and
speeches, and an account of the political, religions, and ndli-
tary affairs of England during his time. N. Y., j8y4. pi.
por. O.
CHURCH, ^^^ S. M. D. comp. Ceneral index to the first twenty
volumes of the St. liartholomew's Hospital Keports from
1865-84. Lond., 1885. ll-:-lll p. O.
CHURCH, William Conant. Life of dohn Ericsson. N. Y.,1891.
2v . il. pi. pors. O.
Ulysses Simpson Grant and the })eriod of national preserva-
tion and reconstruction. N. Y., 1897. il. maps. 1). (Heroes
of the nations.)
CHURCH of England. Troubles connected with the prayer book
of 1549; ed. by N. Pocock. [Westminster.] 1884. O. (Cam-
den Soc, n. s. V. 37.)
CHURCH unity, five lectures delivered in Union Theological Sem-
inary, New York, during the winter of 189G, by C: W. Shields
[and others]. N. Y., 1896. D.
CHURCHILL, Caroline M. Over the purple hills; or, sketches of
travel in California. Denver, 1884. por. S.
CHURCHILL, James Morss and Stephenson, J. Medical botany
or. Illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of
the London, Edinburgh, und l)ul»lin pharmacopoeias; in-
cluding a popular ;ind scientific description of poisonous
plants; vol. 1-4. Lond., 1828-31. 4 v. O.
CHURCHYARD, Thomas. The siege of Guisnes, 11-22 January,
1558. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 205.)
CHURTON, Edward, ed. Memoir of Joshua Watson. Oxford.
1861. por. 2v. D.
CICERO, Marcus Tullius. The correspondence of Cicero, arranged
according to its chronological order, with a revision of the
text, a commentary and introductory essays by R. Y. Tyrrell
and L. C. Purser (continuation); v. 2-3. Dublin, 1886-90. 2 v.
De officiis ad :Mni'cuni filium; T^c A mi. it in: De senectute; De
paradoxa ,Venetiia, 1523. O.
De Senectute; ed. by A. H. Allcroft and W. F. Mason. Lond.,
[1820]. D. (Univ. Corr. Coll. Tutorial ser.)
Ijfo nnd letters: being a ncAV translation of the letters includinl
in Mr. Watson's selection; with liistorical and critical notes
bv Rev. G. E. Jpans. 2d eti. Lond.. 1887. D.
Oratory and orators; tr. or ed. by J. S. Watson. N. Y.. 1890.
D. (Harper's new classii-al library.)
Oratory and orators; with his letters to Quintus and Brntus;
tr by J. S. Watson. Lond., 1855. D. (Bohn.)
12 ' '
CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Pro Archia; ed. by A, H. Allcroft and
F. G. Plaistowe. Lond., [1892.] D. (Univ. Corr. Coll. Tu-
torial ser.)
Select orations; tr. by C. D. Yonge. N. Y., 1889. D. (Har-
per's new classical library.)
BOISSBUR, G. Cicero and his friends; a study of Roman society in
the time of Caesar. N. Y. 1897. D.
Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange. 40th-48tli an-
nual report ; 1888-96. Gin., 1889-97. 8 v.' O.
Dedicatory exercises at the opening of the new build-
ing, Jan. 29 and 30, 1889. [Gin., 1889] . pi. O.
Public Lihrari/. Annual reports of the librarian and treasurer;
1888, 1890-96. Gin., 1888-96. O. 8 pamps.
Bulletin of books in the various departments of literature
and science added during the year; 1889-96. Gin., 1889-97.
Q. 7 pamps.
CIST, Charles. Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Cin.,
1851. pi. pors. D.
STEVENS, G: E. The city of Cincinnati. Cin., 1869. S.
CINCINNATI enquirer [daily]; July-Dec. 1889, July-Dec. 1890;
Sept. 3-Dec. 31, 1897. Gin., 1889-97. 5 v. F.
CINQ-MARS, Henry Goiffer de Ruze, marquis de.
Relation des choses particulieres de la cour pendant la faveur de M.
le Grand. [Cinq-Mars,, avec sa mort et celle de M. de Thou.] {In
Col. des mem. rel. a I'hist. de France, s. 2. v. 54.)
CINTRA, Pedro de.
CADA-MOSTO, A. Voyage of Captain Pedro de Cintra, a Portugueze,
to Sierra Leona. {In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 597.)
CIST, Charles. Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Gin.,
1851. pi. pors. D.
CITROGRAPH, The; May 1890-Dec. 1897. Redlands, 1890-97. 8
V. F.
CITY of London Chess Magazine; ed. by W. N. Potter [and others] ;
V. 1. [Feb. 1874-Jan. 1875]. Lond., 1875. O.
CIVIL engineer and architect's journal (continuation); v. 17-30;
1854-67. Lond., [1854-67]. 14 v. Q.
CIVIL Service Record; v. 9-11; 1889-92. Bost., 1889-92. 3 v.
in 2.
Noic: V. 9-10 contains index for v. 1-10.
CLAGHORN, Kate Holladay. College training for women. N. Y.,
[c. 1897]. S.
•CLARK, i?e?'. Alexander, camp. Schoolday dialogues: a collection
of original dialogues, colloquies, tableaux [etc.]. Phil., [c.
1879]. D.
«CLARK, Alonzo Howard. Catalogue of fishery products and the
apparatus used in their preparation. Great Int. Fisheries
Exhibit. Lond., 1883. U. S. A. Wash., 1884. O. (U. S.
Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 27, sec. K.)
What tlie United States government has done for history. [In
Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept., 1894. Papers, no. 28.)
UESEUAL l)i:i'A/rrME\T. 17,^
CLAKK, Sir Audrow. Hadloy, W. J. and Chaplin, Arnold. Fibroid
diseases of the lnn«;-. includin.' O.
{In Cal. Pioneers Oi-ations and Poems, v. 2.)
CLARKE, William Harrison. The civil service law: a defense of
its ])rinciples, with corroborative evidence from tlie works of
manv eminent American statesmen. 2d rev. ed. N. Y.,
189l' D.
CLARK'S foreign theological library, n. s. v. 1."). Edin.. 1890. 0.
Natncli/: Goebel, S. Parables of Jesus.
CLARKSOX, Arthur. A text-book of histologv, descriptive and
practical. Phil, 1896. il. O.
CLARKSOX. Thomas. The history of the rise, ]>rogress, and ac-
conijJislmicnt of the abolition of the Afiican slave trade by
the British Parliament. X. Y., 18.36. 3 v. D.
Memoirs of the jirivate and public life of William Penn. Phil.,
1814. 2 V. jmr. S.
CLAKY, Joseph Monroe. Our nation's history and song, with the
campaign songs our fathers sung from Washington to Cleve-
land with historical sketches and party platforms of
each campaign. Chic. 1896. D.
CLAUDIAXUS, Claudius. Translations from Claudian, by Rev.
Henry Howard. Lond., 1823. D.
CLAUDOX, I^mile. Fabrication du vinaigre, fondee sur les etudes
de M. Pasteur. Paris, 1875. 60 p. pi. O.
CLAY, Henry. Private correspondence; ed. by C. Colton. N. Y.,
1856. O.
COLTON, C. The last seven years of the life of Henry Clay. N. Y.,
1856. pi. O.
PRENTISS, G: D. Biography of Henry Clay. N. Y., 1831. por. D.
SARGENT, Epes. Life and public services of Henry Clay down to
1848; ed. and completed at Mr. Clay's death by Horace Greeley.
Phil., [c. 1852]. por. D.
CLAYDEN, Bev. Peter William. England under the coalition ; the
political history of Great Britain and Ireland from the gen-
eral election of 1885 to May, 1892. Lond., 1892. O.
Rogers and his contemporaries. Lond., 1889. 2 v. D.
CLAYTON, Sir Richard, tr. Sainte-Croix, G. E. J. G. de C-L. Crit-
ical inquiry into the life of Alexander the Great.
CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne. {psevd., Mark Twain.) A Connec-
ticut yankee in King Arthur's court. N. 'Y., 1889. il. O.
Following the equator; a journey around the world. Hart-
ford, 1897. il. O.
■ Life on the Mississippi. Bost., 1883. il. O.
The £1,000,000 bank-note and other new stories. N. Y., 1893.
pi. D.
CLEMENS, W: M. Mark Twain: his life and work. S. F., 1892. S.
CLEMENS, William M. Mark Twain: his life and work. S. F.,
1892. S.
CLEMENT, Mrs. Clara Erskine. See Waters, Mrs. C. E. C.
CLERKE, Agnes Mary. The Herschels and modern astronomy.
N. Y., 1895. pors. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
CLEVELAND, Benjamin.
CLEVELAND, H. G. romp. A genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a
great-grandson of Moses Cleveland of Woburn, Mass. Chic, 1879.
il. 0.
CLEVELAND, Grover. See Cleveland, Stephen Grover.
CLEVELAND, Horace Gillette, comp. A genealogy of Benjamin
Cleveland, a great-grandson of Moses Cleveland of Woburn,
Mans., and a native of Canterbury, Windham county, Conn.
Chic, 1879. il. O.
CLEVELAND, Richard Jeffry. Narrative of voyages and commer-
cial enterprises. 3d ed. Bost., 1850. pi. D.
CLEVELAND, Rose Elizabeth. The long run. Detroit, 1886. D.
CLEVELAND, Stafford C. History and directory of Yates county
including church, school and civil history, and a narra-
tive of the Universal Friend, her society and doctrine; v. 1.
Penn Yan, 1873. il. map. v. O.
CLEVELAND, Stephen Grover, pres. of U. S. Writings and
speeches; selected and edited with an introduction by G:
F.Parker. N. Y., [c. 1892]. por. O.
CLEVELAND (Ohio). Piihlic Library. Alphabetic catalogue ofT
the English books in the circulating department; authors^
titles and subjecls; 1880. Cleveland, [1889]. Q.
24th-L*7th annual report of the library board and
librarian; 18!)2-!)r). Cloveland, 18J>;M)r). O. 4 pamp.
Cumulative index to a selected list of ])eriodicai»^
189G. Cleveland, 1807. Q.
CLEVEN(tP]K, Shobal A'ail. A treatise on the method of govern-
ment surveying. 2d ed. rev. N. Y., 1877. S.
CLEWS, Henry. "^Twenty-eight years in Wall street. N. Y., 1888.
pi. pors. O.
CLIFFORD, George, 3d earl of Cumberland.
WRIGHT, E. Cruizing voyage to the Azores in 1589. {In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 206.)
CLIFFORD, William Kingdon. The common sense of the exact
sciences. N. Y., 1888. il. D. (Int. sci. ser., v. 50.)
Lectures and essays. Ed. by L. Stephen and F. Pollock. 2d
ed. Lond., 1880. per. D.
CLINTON, George. Letters of Cato; printed in the New York
Journal, September-January, 1787-8. (In Ford, P. L. ed.
Essays on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
CLINTON, Herbert R. The war in the Peninsula and Wellington's
campaigns in France and Belgium. Lond., 1878. pors.
maps. D.
CLIVE. Robert, hml baron of Plassey.
MALliESON, G. B. The founders of the Indian empire, Clive, War-
ren, Hastings and Wellesley. Lord Clive. Lond., 1882. por.
plans. O.
WILSON, fill- C: W: Lord Clive. Lond., 1890. por. D. (Eng. meu
of action.)
CLODD, Edward. Myths and dreams. Lond., 1885. D.
Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an inter-
mediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement.
2d ed. Lond., 1897. il. D.
CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh. Prose renuiins; with a selection from
his letters and a memoir; ed. by his wife. Lond., 1888. D.
CLOUSTON, Thomas Smith. Clinical lectures on mental diseases.
2d ed. Lond.. 1887. pi. D.
CLOIJSTOX, William Alexander. SuytphMuent to The wright's
chaste wife; additional analogs. Lond., 1880. O. (Early
Eng. Text. Soc. Pub. Reg. ser, no. 84.)
CLOWES, William Laird. P.lack America: a study of the ex-slave
and his late uuistcr. Loud., etc., 1801. map. D.
The royal navy; a history from the earliest times to the pres-
ent; v. 1. Tiost.. 1807. " il. maps. Q.
CLUM, Franklin D. Inebriety: its <-auses. its results, its remcdy.
2d ed. Phil., 1889. D. 2 cop.
COAN. Titus Munson, ed. Ser Wilson. J. G. and Coan. T. ^\. nl.t.
Personal recollections of the war of the rfbellion.
COBB, Arthur Stanley. P,;iuks' cash reserves: Threadneedle street;
a reply to "Lombiird sticct." and an alternative ]u"Oposal to
the oiie-pound note scheme sketched by ;Mr. Goschen at
Lerds. T.ojid.. 1^!n. HI -170 ]>. O.
CJOBB, Augustus G. Earth-burial and cremation: the history of
earth-buriai with its attended evils, and the advantages of-
fered by cremation, N. Y., 1892. ll-plT^ p. D.
OOBB, Joseph Beckham. Mississippi scenes; or, Sketches of south-
ern and western life and adventure; including the Legend of
Black Creek. Phil., 1851. D.
COBBE, Frances I'ower. The duties of women: a course of lec-
. tures. Sth Amer. ed. Bost., 1888. D.
Life, by herself. Bost., 1895. 2 v. por. O.
COBBETT, William. Thomas Paine, a sketch of his life and char-
acter. [In Conway, M. D. Life of Paine.)
COCUTN, Pierre h*uzanne Augustin. The results of slavery; tr. by
Mary L. Booth. Bost., 1863. D.
OOCHRAN, Thomas B. comp. Smull's legislative hand book and
manual of the state of Pensylvania, 1890-96. Harrisburg,
' 1890-97. 7v. D.
COCHRANE, Charles Henry. The wonders of modern mechanism:
a resume of recent progress in mechanical, phj'sical, and en-
gineering science. Phil., 1896. il. j)]. O.
COCKAYNE. Bev. Thomas Oswald, ed. Hali meidenhead; from
ms. Cott, Titus D. XVIII.; an alliterative homily of the 13th
century. Lond., 1866. O. (Early Eng. Text kSoc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 18.)
— — Heinte Marherete, the meiden ant martyr, in old English; first
edited from the skin books in 1862, and now reissued. Lond.,
1866. O. {Same, no. 13.)
— Ye liflade of St. Juliana; from two old English mss. of 1230
A. D.; with renderings into modern English by O. Cockayne
and Edmund Brock. Lond., 1872. [Same, no. 51.)
COCKCROFT, James, ed. Campbell, J: lord. Lives of the Chief
Justices of England.
COCKE, James Richard, M. D. Hypnotism; how it is done, its uses
and dangers. Bost., 1894. D.
OOCKERELL. Charles Robert. The temple of Jupiter Olympios at
Agrigentum, commonly called the temple of the Giants. {In
Cockerell, C. R. [and oiliers]. Antiquities of Athens.)
— ■ — Kinnard, W., Donaldson, T. L.. Jenkins, W. and Railtou. W.
Antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, etc.;
V. 4, supplementary to the Antiquities of Athens, by James
Stuart and Nicholas Revelt. Lond., 1830. pi. F.
COCKRAN, William Bourke. The tariff: speech in tlie House of
Representatives, Jan. L3, 1894. Wash., 1894. 20 p. O. {Tn
Pam. on free trade, v. 1.)
COCKS, Ch. Bordeaux et ses vins. 5^ ed. refondue et augment^e
par iG. Feret. Paris, 1866. il. maps. D.
COCKS. Richard. Relation of what past at Firando in the Gen-
eral's absence at the Emperor's court; — Several particulars
relating to the affairs of Japan, from 1614-20; added the sub-
stance of two letters from Mr. Saver, and a letter from the
Emperor of Japan to the Prince of Orange. (In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 1, pp. 509, 517.
ai:M:h'.\L dhi'AUTMENT. 185
CODMAX, John, captain. The question of ships; Shi])ping subsi-
dies and bounties. N. Y., ISDO. lU p. I). (Questions of the
day, no. 04.)
^Vintel• sicetches from tlie saddle. N. Y., [c. 1888]. pi. S.
CUE, lleuiy C. M. l>. see Keating, J: M; and Coe, H. C. Clinical
gynaecology, medical and surgical.
COFFIN', Amory,"//-. Muudt, C. M. The merchant of Berlin.
COFFIN, Charles Carleton. Abraham Lincoln. N. Y., 1893. il.
pors. facsim. music. O.
The boys of 7(1: a history of the battles of the revolution.
X. Y., [c. 18T(iJ. il. pi. pors. maps. O.
liuilding of the nation; events in the history of the United
States from the revolution to the beginning of the war be-
tween the states. N. Y., [c. 1882.] il. O.
Daughters of the Kevoluition and their times. 1769-1776; an
historical romance. Bost., 1895. il. pors. pi. D.
Drum-beat of the nation: the tirst period of the war of the re-
bellion from its outbreak to the close of 1862. N. Y., 1888.
il. pi. pors. maps. O.
Freedom triumphant: the fourth period of the war of the re-
bellion, from Sept.. 1861, to its close. K. Y., 1891. il. pors.
Old times in the colonies. N. Y., [c. 1880.] il. pi. pors.
maps. O.
Redeeming the republic; the third period of the war of the re-
bellion in the vear 1864. N. Y., 1890. il. pi. pors. maps.
COFFIN, George M. Hand book for bank ofticers. Wash., 1891.
7-U107 p.^ O.
Hand book for national bank shareholders: their legal rights
and liabilities defined. Wash., 1891. 6-^42 p. O.
COFFIN, Joshua. A sketch of the history of Newbury, Newbury-
port, and West Newbury, from 10:i.5 to 184.5. Bost., 1845.
pors. O.
COFFIN. Roland Folger. rapt. IIoav old AViggins wore ship. (In
Stories by Amer. authors, v. !).)
COFFIN, Victor. The Quebec Act ;nul the American Revolution.
( Amer. Hist. Assoc. Re})t. Papers, 1894.. no. 16.)
COGHLAN, T. A. Statistical nccount of the seven colonies of Aus-
tralasia. Sydney, 1892. map. diagrams. O.
.^^n»^. Svdney, 189.'^,. maj). diagrams. O.
The wealth and i)rogress of Ncav South Wnles; 1889-90. 4th
issue. Sydney. 1890. maps. O.
.<^r/;/?f'; 1892, 61 li issue. Sydney. 180.'^. map. O.
COGLF"^', Thom;\s S. History of the Seventh ludiuna cMVMlry vol-
unteers; with biogr;i])hi(;il sketches. Lnporte, 1876. pors.
COHEN. ^olouioTi Sol's, rfpfl Eshner. Autrustus A., M. D. Essen-
tials of di;i<'iiosis nrrnngod in the form of questions and an-
swer'^. Phil.. 1892. il. D.
COHN. Ferdinand. On the nnturnl history of protococcns pluvialis.
(Rnv Soc. Pub. Henfrey, A., ed. Botiin. and physiol. mem.)
COHN, JJr. Gustav, History of political economy; tr by J. A. Hill.
Phil., 1894. 142 p. O. (Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
8upp. to Annals, March, 1894.)
COHN, Morris M. An introduction to the study of the constitu-
tion. Bait., 1892. O. (Johns Hopkins UniV. Studies in Hist,
and l*ol. sci. ex. vol. II.)
MASTEN, A. H. The history of Cohoes, New York, from its earliest
settlement to the present time. Albany, 1877. il. O.
COIT, Stanton. Neigjhborhood guilds, an instrument of social re-
form. 2d ed. Loud.. 1892, D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
COKE, Sir Edwai-d. Letter of the council to Sir T: Lake, relating
to the proceedings of Sir Edward Coke at Oatlands. {In Cam-
den misc., V. o. Camden Soc, v. 87.)
COLBERT, Jean Baptiste, marquis de Torcy. M^moires pour servir
h. I'histoire des negociations depuis le traite de Riswick
jusqu'a la paix d'Utrecht. {In Col. des m^m. rel. a I'hist. de
France. 1828. s. 2. v. 67-68.)
COLRORNE, John. col. With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan; being
an account of the Senaar campaign in 1883. 2d ed. Lond.,
1885. pl. D.
[GOLBURN, Mary J., and Smith, William R.] Minnesota as a home
for immigrants: being the first and second prize essays
awarded bv the board of examiners appointed pursuit ut to an
Act of the Legislature. St. Paul, 1865. 80 p. O.
COLBURN, Zerah. Locomotive engineering, and the mechanism of
Railways. Lond., and Glasgow, 1871. 2 v. text and plates.
COLBY University (Waterville, Maine). Annual reports of the
president and faculty, 1895-97. Waterville, 1895-97. 3 pam.
14th-lGth annual report of the treasurer. Portland, 1895-97.
O. 3 Y)am.
73d-77th annual catalogue of the officers and students for 1892-
93. 1896-97. Waterville, 1893-97. O. 2 pamp.
COLE, Alan S. tr. Lefc%ure, E. Embroidery and lace.
COLE, Cornelius. The public credit; remarks in the I^. S. Senate,
February 27, 1869. 4 p. O. {In Gal. speeches, v. 3.)
Speech on the public debt, delivered in the L^nited States Sen-
ate, December 5, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8 p. O. {In same.)
Whisky frauds — California and her revenue officers vindi-
cated; remarks in the U. S. Senate, January 14, 1870. S p.
O. {In same.)
Opinions of the press of California on U. S. Senator, Cornelius Cole.
11 p. O. (In l^ome.)
COLE, E. ^A\ ed. The thousand best songs in the world. Loud.,
[1892]. D.
COLE. Frank N. The diurnal variation of barometric pressure.
Wash., 1892. O. {In V. S. Dept. of Agric. Weather Bu. Bull.
no. 6.)
COLE, Grenvllle Arthur James. Open-air studies; an introduction
to geoloG'v out of doors. Phil.. 1895. il pl. D.
COLE. J. Herbert, row p. Official manual and directory of the
f^fichigan] executive office for 1895. Lausiup-. 1896. O.
COLIC, Timothy. Old Ttnlian uiaslcrs; engraved by C. with histor-
ical notes by A\ . .J. Stillman and brief comments by the en-
jiiaver. N. Y., 18!)2. pi. Q.
COLE, AV. H. Notes on permanent-way material, plate-laving, and
points and cross! n7. F.
T'OLKiXI oi' Coligny. (Jasjiard dc ndniiral. Discoui's au sont
sommaii'ement contcnncs Ics clioscs (|ui se sont passees
durant le siege de Sainct (^ncnliii. ifii Col. dcs in<''m. rel. t\
rhist. de Fr.-nce. L«-J3. s. 1. v. :{2.i
BESVNT, W. Gasnard de Coligny (Marquis de Chatillon). N. Y.,
[18791. il. D. (Makers of hist.)
COLIN, Rene. De la nature infectieuse du t^tanos en g^n^ral:
etude historiqne; tht'se pour le doctorat en m^decine. Paris,
1888. Q.
COLLECTION de dessins oriji'inaux de grands maitres, graves en
facsimile par A. Leroy avec texte explicatif par F. Reiset et
F. Villot. Paris, [n. d.]. il. F.
COLLECTION des niemoiros relatifs a I'histoire de France; ed. by
C. B. and A. Petitot, [Monmerqu^, L, J. N. D., and F. P. G
Guizot] ; 1^-3^ ser. Paris, 1819-35. 161 in 162 v. O.
Contents: S. 1. v. 1. Ville-Hardouin, G. de. Memoires: ou Historie
de la conquete de Constantinople. — 2. Joinville, J. de. Memoires; ou
Histoire de Saint Louis. — 3. Du Cange, C. du F. Dissertations ou r§-
flexions sur I'histoire de S. Louys du Sire de Joinville; — Extraits des
manuscrits Arabes dans lesquels il est parle des evenements histo-
riques relatifs au regne de Saint Louis; tr. par. D. D. Cardonne. — 4-5.
Du Guesclin, B. Anciens memoires du XIV. siecle; tr. par le sieur
Le Fel^vre. — 5-6. Christine de Pisan. Livre des fais et bonnes meurs
du sagr roy Charles V. — 6-7. Boucicaut, J. C. M. Historire de B. et de
ses memorables faicts en France, Italie et autres lieux du regne des
roys Charles V. et Charles VI. jusques en I'an 1408; — Fenin, P. de.
Memoires de F., escuyer et panetier de Charles VI., contenant I'his-
toire de ce prince depuis I'an 1407 jusques a I'an 1422. — 8. Tableau du
regne de Charles VII. . — Memoires concernant la pucelle d'Orleans
[Jeanne Dare]. — Gruel, G. Histoire d'Artus, 1413-57. — Memoires re-
latifs a Florent, sire d'llliers. — 9-10. La Marche, O. de. Memoires.— 11,
Du Clercqi, J. Memoires, 1448-67. — 11-13. Comines, P. de. Memoires
ou Ton trouve I'histoire des rois de France Louis XI. et Charles VIII,
— 13-14. Jean de Troi/es. Histoire de Louys II, 1460-83. — Villeneuve,
G. de. Mi'moires, 1494-97; contenant la conqueste du royaume de Na-
ples par Charles VIII. — Bouchet, J. Le panegyric du chevalier sans
reproche; au, Memoires de La Tremoille. — 15-16. Bayard, P. du T,
Tres-joyeuse, plaisante et recreative histoire. — Fleuranges. R. de la
M. Histoire des choses memorables advenues du reign de Louis XII.
et Frangois I. .—Louise de Savoie. Journal [1476-1522].— 17-18. Du
Bellay, M. Memoires contenant le discours de plusiers choses adve-
nues au royaume de France depuis I'an 1513 jusques au trespas du
roy Frangois I.— 18-19. Du Bellay, G. Memoires.— 20-22. Montluc, B.
de L. M. Commentaires. — 23-25. Tavannes, G. de S. Memoires. — 26-
28. Carloix V. Mrmoires de la vie de Frangois de Scepeaux, sire de
VieilleviJle. — 28-30. Du Villars. F. de B. Memoires sur les guerres
demesloes tant en Piedmont qu'an Montferrat et duche de Milan, par
feu Charles de Cosse, 1550-59.— 31-32. Rabutin, F. de. Commentaires
des dernic^res guerres en la Gaule Belgique. — Fenelon, F. de S. Le
siege de Metz par I'empereur Charles V., en I'an 1552. — Coligny, G de.
Le siege de Sainct Quentin; — La Chatre, C. de. Memoire du voyage
de M. le Due de Guise en Italie, son retour, la prinse de Callais et de
Thionville, 1556 et 1557.— Rochechouart, G. de. Memoires.— 33. Cas-
telnau, M. de. Memoires. — 34. Mergey, J. de. Memoires. — La None, F.
de. Memoires. — Gamon, A. Memoires. — Philippi, J. Memoires. — 35.
Bouillon, H. dne de. Memoires adressrs a son fils le Prince de Sedan.
—Tavannes. G. de. Mrmoires.- 36. Hurault, P. eomte de Chererny.
Memoires.— Hurault, P. hp. of Cliartres. Momoires.— 37. Margaret de
Vnlois. Memoires.— Thou. J. A. de. Memoires, 1553-1601.-38. Chois-
nin, J. Memoires, ou discours au vray de tout ce qui s'est faict et
passee pour I'entiere negociation de I'election du roy de Polongne. —
Merle, M. Memoires.— 38-43. Cayet, P. V. P. Chronologic novenaire.
— Saint-Auban, J. I'npe. Memoires.— 44. Villeroy, N. de N. Memoires
d'estat. — Angouleme, C. de V. dxr d'. Memoires de ce qui s'est passS
en France depuis le mort d'Henry III. jusques a I'advenement d'Henry
IV. a la couronne.— 45-49. L'Estoile, P. de. Memoires et journal de
Henri III. et Henry IV.— 49. Gillot, J. Relation faite de ce qui se
passa audit parlement, seant aux Augustins, touchant la regence de la
reine Marie de Medicis. — Groulard, C. Memoires. — Marillac, M. de.
COLLECTION dos nicMuoiros rolatifs a rhisloirc moires pour servir a I'histoire des negociations depuis le traite de
Riswick jusqu' a la paix d'Utrecht. 68-71. Villars, C. L. H. due de.
Memoires [1670-1734]. 71-74. Noailles, A. M. due de. Memoires poli-
tiques et militaires. 74-75. Forbin, C. eomte de. Memoires [1675-
1710]. 75. Du Guay-Trouin, R. Memoires [1689-1715]. 76-77. Du-
clos, C. P. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV. et de Louis
XV. . 77. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. N. bnronne de. Memoires. 78. Ta-
ble g«'^nerale et analytique. 3e s6r. 1-2. Gregorius, G. F. Histoire
des Francs. 2. Vie de Uagobert. — Fr^degaire. Chronique. — Vie de
Pepin-le-Vieux.— Vie de Saint L»'-ger. 3. Eginhard. Annales des rois
Pepin, Charlemagne et Louis-le-D6bonnaire; — Vie de Charlemagne.—
Faits et gestes de Charles-le-Grand, par un moine de Saint-Gall. —
Thegan. De la vie et des actions de Lonis-le-Debonnaire. — Vie de
COLLECTION des mt^moires relatifs a Thistoire de France;
Louis-le-Debonnaire, per I'anonyme dit I'astronome. Nithard. His-
toire des dissensions del fils de Louis-le-Debonnaire. 4. Ermoldus
Nigellus. Faits et gestes de Louis le Pieux; poeme. — Annaes de Saint-
Bertin [et de Metz]. 5. Flodoard. Histoire de Teglise de Rneims. 6.
Abbon. Siege de Paris par les Normands, poeme. — Glaber, R.
nique. — Helguad. Vie du roi Robert. — Adalberon. Poem addresse a
Robert. 7. Vie de Bouchard. — Fragmens de I'histoire des frangais. —
Hugues de Fleury. Chronique. — Proces-verbal du sacre de Philippe
ler a Rheims le 23 mai 1059. — Hugues de Poitiers. Histoire du mon-
astere de Vezelai. S. Suger. Vie de Louis-le-Gros. — Guillaume, 7nunk
of »S/. Denis. Vie de Suger. — Vie de Louis-le-Jeune. — Galbert, syndic
of Bnnjes. Vie de Charles-le-Bon. — 9. Guibert abbot of Noijent. His-
toire des croisades. — 9-10. Vie de Guibert de Nogent, par lui-meme.
10. Guillaume, abbot of St. Thierrl [and others]. Vie de Saint-Ber-
nard. 11. Rigord. Vie de Philippe-Auguste.— Guillaume le Breton
Vie de Philippe-Auguste. — Vie de Louis VHI. — Nicolas de israi. Des
faits et gestes de Louis VIIL. 12. Guillaume le Breton, i^a Philip-
pide. 13. Guillaume de Nagis. Chronique. 14. Pierre, monk of Vaux-
Ceniay. Histoire de I'heresie des Albigeois. 15-17. William of 'lyre.
Histoire des croisades. 18. Bernard le trisorier. Continuation de Guil-
laume de Tyr. 19-20. Alberic, canon of Ai.r. Histoire des croisades.
20. Raimond d'Agiles. Histoire des Francs qui ont pris Jerusalem.
21. Jacques de Vilry. Histoire des croisades. 22. Foulcher, de Ohar-
tres. Histoire des croisades. — Odon de Denil. Histoire de la croisade
de Louis VII. 23. Histoire de la guerre des Albigeois. — Guillaume de
Buy Laurent. Chronique contenant I'historie de I'expedition des Fran-
cais contre les Albigeois. — Des. gestes glorieux des Frangais de
ran 1202 a I'an 1311. 24. Raoul de Caen. Faits et gestes du prince
Tancrede pendant I'expedition de Jerusalem. Robert, abbe de
St.-Remi. Histoire de la premiere croisade. 25-28. Ordericus Vitalis.
Histoire de Normandie. 29. Guillaume de Jinnieyes. Histoire des Nor-
mands. Guillaume de Poitiers. Vie de Guillaume le Conquerant. 30.
Table generale et analytique. 31. Bourdon de Sigrais, C. G. Consid-
erations sur les Gaulois, les Francs et les Frangais. — Trognon, A.
Fragment sur I'histoire de France.
COLLECTION of theological essays from various authors; with an
introduction by G : R. Noyes. 8th ed. Bost., 1891. D.
COLLEGE histories of art: ed. by J: C. Van Dyke. N. Y., 1896. D.
Namely: The annals of Tacitus. I-VL; ed. by W. F. Allen,
COLLEGE series of Latin authors; ed. by C. L. Smith and T. Peck.
Bost, 1890. D.
Namely :The annals of Tacitus. I-VI.; ed. by W. F. Allen.
COLLIER, John Payne. History of English dramatic poetry to the
time of Shakespeare: and annals of the stage to the restora-
tion. New ed. Lond., 1879. 3 v. O.
Ancient biographical poems on the Duke of Norfolk, Viscount
Hereford, the Earls of Essex and Queen Elizabeth; from
Cough's Norfolk mss. in the Bodleian library. Lond., 1855.
20 p. O. {In Camden misc., vol. 3. Camden Soc, v. 61.)
Egerton papers : a collection of public and private documents
chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I.;
from the original mss. the property of Lord Francis Egerton.
Lond., 1840. O. (Camden Soc, v. 12.)
Kynge Johan: a play in two parts, by J: Bale; ed. from the
ms. of the author in the library of the Duke of Devonshire.
Lond., 1838. 14-1-110 p. O. {Same, v. 2.)
COl^LIER, Johu Payue. The ^^k^yveue^'s play; the incredulity of
est. Thomas; liom a lus. iu the posse««iou of J : Sykes. Lond.,
1851). IS p. O. (7 /( Camden misc., V. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
Trevelyan papers; pt. 1-L', [070-1043]. Lond., 1857-03. 2 v. O.
(Camden ^Soc, v. 07, 84.)
COLLI GXOX, Maxime. Manual of Creek archaeology; tr. by J. H.
^^'right. Lond., etc., 1880. il. D.
See Kayet, O., and Colliguon, M. Historie de la c^ramique
0OLLI>«'G, James K. Suggestions in design by J. Leighton; with
descriptive and historical letterpress by C. N. Y., 1881. pi.
OOLLINGWOOD, William Uershom. The life and work of John
Euskin. Bost., 1893. 2 v. pi. pors. facsim. O.
COLLI]S'S, Clifton ^^■ilbraham. Saint Simon. Edin. and Lond.,
1880. D. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
COLLINS, J. W. capt. Catalogue of the collection illustrating the
fishing vessels and boats and their equipment. Great Int.
Fisheries Exhib. Lond. 1883. U. S. A. Wash., 1884. O. (U.
S. Xat. Mus. Bull., no. 27, sec. I.)
COLLINS, W. H. Address to the jury in behalf of the prisoner
[Tiburco Vasquez]. {In Sawyer, E. T. Life and career of
COLLINS, William Armstrong. At long and short range: Phil.,
1893. D.
COLLINS, Bev. Wiliam Lucas. Butler. Phil., 1881. por. S.
(Philosophical classics.)
La Fontaine and other French fabulists. Edin. and Lond.,
1882. S. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
Montaigne. Edin. and Lond., 1879. S. (For. classics for Eng.
COLLINS, William Wilkie. A terribly strange bed. {In Stories by
Eng. authors. France.)
COLLINS, Sei)tinia M. A woman's trip to Alaska: being a voyage
through the inland s<'as of the Sitkan archipelago in 1890.
2ded. N. Y., [c. 1890]. il. map. O.
COL:MORE. G. See Dunn, Mrs. Gertrude Coimore.
COLO^IB, .*>'i> John, admiral. A survey of existing conditions. {In
White, A. S. ed. Britannic confederation.)
COLOMB, P., Maurice, J. F., Maude, F. W\ [and others]. The
great war of 189—: a forecast. Lond.. 1893. pi. O.
COLOMBO, Cristoforo. Autograf di C. Colombo, con prefazione
e trascri/ione diplomatica di ("". de Loll is. Roma. 1892. F.
{In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di documenti e studi
pubblicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 1, v. 3. and supp.)
Bibliografia degli scritti Italian] o stampati in Italia sopra C.
Colombo la scopertn del nuovo niondo e i viaggi degli Italian!
in America; compilata da G. Fumagalli con la collaborazione
di P. A. di S. Filippo. Roma. 1893. {In same.. Pt. 6.)
Cristoforo Colombo e i corsari Colombo suoi eontemporanei.
per* A. Salvagnini. {In Same. Pt. 2, v. 3.)
COLOMBO, Ci'istoforo. Documenti relativi a Cristoforo Colombo
e alia sua famiglia, raccolti da L. T. Belgrano, e M. Staglieno.
Koma, 18U6. F. {In Same. Pt. 2, v. 1.)
1 ritratti di Cristoforo Colombo, per A. Neri. {In Same. Pt.
2, V. 3.)
Le medaglie di Cristoforo Colombo, per U. Rossi. {In Same.)
Le quistioni Colombiane, per C. Desimoni. {In Same.)
Scritti di Cristoforo Colombo pubblicati ed illustrati da C. de
Lollis. Roma, 181)2-98. 2 v. F. {In Same. Pt. 1, v. 1-2.)
• Writings descriptive of the discovery and occupation of the
new world; ed. with an introduction by P. L. Ford. N, Y.,
1892. por. D. (Fiction, fact, and fancy ser.)
Latin letter of Columbus; printed in 1193 and announcing the
discovery of America. Reproduced in facsimile with a pre-
face. Lond., 1S93. sq. O. (Bd. with Spanish letter.)
Spanish letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant' Angel, dated 15
February 1493; reprinted in reduced facsimile and trans-
lated from the unique copy of the original edition. (149.3).
Lond., 1893. sq. O. (Bd. with Latin letter.)
ADAMS, C: K. Christopher Columbus: his life and his work. N. Y.,
1892. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
AZARA, J. N. de. Elogi storici di Cristoforo Colombo e di Andrea
D'Oria. Parma, 1781. por. Q.
BELLOY, A. marquis de. Christopher Columbus and the discovery
of the new world. New ed. Phil., 1889. il. pi. por. O.
BERTELLI, T. La declinazione magnetica e la sua variazione nello
spazio scoperte da Cristoforo Colombo. Roma, 1892. F. (//( Italy.
Com. Colombiana. Raccolta di documente e studi publicati dalla R.
Com. Colombiana. Pt. 4, v. 2.)
SEELYE, E. E. The story of Columbus; ed. with an introduction by
E: Eggleston. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. maps. D.
WINSOR, .1. Christopher Columbus, and how he received and im-
parted the spirit of discovery. Bost., 1892. il. pi. pors. maps. O.
COLON^S'^O, Francesco. Facsimiles of one hundred and si.\ty-eight
woodcuts in 'Toliphili Hypnerotomachia", Venice, 1499; with
an introductorv notice and descriptions by J. W. Appell.
[Lond.] 1SS8. "pi. F.
COLONNE, Guido dalle, called Guido Giudice da Messina. The "Gest
hystoriale" of the destruction of Troy: an alliterative romance
translated from Guido de Colonna's "Hystoria Troiana" ; ed.
with introduction, notes and glossary, by G. A. Panton and
D. Donaldson. Lond., 1869-74. 2 v." O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 39, 56.)
COLORADO. Attorney General. Report; 1891-94. Denver, Colorado
Si)rings, 1892-94. 2 v. O.
Auditor of State. Biennial report; 1888-94. Denver, Colorado
Springs, 1890-94. 3 v. O.
Board of Capitol Managers. 4th biennial report to the General
Assembly. 1890. Colorado Springs, 1890. O. pamp.
General Asscmhly. Council journal; 1872. 1874, 1876. Senate
journal: 1879, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. Cen-
tral Citv, Denver, 1872-95. 11 v. O.
House journal; 1872, 1876, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1889, 1891,
1893, 1895. Central City, Denver, 1872-95. 7 v. O.
y^te: 1879. 1883 bound with Sen. Jour.
COLOUADO. (Jovernor. Mensajo bi-auiiuul del Gobernador Davis
11. Waite, y, v\ discurso iuaugural del Gobernador Albert W.
Mclntire. Deuver, 181)5. O. pamp.
Secretary of Stale, liieuuial report; 1887-9-4. Denver, Colorado
Springs, 1888-1)4. 4 v. O.
Stale Agricultural Colleye. lGtb-17tli annual catalogue 1894-97.
Fort Collins. [1895-97.] O. 2 pam.
Bulletins: Nos. 1-38. Fort Collins, 1891-97. O. pams.
State Board of Agriculture. 17tb-18tb. annual report, with 8th-
9th report of Agricultural experiment station. 1895-90. Den-
ver, 1896. O. 2 pamp.
State Board of Charities and Correclion. 2d. biennial report
1894. [Denver, 1894.] O. pamp.
State Board of llealih. 4th report. 1892-4. Denver, 1894. O.
State Engineer. Ii'i'igation laws and instructions to Superin-
tendents and water commissioners of Colorado. Denver,
1894. O.
State Inspector of Metalliferous Mines. Biennial report 1894.
Denver. 1894. O. pamp.
State Normal School. (Greeley). 5th annual catalogue 1894-5.
Greeley, 1895. D.
State School of Mines. [Golden). Catalogue, 1894-5. Denver,
1894. O, pam.
Superintendent of Pnhlic Instruction. 9th biennial report, 1893-4.
Denver, 1895. O. pamp.
Libraries their establishment and management: Library
laws of Colorado. Denver, 1897. O. pam.
School room decoration, by Joseph F. Daniels. Denver,
1897. O. pam.
Treasurer of State. Biennial report; 1892-1896. Denver, Color-
ado Springs, 1892-96. O. 3 pamp.
COLQUHOUN, Archibald Ross. The key of the Pacific; the Nicar-
agua canal. Westminster, 1895. il. pi. maps. O.
COLQT^nOUX, James Andrew Sutherland, maj. With the Kur-
ram field force 1878-79. Lond., 1881. pi. O.
COLQUITT. Alfred Holt.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of A. H. Colquitt, sena-
tor from Georgia, delivered in the Senate and House of Representa-
tives, Jan. 8, 1895. Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895. pors. Q. (U.
S. Cong. S. M. D.)
COLT^MAX. Robert, jr. The Chinese; their present and future;
medical, jtolitical, and social. Phil.. 1891. pi. O.
COLTOX, Calvin. The last seven years of the life of Henrv Clav.
X. Y., 1856. pi. O. '
ed. Private corres])()ndence of Henry Clay. N. Y., 1856. O.
COLUMBA, St., allot of lona.
ADAMNAN. Life of Saint Columha, founder of Hy; ed. by W:
Reeves. Edin., 1874. O. (Historians of Scotland.)
COLUMBLV University. (N. Y.). Catalogue of the Avery Archi-
tectural Libi'arv; a memorial library of architecture, arch-
aelogy and decorative art. X. Y., 1895. Q.
COLUMBIA University (N. Y.). Biological series: edited by H:
F. Osborn, vol. 1-4. N. Y., 1894-97. il. 4 v. O.
Naindy: V. 1. Osborn, H: F. From the Greeks to Darwin. 2. Wil-
ley, A. Amphioxus and ancestry of vertebrates. 3. Dean,B. Fishes,
living and fossil. 4. Wilson, B. B. The cell in development and in-
Faculty of Political Science. Studies in history, economies and
public law: v. 1-2, 3:1, 4-7. N. Y., 1891-96. 6 v. O.
Vontcnts: V. 1. 1: Wilcox, W. F. The divorce problem. 2. Goss,
J: D. History of tariff administration in the U. S. 3. Black, G: A.
History of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island .... to
1844. 4. Douglas, C. H. J. Financial history of Mass. from the organ-
ization of Mass. Bay Co. to the Amer. revolution. 2: 1. Hourwich, I.
A. Economics of the Russian village. 2. Dunscomb, S. W. Bank-
ruptcy. 3. Rosewater, V. Special assessments. 3: 1. Bishop, C. F.
History of elections in the Amer. colonies.
4: 1. Ripley, W. Z. Financial history of Virginia, 1609-1776. 2.
West, M. Inheritance tax. 3. Wood, F. A. History of taxation in
Vermont. 5: 1. Walker, F. Double taxation in the U. S. 2. Bondy,
W: Separation of govenmental powers. 3. Wilcox, D. F. Munici-
pal government in Michigan and Ohio. 6. Shepherd, W: R: History
of proprietary government in Pennsylvania. 7: 1. Gushing, H. A.
History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth govern-
ment in Mass. 2. Emery, H: C. Speculation on the stock and pro-
duce exchanges of the U. S.
School of Architecture. Studv of architectural drawing, by W:
E. Ware. [Reprint]. 1896. O. pam.
School of Mines, Chemistry, Engineeriny and Architecture. An-
nouncement and general information 1896-97. [N. Y.] 1897.
D. pam,
COLUMBIAN atlas of the world; with ready reference marginal
index, pub., by Garretson, Cox and Co. Buffalo, 1896. 159
p. F.
COLUMBIAN cyclopedia. Buffalo, 1896. 32 v. il. D.
COLUMBIAN knowledge series; ed. by D. P. Todd. Bost., 1894-96.
2 V. S.
Namely. 1, 2. Fletcher, W: I. Public libraries in America. 3.
Greely, A. W. Hand-book of Arctic discoveries.
COLUMBUS, Christopher, See Colombo, C,
COLUMBUS (Ohio). PuUic Library. Report of the trustees of the
Public Library and Reading Room; 1891-92. Columbus,
1892, O. pamp.
COLUSA countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896.
Colusa county, California: illustrations descriptive of its scenery,
residences, [etc.]: with historical sketch of the county. Elliott
and Moore' pub. S. F., 1880. il. pi. pors. maps. F.
ROGERS, J. H. Colusa county; its history traced from a state of na-
ture through the early period of settlement and development to the
present day: also biographical sketches of pioneers and prominent
residents. Orland, 1891. pi. pors. O.
Teachers' Association. Executive Committee. Colusa county,
California; its schools, its soil, its products, its climate, its
present, its future; [Souvenir 1888 to members of the N. E.
A. n. p. n. d]. 48 p. il. O.
COLUSA dailv gazette; Jan. 1891-June 1891. Colusa, 1891. F.
GENERAL ni<:i'A RTM ENT. 196
COJA^SA siiii [scnii-wceklv]; .Ian. 2, 1895-Dec. 29, 1897. Colnsa,
1895-97. F.
The weekly; April 1890-l)ec. iT), 1897. (,^olusa, 1890-97. S
V. F.
COLUSA Sun annual and eouuty directoiy: being a holiday edition
of the Weekly Colusa Sun, .lanuary 1, 189:^. Colusa, 1893.
80 p. poi's. O.
COLVII.LE, W. J. Universal tlieosophy: the science of health
and healing. Chic, 1887. por. D.
COUVIN, Sydney. Keats. N. Y., 1887. D. (E. M. L. ser.)
COLVO(.H)KESSES, George M. lieut. Four years in the govern-
ment exploring expedition commanded by Captain C: Wilkes.
4th ed. N. Y., 1853. il. D.
COLYAR, A. S. Biographical sketch of Judge John Haywood.
(^?i Havwood, J: Civil and political history of Tennessee.)
COMBE, Andrew, M.D. The management of infancy, physiological
and moral; rev. and ed. by Sir James Clark. 1st Amer. from
lOtli Lond. ed. N. Y., 1871. D.
COMBEMALE, F. La descendance des alcooliques. Paris,
1888. O.
COMBER, Thomas, D.D. A companion to the temple; or, A help
to devotion in the use of the Common Prayer. Oxford, 1841.
7 V. O.
COMBERMERE, Viscount. See Cotton, S.
COMBINATION fortune-teller and dictionary of dreams. N. Y.,
[c. 1866]. il. pi. S.
COMEGYS, Benjamin Bartis. Advice to young men and boys: a
series of addresses delivered to the pupils of the Girard col-
lege. Phil., 1890. 192 p. pors. O.
COMER, John. Diary; ed. with notes by C. E. Barrow^s; with an
introduction and a few additional notes by J. W. Willmarth.
[n. p.], 1893. O. (R. L Hist. Soc. Coll., V. 8.)
COMES, O. Le mal nero, ou la gommose dans la vigne et dans n'
importe qirtille autre plante ligneuse et les variations exces-
sives de temperature; tr. par A. Picaud. Montpellier, 1889.
46 p. S.
COMINES, Philippe de, sienr cC Arcjenton. M^moires oil V on trouve
r histoire des rois de France Louis XI. et Charles VTH. {In
Col. des m6m. rel. ri V hist, de France, 1826. s. 1. v.11-13.)
COMINGES. or Comenge, Gaston Jean Baptiste de.
JUSSERAND J. A. A. J. A French ambassador at the court of
Charles the' Second; Le comte de Cominges; from his unpublished
correspondence. Lond., 1892. pors. 0.
COMMERCIAL and financial chronicle and Hunt's merchants' mag-
azine (continuation V, v. 49-65. N. Y.. 1889-97. 17 v. F.
Investor's supplement; 1893-95. N. Y., 1893-95. 5 v. F.
Quotation sui.plement, 1895-96. N. Y., 1895-96. 2 v. F.
State and city supplement, Oct. 31, 1891. N. Y.^ 1891. F.
Same. May 21, 1892. N. Y.. 1892. F.
Some. April 29, 1893. X. Y.. 1893. F. Bd. in Investors
supp., 1893.) ^ ^
COMMERCIAL aspects of the present political contest. {In Be-
publican campaign docs., 1880.)
COMMERCIAL herald and market review: Jan. 11, 1868-Jan. 14,
1869. S. F., 1868-69. F.
COMMONS, John R. See Knight, George W. and Commons, J : R.
History of higher education in Ohio.
COMONFORT, Ignacio, gen. Politica del General Comonfort du-
rante su gobierno en M^jico. N. Y., 1858. 24 p. O.
COMPAGNON, P. Account of the discovery of the kingdom of
Bambuk and its gold mines in 1716. {In Green, J : Voyages
and travels, v. 2., p. 145.)
COMPARETTI, Domenico I*ietro Antonio. Researches respecting
the book of Sindibad. Lond., 1882. O. (Folk-lore Soc.
Pub. 9.)
Vergil in the middle ages; tr. by E. F. M. Benecke. Lond.,
1895. D.
Vergil in the middle ages; tr. by E. F. M. Benecke. Lond., 1895. D.
COMPAYRfi, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history
of universities. N. Y., 1893. D. (Great educators.-;
COMPLAYNT of Scotlande, The, vyth ane exortatione to the Thre
estaits to be vigilante in tlie deffens of their public veil, 1549;
with an appendix of contemporary English tracts, viz.: The
just declaration of Henry VIIL, 1542; The exhortacion of
James Harrysone, Scottisheman, 1547; The epistle of the
Lord Protector Somerset, 1548; The epitome of Nicholas
Bodrugan alias Adams, 1548; re-ed. with introduction and
glossary by J. A. H. Murray. Lond., 1872-73. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 17, 18.)
COMPTON, Margaret. Snowbird and water tiger, and other Amer-
ican Indian tales. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
COMRADE on tliat battle-field and a West Point graduate of 1827,
psend. See Worthington, T:.
[COM STOCK, D. W. and others]. Ninth cavalry: One hundred and
twenty-first regiment, Audiana volunteers. Richmond, 1890.
56 p. map. O.
COMSTOCK, Theodore Bryant. A preliminary examination of the
geology of western central Arkansas. (In Arkansas geoL
sur. Annual report for 1888, v. 1.)
<^OMTE, Auguste.
INGRAM, J: K. Auguste Comte and one of his critics. [Dublin,
1897]. 7 p. D.
CON ANT, Charles A. A history of modern banks of issue; with
an account of the economic crises of the present century. N.
Y., 1896. O.
OONDER, Claude Reignier. Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish
war of independence. N. Y., [1879]. D. (Makers of hist.)
tr. The Tell Amarna tablets. Lond., 1893. map. D.
CONDER, Josiah. The flowers of Japan, and the art of floral ar-
rangement. Tokio, 1891. 11. pi. F.
CONDIT, Blackford. The history of the English Bible: extending
from the earliest Saxon translations to the present Anglo-
American revision. N. Y. and Chic, 1882. por. D.
CONDON, John F. Annals of Louisiana, 1815-61. {In Martin, F.
X. History of Louisiana.)
CONDUCT of life series. N. Y., 1896-97. 6 v. S.
Namclir Horton, R. F. Art of living together;— Four pillars of the
home. Kernahan, C. The child, the wise man, and the devil.
Nicoll, W. A. When the worst comes to the worst. Thorold, A. W.
On marriage; — On money.
CONE, Helen Gray and Gilder, Jeannette L. eds. Pen portraits of
literary women. N. Y., etc. [c. 1887]. 2 v. D.
CONE, Orello. Gospel criticism and historical Christianity. N.
Y., 1891. D. •
BOYD, W: P. History of the town of Conesus, Livingston Co., N. Y.,
1793-1887; with genealogical record. Conesus, 1887. il. 173 p. O.
CONEY, A. K. a7id Godoy, Jose F. The legal and mercantile hand-
book of Mexico. Chic, S. F., 1892. O.
CONFEDERATE scrap-book by [Lizzie Gary Daniel] Rich-
mond, 1893. O.
CONFEDERATE soldier in the civil war. ed. by B: La Bree.
Louisville. 1895. il. por. pi. F.
CONFEDERATE States of America. Reports of the operations of
the Army of Northern Virginia from June 1862 to ... . Dec.
13, 1862.' V 2. Richmond, 1864. O.
Adjutant and Inspector Generals Office. General orders, confed-
erate states army, January, 1862-December, 1863; with full
indexes. Columbia, 1864. D.
TFar Department. Regulations for the army of the confederate
states, 1864. 3d ed. rev. enl. with index. Richmond, 1864.
CONFERENCE of Charities. Proceedings of the 5th annual con-
ference held in connection with the general meeting of the
American Social Science Association at Cincinnati, May,,
1878. Bost., 1878. O.
CONFERENCE of Charities and Correction. Proceedings of the
1st, 8th-9th, I1th-I7th annual conference; 1874, 1881-82, 1884-
90; ed. by A. O. Wright, F. B. Sanborn, and Mrs. Isabel C.
Barrows.' Bost., 1881-90. 10 v. O.
CONFX'CIT'S. Sacred books of China; the texts of Confucianism
(continuation); pt. 3-4. The Li-Kt, 1-46; tr. by J. Legge. Ox-
ford. 1885. 2 V. O. (^lullor, F. ]M. ed. Sacred books of the
oast, V. 27-28.)
CONGER, N. B. Report on the forecasting of thunderstorms (lur-
ing the summer of 1892. Wash., 1893. O. (/// U. S. D<'j)t.
of Agric. Weather Bu. Bull. no. 9.)
CONGREGATIONAL quarterly. The; v. 1-20. Bost., 18.59-78. 20 v.
CONGRkS nntionnl viticole de Macon. See Macon.
CONGRl^S viticole \\ ^Nlontjiollier. See Montpellier. Congr^'s viii-
CONGRESSIONAL record: containing the proceedings ;uul de-
bates; V. 21-30; 51st Congress 1st session [Dec. 2, 1S>^9]-n5th
Congress 1st session [July 24. 1897]. Wash., 1889-97. 10 v.
in 50. Q.
Index. 50tli Concress. 2d session. 55lh Congress. 1st session.
Wash .1889-97! 10 v. (I
OONGllEVE, William.
GOSSE, E. Life of William Congreve. Lond., 1888. O. (Great
OONINGSHY, Sir Thomas. Jourual of the siege of Kouen, 15!)!;
ed. by J : G. Nichols. Lond., 1847. 84 p. O. {In Camden
misc. V. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
€0-NKLlNG, A If red Konald. City government in the United States.
N. Y., 1894. D.
The life and letters of Koscoe Conkling, orator, statesman, ad-
vocate. IS. Y., 1889. por. O.
i:i'Mrr]fi-:\T. 199
OONNECTKM'T. Crnrral Assrnibh/. Ilistorv of llw equestrian
slatue of !si-ael I'ulnani. al Urooklyu, Conn, licijorted to the
GciuM-al Assembly, ISS'.I. Hartford, 1888. (54 p. il. por. O.
fJournal of the House of liepreseutatives; 1872, 1873, 1874,
1875, 187(;. 1877, 1S78, 187!>, 1880, 1881, 1882, 188."), 1880, 1887,
188!), 1891, 18!):i. New TLiveu aud Hartford, 1872-1):?. 17 v.
lourual of the Senate; 1872, 1873, 187."), 1870, 1877, 1878,
187!), 18S(). 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 188."), 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893.
New Haven and Hartford, 1872-93. 18 v. O.
Public documents; 1871, 1874, 1875, 1870, 1877, 1878, 1879
(2 V.) 1880 (2 v.") 1881 (2 v.) 1882 (2 v.) 1883 (2 v.) 1884 (2 v.)
■ 1885 (2 V.) 1880 (2 v.) 1887 (2 v.) 1888 (2 v.) 1889 (2 v.) 1890
(2 V.) 1891 (2 V.) 1892 (2 v.) 1893 (2 v.) Hartford, 1871-93.
30 V. O.
Secretary of Sfnfe. Register and manual, 1890-97. Hartford,
1890-97. 8 V. maps. D.
Stale Board of Agrinillure. 22d, 25th-20th annual report of the
secretary; 1888, 1891-92. Hartford, 1888-92. 3 v. O.
Xofe: Contains annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Ex-
periment Station, 1888, 1891-92; also, 1st, 4th-5th annual report of the
Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888, 1891-92.
State Board of Education. Report to the governor, June 0, 1892;
together with the Report of the secretary. Hartford, 1893. O.
Storrs School Agricultural E.rperininil Station. 1st, 4th-5th an-
nual report; 1888. 1891-92. :Middletown, 1S8!)-93. O. (Bd.
with annual re]>orts of Con. State P>d. of Agric.)
Historical notes on the constitutions of Connecticut, 1639-1818, by
J. H. Trumbull. Hartford, 1873. 60 p. 0.
The true-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven and the false blue-
laws invented by the Rev. Samuel Peters; ed. by J. H. Trumbull.
Hartford, 1876. D.
CONNELLY. Emma >L The story of Kentucky. Bost., [c. 1890].
il. nui]). O. (Storv of the states.)
CONNER, J. Walter. Irish song book; comprising original and
selected songs. S. P., 1808. 04 p. T. (In Cal. song books.)
CONNER, Philip Syng Physick. The Castle of San Juan de Ulloa,
and tlu' T()i)sy-Tui'vyists. [Reprint from United Service
Feb., 1897] Pliil., 18!)7. 15 p. O. pani.
The home squadron under Commodore Conner in the war with
Mexico. 1840-1 8 17; with an addendum containing Admiral
Ten)])le's nuMuoir of Ihe landing <»f our army at Vera Cruz
in 1847. Phil.. 18!)0. 83 ]>. O.
CONNOISSEPR series; ed., by C.leeson While. Lond., 1890-97. il.
pi. 3 V. O.
\niiirhi: Watson, R. M. Art of the house. Strange, E: F. .Japan-
ese illustration. Williamson, G: C. Portrait minatures.
CONRAD, E. <". //•. Vogel. Dr. E. Practical pocket book of ]»ho-
CONRAD, Heniy <'. Tlioues Knnders and his children, also a list
of the descendants of Heni-y Cunredo of ^^■hitpain.
Wilmington. [18!»1]. D.
CONRAD family.
CONRAD, H: C. Thones Kunders and his children, 1683-1891. Wil-
mington, [1891]. D
CONRART, Valentin. Meuioires. (In Col. des m6m. rel. a I'hist.
de France, 1825. . s. 2. v. 48.)
CONSCRIPTION, The; also speeches of the Hon. W. D. Kelley, of
Penn., in the House of Representatives on the Conscription;
the way to attain and secure peace; and on arming the
negroes; with a letter from secretary Chase. Phil., 18(5.'^.
39 p. O.
[CONSTABLE, Henry]. Diana; or The excellent conceitful sonnets
of H. C. augmented with divers quatorzains of honourable
and learned personages. Lond., 1584. {In Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 2, p. 225.)
CONSTABLE'S oriental miscellany of original and selected pub-
lications; v. 1. Westminster, 1801. maps. D,
Namely: Vol. 1. Bernier's travels, A.D. 1656-1668.
CONSTANT, Alphonse Louis, {pseud. L6vi, filiphas.) The mysteries
of magic, a digest of the writings of Eliphas Levi, with bio-
graphical and critical essay by A : E : Waite. 2d ed. Lond.,
1897. D.
CONSTANT, Louis Constant Wairy, called. Memoirs on the private
life of Napoleon, his family and his court; tr. by E. G. Martin.
N. Y., 1895. 4 V. D.
CONSTANTINE. Recueil de documents sur Fexp^dition et la prise
de Constantine par les franc^-ais en 1837, pour servir a I'his-
toire de cette campagne; [atlas]. Paris, 1838. F,
CONSTANTINUS L, Caius Flavins Valerius Aurelius, Claudius
the Great, emperor of Borne.
EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS. Life of Constantine, together with the
Oration of Constantine to the Assembly of the Saints, and the Ora-
tion of Eusebius in praise of Constantine; revised translation, with
prolegomena and notes, by E. C. Richardson. (In Schaff, P. and
Wace, H., eds. Selected library of Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers
of the Christian church. 2d ser. v. 1.)
CONSTITUTIONAL and governmental rights of the Mormons, as
defined by Congress and the Supreme Court of the IT. S.; pub.
by J. H. Parrv^Salt Lake, 1890. 116 p. D.
CONSTITUTIONS and by-laws, v. 5. O.
Contents: V. 5. Pacific Accumulation Loan Co. [S. F.]. 42 p.—
Pacific Agricultural Society. Constitution. 9 p. — California Academy
of Sciences. Constitution and by-laws. 49 p. — Sacramento Society of
California Pioneers. Constitution and by-laws, 1872. 47 p. — Same,
1877. 88 p. — Maryland Society of California Pioneers. Articles of
Association, 1887. 7 p. — California Pioneers [S. F.]. Constitution
and by-laws, 1869. 79 p. — Sierra Club. Articles of association, by-
laws [etc.]. 20 p. — City Land Association [S. F.]. Map, articles of
association, etc., 1868. 15 p. — Y. M. C. A. of San Jose. Constitution.
15 p.
CONSULAR reports. See U. S. Dept. of State.
CONTEMPORARY review (continuation); v. 13, 55-72. Lond., 1870-
97. 19 V. O.
CONTEMrOKARY science series; ed. by H. Ellis. Lond., ISOOnfi.
30 V. il. pi. D.
Xaiiicli/: Donaldson, H. H. Growth of the brain. Ellis, H. The
criminal. Ellis, H. Man and woman. Geddes, P. and Tomson, J. A.
The evolution of sex. Gomme, G. L. Village community. Guyan, J.
M. Education and heredity. Hartland, E. S. Science of fairy tales.
Haddon, A. C Evolution in art. Houssay, F. Industries of animals.
Hobson, .J: A. Evolution of modern capitalization. Hull, E: Vol-
canoes, past and present. Letourneau, C: Evolution of marriage and
of the family. Same. Property, its origin and development. Lom-
brosso, C. Man of genius. Mantegazza, P. Physiognomy and expres-
sion. Mason, O. T. Origins of invention. Mercier, C. Sanity and
insanity. Moll, A. Hypnotism. Morgan, C. L. Introduction to
comparative psychology. Pearson, K. Grammar of science. Pod-
more, F. Apparitions and thought-transference. Reclus, E. Primi-
tive folk. Sutton, J. B. Evolution and disease. Sykes, J. F. J. Public
health problems. Taylor, I. Origin of the Aryans. Tunzlemann, G.
W. de. Electricity in modern life. Waldo, F. Modern meteorology.
Weismann, A. Germ plasm. Woodhead, G. S. Bacteria, and their
products. Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education.
CONTINENTAL monthly: devoted to literature and national pol-
icy. V. 1-G. N. Y.,'l862-()4. 6 v. O.
CONTRA COSTA county, (Cal.) Great register (continuation);
1880, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
History of Contra Costa County, California; also incidents of pioneer
life and biographical sketches. W. A. Slocum and Co., publishers.
S. F., 1882. pors. O.
Illustrations of Contra Costa County, California, with historical
sketch. Smith and Elliott, pub. Oakland, [1878]. pi. maps.
obi. F.
CONTRA COSTA gazette, [weekly]. Sept. 1, 1894-Dec. 29, 1897.
Martinez, 1894-97. F.
CONTRIBUTIONS to American geology, v. 1-2. Camb., 1880-82.
2 V. pi. Q.
Contents: V. 1. Whitney, J. D. The auriferous gravels of the Sierra
Nevada of California. 2. Lesquereux, L. Report on the fossil plants
of the auriferous gravel deposits of the Sierra Nevada of California; —
Whitney, J. D. The climatic changes of later geological times.
CONVERT, F. La proprie^t^, constitution, estimation, administra-
tion. 2" tirac:e. Montpellier, 1888. D.
CONVEYANCER'S guide; a poem in two books; by a gentleman
of Gray's Inn (J. Crisp).
CONVICT catechism. (In Republican campaign docs., 1880.)
CONWAY, Sir Martin. Introduction. {In Hermitage gallery. Pho-
CONWAY, Moncurc Dani.'l. Life of X:itliaiii<'l llawlhorne. N. Y.,
1890. O.
Same. (Great writers' ser.)
The life of Thomas Taine; with a history of his literary, polit-
ical and religious career in America, France, and England;
to which is added a sketch of Taine by AA': Tobbett. N. Y..
1892. 2 V. pors. O.
, The rejected stone; oi-. Iiismrrction vs. rcsnrnM-tion in Ame"iences amongst the refugees with tjie red crescent. Loud.,
1878. D.
COOPER. Alfred, and Fdwiirds, F. Swinford. Diseases of the rec-
tum nnd anus. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. il. pi. O.
COOPER, .vjitony Ashley, ^fh rnrl of Shnffpahnrij.
HODDER. E. Life and work of the seventh Earl of Shaftpsliury.
Popular ed. Lond.. etc., 1888. pi. por. D.
COOPER, Frederic. The crisis in the Punjab from the 10th of Mav
until the fall of Delhi. Lond., 1858. map. D.
COOPER, James Fenimore. Novels. N. Y., 1892. 32 v. O.
XaDifU/: Afloat and ashore. — Bravo. — Chainbearer. — Crater. — Deer-
slayer. — Heidemauer. — Home as found. — Homeward bound. — Jack Tier.
— Lionel Lincoln. — Last of the Mohicans. — Mercedes of Castile. — Miles
Wallingf ord. — Monikins. — Oak openings. — Pathfinder. — Pilot. — Pio-
neers. — Prairie. — Precaution. — Red Rover. — Redskins. — Satanstoe. —
Sea lions. — Spy. — Headsman. — Two admirals. — Water-witch. — Ways of
the hour. — Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. — Wing and wing. — Wyandotte.
COOPER, James Graham. Catalogue of California fossils. Sac,
1894. il. pi. 65 p. O. (Cal. State Mining- Bureau Bull,
no. 4.)
COOPER, Peter.
LESTER, C: E. Life and character of Peter Cooper. N. Y., 1883. 116
p. por. D.
COOPER, Thompson. Biographical dictionary containing notices
of eminent persons of all ages and countries; with a supple-
ment bringing the work down to 1882. Lond., 1890. 2 v. D.
COOPER, Walter G. The cotton states and international exposi-
tion and south, illustrated; including the official history of
the Exposition with biographical sketches, histories of the
Cotton states, [etc.] Atlanta, 1896. il. por. F.
COOPER, William Durrant. cd. The expenses of the judges of As-
size riding the western and Oxford circuits, temp. Elizabeth,
1596-1601; ed. from the ms. account book of T: Walmysiey.
Lond., 1858. 60 p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc,
V. 73.)
Lists of foreign Protestants and aliens resident in England
1618-88. [Lond.], 1862. 32-^-119 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 82.)
Savile correspondence: letters to and from Henry Savile; in-
cluding letters from his brother George, marquess of Hali-
fax. [Lond.]. 1858. O. {Same, v. 71.)
Trelawny papers. Lond., 1853. 23 p. O. (In Camden misc.,
V. 2. Camden Soc, v. 55.)
CO-OPERATIVE Building Plan Association, puh. Shoppell's mod-
ern houses; no. 19-40. N. Y., [c 1891]. 3 v. F.
COOPERATTYE index to periodicals; ed. bv W: I. Fletcher (con-
tinuation); 1889-91; v. 5-7. N. Y., 1890-92. 3 V. O. Contin-
ued under the tUIe: Annunl literary index:
COPE, Edward Drinker. Alfred Russell Wallace. (In Brooklyn
Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy and art.)
The batrachia of North America. Wash., 1889. O. (U. S. Nnt.
Mus. Bull. no. 34.1
Catalogue of bntrachians and reptiles of Central America and
Mexico. Wash.. 1887. O. (Same, no. 32.)
On the zoological position of Texas. Wash., 1880. 51 ]). O.
(Same, no. 17.)
The vertebrata of the tertiarv formations of the west. Book I.
Wash., 1883. Q. (In V. S.' Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Ter-
ritories Report, V. 3.)
OOPINGER. Walte)' Arthur. An essav on the abolition of rnpifal
punishment. Lond., 1876. 11-^71 p. D.
OOrLAND, Samuel. Agiiculture, ancient and modern: a histoiical
acconni of its principles and practice, exemplified in their
rise, proj;ress and development. Loud., 18GG. 2 v. il. Q.
COPLE!STO]S, Edwai-d. bp. of Llandaff. Advice to a young reviewer,
with a specimen of the art. Oxford, 1807. {In Arber, E:
Eng. garner, v. 8, p. GIG.)
COPLEY, Frederick S. A set of alphabets of all the various hands
of moderu use. N. Y., [c. 1870]. obi. S,
OOPPl^E, Franyois. Contes en prose. Paris, 1892. D.
Poemes modernes. 10^ ed. Paris, 1870. D.
Premieres po(isies. Paris, [n. d.]. D.
00PP£E, Henry. P^nglish literature considered as an interpreter
of English history, designed as a manual of instruction. New
and rev. ed. IMiil, 1895. D.
General Thomas. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Great Commanders.)
COQIIEREL, Athanase. The rise and decline of the Romish
church. (In Christianity and modern thought.)
CORBETT, Julian. Monk. Loud., 1889. por. D. (Eng. men of ac-
("ORDAY U'ARMANS, Marie Anne Charlotte de.
MADAMOISELLE CORDAY. {In Dobson, A. Four frenchwomen.)
CORDER, F. The orchestra and how to write for it: a practical
guide. Loud., 1896. Ill p. Q.
CORE, Thomas H. The distance of the sun from the earth. (In
Owens College essays, 1874.)
CORELLl, Marie. Barabbas: a dream of the world's tragedy. Phil.,
1894. D.
Cameos. Phil., 1896. D.
The hired babv. (In Stories by Eng. authors. London.)
The murder of Delicia. Phil.,'l896. D.
The sorrows of Satan; or, the strange experience of one Geof-
frey Tempest, millionaire. Phil., 1895. il. D.
Vendetta ! or, the story of one forgotten. New ed. Phil., 1897.
Ziska ; the problem of a wicked soul. N. Y., 1897. D.
TROLLOPE, H. M. Corneille and Racine. Edin. and Lond., 1881. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
CORNELL University. (Ithaca, N. Y.) Exercises at the opening
of the library building, October 7, 1891. Ithaca, 1891. 5G p.
il. pi. pors. Q.
Bulletins: v. 2: 1, Ithaca, 1886. 0. pamps.
Oontnits: V. 2: 1. Dudley, W. R. The Cayuga flora.
Library bulletin; v. 1-3, nos. 1-40; 1882 96. Ithaca, 1886-96. 3 v.
Proceedings and addresses at the inauguration of Jacob Gould
Schurman to the presidency of Cornell TTniversity. Nov. 11,
1892. Ithaca, 1892. 82 p. O.
Proceedings and addresses at the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the opening of Cornell Universary. Ithaca, 1893. 117 p. pi.
[CORNER, Jiiliii.] India, pictorial, descriptive, and historical, from
the earlieKst times to the present. Lond., 1854. il. map. D.
OORNHILL magazine (continuation); v. (iO-76. Lond., 1889-97. IG v.
CORNU, E. Culture de la vicne dans la cote-d'or et viniflcation.
Paris, [n. d.]. il. D.
CORNU, Maxime. fitudes sur le phylloxera vastatrix. Paris, 1878.
pi. Q.
CORNWALL, Henrj' B. Manual of blowpipe analysis, qualitative
and quantitative; with a comjjlete system of determinative
mineralogy. 2d ed. rev. N. Y., 1888. il. pi. O.
COROT, Jean Baptisle Camille.
Album classique des chefs-d'oeuvre de C; comprenant 40 reproduc-
tions d'apres les toiles les plus celebres du maitre, precedes d'un
essai critique par L. Roger-Miles. Paris, [1895]. 58 p. il. O.
MOLLETT, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Corot, Daubigny,
Dupre. Lond., 1890. pi. pors. D. (lUus. biog. of the great
CORRAN, W. H. L., puh. Los Angeles directorv; 1893. L. A., c.
1893. O.
CORRE, A. Traits clinique des maladies des pays chauds. Paris,
1887. il. O.
C0RRE(tGI0, Antonio Allegri, da.
RICCI, C. Antonio Allegri da Correggio; his life, his friends, and his
time. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. F.
CORRESPONDENCE on the present relations between Great Brit-
ain and the United States of America. See Loring, C: G., and
Field, E. W.
CORSON, Hiram. An introduction to the study of Shakespeare.
Bost, 1889. D.
A primer of English verse, chiefly in its aesthetic and organic
character. Bost., 1892. D.
The voice and spiritual education. N. Y., 1897. T.
ed. Selections from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: with intro-
ductions, notes and glossary. N. Y., 1897. S.
OORTHELL, Elmer Lawrence. The Atlantic and Pacific ship-rail-
way across the isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico. [N. Y.,]
1886. 80 p. O. (Tn R. R. pamphlets, v. 5.)
CORWIN, Arthur M., M.D. Essentials of physical diagnosis of the
thorax. 2d ed. Phil., 1896. D.
CORWIN, Edward Tanjore. History of the Reformed Church,
Dutch. (Tn Amer. Church Hist. ser. vol. 8.)
CORWIN, Thomas.
MORROW, J., ed. Life and speeches of Thomas Corwin, orator, law-
yer and statesman. Gin., 1896. por. O.
CORWIN. Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer
Corwin in the Arctic ocean in the year 1884, by Capt. M. A.
Healy, commander. Wash., 1889. 128 p. pi. O. (U. S ^"'Oth
Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 19.)
CORY, Charles B. The birds of Haiti and San Domingo. Bost.,
1885. pi. map. Q.
COSMOPOLITAN, The; a monthly illustrated magazine; v. 2.-3.
Rochester, 1887-97. 2 v. 0.
COSSA, Luigi. An iiiti'oduction to the study of political economy;
Kevisetl by the author and tr. from the Italian by Louis Dyer.
Lond., 181)3. O.
COSSA, I'ietro. Toesie liriche inedite; precedute da uno studio bio-
gratico-critico a cura di Alessaudro Brisse. Roma, l.SStJ. 73
p. por. D.
COSTAKZC), Aurelio. ^'ersi. Koma, 1882. 108 p. S.
COSTELLOE. IJ. F. C. and .Muirhead, J. H. trs. Zeller, E. Aris-
totle and the earlier perii)atetics.
COTES, Kenelm 1). ed. Social England series. ].ond., 181)."). il.
maps. S. {Fo7- list see Social England series.)
COTBKAX, E. E. Smiles and tears; in verse and prose. S. F.,
1882. 5G p. S.
COTHREN, William. History of ancient Woodbury, Connecticut,
from l(i."")'>-187*.), including the present towns of Washington,
Southbury, BethlclKMu, Roxbury, and a part of Oxford and
Middlebury, with genealogical statistics: v. 3. Woodbury,
187!». O. '
COTTAGE gardener; conducted by (Jeorge W. Johnson [and] Rob-
ert Hogg; vol. 1-60. Lond., 1849-78. 60 v. Q.
Xote: Vol. 26 begins n. s. with title, The journal of horticulture, cot-
tage gardener and country gentleman.
COTTIXCt, Benjamin Eddv. Professional reminiscences. Bost.,
1888. 112 p. D.
COTTINGER, H. M. Progressive essays on popular topics of our
age. San Jose, 1889. S.
COTTON, Charles, tr. Montaigne, M. E. de. Essays.
COTTON, James Sutherland, and Payne, E. J. Colonies and depen-
dencies; pt. 1: India, by J. S. Cotton. 2: The colonies, by
E. J. Payne. Lond., 1883, 164 p. D. (English citizen.)
COTTON, Louise. Palmistry and its practical uses; and the
use of the divining rod. 3d ed. Lond., 1896. il. 112 p. D.
COTTON, Mary Woolley Stapleton, viscountess Comhermere, and
Knollys, W: W. Memoirs and correspondence of Field Mar-
shal Viscount Combermere; from his family papers. Loud.,
1866. 2 V. pors. plan. O.
COTTON, Stapleton, Viscount Comhermere.
Cotton, M. and Knollys, W: W. Memoire and correspondence of
Field-Marshal Viscount Combermere; from his family papers. Lond.,
1866. 2 V. pors. plan. O.
COUANON, Georges. See Gastine, G., and Couanon, G. Emploi du
sulfure de carbone.
COUCH, Arthur Thomas Quiller ipseiid. Q). Adventures in criti-
cism. N. y., 1896. S.
Fairv tales, far and near, re-told by Q. N. Y., [c. 1895] . il.
196 p. D.
The golden pomp: a ]>iocession of English lyrics from Surrey
to Shirley. Phil., 1895. D.
— —The omnibus, {fn Stories by Eng. authors. London.)
ed. Englisli sonnets. Lond., 1897. S.
COUCH, Jonathan. History of the fishes of the British islands.
Lond., 1877. 4 v. col. pi. O.
OOUDERC, G. £tude sur I'hj'bridation artificielle de la vigne.
Montpellier, 1887. 32 p. plan. {In Pamphlets ou viticulture,
V. 1.)
COUES, Elliott. History of the expedition under the command of
Lewis and Clark. New ed. with new biographical and biblio-
graphical introduction, new maps and other illustrations,
and a coniidete index. N. Y., 1893. 4 v. facsim. pors.
folded map. O.
ed. New light on the early history of the greater Northwest;
the manuscriijt journals of Alexander Henrv and David
Thompson, of the Northwest Co., 1799-1814, v. 1-3. N. Y.,
1897. il. por. maps. 3 v. Q.
and Prentiss, D. Webster. Avifauna Columbiana: being a list
of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia. 2d
ed. rev. Wash., 1883. il. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 2tj.)
See Weight, Mabel Osgood, and Cones, E. Citizen bird.
COULANGES, Numa Denis Fustel de. See Fustel de Coulanges.
COUNSEL, Edward. Maxims: political, philosophical and moral.
Melbourne, [1889]. 118-1-7 p. S.
COURIER-JOURNAL, The [daily] ; July, 1889-March, 1890, July,
1890-Dec. 1897. Louisville, 1897. 33 v. F.
COURMELLES, Dr. Foveau de. Hypnotism; tr. by Laura Ensor.
Loud., 1891. il. pors. D.
COURNOT, Antoine Augustin. Researches into the mathematical
principles of the theory of wealth: tr. by N. T. Bacon: with
a bibliography of mathematical economics by I. Fisher.
N. Y., 1897. S.
COURTHOPE, William John. A history of English poetry. N. Y.,
1895-97. 2 V. O.
COURTNEY, William Leonard. Life of John Stuart Mill. Lond.,
1889. O. (Great writers.)
GOURVOISIER, Carl. The technics of violin playing. Lond., 1894.
il. 107 p. D.
COVERTE, Robert, capt. Voyage of Captain Alexander Sharpcy,
in 1608; being the fourth sent out by the East India com
pany. {In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 336.)
COVILLE, Frederick Vernon. Botany of the Death Valley expedi-
tion: a report on the botany of the expedition sent out in
1891, to make a biological survey of Death Valley, Cali-
fornia. Wash., 1893. il. pi. maps. O. (U. S. Dept. of
Agric, Div. of Botanv. Cont. from U. S. Nat. Herbarium.
V. 4.)
Descriptions of new plants from southern California, Nevada,
Utah, and Arizona. Wash., 1892. 15 p. O. {From, Bio-
logical Soc. of Wash. Proc. v. 7.) (Bd. with Coville, F. V.
Panamint Indians.)
The Panamint Indians of California. Wash., 1892. 10 p. pL
O. {From, The American anthropologist, vol. 5, Oct., 1892.)
COWAN, Thomas William. The honey bee: its natural history,
anatomy and physiology. Lond., [1890]. il. S.
COWDEN, Robert. A brief sketch of the organization and services
of the Fifty-ninth regiment of Ignited States colored infantry,
and biographical sketches. Dayton, 1883. D.
(ilJM'JRAL DEl'AliTMENT. 209
C'0>AELL, Edwiii'd Ryles. tr. Buddhist MtiliAyilna texts; pt. 1.
'Ihe Buddba-kai-itii of Asva^^ioslia. Oxford, 18!)4. O. {In
Muller, F. M. cd. Sacred books of the east, v. 49.)
CO^VLES, William Hamilton. Sixth essay. (//; Equitable taxa-
tiou: six essays.)
The spirit in literature and life: the E. D. Rand lectures in Iowa
College for the year 1894. Bost., 1896. D.
COZZENS, Frederic Schiller. American yachts: a series of water-
color sketches. X. Y., [c. 1884]. pi. F.
COZZEXS, Samuel Woodworth. Crossing the quicksands; or, The
veritable adventures of Hal. and Ned upon the Pacific slope.
Bost., 1877. il. D.
CRACKENTHORPE, Montague. Should government interfere?
{In White, A. and others. Destitute alien.)
CRABB, George.
KEBBEI^, T. E. Life of George Crabbe. Lond., 1888. O. (Great
CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert, pseud. See Murfree, Mary Noailles.
CRAFT, David. History of the One hundred forty-first regiment
Pennsylvania volunteers, 1862-65. Towanda, 1885. por. O.
CRAFTS, William Augustus. The southern rebellion: being a his-
tory of the United States from the commencement of presi-
dent Buchanan's administration through the war for the
suppression of the rebellion. Bost., 1866-67. 2 v. pi. pors.
CRAIG, Alexander Kerr.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of Alexander K. Craig,
Representative from Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Rep-
resentatives and in the Senate, Fifty-second Congress. Wash., 1893.
por. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
CKAIG, E. T. The Jiish hind and hibor (luestion illnst rated in the
his(oi;v (>r Kalahine and co-oiK'ralivc I'aiininj:,-. Lond., 1SS2.
il. pors. D.
CKAK^i, Oscar. Agencies tor Uie prevention of paujK'rism. Uu
\\'oods, K: A. and others. I'oor iu great cities.)
CRAIG, William. M. D. Manual of materia medica and therapeu-
tics, nth ed. rev. enl. Edin., 1887. S.
CivAIGllILlv, William Trice. Notes on guns afloat and gun.s
ashore; Oct. VI, 1808. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. U
no. 6.)
CKAJCIE, Mrs. Pearl Mary, {pseud., John Oliver Hobbs.) The
gods, some mortals and Lord Wickenham. N. Y., 1895. por.
The herb-moon. N. Y., [c. 1800.] S.
CKAIGIE, AA'illiam E. A primer of Burns. Loud., 1890. 187 p. D.
CKAIK, David. The practical American millwright and miller.
Phil., 1882. il. O.
CKAIK, Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock. John Halifax, gentleman.
Bost., [c. 1890.] il. D.
CKAIK. Henry. Life of Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrick's, Dub-
lin. N. Y., 1894. pors. 2 v. S.
The state in its relation to education. Lond., 1884. 10-|-lii()
p. D, (English citizen.)
ed. English prose selections, with critical introductions by
various writers and general introductions to each period. 7n .
Y., 1893-90. 5 V. D.
NcDiiely: Vol. 1. Fourteenth to sixteenth century. 2. Sixteenth cen-
tury to the restoration. 3. Seventeenth century. 4. Eighteenth cen-
tury. 5. Nineteenth century.
CRAM, George F. and Tenney, R. A. pubs. Pensions, who are en-
titled to them and how they may be obtained. Chic, 1880. O.
CRAMER, Frank. The method of Darwin, a study in scientitic
method. Chic, 1890. S.
CRAMER, John Anthony. ed. and tr. Nucius, N. Second book of
travels; ed. from the original Greek ms. in the Bodleian lib-
rary with the ICnglish translation. Lond., 1841. 27-;-120 p
O. (Camden Soc, v. 17.)
CRAMPTON, C. A. Record of experiments at Des Lignes sugar
experiment station, Baldwin, La., during the season of 18KS.
^A'ash., 1889. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric Div. of Chemistry,
Bull. no. 22.)
CRANE, E. B. A revised memoir of Edward Rawson, secretary of
the colony of IMassachusetts Bay, with genealogical notices
of his descendants. Worcester, 1875. il. O.
CRANE, Stephen. The little regiment, and other episodes of the-
American civil war. N. Y., 1890. D.
Maggie, a girl of the streets. N. Y., 1890. 158 p. D.
The red badge of courage; an episode of the American civil
war. N. Y., 1895. D.
CRANE, Thomas Frederick. Italian popular tales. Bost., 1885. O.
rd. The Exempla; or. Illustrative stories from the sermoues
vulgares of Jacques de Vitry; ed. with introduction, analv-
sis, and notes. Lond.. 1S90. O. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 20.)
4.'UANE, Walter. The claims of decorative art. Bost., 1892. 191
p. O.
Of the decorative illustration of books, old and new. Lond.,
1896. il. D. (Ex Libris ser.)
CKANE, William W., and Moses, li. Politics: an introduction to
the study of comparative constitutional law. N. Y., and
Lond., 1889. D.
.oem in two hooks; by .V
genth-man of Gray's Inn. Keiuinted from the 2d London e'L
S. F., 1885. {ft} Croke, J. G. ed. Poems of the law.)
CRITIC The- a weeklv review of literature and the aits (comin-
uation); v. 15-30 N. Y., 1889-97. 15 v. F.
CROASDAILE, Henry E. Scenes on Pacific shores; with a inp
across South America. Lond., 1873. 173 p. pi. O.
CROCKER Francis B. Electric lighting, a practical expositio.i of
the art; v. 1. N. Y., 1890. il. O.
Xnniilii: V. 1. The generating plant.
CROCKER. T'riel Haskell. The cai'.se of hard linies. Rev. -d.
Host.. 1890. 40 ]». S.
GROCKER-Langley San Francisco directory, for the year com-
mencing April, 1896-97, H. S. Crocker Co. publishers. S. F.,
1896-97. map. 2 v. O.
CKOCKETT, J. B. City of San Francisco vs. United States; be-
fore the U. S. Land Commissioners. (In Cal. land pamps.
V. 4.)
V. ]»1. jH)!'. fiicsini. O.
Text -book of bacleiiolo^v indtidinj;- the etiology and j)reven-
tion of infective diseases. 4th ed. Thil., 181)7. il. pi. O.
CROSBY, Allan James, and Bruce, John. eds. Accounts and
papers relating to Mary queen of Scots. [Westniinsterj,
1867, 2:^-ul34 p. pi. ('). ((\iniden Soc, v. 03.)
CKOSBY, Oscar T., and Boll, Louis. The electric railway in theory
and practice. N. Y., 1892. il. O.
CROSS, John \Valter. ed. George Eliot's life as related in her let-
ters and jounuils. N. Y., [1884]. 3 v. il. pors. D.
CROSS, 3//\s-. Mary Ann Evans Lewes, (pseud., George Eliot.)
BR0WNING.6. Life of GeorgeEliot. Lond., 1890. 0. fGreat writers.)
George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals; arranged
and edited by J: W. Cross. N. Y., [1884]. 3 v. il. pors. D.
CROSS, Samuel H. Manual with rules and orders for the use of
the General Assembly of the state of Rhode Island, 1889-90.
Providence, 1889. por. D.
CROSS, Whitman. The laccolitic mountain groups of Colorado,
L^tah and Arizona. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 14th rept. pt. 2.)
and Penrose, R. A. F. jr. Geology and mining in-
dustries of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado. Wash., 189.5.
Q. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Ifith rept. pt 2.)
CROSSLEY, Edward, Gledhill, J. and Wilson, J. M. Handbook of
double stars; with a catalogui^ of twelve hundred double stars
and extensive lists of measures; with additional notes bring-
ing the m«\'isure up to 1879. Lond.. 1879. il. pi. O.
GROSSMAN. Daniel L. corn p. Third Michigan legislative reunion
Lansing June 10-11, 1890. Lansing. 1890. pamp. O.
CROUCH, Edmund A. Hlustrated introduction to Lamarck's
conchology contained in his Histoire naturelle des animaux
sans vertebi'es. Lond.. 1827. col. ])1. F.
CROW, John M. The Athenian Pnvx; with survev and notes by
J. T. Clarke. Bost.. 1888. 6. (Arch. Inst, "of Am., Anier.
School at Athens, v. 4.)
CROWE, Eyre. With Thackeray in America. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
CROWELL, Eugene. The identity of primitive Christianity and
modern spiritualism. N. Y., 1875. 2 v. O.
Note: Vol. 1 in 2d ed.
CROWEST, Frederick J. Chernbini. \. Y., 1890. S-'-ll.j p. D.
(Great musicians ser.)
Tiie storv of British music, from the eai'liest times to the
Tudor i)eriod. N. Y., 1890. il. O.
t^ROAYLEY, I). O. and Dovle, Charles Athony, eds. Chaplet of verse
bv California ("atholic writers. S. F., 1889. 167 p. D.
CKOAYLEY, Robert. nrrhdraron of Hereford, ir)59-ir)67. Select
works: Ej)igrams. irioO; — Yoyce of the last trum]»et, 1.5.")0;
— Pleasure aiul payne, L")!; — Way to wealth, ir).")0: — An
infoT-macion and peticion; ed. with introduction, notes, and
glossary, by J. ^I. Cowper. Loud.. 1872. O. lEarly Ens.
Text Soc. IMib. Extra ser. no. 1.5.)
GROWN diamonds; Doty's edition. S. F., 1854. 15 p. O.
CROWNINSHIELI), Benjamin W. A history of the First rej^a-
ment of Massachusetts cavalry volunteers; with roster iind
statistics by 1). H. L. Gleasou. Bost., 18U1. pi. pors. O.
CROWQUILL, A. pseud. tSee Forrester, A. H.
CROZIER, A. A. A dictionary of botanical terms. N. Y., 1892. O.
OROZIER, John Beattie. Civilization and progress. New ed.
Lond., 1888. O.
History of intellectual development : on the lines of modern
evolution. Lond., 1897. O.
GRUIKSHANK, George. Mv sketch book. S. F., N. Y., [u.d.],
obi. O.
CJRUTCHFIELU, Nathaniel T. Constitution of the United States,
Jefferson's manual, The rules of the House of Representa-
tives of the Fifty-second Congress, and A digest [and man-
ual] of the rules and practice of the House of Representa-
tives of the U. S.; with appendix. Wash., 1892. O.
Same. Wash., 1893. O.
CRUTTWELL, Charles Thomas. A literary history of early Chris-
tianity. Lond., 1893. 2 v. O.
and Banton, Peake. eds. Specimens of Roman literature: pass-
ages illustrative of Roman thought and style. [Pt. 1-2]. 2d
ed. Lond., [1882]. O.
CUCKSON, John. Faith and fellowship. Bost., 1897. S.
CUDMORE, P. Buchanan's conspiracv, the Nicaragua canal ar.d
reciprocity. N. Y., 1892. 1(50 p."^ D.
CUDWORTH, Warren Handel. History of the First regiment,
Massachusetts infantry, 1864. Bost., 186G. pi. D.
CULIN, Stewart. Chinese games with dice and dominoes. (Smith-
sonian rept. 1893. TJ. S. Nat. Mus.)
Same (IT. S. Cong. H. M. D.
Korean games, with notes on the corresponding games of China
and Japan. Phil., 1895. il. pi. O.
Mancala: the national game of Africa. {In U. S. Nat. Mus.
Rept. 1894.)
CULLEY, Robert Spelman. Llajidbook of practical telegraphy.
8th ed. Lond., 1885. il. O.
CULLEY, W. T.. and Furnivall, F. J. eds. Caxton's Eneydos, 1490;
Englisht from the French liure des Eneydes; with a sketch
of the old French Roman d'En^as by Dr. Salverda de Grave.
Lond., 1890. O. (Earlv Eng. Text'Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no.
CULLUM, George Washington, maj-gen. Biographical register of
the officers and graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at
West Point, N. Y.; from its estal)lishment in'l802 To 1890;
with the early history of the United States Military Acad-
emy. 3ded. rev. and extended. Bost., 1891. 3 v. O.
GULP, Edward C. The 25th Ohio vet. vol. infantrv in the war for
the Union. Topeka, 1885. 168 p. D.
CL'LPEPER, Nicholas. Complete herbal; to which are now fiist
annexed. The English physician, enlarged; added upward of
fiftv choice receipts. New ed. Lond., [1653]. col. pi. por.
Q. ■
CULTURE (111 chasselas de Fontaiuebleau; par un vigiicion
des euvirons dc I'oulainebU'au. Paris, 1845. pi. T. (Encyclo
pedie — Koret.)
CUMBEKLANl), cad of. See Clifford, G.
L0WDI<:rm1LK, W. H. History of Cumberland, Maryland, from
172S up to the present day. Wash., 1878. pi. maps. 0.
CUMMINO, Coustauce Frederica Clordou. Fire fountains; the
kinj:-dom of Hawaii, its volcanoes and the history of its mis-
sions. Edin., 18.S;i. il. maps. 2 v. O.
From the Hebrides to the llimalyas: a sketch of eighteen
months' wanderings in western isles and eastern highlands.
Lond., 1S7G. 2 v. il. pi. O.
Granite crags of California. New ed. Edin and Lond., 1880.
pi. map. D.
Two happy years in Ceylon. N. Y., 1892. il. 2 v. O.
Via Cornwall to Egypt."^ Lond., 1885. il. O.
Wanderings in China. New ed. Edin., 1888. il. por. O.
GUMMING S, G. 1). The history of Geronimo's summer campaign
in 1885; a drama, [n. p. c. 1890.] 73 p. D.
GUMMING S, John. Poor-laws of Massachusetts and New York.
(In Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub. v. 10.)
CUMMINS, Adley H. A grammar of the old Friesic language. Id
ed., with reading-book, glossary, etc. Lond., 1887. 128 p. D.
CUMMINS. Ella Sterling. Portrait of a California girl, {hi Short
stories by California authors.)
The story of the tiles: a review of California writers and liter-
ature; issued under the auspices of the AVorld's Fair Com-
mission of California. Cohiuibian Exposition, 1893. [S. F.j,
c. 1893. pors. O.
CUNNINGITA^I, Daniel John, ^f.D. Manual of practical anatomv.
Edin. and Loud., 189.3-94. 2 v. il. I).
CUNNINGHAM, David. Conditions of social well-being. Lond.,
1878. O.
CUNNINGHAM, Henrv Stewart. British India and its rulers.
Lond., 1881. O.
CITNNINGHAM, J. T. The natural history of the marketable
marine fishes of the Bi'itish islands. Lond., 1896. il. O.
CUNNINGHAM, William. D.P. :Moderu civilization in some of its
economic aspects. Lond.. 1890. S. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
Use and abns(^ of money. N. Y., 1891. S. (XTniv. ser.)
and McArthur. Ellen A. Outlines of English industrial his-
tory. N. Y., 1897. D. ((\amb. hist, ser.)
CUNYNGHA]ME, Wr Arthur Thurlow. fjen. My command in South
Africa 1874-78; compj'isinir experi(^nces of travel in the colo-
nies of South Africa and the Independent states. Lond.,
1879. map. O.
CURRENT litcratuT'c: a maca/ine of record and re\iew; v. 8 22.
N. Y.. 1891-97. 14 v. O.
CURREY, Frederi«-k. //•. Hofmcistcr. W. F. R. Germination, de-
velonniont ;'nd frnotitication of the hicher crvj)to5:nmia.
CURRTE, Lofhi ^lary ^lontgomci-ic (Singleton) inspinl. Yiolet Fane).
Tender cioss and crescent. Loud.. 18!>0. 129 p. D.
CUKKIER, . Epitaphs of Castleton (Vt.) church .^ard. [n. I.
p.]. [188G.] -18 p. O.
CURRIER, Andrew F,, 31. D. The menopause: a consideration of
the phenomena which occur to women at the close of child-
bearing period. N. Y., 1897. D.
CURSOR mundi: The cursor o the world; a Northumbrian poem of
the XlV^th century in four versions, two of them midland;
with seven editions, including "The book of penance," and
"Cato's morals" (incomplete) from the Fairfax ms.; ed. by R.
Morris; pt. 1-G. Lond., 1874-92. 6 v. facsim. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 57, 59, 62, 66, 68, 99.) ^
CURTEIS, Arthur Mapletaft. Rise of the Macedonian empire.
N. Y., 1893. maps. S. (Epochs of ancient hist.)
CURTICE, Cooper. The annual parasites of sheep. Wash., 1890.
1)1. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bureau of Animal Industry.)
CURTIN. Andrew G.
McCLURE, A. K. Address on the life and character of A. G. Curtin,
delivered in the House of Representatives at Harrisburg, Pa., Jan.
20, 1895. [Harrisburg], 1895. por. O.
CURTIN, Jeremiah. Mvths and folk-lore of Ireland. Bost., 1890.
Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slavs, and Mag-
yars. Bost., 1890. D.
Tales of the faii-ies and of the ghost world, collected from oral
tradition in southwest Munster. Bost., 1895. 198 p. O.
tr. Sienkiewicz, H: Children of the soil. — Deluge. — Lilian Mor-
ris. — Quo Vadis. — With fire and sword. — Yanko, the musi-
Cr'RTIS, Atherton. Some masters of lithographv. N. Y., 1897. il.
pi. Q.
CURTIS, Benjamin Bobbins. Executive power. Bost., 1862. 29 p.
D. (I7i I*am. on war, v. 1.)
Cf'RTIS. Charles Berwick. A descriptive and historical catalogtie
of the woi'ks of Don Diego de Silva Velasquez and Bar-
tolom^ Esteban Murillo. com])rising a classified list of their
paintings, with descriptions. N. Y. and Lond.. 188.3. pi.
pors. O.
Rembrandt's etchings; fifty of the most notable etchings of
Rembrandt reproduced by photogravure; with biography of
R. and descriptive and historical notes. N. Y.. [c. 1888]. pi.
CT'RTIS, Edward. Indictment of the Republican party — Radical-
ism and democracy contrasted; speech delivered before the
Young INIen's democratic club, Feb. 22. 1869. 8 p. O. {I71
Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
C^T'RTIS, George Ticknor. Constitntionnl history of the TTnited
States from their declaration of independence to the close of
their civil war. vol. 1. N. Y., 1889. O.
History of the origin, formation, and adoption of the constitu-
tion of the TTnited States; with notices of its principal
framers. N. Y., 1858-59. 2 v. O.
CURTIS. George William. Eulogy. (Tv Memorial of C: Sumner.)
From the easy chair. N. Y., 1892. por. T.
<;i:\ /.v.'.i /- />/v /• 1 HTM EST. 219
CIJKTIS. (Jcoryv Williain. l.iterarv and sociiil essavs. N. Y., 1895.
Orations and addivsscy; ed. by C. E. Norton. N. Y.. 189i. o v.
por. O.
Other essays from the easy chair. N. Y., 1893. por. T.
CARY, E. George William Curtis. Bost., 1894. por. S. (Ameir.
Men of Letters.)
CUlvTIS, Henry. Beauties of tlie rose. Bristol and Lond., 1850-53.
2 V. col. pi. Q.
CURTIS, O. B. History of the Twenty-fourth Michigan of the iron
brigade known as the Detroit and Wayne county regiment.
Detroit, 1S91. il. pors. O.
CURTIS, William. Practical observations on the British grasses
6th ed. with add. by J. Lawrence; to which is subjoined a
short account of the causes of the diseases in corn, called by
farmers the blight, the mildew, and the rust, by Sir -Joseph
Banks. Lond., 1824. 105 p. pi. O.
CURTIS, William p]leroy. The authentic letters of Columbus.
(Field Columbian Mus. Pub. 2.)
Existing autographs of Christopher Columbus. {In Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Rept. Papers, 1894, no. 24.)
■ Trade and transportation between the United States and Span-
ish America. Wash., 1889. O.
CURTISS, George B. Protection and prosperity; an account of tar-
iff legislation and its effect in Europe and .America. N. Y.,
1896. pors. O.
CURTIS'S botanical magazine; v. 15-123. 1801-97. Lond., 1801 97.
95 V. col. pi. O.
tiote: Continuation of Botanical magazine.
General indexes; V. 1-43, 1-53, 1-107. Lond., 1816-83. 3 v. O.
CURWEX, Henry. History of booksellers, the old and the new.
Lond., [1^^3]. pi. pors. D.
CURAVEX, John Spencer. The boy's voice, a book of practical in-
formation on the training of bovs" voices for church choirs,
etc. 2d ed. Lond., [1894]. 11!! ]>. S.
CURZON, George Nathaniel. Persia and the Persian question.
Lond., 1892. 2 v. il. pi. pors. majjs. folded map. O.
Problems of the far east: Japan— Korea— China. .3d ed.
Lond., 1894. il. pi. maps. O.
CUSA. Nicolaus dp (Nicolaus Cusanus). Tractatus Reverendissim
in christo patris et doniini: domini Nicolai de Cusa. [n.
imp.]. 2 V. in 1 Q.
Cnnfnits: 1. De visione dei. — De pace fidei. — Reparatio Kalendarii. —
De mathematicis complementis.— Cribratio alchoran, libri tres.— De
venatione sapientie.— De ludo s^lobi. libri duo.— Compendium.— Tri-
alotnis de possest. — Contra liohemos.— Do mathematica perfectione. —
De berillo.- De dato patris luminum.— De querendo deum.— Dyalogus
de apice theorie. 2. De docta ignorantia.— .\pologia docta ignorantie.
— De nnjecturis.— De filiatione dei.— Dyalogus de Genesi.— Ydiote.
CUSHIN(J, Caleb. Supreme Court of the U. S.; the United States
at the suit of Cruz Cervantes; brief for the T'. S.. pt. 1st: i>re-
liminai-y questions. (/» Cal. land pamps. v. 4.)
The treaty of Washington: its negotiation, execuiion. and the
discussions relating thereto. N. Y., 1873. O.
CUSHIKG, Harry A. History of the transition from provincial to
commonwealth government in Massachusetts. (Columbia
Univ. Studies in hist. econ. and pub. law. v. 7, no. 1.)
GUSHING, Marshall. The story of our post office. Bost., 1893. il.
pors. O.
OUSHlNGjWilliam. Anonyms: a dictionary of revealed author-
ship (continuation) ; pt. 3-4. Cambridge, 1889. O.
GUSHING, William L. The Theatre of Thoricus. Bost., 1888. O.
(Arch. Inst, of Am., Amer. School, v. 4.)
CUST, Lionel. Albrecht Dtirer: a study of his life and work.
Lond., 1897. il. Q.
CUST, Kobert Needham. Clouds on the horizon: an essay on the
various forms of error which stand in the way of the accept-
ance of real Christian faith by the educated natives of Asia,
Africa, America and Oceania. Lond., 1891. 73 p. D.
Essay on the ancient religions of the world before the great
Anno Domini. Hertford, 1894. 34 p. O. pam.
Essay on the prevailing methods of the evangelization of the
non-Christian world. Lond., 1894. O.
Essavs on the languages of the bible and bible translations.
Lond., 1890. 89 p. D.
Linguistic and oriental essays, written from the year 1847-87.
2d ser. Lond., 1887. maps. O.
Linguistic and oriental essays; written from the year 1846-90.
Lond., 1880-90. 3 v. por. maps. O. (Triibner's oriental
Linguistic and oriental essays; written from the year 1801 to
1895. 4th series. Lond., 1895. O.
Notes on missionary subjects. Pt: 1-4. Lond., 1889. D.
Contenin: 1. Observations and reflections on missionary societies.
Language illustrated by Bible-translation. 2. Great problems outside
the orbit of pure evangelistic work, but which the missionary has to
face. 3. Relation of missionaries to the outer world. 4. Missionary
addresses, pictures, and notices.
Poems of manv vears and manv places. 1836-1897. 2d ser.
Hertford, 1897. ' il. S.
A sketch of the modern languages of Africa. Lond., 1883. 2 v.
pors. language map. O.
GUSTANCE, George. A concise view of the constitution of Eng-
land. 2d ed. cor. enl. Lond., [1809]. S.
CUSTER, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon. Tenting on the plains; or. Gen-
eral Custer in Kansas and Texas. N. Y., 1889. il. pors. 3.
CUSTINE, Astolphe, marquis de. L'Espagne sous Ferdinand Vli.
Paris, 1838. 4 v. O.
CUTLER, Ephraim.
CUTLER, J. P. Life and times of Ephraim Cutler, prepared from his
journals and correspondence. Cin., 1890. por. O.
CUTLER, Jervis.
[Biographical sketch]. (In Cutler, J. P. Life and times of Ephraim
CUTLER, Julia Perkins. Life and times of E])hraiiu Cutler pre-
pared from his journals and (•()rres])<)nd<^n(e: with biograph-
ical sketches of Jervis (filler and W: P. (^ntler. Cin., 1890.
por. O.
0UTLP:R, William I'arker.
[DAWES, E. C.]. Sketch of the life of C. (In Cutler, J. P. Life and
times of Ephraim Cutler.)
(JIJTTEK, Beujaiiiin and AVilliaiu K. nistory of the town of Ar-
liugtou, Massachusetts, fonuoily the district of Menotoiny,
afterward the town of West Cambridge, 1G35-1879; with
genealogical register. Bost., 1880. il. O.
CUTTER, Charles Animi. Kules for a dictionary catalogue. 2d ed.,
with corrections and additions. Wash., 1889. lo3 p. O.
(U. S. Bureau of Ed. Special rept. on pub. lib., pt. 2.)
Same, 3d ed., with corrections and additions and an alphabet-
ical index. Wash., 1891. 140 p. O.
CUTTER, William R. See Cutter, Benjamin, and W: R. History
of Arlington, Mass.
CUTTS family.
HOWARD, C. H. C, amp. Genealogy of the Cutts family in America.
Albany, 1892. il. pors. O.
CYCLOPiEDIA of India and of eastern and southern Asia, by E.
Balfour. 3d ed. Lond., 1885. 3 v. O.
CYCLOPAEDIAS. See Encyclopaedias.
Cl'CLOPEDIC review of current history; Columbian annual; ed.,
byA: S.Johnson, v. 3-5. 1893-95. Buffalo, 1894-96. 3 v. il.
CYON, E. von. Gesammelte physiologische arbeiten. Berlin, 1888.
pi. pors. O.
CYPRIANUS, Thascius Caecilius, St., hp. of Carthage.
BENSON, E: W. Cyprian; his life, his times, his work. N. Y...
1897. 6.
CYRILLUS, St.. alp. of Jerusalem. Catechetical lectures; with re-
vised translation, introduction, notes, and indices, by E. H.
Gifford. (Schaff, P., and Wace, H: eds. Sel. lib. of Nicene
and Post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser. v. 7.)
DABNEY, W. D. The public regulation of railways. N. Y., 1889.
D. (Questions of the day. no. GO.)
DA COSTA, John Chalmers, 3LD. Manual of modern surgery.
Phil., J 894. il. pi. D.
DACUS, J. A. Annals of the great strikes in the United States.
Chic, 1877. il. D.
DADELSZEN, E. J. New Zealand year-book, 1894. Wellington,
1894. V. map. O.
DAGGETT. Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mariposilla: a novel. Chic,
1895. D.
DAGGETT, R. M. Braxton's bar: a tale of pioneer years in Cali-
fornia. N. Y., 1882. pi. D.
DAGOBERT, I., king of the Franks.
VIE de D. {In Col. des mem rel. a I'hist. de France, 1828. s. 3, v. 2.)
DAHL, C. M. Catalogue of the North Dakota State Law Library.
[n. p.]. 1896. O. pam.
DAHLE, Lars Nielsen, bishop. Life after death and the future of
the kingdom of God. Edin., 1896. O.
DAHLGREN, E. W. Map of the world, by the Spanish cosmo-
grapher, Alonzo de Santa Cruz, 1542; reproduction in photo-
typie facsimile with explanations by E. W. Dahlgren. Stock-
holm, 1892. 5 sheets F. and text of explanations. Q.
DAHLGREN, John Adolph, admiral. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren.
Phil., 1872. por. D.
DAHLGREN, M. V. Memoir of John A. Dahlgren, rear-admiral U.
S. N. Bost., 1882. il. por. O.
DAHLGREN, Madeline Vinton. Memoir of John A. Dahlgren,
rear-admiral U. S. N. Bost., 1882. il. pors. O.
DAHLGREN, J: A. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Phil., 1872. por. D.
DAHLSTROM, Karl P. The fireman's guide: a hand-book on the
care of boilers. 5th ed. N. Y., 1889. 26 p. S.
DAHN, Felix. Attila the Hun. N. Y., 1891. D.
DAKEN, Milo H. Michigan House of Representatives. Investigation
of charges against D. Lansing, 1887. O.
DAKOTA (territory.) Bailroad Commissioners. .3d annual report
for year ending June 30, 1887. Bismarck, 1887. O.
DAL AND, Judson. Bruce, J. M. and Finlay, D: W., eds. Interna-
tional clinics.
DALBTAC, Philip Hugh, col. Dictionary of quotations (english.)
Lond., 1897. D.
DALE, T. Nelson. The Rensselaer grit plateau in New York. {In
U. S. Geol. Surv., 13th rept.)
Structure of the ridge between the Taconic and Green moun-
tain ranges in A'ermont: Structure of Monument mountain
in Great Barrington, Mass. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 14th rept.
pt. 2.)
DALICHON, H. Le vin de Jacqiiez et le Messager du Midi. Lunel,
1SS4. 52 p. S.
DALL, Caroline Wells Healey. Barbara Fritchie: a study. Bost.,
18!)a. -I!)!), pi. por. D.
My first holiday; or, Letters home from Colorado, Utah, aud
California. Bost., 1881. I).
DALL, William Healey. Instructions for collecting mollusks and
other useful hinis for the cOnchologist. ATash., 1891'. 0.
(U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull., no. 31) pt. G.
Notice of some new or interesting species of shells from British
Columbia and the adjacent region. Victoria, 1897. pi. O.
(Brit. Columbia. Natural Hist. Soc. Bull. no. 2.)
A preliminary catalogue of the shell-bearing marine mollusks
and brachioi)ods of the south eastern coast of the United
States. Wash., 1889. pi. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull.
no. 37.1
and Harris, G. D. Correlation ])apers: Neocene. (//; U. S.
Geol. Svrv. Bull. no. 84.)
DALLAS. George Mifflin. Diary while United States Minister to
Bussia, 1837-39, and to England, 1850-61; ed. bv Susan
Dallas. T'hil., 1892. por. D.
DALTON, John, A\'ollaston, William Hyde, and Thomson, Thomas.
Foundations of the atomic theory. Edin., 1893. 18 p. D.
(Alembic Club reprints, no. 2.)
ROSCOE, Sir H: E. John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry.
N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
DALTON, John Neale. The cruise of Her Majesty's ship "Bac-
chante," 1879-82; comp. from the private journals, letters,
and note books of Prince Albert Victor, and Prince George of
Wales, with additions by D. Lond., 1886. 2 v. il. pi.
maps. O.
DALY, Charles Patrick. The settlement of the Jews in North
America; ed. with notes and app. by Max J. Kohler. N. Y.,
1893. O.
DALY, J. P.owles. The dawn of radicalism. Lond.. 1892. D.
(Soc. sci. ser.)
DALZIEL, Hugh. British dogs; describing the history, character-
istics, breeding, management, and exhibition of the various
breeds of dogs established in Great Britain. 2d ed., v. 1-3.
Lond., [1897]. il. col. pi. 3 v. O.
\otr: Vol. 3. Practical kennel management, by H. Dalziel [and
others]: ed. by W. D. Drury.
The greyhound: its history, points, breeding, rearing, training
and running. Lond., 1887. 6-i-88 p. pi. O.
The St. Bernard; its historv, points, breeding, and rearing.
Lond., [n. d.]. 132 p. pi. " O.
DAMERON, James P. Autobiography jukI writings, [n. imp.],
por. O. pam.
DA MOSTO, Andrea. II j)rim() viaggio intorno al globo di Antonio
Pigafetta e le sue regole suD'ai'te del navigare. Roma, 1894.
F. (in Italy Com. Columbia. Raccolta di documenti e studi
publicati dalla R. Com. Columbiana. Pt. 5, v. 3.)
DAMPiEK, William.
RUSSELL. W. C. William Dampier. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng.
men of action.)
DANA, Henry Swan. History of Woodstock, Vermont. Bost.,
1880. pi. pors. map. O.
DANA, James Dwiglit. Cliaraeteristics of volcanoes, with contri-
butions of facts and principles from the Hawaiian islands.
N. Y., 1890. il. pi. maps. O.
Manual of jieology with special reference to American
geological history. 4th ed. N. Y., 1895. il. maps. O.
■ System of mineralogy, 1837-68. Descriptive mineralogy, 6th
ed., bv E. S. Dana, entirelv rewritten and much enlarged.
N. Y.,'l892. il. Q.
DANA, Richard Henry. Poems and prose writings. N. Y., 1850.
2 V. D.
ADAMS, C: F. Richard Henry Dana: a biography. Revised.
Bost, 1891. 2 V. D.
DANA, Richard Henrv, jr. To Cuba and back; a vacation voyage.
Bost., 1859. S.'
Two .years before the mast : a personal narrative of life at sea.
N. Y., 1860. S. (Family lib.)
DANA, Mrs. William Starr. See Parsons, Mrs. Frances Theodora
S. D.
DANBY, W. H. and Green, C. de B. Report on the entomology of
British Columbia. Victoria, 1893. O. (B. C. Nat. Hist. Soc.
Bull, no 1.)
[DANIEL, Lizzie Cary.] Confederate scrap-book: copied from a
scrap-book kept by a young girl during and immediately
after the war, with additions from war copies of the "South-
ern Literarv Messenger" and "Illustrated News." Rich-
mond, 1893."^ O.
DANIEL, Samuel. Delia. [1594]. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v.
3., p. 599.)
DANIELL, A. E. London city churches. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
DANIELL, Alfred. A text-book of the principles of physics. 2d
ed. Lond., 1885. O.
DANIELL, Clarmont John. The industrial competition of Asia.
Lond., 1890. O.
DANIELS, Joseph F. Schoolroom decoration; pub. by Colorado.
Superintendent of Pub. Inst. Denver, 1897. O. pam.
DANKERS, Jaspar, and Sluyter, Peter. Journal of a voyage to
New York and a tour in several of the American colonies in
1679-80; tr. and ed. by H. C. Murphy. Brooklyn, 1867. pi.
O. (L. T. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 1.)
DANN, J. T. and Gonzalez, Gavino. The Spanish commercial cor-
respondent. 3d ed. Lond., 1883. D. (Asher's model books
of foreign correspondence.)
[DANSON. J. T.]. The wealth of households. Oxford, 1886. D.
DANTE Alighieri. Divine comedy; tr. by C: E. Norton. Bost,
1891-92. 3 V. D.
Contents: 1. Hell. 2. Purgatory. 3. Paradise.
Divina commedia: introduction and commentary, by F. Lipp-
mann: illus. by Sandro Botticelli. Lend., 1896. pi. F.
DANTE, Aligliieri. La divinu (.onu'dia, con cominenti siecondo la
scolastica del 1*. Gioacliimo Hcitliior. v. 1. Friburgo, 1892-
97. il. pi. F.
Contvntft: V. 1. L' Inferno.
The divine oomedv: a version hv George Musgrave.N. Y.',
1S9(). D. '
The new life; tr. by C: E. Norton. Bost., 1892. D.
— — The vita nuova; tr. with introduction and notes by Sir Theo-
dore Martin, ad ed. Edin., 1893. 133 p. S.
HARRIS, W: T. The spiritual sense of Dante's "Divina commedia."
N. Y., 1889. sq. S.
KUHNS, L. O. The treatment of nature in Dante's "Divina Cam-
media." N. Y., 1897. D.
MOORE, E. Dante and his early biographers. Lond., 1890. D.
MOTT, L. F. The system of courtly love studied as an introduction to
the Vita Nuova of Dante. Bost., 1896. 153 p. 0.
OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Dante. Edin. and Lond. ,1877. Reprint, 1887.
S. (For. classic for Eng. readers.)
OZANAM, a. F. Dante and Catholic philosophy in the thirteenth cen-
tury. N. Y., 1897. S.
SYMONDS, J: A. An introduction to the study of Dante. 3d. ed.
Lond., 1893. por. D.
D'ANVERS, N., psend. See Bell, Mrs. N. R. E.
DANVILLE quarterly review; ed. bv an association of ministers;
V. 1-4, 1861-64. Danville, 1861-64. 4 v. O.
DANZTGER, Gustav Adolph. See Bierce, A. and Danziger, G. A.
The monk and the hangman's daughter.
DARBY, John. Botany of the southern states. Pt. 1. Structural
and physiological botany and vegetable products. 2. Descrip-
tions of southern i)lants; preceded by a Linnaean and a
Dichotomous analysis. N. Y., 1866. D.
DARC, Jeanne.
CATHERWOOD, M. H. The days of Jeanne d'Arc. N. Y., 1897. I>
LOWELL, F: C. Joan of Arc. Bost., 1896. maps. O.
M6moires concernant la pucelle d'Orleans dans lesquels se trouvent
plusieurs particularites du regne de Charles VII., depuis 1422
jusques en 1429. (In Col. des m6m. rel. d I'hist. de France, 1825.
s. 1. v. 8.)
OLIPHANT, Mr>. M. 0. W. Jeanne D'Arc; her life and death. N. Y.,
1896. il. maps. D. (Heroes of the Nations.)
TUCKEY, J. Joan of Arc: "the maid." N. Y., [1880]. D. (Makers
of hist.)
DARLP:Y, Felix Octavius Carr. Sketches abroad, with pen and
pencil. N. Y., 1868. il. pi. D.
D'ARMAND, F., jr. See Armand, F. d', jr.
DARMESTETER, James. Selected essays of D.; tr. from the
French by H. B. Jastrow; ed. with memoir by M. Jastrow.
Bost., 1895. por. D.
DARMESTETER, Mary. Froissart; tr. from the French by E. F.
Poynter. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
DARRAS, Joseph fipiphane. abbe. General history of the Catholic
church from the commencement of the Christian era until
the present time. 10th ed.. with an introduction and notes by
Rev. M. J. Spalding. N. Y., 1889. 4 v. pi. pors. O.
DART family.
SHARPE, W: C. Dart genealogy. Seymour, 1888. 16 p. D.
PARTMOUTH College (Hanover, N. H.).
CHASE, F: History of Dartmouth college and the town of Hanover,
New Hampshire; ed. by J: K. Lord; v. 1. Cambridge, 1891.
pors. O.
DARTON, Nelson Horatio. Bibliography of North American geol-
ogy for 1886. Wash., 1887. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull,
no. 44.)
Record of North American geology for 1887 to 1889 inclusive.
Wash., 1891. O. [Same, no. 75.)
Same. For 1890. W^ash., 1891. O. {Same, no. 91.)
Same. For 1891. Wash., 1893. {Same, no. 99.)
The. relations of the traps of the New^ark system in the New
Jersey region. Wash., 1890. O. {Same, no. 67.)
DA RWIN, Charles Robert. Monograph on the sub-class cirripedia,
vsrith figures of all the species. Lond., 1851-54. 2 v. pi. O.
(Ray Soc. Pub.)
BETTANY, G. T. Life of Charles Darwin. Lond., 1887. 0. (Great
H0LD:BR, C: F: Charles Darwin; his life and work. N. Y., 1891.
pL D. (Leaders in science.)
POUL'TON, E: B. Charles i^arwin and the theory of natural selec-
tion. N. Y., 1896. per. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
BARWIN, Francis. The elements of botany. Camb., 1896. il.
D. (Camb. nat. sci. man. Biol, ser.)
fln(i Acton, E. Hamilton. Practical physiology of plants. 2d
ed. Camb., 1895. il. 1). (Camb. nat. sci. man. Biol, ser.)
DA SENT, Sir George W^ebbe. tr. Asbjornsen, P. C. Tales from
the f jeld.
DASSELL, Thomas. See Rainolds, R. and Dassell, T: Voyages to
the rivers of Senega and Gambra.
DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois.
MOLLETT, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Corot, Daubigny,
Dupre. Lond., 1890. pi. pors. D. (Illus. biog. of the great
DAUCHY, Geoge K. ir. Trobriand, R. de. Four years with the
army of the Potomac.
DAUDET, Alphonse. Adventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de
Tarascon. Paris, 1887. il. O.
Kings in exile; tr. by L. Ensor and E. Bartow. Lond., 1896.
il. D.
Lettres de mon moulin. Paris, 1895. D.
— — Numa Roumestan. Paris, 1894. D.
Sappho; Parisian customs. Phil., [n. d.]. il. O. (Chefs
d'oeuvre du roman cont. Realists, v. 5.)
DAUNT, Achilles. Crag, glacier and avalanche; narratives of
daring and disaster. Lond., 1889. pi. D.
DAVAINE, Casimir. Traits des entozoaires et des maladies ver-
mineuses de I'homme et des animaux domestiques. 2°^® M.
Paris, 1877. il. O.
DAVENPORT, Herbert Joseph. Outlines of economic theory. N.
Y., 1896. O.
DA VERS, Mary Magdaline. Inquiry into the genuineness of a let-
ter dated February 3, 1613, and signed, "Mary Magdaline
Davers." Lond., 1864. 30 p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 5.
Camden Soc, v. 87.)
(lESEKAL I)El'AItTMt:ST. -y'll
DA VEV, Henry. History of English music. Lond., [1895]. 0/'
DAVIDS, Thomas William Rhys. Lectures on the origin and
growth of religion as illustrated by some ])oiuts in the his-
tory of Indian Buddhism. N. Y., 1882. O. (Uibbert lec-
tures, 1881.)
/)•. The qnestions of King Milinda; tr. from the PAli. Oxford,
181)0-{)G. 2 V. O. (Sacred books of the east, v. 35, 3G.)
and Oldenberg, Herman trs. Vinava texts; tr. from the P&,li
pt. 3. The Kullavagga, 4-12. Oxford, 1885. O. (Same, v.
DAVIDSON, A. J. K. //•. Lechler, G. V. Apostolic and post-
apostolic times.
^ Weiss, K. P. B. Manual of introduction to the New Testa-
ment, v. 1. Lond., 1887. D.
DAVIDSON, Andrew, M.D. Geograj)hlcal pathology; an inquiry
into the geographical distribution of infective and climatic
diseases. N. Y., 1892. 2 v. O.
Contents: V. 1. Europe, Northern and Western Asia, India, CeylO-i,
Burma. V. 2. Soutlieastern Asia, Indian Archipelago, Australia and
Polynesia, Africa, America.
DAVIDSON, George. The submerged valleys of the coast of Cali-
fornia, U. S. A., and of Lower California, Mexico. (Cal. Acad,
of Sci., 3d ser. Geology, v. 1.)
DAVIDSON, Henry Martin. See Isham, A. B., Davidson, H: M.,
and Furness, H: B: Prisoners of war and military prisons.
History of battery A. First regiment of Ohio vol. light artil-
lery. ' Milw\aukee, 1865. D.
DAVIDSON, James Leigh Strachan. — Cicero and the fall of the
Roman republic." N. Y., 1894. pi. D. (Heroes of the
DAVIDSON, Thomas. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals.
N. Y., 1892. D. (Great educators.)
Education of the Greek people and its influence on civilization.
N. Y., 1894. D. (Int. ed. ser., v. 28.)
The evolution of sculpture. [In Brooklyn Ethical Assoc. Evo-
lution in science, philosophy, and art.)
DAVIE, Oliver. Mehods in the art of taxidermy. Columbus, 1894.
il. pi. Q.
DA VIES, A. M., .¥./?. Hand-book of hygiene. Phil., 1895. il. S.
DA VIES, Charles. The logic and utility of mathematics; with
the best methods of instruction explained and illustrated.
N. Y., 1850. O.
DA VIES, David Cl'.ristopher. A treatise on slate and slate quarry-
ing, scientific, ])ractical, and commercial. 3d ed. Lond.,
1S87. i8-i-181 p. il. pi. S.
DA VIES, Edwin, D.J). Other men's minds; or, Seven thousand
choice extracts on history, science, ]»hilosophy, religion, etc.;
selected from the standard aut'norship of ancient and modern
times and classified in alphabetical order. Bost., 1888.
pors. O.
DA VIES, Sir John. Orchestra; or, A poem of dancing, 1.596.
No'sce teipsum, 1599. Hymns of Astraea, in acrostic verse,
1599. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 5, p. 19, 137, 561.)
DA VIES, John F. comp. Catalogue of books in the Butte Free
Public Library, July 15, 1894. Butte, 1894. Q.
DA VIES, Bev. John Silvester, ed. English chronicle of the reigns of
Kicliard II., Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI., written be-
fore 1471; with app. and supp. add. from the Cotton ms.
chronicle called "Eulogium." [Lond.], 1856. O. (Camden
Soc, V. 64.)
DAVIES, Philip John. Standard practical plumbing; 3d ed. rev.;.
V. 1. Lond., 1892. il. O.
DAVIES, Robert ed. Life of Marmaduke Rawdon; from the orig-
inal ms. in the possession of Robert Cooke. [Lond.], 1863.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 85.)
DAVIES, Fev. Rowland. Journal from March 8, 1688-9-September
29, 1690; ed. with notes, app. and some account of the author
and his familv, by R. Caulfield. [Lond.], 1857. O. Cam-
den Soc, V. 68.)
DAVIES, Thomas Alfred. Gospel Christianity. [N. Y., c
1896]. D.
DAVIS, Charles E., jr. Three years in the army: the story of the
Thirteenth Massachusetts volunteers from July 16, 1861, to
August 1, 1864. Bost, 1894. maps. O.
DAVIS, Charles Henrv Stanley, ed. The Egvptian Book of the
Dead. N. Y., 1895. F.
DAVIS, Edward P. and Keating, John M. Mother and child. Phil.,
1893. il. O.
DAVIS, Floyd. An elementary hand-book of potable water. N.
Y., 1891. 118 p. D.
Impurities in potable water and their relations to disease. Des
Moines, 1889. 30 p. T.
DAVIS, George B. and Dye, Frederick. Plumbing and sanitation,
embracing drainage, hot and cold water, .... steam cooking,
gas-fitting [etc], pt. 1-6. Lond. and N. Y., [1897]. Q.
DAVIS, George B., lieut.-col. The operations of the cavalry in the
Gettysburg campaign. (Inter, mil. ser., no. 2. Cavalry
studies from two great wars.)
DAVIS, George Lynn-Lachlan. The day-star of American free-
dom; or, The birth and early growth of toleration in the
province of Maryland. N. Y., 1855. D.
DAVIS, Henry Frederick Alexander. Building societies: their
theory, practice, and management. Bost., 1887. D.
DAVIS, Henry Winter. The southern rebellion, and the constitu-
tional powers of the republic for its supj^ression. N. Y.,
1862. D. {In Pam. on war, v. 1.)
DAVIS, Horace. American constitutions. (//( Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, v. 3.)
California breadstuffs. Chic, [n. d.]. 94 p. O. (Reprinted
from the Journal of Political Economy, no. 2.)
Chinese immigration; speech in House of Representatives
June 8, 1878. Wash., 1878. 15 p. O. (In Chinese immi-
gration; pamps., V. 2.)
The meaning of the university; an address at Leland Stanford
Junior University on Founder's day. Mar. 9, 1894. S. F.^
1895. 14 p. O. " (In Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
CEi^'ERiL i)i:i'.\irr\fi:\T. 229
DAVIS, Irenaeus P., i¥./^. II y-iicnc for j;irls. N. Y., 1SS:>,. S.
DAVIS, licv. J. A. Th(^ vouii^ iii;ui(l;niii ; a stoiv of (Miiiu^se life.
Bost., [c. 181H)]. il'. I). ■ ,
DAVIS, John Ohandlev lijuicrofl. Mr. Fish and tlic Ahibama
Claims: a cha])ter in diplomatic history. liost., 1893,
I)or. D.
DAVIS, J. R. Ainswoi'lh. An elementary text-book of biology; pt.
1-2. 2d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1893. ' 2 v. il. D.
Contents: Pt. 1. Vegetable morphology and physiology. 2. Animal
morphology and physiology.
DAVIS, Mrs. J. AV. //•. Behrens, B. Lora the major's daughter!
DAVIS, Jefferson.
Debate on pensioning Jeff. Davis, condensed from the proceedings of
the IT. S. Senate, March 3, 1879. (In Republican campaign docs.,
DAVIS, John. capt. Voyage to the East Indies in 1598. {In Green,
J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 254.)
DAVIS, John Francis. //•. Kluge, F: W: Etymological dictionary
of the German language.
DAVIS, John V. The Union Pacific Railway: a study in railway
politics, history and economics. Chic, 1894. O.
DAVIS, Miss Louisa J. ir. Miintz, E. History of tapestry.
DAVIS, Rebecca Blaine Harding. The Balacchi brothers. {In
Stories by Amer. authors, v. 1.)
DAVIS, Reuben. Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians.
Bost., 1890. por. O.
DAVIS, Richard Harding. About Paris. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. D.
Cinderella and other stories. N. Y., 189G. D.
Cuba in war time. N. \\ 1897. il. 143 p. D.
Dr. Jameson's raiders, being an account of the recent uprising
in the Transvaal. N. Y"., 1897. il. maps. 56 p. O.
Gallegher and other stories. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
Soldiers of fortune. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
Stories for boys. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America. N. Y., 1896.
il. D.
The west from a car-window. N. Y., 1892. il. D.
DAVIS, Winfield J. History and progress of the Public School
Department of the city of Sacramento, 1849-1893; also an-
nual report of the Board of F^ducation, 1894. Sac, 1895. pi.
pors. O.
Historv of political conventions in California, 1849-92. Sac,
1893.' O. (Cal. Sfnte Lib. Pub., no. 1.)
cnmp. [Articles on gold discovery. Mss. n. t. p.]. Q.
DAVY, Adam. Five dreams about Edward IT. (In Furnivall, F.
J., ed. Adam Davy's 5 dr(\ams about Edward II. (Early Eug.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser no. 69.)
DAVY, Sir Hum]>lirey.
THORPE. T. E. Humphry Da\T. Poet and philosopher. N. Y., 1896.
por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
DAWES, Anna Laurens. Charles Sumner. N. Y., 1892. por. S.
(Makers of America.)
DA^\ ES, Anna Laurens. How we are governed: an explanation
of the constitution and government of the United States.
Chic, [c. 1885 j. S.
DAWES, James W. gov. of Nebraska. Inaugural address, 1883;
Message, 1885, 1887. Lincoln, 1883-87. O. 3 pamps.
DAWES, Rufus R. On the right of Antietam; with the sixtli Wis-
consin at Gettysburg. (In Hunter, R. ed. Sketches of war
Service with the Sixth Wisconsin volunteers. Marietta. Ohio,^
1890. pors. O.
DAWKINS, William Boyd. Cave hunting, researches on the evi-
dence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe.
Lond., 1874. il. O.
The limits of our knowledgie of the earth. {In Owens College
essays, 1874.)
DAWSON, Emma Frances. An itinerant house, and other stories.
S. F., 1897. il. D.
DAW^SON, William Harbutt. Bismarck and state socialism: an
exposition of the social and economic legislation of Germany,
since 1870. Lond., 1890. 10-1-167 p. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
The unearned increment; or. Reaping without sowing. 2d ed.
Lond,, [n. d.]. D. (Same.)
DAY, Angel. Daphnis and Chloe; the Elizabethan version, from
Amyot's translation; reprinted from the unique original 1. samples. O.
DEPPING, Gnillaume. Wonders of bodily strength and skill in all
ages and countries, tr, by C: Russell. N. Y., 1885. il. 1).
(Wonders of man and nature.)
DEPUISET, A. T/histoire naturelle de l^])idopteres d'Europe. \In
Dudevant, J. F. ^l. A. Le moiHe des papillons.)
DE QT^TNCEY. Thomas. De Quinccy memorials: being letters ;iud
other records here first ])ublished; ed. with introdudioTi,
notes and nnn-atives by A. H. Jai>]>. N. Y.. 1891. 2 v. O.
— - Cncollected writinirs; with itreface and annotations by James
Hogg. N. Y.. 1890. 2v. por. D.
HOGG. .James. De Quincey and his friends. T^ond.. 189.5. por. O.
DERBY. George Iloralio (psriid. John Phoenix). IMux'uixiana ; or.
Sketches and burlesques. 12tli ed. \. Y.. 1865. il. D.
DERBY. W. P. Bearing arms in the Twenty seventh Massachu-
setts regiment of volunteer inianlry. 1861-65. Best., 1883.
l»ors. majv O.
DERCUM, Francis X. ed. Text-book on nertous diseases by Aiii^r-'
ican authors. Phil., 1895. il. pi. O.
DEKHAM, A\'illiam. Astro-theology; or, A demonstration of the
being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens.
Lond., 1715. pi. D.
■ Select remains of the learned John Ray; with his life. (Ray
Soc. ]*ub., memorials of Ray.)
DE RUPERT, A. E. D. Califoriiia^is and Mormons. N. Y., 1881. L).
DESCARTES, Ren^. The philosophy of Descartes in extracts from
his writings; selected and translated by H: A. P. Torrey.
N. Y., 1892. I). (Ser. of modern philosophers, ed. by E. H.
MAHAFFY, J. P. . Descartes. Phil., 1887. por. S. (Knight, W.,
cd. Philos. classics.)
DESCRIPTIONS of the Spanish islands and settlements on the
coast of the ^Vest Indies. See Jefferys, T: ed.
DES ESSARS, Pierre. Banking in the Latin nations. {In Hisr. of
banking in all nations, v. 3.)
DESIDERI, Hypolito. Travels into Tibet in 1714; tr. from the
French. [In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 4, p. 655.)
DESIMONI, Cornelio. Quistioni Colombiane. {Iji Italy. Com.
Colombiana. Raccolta di documenti e studi publicati dalla
R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 2, v. 3.)
DESORMEAUX, A. Paulin, a7id Ott, H. Nouveau manuel complet
du tonnelier et du jaugeage. Xouvelle 6d. enti^rement refon-
due et augment^e par W. Maigne. Paris, 1875. il. pi. T.
(Encyclopt^die Roret.)
DESSINS de decoration des principaux maitres; quarant planches
r^unies et reproduites sous la direction de Ed. Guichard;
avec une etude sur Tart decoratlf et des notices par E. Ches-
neau. Paris, 1881. 23 p. pi. F.
DESTRUCTION of Troy, bk. 1-3. [bv R. Le Fevre.] tr. bv W: Cax-
ton. Lond., 1708. D.
DETAILLE, Edouard. Types et uniforms I'armc^e frangaise; texte
par Jules Richard. Paris, 1885-89. 2 v. col. pi. F.
DETROIT (Mich.) Piihlic Library. 10th-16th annual report of the li-
brary commission; 1892-90. Detroit, 1891-97. fi pamp.
Bulletin no. 3-4 of books added in 1891-92. Detroit, 1892-
93. Q. 2 pamps.
General catalogue of the books, except fiotion, French and
German, 1888. Detroit, 1889. Q.
General catalogue; First supplement; 1889-93. Detroit,
1894. Q.
FARMER, S. The history of Detroit and Michigan. 2d ed. rev. enl.
Detroit, 1889. 2 v. il. pi. pors. maps. O.
DETROIT free press [dailv] ; Julv-Dec, 1890. Detroit. 1890. 2 v.
DETTER, Thomas. Nellie Brown; or, the jealous wife, with other
sketches. S. F., 1871. 160 p. D.
DEUCHAR, David. A collection of etchings after the most emi-
nent masters of the Dutch and Flemish schools. Edin., [n.
d.]. F.
DE VELLING, C. T, comp. History of the Seventeenth regiment,
first brigade, third division, fourteenth corps, army of the
Cumberhind, lb;Gl-G5. Zanesville, 1880. 143 p. O.
DEVEiS'S, Charles. Orations and addresses on various occasions
civil and military; ed. by A. L. Devens; with a memoir by
J: C. Hopes. Host., 18D1. por. O.
DEVIC, E. Des rechutes dans la tievre typhoide; th^se presentee a
la faculte de m(5decine et de pharmacie de Lyon. Lyon, 1886.
IK) p. tables. Q.
DE VINNE. Theodore Low. The invention of printing. 2d cd.
N. Y., 1878. il. pi facsim. O.
DEVONSHIRE, Duke of. See Cavendish, W:
DEAVAK. D. See Wright, C. H., aiid Dewar, D. eds. Johnson's
gardener's dictionary.
DEAV'EY, Davis K. Irregularity of emplovment. {In Amer. Econ.
Assn. Pub. V. 9.)
The study of statistics. (In same, v. 4.)
DEWEY, Frederic P. Preliminary descriptive catalogue of the
systematic collections in economic geology and metallurgy in
the U. S. National Museum. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Nat.
Mu. Bull. no. 42.)
DEWEY, Lister Hoxie. The Ivussian thistle: its history as a weed
in the U. S., with an account of the means available for its
eradication. Wash., 1894. O. {In U. S. Dept. of Agric. Div.
of Botany, Bull. no. 15.)
DEWEY, Melvil. The extension of the University of the state of
New York. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, 27th I'niv.
Convocation 1889. [n. t. p.] 43 p. pamp. O.
DEWEY, Orville. Selfhood and sacrifice. {In Christianity and
modern thought.)
Works, with biographical sketch. New and complete ed.
Bost., 1893. O.
[DEWEY, S. P.] The bonanza mines and bonanza kings of Cali-
fornia; their five vears' reign. 1875-79. [n. p. n. d.]. 87
p. O. "
DEWEY family. See Follett family.
DE WITT, Calvin. Notes on controlling hemorrhage in the field;
June 9, 1868. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 4.)
DE WITT, David Miller. The judicial murder of Mary E. Surratt.
Baltimore, 1895. D.
DIAZ de la Pena, Narcisso Virgilio.
MOLLETT, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Millet, Rosseau, Diaz.
Lond., 1890. pi. pors. D. (Ilhis. biog. of the great artists.)
DIBBLE, F. L. Vagaries of sanitary science. Phil., 1893. O.
DICEY, E. M. //•. Bontmy, tl. Studies in constitutional law.
DICEY, Edward. Six months in the federal states. Lond., 1863.
2 V. D.
DICK, William Brisbane, [pseud. Trum])s.] Modern pocket Hoyle;
games of skill and chance as played in this country at the
present time, being authority on all disputed points. By
"Trumps." 11th ed. rev. cor. N. Y., [c. 1886]. S.
ed. Book of toasts, speeches and responses. N. Y., [c. 1883].
172 p. S.
UICK, William Brisbane, ed. Dick's games of patience; or, Soli-
taire with cards. N. Y., [1883]. il. D.
DICK and Fitzgerald, pub., N. Y. Hooley's opera house songster.
N. Y., [c. 1863]. 72 p. T. {In Cal. song books.)
DICKENS, Charles John Huffam. Collection of letters, 1833-70.
N. Y., 1889. B.
Complete poems. N. Y., 1885. L42 p. S.
BARNARD, F. Character sketches from D. reproduced in photograv-
ure. Lond., etc., 1887. pi. F.
tiame. lst-2d ser. . India proof ed. Phil., 1889. O.
MARZIALS, F. T. Life of Charles Dickens. Lond., 1887. O. (Great
STODDARD, R. H. ed. Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dick-
ens. N. Y., 1887. fac-sim. S. (Bric-a-brac ser. v. 2.)
TRUMBLE, A. In jail with Charles Dickens. N. Y., 1896. il. S.
DICKIE, George W. The commerce of San Francisco. S. F., 1891.
16 p. O. {In S. F. pamps. v. 2.)
DICKINSON, Edward. The history of church music : syllabus, with
bibliographical references for a course of twenty-five lectures
given at Oberlin Theological Seminary Jan. -May, 1890. Ober-
lin, 1896. 24 p. D. (Oberlin Coll. Lib. Bull. v. 1, no. 3.~>
DICKINSON, Emilv. Letters: ed. bv M. L. Todd. Bost., 1894. 2 v.
pi. S.
Poems; ed. by M. L. Todd an^ T: W. Higginson. [7th ed.]
Bost., 1892. S.
DICKINSON, G. Lowes. The Greek view of life. Lond., 1896. S.
(Univ. ex. ser.)
Last counsels of an unknown counsellor; ed. by Major Evans
Bell. Lond., 1877. 186 p. por. O.
STILLE, C. J. Life and times of D., 1732-1808. Phil., 1891. por. fac-
sim. O.
DICK'S book of toasts, speeches and responses; ed. by W: B. Dick.
N. Y., [c. 1883]. 172 p. S.
DICKSON, Robert, and Edmond, John Philip. Annals of Scottish
printing from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the be-
ginning of the seventeenth century. Camb., 1890. il. Q.
DICKSON, W. K. L., and Antonia. Life and inventions of Thomas
Alva Edison. N. Y., [c. 1892-94]. il. pi. pors. Q.
DICKSON, William P., Crombie, Frederick, and Stewart, Wiliam,
eds. Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical commentary
on the New Testament. Edin., 1881-91. 20 v. O.
DICKSON family.
DIXON, B. H. The Border, or riding clans, followed by a history of
clan Dickson, and a brief account of the family of the author. Al-
bany, 1889. O.
ADAMS, O. F. A dictionary of American authors. Best., 1897.'°1o7"
ALLIBONE, S: A. Supplement to critical dictionary of English liter-
ature and British and American authors, by J: F. Kirk. Phil., 1891.
2 V. Q.
AMERICAN dictionary of printing and bookmaking. U. Y., 1894.
11. Q.
BADGER, G. P. An English-Arabic lexicon. Lond., 1881. F.
BAXENDALE, W. Dictionary of annecuote, incident, illustrative
fact; selected and arranged for the pulpit and the platform. Lond
1888. O.
BEftGIER, N. S. Dictionaire de theologie. Paris, 1850-59. 4 v. Q.
BILLINGS, J: S. and others. The national medical dictionary. Phil
1890. 2 V. Q.
BIZONFY, Franz de Paula. English-Hungarian, Hungarian-English
dictionary. Budapest, 1878-81. O.
BLUNT, J: H: ((/. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical theology
New ed. Lond., 1891. Q.
BURKE, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the
peerage and baronetage. 59th ed. Lond., 1897. il. Q.
CATAFAGO, J. English and Arabic dictionary. 2d ed. ^ond.
1873. O.
CENl'URY dictionary: an encyclopedic lexicon of the English lan-
guage; prepared under the superintendence of W. D. Whitney. N.
Y., [c. 1889-91]. 6 V. il. F.
CLARKE, J. Specimens of dialects: short vocabularies of languages
and notes of countries and customs in Africa. Berwick-Upon-
Tweed, 1848. 103 p. O.
CLARKE. L. A dictionary of metric and other useful measures.
Lond., 1891. 5-1-113 p. D.
CROZIER, A. A. A dictionary of botanical terms. N. Y., 1892. O.
CUbriING, W. Anonyms: a dictionary of revealed authorship (con-
tinuation); pt. 2-3. Cambridge, 1889. O.
DALBIAC, P: H. C(jI. Dictionary of quotations (english). Lond.,
1897. D.
DICTIONARY of national biography; ed. by L. Stephen and o. Lee.
(continuation); v. 20-52. N. Y., 1889-97. 33 v. O.
DICTIONARY of the Chinook jargon as spoken on Puget bound and
the Northwest. S. F., 1885. 8 p. Tt.
DIXON, J. M. Dictionary of idiomatic English phrases. Lond., etc.,
1891. D.
EASTWICK, E. B. Vocabulary of the Sindi language. Bombay, 1843.
75 p. F.
EBERT, F. A. General bibliographical dictionary: from the German.
Oxford, 1887. 4 v. O.
FALLOWS, S. Complete dictionary of synonyms. Chic, anu N. Y.,
[c. 1883-86]. S.
FARMER, J: S. ronii>. and cd. Slang and its analogues past and pres-
ent, . . . with synonyms in English, French, etc. Vol. 1-4 [Lond.]
1890-91. 4 V. O.
Note: W: E. Henley is joint ed., from v. 3.
FLUGEL, F. A universal Eng-Jish-German and German-English, dic-
tionary. 4th entirely remodelled edition of Dr. J. G. Fliigel's com-
plete dictionary of the English and German languages. Brunswick,
1891. 3 V. Q.
FOSTER, F. P. and others. Illustrated encyclopaedic medical diction-
ary (continuation); v. 2-4. N. Y., 1890-94. 3 v. 11. Q.
FREEMAN, J. J. and Johns, D. Dictionary of the Malagasy language;
pt. ir English and Malagasy; pt. 2. Malagasy sy English-an-Tana-
narivo, 1835. 2 v. O.
GORTON, J. General biographical dictionary. New ed. to which is
added a supplementary volume completing the work to the present
time. Lond., 1851. 4 v. O.
GOULD, G: M. A new medical dictionary. Phil., 1891. O.
An illustrated dictionary of medicine biology ana allied sciences.
Phil., 1894. il. Q.
GROVE, Sir G: ed. Dictionary of music and musicians (continua-
tion); 1450-1889, v. 4; with app. ed. by J. A. F. Maitland. Lond.,
1890. O.
Index to the four volumes and catalogue of articles contributed
by each writer; by Mrs. E. R. Wodehouse. Lend., 1890. 4-|-188 p.
HALKETT, S. and Laing, J. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseu-
donymous literature of Great Britain; including the works of for-
eigners written in, or translated into the English language [con-
tinuation]; V. 4. Edin., 1888. O.
HARRIS, J: /). D. Lexicon technicum, or, An universal English dic-
tionary of arts and sciences. 4th ed. Lond., 1723-25. 2 v. Q.
HERBELOT, B. d'. Bibliotheque orientale, ou Dictionnarie universe!,
contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les peuples ue I'Orient La
Haye, 1777-79. 4 v. Q.
HOPKINS, D. Vocabulary Persian, Arabic, and English; abridged
from Richardson's dictionary as edited by C: Wilkins. Lond.
1810. O.
HOUSTON, E. J. A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases.
2d ed. re-written and greatly enl. N. Y., 1892. il. O.
HUGHES, F: P. Dictionary of Islam; being a cyclopedia of the doc-
trines, rites, [etc.] of the Muhammadan religion. Lond., 1885.
il. O.
JACKSON, S: M., Chambers, T. W. and Foster, F. H. Concise diction-
ary of religious knowledge and gazetteer. 2d rev. ed. N. Y.,
JAMES, R. N. Painters and their works; a dictionary of great artists
who are not now alive. Lond., 1896-97. il. 2 v. D.
JAMESON, J: F: Dictionary of United States history: 1492-1894.
Bost. [c. 1894] por. 0.
JOHNSON'S gardener's dictionary. New ed. by C: H. Wright and D.
Dewar. Lond., 1894. O.
JULIAN, J: ed. Dictionary of hymnology. N. Y., 1892. O.
KEATING, J: M., Hamilton, H., and others. New pronouncing dic-
tionary of medicine. 2d ed. . Phil., 1894. O.
KING, J: Urological dictionary. Cin., 1878. il. O.
KIRK, J: F. Supplement to Allibone's critical dictionary of English
literature and British and American authors. Phil., 1891. 2 v. Q.
KLUGE, F: W: An etymological dictionary of the German language;
tr. from tne 4th German ed. by J: F. Davis. Lona., 189j..- O.
LEVIinS, p. Manipulus vocabulorum: a rhyming dictionary of the
English language, 1570; ed. with alphabetical index, by H. B. Wheat-
ley. Lond., 1867. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
MACLEOD, H. D. Dictionary of political economy, v. 1. Lond.,
1863. 0.
MACOY, R. General history cyclopedia and dictionary of freemason-
ry. N. Y., 1870. il. pi. por. O.
MAoriON, G. Compendious dictionary of the French language.
French-English — English-French; adapted from the dictionaries of
Prof. A. Elwall. N. Y., 1887. D.
MILLER, P. The gardener's and botanist's dictionary; corrected and
newly arranged; with add., by Thomas Martyn. Lond., 1807. 2 v.
in 4 pts. pi. F.
MURRAY, J. A. H. ed. A new English dictionary on historical prin-
ciples: founded mainly on material collected by the Philological So-
ciety (continuation). Oxford, 1889-97. F.
NEWTON, A. land others'] Dictionary of birds: pt. 1-4. Lond., 1893-
96. 4 V. O.
MORTON, C: L. Political Americanisms. N. Y., 1891. 8-|-135 p. S.
PALGRAVE, R. H. I. ed. Dictionary of political economy; v. 1-2
Lond., 1894-96. 2 v. 0.
PAPWORTH, J: W. Alphabetical dictionary of coats of arms belong-
ing to families in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1874. Q.
PHILLIPS, L. B. Dictionary of biographical reference. New ed. rev.
cor. and aug. with supp. to date by P. L. White. Phil., 1889. O.
PHIN, J: Guide to good living: a pocket dictionary of the French
terms employed in cooking on menus N. Y„
[1896] 32 p. Tt.
GENKUAL ni:i'.\RTME\T. 241
PHIN, J. Pocket dictionary of monetary and coinage terms. N. Y.,
1896. 52 p. Tt.
POWER, H. and Sedgwick, L. W. Lexicon of medicine aad the allied
sciences (continuation); v. 3-4. Lond., 1888-92. 2 v. O. (New
Sydenham Soc.)
RIGGS, S. R. Dakota-English dictionary; ed. by ... 0. Dorsey. Wast.,
1890. Q. (V. S. Geog. and Geol. Snrv. of the Rocky Mt. Region.
Contributions to N. A. ethnology, v. 7.)
RO\V, A. r(,)ni). Masonic biography and dictionary. Phil., 1868. D.
SCHEM, A. J. cd. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations-Lex.con.
N. 1., 1869-74. 11 V. Q.
SMITH, J. Dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish
the natural and acquired wants of man in all matters of domestic
and general economy. Lond., 1882. O.
SMITH, W: and Wace, H: Dictionary of Christian biography, litera-
ture, sects, and doctrines during the first eight centuries; being a
continuation of "The dictionary of the Bible" (continuation); v. 4.
Lond., 1887. O.
Wayte, W; and Marindin, G. E. Eds. Dictionary of Greek and
Roman antiquities. 3d ed. rev. anl. Lond., 190-91. 2 v. il. O.
SOULE, R. Dictionary of English synonyms and synonymous or par-
allel expressions; new ed. rev. enl. by G: H. Howison. Bost.,
1892. O.
SOULICE, Th. et Sardou, A. L. Petite dictionnaire raisonne des diflR-
cultes et exceptions de la langue Frangaise. Paris. 1843. T.
STANDARD dictionary of the English language; ed. by I. K. Funk
[and others]. N. Y., 1894-95. 2 v. pi. F.
STEPHEN, L. and Lee, S. eds. Dictionary of national biography (con-
tinuation); v. 20-27. N. Y., 1889-95. 7 v. O.
lS!ote: Lee, S. is sole editor from v. 27.
STRATMANN, F. H. A Middle-English dictionary; new ed. re-ar-
ranged, revised and enlarged by H: Bradley. Oxford, 1891. 0.
SWEET. H: Students' dictionary of Anglo-Saxon. N. Y., 1897. D.
THORPE, T: E. Dictionary of applied chemistry. Lond., 1890-93.
3 v. 0.
TUKE, D. H. ed. Dictionary of psychological medicine. Lond,, 1892.
2 V. O.
WALi^, E. J. Dictionary of photography. N. Y., 18^9. 0.
WATSON, J: T. Dictionary of poetical quotations. Phil., [c.
1847]. D.
WATTS. H. Dictionary of chemistry; rev. and entirely rewritten by
H. F. Morley and M. M. P. Muir (continuation); v. 2-3. Lond., 1890-
92. 2 V. O.
WEBSTER'S encyclopedic dictionary; enl. and rev. to 1891 by S:
Fallows. Chic, 1891. Q.
International dictionary of the English language; rev. and enl.
under the supervision of Noah Porter; with app. Springfield, 1890.
il. pi. por. F.
WELLS, R. and Kelly, J: W. camps. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-
English vocabularies. Wash., 1890. 0. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of
inform, 1890. no. 2.)
WILLIAMS, S. W. English and Chinese vocabulary in the court dia-
lect. Macao, 1844. O.
WRIGHT, T: Anglo-Saxon and Old English vocabularies. 2d ed.:
ed. and collated by R. P. Wiilcker. Lond., 1884. 2 v. O.
YATES, W. Dictionary in Sanscrit and English. Calcutta, 1846. O.
DICTIONARY of national biography; ed. by L. Stephen and S.
Lee (continuation); v. 20-52. N. Y., 1S80-97. 33 v. O.
'Sote: Lee is joint ed. from v. 22, and sole ed. from v. 27.
DICTIONARY of scientific illnstrations and symbols; by a barris-
ter of the Honorable Society of the Inner Temple. N. Y., [c.
1894]. O.
DIETZ, Ambrose P. ed. For our boys; a collection of original lit-
erary offerings by popular writers at home and abroad. S. F.,
1879. O.
DIEULAFOY, Madame Jane. At Suza, the ancient capital of the
Icings of Persia: a narrative of travel through western Persia
and excavations made at the site of the lost city of the lilies,
1S84-8G; tr. from the French by F. L. White. Phil., 1890. il.
pi. map. pors. F.
DIG BY, Sii- Kenelm. eTournal of a voyage into the Mediterranean
1G28; ed. from the original ms. in the possession of W: W. E.
Wynne, by J: Bruce. [Westminster], 1808. 38^106 p. O.
(Camden Soc. v. 90.)
DIGBY Kenelm Henry. The broadstone of honour, or the true
sense and practice of chivalry. Lond., 1870-77. 5 v. D.
Contents: V. 1. Godefridus.— 2. Tancredus.— 3. Morus.---4-5. Orlan-
Mores Catholici; or, Ages of faith. Lond., 1845-47. 3 v. Q.
BIGBY, William, lieut. The British invasion from the north; the
campaigns of Generals Carleton and Burgoyne from Canada,
1776-1777, with the journal of D., of the 53d or, Shropshire
regiment of foot: historical notes by J. P. Baxter. Albany,
1887. il. pors. O. (Munsell's hist. ser. 16.)
DIJ.KE, Sir Charles Wentworth. Problems of Greater Britain.
Lond., 1890. maps. D.
and Wilkinson, Spenser. Imperial defence. Lond., 1892. D.
DILKE, Lady Emilia Frances S. Art in the modern state. Lond.,
1888. O.
DILLER, Joseph Silas. The geology of Assos;— Notes upon the
geology of the Troad. {In Arch. Inst, of Am. Classical ser.
V. 1.
Geology of the Lassen Peak district. {In U. S. geol. surv. 8th
report; pt. 1.)
Geologv of the Tavlorville regioji of California. (Bull. Geol.
Soc. Am. vol. 3, 1891.)
Late volcanic eruption in northern California and its peculiar
lava. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., no. 79.)
Peridolite of Elliott county, Kentucky. Wash., 1887. 29 p.
pi. {In same, v. 6.)
Tertiary revolution of the Pacific coast. {In same, 14th rept.
pt. 2.)'
DILLIN, Valentine, {pseud. E. B. Lanin.) Russian characteristics.
Lond., 1892. O.
DILLINGHAM. Wiliam P., gov. of Vermont. Message, 1890. Mont-
pelier, 1890. 20 p. pamp. O.
"DILLON. John. Ireland's position on the Queen's jubilee; speech
delivered in the House of Commons in opposition to the
Queen's Jubilee Address. {In Blake, E. Over-taxation of
T>ILLON, William. Life of John Mitchel. Lond., 1888. 2 v. por.
DILLWYN, Lewis Weston. A descriptive catalogue of recent
shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method. Lond.,
1817. 2 V. O.
DIMON familv. See Dimond fflmilv.
DIMOXD, Edwin K. (iciicMlouy of the Diiiioiid or Diiiion family of
Fairfield, Coiiii. Albaiiv. iSiH. 1T1> p. O.
DIMOND family.
DIMOND, E. R. Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimoii family of Fair-
field, Conn. Albany, 1891. 179 p. O.
DINGEY, P. S. Machinery pattern making. N. Y., [c. 1891]. 89 p.
pi. D.
DINGLEY, F. L. European emigration: studies in Europe of emi-
gration mo\ing out of l^urope, esiteeially that (lowing to the
U.S. Wasli., 1S9U. O. (Spec, ('onsular repts., v, 2.)
DINGLEY, Thonuis, comp. History from marble, compiled in the
reign of ("harles II.; ])rinted in photolithography by V.
Brooks from the original in the possession of Sir T: E. Win-
nington; >vith an introduction [etc.] by J: U. Nichols.
[Westminster], ]8()T-(;s. 2 v. ],!. O. (Camden Soc, v. 94,
DINWIDDIE, William. The Epistles to the Thessahuiians. (In
Munhall, L. W. ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
DIECKS, W. H. rd. Internali(mal humour series. N. Y., 1893-95.
8v. il. D.
For list see Int. Humour ser.
ALAMEDA (Cal.) District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra
Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey
counties; L. M. McKenney, pub. S. F., c. 1878. O.
Hand-book and directory of Alameda county; comp. and pub. by
L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1876. O.
Husted's Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley directory; 1891, 1892,
1892-3, 1894, 1895, 1896. S. F., c. 1891-95. 6 v. 0.
Xotc: 1892, 1894 contain Alameda county directory.
ALBANY. Directory for 1896; including Bath and Greenbush; also
a street and business directory. Pub. by Sampson, Murdock and
Co. Albany, [c. 1896] O.
BANKER'S almanac and register and legal directory; 1894; ed. by A.
S. Bolles. N. Y., c. 1894. O.
BERKELEY (Cal.) Husted's Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley direc-
tory: 1891, 1892, 1892-3, 1894, 1895, 1896. S. F., [c. 1891-95]. v. 6. O.
— Husted's Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and Alameda county direct-
ory; 1892, 1894. Oakland, 1892-94. 2 v. O.
BOSTON. Boston directory, containing the city record, directory of
the citizens, business directory and street directory, 1893, 1896. Pub-
lished by Sampson, Murdock and Co. Bost., c. 1893, 1896. maps.
2 V. O.
BRITISH Columbia. Williams' official British Columbia directory
1897-8; containing general information and directories of the various
cities, towns and settlements in the Province; comp. and pub. by R.
T. Williams. Victoria, [1897]. O.
BROOKLYN (N. Y). Lain's Brooklyn directory; 1894. N. Y., c.
1893. O. , ^
BUREAU of the American Republics. Commercial directory of the
American republics . . . information concerning the countries of the
international union of American republics . . . and Hawaii. V. 1.
Wash., 1897. maps. Q. obi.
BUTTE county (Cal.) Directory 1893-94. (In Yolo, etc.)
CALAVERAS county (Cal.) Directory. 1893. (In directory of Stock-
ton city 1893.) „^ ^„„„ „ ,
CALit ORNIA state gazetteer and business directory; 1»90, 1893. Pub-
lished by R. L. Polk and Co., S. F., c. 1890-93. 2 v. O.
CALIFORNIA. Educational directory of California; supp. to the 14th
biennial report of the Supt. of Public Instruction, 1890. Sac,
1890. O.
— — Mercantile directory for 1889 of every banking town in Califor-
nia. S. F., [c. 1889.] O.
Williams, J. S. Lawyers' directory for California. [S. F.],
1889. O.
CASPER, C. N. Directory of the American book news and stationery
trade wholesale and retail. Milwaukee, 1889. pi. por. O
CENTRAL America. Commercial directory. (In Commercial direct-
ory of Amer. rep.)
Trades directory and mercantile manual of Mexico, Central Amer-
ica, and the West India Islands; comp. and ed. by E. H. Delmar.
Chic, and N. Y., 1889-90. O.
CHICAGO. Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. 1896.
Reuben H. Donnelley, compiler. Chic, [c. 1896.] Q.
^ Official directory of the Vvorld's Columbian Exposition May jst
to October 30th, 1893; M. P. Handy, ed. . Chic, 1893. pi. pors.
map. plans. O.
CHINA. Chronicle and directory for China, Corea, Japan, The Phil-
ippines, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Borneo, Malay
States, etc.; 1892. Hongkong, 1892. O.
CH"?10NICLE and directory for China, Corea, Japan, The Philippines,
Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Borneo, Malay States, etc.;
1892. Hongkong, 1892. O.
COLUSA county (Cal.) Colusa Sun annual and county directory: be-
ing a holiday edition of the Weekly Colusa Sun, January 1, 1893.
Colusa, 1893. O.
■ Directory 1893-94. {In Yolo, etc.)
COMMERCIAL directory of the American republics .... information
concerning the countries of the international union of American
republics . . . and Hawaii. V. 1. Wash., 1897. maps. Q. obi.
CONTRA Costa (Cal.) District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra
Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Mon-
terey counties; L. M. McKenney, pub. S. F., c. 18T8. 0.
COREA. Chronicle and directory for China, Corea, Japan, The Phil-
ippines, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Borneo, Malay
States, etc.; 1892. Hongkong, 1892. O.
DENVER. Ballenger and Richards 21st, 24th annual Denver city di-
rectory; 1893, 1896. Denver, [1893-96.] 2 v. O.
DISTRICT directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo,
Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties; L. M.
McKenney, publisher. S. F., c. 1878. O.
DISTRICT of Columbia. Boyd's directory of the District of Colum-
bia; 1893. Wash., c 1893. O.
EIGHT-COUNTY directory of Sonoma, Napa, Lake, Mendocino, Hum-
boldt, Yolo, Solano and Marin counties; 1884-5. L. M. McKenney
and Co. publishers. Oakland, 1883. O.
FRESNO (Cal.) Directory of Fresno city and business directory of
Fresno county; 1894. F. M. Husted, publisher. S. F., c 1894. 0.
GAST-PAUL directory of bankers and attorneys; published July,
1894. St. Louis, c. 1894. Q.
GLENN county (Cal). Directory 1893-94. (In Yolo, etc.)
HAND-BOOK and directory of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ven-
tura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and San Diego counties;
comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. O.
HAND-BOOK and directory of Santa Clara. San Benito, Santa Cruz,
Monterey and San Mateo counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson.
S. F., 1875. maps. O.
HARTFORD City. Geer's Hartford City directory; July, 1894-95.
Hartford, 1894. O.
HAWAII. Commercial directory. {In Commercial directory of Amer.
. repub.)
(u:M:ir\L i)i:i'Ah"r.]iK\T. 245
HAWAII. Directoiy aiul hand-book of the kingdom of Hawaii [1892].
F. M. Husted. publisher. S. F. lSt»2. map. O.
HONOLUH'. Directory and handboolv of Honolulu and the Hawaiian
Islands l.S!U;-i»7. F. M. Husted, pub. S. F., 189G. map. O.
HUMBOLDT ( Directory; 1884-5. (/« Eight-county directory.)
Business directory of Humboldt county [1890] ; Mrs. L. E. Hamm
pub. . (Ill History and business directory of Humboldt Co.)
IDAHO. Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer and business di-
rectory, 1889-90. V. 4. Pub. by R. L. Polk and Co., Portland, [c.
1889]. O.
JAPAN. Chronicle and directory for China, Corea, Japan, The Phil-
ippines, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Borneo, Malay
States, etc.; 1892. Hongkong, 1892. O.
JENNESS, C. K. Charities of San Francisco. Pub. for the Depart-
ment of Economics and Social Science, Leland Stanford jr. Univer-
sity, 1894. S. F., 1894. n. p. O.
KERN (Cal.) Hand-l)ook and directory of San Luis Obispo, Santa
Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and San
Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. O.
LAKE (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (//( Eight-county directory.)
LONDON. Post office London directory for 1897. 98th annual publi-
cation. Lond., 1897. Q.
LOS ANGELES (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis Obispo,
Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and
San Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1895. O.
Corran's Los Angeles directory 1893. L. A., c. Id93. O.
Maxwell's Los Angeles city directory. 1897-. Los Angeles,
1897. O.
MARIN (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (In Eight-county directory.)
MENDOCINO (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (In Eight-county directory.)
MEXICO. Commercial directory. (//( Commercial directory of Amer.
Trades directory and mercantile manual of Mexico, Central Amer-
ica, and the West India islands; comp. and ed. by E. H. Delmar.
Chic, and N. Y., 1889-90. O.
MONTEREY (Cal.) District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra
Costa. San Mateo. Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Mon-
terey counties; L. M. McKenney, pub. . S. P., c. 1878. O.
Hand-book and directory of Santa Clara. San Benito, Santa Cruz,
Monterey, and San Mateo counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson.
S. F.. 1875. maps. O.
San Jose city directory, including Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and
Monterev counties, 1890, 1892; F. M. Husted publisher. S. F., 1890-
92. 2 V. O.
NAPA (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (fn Eight-county directory.)
NEVADA county (Cal.) Directory 189.3-94. (hi Yolo, etc.)
NEW ENGLAND. New England business directory and gazetteer;
no. 15. 1889. no. 17, 1896. Sampson, Murdock and Co. pub. . Bost.,
[c. 1889. 1896]. 2 v. O.
NEW ORLEANS. Soard's New Orleans city directory for 1893. N.
0.. c. 1893. O.
NEW YORK (citv). Trow's New York city directory; v. 107. 110; year
ending July 1, 1894. July 1, 1897. N. Y. [c. 1893-6] 2 v. Q.
NEWSPAPERS. Pacific states newspaper directory; 5th-6th ed.
[1892, 1894.] Pub. by Palmer ond Rev. S. F., 1892-94. 2 v. O.
Rowell, G: P. and Co. American newspaper directory. N. Y.,
1879, 1890. 1894, 1895. 4 v. D. O.
OAKLAND (Cal.) Directory of the township of Oakland, together
with the townships of Brooklyn and .Alameda for the year 1869;
comp. and pub. by B. F. Stilwell. [Oakland.] 1869. O.
Husted's Oakland. Alameda and Berkeley directory; 1891, 1892,
1802-3, 1894, 1895. 1896. S. F., c. 1891-96. 6 v. O.
OMAHA. Omaha city directory for 1896; v. 22; pub. Ijy Omaha Di-
rectory Co.. Omaha, [1896]. O.
OREGON. Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer and business di-
rectory, 18S9-90, V. 4. Pub. by R. L. Polk and Co. . Portland, [c.
1889]. O.
PACIFIC Coast. Wells, Fargo and Co.'s express office directory for
1865. [n. p. n. d.] 98 p. O.
PHILADELPHIA. Gopsill's Philadelphia city directory for 1893, 1896,
Phil., 1893-96. 2 v. O.
PLACER county (Cal.). Directory 1893-4. {In Yolo, etc.)
POO"RE, B. P. coiiii). Political register and congressional directory.
Bost., 1878. pi. Q.
PORTLAND (Oregon). Portland city directory; 1893, 1895. R. L.
Polk and Co. publishers. Portland, c. 1893-95. 2 v. O.
SACRAMENTO (Cal.) Directory and gazetteer for 1857-58, bv I. N.
Irwin. S. F., 1857. O.
Directory for Sacramento city and county, 1891-92. H. S. Crocker
Co., pub. . Sac, [1891]. O.
Directory for Sacramento city and county; 1892-97; F. M. Husted
pub. . S. F., [c. 1892-97]. 6 v. O.
ST. LOUIS. Gould's St. Louis directory for 1893. St. Louis, c.
1893. O.
SAN BENITO (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of Santa Clara, San
Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Mateo counties; comp. and
pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. maps. O.
District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo,
Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties; L. M.
McKenney, pub. . S. F., c. 1878. O.
SAN BERNARDINO (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis
Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles
and San Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F.,
1875. O.
SAN DIEGO (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis Obispo,
Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and
San Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. O.
SAN FRANCISCO (Cal.) San Francisco business directory for 1861;
comp. and pub. by D. M. Gazlay. S. F., [1861]. T.
Directory, embracing a business directory; 1878. Comp. by H:
G. Langley. S. F., 1878. O.
Crocker'.? San Francisco directory; 1895. S. F., 1895. O.
Langley's San Francisco directory; 1890-95. S. F., 1890-95.
6 V. O.
Crocker-Langley San Francisco directory: 1896-97; comp. and pub.
by H. S. Crocker Co. S. F., [1896-97] 2 v. map. 0.
San Francisco blue book and Pacific coast elite directory; 1889-93.
The Bancroft Co., publishers. S. F., 1889-93. 3 v. 0.
SAN JOAQUIN county (Cal.) Directory; 1893. (In Directory of
Stockton city, 1893.)
SAN JOSE (Cal.) San Jose city directory, including Santa Clara,
Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, 1890, 1892-93, 1896-7. F. M. Hus-
ted, publisher. S. F., 1890-96. 4 v. O.
Note: Directory for 1896 includes only Santa Clara county.
SAN LUIS OBISPO (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis
Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles
and San Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F.,
1875. O.
SAN MATEO (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of Santa Clara, San
Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Mateo counties; comp. and
pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. maps. O.
f District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra Costa. San Mateo,
' Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties; L. ivi.
McKenney. pub. . S. F., c. 1878. O.
SANTA BARBARA (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis
Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern. San Bernardino, Los Angeles
and San Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F.,
1875. O.
riL'XERAL Di:r.\RTMENT. . 24T
SANTA CLARA (Cal.) Hand-book and directoiT of Santa Clara, San
Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Mateo counties; comp. and
pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. maps. O.
District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo,
Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties; L. ML
McKenney, pub. . S. F., 1878. O.
San .lost' city directory, including Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and"
Monterey counties, 1890, 1892-93. F. M. Husted, publisher. S. F.,
1890-93. 3 V. O.
SANTA CRUZ (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of Santa Clara, San
Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Mateo counties; comp. and
pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. maps. O.
District directory for 1879, of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo,
Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey; L. M. McKen-
ney, pub. . S. F., c. 1878. 0.
San Jose city directory, including Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and
Monterey counties, 1890, 1892-93. F. M. Husted, publisher. S. F.,
1890-93. 3v. O.
SHASTA county (Cal.) Directory 1893-94. (In Yolo, etc.)
SOLANO (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (In Eight-county directory.)
Directory of Solano; 1893-94. (In Yolo, etc.)
SONOMA (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (lu Eight-county directory.)
SOUTHWESTERN business directory, 1889. McKenney Directory
Company publishers. S. F., etc., [c. 1889]. map. 0.
STANISLAUS county (Cal.) Directory; 1893. (In directory of Stock-
ton city, 1893.)
STOCKTON (Cal.) Directory of Stockton city and San Joaquin, Stan-
islaus, and Merced counties; 1891. F. M. Husted pub. San Fran-
cisco, [c. 1891.] O.
Directory of Stockton city and San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne
and Calaveras counties; 1893. F. M. Husted pub. S. I^., c. 1893. O.
SUTTER county (Cal.). Directory 1893-4. (/» Yolo, etc.)
TEHAMA county (Cal.). Directory 1893-94. (fn Yolo, etc.)
TUOLUMNE county (Cal.) Directory; 1893. (/// Directory of Stock-
ton city. 1893.)
UTAH. Utah gazetteer; 1892-93. Stenhouse and Co. publishers.
Salt Lake, 1892. O.
VENTURA (Cal.) Hand-book and directory of San Luis Obispo. San-
ta Barbara, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and San
Diego counties; comp. and pub. by L. L. Paulson. S. F., 1875. O.
WASHINGTON (state). Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer
and business directory, 1889-90, v. 4. Pub. by R. L. Polk and Co. .
Portland, [c. 1889]. O.
WEST INDIES. Trades directory and mercantile manual of Mexico,
Central America, and the West India islands; comp. and ed. by E.
H. 'elmar. Chic, and N. Y., 1889-90. O.
YOLO (Cal.) Directory; 1884-5. (fn Eight-county directory.)
Supplementary note to the [above] in v. 4 Misc. Camden Soc, v. 73.
Directory of Yolo, Solano, Sutter, Butte. Colusa, Glenn, Placer,
Nevada, Yuba, Tehama and Shasta counties; 1893-94. Comp. by G.
W. Rentschler. S. F., [1893]. O.
YUBA county (Cal.). Directory 1893-94. (In Yolo, etc.)
DISCOVERY of now worlds; made En^Hisli by Mrs. A. R<'liii.
Lond., 1688. 158 p. S.
DISCOVERY of the Jesuits" ooll.'.tr.' ii> Cleric* nw<'ll in Mjircf!.
1G2T-8: and a letter found in their house (as asserted I di-
rected to the father r(M-1(»r at IJruxelles; ed. by J: C. Nicliojs.
Lond., 18r)2. (li ]). O. (//M'aiu(h n misc.. V. L'. rainden Srargaret. Life of Lamartine. Loud.. 1888.
T>oi'. D.
DOXALD. \imp. Lakeside annual directory of the
city of Chicago, 1896. Chic, 1896. Q.
DONNELLY, Ignatius.
O'CONNOR, W. D. Mr. Donnelly's reviewers. Chic, etc., 1889. 101
p. D.
DONOVAN, Edward. Epitome of the iialural history of the insects
of Cliiiia! i-oiuprisiiiji li«;ures and descriptions. Lond., 171)8.
col. pi. Q.
Natural history of tlu' insects of India; a new ed. with addi-
tional observations etc., by .1. (>. ^^'estwood. Ijond., 18J58.
col. pi. Q.
Natural history of the insects of India. A new ed. brouj^ht
down to the present state of the science with systematic
characters of each species, synonyms, indexes, and other ad-
ditional matter, bv J. O. West wood. Lond., 1842. col. pi.
DONOVAN, J. W. Speeches and speech-maldnj?. Detroit, 1805. D.
DOOLTTTLE, Charles C. The defense of Decatur, Alabama, {fn
Hunter, R. ed. Sketches of war history.)
DOOLITTLE. G. M. Scientific queen-rearino- as practically applied.
Chic, 1889. 169 p. il por. D.
DOONER, Pierton W. Last davs of the republic. S. F., 1880. pi.
DORAN, John. London in the Jacobite times. Lond., 1877. 2 v. O.
D'ORBIGNY, Alcide Dessalines. See Orbigny, A, D. d'.
ORCTTTT, W: D. Good old Dorchester; a narrative historj' of the
town, 1630-1893. Camb., 1893. 11. pi. O.
DORE. Paul Cnstave. Ccrranfes Snaredra M. de. L'ins(?nieux
hidaljro Don Quichotte de la Manche: Tr. L. Viardot. il. by
D., Paris 1803. il. pi. 2 v. F.
nnhelais F. Oeuvres; il. by Dor^. Paris, 1873. 2 v. F.
D'ORIA, Andrea.
ARAZA, J. N. de. Elogi storici di Cristoforo Colombo e di Andrea
D'Oria. Parma, 1781. pors. Q.
DORIS, Charles. Secret memoirs of Xapoleon. Lend., 189(5. por.
DORLAND. W. A. Newman. M. P. A manual of obstetrics. Phil.,
1890. il. D.
DORNRLASER, T. F. Sabre sti'okes of the Pennsylvania dragoons
in the war of 1801-65. Phil., 1884. D.
DORNER, Isaac August. On the fufure state; a translation of the
section of his system of christian doctrine comprising? the
doctrine of the last thinp:s; introduction and notes by N.
Smvth. N. Y., 1883. 155 p. S.
DORR. Henrv C. The Narrauansetts. ifn R. I. Hist. soc. Col.
V. 7.)
D'ORSEY, Alexandei' J. D. I'ortujzuese; or. The words
and jdirases of everv-day life. 3d ed. cor. and im]t. Lond..
1868. 126 p. D.
DORSEY. Ceort'-e A. 01)sei-vation on a collecfinn of I'apuan crania
(Field Columbian ^NIus. Pub. no. 21.)
DORSEY. Janies Owen. The Dhejriha laniruap-e. Wash., 1890. Q.
(F. S. Crori. and ficrd. Siirr. of Hip PiOrlnj Mf. Rrijion. Contrif).
to N. A. Ethn<»1. v. 6.)
DORSEY, James Owen. Osage traditions. {In Smithsonian Inst.
Bureau of Ethnology. . Gth report.)
A study of Siouan cults. {In Same. 11th report.)
DOSTOYEVSKY, Fedor M. The idiot; tr. by F. Whishaw. Lond.,
18S7. D.
DOTY, H, H. Doty's edition of Madame Thillon's grand opera of
the Crown diamonds. S. F., ISoi. 15 p. O.
DOUBLEDAY, Abner. Gettysburg made plain. N. Y., [c. 1888].
59 p. maps. D.
DOUBLEDAY, Edward and' Westwood, J. O. The genera of diur-
nal lepidoptera; comprising their generic characters, a notice
of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the
species of each genus. Lond., 1S46-52. 2 v. F. pL 3 v. F.
DOT'GLAS, Charles H. J. The financial history of Massachusetts;
from the organization of the Massachusetts Bay Company to
the American i-evolution. N. Y., 1892. O. (Columbia Univ.
Studies in hist. econ. and pub. law. v 1. no. 4.)
DOUGLAS, Mrs. Fanny. The gentlewoman's book of dress. Lond.,
[1893]. por. D. (Victoria lib. for gentlewomen.)
See Chamberlain, E. L. and Douglas, F. The gentlewoman's
book of gardening.
DOUGLAS, Sir George Brisbane Scott. The Blackwood group. N.
Y., [n.d.] L58 p. D. (Famous Scots.)
'- ed. Scottish fairv and folk tales. Lond., [n.d.], il. D.
DOUGLAS. George C. M. tr. Keil, K. F. Manual of historico—
critical introduction to the canonical scriptures of the Old
Testament. Edin., 1882 84. 2 v. O.
DOT^GLAS, James. See Bowes, R. and Douglas, J. Indexes of por-
traits [etc.].
DOI^GLAS. John William and Scott, John. British hemiptera. v.
1. Lond., 1865. pi. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
DOX^GLAS. Robert Kennaway. A Chinese girl graduate. (In
Stories bv Eng. authors. The Orient.)
Society in China. Lond., 1894. pi. O.
DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold. Political debates between Abraham
Lincoln and S. Douglas. Cleveland. 1894. O.
DOUGLAS. William. The currency of India; with a letter on bi-
metallism. 5th ed. Lond., 1892. 64 p. O.
DOUGLAS, (Mass.)
EMERSON, W: E. History of the town of Douglas, Mass., from the
earliest period to the close of 1878. Bost., 1879. 11. O.
DOUGLASS, Ben. History of Wayne county, Ohio, from the days
of the pioneers and first settlers to the present time. In-
dianapolis, 1878. pors. O.
DOUNTON. Nicholas. See Downton, N.
DOW, Alexander. Customs, manners, language, religion and phil-
osophy of the Hindoos; — Origin and nature of despotism in
Hindoslan. (I?? Muhammad Ivazim Farishta. History of
DOW, Joseph. History of the town of Hampton, N. H., from its
settlement in 1638 to the autumn of 1892. Salem, 1893. 2
V. O.
1>(.)\\'1>. W. W. ciiinii. TIk' ( of lleiir.v Doude who came
from Euglaud in W.W). liart., 1885. O.
DO WD family.
DOWD, W. W. comi). The descendants of Henry Doude, who came
from England in 1G39. Hart., 1885. O.
DOWDEX, Edward. The Erencli revolution and English literature.
N. Y., 181)7. D. (Princeton lectures.)
A history of French literature, ^s'. Y., 1897. J). (Short hist.
of lit. of the world.)
Introduction to Shakespeare. Lond., [1893]. 13G p. por. D.
New studies in literature. Bost., 1895. O.
Shakespeare; a critical study of his mind and art. 10th ed.
Lond., 18J)2. D.
Studies in literature 1789-1877. Gth ed. Lend., 1892. O.
Transcripts and studies. Lond., 1888. D.
DOW ELL, Stephen. A history of taxation and taxes in England,
from the earliest times to the year 1885. 2d ed. rev. and
altered. J.ond., 1888. 4 v. O.
Contents: V. 1. Taxation from the earliest times to the civil war. 2.
Taxation from the civil war to the present day. 3. Direct taxes and
stamp duties. 4. Taxes on articles of consumption.
DOWLAXD, John. Book of songs or airs. [1597, 1600, 1603.] A
pilgrim's solace. [1612.] {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4,
p. 28, 519, 609, 644.)
DOWLIXG. Morgan E. Southern prisons; or, Josie the heroine of
Florence. Detroit, 1870. pi. pors. O.
DOWNEY", John G. Inaugural address, 1860. {In Gal. Gov. Inau-
gural addresses, 1849-91.)
DOWNIEVILLE messenger [weekly] ; Jan. 5, 1894-Dec. 25, 1897.
Downieville, 1894-97. F.
DOWS, Azro Milton, comp. The Dows or Dowse family in
America; a genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence Dows,
with the genealogy of the INIasterman family and others.
Lowell, 1890. il. 'O.
DOWS or Dowse family.
DOWS, A. M., comp. The Dows or Dowse family in America: a
genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence Dows. Albany, 1890.
il. O.
DOWXTOX, Xicholas. capt. Journal in the same voyage of Sir
Henry Middleton. {In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1.
p. 390.)
See Hakluyt, R., and Downton, X. Destruction, etc., of Por-
tuguese Carracks.
DOWSE family. Sec Dows family.
DOXEY, William, pub. Guide to San Francisco and the pleasure
resorts of California. S. F.. 1897. il. D.
DOY'LE, Arthur Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. N. Y'.,
[c. 1892]. il. D.
The exploits of Brigadier Gerard. X. Y., 1895. il. D.
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. New and rev. ed. X\ Y'., [c.
1893.] il. D.
Micah Clarke; his statement. Xew ed. Lond., 1893. D.
Mvsterv of Cloomber. X". Y.. [c. 1895.] D.
l>OYLE, Arthur Conan. The mystery of ISasassa valley. [In Stories
by Eng. authors. Africa.)
The refugees; a tale of two coutiiieuts. N. Y., [c. 1893]. il.
The Stark-Muuro letters; being a series of twelve letters writ-
ten by J. Stark-Munro M. B., to H. tSwanborough of Lowell,
Mass., ] 881-1884. is. Y., 1895. il. D.
Uncle Bernac; a memory of the empire. N. Y., 1897. 11. D.
The white company. ^. Y., 1895. il. D.
DOY'LE, John Andrew. English colonies in America, (continua
tion): V. 1. Ylrginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. N. Y'.
1889. map. O.
1^0 YLE, Eichard. A journal kept in the year 1840; with an in
troduction by J, H. Pollen. Lond., 1885. 12-i^l52 p. il
por. Q.
DRAGE, Geoffrey. The unemployed. N. Y., 1894. I).
DRAGENDORFF, G. Plant analysis: qualitative and quantitative
tr. by H. G.. Greenish. Lond., 1884. il. O.
URAGOMANOV, Sergius Michael, [pseud. Stepniack.] The career
of a nihilist. N. Y., [n.d.] D.
The Russian peasantry; their agrarian condition, social life
and religion. 2d ed. Lond., 1888. 2 v. O.
DRAKE, Sir Francis. Sir Francis Drake revived; calling upon this
dull or effeminate age to follow his noble steps for gold and
silver, 1626. • [In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 5. p. 487.)
The world encompassed, being his next voyage to that to
Nombre de Dios; collated with an unpublished manuscript
of Francis Fletcher: with appendices and introduction bv W.
S. W. Vaux. Lond., 1854. map. O.
LENG, R. Memorable service done against the Spaniards in 1587;
ed. by C. Hopper, (/h Camden misc., v. 5. Camden Soc, v. 87.)
DRAKE, Francis Samuel, ed. The Indian tribes of the United
States: their history, antiquities, customs, religion, arts, lan-
guage, traditions, oral legends and myths. Phil., 1884. 2 v.
pi. pors. F.
Tea leaves: being a collection of letters and documents
relating to the shipment of tea to the American colonies in
the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company, with an in-
trod*, notes [etc.]. Bost., 1884. pors. facsim. O.
DRAKE, J. Madison. The history of the Ninth New Jersey veteran
vols., 1861-65; with a complete official roster. Elizabeth,
1889. pors. O.
DRAKE, Samuel Adams. The border wars of New England, com-
monly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars. N. Y.,
1897.' 11. maps. D.
Decisive events in American history: The battle of Gettys-
burg, 1863. Bost., 1892. 178 p. S.
The making of the Ohio valley states 1660-1837. N. Y^, 1894.
il. maps. D,
The making of Virginia and the middle colonies, 1578-1701. N.
Y"., 1893. il. pors. maps. D.
The old Boston taverns and tavern clubs. Bost., 1886. 70 p.
il. D.
The pine-tree coast. Bost., 1891. il. pi. O.
ui:m:i;.\l dfa'artmest. 266
DKAKE, Samuel Gaiduer. History and antiquities of Boston, from
its settlement iu 1G30, to the year 1770; also au iutroductory
history of the discovery aud settlemeut of iS'ew Englaud.
liost., 185(5. il. i»l. pors. lacsiiii. O.
DltAYTO^s', Michael. Idea. | l;VJ4-l(ilUj. [^Ln Arber, E. Eng. Gar-
ner, V. 0, p. '1^\).)
Odes. 1000; lOlD. {In Saine,\. >^, \). '^'11.)
DKEJJGE, James, cd. Electric illumination; by C. Cooke, J.
Dredge [and others] ; with abstracts of specilications having
reference to electric lighting prepared by W. 1j. Wise, l^ond.,
[1882] -1885. 2 V. il. pi. Q.
DRESDEN, Gallery. 10 Photogravuren nach gemiilden von Rem-
brandt in der Galerie zu J)resden, pub. by Photographisehe
Gesellschalt. JJerlin, [IS97]. pi. V.
DREW, Frederic. The northern barrier of India; a popular ac-
count of the Jummoo and Kashmir territories. Lond., 1877.
il. pi. map. D.
DREXEJ^IUS, Jereniias. The heliotropium; or, conformity of th(i
human will to the divine; from the Latin by R. N. Shutte;
with a preface by Rev. A. P. Forbes. 2d ed. Lond., 1880. D.
DREYER, John Louis Emil. Tycho lira he: a picture of scientific
life and work in the sixteenth century. Edin., 1890. pi. per.
DRINKER, Henrv. S. Tunneling, explosive compounds, and rock-
drills. 3d ed. rev. enl. N. Y., 1888. il. Q.
DRIVER, Samuel Rolles. D. I). Critical and exegetical comment-
ary on Deuteronomy. N. Y., 1895. O. (Int. crit. comm.)
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 2d
ed. N. Y.. 1802. O. (Int. theol. lib. no. 1.)
Notes on the Hebrew text of the books of Samuel; with an
introduction on Hebrew palaeography and the ancient ver-
sions. Oxford. 1800. ])1. facsims. O.
ed. See Rriggs, C: A.. Driver, S: R., Plummer, A. eds. Inter-
national critical commentary.
DRUMMOND, Henry. Ascent of man. 3d ed. N. Y^., 1804. D.
Lowell lectures.)
DRUMMOND, James. Via, Veritas, vita: lectures on Christianity
in its most sim])le and intelligible form. Lond., 1804. O.
(Hibbert lectures 1894.)
DRrMMOND, James, .'tth enrl of Perth. Letters to his sister the
Countess of Errol. and other members of his familv; ed. bv
W: Jerdan. Lond., 1845. lCy-{-U2 p. O. (Camden Soc, v.
DRU:M]\rOND. Thomas.
O'BRIEN, R. B. T. Drummond, under secretary in Ireland, 1835-40;
life and letters. Lond., 1889. por. O.
DRL'RY. W. D. ed. DuVaM.U. [and others.] Practical kennel man-
agement. (Dalziel, H. British dogs. v. 3.)
DRYDEN. John. Dedicatory epistle to the rival ladies. [1004.]
A defence of An essay of dramatic poesy. [1008]. Of dra-
matic poesy. 1008. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 3.)
GARNETT, R. The age of Dryden. Lond., 1897. S. (Handbooks of
Eng. lit.)'
DSCHAMI. See Jfimee.
DUANE, James Chatham. History of the bridge equipage in the
U. S. army; Feb. 17th, 18G8. (Essayons' Club; printed pa-
pers, V. 1, no. 1.)
DUBBS, Joseph Henry. History of the Reformed Church, Ger-
man. {Ill Amer. Church Hist, ser,, v. 8.)
DU BELLA Y, Guillaume. M^moires. {In Col. des m^m. rel. k
I'hist. de France. 1827. s. 1. v. 18-19.)
DU BELLA Y, Martin. Mt^moires contenant le discours de plu-
sieurs choses advenues an royaume de France depuis I'an
1513 jusques au trespas du roy Frangois I. (In Col. des m^m.
rel. a I'hist. de France. 1827. s. 1. v, 17-18.)
DUBIEF, L. F. Nonveau manuel complet th^orique et practique
du fabricant de cidre et de poir^. Nouvelle ed. enti^rement
refondre par F. Malepeyre. Paris, 1859. pi. S. (Encyclo-
DUBLIN Microscopical Club. Index to the proceedings, 1865-1880.
(Bd. iriih Index to the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical
Science, 1853-88.)
DUBLIN quarterly journal of science; April, July, Oct., 1861; Jan.,
April, Juh% 1864. Dublin, 1861-64. O. 6 pts.
DUBLIN reyiew (continuation); y. 1-27, 29-39, 42-48, 53-62, 64-67,
81, 95-97. 105-120; 1836-55, 1857-60, 1863-70, 1877, 1884-85,
1889-97. Lond. and Dublin, 1836-97. 79 y. O.
Xote: Also, v. 28, July, 1850; v. 40, April, 1856; v. 41, January,
1857; V. 49, February, 1861; v. 50, August, 1861; v. 52, November,
1862; V. 63, October, 1868.
DUBOIS, Augustus Jay. The strains in framed structures. 4th
ed. N. Y., 1888. il. pi. Q.
DUBOIS, Felix. Timbuctoo, the mysterious; tr. from the French
by Diana White. Lond., 1897!^ il. O.
DU BOIS, William Edward Burghardt. Enforcement of the slaye
trade laws. Wash., 1892. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept.,
1892. Papers, no. 8.)
DU BOIS, William Ewing. A brief account of the collection of
coins belonging to the mint of the United States, more par-
ticulary of the antique specimens. 2d ed. with add. 1851.
(In Eckfeldt, J. R. and DuBois, W: E. New varieties of gold
and silyer coins. 2d ed. 1851.)
See Eckfeldt, J. R. and DuBois, W: E. New varieties of gold
and silver coins.
DU BOIS-Reymond, E. On secondary electromotive phenomena
in muscles, nerves and electrical organs. — Observations and
experiments on malapterurus brought to Berlin alive. — Liv-
ing torpedoes in Berlin. (In Sanderson, J. S. B., ed. Tr. of
foreign biol.; Mem. I: Phys. of nerve muscle.)
DU BOSE, John Witherspoon. The life and times of William
Lowndes Yancey: a history of political parties in the United
States from 1834 to 1864; "^especially as to the origin of the
confederate states. Birmingham, 1892. pors. O.
DUBRUNFAUT, Augustin Pierre. Traits complet de I'art de la
distillation. Paris, 1824. 2 v. D.
(JEN E HAL J>KI'AfiT.]li;.\T. 257
DU CANE, Sir P^dnmiul Frederick. The punishment and preven-
tion of criiiic. Lond., 1885. D. (En^dish citizen.)
DU CANGE, ('liniU's du Fresne, sieiir. Dissertations ou reflexions
siir Thisloire i\v S. Louys «lu Sire de Joinville. (/» Col. des
mem. rel. a I'liist de France, lSii4. s. 1. v. 8.)
DF CIIAILI.U, Paul Belloni. The viking age: the early history,
maners. and customs of the ancestors of the English-speak-
ing nations. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. 11. pi. maps. O.
DUCH0(;1K)1S, P. C. The lighting in photograpl.ic studios. 2d
ed. rev. N. Y., I89ri. il. 91 p. O. (Scovill photo, ser.)
Photograjdiic reproduction ]>rocesses: a practical treatise of
the photo-impre.ssions without silver salts. N. Y., 1891. 121
p. O. {Same.)
DUCKETT, Sir George, ed. Original lettei's of the Duke of Mon-
mouth in the Bodleian library. [Lond.], 1879. O. {In
Camden misc., v. 8. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 81.)
DU CLERCQ, Jacques. Memoires, 1448-(;7. {In Col. des m^m. rel.
a rhist. de France. 1820. s. 1. v. 11.)
DT'CLOR, Charles Pineau. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de
Louis XIV. et de Louis X^^ {In Col. des m6m. rel. i\ I'hist.
de France. 1829. s. 1. v. 7G-77.)
DFCLOT'X, Paul. La nu'^decine d'imagination; les malades imag-
inaries et la therapeutique suggestive. Montpellier, 1887.
47p. O.
DUCREST, Mme. Georgette. Secret memoirs of tiie court of the
Empress Josephine with anecdotes of the courts of Navarre
and Malmaisou. Paris, Bost., [n. d.]. il. pi. O. (Secret
court memoirs.)
DUDEVAXT. M7)ie. Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. {pseud.y
George Sand.) Cousuelo. Xouv. ed. 1895. 3 v. D.
Lettres d'un voyageur. Xouv. ed. l*aris, 1809. D.
Le Marquis de Villemer. Xouv. <=^d. Paris, 1894. D.
The master mosaic-workers. Bost., 1895. il. S.
Mauprat. Xouv. ^d. Paris, 1883. D.
Valvcdre. Paris, 1884. D.
DUDEVAXT, Jean Francois ^Maurice Arnauld. {pseud., Maurice
Sand.) Le monde des ]»a]»illons ])romenade it travers
cham])s: avec une prt^face de (leorge Sand, suivi de I'histoire
naturelle des l^pidopteres d' Europe par A. Depuiset. Paris,
1807. il. pi. Q.
DUDLEY, Ladii Jane Grey.
Chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary, and espe-
cially of the rebellion of Sir T: Wyat; written by a residor in tne
Tower of London; ed. by J: G. Nichols. [Lond.], 1850. O. (Cam-
den Soc, V. 48.)
DUDLEY, P. H. Structure of certain timber-ties; behavior and
causes of their dvray in the road bed; together with experi-
ments on the adhesion of spikes. {In V. S. Dept. of Agric.
Forestrv Div. Bull. no. 1, app. 1.)
DUDLEY, Robert, enrl of Leicester. 1532-88. Correspondence dur-
ing his government of the Low Countries in the years 1585
and 1580; ed. bv J: Bruce, tr. 1844. O. (Camden Soc,
V. 27.)
DUDLEY, William Russell. The Cajuga flora. Ithaca, 1886. O.
Coruell Univ. Bull., v. 2.)
The geuus Phyllospadix. Ithaca, 1893. O. pamp.
Preliminary list of the vascular plants of the Lackawanna
and Wyoming valleys. Scranton, 1887. O. {In Lacka-
wanna Inst, of Hist, and Science. Proceedings, v. 1.)
and Thurston, Charles O. A catalogue of the flowering plants
and vascular cryptogams found in and near Lackawanna and
Wyoming valleys. Wilkesbarre, 1892. 101 p. D.
DUFF, E. Gordon. Early printed books. Lond., 1893. pi. * fac-
sim. O.
DUFF, Sir. Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant-. Ernest Kenan: in
memoriam. Lond., 1893. D.
Miscellanies political and literary. Lond., 1878. O.
Notes from a diary, 1851-1872. Lond., 1897. 2 v. D.
DUFFY, Bella. The Tuscan republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa, and
Lucca) with Genoa. N. Y., 1893. pi. pors. map. D.
(Story of the nations.)
DUGANNE, Augustine Joseph Hickey. Camps and prisons:
tw^entv months in the department of the Gulf. 2d ed. N.
Y., 18G5. pi. D.
DUGDALE, Gilbert. The time triumphant, 1601. [In Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, v. 5, p. 639.)
DUGDALE, Sir William. Monasticon Anglicanum: a history of
the abbies, and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries, and
cathedral and collegiate churches, with their dependencies
in England and Wales; also of all such Scotch, Irish, and
French monasteries, as were in any manner connected with
religious houses in England. New ed. enriched with a large
accession of materials [etc.], by J: Caley, Sir H. Ellis, and
Rev. B. Bandinel. Lond.. 1846. 6 v. in 8. pi. por. F.
DU GUAY TROUIN, Ren^. Memoires. [1689-1715]. {In Col. des
m^m. rel. a Fhist. de France. 1829. s. 2. v. 75.)
DU GUESCLIN, Bertrand. Anciens nu^moires du XIV. siecle, de-
puis peu d(^couverts ; nouvellement traduits par le sieur Le
Febvre. {In Col. des m6m. rel. h I'hist. de France. 1824. s.
1. V. 4-5.)
DUGUID, Bev. James E. tr. Weiss, K. P. B. Biblical theology of
the Xew Testament, v. 2. Edin., 1888-89. 2 v. O.
DUHALDE. Jean Baptiste. Travels of five French Jesuits from
Ning-po-fu to Peking in 1687. {In Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 3. p. 513.)
DUHRING, Julia. Mental life and culture: essays and sketches,
educational and literary; ed. bv L. A. Duhring. Phil., 1893.
DUHRING, Louis Adolphus. Cutaneous medicine: a systematic
treatise on the diseases of the skin. Phil., 1895. pt. 1. O.
DUJARDTN-BEAT^METZ, Georges. L'hygi^ne th(^rapeutique;
gymnastique, massage hydroth(^rapie, a^roth^rapie, climato-
th^rapie. Paris, 1888. ii. pi. O.
Modern treatment of diseases of the heart: tr. from 4th
French ed. by E. P. Hurd. [pt. 11-2. Detroit, 1887. 2 v. D.
pi. 2. Diseases of the aorta.
Oh'M-:ifAL nEI'Ah'TMEST. 259*
DUJAKDIX r.EAI'MKTZ, CJcorges. Modoin treatment of diseases
of the liver; \v. fioin atli Frencli ed. bv E. P. Ilurd. Detroit,
1888. 12-hl8r) p. D.
DUKE, Joshua. KeLoUectionss of the Kabul campaign 187U and
1880. Lond., 1883. por. nuips. O.
DU EII^XJE de IMivcliaunicix. iMipene. J.e conseiller du d^bit-
ant de bois.souis contenant la lr!j;i.s.
N. Y., 189L maps. D.
DUTHIE, J. F. Tlie fodder grasses of nortliern India. Roorkee
1888. pi. O.
Illustrations of the indigenous foddci- grasses <»f the plains of
north-westei-n India; v. 1-2. Roorkee. 1880-87. 2 v. in 1. (}.
DUTT, Romesh Chunder. A histoi'y of civilization in ancient Ind'a.
based on Sanscrit literature. Loud., 1889-90. ?, y, niaps» f>.
Cnnfrtiffi: V. 1. Vedic and epic ages. 2. Rationalistic age. 3.
Buddhist and Pauranik ages.
DL'TT, Torn. Ancient balhids and legends of Hindustan; with an
introductorv memoir bv E. 3d ed. Loud., 1888. 139
p. S.
DUTTON, Clarence Edward, capt. The Charleston earthquake of
August 31, 1880. il. pi. maps. {In U. S. Geol. surv. 9tb
annual report 1887-88. 5Uth Cong. 2d sess. H. E. D. v. i3.)
DV VILLA RS. Francois de Boyvin. Baron. Memoires sur les
guerres demeslees tant en Piedmont qu'au Montferrat et
dueh(5 de Milan, par feu Messire Charles de Coss6: commen-
(;ant en rann(§e 1550, et finissant en 1559. {In Col. des mem.
rel. h rhist de France, 1822-23. s. 1. v. 28-30.)
DWINELL, Israel Edson.
JEWETT, H. E. I. E. Dwinell, D.D.: a memoir. Oakland [c. 1892].
por. D.
DWINELLE, John W. Address delivered before the Society of
California Pioneers, Sept. 10, 186G. S. F., 1866. 34 p!^ O.
{hi Cal. Pioneers Orations and poems. 1858-94. v. 2.)
The colonial history of the city of San Francisco. 4th ed. S.
F., 1867. pi. map. O.
DWYEK, Philip. Booth's ''Submerged tenth". {In, Loch, C. S. and
others. General Booth's social scheme.)
DYCE, Rev. Alexander. A few notes on Shakespeare; with occas-
ional remarks on the emendations of the manuscript-cor-
rector in Mr. Collier's copy of the folio 1632. Lond., 1853.
156 p. O.
ed. Kemp's nine dales wonder: performed in a daunce from
London to Norwich. Lond., 1840. 26-i-35 p. O. (Camden
Soc, V. 11.)
DYE, Frederick. Hot water supply: a practical treatise upon the
fitting of hot water apparatus for domestic and general pur-
poses. N. Y., 1888. 9-1-82 p. D.
See, Davis, G: B. and Dye, F. Plumbing and sanitation.
[DYER, Sir Edward?] tr. 'Theocritus. Six idillia.
DYER, Louis. Studies of the gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries
recently excavated: being eight lectures given in 1890 at the
Lowell institute. N. Y., 1894. pi. O.
ir. Cossa, L. An introduction to the study of political econ-
DYER. Oliver. Life and writings or" George Bancroft. (In Ban-
croft, G: History of the battle of Lake Erie.)
DYER, Thomas Henry. L.L.D. On imitative art; its principles
and progress; with preliminary remarks on beauty, sublim-
ity, and taste. Lond., 1882. O.
DYING speeches and behavior of the several state prisoners that
have been executed the last 300 ^ears. Lond., 1720. D.
DZIEKONSKA, Kasimir. tr. Krasinka, Francoise, countess.
(ii:\/:h'[L ni:i'.nnMi:\T. 263
EADIE, Jobu. D. IJ. A commentary on the Greek text of the Epis-
tle of I'aul to the Ephesians; ed. by Kev. W: Young. M ed.
Edin., 1883. O.
EAliLE, Alice Morse. Colonial dames and good wives, liost.,
181)0. 1).
Colonial days in old New York. N. Y., 1890. D.
Margaret \Vinlhrop. N. Y^, 18J)0. por. S. (Women of col.
and rev. times.)
EARLE, John. A hand-book to the land charters, and other Sax-
onic documents. Oxford, 1888. 1).
EAKLE, riinv. M. D. The curability of insanity: a series of
studies." I'hil., 1887. O.
EAKEL, Kobert Edward. Catalogue of the ai)paratus for the cap-
ture of tish exhibited bv the United States National Museum.
Great Int. Fisheries Exhib. Lond., 188.3. Wash., 1884. O.
(U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 27, sec. J.)
Catalogue of the fish cultural exhibit of the United States fish
commission. CJreat Int. Fisheries Exhibit, Lond., 1883.
Wash., 1884. O. {Same, sec. L.)
EARLY, Samuel Stockwell. A history of the family of Early in
America. Albany, 1890. 53 p. O.
EARLY family.
EARLY, S. S. History of the family of Early in America. Albany,
1896. 53 p. O.
EARLY' English and Scottish poetry 1250-1000. selected and edited
with a critical introduction and notes by H. M. Fitzgibbon.
N. Y.. and Lond., [1888.]. D.
EARLY Englisli Text Society. Publicalions. [Regular series, no.
1-99; Extra series, no. 1-02. Lond., 1804-93. 131 v. O.
No. 1. Early English alliteralive poems, in the west-mid-
land dialect of the 14th century; coi)ied and edited from a
unique manuscript in the library of the British museum, with
an introduction, notes, and glossarial index by Richard Mor-
ris. Lond., 1804.
No. 2. Ai'thur; a short sketch of his life and histoi-y in
English verse of the first hiilf of the 15th century; copied
and edited from the ^Mareuis of Bnth's ms., by F. J. Furnivoll.
Lond.. 1804.
No. 3. 4L Lauder, AV: Exiani p«»ctic;il woi'ks; ed. by F,
Hall [and] F. J. Furnivall. L(md.. 1804-70.
No. 4. Sir Gawayne and the green knight: an alliterative
romance-poem, about 1320-30, A. D.. by the author of Early
Enirlish alliterative poems: reed, by Richard ^forris. Lond.,
Xo. 5. Tlume, A. Of the oi-thograpliie and congruitie of
the Britan tongue: ed. from the original ms. in the British
Museum, bv H: B. Whcatley. Lond.. 1805.
EARLY English Text Society. Publications.
No. 0. Lancelot of the laik: a Scottish metrical romance^
about 1490-1500 A. D.; re-ed. from a ms. in the Cambridge
University libi'ary, with an introduction, notes, and glossa-
rial index, by AA'. W. Skeat. Lond., 1805.
No. 7. The story of Genesis and Exodus, an early En-
glish song, about A. D. 1250; now iirst edited from a unique
ms. in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with
introduction, notes, and glossary, by Richard Morris. Lond.,
No. 8. Morte Arthure; ed. from Robert Thornton's ms.
about 1440 A. D. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral, bv G:
G. Perry. Lond., 18G5.
No. 9. Thynne, F. Chaucer : animaduersions uppon the
Annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of im-
pressiones of Chaucer's workes (sett down before tyme and
nowe) reprinted in the yere of our lorde 1598; now newly ed-
ited from the ms. in the Bridgewater library by G. H. Kings-
ley. Lond., 1865.
No. 10, 21, 36. Merlin; or, The early history of King Ar-
thur: a prose romance, about 1450-1460 A. D.; ed. from the
unique ms. in the Uniyersity Library, Cambridge, by H: B.
Wheatley; with an introduction by D. W. Nash; pt. 1-3;
[with an essay on Arthurian localities, by J. S. Stuart Glen-
nie]. Lond., 1865-69. 2 v. map.
No. 11, 19, 35, 37, 47. Lyndesay, David. [Works]; pt.
1-5; ed. by F. Hall [and J. A. H. Murray; with a sketch of
Scottish poetry to the time of Sir David Lyndesay, and an
outline of his works, by John Nicol]. Lond.. 1865-71. 2 v.
No. 12, 84. Adam of Cobsam. The w^ught's chaste wife;
from a ms. in the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury
at Lambeth, about 1462 A. D.; copied and ed. by F. J. Furni-
vall; [with supplement; Additional analogs, bv W. A. Clous-
ton]. Lond., 1865-86.
No. 13. Seinte Marherete, the meiden ant martyr; in old
English; ed. from the skin books in 1862 by O. Cockayne, and
now reissued. Loud., 1866.
No. 14. King Horn; witli fragments of Floriz and
Blauncheflur, and of The assumption of our lady, from a ms.
in the Cambridge University library; also, from mss. in the
British Museum The assumption of our lady, and fragments
of the Floyres and Blancheflur; ed. with notes and glossary,
by J. R. Lumby. Lond., 1866. O.
No. 15. Political, religious and love poems; from the
Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth ms. and other sources;
ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Lond., 1866.
No. 16. Book of quinte essence; or. The fifth being; that
is to say man's heaven [by Hermes Trismegistus] ; ed. from
the Sloane ms. about 1460-70, bv F. J. Furnivall. Lond.»
Same, revised, 1889.
gem: U XL DI.IWh'TMKXT. 265
EAKLY Enjiiish Text Society. I'ublicjit ions.
Xo. 17. rarallel exiracls froiii twenty-nine niss. of Piers
I'loAvnian, with conmients, and a proposal for the Society's
three-text edition of this i)oein, bv Kev. W. W: Skeat. Lend.,
No. 18. Mali nieidenhad; from nis. Tott. Titus D. XVIII;
an alliterative homily of the l.'Uh century; ed. by O. Cock-
ayne. Loud., 1S(;g.
^No. 11). ^W' 11.
No. LM). Itolle de llampole, K. Eufjjlish prose treatises;
ed. from Kobijrt Thornton's ms. in the library of Lincoln Ca-
thedral, by G: G. Perry. Lond., 1S6G.
No. 21. See 10.
No. 22. La Courdette — Romans of Partenay or of Lusig-
uen: otherwise known as The tale of Melusine; tr. from the
French, about l.KHI-i'l) A. 1).; ed. from a unique ms. in the
library of Trinity ('ollege, Cambridjie; with an introduction,
notes, and glossarial index, by \V. W: Skeat. Loud., ISOG.
No. 23. Michel, Dan. Ayenbite of inwyt; or, Kemorse of
conscience; in the Kentish dialect, 1340 A. D. [from the
French of Fr^re Lorens] ; ed. from the autograph ms. in the
British Museum, with an introduction on the peculiarities
of the southern dialect, and a giosarial index, by K. Morris.
Lond., 1866.
No. 24. Hymns to tlie Virgin and Christ, the Parliament
of devils, and other religious ])oems; chiefly from the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury's Lambeth ms.; ed. by F. J. Furnivall.
Lend., 1867.
No. 25. Stacions of Rome, about 1370 A. D.; — Pilgrims
sea-voyage; — Clene niaydenhod, about 1370 A. D.; ed. by F.
J. Furnivall. Lond., 1867.
. No. 26. Religious pieces in ])rose and verse; ed. from
Robert Thornton's ms. in the Lincoln Cathedral library, by
G: G. Perry. Lond., 1867.
Same; revised ed. reprinted, 18S0.
No. 27. Levins, Peter. Manipulus vocabulorum: a
rhyming dictionary of the English language, 1570; ed. with
an alphabetical index by II. B. Wheatley. Lond., 1S(;7.
No. 28, 38, 54, 67, 81. Langland, W: The vision of Wil-
liam concerning Piers Plowman, together with Vita de
Dowel, Dobet et Dobest, secundum wit et resoun; ed. from
numerous mss. with prefaces, notes, and a glossary, by W.
W: Skeat; ]»t. 1-4. Lond.. 1S(;7-S4. 4 v. facsim.
Xo. 29, 34, 53. Old English homilies and homiletic treat-
ises of the 12th and i;Uh centuries; ed. frcun mss. in the Brit-
ish Museum, Lambeth and Bodh'ian libraries: with iutroduc
tion, translation, and notes, by K. Morris; lst-2d series
Lond., lS(;8-7.".. 2 v. j.l. facsim.
Xo. 30. Piei'ce 111!' jiloughman's crede. about 1304 A. D.
to which is ap])ende(l (Jod spede t!ie plough, about 1500 A
D.: ed. by W. W. Skeat. Loud., 1S67.
Xo. 31. ;Myrc. J: instructi()ns for parish priests; ed
from Cotton ms., by E. Peacock. 1-ond.. 1868.
EARLY English Text Society. Publications.
• Xo. '62. The babees book. — Bokes of nurture of Hugh
Khodes and John Russell. — Wynkyn de Worde's boke of ker-
vynge. — The booke of demeanor. — The boke of curtasye. —
Seager's schoole of vertue, etc.; with some French and Latin
poems on like subjects; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Lond., 1868.
• No. 33. La Tour-Landry, Geoflfroy de. Book of the
knight of L. ; ed. for the first time from the unique ms. in the
British JNIuseum, with an introduction and notes, by T:
Wright. Lond., 1868.
— No. 34, see 29; 35, see 11; 36, see 10; 37, see 11; 38, see 28.
No. 39, 50. (7'olonna, Guido de. "Gest hystoriale" of the
destruction of Troy; an alliterative romance tr. from ^'Hys-
toria Troiana"; now first edited from the unique ms. in the
Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, by G: A. Panton
and D. Donaldson. Lond., 1869-74. 2 v.
No. 40. English gilds: the original ordinances of more
t' nn one hundred early English gilds; from original mss. of
the 14th and 15th centuries; ed. with notes by T. Smith; with
an introduction and glossarj^ by L. T. Smith; and a prelimi-
nary essay. On the history and development of gilds, by L.
Brentano. Lond., 1870.
No. 41, see 3.
No. 42. Bernard St. De cura rei famuliaris; with some
early Scottish prophecies, etc.; from a ms. in the Cambridge
Ii^niversity library; ed. by J. R. Lumby. Lond., 1870.
No. 43. Ratis raving and other moral and religious
pieces in prose and verse; ed. from the Cambridge University
ms. by J. R. Lumby. Lond., 1870.
No. 44. Joseph of Arimathie: otherwise called Romance
of the Seint Graal, or. Holy Grail, about A. D. 1350; from
the uniqut^ copy in tie Vernon M. S. at Oxford; with an app.
containing 'The \\fe of Joseph of Armathy" from the black-
letter copy of Wvnkvn de Worde; "De Sancto Joseph ab Ari-
mathia" A. D. 1.510:' "The Ivfe of Joseph of Armathia" A. D.
1520; ed. with notes and glossary by W. W. Skeat. 1871.
No. 45, 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Grego-
ry's Pastoral care; with an English translation, the Latin
text, notes, and an introduction; ed. bv Henrv Sweet. Lond.,
No. 46. Legends of the holy rood ; symbols of the pas-
sion and cross-poems; in old English of the 11th, 14th and
15th centuries; ed. from mss. in t'le British Museum and Bod-
leian libraries, with introduction, translations, and glossarial
index, by R. Morris. Lond., 1871. il. pi.
No. 47, see 11.
No. 48. C, R., gent. The times whistle; or, A newe
daunce of seven satires, and other poems; ed. from ms. in the
library of Canterbury Cathedral, with introduction, notes,
and glossary, by J. M. Cowper. Lond., 1871.
(;i:\i:rm. ni:i' \inMi:sT. 267
EAKLY Knjilish Text SocitM.v. rnblicatioiis.
No. 41>. All old Knglish luiscellauy; coiitaiiiing a
Bestiary, Kentisli seruious, I'roverbs of Alfred, Religious
poems of the 13tli ceiitui'.y; from mss. in the British Museum,
Bodleian library, Jesus College library, etc.; ed. with intro-
dmtioii and index of words, by R. Morris. Lond., 1872.
Xo. .")(), see 45.
No. 51. Ye liHade of St. Juliana; from two old English
mss. of 12;^0, A. D.; with renderings into modern English by
(). Cockayne and E. Brock; eor. pi. facsim. O.
EDWARDES, /Sir Herbert Benjamin. A year on the Punjab frontier
in 1848-49. Lond., 1851. 2 v. pi. por. O.
and Merivale, Herman. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. Lond.,
1872. 2 V. O.
EDWARDES, E. S. Memorials of the life and letters of Major-General
Sir Herbert B. Edwardes. Lond., 1886. 2 v. por. pi. facsim. O.
EDWARDS, Amelia Blandford. Pharoahs, Fellahs and explorers.
N. y., 1892. il. por. O.
tr. Maspero, G. C. C. Egyptian archaeology.
EDWARDS, E. J. See Garrett, E. and Edwards, E. J. Story of an
African crisis.
EDWARDS, Edward. Life of Sir Walter Ralegh; together with
his letters. [Lond.], 1868. 2 v. facsim. O.
EDWARDS, F. G. The history of Mendelssohn's Elijah. Lond.,
1896. il. por. 141 p. D. t^ a t^-
EDWARDS, F. Swinford. See Cooper, A. and Edwards, F. S. Dis-
eases of the rectum and anus.
(jESKUAi. i>i:r \irr]ii:\T. 277
EDWARDS. TTcnry. l{il»li<»-;i;ii»lii(;il ciitalojiuc <»f Iho described
tr;iiisl()nii;iti(nis of Xoi'l li AiMcriciui l('i)i(i(>{»l(M'a. Wash.,
1SS!>. O. a\ S. Nat. Mus. i:iill. no. :{-).)
ED\N'.VKDS, llonry. coniedian. A niinjilcd yarn: skclclics on vari-
ous subjects. N. Y., 18S;{. 157 p. 1).
EDWAKDS, llenry Sutherland. The prima donna: her history
and surroundings from the seventeenth to the nineteenth
century. Lond., 1888. 2 v. O.
The Romanolls: tsars of Moscow and emperors of Russia.
Lond., 1890. D.
Russian projects against India, from tlie Czar Peter to General
Skobeleff. Lond., 1885. map. O.
EDWARDS. licr. Morgan. Materials for a history of the Baptists
in Rhode Island. (In R. I. Hist. soc. Col., v. 6.)
EDWARDS, Philip L. col. California in 1837: diary of E. contain-
ing an account of a trip to the Pacific coast. Sac, 1890.
47 p. S. (T71 California pamphlets, v. 2.)
EDWARDS, Thomas Charles. Commentary on the first epistle to
the Corinthians. 2d ed. Lond.. 1885. O.
EDWARDS, W. F. pvh. Tourists' guide and directory of the
Truckee basin; C: D. Irons, editor and compiler. Truckee,
1883. 137 p. il. D.
EDWARDS, William. Personal adventures during the Indian re-
bellion in Rohilcund, Futtehgliur, and Oude. Lond., 1858.
Reminiscences of a Bengal civilian. Lond., 1866. D.
EDWARDS, William A. and Harraden, Beatrice. Two health-seek-
ers in Southern California. Phil., 1897. 144 p. S.
EDWARDS, William Henrv. liuttertlics of North America. 1st-
3d ser. Bost., 1884-97. 3 v. col. i.l. Q.
ED WINE'S Canterbury psalter; ed. with introduction and notes
from the ms. in Trinity College, Cambridge, by Fred Hars-
ley; pt. 2. text and notes. Lond., 1889. O. (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 92.)
EELLS, Mvron. Historv of Indian missions on the Pacific coast.
Phil.', [c. 1882]. b.
ECAN, Maurice Francis, rd. Glories of the Catholic church in
art architecture and history; views with legend
and descriy)lion bv eminent Catholic writers. Chic, 1895.
il. pi. F.
EGAR, John Hodson. Christendom: ecclesiastical and ]»olitical,
from Constant ine to the reformation. N. Y., 1887. D.
(P.ishop Paddock lectures for 1887.1
EGERTON. Sir Philii» de :Mali»as Grey. r,l. Letter from George
Fleetwood to his father giving an account of the battle of
Lntzen and the death of Cmstavus Adolpluis. Lond., 1847.
12 p. O. (Tn Camden misc.. v. 1. Camden Soc. v. 39.)
Grey, A. Commentary of the services and charges of
William, Lord Grey «)f Wilton; with memoir of the author
and illustrative documents. Lond.. 1847. 24-^83 p. pi. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 40.)
EGERTON papers: a collection of public and private documents
chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James L;
from the original mss. the property of lord Francis Egerton;
ed. by J. P. Collier. Lond., 1840. O. (Same, v. 12.)
EGGELING, Julius, tr. Satapatha-Brahmana, according to the
text of the Madliyaudina school (continuation) ; pt. 2-3, books
3-7. Oxford, 18S5.-94. 2 v. O. (Miiller, F. M. ed. Sacred
books of the east, v. 26, 41.)
EGGLESTON, George Gary. A man of honor. N. Y., [c. 1873].
il. D.
A rebel's recollections. N. Y., 1875. D.
ed. American war ballads and lyrics. N. Y., [c. 1880]. 2 v.
11. T.
EGINHARD, Annales des rois Pepin, Charlemagne et Louis-le-D^-
bonnaire. {In Col. des m^m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1824.
s. 3. V. 3.)
Vie de Charlemagne. {In same.)
EGLAMOUR, Sir, of Atois. The romance of. {In Thornton ro-
mances. Camden Soc, v. 30.)
EGLE, William Henry. History of the commonwealth of Penn-
sylvania, civil, political, and military, from its earliest set-
tlement to the present time. 3d ed. rev. and cor. Phil.,
1883. il. pors. O.
• ed. Pennsylvania in the war of the Revolution, associated bat-
talions and militia, 1775-83. 2 v. {In Penn. arcliives, 2d
ser., V. 13-14.)
EGLESTON, Melville. The land system of the New England colo-
nies. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, v. 4.)
EGLESTON, Nathaniel Hillyer. Connection of railroads with for-
est fires. {In U. S. Dept. of Agric. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 1,
app. 4.)
The home and its surroundings; or. Villages and village life
with hints for their improvement. New and rev. ed. N. Y.,
1884. D.
Report upon forestry; v. 4, 1884. Wash., 1884. O. (U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture.)
\- Summary of legislation for the preservation of timber or for-
ests on the public domain. {In same, Forestry Div. Bull.,
no. 2.)
The value and management of government timber lands. [In
same, Misc. Spec. Rejjts., no. 5.)
EGLESTON, Thomas. Catalogue of minerals and synonyms.
Wash., 1887. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 33.)
Life of John Paterson, major-general in the revolutionary war.
N. Y., 1894. il. pors. maps. O.
The metallurgy of silver, gold and mercury in the United
States (continuation); v. 2. N. Y., 1890. il. pi. O.
EGYPT Exploration Fund. Achaeological report 1890-1897, com-
prising the work of Fund and the progress of Egyptology
during the year 1896-7; ed. by F. LI. Griffith. Loud., [1897].
maps. 70 p. Q.
EGYPT Exploration Fund. Special extra report; Tho season's
work at Almas and Beni Hasan, containing reports by M.
Naville, P. E. Newberrv and G: W. Eraser, 1890-91. Lend.,
1891. pi. Q.
The temple of Deir el Bahari. Descriptive plates by E. Na-
ville. Pt. 1-2. Lond., [189r)-97]. 2 v. F.
Contents: Pt. 1. The northwestern end of the upper platform. 2.
Ebony shrine — Northern half of the middle platform.
Memoirs; 1-8, 10-12. Lond., 188G-94. 11 v. pi. F.
Kami I u: 1. Naville, E. The store-city of Pithom and route of the
exodus. 3d ed. rev. enl. 1888. 2. Petrie, W. M. F. Tanis; pt. 1,
1883-4. 2d ed. 1889. 3. Petrie, W. M. F. Naukratis; pt. 1, 1884-5.
1886. 4. Petrie, W. M. F. and Griffith, F. LI. Tanis; pt. 2, 1886. 1888.
5. Naville, E. The shrine of Saft el Henneh and the land of Goshen.
1888. 6. Gardner, E. A. Naukratis; pt. 2. 1888. 7. Naville, E. Mound
of the Jew and the city of Onias; Belbeis, Samanood, Abusir, Tukh
el Karmus. Griffith, F. LI. Antiquities of Tell el Yahudiyeh, and
miscellaneous work in lower Egypt, 1887-88. 8. Naville, E. Bubastis;
18S7-S9. 2d ed., 1891. 10. Naville, E. The festival hall of Osorkon
IL in the great temple of Bubastis, 1887-89. 11. Naville, E. Ahnas el
Medineh. Taylor, J. J. and Griffith, F. LI. Tomb of Paheri. 12.
Naville, E. Temple of Deir el Bahari.
Extra memoir. Two hieroglyphic papyri from Tanis. 1. The
sign papyrus (a Syllabaryf by F. LI. Griffith. 2. The geo-
graphical papyrus (an Almanack) by W. M. F. Petrie. Lond.,
1889. pi. F.
Special publication. Archaeological survey of Egypt; ed. bv
F. LI. Griffith: El Bersheh: pt. 1. The tomb of Tehuti-Hetep,
by P. E. Newberry, pt.2. Other tombs, by LI. Griffith and P.
E. Newberry with plans and measurements by G: W. Fraser.
Lond., 1894-5. pi. F.
An atlas of ancient Egyi)t; with complete index, geo-
graphical and historical notes, Biblical references, etc.
Lond., 1894. Q.
EGYPTLVN Book of the Dead. See Davis, C: H. S. ed.
EHEENFECHTER, C. A. Delivery in the art of piano-forte jday-
ing: on rhythm, measure, phrasing, tempo. Lond., [n. d.].
•il. 64 p. D.
Technical study in the art of piano-forte playing (Deppe's jirin-
ciples). 3d ed. Lond., [n. d.]. 11. 112 p. D.
EHRICH, Louis R. The question of silver. N. Y., 1892. II.") p.
D. (Questions of the day, no. 70.)
EHKLr>. Fi-ancesco, and Stevenson, P^nrico. rntnm. Gli affreschi
del Pinturicchio nelT apartaniento Borgia del Palazzo
Apostolico A'aticano rii)rodot1i in fototii>ia. Rome, 1897. pi.
EHRLICH, A. Celebrated pianists of the past and present lime,
Lond., 1894. il. pors. D.
EIDLITZ. Leo]»old. The nature and function of art. more es]((M'i-
allv of architecture. Lond., 1881. O.
EIGEMANN, Tarl H., and Rosa, S. A revision of the South Amer-
ican neniatognathi, or cat-fishes. S. F.. 1890. O. {In. Cal.
Academy of Sciences. Occasional papers, v. 1.)
EINENKEL, Eiigen. ed. Life of Saint Katherine; from the Royal
ms., etc., with its Latin original from the Cotton ms. ; ed.
with introduction, notes, and glossary. Lond., 1884. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 80.)
EISEN, Gustav. On California eudrilidae. (In Cal. Acad, of Sci-
ences. Mem., V. 2-3.)
Pacific coast oligochaeta. {In same, v. 2:4.)
Plasmocytes; the survival of the Centrosomes and Archoplasm
of the nucleated Erythrocj'tes . . . {Same. Pro. 3d ser.
Zool., V. 1.)
• The raisin industry: a practical treatise on the raisin grapes,
their history, culture and curing. S. F., 1890. il. pi. O.
EISENBERG, James. Bakteriolgische Diagnostik Hilfstabellen
zum praktisclien Arbeiten. Hamburg and Leipzig, 1888.
8-^159 p. O.
EKELOF, Johan Adolf, and Markham, Clements R., trs. Norden-
skiold, N. A. E. Facsimile-atlas to the early history of car-
ELA, Bev. David Hough. Genealogy of the Ela family, descend-
ants of Israel Ela of Haverhill, Mass. Manchester, [1896].
44 p. O.
ELA family.
ELA, Rev. D. H. Genealogy of the Ela family, descendants of Israel
Ela. Manchester, [1896]. 44 p. 0.
ELBfiE, sieur d'. Vo3'age to Ardrah and travels to the capital
Assem, 1669-70; added an embassy from the King of Ardrah
to Louis the Fourteenth ; tr. from the French. {In Green, J :
Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 0.5.)
ELDER, Cyrus. Dream of a free-trade paradise, and other
sketches. Phil., 1877. 96 p. il. O.
■ Man and labor: a series of short and simple studies. Chic,
1886. D.
ELDER, William. Debt and resources of the United States: and
the effect of secession upon the trade and industry of the
loyal states. Phil., 1863. 32 p. O.
Memoir of H. C. Carey. {In Carey, H. C. Misc. Works,' v. 1.)
EL DORADO countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1S90, 1892, 1894, 1896.
Historical souvenir of El Dorado county, California, with illustrations
and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers.
Paolo Sioli, publisher. Oakland, 1883. pi. pors. 0.
ELDRED, John. The first Englishman who reached India over-
land, 1583-89 A. D. [1592]. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v.
3, p. 159.)
ELDRIDGE, George Tlomans. Geological reconnoissance in
noi'tliwest Wyoming. Wash., 1894. O. {V . S. Geol. Surv.
Bull. no. 119.)"^
• Geological reconnoissance across Idaho. \Yash., 1895. Q. (U.
S. Geol. Surv. l(;th rept. pt. 2.)
flLECTRICIEX. L'; revue g^n^rale d'electricit^ (continuation);
tome 1.3-14; 2« s^r. tome 1-14. Paris, 1889-97. 16 v. O. and
GEXKifAL i)i:i'\irr\iKM'. 281
]^]LE('TRT('1KX, I/. Tilh', .2'' xfr. L't'cli-icicii ; i-cvtic iiitci-nationale
dc r(''clricit('* ct d(» scs ai)])li(*ati<)ns.
KL EFT.AKI Kl Aiifi. See Shemsn-'d-Din Ahmed, El Eflaki.
ELEMENTARY electro- teclinical series; bv E. J. Houston and A.
E. Kennelly. X. Y., 1800. S.
yinnrlii: Electric arc lighting.
ELCJIN, Earl of. See Bruce, J.
ELIAS, l-night of the swan.
The romance of the cheuelere Assigne [Helyas, chevalier au cygne];
re-ed. from the unique ms. in the British Museum, with preface,
notes and glossarial index, by H. H. Gil)bs. Lond., 1868. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc, Pub. Extra ser. no. 6.)
ELIOT, (;iiarles AA'illiam. D.l). American contributions to civili-
zation and other essays and addresses. N. Y., 1897. O.
ELIOT, (ieorj>e. p^end. See Oi'oss, Mrs. Mary Ann Eyans Lewes.
ELIOT, Henrietta R. and Blow, Susan E. trs. Mottoes and com-
mentaries of Friedrich Froebel's Mother Play. N. Y., 1896.
il. D. (Int. ed. ser., no. 31.)
ELIOT, William Greenleaf. Discourses on the doctrines of Chris-
tianity. Bost., 1890. 1G8 p. D.
Early religious education considered as the diyinely appointed
way to the regenerate life. Bost., 1887. 128 p.^ S.
Lectures to young men. 12th ed. Bost., 1890. 190 p. S.
Lectures to young women. 11th ed. Bost., 1890. 190 p. S.
ELIZABETH, (jueen of England. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and
King James VI. of Scotland; ed. by J: Bruce. [Lond.], 1849.
O. (Camden Soc, y. 46.)
FOX, J. The imprisonment of the Princess Elizabeth. [1563]. {In
Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4. p. 112.)
Household, expenses of the Princess E. during her residence at Hat-
field, Oct. 1, 1551, to Sept. 30, 1552; ed. by Viscount Strangford.
Lond., 1853. 48 p. pi. O. {In Camden misc., v. z. Camden Soc,
V. 55.)
ELIZABETH Pauline Ottilie Luise. queen of h'liinnnia. (pseud. Car-
men Sylya.) The mother-in-law; — In fetters. {In Roosevelt,
B. Elizabeth of Roumania.)
and Strettell, Alma. Legends from i-ivci- and mountain. N.
Y.. 1896. il. D.
ROOSEVELT, B. Elizabeth of Roumania; a study, with two tales
from the German of Carmen Sylva. Lond., 1891. pors. O.
[STACKELBERG, Baroness]. Life of Carmen Silva, queen of Rou-
mania; tr. from the German by Baroness Deichmann. Lond., 1890.
pi. pors. facsim. O.
ELJvlN, \\'illiam L. Researches with the lit'littnictn-: Triaiiunilation
of stars in the vicinity of the North Pole. (Vale I'niy. As-
tronomical Obs. Trans, y. 1. t\.)
ELLACOMP.K. Her. Henry X. The plant lorr and gardm craft of
Slial<(\<])eare. 2d ed. Lond.. 1SS4. D.
ELLENIIOHorOH, Edward Law. I si earl of. llisiory of thr In-
dian a2 p. O. '{Tn Camden misc., v. 1. Camden Soc, v. .S9.)
Taswell, W: Autobiography and anecdotes. Lond., 1852.
37 p. (Tn Same, v. 2. Same, v. 55.)
ELLIOTT, .7. R. American farms, their condition and future. N.
Y., 1890. D. (Questions of the day. no. 62.)
ELLIOTT, On-ill Leslie. The Laiill' coiitrovcrsy iii the United
States, 1781)-lb;Jo; witli a suniiiiary of the period before tiie
adoption of tlie constitution. I'alo Alto, 181)2. O. (Leland
tStaniord Junior Univ. Mouograplis. LList. and Ecououiies.
no. 1.)
ELLIOTT, Kobert 15. Oration, April 14, 1874. {In Memorial of C:
ELJjIOTT, W. J. niaj. Daring deeds afloat: Iloyal navy. Loud.,
[n.d.]. 145 p. il. facsini. D. (Deeds of daring lib.)
The Mctoria cross in Afghanistan and on the frontiers of
India, during the years 1877-80; how it was won. l>ond.,
[1881*. J il. pi. pors. map. D. [iSanie.)
The Victoria cross in Zululand and iSoutli Africa; how it was
won; in which is contained a history of the war of 1879.
Lond., [188i'.J. il. pors. map. plans. D. {Same.}
and Knollys, A\': W. Ueul.-col. Gallant Sepoys and Sowars.
Lond., [n.d.]. 17() p. il. por. D. (Same.)
ELLIOTT, Wallace W. and Co. pub. Berkeley, California illus-
trated and described. Oakland, [n. d.]. 50 p. O.
A guide to the Tehipitee N'alley and the grand scenery of the
Sierra Nevada. S. F., [ISGG]. GO p. O.
History of Fresno county California; including biographical
sketches. S. F., 1881. il. pi. pors. maps. F.
History of Humboldt county California; including biographi-
cal sketches. S. F., 1881. pi. pors. maps. F.
History of San Bernardino county California; including bio-
graphical sketches. S. F., 1883. il. pi. pors. maps. F.
History of Stanislaus county California; with biographical
sketches of prominent citizens. S. F., 1881. pi. pors.
maps. F.
Oakland and surroundings illustrated and described. Oak-
land, 1885. 157 p. il. O.
Santa Cruz county California: illustrations descriptive of its
scenery [etc.] ; with historical sketch of the county. S. F.,
1879. il. pi. pors. maps. F.
and Moore, Elliott S. pvb. Colusa county California: illustra-
tions descriptive of its scenery [etc.] ; with historical sketch
of the county. S. F., 1880. i\. pi. pors. maps. F.
History of Monterey county California: with illustrations
descri]»tive of its scenery [etc.]; with biograjtliical skctclies
of j)rominent citizens. S. F.. 1881. i)l. por. mai)s. F.
Tehama county (,'alifornia : illustrations descri])tive of its
scenery, residences, public buihlings [etc.]; with historical
sketch of the county. S. F.. 1880. pi. pors. maps. F.
ELLIOTT rublishing Company, jwh. Fresno illustrated. S. F.,
1891. il. 1)1. pors. Q.
— -Los Angeles illustrated. S. F., 1801. 87 i*. il. pi. uiap. Q.
ELLIS, Alexander John. On early English ]>ronuncia1i(tn. with es-
pecial reference to Sliak<'speare aud ('liaurei'; including a
rearrangement of Prof. F. J. Child's Meinoirs on the language
of Chaucer and Cower, and repiints of rai-e tracts by Sales-
bnrv on Eni.'lish. 1547. and Welsh, 15(;7. and by Barclay on
French. 1.521; ])t. 1-5. Lond., 1809-89. 5 v. maps.' O.
fEarlv Enir. Text Soc. Pub. Extra sor. vn. '^. 7. 1 i, 2.?, 56.)
ET^IJS, F. S. comp. Lexical concoi'dance to the poetical works of
I'ercy Bvsslie Shelley. Lond., 1802. 2 v. Q.
ELLJS, George Edward. The church and the parish in Massa-
chusetts. [In Unitarianism : its origin and history.)
ELLIS, Havelock. The criminal. Lond., 1890. pi. D. (Contemp.
sci. ser.)
Man and woman: a study of human secondary sexual charac-
ters. Lond., [1894]. D. (Same.)
ed. Contemporary science series. Lond., 1890-96. 30 v. 11.
pi. D.
Fo7- UfIS. William Ash Ion. fr. Wolzogen, H. von. Key to Parsifal.
ELLISOy. Thomas. Slavery and secession in America, historical
and economical. Lond.. [1861]. map. D.
UEMJRAL ni:i'AliTMENT. 285
ELLSWOKTil, J//.S. M. \V. Queen of the household ...a repository
of useful iufoiniatiou New ed. rev. and enl. Detroit,
181)7. O.
ELL«\\ UKTU, Oliver. Letters of a laiuiholder; printed in the Con-
necticut Couraut and the American Mercury, November,
1787-March. 1788. [In Ford, 1\ L. ed. Essays on the Con-
stitution, 1787-88.)
p]LLW ANGER, (Jeorge Herman. Idyllists of the country side: be-
ing six commentaries concerning some of those who liave
aposlroi»hized the joys of tlie open air. N. Y., 1890. S.
Love's demesne, a garland of contemporary love-poems gath-
ered from many sources. K. Y., 181)0. 2 v. S.
ELLWOOD, Thomas*. Kelations with John Milton. [1713.] [In
Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 3, p. 473.)
ELMENUORF, Uwight Lathrop. Lantern slides: how to make and
color them. K. Y., 1897. il. 09 p. D.
ELMES, James. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the
nineteenth century: displayed in a series of engravings [etc.]
from original drawings by T: 11. Shepherd; with historical,
topographical, and critical illustrations by E. Lond., 1827.
Pl- Q. . . , .
ELFHINSTONE, Mounts! uart. The rise of the British power m
the east; being a continuation of his "History of India in the
Hindii and Mahometan periods"; ed. by Sir Edward Cole-
brooke. Lond., 1887. maps. O.
COLEBROOKE, Sir T. E. Life of the Honourable M. Elphinstone.
Lond., 1884. 2 v. pors. map. 0.
ELSING, Henrv. Notes of the debates in the House of Lords offi-
ciallv taken, 1021, 1024, 1020; ed. by S: R. Gardiner. [West-
minster], 1870-79. 2 v. O. (Camden Soc, V. 103, n. s. V. 24.)
ELSING, William T. Life in New York tenement houses as seen by
a city missionary. {In Woods, R : A., and others. Poor in great
ELTERLEIN, Ernst von. Beethoven's symphonies in their ideal
significance; tr. by F: Weber; with an account of facts relat-
ing to B.'s tenth svmphony, by L. Nohl. Lond., [n. d.]. 118
p. D.
ELTING, Irving. Dutch village communities on the Hudson river.
{In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 4.)
ELTON, Charles Isaac. Origins of English history. 2d ed. rev.
Lond., 1890. O.
ELY, Richard Theodore. An introduction to political economy.
N. Y., 1889. D.
Outlines of economics. N. Y., 1893. D.
The past and the present of political economy. {In Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies, v. 2.)
Recent American socialism. (In same. v. 3.)
Report of the proceedings of the American Economic Associa-
tion, third annual meeting, Thil.. 20-29, 1888. {In Amer.
Econ. Assoc. Pub., v. 4.)
Social aspects of Christinnily and other essays. N. Y.. [c.
1889]. 132 p. D.
ELY, Eichard Theodore. Socialism; an examination of its nature,
its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social re-
form. N. Y., 1894. D. (Lib. of PJcon. and Pol. no. 3.)
ed. Library of economics and politics. N. Y., [c. 1893-97]. 5 v.
For list see Library of economics and politics.
ELY lectures for 1890. N. Y.,' 1893. D.
Xamely: 1890. Stearns, L. F. Evidence of christian experience.
EMERSON, Edward Waldo. A sketch of John Sterling's life. {In
Sterling-Emerson correspondence.)
EMERSON, Oliver Farrar. History of the English language.
N. Y., 1894. D.
EMERSON, P. H. Caoba, the guerilla chief; a real romance of the
Cuban rebellion. Lond., 1897. D.
EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. A correspondence between John Ster-
ling and Ralph Waldo Emerson with a sketch of Sterling's
life by E : W. Emerson. Bost., 1897. 96 p. S.
Natural history of intellect, and other papers. Bost., 1893. D.
GARNETT, R: Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Lond., 1888. O.
(Great writers.)
EMERSON, Sarah Hopper, ed. Life of Abby Hopper Gibbons, told
chiefly through her correspondence. N. Y., 1897. pors. 2 v.
EMERSON, William Andrew. History of the town of Douglas, Mas-
sachusetts, from the earliest period to 1878. Bost., 1879. 11.
EMERSON'S magazine and Putnam's monthly; v. 6, Jan- June,
1858. N. Y., 1858. O. Continuation of Putnam's monthly
EMERTON, Ephraim. An introduction to the study of the middle
ages. 375-814. Bost., 1895. maps. D.
Requirements for the historical doctorate in America. Wash.,
1893. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept., 1893. Papers no. 8.)
EMERY, Henry Crosby. Speculation on the stock and produce ex-
changes of the United States. Columbia Univ. studies in
econ. and pub. law. v. 7, no. 2.)
EMI LI O, Luis F. History of the Fifty-fourth regiment of Massa-
chusetts volunteer infantry, 1863-65. Bost., 1891. pors.
maps. O.
Same; 2d ed. rev. and cor.; with an app. upon treatment of col-
ored prisoners of war. Bost., 1894. pors. maps. O.
EMIN Pasha. (Eduard Schnitzer.) Emin Pasha in Central Africa:
being a collection of his letters and journals; ed. and anno-
tated by G. Schweinfurth, F. Ratzel, R. W. Felkin and
G. Hartlaub; tr. by Mrs. R. W. Filkin. N. Y., 1889. por.
map. O.
JAMESON, J. S. Story of the rear column of the Emin Pasha relief
expedition. N. Y., 1891. il. pi. pors. map. O.
EMMONS, S. F. Oquirrh mountains: introduction to economic ge-
ology of the Mercur mining district, Utah, by J. E. Spurr.
(U. S. Geol. Surv. 16th rept. pt. 2.)
ENCYCLOP^EDICA Britanuica. New American supplement to
the latest edition; ed. by D. O. Kellogg. N. Y"., 1897. 5 v. Q.
ALDEN'S living topics cyclopedia. N. Y., 1896. 1 v. D. (Abb-
APPLETON'S annual cyclopaedia and register of important events.
New series (continuation); 1889-95; v. 14-20. 3d ser. 1896; v. 1.
N.Y., 1890-97. 8 v. O.
APPLETON'S cyclopaedia of applied mechanics: ed. by Park Benja-
min. N. Y., 1892-93. il. pi. 3 v. Q.
APPLETON'S cyclopaedia of drawing; ed by W. E. Worthen. N. Y.,
1889. il. pi. Q.
BALFOUR, E. Cyclopaedia of India and of eastern and southern
Asia. Lond., 1885. 3 v. 0.
BLISS, E. M. cd. Encyclopaedia of missions. N. Y., 1891. maps, 2
V. O.
CENTURY cyclopedia of names; ed. by B. E. Smith. N. Y.,
[c. 1894.] F.
CHAMBER'S encyclopaedia: a dictionary of universal knowledge.
New ed. (continuation) ; v. 4-10. Phil., 1890-92. ? v. Q.
CHAMPLIN, J. D. jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places.
5th ed. rev. N. Y., 1889. il. D.
and Apthorp, W: F. eds. Cyclopedia of music and musicians
(continuation); v. 2-3. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. pors. Q.
COLUMBIAN cyclopedia. Buffalo, 1896. 32 v. il. D.
CYCLOPAEDIA of electrical engineering; containing a history of the
discovery and application of electricity; comp. by M. Slingo, A.
Brooker, and others. Pub. by Gebbie and Co. . Phil., 1892. 2 v. il.
pors. D.
CYCLOPEDIC review of current history; Columbian annual, ed. by A:
S. Johnson; v. 3-7. 1893-97. Buffalo and Bost., 1S94-97. 5 v. il.D.
FOS^TER, E. New cyclopaedia of prose illustrations, adapted to
Christion teaching. 2d ser. . N. Y., [c. 1877]. O.
HALE, G: W. Police and prison cyclopaedia. Cambridge, 1892. O.
HALL, H: ed. America's successful men of affairs; an encyclopedia
of contemporaneous biography, v. 1-2. N. Y., 1895-96. il. pors.
2 V. Q.
HARTSHORNE, H. and others. Household cyclopedia of general in-
formation. [Phil., n. d.] il. pi. O.
HOYT, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quotations New and enl. ed.
N. Y., 1896. Q.
HUGHES, T: P. A dictionary of Islam, being a cyclopedia of the doc-
trines, rites, [etc.] of the Muhammadan religion. Lond., 1885.
il. O.
ICONOGRAPHIC encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences; tr. from the
German of the Bilder-Atlas, rev. and enl. by eminent American spe-
cialists (continuation) ; v. 5-7. Phil., 1889-90. 3 v. O.
JOHNSON, P. P. W. Encyclopedia of transportation. Chic, 1892.
il. O.
JOHNSON'S universal cyclopedia. New ed. N. Y., 1896-97. il. 8
v. Q.
LONGFELLOW, W: P. P. ed. Cyclopaedia of works of architecture in
Italy, Greece and the Levant. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. Q.
MAvyOY, R. General history cyclopedia and dictionary of freemason-
ry. N. Y., 1870. il. pi. por. 0.
NATIONAL cyclopaedia of American biography. N. Y., 1892-97. 7
v. il. pors. Q.
NEW popular educator. Lond., [etc.], 1889-92. 8 v. in 4. il. pi.
maps. 0.
RAND, McNally and Co.'s encyclopedia and gazetteer. Chic, and N.
Y., 1889. il. maps. F.
REDDALL, H. F. comp. Fact, fancy, and fable: a new handbook for
ready reference on subjects commonly om .ted from cyclopaedias.
Chic, 1889. O.
SCIENTHIC American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries; ed.
by A. A. Hopkins. N. Y., 1892. O.
STANTON, M. . O. Encyclopedia of face and form reading. Phil.,
1895. il. O.
TWENTIETH century practice; an international encyclopedia of mod-
ern medical science; ed. by T: L. Stedman. v. 1-12. N. Y., 1895-97.
12 y. O.
WALSH, W: S. Curiosities of popular customs, and of rites, ceremo-
nies, observances Phil., 1898. O.
Handy-book of literary curiosities. Phil., 1893. O.
ENCYCLOPr]DIE-Eoret. Paris, 1845-75. 5 v. T.
Xamelij: Culture du chasselas de Fontainebleau. Desormeaux, P. and
Ott, H. Tonnelier et du jaugeage. Debief, L. F. Fabricant de cidre
et de poire. Malepeyre, F. Fabricant de levure. Roget de I'lsle.
D'eaux et boissons gazeuses.
ENGEL, Louis. From Handel to Hall6: biographical sketches^
with autobiograpliies of Prof. Huxley and Prof. Herkomer.
Lond., 1890. por. facsim. O.
[ENGEL, Samuel.] M^moires et observations g^ographiques et
critiques sur la situation des pays septentrionaux de TAsie
et de I'Amerique, d'apr^s les relations les plus recentes, aux-
quelles on a joint un Essai sur la route aux Indes par le nord
et sur un commerce k (Stablir dans la mer du Sud; par Mr.
* * *. Lausanne. 1765. maps. O.
ENGELS, Frederick. The condition of the working class in Eng-
land in 1841; with appendix written 1886, and preface 1887;
tr. by F. K. Wischnewetzky. N. Y., [c. 1887]. D. (Social sci.
Socialism, Utopian and scientific; tr. by Edward Avciing.
Lond., 1892. 39—117 p. D. {Same.)
ENGINEER, The (continuation); v. 60-61, 67-83. Lond., [1885 97].
19 V. il. pi. F.
ENGINEERING; an illustrated weekly journal (continuation); v.
48-63. Lond., 1889-97. 16 v. F.
ENGINEERING and building record and sanitary engineer (contin-
uation); V. 20-21, 23-36. N. Y., 1889-97. 16 v. F.
ENGINEERING and mining journal; v. 163; 1886-97. N. Y., 1886-
97. 63 V. in 62. F.
'Note: Title v. 1-9. American journal of mining, milling, oil-boring,
geology, mineralogy, metallurgy.
Statistical supplement. The mineral industry: its statistics^
technology and trade in the United States and other coun-
tries; from the earliest times to the end of 1895; v. 1-4; ed.
by R. P. Rothwell. N. Y., 1893-96. 4 v. O.
ENGINEERING news. See Engineering news and American rail-
way journal.
ENGINEERING news and American railway journal; v. 2-10, 14-34.
Chic, and N. Y., 1875-1883, 1885-1895. "^30 v. in 28. F.
Note: Formerly "Engineering news," "Engineering news and Ameri-
can contract journal."
ENGLAND, John. Ip. of Charleston. Works; collected and ar-
ranged under the direction of Rev. I. A. Reynolds. Bait.,
1849. 5 V. por. O.
ENGLISH, William Hayden.
His record as a civilian in the 33d, 34th, and 35th Congresses; His
"Teachings and example." {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
(;j:.\i:h-.\L 289
ENGLISH ami foivi^u pliilosopliic-al llbmry. N. Y., 189G. O.
Samcly: Fairbanks, A. lutroduction to sociology.
ENGLISH botany; or, Coloured figures of British plants; ed. by
John T. Boswell Syme; ?>d ed. eul. re-arranged; v. 1-12. Lond.,
1863-86. 12 y. col. pi. O.
ENGLISH catalogue of books; containing a complete list of all the
books published in (Jreat Britain and Ireland; also the prin-
cipal books i)ublished in the U. S. of America (continuation);
1888-96. IMiblished by Sampson Low & Co., Lond., 1889-97.
O. (1890-96 bound witli Annual Amer. Catalogue 1890-96.)
ENGLISH catalogue of books; list of \yorks published in the United
kingdom and of the principal ^yorks published in America;
V. 4, January, 1881-December, 1889. Lond., 1891. 0.
ENCtLISH Charlemagne romances; ed. by S. J. H. Herrtage, E.
Hausknecht, S. L. Lee, ami O. Kichardson; pt. 1-12. Lond.,
1879-85. 10 y. por. facsim. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Extra ser. no. 34-41, 43-45, 50.)
For contents see Early Eng. Text Soc, Pub. Extra ser. no. 34.
ENGLISH chronicle of the reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., Henry
v., and Henry VI., written before the 3^ear 1471; with an app.
containing the 18th and 19th jears of Richard II. and the
Parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th Henry VI.; and supp.
additions from the Cotton ms. chronicle called "Eulogium";
ed. by J: S. Dayies. [Lond.], 1856. O. (Camden Soc, y. 64.)
ENGLISH citizen. The; his rights and responsibilities; [ed. by
Henry Craik]. Lond., 1881-87. 9 v. D.
Xamelji: Chalmers, M. D. Local government. Cotton, J. S. and
Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies. — Craik, H. The state In its
relation to education. — Du Cane, Sir E. F. The punishment and pre-
vention of crime. — Pollock, F. The land laws. — Traill, H. D. Central
WALPOLB, S. Electorate and the legislature; Foreign relations. —
Wilson, A. J. The national budget: the national debt, taxes and
ENGLISH historical reyiew; ed. by M. Creighton [and others] ; v. 1-
11. Lond., 1886-96. 11 v. 6.
ENGLISH illustrated magazine [y. 1-17] ; 1883-97. Lond., 1884-97.
17 y. O.
ENGLISH lyrics. Lond., 1889. S.
ENGLISH 'mechanic; y. 1-40; [March 31, 1865-Feb. 27, 1885].
Lond., 1865-85. 40 v. Q. F.
ENGLISH men of action. Lond., 1889-92. 15 y. pors. D.
Xavicli/: Clive, Lord, by C. Wilson. Cook, Capt., by W. Besant.
Dampier, W., by W. C. Russell. Gordon, C. G., by W: F. Butler.
Hastings, W., by A. Lyall. Havelock. by A. Forbes. Senry V., by A.
J. Church Lawrence, J. L. M., by Sir R. Temple. Livingstone, D.,
by T. Hughes. Monk, G., by J. Corbett. Napier, Sir C:, by Sir W: F:
Butler. Peterborough, by W: Stebbing. Strafford, by H. D. Traill.
Walpole, by J. Morley. Warwick, by C: W. Oman.
ENGLISH men of letters; ed. by J: Morley (continuation). N. Y.,
1886-87. 3 V. D.
Xaniclu: Gray, by E. W: Gosse. Keats, by S. Colvin. Sidney, Sir
P., by J: A. Symonds.
ENGLISH miracle plays moralities and interludes: specimens of
the pre-Elizabetbau drama; ed. with an introduction, notes
and glossary by A. Vs. Pollard. Oxford, 1890. D.
ENGLISH prose selections; ed. by H: Craik. Lond., 1893-9G. 5 v.
D. For list see Craik, H: ed.
ENGLISHMAN in Paris, An; notes and recollections [by Sir Jo-
seph Olliffe; ed. by Albert D. Van Dam?] N. Y., 1892. U.
ENOCH Pratt Free library, (Baltimore). lOth-llth annual report
of the librarian, Jan. 1, 1896-1897. Bait., 1896-97. O. 2 pam.
ENOCHS, William H.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of W. H. Enochs, a
representative from Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives
and in the Senate. Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895. por. Q. (U.
S. Cong. H. M. D.)
ENSIGN, p]dgar T. Keport on the forest conditions of the Rocky
Mountains, especially in the state of Colorado, the territories
of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and New Mexico, {In U. S.
Dept of Agri. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 2.)
ENSOR, Laura, ir. Courmelles, F. de. Hypnotism.
Viaud, J. Madame Chrysanth^me.
ENTERPRISE Publishing Company, (S. F.), pub. The city of San
Francisco and a glimpse of California. S. F., 1889. il. pors.
ENTOMOLOGICA Americana; published by the Brooklyn En-
tomological Society; V. 1-5. Brooklyn, [1886-89]. 5 v. pL
ENTOMOLOGICAL magazine, v. 1-5. Lond., 1833-38. 5 v. pi. O.
ENTOMOLOGICAL society of Philadelphia. Proceedings; v. 2-6,
1863-67. Phil., 1864-67. 5 v. pi. O.
For continitation see American Entomological Society.
ENTOMOLOGIST; conducted by E. Newman and others.; v. 1-30.
Lond., 1840-97. 30 v. il. pi. pors. O.
EPIC poem, An; God in creation and evolution, and the church of
every age in light and shade. N. Y., 1883. D.
EPOCH, The (continuation); vol. 5-11. N. Y., 1889-92. 7 v. Q.
Note: From March 11, 1892, merged into Munsey's magazine.
EPOCHS of American history; ed. by A. B. Hart. N. Y., 1891 93.
3 V. maps. S.
Namehi: Hart, A. B. Formation of the Union, 1750-1829. Thwaites,
R. G. The colonies. Wilson, W. Division and reunion, 1829-1889.
EPOCHS of ancient historv: ed. bv G: W: Cox and C: Sankey.
N. Y., 1890197. il. maps. 11 v. S.
Namehj: Beesly, A. H. The Gracci, Marius and Sulla. Benjamin,
S. G. W. Troy, its legend, history and literature. Capes, W. W. Ro-
man history — early empire. Capes W. W. Age of Antonines. Cox,
G: W: The Athenian empire. Cox, G. W. Greeks and the Persians.
Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. Ihne, W. Early-
Rome. Merivale, C. Roman triumvirates. Sankey, C. Spartan ana
Theban supremacies. Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage.
i!h:\j:/{.\L iu:r.\irrMENT. 291
EPOCHS of luodeiii histoiv; edited by Edwurd E. Morri.s. N. V.,
N. Y.. 18J)(M)7. il. inaps. U v. S.
\uiiulij: Church, R. W. Beginning of the middle ages. Cox, G. W.
The Crusades. Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. Gardi-
ner, S: W. Thirty years' war. Hale, E. VaW of the Stuarts. Johuson^
A. H. Normans in Europe. Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors. Morris, Br.
E. Early Hanoverians. Stubbs, C: W. Early plantagenets. Warbur-
ton, W. Edward HI.
P:PPS, ^^■illiam. Land systems of Aiislralasia. Lon«l., 181)4. l).
(Social sei. ser.)
EQUITABLE taxation: six essays by W. C. Weyl, R. Luce, B. Hail^
J. \V. Graham, J : W. Cabot, W. H. Cowles; with introduction
by J. A. Lane. N. Y.. Bost., [c. 1892]. 94 p. pors. D.
ERASMUS, Desiderius. Paiaphrase [on the gosi)els of St. Mat-
thew, St. Marke, St. Luke, St. John and upon the Actios of the
Apostles]. Lond., [1522?]. Q.
BUTLER, C: Life of Erasmus with historical remarks on the state
of literature between the tenth and sixteenth centuries. Lond.,.
1825. O.
FROUDE, J. A. Life and letters of Erasmus; lectures delivered at Ox-
ford, 1893-4. N. Y., 1895. O.
ERCKMANN, Emile, and Chatrain, Alexandre. The blockad-* of
I*halsburg, an episode of the end of the empire. N. Y., 1897.
il. S.
The invasion of France in 1814. N. Y., 1892. il. S.
Madame Th^r^se; or, The volunteers of '92. N. Y., 1895. il. S.
Waterloo; a sequel to the Ccmscript of 1813. N. Y., 189.5. S.
EKDMANN, Johann Eduard. Historv of philosophv; ed. Williston
S. Houj^h. Lond., 1800. 3 v. O. (Lib. of philosophy.)
ERICHSON, Wilhelm Ferdinand. lusecta. (Ray Soc. Pub. Re-
ports on zoology for 1843-44, no. 5, 12.)
Report on the contributions to the natural history of insects,.
arachnida, Crustacea, and entomostraca; Coleoptera. (Ray
Soc. Pub. Reports on the progress of zoologv and botany
1841-42, no. 6.)
CHURCH, W: C. Life of Ericsson. N. Y., 18^1. 2 v. il. pi.
pors. O.
ERIE county, (N. Y.).
JOHNSON, C. Centennial history of Erie county, New York. Buffa-
lo, 1876. O.
ERMAN, Adolf. Life in ancient Egypt; tr. bv H. M. Tirard. Iilete guide for Washington and its en-
virons; to which is added an appendix. Phil., 1892. il. pi.
pors. folded map. O.
EVANS, John. The ancient bronze implements, weapons, and or-
naments of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1881. il. O.
The coins of the ancient Britons; supplement. Lond., 1899.
pi. O.
EVANS. Maurice J. tr. Liinemann, G. Critical and exegetical
handbook to the Epistle to the Hebrews.
INIeyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical handbook to the
Ei)istle to the Ephesians and the Epistle to Philemon.
EVANS, Taliesin. All about the Midwinter Fair, San Francisco,
and interestinii- facts concerning California. 2d ed. rev. cnl.
S. F., c. 1894. il. D.
EVARTS, William M. Eulogy on :Mr. Chase, delivered before the
alnmniof Dartmouth College June 24, 1874. (Tn Schuckcrs. .T.
W. Life and public services of S. P. Chase.)
EVE, G. W. Decorative heraldry, a practical handbook of its artis-
' tic treatment. Lond.. 1897. il. D. (Ex. Libris s«mO
EVEBARD, H. S. C. Golf in theory nnd practice. Lond., 18!'<;. il.
EVERETT. Charles Carroll. Ethics for young ]ieople. Bost.. •iS!>2.
18.") p. D.
Fichte's Science of knowledge; a critical exposition. Chic.
1884. S.
EVERETT, Charles Can'oll. The rehition of Jesus to the present
a^e. {In Christianity and modern thought.)
The i-ehition of T^nitai-ianisui to philosophy. (//; Unitarianism:
its orij^in and history.)
EVERETT, Oliver. ^sVr I'lrieh, E. O. and Everett, E. O. Descrip-
tions of lower Silurian sponges.
EVERITT, (Jrahani. Doctoi-s and doctors; some curious chapters
in medical history and quackery. Lond., 1888. pi. D.
EVERSLEY series. Lond., 1896-97. H. por. 12 v. S.
Naniclii: Poetical works of W: Wordsworth. .8 v. — Prose works of
W. Wordsworth, 2 v. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. 2. v. — ed-
ited by William Knight.
EVERTS, Orpheus. What shall we do for the drunkard? a rational
yi<'W of the use of brain stimulants. Cin.,1883. 51 p. O.
EVERYJiODY'S books; pub. by G: W. Jacobs & Co. Phil., 1890-9(>.
7 V. T.
Namrli/: Everybody's book of jokes. Everybody's book of short
poems. Everybody's book of epitaphs. Everybody's book of Irish
wit and humor. Everybody's book of Scotch wit and humor. Every-
body's book of confessions. Everybody's book of proverbs.
EVERYBODY'S book of recitations, selected from the best au-
thors. Phil., [n. d.]. T.
EVESHAM, John. Cruizing- voyage to the Azores, with two pin-
naces, by Captain Whiddon, in 1586. {In Green, J: Voyages,
and travels, v. 1., p. 196.)
EWALD, C. A. The diseases of the stomach; tr. from the 2d Ger-
man ed. with special additions by the author, bv M. Manges.
N. Y., 1892. il. O.
EWER, A\'arren B. Report on the National Mining and Industrial
Exposition held at Denver, Colorado, August, 1882. Sac,
188:1 110 p. pi. O.
EXAMINER, Daily; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1889-97. 34 v. F.
EXETER Hall lectures, delivered before the Young Men's Christian
Association. 1817-67. Lond., 1849-67. 19 v. S., D.
Contcntfi: For contents 1847-65, see catalogue of the Astor Library.
1866-67. Alford, H. True and false guides.— Hall, J: Irish character.
— Arnot, W: Ourselves, and how to make the most of them.— Alexan-
der, W: Tria mirabilia: Thoughts on the question of the miraculous.
Smith, Gervase. William of Orange, king of England. — Binney, T:
The town life of a youth from the country.
EX-LIBRIS series: edited bv Gleeson White. Lond., N. Y., 1893-97.
il. pi. 10 V. D.
NoiiH'h/: Roberts, W. Printers' marks. Pennell, J. Modern illustra-
tion. Crane, W. Decorative illustration of books. Labouchere, N.
Ladies' book plates. Allen, C: D. American book-plates. Eve, G. W.
Decorative heraldry. Castle, E. English book-plates. Hamilton, W.
French book-plates. Matthews, J. B. Bookbindings old and new.
Dobson, A. Diirer's Little passion.
EX PERLM ENT station record ; v. 1-8 ; Sept. 1 889-Dec. 1897. Wash.,
1890-97. 8v. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agri. Office of Exper. Sta-
EXPOSURE of the pretense "that the Democratic party is the sol-
dier's friend." (In Re]»ublican campaign docs., 1880.)
(lEM.h'M. i>i:i'Mrr.]n:\T. 295
EYRE, Sir Vineont. maj.-ijcn. Tho Kjibul insiiri-cclion of 1841-42;
ed. by Colonel (I. li. :\r;ill('son. l.oiid.. 1ST!). ni;i]>s. D.
EYSTEK, .Vr.s\ Nellie T.lessino-. A colonial boy; or, The treasures of
iin old link closet. P.osl., [c. ISS!)]. pi'. S.
TACIU, M, 8auchez, C.E. The truth about Lower Califoruia; for-
feiture of the contract made by and between the Mexican
government and the Mexican Inter. Co. of Colonization.
S. F., 1S8D. 94 p. maps. O. {In Cal pamps., v. 2.)
FAGAN, Louis. A descriptive catalogue of the engraved works of
William Faithorne. Lond., 1888. 104 p. Q.
FAGAN, William Long. ed. Southern war songs : camp-fire, patri-
otic and sentimental. N. Y., 18D0. il. O.
FAIIS', Agathon Jean Frangois. Manuscrit de mil huit cent treize,
contenant les precis des ^v^nemens de cette annee pour
servir a Thistoire de TEmpereur Napoleon. 2*^ ed. Paris,
1825. 2 V. map. facsim. O.
Memoirs des contemporains, pour servir a I'histoire de France,
et principalement a celle de la r^publique et de I'empire.
2® livraison. 3«^ ^d. Paris, 1825. map. facsim. O. (Backed
vol. 3 of Manuscrit de mil huit cent treize.)
FAIR, Laura D. Wolves in the fold: a lecture; also a statement of
facts, and defence of her cause. S. F., 1873. 44 p. O.
FAIRBAIEN, Patrick. The typology of scripture: viewed in con-
nection with the whole series of the divine dispensations.
10th ed., with enl. index. N. Y., [1st ed. 1847]. 2 v. O.
FAIRBANKS, Arthur. Introduction to sociology. N. Y., 1896. O.
(Eng. and For. Theol Lib.)
FAIRBANKS, Harold W. On analcite diabose from San Luis
Obispo Co., Cal. (In Univ. of Cal., Dept. of Geol., Bull. v. 1,
no 9.)
FAIRCHILD, Charles Bryant. History of the 27th regiment, N. Y.
vols.: being a record of its service. 1861-65; with a complete
roster, and short sketches of commanding officers. Bingham-
ton, N. Y., [c. 1888]. il. pors. maps. O.
FAIRCHILD, David. Preamble and resolutions on the state of the
Union; introduced bv F. in Assemblv, March 9, 1860. Sac,
1860. 8 p. O. (In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
FAIRFAX, Lina Redwood. Misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley.
(In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.)
FAIRFAX, Thomas, lord. Short memorials of some things to be
cleared during my command in the army [1645-1650]. (In
Arber, E: Eng. garenr, v. 8, p. 564.)
FAIRFIELD, Charles. State socialism in the antipodes. (In
Mackay, T: ed. A plea for libertv.)
FAIRMOUNT Park Art Association (Phil.) [Publications] : no. 28-
30. Phil., 1896-97. O. 3 pams.
Namely: No. 28. 24th annual report and list of members. 29. Un-
veilins of the memorial to Gen. Jas. A. Garfield, May 30th, 1896. 30.
25th annual report.
FAGAN, L. A descriptive catalogue of the engraved works of F.
Lond., 1888. 104 p. Q.
FALKNEK, Koland P. //•. Moitzen, A. History, theory, niul tech-
nique of statistics.
FALLON, .lohu T. comp. List of synonyiiis of orjjjiinizations in the
vohinteer service of the United Stales during tlie years 18(51-
(i5. Wash., L^85. O.
FALLOW'S, iUv. Samuel. Complete dictionary of synonyms and
antonyms; or, Synonyms and words of opposite meaning;
witli an appendix. Chic, and N. Y., [c. 1883-80]. S.
FAMILY library. N. Y., 1860. S.
Samvly: 106. [Dana, R: H:, jr.l. Two years before the mast.
FAMOUS Scots series. N. Y., 1890-97. 15 v. D.
Naiiiclij: Balladists, by J: Geddie. Blackwood group, by Sir G:
Douglas. Boswell, by K. Leask. Burns, by G. Setoun. Cameron,
R., by J: Herkless. Carlyle, by H. C. Macpherson. Chalmers, T:, by
W. J. Blaikie. Fletcher of Saltoun, by G. W. T. Omond. Kirkcaldy
of Grange, by L. A. Barbe. Knox, J:, by T. Innes. Macleod, N., by
J: Wellwood. Ramsay, A., by O. Smeaton. Scott, Sir W., by G:
Saintsbury. Simpson, J. Y., by E. B. Simpson. Smollett, T., by 0.
FAMOUS women series (continuation). Bost., 1889. 2 v. S.
2(uni('l!j: Jane Austen, by Mrs. Charles Maiden. Saint Theresa, by
Mvft. B. Gilman.
FANE, Violet, (pseud.) See Currie, Lady Mary Montgomerie.
FANNIN, John. Preliminary list of mammals of British Columbia.
Victoria, 1893. O. (B"^ C. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull. no. 1.)
FANSHAWE, E, L. Liquor legislation in the United States and
Canada; report of a non-partisan inquiry on the spot into the
laws and their operation, undertaken at the request of W.
Rathbone, M. P. Lond., [etc. 1892.]. D.
FAKIA y Sousa, Manoel de. Account of the empire of Monomo-
tapa. (In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 393.)
atid others. Voyages and discoveries of the Portuguese along
the coast of Africa as far as Cabode de Buena Esperanza; —
Siege of Diu bv Solevmsin Basha in 1539. (In Sawe v. 1. pp.
10, 102.)
FARISS, and Smith, pith. Illustrated history of Plumas, Lassen,
and Sierra counties, with California from 1513-1850. S. F.,
1882. pi. pors. Q.
FARLEY, Frederick A. UnitarianisTn defined: the Scripture doe-
trine of the Father. Son and Holy Ghost. Bost., 1890. 1).
FARMER, James Eugene. Essays on French history: thi^ rise of
the reformation in France; the club of the Jacobins. N. Y.,
1897. 120 p. O.
FAR;MER, John. ^Memorials of the graduates of Harvard T^niver-
sitv, in Cambridge, ^Nfassachusetts, commencing with the first
class, 1042. Concord, 1833. 48 p. O.
FARMER, John S. mm p. and ed. Slang and its analoi^ucs ].ast and
present: a dictionary, historical and coinparativ.' of the
heterodox s]>eech of all classes of society for more than three
hundred years, with syiionynis in French. G(>rman. etc. Vol.
1-4. fLond..] 1890-90." 4 v. O.
yo/r; Henley, W. E., is joint compiler and rditor from Vol. 3.
FAR;MER, Lydia Hoyt. Boy's book of famous rulers. N. Y.. [c.
18801.* il. ])1." T"^^'^- 1^-
FAliMP^R, I.ydia Hoj't. Girls' book of famous queens. N. Y., [c.
1S. and Henry. Economic and industrial de-
lusions: a discussion of the case for protection. N. Y., 1891.
charts. D.
FARRAGTTT, David Glasgow, admiral.
MAHAN. A. T. Great commanders: Admiral Farragut. N. Y., 1892.
por. maps. D. (Great commanders ser.)
FARRAR, Charles S. Art topics in the history of sculpture, paint-
ing and architecture. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Chic, 1890. O.
FARRAR, Frederic William. D. D. The early days of Christianity.
N. Y., [1882]. O.
Eternal hope; five sermons preached in Westminster Abbey
November and December, 1877. N. Y., 1888. D.
The fall of man and other sermons. 2d. ed. Lond., 1891. S.
Life of Christ. Lond., etc. il. pi. F.
-\fen I have known. N. Y., [c. 1897.] por. D.
The messages of the books: being discourses and notes on the
books of the New Testament. N. Y., 1892. O.
FARRER, James Anson. P>ooks condemned to be burnt. Lond.,
1892. D. (Book lover's lib.)
lARRER, Sir Thomas Henrv. Free trade versus fair trade. 4th
ed. Lond., etc. 1887. D.
Tlu^ state in its relation to trade. Lond., 188.3. D.
FARRINGTON. INLarie Lesquoy. Our prison system, and the need
of a free bureau of justice. S. F., 1890. .32 p. S.
FAIiRINGTON, Oliver (\ Handbook and catalogue of the meteor-
ite collection. (Field Columbian Mus. Tub. no. 3.)
Observations on Popocatepetl and Txtaccihuatl. (Field Colum-
bian INlus. Pub. no. 18.)
FARWELL, Willnrd B. Oration delivered before the Society of
California Pioneers at the laying of the corner-stone of New
Pioneer Hall, Julv 7. 1802. S. F.. 1862. O.
Same. Se])t. 9. 1891.' S. F., 1891. 13 p. O. (In Cal. Pioneers.
Orations and poems, v. 2.)
F.\RN.\CHT. G. Eugene. A French grammar for schools. Lond.,
1892. D.
'-■ /;.\ y; AM y. y jy;y'. i htmes t. 299
FA^^XACllT, (J. Kii<;t'iu'. Miiciiiillairs course of Froncli corai>osi-
tioii; sei-oiid course tor advauced students. Parallel Freuch-
Enjilisli i)assa<;-es and classitied French model extracts.
Jiond., ISili'. I).
('(/. Select specimens of the great French writers in the 17th,
18lh and \\){\\ (cnturies; with literary appreciations by the
most eminent Frencli critics and a historical sketch of French
literature. Lond., 1894. D.
FASSETT family. Sec Follett family.
FAULK EAN'ATijNd, Charles. Note on the discovery in the Brit-
ish Museum of a book un}). Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Extra ser. no. 10.)
FAWCETT, Edpir. Solarion: a i-omance. Phil., [1880]. 72 p.
por. O.
FA ^^'CETT. Henrv. l*auperism; its causes and remedies. Lond.
and N. Y., 1871. D.
and Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. Essa3^s and lectures on social
and political subjects. Lond., 1872. O.
FAWCETT. Millicent Carrett. Introduction . [In Shelley, Mrs. M.
W. (}. ^'indication of the rijihts of woman.)
Some eminent women of oui- times: short biojjraphical
sketches. Lond., \'!^^^. D.
FAY, Caleb T. Letter to C: INIaclay, senator from Santa Clara Co.,
on home production of iron in California. [S. F., 1870]. 1()
p. O. {Tn Pam. on mines and mining, v. 1.)
FAY, Edward Allen, ed. Histories of American schools for the
deaf. 1817-93. Wash., 180.3. 3 v. O.
Cotitents: Vol.1. Public schools in the U. S., established, 1817-54. 2.
Public schools in the V. S., established, 1854-93. 3. Denominational
and private schools in the U. S., Schools in Canada and Mexico,
Schools which have been discontinued. Supplement.
FAY, Theodore Sedgwick. The three Gei-manys; glimpses into
their history. X. Y., [c. 1880]. 2 v. pi. pors. O.
FAY House Monograi)hs; no. 3. Bost., 1801. O.
Xaiiirli/: McDougall, M. G. Fugitive slaves, 1619-1865.
YE\. Allan. The flight of the King account of the
miraculous escape of his most sacred majesty King Charles
II.. after the battle of Worcester. Lond., 1807. il. O.
FEARX, .T. Eaton, ^fodern ]»hotography for amateurs. Lond.,
[1806.] 122 p. D.
FEARX. .Tohn. First lines of the human mind. Lond.. 1820. O.
FECllXEK, Dr. Hermann. 1 >ei' dculcli-fi-anziisische Kriog von
1870-71. Berlin. 1872. il. i)l. ])ors. O.
FfvDERALlST, Tlu': a commentary on the constitution of the
Ignited States; a collection of essays by Alexander Hamil-
ton, Jay, and ^ladison; also the Continentalist, and other
papers bv Hamilton: ed. by .1: <'. Hamilton: v. 1. Phil.,
1 8r,5. Q."
FELBER^FAXX, Louis. Hungary and its people. Loud.. [1802].
111. itoi'. map. Tnusic. D.
FEl.KIX. Hcjiry :\L and Emmie, h: Herbart. .1. F. Science of
FELKIX, Mis. K. W. tr. Emin Pasha in central Africa: being a
collection of his letters and journals; ed. and annotated by
G. Schweinfurth, F. Ratzel, R. W. Felkin and G. Hartlaub.
N. Y.. 1889. por. map. O.
FELT family.
MORRIS, John E. Felt genealogy; a record of the descendants of
George Felt of Casco bay. Hart, 1893. O.
FELTON. Cyrus. A genealogical history of the Felton family;
descendants of Lieut. Nathaniel Felton. Marlborough, 1886.
FELTON family.
FELTON, C. A genealogical history of the Felton family, descend-
ants of Lieut. Nathaniel Felton. Marlborough, 1886. 0.
FJ^NELON, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, ahp. of Cambraij. Le
si^ge de Metz par I'empereur Charles V., en Fan 1552. (In
Col. des m^m. rel. a Fhist. de France. 1823. s. 1. v. 32.)
FENIN, Pierre de. Memoires de F., escuyer et panetier de Charles
VI., contenant I'histoire de ce prince, depuis Tan 1107 jusques
h Fan 1422. {In Col. des m^m. rel. a Fhist. de France, 1825.
s 1. V. 6-7.)
FENN, George Manville. The young castellan; a tale of the Eng-
lish civil war. Phil., 1895. il. D.
FENNER, E. D. History of the epidemic yellow fever at New Or-
leans, La. in 1853. N. Y., 1854. 84 p. O.
FENNER, George, capt.
WREN, W. Voyage of F. to the islands of Cape Verde in 1566. (In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 185.)
FENOLLOSA, Ernest F. Mural painting in the Boston Public
Library. Bost., 1896. 28 p. S.
FENWICK, W. Soltau. M.D. The dyspepsia of phthisis, its var-
ieties and treatment. Lond., 1894. O.
FifiEfi, Charles. See Binet, A., aiid Fer6, G. Animal magnetism.
FERGUSON, Adam. History of the progress and termination of
the Roman republic. New ed. rev. and cor. Edin., 1825. 5 v.
maps. O.
FERGUSON, James Haig. See Haultain, F. W. N., and Ferguson,
J. H. Handbook of obstetric nursing.
FERGUSON, Jan Helenus. The philosophy of civilization; a so-
ciological study. Lond., 1890. O.
FERGUSON. Robert. America during and after the war. Lond.,
1866. D.
FERNALD. James Champlin. English synonyms and antonyms,
with notes on the correct use of prepositions. N. Y.. 1S07,
D. (Stand. Ed. Ser.)
FERNOW, B. E. :Metal railroad ties. {In U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Forestry Div. Bull. no. 1, app. 3.)
Practicability of an American forest administration. (Tn
Amer. Eton. Assn. Pub. v. 6.)
Snow-slid(^s and avalanches — their formation and prevention.
(In Same Forestry Div. Bull. no. 2.)
Value and management of government timber lands. (7"/^ Same
Misc. Spec. Re])ts. no. 5.)
FEKXOW, B. E. A\'luit is forestry. Wash., 1801. O. {Sa^nc For-
estry Div. l>ull no. 5.)
FKKX'OW, Berlhokl. The Oliio valley in colonial days. Albany,
181)0. O.
FElvKEL, \\illiani. A popular treatise on the winds: comprising
the j^eueral motions of the atmosphere, monsoons, cyclones,
tornadoes, waterspouts, hail-storms, etc. N. Y., 1889. il. O.
FEREEKO, William. See Lombroso, C, and Ferrero, W: The fe-
male offender.
FEKREKS, George. The winninp; of Calais by the French, -Ian.
1558 A. D. General narrative of the recapture, [1568?j. {In
Arber, E. Eng. (Jarner, v. 4, p. IT:].)
FERKI, Enrico. Criminal sociology. N. Y., 1896. D. (Criminol-
ogy ser.)
FEREIER, J. P. Caravan journeys and wanderings in Persia,
Afghanistan. Tnrkistan, and Beloochistan; with historical
notices of the countries lying between Russia and India; tr.
by W: Jesse; ed. by H. D. Seymour. Lond., 185G. pi. por.
map. O.
History of the Afghans: tr. by W: Jesse. Lond., 1858. map.
FERRIER, James Frederick. Philosophical works. Vol. 2-3. New
ed. Edin., 1883-88. D.
Kamely: V. 2-3. Lectures on Greek philosophy.
FERROUILLAT, Paul. Instruments a soufrer. Montpellier, 1886.
20 p. {In Pamphlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
See Viala, Pierre, and Ferrouillat, P. Manual pratique; —
Traitement du mildiou.
FERRY, Hjpolite. Descri])tion de la nouvelle Californie, g^ogra-
phique, politifiue, et morale. Paris, 1850. map. D.
FESQUET, A. A. Statuary and ornamental moulding, ordnance,
malleable iron castings. {In Overman, F. Moulder's and
founder's pocket guide.)
F£TIS, F. J. Biographical notice of Nicolo Paganini, with an
analysis of his compositions, and a sketch of the history of
the violin. 2d ed. Lond., [n.d.], il. por. 90 p. O.
How to play from score, treatise on accompaniment from score
on the organ or pianoforte. Lond., [n.d.] 40 p. 11. S.
Notice of Anthony Stradivari, the celebrated violin maker:
.... preceded by historical and critical researches on the
origin and transformations of bow instruments. Lond., 1864.
il. 132 p. O.
FEUDGE, Fannie Roper. India. Bost., [c. 1880]. il. map. D.
(Lothrop's lib. of entertaining histories.)
FEUILLET, Octave. Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. Paris.
1895. D.
FEVAL. Paul. A noble sacrifice; tr, by M. de L. (Brentano's ro-
mantic lib.)
FTCHTE, Johann Gottlieb.
ADAMSON, R: Fichte. Phil., 1881. por. S. (Philosophical classics.)
EVERETT, C. C. Fichte's science of knowledge; a critical exposi-
tion. Chic. 1884. S.
FICTION, fact, and fancy series; ed. by A. Stedman. N. Y., 3892-
por. L).
Namt'l!/: Colombo, C. Writings descriptive of the discovery and
occupation of the new world.
Abbe Birotteaii. H. de Balzac.
Abbe Constantin. L. Halevy.
Abbot, The. Sir Walter Scott.
Abdallah. E. R. L. Laboulaye.
Ablest man in the world. E. P.
Adam Johnstone's son. F: M.
Adventures of Don Quixote.
Adventures of Harry Richmond.
G: Meredith.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
A: C. Doyle.
Afloat and ashore. J. F. Cooper.
Against heavy odds. H. H. Boy-
Ailes d'Icare. C. B. Du G. de la
V. Bernard.
Alaeddin and the enchanted
lamp; tr. by J: Payne.
Alkahest. H. de Balzac.
Albert Savarus. H. de Balzac.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves.
All sorts and conditions of men.
W. Besant.
All's not gold that glitters. Mrs.
A. B. Haven.
Amateur emigrant. R: L. B.
Amazing marriage. G: Mere-
American in Paris, The. E. C.
Andreas Hofer. C. M. Mundt.
Ange Pitou. A. D. Dumas.
Anne of Geierstein. Sir Walter
Another study of woman. H. de
Antiquary, The. Sir Walter
Ape, the idiot, and other people.
W: C. Morrow.
Arabian nights; tr. by E: W:
Arne. B. Bjornson.
Around the golden deep. A. P.
Aspern papers. H. James.
At Agincourt. G: A. Henty.
At the gate of the fold. J. S.
At the sign of the Cat and the
Racket. H. de Balzac.
Atala. F. A. R. Chateaubriand
Atheist's mass. H. de Balzac.
Attila the Hun. F. Dahn.
Augusta Dane. J. V. Webs...r.
Auld licht idylls. J. M. Barrie.
Autocrat of the breakfast table.
O. W. Holmes.
Bachelor maid. Mrs. C. C. Har-
Bachelor club. I. Zangwill.
Bachelor's establishment. H. de
Balaam and his master; and
other sketches and stories. J.
C. Harris.
Balacchi brothers. Mrs. R. u.
H. Davis.
Barabbas. M. Corelli.
Barren title, A. T. W. Speight.
Beatrix. H. de Balzac.
Beauchamp's career. G: Mere-
Beauiy spot, l±^i. A. de Musset.
Berlin and sans-souci. C. M.
Beside the bonnie brier bus^j.
J: Watson.
Bethrothed, The. Sir W. Scott,
Better days. T. and A. M. Fitch.
Better dead. J. M. Barrie.
Between the lines. C. King.
Beyond the dreams of avarice.
Sir Walter Besant.
Bianca. W: E: Norris.
Birds' Christmas carol, The. K.
D. Wiggin.
Bishop's vagabond. A. French.
Bit of a fool. Sir R: Peel.
Black arrow, The. R. L. B. Ste-
Black beauty. A. Se'well.
Black dwarf. Sir Walter Scott.
Black pearl, The. V. Sardou.
Black tulip. A. D. Dumas.
Blockade of Phalsburg. Erck-
mann and Chatrian.
Bondman, The. T: H: H.
Book of the thousand nights and
one night; tr. by John Payne.
Boy emigrants. N. Brooks.
Boy settlers. N. Brooks.
Boyhood in Norway. H. H.
Braddock; a story of the French
and Indian wars. J: R. Mu-
Bravo, The. J. Fennimore
Braxton's bar. R. M. Daggett.
Bridal march. B. Bjornson.
Bride of Infelice. L. E. New-
Bride of Lammernioor. Sir W.
Bride of the Nile, The. G. Eb-
Brigade commander. J. W. De
Brigand's bride. L. Oliphant.
Broken ring, The. E. . K.
Brother Sebastian's friendship.
H. Frederic.
Brooksmith. H: James.
Biig-Jargal. V. Hugo.
Building of the City Beautiful.
C. H. Miller.
Bureaucracy. H. de Balzac.
Burgomaster's wife. G. Ebers.
Bursting of a boom. F. R. San-
By devious ways. T. W.
Calmire. Anon.
Cameos. M. Corelli.
Can such things be? A. Bierce.
Canne de M. de Balzac. D. G.
Caoba, the guerilla chief. P. H.
Career of a nihilist, The, S. M.
Carmen. P. MerimSe.
Casa Braccio. F: M. Crawford.
Castle dangerous. Sir W. Scott.
Cat of Busbastes. G. A. Henty.
Catastrophe in Bohemia, and
other stories. H. S. Brooks.
Catherine de' Medici. H. de Bal-
Century too soon; a story of Ba
con's rebellion. J: R. Mu-
Chainbearer. J. F. Cooper.
Change of air. A. H. Hawkins.
Chantry priest of Barnet. A. J.
Chase of Saint-Castin. M. . H.
Cherry and Violet. A. . Man-
Chevalier D'Harmental. A. D.
Chevalier of Maison-Rouge. A.
D. Dumas.
Children of the Ghetto. I. Zang-
Children of the king. F: M.
Children of the soil. H. Sien-
Chinese girl graduate. R. K.
Choir invisible. J. L. Allen.
Choix de contes contemporains.
B. F. O'Connor. «/.
Chosen few, A. F. R. Stockton.
Chosen valley. M. . H. Foote.
Chouans, The. H. de Balzac.
Chronicles of the Canongate.
Sir W. Scott.
Chun Ti-kung. C: A. Rees.
Cigarette-makors romance. F:
M. Crawford.
Cinderella and other stories. R.
H. Davis.
Clair do lune. H. R. A. G. de
Clarence. F. B. Harte.
Claude Gueux. V. Hugo.
Cleopatra. G. Ebers.
Close shave, A. T. W. Speight.
Coast of Bohemia. W. D. How-
Coeur d'Alene. M. H. Foote.
Colomba. P. Mi'rimr^e.
Colonel Chabert. H. de Balzac.
Colonel Starbottle's client. F.
B. Hart.
Colonial boy. N. B. Eyster.
Columbia; a story of the discov-
ery of .\merica. J: R. Mu-
Comedies of courtship. A. H.
Commission in lunacy. H. de
Company of Jehu. A. D. Du-
Comtesse of Charny. A. D. Du-
Connecticut Yankee in King Ar-
thur's court. S. L. Clemens.
Consuela. Mme. Dudevant.
Contes en prose. F: Copp6e.
Contes et nouvelles. H: R. A.
G. de Maupassant.
Contes du jour et de la nuit. H.
R. A. G. de Maupassant.
Count Lucanor. J. Manuel.
Count of Monte Cristo. A. D.
Count of the Saxon shore. J.
A. Church and R. Putnam.
Count Robert of Paris. Sir W.
Country doctor. H. de Balzac.
Country of the painted fire. S.
O. Jewett.
Country parson. H. de Balzac.
Courting of T'nowhead's bell.
J. M. Barrie.
Cousin Betty, H. de Balzac.
Crater. The. J. F. Cooper.
Cressy. F: B. Harte.
Crime d' amour, Un. P. Bour-
Croisilles. A. de Musset.
Crowning of Candoce. K. . P.
Crucifixion of Philip Strong. C.
M. Sheldon.
Cruelle enigme. P. Bourget.
Cup of trembling, The. M. H.
Crusade of the Excelsior. F: B.
Dame de Monsoreau. A. Du-
Dare. M. W. Glascock.
Dariel. R. D. Blackmore.
Daring fiction. H. H. Boyesen.
Daughter of the empress. C. M.
Daughter of the Revolution. C.
C. Coffin.
David Balfour. R. L. B. Ste-
Day of his youth. A. Brown.
Days of auld lang syne, The J:
Days of Jeanne d'Arc. M. H.
Dead Leman, The. A. Lang and
P. Sylvester.
Death of the Laird's Jock. Sir
W. Scott.]
Decameron. G. Boccaccio.
Deemster. T: H: H. Caine.
Deephaven. S. . O. Jewett.
Deerslayer, The. J. Fennimore
Deluge, The. H. Sienkiewicz.
Denver express. A. A. Hayes.
Dernier Ahencerage, Le. F. A.
R. Chateaubriand.
Despot of Broomsedge Cove. M.
N. Murree.
Diana of the crossways. G:
Dinner-party, A. J: Eddy.
Distinguished provincial at Pa-
ris. H. de Balzac.
Doctor Claudius. F. M. Craw-
Doctor Congalton's legacy. H:
Doctor of the old school. J:
Dolly dialogues. A. H. Haw-
Don Orsino. F: M. Crawford.
Donal Grant. G. Macdonald.
Dream tales. I. S. Turgenieff.
Dynamiter, The. R. L. B. and
F. V. de G. Stevenson.
Ebb-tide, The. R. L. B. Steven-
son and L. Osbourne.
Ecueil. C. B. Du G. de la V.
Edinburgh eleven. An. J. M.
Egoist, The. G: Meredith.
Egyptian princess. An. G. Eb-
Eli. C. H. White.
Elixir and other taies. G. Eb-
Elsie Venner. O. W. Holmes.
Emperor, The. G. Ebers.
Empress Josephine. C. M.
End of New York. P. Benja-
Endura. B. P. Moore.
Erlach court. L. Kirschner.
Estevan: a story of the Spanish
conquests. J: R. Musick.
Eugenie Grandet. H. de Bal-
Evan Harrington. G: Meredith.
Experiment in Altruism, An. M.
E. W. Sherwood.
Exploits of Brigadier Gerard.
A. C. Doyle.
Exiles, The. H. de Balzac.
Face and the mask, The. R:
Facino Cane. H. de Balzac.
Fair maid of Perth. Sir W.
Fairport nine. N. Brooks.
Fairy tales from far and near.
A. T. Q. Couch.
Fairy tales from gold lands. M.
Faithful retainer. J. Payn.
Falconberg. H. H. Boyesen.
Fame and sorrow. H. de Bal-
Fantasies. M. Nembhard.
Farina. G. Meredith.
Fearless trio. H. H. Boyesen.
Feet of love. A. R. Aldrich.
First family of Tasajara. F: B.
First republic. A. D. Dumas.
Fisher lass. B. Bjornson.
Forest outlaws. E. Gilliat.
For faith and freedom. W. Be-
For the temple. G. A. Henty.
Forsaken lady. H. de Balzac.
Fortunes of Nigel. Sir W. Scott
Forty-five guardsmen. A. D.
Fountain sealed, A. Sir W. Be-
Frederick the Great and hia
court. C. M. Mundt.
Free prisoners. J. . W. Bruner.
Friend Barton's corcern. M. .
H. Foote.
Friend Olivia. A. E. Barr.
From Snowdon to the sea. M.
CKM'Ji \l. I>i:i' Ah'TMHST.
Front yard and other Italian
stories. C. F. Woolson.
Gabriel Conroy. F. B. Harte.
Gallegher, and other stories. R.
H. Davis.
Garabara. H. de Balzac.
Garden behind the moon. H.
Gaston de Latour. W. Pater.
Gentleman of France. S. J.
George Denny. "Chinquopin."
Germinie Lacerteux. E. and J.
de Goncourt.
Ghamba. W: C. Scully.
Glenmutchkin railway. W: E.
"Go forth and find." T: H.
Gobseck. H. de Balzac.
God in the car, The. A. Hope
God's fool. J. M. W. Van der
Poorten Schwarz.
The Gods, some mortals and
Lord Wickenham. P. M. Crai-
Goethe and Schiller. C. M.
Golden hoop, The. T. W.
Goneril. A. M. . F. . Robin-
Grande Breteche, La. H. de
A great man of the provinces in
Paris. H. de Balzac.
Great treason, A. M. A. M. Hop-
Greater glory. J. M. W. Van
der Poorten Schwarz.
Gregorio. A. P. Hemmingway.
Greifenstein. F. M. Crawford.
Grenadicre, La. H. de Balzac.
Grettier the outlaw. S. Baring-
Greylock, The. G. Ebers.
Guardian angel, The. O. W.
Guild court. G: Macdonald.
Gunnar. H. H. Boyesen.
Guy Mannering. Sir. W. Scott.
Gypsy's sowing and reaping.
.l/r.s\ E. . S. P. Ward.
Half a dozen girls. A. . C. Ray.
Hand of Ethelberta. T: Hardy.
Hans of Iceland. V. Hugo.
Happy boy. B. Bjornson.
Harlot's progress. H. de Bal-
Headsman, The. J. F. Cooper.
Heart of life, The. W: H. Mal-
Heart of Mid Lothian. Sir W.
Heart of Princess Osra, The.
A. H. Hawkins.
Heartbreak cameo. E. W.
"Heather lintie." S. R. Crock-
Heidemauer, The. J. F. Cooper.
Helena's household. J. De Mille.
Henry VIIl. and his court. C.
M. Mundt.
Her majesty. E. . K. Tomp-
Her only brother. B. Behrens.
Herb-moon. Mrs. P. M. . Crai-
Heroine of '49, The. Mrs. M. P.
Highland widow. Sir W. Scott.
Hired baby. M. Corelli.
His vanished star. M. N. Mur-
Histoire de Gil Bias de Santil-
lane. A. R. Le Sage.
Histoire de Manon Lescaut. A.
F. Prt'vost d Exiles.
Historical mystery. An. H. de
History of a crime. V. Hugo.
History of David Grieve, The.
M. A. Ward.
Holy cross and other tales. B.
Home acre. E. P. Roe.
Home again. G. Macdonald.
Home as found. J. Fennimore
Homeward bound. J. Fenni-
more Cooper.
Homo Sura. G. Ebers.
Honda, the Samurai. W. E,
Honorable Peter Stirling. P. L.
Honorine. H. de Balzac.
House, The. E, Field.
House of cards. A. S. Wolf.
House-boat on -ue Styx. J: K.
How old Wiggins wore ship. R.
T. Coffin.
Humbled pride: a story of the
Mexican war. J: R. Musick.
I swear. F. H. Powers.
Idiot, The. F. M. Dostoyevsky.
Idyl of London, b. Harraden.
Ilka on the hill-top. H. H. Boy-
Image of San Donato. V. W.
Imaginary mistress. H. de Bal-
In a hollow of the hills. F: B.
In black and white. R. Kip-
In far Lochaber. W: Black.
In exile, and other stories. M: .
H. Foote.
In fetters. Elizabeth P. O. L.
queen of Rumania.
In his name. E. E. Hale.
In old New England. H. But-
In the Blue Pike. G: Ebers.
In the Carquinez woods. F: B.
In the choir of Westminster Ab-
bey. E. Marshall.
In the clouds. M. . N. Murfree.
In the fire of the forge. G. Eb-
In the sancturay. A Van der
Inconsiderate waiter. J. M. Bar-
Independence: a story of the
Revolution. J: R. Musick.
Indiscretion of the Duchess, The.
A. H. Hawkins.
Inspired lobbyist. J. W. De
Invasion of France in 1814.
Erckmann and Chatrian.
irish idyls. J. . Barlow.
Island nights' entertainments.
R. L. B. Stevenson.
Itinerant house and other sto-
ries. E. F. Dawson.
Ivanhoe. Sir Walter Scott.
Jack Tier. J. F. Cooper.
Jane Field. M. E. Wilkins.
Jason Edwards. H. Garland.
Jed; a boy's adventures in the
army of '61-'65. W. L. Goss.
Jettatura. T. Gautier.
Joaquin, the Claude Duval of
California. H: L.Williams, jr.
John. K. P. Woods.
John Bodewin's testimony. M. .
H. Foote.
John CharAxes. P. Boylston.
John Halifax, gentleman. Mrs.
D. M. M. Craik.
John Standish. E. Gilliat.
John Ward, preacher. M. De-
Joost Avelingh. J. M. V. de P.
Joseph II. and his court. C. M.
Joshua. G. Ebers.
Joy of life. E. Wolf.
Jude. the Obscure. T: Hardy.
Jungle book. R. Kipling.
Kate Carnegie. J: Watson.
Katherine Lauderdale. F: M.
Kenilworth. Sir Walter Scott.
Khaled. F. M. Crawford.
Kidnapped. R. ^. B. Steven-
King Bemba's point. J. Land-
King Billy of Ballarat. M. Rob-
King of Schnorrers, The. I.
King's highway. The. A. E.
Kings in exile. A. Daudet.
Kirby's coals of fire. L. Stock-
Knitters in the sun. A. French.
Kreutzer sonata. L. N. Tolstoi.
Lady of quality, A. F. H. Bur-
Lady of the camellias. A. Du-
Land of the poco tiempo. C. F.
Last assembly ball. M. . H.
Last of the Mohicans. J. Feni-
more Cooper.
Last sentence, The. M. . E.
Last vendee. A. D. Dumas.
Lay down your arms. B. von
Leaf in the storm, i^. de la
Leah's confession. Mrs. C. Ste-
Led Horse claim. M. . H.
Legend of love. H. V. Suther-
Legend of Montrose. oir >v.
Lesson of thf master. H:
Life and opinions of Tristam
Shandy, gentleman. L.
Life in Shut-in Valley. C. S.
Life of Nancy, The. S. 0. Jew-
Life magnet. A. A. Adee.
Light man. H: James.
Light that failed. The. R. Kip-
Lilith. G. Macdonaia.
Lillian Morris. Sienkiewicz.
Lily of the valley. H. de Balzac.
Lionel Lincoln. J. Fenimore
Little book ot profitable tales,
A. E. Field.
Little journey in the world, A.
C: D. Warner.
Little minister. The. J. M. Bar-
Little Norsk, A. H. Garland.
Little regiment. S: Crane.
Little Renault. M. . H. Cather-
Living lie. P. Bourget.
Liz. M. W. Glascock.
Lodging for tne night. R: L.
B. Stevenson.
Long odds. H: R. Haggard.
Long run. The. R. E. Cleve-
Long walls. The. E. S. Brooks
and J: Alden.
Looking backward. E. Belamy.
Lora, tae major's daughter. B.
Lorna Doone. R. B. Blackmore.
Lord Ormont and his Aminta.
G: Meredith.
Loss and gain. J. H. Newman.
Lost. E: Bellamy.
Lost illusions. H. de Baizac.
Lost in the fog. N. Brooks.
Louis Lambert. H. de Balzac.
Louisa of Prussia and her times.
C. M. Mundt.
Louisa Pallant. H. James.
Love in old cloathes. H: C.
Lucien de uubempre. H. de Bal-
Luck of Roaring Camp. F. B.
Madame Bovary. G. Flaubert.
Madame Chrysanthdm. J.Viaud.
Madame Firmiani. H. de Bal-
Madame Jane Junk and Joe. M.
Madame Therese. Erckman and
Madelon. M. . E. Wilkins.
Mademoiselle de Maupin. T.
Maggie, a girl of the streets. S:
Main travelled roads. H. Gar-
Maison Tillier, La. H: R. -v. G.
de Maupassant.
Man of honor. G. C. Eggleston.
Man of mark, A. A. H. Haw-
Man would be king. R.
Man with the broken ear. E. F.
V. About.
Manmat'ha. C: de Kay.
Manxman, The. F. H: H. Caine.
Many inventions. R. Kipling.
Marble faun. N. Hawthorne.
Marcella. M. A. Ward.
March on London. G. A. Henty.
Margaret Ogilvy. J. M. Barrie.
Margery. G. Ebers.
Margot. A. de Musset.
Marguerite de Valois. A. D. Du-
Marie Antoinette and her son.
C. M. Mundt.
Mariposilla. Mrs. C. S. Dag-
Marion Darche. F. I. Craw-
Mark of Cain. A. Lang.
Marm Lisa. K. D. Wiggin.
Marquis de Villemer, Le. Mme.
Marquis of Aguayo. H: B. Mc-
Marquis of Lossie. G. Macdon-
Marriage, The. H: James.
Morse Chan. T: N. Page.
Martian, The. G. L. P. B. Du
Martyr to science. M. . P. Ja-
Maruja. F: B. Harte.
Mary Musgrave. Anon.
Mary Morton. J. V. Webster.
" mas has come." L. Kip.
Master, The. I. Zangwill.
Master of Ballantrae. R. L. B.
Matka and Kotik. D: S. Jor-
Mauprat. Mme. Dudevant.
Mea culpa. W: S. Green.
Member of the third house. H.
Memoirs of a physician. A. D.
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.
A: C. Doyle.
Memoirs of two young married
women. H. de Balzac.
Memorable murder. C. Thaxter.
Mercedes of Castile. J. F. Coop-
Merchant of Berlin. C. M.
Merry men and other tales and
fables. R. L. B. Stevenson.
Message, The. H. de Balzac.
Michel Lorio's cross. H. Stret-
Miles Wallingford. J. F. Coop-
Milto Yashiki. A. C. Maclay.
Miranda Higgins W: A. Cheney.
Micah Clarke. A. C. Doyle.
Misfortunes of Bro' Thomas
Wheatley. L. R. Fairfax.
Miss Eunice's glove. A. Web-
Miss Grief. C. F. Woolson.
Mississippi scenes. J. B. Cobb.
Modern Magdalene. V. Woods.
Modern vikings. H. H. Boyesen.
Modern warning. H. James.
Modeste Mignon. H. de Balzac.
Mohammed Ali and his house.
C. M. Mundt.
Monastery, The. Sir W. Scott.
Monica the mesa maiden. E.
Moniking, The. J. F. Cooper.
Monk, The. M. G. Lewis.
Monk and the hangman's daugh-
ter. The. A. Bieroe and G. A.
Morgesons, The. E. Stoddard.
Mortal antipathy. O. W.
Mother-in-law, The. Elizabeth
P. O. L., queen of Rumania.
Mount of sorrow. H. P. Spof-
Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor.
C: S. Gage.
Mr. Isaacs. F. M. Crawford.
Mr. Tommy Dove. M. Deland.
Mrs. General Talboys. A. Trol-
Mrs. Knollys. F. J. Stimson.
Murder of Delicia. M. Corelli.
Musgrove ranclie. T. M. Browne.
My Aunt Margaret's mirror. Sir
W. Scott.
My Lady Nicotine. J. M. Bar-
My Lady Nobody. J. M. W. Van
der Poorten Schwarz.
Mystery of Cloomber, The. A.
C. Doyle.
Mystery of Sasassa Valley. A.
C. Doyle.
Mystery of Witch-Face Mount-
ain. M. . M. Murfree.
Nancy Noon. B. Swift.
Napoleon and Bliicher. C. M
Napoleon and the queen of
Prussia. C. M. Mundt.
Napoleon the Little. V. Hugo.
Natchez, Les. F. A. R. Chateau-
Nathan the Jew. H. Wagner.
Naulahka, The. R. Kipling and
C: W. Balestier.
Neuvaine de Colette, La. J.
New Alice in old Wonderland,
The. Mrs. A. M. Richards.
New Arabian nights. R. L. B.
New book of the fairies. B.
The new purchase. B. R. Hall.
Nicholas Nickleton. "Pex."
Nights of Straparola. G. F.
Ninety-three. V. Hugo.
Noble sacrifice, A. P. Feval.
Norseland tales. H. H. Boye-
Notary's nose. E. F. V. About.
Notre Dame. V. Hugo.
Numa Roumestan. A. Daudet.
Nuts, The. G. Ebers.
Oak openings. J. F. Cooper.
Old Creole days. G. W. Cable.
Old French romances. W: Mor-
Madame Tn^rese. Ercitmann
ris, tr.
Old Fritz and the new era. C.
M. Mundt.
Old Goriot. H. de Balzac.
Old, old story, The. H. V.
Old Mortality. Sir W. Scott.
Old post-road. M. G. McClel-
Old times in middle Georgia. A.
M. Johnston.
Omnibus, The. A. T. Q. Couch.
On the eve. I. S. Turgenieff.
On the Irrawaddy. G. A. Henty.
One day. B. Bjornson.
The £1,000,000 bank-note, and
other stories. S. L. Clemens.
One of our conquerors. G: Mer-
One of the thirty pieces. W: H:
Open door, The. B. W. Howard.
Operation in money. A. Web-
Orange blossoms. T. S. Ar-
Ordeal of Richard Feveral. G:
Osgood's predicament. B. D. B.
Other house. The. H: James.
Other things being equal. E.
Otto of the silver hand. H.
Pactolus Prime. A. W. Tour-
Page of love. E. Zola.
Page of the Duke of Savor. A.
D. Dumas.
Pan Michael. H: Sienkiewicz.
Pancha. T: A. Janvier.
Parent's assistant. M. Edge-
Passages from the journal of a
social wreck. M. Floyd.
Pathfinder, The. J. Fenimore
Paul et Virginia. J. H. B. de
Paul F'aber. surgeon. G. Mac-
Paul Patoff. F: M. Crawford.
Paz. H. de Baizac.
Peace in the house. H. de Bal-
Peasantry, The. H. de Balzac.
Pembroke. M. E. Wilkins.
Perilous amour. S. J. Weyman.
Peveril of the Peak. Sir Walter
Phantom 'richshaw. R. Kip-
Phantoms of the foot-bridge,
and other stories. M. . N.
Philip and his wife. M. Deland.
Phroso. A. H. Hawkins.
Picciola. X. Boniface.
Pierre Grassou. H. de Balzac.
Pierrette. H. de Balzac.
Pietro Ghisleri. F: M. Craw-
Pilgrims; a story of Massachu-
setts. J: K. Musick.
Pilot, The. J. F. Cooper.
Pioneer, The. J. F. Cooper.
Pirate Tae. Sir W. Scott.
Plain tales from the hills. R.
Platonics. E. M. Arnold.
Pocahomas: a story of \ .rginia.
.J: R. Musick.
Poor Ogla-Moga. D: D. Lloyd.
Portrait of a California girl. E.
S. Cummins.
Poseidon's paradise. E. G. Birk-
Prairie, The. J. Fenimore
Prairie folks. H. Garland.
Precaution. J. Fenimore Coop-
Primes ami their neighbors,The.
R. M. Johnston.
Prince Eugene and his times.
C, M. Mundt.
Prince of In^ ia. L. Wallace.
Prince Otto. R. T^. B. Steven-
Princess Casamassima. H:
Prisoner of Zenna. The. A. H.
Prodigal in love. E. Wolf.
Prophet of the Great Smoky-
Mountains. M. . N. Murfree.
Pupil, The. H: James.
Purse, The. H. ue Balzac.
Quality of mercy. W: D. How-
Quartz. J. W. Gaily.
Queen Hortense. C. M. Munut.
Queen Titania. H. H. Boye-
Queen's necklace. A. D. Du-
Quentin Durward. Sir W. Scott.
Quest of the absolute. H. de
Quest of the golden girl. R. Le
Question, A. G. Ebers.
Quick or the uead. a. R. Chan-
ler iroubetzkoy.
"Quo vadis." H. Sienkiewicz.
Ralstons, The. F. M. Crawford.
Red badge of courage. The. S.
Red cockade. The. S. J. Wey-
Redgauntlet. Sir W. Scott.
Red Rover. J. F. Cooper.
Redskins, The. J. F. Cooper.
Reds of the Midi. F. Gras.
Refugees, The. A. C. Doyle.
Regent's daughter. A. D. Du-
Reign of the great Elector. C.
M. luundt.
Rent'. F. A. R. Chateaubriand.
Revenge. R. barr.
Revenge of her race. M. Beau-
Reverberator, The. H: James.
Rhoda Fleming. G: Meredith.
Riflo. rod, and gun in California.
T. S. Van l^yke.
Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau.
H. de Balzac.
Rob Roy. Sir vv . Scott.
Robert Atterbury. T: H. Brain-
Rogue s march, x^. W. Horn-
Rio vierge. C. Mendf'S.
Roman d'un jeune homme pau-
vre. O. Feuulet.
Romance of California life. J:
Rose of the Ghetto. I. Zangwill.
Rudin. I. S. Turgenieff.
Rutledge. Mrs. ivl. C. l-iarris.
St. Agustin: a story of the Hu-
guenots in America. J: R.
St. Ives. R. ±j. ri. Stevenson.
St. Ronan's Well. Sir W. Scott.
Salammbo. Flaubert.
Sally Dows, and other stories.
f. B. Harte.
Sandra Belloni. G. Meredith.
Sapho; Parisian customs. A.
Saracinesca. F. M. Crawford.
Satanstoe. J. F. Cooper.
Sceaux ball, The. H. de Balzac.
Sea lions. J. F. Cooper.
Seamy side of history. H. de
Second book of tales. E. Field.
Second son. The. M. O. W. 011-
phant and T. B. Aldrich.
Second jungle book., The. R.
Sensation in the orange groves.
B: C. Truman.
Sentimental Tommy. J. M.
Seraphita. H. de Balzac.
Serapis. G. Ebers.
Seven Xmas eves. C. Graves,
and others.
Sporza. W. W. Astor.
Shams. B. Morgan.
Shaving of Shagpat. G: Mere-
Silence of Dean Maitland. M.
E. Tuttiett.
Sidney. M. Deland.
Sindbad the sailor.
Singular life, A. Mrs. E. S. P.
Sir Edmund Orme. H: James.
Sir George Tressady. M. . A.
Sir Gibbie. G: Macdonald.
Sister Jane. J. C. Harris.
Sister Silvia. M. . Tincker.
Sisters, The. G. Ebers.
Sketches from old Virginia. A.
G. Bradley.
Slain by the Doones. R. D.
Soap bubbles. M. Nordau.
Social struggles. H. H. Boye-
Society in search of truth. The.
J. F. Clark.
Solarion. E. Fawcett.
Soldiers of fortune. R. H. Da-
Soldiers three and military tales.
R. Kipling.
Solution, The. H: James.
Son of Hagar. T: H: H. Caine.
Sons of the soil. H. de Balzac.
Sorrows of Satan, The. M. Co-
Spider's eye. L. P. Hale.
Spirit of an Illinois town. M. .
H. Catherwood.
Split zephyr. H: A. Beers.
Spoils of Pay ton. H: James.
Sportsman's sketch. I. S.Turge-
Spot: autobiogi'aphy of a fox
terrier. Anon.
Spy, The. J. F. Cooper.
Squatter and the Don. C. Loy-
Stark-Munro letters, The. A. C.
Start in life, A. H. de Balzac.
Stella Grayland. James T. Mc-
Kay .
Stillwater tragedy. T: B. Aid-
Stolen souls. W: Le Queux.
Stories for boys. R. H. Davis.
Stories of the foot-hills. M. C.
Stories of the magicians. A. J.
Story of a bad boy. T: B. Aid-
Stoi-y of a child. M. Deland.
Story of a mine. F: B. Harte.
Story of Bessie Costrell, The. M.
A. Ward.
Story of Keedon Bluffs. M. . N.
Story of the Gadsbys. R. Kip-
Story of the Latin quarter. F. .
H. Burnett.
Story of two lives. J. Schayer.
Story of una, Tne. E. L, Ar-
Story-tellers' pack. F. R. Stock-
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde. R. L. B. Steven-
Stranger at Lisconnel. J. Bar-
Study of woman. H. de Balzac.
Suffolk tales and other stories.
C. Gurdon.
Surgeon's daughter. Sir W.
Surprising adventures of Baron
Munchausen. R. E. Raspe.
Sustained honor: a story of the
war of 1812. J: R.Musick.
Synnove Solbakken. B. Bjorn-
Tachypomp, The. E. P. Mitch-
ell .
Tahoe; or. Life in California.
S. B. Morgan.
Tajima. M. R. Mitford.
Taking the Bastile. A. D. Du-
Tale of a lonely parish, A. F.
M. Crawford.
Tales. J. H. L. Hunt.
Tales from the Arabic; tr. by
.1: Payne.
Talcs of fantasy and fact. J. B.
Tales of the Argonauts. F: B.
Tales of the Maine Coast. N.
Talisman, The. Sir W. Scott.
Tapestried chamber. The. Sir
W. Scott.
laquisara. F: M. Crawford.
Tartarin de Tarascon. A. Dau-
Tchitchikoff's journeys; or,
Dead souls. N. V. Gogol.
Temple house. E. Stoddard.
Ten thousand a year. S. War-
Terribly strange bed. W. W.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles. T:
Thankful Blossom. F: B.
That brute Simmons. A. Morri-
Thereby hangs a tale. T. W.
There's nothing in it. J. Bid-
Theresa at San Domingo. Mme.
A. Fresneau.
Thomas Wingiold, curate. Ij:
Thorny path, The. G. Bbers.
Thousand and one quarters of
an hour. (Tartarian tales.)
T: S. Gueulette.
Thrawn Janet. R. L. B. Steven-
Three fates. F: M. Crawford.
Three musketeers. A. D. Du-
Thy heart's desire. N. Syrett.
Time machine, - ae. H. S.
Tom Brown at Oxford. T.
Tom Grogan. F. H. Smith.
Tragic comedians. G: Mere-
Tragic idyl. P. bourget.
Transferred ghost. F. R. Stock-
Traveler from Altruria. W. D.
Treasure Island. R. T.. B. Stev-
Trilby. G. Iv. P. B. Du Maurier.
Troft urn traft. W: H: von
Trooper Koss and Signal Butte.
C: King.
Twenuy years after. A. D. Du-
Two admirals. J. F. Cooper.
Two buckets in a well. N. P.
Two chiefs of Dunboy. J. A.
Two Dianas, The. A. D. Du-
Two drovers. The. Sir W. Scott.
Two men. E. Stoddard.
Two purse companions. G: P.
Uarda. G. Ebers.
Uncle Bernac. A. C. Doyle.
Uncle Tom's cabin. H. B.
Under the deodars. R. Kipling.
Une vie. H: R. A: G. de Mau-
Union; a story of the great re-
bellion. J: R. Musick.
Unlessoned girl. An. E. . K.
Ursula. H. de Balzac.
Ursule Mirouet. H. de Balzac.
Valvedre. Mme. Dudevant.
Vanity fair. W. M. Thackeray.
Vendetta. H. de Balzac.
Vendetta! M. Corelli.
Venetian glass. J. M. Matthews.
Vicomte de Bragelonne. A. D.
Vie de Marianne. P. C. de C. de
Vierzehn nothelfer, Die. W. H.
von Riehl.
Village convict. C. H. White.
Village rector. H. de Balzac.
Village watch-tower. The. K.
D. Wiggin.
Vittoria. G. Meredith.
Waif of the plains. F: B. Harte.
Wandering Willie's tale. Sir W.
Waterwitch, The. J. F. Cooper,
Waterloo. Erckmann and Chat-
Waverley. Sir W. Scott.
Ways of the hour. J. F. Cooper.
Wayside courtships. H. Gar-
Weird tales. E. T. W. Hoff-
Wee Willie Winkle. R. Kipling.
Wept of Wish-ton-wish. J. P.
What's mine's mine. G. Mac-
When a man's single. J. M.
When all the woods are green.
S. W. Mitchell.
Where the battle was fought. M.
N. Miirfree.
Whirl asunder, A. G. . Ather-
White company, The. A. C.
Whites and the Blues. A. D.
Who was she? B. Taylor.
Why Thomas was discharged.
G: Arnold.
Widow Guthrie. R. M. John-
Wife or no wife? T. W. Speight.
Wild ass's skin. H. de Balzac.
Window in Thrums. J. M. Bar-
Wing and wing. J. F. Cooper.
Witch of Prague. F: M. Craw-
Witch of Salem; or, Credulity
run mad. J: R. Musick.
With Cochrane the dauntless.
G. A. Henty.
With fire and sword. H. Sien-
With Moore at Corunna. G. A.
With the immortals. F. M.
Without dogma. H. Sienkie-
Woman of thirty. H. de Balzac.
Woodstock. Sir W. Scott.
A word, only a word. G. Eb-
World went very well then. The.
W. Besant.
Would you kill him? G. P. La-
Wrecker, The. R. L. B. Steven-
son and L. Osbourne.
Wrong box, The. R. L. B. Ste-
venson and L. Osbourne.
Wyandotte. J. F. Cooper.
Yanko the musician. H. Sien-
Yatil. F. D. Millet.
Young Carthaginian. G. A.
Young Castellan. The. G. M.
Young mandarin. Rev. J. A.
Young Moll's Peevy. C. A. Ste-
Young mountaineers. M. N.
Young Strong of "The Clarion."
W. W. Shinn.
Youth of the Great Elector. C.
M. Mundt.
Yvette. H: R. A. G. de Mau-
Zein ul Asnam and King of the
Jinn: tr. by J: Payne.
Zerviah Hope. E. . S. P. Ward.
Ziska. M. Corelli.
FIELD, C. J. Design and operation of incandescent stations.
Latimer, L. H. Incandescent electric lighting.)
FIELD. Cyrus West.
JUDSON, I. F. Cyrus W. Field, his life and work. 1819-1892. N. Y.,
1896. il. D.
FIELD, David Dudley. Speeches, arguments and miscellaneous
papers; ed. by A. P. Sprague. N. Y., 1884. 2 v. O.
Same; vol. 3; ed. by T. M. Coan. N. Y., 1890. O.
FIELD, Edward. The colonial tavern, a glimpse of New England
town life in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Frov.,
1897. O.
[FIELD, Edwin W.] See Loring, C: G., and Field. E. W. Corre-
si)ondence on the present relations between Great Britain
and the U. S.
FIELD, Eugene. The holy cross and other tales. N. Y., 1896. S.
The house; an episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astrono-
mer, and of his wife Alice. N. Y., 1896. D.
A little book of jtrotitable tales. X. Y., 1894. S.
A little book of western verse. X. Y., 1893. D.
The love affairs of a bibliomaniac. X. Y.. 1896. S.
FIELD, Kuociu'. Love soiiu-s of cliildluxxl. \. \'., 1S!)4. lllj.. S.
Sccoml book of talcs. N. Y., 18!)(». S.
Second book of v(m-so. N. Y., ISl)."?. I).
Son^^s and other verso. N. Y., IHDd. S.
^ With tiunijtet and drum. X. Y., 180G. 126 p. S.
• anil Koswell Alartin. Kchoes from the Sabine farm. N. V.,
IS!),-), il. 14!l i>. (>.
FlKJil), Koswell Martin. Scr Field, Kiijicne. d Nuttall, L. W: Flora of
West Va.
Geological series: Vol. 1:1-2. Chicago, 1895-97. O.
-Yffwr///.- Vol. 1: 1. Farrington, O. C. Handbook and catalogue of
the meteorite collection. 2.(lo. Observations on Popocateptl and
Ornithological series: Vol. 1:1-2. Chic, 1896-97. O.
Sdiuclji: Vol.1: 1. Cherrie, G. K. Contribution to the ornithology
of San Domingo. 2. Elliot, D. G. Catalogue of the collection of birds
obtained by the expedition into Somali-land.
Report series: Vol. 1:2-3. Chic, 1896-97. (). 2 pams.
Xnmvhj: Annual report of the director, 1895-96, 1896-97.
-Zoological series: v. 1 : 1-8. (Miic, 1895-97. O.
Xinntlji: Vol.1: 1. Hay, O. P. Structure and development of the
vertebral column of Amia. 2. . Cort.nin portions of the skeleton of
I'nittiNtiiin (lif/iis. 3. Elliot, D. G. Sundry collections of mammals.
4-5. Hay, O. P. On some collections of fishes — The skeleton of
Toxochelys latiremis. 6-7. Elliot, D. G. List of mammals from
Somali-land: — Remarks on two species of deer from Philippine Is.
8. Meek. S. E. nnff Elliot. D. G. List of fishes and reptiles obtained
by the East Africsn p>rrP'^''ti<^n to Snmali-l?rd in 1S96.
FIELDS, Mrs. Annie Adams. Authors and friends. Bost., 1897.
How to help the poor. Bost., 1889. 125 p. D.
A shelf of old books. K. Y., 1894. il. pors. O.
ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Bost., 1898. por.
Biographical and personal sketches of James T. Fields
with unpublished fragments and tributes from men and
women of letters. Bost., 1881. O.
FIELDS. James Thomas.
Biographical notes and personal sketches, with unpublished frag-
ments and tributes from men and women of letters; ed. by Mrs.
Annie A. Fields. Bost., 1881. O.
FIFE-COOKSON, John Cookson. lievt-col. With the armies of the
Balkans and at Gallipoli in 1877-78. 2d ed. Lond., etc. 1879.
pi. map. O.
FIFTY earliest PJnglish wills in the Court of Probate, London, A.
D. 1.387-14.39; with a priest's of 1454; copied and edited from
the original registers in Somerset house, by F. J. Furnivall.
Lond., 1882. O. (Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
FIGHTING fire, [by W: W. Fowler].
FIGUEROA, Jose. Manifiesto a la Republica Mejicana que hace
el General de Brigada Jose Figueroa comandante general y
gefe politico de la alta California Sobre su conducta y la de
los Sehores D. Jose Maria de Hijar y D. Jose Maria Padres,
como Directores de Colonizacion en 1834 y 1835. Monterey,
1835. Imprenta del C. Agustin V. Zamorano. T.
The manifesto wiiich the general of brigade, Don Jose Figue-
roa makes to tlie Mexican Republic, iu regard to his conduct
and that of the Snrs. D. Jose Maria de Hijars and D. Jose
Maria Padres. Monterey, 1835. S. F., 1855. 104-1-1 p. O.
FILIAN, Rev. George H. Armenia and her people true
causes of the recent atrocities and a detailed account of the
massacres. Hartford, 1896. il. D.
FILIPPINI, Alessandro. The table: how to buy food, how to cook
it, and how to serve it. N. Y., 1889. por. O.
FILIPPO, Pietro A mat di S. See Fumagalli, G. and Filippo, P. A.
di. S. romps. Bibliografia degli scritti Italiani o stampati
in Italia sopra C. Colombo.
FILLOW, Philo and Philleo family.
VAN HOOSEAR, D. H., cnmp. A record of the descendants of John
Fillow, a Huguenot refugee from France. Albany, 1888. il. O.
FILOX,Augustin. The English stage, being an account of the Vic-
torian drama. Lond., 1897. O.
DURRETT, R. T. Life and writings of John Filson, the first historian
of Kentucky. Louisville, 1884. il. Q. (Filson Club Pub. no. 1.)
FILSON Club. Proceedings at the celebration . . . June 1, 1892,
of the one hundredth anniyersnry of the admission of Ken-
tuckA- into the T'nion. Louisville. 1892. il. F. (Same, no.
(!i:M:nAL dui'artmfat. 315
FILSON Clnb ions: no. l-TJ. Louisville. 1884-97. il. 12
V. Q. F.
SamvJii: No. 1 Life and writings of Jolin F'ilson, by R. T. Durrett.
No. 2. Tiie wilderness road, by T: Speed. No. 3. Pioneer press of
Kentucky, by W: H: Perrin. No. 4. Life and times of .Tudse Caleb
Wallace, by W: H. Whilsitt. No. 5. Historical sketch of St. Paul's
Church, by R. T. Uurrett. No. 6. Political beginnings of Kentucky,
by J: M. Brown. No. 7. Centenary of Kentucky, .June 1st, 1892.
No. 8. Centenary of Louisville, May 1, 1880, by R. T. Durrett. No. 9.
Political club. Danville, Ky., 1786-90, by T: Speed. No. 10. Life and
writings of Rafinesque, by R. E. Call. No. 11. Transylvania Uni-
versity, by R. oiul J. Peter. No. 12. Bryant's station and memorial
proceedings, ed. by R. T. Durrett.
FINANCIAL reform almanack; 1892, 1894. Lend., [1892-94]. 2
pamps. Q.
FINCH, William. Observations on Sierra Leona, in 1607. {In
Green, J: Voyajjes and travels, v. 2. p. 305.)
FINCK, Henry Theopliilis. Lotus time in Japan. N. Y., 1895. D.
The Paeifie coast scenic tour; from southern California to
Alaska, the Canadian Pacific railway. Yellowstone Park and
the Grand Canon. N. Y., 1890. pi. map. D.
Spain and Morocco: studies in local color. N. Y.. 1891. D.
Wajiner and his w^orks: the story of his life with critical com-
ments. N. Y., 1893. 2 V. pors. O.
FIXE arts quarterly review; v. 1-3, n.s.v. 1-2. Lond.. [1863-67].
5 V. O.
FIXERTY, John F. War-path and bivouac; or. The conquest of
the Sioux. Chic, [1890.]. pi. imrs. map. D.
FIXGER-POST to public business: containinir the mode of form-
ing and conducting? societies, clubs, and other orf^anized asso-
ciations; bv an Ex-member of the Philadelphia bar. N. Y.,
[c. 1864]. b.
FINLAY, David W. See Daland, J. Bruce. J. M. and Finlay. D. W.
eds. International clinics.
FINNEY. Charles Grandison.
WRIGHT, G. F. C: G. Finney. Bost.. 1891. D. (Amer. religious
FINOl). J. de. row p. and, ir. A thousand flashes of French wit, wis-
dom, and wickedness. N. Y., 1889. S.
FINSP.rRY technical manuals, ed. by S. P. Thompson. X'. Y.. 1897.
3 V. O.
yiiDirhi: Dynamo-electric machinery, 2 v., by S. P. Thompson.
Polyphase electric currents, by S. P. Thompson.
FIRMIN(>ER. Thonias \. C. Manual of frardeninj; for Reufral and
upjMM' India. Lond., L'=564. il. O.
FIRST Califoi-nia storv book for Ihc holidays: ]»ul). by .\. Rosen-
feld. S. F., [n.d.]. T.
FIRTH. Annie. Cane basket work: a pi-aclical manual on weavinir
useful nnd fancy basUet.s. Lond.. ^^^7. il. 85 p. D.
FTSCHRACH. Frederick. Ornament of textile fabrics. Ilanau
[Franl-furt. printed. 1882]. col. ])1. F.
FISCHER, Rernliard. rrl. Die neueren Ar/.neiinitlel fnr .\]»othe-
ker.'.\ei/.t<' uTid Droiristen. 3. .\ufl. P.erlin. 1S.atest of the American states. Phil.. 1896. D.
Men. women and manners in colonial times. Phil., 1898 il
2 V. D.
FISK, Wilbur.
PRENTICE G: Wilbur Fish. Bost., 1890. D. (Amer. religious
FJ«KE,Amos Kidder. The Jewish scriptiiros; the books of the
Old Testameut iu the light of their origin aud history. N.
Y., 1890. D,
Flfc>KE, Jiradley A. //. Electrieity in tlieoiy and practice; or, The
elements of electrical engin'eering. <;th ed. N. Y., 1881>. 11.
pi. O.
FISKE, John. The Anieriean revolution. Host., 18J)1. L* v. por.
Same. Bost., 1807. il. maps. I'ac-sim. 2 v. O.
The discovery of America; with some account of ancient
America and the Spanish concjuest. Bost., 1892. 2 v. il.
por. maps. D.
The doctrine of evolution its scope and intluence. (In Brook-
lyn Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art.)
— — Edward Livingston Youmans; interpreter of science for the
people. N. Y., 1894. por. I).
History of the United States; with topical analysis, sugges-
tive questions and directions for teachers by P. A. Hill.
Bost., 1895. il. por. map. D.
Old Virginia and her neighbors. Bost., 1897. 2 v. I).
FITCH, Clyde. See Fitch, William Clyde.
FITCH, Henry S. The money question. S. F., 1877. O. (Tracts
on finance, v. 7.)
Review of the "great" speech of Senator J : P. Jones on the
banking and currency bill in the U. S. Senate. S. F., 1875.
O. [Same.)
FITCH, Sir Joshua. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influ-
ence on English education. N. Y., 1897. D. (Great educa-
FITCH. Josiah Oirling. Notes on American schools and training
colleges. Lond., 1890. 133 p. S.
FITCH. Kalph. Voyage to the East Indies and back 1583-91 A. D.;
with John Newberry's letters. (Tn Arber, E. Eng. Garner,
V. 3. p. 107.)
FITCH, Thomas, and Anna M. Better days; or, A millionaire of to-
morrow. New ed. rev. Chic, [c. 1892]. D.
FITCH, William Clyde. Some correspondence and six conversa-
tions. N. Y.,'l890. 150 p. S.
FITZ, Reginald H. M.D. See Wood, Horatio C. and Fitz, R. H.
Practice of medicine.
FITZGERALD. Edward. Letters and literary remains; ed. by W:
A. Wright. Lond., 1889. 3 v. pi. por. D.
fr. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat; with drawings by E. Vedder.
Bost., 1880. F.
FITZGERALD, Edward Arthur. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps,
being an account of travel and discovery. N. ¥.,1890. il.
map. O.
FITZGERALD, Oscar Penn. California sketches. Nashville,
1879. S.
Same. New series; with an introduction by G: F. Pierce.
Nashville, 1881. por. S.
FITZGERALD, Percy Hetherington. The book fancier; or, The
romance of book collecting. Lond., 1886. S.
riTZGEKAJ.D, Tercy Hetbeiingtoii. The operas of Gilbert and
Sullivau described. Phil., 1894. il. pi. pors. D.
FITZGEKALD, Thomas F. comp. Manual of the Legislature of
Xew Jersey, 18U0-1S9T. Trenton, [c. 1889-97]. 9 v. pi.
map. pors. S.
FITZGIBBON, H. Macaulay. ed. Early English and Scottish poe-
try 125U-1GUU. N. Y., and Lond., [1888]. D.
FITZ-James, .Jacques, due de Berivick. M^moires; avec une suite
abr^geedepuis 1716 jusqu' a sa mort, en 1734; prt^c^d^s de son
Portrait par milord Bolingbrocke, et d'une ^bauche d'Eloge
historique par le president de Montesquieu. {In Col. des
m«5m. rel. i\ I'hist. de France. 1828. s. 2. v. 65-66.)
FITZ-JAMES, Lowenhjeln. duchesse de. La viticulture franco-amer-
icaine, 1869-89. Montpellier, 1889. D.
FITZMAURICE, Edmund George Petty, lord, and Thursfleld,
James R. From the emancipation of the Catholics to the
insurrectionary movement of 1848. {I7i Two centuries of
Irish history.)
FITZROY, Henry. See Richmond and Somerset, Duke of.
NORTON, J. F. The history of Fitzwilliam, N. H., from 1752 to 1887;
with a genealogical record of many Fitzwilliam families by
J. Whittemore. N. Y., 1888. pors. maps. O.
FIVE years' church work in the kingdom of Hawaii, by the Bishop
of Honolulu. [T. N. H.] Lond., etc. 1868. pi. pors.
map. D. 2 cop.
FLAD, Henry. Wood preservation. (In U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Forestry Div. Bull., no. 1, app. 2.;
FLAGG, Ernest. The New York tenement-house evil and its cure.
{In Woods, R: A. and others. Poor in great cities.)
FLAGG, Jared B. Life and letters of Washington Allston. N. Y.,
1892. pi. O.
FLAGS, national and mercantile; for tlie use of officers of the
Royal navy, mercantile marine, and yacht squadrons; comp.
bv J. Griffin. 2d ed. Portsmouth, 1891. il. O.
FLAMMARION, Camille. Popular astronomy; a general descrip-
tion of the heavens; tr. by J. E. Gore. N. Y., 1894. il. pi.
FLAUBERT, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Phil., [n. d.]. il. 2
V. O. (Chef d'oeuvre du roman contemp. Realists, v. 1-2.)
Madame Bovary, moeurs de province. Paris, 1894. D.
Salammbo; Englished by M. F. Sheldon. N. Y., [c. 1885].
pi. D.
TARVER, J: Gustave Flaubert as seen in his works and correspond-
ence. N. Y., 1895. il. por. O.
PLAXMAN, John. Iliad [also Odyssey] of Homer engraved from
the compositions of F. Lond., 1805. pi. obi. Q.
FLEAY, Frederick Gard. A chronicle history of the London stage
1559-1642. Lond., 1890. O.
FLECHfiRE, Rev. J: W: de la. See Fletcher, Rev. J: W:
FLEECE, George B. Road-making and maintenance. {In A move
for better roads. Univ. of Penn. Com. on Better Roads.)
FLEETWOOD, CJcorge. J.ctlt'i- (o his fatluT, giviug an accouul of
the batle of l.utzcii and the death of Gustavus Adolphus; ed.
by Sir P. de M. G. K^aulon. Lond., 1847. 12 p. O. [In
Camden misc. v. 1, Camden Soc, v. 39.)
FLEISCllMAN, Joseph. The ait of blending and compounding
liquors and wines. N. Y., [c. 1885]. 08 p. D.
FLEMING, GEOKGE. A text-book of operative veterinary sur-
gery. Lond., [1884]. il. O.
tr. Neumann, L. G. Treatise on the parasites and parasitic
diseases of the domesticated animals.
FLEMING, J. A. The alternate current transformer in theory and
practice. N. Y., 1892. 2 v. il. O. (v. 1. 3d issue.)
VoiitcHlx: The induction of electric currents. 2. The utilization of
induced currents.
Electric lamps and electric lighting. Lond., 1894. il. pi. O.
Short lectures to electrical artisans. 2d ed. N. Y., 1888. il.
FLEMING, James M. The Uddle fancier's guide, a manual of in-
formation regarding violins, violas, basses, and bows of clas-
sical and modern times. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. il. O.
■ Old violins and their makers: including some references to
those of modern times. Lond., [1883]. il. D.
FLETCHER, Andrew, of Salloun.
OMOND, G. W. T. Fletcher of Saltoun. N. Y., [1896]. D. (Famous
FLETCHER, Banister and Banister, F. A history of architecture
. . . being a comparative view of the historical styles from
the earliest period. 2d ed. Lond., 1896. il. pi. D.
FLETCHER, Banister F. See Fletcher, Banister and Banister, F.
History of architecture.
FLETCHER, Charles H. historian. Jefferson county, Iowa, cen-
tennial history. Fairfield, 1876. 35 p. O.
FLETCHER, Charles Robert Leslie. Gustavus Adolphus and the
struggle of Protestantism for existence. N. Y., 1890. il.
pi. pors. map. D. (Heroes of the nations.)
FLETCHER, Giles. Licia, or. Poems of love in honour of the ad-
mirable and singular virtues of his lady, to the imitation of
the best Latin poets and others: whereunto is added the ris-
ing to the crown of Richard the Third. (In Arber, E: Eng.
Garner, v. 8, p. 414.)
FLETCHER, Horace. Menticulture, or, the A-B-C of true living.
Chic, 1895. 145 p. D.
FLETCHER, J. S. At the gate of the fold: a country tale. N. Y.,
1896. D.
FLETCHER, or De la Flechfere, Rev. John William. Works. Lond.,
1825. 7 V. T.
BENSON. J. Life of Rev. J: W: De la Flech6re. 9th ed. Lend.,
1826. T.
FLETCHER, John. See Beaumont, F: and Fletcher, J: Lyrical
FLETCHER, W. Y. Bookbinding in England and France. Lond.,
1897. il. pi. Q.
FLETCHER, \Villiain. The history and development of steam loco-
motion on common roads. Lond., 1891. il. pi. O.
FLETCHEK, William I. Library classification, reprinted, with al-
terations, additions, and an index, from "Public Libraries in
America.'- Bost., 1894. 32 p. O.
Poole's index to periodical literature; the second supplement,
from January 1, 1887, to January 1, 1892. Bost., 1893. Q.
(2 cop.)
Public libraries in America. Bost., 1894. 1(59 p. pi. plans.
S. (Columbian knowledjje ser. no. 2.)
and Bowker, Richard Rogers, eds. The annual literary index;
1892-90. N. Y., 1893-97. 5 v. Q. Continuation of Cooperative
atid Poole, Franklin O. Poole's index to periodical literature;
the third supplement, from Jan. 1, 1892, to Dec. 31, 1890.
Bost., 1897. Q.
and others. An index to general literature. Issued by the pub-
lishing section of the American Library Association. Bost.,
1893. Q.
associate ed. See Poole, W: F: Index to periodical literature.
FLEURANGES. Robert de la Mark, seigneur de. Histoire des choses
m^morables advenues du reigne de Louis XII. et Francois I.
{In Col. des m(?m. rel. k- I'hist. de France. 1820. s. 1, v. 10.)
FLICKE, Robei't. capt. Cruizing voyage to the Azores in 1591,
with a fleet of London ships, designed as supplies to Lord
Thomas Howard; added An account of the West India fleet,
expected in Spain the same year, and the number of its ships
lost or taken. (In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1, p.
FLINN, John J. Chicago the marvelous city of the west: a history,
an encyclopedia and a guide, 1891. Chic, [c. 1890]. pi.
photos, S.
FLINT, Robert. Historv of the philosophy of history. N. Y., 1894
Nainrli/: Historical philosophy in France, French Belgium, and
Socialism. Lond., 1895. O.
Theism. 7th ed. rev. N. Y., 1890. D. (Baird lecture for 1870.)
Vico. Phil., 1884. por. S. (Philosophical classics.)
FLIisT, Weston. Statistics of public libraries in the U. S. and Can-
ada. Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform.
1893. no. 7.)
FLODOARD, or Frodoard, canon of Blieims. Historie de I'^glise de
Rheims. {Tn Col. des m^m rel. h I'hist. de France. 1824, s.
3, y, 5.)
Chronique. [In Same, v. 0.)
FLORAL magazine: comprising figures and descriptions of popular
garden flowers: bv Thomas Moore and H. H. Dombrain; v.
1-10. Lond., 1 SOI -71. 10 v. col. pi. O.
FLORAL world and garden guide; vol. 1-23. Lend., 1858-80. 23
V. in 10. O.
Note: 1866 begins n. s. ed. by Shirley Hibberd.
FLORE and Blniicliclhn-. Kino- I loin; with frafjnionts of Floriz
and JUainulu'llur, and (»f Tlic assumption of our lady; I'loni
a nis. in llu' ("anibrid^c rnivcisity liltiary; also from mss.
in till' British Museum. The assumption of our lady, and
fragments of the Floyres and Pdanchcttui'; ed, with notes
and glossary by J. K. Lunibv. Lond., 18(lt>. O. (Early Eng.
Text Soc.)
FLOREXT. sire d:iUicrs.
Memoires relatifs a. {In Col. des nn'-ni. rel. a I'hist. de P^rance. 1825.
s. 1. v.S.)
FLORICULTURAL Cabinet and tJorists' magazine (continuatioiij;
V. 9-27; 1814-59. Lend., 1841-59. 19 v. col. pi. O.
FLORIDA. Agricultural Experiment Station. JUilletins: no. 81, ;{4,
35. Jacksonville, 1895-96. O. pams.
Xmiicl!/: No. 31. Rolfs, P. H. Some market vegetables of Florida.
34. Quaintance, A. L. Insect enemies of truck and garden crops.
35. Clute, O. Cassava.
Commissioner of Agriculture. Report; 1889-90. Jacksonville,
1891. pamp. O.
Legislature. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1891,
1893, 1897. Tallahassee, 1891-97. 3 v. O.
Journal of the Senate, 1891, 1893, 1897. Tallahassee, 1891 -
97. 3 V. O.
Message and documents, 1891, 1897. Tallahassee, 1891-97.
2 V. O.
FLORIS, I'ieter Willemszoon. Journal in the same voyage of (Jap-
tain Hippou; tr. from the Dutch. {In Green, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 1. p. 435.)
FLORIST, The, 1848; Florist and garden miscellany 1849-50; Flor-
ist, fruitist and garden miscellany 1851-61; Florist and i)om-
ologist 1862-79; Florist and pomologist and suburban gar-
dener 1880-84. Lond., 1848-84. .37 v. col. pi. O. and Q.
FLORUS, Lucius Annaeus. Epitome of Roman history; tr. by J.
S. Watson. {In Sallustius Crispus. C. Sallust, Florus and
Velleius Paterculus.)
FLORY, M. A. A book about fans, the history of fans and fan-
painting: with a chapter on fan-collecting by Mary F. Jones.
N. Y., 1895. il. 145 p. D.
FLOWER, Benjamin Orange. The century of Sir Thomas More.
Bost., 1896. pors. D.
FLOAA^ER, George. History of the English settlement in Edwards
county Illinois, founded in 1817 and 1818, by Morris Birkbeck
and George Flower; with preface and foot-notes bv E. B.
Washburne. Chic, 1882. por. O. (Chic. Hist. Soc. Toll.
V. 1.)
FLOWER, William Henrv. The horse: a study in natural historv.
N. Y.. 1892. il. D.
and Lydekker, Richard. An introduction to the study of mam-
mals living and extinct. Lond., 1891. il. O.
FLOWER queen; or. The coronation of the rose; libretto. H. K.
Snow% director, .Jennie TMke, pianist, for the benefit of Grace
church, Sacramento. Sac. 1869. 23 p. D.
FLOYD, Margaret. Passage from the journals of a social wreck.
{In Stories bj Amer. authors, v. 7.)
FLU GEL, Felix. A universal English-German and German-English
dictionary. 4th entirely remodelled edition of Dr. J. G.
Fliigel's Complete dictionary of the English and German lan-
guages. Brunswick, 1891. 3 v. Q.
FLU(tEL, Johaun Gottfried. A universal English-German and Ger-
man-P^nglish dictionary by Felix P'liigel. 4th entirely remod-
elled edition of Dr. J. G. FlugeFs Complete dictionary of the
English and German language. Brunswick, 1891. 3 v. Q.
FOEX, Gustave. Rapport sur le platrage des vins. Montpellier,
1888. 65 p. O.
FOGGITT, W. Smith, ed. Schimmelmann, A. countess. Glimpses
of my life
FOLK-LORE: a quarterly review of myth, tradition, institution,
and custom; v. I;'l890. Lond., 1890. O. (Folk-lore Soc.
Pub. no. 27.)
Note: Incorporating, The archaeological review, and The folk-lore
FOLK-LORE journal, v. 1-7; 1883-89. Lond., 1883-89. 7 v. O.
(Folk-lore Soc. Pub. nos. 11, 14, 10, 18, 19, 21, 24.
Note: Incorporated with Folk-lore.
FOLK-LORE record; v. 1-5. [Lond., 1878] -82. 5 v. in 6. O. (Folk-
lore Soc. Pub. nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10.)
FOLK-LORE society. Publications; no. 1-14, 16-22, 24-27. Lond.,
1878-90. 25 V. O.
Namelij: No. 1, 1878. Folk-lore Record, vol. 1. 2, 1879. Henderson,
W: Notes on the folk-lore of the northern counties of England and
the borders. 3, 1879. Folk-lore Record, vol. 2. 4, 1880. Aubrey, J:
Remains of Gentilisme and Judalsme. 5-6, 1880. Folk-lore record,
vol. 3:1-2. 7, 1881. Gregor, W. Notes on the folk-lore of the north-
east of Scotland. 8, 1881. Folk-lore Record, vol. 4. 9, 1882. Com-
paretti, D. P. A. Researches respecting the book of Sindibad.
Pedroso, C. Portuguese folk-tales. 10, 1882. Folk-lore Record, vol.
5. 11, 1883. Folk-lore Journal, vol. 1. 12, 1883. Black, W: G:
Folk-medicine. 13, 1886. Jones, W. H: and Kropf, L. L. The folk-
tales of the Magyars. 14, 1884. Folk-lore Journal, vol. 2. 16, 1885.
Folk-lore Journal, vol. 3. 17, 1885. Swainson, C: Folk-lore and
provincial names of British birds. 18, 1886. Folk-lore Journal, vol. 4.
19, 1887. Folk-lore Journal, vol 5. 20, 1887. Gomme, G: L. Hand-
book of folk-lore. 21, 1888. Folk-lore Journal, vol. 6. 22, 1888.
Chamberlain, B. H. Aino folk-tales. 24, 1889. Folk-lore Journal,
vol. 7. 25, 1889. Maclnnes, D. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition;
Argyllshire ser. no. 2: Folk and Hero tales. 26, 1890. Jacobus de
Vitriaco. Exempla. 27, 1890. Folk-lore, vol. 1.
FOLLET, C. J. Statutory and official provisions. {In White, A.
a7id others. Destitute alien.)
FOLLETT, :Mary Parker. Henry Clay as speaker of the United
States House of Representatives. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept.
1892. Papers no. 14.)
FOLLETT family.
WARD, H: P. Follett-Dewey, Fassett-Safford; ancestry of Capt.
Martin Dewey Follett, and his wife, Persia Follett. [Columbus],
1896. O.
FOLSOM family.
CHAPMAN, J. A genealogy of the Folsom family: John Folsom and
his descendants. 1615-1882. Concord, 1882. 0.
FUJ.wSOM telegraph, The; Aug. 1889-Dec. 1807. Folsom, 1889-97.
Folsom, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
FOLTZ, F. Ualeuza's Kheinisches album. Mainz, [n.d.J. pi. obi.
FOIAVKJ.L, William Walts. Analysis iu political economy . (In
Amer. Ecou. Assoc. l*ub., v. 4.)
FONDA, Arthur 1. Honest money. N. Y., 1895. D.
FONT, padre fray Tedi'o. Journal of a tour to and fro overland from
San Miguel de Oi'casitas Sonora to the bay of San Francisco
in the vears 177.5-7(5 [tr. bv George Fisher]. Monterey, 1854.
map. b. (M. S. S.)
FONTAINE, William F. See Maury, M. F. and Fontaine, AV': F.
Kesources of West A'irginia.
FONTAINE, William Morris. The Totomac, or younger mesozoio
flora. >\ash., 1889. pi. Q. (U. S. Geol. surv. monographs,
V. 15.)
FONTANEY, Jeane de. Journey from Teking to Kyang chew, in
the province of Shan si and thence to Nan king in 1688. (In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 530.)
FONTENAY-MAKEUIL, Franrois Duval, marquis de. M^moires.
[In Col. des mem. rel. a Thist. de France. 1826. s. 1, v. 50-51.)
FONTRAILLES, Louis d'Astarac, marquis de Marestang, vicomte de.
Relation des choses particuli^res de la cour pendant la faveur
de M. le Grand [Cinq-Mars, avec sa mort et celle de M. de
Thou]. {In same, s. 2, v. 54.)
FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Les endormeurs. Paris, [n. d.]. D.
FOOTBALL: The Rugby Union game; ed. by Rev. F. MarshalL
Lond., [etc.], 1892.' il. pi. pors. O.
FOOTE. H. S. ed. Pen pictures from the garden of the world; or,
Santa Clara county, California, illustrated. Chic, 1888. pi.
pors. Q.
FOOTE, Henry Wilder. Sermon, March 22, 1874. [In Memorial of
C: Sumner.)
FOOTE, Lucius Harwood. On the heights; a volume of verse. East
Aurora, 1897. 121 p. O.
FOOTE, Marv Hallock. The chosen valley. Bost., 1893. S.
Coeur d'Alene. Bost., 1894. D.
The cup of trembling and other stories. Bost., 1895. S.
Friend Barton's concern. [In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 4."^
In exile, and other stories. Bost., 1894. S.
John Bodewin's testimony. 5th ed. Bost., 1894. S.
The last assemblv ball. Bost., 1889. S.
The Led-Horse claim. 10th ed. Bost., [c. 1882]. il. S.
FOOTE, Samuel. Bon-mots. Lond., 1894. il. F. (Bon-mots.)
FOOTLIGHT The; devoted to drama, music, and fine arts; v. 1-2,
Julv21. 1877-Mayl8, 1878. S. F., 1877-78. 2 v. F.
FORBES, Alexander Penrose, ed. Lives of S. Niniau and S. Kenti-
gern, compiled in the twelfth century; ed. from the best mss.
by F. Edin., 1874. O. (Historians of Scotland, ed; by W. F.
Skene, v. 5.)
FORBES, Archibald. The Afghan wars. 1839-42 and 1878-80. N. Y.,
1892. pors. plans. D.
FORBES, Archibald. The "Black Watch," the record of an historic
regimeut. N. Y., 1807. il. D.
Czar aud Sultaii, the adventures of a British lad in the Russo-
Turkish war of 1877-78. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
■ Havelock. Lond., 1891. por. D. (Eng. men of action.)
Memoirs and studies of war and peace. N. Y., 1896. por. O.
Souvenirs of some continents. Lond., 1885. D.
FORBES. Edward. History of British starfishes and other ani-
mals of the class echinodermata. Lond., 1841. il. O.
Monograph of the British naked-eyed Medusae. Lond., L'^48.
pi. F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
and Hanley, Sylvanus. History of British mollusca, and their
shells. Lond., 1853. 4 v. pL O.
FORBES, James David.
SHAIRP, J: C. Tait, P. G. a ltd Reilly, A. A. Life and letters of F.
Lond., 1873. pi. pors. map. O.
FORBIX, Claude, comte de. M(5moires [1G75-1710]. {In Col. des
nu^m. rel. il I'hist. de France, 1829, s. 2, v. 74-75.)
FORCE, Manning Ferguson. Some early notices of the Indians of
Ohio. Cin., 1879. 75 p. O.
FORD, Isaac N. Tropical America. N. Y., 1893. il. map. D.
FORD, James Lauren. The literary shop and other tales. N. Y.,
1894. S.
FORD, Melbourne Haddock.
Memorial adrdesses on the life and character of M. H. Ford, Repre-
sentative from Michigan, delivered in the House of Representatives
and in the Senate. Fifty-second Congress. Wash., 1893. por. Q.
(U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
FORD, Paul Leicester. The Hon. Peter Stirling and what people
thought of him. N. Y., 1895. D.
The true George Washington. Phil., 1897. il. pors. D.
ed. Essays on the Constitution of the United States; pub-
lished during its discussion by the people, 1787-88. Brooklyn^
1892. O.
Contents: Brackenridge, H. H: Cursory remarks; printed in the
American Museum, April, 1788. — Carroll, D. Letter of a friend to the
Constitution; printed in the Maryland Journal, October, 1787.—
Chase, S: Letter of caution; printed in the Maryland Journal,
October, 1788.— Clinton, G: Letters of Cato; printed in the New
York Journal, September- January, 1787-8. — Ellsworth, O. Letters of a
landholder; printed in the Connecticut Courant and the American
Mercury, November, 1787-March, 1788. — Gerry, E. Replies to the
strictures of a landholder; printed in the Massachusetts Centinel and
American Herald, January-April, 1788. — Hamilton, A. Letters of
Caesar; printed in the Daily Advertiser, October, 1787. — Martin, L.
Letters printed in the Maryland Journal, Jan.-Mar., 1788.— Pinckney,
C: Letter of a steady and open republican; printed in the State Ga-
zette of South Carolina, May, 1788.— Roane, S. Letter of a plain
dealer; printed in the Virginia Independent Chronicle, Feb., 1788. —
Sherman, R. Letters of a citizen of New. Haven; printed in the New
Haven Gazette, Dec, 1789. — Letters of a countryman; printed in the
New Haven Gazette, Nov.-Dec. 1787.— Sullivan, J. Letters of Cassius;
printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, Sept.-Dec, 178"?.- Williams, W:
Letter to the landholder; printed in the American Mercury, Feb.,
1788.— Wiliamson, H. Remarks on the new plan of government;
printed in the State Gazette of North Carolina, 17S8.— Winthrop, J.
Letters of Agrippa; printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, Nov., 1787-
Jan., 1788.— Yates, R: Letters of Sydney; printed in the New York
Journal, June, 1788.
(n:\i:ir\i. i>i:r \iri\ii:.\T. 325
FOKJ-), I':ml L«mc<'s1oi'. ril. The New Kii. D.
FORNEY, ;Mat thins Nace. Ainei-ican locomotives and cars. {In
riai-ke, T: C. and others. The American railway.)
FORREST. >'//• AVilliam. Extracts from the TMeasaunt ])oesye of
princelie ])ractise. {Tit Starkey. T: Eng. in the reign of
Henrv "STTT. Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Fub. Extra ser. no. 32.)
FORRESTER, Alfred Henrv. See Palmer, F. P., and Forrester, A.
H. Wanderings of a pen and pencil.
FORSTER, John. Dramatic criticisms of John Forster and John
Henry Lewes. Lond., 1896. D. (Dramatic essays. 3d ser.
ed. by W: Archer and R. AA". Lowe.
FORSYTH, Andrew Russell. A treatise on differential equations.
2d ed. Lond., 1888. O.
FORSYTH, James, capt. Highlands of Central India: notes on
their forests and wild tribes, natural history and sports.
Lond., 1871. pi. map. O.
FORSYTH family.
FRONSAC, F. de. Forsyth of Niidie; a genealogical record. New-
Market, Va., 1888. 29 p. 0.
FORTESCUE papers: consisting chiefly of letters relating to state
affairs, collected by J: Packer; ed. by S: R. Gardiner.
[Westminster], 1871. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 1.)
FORTIER, Alc^e. Louisiana studies: literature, customs and dia-
lects, history and education. N. O., [c. 1894]. D.
FORTNIGHTLY review (continuation); v. 52-68. Lond., 1889-97.
17 V. O.
FORTLTNE, Robert. Three years' wanderings in the northern prov-
inces of China; including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton
countries. 2d ed. Lond., 1847. pi. map. O.
FORUM, The (continuation); v. 8-23. N. Y., [1889-97]. 16 v. O.
FOSCOLO, Nicolo Ugo. Opere, edite e postume: epistolario.
Firenze, 1852-54. 3 v. S.
FOSDICK, Charles. Five hundred days in rebel prisons. [Chic.]^
1887. 118 p. il. D.
FOSTER, Clement Le Neve. A text-book of ore and stone mining.
Lond., 1894. il. pi. O.
FOSTER, Bev. Elon. New cyclopaedia of prose illustrations
adapted to Christian teaching. 2d. ser. N. Y., [c. 1877]. O.
FOSTER, Frank Hugh. ed. See Jackson, S: M., Chambers, T. W.
and Foster, F. H. eds. Concise dictionary of religious knowl-
edge and gazetteer.
FOSTER, Frank Pierce, M.D. ed. Reference book of practical
therapeutics bv various authors; v. 1-2. N. Y., 1896-97. 2
V. Q. '
and others. Illustrated encyclopaedic medical dictionary: being
a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medi-
cine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English,
French, and German languages (continuation); v. 2-4. N.
Y., 1890-94. 3 V. il. Q.
FOSTER, F. G. ed. The gold regions of California. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1848. 80 p. map. O.
FOSTER, John W. Annexation of Hawaii; an address delivered
before the National Geographic Societv at Wash., Mar. 26,
1897. Wash., 1897. 16 p. O. pam.
FOSTER, Joseph. Alumni Oxonienses: the members of the I^ni-
versity of Oxford, 1715-1886, their parentage, birth]»lace, and
year of birth; with a record of their degrees (continuation);
V. 2-4. Oxford, 1888. 3 v. Q.
FOSTER, Joseph. Poonige, b;iroiiotafi:e and knightage of the Brit-
ish empire for 1880. Westminster, [1870]. il. Q.
ed. Col. Chester's London marriage licences. Lond., 1887.
por. O.
FOSTER, L. S. Bibliographies of American naturalists; IV. Tlie
published writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844-1801.
Wash., 1892. por. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. I?ull., no. 40.)
FOSTER, Michael. A text-book of physiology. 6th ed.; pt. 1, bk.
L Lond., 1803. il. O.
Coiitnits: Pt. 1, Bk. 1. Blood. The tissues of movement. The vas-
cular mechanism.
FOSTER, Robert Terrell. A sketch of the history of the Cumber-
land Presbyterian Church. {Iv Amer. Church Hist, ser.,
V. 11.)
FOSTER, Theodore.
Sketch of the life and services of F. {In R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. v. 7.)
FOSTER, William Eaton. References to the constitution of the
United States. N. Y., 1800. 50 p. D. (Economic tracts,
no. 29.)
Town goyernment in Rhode Island. (In Jolins Hopkins Univ.
studies, V. 4.)
ed. Early attempts at Rhode Island history; — Sketch of the
life and services of Theodore Foster. {In R. I. Hist. Soc-
Col., y. 7.)
FOSTER-BARHAM, A. G. See Barham, A. G. F.
FOTHERGILL, John Milner. Chronic bronchitis; its forms and
treatment. 2d ed. Lond., 1880. 161 p. il. pi. O.
The town dweller, his needs, and his wants; with an introduc-
tion by B. W. Richardson. N. Y., 1889. 12-f-118 p. D.
FOTHERINGHAM, James. Studies in the poetry of Robert
Browning. 2d ed. rev. enl. N. Y., 1888. D.'
FOUCHfi, Joseph, due d' Otranle. Memoirs. Phil., 1802. pors. D.
FOUILLEfi. Alfred. Education from a national standpoint; tr.
and ed. with a preface bv W. J. Greenstreet; with a ]>reface
by W: T. Harris. N. Y.,' 1892. D. (Int. Ed. ser., v. 23.)
FOULCHER, dc Chartrcs. Histoire des croisades. (In Col. des
m^m. rel. k I'hist. de France, 1825. s. 3. y. 22.)
FOUNDERS of Ohio: brief sketches of the forty-eiglit pion»M-rs
who, under the command of General Rufus Putnam, hnwled
at the mouth of the Muskingum river on the seventh of April.
1788. Cin., 1888. 28 p. O.
FOUNDING of the missions. See Thomas, P. J. comp.
FOUR American universities. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. pors. Q.
Contniift: Harvr.rd, by C: E. Norton. Yale, by A. T. Hadley.
Princeton, by W: M. Sloane. Columbia, by Brander Matthews.
FOURNIER. A. See Besnier, E.. Fournier. .\. [nnd others]. .Mlas
of skin diseases.
FOWLER. George R. Treatise on ap]»eiidicitis. Phil.. 1804. il.
pi. O.
FOWLER, Harold N. The p:rechtliei«tn at .\tliens. {Tn Arfh. Inst.
of Am. School of Athens, v. 1.)
FOWLER. Robert Nichols. A visit to Japan, ('hiiui. and India.
Lond., 1877. D.
FOWLKJi, W'illiaiii Cliaimc(\y. Memorials of the Chauuceys, in-
cluding l*resi(lent Cliauncey, his ancestors and descendants.
Bost., 1858. per. O.
FOWLEK, ^^■illianl Warde. The city-state of the Greeks and
Romans: a survey introductory to the study of ancient his-
tory. Lond., 1893. D.
Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial sys-
tem. K. Y., 1893. pors. i)l. maps. D. (Heroes of tlie
[FOWLER, William Worthington.] Fighting fire: the great fires
of history. Hartf., 1873. il. O.
FOX, Dorus M. History- of political parties, national reminis-
cences,, and the Tippecanoe movement. Des Moines, 1895.
il. por. O.
FOX, George. Gospel-truth demonstrated in a collection of doc-
trinal books; containing principles essential to Christianity
and salvation held among the people called quakers. Lond.,
1706. F.
FOX, John. How Lord Cromwell helped Archbishop Cranmer's
secretary. [July, 1539.] (In Arber, E: Eng. Garner, y. 8,
p. 25.)
— : — 'The imprisonment of the Princess Elizabeth, [1563]. (In
Same, \. 4, p. 112.)
Narratives of the days of the Reformation, chiefly from the
mss. of Foxe the martyrologist, with two contemporary biog-
raphies of Cranmer; ed. by J: G. Nichols. [Lond.], 1859.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 77.)
FOX, William F. U.-col. U. S. V. Regimental losses in the Ameri-
can civil war, 1861-65. Albany, 1889. Q.
BARRY, W: History of Framingham. Bost, 1874. 0.
FRANCE. Connnission dcpartmentale de V IleravU de la vialadie de la
VI (/lie. Resultats des divers proc^d^s de gu^rison proposes k
la commission pour combattre la nouvelle maladie de la
vigne. Montpellier, 1873. 69 ]>. O.
Minist<^re de I'Agriculture. Annales de Tt^cole nationale d'ag-
ri culture de Montpellier; tome, 1-4, 1884-89. Montpellier,
1885-89. 4 V. il. pi. O.
Bulletin (annexe): Direction de 1' hvdraulique agricole.
Fascicule, O, Q-T. Paris, 1893-96. Q. 5 pams.
Bulletins: .3^ ann^e, no. 1-6: 4*^ annee, no. 5, 9:
5*^ ann^^e, no. 3. Paris, 1894-96. O. pams.
Ministere de la Guerre. Biblioth^que du dt'^pot de la guerre;
catalogue, v. 1. Paris, 1883. O.
FRANCE, George W. The struggle for a life and home in the
northwest. N. Y., 1890. il. O.
FRANCEIR family. See Francus, Franceis, French family.
FRANCIS I. Iniifi of France.
FLEURANGES, R. de la M. Histoire des choses memorables ad-
venues du reign de Louis XII. et Frangois I. (/« Col. des mem. rel.
:i riiist. de France. 1826. s. 1. v. 16.)
FRANCIS of Assisi. >7. ((Jiovjumi Francesco Bcrnai'doiio.)
LITTLE, W. J. K. St. Francis of Assisi, his times, lifo and work.
N. Y.,1897. por. O.
FKAXOISCO do .losiis. HI lioclio do los Iratados dol luatrinionio
protoiidido por ol principo de Gales con la seuenissinia infante
de Espana Maria: Xarrativo of tho Spanish marriage treaty;
ed. and tr. by S: K. Gardiner. [Westminster], ISGO. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 101.)
FRANCISCO. M. .J. Miinici])al ownershij) its fallacy; with legiil
and editorial opinions, lables and cost cd" lights as furnished
bv private companies and municii>al ]>lants. Ruthmd, 181)15.
1()4 p. O.
FRANCO-tJerman war, 1870-71; tr. from the German oilicial ac-
count by F. C. H. Clarke. Pt. 1-2. Lond., 1874-84. 5 v. and
3 V. folded maps. O.
CiinirnU: First Pt. History of the war to the downfall of the
empire. 2. v. Second Pt. History of the war against the republic.
3 V. and 3 v. folded maps.
yotv: Wanting, First Pt. v. 2, sections 6 and 8.
Analytical index [to above]; comp. by L. Hale. Lond., 1890. 55 p. O.
FRANCrS. Franceis, French family.
FRENCH, A. D. W. County records of the surnames of Francus,
Franceis, French in England A. D. 1100-1350. Bost., 1896. O.
FRANKLIN. Benjamin. Poor Richard improved; being an al-
manac, etc., for 1758. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. '5, p.
"The sayings of poor Richard"": Ihe ])refaces, proverbs, and
poems of Benjamin Franklin originally printed in Poor Rich-
ard's almanacs tor 17:?:'.-5S;- col. and ed. by P. L. Ford. N.
Y.. 1800. por. T.
FRA:MvLIN, lted Scotlisli
rite of freemasonrv; prey)ared for the Supreme (^ouncil of the
Thirty-third degree, for the southern jurisdiction of the
United States. Charleston, [c 1871]. < >.
FREEMASONS. United States. Proceedings of the 24th triennial
conclave of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of
the United Slates of America, Washington, 8th October,
A. D. 1880. Richmond, 1889. por. O.
. Proceedings of 25th triennial conclave of the Grand En-
cam])ment of Knigh.ts Templar of the U. S. of America, insti-
tuted 21st June, 181(). Denver, Colorado, 9th August, A. D.
1892, A. O. 774. Richmond, 1892. O.
Row, A. comp. Masonic biography and dictionary. Phil,.
18G8. D.
FREER, Martha Walker. Henry III., king of France and Poland:
his court and times. N. Y., 1888. 3 v. O.
Life of Marguerite d' Angouleme, queen of Navarre. Cleve-
land, 1895. 2 V. pors. O.
FREMAXTLE. 7.Vr. AYilliam Henry, tr. Life and works of Ruflnus
with Jerome's apology against Rufinus. (In Schaff, P. and
Wace. H: eds. Nicene and post-nicene fathers. 2d ser. v 3.)
FR15M0XT, Jessie Benton. Far-west sketches. Bost., [c. 1890]. D.
FREMONT, John Charles, col. Life of F. and his narrative of ex-
plorations and adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon and
California; the memoir by S: M. Smucker. N. Y. and Au-
burn, 1856. por. D.
BIGELOW, J. Memoir of the life and public services of F. . N. Y.,
1856. il. por. D.
FRENCH, Alice, [pseud.. Octave Thanet.) The Bishop's vagabond.
(In Stories hj Amer. authors, v. 7.)
Knitters in the sun. Bost. and N. Y., 1888. D.
FRENCH, A. D. Weld. County records of the surnames of
Francus. Francois, French, in England, A. D. 1100-1350.
Bost., 189(). O.
Index armorial to an enl)lazoned manuscrii»t of the surname of
French, Franc, Francois, Frene, and others, both British and
foreign. Bost., 1892. 115 p. O.
Notes on the surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, etc., in
Scotland, with an account of the Frenches of Thorndykes.
Bost, 1893. 109 p. O.
FRENCH, John H. Form study and drawing in the common
schools; with, an introductory letter by A. S. Draper. {In
Indus. Ed. Assn. Monographs, v 2.)
[FRENCH, Justus Clement, and Cary, Edward.] The trip of the
steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, April 14,
1865. Brooklyn, 1865. 172 p. pi. music. O.
FRENCH, Richard Yalpy. Nineteen centuries of drink in England:
a history. Lond., 1884. D.
FRENCH family. See Francus, Franceis, French family.
FRESNEAIT, Mme. A. Theresa at San Domingo: a tale of the
negro insurrection of 1791; tr. bv E. G. Magrath. Chic,
1889. il. D.
FRESNO countv fCal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892. 1894. 1896.
FRESNO illustrated. Pub. by The Elliott Publishing Co. . S. F.,
1891. il. pi. pors. Q.
FRESNO county,, (Cal.).
HISTORY of Fresno cointy, California; including biographical
sketches. W. W. Elliott and Co. pub. . S. F., 1881. il. pi. pors.
maps. F. ,
MEMORIAL and bio^'raphical history of the counties of Fresno, Tu-
lare, and Kern, California. Published by the Lewis Publishing
Company. Chic, [n. d.J. pi. pors. Q.
[FKE«NO] Daily evening expositor; July 1892-Dec. 1897. Fresno,
1892-1)7. 11 V. F.
FKESXO weeldy expositor; Feb. LS!)0-June 29, 1892; Jan. :i, 1891-
Dec. :U), 1897. Fresno, 1890-97. .*{ v. F.
FRETZ, Abraham James. A brief history of John and Christian
Fretz and a complete genealogical family register. Elkhart,
1890. per. D.
FRETZ family.
FRETZ, A. J. Brief history of John and Christian Fretz and a com-
plete genealogical family register. Elkhart, 1890. por. D.
FREYTAG, Gustav. Technique of the drama: an exposition of
dramatic composition and art. Chic, 1895, D,
FRIEDEXWALD, Herbert. The continental congress. (/// Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Rept., 1891. Tapers, no. 13.)
FRIEDERICHS, Karl. Hand-book of Greek and Roman sculpture
by D. C. Eaton; principally from the "Bausteine'' of F. 2d
ed. enl. rev. Best., 1884. D.
FRIEDMAN, D. A. Rabbis of ancient times: biographical sketclies
of the Talmudic period, (300 B. C. E. to 500 C. E.); with max-
ims and proverbs of the Talmud. Rochester, [c, 1896]. 135
p. O.
FRIEND, The: a monthly journal devoted to temperance, seamen,
marine and general intelligence. S: C. Damon, pub. and ed.
V. 8-35. 1850-1878. Honolulu, 1850-78. 28 v. in 3. Q.
FRIGNET, p]rnest. La Californie histoire organisation politique
et administrative, legislation description physique et gc'-olog-
ique. agriculture, Industrie, commerce. Paris, 1866. D.
FRITCHIE, Barbara.
DALL, C. W. H. Barbara Fritchie: a study. Bost., 1893. 99 p. pi.
por. D.
FRITSCH, Heinrich. Klinik der geburtshtilflichen Operation-en.
1 Aufl. Halle, a. S. 1888. il. O.
FRODOARD. See Flodoard.
FROEBEL, Friedrich Wilhelm August. Mottoes and commenta-
ries of Mother Play; tr. by H. R. Eliot and Susan E. Blow,
N. Y., 1896. il. D. (Int.'ed., ser. no. 31.)
Pedagogics of the kindergarten, or, his ideas concerning the
plav and plavthings of the child; tr. by J, Jarvis, N. Y,,
1895. D. (Int. ed. ser., v. 30.)
The songs and music of Mother Play, prepared and arranged
by Susan E. Blow. N. Y., 1897. il. D. (Int. ed. ser.)
BOWEN, H. C Froebel, and education through self activity. N. Y.,
1894. D. (Great educators.)
BULOW, B. von Marenholz, baroness. Reminiscences of Friedrich
Froebel: tr. by Mrs. Horace Mann. Bost.. 189.5. D.
FKOEBEL, Julius. Seven years' travel in Central America, North-
ern Mexico, and the far west of the United States. Lond.,
1859. pi. O.
DARMESTETER, M. . Froissart. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
FROXSAC, Forsjth de. Forsvth of Nvdie; a genealogical record.
New Market, Va., 1888. ^ 29 p. O.
FROST. Edwin Brant, tr. Scheiner, J. A treatise on astronom-
ical spectroscopy.
FROST, William Adams. /S'ee Carter, R. B. an(^ Frost, W: A. Oph-
thalmic surgery.
FROST, William Henry. The knights of the round table, stories of
King Arthur and the Holy Grail. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
The Wagner story book: firelight tales of the great music
dramas. N. Y., 1894. pi. D.
FROTHINGHAM, Arthur L. jr. See Marquand, A., and Frothing-
ham, A. L. History of sculpture.
FROTHINGHAM, Nathaniel Langdon. Metrical pieces, translated
and original. Bost,, 1855. D.
FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Boston Unitarianism 1820-50: a study of the
life and work of N. S. Frothingham. N. Y., 1890. D.
FROTHINGHAM, Octavius Brooks. Boston Unitarianism, 1820-
50: a study of the life and work of Nathaniel Langdon
Frothingham. N. Y., 1890. D.
Recollections and impressions, 1822-1890. N. Y., 1891. D.
FROTHINGHAM, Richard. History of the siege of Boston, and
of the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill; also
an account of theBunker Hill Monument. 4th ed. Bost.,
1873. pi. maps, facim. O.
FROUDE, James Anthony. The divorce of Catherine of Aragon,
the story as told by the imperial ambassadors resident at
the court of Henry VIII. : being a supp. volume to the His-
tory of England. N. Y., 1891. O.
English seamen in the sixteenth century, lectures delivered
at Oxford Easter terms, 1893-4. N. Y., 1896. O.
Lectures on the council of Trent, delivered at Oxford 1892-3.
N. Y., 1896. O.
Life and letters of Erasmus: lectures delivered at Oxford,
1893-4. N. Y., 1895. O.
Lord Beaconsfield. N. Y., 1890. por. D. (Prime ministers
of queen Victoria.)
The Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays. N. Y.,
1892. D.
The two chiefs of Dunboy; or. An Irish romance of the last
century. N. Y., 1889. D.
FRY, Henry. The history of north Atlantic steam navigation,
with some account of earlv ships and shipowners. N. Y.,
1896. il. por. D.
FRY, James Barnet. McDowell and Tvler in the campaign of Bull
Run, 1861. N. Y., 1884. 63 p. 'd.
Military miscellanies. N. Y., 1889. O.
.Fin, James liaiuct. UiK'ratiuii« of the army uiidci' Buoll, from
June lOth to October 30th, 1802, aud the ''Biiell commission."
Kev. ed. N. Y., 1881. por. D.
FRYE, ^Villianl Pierce. An extract from a speech in the Ilouse of
llepreseutatives, March LM), 1880. [In Kepublican campaign
docs. 1880.)
Der fiuanzielle Record der rcpnblikanischen I'artei: Auszug
aus eiuer Kede im Repriisenlanlenhause, 20 Miirz, 1880. {In
Speech April 3, 1878, in the House of Representatives, on the
soldiers' roll. {In same.)
Tammany frauds in New York— The justification of United
States election laws: Speech in the House of Representa-
tives, April 23, 1879. {In same.)
rUCHS, Dr. Ernest. Text-book of ophthalmology; tr. by A. Duane.
2d ed. N. Y^, 1893. 11. O.
FUERTES, James H. Water and public health; the relative pur-
ity of waters from different sources. N. Y., 1897. 75 p.
dia. D.
FULLER, Levi K. governor of Vermont. Message, 1892, 1894. Mont-
pelier, 1892-91. O. 2 pamps.
FULTON, John. Memoirs of Frederick A. P. Barnard, tenth presi-
dent of Columbia College. N. Y., 1896. por. D.
FULTON, Robert.
THURSTON, R. H. Robert Fulton, his life and its results. N. Y.,
[c. 1S91]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
FUMAGALLI, Giuseppe. Bibliografla etiopica; catalogo descrit-
tivo e ragionato degli scritti pubblicati dalla invenzione della
stampa fino a tutto il 1891 intorno alia Etiopia e regioni
limitrofe. Milano, 1893. O.
and Filippo, Pietro Amat di S. camps. Bibliografla degli
scritti Italian! o stampati in Italia sopra C. Colombo la sco-
perta del nuovo mondo e i viaggi degli Italian! in America.
Roma, 1893. F. {In Italy. Com. Colombiana. Raccolta
d! document! e stud! pubblicati dalla R. Cora. Colombiana.
Pt. 6.)
FUNCKE, Otto. A home abroad. {In Schimmelmann, A.
Glimpses of my life. . . )
FUNK, Isaac K. [and others], eds. Standard dictionary of the
English language. N. Y., 1894-95. 2 v. pi. F.
FURBER, George C. The twelve months volunteer; or, Journal
of a private in the Tennessee regiment of cavalry in the cam-
paign, in Mexico, 1840-47; including a complete history of
the war with Mexico. Cin., 1849. il. O.
FURNAS, Robert W. gov. of Nebraska. Inaugural address, 1873;
Message, 1875. Lincoln, 1873-75. O. 2 pamps.
FURNELL. M. C. M.T). Cholera and water !n India. Lond.,
1887. 45 p. 0.
FURNESS, Henry Benjamin. See Isliam, A. B., Davidson. H: M.
and Furness, H: B: Prisoners of war and military prisons.
FURNESS, Horace Howard, ed. JS^ew variorum edition of Shake-
speare [coutiuuatiou] ; v. 8-10. Phil., 1890-95. 3 v. O.
Contents: V. 8. As you like it. 9. The tempest. 10. Midsummer
nights dream.
FUKKI\'ALL, Frederi{;k James, ed. Adam Davy's 5 dreams
about Edward 11.; — The life of St. Alexius; — Solomon's book
of wisdom; — St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before doomsday; — The
lameutacion of souls; ed. from the Laud ms. in the Bodleian
Library. Lond., 1878. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 69.)
Arthur; a short sketch of his life and history in English
verse of the first half of the 15th century; copied and edited
from the Marquis of Batli's ms. Lond., 18G4. O. {SavUy
no. 2.)
The babees book. — Bokes of nurture of Hugh Rhodes and
John Russell. — AYynkyn de Worde's boke of kervynge. — The
booke of demeanor. — The boke of curtasye. — Seager's schoole
of vertue, etc.; with some French and Latin poems on like
subjects. Lond., 1868. pi. O. [Saine, no. 32.)
Book of quinte essence; or, The fifth being; that is to say
man's heaven [by Hermes Trismegistus] ; ed. from the
Sloane ms. about 1160-70. Lond., 1866. O. {Same, no. 16.)
: Same, revised, 1889.
Caxton's book of eurtesye, printed at Westminster about
1477-78 A. D. and now reprinted with two ms. copies of the
same treatise. Lond., 1868. O. {Same. Extra ser., no. 3.)
The Curial made by Maystere Alain Charretier; trans-
lated thus in Englyssh by W : Caxton, 1481 ; collated with the
French original by Paul Meyer. I^ud., 1888. O. {Same,
Extra ser. no. 54.)
Emblemes and epigrames, A. D. 1600, by Francis Thynne.
Lond., 1876. O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 64.)
Fifty earliest English wills in the Court of Probate, Lon-
don A. D. 1387-1439; with a priest's of 1454; copied and edi-
ted from the original registers in Somerset House. Lond.,
1882. O. {Same, no. 78.)
The fraternitye of vacabondes; by J: Awdeley; — A
caueat, or warening for common cursetors; by T: Harman
Lond., 1869. il. O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 9.)
The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge, by A.
Borde; — A compendyous regyment, or dyetary of helth; —
Barnes in defence of the berde; ed. with a life of Andrew
Boorde, and large extracts from his Breuyary. Lond., 1870.
O. (Sams, no. 10.)
History of the holy grail ; Englisht about 1450 A. D., by
Henry Lonelich, from' the French prose, about 1180-1200 A.
D. of' Sires Robiers de Borron; reed, by F.; pt. 1-4. Lond.,
1874-78. 2 V. O. (Same, no. 20, 24, 28, 30.)
Hoccleve's works: 1. Minor j)oems; in the Phillipps MS.
8151 (Cheltenham) and the Durham MS. IH. 9. Lond., 1892.
O. (Same. Ex. ser. no. 61.)
FURNIVALL, Ficderick James, ed. Hymns to the V'irgin and
Christ, the I'arliament of devils, aud other religious poems;
chierty from the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth ms.
Lond., 18G7. O. {Same. Keg. ser. no. 24.)
:Minor poems of W: Lauder. {Same, no. 41.)
I'olitical, religious and love iM)ems; from the Archbishop
of Canterbury's Lambeth ms. and other sources. Lond.,
ISGG. O. [Same, no. 15.)
Ciueene Elizabetlies achademy, by Sir H. Gilbert; — A
booke of precedence; etc. (Same. Extra ser. no. 8.)
Stacions of Kome, about 1370 A. D.; — Pilgrims sea-voy-
age; — Clene maydenhod, about 1370. Lond., 1867. O.
[Same. Reg. ser. no. 25.)
A supplicacyon for the beggers, written about the year
1529 bv Simon Fish; now re-ed. by F. {Same. Extra ser. uo,
The Wright's chaste wife: a merry tale, by Adam of Cob-
sam; from a ms. in the library of the Archbishop of Canter-
bury at Lambeth, about 1462 A. D. Lond., 1865. O. {Same.
Reg. ser. no. 12.)
and Percy, eds. The anatomic of the bodie of man, by
T: Vicary; the edition of 1548, as re-issued by the surgeons
of St. Bartholomew's in 1577; with a life of Vicary, notes,
etc., pt. 1. Lond., 1888. O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 53.)
FURTW ANGLER, Adolf. Masterpieces of Greek sculpture; ed.
by Eugenie Sellers. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. F.
FUSTEL de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Histoire des institutions
politiques de 1' ancienne France. Les origines du syst^me
f^odal: le B^n^fice et le Patronat pendant I'^poque m^rovin-
gienne. Paris, 1890. O.
The origin of property in land; tr. by Margaret Ashley;
with an introductory chapter on the English manor, by W. J.
Ashley. Lond., 1891. D. (Social sci. ser.)
FYFFE, Charles Alan. A historv of modern Europe (continued);
1848-78; v. 3. N. Y., 1890. "^O.
FYTCHE, Albert. Burma past and present; with personal remi-
niscences of the country. Lond., 1878. 2 v. col. pi. por.
map. O.
G., C. J. (pseud.). See Freeland, Mrs. Carrie J.
■GAAK fauiilj'. See Garr family.
GADl), ^^^ Lawrence. Soap manufacture .... with a short ac-
count of the materials employed. Lond., 1893, il. S. (Tech-
nol. handbooks.)
•GADOW, Hans Friedrith. In northern Spain. Lond., 1897. il. O.
GAGE, Charles S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. {In Stories by
Amer. authors, v. 9.)
GAGE. ^^ illiam Leonard, tr. Mundt, C. M. Marie Antoinette and
her son.
Hitter, K. Comparative geography of Palestine.
and Stuckenberg, J. H. \\'. eds. and trs. Hagenbach, K. R. Ger-
man rationalism.
GAGNEBIN, Afmc. A happv find; tr. by Miss E. V. Lee. N. Y.,
[c. 1889]. D.
GAINA-SUTRAS; tr. from Prakrit, by H. Jacobi, pt. 1-2. Oxford,
1884-96. O. (Miiller, F. M., ed. Sacred Books of the East,
V. 22, 4.5.)
Contents: Pt. 1. The Akaranga-sutra. The Kalpa-sutra. Pt. 2. The
Uttaiadhyayana-sutra. The Siitrakritanga-sutra.
GAIRDNER, James. Henry the Seventh. Lond., 1889. D. (Twelve
Eng. Statesmen.)
The houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and loss
of France. N. Y., 189G. maps. S. (Epochs of mod. history.)
ed. Historical collections of a citizen of London in the fif-
teenth century: containing I, John Page's Poem on the siege
of Rouen; II, Lydgatee's Verses on the kings of England;
III, William Gregory's Chronicle of London. [Westminster],
1876. O. (Camden Soc, n. s., v. 17.)
Three fifteenth-century chronicles, with historical memo-
randa by J: Stowe, and contemporary notes of occurrences,
written in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Westminster],
1880. O. (Same, v. 28.)
GALAXY, The (continuation); V. 6, 25. N. Y., 1868-78. 2 v. O.
GALBERT. sjjndic of Bruges. Vie de Charles-le-Bon, comte de Flan-
dre. (7// Col. rai^m. rel. h V hist, de France, 1825, s. 3, v. 8.)
GALBRAITH, Anna M.. M.D. Hygiene and physical culture for
women. N. Y.. 1895. il. D.
GALE, John. Refleclions on Mr. Wall's History of infant baptism.
{In Wall, W: History of infant-baptism.)
CrALFRlDUS. Promptorium parvulorum, sive clericorum, lexicon
Anglo-Latinum princeps. Recensuit Albertus Way. Lond.,
1843-53. facsim. 3 v. O. (Camden Soc, v. 25, 54, 89.)
OALIFFE, James Augustus. Italy and its inhabitants; an account
of a tour of that country in 1816 and 1817. Lond., 1820. 2 v.
GALL, H. R. capt. Modern tactics. 4th edition, with supplement.
Kansas City, [1896]. il. maps, plans. 2 v. O.
Utli\J-44:; ed. from the Tanuer mss. in the Bodleian
library. [Loud.], 1883. O. (//i Camden misc., v. 8. Camden
Soc, n. s., V. 31.)
GAKDINEK, Sam lie! Kawson. History of the commonwealth and
protectorate, 1()49-G(), v. 2. Lond., 1897. O.
Kameli/: V. 2. 1651-1654.
History of the great civil war, 1042-49 (continuation) ; v. 3,
l(J47-49. Lond., 1891. maps. O.
Student's historv of Eujilaud, from the earliest times to 1885.
Loud., 1890-91.' 3 V. il. pors. I).
The thirty years' war; 1618-1648. N. Y., 1897. map. S.
(Epochs of mod. hist.)
ed. Constitutioual documents of the puritan revolution, 1628-
66. Oxford, 1889. D.
Debates in the House of Commons in 1625; ed. from a
ms. in the library of Sir R. Knioiitley. [^Vestminster], 1873.
O. Camden Soc, n.s., v. 6.)
Documents relating; to the })roceeding;s against William
Prvnne in 1634 and 1637, with a biographical fragnu'ut by J:
Bruce. [Westminster], 1877. 38-^121 p. O. (Same, v. 18.)
The Earl of Bristol's defence of his negotiations in Spain;
ed. from mss. in the Bodleian librarj^ and the Public Record
office. Lond., 1871. 39-t-56 p. O. (Jii Canulen misc., v. 6.
Same, v. 104.)
Fortescuc ])apers; collected by -1 : I'ackcr. [Westminster],
1871. O. (Camden Soc, n. s.. v. 1.)
Four letters of Lord Weutworth; with a poem on his ill-
ness. [Lond.], 1SS3. O. {Tn Camden misc. v. 8. Camden
Soc, U.S., V. 31.)
The Hamilton pai)ers: being selections from the original
letters, relating to the years 1638-50. [Westminster]. 1880.
O. Camden Soc, n.s., v. 27.)
A lettei' from the Earl of Maiiclicstor to the House of
Lords, giving an opinion on tlu^ coudnct of Oliver Cromwell.
[Loud.]. 1883. O. (Tn Camden misc., v. 8. Camden Soc,
n. s., V. .31.)
Letters and other docnincnts ilinsti-ating the relations be-
tween England and Germany at the commencfMuent of the
thirtv vears' war. [Lond.]. 1865-(;8. 2 v. O. (Camden Soc,
V. 00. 98.)
Letters relating to the nii.ssion of Sir T: Roe to Cnistavus
Adolplms. 1629-30. [Lond.]. 1875. O. (Tn Camden misc.,
V. 7. Canulen Soc. n. s.. v. 14.)
GARDINER, Samuel Rawson, ed. Notes of the debates in the
House of Lords officially taken by H: Elsing, 1(521, 1«321, l,. S.
■ Main travelled roads, six stories of the Mississippi valley.
Chic, 1894. S.
A member of the third house: a storv of political warfare.
N. Y., 1897. D.
Prairie folks. Chic, 189."). D.
Prairie songs. Chic, 1893. 1G4 p. S.
Wavside courtshijis. N. Y., 1897. D.
GARMAN. Samuel. The reptiles of Bermuda. (U. S. Nat. :Mua.
Bull. no. 2.5, pt. 6.)
GARNETT, Constance, tr. Turgenieff, I. S. Rudin. — On th<> eve
— Sportsman's sketches — Dream tales and prose poems.
GARNETT. Lucy Mary Jane. Greek folk poesy: annotated trans-
lations from the whole cycle of romaic folk-verse and folk-
prose: ed. with essays on the science of folklore, Greek folk-
speech, and the survival of ]>aganism. by J. S. Stuart-(;iciinie.
Lond., 1896. 2 v. O.
■ The women of Tnrkev and their folk-lore. Lond., 1890-!n. 2
V. O.
Xaniffii: Vol. 1. Christian women; with introductory chanters on
ethnography of Turkey and folk-conceptions of nature, by J. S. Stu-
art-Glennie. 2. Jewish and Moslem womon; with cnncludinir chap-
ters on the origins of matriarchy by J. S. Steuart-GIennie.
GARNETT, Richard. The age of Dryden. Lond., 1897. S. , p. 581.)
GAT^TIER, Theophile. Jettatura; tr. by M. de L. (Brentano's ro-
mantic lib.)
• Mademoiselle de Mau])in; a ronmnce of love and passion.
Lond., 1881). il. D.
Same. Phil., [n. d.]. 2 v. O. (Chef d'oeuvres du roman cont.
Realists, v. 9-10.)
Voyage en Espagne. [Nouvelle I'^d. revue el corrig. by M. Sliugo, A. Brookei', and others. Phil.,
1892.' 2 v. il. pors. D.
GEPHARDT, Hermann. Doctrine of the .\pocalypse, and its rela-
tion to the docTi'ine of the gospel and epistles of .Tohu; tr.
by Rev. -T: Jefferson. Edin.. 1878. O.
GEDDES, Patrick. Chapters in modern botany. X. Y.. 1893. il.
S. (Fniv. ser.l
a??(7 Thomson. J. Arilmr. The evolution of s<'x. X. Y.. [1891].
il. D. iConteiii]*. sri. ser.)
G EDDIE, John. The balladists. X. Y., [1896.] 160 p. D. (Fam-
ous 8cots ser.)
Beyond the Himahivas; a storv of travel and adventure in the
wilds of Thibet. "^Lond., 1882. pi. D.
GEER"8 Hartford City directory; July 1894-95. Hartford, 1894.
GEJKIE, Cunningham. Entering on life: a book for young men.
New ed. N. Y., 1888. D.
Short life of Christ. N. Y., 1888. il. pi. O.
GEIKIE, James. The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity
of man. 3d ed. N. Y., 1895. pi. maps. O.
GEMELLI, Careri Giovanni Francesco. Travels in China, 1095;
tr. from the Italian. [In Green, J: Voyages and travels,
V. 3, p. 546.)
GEN. GRANT'S reasons for supporting Gen. Garfield; a sharply-
drawn contrast; Speech at Warren, O., Sept. 28, 1880. [Tn
Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
GENERYDES, a romance in seven-line stanzas; ed. from the
unique paper ins. in Trinity College, Cambridge, abom 1440
A. D.. by W: A. Wright. Loud., 1873-78. O.^ (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg ser. no. 55, 70.)
GENLIS, Stephanie Felicity Duerest de Saint-Aubin, madame de
MADAME DE GENLIS. (In Dobson, A. Four Frenchwomen.)
GENNADIUS, preshyter of Marseilles.
JER'OME and Gennadius: lives of illustrious men; tr. with introduc-
tion and notes by E. C. Richardson. (In Schaff, P. and Wace, H:
eds. Nicene and post-nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 3.)
GENOVESE, Juan Bautista.
HUGUES, L. J. B. Genovese; nolizie sommarie. (In Italy Com. Col.
Raccolta di documenti e studi pub. dalla R. Com. Col. Pt. 5, v. 2.)
GENTH, Frederick Augustus. The minerals of North Carolina.
Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 74.)
GENTLEMAN'S magazine. New series (continuation); v. 42-59.
Lond., 1889-97. 18 v. O.
Index to the biographical and obituary notices in the Gentle-
man's magazine, 1731-1780. Lond., 1891. O.
GENTRY, Thomas George. Family names from the Irish, Anglo-
Saxon, Anglo-Norman and Scotch, considered in relation to
their etymology. Phil., 1892. O.
GEOFFROI dWiixerre, nhlot de Clairvaux. Vie de Saint-Bern;ir'd.
{In Col. des m^m. rel. a Thist. de France. 1825. s. 3, v. 10.)
GEOGRAPHICAL Club of Philadelphia. Bulletin; vol. 1 no. 1,
Jan. 1893. [n.p.c. 1893]. 35 p. pi. O.
Nauielu: Balch, E. S. Mountain exploration.
GEOGRAPHICAL journal ; including the proceedings of tht^ R«u al
Geographical Societv; v. MO; Jan. 1893-Dec. 1897. Lond.,
1893-97. 10 v. O.
GEOLOGICAL magazine; or, ^lonthly journal of geology; with
which is incorporated 'The geologist'; ed. by Henry Wov>d-
ward [and others]; v. 1-10; decade 2. v. 1-10; decade 3, v.
1-10; decade 4, V. 1-4. Lond.. 1804-97. 34 v. il. pi. maps.
GEOLOGICAL society of Aiiiorica. Bulletin: Vol. 18. Wash.,
Koclu'stor, lS!M)-!>7. 8 v. O.
GEOKOE, llcnrv. Our land and land policy, national and state.
[S. Y., 1871.] 48 p. O. (//( ("a I. land, panips. v. 5.)
J'rotection or free trade? [n.p.J 181>2. (io p. O. [In I'ain.
on free trade, v. 1.)
GEOKGE, Hereford Brooke. Battles of English history. N. Y.,
181)5. maps, plans. D.
Genealogical tables illustrative of modern history. 3d ed. rev.
enl. Oxford, 1880. sq. O. (Clarendon press ser.)
GEOBGIA. General Asscinbli/. Journal of the House of Kepresenta-
tives; 1890, adj. sess". 18U1, 1892, 18JJ3, 1894, 189.5, 189G. .Vt-
lanta, 1890-9G. 7 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1890. adj. sess. 1891, 1892, 1893,
1894, 1895, 1896. Atlanta, 189U-9G. 7 v. O.
GEORGIA scenes, characters, incidents etc., by A native Georgian.
)See Longstreet, A. B.
GEPP, Hubert Majendie. tr. Xansen, F. First crossing of Green-
GERAKD, Jean Ignace Isidore, dit Granville. Les metamorphoses
du jour: pr^c. d'une notice j)ar C: Blanc. Paris, 1854. pi. O.
GERARD, John N. Flower garden. (//; Woman's book, v. 2.1
GERBILLOX, John Francis. History of the Mongols and Kalkas;
— Travels into Western Tartary, 1088-98; — ^Vars between
the Kalkas and Eluths. (Z^n Green, J: Voyages and travels,
V. 4, pp. .378, 6G4, 381.)
GERHARD. William Paul. The disposal of household wastes. N.
Y., 1890. 195 p. T.
Sanitary questions. (In Brunner, A. W. ed. Cottages.)
GERRISH, Ber. Theodore. Army life: a private's reminiscences of
the civil war; with an introduction by .T. H. DruTumond.
Portland, [c. 1882]. D.
GERRY, Elbridge. Replies to the strictures of a landholder; jtrint-
ed in the Massachusetts Centinel and American Hei-ald, Jan-
uarv-April, 1788. (In Ford. P. L. Essays on the Constitu-
tion, 1787-88.)
GERSTACKER, Friedrich. A ventures d'une colonie d'emigrants
en Amerique; tr. de I'allemand par Xavier Marmier. Paris,
1873. D.
Georg. der kleine Goldgriiber in California. Neu bearlx^itet
von Ferdinand Schmidt. 3d Aufl. .Tena, [n.d.] col. pi. O.
Gold: ein californisches Lebensbild. Jena, [n.d.]. D.
Kreuz und Quer. Gesammelte Erziihlungen. Jena, [n.d.]. D.
Western lands and western waters. Lond., 1804. il. O.
GESELLSCHAFT fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Festschrift zur vier-
hunflerl jiihi'igi'U Feier der Eutdechkung Amerika's; Die
Entdeckmic Amerika's in ihrer Bedentnng ffir die Geschichte
des We1f])il(les. von Konrad Krclsi Iuiht. Beilin. 1802. 2 v.
text and atlas. F.
GESEXIT'S. Fredeiick Heini'ich Willielni. Ileltrew <.rrammar on-
larged and imj)i'oved by E. RTnliger: with a Hebrew i-eading
book bv p.. Davies. Lomi., [n.d.] O.
GESSERT, Dr. M. A. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting
on glass or glass-staining; to which is added an appendix
on the art of enamelling, etc. 5th ed. Lond., 18S4, 4-|-ll6
p. D.
GEtSSI, Romolo. paalia. Seven years in the Soudan; being a record
of explorations adventures and campaigns, against the Arab
slave hunters. Lond., 1li and travel: a naria-
tive of the formation and development of telegrai)hic commn-
nication between Enj^^land and India, nnder the orders of
her Majesty's }j:overnmont, with incidental notices of the
countries traversed bv the lines. Lond., 1874. il. pi. maps.
GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Works; cd. by Peter Cunningham. N. ^ .,
1881. 4 V. por. O.
Contents: V. 1. Poetical works. Dramas. The Vicar of Wakefield.
2. Inquiry into the present state of polite learning. The citizen of the
world. 3. The Bee. Essays. Unacknowledged essays, prefaces, in-
troductions, etc. . 4. Biographies. Reviews. Animated nature.
Cock lane ghost. Vida's game of chess. Letters.
DOBSON, A. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Lond., 1888. O. (Great
GOLINER, J. Die Erniihrunp: des krankeu Menscheu, insbescm-
dere der Magen- uud Darm-leidenden. Berlin, 1888. 112 p.
GOLTZ, Colmar von der. haron. lieut-col. The conduct of war.
a brief studv of its most important principles and forms.
Kansas Cy., 1896. S.
The nation in arms: tr. by V. A. Ashworth. New ed. Kansas
City, [n. d.]. O.
GOMME, George Laurence. The handbook of folklore. Loud.,
1890. S. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 20.)
Index of municipal offices: compiled from the appendixes to
the first report of the commissioners appointed to inquire
into the municipal corporations in England and Wales, 1835;
with an historical introduction. Lond., 1879. O. (Index
Soc. Pub. V. 3, 1878.)
Village community; with special reference to the origin and
form of its survivals in Britain. N. Y., 1890. maps. D.
(Contemp. sci. ser.)
and Ordish, T. Fairman. eds. Camden library. N. Y. and
Lend., [1891]. O.
For list see, Camden library.
GONCOURT, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, and Jules Alfred
de Germinie Lacerteux. Nouvelle ^d. Paris, 1892. D.
Same. Phil., [n. d.]. il. O. (Chefs d'oeuvre du roman con-
temp. Realists, v. 4.)
BELLOC M A. and Shellock, M. comp. and tr. Edmond and Jules de
Goncourt, with letters and leaves from their journals. N. Y., 1895.
11. pors. 2 v. 0.
GONINO, L ir.anded. Perrot, G. flm/ Chipiez, C: History of art
in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. Lond., 1890.
2 V. il. pi. maps. Q. ^ , r^. rru
GONZALEZ, Gavino. See Dann, J. T. and Gonzalez, G. Ihe
Spanish correspondent. ^ » ,
GOOCH Frank Austin, and Whitfield, James Edward. Analyses
of waters of the Yellowstone National Park; with an ac-
count of the methods of analysis employed. Wash., 1888.
O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin, no. 47.)
(lOOD government; Official journal of the National Civil Service
Reform League; v. 12-lG. July, lS92-Dec., 1897. Wash., N.
Y., [1893-97]. 5 v. Q.
<}00D roads: an illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the im-
provement of public roads and streets; v. 6-7. Bost., 1894-95.
2 V. O.
Note: Incorporated with L. A. W. Bulletin Apr. 5, 195. Continued as
L. A. W. Bulletin and Good Roads.
<100D words (continuation); ed. by Norman and Donald Macleod;
1863-97. Lond., 1863-97. 40 v. O.
GOODE, George Brown. Bibliographies of American naturalists;
I. The published writings of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1843-
82. Wash., 1883. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 20.)
Same. V, The published writings of Dr. Charles Girard.
Wash., 1891. por. O. [Same, no. 41.)
and others. Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from
the United States to the International Fisheries Exhibition,
London, 1883. ^A'ash., 1884. O. {Same, no. 27.)
LANGLEY, S. P. Memoir of George Brown Goode 1851-96. Wash.,
1897. 30 p. 0. pam.
GOODEL, William. The American slave code in theory and prac-
tice. 4th ed. N. Y., 1853. D.
GOODHUE, W. F. Municipal improvements: a manual of the
methods, utility, and cost of public improvements for the
municipal officer. N. Y., 1893. 8-|-129 p. il. D.
GOODLOE, Daniel R. Birth of the republic. Chic, [c. 1889].
por. D.
GOODNOW, Frank Johnson. Comparative administrative law.
N. Y., 1893. 2 V. O.
Contents: Vol. 1. Organization. 2. Legal relations.
Municipal home rule; a study in administration. N. Y., 1895.
Municipal problems. N. Y.,1897. D.
GOODRICH, A. J. Complete musical analysis: a system designed
to cultivate the art of analyzing and criticising and to assist
in the performance and understanding of the works of the
great composers of different epochs. Cin., 1889. O.
GOODWIN, J. H. Goodwin's improved book-keeping and business
manual. Sixteenth ed. rev. and enl. N. Y., 1893. por. O.
GOODWIN, Maud Wilder. The colonial cavalier; or Southern life
before the revolution. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
Dolly Madison. N. Y., 1896. por. S. (Women of col. and
rev. times.)
GOODWIN, Thomas Shepard. The natural history of secession;
or. Despotism and democracy at necessary, eternal, extermi-
nating war. N. Y., 1865. D.
GOODWIN, William Watson. The battle of Salamis. (In Arch.
Inst, of Am. School of Athens, v. 1.)
GOODYEAR, Watson Andrews. The coal mines of the western
coast of the United States. S. F., 1877. 153 p. O.
GOODYEAK. AVilliani Henry. Tlie «,Maiiiiiiar of the lohis: a new
history of classic oniauieut as a development of sun worshij).
Lond., 1801. il. pi. F.
Renaissance and modern art. Meadville, 1894. il. pi. J>.
GOPSILL'S, James, Sons. PhUaddphia. pub. Philadelpliia city di-
rectory for 189.3, 1800. Phil., LSfK'JOd. maps. 2 v. O.
GORDON, Charles Georjic. Colonel Gordon in Ccnlral Africa 1874-
79; from orijjinal letters and docnments; od. by G: H. Hill.
Lond., 1881. por. map. facsim. O.
BUTLER, Sir W: F. Charles George Gordon. Lond., 1889. por. D.
(Eng. men of action.)
GORDON, F. W. Beauchamp. The state and electrical distribn-
tion. {In Mackay, T: ed. A plea for liberty.)
GORDON, Georji;e. The safety of steamship passenf^ers on ocean
routes: a letter to U. S. Senators, on the steamer Sonora en
route from San Francisco to New York. 1860. 24 p. O. {In
Tracts on Commerce, v. 4.)
GORDON, George xVngier. The Christ of today. Bost., 1895. D.
Immortality and the new theodicy. Bost., 1897. 130 p. D.
The witness to immortality, in literature, philosophy and life.
Bost., 1893. D.
GORDON, George Henry. War diary of eyents in the war of the
great rebellion, 1S63-G5. Bost.^ 1885. O.
GORDON, Eev. M. Lafayette. An American missionary in Japan.
Bost., 1895. S.
GORDON. Margaret Maria. The home life of Sir Dayid Brewster.
2d ed. Edin., 1870. D.
GORDON-CUMMING, C. F. See Gumming, C. F. Gordon-.
GORDY, John Pancoast. Rise and groW'th of the normal-school
idea in the United States. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Bu. of
Ed. Circ. of inform., 1801, no. 8.)
GORDY, W. F. and Twitchell, W. I. A pathfinder in American
history; Pt. 1-2. Bost., 1803. D.
GORE, Charles. The Holy Spirit and ins]»iration. {In Gore, G:
ed. Lux mundi, 8.)
The sermon on the mount, a practical exposition. Lond., 1807.
ed. Lux mundi: a series of studies in the religion of the incar-
nation. From the 10th Eng. ed. N. Y.. [n. d.]. D.
('(tntrnta: 1. Holland, H: S. Faith. 2. Moore, A. The Christian
doctrine of God. 3. Illingworth, J. R. The problem of pain. 4. Tal-
bot, E. S. Preparation in history for Christ. 5. iHingworth, .1. R.
The incarnation and development. 6. Moberly, R. C. The incarna-
tion as the basis of dogma. 7. Lyttelton, A. The atonement. 8.
Gore, C: The Holy Spirit and inspiration. 9. Lock, W. The church.
10. Paget, F. Sacraments. 11. Campion, W. J. H. Christianity and
politics. 12. Ottley, R. Christian ethics.
GORE, F. St. J. Lights and shades of hill life in the Afghan and
Hindu highlands of the Punjab. Lond., 1805. il. pi.
ma7)s. O.
GORE. J. Ellard. //•. Flammarion. <'. Popular astronomy.
GORHA^r. George C. Speech at TMatt's Hall. -Inly 10. lSt;7. S. F.,
1807. 10 p. O. {In Cal. Speecltes. V. 4.1
GORTON, Johu. General biographical dictionary. New ed. to
which is added a supplementary volume completing the work
to the present time. Lond., 1851. 4 v. O.
GORTON, Samuel. Simplicity's defence against seren-headed pol-
icy; with notes [etc.], bv W: R. Staples. (In R. I. Hist. Soc.
Coll., V. 2.) '
GORY, H. See Castelnau, conite de, (uid Gory, H. Histoire natu-
relle et iconograjihie des insectes col^opt^res.
GOSNELL, R. E. British Columbia; a digest of reliable informa-
tion regarding its natural resources and industrial possibili-
ties. Vancouver, 1890. 47 p. O. pam.
GOSS, Elbridge Henry. Tlie life of Colonel Paul Revere. Bost.,
1891. 2 V. il. pors. facsim. D.
The Melrose memorial: The annals of Melrose, county of Mid-
dlesex, Massachusetts, in the great rebellion of 1861-65.
[Bost.], 18(58. O.
GOSS, I. J. M. The practice of medicine; or. The specific art of
healing. Chic, 1888. O.
A text book of materia medica, pharmacology and special the-
rapeutics. 2d ed. rev. Chic, 1889. O.
GOSS, John Dean. The history of tariff administration in the
United States; from colonial times to the McKinley adminis-
trative Bill. N. Y.. 1891. O. (Columbia Col. Univ. Faculty
of Pol. Sci. ed. Studies in hist, economics and public law; v.
1, no. 2.)
GOSS, W. F. M. Bench work in wood: a course of study and prac-
tice Bost., 1888. 161 p. il. D.
GOSS, Warren Lee. Jed; a boy's adventures in the army of '61-'65;
a storv of battle and prison, of peril and escape. N. Y., [c.
1889].' pi. D.
Recollections of a private: a storv of the armv of the Potomac.
N. Y., [c 1890]. il. pi. O.
GOSSE, Edmund William. Critical kit-kats. N. Y., 1896. D.
Firdausi in exile and other poems. Lond., 1886. il. S.
Gossip in a library. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. D.
Gray. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (E. M. L. ser.)
A history of eighteenth centurv literature, 1660-1780. Lond.,
1889. b.
Introductory memoir. {In Dutt, Torn. Ancient ballads and
legends of Hindustan.)
The Jacobean poets. N. Y., 1894. S. (Univ. ser.)
Life of William Congreve. Lond., 1888. O. (Great writers.)
^On viol and flute Lond., 1890. S.
Questions at issue. N. Y., 1893. D.
— — Seventeenth century studies, a contribution to the history of
English poetry. N. Y., 1897. T).
■ coll English odes. Lond., 1889. S.
ed. Short histories of the literatures of the world. Lond.,
1897. D.
For list see Short hist, of lit. of world.
(jjJMJh'AL ni.iwK'i Mi:\T. 359
GOTCH, A., and Krown. \V. T. Archilcchirc of llic Renaissance in
Enj^iand, views and details Irttni bnildinj;s erected between
IoOO-K;;},"): histoi-ical and crilicai text by (J., and B. Lond.,
1894. 2 V. ¥.
GOUBAUX, Arniand, and Barrier, (Itistave. Tlie exterior of the
horse; tr. and ed. b}' S. J. J. lIar<,M'r; phites bv G. Nicolet. 2d
ed. Phil., 1892. il. O.
GOULD, Auj^ustns Addison. See Agassiz, h. J. 11. and Gould, A. A.
Princijdes of zoology.
GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp. Ancestry and ])osterity of Zaecheus
Gould of Topsfield. Salem, 1872. 1()!> p. O."^
GOULD, Elgin Ralston Lovell. The Gothenburg system of liquor
trattic. \Yash., 1893. O. (U. S. Bu. of Labor, 5th spec.
The housing of the working people. Wash., 1895. O. {Same,
8th spec, rept.)
Local government in I'ennsylvania. (//; .Tolins Hopkins Univ.
studies, V. 1.)
The social condition of labor. (7// Same, v. 11, no. 1.)
GOULD, Ezra Palmer. D.D. Critical and exegetical commentary
on the gospel according to St. Mark. N. Y., 1896. O. (Int
crit. com.)
GOULD, George M. M.D. A new medical dictionarv. Phil., 1891
An illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology, and allied sci
ences. Phil., 1894. il."^ Q.
gen. ed. American vear-book of medicine and surgery. Phil.
' 189G. il. pi. Q.'
and Pvle, Walter M. Anomalies and curiosities of medicine
PhiL, 1897. il. pi. Q.
GOULD, John H. Ocean passenger travel. (In Chadwick, F. E
and others. Ocean steamships.)
The ocean steamship as a freight carrier. {In same.)
GOULD, Sylvester C. Bibliography of :Manchester, N. H., 1737
1894.' Concord, 1894. 115 p. O. pam.
GOULD Directorv Co. (St. Lovis.) pvh. Gould's St. Louis direc
torv for 1893. St. Louis, c. 1893. O.
GOULD family.
GOULD, B. A. Ancestry and posterity of Zaecheus Gould of Topsfield
Salem.. 1872. 109 p.. O.
GOUNOD, Charles Francois. Autobiographical reminiscences
with familv letters and notes on music; from the French by
W. IT. Hutchinson. Lond., 1890. por. O.
GOURVILLE, Jean Hera u It, sienr de. Memo! res concernant les
affaires auxquelles il a 6t6 employe par la cour, depuis 1G42
jusq'en 1098. (In Col. des m^m. rel. ;\ Thist. de France.
1826. s. 2 V. 52.)
GOWEN, Franklin B. Argument before the Interstate Commerce
Commission in the cases of G: Rice vs. the Railroad Compa-
nies; known as tlie Standard Oil monopoly cases. Phil., 1888.
40 p. O. (In R. R. pamphlets, v. 5.)
GOWER, Ronald Charles Sutherland J^eveson. lord. Last days of
Marie Antoinette, an historical sketch. Lond., 1885. por.
fac-sim. 1G3 p. O.
My reminiscences. New ed. Lond., 1895. por. O.
Rupert of the Rhine, a biographical sketch of the life of Prince
Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, etc. Lond., 1890.
pors. 328 p. D.
■ ed. Stafford House letters. Lond., 1891. por. O.
GOZLAN, Leon. Balzac chez lui; souvenirs des jardies. 2 ^'"'^ 6d.
Paris, 1803. S.
Balzac en pantoufles. 3^™^ 6d. Paris, 1865. S. (Bd. with Bal-
zac chez lui.)
GRADY, Henry Woodfin.
HARRIS, J. C. cd. Life of G. including his writings and speeches: a
memorial volume compiled by Mr. H. W. Grady's co-workers on
"The Constitution." N. Y., 1890. por. O.
GRAETZ, Heinrich. Historv of the Jews; v. 1-3. Phil., 1891-94.
3 V. O.
OonUnts: Vol. 1. From the earliest period to the death of Simon
the Macabee. 2. From the reign of Hyrcanus (135 B. C. E.) to the
completion of the Babylonian Talmud (500 C. E.). 3. Prom the revolt
against the Zendick (511 C. E.) to the capture of St. Jean d'Arc by the
Mahometans (1291 C. E.).
GRAFFENRIED, Clare de. Child labor. {In Amer. Econ. Assn.
Pub. V. 5, no. 2.)
The needs of self-supporting women. {In Johns Hopkins Univ.
studies, v. 8.)
GRAFTON, (Mass.)
PIERCE, F. C. History of Grafton, Worcester county, Massachusetts;
including the genealogies of seventy-nine of the older families.
Worcester, 1879. il. pors. O.
GRAHAM, George Farquhar Irving, maj. qen. The life and work
of Syed Ahmed Khan. Edin. and Lond., 1885. por. D.
GRAHAM, Henry Grey. Rousseau. Edin. and Lond., 1882. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
GRAHAM, J. Whidden. Fourth essay. {In Equitable taxation:
six essays.)
GRAHAIM, James Duncan. Report on the boundarv line between
the United States and Mexico. [Wash., 1852]. O. (U. S.
32d Cong. 1st sess. S. E. D.)
GRAHAM, Margaret Collier. Stories of the foot-hills. Bost., 1895.
GRAHA]\[, Maria Dundas. (Ladv Callcott.) Letters on India.
Lond., 1814. map. O.
GRAHAM, P. Anderson. The rural exodus; the problem of the
village and the town. Lond., 1892. D. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
GRAHAM, William. The social problem in its economical, moral,
and political aspects. Lond., 1886.
Socialism new and old. N. Y., 1891. D. (Inter, sci. ser. v. (18.)
GRAIIMBERO. Charles de. ^'ues du chateau de la ville et des en-
virons de Heidelberg, dessin(^es d'apres nature, [n t p 1812-
18]. 30 pi. obi. Q.
GRAMONT, Antoine, due de. M(^moires 1004-77. {In Col. des m^m.
rel. j^ I'hist. de France. 182(i-27. s. 2. v. 56-57.)
GRAND Anny of the ]{(.'i)nblic. Dcparlntcnt of Mansacknsetls. J'l'o-
ceediiigs of the liL'd annual encauipnient, Feb. 12 and l:^, 1S8U,
Ti-emont Temple iJoston. liost., 188D. O.
Deparlnient of Ohio. G. A. K. war papers read before Fred. C
Jones Tost, no. 401; v. 1. Ciu., [c. 181)1]. O.
GRAND Rai)ids, (Mich.) JJoard of Health. Annual report, 189607.
Grand Rajuds, [1897]. O. pam.
GRANGER, F. S. I'sychology, a short account of the human mind.
Lond., 1891. S. (Univ. ex. ser.)
GRANGER, Moses. The battle of Cedar Creek. (In Hunter, R. ed.
Sketches of war history.)
GRANT, Mrs. Anne Macvicar. Letters from the mountains: being
the correspondence with her friends between the years 1773
and 1803; ed. with notes and additions by J. P. Grant. Gth
ed. Lond., 1845. 2 v. D.
Memoir and correspondence; ed. by J. P. Grant. 2d ed.
Lond., 184.5. 3 v. D.
GRANT, Arthur .^. (h-eece in the age of Pericles. N. Y., 1893. 11.
S. (Univ. ser.)
GRANT, Frederick. Jieid.-coJ. Life of Samuel Johnson. Lond.^
1887. O. (Great writers.)
GRANT, George Monro, ed. Picturesque Canada; the country
as it was and is. Toronto, [c. 1882]. 2 v. il, pi. F.
GRANT, Sir James Hope. Incidents in the China war of 18(>0;
com])iled from the private journals of G., by Henry KnoUys.
Edin. and Lond., 1875. maps. D.
Incidents in the Sepoy war 1857-58; compiled from the private
journals of G., together with some explanatory chaptei's by
Heurv Knoll vs. Edin. and Lond., 1873. maps. D.
GRANT, Robert. The art of living. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
The north shore of Massachusetts. N. Y., 1896. il. 03 ].. S.
(Amer. summer resorts.)
The opinions of a philosoplior. N. Y., 1894. il. S.
The reflections of a married man. N. Y., 1894, 165 p. S.
Tarpon fishing in Florida. {In Yale, L. M. and oihers. Angling.)
GRANT, T'lysses Sim])son. Letter in 1870 to Gov. Chamberlain, of
South Carolina on the Hamburg massacre. (Id Repulili'an
campaign docs. 1880.)
General Grant's letters to a friend, 1861-1880; with introduc-
tion and notes by James Grant Wilson. N. Y., 1897. ]»
132 p. S.
CHURCH, W: C. Ulysses S. Grant, and the period of national preser-
vation and reconstruction. N. Y., 1897. maps. D. (Heroes of the
ODELL. S: W. Life, (/n Lives and campaigns of Grant and T.,ee.)
[GRANVILLE, Augustus Bozzi]. Spas of Germany. Loud.. 18:^7.
2 V. pi. O.
GRANVILLE. Jean Ignace Isidore G.'-rard. dit. Ser Gi^^rard, J. I. I.
GRAPHK\ The (continuation); v. 0.56; .luly 1872-Dec. L807. Lond..
1872-97. 51 V. F.
GRAPHIC, The (dailv); Mar. Lst to .Tune :'.Oth. L^73. N. Y., 1873.
GEAPHIC gallery of Sliakesijeare's heroines, a series of studies in
goiipilgravure from paintings b}' L. Alma Tadema [and
others] ; stories of the plavs bv W : E. Henley. Lond., 1888.
il. pi. F.
GKAS, F($lix. The reds of the Midi: an ejnsode of the French revo-
lution, tr. by C. A. Janvier. X. Y., 1896. por. S.
GRASS Valley telegraph [weekly] ; Jan. 6, 1894-Dec. 25, 1897.
Grass Valley, 1804-97. F.
GRASS A^alley union [daily] ; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. Grass Valley,
1891-97. 14 V. F.
GRAVES, Clo, Farjeon, B. L. [and others.] Seven Xmas eves: be-
ing the romance of a social evolution; with illustrations by
Dudley Hardy. Phil., 1894. il. D.
GRAVESEXD, Richard de. hp. of London. Account of the execu-
tors of Richard bp. of London 1303, and of the executors of
Thomas bp. of Exeter 1310; ed. from the original mss. by W.
H. Hale and H. T. Ellacombe. [Westminster], 1874. 39+
148 p. pi. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 10.)
GRAV, Andrew. Theory and practice of absolute measurements
in electricity and magnetism, v. 1. Lond., 1888. D.
GRAY, Asa. How plants grow: a simple introduction to structu-
ral botany. N. Y., [c. 1858]. il. D.
Scientific papers; selected by C: S. Sargent; vol. 1. Reviews
of works on botany and related subjects, 1834-1887. 2. Es.
savs; biographical sketches, 1841-1886. Bost., 1889. 2 v.
Structural botany; or. Organography on the basis of morphol-
ogy; to w^hich is added the principles of taxonomv and phy-
tography. N. Y. and Chic, [c. 1879]. il. O. (Gray's bo-
tanical text- book, 6th ed.)
GRAY, Henry. Anatomy descriptive and surgical. New Ameri-
can from the thirteenth English ed.; edited by T. P. Pick.
Phil., 1893. il. Q.
GRAY, Maxwell, pseud. See Tuttiett, Miss Marv G.
GRAY, Thomas.
GOSSE, E. W. Gray. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (E. M. L. ser.)
GRAZILHIER, John. See Barbot, J., and Grazilhier, J. Voyage
to New" Kalabar, Bandi, and Doni rivers.
GRAZZLSONCINI, G. Wine; classification, wine tasting, quali-
ties and defects; tr. by F. T. Bioletti. Sac, 1892. 57 p.
O. (App. E. to Rept. Cal. Bd. of State Vit. Com. 1891-92.
Same in Rept.)
GRfiARD, Vallery C. O. Meissonier his life and his art: with ex-
tracts from his note-books, and liis opinions and impressions
on art and artists, collected bv his wife. N. Y., 1897. 11.
pi. F.
GREAT Britain and Ireland. Parliament. Debates, 1625; ed. from
ms. in the library of Sir R. Knightley, by S. R. Gardiner.
[Westminster], 1873. O. (Camden Soc m s., v. 6.)
[Land titles and transfer]. Lond., 1850-89. 4 v. F.
Contents: Vol. 1 Registration and conveyancing commission; First
report. 1850. 2. Reports upon registration, simplification of titles,
mortgages, and sales. 1851. Report of the commissioners appointed to
(;i:M:if\L ni:i'\inMi:xT. 363
GREAT liritain and liclaiul. /''irllainenl.
consider the suhjecl of the registration of title with reference to the
sale and transfer of land. 1857. 3. Certain Acts passed by the legis-
latures of South Australia and New Zealand relating to the registra-
tion and transfer of land. 1862. Registration of title (Australian
colonies). 1872. Registration of title (British colonies). 1881. 4.
Rep irt on land titles and transfer, 1878-79. Report by Mr. C. S. Scott
on the conveyance and registration of land titles in Prussia. 1887.
Report by Mr. W. A. C. Harrington on the system of land registration
in Hungary. 1887. Report on the Registry of Deeds, Dublin. 1886.
Report on the land transfer bill [H. L.]. 1889.
Xoi-tli American boimdai-y. Lond., [1838-43]. F.
Coutoit-s: Correspondence relating to the boundary between the
British possessions in N. A. and the U. S. under the treaty of 1783.
1838-43. 4 pis. maps. Supplementary reports relating to [same].
1842. !
— [North American fisherios]. Lond., [1887-88]. F.
('(intents: Correspondence relative to the North American fisheries.
1884-88, with treaty Feb. 15, 1888. 3 pts.
Xortli-west American water boundary. Lond., [18G0-7G].
('(intints: Correspondence respecting the island of San Juan. 1860.
Correspondence respecting the negotiations with the IT. S. Govern-
ment on the question of the "Alabama" and British claims, naturali-
zation, and San Juan water boundary. 1869. Despatch from Lord
John Russell to Lord Lyons, Nov. 22, 1860, respecting the San Juan
water boundary. 1869. Memorial on the Canal de Haro as the bound-
ary line of the U. S. . 1873. Second and definitive statement on be-
half of the government of Her Britannic Majesty submitted to the
Emperor of Germany under the treaty of May 8, 1871. . 1873. Reply
of the U. S. to the case of the government of Her Britannic Majesty.
1873. Maps annexed to the case of the government of her Britannic
Majesty, 1873. Maps annexed to the memorial and reply of the U.
S. government, 1873. Correspondence respecting the award of the
emperor of Germany in the matter of the boundary line between G.
B. and the U. S. under the treaties of June 15, 1846 and May 6, 1871.
1873. Protocol signed at Washington on the 10th of March, 1873, de-
fining the boundary line through the Canal de Haro in accordance
with the award of the emperor of Germany of Oct. 21, 1872. 1873.
Correspondence respecting the determination of the north-western
boundary between Canada and the U. S. . 1875-76. 2 pts.
Parliamentary debates; 4th scr. v. l-'A. Feb. 9, 1892-
July30, 1897. [Lond.], 1892-97. 51 v. O.
Xotc: Vol. 6 is general index 1st sess. 1892. v 35 is general index
4th sess. 189.5.
Coniinved from Hansard. T: r. r,]. ]»arliamentary de-
rarliaiiiciiiary debates in Kill); (mI. from the notes of a
member of the House of Commons, by S. U. (Jardiner.
[Lond.], 1826. O. (f\imden Soc, v. 81.)
]{e])ort of the special commission, 1888. Lond.. 1890. F.
[Seal Fisheries]. Lond., [1890-91]. F.
Cnntcuts: Correspondence respecting the Behring sea seal fisheries,
1886-91. 3 pts. 1890-91. Correspondence respecting the seizure of
the British schooner "Araunah" off Copper Island by the Russian au-
thorities. 1890.
GREAT Britain and Ireland. Parliament. Special commission act,
1888; reprint of tlie shorthand notes of the speeches, pro-
ceedings, and evidence taken before the commissioners ap-
pointed nnder the above named act. Lond., 1890 11 v F
[Treaty with U. S. 1812, etc.] Lond., [184.3-16]. F.'
Contents: Papers relative to the special mission of Lord Ashburton
to the U. S. in 1842. 1843. Treaty between Her Majesty and the U S
Aug. 9, 1842. 1843. Correspondence between Great Britain and the
U. S. relative to the treaty lately concluded at Washington; including
instructions from the Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Ashburton, 1842-43
1843. Correspondence respecting the operations of the commission for
running and tracing the boundary line between Her Majesty's posses-
sions in N. A. and the U. S. under the treaty Aug. 9, 1842. map 1845
Treaty between Her Majesty and the U. S. for the settlement of the
Oregon boundary, June 15, 1846. 1846. Correspondence relative to
the negotiation of the question of disputed right to the Oregon terri-
tory; subsequent to the treaty, Aug. 9, 1842. 1846.
Becord Commission. Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis
retornatarum quae, in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc ser-
vantur, abbreviatio. [Lond.], 1811-16. 3 v. F.
• Royal Commission on the Uind, the deaf and dumb, etc. Education
of deaf children: evidence of E. M. Gallaudet and A. G. Bell,
presented to the Commission; ed. by J. C. Gordon. Wash.,
1892. pi. pors. charts. F.
GREAT commanders series; ed. by J. G. Wilson. N. Y., 1892-95.
9 V. pors. maps. D.
Namd!/: Farragut, Admiral, by A. T. Mahan. Greene Genl by F
V. Greene. Hancock, Genl., by F. A. Walker. Jackson, Genl' by j"
Parton. Johnson, Genl., by R. M. Hughes. Lee, Genl by F Lee
Scott, Genl., by M. P. Wright. Thomas, Genl., by H. Copp6e Wash-
ington, by B. F. Johnson.
GREAT educators: ed. by N. M. Butler. N. Y., 1892-97. 7 v. D.
Namcti/: Abelard, by G. Compayre. Alcuin, by A. F. West. Aris-
totle, by T: Davidson. Thomas and Matthew Arnold, by Sir J. Fitch.
Froebel, by H. C. Bowen. Herbert and the Herbartians, by C: De
Garmo. Loyola, by T: Hughes.
GREAT musicians series; ed. by F. Hueffer. N. Y., 1890. 2 v. D.
Kamdij: Beethoven, by H. A. Rudall. Cherubini, by F. J. Crowest.
GREAT usurpation, The; The United States under the confederate
Senate and House of Representatives: an oligarchv. {In Re-
publican campaign docs., 1880.)
GREAT writers; ed. by E. Robertson and F. T. Marzials Lond
1887-96. 41 v. O. S.
Kameli/: Austen, by G. Smith. Balzac, by F. Wedmore Bronte by
A. Birrell. Browning, by W: Sharp. Bunyan, by E. Venables By-
ron, by R: Noel. Carlyle, by R: Garnett. Cervantes, by H- E Watts
Coleridge, by H. Caine. Congreve, by E. Gosse. Crabbe by T E
Kebbel. Darwin, by G. T. Bettany. Dickens, by F. T. Marzials. El-
iot, by O. Browning. Emerson, by R. Garnett. Goethe, by J. Sime.
Goldsmith, by H. A. Dobson. Hawthorne, by M. D. Conway Heine
by W: Sharp. Hugo, by F. T. Marzials. Hunt, by C. Monkhouse.'
Johnson, by F. Grant. Keats, by W. M. Rosetti. Lessing, by T W
Rolleston. Longfellow, by E. S. Robertson. Marryat, by D. Hannay
Mill, by W. L. Courtney. Milton, by R. Garnett. Renan. by F Espi-
nasse. Rossetti, by J. Knight. Schiller, by H. W. Nevinson Scho-
penhauer, by W. Wallace. Scott, by C. D. Yonge. Shelley by W-
Sharp. Sheridan, by L. C. Sanders. Smith, A., by R. B. Haldane.
Smollett, by D. Hannay. Thackerav, hv H. l^J^erivaie nnd F T Mar-
zials. Thoreau, by H. S. Salt. Voltaire, oy T. Espinasse. Whittier,
by W. J. Linton.
GJIEATHED, JJ. 11. Lt'lti-is wiittun during the siege of Delhi; ed.
by bis widow. J.oiid., 18.j8. map. D.
GKEEK poets in Eij<;lisb verse by various trauslatois; ed. with
notes and iulioduetion by W: 11. Appleton. LJost., 181)4. D.
(JKEELEY, Horace. Greeley on Lincoln; with Mr. Greeley's letters
to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend; to which are added
reminiscences of Horace Greeley. Edited by Joel IJenLon.
N. Y., [c. 180:5]. por. facsiiu. D.
ed. Life and public services of Henry Clay down to 1848 by
Epes iSargenl; ed. and completed at Mr. Clay's death bv G.
Phil., [c. 1852]. por. 1).
GREELY, Adolphus \\'asliington. gen. Explorers and travellers.
N. Y., 1S03. il. por. i>. (Men of achievement.)
Handbook of Arctic discoveries. Bost., 1896. maps. S. (Co-
lumbian knowledge ser.)
and Glassford, \\. A. Report on the climate of California and
Nevada, with particular reference to questions of irrigation
and water storage in the arid region. Wash., 18J>1. maps.
Q. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
GKEEX, Mrs. Alice Stopford. Henry the Second. Lond., 1889. D.
(Twelve Eng. statemen.)
Town life in the Fifteenth century. N. Y'., 1894. 2 v. O.
GREEN, Ashdown H. Notes on the occurrence of new and rare fish
in British Columbia. Victoria, 189.3. O. (B. C. Nat. Hist.
Soc. Bull. no. 1.)
GREEN, C. De B. See Danby, W. H., and Green, C. De B. Ento-
mology of B. Columbia.
GREEN, J. L. Allotments and small holdings. Lond., 189G. D.
(Social sci. ser.)
GREEN, John. New general collection of voyages and travels.
Lond., 1745-47. 4 v. pi. maps. O.
Contents: V. 1. Rise and progress of navigation and commerce. Voy-
ages to the South-East and East Indies, till the Europeans settled
there. Voyages and discoveries of the Portugueze along the coast of
Africa as far as the Cape of Good Hope; collected from Faria y Soufa
and otners. — Portugueze sent to discover the East Indies by land, with
account of the first settlements in Mandinga, Guinea, and Kongo. —
Gama, V. da. Voyage to India 1497.— Cabral, P. A. Voyage 1500.—
Nueva, J. de. Voyage to the East Indies. [1500.] — Gama, V. de.
Second voyage in 1502. Voyage and transactions of Portugueze in
India from 1503-07; with exploits of Pacheco; extracted from Casto-
neda, and others.— Exploits in 1507 under F. de Almeyda; extracted
from Castaneda and others. — Exploits of Albuquerque, 1510-16. — Por-
tugueze transactions in India in 1516-21, under government of Soarez,
— Transactions and discoveries of the Portugueze 1521-42. — Account
of Portugueze possessions from the Cape of Good Hope to China. —
Voyage of Soleyman Basha from Suez to India in his expedition
against the Portugueze at Diu, 1537.— Siege of Diu by Soleyman Basha
in 1539. — Castro, J. de. Voyage of d. de Gama, frorn Goa to Suez in
1540. — Description of the sea of Kolzum; from Abii'lfeda's geography.
— Second siege of Diu, by Mahmiid, king of Kambaya 1545, under the
government of J. de Castro. — Firs-/ rngage of the English to Guinea and
the East Indies. Thomas, J. Second voyage to Barbary in 1552 by
T: Windham. Voyage to Guinea and Benin 1553, by T: Windham
and A. A. Pinteado. Second voyage to Guinea by Captain J: Lok
1554. — Towrson, W: Three voyages to the coast of Guinea 1555-57. —
Voyages to Guinea in 1561-62 and 1564-66. — Wren, W. Voyage of
GREEN, John. New general collection of voyages and travels.
Capt. G: Fenner to the islands of Cape Verde, 1566. — Stephens, T.
Voyage to Goa, 1579. — Naval expeditions and cruizing voyages against
the Spaniards and Portugiieze. — Welsh, J. Two voyages to Benin
beyond Guinea, 1588-90. — Wright, E. Cruising voyage by G: earl of
Cumberland to the Azores, 1589. — Raleigh, »S/r W. Fight between the
Revenge, commanded by Sir R. Greenville, and fifteen armadas of the
king of Spain, 1591. — Flicke, R. Cruizing voyage to the Azores, 1591;
added an account of the West India fleet. — Linschoten, J. H. van. Ex-
ploits of the English in expeditions and cruizing voyages, 1589-92. —
Barker, E. Voyage to East Indies, 1591, begun by Capt. G: Raymond
finished by Capt. J. Lancaster. Rainolds, R. and Dassel, T. Voyages
to the rivers of Senega and Gambra, 1591. — Cruizing voyage to the
Azores, 1592, by Sir J: Burroughs.— Two sea-fights, 1592 [and] 1593. —
Voyage of Capt. Wood toward the East Indies, 1596. — Davis J: Voy-
age to the East Indies, 1598. — First voyages of the Eiujlish to the East
Indies set forth by the Company of Merchants. Voyage of Captain James
Lancaster, 1600. — Voyage of Captain H. Middleton, l604. — Scot, E. Ac-
count of Java, and the first settlement of the English at Bantam, 1602-
05.— Voyage of Sir E. Michelburne to Bantam, 1604.— Keeling, W:
Voyage to Bantam and Banda, 1607. — Voyage of Captain D. Middleton
to Bantam and the Molukkos, 1607. — Coverte, R. Voyage of Captain
A. Sharpey, 1608. — Jones, T. Brief account of the same voyage of
the Ascension. — Voyage of Captain R. Rowles to Priaman, in the
Union. — Middleton, D. Voyage to Java and Banda, 1609. — Middleton,
Sir H. Voyage to Red Sea and Surat, 1610. Dounton, N. Journal of
the same voyage of Sir H. Middleton. — Marten, N. Voyage of Captain
A. Hippon to Koromandel, Bantam, and Siam, 1611.^Floris, P. W.
Journal in the same voyage of Captain Hippon. — Tatton, J: Voyage
of Captain S. Castleton to Priaman, 1612. — Saris, J: Voyage to the
Red Sea, Molukkos and Japan, 1611; — Occurrences at Bantam and
other parts of the East Indies, Oct. 1605-Oct. 1609.— Cocks, R. Rela-
tion of what passed at Firando in the General's absence, — Affairs of
Japan, 1614-20. — Adams, W: Voyage to Japan, with adventures and
promotion there. Yoyofies to several parts of Africa and the islands
adjacent. Nichols, T: Description of the Canary Islands and Ma-
dera; added farther account of each, from later authors. — Cada-Mosto,
A. da. Voyage in 1455 along the coast of Africa, as far as Rio Grande;
— Second voyage, 1456, Cape Verde Islands discovered; — Voyage of
Captain P. de Cintra, to Sierra Leona. — Roberts, G: Voyage to the
Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, 1721; — Description of Cape
de Verde..
2. Voyages and travels along the ivestern coast of Africa from Cape
Blanco to Sierra Leona. Account of the French settlements between
Cape Blanco and Sierra Leona. — Jamequin, C. Abstract of a voyage
to Lybia, particularly to the kingdom of Sanaga. — Brue, A. Voyages
and travels along the western coasts of Africa; — Description of the
river Sanaga.^First voyage of the Sieur Brue up the Sanaga, 1697. —
The Sieur Briie's second voyage up the Sanaga to the kingdom of Ga-
1am, 1698. — Differences between the English and French about the
trade of the river Gambra. — The Sieur Briie's journey from Albreda,
on the river Gambra to Kachao, by land, 1700. — Sieur Briie's voyage
to the isles of Bissao and Bissagos, 1700.— Sieur Briie's attempt for a
discovery of the lake of Kayor, 1714.— Third voyage of the Sieur Briie
up the Sanaga, 1715. — Account of the country to the north of the Sa-
naga where the gum is gathered. — Campagnon, P. Account of the
discovery of the kingdom of Bambiik, and its gold mines, 1716. — Toy-
ages and travels along the western coast of Africa from Cape Blanco to
Sierra Leona, particularly an account of the English settlements and
trade on the river Gambra. Rise and progress of the English Royal
African Company. — General description of the river Gambra; with
account of the European settlements. — Jobson, R. Voyage for the
discovery of the river Gambra, and the golden trade of Tombuto, 1620
and 1621. — Letter concerning the discovery of the gold mines, in a
GREEN. John. New ftviioial i-olk'ction of voyages and travels,
voyage up the Gambia.— Stibbs, B. Voyage up the Gam-
bra. 1724.— Moore, F. Travels into the inland parts of
Africa. — Remarkable captivity and deliverance of Job ben
Solomon, a Mohammedan priest of Bxinda, near the Gambra, 1732. — Of
trade carried on by Europeans, in the river Gambra. — Two voyages to
Cape de Verde, and the neighboring coast of Africa. — Account of the
Jaloss.— Of the Fiili inhabiting along the Gambra. Account of the
Mandingos.— Customs and rites common to the Jaloss, Full and Man-
dingos. Description of the country and inhabitants of Sierra Leone.
— Natural history of this part of Africa. Voiiaycs anil hricrls tn Guinea
aud lidiiii. Villault, sieur de Bellefond. Abstract of a voyage to the
coast of Africa and Guinea, 1666. — Phillips, T: Voyage along the
coast of Guinea to Whidaw, the island of St. Thomas, and thence to
Barbadoes, 1693. — Loyer, G. Voyage to Issini on the gold coast, 1701;
with description of the country and its inhabitants. — Atkins, J: Voy-
age to Guinea. Brazil, and the West Indies, 1721.— Marchais, R. des.
Voyage to Guinea, 1725.— Smith, W: Voyage to Guinea, 1726.— Snel-
grave, W: New account of Guinea and the slaves-trade, 1730. — Des-
cription of Guinea. Malaghetta, grain, or pepper coast. — Account of
the inland countries between Sierra Leona and Rio Sextos. — Ivory
coast. — Gold coast its discovery and settlements made there by Euro-
peans. — Geogi-aphy of the gold coast.— Inland countries behind the
gold coast. — Of the gold coast negroes.— Natural history of the gold
3. Voyages and trarels to Guinea and Benin, containing a description
of the coasts from Kio da Yalta to cape Lope Gonsalio. Kingdoms of
Koto and Popo. — Kingdom of Whidah. — Of the Whiuah negros. — Of
the marriages, diversions, diseases and funerals of the natives. — Re-
ligion of the Whidah blacks. — Government of Whidah. — Natural his-
tory [of Whidah]. — Elbee, sieur d'. Voyage to Ardrah, and travels
to the capital Assem. 1669-70; added an embassy from the king of
Ardrah to Louis the Foui-teenth. — Kingdom of Ardrah. — Voi/ages and
travels to Guinea and Benin, containing a description of Binin and the
coast as far as Kongo. — Account of the kingdom of Benin.— Barbot, J.
and Grazilhier, J: Voyage to New Kalabar, Bandi, and Doni rivers,
1699. — Coast from Old Kalabar river to Cape Lope Gonsalvo. — Voyages
and travels to Kongo and Angola. Lopez, E. and Battee, A. Voyages. —
Angiolo, M. and Carli, D. Voyage to Kongo, 1666-67. — Merolla da Sor-
rento. Voyage to Kongo and several other countries in the south part
of Africa, 1682. — Barbot, J. and Casseneuve, J: Abstract of a voyage
to Kongo river and Kabinda, 1700. — Description of the kingdoms of Lo-
ango, Kongo, Angola, Benguela,and the adjacent countries. — Kingdom of
Loango. — Description of the kingdom of Kongo. — Manners and cus-
toms of the inhabitants of Kongo. — Government of Kongo. — Descrip-
tion of the kingdom of Dongo and Benguela. — Manners and customs
of the inhabitants of Angola. — Religion of Kongo. Angola, and Ben-
guela. — Natural history of Kongo, Angoia, and Ben-
guela. — Description of the countries along the eastern coast of Africa.
Kolben, P. Account of the country of the Hottentots. — Description of
the Dutch possessions at the Cape. — Manners, customs, occupations,
commerce, religion and government of the Hottentots. — Natural his-
tory of the countries towards the Cape of Good Hope. — Hamilton, A.
Remarks on the maritime countries and islands between the capes
of Good Hope and Guarda Fuy. Faria y Sousa, M. de. Account of
the empire of Monomotapa. — Voyages and travels into Asia; Voyages
and trarels in the empire of China. Nieuhnff, J. Embassy of P. de
Goyer and J. de Keyzer from the Dutch Easi India Company to the
Emperor of China, 165.5.— Montanus, A. Embassy of J: Van Campen
and C. Noble to Sing la Mong, Vice Roy of Fo kyen.— Expedition of
the Dutch for recovering Formosa. — Embassy of the Lord Van
Hoorn to Kank hi. Emperor of China. — Narrative of
the Dutch embassy in 1655.— First attempts of the Dutch to trade in
CtKEPJX, John. New {general collection of voyages and travels,
China, and settlement at Tay wan. — Travels of Navarette through
China in 1658. — Travels of five French Jesuits from Niug po fu to Pe-
king, 1GS7. — Fontaney, J. de. Journey from Peking to Kyang cheu,
and thence to Nan king, 1688.— Bouvet, J. Journey from Peking to
Kanton, 1693.— Gemelli Careri, G. F. Travels in China, 1695.— Ides, B.
I. Travels in China, 1693.— Lange, L. Travels in China, 1717.— Gau-
bi, A. Journey from Kanton to Pekin, 1722. — Viani, P. Legation of
Charles Ambrose Mezzabarba, from the Pope to the emperor Kang hi,
4. DcKiriiitkin of Vhina (■oniainiinj ilu i/cufjKiphi/, with tlw civil and
natural tiistori/; IJef.'E, Frank L. Descendants of Joseph Greene of Westerley,
K. I., and other branches of the Greenes of Qiiidnesset, or,
Kingston, K. I., and other lines of Greenes in America. Al-
bany, 1894. O.
GlvEE^.'E, Fiederick Davis. The Armenian crisis in Turkey; the
massacre of 1804, its antecedents and significance. N. Y.,
1895. il. 180 p. D.
GREENE, G. A. Italian lyrists of to-day: translations from con-
temporary Italian poetry, with biographical notices. Lond.,
1893. D.
GREENE, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. Bost. and N. Y'., 1889.
il. pi. maj). S. (Riverside lib. for 3'oung })eople, no. 5.)
GREENE, Jacob L. Our currency problems: a i»aper read before the
Hartford Board of Trade. March :i;{, 1890. [Hartford, 1890.]
27 p. O.
GREENE, Nathanael.
GREENE, F. V. General Greene. N. Y., 1893. por. maps. D.
(Great commanders.)
GREENE, Nathaniel. //•. Mundt, C. M. Tlie daughter of an em-
GREENE, Reuben. Genealogical sketch of the descendants of Rob-
ert Greene of Wales, Mass. Bost., 188,"). por. D.
GREENE, William Thomas. Parrots in captivity. Lond., 1884-87.
3 V. col. pi. O.
GREENE family.
GREENE, Frank L. Descendants of Joseph Greene of Westerly, R.
I., and other lines of Greenes in America. Albany, 1894. O.
GREENE, R. Genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert
Greene of Wales, Mass. Bost.. 1885. il. D.
COMMEMORATION of the life and public services of G., late governor
of the commonwealth, by the Massachusetts General Court. April
18, 1896. [n. imp]. 1896. por. O.
GREENIDGE, A. H. J. A handbook of Greek constitutional his-
tory. Lond., 1890. maj). D. (Hand-books of archaeology
and antiq.)
GREENISH, Henrv G. tr. Dragendortf, G. TMant analysis.
GREENSTREET, W. J. //•. Fouilee, A. Education from a na-
tional standpoint.
Guvau, J. M. I'Alucation and heredity.
MEAD, D: M. History of the town of Greenwich, Fairfield county.
Conn., with many important statistics. N. Y., 1857. D.
GREENWOOD, Francis William Pitt. Lives of the twelve apostles;
to which is prefixed a life of John, the Baptist. Republished
from the 3d ed. Host., 1892. S.
GREENWOOD, Grace, pseud. Ser Lippincott, -¥?-.s. Sarah J. C.
GREENWOOD, Joseph Gouge. On some relations of culture ta
practical life. (In Owens College essays, 1874.)
GR£GOIRE de Tours. See Gregorius, G. F. hp. of Tours.
GKEGOR, Ihv. Walter. Notes on the folk-lore of the northeast of
Scotland. Lond., 1881. O. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 7.)
GREGORIUS II, St. the Great, pope. Book of pastoral rule and se-
lected epistles; tr. with introduction, notes and indices by
J. Barmby. {In Select lib. of Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers,
2d ser., v. 12.)
Pastoral care: King Alfred's west-Saxon version with an Eng-
lish trans.: Latin text, notes and an introduction, ed. by H.
Sweet. Lond., 1871. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 15, 50.)
GREGORIUS Nazianzenus, St., abp. of Constantinople. Select ora-
tions; tr. by C; G. Browne and J. E. Swallow. (Schaff, P.,
and Wace, H,, eds. Sel. lib. of Nicene and Post-Nicene
fathers. 2d ser., v. 7.)
GREGORIUS. hp. of Nyssa. Select writings and letters; tr. with
prolegomena, notes, and indices by W: Moore and H: A. Wil-
son. ^N. Y., 1893. O. (Same, v. 5.)
GREGORIUS. (Georgius Florentius). hp. of Tours. Histoire des
Francs. (In Col. des m(?m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 182.3. s. 3,
V. 1-2.)
GREGOROVIUS, Ferdinand. History of the city of Rome in the
middle ages; tr. by A. Hamilton. Lond., 1894. 4 v. in 5. D.
GREGORY, Caspar Ren^. tr. Luthardt, C. E. St. John's Gospel
described and explained. Edin., 1876-78. 3 v. O.
GREGORY, Daniel Seeley, D.D. Christian ethics; or. The true
moral manhood and life of duty. Phil., [c. 1875]. D.
GREGORY, J. F. Telegraphic code to insure secrecy in the trans-
mission of telegrams. Wash., 1886. S.
GREGORY, Jeannette R. Practical suggestions for kindergartners,
primary teachers and mothers: a program with suitable talks,
stories and illustrations. St. Louis, 1893. il. Q.
GREGORY, John. Industrial resources of Wisconsin. Milwaukee,
1855. S.
GREGORY, John, M.D. A father's legacy to his daughters; [and]
a letter to a new-married lady, by Mrs. Chapone. Lond., 1822.
8-1-160 p. S.
GREGORY, John Walter. The great rift valley, being the narra-
tive of a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo, with
some account of the geology, natural history, anthropology
and future prospects of British East Africa. Lond., 1896. il.
maps. O.
GREGORY, Richard A. The vault of heaven, elementary text book
of modern physical astronomy. Lond.. 1893. S. (T^niv. ex.
GREGORY, William. Chronicle of London. (In Hist, coll.; ed. by
J. Gnirdner. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 17.)
GRENFELL, B. P. Oxyrhvnchus and its papyri. (In Egypt ex.
fund. Arch. rept. 1896-97.)
GRESWELL. William Parr. Geography of Africa south of the
Zambesi; with notes on the industries, wealth, and social
progress of the states and peoples. Oxford, 1892. maps. D.
r;KEi1. 12-1-154 p. maps. D.
History of the Dominion of Canada. Oxford, 18!)(). mapa. D.
UKEVILLE, Charles Cavi'iiditsh Fnlko. The Greville memoirs: a
journal of the leigns of King George IV. and King William
IV.; ed. by K. H. Stoddard. New ed. N. Y., 1870. por. IS.
(Bric-a-brac ser. v. 5.)
GREVILLE, Edward, ed. The year-book of Australia for 181>2.
Lond., [etc., 18J)2]. maps. O.
GKEVILLE, Kobert Kaye. Flora Edinensis; or, a descrii)tion (jf
plants growing near Edinburgh, arranged according to the
Linnean system; with a concise introduction to the natuial
orders of the class cryptogamia. Edin., 1824. pi. O.
GREVILLEA: a quarterly record of cryptogamic botany and its lit-
erature; ed. bv M. C. Cooke (continuation); v. lH-19. Loud.,
Edin., 1884-91.' 7 v. pi. O.
GREY, Albert Henry George, carl. The commercial policy of the
British colonies and the McKinley tariff. Lond., 1892. 7!> p.
GREY, Arthur. Inlli baron Grei/, of Wilion. Commentary of the ser-
vices and charges of William, Lord Grey; with memoir of the
author and illustrative documents; ed. by Sir P. de M. G.
Egerton. Lond., 1847. 24-f83 p. pi. O. (Camden Soc, v.
GREY, Lady Jane. See Dudley, Lady Jane Grey.
GREY, William. A picture of pioneer times in California, illus-
trated with anecdotes and stories taken from real life. S. F.,
1881. O.
GREY, Sir William. IMh haron Grey, of Wilton.
GREY, A. Commentary of the services and charges of G.; ed. by Sir
P. de M. G. Egerton. Lond., 1847. 24-|-83 pi. 0. (Camden Soc.
V. 40.)
GREY Friars of London. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London;
ed. by J: G. Nichols. [Lond.], 1852. 35-i-108 p. O. {Satne,
V. 53.)
GRIFFIN, B. Fidessa, more chaste than kind. {Ln Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 5, p. 587.)
GRIFFIN, George Butler, ed. and Ir. Documents from the Sutro
collection. Los Angeles, 1891. O. (Hist. Soc. of Southern
Cal. V. 2:1.)
GRIFFIN, James, comp. Flags, national and mercantile; for the
use of officers of the Royal navy, mercantile marine, and
yacht squadrons. 2d ed. Portsmouth. 1891. il. O.
GRIFFIN, Sir Lepel Henry. Th<' great republic. 2d ed. Lend.,
1884. D.
The Rajas of the Punjab: being the history of the princijial
states in the Punjab and their political relations with the
British government. 2d ed. Lond., 1873.
GRIFFIN, W. Hall. ed. A handbook of English literature, origin-
ally compiled by Austin Dobson. New ed. rev. N. Y.. 1897.
hicaI botany; 1844. {fn
samr, 1849.)
Report on the progress of geogrni>lii(al and systematic botany;
1845. (hi same.)
GRISWOLI). Ste])hen B. romp. Subject index of the New York
State Law library from .Ian. 1. 1883 ,to Dec. 31, 1893. Al-
bany. 1894. O. (Additions no. '_'.)
GRISWOLT). ^^'illiam ^Macrillis. ronij). l)escri].tive list of liritish
novels. Canibiidge. 1891. O.
Descrii)tive list of international novels. Camb.. 18!H. O.
Descrij)tive list of novels and tales dealing with American iiry
life. Camb., 1891. O.
Descriy»tive list of novels and tales dealing with Anieri-an
country life. Camb., 1890. 52 ].. O.
Descriptive list of romantic novels. Camb., 1890. O.
A directory of writers foi- the literary press, particularly in the
Ciiited States, .'^d ed. r.;ingor. 1S!)(I. .59 p. O.
GKUHMAN, \\'illiam A. Baillie. Camps in the Kockies. N. Y.,
1882. map. D.
^poi't iu the Alps in the past and present. N. Y., 1896. il. pi.
GKOLIER Club, (N. Y.j Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of
a centenary of artistic lithography. 1796-1896. N. Y., 1896.
il. 83 p. O.
The catalogue of books from the libraries or collections of cele-
brated bibliophiles and illustrious persons of the past with
arms or devices upon the bindings, exhibited at the Grolier
Club, Jan. 1895. N. Y., 1895. il. 75 p. O.
Catalogue of the engraved work of Asher B. Durand exhibited
at the Club, April, 1895. N. Y., 1895 il. 103 p. O.
Effigies of the most famous English writers from Chaucer to
Johnson, exhibited Dec, 1891. N. Y., 1891. por. 78 p. O.
— -Transactions: pt. 2; from July, 1885-Feb., 1894. N. Y., 1894.
il. O.
GEONLUND, Laurence. The cooperative commonwealth in its out-
lines: an exposition of modern socialism. Bost., [c. 1884].
GK08AJ1T, Uev. Alexander B. ed. The voyage to Cadiz in 1625:
being a journal written by J : Glanville. [Westminster], 1883.
46-1-132 p. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 32.)
CiKOSE, Francis. Antiquities of Scotland. Lond., 1787. 2 v. pi.
[GKOSE, William. The story of the juarches, battles and incidents
of the 36th regiment Indiana volunteer infantry. New Castle,
1891. por. O.
GROSER, William Howse. Scripture natural history. I. The trees
and plants mentioned in the Bible. [Lond.], 1888. il. D.
(By-paths of Bible knowledge. 10.)
GROSS, A. Haller. See Gross, S: W\, and A. H. Autobiography of
Samuel D. Gross.
GROSS, Charles. The gild merchant: a contribution to British
municipal history. Oxford, 1890. 2 v. O.
GROSS, Samuel David, M.D. Autobiography: with reminiscences
of his times and contemporaries; ed. bv S: W. and A. H.
Gross. Phil., 1893. 2 v. O.
GROSS, Samuel Weissell, M.D. A practical treatise on tumors of
the mammary gland, embracing their histology, pathology,
diagnosis and treatment. N. Y., 1880. il. O.
and A. Haller. eds. Gross, S: D. Autobiograpl^y.
GROSSE, Ernst. The beginnings of art. N. Y., 1897. il. maps. D.
(Anthrop. ser.)
GROSSMANN, Edwina Booth. Edwin Booth. N. Y., 1894. pors.
GROTE, George. The Persian wars; from Grote's History of
Greece. Published by Harper and Brothers. N. Y., [n. d.].
GROULARD, Claude, M^moires; ou. Voyages par lui faits en cour.
{Jn Col. des m^m. rel. {\ I'hist. de France. 1826. s. 1., v. 49.)
GENlJh'AL ni:i'M{TMi:\T. 375
GKOIJNDW OKKE of counv-iatcliiiij;; jtaits aiMed to lliiriiian's
caiu'at. Loiul., 1,"»Dl\ (Karlv Kiig. Text Sue. i'ub. Exlra ser.
uo. y.j
GKOVE, tSir (jcoigc. Jieethovou aud his uiue symphonies. 2d ed.
Loud., 180G. D.
ai. Dic'tioiiai-y of imisic aud uiusiciaus (couliuualiou); 1450-
1889; V. 4; with app. ed. bv J. A. F. Maithuid. Loud., 1890.
ludex to the four voluuies aud catalogue or artich'S con-
tributed by each M'riter; bv Mrs. K. K. Wodehouse. Lond.,
1890. 4-^-188 p. O.
GKOVE, :Mrs. Lilly. Dancing. Lond., 1895. il. D. (The Badming-
tou Lib.)
GROVER, L. F. (jov. of Oregon. Inaugural address; 1870. Salem,
1870. O. pauip.
GROVES, Charles Edward, and Thorj), William, eds. Chemical
technology; or. Chemistry in its applications to arts aud
manufactures; with which is incorpoi'ated Richardson and
Vi'atts' Chemical technology, vol. 1, Fuel aud its applica-
tions, by E. J. Mills aud F. .J. Kowan; ed. by C: E. Groves.
Phil., 1889. il. pi. O.
GROAT, Gahisha A.
ADDRESSES on the presentation of the portraits of speakers Grow
and Randall; delivered in the House of Representatives. Wash.,
1892. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 32.)
GROAVOLL, Adolf. American book clubs, their beginnings and
historv and a bibliographv of their ]iublicatious. N. A'., 1897.
D. '
A bookseller's librarv. aud how k. use it. X. Y., 1891. 72—23
p. S.
GRUBER, Dr. Josef. A text-book of the diseases of the ear; tr. by
E: Law and C. Jewell. 2d Am. ed. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. O.
GRUEL, Guillaume. nistoire d'Artus III., due de Bretaigne, comte
de Richeinont et conuestable de France contenant ses mem-
orables faicts depuis Tan 1413 jusques i\ Fan 1457. (In Col.
des m^m. rel. ;\ Thist. de France. 1825. s. 1, v. 8.)
GRUNER, Lewis, cd. Sci'i])ture ]»rints from the frescoes of Ra])hael
in the Vatican; with an iutroductorv preface by the Rev. C:
H.n. Wright. Loud., LSGG. pi. F. '
GRTTTZNER. T)r. P. The nature of the electrical break-excitation.
[In Sanderson, J. S. B., ed. Tr. of foreign Viol.; Mem. I.:
Phys. of nerve muscle.)
GUBBIXS, ^Martin Richard. An accduul of the mutinies in Oudh
and of the sic^ge of the Luckuow Resiih'ucy. 2d ed. Loud.,
1858. pi. mai>s. O.
GUDRTJN: a mediaeval epic; tr. from the Middle-ITigh German by
M. P. Nichols. Bost. and N. Y.. 1889.
GUENTHER. Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf. The reptiles of Brit-
ish India. Lond., L%4. pi. F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
GTJERBER, TT. A. Legends of the Virgin and Christ, with special
reference to litei»ature and art. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
Stories of famous o])eras. X. Y., 1897. il. D.
Stories of the Wagner opera. N. Y.. 1896. il. 191 p. D.
GUERNSEY, Alfred Hudson, and Aldeu, Henry Mills. Harper's
pictorial history- of the great rebellion; pt. 1-2. Chic, [c.
186G-G8]. 2v. F.
GUERNSEY, Rocellus S. New York city and vicinity during the
war of 1812-15; v. 1. N. Y., 1889. Q.
GUEST, Lath/ Charlotte. See Schreiber, Lady C. E.
GUEST, Edwin. A history of English rhythms; a new edition ed-
ited by W. W. Slceat. Lond., 1882. O.
GUEULETTE, Thomas Simon. The thousand and one quarters of
an hour: (Tartarian tales) ed. by L. C. Smithers. Ed. des
Amateurs, no. 8. Lond., 1897. O.
GUGGENHEIMER, J. Caesar. The development of the executive
depai'tmeuts. {In Jameson, J. F., ed. Essays in the constitu-
tional history of the U. S.)
GUIBERT. abbot of St. Marie de Nogeiit. Histoire des croisades. (In
Col. des m^m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1825. s. 3, v. 9.)
Vie, par lui-meme. (In same, v. 9-10.)
GUIDE, The; [triweekly] ; Jan. 2-Dec. 29, 1871. S. F., 1871. F.
GUILD, Mrs. Mary Stiles Paul. The Stiles family in America: ge-
nealogies of the Massachusetts family .... and of the Dover,
N. H.. family. Albany, 1892. il. pork O.
GUILD, Reuben Aldridge. First commencement of Rhode Island
College, and especially the discussion of American independ-
ence which constituted the prominent feature of the com-
mencement exercises. (In R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 7.)
GUILD family.
BURLEIGH, C: Genealogy and history of the Guild, Guile, and Gile
family. Port., 1887. pors. O.
GUILE family. See Guild family.
GUILELMUS de Podia Laurevtii. See Guillaume de Puy Laurent.
GUILFORD, (Conn.).
SMITH, R. D. History of Guilford, Conn., from its first settlement in
1639. Albany., 1878. il. O.
GUILLAI'ME. abbot of St. Thierri, near PJieims. Vie de Saint-Ber-
nard. abb«? de Clairvaux. (In T'ol. m(5m. rel. a I'hist. de
France. 1825. s. 3, v. 10.)
GUILLAUME de Jumieges, surnamed Calculns. monl\ Histoire des
Normands. [In Same. 1820. s. 3, v. 29.)
GUILLAU^IE. monl of St. Denis. Vie de Suger. {In Same. 1825.
s. 3, V. 8.)
GUILLAT^ME de Nanr/is. Chronique. (In Same. 1825. s. 3, v. 13.)
GUILLAUME de Poitiers archdeacon of Lisieux. Vie de Guillaume le
conqu<^rant. (In Same. 1826. s. 3, v. 29.)
GUILLAX'ME de Puy-Laurent, Lat. G^iilehnus, de Podin Lainrntii.
Chronique contenant I'histoire de l'exp(^dition des Fram.ais
contre les Albigeois. (In Same. 1824. s. 3, v. 23.)
GUILLAUME de Tvr. ahp. of Tyre. See William of Tvre.
GUILLAT']ME. le Breton. Vie de Philippe-Auguste. (In Same. v. 11.)
rel. il rhist. de France. 1825. s. 3, v. 12.)
GUILLAT^IE. te Breton. Vie de Philippe-Auguste. (Iv Same.)
GUILLE:\L\RD. Francis Henry Hill. The cruise of the Marchesa
to Kamschatka and New Guinea. 2d ed. N. Y., 1889. il. pi.
maps. O.
GENERAL HHI'l in'MKM'. 377
Oril.LKMAlJI). Fiaiicis Hcniy Hill. Life of FcrdiiiiUMl Ma};vll:iii
and the liist circuiunavijiiil i-e thereof then hath hitherto been jmb-
lished bv any, thron. ?A
-1-1:31 p. D. ■
"WAKEMAN, T. B. Prof. Ernst Haeckel, his life, works, career, and
prophecy. {In Brooklyn Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, phil-
osophy, and art.)
ilAFEKKOKN, Henry E. Handy list of books on line aits and ar-
chitecture, painting-, sculpture, decoration, ornament, car-
pentry, building, art industries, etc. Milwaukee, I8;):j. O.
and Heise. I'aul. cump. Handy lists of technical literature;
pt. 14. Milwaukee, 1800-91. 5 v. O.
Kev to handv lists of technical literature; pt. 1-4. 5 pamps.
Contents: Pt. 1. Useful arts in general. 2. Military and naval sci-
ence. 2a. Electricity and magnetism. 3. Engineering and mechan-
ics. 4. Mines and mining.
HAGENBACH, Karl Kudolph. German rationalism, in its rise,
progress, and decline: a contribution to the church history
of the 18th and lUth centuries; ed. and tr. W: L. Gage and
J. H. W. Stuckenberg. Edin., 1865. O.
History of the reformation in Germany and Switzerland
chiefly; tr from the 4th new rev, ed. of the German, by E.
Moore. Edin., 1878-79. 2 v. O.
UAGEK, Joseph. An explanation of the elementary characters of
the Chinese; with an analysis of their ancient symbols and
hieroglyphics. Lond., 1801. F.
HAGGARD, Henry Rider. Long odds. (In Stories by Eng. authors.
HAGUE, Arnold. Geology of the Eureka district, Nevada. Wash.,
1892. pi. Q. (TJ. S. Geol. Surv. :Monograph, no. 20.)
Atlas to accompany [the above]. Wash., 1883. 13 sheets. P.
(Same. C. King, director.)
Needs of the Yellowstone National I'ark, {In U. S, Dept. of
Agri. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 2.)
HAIDAR ALt Ihan BahAdur.
"bOWRING, L. B. Haidar All and Tipu Sultan, ani the struggle with
the Musalman powers of the south. Oxford, 1893. D. (Rulers of
HAIGH, William M. See Bennett, L. G., and Haigh, W. M. History
of the Thirty-sixth regiment, Hlinois volunteers.
HAIGHT, Henrv H. Address delivered upon the completion of the
racific railroad, May 8, 1869. Sac, 1869. 6 p. O. {InU.'R.
pamps.. V. 4.)
■ Inaugural address, 1867. (In Cal. Gov. Inaugural addresses,
HAIN, Ileinrich Maria. The international language: a complete
grammar of Volapiik; with an introduction by Samuel
Eadon. Lond., 1888. S.
HAKE, Alfred Egmont, and Wesslau, O. E. Free trade in capitaL
Lond., 1890. O.
HAKLUYT, Richard. The voyages of the English nation to
America, before the year 1600; ed. by Edmund Goldsmid.
Edin., 1889-90. 4 v. "O.
HAKLUYT,. Richard. Voyages of William Hawkins, 1530, 1562-65.
{In Arbor E. Eng. Garner, v. 5.)
a7id Downton, N. capt. The destrnction, capture, etc. of Por-
tuguese Carraks by English seamen. 1592-1594. {In Same.
V. 8, p. 245.)
HAKLUYT Society. Works issued by the Hakluyt Society; no.
14, 82, S3. Lond., 1854-91. 3 v. O.
Nauiefy: 14. Drake, Sir F. Tlie world encompassed. 82-83 Voyage
of Francois Leguat.
HALDANE, Richard Burton. Life of Adam Smith. Lond., 1887.
0. (Great writers.)
HALE, Edward. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, from
1678 to 1697. N. Y., 1892. maps. S. (Epochs of mod. hist.)
HALE, Edward Everett. DJ). In his name; a story of the Wal-
denses seven hundred years ago. Bost., 1888. D.
Story of Massachusetts. Bost., [1892]. il. map. O. (Story
of the states.)
HALE, Edwin Moses. Ilex cassine the aboriginal North American
tea: its history, distribution, and use among the native N. A.
Indians. Wash., 1891. O. {In U. S. Dept. of Agrie. Div. of
Botany. Bull. no. 14.)
HALE, George AV. Police and prison cyclopaedia. Bost., 1892. O.
Same; Newly revised and enlarged edition. Bost., 1893. O.
HALE, Harry C. At St. Mary's. {In Out-of-door lib. Hunting.)
HALE, Lonsdale, col. comp. Analytical index to Major Clarke's
authorised translation of ''The Franco-German war, 1870-71.'^
Lond., 1890. 55 p. O.
HALE, Lucretia Peabody. Fagots for the fireside ; a collection of
more than one hundred entertaining games for evenings at
home and social parties. Bost., 1889. D.
The spider's eye. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 3.)
HALE, Sir Matthew.
WILLIAMS, J: B. Memoirs of the life, character, and writings of Sir
M. Hale. Lond., 1835. per. D.
HALE, William Hale. ed. The domesday of St. Paul's of 1222; or,
Registrum de visitatione maneriorum per Robertum De-
canum. [Lond.], 1858. O. (Camden Soc, v. 69.)
Registrum; sive, Liber irrotularius et consuetudinarius Prior-
atus Beatae Mariae Wigorniensis; with an introduction,
notes, and illustrations. Lond., 1865. O. Same, v. 91.)
and Ellacombe, H. T. eds. Account of the executors of Richard
bp. of London 1303, and of the executors of Thomas bp. of
Exeter 1310; ed. from the original mss. [Westminster],
1874. pi. O. (Same, n.s. v. 10.)
HALENZA, Joseph. Rheinisches album; gezeichnet und gestochen
von F. Foltz. Mainz [n.d.]. pi. obi. O.
HALES, John Wesley, ed. Handbooks of English literature.
Lond., 1897. 3 v. S.
For list see Handbooks of Eng. lit.
Longer english poems; with notes philological and explana-
torv and an introduction on the teaching of English. Lond.,
1889. D.
HALES Oweu abbey.
ROTH, H. L. Bibliogiaphv and chronology of Hales Owen. Lond.,
1887. 55 p. O.
HALfn'Y, Liidovic. Abb«'' Constant in. N. Y., 1804. D.
The Cardinal family. Thil., [n.d.J. il. O. (Chefs d'oeuv re du
roman couterap. Kea lists, v. 3.)
HALEY, C. S. comp. iSee J'rice, -L and Haley, C. S. camps. Buyers'
manual and business guide.
HALF-YEAKLY abstract of the medical sciences; no. 29, Jan-.lune
1859; no. 31-32, Jan.-Dec. 18G0; no. 34-35, July 1861-June
1862; no. 44-49, July 18()(;-.Iuly 1809; no. 51-58, Jan. 1870-
June 1873. Phil., 18.~)9-73. 12 v. O.
HALF-YEAKLY compendium of medical science; pt. 3-8, 10-17.
Phil., 18()9-76. 8 v. O.
HALI meidenhad; from ms. Cott. Titus D. XVIIL; an allitera-
tive homily of the 13th century; ed. by O. Cockayne. Lond.,
1866. O. " (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Eeg. ser. no. 18.)
HALKETT, Lady Anne. Autobiography; ed. by J: G. Nichols.
[Westminster], 1875. 21-^-116 p. O. (Camden Soc, n.s.,
T. 13.)
HALKETT, Samuel, and Laing. John. Dictionary of the anony-
mous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain; in-
cluding the works of foreigners written in, or translated into
the English language [continuation] ; v. 4. Edin., 1888. O.
HALL, Mrs. Angus, tr. Talleyrand Pdrigord, C. M. de. Memoirs;
V. 5.
HALL, Asaph. Observations of double stars made at the U. S.
Naval Observatory; Part 2. 1880-91. (Tn V. S. Naval Observ.
Observations, 1888. App. 1.)
HALL, Basil, capt. Fragments of voyages and travels. New ed.
Lond., 1860. O.
HALL, Baynard Rust, (pseud. Robert Carlton, Esq.). The new pur-
chase; or. Early years in the far west. 2d ed. N. Y., [c.
1855]. pi. por. b.
HALL, Bolton. Third essay. (In Equitable taxation: six essays.)
ed. Who pays your taxes? a consideration of the question of
taxation by David A. Wells, G: H. Andrews and others; is-
sued by authority of the New York Tax Reform Association.
N. Y., 1802. D. (Questions of the day, no. 71.)
HALL, Bradnock. Fish-tails and some true ones. Lond., 1897. il.
HALL, Charles Cuthbert. D.D. The principles of christian wor-
ship. (In Hall, C: C. and others. Christian worship.)
[and others]. Christian worship: ten lectures delivered in the
Union Theological Seminary, New York, in the autumn of
1896. N. Y., 1897. D.
HALL, Edward Brooks. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. Bost., 1891.
por. D.
HALL, Edward Henry. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in
the Christian church. 3d ed. Bost., 1891. S.
HALL, Fitzedward. Modem English. Lond. and Edin., 1873. I).
ed. [Extant poetical works of W: Lauder; pt. 1]: Ane com-
pendious and breve tractate concerning the office and dewtie
of kyngis, spirituall pastoris, and temporall iugis, A. D. 1556.
Lond., 18G4. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Keg. ser. no. 3.)
[\Vorks of Sir IJavid Lyndsey] ; pt. 1-4. [Same no. 11,
19, 35, 37.)
HALL, F.lorence Howe. Social customs. Bost., [c. 1887]. D.
HALL, Henry, ed. America's successful men of affairs; an ency-
clopedia of contemporaneous biography, v. 1-2. N. Y., 1895-
90. il. pors. 2 v. Q.
HALL, Hubert. The antiquities and curiosities of the exchequer;
with illustrations bv Kalph Neville and preface by Sir John
Lubbock. N. Y., [1891]. pi. O. (Camden lib.) '
A history of the custom revenue in England; from the earliest
times to the year 1827. Lond., 1892. 2 v. in 1. map. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. Constitutional history. 2. Fiscal history.
Society in the Elizabethan age. 3d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1888.
col. pi. facsim. O.
HALL, James, and Clarke, John M. An introduction to the study of
the genera of palaeozoic brachiopoda; pt. 1-2. Albany, 1892-
94. il. Q. (N. Y. Geol. Surv. Nat. Hist of N. Y. Palaeon-
tology, V. 8.)
HALL, Samuel Carter. Retrospect of a long life: from 1815 to
1883. N. Y., 1883. por. O.
ed. The baronial halls and ancient picturesque edifices of Eng-
land. Lond., 1858. il. pi. 2 v. F.
HALL, Theophilus Parsons, comp. Genealogical notes; relating
to the families of Lyman Hall, of Georgia; Samuel Holden
Parsons Hall, of Binghampton, N. Y.; and Nathan Kelsey
Hall of Buffalo, N. Y. Albany, 1886. il. O.
HALL, William Edward. Treatise on the foreign powers and juris-
diction of the British crowm. Oxford, 1894. O.
HALL family.
HALL, T. P. comi). Genealogical notes; relating to Lyman Hall, of
Georgia; Samuel H. P. Hall, of Binghampton, N. Y., and Nathan K.
Hall of Buffalo, N. Y. Albany, 1886. il. O.
HALLfi, Ernst von. Trusts, or Industrial combinations and coali-
tions in the United States. N. Y., 1895, D.
HALLIWELL-PHILLTPS, James Orchard, ed. The chronicle of
William de Rishanger of the Barons' wars. — The miracles
of Simon de Montfort; ed. from mss. in the Cottonian lib-
rary, Lond., 1840. facsim. O. (Camden Soc, v. 15.)
Private diary of Dr. J: Dee, and Catalogue of his library
of manuscripts! Lond., 1842. 8+102 p. O. (Same, v. 18.)
The Thornton romances: the early English metrical ro-
mances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant;
selected from mss. at Lincoln and Cambridge. Lond., 1844,
O. (Same. v. 30.)
Warkworth, J: A chronicle of the first thirteen years of
the reign of king Edward IV,; ed. from the ms. now in the
library of St. Peter's college. Lond., 1839. 27+79 p. facsim.
O. (Same, v. 10.)
HALLOCK, (. liailes. The lisliinj'- touiisst: augler's guide aud ref-
ei-euce book. >«'. Y., 1873. D.
ilALLOCK, William S. ed. American chess jouiual; June tS7G-
.Maich 1877, May 1877-Dec. 1877. Lii^iuuibal, Mo., 187G-77].
il. por. ().
U ALLOW EL l^, Richard r lice. The pioneer Quakers. 2d ed.- Bost.,
1887. 98 p. S.
The Quaker invasion o! Massachusetts, ith ed. Bost., 1887.
HALSTEAD, Ada L. paeud. See Newliall, L. E.
IIAM, Charles Henry. The co-educaliou of mind and hand. {In
Indus. Ed. Assoc. Monographs, v. 3.)
HAMEL, Uenry. Travels of some Dutchmen in Korea, with an ac-
count of the country aud their shipwreck on the island of
Quelpaert; tr. from the French. [In Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 4, p. :V2U.}
HAMERSLEY, Lewis Randolph. Records of living officers of the
U. S. navy aud nuiriue corps. 4th ed. Phil., 1890. O.
Same; 5th ed. rev. with numerous additions. Phil., 181)4. O.
HAMERTOX, Mrs. Euge^nie. Memoir [of P. G. Hamerton]. (In
Hamerton, P. G. Autobiography.)
HAMERTOX, Philip Gilbert. An autobiography 1834-1858 and a
memoir by his wife, 1858-1894. Bost., 1896. por. O.
Gontemporarv French painters: an essay. Bost., 1895. il. pi.
123 p. O.
Drawing and engraving; a brief exposition of technical prin-
ciples and i)ractice. Lond. and Edin., 1892. pi. O.
The etcher's handbook. 3d ed. rev. and augmented. Best.,
1881. 11-1-97 p. ])1. D.
The etchings of Rembrandt. Lond., 1896. il. pi. Q.
The graphic arts. Bost., 1891. D.
The intellectual life. Bost., 1876. por. D.
■ Man in art: studies in religious and historical art, portrait,
and genre. Lond., 1892. pi. F.
The Mount ; narrative of a visit to the site of a Gaulish city on
Mont Beuvrav: with a descrii)tion of the neighboring city of
Autun. Bost., 1897. S.
ed. The })ortf olio: an artistic periodical; [v. 16-28]. Lond.,
1885-93. 9 V. F.
HAMILTOX, Alexander. capL Remarks on the maritime counties
and islands between the Capes of Good Hope and Guarda
Fuy. (7?? Green. J: Voyages and travels, v. 3. p. 387.)
HAMILTOX. Alexander. Letters of Caesar; printed in the Daily
Advertiser. October, 1787. (In Ford. P. L. ed. Essays on
the Constitution. 1787-88.)
SUMNER, W: G. Alexander Hamilton. N. Y., [c. 1890]. S. (Mak-
ers of Amer.)
HAMILTOX, Annie, fr. Gregornvins. F. History of the city of
HAMILTOX. David James. On the pathology of bronchitis, ca-
tarrhal pneumonia, tubercle, and allied lesions of the human
lung. Lond.. 1883. il. O.
HAMILTON, Lady Emma Lyon.
JEFFERSON, J: C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. New ed.
N, Y., 1897. por. D.
HAMILTON, Eugene James Lee. Poems and transcripts. Edin.
and Lund., 1878. D.
HAMILTON, G. Elements of vegetable and animal physiology^
ed. by D. M. Keese. Pt. 1-2. N. Y., and Chic, 1873. il. D.
(Chambers' educational course, no. 5.)
HAMILTON, Gail. 2)scud. See Dodge, Mary A.
HAMILTON, J. Taylor. History of the Unitas Fratrum; or, Mor-
avian church in the United States of America. (/?i Amer.
Church Hist, ser., v. 8.)
HAMILTON, John. The township high school. (Penn. Dept. of
Agric. Bull. no. 21.)
HAMILTON, John Potter, col. Travels through the interior prov-
inces of Columbia. Loud., 1827. 2 v. pi. map. D.
HAMILTON, Laurentine. A reasonable Christianity. S. F.,
1881. D.
HAMILTON, Sir Richard Vesey. admiral. Naval administration;
the constitution, character, and functions of the Board of
Admiralty, and of the civil departments it directs. Lond.,
1896. il. S. (Royal Navy hand-books.)
HAMILTON, Walter. French book-plates. Lond., 1896. il. pi.
D. (Ex-libris ser.)
ed. and camp. Parodies of the works of English and American
authors. Lond., 1884-89. 6 v. O.
HAMILTON, Sir William.
VEITCH, J: Hamilton. Phil., 1882. por. S. (Philosophical clas-
HAMILTON, William Douglas, ed. Original papers illustrative of
the life and writings of John Milton ; with documents relat-
ing to his connection with the Powell family. [Lond.], 1859.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 75.)
Wrothesley, C: Chronicle of England during the reigns
of the TudorsVl485-Lj59. [Westminster], 1875-77. 2 v. O.
{Same, n. s. v. 11, 20.)
HAMILTON, William John. Address delivered at the anniversary
meeting of the Geological Society of London, 16th of Feb.,
1855; prefaced by the announcement of the award of the
Wollaston Palladium medal and proceeds of the donation
fund of the same year. Lond., 1855. O.
HAMILTON, Wilson. The new empire and her representative
men. Oakland, 1886. 189 p. il. O.
HAMILTON papers: being selections from original letters in the
possession of the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, relating to
the years 16.38-50; ed. by S. R. Gardiner. [Westminster],
1880. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 27.)
HAMLEY, Sir Edward Bruce, lieut.-rjen. The operations of war ex-
plained and illustrated. 4th ed. Edin., 1886. maps. O.
Voltaire. Edin. and Lond., 1877. reprint, 1883. S. (For.
classics for Eng. readers.)
The war in the Crimea. 3d ed. N. Y., 1891. pors. map. D.
HAMLIN, Hannibal.
BARTLETT, D. W. Life and public services of Hon. Abraham
Lincoln; to which is added a biographical sketch of Hon. Hannibal
Hamlin. Cin.. 1860. D.
HAMLIN, Marie Caroline Watson. Lcucnds of le D^'troit. 2(1 <'
HANSON, John Wesley, jr. See Waterloo, ii.,and Hanson, .1 : VV., jr.
Famous American men and women.
HANSON, William. The fallacies in ''Progress and poverty." N.
Y., 1884. 101 p. 1).
HArOOOI), Isabel Florence. Russian rambles. Bost., 180.j. D.
ir. Recollections and letters of Ernest Kenan. N. Y., [c.
181)2]. D.
(Jojiol, N. \'. Tcliitcliikoll's journeys.
N'erestchaj^in, A. At home and in war.
HARBOTTLK, T. B. tr. Baye, J. de. The industrial arts of the
HARBY, Mrs. Lee Cohen. Earliest Texas. (/// Amer. Hist Assoc.
Rept., 1892. Papers, no. 10.)
The Tejas; their habits, government and superstitions. {In
Same. 1894. Papers, no. 7.)
HARCOURT, Alfred Frederick Pollock, capt. The Himalayan dis-
tricts of Kooloo, Lahoul, and Spiti. Lond., 1871. pi. map.
facsim. D.
HARCOURT. Leveson Francis Vernon. Achievements in engineer-
ing during the last half century. N. Y., 1891. pi. por. I).
Harbours and docks; their physical features, history, construc-
tion, equipment, and maintenance; with statistics as to
their commercial develojjment. Oxford, 1885. 2 v. text,
pi. O.
HARDAWAY, B. H. Pocket-book of tables and formulae for rail-
road engineers. N. Y"., 188G. D.
HARDING, Emily J. tr. Chodzko, A. Fairy tales of the Slav
peasants and herdsmen.
HARDING, Samuel Bannister. The contest over the ratification
of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts. N.
Y^, 1896. 194 p. O. (Harvard hist, studies, no. 2.)
Party struggle over the Pennsylvania Constitution. {In Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Rept., 1894. Papers, no. 21.)
HARDINGE, }frs. Belle Boyd. Belle Boyd in camp and prison;
with an introduction by a friend of the South. Lond., 180.5.
2 v. por. D.
HARDWTCK. Charles. History of the Christian church during the
reformation. New ed.; ed. by W. Stubbs. Lond., 188fi. D.
A historv of the Christian church; middle age. New ed.; ed.
by W. Stubbs. Lond., 1883. D.
HARDWICKE. Henry. History of oratory and orators from
the earliest da\Mi of Grecian civilization dov n to the i resent
day. N. Y.. 1890. O.
HARDY,*^ Arthur Sherburne. Life and letters of .Toseph Hardy
Neesima. Bost., 1805. por. D.
HARDY. Lnrly DufFus. Throu£rli cities and prairie lands: sketc' es
of an American tour. N. Y.. 1881. D.
[HARDY, Edwai'd John.] The love affairs of some fanutus iikmi.
N. Y., [c. 1897]. D.
HARDY. George E. Five huiulrcd 1 ks for ihc young: a graded
and annotated list. N. Y.. 1S!»J. 04 p. D.
HARDY, Thomas. Hand of Ethelberta. N. Y., 1896. O.
J ude the obscure. ^'. Y., 1896. il. D.
Tess of the DUrbervilles: a pure woman faithfully presented.
:New and rev. ed. N. Y., 1892. il. D.
HARDY, William John. Book-plates. 2d ed. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
HARE, Augustus John Cnthbert. Cities of southern Italy and Sic-
ily. N. Y., 1896. il. S.
Florence. N. Y., [n. d.]. map. D.
The Gurneys of Earlham. N. Y., 1895. il. 2 v. D.
Northeastern France. N. Y., 1896. il. map. S.
Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. N. Y., [1884]. 134
p. S.
Southeastern France. N. Y., 1896. il. map. S.
Southwestern France. N. Y., 1896. il. map. S.
The storv of mv life. N. Y., 1896. il. 2 v. O.
HAREN, Onno Zwier van. See Haren, William en Onno Z. van.
Leven en werken.
HAREN, William en Onno Zwier van. Leven en werken. Deven-
ter, 1874. O.
HARFORD, Eev. Robert L. An itinerant's portfolio: sermons, lec-
tures and miscellany. S. F., 1885. por. D.
HARGER. Simon J. J. tr. and ed. Goubaux, A. and Barrier, G.
The exterior oi' the horse.
HARGREAVES, John George. Literary workers; or. Pilgrims to
the temple of honour. Lond., 1889. O.
HARIOT. Thomas. A brief and true report of the new-found land
of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and man-
ners of the naturall inhabitants Francoforti ad Moenum,
1590. F.
Note: Sec Bry, Theodore de.
Narrative of the first English plantation of Virginia. First
printed in London in 1588, now, reproduced after De Bry's
illustrated edition printed at Frankfort in 1590. Lond., 1893.
pi. sq. O.
HARLAN, Caleb, M.D. Fate of Marcel. Phil., 1883. D. (Bd.
with Harlan, C. Ida Randolph of Virginia.)
Ida Randolph of Virginia: a historical novel in verse. 2d ed.
rev. [Also, Fate of Marcel.] Phil., 1890. por. D.
HARLAND, John Whitfield. The printing arts. Lond., 1892.
8^180 p. il. D.
HARLAND, Marion, psevd. See Terhune, Mr.^i. Mary V. H.
HARLEIAN Library. Catalogue of early English miscellanies
formerly in the Harleian library; ed. by W: C. Hazlitt.
Lond., i862. 34 p. O. (In Camden misc., v. 5. Camden
Soc, V. 87.)
HARLEIAN Manuscripts. Catalogue of the Harleian manuscripts
in the British Museum; with indexes of persons, places, and
matters. [Lond.], 1808-12. 4 v. F.
HARLEIAN Societv. Publications. Visitations and registers from
15.38-1897. Lond., 1869-1897. 64 v. O.
Visitalions: Vol. 1. London, 1568. 2. Leicestershire, 1619. 3. Rut-
land, 1618. 4. Nottinghamshire, 1569-1614. 5. Oxfordshire, 1566, 1574,
1634. 6. Devonshire, 1620. 7. Cumberland, 1615. 8. Le Neve's pedi-
<;KM:ir\i. iu:i'.\iii 391
HARLEIAX Society. I'lihlicatioiis.
grees of knights. 9. Cornwall, 1G20. 10. Westminster Abbey register.
11. Somersetshire, 1623. 12. Warwickshire, 1619. 13-14. Essex,
1552-1634. 15, 17. London, 1633-34. 16. Yorkshire. 18. Cheshire,
1580. 19. Bedfordshire. 20. Dorsetshire, 1623. 21. Gloohestershire,
1623. 22. Hertforflshire, 11572-1634. 23. Westminster and Vicar-gen.
marriage licenses, 1558-1699. 24. Faculty office licenses. 25-26. Lon-
don licenses, 1520-1828. 27. Worchestershire, 1569. 28-29. Shropshire,
1623. 30-31. Vicar-general's licenses, 1678-1694. 32. Norfolk, 1563,
1589, 1613. 33-34. Marriage licenses Vicar-general,1660-1679. 35-36.
Hampshire allegations for marriage licenses. 37-40. Familiae min-
orum genitium. 41. Visitation of Cambridge made in 1575; with visi-
tation of same county made by Henry St. George in 1619; ed. by J:
W. Clay. ^ ^ ,
Rcdixtcrs: Vol. 1-4. St. Peter's, 1538-1774. 2. Canterbury cathedral,
1564-1874. 3. St. Denis, Backchurch, 1538-1754. V. 4, see v. 1. 5. St.
Mary's, Aldermary, Lond., 1558-1754. 6. St. Thomas, apostle, Lond.,
1558-1754. 7. St. Michael, Cornhill, 1546-1758. 8. Sts. Antholin and
John the Baptist, Lond., 1538-1754. 9, 10, 13. St. James, 1551-1754. 11,
14, 22. St. George, Hanover Square, 1725-1823. 12. Stourton Wilts,
1570-1800. 13, .sec 9. 14, .sec 11. 15. St. George's chapel, Mayfair,
1740-54. 16. Kensington, 1539-1675. 17, 19, 20. St. James, Clerkenwell,
1571-1719. 18. Charterhouse chapel.. 19-20, sec 17. 21. Christchurch,
Newgate, 1538-1734. 22, hcc 11. 23. Cathedral churcn at Durham,
HARLEY, Liuhj Brilliana. Letters, [1G25-43] ; with introduction
and notes bv T: T. Lewis. Lond., 1854. O. (Camden Soc,
V. 58.)
HARMAX, Thomas. A caueat or ^varenins for common cursetors,
vulgarelv called vacjabones; augmented and enlarged A. D.
1567. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. p:xtra ser. no. 9.)
HARMEK, Sidney Frederic. Polvzoa. (Camb. nat. hist., v. 2.)
and Shipley,' Arthur E. eds. The Cambridge natural history.
Lond. and N. Y., 1895-90. il. "» y. O.
For Contenls see Camb. nat. hist.
HAROUN-al-Raschid. See Harun-al-Kashid.
HARPER, Andrew, ir. Keil, K. F. The books of the Chronicles.
Edin., [1872]. O.
HARPER, Charles G. The Brighton road, old times and new on a
classic highway. Lond., 1892. il. O. t ^ ionr
The Dover road; annals of an ancient turnpike. Lond., 18Jo.
The marches of Wales; notes and impressions on the Welsh
borders from the Severn sea to the Sands o' Dee. Lond.,
1894. il. O. ^ . ^
The Portsmouth road and its tributaries: to-day and in days
of old. Lond.. 1895. il. O.
\ practical hand-book of drawing for modern methods of re-
^ production. Lond., 1894. 12-i-lOl p. il. O.
HARPER Thomas. The metay>hysics of Ihe school (continuation);
V. 2', V. 3:1. Lond.. 1881-84. 2 v. O.
HARPER William Rainev. Elements of Hebrew by an inductive
method. L5th «"d. X. Y., 1894. O.
Introductory Hebrew method and manual. 11th ed. N. Y.,
1894. D.
HARPEK'S new classical library. N. Y., 1889-90. 8 v. D.
Nameli/: Caesar. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars; with
supplementary books attributed to Hirtius.— Cicero. On oratory and
orators; ed. by J. S. Watson;— Select orations; tr. by C. D. Yonge; —
Homerus. Iliad; tr. by T. A. Buckley.— Livius. History of Rome,
V. 1-2; tr. by D. Spillan and C. Edmonds.— Sallust, Plorus, and Velleius
Paterculus; tr. by J. S. Watson.— Sophocles. Tragedies; Oxford
translation.— Virgil. Works; tr. by Davidson; rev. with add. by
T. A. Buckley.
HAKPER'S new monthly magazine (continuation); v. 79-95. N.
Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
Index, alphabetical, analytical, and classified; v. 1-85 inclu-
sive from June, 185()-N.ovember, 1892. N. Y., 1893. O.
HARPER'S pictorial history of the great rebellion; by A. H.
Guernsey and H. M. Alden; pt. 1-2. Chic, [c. 18GG-68]. 2
V. F.
HARPER'S weekly; v. 1-30, 33-41, Jan. 1857-Dec. 1886, July 1889-
Dec. 1897. N. Y., 1857-97. 39 v. F.
HARPSFIELD, Nicholas. A treatise on the pretended divorce be-
tween Henrv VIII. and Catharine of Aragon; [ed.] by N.
Pocock. [Westminster], 1878. O. (Camden Soc, n. s.,
v. 21.)
HARRADEX, Beatrice. An idyl of London. (In Stories by Eng.
authors. London.)
A new book of the fairies. N. Y., [1897]. il. 179 p. D.
See Edwards, W: A. and Harraden, B. Two health-seekers in
Southern California.
HARRELL, John M. The Brooks and Baxter war: a history of
the reconstruction period in Arkansas. St. Louis, 1893. O.
HARRINGTON, Mark Walrod. Meteorological work for agricul-
tural institutions. Wash., 1892. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Office of Exper. Stations. Bull. no. 10.)
Notes on the climate and meteorology of Death Valley, Cali-
fornia. Wash., 1892. O. (In mme. Weather Bu. Bull,
no. 1.)
HARRINGTON, Rose M. /r. Rousseau, J.J. social contract, or,
The principles of political rights. N. Y., 1893. D.
HARRIS, Alexander, warden of the Fieri. The oeconomy of the
Fleete; or. An apologeticall answeare of H. unto 19 articles
sett forth against him by the prisoners; ed. from the orig-
inal ms. by A. Jessopp. [Westminster], 1879. O. (Cam-
den Soc, n. s., V. 25.)
HARRIS, Caleb Fiske.
STOCKBRTDGE, J: C. The Anthony memorial: a catalogue of the
Harris collection of American poetry; with biographical and bibli-
ographical notes. Providence, 1886. por. O.
[HARRIS, Flora Best]. //•. Tsurayuki. Log of a Japanese journey
from the province of Tosa to the capital; with illustration.i
bv Toshio Aoki. Meadville, Pa., 1891. [unp.]. il. S.
HARRIS, George. Moral evolution. Bost., 1890. D.
HARRIS, Gilbert Dennison. See Ball. W: H. and Harris, G. D.
Correlation papers; Neocene. (In TJ. S. Geol. Surv. Bull,
no. 84.)
HARKTS, II. (J. IM:it('-ricorn in 1836 and 1837; drawn on
stone by Frank Howard. Lond., 1840. il. pi. F.
HARRIS, William H. Louisiana: products, resources and attrac-
tions. New Orleans, 1885. 184 p. por. map. O.
HARRIS, William Samuel. The Harris family; Thomas Harris of
Ipswich, Mass., in 1630, and some of his descendants
to 188.3. Nashua, 1888. il. 13.") p. O.
HARRIS, William Torrey. Art education, the true industrial edu-
cation. 2d ed. Syracuse, 1897. 77 p. S.
The S])iritua1 sense of Dante's "Divina conimedia.'' N. Y.,
1889. sq. S. .... I
ed. A])]tletons' honu* reading books. X. Y., 1897. il. S.
F(r lis! sen A])]>letons' home reading books.
International education series: v. 1-23. 25-26. 28. .30-.32, 42.
N. Y., 1887-97. ."^.l v. D.
For liaf s:pr Inter, ed. sor.
HARRIS, William Torrev. ed. Journal of speculative philosophy:
vol. 1-22, Jan. 1807-Oet. 1888. X. Y., 1867-98. 22 v. O. ^
See Sanborn, F. B. and Harris, W: T. A. Bronson Aleott, his
life and philosophy.
HARRIS family.
HARRIS, W: S: Thomas Harris in Ipswich, Mass., in 1636, and some
of his descendants ... to 1883. Nashua, 1883. il. 135 p. O.
HARRISON, Benjamin. 23d pres. of U. S. Speeches; compiled by
C: Hedges. N. Y., [c. 1892]. por. D.
This country of ours. N. Y., 1897. D.
KEITH, C: P. The ancestry of B. Harrison, president of the United
States of America, 1889-93, in chart form showing also the descend-
ants of William Henry Harrison, president of the U. S. in 1841.
Phil., 1893. 96 p. chart. Q.
THROUGH the South and West with the president; April 14-May 15,
1891; comp. by J: S. Shriver. N. Y., 1891. 16-1-152 p. map. O.
HARRISON, Birge. A kangaroo hunt. [In Out-of-door lib.
HARRISON, Mrs. Burton. See Harrison, Mrs. Constance C.
HARRISON, Mrs. Constance Carv. A bachelor maid. N. Y.,
1894. D.
An edelweiss of the Sierras, Golden-rod, and other tales. N.
Y., 1892. D.
Society and social usages. {In Woman's book, v. 1.)
Woman's handiwork. (Iti same, v. 2.)
HARRISON, E. S. puh. Monterey county, its general features,
Resources, attractions, and inducements to investors and
home-seekers, [n. t. p.]. 88 p. il. pors. map, Q.
HARRISON, Frederic. The choice of books and other literary
pieces. Lond., 1888. D.
The new trades unionism. [N. Y., n. d.]. 88 p. O. {In
Tracts on labor, v. 1.)
HARRISON, Jane Ellen, and MacColl, D. S. Greek vase-painting
a selection of examples with preface, introduction, and de-
scriptions. Loud., 1891. pi. F.
HARRISON, Wilmot. Memorable Paris houses, with illustrative
critical and anecdotal notices. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
HARRISSE. Henry. Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima: a de-
scription of works relating to America published between
the years 1492 and 1.551. N. Y., 1806. Q.
The discovery of North America; a critical documentary, and
historic investigation. Lond., 1892. maps. Q.
HARRY, Blind. See Henry, the minslrel.
ITARSHA, David Addison. Noted living Albanians and state offi-
cials. Albany, 1891. pi, pors. O.
HARSLEY, Fred. ed. Eadwine's Canterbury psalter; ed. with
introduction and notes from the ms. in Trinity College, Cam-
bridge; pt. 2, text and notes. Lond.. 1889. O. (Earlv
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg, ser. no. 92.)
HARSTON, Edw^ard French Buttemer. The silver coinage; why
is it depreciated? S. F., 1876. O. (Tracts on finance, v. 7.)
HART. Albert Bushnell. Epoch maps illustrating American his-
torv. N. Y., 1891, obi, D,
(!i:.\/:uAL i)i:i\\h'TMi:sT. 395
HAKT, Albci-t HiisliiK'll. Foiiiiatioii of tlic rnioii. 17r)(l-182!>. IM
od. rev. N. V.. 1S!»;5. niaps. S. (Ki)oclis of Aiiicr. Hist.)
Introduelioii lo llic siiidv of fcdci-al ^•overnnicnl. Host., 1891.
O. (llarvai-d Hisi. .Moi)o«;rai)lis, uo. L\)
Practical essays 011 American *i^overmueiit. N. Y., 1894. D.
ed. American history told bv contemporaries: v. 1. N. Y.,
1897. D.
Contents: X. 1. Era of colonization, 1492-1G89.
Epochs of American history. N. Y., 1891-93. 3 v.
maps. S.
For list see Epochs of Amer. hist.
See Channing. E: and Hart, A: B. Guide to the study of Amer-
ican history.
HAKT, J/rs. Alice M. Diet in sickness and in health. Phil.,
1895. O.
Picture.sque Burma, i)ast and present. Lond., 1897. il.
maps, O.
HART, Charles Porter. Homoeopathic medical practice; a sj'ste-
matic treatise on diseases of the brain and eve. Detroit,
1878. il. pi. O.
HART, E. L.. and Street, O. comp. Memoranda of the descendants
of Amos Morris of East Hay en. Conn. N. Y., 1853. D.
HART, Mrs. Ernest. See Hart, Mrs. Alice M.
HART, Fred H. The Sazerac Lvinjr Club; a Nevada book. S. F.,
1878. il. O.
HART, George. The violin; its famous makers and their imita-
tors. Lond., 1885. il. O.
HART, Gerald E. The fall of New France, 1755-00. Montreal and
N. Y., 1888. 7-^175 p. pi. ])ors. facsim. O.
HART, Fev. Virgil C. Western China: a journey to the great
Buddhist centre of Mount Omei. Bost., 1888. pi. map. D.
HART, William H. H.
REPORT of the testimony and proceedings in the matter of the in-
vestigation of the charges made against W: H. H. Hart before the
committee of the Assembly. [Sac, 1893]. 151 p. O.
HARTE, Francis Bret. Writings; with introductions, glossary,
and indexes. Standard Lib. ed.; vol. 1-14. Bost. [c. 1896].
il. 14 V. D.
\ timet II : Vol. 1. Luck of Roaring Camp. Early tales. 2. Tales of
the ArgonavJts. 3-10. Stories of California and the frontier. 11.
Thankful Blossom and other eastern tales. 12. Poems — Two men of
Sandy Bar. 13-14. Gabriel Conroy — Bohemian papers — Stories of and
for the young.
Clarence. Bost., 1895. S.
Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people. Bost.,
1892. D.
The crusade of the Excelsior. Bost. and N. Y., 1887.
A first family of Tasajara. Bost., 1892. D.
The Heathen Chinese; Facsimile of the original manuscript.
S. F., [1891]. O. (/» Chinese immig. pams. v. 2.)
In a hollow of the hills. Bost.. 1S5. S.
Poem delivered before the Society of California Pioneers. S.
F., 1804. O. (In Cal. Pioneers Orations and poems, v. 2.)
Sallv l)«»ws. and nth.-r stories. Post.. 18<»:i. S.
HARTE, Wallei'. History of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden.
2d ed. Loud., 1707."^ por. 2 v. D.
HAKTE, Waltcn' Blackburn. Meditations in Motley; a bundle of
papers imbued with the sobriety of midnight. Bost., L894. S.
IIAlvTFOKD Theological Seminary. Annual register for the 62d-
G3d year, 1895-97. Hart., 1895-97. O. pams.
HAETLA^S'D, Edwin Sidney. The legend of Perseus; vol. 1-3.
Lond., 1894-96. 3 v. D. (Grimm lib., no. 2, 3, 5.)
The science of fairy tales: an inquiry into fairy mythology.
X. Y., 1891. D. (Contemp. Sci. Ser.)
cd. English fairy and folk tales. Lond., 1895. il. D.
HARTLEY, Jonathan Scott. Anatomy in art: a practical text-
book for the art student in the study of the human form; to
which is appended a description and anlysis of the art of
modelling. N. Y., 1891. 11. pi. O.
HARTMANX, Carl. Geographisch-statistische Beschreibung von
Californien. Weimar, 1842. 2 v. in 1. maps. D.
HARTMANN, Robert. Anthropoid ape«. N. Y., 1886. il. D.
(Int. sci. ser., v. 52.)
HARTOG, Marcus Manuel. Rotifers. (Camb. nat. hist., v. 2.)
tr. Baillon, E. H. Natural history of plants.
HARTSHORN, T. C. tr. Deleuze, J. P. F. Animal magnetism.
HARTSHORNE, Henry, and others, eds. Household cyclopedia of
general information; containing over ten thousand receipts
in all in the useful and domestic arts. [Phil., n. d.]. il.
pi. O. .
HART WELL, Edward Mussey. Physical training in American col-
leges and universities. Wash., 1886. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed.
Cir. of inf. no. 5, 1885.)
tr. Kleen, E. Handbook of massage.
HARTWELL family.
DENSMORE, L. W. Hand-book of Hartwell genealogy, 1636-1887.
Bost., 1887. O.
HARTWICK Seminary Alumini Association. Memorial volume of
the semi-centennial anniversary of Hartwick Seminary held
August 21, 1866. Albany, 1867. il. O.
HARTWIG, George. The subterranean world. New ed. Lond.,
1885. il. pi. maps. O.
PALMER, E: H: The Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid and Saracen civil-
ization. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (Makers of hist.)
HARVARD College. See Harvard University.
HARVARD Historical Monographs; no. 1-2. Bost., 1890-91. 2
V. O.
Nameh/: No. 1. Mason, E. C. The veto power, 1789-1889. 2. Hart,
A. B. Introduction to the study of federal government.
HARVARD historical studies, v. 2. N. Y., 1896. O.
Natneli/: Harding, S: B. Contest over the ratification of the fed-
eral constitution in Mass.
HARVARD Law School Association. Catalogue of the officers and
members. A].ril 1, 1891. Bost., 1891. Q.
HARVARD memorial Inographies. (^imb., 1866. 2 v. O.
llAlvVAKD liiivcrsity. Aimual reports of tlio president iiud treas-
urer of Harvard C(^lle^e; IMH-IM). Cambridge, 1803-97. 5
V. O.
Catalogue, 1890-91, J891-9:i, 189L'-9;{, 1893-94, 1894-95, 1895-9G,
189G97. Cauib., 18!)0-9sth' of St. John; a contribution to
Jiiblical tlieology; tr. with an introduction by W. B. Pope.
Edin., 1879. o7
HAUl'T, Herman. Street railway motors; with descriptions and
cost of pUuits and operation of the various systems in use, or
proposed for motive power on street railways. Phil., 1893. D.
HAUPT, Lewis Muhlenberg. Canals and their economic relation to
transportation. (In Amer. Econ. Assn. Pub. v. 5, 1890.)
HAUPT, Ottomar. The monetary (luestiou in 1892. 2d. ed. Lond.,
1892. O
HAUSKNECHT, Emil. ed. The romaunce of the Sowdone of Baby-
lone and of Ferumbras Ids soue who conquerede Rome.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 38.)
HAUSSET,\¥we. N. du, atid Lamballa, I'rincesse de. Secret mem-
oirs of the courts of Louis XV. and XVI taken from the mem-
oirs of Mme. du Hausset, lady's maid to Mme. de Pompadour
and from the journal of the Princess Lamballe. I^:d. des Ama-
teurs. Paris, [n.d.] il. pi. 2 v. O.
HAVARD, Henrv. L'art a travers les moeurs. I'aris, 1882. il.
pi. Q.
HAVELL, H. L. tr. Longinus. On the sublime; with an intro-
duction by A. Lang. Lond., 1890. 21-MOl p. D.
HAVELOCK, Sir Henry, ma j. -gen. Narrative of the war in Af-
ghanistan in 1838-39. Lond., 1840. 2 v. map. D.
FORBES, A. Havelock. Lond., 1891. por. D. (Eng. men of ac-
MARSHMAN, J. C. Memoirs of Maj-Gen. Sir Henry Havelock. 2d
ed. Lond., 1861. por. O.
HAVELOCK, the Dane. The lay of Havelock the Dane; composed
in the reign of Edward I., about A. D. 1280; ed. by W. W :
Skeat. Lond., 1868. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra
ser. no. 4.)
HAVEN, Mrs. Alice, (pseud., Cousin Alice.) All's not gold that
glitters; or. The young Californian. N. Y., 1867. il. S.
HAVERGAL, Frances Ridley. Poems; with a sketch of her life.
N. Y., 1886. por. D. '
HAWATL Directorv and hand-book of the kingdom of Hawaii,
[1892] ; F. M.^Husted publisher. S. F., 1892. map. O.
Directorv and hand-book of Honolulu and the Hawaiian Isl-
ands, 1896-7] ; F. M. Husted pub. S. F., 1896. map. O.
Hand-book on the ann<'xation of Hawaii, by L. A. Thurston.
[n.p., 1897.] 83 p. maps. O.
Hawaiian almanac and nnnunl; 1892. 1894. 1898. T: G. Thrum
compiler and publishcM-. TTonolnlu. 1891-97. 3 v. O.
Picturesque Hawaii, by J: L. Stevens and W. P.. Oleson. [n.
p.n.d.] pi. pors. obi. O.
Board of Education. A brief history of the Hawaiian people by
W. D. Alexander. N. Y., [etc. c. 1891]. pors. maps. O.
Bureau of Puhlic Jndrudion. Report of the general superin-
tendent of the census, 1890. Honolulu. 1891. 71 p. O.
HA^VES, Horace. The missions in California and the rights of the
Catholic church to the property pertaining to them: argu-
ments before the (Supreme Court of California. S. F., 1856.
•AG p. O. {in Cal. land pamps. v. 5.)
Reply to the republican county convention; views on the
eight hour agitation; and other political questions. [S. F.,
1867.] 10 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
United States Land Commission for California, claim no. 297;
Manual Larios for lands near San Juan Bautista; — Argu-
ment on behalf of U. S. before U. S. Board of Land Commis-
missioners for Cal., no. 280. City of S. F. vs. IT. S. {In Cal.
land pamps. v. 4.)
HAWKIKS, Anthony Hope. A change of air. N. Y., 1894. por. S.
Comedies of courtship. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
The Dolly dialogues. N. Y\, 1894. il. S.
The god in the car. X. \., 1894. D.
The heart of Princess Osra. X. X., 1896. il. D.
The indiscretion of the Duchess. N. Y\, 1894. il. S.
A man of mark. X. Y., 1895. il. S.
Phroso. N. Y\, [c. 1896]. iL D.
The prisoner of Zenda: being the history of three months in
the life of an English gentleman. N. Y., 1894. 11. S.
HAWKINS, Edward. The silver coins of England arranged and
described with remarks on British money previous to the
Saxon dynasties. Lond., 1841. pi. Q.
HAWKINS, Herbert P. On diseases of the vermiform appendix,
with a consideration of the symptoms and treatment of the
resulting forms of peritonitis. Lond., 1895. il. 139 p. O.
HAWKINS. Eush Christopher. Titles of the first books from the
earliest presses established in different cities, towns and
monasteries in Europe, before the end of the fifteenth cen-
tury, with brief notes upon their printers; illustrated with
reproductions of early types and first engravings. N. Y.,
Lend., 1884. il. facsim.' Q.
HAW^LEY, Emma Alethea. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors.
Madison, 1893. O.
HAWLEY, Thomas D. Infallible logic: a visible and automatic
system of reasoning. Lansing, 1896. O.
HAWORTH, Adrian Hardy. Insects; a catalogue of the extensive
and valuable collection of British and foreign insects of the
late A. H. Haworth, which will be sold at auction 23d of June,
1834. [Lond., 18341. 105 p. O.
HAWTHORNE. Nathaniel. Hawthorne's first diary, with an ac-
count of its discoverv and loss, by S. T. Pickard. Bost, 1897.
il. 115 p. S.
Life of Franklin Pierce. Bost., 1852. 144 p. por. D.
The marble faun ; or. The romance of Monte Beni. Bost., 1890.
2v. pi. D.
CONWAY, M. D. Life of N. Hawthorne. N. Y., 189D. O.
Finme. Lond., 1890. O. (Great writers.)
LATHROP, R. . H. Memoirs of Hawthorne. Bost., 1897. O.
HAY, i?er. George. D.D. The scripture doctrine of miracles dis-
played. N. Y''., [n.d.]. 2 v. in 1. S.
GENEh'AL l)El'AI{TMt:\T. 401
HAY, Jolm. ('astiliau days. ,^tli rd. Host., 1800. S.
Poems. liost., 1SD7. " S.
See >sicolay, J: i\: and Hay, J: Abraham Jiiucolii: a hislury.
HAY, O. 1*. Till' iiorlhcrn limU of the mcsozoic rocks in Arkansas.
{In Arkansas gx-ol. siir. annual rt'poil 1888. v. 2.)
On certain portions of the skeleton of I'rotostega gigas. (Field
Columbian .Mus. l*ub. no. 7.)
On some collections of tislies: — On the skeleton of Toxoclielys
latiremis. {Same no. 12, IW.)
structure and development of the vertebral columns of Amia.
{Same no. 5.)
HAY, Kobert. Final geological reports of the artesian and nnder-
flow investigation between the Ninety-seventh meridian of
longitude and the foothills of the Kockv Mountains. Wash.^
18U2. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Irrigation, ])t. n.)
A geological reconnaissance in southwestern Kansas. A\'ash.,
1890. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. liulletins, v. 8, no. r,7.)
AVater resources of a portion of the Great Plains. Wash., 18!>5.
Q. {Same. IGth rept., pt. 2.)
HAYCRAFT, John Berry. Darwinism and race progress, Lond.,
1895. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
HAYDEN, Ferdinand Vanderveer, and Selwyn, A. R. C. North
America. Lond., 1883. il. O. (Stanford's Corap. of geo.
and travel.)
HAYDN, Hiram C. D.D. ed. American heroes on mission fields,
brief missionary biographies. 1st ser. Rev. ed. N. Y.. [c.
1894], por. d!
HAYDN, Joseidi. The book of dignities; containing lists of the
oflHcial personage of tlie British empire. Founded on Beat-
son's political index, 1806, remodelled and brought down to
18.51 by H.; continued to the present time with add. lists and
an index to the entire work by H. Ockerby. Lond., 1890. O.
HAYES, Augnstus Allen. The Denver express. (Tn Stories by
Amer. authors, v. 6.)
New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. N. Y., 1880. il. maj.s.
HAYES. C. Willard. Report on the geology of north-eastern Ala-
bama and adjacent portions of Georgia and Tennessee. Mont-
gomery, 1892. O. pamp. (Ala. Geol. Snrv. Bull. no. 4.'i
HAYES, Charles Wells. William Wells of Southold and his des-
cendants, A. D. 1638 to 1878. Buffalo, 1878. il. 0.
HAYES, J. R. M.P. How to live longer and why we do not live
longer. Phil., 1897. 180 p. S.
HAYES, M. Horace. Illustrated horse-breaking. 2d ed. Lond.»
1896. il. D.
Points of the horse: a familiar treatise on equine conforma-
tion, 2d ed. Lond., 1897. il. Q.
Riding; on the flat and across country. ?.d ed. rev. Lond.,
1891. il. D.
jj^Yfrp, Rutherford P. romp. Publications of the state of Ohio,
1803-1890; with an index to the executive documents. Nor-
walk, 1897. 71 p. 0.
HAYMONl^, Creed. The Central I'acific Railroad Comijanj; its
relatioDs to the government; it has performed every obliga-
tion. Oral argument before the iSelect Committee of the U.
S. Senate, March 17th and 2()th and April 7th, 1888. [S. F.,
n.d.]. O. 2 cop. (Also in Conkling, K. CDid Shipman, W: D.
The Cent. P. R. R. Co. in equitable account with the U. S.)
HAYNE, Paul Hamilton. Poems; complete ed. Post., 1882. il.
pi. por. D.
HAYNES, Frederick E. The reciprocity treaty with Canada of
1851. {In Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub., v. 7, no. 6.)
HAYNES, George H. History of representation and suffrage in
Massachusetts, 1G20-1G1)1. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.
Vol. 12, no. 8-9.)
HAYNES, Irving S. M.D. A manual of anatomy. Phil., 1896.
il. D.
HAYNES, John. Popular election of United States senators. {In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 11, no. 11-12.)
HAY'S, George Peirce. Presbyterians: a popular narrative of their
origin, progress, doctrines, and achievements. Introductions
bv J: Hall and W: E. Moore. N. Y., 1892. il. pors. O.
HAY^WARI), Abraham. Goethe. Edin. and Lond., 1878. reprint
1884. S. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
HAYWARD, Si7- John. Annals of the first four years of the reign
of queen Elizabeth; ed. from a ms. in the Harleian collec-
tion, by J: Bruce. Lond., 1840. 49-^116 p. O. (Camden
Soc, V. 7.)
HAYWARD, William Willis. The history of Hancock, New Hamp-
shire, 1764-1889. Lowell, 1889. 2 v. pi. pors. O.
HAYWOOD, John. Civil and political history of the state of Ten-
nessee, from its earliest settlement up to the year 1796, in-
cluding the boundaries of the state; with a biographical
sketch of Judge J: Haywood by A. S. Colyar. Nashville,
1891. O.
HAZARD, Rowland Gibson. Causation and freedom in willing to-
gether with a creative first cause, and kindred papers; ed. by
C. Hazard. Post., and N. Y^, 1889. D.
Economics and politics: a series of papers upon public ques-
tions written on various occasions from 1840-85; ed. by Caro-
line Hazard. Post., and N. Y., 1889. D.
Essav on language and other essays and addresses; ed. by C.
Hazard. Post., and N. Y^, 1889. 'por. D.
-Freedom of mind in willing; or Every being thnt wills a cre-
ative first cause; ed. by C. Hazard. Post., and N. Y., 1889.
HAZELL'S annual for 1894-97; a cyclopaedic record of men and
topics of the day. Lond., 1894-97. 4 v. D.
HAZELTTNE, Harold D. Appeals from Colonial courts to the King
in Council with special reference to Rhode Island. (In Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1894. Papers, no. 18.)
HAZEN. Allen. The filteration of public water-supplies. N. Y.,
1896. il. O.
HAZEN, Henry A. The climate of Chicago. Wash., 189.3. O. {In
V. S. Dept. of Agric. Weather Bu. Bull. no. 10.)
liAZLIT'i. Wiiliam. Dianuilic ciiticisms. Lond., 181)5. por. 1>.
(iJiaiiiatic essays. IM ser. ed. by \>': Aiclier aud K: W.
The life of Xapolc'ou IJuonaparlc. Uost., [ii.d.J. o v. pi. poia.
UAZLITT, Williaiu Carew. The eoiiia},^e of the European coutiuent,
with au introduction and ealaU)};ues of mints denominations
and rulers. Loud.. 18U3. il. pi. O.
The confessions of a collector. Lond., 181)7. 1).
The l^ambs; their lives, their friends, and their correspond-
ence: new particulars and new material. Lond., 18!)T. D.
The livery companies of the city of Loudon: their origin, char-
acter, development, and social and political importance.
Lond., 181)1!. il. col. pi. O.
Studies in jocular literature. Loud., 181)0. S.
ed. Catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly in the
Harleian library. Loud., 18G2. 84 p. O. [In Camden misc.,
V. 5. Camden Soc, v. 87.)
Tenures of land and customs of manors; originally col-
lected by T: Blount. Xew ed. entirely re-arranged carefully
corrected aud enlarged. Loud., 1874. O.
HEAD, Thomas A. Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth regi-
ment Tennessee volunteers iu the war between the states,
with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Ten-
nessee troops in the same war, 18G1-G5. Nashville, 1885.
por. D.
HEADLAM, Arthur C. D.D. See Sanday, W: and Headlam, A. C.
Commentary on the epistle to tlie Romans.
HEADLEY. Joel Tyler. Mountain adventures in various parts of
the world, selected from the narratives of celebrated travel-
lers. N. Y., 181).S. 11. t>. (Wonders of man and nature.)
and Johnson, W. F. Stanley's wonderful adventures in Africa.
[n.p. c. 1889]. 11. pors. O.
HEADLEY. Phineas Camp. Massachusetts in the rebellion, 1861-
65. Bost., 1860. pors. O.
HEALY, Michael A. capt. Report of the cruise of the revenue mar-
ine steamer Corwin in the Arctic ocean, 1884. Wash., 1889.
128 p. pi. O. (r. S. 50th Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 19.)
HEAP, David Porter. Electrical appliances of the present day;
being a report on the Paris electrical exhibition of 1881. N.
Y.. 1884. il. pi. O.
HEARN, Lafcadio. Gleanings in Buddha-fields, studies of hand and
soul in the far east. Bost., ISvi. ".
Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. Bost., 1895. 2 v. pi. O.
. Kokoro; hints and echoes of Jai)anese inner life. Bost., 1896.
Out of the East; reveries and studies in new Japan. Bost.,
1895. D.
Some Chinese ghosts. Bost., 1887. 185 ji. D.
Two years in the French "\^'ost Indies. N. Y., 1S90. il. pi.
music. D.
HEARST, George.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of G: Hearst, senator
from California, delivered in the Senate and House of Representa-
tives March 25, 1892, and Feb. 24, 1894. Wash., 1894. 58 p. por,
Q. (U. S. Cong. S. M. D.)
HEATH, A. H. A manual on lime and cement; their treatment
and use in construction. Lond., 1893. D.
HEATR, H. A. See Carman, E. A., Heath, H. A. and Minto, John.
Special report on the history and present condition of the
sheep industry of the U. S.
HEATH, Sii- Robert. Speech in the case of Alexander Leighton
June 4, 1630; with preface by J: Bruce, ed. by S: R. Gar-
diner. [Loud.], 187.5. (Zn Camden misc., V. 7. Camden Soc,
U.S., V. 14.)
HEATHCOTE. C. G. Lawn tennis. (Badminton lib.)
HEATHCOTE, J. M. Tennis. (Badminton lib.)
HEATH'S modern language series. Bost., 1896. D.
Namely: Selections for sight translation. [French.] comp. by M. .
S. Bruce.
HEATON, Aldam. Beauty and art. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
HEA TON, John L. The story of Vermont. Bost., [c. 1889]. il. O.
(Story of the states.)
HECKER, Isaac Thomas. Questions of the soul. 6th ed. N. Y.,
[c. 1855]. D.
HECKETHORN, Charles William. The secret societies of all ages
and countries .... religious, political, social, from the most
remote ages to the present time. New ed. rev. and enl. N.
Y., 1897. 2 V. O.
HECTOR, James. Report of the results of the analysis of soils from
various parts of the colony. (In New Zealand Geol. Surv.
Col. Mus. and Lab. rept. 1867-68.)
HEDGE, Frederic Henry. The mythical element in the New Testa-
ment. (In Christianity and modern thought.)
The universal and the special in Christianity, [fn Unitarian
HEDGES, Charles, comp. Speeches of Ben.jamin Harrison. N. Y.,
[c. 1892]. por. D.
HEDGES, Killingworth. American electric street railways: their
construction and equipment. Lond., 1894. il. pi. Q.
Central-station electric lighting; with notes on the methods
used for the distribution of electricity. Lond., [1888.]
7-^128 p. il. pi. D.
HEDLEY, F. Y. Marching through Georgia: pen pictures of
every-dny life in General Sherman's army; from the beginning
of the Atlanta campaign until the close of the war. Chic,
1890. il. pors. facsim. D.
HEDLEY. W. H.. and Rowland, Sydney, eds. Archives of the
Roentgen ray; v. 2. Lond., 1897. ' pi. Q.
Conii nun lion of Archives of skiagraphy.
HEDRICK, Mary A. Incidents of the civil war during the four
years of its progress. 1861-65. Lowell. 1888. 179 p. il. Q.
HEFELE, Err. Charles Joseph. hp. of Iiottruhnrf/. A history of the
christian councils from the original documents; tr. from the
German and ed. by W: R. Clark. Edin., 1883-96. 5 v. O.
QENEUAL i)i:i'.\!rr.\ii:\T. 405
HEGEL, (Jcoiii Willicliii I'licdiicli. L(ij;ic; translated from the
Eiu-yclitpac'ilia of ilu' jtliilosopliical sciniccs. iM cd. iw. and
aiij^Miieiitcd. Oxford, IS'.IL*. 1).
IMiilosopliv of mind; tr. from llic l-lncyclopaedia of tliu PLilo-
sojiliical Soit'nccs witli live inlroducloi'v cssavs by W: Wal-
lace. Oxford. 1SI)4. D.
CAIRD. E. Heo-ol. Phil.. 1S8(). por. S. (Philosophi(-al classics.)
KEDNEY, J. S. Hegel's aesthetics; a critical expedition. Chic,
18S5. S.
STERRETT, J. M. Studies in Hegel's philosophy of religion; with
a chapter of Christian unity in America. N. Y., 1890. D.
GRAIMBERG, C: de. Vues du chateau de la ville et des environs de
Heidelberg, [n. t. p. 1812-18.] 30 pi. obi. Q.
HEILI'RIX, Ano-elo. The Arctic problem and narrative of the
Perry relief expedition of the Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia. Phil., WJ?,. pi. O.
The princi})les of geology. Phil., 1800. pi. maps. Q. {In
Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 7.)
HEILPKIX. Louis. The historical reference book. 2d ed. rev. N.
Y., 1888. O.
HEIMBT'RG. W. pseud. See Behrens, Bertha.
HEINE, Heinrich. Germany [tr. bv C: G. Leland]. N. Y., 1892.
2 v. D.
SHARP, W: Life of Heinrich Heine. Lond., 1888. O. (Great writ-
HEITMAN, Francis Bernard. Historical register of officers of the
continental army during the war of the revolution April 1775-
December, 1783.' Wash., 1893. O.
Historical register of the United States army from its organi-
zation Sei)tember 29, 1789, to September 29, 1889. Wash.,
1890. O.
HELP ERICH, H. J/./J. Atlas of traumatic fractures and luxa-
tions. N. Y., 189G. pi. D. (World's medical hand atlas,
no. 3.)
HELGAUD. monk of Fleiiry. Vie du roi Robert. {In Col. des m^m.
rel. k I'hist. de France. 1824. s. 3, v. 6.)
HELM, Dr. Georg. Principles of mathematical chemistry: the
energetics of chemiciil phenomena: tr. bv J. L. R. Morgan.
N. Y.. 1897. D.
HELMS, Ludwig Verner. Pioneering in the far east, and journeys
to California in 1849 and to the White sea in 1878. Lond.,
1882. pi. O.
HELPS. Arthur. A business man. N. Y.. 1885. 23 p. D.
HEMENWAY, Abby Maria, comp. Vci-mont historical gazetteer;
a local history of all the towns in the state; v, 4. Mon^-
pelier, 1882. pors. O.
Contents: Vol. 4. Towns of Washington county.
HEMINGWAY, Arthur Percy. Gregorio. {Tn Stories by Eng.
authors. Africa.)
HE^rPHTLL, John. D.V. Our public schools. S. F.. 1873. O. {In
Cal. si)eeches. v. 4.)
HEM8LEY, William Botting'. Biologia Centrali-Americana; or.
Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of
Mexico and Central America; ed. by F. D. Godman and O.
Calvin; Botany. Lond., 1879-88. 5 v. pi. F.
[HfiNAULT, Charles Jean Francois]. Abr^g»$ ehronologique de
rhistoire d'Espagne et de Portugal. Paris, 1705. 2 v. S.
Nouvel abrc^g^ ehronologique de Thistoire de France. 3d ed.
Paris, 1749. 11. Q.
HENDEKSOX, Ernest Flagg. History of Germany in the Middle
Ages. Lond., 1894. O.
ir. and ed. Select historical documents of the middle ages.
Lond., 1892. D. (Bohn's antiquarian library.)
[HENDERSON, G. F. R.] The campaign of Fredericksburg Nov.-
Dec. 1862; by a line officer. Lond., 1886. 18-4-145 p. maps.
HENDERSON, Howard. Wealth and workmen; or, The mission
of men and money. Cin., [c. 1891]. D.
HENDERSON, John C. Thomas Jefferson's views on public edu-
cation. N. Y., 1890. por. D.
HENDERSON, R. pub. The art ornamenter and modern sign
writer, 'up to date'. N. Y., [c. 1895.] pi. Q. obi.
HENDERSON, William. Notes on the folk-lore of the northern
counties of England and the borders. New ed. Lond., 1879.
O. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 2.)
HENDREN, S. R. Government and religion of the Virginia In-
dians. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 13, no. 11-12.)
HENFREY, Arthur, ed. Botanical and physiological memoirs.
Lond., 1853. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
Contents: Braun, A. Phenomenon of rejuvenescence in nature. —
Cohn, F. Abstract of the natural history of protococcus pluvialis.—
Meneghini, G. On the animal nature of the diatomeae.
HENKELS, Stan. V. comp. Catalogue no. 677: An extraordinary
collection of Washington's letters. Washington relics, revo-
lutionarv documents [etc.] to be sold December 15-16, 1891.
Thos. Birch's Sons auctioneers. [Phil., n.d.], facsims. O.
• Catalogue no. 694. Washington-]Madison papers; collected
and preserved by James Madison; estate of J. C. McGuire,
of Washington, D. C. [Phil., c. 1892]. facsim. Q.
HENLEY, William Ernest. A book of verses. 4th ed. N. Y.. 1893.
173 p. S.
■ The graphic gallery of Shakespeare's heroines: a series of
studies in goupilgravure from paintings by L. Alma Tadema
[and others] ; with stories of the plays by H. Lond., 1888.
il. pi. F.
The song of the sword and other verses. N. Y.. 1892. 102 p. S.
Views and reviews, essavs in appreciation: literature. N. Y..
1893. S.
coll Lyra heroica, a book of verse for boys. N. Y.. 1896. S.
romp. A London garland selected from ftve centuries of Eng-
lish verse, with pictures by members of the Society of Illus-
trators. Lond., 1895. il. pi. Q.
jniiil rnwp. and ed. See Farmer, J: S., and Henley, W. E. Slang
and its analogues.
HENL?:Y, Willi;nii Ernest, mid Stov«Misoii, Kobcrt T.ouis P.iilf<)nr.
Three i>liivs: Deiuoii Urodie. — H«';iu Austin. — Adniiiiil (Jui-
noa. N. Y., 1802. O.
HENNErKE. C, Co. niihs. Ail stndios. 41 h ependix, giving an extract fi-om
Sir William Foi'rest's lUeasant poesve of princelie practice
1548. Lond., 1878. O. (Same, no. 32.^)
The English CharhMiiagne romances: pt. 1. Sir Ferum-
bras. 2. "The sege olf ^lelayne''. 3. The lyf of the noble and
Crvsten Prynce Charles the Crete; pt. 1-2. 6. The taill of
Ranf Coilyear. [Same, no. 34-30, 39.)
Kyme index. {In Palladius on husbandrie; Same. Reg.
ser. no. 52, 72.)
HERSCHEL, Caroline Lucretia.
CLERKE. A. M. The Hersohels and modern astronomy. N. Y., 189.5.
pors. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
HERSCHEL, Clemens. 115 ex]>eriments on the carrying capacity
of large, riveted, metal conduits, up to six feet per second
velocity of flow. N. Y., 1897. il. 122 p. O.
HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederick William.
CLERKE, A. M. The Herschels and modern astronomy. N. Y., 1895.
pors. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
HERSCHEL. Sir William.
CLERKE, A. M. The Herschels and modern astronomy. N. Y., 1895.
pors. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
HERTER, Christian A. //•. Bei'iilieim, H. Suggestive therapeu-
HERTWIG, Oscar. M.D. Tin- biological problem of today: j.refor-
mation or epigenesis? the basis of a theory of organic devel-
opment. N. Y., [n. d.] il. 148 ].. S.
Tlie cell, outlines of gen<'ial anatomy and jdiysiology. Lond..
1895. il. O.
Text-book of the embryology of man and mammals: tr. from
.3d German ed. by E:'l. ^lark. Lond.. 1892. il. O.
HERVf:, Francis. A lesidence in r.iccce and Turkey; with notes
of the journey thronuh P>nlgaiia. S.-rvia. Ilunixai'y and tlie
Balkan. [Lond.]. ls:'.7. il. 2 v. n.
HERVEY, Nrthur. Masters of Fi-rnc'' music. X. ^■.. ls!)»;. pors.
D. (Masters of contemp. music.)
HERVEY. Maurice II. Alternative measures. (//? White, A. S.
ed. Brittannic confederation. t
HERA'EY, Maurice H. Trade policy of imperial federation, from
an economic point of view. Lond., 1892. O. (Soc. sci. ser.)
HESPERIAN waters: a poem bv [Wandering Bard]. S. F., 1871.
29 p. D.
HESS, Enos H. Dairy feeding as practiced in Pennsylvania.
[Harrisburg], 1896. O. (Penn. Dept. of Agric. Bull. 16.)
HEUER, W. H. [Report on the imj)rovement of San Joaquin, Mo-
kelnmne, Sacramento, and Feather rivers, Petaluma crec^k,
and Humboldt harbor and bay, California, n. t. p.] O.
(App. W. of the Report of U. S. Chief of Engineers, 1891.)
HEWES, Mrs. Anna Maria Lathrop.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of Mrs. David Hewes,
wfth funeral services held at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Le-
land Stanford, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 6, 1892. [n. p. n. d.] 41 p.
pi. por. O.
HEWES, Fletcher W. Citizen's atlas of American politics, 1789-
1892. N.Y., [c. 1883-1892]. F.
Statistical railway studies. (In Clarke, T: C. and others. The
American railway.)
a/i(^ McKinley, William, jr. What are the facts? Protection
and reciprocity illustrated. N. Y., [c. 1892]. Q.
HEWINS. AY. A. S. English trade and finance chiefly in the sev-
enteenth century. Lond., 1892. S. (Univ. ex. ser.)
HEWITT, Frederic W. Anaesthetics and their administration.
Lond., 1893. il. D.
HEYL, Lewis, and Murphy, Mrs. M. K. United States duties on
imports, 1891 ; revised, corrected, and supplemented. 33d ed.
Phil., 1891. O.
HEYSINGER, I. W. Source and mode of solar energy throughout
the universe. Phil., 1895. il. D.
HEYWOOD, Thomas. Dramatic works; with illustrative notes
and a memoir of the author. Lond., 1874. 6 v. S.
HIBBERT, Francis Aidan. The influence and development of
English guilds: as illustrated by the historv of the craft
gilds of Shrewsbury. Cambridge, 1891. 12-U168 p. D.
(Thirlwall dissertation, 1891. Canib. Hist, essays, no. 5.)
HIBBERT lectures on the origin and growth of religion. N. Y.
and Lond., 1881-94. 12 v. O, D.
namely: 1878. Miiller, F. M. Lectures on the origin and growth of
religion as illustrated by the religions of India. N. Y., 1891. D.
1880. Renan, E. Lectures on the influence of the institutions,
thought and culture of Rome; on Christianity and the develop-
ment of the Catholic church; tr. by C: Beard. 3d ed. Lond., 1885. O.
1881. Davids, T: W: R. Lectures on the origin and growth of reli-
gion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism.
N. Y., 1882. O.
1882. Kuenen, A. National religions and universal religions. N.
Y., 1882. D.
1883. Beard, C: The reformation of the Sixteenth century in its re-
lation to modern thought and knowledge. 2d ed. . Lond., 1885. O.
1885. Pfleiderer, O. The influence of the Apostle Paul on the devel-
opment of Christianity; tr. by J. F. Smith. N. Y., 1885. 0.
1886. Rhys, J: Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as
illustrated by Celtic heathendom. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. O.
1887. Sayce, A. H. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as
HIBRKKT leitnivs on thcorifAin ;uh1 i^rowth of r('li<;ion.
illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. 3d ed. Lend.,
1891. 0.
1888. Hatch, E. The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the
Christian church; ed. by A. M. Fairbairn. Ith ed. . Lond., 1892. 0.
1891. Alviella, G. d' Lectures on the origin and growth of the con-
ception of God as illustrated by anthropology and history. Lend.,
1892. O.
1892. Montefiore, C. G. Lectures on the origin and growth of reli-
gion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews. 2d ed. .
[Lond., n. d.]
1894. Drummond, J. Via, Veritas, vita: lectures on Christianity in
its most simple and intelligible form. Lond., 1894. O.
HICKENLOOPP:hV, Andrew. Our volunteei' engineers, iln
Hunter, R. ed. Sketclies of war history.)
HICKS, Frances. Dressmalvcrs and tailoresses. {In Galton, F. W.
ed. Workers on their industries.)
HICKS-JUDD Company, pub. Handy block book of San Fran-
cisco; comprising 50 varas, 100 varas, Western Addition and
Mission; 1894. S. F., [c. 1894]. Q.
HIEROXYMUS Soplironius. Eusebins. [Eng. St. Jerome.) of Sfri-
don. Jerome's apology for himself against the books of Ru-
finus. {In Schaff, P. and Wace, H: eds. Nicene and post-ni-
cene fathers. 2d ser., v. 3.)
Letters and select works. X. Y., 1893. O. (Same, vol. 6.)
St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before doomsday; with Lamentacio
animarum. [In Furnivall, F. J. ed. Adam Davy's 5 dreams
about Edward H.; Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
JEROME and Gennadius: lives of illustrious men; tr. with introduc-
tion and notes, by E. C. Richardson. (/« Schaff, P. and Wace, H:.
eds. Nicene and post-nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 3.)
HIGGIXS, A. Foster. Striped bass fishing. {In Yale, L. M. [and
oiTiers]. Angling.)
HIGGINSON, T: W. Life of Francis Higginson. N. Y., [c. 1891].
158 p. S. (Makers of Amer.)
HIGGEN'SOX, Thomas "^Vent worth. The afternoon landscape;
poems and translations. N. Y. and Lond., 1889. 106 p. D.
Army life in a black regiment. Bost., N. Y., 1890. D.
Books and reading. {In Woman's book, v. 1.)
Concerning all of us. N. Y., 1893. por. T.
In a fair country; illustrated by Irene E. Jerome; essays from
''Out-door papers." Bost. and X. Y., 1890. pi. obi. O.
A larger history of the Ignited States of America to the close
of president Jackson's administr;ition. N. Y., 1886. il. pi.
pors. maps, facsim. O.
Life of Francis Higginson. X. Y.. [c. 1891]. 158 p. S.
(^Makers of Amer.)
Massachusetts in the army and niivy during the war of 1861-
65. v: 1-2. Bost., 1895-6. 2 v. O.
Women and men. X^. Y., 1888. S.
r,,j(l Biiielow. E. H. rd.-^. .VuK-riran sonnets. Bost.. 1891. S.
HIGGS, Henry. The Physiocrats; six lectures on the French 6con-
omistesof the 18th century. Lond.. 1897. 158 p. D.
HIGGS, Paget. The electric light in its practical application.
Lond., 1879. il. O.
HIGHLAND and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays
and transactions [1799-1824] ; New [2d] ser., 1829-43. Edin.,
1803-43. 14 V. O.
Transactions; 1848-91; [3d] -5th ser. Ediu., 1845-91. 34 v. O.
Index, lst-3d ser.; 1799-1805; comp. by F. N. Menzies. Edin.,
1869. 184 p. O.
Keport on the present state of the agriculture of Scotland.
Edin., 1878. O.
HIGHT, G. Ainslie. tr. Chamberlain, H. S. Richard Wagner.
HIGHTON, E. K. Some general observations on matters of public
interest, with special reference to the municipal government
of San Francisco. S. F., 18G6. 72 p. O.
HILDEBURN, Charles Swift Riche. A century of printing: the is-
sues of the press in Pennsvlvania, 1G85-1784. Phil., 1885-86.
2 V. Q.
Sketches of printers and printing in colonial New York. N.
Y., 1895. pors. fac-sim. 190 p. D.
HILDRETH, Richard. Japan and the Japanese. Bost., 1861. D.
HILGARD, Eugene Waldemar. Alkali lands, irrigation and drain-
age in their mutual relations. (Univ. of Cal. College of Agri.
Agri. Experiment Station. App. to report, 1890.)
Report on the relations of soil to climate. Wash., 1892. O.
{In U. S. Dept. of Agric. Weather Bu. Bull., no. 3.)
Work of the College of Agriculture and Experiment stations.
Sac, [1896]. O. (Univ. of Cal. College of Agri. Bull. 111.)
HILL, Aaron. Works, consisting of letters on various subjects,
original poems; with an essav on the art of acting. Lond.,
1753. 4 V. O.
HILL, Mrs. Birkbeck. ir. Leger L. History of Austro-Hungary.
HILL, Charles S. Our merchant marine: a voice for American
commerce. 3d ed. rev. N. Y., 1877. 64 p. D.
HILL, Don Gleason. ed. Records of births, marriages, and
deaths, and intentions of marriage in the town of Dedham,
1635-1845. Dedham, 1886. 2 v. in 1. O.
Same. Transcribed from the church records, 1638-1845. epi-
taphs [etc.]. Dedham, 1888. O.
HILL, Frank Alden. The mystery solved: facts relating to the
"Lawrence-Townley," ''Chase-Townle^^" marriage and estate
question; with genealogical information concerning the fam-
ilies of Townlej', Chase, Lawrence, Stephens, Stevens and
other families of America. Bost., 1888. il. chart. 94 p.
HILL, George Birkbeck. Talks about autographs. Bost., 1896.
fac-sim. O.
ed. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa, 1874-79. Lond., 1881.
per. O.
Johnsonian miscellanies. N. Y., 1897. 2 v. O.
HILL, Georgiana. Women in English life from mediaeval to mod-
ern times. Lond., 1896. il. 2 v. O.
UESERAL ni:j'MiTMEX'l. 4I5
HILL, Hamilton Andrews. IHstory of the Old South Church
(Third church), Boston, 1(;<)!')-1.S84. Bost., 189(L 2 v. il.
pi. pors. facsim. O.
Memoir of Abbott Lawrence; with an appendix. '2d ed,
Bost., 1884. por. O.
HILL, J. A. tr. Colin, (}. History of jKtIilical economy.
HIJ^L, John Woodrolle. The manajienient and diseases of the dog.
3d ed. rhil., [1888]. 11. pi. O.
HILL, Robert T. Neozoic geology of southwestern Arkansas. [In
Arkansas geol. sur. annual i-e})ort for 1888. v. 2.)
The present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas.
Wash., 1887. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin, no.' 45.)
HILL, William. The first stages of the tarilt i)olicy of the U. S.
(Anier. Ec. Assoc. Pub., v. 8, no. G.)
HILLER, Walking, pseud. See Ross, Joseph.
HILLIARD, Henry Washington. Politics and pen pictures at
home and abroad. N. Y., 1892, por. O.
HILL8, Delia ]\r. Whisperings of time. S. F., 1878. 472 p. S.
HIMIOBEN, Eev. Henry. The beauties of the Catholic church; or,
Her festivals, and her rites and ceremonies, ])opularl3^ ex-
I)lained [originally written b}^ Rev. G. Rippell] ; tr. and
adapted from the German of H. by F. J. Shadier, with an in-
trod. by P. N. Lynch. 9th ed. N.' Y. and Cin., 1890. D.
HINDE, Sidney Langford. The fall of the Congo Arabs. N. Y.,
1897. por. O.
HINES, Gustavus. Wild life in Oregon. N. Y., [c. 1881]. D.
HINGHAM, (Mass.) History of the town of Hingham, Mass.
[Cambridge], 1893. 3 v. in 4. il. pors. maps. O.
Contents: Vol. 1:1-2. Historical. 2-3. Genealogical.
HINMAX, Frederick A. Notes on military surveying; April 8,
May G, 1872. (Essayons Club; printed jjapers; v. 1, no. 21.)
HINMAN, Royal Ralph, comp. Catalogue of the names of the
early Puritan settlers of the colony of Connecticut; with the
time of their arrival in the country and colony. Hartf., 1852.
por. O:
HINSDALE, Burke Aaron. Establishment of the first southern
boundary of the U. S. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1893. Pa-
pers, no. 23.)
How to studv and teach historv with particular reference to
tl-e history of the United States. N. Y., 1894. D. (Int.
Ed. ser., v. 25.)
[HINTON, Richard Jackson.] Rebel invasion of Missouri and
Kansas, and the campaign of the army of the border against
General Sterling Price, in October and November, 18G4.
Chic, 18G5. por. O.
HINTON. liichard Josiah. Report on irrigation and the cultiva-
tion of the soil therebv, with ])hysical data, conditions, and
progress within the IJ.'S. for 189i. Wash., 1892. O. (U. S.
Dept. of Agric. Irrigation, pt. 1 '
See Burr. F. A., and Hinton, R. J. Life of General P. H. Sher-
HINTS and points for sportsmen; comp. bv "Seneca." N. Y.,
1891. S.
HIOKNS, ."Li'tlnu* H. Iron and steel manufacture. Lond., 1895.
180 p. S.
Mixed metals, or Metallic alloys. Lond., 1890. S.
Practical metallurgy and assaying. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. il. S.
A text-book of elementary metallurgy. 2d ed. Lond., 1895. S.
HIPFOX, Anthony, caft.
MARTEN, N. Voyage to the coast of Koromandel, Bantam and Siam,
in 1()11. (/;( Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 429.)
Floris, P. W. Journal of the same voyage; tr. from the Dutch.
{In Same, p. 435.)
HIKSCH. Dr. William. Genius and degeneration, a psychological
study: tr. from 2d Ger. ed. N. Y., 1896. O.
HIKT, Ludwig. The diseases of the nervous system; tr. by A.
Hoch. assisted by F. R. Smith, with an introduction bv W:
Osier. N. Y., 1893. il. O.
Pathologie und Therapie der Nervenkrankheiten. Wien, 1890.
il. O.
HIRTITJS, Aulus. Commentaries on the Alexandrian war; Com-
mentaries on the African war; Commentaries on the Span-
ish war (attributed to Hirtius). {In Caesar, C. J. Commen-
taries on the Gallic and civil wars.)
HISTORIE du temps; ou, Le veritable recit de ce qui s'est pass6
dans le Parlement de Paris. Rouen, 1649. 0.
HISTOIRE naturelle ot civile de la Californie. See Venegas, M.
HTSTORTAXS of Scotland; ed. bv W: F. Skene. Edin., 1871-80.
10 V. O.
Contents: V. 1. John of Pordun. Chronica gentis Scotorum. 2-3, 9.
Andrew of Wyntoun. Orygynale cronykil of Scotland. 3 v. 4. John
of Fordun. Chronicle of the Scottish nation. 5. Lives of S. Ninian
and S. Kentigern; ed. by A. P. Forbes. 6. Adamnan. Life of Saint
Columba; ed. by W: Reeves. 7. Liber pluscardensis; ed. by F. J. H.
Skene. 8. Innes, T: Critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the
northern parts of Britain or Scotland. 9. ^ee 2. 10. Book of pluscar-
den; ed. by F. J. H. Skene.
HISTORIC court memoirs: Ed. des xVmateurs. no. .34. pub. by the
Grolier society. Paris, Bost., [n. d.]. il. pi. 5 v. O.
Namely: Brown, J. Courts of Denmark and Sweden during the
reigns of Christian VII of Denmark, and Gustavus III. and IV. of Swe-
den. 2 V. Masson, C. F. P. Memoirs of Catharine 11 and the court of
St. Petersburg during her reign and that of Paul I. Montespan, Mme.
de. Memoirs. 2 v.
HISTORIC towns; ed. bv E. A. Freeman and W: Hunt. N. Y.,
1891. 2 V. maps. D.
Namelij: Boston, by H: C. Lodge. New York, by T. Roosevelt.
HISTORICAL collection of a citizen of London in the fifteenth cen-
tury, containing: I. .John Page's Poem on the siege of Rouen.
II. Lydgate's Verses on the kings of England. III. William
Gregory's Chronicle of London; ed. by J. Gairdner. [West-
minster], 1876. O. (Camden Soc, n.s. v. 17.)
HISTORICAL illustrations of the origin and progress of the pas-
sions, and their influence on the conduct of mankind, with
some subordinate sketches of human nature and human life,
[by S: Walter Burgess.] Lond., 1825. 2 v. O.
[HISTORICAL record of the First Madras European Regiment, by
A stafe officer. Lond., 1842. pi. O. [n. t. p.].
GHM'JIfAL l)i:i'\UT.]Hh\T. 417
HfSTOKK'AL Sorictv of Southorn California. Amiual ])ul)li(alion :
1SS7. 1SS8-U, 18!)0, l.stn. S. F. and l>os Angeles. 1SSS-<)1. O.
('onstitntion, standinji- rules, and list of oHiccrs and niembors,
with the inaugural address of the Presiih'nl. Los Angeles,
1SS4. (). pani.
riihlieations: v. .'{. Los Angeles, ISST-JM;. O.
HISTORY of banking in all the leading nations: edited by the Ed.
of the .Tonrnal of Conunerce and ('onnnercial liulletin. N. Y.,
ISilt;, -1 V. (}.
Contents: Vol. 1. Sumner. W: G. Banking in U. S. 2. McLeod, H:
D. In Great Britain. — Horn, A. E. In tlie Russian Empire. — Town-
send, J: P. Savings-banks in the U. S. 3. Des Essars, P. Banking
in the Latin nations.— Raffalovich, A. Banks of Alsace-Lorraine after
the annexation.— Walker, B. E. Banking in Canada. 4. Wirth, M.
In Germany and Austria-Hungary.— Van der Borght, R. In the Neth-
erlands. — Jensen, A. In the Scandinavian nations.— Soyeda, J. In
Japan. — Jernigan, T: R. In China.
HISTOKV of battery A. First regiment of Ohio vol. light artillery.
Sec Davidson, H. M.
HISTOKV of Hindostan; [by Muhanmiad Kazim Farishta].
HISTOKV of the Forty-sixth Veginient Indiana volunteer infantry.
See Briughurst, T: IT., and Swigart, F.
HISTORY of the Fifteenth regiment Iowa veteran volunteer infan-
try. See Belknap, \Y: ^y. and others.
HISTOKY of the Seventeenth Virginia infantry, C. S. A. See
Wise, G :
UISTi)KY of the siege of Delhi by An ollicer who served there;
[W: W. Ireland.].
niSTOKY of the Thirty-sixth regiment Massachusetts volunteers,
1X02-05; by A committee of the regiment. See Burrage, H:
S., Hodgkins. W: H. (ind others.
HITCHCOCK. P.en jam in W. Chronological record of the American
civil war, isritt 65; also a comi)le"te list of vessels captured by
the confederate navy. ^\ Y., IStlO. inr,-i-[r)] p. por. O.
HITCHCOCK, K. ed. Art of the. world, illustrated in the paint-
ings, statuarv. and architecture of the World's Columbian
Exposition; pub. by D. Appleton and Co.; text by H. N.
Y.. ISO,-), il. 2 V. F.
HITCHCOCK. Robert. The English army rations in the time of
Queen Elizabeth. 1591. A ]»o]itic plat for the honour of the
prince, the great profit of the ])ui)li<- state, relief of the poor,
preserVation of the rich [otc.]. 1580. (Tn Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 2.)
HITCHCOCK. Roswell DwMght. Eternal atonement. X. Y., 1888.
por. D.
niTTELL, John Shirtzer. California as a home for the emigrant.
.'U p. (In All about California.)
History of the mental growth of mankind in ancient tinn-s. N.
Y., 180?.. 4 V. O.
Contents: Vol. 1. Savagism. 2. Heathen barbarism. 3. Judea and
Greece. 4. Rome and early Christianity.
HITTELL, John Shirtzer. Marshall's gold discovery; a lecture de-
livered before the Society of California Pioueers, January
24, 1893. S. F., 1893. 17 p. O. {In Cal. Pioneers. Orations
and poems, v. 2.)
Marshall's gold discovery; a lecture delivered before the So-
ciety of California Pioneers January, 24, 1893. S. F., 1893.
17 p. O. {In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems, v. 2.)
Mining iu the Pacilic states of North America. S. F., ISGl. S.
HITTELL, Theodore Henry. History of California (continued), v.
3-4. S. F., 1897. 2 v. O.
HIUEN Tsiang. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist records of the western world;,
tr. from the Chinese by S : Beal. Loud., 1884. 2 v, map. O.
(Triibner's oriental ser.)
HOADLEY family.
TROWBRIDGE, P. B. Hoadley genealogy. New Haven, 1894. 0.
HOADLY, George. In the matter of the electoral votes of the
states of Florida and Oregon. Cin., 1877. 77 p. O.
HOAR, George F. The charge against President Grant and At-
torney General Hoar of packing the Supreme Court of the
United States to secure the reversal of the Legal Tender de-
cision refuted. Worcester, 1896. 45 p. O. pam.
HOARD, William D. First biennial message. Delivered to the leg-
islature of Wisconsin, Jan. 10, 1889. Madison, 1889. 23 p. O.
HOBBES, John Oliver, pseud. See Craigie, Mrs. Pearl M.
HOBBES, Thomas.
ROBERTSON, G: C. Hobbes. Phil., 1886. por. S. (PhilosopTiical
HOBBS, James, capt. W^ild life in the far west: personal adven-
tures of a border mountain man. Hartford, 1875. pi. O.
HOBSON, John A. The evolution of modern capitalism; a study of
machine production. Lond., 1896. S. (Cont. sci. ser.)
Problems of poverty, an incjuiry into the industrial condition of
the poor. Lond., 1896. S. (Soc. ques. of today.)
The problem of the unemployed, an enquiry and an economic
policy. Lond., 1896. 163 p. D. {Same:)^
ed. Co-operative labour upon the land, and other papers; the
report of a conference upon Land, Co-operation and the Un-
emploved. Lond., 1895. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
HOCCLEYE^ Thomas. Works: 1. Minor poems; in the Phillipps
M.S. 8151 (Cheltenham) and the Durham ^\. S. TIL 9.; ed. by
F. J. Furnivall. Lond., 1892. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Ex. ser. no. 61.)
HOCn, AuGust. tr. Hirt, L. Diseases of the nervous system.
HODDEJi, "Edwin. Life and work of the seventh Earl'of Shaftes-
bury. Popular ed. L,ond., etc., 1888. pi. por. D.
HODGE, Archibald Alexander. D.T). Ooutlines of theology; re-
written and enlarged. N. Y., [c. 1878.]. O.
HODGE, Cliarles. D.B. Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephe-
sians. N. Y., [c. 1856]. D.
Commentarv on the Epistle to the Romans. 19th ed. N. Y.,
[c. 18.36].' D.
An exposition of the first Epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y.,
[c. 1857]. D.
UE.\Eh'AL hf.l'Ain'MEST. 41^
HODGE, Charles. D.D. Am cxiKtsilion oT ilie second Kpisilc lo
the Coriiitiiiau!!;. iS'. V., [c. i85SJj. D.
HODGEtS, Hairy E, I'md. >;oleB on luiteriiig lock gales. >\ ash.,
18U2. pi.' Q. (U. S. Eiujinecr Depl. I'rolessional papers, uo.
HODGKi^'. Thomas. Theodoric the Goth: Ihe barl>aruin cliaiu-
pion of civilisalion. N. Y., 18JKi. pi. pors. niai)s. L).
(Heroes of the nations.)
HODGKlAtS, William H. The battle of Eort Stednian d'etersburg,
Virginia) March 25, 1805. Bost., 188i). 49 p. map. O.
H0DG!SO:s', Jirian Houghton. Miscellaneous essays relating to
Indian subjects. J.ond., 1880. 2 v. O. (Triibner's oriental
HODSON, AVilliam ^Stephen Eaikes. Twelve years of a soldier s life
in India; being extracts from letters; including a personal
narrative of the siege of Delhi and capture of the king and
princes; ed. by Kev. G: H. Hodson. Eroni the 3d enl. Eng.
ed. Bost., 1800. D.
HOEFEK, Ferdinand. Histoire de Tastronomie, depuis ses origines
jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1873. D.
Histoire des math^matiques depuis leurs origines jusqu'au com-
mencement du dix-neuvieme siecle. 2'^'"'^ M. Paris, 1S7«». D.
Histoire de la physique et de la chimie depuis les temps les plus
resuk% jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1872. D.
HOEPLI, Ulrico. I migliri libri Italiani consigliati da cento ilhistri
contemporanei. Milano, 18U2. D.
HOFFMAN, Frederick L. Race traits and tendencies of the Ameri-
can negro. (Amer. econ. assoc. pub. v. 11.)
HOFFMAN, Walter James. The beginnings of writing. N. Y.,
1895. il. pi. D. (Anthrop. ser.)
The Mid<^'wiwin or ''Grand Medicine Society" of the Ojibwa.
[In Smithsonian Inst. Bvrcnn nf Ethnology, 7th annual re-
HOFFMAN, Professor, pseud. See Lewis, Angelo.
HOFFMAN, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm. AVeird tales; a new trans-
lation from the German, with a biographical memoir hy J.
T. Bealby. Lond., 1885. 2 v. pi. por. D.
HOFFMAN, Hemmann. Californien, Nevada, und Mexico \\ ander-
ungen eines Polytechnikers. Wohlfeile Ausg. Basel. 1879.
HOFMAN, H. O. The metallurgy of lead and tlie desilvf^rization of
base bullion. 3d ed. N. V., 1893. il. plans. O.
HOFMEISTER, Wilhelm Fnodrich Benedict. On the germination,
development, and fructification of the higher cryptogamia,
and on the fructification of the coniferao; tr. by F. Cuvrj.
Lond.. 1802. pi. O. (Bay Soc. Pub.)
HOGAN, Louise ?:. How to feed children, a manual for mothers,
nurses and phvsicians. Phil., 1890. il. D.
HOGAKTH. David G. A wandering scliolar in the Levant. N. Y.,
1890. il. map. D.
Philip and Alexander of :^L1codon, two essays in biogra]»hy. N.
Y., 1897. il. maps. O.
HOCJAUTH, William. Hogarth's tableaux; a series of original
graphic scenes, illustrative of national character, beauty, and
costume' ed. by Mrs. A. A. Watts. Loud., [n.d.] 2 v. in 1.
pi. F.
HOGG, Francis Roberts. M.B. Indian notes. Lond., 1880. D.
HOGG, Jauies. Tales and sketches, by the Ettrick shepherd. Glas-
gow [1S;JGJ. 6 V. S.
•HOGG, James. Do Quince}^ and his friends; personal recollections,
souvenirs and anecdotes, of Thomas De Quincey his friends
and associates. Loud., 1895. por. O.
IIOGCJ, Kobert. ed. Herefordshire pomona; v. 1-2. Lond., 1876-
85. 2 V. in 1. col. pi. F.
HOGG, Thomas. A concise and practical treatise on the growth
and culture of the carnation, piuk, auricula, polyanthus, ran-
unculus, tulip, hvacinth, rose and other flowers. 4th ed. with
add. Lond. ,[1820]. col. pi. D.
HOHENLOHE-INGELFINGEN, Kraft. Prince of. Letters on ar-
tillery, tr. by N. L. Walford. Lond., 1888. pi. S.
HOKE. Jacob. Reminiscences of the war; or, Incidents which
transpired in and about Chambersbhrg during the war of the
i-ebellion. Chambersburg, 1884. pi. O.
HOLCOMB, William P. Pennsylvania boroughs. {In Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies, v. 4.)
HOiX'OMP,, ('hester. The real Chinaman. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. O.
HOLDKN, Austin Wells. M.D. History of the town of Queens-
l)ury, New York, with biographical sketches, and some ac-
count of the aborigines of northern New York. Albany, 1874.
]>ors. O.
HOLDEN, Edward Singleton. Catalogue of the library of the Lick
Observatory; pt. 1— July 1, 1890. Sac, 1891. 121 p. O. {In
TTniv. of Cal. Lick Obs. Reports on the eclipse of the sun
1889 etc.)
Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891, Wash., 1892. O.
V. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 95.)
Memorials of William Cranch Bond, director of Harvard Col-
lege Observatory, 1840-1859; and of his son George Phillips
Bond, director 1859-1865. S. F., 1897. il. O.
comp. List of recorded earthquakes in California, Lower Cali-
fornia, Oregon, and Washington territory. Published by di-
rection of the Regents of the University of California. Sac,
1887. 78 p. O.
HOLDEN, Frederic A. Genealogy of the descendants of Banfield
Capron, from 1660 to 1859. ' Bost., 1859. il. por. D.
HOLDEN, William. Military poll tax; speech in the Assembly of
California, January 24th, 1866. S. F., 1866. 13 p. O. {In
Cal. Speeches, v. 3.)
Speech delivered in the Assembly of the state of California,
February 18, 1857; reported by C: A. Sumner. Sac, 1857.
8 p. O. {In same.)
HOLDER, Charles Frederick. Charles Darwin: his life and work.
N. Y., 1891. pi. D. (Leaders in science.)
The haunts of the black sea-bass. {In Yale, L. M. and others.
HOLDf:i^ Cluu'les Frcdoi-ick. The ivory kin^: a pcinilar liisl<.ry of
the elcpluiut and its allies. N. V., 1SS.S. pi. D. (Marvels
of animal life ser.)
Livinjj: li<>lits: a ])oi)nlar account of phosplion-scenl animals
and vejietables. N. V.. ISSS. jd. I). {Same.}
Marvels of animal life. X. V., ISSS. pi. I). {Same.)
[HOLDSWORTII, T. \V. K.] ('aiiii»ai}in of the Indus, in a series
of lett(M-s from an ofhcer (»f the Ilombay division; with an in-
troduction bv A. 11. Iloldsworth. Private copy. [n. p.].
1840. D.
HOLE. James. Lectures on social science and the or<;anization of
labor. Lond.. 1851. ll-':-182 p. O.
HOLE, Sammd Reynolds. A bo(dv about roses: how to jjrow and
show them. M ed. enl. VaWw. and Lond.. 1870. D.
HOLGATE, Jerome P.. American jienealooy. bein^^ a history of
some of the early settlers of North America and their de
sceudauts notice of prominent families
N. Y., 1851. Q.
HOLIDAY, Henry. Stained glass as an art. Lond., ISOC. il.
col. pi. O. '
HOLIXSKL Alexandre Jean Joachim. La Californie et les routes
interoc^aniques. 2^ ^d. Bruxelles, 1855. D.
HOLLAND, Frederic May. Stories from Robert Browning; with
an introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Lond.. 1882. S.
HOLLAND, Henry Scott. Creed and character, sermons. N. Y..
1887. D.
Faith. (In Gore. C: ed. Lux mundi. 1.)
Logic and life, with other sermons. N. Y., 1893. D.
HOLLAND Society of New York. Constitution, by-laws, officers
and minnbers; April. 1804. N. Y.. 1804. 73 p. D.
Collections, y. 1:1-2. [N. Y.]. 1801. 2 y. pi. Q.
Cnutcntu: V. 1:1-2. Records of the Reformed Dutch churches of
Hackensack and Schraalenljurgh, New Jersey.
HOLLANDER, J. H. The Cincinnati southern railway: a study in
municipal actiyity. (In Johns Hopkins Uniy. studies, v. 12,
no. 1-2.)
ed. Letters of David Kicardo to John Ramsay Met 'ul loch.
1810-182:?. \Tn Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub., y. 10.)
WORCESTER, S: T. History of the town of Hollis, New Hampshire
from" its first settlement to 1879. Nashua. 1879. il. pors. niapK.
CASE L. W. omp. The Hollister family of America; Lieut. .John
Hollister of Wethersfield, Conn, and his descendants. Chic. 1886.
il. por. O.
HOLLO^VAY. Laura Carter. The ladies of the White House; or.
In the home of the i)residents: being a coin|.h'io liisK.ry of
the social and domesti<- lives of the presidents from Wash-
ington to the i)resent time. 17S01SS1. Phil.. ISSI. poir. ()-
HOLM. Adolphe. History of (inw-ce from its c.mimeMreiiieni to
' the close of the inch'pemh ".-,. < f the Greek naiion. v. 1-3.
^'. ^'. 1^0? Of). :! ". . I>.
HOLIVIE, Charles, ed. The international studio; an illustrated
majiazine of fine and applied art: v. 1-2. 1897. X. Y., 1897.
2 y. O.
HOLMES, A. Bromlev. Practical electric lighting. 4th ed.
Lond., 1889. il. "^D.
HOLMES, ^frs. Basil. Tiie London burial grounds; notes on tludr
liistorv from the earliest times to the present dav. N. Y.,
1896. ' il. O.
HOLINIES, Eugenia Kellogg. Adolph Sutro; a brief story of a
brilliant life. S. F., 1895. il. pors. 56 p. S.
HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. The autocrat of the breakfast table.
Bost., 1889. por. D.
Elsie Venner: a romance of destiny. 35th ed. Bost.. 1889. D.
The guardian angel. Bost. and N. Y., 1889. D.
Medical essays, 1812-1882. Bost., 1888. D.
^A mortal anti])athv; first opening of the new portfolio. 8th
ed. Bost., 1887. ' D.
One hundred days in Europe. Bost., 1889. D.
Over the teacups. Bost, 1891. D.
Pages from an old volume of life: a collection of essays, 1857-
1881. Bost., 1889. D.
The poet of the breakfast table. Bost., 1889. pi. D.
Poetical works. Household ed. Bost., [c. 1850-87]. por. D.
The professor at the breakfast table ; with the story of Iris.
Bost.. 1889. D.
MORSE, J: T. jr. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes.Bost.,
1896. il. pors. 2 v. D.
HOLMES, Sherlock, psevd. See Doyle, A. C.
HOLMES, Susie P. See Carter, J. G. A., a7id Holmes, S. P. comp.
Genealogical record of the Dedham branch of the Avery fam-
ily in America.
HOLMES, T. /r. Suttner, B. von. Lay down your arms.
HOLMES, William H. Archaeological studies among the ancient
cities of Mexico: Pt. 1. Monuments of Yucatan. 2. Monu-
ments of Chijjas, Oaxaca and the valle}' of Mexico. (Field
Columbian Mus. Pub., 8, 16.)
Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Columbia; — Study of
the texile art in its relation to the development of form and
ornament. (In Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology, 6th
report, 1884-85.)
HOLST. Hermann Eduard von. The constitutional and political
history of the United States (continued); 1856-61; tr. by J:
J. La lor. Chic, 1889-92. 2 v. O.
Contoits: 1856-59, Buchanan's election, end of 35th Congress. 1859-
61, Harper's Ferry, Lincoln's inauguration.
Sdiiic. Index and list of authorities, by I. H. Brainerd. Chic,
1892. O.
T!:e French revolution, tested by Mirabeau's career; twelve
lectures on the history- of the French revolution, delivered
at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass. Chic, 1894. 2 v.
l)or. D.
HOLT, Ardern. Fancy dressed described; or, What to wear at
fancy balls. 0th ed. Loud., [n. d.]. il. col. pi. O.
aiJSEHAL i)i:i'Ah"r.)n:.\T. 423
HOLT, TIeiiry. //•. About. K. F. \'. Man witli ili<- Inokm uar; —
Notary's nose.
HOLT, L. Emmctl. M.D. Tlic diseases ol" infancy and riiildhood,
for the use of sludouts and pratt ilioners of niedii-ine. N. Y.,
18D7. il. O.
HOLTHAUkSEN, Ferd. ed. \' ices and virliu's: being- a soul's con-
fession of its sins, with reason's description of the virtues;
A middle-English dialogue of about 12(H) A. 1).; ed. with an
introduetion, translation, notes, and glossary, from the Stowe
ms. 240 in the British Museum: pt. 1. Text and translation.
Loud., IS88. O. (Early Eng. Text «oc. Pub. Keg. ser. no. 89.)
HOLY (Jrail. Sec .loseph of Arinuvthie.
HOLYOAKE. Emilie A. Need of organization among women. {In
(ialton, F. W. cd. Workers on their industries.)
HOLYOAKE, George Jacob. The co-operative movement to-day.
Lond., 1801. D. (Social questions of to-day.)
History of the Rochdale pioneers. 1844-1)2. 10th ed. Lond.,
18!):i' D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
Self-help a hundred years ago. Ad ed. Lond., 1891. D. (Same.)
HO^IE. Sir Everard. Lectures on comi)arative anatomy in which
are explained the preparations in the Hunterian collection;
[to which is subjoined Synopsis systematis regni animals].
Loud.. 1814-28. (i v. pi. ' por. F.
H0:ME rule in the solid south, iln Kei»ublican cami)aign docs.
[HOMER, A.] Bibliotheca AnuM-icana; or, A chronological cata-
logue of the most curious and interesting books, pamphlets,
state papers, etc., upon the subject of North and South Amer-
ica, from the earliest period to the present, in print and man-
uscript. Lond., 1789. Q.
HOMER family.
BRIEF account of the family of Homer, or de Homere of Ettinshall,
Co. Stafford, Eng., and Boston, Mass. Albany, 1889. 27 p. D.
HOMERUS. Batrachomyomachia; or. The battaile of the frogs and
mice: hymnes and epigrams: ti-. according to the origmall
by George Chaiuuan, introduction and notes by R. Hooper.
Lond., 18S8. S.
Hiad; a burlesque translation by Thomas Bridges; revised and
modifiedby G: A. Smith. Bhil., 1889. il. pi. O.
Iliad; done into English verse by A. S. Way. Lond., 1880-88.
2 v. O.
Iliad; engraved from the comiiositions of John Flaxman.
Lond., 18().-5. pi. obi. Q. (Ccuitains also the Odyssey.)
Iliad; literallv translated, with explanatory notes by T. A.
Buckley. N. Y., 1889. D. (ITari>er's new classical library.)
Odvssey; engraved from the compositions of .lohn Flaxman.
Lond.', 1805. pi. obi. Q. tBd. with the Iliad.)
Odyssey; rendered into English blank verse by G: :Musgrave.
2d ed. rev. and cor. Lond.. 18^!). 2 v. O.
HONGHARENKO, Agapius. Russian and Englisli i.lnase book.
S. F.. 1808. 100 ]». D.
HONE riiilii) Diary 1828 ,")! ; ed. with an introdmtion by Bayard
Tuckermnn. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. i.or. O.
HONOLI LU, (11. 1.1.
DIRECTORY and handbook of Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands,
18U6-97. F. M. Husted, pub. S. F., 1896. map. 0.
HOOD, Kobiu. Here begimietli a little geste of Kobin Hood and his
meiuY. [about 1510.] {in Arber, E. Eng. Gamer, v. 6, p.
PYLE, H. The merry adventures of Robin Hood of great renown, in
Nottinghamshire. N. Y., 1896. 11. O.
HOOD, Thomas. Whims aud oddities. New ed. Lond., 18U0. il.
HOOFS, claws and antlers of the Kocky mountains; Photographic
reproductions of wild game from life [by Mr. and Mrs. Walli-
han]. Introduction by T. Roosevelt; Published by F. S.
Thayer. Denver, 1894. Q.
HOOGEWERFF, J. A. Magnetic observations at the United States
Naval Observatory, 181)0. {In U. S. Naval Obscrcatovy, Obser-
vations, 1887, ai)p. 2.)
Same. In 1891. {In same, 1888, app. 2.)
HOOK, Theodore. Bon-mots: ed. by W. Jerrold. Loud., 1894. iL
T. (Bon-mots.)
HOOKER, Margaret Huntington. Y° gentlewoman's housewifery,
containing scarce, curious, and valuable receipts for making
all sorts of viands .... also sundry remedies of sovereign and
approved efficacy. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
HOOKER, Thomas.
WALKER, G: L. Thomas Hooker, preacher, founder, democrat. N.
Y., [c. 1891]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
HOOKER. Sir William Jackson. British ferns; or, Coloured figures
and descriptions with the needful analyses of the fructifica-
tion aud venation of the ferns of Great Britain and Ireland
systematicallv arranged; drawings bv Walter Fitch. Loud.,
1861. col. 1)1.' O.
A century of ferns; being figures with brief descriptions of
one hundi'ed new, or rare, or imperfectly known s])ecies of
ferns, from various parts of the world. Lond., 18.54. pi. Q.
Companion to the Botanical Magazine; being a journal con-
taining such interesting botanical information as does not
come within the prescribed limits of the mnga/.ine. Lond.,
1835-36. 2v. pi. por. O.
Garden fei'ns; or, Coloured figuies ;iud descriptions with the
needful analyses of the fructification and venation of a se-
lection of exotic ferns adapted for cultivation in the garden,
hothouse and conservatorv; drawings bv Walter Filch.
Lond., 1802. col. pi. . "
Genera filicum; or. Illustrations of the ferns and othei' allied
genera; from the original coloured drawings of Francis
Bauer, with additions and des(i-ii)tive letterpress bv H.
Lond., 1842. Q.
HOOLEY'S o])era house songster, Dick and Fitzgerald j^ublishci's.
N. Y.. [c. L8r)3]. 72 p. T. {Jn Cal. song books.)
HOOPER, W. H., and Phillips, W. C. :Manual of marks on pottery
pud T>orcelain, a dictionarv of easv reference. Lond., 1896.
il. T.
GEXLh'AL ni:i'\inMi:xT: 425,
HOOKN, IMetor van.
EMBASSY of the Lord Van Hoorn to Kang hi, emperor of China and
Eastern Tartary. (hi Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. :i p. 45G.)
HOrp:, Aulhony. ^'cc Hawkins, Anthony IIopo.
HOl'K. Kobcrl ('liai-lcs. Mediaeval niiisic: an historical sketch
Loud., 18<)4. D.
HOI'KINS, Albeit A. ed. Magic, staj-e illusions and scientific di-
versions, includiu}^ trick photography. ^^ Y., 18D7. il. O.
• Scieutitic Auierican cych)pedia of receipts, notes and (juer-
ies. N. Y., 1892. O.
HOrivINS, Ali)houso Alvah. cd. Sec Blashfield, E. H., and Hop-
kins, A. A., cds. Vasari, G. Lives of painters, sculptors and.
HOPKINS. Caspar Thomas. A manual of American ideas. 2d rev.
ed. S. F.. 1878. chart. O.
SaniCy'Ad vvx. ed. S. F., 1887. D.
HOPKINS, David. Vocabulary Persian, Arabic, and English;
abridged from Kichardson's dictionary as edited bv C: Wil-
kens. Lond., 1810. O.
HOPKINS, Mrs. Eliza Ann WoodrulT. Little sliells from many-
shores. S. F., 1872. S.
HOPKINS, Frank Lawrence. Elementary grammar of the Turkish
language. Lond.. 1877. 18 j). D.
HOI*KINS, Louisa Parsons. The spirit of the new educatieni by .1 : Lyd-
gate; ed. fi-om the original iiis. in the i'ritisli Museum.
Lond., 18i)9. 27 )». O. (In Cam(h'n misc., v. 4. CanuhMi Soc.,
V. 73.)
London chronicle duiing the reigns of Ileniy \'II. and
Henry A'lIL; ed. from the oiiginal ms. in the Cottonian li-
brary of the British ^Museiiui. LoiuL. 18.~!l. 21 p. O. iTn
Si!" T*^ran<-is Drake's memorable service dcuie against the
Spaniards in L~S7, written by R: Letig; e(L from the original
ms. in ilie llritish Museum, wiili an ;ipp. of illustrative pa-
JM'l'S. Loud.. 18(1."?. ."i4 It. (). (/" yiiiiir, V. .". Sfniir. V. 87.)
HOPPTN, James Mason. The early renaissance, and other esaavB
on art subjects. 2d ed. Bost"., L80.". O.
Creek art on Creek soil. liost.. 1897. il. O.
TT'-m'lciv-v;. N. Y.. [c. iss:n. o.
HOrPUS, Mary A. M. See Marks, Mrs. M. A. M. Hoppus.
HOKxVCE della Penna. friar. Account of the commencement and
present state of the Capuchin mission in Tibet, and two other
neigliboring Ivingdoms in the year 1741. {In Green, J: Voy-
ages and travels, v. 4, p. G58.)
HORATIUS Fhiccus, Quintus. Opera omnia; with a commentary
by E. C. ^^■ickham. Oxford, 1877-91. 2 v. O.
yotc: V. 1 in 2d ed.
Content x: V. 1. Odes, Carmen seculare, and Epodes. 2. Satires,
Epistles and De Arte poetica.
Works; with English notes by A. J: Macleane. [t. p. w.]
[Post.], 1S5G. D.
Opera: ed. with English notes by J: E. Yonge. Lond., 18G7.
Odes: tr. by W:E. Gladstone. N. Y., 1895. 154 p. D.
HORDER, W. Garrett. The hymn lover; an account of the rise
and growth of English hymnody. Lond., [1889]. D.
HORN, Antoine E. Banking in the Russian empire. {In Hist, of
banking in all nations, v. 2.)
HORNADAY, AVilliam Temple. Two years in the jungle; the ex-
periences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the
]Nralay peninsula and Borneo. 4th ed. N. Y., 1887. pi.
maps. O.
HORXBROOKE, Francis. Unitarianism and modern literature.
{In Unitarianism: its origin and history.)
HORNBY, John. A text-book of gas manufacture for students.
Lond., 1896. il. S. (Technol. handbooks.)
HORNE, Herbert P. The binding of books: an essay in the his-
tory of gold-tooled bindings. Lond., 1894. pi. D.
HORNUNG, Ernest William. The rogue's march, a romance. N.
Y., 1896. D.
HORR, Roswell G. The republican party. [In Brooklyn Eth. As-
soc. Man and the state.)
HORSIN-Df^ON, Paul. La distillation; appareils et modes de fab-
rication les plus en usage et les plus nouveaux. Nouvelle ^d.
augmentee d'un note sur Tappareil kessler. Paris, 18S5.
80 p. il. pi. O.
HORSTMANN, Carl. cd. Early South-English legendary; or, Lives
of saints; ms. Laud, 108, in the Bodleian library. Lond., 1887.
O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 87.)
Life of St. Werburge of Chester, by H: Bradshaw;
Englisht A. D. 1513, printed by Pynson A. D. 1521, and now
re-edited by H. Lond., 1887. O. {Same. no. 88.)
Lives of w^omen saints of our countrie of England, also
some other Hues of holy women w^ritten by some of the an-
cient fathers 16:10-15; ed. for the first time from ms. Stowe
949. Lond., 1886. O. {Same. no. 86.)
The minor poems of the Vernon ms.; pt. 1. Lond., 1892.
O. {Samp, no. 98.)
The three kings of Cologne: an early English translation
of the "Historia trium regum," ed. from the mss. together
with the Latin i(^xi. Lond., 1886. O. {Same. no. 85.)
HOKTON, J. 11., (//((/ Tevcrhanj;)!, Sol. cotiqis. A liisiory oi" Ihe
Eleventh rcgiuR'iil, Ohio voliiiiteer iiilciiiU>. Uavtoii, 18(iU.
HOlvTOX, lioliiMi ForiiKin. On Ihc art ol' living logelhcr. JSI. Y.,
lb;i»G. 105 i». S. (Conducl of life ser.)
The tonr ]>ilhu-s oi Ihe home, N. V., 1897. Gl p. S. {Same.)
Olivei- Cromwell, II study in personal religion. N. Y., 18'J7. D.
HOliAN'OOl), Alfred John. cd. A comnion-plaee book of John Mil-
Ion, and a Latin essay and Latin verses presumed to be by
Milton; ed. from the original mss. in the possession of Sir F.
U. Graham. (Camden Soc., n. s., v. 10.)
HOSEA, L. 31. The last ditch. {In llnnler, K., ed. Sketches of war
HOS-MEK, James Kendall. The life of Thomas Hutchinson, royal
governor of the I'rovince of Massachusetts Bay. Bost., 189(5.
iL por. O.
Samuel Adams, the man of the town-meeting, {in Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies, v. I'.j
A short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom. X. Y., 1800. D.
HOSSFELD'S new i»ractical method for learning the French lan-
guage, by A. r. Huguenet. X. Y., [n. d.]. D.
New juactical method for learning the (Jerman language, by
Ch. Brenkmann. N. Y., [c. 1889]. D.
New practical method for learning the Spanish language, by
T. E. Gurrin. N. Y., [n. d.]. U.
HOTTEX, John Camden, ed. Our early emigrant ancestors: The
original lists of persons of quality, and others who went from
Great Britain to the Amei'ican plantations, r(;o0-17()0. 2d ed.
N. Y., 1880. Q.
HOI'DAILLE, F. Les gel(5es de ])rint«'mi)S et les nuages artificiels.
^lontpellier, 1S87. 16 p. {hi ram])hlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
HOUGH, Franklin B>enjaniin. Planting trees in school grounds.
{Tn V. S.T^u. of Ed. Misc. pub., v. 1.)
Re])ort upon forestry; v. 2. ^Yash., 1880. O. iV . S. Dept. of
The value of American timber lands. (/" ^ame. Misc. Spec.
rept. no. 5.)
HOUGH. Walter. Brimitive American armor. (Smithsonian rept.
189.'^>. V. S. Nat. Mus.)
Same. {V . S. Cong. H. M. D., v. 80.)
HOUGH, William, maj. Narrative of the march and operations of
the armv of the Indus in the exi)edition to Afghanistan in the
years 1888-89. Lond., 1«41. map. O.
HOUGHTON. Henry O. Address on early printing in America de-
livered before the Vermont Histoi-ical Society at Afontpelier,
Oct. 25. 1894; with the addi-ess of .T. S. ^forrill on presenta-
tion of the Senator's ]»ortrait (o the society by T. W. Wood;
with the proceedings of the Vcruiont Historical Society, Oct.
Ifi and 2.O. 1891. :M(mti)elier. 1894. 88 p. O. pamp.
HOUGHTON. l\pv. Koss C. Women of the Orient: an account of
the religious, intellectual, and social condition of women in
Japan. China. India, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. Cjn.. [1877].
il. D.
HOUR, Geoi?:e W.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of H., late a repre-
sentative from Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives and
the Senate, Fifty-third Congress, 3d session. Wash., 1895. por. Q.
(U. S. Cong. H. M. D. v. 11.)
iiOUK, Leonidas Campbell.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of H., delivered in the
House of Representatives and Senate January 30, and February 9,
1892. Wash., 1892. por. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong., 1st sess. H. M. D.,
V. 32.)
HOURS at borne; ed. by J. M. Sherwood. May, 186o-Oct., 1870; v.
1-11. :X. Y., [1865-70]. 11 V. O.
HOURWICH, Isaac A. The economics of the Russian village.
(Columbia Col. Studies in hist. econ. and pub. law, v. 2, no. 1.)
HOUSEHOLD cyclopedia of general information; ed. by Henry
Hartshorne and others. [Phil., n. d.] il. pi. O.
HOUSMAN, Laurence. Introductory essay. {In Blake, \V: Selec-
tions from B.'s writings.)
HOUSSAY, Frederic. The industries of animals. Lond., 18U3. il.
D. (Contemp. sci. ser.)
HOUSSAYE Arsene. Behind the scenes of the Comedie Fran(;:aise
and other recollections; tr. and ed. with notes by A. I). Van-
dam. Phil., 1889. pors. O.
HOUSTON, Edwin James. A dictionary of electrical words, terms
and phrases. 2d ed., rewritten and greatlv enl. X. Y., 1892.
il. O.
Outlines of forestiw; or, Elementary principles underlying the
science of forestry. Phil., 1893. D.
crK^ Kennelly, A. e\ Electric arc lighting. N. Y., 1896. (Ele-
mentary elec.-tech. ser.)
HOUSTON, Samuel. Speech, favoring a Mexican protectorate; de-
livered in the Senate of the V. S., April 20, 18.58. 8 ]>. O.
{In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
BRUCE, H Life of General Houston 1793-1863. N. Y., [c. 1891]. por.
S. CMakers of Amer.)
WILLIAMS, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in
Texas. Bost., 1893. por. maps. O.
HOWELL, T. Mark. MJ). Diseases of the ear and affections of the
nose and pharvnx which conduce to aural disease. Loud.,
1894. il. O.
HOW long? a symposium, consisting of contributions froi'.t the
most eminent reporters upon the length of time required for
obtaining verbatim speed in shorthand writing. Cin., 1896.
pors. 179 p. S.
HOW the south is kept "solid": the efficiency of a fraudulc^nt count
in Alabama. {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
HOWARD, Blanche Willis. See Teuffel, Mrs. Blanche AAillis How-
ard von.
HOWARD, Cecil Hampden Cutts. mm p. Ccn^^alogy of the <^utts
family in America. Albany, 1892. il. pors. O.
HOWARD, Clifford. Sex worship: an exposition of the Ph-illic ori-
trin of religion. Wash., 1897. 166 ]). D.
HOWARD, (xeoru-e AYashiugton. The Monumental city, its past
history and ]»r<^sent resources. Bait.. 187.3. il. pi. O.
HOWARD. (;(H)i-«ro ^\■iIIi;^H Fivdcrit-k. 7/// carl of Carlisle. Diary
in TuiUish and Civck walcis. ~)(li gy, P>nll. no. 17. j
Descriptions of Xorlli American clialcididae; willi biological
notes. AN'ash., ISSH. O. {Samr. no. .").)
HOWAKD, Oliver Otis.
PROCEEDINGS, findings and opinion of the court of inquiry con-
vened under the Act of Congress of Feb. 13, 1874, in the case of H. .
Wash., 1874. O.
H0^^'AK1), Kobert. l>reface to foui- now plays. [IGtw.] I'reface to
The great favourite. [lOtJS.] {In Arber, E. Eug. Garner.
V. 3.)
HOWE, A. Jackson. The art and science of surgery. Ciu., 1887. il.
Manual of eye surgery. Cin., 1879. il. O.
Practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations.
3d ed. Cin., 1883. O.
HOWE, CMiaries E. P. .\ dramatic play entitled Joaquin Murieta
de Castillo, the celebrated (.'alifornia bandit. S. F., 1858.
42 p. O.
HOWE, Daniel Waite. Descriptive catalogue of the official publi-
cations of the territory and state of Indiana, 1S()()-1)|). In-
dianaj.olis, 181)0. 96 p.* O. (Ind. Hist. Soc. Pami)s. no. 5.)
The laws and courts of Xortlnvest and Indiana tei'ritories. In-
diana]K)lis, 188(). 25 p. D. {Same, no. 1.)
HOAN'E, Frederic Clemson. Taxation and ta.xes in the United
States under the internal revenue svstem. 1791-1895. N. Y.,
[c. 1890]. D. (Lib. of Econ. and l»ol. no. 11.)
HOWE, Henry. Historical collections of Ohio: an encyclopedia of
the state. Ohio centennial ed. Columbus, 1890-91. 3 v. in
2. pi. pors. maps. Q.
Historical collections of the Great West. Cin., 1873. pi. O.
HOWE. John. The Kedeemer's tears wept over lost souls: union
among ])rotestants [etc.]. Lond., 1840. il. S.
HOWE, Mrs. .Julia Ward. Is polite society polite? and other es-
says. P.ost.. 1895. por. D.
HOWE, ^lalvina Antoinette, tr. Reclus, O. Bird's eye view of
the world; tr., ed., cor., and brought down to date by M. A.
Howe. Host., 1887. il. pi. O.
HOWE, Samuel Gridley. Letters on the |>roposed annexation of
Santo Domingo, in answer to certain charges in the news-
papers. Post.. 187L .32 p. O.
HOWE. Thomas H. Adventures of an escaped union soldier from
Andersonville])rison in 1804. S. F., 1880. 48 p. por. O.
HOWE. W. H. romp. Evei'vbody's t»ook of epitaphs, being for the
most part what the living think of the dead. Phil., 1800. T.
Evervbodv's book of Irish wit and humour. Phil.. 1890.
HOWE, ^^^ H. cump. Everybody's book of Scotch wit and humour.
Phil., [11. d.]. T.
HOWE, William W. Aluiiicipal history of New Orleans. {In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 7.)
HOWELL, George. Liberty for labor. (In Mackay, T: ed. A
plea for liberty.)
Trade unionism new and old. Loud., 1891. D. (Social ques-
tions of to-day.)
HOWELL, George Rogers, ed. Bicentennial history of Albany,
History of the county of Albany, N. Y., from 1609 to 1886;
[also Histor}' of the county of Schenectady, N. Y., from 1662
to 1886; ed. by J. H. Munsell]. N. Y., 1886. pors. Q.
HOWELL, James. Dodona's grove; or. The vocall forrest. [Lond.],
1640. il. Q.
HOWELL, John W^. The ]uaximuni efBciency of incandescent
lamps. [In Latimer, L. H. Incandescent electric lighting.)
HOWELL, William H. M.D. ed. An American text-book of phvsi-
ologv. Phil., 1896. il. pi. Q.
HO\^'ELL-AP-HO^VELL. The birthplace and childhood of Napo-
leon. N. Y., 1896. il. 54 p. S.
HO"Vi'ELLS, William Cooper. Recollections of life in Ohio, from
1813 to 1840. Cin., 1895. por. O.
HOW^ELLS, William Dean. The coast of Bohemia. N. Y., 1893. il.
Criticism and fiction. N. Y., 1891. T.
Impressions and experiences. N. Y., 1896. D.
The mousetrap and other farces. N. Y. 184 p. pi. D.
A previous engagement; comedy. N. Y., 1897. 11. 65 p. T.
The quality of mercy. N. Y., 1892. D.
The sleeping car and other farces. Bost. and N. Y., 1889. D.
Stops of various quills. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. O.
A traveler from Altruria. N. Y., 1894. D.
and others. The Niagara book: a complete souvenir of Niagara
Falls; illustrated bv Harrv Fenn. Buffalo, 1893. pi. map.
HOWIE, Charles. See Jeffrey, J: and Howie, C: Trees and shrubs
of Fife and Kinross.
HOWISON, George Holmes. The city of God and the true God at
its head. (In Royce, J. and others. Conception of God.)
Dictionary of English synonyms, by R. Soule. New ed. rev.
enl. by H. Bost., 1892.' O.
ed. TJniversitv of California Philosophical union. Publica-
tions, V. 1-2. ' N. Y., 1896-97. 2 v. D.
For list see Univ. of Cal. Philos. Union.
HOWITT, Marv. An autobiography; ed. by Margaret Howitt.
Bost. and N. Y., 1889. 2 v. pors. O.
ROWLAND, George. Practical hints for the teachers of public
schools. N. Y., 1889. D. (Int. education ser. v. 13.)
ROWLAND, Marie, tr. Godin, A. Social solutions.
HOWORTH. Henry Hoyle. History of the Mongols from the 9th
to the 19th century; pt. 1-3. Lond., 1876-88. 4 v. maps. O.
Contrnfft: Pt. 1. The Mongols proper and the Kalmuks. 2. The so-
called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. 3. The Mongols of Persia,
H0AV80N, Joliii Saul, iSee Conjbearo, \V : J., and llovvson, J. S.
Life and epiisiles of St. Taul.
HOYLE, Ediuuiid. Modern pocket iloyle; games of skill and
chance as jthned in this counliy at tlie present time, being
authority on all disputed points. By "Trumps." llth ed.
rev. cor. N. Y., [c. 188G]. S.
nOY'T, David W. The old families of Salisbury and Amesbury,
Massachusetts, with some related families of Xi^wbury, Hav-
erhill, Ipswich and Hampton: })t. 1. I'rov., 18!>T. O.
HOY'T, Edmund S. coin p. Maine state year book and legislative
manual for 1881-82. Portland, [c. 1881]. S.
HOY'T, J. K. Cvclopedia of practical quotations. New and enl,
ed. N. Y.,'l81)t). Q.
HOYT, .John ^Yesley. An agricultural survey of Wyoming. \Yash.,
1893. O. (In U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Statistics. Misc.
ser. rept. no. 7.)
Memorial in regard to a National T^niversitv. \\'ash., 1892.
VA2 p. O.
HOZTER, Henry INlontagu. ed. The Eranco-rrussian war; its
causes, incidents, and consequences; with the Topography
and history of the Rhine valley, by W. H. D. Adams. Lond.,
[n, d.]. 2 V. pi. j)ors. maps. O.
HUBBARD family.
DAY, E: W. comp. One thousand years of Hubbard history 866 to
1895. N. Y., [c. 1895]. il. pors. O.
HUBBAED, Elbert, comp. Little journevs to the homes of Amer-
ican authors. 2d ser. N. Y., [c. 189G]. il. S.
HUBBARD, H. G. Insects affecting the orange. \Yash., 1885. pi.
O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Div. of Entomology.)
HUBBARD, J. Niles. Account of Sav-go-ve-wat-ha; or. Red Jacket
and his people. 1750-1830. Albany, 1886. il. pi. O. (Mun-
sell's Hist. ser. 13.)
HUBBARD, Lucius Lee. Woods and lakes of Maine: a trip from
Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch-bark canoe.
2d ed. rev. Bost, [c. 1883]. 11. map. O.
HUBBARD. William. History of the Indian wars in New England,
from the first settlement to the termination of the war with
King Philip, in 1677; carefully revised and accompanied with
an historical preface, life and ]»edigree of the author, and ex-
tensive notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Roxbury, 1865. 2 v.
map. O.
HUBBELL, Jay Abel. The overshadowing issue; The true "in-
wardness" of the "solid south." (Tn Republican campaign
docs. 1880.)
HUBER, Anton. Styl modern entwuerfe fuer moebel aller art in
der geachmacksrichtung d<'r neuzeit. Berlin, [n.d.]. pi. F.
HUBERT. Philip G. jr. Inventors. N. Y.. ISWi. il. D. (Men of
achievement ser.)
Occupations for women. (Tn Woman's book, v. 1.)
The wheel of to-day. (Tn Out-of-door lib. Athletic sports.)
HUBREOHT. A. A. w! Descent of the primates. N. Y., 1897. il.
41 p. D. (Princeton lectures.)
HUDSON, Henry.
SAILING directions of H., in 1608, from fhe old Danish of Ivar Bard-
sen; with notes [etc.] by B: F. De Costa. Albany, 1869. 102 p. O.
HUDSON, James Faircliild. 1'lie railways and the republic. N. Y.,
1887. O.
HUDSON, J//-6'. Mary Clemmer Ames. Ten years in Washington:
life and scenes in the national capital, as a woman sees them.
Hartt., 1881. pi. por. O.
HUDSON, Thomas Jay. The law of psychic phenomena. Chic,
1894. D.
A scientific demonstration of the future life. 2d ed. Chic,
18i)6. D.
HUDSON, AA'. H. IJirds in a village. Phil., Lond., 1893. O.
British birds; with a chapter on structure and classification
bv F: E. Beddard. Lond., 189.5. il. pi. D.
HUDSON, William. Flora Auglica. Londini, 1762. O.
HUDSON, William Henry. Idle hours in a library. S. F., 1897. S.
An introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer; with a
biograi)hical sketch. N. Y., 1894. D.
Studies in interpretation: Keats, Clough, Matthew Arnold.
N. Y., 1896. D.
HUEFFER, Francis. Half a century of music in England, 1837-
1887: essays toward a history. Phil., 1889. O.
HUFF, A. Looking into things; or, The great conspiracy that now
is. Oakland, 1892. S. (Tracts on finance, v. 7.)
HUG, Lina, and Stead, Richard. Switzerland. N. Y., 1890. il.
map. D. (Story of the nations.)
HUGEL, Carl Alexander Anselm. Freiherr. Travels in Kashmir
and the Panjab; containing a particular account of the gov-
ernment and character of the Sikhs; with notes by T. B. Jer-
vis. Loud., 184.5. pi. por. map. Q.
HUGHES, Mrs. Elizabeth. The California of the Padres; or. Foot-
prints of ancient communism. S. F., 1875. 41 p. O. {In Cal.
pamps., V. 2.)
HUGHES, Herbert W. A text book of coal-mining. Lond., 1892.
il. pi. O.
HUGHES, John T. California: its history, population, climate,
soil, productions, and harbors, from Sir G: Simpson's "Over-
land journey round the world"; an account of the revolution
in California, and conquest of the country by the U. S. Cin.,
1849. D.
Doniphan's expedition; containing an account of the conquest
of New Mexico; wdth a sketch of the life of Col. Doniphan.
Cin., [c. 1847]. 144 p. il. O.
HUGHES, Robert William. General Johnston. N. Y., 1893. D.
(Great commanders.)
HUGHES, Thomas. David Livingstone. Lond., 1889. por. D.
(Eng. men of action.)
Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. Lond., 1892.
D. (The great educators.)
Tom Brown at Oxford, by the author of "Tom Brown's school
days. New ed. with illustrations by Sydnev P. Hall. N. Y.,
1888. pi. D.
HUGHES, Tlu»iii;is ratiitk. A dielionary of Islam, beinj; a cyclo-
pedia oi' the docti'iues, rites, ceremonies [etc. J, of tlieMu-
hammadan ivlii;ioii. Loud., 1885. 11. O.
HUGllKS, Walter S. Elect licily in naval warfare. {In Brackett,
C. F., and others. Electricity in daily life.)
HUGHES, William K. A week's tramp in Dickens-land, together
with personal reminiscences of the "Inimitable Boz." Lond.,
1891. il. O.
HUGH SON, Shirley Carter. The Carolina pirates and colonial
commerce. 1()7()-1740. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v.
12. no. 5-7.)
HUGO, Victor Marie, comte. Works. [Holland paper ed.] Bost,
18!)l»-[95]. 30 V. pi. pors. O.
Contents: Vol. 1-5. Les miserables: 1. Fan tine. 2. Cosette. 3. Ma-
rius. 4. Idyll and epic. 5. Jean Valjean. v. 6. William Shakespeare.
V. 7-8. Notre Dame. v. 9-10. Hans of Iceland. 2. Last day of con-
demned. V. 11-14. Dramas, v. 15-16. HLstory of a crime. 2. Napo-
leon the Little, v. 17-18. Ninety-three. 2. Bug-Jargal. Claude
Gueux. V. 19-21. Poems, v. 22. Things seen: essays, v. 23-24. Man
who laughs, v. 25-26. Toilers of the sea. v. 27-28. The Rhine, v.
29-30. Life and times of Victor Hugo.
Letters of Victor Hugo to his family, to Sainte-Beuve, and
others; ed. by Paul Afeurice. Bost., 189G. O.
Litterature et philosophie meldes. Paris, 1868. 2 v. D.
MARZIALS, Frank T. Life of Victor Hugo. Lond., 1888. 0. (Great
HUGUEXET, A. P. Hossfeld's new practical method for learning
the French language. N. Y., [n.d.]. D.
HUGUES de Poitiers, monk of Vezelay. Histoire du monast^re de
V^zelai. {In Col des m<5m. rel. a Thist. de France. 1825.
s. 3, V. 7.)
HUGUES de Sainte Marie, monk of Fleury. Chronique [940-1108].
HUGUES, Luigi. Amerigo ^^espucci, Giovanni Verrazano, Juan
Bautista Genovese; notizie soumiarie. Roma, 1894. F. {In
Italv Com. Col. Raccolta di documeuti e studi pub. dalla R.
Coni. Col. Pt. 5, V. 2.)
HUIDEKOPER, Rush Shippen. Age of the domestic animals: be-
ing a complete treatise on the dentition of the horse, ox,
sheep, hog, and dog. Phil., 1891. il. O.
HUISH, Marcus Bourne. Japan and its art. Lond., 1889. il. O.
HULL, Edward. Volcanoes: past and present. Lond., 1892. il. D.
(Contemp. sci. ser.)
HULL family.
MASON, P. F. H. Record of the descendants of Richard Hull of New
Haven, Conn. [Milwaukee, 1894.] 0.
HULME, F. Edward. Suggestions in floral design. Lond.. etc.,
[n. d.]. 52 p. col. pf. F.
HUMAYUN, Xasr ed-Din, ^Mohammed, mngnl emperor of Hindostan.
JOUHER. The Tezkereh al vaklat, or private memoirs of the Mogul
emperor Humayun; tr. by C: Stewart. Lond., 1832. F.
HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Wilbelm Heinrich Alexander. Freiherr von^
Aspects ol' nature, in different lands and different climates;
with scientitic elucidations; tr. by Mrs. Sabine. Phil., 1849.
Kleinere Schriften. l"" Band, mit einem atlas. Stutgart, 1853.
HUMBOLDT county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation; 1880,
1800, 1802, 1804, 1806.
HISTORY and business directory of Humboldt; L. E. Hamm, pub.
Eurelta, 1890. map. Q.
HISTORY of Humboldt county California; including biographical
sketches. W. W. Elliott and Co. pub. . S. F., 1881. pi. pors.
maps. F.
In the redwood's realm; by-ways of wild nature and highways
of industry as found under forest shades and amidst clover
blossoms in Humboldt county, California; comp. and ar-
ranged by J. M. Eddy. S. F., 1803. 112 p. il. Q.
HUMBOLDT weeekly standard; July 4, 1889-Dec. 30, 1807. Eu-
reka, 1880-07. 3 V. F.
HUME, Alexander. Of the orthographic and congruitie of the
Britan tongue; ed. from the original ms. in the British Mu-
seum by H: B. Wheatley. Lond., 1805. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 5.)
HUME, David.
KNIGHT, W: Hume. Phil., 1886. por. S. (Philosophical classics.)
HUME, Martin A. S. Philip II of Spain. Lond., 1807. D. (Foreign
Sir Walter Raleigh: the British dominion of the West. N. Y.^
1807. il. maps. D. (Builders of greater Britain.)
HUMES, Thomas William. The Loyal Mountaineers of Tennessee.
Knoxville, 1888. pors. O.
HUMPHREY, George H. See Brewster, H. P., and Humphrey, G:
H. England and its rulers.
HUMPHREY, George Murray. Old age: the results of information
received respecting nearly nine hundred persons who had at-
tained the age of eighiy years, including seventy-four cen-
tenarians. Camb., 1880. pi. D.
HUMPHREYS, Arthur L. The private library : what we do know,
what we don't know, what we ought to know about our
books. 2ded. Lond.. 1807. 162 p. O.
HUMPHREYS, F. Landon. The evolution of church music. N. Y.,
1806. 170 p. D.
HUMPHREYS, Mary Gay. Catherine Schuyler. N. Y., 1897. por.
S. (Women of col. and rev. times.)
House decoration and furnishing. (In Woman's books, v. 2.)
HUMPHREYS, William P. Report on a system of sewerage for the
city of San Francisco. S. F., 1876." 31 p. pi. O. (7n S. F.
Pam])hlets, v. 2.)
HUNGERFORD, Daniel Elihu. rol
MURPHY, I. I. Life of Colonel Daniel E. Hungerford. Hartford,
1891. por. O.
HUNNEMAN. W. Old King Cole, his life and death. f/nArber, E:
Eng. garner, v. 8, p. 633.)
HUNXEWELL, James Fi-otliiiijilumi. liil>liugraj)liy of (IuuIl'S-
towii, Massachiisells, and ISiinUci- Hill. Host., 188U. 7-rl-OO
p. map. O.
HUNT, Arthur S. A Tluitydidcs papyrus from Oxyrliynchus. {In
Egypt ex. finul. Aiell. rojit. ISIkVdT.)
HUNT, 1). Woodwoll. The new idea of aslronouiy and the \'v^\\\ of
the eye. S. F., 1878. 54 p. S.
HUNT, George Henry, capl. Outram and Havelock's Tersian cam-
paign; to which is prefixed A summary of Persian history,
by Ci : Towuseud. 2d ed. Lond., 1858. pi. 1).
HUNT, James Henry Leigh. Dramatic criticisms. Lond., 181)4.
por. I). (Archer, W: and Lowe, K. W. Dramatic essays.
1st ser.)
The seer; or, Commonplace refreslied. [4th ed. J. r.<»st . 1878.
2v.ini. D.
Romances of real life; lst-2d ser. Host., 1889. 2 v. S.
Tales; now first collected with a prefatory memoir hy \V:
Knight. Lond., 1891. por. D.
and Lee, S. A. eds. Book of the sonnet. Bost., f8r>T. 2v.
pors. D.
MONKHOUSE. C. Life of Leigh Hunt. Lond., 1893. S. (Great
HUNT, Ridgeley. lieut. Steamship lines of the world. [In Oliad-
wick, F. E. and others. Ocean steamships.)
HUNT, Rockwell Dennis. The genesis of California's first consti-
tution, 1846-49. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 13.
no. 8.)
HUNT, Theodore Whitefield. American meditative lyrics. N. \ .,
189G. il. S.
HUNT, ^Yilliam. Then and now; or. Fifty years of newspaper
work; with an appendix. Lond., 1887. por. D.
HUNT, William E. Historical colleciions of Coshocton ( ouuty,
Ohio; 1764-1876. Cin., 1876. O.
HUNTER, David, fr. Hiither, J. E. Critical and exegetica I hand-
book to the epistles of St. T'aul to Timothy and Titus.
HUNTER, George, col. Reminiscences of an old timer; a recital
of the actual events, incidents, trials [etc.] of a pioneer,
hunter, miner, and scout of the I'acifie northwest. S. F., 1887.
por. pi. D.
HUNTER, Ber. Joseph. Familae minorum gentium: ed. by J. W.
Clay. Lond., 1895-96. 4 v. Q. (Harleian soc. Tub. visita-
tions V. .'^7-40.)
ed. Ecclesiastical documents: viz. 1. A brief history of the
bishoprick of Somerset from its foundation to the year 1174.
2. Charters from the library of Dr. Cox Macro. Lond.. 1840.
9_j_100 p. O. (Camden Soc. v. 8.)
HUNTER, Mrf<. Rachel. Letters from Mrs. Palmerstoiie t<. her
daughter; inculcating morality, by entertaining narratives.
Lond.. 180.S. 3 v. S.
HUNTER, Robert, pd. Sketches of war history 1861-6.); papers
prepared for the Ohio Sa/Hf, ]*et(^r and Jude. Edin., 1881. O. (Same.)
Same, p]pistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus; tr. from 4th
ed. of the German bv D. Hunter. Edin., 1881. O. (Same.)
HUTTON, Arthur Wollaston. Cardinal Manning. Bost., 1892.
por. D.
HUTTON, James. Central Asia from the Aryan to the Cossack.
Lond., 187.5. O.
HUTTON, Liiurence. Curiosities of the American stage. N. Y.,
18!) I. jyors. O.
From the books of L. H. N. Y., 1893. por. T.
Literary hnidmarks of Florence. N. Y''., 1897. 11. D.
Literary Inndmarks of Rome. N. Y., 1897. il. 7.5 p. I).
Other limes and other seasons. N. Y., 1895. por. T.
Portraits in plaster. N. Y., 1894. pi. Q.
HUTTON, Richard Holt. Cardinal Newman. 2d ed. Bost., 189L
por. D.
HUTTON, Fev. William Holden. Hampton Court. Lond., 1897. 11.
Inti'oduction. (hi Manning, A. Cherry and Violet.)
Iiitioduction. (In Manning, A. Household of Sir Thomas
Kimr and baronage, A. D. 11.3.5-1.327. N. Y., 1896. 117 p. S.
(Ox. man. of Eng. hist.)
HUTTON, William R. The Washington bridge over the Harlem
river at 181st Street, New York City: a description of its
construction. N. Y., [c. 1889]. 90 p'. pi. Q.
HUXLEY, Thonms llcnrv. Aiilobioiiiiipliv. i/" Knj^d, L. From
Handel to Hallo.) "
Collected essays; v. 1-8. N. V., IS'.M. :i v. I).
Cnutents: Vol. 1. Method and result. 2. Darwiniana. 3. Science
and education.
Discourses biological and ^ooloi^ieal; essays. N. Y., 1894. D.
Essavs upon some controverted cpu'stions. N. Y., 1893. D.
The oceanic hydro/A)a ; a description of the calycophoridae and
phvsophoridae observed during the voyage of H. M. S. "Rat-
tlesnake" 184(5-50. Loud., 185t). pi. F. (Kay Soc. Pub.)
__ — Social diseases and worse remedies: letters to the "Times" on
Mr. Booth's scheme, with a preface and introductory essay.
2d ed. Loud., 1891. 148 p. D.
HYATT, Alpheus. Genesis of the arietidae. Wash., 1889. pi. F.
(Smithsonian lust. Contributions, v. 26.)
HYDE, James Nevins, and Montgomery, Frank H. A manual of
svphilis and the venereal diseases. Phil., 1895. 11. pi. T).
HYDE,' Thomas Alexander. Ecce orator! Christ the orator; or,
Never man s]take like this man. l^.ost., 1893. por. D.
HYMNS to the Virgin and Christ, the Parliament of devils, and
other religious ])oems; chiefly from the Archbishop of Can-
terburv's Lambeth ms. no. 853; ed. by F. J. Furnivall.
Loud., 1867. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 24.)
HYNDMAN. Henrv ^Mayers. Commercial crisis of the nineteenth
century. Lond.. 1892. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
. The historical basis of socialism in England. Lond., 1883. D.
IBSEN, Henrik. Little Eyolf; tr. by W: Archer. [2d ed.]. Chic,
1895. S. (Green tree library.)
The master builder; a play in three acts; tr. from the Nor-
wegian by E. Gosse and W: Archer. New. ed, with a biblio-
graphical note by E. Gosse and an app. for critics by W:
Archer. Lond., 1893. D.
Prose dramas; ed. by W: Archer. N. Y., 1890-92. 6 v. pors,
Cimtents: Vol. 1. League of youth. — Pillars of society. — A doll's
house. — 2. Ghosts. — An enemy of the people. — The wild duck. 3.
Lady Inger of Ostras. The vikings at Helgeland.— The pretenders.
4. Emperor and Galilean. 5. Rosmersholm. — The lady from the sea. —
Hedda Gabler. 6. Peer Gynt.
BOYESEN, H. H. Commentary on the writings of H. Ibsen. N. Y.,
1894. D.
ICONOGRAPHIC encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences; tr. from
the German of the Bilder atlas, rev. and enl. by eminent
American specialists (continuation); v. 5-7. Phil., 1889-90.
3 V. pi. Q.
Contenis: 5. Constructive arts. 6. Applied mechanics. 7. Heilprin,
A. Principles of geology.
IDAHO. Leqislature. Journal of the House of Representatives;
1890-9i, 1893, 1895. Boise Citv, 1891-95. 3 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1890-91, 1893, 1895. Boise City,
1891-95. 3 V. O.
Secretary of State. Constitution of the state of Idaho and the
Act providing for the admission of the state; prepared by A.
J. Pinkham. Boise City, 1891. pamp. O.
IDDINGS, Joseph Paxson. The eruptive rocks of Electric Peak
and Sepulchre Mountain, Yellowstone National Park. {In
U. S. Geol. Surv., 12th annual rept., pt. 1.)
On a group of volcanic rocks from the Tewan mountains, New
Mexico, and on the occurrence of primary quartz in certain
basalts. Wash., 1890. O. Same, Bull. no. 66.)
[IDE, Simeon.] Biographical sketch of W: Brown Ide, and oc-
count of ''The virtual conquest of California in June, 1846 by
the Bear Flag party." [n. p., c. 1880]. S.
IDE, William Brown.
IDE, S. Biographical sketch; and account of "The virtual conquest
of California in June, 1846, by the Bear Flag party, [n. p., c. 1880]. S.
IDES, Everard Isbeantz. Travels in China, 1693; tr. from the
Dutch. {In Green J: Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 566.)
IDLE, Sir Peter. Extracts from Directions to his son. {In Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 8.)
IHERING, Rudolph von. The evolution of the Arvan; tr. from the
German by A. Drucker. N. Y., 1897. O.
IHLSENG, Magnus C. Manual of mining; based on the course of
lectures on mining delivered at the school of mines of the
state of Colorado. N. Y., 1892. il. O.
IHNE, Joseph Anton Fricdrich ^^Mlll('lnl. Eai'ly Rome: from the
foundation of (he city to i(.s deslruclion by the Gavils. N. Y.,
1897. maps. S. (lOpoehs of anc hist.)
ILLINGWOKTIl, John I\i( liai'd rcjiwcnt. Minutes of proceed-
ings of the 11th anual reunion held Sept. 28-29, 1897. Spring-
field, 111. Annual address by Col. J. F. Jaquess. [n. p.,
1897]. O. pam.
ILLOWAY. IT. Constipation in adults and children, with special
reference to habitual constiiKition and its most successful
treatment by the mechanical methods. N. Y., 1897. 11. 0.
ILLUSTRATED biographies of t'e greai artists (continnnfion).
Lond.. 1890. 3 v. il. pi. pors. D.
Nanielii: Corot, Daubigny, Diaz. nupr('. Millet, Mulready, Rousseau.
ILLT\'^TRATEI) London news. The icoiii innalionV v. 10-13, 82-89,
95-90; n. s. v. 7-21. 1847-48. 1,883-8(1, 1SS9 97. Lond., 1847-97.
29 V. F.
Note: Title from July 5. 1890 to Oct 21. 1893, "Illustrated News of
the Workl."
ILLTTSTRATED News of the World, The. See "Illustrated London
ILLUSTKACIOX Mexicana. Publieada por Ignacio Cumplido; v.
1-5; 1851- [55. Mexico, 1851-55]. 5 v. pi. Q.
IMMIGRATION Association of California. Third annual rept.,
1884. S. F., 1885. O. pani.
IMPEY, Sir Elijah.
STEPHEN, Sir J. F. The story of Nuncomar and the impeachment of
I. . Lond., 1885. 2 v. D.
IMPEY, Frederick. My small dairy farm. {In Stubbs, C. W.
Land and labourers, 2d ed.)
INAGAKI, Manjiro. Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese view
of the eastern question. N. Y., 1890. maps. D.
INDEPENDENT, Weekly; July 5, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Santa Bar-
bara, 1890-97. 2 V. F.
INDEPENDENT Order of Odd Fellows. Annual communication
of the Grand Lodge of the United States, held in the city of
Baltimore, Sept., 1854. [n. imp.]. O.
Constitution, by-laws and rules of order of the R. W. Grand
Lodge of th(^ United States, adopted at Sept. session, 1854.
Bait., 1854. O. (Bd. with annual communication, 1854.)
INDERWICK, Frederick Andrew. The interregnum A. D. 1648-
16(50; studies of the commonwealth, legislative, social, and
legal. Lond., 1891. pi. O.
INDEX medicus; a monthly classified record of the current medi-
cal literature of the world; compiled under the supervision
of Dr. John S. Billings and Dr. Robert Fletcher (continua-
tion); v. 1, 11-19. Bost. and Detroit, 1879-97. 10 v. Q.
INDEX Society Publications; v. 1-14. Lond., 1879-84. 14 v. O.
A'o/»e?//: V. 1. Wheatly, H. B. What is an index? — 2. Peacock, M.
G. W. Index to royalists whose estates were confiscated during the
Commonwealth. — 3. Gomme, G: L. Index of municipal offices. — 4.
Report of first annual meeting; with four appendixes: no. 1. Huth, A.
H: Index to Books and papers on marriage between near kin. no. 2.
Birch, W. de G. Index of styles and titles of English sovereigns, no.
3. Solly, E. Index of portraits in the "European magazine," "London
Magazine," and "Register of the times." no. 4. Index of obituary no-
tices for 1878. — 5. Solly, E. Index of English, Scottish and Irish titles
of honor. 6. Clark, P. Index to Trevelyan's life and letters of Lord
Macaulay (cabinet ed. 1878.) — 7. Report of the 2d annual meeting;
with three appendixes, no. 1. Index of portraits in the "British gal-
lery ot portraits," Jerden's "Portrait gallery," Knight's "Gallery of
portraits" and "Lodge's portraits." no. 2. Index of abridgments of pat-
ents, no. 3. Index of obituary notices for 1879. — V. 8. Jackson, B. D.
Guide to the literature of Botany. V. 9, 12, 14. Wheatley, H. B. In-
dex to obituary notices; 1880-82.— 10. Rye, W. Index to Norfolk to-
pogi-aphy. — 11. Jackson, B. D. Vegetable technology. — 12. See 9. — 13.
Peacock, E. Index to English speaking students who haye graduated
at Leyden University. — 14. See 9.
INDEX to the periodical literature of the world; 1890-92. Pub-
lished by the Review of Reviews. Lond., 1891-93. 3 v.
pors. O.
Note: 1890 has title "Annual index of periodicals and photographs."
INDIA, pictorial, descriptive and historical, from the earliest times
to the present; [by Julia Corner.]
I^^DIAN rocords, wilh a ((umiu'rcial view of t!ie relations hotween
the liiiiisli ;;oveniiiient and tlie Nuwabs Xazim of Bengal,
liehai' and Oiissa. Loud., 1870. por. O.
INDIAN Kioliis Association. [Pu])lieation]. 2d ser. no. 25-26, 32,
H:1, 41. IMiil., 18J)r)-Slate. Annual report, ending Oct. 31, 1889,
1890. Indianapolis, 1889-90. 2 v. O.
Conslifulional Conirnlioii, 1850. Report of the debates and pro-
ceedings of the convention for the revision of the constitu-
tion, 1850. Indiauiipolis, 1850. 2 v. O.
Custodian of Public Buildings. 1st biennial report; 1889-90.
Indianapolis, 1890. O.
Department of (holigy and Natural History. 16th-17th annual re-
port; 1888, 1891. Indianapolis, 1889-92. 2 v. O. folded
-Vo/( ; 17th has title Geology and natural resources.
Department of iSiatistics. 2d-Gth biennial report (continuation);
1887-96. Indianapolis, 1888-96. 5 v. O.
General Assemhlij. Annual rei)orts: 1863, 1866 (pt. 1), 1867-8
(pt. 1), 1869, 1875-95. Indianapolis, 1863-95. 32 v. O.
These include- Docnmentarij journai.
Journal of the House of Representatives (continuation);
1838-9, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891,
1893, 1895, 1897. Indianapolis, 1839-97. 13 v. O.
Journal of the Senate (continuation); 1837-38, 1871, 1875
(2 v.), 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895,
1897. Indianapolis, 1875-97. 15 v. O.
Re])ort of committee on investigation of the affairs of the
Indiana Hospital for Insane. Indianapolis, 1889. O.
Secretari/ of State. Annual report for the year ending October
31, 1874. Indianapolis, 1874. O.
State Board of At/ricnltiire. 38th, 40th annual report (continua-
tion); 1888-89, 1890-91. Indianapolis, 1889-91. 2 v. O.
State Board of TTealth. 7th, 9th. 1 llii annual report: 1888, 1890,
1892. Indianai)olis, 1889-93. 3 v. O.
State Board of Tax f-ommifsi oners. Proceedings. 1891. Indian-
apolis, 1891. O.
State Lav LUirani. Catalogue; bv ('. E. Cox. Indianapolis,
1889. O.
Siiperinfrndenf of Piddic Tnstruclinn. 14th-18th biennial report
(continuation); 1887-96. Indianapolis, 1888-96. 5 v. O.
Treasarrr of State .\nnnal i-eport; 1892. Indianapolis,
1892. O.
INDIANA Historical Society Publications, v. 1, no. 1; v. 2, no. 5-6;
V. 3, no. 2. IndianapoHs, 1886-97. 1 v. and pams. D. O.
Nanirhi: V. 1. no. 1. Howe, D. W. The laws and courts of Northwest
and Indiana territories. V. 2. no. 5. Descriptive catalogue of the offi-
cial publications of the territory and state of Indiana, 1800-1890. 6.
Julian, G: W. The rank of C: Osborn as an anti-slavery pioneer. V.
3. no. 2. Mallet, E. Sieur de Vincennes.
INDIANA Horticultural Society. Transactions; 1890. Indian-
apolis, 1891. O.
INDIANAPOLIS. Public Lihranj. Manual. 1896-97. Indianap-
olis, 1897. T. pam.
INDUSTEIAL Educational Association. Monographs; ed. by N.
M. Butler (continuation); V. 2-3. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. O.
Namely: V. 2. 1-2. Sluys, A. Manual training in elementary schools
for boys; pt. 1-2. 3. Hannak, E. Training of teachers in Austria.
4. Richards, E. H. Domestic economy as a factor in public education.
5. French, J: H. Form study and drawing in the common schools.
6. Barnard, C: Graphic methods in teaching. V. 3. 1. Richards, C:
R. and O'Niel, H: P. Manual training in the public schools. 2. Mac-
Alister, J. Manual training in the public schools of Philadelphia. 3.
Salicis, A. Manual training in France; — Carter, H. J. Suggestions
for the teaching of color. 4. Ham, C: H. Co-education of mind and
hand. 5. Browne, J. C. Handicraft. 6. Leipziger, H. M. The edu-
cation of the Jews.
INDUSTEIAL interests of California; by An old resident. S. F.,
1862. 94 p. O.
INDUSTRY (Franklin Co., Maine).
HATCH, W: C. A history of the town of Industry, from 1787 to the
present time. Farmington, 1893. pors. O.
INGALLS, Herbert. The Columbian prize charades. Bost.,
1897. S.
INGERSOLL, Charles Jared. Recollections, historical, political,
biographical, and social, v. 1. Phil., 1861. O.
MEIGS, W: M. Life of Charles Jared Ingersoll. Phil., 1897. por. D.
INGERSOLL, Ernest. Western Canada. Pt. 2. Appleton's
Canadian guide book.)
Wild neighbors, out-door studies in the United States. N. Y.,
1897. il. D.
[INGERSOLL, Joseph Reed.] The diplomatic year: being a re-
view of Mr. Seward's foreign correspondence of 1862. By a
northern man. 2d ed., with a postscript. Phil., 1863. 71
p. O.
INGERSOLL, Lurton Dunham. Iowa and the rebellion. 2d ed.
Phil., 1866. O.
RIPLEY, C. S. liciit. The Ingersolls of Hampshire in
the line of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Mass. Bost.,1893. 107 p. 0.
INGHAM, G. Thomas. Digging gold among the rockies; or, Ex-
citing adventures of wild camp life in Leadville, Black Hills
and the Gunnison country. Phil, [etc., c. 1880]. pi. D.
INGLE, Edward. Local institutions of Virginia. (In Johns Hop-
kins TTniv. studips, v. 3.)
The negro in 1lie District of Columbia. (//; same, v. 11, no.
Parish institutions of Maryland, (hi same, v. 1.)
INGKAM. Anthon\. ^;uunt of voyage to Beuin beyond Guinea,
1588. [In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1., p. 202.)
INGKA^I, John Kells. Auguste Comte and one of his critics.
[Dublin, 1897]. 7 p. D.
INGRAM, Thomas Dunbar. England and Kome: a history of the
relations between the papacy and the English state and
church from the Xorman conquest to the revolution of 1688.
Lond., 18J)2. O.
History of the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland.
Lond., 1887. O.
Two chapters of Irish history: 1. The Irish parliament of
James II. 2. The alleged violation of the treaty of Limerick.
Lond., 1888. 154 p. O.
INMAX. Henry, colonel. The old Santa F6 trail: the story of a
great highway. N. Y., 1897. il. O.
INNES, Alexander Taylor. John Knox. N. Y. [u. d.]. 158 p. D.
(Famous Scots.)
INNES, Thomas. A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of
the nortl;ern parts of Britain or Scotland; reprinted from
the original edition published in 1729, with a memoir by G:
Grub. Edin., 1879. O. (Historians of Scotland, ed. by W:
F. Skene, v. 8.)
INNOCENT vni. (Giovanni Battista Cibo.) pope. Bull of Pope
Innocent VIH on the marriage of Henry VII with Elizabeth
of York. {In Camden misc., v. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
INOYUE. Jukichi. The Japan-China war: compiled from official
and other sources. Yokohama, [1895]. il. pi. por. O.
INSTITUTION of Civil Engineers (London). Minutes of proceed-
ings. 1884-1895; v. 79-119. Lond., 1884-95. 41 v. pi. O.
INTERNATIONAL American Conference. Reports of committees
and discussions thereon. Eng. ed. Wash., 1890. 4 v. Q.
Same. Wash., 1890. 4 v. in 3. Q. (U. S. 51st Cong., 1st
sess. S. E. D., V. 14-16.)
Same. Texto Castellano. Wash., 1890-91. 3 v. Q. {Same,
V. 17-19.)
INTERNATIONAL American Congress. Minutes (English and
Spanish). Wash., 1890. Q. {Same.)
Reports and recommendations (English and Spanish). Wash.,
1890. map. O. {Same.)
INTERNATIONAL clinics: a quarterly of clinical lectures on med-
icine, neurology, surgery [etc.]; ed. by J: Daland, J. M.
Bruce and D. AV. Finlav. 5th ser., v. 1-4; 6th ser., v. 1-4.
Phil., 1895-97. il. 8 v.' O.
Al]»hnbotical list of contributors and index to contents of the
first five ser. Phil., [1896]. O. pam.
INTERNATIONAL Congress of Anthropology. See Wake, C. S.
INTERNATIONAL Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philan-
thropy. General exercises, Chicago, June 1893; together
with list of officers and members, programme and rules.
Bait, 1894. O.
INTERNA TIOXAL Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philan-
tliropy. Section II. Care of neglected, dependent and way-
ward children; being a report of the second section of the
International (Congress of Charities [etc.] at Chicago, June,
1803. Bait., 1894. O.
Section II. Care of neglected, dependent and wayward chil-
dren; being a report of the second section of the Interna-
tional Congress of Charities [etc.] at Chicago, June 1893.
Bait., 1894. O.
Section III. Hospitals, dispensaries and nursing: papers
and discussions, Chicago, June 12-17, 1893; ed. bv J : S. Bil-
lings [and] H: M. Hurd. Bait., 1894. O.
Section lY, V, VIII: Sec. IV Commitment, detention, care
and treatment of the insane; ed. by G. A. Blumer, A. B.
Richardson. V. Prevention and rei)ression of crime; ed. by
F. H. Wines. VIII. Care and training of the feeble-minded;
ed. by G: H. Knight. Bait., 1894. O.
Section VI. Organization of charities : being a report of the
sixth section of the International Congress of Charities
[etc.], Chicago, June, 1893. O.
INTERNATIONAL critical commentary on the Holy Scriptures of
the Old and New Testaments, edited by C: A. Briggs, S: R.
Driver, A. Plummer. N. Y., 1895-97. 6 v. O.
Namely: Deuteronomy^ — S: D. Driver. Judges — G: F. Moore. St.
Mark — E. P. Gould. St. Luke — A. Plummer. Philippians — M. R. Vin-
cent. Romans — W: Sandy and A. C. Headlam.
INTERNATIONAL education series; ed. by W: T. Harris; v. 1-23,
25-26, 28, 30-32, 42. N. Y., 1887-97. 30 v. D.
Namely: V. 1. Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education. 2.
Painter, F. V. N. History of education. 3. Laurie, S. S. Rise and
early constitution of universities. 4. Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and
warming of school buildings. 5. Froebel, F. Education of man. 6.
Baldwin, J. Elementary psychology and education. 7. Preyer, W.
The senses and the will. 8. Kay, D. Memory. 9. Preyer, W. De-
velopment of the intellect. 10. Parker, F. W. How to study
geography. 11. Boone, R. G. Education in the United States.
12. Klemm, L. R. European schools. 13. Howland, G: Practi-
cal hints for the teachers of public schools. 14. Guimps, R.
de. Pestalozzi: his life and work. 15. Pickard, J. L. School super-
vision. 16. Lange, H. Higher education of women in Europe. 17.
Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. 18. Herbart, J. F.
A text-book in psychology. 19. Baldwin, J. Psychology applied to
the art of teaching. 20. Rousseau, J. J. Emile; tr. and ed. by W. H.
Payne. 21. Adler, F. Moral instruction of children. 22. Sharpless,
I. English education in the elementary and secondary schools. 23.
Fouillee, A. Education from a national standpoint. 25. Hinsdale, B.
A. How to study and teach history. 26. Blow, S. E. Symbolic edu-
cation. 28. Davidson, T: Education of the Greek people. 30. Froe-
bel, F. Pedagogics of the kindergarten. 31. Blow, S. E. and Eliot, H.
R. Mottoes and commentaries of Froebel's Mother Play. 32. Blow,
S. E. Songs and mnsic of Froebel's Mother Play.
INTERNATIONAL Geological Congress, 1891. Compte r^ndu de
la cinquieme session du Geologique International Congr^s at
Philadelphie, 1891. Wash., 1893. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong., 2d
sess. H. M. D., v. 13.)
INTERNATIONAL lnnnuiir s(mm('s; (mI. by W. 11. DiicUs. N. Y.,
180;?-{)r). il. 8 V. 1).
.\aiii(l!): Humour of America, ed. by .1. Rarr. Humour of France,
ed. by E. Lee. Humour of Germany, ed. by H. M. Cassenov. Hu-
mour of Holland, ed. by A. Werner. Humour of Ireland, ed. by D.
J. O'Donoghue. Humour of Italy, ed. by A. Werner. Humour of
Russia, ed. by E. L. Voynich. Humour of Spain, ed. by S. M. Tay-
INTEKNATIONAL Marine Conference. 1889. Trolocols of pro-
ceedings held in ^Yasllington Oct. 16-Dec. 31, 1889. Wash.,
1890. 2 V. O. (U. S. ;jlst Cong., Ist ser. S. E. D., v. G-7.)
INTERNATIONAL military series, no. 1-5; ed. by Capt. A. L.
Wagner. Kansas City, [c. 1895-97]. 5 v. O.
^allttI!l: no. 1. Maude, F. N. capt. Military letters and essays. 2.
Bonie, Kaehler, Davis. Cavalry studies from two great wars. 3. Von
Irotha, T. Tactical studies on the battles around Plevna. 4. Maude,
F. N. Cavalry versus infantry. 5. Arnim, von. Extracts from an in-
fantry captain's journal.
INTERNATIONAL Monetary Conference, 1892. Report of the
American delegates to the Conference at Brussels, Nov. 22-
Dec. 17, 1892, with record of proceedings. Wash., 1893. O.
(U. S. 52d Cong., 2d ser. S. E. D., no. 82.)
INTERNATIONAL monthly magazine of literature, science, and
art; v. 1-.5, August ^1850-April 18.52. N. Y., [18.50-52]. 5
V. O.
INTERNATIONAL Prison Congress, 1895. Report of the dele-
gates of the United States to the 5th International Prison
Congress, held at Paris, France, July 1895. Wash., 1896. O.
INTERNATIONAL scientific series (continuation); v. 50, 52, ,59-r>0,
62, 64, 68, 71-72. N. Y., 1886-94. 12 v. 11. D.
Naiiieh/: 59. Binet, A. and Fere, C. Animal magnetism. 50. Clif-
ford, W: K. The common sense of the exact sciences. 68. Graham,
W: Socialism old and new. 52. Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes.
66. Lagrange, F. Physiology of bodily exercise. 60. Levi, L. Inter-
national law. 72. Lefevre, A. Race and language. 64. Lubbock, J.
On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals. 67. Poulton, B.
B. Colours of animals. 65. Starcke, C. N. The primitive family in
its origin and development. 62. Tylor, E. B. Anthropology: an in-
troduction to the study of man and civilization. 71. Stebbing, T: R.
R. History of Crustacea; recent malacostraca.
INTERNATIONAL studio (The); an illustrated magazine of fine
and applied art; ed. by C: Holme, v. 1-2. 1897. N. Y.,
1897. 2 V. Q.
INTERNATIONAL theological library; ed. bv C: A. Briggs and S.
D. F. Salmond. no. 1-6. N. Y., 1892-97. 6 v. O.
Nainf'lii: no. 1. Driver, S. R. Introduction to the literature of the
Old Testament, no. 2. Smyth, N. Christian ethics, no. 3. Bruce, A.
B. Apologetics, no. 4. Fisher, G: P. History of christian doctrine,
no. 5. McGiffert, A. C. Christianity in the Apostolic age. no. 6. Al-
len, A. V. G. Christian institutions.
INTER-Ocean, Daily; July 1890-Dec. 1897. Chicago, 1890-97. 31
V. F.
INVASIONS of India from Central Asia. Lond., 1879. O.
INYO county (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896.
INYO index; Jan. 7, 1891-Aug. 24, 1892; Jan. 18, 1893-July 23,
1895. Independence, 1891-95. 2 v. F.
IOWA. Columbian Commission. Hand-book of Iowa. [n. p.].
1893. il. pi. O.
Constitutional Convention. 1857. Journal, Jan. 19-March 5,
1857. Muscatine, 1857. O.
General Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives;
14th-15tb, 23d-25th general assembly; 1872, 1874, 1890, 1892,
1894. Des Moines, 1872-94. 5 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 14tb-15th, 23d-25th general
assembly; 1872, 1874, 1890, 1892, 1894. Des Moines, 1872-
94. 5 V. O.
Legislative documents; 1874 (3 v.), 1890 (6 v.), 1892 (6 v.),
1894 (5 v.). Des Moines, 1874-94. 20 v. O.
Secretary of State. List of executive, judicial and county offi-
cers, also trustees of state institutions, etc., January 1, 1887;
comp. by F. D. Jackson. [Des Moines, 1887.] S.
Official register (continuation); 1889-93. [Des Moines,
1889] 93. 5 V. S. and D.
State A qricultural College and Farm. 13th biennial report of the
Board of Trustees; 1888-89. Des Moines, 1889. pamp. O.
State Lihrary. Biennial report of the librarian; 1893, 1895.
Des Moines, 1893-95. 1 v. O. and pamp.
Catalogue, 1872; compiled by Ada North. Des Moines,
1872. O.
[IRELAND, William Watherspoon. M.'D.'] History of the siege
of Delhi; by an officer who served there. Edin., 1861,
map. D.
IRISH monthly; a magazine of general literature (continuation);
V. 17-25. Dublin, 1889-97. 9 v. O.
IRISH peasant; a sociological study; edited from original papers
by [a guardian of the poor]. Lond., 1892. D. (Soc. sci.
IRISH poems and histories; mss. v. 2-3. [n. t. p.] 2 v. O.
[^ote: These poems were written from old mss. in 1806-07, at Cork;
the characters used are the Anglo-Saxon, or old Latin. Vol. 2 is a col-
lection of Ossanic poems transcribed in the Irish character by J: Mul-
IRISH quarterly review; V. 1-7. Dublin, 1851-57. 7 v. O.
IRISSON d' Herisson. See H^risson, Maurice, comte d'.
IRELAND, Frederic. Sport in an untouched American wilderness.
{In Out-of-door lib. Hunting.)
IRON and Steel Institute. See Journal of the Iron and Steel Insti-
IRONS, Charles D. ed. and comp. Tourists' guide and directory of
the Truckee basin; W. F. Edwards publisher. Truckee,
1883. 137 p. il. D.
IRRIGATION age; v. 1-12; May 1891-Dec. 1897. Denver, Salt
Lake, S. F., Chic, 1891-97. 12 v.
IRVING, Alexander. Chemical and physical studies in the meta-
morphism of rocks. Lond., 1889. 11+137 p. O.
IKYING, Sir Henry Urodribb. Tlu' drania: uddi-esses 1. The
stage as it is. 2. The art of acting. '6. Four great actors.
4. The art of acting. N. Y., [c. 1892]. por. D.
and Marsliall, Frauk A. eds. Works of William Shakespeare;
illustrations by Gordon Browne (continuation); v. 7-8. N.
Y., 1890. 2 V. il. pi. maps. O.
IRYING, lioland J)uer, and Van llise, Charles Kichard. The Ten-
okee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. Wash.,
1892. pi. F. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Monograph 19.)
Same. In U. S. Geol. Surv., lUth annual report., 1888-89.
IRVING. Washington. The Alhambra, with an introduction by E:
K. Penuell; illustrated by Joseph Tennell. N. Y., 1890.
11. D.
Rip Van Winkle; illustrated by Frank T. Merrill. Bost.,
1888. 49 p. il. pi. por. Q.
Rip Van Winkle, with introduction by Joseph Jeit'ersou and
text as played by him. N. Y., 1895. pi. por. Q.
IRVING, William, and others. Salmagundi; or, The whim-whams
and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff [pseud.] and others;
reprinted from the American ed. with an introductory essay
and explanatory note bv John Lambert. Lond.. 1811. 2 v.
in 1. S.
IRVING Institute. (S. F.). Catalogue, 1897. [S. F.], 1897. (3.
IRWIN, Henry. Road-making and maintenance. (In A move for
better roads. Univ. of Penn. Com. on Better Roads.)
IRWIN, I. N. comp. Sacramento directory and gazetteer for 1857-
58. S. F., 1857. O.
IRWIN, Richard B. Historv of the nineteenth army corps. N. Y.,
1892. maps. O.
IRWIN, William. Inaugural address, 1875. {In Cal. Gov.. Inau-
gural addresses, 1849-91.)
ISENBERG, Fcv. Charles William, and Krapf, Rev. John Ludwig.
Journals detailing proceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa, and
journeys in other parts of Abyssinia in the vears 1889-42.
Lond., 1843. maps. D.
ISHAM, Asa Brainerd, Davidson, Henry Martin, and Furness,
Henry Benjamin. Prisoners of war and militarv prisons.
Cin., 1890. il. pi. pors. O.
ISUMBRAS, Sir. The romance of. fZ"// Thornton romances. Cam-
den Soc. V. 30.)
ITALY. Cnmrnissiove Cnhimhiana. Raccolta di docuraeti e studi
pubblicati dalla R. Commissiono Colombiana pel quarto cen-
tenario dalla scoporta deH'America. Pt. 1, v. 1-3 and sujtp.
to V. 3; pt. 2. V. 1-3; pt. 3, v. 1-2; pt. 4, v. 1-2; pt. 5. v. 1-3. pt.
6, v. 1. Roma, 1892-96. 14 v. F.
Coiitent.i: Pt. 1, v. 1-2. Scritti dl C. Colombo pubblicati ed illustratti
da C. de Lollis. Pt. 1, v. 3 and supp. Autografi di C. Colombo con pre-
fazione e trascrizione diplomatica di C. de Lollis. Pt. 2, v. t. Bel-
^ano, L. T. r Staglieno, M. rrlsi. Documenti relativi a Cristoforo Co-
lombo e alia sua famiglia. Pt. 2, v. 2. Belgrano, L. T. e Staglieno. M.
edf}. II codice dei privilegi di Cristoforo Colombo. Pt. 2, v. 3. Quis-
tioni Colombiane, per C. Desimoni; C. Colombo e 1 corsari Colombo,
ITALY. Commissione Columbiana.
per A. Salvagnini; I ritratti di C. Colombo, per A. Neri; Le medaglie
di C. Colombo, per U. Rossi. Pt. 3, v. 1-2. Brechet, G. Fonti Italiane
per la storia della scoperta del nuovo mondo: 1. Carteggi diplomatici,
2. Narraziono sincrone. Pt. 4, v. 1. Albertis, E. A. d'. Le costruzioni
navali e I'arte dello navigazione al tempo dl Cristoforo Colombo. Pt.
4, V. 2. Bertelli, T. La declinazione magnetica e la sua variazione
nello spazio scoperte da Cristoforo Colombo; Bellio V. Notizia delle
piu antiche carte geografische che si trouvano in Italia riguard anti
I'America. Pt. 5, v. 1. La vita e i tempi di Paolo Dal Pozzo Toscanelli
ricerehe e studi di Gustavo Uzielli; con un capitolo (vi) sui lavori as-
tronomici del Toscanelli di Giovanni Celoria. Pt. 5, v. 2. Pietro Mar-
tire d'Anghiera e le sue relaziono sulle scoperte oceaniche per Giu-
seppe Pennesi; Amerigo Vespucci, Giovanni Vrrazzano, Juan Bautista
Genovese, notizie sommarie per Luigi Hugues, Giovanni Cabolo, note
critiche per Vincenzo Bellemo, Leone Pancaldo sussidi documentari
per Prospero Peragallo. Pt. 5, v. 3. II primo viaggio intorno al globe
di Antonio Pigafetta per Andren da Mosto, Girolamo Benzoni e la sua
historia del mondo nuovo per marco Allegri. Pt. 6, v. 1. Fumagalli, G.
[and] Filippo, P. A. di S. comps. Bibliografia degli scritti Italian! o
stampati in Italia sopra Christoforo Colombo la scoperta del nuovo
mondo e i viaggi degli Italian! in America.
Constitution. Constitution of the kingdom of Italy; tr. and
supplied with notes by S, M. Lindsay and L. S. Kowe. Phil.,
1894. 44 p. O. (Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. sci. Supp.
to Annals, Nov. 1894.)
Ministero di AgricoUura industria e commercio. Annali di agricol-
tura, 1883; la filossera in Italia nel 1882. Roma. 1883. O.
Statistica della Biblioteche. Roma, 1893-94. 2 v. O.
IVES, Levi Silliman. The trials of a mind in its progress to Cath-
olicism. Bost., 1854. D.
TVINS, William M. Machine politics and money in elections in
New York City. N. Y., 1887. 150 p. S. (Harper's handy
ser. no. 127.)
lYENAGA, Toyokichi. The constitutional development of Japan,
1853-81. Bait., 1891. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies,
V. 9.)
JACCACI, August F. Ascent of Mount Aetna. (//( Out- of-door
lib. Mountain climbing.)
Italian posters and music-book covers. {In Alexandre, A. and
others. The modern poster.)
On the trail of Don Quixote, being a record of rambles in the
ancient province of J.a Manclia. il. by D: Vierge. N. Y.,
1896. il. D.
JACCOUD, Sigismond. ^[.D. The curability and treatment of pul-
monary pljthisis.; tr. by M. Lubbock. X. Y., 1885. O.
Leyons de cliuiciue medicale faites a I'hospital de la piti6 1886-
87. Paris, 1888. il. O.
JACK, Adolphus Alfred. Thackeray: a study. N. Y., 1895. 196
p. D.
JACKSON, Abraham Willard. The immanent God and other ser-
mons. Bost. and N. Y., 1889. 159 p. D.
JACKSON, Andrew. 7th president U. S. Messages; with a short
sketch of his life. Concord. N. H., 1837. por. D.
CIVIL and military history of Andrew Jaclison; by an American offi-
cer. N. Y., 1825. por. D. ^ ^
PARTON, J. General Jackson. N. Y., 1893. D. (Great Command-
JACKSON, liimjamin Daydon. Guide to the literature of botany;
being a classified selection of botanical works, including
nearly 0,000 titles not given in Pritzel's "Thesaurus." Lond.,
1881."^ O. (Index Soc. Pub., v. 8, 1880.)
Index kewensis: an enumeration of the genera and species of
flowering plants, from the time of Linnaeus to the year 1885
inclusive. Comp.-at the expense of the late Charles R. Dar-
win, under the direction of J. D. Hooker; pt. 1-4. Oxford,
1893-95. 4 V. F.
Vegetable technology: a contribution towards a bibliography
of economic botany; with comprehensive subject-index;
Founded upon the collections of G: J. Symons. Lond., 1882.
O. (Index Soc. Pub., v. 11, 1882.)
JACKSON, Rev. Plomfield. tr. The ecclesiastical history, dia-
logues, and letters of Theodoret. {hi Schaff, P., and Wace,
hT eds. Nicene and post- nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 3.)
JACKSON, Frank D. comp. List of executive, judicial and county
officers of the state of Iowa, Jan., 1887. [Des Moines, 1887].
JACKSON, Frank G. Lessons on decorative design. Lond., 1894.
il. 173 p. O. . , r^
Theory and practice of design. Lond., 1894. il. pi. O.
JACKSON. George Thomas. A practical treatise on the diseases
of the hair and scalp. N. Y., 1890. il. pi. O.
JACKSON, John R. Commercial botany of the nineteenth century.
Lond., Paris and :\relbourne, 1890. il. D.
JACKSON, Mary Anna. Life and letters of General Thomas J.
Jackson (Stonewall Jackson); with an introduction by H: M,
Field. N. Y., 1892. pors. D.
JACKSON, Eev. Samuel Macaulay. comp. Bibliograpliy of Ameri-
can church history, 1820-93. [In Amer. Church Hist, ser., v.
ed. Papers of the American Society of Church History: v. 2-4,
6, 8. N. y., 1890-97. 5 v. O.
Chambers, Talbot Wilson, and Foster, Frank Hugh. eds. Con-
cise dictionary of religious knowledge and gazetteer. 2d rev.
ed. X. y., 1891. O.
JACKSON, Sheldon. Education in Alaska, 1889-90. Wash., 1893.
O. {In U. S. Bu. of Ed. Misc. pub., v. 1.)
Report on introduction of domestic reindeers into Alaska 1893,
1896. Wash., 1893-96. il. 2 v. O.
JACKSON, Stonewall, gen. See Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, lieuf.-
JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan, lieut-geu.
JACKSON, M. A. Life and letters of General T: J. Jackson (Stone-
wall Jackson); with an introduction by H: M. Field. N. Y., 1892.
pors. D.
JACKSON family.
PROCEEDINGS of the sesqui-centennial gathering of the descend-
ants of Isaac and Ann Jackson, at Harmony grove. Pa., Aug. 25,
1875; with the family genealogy. Phil., 1878. pors. 0.
JACOB, Sir George Le Grand. Western India before and during
the mutinies: pictures drawn from life. Lond., 1871. D.
JACOBI, Abraham. Therapeutics of infancy and childhood. Phil.,
1896. O.
JACOBI, Charles Thomas. Printing applied more particu-
larly to the printing of books. Lond., 1893. il. S. (Technol.
JACOBI, Hermann, tr. Gaina Sutras; tr. from the Prakit; pt. 1.
Akaranga Sutra. Kapa Sutra, pt. 2. Uttarddhyayana Su-
tra: Sutrakritanga Sutra. Oxford, 1884, 1895." 2 v. O.
(Miiller, F. M. ed. Sacred books of the east, v. 22, 45.)
JACOBI, Mary Putnam. "Common sense" applied to woman suf-
frage. N. y., 1894. D. (Questions of the day, no. 80.)
A martyr to science. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 2.)
JACOBS, Henry Eyster. A history of the Evangelical Lutheran
church in the United Staes. N. y., 1893. O. (Amer. church
hist. ser. v. 4.)
The Lutheran liturgies. {In Hall, C: C. and others. Christian
JACOBS, Josepli. Jewish ideals, and other essays. N. y., 1896. O.
ed. Aesop's fables, selected, told anew and their history traced.
N. Y., 1894. il. O.
Daphnis and Chloe; the Elizabethan version from Amy-
ot's translation, by Angel Day; reprinted from the unique
original and ed. by J. Lond., 1890. 29-1-155 p. Q.
JACOBS, Michael. Notes on the rebel invasion of Maryland and
Pennsylvania, and of the battle of Gettysburg July lst-3d,
1863. 'Phil., 1864. 47 p. map. D.
. JACOBSEN, Edward Percy, tr. Gide, C: Principles of political
(i]:.\/:ir\L 1)i:i'.\i:tmkst. 453
JACOBSEX, Aujiuslus. Higher j;r()iiii(l ; liiiils lowiii'ds shilling the
liiboi- Iroublrs. Chic, ISSS. S.
JACOlil'S dc Vilriaco or Accdncnsi.s. Jvxciii])!;! ; <»i', Illiisl ralive sto-
ries fi'om the soi'iuoiios vulgaros; ed. with iiitioduction, anal-
3'sis, aud notes bv T: F: Crane. Lond., 1890. O. (Folk-lore
Soc. Pub. no. 26.)
JACQUEMAKT, Albert. Les merveilles de la cdramique, ou I'art
de t'aoronner et dtn-orer les vases en terre cuite, faience, gr^s
et poreelaine, depnis les temps antiques jusqu'ii nos jours.
Paris, 18t;(;-(i0. il. 3 v. D. (P.iblio. des merveilles.)
JACQI^ES (/(' Vilri/. hp. of Acre. Histoire des eroisades. (In Col.
des mem. rel. a I'liist. de France. 1825. s. 3. v. 21.)
JAEXISCH, C. F. de. Chess preceptor: a new analysis of the open-
ings of games; tr. with notes by G: Walker. Lond., 1847. O.
JAFFA, M. E. Studv of human foods and practical dietetics. Sac,
189G. O. (Univ. of Cal. College of Agri. Bull. 110.)
JAHAXGIR. emperor of Iliiidostan. Memoirs written by himself;
tr. from a Persian manuscript bv David Price. Lond., 1829.
JAHAXGUEIR. See Jahangir.
JAKOB, Christfried. M.D. An atlas of the normal and pathologi-
cal nervous systems. X^. Y., 1890. pi. D. (Wood's medical
hand atlases, no. 2.)
JAKSCH, Rudolf von. Clinical diagnosis: the bacteriological,
chemical, and microscopical evidence of disease; tr. from the
3d German ed. and enl. by J. Cagney. Lond., 1893. il. O.
JAMAICA, Aqriculiural Society. Jamaica in 1895, 189G; a hand-
book of information for intending settlers and others.
Kingston. 1895-6. 2 v. O. pams.
JAMEE, Moola Xoor ed-Deen Abd-er-Rahman. .Joseph und Sulei-
cha; historisch-roraantisches Gedicht aus dem Persischen.
Wien, 1824. O.
JAMES T. liiu/ of E)u/Iand, VI. of Scotland. Correspondence with Sir
R. Cecil and others in England during the reign of Queen
Elizabeth, with app.; ed. by J: Bruce. [Lond.], 1861. O.
Camden Soc, v. 78.)
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King -James VI. of Scotland;
ed. by J: Bruce. [Lond.], 1849. O. (Same, v. 46.)
The true narration of the entertainment of His Royal Majesty,
from the time of his departure from Edinburgh till his receiving at
London; with the names of those gentlemen whom his majesty
honored with knighthood; [by T[homas M[illington] 1603. (In
Arber, E: Eng. garner, v. 8. p. 487.)
JAMES IL h)ui of Enf/land.
MONEYS received and paid for secret services of Charles TI and James
II, from .'^Oth March 1679 to 25th December 1688. ed. by J: Y. Aker-
man from ms. in the possession of W: S. Lowndes. [Lond.], 1851.
O. (Camden Soc, v. 52.)
JAMES, Edmund -Janes. The canal aud tlie railway, with a note
on the develo]»ment of railway ]>nssenger traffic. (In Amer.
Econ. Assn. Put), v. 5.)
The government in its relalion to the forests. (In V. S. Dept.
of Agric. Forestrv Div. Bull no. 2.)
JAMES, Edward Janes, ed. University of Pennsylvania. Publi-
cations: Political economy and public law series, v. 2. Phil.,
1890. O.
JS'amehj: Lewis, W: D. Our sheep and the tariff.
JAMES, George Francis, comp. The proceedings of the first an-
nual meeting of the national conference on university exten-
sion held in Philadelphia Dec. 29-31, 1891, under the auspices
of the American Society for the Extension of University
Teaching. Phil., 1892. 'o.
ed. Handbook of university extension. 2d ed. rev. enl. ; with
an introduction by E. J. James. Phil., 1893. O.
JAMES, George Payne Rainsford. Life of Henry the Fourth, king
of France and Xavarre. Lond., 1847. 3 v. por. O.
JAMES, Henry. The aspern papers; — Louisa Pallant; — The mod-
ern warning. Lond., 1888. D.
Lesson of the master [and other stories]. N. Y., 1892. U.
A light man. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 5.)
The other house. N. Y., 1897. D.
Partial portraits. Lond., 1888. D.
Picture and text. N. Y., 1893. il. por. T.
The Princess Casamassima. Lond., 1886. D.
The reverberator. Lond., 1888. D.
Spoils of Poynton. Bost., 1897. D.
JAMES, James Alton. English institutions and the American In-
dian. [In Johns Hopkins ITniv. studies, v. 12, no. 10.)
JAMES, John. History of the worsted manufacture in England,
from the earliest times. Lond., 18.57. O.
JAMES, Ealph N. Painters and their works: a dictionary of great
artists who are not now alive, giving their names, lives and
the prices paid for their works at auctions, vol. 1-2. Lond.,
1896-97. il. 2 v. D.
JAMES, Thomas Lemuel. The railway mail service. {In Clarke,
T: C. and others. The American railway.)
JAMES, William. The principles of psychology. N. Y., 1890. 2 v.
O. (Amer. science ser. advanced course.)
The will to believe and other essavs in popular philosophy.
N. Y., 1897. D.
JAMES, Sir Milbourne. The British in India; ed. by Mary J. S.
Schwabe. Lond., 1882. map. O.
JAMESON, Mrs. Anna IMurphy. Characteristics of women, moral,
poetical, and historical. Bost., 1896. S.
Memoirs of early Italian painters and of the progress of paint-
ing in Italv: Cimabue to Bassano. New ed. Lond., 1868. il.
Sketches of ai't, literature, and character. Bost., 1893. il. S.
JAMESON, Ephraim Orcutt. ed. The history of Medway, Mass.,
1713-188."). Medway, [1886]. il. pors. O.
JAMESON, James S. The story of the rear column of the Emin
Pasha relief expedition; ed. by ^Irs. James S. Jameson. Au-
thorized ed. N. Y., [1891]. il. pi. pors. map. O.
JAMESO'^\ John Franklin. Dictionary of United States history:
1492-1894. Four centuries of histo7\v. Bost., [c. 1894]. por.
JAMKSOX, .lohii Fniiiklin. Tlio cxix'Tulitiires of foreign govcrn-
iiuMits in behalf of histoi-y. Wash., 1892. O. (Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Kept. 1892. Papers, no. 3.)
History of France, by Victor Dnrny; abridged and translated
from' the 17th French ed., by Mrs. M. Carey; with introduc-
lorv notice and a continuation (o the year 18S9. by .1. N. Y.,
[c."l889]. niai»s. D.
The liistorv of historical writing in America. Host.. 1891. 160
p. D.
An introduction to the study of the constitutional and political
history of the states. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 4.)
Origin of the standing committee system in American legisla-
tive bodies. Wash., 1898. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept.
1893. Papers, no. 20.)
Willem rssclinx. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers, v. 2.)
ed. Essavs in the constitutional history of the United States
in the formative period, 1775-89; by graduates and former
members of the Johns Hopkins University. Bost., 1889. O.
Contents: The predecessor of the Supreme Court; by the editor.—
Smith, E. P. Movement towards a second constitutional convention
in 1788.— Guggenheimer, J. C. Development of the executive depart-
ments. — Trent, W. P. Period of constitution-making in the American
churches.— Brackett, J. R. The status of the slave, 1775-1789.
JAMESON, Leander Starr.
KING, Rer. J. Dr. Jameson's raid; its causes and consequences.
Lon'd., 1896. 180 p. S.
JAMf. See Abd Al-Rahman ibn Ahmad.
JAMIESON, Andrew. Elementary manual of magnetism and elec-
tricity. 2d ed. Lond., 1891. il. D.
A text-book on applied mechanics: specially arranged for the
use of science and art and engineering students.
V. 1. Phil., 1895. il. dia. D.
JANES, Frederic. The Janes family: a genealogy and brief history
of the descendants of William Janes. N. Y., 1868. O.
JANES, Lewis George. Life as a fine art. (In Brooklyn Ethical
Assoc. Evolution in science, ])hilosophy, and art.)
, The problem of city government. (In same. Man and the
JANES family.
JANES, F: The Janes family; a genealogy and brief history of the
descendants of W: Janes. N. Y.. 1868. O.
JANEWAY, J. H. Directions in case of accidental injuries; Feb.
14, 1870. (Essavons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 15.)
JANIN, Jules Gabriel. L¥t^ k Paris. Paris, [n. d.]. il. Q.
JANNEQUIN, CMaude. sievr de nnrlirfnrf. Abstract of a voyage to
Lvbia, particularlv to the kingdom of Sanaga. on the river
Niger; tr. from the French. (Tn Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 2. i>. 20.)
JANOTHA. Natalie. //•. Kleczynski. Jean. (Miopin's greater
JANSON, E. W. liritish beetles transferred from Curtis's British
entomology; with descri]>ticns by J. Lond.. 186:^. pi. O.
JANSSEN, Johannes. Allgemeine zustiinde des deutschen Volkes
seit dem Ausgang- der socialen Revolution bis zum sogenann-
ten Augsburger Religionsfrieden von 1555. 15. Aufl. Frei-
burg im Breisgan, 1891. O. (Gescbiclite des deutschen
Volkes. Bd. 3.)
JANl'S. pseud. See Bonni^re, R. de.
JANVIER, Catharine A. tr. Gras, F. The reds of the Midi.
JANVIER, Thomas Allibone. Pancha. {In Stories by Amer. au-
thors, V. 10.)
Stories of old New Spain. N. Y., 1891. D.
JAPAN described and illustrated by the Jai)anese: written by emi-
nent Japanese authorities and scholars; edited by Capt F.
Brinkley, with an essay on Japanese art by Kakuzo Okakura.
Ed de grand luxe. no. 10. Sec. 1-4. Bost., [c. 1897]. il.
pi. 4 V. F.
JAPAN. History of Japan (Japanese). See Nihon Guaishi.
JAPP, Alexander Hay. Days with industrials: adventures and ex-
periences among curious industries. N. Y., 1889. il. D.
ed. De Quincey memorials: being letters and other records
here first published. N. Y., 1891. 2 v. O.
JARBOE, Mrs. John R. d^seud. T: H. Brainerd.) "Go forth and
find." N. Y., [c. 1895]. S.
Robert Atterbury: a story of love and life. N. Y., [c. 1896].
JARCHOW, H. Nicholas. Forest planting: a treatise on the care
of timber lands and the restoration of denuded woodlands
on plains and mountains. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
JARDINE, Sir William. Contributions to ornithology, 1848-52.
Loud., Edin., [1848] -53. 2 v. pi. O.
JARVES, James Jackson. Art thoughts; the experiences and ob-
servations of an American amateur in Europe. Bost., 1896.
JARVIS, Josephine, tr. Froebel, F. Pedagogics of the kindergar-
JASMIN, Jacques. Las papillotos: tomo prum^. Agen, 1843. 11.
JASPER, Theodore. Ornithology; or. The science of birds; from
the text of Dr. Brehm; with illustrations bv J. Columbus,
Ohio, 1878. 156 p. pi. F.
JASTROW, Helen B. tr. Darmesteter, James. Selected essays.
JASTROW, Morris, jr. ed. Darmesteter, James. Selected essays,
with introductory memoir of D. Bost., 1895. por. D.
JAY, John. Correspondence and public papers, 1763-1782; ed. by
H. P. Johnston, v. 1-2. N. Y., [1890-91.] 2 v. O.
PELLEW, G: John Jay. Bost., 1890. D. (Amer. statesmen ser.)
JAY. William.
TUOKERMAN, B. W: Jay and the constitutional movement for the
abolition of slavery; with a preface by J: Jay. N. Y., 1893. pors.
JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson: an
historical biography based on letters and other documents in
the ]\Iorrison collection. New ed. N. Y., 1897. por. D.
JEAN dc 'Tnii/cs. Histoirc dc Lonys iin/.iesnie, roy de France, et des
choses iiioiiioiahlcs adveinu's dc sou rej^ne depuis I'an 14G0
jusques a 14S}; autrcMuoiit dicte la chroiiique scaudaleuse.
{In Col. des iiu'in. ivl. a 1 hist, de France, 182G. s. 1. v. 13-14.)
,1EAXC0N, J. A. M.D. Explanatory text to the atlas of human
anatomy. Cin., [u.d.]. O.
JEAN.JEAN, Adricn. Notice geologique et agronomique sur les
l»hosphates de chaux du d(ipar(uieute du Gard. Niuies, 1884.
4<» }). O.
JEAXNIN, Pierre. Les n^gociations du president J.; — Oeuvres
nii'lees. (In Col. des nieni. rel. k I'hist. de France 1821-22.
s. 2, V. 11-lG.)
JEANS. Bev. George Edward. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius
Cicero: being a new translation of the letters included in
Mr. Watson's selection; with historical and critical notes.
2d ed. Lond., 1887. D.
JEANS, J. Stephen. Kaihvay problems: an inquiry into the econ-
omic conditions of railway working in different countries.
Lond., 1887. O.
Trusts, pools, and corners as affecting commerce and industry.
Lond., J 894. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
Waterways and water transport in different countries: with
a description of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan,
and other canals. N. Y., 1890. pi. O.
JEBB, Eichard Claverhouse. Sophocles; the plays and fragments,
with critical notes, commentary, and translation in English
prose; pt. 1-5, 7. Cambridge, 1887-06. G v. O.
Coiilnits: Pt. 1. Oedipus Tyranniis. 2. Oedipus Coloneus, 2d ed. 3.
Antigone, 2d ed. 4. Philoctetes. 5. The Trachiniae. 7. The Ajax.
JEFFERIES. John Richard. The amateur poacher. Bost., 1879. D.
Round al)out a great estate. Bost., 1880. D.
Wild life in a southern country. Bost., 1889. S.
JEFFERSON. Joseph. Autobiography. N. Y., [c. 1889-90.]. pi.
pors. O.
Introduction to the play of ''Rip Van Winkle" and text as
played by Jefferson. N. Y., 189;"). pi. pors. O.
JEFFERSON, Thomas. Writings; collected and ed. by P. L. Ford;
y. 1-0 : 1760-94. N. Y.. 1892-95. 6 y. O.
SCHOULER. J. Thomas .Jefferson. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Makers
of Amer.)
JEFFERSON county, (Iowa).
JEFFERSON county, Iowa; centennial history; C: H. Fletcher, his-
torian. Fairfield, 1876. 35 p. O.
[JEFFERYS. Thomas. rrJ.] A description of the Spanisli islands
and settlements on the coast of tlu' West Indies. Lond., 1762.
mo p. maps. O.
JEFFREY, John, (uul Howie, Charles. The trees and shrubs of Fife
and Kinross. Leith, 1879. 100 p. photos. F.
JEFFREY. William IT. Richmond prisons, 1861-62; compiled from
the oi-iginal records kept Ity the confederate goycM'umcnt. St.
Johnsbniy. [c 18!)."5]. il. ])ors. facsim. O.
JEFFREYS, John Gwyn. (continuation). British conchology; or.
An account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British
Isk^s and the surrounding seas. v. 4-5. Lond., 1867-69. 2 v.
col. pi. D.
JEFFREYS. .Julius. The British army in India; its preservation
by an apitropriate clothing, housing, locating, recreative em-
]>loyment, and hopeful encouragement of the troops. Lond.,
18.58. pi. O.
JELAL-ED-DIX Rumi. The Mesnevi: book the First; illustrated
by a selection of characteristic anecdotes, as collected by
their historian Shemsu-'d-din Ahmed, El Eflaki, El Arifi; tr.
and the poetry versified by James W. Redhouse. Lond., 1881.
O. (Triibner's orient ser.)
JELALTT-'D-DIN, Muhammed er-Rumi. See Jelal-Ed-din Rumi.
JELF, Ernest Arthur. Eileen's journev; historv in fairvland
Lond.. 1896. il. O. ' ' ' *
JENKIN, Fleeming.
STEVENSON, R. L. B. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Bost., 1895. D.
JENKINS, E. H., and Winton, A. L. A compilation of analyses of
American feeding stutTs. AVash., 1892. O. (U. S. Dept. of
Agric. Office of Exper. Stations. Bull., no. 11.)
JENKINS, Robert Charles. Heraldry, english and foreign; with
a dictionary of heraldic terms. "^N. Y., 1896. il. Ill p. S.
JENKINS, William, jr. Further elucidations of Stuart and Re-
vett's Antiquities of Athens. (/;; Cockerell, C. R. and others.
Antiquities of Athens.)
JENKINSON, Anthony. Voyages and travels from Russia to Bog-
har in 1557; to which are added some information of others
concerning the road thence to China. (In Green, J: Vovages
and travels, v. 4, p. 630.)
JENKS, Edward. The constitutional experiments of the common-
wealth: a study of the years 1649-60; Thirlwall dissertation,
1889. Camb., 1890. 150 p. D. (Camb. Hist, essays no. 3.)
The government of Victoria (Australia]. Lond., 1891. O.
A history of the Australasian colonies from their foundation
to the year 1893. Camb., 1896. D. (Camb. hist, ser.)
JENKS, Jeremiah Whi})ple. Road legislation for the American
State. (In Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub., v. 4.)
JENNER. *S'tV William. Lectures and essavs on fevers and diph-
theria 1849-1879. N. Y., 1893. O.
JENNESS, C. K. Charities of San Francisco: a directory publish-
ed for the department of economics and social science. Le-
land Stanford jr. TTniversity, 1894. S. F., 1894. n.p. ().
JENNINGS, J. Ellis. M.D. Color-vision and color-blindness: a
practical manual for railroad surgeons. Phil., 1896. il. 115
p. O.
JENNINGS, John. Domestic or fancy cats, a treatise on their an-
tiouity fete]. Lond., 1893. 11. 'l23 p. D.
JENSEN. Adolph. Banking in the Scandinavian nations. (In Hist,
of bankiup- in all nations, v. 4.)
JEPHSON, Arthnr Jei'iences in
the hist of the Soinhni pi-ovinees. With the revision and eo-
ojteration of Ileniy M. Stanley. N. Y., 1891. il. jjI. map.
pors. facsitn. O.
JEPnSON, llenrv. The platform: its rise and progress. N. Y.,
1S02. 2 x/ D.
JERDAN, William, ed. Letters fi-om James, p]arl of Perth, to his
sister the Countess of P^i'roll, and other menilxM's of his fam-
ily. Lond.. 184.5. 10^-112 p. O. (Camden Soc., v. 33.)
Kntland pa])ers: orijiinal docnments illustrative of the
courts and times of ITenry VIT. and ITenry VITL, selected
from the i)rivate archives of the Duke of Rutland. Lond.,
1842. 12-4-133 p. O. (Same, v. 21.)
BOWES, R. and Douglas, J. Index of portraits in Jerdan's "Portrait
gallery." (hi Index Soc. Pub., v. 7. 1880. Rept. 2d annual meet-
ing. App 1.)
JERDON, Thomas Caverhill. The game birds and wild fowl of
India, (^ilcutta, 18(;4. ]!)5 p. O.
JERXIC.AX, Thomas R. Ranking in China. (/// Hist, of banking
in all nations, v. 4.)
JEROME, St. See Hieronymus Soi»hronius, Eusebius St., of Stridon.
JEROME, Irene E. In a fair country; illustrated by J.; essays from
"Out-door papers" by T. W. Higginson. Best, and N. Y.,
1890. pi. obi. O.
JERROLD, Douglas. Bon-mots; ed. by W. Jerrold. Lond., 1895.
il. T. (Bon-mots.)
JERROLD. Walter, ed. Bon-mots. Lond., 1894-97. il. 5 v. T.
For list see Bon-mots.
JERSEY City, (N. J.). Free PuhJic Library. Alphabetical finding
list, August 1, 1891. Jersev City, 1891. Q.
Title list of fiction, Julv 1, 1891. Jersev Citv, 1891. .35
p. Q.
Supplement, no. 2. Jan. 1, 1893. Jersey City, 1893. O.
1st, 2d, 4th, Gth annual re].ort of the trustees; 1891. 1892,
1894, 1890. Jersev Citv, 1892-97. O. 4 pamp.
JERVIS, William Henley. The Gallican church and tlie revolu-
tion; a sequel to the 'History of the church of France from
the Concordat of Bologna to the revolution.' Loud.. 1882.
JESSE, John Heneage. ^Icmoirs of King Richard the Third and
some of his contem]». (Oreat Commanders.)
JOHNSON, Charles. British poisonous plants; illustrated with
twenty-eight coloured plates transferred from "English Bo-
tany"'.*^ Lond., 185G. 59 p. col. pi. D.
Grasses of Great Britain described with observations on their
natural history and uses; illustrated by J: E. Sowerby.
Lond., 1861. col. pi. O.
JOHNSON, Crisfleld. Centennial history of Erie county. New
York: being its annals from the earliest recorded events to
the hundredth year of American independence. Buffalo, 187G.
JOHNSON, Emory K. Inland waterways; their relation to trans-
portation. Phil., 1893. O. (Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Soc.
Sci.; Supp. to Annals, Sept. 1893.)
JOHNSON, Ezra R. Emancipation oration delivered at Piatt's
Hall, S. F., Jan. 1, 1867. S. F., 1867. O. {In Slavery pamps,
V. 1.)
JOHNSON, Herbert P. Preliminary account of the marine anne-
lids of the Pacific Coast with descriptions of new species.
S. F., 1897. O. (Cal. Acad, of Sci. Pro. 3d ser. Zool. v. 1:5.)
JOHNSON, J. C. F. Getting gold: a practical treatise for prospec-
tors, miners, and students. Lond., 1897. il. D. (Metallur.
JOHNSON, J. Neely. Inaugural address, 1856. {In Cal. Gov. In-
augural addresses, 1819-91.)
JOHNSON, James Bowen. The Johnson memorial. Wash., 1895.
il. O.
JOHNSON, John. The defense of Charleston harbor, including Fort
Sumter and the adjacent islands 1863-65. Charleston, 1890.
11. pi. pors. O.
JOHNSON, John. jr. Old Maryland manors. (In Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, v. 1.)
Rudimentary society among boys. (Tn Same, v. 2.)
JOHNSON,. John Butler. The materials of construction, a treatise
for engineers on the strength of engineering materials. N.
Y., 1897. il. pi. O.
JOHNSON, Lawrence C. See Smith, F. W., and Johnson, L. C. Ter-
tiary and cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and
Alabama rivers.
JOHNSON, Lionel. The art of Thomas Hardy. N. Y., 1894. por.
JOHNSON, Osmun. Journey around the world. Chic, 1887. il. D.
JOHNSON. P. W. Encyclopaedia of transportation. Chic, 1892.
11. O.
JOHNSON, Reverdy. A reply to the review of Judge Advocate
General Holt, of the proceedings, findings and sentence of the
general court martial in the case of Major General Fitz John
Porter, and a vindication of that officer. 2d rev. ed. Bait.,
1863. 88 p. O.
JOHNSON, Richard Byron. Very far west indeed : a few rough ex-
periences on the north-west Pacific coast. Lond., 1872. D.
JOHNSON, Robert Uiuk'rwood, and Buel, Claroucc Clousli. eds.
Buttles and leaders of the civil ^var; beiug for the most part
coutributioiis by Union and Confederate otticers. Based upon
"the Century war series" [continuationj ; v. 4. X. Y., [c.
1888]. 11. pi. maps. Q.
JOHNSON, Rossiter. Tiirninii-i)oints in the Civil war. ilii Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Papers, 1894. no. 5.)
JOHNSON, Samuel. Johnsonian miscellanies: arranged and edit-
ed by G: Birkbeck Hill. N. Y., 1897. 2 V. O.
GRANT, P. linit-col. Life of Samuel Johnson. Lond., 1887. O
(Great writers.)
JOHNSON, Thomas Gary. History of the Southern Presbyterian
Church. (In Amer. Church Hist. ser. v. 11.)
JOHNSON, Airginia Wales. Image of San Donato. (In Stories by
Amer. authors, v. 7.)
JOHNSON, Sir William. ,
GRIFFIS, W: E. Sir William Johnson and the Six Nations. N. Y.,
[c. 1891]. S. (Makers of Amer.)
JOHNSON, Willis Fletcher. Life of James G. Blaine "the plumed
knight". [Phil.], 1893. il. pors. D.
The red record of the Sioux: Life of Sitting Bull and history
of the Indian war of 1890-91. [n.p.c. 1891]. il. D.
See Headley, J. F. and Johnson, AV. F. Stanley s wonderful ad-
JOHNSON family.
JOHNSON, J. B. The Johnson memorial. Wasih., 1895. il. O.
JOHNSON^S original comic songs; no. 3. Pub. by D. E. Appleton
and Co. S. F., 1864. 64 p. T. {In Cal. song books.)
JOHNSON'S universal cvclopaedia: ed. by C: K. Adams [and
others.! New ed. N. Y., 1896-97. 11. 8 v. Q.
JOHNSTON, Alexander. The Genesis of a New England statt-
(Connecticut). (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 1.)
The United States: its history and constitution. N. Y.. 1889.
JOHNSTON, Alfred J. and Co. pub. Sacramento: the commer-
cial metropolis of northern and central California. Sac, 1888.
72 p. 11. O.
JOHNSTON, George. History of the British zoophytes. 2d ed.
Lond., 1847. 2 v. text and plates. O.
-■ — introduction to conchology; or, Elements of the natural his-
tory of molluscous animals. Lond., 1850. 11. O.
JOHNSTON. George Pen. Oration delivered before the Society of
California Pioneers, Sept. 10, ]S.-).^. S. F., 1855. 15 p. O. (In
Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems, 1853-.57.)
JOHNSTON, Henry. Doctor Congalton's legacy, a chronich- of
north country by-ways. N. Y., 1896. D.
JOHNSTON, Henry Phelps. The campaign of 1776 around New
York and Brooklyn, Including a new and circumstantial ac-
count of the battle of Long Island and the loss of New York-
Brooklyn, 1878. pors. maps. O. (L. I. Hist. Soc. Mem. v. 3.)
gf^ The correspondence and public papers of John Jay 1763-82.
V. 1-2. N. Y., [1890-91]. 2 v. O.
JOHNSON, Bev. James, ed. Report of the Centenary conference
on the Protestant Missions of the world held in Exeter Hall
June y-19, London, 1888. Lond., 1889. 2 v. O.
JOHNSTON, James Finlay Weir, and Cameron, C. A. Elements
of agricultural chemistry and geology. 14th ed. Edin. and
Lond., 1886. S.
JOHNSTON, Joseph Eggleston.
HUGHES, R. M. General Johnston. N. Y., 1893. per. map. D.
(Great Commanders.)
JOHNSTON, Kichard Malcolm. Old times in middle Georgia. N.
Y., 1897. D.
The Primes and their neighbors : ten tales of middle Georgia.
N. Y., 1891. il. D.
Widow Guthrie. N. Y., 1891. il. D.
JOHNSTON, William Preston. Definition of history. Wash., 1893.
O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1893. Papers, no. 5.)
JOHNSTONE, Robert. D.D. The first epistle of Peter: revised
text with introduction and commentary. Edin., 1888. O.
JOHNSTOWN Flood Financial Committee. Report of Committee.
Johnstown, 1890. 47 p. O.
Flo/id Belief Commission. Report of the secretary [with app.].
Harrisburg, 1890. O.
JOINVILLE, Francois Ferdinand Philippe Louis Marie d'Orleans,
prince de. The army of the Potomac: its organization, its
commander, and its campaign; tr. with notes, by W: H:
Hurlbert. N. Y., 1862: 118 p. map. O.
JOINVILLE, Jehan, sire de. M^moires; ou, Histoire de St. Louis.
(In Col. des m^m. rel. k I'hist. de France 1824. s. 1. v. 2.)
JOLLY, Julius Ernst. Naradiya Dharmasastra; or. The institutes
of Narada; tr. from the unpublished Sanskrit original.
Lond., 1876. 85-|-143 p. D.
tr. The minor law-books ; pt. 1 ; Narada. Brihaspati. Oxford,
1889. O. (Miiller, F: M. ed. Sacred books of the east, v. 33.)
JOLY, Claude. M^moires concernant le cardinal de Retz. {In Col.
des m^m. rel. h I'hist. de France. 1825. s. 2. v. 47.)
JOLY, Guy. M^moires. (In same.)
JONES, Alonzo T. The two republics; or, Rome and the United
States of America. Oakland [etc.], 1892. pi. pors. O.
• JONES, Bnjamin. Co-operative production. Oxford, 1894. D.
See A eland, A. H. D., and Jones, B: Working men co-operators.
-JONES, Caleb, capt. Orderly book of the "Marvland lovalists regi-
ment" June 18th, 1778, to October 12th,'' 1778; ed. by P. L.
Ford. Brooklyn, N. Y^, 1891. Ill p. sq. O.
JONES, Charles Colcock. jr. Biographical sketches of the dele-
gates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. Bost.,
1891. O.
JONES, Charles Edgeworth. Education in Georgia. Wash., 1889.
O. (IJ. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform. 1888, no. 4.)
JONES, H. Lewis. M.D. Medical electricity, a practical handbook
for students and practitioners. 2d ed. Lond., 1895. il. S.
JONES, Henry, (pseud. Cavendish.) Whist developments: Ameri-
can leads and the unblocking game. 4th ed. Lond., 1891.
il. 181 p. S.
JONES, llcni'v Ai'tluir. Tho roiiasccnco of Englisli draiiia: essays,
U'cluivs and fnignieiits relatinji; to the modci-ii Kiiylish stage,
written and delivered in 1883-!)4. N. Y., 1895. D.
JONES, llenrv Maeuaiigliton. Practical manual of diseases of
women and uterine therapeutics. N. Y., 1884, il. D.
JONES, John Mattliew. The mammals of Bermuda. (U. S. Nat.
^lus. Bull. no. 25, pt 3.)
and Goode, George Brown, cds. Contributions to the natural
history of the Bermudas; v. 1. Wash., 1884. O. {Same.)
Conients: Pt. 1. Rice, W: N. Geology. 2. Lefroy, J: H. Botany.
3. Jones, J: M. Mammals. 4. Reid, S. G. Birds. 5. Merriam, C. H.
Notes on birds. 6. Garman, S. Reptiles. 7. Webster, H. E. Anne-
JONES, John Percival. rroceedings of the joint convention of the
Nevada Legislature, held on January 22, 1873; also the ad-
dress of Senator J: P. Jones then delivered. Carson City,
1873. 14 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
JONES, John William, comp. Army of northern Virginia: memo-
rial volume. Richmond, 1880. O.
JONES, Julia Clinton. Valhalla the myths of Norseland. S. F.,
1878. 156 p. D.
JONES, L. H. Captain Roger Jones of London and Virginia; some
of his antecedents and descendants. Albany, 1891. il. per.
JONES, Llovd. The life, times, and labours of Robert Owen; ed.
by W: C. Jones. Lond., 1890. 2 v. in 1. pors. facsim. D.
(Soc. sci. ser.)
JONES, Mary Cadwalader. Women's opportunities in town and
countrv. {In Woman's book, v. 2.)
JONES, Mary F. Fan collecting. N. Y., 1895. il. D. {In Flory,
M. A. Book about fans.)
JONES, Oliver J. capt. Recollections of a winter campaign in In-
dia in 1857-58. Lond., 1859. pi. por. O.
JONES, Richard. The growth of the Idylls of the King. Phil.,
1895. D.
JONES, Robert H. Asbestos its properties, occurrence and uses;
with some account of the mines of Italy and Canada. Lond.,
1890. pi. D.
JONES, Roger, capt.
JONES, L. H. Captain Roger Jones, of London and Virginia; some
of his antecedents and descendants. Albany, 1891. il. por. O.
JONES, Thomas. Brief account of the voyage of the Ascension.
{In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 344.)
JONES, Thomas Rupert, Kirkby, James W., and Brady, George, S.
Monograph of the British fossil bivalved entomostraca from
the carboniferous formations: pt. 1. The Cypridinadae and
their allies. Lond., 1874. pi. 5G p. Q. (Paleontological
Soc, V. 28.)
JONES, Thomas Wharton, ed. True relation of the life and death
of Rt. Rev. William Bedell, Lord Bishop of Kilmore in Ire-
land; ed. from a ms. in the Bodleian library, with genealogi-
cal and historical chapters. [Westminster] , 1872. O. (Gam-
den Soc, n. s. v. 4.)
JONES, William. Finger-ring lore, historical, legendary, anecdo-
tal. Lond., 1877. D.
JONES, William Carey. Elements of civil government. Sac, [c.
1891]. D. (California. State Board of Ed. Cal. ser.)
Illustrated history of the University of California. S. F., 1895.
pi. pors. Q.
Land titles in California; argument before the Commission
on Private Land Claims in California in the case of Cruz Cer-
vantes, claiming the Kancho of Eosa Morada; — Supreme
Court of the U. S. Argument in the case of Cruz Cervantes
vs. the U. S. {In Cal. laud pamps., v. 4.)
JONES, Rev. W. Henry, and Kropf, Lewis L. trs. and eds. The folk-
tales of the Magyars collected by Kriza, Erd^lyi, Pap, and
others. Loud., 1889. O. (Folk-lore Soc. Pub. no. 13.)
JONES family. See Jones, Eoger. capt.
JONSON, Ben. Answer to Master Wither's song, Shall I, wasting
in despair. [1617]. (I?i Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 577.)
Hue and cry after cupid. 1608. (In same, v. 2, p. 107.)
Poetical works of W: Shakespeare and Ben. Jonson; with a
memoir of each. Bost., [n. d.]. 2 v. in 1. D.
JORDAN, David Starr. The care and culture of men; a series of
addresses on the higher education. S. F., 1896. D.
The fishes of Sinaloa. Palo Alto, 1895. il. O. (Leland Stan-
ford Jr. Univ. Contrib. to biologA ,, no. 1.)
Matka and Kotik; a tale of the mist-Islands. S. F., 1897. il.
68 p. D.
Observations on the fur seals of the Pribilof Islands : prelim-
inary report. Wash., 1896. 69 p. map. O. pam.
Science sketches. New and enl. ed. Chic, 1896. D.
The storv of the innumerable compau}' and other sketches. S.
F., 1896. il. I).
and Starks, Edwin Chapin. The fishes of Puget sound. Palo
Alto, 1895. O. (L. S. J. U. Pub. Contrib. to biol. 3.)
JORDAN, F. tr. Mnndt, C. M. Andreas Hofer; Louise of Prus-
sia; Napoleon and Bliicher; Napoleon and the queen of
JORDAN, Furneaux. Character as seen in body and parentage:
with notes on education, marriage, change in character, and
morals. .3d ed. Lond., 1896. 126 p. "s.
JORDAN, Tristam Frost. Leighton genealogy: an account of the
descendants of Capt. William Leighton, of Kitterv, Maine.
Albany, 1885. 127 p. O.
JOSEPH of Arimathie: otherwise called The romance of the Seint
Graal or Holy Grail: an alliterative poem written about A.
D. 1350, from the unique copy in the Vernon ms. at Oxford;
with 'The lyfe of Joseph of Armathy," from the black letter
copy of Wynkyn de Worde; "De Sancto Joseph ab Arima-
thia," A. D. 1516: and "The lyfe of Joseph of Armathia," A.
D. 1520. ed. with notes and glossarial indices, bv W. W.
Skeat. Lond., 1871. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 44.)
JOSEPHINP:, [Marie Josephe Kosc tU- Taschci- de la Pagersie.] em-
press of (lie French.
DUCRKST, Mine. G. Secret memoirs of the court of the Empress
Josephine, with anecdotes of the courts of Narvarre and Malraaison.
Paris, Best., [n. d.]. 11. pi. O. (Secret court memoirs.)
SAINT-AMAND, A. L. 1. de. The wife of the first consul; tr by T. S.
Perry. N. Y., 1891. por. D.
JOUiiPJKT, J. See Mascart, E. f], N., and Joubei't, J. Treatise on
electrieily ami maguetism.
JOL'llEK. Tezkereh al vakiat, or private memoirs of the Moghul
Emperor Humayuii, wiitten iu the Persian language; tr. by
C: iStewart. Lond., 1832. F.
JOUIN, Louis. Phideuces of leligion. N. Y., 1882. D.
JOURNAL des economistes; l"^' ser. v. 1-37, 1842-53; 2'"'^ s^r., v. 1-48,
ISni-d.j; 3^- s(?r., v. 1-48, 1860-77; 4*^ sǤr., v. 1-48, 1878-89; 5<^ s6r.,
V. 1-3.1, 18!)()-y7. Paris, 1842-97. 212 v. in 111. O.
Table alphabdtique gent^rale des matit*res contenues dans les
deux premieres series; D^cembre 1841 a D^cembre 1865 in-
clusivemeut. Paris, 1883. O.
JOURNAL of cutaneous and genitourinary diseases (continuation);
V. 7-15; 1889-97. N. Y., 1889-97. 9 v. pi. O.
JOURNAL of forestry and estates management, vol. 1-7; 1877-83.
Lond., 1877-83. 7 v. O.
JOURNAL of geology; y. 1-5; 1893-97. Chic, [1893-97.] 5 y. O.
JOURNAL of mental science (continuation); v. 35-43. Lond., 1889-
97. 9 y. O.
JOURNAL of mycology: devoted to the study of fungi, especially in
their relation to plant disease: v. 5-7.*^ Wash., 1889-94. 3 v.
in 2. O. (V. S. Dept. of Agri. Sec. of veg. pathology).
(Discontinued pub. Aug. 1894.)
JOURNAL of philology; y. i-21. Lond. and Cambridge, 1868-93.
21 v. O.
JOL^RNAL of rarablings through the high Sierras of California.
See Le Conte, J.
JOURNAL of science (continuation); y. 10. Lond., 1873. O.
JOURNAL of social science, containing the transactions of the
American Association (continuation); no. 17-30; 1883-92.
Bost., 1883-92. 3 y. O. and 1 ])amp.
JOURNAL of speculative philosophy: edited by W: T. Harris: Vol.
1-22. Jan. 1867 to Oct. 1888.* N. Y., 18'67-93. 22 v. O.
JOURNAL of the American Medical Association; y. 1-11. 17-29,
July. 1883-Dec. 1888, July. 1 891-1 )ec. 1897. Chic, [1883] -97.
24 v. Q.
JOURNAL of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and
Ireland (c(mtinuation); y. 4-22. 25-26; 1874-92, '96-97. Lond
1875-97. 21 y. O.
JOURNAL of the British Archaeological Association (continua-
tion); y. 45, 47-49. Loud.. 1889-93. 4 y. pi. O.
JOURNAL of the Franklin Institute (continued); y. 1-82. 84-88, 90-
100, 102-144. Phil., 1826-97. 13-1 y. O.
Note: Title vol. 1-6, The Franklin Journal and American Mechanics'
magazine, v. 119. n. t. p.
JOURNAL of the Institute of Bankers; v. 1, 1879-y. 12, 1891.
Lond., 1880-91. 12 v. O.
JOURNAL of the institution of electrical engineers ; v. 18-22. 1889-
93. Lond. and N. Y., 1890-94. 5 v. O. Continuation of Jour-
nal of the Society of Telegraph engineers and electricians.
JOURNAL of the Iron'^and Steel Institute (continuation); 1889-92.
Lond., [1889-92]. 6 v. O.
General index to proceedings, 1869-81. Lond., 1883. O.
JOURNAL of the Quickett Microscopical Club. New ser. (continu-
ation); v. 2-4; 1881-92. Lond., [1884-92]. 3 v. pi. O.
JOURNAL of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 2d ser.;
V. 24-25. 3d ser. ;v. 5-8. Lond., 1888-89, 1894-97. 6 v. O.
JOURNAL of the Royal United Service Institution (continuation) ;
V. 32-41. Lond., 1888-97. 10 v. pi. O.
JOURNAL of the Society of Arts (continuation); v. 37-46. 1888-97.
Lond., 1889-97. 10 v. O.
JOURNAL of the Society of Telegraph engineers and electricians.
See Journal of the' institution of electrical engineers.
JOURNAL of the Statistical Society of London (continuation); v.
52-60. Lond., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
JOURNAL of the United States Cavalry Association (continua-
tion) ; V. 2-4. Fort Leavenworth, 1889-96. 8 v. O.
JOWETT, Benjamin.
ABBOTT, E. frHf/Campbell, L. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett,
master of Balliot College, Oxford. Lond., 1897. il. pors. 2 v. O.
JOYCE, Patrick Weston. A short history of Ireland, from the ear-
liest times to 1608. Lond., 1893. map. D.
JUDAH and Israel ; or, The kingdom of the God of Heaven as it is^
now and the kingdom of the son of David as it will be. S. F.,
1888. O.
JUDAISM at the World's Parliament of Religions . Published by
the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Cin., 1894.
JUDD, Charles Hubbard, tr. W^mdt, W. Outlines of psychology.
JUDD, David Wright. The story of the Thirty-third N. Y. S. vols;
or. Two vears' campaigning in Virginia and Maryland. Ro-
chester, 1864. il. D.
JUDD, Laura Fish. Honolulu; sketches of life, social, political,
and religious in the Hawaiian Islands from 1828-61. N. Y.,^
[c. 1880]. por. D.
JUDGE, The (continuation); v. 17-33; Oct. 12, 1889-Dec. 1897. N.
Y., 1890-97. 16 V. F.
JUDSON, A. M. History of the Eighty-third regiment Pennsyl-
vania volunteers. Erie, [n. d.]. 139 p. O.
JUDSON, Isabella Field, ed. Cyrus W. Field, his l^fe and work,
1819-1892. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
JUGLAR, Clement. A brief history of panics and their periodi-
cal occurrence in the United States; Englished and ed. with
an introductory essay setting forth the indications of ap-
proaching panic, by De C. W. Thom. N. Y., ]893. D. (Ques-
tions of the day, no. 75.)
JULIAN, George Washington. The life of Joshua R. Giddings.
Chic, 1892. pors. O.
Political recollections 1840-72. Chic, 1884. D.
JULIAN, George Washington. The rank of Charles Osborn as aa
anti-shivery pioneer. Indianapolis, 1891. 37 p. O. (Indiana
Hist. Soc. Pub., V. 2, no. 6.)
JULIAN, John. ed. A dictionary of hymnology, setting forth the
origin and history of Christian hvmns of all ages and na-
tions. N. Y., 1892. O.
JUNKER, Dr. Wilhelm Johann. Travels in Africa during the
years 1875-80; tr. from the German by A. H. Keane. Lond.^
1890-92. 3 V. il. pi. pors. maps, facsim. O.
JUSSERAND, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules. The English novel in
the time of Shakespeare; tr, from the French by E. Lee; rev,
and enl, by the author. N, Y, and Lond., 1890. il. pi. pors.
A French ambassador at the court of Charles the Second : Le
comte de Cominges; from his unpublished corrrespondence-.
Loud.. 1892. pors. O.
A literar}^ history of the English people, from the origins ta-
the Eenaissance. N. Y., 1895. 11, O.
Piers Plowman; a contribution to the history of English mysti-
cism. N. Y., 1894, il. O.
JUSTE. Tht'^odore. Histoire de Belgique. Troisi^me Edition en-
ti^rement refondue et considerablement augments, Brux-
elles, [1850]. 2 v. il. pi. Q.
K., O. See Novikoff, O de K.
ROSENROTH, K. von. Kabbala denudata: or, Kabbalah unveiled;
tr. by S. L. McG. Mathers. Lond., 1887. dia. O.
KAEHLER, — . maj. The German cavalry in the battle of Vion-
ville and Mars-la-Toiir. (Inter, mil. ser. no. 2. Cavalry stu-
dies from two great wars.)
KALIDASA. The birth of the war-god; a poem; tr. from the San-
skrit into English verse by R. T. H. Griffith. 2d ed. Lond.,
1879. 11—110 p. O. (Trttbner's oriental ser.)
KALLOCH, Bev. Isaac S.
A faint idea of a terrible life: the Rev. I. S. Kalloch, from his expul-
sion from college until now. [4th ed. n. p. n. d.]. 128 p. 0.
KANE, W. F. De Vismes. European butterflies. Lond., 1885. pi.
KANSAS. Admire's political and legislative hand book for Kan-
sas, 1891. Topeka, 1891. maps. D.
History of the state of Kansas. Pub. by A. T. Andreas. Chic,
1883. il. pors. maps. F.
Auditor of State. 7th biennial report, 1889-90. Topeka, 1890.
— — Board of Bailroad Commissioners. 7th-8th, lOth-llth annual re-
port (continuation); 1889-90, 1892-96. Topeka, 1889-96. 7
V. O.
Bureau of LaI)or and Industrial Statistics. 5th-7th, lltli annual
report; 1890-92, 1895, Topeka, 1890-96. 4 v. O.
Deaf and Durnb Institution, (at Olathe.) 9th biennial report,
Topeka, 1894. O. pam.
Legislature. Daily journal of the Senate. Trial of Theodosius
Botkin on impeachment, April, 1891. Topeka, 1891. 2 v. O.
House journal (continuation); 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897.
Topeka, 1889-97. 5 v. O.
Proceedings of the joint committee of the Legislature to
investigate the explosion which occurred at Coffey ville, Kan-
sas, Oct. 18, 1888. Topeka, 1891. O.
Public documents: 1889-90 (2 v.), 1891-92 (2 v.), 1893-94 (2
v.), 1895-96 (2 v.). Topeka, 1891-97. 8 v. O.
Senate journal (continuation); 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895,
1897. Topeka, 1889-95. 5 v. O.
Secretary of State. An official state directorv and handbook,
July, 1893. [Topeka, 1893]. O. pamp.
State Board of Health. 6th annual report (continuation); 1890.
Topeka, 1891. O.
State Historical Society. Transactions; embracing the lst-2d,
5tli-6th biennial reports, 1875-81, 1886-88; v. 1-2, 4. Topeka,
1881-90. 2v. O.
State Library. 8th-10th bienial report of the state librarian;
1890-96. Topeka, 1892-96. O. pamp.
KANSAS Aciult'iuv of Scieiice. Transactions of the 20tli-25th an-
nual MK-etiuj--. 1S8T-1)2. Topeka, 188{)-93. 3 v. O.
KANSAS Bar Association. 13tli annual meeting, 1890-97. Topeka,
189G-97. O. pani.
KANSAS city times (daily); Apr. 12, 189G-Dec. 31, 1897. Kansas
City, 189G-97. 3 v. F.
KANT, Immanuel. Critique of practical reason, and other works
on the theory of ethics; tr. by T: K. Abbott. 4th ed. rev.;
with memoir. Lond., 1889. por. O.
Philosophy; selected and translated by J: Watson. N. Y.,
18!)2. 1). (Ser. of Modern Philosophers.)
PORTER, N. Kanit's Ethics; a critical exposition. Chic, 1886. S.
W.M^LACE, W: Kant. Phil., 1882. por. S. (Philosophical clas-
KANTHACK, A. A. .See Rolleston, H. D., and Kanthack, A. A.
Practical morbid anatomy.
KAPILA. Siinkhya aphorisms; with extracts from the commen-
taries; tr. by J. R. Ballantyne. 3d ed. Lond., 1885. O.
(Triibner's oriental ser.)
KAEOLY, Akin. The dilemmas of labour and education. Lond.,
1884. 15-t-77 p. D.
KAROLY, Karl, pseud. See Charles, Frank Tryon.
KATHERINE, St. See Catharine.
KAUFMANN, Bev. Moritz. Socialism and communism in their
practical application. Lond., 1883. S.
Socialism and modern thought. Lond., 1895. S. (Soc. ques.
of today.)
Utopias; or. Schemes of social improvement. Lond., 1879. D.
(2 cop.)
KAUFMANN, Richard. Paris of to-dav; tr. from the Danish by
Olga Flinch. N. Y., [c. 1891]. il. pi. O.
KAVANAGH, Thomas Henry. How I won the Yictoria cross.
Lond., 1860. por. D.
KAY, Charles de. Manmat'ha. (In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 10.)
KAY, Joseph. Free trade in land; ed. by his widow, with preface
by John Bright. Lond., 1879. D. '
KAYE, John William. The administration of the East India Com-
pany: a history of Indian progress. Lond., 1853. O.
A history of the Sepoy war in India, 1857-58. (v. 1, 7th ed. v.
2, New ed. v. 3, 2d'ed.) Lond., 1875-76. 3 v. O.
Lives of Indian officers, illustrative of the history of the civil
and military services of India. Lond., 1867. 2 v. D.
KEANE, Augustus Henry. Asia. Lond., 1896. il. maps. O.
Cmiteiits: V. 1. Northern and eastern Asia. (Stanford's compend.
of geo. and travel.)
Ethnology. 2d ed. Camb., 1896. il. D. (Canib. geog. ser.)
North Africa. Lond., 1895. il. maps. D. (Stanford's com-
pend. of geo. and travel.)
fr. Junker, W. J. Travels in Africa.
and ed. The early Teutonic. Italian, and French masters;
tr. and ed. from the Dohuie scries. Lond., 1880. il. Q.
KEARY. Charles Francis. Norway and the Norwegians. N. Y.,
1892. pi. ma]». S.
KEAKY. diaries Francis. The vikings in western Christendom,
A. D. 789- A. D. 888. Lond ., 1891. map. O.
KEASBEY, Lindlev M. The Nicaragua canal and tlie Monroe doc-
trine. Phil.,' 1896. 31 p. O. (Reprint from Amer. Acad.-
Pol. and Soc. Science, Jan. 14, 1896.)
KEATE, George, ed. Wilson, Henry, capt. An account of the
Pelew islands, from the journals of W. 2d ed. Lond., 1788.
map. por. Q.
KEATING, John M. M.D. How to examine for life insurance.
3d ed. Phil., 1895. O.
ed. Cyclopaedia of the diseases of children, medical and sur-
gical. Phil., 1889-91. 4 v. il. pi. map. O.
and Coe, Henry C. M.D. Clinical gynaecology medical and
surgical. Phil., 1895. il. pi. O.
Hamilton, Henry, and others. New pronouncing dictionary of
medicine. 2d ed. Phil., 1894. O.
See Davis, E. P., and Keating, J: M. Mother and child.
KEATS. John. Lamia; with illustrative designs by Will. H. Low.
Phil., 1885. 67 p. il. pi. F.
Letters; edited by H. Buxton Forman. Rev. ed. Lond., 1895.
il. por. D.
COLVIN, S. Keats. N. Y., 1887. D. (E. M. L. ser.)
ROSETTI, W. M. Life of John Keats. Lond., 1887. O. (Great
KEBBEL, Thomas Edward. Life of George Crabbe. Lond., 1888.
O. (Same.)
[KEBLE, Fev. John.] The Christian year: thoughts in verse for
the Sundavs and holydays throughout the year. New ed.
Lond., 1889. T.
KEDDIE, Henrietta, (pseud. Sarah Tytler.) Marie Antoinette. N.
Y., [n. d.]. D. (Makers of hist.)
Tudor queens and princesses. N. Y^., [n. d.]. il. D.
KEDNEY, John Steinfort. Hegel's aesthetics; a critical exposi-
tion. Chic, 1885. S.
KEELER, Charles Augustus. Evolution of the colors of North
American land birds. S. F., 1893. O. (Cal. Academy of Sci.
Occasional papers, 3.)
KEELER, James Edward. Earthquakes in California in 1889.
Wash., 1890. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 68.)
KEELING, William, capt. Voyage in 1607 to Bantam and Bauda;
being the third sent out by the India company. {In Green,
J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 312.)
KEEN, William Williams, and White, J: William, eds. American
text-book of surgery. Phil., 1894. il. Q.
[KEEN AN, Henrv Francis.] The monev-makers: a social parable.
N. Y., 1885.^ D.
KEENE, Henry George. History of India, from the earliest times
to the present day. Lond., 1893. 2 v. map. D.
Literature of France. N. Y., 1892. S. (Univ. ser.)
KEENE, John Harington. The mystery of handwriting; a hand-
book of graphology. Bost., 1896. il. obi. O.
KETFER. J- Warren. The battle of Sailor's creek. (Tn Hunter, R.
rtl. Sketches of war historv.l
KEIL, Karl Friedi'ich. Biblical coniiiR'ntary on tbo pi-ophecics of
Ezekiel; tr. from the Gerinau by Kev. James Martiu. Ediu.,
1885. 2 V. O.
Biblical commentary: The books of tbe Chronicles; tr. from
the German by Andrew Harper. Edin., [1872]. O.
Biblical commenlary: The book of the prophet Daniel; tr. from
the German by ]\I. G. Easton. Edin., 1884. O.
Biblical commentary: Tlie books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Es-
ther; tr. from the German by S. Taylor. Edin., 1888. O.
Biblical commentary: The prophecies of Jeremiah; tr. from
the German bv D.* Patrick and J. Kennedy. Edin., 1880-89.
2 V. O. "^
Biblical commentary: The books of the Kings; tr. from the
German by J. Martin. 2d ed. Edin., 1883. O.
Biblical commentary: The twelve minor prophets; tr. from
the German by J. Martin. Edin., 1885. 2 v. O.
Mannal of historico-critical introduction to the canonical scrip-
tures of the Old Testament ; tr. from the 2d ed. with supple-
mentary notes from Bleek and others by G: C. M. Douglas.
Edin., i882-84. 2 v. O.
and Delitzsch, Franz Julius. Biblical commentary: Books of
Samuel; tr. from the German by J. Martin. Edin., 1886. O.
Biblical commentary: Joshua, Judges, Ruth; tr. from the
German by J. Martin. Edin., 1887. O.
Biblical commentary: The Pentateuch; tr. from the Ger-
man by J. Martin. Edin., 1885-87. 3 v. O.
KEIM, De Benneyille Randolph. Washington and its environs : an
illustrated descriptive and historical handbook. Wash.,
1874. il. map. S.
KEITH, Arthur. Geology of the Catoctin belt. {In U. S. Geol.
Surv. 14th rept. pt. 2.)
KEITH, Charles Penrose. The ancestry of Benjamin Harrison,
president of the United States of America, 1889-93, in chart
form, showing also the descendants of William Henry Harri-
son, president of the United States of America in 1841. Phil.,
1893. 96 p. chart. Q.
KEITH, Melville C. M.D. Diphtheria: its history, symptoms,
causes, complete solution of its beginnings — with rules for
its entire prevention. 5th ed. Bellville. O., 1895. il. O.
KEITH. Skene, and George E. Text book of abdominal surgery.
Phil., 1894. il. O.
KELLEY, Alfred.
BATES. J. L. K.: his life and work. Columbus, 1888. por. 0.
KELLEY, James Douglas Jerrold. lipvt. The ship's company. (In
Chadwick. F. E., and oihers. Ocean steamships.)
KELLEY, William Darrah. The Conscription; also si)eeches of the
Hon. W. D. Kelley. of Penn. in the House of Representatives
on the Consci-iy)tion; the way to attain and secure peace; and
on arniinsf the negroes; with a letter from si. Ki-oiioiiiy of sea (roast defcncos; May, LI,
1S71. (Jvssayons Club; in-inted i)a]>ui's, v. 1, no. ID.)
KING Horn, with fnif^meuts of Floi-iz aud Blaimcliellur, and of The
assumption of oui- lady; from a ms, in the Cambridge Uni-
versity library; also ironi mss. in the British Museum, The
assum})ti()n of our lady and fragments of the Floyres and
Hlanclu'flur; ed. with notes and glossary, by J. II. Lumby.
]A)nd., 18(>(). O. (Early Eng. Text Society Pub. Reg. ser.
no. 14.)
KIXCiLAKE, Alexander William. The invasion of the Crimea: its
origin and an account of its progress down to the death of
Lord Raglan. N. Y., 1888. G v. por. maps. D.
KINGS county (Cal.). Great Register; 1894, 1896.
KINGS county (N. Y.). Civil, political, professional and ecclesi-
astical liistory. and commercial and industrial record of the
countv of Kings aud the citv of Brooklyn, 1683-1884; ed. by
H. r'. Stiles [and others']. N. Y., '[c. 1884]. 2 v. il.
pors. Q.
KINGSBURY, Alice. See Cooly, Mrs. A. K.
KINGSBURY, J. D. Memorial history of Bradford, Mass., from
the earliest period to the close of 1882. Haverhill, 1883.
144 p. O.
KINGSBURY, Thomas L. tr. Delitsch, F. Commentary on the
Epistle to the Hebrews, Edin., [1887]. 2 v. O.
KINGSFORD. Charles L. Se£ Archer, T: A., and Kingsford, C: L.
The crusades.
KINGSLAND, William G. Robert Browning; chief poet of the
age. New ed. Lond., 1890. por. 136 p. S.
KINGSLEY, George Henry, ed. Chaucer; animaduersions uppon
the Annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of
impressiones of Chaucer's workes (sett downe before tyme
and nowe) reprinted in the yere of our lorde 1598; sett downe
by Francis Thynne; now newly edited from the ms. in the
Bridgewater library. Lond., 1865. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub; Reg. ser. no. 9.)
KINGSLEY. INIary H. Travels in West Africa; Congo Fran^ais,
Corisco and Caraeroons. Lond., 1897. il. O.
Kl^'^GSLEY, Norman W. M.D. A treatise on oral deformities as
a briinch of mechanical surgery. N. Y., 1888. il. O.
KINGSLEY, William Lathrop. ed. Yale College: a sketch of its
history. N. Y., 1879. 2 v. pi. .pors. F.
KINGSMTLL. Joseph. Chapters on prisons and prisoners. 2d ed.
Lond., 1852. O.
KINLEY, David. Tlie history, organization and influence of the
independent treasury of the Ignited States. N. Y., [c. 1893].
D. (Lib. of econ. and pol., no. 1.)
KINLEY, Joseph M. Remarks on Chinese immigration. S. F.,
1877. O. (Tn Chinese immig. pams.)
KINMONT. Alexander. The natural history of man and the rise
and progress of philosophy. T'hil.. 1891. D.
E[INNARD. William.. Antiquities at .\thens and Delos. [Tn
Cockerell. C. R. and others. Antiquities of Athens.)
KINNEY, Abbot. The conquest of death. N. Y., 1893. O.
■ The forests of Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Bernardino
counties, California. {In U. S. Dept. of Agri. Forestry Div.
Bull. no. 2.)
Tasks by twilight. N. Y., 1893. D.
KINSLEY, Charles. Self -instructor on lumber surveying. [Camb.].
1873. 85 p. D.
KINSLEY, William W. Old faiths and new facts. N. Y., 1896. D.
KINSTON, Whitehall, and Goldsboro, North Carolina expedition,
December, 1862. N. Y., 1890. 92-1-12 p. folded pi. S.
KIP. Leonard. " mas has come." {In Stories by xVmer. au-
thors, y. 9.)
KIP, William Ingraham. hp. of Cal Characteristics of the age; a
charge to the clergy of the diocese of California. S. F., 1876.
20 p. O. {In Pamps. on religion, v. 2.)
The Christmas holydays in Kome. N. Y., 1884. D.
The double witness of the church. 7th ed. N. Y., 1856. D.
The early days of my episcopate. N. Y., 1892. por. D.
KIPLING, John Lockwood. Beast and man in India: a popular
sketch of Indian animals in their relations with the people.
Lond., 1891. il. O.
KIPLING, Kudvard. Writings in prose and verse: v. 1-10. N. Y.,
1897. il.*^ 10 v. O.
'Namely: V. 1. Plain tales from the hills. 2-3. Soldiers three and
military tales. 4. In black and white. 5. The phanton 'rickshaw and
other stories. 6. Under the deodars — Story of the Gadsbys — Wee
Willie Winkle. 7. Jungle book. 8. Second jungle book. 9. Light
that failed. 10. The Naulahka.
Departmental ditties, barrack-room ballads, and other verse.
N. Y., [c. 1890]. D.
The jungle book. N. Y., 1894. ik D.
The man who would be king. {In Stories by Eng. authors.
The Orient.)
Many inventions. 5th ed. N. Y., 1893. D.
KIPPING, F. Stanley. See Perkin, W. H., and Kipping, F. S. Or-
ganic chemistry.
KIRBY, Bev. William.
FREEMAN, J: Life of the Rev. William Kirby, M. A., rector of
Barham. Lond., 1852. por. 0.
KIRBY, William Forsell. covvp. The hero of Esthonia, and other
studies in the romantic literature of that country. Lond.,
1895. 2 V. map. D.
KIRCHOFF, Tlieodor. Californische Kulturbilder. Cassel, 1886. O.
Fine Reise nach Hawaii. Altona, 1890. por. O.
Reisebilder und Skizzen aus Amerika. Altona, 1875-76. 2
V. D.
KTRK, Bev. John. See Berington, Bev. J., and Kirk, Bev. J: conips.
The faith of Catholics.
KIRK, John Foster. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Bur-
gundy (continuation); V. 3. Phil., 1880. O.
Supplement to Allibone's critical dictionary of English litera-
ture and British and American authors. Phil., 1891. 2 v. Q.
KIRKBY, James W. See Jones, T. R., Kirkby, J. W., and Brady,
G: S. Monograph of British entomostraca.
KIRKCALDY, Sir William.
BARBE, L. A. Kirkcaldy of Grange. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (Famous
Scots ser.)
KIRKE, Edmiiiul. pseud. See Gilniore, J. K.
KIRKLAXl), Elizabolh 8tansl»ury. A short history of Italy from
470 A. D. to 1878 A. D. Cliic, 1800. S.
KIRKLAXI), Joseph. Amono- the poor of Cliicago. {In Woods,
R: A., and others. Poor in groat cities.)
KIRKLEY, J. W. conip. See Camper, C:, and Kirkley, J. W.,
comps. Historical record of the First regiment Maryland
KIRKMAN, Marshall Monroe. Railway rates and governent con-
trol. Chic, and N. Y., 1892. D.
KIRKPATRICK, T. S. G. Hydraulic gold miner's manual. N. Y.,
1890. 31 p. il.
KIRKPATRICK, William James, col. Account of the kingdom
of Nepaul; being the substance of observations made during
a mission to that country in the year 1793. Lond., 1811. pi.
map. Q.
KIRKUP, Thomas. History of socialism. Lond. and Edin.,
1892. D.
KIRKWOOD, Daniel. The asteroids or minor planets between
Mars and Jupiter. Phil., 1888. 00 p. D.
KITCHEN, J. M. W. M.D. Catarrh, sore throat and hoarseness.
N. Y., 1884. 80 p. il. S.
KIRSCHNER, Lola, {pseud. Ossip Schubin.) Erlacli court; tr.
by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil., 1889. D.
KITCHIN, George William. A history of France; B. C. 58- A. D.
1792. 2d ed. Oxford, 1881-85. maps. 3 v. D. (Claren-
don press ser.)
KITSON, Arthur. A scientific solution of the money question.
Bost., 1895. D.
KLECZYXSKT, Jean. Chopin's greater works (Preludes, Ballads,.
Nocturnes, Polonaises, Mazurkas). How they sliould be un-
derstood; tr. by N. Janotha. Lond. and N. Y., [n. d.].
pors. 115 p. D.
KLEEN, Emil. Hand-book of massage; authorized translation
from the Swedish by E: M. Hartwell. Phil., 1892. il. O.
KLEIN, Edward Emanuel. M.D. Micro-organisms and disease;
an introduction into the study of specific micro-organisms,
3d ed. rev. Lond., 1880. il. D.
KLEIN, Felix. The mathematical theory of the top. N. Y., 1897.
74 p. D. (Princeton lectures.)
[KLEIN, W. L.]. Why we punctuate; or, Reason vs. rule in the
use of marks. St. Paul, 1897. D.
KLEMM. L. R. European schools; or. What I saw in the schools
of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. N. Y., 1889.
D. (Int. Education ser.. v. 12.)
ir. Lange, H. Higher education of women in Europe.
BRAMBLE, C: A. Klondike: a manual for goldseekers. N. Y., [c.
1897]. D.
LADUE, Joseph. Klondike facts, being a complete guide book to the
gold regions of the great Canadian northwest territories and Alaska.
N. Y.. [c. 1897]. 11. D.
OGILVIE, W: Lecture on the Klondike mining district delivered at
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 5, 1897. Victoria, 1897. 14 p. Q. (2 cop.)
becture on the Yukon gold fields, Canada, delivered at Victoria,
B. C. Victoria, 1897. 32 p. O. pam. (2 cop.)
KLUGE, Frederich Willielin. An etymological dictionary of the
German language; tr. from the 4th German edition by J: F.
Davis. Lond., 1891. O.
KNAPP, Horace S. Historj- of the pioneer and modern times of
Ashland county (Ohio) from the earliest to the present date.
Phil., 1863. O!
KNECHT, Edmund, Rawson, Christopher, and Loewenthal, Rich-
ard. Manual of dyeing. Lond., 1893. 2 v. and specimens
of dyed fabrics. O.
KNICKERBOCKER, The; v. 1 62. N. Y., 1833 63. 62 y. O.
Xotc: t. p. missing in v. 53, 62.
KNIGHT, Charles, ed. Old England: a pictorial museum of
regal, ecclesiastical, baronial, municipal and popular antiqui-
ties. ' Lond., 1845. 2 v. il. col. pi. F.
-KNIGHT, Edward Frederick. Letters from the Sudan; by the
special correspondent of ''The Times.'' Lond., 1897. 11.
maps. O.
KNIGHT, George W. History and management of land grants for
education in the northwest territory. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Papers, y. 1.)
and Commons, John R. History of higher education in Ohio.
Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform., 1891,
no. 5.)
KNIGHT, J. G. D. Notes on the aurora borealis; Jan. 3, 1870.
(Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 14.)
KNIGHT, John Henry. Notes on motor carriages, with hints for
purchasers and users. Lond., 1896. il. 84 p. D.
KNIGHT, Joseph. Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Lond., 1887. O.
(Great writers.)
-KNIGHT, William Angus. The arch of Titus and the spoils of the
temple. [Lond.], 1896. 126 p. il. S. (By-paths of bible
knowledge, 22.)
Essays in philosophy, old and new. Cambridge, 1890. D.
Hume. Phil., 1886. S. (Philosophical classics.)
• The philosophy of the beautiful : being outlines of the history
of aesthetics. N. Y., 1891. (University ser.)
Prefatory memoir. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Tales.)
— — ed. Memorials of Coleorton: being letters from Coleridge,
Wordsworth and his sister, Southey, and Sir Walter Scott to
Sir George and Lady Beaumont of Coleorton, Leicestershire,
1803-34. Bost. and N. Y., 1887. 2 v. D.
Philosophical classics for English readers. Phil., 1881-
90. 13 y. pors. S.
For contents see Philosophical classics.
KNKiHT, William Angus, cd. Poetical and prose works of W:
W'ordswoi'tlu 10 V. — Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth, 2 v.
Lond., lS!)()-!>7. il. poi'. 12 v. S. (Kversley ser.)
University series. N. Y., 1891-96. 28 v. S.
For Jist see University series.
KNIGHT. William Henry, cum p. The I'aciflc Almanac, 1865. S.
F.. [1S0.5]. (). (In California almanacs, 1^54-81.)
KNIPPENREKd, Henry. History of the Society of the FramfU'S
of the Constitution of the state of Montana, July 4-Aug. 4,
1889. [Indianapolis, 1889]. 154 p. O.
camp. Second reunion of the Society of the Framers of the
Constitution of the State of Montana, 1891. [n. p. n. d.].
pamp. O.
KNOLLYS. Plenry. rapt. ed. Incidents in the China war of 1860;
compilcHl from the private journals of (Jeneral Sir Hope
Grant. Edin. and Lond., 1875. maps. U.
comp. Incidents in the Sepoy war, 1857-58; compiled from the
private journals of General Sir Hope Grant; together with
sorae explanatory chapters by K. Edin. and Lond., 187.3.
maps. D.
KNOLLYS, William Wallingford. col. The Victoria cross, liow
and by whom won, in Abyssinia, the Persian war, the
Bhootan war. New Zealand, etc. Lond., [n. d.]. 87 p. iL
D. (Deeds of daring lib.).
The Victoria cross in India. 2d ed. Lond., [n. d.]. 142
p. il. D. (Same.)
The Victoria cross in the Crimea. Lond., [1877]. 128 p^^
il. D. (Same.)
Ser Cotton, Mary, and Knollys, W. W. Memoirs and cor-
resi)ondence of Field-Marshal Viscount Combermere.
See Elliott, AY. J., and Knollys, W: W. Gallant Sepoys
and Sowars.
KNOTT, Cargill Gilston. Electricitv and magnetism. Phil., 1894.
il. S.
KNOWLES, James Davis. Memoir of Roger Williams, the founder
of the state of Rhode Island. Bost., 1834. facsim. D.
KNOWLTON, Frank Hall. Directions for collecting recent and
fossil plants. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull. no.
89, i)t. B.)
Fossil wood and lignite of the Potomac formation. Wash.^
1889. (Tn IT. S. Geol. Snrv. Bulletins, v. 8., no. 56.)
ENOWLTON family.
STOCKING, C: H: W. History and genealogy of the Knowltons of
England and America. N. Y., 1897. pors. 0.
KNOX, Alexander. Remains. Lond.. 18.84-87. 4 v. O.
KNOX, John.
INNES, T. John Knox. N. Y.. [n. d.]. D. (Famous Scots.)
KNOX, Robert, rapt. Nineteen years' captivity in the kingdom of
Conde T'da, 1660-79; together with his singular deliverance.
1681. (/// Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 1, \). .821.)
KNOX. Col. Thomas. See Campbell, ^frs. H.. Knox, T:, and Byrnes^
T: Darknes and dnvlii'-ht; o". Liirhts and shadows of New
York life.
KNOX, Thomas Wallace. Adventures of two youths in the open
Polar sea : the vovage of the "Vivian" to the North Pole and
beyond. N. Y., [c. 1884]. il. map. O.
The boy travellers in Australasia. N. Y., 1889. il. maps. O.
The boy travellers in Mexico. N. Y., 1890. il. maps. O.
The boy travellers in South America. N. Y,, [c. 1885]. il,
maps. O.
Boy travellers in the far east : adventures of two youths in a
journey to Japan and China. Pt. 1. N. Y., [c. 1879]. il. O.
Same. Pt. 2; Siam and Java. N. Y., [c. 1880]. il. O.
Same. Pt. 3; Ceylon and India. N. Y., [c. 1881]. il. O.
Same. Pt. 4; Egypt and tlie Holy Land. N. Y., [c. 1882].
il. map. O.
Samr.Ft.rj; Tlirough Africa. N. Y., [c. 1883]. il. maps. O.
Boy travellers in the Levant. N. Y., 1895. il. map. O.
The boy travellers on the Congo: adventures of two youths in
a journey with Henry M. Stanley ''Through the dark Conti-
nent." is\ Y., 1888. il. maps. ' O.
Decisive battles since Waterloo; with most important mili-
tary events from 1815-1887. 2d ed. rev. with index. N. Y.,
1888. pi. maps. 0.
-. Hunting adventures on land and sea. Pt. 1: The young nim-
rods in North America. N. Y., [c. 1881]. il. O'.
Same. Pt. 2: The young nimrods around the world. N. Y.,
[1882]. il. O.
The oriental world; a record of travel, adventure and explor-
ation in Russia, Turkey, Egyi)t, Asia Minor, and the Holy
Land. Hartf., 1889. ii. pi.' O.
KNOX county (Ohio).
NORTON, A. B. History of Knox county, Ohio, from 1779-1862.
Columbus, 1862. pi. pors. O.
KOCH, Prof. Robert. The first communication relating to a method
to cure tuberculosis, {hi Bimbaum, Dr. M. Prof. Koch's
methods to cure tuberculosis.)
KOEBELE, Albert. Report of a trip to Australia to investigate the
natural enemies of the fluted scale. Wash., 1890. O. (U.
S. Dept. of Agric. Div. of Entomology. Bull. no. 21.)
KOEHLER, Sylvester R. tr. Lalanne, M. F. A. Treatise on etch-
KOLB, Georg Friedrich. The condition of nations social and polit-
ical; with complete comparative tables of universal statis-
tics; tr., ed. and collated to 1880, by Mrs. Brewer; with
original notes and information, by E. W. Streeter. Lond.,
[1880]. O.
KOLBEN, Peter. Account of the country of the Hottentots and
the several nations inhabiting the same. {In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 325.)
KOLBTNG, Eugen. ed. The romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun;
ed. from six manuscripts and the old printed copy; with
preface and notes; pt. 1-2. Lond., 1885-86. O. (Early Eng.
Text. Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 46, 48.)
KOLDEWEY, Karl. capl. The (leniuiii Artie expediliou of 1809-
70, aiul uarrative of the wreck of the *'IIansa" in the ice; tr.
and abr. by Kev. L. ]Mereier; ed. by II. W. Bates. Lond.,
1874. il. pi. por. maps. O.
KOrPEL, n. Sec ir^tiibel, A., Keiss, \V., and Koppel, B. Kultur
iind Industrie siidanierikanischer Volker.
KORAN. See Kur-;'m.
KOREX, John. See Wines, Frederic IT., and Koren, J: The liquor
KOSSETH, Lajos. [Eng. Louis.)
Report of the special committee appointed by the common council of
the city of New York, to make arrangements for the reception of
Gov. Louis Kossuth, the distinguished Hungarian patriot. N. Y.,
1852. por. pi. 0.
KOVALEVSKY, Maxime. Modern customs and ancient laws of
Russia: being the Ilchester lectures for 1889-90. Lond.,
1891. O.
K0V'A]^EV8KY, Souia Krukovsky. Biography and autobiogra-
phy-. I. Memoir by A. C. Leffler. II. Reminiscences of child-
hood, by herself; tr. by L. von Cossel. N. Y., 1895. por. D.
KRAPF, Fev. John Ludwig. See Isenberg, Rev. C: W:, and Knapf,
Ber. J: L. Journals.
KRASINSKA, Frau(,'oise. countess. Journals of Countess Fran-
coise Krasinska, great grandmother of Victor Emmanuel; tr.
by K. Dziekonska. Chic, 1896. il. por. 182 p. S.
KRAUBE, G. C. Moderne sitzmoebel und kleine salon-moebeL
Berlin, [n. d.]. pi. F.
KRAUvSE, Gustav. The grow^th of German unity: an historical
and critical study. Lond., 1892. D.
KRAUSE, William E. F. American interests in Borneo: a brief
sketcli of the extent, climate and productions of the Island
of Borneo. 2d ed. S. F., 1867. 41 p. O. pamp.
KREBS, L^?,. iln
Miiller, F. ^l. ed. Saci-ed books of the east, v. ;^)0-40.)
KIVANG, Chang Ling. Letters, on the Chinese side of the Chinese
question, to the San Francisco Argonaut, August 7, 10, 17,
and Sept. 7, 1878. [S. F., 1878]. 16 p. O. (In Chinese
immigration. i)amps. v. 2.)
A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice
Kyteler, prosecuted for socery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede,
bishop of Ossory; ed. by T: Wright. Lond., 1843. 42-|-61 p. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 24.)
L. A. W. Bulletin and Good roads: a weekly journal devoted to
higliAvay improvement and other subjects of interest to
wiieelmen in general; v. 21-26, Apr. 5, 1895-Dec. 24, 1897.
Bost., 1895-97. 6 v. Q.
LABAT, Jean Baptiste. Account of Sierra Leona. {In Green, J.
Voyages and travels, v. 2, p. 321.)
LABORDE, [Jean Benjamin], sieur de. Tableaux topographiques,
pittoresques, physiques, historiques, moraux, politiques, lit-
t^raires, de la Suisse/L Paris, 1780. 2 v. text and plates. F.
LABOUCHEBE, Xorna. Ladies' book plates, an illustrated hand-
book for collectors and book-lovers. Lond., 1895. il. D.
(Ex-libris ser.)
LABOUI.AYE, f:douard Rene Lefebre. Abdallah; or. The four-
leaved shamrock. 9th ed. Lond., 1895. T. (Bayard ser.)
LA BREE, Benjamin, ed. The confederate soldier in the civil war.
1801-5. Louisville, 1895. il. por. pi. F.
Pictorial battles of the civil war. N. Y., 1885. 2 v. il.
1)1. pors. F.
LA CHATRE, Claude de. M^moire du voyage de M. le Due de
Guise en Italie, son retour, la prinse de Callais et de Thion-
ville 1556 et 1557. (In Col des m^m. rel. k I'hist. de France.
1823. s. 1, V. 32.)
LA CHATRE, Nanc^ay, Edme. comte de. M^moires; contenant la
fin du r^gne de Louis XIII, et le commencement de celui de
Louis XIV, [1638-43]. (In same, 1826. s. 2, v. 51.)
LACIAR, J. D. Patriotism of Carbon county, Pa., and what her
people contributed during the war for the preservation of the
union. Mauch Chunk, 1867. 120 p. pors. O.
LACKAWANNA Institute of History and Science, (Penn.). Pro-
ceedings and collections; v. 1. Scranton, 1887. O.
Coittvnts: Vol. 1. Branner, J: C. Glaciation; its relations to the
Lacakawanna-Wyoming region.^ — Notes upon the glacial striae ob-
served in the Wyoming-Lacakawanna region. — Dudley, W. R. Pre-
liminary list of vascular plants of the Lacakawanna and Wyoming
LA COUDRETTE. The romans of Partenay, or of Lusignen: other-
wise known as The tale of Melusine; tr. from the French of
La C. about 1500-20 A. D.; ed. from a unique ms. in the li-
brary of Trinity College, Cambridge; with an introduction,
notes, and glossarial index, by W. W: Skeat. Lond., 1866. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 22.)
LACOUR. Pierre. The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials,
without the aid of distillation; also the manufacture of effer-
vescing beverages and syrups, vinegar and bitters. N. Y.,
[c. 1863]. D.
LADD, George Trumbull. D.D. The doctrine of sacred scripture;
a critical historical and dogmatic inquiry into the origin and
nature of the old and new Testaments. N. Y., 1883. 2 v. O.
LA 1)1). (Jeoi'gc Tniinble. liiti-oductiou to pliilosopby : an inquiry
aitor a rational svsteni of st-iontific principles in their rela-
tion to nltiniale reality. N. Y., 18J)0. O.
Oullines ol' jtlivsiolo^ical ps^'chology; a text-book of mental
. science. Hth ed. N. V., ISOCJ. il. O.
• riiilosophy of knowledjjje. an inquiry into the nature, limits
and validity of human cognitive faculty. N. Y., 1897. O.
Philosophv of mind: an essav in the metaphysics of psychol-
ogy. N. Y., 1895. O.
I'rimer of psychology. N. Y., 1895. D.
The j>riurij>les of church polity, illustrated by an analysis of
modern (Jongrei:ationalism: being the Southworth lectures
delivered a^ Andover Tlieol. Sem. in 1879-81. N. Y., 1882. O.
What is the Bible? an inquiry into the origin and nature of the
Old and New Testaments in the light of modern Biblical
studv. N. Y., 1888. D.
LADD, Horatio Oliver. The story of New Mexico. Bost., [c. 1891].
il. map. O. (Story of the states.)
LADD, Parrish B. Commentaries on Hebrew and Christian mythol-
ogy. N. Y., [c. 1896]. D.
LADIES' com])anion. The; a monthly magazine embracing every
department of literature; Nov. 1840-April 1841 ; v. 14. N. Y.,
1841. O.
LADUE, Josepli. Klondyke facts, being a complete guide book to
the gold regions of the great Canadian northwest territories
and Alaska. N. Y".. [c. 1897]. il. D.
LA FARE, Charles Auguste. marqvis de. M^moires et reflexions
sur les principaux ^v^nemens du r^gne de Louis XIV, et sur
le caract^re de ceux qui y ont eu la principale part. {In Col.
des m^m. rel. h I'hist. de France, 1828. s. 2. v. 65.)
LADY of Virginia. See McCuire, Judith W.
LA FAROE. John. An artist's letters from Japan. N. Y., 1897. il.
Considerations on painting; lectures given in the year 1893 in
the Metropolitan Museum of New York. N. Y., 1895. D.
LAFAROFE, Paul. The evolution of property from savagery to
civilization. Lond., 1894. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
LAFAYETTE. Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier. mar-
quis de.
FARMER. L. H. Life of Lafayette. N. Y., [c. 1888]. pi. pors. D.
TO'S'^ER, C. The Marauis de La Fayette in the American revolution;
with some account of the attitude of France toward the war of inde-
pendence. Phil., 1895. 2 v. pors. O.
TrrKERMAN, B. Life of General liafayette. N. Y., 1889. 2 v.
por. S.
LA FAYETTE. :Marie ^Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne. romtesse de.
Histoire de ^kfadame Henriette d'Angleterre. (In Col des
m(^m. rel. h I'hist de France. 1828. s. 2, v. 64.)
Mi'^moires de la cour de France, 1688-89. (Tn same, v. 65.)
LAFEVER. ]\nnard. The l)eauties of modern architecture illus-
triited bv fortv-eiirht originnl iilntes. N. Y., 1849. pi. O.
Same. N.-w ed.' N. Y.. 18.15. 80 p. pi. Q.
COLLINS, W. L. La Fontaine and other French fabulists. Edin. and
Lonri., 1882. S. (For. classics for Eng. readers; ed. by Mrs. M. O.
W. Oliphant.)
LAGRANGE, Fernaiid. Physiology of bodily exercise. N. Y.,.1890.
D. (Int. sci. ser., v. 66.)
LAIN, George T., and Healy, Charles J. pub. Lain's Brooklyn di-
rectory; 1894. N. Y.', c. 1893. O.
LAING, John. See Halkett, S., and Laing, J. Dictionary of the
anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain.
LAING, Samuel. Human origins. Lond., 1892. il. O.
Problems of the future and essays. Lond., 1893. O.
//•. Snorre Sturleson. The Heimskringla.
LAIRD, Charles. See Norris, J. A., and Laird, C: Telegraphic de-
termination of longitudes in Mexico, Central America, [etc.].
LAIRD, James.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of L., delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senate, 51st Cong., 1st sess.
Wash., 1891. por. Q. (U. S. Cong. Misc. Memorial Addresses.)
LAKE, Atwell. col. Kars and our captivity in Russia; with letters
from Sir W. F. Williams, Major Teesdale and Captain
Thompson. liOnd., 1856. por. D.
LAKE, Dr. Edward. Diarv, in the years 1677-78; ed. by G: Percy
Elliott. Lond., 1846.*^ 31i p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 1. Cam-
den Soc, V. 39.)
LAKE, Sir Edward. Account of his interviews with Charles I on
being created a baronet and receiving an augmentation to
his arms; ed. by T. P. Langmead. Lond., 1858. 19 p. O.
(In same, v. 4. Same, v. 73.)
LAKE countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892. 1894, 1896.
LAKE county avalanche; May 15, 1890-Aug. 1, 1895. Lakeport,
1890-95. 2 V. F.
Continued as Lake countv bee.
LAKE countv bee; Sept. 6, 1895-Dec. 30, 1897. Lakeport, 1895-97.
Confinuation of Lake county avalanche.
LAKEMAN, Sir Stephen. What I saw in Kaffir-land. Edin. and
Lond., 1880. D.
LALANNE, ]\Iaxime Francois Antoine. A treatise on etching; tr.
from the 2d French ed. by S. R. Koehler; with an introduc-
tory chapter and notes. Bost., 1880. 30-1-79 p. pi. O.
LALAFZE, A. //•. Brillat-Savarin. J. A. Handbook of gas-
LALIMAN, L. fitudes sur les divers travaux phylloxdriques et les
vignes Am«^ricaines, notamment sur les etudes faites en Es-
pagne par Don Miret v Tarral. Paris et Bordeaux, 1879-80.
LAMAR, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus.
MAYES. E: Lucius Q. C. T^amar; his life, times, and speeches. 1825-
1893. Nashville, 1896. pors. O.
LA MARA, pseud, j'^fc Lipsi us, Marie.
LA MA RCA. . See Ysairuirre. . and La Mnrca, . Cold
dishes for hot weather.
LA MAKCHE, Olivier de. M«?moii'c'S augnientds d'un estat particu-
lier de la maisoii du Due Charles le hardi. (In Col. des mem.
i-el. a riiist. de Frauce, 1825, s. 1, v. 9-10.)
Khvmes a la mode. 5th ed. Loud., 1895. 139 p. S.
XXXII ballads in blue china. Lond., 1892. 119 p. S.
ed. Collection of ballads. Lond., 1897. il. 8.
Poems and songs of Robert Burns. N. Y., 189G. O.
and Sylvester, Paul, trs. The dead Leman and other tales from
the French. K. Y., 1889. D.
LANG, August. Turntafeln; Illustrationen frei bearbeitet nach
J. C. Lion & A. Ravenstein. Chic, 1876. pi. obi. F.
I'd. Leitfaden ftir Keulen-Schwingen. [N. Y\], 1878. 176 p.
LANG, Henry Charles. M.B, Rhopalocera Europae descripta et
delineata: the butterflies of Europe described and figured.
Lond., 1884. 2 v. text and plates. O.
LAX'GBEIX^, Dr. George. A complete treatise on the elctro-deposi-
tion of metals; tr. with additions by W. T. Branut. Phil.,
1891. il. O.
LAX'GE, Helene. Higher education of women in Europe; tr. by
L. R. Klemm. X. Y., 1890. D. (Int. Ed. ser., v. 16.)
LANGE, Laurenz. Travels in China, 1717; tr. from the High-
Dutch. {In Green, J: Vovages and travels, v. 3, p. 575.)
LANGEXBECK, Karl. The chemistrv of potterv. Easton, 1895.
il. D.
LAXGLAXD. William. The vision of William concerning Piers
Plowman, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest,
secundum wit et resoun. about 1362-93 A. D.; ed. from nu-
merous mss., with prefaces, notes, and a glossary, by W. W.
Skeat; pt. 1-4. Lond., 1867-84. 4 v. facsim. O. "^ (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 28, 38, 54, 67, 81.)
JUSSERAND, J. A. A. J. Piers Plowman; a contribution to the his-
tory of English mysticism. N. Y., 1894. 11. pi. 0.
LANGLEY, Edward Archer. Xarrative of a residence at the court
of Meer Ali Moorad; with wild sports in the valley of the In-
dus. Lond., 1860. 2 v. pi. pors. O.
LAX'GLEY, Henrv G. comp. [California] state almanac and hand-
book of statistics for 1863. S. F., 1863. 95 p. D.
Pacific coast almanac and year-book of facts. S. F., 1869.
O. (In California almanacs, 1854-81.
Same. S. F., 1871. O. {In same.)
San Francisco directory; 1878. S. F., 1878. O.
LANGLEY, Peter, ir. Mundt, C. M. Germany in storm and stress:
Old Fritz and the new era.
LANGLEY, Samuel Pierpont. Experiments in aerodynamics.
Wash., 1891. pi. Q. (Smithsonian cont. to knowl. 801.)
The internal work of the wind. Wash., 1893. Q. {Same, y. 21,
no. 884.)
Memoir of George BroAvn Goode. 1851-96, read before the Na-
tional Academy, April 21, 1897. Wash., 1897. 30 p. O.
LANijiLEY'S San Francisco directory for the year commencing
May lSJ)0-95; G. ]i. Wilbur publisher. S. F., 1890-95. 6 v.
map. O.
yolc: For continuation see Crocker-Langley S. F. directory.
LANGMEAD, T. P. ed. Sir Edward Lake's account of his inter-
views with Charles I on being created a baronet. Lond., 1858.
19 p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
LANGISTAFFj Launcelot. 'pseud. See Irving, W:
LANIEK, Sidnev. The English novel and the principle of its devel-
opment. N. Y., 1891. D.
Florida: its scenery, climate, and history: being a complete
handbook and guide. Thil., [c. 1875]. il. D.
Poems; ed. bv his wife, with a memorial bv W: H. Ward. New
ed. N. Y., 1892. ppr. D.
The science of English verse. N. Y., 1890. D.
BASKERVILL, W: M. Sidney Lanier. Nash., 1896. S. (Southern
writers no. 4-6.)
LANIN, E. B. pseud. See Dillon, Valentine.
LANKESTER, Edwin, tr. Schleiden, J. M. Principles of scien-
tific botany.
LANKESTEK, Edwin Ray. The advancement of science; occa-
sional essays and addresses. Lond., 1890. O.
LANMAN, Charles. Biographical annals of the civil government of
the United States during its first century. Wash., 1876. O.
LANG, Pierre de. The secret of an empire: the empress Eugenie:
tr. from the French by E. Taylor. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
Same. The emperor Napoleon III ; tr. from the French by H.
H. Johnson. N. Y^., 1895. por. D.
LA NOUE, Francois de. M^moires. {In Col m^m. rel. ii I'hist. de
France, 1823, s. 1, v. 34.)
LANOY^E, Ferdinand Tugnot de. See Tugnot de Lanoye, F.
LANSDELL, Henry. D.D. Chinese central Asia, a ride to little
Tibet. N. Y., 1894. il. maps. 2 v. O.
LANSING, Gerrit L. Natural principles regulating railway rates.
Chic, 1887. 44 p. O. {In Railroad pamphlets, v. 2.)
Relations between the C. P. R. R. Co. and the U. S. govern-
ment. S. F., 1889. 70 p. O. (/w R. R: pamps. V. 4.)
LAO-TSE. Sacred books of China: the texts of Taoism; tr. bv
J. Legge. Pt. 1-2. Oxford, 1891. 2 v. O. (Miiller, F. M., ed.
Sacred books of the east, v. 39-40.)
Contents: Pt. 1. The Tao Teh King; Writings of Kwang-Zze, bks.
1-17. 2. Writings of Kwang-Tze. bks, 18-33. Thai-Shang tractate of
actions and their retribution, app. 1-8.
LA PfiROUSE, John Fran(,'ois de Galaup. comte de. Charts and
plates to La Perouse's voyages. [Lond., 1798.] maps,
charts, pi. F.
LAPHAM, Elbridge Gerry. The party charged with the execution
of the laws has the right to select the officers to aid in their
execution : Speech in the House of Representatives, June 11,
1880. {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
LAPHAM, William Berry. Centennial history of Norway, Oxford
county, Maine, 178G-1886 : with genealogical registers. Port-
land, 1886. il. pors. O.
LA1»1IAM, William \Wv\y. Ilisloi-v of Kunifoid, Oxford rouiity,
^luiue, from its lirst setllcmi'iil in 177'J to the present time.
Augusta, 1>S!)0. il. O.
History of Woodstock, Me., with family sketches. Portland,
l.S81i. pors. O.
Ciimi). History of Bethel (formerly Sudbury, Cauuda), Oxford
county, Maine; 1700-lbi'JO: with a brief sketch of Hanover
and family statistics. Augusta, 1891. pors. O.
and Maxim, Silas P. History of Paris, Maine, from its settle-
ment to 1880, with a history of the grants of 1730 and 177L,
with i)ersonal sketches. Pai-is, 1884. il. pors. O.
LAl*OKTK, Francis L. Sec Castelnau, F. L. de L., comte de.
LA POKTE, Pierre de. Mc^moires contenant plusieurs particular-
ites des regnes de Louis XIII et de Louis XIV. (/// Col. m(Sm.
rel. a Thist. de France, 1827, s. 2, v. 59.)
LAKCOM, Lucy. Landscape in American poetry. N. Y., fc. 1879].
121 p. ii. pi. O.
LARK, The. Book 1-2. May 1895-April, 1897. S. F., 189G-97. ih
2 V. D. Discontinued A[)r. 1897.
Xote: Vol. 2 contains the "Epilark."
LARKIXG, Iiev. Lambert Blackwell. ed. The Knights Hospitallers
in England: being the report of I'hilip de Thame to the grand
master Elyan de Villanova for 1338; with historical intro-
duction bv J: M. Kemble. [Loud.], 1857. O. (Camden Soo.,
V. 65.)
Proceedings principally in the county of Kent in connec-
tion with the Parliaments called in 1640, and especially with
the comtnittee of religion appointed in that year; with pre-
face by J: P.ruce. [Lond.], 1862. O. {Same, v. 80.)
LARXED, Josephus Xelsou. History for ready reference, from the
best historians, biographers, and specialists; v. 1-5. Spring-
field, 1894-95. 5 V. Q. v. 5 contains supplement.
LARXED, Walter Cranston. Churches and castles of mediaeval
France. X. Y., 1895. 11. pi. O.
LAROCHE, (1. Abel. Fables [in French]. S. F., 1869. 148 p. D.
LA ROCHEFOUCALD, Francois de. due de. Mi^moires [1630-52].
{In Col des m(?m. rel k I'hist. de France, 1826, s. 2, v. 51-52.)
LA ROCHETERIE. Maxime de. The life of Marie Antoinette; tr.
from the French by C. H. Bell. X. Y., 1893. 2 v. pors. O.
LA ROTOXDA, Francesco. II colera del 1886 in Trinitapoli. Xa-
poli, 1887. 94 p. D.
LARRABEE, William. The railroad question; a historical and
practical treatise on railroads and remedies for their abuses.
Chic, 1893. D.
LASKER. Emanuel, {pseud. "Cham])ion.") Common sense in chess.
Lond., 1896. il. 141 p. S.
LASSALLE, Ferdinand.
BERKSTEIN, E: Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer. Lond.,
1893. D. (Social sci. ser.)
SHORTER, C. Note on L. (In Meredith, G: Tragic comedians.)
LASSEN county (CaL). Great Register (continuation); 1890, 1892,.
Illustrated history of Plumas, Lassen, and Sierra counties. Fariss
and Smith, publishers. S. F., 1882. pi. pors. Q.
LATAX£, John H. Early relations between Maryland and Vir-
ginia. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, v. 13, no. 3-4.)
LATCH, Edward B. Indications of the first book of Moses called
Genesis. Phil., 1890. D.
LATHAM, Milton Scott. Inaugural address, 1860. {In Cal. Gov.
Inaugural addresses, 1849-91.)
Speech, delivered at Nevada, August 1. 1859. Sac, [1859].
14 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 9, 1855; on the
bill to establish a line of mail steamships between San Fran-
cisco and China. Wash., 1855. 15 p. O. {In same, v. 4.)
Savie. {In Facts on commerce, v. 4.)
Speeches delivered in the Senate of the U. S. on steamship line
from California to China, via Sandwich Islands and Japan,
April 10, 1862; also on the resolution to expel Senator Bright
of Indiana, January 27, 1862; and report from the Military
Committee, on telegraphic communication between San Fran-
cisco and the Amoor river, via Behring's straits. Wash.,
1862. 31 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
LATHAM, Robert Gordon. The English language. 5th ed. Lond.,
1873. O.
Natural history of the varieties of man. Lond., 1850. O.
LATHROP, George Parsons. Two purse companions. {In Stories
bv Amer. authors, v. 3.)
Would you kill him? N. Y., 1890. D.
and Rose Hawthorne. A story of courage; annals of the
Georgetown convent of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, from the manuscript records. Bost., 1894. il. D.
LATHROP, Rose Hawthorne. Memories of Hawthorne. Bost.,
1897. O.
See Lathrop, George Parsons, and Rose Hawthorne.
LATIMER, L. H. Incandescent electric lighting; to which is added
the Design and operation of incandescent stations, by C. J.
Field, and a paper on The maximum efficiency of incan-
descent lamps, by J: W. Howell. N. Y., 1890. pi. T.
LATIMER, Mary Elizabeth Wormeley. Familiar talks on some of
Shakespeare's comedies. Bost., 1886. D.
LATOTTCHE. John, psevd. Sre Crawfurd. O. J. F.
LA TOUR-LA NDRY, Geoffrey de. The book of the knight of L.;
compiled for the instruction of his daughters; tr. from the
original French into English in the reign of Henri VI, and ed.
from the uniue ms. in the British Museum; with an introduc-
tion and notes, by T: Wright. Lond., 1868. O. (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 33.)
BOUCHET, J. Le panegyric du chevalier sans reproche; ou Memoires
de La T.' (In Col. des mem. rel. .a I'hist. de France. 1826. s. 1.
V. 14.)
LAUDER, J, N. Smoke consuming device for locomotives. (In U.
S. Dept. of Agric. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 1.)
LAUDER, Williain. Extant juH'ticnl works; ed. by F. Hall [and]
F. ,]. Funiivall. Loud., lb(J4-7U. O. (Eaily Eng. Text Soc.
Tub. Keg ser. no. 3, 4L)
Con It'll Ik: No. 3. Ane compendious and breve tractate concernyng
the office and dewtie of kyngis, spirituall pastoris, and temporal! ivigis,
A. D. 155G; ed. by F. Hall. 41. Minor poems: . Ane godlie tractate or
mirrour.— 2. The lamentatioun of the pure, twiching the miserabill
estait of this present world, 1 Febr., 1568. — 3. Ane prettie mirrour or
conference betwix the faithfull protestant and the dissemblit false
hypocrit. — 4. Ane trew and breue sentencius descriptioun of the nature
of Scotland twiching the interteinment of virtewus men that laketh
riches.— 5. Ane gude exampill be the butterflie, instructing men to halt
all harlottrie; ed. by F. J. Furnivall.
LAU])EKDALE, Eail of. See Maitlaiid, J., 2d eail of Lauderdale.
LAUDERDALE papers, l()39-70; ed. by O. Airy. [Westminster],
1884-85. 3 V. O. (Camden Soc.,"n.s. v. 34, 36, 38.)
LAUER, Paul E. Church and state in New England. Bait., 1802.
O. (John Hopkins Uniy. studies in hist, and pol. sci., v. 10,.
no. 2-3.)
LAUGHLIN, James Laurence. The history of bimetallism in the
United States. N. Y.. 1888. pi. O."^
LAUGHTON. John Knox. Studies in nayal history: biographies.
Lond., 1887. D.
The story of Laulii, a daughter of Samoa; also a sketch of the life of
Alexander A. Willis (her husband); ed. by W: H. Barnes. S. F.,
1889. pi. pors. O.
LAUR, P. De la production des m^taux pr^cieux en Californie.
Paris, 1862. 132 p. O.
LAURE. Henri. Guide des eultiyateurs du midi de la France, de la
Corse, et de I'Algerie. Toulon, 1854. O.
LAURENT, Auguste. Reconstitution par le plant resistant. Mont-
pellier, 1884. 32 p. S.
LAURIDSEN, Peter. Vitus Bering: the discoyerer of Bering
strait; rev. by the author and tr. from the Danish by J. E-
Olson ; with ' an introduction to the Amer. ed. by F.
Schwatka. Chic, 1889. maps. D.
LAURIE, William Ferguson Beatson. cul Our Burmese wars and
relations with Burma, being an abstract of military and po-
litical operations, 1824-26, and 18.52-53; with a summary of
events from 1826-79. Lond., 1880. map. O.
Sketches of some distinguished Anglo-Indians; with an
account of Anglo-Indian periodical literature. New ed. rev.
enl. Lond.. L887. por. D.
Same. 2d ser.; including Lord Macaulay's great minute on
education in India. Lond., 1888. por. D.
LAURIER, Wilfred. Speeches made in Parliament or before tlie
people. 1871-1800. Quebec, 1890. por. O.
LAVALETTE, Antoine Marie Chamans. comte de. Memoiree..
Phil., 1894. pors. D.
LAVELEYE. fimile Louis Victor de. Tlie Balkan peninsula; tr.
by Mrs. Thorpe; ed. and rev. by the author, with an intro-
ductory chapter upon the most recent events, and a letter
from the Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Lond., 1887. map. O.
Luxury. 2d ed. Lond., 1891. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
LAVIGERIE, Charles Martial Allemand. cardinal.
CLARKE, R. F. ed. Cardinal Lavigerie and the African slave trade.
Lond., 1889. O.
LAW, Edward, and Jewell, Coleman, irs. Gruber, J. Text-book
of diseases of the ear.
JLAW, Robert O. conip. The parties and the men ; or political is-
sues of 1896; a history of our great parties from the begin-
ning of the government to the present day. [n. p.]. [c.
1896]. il. por. O.
LAWLESS, E. f]. First aid to the injured and management of the
sick. Phil., 1894. il. D.
LAWLESS, Emily. The story of Ireland; with some additions by
Mrs. Arthur Bronson. N. Y., 1892. il. pi. maps. D.
(Story of the Nations.)
HILL, H. A. Memoirs of L. 2d ed. Bost., 1884. por. O.
LAWRENCE, Edward A. D.D. Modern missions in the East, their
methods, successes, and limitations. N. Y., 1897. D.
LAWRENCE, Sir George. Reminiscences of forty-three years in
India; ed. by W. Edwards. Lond., 1874. S.
LAWRENCE, George Newbold.
FOSTER, L. S. The published writings of L., 1844-1891. Wash., 1892.
por. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull., no. 40.)
LAWRENCE, Sir Henry.
EDWARDS, Sir H. B., and Merivale, H. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence.
Lond., 1872. 2 v. O.
LAWRENCE, John Laird Mair.
TEMPLE, Sir R. Lord Lawrence. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng.
men of action.)
LAWRENCE, Thomas. Historical genealogy of the Lawrence fam-
ily from their first landing in this country, 1635, to 1858. N.
y"., 1858. O.
LAWRENCE, William. Visions and service; fourteen discourses
delivered in college chapels. Bost., 1896. S.
LAWRENCE family.
LAWRENCE, T: Historical genealogy of the Lawrence family from,
their hrst landing in this country, 1635 to 1858. N. Y., 1858. 0.
LAWRENCE-ARCHER, J. H. See Archer, J. H. L.
HILL, F. A. The mystery solved: facts relating to the "Lawrence-
Townley," "Chase-Townley" marriage and estate question; with
genealogies Bost., 1888. il. chart. 94 p. O.
T^WS, Samuel S.
Inauguration of L. as president of the University of Missouri, at
Columbia on July 5, 1876. Columbia, 1876. 119 p. 0.
LAW^ON, Andrew Cowper. The geology of Carmelo bay. (In
Univ. of Cal., Dept. of Geol. Bull, v.^ 1 no. 1.)
The geomorphogeny of the coast of Northern California. (In
same, no. 8.)
On malagnite, a family of basic, plutonic, orthoclase rocks ....
of Poohbah Lake. (Same, no. 12.)
The post-pliocene dlastrophism of the coast of Southern Cali-
fornia. [In same, no. 4.)
I.AWSON, Andrew Cowper. Sketch of the geology of vSan Fran-
cisco peninsula. (In V. S. Geol. Surv., 15tli rept.)
LAWSON'S Piuetuni Britannicum. See Pinetura Britannicum.
LAWTON, Charles I). Stale of Michigan. Mines and mineral sta-
tistics. Lansing, 18S7-89. 3 v. pi. O.
LAWTON, William Cranston. Notes on Bunarbaslii and othei'
sites in the Troad; including notes on the maj) of the Acrop-
olis of the Bali Dagh, by C. IT. Walker, (fn iVrch. Inst. of.
Am. Classical ser. v. 1.)
LAY folks mass book; or, The manner of hearing mass; with
rubrics and devotions for the i)eople in four texts; and
OflSces in English according to the use of York; from mss..
of the 10th to 15th century; with appendix, notes, and glos-
sary by T: F. Simmons. Lond., 1879. O. (Early Eng-
Text Soc. Pub. Eeg. ser. no. 71.)
LA YARD. Arthur, ed. Tiie marvellous adventures of Sir Joliir
Maundeville, Kt., being his voyage and travel West-
minster, 1895. il. O.
LEA, Henry Charles. Chapters from the religious history of Spain
connected with the inquisition. Phil., 1890. O.
ed. A formulary of the papal penitentiary in the Thirteenth
century. PhiL, 1892. O.
LEA, Isaac.
SCUDDER, N. P. The published writings of L. Wash., 1885. O.
(U. S. Nat. Museum. Bulletin no. 23.)
LEACH, Josiah Granville. Memoranda relating to the ancestry
and family of Hon. Levi Parsons Morton, vice-president of
the United States, 1889-1893. Camb., 1894. il. O.
LEADER, John Temple, and Marcotti, Giuseppe. Sir John Hawk-
wood (I'acuto): storv of a condottiere; tr. by Leader Scott.
[L.E.Barnes.] Loiid., 1889. pl. Q.
LEADER, The; Nov. 3, 1877-Jan. 12, 1878. S. F., 1877-78. F.
LEADERS in science. N. Y., 1891. pl. D.
Xamclu: Darwin, C: R:, by C: P. Holder.
LEAKE, Frederic. Historic bubbles. Albany, 1896. D.
LEAMING, Edward. See Wilson, E. B., and Learning, E: Atlas
of fertilization of the ovum.
LEASK, William Keith. James Boswell. N. Y., [1890]. 100 p.
D. (Famous Scots.)
LEATHERS, Stanley. D.D. Claims of the Old Testament. N. Y.^
1897. 73 p. D. (Princeton lectures.)
LEAVES from the journal of a subaltern during the campaign in
the Punjaub, Sept., 1848, to March. 1849. Edin. and Lond.^
1849. D.
LE BLANC, Max. The elements of electrochemistry; tr. by W. R.
Whitney. Lond., 189G. il. S.
LECHFORD, Thomas. Note-book from June 27, 1038, to July 29^^
1041. Camb., 1885. (Fn Amer. Antifj. Soc. Archaeol. Auier.
V. 7.)
LECHLER, Gotthard Victor. The ajtostolic and post-apostolic
times; their diversity and unity in life and doctrine; tr. by
A. J. K. Davidson. 3d cd. rev. and rewritten. Edin.. 1886^
2 V. D.
LECKY, Walter. Down at Caxton's. Bait., 1895. D.
LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the
eigliteenth century (continuation); v. 5-8. N. Y., 1887-90. 4
V. O.
LE CLERC, Jean. Histoire des Provinces-Unies des pais-bas, de-
puis la naissance de la republique jusqu'a la Paix d' Utrecht
et le Trait(5 de la P.arriere en 1716. Amsterdam, 1736-38. 3
V. in 2. il. F.
LE CONTE, J. N. Map of the central portion of the Sierra Nevada
mountains and of the Yosemite Valley. S. F., 1896, D. (Si-
erra Club Pub. no. 12.)
LE CONTE, Joseph. Critical periods in the history of the earth.
(Tn Univ. of Cal., Dept. of Geol. Bull., v. 1, no.2.)
Elements of geology, a text-book for colleges and for the gene-
ral reader. 4th ed. rev. and enl. N. Y., 1896. il. O.
— ; — God and connected problems, in the light of evolution. {In
Royce, J., [and others). Conception of God.)
A journal of ramblings through the high Sierras of Califor-
nia by the "University Excursion Party." S. F., 1875. 103
p. pilots. O.
The race problem in the south, [n. imp. n. d.] 53 p. D.
Same. {In Brooklyn Eth. Assoc. Man and the state.)
LE COURTIER, Francois Joseph, hp. of Montpellier. Thoughts and
counsels for women of the world. Bait., 1895. S.
LEDLIE, James Crawford, tr. Sohm, R. Institutes of Roman
LEE, Arthur.
LEE, R. H. Life of Arthur Lee. Bost., 1829. 2 v. 0.
LEE, Miss E. V. tr. Gagnebin, Mme. A happy find.
LEE, Edmund, ed. Wordsworth, Dorothy. Journal of a few
months' residence in Portugal.
LEE, Elizabeth, ed. The humour of France. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
(Int. humour ser.)
tr. Jusserand, J. J. The English nevel in the time of Shake-
s])eare. N. Y. and Lond., 1890. il. pi. pors. O.
LEE, Fitzhugh. General Lee. N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Great Com-
LEE, James P. Golf in America, a practical manual. N. Y,, 1895.
il. 194 p. S.
LEE, James W. See Vincent, J: H., Lee, James W., and Bain, R.
E. M. Earthly footsteps of the Man of Galilee.
LEE, John Edward. Delineations of Roman antiquities found at
Caerleon (the ancient Isca Silurum) and the neighborhood.
Lond., 1845. il. pi. 54 p. F.
LEE, Richard Henry. Life of Arthur Lee. Bost., 1829. 2 v. O.
LEE, Robert Edward, gen.
COOKE, J. E. Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. N. Y., 1876. pi. pors. maps.
LEE, P. General Lee. N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Great Commanders.)
ODELL, S. W. Life. {In Lives and campaigns of Grant and Lee.)
LEE, Samuel Adams. 6'ee Hunt, J. H. L., a?i(Z Lee, S. A eds. Book
of the sonnet.
LEE, Sidiiov Lazarus. Stralfoi'd-oiiA \ on ; from llie earliest times
to the death of Shakespeare. New ed. Lend., ISDO. il. D.
cd. The boke of Didce lluon of Burdeux; pt. 1-4. (Early Eng.
Text Soe. Pub. Extra ser. no. 4t), 41, 43, 50.)
See Steplieii, L., and Lee, S. rdx. ]>ietionary of national
]jee is sole ed. fnun r. 26.
LEE, Susan P. Memoirs of William Nelson Pendleton. Phil., 18f)3.
por. O.
LEE, Thomas Jetferson. Tracing; a parallel of latitude; Jan. 25,
LS69. (Essayons Club; printed papers; v. 1, no. 10.)
LEE, Vernon, pseud. See Paj?et, Violet.
LEE, William, cmp. John Lei^h of Agnwane (Ipswich), Massa-
chusetts, 1(!P»4-1G71, and his descendants of the name of Lee;
with «ren(\iloi;ical notes and biof:;ra])hical sketches of all his
descendants . . and notes on collateral branches. Albany,
1888. O.
LEE, William Henry Fitzhu^h.
Memorial and addresses on the life and character of L., delivered iu
the House of Representatives and in the Senate. Wash., 1892. por.
Q. (U. S. 52 Cong., 1st sess. H. M. D., v. 32.)
LEE family. See Leif?h family.
LEEDS, Duke of. See Osborne, E. G. oOi dulce of Leeds.
LEFfiBURE, Ernest. Embroidery and lace: their manufacture and
history from the remotest antiquity to the present day; tr.
and enl. with notes by Alan S. Cole. Lond., 1888. il. pi. D.
LEFi?:VRE, Andr(5. Race and language. N. Y., 1894. D. (Int. sci.
ser. V. 72.)
Wonders of architecture; tr. from the French, with a chapter
on English architecture by R. Donald. N. Y., 1886. il. S.
(Wonders of art and archaeology.)
LEFEVRE, George John Shaw. Peel and O'Connell: a reyiew of
the Irish policy of Parliament from the act of union to the
death of Sir Robert Peel. Lond., 1887. O.
[LE FEVRE, Raoul.] Destruction of Troy; tr. by W: Caxton; bk.
1-3. Lond., 1708. D.
LEFFINGWELL, Albert. Illegitimacy and the influence of sea-
sons upon conduct: two studies in demography. Lond., 1892.
8-i-160 p. maps, diagrams. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
Viyisection in America, fn Salt, H. S. Animals' rights.)
LEFFINGWELL, William Bruce. Wild fowl shooting: containing
scientific and ])ractical desci-ijttions of wild fowl, their re-
sorts, habits, flights and the most successful method of hunt-
ing them. Chic, 1890. il. pi. por. O.
LEFFLER, Anna Carlotta. Memoir of Sonia Kovalevsky. (In
Kovaleysky, S. Biography and autobiography.)
LEFFMANN, ITenry. and Beam, William. Analysis of milk and
milk products. Phil., 1893. 89 p. D.
LE FRANCA IS [weekly] ; Oct. 3, 189rvDec. 22, 1897. Los Angeles,
1890-97. F.
LEFROY. Edward Cracroft.
GILL, W. A. His life and poems, including a reprint of Echoes from
Theocritus. Lond., 1897. por. D.
LEPROY, Sir Jolin Henry. Botany of Bermuda. (U. S. Nat. Miis.
Bull. no. 25, pt. 2.)
LEFROY, AN'illiani cniambers. The ruined abbeys of Yorkshire.
New ed. Lond., 1891. il. D.
LE GALLIENNE, Richard. The book-bills of Narcissus. N. Y.,
181)5. il. 173 p. D.
. English poems. 4th ed. Bost., 1895. 113 p. D.
Prose fancies. N. Y., 1895. por. D.
Prose fancies: second series. Chic, 1896. S.
The quest of the golden girl. Lond., 1897. D.
Religion of a literary man : (Religio scriptoris.) N. Y., 1895.
119 p. U.
Retrospective reviews, a literary log. 1891-1895. N. Y., 1896.
2 V. D.
Robert Louis Stevenson, an elegy and other poems mainly per-
sonal. Bost., 1895. 36 p. O.
LEGENDS of the holy rood; symbols of the passion and cross-
poems; in old English of the 11th, 14th and 15th centuries;
ed. from mss. in the British Museum and Bodleian libraries;
with introduction, translations, and glossarial index, by R.
Morris. Lond., 1871. il. pi. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 46.)
LfiGER or Lt^dgar. 8t. hp. of Autun. Vie de Saint L(5ger,^veque
d'Autun. {In Col. des m(?m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1823.
s. 3, V. 2.)
LEGER, Louis. A history of Austro-Hungary, from the earliest
time to the year 1889 ; tr. from the French by Mrs. B. Hill,
with a prefaVe by E. A. Freeman. N. Y., 1889. map. D.
LEGG, John Wickham. On the bile jaundice and bilious diseases.
N. Y., 1880. pi. O.
LEGGE, Alfred Owen. Sunny Manitoba: its peoples and its in-
dustries. Lond., 1893. pi. map. O.
The unpopular king: the life and times of Richard IIL Lond..
1885. 2 V. pors. O.
LEGGE, James, tr. Sacred books of China: the texts of Confuc-
ianism: pt. 3-4. Oxford, 1885. 2 v. O. (Mtiller. F. M. Sac-
red books of the east. v. 27-28.)
Sacred books of China : the texts of Taoism : pt. 1-2. Ox-
ford, 1891. 2 V. O. flMiiller, F. M. cd. Sacred books of the
East. V. 39, 40.)
Oontnilfi: Pt. 1. The Tao Teh King; Writings of Kwang-Zze, books
1-17. Pt. 2. Writings of Kwang-Zze, books 18-33.— The Thai-Shang
tractate of actions and their retributions, app. 1-8.
LEGGETT, Mortimer D. comp. Subject-matter index of patents for
inventions issued bv the United States Patent Office, from
1790-1873. Wash., 1874. 3 v. Q.
LEGGETT, William. Political writings. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. D.
LEGROS. Charles. See Onimus. E.. and Legros, C. Traite dY^lec-
tricite mc^dicale.
LEGTTAT, Frnncois. Voyage of Franrois Leguat of Bresse to Rod-
riguez. Miiuritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope; edited
and annotated by Captain Pasfield Oliver. Lond., 1891. 2 t.
pi. map. O. (Works issued by the Hakluyt Soc. no. 82 83.)
LEIITOH. James B. Have T solv<'. {In Peun. archives, 2d ser.
V. 7.)
LEIPZIGER, Henry M. The education of the Jews. {Tn Indus. Ed.
Assoc. Monographs, v. .*>.)
LEISURE hour; 1852-94. Lond., [L^52-94]. 4^ v. O.
LEJEAN, Guillaume. Abyssinia and Theodoras. (//( Blanc, H.
(Storv of the captives.)
LELAND, Charles Godfrey, ipseiirl. Hans Breitnum.) Abraham
Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the T'nited States. N.
Y.. [L879]. por. D. (:\rakers of hist.)
The Algonquin legends of New Knghtnd: or. Myths and folk-
U)re of the Miemac, Passamaouoddy, :uiti reiiobscot tribes.
.'M ed. Bost., [c. 1884]. pi. D.
Etruscan Roman remains. Lond., 1892. il. Q.
Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. Lond.. 1891. il. jd. Q.
LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Legends of Florence, collected from
the peoi)le and retold by L., 1st ser. N. Y., 1895. D.
A manual of wood carving; revised bv J: J. Holtzaptfel. N.
Y., ISOl. il. pi. O.
Ir. Heine. H. Germany.
LELAXD, John. D.D. A view of the principal Deistical writers
that have appeared in England in the last and present cen-
tury; with observations upon them and some account of the
answers that have been jiublished against them. Ith ed.
Lond., 17G4. 2 v. O.
LELAND Stanford Junior TJniversitv. lst-6th annual register;
1801-97. Palo Alto, 1892-97. D. 6 pamps.
Contributions to biologv from the Hopkins labaratorv. no. 1,
3, 9-11, 13. Palo Alto, 1895-97. O. 6 pams.
Xameh): 1. Jordan, D: S. The fishes of Sinaloa. 3. Jordan, D. S.,
and Starks, E. C. Fishes of Puget Sound. 9. Smith, J. P. Marine
fossils from the coal measures of Arkansas. 10. Miller, W. Scientific
names of Latin and Greek derivation. 11. Campbell, D. H. A mor-
phological study of Naias and zannichellia. 13. Smitla, J. P. Develop-
ment of glyphioceras and the phylogeny of the glyphioceratidae.
Library. Publications: 1. Palo Alto, 1895. O.
Na7nely: No. 1. Teggart, F. J. Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway
Monographs. History and economics, no. 1, 3. Palo Alto,
1892-96. 2 V. O.
Namely: 1. Elliott, O. L. The tariff controversy in the United States,
1789-1833. 3. Smith, M. R. Almshouse women.
LELONG, Byron Martin. California fig industry, with a chapter on
fig caprification. Sac, 1892. 55 p. O.
California walnut industry. Sac, 1896. il. O. (Cal. State
Bd. of Horticulture.)
New varieties of citrus fruits. Sac, 1891. O. {Same. Citrus
fruits; pt. 2.)
Peach yellows. Sac, 1891. il. map. O. {Same.)
Propagation: the rearing of citrus and deciduous trees from
seed; budding, grafting, and appliances. Sac, 1892. 38 p.
il. O.
LE MAIEE, Jacob, sieur. Voyage to the Canary isles, Cape de
Verde, Samaga, and Gambia, 1682. {In Green, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 2, p. 248.)
LE MAITRE, Claude. See Delamater. L. Delamater genealogy,
LEMAN, Walter M. Memories of an old actor. S. F., 1880. por. D.
LE MAOUT, Jean Emmanuel JNIarie. Leeons ^lementaires de bo-
tanique fondees sur I'analyse de 50 plantes vulgaires et for-
mant un traitt^ complet d'oriranographie et de phvsiologie
v(^g(^tale. S^ M. Paris, [n.d. 2^ (^d. 1857.]. col. pl.'o.
LE MARCHAND, Georges. Campagne des Anglais dans I'Afghan-
istan 1878-79. Paris, 1879. S.
Deuxi^me campagne des Anglais dans I'Afghanistan 1879-80.
Tome 1. Paris, 1881. maps. S.
LEMER, Julien. Balzac, sa vie — son oeuvre. Paris, 1892. D.
LE MESSURIER. Augustus, col Kandahar in 1879. Lond., 1880.
LEMMON. .IdIiii (Jill, llund-book of west Americuu cone-bearers;
approved English names with brief popular descriptions of
the cone-bcaiinj; trees of the Pacific slope. 2d ed. [Oak-
land]. 1892. 24 p. pi. O.
LEMON, Don. pseud, conip. Everybody's book of short poems se-
k'clcd from onl-of-the-way sources. Phil., 1800. T.
LEMON, Michael B.
Proceeciings of the House of Representatives and obituary addresses
on the occasion of the death of L., a member from Allegheny county
of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1895. por. 28 p. 0.
LEMPRJEKE, Charles. The American crisis considered. Lond.,
18(51. O.
LENP:T, IMerre. Mi'nnoires contenant I'histoire des guerres civiles
des annees 1(549 et suivantes, ])rincipalement celles de Gui-
enne et autres provinces. {In Col. des mem. rel. ii I'hist. de
France. 182G. s. 2, v. r).3-r,4.)
LE NEA'E, I'eter. PedijArees of the knights made by Charles IL,
James II., William III., Queen Mary, King William and
Queen Anne, ed. by (Jeo. W. Marshall. Lond., 1873. Q.
(Harleian Soc. pub. visitations, v. 8.)
LENG. Robert. Sir Francis Drake's memorable service done
against the Spaniards in 1587; ed. from the original ms. in
the British Museum with an app. of illustrative papers, by
C. Hopper. Lond.^ 1863. 54 p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 5.
Camden Soc, v. 87.)
LENKER, J. N. DJ). Lutherans in all lands, the wonderful works
of God, V. 1. 5th ed. Milwaukee, 1896. il. O.
LENNOX, Charles Gordon, oth dul-e of Biclimond.
Memoir. Lond., 1862. por. O.
LENNOX, William Pitt. lord, contp. The Victoria cross: the re-
warded and their services. Lond., 1857. 64 p. O.
LENOIR, A. (;hevillard. Celebrated artists: sketches of their lives
and works, with translations on copper of fifteen notable
paintings. Trov, [1888]. F.
LEXORMANT, Francois, and Chevallier, E. The student's manual
of Oriental history. A manual of the ancient history of the
East to the commencement of the ^Median wars. Lond., 1869-
70. 2 V. D.
LENOX Library. (N. Y.) 20th. 21st, 24th, 25th annual report of
the trustees; 1889, 1890, 1893, 1895. N. Y., 1890-95. O. 4
LENT, William Bement. Across the country of the little king: a
tri]> through Spain. N. Y., 1897. il. S.
LEO I. >7., the Greof. pope. Letters and sermons: tr. with intro-
duction, notes and indices by C. L. Feltop. (In Schaff, P., and
Wacp. n. ed!^. Sel. lib. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 2d
scr.. V. 12.)
LEONARD. C. Henri. The hair: its growth, care, diseases and
troatment. Detroit, 1881. il. D.
LEONARD. Henrietta, tr. FrM(^ricq, P. Study of histoi-y in Eng-
land and Scotland; — Germany and France: — Holland and
LENOWEXS, Anna Harriette. Life and travel in India: being
recollections of a journey before the days of railroads. Phil.,
[c. 1884.]. pi. D.
LE PILEUE, Anguste. Wonders of the human body; from the
French. N. Y., 1896. il. D. (Wonders of man and nature.)
LEPPINGTON, C. H. d'Eyncourt. tr. Guyot, Y. Principles of
social economv.
LE PROG.RfiS [weeidv]; July 6, 1893-Sept. 4, 1897. Los Angeles,
1893-97. F.
LE QUEUX, William. Stolen souls. N. Y., [c. 1895]. il. D.
LE EOUX DE LINCY, Adrien Jean Victor, ed. The romance of
Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin, by Philippe de-
Reimes; ed. from the unique ms. in the Imperial library in
Paris. [Lond.], 1858. O. (Camden vSoc, v. 72.)
LEROY, Alphonse. fntb. Collection de dessins originaux de grands
maitres, avec texte explicatif jjar F. Reiset et F. Villot.
Paris, [n.d.] il. F.
LE ROY, Marie. Narrative of Marie Le Roy and Barbara Leininger
who spent three and one half years as prisoners among the
Indians. Phil., 1759. (In Penn. archives, 2d ser. v. 7.)
LEROY-BEAULIEU, Henri Jean Baptiste Anatole. The empire of
the Tsars and the Russians; tr. from the 3d French ed. with
annotations by Z. A. Ragozin. Pt. 1-2. N. Y., 1893-94. 2 v.
maps. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. The country and its inhabitants. 2. The institu-
Papacy, socialism, and democracy; followed by the papal En-
cyclical on the condition of labour; tr. from the French,
with explanatory notes and preface by B. L. O'Donnell.
Lond., 1892. D.
LEROY-BEAULIEU, Paul. The modern state in relation to so-
ciety and the individual. Lond., 1891. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
LE SAGE, Alain Rene. Oeuvres choisies: tome, 2-3. Paris, 1810.
2 V. O.
Namelii: 2-3. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane.
LESLIE. Robert Charles. Old sea wings, ways and words, in the
days of oak and hemp. Lond., 1890. il. O.
LE SOUDIER, Henri. Bibliographie Francaise; recueil de cata-
logues des (^diteurs Frani^ais. accompagne d'une table alpha-
b^tique par noms d'auteurs et d'uue table syst^matiquo.
Paris. 189G. G v. O.
LESQUEREUX, Leo. Catalogue of the species of mosses found
up to the present time on the nortliAvest coast of the Ignited
States, and esyjecially in California. [Published January,
1868]. (171 Cal. Academy of Sciences. Memoirs v. 1.)
Contributions to the fossil flora of the western territories; pt.
3: The cretaceous and tertiary floras. Wash.. 1883. pi. Q.
(U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of the Territories, v. 8.)
• The flora of the Dakota group; a posthumous work, ed. bv F.
H. Knowlton. Wash.." 1891. Q. (V. S. Geol. Surv. Mono-
gra]>hs, v. 17.)
LESQI'EKEUX, Leo. Kcporl on the fossil ])laiits of .he auriferous
gravel deposits of the Sierra Nevada of California. [In mine.
Contributions to Anier. j?eol., v. 2.)
LESSING, Gotthold Ephraini. Ausgewiihlte werke. Leipzig, 186G-
67. 10 V. D.
ROLLESTON, T. W. Life of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lend., 1889^
O. (Great writers.)
LESSING, Julius. Ancient oriental carpet patterns after pictures
and originals of the 15th and IGth centuries; with descriptive
text by L. Lond., 1879. col. pi. F.
LESTER, Charles Edwards. Life and character of Peter Cooper.
N. Y., 1883. 116 p. per. T.
Life and vovages of discovery of Americus Vespucius. 10th ed.
New Haven, 1886. O.
The Mexican republican historical study. N. Y., 1878. 104
p. por. map. O.
LESTER, J. C, and Wilson, D. L. Ku Klux Klan: its origin,
growth and disbandment. Nashville, 1884. T.
LESTER, John Erastus. T!ie Atlantic to the Pacific: what to see
and how to see it. Bost., 1873. map. D.
LESTER, Ralph P. ed. Look to the east: a ritual of the first three
degrees of masonry. N. Y., [c. 1876]. T.
L'ESTOILE. Pierre de. M(^moires pour servir a I'histoire de France,
et journal de Henri III. et de Henri IV.; pub. d'apr^s les mss.
autographes de la bibliotheque du roi. (In Col. des m^m,
rel. h I'hist. de France, 1825-26. s. 1. v. 45-49.)
LE STRANGE, Guv. tr. Palestine under the Moslems: a descrip-
tion of Syria^and the Holy Land from A. D. 650 to 1500; tr.
from the works of the mediaeval Arab geographers. Bost,
1890. pi. maps. O.
L'ESTRANGE, John. Calendar of the Freemen of Norwich, from
1317 to 1603. (Edward II. to Elizabeth, inclusive); ed. by
Walter Rye. Lond., 1888. 151 p. O.
LESUEUR, Alexander A. comp. OflScial manual of the state of
Missouri for 1889-92. Jefferson Citv, 1889-91. 2 v. in 1. O.
Same, for 1889-90. Jefferson City, 1889. O.
LETCHWORTH, William P. The insane in foreign countries. N.
Y. and Lond., 1889. pi. O.
LETOT'RNEALT, Charles. The evolution of marriage and of the
family. N. Y., 1891. D. (Contemp. sci. ser.)
Property; its origin and development. Lond., 1896. D.
LETTER of the council to Sir Thomas Lake relating to the proceed-
ings of Sir Edward Coke at Oatlands; and Documents relat-
ing to Sir Walter Raleigh's last voyage; communicated to
the Camden miscellany by S. R. Gardiner. Lond., 1864. 13
p. O. (Tn Camden misc., v. 5. Camden Soc. v. 87.)
LETTERS and other documents illustrating the relations between
England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty
years' war; ed. bv S. R. Gardiner. [1st] -2d ser. [Lond.],
1865-68. 2 V. O." fCamden Soc, v. 90, 98.)
LETTERS selected from the collection of autographs in the pos-
session of W: Tite. Lond., 1864. 27 p. O. {In Camden
misc., V. 5. Camden Soc, v. 87.)
LEIJPP, Francis E. Notes of a summer tour among the Indians
of the southwest. Phil., 1897. O. pam. (Ind. rights Assoc.
2d ser. no. 43.)
LE VAN, William Barnet. The practical management of engines
and boilers. Phil., 1897. il. S.
LEVASSEUE, fimile. La question de Tor. Paris, 1858. D.
LEVERMORE, Charles H. The republic of New Haven: a history
of municipal evolution. Bait., 1886. O. (Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, extra vol. 1.)
The town and city government of New Haven. {In same, v. 4.)
LEVI, filiphas. pseud. See Constant, Alphonse Louis.
LEVI, Leone. International law ; with materials for a code of inter-
national law. N. Y., 1888. D. (Int. sci. ser., v. 60.)
Wages and earnings of the working classes. Lond., 1867. O.
Work and pay; or. Principles of industrial economy. Lond.,
1877. 148 p. D.
LEVINS, Peter. Manipulus vocabulorum: a dictionary of English
and Latin words arranged in the alphabetical order of the
last svllables, printed 1570; now re-edited, with preface and
index"^by H : B. Wheatley. [Westminster], 1867. O. (Cam-
den Soc, V. 95.)
Manipulus vocabulorum: a rhyming dictionary of the English
language, 1570; ed. with an alphabetical index, by H. B.
Wheatley. Lond., 1867. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser no. 27.)
LfiVY, Daniel. Les frangais en Californie. S. F., 1884. D.
LEWES, George Henry. Aristotle: a chapter from the history of
science, including analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings.
Lond., 1864. O.
Dramatic criticisms of John Forster and George Henry Lewes.
Lond., 1896. por. D. (Dramatic essays, 3d ser. ed. by W.
Archer, mid R. W. Lowe.)
The phj'sical basis of mind. New ed. with prefatory note bv
James Sully. Lond., 1893. il. O.
LEWES, Vivian B. Air and water. Lond., 1892. il. S. (Univ.
ex. ser.)
LEWIN, Thomas H. U.-col. A fly on the wheel; or. How I helped
to govern India. Lond., 1884. pi. map. O.
LEWIS, Abram Herbert. Paganism surviving in Christianity. N.
Y., 1892. O.
LEWIS, Angelo John, {pseud. Prof. Hoffmann.) Modern magic: a
practical treatise on the art of conjuring. N. Y., [n, d.]. il.
LEWIS, E. J. Speech on reconstruction; delivered in the Senate of
the state of California, March 2, 1868. Sac, 1868. 20 p. O.
{In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
LEWIS, Edwin Herbert. A first book in writing English. N. Y.,
1897. S.
LEWIS, Florence. China painting. 2d ed. Lond., etc., 1884. pi.
obi. D.
LEWIS, Gt'orj;e. The history of battery E, First regiment Rhode
Island light artillery, in the war of 18G1-G5. Providence,
1892. pors. O.
LEWIS, George Henry. National consolidation of the railways of
the United States. N. Y., 1893. D.
LEWIS, J. McKeen. Notes on Attic vocalism. Bost., 1888. 0.
(Arch. Inst, of Am., Amer. School at Athens, v. 4.)
LEWIS, Matthew Gregory, {pseud. Monk Lewis.) The monk: a ro-
mance. Unabridged reprint of the first edition. Lond., [n.
d.]. 2 V. S.
LEWIS, Meriwether, and Clark, William. History of the expedi-
tion under the command of Lewis and Clark to the sources of
the ilissouri river, thence across the Rocky mountains and
dow'n the Columbia river to the Pacific ocean, performed dur-
ing the years 1804-06. New ed. by Elliott Coues. N. Y., 1893.
4 V. facsim. pors. folded map. O.
Xofc: Vol. 4 is index and maps.
LEWIS, Monk, pseud. See Lewis, Matthew Gregory.
LEWIS, Osceola. History of the One hundred and thirty-eight
regiment Penns3'lvania volunteer infantry. Norristown,
1866. pors. D.
LEWIS, Samuel. Topographical dictionary of England . . . with
historical and statistical descriptions. 4th ed. Lond., 1840.
4 V. and atlas. F.
Topographical dictionary of Ireland with historical
and statistical descriptions. 2d ed. with app. Lond., 1840.
2 V. and atlas. F.
Topographical dictionary of Scotland with historical
and statistical descriptions. Lond., 1846. 2 v. and atlas. F.
Topographical dictionary of Wales .... with historical and
statistical descriptions. Lond., 1833. 2 v. maps. F.
LEWIS, Thomas B. What I have saved from the writings of my
husband, T: B. Lewis. S. F., 1874. 64-^59 p. D.
LEWIS, Thomas Taylor, ed. Letters of Lady Brilliaua Harley
[1625-43] ; with introd. and notes. Lond., 1854. O. (Cani-
den Soc, v. 58.)
LEWIS, Virgil A. Historv of West Virginia. Phil., 1889. il. O.
LEWIS, W. H. A primer of college football. N. Y., 1896. il. S.
LETM:S, William Draper. Our sheep and the tariff. Phil., 1890.
158 p. tables. O. (Pub. of the Univ. of Penn. Pol. economy
and public law ser., v. 2.)
LEWIS, William Terrell. Genealogy of the Lewis family in Amer-
ica, from the middle of the ITth century to the present time.
Louisville, 1893. O.
LEWIS and Dryden. pubs. . Marine liistor}' of the Pacific north-
west; an illustrated review of the growth and development
of the maritime industry from the advent of the earliest nav-
igators to the present time, with sketches and portraits of a
\ number of well known marine men; ed. by E. W. Wright.
I Portland, il. pi. por. 1895. F.
LEWIS family.
LEWIS, W: T. Genealogy of the Lewis family in America. Louis-
ville, 1893. 0.
LEWIS Publishing Company. (Chicago). The bay of San Fran-
cisco, the metropolis of the Pacific coast and its suburban
cities: a history. Chic, 1892. 2 v. pi. pors. Q.
Memorial and biographical history of northern California.
Chic, 1891. pi. pors. Q.
Memorial and biographical history of the counties of Fresno,
Tulare, and Kern, California. Chic, [n. d.]. pi. pors. Q.
LIBRARY, The; a magazine of bibliography and literature; ed. by
J. Y. W. MacAlister. Lond., 1889-91. 3 v. O.
LIBRARY Association of Central California. Publications; no. 1.
S. F., 1897. D. pam.
KaincJii: No. 1. Shaw, A. B. Relation of libraries to the higher
LIBRARY chronicle: a journal of librarianship and bibliography;
ed. by E. C. Thomas, v. 1-5. Loud., 1881-88. 5 v. Q.
LIBRARY journal; official organ of the American Library Associa-
tion (continuation); v. 14-22; 1889-97. N. Y., 1889-97. 9 v.
LIBRARY of economics and politics; ed. by R. T. Ely. no. 1-3, 9,
n. N. Y., [c 1893-96]. 5 v. D.
Knnu'Ji/: No. 1. Kinley, D. The independent treasury of the United
States. 2. Scott, W: A. The repudiation of state debts. 3. Ely, R: T.
Socialism and social reform. 9. Dixon, Frank H. State railroad con-
trol. 11. Howe, F. C. Taxation and taxes in the U. S.
LIBRARY of historic characters and famous events of all nations
and all ages; edited bv A. R. Spofford [and others]. Memo-
rial ed.; v. 1-10. Phil.,' 1894-96. 10 v. pi. pors. Q.
LIBRARY of illustrated standard scientific works, vol. 12. Lond.,
1857. il. O.
Namely: Berkeley. M. J. Introduction to cryptogamic botany.
LIBRARY of philosophy; ed. by J. H. Muirhead. Lond., 1890-97.
12 V. O.
Namely: Bonar, J. Philosophy and political economy. Bosanquet,
B. History of aesthetics. Bradley, F. H. Appearance and reality.
Erdmann, J: E. History of philosophy. 3 v. Pflerderer, O. Develop-
ment of theology in Germany since Kant, and in Great Britain since
1825. Ritchie, D: G. Natural rights. Stout, G. F. Analytic psy-
chology. 2 v. Sigwart, S. Logic. 2 v.
LIBRARY of useful stories. N. Y., 1897. S.
Namely: Conn, H. W. Story of germ life.
LIBRARY of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. C:
D. Warren, editor; H. W. Mabie, L. G. Runkle, G: H. War-
ren, associate editors: Vol. 1-30. Autograph ed. no. 145.
N. Y., 1896-97. il. 30 v. O.
LICHTENSTEIN, Jules. Les c^pages am^ricains. Montpellier,
1874. 7 p. O.
Consid(^rations nouvelles sur la g^ndration des pucerons.
Paris, 1878. 15 p. pi. O. (Bd. with preceding.)
Histoire du phylloxera, pr^ced^e de considerations g^n^rales
sur les pucerons. Montpellier, 1878. 39 p. pi. O. (Bd. with
LJv'HTP]XSTEIX, Jules. I)e revolution biolooicjue des pucerons eu
y;eiH''ial el du phylloxera en pari ieuliei-. Turis, Boi'deaux,
1883. 31) p. S.
Les pucerons: mouographie des apliidiens; pt. 1. Montpellier,
1885. 185. p. pi. O.
LICQUET, Franyois Isidore {l-noivn a^ Theodore Licquet.) Rouen,
its history, monuments, and environs; a guide to travellers.
7th ed. tr. by M. H. Barguet. Rouen, 18G9. 11. map. 178
p. T.
LIDDON, Ilenrv I'arry. Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey; ed. by
J. O. Johnston and R. J. Wilson. 2d ed. v. 1-4. Lond., 1893-
90. 1 V. pors. O.
Sermons. N. Y., 1888. 192 p. D.
LIE, Jonas Lanritz Edemil. Weird tales from northern s(nis; tr.
from the Danish, by R. N. Bain. Loud., 1893. il. O.
LIEB, Hernmun. Emperor William I., the founder of the new Ger-
man empire. Chic., etc., 1888. il. pors. D.
The foes of the French revolution; centralization and anarchy.
Chic, etc., 1889. pi. pors. D.
LIEBER, Francis. Life and letters; ed. by T: S. Perry. Bost., 1882.
por. O.
Miscellaneous writings. Phil., 1881. 2 v. por. O.
Contents: V. 1. Reminiscences, addresses, and essays. 2. Contri-
butions to political science.
A popular essay on subjects of penal law and on uninterrupted
solitarv confinement at labor, as contradistinguished to soli-
tar v confinement at night and joint labor by day, in a letter
to J : Bacon. Phil., 1838. 94 p. O.
ir. Beaumont, G. A. de La B. de, and Tocqueville, A. C. H. 0.
de. On the penitentiary system in the U. S.
LIEBIG, Justus von.
SHENSTONE, W. A. Justus von Liebig, his life and work, 1803-1873.
N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
LIECHTENSTEIN, Marie. frincess. Holland house. 2d ed.
Lond., 1874. il. 2 v. O.
LIlilS, Eugene. Oration delivered upon the opening of new Pioneer
Hall, Jan. 8, 1863. 22 p. O. {In Cal. Pioneers. Orations
and poems, v. 2.)
LIFE; Julv, 189()-Dec., 1897. N. Y., 1890-97. 15 v. Q.
LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber. D.D. Essays on the w^ork entitled
Su])ernatural religion; reprinted from the Contemporary re-
view. Lond., 1889. O.
Saint Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon; a rev.
text with introductions, notes, and dissertations. 9th ed.
Lond., 1890. O.
Saint Paul's Einstle to the Galatians; a rev. text with intro-
duction, notes, and dissertations. 10th ed. Lond., 1890. O.
Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians; a rev. text with intro-
duction, notes, and dissertations. [0th ed.] Lond., 1890. O.
LILLEY, A, E. V., and Midgley, W. A book of studies in plant
form with some suggestions for their application to design.
N. Y., 1896. il. O.
-33 J
LILLIE, Arthur. The influence of Buddhism on primitive Christi-
anity. Lond., 1893. D.
LILLJEBORG, Wilhelm. Synopsis of the cetaceous mammalia of
Scandinavia. [Lond.,' 1806.] F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
LILLY, William.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of William Lilly, a rep-
resentative from Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Repre-
sentatives and in the Senate, Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895.
por. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
LILLY, William Samuel. A century of revolution. 2d ed. rev. enl.
Loud., 1890. O.
Characteristics from the writings of J : H. Newman : being se-
lections personal, historical, philosophical and religious,
from his various works. 8th ed. Lond., 1888. por. D.
Claims of Christianity. N. Y., 1894. O.
The great enigma. 2d ed. N. Y., 1893. O.
On right and wrong. Lond., 1890. O.
LINCOLN, Abraham. Complete works: comprising his speeches,
letters, state papers, and miscellaneous writings; ed. by J:
G. Nicolay and J: Hay. N. Y.. 1894. 2 v. por. facsim. O.
Political debates between A. Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.
Cleveland, 1894. O.
Response relative to the arrest of Vallandigham. (In Nat.
Union Assoc, of Ohio. Loyal pub. no. 3.)
Speeches: ed. and comp. by L. E. Chittenden. N. Y., 1895.
por. S.
Table talk; ed. by W: O. Stoddard. N. Y., [c. 1894]. 154 p. T.
The assassination of L. and the attempted assassination of W: H.
Seward and F. W. Seward on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865;
expressions of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events.
Wash., 1867. por. 0.
ALLEN, L. W. Abraham Lincoln: a poem. N. Y., 1896. 112 p. D.
BARTLETT, D. W. Life and public services of Hon. Abraham
Lincoln; to which is added a biographical sketch of Hon. Hannibal
Hamlin. Cin., 1860. D.
BROOKS, N. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery.
N. Y., 1894. il. por. D. (Heroes of the nations.)
CHITTENDEN, L. E. Recollections of president Lincoln and his ad-
ministration. N. Y., 1891. por. 0.
COFFIN, C: C. Abraham Lincoln. N. Y., 1893. il. pors. facsim.
music. 0.
GARFIELD, J. A. Remarks in the House of Representatives, April
14, 1866, on the first anniversary of the death of L. (In Republican
campaign docs. 1880.)
GREELEY on Lincoln; with Mr. Greeley's letters to Charles A. Dana
and a lady friend; to which is added reminiscences of Horace
Greeley; ed. by Joel Benton. N. Y., [c. 1893]. por. facsim. D.
HERNDON, W: H., and Weik, J. W. Herndon's Lincoln: the true
story of a great life; the history and personal recollections of
Abraham Lincoln. Chic, etc. [c. 1889]. 3 v. il. pi. pors.
facsim. D.
LELAND, C: G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the
U. S. N. Y., [1879]. por. D. (Makers of hist.)
McCLURE, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 3d ed.
Phil., 1892. pors. O.
MORSE, J: T. jr. Abraham Lincoln. Bost., 1893. 2 v. por. D.
(Amer. statesmen.)
NICOLAY, J: G:. and Hay, J: Abraham Lincoln: a history. N. Y.,
1890. 10 V. il. pors. maps. O.
SCHLIRZ, C. Abraham Lincoln: an essay. Host., 1892. 117 p. D.
VAN BUKEN, G. M. coini). Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice: being.
a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political and military;
also his public addresses, messages to Congress [etc.J. Cin., 1890.
por. D.
WHITNEY, H: C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. Bost., [c. 18ii2|.
pi. pors. facsim. 0.
[LINCOLN, Cieorge, and oihers.] History of the town of ilingluuu
Massachusetts. [Cambridge], 1893. 3 v. in 4. ii. pors.
maps. O.
LINCOLN, William. J.ectiires on the Book of the Revelation. N.
Y., [n.d.]. S.
LINCOLNSHJIIE (England). Chronicle of the rebellion in L., li(0;
ed. by J: C. Nichols. Lond., 1847. 28 p. {In Camden misc.
V. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
LINDEMANNO. Eduardo. Librorum in bibliotheca Specnlae I'lil-
covensis conteutorum catalogus systematicus; edemlum
curavit et praefatus est Otto Struve. Petropoli, 1880. ii.
LINDEEFELT, Klas August. Eclectic card catalog rules; author
and title entries. Bost.. 1890. 8-1-104 p. O.
Volapiik; an easy method of acquiring the universal language
constructed by J. M. Schleyer; prepared for the English-
speaking public on the basis of A. KirchhofE's Hilfsbuch by
L. 4th ed. Milwaukee, 1888. 130 p. S.
LINDGKEN, Waldemar. The gold-silver veins of Ophir, California.
{In U. S. Geol. Surv. 14th rept. pt. 2.)
See Melville, W: H., and Lindgren, W. Contributions to the
mineralogy of the Pacific coast.
LINDLEY, Curtis H. Treatise on the American law relating to
mines and mineral lands. S. F., 1896. 22 p. O. {In Pam. on
mines and mining: v. 1.)
LINDLEY, John. The theory of horticulture; or, An attempt to
explain the principal operations of gardening upon physiolo-
gical principles. 2d Amer. ed. with notes by A. J. Downing^.
N. Y., 1881. T).
LINDSAY, Margaret Isabella. The Lindsays of America: a gen-
ealogical narrative and family record. Albany, 1889. O.
LINDSAY, S: M., and Rowe, Leo S. trs. Constitution of the king-
dom of Italy. N. Y., 1894. O. (Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Soc.
Sci. Supp. to Annals.)
LINDSAY family.
LINDSAY, M. I. The Lindsays of America: a genealogical narrative
and family record. Albany, 1889. 0.
LTNDSEY, Charles. Life and times of W: L. Mackenzie; with. an
account of the Canadian rebellion of 1837 and the subsequent
frontier disturbances. Toronto, 1862. 2 v. in 1. pors. O.
LINDSLEY. John Berrien, ed. The military annals of Tennessee:
(confederate). First series: embracing a review of military-
operations with regimental histories and memorial rolls.
Nashville, 1886. pors. O.
LINEHAM, Wilfrid J. Text-book of mechanical engineering. T,ond.,
1894.' O.
JJNK, Heiui'ich Friedrich. Annual report on researches in physiol-
ogical botany during the years 1844-45. (Kay Soc. Pub. Re-
ports and papers on botany, 1S46.)
Report on the progress of physiological botany during the year
1841; tr. by E. Lankester. {Same. Reports on the progress
of zoology and botany, 1841-42.)
Same; for 1842-43; tr. by J. Hudson. {Same. Reports and
papers on botany, 1846.)
IJNN, John Blair, and Egle, William H. eds. Pennsylvania ar-
chives; 2d series, published under the direction of M. S.
Quay [and others] secretary of commonwealth; v. 1-14, 16
and app. to v. 7. Harrisburg, 1874-90. 15 v. in 16. pi. pors.
maps. O.
Note: W. H. Egle is sole editor of v. 13-14, 16.
Pennsylvania in the -wslv of the Revolution, battalions and
line, 1775-83. (Penn. archives, 2d ser. v. 10-11.)
LINN county (Mo.) History of Linn county Missouri. Birdsall and
Dean publishers. Kansas City, 1882. pors. map. O.
LINNEAN Societv of London. Transactions; v. 1-30; 2d ser. v.
1-2. Botany; v. 1-4. Zoology. Loud., 1791-1888. 36 v. in 31.
pi. F.
General index, vols. 1-30. Lond., 1867-76. 2 v. in 1. F.
J.INSCHOTEN, Jan Huijghen van. Account of the four English
men at Goa. [1594] . Diary of occurrences in the Portuguese
settlements in India 1583-88. [1594]. Of the viceroy of Por-
tugal [at Goa], and his government in India [1594]. Return
voyage from Goa to Enkhuisen, 1588-92, [1594] . Voyage in
a Portuguese carrack to Goa in 1583. {In Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 3.)
Exploits of the English in several expeditions and cruizing voy-
ages from 1589-92. {In Green, J: Voy. and travels, v. 1, p.
LINSLEY, John S. Jersey cattle in America. N. Y., 1885. il. Q.
LINTNER, J. A. Cut-worms. Albany, 1888. 36 p. il. O. {In N.
Y. State Museum of Nat. Hist. Bulletin; v. 1, no. 6.)
The white grub of the May beetle. Albany, 1888. 31 p. il. O.
{In Same, no. 5.)
LINTON, William James. The English republic; edited with in-
troduction and notes by Kineton Parkes. Lond., 1891. D.
(Soc. sci. ser.)
I/ife of John Greenleaf Whittier. Lond., 1893. O. (Great
The masters of wood-engraving. [Lond.], 1889. pi. F.
Threescore and ten years, 1820 to 1890. Recollections. N. Y.,
1894. ])or. O.
LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sara Jane Clarke, {pseud. Grace Greenwood.)
New life in new lands: notes of travel. N. Y., 1873. D.
LIPPINCOTT'S gazetteer of the world: a complete pronouncing
gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world. New rev.
ed. Phil., 1893. Q.
LIPPINCOTT'S magazine of literature, science, and education (con-
tinuation); V. 43-60. Phil., 1889-97. 18 v. O.
LIPPMANN, Friedricb. TLe ait of wood engraving in Italy in th»?
fifteenth century. English ed. with cor. and add. Lond.^
18S8. il. pi. Q.
LIPSIUS, Marie, {pseud. La Mara), coll. and ed. Letters of Fran/*
Liszt: tr. by C. Bache. N. Y., 1804. il. por. 2 v. D.
atid tr. S., C. P. Thoughts of great musicians.
LISCO, Frederick Gustav. The parables of Jesus explained and iE-
lustrated. Edin., 1853. S. (Clark's bib. cab. v. 2iJ.)
LISLE, :Marcus Claiborne.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of L., late a Representa-
tive from Kentucky, delivered in the House of Representatives and
the Senate, Fifty-third Congress, third session. Wash., 1895. pors.
Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D., v. 11.)
LISSAGAKAY, Prosper. History of the commune of 1871; tr. by
E. M. Aveling. Lond., 1886. O.
LISTS of foreign Protestants and aliens resident in England 1618^-
88: ed. by W: D. Cooper. [Lond.], 1862. 32-4-119 p. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 82.)
LISZT, Ferencz. called Franz. ahU. Letters: collected and edited
by La Mara (Marie Lipsius.) ; tr. by C. Bache. N. Y., 1804.
2 V. por. D.
HABETS, a. Liszt as sketched in the letters of Borodin. Lond.^
[1894]. D. {In Habets, A. Borodin and Liszt.)
LITERARY gazette and journal of belles lettres politics and fashion
(continuation); 1852-51). Lond., 1852-59. 8 v. Q. Title,
1852-55. Literary gazette and journal of belles lettres scienee-
and art: 1856-57. Literary gazette and journal of archaeol-
ogy science and art; 1858-59, Literary gazette; a weekly
journal of literature, science, and the fine arts.
LITERARY news; a monthly journal of current literature. New
series; v. 5-18: 1884-97. N. Y., 1884-97. 14 v. Q.
LITERARY year-book, 1897: ed. by F. G. Aflalo. N. Y., 1897.
pors. D.
LITTELL'S living age (continuation); v. 183-215. Bost., [1889-9.. J.
23 V. O.
A complete index comprising contents of the first hundred vol-
umes; bv Edward Roth; v. 1, [Biography]; v. 1, [Sub-
jects]. Phil., 1891. 2 V. O.
LITTLE, Andrew G. The Grey Friars in Oxford; pt. 1, A history
of the convent; pt. 2. Biographical notices of the friars;
togeth.-r with app. of original documents. Oxford, 1892. O.
LITTLE, Charles .T. Historical method of writing the history of
Christian doctrine. Wash., 1893. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Report. 1 893. Papers no. 7.)
History of America. S. F.. [c. 1896]. il. pi. Q. (Tn Wohri\
G : Storv of the nations.)
LITTLE, William John Knox. St. Francis of Assisi. his times, liff-,
and work. N. Y., 1897. por. O.
LITTLE journeys to the homes of American authors. 2d ser. com-
THlcd bv E. Hubbard. X. Y., [c. 1896.]. il. S.
LITTLEH \LES, G. W. The matrnetic dip or inclination. Wash.,
1897. O. (IT. S. Dept. of Navy. Hydro, office. Contrib. to
terr. mag. no. 114.")
l.IVERMORE, George. Historical research respecting the opinions
of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citi-
zens, and as soldiers; read before the Massachusetts Histori-
cal Society, August 14, 1SC2. 3d ed. Bost., 1863. O.
LIVERMORE, Marv Ashton. See Willard, F. E., and Livermore, M.
A. eds. Woman of the century.
LIVERMORE, William R. Report upon fog-signal experiments.
(U. S. Light-House Board Report, 1894. Appendix V.)
LIVES of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great
Britain, v. 1. Lond., 1840. S.
Namely: V. 1. Early writers.
LIVES of women saints of our contrie of England, also some other
lives of holie women written by some of the auncient fathers,
1610; ed for the first time from ms. Stowe 949, by C. Horst-
mann. Lond., 1886. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser.
no. 86.)
3JVINGST0N, Luther S. comp. American book-prices current: a
record of books, mss., and autographs sold at auction in N.Y.,
Bost., Phil., from Sept. 1, 1894-Sept. 1, 1897, with the prices
realized; v. 1-3. N. Y., 1895-97. 3 v. O.
LIVINGSTOTs^ county (Mo.). History of Caldwell and Livingston
counties, Missouri, from official and ijrivate sources
biographical sketches .... St. Louis, 1886. O.
HUGHES, T. David Livingstone. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng. men
of action.)
LIVIUS Patavinus, Titus. History of Rome; v. 1-2; books 1-30;
tr. by D. Spillan and C. Edmonds. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. D.
(Harper's new classical lib.)
Livy : books 21-22. ed. on the basis of Wolfflin's edition, with
introduction and maps by J : K. Lord. Bost., 1891. S.
(Student's Ser. of Latin Classics.)
LLOYD, Arthur, tr. Mayet, P. Agricultural insurance.
LLOYD, David Demarest. Poor Ogla-Moga. {In Stories by Amer.
authors, v. 3.)
LLOYD, Henrv Demarest. Wealth against commonwealth. N. Y.,
1894. 6.
LLOYD, John IJri. The chemistry of medicines. 6th ed. Cin.. 1888.
il. D.
LOBBAN, J. H. comp. English essays. N. Y., 1896. D. (War-
wick library.)
LOBEIRA, Vasco'^de. Amadis of Gaul; tr. from the Spanish ver-
sion of Garciordonez de Montalvo, by R. Southey. New ed.
Lond., 1872. 3 v. S.
LOCH, Charles S. Charity organization. 2d ed. Lond., 1892. 106
p. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
Bosanquet, B., and Dwyer, P. Criticisms on "General" Booth's
social scheme from three different points of view. Lond.,
1801. 1). (Soc. sci. ser.)
LOCH. Charles G. Warnford. Mining and ore-dressing machinery.
N. Y., 1890. il. F.
LOCK, Walter. The church. (Ti? Gore, C: ed. Lux mundi, 9.)
LOCKE, John, (-ouduct of the uiulcislMndin^^; ('<1. with introduc-
tion, notes, etc. by T: Fowler. ;Ul ed. cor. rev. Oxford, 1890.
24—1:^5 p. D. (('larendon Press ser.)
FRASER, A. C. Locke. Phil., 1890. por. S. (Philosophical classics.)
LOCKE, William Henry. The story of the regiment. Phil., 1868.
LOCKEK-LAMSON, Frederick. My confidences; an autobio-
giaphical sketch addressed to my descendants. 2d ed. Lend.,
1S9G. pors. O.
LOCKTNGTOX, W. N. Day-dreams. S. F., 1880. 131 p. 1.
LOCK^^•OOD, George Roe. M.D. A manual of the practice of med-
icine. Phil., 1896. 11. pi. D.
LOCK^^■OOD, Henry C. Constitutional history of France. Chic,
1890. pors. O. , ^ . ^
LOCKWOOD, Thomas D. Practical information for telephonists,
K Y. 1888. 192 p. S.
LOCKY ER,' Joseph Norman. The dawn of astronomy, a study of
the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians.
N. Y., 1897. il. O. ^^ ^
The meteoric hypothesis: a statement of the results of a spec-
troscopic in(iuiry into the origin of cosmical systems. Lond.,
1890. pi. O. ^ .
LODEMAX, E. G. The spraying of plants . . .^ . for the purpose of
destroying insects and fungi. N. Y., 1897. il. S. (Rural sci.
ser.) . p ^,
LODGE, Rev. Barton, ed. Palladius on husbondrie; from the unique
ms of about 1420 A. D. in Colchester castle; with a rhyme
index by S. J. H. Herrtage. Lond., 1873-79. O. (Early Eng.
Text So\'. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 52. 72.)
LODGE Edmund. The peerage and baronetage of the British em-
pire as at present existing. 16th ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1891.
BOWES R and Douglas, J. Index of portraits in "Lodges por-
traits." (r» IndexSoc. Pub., V. 7. 1880. Kept. 2d annual meeting.
App. 1.)
XODGE, Henrv Cabot. Boston. N. Y., 1891. D. (Historic towns.)
Certain accepted heroes, and other essays in literature and pol-
itics. N. Y., 1897. D. .XX
George Washington. Bost., 1890. 2 v. D. (Amer. statesmen.)
A short history of the English colonies in America. Rev. ed.
N. Y., [c. 1881]. O. . ,. X
and Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history.
X. Y., 1895. il. D. ^ , ^ T ^
LOD(iE. Oliver Josei)h. Modern views of electricity. 2d ed. Lond.,
1892 il. D. (Xature ser.)
LODGE, Richard. Richelieu. Lond.. 1896. D. (Foreign states-
LODGE, Thomas. Rosnlvnd's Madrigal. 1590. (^7? Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 2, p. 115.)
LODl Roview-Bndget fwoelvlv] ; Jan. 4. 1894-Dec. 28, 1895. Lodi,
1894-95. F. ^ ^ T
LOEWEXTHAL, Richard. See Knecht, E., Rawson, C, and Loew-
enthaL R. Manual of dyeing.
LOFTIE, William John. London city: its history, streets, traifiCv
buildings, people; illustrated by W. Luker from original
drawings. Loud., 1891. il. pi. Q.
LOGAN, John Alexander, yen.
COOICE, V. S. Life and public services of Hon. J. G. Blaine; to which
is added Life of Gen'l J. A. Logan. Syracuse, N. Y., [c. 1884]. il.
pors. D.
LOGAN, John Alexander, jr. In joyful Russia. N. Y., 1897. il. 1).
LOGAN, L. B. Practical carp culture, [n. t. p. 1891.] 129 p. il. O.
LOGEMAN, H. cd. The rule of S. Benet; Latin and Anglo-Saxon
interlinear version; ed. with an introduction and notes.
Lond., 1888. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
LOK, John. capt.
SECOND voyage to Guinea, in 1554; written by one of the principal
pilots. {In Green, .T: Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 144.)
LOLLIS, Cesare de. ed. Autografi di Cristoforo Colombo con pre-
fazione e trascrizione diplomatica. Roma, 1892. F. (In
Italy. Com. Colombiana Raccolta di documenti e studi pub-
licati dalla R. Com. Colombiana. Pt. 1, v. 3, and supp.)
Scritti di Cristoforo Colombo publicati ed illustrati da
C. de L. Roma, 1892-93. 2 v. F. (In Italy Com. Colombiana
Raccolta di documenti e studi publicati dalla R. Com. Colom-
biana. Pt. 1, V. 1-2.)
LOMAX, Joseph. Genealogical and historical sketches of the Lo-
max family. Gr. Rapids, 1894. por. O.
LOMAX family.
LOMAX, J. Genealogical and historical sketches of the Lomax fam-
ily. Grand Rapids, 1894. por. O.
LOMBROSO, Cesare. The man of genius. Lond., 1891. il. pi. D.
(Contemp. sci. ser.)
omd Ferrero, William. The female offender, with an introduc-
tion by W. D. Morrison. N. Y., 1895. il. D. (Criminology
LOM]':;NIE, Henri Auguste de. comte de Brlenne. M^moires; conte-
nant les ^v^nemens les plus remarquables du regne de Louis
Xin, et de celui de Louis XIV, jusqu'a la mort du Cardinal
Mazarin. {In Col. des m^m. rel. h Thist. de France, 1824, s. 2,
V. 35-36.)
LONDON. Directory.
POST office London directory for 1897. 98th annual publication.
Lond., 1897. Q.
■ International Exhibition, 1851. The great exhibition of the
world's industry held in London in 1851 ; described and illus-
trated by beautiful steel engravings, from daguerreotypes by
Beard, Mayall, etc. Lond., [n. d.]. 2 v. pi. D.
Reports by the Juries on the subjects in the thirty classes.
into which the exhibition was divided. Lond., 1852. Q.
Society of Antiqaories.
PEACOCK, E. Index to engravings in the proceedings. Lond., 1885.
2.1 p. O.
CRONIQUES de London depuis I'an 44 Hen. IH, jusqu'a I'an 17 Edw.
III. ed from a ms. in the Cottonian library, by G: J. Aungier.
Lond., 1844. 21-|-112 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 28.)
LONDON chronicle diirinj,- the reigns of Henry VII and Henry.
VIII; ed. from the original ms. in the Cottonian library of
the British Museum by Clarence Hopper. Loud., 1859. 21 p.
O. {In Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
LONDON garland ,selected from five centuries of English verse, by
W: E. Henley, with pictures by members of the Society of
illustrators. ^Lond., 181>.j. il. pi. Q.
LONDON Linnean Society. See Linuean Society of London.
LONDON magazine; v. 1-10; 1820-24; n. s. v. 1-10; 1825-28; 3d ser>
V. 1-a; lS2S-2<». Lond., lS2()-[2!»]. 23 v. O.
LONDON quarterly review (continuation); v. 07-88. Lond., 1887-97.
22 V. O.
LONDONDERRY, ^tlarquis of. See Vane, C. W. S.
LONELICH, Herrv. //•. History of the holy grail; Englisht from
the French prose of Sires [Robert and Helid] de Borron; pL
1-4. Lond., 1874-78. 2 v. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Extra ser. no. 20. 24, 28, 30.)
LONG. Charles Edward, ed. Diary of the marches of the royal
army during the great civil war, kept by R: Symonds; from
the original ms. in the British Museum. [Lond.], 1859. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 74.)
LONG, Enoch.
REID, H. Biographical sketch of E. Long, an Illinois pioneer. Chic,
1884. por. O. (Chic. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2.)
LONG, Bev. James. Eastern proverbs and emblems illustrating old
truths. Lond., 1881. O. (Triibner's oriental ser.)
LONG, John Davis. After-dinner and other speeches. Bost., 1895.
ed. The republican party: its history, principles, and policies.
N. Y., 1888. por. O.
LONG, Kingesmill. tr. Barclay, T: Argenis; or. The loves or Po-
liarchus and Argenis.
LONG. Stephen Harriman. Voyage in a six-oared skiff to the Falls
of St. Anthony in 1817; with introductory note by E. D.
Neill. (Tn ^Minnesota Hist. Soo. Col., v. 2.)
LONG ISLAND, (Suffolk Co., N. Y.).
PELLETREAU, W: S. Early Long Island wills of Suffolk County,
lGni-1703. ..... with genealogical an. pam. O.
State Treasurer, liiennial report; 1880-81, 1881-85, 1888-8U.
Baton Rouge, New Orleans, 1882-UU. 4 pams. O.
LOUNSBUKY, Thomas Bayneslord. History of the English Ian-
guage. N. Y., 188i>. JS. (Liaudbooks for students and gen-
eral readers ser.)
(Studies in Chaucer: his life and writings. N. Y., 1892. 3 v.
por. O.
LOVE, \\ illiam De Loss. Wisconsin in the war of the rebellion: a
history of all regiments and batteries that state has sent to
the tield. Chic, 1806. por. O.
LOVE songs of France, from the originals of De Musset, Gautier,
Hugo, Girardin, Beauclaire, [and others]. N. Y., 1890. il.
172 p. D.
LOW, Charles llathbone. The great battles of the British army;
with continuation to the present time, including the Soudan
campaign. Lond., 1885. col. pi. D
Great battles of the British navy from the earliest period down
to the present time. New ed. Loud., [u. d.]. pi. D.
Life and correspondence of Field-Marshal Sir George Pollock.
Lond., 1873. por. O.
Major-General Sir Frederick S. Koberts: a memoir. Lond.,
1883. por. O.
A memoir of Lieutenant- General Sir Garnet J. Wolseley.
Lond., 1878. 2 v. D.
Soldiers of the Victorian age. Lond., 1880. 2 v. O.
LOW, Frederick F. Inaugural address, 1803. (In Cal. Gov. In-
augural addresses, 1849-91.)
LOW, Will H. The art of the White City. {In Millet, F. D. Some
artists at the Fair.)
Lamia, bv John Keats; with illustrative designs by L. Phil.,
1885. 07 p. il. pi. F.
LOWDERMILK, Will H. History of Cumberland, Maryland, from
the time of the Indian town, Caiuctucuc in 1728, up to the
present dav. Wash., 1878. pi. maps. O.
LOWE, Charles. ^ Alexander III of Russia. N. Y., 1895. D.
LOWE, John. Medical missions, their place and power. 3d ed.
N. Y., [n. d.]. D.
LOWE. Robert W. ed. See Archer, W:, and Lowe, R. W. eds.
Dramatic essays.
LOWE, Thomas. Central India during the rebelion of 1857 and
1858 Lond., 1800. map. D.
LOWELL, Abbott Lawrence. Governments and parties in conti-
nental Europe. Bost., 1890. 2 v. O.
LOWELL, Edward Jackson. The eve of the French revolution.
Bost., 1892. O.
LOWELL, Francis Cabot. Joan of Arc. Bost, 1890. maps. O.
LOWELL, James Russell. Works. Standard library edition. Bost.,
[c. 1870-02]. 11 V. pi. pors. O.
Coittcitts: Vol. 1-4. Literary essays. 5. Political essays. 6. Literary
and political addresses. 7-10. Poetical works. 11. Latest literary es-
says and addresses: Old English dramatists.
Complete poetical works. Cambridge ed. Bost., [c. 1896].
por. O.
■ Fable for critics. Bost., 1892. pors. 101 p. D.
Last poems. Bost., 1895. 47 p. por. O.
Letters: ed. by C: E. Norton. N. Y., 1894. pors. 2 v. O.
UNDERWOOD, F*. H. The poet and the man: recollections and ap-
preciations or James Russell Lowell. Bost., 1893. 138 p. pors.
facsim. D.
LOWELL, Percival. Choson: the land of the morning calm: -a
sketch of Korea. Bost., 1888. pi. O.
Mars. Bost., 1895. il. pi. O.
Noto; an unexpected corner of Japan. Bost., 1891. D.
Occult Japan; or, The way of the gods: an esoteric study of
.Japanese personality and possession. Bost., 1895. pi. D.
XOWRIE, Walter, [and others], eds. American state papers. See
U. S. Cong. misc.
XOWRY, Robert, and McArdle, William H. A history of the Missis-
sippi from the discovery of the Great River by Hernando
De Soto, including the earliest settlement made by the
French under Iberville to the death of Jefferson Davis. Jack-
son, 1891. O.
LOYAL, C. The squatter and the Don. S. F., 1885. D.
LOYAL Legion of the United States. See Military Order of the
Loyal Legion of the TJ. S.
LOYAL Publication Society. See New York Loyal Publication So-
LOYD, Samuel. Chess strategy: a treatise upon the art of problem
composition. Elizabeth, N. J., 1878. il. por. O.
cd. Scientific American chess record, il. pors. F. (Scientific
Amer. supp. Aug. 11, 1877-Aug. 3, 1878.)
LOYER, Godef roy. Abstract of a voyage to Issini on the gold coast
in 1701; with a description of the country and its inhabitants,
tr. from the French. (In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 2,
p. 417.)
LOYES, Charles Auguste. (pseud. Georges Montbard.) The land
of the Sphinx. N. Y., 1894. il. pi. Q.
LUBIN, David. A novel proposition : no. 1-3. Sac, 1893-94. O. {In
Tracts on labor, v. 1.)
LUBBOCK Sir John. Addresses, political and educational. Lond.,
1879. O.
The beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in.
N. Y., 1892. il. pi. D.
Flowers, fruits and leaves. Lond., 1896. il. D. (Nature ser.)
Monograph of the collembola and thysanura. Lond., 1873. col.
pi. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
On British wild flowers considered in relation to insects.
Lond., 1893. il. D. (Nature ser.)
l.rniiOC'K, Sir John. Ou the senses, instincts, and intelligence of
animals; with especial reference to insects. N. V., 188.S. il.
1). (Int. sci. sei*., v. ()4.j
Scientitic lectures. Lond., lS7i). il. i»l. O.
The use of life. N. Y., IS>J5. 1).
LUCAS, Charles Trestwood. Historical geography of the British
colonies (conlinuation; v. 'A. Oxford, 18yO-J>4. 2v. maps.
L'uiitciit,'<: Vol. 2. West Indian colonips. 3. West Al'i-icu.
LUCAS, Frederic A. Notes on the preparation of rough skeleions.
W ash., 181)1. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu.- Bull. no. 39, pt. C.)
The weapons and wings of birds. (Smithsonian report, iS!)3.
U. S. Nat. Mu.) (U. S. Cong. H. M. I), v. 30.)
LUCE, Morton. A handbook to the works of Alfred, Lord T<'nny-
son. Lond., 1895. S.
LUCE, Kobert. Second essay. (/« Eciuilable taxation: six essays.)
LUDINGTON, M. L lieui.-coL I'niform of the army of the United
States illustrated from 1774-1881). J'ublished by the Quarter-
master-general. [Wash., 181)3.] col. pi. ¥
LUDLOW, Henry H., and Bass, Edgar W. Elements of trigonome-
try; with logarithmic and other tables. 3d ed. N. Y., 181)1.
LUDLOW, (Shropshire, Eng.).
CHURCHWARDEN'S accounts from 1540 to the end of the reign of Q.
Elizabeth, ed. by T: Wright. [Westminster]. 18'69. 7-|-184 p. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 102.)
LUFFMAN, Charles Bogue. A vagabond in Spain. N. Y., 181)r>. D.
LUGRIN, Charles H. puh. Yukon gold fields: map showing routes
from Victoria, B. C, to the various mining camps on the Yu-
kon river and its branches; mining regulations of the Domin-
ion government and forms of application. Wash., 1897. map.
32 p. O. pam.
[LUKIN, FiP.v. James.] The amateur mechanic's workshop: a
treatise containing plain and precise directions for the
manipulaton of wood and metals. Gth ed. Lond., 1880.
2-fl48p. il. pi. O.
Toy making for amateurs. Lond., [n. d.]. il. D.
The young mechanic; containing directions for the use of all
kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and
mechanical models; from the Eng. ed. with cor. N. Y., 1888.
ed. Turning lathes: a manual for technical schools and ap-
prentices. Lond., 1888. 158 p. il. D.
LT^MBY, Tier. Jose])h Rawson. ed. Be domes daege, De die judicii;
an old English version of th(^ Latin ])oem ascribed to Bede;
ed. with other short ]»oems from the uni(]ue ms. in the library
of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Lond., 187(5. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 05.)
Bernardus de cura rei familiaris, with some early Scottish
prophecies, etc., from a ms. in the Cambridge University li-
brary. Lond., 1870. O. {Same, no. 42.)
lil.MKY, Uev. Joseph Rawson. ed. King Horn, with tragments ol
Floi'iz and Blauchetlui', and of The assumption of our lady,*
ed. with notes and glossary. Lond., 186G. O. {Same, no.
Katis raving and other moral and religious pieces in prose
and verse; ed. from the Cambridge University ms. Lond.,
1870. O. {Same, no. 43.)
IjUMHOLTZ, Carl. Among cannibals, an account of four years'
traveling in Australia and of camp life with the aborigines of
Queensland. N. Y., 1896. il. por. maps. O. (Lib. of con-
tem. exp, and adv.)
XUMMItS, Charles Fletcher. The land of poco tiempo. N. Y., 1893.
11. O.
The man who married the moon, and other Pueblo-Indian folk-
stories. N. Y., 1894. il. U.
A tramp across the continent. N. Y"., 1892. D.
LUNEMANN, Gottlieb, Critical and exegetical handbook to the
epistle to the Hebrews; tr. from 4th ed. of the German, by
M. J. Evans. Edin., 1882. O. (Meyer's Com. on N. T.)
Same; to the epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians; tr. from
the 3d ed. of the German, by P. J. Gloag. Edin., 1884. O.
LUNT, Horace. Across lots. Bost., [c. 1887]. D.
LUPKE, Robert. Elements of electro-chemistry treated experi-
mentally; tr. by M. M. P. Muir. Lond., 1897. il. O.
LUSIGXAN, Annie de. princess. The twelve years' reign of His
Imperial Majesty, Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey. Lond.,
1889. pi. D.
LUTHARDT, Christoph Ernst. St. John's Gospel described and ex-
plained according to its peculiar character; tr. by C. R.
Gregorv. Edin., 1876-78. 3 v. O.
LUTHER. Martin.
AUniN, J. M. V. History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Lu-
ther; tr. from the last French ed. by W: B. Turnbull. Lond., 1854.
2 V. O.
LUTRAND, F. Conservation du sang destine a la clarification des
vins. [Montpellier, n. d.]. 10 p. {In Pamphlets on viticul-
ture, V. 1.)
Industrie s^rig^ne: de I'^touffement des chrysalides dans les
cocons des vers a soie, nouvelle mani^re de I'obtenir. 2* t^d.
Montpellier, 1863. 9+38 p. S.
'^LUTZOW, Francis, count. Bohemia, an historical sketch. Lond.,
1896. maps. O.
LTALL, Sir Alfred Comyn. Verses written in India. Lond., 1893.
138 p. S.
Warren Hastings. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng. men of ac-
LYALL, Charles James. Translations of ancient Arabian poetry,
chieflv prae-islamic, with an introduction and notes. Lond.,
1885. " O.
X.YDE, Robert. A true and exact account of the retaking of a ship
called The Friends' Adventure, of Topsham from the French,
1693. (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 7, p. 421.)
LYDEKKIOK, Kkhard. cd. Tho royal iialural history, with a pre-
lacy by T. L. Sclater; v. 1-G. l.oiid., i81):5-i)0. Gv. 11. pi. Q.
Contenla: V. 1-2. Mammals. 3. Mammals and birds. 4. Birds. 5.
Birds and reptiles. 6. In^'ertebrates.
Sec Flower, W: 11:, and Lydekker, K: An introduction to the
study of uiammals.
LYDGATE, John. The childe of Bristow; ed. from orij^inal ms. in
the liritish jNluseuui, by Clarence Hopper, Lond., 1850. 27 p.
O. (//( Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v, 73.)
Order of fools: in number threescore and three. Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 8.)
Temple of Glas; ed. with introduction and notes bv J. Schick.
Lond., 1891. O. {Same, no. GO.)
The siege of Hartleur and the battle of Agincourt, 141;"). (In
Arber, E: Eng. Garn(n% v. 8, p. 13.)
Verses on the kings of England. {In Hist, coll.; ed. by J.
Gardner. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 17.)
LYDSTON, G. Frank. Stricture of the urethra. Chic, 1893. il.
pi. O.
LY^ELL, Charles.
BONNEY, T. G. Charles Lyell and modern geology. N. Y., 1895.
por. D. (Cent. Sci. ser.)
LYFORD, Bev. C. P. The Mormon problem : an appeal to the Amer-
ican people. N. Y., 188G. D.
LYLE, ^faria Catharine Xourse. cotnp. James Nourse and his de-
scendants. Lexington, 1897. il. 103 p. O.
LYMAN, Azel S. Historical chart; containing the prominent
events of the civil, religious and literary history of the world,
from the earliest times to the present day. Cin., etc., 1875.
[no paging], pi. sq. F.
LY^NCH, H. B. F. Ascent of Mount Ararat. {In Out-of-door lib.
Mountain climbing.)
LYNCH, James Daniel. The bench and bar of Mississippi. N. Y.,
1881. O.
LYNCH, Jeremiah. Egyptian sketches. Lond., 1890. pi. O.
LYND, James W. The religion of the Dakotas. {In Minnesota Hist.
Soc Col., V. 2.)
LYNDE, Benjamin, and Benjamin jr. Diaries, [1690-1780] ; with
an appendix. Bost., 1880. pors. facsim. O.
LYNDSAY or Lvndesay, Sir David. [Works] ; pt. 1-5. Pt. 1-4 ed.
bv F. Hall ; 5 ed. by J. A. H. Murray. Loud., 1805-71. 2 v. O.
Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no 11, 19, 35, 37, 47.)
Cnnleiitft: Pt. 1-2. Ane dialog betiiix experience and ane coiirteour,
off the miserabyll estait of the world; for. The monarchel. 2. Tragedle
of David, cadinall and archibyschope of Sanctandrovs.ptc; — Testament
and complaynt of our Soverane Lordis paplngo, Kyng .Tames the Fyft;
— The "dreme;— Complaynt of L. . 3. Historie of ane nobil and waily-
and sqvyer, William Meldnim. [and] Testament. 4. Ane satyre of
the thrie estaits. 5. Minor poems. Nicol. J: Sketch of Scottish poe-
try up to the time of L., with an outline of his works. — Deploratioun
of Queue Magdalene, [15371 :— Answer to ye Kingis flyting, [1536]; —
Complaint and publict confession of the kingis auld hound Bagsche,
[ah. 1.'3361; — supplicatioun in contemptioun of syde taillis and missel-
lit facis, [15381:— Kitteis confessioun, [betw. 1537 and 15411 ;—Justyng
betuix James Watsoun and Jhone Barbour, [ab. 15381 ;—DescriptIoun
of Peder Coffeis having na regaird till honestie in thalr vocatioun.
LYON, David Gordon. An Assyrian manual for the use of begin-
ners in the studv of the Assyrian language. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1892. 45+142 p."^ O.
LYON, George Francis. capU Private journal during the recent
vovage of discover v under Captain Parry, New ed. Lond.,
1825. pi. map. (3.
LYON, Irving Whitall. The colonial furniture of New England : a
study of the domestic furniture in use in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries. Bost., 1891. pi. Q.
LYONS, Capt. H. G. asst. ed. See Broderick, M. Handbook of
LYRIC poets: edited by Ernst Rhvs. Lond., [1895-97]. il. 10 v.
Namely: Beaumont and Fletcher. Bible, 2 v. Robert Burns. Thom-
as Campion. Robert Herrick. Sir Philip Sidney. Percy Bysshe Shel-
ley. Edmund Spenser. William Wordsworth.
LYSONS, Sir Daniel, gen. The Crimean war from first to last.
Lond., 1895. por. D.
LYTTELTON, Arthur. The atonement, {In Gore, C: ed. Lux
mundi, 7,)
LYTTELTON, William Henry. Bovet, F. Egypt, Palestine and
M.. n.. and T., M. A. R. TTniHl-book to ublic schools of Philadelphia. (In
Indus. Ed. .\ssoc. ]Monograi»hs, v. 3.)
McALPTNE. AMlliam J. Memoir on the water supply of the city of
San Francisco. S. F., 1879. IS ].. O. i/// S. F.. pamps.,
V. 2.)
McANALLY, Ravid Rice. jr. Irish wonders; ])oi)ular tales
as told by the peojde. P.ost. and X. Y., 1888. il. ])\. O.
^fcARTIIT'R, Ellen A. See Cunninghauj, W., and McArthur, E. A.
Outlines of English industrial history.
McARTIIT'R, J. N. Government. Loud., 1892. 120]). D.
McARTIII^R, William Ale.xandcr. The imperial aspect. (In
White. .\.. and others. Destitute alien.)
MACAULAY, Thomas Babington. himn.
CLARK. P. Index to Trevelyan's Life and letters of Lord Macauley,
cabinet edition. 1878. (Index Soc. Pub., v. 6, 1879.)
McCABP^, James Dabney. Our martyred president: the life and
public services of Gen. James A. Garfield; together with the
history of his assassination. Syracuse, N. Y. [c. 1881]. iL
pi. pors. D.
MACCAB .'EUS, Judas.
CONDER, C. R. Judas Maccabaeiis and the Jewish war of independ-
ence. N. Y., [1879]. il. D. (Makers of hist.)
McCain, C. C. comp. Compendium of transportation theories:
being essays by eminent experts. Wash., [c. 1894]. O.
(Kensington series, 1.)
McCALLEY, Henry. Keport on the coal measures of the plateau
region of Alabama. (In Ala. Geol. Surv., 1891.)
McCARDLE, William Henry. See Lowry, R., and McCardle, W: H.
History of Mississippi.
McCARTHA,^ C. L. Lost tribes of Israel; or. The first of the red
men. Phil., 1891. D.
McCarthy, Carlton. Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the
army of northern Virginia, 1861-65; with illustrations by
W: L. Sheppard. Richmond, 1882. il. pi. D.
McCarthy, Justin. History of the four Georges (continuation);
V. 2. Lond., 1890. O.
The story of Gladstone's life. N. Y., 1897. 11. O.
McCARTHY,^Iustin Huntley. The French reyolution; v. 1. N. Y.,
1890. D.
ed. The thousand and one days: Persian tales. Lond., 1892.
2 V. pi. D.
McCLATCHY, Valentine Stuart, mid Charles Kenney. Sacramento
county and its resources; a souvenir of the Bee, 1894. [Sac.,.
c. 1894]. il. pi. pors. obi. O.
McCLELLAN, George. ilf.D. Regional anatomy' in its relation lo
medicine and surgery. Phil., 1894. il. pi. 2 v. Q.
McCLELLAN, George Brinton. maj.-gen.
EDGE, F. M. Major-general McClellan and the campaign on the York-
town peninsula. Lond., 1865. map. D.
HURLBERT, W: H. General McClellan and the conduct of the wg-r.
N. Y., 1864. maps. O.
McClelland, Margaret Greenwav. The old post-road. N. Y.,*
[c. 1894].' 163 p. S.
McCLUMPHA, Charles Flint [and others], trs. Essays, speeches
and memoirs of Field-Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke.
N. Y., 1893. 2 V. O.
McCLURE, Alexander Kelly. Abraliam Lincoln and men of war
times; with introduction by A. C. Lambdin. 3d ed. Phil.,
1892. pors. O.
> Address on the life and services of Andrew G. Curtin, deliv-
ered in the House of Representatives at Harrisburg, Pa., Jan.
20,1895. [Harrisburg], 1895. por. 35 p. O.
McCLURE, J. B. ed. Edison and his inventions. Chic, 1889. il.
por. D.
McCLURE'S magazine: v. 4-9; Nov. 1894-Oct. 1897. N. Y., 1894-
97. 6 V. O.
MAC <^OLL, Bev. Mnlcoliu. The Enstcrn question: its facts and fal-
lacies. Lond., 1877. map. O.
McCOKMICK, Stephon J. The pope and Ireland: containing newly
disoovered historical facts concerning the forged bulls attrib-
uted to ])opes Adrian IV and Alexander III. S. F., 1889. O.
McCOSH, James. First and fundamental truths: being a treatise
on metaphysics. N, Y., 188i). I).
Lif(^ of M., a record chiefly autobiographical; ed. by W: M--
Sloane. N. Y., 181)<). pors. O.
Psychology; the cognitive powers. N. Y., 1889. I).
Psycholouv the motive powers; emotions, conscience, wilL
N, Y., 1888. D.
McCRAY, Florine Thaver. The life work of the author of Uncle
Tom's cabin. N." Y., 1889. D.
McCREA. Robert Barlow. Kent. -col. Lost amid the fogs: sketches
of life in Newfoundland. Lond., 1869. il. O.
McCULLOCH, Hugh. Addresses, speeches, lectures and letters,
upon various subjects, ^^'ash., 1891. O.
McCULLOCH, John Ramsey. Treatise on metallic and paper-
money and banks. Edin. and Lond., 1858. 79 p. Q.
MACCUNN, John. Ethics of citizenship. N, Y., 1894. D.
Same. Glasgow, 1897. 148 p. D.
McCURDY, James Frederick. History, prophecy and the monu-
ments; or, Israel and the nations; v. 1-2. N. Y., 1895-97.
maps. 2 V. O.
Cnutciits. V. 1. To the downfall of Samaria. 2. To the fall of
McCURDY family.
SALISBURY, E: E., and E. McC. Family histories and genealogies
on the families of McCurdy, Mitchell, Lord [and others].
[New Haven], 1892. charts. 3 v. in 5. F.
McDER:\IOTT, Anthony W. adj. A brief history of the 69th regi-
ment Pennsylvania veteran Volunteers from its formation
until final muster out of the United States service; also an
account of the reunion of the survivors of the Philadelphia
Brigade and Pickett's division of confederate soldiers and
the dedication of the monument of the 69th regiment Penn-
sylvania Infantrv at Gettvsburg July 2-3, 1887, by Capt. John
E. Reilley [n. p.]. 101 p.' il. pi. 'O.
McDERMOTT, Hugh Farrar. Poems; epic, comic, and satiric. S.
F., 1857. 32 p. T. pamp.
MAC DILL, D. D.D. The Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch de-
fended against the views and aignments of Voltaire. Paine,.
Colenso. Reuss, Graf, Kuenen. and Wellhausen. Pittsburgh^
1896. D.
MACDOXAGH, .Alidiael. The book of i)arliament. Lond.. 1897. O.
MAC DONALD, Arthur. Abnormal man: being essays (m educa-
tion and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature
and a bibliography. Wash.. 1893. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed-
Circ. of Inform,. 1893, no. 4.)
Criminologv; with an introduction by l>r. Cesare Lombroso.
N. Y., 1893. D.
McDonald, Donald. Sweet-scented flowers and fragant leaves
with notes on their history and utility. N. Y., 1895. col. pL
136 p. D.
McDonald, Edward Francis.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of E. F. McDonald, a
representative from New Jersey, delivered in the House of Repre-
sentatives and in the Senate, Fifty-second Congress. Wash., 1893.
por. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
:MACD0NALD, George. Doiial Grant. Bost., [n. d.]. D.
■ England's antiphon. [Lond., 1868]. pi. D.
Guild court: a Loudon storv. Bost., [n. d.]. D.
Home again. N. Y., 1888. 'd.
Lilith; a romance. N. Y., 1895. D.
The marquis of Lossie. Bost., [n. d.]. D.
Paul Faber, siirgeon. N. Y., [n. d.]. D.
Sir Gibbie. Bost., [n. d.]. D.
Thomas Wingfold, curate. Bost., [n. d.]. D.
- — -What's mine's mine. Bost., [c. 1886]. D.
MACDONALD, George A. How successful lawyers were educated.
N. Y., 1896. por. O.
MACDONALD, J. R. L. fnaj. Soldiering and surveying in British
East Africa, 1891-1894. Lond., 1897. il. maps. O.
MACDONALD, Jacques Etienne Joseph Alexander, marshal.
Recollections of Marshal Macdonald, duke of Tarentum. ed. by C.
Rousset; tr. by S. L. Simeon. Lond., 1892. 2 v. pors. pi. O.
McDOXALD, James M. Illustrations of west American oaks; from
dniwings by Albert Kellogg; the text by Edward L. Greene.
I'ub. from funds provided by McD. S.'f., 1889. 12-^-84 p.
pi. F.
MACPHERSON, J. P. Life of Sir John A. Macdonald. St. John, N.B.,
1891. 2 V. per. O.
McDONATjD, Malcolm. Harmony of ancient history and chronol-
ogy of the Egyptians and Jews. Phil., 1891. O.
MACDONELL, G. P. From the insurrectionary movement of 1848
to the land Act of 1870. (In Two centuries of Irish history.)
NICOLL, W. R. James Macdonell, journalist. Lond., 1890. por. O.
MACDONOUGH, A. R. Nepigon river Ashing. {In Yale, L. M.
[and others]. Angling.)
McDOUGAL, John. Inaugural address, 1851. (//; Cal. Gov. In-
augural addresses, 1849-91.)
McDOUGALL, James A. French interference in Mexico; speech
in the U. S. Senate, Feb. .3, 1863. Bait., 1863. 30 p. O.
(//( Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
McDOUGALL, Marion Gleason. Fugitive slaves, 1619-1865; pre-
pared under the direction of A. B. Hart. Bost., 1891. 8^-150
p. O. (Fay House. Mon. no 3.)
McDO\^'ELL. Henry B. The Marquis of Aguayo. {In Short
stories, by Cal. authors.)
McDITFFEE. Franklin. History of the town of Rochester, New
Hampshiiv, from 1722 to 1890; ed. and rev. by Silvanus Hay-
ward. Manchester, 1892. 2 v. pi. pors. plans. fac-
sim. O.
atJJ^Eh'AL DETAli'lMENT. 537
AUKIjKO^', Jost'pli ('. Record of the Ohio ('hickaiiiiui^a and (Chat-
tanooga National l*ark Conmiission. Cincinuali, iSiXj. 11.
map. O.
MACKWEN, Williani. .1/./^. Atlas of head sections. N. Y., 1893.
il. pi. Q.
I'yojicnic infective diseases of tlie hrain and s])inal cord: me-
ninjiitis. abscess of the brain, infective siuus thrombosis.
Glaso-ow. 1S1);{. il. O.
McFAKLAXI), Joseph. M.D. A text-book upon the pathogenic
bacteria. Phil., 18!)(J. il. O.
MACFAKIvAXE, James W. Practical notes on pipe founding. N.
v., 18SS. <)-:,-U8i». Pl- O.
MACFTK, KobeT-t Andrew, romp. Cries in a ci'isis for statesman-
ship, ])0])ular and })atriotic, to test and contest fi'ee-trade in
manufactures; with an api)endix containing the French
treat V, the French shipping bountv scheme [etc.]. 2d ed.
Lond", 1881. O.
McGEE, B. F., historian, Jewell, W: R. ed. History of the 72d In-
diana A'olunteer infantry of the mounted lightning brigade.
La Favette, 1882. pors.' (.).
M'GEE, ^^'. J. The Lafayette formation. (//; V. S. Geol. Surv.,
12th annual report, pt. 1.)
The i)leistocene history of northwestern Iowa. (Same, 11th
annual rept.)
Potable waters of eastern Taiited States. (/// same, 11th rept.,
pt. 2.)
MACGIBBON, David, and Ross, Thomas. The castellated and do-
mestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eigh-
teenth century. Edin., 1887-89. 3 v. il. O.
McGIFFERT, Arthur Cuslnnan. History of Christianity in the
Apostolic age. X. Y., 1897. O. (Int. theol. lib.)
McGIXXlS family. See Magennis family.
McGLASSOX, Eva Wilder, [now Mrs.Brodhead.] Aesthetics of
diess. (In Woman's book, v. 1.)
M'GOWAX^, George, tr. Meyer, E. von. History of chemistry.
MAC GRE(JOR, Charles Metcalf. nd. Life and opinions; ed, by
Lady Macgregor. Edin. and Lond., 1888. 2 v. pl. per.
maps. O.
X'arrative of a journey through the province of Kohrassan
and on the X. W. frontier of Afghanistan in 187.'). Lond.,
L879. 2 V. il. pl. O.
-Wanderings in Balochistan. Lond., 1882. 1>1. por. O.
:\rr;RK(J()R-K()BERTSOX, J. See Robertson, J. M'Gregor.
McGUIRT:, J. I). Studv of the ])rimitive methods of drilling. (In
V. S. Xat. Mus. Rept., 1894.)
McGFIRE. Judith W. [psnid. A Lady of Virginia.] Diary of a
southern refugee during the war. 3d ed. Riclimond,
LVS9. I).
MACHYX. Henry. Diary from A. IX l.")()-(i3; ed. by J: G. Xichols.
Lond.. 1848. j.j. O. (CamdiMi Soc, v. 42.)
McTLRAITII. J. R. //■. Moltke. IL K. P.. ;irrif mn. Letters to. his
McILVAIN, J. William. Early Presbyterianism in Maryland. (In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
McILWAIXE, Henry R. The struggle of Protestant dissenters for
religious toleration in Virginia. {In same, v. 2, no. 4.)
MAC INNIS. Bev. D. ed. and tr. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradi-
tion; Argyllshire series, no. 2; Folk and Hero tales; with
notes by "the editor and Alfred Nutt. Lond., 1890. O.
(Folk-lore Soc. Pub., no. 25.)
MelNTORH. William Carmichael. Monograph of the British an-
nelids; pt. 1-2. Lond., 1873-74. 1 v. in 2. col. pi. F.
(Rav Soc. Pub.)
MACKAIL, John William. Latin literature. N. Y., 1895. S.
(University ser.)
Select epigrams from the Greek anthology; ed. with a revised
text, introduction, translation and notes. Lond., 1890. O.
MAC KAY, Angus Mason. The Brontes; fact and fiction. N. Y..
1897. 187 p. D.
McKAY, Frederic Edward, and Wingate, Charles E. L. eds.
Famous American actors of to-day. N. Y., [c. 189(5].
pors. D.
McKAY, James T. Stella Grayland. (In Stories by Amer. au-
thors, V. 7.)
MACKAY. Thomas. Investment. (In Mackay, T: ed. A plea
for liberty.)
ed. A plea for liberty: an argument against socialism and
socialistic legislation; introduction by Herbert Spencer. N.
Y., 1891. O.
Contents: Alford, B. H. Free education. — Donisthorpe, W. The
limits of liberty. — Fairfield, C: State socialism in the antipodes. —
Gordon, F. W. The state and electrical distribution. — Herbert, A.
The true line of deliverance. — Howell, G: Liberty for labor.—
Mackay, T: Investment. — Millar, F: The evils of state trading as
illustrated by the Post Office.— O'Brien, M. D. Free libraries.—
Raffalovich, A. The housing of the working classes and of the poor. —
Robertson, B: S. The impracticability of socialism. — Spencer, H. In-
troduction. — From freedom to bondage.— Vincent, E. The discontent
of the working classes.
A policy of free exchange: essays by various writers on
the economical and social aspects of free exchange and kin-
dred subjects. X. Y., 1894. O.
McKEAN, Thomas.
BUCHANAN, R. Biography. (Jn Genealogy of the McKean family.)
McKEAN family.
BUCHANAN, R. Genealogy of the McKean family. Lancaster, 1890.
il. O.
McKEE, Thomas Hudson. Constitution of the United States, Jef-
ferson's manual, the rules of the House of Representatives
of the Fifty-fourth Congress, and a digest and manual of the
rules and practice of the House of Representatives of the
United States; with appendix. Wash., 1896. D.
A manual of congressional practice: the U. S. red book.
Wash., 1892. Q.
ed. The national platforms of all political parties, with the
names of all candidates at eac^i presidential election from
1789-1892. Wash., [c. 1892]. D.
IVfeKEEN. AVr. Silas. A history of Uradford, Vorniont, 1765-1874;.
■\vitli various ^onealo^ical records. Monlpolier, 188(5.
pors. O.
MAO KKLLAK, Thomas. Tho Ainoricaii ])riutei": a manual of typo-
graphy containing: directions for managing all departments
of a printing ottice. Phil., 1889. il. D.
lilAC K KXI )IJ ICK, John Gray, and Snodgrass, William. The physi-
ology of the senses. N. Y., 1808. il. S. (TTniversity ser.)
McKENNEY, Ji. M, pvh. District directory for 1870 of Alameda,
Contra (.'osta. San INIateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San
Benito and Monterey counties. S. F., c. 1878. O.
and Co. pud. Eiglit-county directory of Sonoma, Napa, Lake,
Mendocino, Humboldt, Yolo, Solano and Marin counties;
1881-5. Oakland, 1883. O.
McKENNEY Directory Company, pvh. Southwestern business
directory, 1880. ' S. F., etc.,' [c. 1880]. map. O.
MACKENZIE, Alexander. Notes on harbors of the great lakes;
May 17, 18G0. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 13.)
McKENZIE. Francis Fuller. Road-making and maintenance. {In
a move for better roads. TJniy. of Penn. Com. on Better
McKENZlE, Frederick A. Sober by act of Parliament. Lond.,
1806. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
MACKENZIE, Henry. The man of feeling. Lond., 1803. por.
pi. S.
MACKENZIE, jRev. James. History of Scotland. Lond., 1888.
11. D.
MACKENZIE. Sir James Dixon. The castles of England, their
story and structure. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. plans. 2 y. Q.
MACKENZIE, John S. An introduction to social philosophy. N.
Y., 1800. O. (Shaw Fellowship lectures, 1880.)
MACKENZIE, Thomas. Practical mechanics applied to the re-
quirements of the sailor. Lond., 1806. il. 175 p. D.
(Charles Griffin and Co's. nautical ser.)
MACKENZIE, William Lyon.
LINDSEY, C: Life and times of M. Toronto, 1862. 2 v. in 1. 0.
COOK, S: F. Mackinaw in historj^ a critique on Dr. J: R. Bailey's
brochure. Lansing, 1895. 32 p. D.
McKINLEY, William. Soih pres. of U. S. Si)eeches and addresses;
from his election to Congress to the present time. N. Y.,
1803. por. O.
The yalue of protection. (In Both sides of the tariff question.)
See Hewes, F. W., and McKinley, W. AVhat are the facts?
Biographical sketch (In Both sides of the tariff question.)
MACKINNON, J. P., and Shadbolt, S. romps. The South African
(;mii»aign. 1870. Lond., 1880. ])ors. F.
McKINSTin'. Elis'a ^\'. Oration, delivered before the Society of
California IMuncers, Sept. 0, 1S71. S. F., 1871. 10 p. O.
(Tn Cal. IMonecrs. Orations and ])()ems, y. 2.)
MACKINTOSH, John. The story of Scotland from the earliest
times to the present century. X. Y., 1890. il. pors. map.
D. (Story of the nations.)
McKTSICK, Lewis D. Address to the members of the Lej];islature
of the state of Kentnekv, Feb. 24, 1896. 7 p. O. {In R. R.
pamps., V. 4.)
MACLAREN, Ian. pseud. See Watson, Ilev. J: Maclaren.
Mclaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. History of higher educa-
tion in Michigan. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ.
of inform., 1891. no. 4.)
Lewis Cass. Bost., 1891. D. (Amer. statesmen.)
The western posts and the British debts. {In Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Report, 1894. Papers, no. 23.)
McLaughlin, Edward A. See Coolidge, H. D., and McLaughlin,
E. A. comps. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Manual
for the use of the General Court.
McLaughlin, Edward Tompkins. Studies in mediaeval life and
literature. N. Y., 1894. D.
MACLAY. Arthur Collins. Mito Yashiki: a tale of Old Japan.
2d ed. N. Y., 1890. D.
MACLAY, Edgar Stanton. History of the Ignited States navy
from 1775 to 1893; with technical revision by Lieut. Roy C.
Smith; v. 1. N. Y., 1894. il. O.
MACLAY, William. Journal; ed. by Edgar S. Maclay. N. Y.,
1890. por. O.
McLEAN, George N. The rise and fall of anarchy in America from
its incipient stage to the first bomb thrown in Chicago
Chic, and Phil., 1888. pi. pors. O.
McLEAN, John. The Indians of Canada: their manners and cus
toms. 3d ed. Lond., 1892. il. D.
ed. Letters from George, lord Carew, to Sir T: Roe. 1015-17
[Lond.], 1800. O. (Camden Soc, v. 76.)
Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew
[Lond.], 1864. 7-|-167 p. O. (Same, y. 88.)
MACLEAN, John Patterson. A manual of the antiquity of man
9th ed. Cin., 1887. 159 p. il. D.
Mastodon, mammoth, and man. 2d ed. Cin., 1880. 84 p
il. D.
MACLEANE, Arthur John. Works of Horace: English notes by
M. [t. p. w.]. [Bost.], 1850. D.
McLEOD, Henry Dunning. Banking in Great Britain. (//( Hist.
of banking in all nations, v. 2.)
Bimetalisni. 2d ed. Lond., 1894. O.
Dictionary of political economy, biographical, bibliographical,
historical and practical, v. 1. Lond., 1803. O.
The theory of credit; v. 2: 1-2. Lond.. 1890-91. 2 v. O.
MACLEOD, Norman.
WELLWOOD. J: Norman Macleod. N. Y., [1897]. 155 p. D.
(Famous Scots.)
McMASTER, Guv Humphrev. History of the settlement of Steu-
ben county. N. Y., Bath. 1853. ' O.
McMASTER. John Bach. History of the people of the United
States; from the revolution to the civil war; v. 1-4. N. Y.,
1888-95. 4 V. maps. O.
With the fathers, studies in the history of the United States.
N. Y., 1897. il. D.
AIA(J .MILLAN; (,'onway. The raetaspermao of the Minnesota valley;
a list of the hij^iier seed-producinj; ])lantH indigenous to the
drainage basin of the Miiincsola river. Minneapolis, 1S!)2.
maps. (). (Minn. (Icol. and Nat. Hist. Snrv. liotaunical
ser. 1.)
MACMILLAX. Midiacl. Th(> promotion of general hap[)iness; a
utililarinn essay. Lond., 1S!)(>. 180 p. D. (Soe. sci. ser.)
McMillan, waiter (t. Treatise oh electro-metallurgy. Loud.,
1S!)0. 1).
tr. liorchers. Dr. W. Eleetric smelting and refining.
MACMILLAX and Co. romp, and pub. liibliographieal catalogue
of Macmillan and Go's publications frcmi 184ii to 1889.
Lond., 1891. pors. O.
MA('M1LLAN'S course of French composition; second course for
advanced students, by (L E. Fasnacht. Lond., 1892. L>.
MACMILLAN'S magazine (continuation); v. 59-75. Nov. 1888-
Nov. 1897. Lond. and N. Y., 1889-97. 18 v. O.
MAC MULLEN, John. History of Canada, from its first discovery
to the present time. 2d ed. rev. imp. Brockville, 1808. O.
McMT'KTRY, Lewis S. M.D. Nursing in pelvic surgerv. Louis-
ville, 1894. 92 p. S.
McMURTRY, W. J. Excavations at the theatre of Sikyon. Bost.,
1892. il. map. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am. Amer. School of
Classical Studies at Athens, v. 5.)
McNFTT, ^Y. F. Diseases of the kidnevs and bladder. Pliil.,
1893. O.
Mineral and thermal springs of California. S. F., 1888. 9 p.
O. (In Medical pamphlets, v. 2.)
MACON. Conffres Notional Vificnle. Compte rendu tn extenso des
travaux du Congr^s. Macon, 1888. pi. O.
MACON county (Missouri). History of Randolph and Macon coun-
ties, Missouri. St. Louis, 1884. O.
MACOY, Robert. General history, cyclopedia and dictionary of
freemasonry. N. Y., 1870. il. x)l. por. O.
McPHERSON, Edward. Hand-book of politics for 1890-94: being
a record of important political action, legislative, executive,
and judicial, national and state, from Aug. 31, 1888-August,
1894. Wash., 1890-94. 3 v. O.
MACPHERSON, Hector C. Thomas Carlyle. N. Y., [n. d.]. 100
p. D. (Famous Scots.)
McPHERSON, J. H. T. History of Liberia. Bait, 1891. (In
Johns Hopkins Fniv. studies, v. 9.)
MACI»HERSON, J. Pennington. Life of Sir John A. Macdonald.
St. John, N. B., 1891. 2 v. por. O.
McPHERSON, Rev. John. /r. Schiirer, E. History of the Jewish
people; 1st division, 2 v.
MACPHERSON. Samuel Charters, niaj. Memorials of service in
Fndia; from the corres]»ondence of ^L; ed. by W: Macpher-
son. Lond.. 18tt5. por. maps. O.
MACRAY, "William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian library, Oxford;
with a notice of the earliei- library of the University. 2d ed.
enl. and continued from 18(;8-80. Oxford, 1890. pi. pors. O.
MACREADY, William Charles. Reminiscences and selections
from bis diaries and letters; ed. by Sir F. Pollock. Lond.,
1875. 2 V. pors. O.
McSHERRY, Richard. Essays and lectures on: 1. Early history
of Maryland. 2. Mexico and Mexican affairs. 3. A Mexi-
can campaign. 4. Homoeopathy. 5. Elements of hygiene.
G. Health and happiness. Bait., 18G9. 125 p. O.
McWADE, Robert M. The uncrowned king. Life and public ser-
vices of Hon. Charles Stewart Parnell with a biograph-
ical sketch of Rt. Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone. [Phil.], 1891. il.
pors. D.
McWATTERS, George S. Knots untied; or. Ways and by-ways
in the hidden life of American detectives. Hartf., 1871. il.
por. O.
MACY, Jesse. The English constitution; a commentary on its na-
ture and growth. N. Y., 1897. D.
Our government : how it grew, what it does, and how it does it.
Rev. ed. Bost., 1891. D.
Institutional beginnings in a western state. {In Johns Hop-
kins Univ. studies., v. 2.)
Relation of history to politics. Wash., 1893. O. (Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Rept., 1893. Papers, no. 10.)
IIADAN, Falconer. Books in manuscript: a short introduction to
their study and use; with a chapter on records. Lond., 1893.
il. pi. O.
MADDEN, Dodgson Hamilton. The diary of Master William
Silence, a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport.
Lond., 1897. O.
MADDEN, Sir Frederic, ed. Relation of some abuses which are
committed against the commonwealth; together with a
friendlie reprehension of the same; ed. from the original ms.
in the British Museum. Lond., 1854. 35 p. O. {In Cam-
den misc., v. 3. Camden Soc, v. 61.)
MADDEN, Thomas More. Clinical gynaecology: being a hand-
book of diseases peculiar to women. Phil., 1893. 11. O.
MADDISON, Isabel. Thomas, Helen Whitall. Wines, Emma
Stansbury. comps. Hand-book of courses open to women in
British, Continental and Canadian universities. N. Y., 1896.
155 p. O.
MADERA county (Cal.). Great register, 1894, 1896.
MADISON. Mrs. Dorothy Payne.
GOODWIN, M. W. Dolly Madison. N. Y., 1896. por. S. (Women
of Col. and rev. times.)
Catalogue No. 694. Washington-Madison papers; collected and pre-
served bv James Madison; estate of J. C. McGuire, of Washington,
D. C. Catalogue compiled by Stan. V. Henkels. [Phil., c. 1892].
facsim. O.
MADOX, Thomas. History and antiquities of the Exchequer of
the kings of England, in 2 periods: to wit, from the Norman
conquest to the end of the reign of K. John; and from the end
of the reign of K. John to the end of the reign of K. Edward
n. 2d ed. Lend., 1769. 2 v. Q.
MADRID, Columbian Historical Exposilinn. 1892. Report of the
United States Comniission, 1802-:}; with special pai>er8.
Wash., 189.-). 11. pi. O. (U. S. 53d Cong., 3d sess., H.
E.D., V 31.)
MADRID. Museo del Prado. Die meisterwerke des Museo del
Prado, in Madrid; lioferung 1-4., pub. by Photograpliische
Gesellschaft. Berlin, [1897]. pi. F.
MAEL, Pierre. The land of tawny beasts: tr. by E. L. Gary. N.
Y., [c. 1895]. il. O.
MAERCKER, Max. Traitd de la fabrication de 1' alcool; tr. de la
4^ «5d. allemande par E. Bosker, [et] Ch. Warnery. Lille,
1889. 2v. il. O.
MAETERLINCK, Maurice. La princesse Maleine. 6th ed. Brux-
elles, 1891. D.
Les sept princesses. Bruxelles, 1891. 64 p. S.
The treasure of the humble; tr. by A. Sutro. N. Y., 1897. D.
MAGALHAEXS, or Magellan, Fernao de.
GUILLEMARD, F. H. H. Life of Ferdinand Magellan and the first
circumnavigation of the globe, 1480-1521. Lond., 1890. il. pi.
pors. maps. D. (The world's great explorers and explorations.)
MAGAZINE of American history (continuation); v. 22-30. N. Y.,
1889- [93]. 9v. O.
MAGAZINE of art, The; v. 1-12. Lond., etc., [1877] 89. 12 v. Q.
MAGAZINE of poetry; a quarterly review; v. 1-9. Buffalo, 1889-
97. 9 V. pors. O.
MAGAZINE of western history; vol. 1-10; Nov. 1884-Oct. 1889.
Cleveland, N. Y., [1884-89]. 10 v. O.
Not''-. Vol. 6, n. t. p.
MAGELLAN. See Magalhaens, Fernao de.
MAGENNIS family.
MEGINNESS, J: F. Origin and history of the Magennis family.
Williamsport, 1891. 11. por. 0.
MAGIC, stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick
pliotography; edited by A. A. Hopkins. N. Y., 1897. il. O.
MAGNUS, Lady Katie. Outlines of Jewish history from B. C. 586
to C. E. 1890. 2d ed. rev. by M. Friedlander. Phil., 1890.
pi. maps. D.
MAGNY, Charles Drigon, marquis de. Livre d' or de la noblesse
Europ(^enne. -2" ed. Paris, 1852-56. il. pi. 5 v. Q.
Note: Tome 5e est publie par le Comte de Givodan en 1852.
l!d[AGOON, Elijah Lvman. Orators of the American revolution.
5th ed. N. Y.,' 1857. pors. D.
MAGRATH, Emma Geiger. tr Fresneau, A. Theresa at San
MAGUIRE, Edward. Notes on the preservation of timber; Oct.
25, 1868. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 7.)
MAGUIRE. .lames G. Silver; speech delivered in the House of
Representatives Aug. 25, 1893. [n. t. p.]. 16 p. O. {In
Tracts on finance, v. 7.)
:MAGUIRE, Thomas Miller. The campaigns in Virginia, 1861-62.
Lond.. 1891. 70 ]). maps. O.
MAHAFFY. Eev. .John I'entland. Critical introduction. {In
Duruy, V. Hist, of Greece, v. 1, sec, 1.)
MAHAFFY, Rev. Jolin Pentland. Descartes. Phil., 1887. por.
S. (I'hilos. classics.)
The empire of the Ptolemies. Lend., 1895. D.
Greek pictures drawn with pen and j^encil. Lond., 1890. il.
pl. Q.
The (jreek world under Roman sway from Polybius to Plu-
tarch. Lond., 1890. D.
The principles of the art of conversation. N. Y., 1888. 174
p. S.
Problems in Greek history. Lond., 1892. D.
Rambles and studies in Greece. 3d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1887.
pl. D.
A survey of Greek civilization. Meadville, 1896. il. D.
(Ghaut, reading cir. lit.)
MAHAX, Alfred Thayer, capt. Admiral Farragut. N. Y\, 1892.
por. maps. D. (Great commanders.)
Influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783. Bost., 1890.
maps, plans. O.
The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and em-
pire, 1793-1812. 2d ed. Bost., 1893. 2 v. maps. O.
The life of Nelson, the embodiment of the sea power of Great
Britain. Bost., 1897. il. por. maps, plans. 2 v. O.
MAHAN, liev. Asa. A critical history of the late American war;
with an introductory letter bv Lieut-Gen. M. W. Smith. N.
Y., [etc.], 1877. O."
MAHAN, Dennis Hart. Summary of the course of permanent for-
tification and of the attack and defence of permanent works
for the use of cadets of U. S. Military Academv. Richmond,
1863. O.
MAHAN, F. A. Index to the principal constellations; May 2, 1870.
(Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 17.)
MAILLOT, Eugene. Lecons sur le ver a sole du murier. Montpel-
lier, 188.5. O.
MAIMONIDES Librarv. (N. Y.) Report of librarian; 1886, 1889,
1891. N. Y., 1887-92. O. 3 pamps.
MAIN, David M. ed. A treasury of English sonnets; from the orig-
inal sources with notes and illustrations. Edition de luxe.
N. Y., 1889. pors. Q.
MAINE, Sir Henry James Sumner. Dissertations on early law
and custom; chieflv selected from lectures delivered at Ox-
ford. N. Y., 1886. ' O.
MAINE. Adjvtant-General. Annual report ending Dec. 31, 1893.
Augusta, 1894. O.
Attornev General. Report; 1892. Augusta, 1893-. O.
Bavl- Ea-nminer. .33d, 35th, 37th, 40th annual report; 1889,
1891, 1893, 1896. Augusta, 1889-96. 4 v. O.
Baih Mint aril and Naval Orphan Ai^yJvm. 23rd-26th annual re-
port. 1893-96. Augusta, 1896-97. O. 2 pamp.
Board of AqricuUure. 31st-37th annual report; 1887-97. Au-
gusta, 1888-97. 10 V. pl. O.
'Note: 1890-9] and 1891-92 both have title 34th annual report.
Board of State Assessors. 1st, 3d-4th, 6th annual report; 1891,
1893-94, 1896. Augusta, 1892-96. 3 v. O. and pamp.
MAINE. Bureau of Industrial and Labor Statistics. Hth, 7th, 8th, Kith
annual report; 181)1, 181):]-i)4, 1890. Augusta, 18921)7. 4 v.
Com7nissi(iners of Inland Fisheries and Game. Report for the
year 189(). Augusta, 181)0. O.
Comniissioners on ConUu/iovs J)iseases of xinimals. Report [1891^
181):?, 1890. Augusta, 1892-97. 3 pams. O.
Department of Vital Statisiics. 1st, 3d-4th annual report uijon
the births, nuirriages, divorces and deaths; 1892, 1894-95.
Augusta, 1894-97. 3 v. O.
Forest Commissioner. lst-3d annual report; 1891, 1894, 1896^
Augusta, 1892-90. 3 v. O.
Industrial School for Girls. (Ilallowell.) 17tli, 20th, 22d annual
report of the board of managers and officers; 1891, 1894, 1890.
Augusta, 1892-97. 3 pams. O.
Insane Hospital. Reports of the trustees, resident officers and
the visiting committee; 1891, 1890. Augusta, 1892-97. 2
pams. O.
Inspectors of Prisons and Jails. Annual reports of the ins[)ec-
tors, warden and subordinate officers of the State Prison;
1891, 1893, 1894. Augusta, 1892-95. 3 v. O.
Insurance Commissioner. 22d, 23d, 28th annual report; 1890,
1891,1890. Augusta, 1890-90. 3 v. O.
Legislature. Documents printed by order of the legislature;
1885, 1887, 1889. Augusta, 1885-89. 3 v. O.
Journal of the House of Representatives; 1873, 1874, 1877-
81, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1895. Augusta, 1873-95. 11 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1873-74. 1877-81, 1883, 1885, 1887,
1889, 1895. Augusta, 1873-95. 12 v. O.
Maine register; or. State year book and Legislative man-
ual, 1872, 1874, 1870-79, 1882-87, 1890-92, 1894-98. Portland,
[1872] -97. 17 V. S.
Note: Also has title Maine state year-book and Legislatice manual;
no title page to 1872.
Public documents; 1878, 1880-87, 1889, 1890 (2 v.), 1891
(2 v.), 1892 (2 v.). 1893 (2 v.), 1894 (2 v.), 1895 (2 v.), 1897 (4 v.).
Augusta, 1878-97. 38 v. O.
Documents for 1887, backed 1888.
State year book and legislative manual (continuation);
1881-82; prepared by E. S. Hoyt. Portland, [c. 1881]. S.
Passamacjuoddy Tribe of Indians. Report of agent; 1894. Au-
gusta, 1895. pamp. O.
Bailroad Commissioners. 33d, 35th-38t]i annual report: 1891,
1893-90. Augusta, 1892-90. 5 v. O.
■Special Tax Commission. Report; approved March 8th, 1889.
Augusta, 1890. O.
■State Board of Health. 8th report; 1892-93. Augusta, 1895. O.
■ State Lihrary. 25th-27th report of the librarian; 1891-90. Au-
gusta, 1892-97. 3 V. O.
- State Reform School (Cape Elizabeth.) 38th, 40th-43d annual
report of the trustees, superintendent, treasurer, and teach-
ers; 1891, [1893] -90. Augusta, 1892-97. 5 pama. O.
jMAJNE. Superintendent of Common Schools. 37th-38th annual report;
1892-9G. Augusta, 1891-9G. 4 v. O.
Treasurer. Annual report; 1891-96. Augusta, 1891-97. 5 v. O.
MAINE Genealogical Society. 13th annual report; 1896. Port-
land, 1897. O. pam.
MAINE Historical Society. Bibliograpliy of the state of Maine
from the earliest period to 1891; by J. Williamson. Port-
land., Me., 1896. 2 v. O.
Collections (continuation); V. 7-9. Bath, Portland, 1876-87. 3
V. pors. map. O.
Same, 2d ser. (continuation); Documentary history of the
state of Maine, v. 2-1. Cambridge, Portland, 1877-89. 3 v.
pi. facsim. O.
MAINE wills, 1640-1760; compiled and edited by W: M. Sargent.
Portland, 1887. O.
MAISTRE, Joseph Marie, comte de. Du pape. Lyon, 1876. S.
Les soirees de Saint-Petersbourg; ou Eutretiens sur le gouver-
nement temporel de la Providence, suivis d'un traits sur les
sacrifices. Paris, n. d.]. 2 v. D.
MAITLAND, Frederic William. Domesday book and beyond; three
essays in the early history of England. Camb., 1897. O.
See Polock, Sir Frederick, and Maitland, F. W: History of En-
glish law before the time of Edward I.
MAITLAND, John. 2d earl of Lauderdale. Letters addressed to the
earl of Lauderdale; ed. by O. Airy. [Lond.], 1883. O. {In
Camden misc., v. 8. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 31.)
MAITLAND, John Alex. Fuller. Masters of German music. N. Y.,
1896. pors. D. (Masters of contemp. music.)
MAJOR, Albany F. Sagas and songs of the Norsemen. Lond.,
1894. 134 p. D.
MAKEPEACE, Francis. The alliance necessarius; or, The solution
of the question between capital and labour. Glasgow, 1881.
MAKERS of America. N. Y., [c. 1890] -93. 16 v. pors. S.
Namely: Calvert, G: and C, by W: H. Browne. Columbus, C, by
C: K. Adams. Fulton, R., by R. H. Thurston. Hamilton, A., by
W: G: Sumner. Higginson, F.. by T: W. Higginson. Hooker, T:, by
G. L. Walker. Houston, Genl., by H. Bruce. Jefferson, T:, by J.
Shouler. .Johnson, Sir W., by W: E. Griffis. Mather. C, by B. Wen-
dell. Moyne, J. B. le, by G. King. Oglethorpe, J. E., by H: Bruce.
Stuyvesant, P., by B. Tuckerman. Sumner, C:, by A. S. Dawes.
White, Bishop, by J. H. Ward. Winthrop, J:, by J. H. Twichell.
MAKERS of history; ed. by Sir Walter Besant. N. Y., [n. d.]. 8
V. 11. D.
Namely: Abraham Lincoln, by C. G. Leland. Judas Maccabaeus,
by C R Conder. Joan of Arc, by J. Tuckey. Gaspard de Coligny, by
W. Besant. Harouh Alraschid, by C. H. Palmer. Sir Richard Wbit-
tington, by W. Besant and J. Rice. Marie Antoinette, by H. Keddie.
Sir John Franklin, by A. H. Beesly.
MALCOLM, Henry Frederick. India and the Indian mutiny: com-
prising the complete history of Hindostan from the earliest
times to the present day; with full particulars of the recent
mutiny in India. Phil., 1859. il. pors. O.
MALCOLM, Sir Jolm. maj.-gcn. Uistory of Tersia from the most
early period to the present time; containing an account of
llie religion, government, usages, and character, of the in-
habitants of that Ivingdom. New ed. rev. Lond., 1829. 2
V. O.
A memoir of central India; including Malv^^a and adjoining
provinces, with the history, and copious illustrations of the
past and present condition of that country. Keprinted from
3d ed. Calcutta, 1880. 2 v. D.
MALDEN, HJrs. Charles. Jane Austen. Bost., 1889. S. (Famous
MALDEN, Walter J. Tillage. Lond., 1891. 10+156 p. il. U.
(Bell's Agri. ser.)
MALDONADO, Herrera. tr.
PINTO, F. M. Historia oriental de las peregrinaciones de P.
MALEPEYKE, Fran^'ois. Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant
de levure. l*aris, 1875. S. (Encyclop(3die Roret.)
MALICK family. See Mellick.
MALLERY, Garrick. Picture-writing of the American Indians.
In Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology. 10th annual
MALLESON, George Bruce. It.-col. Final French struggles in In-
dia and on the Indian seas; with an appendix containing
an account of the expedition from India to Egypt in 1801.
New ed. Lond., 1884. D.
The founders of the Indian empire. Clive, Warren Hastings,
and Wellesley: Lord Clive. Lond., 1882. por. plans. O.
Herat: the granary and garden of central Asia. Lond., 1880.
map. O.
An historical sketch of the native states of India in subsidiary
alliance with the British government; with a notice of the
mediatized and minor states. Lond., 1875. O.
History of Afghanistan, from the earliest period to the out-
break of the war of 1878. Lond., 1878. map. O.
History of the French in India from the founding of Pondi-
chery in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761. Lond.,
1868. map. O.
Loudon: a sketch of the military life of Gideon Ernest, Frei-
herr von Loudon. Lond., 1884. por. maps. D.
Recreations of an Indian oflScial. Lond., 1872. D.
The refounding of the German empire, 1848-1871. N. Y., 1893.
por. plans. O.
Rulers of India: Dupleix. Oxford, 1890. 188 p. map. D.
(Rulers of India ser., no. 5.)
The Russo-Afghan question and the invasion of India. 2d ed.
Lond., 1885. map. D.
MALLET, Charles Edward. The French revolution. N. Y., 1893.
S. (Univ. ser.)
MALLET, Edmond. Sieur de Vincennes, the founder of Indiana's
oldest town. Indianapolis, 1897. O. (Ind. Hist. Soc. pub.,
no. 11.)
MALLET Uu Pan, Jacques. The British Mercury; or, Historical
and critical views of the events of the present times. Lond.,
1798-99. 3 V. O. .
Note: Vol. 1 in 2d ed.
MALLOCK, William Hurrell. Classes and masses; or, Wealth,
waces and Avelfare in the United Kingdom. Lond., 1896. il.
139 p. D.
The heart of life. N. Y., 1895. D.
Property and progress ; or, A brief inquiry into contemporary
social agitation in England. X. Y., 1884. D.
Social equality: a short study in a missing science. N. Y.,
1884. . D.
MALLY, F. W. The boll worm of cotton: a report of progress in
a supplementary investigation of this insect. Wash., 1891.
O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Div. of Entomology, Bull. no. 24.)
Eeport on the boll worm of cotton. Wash., 1893. O. {Same,
no. 29.)
MALONEY, Mary T. The legend of Nonnenwerth. and other po-
ems. San Jose., 1876. 126 p. S.
MALOKY, Sir Thomas. Morte d' Arthur: book of King Arthur and
of liis noble knights of the Round Table; the original edition
of Caxton revised for modern use; with an introduction by
Sir Edward Strachey. Globe ed. Lond., 1886. D.
La mort d'Arthure. The history of King Arthur and of the
Knights of the Round Table; ed. from the text of the edition
of 1634; with introduction and notes bv Thomas Wright. 2d
ed. Lond., 1865-66. 3 v. S.
MALPIGHT, Marcello. Traits du ver a sole; avec une traduction
et des notes en Francais. Montpellier, 1878. pi. F.
MALTA, Knights of. Memorie de' gran maestri del Sacro Militar
Ordine Gerosolimitano. Parma, 1780. 3 v. Q.
MAMELI, Goffredo.
[Biographical sketch]. {In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unification.)
MANATT, J. Irving. See Tsountas, Dr. C, and Manatt, J. L My-
cenean age.
MANCHESTER, Earl of. See Montagu, Sir E.
MANCHESTER, (N. H.). 45th-46th annual report of the receipts
and expenditures of the city of Manchester; 1890-91. Man-
chester, 1891-92. 2 V. O. ' .
Mayor. Inaugural address of William C. Clarke, January 1st,
1895. Manchester, 1895. O. pam.
GOUL'i), S. C. Bibliography of Manchester, N. H., 1737-1894. Conc-
ord, 1894. 115 p. O. pam.
MANDEVILLE, Geoffrey de.
ROUND, J. H. Geoffrey de Mandeville: a study of the anarchy.
Lond., 1892. O.
MANDEVILLE or Maundeville, Sir John. Marvellous adventures
of Sir John Maundeville, Kt., being his voyage and travel
; edited and illustrated by Arthur Layard. West-
minster, 1895. il. O.
MANGES, Morris, tr. Ewald, C. A. Diseases of the stomach.
gem: UAL i>i:i'Mrr\n:\T. 549
MANIN, Daniel.
rBiographical sketch |. {In Cesaresto, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unification.)
MANN, Horace. Life aud works; by his wife. Bost., 1891. 5 v.
por. O.
Coiilnits: V. 1. Life. 2. Annual report of the secretary of the board
of education of Massachusetts, 1837-38; to wliich are prefixed, Lectures
on education. 3. Annual reports, 1839-44. 4. Annual reports, 1845-48;
oration, Boston, July 4, 1842. 5. Educational writings.
MANN, Mrs. Mary Tyler Peabody. Life and works of Horace Mann.
Host., 181)1. 5 y. por. 6.
//•. Uulow, J>. von JMarenliolz. baroness. Reminiscences of
Friedricb Froebel.
MANNING, Anne. Cherry and violet; a tale of the great plague:
introduction by W^H: Hutton. Lond., 1897. il. D.
Household of Sir Thos. More; with an introduction by W: H.
Hutton. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
MANNING, Henry Edward, cardinal, nhp. of Westminster.
HUTTON, A. W. Cardinal Manning. Host., 1892. por. D.
PRESSENSp], F: de. Purcell's "Manning" refuted. Life of Cardinal
Manning, with a critical examination of B. S. Purcell's mistakes.
Phil., 1897. D.
PURCELL, S. S. Life of Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of West-
minster. N. Y., 1896. pors. 2 v. O.
MANNING, Kobert. of Brunne. tr. Bonaventura, St. Meditations
on the supper of our Lord, and the hours of the passion;
drawn into English verse by M., about 1315-30; ed. from mss.
in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library, Oxford,
with introduction and glossary by J. M. Cooper. Lond., 1875.
O. (Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Keg. ser. no. 60.)
MANNINGHAM, John. Diary, 1602-03; ed. by J: Bruce. West-
minster, 18(58. facsim. O. (Camden Soc, v. 99.)
MANSEL, Henry Lougueville. The limits of religious thought ex-
amined. 1st Amer. from 3d Lond. ed. Bost., 1860. D.
(Bampton lectures 1858.)
MANSFIELD, P^dward Deering. Personal memories social, politi-
cal and literarv, with sketches of many noted people 1803-43.
Cin., 1879. D.'
MANSFIELD College lectures. 1892. Ramsay, W. M. The church
in the Roman empire before A. D. 170. N. Y., [c. 1893]. pi.
maps. O.
MANSON, Marsden. Geological aud solar climates, their causes
and variations. Berkeley, 1893. .lO p. O.
Physical features of the State. (Tn Cal. Bureau of Highways.
Bull. no. 3.)
and Grunsky, C. E. Progress report on a system of sewerage
for San Francisco for the Acar (Miding June 30, 1893. S. F.,
1893. pi. O. {Tn S. F., Pamps, v. 2.)
MANSON, N. J. Inter-oceanic shi])-canal communication by the
American isthmus, [n.p.] 1893. 41 p. O. (Tn Tracts on
commerce: v. 4.)
M.\NTEGAZZA. Raolo. Physiognomy and expression. N. Y., 1890.
pi. D. (Contemp science ser.j
MANU. Laws; tr. with extracts from 7 commentaries, by G.
Bfihler. Oxford, 1886. O. (Miiller, F. M. ed. Sacred books
of the east, v. 25.)
Minor law boolvs; pt. 1.: Narada, Brihaspati; tr. by J. Jolly.
Oxford, 1889. O. {Same, v. 33.)
MANUAL of American water-works, 1897, with summaries for each
state and water rates charged in over 12.50 cities and
towns; ed., by M. N. Baker. N. Y., 1897. O.
MANUEL, Juan. Count Lucanor; or, The fifty pleasant stories of
Patronio; done into English by James York. N. Y., and
Lond., 1889. pi. D.
MAPES, Walter. De mugis curialium; ed. by T: Wright. [Lond.,]
1850. O. (Camden Soc, v. 50.)
The Latin poems commonly attributed to M.; collected and
edited by T: Wright. Lond., 1841. O. (Same, v. 16.)
Order of arrangement:
The Earth. South America. California:
Europe. North America: General.
Asia. General. Central California.
Africa. Countries, exc. U. S. Single counties.
United States:
, Single states, exc. Cal.
The Earth.
Rand, McNally and Co's. Library map of the world on Mor-
cator's projection, showing the latest discoveries and
every place of commercial importance [etc]. Chic, 1896.
no scale.
France. Departement de I'HeravU. Carte geologique et miner-
alogique, arrondissement de B^ziers; dress^e conformi^-
m^nt au voeu du conseil g(^n6ral, par Paul De Rouville
en collaboration avec fimilien Dumas. Paris, 1876.
eschelles m^triques 1:80,000.
Carte geologique et min^ralogique, arrondissement de
Lod^ve; dressc^e confornn^ment au voeu du conseil gen-
eral, par Paul De Rouville. Paris, 1876. eschelles
UK^triques 1:80,000.
Carte g(?ologique et mint^ralogique, arrondissement de
Montpellier; dress^e conform^^m^nt au voeu du conseil
g^ndral, par Paul de Rouville. Paris, 1876. eschelles
m(^triques 1:80,000.
Carte geologique et mineralogique, arrondissement de St.
Pons; dress^e conformement au voeu du conseil gen-
eral, par. Paul de Rouville. Paris, 1876. eschelles mot-
triques 1:80,000.
Ireland. Escheated counties; zincographed at the ordnance
survey office Southampton, under the direction of A. C.
Scott, and Sir H. James, superintendent; certified to be
fac-simile by Henry James. [1860. n.t.p.] F.
MAPS. Europe.
Rome. Foiuui urbis Komae; concilia et auctoritate Kegiae
Academiae Lyiiceoruni. Formau dlmensus est et ad
modulum 1:1UU0: deliueaiut li. Lanciaui. Fasciculus
primus (18D8j-quintus (18U7) Mediolani 1893-1897, 30
sheets 1-15, 17-18, 22-25, 29-30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 44.
North America.
Central America. Bird's eye view of the interoceanic canal of
Nicaragua and Costa Kica; comp. from official data by
Fred'k Leuthuer. [ii.d.]. Julius liien and Co. lith. N.
Y. [no scale]. Size, 35x19.1 iu.
Profile of the Nicaragua interoceanic ship canal, 1888. Jul-
ius Bieu and Co. lith. N. Y. Scale 5^ m. to 1 in.
Mexico. Bosquejo de una carta geologica de la Republica
Mexicana. Formada por disposicion del Secretario de
Fomento, G. C. Pacheco, por una Comision especial.
Bajo la direccion del profesor A. del Castillo, director de
J la escuela Nacional de Ingenieros. 1889. Grabado por
Erhard ho. Paris. Escala de 3,000,000.
Same, Keformada con nuevos datos en 1891. lit. Em. Mor-
eau y ho Mexico. Escala 1:10,000,000.
Carta agrologica. [n.d.]. Gravee, chez Monrocq fr. Paris.
Escala de 1:3,000,000.
Carta agronomica: Algodon; Cafe; Maiz; Trigo. [n.d.].
Gravee, chez Monrocq fr. Paris. Escala de 1:3,000,000.
4 sheets.
Carta altimetrica. [n.d.]. Grav<^e, chez Monrocq fr. Paris.
Escala de 1:3,000,000.
Carta climatologica. [n.d.]. (Jravtk' chez Monrocq fr.
Paris. Escala de 1 :3,000,000.
Carta de la republica IMexicana, a la 100.000^. Secretaria
de estado y del dispacho de fomento comision geografica
de guerra v fomento. Bajo la direccion del Ing. A. Diaz.
1st ser. Hoja-19-1. M, N, O, S, T. Hoja-19-D. K, P, IT, V.
Hoja-19-IV. A. Publicada en 1889-92. Escala de 1:100,
Ood-l"^"^ 100 metros. 10 sheets.
Carl a general de la Bepublicn IMexicana. Formada en el
miuisterio de Fomento con los datos mas recientes por
disposicion del Secretario del Ramo, C. Pacheco. 1890.
Grabado por Erhard ho. Paris. Escala de 1:2,000,000.
Carta minera de la Republica. Fonuada por disposicion
del Secretario de Fomento G. C. Pacheco, por el ingeniero
de miuas A. del Castillo. Grabado por Erhard ho. Paris,
[n.d.]. Escala de 3,000.000.
Carta topografica central de los alrededores de Puebla.
Secretaria de estado y del d(»spacho de guerra y mai-ina
comision geografica de Fomento y Guerra. Bajo la direc-
cion del Tug. A. Diaz. 3^ ser. Letra A. P. Edicion de 18"<4.
Grabado y imi)rimado i)or Erhard ho. Paris. Escala de
1 :50,000-i"""-50 metros.
Resources of the north-west coast of ^Mexico, presenting its
mineral and agricultural lands, railroads, etc.; comp. by
J. M. Robertson. S. F., 18S2. folded map.
MAPS. United States.
General. Epoch maps illustrating American history. N.
Y., 1891. obi. D.
Two grand tours of the unique exhibit train known as Cali-
fornia on wheels under the auspices of the California
State Board of Trade, and the Southern Pacific Co. Lith.
by H. S. Crocker and Co. S. F., 1S89. [No scale], fold-
ed. T.
Map of the U. S. and territories with adjacent parts of
Canada and Mexico, also part of the West India Islands;
comp. from the official surveys of the General Land office
and other authentic sources, under the direction of S. W-
Lamoreux. 1893. [n.p.] Scale 40 m. to 1 in.
Band, McNally and Co.'s general map of the United States,
with ijortioiis of the Dominion of Canada and the Re-
public of Mexico. 1895. Chic. Scale 4.5 m. to 1 in.
Same. 1890.
United States Geological Survev. Geologic atlas of the
United States. Folios 1-32. Wash., 1894-97. 32 folios.
Cnnteuta: Livingston, Mont. 2. Ringgold, Ga., Tenn. 3. Placer-
ville, Cal. 4. Kingston, Tenn. 5. Sacramento, Cal. 6. Chiattanooga,
Tenn. 7. Pilce's Peak, Colo. 8. Sewanee, Tenn. 9. Crested Butte,
Colo. 1ft. Harper's Ferry, Va., Md., West Va. 11. Jackson, Cal. 12.
Estillville, Ky., Va., Tenn. 13. Fredricksburg, Va, Md. 14. Staunton,
Va.. West Va. 15. Lassen Peak, Cal. 16. Knoxvxlle, Tenn. 17.
Marysville, Cal. 18. Smartsville, Cal. 19. Stevenson, Ala., Ga., Tenn.
20. Cleveland, Tenn. 21. Pikeville, Tenn. 22. McMinniville, Tenn.
23. Nomini, Md., Va. 24. Tiiree Forks, Mont. 25. Loudon, Tenn. 26.
Pocahontas, Va., W. Va. 27. Morristown, Tenn 28. Piedmont, W.
Va., Md. 29. Nevada Cy, Cal. 30. Yellowstone Nat. Park. 31.
Pyramid Peak, Cal. 32. Franklin, W. Va., Va.
California and Nevada. Xew^ map of California and Nevada
comp. from the latest and most reliable official sources
and special survevs. Pub. by Whitaker and Ray Co. S.
F., 1895. Scale 12 m. to 1 in.
Sec also Maps. California.
Illinois. Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893.
Machinery Hall. Orcutt Co. lith. Chic, [1891]. Size
42x27 in.
World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Official bird's eye
view of the World's Columbian Exposition, showing
grounds and designs of the buildings; from the painting
by C: Graham. Chic, c 1891. size 25x40 in.
Massachusetts. Boston Harbor. Map showing present depth of
water in the channels resulting from dredging; shore
line and soundings, comp. from INlass. Harbor Commis-
sioners and T". S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bosi:.,
1895. Scale 1^00 ft. to 1 in. folded. D. (To accompany
annual report of harbor and Land Commissioners of
MirTiiaan. IMap of the state of INHchigan, engraved and print-
ed under the supervision of the Commissioner of Rail-
roads. .T: T. Rich; pub. bv Cram and Stebbins. Chic,
1890. [No scale], folded.' S.
(lESKliAL J)KJ'Ah'TMJ:\T. 553
MAPS. XJuited Stall's.
Montana. New coiinly, township Jiiid railroad map of Mon-
tana. Kaud, McNallv and Co. pub. Chic, 1888. Scale
IG ni. to 1 in.
Ohio. Geological map. N. Y., 1879. Scale 4 m. to 1 in.
Oregon. New railroad, township, and educational map of Ore-
gon. Comp. and pub. by Punnett Bros. S. F., 1895.
Scale G 2-3 m. 1 in.
Pennsylvania. Uaili'oad map of Pennsylvania; pub. by the
Department of Internal Affairs of Penn.; drawn and
comp. by J. S. Wall, [llarrisburg], 1890. Scale G m. to
1 in.
South Dakota. Kand, McNally and Co.'s new sectional map of
South Dakota. Chic, 1890. Scale 8 m. to 1 in.
Tennessee. ChicJcamauga and Chattanooga. Atlas of the bat-
tlefields of Chickamanga and Chattanooga and vicinit-y:
pre])ared under the direction of D. S. Lament and R. A.
Algei' by the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National
Park Commission. Wash., 1S9G-7. J. P>ien lith. 7 pi. F.
]yashingt(in. Pand, ]MeNally and Co.'s sectional map of Wash-
ington. Chic, 1890. Scale 8 m. to 1 in.
Washiiu/ton, D. C. 1: The King Plats of the citv of Wash-
ington, 1803, (reprint). 2: L'Enfant's plan of 'the city of
Washington. 3: Engraved plan of the city of Washing-
ton. 4: The Dermott map of the city of Washington,
1797-98, (reprint). F.
General. Commissioners official railway map of California,
1891. Scale 15 m. to 1 in.
Lentell's new railroad, township and educational map of
the state of California; comp. from the latest official and
authentic sources; comp. and pub. bv J. N. Lentell. 2d
ed. Galloway lith. S. F., 1895. Scale 10 m. to 1 in.
Preliminary minera logical and geological map of the state
of California; issued by the California State Mining
Bureau, W: Ireland, state mineralogist; drawn bv J. C.
Henkenius. Britton and Key, lith. S. F., 1891. " Scale
12 m. to 1 in.
A\'il1son and Clark's indexed township and county map of
California. Comp. and published bv F. E. Willson and H.
Clark. S. F., 1895. Scale 15 m. to 1 in.
Crnlral Catifornin. Bancroft's ma]) of the Bay counties; de-
signed and drawn bv W. V. Grav; Bancroft Co., lith.
c. 1890. [No scale].' Size .38U'30'in.
]\Iap of 100 luiles around San Francisco. S. F.. 1890. [no
scale. Size 20x28 in.l
'^\',^}^ of the Sierrn Nevada mountains of central California.
Pub. and copyrighted by the Sierra Club. Berkeley. 1800.
A\'alkup. lith. Scale 4 m. to 1 iu. [also] Yosemite val-
lov. Scnle 1 mi. to 1 in. (Sierra Club, pub no. 12.)
folded. O.
f" J
MAPS. California.
Topographical map of the Yosemite Valley and vicinity^
Expeditions of 1878-79 under the command of G: M.
Wheeler. J. Bien lith. Scale 1:42,240.
Alameda. Map showing portions of Alameda and Contra
Costa counties and of the city and county of San Fran-
cisco; conip. from official and private maps, surveys and
data by Theodore Wagner. Drawn by G: Sandow. Brit-
ton and Key, lith.2 S. F. Scale 2 m. to 3 in.
Butte. Thermalito. [no scale], size 23x37 in.
Calaveras. Ofticial map of Calaveras county, California,
I comp., from U. S. official surveys, from county records
and from private surveys, showing mines and mining,
claims, reservoirs and water ditches, wagon roads, trails::
also Mother Lode bv State Mineralogist. Pub. by W. B.
Walkup. S. F., [1895]. No scale.
Eldorado. Map of the county of Eldorado, California; com-
piled from the official records and survey's by Punnett
Bros. Approved by the board of supervisors Sept. 3,,
1895. Pub. by Punnett Bros. S. F., 1895. Scale 1 m. to
1 in.
Fresno. Official map of the county of Fresno, California;
comp. from official surveys and records; pub. by T: Yost
and son; drawn by E. A. Harley. 1892. Scale 2 m.
to 1 in.
Glenn county. Map of the county of Glenn, California; comp.
from official survey and records by N. K. Spect and Co.
and T: L. Knock; drawn and pub. by Punnett Bros. S.
F., 1894. no scale.
Kings. Official map of Kings county, California. Drawn by
Theo. Binge, published bv Frank J. Walker; lith. W.
B. Walkup, S. F. Hanford, Cal., 1893. no scale.
Lal-e. Official map of Lake county, California; comp. from
the countv records, and from actual survey of the county
roads. bv'^S. H. Rice. Britton and Key, lith. S. F., 1892.
Scale 100 ch. to 1 in.
Marin. Official map of Marin county; comp. from records
and survevs bv Geo. M. Dodge. Schmidt Label and lith.
Co. S. F.^ 1892. Scale (JO ch. to 1 in.
Mariposa. Official map of Mariposa county: comp. by George
E. Washburn from IT. S. Surveys and public records.
Dakin Pub. Co. S. F., 1897. Scale 1^ m. to 1 in.
Mendocino. OtHcial map of Mendocino county. Comp. from
the Li. S. government surveys, county records, and sur-
vevs of the countv roads bv Rice and Baltzell. Britton
and Rey lith. Ukiah, 1890'. Scale 120 ch. to 1 in.
' Merced. Official map of the county of Merced. Compiled from
the approved surveys of U. S. government, from the rec-
ords of the office of the county surveyor, county recorder^
and the board of supervisors of Merced county, bv Chas.
D. Martin. Dakin Publishing Co., lith. S. F.,. 188^.
Scale 100 ch. to 1 in.
MAPS. Califoi'uia.
Napa, onicial map of the county of Napa, California. (Joiup>
from otlicial recoi-ds and latest surveys by O. H. Buek-
mau, 18U5. Tub. by I'uuuett lU'os. S. F. Scale 1 m. to-
li in.
Fluntas. Map of Plumas county, California; compiled and
published by Arthur \V. Keddie. Quincy, 18U2. Brittoii.
and Key, S. F. lith. Scale 1^ m. to 1 in.
iSan Benito. Otiicial map of San Benito county; comp. hy
Vic. T. and Harry \V. McCray. 1891. Britton and Key
lith. S. F. [no scale].
Otlicial map of San lienito county, California; by W. B.
Walkup. S. F., ISUU. W: K. Brown delineator. Scale-
1 in. to the in.
^an Bernardino. Official map of San Bernardino county, Cali-
fornia. Drawn by T. D. Beasley. S. F., 1892. Scale 3 m.
to 1 in.
San Diego. Official map of San Diego county, California..
Comp. from latest official maps of U. S. surveys, railroad
and irrigation surveys, county records and other reliable
sources; drawn bv T. D. Beasley under the supervision
of J. D. Schuyler, 1889. [S. F., c. 1890]. Scale 3 m. to
1 in.
Sa7i Francisco. Pocket map of 100 miles around San Fran-
cisco in mile circles. Compiled and published by the
Elliott Publishing Company. S. F., 1890. [folded.]
Map of the citv and countv of San Francisco, by W. B.
Walkup. S. F., 1894. Scale 800 ft. to the in.
[Precinct nuips, 1880-92] ; compiled by order of Election
Commissioners of the city and countv of San Francisco.
[S. F.], 1802. F.
San Joaqnin. Map of the county of San Joaquin, comp. from
U. S. surveys bv H. T. Compton; lith. bv Britton and
Rev. S. F., [c."l894]. Scale 4,000 ft. per in.
San Mateo. Official map of San Mateo county, 1894; comp.
and drawn bv D. Bromfield. Engraved and printed bv
Schmidt. Label and Lith. Co. S. F., c. 1894. Scale 40 cli.
or \ m. to the in.
Santa Clara. Official map of the county of Santa Clara, Cali-
fornia. Comp. from U. S. surveys, county records nnd
private surveys, and the tax list of 1889. Hermann Tiros,
surveyors; drawn bv S. Wislocki. Britton and Bev lith.
S. F.. c. 1890. Scale' 80 ch. to 1 in.
Shasta. Official map of Shasta countv; comp. bv C. R. Briggs
^' and Co. July 1891. Redding. ' [Scale U m. to 1 in j.
Solano. Official map of the county of Solano, California,
showing ]\rexican grants, T"''. S. government and swamp
land surveys, present r»rivnte land ownerships, roads and
' railroads. Comp. by E. N. Eager; app. A]U'il 7th. 1890,
cor. to .lulv 1st. 1890. Britton and Rev, lith. S. P.,
[1890]. Scale (10 ch. to 1 in.
MAPS. California.
Stanislaus. Official map of Stanislaus county, California;
compiled from official surveys and records. George Per-
lev, publishers, Modesto, Cal. Adopted by board of sup-
ervisors Xov. U, 1S94. Dakin Pub. Co. lith. 1895. [no
Sutter county. Official map of Sutter county, California;
coinp. and drawn from official survey and records by
Punnett Bros. Pub. by Punnett Bros. S. F., 1895. Scale
5 m. to 1 in.
Trinity county. Official map of Trinity county, California;
comp. from government and local survevs by H. L. Low-
den and J. F. Johnson. S. F., 1891. Scale 1 in-1 m.
Tuolumne. Map of the principal quartz and gravel mines in
Tuolumne county, California. Taken from government
surveys and mining records, by J. P. Dart, Sonora, 1879.
Scale 1 m. to 1 in.
Ventura. Official map of Ventura county, California; Geo.
W. Power, comp., Published by W. B. Walkup. S. F.,
1897. Scale 80 ch. to 1 in.
Yosemite valley. Map of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of cen-
tral California and of the Yosemite valley, by J. N. Le
Conte. Scale 1 m.-l in. folded. O. (Sierra club. pub.
no. 12.)
Topographical map of the Yosemite valley and vicinity;
expeditions of 1878-79, under the command of G: M.
Wheeler. J. Bien, lith. Scale 1:42,240.
MARBLE, Albert P. Sanitarv conditions for schoolhouses. Wash.,
1891. O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform., 1891, no. 3.)
MAKBOT, Jean Baptiste Antoine Marcellin, laron de. lieul-gen.
Memoirs; tr. by A. J: Butler. Lond.. 1892. 2 v. pors.
maps. O.
MARCH, Francis Andrew. The spellinu' reform. W^ash., 1893. O.
(U. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of Inform. 1893, no. 8.)
MARCHATS, Renaud des. Voyage to Guinea and the adjacent isl-
ands in 1725; tr. from the French. {In Green, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 2, p. 457.)
MARCH ANT, W. T. comp. In praise of ale: songs, ballads, epi-
grams, and anecdotes relating to beer, malt, and hops. Lond.,
1888. D.
MARCHANT, William, tr. Bazin. R. Italians of today.
MARCHING through Georgia and Wearing of the green songster.
5th ed. Pub. by D. E. Appleton and Co. S. F., 1867. 64 p.
T. {Tn Cal. song books.)
MARCOTTI. Giuseppe. See Leader, J. T., and Marcotti, G. Sir
John Hawkwood.
MARCOU, John Belknap. Bibliography of publications relating to
the collection of fossil invei't(4)rates in the United States
Museum; including complete lists of the writings of Fielding
P.. Meek, Charles A. White, and Charles D. Walcott. Wash.,
1885. O. (IT. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. .30.)
MARCOU, Jules. Life, letters, and works of Louis Agassiz. N,
Y., 1896. il. por. 2 v. D.
MAECY, Henrv Orlando. Tlie anatomy and surgical treatment of
hornia. N. Y., 1802. il. pi. V.
MARDEN, Orison Svvett. Pushinf? to the front. Best., 1895. por.
MARfiS, Henri, riiylloxora: des moyens pratiques de combattre
la nialadie de la vifine; progres de la maladie de la vigne.
Mont])elHer, 1874. 11 p. {In Pamphlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
MARGAKET d'Angovlvme or de Valois. queen of Navarre. L'Hep-
tanicron. Nouvelle M. Paris, 1888. D.
]\I(?nioires. (/n Col. des m6u\. rel. i\ Thist. de France. 1823.
s. 1. v. 37.)
FREER, M. W. Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme. Cleveland, 1895.
2 V. pors. O.
MARGARET of Anjou. queen of Henry VI. nf England. Letters of
M. and Bishop Beckington and others written in the reigns
of Henry V. and Henry VI.; ed. by C. Monro. [Loud.], 18(;3.
O. (Camden, Soc, v. 86.)
MARGUERITE de Valois. See Margaret d'Angouleme or de Valois.
MARIE-Antoinette Josfephe Jeanne d'Autriche. queen of France.
KEDDIE, H. iiiftnid., S. Tytler.) Marie Antoinette. N. Y., [n. d.].
D. (Makers of hist.)
LA ROCHETERIE, M. de. Life of Marie Antoinette; tr. by C. H. BelL
N. Y., 1893. 2 V. pors. O.
MARIE de Mc^dicis. queen of France.
BOURGEOIS (liic Boursier, L. Comment et en quel temps la reyne
accoucha de dauphin Ti present Louis XIII. {In Col. ues. mem. rel a
I'hist de France. 1826. s. 1. v. 49.)
ESTRES. F.A. Memoires; contenant les choses les plus remarquables
arrivees sous la regence de Marie de M. et le regne de Louis XIII.
(/» mme. 1822. s. 2. v. 16.)
GILLOT, J. Relation faite de ce qui se passa audit parlement, seant
aux Au2;TStins, touchant la regence de la reine Marie de Medicis,
mere du roi Louis III les 14 et 15 mai 1810. {In same. 1826. s. 1.
V. 49.)
PONTCHARTRAIN, P. P. Memoires concernant les affaires de France
sous la regence de Marie de M. {In same. 1822. s. 2. v. 16-17.)
AfARIE-LOUISE Leopoldine Frangoise Thrander. Americanisms and Briticisms, with
other essays on other isms. N. Y., 1892. por. T.
Aspects of fiction and other ventures in criticism. N. Y.. 189«}.
Boolsbindimrs old and new: notes of a book-lover, with an ac-
count of the Grolier Club of New York. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
lEx-libris ser.)
Columbia universitv. (Four American universities.)
MATTHEWS, James Brander. An introduction to the study of
Ameiican literature. N. Y., [c. 1896]. il. D.
Tales of fantasy and fact. :N\ Y., 1896. 11. D.
Venetian glass, (iw 'Stories by Amer. authors, v. 3.)
ed. Poems of American patriotism. N. Y., 1882. D.
and Bunner, Henry Cuyler. The documents in the case. (In
Stories by Amer. authors, v. 1.)
MATTHE^^'S, \\'ashiugton. coll. and tr. Navaho legends. Bost,
1897. il. pi. O. (Amer. folk-lore Soc. Mem. v. 5.)
MAUD, Constance E. \\agner"s heroes. Lond., [n. d.]. il. D.
Wagner's heroines. Lond., 1896. il. D.
MAUDE, F N. capt. Cavalry versus infantry. Kansas City, [c.
1896]. O. (Int. mil. ser. no. 4.)
■ Military letters and essays. Kansas City, [c. 1896]. O. {8ame^
no. 1.")
See Colomb, P., ^laurice, J. F., Maude, F. N., and others. The
Great war of 189 — .
[MAUDE, John.] Visit to the falls of Niagara in 1800. Lond.,
1826. O.
MAUDSLEY, Henry. Body and will: being an essay concerning
will in its metaphysical, i)hysiological, and pathological as-
pects. X. Y., 1884. O.
MAUNSELL family. See Munsell family.
MAUPASSANT, Henri Ii6n6 Albert Guy de. Clair de lune. Paris,
1895. D.
Contes et nouvelles. Paris, 1893. il. Tt.
Contes du jour et de la nuit. Paris, [n. d.]. D.
La maison Tellier. Paris, 1895. D.
-Unevie. Paris, 1895. D.
Yvette. Paris, 1895. D.
MAIJREL. E. Recherches microscopiques sur r(?tiologie du pal-
udisme. Paris, 1887. 11. O.
MATTRICE, Charles Edmund. The story of Bohemia, from the ear-
liest times to the fall of national independence in 1620; with
a short summary of later events. N. Y., 1896. il. D. (Story
of the nations.)
MAURICE, Frederick Denison. See Maurice, Eev. J: F: D.
MAXTRK^E, John Frederick. Col The balance of military power in
Europe; an examination of the war resources of Great Brit-
ain and the continental states. Leavenw^orth, 1891. O.
See Colomb. P., ^Maurice, J. F., Maude, F. N., and others. The
great war of 189 — .
MAURICE, Rev. John Frederick Denison. Social morality; twenty-
one lectures delivered In the University of Cambridge. New
ed. Lond., 1886. D.
Same. New ed. Lond., 1893. D.
. The workman and the franchise: chapters from English his
torv on the representation and education of the people.
Lond., 1866. O.
MAURY. G. Bonet-. See Bonet -Maury. G.
MAURY, Matthew Fontaine, and Fontaine, William F. Resources of
West Virginia. Wheeling, 1876. O.
(,7;,Y/;/.' I/. DKI'AIITMENT. 569
MAW. Williiuu H. Ivccciit i»racli(<' in marine engin(HM•ins,^ Lond.,
[188;{]. 2 V. text and plates in 1. F.
MAXFIELl), Albert, and Itrady, Robert jr. Roster and statistical
record of Company 1) of "the Eleventh regiment Maine Infan-
try volnnteers, with a sketch of its services in the war of the
rebellion, [n. p.], 1890. 83 p. O.
MAXIM. Silas \\ See Lapham, W: B., and Maxim, S. P. History
of Taris, Main.
MAXIMILIAN Ferdinand .lose])h. emperor of Mexico.
TAYLOR, J: M. Maximilian and Carlotta: a story of imperialism.
N. Y., 1894. pi. pors. O.
MAXWELL, George W. Los Angeles city directory and gazetteer
of Southern California, LS97. Los Angeles, 1897. O.
MAXWELL, Sir Herbert Eustace. Rainy days in a library. N. Y.,
189G. 129 p. D.
MAXWELL. Hu. Idyls of the golden shore. X. Y., 1889. D.
!\[AXWELL. -lames Clerk. Scientific papers; ed. by W. D. Niven.
Cambridge, 1890. pi. 2 v. F.
GLAZEBROOK, R. T. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics.
N. Y., 1896. D. (Cent. scl. ser.)
MAXWELL. 2fr.-lS93. Nashville. 1890. ])ors. O.
]\[AYET, V. Agricultural insurance in organic connection with
savings-banks, land-credit, and the commutation of debts; tr.
from "the German by Arthur Lloyd. Lond., 1893. tables. O.
MAYET. Vah'Tv. Le.^ insectes de la vigne. Montpellier, 1890. il.
MAYO. Earl of. See Bourke, R. S.
MAYO, -Vmorv Dwiirht. Industrial t-ducation in the south. Wash.,
1888. 6. (V. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of inform, 1888. no. 5)
Southf-rn women in the recent educational movement in the
South. Wash.. 1892. O. (-'^rrm^. 1892. no. 1.)
MAYOR. Jolm Evton Bickersteth. ed. The English works of John
Fisher, bishop of Rochester: pt. 1. Lond., 187G. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 27.)
MAYOR, Joseph Bickersteth, A sketch of ancient philosophy from
Thales to Cicero. Camb., 1895. S.
MAZZINI, Guiseppe. Life and writings of Joseph Mazzini. Lond...
1890-91. 6 V. D.
MEACHAM, A. B. Wine-ma (the woman-chief) and her people.
Hartford, 1870. pi. D.
MEAD, Daniel M. History of the town of Greenwich, Fairfield
county, Conn., with many important statistics. N. Y., 1857.
MEAD, Edwin Doak. Representative government. {In Brooklyn
Eth. Assoc. Man and the state.)
MEAD, George Whitefield. Modern methods in church work; the
gospel renaissance. N. Y., 1897. D.
MEAD, Henry. The Sepoy revolt: its causes and its consequences^
Lond., 1857. O.
MEADE, Eric. Pen pictures and how to draw them. Lond., 1895..
il. dia. 100-1-12 p. S.
MEADOWS, Thomas Taylor. Desultory notes on the government
and people of China, and on the Chinese language. Lond.,
1847. eol. pi. O.
MECHANICS' Institute (S. F.). 37th, 40th-42d annual report [1892-
97]. S. F., 1892-97. O. 4 pamps.
Bulletin. Vol. 1: 2-3, Mar. 1897-May 1897. Oak., 1897. Q.
Pamphlets; v. 2. S. F., 1876-92. O.
Contents: Trade tuition: its status at home and abroad, by A. S.
Hallidie. S. F., 1876. — Premium list, rules and regulations of the 12th
industrial exhibition Aug., 1877 — Catalogue of the art department of
the 16 industrial exhibition. S. F., 1881.— Address by W. W. Morrow
on the opening of the l6th industrial exhibition, Aug. 2, 1881 — Address
by Hon. C. Hartson, August, 1882 — Rules and premium list of the 27th
industrial exhibition. S. F., 1892.
Report of the 24th-27th Industrial Exposition; 1889-92. S. F.,
[1889-92.]. 4 V. O.
MEDICAL and surgical reporter; v. 1-5, 7-13, 16-34. Phil., 1858-76.
27 V O. and pts.
Note: Wanting: v. 1, no. 1, 7, 14, 16, 20-26; v. 2, no. 1-2, 4-7, 11, 13,
16, 19-20, 23, 25-26; v. 3, no. 5, 9, 19; v. 4, no. 7; v. 5, no. 21; v. 7, no.
1-3, 25; V. 9, no. 6; v. 11, no. 2, 9; v. 12, no. 6, 30; v. 13, index, no. 20-
22, 26-27; v. 16, no. 1-7, 9-16, 19; v. 17, no. 14; v. 20, no. 11; v. 21, no.
9; V. 23, no. 10; v. 27, no. 17; v. 31, no. 3; v. 33, no. 13; v. 34, no. 10-26.
MEDICAL Association of Missouri. Transactions at its 35th-36th
annual session; lvS92-93. St. Louis, Jefferson City, [1892J-
93. 2 V. O.
MEDICAL journals; 1853-55. O.
Contents: Atlanta medical and surgical journal; v. 1, Sept., 1855.
[Atlanta, 1855]. Memphis medical recorder; v. 1, May, 1853; v. 2,
Sept., Nov., 1853, Jan., May. 1854; v. 3, July, Aug., 1854, March, 1855.
Memphis, 1853-55. Virginia medical and surgical journal, April, 1853.
[n. p.].
MEDICAL news (continuation); v. 12-33. Phil., 1854-75. 22 v. in 11.
Ni-t>': Wanting- Aug. 1862, Sept. 1870. Sept.. Oct., Dec. 1871, May-
Auff. 1872. June, Dec. 1875.
MEDICAL pamphlets, v. 2. O.
Coiitviita: Sacramento Medical Society: constitution, by-laws [etc.].
Sac, 1855.— Logan, T. M. Circular on meteorology. Sac, 1856.— Gib-
bons, H. Address before the San Francisco Co. Medical Society, Jan.
27, 1857. S. F., 1857.— Barstow, G: Address at the opening of the
medical department of the University of the Pacific, May 5, 1859. S. F..
1859.— Rowell, I. Introductory address in the University of the Pacific
May 12, 1859.— Announcement of the medical department of the Uni-
versity of the Pacific S. F., 1859.— Sacramento Board of Health;
ordinance [etc]. Sac, 1862: Report. 1863.— Toland, H. H. Address
delivered at the Toland Medical College, Oct. 24, 1864. S. F., 1864.—
Sacramento Board of Health, Report, 1865: By-laws, rules of order.
Sac, 1866.— Oakland city council. Objections to certain smelting
works in populous localities. Oakland, 1872.— Lane, L. C. Address
on the dedication of Cooper Medical College building, 1882.— Taylor.
E. R. Address [on sa/He].- McNutt, W. F. Mineral and thermal
sprin-rs of California. S. F., 1888.— Lane, L. C. Memorial wreath for
the prosecution in the Graves malpractice suit.
MEDICAL record (coDtiiuiatiou); V. 36-53. N. Y., 1889-97. 18 v. F.
MEDICAL Societv of the District of Columbia. Report on the ty-
phoid fever in D. C. ; submitted to the House of Represent-
atives June 14, 1891. Wash., 1894. maps. 18 p. O.
MEDICI, Lorenzo d^. iJie Magnificent.
ARMSTRONG, E. Lorenzo D. Medici, and Florence in the fifteenth
century. N. Y., 1896. il. pors. pi. D. (Heroes of the nations.)
MEDICO-chirurgical transactions; published by the Royal Medical
and Chirurgical Societv of London (continuation); v. 74.
Lond., 1890-91. 2 v. O.
MEDICUS, Ludwig. Brief introduction to qualitative analysis; tr.
from the fourth and fifth German editions with additions by
J: Marshall. 3d ed. Phil., 1894. O.
MEDINA county (Ohio.)
NORTHROP, N. B. Pioneer history of Medina county. Medina,
1861. S.
MEDLEY, Julius George. A year's campaigning in India from
March, 1857, to March, 1858. Lond., 1858. plans. D.
MEDLK^OTT, J. G. (Cotton hand-book for Bengal; being a digest
of all information available from official records and other
sources on the subject of the production of cotton in the Ben-
gal provinces. Calcutta, 1862. map. O.
MEDWAY, (Mass.).
JAMESON, E. O. id. History of Medway, Mass., 1713-1885. [n. p.].
[1886]. il. O.
MEEHAN, nev. Charles Patrick. The rise and fall of the Irish
Franciscan monasteries, and memoirs of the Irish hierarchy
in the seventeenth century. 14th ed. Dublin, 1872. S.
MEEK. Fielding Bradford. Published writings of M. (U. S. Nat.
Mus. Bull. no. 30, pt. 1.)
MEEK, S. E., and Eliot, D: G. List of fishes and reptiles obtained
by Field Columbian Museum East African expedition to So-
niali-land in ]S!M;. Chic. L^97. O. (Field Columb. Mus.
Zool. ser. v. 1:8.)
MEER Sher Ulee I'fsos. //•. The baglii ooidoo; a Hindoostanee
v«M-si(.n of the I'cisian (iuliistan. ('alciilta. L802. 2 v. O.
MEGJNNESS, John Franklin. Genealogy and history of the Hep-
burn family of the Susquehanna valley, with reference to
other families of the same name. Williamsport, 1894. il.
por. O.
Origin and history of the Magennis family. Williamsport,
1S91. il. por. 'O.
jNJEIGS, John Forsyth, and Ingersoll, R. R. lieuts. Text-book of
ordnance and gunnery naval B. L. R. guns; prepared and ar-
ranged for the use of naval cadets. 2d ed, [Bait.], 1887. 11.
pi. O.
MEIGS, William M. Life of Charles Jared Ingersoll. Phil., 1897.
por. D.
MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest.
GREARD, V. C. O. Meissouier, his life and his art; with extracts from
his note-books and his opinions and impressions on art and artists
collected by his wife. N. Y., 1897. il. pi. F.
MEITZEX, August. History, theory, and technique of statistics;
pt. 1-2 ; tr. with an introduction by R. P. Falkner. Phil., 1891.
O. (Supp. to the annals of the Amer. Academy of Political
and Social Science, March and May, 1891.)
MELBOI^RNE (Australia) Centennial International Exhibition, 188S.
Reports of the United States commissioners, 1888. Wash.,
1889. pi. O.
Same, Wash., 1890. pi. O. (U. S. 51st Cong. 1st sess. S. E. D.)
MELDOLA, Raphael. The chemistry of photography. Lond., 1891.
D. (Nature series.)
MELICK family. See Mellick.
MELL, P. H. ^ Report on the climatology of the cotton plant.
Wash., 1893. O. (In V. S. Dept. of Agrie. Weather Bu. Bull,
no. 8.)
:MELLERSH, Thomas. Argument of S. F. and N. P. R. R. Co. (Dona-
hue line) against the adoption of Senate constitutional
amendment no. 8, Jan. 11, 1893: resolutions relating to reduc-
tion of freights and fares of the railroads of the State of Cal.
S. F., 1891. 43 p. O. (Ill R. R. pamphlets, v. 5.)
MELLICK, Andrew D. jr. The story of an old farm; or. Life in New
Jersey in the eighteenth century: with genealogical appen-
dix. 'Somerville, 1889. O.
MELLICK. family
MELLTCK. A. D. //•. Genealogy of the Moelich. Malick, Melick,
Mellick family. (In Story of an old farm.)
MELVILLE, George Wallace, ed. Proceedings of the Inter-
national Engineering Congress, Division of Marine and Naval
Engineering and Naval Architecture, held in connection with
the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, July 30-Aug.
5,1893. N. Y.. 1894. 2 v. pi. O.
MELVILLE, William Harlow, and Lindgren, Waldemar. Contribu-
tions to the mineralogy of the Pacific coast. Wash., 1890.
{In TT. S. Geol. surv. Bulletins, v. 8, no. 61.)
MEMMTNGER, Christopher Gustavus.
CAPERS, H. D. The life and times of C. G. Memminger. Richmond,
1893. por. O.
MEMOIRES et obsorviitioiis iji^oorapbiquos et critiques siir la Hitu-
atiou des pays scptonlrionaiix; pai' Mr. * * *• See En^cl,
MfiMOIKES pour I'liistoire naUirelle de la province de Lauguedoc;
[by .1. A St rue].
MEMOKIAL addresses. Californians. 1860-1803. O.
Conleutfi- Obituary addresses in California legislature on the occa-
sion of the death of J: C: Bell. Sac, 1860. 29 p.— Oration at the obse-
quies of Past Gr. S., T: Wildey. S. F., 1861. 20 p.— Addresses de-
livered in the Senate and House of Rep. on the death of E: D. Baker.
Wash 18G2 87 p.— Hardinge, E. Funeral oration on Rev. T: Starr
King ' S F 1864. 20 p.— Bellows, H. W. A. Discourse in memory of
T: Starr King. S. P., 1864. 47 p. Pickett, C: E. J: C. Fremont, his
character, achievements, and qualifications for the Presidency. 16 p.
—Curtis E. William Watt, a representative miner.— Curtis, B. Le-
land Stanford. S. F., 1880. 38 p.— Cal. pioneers. Memorial on the
life and services of Washington Bartlett. 1888. 45 p.— Memorial
services in memory of Gov. W. Bartlett, by the Senate and Assembly
of Cal. Sac, 1889. 12 p.— Hittell, T. H. George i^ancroft and his
services to Cal. S. F., 1893. 20 p.— Memorial addresses upon the life
and character of Leland Stanford, delivered in the Senate of the U. S.
Wash., 1893. 31 p.
MEMOKIAL and biograpbical bistory of nortbern California. Tbe
Lewis Tublisbing Co. pub. Cbic, 1891. pi. pors. Q.
MEMPHIS appeal-avalancbe [daily]; July-Dec. 1890. Mempbis,
1890. 2v. F.
MEMPHIS medical recorder; v. 1, May, 1853; v. 2, Sept., >iOV., 18o ?,
Jan., May, 1854; v 3, July, Aug., 1854, Marcb, 1855. Meni-
pbis, 1853-55. O. {In Medical journals, 1853-55.)
MEMSON, V. Sur une nouvelle classification des vignes des Etata-
Unis d'Amerique; tr. [par] G. Bourgarde. Montpellier, 1885.
12 p. O. (In Pamphlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
MEN of acbievement series. N. Y., 1893-97. 4 v. D.
Name! II. ■ Brooks, N. Statesmen. Greely, A. W. Explorers and
travellers. Stoddard, W. O. Men of business. Hubert, P. G. jr.
MENAULT. Ernest. Tbe intelligence of animals, witb illustrative
anecdotes. N. Y., 1894. il. D. (Wonders of man and na-
MENDELL, George H. Report on tbe various projects for the water
supplv of San Francisco, Cal. S. F., 1877. maps. O.
MENDfiS, Catulle. Poesies. Paris, 1892. 2 v. pors. D.
Koi vierge. roman contemporain. Bixi^me ed. Paris, 1886. D.
MENDOCINO county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1892, 1894, 1896.
MENDOCINO beacon [weekly] (continuation); July 1889-Dec.
1897. Mendocino, 1889-97. 3 v. F.
MENDON Association of Congregational ministers.
BLAKE, M. A centurial history of the Association: with biographical
sketches of the members. Bost., 1853. D.
MENDUM, Samuel W. The Question Clubs and tbe tariff. (In
Both sides of tbe tariff question.)
MENEGHINI, Giuseppe. On tbe animal nature of tbe diatomeae,
Pub. Henfrey, A., ed. Botan. and pbysiol. mem.)
with an organographical revision of tbe genera. (Ray Soc.
idfiNEYAL, Claude Franyois de. Memoirs illustrating the history
of iS'apoleou I, from 18U2 to 1815; ed. by N. J. de M6neval.
N. Y,. 1894-95. 3 v. pors. D.
MEjS'ZIES, Allen. D.D. History of religion; a sketch of primitive
religions, beliefs, and practices, and of the origin and charac-
ter of the great systems N. Y., 1895. D. (University ser.)
ed. Ante-Nicene fathers. See Ante-Nicene fathers.
JMEKCANTILE agencv, (S. F.). Mercantile reports of Hope and Co.;
V. 2. S. F., 1862. 158 p. D.
3IEKCANTILE directory for 1889 of every banking town in Califor-
nia. S. F., [c. 1889]. O.
MEECANTILE gazette and shipping register; Jan. 4, 1859-Dec. 31,
1860. S. F., 1859-60. 2 v. F.
MERCxlNTILE Library Association (San Francisco). 19th, 21st,
25th, 28th-31st, 34th, 36th. 42d annual report of the presi-
dent, treasurer and librarian, 1871-1894. S. F., 1871-95. O.
15 pams.
Catalogue, August 1854. S. F., 1854. O.
Original poem written for the opening of the fair, October 20,
1868, by Mrs. S. M. Clarke. S. F., 1868. 12 p. S. pam.
MERCANTILE Library Association (New York). Bulletin of new
books, no. 14, Dec. 1, 1892. N. Y., 1892. O. pam.
72d, 74th-75th annual report of the board of direction; 1892,
1894-95. [N. Y.], 1893-95. Spams.
MERCED county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896.
MERCED express; May 17, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Merced, 1890-97.
2 v. F.
JNIERCER, Henry C. The hill caves of Yucatan: a search for evi-
dence of man's antiquity in the caverns of Central America^
being an account of the Corwith expedition of the Depart-
ment of Archaeology and Palaeontology of the University of
Pennsylvania. Phil., 1896. il. 183 p. O.
MERCIER, ^^ . MtSmoire des diff^rentes natures et qualit^s de
raisins de notre terroir. Montpellier, 1879. 49 p. S.
MERCIER, Charles. M.D. Lunatic asylums, their organization
and management. Lond., lvS94. O.
Sanity and insanity. N. Y, 1890. il. D. (Contemp. science
MEREDITH, George. The adventures of Harry Richmond. Bost,
1888. D.
The amazing marriage. N. Y., 1895. 2 v. D.
Beauchamp's career. Bost., 1888. D.
Diana of the crossways. Bost., 1895. D.
The egoist. Bost., 1893. I).
An essav on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit. N. Y.,
1897. 99 p. D.
Evan Harrington. Bost., 1896. D.
Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 4th ed. N. Y., 1895. D.
One of our conquerors. Bost., 1891. D.
The ordeal of Richard Feverel; a history of a father and son.
Lend., 1887. D.
Rhoda Fleming. Bost., 1893. D.
3iEKEl)lTH, George. Sandivi Belloni; originally Emilia in En-
gland. Bost., 1804. D.
The shaving of Shagpat, an arabiau entertainment: and, Fa-
rina. Bost., 1888. D.
The tragic comedians, a study in a well-known story: with an
introductory note on F. Lassalle bv Clement Shorter. Bos-
ton, 1892. b.
Vittoria. Bost., 1891. D.
MEKEy, Francis. tSketch of English literature, painting, and
music, up to September, 1598. {In Arber E. Eng. Garner, v.
2, p. 94.)
MERGE \', Jean de. M«?moires. {In Col. des m^m. rel. k I'hist. de
France, 1823, s. 1, v. 34.)
MERIDEN (Conn.) . Free Library. Catalogue, [n. p.], [n. d.]. 48 p.
O. pam.
[MERIGUT, John.] Select collection of views and ruins in Rome
and its vicinity. Lond., [n. d.]. il. Q.
MERIMfiE, Prosper. Carmen: Arsene Guillot; L'Abbe Aubain;
La dame de pique; Les Bohdmiens; Le hussard; Nicolas
Gogol. Paris, 1893. D.
Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX; engravings on wood
from drawings by fiduard Toudouze; newly translated into
English by G: Saintsbury. N. Y., [n. d.]. il. Q.
Chronique du rdgne de Charles IX. Paris, 1894. D.
Colombo; La ^^^nus d'llle; Les ames du purgatoire. Paris,
1895. D.
fitudes sur les arts au moyen age. 10^ ed. Paris, 1891. D.
Lettres a une autre inconuue. (Avant-propos par H: Blaze de
Bury.) Paris, 1875. D.
Portraits historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. D.
MERIXCrTON, Marguerite. Daphne; or, The pipes of Arcadia:
three acts of singing nonsense. N. Y., 1896. 166 p. 11. S.
Woman and the bicycle. (In Out-of-door lib. Athletic sports.)
MERIVALE, Charles. The Roman triumvirates. N. Y., 1897. map.
S. (Epochs of anc. hist.)
MERIVALE. Herman. See Edwards, Sir H. B., and Merivale, H.
Life of Sir Henry Lawrence.
MERIVALE, Herman Charles, and Marzials, Frank T. Life of W:
M. Thackeray. Lond., 1891. O. (Great writers.)
^lERIWETHER, Colyer. History of higher education in South
Carolina; with a sketch of the free school system. Wash.,
1880. O. {V. S. Bu. of Ed. Circ of inform., 1888, no. 3.)
MINOR, L. H. A. The Meriwethers and their connections: a family
record. Albany, 1892. pors. 180 p. O.
MERLE, Mathieu. haron de Salavas. M(?moires. (In Col. des m^m.
rel. h rhist. de France, 1823, s. 1, v. 28.)
MERTJN; or. The early history of Kins: Arthur: a prose romance,
about 1450-60 A. D. ; ed. from the unique ms. in the University
T^ibrary, Cambridge, by H. B. Wheatley; with an introduction by
D. W. Nash [and an essay on Arthurian localities, by J. S. S.
Glennie]; pt. 1-3. Lond., 1865-69. 2 v. O. (Early Eng. Text See.
Pub. Rep:, ser. no. 10, 21, 36.)
AlEKOLLA da Sorrenlo, Girolamo. Voyage to Kongo and several
other countries in the south parts of Africa, l(i82; tr. from
the Italian, [in Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 166.)
MERRELL, Albert. M.D. A digest of materia medica and phar-
macy. Phil., 1883. O.
i ERKIAM, Augustus Chapman. Telegraphing among rhe au-
cients. Camb., 1890. map. 32 p. O. Arch. Inst, of Am.
Classical ser. 3.)
MERRIAM, Clinton Ilart. On a bird new to Bermuda, with notes
upon several species of rare or accidental occurrence. (U. S.
^^at. Mus. Bull. no. 25, pt. 5.)
MERRIAM, Florence Augusta. A-birding on a bronco. Bost., 1896.
il. S.
MERRIAM, George Spring. The chief end of man. Bost., 1897. D.
The story of William and Lucy Smith. Bost., 1889. por. D.
ed. Noah Porter; a memorial by his friends. N. Y., 1893.
pors. O.
MERRIAM. John C. Sigmogomphius Le Contei; a new easteroid
rodent from the pliocene, near Berkeley. {In Univ. of CaL
Dept. of Ceol, Bull. v. 1, no. 13.)
MERRIAM, Lucius Salisburv. Higher education in Tennessee.
Wash., 1893. O. (U. "S. Bu. of Ed. Circ. of Inform. 1893,
no. 5.)
MERRILL, Clarence S. Marsh's new manual of reformed phonetic
short hand; revised by M. 3d ed. S. F., 1890. 120 p. O.
MERRILL, George Berkins. The onyx marbles: their origin, com-
position and uses, both ancient and modern. (IT. S. Nat. Mus.
rept. 1893.)
MERRILL, William Emery, lieut.-col. Block houses for railroad
defense in the department of the Cumberland. (In Hunter,
R., ed. Sketches of war history.)
MERRILL, William Stetson. Index to publications of Archaeolog-
ical Institute of America, 1879-1889. Camb., 1891. O.
MERRILL and Co. puh. The soldier of Indiana in the war for the
union. Indianapolis, 1866-69. 2 v. pors. O.
MERRIMAN, Mansfield. An introduction to geodetic surveying, in
three parts: 1. The figure of the earth. 2. The principles of
least squares. 3. The field work of triangulation. N. Y..
1892. 172 p. pi. O.
MERRY, Thomas B. com.p. Australian turf statistics: [scrap-
book] : containing 260 Australian and 70 English tabulated
pedigrees. \Jm^ Angeles] [n. d.]. F.
MERRY, William L. The Nicaragua canal ; the gateway between;
the oceans. S. F., 1895. il. maps. 46 p. Q. pam.
MfiRYOX, Charles. Old Paris; etchings by M.; preface and illus-
trative notes by S. A. Brooke. Loud., 1887. pi. F.
MERZ, John Theodore. Leibniz. Phil., 1894. por. S. (Philo-
sophical classics.)
MESERVE. Charles F. A tour of observation among Indians and
Indian schools in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kan-
sas. Phil., 1894. 43 p. pamp. O.
or. D.
METCALFE, Walter C. ed. A'isitations of Suffolk, made by LLervey
Cooke, 1577, Raven, 1612; with notes and appendix of addi-
tional Suffolk pedigrees. Exeter, 1882. Q.
METEOKO LOGICAL Society. Proceedings; v. 1-5; 1861-71. Lond.,
1868-71. 5 V. O.
Xoic: Vol. i-3 has title British Meterological Society.
METHODIST Episcopal Church, (Cal.). Official minutes of the 42d
session of the California annual conference, held at Pacific
Grove Sept. 1894. S. F., 1S04. 2 v. O. pam.
METHODIST magazine; beng a continuation of the Arminian, or
Methodist magazine first published by John W^esley (continu-
ation); 5th ser. v. 17-22, 1871-76; 6th ser. v. 1-15, 1877-91.
Lond., [1871-91]. 21 v. O.
Xotc: Title from 3d. ser. v. 1, 1822, is Wesleyan-Methodist magazine,
METTEKNICH, Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar, Ftierst von Met-
ternichAViiinehury. Memoirs, 1815-1835 ; ed. by Prince Richard
Metternich (continuation) ; tr. by Mrs. A. Napier and G. W.
Smith; v. 3-5. N. Y., 1881-82. 3 v. O.
FENELON, F. de S. de la M. Le si6ge de Metz par I'empereur Charles
V. en ran 1552. (//( Col. des mem, rel. a I'hist. de France. 1823. s.
I. V. 32.)
MEUNIER, Victor. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of
the world. N. Y., 1894. il. D. (Wonders of man and nat-
MEURICE, Paul. Letters of Victor Hugo, to his family, to Sainte-
Beuve and others. Bost., 1896. O.
MEURS, Jan. Elegantiae Latini sermonis sen Aloisia Sigaea Tole-
tana de arcanis amoris et veneris. See Chorier, Nicolas.
MEURSII^S, Johan. See Meurs, Jan.
MEXICAN war veterans: a complete roster of the regular and vol-
unteer troops in the war between the United States and Mex-
ico from 1846 to 1848: compiled by W: Hugh Roberts. Wash.,
1887. 80 p. O.
MEXICO. Academia de Derecho Espafiol Solemne accion de gracias;
celebrada el dia 15 Marzo de 1813. [Mexico], 1S14. 70 p. D..
MEXICO a trav(5s de los siglos: historia general y completa
de Mexico desde la antigiiedad mAs remota hasta la ^pocha
actual; ed. by V. Riva Palacio, Barcelona, [n.d.]. il. pi.
pors. 5 V. F.
MEYEN. Franz Julius Ferdinand. Outlines of the geography of
plants: with ])articular enquiries concerning the native coun-
try, the culture, and the uses of the principal cultivated
plants on which the prosperity of nations is based; tr. by
Margaret Johnston. Lond., 1846. O. (Rav Soc. Pub.)
MEYER, Carl. Nacli dem Sacramento. Reisebilder eines Heimge-
kehrten. Aarau, 1855. D.
MEYER, Erust von. A history of chemistry from earliest times to
the present day: being also an introduction to the study of
the science; tr. by G: M'Gowan. Lond., 1891. O.
MEY'ER, Franz Sales. A handbook of art smithing; tr. from 2d
Ger. ed. by J. S. Gardner. N. Y., [18i)6]. il. O.
Handbook of ornament: a handbook of art and architectural
designing in all its branches. N. Y., 1891. il. O.
MEYER, George Homer. Lamara and other poems. S. F., 1878.
Ill p. S.
MEY^ER, Heinrich August Wilhelm. Critical and exegetical com-
mentary on the New Testament; from the German, with the
sanction of the author. The translation revised and edited
by W: P Dickson, F. Crombie, and W: Stewart. Edin., 1881-
91. 20 V. O.
Namely: Gospel of Matthew; tr. from 6th ed. of the German, by
P. Christie, 2 v. Gospels of Mark and Luke; tr. from 5th ed. of the
German, by R. E. Wallis, 2 v. Gospel of John; tr. from 5th ed. of the
German, by W: Urwick [and others], 2 v., v. 1 2d ed. Acts of the
Apostles; tr. from 4th ed. of the German, by P. J. Gloag, 2 v. Epistle
to the Romans; tr. from 5th ed. of the German, by J: C. Moore and
E. Johnson, 2 v., v. 2 2d ed. Epistles to the Corinthians; tr. from 5th
ed. of the German, by D. D. Bannerman and D. Hunter, 2 v. Epistle
to the Galatians; tr. from 5th ed. of the German, by G. H. Venables,
2d ed. Epistle to the Ephesians, and the epistle to Philemon; tr. from
the 4th ed. of the German, by M. J. Evans. Epistles to the Philippians
and Colossians; tr. from 4th ed. of the German, by J: C. Moore.
Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, by G. Lunemann; tr. from
the 3d ed. of the German, by P. J. Gloag. Epistles of St. Paul to
Timothy and Titus, by J. E. Huther; tr. from 4th ed. of the German,
by D. Hunter. Epistle to the Hebrews, by G. Lunemann; tr. from
4th ed. of the German, by M. J. Evans. General epistles of James and
John, by J. E. Huther. General epistles of Peter and Jude, by J. E.
Critical and exegetical hand-book to the Epistle to the Ro-
mans; tr. from the 5th ed. of the German by J: C. Moore and
E. Johnson; translation rev. and ed. by W: P. Dickson; with
a preface and supplementary notes to the Amer. ed. by T.
Dwight. N. Y., 1889. O.
MEYER, Kuno. tr. Voyage of Bran, son of Febal. to the land of
the living. Lond., 1895. D. (Grimm lib. no. 4.)
MEYNELL, Mrs. Alice Thompson. The children. N. Y.. 1897. 134
p. S.
The colour of life and other essays on things seen and heard.
Lond., 1896. 108 p. S.
Poems. 3d ed. Lond., 1896. 72 p. S.
. The rhythm of life and other essays. 5th ed. Lond., 1896.
106 p.' S.
MEYRICK, Geraldine. Songs of a fool, and other verses. San Jose,
1805. 30 p. S. pam.
MEZES, Sidney Edward. Worth and goodness as marks of the ab-
solute. (In Royce, J., and others. Conception of God.)
MICHAEL, Albert D. British oribatidae. Lond., 1884-88. 2 v.
pi. O. (Rav Soc. Pub.)
MICHAEL, William 11. romp. Official Congressional directory;
50tli Cong., 2d session — r)2d Cong., 2d sess. — r)4tli Cong.. 2d
sess— 55th Cong., extra session. Wash., 1888-1897. 12 v. O.
.Vo^ .- 1st and 2(1 editions are published for each session.
■ and Pulsifer, Pitman, cump.s. Tariff acts passed by the Con-
gress of the United States from 1780 to 1895. Wash.,
1890. Q.
MICHAELIS, Hermann, and Passy, Panl. Dictionaire phone}i(ine
de la langne Francaise; comi)l(:^ment necessaire do tout dic-
tionnaire Fanrais. Hanover, 1897. O.
MICHEL, Dan. Ayenbit of inwyt; or, Eemorse of conscience, in
the Kentish dialect, 1840 A. D. [from the French of Frf^re
Lorens] ; ed. from the autogra])h ms. in the British Museum,
with an introduction on the i)eculiarities of the southern dia-
lect, and a glossarial index, by R. Morris. Lond., 186(5. O.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 23.)
MICHEL, fimile. Rembrandt, his life, his work, and his time; from
the French, by F. Simmonds; ed. by F. Wedmore. Lf). Lansiiij:-. [lS!»0-18!m]. 0. pams.
State Library. Bnlk-tins: no. 1. Lansing, 189G. O.
yamcly: No. 1. Study Clubs.
Catalogue: Second and Tliii-d supplements, Jan. 1, 1883-
Api'il 1, 1890; conip. by Mary (1 Spencer. Lansing, 1890. O.
(^'atalogue of the law department; comp. by S. A. Tom-
linson. Lansing, 1896. O.
Report of the librarian, 1888-96. Lansing, 1890-1896. O.
State Pomolofiical Society. 4th- [9th] annual report of the secre-
tary; 1871-79. Lansing, 1875-80. 6 v. O.
^'otr: Continued as State Horticultural Society.
State rrison. Biennial report of the inspectors and officers,
June 30, 1894-96. Lansing, 1894-96. O. pam.
State Beform School. (Lansing.) Biennial report of the super-
intendent and board of control; 1890-92. Lansing, 1891-92.
2 V. O.
State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children. lst-2d
biennial report of the board of control, 1893-96. Lansing,
1895-96. O.
State Salt Inspector. 25th-28th annual report, 1893-96. Lan-
sing, 1895-97. O.
State Tax Statistician. 1st annual report. Lansing, 1896. O.
Superintendent of Public Instruction. Amendments to the gen-
eral school laws; 1891. Lansing, 1891. O.
.38th-46th, 48th, 50th-54th, 58th-59th annual report, with
accompanying documents; 1874-82, 1884, 1886-90, 1894-96.
Lansing, 1875-96. 17 v. O.
General school law^s ; with appendixes, 1889. Lansing,
1889. O.
Same. 1897,
Manual of child study. [Lansing, n. d.]. O.
Treasury Department. Report of the treasurer; 1890, 1894-97.
[Lansing, 1890] 97. O. <> pams.
Upper Peninsula Asylum for the Insane. (Newberry.) Report of
the building commissioners, 1895. Lansing, 1895. O.
-Biennial report of the Board of Trustees: 1st, 1896. Lan-
sing. 1896. O.
MICHIGAN Dairymen's Association. 12th annual report of the
secretary; 1896. O.
MICHTGAX at Gettysburg, July lst-3d. 1863. June 12th, 1889.
Proceedings incident to the dedication of the Michigan mon-
uments upon the battlefield of Gettysburg. June 12th. 1889;
together with a full report of the Monument Commission.
Detroit, 1889. pi. pors. O.
MICHIGAN Pioneer and Historical Society. See Pioneer and His-
torical Society of the State of ^Michigan.
MICROSCOPICAL Society. Index to the transactions 1844-1852.
(Bd. with index to the Quarterly Joniiial of Microscopical
Science, 1853-1888.)
MIDDLEHAM Collegiate Church.
Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate
church of Middleham, in the county of York; with historical intro-
duction and incidental notices of the castle, town and neignborhood,
by Rev. W: Atthill. Lond., 1847. O. (Camden Soc, v. 38.)
MIDDLESEX county (Va.). The parish register of Christ Church,
Middlesex county, Va.: from 1653 to 1812; pub. by the Na-
tional Society of the Colonial Dames of America (Va.).
Rich., 1897. Q.
MIDDLF:T0N, David, capt. Voyage to Java and Banda in 1G09.
{In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 351.)
Voyage to Bantam and the Molukkos in 1607. [In same, p. 332.)
MIDDLETON, Sir Henry, Voyage to the Red Sea and Surat itt
1610. {In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 360.)
Voyage in 1604, being the second set forth by the East India's
company. (In same, p. 279.)
MIDDLETON,' Thomas. Works; now first collected, with some
account of the author and notes by Rev. A. Dyce. Lond.,
1840. 5 V. pi. por. D.
MIDGLEY, W. See Lilley, A. E. V., a7id Midgley, W. Studies in
plant form.
MIFFLIN, Lloyd. At the gates of song. Bost., 1897. il. 162
p. D.
MIKKELSON, Michael A. The Bishop Hill Colony; a religious
communistic settlement in Henry county, Illinois. Bait.,
1892. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci.,
V. 10, no. 1.)
MILBURN, William Henrv. The pioneers, preachers and peoj)le
of the Mississippi valley. N. Y., 1860. D.
MILDMAY, Sir Henry Paulet St. John. Life of Abraham Tucker.
{In Tucker, A. Light of nature pursued.)
MILEvS, Alfred H. ed. Natural historv in anecdote. N. Y., [c.
1895]. O.
MILES, L. Roger. See Roger-Miles, L.
MILES, Nelson A. gen. Personal recollections and observations,
embracing a brief, view of the civil war, and the story of his
Indian campaigns; with comments on the exploration, devel-
opment and progress of our great western empire. Chic,
1896. il. pors. " Q.
MILES, Samuel, col. Journal concerning the battle of Long
Island, 1776. (In Penn. archives, 2d ser., v. 1.)
MILINDA. Hnq. The questions of king Milinda; tr. from the
Pali, by T. W. R. Davids. Oxford, 1890. O. (Miiller, F. M.
ed. Sacred books of the east, v. 35.)
MILITARY Order of Foreign Wars of the U. S. California com-
mandery. Bvlaws adopted at a meeting held at Mt. Hamil-
ton Nov. 21st , 1896. S. F., 1896. O.
MILITARY Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Tll-
inois Commandcry. Military essays and recollections; v. 1.
Chic, 1891. por. maps. O.
Minnesofa Commnndory. Glimpses of the nation's struggle;
[1st] -2d ser. St. Paul, 1887-90. 2 v. map. O.
MILITARY Ordei' of the Loyal L«'gioii of the U. S. Missouri Com-
mandenj. W'lU' pajjers aud personal remiuisceuces, 18(il-G5;
V. 1. St. Louis, 181)2. O.
New York Commandery. Personal recollections of the war of
the rebellion; addresses delivered before the New York com-
mandery, 1888-91; ed. by J. G. Wilson and T. M. Coan. N.
Y., 1891. por. map. O.
Ohio Commandery. Sketches of war history, 1861-65; v. 1-3.
Cin., 1888-90. 3 v. pi. O.
Wisconsin Commandery. ^^'ar papers; v. 1. Milwaukee,
1891. O.
MILL, Hugh Robert. The realm of nature; an outline of physio-
graphy. N. Y., 1896. il. S. (University ser.)
See Rattray, J., and Mill, M. R. eds. Forestry and forest pro-
MILL, John Stuart. Earlv essays, selected by J. W. M. Gi1-bs.
Lond., 1897. D. (Rohn.)
COURTNEY, W. L. Life of John Stuart Mill. Lond., 1889. 0.
(Great writers.)
MTLLAIS, John Guille. A breath from the Veldt. Lond., 1895. il.
pi. F.
MILLAR, Frederick. The evils of state trading as illustrated by
the Post Office. [In Mackay, T: ed. A plea for liberty.)
MILLAR, William J. Latitude and longitude: how to find them.
Lond. and Phil., 1896. dia. 53 p. D. (Charles Griffin's
naut. ser.)
MILLER, A. M. maj. tr. Barois, J. Irrigation in Egypt. Wash.,
1889. Q.
MILLER, Charles A. Official and political manual of the state of
Tennessee. Xashville, 1890. pi. O. 2 cop.
MILLER, Charles Grant. Donn Piatt: his work and his ways.
Cin., 1893. por. D.
MILLER, Charles Henry, (pseud., Carl De Muldor). The philosophy
of art in America. N. Y., 1885. 136 p. D.
MILLER, Charles T. Settlement of Rhode Island; illustrated by
Walter F. Brown. Providence, 1874. n.p. pi. obi. O.
MILLER, Cincinnatus Hiner. called Joaquin. The building of ihe
City Beautiful. Cambridge and Chic, 1894. S.
Poem, delivered before the Society of California Pioneers Sc.'pt.
10, 1894. S. F., 1894. O. (In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and
poems. V. 2.)
Shadows of Shasta. Chic, 1881. 184 p. D.
Songs of the soul. S. F., 162 p. D.
MILLER. Francis W. Cincinnati's beginnings: missing chapters
in the earlv history of the city and the Miami ])urchase. Cin-
cinnati, 1880. O."
MILLER, Mrs. Harriet Mann, (pseud. Olive Thorne Miller.) A bird-
lover in the west. Bost.. 1894. S.
Four-hand.'d folk. Bost.. 1896. il. S.
Upon the tree-tops. Bost.. 1897. il. S.
MILLER. James Russell. D.D. Tilings to live for. N. Y., [c.
1896]. S.
MILLER, Joaquin. See Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner.
MILLER, John Bleecker. Trade organizations in politics also pro-
gress and robberv; an answer to Henry George. N. Y., 1887.
O. (2 cop.)
MILLER, John W. Nicaragua canal: an address delivered before
the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce June 17, 1885. S.
F., 1885. 20 p. O. {[n Tracts on commerce, v. 4.)
MILLER, Olive Thorne. pseud. See Miller, Mrs. Harriet Mann.
MILLER, Philip. The gardener's and botanist's dictionary; cor-
rected and newly arranged; with add. by Thomas Martyn.
Lond., 1807. 2 v. in 1 pts. pi. F.
IkULLER, Samuel Almond. North American geology and palaeon-
tology. Cin., 1889. il. O.
MILLER, Thomas, ed. Bede's Ecclesiastical history of the Eng-
lish people; pt. 1: sec. 1-2. Lond., 1890-9L O. (Early Eng.
Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 95, 96.)
MILLER, Walter. Latin piose composition for college use; pt.
1-2. Bost., 1891. S. (Students Ser. of Latin Classics.)
Scientific names of Latin and Greek derivation. (Cal. Acad.
of Sci. 3d ser. Zoology, v. 1.)
Same. (In L. S. Jr. Univ. Cont. to biol. from Hopkins seaside
lab. no. 10.)
The theatre of Thoricus. Bost., 1888. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am.
Amer. School, Athens, v. 4.)
MILLER, William Allen. Magnetism and electricity. Corrected
from the 4th London ed. N. Y., 1888. il. O.
MJLLET, Francis Davis. The decoration of the Exposition. N. Y.,
1893. O. (In Millet, F. D. and others. Some artists at the
Yatil. (In Stories bv Amer. authors, v. 5.)
[and others.] Some artists at the fair. N. Y., 1893. il. 123
p. O.
MILLET, Jean Francois.
ADY, Mrs. H: (Julia C'artirright.) Jean FranQois Millet, his life and
letters. Lond., 1896. il. O.'
MOLLETT, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Millet, Rousseau, Diaz.
Lond., 1890. pi. pors. D. (Illus. biog. of the great artists.)
MILLIN, Aubin Louis. Monumens antiques, in«^dits on nouvelle-
ment expliqu(^s; tome 1-2. Paris, 1802-06. 2 v. Q.
MILLINGEN, John Gideon. Recollections of republican France,
from 1790 to 1801. Lond., 1848. D.
MflLLINGTOX], T[homas]. The true narration of the entertain-
ment of His Royal Majesty [James L] from the time of his
departure from Edinburgh till his receiving at London. 1603.
(I7i Arber, E : Eng. garner v. 8, p. 486.)
MILLTS, C. T. Need and value of technical education. (Tn Galton,
F. W. Workers (m their industries.)
MILLIS. John. Electricity in land warfare. (/?? Brackett. C. F.
and others. Electricity in daily life.)
MILLS, Charles Karsner. Mental over-work and premature disease
among public and professional men. Wash., 1885. O. (Toner
lecture, uo. 9. Smithsonian Inst. Miscel. coll., v. 34.)
MILLS. Edmund James, and Rowan. F. J. Fuel and its applica-
tions; ed. by C: E. Groves. Phil.. 1889. il. pi. O. (In
Groves, C: E., and Thorp, W: eds. Chemical technology, v. 1.)
MILLS, Ella. Genoalof;y of the doscondants of Thomas Mills, one
of the first settlers in Dumbarton, N. H. Marlboro, ISO.'i. 32
p. D.
MILLS, Lawrence He.vworth. tr. Zend-avesta; pt. 3. Oxford, 18^7.
O. (Mtiller, F. M. Sacred books of the east, v. 31.)
MILLS, Lewis Este. General Tope's Virginia campaign of 18(52.
Cin., 1S70. 32 p. O.
MILLS, Koo-er Qnarles. Free trade aj?ainst slave trade;— The Glad-
stone-Rlaine controversy. {Tn Both sides of the tariff con-
Biographical sketch. {In same.)
MILLS family.
MILLS, E. Genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Mills, one of the
first settlers in Dunbarton, N. H. Marlboro, 1893. 32 p. D.
MILLSPAT'GH, (Miarles Frederick. Contribution to the flora of
Yucatan. (Field Columbian Mus. Pub., no. 4, 15.)
and Nuttall, L. W: Flora of West Virginia. {Same, no. 9.)
MILMAX, Henry Hart. The history of Christianity from the birth
of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire.
New ed. Lond., 1884. 3 v. D.
Poetical works. Lond., 1839. 3 v. S.
MILNE, G. Grinnell. Life of Lieut.-Admiral de Ruyter. Lond.,
1S9G. por. D.
MILNER, Alfred. England in Egypt. Lond., 1892. map. O.
MILNER, John. D.D. The end of religious controversy, in a
friendly correspondence between a religious society of protes-
tants and a Roman Catholic divine; addressed to Rev. Dr.
P.urgess in answer to his "Protestant Catechism." N. Y.,
[1801?]. D.
MILTON, John. Complete poetical works; with a life of the poet
and notes on his works by T: Newton. India proof ed. Phil.,
1890. 2 V. pi. pors. Q.
Poetical works; ed. with memoir, introductions, notes, and an
essay on Milton's English and versification, by David Mas-
son..' Lond., 1882. 3 v. S.
A common-place book, and a Latin essay and Latin verses pre-
sumed to be by Milton; ed. from the original mss. in the pos-
session of Sir F. XT. Graham, by A. J. Horwood. [Westmin-
ster], 187G. 20-^09 p. facsim. O. (Camden Soc, n, s. v.
Same, rev. ed. 1877. (Same, n. s. v. =^10.)
Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of M.; with the
documents relating to his connection with the Powell family; coU.
and ed. bv W. D. Hamilton. [Lond.]. 1859. O. (Same. v. 75.)
GARNETT, R. Life of John Milton. Lond., 1890. O. (Great
MAPTERMAN, J. H. B. The age of Milton. Lond., 1897. S. (Hand-
books of Eng. lit.)
MILWAT'KEE, (Wis.). The city of Milwaukee; a souvenir of the
24th Siingerfest of the N." A. Siingerbund, July 21-2;"), 1886; and Zahn. publishers. :\Iilwnukee. ^^^C^. 119 p. 11.
maps. O.
Pvhik Lihrari/. 131h-17th annual reports of tlie board of trus-
tees [1891]-94. Milwaukee, 1892-94. O. 4 pam.
MIND: a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy; v. 1-16;
n. s. V. 1-G. 1S7G-97. Loiid., 1876-97. 22 v. O.
Index, vol. 1-16. (In vol. 16.)
MINDELEFF, Victor. A study of pueblo architecture; Tusayan
and Cibola. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology. 8th
annual report.)
MINEES' companion and guide; published by J. Silversmith. S.
F., 1861. il. T.
MINES, John Flavel. {pseud. Felix Oldboy.) A tour around New
York and Mv sumer acre: being the recreations of Mr. Felix
Oldboy. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. O.
MINES and mining men of Colorado; historical, descriptive and pic-
torial. Published bv J : G. Canfield. Denver, 1893. il. pors.
obi. Q.
MINING and scientific press; v. 1-7, 59-75. S. F., 1860-63, 1889-97.
24 V. in 19. F.
Note: V. 3-4, 8-49, 51-58 entered in former catalogue.
MINING industry; v. 1-20; July 1, 1887- June, 1897. Denver, 18S7-
97. 20 V. in 10. F.
MINNEAPOLIS, (Minn.). Annual reports of the various city oflB-
cers for the year, 1891. Minneapolis, 1892. O.
Public Library. "'lst-3d, 5th, 6th annual report; 1890-92, 1894-95.
Minneapolis, 1891-95. O. 5 pam.
Finding list; pt. 3d, February, 1890. Minneapolis, 1890.
O. pamp.
Finding list of English prose fiction and books tor the
young, Oc>., 1889, Nov., 1890. [Minneapolis, 1889-90.] O.
2 pam.
Finding list of works in foreign languages, Oct., 1889.
Minneapolis, [1889]. O. i^am.
Regulations for the use of the library. Minneapolis, 1889.
S. pam.
MINNESOTA. Avditor of State. Report for fiscal years ending
July 31, 1889, 1890. Minneapolis, 1890. O.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2d-4th biennial report, 1889-94.
Minneapolis, 1890-95. 3 v. O.
Commissioner of Statistics. 24th annual report; 1892. Minneap-
olis, 1893. O.
Geological and Natural History Survey. 20th annual report; 1891.
N. H. Winchell, state geologist. Minneapolis, 1893. O.
Botanical series ; 1. Minneapolis, 1892. O.
Namely: 1. MacMillan, C. The metaspermae of the Minnesota valley'.
Bulletin, no. 7. Minneapolis, 1892. O.
Namely: 7. Herrick, C. L. Mammals of Minnesota.
Geologv of Minnesota, v. 3, jit. 1. Paleontology. Minne-
apolis, 1895. pi. Q.
Zoological series; 1. Minneapolis, 1892. O.
Namely: 1. First report of the state zoologist, H. P. Nachtrieb. ac-
companied with notes on the birds of Minnesota, by P. L. Hatch.
Legislature. Executive documents; 1888-90 (2 v.), 1890 (4 v.),
1891, 1892 (4 v.), 1894 (4 v.\ 1896 (5 v.). Minneapolis, 1890-97.
20 v. O.
MINNESOTA. Legislature. Journal of the House; 26th-28tb sess.
tSt. Paul, 1889-93. 3 v. O.
. Journal of the Senate; 26th-28th sess. St. Paul, 1889-93.
3v. O.
Legislative manual; 1891, 1893. [n. p.], 1891-93. 2 v.
pi, maps. O.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Annual report; 1892.
Minneapolis, 1893. O.
Secretary of State. Annual report for the fiscal year ending
July 31, 1890. St. Paul, 189G. O. pam.
State Horticultural Society. Annual report, 1892; v. 21. Min-
neapolis, 1893 . O.
State Library. Biennial report of the librarian ; 1890-94. Min-
neapolis, 1890-94. O. 3 pams.
MINNESOTA as a home for emmigrants. See Colburn, M. J., and
Smith, W. R.
MINNESOTA Commaudery of the Military Order of the Loyal
Legion of the United States. See Military Order of the Loyal
Legion of the U. S. Minnesota Commandery.
MINNESOTA Historical Society. Collections; vol. 1-5. St. Paul
and Phil., 1860-85. 5 v. il. pors. map. O.
Contents: Vol. 1. Collections, 1850-56. 2. Long, S. H. Voyage to the
Falls of St. Anthony in 1817.— Neill, E. D. Early French forts and
footprints of the valley of the Upper Mississippi;— Occurrences In and
around Fort Snelling, 1819.— Lynds, J. W. Religion of the Dakotas;
—Collections, 1867. 3. Collections, 1870-80. 4. Williams, J. F. His-
tory of St. Paul, and Ramsey county. 5. Williams, J. F. Memoir of
W -W. Warren; Warren, W :W. History of the Ojibways; Neill,
E. D. History of the Ojibways and their connection with fur traders.
MINNESOTA in the civil and Indian wars, 1801-65. Prepared and
published under the supervision of the Board of Commission-
ers, appointed by the Act of Legislature, April -16, 1889. 2d
ed. St. Paul, 1891. Q.
Same, v. 2; Official reports and correspondence, Comp., ed.,
and pub. under the supervision of the Board of Commission-
ers appointed by the Act of the Legislature, April 22, 1892.
St. Paul, 1893. Q.
MINNIGH, H. N. cajjt. History of company K., 1st inft. Penn a re-
serves. Introductory ed. Duncansville, [c. 1891]. 44 p. S.
MINOR, Louisa H. A. The Meriwethers and their connections; a
family record. Albanv, 1892. il. pors. 180 p. O.
MINOR poems of the Vernon MS.; pt. 1. ed. by C. Horstmann.
Lond., 1892. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 98.)
MINOT, William, jr. Taxation in Massachusetts. Bost., 1877. 73
MINTO, Sir Gilbert Elliot. 1st earl of. Lord Minto in India. Life
and letters, from 1807-14, while gov.-gen. of India; being a
sequel to his "Life and letters" published in 1847. Ed. by the
Countess of Minto. Lond., 1880. map. O.
MINTO, John. See Carman, E. A., Heath, H. A., and Minto, J:
Special report on the history and present condition of the
shf^ep industrv of the TT. S.
MINTO, William. Logic, inductive and deductive. N. Y., 1896. S.
(■University ser.)
M]:NUIT, Teter.
Memorial services in tiouor of M., first governor of New Netherlands,
Ib2tj-d2, and of New Sweden, 1038; held Tuesday, Apr. 23, 1895, under
the auspices of the General Assembly. LE^elaware]. Dover, 1895.
O. pam.
MIOT, Camille, and Baratoux, J. M.D. TraittS tMorique et pratique
des maladies de I'oreille et du nez. Pt. 1-4. Paris, 1884-88.
il. O.
MIRABEAU, Honors Gabriel Riquetti. comie de. Secret memoirs
of the court of Berlin, or the character of the King of Pi'us-
sia; his ministers, mistresses, generals, courtiers, favorites,
and the royal family of Prussia, fid. des amateurs. Paris,
Boston, [n.d.]. il. pi. por. 2 v. O. (Secret court mem-
MISCELLANEA aulica: or, A collection of state treatises never
before published, collected from the originals by T. Brown.
Loud., 1702. D.
MISHCaT-UL-MASABIH; or, A collection of the most authentic
traditions regarding the actions and sayings of Muhammed;
exhibiting the origin of the manners and customs; the civil
religious and military policy of the Muslemans; tr. from the
original Arabic, by Capt. A. N. Matthews. Calcutta, 1809-
10. 2 V. F.
MISSIONARY review; ed. by Arthur T. Pierson. v. 9. N. Y., 1896.
MISSISSIPPI. Auditor of Public Accounts. Biennial report, 1888-89.
Jackson, 1890. O.
Constitutional Convention, 1890. Journal of the proceedings.
Jackson, 1890. O.
Legislature. Journal of the House of Representatives; 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896, 1897 (ex sess.). Jackson, 1890-97. 5 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897 (ex.
sess.). Jackson, 1890-97. 5 v. O.
Secretary of State. Public officers and institutions, 1897-1900.
[n.t.p.]. O. pam.
MISSOURI. Agricultural College. Report of the dean to the VAth.
General Assembly. Jefferson City, 1887. pam. O.
Auditor. Report, 1889-90. Jefferson City, 1891. O.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. 9th annual report; 1887. Jefferson
City, 1887. O.
The official history of the great strike of 1886 on the
Southwestern railwav system. Jefferson Citv, 1887. 117
p. O.
Confederate Home. (Higginsville). 5th Annual report, 1895. St.
Louis, [1896]. O. para.
Department of Education. 38th report of the public schools, 1887.
Jefferson City, 1888. O.
FisJi Commission. 4th biennial report, for the years 1885-86.
Jefferson City, 1887. pam. O.
General Assemhly. Appendix to Senate and House journals^
adi. sess. (Senate) 1865-66 (2 v.), (Senate) 1867. 1868, 1870, 1871,
1871-72, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893,
1895. Jefferson City, [1866] -95. 17 v. O.
Note: Appendixes 1852-53, 1868 bound with the Journal.
MISSOURI. General Asi>embly. Joui-ual of tlie House of Representa-
tives, ITtlivWth (Jeiiei-al .Assembly; extra sess. 1852, 1852-03,
1854:-55, adj. sess. 1855, 185()-57, adj. sess. 1857, 1858-51), adj.
sess. 185D-U0, called sess. 1800, 1800-01, called sess. 1801, 1802-
03, adj. sess. 1803-04 (2 v.), 1804-5, adj. sess. 1805-00,
adj. sess. 1808, 1800, adj. sess. 1870, 1871, adj. sess. 1871-72,
called sess. 1872, 1873, adj. sess. 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1S81,
1883. 1885, 1887, 1881), 181)1, 181)3, 181)5. Jefferson City, lb52-
95. 32 V. O.
Journal of the Senate, 17tli-30th General Assembly; ex.
sess. 1852, 1852-53, 1854-55, adj. sess. 1855, 1850-57, adj. sess.
1857, 1858-51), adj. sess. 1850-00, called sess. 1800, 1800-01,
called sess. 1801, 1802-03, adj. sess. 1803-04, 1804-05, adj. sess.
1805-00, 1807, adj. sess. 1808, 1809, adj. sess. 1870, 1871, adj.
sess. 1871-72, called sess. 1872, 1873, adj. sess. 1874, 1875, 1.^77,
1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. Jefferson
City, 1852-95. 33 v. O.
-Railroad transportation: statements and testimony of
railroad managers, of shippers, farmers and others before the
committee on railroads and internal improvements. Jeffer-
son City, 1887. O.
Governor. Message; Morehouse, [1889]. Jefferson City, 1889.
pam. O.
-Report of pardons, commutations and reprieves, for the
years 1885-80. Jefferson City, 1887. pam. O.
Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. 10th biennial
report of the commissioners and superintendent, for the years
1885-80. Jefferson City, 1887. pam. O.
-Insurance Department. 21st annual report of the superintend-
ent; 1889, pt. 1. St. Louis, 1890. O.
Labor Commission. Official map; 1891. [n.p. n.d.] folded
- ~ Secretary of State. Official manual of the state of Missouri;
1889-90; comp. by A. A. Lesueur. Jefferson City, 1889. pi.
maps. O.
iSawe: 1889-92. Jefferson Cty. 1889-91. 2v.ini. O.
State A uditor. Report for the fiscal years 1881-82, 1887-88. Jef-
ferson City. 1883-89. 2 v. O.
State Board of Apriculture. Oth [7th, 11th, 19th, 21st] annual
report for the year 1870, [1871, 1875, 1880-87—1888-89] . Jef-
ferson City, 1871-88. 5 v. O.
State Board of Equalization. Journal; 1875-1889. Jefferson
Citv. 1875-89. 15 v. O.
State Board of Health. Annual report; 1888. Jefferson City,
1890. O.
Extracts from the report made to the governor, Jan. 1,
1885. Jefferson City, 1885. pam. O.
State Entomnloqist. 3d [4th] annual report on the noxious, bene-
ficial, and other insects of Missouri; by C: V. Riley. Jeffer-
son City. 1871-72. il. O. (Bd. with Missouri State Board of
Agric. Report, 1870-71.)
MISSOURI. Stale Horticultural Society. Transactions, 12tli annual
meeting, 1870. Jefferson City, 1871. O. {Bd. with Missouri.
Slate Board of Agric. Report, 1870.)
29th, r31st-32d] annual report; 1886, 1888-89. Jefferson
City, 1887-90. 3 v. O.
State Library. Brief catalogue of the Law department. Jeffer-
son City, 1892. O.
MISSOURI Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion
of the U. S. See Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.
S. Missouri Commandery.
MISSOURI Medical Association. See Medical Association of Mis-
DILLON, W: Life of M. Lond., 1888. 2 v. por. 0.
MITCHELL, Charles F. Forty lessons in carpentry workshop prac-
tice; rev. by Gr. C. Pope. Lond., [etc.]. 47 p. il. D. (Poly-
technic ser.)
MITCHELL, Donald Grant, {pseud. Ik Marvel.) American lands
and letters; the Mayflower to Rip-Van-Winkle. N. Y., 1897.
il. O.
English lands, letters, and kings. N. Y., 1895-96. 3 v. D.
Navicly: Vol. 1. From Celt to Tudor. 2. From Elizabeth to Anne.
3. Queen Anne and the Georges.
MITCHELL, Edward P. Ablest man in the world. {In Stories by
Amer. authors, v. 10.)
The tachypomp. {In sam,e, v. 5.)
MITCHELL, John Ames. Types and people at the Fair. {In Millet,
T. D., and others. Some artists at the Fair.)
MITCHELL, Dr. Kate. The drink question; its social and medical
aspects. 2d ed. Lond., 1891. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
MITCHELL, Lucy Myers. Selections from ancient sculpture, rep-
resenting Thirty-six masterpieces of ancient antiquity: a sup-
plement to a Historv of ancient sculpture. N. Y., [c. 1883].
MITCHELL, Silas Weir. When all the woods are green. N. Y.,
1894. D.
and Reichert, Edward T. Researches upon the venoms of pois-
onous serpents. Wash., 1886. pi. F. (Smithsonian Inst.
Contributions, v. 26.)
MITCHELL, Sir Thomas Livingstone. Journal of an expedition
into the interior of tropical Australia in search of a route
from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Lond., 1848. pi.
maps. O.
MITCHELL, Sir William, ed. Maritime notes and queries: a re-
cord of shipping law and usage. Lond., 1873-88. 7 v. O.
'Note: Vol. 4.. new ed.
MITCHELL family. See Salisbury, E: E., and E. McC. family his-
tories and genealogies.
MITCHELL, Library, (Glasgow). Report, 1888-91. Glasgow, 1889-
92. O. 2 pams.
MITFORD, Mary Russell. Taiima.( In Stories by Eng. authors.
The Orient.)
MITFOKD, Kegiiuild Colvil VVilliani Kcvcley. maj.-gcn. To CaAibul
witli the cavalry brigade: a narrative of personal experiences
with the force under Cieneral Sir F. S. Roberts. Lond., 1S81.
pi. map. O.
MITTEKMAIEK, Karl Joseph Anton. Capital punishment; ed. by
J. M. Moir. [with passages from tlie life of M. by K. Hchai-
ble.] Lond., 18G5. D.
MIVAKT, St. George. Birds: the elements of ornithology. Lond.^
[1892]. il. D.
On truth; a systematic inquiry. Lond., 1889. O.
MOBEKLY, Charles Edward. The early Tudors; Henry VIL,
Henry VIIL N. Y., [u. d.]. maps. S. (Epochs of mod. his-
MOBERLY, Richard Campbell. The incarnation as the basis of
dogma. {In Gore, C: ed. Lux mundi, 6.)
MODERN French painters: a series of biographical and critical re-
views by American artists; ed. by J: C: Van Dyke. N. Y.,
1896. il. pi. Qv
MODOC county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 189G.
MOEHLER, John Adam. D.D. Symbolism; or, Exposition of the
doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants; tr.
bv Ja. B. Robertson. Lond., 1894. D.
MOELICH family. See Mellick.
MOELLER, Dr. Wilhelm. History of the Christian church, A. D.
1-600; tr. from the German' by A. Rutherford. Lond., 1892.
History of the Christian church in the Middle ages; tr. by A.
Rutherford. Lond., 1893. O.
MOFFAT, Robert Scott. The economy of consumption: an omitted
chapter in political economy. Lond., 1878. O.
MOFFETT, S. E. The tariff: what it is and what it does. N. Y.,
1892. 112 p. D.
MOHAMMED. Mischcrit-ul-M^sabih; or, A collection of the most
authentic traditions regarding the actions and sayings of
Mijhammed; exhibiting the origin of the manners and cus-
toms; the civil, religious and military policy of the Musle-
mflns; tr. from the original Arabic, by Capt. A. N. Matthews.
Calcutta, 1809-10. 2 v. F.
MOHAN, Hugh J. [Pen pictures. Sac, 1880.] 26+157 p. (). n.
t. p.
MOHL, Hugo von. On the structure of the palm stem; tr. by Ar-
thur Henfrey. (Ray Soc. Pub. Reports and papers on bot-
any, 1849.)
MOHR, Charles. The timber pines of the southern United States:
together with a discussion of the structure of their wood, by
Filibert Roth. Wash., 1896. il. pi. 143 p. Q. (U. S. Dept.
of Agric. Div. of Forestry. Bull. no. 13.)
MOIR, John Macrae, ed. Capital punishment, based on Professor
Mittermaier's "Todesstrafe." [with Passages from the life
of M. bv K. Schaible.] Lond.. 186.5. D.
310LIERE, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. dit Theatre complet; public
par D. Jouanst, avec la preface de 1682: annot^e par G. Mon-
val. tome 1-8. Paris, 1892. 8 v. D.
OLIPHANT, M. 0. W., ond Tarver, F. Moliere. Edin. and Lond.,
1879. S. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
STAFFER, P. Moliere et Shakespeare. Paris. 1895. D.
MOLINAKI, Gustave de. The McKinley Bill in Europe. {In Both
sides of the tariff question.)
MOLINELLI, Lambert, and Co. Eureka and its resources; a com-
plete .history of Eureka county, Nevada. S. F., 1879. 109 p.
il. O. (2 cop.)
MOLINEUX, Marie Ada. A phrase book from the poetic and dra-
matic works of Robert Browning : with an index containing
the significant words not elsewhere noted. Bost., 1896. O.
MOLL, Albert. Hypnotism [2d ed.]. K. Y., 1890. D. (Contempo-
rary science series.)
MOLLETT, John W. The painters of Barbizon: Corot, Daubigny,
Dupr^. Lond., 1890. pi. por. 138 p. D. (Illus. biog. of the
great artists.)
- The painters of Barbizon: Millet, Rousseau, Diaz. Lond., 1890.
140 p. pi. pors. D. [Same.)
MOLLOY, Joseph Fitzgerald. Life and adventures of Peg Wof-
flngton, with pictures of the period in which she lived. N.
Y., 1893. il. pors. 2 v. S.
The romance of the Irish stage with pictures of the Irish capi-
tal in the eighteenth century. N. Y., 1897. il. 2 v. S.
MOLTKE, Hellmuth Karl Bernhard.. graf von. Essays, speeches,
and mernoires; tr. by C: F. McClumpha, C. Barter, and M.
Herms. N. Y., 1893. 2 v. O.
Field-Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke as a correspondent;
tr. by M. Herms. N. Y., 1893. O.
The Franco-German war of 1870-71; tr. by Clara Bell, and H:
W. Fischer. N. Y., 1892. por. folded map. O.
Letters to his mother and his brothers; tr. by Clara Bell, and
H : W. Fischer. N. Y., 1892. pi. O.
Letters to his wife and other relatives; tr. by J. R. Mcllraith:
with an introduction by S. Whitman. Lond., 1896. il. por.
2 V. O.
Tactical problems from 1858 to 1882; ed. by the Prussian
Grand General Staff; tr. by Karl von Donat. Kansas City,
[1894]. plans, maps. O.
MOLTKE, his life and character; sketched in journals, lettres, me-
moirs, a' novel and autographical notes; tr. by Mary Herms. N. Y.,
1892. pi. pors. facsim. O.
MOMMSEN, Christian Matthias Theodor. Greek fragment from
the edict of Diocletian from Plataia. Bost., 1892. O. (Arch.
Inst, of Am.' Amer. School at Athens, v. 5.)
MONACHESI, Mrs. Nicholas de Rienzi. A manual for china paint-
ers; a practical treatise on the art of painting china and
glass with mineral colors. Bost., 1897. il. S.
MONCKTON, James H. The national stair-builder: a complete
work on stair-building and hand-railing; with designs for
stair-cases, newels, balusters, and hand-rails. N. Y., [c.
1873]. pi. Q.
Stale Buard uf Coinniis^ioiurs fur the Insane. 1st annual report;
1892. Helena, 1892. O. pani.
Statu Board of Equalization. 2d annual report; 1891. Helena,
1892. O. pain.
Slate Board of Land Commissioners. 2d annual report; 1892.
Helena, 1892. O. pam.
Slate Board of Pardons. 2d-3d annual report; 1891-92. Helena,
1892. O. pam.
State Boiler Inspector. Report; 1891-92. Helena, 1892. O
State Land Agent. lst-2d annual report; 1891-92. Helena, 1892
O. pam.
Stale Prison. Rules and regulations for the government, adopt
ed by the Board of State Prison Commissioners, Sept. 3, 1891
[n.p". n.d.] 33 p. D.
Slate Treasurer. Annual report; 1892-93. Helena, 1892-94. O
2 pam.
State Veterinary Surqeon. 3d-4:th annual report; 1891-92. Hel
ena, 1892. O. pam.
Superinlendent of Puhlic Tnstrnclion. 3d annual report; 1892
Helena, 1893. O.
M0]S;TANA Historical Society. 2d biennial report of the librarian
1893-94. Butte. 1895. ' pam. O.
Catalogue of the library: prei)nred by W: F. Wheeler. Hel
ena, 1892. O. pamp.
MONTANUS, Arnoldus. The embassy of John Van Campen and
Constantine Xoble to Sing la mong. Vice Roy of Fokyen. iln
Green, J: Voy. and travels, y. 3, p. 431.)
MONTBARD, Georges, pseud. See Loyes, Charles Auguste.
MONTEFIORE, Claude Goldsmid. Lectures on the origin and
growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient
Hebrews. 2d ed. [Loud., n.d.]. O. (Hibbert lectures, 1892.)
MONTETRO, Jfiss Plenriqueta. tr. Pedroso, C. ed. Portuguese
MOXTERP]Y county, (Cal.) Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890. 1892, 1894.
History of Monterey county, California; witli illustrations descriptive
of its scenory, farms, residences, pulilic buildings; with biographical
sketches of prominent citizens. Elliott and Moore, pub. S. F., 1881.
pi. por. map. F.
Monterey county: its general features, resources, attractions, and in-
ducements to investors and home-seekers. Published by E. S.
Harrfson. [n. p. n. d.]. 11. pors. map. 88 p. Q.
MONTESPAN. FranQoise Ath^niiis de Rochechouart. Marquise de.
Memoirs. Paris. Boston, [n.d.]. il. 2 v. O. fHist. Court
MOXTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat. haroii de la Brede et de.
L'esprit des lois; suive de la d(5feuse de I'esprit de lois.
Nouv. ed. Paris, 1871. S.
The Persian letters, with introduction and notes. Ed. des ama-
teurs no. 8. Lond., 1897. il. O.
The spirit of laws; tr. from the French by T: Nugent. New ed.
revised; to which are prefixed a memoir of the life and writ-
ings of the author and an analysis of the work by d'Alem-
bert. Cinu., 1873. 2 v. O. "
MONTEZ, Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna Porris y, countess of Lands-
feld. called Lola. Lectures; including her autobiography.
N. Y., 1858. por. D.
MONTFORT, Simon de. earl of Leicester. Miracula. {In Rishanger,
W: de. Chronicle of the Barons' wars. Camden Soc, v. 15.)
MONTGLAT, Francois de Paule de Clermont, marquis de. M«?m-
oires; contenant I'histoire de la guerre entre la France et la
maison d'Autriche durant Fadministration du cardinal de
Richelieu et du cardinal Mazarin, 1635-60. {In Col. des m6m.
rel a I'hist. de France 1825-26. s.' 2, v. 49-51.)
MONTGOMERY, Frank H. M.D. See Hyde, James Nevins and
Mongomery, F. H. Manual of syphilis.
MONTGOMERY, J. L. Modern book-keeping, single and double
entry. N. Y., 1897. O.
MONTGOMERY, James. Poetical works; with a memoir. Bost.,
[n.d.], 5 V. in 2. D.
MONTGOMERY, Thomas. Sec Bering, J: A. and Montgomery, T:
History of the Forty-eighth Ohio vet. vol. inf.
MONTGOMERY county. (Missouri). History of St. Charles, Mont-
gomery and Warren counties ilissouri. St. Louis, 1885. O.
MONTH, The; A Catholic magazine and review (continuation); v.
66-90. Lond., 1889-97. 24 v. O.
MONTHLY journal of the American Unitarian Association; v.
1-10. Bost., 1860-69. 10 v. D. Continuation of, Quarterly
journal of the Amer. Unitarian Assoc.
MONTHLY Microscopical Journal; transactions of the Royal Mic-
roscopical vSociety and record of histological research at
home and abroad; ed. by Henry Lawson; [Jan. 1, 1869-Dec.,
1877.]. Lond., 1860-77. 18 v. 'o.
MONTHLY notes of the Library Association of the United King-
dom; V. 1-4. Lond., 1880-83. 4 v. O.
MONTHLY review; or. Literary journal (continuation); v. 1-42,
46; 1749-70, 1772. Lond.,' 1749-72. 43 v. O.
Title; v. 1-2, Monthly review; or, A perodical work: v. 3-4,
Monthly review; or, New literary journal.
MONTLT'^C, Blaise de Lasseran Massencome, seirjnenr de. Comnien-
taires. {In Col. des m(^m. rel. ii I'hist. de France, 1821-22. s.
1, V. 20-22.)
MONTPELLIER. Conf/rrs Intemationanx de Sericiiltnrr and Viliful-
fure. 187Jf. Compte rendu des stances. Montpellier, 1875.
132 p. table. O.
Cone/res Vitirole, 1878. Congres viticole, r^uni a Montpellier les
4-6 Sept. 1878, pour I'^tude des vignes Am^ricaines. Mont-
pellier, 1878. 33-4-131 p. O.
MONTPENSIER, Anne Marie Louise d'Orl^ans, ducJmse de. M^m-
oii-es [1GU7-8U]. {In Col. des mem. rel. a I'liist. de France,
iS-2i--2b. s. 1', V. 40-43.)
MOKTKEfcSOK, Claude de Bourdeille, comte de. M6moii'es [1632-37].
[In Col. des. mem. rel. ;i Tliist. de France, 1S2G. s. 2, v. 5-4.)
MOjS'TT, Tedro. Exposition of the illegal acts of ex-president JJal-
maceda, wliicb caused tlie civil war in Chile. Wash., 181>1>
•iO p. O. {In Pam. on war, v. 1.)
MO^NZEKT, Leonard. The independent li(iuorist; or, The art of
manufacturiug and preparing all kinds of cordials, syrups,
etc. >.'. Y., [c. 1866]. D.
Tractical distiller: an exhaustive treatise on the art of distil-
ling and rectifying spirituous liquors and alcohol. N. Y., [c.
1889]. 156 p. pi. 1).
MOODY, William Coodwin. Comparison of the northern and
southern mines in Mexico: with a description of two of the
mining districts in north-eastern Sonora. S. F., 1863. 36 p.
S. {In Pamphlets on mines and mining: v. 1.)
MOODY% Z. F. gov. of Oregon. Inaugural address and biennial mess-
age; 1882-87. Salem, 1882-86. O. 3 pams.
MOONEY. James. Sacred formulas of the Cherokees. (In Smith-
sonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology, 7th annual report.)
MOORE, Aubrey Lackington. The Christian doctrine of God. {In
Gore, C: ed. Lux mundi, 2.)
MOORE, B. P. Endura; or. Three generations, a New England ro-
mance. S. F., 1885. O.
MOORE, Charles Herbert. Development and character of Gothic
architecture. Lond., 1890. il. O.
MOORE, EdAvard. D.D. Dante and his early biographers. Lond.,
1890. D.
MOORE, Evelina. Ir. Hagenbach, K. R. History of the reforma-
MOORE. F. N. Special report on prepared foods for invalids and in-
fants. [Harrisburg], 1896. O. (Penn. Dept. of Apric.
Bull. 10.)
MOORE. Francis. Travels into the inland parts of Africa. {In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 2, p. 209.)
MOORE. Francis C. How to build a home: the house practical;
being suggestions as to safety comfort and
economy. X. Y., 1897. il. 158 p. D.
MOORE, Frank, mmp. The civil war in song and story, 1860-1S65.
[2ded. n.p.]. 1889. pi. Q.
Son«rs and ballads of the southern people, 1861-65. X. Y,
1886. S.
MOORE, George Foot. D.D. Critical and exegetical oommentarv
on .Tudjres. N. Y., 1895. O. (Tnt. crit. com.)
MOORE, Harold E. Back to the land. Lond.. 1893. S. (Soc. qnes.
of to-day.)
MOORE. J. S. Friendly sermons to the protectionist Manufacturers
of the United States. [N. Y.]. 1886. 81 p. D.
MOORE, James. Kilpatriek and our cavalry. N. Y., 1865. il.
I'or. D.
MU. O.
I'rimitive man in Ohio. N. Y., 1892. pi. O.
MOOREHEAD, William G. The book of Job. (In Munhall, L. W.
ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
Messianic prophecies. (In same.)
MOORS, J. F. History of the Fifty-second regiment Massachusetts
volunteers. Bost., 1893. pors. O.
MORAN. E. Percy. Children of colonial days; with new stories
and verses by Elizabeth S. Tucker. N. Y., c. 1894. col. pi. Q.
MORAN. Thomas Francis. The rise and development of the bicam-
eral system in America. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies,
V. 18, no. 5.)
MORDACQUE, Louis Henry, tr. Salverte, A. J. E. B. History of
the names of men, nations and places.
MORDAUNT. Charles, od earl of Peterhorongh, and 1st earl of Mon-
STEBBING, W: Peterborough. Lond., 1890. por D. (Eng. men
of action.)
MORE, Paul Elmer, ed. The great refusal: being letters of a
dreamer in Gotham. Bost., 1894. S.
MORE, Sir Thomas. Utopia; the English translation thereof made
by R. Robyuson, printed from the 2d ed. 1556; prefixed The
life of Sir T: More, by W: Roper, reprinted from Hearne's
ed. 1716. Ed. with introduction, notes, [etc.], by J. R.
Lumby. Camb., 1890. S.
FLOW'ER, B. O. The centiu'y of Sir Thomas More. Bost., 1895.
pors. D.
MANNING, A. Household of Sir Thomas More. N. Y., 1896. 11. D.
ROPER, W: The life of Sir T: More; reprinted from Hearne's ed.
1716. {In More, Sir T: Utopia; ed. by J. R. Lumby.)
MOKE, Sir Thomas. //•. JMco dolla Mirandola, G. F. Giovanni
IMoo dolla Mirandola: his lifi*.
MOEELLL Domonii'o.
WILLARD, A. R. A sketch of the life and work of the painter
Donienico Morelli. Best., 1895. il. 67 p. O.
MOKES Catholic]; or, Aues of faith. See Digby, K. H.
MOKFILL, William Kichaid. The story of Toland. N. Y., 1893. il.
pors. map. I). (Story of the nations.)
The story of Kussia. N. Y., 1890. il. pi. maps. pors. D.
MORFIT, Cam})bell. M.B. A practical treatise for the manufac-
ture of soaps. N. Y., 1871. pi. O.
MORGAN, Benjamin. Shams; or, Uncle Ben's experience with
hypocrites. Chic, [c. 1887]. il. por. O.
MORGAN, Conway Lloyd. An introduction to comparative psy-
cholo.iiy. Lond., 1800. dia. S. (Cont. sci. ser.)
MORGAN, Forrest. America (through the United States) rewrit-
t(Mi and enlarged. {Tn Rectus, O. Bird's-eye view of the
MORGAN, George Osborne, tr. Eclogues of Virgil; tr. into En-
glisli hexameter verse. Lond., 1897. 48 p. O.
MORGAN. Sallie B. Tahoe; or. Life in California: a romance. At-
lanta, 18.^1. O.
MORGAN. Thomas .Jefferson, gen. Indian education. Wash., 1890.
O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Bull. no. 1, 1889. In U. S. Bu. of Ed.
Misc. pub., V 1.)
MORL\RTY, Gerald P. fr. The Paris law courts; sketches of men
and manners. N. Y., 1894. il. O.
MORIN, Louis. French illustrators; preface by Jules Claretie; pt.
15. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. F.
yaiiirlii: Pt. 1-2. In the Monceaux quarter. 3. Montmartre. 4. Left
bank of the Seine. 5. Outside of Paris.
MORISON, James Augustus Cotter. The service of man, an essay
towards the religion of the future. Lond., 1888. D.
MORISON, John Hopkins. Dis(]uisitions and notes on the Gospels:
Matthew. 4th ed. Bost., 1884. D.
A memoire. Bost, 1897. por. D.
MORISON family. See Morrison family.
MORLEY, IL Forster, and :Muir, M. M. Pattison. Watts, H. Dic-
tionarv of chemistrv revised and entirely rewritten (continu-
ati(m); V. 2.3. Lond., 1890-92. 2 v. O.
MORLEY. Henry. English writers; v. 1:1-2, v. 2:1. Lond., 1866-07.
2 V. in 3. O.
Cnvtcntft: Vol.1: 1. Celts and Anglo-Saxon; with an introductory
sketch of the four periods of English literature. 2: 2. From the con-
quest to Chaucer. 2: 1. From Chaucer to Dunbar.
English writers: an attempt towards a history of English liter-
ature (conlinuation); v. .")-ll. Lond., [etc.], 1890-9"). 7 v. D.
Con ten Is: Vol. 5. Literature of the Fourteenth century, pt. 2. 6.
From Chaucer to Caxton. 7. From Caxton to Cloverdale. 8. From
Surrey in Spencer. 9. Spenser and his time. 10. Shakespeare
and his time under Elizabeth. 11. Shakespeare and his time under
•James I.
Xotv: V. 11 coiiiphtnl hi/ W: U. Cnffin.
MOKLE Y, Henry, comp. The king and the commons ; Cavalier and
Puritan song. Lond., 1868. T. (Bayard ser.)
MOKLEY, John. On the study of literature. {In Arnold, M.
Guide to Eng. lit.)
Studios in literature. Lond., 1891. D.
Walpole. Lond., 1889. D. (Eng. men of action.)
ed. English men of letters (continuation). N. Y., 1886-87. 3
V. D.
For contents see English men of letters.
MOKLEY, Margaret Warner. A song of life. Chic, 1894. il. 155
p. D.
MORRILL, Frank L. A description of San Bernardino county. Los
Angeles, 1886. 64 p. O.
MORRILL, J. C. The industrial school investigation, with a glance
at the great reformation and its results. S. F., 1872. 16 p.
O. (77! Cal. Ed. Pamps., V. 2.)
MORRILL, Justin Smith. Free trade or protection. [In Both sides
of the tariff question.)
Biographical sketcli. {In same.)
HART, B. L., (itid Street, O. comp. Memoranda of the descendants of
Amos Morris of East Haven, Conn. N. Y., 1853. D.
MORRIS, Charles. Civilization: an historical review of its ele-
ments. Chic, 1890. 2 v. D.
MORRIS, Edward Ellis. The early Hanoverians. N. Y., 1893.
maps. S. (Epochs of mod. hist.)
ed. Epochs of modern hist. N. Y., 1885-96. 11 v. S.
For list see Epochs of mod. hist.
MORRIS, Fev. Francis Orpen. Natural history of British moths.
Lond., 1872. 4 v. col. pi. O.
MORRIS, George Perkins. Poems. N. Y., 1853. O.
MORRIS, Gouverneur. History of a volunteer regiment: being a
succinct account of the organization, services and adven-
tures of the Sixth regiment New York volunteers infantry,
known as Wilson zouaves. N. Y., 1891. 160 p. il. pors.
ROOSEVELT, T. Gouverneur Morris. Bost., 1888. D. (Amer.
MORRIS, Henry, ed. Human anatomy: a complete systematic
treatise by various authors including a special section on
surgical and topographical anatomy. Phil., 1893. il. O.
MORRIS, Herbert William. Present conflict of science with the
Christian religion; or, Modern scepticism met on its own
ground. Phil., 1876. pi. map. O.
MORRIS, J. Advance Japan: a nation thoroughly in earnest.
Phil., 1895. il. pors. D.
MORRIS, John Emery, The Felt genealogy: a record of the de-
scendants of George Felt of Casco bay. Hartford, 1893. O.
MORRIS, Jonathan Flynt. com,p. A genealogical and historical re-
gister of the descendants of Edward ^lorris of Roxbury,
Mass., and Woodstock. Conu. Hart., 1887. il. por. O.
MORRIS. Lewis. The epic of hades. Tvond., 1892. S.
MORRIS, Mowbray Walter, ed. Poet's walk; an introduction to
p:nglish poetry. Lond., 1883. T.
MORRIS, i:cr. Richard, ed. The Blickling homilies of the 10th
century; from the Marquis of Lothian's unique ms. A. D. 971;
ed. with a translation and index of words. Lond., 1874-80.
fac-sim. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Tub. Reg. ser. no. .'^8,
63, 73.)
Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatioue
philosophiae." {Same, Extra ser. no. 5.)
Cursor mundi: the Cursur o the world; a Northumbrian
poem of the XlVth century, in four versions, two of the mid-
land; with seven additions"^, including "The book of penance"
and "Cato's Morals" (incomplete) from the Fairfax ms.; pt.
1-G. Lond., 1871-92. 5 v. facsim. O. (.'S, J. lieut-gen. Irrigation manual. Lond., N. Y., 1890.
pi. F.
MULOCK, Dinah Maria. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. M.
MULREADY, William.
STEPHENS, F: G: Memorials of M. N. Y., 1890. 10-|-118 p. il. pi.
pors. D. (lUus. biog. of the great artists.)
MUNCHAUSEN Baron. See Raspe, R. E.
MUNDT, Clara Miiller. pseud. L. Muhlbach. Andreas Hofer: an
historical novel; tr. from the German by F. Jordan. N. Y.,
1893. por. D.
Berlin and sans-souci; or, Frederick the Great and his friends:
an historical romance; tr. from the German by Mrs. C. Cole-
man and her daughters. N. Y'., 1893. por. D.
The daughter of an empress: an historical novel; tr. from the
German by N. Greene. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
The empress Josephine: an historical sketch of the days of
Napoleon; tr. from the German by W. Binet. N. Y^., 1893.
por. D.
Frederick the Great and his court: an historical romance; tr.
from the German by Mrs. C. Coleman and her daughter. N.
Y'., 1893. por. D.
Germany in storm and stress: Old Fritz and the new era; tr.
from tiie German by P. Langley. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
Goethe and Schiller: an historical romance; tr. from the Ger-
man by C. Coleman. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
Henry VIII. and his court; or, Catharine Parr: an historical
novel; from the German by H. N. Pierce. N. Y"., 1893.
por. D.
Joseph II. and his court: an historical novel; tr. from the
German by A. De V. Chaudron. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
Marie Antoinette and her son : an historical novel ; tr. from
the German by W. L. Gage. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
The merchant of Berlin: an historical novel; tr. from the
■ German by A. Coffin. N. Y^, 1893. D.
Mohammed Ali and his house: an historical romance; tr.
from the German by C. Coleman. N. Y\,1893. por. D.
Napoleon in Germany: Louisa of Prussia and her times: an
historical novel; tr. from the German by F. Jordan. N. Y^.,
1893. por. D.
Napoleon in Germany: Napoleon and Bliicher: an historical
novel; tr. from the German by F. Jordan. N. Y., 1893.
por. D.
Napoleon in Germany: Napoleon and the queen of Prussia: an
historical novel; tr. from the German by F. Jordan. N. Y.,
1893. por. D.
Prince Eugene and his times: an historical novel; tr. from
the German by A. De V. Chaudron. N. Y., 1893. por. D.
Ml 2sDT, Clara MuUer. Queeu Hortense: a life picture of tlie 2sa-
poleouic era; tr. Iroui the Gernian bv C Colemau. N. Y.,
1893. por. D.
The reigii of the great Elector: an historical romance. X. Y.,
18DT. il. D.
The youth of the great Elector: au liistorical romance. N. Y'.,
18'JG. il. D.
^lUIsHALL, L. W. cd. and comp. Anti-higher criticism; or, Testi-
mony to the infallibility of the Bible; by Howard Osgood,
W. H. Green [and others]. N. Y., 1894. 'd.
MUXK, Dr, The student's manual of Greek tragedy; ed. with notes
and au introduction from the German of Dr. Munk's "Ges-
chichte der Griechischen literatur" by A. W. \'errall. Lond.,
1891. pi. D.
MUNKO, AVilfred Harold. "Decies repetita placebit". Picturesque
Rhode Island: pen and pencil sketches. Proyideuce, 1881.
il. pi. maps. Q.
MUXROE, [Charles] Kirk. The golden days of "19: a tale of the
California diggings. N. Y., [c. 1889]. pi. O.
MUXSELL, Franklin. P.ibliography of Albany: being a catalogue
of books and other publications relating to the city and
county of Albany in the state of X'ew Y'ork. Albany, 1883.
73 p. ' O. '
A genealogy of the Munsell family (Munsill, Monsell, Maun-
sell) in America. Albany, 1884. O.
MUX'SELL, Joel. ed. and pub. American genealogist, being a cata-
logue of family liistories published in America from
1771 to date. ^Ith ed. Albany, 1897. O.
pub. Index to American genealogies, and to genealogical mat-
ter contained in all works. Alphabetically arranged. 4th ed.
Albany, 1895. O.
Munsell's historical series (continued; no. 11-14, 16, 21-24.
Albany, 1870-1890. 9 y. O.
Namely: no. 11. Neill, E. D. Founders of Maryland, no. 12. Had-
den, lieut., J. M. Journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's cam-
paign. 1776-1777. 13. Hubbard, J. N. Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jack-
et and his people. 14. Pausch, cnin. G: Journal during the Burgoyne
campaign; tr. and annotated by W- L. Stone. 16. Digby, I'leiit. W:
British invasion from the north; journal of D. ed. by J. P. Baxter.
21. Baxter, J. P. Pioneers of New France in New England. 22. Free-
land, IM. . de W. Records of Oxford, Mass. 23. Stone^ W: L. Visits
to Saratoga battle-grounds, 1788-1880. 24. Bunker, M. P. Long Island
MUXSELL, John H. ed. History of the county of Schenectady N.
Y., from 1602 to 1880. X. Y., 1880. pors. Q. {In Bi-centen-
nial history of Albany; ed. bv G. R. Howell.)
MrXSELL family.
MUNSELL, F. A genealogy of the Munsell family (IMunsill, Monsell,
Maunsell,) in America. Albany, 1884. 0.
MUXSEY"S magazine; v. 7-17; April, 1892-Sept. 1897. X. Y.. 1892-
97. 11 V. O.
MUXSILL family. See Munsell family.
MUXSOX, Gilbert D. Battle of Atlanta. {In Hunter, R. ed.
Sketches of war history.)
MUNSON family.
PROCEEDINGS of the second general reunion of the descendants of
Capt. Thomas Munson. Aug. 19, 1896. New Haven, 1896. 43 p.
0. pam.
MUNTZ, Eugene. A short history of tapestry, from the earliest
times to the end of the 18th century; tr. by L. J. Davis.
Lond., etc. 1885. il. D.
MURDOCK, Harold. The reconstruction of Europe: a sketch of
the diplomatic and military history of continental Europe,
from the rise to the fall of the second French empire; with
an introduction by John Fiske. Bost., and N. Y., 1889.
maps. D.
MITRDOCK. John. Ethnological results of the Point Barrow ex-
pedition. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bu. of Ethnology. 9th an-
nual rept.)
MUKFEE, Mary Noailles. {pseud. Charles Egbert Craddock). The
despot of Broomsedge Cove. Bost., 1896. S.
His vanished star. Bost., 1894. S.
In the clouds. Bost., 1894. S.
The juggler. Bost., 1897. S.
Mystery of Witch-face Mountain and other stories. Bost.,.
i895.' S.
Phantoms of the foot-bridge and other stories. N. Y., 1895.
il. D.
The prophet of the (jreat Smoky Mountains. Bost., 1896. S.
Story of Keedon Bluffs. Bost, 1893. S.
Where the battle w^as fought. Bost., 1895. S.
The young mountaineers; short stories. Bost, 1897. il. D.
MURIETA, Joaquin.
RIDGE, John R. Life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the cele-
brated California bandit. 3d ed. . S. F., [c. 1871]. 81 p.
MUKILLO, Bartolom^ Est6ban.
CURTIS, C. B. Descriptive and historical catalogue of the works of
Don Diego de Silva Velazquez and Bartolome Esteban Murillo. N.
Y., and Lond., 1883. pi. pors. 0.
MURPHY, Henry Cruse, tr. Bankers, J., a^id Sluyter, P. Journal
of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the Ameri-
can colonies in 1679-80. Brooklyn, 1867. pi. O. (L. I. Hist.
Soc. Mem. v. 1.)
MURPHY, I. I. Life of Colonel Daniel E. Hungerford. Hartford,
1891. por. O.
MURPHY, Mrs. M. K. See Heyl, L., and Murphy, Mrs. M. K.
United States duties on imports, 1894.
MURPHY. Robert Wilson. M.D. A key to the sacred vault: a
solution of man's origin, the philosophy of his present con-
dition, his future destiny. S. P., 1890. 130 p. D.
MURRAY, A. J., Atkinson, V. T., [and others]. Special report on
diseases of cattle and on cattle feeding; prepar*»d under the
direction of D. E. Salmon. Wash., 1892. pi. O (U. S. Dept
of Agric. Bu. of Animal Industry.)
MURRAY, Alexander Stuart. Handbook of Greek archaeology.
N. Y., 1892. il. O.
GKMJii'AL ni:i'.\in']ii:\T. 613
MI'KRAY, Aloxaiidoi- Stnail. A liistorv of (ji-cek scnlpliirc. Lond.,
1880-83. 2 V. pi. ().
Coiiteitt'i: V. 1. From the earliest times down to tlie age of Plieidias.
2. Under Pheidias and his successoi'S.
MURRAY, David. The story of Japan. N. Y., 1894. il. pora.
map. D. (Story of tlie Nations.)
MURRAY, Gilbert. A history of ancient Greek literature. Lond.,
18!)7. I). (Short hist, "of lit. of the world.)
MURRAY, Hugh. Historical account of discoveries and travels in
North America. Lond., 1829. 2 v. map. O.
MURRAY, James Augustus Henry, ed. Coniplaynt of Scotlande,
vyth ane exortatione to the thre estaits to be vigilante in the
deffens of their public veil, 1549; with an appendix of con
temporary English tracts; re-ed. from the originals. Lond.
1872-73. '2 V. O. (Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser
no. 17-18.)
Romance and prophecies of Thomas of Exceldoune
printed from five mss.; with illustrations from the prophetic
literature of the 1.5tli and 16th centuries; ed. with introduc
tion and notes. Lond., 1875. O. (Same, Reg. ser. no. 61.)
A new English dictionary on historical principles;
founded niainlv on materials collected by the Philological
Society (continuation); v. 2, 3, 4. Oxford, 1889-97. F.
Xjte: In iwrts: vols, vat yet complete.
Sir David Lindsay's works; pt. 5: Minor poems. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 47.)
MURRAY, James Ormsbee. Francis Wayland. Bost., 1891. D.
(Amer. religious leaders.)
MURRAY, John. cd. The autobiographies of Edward Gibbon. . .
from hitherto unpublished 2d ed. Lond., 1897. por. O.
MURRAY, John, and Renard, A. F. Report on deep sea deposits
based on specimens collected during the vovage of H. M. S.
Challenger, 1872-76. Lond., 1891. il. pi. "^ F. (Challenger
exped. supp. vol.)
[MURRAY, John.] Handbook for travellers in lower and upper
Egypt. 9th ed. edited by M. Broderick assisted by Prof. A.
Sayce, and Capt. H. G. Lyons. Lond., 1896. il. maps. D.
Handbook for travellers in Japan. 3d ed. rev. and for the most
part re-written by B. H. Chamberlain and W. B. Mason. N.
Y., 1893. maps. D.
Same. 4th ed. rev. and aug. N. Y., 1896. il. maps. D.
MUSEO del Prado. See ^L'ldrid. ]\Iuseo del Prado.
MUSEUM of foreign literature, science and art (continuation); v.
9, n. s. V. 10-15; 1826, 1840-41. Phil., [1826-41]. 7 v. O.
MUSGRAVE, Curt Abel. The cholera in San Francisco: a con-
tribution to the history of corruption in California. S. F.,
1885. 28 p. O. {In Chinese immigration; pamps. v. 2.)
MUSGRAVE, George, tr. The divine comedv of Dante. N. Y.,
LS96. D.
Homerus. Odyssey. Lond., 1869. 2 v. O.
MUSIC; a monthly magazino devoted to the art, science, teclmio
and literature of music. W. S. B. Mathews, ed. and pub-
lisher; V. 1-12; Nov. 1891-Oct. 1897. Chic, 1891-97. 12 v. O.
MUSICAL moments; short selections in prose and verse for music
lovers. Chic, 18S9. 178. p. S.
MUSIC of the modern world, illustrated in the lives and works of
the greatest modern musicians, and in reproductions of fa-
mous paintings; ed. by Anton Seidl, assisted by F. M. Smith,
H. E. Krehbiel, and W. S. Howard; sect. 1-2. Ed de Luxe.
N. Y., [e. 1895]. il. pi. 2 v. F.
MUSICK John Roy. Columbian historical novels. N. Y., 1893-5.
12 V. 11. ph D.
Contents: 1. Columbia 1435-1506. 2. EsteA^an 1506-1B47. 3. St. Augus-
tine. 1547-1570. 4. Pocahontas, 1570-1620. 5. The Pilgrims, 1620-
1643. 6. A century too soon. 1643-1680. 7. The witch of Salem, 1680-
1700. 8. Braddock 1700-1763. 9. Independence, 1763-1800. 10. Sus-
tained honor, 1880-1824. 11. Humbled pride, 1824-54. 12. Union, 1854-
MUSKETT, Philip E. M.D. Prescribing and treatment in the
diseases of infants and children. Lond., 1894. T.
MUSSER, John H. M.B. Medical diagnosis. Phil., 1894. il. pi.
MUSSET, Louis Charles Alfred de. The beauty spot; Croisilles;
Margot; Valentine's wager, Tr. by E. de V. Vermont.
(Brentano's romantic lib.)
Oeuvres completes: tome 1-9. Paris, 1877. il. 9 v. O.
iS^am^Zv-" tome 1-2. Poesies. 3-5. Comedies. 6-7. Nouvelles et contes.
8. Confession d'un enfant du siecle. 9. Melanges de litte'rature et de
Oeuvres posthumes avec lettres incites, une notice biogra-
phique par son fr^re, Paris, 1877. por. O.
MUSSET, P. E. de. Biographie de A. de Musset, sa vie etses oeuvres.
Paris, 1877. por. O.
MUSSET, Paul Edme de. Biographie de Alfred de Musset, sa vie
et ses oeuvres, aA^ec fragments in^dits en prose et en vers et
lettres incites. Paris, 1877. por. O.
MUTCHLER, William.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of W: Mutchler, a repre-
sentative from Pennsylvaina, delivered in the House of Representa-
tives and in the Senate, Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895. por.
Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
MUTHER, Richard. The history of modern painting; v. 1-3. N. Y.,
1896. il. 3 V. O.
MUTINY of the Bengal army, by One who has served under Sir
Charles Napier [H: C: Bunbury].
MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard. Descriptive zoopraxography. [Chic],
1893. por. D.
MUZZARELLI, Antoine. Academic French course in accordance
with the latest grammatical rules adopted by the French
Academ3^ 1st year. N. Y., [c. 1894]. D.
MY first book: the experiences of Walter Besant, James Payn [and
others] ; with introduction by Jerome K. Jerome. Phil., 1894.
il. pors. D.
MY Paris note-book. Bv the author of An Englishman in Paris.
See Olliffe, Sir J. "
MYER, Isaac. Scarabs: the history, niaiuifacture and religious
symbolism of the Scarabaeus iu Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia,
Sardinia, Etruria, etc. N. Y., 1894. D.
MYERS, Frederic William Henry. The renewal of youth and other
poems. Lond., 1882. O.
MYRC, John. Instructions for parish priests; ed. from Cotton ms.,
by E. Peacock. Lond., 18G8. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 31.)
MYROURE of oure Ladye, containing a devotional treatise on di-
vine service, with a translation of the Offices used by the
Sisters of the Brigittine Monastery of Sion at Isleworth, dur-
ing the loth and 16th centuries; ed. from the original black-
letter text of 1530 A. D., with introduction and notes, by J:
H: Blunt. Loud., 1873. O. {Same, Extra ser. no. 10.)
NACHRICHTEN von der amerikanischen halbinsel Californien.
See Begert, Jakob.
NACIONAL, El. Reelection, 1890; articles published in "El Na-
cional." Mexico, [1890]. 59 p. D.
NADATLLAC, Jean Francois Albert du Pouget. marquis de. Man-
ners and monuments of prehistoric peoples; tr. by Nancy
Bell (N. D'Anvers). N. Y., 1891. il. pi. O.
NAEGELI, Franz Karl, On the nuclei formation and growth of
vegetable cells; pt. 1-2; tr. by Arthur Henfrey. (Ray Soc.
Pub. Reports and papers on botany, 1816 and 1894.)
On the utricular structures in the contents of cells; tr. by Ar-
thur Henfrey. {In same, 1849.)
NAF family. See Neff family.
NAHL, Arthur, and Charles. Instructions in gymnastics. S. F.,
1863. il. pi. 67 p. Q.
NAHL, Charles. See Nahl, Arthur, and Charles. Instructions in
NANCE, Albinus. gov. of Nebrasl-a. Message, 1883. Lincoln, 1882.
O. pamp.
NANSEK, Fridtjof. Eskimo life; tr. by W: Archer. 2d ed. Lond.,
1894. il. pi. O.
Farthest north; being a record of a voyage of exploration of
the ship "Fram," 1893-96J and of a fifteen months sleigh-jour-
ney by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen; with an appendix by
Otto Sverdrup, captain of the "Fram." N. Y., 1897. il. por.
maps. 2 V. O.
The first crossing of Greenland; tr. from the Norwegian by
H. M. Gepp. Lond., 1890. 2 v. il. pi. pors. maps, music.
DOLMAN, F. Dr. Nansen: the man and his work. Lond., 1897. il.
map. 108 p. S.
NAPA countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation; 1880, 1890, 1892,
1894, i896.
Illustrated map of Napa county, California; with historical sketch.
Smith and Elliott, publishers. Oakland, 1879. pi. map. obi. F.
NAPHEYS' modern therapeutics medical and surgical including
the diseases of women and children. 9th ed. rev. enl. [ed.]
by A. J. Smith and J. A. Davis. Phil.; 1892-93. 2 v. O.
NAPIER, Sir Charles, vice-admiral.
NAPIER, E. H. D. E. Life and correspondence of Admiral Sir Charles
Napier; from personal recollections, letters and official documents.
Lond, 1862. 2 v. por. map. O.
NAPIER, Sir Charles James, maj-gen. Defects civil and military
of the Indian government ; ed. with preface by Sir W. F. P.
Napier. 4th ed. Lond., 1857. O.
BUTLER, Sir W. F. Sir Charles Napier. Lond., 1890. por. D.
(Eng. men of action.) •
NAPIER, Sir W. F. P. Life and opinions of N. Lond., 1857. 4 v.
pors. D.
N\PIER. Edward Hiingerford Delaval Elers. maj-geii. Life and
convspoiulonc-o of Admiral Sir Charles Napier; from per-
sonal reiolU'ctious, letters and official documents. Lond.,
1861*. 2 V. por. map. O.
NAPIER, Sir George Thomas. Il-gen. Passages in the early mili-
tary life of N., written by himself; ed. by W. 0. E. Napier.
Lond., 1884. por. O.
NAPIER, Sir William Francis l»atrick. lieiit-gen. The conquest of
Scinde; with some introductory passages in the life of Major-
General Sir Charles James Napier. Lond., 1845. maps. O.
English battles and sieges in the Peninsula; extracted from
hfs 'Peninsula war'. Lond., 1855. por. D.
Lif(> and opinions of General Sir Charles James Napier. Lond.,
1857. 4 Y. pors. D.
NAPOLEON I. emperor of the French. __^___
ARNAULT, A. V., and Panckouke, C: L. F. Life and campaigns of
Napoleon Bonaparte; tr. from the French. New ed. Bost., 1857.
2 V. in 1. il. D. .^ . x
CONSTANT, Louis Constant Wairy. called. Memoirs on the private
life of Napoleon, his family and his court; tr. by E. G. Martin.
N. Y., 1895. 4 V. D.
DORIS, C: Secret memoirs of Napoleon. Lond., 1896. por. O.
DUMAS, A. Napoleon; tr. from the French by J: B. Lamer. N. Y.,
1894 D
GIBBS, M. B. Napoleon's military career. Edition de Luxe. Chic,
1895.' il. pi. pors. F. _
Same. Military career of Napoleon the Great. Chic, 1895. il.
pors. D.
GRIMSHAW W: Life of Napoleon, with the history of France from
the death of Louis XVI to the year 1821. Phil., 1854. por. S.
HAZLITT, W: Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Bost., [n. d.] 3 v. pi.
pors. D.
HOWELL-AP-HOWELL. The birthplace and childhood of Napoleon.
N. Y., 1896. il. 54 p. S. ^ ^
MASSON, F. Napoleon and the fair sex. Lond., 1894. pors. O.
Napoleon at home :the daily life of the emperor at the Tuileries;
tr. by J. E. Matthews. Lon., 1894. 2 v. pi. O.
MENEVAL, C. F. de. Memoirs illustrating the history of Napoleon
I, from 1802-1815; ed. by N. J. de Meneval. N. Y., 1894-95. 3 v.
pors. D.
ROSEN, L. Napoleon's opera glass; an histrionic study. Lond.,
1S97. 122 p. D.
SARGENT, H. H. Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign. Chic,
1894. O. ^ „_
SLOANE, W: M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1896-97.
il. pi. 4 V. Q.
USSHER, Htr Thomas, and Glover, John L. Napoleon's last voyages;
being diaries of Sir T: Ussher and J: L. Glover. Lond., 1895. il.
pors. 0.
NAPOLEON III. (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), emperor of
the French.
LANO, P. de. Secret of an empire: Emperor Napoleon III. N. Y.,
1S95. por. D.
NAQUET, Alfred J. Collectivism and the socialism of the liberal
school, a criticism and an exposition. Loud., 1891. D. (Soc.
sci. ser.)
NARRAGANSETT historical register; James N. Arnold, ed.; v.
1-S; 188i:-t)0. Hamilton, Provid(Mice.Ptc., [1882-00]. 8 v. O.
NARRATIVES illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and
1690; ed. by T: 0. Croker. Lond., 1841. 14+149 p. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 14.)
NASH, David William. Merlin the enchanter, and Merlin the bard;
an essay. (/» Merlin; or. The early history of King Arthur;
pt. 1. Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 10.)
KASH, H. S. Genesis of the social conscience the relation between
the establishment of Christianity in Europe and the social
question. N. Y., 1807. D.
NASH, Simeon. Crime and the family. Cin., 1876. 4+156 p. D.
NASHVILLE journal of medicine and surgerv; v. 12-20. Nash-
ville, 1857-61. 9 V. O.
Note: Wanting, v. 12, Jan.; v. 13, Nov.; v. 20, June.
NASHVILLE medical record; v. 1-2. Nashville, 1859-60. 2 v. 0.
Note: Wanting, Sept., 1858; Sept., 1859; March, 1860.
NASMITH, Joseph. Modern cotton spinning machinery; its prin-
ciples and construction. Lond., 1890. Q.
NASON, Rev. Elias. Gazetteer of the state of Massachusetts; rev.
enl. by G: J. Varney. Bost., 1890. il. O.
The life and times of C: Sumner; his boyhood, education, and
public career. Bost., 1874. por, D.
NASON, Frank L. Some New York minerals and their localities.
Albany. 1888. 19 p. pi. O. [In N. Y. State Museum of Nat.
Hist. Bulletin; v. 1, no. 4.)
NATION, The; a weekly journal devoted to politics, literature,
science and art (continuation) ; v. 49-65 ; Julv 1889-Dec. 1897.
N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. Q.
NATIONAL Academv of Sciences. Biographical memoirs; v. 2.
Wash., 1886. 6.
Memoirs (continuation); v. 4:2, 5, 6, 7. Wash., 1889-96. 4 v.
pi. Q. (IT. S. Cong. S. M. D.)
NATIONAL Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Con-
ference on temperance legislation, London, 1886. Lond.,
1886. O.
Trades' societies and strikes: report of the committee on
Trades' Societies appointed by the Assoc. ; presented at the
fourth annual meeting, 1860. Lond., 1860. O.
Transactions (continuation); 1857-58, 1861-65, 1883. Lond.,
1858-84. 8 V. O.
NATIONAL Association of Wool IManufacturers. Bulletin (con-
tinuation); 7-1877. Bost., 1877. O.
NATIONAL Civil-Service Reform League. Proceedings at the an-
nual meeting held at Wash., Dec. 12-13, 1895. N.Y., 1895. D.
Same: held at Phil., Dec. 10-11, 1896. N. Y., 1896. D.
Report of the executive committee, at the annual meeting. May
12, 1897. N. Y., 1897. D. pain.
NATIONAL conference for good city government, held at Phila-
delphia January 25-26. 1894; Proceedings together with a
bibliographv of municipal government and reform. Phil.,
1894. O.
NATIONAL council of Jewish women. Proceedings of the tirst con-
vention held at New York, Nov. 15-19, 1896. Phil.. 1897. O.
NATIONAL cyelopaedia of American bio^iapliy; ed. by distiu-
guished biographei's selected irom each state; revised and
approved by the most eminent historians, scholars, and
statesmen of the day. N. Y., 18;)2-97. 7 v. il. pors. Q.
NATIONAL Democratic Committee. Campaign text-book of the
National Democratic Party, 189G. Chic, ISOC. S. pam.
NATIONAL Democratic Convention, BaUimore, isr>(). (Seceding
Delegates.) JMatform; [containing] Declaration of Inde-
pendence [Jnly 4, ITTG], facsimile of the original document
in the hand writing of Thomas Jefferson; [also] Biographi-
cal sketches [of the] signers. N. Y., 1S()U. [unp.] Q.
St. Louis, 1876. Olticial proceedings of the convention held in
St. Louis June 27tli-2!»th, 1S7(). St. Louis, 187(>. il. por. O.
NATIONAL Divorce Reform League. Report for the year ending
December 31, L^OG. Bost., 1897. O. pam.
NATIONAL Educational Association. Proceedings of the Interna-
tional Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Ex-
position, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893, under charge of National
Educational Association of the United States. N. Y.,
1894. O.
Official bulletin and official program: -34th annual meeting,
1895. Denver, 1895. il. O. pam.
Department of Superintendence. Proceedings at its meeting at
Washington, Feb. 23-26, 1886, March 15-17, 1887, Feb. 14-16,
1888, March 6-8. 1889. Wash., 1886-89. {In U. S. Bu. of Ed.
Circ. of inform., 1886-89).
NATIONAL Executive Silver Committee. Silver in the fifty-first
congress; preceded by a summary of the coinage laws of the
United States prior to 1873, and a history of the act of 1873
and the act of 1878. Wash., 1890. 160 p. O.
NATIONAL magazine: devoted to literature, art, and religion;
Abel Stevens, editor [and] James Floy; v. 1-13. N. Y., 1852-
58. 13 V. O.
NATIONAL platforms of the republican and democratic parties
from 1856-80. {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
NATIONAL popular review; an illustrated journal of preventive
medicine and applied sociology; v. 1-6; July 1892- June 1895.
Chic, San Diego, 1892-95. 6 v. O.
NATIONAL Republican Convention. Official proceedings of the
tenth convention held in ]Minneapolis, June 7-10, 1892.
[Minn.. 1892.] O.
Same. Eleventh convention held in St. Louis, June 16-18, 1896.
[n.p., c 1896]. pors. 0.
NATIONAL review; v. 1-19. Lond., 1855-64. 19 v. O.
NATIONAL review (continuation); V. 8-30. Lond., 1888-97. 23 v. O.
NATIONAL Society of the Colonial Dames of America. ( Va.) The
parish register of Christ Church. Middlesex county, Va.;
from 16.53 to 1812. Rich., 1897. Q.
NATIONAL T'nion Association of Ohio. Loyal publications, no. 3.
Cin., 1863. 31-1-16 p. O.
Coiifnifs: Dayton speech of Hon. J: Brough. President Lincoln's
responses relative to the arrest of Vallandigham.
NATIONAL TTnion State Central Committee. Address to the peo-
ple of California. Sept., 26, 1S06. S. F., 1806. 15 p. O. {In
Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
NATURE: a weekly illustrated journal of science; v. 40-56; May
1889-Oct. 1897. Lond., 1889-97. 17 v. Q.
NATURE series: Lond., 1882-96. il. 10 v. D.
Nainrlij: Allen, G. Colours of flowers as illustrated in the British
flora. Bernard, H: M. The Apodidae. Lodge, O. J. Modern views
of electricity. Lubbock, J: On British wild flowers in relation to
insects. Lubbock, J; Flowers, fi-uits and leaves. Meldola, R.
Chemistry of photography. Thompson, W: Popular lectures and ad-
dresses. 3 V. Varigny, H: de. Experimental evolution.
NAVAL annual 1897: ed. by T. A. Brassey. Portsmouth, 1897.
il. pi. O.
NAVARRE family.
DENI'SSEN, C. comp. Navarre, or Researches after the descendants
of Robert Navarre. Detroit, [c. 1897]. por. O.
NAVARRETE, Domingo Fernandez, ahp of St. Domingo. Travels
through China, 1658; tr. from the Spanish. [In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 3, p. 498.)
NAVARRO, Mme. Mary Anderson de. A few memories. N. Y,,
1896. 11. O.
NAVILLE, Edouard. Ahnas el Medineh (Heracleopolis magna),
with chapters on Mendes, the Nome of Thoth, and Leonto-
polis; and app. on Byzantine sculptures by T. H. Lewis.
Lond., 1894. pi. F. (Egvpt ex. fund. 11th Memoir.)
Bubastis, 1887-89. 2d ed. Lond., 1891. 71 p. pi. F. {Same
8th Memoir.)
Excavations at Henassieh (Hanes). {In Same; Spec. ex. rept.
The festival hall of Osorkon II. in the great temple of Bubastis,
1887-89. Lond., 1892. pi. F. (Same 10th Memoir.)
The mound of the Jew and the citv of Onias, Belbeis, Saman-
ood, Abusir, Tukh el Karmus, 1887. Lond., 1890. 6+30 p.
pi. F. {Same 7th Memoir.)
The shrine of Saft el Henneh and the land of Goshen, 1885.
Lond., 1888. 25 p. pi. F. {Same 5th Memoir.)
The store-city of Pithom, and route of the exodus. 3d ed. rev.
enl. Lond., 1888. pi. F. {Same 1st Memoir.)
The temple of Deir el Bahari: its plan, its founders, and its
first explorers. Lond., 1894. pi. F. (Same 12th Memoir.)
Same. Descriptive plates: pt. 1-2. Lond., 1895-97. 2 v. pi.
F. (Same.)
Namelij: Pt. 1. Northwestern end of the upper platform. 2. Ebony
shrine — Northern half of the middle platform.
NEAL, J. C. The root-knot disease of the peach, orange, and other
plants in Florida, due to the work of Anguillula. Wash.,
1889. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Div. of Entomology. Bull,
no. 20.)
NEAL, W. A. ed. and comp. An illustrated history of the Missouri
Engineer and the 25th infantry regiments; together with a
roster of both regiments and the last known address of all
that could be obtained. Chic, 1889. pors. O.
NEBKAi^KA. Attorney General lieport; 1881-82, 1893-94. Lin-
coln, 1882-94. U. 2 pam.
Auditor of rublic Accounts. Biennial report; 1886-88, 1892-94.
Hastings, 1886-94. 3 pams. O.
Biennial insurance report; 1887-88, 1888-89. Lincoln,
Hastings, 1888-9U. 2 v. O.
^Statements showing the appropriations made and moneys
expended by the 20th, 23rd, 24th sess. of the legislature, 1887,
1893, 189.J. ' Hastings, 1887-95. 3 pam. O.
Auditor of State. Keport; 1871, 1873. Des Moines, Lincoln,
1871-73. O. 2 pam.
Board of Transportation. lst-4th, 6th-8th annual report; 1887-
90, 1892-94. Lincoln, 1888-95. 7 v. O.
Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. 2d-4th biennial report;
1889-94. Lincoln, 1890-94. 3 v. O.
Commissioner of Common Schoots. 2d annual report; 1860.
Omaha, 1861. O.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. 3d-6th, 9th biennial
report; 1882-88, 1894. Lincoln, 1882-94. O. 5 pamps.
Dairymen's Association. Annual report; 1890-94. Lincoln
1891-94. 5 V. O.
Fisli Commission. [5th-6th], 9th annual report; 1883-84, 1887
Lincoln, Omaha, 1884-89. O. 3 pam.
Governor. Inaugural address of James W. Dawes, 1883. Lin
coin, 1883. O. pam.
Inaugural address of Robt. W. Furnas, 1873. Lincoln
1873. O. pam.
Message of R. W. Furnas, 1875. Lincoln, 1875. O. para
Message of Albinus Nance, 1883. Lincoln, 1882. O. pam
Message of James W. Dawes; 1885, 1887. Lincoln, 1885
87. O. 2 pam
Message of John M. Thayer; 1889. Omaha, 1889. O
Report and evidence of the House investigating commit
tee as to ''Whether any corrupt or improper influences have
been at anv time, or are now being used to control the elee
tion of U. S. Senator. Lincoln, 1877. O.
Legislature. Blue book and legislative manual for 1889. Lin
coin, [c. 1889]. D.
House journal; 1871. 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. Lin
coin [etc.], 1871-95. 6 v. O.
Public documents; 1889-90, 1891-92, 1893-94. [Omaha
Lincoln. 1890-95. 3 v. O.
Rei)ort of the joint railroad committee, 18th session, 1883
Lincoln, 1883. O. pam.
Report of the joint committee appointed to investigate
the charges of cruelty and mode of punishment inflicted upon
convicts in the Nebraska State Penitentiary, with all the tes-
timony taken in the investigation. Lincoln, 1893. O.
Senate journal; 1871, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. Lin-
coln [etc.], 1871-95. 6 v. O."
JSiP.BRASKA. Legislature. Testimony taken by the Senate special
committee, appointed for tlie purpose of investigating the
management of the Nebraska Hospital for the Insane, 1883.
Lincoln, 1883. O.
Secretary of State. Biennial report; 1880-88,1893-94. Lincoln,
Omaha, 1881-94. O. G pam.
Koster of soldiers, sailors and marines of the war of 1812,
the Mexican war, and the war of the rebellion, residing in
Nebraska June 1, 1891; 1893. [comp. by] J: C. Allen. Lin-
coln, 1892-93. 2 V. O.
State Banlcing Board. Report of the condition of the state and
private banks and of the Building and Loan Associations;
1892-1894. Lincoln, 1893-94. O. 2 pams.
State Board of Aqriculture. Annual report; 1868, 1870, 1872,
1885, 1889, 1890-94. Lincoln [etc.], 1869-95. 10 v. O.
Transactions, from Sept., 1879-Sept., 1880. Lincoln, 1884.
O. pam.
State Board of Examiners of the State Board of Pharmacy. 2d an-
nual report; 1889. Grand Island, 1889. O. pam.
State Historical Society. Transactions and reports; v. 5. Lin-
coln, 1893. O.
State Horticultural Society. Annual report; 1880-81, 1885-90,
1892-95. Lincoln, 1884-95. 9 v. O.
State Land Office. Report of the commissioner; 1869-70. Des
Moines, 1871. O. pam.
State Librarian. Report; 1875-78, 1881-88. Lincoln, Omaha,
1876-88. O. 6 pams.
State Poultry Association. 10th annual report; 1894. Lincoln,
1894. O.
State Relief Commission. Report ; 1892-95. Lincoln, 1892-95. O.
2 pams.
Report of work done in Nebraska for the Russian famine
sufferers; L. P. Ludden, commissioner. Lincoln, 1892. 13
p. O. pam.
State Superintendent of Pullic Instruction. lst-2d, 18th, 20th,
27th annual report for the year; 1869-70, 1886, 1888, 1895-96.
Omaha, 1869-96. O. 1 v. 3 pams.
State Treasurer. Biennial report; 1868-71, 1882-84, 1886-88,
1890-94. Des Moines, Lincoln, 1871-94. O. 6 pams.
NEBRASKA University. See University of Nebraska.
NEESIMA, Joseph Hardy. Life and letters, by Arthur S. Hardy.
Bost., 1895. D.
NEFF, Elizabeth Clifford. A chronicle, together with a little ro-
mance regarding Rudolf and Jacob Naf of Frankford, Penn.,
and their descendants; including an account of the Neffs in
Switzerland and America. Cin., 1886. D.
NEFF family.
NEPF, E. C. A chronicle, together with a little romance regarding
Rudolf and Jacob Naf of Frankford, Penn., and their descendants;
an account of the Neffs in Switzerland and America. Cin., 1886. D.
NEHRLING, Henry. Our native birds of song and beauty; v. 1.
Milwaukee, 1893. col. pi. Q.
NEILL, Edward Diitticld. Karly Frcueb forts and footprints of the
valley of the Upper Mississippi; — Oceurreuces in and around
ForrSuellinji;, 1><1!»-4(I. (//( Minnesota llist. Soc. Col. v. 2.)
The founders of Maryland, as portrayed in manuscripts, pro-
vincial records and early documents. Albany, 1870. O.
(Munsell's historical ser. no. 11.)
History of the Ojibways and their connection with fur traders,
based upon official and other records. (In Minnesota Hist.
Soc. Col. V. 5.)
History of the Virginia Company of London, with letters to
and from the tirst colony, never before printed. Albany,
1809. por. O.
"\'irginia Carolorum : the colony under the rule of Charles, the
first and second, A. D. 1025-1085: based upon manuscripts
and documents of the period. Albany, 1880. O.
ed. Glimpses of the nation's struggle; papers read before the
Minnesota Commanderv of the Militarv Order of the Loval
Legion. 2d ser., 1887-89. St. Taul, 1890. 0.
NELSON, Horatio. Viscount.
JEAFFRESON, J: C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. New ed.
N. Y., 1S97. por. D.
MAHAN, A. T. capt. The life of Nelson, the embodiment of the sea
power of Great Britain. Bost., 1897. il. pors. maps, plans.
2 V. O.
RUSSELL, W. C. Pictures from the life of Nelson. N. Y., 1897.
por. D.
NEMBHAKD, Mabel. Fantasies. Lond., 1890. il. S.
NEMOURS, Marie d'Orleans. ducliesse de. M^moires; contenant ce
qui s'est pass6 de plus particulier en France pendant la
guerre de Paris jusqu'a la prison du Cardinal de Retz en
1052, avec les differens caract^res des personnes de la cour.
[In Col. des m^m. rel. a hist, de France. 1824. s. 2. v. 31.)
NERI, Achille. I rittratti di Cristoforo Colombo. [In Italy. Com.
Colombiana. Raccolta di document! e studi pubblicati dalla
R. Com. Colombiana, Pt. 2, v. 3.)
NESBET, John. Studies in forestry: being a short course of lec-
tures on the principles of svlviculture, delivered at the Bo-
tanic Garden, Oxford, 1893.' Oxford, 1894. D.
NESBIT, D. M. Tide marshes of the United States; with contribu-
tions from the U. S. coast survey, S. L. Boardman, E. Morse,
and others. Wash., 1885. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Miso.
Spec. Rept. no. 7.)
NESBIT, Edith. See Bland, Mrs. Hubert.
NESSMUK. pseud. See Sears, G: W.
NETTLESHIP, Henry. Lectures and essays on subjects connected
with Latin literature and scholarship. Oxford, 1885. D.
and Sandys, J. E. eds. Seyffert, O. Dictionary of classical
antiquities, mvthology, religion, literature and art. Lond.,
1891. il. pi. 'O.
NETTLESHIP, John T. Robert Browning; essavs and thoughts.
Lond., 1890. D.
NETTLETON, Edwin S. Artesian and underflow investigation;
final report. Wash., 1892. maps. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Irrigation, pt. 2.)
NEUMANN, L, G. A treatise on the parasites and parasitic dis-
eases of the domesticated animals; tr. and ed. by G: Fleming.
Lond., 1892. il. O.
NEVADA county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation) ; 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894!; 1896.
PRESTON, E. M. Nevada county, the famous Bartlett pear belt of
California. Nevada City, 1886. 52 p. il. O.
NEVADA. Adjutant General. Keport; 1891, 1893-4. Carson City,
1892-95. O. 2 pam.
Board of Commissioners for the Insane. Report: and report of
Superintendent of the Nevada State Insane Asylum. 1893-
94. Carson Cy., 1895. O. pam.
Controller. Biennial report, 1867-68; Annual report, 1874, 1878,
1880, 1882-85, 1887, 1890. Carson City, 1869- [91]. 10 pam.
Department of Public Instruction. Biennial report of the super-
intendent of Public Instruction; 1893-94. Carson City, 1895.
O. pam.
Fish Commission. Biennial report of the Commissioner for the
years 1893-94. Carson City, 1895. O. pam.
Legislature. Appendix to journals of Senate and Assembly;
9th-10th, 12th-16th; 1879-81, 1885-93. 7 v. O.
Journal of the Assembly; 9th-10th, 12th-18th sess.; 1879-
81, 1885-97. S. F. and Carson City, 1879-97. 9 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 9th-10th, 12th-18th sess.; 1879-81,
1885-97. S. F. and Carson City, 1879-97. 9 v. O.
Proceedings of the joint convention, held January 22,
1873; also the address of Senator J: P. Jones, then delivered.
Carson City, 1873. 14 p. O. [In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
Committee on Rail Roads. Evidence concerning projected
railways across the Sierra Nevada mountains from Pacifio
tide waters in California. Carson City, 1865. O.
San Francisco Midwinter Fair. Report of the managing direc-
tor of Nevada state exhibit. Carson City, 1895. O. pam.
Secretary of State. Biennial report for the two years ending
Dec. 31, 1894. Carson City, 1895. O. pam.
State Board of Agriculture. Report of the proceedings for the
year 1894. Carson Cy., 1895. O. pam.
State Board of Health. Biennial report for the year 1893-94.
Carson Cy., 1895. O. pam.
State Board ^¥orld^s Fair Commissioners. Report, 1894. Carson
City, 1895. O. pam.
State Bureau of Ifnmigration. Nevada and her resources. Car-
son City, 1894. n. p. il. pi. maps. O.
Report, 1893-94. Carson City, 1895. O. pam.
State Library. Catalogue of the Nevada State Library, by Jen-
nie D. Fisher. Carson City, 1890. O.
Report of the librarian; 1893-94. Carson City, 1895. O.
— State Prison. Biennial report of the warden, 1893-94. Carson
Cy., 1895. O. pam.
— State Treasurer. Annual report for the year 1894. Carson Cy.,
1895. O. pam.
NEVADA. S/alc Uiiiversili/ (Reno). Stli auuuiil register, 189-i 5.
Caison Cy., 1805. U. pain.
Kcpoi'i of the lUuird of Regents, 180-4. Carson City, 1895.
O. paui.
Slate Weather Service. Annual ivport for the year ending Dec.
;U, 18!)4. Carson City, 181)5. O. pam.
Superintendent of rvhiic Instruction. Sehool laws of the state
of Nevada. Carson Cy., 1893. O. pam.
Surveijor General and State Land Register. Report; 1889-90,
1893-94. Cai'son City, [n. t. p.] -95. O. 2 pams.
NEVILLE, Richard, earl of Waririri-:
OMAN, C: W. Warwick, the king-maker. Lond., 1891. pi. D.
(Eng. men of action.)
NEV1N8, Wintield S. Witchcraft in Salem village in 1692; to-
gether with some account of other witchcraft prosecutions
in New England and elsewhere. Salem, 1892. il. pi. D.
NENINSON, Henry W. Life of Friedrich Schiller. Lond., 1889.
O. (Great writers.)
NEW Britain, (Conn.).
ANDREWS, A. Genealogy and ecclesiastical history. Chic, 1867.
il. O.
NEW-CHURCH. See Massachusetts New-Church.
NEW ENGLAND artists.
ROBINSON, F. T. Living New England artists; biographical
sketches; reproductions of original drawings and paintings by each
artist. Bost., 1888. il. pi. F.
NEW ENGLAND business directory and gazetteer; no. 15, 1889; no.
17, 189G.. Sampson, Murdock and Co., pub. Bost., [c. 1889,
1896]. 2 V. O.
NEW ENGLAND Historic Genealogical Society. Memoirs of sev-
eral deceased members, published at the charge of the Towue
memorial fund . . . with a memoir of the founder of the
fund. Bost., 1878. por. O.
NEW ENGLAND historical and genealogical register; published
quarterlv, bv the New England Historic, Genealogical Society
(continuation); V. 24, 43-51. Bost., 1870-97. 10 v. pors. O.
NEW ENGLAND mas};azine; by J. T. and E. Buckingham; v. 1-9.
Bost., 1831-35. " 9 V. O.
Note: Vol. 8-9 ed. by S. G. Howe, J: 0. Sargent and Park Benjamin.
Continued as The American monthly magazine.
NEW ENGLAND magazine; v. 1-6. n.s.v. 1-16; 1884-97. Bost., 1884-
97. 22 V. O.
Title vol. 1-3, Bay state monthly: vol. 4-5, New England maga-
zine and Bay state monthly.
NEW ENGL.\ND piimer; edited by Paul Leicester Ford, with a his-
tory of its origin and development. N. Y., 1897. iL O.
NEW En'glander; vol. 1-19, 21-36; 1843-77. New Haven, 1843-77.
35 V. O.
Notr: Vol. 20 is the index volume.
NEW Englander and Yale review (continuation); v. 51-56. New
Haven, 1889-92. 6 v. O.
Note: Vol. 56 ends March, 1892. Continued as Yale review.
Is^EW gospel of peace according to St. Beujamin. See White, K. G.
2\'EW HAM1*SHIRE. Frovince and State. Provincial and state
papers; comp. and ed. by N. Bouton, I. W. Hammond, and A.
S. Batchellor. Concord [etc.], 1867-92. 21 v. O.
Namely: Vol. 1-7. Provincial papers. Documents and records relat-
ing to the province of New Hampshire from the earliest period of its
settlement, 1623-1776; comp. and ed. by N. Bouton.
8. State papers. Documents and records relating to the state of
N. H. during the period of the American revolutuion, from 1776-83;
comp. and ed. by N. Bouton.
9. Town papers. Documents and records relating to towns in N. H.;
with app. embracing the constitutional conventions of 1778-79; and of
1781-83; and the state constitution of 1784; comp. and ed. by N.
10. Provincial and state papers. Miscellaneous documents and
records relating to N. H. at different periods; comp. and ed. by N.
11-13. Town papers. Documents relating to towns in N. H.; comp.
and ed. by I. W. Hammond.
14. Rolls of the soldiers in the revolutionary war, 1775-May, 1777:
with an app. embracing diaries of Lieut. Jonathan Burton; comp.
and ed. by I. W. Hammond.
15. Rolls of the soldiers in the revolutionary war, May, 1777-80; with,
app. embracing names of N. H. men in Mass. regiments; comp. and
ed. by I. W. Hammond.
16. Rolls and documents relating to soldiers in tlie revolutionary
war; with app. embracing some Indian and French war rolls; comp.
and ed. by I. W. Hammond.
17. Pt. 1. Rolls and documents relating to soldiers in the revolution-
ary war. Pt. 2. Miscellaneous provincial papers from 1629-1725; comp.
and ed. by I. W. Hammond.
18. Miscellaneous provincial and state papers 1725-1800; comp. and
ed. by I. W. Hammond.
19. Provincial papers, [1679-1764]; A. S. Batchellor, ed.
20-21. Early state papers, 1784-90; A. S. Batchellor, ed.
Board of Library Commissioners. 1st report; Free Public Libra-
ries; 1892. Concord, 1892. O. pam.
Commissioners for the Preservation and Protection of the Endicott
Eock. Report of the commission; 1892. Concord, 1893. 22
p. pi. O. pam.
Constitutiofial Convention, 1S89. Journal, January, 1889. Man-
chester, 1889. O.
Forestry Commission. 2d report; 1893. Concord, 1893. maps.
0. pam.
- — General Court. Annual reports (continuation); 1889 (2 v.), 1890
(3 v.), 1891 (3 v.), 1892 (3 v.), 1893 (3 v.), 1894 (3 v.), 1895.
Manchester and Concord, 1889-96. 18 v. O.
Index to the journals of the House of Representatives,
province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. Manchester, 1890.
Index to the records of the Council of 'New Hampshire,
from Nov. 17, 3631, to April 17, 1784. Concord, 1896. O.
Journal of the House of Representatives (continuation);
June sess. 1870, Jun sess. 1871, June sess. 1889, spec. sess.
1890. 1891, 1893, 1895. Manchester [etc.], 1870-95. 6 v. O.
Journal of the Senate (continuation); June sess. 1889,
spec. sess. 1890. 1891, 1895. Manchester, 1889-95. 4 v. O.
Note: Journals of Senate and House 1890-91, 1895, are bound togeth-
NEW HAMI'SIIIKK. Manual for the General Court; 1893. Con-
cord, 1SD3. 1).
Manual for the GeueralCourt, with complete official suc-
cession, 1080-1891; comp. and ed. by H. B. Carter. Concord,
1891. S.
The statue erected bj the state of New Hampshire in
honor of General John Stark. Manchester, 1890. 62 p. pi.
— Soldiers' Home. '2d report of the board of managers; 1891-92.
Concord. 1893. O. pam.
— State Agricultural Department. Gems of the granite state, [n.
imp.] pi. obi. I).
— State Librarian. Report for the year ending Oct. 1, 1891, 1892,
1894. Concord, 1891-95. 3 v. por. O.
State Library. [Handbook]. Concord, 1896. S. pam.
NEW HAMPSHIRE College Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul-
letin no. 31, 40-42. Durham, 1895-97. O. pam.
>CEW JERSEY (province). Archives of the state of New Jersey:
Documents relating to the colonial history of the state; Ist
ser. (continuation); V. 11-18. Patterson, Trenton, 1890-94, 8
V. fac-sim. 0.
Contents: V. 11-12. Account of the American newspapers of the 18th
century and libraries in which they may be found: Extracts [etc.],
13-18. Journal of the governor and council; v. 1-6. 1682-1775.
SMITH, S: History of the colony of Nova-Caesaria or New Jersey,
to 1721. Printed, Burlington, 1765. Reprinted, Trenton, 1890.
maps. 0.
NEW JERSEY (state). Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries.
8th annual report [continuation] ; 1885. Trenton, 1885. O.
Comptroller of the Treasury. Annual report for year ending Oct.
31, 1889, 1890. Trenton, 1889-90. 2 v. O.
Conv&ntion, 1787. Minutes of the convention of the State of
New Jersev, holden at Trenton on the 11th day of Dec, 1787.
Trenton, 1788. Reprinted, Trenton, 1888. 31 p. Q.
Geological Survey. Annual report of the state geologist for the
year, 1891, 1894. Trenton, 1892-94. folded maps. 2 v. O.
^^ — Final report of the state geologist (continuation); v. 2:1-2.
Trenton, 1889-90. 1 v. in 2. O.
Legislature. Digest of the fees, costs and salaries allowed or
prescribed by the laws of the state of New Jersey to state,
countv, township or other public officers; authorized by Act
of the Legislature, approved April 17, 1888; comp. by Lewis
Starr. Camden, 1889. 135 p. D.
Documents of the legislature (continuation); 1889 (3 v.),
1890 (4 v.), 1891 (5 v.), 1892 (5 v.). 1893 (5 v.), 1894 (5 v.), 1895
(5 v.), 1896 (5 v.). Trenton, 1889-96. .37 v. O.
Journal of the Senate (continuation); 1889-96. Trenton,
1889-96. 8 V. O.
Manual of the Legislature of New Jersey, 1890-97; comp.
by T: F. Fitzgerald. Trenton, [c. 1889-97]. 9 v. pi. pors.
map. S.
Minutes of the Assembly (continuation); 1889-96. Tren-
ton. 1889-96. 8 V. O.
NEW JERSEY, Slale Librarian. Annual report (continuation);
1889-90. 181»2-1)G. Hopewell, Trenton, and Clinton, 1890-97.
7 V. O.
KEW JERSEY College. See College of New Jersey.
NEAA' MEXICO (territory). Official reports, 1882-83. Santa Fe,
1884. O.
Andilor of Puhlic Accounts. Report; 1892-94. Santa Fe, 1894.
pam. O.
Governor. Report of the governor [W. T. Thornton] to the
Secretary of the Interior; 1893-95. \Yash., 1893-95. O. 2
Legislative Assetnhly. Council journal; 27th-31st sess. ; 1886-94.
Las Yegas, Santa Fe, 1887-95. 5 v. O.
^^otc: Contains governor's messages, 1889-92.
House journal; 27th-31st sess.; 1886-94. Las Yegas. Santa
Fe, 1887-95. 5 v. O.
_Yo/( ; Journal 27th sess. Bd. with Coimcil journal.
Journals of the Council and House, 24th sess., 1880. Santa
Fe, [1880]. O.
Superintendent of Piihtic Instruction. Report; March 1, 1891-
Dec. 31. 1891. Santa Fe, 1892. O.
NEW ORIiEANS. ^VortcVs Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposi-
tion, 1884-85.
TUR^ILL, C: B. Catalogue of the products of California exhibited
by the Southern Pacific Company. N. O., 1886. S.
NEW popular educator: a complete encj'clopaedia of elementary
and advanced education. Loud., [etc.], 1889-92. 8 v. in 4.
il. pi. maps. O.
NEW review. The; ed. bv Archibald Grove; v. 1-17; June, 1889-Dec.,
1897. Lond., [1889-97]. 17 v. O.
COGHI.AN, T. A. The wealth and progress of New South Wales;
18S9-90. 4th issue. Sydney, 1890. maps. O.
Xome: 1892, 6th issue. Sydney, 1S93. map. O.
MORRISON, W. F. Aldine centennial history of New South Wales,
1888. Sydney, [1888]. il. por. maps. 2 v. Q.
Department of Agriculture. The forage plants of Australia, by
F. Turner, [n. p.], 1891. 18+90 p. pi. O.
Executive Commissioner to the World's Columl)ian Exposition, Chi-
cago, 1893. Report. Sydney, 1894. pi. map. F.
Government Statistician. Blue book for the vear 1891. Sydney,
1892. F.
Legislative Assembly. Yotes and proceedings (continuation); 2d
sess. 1887, 1887-88, 1888-89, 1889, 2d sess. 1889, 1890, 1891,
1891-92. 1892-93, 1893, 1894. Sydney, 1887-94. 57 v. F.
plans, etc. 4 v. F.
Legislative Council. Journal (continuation); session 1888-9,
1889, 2d sess. 1889, 1890, 1891, 1891-2, 1892-96. Sydnev, 1880-
97. 29 V. F.
Plans to accompany report by parliamentary standing
committee on public works; session 1890. [n. t. p.] F.
National Australasian Convention. Official record of the pro-
ceedings and debates held in Sydney, March and April, 1891.
Sydney, 1891. F.
at: si: UAL niJi'AiiT.ui:\T. 629
isEW SOr^ril \\AiJ-:s. rarlunucnl. j^ii-lianu-ntaiy debates (con-
tiiiujiiioii); Nov. 2(;-Dec. 20, 1881); April 2!)-l)ee. 20, 1800.
Sydney, lS8J)-{>0. O. iios. 35-:)'), 01-74.
^ Index, 1st session 1S!)0; April "JD-Dce. 20, 1S!)0. Sydney,
1891. O.
Pai'lianu'n(ai-v deb;iles; ,)nlv 21-()ct. 8, Oct. l\), LSDl-Feb.
4, 1892, Feb. 10-Apiil 1, 1802". Sydney, 1801-02. O. uos.
a-2G, 20-48, 50-05.
Index, 15tli Tai-liament, session 1801-02; July 14, 1891-
Api-il 1, 1802. Sydney, 1802. O.
Parliamentary debates; 15th Parlianient, 2d-4th session;
1802-04. Auji-. :50, 1802-Apr. 27, 180:5, .June 12-18, 1803; Sept.
20. 1803-Jnue 8, 1804. Sydney, 1802-04. O.
Index, Aus'. 30, 1802-,june 13, 1803; Sept. 20, 1803-June 11,
1804. Sydney, 1802-04. O.
Parliamentary debates; lOtli Parliament, lst-2d sess.;
1804-95. Aug. 7, 1804-Sept. 18, 1894, Sept. 26, 1894-July 5,
1895. Sydney, 1894-05. O.
Index, 10th Parlianient. Au.o-. 7, 1894-July 5, 180^. Syd-
ney, 1804-05. O.
— ^Parliamentary debates; 17th parliament. lst-2d sess.;
1805 00. Aucr. 13-I)ec. 19, 1895; May 12- June 25, Sept. 22-
Xoy. 12, 1806; Apr. 27-Auo-. 26, 1807. Sydney, 1805-07. O.
Index, 17th Parliament, Augr. 13-Dec. 20, 1895. :May 12-
June 25, 1806. Apr. 27-July 15, 1807. Sydney, 1805-07. O.
Boyal Commission on Strikes. Report; appointed November 25,
1800. Sydney, 1891. Q.
NEW SOUTH ^A'ALES in 1881; compiled in the Government
Printinji' Office from printed official records. Sydney, 1881.
131 p. il. maps. O.
NEW WEST:MNSTER, {F>. C). 14th annual re])ort of the Board of
Trade. New West., 1807. D. pam.
NEW world. The; a quarterly review of religion ethics and theol-
ogy; V. 1-6; 1892-97. Bost., [1892-97]. 6 v. O.
NEAV YORK city during the American revolution; being a collec-
tion of original papers from the nianuscri])ts in the posses-
sion of the Mercantile Librnry Association of New York city.
Privately jtrinted for the Association, [n.p.], 1861. 194 p.
map. Q.
>iEW YORK (city). Aslnr Lihrnry. 40th, 42d-44th, 46th annual re-
port of the trustees; 1880, 1802-04. N. Y., 1880-04. O. pam.
Xofe: Astor. Lenox and Tilden libraries consolidated as New York
Public Library.
Cnrnmnn Council Report of the s])eciiil committee appointed
by the Ponnnon Oouncil of the city of New York, to make ar-
rangements for the rec('])tion of Oov. Louis Kossuth, tlie dis-
tinguished Ilungarinn ])jitriot. N. Y., 1852. por. O,
Corporation. M;inu;il of the corporation of the city of New
York (continuation); I860, 1862, by D. T. Vnlcntine. [N. Y.,
1860-62.] 2 V. maps. D.
Free Cirrvlnlinq Lilrroni. 17-l>:!. O. 4 pam.
iSI-:\\'BEiiV, Kobei't. Gleauiugs from oruaiuental art of every
Ntyle. riiil., 1808. 33 p. pi. Q.
NE\\C\\STLE uews [weekly] (continuation); July, 188y-Dec., 1897.
^'ewcastle, 188D-1)7. 2 v. F.
XEWCO.MU, Lvdia J. Muscular exercises for health and grace.
^'. Y., 18"!):^. th rept. pt. 2.)
Report on agriculture by irrigation in the western part of the
United States at the 'eleventh census; 1890. Wash., 1894.
il. pi. maps. Q.
Results of stream measurements. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 14th
rept. pt. 2.)
Water supply for irrigation. {Same, 13th rept.)
NEV/ELL, Joseph Keith, capt. ed. "Ours:" annals of the 10th
regiment Massachusetts volunteers in the rebellion. Spring-
field, 1875. pors. O.
NEWELL. Robert Heurv. {p>ieiicl Orpheus C. Kerr.) The Orpheus
C. Kerr papers. X. Y\, 1862. D.
NE\A'ELL, AVilliam Wells, ir. and ed. King Arthur and his table
round; tales chiefly after the old French of Chrestiau of
Troves, with an account of Authurian romance and notes by
N. "Bost., 1897. 2 v. D.
NEWHALL, Charles Stedman. The trees of northeastern America.
X. Y., 1890. il. O.
The vines of northeastern America. N. Y., 1897. il. O.
[\EWHALL, Laura Eugenia.] (pseud. Halstead, Ada L.) The bride
of Infelice. [S. F., 1893.] D.
XEWLIN, William H. An account of the escape of six Federal
soldiers from prison at Danville, Va., their travels by night
through the enemy's country to the Union pickets at Gauley
Bridge, West Virginia, in the winter of 1803-04. Cin., 1889.
130 p. O.
and 'fhers. eds^. History of the Seventy-third regiment of Illi-
nois Infantry Volunteers. TMiblished by authority of the Re-
L'i'^H^ntnl Reunion Association of Survivors of the 73d Illi-
nois Infantry Volunteers, [n. p.. c. 1890.] il. pors. O.
NEW;MAy. Albert Henry. History of the Baptist churchos in the
United States. X. V., 1894. D. (Araer. Church Hist. ser.
vol. 2)
NEWMAN, Edward. Familiar introduction to the history of in-
sects; being a new and greatly improved edition of the Gram-
mar of entomology. Lond., 1841. il. O.
and others, eds. The Entomologist; v. 1-21; 1840-88. Lond.^
1840-88. 21 V. il. por. O.
NEWMAN, John. Notes on concrete and works in concrete; espe-
cially written to assist those engaged upon public works.
N. Y., 1887. 148 p. D.
NEWMAN, John Henry, cardinal. Lectures on the present posi-
tion of Catholics in England, 1851. 6th ed. Lond., 1889. D.
Letters and correspondence during his life in the English
church, with a brief autobiography; ed. by Anne Mozlev.
Lond., 1890. 2 y. pora. D.
Loss and gain : the story of a convert. 9th ed. Lond. and N.
Y., 1886. D.
ABBOTT, E. A. The Anglican career of Cardinal Newman. Lond.^
1892. 2 V. 0.
HUTTON, R. H. Cardinal Newman. 2d ed. Bost., 1891. por. D.
LILLY, W: S. Characteristics from the writings of N: being selec-
tions .... from his various works. 8th ed. Lend., 1888. por. D.
NEWMARCH, Rosa. ir. Habets, A. Borodin and Liszt.
NEWPORT historical magazine; y. 1-4; 1880-83. Newport, [1880-
83]. 4 y. O. Continued under the title: Rhode Island histori-
cal magazine; y. 5-6; 1884-85. Newport, [1884-85]. 2 y. O.
NEWS, Daily evening; Jan., 1891-Sept., 1893. Sac, 1891-93. 5 v. F.
NEWS and courier [daily] ; July, 1890-Dec., 1890. Charleston, 1890.
2 y. F.
NEWSPAPERS. See also Periodicals.
ADIN argus, weekly (continuation); July 1889-Dec, 1897. Adin, 1889-
97. 2 V. F.
ALAMEDA times, [weekly] Jan 6, 1894-Dec. 31, 1895. Oakland, 1894-
9.5. F.
ALASKAN; July 14, 1888- July 20, 1889; Aug. 15, 1891-Dec. 25 1897.
Sitka, 1888-97. 2 v. F.
ALTA California [daily]; Feb. 1-Sept. 30, Nov. 1-30, 1860; Jan. 1-Sept.
30. Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 1861; Jan. 1-July 31, Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 1862; Jan. 1-
Mar. 31, May 1. Oct. 31, Dec. 1-31, 1863; Apr. 1-Aug. 31, Oct. 1-31,
Dec. 1-31, 1864; Feb. 1-Apr. 30, June 1-30, Aug. 1-Sept. 30, 1866; Feb.
1-29, Apr. 1-30, June 1-30, Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1868; July 1889-June 2, 1891.
S. F., 1860-91. 14 V. Y.
AMADOR dispatch; May 17, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Jackson, 1890-97.
2 V. F.
AMADOR republican, [weekly] July 31, 1896-Dec. 31, 1897. Jackson,
1896-97. F.
AMERICAN standard; v. 1-4; March 16, 1889-Dec. 13, 1890. S. F.,
1889-90. 4 V. in 2. Q.
ANAHEIM gazette; Jan. 1, 1891-Dec. 30, 1897. Anaheim, 1891-97.
2 V. F.
ANTIOCH ledger, weekly; April 10, 1890-Dec, 25, 1897. Antioch, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
ARGONAUT, The (continuation); v. 24-36. S. F., 1889-95. 13 v. in
8. F.
ATLANTA Constitution [dailv]: July 1890-Dec. 1890. Atlanta, 1890.
2 Y. F.
EAKERSFIELD democrat; [weekly]; .Tuly 13, 1893-Oct. 10, 1895. Ba-
kersfield, 1893-95. F.
BALTIMORE American [daily]; July-Dec. 1890. Baltimore, 1890
2 V. F.
BEE, The daily; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Sac, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
BIG Valley gazette; [weekly]. June 29, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897. Bieber.
1893-97. F.
BOSTON daily advertiser; July-Dec. 1890. Bost., 1890. 2 v. F.
BOSTON herald, [daily]; July-Dec. 1889. Bost., 1889. F.
BRIDGEPORT chronicle-union; July 12, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Bridge-
port. 1890-97. 2 V. F.
BROOKLYN daily advertiser; Sept. 5, 6, 11, 1834. Brooklyn, 1834. Q.
\ote: lid. with New York Transcript, 1834.
BULLETIN, Daily evening; April, 18S9-Sept. 1897. S. F., 1889-97.
16 V. F.
CALAVERAS chronicle [weekly] (continuation) ; July 1889-Dec. 1897.
Mokelumne, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
CALAVERAS citizen [weekly]; Jan. 23-Dec. 25, 1897. San Andreas,.
CALAVERAS prospect [weekly] ; July 1, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897. San An-
dreas. 1893-97. F. ^ .. ^. .r.
CALIFORNIA farmer, [weekly]; v. 3-4, G-12, 15-17, Ip-24, 31-34. 49.
Jan 4-Dec. 28, 1855; July 25, 1856-Jan. 21, 1860; Mar. 1, 1861-Sept. 1,
1862- Feb. 27, 1863-Dec. 22, 1865; Jan. 21, 1869-Dec. 29. 1870; Jan. 30,
1879-'Apr. 1, 1880. Sac, S. F., 1855-18S0. 23 v. in 17. F.
CALL, Daily morning; July-Dec. 1889, April, 1890-Dec. 1897. S. F.,
1889-97. 32 v. F. „„„ „
CHICAGO tribune. The, [daily]; July- Dec. 1889. Chic, 1889. 2 v. F.
CHICO weekly chronicle record (continuation); July 1889-Dec. 1897.
Chioo, 1889-97. 2 v. F. ^^ ^^^^
CHINA mall, Jan. 4, lS49-Dec. 27, 1855: .Ian. 1, 1857-Dec 31, 1860: v. 5-
11, 13-16. Hongkong, 1849-1860, 11 v. F.
CHINA overland trade report: Jan 14-Dec. 30, 1860. Hongkong.
CINCINN.\TI enquirer, [daily]; July-Dec 1889, July-Dec 1890; Sept.
3-Dec. 31, 1897. Cin., 1889-97. 5 v. F.
CITOGRAPH The- May 1890-Dec. 1897. Redlands, 1890-97. 8 v. F.
COLFAX sentinel [weekly]; July 7, 1893-Dec. 31, 1897. Colfax, 1893-
97 F
COl'uS.A dally gazette; Jan.. 1891-,Tune, 1891, Colusa, 1891. F.
COLUSA sun, [semi-weekly]; Jan. 2, 1895-Dec. 29, 1897. Colusa, 1895-
97 F
COLUSA sun. The weekly; April 1890-Dec 25, 1897.Colusa, 1890-97.
3 V. F.
COMMERCIAL herald and market review, [weekly] Jan. 11, 1868-
Jan. 14, 1869. S. F., 1868-69. F. ^^^ ,^ ^.
CONTRA Costa gazette [weekly]; Sept. 1, lS94-Dec 29, 189<. Marti-
nez 1894-97. F.
COURIER- Journal, The [daily]; July 1889-March 1890, July 1890-Dec
1897. Louisville, 1889-97. 33v. F.
DEL NORTE record; Jan. 3, 1891-Dec. 25, 1897. Crescent City, 1891-
97. 2 v. F. ^
DENVER times; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Denver, 1889-97. 29 v. F.
DETROIT free press [dailv] ; July-Dec. 1890. Detroit, 1890. 2 v. F.
DIXON tribune: .Ian. 4. lS90-Dec. 31. 1897. Dixon. 1890-97. 2 v. F.
DOWNIEVILLE messenger. f!re Mountain messenger.
DUNSMUIR herald [weekly]: July 25, 18S6-Dec. 31, 1897. Duns-
muir. 1SD6-97. F. _„ „
ESCONDIDO times, [weekly]; Aug. 10, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897. Escondi-
do, 1S93-97. F. - ^ „ , t-,
EXAMINER, Daily; July, 1889-Dec 1897. S. F., 1889-97, 34 v- F
FOLSOM telegraph. The; Aug. 1889-Dec. 1897. Folsom, 1889-97.
2 V. F.
FOOTT IGHT The; devoted to drama, music, and fine arts; v. 1-2,
Julv21, 1877-May 18. 1878. S. F.. 1877-78. 2 v. F.
[FRESNO! Daily evening expositor; July, 1892-Dec. 1897. Fresno,
lS9'-97 11 V F
FRESNO weekly expositor; Feb., 1890-June 29, 1892; Jan. 3, 1894-Dec.
30, T8?7. Fresno. 1890-92, 1894-97. 3 v. F.
GALT gazette, v/eekly; June 8, 18S9-Dec. 25, 1897. Gait, 1889-97.
2 V. F.
GOLDEN BRA, The [weekly]: Dec. 19, 1852-Dec. 10, 1854; Dec. 15,
1885-Mar. 15, 1879; Mar. 29-.Apr. 5, Apr. 26-MaA' 3, May 24-Aug 31,
Sept. lS-27, Oct. 18, Nov. 8, 1879-Oct. 29, 1881: v. 1-2, 4-29. S. F.,
1852-81. 28 V. in 27. Q. F.
GRAPHIC, The daily. Mar. 1st to June 30, 1873. N. Y., 1873. 1 v. F.
GRAPHIC, The [M^eeklyJ (continuation); July, 1872-Dec. 1897; v. 6-56
Lond.. 1872-97. 51 v. F.
GRASS Valley telegraph, [weekly] Jan. 6, 1894-Dec. 30, 1897. Grass
Valley, 1894-97. F.
GRASS Valley union [daily] ; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. Grass Valley, 1891-
97. 14 V. F.
GUIDii, The. [tri-weekly] ; Jan. 2-Dec. 29, 1871. S. F., 1871. F.
HUMBOLDT weekly standard; July, 1889-Dec. 30, 1897. Eureka, 1889-
97. 3 V. F.
ILLUSTRATED London news, The (continuation): v. 10-13, 82-89, 95-
96; n. s., V. 6-21, 1847-48, 1883-86, 1889-97. Lond., 1847-97. 29 v. F.
Xotr: Title from Feb. 8, 1890 to Oct. 21, 1893, "Illustrated news of
the world."
INDEPENDENT, Weekly; July 5, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Santa Barbara,
1890-97. 2 V. F.
INTER-OCEAN, Daily; July, 1890-Dec. 1897. Chicago, 1890-96. 31
V. F.
IN\0 index; Jan. 7, 1891-Aug. 24, 1892; Jan. 18, 1893-July 3, 1895. In-
dependence, 1891-95. 2 V. F.
KANSAS city times, (daily): Apr. 12, 1896-Dec. 31, 1897. Kansas City,
1896-97. 3 V. F.
KEHN county gazette; May 17, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Bakersfleld, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
LAKE county avalanche; Mav 15, 1890- Aug. 1, 1895. Lakeport, 1890-
95. 2 V. F.
LAKE county bee. [weekly]; Sept. 6, 1895-Dec. 30, 1897. Lakeport,
1895-97. F.
(''tutimiatinn of Lake county avalanche.
liEADER, The; Nov. 3, 1877- Jan. 12, 1878. S. F., 1877-78. F.
LE FRANC AIS [weekly] Oct. 3, 1896-Dec. 22, 1897. Los Angelee,
1896-97. F.
LE PROGRES [weekly] ; July 6, 1893-Sept. 4. 1897. Los Angeles, 1893-
97. F.
LODI Review-Budget, [weekly]; Jan. 4, 1895-Dec. 28, 1895. Lodi,
1S94-95. F.
Cnntinualion of Valley Review.
LOS Angeles daily herald; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Los Angeles, 1889-
97. 34 V. F.
LOS Angeles times; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. Los Angeles, 1891-97. 28
V. P.
MARfN county tocsin; June 7, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. San Rafael, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
MAlilPOSA gazette; May 24, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Mariposa, 1890-97.
2 V. F.
MARYSVILLE daily democrat; July, 1890-Dec. 1897. Marysville,
1890-97. 15 V. F.
MARYSVILLE weekly appeal; April 12. 1889-Dec. 30, 1897. Marys-
ville, 1889-97. 4 V. F.
MEMPHIS appeal-avalanche [daily]; Julv-Dec, 1890. Memphis, 1890.
2 V. F.
MENDOCINO beacon [weekly] (continuation); July, 1889-Dec. 1897.
Mendocino, 1889-97. 3 v. F.
MERCANTILE gazette and shipping register, Jan. 4, 1859-Dec. 31, 1860.
S. F., 1859-60. 2 v. F.
MERCED express; May, 17. 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Merced, 1890-97. 2
v. F.
MONITOR, The [weekly]: Jan. 1896-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1896-97. 2 v. F.
MOUNT Shasta herald (oontinuation) ; July 1889-Nov. 1893. Sissons,
1889-93. 2 V. F.
MOUNT.'VIN democrat [weekly] (continuation); Jan. 1890-Dec. 25,
1897. Piacerville, 1S90-97. 3 v. F.
MOUNTAIN messenger; May 17, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Downieville, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
MOUNTAIN tribune; July (i, 1889-Dec. 31, 1892. Bieber, 1889-92. F.
NEW VORK herald, [daily]; July-Dec. 1889. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. F.
NEW YORK transcript, [daily]: Apr. 19, 1834-Dec. 31, 1834. N. Y.,
1834, Q.
Note: Wanting Apr. 21-23, 25-May 2. 6, 9-15, 1834.
NEW YORK tribune, [daily]; July-Dec. 1889, July-Dec. 1890. N. Y.,
1889-90. 4 V. F.
NEWCASTLE news [weekly] (continuation); July 18S9-Dec. 1897.
Ne^ycastle, 1889-97. 2 v. F.
NEWS, Daily evening: Jan. 1891-Sept. 1893. Sac, 1891-93. 5 v. F.
NEWS and courier [daily]; July, 1890-Dec. 1890. Charleston, 1890.
2 V. F.
OAKLAND daily evening tribune; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Oakland,
1889-97. 25 v. F.
OAKLAND daily times; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Oakland, 1889-97. 24
V. F.
OAKLAND enquirer [daily]; March, 1891-Dec. 1897. Oakland, 1891-
97. 18 V. F.
OREGONIAN, Dailv moi'ning; July, 1890- June, 1891. Portland, 1890-
91. 3 v. F.
PACIFIC town talk: [weekly]. Jan. 6, 1894-Dec. 30, 1897. S. F., 1894-
97. 1 V. F.
PALL MALL gazette, [daily]; April-Doc. 1889. Lond., 1889. 3 v. P.
PHOENIX (weekly); \^. 1. no. 1-15, 20-23, 25. Sac, 1857-58. F.
PICAYUNE, The daily; July-Dec 1890. New Orleans, 1890. 2 v. F.
PLACER argus. The [weekly]; Aug., 1889-Dec 31, 1897. Auburn,
1889-97. 3 V. F.
PLACER county republican [weekly]; July 7, 1893-Dec. 31, 1897. Au-
burn, 1893-97. F.
PLACER herald [weekly] ; July, 1889-Dec. 25, 1897. Auburn, 1889-97.
3 V. F.
PLUMAS national: May 10, 1892-Dec. 25, 1897. Quincy, 1892-97. 2
V. F.
Notf: Title from Sept. 13, 1890. Plumas national bulletin.
POLinCAL record [weekly] (continuation); July 1889-Dec 1897. S.
F., 1889-97. 2 v. F.
POST, The evening, [daily]; .July, lS89-Dec 1897. S. F., 1889-97. 17
V. F.
PRESS, The [daily]; July-Dec 1889. July-Dec. 1891). Phil., 1889-90.
4 V. F.
RED BLUFF news; July 5, 1890-Dec 22, 1891; May 14. 1892-Dec. 30,
1897. Red Bluff, 1890-97. 2 v. F.
REDWOOD City democrat: May 15, 1890-Dec. 30. 1897. Redwood City,
1890-97. 2 v. F.
REFORM League [weekly]; nos. 1-23, 25-38; June 1, 1869-June 27,
1870. Bost., 1S69-70. F.
SACRAMENTO daily record-union; -July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Sac, 1889-
97. 17 V. F.
Sonic, July-Dec, 1889.
ST. HELENA star; July 5, 1889-Dec 31, 1897. St. Helena, 1889-97. 2
V. F.
ST. LOUIS republic, [daily] ; Julv-Dec 1890. St. Louis. 1890. 2 v. F.
SALINAS democrat; May, 24, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Salinas City, 1890-97.
2 v. F.
SAN BENITO advance; May 16, 1890-Dec 31, 1897. Hollister, 1890-97.
2 V. F.
SAN BERNARDINO weekly courier; Jan. 3, 1891-June 30, 1894. San
'. Bernardino, 1891-94. 2 v. F.
SAN DIEGAN, The daily; Sept. 23, 1890-Sept. 30, 1892. San Diego,
1890-92. 6 V. F.
Vniicd icitli The sun, Oct. 1892, and continued under the title Daily
San Diegan sun.
SAN DIEGAN sun. Daily; Oct. 1892-Dec. 1897. San Diego, 1892-97.
11 V. F.
Consolidatiun of San Diegan and The sun.
SAN FRANCISCO chronicle [dailyl ; April 19, 1870-Jan. 15, 1871, July
1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1870-97. 36 v. F.
SAN FRANCISCO daily report; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1889-97.
26 V. F.
SAN FRANCISCO daily times: v. 10-13. May 13, 1859-May 10, 1861.
S. F., 1859-61. 4 V. F.
SAN FRANCISCO news letter (continuation); January 1889-Dec. 1897.
S. F., 1889-97. 16 V. F.
SAN JOSE daily herald; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. San Jose, 1889-97. 17
V. F.
SAN JOSE daily mercury; July, 18S9-Dec. 1897. San Jose, 1889-97.
24 V. F.
SAN LUIS OBISPO tribune [weekly] ; July 1890-Dec. 1897. San Luis
Obispo, 1890-97. 2 V. F.
SANTA ANA standard: Jan. 3, 1891-Dec. 25, 1897. Santa Ana, 1891-97.
2 V. F.
SANTA CRUZ surf. Weekly ed.; Jan. 1890-Dec. 30, 1897. Santa Cruz,
1890-97. 3 V. F.
SONOMA democrat [weekly] (continuation); July 1889-Dec. 29, 1897.
Santa Rosa, 1889-97. 3 v. F.
SPIRIT of the age [daily]; Dec. 6, 1855-Aug., 8, 1856. Sac, 1855-56.
2 V. F.
SPRINGFIELD republican, [daily] ; July-Dec. 1889. Springfield, 1889.
2 V. F.
STANISLAUS county weekly news; Jan. 3, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Modes-
to, 1890-97. 2 V. F.
STOCKTON evening mail [daily] : May 12, 1890-Dec. 1893, Jan. 1895-
Dec. 1897. Stockton, 1890-97. 13 v. F.
SUN The [daily]; Sept. 19, Dec. 22-27, 1834. N. Y., 1834. Q.
Note: Bd. vim N. Y. Transcript, 1834.
SUN, The [daily] ; July-Dec. 1889. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. F.
SUN, The [daily]; April 11, 1891-Nov, 11, 1892. San Diego, 1891-92. 6
V. F.
United with the San Diegan, Oct. 1892 and continued under title
Daily San Diegan sun.
SUTTER county farmer; July 4, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Yuba City, 1890-
97. 2 V. F.
TELEGRA PH, The evening [daily] ; May, 1890-Dec. 1893. Grass Val-
ley, 1890-93. 2 V. F.
THEMIS [weekly]; v. 1-3, Feb. 24, 1889-Feb. 13,1892. Sac, 1889-92.
3 v. F.
TOWN talk, Daily; v. 5. Nov. 9, 1856-May 9, 1857. S. F., 1856-57. F.
TRINITY journal, Weekly; July 5. 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Weaverville,
1890-97. 2 V. F.
TULARE county times; Jan. 2, 1890-Dec. 30, 1897. Visalia, 1890-97.
2 Y. F.
UBIQUITOUS: v. 1, no. 6. March 28, 1858. Sac, 1858. F.
UNION democrat; May 17, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Sonora, 1890-97. 2 v. P.
VALLEY review; Oct. 1888-Dec. 28, 1893. Lodi, 1888-93. 2 v. F.
For corttinnatioji see Lodi Review-Budget.
VENTURA independent [weekly]; Apr. 1-Dec 30, 1897. F.
VENTURA weekly free press; Jan. 2, 1891-Dec. 31, 1897. Ventura,
1891-97 2 V F
WASP, The; Jan. 1889-Dec 1897. S. F., 1889-97. 18 v. F.
WAVE. The; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. 14 v. F.
WINTERS express. The; July 1889-Dec 1897. Winters, 1889-97. t
V. F.
WOODLAND daily democrat; Jan. lS91-Dec. 1897. Woodland, 1891-97.
14 V. F.
WOHLD. The [daily]; July-Dec. 1889, July 1890-Dec. 1897. N. Y., 1889-
97. 45 V. F.
NEWSPAPERS containing statements of the official vote of Cali-
fornia by counties and precincts. 189G. F.
IvEWTO:^, Alfred. [a7id others.] A dictionary of birds; pt. 1-4.
Lond., 1893-90. il. maps. 4 v. O.
NEWTON, Richard Heber. Social studies. N. Y., 1887. S.
NEWTON, Thomas. Dissertations on the prophecies, which have
remarkably been fulfilled and at this time are fulfilling in the
world. 2()th ed. Loud., 1835. por. O.
NEW^TON, William Wilberforce. Dr. Muhlenberg. Bost., 1890.
D. (Amer. religious leaders.)
NIAUDET, Alfred. Elementary treatise on electric batteries; tr.
by L. M. Fishback. 5th ed. N. Y., 1888. il. D.
NIBELUNGEN lied lay of the Nibelung; tr. from the German by
A. G. Foster-Barham. Lond., 1887. D.
NIBELUNGS. Fall of the Nibelungs; done into English by Mar-
, garet Armour. Lond., 1897. il. D.
NICHOL, John. American literature: an historical sketch, 1620-
1880. Edin., 1882. O.
Francis Bacon: his life and philosophy; pt. 2. Phil., 1889.
por. S. (Knight, W^ ed. Philos. classics.)
NICHOLAS, Sir Edward. Correspondence, 1641-52. (7?i Nicholas
papers, v. 1. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 40.)
NICHOLAS, Thomas. The history and antiquities of Glamorgan-
shire and its families. Lond., 1874. il. O.
XICHOLS, J. L. Business guide; or, Safe methods of business.
Naperville, 111., 1895. il. S.
XICHOLS, John Gough. Descriptive catalogue of the works of
the Camden Societv; accompanied by a classified arrange-
ment and an index. ^ Westminster, 1862. 16+68 p. O. (Cam-
den Soc, extra vol.)
ed. The chronicle of Calais in the reigns of Henry VIL and
Henrv VIII. to the year 1540. Lond., 1846. pi. O. {Same,
V. 35.)
Chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary
and especially of the rebellion of Sir T: Wyatt; written by
A resident in the Tower of London. [Lond.], 1850. O.
(Same, v. 48.)
Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. [Lond.], 1852,
3.5+108 p. O. (Same, v. 53.)
Chronicle of the rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470. Lond.,
1847. 28 p. O. (In Camden misc., v. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
Coningsby, Sir T. Journal of the siege of Rouen, 1591.
Lond.. 1847. ' 84 p. (In same, v. 1. Same, v. 39.)
Diary of Henry Machyn from A. D. 1550-63. Lond., 1848.
pi. O. '(Same, v. "42.)
Discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell in March,
1027-8. Lond.. 18.52. 64 p. . O. (In Camden misc., v. 2.
Camden Soc, v. 55.)
NTCHOLt^, John (Jougb. ed. Supplementary note to the [above J.
Lond.. 1851). 10 p. (In Misc., v. 4. Same, v. 73.)
Grants, etc., from the crown during the reign qS. Edward
v.; and two speeches for opening parliament by J: Russell;
with an historical introduction. [Lond.], 1854. 674-96 p.
O. Same, v. 60.)
Halkett, Lady Anne. Autobiography. [Westminster],
1S75. O. {Same, n. s. v. 13.)
The herald and genealogist; V. 1-8. Lond., 1863-74, 8 v.
History from marble compiled in the reign of Charles II.,
by T: Dingley; printed in photolithography by V. Brooks.
[Westminster], 1867-68. 2 v. pi. O. (Camden Soc, v. 94,
Inventories of the wardrobe, plate, chapel stuff, etc., of
Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, and of the wardrobe stuff
at Baynard's castle of Katharine, Princess Dowager; ed.
with a memoir and letters of the Duke of Richmond. Lond.,
1855. 100-1-54 p. O. (In Camden misc., v. 3. Same, v. 61.)
The letters of Pope to Atterbury when in the Tower of
London. Lond., 1859. 22 p. O. {In Camden misc., v. 4.
Same, v. 73.) )
Narratives of the days of the Reformation, chiefly from
the mss. of John Foxe. the martyrologist; with two contem-
porarv biogra])hies of Cranmer. [Lond.], 1859. O. (Same,
V. 77.
Two sermons preached by the boy bishop at St. Paul's
temp. Henry VIII, and at Gloucester temp. Mary; with an
introduction giving an account of the festival of the boy
bishop in England, by E. F. Rimbault. Lond.], 1875. O. (In
Camden misc., v. 7. ^ame, n. s. v. 14.)
a7id Bruce, John. eds. Wills from Doctors' Commons: a selec-
tion from the wills of eminent persons, 1495-1695. [Lond.],
1863. 7-f-174 p. O. {Same, v. 83.)
NICHOLS, Mary Pickering, tr. Gudrun: a mediaeval epic.
NICHOLSON, Henry Alleyne. Manual of Zoology; for the use of
students, with a general introduction on the principles of zo-
ology. 2d ed. rev. enl. N. Y., 1888. il. D.
Synopsis of the classification of the animal kingdom. Edin.
and Lond., 1882. 131 p. il. O.
[NICHOLSON, John P.] ed. and conip. Pennsylvania at Gettys-
burg; ceremonies at the dedication of the monuments erected
by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to mark the positions
of the Pennsylvania commands engaged in the battle. [Har-
risburg], 1893. 2 v. pi. por. O.
NICHOLSON, Joseph Shield. The effects of machinery on wages.
New and revised ed. Lond., 1892. 10-1-143 p. D. (Soc. sci.
Principles of political economy; v. 1. N. Y., 1893. O.
Strikes and social problems. N. Y., 1896. D.
Treatise on monev and essays on monetary problems. 2d ed.
Lond., ]««'iC.110L!S0X, William. The history of the wars occasioned by
French revolntion; inchiding a sketch of the early history of
France, and the circumstanaces which led to the revolution,
l.ond., 1810. il. F.
JS'ICKEKSOX, Benjamin K. t^peech at Piatt's Hall, San Francisco,
0(;tober 3, 1868, upon official corruption. S. F., 1868. 11 p.
O. (In Cal. speeches, v. 'A.)
NICOL, John. Sketch of Scottish poetry up to the time of Sir
David Lindesay, with an outline of his works. [In Lyndsay
Sir D. Works; pt. 5: Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser
no. 47.)
>«1C0LAS de Brai. Des faits et gestes de Louis VIII; poeme his
torique. (//; Col. des m6ni. rel ii Thist. de France, 1825, s. 3
V. 11.)
NICOLA! , C. G. The Oregon territory: a geographical and physi
cal account of that country and its inhabitants, with outlines
of its history and discovery. Loud., 1846. pi. maps. T.
NICOLA Y, John George, and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln: a his-
tory. N. Y., 1890. 10 V. il. pi. pors. maps. O.
KTCOLL, William Robertson. James Macdonell, journalist. Lond.,
1800. por. O.
When the worst comes to the worst. N. Y., 1896. 64 p. S.
(Conduct of life ser.)
and Wise, Thomas J. eds. Literary anecdotes of the nineteenth
century; contributions toward a literary history of the
period; t. 1-2. Lond., 1895-96. il. facsim. 2 v. O.
NICOLLS, William Jasper. The railway builder, a handbook for es-
timating the cost of American railway construction and
equipment. Phil., 1897. il. S.
NICOLS. Thomas. Description of the Canary islands and Madera,
with their remarkable fruits and commodities; to which is
added. A farther account of each, by way of supplement from
later authorities. (In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1,
p. 532.)
NIBUHR. Karstens. Description de FArabie, d'apr^s les observa-
tions et recherches faites dans le pays m6me. nouv. ed. rev.
et cor. Paris, 1779. il. 2 v. O.
NJECKS, Frederick. Frederick Chopin as a man and a musician.
Lond. and N. Y., 1888. 2 v. O.
NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Works; edited by Alexander Tille; v.
7,10-11. N. Y.. 1806-97. 3 v. D.
Contentft: 7. Thus spake Zarathustra. 10. Genealoer of morals; tr.
by W. Hausmann. Poems; tr. by .J: Gray. 11. Case of Wagner — Twi-
light of the idols
NIEUHOFF, Johan Jacob. Embassy of Peter de Goyer and Jacob
de Keyzer from the Dutch East India Company to the Em-
peror of China, 1655; tr. from the Dutch. (7?iGreen, J: Voy-
ages and travels, v. 3, p. 399.)
NIGHTINGALE, A. F. comp. Hand-book of requirements for ad-
mission to the colleges of the United States. N. Y., 1879.
61 p. O.
JS'JHON, Guaishi. (History of Japan in Japanese.) 2 v. O.
NILSSON, K. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie frangaise (contin-
uation); 1889. Paris, [1889]. O.
NIJn'ETEENTH century (continuation); v. 26-42. Lond., 1889-97.
17 V. O.
N IN IAN, St. abp. of Candida Casa.
Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern; compiled in the twelfth century;
ed. from the best mss. by A. P. Forbes. Edin., 1874. 0. (Historians
of Scotland, ed. by W: B. Skene, v. 5.)
NINTH cavalry: One hundred and twenty-first regiment, Indiana
volunteers. See Comstock, D. W., historian and others.
NISBET, Hume. Where art begins. Lond., 1892. il. pi. D.
NITHARD. Histoire des dissensions des fils de Louis-le-D6bon-
naire. [In Col. des mem. rel. a I'hist de France, 1824, s. 3,
V. 3.)
NITOBE, Inazo. The intercourse between the United States and
Japan: an historical sketch. Bait., 1891. O. (Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, extra v. 8.)
NITTI, Francesco S. Population and the social system. Lond.,
1894. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
NITZSCH, Christian Ludwig. Pterylography; tr. by [W. S. Dal-
las] ; ed by P. E. Sclater. Lond., 1867. col. pi. F. (Eav Soc.
^ Pub.)
NIZAMI, Abu Mohammed ben Yusef Sheikh Nizam, eddin. Makh-
zan ul asrar, the treasury of secrets: being the first of five
poems, or Khamsah; ed. by N. Bland. Lond., 1844. O.
NOAILLES, Adrien Maurice, due de. Mf^moires politiques et mili-
taires pour servir a Thistoire de Louis XIV. {In Col des m^m.
rel. k I'hist. de France, 1828-29, s. 2, v. 71-74.)
NOBLE, James Ashcroft. The sonnet in England, and other essays.
Lond., 1896. D.
NOBLE, John. The Queen's taxes: an inquiry into the amount,
incidence, and economic results of the taxation of the United
Kingdom, direct and indirect. Lond., 1870. O.
NOBLE family.
BOLTWOOD, L. M. comp. History and genealogy of the family of
Thomas Noble of Westfield, Mass., with genealogical notes of other
families by the name of Noble. Hart., 1878. 0.
NOEL, Roden Berkelev Wriotheslev. Life of Lord Bvron. Lond.,
1890. O. (Great writers.)
NOER. Fr^d^ric Auguste. comte de. L'empereur Akbar: un chapitre
de Fhistoire de I'lnde au XVI*'™'^ si^cle; traduit de I'Alle-
mand par G. Bonet Maury avec une introduction par Alfred
Maurv. Leide, 188.3-87. 2 v. O.
NOGUCHI,Yone. The voice of the valley. S. F., [c. 1897]. 51 p.
il. S.
NOHL, Carl Friedrich Ludwig. Facts relating to Beethoven's tenth
symphony. (In Elterlein, E. von. Beeethoven's symphonies.)
NOLAN, Edward H. Illustrated history of the British empire in
India and the east, from the earliest times to the suppression
of the Sepoy mutiny in 1859. Lond., [n. d.]. 2 v. il. pi.
maps. O.
NOLL, Arthur Howard. A short history of Mexico. Chic, 1890. S.
"KON-VET.'- of Co. "H." See Williams, J. M.
NOKDAU, Max Simon. Dcgeiieialiou. N. Y., 1895. O.
t^oap bubbles; tr. by M: J : Salloid. N. Y., ISUG. S.
2^0JiJ)EN, John. Speculi liiitanniae pars: au historical aud ( lioro-
grapbical description of the county of Essex, 15*J4; ed. from
the original ms. in the uianiuess of Salisbury's library at
Hattield, by Sir Henry Ellis. Lond., 1840. map. 80 i*. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 9.)
NOKDE^'SlvloJ.l), G. Cliff dwellers of the Mesa Verde, south-
western Colorado; their pottery and implements: tr. by I). L.
Morgan. Stockholm, [1893]. il. pi. por. F.
iS'OKDEXSKloLl), Nils Adolf Erik. Facsimile-atlas to the early
history of cartography, with reproductions of the nu)St im-
portant maps printed m the XV and XVI centuries; tr. from
the Swedish original by J. A. Ekelof and C. R. Markham.
Stockholm, 1889. maps. F.
XORMAX, Henry. Bodvke: a chapter in the history of Irish land-
lordism. X. Y., 1887. 78 p. il. D.
The peoples and politics of the far east. X. Y\, 1895. 11. pi.
maps. O.
The real Japan: studies of contemporary Japanese manners,
morals, administration and politics. 3d ed. X. Y., 1893. il.
pi. D.
XOEMAX, John Henry. Complete guide to the world's twenty-nine
metal monetary systems. X. Y., Lond., [1892]. pi. O.
XORMAX, Philip. London signs and inscriptions; with an intro-
duction by H: B. Wheatley. Lond., 1897. il. D. (Anti-
quary's library.)
See Rendle, W:, and Xorman, P. Inns of Old South wark.
XORRIS. J. A., and Laird, Charles. Telegraphic determinati(»n of
longitudes in ^Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and
on the north coast of South America, with the latitudes of
the several stations; to which is appended A report on mag-
netic observations made at Vera Cruz [etc.], by C: Laird,
J. H. L. Holcombe and L. M. Garrett. Wash., 1891. maps.
Q. (V. S. Bureau of Xavigation.)
XORRIS, Richard C. M.D. Syllabus of the obstetrical lectures in
the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania.
3d ed. Phil., 1894. D.
ed. An American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and
students. Phil., 1896. il. pi. Q.
XORRIS, William Edward. Bianca. (In Stories by Eng. authors.
XORRIS, William F. On retinitis in Bright's disease. (In Tyson, J.
Treatise on Bright's disease and diabetes.)
flr?f? Oliver, Charles A. eds. System of diseases of the eye; 7.
1-2. Phil., 1897. il. pi. 2 v. O.
XORRIS family.
MORRISON, L. A. Lineage and biographies of the Norris family In
America from 1640 to 1892. Bost., 1892. il. por. O.
XORTH, . maj. Journal of an English officer in India. Tx)nd.,
1858. por. D.
JN(.>IiTH, Mrs. Ada. coinp. Catalogue of the Iowa State Library,
1872. Des Moines, 1872. O.
:N011TH, Ernest D. Bibliography. {In Martin, B: E. In the foot-
prints of Charles Lamb.j
^OKTll American journal of homoeopathy (continuation); v. 37-45;
188«J-97. N. Y., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
-IsUliTH American practitioner: ed. by J. H. HoUister; v. 9; Jan-
Dee. 1897. Chic, 1897. O.
^UiriH American review (continuation}; v. 149-165. N. Y., 1889-
97. 17 V. O.
iS'CKTH CAROLINA. Colonial records of N. C, 1662-1776; pub-
lished under the supervision of the Trustees of Public Li-
braries by order of the General Assembly; collected and ed.
by W: L. Saunders. Kaleigh, 1886-90. 10 v. Q.
Auditor. Annual report for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1886,
1889,1890. Raleigh, [1886] -9L 3 v. O.
Jluremi of Labor Statistics. 3d-5th, 7th-10th annual report; 1889-
96, 1893-5. Raleigh, 1890-96. 7 v. O.
Note: There was no 6th annual report.
General Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives;
1870-71, 1871-72, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893.
Raleigh, 1871-93. 10 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891,
1893. Raleigh, 1881-93. 7 v. O.
Public documents; 1879, 1881, 1889, 1891, 1893. Raleigh,
1879-93. 5 V. O.
-Slate Library. Biennial report of the librarian; 1889-90, 1893-
94, 1895-96. Raleigh, 1891-97. O. 3 pam.
Catalogue, 1891. Raleigh, 1891. 146 p. O.
NORTH DAKOTA. Auditor. Report for year ending Oct. 31, 1890.
Bismarck, 1890. pam. O.
Constitutional Convention, 1889. Journal. Bismarck, 1889. O.
Official report of the proceedings and debates. R. M.
Tuttle, official stenographer. Bismarck, 1889. O.
Government Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin: no. 21-25,
27. Fargo, 1895-97. O. pams.
Nmncli): No. 21. Cleanliness in handling milk. 22. Creamery in-
dustry. 23. Grain and forage crops. 24. North Dakota soils. 25.
Tree culture. 27. Smut and its treatment.
Lf'f/islative Assembly. Journal of the House; 1891, spec, term
1892, 1893. Bismarck, 1891-93. 3 v. O.
Special term 1892 Senate and House journals bound to-
Journal of the Senate; 1891, spec, term 1892, 1893. Bis-
marck, 1891-93. 3 V. O.
Legislative manual containing the constitution of North
Dakota and the rules of 1st, 5th Legislative Assembly. Bis-
marck, 1890-97. 2 V. S. D.
Public documents, 1890, 1892 (2 v.), 1894 (3 v.), 1896 (3 v.).
Bismarck, 1890-96. 9 v. O.
State Laiv Library. Catalogue, by C. M. Dahl. [n. p.], 1896. O.
NORTH DAKOTA. Slate Library. Report of the librarian; 18{>2.
18J)4. Bismarck, 181)2-94. ' O. 2 pam.
Note: Report 1894 contains catalogue of the vols, comprising the
State Library.
MORTH Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle [ed. by E. Babine]-
Lond., 1821. 132 p. Q.
JN'ORTHALL, G. F. English folk-rhymes: a collection of tradi
tional verses relating to places and persons, customs, super-
stitions, etc. Loud., 1892. U.
NORTHERN man, A. See Ingersoll, J. R.
NORTHROP, Henry Davenport, com p. and ed. Delsarte manual
of oratory. Chic, [1895]. il. O.
See Quesada, Gonzalo de, and Northrop, H: D. War in Cuba.
NORTHROP, N. B. Pioneer history of Medina county. Medina.
1861. S.
NORTON, Andrews. Statement of reasons for not believing the
doctrines of Trinitarians, concerning the nature of God and
the person of Christ. 15th ed., with additions, and a bio-
graphical notice of the author. Bost., 1890. D.
NORTON, Anthony Banning. History of Knox county, Ohio, from
1779-18G2. Columbus, 18G2. pi. pors. O.
NORTON, Benjamin. How to feed a railway. {In Clarke, T: (1, and
others. The American railway.)
NORTON, Charles Eliot, cd. Letters of James Russell Lowell.
N. Y., 1891. 2 V. pors. O.
tr. Dante Alighieri. The divine comedy. Bost., 1891-92. 3 v.
The new life of Dante Alighieri. Bost, 1892. D.
. [and others.] Four American universities: Harvard. Yale,
Princeton, Columbia. N. Y., 1895. il. Q.
NORTON, Charles Ledyard. A handbook of Florida. N. Y.. 1891.
maps, plans. S.
Political Americanisms: a glossary of terms and phrases cur-
rent at different x)eriods in American politics. N. Y.. 1891.
8-1-135 p. S.
NORTON, John Bruce. The rebellion in India: how to prevent an-
other. Lond., 1857. O.
NORTON, John Foote. History of Fitzwilliam. N. H., from 1752-
L887: with genealogical record of many Fitzwilliam families,
bv J. Whittemore. N. Y., 1888. il. pors. maps. O.
NORTON, L. A. col. Life and adventures; written by himself.
Oakland, 1887. por. D.
NORTON, ^Minerva Brace. In and around Berlin. Chic, 1889. i>.
NORWAY, (Me.).
LAPHAM, W: B. Centennial history of Norway, Oxford rounty.
Maine; 1786-1886: with genealogical registers. Portland, 1886. il.
pors. O.
NORWOOD. Rev. Samuel. Our Indian empire: the history of the
wonderful rise of British supremacy in Hindustan. Lond.,
1870. D.
NOTES and r^ueries; a medium of intercommunication for literary-
men, general readers, etc. (continuation); 3d ser. v. 4; 6th
ser. V. 4; Tth ser. v. 8-12; 8th ser. v. 1-12; July-Dec. 1863;
July-Dec. 1881; July 1880-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1863-97. 18 v.
Index to 6th ser. 1880-85. Lond., 1886. O.
2sOTES on California and the placers; by One who has been there.
See Delayan, J.
170TT. Sir William, maj.-f/en. Stocqueler, J. H., ed. Memoirs and
correspondence of N. Lond., 1854. 2 y. pi. por. O.
KOURSE family.
LYEE, M. C. N. coiiip. James Nourse and his descendants. Lexing-
ton, 1897. il. 163 p. 0.
[NOV'IKOFF, Olga de KirǤef.] Skobeleff and the Slayonic cause,
by O. K. Lond., 1883. por. O.
NOl'ES, George Eapall. ed. Collection of theological essays from
various authors ; with an introduction bj N. 8th ed. Bost.,
1891. D.
fr. The New Testament; tr. from the Greek text of Tischen-
dorf. Bost., 1891. D.
— A new translation of the Hebrew prophets, with an intro-
duction and notes. 7th ed. Bost., 1890. 2 y. D.
A new translation of Job, Ecclesiastes and the Canticles;
with introductions, and notes, chiefly explanatory. 6th ed.
Bost., 1890. D.
New translation of the Book of Psalms and of the Prov-
erbs, with introductions, and notes, chiefly explanatory. 8tli
ed. Bost., 1890. D.
NO YES, Horatio N. conip. No^^es genealogy; record of a branch
of the descendants of Rev. James Noyes, Newbury. 1634-1656.
Cleveland, 1889. 32 p. O.
NOYES family.
NOVBS, H. N. Noyes genealogy Cleveland, 1889. 32 p. O.
NrClL^S, Nicander, of Corcyra. Second book of travels; ed. from
the Original Greek ms. in the Bodleian library, with an Eng-
lish translation by Rev. J. A. Cramer. Lond.,"^ 1841. 27+126
p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 17.)
NUEVA, Juan de. Voyage: being the third made by the Portu-
gueze to the East Indies. {In Green, J: Voyages and trav-
els, V. 1, p. 49.)
NUGENT, Thomas, tr. Burlamaqui, J. J. Principles of natural
and politic law.
Montesquieu, C: de S., baron de. The spirit of laws.
NUNEZ, Alvar or Alvaro, called Caheza de Vaca. Relation of Alvar
Nuiiez Cabera de Vaca; translated from the Spanish by B.
Smith. N. Y., 1871. por. Q.
NUREMBERG Chronicle. Ser Schedel, H.
NIITT, Alfred. The Irish vision of the happy otherworld and the
Celtic doctrine of rebirth. Section 'l. Lond., 1895. I).
(Grimm lib. no. 4.)
NUTTALL, Lawrence William. See Millspaugh, C: F., and Nuttall,
L. W: Flora of West Virginia.
NUTTING, Mai'v Olivia. Historical sketch of Mount Holyoke sem-
inary. Wash., 1876. D. (In U. S. Cii. of Ed. Spec, repts,
V. 1.)
NUTTING, Newton W.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of N., delivered in the
House of Representa4:ives and in the Senate, 51st Cong., 1st sess.
Wash., 1S90. por. Q. (U. S. Cong. Misc. Memorial addresses.)
NYE. Bill, pseud. See Nye, E. W.
NYE, Edj?ar Wilson, {pseud. Bill Nye.) History of England from
tlie"^Druids to the reign of Henry VIII. Thil., 1896. il. D.
Historv of the United States; illustrated by F. Opper. Phil.,
[c. 1894]. il. O.
OAHSPE : A new Bible in the words of Jehovih and his angel em-
bassadors; a sacred history of the dominions of the higher
and lower heavens on the earth for the past twenty-four
thousand years. Bost., 1891. O.
OAKLAND (Cal.). Oakland and surroundings illustrated and
described. Published bv W. W. Elliott. Oakland, 1885.
11. O.
OAKLAND daily times; July, 1889-Dec., 1897. Oakland, 1889-97.
23 V. F.
OAKLAND daily evening tribune; July, 1889- June, 1897. Oak-
land, 1889-97. 25 v. F.
OAKLAND enquirer [daily]; March, 1891-Dec., 1897. Oakland,
1891-97. 18 V. F.
OBERLIN College (Ohio). Annual report, 1896. [n. p.]., 1897. D.
Laboratory bulletin: 3-5, 7. Oberlin, 1895-97. O. 4 pams.
Namely: No. 3. Jones, L. Bird migration at Grinnell, Iowa, and
Oberlin, Oliio. 4. Kelsey, F. D. Questions for botany, 5. Hert-
wig, R. Summaries in systematic zoology. 7. Kelsey, F. D. The
Genus Uncinula.
Library bulletin : v. 1: 3. Oberlin, 1896. D. pam.
Namely: Dickinson, E: History of church music; syllabus.
Quinquennial catalogue, 1895. Oberlin, 1895. D. pam.
O'BRIEN, M. D. Free libraries. (In Mackay, T: ed. A plea for
O'BRIEN, Richard Barry. Irish wrongs and English remedies;
with other essays. Lond., 1887. D.
Thomas Drummond, under secretary in Ireland, 1835-40; life
and letters. Lond., 1889. por, 6.
O'BYRNE, Robert W. ed. The Victoria cross. An official chron-
icle of the deeds of personal valour achieved in the presence
of the enemy during the Crimean and Baltic campaigns and
the Indian, Persian, Chinese, New Zealand and African wars;
1856-80. Lond., 1880. 185 p. pi. O.
OCCIDENT, The; published weekly at the Universitv of California
(continuation); v. 17-31; Oct. 4, 1889-May 7, 1897. Berkeley,
1889-97. 15 V. in 11. O.
OCCIDENTAL medical times; v. 3-11; Jan. 1889- June 1897. Sac,
1889-97. 9 V. O.
Continuation of Sacramento medical times.
[OCCLEVE, Thomas.] The letter of cupid. [1402.] (In Arber,
E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 54.)
Of pridd & of waste clothynge of lordis mene, which is A-zens
her Astate. (In Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 8.)
OCEAN steamships; a popular account of their construction, de-
velopment, management and appliances; by F. E. Chadwick
[and others] N. Y., 1896. il. O.
OCEANUS (steamer). [French, J. C, and Gary, E.]. The trip of
the steamer Oceauus to Fort Sumter and Charh'ston. April
14, 18(55. Brooklyn, ISC"). \1'1 p. pi. miisie. O.
OCKERBY, Horace. Tlie book of dignities; containing lists of
the official personages of the British empire. Founded on
Beatsou's political index, 1896; remodeled and brought
down to 1851, by J. Hayden; continued to the present time
with add. lists and an index to the entire work by O. Lond.^
1800. O.
[O'CLERY, jMichael, and others.] Annals of the kingdom of Ireland^
by the Four .Masters, from the earliest period to the year
101(5; ed. from niss. in library of the Royal Irish Academy
and of Trinity College, Dublin, with a translation and copi-
ous notes, bv J : O'Donovan. 2d ed. Dublin, 1856. 7 v. Q.
O'CONNELL, Daniel. Lyrics. S. F., 1881. 194 p. D.
O'CONNOR, B. F. ed. Choix de contes contemporarins. N. Y.,
1885. D.
O'CONNOR, Evangeline Maria. An index to the works of Shakes-
pere. N. Y., 1887. D.
O'CONNOR, Rev. Joseph V. History of the Holy Catholic church;
from its orio^in to the present time. {In Holy Bible, annotated
bv Dr. Chafloner. S. F., n. d. Q.)
O'CONNOR, Mary Doline. Life and letters of M. P. O'Connoi-. N.
Y., 1893. por. O.
O'CONNOR, Michael Patrick.
O'CONNOR, M. . D. Life and letters of M. P. O'Connor. N. Y., 1893.
por. 0.
O'CONNOR. Thomas Power, v^onu' old love stories. Loud.. 1895.
por. D.
O'CONNOR. William Douglas. Mr. Donnelly's reviewers. Cliic,
etc., 1889. 101 p. D.
O'CONNOR, Ber. AYilliam Anderson. History of the Irish people.
Lond., 1886-87. 2 v. O.
Xote: Vol. 1 in 2d ed. Vol. 2. The period from 1829 to the land Act
of 1881.
ODELL, Samuel W. The lives and campaigns of Grant and Lee;
comparison and contrast of the deeds and characters of the
two great leaders in the Civil war. Chic, 1895. il. O.
ODES from the Greek dramatists; tr. into lyric meters by English
poets and scholars; ed. by A. W. Pollard, (^hic, 1890. S.
ODO de Ding Ho. See Odon de Deuil.
ODON de Deuil, Lat. Ode de Diogih, ahhof of St. Denys. llistoire de la
croisade de Louis VH. (In Col. des mem. rel. a I'liist. de
France, 1825. s. 3, v. 22.)
O'DONNELL, B. L. tr. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. Pajtacy, socialism
and democracv.
O'DONOGHT'E, D. '.7. ed. Humour of Ireland. X. Y., 1895. il.
D. (Int. humour ser.)
O'DONOVAN. John. ed. and tr. Annals of the kingdom of Ireland,
by the Four Masters [M. O'Clery and others], from the earli-
est period to the yeai" 1616; ed. fi-om mss. in the library of
the Royal Irisli Academy and of Trinity College, Dublin,
with a translation and copious notes, by O'D. 2d ed. Dub-
lin, 1856. 7 V. Q.
OEHLER, Gustav Friedrich. Theology of the Old Testament; a
revision of the translation in Clark's foreign theological li-
brary, with the additions of the second German edition, an
introduction and note&, by G: E. Day. 3d ed. N. Y., 1885. O.
OGILVIE, William. Lecture on the Klondike mining districts de-
livered at Victoria, B. C., Nov. 5, 1897. Victoria, 1897. 14
p. Q. (2 cop.)
Lecture on the Yukon gold fields, Canada, delivered at Vic-
toria. Victoria, 1897. 32 p. O. (2 cop.)
OGLE, William, tr. Aristotle. On youth and old age, life and
death and respiration.
OGLETHORPE, James Edward, gen.
BRUCE, H: Life of O. N. Y., [c. 1890]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
O'GORMAN, Thomas. D.D. A history of the Roman Catholic
church in the United States. N. Y., 1895. D. {In Amer.
church hist, ser., v. 9.)
O'HALLORAX, Svlvester. An introduction to an history of Ire-
land. Dublin, 1803. il. 3 v. O.
OHIO. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin: 73-78. Norwalk,
1897. O. 6 pam.
Attorney-General. Report; 1893. Norwalk, 1894. pam. O.
AiLditor of State. Annual report; 1887, 1889, 1891-93, 1895-96.
Columbus, 1887-96. 7 v. O.
Board of PuUic Work's. 14th annual report, 1850. Columbus,
1851. 99 p. O.
Board of State Charities. 16th annual report; 1891. Columbus,
1892. O.
Bureau of Building and Loan Associations. 1st, 3d-4th annual
report of the inspector; 1892, 1894-96. Columbus, 1892-96.
4 V. O.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. 15th, 17th annual report; 1891, 1893.
Columbus, 1892-94. 2 v. O.
Chicl'amauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission.
Mcelroy, J. C. Record of the commission. Cin., lB96. il. map. O.
Chief Inspector of Mines. 19th annual report; 1893. Norwalk,
1894. O. pam.
Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs. Annual report (con-
tinuation); 1888, 1890, 1892, 1893. Columbus, Norwalk,
1889-93. 4 V. O. pams.
Commissioners of the National Centennial Celebration. Report of
the Commissioners of the early settlement of the territory
northwest of the river Ohio and of the establishment of civil
government therein, held at Marietta, Ohio, July 15-19 inclu-
sive, 1888. Columbus, 1889. O.
Constitutional Convention, 1802. Journal. {In Ohio Sec. of
State. Annual report, 1876.)
Department of Inspection of Worlshops and Factories. 10th annual
report; 1893. Norwalk, 1894. O. pam.
General Assembly. Executive documents; 1888 (2 v.), 1889 (3
v.), 1890 (3 v.), 1891 (3 v.), 1893 (3 v.), 1894 (3 v.), 1895 (3 v.).
Columbus, 1889-96. 20 v. O.
Journal of the House of Representatives (continuation) ;
1889, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896. Akron, 1889-96. 5 v. O.
OHIO. Genera} Asseiiil)!)/. Joui'iml of the Senate (continuation);
18S9, 1890, 1892, is94, 189(>. Akron, 1889-96. 5 v. 0.
Geological survey. Keport: p:eolo^y and i)alaeontoloejy (continu-
ation). Edward Orton. cliiof geologist: v. 7. Norwalli, 1893.
il. pi. maps. O.
Xdmclir V. 7. Economic geology, archaeology, botany, palaentology.
Edward Orton, State Geologist. 1st annual report [1890].
Columbus, 1890. folded map. O.
Insurance Department. Summary of the standing of all life in-
surance companies and co-operative associations; 1893, 1895,
189G. Norwallc, 1894-97. 3 v. O.
Summary of the standing of all insurance companies,
other than life; 1893,1895,1896. Norwalk, 1894-96. 3 v. O.
Boster ( '(mmission. Official roster of the soldiers of the state of
Ohio, in the war of the rebellion, 1861-66 (continuation); v. 1,
10-12. Cin., Akron, 1889-95. 4 v. O.
Secretari/ of State. Annual report (continuation); 1888-89, 1891-
95. Columbus, 1889-96. 7 v. O.
Annual report, including statistical report for 1876 [also
contains Journal of the first constitutional convention, 1802],
Columbus, 1877. O.
State Board of Agricidture. 43d-45th, 47th-50th annual report;
with an abstract of the proceedings of the county agricul-
tural societies (continuation); 1888-95, 1892-95. Columbus,
1889-96. 7 V. O.
State Board of Equalizatio7i. Proceedings; Dec. 2, 1890-Aug. 8,
1891. Columbus, 1891. O.
State Commissioner of Common Schools. 37th, 39th-40th, 43d an-
nual report i continuation); 1890, 1892-93, 1896. Columbus,
1891-96. 4 V. O.
Ohio school laws in force April 15, 1889; also a set of
blank forms and directions for their use. Columbus, 1889. O.
State Forestry Bureau. 3d, 5th annual report, 1887, 1889, by
Adolph Leii^. Columbus, 1888-89. 2 v. O.
State Lit)rary. 43d-50th annual report of the commissioners;
1888-95. Columbus, 1889-96. 8 i)am. O.
Tublications of the state of Ohio, 1803-1896, with an index
to the executive documents; comp. by R. P. Hayes. Nor-
walk, 1897. 71 p. O.
Superintendent of Insurance. 22d, 24th-25th annual report (con-
tinuation); 1889,1891-92. Columbus, 1889-92. 6 v. O.
OHIO archaeological and historical quarterly; vol. 2 [1888-89].
Columbus. 1889. pi. pors. O.
OHIO Church History Society. Papers; v. 1-4; 1890-93. Oberlin,
1890 93. O.
OHIO Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of
the U. S. Sep ^Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S.
Ohio Commandery.
OHIO Meteorological liureau. 6th-9lli annual rejmrt; 1888-91.
Columbus. 1889-92. O. 4 pam.
OHIO Meteorological Bureau. Eeport [monthly] ; Jan.-Mar., May-
Aug., Nov.-Dec, 1889, Jan.-April, June, Aug.-Sept., Dec, 1890.
Columbus, 1889-90. 17 pams. O.
OHIO National Union Association. See National Union Associa-
tion of Ohio.
OHIO pioneers. See Founders of Ohio.
OHIO Woolgrowers' Association. Memorial to the Senate of the
United States asking that no reduction shall be made in the
duties on wool, or woolen goods. Wash., 1894. O.
OHMANN-DUMESNIL, A. H. tr. Buret, F. Syphilis.
OKAKURA, Kakuzo. Essay on Japanese art. (In Japan, etc.; ed.
by F. Brinkley.)
OKEN, originally Ol-enfuss, Lorenz. Elements of physiophilosophy;
from the German, bv Alfred Tulk. Loud., 1847. O. (Ray
Soc. Pub.)
OLAVARRIA y Ferrari, Enrique. Mexico independiente, 1821-
1855. (7n Mexico a traves de los siglos, v. 4; ed. by V. Rivo
OLCOTT, James Bradford. Road-making and maintenance. (In
A move for better roads. Univ. of Peun. Com. on Better
OLD cheque-book; or. Book of remembrance of the Chapel Royal,
from 1561 to 1744; ed. from the original ms., by E. F. Rim-
bault. [Westminster], 1872. facsim. O. (CaVden Soc,
n. s., V. 3.)
OLD England: a pictorial museum. See Knight, C. ed.
OLD English homilies and homilitic treatises of the 12th and 13th
centuries; ed. from mss. in the British Museum. Lambeth
and Bodleian libraries; with introduction, translation, and
notes, by R. Morris; lst-2d series. Lond., 1868-73. 2 v. pi.
facsim. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 29,
34, 53.)
OLD English miscellany; containing a Bestiary, Kentish sermons,
proverbs of Alfred, religions poems of the 13th century; from
mss. in the British Museum, Bodleian library, Jesus College
library, etc.; ed. with introduction and index of words, by R.
Morris. Lond., 1872. O. (Same. Reg. ser. no. 49.)
OLD French romances done into English by William Morris, with
an introduction by Joseph Jacobs. N. Y., 1896. D.
OLD resident. An. Industrial interests of California. S. F.. 1862.
94 p. O.
OLD South Church (Boston). See Boston, Old South Church.
OLDBOY, Felix, psend. See Mines, John Flavel.
OLDENBERG, Hermann, tr. Grihya-sutras; rules of Vedic do-
mestic ceremonies. Pt. 1: Sankha-yaua-grihya-sutra, Asval-
ayana-grihya-sutra, Paraskara-grihya-sutra, Khftdira-grihya-
sfitra. 2. Ciobhila, Hiranyakesin, Apastamba. Oxford, 1886-
92. 2 V. O. (Miiller, F.' M., ed. Sacred books of the east,
V. 29-30.) ,
Vedic hyms, pt. 2. Hymns to Agni (Mandalas 1-5). Ox-
ford, 1897. O. [Same, v. 46.)
See Davids, T: W: R., and Oldenberg, H. trs. Vinavft
OLDEST English texts; ed. with introductions and a glossary, by
II: Sweet. Lond., 1885. O. (Early Eug. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 83.)
OLDFIELD, Henry Ambrose. Sketches from Nipal, historical and
descriptive; to which is added an essay on Nipalese Budd-
hism. Lond., 1880. 2 v. col. pi. O.
OLIPUANT, Alice le Strange.
OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Memoir of the life of Laurence Oliphant and
of Alice Oliphant, his wife. N. Y., 1891. 2 v. pors. D.
OLIPHANT, Laurence. The brigand's bride. {In Stories by Eng.
authors, Ital3^)
Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in
the years 1857-59. N. Y., 18G0. il. O.
OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Memoir of the life of Laurence Oliphant and
of Alice Oliphant, his wife. N. Y., 1891. 2 v. pors. D.
OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wilson. Cervantes. Edin.
and Lond., 1880. S. (For classics for Eng. readers.)
Dante. Edin. and Lond., 1877; reprint 1887. S. (Same.)
Historical characters of the reign of queen Anne. N. Y., 1894.
pi. Q.
Jeanne D' Arc; her life and death. N. Y., 1896. il. maps.
D. (Heroes of the Nations.)
The makers of modern Rome. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. D.
Memoir of the life of John Tullocli. 3d ed. Edin. and Lond.,
1889. por. pi. O.
Memoir of the life of Lawrence Oliphant and of Alice Oliphant,
his wife. N. Y., 1891. 2 v. pors. D.
Royal Edinburgh, her saints, kings, prophets and poets; with
illustrations by George Reid. Lond., 1890. il. D.
Stories of the seen and the unseen. Bost., 1889. D.
Thomas Chalmers, preacher, philosopher, and statesman.
Bost., 1893. por. D.
The Victorian age of English literature. N. Y., [c. 1892]. 2
V. D.
ed. Foreign classics for English readers. Edin. and Lond.,
1879-87. 17 V. S.
For list see Foreign classics, etc.
ai^d Aldrich. T. B. The second son. Bost. and N. Y., 1888. D.
and Tarver, F. Moli^re. Edin. and Lond., 1879. S. (For.
classics for Eng. readers.)
OLIPHANT, Tliomas Lawrence Kingston. Old and middle English.
2d ed. Lond., 1891. D.
OLIVER, Charles A. See Norris, William F., a7id Oliver, C: A.
System of diseases of the eye.
OLLENDORF, Heinrich Gottfried. Key to the exercises in the
new method of learning to read, write, and speak a language
in six months, adapted to the German. 8th ed. Lond. and
Paris., 1857. 167 p. O.
A new method of learning to read, write, and speak a language
in six months, adapted to the German; pt. 1-2. Lond., 1855-
57. 2 V. O.
Note: Pt. 1, 8th ed; pt. 2, 4th ed.
[OLLIFFE, Sir Joseph.] An Englisliman in Paris; notes and rec-
ollections; [ed. by A. D. Van Dam]. N. Y., 1892. D.
My Paris note-book. By the author of An Englishman in
Paris. Phil., 1894. D.
OLSHAUSEN, Hermann. Biblical commentary on the Epistles of
St. John, in continuation of the work of Olshausen, by Dr. J.
H. A. Ebrard; tr. by W. B. Pope. Edin., 1860. O.
OLSON, Julius E. tr. Lauridsen, P. Vitus Bering.
OMAHA Neb.).
Omaha city directory for 1896. v. 22; pub. bv Omaha Directory Co.
Omaha, [c. 1896]. O.
OMAN, Charles William Chadwick. Europe, 476-918. 2d ed.
Lond., 1895. (Periods of European hist., I.)
Warwick, the kingmaker. Lond., 1891. pi. D. (Eng. men
of action.)
ed. Oxford manuals of English history. N. Y., 1896. 4 v. S.
For list see Oxford manuals of Eng. history.
OMAN, John Campbell. The great Indian epics: the stories of
the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Lond., 1894. pi. D.
Indian life (Hindu and Muhammadan), religious and social.
Phil., 1889. D.
OMAR, Khayj^am. The quatrains of Omar Khayydm; the Persian
text with an English verse translation, by E. H. W^hinfield.
Lond., 1883. O. (Trubner's oriental ser.)
Rubaiyat; rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald,
with accompaniment of drawings bv Elihu Vedder. Bost.,
1886. F.
O'MEARA, James. Broderick and Gwin; the most extraordinary
contest for a seat in the Senate of the United States ever
known; a brief historv of early politics in California. S. F.,
1881. T.
OMOND, George W. T. Fletcher of Saltoun. N. Y., [1896]. 160
p. D. (Famous scots.)
ON early English pronunciation, with special reference to Shakes-
pere and Chaucer; including a rearrangement of Prof. F. J.
Child's memoirs on the language of Chaucer and Gower and
reprints of rare tracts by Salesbury on English, 1547, and
Welsh, 1567, and by Barclay on French, 1521; pt. 1-5. Lond.,
1869-89. 5 v. maps. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub, Extra
ser. no. 2, 7, 14, 23, 56.)
ON the punishment of death, in the case of forgery; its injustice
and impolicy maintained. Lond., 1818. 32 p. O.
ONCE a week: an illustrated weeklv newspaper; January, 1892-
Dec, 1892. N. Y., 1892. 2 v. ' F.
ONE hundred choice selections.. No. 36; ed. by Phineas Garrett.
Phil., 1897. D.
ONE hundred crowned and laurelled master pieces of modern paint-
ing photogravures and etchings, from the prize paintings of
1889; with descriptions by G: A. Smith and other writers. Luxe. Phil., [1890]. 2 v. F. extra plates. F.
ONE hundred years of American commerce, 1795-1895; a history
of American commerce by one hundred Americans, edited by
Chauncey M. Depew. N. Y,, 1895. il. pi. pors. 2 v. Q.
O'NEIL, Henry P. See Kichaids, C: R., and O'Neil, H: P. Manual
training- in tlie public- schools.
O'NEILL, Charles.
MeniDrial addressps on the life and character of O'N., late a repre-
sentative from Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representa-
tives and the Senate. Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895. pors. Q.
(U. S. Cong. H. M. D. v. 11.)
ONGANLV, Ferdiuando. pith. Early Venetian printing illustrated.
Venice, 1895. il. Q.
Coutoits: Art of printing in Venice; Printers' marks; Water-marks;
Printing of music; by C. Castellani. — Printing in Venice, (fac-sim.)
— Bindings. — Text.
ONGAR (Essex). The parish registers. Privately printed for F:
A.Crisp, [n. p.]. 1886. Q.
ONIMUS, Ernest, and Legros, Charles. M.B. Trait<5 d'^lectricit^
m^dicale; recherehes physiologiques et cliniques. Paris,
1888. 11. O.
ONO, Yeijiro. The industrial transition in Japan, iln Amer.
Econ. Assn. Pub., v. 5, 1890, no. 1.)
ONTARIAN families.
CHADWICK, E: M. Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-
Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada: pt. 1.
Toronto, 1895. il. Q.
ONTARIO. Entomological Society. 20th annual i-pport, 1889. To-
ronto, 1890. 104 p. O.
OOSTERZEE, Jan Jacob van. Christian dogmatics: a text-book
for academical instruction and private studv; tr. from the
Dutch by J. W. Watson and M. J. E\ans. N. Y., 1887. 2 v. O.
OPIUM habit, with suggestions as to the remedy, [by H. B. Dav].
ORANGE county (Cal.) Great Register; 1892, 1894, 1896.
ORBIGNY, Alcide d'. Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Ameri-
ques, resume g^n^ral de tous les voyages de Colomb, Las
Casas, Humboldt, Azara, Lewis et Clark, Parry, Phipps, etc.,
pub. sous la direction de D'.O. Paris, 1836. il. pi. Q.
ORCUTT, Samuel. History of Torrington, Connecticut, from its
first settlement in 1737, with biographies and genealog.ies.
Albany, 1878. il. por. O.
ORCUTT. William Dana. Good old Dorchester: a narrative his-
torv of the town, 1630-1893. Camb., 1893. il. pi. 0.
ORDERIC, Vital. See Ordericus Vitalis.
ORDERICUS Vitalis. monk of Ouclie. Histoire de Normandie. {In
Col. des m6m. rel. ii I'hist. de France, 1825-27. s. 3, v. 25-28.)
ORDISH, T. Fairman. Earlv London theatres. N. Y., 1894. pi.
D. (Camden lib.)
Shakespeare's London; a studv of London in the reign of
Queen Elizabeth. Lond., 1897!^ il. S.
ORDWAY, Albert, trig. -gen. Drill regulations for street riot
duty. Wash., [c. 1891]. D.
OREGON. Adjutant-General. [1st] -3d biennial report of the Ore-
gon National Guard; 1889-92. Salem, 1889-93. O. 3 pams.
Board of Land Commissioners. Biennial report; 1880-93.
Salem, 1880-93. O. 7 pams.
Supplemental report of E. P. McCormack for the month
ending Jan. 31, 1887. Salem, 1887. O. pam.
OREGON. Board of Land Commissioners. Supplemental report of
N, Davis from Jan. 1, 1891. to Aug. 1, 1891. Salem, 1891.
O. pam.
Constitutional Convention, 1857. Journal; together with the
constitution ado^jted by the people, November 9, 1857. Salem,
1882. O.
Department of Public Instruction. 5th, 8th-10th biennial report
of the superintendent; 1882, 1889-93. Salem, 1882-93. O.
4 pams.
First Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. The resources
of Eastern Oregon. Salem, 1892. O. pam.
Governor. Appendix to governor's message, containing report
of Agricultural College and executive correspondence in re-
gard to swamp lands, the five per cent fund, etc.; 1872.
Salem, 1872. O. pam.
Biennial message of W. W. Thayer; 1880-82. Salem,
1880-82. O. 2 pams.
Inaugural address and biennial message of Z. F. Moody;
1882-87. Salem, 1882-86. O. 3 pams.
Inaugural address and biennial message of S. Pennoyer;
1887-93. Salem, 1887-93. O. 4 pams.
Inaugural address of L. F. Grover; 1870. Salem, 1870.
O. pam.
Message of [G: L. Woods] ; 1870. Salem, 1870. O. pam.
■Hospital for the Insane. [9th-10th] biennial report; 1880-82.
Salem, 1880-82. O. 2 pams.
■Institute for the Blind. [5tli]-8th biennial report to the State
Board of Education by the superintendent; 1885-93. Salem,
1886-93. O. 4 pams.
Legislative Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives;
1872, 1874, 1876', 1878, 1880, 1885, spec. sess. 1885, 1887, 1889,
1891, 1893. Salem, 1872-93. 11 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1885,
spec. sess. 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893. Salem, 1872-93. 11
V. O.
Message and documents ; 1870, 1876, 1878. Salem, 1870-
78. 3 V. O.
Bailroad Commissioners. [1st] -3d biennial report; 1889-93.
Salem, 1889-93. O. 3 pams.
School for the Education of Deaf Mutes. [7th] -11th biennial re-
port; 1884-93. Salem, 1885-93. O. 5 pams.
Secretarii of State. Biennial report; 1872, 1885-93. Salem,
1872-93. O. 6 pams.
Southern Oregon State Board of Agriculture. The resources of
southern Oregon. Salem, 1890. O. pam.
State Agricultural College. [11th] -15th biennial report; 1880-
89; annual report of the president of the Board of Regents;
1891, 1893. Salem, 1890-93. O. 7 pams.
Appendix to governor's message, containing report of
Agricultural College in regard to swamp lands, etc.; 1872.
Salem, 1872. O. pam.
Experiment Station. Bulletins no. 40. Corvallis, 1896. O.
Namely: No. 40. Hedrick, U. P. Prunes, apples and pears in Oregon.
OREGON. State Board of AyricuUurc. lst-8th annual report; 1885-
92. Salem, 188()-i);{. O. 4 pains.
The resources of the state of Oregon. Salem, 1892. map.
O. pam.
Stale Board of Fish Commissioners. lst-6th annual report; 1887-
92. Salem, 1889-93. O. 3 pams.
State Insane Asi/lum. [lst]-5tli biennial report of the IJoai'd of
Trustees and the superintendent; 1884-93. Salem. 1885,:
93. O. 5 pams.
Note: The 1st report contains Report of the Board of Insane Asylum
Building Commissioners.
State Library. Report of the librarian; 1874; Biennial report
of the librarian; 1882, 1887-93. Salem, 1874-93. O. 6
State Medical Society. Proceedings of the IGth annual meeting
heldinPortland June 11-13, 1889; V. 16. Portland, 18S!). O.
State Penitentiary. Biennial report; 1886-93. Salem, 1887-93.
O. 4 pams.
State Beform. School. 1st biennial report of the board of trus-
tees and superintendent; 1892. Salem, 1893. O. pam.
State University. Biennial reports; 1880-85. Annual reports
of the president of the Board of Regents; 1885-92. Salem,
1882-93. O. 7 pams.
State ]yeather Bureau. [1st] -2d, 4th biennial report; 1891^93,
1897. Salem, 1891-97. O. 3 pams.
Treasury Department. Biennial report of the state treasurer;
1872, 1880-93. Salem, 1872-93. O. 8 pams.
The resources of eastern Oregon; collated and prepared by the First
Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. Salem, 1892. O.
The resources of southern Oregon; collated and prepared by the
Southern Oregon State Board of Agriculture. Salem, 1890. O.
Resources of the state of Oregon; collated and prepared by the State
Board of Agriculture. Salem., 1892. map. O. pam.
OREGONIAX, Daily morning; July, 1890-June, 1891. Portland,
1890-91. 3 V. F.
O'REILLY, John Boyle.
ROCHE, J. J. Life of John Boyle O'Reilly; together with his com-
plete poems and speeches; ed. by Mrs. J: B. O'Reilly; introduction
by James, Cardinal Gibbons. N. Y., [c. 1891]. por. O.
O'RELL, Max. pseud. See Blouet, Paul.
ORIGENES Adamantius. Epistle to Gregory. {In Ante-nirene fa-
thers; ed. by A. Menzies. supp. to Am. ed. v. 9.)
Philocalia; the text revised with a critical introduction and
indices, by J. A. Robinson. Cambridge. 1893. D.
ORIGINAL letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth, seven-
teenth and eighteenth centuries; with notes and illustrations
bv Sir Henry Ellis. Lond., 1843. facsira. O. (Camden Soc.^
y. 23.)
ORLEANS, Elizabeth Charlotte of Bavaria, duchess d\ Secret
memoirs of the court of Louis XIV. and of the Regency, by
the Duchesse d' Orleans, mother of the Regent. Ed. des Am-
ateurs. Paris, [n.d.]. il. pi. O. (Secret court memoirs.)
ORLEANS, Gaston Jean Baptiste. due de. M^moires; contenant
ce qui s'est pass6 en France de plus considerable depuis Tan
1G08 jusqu'en I'ann^e, 1636. {In Col. des mem. rel. a I'hist.
de France. 1824. s. 2. v. 31.)
ORMSBY family.
PAGE, O. O. Short account of the family of Ormsby of Pittsburgh.
Albany, 1892. 46 p. Q.
ORPEN, Goddard Henry. Socialism in England. (In Laveleye,
^. de. Socialism of to-day.)
ORR, Mrs. Sutherland. Handbook to the works of Robert Brown-
ing. 3d ed. rev. Lond., 1887. S.
Life and letters of Robert Browning. Bost., 1891. 2 v. pi.
por. D.
ORSER, Levi. The natural method of writing music, with some
familiar pieces written in the natural notation. Bost., 1893.
68 p. O. pam.
ORTEGA, Jos^. Historia del nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa, y ambas
Californias. Mexico, 1887. D,
ORTON, Edward. The Trenton limestone as a source of petroleum
and inflammable gas in Ohio and Indiana. (In U. S. geol.
surv. 8th report; pt. 2.)
[ORTON, Richard Henry.] brig. gen. comp. Laws and regulations
for the government of the National guard of the State of Cal-
ifornia. Sac, '890. T.
Records of California men in the war of the rebellion,
1861-67. Sac, 1890. O.
OSBORN, Charles.
.JULIAN, G. W. The rank of Charles Osborn as an anti-slavery
pioneer. Indianapolis, 1891. 37 p. O. (Indiana Hist. Soc., Pub.
v. 2, no. 6.)
OSBORN, Emily F. D. ed. Political and social letters of a lady
of the eighteenth centurv, 1721-1771. [Sarah B. Osborn.]
N. Y., 1891. il. pors. oV
OSBORN, Henry Fairfield. From the Greeks to Darwin : an outline
of the development of the evolution idea. N. Y., 1894. O.
(Columbia Univ. biol. ser. 1.)
ed. Columbia University biological series, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1894-
97. il. 4 V. O.
For list see Columbia Univ. Biol. ser.
OSBORN, Herbert. The pediculi and mallophaga affecting man
;iud the lower animals. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Dept. of
Agric Div. of Entomology, Bull. no. 7.)
OSBORN, Sarah Byng. Political and social letters of a lady of
the eigliteenth century, 1721-1771; ed. bv E. F. D. Osborn.
N. Y., 1891. il. pors. O.
OSBORNE, Duffield. See Osborne, Samuel Dufifield.
OSBORNE, Francis Godolphin. 5th dnke of Leeds. Political memo-
randa; printed from the originals in the British Museum; ed.
with other papers notes [etc] by O. Browning. [Westmin-
ster], 1884. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v.35.)
OSBORNE, Grover Pease. Principles of economics the satisfaction
of human wants in so far as their satisfaction depends on
material resources. Cin., 1893. O.
OSBORNE, Samuel Duffield. Surf and surf-bathing. (In Out of
door lib. Athletic sports.)
OSBOUKNK, Lloyd. Sec Stevenson, K. L: B., and Osbourne, L.
Ebb tide. Wrong box. The wrecker.
OSGOOD, Howard. Learned doubt and the living word. {In Mun-
hall, L. W. ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
<}reen, W. H., [and others]. Anti-liigher criticism; or, Testi-
monv to the infallibilitv of the Bible; ed. and comp. by L. W.
^funhall. N. Y., 1894. " D.
O'SHAl'iJHNESSY, Arthur William Edgar.
MOULTON, L. C. Arthur O'Shaughnessy, his life and his work, with
selections from his po^ms. Chic, 1894. por. 120 p. S.
OSLElt William. M.D. On chorea and choreiform affections.
Phil., 189 1. il. 125 p. O.
The principles and practice of medicine. N. Y., 1892. O.
OSMLX, Thomas i^mbley. (pseud. Alfred Ayres.) The essentials of
elocution. New enl. ed. N. Y., 1897. 174 p. S.
OSSOLI, Sarah Margaret Fuller, marchesa d'. Woman in the nine-
teenth century, and kindred papers relating to the sphere,
condition and duties of woman; ed. by A. B. Fuller. Bost.,
1855. I).
OSTROGORSKI, M. Rights of women: a comparative study in his-
tory and legislation. Lond., 1893. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
OSWALD, Eugene. Early German courtesy-books; an account of
Tlie Italian guest by Tl.omasin von Zirclaria; of 'How the
Knight of Winsbeke taught his son, and the lady of Wins-
beke her daughter'; The German Cato, and Tannhaeuser's
courtlv breeding. (In Earlv Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser.
no. 8.)'
OSWANDEL, J. Jacob. Notes of the Mexican war, 1846-48; re-
vised 1885. Phil., 1885. il. O.
OTT. Edward Amherst. How to use the voice in reading and
speaking. Des Moines, [c. 1893]. il. D.
OTT, H. See D^sormeaux, P., and Ott, H. Nouveau manual com-
plet du tonnelier et du jaugeage.
OTTLEY, Robert. Christian ethics. (In Gore, C: ed. Lux mundi,
OUIDA. psevd. See Ram^, Louise de la.
OL^R dav: a record and review of current reform; v. 1-[10], 1888-
[92]. Bost., [1888-92]. 10 v. O.
Note: Vol. 3, t. p. and index wanting; v. 10, t. p. wanting.
OUR famous women: an authorized record of the lives and deeds
of distinguished American women of our times; by twenty
eminent nutliors, E. S. Phelps, [and others]. Hartford, 1884.
pors. O.
OUR foreign commerce since 1861. (Tn Republican campaign docs.
OUR poetical favorites, a selection from the best minor ])oems of
the Enc:b>h language bv A. C. Kendrick. Bost., 1897. il. 2
v. in 1. O.
OUT of door library. N. Y., 1896-97. il. 4 v. D.
Namely: Angling, by K M. Yale and others. Hunting, by A. Rogers
and others. Athletic sports, by D. A. Sargent and others. Mountain
climbing, by E. L. Wilson and others.
OUTKAM, >S'tr James. The conquest of Scinde: a commentary. Ft.
1-2. Edin., 1846. 2 v. O.
GOLDSMID, >S'u' F. J. James Outram: a biography. Lond., 1880.
2 V. pi. por. maps, facsim. O.
OVERALL, John W. A catechism of the Constitution of the United
States of America; with sketches of conventions
criticism and interpretation. N. Y., 1896. 190 p. D.
OVERBURY, Si7- Thomas. Observations in his travels upon the
state of the Seventeen provinces, as they stood Anno Domini
1609; the treaty of peace being then on foot, 1626. {In Ar-
ber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 297.)
OVERLAND monthly; 2d ser. (continuation); v. 14-30. S. F., 1889-
97. 17 V. O.
OVERMAN, Fred. The moulder's and founder's pocket guide. New
ed. ; added A supplement on statuary and ornamental mould-
ing, etc., by A. A. Fesquet. Phil., 1889. il. D.
Treatise on metallurgy: comprising mining, and general and
particular metallurgical operations. 6th ed. N. Y., 1887.
il. O.
OVIDIUS NASO, Publius. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic epistles. Ibis,
and Halicuticon; literally translated into English prose, with
copious notes, by H : T. Riley. Lond., 1887. D.
The heroides, or epistles of the heroines; The amours, Art of
love, Remedy of love, and minor works; literally tr. into En-
glish prose, with copious notes, by H: T. Riley. Lond., 1893.
pi. D.
OVINGTON, John. (17th cent.) Further remarks on Madera. {In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 562.)
OWEN, Albert K. Integral co-operation; its practical application.
N. Y., [n.d.] il. por. music. D. (Lovell's lib.)
OWEN, James J. Spiritual fragments. S. F., 1890. por. D.
OWEN, Jean A. See Visger, Mrs. J. A. Owen, (pseud. Ron of the
marshes.) In the green leaf and the sere.
OWEN, Mary Alicia. Voodoo tales as told among the negroes of
the southwest; introduction by C: G. Leland. N. Y., 1893.
11. O.
OWEN, Richard. History of British fossil mammals and birds.
Lond., 1846. il. O.'
Odontogrnphy; or, A treatise on the comparative anatomy of
the teeth. Lond.. 1840-45. 2 v. iext and atlas. O.
OWEN Robert.
JONES, L. Life, times, and labours of O.; ed. by W: C. Jones. Lond.,
1890. 2 V. in 1. pors. facsim. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
OWEN, Robert Dale. Hints on public architecture; containing
views and plans of the Smithsonian Institution; with appen-
dix on building materials. N. Y.. 1849. il. pi. 119 p. Q.
OXFORD, (Conn.).
SHARPS, W: C. History of Oxford: pt. 1. Seymour, 1885. 85 p. O.
OXFORD, (Mass.).
FREELAND, M. . de W. Records of Oxford, Mass., including chapters
ot Nipmuck, Huguenot and English history from the earliest date,
1630. Albany, 1894. O. (Munsell's Hist. ser. 22.-)
OXFOED manuals of English history; ed. by C. W. C. Oman. N.
Y., 189G. 4 V. S.
Numdy: Robertson, C: G. Making of the English nation. Hutton,
W. H. King and baronage. Wakeling, G. H. King and parliament
Hassall, A. Making of the British empire.
OXFORD University. (Eng.) Register of the visitors of the Uni-
versity of Oxford from A. D. 1647-58; ed. with some account
of the state of the University during the Commonwealth by
M. Burrows. [Westminster], 1881. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v.
Bodleian Library. Catalogues impressorum librorum bibliothe-
cae Bodleianae in academia Oxoniensi. Oxonii, 1738. 2 v.
pors. F.
OZANAM, Antoine Frederic. Dante, and Catholic philosophy in
the thirteenth century; tr. bv L. D. Pychowska. N. Y., 1897.
rACIFIC Coast pulpit; containing sermons by prominent preach-
ers of San Francisco and vicinitj-; v. 1. S. F., 1875. pors. O.
PACIFIC coaster's nautical almanac for the year 1898; 1st ed.: pub.
by authority of the Secretary of the Navy. Wash., 1897. 77
p. O.
PACIFIC educational journal (continuation); v. 5-12; March 1889-
June 1896. S. F. and Oakland, 1889-96. 9 v. in 8. O.
PACIFIC expositor; v. 1-3. S. F., 1860-62. 3 v. O.
Note: Wanting, Oct., 1861.
PACIFIC monthly; ed. by J. D. Strong, M. D. Strong and Lisle
Lester; v. 10, June-Oct., Dec. 1863, Jan. 1864; v. 11, March-
May, July Aug., Oct.-Nov. 1864. S. F., [1863-64]. 2 v. in 1.
PACIFIC rural press (continuation); v. 38-54. S. F., 1889-97. 17 v.
PACIFIC town talk [weekly] ; Jan. 6, 1894-Dec. 30, 1897. S. F.,
1894-97. 4v. F.
PACIFIC wine and spirit review: v. 15, no. 7, Jan. 15, 1886-v. 39,
no. 12, Jan. 26, 1898. S. F., 1886-98. 24 v. F.
Note: Title until April 26, 1889, San Francisco Merchant; April 26,
1889-Mar. 8, 1890, Merchant and Viticulturist.
PACKARD, Alpheus Spring, jr. The hessian fly. Wash., 1880. 0.
{In U. S. Entomological Com. Bulletin no. 4.)
Insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Wash., 1881. O.
{In same, no. 7.)
/Same, [2d ed.. rev., enl.]. Wash., 1890. pi. O. (In same. 5th
The Labrador coast: a journal of two summer cruises to that
region. N. Y., 1891. pi. maps. O.
Zoology. N. Y., 1883. il. D. (Amer. sci. ser. Briefer course.)
HENSHAW, S. The entomological writings of P. . Wash., 1887. O.
(U. S. Dept. of Agric, Div. of Entomology, Bull. No. 16.)
PACKER, John, collector. The Fortescue papers; ed. by S: R.
Gardiner. [Westminister], 1871. O. (Camden Soc, n. s.
V. 1.)
PADILLA, Tiburcio. Organisation et institutions sanitaires de la
R(^publique Argentine. Buenos Aires, 1893. O.
PAGANII, Nicolo.
FETIS, F. J. Biographical notice of P., with an analysis of his com-
positions 2d ed. Lond., [n. d.]. il. por. 90 p. O.
PAGE, Amie S. At the gates of light and other poems. S. F.,
1893. D.
PAGE, Carroll S. gov. of Vermont. Message; 1890-92. Montpelier,
1890-92. O. 2 pams.
PAGE, John. Poem on the siege of Rouen. {In Hist. coll. ed. by
J. Gairdner. Camden Soc, n. s. v. 17.)
PAGE, Oliver Ormsby. A short account of the family of Ormsby
of Pittsburg. Albany, 1892. 46 p. Q.
PAGE, Tvicliard Chauniiifj; Moore. M.D. A handltook of ph.vHical
dia}2:nosis of diseases of the organs of respiration and heart,
and of aortic aneurism. 2d ed. N. Y., 1890. col. pi. O.
]"*AGE, Tlionias Nelson. .Marse Chan. {In i^tories by Anier. au-
thors, v. }).)
The old south; cssavs social and political. X. \ ., 1S!»l'. por.
IMGP: family. Sec r.akewell family.
PAGET, Francis. Sacraments. (In Gore, (': nzzles, gathered from the state trials.
2d ed., including "Who is the murderer?" bv R: A\'ai-rer.
S. F., 1884. S.
Contents: Elizabeth Canning.- — Campden wonder. — Annesley case. —
Eliza Penning. — Spencer Cowper's case. — Who is the murderer? [or]
Goldborough's case.
PAGET, Violet, (pseud. Vernon Lee.) Renaissance fancies and
studies. N. Y., 1896. D.
PAHLAVI texts; tr. by E. W\ West (continuation); pt. 3-4. Ox-
ford, 1885-92. 2 V. O. Miiller, F. M., ed. Sacred books of the
east, Y. 24, 37.)
Contents: Pt. 3. DIna-i Mainog-i Khirad, Sikand-gumanlk Vigar,
Shad Dar. 4. Contents of the Nasl^s.
PAINE, Albert W. Paine genealogy, Ipswich branch; including a
brief history of the Norman race, from its origin until the
conquest, and the crusade in which Hugh de Payen served.
Bangor, 1881. O.
PAINE, Thomas. Writings; collected and edited bv M. I). Con-
way; v. 1-3; 1774-1804. N. Y., 1894-95. 3 v. O.
CONWAY, M. D. Life of P,; with a history of his literary, political,
and religious career in America. France, and England; to which is
added a sketch of Paine by W: Cobbett. N. Y., 1892. 2 v. pors. O.
PATNE family.
PAINE, A. W. Paine genealogy, Ipswich branch. Bangor, 1881. O.
PAINTER, Franklin Verzelius Newton. History of education.
N. Y., 1889. D. (Int. education ser. v. 2.)
Introduction to P^nglish literature, including a number of clas-
sic works, liost., [c. 1894]. D.
PAINTP:R, William. Palace of pleasure, beautified, adorned, and
well furnished with pleasant histories and excellent nov<'ls;
chosen and selected out of diveis good and commendable au-
thors. Ed. by Joseph Haslewood. Lond., 1813. 2 v. in 3. O.
Xote: Vol. 1, is from the ed. printed by T: Marsh, 1575; v. 2:1, from
same, n. d.; title v. 2, Palace of pleasure, containing store of goodly
histories, tragical matters, and other moral arguments.
PALACIIE, Charles. The soda-rhyolite, north of Berkeley, iln
Univ. of Cal., Dept. of Geol. Bull. v. 1, no. 2.)
PAL^ONTOGRAI'HKWL so< ietv. Publications: Loud.. iS74.
Ciinlrntft: .lones, T. R., Kirkby, J. W., nnd Brady, G: S. Bivalved
entomostraca from the carboniferous formations, (pt. 1.) v. 28.
PALESTINE under the Moslems: a description of Syria and the
Holy Land from A. D. 050 to 1500; tr. from the works of the
mediaeval Arab ge(>gi-a]thers by G. Le Strange. Bost.. 1890.
pi. maps. O.
PALEY, Frederick Apthorp. LL.D. tr. Aeschylus, tr. into Eng-
lish prose. 2d ed. rev. cor. Cambridge, 1871. O.
PALFREY, John Gorham. History of New England (continua-
tion); v. 3-5. Bost., 1890. 3v. maps. O.
Contents: Vol. 3. History of New England during the Stuart dynasty
4-.5. History of New England from the revolution of the 17th century
to the revolution of the 18th.
I'ALGRAVE, Francis. History of the Anglo-Saxons. New ed.
Lond., 1867. pi. D.
The history of Normaudy and of England; v. 1-4. Lond., 1851-
54. Iv. O.
PALGKAVE, Francis Turner. Landscape in poetry from Homer to
Tennyson. Lond., 1897. D.
cd. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the
English language. Lond., 1888. S.
Treasury of sacred song selected from the English lyrical
poetry of four centuries. Oxford, 1890. S.
PALGKAVE, Robert Harry Inglis. The local taxation of Great
Britain and Ireland. "^ Lond., 1871. 11-|-124 p. O.
<■(!. Dictionary of political economy; v. 1-2. Lond., 1894-96.
2 V. O.
PALGRAYE. William Gifford. Personal narrative of a year's jour-
ney through central and eastern Arabia, 1862-68. 6th ed.
Lond., 1871. map. plans. D.
PALLADITTS, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus. On husbondrie; ed.
from the unique ms. of about 1420 A. D. in Colchester castle,
bv Barton Lodge; with a ryme index by S. J. H. Herrtage.
Lond.. LS73-79. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no.
52. 72.)
PALL MALL gazette [daily] ; April-Dec. 1889. Lond., 1889. F.
PALLETT. Henry. The miller's, millwright's and engineer's guide.
Phil., 1878.' pi. D.
PALM, Andrew J. The death penalty: a consideration of the ob-
jections to capital punishment, with a chapter on war. N. Y.,
1891. D. (Questions of the day, no. 66.)
J»ALMER. Abraham J. The history of the Forty-eighth regiment,
New York state volunteers, 1861-65. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885.
il. pors. O.
PAL^MER, Edward Henry. The Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid and Sar-
acen civilization. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (Makers of hist.)
A history of the Jewish nation ; from the earliest times to the
present da v. Rev. ed.; ed. by S. F. Smith. Bost., [c. 18751.
119 p. il.' pi. O.
— Ir. The Qur'an ; pt. 2. chapters 17-114. Oxford, 1880. O. (Mil-
ler, F: M., ed. Sacred books of the east, v. 9.)
PA L:\IER, F. p., and Forrester, A. H. (pf
family, 1750-1890. Harrisburg, 1890. 142 p. O.
Genealogy of the Parthemore family, 1744-1885. Harrisburg,
1885. 0.
PARTHE:M0RE family.
PARTHEMORE, E. W. S. Genealogy of the P. family. 1744-1885.
Harrisburg, 1885. O.
PARTON, James. Captaius of industry. Second series. Bost.,
1891. S.
General Jackson. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Great Commanders.)
PARTSCH. Herman. Colds: the science of taking them and the
art of their prevention. Bost., [1890]. 51 p. S.
Sea-sickness; a comprehensive treatise for practical use. Bost.,
1800. S.
PARVIN, Theophilus. M.D. The science and art of obstetrics. 2d
ed. rev. enl. Phil., 1890. 11. O.
PASCAL, Blaise. Provincial letters; a new translation with his-
torical introduction and notes by Rev. T. M'Crie; preceded
by a life of Pascal, a critical essay and a biographical no-
tice; ed. by O. W. Wight. Bost., [c. 1859-87]. D.
Thoughts, letters, opuscules; tr. by O. W. Wight; with intro-
ductorv notices and notes from all the commentators. Bost.,
1888. "d.
TULLOCH, P. Pascal. Edin. and Lond., 1878. reprint, 1882. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
PASQTTTER, Etienne Denis, dvc dc. Memoirs of chancellor Pas-
quici-; ed. by the Due d' Audiffret-Pasquier; tr. by C. E.
Roche: The revolution — the consulate — the empire, 1789-
1815. N. Y., 1893-94. 3 v. pors. O.
PASSY, Paul. See Michaelis, Hermann, and Passy, P. Dictionnaire
phonc^tique de la langue Franc^aise.
PAST days in India; or. Sporting reminiscences of the valley of the
Soane and the basin of Singrowlee; by A late custom's oflS-
cer. Lond., 1874. O.
PATENT centennial celebration, 1891: Proceedings and addresses.
Celebration of the beginning of the second century of the
American patent system at Washington City, D. C, April,
8-10, 18D1. Wash.,' 1892. O.
PATER, Waiter Horatio. Appreciations, with an essay on style.
Lond., 1895. tS.
Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance. N. Y., 1897. S.
Greek studies: a series of essays. N. Y., 1895. D.
Imaginary portraits. Lond., 1891. 180 p. S.
Miscellaneous studies : a series of essays. N. Y., 1895. S.
Plato and Platonism: a series of lectures. N. Y., 1894. D.
The renaissance, studies in art and poetry. Lond., 1897. S.
PATERCULUS, Caius Velleius. Compendium of the history of
Rome. {In Sallustius Crispus, C. Sallust, Florus, and Vel-
leius Paterculus.)
PATERSON, James. Life and poems of William Dunbar. Edin.,
18G0. S.
EGLESTON, T: Life of J: Paterson, major-general in the revolu-
tionary war. N. Y., 1894. 11. pors. maps. O.
PATMORE, Coventry Kearsev Dighton. The angel in the house.
7th lib. ed. Lond., 189G. 153 p. S.
Floritegium amantis; ed. by R. Garnett. Lond., [n. d.]. S.
Poems. 6th ed. Lond., 1897. 2 v. S.
PATON, Rev. James. The story of John G. Paton, told for young
folks; or. Thirty years among South Sea cannibals. N. Y.,
1893. il. por. "^D.
PATON, John Gibson.
PATON, J. Story of John G. Paton told for young folks. N. Y., 1893.
il. por. D.
PATRICIAN, The; ed. by J: Burke; v. 1-6. Lond., 1846-48. 6 v.
PATRICK, David, tr. Keil, K. F. Prophecies of Jeremiah; v. 1.
Edin., 1889. O.
PATRIOTIC quotations; gems of thought taken from original
sources for use in the public schools: introduction on Liberty
by Harr Wagner. S. F., [1896]. 62 p. S.
PATTEN, B. A. See Barry, T. A., a^id Patten, B. A. Men and mem-
ories of San Francisco.
PATTEN, Simon Nelson. Educational value of political economy.
(In Amer. Econ. Assn. Pub. v. 5, 1890. no. 6.)
Malthus and Ricardo. {In same, v. 4.)
PATTEN, William. The expedition into Scotland of Prince Ed-
w^ard, Duke of Somerset, uncle unto our most noble sovereign
lord, the King's Majest}', Edward the VI.; made in the first
year of His Majesty's most prosperous reign. [1548.] {In Ar-
ber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 3, p. 51.)
PATTISON, Mark. Essays ; collected and arranged by Henry Net-
tleship. Oxford, 1889. 2 v. O.
PATTISON, Robert E. gov. of Pennsylvania. Biennial message,
Jan. 3, 1893. Harrisburg, 1893. " O. pam.
Discrimination by railroads; address before the Farmer's In-
stitute and General Farmers' Convention, Jan. 21st, 1886.
Harrisburg, 1886. 8 p. O. {In R. R. pamphlets, v. 5.)
I'ATTISON, Robert E. . ])1. pors. niajts. ( ).
Coiiiciits: 1. ]\Iinutes of the board of war, from Mar. 14, 1777, to Aus-
7, 1777. Minutes of the navy board, from Feb. 18, 1777, to Sept. 24, 1777.
List of officers and men of the Penn. navy, 1775-1781. Papers lelating
to the British prisoners in Penn. Memorandum book of the committee
and council of safety, 1776-77. Col. Atlee's journal of the battle of
Long Island, Aug. 2G, 1776. Journal of Col. Samuel Miles concerning
the battle of Long Island, 1776. List of sick soldiers in Phil. Dec, 1776.
Papers relating to the War of the Revolution, 1775-1777. Plans for the
construction and raising of the chevanx de frize in the Delaware river
2. Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued in the
province of Penn. previous to 1790. Persons naturalized in the
province of Penn. . Offcers and soldiers in the service of thr province
of Penn., 1744-1764. Indian traders, Mediterranean passes. Trotters of
marque, and ships' register, 1743-76. Papers relating to the province
of Penn. prior to the Revolution. Journal of Col. James Burd while
building Fort Augusta at Shamokin, 1756-7.
3. Names of persons vv^ho took the oath of allegiance to the state of
Penn. between the years 1776 and 1791. Papers relating to the War of
the Revolution, 1777-81. Memorials against calling a convention, 1779.
Resolves of the committee for the province, with the instructions to
their representatives in assembly, and an essay on the constitutional
power of Great Britain, 1774. Proceedings of the convention for the
province of Penn. held at Phila. Jan. 23-28, 1775. Officers of the state
of Penn. in the Revolution and under the constitution of 1776.
4. Papers relating to what is known as the whiskey insurrection in
western Penn., 1794. Narrative of the journey of Col. Thomas
Proctor to the Indians of the north-west. 1791. Papers relatini; to the
defence of the frontiers, 1790-96.
5. Papers relating to the colonies on the Delaware, 1614-1682.
6. Papers relating to the French occupation in western Penn. .
Papers relating to the establishment at Presqu' Isle, 1794.
7. Papers relating to provincial affairs in Penn., 1682-1750. Papers
relating to the boundary dispute between Penn. and Maryland, 1734-
1760. Narrative of Marie Le Roy and Barbara Leininger. who spent
three and one-half years as prisoners among the Indians. Journal of
Col. James Burd of the provincial service, 1760. Journal kept at Fort
Augusta, 1763. Papers relating to the Dutch and Swedish settlements
on the Delaware river. App. Charter Charles the II to Wm. Penn.
Letter from Wm. Penn to the Emperor of Canada, 1682.
8-9. Record of Penn. marriages, prior to 1810. Officers of the colo-
nies on the Delaware, 1614-81. Officers of the province of Penn., 1681-
10-11. Penn. in the war of the Revolution, battalions and line, 1775-
83. ed. by J: B. Linn, W: H. Egel. 2 v.
12. Muster roll of the Penn. volunteers in the war of 1812-14, v. 1.
13-14. Penn. in the War of the Revolution, associated battalions and
militia, 1775-83; ed. by W: H. Egle. 2 v.
16. The breviate: in the boundary dispute between Penn. and
Provincial Council, afterwards Supreme Executive Council. Min-
utes; March 10, 1G83- December 20, 1790. Phil., and Harris-
burg, 1852-53. 10 V. O.
EGLE, W: H. History of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, civil,
political, and military, from its earliest settlement to the present
time. 3d ed. rev. and cor. Phil., 1883. il. pors. 0.
PBNNSVLVANIA. Adjutant General. Annual report, 1891-96.
Hairisburg, 1892-97. (j v. map. O.
Attorney General. Report; 1891-94. Harrisburg, 1893-95. 2 v.
Auditor General. Report for the year ending Nov. 30, 1891-94.
Harrisburg, 1892-95. 4 v. O.
Reports of the several banks and savings institutions, and
banks organized under the free banking laws; [1891]. Har-
risburg, 1892. O.
Board of Comvussioners of PuMic Charities. 22d-23d annual re-
port, 1891-92; also Report of the general agent and secre-
tary, Statistics, and the Report of the Committee on Lunacy.
Harrisburg, 1892-93. 2 v. O.
Commissioner of Banking. 2d annual report; pt. 1-2, 1896. Har-
risburg, 1897. 2 V. O.
Cmnmission of Soldiers' Orphan ScJwols. Annual report; 1892,
1895. Harrisburg, 1892-95. 2 v. O.
Commission on Industrial Education. Report made to the Legis-
lature; v^^ith appendices. Harrisburg, 1889. O.
Department of Agriculture. 2d annual report; 1896. Harrisburg,
1897. O.
Bulletins; no. 6, 8-10, 16-22, 26. [Harrisburg], 1896-97.
O. 11 pams.
Nanwlij: No. 6. Warren, B. H. Taxidermy: Game and fish laws of
Penn. 8. Report of the State Horticultural Association, 1895. 9. 21st
annual report of State Dairymens' assoc. 10. Moore, F. N. Special
leport on prepared foods for invalids and infants. 16. Hess, B. H.
Dairy feeding as practiced in Penn. 17. Pearson, 'L.,and Warren, B. H.
Diseases and enemies of poultry. 18. Digest of the general and special
road laws of Penn. 19. Tabulated analyses of commercial fertilizers.
Jan. 1, 1896-97. 20. Reports of the Department of Agric. officers. 21.
Hamilton, J: Township high school, 22. Prear, W: Cider vinegars
of Penn. 26. Farmer's Institutes in Pennsylvania to be held during
the season 1897-98.
Department of Factory Inspector. 4th-5th, 7th annual report;
1893, 1894, 1896. [Harrisburg], 1894-97. 3 v. O.
Department of Internal Affairs. Annual report of the secretary;
1890: 3-4; 1891: 1-4; 1892: 1-2, 4; 1893: 1-5; 1894: 4-5; 1895: 4.
Harrisburg, 1891-95. 12 v. O. Divided as follotvs: Pt. 1. Land
ofifice; State weather service; Vital statistics. 2. Assess-
ments, Taxes. 3. Industrial statistics. 4. Railroad, canal,
navigation, telegraph and telephone companies. 5. Reports
of Inspectors of Coal Mines.
Railroad map of Pennsylvania; drawn and compiled by
J. S. Wall. 1890. Scale 6 m. to 1 in.
Tables: temperature and precipitation of Pennsylvania
for the year ending Nov. 30, 1895. Harrisburg, 1896. O.
Gent'ral Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives;
1S71, 1878, 1883, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. Harrisburg, 1871-95.
8 V. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1870, 1871, 1878, 1883, 1889, 1891,
ex. sess. 1891, 1893, 1895. Harrisburg, 1870-95. 9 v. O.
PENNSYLVANIA. General Assembly. Official documents; 1870.
(2 v.), 1888-89 (G v.), 1889 (G v.), 1890 (6 v.), 1891 (10 v.), 18915
(9 v.), 1898 (8 v.j. 1894 (10 v.), 1895 (11 v.), 1896 (v. 1-4). Har-
risbui's, 1870-97. 72 v. O.
Proceedings of tlie Senate and House of Representatives
on the adoption of the memorial resolutions relatinji; to the
late Hon. James G. Blaine of Maine, narrisburj?, 18!»8. 8T
p. por. O.
Proceedings of the House of Representatives, and obit-
uary addresses on the occasion of the death of Hon. M. B.
Lemon, a member from Allegheny Co., Penn. Harrisburg;.,
1895. por. 28 p. O.
Smull's legislative hand-book and manual of the state of
Pennsvlvania, 1890-96; comp. by T: B. Cochran. Harris-
burg, 1 1890-96]. 7 V. D.
Geological Survey. 7th report on the oil and gas fields of West-
ern Pennsylvania for 1887, 1888; with additional unpublished'
well records by J: F. Carll. Harrisburg, 1890. maps. O.
J. P. Leslev, state geologist. Anthracite district. Atlases
AA; pt. 1-5, 1887-91. ' O.
Namehj: Pt. 1, 3. Western middle anthracite field. 2. Northern an-
thracite field. 4-5. Southern anthracite field.
Atlas to accompany report F. 3. [n. p. c. 1893]-
6 folded maps.
Atlas to accompany the linal report of the state geol-
ogist, 1893. [n. p. c. 1894]. 14 folded maps.
[County geological maps] ; 1878-84. [Harrisburg,
1878-84]. maps. obi. O.
Geological maps of Schuykill, Carbon, Berks and
Dauphin counties; topographical map of the Blue Mountain
at Port Clinton. 1891. G folded sheets.
Summary description of the geology of I'ennsyl-
vania; v. 1-3 and general index. Harrisburg, 1892-95. 5 v.
pi. maps. O.
Contents- Vol. 1. Laurentian, huronian, cambrian, and lower Silurian
formations. 2. Upper saurian and devonian formations. 3: 1. Car-
boniferous formation. 3: 2. Bituminous coal fields, Mesozoic or new
• red formation.
Note: General index to above compiled by W: A. Ingham.
Governor. Biennial message of R. E. Pattison, Jan. 3, 1893.
Harrisburg, 1893. O. pam.
Inaugural address of Robert E. Pattison, Jan. 20, 1891.
Harrisburg, 1891. pam. O.
Message of James A. Beaver to the General Assembly,
Jan. 6, 1891. Harrisburg, 1891. 47 p. O.
Inspectors of Mines. Reports of the inspectors of uiiu!'s of the
anthracite and bituminous coal regions of Pennsylvania;
1890-94. Harrisburg, 1891-95. 3 v. O.
Insurance Coinmissinner. 18th-24th annual report, pt. 1-2.
Harrisburg, 1891-97. 11 v. O.
Note: 23d report wanting; pt. 2.
PENNSYLVANIA. Secretary of the Commomvealth. Tabulated state-
ment of the votes cast for the several candidates in the sev-
eral counties of the Commonwealth. Nov. 3, 1896. Harris-
burg. 1896. O. pam.
Sinking Fund Commissioners. Report; 1889-91, 1893, 1895.
Harrisburg, 1890-96. O. 5 pam.
■ State Agricultural Society. See State Board of Agriculture.
State Board of Agriculture. Agriculture of Pennsylvania; con-
taining reports of the State Board of Agriculture, the State
Agricultural Society, State Dairymen's Association, State
Horticultural Association, and the State College; 1890-95.
Harrisburg, 1890-96. 6 v. O. pams.
State Board of Health. 6th-7th, 9th, 11th annual report of the
State Board of Health and Vital Statistics; [1890-91, 1893,
1896]. Harrisburg, 1891-96. 4 v. O.
Organization, constitution, by-laws and regulations. Har-
risburg, 1897. O. pam.
State College. Annual report for 1889-91, 1893, 1894. Harris-
burg, 1890-95. 5 V. O.
Note: Report for 1890, 1892. (In State Board of Agric, 1890, 1892.)
Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin no. 32.. State
College, 1895. O. pam.
Namely: No. 32. Small fruits in 1894.
State Cuntmissioners of Fisheries. Report, 1892-94. [Harris-
burg], 1895. pi. O.
State Dairymen^s Association. See State Board of Agriculture.
State Horticultural Association. See State Board of Agriculture.
State Library. Report of state librarian; 1887-95. Harris-
burg, 1889-96. 5 V. O.
-^ State Pliarmaceutical Examining Board. Ninth annual report
for the year ending June 30, 1896. Harrisburg, 1897. O.
State Treasurer. Report for year ending Nov. 30, 1891-94. Har-
risburg, 1892-95. 4 V. O."^
Superintendent of Bantling. [lst-3d] annual report; 1892-94.
Harrisburg, 1893-95. 3 v. O.
Title frnm 1895. Annual report of Commissioner of JBank-
Superintendent of Puhlic Instruction. [57th-61st annual] report;
1890-94. Harrisburg, 1890-94. 5 v. O.
Superintendent of Puhlic Printinq. Annual report; 1892-93.
Harrisburg, 1892-94. O. 2 pam.
PENNSYLVANIA at Gettysburg; ceremonies at the dedication of
the monuments erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania to mark the positions of the Pennsylvania commands
engaged in the l>attle [J: P. Nicholson ed. and comp. Har-
risburg], 1803. 2 V. pi. por. O.
PENNSYLVANIA Historical Society. Tlie Charlemagne Tower
collection of American colonial laws. Privately printed, [n.
p.], 1890. por. Q.
PENNSYLVANIA magazine of history and biography; v. 1-12, 14-
21. Phil., 1877-98. 20 v. pi. 'pors. O.
PEXNSYLN'AXIA rrison Society. Journal of prison discipline
and philan(ln'oi»liy. Xow sor. uos. 85-30. Jan. 180(5 and
1897. IMiil., 1897."^ O. 1 pani.
PENNEY, William Edward. P.allads of Yankee laud. N. Y., [c.
1897]. 1).
PENRICE, John. Dictionary and glossary of the Koran. Lond.,
187:5. l(i(i p. O.
PENROSE, Boies. Sec Allinson, E. P., and Penrose, B. The city
j^overnnient of Philadelphia.
See Allinson, E. P., and Penrose, B. Philadelphia, 1681-1887.
PENROSE, Richard Alexander Fullerton. jr. Nature and origin
of deposits of phosphate of lime; with an introduction by
N. S. Shaler. AYash., 1888. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulle-
tin, no. 46.)
See Cross, \Miitman, and Penrose. R. A. F. jr. Geology and
mining Industries of Cripple Creek, Colo.
PENSION question; what has caused delays in settlement. {In
Re])ul)lican campaign docs., 1880.)
PENSIONS, who are entitled to them and how they may be ob-
tained; pub. by O: F. Cram and R. A. Tenney."^ Chic, 1886.
181 p. O.
PEOPLE'S illustrated and descriptive family atlas of the world.
Chic, 1891. F.
PEPIN I. mayor of the palace. Y"ie de Pepin-le-Vieux dit de Lan-
den. iTn Col. des m^m. rel. j\ Thist. de France. 1823. s. 3.
V. 2.)
PEPIN III. le Bref. hing of the Franls.
EGINHARD. Annals des rois Pepin [741-768]. Charlemagne et
Louis-le-Debonnaire. (In same 1824. s. 3. v. 3.)
PEPPER, V^lUiam. Address of welcome on the part of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Dec. 27, 1888. {In Amer. Econ.
Assoc. Pub.. V. 4.)
Higher medical education: the true interest of the public and
of the profession. Phil., 1894. 100 p. O.
ed. Text-book of the theorv and practice of medicine. Phil.,
1893-94. 2 V. il. pi. Q".
PEPYS. Samuel. The diary of P.. completely transcribed by the
late Rev. Mynors Bright from the shorthand ms. in the
Pepvsian librarv; with notes bv Lord Braybrook; ed. with
additionsby H.'b. AYheatley. Loud., 1893-9.-). pors. 6 v. D.
PERAGALLO, Prosjjero. Leone Pancaldo; sussidi documentari.
(Tn Italv Com. Col. Raccolta di documenti e studi pub. dalla
R. Com." Col. Pt. 5, V. 2.)
PERCEVAL of Galles, Sir. The romance of. (In Thornton ro-
mances. Camden Soc. v. 30.)
PERCY. TTugh. did-e of North nmherland.
(Biographical sketch.] (hi Tuttle, C. W. Capt. Francis Champer-
nowne and other historical papers.)
PERCY. W. Sonnets to the fairest Coelia. [1594.] (//i Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, v. 6. p. 135.)
See also Newspapers. An asterisk (*) indicates that the periodical so
marked, either all or in part was received too late for insertion
elsewhere in this catalogue.
ACADEMIE des sciences morales et politiques. Seances et travaux;
compte-rendiie par Ch. Verge, sous la direction de M. Mignet; 3e
ser. V. 1-30, 1852-59; 4e ser. v. 1-20, 1860-64; 5e ser. v. 2-12, 14-20
1865-69. Paris, 1852-69. 68 v. in 66. O.
ACADEMY, The; (continuation) v. 22-52. Lond., 1882-97. 31 v. Q.
Xotc: V. 1-21 in list of periodicals catalogue 1889.
AGRICULTURAL and Horticultural Society of India. Journal (con-
tinuation); New ser. v. 1-8; January, 1867-Dec. 1889. Calcutta, 1869-
90. 8 V. O.
AMERICAN Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals; v. 1-
10; July, 1890-Dec. 1897. Phil., 1890-97. 10 v. O.
Supplement to the annals; March, May, 1891. Phil.. 1891. O.
Namely: Meitzen, A. History, theory and technique of statistics,
pt. 1-2.
Same. March, 1894. Phil., 1894. O.
Namely: Cohn, G. History of political economy.
Same. Nov. 1894. Phil., 1894. O.
Namely: Constitutiom of the kingdom of Italy: tr. by S. M. Lindsay
and L. S. Rowe.
Same. Sept. 1894.
Namely: Constitution of the kingdom of Prussia, tr. by J. H. Robin-
Same. July 1894.
Namely: Giddings, P. H. Theory of sociology.
Same. Sept. 1893.
Namely: Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways.
AMERICAN almanac and treasury of facts (continuation); 1887. N.
Y.. and Wash., 1887. D.
AMERICAN annual register for the years 1825-33. N. Y., 1827-35. 8
V. 0.
AMERICAN anthropologist; published under the auspices of the An-
thropological Society of Washington; v. 1-10. Wash., 1888-97. 10
V. O.
AMERICAN antiquarian and oriental journal, ed. by S. D. Peet (con-
tinuation); vol. 11-19. Chic, 1889-97. 9 v. O.
AMERICAN architect and building news (continuation); v. 15-57; Jan.
1884-Dec. 1897. Post., 1884-97. 43 v. in 29. il. pi. F.
AMERICAN association for the advancement of science. Proceedings,
1889-90. Salem, 1890-91. 2 v. O.
AMERICAN bee journal; v. 26-37. Chic, 1890-97. 12 v. Q.
Note: V. 1-25 in list of periodicals catalogue 1889.
AMERICAN bookmaker (continuation); v. 9-24; July 1889-June 1897.
N. Y., [1889-98]. 16 v. in 8. F.
AMERICAN book-prices current: a record of books, mss., and auto-
graphs sold at auction in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia from
Sept. 1, 1895, to Sept. 1, 1897, with the prices realized. L. S. Living-
ston, comp: Vol. 1-3. N. Y., 1895-97. 3 v. O.
AMERICAN chemical journal (continuation), ed. by Ira Remsen; v.
11-19. Bait., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
♦AMERICAN colonial tracts: (monthly), no. 1-8; May-Dec. 1897.
Rochester, 1897. O. pts.
AMERICAN druggist (continuation); v. 18-31. N. Y., 1889-97. 14
V. F.
AMERICAN eclectic; or. Selections from the periodical literature of
all foreign countries; v. 1-4. N. Y., 1841-42. 4 v. pors. O.
♦AMERICAN Economic Association. Publications (continuation); v.
4-11; 1889-97. [Bait], 1889-97. 8. v. O.
Fur eon tents see Amer. Econ. Assn.
AMERICAN engineer. The; a,n illustrated weekly journal (continua-
tion); V. 18-23. Chic, 1889-92. 6 v. F.
Note: Ceased publication, March 12, 1892; vol. 23, no. 11.
AMiuRICAN Entomological Society. Transactions; v. 1-20, 1867-93.
Phil., 18G7-93. 20 v. pi. O.
Continuation of Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Proceed-
AMERICAN geologist; vol. 1-20. Minneapolis, 1888-97. 20 v. il. pi.
pors. O.
AMERICAN Historical Association. Papers; v. 1-3. N. Y., and Lond.,
188G-88. 3 V. O.
AMERICAN historical record, and repertory of notes and queries.
Phil., 1872-L74]. 3 v. il. por. facsim. O.
Conluiiial (IS Potter's American monthly.
AMERICAN historical review; v. 1-2. Oct. 1895- July 1897. N. Y.,
1896-97. 2 V. O.
♦AMERICAN Institute of Electrical Engineers; v. 6-14 [1889-97]. N.
Y., Lld89-97]. 9 v. O.
AMERIC. N Institute oi Mining jcJngineers; Transactions (continua-
tion); 1883-93. Vol. 11-23. N. Y., 1883-94. 13 v. pi. O.
AMERICA.. Institute of the City ol New York. Transactions; 1853-
54, 1858-61. Albany, 1854-61. 5 v. 0.
AMERICAN journal of education, ed. by H: itJarnard; v. 28. Hart-
ford, 1878. O.
AMERICAN journal of insanity (continuation); v. 46-53. N. Y., Utica,
1888-97. 8 V. pors. pi. 0.
General index to the first forty-five volumes; 1844-89; bp P. M.
Wise, with introduction by G. A. Blumer. Willard, [1889]. O.
AMERICAN journal of mathematics (continuation); v. 12-19. Bait,
1890-97. 8 v. por. Q.
AMERICAN journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children.
(continuation); vol. 22-36. N. Y., 1889-97. 15 v. 0.
AM11.RICAN journal of philology (continuation); v. 10-16. Bait., 1889-
95. ( V. 0.
AMERICAN journal of politics: v. 4-5. N. Y., 1894. 2 v. O.
Xote: Colli i lined as American magazine of civics.
AMERICAN journal of science; 1st ser. v. 1-50; 2d ser. v. 1-50; 3d ser.
v. 1-50; 4th ser. 1-4. New Haven, 1819-97. 154 v. O.
General index to forty-nine volumes, v. 50, 1st ser.; 2d ser. v. 1-10,
V. 10; 11-20, V. 20; 21-30, v. 30; 31-40, v. 40; 41-50, v. 50; 3d ser. v.
1-10, V. 10; 11-20, v. 20; 31-40, v. 40.
AMERICAN journal of the medical sciences (continuation): n. s. v.
41-42, 87-97, 99-114. Phil., 1861-97. 30 v. O.
AMERICAN magazine of civics, v. 6-9. N. x., 1895-9(. 4 v. 0.
2\otv: ('iniiiniiaiU)ii of American journal of politics.
AMEKICAN medical monthly; v. 7-18. N. Y., 18o/-62. 9 v. 0.
and pts.
Incomplete. See Amer. Med. Monthly.
AMERICAN monthly microscopical journal; containing contributions
to b.ology; v. 1-18; 1880-97. N. Y., Wash., 1880-[97]. 18 v. pi. 0.
Index to v. 1-15. Wash., 1896. O.
AMERICAN monthly review; v. 1-4; Jan., 1832-Dec. 1833. Bost.. 1832-
33. 4 v. O.
AMERICAN naturalist; an illustrated magazine of natural history; v.
24-31. Phil., 1890-97. 8 v. 0.
AMERICAN Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings (continua-
tion); 1883, 1889-96. Phil., 1884-96. 9 v. pors. O.
General index of the Proceedings; v. 31-38; 1883-90; comp. by H.
M. Wilder. Phil., 1891. O. (/// Proceedings, 1891.)
AMERICAN Philological Association; [v. 11-14: 1809-83. Hartford,
Camb., 1871-84. 14 v. in 7. O.
AMERICAN Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Promot-
ing Tseful Knowledge. Transactions; new series, v. 1-14. Phil.,
1818-71, 14 V. pi. maps. Q.
AMERICAN quarterly observer; v. 1-3. Bost., 1833-34. 3 v. in 2. O.
^ote: United with Biblical repository, 1835.
AMERICAN quarterly register; conducted by B. B. Edwards [and oth-
ers] ; V. 1-15. Andover and Bost., 1829-43. 15 v. 0.
Title V. 1-2. Quarterly register and journal of the American Educa-
tional Society.
AMERICAN quarterly register and magazine; conducted by James
Stryker [continued]; v. 1. Phil., [1848]. O.
ContUnted as Stryker's American register and magazine.
AMERICAN register; or General repository of history, politics and
science for 1806-pt. 1, 1810; vol. 1-7. Phil., 1807-11. 7 v. O.
AMERICAN review: a whig journal of politics, literature, art and
science; v. 1-6, n. s. v. 1-10. N. Y., 1845-52. 16 v. pors. 0.
Title n. s. v. 5-10 American whig review.
AMERICAN review of history and politics and general repository of
literature and state papers; v. 1-4. Phil., 1811-12. 4 v. O.
AMERICAN Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings (continuation);
1888-95, V. 14-21. N. Y., 1888-95. 8 v. O.
AMERICAN Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions (continuation,);
July 1889-Dec. 1897; v. 21-37. N. Y., 1889-97. 16 v. pi. 0.
AMERICAN standard; v. 1-4; March 16, 1889-Dec. 13, 1890. S. F. 1889-
90. 4 V. in 2. Q.
AMERICAN Statistical Association. Publications; v. 4. 1894-5.
Bost., 1895. O.
AMERICAN Unitarian AssociatioTi. Quarterly journal.
See Quarterly journal of the x^mer. Unitarian Assoc.
AMERICAN whig review. See American review.
ANDOVER review: a religious and theological monthly (continua-
tion); V. 1-8, 12-19. Bost., 1884-93. IG v. O.
ANNUAL literary index, ed. with the cooperation of members of the
American Library Association, and of the Library journal staff, by
W: I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker; 1892-96. N. Y., 1893-97. 5 v. Q.
CoiitiDiiation of Cooperaiive index.
ANNUAL mining review and stock ledger. S. F., 1876. Q.
ANNUAL of the universal medical sciences, ed. by C: E. Sajous [and
others], (continuation); 1890-96. Phil., 1890-96. 35 v. 11. pi. O.
ANNUAL record of science and industry [continuation] ; 1871. N. Y.,
1872. D.
ANNUAL register. New series (continuation); 1882-83, 1885-96.
Lond.. 1883-97. 14 v. O.
ANTIQUARIAN magazine and bibliographer, ed. by E. Walford;
1882-87; V. 1-12. Lond., [1882-87]. 12 v. O.
iYo/r.- V. 8, title begins Walford's antiquarian :a magazine and bib-
liographical review.
THE ANTIQUARY: a fortnightly medium of intercommunication for
archaeologists, antiquarians, and others, ed. by Jewett. V. 1-4.
Lond., 1871-73. 4 v. O.
*ANTlQUARY, The; a magazine devoted to the study of the past; v.
1-33. Lond., 1880-97. 33 v. O.
APPALACHIA; v. 2-6; June 1879- Jan. 1892. Bost., 1879-92. 5 v. O.
APPLETON'S annual cyclopaedia and register of important events.
New series (continuation); 1889-95; v. 14-20. N. Y., 1890-95. 6
V. O.
APPLETON'S journal of literature, science and art; vol. 1-15. N. Y.,
1869-76. 15 V. il. pi. O.
ARCH^OLOGIA; or Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Pub-
lished by the Sociey of Antiquaries of London (continuation) ; v. 45-
52. Lond., 1877-90. 8 v. in 16.
Index, vol. 1-50. Lond., 1889. Q.
ARCHITECT, The; a weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineer-
ing, and building; v. 1-30; 1869-83. Lond., [1869-85]. 30 v. pi. F.
ARCHIVES of clinical skiagraphy, ed. by Sydney Rowland; v. 1. May
1896-Apr. 1897. Lond., 1896-97. pi. Q.
yote: Cnni'nnied as Archives of the Roentgen ray.
ARCHIVES of opthalmology (continuation); v. 18-26. N. Y., 1889-97.
9 V. O.
ARCHIVES of otology (continuaticn) ; v. 18-26. N. Y., 1889-97. 9
V. pi. O.
ARCHIVES of the Roentgen ray. ed. liy W. S. Hedley and Sydney
Rowland. V. 2. bond., 1897. pi. Q.
roiitiiiiKitioii of Archivo? of skiagraphy.
ARENA. The; v. 1-18. Bost., 1890-97. 18 v. O.
*ART amateur; a monthly journal devoted to the cultivation of art in
the household (continuation): v. 7-13, 15-16, 21-36; June, 1882-Nov.,
1885. June. 1886-May. 1887, June, 1889-May, 1897. IN. Y., 1882-97. 25
v. in 14. il. pi. F.
ARl' and letters; an illustrated review (continuation); July, 1889-Dec.
1889. Lond., N. Y., 1889. 2 v. pi. F.
ART journal. New series. Lond., 1889-97, 9 v. F.
ART pDur tous, I/; e^cyclopedie de I'art industriel et dt'^coratif (con-
tinuation); 1889. ed. by Emile Reiber. Paris, 1889. pi. F.
ARTS for America: Feb. 1896-Feb. 1897; v. 5-6. Chic, 1896-97. 2
V. Q.
ASIATIC journal and monthly register for British India and its depen-
dencies (continuation); v. 15-16. Lond., 1823. 2 v. O.
ASIATIC quarterly review (continuation); v. 9-10; new series, v. 1-9;
3d ser, v. 1-4. Lond., 1890-97. 15 v. in 14. D.
Notr: V. 1-8 in list of periodicals catalogue 1889.
ASTRONOMICAL register; v. 1-24; 1863-85. Lond., 1864-85. 24 v. In
12. pi. O.
ASTRONOMICAL Society of the Pacific. Publications; v. 1-9; 1889-97.
S. P., 1889-97. 9 V. 0.
♦ATHENAEUM, The; journal of literature, science and fine arts
(continuation): Jan. 1889-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1889-97. 18 v. Q.
ATLANTA medical and surgical journal; v. 1, Sept. 1855 [Atlanta,
1855J. O. (/" Medical journals, 1853-55.)
ATLANTIC monthly; a magazine of literature, art, and politics (con-
tinuation); V. 64-80. Best., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
BANKERS mae-izine; v. 1-52, 58-64. Apr. 1844-Dec. 1891; July 1894-
Dec. 1897. Lnnd.. 1844-97. 59 v. O.
B.\NKER'S masazine .and statistical register; v. 47-55; July 1892-D6C.
1897. N. v., 1892-97. 9 v. O.
nnc Ti-nm July 1895, Rhodes journal of banking and the banker's
BAY state monthly. See New England magazine.
BELFCHIU S monthly magazine; v. 1-3. Toronto, 1877-78. 3 v. O.
M()-; V. 7-12. Montreal, 1890-97. 8 v. Q.
Vols, for 1895-96 are v. 1-2: 2d scr.
ROYAL Society of London. Philosophical transactions (continua-
tion); 1888; V. 179. Lond., 1889. pi. F.
SACRAMENTO medical times: vol. 1-2, Mar. 18S7-Dec. 1888. Sac..
1887-88. 2 V. O.
Continued as Occidental medical times.
ST. .JAMES'S magazine and heraldic and historical register, ed. by
J: B. Burke; v. 1-2. Lond., 1850. 2 v. O.
SAN FRANCISCO merchant. See Pacific wine and spirit review.
SANITARIUM. The; a monthly magazine devoted to the preservation,
of the health,- mental and physical culture (continuation); v. 23-39..
N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
SANITARY news; a weekly journal of sanitary science (continua-
tion); v. 11-19. Chic. 1889-92. 6 v. Q.
Xotc: Publication discontinued Feb. 1892.
SANITARY record; new series; v. 4, 10-20; July 1882-June 1883: July
1888-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1883-97. 12 v. O.
SATURDAY review of politics, literature, science and art (continua-
tion): V. 1-11, 59-62, 64-84. Lond., 1856-97. 36 v. F.
SCHOOL of mines quarterly; v. 1-18. N. Y., 1879-97. 18 v. 0.
Xole: Wdiitinf; no. 1-2, 4, v.l; no. 1, v. 2; no. 1, v. 4.
SCIEN"CE: an illustrated journal published weekly: (continuation);
V. 13-23. N. Y., 1889-94. 11 v. Q.
Title from 1SD5. Science, a weekly journal devoted to the ad-
vancement of science. New ser; v. 1-6. N. Y., 1895-97. 6 v. Q.
SCIENTIFIC American; an illustrated journal of art, science, and
mechanics (continuation); v. 61-77. N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. F.
SCIENTIFIC American supplement (continuation); v. 28-44. N. Y.,
1889-97. 17 v. F.
. New catalogue of valuable papers contained in the Scientific
American supplement. N. Y., [n. d.] 63 p. Q.
Same. N. Y., [1897] 48 p. Q.
SCOTCH-IRISH Society of America. Proceedings and addresses of
the lst-7th congress, 1889-1895. Nashville, [c. 1889-1895]. pors. 7
V. O.
SCOTIISH review. The; v. 1-18; 1882-91. Lond., 18»3-91. 18 v. O.
SCRtBNER'S magazine (continuation); v. 6-16, 18-21. N. Y., [1889-
97 J. 15 V. O.
■ Index, volumes 1-10; January 1887-December 1891. N. Y., [c.
18911. O.
SOCIEDAD cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Memoirs; tome 5-6. Mexico,
1891-92. 2 V. O.
SOCIETY for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce.
Transactions: with premiums offered, 1783-1842. Lond., l.oo-1841.
55 V. in 53 v. and supplemental volume. 0.
Note: Vol. 1-2, 34-35, are in 2d ed., v. 24, contains an analytical index
to first twenty-five volumes, v. 40, Same, for vols. 26-40.
SOCIETY for the Promotion of Engineering Education.
Proceedings of the lst-3d annual meeting v. 1-3, 1893-95. Columbia,
1893-95 3 V
SONS of Temperance. Proceedings of the grand division of the State
of California: 1854-68. S. F., Sac, 1855-08. 0.
SOUTHEicN Historical Society. Papers (continuation); v. 17-22.
Richmond, 1889-94. 6 v. O.
SOl^HERN History Association. Publications: v. 1. Wash., 1897. O.
SOUTHERN literary messenger (continuation); v. 8. Richmond,
1842. O.
SOUTHERN review, The: v. 1-8; Feb. 1828-Feb. 1832. Charleston,
1828-32. 8 V. O.
SPECTATOR, The; v. 8-14, 16-35, 39-57, 70-74, 76-79. 1835-41, 1843-62,
1866-84, 1893-95, 1896-97. Lond.. [1835-97]. 55 v. in 76. F.
SPIRITof the pilgrims; V. 1-6; 1828-33. Bost, [1828-33]. 6 v. 0.
STATESMAN'S year-book; 1890-97. ed. by J. S. Keltie. Lond., 1890-
97. 13 V. D.
STRYKER'S American register and magazine [continued]; 1851; v.
5-6. N. Y., [c. 1853]. 2 v. O.
SUGAR cane, The; a monthly magazine devoted to the interests of
the sugar cane industry; v. 1-21. Manchester, 1869-89. 21 v. in
25. O.
TECHNICAL Society of the Pacific Coast. Transactions; v. 1-8; 1884-
91. S. F., 1884-91. 8 v. in 4. O.
TEMPLE bar (continuation); v. 82-99, 101-111. Lond., [1888-97.] 29
V. O.
TEXTILE world: an illustrated monthly magazine representing the
textile industries of the U. S.; v. 7-12. Bost., 1894-97. 6 v. O.
THEATRE, The; a monthlj^ review of the drama, music, and the fine
arts (continuation); July, 1889-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1889-97. 17 v.
pors. O.
TITAN; a monthly magazine (continuation): v. 26-29; [Jan. 1858]-
Dec. 1859. Lond., 1858]-59. 4 v. 0.
TORCH, The, and colonial book circular, ed. by E. A. Petherick; vol,
1-5; 1887-92. Lond., 1887-92. 5 v. in 3. O.
TRIBUNE almanac and political register, 1881, 1891, 1893, 1894. N. Y.,
[1881-94]. 4 V. D.
UNITED States government publications; a monthly catalogue; J: H.
Hickox. ed. (continuation); v. 5-13; 1889-1897. Wash., 1892-98.
9 v. O.
UNITED service magazine and naval and military journal (continua-
tion); 1845-46, 1859:1. Lond., [1845-59]. 7 v. 0.
UNITED Staes insurance gazette and magazine of useful knowledge.
New ser. ed. by G. E. Currie; [May 1855] -Jan. 1882; vol. 1-30, 32, 53.
. N. Y., 1855-81. 52 v. O.
Index to forty-three volumes of the United States insurance ga-
zette and magazine [May 1855-Oct. 1876]. N. Y., 1877. O.
UNITED Sta:tes literary gazette; v. 1-4; April 1, 1824-October 1, 1826.
Bost., 1825-26. 4 v. Q. O.
Continiifd under the title United States review and literary gazette; v.
1-2; October 1, 1826-October 1, 1827. N. Y., Bost., 1827. 2 v. O.
UNITED States magazine and democratic review (continuation); v.
7-25. Wash., N. Y., 1840-49. 19 v. pors. 0.
UNITED States review and literary gazette. See United States literary
UNIVERSITY of California magazine; v. 1-2. 1895-96. Berkeley,
[1895-96]. 2 V. O.
VANITY fair: a weekly show of political, social and literary wares.
V. 1-52, Nov. 7, 1868- July 7, 1888, Jan. 5, 1889 to Dec. 27 1894. Lond.,
[1868-1894]. 52 v. in 32. F.
VAN N'ostrand's eclectic engineering magazine (continuation); v. 20.
N. Y., 1879. O.
Continued as Van Nostrand's engineering magazine.
VETETRINARY journal and annuals of comparative pathology (con-
tinuation); v. 29-45. Lond., [1889-97]. 17 v. O.
VICTORIA Institute; or. Philosophical Society of Great Britain.
Journal of the transactions; V. 1-25. Lond., 1867-92. 25 v. O.
VICTORIAN Institute of Surveyors, Transactions and proceedings;
V. 3:1885-91. Melbourne, 189J. O.
VIGNE, La. Amerieaine et la viticulture en Europe; tome 1-12, 1877-
88. Vienne, 1877-88. 12 v. O.
VIRGINIA magazine of history and biography: v. 1-4; 1893-97. Rich-
mond, 1893-97]. 4 v. O.
VIRGINIA medical and surgical journal; April. 1858. [n. p.] 1853.
O. (fn Medical journals, 1853-55.)
VOICE, The. See Werner's magazine.
WAl>FOHl)'S antiquarian. .STc Antiquarian magazine and biblio-
WERNER'S magazine: a guide to artistic expression in speech, song
and style: v. 11-19. N. Y., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
Conliiniaiion of The Voice.
WESLEY AN-Methodist magazine. .S'cc- Methodist magazine.
WESTERN journal of education; n. s: v. 1-2. S. F., 1896-97. 2 v. Q.
WESTERN lancet (continuation); [v. 2]; 1873. [S. F., 1873]. O.
[n. t. p.]
WESTMINSTER review (continuation); v. 131-148. Lond., 1889-97.
18 V. O.
WILLIAM and Mary College quarterly historical papers; ed. by L. G.
Tyler; v. 1-5. Williamsburg, 1892-97. 5 v. 0.
YALE review; a quarterly journal of history and political science; v.
1-5. May, 1891-Feb. 1897. N. Y., Bost., Chic, 1892-7. 5 v. O.
ZOE; V. 1-4; 1890-94. S. F., 1880-94]. 4 V. 0.
PERIODS of European history; ed. by A. Hassall. N. Y., 1894-97.
5 V. D.
yamrhj: Period 1. 476-918, by C: Oman. Period 4. 1494-1598, by
A. H. Johnson. Period 5. 1.^98-1715, by H. O. Wakeman. Period 6.
1715-1739. by A. Hassall. Period 7. 17S9-1815, by H. M. Stephens.
PERIODS of European literature; edited by Prof. G: Saintsbury,
V. 2. N. Y., 1897. D.
XqiiicIi/: 2. Saintsbury, (J : Flourishing of romance.
PERKIN, William Henry, and Kipping, F. Stanley. Organic chem-
istry; pt. 1-2. Phil., 1894-95. 2 v. S.
PERKINS, Eli. pseud. See Landon, M. D.
PERKINS, Frank H. Hand-book of Old Burial Hill, Plymouth,
Massachusetts; its history, its famous dead, and its quaint
epitaphs. Plymouth, [c. 189G]. il. 49 p. D.
PERKINS, George A. M.D. The family of John Perkins of Ips-
wich, Mass.; pt. 1. Salem, 1882. O.
Xiimrlii: Pt 1. Descendants of quarter-master John Perkins.
PERKINS, George C. Chinese exclusion; speech in U. S. Senate,
Wash., 1893. O.
Inauguial address, 1880. (In Cal. Gov. Inaugural addresses,
The taritl" speech in the U. S. Senate, April 19, 1894. Wash.,
1894. 47 p. O. (In Pam. on free trade, v. 1.)
PERKINS, .James Breck. France under Louis XV. Bost., 1897.
2 V. D.
France under the regency with a review of the administration
ofLonisXIV. Bost, 1892. D.
PERKINS, Thomas Handasyd.
CARY, T: O. Memoir of P., with extracts from his diaries and letters.
Bost'., 18^16. por. O.
PERKINS family.
PERKINS. G; \. The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Mass.
Salem 1S82. O.
PfiROFSE. J: F. (}. la. .S'pp La P(^rouse.
PERRIN, :MMrshall Livingston, aiul Bradford, Gamaliel, jr. trs.
Sybcl, II. K. L. von. The founding of the German empire by
Willi;nn 1, v. L N. Y., [1890]. O.
PEERIN, William Henry. The pioneer press of Kentucky, from.
the printing of the first paper west of the Alleghanies, Au-
gust 11, 1787, to the establishment of the daily press in 1830.
Louisville, 1888. F. (Filson Club Pub., no. 3.)
PERRINE, Charles Dillon. Earthquakes in California in 1892.
Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 112.)
Same. In 1893. Wash., 1894. O. (/Same, no. 114.)
PERROT, Georges, and Chipiez, Charles. History of art in ancient
Egypt; tr. and ed. by W. Armstrong. Lond., 1883. 2 v. il.
pi. O.
History of art in Persia. Lond., 1892. il. pi. Q.
History- of art in Phaenicia and its dependencies; tr. and ed.
by W. Armstrong. Lond., 1885. 2 v. il. pi. maps. O.
History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. Lond.,,
1892.' il. Q.
History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor; tr.
and ed. by I. Gonino. Lond., 1890. 2 y. il. pi. maps. Q.
PERRY, Aaron F. A chapter in interstate diplomacy. {In Hunter,.
R. ed. Sketches of war history.)
PERRY, Arthur Latham. Principles of political economy. N. Y.,
1891. U.
PERRY, Ber. George Gresley. ed. English prose treaties of Rich-
ard Rolle de Hampole; ed. from Robert Thornton's ms. in
the library of Lincoln Cathedral. Lond., 1866. O. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 20.)
Morte Arthure; ed. from Robert Thornton's ms. about
1440 A. D., in the library of Lincoln Cathedral. Lond., 1865.
O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 8.)
Religious pieces in prose and yerse; ed. from Robert
Thornton's ms. in the Lincoln Cathedral Library. Lond.,
1867. O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 26.)
Same. Revised ed. reprinted 1889.
PERRY, Matthew Calbraith.
GRIFFIS, W: B. Matthew Calbraith Perry: a typical Americal naval
officer. Bost., 1890. por. D.
PERRY, Thomas Sergeant. A history of Greek literature. N. Y.,
1890. il. O.
ed. Life and letters of Francis Lieber. Bost., 1882. por. O.
tr. Saint- Amand, A. L. I. de. The happy days of the em])ress
Marie Louise; The wife of the first consul.
PERSECUTION of the Jews in Russia. See Russo- Jewish Com-
PERSONAL narratives of events in the war of the rebellion, being
papers read before the Rhode Island Soldiers' and Sailors^^
Historical Society; 2d ser., no. 1, 5, 7, 8. Providence. 1880.
4 V. O.
Wnnifhi: No. 1. Browne. S. T. First cruise of the Montank. 5.
Traver, L. Bnrnside expedition in North Carolina; battles of Roanoke
Island and Elizabeth City. 7. Addeman, J. M. Reminiscences of two
years with the colored troops. 8. Peck, G: B. jr. A recruit before
PESCHEL, Oscar Ferdinand. The races of man, and their geo-
graphical distribution. N. Y.. 1890. D.
PESTALOZZ[/Jolianii lleinricli.
GUIMPS, R. de. Pestalozzi; his life and work; tr. from 2d French ed.
by J. Russell: with introduction by R. H. Quick. N. Y., 1890. D.
(Int. education ser. v. 14.)
TETKK, -Johanna. Sec Vvtv\% li:, and J. Transylvania Univcvsity.
PETEK, Kobert and -Johanna. Transylvania University, its origin,
rise, decline, and fall. Louisville, ISDG. il. F. (Filson
Club Pub., no. 11.)
PETEKBOKOUGH, earl »f. Sre Mordaunt, C:
PETERS, Dewitt C. IMoneer life and frontier adventures; an au-
thentic record of the romantic life and daring exploits of Kit
Carson and his companions, from his own narrative. Bost.,.
1881. pi. O.
PETERS, Edward T. Cooperative credit associations in certain
European countries and their relation to agricultural inter-
ests. Wash., 1892. O. (Tn U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Sta-
tistics. Misc. ser, rept., no. 3.)
PETERSON. Henrick G. M.D. Medical letters on hypno-sugges-
tion. etc. {In Wetterstrand, O. (t: Hyimotism.)
PETHERIGK, Edward Augustus, cd. The torch and colonial
book circular; V. 1-2; 1887-89. Loud., 1887-88. 2v.ini. O.
PETIT. Victor. Pares et jardins des environs de Paris, [n. d.]. col.
pi. F.
PETITOT, Alexandre, ed. Collection des m^moires relatifs a I'his-
toire de France. 1^-2*' ser. Paris. 1820-29. 78 v. in 79. O.
PETITOT, Claude Bernard; Petitot, Alexandre; Monmerque, Louis
Jean Nicolas Desrochais. and Guizot. F. P. G. eds. Collec-
tion des m^moires relatifs ji I'histoire de France. [l^-S'^ ser.]
Paris, 1819-35. 161 in 102 v. O.
For contents see Col. des m(?m. rel. a I'histoire de France.
PETRARCA, Francisco.
REEVE, H: Petrarch. Edin. and T^ond., 1878. reprint, 1879. S,
(For. classic for Eng. readers; ed. by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant.)
PETRIE, George. Church and state in early Maryland. Bait.,
1892. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci.,
V. 10, no. 4.)
PETRTE. William :Matthew Flinders. Excavations at Deshasheh.
(Tn Egypt Ex. Fund. Archaeol, dept., 1896-97.)
The geographical papyrus (an Almanack). Lond., 1889. 5 p.
pi. F. (Same. Extra memoir.)
Kahun. Gurob, and Hawara; with cha])ters by F. Ll. Griffith.
and P. E. Newberrv. Lond., 1890. pi. F.
A season in Egypt, 1887. Lond.. 1888. 42 p. pi. F.
Ten years' digging in Egy]»t; 1881-91. 2d ed. revised. [Lond.],
1893. il. map. D.
Gardner, Ernest A. [and others]. Nanki-atis; pt. 1-2. Lond.,
1880-88. 2 V. pi. F. (Egyi)t ex. fund. 3d and Gth Me-
nnd Griffith, F. Ll. Tanis; pt. 1-2, 1883-4, 1886. Lond., 1888-89.
2 V. pi. F. (Same, 2d and 4th Memoir.)
Noir: Pt. 1 in 2d edition. '
PETTENKOFER, Maximilian Joseph von. Vortrage tiber Canali-
sation und Abfuhr. 1-16 Vortrag. Mtincben. 1876. 149
p. O.
PETTY, William. Political arithmetic, 1690. {In Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 6, p. 323.)
PEX. psevd. Nicholas Nickelton; a California Christmas story.
S. F., 1876. 68 p. O.
PEYTON, John Howe.
Memoir of J: H. Peyton, in sketches by his contemporaries; also a
sketch of Ann M. Peyton. Compiled by the author of the History of
Augusta county. Staunton, 1894. O.
PFEIFFER, Ida Laura. The story of Ida Pfeiffer and her travels
in many lands. Lond., 1884. S.
PFLEIDERER, Otto. D.D. Development of theology in Germany
since Kant and its progress in Great Britain since 1825; tr.
by J. F. Smith. Lond., 1890. O. (Lib. of philosophy.)
The influence of the Apostle Paul on the development of Chris-
tianity; tr. by J. F. Smith. N. Y., 1885. O. (Hibbert lec-
tures,' 1885.)
PHARMACOPCKLV of the United States of America. 7th biennial
revision (1890). Phil., 1893. O.
PHAYRE, Sir Arthur Purves. Ueut.-gen. History of Burma, in-
cluding Burma Proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Ara-
kan; from the earliest time to the end of the first war with
British India. Lond., 1883. O. (Trtibner's oriental ser.)
PHELAN, James.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of P., delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senate. Wash., 1891. por.
Q. (U. S. 51st Cong., 2d sess. H. M. D., v. 8.)
PHELPS, Austin. My note-book: fragmentary studies in theology
and subjects adjacent thereto. N. Y., 1891. por. D.
The theorv of preaching; lectures on homiletics. Lond.,
1882. O.'
PHELPS, Charles. J\f.D. Fraumatic injuries of the brain and its
membranes; with a special study of pistol-shot wounds of the
head in their medico-legal and surgical relations. N. Y.,
1897. il. O.
PHELPS. Edward J. The Munroe doctrine. N. Y.. 1896. D.
(Questions of the day, no. 87.)
PHELPS, Miss Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. P.
PHELPS. William Lyon. The beginnings of the English romantic
movement: a study in eighteeutli century literature. Bost.,
1893. D. "
The city of Philadelphia as it appears in the year 1893. Prepared
under the auspices of the Trades League of Philadelphia; P. H.
Taylor, ed. [Phil., c. 1893]. il. Q.
GOPSILL'S Philadelphia city directory; 1893, 1896. Phil., 1893-96.
2 V. maps. O.
SYCKELMOORE'S illustrated handbook of Philadelphia. Phil., [c.
1874]. 136 p. il. map. D.
PHILADELl'IilA, Convention for Forming the Constitution, 1787.
Secret proceediugs and debates of the Conveutiuii assembled
at Pbila. in 1787, fioni notes taken by Kobt. Yates; including
"The .Hf'nuine information, ■' laid before the legislature of
Maryland, by Luther Martin; also other historical docu-
ments. Richmond, 1839. D.
Free Library. Annual report; 1st. [Phil.], 18*J(). O. pam.
Indian lliglits Association. 12th-15tli annual report of the exec-
utive committee; 1894-97. Phil., 1895-97. 4 pam. O.
Superintendent of PuMic Schools. Catalogue of the I'edagogical
library and the books of reference in the office of the Superin-
tendent of Public Schools; with bibliographical notes and
references by James MacAlister. Phil., 1887. D.
.Same. Supplement. Phil., 1890. 10+47 p. D.
PHILADELPHIA City Institute. 41st annual report of the mana-
gers; 1892. Phil., 1893. O. pamp.
PHILADELPHIA College of Pharmacy. 26th-27th, 32d-33d an-
nual report of the Alumni Association, with the exercises of
the 69th-70th, 75th-76th commencement (continuation); 1889-
90, 1890-91, 1895-97. Phil., 1890-97. 4 v. O.
PHILADELPHIA University journal of medicine and surgery; v.
12 (wants Oct.-Dec. 1868, Feb.-May 1869); v. 13 (wants Nov.
1869, Sept. 1870); v. 14 (wants June, July, Dec. 1871). Phil.,
1869-71. O. 22 pts.
PHILBRICK, John Dudley. City school system in the United
States. Wash., 1885. O. (U. S. Bureau of Education. Cir-
culars of Information, no. 1, 1885.)
PHILIP 11. hiufi of Macedon.
HOGARTH, D: G. Philip and Alexander of Macedou. N. Y., 1897. il.
maps. O.
PHILIP n, Augustus, king of France.
GUILLAUME le Breton. Vie de Philippe-Auguste. (In Col. des m6m.
rel. A I'hist. de France, s. 3. v. 11.)
RIGORD — . Vie de Philippe-Auguste. (In Same, s. 3, v. 11.
PHILIP n. king of Spain.
GAYATIRE, C. E. A. Philip H of Spain. N. Y., 1866. por. O.
HUME, M. A. H. Philip II of Spain. Lond., 1897. D. (For. states-
PHILIPPE de Beimes. The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan
of Dammartin; ed. by Le Roux de Lincy. [Lond.], 1858. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 72.)
PHILIl'PI, Jean. M6moires. {In Col. des m^m. rel. I'hist. de
France, 1823. s. 1, v. 34.)
PHILH*S, Melville, ed. The making of a newspaper; experi-
ences of certain representative American journalists related
bv themselves. N. Y., 1893. S.
PHILIPSOX, David. Old European Jewries. Phil., 1894. D.
PHILIPSON, John. The art and cra'ft of coach-building. Lond.,
1897. 11. 191 p. S. (Technol. hand-books.)
PHILLEO family. See Fillow, Philo, and Philleo family.
PHILLIPS, Albert M. comp. Phillijis genealogies; including the
family of George Phillips ... of \\'atertown, Mass., from
1630 to the present generation. Auburn, 1885. pors. O.
PHH^LIPS. Charles. Vacation thoughts on capital punishments.
Lond., 1857. 99 p. O.
PHILLIPS, Claude. Sir Joshua Reynolds. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
PHILLIPS, Joseph. Wood-eaiving, being a carefully graduated
educational course for schools and adult classes. Lond.,
189G. pi. 92 p. O.
PHILLIPS, Lawrence Parnett. Dictionary of biographical refer-
ence. New ed. rev. cor. and aug., with supp. to date, by F. L.
White. Phil., 1889. O.
PHILLIPS, Thomas, capt. Voyage along the coast of Guinea to
AYhidaw, the island of St. Thomas, and thence to Barbadoes,
in 1G93. (/w Green, J: Voyages and travels, v, 2, p. 387.)
PHILLIPS, W. C. See Hooper, ^V. H., and Phillips, W. C. Marks
on pottery and porcelain.
PHILLIPS, W. S. Totem tales: Indian stories Indian told, gath-
ered in the Pacific northwest. Chic, 1896. il. O.
PHILLIPS, Wendell. The labor question. Post., 1884. 34 p. D.
Sjjeeches, lectures, and letters. 2d ser. Bost., [c. 1891].
por. O.
PHILLIPS, William A. Labor, land and law : a search for the mis-
sing wealth of the working poor. N. Y,, 1886. D.
PHILLIPS, AYilliam Battle. Iron-making in Alabama. Montgom-
ery, 1896. O. pam. (Ala. Geol. Surv.)
A preliminary report on a part of the lower gold belt of Ala-
bama. Montgomery, 1892. 87 p. pi. map. O. pam.
{Same. Bull. no. 3.)
PHILLIPS family.
PHILLIPS, A. M. comp. Phillips genealogies. Salem, 1885. pors. 0.
PHILO family. See Pillow, Philo, and Philleo family.
PHILOSOPHICAL classics for English readers; ed. by William
Knight. Phil., 1881-90. 13 v. pors. S.
Kanitli/: Bacon, F. pt. 2., by J. Nichol. Berkeley, by A. C. Fraser.
Butler, by W: L. Collins. Decartes, by J. P. Mahaffy. Fichte, by
R. Adamson. Hamilton, by J: Veitch. Hegel, by E. Caird. Hobbes,
by G: C. Robertson. Hume, by W. Knight. Kant, by W. Wallace.
Leibniz, by J: T. Merz. Locke, by A. C. Fraser. Vico, by R. Flint.
PHILPOT, J/r5. J. H, The sacred tree; or, The tree in religion and
myth. Lond., 1897. il. O.
PHIN, John. A guide to good living: a pocket dictionary of the
French terms employed in cookery on menus N.
Y., 1896. 32 p. Tt.
Pocket dictionary of monetary and coinage terms. N. Y., 1896.
52 p. Tt.
PHINNEY, Arthur John. The natural gas field of Indiana. {In
U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th annual report.)
PHIPPS, Ramsay Weston. Address. {In U. S. Dept. of Agric.
Misc. Spec. Rept. no. 5.)
PHIPSON, Emma. The animal-lore of Shakespeare's time, includ-
ing quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish and insects. Lond.,
1883. D.
PHIPSON, Thomas Lambe. Famous violinists and fine violins;
historical notes, anecdotes and reminiscences. Lond.,
1896. D.
PHISTERER, Frederick, romp. New York in the war of the re-
bellion, 1861-1865. 2d ed. Albany, 1890. Q.
PHCENIX, John, pseud. See Derby, G. H.
PHCENIX; V. 1, Aug. aO-Dec. 6, 1857; Jan. 10- Jan. 31, Feb. 14,
1858. Sac, 1857-58. F.
PHYFE, William Henry Pinkney. Seven thousand words often
misi)ronounced. N. Y., 1895. S.
PHYSICIANS' and students' ready reference series, no. 12, Phil.,
181)1. D.
Samelij: Buret, F. Syphilis, v. 1.
PIATT, Donu. General George H. Thomas: a critical biography;
with concluding chapters by Henry V. Boynton. Cin., 1893.
por. O.
Memoires of the men who saved the Union. N. Y., Chic, 1887.
pors. pi. D.
Poems and plays. Cin., 1893. D.
Sundav meditations and selected prose sketches. Cin.,
1893."^ D.
MILLER, C: G. Don Piatt: his work and his ways. Cin., 1893.
por. D.
PICAYUNE, The daily; July-Dec 1890. New Orleans, 1890. 2
V. F.
PICKAKD, Josiah Little. School supervision. N. Y., 1890. D.
(Int. education ser., v. 15.)
PICKAKD, Samuel Thomas. Hawthorne's first diary, with an ac-
count of its discovery and loss. Bost., 1897. il. 115 p. S.
Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. Bost., 1894. 2
V. il. pors. D.
PICKETT, Charles Edward. Land-gambling versus mining-gamb-
ling; an open letter to Squire P. Dewey. S. F., 1879. 21
p. "^O.
Philosopher Pickett's anti-plundercraft pamphlet. S. F., 1879.
74 p. O. {Tn Cal. pamps., v. 2.)
PICO DELLA MTRANDOLA. Giovanni Francesco. Giovanni Pico
della ]Mirandola: his life: also three of his letters; his inter-
pretation of Psalm XVI; his twelve rules of a Christian life;
his twelve points of a perfect lover, and his deprecatory hymn
to God: tr. from the Latin by Sir T: More; ed. with introd.
and notes by J. M. Rigg. Lond., 1890. 135 p. Q.
PICTORIAL war record; battles of the late civil war (continua-
tion) ; V. 2-3. N. Y., 1882-84. 2 v. in 1. F.
PICTT'^RESQUE California and the region west of the Rocky Moun-
tains from Alaska to Mexico: ed. by J: Muir. Containing
etchings, photogravures, wood engravings, etc., by American
artists. Connoisseur ed. S. F. and N. Y., 1888-[91]. 10 v.
F. extra plates. 4 v. F.
PICTURESQUE Canada; the countrv as it was and is; ed. by G:
M.Grant. Toronto, [c 1882]. 2 v. il. pi. F.
PICTURESQUE Ireland: a literarv and artistic delineation; ed.
by J: Savage. N. Y., 1878. il. pi. F.
PICTURESQUE scenery of South Africa: a series of original and
artistic photograi)hs: accompanied by a concise history of
soutbern Africa, compiled by H. P. Smith. Winona, Minn.,
[c.1882]. photos, map. F.
PIEKCE, C. F. History and camp life of company C, Fifty-first
regiment, Massaclmsetts volunteer militia, 1862-63. Wor-
cester, 1886. 130 p. pors. maps. O.
PIERCE, Edward Lillie. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner
(continuation); v. 3-4, 1845-74. Bost, 1893. 2 v. pors. O.
PIERCE, Edward T. The teaching force; importance of normal
schools as a source of supply. [Los Angeles, 1895.] 24 p.
O. pam.
PIERCE, Franklin, gen.
BARTLETT, D. W. Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire,
the democratic candidate for president of the United States. Au-
burn, 1852. por. D.
HAWTHORNE, N. Life of Franklin Pierce. Bost., 1852. 144 p.
por. D.
PIERCE, Frederick Clifton. History of Grafton, Worcester
county, Massachusetts, 1647-1879; including genealogies of
seventy-nine of the older families. Worcester, 1879. il.
pors. O.
coll. Pearce genealogy; being the record of the posterity of
Richard Pearce of Portsmouth, R. I. Rockford, 1888. O.
Pierce genealogy; being the record of the posterity of
Capt. Michael, John, and Capt. AYilliam Pierce, who came to
this countrv from England. Albany, 1889. il. O.
PIERCE, H. N. Ir. Mundt, C. M. Henry VIII and his court.
PIERCE, Newton B. Tiie California vine disease. Wash., 1892.
O. (U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Veg. Pathologv, Bull. no. 2.)
PIERCE family.
PIERCE, F C. Pierce genealogy; being the record of the posterity of
Capt Michael, John and Capt. William Pierce, who came to this
country from. England. Albany, 1889. il. 0.
PIERCE the ploughman's crede, about 1394 A. D.; transcribed and
edited from ms. Trinity College, Cambridge; collated with
ms. in the British Museum, and with the old printed text of
1553; to which is appended, God spede the plough, about
1500 A. D., from ms. Lansdowne 762; bv W. W. Skeat.
Lond., 1867. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. >ub. Reg. ser.
no. 30.)
PIERRE fiionk of Vaux-Cernay. Histoire de V h6r6sie des Albigeois,
et de la sainte guerre enterprise contre eux de I'an 1203 a I'an
1218. (In Col. des msli('ld, N. Ti-caliso on the pretond-
ed divorct' botwoeii lloiiry VJIT. and (^atharino of Aragon.
[Westminster], 1878. O. (Camden Soc, n.s. v. 21.)
Tronbles connected with the jn-ayei' book of 1549. [West-
minster]. 1884. (). ((^amden Soc., n.s. v. 37.)
rOCOCKK. Edward. India in Greece; or, Truth in mythology.
Lond., 1852. ]ua})s. D.
r01)M01\K. Frank. A])i»ari1ions and thonglit-transference: an
examination of the evidence for telepathy. Lond., 1895. il.
T). (Contemp. sci. ser.)
Studies in psychical research. N. Y., 1897. O.
POE, Edgar Allan. Works; (continuation); v. 3. N. Y., 1864, D.
POERIO family.
THE Poerios. {In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the epoch of
POET-LOKE: a monthly magazine devoted to Shakespeare,
Browning and the comparative study of literature: ed. by
Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Jan., 1889-Dec. 1897.
Vol. 1-9. Phil., Post., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
POETS and etchers. Post., 1882. 11. pi. F.
POGGI, Tito. Engrais artiiiciels et fumier d'^table; regies
pratiques pour Tachat, I'emploi et revaluation des engrais;
tr. par F. Cazalis. Montpellier, 1888. 78 p. table. D.
POITEVIN, Prosper, ed. Petits poetes frangais, depuis Malherbe
jusquW nos jours. Paris, 1856. 2 v. O.
POLE, William. The philosophy of whist. 6th ed. rev. aug. Lond.,
1892. S.
POLEHAMPTON, Ecv. Henry Stedman. :Memoir, letters, and
diary; ed. by Rev. E: Polehampton and Rev. T: S. Pole-
hanipton. 2d ed. Lond., 1858. pi. D.
POLITICAL record [weekly] (continuation); July, 1889-Dec.,
1897. S. F., 1889-97. 2 v. F.
POLITICAL, religious, and love poems; from the Archbishop of
Canterburv's Lambeth ms. and other sources; ed. by F. J.
Furnivall.*^ Lond., 1866. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 15.)
POLITICAL science quarterly: a review devoted to the historical
statistical and comparative study of politics economics and
public law (continuation); v. 4-12. Post., etc., 1889-97. 9
V. O.
POLITICAL songs of England, from the reign of John to that of
Edward II. ; ed. and tr. by T: Wright. Lond.. 18.?9. O.
(Cnmden Soc. v. 6.)
POLK, Leonidas.
•POLK, W: M. Leonidas Polk, bishop and general. N. Y., 1894. 2 v.
pi. pors. plans. D.
POLK, R. L. and Co. fuh. California state gazetteer and business
directorv; 1890.1893. S. F., c. 1890-9.3. 2 v. O.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer and business direo-
torv, 1889-90, v. 4. Portland, [c. 1889]. O.
__ Portland citv directory 1893, 1895. Portland, [c. 1893-95.]
2 V. . O.
POLK, William Mecklenburg. Leonidas Polk, bishop and general..
N. Y., 1894. 2 V. pi. pors. plans. D.
POLK county, (Iowa.)
DIXON, J. M. Centennial history of Polk county, Iowa. Des Moines,
1876. O.
POLLAED, Alfred William. Early illustrated books: a history of
the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and 16th
centuries. Lond., 1893. pi. O.
ed. English miracle plays, moralities, and interludes: speci-
mens of the pre-Elizabethan drama; ed. with introduction^
notes, and glossary. Oxford, 1890. D.
Odes from the Greek dramatists; tr. into lyric metres
by English poets and scholars. Chic, 1890. S.
POLLARD, Edward Albert. Black diamonds gathered in the
darkey homes of the south. N. Y., 1859. 122 p. D.
POLLARD, Joseph. The land of the monuments, notes of Egyptian
travel. Lond., 189(J. il. D.
POLLOCK, Edward. Poems. Phil., 187G. por. D.
Ode, delivered before the Society of California Pioneers, Sept.
9, 1857; Poem, delivered before the Society of California
Pioneers, Sept. 9, 185G. [In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and
poems, 1853-57, v. 1.)
Poem, delivered before the Societv of Cal. Pioneers, Sept. 9,
1858. (In Same, 1858-91, v. 2.)
POLLOCK, Sir Frederick. An introduction to the historv of the
science of politics. Lond., 1890. 10-1-126 p. D.
Oxford lectures and other discourses. Lond., 1890. O.
The land laws. 2d ed. Lond., 1887. D. (English citizen.)
and Maitland, Frederic William. History of English law be-
fore the time of Edward I. Post., 1895.' 2 v. O.
POLLOCK, Sir George.
LOW, C. R. Life and correspondence of Field-Marshal Sir George
Pollock. Lond., 1873. por. O.
POJjLOCK, Si)- William Frederick. Personal remembrances.
Lond., 1887. 2 v. D.
POLLOK, Allan. D.D. The book of common order and the direc-
tory for worship. (In Hall, C: C. and others. Christian wor-
POLLOK. F. If-rnl. Sport in British Burmah. Assam and the
Cassyah and Jyntiah Hills. Lond., 1879. 2 v. pi. maps. O.
POLO, Marco. Travels in Tartary. {In Green, J: Voyages and
travels, v. 4., p. 580.)
MITCHELL, C. F. Forty lessons in carpentry worksaop practice; rev.
by G. C. Pope. Lond., [etc.] 47 p. il. D.
POMEROY, Marcus Mills. Gold-dust: for beautifving of lives and
homes. N. Y., 1871. pi. D.
PONTCHARTRAIN, Paul Ph(^lypeaux, seigneur de. M(^moires con-
cernant les affaires de France sous la r^gence de ]\farie de-
M«5dicis; avec un journal des conferences de Loudon. [In
Col. des m(?m. rel h I'hist. de France, 1822. s. 2, v. 16-17.)
PONTIS Louis de. Mt'^moires; contemint plusieurs circoustance»
reiiiannuibles des gnerros de la cour, et du gouvernement de
ces princes. {In Same, 1824. s. 2, v. 31-82.)
rOOL, MatilKMV. See Poole, Matthew.
POOLE, Edward.
POOLE, M. E: History of E: Poole of Weymouth, Mass., and his des-
ceiula'nts. Ithaca, 1893. O.
POOLE, Fraukliu O. ed. See Fletcher, W: L, and Poole, F. <). eds.
Poole's index to periodical literature, od. supp.
POOLE {Lat. Polus) Matthew. D.D. Annotations upon the Holy
Bible; wherein the sacred text is inserted and various read-
ings annexed. N. Y., 1880. 3 v. O.
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque scripturae interpretum: v.
1-4. Lond., 1669-80. 4 v. in 8. F.
Xamcli/: Vol. 1:1-2. Genesis to Job. 2:1-2. Job-Prophecies. 3:1-2.
Prophecies. 4:1-2. New Testament.
POOLE, Murray Edward. The history of Edward Poole of Wey-
mouth, Mass., (1635,1 and his descendants. Ithaca, 1893. O.
POOLE, Stanley Lane. Anrangzib. Oxford, 1893. por. map. D.
(Rulers of India.)
The coins of the Mogliul emperors of Hindustan in the liritish
Museum; ed. by R. S. Poole. Lond., 1892. pi. O.
The Mohammadan dynasties, chronological and genealogical
tables with historic'al introduction. Westminster, 1894. D.
Selections from the Knr-an ; by E : W: Lane. New ed. r<'v. enl.
with an introduction by P. Lond., 1890. O. (Triibner'n
oriental ser.)
ed. Lane, E:W: Cairo fifty years ago.
POOLE, Thomas.
SANFORD, Mrs. H. Poole and his friends. Lend., 1888. 2 v. D.
POOLE, William Frederick, and Fletcher, AVilliam I. Index to per-
iodical literature. Revised ed.; v. 1:1-2, 1802-81. Post.. 1891.
2 V. Q.
Same; first supplement, from January 1, 1882 to January 1,
1887. Best., 1888. Q.
Same; second supplement, from January 1, 1887 to January 1.
1892. Post., 1893. Q. (2 cop.)
Same; third supplement, from Jan. 1, 1892, to Dec. 31. 1890.
by W: I. Fletcher and F. O. Poole. Bost., 1897. Q.
POOLE family.
POOLE, M. E. The history of Edward Poole of Weymouth, Mass., and
his descendants. Ithaca, 1893. O.
POOR. Henrv Varnum. Directory of railway officials and manual
of American street railways, 1895. N. Y., [1895]. O.
Manual of the railroads of the United States; 1889-96. N. Y.,
[1889-96]. 8 V. O.
The money question, a handbook for the times. N. Y., 1896.
103 p. 6.
and H. W. Handbook of investment securities; supplement-
ing Poor's manual of Railroads. 3d annual nnmber: 1892.
N. Y.. [1892]. O.
POOR, John Alfred. The first international railway and the colon-
ization of New PJngland: Life and writings of J: A. Poor;
ed. by L. E. I»oor. N. Y., 1802. O.
I'OORE, Benjamin Perley. comp. Political register and congress-
ional directory: a statistical record of the federal officials,
legislative, executive, and judicial of the United States of
America 1776-1878. Bost., 1878. pi. Q.
POl'E, Albert A. colonel. The movement for better roads: an ad-
dress. Bost., 1892. 31 p. D. pamp.
POPE, Alexander. Letters to Atterbury when in the Tower of
London; ed. by J : G. Nichols. Lond., 18.51). 22 p. O. {In
Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
DENNIS, J: Age of Pope. Lond., 1896. S. (Handbooks of Bng.
POI'E, Fi'anklin Leonard. The electric, motor and its applications.
(In Brackett, C. F., and others. Electricity in daily life.)
1*0PE. Nathaniel, gen.
MILLS, L. B. General Pope's Virginia campaign of 1862. Cin., 1870.
32 p. O.
POPE, Bev. William Burt. Compendium of Christian theology:
being analytical outlines of a course of theological study,
Biblical, dogmatic, historical. 2d ed. rev. enl. N. Y., [n.d.].
3 V. O.
Higher catechism of theology. Lond., 1883. O.
/'•• El)rard, J. H. A. Biblical commentarv on the Epistles of
St. John. Edin., 1800. O.
Haupt, E. First Epistle of St. John; a contribution to Bib-
lical theology. Edin., 1870. O.
Stier, E. R. Words of the Lord Jesus.
POPULAR astronomy; ed. by W. W. Payne and H. C. Wilson; v.
5. May 1897-Feb. 1898. Northfield, 1808. O.
POPULAR science monthly (continuation); v. 35-51. N. Y., 1889-
97. 17 V. O.
Index for the twenty volumes from 1872-82 and of the three
volumes of the supplement. N. Y., 1883. O.
?ndex from 1872-92, including vols. 1-40, and Twenty-one num-
bers of the Supplement; comp. bv F. A. Fernald. N. Y.,
1893. O.
supplement (continuation); 7-20. N. Y., 1878. 2 v. O.
Same, new issue; no. 1. N. Y., 1879. O.
Index to the Popular science monthlv; 1872-82, and of the
three vols, of the Supp. N. Y., 1883." O.
Index to the Popular science monthly; 1872-92, and the
Twentv-one numbers of 1he Supp.; comp. bv F. A. Fernald.
N. Y.. 1893. O.
PORRITT. Edward. Labor movement in English politics. (In
Amer Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1894. Papers no. 14.)
PORTER. Charles Talbot. Treatise on the Richards steam-engine
indicator, and the development and application of force in
the steam-engine. 4th ed. rev. enl. N. Y.. 1888. il. pi. O.
POHTER. riiarU's \N'. ;Ust report to tlie Lejiislatnrc of Vormont
rchUinji \o tlic registry and returns of births, marriages,
deaths and divorces in the slate for tlio year ending Dee. 31,
1887. Rutland. ISSS. ().
comp. A^M'monl h'gishit ivc directory ; 18!»0. Battleboro, 1890.
map. S.
POKTEli, Chadotte, and (Marke, Helen A. cds. Poetdore: Jan.
18S0-I)ec. 1897. v. 1-9. Phil., Host., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
POKTER, David Dixon, admiral
MEMORIAL proceedings of the Michigan Legislature for W: T. Sher-
man and Admiral D. D. Porter. Lansing, 1891. 45 p. Q.
PORTER, Fitz John, maj.-gen.
COX. J. D. Second battle of Bull Run as connected with the Fitz-
John Porter case. Cin., 1882. 4-|-124 p. D.
JOHNSON, R. A reply to the review of Judge Advocate General Holt,
of the proceedings, findings and sentence of the general court martial
in the case of Major General Fitz-John Porter, and a vindication of
that officer. 2d rev. ed. Bait., 1863. 88 p. O.
PORTER, Horace. Railway passenger travel. (In Clarke, T: C,
and others. The American railway.)
PORTER, J. Hampden. Wild beasts; study of the characters and
habits of tlie elephant, lion, [etc.]. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
PORTER. John Addison. //•. The city of Washington, its origin
and administration. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 3.)
PORTER, Xoah. Kant's Ethics; a critical exposition. Chic,
188G. S.
The two-hundredth birthday of Bishop George Berkeley, a
discourse given at Yale College on the 12th of ]March, 1885.
N. Y., 1895. por. 84 p. O.
A MEMORIAL by his friends, edited by G: S. Merriam. N. Y., 1893.
pors. O.
PORTER, Robert V. Bread-winners abroad. N. Y., [c. 1885]. D.
Free-trade folly. N. Y., [c. 1886]. 96 p. D.
Protection and free trade to-day; at home and abroad, in field
and workship. Bost., 1884. ^84 p. D.
PORTEX'S, Beilbv. Review of the life and character of Archbishop
Seeker. (In Seeker, T. Works; v. 1.)
PORTFOLIO: an artistic periodical; ed. by P. G. Hamerton; [v.
16-24.] Lond., 1885-93. 9 v. F. Conlinved as; Portfolio:
monographs on artistic subjects; no. 1-.34. -Tan. 1894-Oct.
1897. Lond., 1894-97. 11. 5 v. and pts. O.
. Hamerton is ed to Dec. 1894: pub. monthly to Dec. 1895, hi-
monthly fhereaffer.
*Cf)iitf')ifoftie. W: J:
Whitehall, historical and architectural notes. 17. Anderson, W: .Jap-
anese wood-engravings. 18. Phillips C. Antoine Watteau. 19. Cor-
PORTFOLIO: An artistic periodical:
nish, C. J. Isle of Wight. 20. Ady, Mrs. H: Raphael in Rome. 21.
Biny'on, L. Dutch etchers of the seventeenth century. 22. Garnett,
R: William Blake, painter and poet. 23. Destree, O. G. Renaissance
of sculpture in Belgium. 24. Weale, W. H. J. Gerard David, painter
and illuminator. 25. Phillips, C. Picture gallery of Chas. I. 26.
Waern, C. John La Parge, artist and writer. 27. Garnett, R: Rich-
mond on the Thames. 28. Armstrong, W. Life of Velasquez. 29.
Armstrong, W. Art of Velasquez. 30. Davenport, C. Royal English
bookbindings. 31. Gust, L. Paintings and drawings of Albrecht
Diirer. 32. Binyon, L. John Crome and John Sell Cotman. 33.
Gardner, J. S. Armour in England. 34. Phillips, C. Earlier work of
PORTLAND (Oregon.)
PORTLAND city directory: 1893, 1895. R. L. Polk and Co. publishers.
Portland, c. 1893-95. 2 v. 0.
Library Association. 29tli-31st annual rej^orts; 1892-95. Port-
land, 1894-95. O. 3 pam.
POSSE, Nils, laroyi. The special kinesiology of educational gym-
nastics. Bost., 1894. il. por. chart. O.
POST, J. W. Maintenance, expenses of track on wooden and metal
ties. {Jn U. S. Dept. of Agric. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 3.)
]*OST, Philip Sidney.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and services of P., late a representa-
tive from Illinois, delivered in the House of Representatives and Sen-
ate, 53d Congress, 3d session. Wash., 1895. por. Q. (U. S. Cong.
H. M. D. v. n.)
POST, The evening [daily]; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1889-97.
17 V. F.
POSTANS, Mrs. Thomas. Cutch ; or, Random sketches taken during
a residence in one of the northern provinces of western India.
Loud., 1839. col. pi. O.
POSTE, Beale. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins-
with a glossary of archaic Celtic words and an
atlas of coins. Lond., 186i. il. pi. 172-i-8 p. O.
POSTERS in miniature, with an introduction bv E: Penfield. N. Y.,
1896. il. D.
POSTON, Charles D. Apache-land. S. F., 1878. Ul p. pi.
por. O.
POTTER, Beatrice. See Webb, Mrs. Beatrice Potter.
POTTER, Charles Edward, ed. Genealogies of the Potter families
and thoir descendants in America. -Bost., 1888. il. por. F.
POTTER, Elisha R. jr. The early history of Narragansett. (In R.
I. Hist. soc. Col. V. 3.)
POTTER, Henry Codman. The Chicago-Lambeth articles. {Tn-
Shields, C: W., and others. Church unity.)
POTTER. M. C. An elementary text-book of agricultural botany.
Lond., 1893. S. (University ex. ser.)
POTTER family.
POTTER, C. E. ed. Genealogies of the Potter families and their des-
cendants in America. Bost., 1888. 11. pors. F.
POTTER'S American monthly; an illustrated magazine of history,
literature, science and art; v. 4-13; 1875-79. Phil., [1875-79].
10 V. in 5. O.
Xfttr: Continiiniinn of American historical record.
POTTIER, E. Vases antiques dii Louvre; salles A-E. Paris, 1897.
pi. F.
POTTJS, William. Form aud color iu nature. {In Brooklyu Elhical
Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art.)
The monetary problem, (in Same. Man and the state.)
POUJ.SSON, Emilie. In the child's world: morning talks aud
stories for kindergartens, primary schools, and homes.
Springfield, 181)7. il. O.
POULTON, Edward IJagnall. Charles Darwin and the theory of
natural selection. N. Y., 1806. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
The colours of animals, their meaning and use, especially con-
sidered in the case of insects. N. Y., 1890. il. D. (Int. sci.
ser., V. 07.)
POUZOLZ, — de. Flore du dt^'partment du Card, ou description des
plantes; tome 1. Montpellier, 18G2. O.
POWELL, Charles F. Systems of army administration, with notes
on U. S. service; May 10, 1809. (Essayons Club; printed
papers, v, 1, no. 12.)
POWELL, George H. Excursions in libraria; being retrospective
reviews and bibliographical notes. N. Y., 1890. il. D.
POWELL, G: S. Baden-. See Baden-Powell, G: S.
PO^VELL, Henrv. ed. Esquemeling, J: Buccaneers of America.
X. Y., 1893. O.
POWELL, Henry J. The principles of glass-making. Loud.. 1883.
il. 180 p.' S. (Technol. handbooks.)
POWELL, John J. Nevada: the land of silver. S. F., 1870. pi. O.
POWELL, John Weslev. 8th-10th annual report of the TTnited
States GeologicalSurvey; 1886-9.5. Wash., 1889-90. 17 v. Q.
(U. S. Cong, docs.)
Indian linguistic families of America north of Mexico. (In
Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Eth. 7th annual report.)
POWELL, Lvman P. Historv of education in Delaware. Wash.,
1893. b. (U. S. Bu. of 'Ed. Circ. of inform, 1893. no. 3.)
POWELL, Rev. S. W. tr. Rousset, A. Les etudes de maitre Pierre
sur Pagriculture et les forets.
POAVELL. Thomas. See Bunker. M. P. Long Island genealogies.
POWELL, William Henrv. lievt-col Records of living officers of
the Ignited States army. Phil., 1890. O.
rd. Officers of the army and navy (volunteer) who served in
the civil war. Phil., 1893. pors. F.
and Shippen, Edward, rd.^. Officers of the aruiy and navy
(regular) who served in the civil war. Phil., LS92. pors. F.
POWER, Henry, avd Sedgwick, Leonard W^ Lexicon of medicine
and the allied sciences (continuation); v. 3-4. Lond., 1888-
92. 2 V. O. (New Sydenham Soc.)
POWER. Thomas 0. Silver: the friend of the farmer and the
miner. Wash., 1893. 2i\ p. O. (Tii Tracts on finance; v. 7.)
POWDERS. Edward. War and the weather. Rev. ed. Delavan,
1890. D.
POWERS, Frank H. I swear. X. Y., 1«9L D.
POWERS. Fred. Perry. Labor-making machinery; an essay read
before the Chicago Philosophical Society, April 12, 1879. N.
Y.. 1879. 39 p. D. (Economic monogrnphs: no. 18.)
POWEKS, George W. The story of the Thirty-eighth regiment of
Massachussetts volunteers. Canib., 186(), D.
POWERS, Laura Bride. The story of the old missions of Califor-
nia: their establishment, progress and decay. S. F., 1893.
pi. D.
POWERS, Stephen. Afoot and alone: a walk from sea to sea by
the southern route; adventures and observations in Southern
California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, etc. Hartford,
1872. pi. D.
PRACTICAL taxidermy: a manual of instruction to the amateur
in collecting, preserving and setting up natural history speci-
mens of all kinds; to which is added a chapter upon the pic-
torial arrangement of museums; illustrated by Montagu
Browne. 2d ed. Lond., 1884. il. pi. D.
PRACTITIONER, The; a journal of therapeutics and public health
(continuation); ed. bv T. L. Brunton, D. Macalister, and J. M.
Bruce; v. 43-59. Lond., and N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
PRADE, I. Roger de. Histoire d'Alleniagne. Paris, 1677. Q.
PRATT, Alice Edwards. The sleeping princess California. S. F.,
[c. 1892, n.p.]. il. D.
PRATT, Eleazer Franklin. Phinehas Pratt and some of his descend-
ants. Bost., 1897. il. 164 p. O.
I'RATT, L. E. The duties of the citizen; an oration delivered at
Grass Valley, July 4, 1864. 16 p. D. (In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
PRATT family.
PRATT, B. F.Phinehas Pratt and some of his descendants. Bost, 1897.
il. 168 p. O.
PRATT Institute. (Brooklvn, N. Y.) Catalogue 1895-6, 1897-8.
Brooklyn, 1895-97. o'. 2. pani.
PREBLE, George Henry. Historv of the Ignited States navy-yard,
Portsmouth, N. H. Wash.,' 1892. O.
PRENTICE, xAndrew N. Renaissance architecture and ornament in
Spain, a series of examples selected from the purest works
executed between the years 1500-1560: with short
desci'iptive text. Lond.^ [1893]. il. pi. F.
PRENTICE, Chalmer. M.V. The eve in its relation to health.
Chic, 1895. D.
PRENTICE George. Wilbur Fisk. Bost., 1890. D. (Amer. relig-
ious leaders.)
PRENTICE George Denison. Biograpliv of Henrv Clav. N. Y.,
1831. por. D.
PRENTISS. D. Webster. See Coues, E., and Prentiss. D. W. Avi-
fauna Columbiana.
PRENTISS. George Lewis. Biographical sketch of L. F. Stearns.
iTn Stearns, L. F. Present day theology.)
PRESBYTERIAN quart erlv and Princeton' review; n.s. v. 1-6;
1872-77. N. Y., [1872-77]. 6 v. O. C nntinuaUon of tXxe m\i-
lical repertory and Princeton review; Continued as: The
Princeton review.
PRESENT to vouths and voung men. A; book 1-2. [n.p.] 1891. 2
V. il. t).
PRESIDENTIAL counts: a complete official record. N. Y.,
1877. O.
TKESS, The [daily] ; Julv-Dec. 1889, July-Dec. 1890. Phil., 1889-90.
4 V. ¥.
PKESiSENSI^:, Edmund Deluiult de. A study of origius; or, The
problems ol knowledge, of beiug, aud of duly. 2d ed. N. Y.^
188G. D.
PKE8!SE^'!^f^:, Frauds de. I'urcell's "Manniug" refuted. Life of
Cardinal Manniug with a critical examination of E. S. Pur-
cell's mistakes; tr. by E. T. Furey. Phil., 1897. D.
PEESTO^', Edward P. California gold mill practices. Sac, 1895.
8") p. O. (Cal. State Mining Pureau. Pull. no. G.)
PKESTON, Edward ISIeyers. cd. and camp. Nevada county, the fam-
ous Partlett pear belt of California. Nevada City, 188G. 52
p. il. O.
PivESTON, Howard Willis. Documents illustrative of American
history 1(>00-1803; with introductions and references. N. Y.,
aud Lond., 1886. O.
PKESTOX, John S. See Anderson, F., Penning, H: L., and Preston,
J : S. Addresses delivered before the Virginia state conven-
tion, Feb., 1861.
I'KESTUN, Noble D. History of the Tenth regiment of cavalry.
New Y^ork state volunteers, August, 1861-August, 1865; with
an introduction by Gen. D. McM. Gregg. N. Y., 1892. pi.
pors. maps. O.
PKESTON, Thomas Scott, inonsignor. God and reason: lectures
upon the primary truths of natural religion. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1884. D.
Lectures on reason and revelation delivered in St. Ann's
church, New York, during the season of Advent, 1867. N. Y.,
1868. D.
PRESTWICH, Joseph. Collected papers on some controverted
questions of geology. Lond., 1895. il. pi. O.
PRf:VOST d'Exiles, Antoine Franrois. ahhe. Histoire de Manon
Lescaut et du Chevalier Desgrieux. Paris, 1895. D.
PREY^ER, William Thierrv. The mind of the child; pt. 1. The
senses and the will;" tr. by H. AY. Brown. N. Y., 1888. D.
(Int. education ser. v.7.)
PRIBER. E. C. The vineyards in Napa county; being the report of
P. commissioner for the Napa district, to the Board of State
Viticultural Commissioners of California. Sac, 1893. 47
p. O.
PRICE, David, tr. Jahanglr. Memoirs. Lond., 1829. F.
PRICE, Edmund E. The science of self-defence: a treatise on spar-
ring and wrestling. N. Y., [c 1867]. 130 p. iL S.
PRICE, Ira Maurice. A svllabus of Old Testament history. 3d ed.
N. Y., [1892.] D.
PRICE, J.. ai)d PTaley, C. S. rnmp.<'. The buyers' manual and busi-
ness guide: being a description of the leading business
houses, etc., of the Pacific coast, together with selections
chiefly from California writers. S. F.. 1872. O.
PRICE. Laiigford Lovell Frederick Rice. IMoney and its relation to
prices, being an inquiry into the causes, measurement, and
effects of changes in general prices. Lend., 1896. D. (Soc.
^ sci. ser.)
PRICE, Laugford Lovell Frederick Rice. A short history of politi-
cal ecouomy in England from Adam Smith to Arnold Toyn-
bee. Lond., 1891. I). (Univ. exten. ser.)
PRICE, Theodore F. Songs of the southwest. Topeka, 1881. 191
p. D.
PRICE, Thomas \\\ Brief notes taken on a trip to the city of
Mexico in 1878. [n.p. n.d.] 103 p. D.
PRICE, William Arthur. A treatise on the measurement of elec-
trical resistance. Oxford, 1891. O.
PRICHARD, Iltudus Thomas. The administration of India from
1859-69. Lond., 1869. 2 v. map. O.
The mutinies in Rajpootana; being a personal narrative of
the mutiny at Nusseerabad, with subsequent residence at
Jodhpore and journey across the desert into Sind. Lond.,
1860. D.
PRICHARD, James Cowles. Natural history of man; comprising
inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral
agencies on the different tribes of the human family. 3d ed.
enl. Lond., 1848. col. pi. O.
PRIDEAUX, Humphrey. Letters to John Ellis, 1674-1722; ed. by
E. M. Thompson. [Westminster], 1875. O. (Camden Soc,
n.s. V. 15.)
PRIG, The. psend. The platitudes of a pessimist. Lond., 1897. O.
The prigment: being The life of a prig; Prig's Bede; How to
make a saint; The churgress. Lond., 1888. D.
PRIME, William Cowper. Along New England roads. N. Y., [c.
1802]. S.
PRIME ministers of Queen Victoria; ed. by S. J. Reid. N. Y., 1890-
92. 3 V. D.
Namelii: Beaconsfield, by J. A. Fronde. Gladstone, W: E., by G: W.
E. Russell. Palmerston, Viscount, by Marquis of Lome.
PRINCE, Frank A. ed. Records of our ancestors all per-
sons by the name of Prince, who served in Lexington alarm,
Revolutionarv war. War of 1812, and Civil war
Franklin, 1898. por. 88 p. O.
PRINCE, Thomas. A chronological history of New England in the
form of annals [down to 5 August 1633]. Bost., N. E., 1736
and 1754-55. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 2, p. 287.)
PRINCE family.
PRINCE, F. A.. Records of our ancestors, a complete list of all per-
sons by the name of Prince who served in the Lexington alarm. Rev-
olutionary war, War of 1812,. and Civil war Franklin,
1898. por. 88 p. O.
PRINCETON lectures, delivered in connection with the sesquicen-
tennial celebration of Princeton University. N. Y., 1897.
6 V. D.
'Namely: Brugmann, K. Nature and origin of noun genders in the
Indo-European languages. Dowden, E: French revolution and Eng-
lish literature. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Descent of the primates. Klein,
F. Mathematical theory of the top. Leathes, S. Claims of the Old
Testament. Seth, A. Two lectures on Theism.
PRINCETON review; new series; v. 1-[14.] N. Y., 1878-84. 14 v.
O. Continuation of Presbvterian quarterly and Princeton re-
PRINCETON university, (N. J.) Catalogue; 1894-5, 18S' circular and general record of British and foreign
literature (continuation); v. .52-67. Lond., 1889-97. 16 v.
O. Vol. 54 begins n. s. v. 1.
PUBLISHERS' circular; Christmas, 1890-95. Lond., [1890-95]. 5 v. O.
Same for 1896, bound with Pub. circular v. 66.
Same for 1897, bd. with Pub. circular v. 67.
PUBLISHERS' trade list annual (continuation); 1890-97. N. Y.^
1890-97. 8 V. Q.
PUBLISHERS' weeklv (continuation); v. 36-52; July, 1889-Dec.
1897. N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
PUCCI, Faust. Nudo vero. Roma, 1885. por. S.
PUCK (continuation); July 3, 1889-Dec. 1897. N. Y., 1889-97.
17 V. F.
World's Fair Puck; May 1-Oct. 30. 1893. Chicago. 1893. Q.
PUFFEXDORF or Pufendorf, Samuel Freiherr von. An introduc-
tion to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of
Europe. Enlarged, and continued down to the year 1743 by
M. Martiniere; improved from the French by Joseph Sayer.
' Lond., 1748. 2 v. D.
PULITZKK, Albert. Tlie ronumce of I'rince Eugene: an idyll of
the time of Napoleon I; tr. by Mrs. B. M. Sherman. N. Y.,
IS'J."). -1 V. pors. O.
ri'LLlAT, \'. Les vignes d'Amerique; les traitements au sulfure
de carbone et les traitements centre le mildew dans region
L.vonuaise. [Moutpellier], 1887. 40 p. {In Pamphlets on
viticulture, v. 1.)
PULLINd; Alexander. The order of the Coif. Bost., 1897. O.
ITLSIFI'^K, David, ed. Keeords of the colony of New Flyniouth
in New England (continuation; v. 12. Bost., 1861. Q.
PULSIFEK, Pitman. See Michael, A\': H., and Pulsifer, P. Tariff
acts of the United States.
PULSZKY, Ferencz, and Pulszky, Terc^zia. Tales and traditions
of Hungary. Lond., 1851. 3 v. D.
PUI^ZSKY, Ter4ia. See Pulszky, F. A., and Pulszky, T. Tales
and traditions of Hungary.
PU:MPELLY, Raphael, [and others]. Geology of the Green Mts. of
Mass. (U. S. Geological Surven'. Monographs, v. 23.)
PUNCHAED. Charles. Roadmaking and maintenance. (In A
UKtve for better roads. TTniv. of Penn. Com. on Better
PURCELL, Edmund Sheridan. Life of Cardinal Manning, Arch-
bishop of Westminster. N. Y., 1896. pors. 2 v. O.
PURCELL, Ferdinand Albert. On cancer, its allies and other
tumors; with special reference to their medical and surgical
treatment. Lond., 1881. O.
PURDUE University. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin:
No. 58, 60. Lafayette, Ind., 1896. O. pam.
yaiiirhi: 58. Hog cholera and swine plague in Indiana. 60. The
American persimmon.
PURRINGTON. T. Report on capital punishment, made to the
Maine legislature in 1836. 3d ed. Wash., 1852. 48 p. O.
PURTON, ^Y. J. tr. Blass, F. W. Pronunciation of ancient
PUSEY, Edward Bouverie.
STDDON, H. P. Life of E. B. Pusey. ed. by J. O. Johnston and R. J.
Wilson. 2d ed. v. 1-4. Lond., 1893-97. 4 v. pors. 0.
PUTNAM, Charles E. Elephant pipes and inscribed tablets in the
museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport,
Iowa. Davenport, 1885. 95 p. O.
PUTNAM, Douglas, jr. Reminiscences of the battle of Shilob.
{In Hunter, R. ed. Sketches of war history.)
PUTNAM, George Haven. Books and their makers during the
middle ages. 176-1600. v. 1-2. N. Y., 1896. 2 v. O.
camp. The question of copyright: a summary of the copyright
laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world.
N. Y., 1891. D. (Questions of the day 68.)
'^nme. Rev. and enl. ed. N. Y., 1896. D.
and J. B. Authors and publishers, a manual of suggestions
for beginners in literature. 7th ed. N. Y., 1897. D.
PUTNAM, Irene. Songs without answer. N. Y., [c. 1896]. 93 p.
PUTNAM, Israel.
HISTORY of the equesti'ian statue of Israel Putnam, at Brooklyn,
Conn. Hartford, 1888. 64 p. 11. por. O.
PUTNAM'S monthly magazine of American literature, science, and
Continued as Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly,
V. 6.
PUT'S golden songster; D. E. Appleton and Co. [publishers]. S.
F., [c. 1858]. 64 p. T. (In Cal. song books.)
PUT'S original California songster. 4th ed. Pub. by D. E. Apple-
ton and Co. S. F., 1868"^ 64 p. T. {In same.)
PYCHOWSKA, Lucia D. tr. Ozaman, A. F. Dante, and Catholic
philosophy in the 13th century.
PYLE, Howard. The garden behind the moon; a real story of the
moon angel. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
The merry adventures of Robin Hood of great renown in Not-
tinghamshire. N. Y., 1896. il. O.
Otto of the silver hand. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
Twilight land. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
PYLE, Walter M. See Gould, George M., and Pyle, W. M. Ano-
malies and curiosities of medicine.
<'Q." pseud. See Coucli. A. T. il
QUARITCIT, lieiiiJiid. A collection of facsimiles from examples of
bistoi'ic or ariistic book-biudin^s; [also Examples of the art
of book illuminalion diirius tlit' middle ages; reproduced in
facsimile. Loud., 1889]. Loud., 1889. pi. Q.
Examples of the art of book-illnuiinatiou during the middle
ages; reproduced in facsimile. Loud., 1889. pi. Q. iBd.
with Quaritch, B. Coll. of facsim. of book-binding.)
A general catalogue of books offered to the public at the atlixed
prices. Lond., 1887-92. 7 v. Q.
Xannli/: 1. Catalogue of fifteen hundred books remarkable for the
beauty or the age of their bindings, or as bearing indications of former
ownership by great book-collectors and famous historical personages.
2. Catalogue of medieval literature especially of the romances of chiv-
alry, and books relating to the customs, costume, art, and pageantry
of the middle ages. 3. Catalogue of Bibles, liturgies, church history
and theology.
QUARTERLY Christian spectator; v. 1-10; 1829-38. New Haven,
[1829-38]. 10 V. O.
Contimiation of Christian spectator.
QUARTERLY journal of agriculture; v. 1-25, 3d ser. v. 1-2. May,
1828-June, 1867. Edin. and Lond., 1829- [67]. 27 v. O.
QUARTERLY journal of economics (continuation ; v. 4-11; [1889-
97]. liost., 1890-97. 8 v. O.
QUARTP]RLY journal of microscopical science; new series (con-
tinuation); V. 30-34. 38-39. Lond., 1890-93, 1895-97. 7 v.
pi. O.
Index 1853-88; to the Transactions of the Microscopical So-
ciety, 1844-68; and to the Proceedings of the Dublin Micro-
scopical Club, 1865-80. Lond., 1889. 87 p. O.
QUARTERLY journal of science. See Journal of science.
QUARTERLY journal of the American Unitarian Association: v.
1-7. Bost., 1854-59. 7 v. in 6. D.
Continued as Monthly journal of the American Unitarian
QUARTERLY journal of the Geological Society of London; v. 1-53.
Lond.. 1895-97. 53 v. O.
QUARTERLY journal of the Meteorological Society; v. 1 12.
Lond., 1873-86. 12 v. O.
Note: Vol. 10 title begins Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteoro-
logical Society.
QUARTEliLY register and journal of the American Education
Society. See American quarterly register.
QUARTERLY review (continuation); v. 29, 32. 140, 160, 169 186.
Lond., 1823-97. 22 v. O.
Note: Vols. 140, 160, 181, are General index, vols. 122-139, 141-159.
QUEBEC, (province.) Legislative Assembly. General index to the
journals; lst-6th Legislatures, 1867-87; by P. E. Smith.
Quebec, 1891 . O.
(iUP'nEC. (province.) Legislative Assembly. Journals (continua-
tion) ; " V. 23-25. Quebec, 1889-90. 3 v. O.
Sessional papers (continuation); v. 22-25; 1889-90.
Quebec, 1889-90. 5 v. in 7.
Legislative Council. Journals (continuation); v. 23-25. Quebec,
1889-90. 3 V. O.
HOLDBN, A. W. History of the town of Queensbury, N. Y., with bio-
graphical sketches. Albany, 1874. pors. O.
QUESADA, Gouzalo de, and Northrop, Henry Davenport. The war
in Cuba, being a full account of her great struggle for free-
dom: revolutions of 1868, 1895-96. [n. p.] [c. 1896].
il. pi. D.
I^TTESTIONS of the day: no. 15, 33, 35, 42, 59-61, 66-68, 70-75, 77,
79-80, 87-88. N. Y., 1884-96. 24 v. D.
Namely: 15. Rathbone, W: Protection and communism. 33. Gib-
bons, R. Physics and metaphysics of money. 35. Blair, L. H. Un-
wise laws. 42. Norman, H. Bodyke; a chapter in the history of Irish
landlordism. 59. Baker, C: W. Monopolies and the people. 60. Dab-
ney, W. D. Public regulation of railways. 61. Bonham, J: M. Rail-
way secrecy and trusts. 62. Elliott, J. R. American farms. 63. Shri-
ver, E. J. Want and wealth. 64. Wells, D: A. and Codman, J. Ques-
tion of ships. 66. Palm, A. J. The death penalty. 67. Tyler, L. G.
Parties and patronage in the U. S. 68. Putnam, G; H. Question of
copyright. 70. Ehrich, L. R. Question of silver. 71. Wells, D: A.,
Andrews, G: H. and others. Who pays your taxes? ed. by B. Hall.
72. Schoenhof, J. Economy of high wages. 73. Strange, D. Farmers'
tariff manual. 74. Taussig, F. W. Silver situation in the U. S. 75.
Juglar, C. Brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in
the U. S. 77. Remsen, D. S. Primary elections. 79. Stokes, A. P.
Joint-metallism. 80. Jacobi, M. . P. Common sense applied to wo-
man suffrage. 87. Wells, D: A., Phelps, E. J., and Schurz, C. Amer-
ica and Europe; a study of international relations. Tourgee, A. W.
War of the standards; coin and credit vs. coin without credit.
QUICK, Robert Herbert. Essays on educational reformers. N. Y.,
1891. D. (Inter, education ser. v. 17.)
QIJILLEM, Harry. p.sewcZ. Sec Kewen, E. J. C.
QUIXCY, Josiah Phillips. The protection of majorities; or, Con-
siderations relating to electoral reform; with other papers.
Bost.. 1876. 163 p. S.
QTJINN. Thomas C. ed. Massachusetts of to-day: a memorial of
tiie state historical and biographical; Prepared under the
direction of D. P. Toomy. Bost., 1892. il.,pl. pors. Q.
QUISENBERRY, Anderson Chenault. Genealogical memoranda
of the Quisenberrv family and other families. Wash., 1897.
il. O.
QUISENBERRY, A. C. Genealogical memoranda of the Quisenberry
family and other families. Wash., 1897. il. O.
•QUIRAN. See Kur-^n.
RABELAIS, Francois. Oeuvres; texte collationn^ sur les Editions
oi'i^inak's; axoc line vie de Tauieur, des notes et un glosHaire;
illusti-ations de Gustave Dov6. Paris, 1873. 2 v. il. pi.
por. F.
BESANT, W. Rabelais. Edin., and Lond., 1879; reprint, 1885. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
STAFFER, P. Rabelais, sa personne, son genie, son ouvre. 3e ed.
Paris, 1896. D.
RAUUTIN, Francois de. Conimentaires des deini^res guenes en
la Gaule Belgique. (In Col. des. ni^m. rel. ii I'liist de France.
18'2:^. s. 1. V. 31-32.)
RACINP:. Jean Baptiste. Theatre: v. 1-3; pr6c6d^ d' une preface
par V. Foiirnel. Paris, [n. d.]. 3 v. S.
STAPFER, P. Racine et Victor Hugo. 6e ed. Paris, 1897. D.
TROLLOPE, H. M. Corneille and Racine. Edin. and Lond., 1881. S.
(For. classics for Eng. readers.)
RACK, John. The French wine and liquor manufacturer. 4th ed.
rev. cor. N. Y., [c. 1SG8]. D.
RADCLIFFE, Alida Graveraet. Schools and masters of sculpture.
y. Y., 1894. pi. D.
RADFORD, Dollie. Songs and other verses. Phil., ISOo. 93
p-^l^). s.
RADFORD, G. H. Shvlock and others. N. Y., 1894. S.
RADICAL, The; ed. bv S. H. Morse and J. B. Marvin; v. 110.
Bost.. 1886-72. 10 v. O.
RADT'LFI^S. or Radiil])lnis Cadnmensis. Sec Raoul de Caen.
RAE, John. Contemporary socialism. N. Y., 1889. O.
Life of Adam Smith. ' N. Y., 1895. O.
RAE, William Eraser. The business of travel : a fifty years" record
of progress. Lond., 1891. O.
Sheridan: a bi(»graphy. N. Y., 1896. pors. 2 v. O.
RAFFAKLO, Saiizio da T'rbino. Scri]»ture prints from the frescoes
of Rajthael in rhe Vatican; ed. by L. Gruner, with an intro-
ductory preface by C: H. H. Wright. Lond.. 1866. obi. F.
GRIMM, H. Life of Raphael, tr. by S. H. Adams. Bost., 1888. pi. D.
RAFFALOVTCH. Arthur. Banks of Alsace-Lorraine after the
annexation. (Tx Hist, of banking in all nations, v. 3.)
The housing of the working classes and of the poor. {Tn
Mnckay, T: ed. A plea for liberty.)
RAFINESQIJE. Constantine Smaltz.
CALL, R: E. Life and writings of Rafinesque. Louisville, 1895. 11.
F. (Filson Club. Pub. no. 10.)
RAFTER. George W. The micr(»sc(»i)ical examination of |»otable
water. N. Y., 1892. T. (Van Xostrand's sci. ser. no. 103.)
and Baker, M. N. Sewage disposal in the United States.
N. Y., 1894. il. pi. Q.
RAGOZTN, Lj^naide Alexefevna. Slory of Vedic India, as em-
bodied principally in llic Riix Veda. N. Y., 1895. il. pi.
maps. D. (Story of the nations.)
RAGOZTN, L^uaide Aleievna. tr. Leioy-Beaulien, A. The empire
of the Tsars and the Russians.
RAIKES. Charles. Notes on Ihe revolt in the north- western prov-
inces of India. Lond.. 1858. O.
RAILROADS: pamphlets, v. 2-5. 4 v. O.
Contents: V. 2. Gwin, W: M. Arguments on the Pacific R. R. Wash.,
1860. 36 p.— General railroad laws of California. Sac, 1862. 40 p. —
Sargent, A. A. The Pacific railroad as a military necessity. Wash.,
1862. 16 p.; The Pacific railroad; How it may be built.— 16 p.— San
Diego the California terminus of the Texas and Pacific R. R. San
Diego, 1872. 34 p. — Lansing, G. L. Natural principles regulating rail-
way rates. Chic, 1887. 44 p. — Sutro, A. Telegram to President
Cleveland. — Pattison, R. B. Extracts from report of U. S. Pacific Rail-
way Commission, 1888. 16 p. — Memorial against refunding the claim
of the U. S., upon the C. P. R. R. Co. for $77,000,000. 14 p.— v. 3. Re-
port of the chief engineer upon preliminary survey, revenue, and cost
of construction of the San Francisco and Sacramento R. R. S. F., 1856.
— Judah, Th. D. Pacific Railroad. Report upon his operations in the
Atlantic states. S. F., 1860. 18 p. — Report of the chief engineer of
the C. P. R. R. Co. of Cal. on his operations in the Atlantic states.
Sac, 1860. 30 p. — Report of the chief engineer on preliminary survey,
cost and estimated revenue of the C. P. R. R. Co. of Cal. across the
Sierra Nevada mountains from Sacramento to eastern boundary of
Cal., Sac, 1862, 56 p. — Report of chief engineer upon recent surveys
of the first division of fifty miles of the C. P. R. R. of Cal. .
Sac, 1863. 26 p. — V. 4. General R. R. laws, articles of association and
by-laws of the Pacific and Atlantic R. R. Co. S. F., 1854. 64 p.~Re-
port of the chief engineer of the Pacific and Atlantic R. R. Co. S. F.,
1855. 23 p.— Report of directors of Sacramento Valley R. R. Co. S.
F., 1855. — Pacific railroad act of Congress and by-laws of the C. P. R. R.
Co. of Cal. 40 p. 1862.— Stanford, L. Pacific Railroad: speech in the
constitutional convention of Nevada. S. F., 1864. 12 p.— C. P. R. R.
Co., statement made to Senate committee of the Nevada legislature,
Jan. 14, 1865. 15 p.— Tozer, C. W. Speech on Pacific railroad Feb. 6,
1865. 14.— Haskell, D. H. Speech, Feb., 21, 1865. 16 p.— Gray, G:
B. Report on C. P. R. R. of California. Sac, 1865. 8 p.— Report upon
recent surveys, estimated revenue of the C. P. R. R. of Cal. 1865. —
Haight, H. H. Address upon the competition of the Pacific Railroad.
May 8, 1869. 6 p.— Lands of the C. P. R. R. Co. of Cal. 1870. 16 p.—
Report on railroad freights and fares, to the Cal. legislature by the
Committee on corporations, 1872. 78 p.— San Francisco and Colorado
River R. R. Co., The question of subsidy. 1872. 16 p.— Lands of the
C. P. R. R. Co., in California, Nevada and Utah. 1877. 31 p.— Lan-
sing, G. L. Relations between the C. P. R. R. Co., and the U. S. Gov-
ernment. S. F., 1889. 70 p.— Anti-funding and foreclosure memorial
of the Cal. State Convention, Jan. 18, 1896. 29 p.— McKisick, L. D.
Address to the members of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky.
Feb. 24, 1896.— Burke, J. H. The funding infamy and Pacific R. R. vil-
lanies. 4 p.— Pettigrew.— Speech Feb. 13, 1896.— V. 5. Report of the
chief engineer on the preliminary survey and cost of construction of
the C. P. R. R. from Sacramento to the eastern boundary of California.
Sac, 1861. 36 p.— Conkling, B. Benton's policy of selling and devel-
oping mineral lands. Cin., 1864. 14 p.— 1st annual report of the di-
rectors of the Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Apr. 1, 1873. 84 p.— Pat-
tison, R. E. Discrimination by railroads. Harrisburg, 1886. 8 p.—
Corthell, B. L. Atlantic and Pacific ship railway across Tehuan tepee.
N. Y. 1886. 80 p.— I6th-17th annual reports of the directors of the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Co. 1887, 1888.— Gowan F. B.
Argument in the cases of G: Rice vs. The railroad companies. 40 p.—
Pattison, R: E. Extracts from the report of the U. S. Pacific railway
commission, 1888. 16 p.— 2d annual report of the S. F., and N. P. K.
R.. Co., 1891. 70 p.— Mellersh, T: Argument of against the adoption of
Senate constitutional amendment no. 8. 43 p.— Romers, M. The Te-
huantepec isthmus railway. 19 p.— Central Pacific R. R. debt; Califor-
nia's remonstrance against refunding it. 29 p.
RAILTOX, NN'illiaiu. The uewly discovered temple at Cadachio, in
the island of Coi'fu. [In Cockerell, C. R., and others. Anti-
quities of Athens.)
RAIMOND d'Ag'iles Lai Raimundus de Aguilers, canon of Le Puy.
Hlstoire des Francs qui ont pris Jerusalem. [In Col. des
nieni. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1S24. s. 3. v. 20.)
RAIMUNDUS de Aguilers. See Rainiond d'Agiles. canon of Le
RAINOLDS, Richard, and Dassell, Thomas. Voyages to the riA'ers
of Senega and Gambra, adjoining on Guinea, in 1591. {In
Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1. p. 242.)
RAINSFORD, William Stephen. Camping and hunting in the
Shoshone. {In Out-of-door lib. Hunting.)
RALEGH, or Raleigh, Sir Walter. Documents relating to R.'s last
voyage. (In Camden misc. v. 5. Camden Soc, v. 87.)
Fight between the Revenge man of war, commanded by Sir
Richard Greenville, and fifteen armadas of the King of Spain,
in 1591. (In Green, J: Voj^ages and travels, v. 1. p. 216.)
Opening of his history of the world, 1614. {In Arber, E. Eng.
Garner, v. 2, p. 196.)
EDWARDS, E. Life, together with his letters. [Lond.], 1868. 2 v.
facsim. O.
HUME, M. A. S. Sir Walter Raleigh: the British dominion of the
West. N. Y., 1897. il. maps. D. (Builders of greater Britain.)
RALEIGH, Walter. The English novel: being a short sketch of its
history from the earliest times to the appearance of Waverly.
X. Y.,'lS94. D. (University ser.)
RALEIGH, Sir Walter. See Ralegh.
RALPH, Julian. Dixie; or. Southern scenes and sketches. N. Y.,
1896. il. pi. O.
RALSTOX, William C.
MEMORIAL. [S. F., 1875]. 42 p. por. O.
RALSTOX, William Ralston Sheddan. fr. Schiefner, F. A. von.
Tibetan tales.
RAMAGE, B. James. Local government and free schools in South
Carolina. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 1.)
RAMA SWA MI RAJU, P. V. ed. Indian fables. Lond., 1887.
129 p.
RAM15, Louise de la. (pi^eud.. Ouida.) Leaf in the storm. {In
Stories bv Eng. authors. France.)
RAMSAY, Allan.
SMEATON, 0. Allan Ramsay. N. Y., [1896] D. (Famous Scots.)
RAMSAY. Sir James Henrv. Lancastoi' and York: a century of
English history A. D'. 1:^99-14S.";. Oxford, 1892. 2 v. pors.
majts. tables. O.
RAMSAY, Rev. Walter ]\rarlow. The church in the Roman empire
before A. D. 1870. X. Y., [c. 189.^,]. pi. maps. O. (Mans-
field college lectures, 1892.)
RAMSEY. Albert C. tr. and rd. The other side; or, Xotes for the
history of the war between Mexico and the United States; tr.
from the Spanish and ed. with notes. X. Y., 1850. pors.
plans. D.
RAMSEY, Marathon ^Montrose. See llowan, A. S., and Ramsey^
M. M. The Island of Cuba.
EAND, Benjamin, comp. Selections illustrating economic history
since the seven years' war. 2d ed. rev. enl. Cambridge^
1892. O.
RAND, McNallv and Co.'s bird's-eye views and guide to Chicago.
Chic, 1SJ)3. il. folded map. D.
RAND, McNallv and Co.'s encyclopedia and gazetteer; a condensa-
tion of the encyclopaedia Britannica, Chamber's encyclopae-
dia, etc., with the addition of much original matter treating
of American subjects. Chic, and N. Y., 1889. il. maps. F.
RAND, McNally and Co.'s enlarged business atlas and shippers^
guide; together with a complete reference map of the world.
19th ed.. Chic, 1890. F.
Same, 20th ed. Chic, 1891. F.
RAND, McNally and Co.'s guide to southern California direct; with
notes on California at large, by J. W. Steele. Chic, 1886.
1,39 p. il. map. D.
RAND, McNally and Co.'s hand guide to Chicago and World's
Columbian Exposition. Chic, 1893. il. maps. S.
RAND, McNallv and Co.'s indexed atlas of the world. Chic, N. Y.,
1892. F.
RANDALL, Caleb Dwinell. The fourth international prison con-
gress, St. Petersburg, Russia. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Bu.
of Ed. Circ of inform., 1891, no. 2.)
RANDALL, Daniel Richard. Cooperation in Marjiand and the
south. (Tn Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 6.)
A puritan colony in Maryland. (In Same, v. 4.)
RANDALL, Samuel Jackson.
ADDRESSES on the presentation of the portraits of speal^ers Grow
and Randall; delivered in the House of Representatives. Wash.,
1892. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 32.)
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of R., delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senate. 51st Cong. 1st sess.
Wash., 1891. por. Q. (U. S. Cong. Misc. Memorial addresses.)
RANDALL, Samuel Sidwell. History of the state of New York.
N. Y., 1871. D.
RANDOLPH, Edmund. Speech, delivered at Musical Hall, San
Francisco, Aug. 5, 1859. S. F., 1859. 14 p. O. (In Cal.
speeches, v. 3)
[Biographical sketch]. (In Tuttle, C. W. Capt. Francis Champer-
nowne and other historical papers.)
RANDOLPH, Bev. Herbert, ed. Life of General Sir Robert Wil-
son; from autobiographical memoirs, journals, narratives,
correspondence, etc. Lond., 1862. 2 v. por. O.
RANDOLPH county. (IMissouri.) History of Randol])h and ^Ma.-on
counties, Missouri. St. Louis, L884. O.
RANKEN, Bev. C. E. See Freeborough, E., and Ranken. Eer. C. E.
Chess openings.
RANKIN, Melinda. Twenty vears among the Mexicans. St. Louis,
[cl875]. D.
RANNEY, Ambrose Loomis. The applied anatomy of the nervous
system. 2d ed. N. Y., 1888. il. O.
RANSOME, F. Leslie. The eniptive rocks of Point Bonita. [In
lluiv^ of Cal., Dept. of Geol. Bull., v. 1, uo. 3.)
Geology of Augel Island. {Jn same, v. 1. no. 7.)
On Lawsonita, a new lock-forniing mineral from the Tiburon
peninsula, Marin Co., Cal. {In same, v. 1. no. 10.)
KAOUL de Caen, Lai. Radulfus Cadomensis. Faits et gestes du prince
Tancrede pendant I'expt^dition de Jerusalem. {In Col. des
m^ni. rel. ti I'hist. de France. 1825. s. 3. v. 24.)
[RAiSrii:, Kudolph Erich]. The sui-prising adventures of Baron
Munchausen: ill. by W: Strang and J. B. Clark; introduction
by T: Seccombe. 5s. Y., 1895. il. O.
EASSAM. Horniuzd. Asshur, and the land of Nimrod; being an
account of discoveries made in the ancient ruins of Nineveh,
Asshur, Sephavaim, Calah, Babylon and Van Cin.,
1897. il. O.
Narrative of the British mission to Theodore, king of Abyssinia.
Lond., 18G9. 2 v. pi. map. O.
RATHBONP]. William. Protection and communism: a considera-
tion of the effects of the American tariff upon wages. N. Y.,
1881. 42 p. D. (Questions of the day; no. 15.)
RATHBUN, Richard. Collection of economic crustaceans, worms,
echinoderms, and sponges. Great Int. Fisheries Exhib.
Lond..l883, IJ. S. A. Wash., 1883. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus.
Bull. no. 27, sec. B.)
Descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating the scien-
tific investigaticm of the sea and fresh waters. Great Int.
Fisheries Exhib. Lond., 1883. T^. S. A. AVash., 1883. O.
(Sai)}r, sec. G.)
RATIONALE of political representation [by S. Bailey].
RATIS raving and other moral and religious pieces in prose and
and verse; ed. from the Cambiidge University ms., by J. R.
Lumby. Lond., 1870. O. (Early Eng. Text. Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 43.)
RATISBONNE, Louis, ed. Alfred de Vigny: journal d'un poete,
recueilli et public^ sur les notes intimes de De Vigny. Paris,
1882. D.
RATTRAY. -lolin, and Mill. Hugh Robert, ed.^. Forestry and forest
products; prize essays of the Edinburgh international
forestry exhibition, 1884. Edin., 1885. pi. O.
RAT'CH, Christian Daniel.
CHENEY, E. D. L. Life of C. D. Ranch of Berlin, Germany. Boet.,
1893. pi. por. O.
RAT'M. .Tohn O. History of New Jersey from its earliest seltle-
ment to the present time. Phil., [c. 1877]. 2 v. pi. O.
RAT':MER, Friedrich Ludwig t5eorg von. Contributions to modern
history, from the British Museum and the State l^iper Office:
Frederick II and his times. Lond., 1837. por. D.
RAVAZ. L. Amp(^lographie: monograjthies du portugais bleu et
du saint-sauveur. Mont])ellier, 1887. 10-1-7 p. pi. F.
See Viala, Pierre, and Ravaz, L. Le black rot.
RAVENEL. Harriott Horry. Eliza Pinckney. N. Y., 1896. 8.
(Women of Col. and Rev. times.)
EAYOGLI, A. M.D. Woman and her personal beauty in the
hygiene of the skin Cin., 1888. il. O.
RAWDON, Marmaduke. of Yorl\
LIFK; from the original ms. in tlie possession of Robert Cooke, ed,
by R. Davies. [Lond.], 1863. O. (Camden Soc, v. 85.)
KAWLINSON, George. History of Phoenicia. Lond., 1889. il.
pi. maps. O.
The story of Parthia. N. Y., 1893. il. pi. map. D. (Story
of the nations.)
RAWLINSON, Sir Henry Creswieke. A commentary on the cneui-
form inscriptions of Babylonia and Assyria. Lond., 18o0.
83 p. O.
RAWLINSON, Robert. Public Health Act, 1875; suggestions as
to the preparation of district maps and of plans for main
sewerage, drainage, and water supply. Revised to 1878.
Lond., 1878. 40 p. maps. O.
EAWSON, Christopher. See Knecht, E., Rawson, C, and Loewen-
thal, R. Manual of dyeing.
RAWSON, Henry Gilbert. Profit-sharing precedents, with notes.
Lond., 1891. O.
RA\^' SON family.
CRANE, E. B. A revised memoir of Edward Rawson, secretary of the
colony of Massachusetts bay, with genealogical notices of his de-
scendants. Worcester, 1875. il. O.
RAY, Anna Chapin. Half a dozen girls. N. Y., [c. 1896]. il. O.
RAY, John. Correspondence, consisting of selections from the
philosophical letters published by Dr. Derham, and original
letters of John Ray in the collection of the British Museum;
ed. by Edwin Lankester. Lond., 1849. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
MEMOHIALS of, consisting of his life by Dr. Derham; biographical
and critical notices by Sir J. E. Smith, and Cuvier and Dupetit Thou-
• ars; with itineraries, etc.; ed. by Edwin Lankester. Lond., 1846. O.
RAY Society [Publications]. Lond. and Edin., 1845-89. 56 v.
il. pi.' O and F.
Namclji: Agassiz, L. J. R. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae.
Lond., 1848-54. 4 v. O.— Alder, J. and Hancock, A. Monograph of
the British nudibranchiate molluscs. Lond., 1845. pi. F.— Allman,
G. J. Monograph of the fresh water polyzoa. Lond., 1856. col. pi.
fI; —Monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. Lond.,
1871-72 2 V. pi. F.— Baird, W: Natural history of the British en-
tomostraca. Lond., 1850. pi. O.— Blackwell, J: History of the spi-
ders of G. B. and Ireland. Lond., 1861. pi. F.— Bowerbank, J. S.
Monograph of the British spongiadae. Lond., 1864-82. 4 v. O.—
Brady G- S Monograph of the free and semi-parasitic copoda of the
British islands. Lond., 1787-80. 3 v. pi. O.— Brown, R. Miscellane-
ous botanical works. Lond., 1866-68. 2 v. O. pi. F.-Buckler, W:
The larvae of the British butterflies and moths. Lond., 1886-89. 3 v.
pi o.— Buckton, G: B. Monograph of the British aphides. Lond.,
1876-83 4 V O.— Burmeister, H. Organization of trilobites. Lond.,
1846 pi F— Cameron, P. Monograph of the British phytophagous
hymenoptera. Lond., 1882-85. 2 v. col. pi. O.— Carpenter. W: B.
Introduction to the study of the foraminifera. Lond., 1862. il. pi.
p —Darwin C: R: Monograph on the sub-class cirripedia. Lond.,
1851-54 2 v. pi. O.— Douglas, J: W: and Scott, J: British hemip-
tera. v. 1. Lond., 1865. pi. O.— Eschricht, D. F., Reinhardt, J. and
Lilljeborg, W. Recent memoirs on cetacea. ed. by W: H: Flower.
RAY SocuMy. [rublicatioiis.]
Lond., 1S6G. pi. F.— Forbes, E. Monograph of the British naked-
eyed medusae. Lend., 1848. pi. F.— Guenther, A. C. L. G. The rep-
tiles of British India. Lond., 1864. pi. F.— Hofmeister, W. F. B.
On the germination, development and fructification of the higher cryp-
togamia. Lond., 1862. pi. 0.— Huxley, T: H: The oceanic hydrozoa.
Lond., 1859. pi. F.— Henfrey, A. ed. Botanical and physiological
memoirs. Lond., 1853. O.— Leighton, W. A. The British species of
angiocarpous lichens, elucidated by their sporidia. Lond., 1851. pi.
0._Lubbock, J: Monograph of the collembola and thysanura. Lond.,
1873. pi. O. — Mcintosh, W. C. Monograph of the British annelids.
Lend., 1873-74. 1 v. in 2. pi. F.— Masters, W. T. Vegetable tera-
tology. Lond., 1869. 11. O.— Meyer, F. .7. F. Outlines of the geog-
raphy of plants. Lond., 1846. 0.— Michael, A. D. British Oribatidae,
Lond., 1884-88. 2 v. pi. O.— Nitzsch, C. L. Pterylography. Lond.,
1867. pi. F.— Oken, L. Elements of physiophilosophy. Lond., 1847.
O.— Parker, W: K. Monograph on the structure and development of
the shoulder girdle and sternum in the vertebrata. Lond., 1868. pi.
p._Ray, J: Correspondence, ed. by E. Lankester. Lond., 1848. O;
—Memorials: ed. bv E. Lankester. Lond., 146. O.— Reports and pa-
pers on botany. Lond., 1846-49. 2 v. O.— Reports on the progress of
zoologv and botany. 1841-42. Edin., 1845. O.— Reports on zoology
for 1843-44. Lond., 1847. 0.— Steenstrup, J. J. S. On the alternation
of generations. Lond., 1845. pi. O.— Williamson, W: C. On the re-
cent forminifera of Great Britain. Lond., 1858. pi. F.
Reports aud papers ou botany. Lond., 1840-49. 2 v. O.
Contents: Grisebach, A. H. R. Report on the contributions to botan-
ical geography, 1843;— Report on the progress of geographical botany,
1844-45 —Link, H. F. Report on physiological botany, 1842-45.— Mohl,
H vorf. Structure of the palm stem.— Naegli, F. K. On the nucli for-
mation and growth of vegetable cells;— On the utricular structures in
the contents of cells.— Zuccarini, J. G. On the morphology of the con-
Reports on the progress of zoology and botany, 1841-42. Edin.,
1845. O.
Covtnits: Bonaparte, C. L. J. State of zoology in Europe as regards
the vertebrata.— Erichson, W. F. Contributions to the natural history
of insects, arachnida, Crustacea, and entomostraca: Colcoptera.— Link,
H F. Report on the progress of physiological botany, 1841.— Siebold,
C T E von Annelides;— Helminthology;— Echinodermata, acalepha,
polypi, and infusoria.— Troschel, F. H. Reptilia;— Fishes;— Mollusca,
— Wagner, A. J. Mammalia; — Birds.
Reports on zoology for 1843-44; tr. by G: Busk, Alfred Tnlk
and Alexander H. Haliday. Lond., 1847. O.
Contents: Erichson, W. F. Insecta.-Siebold, C. T. E. von Helmin-
thology;— Worms, zoophytes, and protozoa.— Troschel. F. H. Herpe-
toiogy.— Ichthyology.— Mollusca.— Wagner, A. J. Mammalia; Orni-
RAYET, Olivier, and Collignon, Maximo. Histoire de la c^ramique
grec(]ne. Paris, 1888. il. pi. Q.
RAYMOND. Charles ^V. The practice of terrestrial magnetics;
June 21. 1872. (Essavims Tlub; ])rinted papers, v. 1, no. -4.)
The theorv of terrestrial niagnetics; March 11, 1872. (Same,
V. 1, no. 20.) ,
RAYMOND, Mr.^. Evelyn. Monica the mesa maiden. N. ^ .. i c.
18J)2]. pi. D.
RAYMOND, Oeorge Lansing. Painting, sculpture, and archit(H;t-
nre as re]>n'sentative arts; an essay in comparative aesthet-
ics. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
EAYMOND, George Lansing, Rjthm and harmony in poetry and
music: together with music as a representative art, two
essays in comparative aesthetics, N, Y., 1895. D,
RAYMOND, Joseph H. A manual of human physiology, Phil,^
1894. il. pi. D.
RAYNOUARD, Fran(;ois Juste Marie. Grammaire compar«^e des
langues de 1' Europe Latin dans leurs rapports avec la langue
de troubadours. I'aris, 1821. O.
READ, Daniel. Historical sketch of the university of Missouri.
[Wash,, 1883]. O. {In U. S. Bu, of Ed, Spec, reports, v. L>
READ, John Meredith, gen. Historic studies in Vaud, Berne and
Savov from Roman times to Voltaire, Rousseau, and Gibbon.
Lond., 1897. il. 2 v. O.
BEAD, M. C. The preservation of forests on the headwaters of
streams. {In U. S, Dejjt, of Agric, Misc, Spec. Rept. no. n.)
READE. Charles. Bible characters. N. Y., 1889. lOO p. D.
READER, Frank S, History of the Fifth West Yirgina cavalry,
formerly the Second Virginia infantry, and of Battery G,
First West Virginia light artillery. New Brighton, 1890.
pors. O.
REANEY, Bev. G. S, The moral aspect. [In White, A., and others.
Destitute alien.)
REARDEX, Timothy H. Petrarch, and other essavs. S. F.,
1893. D. '
REASON, William. See Stadling, J,, and Reason, W: In the land
of Tolstoi.
REBEL echoes; no. 1-1. (In Rejjublican campaign docs. 1880.)
REBEL invasion of Missouri and Kansas. See Hinton, R: J.
REBER, Franz von. Historv of ancient art; tr. and augmented
by J. T. Clarke. N. Y,', [c, 1882], il. O.
REBOLD, Emmanuel, A general history of freemasonry; added A
history of freemasonry in the maritime provinces of British
North America, from its origin therein in 1737 to the year
1841, by J. F. Brennan. Bost,, 1875, pi, O,
RECENT English art; selections from the portfolios of Sir Fred-
erick Leighton, Alma Tadema, Rosa Bonheur, G, D. Leslie,
Marcus Stone, David Law, and others; consisting of sixteen
photo-etchings; wdth biographical text by Walter Rowlands,
Bost,, [c. 1889.] pi, F.'
RECENT ideals of American art; one hundred and seventy-five oil
paintings and water colors in the galleries of private collec-
tors, repi'odur-ed in Paris on copper plates by the Goiipil
photogravure and tv])ogravure processes; text by G, W. Shel-
don, N, Y„ and Lond., [c, 1888-90], pi. F.
RECLUS, l^llie Jean Pierre Michel. Primitive folk: studies in com-
parative ethnology. N. Y., 1891. pi. D. fContemp. sci. ser.)
RECLUS, Jean Jacques :Klis(^e. The earth and its inhabitants; ^d.
by A. H: Keane (continued). N. Y., 1890-95. 6 v. il. pi.
maps. O.
Content.^: North America. 1. British N. America. 2. Mexico, Cen-
tral America. West Indies. 3. United States. — Oceanica. — South Amer-
ica. 1. Andes regions. 2. Amazonia and La Plata.
RECLl'S, Ouesime. .V bird's-eye view of Hie world: a popular
scieiitilic descriplion of the great natural divisious of the
globe . . . aud of the peoples that iuhabit them; Ir. ed. cu-.
and brought dowu lo date by M. A. ilowe; with Ameiica
rewritten aud enl. by V. Morgan; the whole under the edi-
torial supervision of C. H. Clark. Bost., 1887. il. pi. O.
RPJCOKDS of the past: being English translations of the ancient
monuments of Egypt and AVestern Asia. New ser: v. 1-6,
ed. by A. 11. Sayee. Loud., [1888-92]. 6 v. D.
RED liLUFF news; Julv 5, 18U()-Dec. 22, 185)1; May 11, 1802-Dec.
;'.0, 18;»7. Ked ]ilull, 1800-1)7. 2 v. F.
REDD ALL, Henry Frederic, coinp. Fact, fancy, and fable: a new
handbook for ready reference on subjects commonly omitted
from cycloi^aedias. Chic, 1889. O.
REDDING, Benjamin Bernard. A sketch of the life of Mark Hop-
kins of California. S. F.. 1881. 34 p. por. O.
REDDING, (Conn.)
TODU, C: B. History of Redding, Conn., (with genealogies). N. Y.,
1880. il. O.
REDGRA\'E, Gilbert R. Calcareous cements; their nature and
uses, with observations on cement testing. Lond., 1895.
dia. D.
A history of water-colour painting in England. N. Y., 1892.
pi. D. (111. art handbooks.)
REDGRAVE, Richard, aud Samuel. A century of painters of the
English school. 2d ed. abridged and continued to the pres-
ent time. Lond., [1890]. pi. D.
REDHOUSE, James \yilliam. tr. The Mesnevi of Jelalu-'d din,
Muhammed, er-Rumi: book the First; illustrated by a selec-
tion of characteristic anecdotes as collected by their historian
Shemsu-'d-diu, Ahmed, El Eflaki, El Arifi; tr. and the poetry
versified. Lond., 1881. O. (Triibner's orient, ser.)
RED JACKET (Sa-go-ye-wat-ha.)
HUBBARD, J. N. Account of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jacket and his
people. 1750-1830. Albany, 1886. il. pi. 0. (Munsell's hist. ser.
REDMOND, Edmond. ed. and eomp, Lyra cyclus; or, The bards and
the bicycles; being a collection of merry and melodious ruet-
rical conceits anent the wheel. Rochester, 1897. 150 p. S.
REDWOOD CITY democrat; May 15, 1890-Dec. 30, 1897. Redwood
City, 1890-97. 2 v. F.
REED, Alou/o. Srp Kellogg. Brainerd, and Reed, A. The English
REED, Anna M. ^Morrison. Earlier poems; revised and arranged
by herself. S. F., 1S80. 17-4-86 p. por. D.
REP'D, F. R. Cowper. lirachiopods (fossil). (Tn Camb. nat. hist.
v. 3.)
REED, Homer. Land and its distribution. Kansas City, Mo., 1888.
43 p. D.
REED, Parker McCobb. History of Bath and environs, Sagadahoc
county, :Maine, 1607-1894. Portland, 1894. pors. O.
REED, Samuel B. Dwellings for village and country; with general
descriptions and detailed estimates. N. Y., 1885. 121 p. iL
pL Q.
EEED, Samuel Rockwell. The Yicksburg campaign and the battles
about Chattanooga under the command of General U. S.
Gi-ant in 1802-63: an historical review. Cin., 1882. O.
REED, Thomas Brackett. Reed's rules: a manual of general par-
liamentary law; with notes of changes made by the House
of Representatives and suggestions for special rules. Chic,
1894. por. T.
REEDER, A. P. Around the golden deep : a romance of the Sierras.
S. F., 1888. I).
REEMELIX, Charles. See Rumelin, Carl Oustav.
REES, Claude A. Chun Ti-kung, his life and adventures. X. Y.,
1897. D.
REES, L. E. Runtz. Personal narrative of the siege of Lucknow
from its commencement to its relief by Sir Colin Campbell.
2d ed. Lond., 1858. i)or. plan. D,
REESE, Lizette Woodworth. A quiet road. Bost., 1896. 79 p. S.
REEVE, Charles Howell. The prison question. Chic, 1890.
194 p. O.
REEVE, Henry. Petrarch. Edin. and Lond., 1878. reprint 1879.
S. (For. classics for Eng. readers).
See Chesney, C. C, and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia
and France.
REEVES, Arthur Middleton. ed. and tr. The finding of Wineland
the Good: the history of the Icelandic discovery of America.
Lond., 1890. facsim. Q.
REEVES, Jesse Siddall. The international beginnings of the Congo
Free State. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 12, no.
REFERENCE-BOOK of practical therapeutics by various authors;
ed. by F : P. Foster: 2 v. N. Y., 1896. Q.
REFERENCE catalogue of current literature, containing the full
titles of books now in print and on sale. Published by J.
TV^hitaker and sons. Lond., [1889]. O.
Same. Lond., [1894]. O.
REFERENCE handbook of the medical sciences. See Buck. A.
H. ed.
REFORM League [weeklv] ; nos. 1-23, 25-38; June 1, 1869-June 27,
1870. Bost., 1869-70. F.
REGIMENTAL Reunion Association of Survivors of the 73d Illinois
Infantry Volunteers. History of the Seventy-third regiment
of Illinois Infantry A^olunteers. [n.p. c. 1890]. 11. pors. O.
RfiGlS, T)r. Emmanuel. A practical manual of mental medicine;
with preface by B. Hall. 2d ed. rev. and largely re-written;
tr. by H. M. Bannister. Utica, 1894. D.
REGIS, Jean Baptiste. Geographical observations and history of
Korea; — History of the Mongols and Kalkas. [In Green,
J: Voyages and travels, v. 4, pp. 319, 378.)
REGISTER and chronicle of the Abbey of Aberconway: from the
Harleian ms., ed. by Sir H. Ellis. Lond.. 1847. 23 p. O. {In
Camden Misc., v. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
REGISTRUM; sive. Liber irrotularius et consuetudinarius Prior-
atus Beatae Mariae Wigorniensis; with introduction, notes,
and illustrations bv W. H. Hale. Lond., 1865. O. (Camden
Soc. V. 91.)
KEICHEKT, Edward T. ;Sce Mitchell, S. W., and Keichert, E. T.
liesearcliL's iipou the venoms oi poisouous serpents.
KEID, Christian, pseud. iSce Tiernan, Jlri;. Eraucis C
KEID, I>avid Boswell. Illustrations of the theory and practice of
ventilation, with remarks on warming, exclusive lighting and
the communication oi sound. Lond., 18-14:. il. O.
KEID, Harvey, Biographical sketch of Enoch Long, an Illinois
pioneer. Chic, 1881. por. O. (Chic. Hist, Soc. Coll, v. 2.)
KEID, iSavile G. The birds of Bermuda. (U. S. Nat, Mus, Bull, no.
LT), pt. 1.)
KEID, Stuart J. A sketch of the life and times of the Kev. Sydney
Smith. Lond., 18S1, por. O,
ed. I'rime ministers of queen Victoria, [a series of political
biographies]. N, Y., 181)0-92. 3 v. D.
For list see Prime ministers of queen Victoria.
KEID, Whitelaw. Introduction. {In Talleyrand, Memoirs.)
Mr. Whitelaw Keid in France, 1889-92: the farewell dinner to
the United States minister, Paris, March 24, 1892. Paris,
[1892]. 59 p, O.
KEILLY, A, Adams. See Shairp, J : C. Tait, P, G., and Keilly, A. A.
Life and letters of James David Forbes.
KEILLY, John E. capt. Account of the reunion of the survivors
of the Philadelphia Brigade and Pickett's division of confed-
erate soldiers, and the dedication of the monument of the
G9th regiment Pennsvlvania infantry at Gettysburg July 2d
and 3d, 1887, and the rededication, Sept. 11th, 1889. {In Mc-
Dermott, A, W, Brief historv of the 69th regiment Penn,
Vet, Vols,)
KEINHARDT, Johannes Theodor, Pseudorca crassidens, a ceta-
cean hitherto unknown in the Danish fauna, Lond., 1866. F.
(Kay Soc. Pub.)
Sec Eschricht, D. F., atid Keinhardt, J. T. On the Greenland
right whale.
KEITsIGL^NG und Entwiisserung Berlins Einleitende Verhandhm-
gen und Berichle tiber mehrere auf Veranlassung des Magis-
trats der Koniglichen Haupt und Residenzstadt Berlin anges-
tellte Versuche und Untersuchungen. Heft. 1-13; Anhang
1-3. Berlin, 1871-79. 2 v. pi. O.
REISET, Frederic, and Villot, F. Texte explicatif, en Collection de
dessins originaux de grands maitres: pub. by A. Leroy.
Paris, [n.d.]. il. F.
REISS, Wilhelm. See Stiibel, A., Reiss, W., and Koppel. B. Kuitur
und Industrie siidamerikanischer Volker.
REJECTED stone; or. Insurrection vs. resurrection in America; by
A native of Virginia. See Conway, M. D.
RELATION, or rather a true account of the island of England;
w'ith sundry particulars of the customs of these people, and
of the royal revenues under King Henry VTI., about the year
L500; tr. from the Italian, with notes by C. A. Sneyd. Lond.,
1847. O. (Camden Soc, v. 37.)
RELATION of some abuses which are committed against the com-
mon-wealth, together with a friendlie reprehension of the
same; ed. from the original ms, by Sir F. Madden. Lond.,
1854. 35 p. O. {Tn Camden misc., v, 3. Camden Soc, v, 61.)
RELIGIOUS pieces in prose and verse; ed from Robert Thornton's
ms. in the Lincoln Cathedral Library', by G: G. Terry. Lond.,
1867. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 26.)
Same; revised ed. reprinted 1889.
RELIQUARY, The; a depository for precious relics legendary, bio-
graphical and historical illustrative of the habits, customs
and pursuits of our forefathers, v. 1-26; 1860-86. Lond.,
[1S60J-86. 26 V. il pi. O.
REMBRANDT. (Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Ryn). Photograv-
uren nach gemiilden von Rembrandt in der Galerie zu Berlin:
pub. bv Photographische Gesellschaft. Berlin, [1897].
pi. F. ^
17 photogravuren nach gemiilden von Rembrandt in der Gal-
erie zu Cassel: pub. bv Photographische Gesellschaft. Ber-
■ lin, [1897]. pi. F.
1 6 photogravuren nach gemiilden von Rembrandt in der Gal-
erie zu Dresden, pub. by Photographische Gesellschaft.
Berlin, [1897.]. pi. F.
CURTIS, C. B. Rembrandt's etchings; with biography of R., and de-
scriptive and historical notes to each picture. N. Y., [c. 1888].
pi. F.
HAMERTON, P. G. The etchings of Rembrandt. Lond., 1896. il.
pl. Q.
MICHEL, E. Rembrandt, his life, his work, and his time; from the
French by F. Simmonds. ed. by F. Wedmore. Lond., 1894. 2 v.
il. pl. pors. F.
VOSMAER, C. Rembrandt Harmens von Rijn; sa vie et ses oeuvres.
La Haye, 1868. O.
REMONDIXO, Peter C. M.D. The Mediterranean shores of
America: Southern California, its climate, physical, and
meteorological conditions. Phil., 1892. il. map. O.
REMSEN, Daniel Smith. Primary elections: a study of methods
for improving the basis of party organization. N. Y., 1894.
O. (Questions of the day; no. 77.)
Suffrage and the ballot. {In Brooklyn Eth. Assoc. Man and
the state).
REMSEN, Tra. An introduction to the study of Chemistry. N. Y.,
1886. il. D. (Amer. sci. ser. Briefer course.)
RfiNAN. Joseph Ernest. The future of science. Bost., 1891. O.
Histoire des origines du Christianisme. v. 7. Paris, 1895. O.
Xanirly: Marc-Auriel et la fin du monde antique.
Histoire du peuple d'Israel; V. 1-5. Paris, 1891-93. O.
History of the people of Israel; from the time of Hezekiah till
the return from Babylon. Bost., 1891. O.
Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and cul-
ture of Rome, on Christianity and the development of the
Catholic church; tr. by C: Beard. 3d ed. Lond.. 1885. O.
(Hibbert lectures, 1880.)
Melanges d'histoire et de voyages. Paris, 1890. O.
Recollections and letters of Ernest Renan; tr. from the Frenoh
by Isabel F. Hapgood. N. Y., [c. 1892]. D.
DUFF, M. E. G. Ernest Renan: in memoriam. Lond., 1893. D.
ESPINASSE, F: Life of Ernest Renan. Lond., 1895. O. (Great
RENARD, A. F. Rock specimens collected on oceanic islanda.
(Challeuger Exped. Physics and cbem. v. 2.)
See Murray, .1:, and Kenard, A. E. Deep-sea deposits.
RENDLE, William, and ^'orman, l»liilip. The inns of Old South-
wark and their associations. Lond., 1SS8. il. pi. mai)s. O.
RENNELL, James, maj.
MARKHAM, C. R. Major James Rennell and the rise of modem Eng-
lish geography. N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
RE:NiS'lE, David Field. M.D. Bhotau and the story of the Dooar
war; including sketches of a three months' residence in the
ilimalyas and narrative of a visit to Jihotan in May lhG5.
]>ond., 18GG. il. pi. map. D.
The British arms in north China and Japan: Peking 1860;
Kagosima 1802. Lond., 1864. D.
Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the P>ritish
embassy at Peking. Lond., 1865. 2 v. il. pi. D.
RENTOX, William. Outlines of English literature. N. Y.. 1893.
dia. S. (University ser.)
RENTSCHLEK, G. \V. conif. Directory of Yolo, Solano, Sutter,
Butte. Colusa, Glenn, Placer, Nevada, Y'uba, Tehama, and
Shasta counties; 1893-94. S. F., [189.3]. O.
REPLY^ to Dr. Lightfoot's essays, by the author of "Supernatural
religion.'' Lond., 1889. 64-180 p. O.
REPORTER, The; a periodical devoted to religion, law, legislation,
and public events; nos. 33-40, containing the proceedings of
the Southern Lova lists' Convention held in Philadelphia,
Penn., September 3-7, 1866. Wash., 1866. Q.
REPORTS of cases in the courts of Star Chamber and High Com-
mission; ed. by S. R. Gardiner. [Westminster], 188(;. O.
Camden Soc, n.s. v. 39.)
REPP, Thorleifer Gudmundson. A historical treatise on trial by
jury, wager of law, and other co-ordinate forensic institu-
tions formerlv in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. Edin.,
1832. O.
REPPLIER, Agnes. Books and men. Bost., 1895. S.
Essays in idleness. Bost., 1895. S.
Essays in miniature. Bost., 1895. S.
In the dozy hours and other papers. Bost., 1895. S.
l»oints of view. Bost.. 1895. D.
Varia. Bost., 1897. S.
[REPFBLICAN campaign documents. 1880; Issued by the Repub-
lican Congressional Committee, 1880, J. A. Hubbell. chair-
man, E. McPherson, secretary. Wash., 1880]. O.
RERICK, John H. The Forty-fourth Indiana volunteer infantry:
history of its services in the war of the rebellion, and a per-
sonal record of its members. Lagi'ange, 1880. pi. pors.
maps. D.
RESI'MT^:: des lecons pratiques sur le greffage des vignes amt^ri-
caines, organis«^'es j)nr la Soci(^f(^ Centrale d'Agriculture de
I'Herault a I'ficole d'Agriculture de Monty)ellier, 1880. Mont-
pellier, 1880. 36 p. T.
RETZ, Jean Franyois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de. M6moires; oon-
tenant ce qui s'est passe de remarquable en France pendant
les premieres annees du r^gne de Louis XIV. [In Col. des
m^m. rel. a I'liist. de France. 1825. s. 2, v. 44-46.)
JOL^, C. Memoires concernant le cardinal de Retz. (In Same. s. 2.
V. 47.)
RETZSCH, Moritz. Outlines to Biirgei's ballads, designed and en-
graved by R., with Burger's text explanations and biograph-
ical notices. Bost., 1873. il. obi. Q.
GOSS, E. H. Life of Colonel Paul Revere. Bost., 1891. 2 v. il. pors.
facsim. D.
REVIEW of reviews: an international magazine. American ed.;
V. 3-16; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. N. Y., [1891-95]. 14 v. O.
REVIEW of reviews, puh. Index to the periodical literature of
the world; 1890-92. Lond., 1891-93. 3 v. O.
Note: 1890 has title "Annual index of periodicals and photographs."
REVIEW of the United States Internal Revenue administration
in California exposing the evils of the moiety system. S. F.,
1868. 75 p. O.
REVILL, Alfred. American plumbing. N. Y., [c. 1894]. il. D.
REVUE de I'orient: bulletin de la Soci<^t6 Orientate; v. 1-14, Paris,
1843-53. 14 V. O.
Wote: Vol. 2, has title, Revue de I'orient et de I'Algerie; Redacteur
en chef, M. O. MacCarthy; vols. 6, 8, 12-14, Revue de I'orient de I'Al-
g;'rie et des colonies: bulletin et actes de la Societe Orientals Algeri-
enne et coloniale de France; vols, 6, 8, 12-13, Redacteur en chef, M. J.
REVUPJ des deux mondes (continuation); 1"^^ periode. v. 1-8; 2^
p6r: V. 1-4; 3^ p6r. v. 1-4; 4^ p^r. v. 1-32; 5^ p6r. v. 1-24:
Nouv. p^r. V. 1-16; 2« p^r. v. 1-12; 3^ p6r. v. 73-120; 4^ p^r.
V. 121-144; 1831-55, 1886 97. Paris, 1831-97. 172 v. O.
Table g^n^rale, 1831-74; 2^ p^r. 187-4-85; 3^ p^r. 1886-1^93.
Paris, 1886-93. 3 v. O.
Anuualre des deux mondes, histoire gdn^rale des divers ^stats;
[v. 1]-14; 1850-67. Paris, 1851-68. 14 v. O.
REYBAUD, Marie Roch Louis. Jerome Paturot k la recherche
d'une position sociale. Nouvelle 6d. Paris, 1857. S. (Bd.
with Auger, IaI. Voy. en Cal.)
REYNOLDS, Charles B. ' Old Saint Augustine: a story of three
centuries. 5th ed. St. Augustine, 1891. 188 p. il. D.
REYNOLDS, Grindall. Ecclesiastical and denominational ten-
dencies. {In Unitarianism: its origin and history.)
REYNOLDS, John. The pioneer history of Illinois; containing the
discovery in 1673 and the history of the country to the year
1818. 2d ed. Chic, 1887. pors. O.
REYNOLDS, Sir John Russell. Epsays and addresses. Lond.,
1896. por. O.
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua.
PHILLIPS, C. Sir Joshua Reynolds. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
REYNOLDS, Marcus T. Housing of the poor in American cities.
(Amer. Ec. Assoc. Pub., v. 8, no. 2-3.)
REYNOLDS. Si^i(jil study of its i)h('noiii-
ona, laws, causes, and coiiscqucuccs; fi-oui tlio Frciicli. N.
Y. 1875. D.
The psvcholofiv of atleuliou. Chic, 18!)(>. 121 p. 1).
RIBTOX TfliXEK,'^C. J. See Turner, C. J. R.
RICAliDO. David. Letters of R., to John Ramsay McCuUoch, 1816-
1823; edited by J. 11. Hollander. (In Amer. Econ. Assoc.
Pub., V. 10.)
RICAKT, Robert. The niaire of Bristowe is kalendar; ed. by L. T.
Smith. [Westminster], 1872. 20-;-120 p. pi. O. (Camden
Soc., n. s. V. 5.)
RICASOLI, Bettino.
[Biographical sketch]. (In Cesaresco, E. M. Ital. characters in the
epoch of unification.)
RICCI, Cori'ado. Antonio Allegri da Correggio; his life, his friends
and his time; tr. from the Italian by F. Simmonds. N. Y.,
180r,. il. pi. F.
RICE, David Hall. Protective philosophy: a discussion of the prin-
ciples of the American protective system as embodied in the
McKinley Bill. Bost, 1890. O.
RICE, Frank, comp. Manual for the use of the Legislature of the
state of New York; 1890-93. Albany, 1890-93. 4 v. pi.
plans. S.
RICE, James. See Besant, Sir W., a7id Rice, J. Sir Richard Whit-
RICE, Joseph M. The public school system of the United States.
N. Y., 1893. D.
RICE, Nathan P. M.D. Trials of a public benefactor, as illus-
trated in the discovery of etherization. N. Y., 1859. por. D.
RICE, William North. The geology of Bermuda. (U. S. Nat. Mus.
Bull. no. 25. pt. 1.)
RICHARD II. king of England.
ALLITERATIVE poeni on the deposition of R.; ed. by T: Wright.
Lond., 1838. 30 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 3.)
MAYDISTON, R. De concordia inter Rich. II et civitatem London;
ed. by T: Wright. Lond., 1838. 20 p. O. {Same. v. 3.)
RICHARD III. hinq of England.
JESSE, J: H. Memoirs of King Richard and some ol his contempora-
ries; with an historical drama on the battle of Bosworth. New ed.
N. Y., 1894. 2 V. pi. por. O.
LEGGE, A. O. The unpopular king: the life and times of Richard III.
Lond., 1885. 2 v. pors. O.
RICHARD, hp. of London. See Gravesend, Richard de.
RICHARD, Jules. Tvpes et uniforms Tarmee fran^aise par fidouard
Detail le; texte par R. Paris, 1885-89. 2 v. col. pi. F.
RICHARDS, Mrs. Anna Matlack. A new Alice in the old Wonder-
land. Phil.. 1895. il. D.
RICHARDS, Charles R.. and O'Neil, Henry P. Manual training in
the public scliools. {In Indus. Ed. Assoc. Monographs, v. 3.)
RICHARDS. Mrs. Ellen nenri<'tta. Domestic economy as a factor
in public education. (Tn Indus. Ed. Assn. Monographs, v. 2.)
RICHARDS, Walter. Her majesty's army: a descriptive account
of the various regiments now comprising the queen's forces,
from their first establishment to the present time. N. Y.,
[n. d.]. 2 V. col. pi. Q.
RICHARDS and Co. puh. Summering in Colorado. Denver, 1874.
RICHARDSO^S^, Sir Benjamin Ward. 2I.D. Biological experimen-
tation, its function and limits: including answers to nine
questions submitted from the Leigli-Browne trust. N. Y.^
1896. 170 p. D.
RICHARDSON, Charles Francis. The choice of books. N. Y.,
[1891]. D.
RICHARDSON, Clifford, ed. Methods of analysis of commercial
fertilizers, feeding stuffs, and dairy products, adojjted at the
Fourth annual convention of the Assoc, of Official Agric.
Chemists, Aug. 16-18, 1887. Wash., 1887. O. (U. S. Dept.
of Agric. Div. of Chemistry, Bull. no. 16.)
Same; adopted 5th an. con. Aug. 9-10, 1888. Wash., 1888.
O. (Same. Bull. no. 19.)
RICHARDSON, Ernest Cushing. t7: Jerome and (Irenadius: lives
of illustrious men. [In Schaff, P., and Wace, H. eds. Nicene
and post-nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 3.)
tr. and ed. Life of Constantine, by Eusebius, together with
the Oration of Constantine to the Assembly of the Saints,
and the Oration of Eusebius in praise of Constantine. {In
Schaff, P., and Wace, H. eds. A select library of Nicene and
Post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church. 2d ser. v. 1.)
RICHARDSON, Frederika. The Iliad of the east: a selection of
legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanskrit poem. The Ranift,-
yana. N. Y., 1886. D.
RICHARDSON, Hobart Wood. The standard dollar. N. Y., 1884.
40 p. O. (Economic tracts no. 15.)
RICHARDSON, James D. comp. A compilation of the messages
and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1849, v. 1-4. Wash., 1896-
97. il. pi. pors. 4 V. O. (U. S. Cong., H M. D.)
RICHARDSON, Octavia. cd. The right plesaunt and goodly histo-
rie of the foure sounes of Aymon; pt. 1-2. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub Extra ser. no. 44-45.)
RICHELIEU, Armand Jean du Plessis. cardinal, due de. Mdm-
oires sur le regne de Louis XIII. , 1610-1620. (In Col. des
m^m. rel. a I'hist. de France. 1821. s. 2. v. 10-11.)
— - Same, 1610-38. (In same, v. 21 bis.-30.)
LODGE, R. Richelieu. Lond., 1896. D. (Foreign statesmen.)
RICHMOND, Charles Gordon Lennox. 5th diike of. See Lennox,
RICHMOND, Joshua Bailey. The Richmond family, 1594-1896, and
pre-American ancestors, 1040-1594. Bost., 1897. il. Q.
RICHMOND and Somerset, Henry Fitzroy. dulr of.
INVENTORIES of the wardrobes, plate, etc., of H: Fitzroy, and of the
wardrobe stuff at Baynard's castle of Katharine, Princess Dowager,
ed. with a memoir and letters of the Duke by J: G. Nichols. Lond.,
1855. 100-1-54 p. O. (In Camden misc., v. 3. Camden Soc, v. 61.)
RICHMOND family.
RICHMOND, J. B. The Richmond family, 1594 to 1896. Bost., 1897.
il. Q.
KICHTEK, A'ietoi* von. A text-book ol inorganic chemistry; tr. by
E. F. Sniith. 2d Aiiier. from ilii Ger. ed. I'bil., LSSo. il.
pi. D.
KICHTHOFEN, Ferdinand Paul Wilhelm Dieprand, Freiherr von.
Die Metull rrodulition Californiens iind der Augren/x'ndeu
Liinder. Mittheilungen von den raciliscben Iviisleulandern
]S'ord-Amerilia's. Gotha, 1864. 58 p. Q.
Principles of the natural system of volcanic rocks. [Published
January, 18G8]. [In Cal. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 1.)
RICKAlil), F. Ignacio. rnaj. The mineral and other resources of
the Argentine republic (La Plata) in ISOO. Loud., isld. O.
RICKS, Jlrs. Johu ^Vicklitl•e. Cuttings. S. F., 1877. 64 p. O.
RIDDLE, Albert Gallatin. Recollections of war times; icminis-
cences of men and events in \\'ashington, 1860-1865. N. Y.,
1895. O.
RIDEAL, Samuel. An introduction to the study of disinfroved; with a Hebrew^ reading book by B. Davies. Lond.,
[n. d.]. O.
RODKitiUES, Jose Carlos. The Panama canal: its history, its
]tolitical aspects and financial difficulties. N. Y., 1885. U.
RODIUCIJEZ, Juan. Documentos relatives al piadoso fondo de
misiones para conversion y civilizacion de las numeros tribus
barbaras de la antigua y nueva California. Mexico, 1845. D.
RODOLl'HUS. monk of ClUny. See Glaber, Raoul.
ROD WAY, James. In the Guiana forest; studies of nature in rela-
tion to the struggle for life. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
RODWELL, John Medows. tr. El-Kor'an; or. The Koran. 2d rev.
and amended ed. Lond., 1876. O.
ROE, Alfred Seelye. Old Repi'esentatives' Hall: an address deliv-
ered before' the Massachusetts House of Representatives Jan.
2, 1895. Host., 1895. pors. 72 p. O.
Rose neighborhood sketches, Wayne county, New^ York; with
glimpses of the adjacent towns. Worcester, 1893. il. Q.
ROE, Edward Payson. The home acre. N. Y., 1889. D.
ROE, Sir Thomas' Letters relating to the mission of R. to Gustavus
Adolphus, 1629-30; ed. by S: R. Gardiner. [Lond.], 1875. O.
(Ill Camden misc., v. 7. Camden Soc, n.s., v. 14.)
ROE, Thomas. Military memoir of Colonel John Birch, governor of
Hereford in the civil war betw^een Charles I and the Parlia-
ment; with an historical and critical commentary, notes and
app. by J: W^ebb; ed. by T. W Webb. [Westminster], 1873.
O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 7.)
ROEMER, Jean. Origins of the English people and of the English
language. Lond., 1888. O.
ROGER-MILt^S. L. Album classique des chefs-d'oeuvre de Corot:
comprenant 40 reproductions d'apres les toiles les plus c6\^-
bres du maitre. ])r^c(^d6es d'un essai critique par R-M. Paris,
[1895]. 58 p. il. O.
ROGERS, Archibald. Hunting American big game. (7// Out-of-
door lib. Hunting.)
ROGERS, Frederick. The art of bookbinding. (Tn Galton, F. W.
ed. Workers on their industries.)
ROGERS, Horatio, ed. .Tournnl keyit in Canada and upon Bur-
goyne's campaign in 1776 and 1777 by Lieut. James M. Had-
den; also orders kept by him and issued by Sir Guy Oarleron
rand oth(>rs]. Albany, 1884. il. dia. maps. O. (Mun-
sell's Hist ser. 12.^
ROGERS. J. Henrv. The California hundred. [S. F., c. 1865].
100 p. D.
EOGERS, James Edwin Thoiold. Cobden and modern political
opinion: essays on certain political topics. Lond., 1873. O.
The industrial and commercial history of England; ed. by A.
(j. L. Rogers. N. Y and Lond., 1892. O.
ROGERS, John, and Tilton, Benjamin, irs. Tillmanns, Dr. H.
Principles of surgery and surgical pathology.
ROGERS, Joseph A. The correction of sextants for errors of eccen-
tricity and graduation. Wash., 1890. O. {In Smithsonian
Inst. Misc. coll., v. 31.)
ROGERS, Justus H. Colusa county: its history traced from a state
of nature through the early period of settlement and develop-
ment to the present day; also biographical sketches of pio-
neers and prominent residents. Orland, 1891. pi. pors. O.
ROGERS, Samuel.
CLAYDEN, P. W. Rogers and his contemporaries. Lond., 1889. 2
V. D.
ROGERS, Walter Thomas. Manual of bibliography: being an in-
troduction to the knowledge of books, library management
and the art of cataloguing. Lond., 1891. il. pi. O.
ROGERS, William Barton. Life and letters; ed. by his wife and
W: T. Sedgwick. Bost., 1896. il. por. 2 v. D.
ROHAN, Henri, due de. M^moires sur les choses advenues en
France depuis la mort de Henri-le-Grand jusques k la paix
fait avec les Reform^s an mois de Juin 1629. (In Col. des
m^m. rel. a I'hist. de France, 1822, s. 2, v. 18-19.)
R0H£, George H. M.D. Text book of hygiene: a comprehensive
treatise on the principles and practice of preventive medi-
cine from an American standpoint. 2d ed. rev. Phil., 1890.
il. O.
ROHRBACH, Carl. See Kretschraer, A., and Rohrbach, C. The cos-
tumes of all nations.
ROLAND de la Plati^re, Manon Jeanne Philixjon, Madame.
TARBELL, I. M. Madame Roland, a biographical study. N. Y., 1896.
11. D.
MADAME Roland. (In Dohson, A, Four Frenchwomen.)
ROLFE, John Carew. Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889. Bost.,
1892. O. (Arch. Inst, of Am. Amer. School, Athens, v. 5.)
Discoveries at Thisbe in 1889. Bost, 1892. O. {Same.)
An inscribed tombstone from Boiotia. Bost., 1892. O. {Same.)
and Tarbell, F. B. Discoveries at Plataia in 1889. Bost., 1892.
O. {Same.)
ROLLE de Hampole, Richard. English prose treatises; ed. from
Robert Thornton's nis. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral, by
G: G. Perry. Lond., 1866. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 20.)
ROLLESTON, H. D., and Kanthack A. A. Manual of practical mor-
bid anatomy, being a handbook for the post-mortem room.
Camb., 1894. D. (Camb. nat. sci. man. Biol, ser.)
ROLLESTON, T. W. Life of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lond.,
1889. O. (Great writers.)
ROLLINS, Edward Henrv. Democratic investigations and political
tactics: Speech in the U. S. Senate May 26, 1880. {In Re-
publican campaign docs., 1880.)
liOLLO, John llollcnbt'c-U. Cieuealoiiical iHHord of the descendiiuts
of Ak'xaiKh'r I^)llo, of East ll;i(hhun. Conn., 1085-1895. Wil-
mington, IS'.tC). 5() J). ().
ROLLO family.
K0L1..0, J: H. (lenealogical record of the descendants of Alexander
Rollo, of East Haddam, Conn., 11585-1895. Wilmington, 1896. 56
p. 0.
KOMAINE, L'ev. William. Works. Lond., 1813. por. v. O
ROMANCE of California life; by the author of Helen's babies. See
Ilabberton, fJohn.
ROMANES, George John. Darwin, and after Darwin: an exposi-
tion of the Darwin theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian
questions; I. The Darwinian theory. Chic, 1892. il. pi.
por. 1).
Essays; ed. by C. L. Morgan. Lond., 1897. D.
Thoughts on religion . Chic., 1895. D.
ROME, (Italy.).
LANCIANI, R. Forma urbis Romae; consilio et auctoritate Regiae
Academiae Lynceoriim. Formam dimensus est et ad modulum
1:1000 delineauit. Fasciculus primus (1893,) quintus (1897) Medio-
lani, 1893-97. 30 sheets; 1-15, 17-18, 22-25, 29-30, 32, 37, 40, 44.
M, H. and T, M. A. R. Handbook to christian and ecclesiastical Rome:
pt. 1. Lond., 1897. D.
Contents: Pt. 1. Christian monuments of Rome.
ROMERO, Matias. The Tehuantepec isthmus railway. Wash.,
1894. 19 p. O. (In R. R. pamphlets, v. 5.)
ROMILLY, Sir Samuel. Observations on the criminal law of Eng-
land, as it relates to capital punishments, and on the mode
in which it was administered. Lond., 1810. 76 p. O.
Speeches in the House of Commons. Lond., 1820. 2 v. ]»or.
ROOME family.
[WARNER, P: R.] Descendants of Peter Willemse Roome. [N. Y.,
1883.J O.
♦ROOSEVELT, Blanche. (Mrs. Blanche Roosevelt Tucker Mach-
etta.) Elizabeth of Roumania; a study, with two tales from
the German of Carmen Sylva. Lend., 1891. pors. D.
Verdi: Milan and ''Othello"; being a short life of Verdi, with
letters written about Milan and the new opera of Othello,
i-epreseuted for the first time on the stage of La Scala theatre,
Feb. 5. 1887. Lond., 1887. pi. pors. D.
ROOSEVELT, J. West. A doctor's view of bicycling. (In Out of-
door lib. Athletic sports.)
Hygiene in the home. (In Woman's book, v. 1.)
ed. In sickness and in health; a manual of domestic medicine
and surgerv, hvgiene, dietetics and nursing. N. Y., 1896. iL
pi. O.
ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Gouverneur Morris. Bost., 1888. D.
(Amer. statesmen.)
New York. Lond., 1891. pi. maps. D. (Hist, towns.)
See Lodge, H: C, and Roosevelt, T. Hero tales from American
ROOT, Edwin A. Ueiit. Miltary topography and sketching. 2d ed.
rev. and enl. by the Department of Engineering, Ft. Leaven-
worth, Kansas. Kansas City, [1896]. il. O.
ROPEK, Stephen. A catechism of high-pressure vr non-condensing
steam engines. 20th ed. rev. enl. Phil., 1889. il. por. T.
Engineer's handy-book; containing a full explanation of the
steam engine indicator, and its use and advantages to engin-
eers and steam users. lUth ed. Phil., 1889. il. S.
Hand-book of land and marine engines; including the model-
ing, construction, running, and management of land and
marine engines and boilers. Phil., 1888. il. por. S.
Hand-book of modern steam lire-engines; including the run-
ning, care, and manageiuent of steam fire-engines and lire-
pumps. 2d ed. rev. and cor. by H. L. Stellwagen. Phi., 1889.
il. S.
Hand-book of the locomotive, including the construction, run-
ning and management of locomotive engines and boilers.
14th ed. rev. Phil., 1889. por. T.
Instructions and suggestions for engineers and firemen.
[n. p.], 1890. 66 p. il. T.
Questions and answers for engineers. 5th ed. Phil., [c. 1880].
61 p. T.
Steam boiler; its care and management. 4th ed. Phil., 1889.
12+133 p. il. S.
Use and abuse of the steam boiler. 11th ed. rev. Phil., 1889.
il. S.
The young engineer's own book; containing an explanation of
the principle and theories on which the steam-engine as a
prime mover is based. 2d ed. rev. Phil., 1889. il. T.
ROPEK, William. The life of Sir Thomas More; reprinted from
Hearne's ed., 1716. {In More, Sir T: Utopia; ed. by J. R.
ROPES, John Codman. The campaign of Waterloo: a military his-
tory. N. Y., 1892. map. O.
An atlas designed to accompany [the above] . N. Y., 1893. F.
ROSCOE, Sir Henry Enfield. John Dalton and the rise of modern
chemistry. N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
S])ectrum "analj-sis; six lectures delivered in 1868 before the
Society of Apothecaries of London. N. Y., 1869. il. col. pi.
ed. Century science series. N. Y., ] 895-97. 12 v. D.
For list see Century science series.
and Schorlemmer, Karl. Treatise on chemistry (continuation) ;
V. 3, Organic chemistry, pt. 6. N. Y., 1892. O.
ROSE, (N. Y.).
ROE, A. S. Rose neighborhood sketches, Wayne county. New York;
with glimpses of adjacent towns. Worcester, 1893. il. Q.
ROSE, J. H. The revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815.
Cambridge, 1894. D. (Cam. Hist, ser.)
ROSE, Joshua. The complete practical machinist; embracing
In the work, vise work, drills and drilling, taps and dies, hard-
ening and tempering, the making and use of tools, etc. 15th
ed. rev. Phil., 1889. il. D.
ROSE, N. Jonsson. Lawns and gardens, how to plant and beautify
the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden. N. Y., 1S97,
il. plans. O.
KOSE, T. Kiike. The metallurgy of gold. Lond., 1894. il. O.
(Gi'illiu's molalliu'gieal «ei'.)
KOf^E-r.ELFOliD'S Canadiau juoutbly. See Canadian monthly.
KOlr^ECKA^'tS, William Starke, yen. "Manifest destiny," "Monroe
doctrine, and Our relations with Mexico. [n. t. p.] 2o p.
O. [In Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
KOSEUCJEK, Petri Kettenteier. Defregger album; text von R.
Leipzig, Wien [ISS — ]. pi. F.
ROSEN, Lew. Napoleon's opera glass, an histrionic study. Lond.,
18!>7. 122 p. D.
ROSENFELD, A. pub. The first California story book for the holi-
days: Uncle John's stories for good California children.
S. F., [n. d.]. 64 p. T.
ROSEN(jARTEN, Joseph George The German soldier in the wars
of the United States. 2d ed. rev. enl. Phil., 1890. D.
ROSEN KRAXZ, Joliaun Carl Friedrich. The philosophy of educa-
tion; tr. by A. C. Brackett. 2d ed. rev. N. Y., 1889. D.
(Int. education ser. v. 1.)
ROSENTHAL, Henry S. Manual for building and loan associa-
tions. 2d ed. rev. enl. Cin., 1891. D.
ROSENTHAL, Richard Sigismund. The Meisterschaft system; a
short and practical method of acquiring complete fluency of
speech in the French language. Bost., 1891. 15 pts. D.
Method of practical linguistry: the French language. Chic,
1893. 10 pts. D.
ROSEWATER, Victor. Special assessments — a study in municipal
finance. (Columbia Univ. Studies in hist. econ. and pub. law,
v. 2, no. 3.)
ROSINI, fJiovanni. Storia della pittura Italiana esposta coi monu-
menti. Seconda edizione [with a list of the plates and alpha-
betical and topographical indexes in English. Pisa, 1848-52.
7 V. pi. O.
ROSS, David. The land of the five rivers and Sindh : sketches his-
torical and descriptive. Lond., 1883. map. O.
ROSS, Edmund G. History of the imijeachment of Andrew John-
son, president of the United States, by the House of Repre-
sentatives, and his trial by the Senate, for high crimes and
misdemeanors in office. [Santa Fe], 1S96. 180 p. 0.
ROSS, Edward Alsworth. Sinking funds. (In Amer. Econ. Assoc.
Pub. V. 7, no 4-5.)
ROSS, Fitzgerald, A visit to the cities and camps of the confed-
erate states. Edin. and Lond., 1865. map. D.
ROSS, Frederick. The mined abbeys of Great Britain; illustrated
with coloured plates and wood engravngs from drawings by
A. F. Lydon Lond., [n. d.]. pi. F.
ROSS. John T). pd. Celebrated songs of Scotland from James V to
Henrv Scott Riddell. N. Y., 1887. O.
ROSS, Joseph, {pseud. Walking Hiller.) Songs of the sand hills.
S. F., 1873. S.
ROSS, Peter. Scotland and the Scots: essays illustrative of Scot-
tish life, history and character. Phil., 1889. D.
ROSS, Thomas. Sn Macgibbon, T)., and Rosa, T.: The castellated
and domestic architecture of Scotland.
KOSSETTI, Christina Georgina. New poems, hitherto unpublished
or uncollected; ed. by W: M. Kossetti. N. Y., 1896. por. S.
KOSSETTI, Dante Gabriel.*
DANTE Gabriel Rossetti as designer and writer; notes by W: Michael
Rossetti including a prose paraphrase of the House of life. Lond.,
[etc. J, 1889. por. D.
KNIGHT, Joseph. Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Lond., 1887. 0.
(Great writers.)
KOSJSETTI, William Michael. Life of John Keats. Loud., 1887. O.
i^Great writers.)
ed. and tr. Italian courtesy-books: Era Bonvicino da Riva's
courtesies for the table (Ital. and Eng.j; with other trans-
lations and elucidations. {In Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Ex-
tra ser. no. 8.)
ROSSI, Umberto. Le medaglie di Cristotoro Colombo. {In Italy.
Com. Colombiana. Raceolta di documenti e studi pubblicati
dalla R. Com. Colombiana, pt. 2, v. 3.)
ROTCH, Thomas Morgan. M.D. Pediatrics and the hygienic and
medical treatment of children. Pbil., 1896. il. pi. Q.
ROTH, Edward. A complete index to Littell's living age, compris-
ing contents to the first hundred volumes; v. 1. [Bio-
graphy], v. 1. [Subjects]. Phil., 1891. 2 v. O.
ROTH, Henry Ling. Bibliography and chronology of Hales Owen.
Lond., 1887. 55 p. O.
The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, based
chiefly on the mss. of the late Hugh Brooke Low .... preface
by Andrew Lang. N. Y., 1896. il. 2 v. O.
comp. A guide to the literature of sugar. Lond., 1890. 14-r-
159 p. O.
ROTHWELL, C. F. Seymoui'. Printing of textile fabrics; a practi-
cal manual on the printing of cotton, woollen, silk and half-
silk fabrics. Lond., 1897. il. O.
ROTHWELL, Richard P. Universal bimetallism and an inter-
national monetary clearing house. N. Y., 1893. 53 p. O.
ed. The mineral industry; its statistics, technology and trade
in the United States and other countries, from the earliest
times to the end of 1895; v. 1-4. N. Y., 1893-96. 4 v. O.
(Statistical supp. of the Engineering and mining Jour.)
ROTTON, John Edward Wharton. The chaplain's narrative of the
siege of Delhi, from the outbreak at Meerut to the capture of
Delhi. Lond., 1858. plan. D.
CONINGSBY, Sir T. Journal of the seige of R. Lond., 1847. 84 p.
{In Oamden misc. v. 1. Camden Soc, v. 39.)
ROUGET de I'lsle. ingenieur. Nouveau manuel complet du fabri-
cant d'eaux et boissons gazeuses. Paris, 1863. pi. S. (En-
ROUGIER. L. Etraire do Fadui. Montpellier, 1888. 12 p. {In
Pamphlets on vitculture, v. 1.)
Le Greffage sans ^tetement du sujet. Montpellier, 1887. {In
ROUND, John H. Geoffrey de Mandeville: a study of the anarchy.
Lond., 1892. O.
ROUS, John. Diary, from KI'J.l-lL*; cd. b.y M. A. E. Greeu. [Loud.],
1S5G. 12--l4:{ p. .O. (Caiiideu ^oc, v. (JG.)
ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Confessions. Lond., 1892. por. D.
The social contract; or, The principles of political rights; tr.
by K. M. IJarriu^lon, wth introduction and notes by E. L.
Walter. N. V., 1«1)3. I). (Soc. sci. ser.)
GRAHAM, H: G. Rousseau. Edin. and Lond., 1882. S. (For. class-
ics for Eng. readers.)
ROUSSEAU, Theodore.
MOLLETT, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Millet, Rousseau, Diaz.
Lond., 1S90. pi. pors. D. (lUus. biog. of the great artists.)
ROUSSET, Antonin. The forest waters the farm; or, The value of
woodlands as reservoirs: being Les etudes de maitre Pierre
sur ragriculture et les iorets; tr. by S. W. Powell. N. Y.,
1886. 108 p. il. D.
ROUSSET, Camille. ed. Recollections of Marshal Macdonald,
duke of Tarentum; tr. by S. L. Simeon. Lond., 1892. 2 v.
pors. pi. O.
ROUTH, Charles Henry Felix. Infant feeding and its influence on
life; or, the causes and prevention of infant mortality.
Lond., 1860. D.
ROUTLED(iE, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the nine-
teenth centurv. 9th ed. rev. and partly re-written with add.
Lond., 1891. U. pi. maps. O.
ROUVILLE, Paul de. Introduction a la description geologique du
department de LH^rault. 2^ ed. Montpellier, 1876. pi. O.
ROW, Augustus, row/?. Masonic biography and dictionary. Phil.,
1868. D. •
ROWAN, Andrew Summers, and Ramse.A, Marathon Montrose. The
island of Cuba, a descriptive and historical account of the
"Great Antilla." N. Y., 1896. il. maps. S.
ROWAN, Frederick James. See Mills, E. J., and Rowan, F. J. Fuel
and its applications.
ROWBOTIIAM, John Frederick. The troubadours and courts of
love. Lond., 1895. il. maps. S. (Social Eng. ser.)
ROWE, Leo S. tr. See Lindsay, S. M., and Rowe, L. S. trs. Con-
stitution of the kingdom of Italy.
ROWELL, George P. and Co. jnd,. American newspaper directory,
1879, 1890. 1894, 189.'). N. Y.. 1879-95. 4 v. O.
ROWELL. Isaac. M.V. Introductory address in the University of
the Pacific, May 12, 1859. S. f", 1859. 15 p. O. {In Medical
pamphlets, v. 2.)
[ROWELL, Joseph Cummings.] Library of the TTniversity of Cali-
fornia; contents-index; v. 1. Berkeley, 1889-90. O.
ROWLAND, Kate :Mason. The life of George Mason, 1725-92; in-
cluding his speeches, public papers, and correspondence;
with an introduction by General Fitzhugh Lee. N. Y., 1892.
2 v. i)or. facsim. O.
ROWLAND. Svduev. od. Archives of clinical skiagraphy: v. 1:
May 189n-"A]»r.' 1897. Lond.. 1896-7. pi. Q.
Coniinvpd as Archives of the Roentgen ray; ed. by W. S. Hedley
and S. Rowland.
ROWLANDS, Daniel. The Fishguard invasion by the French in
1797. Lond., 1892. pi. D.
ROWLANDS, Walter. American painter etchings: ten original
etchings bv the best American artists; with biographical
and descriptive text by II. Bost., [c. 1888]. pi. F.
Recent English art; selections from the portfolios of Sir Fred-
erick Leighton, Alma Tadema, Rosa Bonheur, G. D. Leslie^
Marcus Stone, David Law and others ; consisting of sixteen
photo-etchings; with biographical text by R. Bost., fc.
1889]. pi. F.
ROWLANDSON, M. J. Ir. Zin-ud-din. Tohf ut-ul-mujahideen : an
historical work in the Arabic language.
ROWXES, Richard, capt.
VOYAGE to Priaman. (In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1, p.
ROYAL Agricultural Societv of England. Journal; 2d ser. (contin-
uation; V. 25; 3d ser* v. 4-8. Loud., 1889-96. 6 v. O.
ROYAL Astronomical Society. Memoirs, v. 1-49. Lond., 1822-88.
49 V. in 26. Q.
General index to the first 38 vols, of memoirs. Loud., 1871. O.
Monthly notices containing abstracts of papers and reports of
the proceedings; v. 1-49: 1827-89. Lond., 1831-89. 49 v. in
31. O.
General index to the first 29 vols, of the Monthly notices, 1n27-
69. Lond., 1870. O.
ROYAL Geographical Society of London. Proceedings and
monthlv record of geography (continuation); v. 1-2, 11-14.
Lond., 1879-92. 6 v. maps. O.
Merged into tlie Geographical Journal, Jan. '189S.
Supplementary papers (continuation); v. 4. Lond., 1890.
maps. O.
ROYAL Historical Society. Transactions (continuation); v. 10, n. s.
V. 1-4. 1882-89. Lond., 1882-89. 5 v. O.
ROYAL navv handbooks: ed. by C: N, Robinson. Lond., 1896-97.
il. 2 V. D.
Namely: Naval administration, by R: V. Hamilton. Naval gunnery,
by R: Garnett.
ROYAL Societv of Canada. Proceedings and transactions (contin-
uation); " 1889-96; v. 7-14. Montreal, 1897. 8 v. il. ]>1. Q.
Note: Vol. 12 contains general index for vols. 1-12.
ROYAL Societv of London. Philosophical transactions (continua-
tion); 1888; V. 179. Lond., 1889. pi. F.
ROYALL. William L. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United
States. N. Y., 1880. 65 p. D.
EOYCE, Josiah. The spirit of modern ])hilosophy. Bost., 1892. 0.
{and others']. The conception of God: a philoso])hical discus-
sion concerning the nature of the divine idea as a demon-
strable reality. N. Y., 1897. D. (Univ. of Cal. Philos. Union
Pub. V 1.) '
ROYLE. John Forbes. The fibrous plants of India fitted for cordage,
clothing, and paper; with an account of the cultivation and
' preparation of flax, hemp, and their substitutes. Lond., 1855.
■ O.
KOZIEK, Firmin A. History of the early settlement of the Missis-
sippi valley. St. Louis, 181)0 . pi. por. D.
RUBINSTEIN, Anton Grigorievitch. Autobiography, 1829-89; t..
from the Russian by Aline Delano. Bost., 18!)0. 12 — 171 p.
por. S.
RUDALL, H. A. Beethoven. Lond., 1890. 152 p. D. (Great musi-
[RUFFIN, Edmund.] Aulieipations of the future, to serve as les-
sons for the present time. Richmond, Xa., 1860. D.
RUFFIN, Frank G. The negro as a political and social factor.
Rich., 1888. 32 p. O. {In Slavery: pamps. v. 1.)
RUFINIS, Tyrannivs, of Aquilega. Life and works of Rufinus with
Jerome's apology against Rufinus; tr. with prolegomena and
notes, by Rev. W: H: Fremantle. {In Schaff, P., and Wace,
H: eds. Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 3.)
RUGGLES, Henry Joseijh. The plays of Shakespeare founded on
literary forms. Bost., 1895. O.
RUHL, Karl. Californien: Ueber dessen Bevolkerung und gesell-
schaftliche Zustimde, politische, religiose und Schul-Verh-
haltnisse, Handel, Industrie, Minen, Ackerbau, u. s. w. N. Y.,
1867. maps. O.
RULERS of India; ed. by Sir W: W. Hunter. Oxford, 1890-93. 3 v.
pors. maps. D
Xaiiirli/: Aiirangzib, by S. Lane Poole. Dupleix, by G: B. Malleson.
Haidar Ali and Tipii Sultan, by L. B. Bowring.
RULOFSEN. William Herman, (p^evd. W: Llerman.) The dance of
death. 3d ed. S. F., 1877. 131 p. S.
RUMELIN, Carl Gustav. Life of Charles Reemein, in German Carl
Gustav Riimelin. from 1814-1892; written by himself. Cin.,
1892. por. O.
LAPHAM, W: B. History of Rumford, Oxford county, Maine, from
.... 1779 to the present time. Augusta, 1890. il. O.
RUNDELL, Forrest P. The evolution of painting. {In Brooklyn
Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art.)
RUNK, Edward Johnson. Washington, a national epic in six can-
tos. N. Y., 1897. por. 169 p. D.
RUNKLE, Lucia Gilbert, assoc. erl. See Warner, C: 1^., [and olheis].
Pflfi. Library of the world's best literature.
RUPERT, of Bavaria, Prince.
GOWElt, R. C. S. L. lord. Rupert of the Rhine. Lond., 1890. pors.
128 p. D.
RUPP, William. D.D. Liturgies of the Reformed churches. (In
Hall. C: C, and others. Christian worshij).)
RURAL science series: edited by L. H. Bailev. N. Y.. 1897. il. .' v.
XoDirli/: Bailey, I.,. H. Principles of fruit-growing. Tvodenian, K. G.
Spraying of plants Wing. H: H. Milk and its products. King, F. H.
The soil. Roberts, I. P. Fertility of the land.
RUSHFORTH, G. McN. Latin inscriptions illustrating the hislory
of the early empire. Oxford, 1S93. 25-'-132 p. O.
RUSHWORTH, John. The sequestration of Archbishop Abbot
from all his ecclesiastical office*:, in 1687. Tn Arber, E. Eng,
Garner, x. 4, p. 535.)
RUSK, Jereiuiah M., and Chapman, Chandler P. comps. Roster
of Wisconsin volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-65. Com-
piled by authority of the Legislature. Madison, 1886. 2 v. O.
RUSKIN, John. Complete works. Ed. de luxe. N. Y., 1894-96.
26 V. pi. O.
Contents: Vol. 1-3. Stones of Venice. 4. Poetry of architecture;
Poems; Giotto. 5. Seven lamps of architecture; Lectures and study.
6. Sesame and lilies; Unto this last; Queen of air. 7-10. Pors Clavig-
gera. 11. Proserpina; Ariadne Florentina. 12. St. Mark's rest; Lec-
tures on art; Elements of perspective. 13. The two paths; Love's
meinie; Val d' Arno; The pleasures of England. 14. Mornings in
Florence; Time and Tide; Art of England; Notes on the construction,
of sheepfolds. 15. Crown of wild olive ;Pre-Raphaelitism; Munera
pulveris; Aratra Pentelici. 16. Ethics of the dust; Fiction, fair and
foul; Elements of drawing. 17. Deucalion; King of the golden river:
Eagle's nest. 18. Arrows of the chace. 19. Laws of Fesole; A joy for-
ever; Our fathers have told us; 20-24. Modern painters. 25. Hortus
inclusus. 26. Praeterita.
Works. Lond., 1843-60. 10 v. il. pi. O.
Nauicli/: Modern painters, 5 v. — Seven lamps of architecture. — Stones
of Venice. 3 v.
Note: All 1st edition except v. 2 and extra copy of v. 1 of Modern
Painters. 3d ed.
Letters to the clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church,
with replies from clergy and laity: edited by F. A. Malleson.
3d ed. N. Y., 1896. D.
COLLINGWOOD, W: G. The life and work of John Ruskin. Best.,
1893. 2 V. pi. pors. facsim. 0.
WALDSTEIN, C: The work of John Ruskin, its Influence upon
modern thought and life. N. Y., 1893. T.
RUSSELL, Addison Peale. A club of one; passages from the note-
book of a man who might have been sociable. [11th ed.]
Bost., 1893. D.
In a club corner: the monologue of a man who might have
been sociable. Bost., 1892. D.
Sub-Coelum; a sky-built human world. Bost., 1893. D.
RUSSELL, Alexander. M.D. The natural history of Aleppo .... a
description of the city, the principal natural productions in
its neighborhood; an account of the climate, inhabitants, and
diseases, particularly of the plague. 2d ed. Lond., 1794. il.
2 V. Q.
RUSSELL, Bertrand A. W. An essay on the foundations of geome-
try. Camb., 1897. O.
RUSSELL, Edmund, romp. Readings from California poets. S. F.,
1893. 124 p. D. (Sunset 2.)
RUSSELL, Frank. Hunting the musk-ox with the dog ribs. {In
Out-of-door lib. Hunting.)
RUSSELL, George William Erskine. The Right Honourable Will-
iam Ewart Gladstone. N. Y., 1S91. por. D. (Prime minis-
ters of Queen Victoria.)
BASKERVILL, W: M. Irwin Russell. Nash., 1896. S. 135 p.
(Soutnern writers, no. 3.)
RUSSELL, Israel Cook. Correlation papers: the Nf'wark system.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 85.)
RUSSELL, Isiael Cook. Geological recoinioisance iu ceutral Wash-
iuj;ton. Wash., 1893. O. [iSarne, no. 1U8.)
Glaciers of North America, a readiug lesson for students of
geography and geology. Bost., 1897. il. O.
Qualernary history of Mono valley, California. [In U. S. geol.
svirv. Sth report, pt. 1.)
Second ex[»edition to Mt. St. Elias in 1891. (In same, 13th rept.)
Subaerial decay of rocks and origin of the red color of certain
formations. Wash., 1889. O. [ISame. Bulletin no. 52.)
RUSSELL, J. tr. Guimps, R. de. Pestalozzi: his life and work.
RUSSELL, John. bp. of Lincoln. Two speeches for opening Parlia-
ment. {In Edward V. Grants, etc., Camden Soc, v. 60.)
RUSSELL, John, vshcr to Thtmphrey, duke of Gloucester. The boko of
nurture folowyng Englondis gise; ed. from the Harleian ms.
in the British Museum, by F. J. Furnivall. (In FurniAall,
F. J., ed. Babees book. Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg.
ser. no. 32.)
RUSSELL, John Russell. 1st earl (better known as Lord John, b.
WALPOLE, S. Life of Lord John Russell. 2d ed. Lond., 1889. 2 v.
pors. O.
RUSSELL, Percy. A guide to British and American novels a
manual of all forms of popular fiction in Great Britain, Aus-
tralia, and America, from its commencement down to 1894.
2d ed. Lond., 1895. D.
RUSSELL, Ladu Rachel Wriothesley. Letters: with an introduc-
tion vindicating the character of Lord Russell; and the trial
of Lord William Russell for high treason. 6th ed. Lond.,
1801. il. O.
RUSSELL, Robert Howard. The edge of the orient. N. Y., 1896.
il. D.
RUSSELL, RoUo. Epidemics, plagues, and fevers; their causes and
prevention. Lond., 1892. O.
RUSSELL, Thomas. Meteorology: weather, and methods of fore-
casting; description of meteorological instruments, and river
flood i)redictions in the United States. N. Y., 1895. il. O.
RUSSELL, William Clark. Book of table-talk: selections from the
conversation of poets, i>hilosophors. statesmen, divines, etc.
Lond., 1874. D.
Pictures from the life of Nelson. N. Y., 1897. por. D.
William Dampier. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng. men of action.)
RLTSSELL, William Eustis. Speeches and addresses; selected and
ed. by C: T. Russell jr.; with an introduction by T. W. Hig-
ginson. Bost., 1894. por. O.
RUSSELL. "\\'il]iam Howard. Diary in the east during the tour of
the Prince and Princess of Wales. Lond., 1869. il. pi. O.
Hesi»erotheii ; notes from the west: a record of a ramble in the
United States and Canada in the spring and summer of 1881.
Lond., 1882. 2 v. D.
My diary in India in the year 1858-59. Lond., 1860. 2 v. pi.
pors. map. D.
The war; from the landing at Oallipoli to the death of Lord
Raglan. Lond., 1855. D.
RUSSIA. Imperial Russian Commission. World's Columban Expo-
sition, 1893, Chicago; Catalogue of the Russian section.
S. Petersburg, 1893. Q.
RUSSO-JEWISH Committee [of London]. The persecution of the
Jews in Russia; with appendix containing a summary of
special and restrictive laws, and a letter reprinted from "The
Times" of 5th November, 1890. Lond., 1890. 71 p. map. O.
RUTGERS, Lispenard. On and off the saddle; characteristic sights
and scenes from the great northwest to the Antilles. N. Y.^
1894. il. pi. S.
RUTHERFURD, Andrew, tr. Moeller, W. History of the Chris-
tian church.
RUTLAND papers; original documents illustrative of the courts
and times of Henry VII and Henry VIII; selected from the
private archives of the Uuke of Rutland, etc.; [ed.] by W:
Jerdan. Lond., 1812. 12-T-133 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 21.)
RUTTER, William. Voyage to Guinea in 1562. {In Green, J: Voy-
ages and travels, v. 1, p. 177.)
RUYTER, Michael Adriaanzoon de. limt.- admiral.
MILNE, G. G. Life of Lieut.-Admiral de Ruyter. Lond., 1896. il.
por. D.
RUZZANTE. See Beolco.
RYAN, Abram Joseph. Poems: patriotic, religious, miscellaneous.
13th ed. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
RYE, Walter. An index to Norfolk topography. Lond., 1881. O.
(Index Soc. Pub., v. 10, 1881.)
ed. L'Estrange, John. Calendar of the Freemen of Norwich,.
from 1317 to 1603, (Edward II to Elizabeth, inclusive).
Lond., 1888. 151 p. O.
RYER, Washington M. M.D. The conflict of races; spread of
opium smoking, leprosy and other imported evils. S. F.,
1886. SO p. O. {In Chinese immigration; pamps, v. 2.)
RYLAND, Frederick. Chronological outlines of English literature.
Lond., 1890. D.
RYLE, Herbert Edward. The Canon of the Old Testament: an
essay on the gradual growth and formation of the Hebrew
Canon of Scripture. Lond., 1892. D.
S., C. r. Thoughts of great musiciaus. coll. and tr. by La Mara.
[Marie Lipsius]. Loiul., [n.d.] 71 p. D.
S., J., of Dale, psevd. See Stlnisou, Frederick Jesup.
SABIN, Joseph. Dictionary of books relating to America from it»
discovery to the present time (continuation); v. 14-19. N. Y.,
1884-01. 6 V. O.
com p. The library of the late Hon. George Bancroft: A sketch
of the historical manuscripts; Memoranda concerning the
books and pamphlets, [n.p. n.d.] 101 p. O.
SABINE, Mrs. Edward. //■. Humboldt, F. \\ . H. A. von. Aspects
of nature.
SABINE, Robert. See Chirk, L., and Sabine, K. comps. Electrical
tables and formulae.
SACHS, Dr. Julius von. History of botany 1530-1860; tr. by H.
E. F. Carnsey; rev. by I. B. Balfour. Oxford, 1890. D.
SACRAMENTO countv, (Cal.). Precinct registers (continuation);
1890, 1892, city supp., 1893, 189G.
SACRAMENTO county and its resources; a souvenir of the Bee, 1894.
[Sac, c. 1894.] 11. pi. pors. obi. 0.
SACRAMENTO illustrated; published by Barber and Baker. Sac,
185.5. F.
SACRAMENTO: the commercial metropolis of northern and cen-
tral California. A. J. Johnston and Co., publishers. Sac,
1888. 72 p. il. O.
SACRAMENTO. Board nf Edumtion. Annual report; 1894. Sac,
1895. O. {In Davis, W. J. Hist, and progress of the Public
School Dept. of Sac).
Capilol Ilomeslead Association. [Act of incorporation. Articles
of Association, By-laws, Remarks.] C. H. Haswell. presi-
dent. Sac, 1869. * 28 p. map. D.
Council of Federated Trades. Resolutions condemning the
action of Gov. James H. Budd in vetoing the appropriation
for . . . the State Printing Office: Report of the Special Joint
Legislative Committee. [Sac, 1897]. D. ])am.
DIRECTORY of Sacramento city and county. 1892-97; F. M. Husted
pub., S. F., [c. 1892-97.] 6 v. O.
SACRA:\rENTO dailv record-union; July, 1889-Dec., 1897. Sac,
1889-97. 17 V. "^ F.
Same; July-Dec, 1889.
SACRA :\rENT6 medical times; v. 1-2, ^Nlar.. 1887-I)ec., 1888. Sac,
1887-88. 2 V. O. Continiied as Occidental medical times.
SACRED books of the east; 1r. bv various oriental scliolnis luid ed.
by F. M. Miiller. See Miiller, F. >L cd.
SACY, Silvestre de. See Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. haron
SADE, Henry. The star of India. S. F., 1886. 108 p. O.
SADI, Muslihu'd-din al-SMrazi. The Gulistan; or Rose garden; tr.
into prose and, with introductory preface, and a life of
the author, from the Atish Kadah, by E: B. Eastwick. 2d ed.
Lond., 1880. O. (Tnibner's oriental ser.)
SADI, Muslihu'd-diu al-Shirazi. The rose garden of Hindoostan:
tr. into Hindoostauee b}- Meer Slier Ulee IJtsos. Calcutta,
1802. 2 V. O.
SADTLEK, Saiunel Philip. A hand-book of industrial organic
chemistry. Phil., 1891. O.
and Trimble, Henry. A textbook of chemistry. Phil., 1895. O.
SAFFOKD, Miss A. C. Typical women of China; abridged from the
Chinese work "Records of virtuous women of ancient and
modern times". Shanghai [etc.], 1891. S.
SAFFOKD, Mary Jane. tr. ^'ordau, M. Soap bubbles.
Voigt, Fran J. Ambrosius. Poems.
• See Bell, C, and Safford, M. J. irs.
SAFFORD, William Harrison. The Blennerhassett papers. Cin.,
1891. por. O.
SAFFORD family. *SVe Follett family.
SA-GO-YE WAT-HA. See Red Jacket.
SAHUT, Felix. De I'adaptation an sol dans la question des vignes
Amt^ricaines. Montpellier, 1880. 12 p. {In Pamphlets on
viticulture, v. 1.)
De I'adaptation des vignes Amlis on the families of
Salisbury [and others.] [New Haven], 1885. Charts, 1 v.
in 2. F.'
and l^^velyn McCurdy. Family histories and genealogies: a
seiies of genealogical and biographical monographs on the
families of ^[cCurdy, Mitchell, Lord [and others]. [New
Haven], 1892. charts. 3 v. in 5. F.
SALISBURY, Evelyn McCurdy. See Salisbury, E: Elbridge, and
Evelyn McCurdy. Family histories and genealogies.
SALISBURY family.'
SALISBURY, E: E. Family memorials genealogical and bio-
graphical monographs [New Haven], 1885. 1 v. in 2.
charts. F.
HOYT, D. W. Old families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass: pt. 1.
Prov.. 1897. 0.
SALLERON, J. fitudes sur le vin mousseux. Paris, 1886. 64-178
p. O.
Notice sur les instruments de pri^cision appliques k I'oenologie.
2« M. Paris, 1887. pi. O.
SALLUSTIUS Crispus, Caius. Sallust Florus, and Velleius Pater-
culus; literally translated with copious notes and a general
index, by J. S. Watson. N. Y., 1886. D. (Harper's new clas-
sical library.)
SALMON, D. E. cd. The horse and his diseases; by Drs. Michener,
Law, Harbaugh [and others]. 3d ed. Wash., 1892. O.
SALMON, George. A historical introduction to the study of the
books of the New Testament : being an expansion of lectures
delivered in the Divinity schools of the University of Dublin.
4th ed. Lond., 1889. D.
SALMON, Lucy M. History of the appointing power of the presi-
dent. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, v. 1.)
Union of Utrecht. {Same Rept. 1893. Papers no. 13.)
SALMON, W. Corn-milling; ancient and modern. {T71 Galton, F.
W. fd. Workers on their industries.)
SAL:M0ND. Stewart Dingwall Fordyce. ed. See Briggs, C: A., and
Salmond. S. D. F. eds. International theological library.
SALT, Henry Stevens. Animals' rights considered in relation to
social progress; also an essay on vivisection in America, by
A. Leftingwell. N. Y., 1894. S.
Life of Henry David Thoreau. Lond., 1896. O. (Great
Salter, William Mackintire. Ethical religion. Bost., 1889. D.
SALVAGNTNI. Alberto. Cristoforo Olombo e i corsari Colombo
suoi contemporanei. {In Italy, Com. Colombiana. Raccolta
di docnmenti e studi ])ubblicati dalla R. Com. Colombiana.
Pt. 2. V. 3.)
SALVERTE, Anne Joseph Eus5be Baconnii're. History of the
names of men, nations, and places, in their connection with
the progress of civilization; tr. by L, H. Mordacque. Lond,,
1864. 2 V. O.
SALVIN, Osbert. See Godman, F. D., and Salvin, O. eds. Biologia
SAMPSOJS', Muidock and Co. pub. Albany directory for 181)0; in-
cluding Bath and Greenbusli, also a street and business direc-
tory. Albany, 1896. O.
Boston directory containing the city record, director^' of the
citizens, business directory and street directory; 1898, 1896.
Bost., [c. 1893-96]. 2 v. ' O.
New England business directory and gazetteer; no. 15;
1889; no. IT, 1896. Bost., [1889-96.] 2 v. O.
SAMPSON, Z. Sidney. The evolution of music. (In Brooklyn Ethi-
cal Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art.)
The immigration problem. {In Same. Man and the state.)
SAMSON-HIMMELSTIERNA, H. von. Russia under Alexander
III. and in the preceding period; tr. by J. Morrison; ed. with
explanatory^ notes and an introduction by Felix Volkhovsky.
N. Y., 1893. por. O.
SAMUELSOX, James. Roumania past and present. Lond., [1882].
il. pi. pors. maps. O.
SAN BENITO county (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
SAN BENITO advance; Mav 16, 1890-Dec. 31, 1897. Hollister,
1890-97. 2 V. F.
SAN BERNARDINO county (Cal.). Great register f continuation);
1880, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
HISTORY of San Bernardino county California, including biographical
sketches. Published by W. W. Elliott and Co. S. F., 1883. il. pi.
pors. maps. F.
MORRILL, Frank L. A description of San Bernardino county. Los
Angeles, 1886. 64 p. O.
SAN BERNARDINO weekly courier; Jan. 3, 1891-Dec. 30, 1894.
San Bernardino, 1891-94. 2 v. F.
SANDAY, William, and Headlam, Arthur C. Critical and exe-
getical commentarv on the epistle to the Romans. N. Y.,
1896. O. (Int. crit. com.)
SAN DIEGAN, The daily; Sept. 23, ]S90-Sept. 30, 1892. San Diego,
1890 92. 6 V. F. United iritli The sun, Oct. 1892, and con-
tinued under title Dailj^ San Diegan sun.
SAN DIEGAN sun, Daily; Oct. 1892-Dec. 1897. San Diego, 1892-97.
11 V. F. Consolidation of San Diegan and The sun.
SAN DIEGO. Free Pidjlic Library. Catalogue, April, 1889; comp.
by Luln Younkin. San Diego, 1889. D.
SAN DIEGO county (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, supp. 1896.
SAN FRANCISCO (city and county). Great register; 1890, 29th-
481 h assembly districts; 1892, 28th-4,5th assembly districts.
1896, 28th-45th assembly districts; 56 v. maps.
Board of Education. The public schools of San Francisco; John
C. Pelton's course in regard to the same unmasked; result
of the investigation of the charges against P. by the com-
mittee of the Board of Education, June, 1865. S. F., 1865.
55 p. O.
Public schools of San Francisco; Revised course of study,
June, 1892. S. F., 1892. O.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jiuard of IleaUh. Kepoi't of the Health d<-i»:irt-
meut for the fiscal year eudiug June liO, 1894, 1895, 18JM». S.
v., 1894-9G. O. 3 pam.
Board of Park Commissioncis. Amiiial r('i)ort 1889. S. F., 1889.
pi. O.
Board of iSaperrisoni. Muincii)al reports (eoiit imialioiij; 1888-
9<>. S. F., 1889-9G. 8 v. O.
California Midwinler Inlernational Expndiion,. Official descrip-
tive record froui Jan. to -luly, 1894. H. S. (-rocker, pitb. S.
F., 1894. pors. pi. F.
Fhoto-gravures. N. Y., c. 1894. pi. obi. D.
Report of the mauaging director of the Nevada cxiiibit.
Carson Cy., 1895. O. pain.
EVANS, T. All about the Midwinter P^'air. 2(1 ed. rev. enl. . S. F., c.
1894. il. D.
Chamber of Coinnicrce. Report of the (Committee ou the
Water front Belt line R. R. [S. F., 1897.] 11 p. O. {In S.
F. pam. V. 2.)
Report of the joint committee of the Chamber of Com-
merce, Board of Trade and Manufacturers Associations on
port charges, shipping and shipbuilding. S. F., 1885. l()(i p.
O. {In Tracts on Commerce, v. 4.)
Same. Report on sea wall and warehousing. S. F., 1886.
20 p. O. {In same.)
Election Commissioners. [Precinct maps, 1886-92. S. F.], 1892.
Free Pnhlic Library. Catalogue, no. 4, May, 1884; short titles:
containing books added since June, 1882. S. F., [1884]. O.
Classified English prose fiction, including translations
and juvenile works; no. 6, 1891. S. F., 1891. Q.
English prose fiction, including translations. S. F.. 1897.
Monthly Bulletin: v. 1-3. S. F., 1895-97. 3 v. O. Q.
Report of the board of trustees; 1888, 1890-95, 1897. S. F.,
1888-97. O. 8 i>ams.
Supplementary catalogue of books added since May. 1884;
no. 5, 1888. S. F., 1889. Q.
Superintendent of Public Schools. Annual report of the public
schools of the citv and county of S. F. for the year ending
June 30, 1878, 1892-93. S. F., 1878-93. 3 v. O.
CROCKER-LiANGLEY San Francisco directory, 1896-97. Comp. and
■ pub. by H. S. Crocker Co. S. F., 1896-97. 2 v. O.
GUIDE to San Francisco and the pleasure resorts of California: pub.
by W: noxey. S. F., 1897. il. D.
HANDY block book of San Francisco, showing size of lots and blocks
and names of property owners, comprising 50 varas, 100 varas, West-
ern Addition and Mission; 1894. Published by the Hicks-Judd com-
pany. S. F., [c. 1894.] Q.
LANGLEY'S San Francisco directory for the year commencing 1890-
95. maps. 6 v. O.
SAN FRANCISCO blue book and Pacific coast elite directory. 1890-91.
95. S. F.. 1890-95. maps. 6 v. 0.
SAN FRANCISCO. Miscellaneous.
THE bay of San Francisco, the metropolis of tlie Pacific coast and its
suburban cities: a history. The Lewis Publishing Company, pub-
lishers. Chic, 1892. 2 v. pi. pors. Q.
THE city of San Francisco and a glimpse of California. Enterprise
Publishing Company, publishers. S. F., 1889. il. pors. F.
HISTORICAL and descriptive review of the industries of San Fran-
cisco. 1887; comp, and pub. by Thompson and Co. S. F., [1887]. O.
SAN FRANCISCO: photo-gi'avures. Jos. A. Hofmann [publisher]. S.
F., [c. 1892]. 49 plates, obi. D.
Pamphlets; v. 2. S. F. and Sac, 1854-93. O.
Vontnits: Annual report of the Board of Education, Sept. 1, 1854. — T.
Butler King, Collector of the Port of S. F., Letter to W: C. Dawson.
Dec. 2, 1854.^ — Byrne, E: Report on city and county finances. Sept.
1, 1856. — Prospectus of the California and New York Steamship Co.
1857. — Robinson, J. P. Report upon the condition and requirements
of the city front of S. F., Jan. 25, 1859. — San Francisco Port Society,
Proceedings Mar. 5, 1863.^ — San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Re-
port and proceedings. May 9, 1865. — 12th annual report of the Superin-
tendent of Public Schools. 1865. Report of committee on examination
of Cosmopolitan schools, S. F., 1867. — Stout, A. B. Hygiene as regards
the sewerage of S. F., 1868. — Society of First Steamship Pioneers. Cel-
ebration of the 25th anniversary of the arrival of the Steamer "Califor-
nia" at S. F., Feb. 28, 1849. S. F. 1874.— Spring Valley Water Works.
Report of officers.— July 16, 1875.— Fitch, G. K. and Williams, H. F.
Street pavements. S. F., 1876. — Humphreys W: P. Report on a sys-
tem of sewerage for the city of S. F. 1876. — Mc Alpine, W: J. Memoir
on the water-supply of S. F. 1879. — San Francisco Cremation Co. Why
modern cremation should replace earth-burial. 1885. — Dickie, G: W.
Commerce of San Francisco. S. F. 1891. — Report of the Grand Jury
of the city and county of S. F., 1892. — Progress report of the engineers
in charge to devise and provide a system of sewerage for S. F. 1893.
SAN FRANCISCO chronicle [daily] ; April 19, 1870-Jan. 15, 1871,
July 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1870-97. 36 v. F.
SAN FRANCISCO Chronicle almanac and political and commer-
cial statistician for 1898: v. 1:1. Jan. 1898. S. F., 1898. S.
SAN FRANCISCO daily report; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1889-
97. 26 V. F.
SAN FRANCISCO daily times; v. 10-13; May 13, 1859-May 10,
1861. S. F., 1859-1861. 4 v. F.
SAN FRANCISCO District. Legislative Assembly. Minutes of the
proceedings, March 12-June 4, 1849; and a record of the pro-
ceedings of the Avuntamiento or town council of San Fran-
cisco, Aug. 6, 1849-May 3. 1850, with app. S. F., 1860. O.
SAN FRANCISCO Farmers' Club. Bulletins: no. 1. S. F., 1897.
O. pam.
Namelii: no. 1. Free public market on the San Francisco water front.
SAN FRANCISCO Journal of Commerce, pvl). The builders of a
great cit}': San Francisco's representative men, the city, its
history and commerce: v. 1. S. F., 1891. pors. O.
Note: V. 2 was not published.
SAN FRANCISCO merchant. See Pacific wine and spirit review.
SAN FRANCISCO news letter (continuation); January 1889-Dec.
1897. S. F., 1889-97. 16 v. F.
SAN FRANCISCO Produce Exchange. 26th-30th annual report;
1893-97. S. F., [1893-97]. O. 5 pam.
SAN FKAXCKSCO Woiuen's Literary Exhibit. A list of books by
t'alilornia writers; issued by tlie Sau Fraudsco Woiuen's
Literary Exhibit, Columbian Exposition, 18D3, under the aus-
j)ices oi' the San Francisco AVorld's Fair Association. S. F.,
1893. 52 p. O.
SAN JOAQUIN county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
181»t>, 1892, 1894, 1890.
SAN JOSI^:. Board of Trade. Santa Clara county, California. S. F.,
1887. 9G p. il. O.
Resources of Santa Clara valley, California. San Jose,
1875. o2 p. il. O. {In California pamphlets, v. 2.)
S\N JOSI^; city directory, including Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and
Monterey counties, 189t), 1892, 1896. F. M. Husted, pub-
lisher. S. F., 189t)-96. 3 V. O.
.Yo/r; Directory for 1896 includes only Santa Clara county.
SAN JOSI^] daily herald; July, 1889-Dec., 1897. San Jos^, 1889-97.
1 7 y. F.
SAN JOS£ daily mercury; July, 1889-Dec. 1897. San Jos6, 1889-97.
24 v. F. '
SAN LUIS OBISPO county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation);
188U, 1890, 1892, 189-1, 189G.
HISTORY of San Luis Obispo county, California, with illustrations
and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers.
Thompson and West publishers. Oakland, 1883. pi. pors. Q.
SAN LUIS OBISPO tribune [weekly] ; July 1890-Dec. 1897. San
Luis Obispo, 1890-97. 2 v. F.
SAN MATEO county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
Illustrated history of San Mateo county, California; Moore
and l)e Pue publishers. [S. F.], 1878. pi. map. F.
SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin, avd Harris, W: T. A. Bronson
Alcott; his life and philosophy. Bost, 1893. 2 v. pors. D.
SANBURN, Frederic, camp. A Delsartean scrap-book: health,
personality, beauty, house-decoration, dress, etc. N. Y., [c.
1891]. D.*^
SAND, George, pseud. See Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D.
SAND, Maurice, psevd. See Dudevant, J. F. M. A.
SANDER. F. Reichenbachia: orchids illustrated and described
(continuation); y. 2. St. Albans [etc.], 1890. F.
Some; Second series; v. 1. St. Albans, 1892. F.
SANDERS, Lloyd Charles. Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Lond., [n. d.]. O. (Great writers.)
ed. Statesmen series. Lond., 1890. D.
Namrh!: Gambetta, by F. T. Marzials.
SANDERS. Thomas. The unfortunate yoyage of the Jesus to
Trij)oli in 1584. (hi Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 2, p. 11.)
SANDERSON, George P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts
of India, their haunts and habits from personal observa-
tion; with an account of the modes of capturing and taming
elephants. Lond., 1878. pi. maps. O.
SANDERSON, J. An ocean cruise and deep water regatta of the
Pacific Yacht Club, July, 1884. S. F.. 1884. 11. pi. 49 p. Q.
SANDEKSON, John Scott Burdon-. M.D. ed. Translations of for-
eign biological memoirs. 1. Memoirs on the physiology of
nerve, of muscle, and of the electrical organ. Oxford. 1887.
SANDFORD, Mrs. M. E. Thomas Poole and his friends. Lond.,
1888. 2 V. D.
SANDYS, John Edwin, ed. Aristotle's Constitution of Athens;
a revised text, with an introduction, critical and. explana-
tory notes testimonia and indices. Lond., 1893. pi. O.
See Nettleship, H:, and Sandys, J. E. eds. Seyffert, O.
Dictionarj^ of classical antiquities.
SANFORD, Albert H. State sovereignty in \yisconsin. Wash.,
1892. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1892. Papers no. 9.)
SANFORD, Frederick R. The bursting of a boom. Phil., 1889. D.
SANFORD, Heman Howes. Sauford genealogy: the branch of
William of Madison, N. Y., of its sixth American generation.
Syracuse, 1894. 70 p. O.
SANFORD family.
SANFORD, H. H. Sanford genealogy; the branch of William of Mad-
ison, N. Y. Syracuse, 1894. 70 p. O.
[SANGSTON, Lawrence.] The Bastiles of the north: by a member
of the Maryland legislature. Bait., 1863. 13G p. O.
SANITARIAN, The; a monthly magazine devoted to the preserva-
tion of the health, mental and physical culture (continua-
tion); v. 23-39. N. Y., 1889-97. 17 v. O.
SANITARY Institute, The. Transactions; 1888-89; v. 10. Lond.,
1890. O.
Note: V. 10 is v. 1 of the Sanitary Inst, in continuation of the Sani-
tary Inst, of G. B.
SANITARY Institute of Great Britain. Sec Sanitary Institute.
SANITARY news; a weeklv journal of sanitarv science (continua-
tion) ; V. 14-19. Chic", 1889-92. G v. Q. '
Note: Publication discontinued Feb. 1892.
SANITARY record; new series; v. 4, 10-20; July, 1882- June, 1883;
July 1888-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1883-97. 12 v. O.
SANKEY, Charles. Spartan and Theban supremacies. N. Y.^
1894. maps. S. (Epochs of anc. hist.)
ed. See Cox, G : W :, and Sankey, C : eds. Epochs of ancient
SANSON, Nicolas d' Abbeville. L'Amerique en plusieurs cartes, nou-
velles, et exactes; et en divers traict^s de geographic, et
d'histoire. Paris, 16G2. maps. O.
SANTA ANA standard; Jan. 3, 1891-Dec. 25, 1897. Santa Ana,
1891-97. 2 V. F.
SANTA BARBARA countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation);
1879, 1890, 1892, 1894, 189G.
HISTORY of Santa Barbara county, California, with illustrations and
biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Thomp-
son and West, publishers. Oakland, 1883. pi. pors. Q.
SANTA CLARA College. Catalogue; LS71-73, 1876-77, 1886-90,
1894-97. Santa Clara, 1871-97. O.
SANTA TLAIiA comity, (Cal.). Oirat r('i»:ister (coutiniiation);
188U, ISIUI, 1S;)L\ 1S<)4, ISDG.
HISTORY ol' Santa Clara county, California; including its geography,
geology, topography, climatography and description; published by
Allev, Bowen and Co. S. F., 1881. pors. O.
PEN pictures from the garden of the world; or Santa Clara county,
California, illustrated, ed. by H. S. Foote. Chic, 1888. pi. pors.
RESOURCES of Santa Clara valley, California. Pub. by San Jose
Hoard of Trade. San Jose, 1875. il. 0.
SANTA CLARA county, California; pub. by the Board of Trade of San
Jose. S. P., 1887. 96 p. 11. O.
SANTA CRUZ, Alonzo de. Map of the world, 1542; reproduction
in phototypic facsimile; with explanations by E. W. Uahl-
gi-en. Stockholm, 1802. 5 sheets. F. and text of explana-
tions. Q.
SANTA CKUZ countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, 189().
SANTA CRUZ county, California: illustrations descriptive of its
scenery [etc.]; with historical sketch of the county. W. W. Elliott
and Co., pub. . S. F., 1879. il. pi. pors. maps. P.
SANTA CKUZ surf. Weekly ed.; Jan. 1890-Dec. 30, 1897. Santa
Cruz, 1890-97. 3 \. F.
SANTAYANA, George. The sense of beauty, being the outlines of
aesthetic theory. N. Y., 1896. D.
SARDOU, xVntoine Leandre. See Soulice, Th., et Sardou, A. L.
Petite dictionnaire de la langue Frangaise.
SARDOU, Victorien. The black pearl; tr. by M. de L. (Brentano's
romantic lib.)
SARES family. See Sears family.
SARGENT, Aaron Augustus. Chinese immigration; speech m the
U. S. Senate March 7, 1878. Wash., 1878. 31 p. O. {In
Chinese immigration: pamps. v. 2.)
Confiscation of rebel property; speech in the House of Repre-
sentatives May 23, 1802. 16 p. O. (In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
The Pacific railroad as a military necessity— The Pacific rail-
road — how it mav be built. Delivered in the House of Repre-
sentatives. Wash., 1862. 32 p. O. (In Railroad pamphlets,
V. 2.)
SARGENT. Charles Sprague. American museum of natural his-
tory: Jesup collection; the woods of the United States; with
an 'account of their structure, (lualities and uses. N. Y.,
1885. O.
Forest flora of Japan. P.ost., 1894. pi. F.
The silva of North America; ill. with figures and analyses
drawn from nature bv C: E. Faxon; engraved by P. and E.
Picart; V. 1-10. Post., 1891-96. 10 v. F.
Co)itriitf<: V. 1. Magnoliaceae-ilicineae. 2. Cyrillaceae-Sapindaceae.
3. Anacardiaoeae-leguminosae. 4. Rosaceae-Saxifragaceae. 5. Ham-
amelideae-Sasolaceae. 6. Ebenaceae-Polygonaceae. 7. Lauraceae-
Juglandaceae. 8. Cupuliferae. 9. Cupuliferae-Salicaceae. 10. Liliae-
SARGENT. D. A. Physical characteristics of the athlete. (In Out-
of-door lib. Athletic sjtorts.)
Physical proportions of the typical man. {In same.)
SAKGENT, Epes. The life and public services of Henry Clay down-
to 1848; ed. and completed at Mr. Clay's death by Horace
Greeley. Phil., [c. 1852]. por. D.
SAKGENT, Herbert H. Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign.
Chic, 1894. O.
SARGENT, John Frederick. Reading for the young: a classified
and annotated catalog with an alphabetical author-index.
Bost, 1890. 121 p. O.
SARGENT, William M. comp. and ed. Maine wills; 1640-1760.
Portland, 1887. O.
SARIS, John. capt. A'oyage to the Red-Sea, the Molukkos, and
Japan in 1611. — Occurrences at Bantam and other parts of
the East Indies, from October, ICOo, till October, 1609 ; with
an account of the marts and commodities of those parts. (In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1, pp. 451, 496.)
SARPI, Paolo, called Fra Paolo. The rights of sovereigns and sub-
jects; tr. from the Italian, and compared with the French;
to which is prefix'd the life of the author and an account of
his writings. Lond., 1722. D.
LIFE of the moste learned Father Paul, of the order of the Servie,
councellour of state to the most serene republicke of Venice; tr. out
of Italian by a person of quality. Lond., 1651. por. S.
SARTAIN, John. chov. ed. World's masterpieces of modern paint-
ing: pub. by Wm. Finlev and Co. Edition de luxe no. 195.
Phil., [1893]. il. pi. 2*v. F.
SARTORIUS, Ernestine. Three months in the Soudan. Lond.,
1885. pi. O.
SATAPxVTHA-BRAHMANA, according to the text of the Madh-
vandina school ; tr. bv el. Eggeling (continuation) ; pt. 2, books
3-4. Oxford, 1885. O. (Mliller, F. M., ed. Sacred books of
the east, v. 26.)
SATO, Shosuke. History of the land question in the U. S. (In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 4.)
SATOH, H. tr. The wooden statue of Baron li Kamon-no-Kami
Naosuke. (In U. S. Nat. Mus. Rept. 1894.)
SATOLLI, Francis, cardinal. Loyalty to church and state. 2d ed.
Bait., 1895. por. D.
SATTERTHWAIT, Edwin. Road making and maintenance. (In
A move for better roads. Univ. of Penn. Com. on Better
SATURDAY review of politics, literature, science and art (continu-
ation); v. 1-11, 59-62, 64-84. Lond., 1856-97. 36 v. F.
SAUNDBY, Robert. M.I). Lectures on renal and urinarv diseases.
2d ed. Phil., 1897. il. O.
SAUNDERS, Frederick. About woman, love, and marriage. N. Y.,
1868. D.
Character studies, with some personal recollections. N. Y.,
1894. D.
SAUNDERS. T. Bailey, ir. Schopenhauer. A. The art of litera-
ture. — Counsels and maxims. — Studies in pessimism.
SAUNDERS, William Lameueo. cd. Colonial records of North
Carolina, IGOU-ITTO; published under the supervision of the
Trustees of Tublic Libraries by order of the General Assem-
bly. Kaleij:;h, 188G-«J(). 10 v. Q.
SAUNIEK, Claudius. The watchmaker's hand-book; intended as
a workshop companion for those engaged in watchmaking
and the allied mechanical arts; enl. b}' Julien Trippiin and
Edward Rigg. 2d ed. rev. with app. Lond.. 1888. il. pi.
SAUZAY, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. N. Y., 1893.
11. S. (Wonders of art and archaeology.)
SAVAGE, Edward Hartwell. comp. Boston events: a brief men-
tion and the date of more than 5000 events that transpired in
Boston from 1680-1880. Bost., 1884. D.
SAVAGE, John. 'D8 and '48; the modern revolutionary history
and literature of Ireland. N. Y., 1856. O.
SAVAGE, licv. Minot Judson. Beliefs about the Bible. Bost.,
1889. D.
The evolution of Christianity. Bost., 1892. D.
Psychics: facts and theories. Bost., 1898. 10-i-153p. por. D.
Social problems. Bost., 1886. 189 p. D.
SAVIDGE, Eugene Coleman. The American in Paris; a biograph-
ical novel of the Franco-Prussian war; the siege and com-
mune of Paris, from an American standpoint. Phil.. 1896.
Life of Benjamin Harris Brewster; with discourses and ad-
dresses. Phil., 1891. por. D.
SAVILE, Bourchier Wrey. How Ind'a was Avon by England under
Clive and Hastings; with a chapter on Afghanistan. Lond.,
188L pi. por. map. D.
SAVILE, Henry. Savile correspondence: letters to and from
Henry Savile; including letters from his brother, George,
marquess of Halifax; ed. by ^V: D. Cooper. [Lond.]. 1858.
O. (Camden Soc, 71.)
SAVILE. John. King James: his entertainment at Theobalds,
160,8. (//I Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 5, p. 623.)
SAVILE. Thomas, viscount.
PAPERS relating to the delinquency of Lord Savile, 1642-46. ed. by
J. J. Cartwright. [Lond.], 1883. O. (In Camden misc., v. 8. Cam-
den Soc, n. s., V. 31.)
SAWER, J. Ch. Odorograjdiia; a natural history of raw mate-
rials and drugs used in the perfume industrv. Lcmd.,
1892. O.
SA^A'TELLE, Mrs. Marv P. The heroine of '49: a storv of \ho Pa-
cific Coast. [S. F.], [c. 1891]. D.
SAWYER, Eugene T. Life and career of Tiburcio \'asM':(v., the
California bandit and murderer; to which is apjxMidcd Judge
Collins' address to the jurv in b'-half of the [trisone]'. [n.p.
c. 1875.] 48 p. O.
SAWYER. Lorenzo.
B.\NCROFT, H. H. History of the life of Lorenzo Sawyer: a charac-
ter study. S. F., 1891. por. O.
SAWYEK, Wesley C. Complete German manual for High Schools
and Colleges. Chic, 1887. D.
SAWYER family. See Walker, Edwin Sawyer. Story of my an-
cestors in America.
SAY", Thomas. American entomology; or, Descriptions of the in-
sects of North America. Phil., 1824. col. pi. O.
SAYCE, Archibald Henry. The ancient empires of the east. Lond.,
1884. D.
iSame: N. Y., 1886. D.
E'resh light from the ancient monuments. [8th ed.] [Lond.],
1893. 160 p. pi. D. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 2.)
The "higher criticism" and the verdict of the monuments. 3d
ed. rev. Lond., 1894. D.
Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated
by the religion of the ancient iJabylonians. 3d ed. Lond.,
1891. O. (Hibbert lectures, 1887.)
The races of the Old Testament. [Lond.], 1891. 180 p. pi.
D. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 16.)
ed. Records of the past; being English translations of the
ancient monuments of Egypt and Western Asia. New ser. ;
• V. 1-6. Lond., [1888-1892]. 6 v. D.
asst. ed. See Broderick, M., and Sayce, A. H. Handbook of
SAY^RE, Lewis Albert. Lectures on orthopedic surgery and dis-
eases of the joints, 1874-75. 2d ed. rev. enl. N. Y., 1888.
il. pi. O.
SCAIFE, Walter Bell. America: its geograpliical history, 1492-
1892; with supp. Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the
Spanish geographers the Mississippi? Bait., 1892. 176 p.
folded map. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies. Ex. vol. 13.)
Commerce and industrv of Florence during the Renaissance.
Wash., 1892. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1892. Papers no.
Florentine life during the renaissance. Bait., 1893. O.
Some European modifications of the jury system. (In Amer.
Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1894. Papers no.'lO.')
SCAMELL, George. Breweries and maltings: their arrangement,
construction, machinery and plant. 2d ed. rev. enl. and
partly re-written by F. Colyer. Lond., 1880. O.
SCARTAZZINI, Giovanni Andreas. A companion to Dante; from
the German, by A. J. Butler. Lond., 1893. D.
SCHAEBERLE, John Martin. Report on the total eclipse of the
sun observed at Mina Bronces, Chile, on April 16, 1893. Sac,
1895. il. pi. 126p. O. (Contrib. from the Lick Obs. no. 4.)
Terrestrial atmospheric absorption of the photographic rays
of light. Sac, 1893. 89 p. O. (Same, no. 3.)
SCHAEFFER, Luther Melancthon. Sketches of travels in South
America. Mexico and California. N. Y., 1860. D.
SCHAEFFER, Oscar. M.D. Anatomical atlas of obstetrical diag-
nosis and treatment. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. D. (Wood's med.
hand atlases, no. 4.)
. Atlas and essentials of gynecology. N. Y., 1897. il. pi. D.
(Wood's med. hand atlases, no. 5.)
SCHAFF, Philip. D.D. (Uirist and Christianity; studies on
Chi-istologv, creeds and confessions [etc.]. N. Y., 1885. O.
Church and state in the United States, {In Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Papers, v. 2.)
Creed revision in the I'resbyterian churches. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1890. ir. p. O.
History of the Cliristian cliurcli (continuation); v. 7. N. Y.,
1892.' O.
Voiitciits: 7. Modern Christianity: The Swiss reformation.
Literature and poetry; studies on the English language; the
poetry of the Uible; the Dies Irae, Stabat Mater, [etc.].
N. Y.*, 1890. por. O.
Progress of religious freedom as shown in the history of toler-
ation acts. N. Y., 1889. 126 p. O.
Theological propaedeutic; a general introduction to the study
of theology. 2d ed. N. Y., 1894. O.
cd. A popular commentary on the New Testament by English
and American scholars of various evangelical denomina-
tions: V. 1, 4. N. Y., 1879-83. 2 v. il. pi. maps. O.
Contevt.s: V. 1. Introduction, and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and
Luke. 4. The Catholic epistles and revelation.
A select library of Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers of the
Christian church;' 1st ser. (continuation); v, 14. N. Y., 1890.
Coiitnits: 14. Saint Chrysostrom; Homilies on the Gospel of St. John
and the epistle to the Hebrews.
and Wace, Henry, eds. Same. 2d ser: v. 1-8, 10-12. N. Y.,
1890-90. 11 V. O.
Cdiitents: 1. Eusebius; Church history; Life of Constantine the
Great; Oration in praise of Constantine. 2. Socrates; Sozomenus;
Church histories. 3. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus: histori-
cal writings, etc. . 4. St. Athanasius: select works and letters. 5.
Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic treatises, etc. . 6. St. Jerome: letters
and select works. 7. S. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Gregory Nazianzen. 8.
St. Basil, letters and works. 10. St. Ambrose, select letters and works.
11. Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian. 12. Leo, the
Great, Gregory, the Great.
SCHAFFLE. Albert Eberhard Friedrich. The impossibility of so-
cial democracy; being a supplement to "The quintessence of
socialism*'; with a preface by Bernard Bosauquet. Lond.,
1892. I). (Soc. sci. ser.)
The (luintessence of socialism. Eug. ed.; tr. from 8th German
ed. under the supervision of B. Bosanciuet. 4th ed. Lond.,
1892. 8-^127 p. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
SCHAIBLE, Karl. Passages from the life of Karl Josef Anton
Mittermaier. (Tv Mittermaier, K. J. A. Cajutal punish-
SCHAKF. .lohn Thomas, ain^ Wcstcott, Thompson. History of
Philadclpliia, 1009-1SS4. Phil., 1884. 3 v. il. pi. pors.
maj)s. facsim. Q.
SCHAT^EKM.\NN. Fram.ois Louis. Wood carvinc: in practice and
theory as applied to home arts. Lond., [1890]. 10--90 p.
pi. 6.
SCHAYER, Julia. Story of two lives. (In Stories by Amer. au-
thors, V. 10.)
SCHEDEL, Hartmann. Egistrum | buius ope-| ris libri cro-j nicar-
uni I cu tiguris et ymagi-l bus ab iuicio mudi : [At the end
of the colophon] Consummatu autem duodecima mensis
Julii. Anno salutis nre, 1493. F.
SCHEDEL, Henrv Edward. The emancipation of faith; ed. by G:
Schedel. N. Y., 1858. 2 v. O.
SCHEIDEL, A. The cyanide process, its practical application and
economical results. Sac, 1894. il. dia. 140 p. O. (Cal.
State Mining Bureau. Bull. no. 5.)
SCHEINER, Julius. A treatise on astronomical spectroscopy; tr.
by E. B. Frost from Die spectralanalyse der gestirne. Bost.^
1894. il. O.
SCHELL family.
DENISSEN, C. comp. Schell, or Researches after the descendants of
John Christian Schell and .John Schell. [Detroit, 1896]. por. 94
p. O.
SGHEM, Alexander Joseph, ed. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conver-
sations-Lexicon; mit specieller Bticksicht auf das Bediirfniss
der in Amerika lebenden Deutschen; mit Beuutzung aller
deutschen, amerikanischen, englischen und franzosischen
Quellen. N. Y., 1869-74. 11 v. Q.
SCHENCK, David, is^orth Carolina, 1780-81: being a history of
the invasion of the Carolinas by the British army under Lord
Cornwallis in 1780^81. Raleigh, 1889. pi. pors. maps. O.
SCHENECTADY countv (New York). History of the county of
Schenectady, N. Y., from 1662 to 1886; ed. by J. H. Munsell.
N. Y., 1886.' pors. Q. (In Bicentennial history of Albany;
ed. by G. R. Howell.)
SCHERER, Edmond Henri Adolphe. Essays on English literature;
tr. by G: Saintsbury. N. Y., 1891. por. D.
SCHERMERHORN, Louis Y., and Holden, B. Analytical and top-
ical index to the reports of the chief of engineers upon works
and survevs for river and harbor improvement: v. 2-3; 1880-
92. Wash., 1889-95. 2 v. O.
SCHICK, J. ed. Lvdgate's Temple of Glas; ed. with introduction
and notes. Lond., 1891. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Ex.
ser. no. 60.)
SCHIEFNER, Franz Anton von. fr. Tibetan tales derived from
Indian sources; tr. from the Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur by S. ;
done into English from the German with an introduction by
W. R. S. Ralston. Lond., 1882. O.
SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Works; tr. from the
German. Household ed. Bost., L884. 4 v. il. D.
Contents: Vol. 1. Historical. 2. Romances and dramas. 3. Histori-
cal dramas. 4. Poems and essays.
BOYESBN, H. H. Goethe and Schiller, their lives and works. 7th
ed. N. Y., 1894. D.
NEVINSON, H: W. Life of Friedrich Schiller. Lond., 1889. O.
(Great writers.)
SIME, J. Schiller. Edin. and Lond., 1882. S. (For. classics for Eng.
SCHIMMELMANN, Adeline, cuunless. Glimpses of my life at the
Geniian court, ainouji- Jialtic tishermeu, and Berlin socialists,
and in prison; includini;, "A Home Abroad" by Otto Funcke;
ed. by AV. S. Fojij;itt. 2d ed. N. Y., 181)0. il. pors. 1).
SCHLEIDEN, Matthias Jakob. Trinciples of scientific botany;
or, Botanv as an inductive science; tr. by E. Lankester.
Lond.. 184'!). il. O.
SCHLEYER, .lohann Martin. Yolapiik: an easy method of acquir-
in«i- the universal lan^ua!.?e; prepared for the English-speak-
ins- i>ublic on the basis of A. Kirchhoff's llilfsbuch, by K. A.
Linderfelt. 4th ed. Milwaukee, 1888. VM) p. S.
SCHLIEMANN, Dr. H»Mnrich. Sehuchhardt, C. Schliemaun's ex-
cavations: an archaeological and historical study; tr. from
the German by E. fc^ellers ; with an app. on the recent discov-
eries at Hissarlik by Dr. Schliemann and Dorpfeld, and an in-
troduction by W. Leaf. Lond., 1891. 11. por. pi. O.
SCHLOSv^. David F. Methods of industrial remuneration. N. Y.,
Lond., 1802. O.
SCHMID, Heinrich. Doctrinal theology of the evangelical Lutheran
church, verified from the original sources. 2d Eng. ed. re-
vised according to the 6th Germ.; ed. by C: A. Hay and H: E.
Jacobs, rhil.,188*). O.
SCHMITZ, John P. Human i)hysiology: analysis and digest. S. F.,
1804. il. O.
SCHMUCKER, Samuel Mosheim. A history of the civil war in the
Ignited States; with a preliminary view of its causes, and
biographical sketches of its heroes. Phil., 1804. pi. maps.
SCHNEriv. Benjamin Schroder. The burning of (Jhaml)ersburg,
Pennsylvania. Phil., 1804. 72 p. D.
SCHNITZEK, Eduard. See Erain Pasha.
SCHOEXHOF, Jacob. The economy of high wages; with an intro-
duction by T: P. Bayard. N. Y., 1892. D. (Questions of the
day, no. 72.)
Wages and trade in manufacturing industries in America and
in Europe; with an introduction by R. R. Bowker. N. Y.,
1888. 2.Tp. D.
SCHOFIELD. Diaries. Sketch-book; prose and peotry. S. F.,
18«i0. 18.'^ p. D.
SCHOFTELD. John McAllister, lieut.-gen. Forty-six years in the
Armv. N. Y., 1807. il. maps. O.
SCHOOL of urines quarterly; v. 1-18. N. Y.. 1879-97. 8 v. O.
Note: Wanting no. 1-2, 4, v. 1 ; no. 1, v. 3; no. 1. v. 4.
SCHOOLCRAFT. Henry Rowe. Archives of aboriginal knowledge,
containing all the original pay>ers laid lu'fore Congn^ss re-
specting the history, anliquities, language, ethnology [etc.]
of the Indian tribes of the United States; v. 3. Phil., 1800.
il. pi. maps. F.
yote: This is v. 3 of Historical and statistical information, etc.
SCHOOL:^r ASTER in literature; with an introduction by E. Eggle-
ston. X. Y., [c. 1892]. O.
SCHOONOVER, T. J. Life and times of Gen. John A. Sutter. Sac,
1895. pors. T.
SCHOPENHAUEK, Arthur. The art of literature; selected and
translated, with a preface by T. B. Saunders. Lond., 1891.
Counsels and maxims; being the second part of Aphorismen
zur Lebensweisheit; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. Lond.,
1891. 102 p. D.
Religion: a dialogue, and other essays; selected and trans-
lated by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. Lond., 1890. 8-1-117 p. D.
Wisdom of life; being the first part of [his] Aphorismen zur
Lebeusweisheit; tr. by T. B. Saunders. Lond., 1890. 26-f-
135 p. D.
Studies in pessimism: a series of essays; selected and tr. by
T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. Lond., 1891. 142 p. D.
CALDWELL, W: Scliopenhauer's system in its philosophical signifi-
cance. N. Y., 1896. O.
WALLACE, W. Life of S. Lond., 1890. S. (Great writers.)
SCHOULER, James. Biography. \In Schouler, J. Historical
Constitutional studies, state and federal. N. Y., 1897. D.
Historical briefs; with a biography. N. Y., 1896. por. O.
Historical industries. AVash., 1893. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Rept. 1893. Tapers no. 6.)
History of the United States of America under the constitu-
tion (continuation); 1817-61; v. 5. N. Y.. [c. 1891]. O.
Thomas Jefferson. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Makers of Amer.)
SCHOULER, William. A history of Massachusetts in the civil war
(continuation); V. 2. Bost^ 1871. map. O.
Contents: 2. Towns and cities.
SCHRADER. Dr. Otto. Prehistoric antiquities of the Aryan
peoples: a manual of comparative philology and the earliest
culture, being the "Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte";
tr. bv F. B. Jevons, from the 2d rev. enl. German ed. Lond.,
1890! O.
SCHREIBER, Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest, tr. The Mabino-
gion; from the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch o Hergest. Lond.,
1877. O.
SCHREIBER. Theodor. Atlas of classical antiquities. N. Y., 1895.
il. pi. F.
SCHUBIN, Ossip. psend. See Kirschner, Lola.
SCHUCHHARDT, Carl. Schliemann's excavations: an archae-
ological and historical study; tr. from the German by E. Sel-
lers; with an app. on the recent discoveries at Hissarlik by
Dr. Schliemann and Dr. Dorpfeld, and an introd. by W. Leaf.
Lond.. 1891. il. por. pi. O.
SCHULTZ, Christian. :Manual for the manufacture of cordials,
liquors, fancy syrups, etc. (fn Thomas, J. How to mix
SCHULTZ, Jeanne. La neuvaine de colelte. N. Y., [1887]. D.
SCHULTZE, Dr. B. S. The pathology and treatment of displace-
ments" of the uterus; tr. by J. J.' Macan. N. Y.. 1888. il. O.
SCHULZ, Aurel, a)ul Hammar, August. The new Africa; a jour-
ney up the Chobe and down the Okovanga rivers, a record of
exploration and sport. N. Y.. 1897. il. maps. O.
SCHULZE-GAEVEKNITZ, G. vou. Social peace: a study of the
trade union niovenu'nt iu England; tr. by C. M. Wicksteed,
and ediicd by G. Wallas. Loud., 1893. D.
SCHUKEK, Eniil. A history of the -Jewish people in the time of
Jesus Christ, being a second and revised edition of a "Manual
of the historv of Kew Testament times"; tr. by •) : McJMier-
son, S. Tavlo^r and T. Christie; lst-2d division. Ediu., 1890-
1)1. 5v. 6.
Vuutvuts: 1st div. Political history of Palestine from B. C. to A. D.
135. 2 V. 2d div. Internal condition of Palestine and of the Jewish
people in the time of Jesus Christ.
SCHUKMAN. Jacob Gould.
PROCEEDINGS and addresses at the inauguration of S. to the presi-
dency of Cornell university, Nov. 11, 1892. Ithaca, 1892. 82 p. O.
SCHUKZ, Carl, maj.-gcn. Abraham Lincoln: an essay. P.ost.,
1892. 117 p. por. D.
, Arbitration in international disputes. N. Y., 189G. D. (Ques-
tions of the dav, no. 87.)
Eulogy, April 29, 1874. (In Memorial of C: Sumner.)
Speech at Indianapolis, Ind., July 20, 1880. {In Republican
campaign docs., 1880.)
Same, in German. (/// same.)
SCHUYLER, Catherine.
HUMPHREYS, M. G. Catherine Schuyler. N. Y., 1897. por. S.
(Women of col. and rev. times.)
SCHUYLER, Eugene. American diplomacy, and the furtherance of
commerce. :N.Y., 1886. O.
SCHUYLER. George Washington. Colonial New ^ork; Fhilip
Schuyler and his family. N. Y., 1885. 2 v. O.
SCHUYLER, rhilip.
SCHUYLER, G: W. Colonial New York; Philip Schuyler and his
family. N. Y., 1885. 2 v. O.
SCHWAB, John Christopher. History of the New York property
tax. {In Amer. Econ. Assn. Pub. v. 5, 1890, no. 5.)
SCHWARTZ, J. M. W. van der Poorten. {pseud. Maarten Maar-
tens.) God's fool ; a Koopstad siory. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
The greater glory: a story of high life. 2d ed. N. Y., 1894. D.
Joost Avelingh: a dutcl^story. N. Y., 1893. D.
Mv ladv nobodv. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
SCH^^'ARTZKOPFP, Dr. Paul. The prophecies of Jesus Christ re-
lating to his death, resurrection, and second coming and their
fulfillment: tr. bv Rev. N. Buchanan. Edin., 1897. D.
♦SCHWEIGEK-LERCHENFELD. Amand. Freiherr von. Atlas
der himinelskunde. auf Grundlage der ergebnisse der col-
lestischen photographie. Lieferungen. 1-25. Wien, 1897. F.
SCH^^'EINITZ, George Edmund de. AI.D. Diseases of the eye, a
hand-book of ophthalmic practice. 2d ed. Phil., 1896. iL
pi. O.
SCHWILL. Ferdinand. See Thatcher, Oliver J., and Schwill, F.
Europe in the middh^ age.
SCIDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah. Appleton's guide-book to Alaska
and the Northwest coast. N. Y., 1898. 5+156 p. pi. maps.
Jinrikisha days in Japan. N. Y., 1891. il. pi. D.
SCIENCE; m illustrated journal published weekly (continuation);
V. 13-28. N. Y., I«8y-y4. 11 v. Q.
Continued as Science, a weekly journal devoted to the advance-
ment ot science; n. s. : V. 1-6. N. Y., 1895-97. G v. Q.
SCIENCE ladders, no. 3. N. Y., [n. d.]. 78 p. il. S.
Namely: Anvers, N. d'. Vegetable life.
SCIENTIFIC American; an illustrated journal of art, science, and
mechanics (continuationj; v. Gl-77. N. Y^., 1889-97. 17 v. F.
SCIENTIFIC American supplement (coutinuationj; v. 28-44. N. Y.,
1889-97 17 V. F.
New catalogue of valuable papers contained in the Scientific
American Supplement. N. Y., [n. d.]. 63 p. Q.
Same: N. Y^, [1897]. 48 p. Q.
SCIENTIFIC American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries;
ed. by Albert A. Hopkins. N. Y'., 1892. O.
SCORY^ Sir Edmund. Description of tlie Pike of Teneriffe; with an
account of the Guanches, or ancient inhabitants of the island.
{[n Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 548.)
SCOT, Edmund. Account of Java, and the first settlement of the
English at Bantam; with a journal of occurrences there,
particularly in regard to what passed between them and the
Dutch, as well as the natives, from 1602-05. {In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 284.)
SCOTCH-IRISH Society of x^\.merica. The Scotch-Irish in America.
Proceedings and addresses of the lst-7th congress, 1889-95.
Nashville, Ic. 1889-1895]. pors. 7 v. O.
SCOTT, Austin. The influence of the Proprietors in founding the
state of New Jersey. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 3.)
SCOTT, Edward John Long. ed. Letter-book of Gabriel Harvey,
A. D. 1573-80; ed. from the original ms. Sloane 93, in the
British Museum. [Westminster], 1884. O. (Camden Soc,
n. s. V. 33.)
SCOTT, Frank J. The art of beautifying suburban home grounds
of small extent; with descriptions of the beautiful and hardy
trees and shrubs grown in the United States. N. Y., 1873.
il. pi. O.
SCOTT, James, duke of Monmouth. Original letters of the Duke of
Monmouth in the Bodleian library; ed. by Sir G: Duckett.
[Lond.], 1879. O. {In Camden misc., v. 8. Camden Soc,
n.s. V. 31.)
SCOTT, John. See Douglas, J: W:, and Scott, J: British heter-
SCOTT, Kate M. History of the One hundred and fifth regiment of
Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-65. Phil., 1877. pors. O.
SCOTT, Robert N., and others, eds. War of the rebellion: a com-
pilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate
armies (continuation); series, 1; v. 1-4, 18-23:1, 24-40:2-3, 41-
43:1-2, 44:1, 45:1-2. 46:1. W^ash., 1880-96. 32 v. in 67. O.
U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
SCOTT, Temple. Book sales of 1896 : a record of the most import-
ant books sold at auction and the prices realized. Lond.,
1897. O.
SCOTT, Sir Walter. Border autiquities of England and Scotland;
comprising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and
other vestiges of former ages, accompanied by descriptions.
Lond., 1814. 2 v. pi. F.
Journal; from the original manuscript at Abbotsford. N. Y.,
1S!)0. 2 V. por. map. O.
Wandering Willie's tale. {In Stories by Eng. authors. Scot-
Waverley novels. Inter, lini. ed. Bost., 1893-94. il. por.
48 V. O.
Namely: V. 1-2. Waverley. 3-4. Guy Mannering. 5-6. The Anti-
quary. 7-8. Rob Roy. 9-10. Old Mortality. 11-12. Heart of Mid-Lo-
trian. 13. Legend of Montrose. 14-15. Bride of Lammermoor. 15.
Black Dwarf. 16-17. Ivanhoe. 18-19. The monastery. 20-21. The Ab-
bot. 22-23. Kenilworth. 24-25. Pirate. 26-27, Fortunes of Nigel. 28-
30. Peveril of the Peak. 31-32. Quentin Durward. 33-34. St. Ronon's
well. 35-36. Redgauntlet. 37. The Betrothed. 38. The talisman. 39-
40. Woodstock. 41-42. Fair maid of Perth. 43-44. Anne of Geierstein.
45-46. Count Robert of Paris. 46. Surgeon's daughter. 47. Castle
Dangerous. 48. Chronicles of the Canongate.
The Waverly gallery of the- principal female characters in Sir
Walter Scott's romances; from original paintings, engraved
under the superintendence of Charles Heath. N. Y., 1871.
pl. Q.
SAINTSBURY, G: E. B. Sir Walter Scott. N. Y., [n. d.] 158 p. D.
(Fam. Scots ser.)
YONGTi, C: D. Life of Sr A¥alter Scott. Lond., 1888. O. (Great
SCOTT, William Amasa. The repudiation of state debts. N. Y.,
[c. 1893]. D. (Lib. of economics and politics, R. T. Ely, ed.
no. 2.)
SCOTT, William Anderson. The pavilion palace of industry; dis-
course delivered in Calvarv Church, Aug. 23, 1857. S. F.,
1857. 24 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
SCOTT, William Bell. Poems: ballads, studies from nature, son-
nets, etc. Lond., 1875. il. pl. D.
SCOTT, ^A'illiam Forse. The story of a cavalry i-egiment: the
career of the Fourth Iowa veteran volunteers from Kansas
to Georgia, 1861-65. N. Y., 1893. por. maps. O.
SCOTT, Winfield. gen.
WRIGHT, M. J. General Scott. N. Y., 1894. por. D. (Great com-
SCOTTISHreview, The; V. 1-18; 1882-91. Lond., 1883-91. 18 v. O.
SCOL'LLER. James Brown. History of the United Presbyterian
Church of North America. {In Amor. Church Hist, ser, v. 11.)
SCOVILL photographic series. N. Y., 1892-97. il. 5 v. O.
Namch/: Duchochois, P. C. Lighting in photographis studios. Pi-
qiiepe, M. Modern practice of retouching. Robinson, H. P. Pictorial
effect in photography. Robinson, H. P. Picture making in the studio.
Woodbury, W. E. Photographic amusements.
SCRIBNER, F. Lamson-. American grasses. Wash., 1897. il. D.
(U. S. Dept. of Agri. Div. of Agros. Bull. 7.)
and Viala, Pierre. Black rot (laestadia bidwellii). Wash.,
1888. pl. O. {In Same. Div. of Botanv. Bull. no. 7.)
SCRIBNER-BLACK atlas of the world. N. Y., 1890. F.
SCRIBNEK'S magazine (continuation); v. 6-16, 18-21. N. Y., [1889-
97.] 15 V. O.
Index, volumes 1-lU; January lS87-l)ecember 1891. N. Y., [c.
1891]. O.
SCRIVE^EK, Frederick Henry. Plain introduction to the criti-
cism of tlie New Testament. 2d ed. rev. enl. and brought
down to the present date. Camb., 1874. O.
SCUDUER, Eliza. Hymns and sonnets. Bost., 1896. 51 p. S.
SCUDDEK, Horace Elisha. Boston town. Bost., [c. 1881]. il. O.
Childhood in literature and art. Bost., 1895. D.
ed. American commonwealths. Bost., 1888-92. 2 v. maps. S.
For list see American commonwealths.
Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. N.
Y.. 1891. pi. D.
SCUDDER, John Milton. M.D. The American eclectic materia
medica and therapeutics. 10th ed. rev. and re-written. Ciu.,
1885. O.
The eclectic family physician. 21st ed. 5th revision. Cm.,
1887. 2 V. in 1. il. por. O.
The eclectic practice of medicine. 2d revision. 12th ed. Cin.,
1888. O.
The eclectic practice in diseases of children. Rev. ed. Cin.,
1888. O.
Practical treatise on the diseases of women. 14th ed. rev.
Cin., 1887. il. pi. O.
The principles of medicine. 5th ed. Cin., 1884. O.
On the reproductive organs and the venereal. 3d ed. Cin.,
1890. col. pi. O.
Specific medication and specific medicines. 4th revision. 13th
ed. Cin., 1890. D.
SCUDDER, Moses Lewis. The labor-value fallacy. Chic, 1884.
92 p. D.
SCUDDER, Newton Pratt. The published writings of Isaac Lea.
Wash., 1885. O. (U. S. Nat. Museum. Bulletin, no. 23.)
SCUDDER, Samuel Hubbard. The American tertiary aphidae with
a list of the known species and tables for their determina-
tion. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 13th rept.)
A classed and annotated bibliography of fossil insects. Wash.,
1890. O. (Same. Bull. no. 69.)
The fossil butterflies of Florissant. [In Same. 8th report;
pt. 1.)
Fossil insects of North America, with notes on some European
species. N. Y., 1890. 2 v. pi. Q.
rnntevt.oTid., etc. [n.d.]. il. col. pi. Q.
The farm and the dairv. Lond.. 1889. 8-^154 j). il. D.
SHELDON. Lillian. Xemertines. (Camb. nat. hist., v. 2.)
SHELDON^ May French, tr. Flaubert, G. Salammbo.
SHELDON, W.' L. An ethical movement; a volume of lectures.
N. Y., 1896. D.
SHELDON, William. Ghostology; or, The existence of immaterial
men in earth, heaven, and hell. [S. F., n.d.]. 32 p. O.
SHELLEY, Henrv C. The Ayrshire homes and haunts of Burns.
N. Y., 1897"; il. 148 p.' S.
SHELLEY, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. A vindication of
the rights of women, with strictures on political and moral
subjects. New ed. with an introduction by Mrs. H: Fawcett.
Lond., 1891. D.
SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Complete poetical works. Centenary
ed. Bost., 1894. 4 v. D.
Lj^rical poems. Lond., [1895.] por. T. (Lyric poets.)
ELLIS, F. S. A lexical concordance to the poetical works of S.
Lond'., 1892. 2 v. Q.
SHARP, W: Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Lond., 18^7. O. (Great
SHEMSU-'D-DIN AHMED, El Eflaki. Selected anecdotes from the
work entitled The acts of the adepts (Menaqibu '1 Arif in) ; tr.
by J. W. Redhouse. {In Jelal-Ed-din Rumi, The Mesnevi.
Trubner's orient, ser.)
SHENSTONE, W. A. Justus von Liebig: his life and work, 1803-
1873. N. Y., 1895. por. D. (Cent. sci. ser.)
SHEPARD, Edward Morse. The democratic party. {In Brooklyn
Eth. Assoc. Man and the state.)
SHEPARD, Isabel S. The cruise of the U. S. steamer ''Rush" in
Behring sea, summer of 1889. S. F., 1889. pi. D.
SHEPHERD, Henry A. The antiquities of the state of Ohio. Cin.^
1890. 139 p. pi. maps. O.
[SHEPHERD, Luke]. John Bon and mast parson. [1551]. {In
Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. lOL)
SHEPHERD, Richard Heme. The bibliography of Tennyson; a
bibliographical list of the .... writings of Alfred (Lord)
Tennyson from 1827 to 1894. Lond., 1896. 88 p. D.
SHEPHERD, Thomas H. Metropolitan improvements; or, London
in the nineteenth century; displayed in a series of engrav-
ings [etc.] from original drawings by S.; historical, topo-
graphical, and critical illustrations by James Elmes. Lond.,
1827. pi. Q.
SHEPHERD, William Robert. History of proprietory government
in Pennsylvania. N. Y., 1896. O. (Columbia Univ. Studies
in hist. econ. and pub. law, v. 6.)
SHEPP, James W., (uid Daniel B. Photographs of the world. S. F.,
[c. 1891-92]. pi. obi. O.
Shepp's world's fair photographed. Phil., [c. 1893]. obi. O.
SHEPPARD, Joseph Brigstocke. ed. Christ Church lett(M*s: a vol-
ume of mediaeval letters relating to the affairs of the priory
of Christ Church Canterbury. [Westminster], 1877. 47—113
p. O. (Camden Soc, n.s. v. 19.)
SHERARD. Robert Harborough. Tcheng-ki-Tong. Chin-Chin; or,
the Chinaman at home. Lond., 1895. D.
SHERIDAN, Philip Heury. gen.
BURR, F. A. and Hinton, R. J. "Little Phil" and his troopers; the life
of Gen. P. H. Sheridan; its romance and reality. Providence, R. I.,
1888. il. pors. O.
SHERIDAN, Richai'd liiinsk'.y lintlcr. Bou-mots; ed. by W. Jer-
I'old. J.oud., l.S!)4. il. " T. (Bou-mots.)
RAE, W: F. Sheridan; a biography. N. Y., 1896. pors. 2 v. O.
SANDERS, L. C. Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Lond., [n. d.]
O. (Great writers.)
SHERMAN. Frank Deuipstor. Lvrics for a lute. Cambridge, 1890.
112 p. S.
SHERMAN, John. Is a change necessary. Speech delivered at
Cincinnati, Ohio, August 30, 1880. {In Republican campaign
docs., 1880.)
Same, in German. {In same.)
Recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet:
an autobiography.' Chic, 1895. il. por. pi. 2 v. O.
The Sherman letters; correspondence between General and
Senator Sherman .from 1837 to 1891; ed. by R. S. Thorndike.
N. Y., 1894. pors. O.
SHERMAN, Loren Albert. Science of the soul; a scientific demon-
stration of the soul of man as his conscious individuality in-
dependently of the physical organism; of the continuity of
life, and the actuality' of spirit return. Port Huron, 1895.
pors. D.
SHERMAN, Porter, tr. Brentano, L. The relation of labor to the
law of to-day.
SHERMAN. Rogei'. Letters of A citizen of New Haven; printed
in the New Haven Gazette, December, 1789. (In Ford, P. L.
ed. Essays on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
Letters of a countryman ; printed in the New Haven Gazette,
November-December, 1787. (In Same.)
SHERMAN, \yilliam Tecumseh. gen. The Sherman letters: cor-
respondence between General and Senator Sherman from
18.37 to 1891; ed. by R. S. Thorndike. N. Y., 1894. pors. O.
MEMORL\L proceedings of the Michigan Legislature for W: T. Sher-
man and Admiral D. D. Porter. Lansing, 1891. 45 p. Q.
PROCEEDINGS of the Senate and Assembly of the state of New
York on the life and services of Gen. W: T. Sherman held at Har-
manus Bleecker Hall, Albany, March 29, 1892. Albany, 1892. 79
p. Q.
SHERRING, Rev. :Matthew Atwood. Sacred city of the Hindus:
an account of B(»nares in ancient and modern times; with an
introdiiclion bv Fitzedward Hall. Lond., 1808. pi. O.
SHERTZER. A. Trego. M.D. A historical account of the Trego
family, liallimore, 1884. por. S.
SHERWOOD. :Mnrgar('t. (pfevd. Elizabeth Hastings.) An cxperi-
nu'ut in Altruism. N. Y.. 1895. D.
SHERWOOD, ^fary Elizabeth Wilson. The art of entertaining.
N. Y.. 1892. ' D. (Portia series.)
SHERWOOD. Sidney. The history and theory of money; Twelve
lectures delivered under tho auspices of the association local
centre of the American Society for the Extension of Univer-
sitv Teaching, and the patronage of the bankers of Phila-
delphia. Phil., 1893. O.
SHIELDS, Charles Woodruff. D.D. General principles of church
unity. {In Church unity.)
[and others.] Church unity; live lectures delivered in the
' Union Theological Seminary New York during the winter of
1896. N. Y., 1896. D.
SHIELDS, George O. {pseud. Coquina.) Cruisings in the Cascades:
a narrative of travel, exploration, amateur photography,
hunting and fishing. Chic, 1889. il. O.
SHILLINGFORD, John. Letters and papers, 1447-50; ed. by S. A.
Moore. [Westminster], 1871. 264-161 p. O. (Camden Soc,
n.s. V. 2.)
SHILOH; or. The Tennessee campaign of 1862. See Worthmg-
ton, T.
SHINN, Charles Howard. Cooperation on the Pacific coast. {In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 6.)
Land laws of mining districts. [In Same, v. 2.)
Mining camps: a study in American frontier government. N.
Y., 1885. O.
Pacific rural handbook. S. F., 122 p. D.
SHINN, Earl, {pseud. Edward Strahan), and Walton, W: Selected
pictures from the art treasures of America. Bost., [etc. c.
18S8]. 2 V. F.
SHINN, Millicent Washburn. Young Strong of The Clarion. {In
Stories by Amer. authors, v. 9.)
SHIPLEY, Arthur Everett. P.rachiopods (recent). {In Camb. nat.
hist., V. 3.)
Gephyrea and Phoronis. {In Same, v. 2.)
Thread-worms and Sagitta. {In Same, v. 2.)
ed. See Harmer, S. F., and Shipley, A. E. eds. Cambridge nat-
ural history.
gen. ed. Canibridge natural science manuals: biological series.
Camb., 1897. 10 v. D.
For list see Cambridge nat. sci. manuals.
SHIPLEY, Bev. Orby. ed. Lyra messianica: hymns and verses on
the life of Christ, ancient and modern. 2d ed. Lond.,
1869. S.
SHIPMAN, William D. See Conkling. K., and Shipman, W. D. The
Central Pacific Railroad Co. in equitable account with the
U. S.
SHIPPEN, Edward, ed. See Powell, W: H:, and Shippen, E. eds.
Officers of the army and navy (regular) who served in the
civil war.
SHIR AS, George, jr.
CARSON. H. L. George Shiras, jr. of the Philadelphia bar. Phil.,
1892. 12 p. por. Q. (Carson, H. L. The Supreme Court of the U,
S. Supp. pt. 1.)
CHANDLER, S. History of the town of Shirley from its early settle-
ment to 1882. [genealogies.] Shirley, 1883. il. pors. O.
SHIRVER, Edward J. Want and wealth. N. Y.. 1890. 38 p. D.
(Ques. of the day no. 63.)
SHOEMAKEK, Jolm V. M.D. Materia medica aud therapeutics
with especial reference to the clinical application of drugs;
V. 2 of A treatise on materia medica, pharmacolojiv and ther-
apeutics: being an indei)eudent volume upon drugs. Thil.,
1891. O.
A practical treatise on diseases of the skin. 2d ed. rev. enl.
N. Y., 181)2. il. pi. O.
and Ankle. John. A treatise on materia medica, pharmacology
and therapeutics; v. 1. Thil., 1889. O.
Note: V. 2. Shoemaker, J: V. Materia medica and therapeutics.
SHOPPELL'S modern houses: Published by the Co-operative
Building Plan Association. Architects; no. 19-40. N. Y,,
[c. 1891.] 3 V. F.
SHOKT histories of the literatures of the world, edited by PJdmund
Gosse. Lond., 1S97. 2 v. D.
yaniely: Ancient Greek literature, by G. Murray. French literature,
by E. Dowden.
SHOKT stories by California authors. S. F., 1885. 180 p. D.
Contents: Cheney, W: A. Miranda Higgins. Cummins, E. S. Por-
trait of a California girl. Gaily, J. W. Quartz. Glascock, M. W.
Liz. Green, W: S. Mea culpa. McDowell, H: B. Marquis of Agu-
ayo. Truman, B: C. Sensation in the orange groves. Wagner, H.
Nathan the Jew.
SHORTER, Clement King. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. N. Y.,
1896. il. O.
Note on Ferdinand Lassalle. {In Meredith, G: Tragic come-
SHOW, Arley Barthlow. The relations of libraries to higher edu-
cation. S. F., 1897. 11 p. D. (Lib. Assoc, of Central Cal.
Pub. no. 1.)
SHRIVER, John S. comp. Through the South and West with the
president [Harrison]; April 11-May 15, 1891. N. Y., 1891.
16+152 p. map. O.
SHUCK, Oscar Tully. comp. California scrap-book: a repository
of useful information and select reading. S. F., 1869. il. O.
SHUEY. D. B. 'History of the Shuey family in America, 1732 to
1876. Lancaster,'^1876. D.
SHUEY, Lillian Hinman. California sunshine. Oakland, 1888.
122 p. D.
SHUEY family.
SHUEY, D. B.' History of the Shuey family in America from 1732 to
1876. Lancaster, 1876. D.
SHUFELDT, Robert Wilson. Outlines for a museum of anatomy.
Wash., 188.-). O. '(In U. S. Bu. of Ed. Spec. Repts., v. 1.)
SHUNK, William Findlay. Field engineer: a handy book of prac-
tice in the survev, location, and track-work of railroads. 2d
ed. rev. cor. N. Y., 1883. il. S.
SHUTTE, Reginald Neale. tr. Drexelius, J. Heliotropium.
SIBLEY. John Langdon. History of the town of Union in the
county of Lincoln, Maine, with a family register. Best., 1851.
por. D.
SIBORNE, William. History of the war iu France and Belgium in
1815; containing minute details of the battles of Quatre-
Bras, Ligny, T\ avre and Waterloo. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 2 v.
pi. O. atlas. Q.
SIBSON, Alfred. Agricultural chemistry; with a preface by Au-
gustus Voeleker; rev., extended, and brought up to date by
the author, and A. E. Sibson. Lond., 1892. il. D.
Every day che.mistry; a familiar explanation of the chemical
principles connected with the operations of every day life.
Lond., [1892]. il. S.
SIDDONS, Mrs. Sarah Kemble.
BOADBN, .J. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons interspersed with anecdotes of
authors and actors. Phil., 1893. pors. D.
SIDGWICK, Henry. The elements of politics. Lond., 1891. O.
Outlines of the history of ethics. 2d ed. Lond., 1888. D.
*SIDNEr, Margaret. {pse\id. tor Mrs. Harriet M. S. Lothrop.) Old
Concord: her highways and bv-ways. Bost., [c. 1888]. 114
p. pi. O.
SIDNEY, Sir Philip. Syr, P. S. His Astrophel and Stella ; wherein
the excellence of sweet poesy is concluded. Lond., 1591. {In
Arber, E. An Eng. Garner, v. 1, p. 493.)
Lyrical poems. Lond., [1895]. il. T. (Lyric poets.)
Sonnets and poetical translations, (/n Arber, E. Eng. Gar-
ner, V. 2, p. 169.)
SPENSER, E., Sidney, M., and others. Astrophel: a pastoral elegy
upon the death of the most noble and valorous knight Sir P. Sidney.
1591. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 1, p. 249.)
SYMONDS, J. A. Sir. Philip Sidney. N. Y., [1886]. D. (E. M. L.
SIEBECK, R. Picturesque garden plans: a practical guide to the
laying-out, ornamentation, and arrangement of villa gardens,
town squares and open spaces; adapted to English gardens,
etc., by J. Newton. Lond., 1864. col. pi. F.
SIEBOLD, Carl Theodor Ernst von. Helmiuthology; — Worms,
zoophvtes and protozoa. (Ray Soc. Pub. Reports on zoology
for 184.S-44, no. 14-15.)
Report on the contributions to the natural history of the an-
nelides; — Contribution to helmiuthology; Works which have
appeared during the years 1841-42 on the echinodermata,
acaleplia, polypi, and infusoria. {Same. Reports on the prog-
ress of zoology and botanv, 1841-42, no. 7-9.)
SIENKIEWICZ, Henrvk. Children of the soil; tr. bv J. Curtin.
Bost., 1897. O. '
The deluge: an historical novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia;
a sequel to "With fire and sword";' tr. from the Polish by
J. Curtin. Bost., 1891. 2 v. por. D.
Lillian Morris and other stories; tr. by J. Curtin. Bost., 1894.
il. S.
Pan Michael: an historical novel of Poland, the Ukraine and
Turkey: tr. by J. Curtin. Bost., 1897. O.
"QuoVadis"; a narrative of the time of Nero; tr. bv J. Curtin.
Bost., 1897. D.
W^ith fire and sword: an historical novel of Poland and Russia;
tr. from the Polish by J. Curtin. Bost., 1890. D.
SIKXKIKW K'Z, llenryk. Without (lojj;ina: a uovel of modei'u
Pohiiul; ti-. fioui' file I'olish by I/.u Vouug-. Bust., 189;{. D.
Yanko the inusiciau aud other stories; tr. by J. Curtin. Bost.,
18!»:}. il. S.
SIEKUA Club. Articles of association of incorporation, by-
laws, aud list of charter members. S. F., 1892. D. (Publica-
tions, no. 1.)
Bulletin. Vol. 1, 2:1-3; 1893-98. S. F., 1896-98. il. pi. 1 v.
O. and pts.
^lap of the central portion of the Sierra Nevada mountains and
of the Yosemite valley: by J. N. Le Conte. S. F., 1896.
folded D. (Publications, no. 12.)
SIERKA countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896.
Illustrated history of Plumas, I.assen, and Sierra counties. Fariss and
Smith, publishers. S. F., 1882. pi. pors. Q.
SIGEKSON, George. From the establishment of legislative inde-
pendence to the act of union, 1782-1800. {In Two centuries
of Irish history.)
SIGMOND, George G. Tea; its effects, medicinal and moral.
Lond., 1839. 8-i-144 p. S.
SIGWART, Christopher. Logic: tr. by H. Dendy. 2d ed., rev. and
enl. Lond., 1895. 2 v. O.
SILLIMAN, Prof. Benjamin. Reports u^jon the Potosi mine. S. F.,
1864. 12 p. O. (In Pam. on mines and mining, v. 1.)
SILVER, John Archer. The provisional government of Maryland.
{In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 13, no. 10.)
SILVERSMITH. Julius, puh. The miners' companion and guide:
a compendium of most valuable information for the pros-
pector, miner, geologist, mineralogist and assaj'er. S. F.,
1861. il. T.
SILVESTRE de Sacy, Antoine Isaac, laron. Anthologie grammat-
icale Arabe; or, Morceaux choisis de divers grammairiens et
scholiastes Arabes; avec une traduction franraise et des
notes; pouvant faire suile a la Chrestomathie Arabe. Paris,
1829. O.
Chrestomathie Arabe; ou, Extraits de divers , 181)4, 1890.
History of Siskiyou county, California, illustrated with views of resi-
dences, business buildings and natural scenery, and containing por-
traits and biographies of its leading citizens and pioneers. D. J.
Stewart and Co., pub. ODakland, 1881. pors. Q.
JOHNSON, W. F. The red record of the Sioux: Life of Sitting Bull
and history of the Indian war of 1890-91. [n. p. c. 1891]. il. D.
SKEAT, A'er. Walter William. I'arallel extracts from twenty-nine
mss. of Piers Plowman, with comments, and a proposal for
the Society's three-text edition of this poem. Lond., 1806.
O. (Earl3''^PJng. Text Soe. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 17.)
Principles of English etymology. 2d ser.: The foreign ele-
ment. Oxford, 1891. I>. (Clarendon press ser.)
The student's pastime; a select series of articles reprinted
from "Notes and Queries." Oxford, 1896. D.
ed. Aelfric's lives of saints: being a set of sermons on saints'
days formerly observed by the English church; ed. from ms.
in the Cottonian collection, with various readings from other
mss. Lond., 1881-90. 2 v. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.
Reg. ser. no. 76, 82, 94.)
Alexander and Dindimus; or. The letters of Alexander to
Dindimus, king of the Brahmans, with the replies of Din-
dimus: being a second fragment of the alliterative romance
of Alisaunder; tr. from the Latin about A. D. 1340-r)(); ed.
from the unique ms. in the Bodleian Library. Lond., 1878.
O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 31.)
The Bruce; or, Book of Robert de Broyss, king of
Scots; compiled by John Barbour, A. D. 137.5; ed. with a
preface, notes, and glossarial index; pt. 1-4. Lond., 1870-89.
2 V. O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 11, 21, 29, 55.)
Joseph of Arimathie: otherwise called The romance of
the Seint Graal or Holy Grail: an alliterative poem written
about A. D. 1350, from the unique copy in the Vernon ms. at
Oxford; with "The lyfe of Joseph of Armathy." from black-
letter copy of Wynkyn de Worde; "De Sancto Joseph ab
Arimathia," A. D. 1516; and "The lyfe of Joseph of Arma-
thia," A. 1). 1520; ed. with notes and glossarial indices.
Lend., 1871. O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 44.)
Lancelot of the laik: a Scottish metrical romance about
1490-1500 A. D.; reed, from a ms. in the Cambridge Uni-
versity library, with an introduction, notes, and glossarial
index. Lond., 1865. O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 6.)
The lay of Havelok the Dane; composed in the reign of
Edward I, about A. D. 1280; reed, from the unique ms. in
the Bodleian library. {Same. Extra ser. no. 4.)
SKEAT, li'ev. Walter William, ed. Tierce the plouglimans crede,
about 1394 A. D.; to which is appended God spede the
pjough, about 1500 A. D. Lond., 18(57. O. {Same Keg. ser.
uo. 30.)
Komance of William of Palerne; added, a fragment of
the alliterative romance of Alisaunder; translated from the
Latin about A. D. 1340; [with introductions, notes, and glos-
sarial index]. Lond., 18(;7. O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 1.)
The romans of I'artenay, or of Lusignen: otherwise
known as The tale of Melusine; tr. from the French of La
(Joudrette about 1500-20 A. D.; ed. from a unique ms. in the
library of Trinity College, Cambridge, with an introduction,
notes, and glossarial index. Loud., 180G. O. {Same. Reg.
ser. no. 22.)
A treatise on the astrolabe; addressed to his son Lowys,
by Geoffrey Chaucer, A. D. 1391; ed. from the earliest mss.
Lond., 1872. O. {Same. Extra ser. no. 16.)
The vision of William concerning Piers Plowman, to-
gether with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, secundum wit
et resoun, by W: Langland, about 1362-93; ed. from numerous
mss. with prefaces, notes, and a glossary; pt. 1-4. Lond.,
1867-84. 4 V. O. {Same. Reg. ser. no. 28, 38, 54, 67, 81.)
The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance, trans-
lated chiefly from the Historia Alexandri Magni de Preliis;
re-ed. from ms. in the Bodleian library, Oxford, and ms. in
the library of Trinity College, Dublin. Lond., 1886. O.
{Same. Extra ser. no. 47.)
SKENE, William Forbes, ed. The historians of Scotland. Edin.,
1871-80. 10 V. O.
SKIDMORE, Harriet M. pseud. Marie. Beside tlie western sea: a
collection of poems. N. Y., 1877. D.
SKINNER, Charles Montgomorv. Mvths and legends of our own
land. Phil., 1896. il. 2 V. s!
SKINNER, Thomas, capt. Excursions in India; including a walk
over the Himalaya mountains to the sources of the Jumna
and the Ganges. Lond., 1832. 2 v. pi. O.
-SKOTTOWE, Britiffe Constable. A short history of Parliament.
Lond., 1892. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
SKRYVENER'S play. The: the incredulity of St. Thomas; from a
ms. in the possession of J: Sykes, ed. by J. P. Collier. Lond.,
18.59. LS p. O. {Tn Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
SLADEN, Douglas. Brooke Wheelton. The Japs at home. Lond.,
1892. pi. O.
erl. Australian poets, 1788-1888: being a selection of poems
upon all subjects written in Australia and New Zealand dur-
ing the 1st century of the British colonization, with brief
notes on their authors, and an introduction bv Patchett Mar-
tin. N. Y., [c. 1890]. D.
Who's who. 1897: 49th year. Lond., 1897. D.
SLATE, Frederick. Physics in secondary schools: some aspects of
the present situation. {In Univ. of Cal. Bull. no. 37.)
SLATER, John Herbert. The sale prices of 1896, an annual report
of the sales bv auction of objects of artistic and antiquarian
interest: v. 1. N. Y., 1897. O.
SLATKK, Kolx'it. Telr<2;i;ii)hie vodc to cusure secresy in the trans-
missiou of lt4fj;niiiis. Lond., 1SH>. S.
SLAUUUTEK, Bev. Philip. Uistoiy of St. Geoi'i^e's parish, in the
county of Spotsylvania and diocese of N'irginia; ed. by K. A.
IJiock, with a biography of the author. Richmond, 1890. 19
-1-78 p. pi. por. D.
SLAVEKV: pani])hlets, v. I. 1839-'.)o. O.
('(iiitciiift: V. 1. U. S. Circuit Court. African captives; trial of the
prisoners of the Amistad N. Y., 1839. 47 p.— Slavery in its relation
to God: a review of Dr. Lord's sermon in support of the Fugitive
Slave Law. Buffalo. 1851. 5(j p.— Zabriskie, J. C. Speech on Slavery
at Sacramento, May lU, 1856. 14 p.— Stone, .J. L. Slavery and the
Bible. S. F., 1863. 48 p.— Johnson, E. R. Emancipation oration.
S. F., 1867, 21 p. Whitfield, ,1. M. Poem, delivered Jan. 1, 1867. S. F.,
1867.— Ruffin, F: G. The Negro as a political and social factor. Rich.,
1888. 32 p.— Trustees John F. Slater Fund for the education of Freed-
men. Proceedings 1895.
SLEEMAN, &ir >\"illiam Uenry. ma j. -yen. A journey through the
kingdom of Oude in 1849-50; with private correspondence
relative to the annexation of Oude to British India. Lond.,
1858. 2 V. map. D.
SLEEPER, George T. See Coolidge, 11: D., and Sleeper, G: T. Com-
monwealth of Massachusetts; manual for the use of the Gen-
eral Court.
SLEIDAN, Johann Philippson. called. Oeuvres, qui concernent les
histoires qu'il a escrites. Geneve, 1574, Q.
SLICER, Thomas R. Unitarianism and modern scientific thought.
(/// Unitarianism: its origin and history.)
SLINGO, W., Brooker, A., and others, comps. Cyclopaedia of elec-
trical engineering. Pub. by Gebbie and Co. Phil., 1892. 2 v.
11. pors. D.
SLOAN, John A. Reminiscences of the Guilford grays, C. B., 27th
N. C. regiment. Wash., 1883. 4-1-129 p. D.
SLOANE. William Milligan. The French war and the revolution.
N. Y., 1893. maps. D. (Amer. hist, ser.)
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; v. 1-4. N. Y., 1896-97. il. pi.
4 V. Q.
Princeton university. (In Four American universities.)
ed. Life of James McCosh, a record chiefly autobiographical.
N. Y., 189f). pors. O.
SLOCUM, W. A. and Co. pvb. Ilislory of Contra Costa county,
California; also incidents of pioneer life and biographical
sketches. S. F., 1882. pors. O.
SLUYS, A. ■Mnnnal training in elementary schools for boys; pt.
1-2. (/» Indus. Fa]. Assn. ^Monographs, v. 2.)
SLUYTER, Peter. See Bankers, J., anct Sluyter, P. Journal of a
voyage to New York. 1G79-80.
SMALL, A. R. maj. The Sixteenth Maine regiment in the war of
the rebellion. 1801-05. Portland, 1880. O.
SMALL. Albion Woodbury. The beginnings of American national-
ity: the constitutional relations between the continental con-
gress and th(^ colonies and stat«'s, 1774-89. Bait., 1890. (In
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
SMALL, Herbert, conip. Handbook of the new library of Con-
gress; with essays on the architecture, sculpture and paint-
ing, by C : Caffin, and on The function of a national library,
by A. E. Spofford. Bots., 1S97. il. 128 p. O.
Handbook of the new public library in Boston. Bost.,
1895. il. 78 p. O.
SMALLEY, Eugene Virgil. Brief history of the Republican party,
from its organization to the presidential campaign of 1888.
N. Y., 1888. 155 p. pors. D.
SMALLEY, George Washburne. London letters and some others.
N. Y., 1891. 2 V. O.
Contents: V. 1. Personalities. — Two Midlothian campaigns.
2. Notes on social life. — Notes on Parliament. — Pageants. — Miscella-
Studies of men. N.Y., 1895. O.
SMART, Mrs. Helen Hamilton Gardener. Facts and fictions of
life. Bost., 1895. por. D.
SMART, William, tr. Bohm-Bawerk, E. V. Capital and inter-
est. — Positive theory of capital.
SMEATON, A. C. The builder's pocket companion : containing the
elements of building, surveying and architecture. Phil., 1883.
il. D.
SMEATON, Oliphant. Allan Ramsay. N. Y., [1896]. 160 p. D.
(Famous scots.)
Tobias Smollett. N. Y., [n. d.]. 156 p. D. {Same.)
SMEE, Alfred. My garden, its plan and culture; together with a
general description of its geologv, botany, and natural his-
tory. Lond., 1872. il. pi. Q.
SMET, Pierre Jean de. Missions de I'Or^gon et voyages aux mon-
tagnes Rocheuses, aux sources de la Colombie, de FAtha-
basco et du Sascatshawin en 1845-46. Gand., [1848]. pi.
maps. S.
SMILIE, E. R. {pseud. M. Shawtinbach)? Investigations and ex-
perience of M. Shawtinbach at Saar, Soong, Sumatra. S. F.,
1879. D.
SMITH, Adam.
HALDANE, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. Lond., 1887. 0. (Great
RAE, J: Life of Adam Smith. N. Y., 1895. O.
SMITH, A. Lapthorn. tr. Apostoli, G. New treatment of chronic
SMITH, A. M. put. Visitors' guide and history of the United
States Mint, Philadelphia, Pa. Phil., 1885. "il. pi. pors. O.
SMITH, A. M. Dew — . Confidences of an amateur gardener. Lond.,
1897. il. D.
SMITH, A. P. History of the Seventy-sixth regiment. New York
volunteers. Cortland, N. Y., 1867. pors. O.
SMITH, Allen J., and Davis, J. Aubrey, eds. Napheys' modern
therapeutics, medical and surgical, including the diseases of
women and children. 9th ed. rev. enl. Phil., 1892-93. 2 v.
CnntentH: Vol. 1. General medicine and diseases of children.
, 2. General surgery, gynecology and obstetrics.
SMITH, Arthur U. Chinese characl eristics. 2d ed. rev. N. Y.,
[etc., c. lcS«J4j. pi. O.
SMITH, Heujaniin E. ed. Century cyclopedia of names. N. Y., [c.
181)4] . F.
SMITH, Buckinj^ham. (r. Relation of Alvar Nuuez Cabega de
Vaca. N. Y., 1871. per. Q.
SMITH, Charles Eastlake. ed. Journals and correspondence of
Lady Eastlake. Lond., 1895. 11. pors. 2 v. I).
SMITH, Charles Forster. Honorary degrees .is conferred in Amer-
ican colleges. Wash., 1890. ' O. (U. S. Bu. of Ed. Bull. no.
1, 1890. In U. S. Bu. of Ed. Misc. pub., v 1.)
SMITH, Charles Lee. The history of education in North Carolina.
Wash., 1888. O. (Same. Circ. of Inform. 1888, no. 2.)
SMITH, Clarence L., and Elliott, Wallace W. pul. Butte county,
California: illustrations descriptive of its scenery [etc.];
with historical sketch of the county. Oakland. 1877. pi.
maps. obi. F.
Illustrations of Contra Costa Co., California, with
historical sketch. Oakland [1878]. pi. maps. obi. F.
Illustrations of Napa county, California, with his-
torical sketch. Oakland, 1878. pi. map. obi. F.
SMITH, Clement Lawrence, and Feck, Tracy, eds. College series
of Latin authors. Bost., 1890. D.
Xamelu: The annals of Tacitus, I- VI. ed. by W: F. Allen.
SMITH, E. Boyd. My village. N. Y., 1896. il. S.
SMITH, Edgar F. ir. Richter, V. von. Text-book of inorganic
SMITH, Edward P. The movement toward a second constitutional
convention in 1788. {In Jameson, J. F., ed. Essays in the
constitutional history of the V. S.)
SMITH, Erwin F. Peach yellows: a preliminary report. Wash.,
1888. pi. O. (i7j U.S. Dept. of Agric. Div.' of Botany. Bull.
no. 9.)
SMITH, Eugene Allen. Geological structure and description of the
vallev regions adjacent to the Cahaba coal field. (In Ala-
bama Geol. serv. 1890.)
The phosphates and marls of Alabama. Montgomery, 1892.
82 p. O. i)amj>. (Same. Bull. no. 2.)
and Johnson, Lawrence C. T»-r1iary and cretaceous strata of
the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alal)ama rivers. Wash.,
1887. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. liulletin no. 4.3.)
SMITH, Fanny Morris, asst. ed. See Seidl, A., ed. Music of the
modern world.
SMITH, Francis, capt. Account of a voyage for the discovery of a
northwest ]»a.-is(Ml shepherd, 1506. {In Arber, E: Eng. garland, v. 8,
p. 173.)
SMITH, William. M.D. Voyage to Guinea in 1726. (In Green, J:
Voyages and travels, v. 2, p. 464.)
SMITH, William, gov. of. Virginia.
BELL, J: W. Memoirs of governor W: Smith of Virginia: his politi-
cai, military, and personal history. N. Y., 1891. pi. pors. fac-
sim. O.
SMITH, William, and Lucy.
MERRIAM, G: S. ed. The story of W: and Lucy Smith. Bost., 1889.
por. D.
SMITH, William, and Wace, Henry, eds. Dictionary of Christian
biography, literature, sects and doctrines during the first
eight centuries; being a continuation of "The dictionary of
the Bible" (continuation); v. 4. Lond., 1887. O.
SMITH, William, Wayte, William, and Marindin, G. E. eds.
Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 3d ed. rev. enl.
Lond., 1890-91. 2 v. il. O.
SMITH, AAllliam Farrar. From Chattanooga to Petersburg under
Generals Grant and Butler. Bost., 1893. folded maps and
plans. D.
SMITH, \\'illiam Henry. Charles Hammond and his relations to
Henrv Claj' and John Quincy Adams; or. Constitutional lim-
itations and the contest for freedom of speech and the press:
an address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society,
:May 20, 1884. Chic, 1885. 72 p. O.
First fugitive slave case of record in Ohio. Wash., 1893. O.
(Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept., 1893. Papers, no. 9.)
SMITH, William Johnson. Medical and surgical help foi' ship-
masters and officers in the merchant navy: including first
aid to the injured. Phil., 1895. il. D. (Griffin's naut. ser.)
SMITH, William Prescott. The book of the great railwav celebrat-
tions of 1857. N. Y., 1858. il. D.
SMITH, William Robertson. Lectures on the religion of t!ie Sem-
ites. First series. The fundamental institutions. N. Y.,
1889. O.
SMITH family.
MAkTIN, Mix. S. S. Complete genealogy of the descendants of Mat-
thew Smith of East Haddam, Conn. 1637-1890. Piitland. 1890. O.
SMITH family.
SMITH, H. A. Genealogical history of the descendants of Rev.
Nehemiah Smith, of New London county. Conn. 1638-1888. Albany,
1889. O.
SMITHSONIAN Institution. 6th [15th-17th, 41st-48tli] annual re-
port of the board of regents (continuation); 1851, 1860-62,
1886-95. Wash., 1852-96. 18 v. O. Same, H. M. D.
Natural history illustrations; prepared under the direction of
Louis Agassiz, 1849. The anatomy of astrangia danae; from
drawings bv A. Sonrel, explanation of plates bv J. W.
Fewkes. Wash., 1889. pi. F. pam.
Natural history illustrations; prepared under the direction of
Louis Agassiz, and Spencer F. Baird, 1849. Six species of
North American fresh water fishes; from drawings by A.
Sonrel; explanation of plates by D. S. Jordan. Wash., 1889.
pi. F. pam.
Bureau of Ethiwlogy. 6th-12th annual report (continuation).
1884-91, by J. W.^owell. Wash., 1888-94. 7 y. il. pi. por.
music. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Contents: 6th. Report of the Director; — Holmes, W: H. Ancient
art of the province of Chiriqui; Study of the textile art in its relation
to the development of form and ornament; — Thomas, C. Aids to the
study of the Maya codices;- — Dorsey, J. O. Osage traditions; — Boas,
F. Central Eskimo.
7. Report of the Director; — Powell, J. W. Indian linguistic families;
—Hoffman, W. J. The Mide-wiwin, or "Grand Medicine Society" of
the Ojibway; — Mooney, J. Sacred formulas of the Cherokees.
8. Report of the Director; — Mindeleff, V. A study of pueblo archi-
tecture: Tusayan and Cibola; — Stevenson, J. Ceremonial of Hasjeltl
Dailjis, and mythical sand painting of the Navajo Indians.
9. Report of the Director; — Murdock, J: Ethnological results of the
Point Barrow expedition;- — Bourke, J: G. The medicine-men of the
10. Report of the Director; — Mallery, G. Picture writing of the
American Indians.
11. Report of the Director; — Stevenson, M. C. The Sia; — Turner,
L. M. Ethnology of the Ungava district, Hudson Bay territory; —
Dorsey, J. O. Study of Siouan cults.
12. Report of the Director; — Thomas, C. Mound explorations.
Contributions to knowledge (continuation); v. 26, 28, 30-32.
Wash, 1890-95. 5 v. pi. F.
Contents: 26. Mitchell, S. W., and Reichert, E. T. Researches upon
the venoms of poisonous serpents. — Hyatt, A. Genesis of the arietidae.
28. Bendire, C: Life histories of North American birds. *b0-31.
Goode, G: B., and Bean, T. H. Oceanic ichthyology . . . based chiefly
on collections made in the Northwestern Atlantic. *32. Bendire, C:
Life histories of American birds from parrots to the grackles.
V. 27, nos. 801, 842, 884. Wash., 1891-93. pi. F. pam.
ISaiiieh/: 801. Langley, S. P. Experiments in aerodynamics. 842.
Michelson, A. A. The application of interference methods to spec-
troscopic methods. 884. Langley, S. P. Internal work of the wind.
Miscellaneous collections (continuation); v. 34, 36. A\'ash..
1885-93. 2 V. O.
Contents: 34. Abbe, C. The mechanics of the earth's atmospaere.
Allen, H. Clinical study of the skull. Anthropological Society of
Washington; Transactions, v. 3. Bolton, H. C. Bibliography of
chemistry, for 1887. Mills, C: K. Mental overwork and premature
disease among public and professional men. Rogers, J. A. The cor-
SMTTTISONIAN Institution. Miscellaneous collections.
ret t ion of se.xtants for errors of eccentricity and graduation. Trap-
hagen F W. Index to the literature of Columbiura, 1801-87. Tucker-
man A Bibliograpliv of the chemical influence of light;— Indc< to
the literature of thermodynamics. Winlock, W: C. Bibliography of
astronomy for 1S87. 36. Bolton, H: C. A select bibliography of
chemistry, 1492-1892.
SMOCK, John Conover. Building stone in the state of New Voik.
Albany, 1888 00. map. O. {In N. Y. State Museum of Nat.
Hist. Bulletin; V. 1. no.:{; V. 2, no. 10.)
First report on the iron mines and iron-ore districts in the
state of New York. Albany, 1881). TO p. map. O. {In
same; v. 2, no. 7.) ,,
SMOLLETT, Tobias George.
HANNAY, D. Life of Tobias George Smollett. Lond., 1887. 0.
(Great writers.) ^„ o, ^ %
SMEATON, O. Tobias Smollett. N. Y., [n. d.]. D. (Famous Scots.)
SMUCKER, Samuel Mosheim. Life of Col. John Ciiarles Fremont,
and his narrative of explorations and adventures in Kansas,
Nebraska, Oregon and California; the memoir by S. N. Y.
and Auburn, 1856. por. D.
(Amer. men of letters.)
SMYTH, Albert Henry. Bayard Tayloi-. Bost., 1890. por. S.
The Philadelphia magazines and their contributors, 1(41 18;j0.
Phil., 1892. D.
SMYTH, Egbert Coffin. D.D. The Greek liturgies. (//' Mall, ( ■.
C, and oihers. Christian worship.)
SMYTH, Henry Lloyd. The republic trough. {In T . S. (reol.
Surv., 15th rept.)
SMYTH, Newman. Christian ethics. N. Y., 1892. O. (int.
tlieol. lib.)
Christian facts and forces. N. Y., 1887. D.
Old faiths in new light. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1891. I^-
The orthodox theology of to-day. New ed. _ N. Y., 1888. U.
The i)lace of death in evolution. N. Y., 1897. D.
The realitv of faith. N. Y., 1888. D.
The religions feeling: a study for faith. N. \ ., [c. ISm J . 1*1
p. 1).
tr. and ed. Dormer, I. A. On the future state.
SMYTH Richard. Obituarv: being a catalogue of all such persons
as he knew in their life from A. D. 1027-74; ed. by Sir H:
Ellis. [Lond.], 1849. 21-1-124 p. O. (Camden Soc v. 44.)
SMYTH Warington Wilkinson. A year with the lurks; or
Sketches of travel in the Euro].ean and Asiatic doiumiens of
tlie Sultan. N. Y., 1854. S. ....
SMYTH William Henrv. cnpt. des.-ni.tive ot tiie re-
s(mrces. inhabitants, and hydrography ..f Sidy and its-
islands. Lond., 1824. il. mai.. (2-
SNE\D Thomas Lowndes. The fight for Missouri; from the ele^-
' tion of Lincoln to the death of Ly.m. N. Y.. ISSO. map. D.
^NEATH. E. Hershey. ed. Seri.-s ..f lu.Mlein plnloscpliers. N.
Y., 1892. 2 V. *D.
For list see Ser. modern philosophers.
SNELGRAVE, William, capt. New account of some parts of
Guinea and the slaves-trade in 1730. (In Green, J: Voyages
and travels, v. 2, p. 485.)
SNELL. Frederick John. Primer of Italian literature. Oxford,
1893. 184 p. S. (Clarendon Press ser.)
SNEYD, Charlotte Augusta, tr. Relation, or rather a true ac-
count of the island of England about the year 1500; tr. from
the Italian with notes. Lond., 1847. 18-1-135 p. O. (Cam-
den Soc, V. 37.)
SNODGRASS, William. See McKendrick, John G., and Snodgrass,
W: Phvsiology of the senses.
SNORRI STTTRLUSON. The Heimskringla; or, The sagas of the
Norse kings; from the Icelandic, by S. Laing; 2d ed. rev.
with notes bj^ R. B. Anderson. N. Y., 1889. 4 v. maps. O.
SNOW, Marsliall Solomon. The city government of Saint Louis.
(In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
[SNOW, William Parker.] Southern generals: who they are and
what they have done. Lond., 1865. pors. O.
SOARQS, L. puh. New Orleans city directory for 1893. N. O., c.
1893. O.
Brief account of the Portugueze transactions in India, from 1516-21,
under the government of S. (//) Green, J: Voyages and travels,
v. 1, p. 76. )
SOCIAL England series: ed. by K. I). Cotes. Lond., 1895. 11.
maps. S.
Namely: Rowbotham, J: F. Troubadours and courts of love.
SOCIAL questions of to-dav; ed. bv H. de B. Gibbins. Lond., 1891-
96. 18v. S. ^ "
Namely: Bastable, C. F. Commerce of nations. Bowmaker, E:
The housing of the working classes. BuUey, A. A., and Whitley, M.
Women's work. Cox, H. Land nationalization. Cunningham, W.
Modern civilization. Dolman, F. Municipalities at work. Graham,
P. A. Rural exodus. Hadfield, R. A., avd Gibbins, H. de B. Shorter
working day. Hobson, J: A. Problem of the unemployed. Holyoake,
G: J. Co-operative movement of the day. Howell, G: Trade union-
ism, new and old. Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools and corners. Kauf-
mann, M. Socialism and modern thought. Moore, H. E. Back to the
land. Taylor, R. W. C. The factory system. Tuckwell, G. M. The
state and its children. Wilkins, W H. Alien invasion. Wilkinson,
J. F. Mutual thrift.
SOCIAL science series. Lond., 1870-1897. 89 v. D.
Namely: Aveling, E: and E. M. Working-class movement in
America. Aveling, E: Student's Marx. Balmforth, R. New
reformation. Bax, E. B. Ethics of socialism. Bax, E. B. Religion
of socialism. Bax, E. B. French revolution. Bax, E. B. Outlook
from the new standpoint. Bernstein, E: Ferdinand Lassalle as a
social reformer. Bliss, W. D. P. Handbook of socialism. Blissard,
W. Ethic of usury and interest. Borgeaud, C: Rise of modern de-
mocracy in old and new England. Bosanquet, B. Essays and ad-
dresses. Bowley, A. L. England's foreign trade in nineteenth cen-
tury. Brentano, L. Hours and wages in relation to production.
Burgis, E. Perils to British trade. Carpenter, E: England's ideal.
Carpenter, E: Civilization: its cause and cure. Clarke, H: W:
History of tithes. Coit, S. Neighborhood guilds. Crepaz, A.
Emancipation of women. Daly, J. B. Dawn of radicalism. Dawson,
W. H. Bismarck and state socialism. Dawson, W. H. The unearned
SOCIAL science series.
iiurenif-nt. Engels, F. Condition of the working class in England.
1814. Engels, F. Socialism, Utopian and scientific. Epps, W: Land
systems of Australasia. Fustol de C()ulang(H,N. D. Origin of property
in land. Galton, F. W. ed. Workers on their industries. Giles, A. E.
Moral pathology. Godard, J: G: Poverty: its genesis and exodus.
Godwin, W: Political justice (on property). (Johre, P. Three
months in a workshop. Green, J. L. Allotments and small holdings.
Guyot, Y. Tyranny of socialism. Guyot, Y. Principles of social
economy. Haycraft, J: B. Darwinism and race progress. Hervey,
M. H. Trade policy of imperial federation. Hobson, J. A. cremiums offered, 1783-1842.
Lond., 1785-1841. 55 v. in 53, and supplemental volume. O.
Notr: Vol. 1-2, 34-35, are in 2d ed., v. 24. contains an analytical index
to first twenty-five volumes. V. 40. ^nme, for vols. 26-40.
SOCIETY for tlie promotiou of Engineering Education. Proceed-
ings of lst-3d annual meeting, 1898-95. Columbia, 189:3-95.
3 V. O.
SOCIETY of Antiquaries. See London. Society of Antiquaries.
SOCIETY of Colonial Wars. (111.) The misuse of the National
Flag of the United States of America; an appeal to the 54th
Congress of the U. S. Chic, 1895. il. 32 p. O. pam.
SOCIETY of the Army of the Cumberland. lst-23d reunion ; Feb.
1868-Sept. 1892.' Cin., Chic, 18G8-92. 23 v. pi. pors. O.
Xote: The report of the meeting for Dec. 1868, contains also Reports
of the meetings of the Societies of the Army of the Tennessee, Army
of the Ohio, and Army of Georgia.
SOCIETY of the Army of Georgia. Report of the proceedings of
the annual meeting held in Chicago, Dec. 15, 1868. {In Soc
of the Army of the Cumberland, 2d reunion.)
SOCIETY of the Army of the Ohio. Report of the proceedings of
tlie annual meeting held at Chicago Dec. 15, 1868. {In same.)
SOCIETY of the Army of the Tennessee. Report of the proceed-
ings of the annual meeting held at Chicago Dec 15, 1868. (In
SOCIETY of the Framers of the Constitution of the State of Mon-
tana. 2d reunion, 1891; written and arranged by H: Knip-
penberg. [n. p. n. d.] O. pam.
SOCIETY verse by American writers; selected by Ernest De
Lancey Pierson. N. Y., 1887. 12-fl45 p. S.
SOCRATES. Athenian philosoplier.
GODLEY, A. D. Socrates and Athenian society in his day. N. Y.
1896. D.
SOCRATP]S. scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history; rev. with notes
by Rev. A. C. Zenos. {In Scliafif, P. ed. Lib. of Nicene and
Post-Nicene fathers. 2d ser., v. 2.)
SOHM. Rudolph. The institutes of Roman law; tr. from the 4th
ed. of the German bv J. C. Ledlie; with an introductory essay
by E. Grueber. Oxford, 1892. O.
SOLANO county (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892. 1894, 1896.
Historical atlas map of Solano county, California; comp., drawn and
published from personal examination and surveys, by Thompson and
West. S. F., 1878. F.
History of Solano county; also biography of its early settlers and
principal inhabitants. Published by Wood, Alley and Co. S, F.,
1879. pors. O.
Solano county, California: its location, topography, geology, climate,
soil, productions; issued by the authority of the Solano County
Board of Trade. Oaklaiid, [n. d. ] 84 p. O.
SOLDENE, Emily. My theatrical and musical recollections.
Lond., 1897.*^ pors. O.
SOLDI, fimile. Les arts m^connus; les nouveaux Musses du Troca-
d^ro. Paris., 1881. il. Q.
SOLDIER of Indiana in the war for the Union, The. Merrill and Co.
[publishers]. Indianapolis, 1866-69. 2 v. pors. O.
Voyage from Suez to India in his expedition against the Portugueze
at Diu in 1537; written by an officer of the Venetian galleys; tr.
from the Italian;— Siege of Diu by Soleyman Basha In 1539; ex-
tracted from the writings of Faria y Soufa and others. (In Green,
J: Voyages and travels, v, 1. pp. 88, 102.)
t^OLLV, Edward. Indexes of j)<)itiai(s in the "EurojK'an maga-
ziue," "Loudon magazines" and "liegislei- of (he linieH." (In
Index Soc. Tub., v. 4, 1871). Kept, of Isl annual meeting,
A pp. 3.)
camp. An index of hereditary Knglisli, Scottish, and Irish
titles of honour. Loud., 1880. (J. (Same, v. 5, 187JJ.)
SOLOMON, king. Book of wisdom; — Coronation, deeds, and
judgment on the two mothers' claim to one child; — His court
and temple. (In Furnivall, F. J. ed. Adam Davy's 5 dreams
al)()ut Edward II. Early Eng. Text Hoc. Tub. Keg. ser.
no. 09.)
SOLON, L. M. The art of the old English potter. Loud., 1883.
pi. F.
SOMEKS, Kobert. The trade unions; an appeal to the working
classes and their friends. Edin., 1876. D.
SOMERSET incumbents; ed. from the Hugo mss. in the British
Museum by F. W: Weaver. Bristol, 1889. Q.
SOMMEiniLLE, Maxwell. Siam on the Meinam from the Gulf
to Ayuthia. together with three romances illustrative of Sia-
mese life and customs. Phil., 1897. il. O.
SONCINI, G. Grazzi. See Grazzi-Soncini.
SON of the marshes, pseud. See Visger, Mrs. J. A. Owen.
SONG celestial. The; or, Bhagavad-gita ; tr. by Edwin Arnold.
Bost., 1888. 185 p. D.
SONNENSCHEIN, William Swan. The best books: a reader's
guide to the choice of the best available books in every de-
partment of science, art and literature. [2d ed.] Lond.,
1891. Q.
A reader's guide to contemporary literature; with the dates of
the first and last editions, etc. ; being the first supplement to
The Best Books. N. Y., 1895. Q.
SONNETS of this century; ed. and arranged with a critical intro-
duction on the sonnet bv W: Sharp. N. Y. and Lond., [n.
d.]. D.
SONOMA countv (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892. 1894, 1896.
History of Sonoma county; including its geology, topography, mount-
ains, valleys, and streams; published by Alley, Bowen and Co.
S. P., 1880. pors. O.
SONOMA democrat [weekly] (continuation); July, 1889-Dec. 29,
1897. Santa Kosa, 1889-97. 3 v. F.
SONORA. Memoria de la adminislracion publica del estado de
Sonora, presentada a la legislatura del misno por el gober-
nador Koman ('orral. (Jnaymas, 1891. 2 v. F.
SONS of Temperance. Proceedings of the grand division of the
state of California; 1854-68. S. F., Sac, 1855-68. O.
SONS of the American Revolution. See District of Columbia Soci-
ety of the Sons of the American Revolution.
SOPHOCLES. Philoctetes; ed. with introductions and English
notes bv L. Campbell and E. Abbott. New ed. Oxford,
1893. 8+131 p. S.
SOPHOCLES, Plays and fragments; with critical notes com-
mentary and translation in English prose, by K. C. Jebb; pt.
1-5, 7. Camb., 1887-1)6. v. maps. O.
Contents: Pt. 1. Oedipus Tyrannus. 2. Oedipus Coloneus, 2d ed. .
3. Antigone, 2d ed. . 4. Philoctetes. 5. The Trachiniae. 7. Ajax.
Specimens of Greek tragedy; tr. by Goldwin Smith. N. Y.,
1894. S.
Tragedies in English prose; the Oxford translation. New ed.
rev. according to the text of Dindorf. N. Y., 1887. D.
(Harper's new classical library.)
SORLEY, William Ritchie. On the ethics of naturalism. Edin.
and Lond., 1885. D.
SOSSO, Lorenzo. Poems. S. F., 1888. D.
Poems of humanity, and Abelard to Heloise. S. F., 1891. D.
SOULE, Frank. Poem, before the Society of California Pioneers,
Sept. 9, 1854. (In Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems,
Poem, delivered before the Societv of California Pioneers,
Sept. 9, 1893. S. F., 1893. O. {In same, 1858-94, v. 2.)
SOULE, Richard. Dictionary of English synonymes and synony-
mous or parallel expressions; new ed. rev. enl. by G: H.
Howison. Bost., 1892. O.
SOULE Photograph Company. Photographs of paintings and
views at the world's fair, 1893. Bost., 1893. 3 v. F.
SOULICE, Theodore et Sardou, Antoine L6andre. Petite diction-
naire raisonn^ et exceptions de la langue Francaise. Paris,
1843. T.
SOURY, Jules. £tudes historique sur les religions, les arts, la civ-
ilisation de I'Asie anterieure et de la Gr^ce. Paris, 1877. O.
SOUTH CAROLINA. Constitutional Convention, 1895. Constitu-
tion ratified Dec. 4, 1895. Columbia, 1895. O. pamp.
General Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives^
1884," 1888. 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897.
Columbia, 1885-97. 10 v. O.
Journal of the Senate; 1877-78, 1884, 1888, 1889, 1890,
1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897. Columbia, 1878-97. 11
V. O.
Reports and resolutions; 1874-75, 1882, 1884 (v. 2), 1889
(2 v.), 1890 (2 v.), 1891 (v. 1), 1892 (2 v.), 1893 (2 v.), 1894 (2 v.),
1895 (2 v.), 1897. Columbia, 1875-97. 17 v. O.
SOUTH DAKOTA. Legislature. Appendix to the House Journal,
1895: report in regard to the defalcation of W. W. Taylor,
treasurer of S. D. [Huron, 1895]. O.
Appendix to Senate Journal, 1895: report in regard to the
defalcation of W. W. Taylor, late treasurer of S. D>. [Huron,
1895]. O.
Journal of the House of Representatives; spec. sess.
1889. 1890; regular sess. 1893, 1895, 1897. Huron and Pierre,
1889-97. 5 V. O.
Journal of the Senate; spec. sess. 1889, 1890; regular sess.
1893. 1895, 1897. Huron and Pierre, 1890-97. 5 v. O.
Public documents, 1894, 1896. Pierre, 1895-96. 2 v. O.
SOUTH DAKOTA. Legislahire. Report of the joint committee to
investigate the defjilcation of \V. W. Taylor, late treasurer
of S. 1). [Huron. IS!).".]. (). (App. to House and Senate
.leuinals, lS"jr).j
SOrTllEHX o-euerals, who they are and what they have done. See
Snow, W: P.
SOUTH EKX Historical Society. Papers (continuation); v. 17-22.
Kichniond, 1889-94. 6 v. O.
SOUTHERN History Association. Publications, v. 1. Wash.,
1897. O.
SOUTHERN literary messenger (continuation); v. 8. Riciiinond,
1842. O.
SOUTHERN Loyalists' (Convention, 180G. The Reporter; nos. :«-
40, containing the proceedings of the Southern Loyalists'
Convention held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September
;i-7, 1866. Wash., 1866. Q.
SOUTHERN Pacific Railway Co. pub. California game -marked
down." S. F., 1896. il. 64 p. S.
SOUTHERN review. The; v. 1-8; Feb. 1828-Feb. 1882. (Uiaries-
ton, 1828-32. 8 v. O.
SOUTHEY, Mrs. Caroline Anne Bowles. Correspondence of Robert
Southey with Caroline Bowles; ed. by E. Dowden. Dublin,
1881. por. O.
SOUTHEY, Robert. Correspondence with Caroline Bowles: to
w^iich are added correspondence with Shelley, and Southey's
dreams; ed. with an introduction by E. Dowden. Dublin.
por. O.
Madoc. Lond., 1853. S.
Poetical works; with a memoir. Bost., [n. d.]. 10 v. in 5.
por. D.
tr. Lobeira, V. de. Amadis of Gaul.
SOUTH^VESTERN business directory, 1889. McKenney Directory
Company, publishers. S. F., etc., [c. 1889]. map. O.
SOUTH^YORTH, Alvan S. Four thousand miles of African travel.
N. Y^ and Lond., 1875. pL maps. O.
SOUVESTRE, Emile. An attic philosopher in Paris; or. A peep
at the world from a garret, being the journal of a happy
man. From the French. N. Y., 1893. 191 p. il. pi. O.
T^u philosophe sons les toits; journal d'nn homme heureux.
public par S. Lond., 1893. T.
SOWERP>Y, George Brettingham. jr. A conchological manual.
4th ed. Lond., 1852. ih pi. O.
SOWERBY. James. British mineralogy; or. Coloured figures in-
tended to elucidate the mineralogy of Great Britain. Lond.,
1804-17. 5 V. col. pi. O.
SO\VERBY, John Edward. Grasses of Great Britain; illustrated
by S.; described with observations on their natural history
and uses, by C: Johnson. Lond.. 1861. col. pi. O.
SOYEDA, Juichi. Banking in Japan, iln Hist, of banking in all
nations, v, 4.)
SOZOMENUS, Salamanes Hermias. Ecclesiastical history, com-
prising a history of the church from A. D, 323 to A. D. 425;
tr. from the Greek; rev. by C. D. Hartranft. {In SchafE, P. ed.
Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers. 2d ser. v. 2.)
SPALDING, Fred P. A text-book on roads and pavements. N. Y.,
1894. il. D.
SPALDING, H. capt. tr. Khiva and Turkestan. Lond., 1874.
map. D.
SPANGLER, Edward W. The annals of the families of Caspar,
Henry, Baltzer, and George Spengler, who settled in York
county respectively in 1729, 1732, 1732, and 1751. York, 1896.
il. por. O.
SPANISH Missions of Alta California; with descriptive notes.
[W. K. Vickery. S. F., n. d.] pi. Q.
SPARK, J. J. Scientific and intuitional palmistry. Westminster,
[n. d.]. iL O.
SPARKES, John C. L., and Gandy, Walter. Potters, their arts
and crafts. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
SPARKS, Jared.
ADAMS, H. B. Life and writings of Jared Sparks: comprising se-
lections from his journals and correspondence. Bost., 1893. 2 v.
pors. O.
SPAS of Germany; by the author of "St. Petersburgh." See Gran-
vill A. B.
SPxVUIiDING, George, and Co. puh. Gold mines and mining in
California. S. F., 1885. il. O.
SPAYTH, Henry. The American draught player; or, The theory
and practice of the scientific game of checkers. 6th ed. rev.
cor. N. Y., [c. I860]. D.
SPEARMAN, Edmund R. A school for street Arabs. {In Woods,
R: A., and others. Poor in great cities.)
SPEARS, John Randolph. The gold diggings of Cape Horn: a
studv of life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. N, Y., 1895.
il. i).
Illustrated sketches of Death Valley and other borax deserts
of tlie Pacific coast. Chic, 1892. il. D.
SPECTATOR, The; a weekly journal of news, politics, literature,
nnd science; v. 8-14, 16-35, 39-57, 70-74, 76-79; 1835-41, 1843-
62,1866-84,1893-97. Lond., [183.5-97]. 55 v. in 76. F.
Xote: From v. 34, 1861, title, The spectator, a weekly review of poli-
tics, literature, theology and art.
SPEED, Thomas. The battle of Franklin, Tennessee. {In Hunter,
R. ed. Sketches of war history.)
The Political Club, Danville, Kentucky, 1786-1790. Louisville,
1894. F. (Filson Club Pub. no. 9.)
T!ie wilderness road, a description of the routes of travel by
which the pioneers and early settlers first came to Ken-
tucky. Louisville, 1886. 75 p. Q. (Same, no. 2.)
SPEEDY, Mrs. Cornelia Mary. My wanderings in the Soudan.
Lond., 1884. 2 v. il. map. D.
SPEER. William. China and California; their relations, past and
present. S. F., 1853. 28 p. O. {In Chinese immigration
pamps. V, 2.)
SPEIGHT, Thomas Wilkinson. A barren title. [Lond., 1885.] 108
p. O.
V>\ devious ways. [Lond., 1888.] 136 p. O.
The g:olden hoop: an after marriage interlude. [Lond., 1887.]
120 p. O.
Thereby hangs a tale. [Lond., 1889.] 128 p. O.
Wife or no wife? — A close shave. [Lond., 188G.] 108 p. O.
SPENCE, C. tr. Martenson, H. L. Christian ethics. Edin., 1888.
SPENCE, James. The American Union; its effect on national char-
acter and policy, with an inquiry into secession as a consti-
tutional right, and the causes of the disruption. 3d ed.
Lond., 1862. O.
SPENCER, Bella Zilfa. The two wives of Lynn; an original play.
S. F., 1866. 42 p. D.
SPENCER. David E. Local government in Wisconsin. Bait., 1890.
{Tn Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 8.)
See Allen, W^: F., and Spencer, D. E. Higher education in Wis-
SPENCER, Edmund. View of the state of Ireland, written dia-
logue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, in the yeare
1506. [2d ed.] Dublin, 1809. {In Ware, Sir. J. ed. Ancient
Irish histories, v. 1.)
[SPENCER, George. 3d diike of Marlborough.] coll. Grammarum
antiquarum delectus; ex praestantioribus desumptus quae
in dactyliothecis duels Marlburiensis conservantur: Choix
de pierres antiques gravies du cabinet du due de Marlbo-
rough. Londini, 1845. 2 v. pi. F.
SPENCER, Guilford L. Report of experiments in the manufacture
of sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., season of 1886-
1887. 3d report. Wash., 1887. (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Div.
of Chemistrv, Bull. no. 15.)
Same; season ^1888-89. Wash., 1889. O. {Same, Bull. no. 21.)
SPENCER, Herbert. From freedom to bondage. {In Mackay, T:
ed. A plea for liberty. Introduction.)
Social statics, abridged and revised; together with The man
versus the state. N. Y., 1892. D.
A svstem of synthetic philosophy (continued). N. Y., 1886-
93." 6 V. D.
NaiiirUj: 1. First principles; pt. 1-2. 1890.
2. Principles of biology; v. 1, pt. 1-3. 1890.
7 Principles of sociology; v. 1, pt. 1-3. 3d ed. 1890; v. 2. pt. 6.
1886 (Sub-title, v. 2. pt. 6. Ecclesiastical institutions.)
9. Principles of morality; v. 1, pt. 4. (Sub-title, Justice: being pt. 4
of the principles of ethics.)
10. Principles of ethics; v. 2, pt. 5-6. ^ . ^
HUDSON. W: H: An introduction to the philosophy of S.; with a
biographical sketch. N. Y.. 1894. D. ,.., t. ,r
UNDERWOOD, B. F. Herbert Spencer's synthetic philosophy, (/n
Brooklyn Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art.)
SPENCER, Marv C. comp. Catalogue of the Michigan State Lib-
rary: Second and Third supplements, Jan. 1, 1883-April 1,
1890. Lansing, 1890. O.
SPENDER, John Alfred. The state and pensions m old age. 2d
ed. Lond., 1894. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
SPENGLER family.
SPANGLER, E: W. The annals of the families of Caspar, Henry,
Baltzer, and George Spengler, who settled in York county respect-
ively in 1729, 1732, 1732 and 1751. York., 1896. il. por. O.
SPENSER, Edinimd. Lyrical poems. Lond., [n.d.]. T. (Lyric
Sidney, Mary, countess of Pembroke and others. Astrophel: a
pastoral elegy upon the death of the most noble and valorous
knight Sir Philip Sidney. 1591. (Tn Arber, E. Eng, Garner,
V. 1, p. 249.)
MORLEY, H. Spenser, and his time. Lond., 1894. D. (Morley, H:
Eng. writers, v. 9.)
SPIELMANN, Marion H. Posters and poster-designing in England.
{In xVlexandre, A., and others. The modern poster.)
SPIERS, Richard Phen(?. ed. The orders of architecture, Greek,
Roman, and Italian, selected from Normand's parallel and
other authorities. 2d ed. with add. Lond., 1893. pi. F.
SPILLAN, D., and Edmonds, Cvrus. irs. Livius, T. History of
Rome; v. 1-2. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. D. (Harper's new clas-
sical lib.)
SPINOLA, Francis B.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of Francis B. Spinola, a
representative from New York, delivered in the House of Repre-
sentatives and in the Senate, Fifty-second Congress. Wash.. 1893.
por. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
SPINOZA, Benedictus (or Earuch) de.
Martineau, J. A study of Spinoza. 2d ed. rev. Lond., 1883. por. D.
SPIRIT of the age [daily]. Dec. 6, 1855-Aug. 8, 1856. Sac, 1855-
56. 2 V. F.
SPIRIT of the pilo-rims; v. 1-6; 1828-33. Bost., [1828-33]. 6 v. O.
SPIRITUAL despotism [by Isaac Taylor]. Lond., 1835. O.
SPOFFORD, Ainsworth Rand. American historical nomenclature.
(Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1893. Papers no. 4.)
Function of a national library. (In Small, H. Handbook of
the new library of Congress.)
and Gibbon, Charles, eds. Library of choice literature, prose
and poetry selected from the standard authors of all nations
and all time (continuation). 2d ed. rev. and aug.; v. 9-10.
Phil., [1890]. 2 V. pi. O.
Weitenkampf, Frank, and Lamberton, J. P. cds. The library
of historic characters and famous events of all nations and
all ages. Memorial ed.; v. 1-10. Phil., 1894-96. 10 v. pL
pors. Q.
SPOFFORD, Harriet Prescott. The mount of sorrow. (Tn Stories
by Amer. authors, v. 2.)
Biographical sketch of Mary Louisa Park Tuttle. (In Tuttle,
C. W. Capt. Francis Champernc
STAKLEV, Arthur iVurbyu. D.D. Lectures ou the history ot the
eastern eliurch. Kew ed. N. Y., 1884. map. D.
Letters and verses; 1829-1881: ed. by K. E. Frothers. N. Y.,
18U5. O.
Life and correspondence ol" Thomas Arnold. oSJ. Y., 1802. 2 v.
in 1. por. O.
Prothero, R. E., ami Bradley, G. G. Life and correspondence of Ar-
thur Penrhyn Stanley, late dean of Westminster. 2d. ed. Lond.,
1894. 2 V. pors. O.
STANLEY, David S. The Tulhthoma campaign, {in Hunter, R.
ed. Sketches of war history.)
STANLEY, Henry Morton. In darlcest Africa; or the quest, rescue,
and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria. N. Y., 1890.
2 V. 11. pi. pors. maps. O.
My dark companions and their strange stories. N. Y., 1893.
11. O.
STANLEY^, Hiram M. Studies in the evolutionary psychology of
feeling. N. X., 1895. O.
STANTON, Henrv Brewster. Kandom recollections. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1886. 134 "p- O.
STANTON, ]\larv Olmsted. The encyclopedia of face and form read-
ing. 2d ed. Phil., 1895. 11. O.
STANTON, Stephen Berrien. The Behring sea controversy. N. Y.,
1892. 102 p. O.
STANTON, Timothv W. The Colorado formation and Its inverte-
brate fauna.' Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull,
no. 106.
STANTON, William Alonzo. A record, genealogical, biographical,
statistical, of Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and his des-
cendants. 163.5-1891. Albany, 1891. O.
STANTON family.
STANTON, W: A. A record, genealogical, biographical, statistical, of
Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and his descendants. 1635-1891.
Albany, 1891. O.
STANYAN, Temple. The Grecian history from the original of
Greece to the death of Philip of Mncedon. Lond.. 1751. il.
2 V. D.
STAFFER, Edmond. Jesus Christ before his minlstrv. tr. bv L.
S. Houghton. N. Y\, 1896. 182 p. D.
Jesus Christ during his ministry. N. Y., 1897. D.
STAFFEE. Paul. Drames et po^mos antiques de Shak<'sj>eare.
Paris. 1884. D.
Des r(?putations litt^raires essais de morale et d'histoii-e. 1 re
s^rie. Paris, 1893. D.
Etudes sur la litterature Francaise moderne et contemy)oraine.
Paris, 1881. D.
Goethe et ses deux ohefs-d'ocMivre classiques. Paris. 1.SS2. D.
Les tnigrdies romaines de Shnkes])eare. Paris, 1883. 1>.
^roli("''re et Shnkespeare. Paris, 1895. D.
Rabelais, sa personne, son genie, son oeuvre. 3^ ed. I'aris,
1896. D.
Racine et Victor Hugo. 6^ ed. Paris, 1897. D.
STAFFER, I'aul. Shakespeare and classical antiquity; Greek and
Latin antiquity as presented in Shakespeare's plays; tr. by
E. J. Carey. Loud., 1880. U.
Shakespeare et les tragiques Greos. Paris, 1888. D.
STAPLES, William Read. Anuals of tlie town of Providence from
its first settlement to the organization of the city govern-
ment in June, 18-32. Providence, 1843. O.
Rhode Island in the Coutiueutal Congress, with the journal of
the convention that adopted the constitution 1705-1790; ed.
by R. A. Guild. Providence, 1870. por. O.
STAPLETON, Thomas, ed. De antiques legibus liber: cronica
maiorum et vice comitum Londoniarum, et quedam que con-
tingebant temporibus illis ab 1178 ad 1271; cum appendice.
Loud., 184G. O. (Camden Soc, v. 34.)
Chronicon Petroburgense. Lond., 1849. O. (/Same, v. 47.)
'■ Plumpton correspondence: a series of letters chiefly domestick
written in the reigns of Edw^ard IV., Richard III., Henrj'^ VII.
and Henry VIIL; ed. from Sir E. Plumpton's book of letters;
with notices historical and biographical of the family of
Plumpton, of Plumpton com. Ebor. Lond., 1839. O. (Same,
V. 4.)
STATvCKE, C. N. The primitive family in its origin and develop-
ment. N. Y., 1889. D. (Int. sci! ser., v. 65.)
STARK. James Henry. Historv and guide to the Bahama Islands.
Post., [c. 1891]. pi. maps. D.
STARK, John. gen.
Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statue of J: Stark,
presented by the state of New Hampshire, Dec, 1894. Wash., 1895.
pors. Q. (U. S. 53d Cong., 3d sess. S. E. D., v. 4.)
The statue erected by the state of New Hampshire in honor of John
Stark; a sketch of its inception, erection and dedication. Man-
chester, 1890. 62 p. pi. O.
STARKEY, Thomas. England in the reign of King Henry the
Eighth; pt. 1: Starkey's life and letters; with appendix,
giving an extract from Sir William Forrest's Pleasant poesye
of princelie practise, 1548; ed. by S. J. Herrtage; — pt. 2.
Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Supset; ed.
with ])reface, notes and glossarA-, bv J. M. Cowper. Lond.,
1871-78. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 12, 32.)
STARKS, Edwin Chapin. See Jordan, D: S., and Starks, E. C.
Pishes of Puget Sound.
STARLING, William. The floods of the Mississippi river
description of the levee system with a particular
account of the great flood of 1897. N. Y.. 1897. il. ,57 p.
Q. pam.
STARR, Frederick, ed. Anthropological series. N. Y., 1894-97.
3 V. D.
For li^t see Anthro. ser.
STARR. Lewis, romp. Digest of the fees, costs and salaries al-
lowed or prescribed by the laws of the state of New Jersey
to state, county, township or other public officers; authorized
by Act of the Legislature, approved April, 17, 1888. Cam-
den, 1889. 135 p. D.
STARR, Louis. M.P cd. Ainci-ican text-book of diseaseH of child-
ren. Pbil., 1894. il. Q.
STARR, Moses Allen. M.D. Atlas of nerve cells. N. Y., 1896.
il. pi. F.
Electricity in relation to the human body, (fn lirackett, C. F.,
and others. Electricity in daily life.)
START, Miss Cora. Naturalization in the English colonies of
America. (Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. 1893. Papers, no. 22.)
STATESMAN'S year book, The; a statistical and historical an-
nual of the states of the civilised world (continuation); 1882-
85, 1888-97. Loud., 1882-97. 13 v. D. Vol. 1882, ed. by F.
Martin; 1883-97, by J. S. Keltic.
STATESMEN series; ed. by L. C. Sanders. Lond., 1890. D.
Xaiiiclij-' Gambetta, by F. T. Marzials.
STATHAM, H. Heathcote. Architecture for general readers; a
short treatise on the principles and motives of architectural
design. 2d ed. N. Y., 189C. il. O.
STATISTICIAN and economist; 1894. Popular ed. S. F., 1894. D.
STATISTICIAN. >S'ec Annual statistician. "
STAUNTON, Sir George Thomas. Memoirs of the chief incidents
of t]ie public life of S. Lond., 185G. por. O.
STEAD, Richard. See Hug, L., and Stead, R. Switzerland.
STEADMAN, W. C. Ship-building. (In Galton F. W. ed. Work-
ers on their industries.)
STEARNS, Frank Preston. Life and genius of Jacopo Robusti
called Tintoretto. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
STEARNS, Henrv Putnam. Lectures on mental diseases. Phil.,
1893. il. b.
STEARNS, John M. Germs and developments of the laws of En-
gland; embracing the Anglo-Saxon laws; . . . with the in-
troduction of the common law and its earliest proferts in
magna charta; with notes and comments by S. N. Y. and
Albany, 1889. D.
STEARNS, .iohn William, rd. Tlie Columbian history of educa-
tion in Wisconsin. [Milwaukee], 1893. pors. O.
STEARNS, Lewis French. The evidence of Christian experience,
being tlie Ely lectures for 1890. N. Y., 1893. D.
Present day theology, a popular discussion of leading doc-
trines of the christian faith; with a biographical sketch by
Gcorgp L. Prentiss. 3d ed. N. Y., 1897. por. O.
STEARNS. Oliver. The aim and hope of Jesus. {Tii Christianity
and modern thought.)
STEP.BINC. Thomas Roscoe Rede. A history of Crustacea; recent
malacostraca. N. Y., 1893. il. D. (Int. sci. ser. v. 71.)
STEBP.INCf, William. Peterborough. Lond., 1890. por. D. (Eng.
men of action.)
STEP.r.TNS, Genevieve. Delsart*^ system of expression: with the
address of F. Delsarte before the Pliilotechnic Society of
Paris. 4th ed. N. Y., 1891. O.
Dynamic breathing and harmonic gymnastics. N. V., 1893.
por. O.
STEBIUNS. Giles RadL'er. The American protectionist's manual.
Chic, 1888. 34-192 p. D.
STEDMAN, Arthur, ed. Fiction, fact, and fancy series. N. Y.,
1892. por. D.
For list see P'iction, fact, and fancy ser.
STEDMAN, Edmund Clarence. Poems, now first collected. Bost.,
1897. D.
ed. A Victorian anthology. 1837-1895: selections illustrating
the editor's critical review of British poetry in the reign of
Victoria. Bost., 1896. il. O.
and Hutchinson, Ellen Mackay. cds. A library of American
literature from the earliest settlement to the present time
[continuation]; V. 10-11. N. Y., 1889-90. 2 v. pors. O.
and King, Edward, comps. and eds. Cassell's complete pocket-
guide to Europe, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1897. maps. Tt.
STEDMAN, Thomas L. Modern Greek mastery: a short road to
ancient Greek. N. Y., 1896. D.
STEDMAN, Thomas L. M.D. ed. Twentieth century practice: an
international encyclopedia of modern medical science, by
leading authorities of Europe and America; v 1-13. N. Y.,
1895-98. 13 V. 6.
STEEL, James. Selection of the practical points of malting and
brewing, and strictures thereon for the use of brewery pro-
prietors. Glasgow, 1878. 7+123 p. O.
STEELE, James. Old California days. Chic, 1889. il. D.
STEELE, James W. Notes on California. {In Rand, McNally and
Co. Guide to southern Cal.)
STEELE, Richard. The miseries of the domestic chaplain in 1710.
Another description of the miseries of the domestic chaplain
in 1713. [1710-1713.] (In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 7, p.
317, 322.)
STEELE, Sir Richard.
AITKIN, G: A. Life of S. Bost. and N. Y., 1889. 2 v. pors. O.
STEELE, Thomas Sedgwick. Canoe and camera: a two hundred
mile tour through the Maine forests. Bost., 1886. 139 p.
folded map. D.
STEELE, J. D. Poems. S. F., 1885. 112 p. O.
STEENSTRUP, John Japetus Sm. On the alternation of genera-
tions; or. The propagation and development of a'liimals
through alternate irenerations; tr. by George Busk. Lond.,
1845. 7^132 p. pi. O. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
STEEVENS, George Warrington. The land of the dollar. N. Y.,
1897. D.
STEINBACH, . It.-col The Punjaub: being a brief account of
the country of the Sikhs. 2d ed. Lond., 1S46. 7--183 p.
map. D.
STEINER, Bernard Christian. Gov. William Leete and the absorp-
tion of New Haven colony by Connecticut. (Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Rept. 1892. Papers no. 11.)
Historv of education in Connecticut. Wash., 1893. O. (U. S.
Bu. of Ed. Circ. of Inform. 1893, no. 2.)
History of slavery in Connecticut. (Tn Johns Hopkins Univ.
studies, V. 11 , no. 9-10.)
The history of university education in Maryland. Bait., 1891.
In same, v. 9.)
STEINEK, Bernard Christian. See Steiuer, Lewis H., (ind liernard
C. Genealogy of tlie Steiner family.
STEINEK, Dr. Johann. Compendium of children's diseases, a
handbook for practitioners and students; tr. by L. Tait.
N. Y., 1875. O.
STEINER, Lewis H. The Enoch Pratt free library. {In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. S.)
and Bernard C. The genealogy of the Steiner family, espe-
cially of the descendants of Jacob Steiner. Baltimore, 189G.
103 p. O.
STEINEK family.
STEINER, L: H. and B. C. Genealogy of the Steiner family, espe-
cially of the descendants of Jacob Steiner. Bait., 1896. 103 p. 0.
STEINITZ, William. The modern chess instructor. N. Y., 1889.
STEINMETZ, Andrew. The romance of duelling in all times and
countries. Lond., 18G8. 2 v. D.
STEJNEGEK, Leonhard. Directions for collecting reptiles and
batrachians. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull. no. 39,
Pt- E.
The poisonous snakes of North America. {Same. Kept. 189o.)
Same. U. S. Cong. H. M. D.
Result of ornithological explorations in the Commander
Islands and in Kamtschatka. Wash., 1885. pi. O. {Same.
Bull. no. 29.)
STENHOUSE and Co. puh. Utah gazetteer; 1892-93. Salt Lake,
1892. O.
STEP, Edward. Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse; the
cultural directions edited by W: Watson. Lond., 1890-97. il.
col. pi. 4 V. O.
STEPHEN, Caroline Emelia. Quaker strongholds. 2d ed. Lond.,
1890. D.
STEPHEN, Sir James BMtzjames. The story of Nuncomar and the
impeachment of Sir Elijah Impey. Lond., 1885. 2 v. D.
STEPHEN, Leslie. History of English thought in the eighteenth
century. 2d ed. Lond., 1881. 2 v. O.
and Lee Sidnev. eds. Dictionary of national biography (con-
tinued); v. 20-26. N. Y., 1889-91. 7 V. O.
Xote: Lee is joint editor from v. 22, and sole ed. from v. 27.
STEPHENS, Charles Asbury. Young Moll's Peevy. {In Stories by
Amer. authors, v. 10.)
STEPHENS, Frederic George. Artists at home: photographs by
J. P. :Mavall. N. Y., 1895. 11. pi. F.
Memorials of William Mnlready. N. Y., 1890. 10-^118 ]>. il.
pi. pors. D. (Illus. biog. of the great artists.)
STEPHENS, Henry, aiid P.urn. Robert Scott. Book ()f fai-in-build
ings; their arrangement and construction. Edin. and Lond.,
1861. pi. O.
STEPHENS, Henry Morse. Europe, 1789-1815. N. Y., 1893. maps.
D. (Periods' of European history; 7.)
A history of the French revolution (continuation); v. 2. N. Y.,
1891. O.
STEPHENS, Henry Morse. The story of I'ortugal. N. Y., 1891. il.
pors. I). (Story of the nations.)
ed. The princijjal speeches of the statesmen and orators of the
French revolution, 1789-1)5. Oxford, 1892. 2 v. D.
Contents: Vol. 1. Mirabeau. Vergniaud. Gensonne Gaudet. Louvet.
Cambon. 2. Bar6re. Danton. Robespierre. Saint-Just. Baudin.
STEPHENS, Thomas. Voyage in the Portugueze iieet to Goa, in
1579. {In Green, J. Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 191.)
STEPHENS, William P. Canoe and boat building. 4th ed. rev.
N. Y., 1889. U. accompanying plates in envelope.
STEPHENSON, Andrew. Public lands and agrarian laws of the
Roman republic. Palt., 1891. dn Johns Hopkins Univ. stud-
ies, V. 9.)
STEPHENSON, John. See Churchill, J. M., and Stephenson, J.
Medical botany.
STEPNIAK. pseud. See Dragomanoff, Sergius Michael.
STERLING, John. A correspondence between John Sterling and
Ralph Waldo Emerson: with a sketch of Sterling's life.
Eost., 1897. 96 p. S.
STERNE, Laurence. Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gent.
Chic, 1895. por. 2 v. D.
STERNER, Ossian. California's Historia under fvrtioarsperioden,
1849-89. S. F., [n. d.]. D.
STERRETT, J. Macbride. Studies in Hegel's philosophy of religion:
with a chapter on Christian unity in America. N. Y., 1890.
STERRETT, John Douglas. The power of thought, what it is and
what it does. N. Y.. 1896. S.
STERRETT, John Robert Sitlington. An epigraphical journey in
Asia Minor. Bost., 1880. map. O. (In Arch. Tnst. of Amer.
School of Athens, v. 2.)
The Wolf expedition to Asia Minor. Bost., 1888. O. (Same,
V. 3.)
ed. Inscriptions of Assos; — Inscriptions of Tralleis; (In same,
V. 1.)
STETSON, Charlotte Perkins. In this our world, and other poems
S. F., 1895. 184. p. S.
STEUBEN county (N. Y.).
McMASTER, G. H. History of the settlement of Steuben county,
N. Y. Bath, 1853. O.
STEVENS, A. A. M.I). A manual of the practice of medicine, pre-
pared for students. 4th ed. Phil., 1896. il. D.
A manual of therapeutics. 2d ed. Phil., 1896. D.
STEVENS, Benjamin Franklin. Facsimiles of manuscripts in Eu-
ropean archives relating to America, 1773-178.3; with descrip-
tions, editorial notes, collations, references and translations;
V. 1-24; no. 1-2107. Lond., 1889-95. 24 v. F.
STEVENS, Mrs. C. Leah's confessions. S. F., 1867. 130 p. O.
STEVENS, Charles Augustus, capt. Berdan's United States sharp-
shooters in the army of the Potomac, 1861-65. St. Paul, 1892.
pi. pors. O.
STEVENS, Charles Ellis. Sources of the constitutiou of the United
Slates, cousideied iu reiatiou to Colouiul aud English his-
tory. N. Y., 181)4. D.
STEVE>iS, George Barker. D.D. The J ohanuiue theology: a study
of the doctrinal contents of the gospel and epistles of the
apostle John. IS'. Y., 18*J5. O.
The I'auline theology: a study of the origin and correlation of
the doctrinal teachings of the apostle I'aul. Kev. ed. N. Y'.,
1897. D.
STEVENS, (leorge E. The city of Cincinnati: a summary of its
attractions, advantages, institutions, and internal improve-
ments. Cin., 18t)9. pi. maps. S.
STEVENS, Henry. The dawn of British trade to the East Indies
as recorded in the court minutes of the East India Company,
1599-1003; with an introduction by Sir G: Birdwood. Lond.,
1886. Q.
STEVENS, Isaac Ingalls. Speech on the payment of the Oregon
and Washington Indian war debt; delivered iu the House of
Representatives, May 18, 1858. Wash., 1858. [4] p. O. {In
Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
Speech on the Washington and Oregon war claims; delivered
in the House of Representatives Ma}' 31, 1858. Wash., 1858.
16 p. O. {In same.)
STEVENS, John Austin. Historical introduction, {hi N. Y. city
Union Defence Com. Minutes, reports and correspondence.)
STEVENS, John Leavitt, and Oleson. AV. B. Picturesque Hawaii,
[n. p. n. d.] pi. pors. obi. O.
STEVENS. John W. Leather manufacture: a treatise on the prac-
tical workings of the leather manufacture. Milwaukee, 1890.
il. O.
STEVENS, Thomas. Through Russia on a mustang. N. Y^, [c.
1891]. pi. D.
STEVENSON, B. F. Letters from the armv, 1862-64. Cin., 1886.
STEVENSON, Enrico, comp. Sec Ehrie, Francesco, and Stevenson,
E. Gli affreschi del Pinturicchio
STEVENSON, Mrs. Fannv Van de Grift. See Stevenson, R. L: B.
atid F. Van de G.
STEVENSON, James. Ceremonial of Has.jelti Dailjis, and myth-
ical sand painting of the Navajo Indians. (Tn Smithsonian
Inst. Bureau of Ethnologv. 8th annual report.)
STEVENSON, Matildo Coxe. The Sia. (In Smithsonian Inst. Bu-
reau of Ethnology. 11th report.
STEVENSON, Robert Louis Balfour. Across the plains; with
other memories and essavs. Lond., 1892. D.
Same. N. Y., 1S95. D.
The amateur emigrant: from the Clvde to Sandv Hook. Chic,
1895. S.
Ballads. N. Y., 1890. 85 p. S.
The black arrow: a tale of the Two Roses. N. Y., 189,5. il. D.
A child's garden of Terses. N. Y., 1895. 101 p. S.
David Balfour, being memoirs of his adventures at home and
abroad written bv himself. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
STEVENSON, Kobert Louis Balfour. Edinburgh: picturesque
notes. New ed. Loud, and N. Y., 1889. il. pi. D.
Fables. N. Y., 1896. 92 p. S.
Familiar studies of men and books. N. Y., 1895. D.
A footnote to history : eight years of trouble in Samoa. N. Y.,
1892. D.
Same. N. Y., 1895. D.
In the south seas: being an account of experiences and obser-
vations in the Marquesas, Paumotus, and Gilbert islands . . ,
in 1888, 1889. N. Y., 1896. D.
An inland voyage. N. Y., 1895. D.
Island nights' entertainments: viz., Beach of Falesa; Bottle
imp; Isle of voices. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Kidnapped, being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour
in the year 1751 ; written hy Jiimself . N. Y., 1895. il. D.
A lodging for the night. {In Stories by Eng. authors. France.)
The master of Ballantrae; a winter's tale. N. Y., 1895. 11. D.
Memoir of Fleming Jenkin. N. Y., 1895. D.
Memories and portraits. N. Y., 1895. D.
The merry men, and other tales and fables. N. Y., 1895. D.
New Arabian nights. N. Y"., 1805. D.
Prince Otto. N. Y., 1895. D.
St. Ives, being the adventures of a French prisoner in En-
gland. N. Y., 1897. D.
The Silverado squatters. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. N, Y., 1895. D.
Thrawn Janet. {In Stories by Eng. authors. Scotland.)
Travels with a donkey in the C^vennes. Bost., 1889. S.
Same. N. Y. 1895. D.
Treasure island. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Underwoods. N. Y., 1890. 138 p. S.
Vailima letters: being correspondence addressed by S., to Sid-
ney Colvin. November, 1890-October, 1894. N. Y., 1896.
por. 2 V. S.
Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. N. Y., 1895. D.
and Fanny Van de Grift. The dynamiter. N. Y., 1895. D.
and Osbourne, Lloyd. The ebb-tide; a trio and quartette.
Chic, 1895. S.
The wrecker. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
The wrong box. N. Y., 1895. D.
See Henley, W: E., and Stevenson, R: L: B. Three plays.
STEWARD, W. Augustus. Workers in precious metals. {In Gal-
ton, F. W. ed. Workers on their own industries.)
STEWART, Andrew. The American system; speeches on the tar-
iff question and on internal improvements, principally de-
livered in the House of Representatives of the United States.
Phil., 1872. por. O.
STEWART, Balfour, aM Gee, W. W. H. Lessons in elementary
practical physics (continuation). Lond., 1897. il. D.
'Namely. V. 3:1. Barnes, C. L. Practical acoustics.
See Tait, Peter Guthrie, and Stewart, Balfour. Paradoxical
STEWAKT, Charles, ir. Joulior. Tozkoroli al vakiat, or private
memoirs of the Mo.ujliiil Emperor llumujfin. Loud., 18;{2. F.
STEWAKT, D. J., and Co. pub. History of Siskiyou county, Cali-
fornia. Oakland, 1881. pors. Q.
STEWAKT, David, maj.-gen. Sketches of the character, manners,
and present state of the Hip;hlanders of Scotland, with de-
tails of the military service of the Highland regiments. 3d
ed. Edin., 1825. 2 v. O.
STEWAKT, G. N. M.D. A manual of physiology. Phil., 1897.
il. pi. O.
STEWAKT, James Hervey. Recollections of the early settlement
of Carroll county, Indiana. Cin., 1872. por. D.
STEWART, Samuel Barrett. Theodore Parker. {In Unitarianism:
its origin and history.)
STEWART, W. Frank. Pleasant hours in an eventful life. S. F.,
1869. 6+94 p. D.
STEWART, William Morris. Address on the mineral resources,
financial policy, and general interests of the Pacific states
and territories, Aug. 15, 1865. S. F., 1865. 32 p. O. {In
Pams. on Mines and mining, v. 1.)
Courts in Nevada; speech in the U. S. Senate, February 21,
1865. 47 p. O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
STEWARTON, — . Secret memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud.
Paris, Bost, [n. d.]. il. pi. 2 v. O. (Secret Court Mem-
STIBBS, Bartholomew, capt. Voyage up the Gambra in 1724 for
making discoveries and improving the trade of that river.
{In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 2. p. 193.)
STICKNEY, Alpheus Beede. The railway problem. St. Paul, 1891.
pi. D.
STICKNEY, Matthew Adams. The Stickney family: a genealogi-
cal memoir of the descendants of William and Elizabeth
Stickney from 1637 to 1869. Salem, 1869. O.
STICKNEY family.
STICKNEY, M. A. The Stickney family: a genealogical memoir of
the descendants of William and Elizabeth Stickney from 1637 to
1869. Salem, 1869. il. O.
STIER, Ewald Rudolf. The words of the Lord Jesus ; tr. from the
2d rev. and enlarged German ed., by Rev. W: B. Pope.
Edin., 1855-58. 8 v. O. (Clark's Foreign Theological Lib.
n. s. V. 5, 7, 10-13, 17, 18.)
STIFLER, James M. The council in Jerusalem (Acts XV.). {In
Munhall, L. W. ed. Anti-liigher criticism.)
First epistle of John. {In same.)
STILES, Henry Reed, Proctor, L. B., and Brockett, L. P. eds.
Civil, political, professional and ecclesiastical history, and
commercial and industrial record of the county of Kings
and the city of Brooklyn, N. Y., from 1683-1884. N. Y., [c.
1884]. 2 V. il. pors. Q.
STILES family.
GUILD, Mrs. M. S. P. The Stiles family in America. Albany, 1892.
il. pors. O.
STILL, William. The underground railroad; narrating the hard-
ships oi" the slaves in their efforts for freedom.
Phil., 1872. il. O.
STILLfi, Charles Janeway. How a free people conduct a long war:
a chapter from English history. N. Y., 1863. 31 p. O. [In
Pam. on war, v. 1.)
Life and times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808. Phil., 1891. por.
facsim. O.
Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line in
the continental army. Phil., 1893. por. pi. O.
STILLMAN, Jacob David Babcock. Seeking the golden ileece: a
record of pioneer life in California; to which is annexed foot
prints of early navigators, other than Spanish, in California;
with an account of the voyage of the schooner Dolphin. S.
F., 1877. pi. O.
STILLMAN, William James. Old Italian masters engraved by
Timothy Cole, with historical notes by S. N. Y., 1892. pi.
STILW^ELL, B. F. pui. Directory of the township of Oakland, to-
gether with the townships of Brooklyn and Alameda for
the year 1869. [Oakland], 1869. O.
STIMSON, Frederick Jesup. {pseud. J. S. of Dale.) Handbook to
the labor law of the United States. N. Y., 1896. D.
Labor in its relations to law : four lectures delivered at the
Plymouth School of Ethics, July, 1895. N. Y., 1895. 145
p. S.
Mrs. Knollys. [In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 2.)
STINDE, Julius. Woodland tales; [tr. by Ellis Wright]. N. Y.,
1887. D.
STINE, James Henry. History of the army of the Potomac. Phil.,
1892. pors. O.
STIRLING, Patrick James. The Australian and Californian gold
discoveries and their probable consequences. Edin., 1853.
STISTED, Georgiana M. The true life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Bur-
ton. N. Y., 1897. por. D.
STOCKBRIDGE, Francis Browne.
•Memorial addresses on the life and charcacter of P: B. Stoekbridge,
late senator from Michigan, delivered in the Senate and House of
Representatives, Feb. 9, 1895. Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895.
pors. Q. (U. S. Cong. S. M. D.)
Memorial proceedings in the Michigan legislature for Hon. F. B.
Stoekbridge. Lansing, 1895. por. O. pam.
STOCKBRIDGE, John Calvin. The Anthony memorial: a cata-
logue of the Harris collection of American poetrj'; with bio-
graphical aud bibliographical notes. Providence, 1886.
por. O.
STOCKING, Charles Henry Wright. D.D. The history and geneal-
ogy of the Kuowltons of England and America. N. Y., 1897.
pors. O.
STOCKTON, Francis Richard. A chosen few: short stories. N.
Y.. 1895. por. S.
A story-teller's pack. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
The transferred ghost. (In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 2.)
STOCKTON", Louise. Kirby's coals of Uie. {In Stories by Amer.
iUitliors, V. 7.)
TlNKriAM, G. H. History of Stockton. S. F., 1880. pors. photo. O.
STOCKTON' evening mail [daily]; May 12, 1890-Dec., 1893; June,
18U4-i)ec. 1SD7. StockLou, 1890-97. 13 v. F.
WTOCQl i^LEli, Joachim Uaywaid. Familiar history of British
India from the earliest period to the present time; revised
and brought down to 18()5 by James H. iSiddons. Lond.,
[1805]. pi. S.
ed. Memoirs and correspondence of Major-General Sir William
Nott, commander of the army of Candahar, and envoy at the
court of the King of Oude. Lond., 1854. 2 v. pi. por. O.
STODDAKD, Charles Augustus. Beyond the Rockies; a spring
journey in California. N. Y., 1894. pi. O.
STODDAKD, Charles Warren. Poem, delivered before the Society
of California Pioneers Sept. 9, 1867. S. ¥., 1867. O. {In Cal.
Pioneers Orations and poems, 1858-94. v. 2.)
STODDAKD. Elizabeth Drew Barstow. The Morgesons. N. Y.,
[c. 1889.] D.
Osgood's predicament. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 8.)
Temple house. Rev. ed. N. Y., [c. 1888]. D.
Two men. Rev. ed. N. ¥., [c. 1888]. D.
STODDARD, Richard Henry. The lion's cub; with other verse.
N. Y^, 1890. 6-1-153 p. por. D.
STODDARD, William Osborn. Men of business. N. Y., 1893. pors.
D. (Men of achievement ser.)
Women in their business affairs. {In Woman's book. v. 1.)
STOKES. Anson Phelps. Joint-metallism. N. Y^, 1894. 128 p. D.
(Questions of the day, no. 79.)
STOKES, F. W. M.D. Sterility in men and allied functional dis-
orders. Lond., 1894. 124 p. S.
STOKES, Sir George Gabriel. Natural theology. Lond., 1891-93.
2 V. D. (Gifford lectures, 1891, 1893.)
STONE, Charles P. hrig.-gen.
BALTZ, J: D. Biographical sketch. (/?) Baltz, J: D. Col. E. D.
Baker's defense in the battle of Ball's Bluff.)
STONE, Edwin Martin. The invasion of Canada in 1775; includ-
ing the jouinal of Captain Simeon Thayer. {In R. L Hist,
soc. Col., V. 6.)
STONE, J. L. Slavery and the Bible. S. F., 1863. 48 p. O. {In
Slavery: pamps, v. 1.)
STONE. John.
STONE, W: L. 2d. The family of John Stone, one of the first set-
tlers of Guilford, Conn. Albany, 1888. O.
STONE, Rov. New roads and road laws in the United States. N.
Y^. 1894. D.
STONE, William Leete. jr. The family of John Stone, one of the
first settlers of Guilford, Conn. Albany, 1888. O.
Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston. N. Y., 1875. il. D.
Visits to the Saratoga battle-grounds, 1780-1880: with an in-
troduction and notes. Albany, 1895. il. O. (Munsell's hist,
ser. 23.)
STONE, William Leete, jr., tr. Journal of Captain Pausch.
STONE, family.
STO^'E, W: L. The family of John Stone one of the first settlers of
Guilford, Conn. Albany, 1888. 0.
STONEMAN, George. Inaugural address, 1883. (In Cal. Gov. In-
augural addi-esses, 1840-91.)
STONE Y, Emily A. M. Practical points in nursing for nurses in
private practice. Pliil., 1896. 11. D.
STOPES, Charlotte Carmichael. British freewomen, their histori-
cal privilege. Lond., 1894. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
STOREK, Francis Humphreys. Agriculture in some of its relations
with chemistry. 7th ed. rev. enl. N. Y., 1897. 3 v. O.
STOREY, Samuel. To the golden laud. Lond., 1889. 101 p. pi.
pors. maps. O.
STORIES by American authors. Vol. 1-10. N. Y., 1891-96. 10 v. S.
Contents: V. 1. Taylor, B. Who was she? — Matthews, B., and Bun-
ner, H: C. Documents in the case. — Bishop, W: H: One of the thirty
pieces. — Davis, R. H. Balacchi brothers. — Webster, A. An operation
in money.
2. Stockton, F. R. Transferred ghost. — Jacobi, M. P. Martyr 'to
science. — Stimson, F. J. Mrs. Knollys. — Eddy, J. Dinner party. —
Spofford, H. P. Mount of sorrow. — Tincker, M. A. Sister Silvia.
3. Hale, L. P. Spider's eye. — Burnett, F. H. Story of the latin
quarter. — Lathrop, G: P. Two purse-companions. — Lloyd, D: D. Poor
Ogla-Moga. — Thaxter, C. Memorable murder. — Matthews, J. B. Ve-
netian glass.
4. Woolson, C. F. Miss Grief. — Bunner, H: C. Love in old cloathes.
— Willis, N. P. Two buckets in a well. — Foote, M. H. Friend Barton's
concern. — De Forest, J. W. Inspired lobbyist. — Brooks, N. Lost in the
5. James, H: A light man. — Millet, F. D. Yatil. — Benjamin, P.
End of New York. — Arnold, G: Why Thomas was discharged. —
Mitchell, E. P. The tachypomp.
6. White, C. H. The village convict. — Hayes, A. A. Denver express.
—Fairfax, L. R. Misfortunes of Bro. Thomas Wheatley. — Champney,
L. W. Heartbreak cameo. — Webster, A. Miss Eunice's glove. —
Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friendship.
7. French, A. Bishop's vagabond. — Bellamy, E: Lost. — Stockton,
L. Kirby's coals of fire. — Floyd, M. Passages from the journal of a
social wreck.— McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland.— Johnson, V. W.
Image of San Donato.
8. De Forest, J. W. Brigade commander. — Beers, H: A. Split
zephyr.— Phelps, E. S. Zerviah Hope.— Adee, A. A. Life magnet. —
Stoddard, E. D. B. Osgood's predicament.
9. Page, T: N. Morse Chan.— Gage, C: S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas
visitor.— White, C. H. Eli.— Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of "The
Clarion."— Coffin, R. T. How old Wiggins wore ship. — Kip, L. "—
mas has come."
10. Janvier, T. A. Pancha.— Mitchell, E. P. The ablest man in the
world.— Stephens. C. A. Young Moll's Peevy.— Kay, C: de. Man-
mat'ha.— Boyesen. H. H. Daring fiction. — Schayer, J. Story of two
STORIES by English authors. N. Y.. 1896. 6 v. pors. S.
Contcntft: Africa: Doyle, A. C. Mystery of Sasasso valley.— Hag-
gard, H. R. Long odds.— Landers, J. King Bemba's point.— Scully,
W. C. Ghamba.— Mary Musgrave.— Hemingway, P. Gregorio.
FmncT: Stevenson, R. L. Lodging for the night.— Rame, L.
Leaf in the storm.— Collins, W. Terribly strange bed.— Stretton, H.
Michel Lorio's cross.— Weyman, S. J. Perilous amour.
Italy: Payn, J. A faithful retainer.— Norris, W. E. Bianca.—
Robinson, A. M. . A. F. Goneril.— Oliphant, L. Brigand's bride.—
Trollope, A. Mrs. General Talboys.
STORIES by English Aulhors.
London: Banie, J. M. The inconsiderate waiter. — Guthrie, T: A.
Black poodle. — Morrison, A. Tliat brute Simmons. — Zangwili, 1. A
rose of the Ghetto.— Harraden, B. An idyl of London.— Conch, A. T.
Q. The omnibus.— Correlli, M. The hired baby.
Tin' Orient: Kipling, R. The man who would be king.— Milford,
M. R. Tajima.— Douglas, R. K. Chinese girl graduate.— Beaumont,
M. The revenge of her race. — Roberts, M. King Billy of Ballarat.—
Syrett, N. Thy heart's desire.
Scutland: Barrie, J. M. Courting of T'nowhead's bell.— Crockett,
S. R. The heather Untie.— Watson, J: A doctor of the old school.—
Scott, -Sir W. Wandering Willie's tale.— Aytoun, W: E. Glenmutch-
kin railway. — Stevenson, R. L. Thrawn Janet.
STOKM, Johu. Ereuch dialogues: a systematic iutroductiou lo Ihe
grammar and idiom of spokeu French. Authorized English
edition bv Geo. Macdonald. Eoiid., 1892. D.
STORMS, W. H. Methods of mine timbering. Sac, 1894. il. O.
(Cal. State Mining Bureau. Bull. no. 2.)
STORRS, John Whiting. The "Twentieth Connecticut:' a regi-
mental history. Ansonia, 1886. photos. D.
STORY, William Wetmore. Conversations in a studio. 5. il.
pors. 1). (Masters of contemp. music.)
STREET, O. See Hart, E. L., and Street, O. comp. Descendants of
Amos Morris.
STRETTELL, Alma. Sec Elizabeth, queen of^ Houmania. and Stret-
tell, A. Legends of river and mountain.
STRETTON, Hesba. Michel Lorio's cross. (Tn Stories ]»y Eng--
authors. France.)
STRICKLAND, nev. Joseph. S.J. Documents and maps (m the
boundary question between Venezuela and British (Juayana
from the Capuchin archives in Rome: with a brief summary
of the question. Rome, 1806. 70 p. maps. F.
STRINGHAM, Irving. The past and present of elementary mathe-
matics, (hi Univ. of Cal. Bull. no. 87.)
STROETER, Ernest F. The Gospels. (In Munhall, L. W. ed.
Anti-higher criticism.)
STRONG, George H. [and others], comp. The cyclists road-book
of California: containing maps of the principal riding dis-
tricts north, east and south from San Francisco. [S. F.],
1893. narrow. D.
STRONG, Gurnev S. Early landmarks of Syracuse; with an in-
troduction by G: J. Gardner. Syracuse, 1894. il. pi. pors.
map. O.
STRONG, Herbert Augustus. //•. Paul, H. Principles of the his-
tory of language.
STRONG, Josiah. The new era; or. The coming kingdom. N. Y..
[c. 1893]. D.
STRONG, Moses M. romp. History of the territory of ^\ isconsin
from 183fi to 1848. Madison, 1885. por. O.
STRUMPELL. Dr. Adolf. A text-book of medicine for studf the town of Palmor, Mass.,
early known as the P^Ibow Tract: including records of the
plantation, district and town, 1716-1889: with genealogical
register. Palmer, 1889. il. por. maps. O.
TEMPLE, Sir Richard. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir,
Sikkim, and Nepal; ed. with introductions by R. C. TcMnple.
Lond.. 1887. 2 v. pi. maps.
TEMl^J.E, Sir Richard. Lord Lawrence. Lond., 1889. por. D.
(Eng. men of action.)
Men and events of my time in India. Lond., 1882. O.
TEMPLE, Sir William, bari. Memoires de ce qui s'est pass6 dans
la clir<5tient^>, 1672-79; traduit de I'Anglais. {In Col. des
m«^m, rel. k Thist. de France, 1828. s. 2, v. 64.)
TEMPLE bar: a London magazine for town and country readers
(continuation); V. 82-99, 101-111. Lond., [1888-97]. 29 v. O.
TEMPLETON, William. The practical examinator on steam and
the steam engine; with instructive references relative there-
to. Phil., 1882. 149 p. D.
TENNESSEE. Comptroller. Biennial report, Dec. 20, 1890. Nash-
ville, 1891. pamp. O.
General Assembly. Appendix to House journal; 1891. Nash-
ville, 1891. O.
-Appendix to Senate journal; 1891. Nashville, 1891. O.
House journal; 1891, 1893, 1895. ex. sess. 1890, 1891,
1895. Nashville. 1890-95. v. O.
Senate journal; 1891, 1893, 1895. ex. sess. 1890, 1891,
1895. Nashville, 1890-95. 6 v. O.
Secretary of state. Official and political manual of the state of
Tennessee; prepared by C: A. Miller. Nashville, 1890. pi.
O. 2 cop.
State Department of Agriculture. Tennessee: its resources, ca-
pabilities and development. Nashville, 1892. maps. obi. O.
TENNYSON, Alfred, lord. Works. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
Works; V. 8-10. N. Y., 1893. 3 v. D.
Contents: Vol. 8. Tir«sias and other poems.
9. Becket and other plays.
10. The foresters and other poems.
Works. Ed. de grand luxe: v. 110. Bost., 1895-97. il. pi.
por. 10 V. O.
The death of Aenone, Akbar's dream, and other poems. N. Y.,
1892. 113 p. D.
BROOKE, S. A. Tennyson, his art and relation to modern life. N. Y.,
1894. D
JONES, R. The growth of the Idylls of the King. Phil., 1895. D.
LUCE, M. Handbook to the works of T. Lond., 1895. S.
RITCHIE, A. . I. T. Alfred, Lord Tennyson and his friends; a series
of twenty-five portraits: reminiscences by R., introduction by
H. H. H Cameron. Lend., 1893. pors. F.
SHEPHERD, R. H. The bibliography of Tennyson 1827-1894.
Lond., 1896. 88 p. D.
TAINSH, E. C. A study of the works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
poet laureate. New ed. Lond., 1893. D.
TENNYSON, H. Alfred, Lord Tennyson; a memoir by his son. N.
Y., 1897. il. pors. 2 v. O.
VAN DYKE, H. The poetry of Tennyson. 7th ed. N. Y., 1896.
por. D.
WAUGH, A. Alfred, Lord Tennyson: a study of his life and work.
3d ed. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
TENNYSON, Hallam. Alfred, Lord Tennvson; a memoir. N. Y.,
1897. il. pors. 2 v. O.
TERHUNE, Albert Pavson. Syria from the saddle. N. Y., 1896.
il. D.
TERHUNE, Mrs. Mary Virgiua Iliiwes. (pseud. Marion Harland.)
Homo of the Bible; a woman's vision of the Master's land.
Phil., 1895. il. O.
TEKNAUX-COMPANS, Henri. Reciieil de documents et m^m-
oires originaux sur I'histoire des possessions Espagnoles
dans I'Amerique, a diverses djmques de la conqu6te. Paris,
1840. D.
TERRELL, W. H. H. Indiana in the war of the rebellion. Indian-
apolis, 18()9. O.
TERRY, David Smith.
Trial of T. by the committee of vigilance, San Francisco. S. F., 1856.
75 p. O.
WAGSTAFF, A. E. ed. Life of David S. Terry; presenting an au-
thentic, impartial and vivid history of his eventful life and tragic
death. S. F., 1892. por. 0.
TEUFFEL, Mrs. Blanche Willis Howard von. The open door.
Bost., 1889. D.
TEVERBAUGH, Sol. comp. See Horton, J. H., and Teverbaugh,
Sol. conips. History of the Eleventh regiment Ohio volun-
teer infantry.
TEXAS. Adjutant-General. Report; Feb. 1882, Dec. 1882, 1883,
1884, spec, report 1884, [biennial] 1886, 1888, [annual] 1892.
Galveston, Austin, 1882-93. 8 panis. O.
Agricultural Bureau. lst-2d, 4th, 6th annual report; 1887-89,
1890-91, 1892-93. Austin, 1889-94. O. 4 pams.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. 8th annual report with index
to publications, 1895. Austin, 1896. O. pams.
Attorney-General. Report; 1876-78, 1880-92. Austin, 1879-93.
10 pams. O.
Capitol Building Commission. Report, Jan. 1, 1883. Austin,
1883, O.
Comptroller of Public Accounts. Report; 1880-84, 1886-93.
Austin, 1883-93. 1 v. 8 pams.
Summary of annual reports of railway companies, 1881-
82. [n. imp.]. Q. pam.
General Land Office. Report of the commissioner; 1890-92.
Austin, 1891-92. O. 2 pams.
Qeological Survey. 1st annual report; 1889. Austin, 1889. pi.
maps. O.
Legislature. Journal of the House of Representatives; called
sess. 1882, 1883; called sess. 1884, 1885, 1887; extra sess. 1888,
1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895; regular and spec. sess. 1897.
Galveston, Austin, 1882-97. 10 v. O. Q. (Journals for 1882,
1884, 1888 bd. with Senate journal.)
Journal of the Senate; spec. sess. 1882; called sess. 1884,
1885, 1887; extra sess. 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895; reg-
ular and called sess. 1897. Galveston, Austin, 1882-97. 11
V. O. Q.
Secretary of State. Report; 1881, 1882;— biennial report, 1884-
88, 1892. Austin, 1882-93. 2 v. O.
State Treasurer. Rei)ort for two vears ending Aug. 31, 1880-
[84, 1888-90]. Austin, 1880-91. " 4 pams. O.
TEXAS. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sth-Stli biennial re-
port; 1885-8C), 1887-92; special report, 1887. Austin, 1886-93.
O. 3 pams.
TEXTILE world; an illustrated monthly magazine representing
the textile industries of the U. S.; v. 7-12. Bost., 1894-97. 6
V. O.
THACHER, James. M.D. History of the town of Plymouth from
its first settlement in 1620 to the present time; with a con-
cise history of the aborigines of New England and tlieir wars
with the English, etc. 2d ed. enl. cor. Bost., 1835, map. D.
THACHER, John Bojd. The continent of America, its discovery
and its baptism ; an essay on the nomenclature of the old con-
tinents, a critical and bibliographical inquiry into the nam-
ing of America. N. Y., 1896. il. pi. maps. F.
THACKER, Sara. Concentration and inspiration. Sac, 1897. 89
p. S. (Truth and youth ser. no. 5.)
THACKERAY, Miss Anne*^ Isabella. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. I.
THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Vanity fair: a novel without
a hero. N. Y., 1887. 2 v. il. D.
Jacob Omnium's boss. {In Croke, J. G. ed. Poems of the
CROWE, E. With Thackeray in America. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
JACK, A. A. Thackeray: a study. N. Y., 1895. 196 p. D.
MERIVALB, H., and Marzials, F. T Life of W. M. Thackeray. Lond.,
1891. O. (Great writers.)
STODDARD, R. H. ed. Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and
Dickens. N. Y., 1887. facsim. S. (Bric-a-brac ser. v. 2.)
HUNTER, .Sir W: W. The Thackerays in India and some Calcutta
graves. Lond., 1897. 191 p. D.
THAME, Philip de. The Knights Hospitallers in England; report
to the grand master Elyan de Yillanova for 1338; ed. by L. B.
Larking, with historical introduction by J: M. Kemble.
[Lond.], 1857. O. (Camden Soc, v. 65.)
THANET, Octave, pseud. See French, Miss A.
THATCHER, Erastus. comp. Founding of Washington city; his-
tory of the acquirement of its territory in 1791, division by
streets and avenues into reservations, squares, etc. Wash.,
1891. O.
THATCHER, Marshall P. capt. A hundred battles in the west:
St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65, the Second Michigan cavalry,
with the armies of the Mississippi [etc.]. Detroit, 1884. il.
pors. O.
THATCHER, Oliver Joseph. A short liistory of mediaeval Eu-
rope. N. Y., 1897. maps. D.
and Schwill, Ferdinand. Europe in the middle age. N. Y.,
1896. maps. O.
THAXTER. Mrs. Celia Laighton. Letters of T.; edited by her
friends A. F. and R. L. Bost., 1896. pors. D.
A memorable murder. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 3.)
Poems. Bost., 1896. D.
THAYER, Eli. A history of the Kansas crusade, its friends and
its foes; introduction by Rev. E. E. Hale. N. Y., 1889. D.
a a; .\ K n\L / > /•;/'. i /.• v 1/ /•; v r. 853
THAYEK, Frank S. jutb. Ilool's, claws and anlk'rs of the Kocky
Mountains: rholographic foinoduclious of wild game from
life [by Mr. and Mrs. Wallilian]. Denver, 1894. Q.
THAYEK, John M. (jov. of Nehva^ka. Message, 1889. Omaha,
1889. O. yam.'
THAYEK, W. ^V. gov, of Ore(/on. Biennial message; 1880-82.
8alem, 1880-82. O. 2 pams.
THAYEK, William Koseoe. The dawn of Italian independence;
Italy from the congress of Vienna, 1814 to the fall of Venice,
1849. Kost., 1898. 2 v. maps. D.
THE coming crisis; by One of the many. S. F., 1879. 136 p. S.
THEAL, Oeorge Me'Call. History of South Africa; 148G-1834.
Lond., 1888-91. 8 v. maps, charts. O.
Same; from the foundation of the Euroi)ean settlement to our
own times, 1884-54. Lond., 1898. maps. O.
Same; the republics and native territories from 1854-72. Lond.,
1889. chart. O.
History of the Boers in south Africa. Lond., 1887. maps. O.
South Africa (Cape Colony, Natal, Orange, Free State, South
African republic, and all other territories south of the Zam-
besi). N. Y., 1894. il. maps. D. (Story of the Nations.)
THEATKE. The; a monthly review of the drama, music, and the
tine arts (continuation); July 1889-Dec. 1897. Lond., 1889-
97. 17 V. pors. O.
TH:fiGAN. choreveqm de Treves. De la vie et des actions de Louis-
le-D^bonnaire. (In CoL des m^m. rel k I'hist. de France,
1824. s. 3, V. 3.)
THEMIS [weekly] ; v. 1-8; Feb. 24, 1889-Feb. 13, 1892. Sac, 1889-
92. 3 V. F.
THEOBALD, Fred. V. Insect life; a short account of the classifi-
♦ cation and habits of insects. Lond., 189(3. il. S. (Univ.
ex. ser.)
THEOBALD, Lewis. The works of Shakespeare, collated with the
oldest copies and corrected; with notes, explanatory and crit-
ical. Lond., 1702. 8 v. il. S.
THEOCKITLTS. Idylls; tr. into English verse by C: Stuart Cal-
verlev. Lond., 1896. 184 p. S.
Six idillia; that is, six small, or petty, poems or aeglogues; tr.
by [Sir E: Dyer.?] 1588. (/" Arber, E: Eng. garner, v. 8,
p'. 119.)
THEODOKETrS. hp. of Cyrus in Syria. The ecclesiastical his-
tory dialogues and letters of Theodoret; tr. with notes by
Key. B. Jackson. (/// Schatf, P.. and ^Vace, U: eds. Nicene
and post-nicene fathers. 2d ser., v. 8.)
THEODORIC the Great, king of the Ostrogoths.
HODGKIN T: Theodoric the Goth: the barbarian champion of
civilization. N. Y., 1893. pi. pors. maps. D. (Heroes of the
THEKESA. .S7. of Avila.
GILMAN, Mrs. B. Saint Theresa of Avila. Bost., 1889. S. (Famous
women.) '
THEURIET, Andr^. Rustic life in France; tr. by H. B. Dole. N.
Y., 1896. il. D.
Songs, birds and seasons. Bost., [c. 1888]. il. Q.
THIBAUT, George, tr. The Verdanta-siitras, with the commen-
tary'by Sankarakarya; pt. 1. Oxford, 1890. O. (Miiller, F.
M. ed.' Sacred books of the east, v. 34.)
THIfiBAULT, Paul Charles Francis Adrian Henry Dieudonn^.
laron. Memoirs; tr. by A. J: Butler. N. Y., 1896. il. por.
2 V. O.
THIEME, Hugo P. La litterature Frangaise du dix-neuvi^me
si^cle: bibliographie des principaux prosateurs, pontes,
auteurs dramatiques et critiques. Paris, 1897. 90 p. O.
THOM, DeCourcy W. tr. and ed. Juglar, C. A brief history of
THOMAS [Hammerken]. a Kenipis. The imitation of Christ; tr.
by W. Benham. Phil.. 1889. pi. D.
THOMAS, hp. of Exeter. See Bitton, Thomas de.
THOMAS of Erceldoune. Romance and prophecies; printed from
five mss.; with illustrations from the prophetic literature of
the 15th and 16th centuries; ed. with introduction and notes
by J. A. H. Murray. Lond., 1875. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 61.)
THOMAS of Lancaster. Account of the expenses of John of Bra-
bant and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster, A. D. 1292-3. {In
Camden misc., v. 2. Camden Soc, v. 55.)
THOMAS, Allen Clapp. History of the United States. Bost.,
1894. D.
and Thomas, Richard H. History of the Society of Friends in
America. [In Amer. Church Hist, ser., v. 12.)
THOMAS, Cyrus. Aids to the study of Maya codices. {In Smith-
sonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology, 6th report, 1884-85.)
The chinch-bug; its history, characters and habits, and the
means of destroying it or ^counteracting its injuries. Wash.,
1879. {In U. S. Entomological Com. Bulletin no. 5.)
Report on mound explorations. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bu. of
Eth., 12th rept.)
THOMAS, Ebenezer Smith. Reminiscences of the last sixty-five
years. Hartford, 1840. 2 v. D.
THOMAS, Ernest Chester, ed. Library chronicle: a journal of
librarianship and bibliography; v. 1-5. Lond.. 1884-88. 5
V. Q.
THOMAS, George Henry, (jen.
COPPEE, H. General Thomas. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Great Com
PIATT, D. General G: H: Thomas: a critical biography; with con-
cluding chapters by H: V. Boynton. Cin., 1893. por. O.
THOMAS, Helen Whitall. See Maddison, Isabel, Thomas, H. W.,
Wines, E. S. com,ps. Hand-book of courses open to women.
THOMAS, Isaac. Points of fact and proofs in regard to land claim
no. 280 of the city of San Francisco, before the Board of U.
S. Land Commissioners. {In Cal. land pamps., v. 4.)
THOMAS, James. Second voyage to IJarbary in the year 1552, by
Capt. T: Windham. [In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v.
1, p. 140.)
THOMAS, Jerry. How to mix drinks; or. The bon-vivants com-
panion; to which is appended a manual for the manufacture
of cordials, liquors, fancy svrups, etc., bv C. Scliultz. N. Y.,
[1876]. D.
THOMAS, P. J. com p. Our centennial memoir: Founding of the
missions; San Francisco de Assis in ils hundredth y<'ar; his-
torical reminiscences of the missions of California. S. F.,
1877. il. D.
THOMAS, S. J. Pottery. {In Galton, F. W. ed. Workers on
their industries.)
THOMPSON, A. H. Report upon the construction of topographic
maps and the selection and survey of reservoir sites in the
hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river, Colorado. (U. S.
Geol. Surv., 1.3th rept.)
Report upon the location and survey of reservoir sites during
the fiscal year ended June 30, 1891. (In same, 12th annual
rept., pt. 2.)
THOMPSON, Augustus Charles. Protestant missions, their rise
and early progress. N. Y., 1894. D.
THOMPSON, Benjamin F. History of the 112th regiment of Illinois
volunteer infantry, 18G2-65." Toulon, 111., 1885. O.
THOMPSON, Charles Hutchinson. Genealogy of descendants of
John Thomson of Plymouth. Mass. Lansing, 1890. por. O.
THOMPSON, Charles Lemuel. Times of refreshing: a history of
American revivals from 1740 to 1877. Chic, 1877. por. D.
THOMPSON, Daniel Greenleaf. Politics in a democracy: an essay.
N. Y., 1893. 14-1-176 p. D.
THOMPSON, Edward Maunde. ed. Corresjjondence of the family
of Haddock, 1657-1719. [Lond.], 1881. O. {In Camden
misc., V. 8. Camden Soc; n. s., v. 31.)
Correspondence of the family of Hatton: being chiefly let-
ters addressed to Cliristopher first viscount Hatton, .\. D.
1601-1704. [Westminster], 187S. 2 v. O. (Camden Soc,
n. s., V. 22-23.)
Letters of numplnvy Prideaux to John Ellis, 1674 1722.
[Westminster], 1875. O. (Camden Soc, n. s., v. 15.)
THOMPSON, Frank P. New markets for our products; opportun-
ities for trade and commerce with Latin-American countries.
[S. F.]. [n. d.]. O. {In Tracts on commerce, v. 4.)
TH0:MPS0N, Francis. Poems. Lond., Bost., 1894. 81 p. O.
THOMPSON, Herbert M. The purse and the conscience; an at-
tempt to show' the connection between economics and (>1hics.
Lond., 1891. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
Russian politics. N. Y., 1896. maps. D.
THOMPSON, James Maurice. The story of Louisiana. Bosl.. [c
1888]. il. O. (Story of the states.)
BASKERVILLE, W: M. Maurice Thompson. Nash., 1896. S.
(Southern writers, no. 2.)
THOMPSON, Mortimer, [pseud. Q. K. Philander Doestickss.) Plu-
ri-bus-tah: a song that's by no author; a deed without a
name. Phil., [c. 1856]. D.
THOMPSON, Phillips. The politics of labor. N. Y. and Chic,
1887. D.
THOMPSON, Richard Wigginton. Recollections of sixteen presi-
dents from Washington to Lincoln, [ed. de luxe]. Indian-
apolis, 1894. 2 V. pors. O.
THOMPSON, Robert A. Conquest of California; historical ad-
dress delivered in Sonoma, June 14, 1896. Santa Rosa, 1896.
il. 33 p. O.
The Russian settlement in California, known as Fort Ross,
founded 1812 . . . abandoned 1841. Why the Russians came
and why they left. Santa Rosa, 1896. 'il. 34 p. O.
THOMPSON, 'Robert Ellis. D.D. A history of the Presbyterian
churches in the United States. [In Amer. Church hist, ser.,
V. 6.)
Protection to home industry; four lectures. N. Y., 1886. 109
p. O.
THOMPSON, S. Millett. Thirteenth regiment of New Hampshire
Volunteer Infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861-65 ; diary
covering three years and a day. Bost., 1888. maps. O.
THOMPSON, Sylvanus Phillips. Dynamo-electric machinery. 6th
ed. and supp. N. Y., 1897. il. pi. 2 v. O. (Finsbury
tech. manuals.)
Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. New ed.
rev. N. Y., 1895. il. D.
Polyphase electric currents and alternate-current motors. N.
Y., 1896. il. O. (Finsbury tech. manuals.)
ed. Finsbury technical manuals. N. Y., 1897. O.
For list see Finsbury technical manuals.
THOMPSON, Thomas H. pvb. Official historical atlas map of
Tulare county, California. Tulare, 1892. F.
and West. pvb. Historical atlas map of Solano county, Cali-
fornia. S. F., 1878. F.
History of Amador county, California. Oakland, 1891.
pi. pors. Q,
History of Los Angeles county, California. Oakland,
1880. obi. Q.
History of Placer county, California, with illustrations
and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers.
Oakland, 1882. pi. pors. Q.
History of San Luis Obispo county, California, with illus-
trations and biographical sketches, and of its prominent men
and pioneers. Oakland, 1883. pi. pors. Q.
Historv of Santn Barbara county, California, with illus-
trations and biograj)hical sketches of its jn'orainent men and
pioneers. [also, History of Ventura county.] Oakland,
1883. pi. pors. Q.
THOMPSON, William. An inquiry into the principles of the dis-
tiibution of wealth most conducive to human happiness.
Lond., 1824. O.
THOMPSON, William (lilnian. M.IK rractical (liclclics, with
special i-efercnce to diet in . O.
ed. See Looniis. A: E., and Thompson, W: G. eda. System
of practical medicine by American authors.
THOMPSON and Oo. cump. and jruh. Historical and descriptive
review of the industries of San Francisco, 1887. S. F.,
[1887]. O.
THOMPSON family.
THOMPSON, C. H. Genealogy of descendants of John Thomson of
Plymouth, Mass. Lansing, 1890. por. O.
THOMS, William ,Tohn. Anecdotes and traditions illustrative of
early En<;lish history and literature derived from ms. sources.
Lend., 18:^,0. 28^-134 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 5.)
The reiiuest and suite of a true-hearted Englishman, written
bv W: Cholmeley, in the year 1553; ed. from the original ms.
Lond., 1853. 6-f-20 p. O. (//; Camden misc., v. 2. Camden
Soc, V. 55.)
THOMSETT, Richard Gillham. Kohat, Kuram, and Khost; or, Ex-
periences and adventures in the late Afghan war. Lond.,
1884. D.
THOMSON, Arthur. A hand-book of anatomy for art students. N.
Y., 1896. il. pi. O.
THOMSON, H. C. The outgoing Turk; impressions of a journey
through the western Balkans. N. Y., 1897. il. maps. O.
THOMSON, J. Arthur. The study of animal life. 3d ed. N. Y.,
1896. il. S. (Univ. ser.)
See Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. The evolution of sex.
THOMSON, Bev. J. B. Joseph Thomson, African explorer. Lond.,
1896. il. maps. D.
THOMPSON. C: H. Genealogy of descendants of John Thomson of
Plymouth, Mass. Lansing, 1890. por. O.
THOMSON, John Cockburn (pseud. P. Wharton). See Thomson,
Mis. K. B., and J. C. Wits and beaux of society.
THOMSON. John Renshaw. Speech on the conquest of California;
delivered in the U. S. Senate, Aug. 9, 1856. Wash., 1856. 16
p. O. (In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
THOMSON, Joseph.
THOMSON, h'rr. J. B. Joseph Thomson, African explorer. Lond.,
1896. il. maps. D.
THOMSON, Mrs. Katharine Byerley, and John Cockburn. (pseud.
Wharton, G. and P.) Wits and beaux of society; illustrated
by H. K. Browne and J. (Jodwin. N. Y., 1861. il. D.
THOMSON, Mowbray. Story of Cawnpore. Lond., 1859. pi.
I)lan. I>.
THOMSON. Peter G. P.ibliography of tlie State of Ohio; being a
catalogue (»f the books and pami»hh'ts relating to the history
of the State. Cin., 1880. Q.
TH0:MS()N. Richard, ed. A faithful accoiint of the processions
and ceremonies observed in the coronation of the kings and
queens of England: exemplified in that of their late most
sacred majesties. King George the third and Qu(?en Char-
lotte. Lond., 1820. il. !>9 p. O.
THOMSON, Thomas. Extracts from a paper on oxalic acid. (In
Dalton, J:, Wollaston, W: H., and Thomson, T: Founda-
tions of the atomic theory. xVlembic Club reprints, no. 2.)
THOMSON, Sir William. (Lord Kelvin.) Mathematical and phys-
ical papers. Cambridge, 1882-90. 3 v. il. pi. O.
Popular lectures and addresses, 2d ed. Lond., 1891-94. 3 v.
D. (Nature ser.)
Co)itciit.\. obi. O.
TOT^RGfilE, Albion Winegar. Paotolus Prime. N. Y., [c.l890]. D.
The war of the standards: Coin and credit vs. Coin without
credit. N. Y., 1890. 130 p. D. (Ques. of the day, no. 88.)
TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de. Voyage into the Levant; pre-
fixed the author's life [by Laulhier] ; also his elogium by
Fontenolle. Lond.. 1741. 3 v. pi. maps. D.
TOUT, Thomas F. Edward the First. Lond., 1893. D. (Twelve
Eng. Statesmen.)
TOWER, Charlemagne. The Charlemagne Tower collection of
American colonial laws. Privately printed for the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania, [n. p.], 1890. por. Q.
TOWEK, Chai'lemagne. The Marquis de La Fayette in the Ameri-
can revolution; with some account of the attitude of France
toward the war of independence. Phil., 1895. 2 v. pors. O.
TOWEKSON, ^\'illiam. Three voyages made to the coast of Guinea
in 1555-57. [In Green, -) : Voyages and travels, v. 1, pp. 150,
itj2, it;i).j
TOWGOOD, Micajah. An essay toward attaining a true idea of the
character and reign of King Charles the First, and the causes
of the civil war; extracted from some of the most authentic
and celebrated historians. Loud., 1748. D.
TOWN of Wayland in the civil war of 1861-65, as represented in the
army and navy of the American union. AVayland, 1871. O.
TOWN talk. Daily: v. 5; Nov. 9, 185G-May 9, 1857. S. F., 1856-
1857. F.
TOWNE, A. N. California's progress; ten years of the state's de-
velopment. (Cal. State Board of Trade). May 2, 1895. 14 p.
O.- [In California pam.)
TOWNLEY family. See Lawrence Townley.
TOWNSEND, George. A summary of Persian history, an account
of the various differences between England and Persia, and
an inquiry into the origin of the late war. (In Hunt, G: H:
Outram and Havelock's Persian campaign. 2d ed.)
TOWNSEND, George Alfred. Campaigns of a non-combatant and
his romaunt abroad during the war. N. Y., 1866. D.
The new world compared with the old. Hartford, 1869. il. O.
TOWNSEND, John P. Savings-banks in the United States. {In
Hist, of banking in all nations, v. 2.)
TOWNSEND, Malcolm, comp. U. S.: an index to the United
States of America, historical, geographical and political.
Bost., [c. 1890]. il. pi. maps. O.
TOWNSEND, Mary Ashley. Down the bayou: the Captain's story,
and other poems. Phil., 1896. por. D.
TOWNSEND, Thomas S. The honors of the empire state in the
war of the rebellion. N. Y., 1889. D.
TOWNSHEND, Eichard Wellington.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of T., delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senate, 51st Cong., 1st sess.
Wash., 1890. por. Q. (U. S. Cong. Misc. Memorial addresses.)
TOWRSON, William. Spp Towerson, AY :
TOY, Crawford Howell. .Judaism and Christianity : a sketch of the
progress of thought from Old Testament to New Testament.
Bost., 1891. O.
Quotations in the New Testament. N. Y., 1884. O.
TOYNBEE, Arnold. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the
18th centurv in England; with a short memoir by B. Jowett.
2d ed. Lond., 1887. O.
MONTAGUE. F. C. Arnold Toynbee. (In Johns Hopkins Univ.
studies, v. 7.)
TOZER, C. W. Speech before Nevada Legislature, Feb. 6, 1865.
14 p. O. (Tn R. R. pamps, v, 4.)
TOZER, Henry Fanshawe. A hstory of ancient geography. Camb.,
1897. maps. D. (Camb. geog. ser.)
TRACTS on comraorce: v. 4. Wash., clc, IS-'H-O;"). O.
Coiitdits: V. 4. Latham, M. S. Speech on the hill to establish a line
of mail steamers betwpen San Francisco and Shanghai, China. 15 p. —
Gordon, G: Safety of steamship passengers on ocean routes. 24 p. —
Kraiise, W: E. F. American interests in Borneo. 44 p. — Monthly
chronicle of the Merchants' Protective Union, July 1, 1868. 60 p. —
Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Memorial to the California legislature.
8 p. — San Francisco Chamber of Commerce: Poanl of Trade [etc.].
Report of joint committee on Port charges, shipping and shipbuilding.
10(; p_ — Same. Report on seawall and warehousing. 20 p. — Annua, re-
port of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, 1886. 48 p.— Waterhouse,
S. Memorial to Congress to secure appropriation for the improve-
ment of the Mississippi River. 39 p.— The Mississippi and its aflluents.
11 p.— Influence of our northern forests on the Mississippi river. 7 p.
— American commerce in 1900. 6 p. Nicaragua canal. 2 pams. 7-|-8
p. — Miller, J: F. Nicaragua canal; speech delivered June 17, 1885.
20 p. — White, S. M. Maritime canal company of Nicaragua: speech
in the Senate, Jan. 24, 1895. 30 p.— Manson, N. J. Inter-oceanic ship-
canal communication by the American isthmus. 44 p. — Merry, W: L.
Nicaragua canal, the gateway between the oceans. 46 p.— Proceedings
of the iNicaragua Canal Convention, Jacksonville, Fla. 1895.— Thom-p
son, F: P. New markets for our products. 24 p.— Report of U. S.
Army engineers on the proposed deep water harbor at San Pedro or
Santa Monica bays. 120 p.
TRACTS on finance: v 7. S. F. [etc.], 1877-94. O.
C(intciit!i: V. 7. Fitch, H. S. A review of the "great speech" of
Senator J: P. Jones. 22 p.— Harston, B. F. B. Silver coinage: why
is it depreciated? 18 p.— Fitch, H: S. Money question. 32 p.— Perma-
nent national bank circulation: interview between U.S. Com. on Bank-
ing and currency and J: J: Knox. 24 p.— Brooks, F: A. Political and
financial errors of our recent monetary legislation. 52 p.— Cheap
money experiments in past and present times. 46 p.— Interview of
J. J. Knox before the U. S. Committee on coinage, weights and meas-
ures. 21 p. — Wagner, T. The silver question from the standpoint of
the producer. 24 p.— TreadwelL J. W. Silver; its true place in the
circulation. 26 p.— Huff. A. Looking into things or the great con-
spiracy that now is. 112 p.— Brooks, F: A. Obligations, legal and
practical to our national currency system. 56 p.— Letters from the U.
S. Secretary of the Treasury relative to banking statistics, etc.. from
1830 to 18fi3. 49 p.— Maguire, J. G. Speech on silver. 16 p.— White,
S: M. Remonetization of silver. 72 p.— Power, T: C. Silver: The
friend of the farmer and the miner. 29 p.— Suess, E. The future of
silver. 101 p.— Warner, A. J. Prices on a gold basis. 15 p.— Import-
ant financial problems. 8 p.— Bimetallism considered from the stand-
point of national interests. 7 p.— Protection and the gold standard
impossible. 14 p.— The great question; an interview with Senator
Leland Stanford on money. 42 p.
TRACTS on labor: V. 1. S. F. [etc.], 1871-92. O.
Content h: V. 1. Address of the executive committee of the Na-
tional Labor Union of Cal., .June 15, 1871.— Report of special com-
mittee on labor to Illinois House of Representatives, Mar. 3. 1879.—
Report of Commissioners of the State Bureaus of Labor Statistics on
the industrial, social and economic conditions of Pullman, 111., 1884.—
Snos, J: S. Statement to Cal. State Horticultural Society. April 30,
1886 — Traut W: Trade unions, their origin and objects, influence and
efficacy, 1888.— Council of Federated Trades. Official programme,
Sept. 5, 1892.— Harrison, F: The new trades unionism.— Lubin, D.
Revolutionizing the distribution of wealth: How the rate of wages is
influenced by the cost of transportation. Protection to staple agricul-
TRACY, Fred P. Oration delivered before the Society of California
Pioneers, Sept. 9, 1858. S. F., 18o8. 12 p. O. {In Cal. Pio-
neers. Orations [etc.], 1858-94, v. 2.) ^
55 « J
TRACY, Hiram A, See Benedict, William A., and Tracy, H. A. His-
tory of the town of Sutton.
TRACY, Thomas. lieui.
RIPLEY, C: S. lietit. The ancestors of Lieut. Thomas Tracy of Nor-
wich, Connecticut. Bost., 1895. 100 p. O.
TRADES League of Philadelphia. The city of Philadelphia as it
appears in the year 181)3; F. H. Taylor, ed. [Phil., c. 18D3.J
TRAILL, Henry Duff. Central government. Lond., 1887. 8-4-162 p.
D. (English citizen.)
Lord Cromer, a biography. N. Y., 1897. il. por. O.
Lord Strafford. Lond., 1889. por. D. (Eng. men of action.)
ed. Social England; V. 1-2. K. Y., Lond., 1894. 2 v. O. Note,
Vol. 1, 2d ed.
Contents: Vol. 1. From the earliest times to the accession of Edward
the First. 2. From the accession of Edward I to the death of Henry
TRANSVAAL war, 1880-81; ed. by Lady Bellairs. Edin. and Lond.,
1885. pi. O.
TRANT, William. Trade unions: their origin and objects, influence
and efllcacy. Lond., 1884. 188 p. S.
Sume. 2d ed. N. Y., 1888. 47 p. O. {In Tracts on labor, v. 1.)
TRAPHAGEX. Frank W. Index to the literature of Columbium,
1801-1887. Wash., 1888. O. (Smithsonian Inst. Misc. coll.^
V. 34.)
TRATMAN, Edward Ernest Russell. Preliminary report on the use
of metal track on railways as a substitute for wooden ties;^
to which is added a report of experiments in wood seasoning
by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company,
and other notes; comp. by B. E. Firnow. Wash., 1889. O.
(U. S. Dept. of Agric. Forestry Div. Bull. no. 3.)
Report on the substitution of metal for wood in railroad ties.
Wash., 1890. pi. O. {Same. Bulletin no. 4.)
TRAUTWINE, ^ohn Cresson. The civil engineer's pocket-book.
IGth ed., rev. by J: C. Trautwine, jr. N. Y., 1893. il. S.
♦TRAVELER, A. G. {pseud, for Mrs. H. K. AA'. Clark.) The teach-
ings of the ages. S. F., 1874. O.
TRAVER, Lorenzo. Burnside expedition in North Carolina; battles
of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City. Providence, 1880. 31
p. O. (Personal narratives of events in the war of the rebel-
lion; 2d ser., no. 5.)
TRAVIS, Henry. M.D. Effectual reform in man and society.
Lond., [n. d.]. O.
TREAD WELL, J. W. Silver: its true place in the circulation.
S. F., 1892. 26 p. O. {In Tracts on finance: v. 7.)
TREASURY of sacred song selected from the English lyrical
poetry of four centuries; with notes explanatory and bio-
graphical by F. T. Palgrave. Oxford, 1890. S.
TREASURY of the table talk of famous people. N. Y., [c. 1894].
158 p. T.
TREES, plants, and flowers, [by Baily, W. L.].
TKEGAKTHEN, (Ireville. The stor.y of Australasia, New South
Wales, Tasmauia, VVesleiii Australia, South Australia, Vic-
toria, Queensland, New Zealand. N. Y., 1894. D. (Slory of
the nations.)
TREGO family.
SHERTZER, A. T. A historical account of the Trego family. Bait.,
1884. por. S.
TKELAWNEV papers; ed. by W: D. Cooper. J.ond., 185;i. 23 p.
O. {In Camden misc., v. 2. Camden Soc, v. 55.)
TREMENHEERE, Hugh Seymour. The franchise; a privilege and
not a right. New ed. Lond., 18G5. 10+130 p. S.
TRENCH, F. capt. The Russo-lndian question historically, strat-
egically, and politically considered; with a sketch of central
Asiatic politics. Lond., 1869. G-}-183 p. maps. D. _
TRENHOLM, ^Yilliam Lee. The people's money. N. ¥., 1893. D.
TRENT, William I'eterfield. English culture in Virginia, (/n
Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 7.)
The period of constitution-making in the American churches.
(771 Jameson, J. F., ed. Essays in the constitutional history
of the IT. S.)
William Gilmore Simms. Bost., 1892. por. S. (Amer. inen of
letters.) '
TREVELYAN, George Otto.
CLARK, P. Index to Trevelyan's Life and letters of Lord Macaulay,
cabinet edition, 1878. Lond., 1881. O. (Index Soc. Pub., v. 6, 1897.)
TREVELYAN, L. R. A year in Peshawur, and a lady's ride into
the Kyber Pass. Lond., 1880. D.
TREVELYAN, Marie. From Snowdon to the sea: stirring stories
of north and south Whiles. Lond., [1894]. D.
Glimpses of Welsh life and character. Lond., [1893]. 1).
The land of Arthur; its heroes and heroines. Lend., [1895].
TREVELY\\N, Sir Walter Calverly, and Sir Charles Edward, eds.
Trevelyan papers; pt. 3, [1177-177G. Lond.], LS72. O.
(Cnmden Soc. v. 105.)
TREVELYAN papers; pt. 1-3, [G70-1776] ; ed. by J. P. Collier and
Sir W. C. and Sir C. E. Trevelyan. [Lend.], 1857-72. 3 v. O.
{Same, v. 67, 84, 105.)
Contents: Pt. 1. Prior to A. D. 1558; ed. by J. P. Collier 2. A. D.
1446-1643; ed. by J. P. Collier. 3. [1477-1776]; with introduction to
pts. 1-3; ed. by Sir W. C. and Sir C: E. Trevelyan.
TREVF:RT, EdW'ard. Something about X ravs for evervbody.
Lvnn, 1896. il. 78 p. S.
TRIBUNE almanac and political register; 1881, 1891. 18!)3. 1894.
N. Y., [1881-94]. 4 V. D.
TRIBUNE extras; v. 1, no. 5. N. Y., [1889]. O.
Xnmehi: Washington centenary; celebrated in New York. April 29-
May 1, 1889. 4th ed.
TRIMBLE, Henry. See Sadtler, Samuel P., and Trimble. Henry.
Text book of chemistry.
TRINITY countv. (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1879 and
supp., 1880, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.
TlilNlTY journal, Weekly; July 5, 1890-Dec. 25, 1897. Weaver-
ville, 1890-97. 2 v. F.
TRIUMPHS of modern art; containing the most notable paintings
of to-dav; with descriptive text by H. Sylvestre. Gebbie
and Co. publishers. Thil., [c. 1894]. 2 v. F.
TKOIJKIAND. Regis de. Four years with the army of the Poto-
mac; tr. by G: K. Dauchy. Bost., 1889. D.
TRGCADERO, Musdes du. (Paris.)
SOLDI, B. Les arts meconnus; les nouveaux Musees du Trocadero.
Paris, 1881. il. Q.
TROGNOJSf, Auguste. Fragment sur I'histoire de France. {In Col.
des mem. rel. a I'hist. de France, 1834, s. 3, v. 31.)
TROLJ.OPE, Anthony. Mrs. General Talboys. {In Stories by Eng.
authors. Italy.)
TROLLOPE, Henry Merivale. Corneille and Racine. Edin. and
Lond., 1881. S. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
TROSCHEL, Franz Hermann. Herpetology. — Ichthyology.— Mol-
lusca. (Rav Soc. I'ub. Reports on zoology for 1843-44, no.
3-4, 9, 13, 16-17.)
Reptilia; — Fishes; — Mollusca. {Same. Reports on the progress
of zoology and botany, 1841-42, no. 3-5.)
TROTHA, Thiio von. Tactical studies on the battles around
Plevna; tr. by C. Reichmann. Kansas City, 1896. map. O.
(Inter, mil. ser. no. 3.)
TROURETZKOY. Mrs. Amelie Rives Chanler. The quick or the
dead? Phil., [1888]. 89 p. por. O.
TROUP, Charles Edward. The future work of free trade in English
legislation. Lond., 1884, 11+115 p. D. (Cobden prize es-
say, 1883.)
TROUP, J. Rose. With Stanley's rear column. 2d ed. Lond., 1890.
pi. pors. O.
TROWBRIDGE, Francis Bacon. The Ashley genealogy: a history
of the descendants of Robert Ashley of Springfield, Massa-
chusetts. New Haven, 1896. por. O.
The Champion genealogy, a history of the descendants of
Henry Champion of Saybrooke and Lyme, Conn. New Ha-
ven. 1891. O.
-. Hoadley genealogy; a history of the descendants of W: Hoad-
ley of Branford. Conn and other families of the name.
New Haven, 1894. O.
TROWr.RIDGE family.
CHAPMAN, F. W: eomp. The Trowbridge family, or the descendants
of Thomas Trowbridge. New Haven, 1872. O.
TROW'S New York City directory; v. 107, 110, for the vear ending
.July 1, 1894, July 1, 1897. N. Y., [c. 1893-6]. 2 v. Q.
TRiJBNER'S oriental series. Lond., 1879-92. 23 v. O.
Nanreh): Abd Al-Rahman, ibn Ahmed, Nilr Al-Din Abu Muhammed
< ailed Al .Uiiiii. Yusef and Zulaikha; tr. into English verse by Pi,. T. H.
Griffith. 1882.
/ RNOLD, mr E. Indian poetry. 6th ed. 1891.
BX^DDHA. Life and the early history of his order; tr. by W. W.
RockhilL 1892.
CrST, R. N. Linguistic and oriental essays; written from the year
1846-90. 1880-90. 3 v.
TRUBNER'S Oriental Sorics.
CUST, R: N. A sketch of the modern languages of Africa. I^nd..
1883. 2 V. pors. language map. O.
HIUBN TSIANG. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist records of the western world;
tr. by S: Beal. 1884. 2 v.
HODGSON, B. H. Miscellaneofls essays relating to Indian s\ibjects.
1880. 2 V.
JELAl^-ED-DIN Rumi. The Mesnevi: Book the first; illustrated by
a selection of characteristic anecdotes, as collected by their historian
Mevlana Shemsu-'d-Din Ahmed, el Eflaki, el Arife; tr. and the
poetry versified by J. W. Redhouse. 1881.
KALIDASA. The birth of the war-god; tr. into English verse bv
R. T. H. Griffith. 2d ed. 1879.
KAPILA. Sankhya aphorisms; tr. by .1. R. Ballantyne. 3d ed. 1885.
KUR-AN. Selections from the Kur-an; by E: W: Lane. New ed.
rev. enl. with introduction by S. L. Poole. 1890.
LONG, Ner. James. Eastern proverbs and emblems illustrating old
truths. 1881.
MUIR. J: Metrical translations from Sanskrit writers. 1879.
PHAYRE, Sir A. P. History of Burma, from the earliest times to the
end of the first war with British India. 1883.
SADI, Muslihu'd-diu al Shirazi. The Gulistan; or, Rose garden; tr.
by E: B. Eastwick. 2d ed. 1880.
TIELE, C. P. Outlines of the history of religion to the spread of the
universal religions; tr. from the Dutch by J. B. Carpenter. 5th ed.
Lond., 1892. 0.
'UMAR Khaiyam. The quatrains of Omar Khayyam; the Persian
text with an English verse translation, by E. H. Whinfield. 1883.
WILLIAMS, M. Modern India and the Indians. 5th ed. 1891.
TRUE, Charles Henry. See Whitman, W: E., aiid True. C: H.
Maine in the war for the union.
TRUE, Frederick William. Catalogue of the aquatic mammals ex-
hibited by the United States National Museum. Gr<'at Int.
Fisheries Exhib. Lond. 1888. Wash., 1884. O. (U. S. Nat.
Mus. Bull. no. 27, sec. H.)
A review of the family delphinidae. Wash., 1889. pi. O.
{Same, no. 80.)
TRUE faith of our forefathers; bv A professor of theology. N. Y.,
[c. 1880]. T.
TRUMAN, Benjansin Cumminiis. )iinj. Homes and happiness in
the golden state of California. 8d ed. S. F., 1885. il. 88 p.
O. {In Cal. pamps., v. 2.)
Occidental sketches. 2d ed. vS. F., 1881. D.
A sensation in the orange groves. (/// Short stories by i';\\.
Tourists' illustrated guide to the <-elebrated summer and win-
ter resorts of California. 2d ed. S. F.. 1884. il. map. O.
TRUMBLE, Alfred. In jail with Charles Dickens. N. Y.. 1S!u;. il.
TRUMBULL, Henry Clay. The threshold covenant: or. Tli" Ix'gin
ning of religious rites. N. Y.. 1896. D.
TRUMBULTi, James Hammond. Historical notes on the ((institu-
tions of Conneclicnt. 10.89-1818. Hartf., 1878. 00 p. O.
cd. The true-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the
false blue-laws invented bv the Rev. Samuel Peters. Hart-
ford, 1870. I).
TRUMPS, pfievd. See Dick, W: B.
TRUTH and youth series: no. 5. Sac, 1897. S.
Namely: No. 5. Thacker, S. Concentration and inspiration.
TSCHUDI, Johann Jacob von. Die Kechua-Sprache. Wien, 1853.
2 V. O.
Contents: Erste abthi. Spraclflehre. Dritte abtti. Worterbuch.
TSOUNTAS, Dr. Chrestos, and Mauatt, J. Irving. The Mycenaean
age, a study of the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric
Greece. Bost., 1897. il. O.
TSUKAYUKI. Log of a Japanese journey from the province of
Tosa to the capital; with illustrations bv Toshio Aoki; [tr.
by Flora Best Harris]. Meadville, Pa., 1891. [unp.] il. S.
TUCKER, Abraham. The light of nature pursued: v^^ith some ac-
count of the life of the author bv Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay.
5th ed. Lond., 1840. 2 v. O.
TUCKER, Benjamin R. tr. Tolstoi, L. N. Kreutzer Sonata.
TUCKER, Frederick de L. Booth-, ed. Memoirs of Catherine Booth,
mother of the Salvation Army. N. Y., 1892. pors. 2 v, O.
TUCKER, William Jewett. The work of the Andover House in
Boston, (/n Woods, R: A., and others. Poor in great cities.)
TUCKERMAN, Alfred. Bibliography of the chemical influence of
light. W^ash., 1891. O. (Smithsonian Inst. Miscel. coll., v.
■ Index to the literature of thermodynamics. Wash., 1890. O.
TUCKERMAN. Bavard. Hislorv of English prose-fiction. N. Y.,
1894. D.
Life of General Lafayette; with a critical estimate of his char-
acter and public acts. N. Y., 1889. 2 v. por. S.
Peter Stuyvesant: director-general for the West India Com-
pany in New Netherland. N. Y., 1893. por. D. (Makers of
William Jay and the constitutional movement for the abolition
of slavery; with a preface by John eTay. N. Y., 1893. pors. O.
TUCKERMAN, Charles Keating. Personal recollections of notable
people at home and abroad, with other papers. N. Y., 1895.
2 V. por. D.
TUCKERMAN, Henry Theodore. Book of the artists; American
artist life. N. Y., 1867. por. O.
TUCKEY, Janet. Joan of Arc: ''the maid." N. Y.. [1880]. D.
(Makers of hist.)
TUCK WELL, Gertrude M. The state and its children. Lond.,
1894. D. (Soc. ques. of to-day.)
TUFNELL, Henry, and Lewis, George Cornewall. trs. Mueller, K.
O. History and antiquities of the Doric race.
TUFTS, James H. tr. Windolband, W. History of philosophy.
TUFTS, John W. A handbook of vocal music, illustrating normal
methods through the Normal music course, Cecilian series of
study and song, the common school course. N. Y., 1896. D.
TUGNOT de l.aiioyc, Ferdinand. The sublime in nature, compiled
from the descriptions of travelers and celebrated writers.
N. Y., 1SS(>. il. 1). (\\'(>nders of man and nature.)
TUKE, Daniel Hack. ed. A dictionary of psychological medicine.
Lond., 1892. 2 v. O.
TULAXK University (Louisiana). Catalogue; 1894-5, 1895-6,
lS9(i-7. N. O., 1895-7. 3 v. O. pams.
TULAKE county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1S92. 1894, 1896.
Memorial and biographical history of the counties of Fresno, Tulare,
and Kern. California. Published by the Lewis Publishing Company.
Chic, [n. d.]. pi. pors. Q.
Official historical atlas map of Tulare county; comp., drawn and pub-
lished from personal examination and surveys, by Thos. H. Thomp-
son. Tulare, 1892. F.
TULAKE county times; Jan. 2, 1890-Dec. 30, 1897. Visalia, 1890-97.
2 V. F.
TULASNE, Ludouicus Renatus, and Carolus. Selecta fungorum
carpologia. Parisiis. 1861-65. 3 y. pi. F.
TULLIDGE, Edward W. Life of Brigliam Young; or, Utah and her
founders. N. Y., 1870. por. O. [n. t. p.]
TULLOCH, John. Pascal. Edin. and Lond., 1878. reprint, 1882.
S. (For. classics for Eng. readers.)
OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Memoir of the life of T. 3d ed. Edin. and
Lond., 1889. por. pi. O.
TUNZELMANN, G. W. de. Electricity in modern life. N. Y.,
[1891]. il. pi. D. (Contemp. sci. ser.)
TUOLUMNE county, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880,
1890, 1892, 1894, 1896.)
History of Tuolumne county, California; comp. from the most au-
thentic records; pub. by B. F. Alley. S. F., 1882. pors. O.
TUPPEH, Charles Lewis. Our Indian protectorate: an introduc-
tion to the study of the relations between the British govern-
ment and its Indian feudatories. Lond., 1893. O.
TURCHIN, John Basil, (Ivan Vasilevitch Turchinoff). Noted battles
for the union during the civil war, 1861-65; Chickamauga.
Chic, 1888. i)or. maps. O.
TURNBULL, William Barclay David Donald. //•. Audin. J. M. V.
History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Luther. Lond.,
1854. 2 V. O.
TURGENEV. See, Turgenieff, I. S.
TURGENIEFF, Ivan Sergyevich. Dream tales and prose poems:
tr. by C. Garnett. N. Y., 1897. S.
On the eve: tr. by C. (iarnett. N. Y., 1895. S.
Rudin: tr. by C. Garnett. Lond., 1894. S.
Sportsman's' sketches: tr. by C. Garnett. X. Y., 1895. 2 v. S.
TURNER. C. J. Riltton. Histoiy of vagrants and vagrancy and
beggars and begging. Lond., 1877. il. ]>1. facsim. O.
TURNER. Francis C. Short history of art. Phil.. 18S9. pi. O.
TURNER, Fred. The forage plants of Australia, [n. p.], 1891. 18
-4-90 J), pi. O. (New South Wales. Dept. of Agr.)
TURNER, Frederick Jackson. The character and influence of the
Indian trade in Wisconsin. Bait., 1891. {Jn Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, v. 9.)
TUKNEK, Frederick Jackson. Sigiiiflcauce of tlie frontier in Amer-
ican history. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1893. Papers, no. 18.)
TURNEK, H. W. Tlie rocks of tlie Sierra Nevada, {hi U. S. Geol.
Surv., 14th rept., pt. 2.)
TUENER, J. H. Tudsbury, and Brightmore, A. W. The principles
of waterworks engineering. Lond., 1893. il. O.
TUENEK, Lucien M. Ethnology of the Uugava district, Hudson
Bay territory. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bu. of Ethnol., 11th
TUENER, O. Pioneer history of the Holland purchase of western
New York: embracing some account of the ancient remains.
Butialo, 1849. pors. O.
TUENER, Thomas. The metallurgy of iron and steel. Lond., 1895.
il. O. (Grittin's metallurgical ser.)
TURNER, Thomas A. Argentina and the Argentines: notes and
impressions of a five years' sojourn in the Argentine Repub-
lic, 1885-90. N. Y., 1892. il. pi. O.
TURNER, William. Notes on wines used in England. [1568.] (In
Arber, E. Eug. Garner, v. 2, p. ill.)
TURNER, William R.
Documents in relation to charges preferred by Stephen J. Field and
others before the House of Assembly of the state of California
against T., 1851. S. F., 1853. 29 p. S.
TURPIN, Jean. a]jp. of Reims. Chronique [de Charlemagne].
Paris, 1835 [no paging.] Q.
TURRILL, Charles B. California notes. S. F., 1876. T.
Catalogue of the products of California exhibited by the South-
ern Pacific Company at the North, Central and South Amer-
ican Exposition, New Orleans, Nov. 16, 1885-April 1, 1886.
N. O., 1886. 189 p. S.
TURTLE, Thomas. History of the engineer battalion; Dec. 21,
1868. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 8.)
TUSCAN songs: collected, translated and illustrated by Francesca
Alexander. Host., 1897. il. pi. F.
TUTTIETT, Miss Mary G. (pseitd. Maxwell Gray.) The last sen-
tence. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
The silence of Uean Maitland. N. Y., 1895. S.
TUTTLE, Charles Wesley. Capt. Francis Champernowne, The
Dutch conquest of Acadie, and other historical papers; ed.
by A. H. Hoyt; with a memoir of the author by J: W. Dean.
Bost., 1889. pi. pors. facsim. O.
TUTTLE, Herbert. History of Prussia under Frederick the Great
(continuation); 1756-57: v. 4; with biographical sketch of
the author by H. B. Adams. Bost., 1896. por. D.
TUTTLE, Mary Louisa Park.
SPOFFORD, H. P. Biographical sketch. (In Tuttle, C. W. Capt.
Francis Champernowne and other historical papers.)
TWAIN, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne.
TWELVE English statesmen. Lond.. 1889-93. 4 v. D.
'Naiiiehi: Edward I, by T. F. Tout. Henry II, by A. S. Green.
Henry VII, by J. Gairdner. Peel, by J. R. Thursiield.
TWENTIETH century practice: an international cyclopedia of
modern medical science; ed. by T: L, Stedman: v. 1-13. N. Y.,
i 1895-98. 13 v. O.
GENERAL ni:r.\h'TMh:sT. 873
TWICHELL, Joseph Hopkins. John Winthrop, first governor of
the Massachusetts colony. N. Y.. [e. 1801]. por. S. (Makers
of Amer.)
ed. Some old IMiritan love-letters. John and Margaret Win-
throp, i(;i8-i(;:;s. n. y., is!)4. 187 p. o.
TWINING, AVilliam J. Ventilation of military magazines; April
29, 1872. (Essayons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 22.)
TWITCHELL, Willislra. See Gordy, W. F., and Twitchell, W. I.
A pathfinder in American history.
TWO centuries of Irish history, l(;91-i87(); with introduction by
James Bryce. Lond., 1888. O.
Contvnts: Period 1. 1691-1782. W. K. Sullivan. 2. 1782-1800. G:
Sigerson. 3. 1800-1829. J. H. Bridges. 4. 1829-1848. Lord E. Fitz-
maurice and J. R. Thursfield. 5. 1848-1870. G. P. Macdonell.
TWO tifteenthh-century cookery-books; Harleiau ms. about 1430,
and Harleian ms. about 1450; with extracts from Ashmole
ms. 1421), Laud ms., and Douce ms.; ed. by T: Austin. Lond.,
1888. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Keg. ser. no. 91.)
TWO years before the mast. See Dana, R: H: jr.
TWYSDEN, Sir Roger. Certaine considerations upon the govern-
ment of England; ed. from the unpublished ms. by J: M.
Kemble. [Lond.], 1849. O. (Camden Soc, v. 45.)
TY^LER, Benjamin Bushrod. Book of Esther. {In Munhall, L. W'.,
ed. Anti-higher criticism.)
History of the Disciples of Christ. {In Amer. Church Hist.
ser., V. 12.)
TY'LER, Charles Marion. The island world of the Pacific ocean.
S. F., 1885. pi. map. O.
TY'LER, Charles Millen. D.I), liases of religious belief, historic
and ideal, an outline of religious study. N. Y., 1897. D.
TYLER, John Mason. The whence and whither of man, a brief
history of his origin and development through conformity to
environment, being the Morse lectures of 1895. N. Y., 1897.
TY'LER, Rev. Josiah. Forty years among the Zulus. Bost., [c.
1891]. il. pors. D. '
TILLER, Lvon Gardiner. The letters and times of the Tylers. Rich-
mond. 1884-96. il. 3 V. O.
Parties and patronage in the Ignited States. N. Y., 1891. 133
]». D. (Queslions of the day, no. 68.)
ed. William and Mary College t|uarterly histoiical ]>a])ei-s: v.
1-5. Williamsburg, 1892-97. 5 v. O.
TYLER, Moses Coit. A history of American literal iirc 1007-1705.
N.Y\, 1878. 2v. O.
Same. N. Y., [c. 1878]. 2v.ini. O.
The literarv history of the American Revolution. 1703-1783.
N. Y., 1897.' O.
Patrick Henry. Bost., 1887. D. (Amer. statesmen.)
TYLER. William Seymour. P.D. History of Amherst College dur-
ing its first half century, 1821-71. Springfield. 1873. pi.
pors. O.
TYLOR, Edward Burnett. Anthropology: an introduction to the
study of man and civilization. N. Y., 1889. il. D. (Int. sci.
ser., V. 62.)
TYLOR, J. J., arid Griffith, F. LI. The tomb of Paheri at el Kab.
Lond., 1894. pi. F. (Egypt ex. fund. 11th memoir.)
TYMMS, vSamuel. ed. Wills and inventories from the registers of
the commissary of Bury St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of
Sudbury. [Lond.], 1850. O. (Camden Soc, y. 49.)
TYNDALL, John. New fragments. N. Y., 1892. D.
TYRRELL, Robert Yelverton, mid Purser, Louis Claude. Cor-
respondence of Cicero, arranged according to its chronolog-
ical order, with a revision of the text, a commentary and in-
troductory essays; v. 3. Dublin, 1890. O.
TYSON, James. M.D. A treatise on Fright's disease and diabetes;
with special reference to pathology and therapeutics; includ-
ing a section on Retinitis in Bright's disease, by W: F. Nor-
ris. Phil., 1881. il. pi. O.
TYSON, James L. M.D. Diary of a physician in California. N. Y.,
1850. 92 p. O.
TYTLER, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, Henrietta.
UBIQUITOUS; Edward McGowan. ed. V. 1, uo. 6. March 28,
1858. Sac, 1858. F.
UDALL, Nichols. English verses and ditties at the coronation
procession of Queen Anne Boleyn. [1533.] {In Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, v. 2, p. 52.)
UGONI, Cam ilk). Delia letteratura Italiana nelia seconda met^
secolo XVIII; v. 1-3. Brescia, 1820-22. 3 v. S.
UHLE, Max. Kultur und Industrie siidamerikanischer Volker
nach den ini besitze des Museums fiir Volkerkunde zu Leip-
zig. Betindlichen sammlungen von A Stiibel, W. Reiss und
B. Koppel; text und beschreibung der tafeln von Max Uhle,
Berlin, 1889-90. 2 v. F.
UHLHORN, Dr. Gerhard. Christian charity in the ancient church.
N. Y., 1883. O.
The conflict of christianitv with heathenism. Rev. ed. N. Y.,
1895. O.
UHLHORN, John F. comp. California Legislative directory, 1873-
74. Sac, 1873. O.
ULLOA, Girolamo. general Guerre de I'independance Italienne
en 1848 et en 1849. Paris, 1859. 2 v. O.
ULRICH, Charles. The copper cross; a tale of a treasure hunt in
the Pacific. S. F., 1891. 63 p. O.
ULRICH, E O. American palaeozic sponges. {In 111. Geol. surv.,
v. 8, pt. 2, sec. 3.)
Palaeazoic bryozoa. {In same, sec 0.)
S])()nges of tlie Devonian and Carboniferous systems. {In
same, sec 4.j
a7}d Everett, Oliver. Descriptions of lower silurian sponges.
(/// same, sec. 5.)
UNDER both flags; a panorama of the great civil war, as repre-
sented in story, anecdote, adventvye and the romance of re-
ality; written by celebrities of both sides. Phil., [c 1896].
il. pi. pors. maps. Q.
EXAMINATION and imprisonment in Aug. 1553; with anecdotes of
the time [1562]. (/n Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 72.)
UNDERWOOD, Benjamin Franklin. Herbert Spencer's synthetic
philos<)j)hy. (//( Brooklyn Ethical Assoc Evolution in
science, philosophy, and art.)
UNDERWOOD, Francis Henry. Hand-book of English literature.
American authors. Bost., 1874. D.
The i)oet and the man: recollections and appreciations of
James Russell Lowell. Bosl., 180^. 1.^8 p. pors. facsim. D.
UNION (Me.t.
SIBLEY. .1: L. History of the town of Union in the county of Ijincoln,
Maine; with a family register. Bost., 1851. por. D.
UNION democrat; Mav IT. lS90-Dec 25, 1897. Sonora, 1890-97. 2
V. F.
"UNION State Central Committee. Proceedings of the San Fran-
cisco Union ratification meeting, held at Union Hall, June
25, 18G7. 24 p. O. [In Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
UNITARIAN affirmations: seven discourses given in Washington,
D. C, by Unitarian ministers. Bost., 1890. 175 p T.
Contentft: Briggs, G: W. Man. — Calthorp, S: R. The life eternal
Heaven and hell.— Clarke, J. P. The Bible.— Ellis, R. The church.—
Hedge, F. H. The universal and the special in Christianity. — Herford.
B. Jesus Christ.— Peabody, A. P. God.
UNITARIANISM: its origin and history; a course of sixteen lec-
tures delivered in Channing Hall, Bost., 1888-90. Bost., 1890.
Voiitenis: Allen, J. H. Contact of American Unitarianism and Ger-
man thought; — Early Christian doctrine. — Barrows, S. J. A Baptist
meeting-house. — Batchelor, G: The law of righteousness. — Beach, S.
C. Unitarianism and the Reformation.— Briggs, G: W. Channing. —
De Normandie, J. Unitarianism and modern Biblical criticism. — Ellis,
G: E. The church and the parish in Mass.— Everett, C: C. Relation
of Unitarianism to philosophy.— Hall, E. H. Ten lectures on ortho-
doxy and heresy in the Christian church. — Herford, B. Unitarianism
in England. — Hornbrooke, F. Unitarianism and modern literature. —
Peabody, A. P. Christianity from the 5th to the 15th century;— Early
New England Unitarians. — Reynolds, G. Ecclesiastical and denomi-
national tendencies.— Slicer, T: R. Unitarianism and modern scienti-
fic thought.— Stewart, S: B. Theodore Parker.— Tiffany, F. Trans-
UNITED service magazine and naval and military journal (contin-
uation); 1845-16, 1859; 1. Lond., [1845-59], 7 v. O.
UNITED STATES. Adjutant- Gene rah Official army register for
January, 1893. [Wash., 1893]. O.
Army. Cavalry drill regulations; adopted October 3, 1891.
Wash., 1891. ' Tt.
Infantry drill regulations, adopted Oct. 3, 1891. N. Y.,
1892. il. music. Tt.
Light artillery drill regulations; adopted October 3, 1891.
Wash., 1891. Tt.
Proceedings, findings, and opinion of the court of inquiry
in the case of Oliver O. Howard. Wash., 1874. O.
Regulations for tlie armv of the United States, 1895.
Wash., 1895. O.
Regulations for the uniform of the armv of the United
States; with illustrations. Phil., [Bait. luMnted], 1888.
pi. F.
Attorney-Genera]. Annual report (continuation); 1888, 1891-97.
Wash., 1888-97. 9 v. O.
Register of the Department of Justice and the judicial
officers of the United States. 9th ed., corrected to -Ian. 1,
1891. Wash., 1891. O
Berlin Silver Cominission. 1891,. See United States Senate Com-
mittee on Finance.
Board on Geoqrapliir Names. 1st annual report; 1891. Wash.,
1892. pi. ■ O. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
Bureau of the American Bepuhlics. lst-4th annual report; 1891-
95. Wash., 1892-95. O. (U. S. Cong. S. E. D.)
UNITED STATES. Jhircau of llic Am. Ue}>uhli(',s. BuUiMiii: no. 1-3,
()-(i4. llaudbuuks of the Anioricau ivpiiblics; rev. ed. Wash.,
lS!)l-;);{. pi. maps. 7 v. i). (U. S. Conj;. S. E. D.)
BuUetiu no. 45, 46, 48, June 1892. Tarirts on tlie Ameri-
can republics; v. 1-3. Wash., 1803. :»> v. O.
Sotv: Bull. no. 48 revised to July 1, 1893.
Commercial directory of the American republics .... in-
formation conceruinji (he countries of the international
union of xVmericau republics. American colonics, and Ha-
waii; V. 1. Wash., 1897. maps. Q.
Commercial nomenclature published by recommendation
of the International American Conference; v. 1-2. Wash.,
1894. 2 V. Q. obi. (English, Spanish, Portuguese.)
Bureau of Education. Bulletin; no. 1, 1889; no. 1, 1890. Wash.,
1890. O. {In U. S. Bu. of Ed. Misc. i)ub., v. 1.)
yiamclij: no. 1, 1889. Morgan, T. J. Indian education, no. 1, 1890.
Smith, C: F. Honorary degrees as conferred in American colleges.
Catalog' of "A. L. A." library; selected by the Ameri-
can Library' Association and shown at the World's Colum-
bian Exposition. Wash., 1893, O.
Circulars of information; 1885-93. Wash., 1885-93. 10
V. O.
Contents: 1885, no. 1. Philbrick, J: D. City school systems in the
U. S. 2. Teachers' Institutes. 3. Review of the reports of the British
Royal Commissioners on technical instruction; with notes by C: O.
Thompson. 4. Education in Japan. 5. Hartwell, E. M. Physical
training in American colleges and universities.
1886, no. 1. Study of music in public schools. 2. Proceedings of the
Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Associa-
tion, Washington, Feb. 23-26, 1886.
1887, no. 1. Adams, H. B. The college of William and Mary. 2.
Adams, H. B. Study of history in .\merican colleges and universities.
3. Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National
Educational Association, Washington, March 15-17, 1887.
1888, no. 1. Adams, H. B. Thomas Jefferson and the university of
Virginia. 2. Smith, C: L. History of education in North Carolina.
3. Meriwether, C. History of higher education in South Carolina. 4,
Jones, C: E. Education in Georgia. 5. Mayo, A. D. Industrial edu-
cation in the south. 6. Proceedings of the Department of Superin-
tendence of the National Educational Association, Washington, Feb.
14-16, 1888.
1889, no. 1. Allen, W: F. and Spencer, D. E. Higher education in
Wisconsin. 2. Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of
the National Educational Association, Washington, March 6-8, 1889.
3. Clark. Willis G. History of education in Alabama, 1702-1889.
1890, no. 1. Blackmar, F. W. The history of federal and state aid
to higher education in the U. S. . 2. Wells, R. (lud Kelly, J: W. Eng-
lish-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies. 3. Cajori, F. The
teaching and history of mathematics in the U. S.
1891, no 1. Woodburn, J. A. Higher education in Indiana. 2. Raldall,
C. D. The fourth international prison congress, St. Petersburg, Russia.
3. Marble, A. P. Sanitary conditions for schoolhouses. 4. McLaugh-
lin, A. C. History of higher education in Michigan. 5. Knight, G: W.
and Commons, J: R. History of higher education in Ohio. 6. Bush,
G: G. History of higher education in Mass. . 7. White, E. E. Pro-
motions and examinations in graded schools. 8. Gordy, J. P. Rise and
UNITED STATES. Bureau of Education. Circulars of information.
growth of the Normal school idea in the United States. 9. Campbell,
J: P. Biological teaching in the colleges of the U. S.
1892, no. 1. Mayo, A. D. Southern women in the recent educational
movement in the South. 2. Thorpe, F. N. Benjamin Franklin and
the university of Pennsylvania.
1893, no. 1. Rockwell, J. E. Shorthand instruction and practice. 2.
Steiner, B. C. History of education in Connecticut. 3. Powell, L. P.
History of education in Delaware. 4. MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal
man: essays on education, crime and related subjects. 5. Merriam,
L. S. Higher education in Tennessee. 6. Parker, L. F. Higher edu-
cation in Iowa. 7. Flint, W. Statistics of public libraries in the U. S.
and Canada. 8. March, F. A. The spelling reform.
Contributions to American Educational History; ed. by
H. B. Adams; no. 1-17. Wasb., 1887-98. O. {In Circ. of
inform., 1887-98.)
Namely: no. 1. Adams, H. B. The college of William and Mary.
1887. (Circ. no. 1, 1887.) 2. Adams, H. B. Thomas Jefferson and the
University of Virginia. 1888. (Circ. no. 1, 1888.) 3. Smith, C: L.
History of education in North Carolina. 1888. (Circ. no. 2, 1888.) 4.
Meriwether, C. History of higher education in South Carolina. 1889.
(Circ. no. 3, 1888.) 5. Jones, C: E. Education in Georgia. 1889.
(Circ. no. 4, 1888.) 6. Bush, G: G. History of education in Florida.
1889. (Circ. no. 7, 1888.) 7. Allen, W: F. and Spencer, D. E.. Higher
education in Wisconsin. 1889. (Circ. no. 1, 1889.) 8. Clark, W. G.
History of education in Alabama, 1702-1889. 1889. (Circ. no. 3, 1889.)
9. Blackmar, F. W. History of federal and state aid to higher educa-
tion in the U. S. . 1890. (Circ. no. 1, 1890.) 10. Woodburn. J. A.
Higher education in Indiana. 1891. (Circ. no. 1, 1891.) 11. Mc-
Laughlin, A. C. History of higher education in Michigan. 1891.
(Circ. no. 4, 1891.) 12. Knight G: W. and Commons, J: R. History
of higher education in Ohio. 1891. (Circ. no. 5, 1891.) 13. Bush, G:
G. History of higher education in Massachusetts. 1891. (Circ. no.
6, 1891.) 14. Steiner, B. C. History of education in Connecticut.
(Circ. no. 2, 1893.) 15. Powell, L. P. History of education in Dela-
ware. (Circ. no. 3, 1893.) 16. Merriam, L. S. Higher .education in
Tennessee. (Circ. no. 5, 1893.) 17. Parker, L. F. Higher education
in Iowa. (Circ. no. 6, 1893.)
Miscellaneous publications; v. 1. Wash., 1880-98. O.
Ccmtents: Vol. 1. Vacation colonies for sickly school children. The
Indian school at Carlisle barracks. Progress of western education in
China and Siam. Building for the children in the South. Planting
trees in school grounds and the celebration of Arbor Day. Morgan,
T.J. Indian education. Smith, C: F. Honorary degrees as conferred
in American colleges. Report on legal education. Jackson, S. Edu-
cation in Alaska, 1889-90.
Public libraries; special report; pt. 2. Rules for a dic-
tionary catalogue, by C: A. Cutter. 2d ed., with corrections
and additions. Wash., 1889. 188 p. O.
Same. 3d ed.. with corrections nnd additions and an al-
phabetical index. Wash., 1891. 140 p. O.
Report of the commissioner of education (continuation);
1870-71, 1876, 1887-95. Wash., 1870-96. 19 v. O. {Samey
U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
Special reports. Wash., 1874-93. 2 v. O.
Contents: Historical sketches of the universities and colleges of the
U. S. ed. by F. B. Hough: University of Missouri, by D. Read. 1883.
Nutting, M: O. Historical sketch of Mount Holyoke seminary, 1876.
UNITED STATES. Bureau of Edncaiiun. Special i-ei)c)rts.
Shutfeldt, R. W. Outlines for a museum of anatomy. 1885. Sketch
of the Philadelphia Normal school for girls. 1882. Toner, J. M. Con-
tributions to the annals of medical progress and medical education in
the U. S. before and during the war of independence. 1874. Jackson,
S. Introduction of the domestic reindeer into Alaska. 1893.
Bureau of Lahor. nth-lUh aiimial report of the coininissioner
[C. 1). Wright] (eoii(iiuiatioii); 188<)-y0. Wash., lS;)0-!>7. 8
V. O. {Same. U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
CoiitoilK: 5. Railroad labor. ■ 6. Cost of production: iron, steel, coal,
etc. . 7. Cost of production: the textiles and glass; v. 1:1. Cost of
production, v. 1:2. Wages: time and earnings, v. 2:3. Cost of liv-
ing. 8. Industrial education. 9. Building and loan associations. 10:
1-2. Strikes and lockouts. 11, Work and wages of men, women and
2d-8th special report of the commissioner. Wash., 1893-
96. 7 V. O.
Natnely: 2. Wright, C. D. Labor laws of the U. S. (2d ed.). 3.
Wright, C. D. Analogies and index of all reports issued by bureaus of
labor statistics in the U. S. prior to Nov. 1, 1892. 4. Brooks, J. G.
Compulsory insurance in Germany. 5. Gould, E. R. L. Gothenburg
system of liquor traffic. 6. Wright, C. D. Phosphate industry of the
U. S. 7. Wright, C. D. Slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York and
Philadelphia. 8. Gould, E. R. L. Housing of the working people.
A compilation of the labor laws of the various states and
territories and the District of Columbia; prepared under the
direction of C. D. Wright. Wash., 1892. O. (U. S. 52d
Cong., 1st sess. H. R.)
Bureau of Navigation. 8th-12th annual list of merchant vessels
of the United States, with official numbers and signal letters
awarded them b}' the Commissioner of Navigation; 1891-95.
Wash., 1892-95. 5 v. O.
Report of the commissioner, 1889, 1890-95. Wash., 1889-
96. O. (Same in U. S. Cong. H. D.)
Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Mexico, Cen-
tral America, the West Indies and on the north coast of
South America, with the latitudes of the several stations, by
J. A. Norris and C: Laird; to which is appended a report on
magnetic observations made at Vera Cruz [etc.] by C: Laird,
J. H. L. Holcombe and L. M. Garrett. Wash., 1891. maps.
JJydrofirapliic Office. Contributions to terrestrial magnet-
ism; no. il4. The magnetic dip or inclination, by G. W. Llt-
tlehales. Wash., 1897. 45 p. charts. O.
Bureau of Pensions. Annual report of the commissioner of
pensions; 1890-92. Wash., 1890-92. O. 3 pams.
6th Census. Sixth census or enumeration of the inhabitants
of the U. S. in 1840. Wash., 1840. F.
Compendium of the enumeration of the inhabitants and
statistics of the U. S. Wash., 1841. F.
Statistics of the U. S. Wash., 1841. F.
11th Census. Abstract of the Eleventl* census, 1890. Wash.,
1894. O.
UNITED STATES. 11th Census. Compendium of the lltb census:
1890; pt. 1-3. Wash., 1894-97. 3 v. Q.
Contents: Pt. 1, 3. Population. 2. Vital and social statistics; educa-
tional and church, statistics; wealth, debt, and taxation; mineral in-
dustries; insurance; foreign born population; manufactures.
[Keports.] Wash., 1892-97. 14 v. in 20. Q. (U.S. Cong.
H. M. D.)
Contents: Pt. 1. Mineral statistics. 2. "Wealth, debt and taxation.
5. Insurance. 6. Indians. 7. Chui'ches. 8. Population. 9. Population
and resources of Alaska. 10. Agriculture, irrigation, and fisheries.
11. Transportation by land and water. 12. Manufacturing industries.
13. Real estate mortgages. 15. Farms and homes. 16. Insane, feeble-
minded, deaf, dumb. 17. Occupations of the population. 18. Vital and
social statistics.
Report on agriculture bv irrigation in the west-
ern part of the U. S., [by] F. H. Newell. Wash., 1894. il.
pi. maps. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Report on crime, pauperism and benevolence in the
United States; F. H. Wines, special agent. Wash., 1896. 2
V. Q. (Same.)
Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the
United States (except Alaska). Wash., 1892. il. pi. maps.
Q. (Same.)
Report on the insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb and
blind in the U. S., by J: S. Billings. Wash., 1895. Q. (Same.)
Report on insurance business in the United States; Chas.
A, Jenney, special agent. Pt. 1. Fire, marine, and inland
insurance. Wash., 1895. pi. maps. Q. (Same.)
Report on manufacturing industries in the United States;
Pt. 1. Totals for states and industries. 2. Statistics of cit-
ies. 3. Selected industries. Wash., 1895. 3 v. Q. (Same.)
Report on mineral industries in the United States, 1890;
David T. Day, special agent. Wash., 1892. pi. maps. Q.
Report on population and resources of Alaska. Wash.,
1893. 11. pi. Q. {Same.)
Report on the population of the United States. Wash.,
1895-97. 2 V. Q. (Same.)
Report on real estate mortgages; by G: K. Holmes, and
J : S. Lord. Wash., 1895. Q. {Same.)
Reports on the statistics of agriculture, agriculture by
irrigation, and statistics of fisheries. Wash., 1896. il. pi.
maps. Q. {Same.)
Report on statistics of churches in the United States,
1890; Henry K. Kimball, special agent. . Wash., 1894, pi.
maps. Q. {Same.)
Report on transportation business by land and by wa-
ter; H: C. Adams, special agent. Wash., 1894. il. pi. maps.
2 V. Q. {Same.)
Report on wealth, debt, and taxation; pt. 1. Public debt.
2. Valuation and taxation. J. Kendrick Upton, special
agent. Wash., 1895. il. pi. maps. 2 v. Q. {Same.)
UNITK1> STATES, lllh Census. Kxlra census bulletin. The live
cixiiizcd tribes in Indian Teriilory: The (Jlierokee, Chicka-
saw, ('hoctaw, Creek, and Seminole nations. Wash., 1894.
Same. Indians: the six nations of New York, by T: Don-
aldson. Wash., 1892. 89 p. pi. pors. maps. Q.
Same. Moqui Pueble Indians of Arizona and Pueblo In-
dians of New Mexico, by T: Donaldson. Wash., 1893. il.
pi. Q.
Civil Service Commission. Report; 4th, 6th-llth; 1886-87, 1888-
94. Wash., 1888-95. 4 v. and pams.
Same in U. S. Cong. H. M. D.
Scliedule of examinations for 1892; departmental, rail-
waj^ mail and Indian services. Wash., 1892. O.
Coast and Geodetic Survei/. W. W. Duffield. supt. Bulletin: no.
30. Wash., 1897. O. "
Xdnicli/: no. 36. Bradford, G. comp. Table of depths for channels
and harbors, coasts of the U. S.
Keport of the superintendent (continuation) ; 1888-96.
Wash., 1889-97. 12 v. maps. O. Q.
Same; U. S. Cong. S. E. D.
CoIuml}ian Historical Exposition. See Madrid. Columbian
Historical Exposition, 1892.
Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Bulletin of the United States
Fish Commission (continuation); v. 7-14; 1887-94. Wash.,
1889-95. 8 V. O. and Q. (U. S. 50th-53d Cong. H. M. D.)
Report of the commissioner; 1887-93. Wash., 1891-95.
5 V. O. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Report of the commissioner on investigations in the Co-
lumbia river basin in regard to the salmon fisheries. Wash.,
1895. pi. Q. (U. S. 53d Cong., 2d sess., S. M. D., v. 8.)
Report of the commission respecting the establishment
of fish-cultural stations in the Rocky Mountain region and
gulf states. Wash., 1892. pi. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong., 1st sess.,
S. M. D.)
Commission on boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana.
Report and accompanying papers; v. 1-4. Wash., 1897. 4 v.
O. Q.
Contents: V. 1. Historical. 2. Extracts from archives. 3. Geograph-
ical. 4. Atlas.
Comptroller of the Currency. Annual report (continuation);
1889, 1890, 1891 v. 1-2, 1892 v. 1-2, 1893, 1894, 1895 v. 1-2.
Wash., 1889-95. 12 v. O.
Same, U. S. Cong. H. E. D.
17th Congress. 1st session. House. .Journal.
2d session. House. Journal.
-ISth Congress. 1st session. House. House documents; no. 77-
103, 130; V. 5, 7. 2 v. 0.
2d session. Senate. Journal.
10th Congress. 1st session. Senate. Journal.
20th Congress. 1st session. House. Journal. Executive docu-
ments, no. 10-172, 268-288; v. 2-4, 7. 4 v. O.
UNITED STATES. 20tli Congress. 1st session. Senate. Journal.
Executive documents, no. 1-25, 73-207; v. 1, 3-5. 4 v. O.
2d session. House. Journal. Reports of committees, no.
1-104. Executive documents, no. 90-147 (ex. 121, 146); v. 3-4.
2 V. O.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-79; v. 1. O.
■21st Congress. 1st session. House. Eeports of committees; no.
176-298, 380-381; V. 1. (380-381 in H. D.) 1 v. O. Executive
documents, no. 1-23, 53-126; v. 1, 3-4. 3 v. O.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-49 ; v. 1. 1 v. O.
2d session. House. Executive documents, no. 1-30; v. 1. 1
V. O.
22d Congress. 1st session. House. Journal . Reports of com-
mittees, no. 326-459; v. 3. 1 v. O. Executive documents,
no. 83-185; v. 3-4. 2 v. O.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-55; v. 1. 1 v. O.
2d session. House. Journal. Executive documents; no.
110-148; V. 3. O.
23d Congress. 1st session. House. Reports of committees, no. 1-
445, 447-560; Resolutions, 1-5, 9; Senate Report, 157; v. 1-4.
4 V. O. Executive documents, no. 1-79, 204-349; v. 1-4. 4
V. O.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-39, 267-372, 512:1,
514:2-3; v. 1, 4, 7, 13-14. 5 v. O.
2d sessio?i. House. Journal. Executive documents, no.
1-177; V. 1-4. 4 v. O.
Senate. Journal. Executive documents, nos. 1-8; v.
1. 1 V. O.
24th Congress. 1st session. House. Executive documents, no.
1-298; V. 1-7. 7 v. O.
Senate. Journal. Executive documents, no. 1-269;
V. 1-3. 3 V. O.
2d session. House. Journal. Reports of committees, no.
1-229; V. 1, 3. 2 v. O, Executive documents, no. 1-19; v. 1.
1 V. O.
■25th Congress. 1st session. House. Journal.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-37. v. 1. 1 v. O.
2d session. House. Journal. Executive documents, no.
1-8; V. 1.
Senate. Executive documents, no. 1-138, 471-509; v.
1-2, 6. 3 V. O.
3d session. House. Journal. Reports of committees, no.
274-325, and Res. 1-18; v. 2. 1 v. O. Executive documents,
no. 1-79, 81-120, 228-253, v. 1-3, 6. 4 v. O.
Senate. Journal. Executive documents, no. 1-17; v.
1. 1 V. O.
26th Congress. 1st session. House. Executive documents, no.
240-265; v. 7. 1 v. O.
2d session. House. Reports of committees, no. 1-249, &
res. 1-4. Executive documents, no. 1-124. v. 1-3, 4, 6. v. 1.
1 V. O. 5 V. O.
UNITED STATED. Jo7// L'uiujress. Jii sessiun. iSenate. Executive
documents, no. 1-5; v. 1. 1 v. U.
:^Hh Cunyreas. 1st ncst^iuu. Iluuae. Kepoils ol comuiil u-cs, no.
1-11. V. 1. U. Executive Uocuiiieiiiis, no. l-t»3. v. 1. 1 v.
O. (Bound together.;
iSetiaU'. ExecuhM' ducinucnls, uo. 1-123; v. 1. 1 v.
Jd aeasiun. llouae. Kepoi'ts oi' committees, uo. 741-945;
V, 4. 1 V. U. Executive docuuients, no. 1-25, 121-1G4; v. 1,
li, 2 V. U. -i/.sc^ uo. 2, V. I, ex. documents bound sc/paralely.
msih Cungress. Isl sessiun. House. Kei)Oi'ts of commillees, no.
1-352; V, 1. 1 V. O. Executive documents, uo. 1-70, 178-241);
V. 1-3, 5. 4 V. O.
Senate. Executive documents, no. I, 289-349, 399-408;
V. 1, 5, 7. 3 V. O.
■ SOth Congress.
G5-73; V. 8.
■ Slst Congress.
4; V. 2. 1 V.
■k-Gth Congress.
209: 2; v. 8
JiSth Congress.
no. 60. V. 27
Jf9th Congress.
no. 92, V. 5;
50th Congress.
mittees, no.
1st session.
1 V. O.
1st session.
2d session.
!. 1 V. O.
1st session.
. 1 V. O.
2d session.
1 V. O.
1st session.
1-35, 32; V.
Executive documents, no.
House. Executive documeiUs, no.
Senate. p]xecutive documents; no.
House. Miscellaneous documents,
Senate. Miscellaneous documents,
House. Journal. Reports of cora-
1-11. 11 V. O. Executive docu-
ments, no. 1:5, 4-4G9, ex. 124, 382; v. 12, 18-26, 28-31. 14 v.
O. Q. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-611, ex. 87:2; v. 1-3,
5-20:1-5, 27. 20 v. in 24 and atlas. O. Q. F.
Senate. Rei)orts of committees, no. 1-2396, ex
V. 1-8, 10. 9 V. O. Executive documents, no. 1-50, 51:9-10,
91, 113, 125-282, ex. 223: v. 1, 6, 8-1]. 6 v. O. Q. Miscel-
laneous documents, no. 1-212; v. 1-3. 3 v. O.
^d session. House. Journal. Report of committees, no.
3533-4147; V. 1-4. 4 v. O. Executive documents, no. 1-169;
V. 1-27. 27 V. in 28. O. Q. .Miscellaneous documents, no.
1-148, ex. 143-146; v. 1-1.5. 17-18. 17 v. in 18. O. (^
Senate. Report of committees, no. 2397-271!>, and no.
1-3, si)ec. sess. ; v. 1-6. 6 v. O. Executive documents, no.
1-147, and no. 1, spec, sess.; v. 1-4. 4 v. O. Miscellaneous
documents, no. 1-94, and no. 1-15, spec, sess.; v. 1-4. 4 v. O.
51st Congress. 1st session. [Tariff Act, 1890]. 59 p. Q. 2 cop.
House. Journal. Re]»orts of committees, no. l-3243»
ex. 712, 147.3, 2070, 3174 :v. 1-10. 10 v. O. Executive docu-
ments, no. 1:1-8; 2-39, .55, 106-470; v. 1-2.5, 27-44. 43 v. O.
Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-261, ex. 224, 229, 231-34, 237-
39; V. 1-19, 22, .30, 31, .33-36. 47 v. O. Q.
Senate. Journnl. Ref)orts of committees, no. 1-1530;
v. 1-10. 10 V. O. Executive documents, no. 1-2.39: v. 1-19.
19 V. O. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-246; v. 1-6. 6 v.
Q. F.
UN fTEl) STATES. 51st Congress. 2d session. Rouse. Journal. Re-
ports of Committees: no. 3-44-4058; v. 1-6. 6 v. O. Execu-
ti\e documents: no. 1-295; v. l-o4, 36-38. 37 v. O. Q. Mis-
cellaneous documents: no. 1-139; v. 1-16. 16 v. O. Q.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees, no. 1844-
2624; V. 1-3. 3 v. O. Executive documents, no. 1-75; v. 1.
1 V. O. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-95; v. 1-7. 7 v.
O. Q.
62d Congress. 1st session. House. Journal. Reports of com-
mittees, no. 1-2090, ex. 634, 2087. v. 1-12. 12 v. (nos. 634,
2087 not printed). Executive documents no: 1-275; v. 1-38.
38 V. O. Q. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-337 (ex. 261)
340:1-28; V. 1-39, 41-46, 50:118. 75 v. O. Q. 18.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees; no. 1-1116;
V. 1-8. 8 V. O. Executive documents; no. 1-157; v. 1-7. 13
v. O. Miscellaneous documents; no. 1-229. v. 1-8. 8 v.
O. Q.
2d session. House. Journal. Rejjorts of committees, no.
2148-2621. v. 1-3. 3 v. O. Executive documents; no. 1, 5,
6, 8-257; v. 1-4, 26-34. ^5 v. O. Q. Miscellaneous docu-
ments; no. 1-121 (ex. 83.); v. 1-6, 8-30. 29 v. O. Q.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees, no. 1117-
1394. V. 1-3. 6 v. Executive documents, no. 1-107 (ex. 38):
V. 1-4, 6-9. 8 V. O. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-70. v.
1-8. 8 V. O. Q.
53d Congress. 1st session. House. Journal. Reports of commit-
tees, no. 1-170. V. 1-2. 2 v. O. Executive documents, no.
1-27. V. 1. 1 V. O. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-45. v.
1-6. 6 V. O.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees, no. 11-72;
V. 1-2. 2 V. O. Executive documents, no. 1-33, ex. 9. (never
printed). 1 v. O. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-96: v. 1-2.
2 v. O.
2d session. House. Journal. Reports of committees: nos.
171-1477; V. 1-5. 5 v. O. Executive documents: nos. 1:1-7,
2-3, 5-6, 8-261 (ex. 23, 33, 103) ; v. 1-20, 22-23, 25-31, 34. 30 v.
O. Q. Miscellaneous documents: no. 1-210 (ex. 176), 213-216.
V. 1-22, 24-38, 40. 44 v. O.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees: nos. 73-
700 (ex. 603, 698); v. 1-14. 14 v. O. Executive documents:
no. 1-177. V. 1-7. 7 v. in 24. O. Q. Miscellaneous docu-
ments: no. 1-278. V. 1-12. 12 v. in 17. O. Q.
rW session. House. Journal. Reports of committees, no.
1478-2000. V. 1-2. 2 v. O. Executive documents; no. 1-355.
v. 1-35. 35 V. O. Q. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-92; v.
1-18: 18 V. O. Q.
Senate. Journal. Reports of committees, no. 711-
1049; V. 1-4. 4 v. O. Executive documents: no. 1-105. v.
1-6. 6 V. O. Q. Miscellaneous documents, no. 1-148, 150-153.
V. 1-4, 6-7. 6 V. O. Q.
Special session. Senate. Miscellaneous documents, nos.
1-47. 1 V. O.
UNITED STATP]S. dJflh Congress. 1st session. House. Journal.
Documents, no. 1 .l-'2, 2:1-2, 8, 4, 5:1-3, 4:1-4, 5:1-2, (J, 8, 9, 10:
1-2, 13-1, 25, 28:1-2, 2!J, 32, 35, 4lO. v. 1-4, 7, 11-23, 25-27, 30,
33, 34, 30, 37, 40, 41, 75. Wash., 1895-96. 28 v. O. Q.
:2d session. House. Journal.
Senate. Journal.
55th Congress. 1st session. House. Journal.
Congress. Miscellaneous. American state i>apers: (l.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of Francis
B. Spinola, a Representative from New York, delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senat«\ Fifty-second
Congress. Wash., 1893. por. Q. {Same.)
UNITED STATES, ('(iiu/n'ss. M isc'lhiiicdiis. Memorial addresses
on the life and charactei' of Eli T: Stackliouse, a representa-
tive from Sonlli Carolina, tlier classes of domesticated
animals, ^^'asll.. 187!). O,
■ Year-book of the department 1894-95, being repoits of the
Secretary [etc]. Wash., 1805-90. il. 3 v. O.
yotc: for contents of bulletins of all Divisions see U. S. Itcpt. of
Agikulture. Library biilletin no. 9: 1841-97.
Bulonical Division. Special Bulletin. Vasey, G : The agri-
cultural grasses and forage plants of the U. S*, and such for-
eign kinds as have been introduced. New rev. enl. ed.
Wash., 1889. pi. O.
Bulletins; nos. 7-11, 14-18. Wash., 1888-97. O. pams."
Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium.
V. 4. Wash., 189:j. O.
Namely: V. 4. Coville, F. V. Botany of the Death Valley expedition
of 1891.
Illustration of North American grasses, v. 1-2; by
George Vasey. Wash., 1891-93. 2 v. Q.
Contents: Vol. 1. Grasses of the southwest. 2. Grasses of the Pacific
Bureau of Animal Industrij. Ist-llth annual reports; 1884-
95. Wash., 1885-96. 8 v. O. {Same in H. D.)
The animal parasites of sheep; by C. Curtice.
Wash., 1890. pi. O.
Bulletins: no. 1-19. Wash., 1893-97. pi. O.
For contents see IJ. S. Dejtt. of Agri. Lib. bull. no. 9.
Hog cholera: its history, nature, and treatment.
Wash., 1889. 193 p. pi. O.
Special report on the cause and prevention of swine
plague; by T. Smith. T\'ash., 1891. 162 p. col. pi. O.
Sjiecial re[)ort on diseases of cattle and on cattle
feeding; ])repared under the direction of I). E. Salmon by
Drs. INIurrav, Atkinson, [and others]. Wash., 1892. pi. O.
Same. V. S. Cong. H. M. D.
Special report on the history and ])resent condition
of the sheej) industry of the IT. S. ; prepared under the direc-
tion of D. E. Salmon, bv E. A. Carman, TT. A. Healh. and
John Minto. Wash., 1892. j-l. ().
Same. V. S. Cong. H. :\I. D.
Bureau of Statistic.^. See TT. S. De])t. of Agii. Division of
Department of Forcsini. Bulletin, no. 1-5, 13. Wash., 1887-
96. 3 V. O. Q.
Naiiielii: no. 1. Report on the relation of railroads to forest supplies
and forestry. 2. Report on the forest conditions of the Racky Mount-
ains. ?,. Trntman. E. E. R. Preliminary ropnrt on the use of metal
track on railways as a substitute for wooden ties; to which is added
a report of experiments in wood seasoning by the Chicago. Burlington
and Quincy railroad company, and other notes; comp. by B. E. Fernow.
4. Tratman, E. E. R. Report on the substitution of metal for wood
in railroad ties; together with a discussion on practical economics in
UNITED STATES. Deparlmcnl of Af/ricullure. Depnrtmeni of Fores-
the use of wood for railway purposes; by B. B. Fernow. 5. Fernow,
B. E. What is forestry. 13. Mohr, C, and Roth, F. Timber pines of
Southern United States; discussion of their wood structures.
Division of Agrostology. Bulletin: no. 1-9. Wash., 1895-97.
1 Y. D. and pams. O.
For list see V. S. De})t. of Agric. Lib. bull. no. 9.
Division of Chentisiry. Bulletin: nos. 13-27. Wash., 1887-
90. 3 v. O.
Contents: no. 13. Food and food adulterants. 14. Wiley, H. W. Re-
cord of experiments at Fort Scott, Kansas, in the manufacture of su-
gar from sorghum and sugar-cane, in 1886. 15. Spencer, G. L. Report
of experiments in the manufacture of sugar at Magnolia Station, Law-
rence, La., 1886-87. 16. Richardson, C. ed. . Methods of analysis of
commercial fertilizers, feeding stuffs, and dairy products, adopted at
the Fourth annual convention of the Assoc, of Official Agric. Chemists,
Aug. 16-18, 1887. 17. Record of experiments conducted by the commis-
sioner of Agric. in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum and sugar
canes at Fort Scott, Kansas, Rio Grande, New Jersey and Lawrence,
La., l8'S7-88. 18. Sugar producing plants; record of analyses made by
authority of the commissioner of Agric, 1887-88. 19. Richardson, C.
Methods of analysis of commercial fertilizers, cattle foods, dairy prod-
ucts, sugar, and fermented liquors. 20. Wiley, H. W. Record of ex-
periments conducted by the Com. of Agi'ic. in the manufacture of sugar
from sorghum at Rio Grande, New Jersey [etc.], 1888. 21. Spencer, G.
L. Report of experiments in the manufacture of sugar by diffusion at
Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., 1888-89. 22. Crampton, C. A. Rec-
ord of experiments at Des Lignes sugar experiment station, 1888. 23.
Bdson, H. Record of experiments at the sugar experiment station on
Calumet plantation. 24. Wiley, H W. ed. Proceedings of the sixth
annual convention of the Assoc, of Official Agric. chemists, Sept. 10-12,
1889. 25. Wedderburn, A. J. Popular treatise on the extent and char-
acter of food adulterations. 26. Wiley, H. W. Record of experiments
in the production of sugar from sorghum in 1889 at Cedar Falls [etc.].
27. Wiley, H. W. Sugar beet industry.
Division of Fnfomolor/i/. Insects affecting the orange; by
H. G. Hubbard. Wash.; 18S5. pi. O.
Bulletin; nos. 4-31. Wash., 1884-93. 3 v. O.
Contents: no. 4. Reports of observations and experiments in the prac-
tical work of the division. 5. Howard, L. O. Descriptions of N. A.
Chalcididae. 6. The imported elm leaf-beetle: its habits and natural
history. 7. Osborn, H. The pediculi and mallophaga affecting man
and the lower animals. 8. Riley, C: V. Periodical cicada. 9. Riley,
C. V. The mulberry silk-worm. 10. Riley, C. V. Our shade trees and
their insect defoliators. 11. Reports of experiments with various in-
secticide substances. 12. Miscellaneous notes on the work of the di-
vision of entomology for the season of 1885. 13-14. Reports of obser-
vations and experiments in the practical work of the division. 15.
The icerya or fluted scale otherwise known as the cottony cushion
scale. 16. Henshaw, S: The entomological writings of A. S.
Packard. 17. Howard, L. O. The chinch bug. 18. Dodge, C: R. The
life and entomological work of T. Glover. 19. An enumeration of the
published synopses, catalogues, and lists of N. A. insects. Neal.
J. C. The root-knot disease of the peach, orange, and other plants
in Florida. 21. Koebele, A. Report of a trip to Australia, to investi-
gate the natural enemies of the fluted scale. 22-23. Reports of obser-
vations and experiments in the practical work of the division. 24.
Mally, F. W. The boll-worm of cotton. 25. Riley, C. V. Destructive
locusts. 26. Reports of observations and experiments in the practical
work of the division. 27. Reports on the damage by destructive lo-
UNITED STATKS. I)ri),irlinnil i>{ Aiirindlui-c. Pi vision of Ento-
cusls during the season of 1891. 28. Bruner, L. The more destructive
locusts of America north of Mexico. 29. Mally, F. W. Report on the
boll-worm of cotton. 30. Reports of observations and experiments in
the practical work of the division. 31. Catalogue of the exhibit of
economic entomology at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chic, 111.,
Bulh'l ins nicw series) : no. 1-!). Wusli., 189G-97. O.
Division of ()rnilliolo(/ij and M annua loyij. Fisher, A. K. The
hawks and owls of the V. S. in their rehitiou to agriculture.
Wash., 1893. col. pi. O.
Division of Fomology. Nut culture in the United States;
embracing native and introduced species. Wash., 1896. il.
pi. Q.
Division of Statistics. Miscellaneous series. Kei)ort, no.
1-7. Wash., 1890-93. O.
XanicJii: No. 1. Dodge, C: R. Report on flax, hemp, ramie, and jute.
2. Barnes, A. Report on the agriculture of South America. 3. Co-
operjitive credit associations in certain European countries and their
relation to agricultural interests. 4. Wages of farm labor in the U.S. .
5. Production and distribution of the principal agricultural products
of the world. 6. Austin, A. Rice: its cultivation, production and
distribution in the U. S. and foreign countries. 7. Hoyt, J: W. An
agricultural survey of Wyoming.
Report; new series, no. 1-10, 12-14. Wash., 1883-
84. O.
Xaniclij: 1. Report on condition of ci-ops, yield of grain per acre, and
on freight rates of transportation companies, Oct. 1883. 2. Report
on yield of crops per acre, on the progress of sorghum growing, the
crops of Europe and on freight rates of transportation companies,
Nov. 1883. 3. Report on the crops of the year, of cereal production in
Europe, and freight rates of transportation companies, Dec. 1883. 4.
Report upon the numbers and values of farm animals; on certain
causes affecting wages of farm labor and on freight rates of trans-
portation companies, Feb., 1884. 5. Report on the distribution and
consumption of corn and wheat and the rates of transportation of
farm products; Mar. 1884. 6. Report of the area of winter grain, the
condition of farm animals and freight rates of transportation compa-
nies. 7. Report of the condition of winter grain the progress of cot-
ton planting, and estimates of cereals of 1883, with freight rates of
transportation companies, May, 1884. 8. Report of acreage of spring
grain and cotton the condition of winter wheat and European grain
prospects with freight rates of transportation companies, June, 1884.
9. Report on the area of corn, potatoes, and tobacco and the condition
of growing crops, and on rates of transportation, July. 1884. 10. Re-
port on the condition of growing crops and on rates of transportation,
Aug., 1884. 12. Report on condition of crops, yield of grain per acre
and on freight rates of transportation companies, Oct., 1884. 13. Re-
port on yield of crops per acre on agriculture in Mexico, and on freight
rates of transportation companies. Nov. 1884. 14. Report on the crops
of the year and of freight rates of transportation companies, Dec, 1884.
Rei)ort of the stMlist ician ; n. s.. nos. 15-42, 4<;, 4S-122.
Wash., 1885-95. 10 v. O.
Division of Vet/rlahle Patholo;in. .lournal of mycology: de-
voted to the study of fungi, especially in their relation to
plant disease; v. 5-7. Wash., lS8!t !>1. 3 v. in 2. ().
Bulletin, no. 2. Was' ., 1S<)2. O.
yamcly: Pierce, N. B. The California vine disease.
UNITED STATES. Department of Agriculture. Library. List of
publications of the Department from 1841 to 1897, inclusive.
Wash., 1896. O. (U. S. Dept. of Agri. Lib. bull, no 9.)
Office of Experiment Stations. Bulletin ; no. 1-16 and mis-
cellaneous bulletin; no. 1-3. Wash., 1889-93. 3 v. O.
Contents: Vol. 1. no. 1. Organization of the agricultural experiment
stations in the U. S. Feb., 1882. 2. Digest of the annual reports of
the Agricultural Experiment stations in the U. S. for 1888; pt. 1-2.
Misc. bull. no. 1-3. Proceedings of the 2d-4th annual convention of the
Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Sta-
tions; Jan., 1889, Nov., 1889, Nov., 1890.
Vol.2, no. 3. Rejort of the meeting of horticulturists of the Agricultu-
ral Experiment Stations at Columbus, Ohio, June 13-14, 1889. 4. List
of horticulutrists of the Agricultural Experiment Stations in the U. S.
prepared by W. B. Alwood. 5. Organization lists of the Agricultural
Experiment Stations and agricultural schools and colleges on the U.
S., March, 1890. 6. List of botanists of the Agricultural Experiment
Stations in the U. S., May, 1890. 7. Proceedings of the 5th annual con-
vention of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and
Experiment Stations held at Washington, Aug. 12-18, 1891. 8. War-
ington, R. Six lectures on the investigations at Rothamsted Experi-
mental Station. 9. Conn, H. W. The fermentations of milk. 10.
Harrington, M. W. Meteorological work for agricultural institutions.
11. Jenkins, E. H. and Winton, A. L. A compilation of analyses of
American feeding stuffs. 12. Organization lists of the Agricultural
Experiment Stations and agricultural schools and colleges in the U.
S., June. 1892.
' Vol. 3. no. 13. Organization lists of the Agricultural Experiment
Stations and agricultural schools and colleges in the tJ. S., April, 1893.
14. Proceedings of a convention of the National league for good roads
held at Wash., D. C, Jan. 17-18, 1893. 15. Handbook of Experiment
Station work. 16. Proceedings of the Sixth annual convention of the
Assoc, of Amer. Agric. Colleges and Experiment Stations held at New
Orleans, Nov. 15-19, 1892.
Experiment station record; v. 1-8; Sept. 1889-Dec.
1897. Wash., 1890-97. 8 v. O.
Weather Bureau. Bulletins; nos. 1-10. Wash., 1892-93.
Contents: no. 1. Harrington, M. W. Notes on the climate and me-
teorology of Death Valley, Cal. 2. Bigelow, F. H. Notes on a new
method for the discussion of magnetic observations. 3. Hilgard, E.
W. Report on the relations of soil to climate. 4. Whitney, M. Some
physical properties of soils in their relation to moisture and crop dis-
tribution. 5. King, F. H. Observations and experiments on the fluc-
tuations in the level and rate of movement of ground-water on the
Wisconsin Agric. Exper. Station farm. 6. Cole, F. N. Diurnal varia-
tion of barometric pressure. 7. Report of the First annual meeting of
the Amer, Assoc, of State Weather Services. 8. Mell, P. H. Report
on the climatology of the cotton plant. 9. Conger, N. B. Report on
the forecasting of thunderstorms during the summer of 1892. 10. Ha-
zen, H. A. The climate of Chicago.
Bulletin C-atlas. Rainfall and snow of tlie United
States, compiled to the end of 1891, with annual, seasonal,
monthly, and other charts, by M. W. Harrington. Wash.,
1894. F.
Monthly weather review; v. 20-25; 1892-97. Wash.,
1892-97. 6 V. Q.
-Report of the chief; 1891-94. Wash., 1893-95. 4 v.
Same. V. S. Cong. H. M. D.
UNITED STATES. Pcpdvlmenl of llic Inierior. Comprehensive in-
dex of the publiialions of the United States {jjovernuient,
1881) 1803, by J : G. Ames. Wash., 18!»4. (). (U. S. 52d Cong.
2d sess. H. M. D.)
Official register of U. S., containing a list of officers and
emj)loy<5s in the civil, military, and naval service on the 1st
of July, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897; pt. 1; with a list
of vessels belonging to the U. S. Wash., 1887-97. llv. Q.
Contents: V. 1. Legislative, executive, judicial. 2. Postoffice depart-
ment and postal service. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Kegister of the Department of the Interior, containing a
list of persons employed in the department; corrected to
January 23, 1893. Wash., 1893. O.
Keport of Robert L. Berner, special agent, relative to en-
tries of lands within the limits of the Des Moines River land
grant. Wasb., 1895. Q. (U. S. 53d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D.
V. 5.)
Report of the commission of Indian affairs on the condi-
tion of the Navajo Indian country. Wash., 1893. pi. O.
[Same, v. 1.)
Reports of the commission of Indian affairs relating to
certain contracts made with the Indians, Indian trust funds,
Pawnee Indians, and cession of Indian lands in Oklahoma.
Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. 52d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D. v. 1.)
Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Wash.,
1892-95. maps. 3 v. O.
Report of the Secretary, 1891-95. Wash., 1892-96. 30 v.
O. Q.
Department of Labor. See Bureau of Labor.
Department of the Navy. Information from abroad; notes on
the year's naval progress. Annual of the Office of Naval
Intelligence, July, 1892. Wash., 1892. O.
Official records of the Union and Confederate navies, in
the war of the Rebellion; prepared by R. Rush, and R. H.
Woods; series I:VI-2. Wash., 1894-95. 2 v. O. (U. S.
Cong. H. D.)
Report of the Secretary; 1890-95. Wash., 1892-96. 6 v.
Naval War College. Abstract of course, 1895. Wash.,
1895. O. pam.
Department of Slate. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln
and the attempted assassination of W. H. Seward and F. W.
Seward on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865; expres-
sions of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events.
Wash., 1807. por. Q.
Commercial relations of the United States with foreign
countries (continuation); 1887-95. W^ash., 1889-96. 6 v. O.
(U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution;
ed. by F: Wliarton. v. 1-6. Wash., 1889. 6 v. O. (U. S.
Cong. H. M. D.)
UNITED STATES. Department of State. Foreign Relations of the
Ignited States, 1«94. Appendix 1. Waslx., 1805. O.
Contents: App. 1. Chinese- Japanese war.— Enforcement of regula-
tions respecting fur seals.— Mosquito territory, affairs at Bluefields. —
Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora.— Import duties on certain products
of Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela.— Affairs in the Samoan Islands.
Fur seal arbitration; proceedings of the tribunal of arbi-
tration at Paris under the treaty between the United States
and Great Britain concluded at Wash., Feb. 29, 1893, for the
deteiTuination of questions concerning the juris-
dictional rights of the U. S. in the waters of Bering Sea; v.
1-15 and supplemetary volume. Facsimile of documents in
Alaskan archives. Wash., 1895. 16 v. O.
Same. U. S. 58d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D. v. 7:1-16.
List of books and pamphlets received at the Library,
from May 27, 1892-June 30, 1893; supplemented by a list
of periodicals and newspapers received. New ser. no. 1-4.
[W^ash., 1892-93.] O. 4 pams.
Papers relating to the foreign relations of the U. S.; 1889-
94. Wash., 1890-95. 6 v. O.
Regulations prescribed for the use of the consular ser-
vice of the United States. Wash., 1896. O.
Report upon the official relations of the U. S. with the
Hawaiian Islands from the first appointment of a Consular
officer there by this government; also treaty of annexation,
Feb. 14, 1890. (52d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D. no. 76.)
Reports from the consuls of the United States; no. 71,
72; V. 20. Wash., 1886. O.
Reports from the consuls of the United States (continua-
tion); nos. 105-183; v. 30-49. Wash., 1889-95. 20 v. O.
Same. U. S. Cong. H. M. D.
Index tones. 60-111; V. 18-31. Wash., 1890. O.
Index, nos. 112 to 151, vols. 32-41. Wash., 1894. O.
Reports of the United States commissioners to the Cen-
tennial International Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. Wash.,
1889. pi. O.
Same. Wash., 1890. pi. O. (U. S. Cong. S. E. D.)
Reports of the United States commissioners to the Uni-
versal Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Wash., 1890-91. 5 v. 11.
pi. maps. O.
Same. U. S. Cong. H. M. D., 1880-90.
The seal of the United States : how it was developed and
adopted. Wash., 1892. 32 p. pi. O.
Special consular reports; 1-12. Wash., 1890-95. 12 v. O.
Same. U. S. Cong. H. E. D. ^^
Contents: Vol. 1. Cotton textiles in foreign countries. Files in Span-
ish America. Carpet manufacture in foreign countries. Malt and
beer in Spanish America. Fruit culture in foreign countries. 2. Re-
frigerators and food preservation in foreign countries. European em-
igration. Olive culture in the Alpes Maritimes. Beet sugar industry
and flax cultivation in foreign countries. 3. Streets and highways in
foreign countries. 4. Port regulations in foreign countries. 5. Ca-
UNITED STATES. Department of State. Special Consular Keporls.
nals. Irrigation. C. Coal and coal consumption in Spanish America.
Gas in foreign countries. India rul)ber; The ruijber tree; manufac-
tures and trade. 7. The slave trade in foreign countries. Tariffs of
foreign countries. 8. Fire and building regulations in foreign coun-
tries. 9. Australasian sheep and wool. Vagrancy and public charities
in foreign countries. 10. Lead and zinc mining. Extension of mar-
kets for American flour. 11. American lumber in foreign markets.
12. Highways of commerce: the ocean lines, railways, canals, and
other trade routes of foreign countries.
Bureau of liolls and Library. Documeutary history of the
constitution of the United States of America, 1787-1870; v.
1. Wash., 1894. Q.
Bureau of Statistics. I'rincipal exports to the U. S. de-
clared at the several consulates. Wash., 1893. O. pam.
Department of the Fost-Office. Annual report; 1891-95. Wash.,
1893-96. 5 V. O. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
List of post-offices in the United States with the names
of postmasters on the 1st of April, 1859; also the laws and
regulations of the Post-Otlice Department. Wash., 1859. O.
Postal laws and regulations of the United States. Wash.,
1887. O. (U. S. 50th Cong. 1st stss. H. M. I), v. 27.)
United States official postal guide, rev. and pub. monthly;
2d ser. v. 15. no. 1. Jan. 1893. Phil., [c. 1893]. D.
Department of the Treasury. Annual report and statements of
the Bureau of Statistics on the foreign commerce and navi-
gation, immigration, and tonnage of the U. S. for year end-
ing June 30, 1891-93. Wash., 1892-94. 3 v. O.
Annual report of the secretarv on the state of finances;
1889-95. Wash., 1889-9(1. 7 v. O.
Sa7ne. H. D.
A digest of the existing commercial regulations of for-
eign countries with which the U. S. have intercourse. Wash.,
1833-36. 3 V. O.
[Financial statistics: 1789-1892. Wash., n.d.]. F.
History of the currency of the country and of the loans of
the United States from the earliest period to June 30, 1896:
prepared by W: F. De Knight. Wash., 1897. Q.
Letter from the secretary transmitting several reports of
special agents to the Seal islands, 1891-2. Wash., 1893. pi
maps. O. (52d Cong. 2d Sess. S. E. D. no. 107.)
Letter from the secretary transmitting a statement show
ing the exyjenditures of the government on account of the war
of the rebellion, from July 1, 1861-June 30, 1879. (Tn Re
publican cnmpaign docs. 1880, also 46th Cong. 2d sess. S. E
D. no. 206.)
Observations on the fur seals of the Pribilof Islands: pre
liminary report by David Starr Jordan. Wash., 1896. 69 p
map. O. pam.
Report on the internal commerce of the United States
Commerce and navitrntion, pt. 2 (continuation) 1886, 1889
1890, 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. Wash., 1886-95. 7 v. O.
Bureau of Infernal Revevue. Report of Commissioner, 1894
Wash., 1895. O. (V. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
UNITED 8TATES. Department uf the Treasury. Bureau of Statistics.
* Commeicial, industrial, agriciiiLural, transportation, and
other interests of California, by T: J. Vivian; together with
Tabulated statements. Wash., 1891. O.
Comparison based upon tariff bill H. R. 379. 55
Cong. 1st sess ; with imported merchandise en-
tered for consumption in the fiscal years 1893, and 1896.
Wash., 1897. Q.
The foreign commerce and navigation of the U. S. for
the year ending June 30, 1892-95:1. Wash., 1893-97. 4 v.
O. Q. {Same. U. S. Cong. Docs.)
Statistical abstract of the United States, 1894. 17th
number. Wash., 1895. O. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
Statistical tables exhibiting the commerce of the
United States with European countries from 1790 to 1890.
Wash., 1893. O.
Department of Viar. Alphabetical list of additions made to the
library, from May, 1884, to June, 1891. W^ash., 1891. 114
p. Q.
Atlas of the battlefields of Chickamauga, Chattanooga and
vicinity: published by the Chickamauga and Chattanooga
National Park Commission under the direction of the Secre-
tary of War. Wash., 1897. pi. F.
Climate of Nebraska, particularly in reference to the tem-
perature and rainfall. Wash., 1890. GO p. maps. Q.
Irrigation and water storage in the arid regions; report
of the chief signal officer of the army. Wash., 1891. Q. (U.
S. 51 Cong. 2d sess. H. E. D.)
Report of the tests of metals and other materials for in-
dustrial purposes, made with the U. S. testing machine, dur-
ing fiscal year ended June 30, 1894. Wash., 1895. O. (U. S.
Cong. H. E. D.)
Report on the operations of the Division of Military En-
gineering of the International Congress of Engineers, held
in Chicago July 31-Aug. 5, 1893. Wash., 1894. O. (U. S.
53d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D. v. 6.)
Report of the Secretary of War; 1891-95. Wash., 1892-96.
pi. maps. 20 v. O. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D. and H. D.)
War of the rebellion: a compilation of the official records
of the Union and Confederate armies; prepared by R. N,
Scott [and others]; (continuation); series; v. 1-4, 18-23:1,
24-40:2-3, 41, 43:1-2, 44:1, 45:1-2, 46:1. Wash., 1880-96. 32 v.
in 67. O. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Adjutant-GeneraVs Office. Military information division
publications no. 8-11. Wash., 1896. 4 v. maps. O.
'Namely: No. 8. Notes and statistics of organization, armament, and
military pros^ress in American and European armies. 9. Military
schools of Europe. 10. Sources of information on military profes-
sional subjects. 11. Notes on the war between China and Japan;
European autumn maneuvers of 1896, orders, instructions, etc.
District of Columbia. Report of the Commissioners, 1892, 1893,
1894. Wash., 1893-95. 3 v. O. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
UNITED STATES. /'Jni/inccr Dcparhiinil. Aiialylical aiul lo|>i<-al
index to the reports of tlic chief of eii<;ineers upon worUw and
surveys for liver and harbor iniprovenient ; eomp. uudei- the
direction of It.-col. 11. M. Ifohcrt, by L. V. and II. li. Scher-
nierhorn; V. 2-;V. ISSO-DL'. Wash.. "lSSl)-«)r.. 2 v. O.
Annual report of the chief of enj^^ineers; 1889-95. Wash.,
1889-96. M V. pi. maps. O. and atlas Q.
Same. (U. S. Cone:. K. E. D.)
Essavons Clul) of the Corps of Enfj^ineers; printed papers;
V. 1. Willet's Point, N. Y. H. 1868-72. pi. Q.
t'onloits: Abbott, H: L. Martars in harbor defence;- Practical
gauging of rivers. Barnard, J. G. Theory for a drawbridge counter-
poise. Burnham, A. H. Operations against the defences of Mobile in
the late war. Craighill, W: P. Guns afloat and guns ashore. De
Witt, C. Controlling hemorrhage in the field. Duane, J. C. Bridge
equipage in the U. S. army. Ernst, 0. H. Blast at Lime Point, Cal.;
— Eclipse of 1870 in Spain. Hinman, F: A. Military surveying.
Janeway, J. H. Accidental injuries. King, W: R. Economy of sea
coast defences. Knight, J. G. D. Aurora borealis. Lee, T: .1. Tracing
a parallel of latitude. Mackenzie, A. Harbors of the great lakes.
Maguire, E. Preservation of timber. Mahan, F. A. Index to the
principal constellations. Powell, C: F. Systems of army administra-
tion. Raymond, C: W. Practice of terrestrial magnetics; — Theory
of terrestrial magnetics. Turtle, T: History of the engineer bat-
talion. Twining, W. J. Ventilation of military magazines. Whipple,
A. W. Magnetic and astronomical field-work.
Professional papers; no. 26. Wash., 1892. Q.
Xamcli/: 26. Hodges, H. P. Notes on military lock gates.
[Report of the chief of engineers 1891 appendix W.: Re-
port of W. H. Heuer on the improvement of San Joacjuin,
Mokelumne, Sacramento and Feather rivers, Petaluma creek,
and numboldt harbor and bay California, [n. t. p.] O.
United States geographical surveys west of the 100th
meridian, in charge of G: M. \Mieeler; report (continuation)
V. 1: Geographical report. \\'ash., 1889. pi. maps. Q.
Same, Appendix B. Description of atlas sheets.
Same, App. F. Memoir of explorations and surveys, etc.
Entomological Commission. Bulletins; nos. 1-7. Wash., 1877-
81. O.
Coiilciits: No. 1. Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts. 2.
On the natural history of the Rocky Mountain locust. 3. Riley. C: V.
The cotton worm. 4. Packard, A. S. jr. The he.ssian fly. .'i. Thomas,
C. The chinch-bug. 6. Riley, C. V. General index and supplement
to the nine reports on the insects of Missouri. 7. Packard, A. S. jr.
Insects injurious to forest and shade trees.
First annual report for the year 1877, relating to the
Rocky Mountain locust. Wash.,' 1878. il. maps. O.
5th report of th(^ connnission; being a revised and en-
larged edition of Bulh^tin no. 7 on Insects injurious to forest
and shade trees, bv A. S. Packard. Wash.. 1890. j)l. O. tU.
S. 51st Cong. ]st'sess. H. M. D. v. 41.)
Farmers' National Congress. IMeinorials and resolutions of the
Congress with accompanying j)apers asking for protection
on farm products and for other legislation with notes and
comments. Wash.. 1896. O.
UNITED STATES. General Land Office. Manual of surveying in-
structions for the survey of the public lands of the U. S. and
private land claims, June 30, 1891. Wash., 1894. O.
Report of the commissioner, for the year 1855. Wash.,
1856. O.
Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region.
J. W. Powell, geologist in charge. Contributions to North Amer-
ican ethnologv; v. 2:1-2, 6-7, 9. Wash., 1890-95. 4 v. Q. (U.
S. Cong. H. M. D.)
Contentx: Vol. 2. Gatschet, A. S. The Klamath Indians of south-
western Oregon. 2 v.
6. Dorscy, J. O. The Cegiha language.
7. Riggs, S. R. A Dakota-English dictionary.
9. Riggs, S. R. Dakota grammar, texts and ethnography.
Geological Survey. 8th-16th annual report; J. W. Powell, di-
rector (continuation); 1886-95. W^ash., 1889-96. 18 v. Q.
(U. S. Cong, docs.)
Islote: C. D. Walcott is director from 16th annual report, 1895.
Contentft: 8. Report of the director. — Administrative reports. — Rus-
sell, I. C. Quarternary history of Mono Valley, California. — Diller,
J. S. Geology of the Lassen Peak district. — Scudder, S. H. Fossil
butterflies of Florissant. — Orton, E. The Trenton limestone as a
source of petroleum and inflammable gas in Ohio and Indiana. — Ward,
L. F. Geographical distribution of fossil plants. — Becker, G: F. Sum-
mary of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. —
Shaler, N. S. Geology of Mount Desert island, Maine.
9. Report of the director. Administrative reports. — Dutton, C. E.
The Charleston earthquake of Aug. 31, 1886.— Shaler, N. S. Geology
of Cape Anne, Mass. — Weed, W. H. Formation of travertine and
siliceous sinter by the vegetation of hot springs. White, C: A. On
the geology and physiography of a portion of northwestern Colorado
and adjacent parts of Utah and Wj'^oming.
10:1. Geology. Report of the director. — Administrative reports. —
Shaler, N. S. General account of the fresh water morasses of the
U. S.; with a description of the dismal swamp district of Virginia and
North Carolina. — Irving, R. D., and Van Hise, C: R. The Penokee
iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. — Walcott, C: D. The
fauna of the lower Cambrian or Olenellus zone.
10:2. Irrigation.
11:1. Geology. Report of the director. Administrative reports.
McGee, W. J. The pleistocene history of northeastern Iowa. Phen-
ney, A. J: The natural gas field of Indiana.
11:2. Irrigation
12:1. Gcologtj. Report of the director. Administrative reports.
Shaler, N. S. The origin and nature of soils. McGee, W^ J. The
Lafayette formation. Walcott, C: D. The North American continent
during Cambrian time. Iddings, J. P. The eruptive rocks of Electric
Peak and Sepulchre mountain, Yellowstone National Park.
12:2. Irr'igntion. Thompson, A. H. Location and survey of reser-
voir sites during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1891. Newell, F. H.
Hydrography of the arid regions. Wilson, H. M. Irrigation in India.
Administrative reports.
13:1. Report of the director. Administrative reports.
13:2. Russell, I: C. Second expedition to Mt. St. Elias. Shaler, N. S.
Geological history of harbors. Willis, B. The mechanics of Appa-
lachian system. Gannett, H. Average elevation of the United States.
Dale. T. N. Rensselaer grit plateau in New York. Scudder, S. H.
American tertiary aphidae.
13:3. IrriyaiUm. Newell, F. H. Water supply for irrigation. Wil-
UNITED STATES. Geological Surveii.
son, H. M. American irrigation engineering. Wilson, H. M. Engi-
neering results of irrigation survey. Thompson, A. H. Report upon
the construction of topographic maps [etc.] in the hydrographic basin
of ihe Arkansas River; — Location and survey of reservoir sites during
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892.
14:1. Report of the director. Administrative reports.
14:2. McGee. W. J. Potable waters of eastern U. S. Peale, A. C.
Natural mineral watei-s of U. S. Newell, F. H. Results of stream
measurements. Cross, W. Lacolitic mountain groups of Colorado,
Utah and Arizona. Lindgren, W. Gold-silver veins of Ophir, Cali-
fornia. Keith, A. Geology of the Catoctin belt. DiUer, J. S. Ter-
tiary resolution in the topography of the Pacific coast. Turner, H. W.
Rocks of the Sierra Nevada. Walcott, C. D. Pre-Cambrian igneous
rocks of the Unkar terrane. Grand canyon of the Colorado, Ariz.
Dale, T. N. Structure of the ridge between the Tacomo and Green
mountain ranges in Vermont; Structure of Monument Mt. in Great
Barrington. Weeks, J. D. Potomac and Roaring Creek coal fields in
West Virginia.
15. Report of the director. — Administrative reports. — Shaler, N. S.
Preliminary report on the geology of the common roads of the United
States. — Ward, L. F. The Potomac formation. — Lawson, A: C. Sketch
of tBe geology of the San Francisco peninsula. — Van Hise, C: R., and
Bayley, W: S. — Preliminary report on the Marquette iron-bearing dis-
trict of Michigan. — Smyth, H: L. The republic trough.— Keyes, C: R.
The origin and relations of central Maryland granites. — Williams, G:
H. General relations of the granitic rocks in the middle Atlantic
Piedmont plateau.
*16:1. Report of the director. — Marsh, 0. C. Dinosaurs of North
America. — *Reid, H. F. Glacier bay and its glaciers. — *Ward, L. F.
Some analogies in the lower cretaceous of Europe and America. — *Dale,
T: N. Structural details in the Green Mt. region and in eastern New
York. — *Van Hise, C: R. Principles of pre-Cambrian North American,
geology. — *Hoskins, L. M. Flow and fracture of rocks as related to
structure. — *Gannett, H: Summary of primary triangulation executed
between the years 1882-94.
16:2. Cross, W., and Penrose, R. A. F. jr. Geology and mining in-
dustries of the Cripple Creek district, Colo.— Eldridge, G: H. Geolog-
ical reconnaissance across Idaho. — Shaler, N. S. Geology of road
building stones of Mass., with some considerations of similar materials
from other parts of U. S. — Spurr, J. E: Economic geology of the Mer-
cur mining district; introduction by S. F. Emmons. Newell, F: H.
Public lands and their water supply.— Hay, R.. Water resources of a
portion of the great plains.
*16:3. Mineral resources of the United States: metallic products.
*-6:4 Same; non-metallic products.
Bulletins: v. 6-12; no. 37-80. 90-122. Wash., 1887-95. 15
V. pi. maps. O. (From bull. 76 vols, are not numbered.)
(U. S. 50th-541h Cong. H. M. D.)
Contents: V. 6. No. 37. Ward, L. F. Types of the Laramie flora.
38. Diller, J. S. Peridotite of Elliott county, Ky. 39. Upham, W. Up-
per beaches and deltas of Lake Agassiz. 40. Willis. B. Changes in
river courses in Washington Ter. due to glaciation. 41. Williams,
H: S. Fossil faunas of the upper Devonian, N. Y.
V. 7. No. 42. Clarke, F. W. Report of work done in the division of
chemistry and physics, 1885-86. 43. Smith. E. A., and Johnson, L. C.
Tertiary and cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Torabigbee, and
Alabama rivers. 44. Darton, N. H. Bibliography of N. A. geology for
1886. 45. Hill, R. T. The present condition of knowledge of the
geology of Texas. 46. Penrose, R. A. F. jr. Nature and origin of
deposits of phosphate of lime.
UNITED STATES. Geological Survey. Bulletins.
V. 8. No. 47. Gooch, F. A., and Whitfield, J. E. Analyses of waters
of the Yellowstone National Park. 48. Woodward, R. S. On the form
and positon of the sea level. 49. Woodward, R. S. Latitudes and
longitudes of certain points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico. 50.
Woodward, R. S. Formulas and tables to facilitate the construction
and use of' maps. 51. White, C: A On invertebrate fossils from the
Pacific coast. 52. Russell, I. C. Subaerial decay of rocks and origin
of the red color of certain formations. 53. Shaler, N. S. The geology
of Nantucket. 54. Barus, C. On the thermo-electric measurement of
high temperatures.
V. 9. No. 55. Clarke, F. W. Report of work done in the division of
chemistry and physics, 1886-87. 56. Knowlton, F. H. Fossil wood and
lignite of the Potomac formation. 57. Hay, R. Geological recon-
naissance in southwestern Kansas. 58. Wright, G: F. The glacial
boundary in western Penn., Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.
59. Chester, F. D. The gabbros and associated rocks in Delaware. 60.
Clarke, F. W. Report of work done in the division of chemistry and
physics, 1887-88. 61, Melville, W. H., and Lindgren, W. Contributions
to the mineralogy of the Pacific coast.
V. 10. No. 62. Williams, G: H. The greenstone schist areas of the
Menominee and Marquette regions of Michigan. 63. Vogdes, A. W.
Bibliography of paleozoic crustacea, 1689-1889. 64. Clarke, F. W. Re-
port of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, 1888-89.
65. White, I. C. Stratigraphy of the bituminous coal field of Penn.,
Ohio, and W. Virginia.
V. 11. No. 66. Iddings, J. P. On a group of volcanic rocks from the
Tewan mountains, N. M. 67. Darton, N. H. The relations of the traps
of the Newark system in the New Jersey region. 68. Keeler, J. B.
Earthquakes in California, in 1889. 69. Scudder, S. H. A classed and
annotated bibliography of fossil insects. 70. Woodward, R. S. Re-
port on astronomical work of 1889 and 1890. il. Scudder, S. H. Index
to the known fossil insects of the world, including myriapods and
V. 12. No. 72. Upham, W. Altitudes between Lake Superior and the
Rocky Mountains. 73. Barus, C. The viscosity of solids. 74. Genth,
F. A. Minerals of North Carolina. 75. Darton, N. H. Record of
N. A. geology, 1887 to 1889, inclusive. 76. Gannett, H: Dictionary of
altitudes in the U. S. 77. White, C. A. The Texan Permian and its
Mesozoic types of fossils. 78. Clarke, F. W., and others. Report of
work done in chemistry and physics. 79. Diller, J: S. Late volcanic
eruptions in Northern California and its peculiar lava. 80. Williams,
H: S. Correlation papers: Devonian and carboniferous. 81. Walcott,
C: D. Correlation papers: Cambrian. 82. White, C: A. Correlation
papers; Cretaceous. 83. Clark, W: B. Correlation papers; Eocene.
84. Ball, W: H., and Harris, G: D. Correlation papers; Neocene. 8o.
* Russell, I: C. Correlation papers; the Newark system. 86. Van Hise,
C: R. Correlation papers; Archean and xVlponkian. 90. Clark, F. A.
Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, 1890-9i.
91. Darton, N. D. Record of North American geology for 1890. 92.
Barus, Carl. Compressibility of liquids. 93. Scudder, S. H. Some
insects of special interest from Florissant, Colo. 94. Barus, C.
Mechanism of solid viscosity. 95. Holden, E: S. Earthquakes in
California, 1890-91. 96. Barus, C. Volume thermodynamics of liquids.
97. Clark, W: B. Mesozoic echinodermata of the U. S.. 98. White,
David. Flora of the outlying carboniferous basins of southwestern
Missouri. — Darton, N. H. Record of North American geology for 1891.
— Warman, P. C. Bibliography and index of the publications of U. S.
Geol. Survey. 101. Scudder, S: H. Insect fauna of the Rhode Island
coal field. — 102. Boyle, C. B. Catalogue and bibliography of North
American mesozn-c invertebrate. 103. Barus, C. High temperature
work in igneous fusion and ebullition. 104. Weed, W. H. Glaciation
of the Yellowstone valley north of the Park. 105. Weed, W. H.
UNITED STATES, (ieohiikal Snrrni. Hulh'tiiis.
Laramite and overlying Livingstone formation in Montana. — Knowl-
ton, F. H. Report on Mora. lOG. Stanton, T. W. Colorado formation
and its invertebrate fauna. 107. Kemp, J. F., and Marsters, V. P.
Trap dikes of the Lake Champlain region. lOS. Russel, L C. eGo-
logical reconnoissance in central Washington. 109. Bayley, W: S.
Eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minne.sota. 110.
Peale, A. C: Paleozoic section in the vicinity of Three Forks, Mont.
Merrill, G: P. Petrographic notes. 111. Campbell, M. R. Geology of
the Big Stone Gap coal field of Va. and Ky. 112. Perrine, C: D.
Earthquakes in California in 1892. 11.3. Clarke, F. W. Report of work
done in the division of chemistry and physics, 1890-93. 114. Perrine,
C: p. Earthquakes in California, 1893. 115. Gannett, H: Geographic
dictionary of Rhode Island. 116. do. Geographic dictionary of Mass.
117. do. Geographic dictionary of Conn. 118. do. Geographic dic-
tionary of New Jersey. 119. Eldridge, G: H. Geological reconnois-
sance in northwest Wyoming. 120. Prosser, C: S. Devonian system
of eastern Pennsylvania and New York. 121. Keyes, C: R. Biblio-
graphy of North American paleontology, 1888-1892. 122. Gannett, H:
Results of primary triangulation.
Clarence King, director. Atlas to accompany the mono-
graph on the geology of the Eureka district, Nevada; by Ar-
nold Hague. Wash., 1883. 18 sheets. F. (U. S. 52d Cong.
1st sess. H. M. D.)
/. TF. Powell, director. Geologic atlas of the United States,
with descriptive text. Folios 1-32. Wash., 1804-97. 32 fo-
lios. F. (C: D. Walcolt is dire-tor from 189.').)
Contcnis: 1. Livingston. Mont. 2. Ringgold, Ga., Tenn. 3. Placer-
ville, Cal. 4. Kingston, Tenn. 5. Sacramento, Cal. 6. Chattanooga,
Tenn. 7. Pikes Peak, Colo. 8. Sewanee, Tenn. 9. Crested Butte, Colo.
10. Harper's Ferry, Va., Md., West Va. 11. Jackson, Cal. 12. Estillville,
Ky., Va., Tenn. 13. Fredericksburg, Va., ]\[d. 14. Staunton, Va., West
Va. 15. Lassen Peak, Cal. IC. Knoxville, Tenn., N. C. 17. Marys-
ville, Cal. 18. Smartsville, Cal. 19. Stevenson, Ala., Ga., Tenn. 20.
Cleveland. Tenn. 21. Pikeville, Tenn. 22. McMinnville, Tenn. 23.
Nomini, Md., Va. 24. Three Forks, Mont. 25. Loudon, Tenn. 26.
Pocahontas, Va., W. Va. 27. Morristown, Tenn. 28. Piedmont, W.
Va., and Md. 29. Nevada Cy., Cal. 30. Yellowstone Nat. Park. 31.
Pyramid Peak, Cal. 32. Franklin folio, W. Va., Va.
Mineral resources of the United States; 1885-87,
1889-94; David T. Day, geologist in charge. Wash., 1886-94.
6v. O.
Same for JS95, in Hllh iinniial rept. Geol. Surv., v.
3-4. Wash., 189(5. 2 v. Q.
Monographs; 1, 13-24. Wash.. 18S7-94. 13 v. atlas.
F. (U. S. Gong, docs.)
Xaiii'l!): 1. Gilbert, G. K. Lake Bonneville. 13. Becker, G: P.
Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. 14. Newberry,
J: S. Fossil fishes and fossil plants of the Triassic rocks of New
Jersey and the Connecticut valley. 15. Fontaine, W: M. The Potomac
or Younger Mesozoic flora. 16. Newberry, J: S. The Paleozoic fishes
of North America. 17. Lesquereux, L. The flora of the Dakota
group. 18. Whitfield, R. P. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the
Raritan clays and Greensand marls of New Jersey. 19. Irving. R. D.,
iiud Van Hise, C: R. The Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan
and Wisconsin. 20. Hague, A. Geology of the Eureka district, Ne-
vada. (Atlas to accompany this 1883. Geol, Surv. C. King, director.)
21. Scudder, S. H. Tertiary rhynchophorous coleoptera of the U. S.
22. Gannett, H: Manual of topographic methods. 23. Pumpelly, R.
Geology of the Green Mts. of Mass. 24. Whitfield. R: P. Mollusca
and Crustacea rf the Pliocene formation of New Jersey.
UNITED STATES. Geological Survey of Wyoming. F. V. Hayden,
geologist. Preliminary report: being the 2d annual report
of progress [1870]. Wash., 1871. O.
Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hay-
den, geologist in charge. [5th-6th], 10th annual report; 1871-
72, 1870. Wash., 1872-78. 3 v. il. pi. maps. O.
Bulletin (continuation); v. 3-G. Wash., 1877-82. 4 v. pi.
Keport (continuation); v. 3, 8, 13. Wash., 1883-90. 3 v.
pi. Q.
Contents-: 3. Cope, E. D. The vertebrata of the tertiary formations
of the west; book 1. 8. Lesqiiereux, L. Contributions to the fossil
flora of the western territories; pt. 3: The cretaceous and tertiary
floras. 13. Scudder, S. H. The tertiary insects of North America.
House of Representatives. The centennial celebration and Wash-
ington monument; report of joint select committee. Wash.^
1889. Q. (U. S. 50th Cong. Ist sess. House misc. doc, v. 12.)
Digested summary and alphabetical list of private claims
presented to the House from the 47th-r)lst congress inclu-
sive; exhibiting the action on each claim: under the direc-
tion of James Kerr. Wash., 1896. Q. (H. M. D. 53d Cong.
2d sess. V. 40.)
Investigation into the attack upon the seamen of the U.
S. S. Baltimore in Valparaiso, Oct. 16, 1891: with diplomatio
correspondence [etc.], on relations with Chile. Wash., 1892.
O. (52d Cong. 1st sess. H. E. D.)
Investigation of armor-plate contracts made by the gov-
ernment with the Carnegie Steel Company. Wash., 1894.
O. (U. S. Cong. H. R.)
Investigation of the fur-seal and other fisheries of
Alaska: Report from the committee on merchant marine
and fisheries. Wash., 1889. pi. maps. O.
Levees of the Mississippi river. Wash., 1891. O. (Slst
Cong. 2d sess. H. M. D.)
Report of select committees on immigration and natural-
ization. Wash., 1891. O. (51st Cong. 2d sess. H. R.)
Report of the board of managers of the home for disabled
volunteer soldiers. Wash., 1891. O. (51st Cong. 2d sess.
H. M. D.)
Speeches delivered in the House of Representatives Jan-
uary 19, 1888, on the presentation by the state of Massachu-
setts to the national government of portraits of ex-speakers
Sedgwick, Varnum, and Banks. Wash., 1888. pi. por. Q.
(U. S. 50th Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 12.)
Tariff hearings before the committee on Avays and means.
Wash., 1893. O. (U. S. 53d Cong. 1st sess. H. M. D. v. 6.)
Same. Schedule K. 54th Cong. 2d sess. Wash., 1897. O.
Committee on Appropriations. Report concerning the man-
agement of the World's Fair and expenditures therefor.
Wash., 1892. (U. S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. H. R. v. 6.)
International Bimetallic Conference. London, 189^. See United
States. Senate Committee on Finance.
UNITED STATES. Internalional Gcolof/ical Cont/iesa. (Joinpte
ri'udu de la ciuquieiiie session dii (Jeolos^"*' International
Congrt^s a Pliilaiu'lpliie, 181)1. Wash., 18J)3. (i. (II. S. 52d
Cong. Sess. H. D. M. v. 13.)
International Marine Conference. Protocols of proceedings held
in AVashington, Oct. IG-Uec. 31, 1889. Wash., 1890. 2 v. O.
(U. S. 51 Cong. 1st sess. S. E. D. v. 6-7.)
International Monetary Conference. Report of the American del-
egates to the conference at Brussels, Nov. 22 to Dec. 17, 1892;
and with record of proceedings. Wash., 1893. O. (U. S.
52d Cong., 2d sess. S. E. D., no. 82.)
Interstate Commerce Commission. 3d-l()th annual report; 1889-
90. Wash., 1889-9(). 8 v. O. {Same. V. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
lst-7th annual report on the statistics of railways in the
United States for the year ending June 30, 1888-95. Wash.,
1889-96. 8 V. O.
Division of Statistics. Preliminary report on the income
account of railways in the U. S.; 1894. Wash., 1894. O.
Life-Savinq Service. Annual report of the operations for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1888-96. W^ash., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
Light-House Board. Annual report for the fiscal year ending
June, 1891-97. W^nsh., 1891-97. 7 v. O.
The modern light-house service, by A. B. Johnson.
Wash., 1890. il. pi. O.
Report upon the exhibit of tlie Board at the World's Co-
lumbian Exposition, 1893, by A. B. Johnson. Wash., 1894. il.
pi. O. (Appendix III to report, 1894.)
Report upon fog-signal experiments, by W: R. Livermore.
Wash., 1894. il. pi. O. (Appendix 5 to report of 1894.)
Marine Hospital Service. Annual report of the supervising
surgeon-general, 1895, 1896. Wash., 1896. O. 2 pam.
■Mint. Annual report of the director (continuation) for the
year ended Jun(^ 30, 1890-96. Wash., 1890-97. 7 v. <).
Rejiort of the director upon the production of the i>re-
cious metals in the United States; 1889-95. Wash., 1^90-96.
7 V. O.
National Ilntnr for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Report of the
board of managers for the fiscal vear ending June 30, 1894.
Wash., 1894. O. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
National Mtiseum. Proceedings (continuation); vol. 10-19, 1S87-
96. Wash., 1888-97. 10 v. il. pi. O.
Report, 1887-95. Wash., 1889-96. 9 v. O. (Same, T'. S.
Cong, docs.)
Bulletin no. 17-44. Wash., 1880-93. 11 v. O.
('onfciitst: No. 17. Cope, E. D. On the zoological position of Texas.
18. Exhibit of the fisheries and fish culture of the United Statos of
America at the Internationale Fischerei Ausstellunp held at Berlin,
April 20, 1880, made by the U. S. fish commission, prepared undf-r the
direction of G. B. Goods. 19. Scudder, S. H. An alphabetical list of
all generic names that have been employed by naturalists for r 'cent
and fossil animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879.
UNITED STATES. National Museum. Bulletins.
20. Goode, G: B. The published writings of Spencei' Pullerton Baird,
1843-82. 21. Ridgway, R. Nomenclature of North American birds.
22. Ward, L. F. Guide to the flora of Washington and vicinity. 23.
Scudder, N. P. The published writings of Isaac Lea. 24. Yarrow,
H. C. Check list of North American reptilia and batrachia. 25. Con-
tributions to the natural history of the Bermudas; ed. by J: M. Jones
and G: B. Goode; v. 1. 2G. Coues, E., and Prentiss, D. W. Avifauna
Columbiana: being a list of birds ascertained to inhabit the District
of Columbia. 2d ed. 27. Descriptive catalogues of the collections
sent from the U. S. to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London,
1883; prepared under the direction of G.B. Goode. 28. Binney, W. G. A
manual of American land shells. 29. Stejneger, L. Results of ornitho-
logical explorations in the Commander Islands and in Kamtschatka.
30. Marcon, J: B. Bibliography of publications relating to the collec-
tion of fossil invertebrates in the National Museum. 31. Williston,
S: W. Synopsis of the North American syrphidae. 32. Cope, E. D.
Catalogue of batrachians and reptiles of Central America and Mexico.
33. Egleston, T: Catalogue of minerals and synonyms. 34. Cope,
E. D. The batrachia of North America. 35. Edwards, H. Biblio-
graphical catalogue of the described transformations of North Ameri-
can lepidoptera. 36. True, F: W. A review of the family delphinidae.
37. Dall, W: H. Preliminary catalogue of the shell bearing marine
mollusks and brachiopods of the southeastern coast of the U. S. 38.
Smith, J: B. Contribution toward a monograph of the insects of the
lepidopterous family noctuidae of temperate N. A. 39. Ridgway, R.
Directions for collecting birds. Knowlton, F. H. Directions for col-
lecting recent and fossil plants. Lucas, F. A. Notes on the prepara-
tion of rough skeletons. Bendire, C: Directions for collecting, pre-
paring, and preserving bird's eggs and nests. Stejneger, L. Direc-
tions for collecting reptiles and batrachians. Riley, C. V. Directions
for collecting and preserving insects. Dall, W: H. Directions for
collecting mollusks and other useful hints for the conchologist. 40.
Poster, L. S. Bibliographies of American naturalists; IV. The pub-
lished writings of G: N. Lawrence, 1844-1891. 41. Goode, G. B. Bib-
liographies of American naturalists; V. The published writings of
Dr. C: Girard. 42. Dewey, F. P. Preliminary descriptive catalogue of
the systematic collections in economic geology and metallurgy in the
U. S. National Museum. 43. Allen, H. Monograph of the bats of
N. A. 44. Smith, J: B. Catalogue of the lepidopterous superfamily
noctuidae found in Boreal America.
Naval Academy. Annual re{?ister; 51st academic year, 1895-96.
Wash., 189G. O. pam.
Naval Observatory. Astronomical, magnetic and meteorologi-
cal observations made during the year 1890. F. V. McNair,
superintendent. Wash., 1895. Q.
Meteorological observations and results, 1883-87. {In
U. S. Observatory Observations, 1887. App. 3.)
Observations made during the year 1884; S. R. Franklin,
superintendent, [also Catalogue of stars observed at the U.
S. Naval Observatory during the years 1845-77, prepared by
M. Yarnall; 3d ed. with renumbering of the stars by E.
Frisby]. Wash., 1889. Q.
Same. U. S. 50th Cong., 2d, sess. H. M. D. v. 18.
Observations made during the year 1885; G: E. Belknap,
superintendent. Wash., 1891. Q.
Same. U. S. 51st Cong.. 1st sess. H. M. D.
Observations made during the year 1886; A. D. Brown,
Superintendent. Wash.. 1891. Q.
Same. U. S. 51st Cong., 2d sess. H. M. D.
UNITED STATED. Naiml Observaluri/. ObscrvatioiiH made dur-
ing the yc'iir, 1887-81); li. L. IMiytUiaii, superintendent. Wash.,
1892-93. a V. Q.
^'«//^(?. U. S. Cong-. 11. M. D.
Pan-American Medical Congress. Transactions of the first Con-
gress held in Washington, D. C, Sept. 5-8, 1893. Wash.,
1895. 2 V. O. (U. S. 5;5(1 Cong., 2d sess. S. E. D. v. 2.)
Palcnl O/jice. Annual report of tlie eonuuissioner of patents
(continuation); 1889-9U. Wash., 1890-97. 8 v. Q.
iSanw. U. S. Cong. S. M. D.
Otlicial gazette; v. 48-81; July 1889-Dec. 1897. Wash.
1889-97. 34 v. Q.
Supi)leni('nt to above, containing the revised classitica
tion of subjects of invention. Wash., 1895. O.
Specifications and drawings of patents (continuation)
Nov. 1888-Feb. 189G. Wash., 1888-90. 174 v. Q.
Subject-matter index of patents for inventions from 1790
1873; compiled and published under the direction of M. D
Leggett. Wash., 1874. 3 v. Q.
Pension Office. List of jjensioners on the roll January 1, 1883
Wash., 188;{. 5 v. O.
Report of the select committee of the House of Represen
tatives, investigating the methods and management and prac
tices of the Jiureau of Pensions. W^ash., 1892. 2 v. O. (U
S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. H. R.)
Presidoil. A compilation of the messages and papers of the
Presidents, 1789-1897. comp. by J. D. Richardson; v. 1-4
1789-1849. Wash., 1896-97. 11. pors. 4 v. O. (U. S. Cong.
H. M. D.)
Message, with all correspondence and dispatches relating
to Hawaii. Wash., 1895. O. (U. S. Cong. H. E. D.)
Message from the president of the United States to the
two Houses of (^ongress at the commencement of the first
session of the fiftieth Congress; with the re])orts of the heads
of I)e])artments and selections from accompanving docu-
. ments; ed. by W. H. Michael. Wash., 1888. o!
Message to the Senate transmitting a treaty of annexation
between the U. S. and the provisional government of the
Hawaiian Islands, concluded Feb. 14. 1893. Wash., 1894. O.
(V. S. 52d Cong. 2d sess. S. E. D. no. 70.)
Quartermnsfcr-frenernl. T'niform of the army of the TTnited
States illustiated from 1774-1889. Pre])nred bv M. I. Luding-
ton, U. S. Army. [Wash., 18!)3]. col. pi. F.
f^evate. r'oiin)ilation of Senate (^lection cases from 1789 to 1889,
bv C, : S. Taft and G: P. Furbei-. Wash.. 1893. O. (52d Cong.
2(i sesa. S. M. D. v. 6.)
Operations of the civil service. Ke]>ort. (T"'^. S. 50th
Conir. 1st sess. S. R. v. 10.)
Piv'ccdcnts i-clntintr to the jirivih'ires of the Senate of the
United Slates. Wnsli.. 1893. O. (U. S. Cong. S. ^\. D.)
Re]>ort of th(> special committee on the irriL'otion and
reclamation of arid lands. Wash., 1890. 4 v. in 2. O. (IT. S.
51st Cong. 1st sess. S. R.^
UNITED STATES. Seimte. List of private claims brought before
the Senate from the commencement of the forty-seventh to
the close of the fifty-first congress, v. 1-3. Wash., 1895.
3 V. O. (U. S. Cong. S. M. D.)
Table showing duties collected under existing tariff; pre-
pared by C: H. Evans. Wash., 1891. obi. Q. (U. S. 51st
Cong., 1st sess. S. M. D.)
Papers relating to the annexation of the Hawaiian islands
to the United States. Wash., 1893. O. (52d Cong., 2d sess.
S. E. D., no. 76.)
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Keport on the condi-
tion of cotton growers in the U. S cotton consumption
and production. Wash., 1895, O. (U. S. 53d Cong., 3d sess.^
S. R., V. 3.)
Committee on Finance. Alcohol in the arts : Laws and reg-
ulations for the use of methvlated and unmethylated alcohol
in the arts. Wash., 1895. 6. (U. S. 53d Cong., 2d sess. S.
R., V. 4.)
Berlin Silver Commission, 1894: report of proceed-
ings: with proceedings of the International Bimetallic Con-
ference at London, Mav 2 and 3, 1894. Wash., 1895. O. (U.
S. 53d Cong., 2d sess. S. M. D., v. 10.)
Bulletins; no. 1-48: Replies to tariff inquiries,
Schedule A-J. Wash., 1894. 9 v. O.
Coinage laws of the United States, 1792-1894; with
an appendix of statistics relating to coins and currency. 4th
ed. Wash., 1894. O. (U. S. 53d Cong., 2d sess. S. R., v. 3.)
Report on the changes in text and rates of duty of
the Tariff Act of 1890 and of the Administrative Act of June,
1890. Wash., 1895. Q. (U. S. Cong. S. R.)
Retail prices and wages; report by Mr. Aldrich, July
19, 1892. Wash., 1892. 3 v. O. (U. S. 52d Cong., 1st sess.
S. R.)
Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation: report
by Mr. Aldrich. March 3, 1893. Wash., 1893. 4 v. O. (U. S.
52d Cong, 2d sess. S. R.)
Committee on Immigration. Report of the investigation on
the proposition for the suspension of immigration for one
year, and naturalization in New York city, Oct., 1891. Wash.,
1893. O. (U. S. 52d Cong., 2d sess. S. R., v. 2.)
Committee on Territories. Organization of Alaska, [n. t.
p.] 70 p. map. O.
Committee on Foreign 'Relations. Papers relatiufr to the an-
nexation of the Hawaiian Islands. Wash., 1893. O. (53d
Cong., 2d sess., v. 2.)
Committee to investigate attempts at hrihery. Digest of de-
cisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives, relating to their powers, privileges, ffc. Wash.,
1894. O. (53d Cong.. 2d sess. S. M. D.)
Tnrtian Cvrrenry Committee. Report of the commission ap-
pointed to inquire into the Indian currency, commonly
UNITED STATES. Senate. Indian Currency Comviiitee.
kuowu as the Herschell report on tlie coiuage of silver in
India. Wash., 18D3. O. (U. S. 53(1 Cong., 1st sess. S. M. D.,
V. 2.)
Select committee on Failed National Banks. Reports and tes-
timouv. Wash., 18U3. O. 52d Cong., 2d sess. S. K., v. 2.)
Signal Office. Greely, A. W., and Glassford, W. A. Report on
the climate of California and Nevada, with partieular refer-
ence to questions of irrigation and water storage in the arid
region Wash., 1891. maps. Q. (U. S. Cong. 11. K. D.)
International monthly charts of mean pressures and wind
directions at 7 A. M., W ashington mean time, for 1882 and
1883. [Wash., 1801.] pam. F.
Rainfall of the Pacihc slope and the western states and
territories;— Climate of Oregon and Washington territory.
Wash., 1888-89. maps. Q. (U. S. 50th Cong., Ist sess. Sen-
ate ex. doc, V. 8.)
Tri-daily meteorological record (continuation); -hily-Deo.,.
1878. Wash., 1884. obi. Q.
Strilce Commission. Report on the Chicago strike of June-July,
1894; with appendices containing testimony, proceedings,
and recommendations. Wash., 1895. O. (53d Cong., 3d sess.
S. E. D., V. 2.)
■ Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Cata-
logue of the public documents of the Fifty-third Congress
and of all the departments of the government of the United
States for the period from March 4, 1893, to June 30, 1895.
Wash., 1896. Q. (U.S.Cong. H. D., no. 410.)
■Same. Fifty-fourth Congress, Dec. 2, 1895-June II, 1896.
Wash., 1897. O. (U. S. Cong. H. D., no. 430.)
Surgeon-General Alphabeiical list of abbreviations of titles of
medical periodicals employed in the index-catalogue of the
library of the Surgeon-General's office: from vol. 1 to 16 in-
clusive. Wash., 1895. Q.
Index-catalogue of the library, authors and subjects (con-
tinuation); v. 11-16 (Phaed-Zythiis). Wash., 1890-95. 6 v. Q.
Same. 2d ser.; v. 1-2 (A-Bywater.) Wash., 1896-97. 2 v.
UNITED STATES government publications; a monthly catalogue;
J: H. Hickcox ed. (contiTiuation); v. 5-13; 1889-97. Wash.,
1892-97. 9 V. O.
UNITED STATES insurance ga/ette and magaziiK* of useful
knowledge. New ser.; ed by G. E. Currie; 1 May. 1855] -Jan.
1882; V. 1-30, .32-53. N. Y., 18.55 81. 52 v. O.
Index to forty-three volumes of the T'nited States insurance
gazette and iuan-azine [May, 18550ct. 1876]. N. Y.. 1877. O.
UNITED ST.\TES literary gazette: v. 1-4; .V])ri1 1, 18J4 October 1,
1826. r.ost., 1825-26. i v. Q. O.
Continued under the title: United Slates review and liferary ga-
zette; V. 1-2; October 1. 1826-0(tober 1. 1827. N. Y., Rost.,
1827. 2 V. 6.
UNITED STATES mairazine and democratic review (continuation);
V. 7-25. Wash., N. Y., 1840-49. 19 v. pors. O.
UNITED STATES of America: one hundred Albertype illustra-
tions from recent negatives of the most noted scenes of our
country. Published by A. \\ ittemann. Chic, and N. Y.,
c. 1893". pi. obi. D.
UNITED STATES of Venezuela. Notice politique, statistique, com-
merciale, etc., sur les :fitats-Unis du V^n^zuela. Paris, 1889.
map. D.
World s Columbian Exposition at Chicago; The United States
of Venezuela in 1893. N. Y., [1893]. D.
UNITED STATES Pacific Railway Commission. Testimony taken;
reported by Charles P. Young. Wash., 1887. maps. O. (U.
S. 50th Cong., 1st sess. Senate ex. doc, v. 6)
UNITED STATES review and literary gazette. See United States
literary gazette.
UNIVERSITY Correspondence College Tutorial series. Lond.,
1892. 2 V. D.
Namclii: Cicero, M. T. De Senectute; ed. by A. H. Allcroft and W.
F. Masom. Pro Archia; ed. by A. H. Allcroft and F. G. Plalstowe.
UNIVERSITY extension manuals; ed. by Prof. W: Knight. See
University series.
UNIVERSITY extension series; ed. f)y J. E. Symes. Lond., 1890-
96. 18 V. maps. S.
Namdy: Burch, G: J. Manual of electrical science. Dickinson,
G. L. Greek view of life. Gibbins, H. de B. English social reform-
ers. Gibbins, H. de B. Industrial history of England. Granger, F.
S. Psychology. Gregory, R. A. Vault of heaven. Hewins, W. A. S.
English trade and finance. Hobson, J: A. Problems of poverty.
Kimmins, C. W. Chemistry of life and health. Lewes, V. B. Air
and water. Massee, G. Evolution of plant life. Muir, M. M. P.
Chemistry of fire. Potter, M. C. Text-book of agricultural botany.
Price, L. L. Political economy in England. Sells, V. P. Mechanics
of daily life. Sharp, A. Victorian poets. Symes, J: B. French revo-
lution. Theobald, F. V. Insect life.
UNIVERSITY series: ed. bv Prof. William Knight. N. Y., 1891-96.
22 V. S.
Namely: Boas, F. S. Shakespeare and his predecessors. Brown,
G. B. The fine arts. Caldecott, A. English colonization and empire.
Cunningham, W. Use and abuse of money. Geddes, P. Chapters in
modern botany. Gosse, E. The Jacobean poets. Grant, A. J. Greece
in the age of Pericles. Keens, H. G. Literature of France. Knight,
W: Philosophy of the beautiful. Mackail, J. W. Latin literature.
McKendrick, J: G., and Snodgrass, W: Physiology of the senses.
Mallet, C: E: French revolution. Mill. H. R: Realm of nature.
Minto, W: Logic, inductive and deductive. Menzies, A. History of
religion. Muirhead, J. H. Elements of ethics. Raleigh. W. The
English novel. Renton, W: Outlines of English literature. Roberts,
R. D. The earth's history. Robertson, G: C. Elements of general
philosophy. Robertson, G. C. Elements of psychology. Thompson,
J. A. Study of animal life.
UNIVERSITY of California.
JONES, W: C. Illustrated history of the University of California.
S. F., 1895. il. pors. F.
Addresses at the inauguration of Martin Kellogg, LL.D., as
president of the university. Mar. 23, 1893. Berkeley, 1893. O.
-Addresses at the inauguration of W. T. Reid as president of
the University, and the dedication of the Bacon Art and Li-
brarv building, August 23, 1881. Sac, 1881. O.
UNIVERSITY of Caliloniia. Annual announcement of courses of
instruction in the ('olleges at Berkeley for the academic
years 1885-80 to 18!>7-!)8, IJerkeley, 1880-97. 4 v. S. and O.
Annual report of the Secretary to the Board of Kejjjcnits; 1875-
;»0. Berkeley, Sac., 1875-1)0.' v. O.
JJirnnial report of the Board of Kep:ents: and of the President
on behalf of the Kcj;euts, J8(i!)-!Hi. Sac, 18«;!)-!)0. ,'} v. O.
Bulletins; no. 1-37; 1874-91. Berkeley, 1874-91. ().
(Ureular of the Collej^e of Letters and Colleges of Science, 1885-
93. Berkeley, 1885-93. S.
Legislative documents; 1804-79. Sac, 1804-79. O.
Miscellaneous publications; 1875-93. Berkeley, Sac, 1875-93.
I'rogranune for an international competition for the Phebe
Hearst architectui'al plan of the University of (^alifoi-nia.
Berkeley, Dec. 3, 1897. 39 \>. O.
Register; 1870-97. Berkeley, 1870-97. 7 v. ().
Bulletin, no. 37. Berkeley, 1892. 74 p. D.
Namely: Addresses delivered before the California teachers' asso-
ciation at Riverside, December 28-31, 1891, by professors in the Uni-
versity of California: 1. Kellogg, M. Educational progress in Cali-
fornia. 2. Moses, B. The social sciences as aids in teaching history.
3. Stringham, I. The past and present of elementary mathematics.
4. Slate, F. Physics in secondary schools.
College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station. Appen-
dix to the report for the year 1890: Alkali lands, irrigation
and drainage in their mutual relations, bv E. W. Hilgard.
Sac, 1892. 09 p. tables. O.
Appendix to the report for 1894-95: Olives; pickling pro-
cesses [etc.], by Arthur P. Hayne. Sac, 1895. 37 p. O.
Appendix to viticultural report, 1890: Resistant vines;
their selection, adaptation and grafting, by A. P. Hayne.
Sac, 1897. O. pam.
Reports; 1877-95. Sac, 1877-90. 4 v. O.
Report of the viticultural work during the seasons 1887-
1889; pt. 1, Red-wine grapes; prepared under the direction of
E. W. Hilgard, by L. Paparelli. Sac, 1892. O.
Report of the Vitcultural work during the seasons 1887-
93, with data regarding the vintages of 1894-95. Sac, 1896.
Reports of the viticultural work; 1883-89. Sac, 1884-89.
-College of Dentistry. Announcement: 1894-95, 1897-98. S. F.,
1894-97. O. 2 pam.
-Department of Geology. Bulletins: vol. 1: 1-4. 7-14. Sac, 1893-
96. O. pams.
Namehj: No. 1. Lawson, A. Geology of Carmelo Bay. 2. Palache,
C: Soda-rhyolite north of Berkeley. ^. Ransome. F. L. Eruptive
rocks of Point Bonita. 4. Lawson, A. C. Post-pliocene diastrophism
of the coast of southern California. 7. Ransome, F. L. Geology of
Angel Island. 8. Lawson, A. C. Geomorphogeny of the coast of
northern California. 9. Fairbanks. H. W. Analcite diabase from San
Tjuis Obispo Co., Cal. 10. Ransome. F. L. On T.,awsonite. 11. Le
Conte, J. Critical period in the history of the earth. 12. Lawson,
UNIVERSITY of California.
A. C. On Malagnite. 13. Merriam, J: C. Sigmogomphius Le Contei.
14. Ransome, F. L. Great valley of California.
Department of Pedagogy. Catalogue of books in tlie pedagogical
section of the liniversity Librai'v. [Sac], 1894. O. pam.
Same: Kev. ed. [Sac], 1895. O. pam.
Studies: vol. 2, no. 1. Berkeley, 1897. O.
Numrly: Vol.2. N. 1. Notes on children's drawings; ed. by E. B.
Department of Fliarmacy. Prospectus of the 24:th annual ses-
sion, 1890. S. F., 1896. O.
Easiings College of the Law. Circular of information: 1891-92,
1892, 1894-5, 1896-7. Sac, 1891-97. S. pams.
Library. Bulletin no. 1. 2d ed.; Cooperative list of periodical
literature. Berkelev, 1892. 54 p. O.
Bulletins; no. 1-12; 1882-94. Berkeley, 1882-94. O.
Contents-index [by J. C. Rowell] ; v. 1. Berkeley, 1889-90.
Lick Observatory. Contributions from the Lick Observatory;
no. 1-5. Sac, 1891-95. il. pi. 5 v. O.
Contents: 1. Reports on the obserA^ation of the total eclipse of the
sun .Tan. 1, 1889. 2. Reports on the total eclipse of the sun Dec. 21-22.
1889, and of the total eclipse of the moon July 22, 1888: to which is
added a catalogue of the Library published by the Lick Observatory.
3. Terrestrial atmospheric absorption of the photographic rays of
light, by J. M. Schaeberle. 4. Report on the total eclipse of the sun
observed at Mina Bronches, Chile, Apr. 16, 1893, by J. M. Schaeberle.
5. Meteors and sunsets observed by the astronomers of the Lick Ob-
servatory in 1893, 1894, 1895.
Publications; v. 2-3; 1893-94. Sac, 1894. 2 v. pi. Q.
Philosophical Union. Publications: ed. by G: H. Howison: v.
1-2. N. Y., 1897. 2 v. D.
Namely: Vol.1. Royce, J. [and others]. Conception of God.
2. Watson, J: Christianity and idealism.
UNIVERSITY of California Magazine: v. 1-2, 1895-96. Berkeley,
[1895-96]. 2 V. O.
UNIVERSITY of Chicago. Annual register: July, 1896-1897; with
announcements for 1897-98. Chic, 1897. O.
UNIVERSITY' of Colorado. Catologue, 1894-5, 1895-6, 1896-7.
Boulder, 1895-97. 3 v. D.
UNIVERSITY' of Illinois. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulle-
tins: no. 47-48. Urbana. 1897. O. pam.
UNIVERSITY^ of Michigan. Calendar, 1893-4. Ann Arbor, 1894.
D. pam.
UNIVERSITY' of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul-
letins; no. 43-45, 50-52. Minneapolis, 1895-00. O. pam.
UNIVERSITY' of Missouri. Inauguration of S. S. Laws as presi-
dent of the universitv, July 5, L870. Columbia, 1876. 119 p.
Report of the Board of Curators to the 13th general assembly.
Jefferson City, 1879. O. pams.
Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletins: no. 34, 36, 37. Co-
lumbia, 1896-97. O. pam.
... J
UNIN'EKSITV oi Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station. 6th-
7(h annual report. laueoln, [181K5]. O.
— — Jiulletius: uo. 5, 43-45, 47-41). Liueolu, 1889-97. O. pams.
Dcpartrnent of Jlistory and economics. Seminary papera. N. Y.,
1891. O.
Aanirh/: Barrett, J. A. Evolution of the ordinance of 1787; with
an account of the eaiiier plans for the government of the northwest
UNI\'EKSITV oi' J'euusylvania. Annual report of the provost to
the board of trustees: 189G-97. l»hil., 189G-97. 2 v. O.
Biographical catalogue of the matriculates of the college, to-
gether with lists of the members of the college faculty and
the trustees, officers and recipients of honorary degrees;
1749-1893. Phil., 1894. O.
Catalogue; 1889-97. Phil., 1890-97. 6 v. D.
A move for better roads: being essays on road-making and
maintenance, and road laws: with a synopsis of other con-
tributions, and a review by L. M. Haupt, and introduction by
W:Ehawn. Phil., 1891. pi. O.
Department of history. Translations and rex)rints from the
original sources of European history. Series for 1894-96;
V. 1-3. Phil., 1897. 3 v. D.
Publications, political economy and public law series; E. J.
James ed.; V. 2. Phil., 1890. O.
Namely: Lewis, W: D. Our sheep and the tariff.
UNIVERSITY of \'ermont. Catalogue of the library of George
Perkins Marsh. P.urlington, 1892. Q.
State Agricultural College. Catalogue; 1894-95, 1895-96, 1896-
97. Burlington, 1894-97. 3 v. D.
UNIVERSITY of AVyoming. Agricullural College Department. An-
nual report for the year 1893. Laramie, 1894. O. pam.
UPCHURCH, John Jordan. Life, labors and travels, of father J. J.
Upchurch, founder of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men; written by himself ; rev. and ed. by Sam. Booth. S. F.,
1887. pors. D".
UPDIKE, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island bar. Bost., 1842.
UPHAM, F. K. The descendants of John Upham of Massachusetts.
Albany, 1892. 11. Q.
UPHAM, Samuel C. Notes of a voyage to California via Cape
Horn, together with scenes in El Dorado in the years 1849-50;
with the articles of association and roll of members of "The
associated pioneers of the territorial days of California."
Phil., 1878. il. pors. O.
UPHAM, Warren. Altitudes between Lake Superior and the Rocky
Mountains. Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Geol Surv. Bull. no. 72.)
The upper beaches and deltas of the glacial Lake Agassiz.
Wash., 1887. 84 p. pi. {In same, v. 6.)
See Wright, G. F., and LTpham, W. Greenland ice-fields.
UPHAM family.
UPHAM, F. K. The descendants of John Upham of Maasachusetta.
Albany, 1892. 11. Q.
UPTON, Emory, maj.-gen. Infantry tactics, double and single
rank; adapted to American topography and improved tire-
arms. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1889. il. Tt.
UPTON, George Putnam, dee Slieahan, J. W., ajid Upton, G: P.
The great conflagration.
URMY, Clarence Thomas. Kosary of rhyme. S. F., 1884. 100 p. D.
A vintage of verse. S. F., 1897. 113 p. S.
UEQUHART, John W. Eectro-motors: a treatise on the means
and apparatus employed in the transmission of electrical en-
ergy and its conversion into motive power. Lond., 1882. 12
-i-178p. il. D.
URWICK, William, tr. Martensen, H. L. Christian dogmatics.
Edin., 1890. O.
aiid others, trs. Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical
handbook to the gospel of John.
JAMESON, J. F. Willem Usselinx. (In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers,
V. 2.)
USSHER, ;Sir Thomas, and Glover, John L. Napoleon's last voy-
ages; beng diaries of Admiral Sir T: Ussher and John L.
Glover. Lond., 1895. il. pors. O.
UTAH. Legislative Assembly. Council journal; 1890, 1892, 1894.
Salt Lake, 1890-94. 3 v. O.
House journal; 1890, 1892, 1894. Salt Lake, 1890-94. 2 v.
Journal, 1S92, Id. with Council jour. 1892.
Journal of the House of Representatives: 1897. Salt
Lake City, 1897. O.
Senate journal: 1897. Salt Lake, 1897. O.
WorMs Fair Commission. Utah ai the World's Columbian ex-
position, n. t. p. [c. 1894.] pi. pors. 172-{-50 p. O.
UZANNE, Louis Octave. The book-hunter in Paris; studies among
the bookstalls and the quays. Lond., 1893. 11. O.
The mirror of the v^^orld. Lond., 1890. il. pi. Q.
The sunshade, the glove, the muif. Illustrated by Paul Avril.
Lond., 1884. il. O.
UZIELLI, Gustavo. La vita e i tempi di Paolo del Pozzo Toscanelli;
con un capitolo (VI) sui lavori astronomici del Toscanelli di
Giovanni Celoria. Roma, 1894. F. {In Italy. Com. Colombi-
ana. Raccolta di documenti e studi pubblicati dalla R. Com.
Colombiana. Pt. 5, v. 1.)
VAILE, Charles A. Galvanized-iron cornice-worker's manual;
conlaiiiinj,^ instnictions in layinj; out the dilTerent mitres and
making;- patterns for all kinds of plain and circular work.
I'hil., 1884. 74 p. pi. Q.
VALE, .loseph G. Minty and the cavalry: a history of cavalry cam-
])aifins in the western armies. Harrisburg, 188G. pors.
maps. 0.
VALENTINE, David Thomas. Manual of the corporation of the
city of New York (continuation); 1860, 1802. [N. Y., 1860-
62.] 2 V. maps. D.
VALENTINE, John J. Money: Natural law of money; interna-
tional bimetallism; free silver; currency. 3d ed. [S. F.,
1896.] O.
VALENTINE, Milton. Natural theology; or, Rational theism. 2d
ed. N. Y., 1891. D.
VALENTINE, William Winston. New High German: a compara-
tive study; ed. by A. H. Keane. Lond., 1894. 2 v. O.
Cotifoit.s: Vol. 1. Phonology and morphology. 2. Syntax.
VALLANDIGHAM, Clement Laird. Record of V. on abolition,
the union, and the civil war. 6th ed. Columbus, 1863.
por. ().
President Lincoln's response relative to the arrest of V. {In Nat.
Union Assoc, of Ohio. Loyal pub. no. 3.)
VALLEY review ; Oct. 1888-Dec. 28, 1893. Lodi, 1888-93. 2 v. P.
Continued as Lodi Review-Budget.
VALMIKI. The Iliad of the east: a selection of legends drawn
from Valmiki's Sanskrit poem, The Ramayana, by F. Rich-
ardson. N. Y., 1883. D.
VAMBfiRY, Arminius. His life and adventures; written by him-
self. 3d ed. Lond., 1884. pi. por. O.
VAN BRITNT, Henrv. Greek lines and other architectural essays.
Bost., 1893. h. D.
VAN BUREN, G. M. comp. Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice;
being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political
and militarv; also his public addresses, messages to Congress
[etc.]. Cin., 1890. por. D.
VAN BUREN, William Holme. M.D. Lectures on the principles
of surgerv, delivered at Bellevue Hospital Medical College.
N. Y., 1884. il. O.
VAN BUTCHELL, S. J. Facts and observations relative to a suc-
cessful mode of treating listula, ])iles, prolapsus, hoemorrh-
oidal excrescences, tumours, and strictures, without cutting
or confinement. 11th ed. rev. Lond., 1850. 4-f-192 p. O.
VANCE, Zebulon Baird.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of Z. B. Vance, senator
from North Carolina, delivered in the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives April 16, 1894. Fifty-third Congress. Wash., 1895. por.
Q. (U. S. Cong. S. M. D.)
VANDAM, Albert Dresden, ir. Houssaye, A. Behind the scenes
of the Com^die Frangaise.
YANDERGRIFT, F. B., a7id Co. Hand-book of the United States
tariff, containing the customs tariff Act of 1894. N. Y.,
[1894]. S.
■ comp. and ed. Hand-book of the United States tariff; contain-
ing the Tariff Act of 1897, with complete schedules of arti-
cles with rates of duty and paragraph of law; also law on the
administration of the customs service. N. Y., [c. 1897]. S.
VAN DER BORCIHT, Richard. Banking in the Netherlands. {In
Hist, of banking in all nations, v. A.)
VAN DER NAILLEN, A. In the sanctuary; a sequel to On the
heights of Himalay. S. F., 1896. dia. S.
VANDERVELDE, Emile. See Massart, J., and Vandervelde, E.
Parasitism, organic and social.
VAN DYKE, Henry Jackson, jr. The builders and other poems.
N. Y., 1897. "87 p. D.
The Christ-child in art: a study of interpretation. N. Y., 1894.
pi. O.
Little rivers ; a book of essays in profitable idleness. 6th ed.
N. Y., 1896. il. D.
The poetry of Tennyson. 7th ed. N. Y., 1896. por. D.
VAN DYKE, John Charles. Art for art's sake; seven university
lectures on the technical beauties of painting. 4th ed. N.
Y., 1893. pi. D.
How to judge of a picture: familiar talks in the gallery with
uncritical lovers of art. N. Y., 1893. 168 p. S.
ed. College histories of art. N. Y., 1896. D.
yamcli/: Text book of the history of sculpture, by A. Marquand and
A. L. Frothingham.
Modern French masters; a series of biographical and crit-
ical reviews by American artists. N. Y., 1896. il. Q.
VAN DYKE, Theodore Strong. Millionaires of a day; an inside
history of the great southern California "boom." N. Y.,
1890. ^ D.
Rifle, rod, and gun in California; a sporting romance. 3d. ed.
N. Y., 1889. D.
VANE, Charles William Stewart. 1st Earl Vane and 3d Marquis of
Londonderrxj. Story of the Peninsular war. New ed. Lond.,
1856. pors. S.
VAN HISE, Charles Richard. Correlation papers: Archean and
Algonkian. Wash., 1893. Q. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull,
no. 86.)
See Irving, R. D., and Van Hise, C: R. The Penokee iron-bear-
ing series of Michigan and Wisconsin.
and Bayley, William Shirley. Preliminary report on the Mar-
quette iron-bearing district of Michigan. (In U. S. Geol.
Surv., 15th report.)
VAN HOOSEAR, David Hermon. comp. A record of the descend-
ants of John Fillow, a Huguenot refugee from France. Al-
banv, 1888. il. O.
VANITY Fair; a weekly show of political, social and literary
wares; v. 1-52; Nov. 7, ISOS-July 7, 1.SS8; Jan. 5, 1889 Dec. 27,
1894. Loud., [18(18-1894]. 52 v. in .'^2. F.
VAN LAUN, Henri, tr. Taine. 11. A. History of EngliHli litera-
VAN NESS, Thomas. The comiu<,' relij^'ion. Jiost., 1893. S.
[VAN NESS, William Peter.] Concise narrative of General Jack-
son's first invasion of Florida and of his immortal defence of
New Orleans, with remarks, by Aristides. N. Y., 1827. 48
P- O. ...
VAN NOSTRANirs eclectic en^nneerin*;- ma^iazine (continuation);
v. 20. N. Y., 1879. O.
Contimicd as Van Nostrand's enj^ineerinji; ma^^xzine.
VAN NOSTRAND'S Science series; no. 57, KKi, 104. N. ^■.. 1890-
92. 3 V. pi. T.
Xamdij: Latimer, L. H. Incandescent electric lighting; to which is
added Design and operation of incandescent stations, by C. J. Field,
and Maximum efficiency of incandescent lamps, by J: W. Howell.
Brainard, F. R. The sextant and other mathematical instruments.
103. Rafter, G: W. Microscopical examination of potable water. 104.
Plympton, G: W. comp. Van Nostrands table book for (tivil and
mechanical engineers.
VAN OSS, S. F. American railroads as investments. N. V.. 1893.
maps. O.
VAN RENSSELAER, Mariana Griswold. Hand-book of English
cathedrals; ill. with drawings by Joseph Pennell. N. Y.,
1893. il. D.
VAN RENSSELAER-BONNEY, Mrs. C. See Bonney, Mrs. C. V.
R. Legacy of historical gleanings.
VAN VOORHIES, William. Oration before the Society of Cali-
fornia Pioneers, at their celebration of the anniversary of the
admission of the state of California into the Union, Sept. 9,
1853. S. F., 1853. 13 p. O. (In Cal. Pioneers. Orations
and poems, 1853-57.)
VARIGNY, Charles de. The women of the United States; from
the French by A. Ward. N. Y., 1895. D.
VARIGNY, Henry C. de. Experimental evolution. Loud., 1892.
D, (Nature ser.)
VARNEY, George Jones. Brief history of Maine. 2d ed. Port-
land, 1890. D.
VARONA, Enrique Jose. Cuba vs. Spain: manifesto of the Cuban
revolutionarv party to the i)eople of the United States of
America. [N."y., 1895.] 28 p. O. ])am.
VASARI, Giorgio. Lives of seventy of the most eminent painters,
sculptors and architects; ed. by E. H. and E. W. Blashfield
and A. A. Hopkins. N. Y., 1897. 4 v. D.
VASEY, George. The agricultural grasses and forage plants of
the United States, and such foreign kinds as have been intro-
duced. New rev. enl. ed. Wash.. 1889. pi. O. (U. S.
Dept. of Agri. Botanical Div. Spec. Bull.)
The distribution of North American forest trees. (Same.
Misc. Spec. Rept., no. 5.)
VASEY, George. Illustrations of North America grasses; v. 1-2.
Wash., 1891-93. 2 v. Q.
dmtentu: Vol. 1. Grasses of the southwest. 2. Grasses of the Pacific
VASQUEZ, Tiburcio.
Career of Tiburcio Vasquez, the bandit of Soledad, Salinas and Tres
Pinos; comp. from newspaper accounts. F. McCrellish and Co.,
publishers. S. F., 1874. [12 p.]. O. (Incomplete. With Ridge,
J: R. Life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta.)
BEERS, G: A. Vasquez; or, The hunted bandits of the San Joaquin
with a full and accurate account of the capture, trial and
execution of the noted bandit. N. Y., [1875?]. 141 p. 0.
SAV/YER, E. T. Life and career of Tiburcio Vasquez, the California
bandit and murderer; to which is appended Judge Collins' address
ta the jury in behalf of the prisoner, [n. p. c. 18 75]. 48 p. O.
VATHEK. See Wathek.
VAUGHAN, C. E. English literary criticism. N. Y., 1896. D.
(Warwick library.)
VAUGHAN, William, ed. The narrative of Capt. D: W^oodard
and four seamen; containing an account of their sufferings
on the island of Celebes. 2d ed. Lond., 1805. por. D.
VAUX, William Sandys Wright. Appendices and introduction.
(In Drake, F. The world encomjiassed.)
VEATCH, Dr. John A. Report of the Borax Company of Cali-
fornia. S. F., 1857. 16 p. O. {In Pamphlets on Mines and
Mining, v. 1.)
VEDANTA-SUTRAS; with the commentary by Sankar^kArya; tr.
by G: Thibaut; pt. 1. Oxford, 1890. O. (Muller, F. M. ed.
Sacred books of the east, v. 34.)
VEDDEK. Elihu. illustrator. Omar Khayydm. RubAiy^t; with
drawings by V. Bost., 1886. F.
VEDDER, Henry Clay. American writers of to-day. Bost.,
1894. D.
VEDK' hymns; tr. by F. M. Miiller; pt. 1: Hymns to the Maruts,
Rudra, VAyu, and VMa. Oxford, 1891. O. (Muller, F. M.
ed. Sacred books of the east, v. 32.)
TEITCH, John. Hamilton. Phil., 1882. por. S. (Philosoph-
ical classics.)
VELASQTTEZ, Diego Rodriquez de Silva y.
CURTIS, C: B. Descriptive and historical catalogue of the works of
Don Diego de Silva Velazquez and Bartolome Esteban Murillo. N. Y.
and Lond., 1883. pi. pors. O.
VENABL!', William Henry. Beginnings of literary culture in the
Ohio Valley; historical and biographical sketches. Cin.,
1891. O.
Footpiints of the pioneers in the Ohio Valley: a centennial
sketch, 1788-1888. Cin., 1888. 128 p. il. pors. D.
VENABLES, Edmund. Life of John Bunyan. Lond., 1888. O.
(Great writers.)
VENABLES, G. H. tr. Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical
hand-book to the epistle to the Galatians.
JVENEGAS, Miguel.] Histoire naturelle et civil de la Californie;
tr. de I'anglois par M. E. Paris, 1767. 3 v. map. S.
Po^mes Saturniens. Paris, 1894. 148 p. I>.
Romances sans paroles. Paris. 1.«91. ,"4 j). 1>.
VERMONT, E. de V^ ed. America heraldica: a compilation of
coats of arms, crests and mottoes of prominent American
families settled in this country before 1800; ill. by Henry
Rykers. N. Y., [c. 1886]. col. pi. F.
ir. Musset, A. de. Three novelettes: Margot, The beauty
spot, Croisilles; and a comedy in three acts Valentine's
VERMONT. Centennial anniversary of the independence of the
state of Vermont and the battle of Bennington, August 15
and 16, 1877. Rutland, 1879. pors. O.
Auditor of Accounts. Report, 1889-90. Rutland, 1890. pam. O,
Board of Library Commissioners. 1st biennial report, 1896.
Burlington, 1896. O. pam.
-^ — — Commissioner of Agricultural and Manufacturing Interests. Re-
port, 1889-90. Rutland, 1890. 62 p. pamp. O.
Constitutional Cotivention, 18:36. Journal; together with the
amendments of the constitution as adopted by the conven-
tion, and the whole of tlie constitution of the state of Ver-
mont as now in force. St. Albans, 1836. O.
1850. Journal. Burlington, 1850. O.
Dairymen s Association. Report of the 19th-26th annual meet-
ing; 1889-96. Montpelier, 1889-96. 8 pams. pi, por. O.
-; Fish Commissioners. Biennial report; 1889-96. Montpelier,
1891-96. O. 4 pam.
Title for 189.^-96; 12th-13th hiennial report of tlie Commission-
ers of Fisheries and Game.
General Assembly. Journal of the House of Representatives
(continuation); 1882, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894. St. Albans and
Montpelier, 1883-95. 5 v. O.
Journal of the Senate (continuation); 1882, 1888, 1890,
1892, 1894. St. Albans and Montpelier, 1883-95. 5 v. O.
Laws relating to savings banks, saving institutions and
trust companies, in force at the close of the session of the
Legislature, LS88. Rutland, 1889. O.
Legislative directory; 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896. Battleboro,
Montpelier, 1892-96. 4 v. map. L.
Stat^e officers' reports; 1889-96. Rutland, 1890-96. 4
V. O.
Governor. Message of W: P. Dillingham, retiring governor,
Oct., 1890. Montpelier, 1890. 20 p. pam. O.
Message of Levi K. Fuller; 1892, 1894. Montpelier, 1892-
94. O. 2 pams.
Message of C. S. Page; Oct. 1890, 1892. Montpelier, 1890-
92. O. 2 pams.
-Message of U. A. Woodbury, Oct. session, 1894, 1896.
Burlington, 1894-96. O. 2 pams.
Inspector of Finance. Annual report; 1889-96. Burlington and
Rutland, 1889-96. 8 v. O.
Insurance Commissioner. Report (continuation); 1888-96. Mont-
])oIier and Rutland, 188<)-96. 9 v. O. and pams,
'Railroad Commissioners. 2d-r)th biennial report of the Board;
1888-96. Burlington and Rutland, 1890-96. 4 v. maps. O.
VERMONT. iSi'crlarfi of Stale. :nsl-;>!Mli n'poi-t. n'liitiii},' 1<> the
registi*}' and rotiii'iis of birtlis, niiu-i-iaiics. deal lis and . 5 v. il. O.
(Jood homes in Vermont; a list of desirable farms for sale.
Montpelier, 1893. map. 47 p, O. pam.
The resources and attractions of Vermont, 1891. Mont-
j)elier, 1891. map. O. pam.
State Board of Health. :M, Htli-lOth annual rej)ort of the sec-
retary (continuation); 1889, 1891 -9(;. Rutland, 1889-96. 7
V. d.
Superintendent of Education. :Ust-.'J4th school report (continua-
tionV. 1890-96. Montpelier, 1890-96. 4 v. O.
VERMONT historical gazetteer; a local history of all the towns
in the state; v. 4; collated and pub. by A. M. Hemenway.
Montpelier, 1882. pors. O.
VERMONT Historical Society. Address on early printing in
America, delivered before the Society by H. O. Houghton,
with the address of J. S. Morrill on presentation of the Sena-
tor's portrait to the Society; with the proceedings, Oct. 16
and 25, 1894. Montpelier, 1894, 10-^28 p. O. pam.
VERNE, Jules. The mysterious island; the secret of the island;
tr. by W. H. (1. Kingston. N. Y.. 1876. il. D.
VERNEY, Edmund Hope. Shannon's brigade in India: being some
account of Sir William reel's naval brigade in the Indian
campaign of 1857-58. Lond., 1862. 153 p. por. maps. O.
VERNEY, Sir Ralph. Notes of proceedings in the Long Parlia-
ment, temp. Charles T; printed from original pencil memo-
randa taken in the House; ed. by J: Bruce. Lond., 1845. 13
+182 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 31.)
VERNEY family. Letters and ])aiKM's of the Vei-ney family down
to the end of the year 163!); pi'inted from the original ms.;
ed. by J: Bruce. Lond., 1853. O. {Same, v. 56.)
VERNON county (Missouri.) History of \'ernon county, Missouri;
written and coni])il('d from the most authentic official and
y>rivate sources; including a history of its townships, towns
and villages; pub. by lirown and Co. St. Louis. 1887. O.
VERNON, M. S. Minor poems; pt. 1 ; ed. by C. Ilorstmann. Lond.,
1892. O. (Early Eug. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. scr. no. 9S.)
VERRALL, Arthur ^Yoolgar. Euripides, the rationalist; a study
in the history of art and religion. Cambridge. 18!)5. O.
P(], The student's manual of Creek tragedy; ed. with notes
and an introduction, from the Cerman of Dr. Munk's
"Geschichte der (iriechischen literatur." Lond., 1891. pi. D.
VEKRALL, Arthur Woolgar. tr. The Ion of Euripides; with a
translation into English verse and an introduction and notes.
Cambridge, Ic^OO. O.
HUGUES, L. G. Verrazzano; notizie sommarie. (In Italy Com. Col.
Raccolta di documenti e studi pub. dalla R. Com. Col. Pt. 5, v. 2.)
VERTOT D'AUBEUF, Ren^ Aubert. abU de. History of the revo-
lution in Sweden; done into English by J. Mitchel. 5th ed.
Lond., 1723. O.
Revolutions of Portugal; done into English from the last
French edition. Lond., 1794. 11. D.
VESPUCCI, Amerigo. The first four voyages of Amerigo Vespucci.
Reprinted in facsimile and translated from the rare original
edition. Florence, 1505-6. Lond., 1893. il. pi. sq. O.
HUGUES, L. Amerigo Vespucci; notizie sommarie. {In Italy Com.
Col. Raccolta di documenti e studi pub. dalla R. Com. Col. Pt. 5,
V. 2.)
LESTER, C. E. Life and voyages of discovery of Americus Vespucius.
10th ed. New Haven, 1886. pi. O.
VETERINARY journal and annals of comparative pathology (con-
tinuation); v. 29-45. Lond., [1889-97]. 17 v. O.
VEYRAC, J. B. Bareme du distillateur et du propri^taire vinicole.
Montpellier, 1867. 115 p. S.
VIALA, Pierre, and Ferrouillat, Paul. Manuel pratique pour le
traitement des maladies de la vigne. Montpellier, 1888. iL
pi. D.
Traitement du mildiou. Montpellier, 1887. 76 p. pi. S.
and Ravaz, L. Le black rot et le coniothyrium diplodiella. 2*
^d. Montpellier, 1888. 88 p. S.
VIANI. padre. Legation of Charles Ambrose Mezzabarba, from
the Pope to the Emperor Kang hi, 1720. (In Green J: Voy-
ages and travels, v. 3, p. 584.)
VIARDOT, Louis. Wonders of European art. N. Y., 1885. il. S.
(Wonders of art and archaeology.)
Wonders of Italian art. N. Y., 1886. il. S. (Same.)
Wonders of sculpture. N. Y., 1896. il. S. (Same.)
VIAUD, Louis Marie Julien. (pseud. Pierre Loti.) Fantome
d'orient. Paris, 1893. D.
Madame Chrysanth^me. Paris, 1895. I).
— ^ Madame Chrysanth^me; tr. by Laura Ensor; with designs
by Rossi and Myrbach. Paris, 1889. il. O.
VICARY, Thomas. The anatomie of the bodie of man; the edition
of 1548, as re-issued by the surgeons of St. Bartholomew's
in 1577; with a life of Vieary, notes on surgeons in England,
Bartholomew's hospital, and London in Tudor times; ed. by
F. J. and Percy Furnivall ; pt. 1. Lond., 1888. pi. por. 6.
(Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 53.)
VICES and virtues; being a soul's confession of its sins, with rea-
son's description of the virtues; a middle-English dialogue of
about 1200 A. D.; ed. with an introduction, translation,
notes, and glossary, from the Stowe ms. 240 in the British
Museum, by F. Holthausen; pt. 1. Text and translation.
VICES and virtues.
Lond., 1888. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. KeJ,^ sletes.)
FLINT, R: Vico. Phil., 1884. S. (Philosophical classics.)
VICTOR, Mrs. Frances Fuller. Atlantis arisen; or, Talks of a
tourist about Oregon and Washington. Phil., 1891. 11.
pi. O.
VICTORIA I (Alexandrina Victoria), queen of Great Britain and
TOOLEY, S. A. Personal life of Queen Victoria. N. Y., 1897. il. O.
VICTORIA Institute; or, Philosophical Society of Great Britain.
Journal of the transactions; v. 1-25. Lond., 1867-92. 25
V. O.
VICTORIA library for gentlewomen; ed. by W. H. 1). Adams.
Lond., 1892- [93]. 3 v. il. pors. D.
yamcli/: Chamberlain, E. L., and Douglas, F. The gentlewoman's
book of gardening. Douglas, F. The gentlewoman's book of dress.
Masters, E. T. The gentlewoman's book of art needlework.
VICTORIA (V. I.) Legislative Council. Journal of the House of
Assembly, August 12, 1856, to March 5, 1860. [typewritten.]
Victoria,' 1896. 2 v. F.
VICTORIAN anthology, 1837-95; selections illustrating the editor's
critical review of British poetry in the reign of Victoria; ed.
by E. C. Stedman. Bost., 1896"! il. O.
VICTORIAN Institute of Surveyors. Transactions and ju-oceed-
ings; V. 3; 1885-91. Melbourne, 1891. O.
VICTORIES of Wellington and the British armies: [by W: U. Max-
VIEILLEVILLE, Francois de Sc<^paux. cointe de Diirrt,:!.
CARLOIX, V. Memoires de la vie de V. (In Col. des m<'m. rel. a
I'hist. de France. 1822. s. 1. v. 26-28.)
VIEL-CASTEL, Horace de. Memoirs: a chronicle of the ]»rincipal
events, political and social, during the reign of Najioleon III,
from 1851-1864; tr. and ed. bv Charles Bonsfield. 2d ed.
[Lond.], 1888. 2 v. O.
VIERORDT, Oswald. ^[.^). A clinical text-book of medical diag-
nosis for physicians and students; tr. by F: II. Stuart. 3d ed.
Phil., 1895." il. O.
VIGFUSSON, (ludbrand. rd. Sturlunga saga; in.liuliug the
Islendinga saga of Lawman Sturla Thordsscm mid other
works. Oxford, 1878. 2 v. maps. O.
VTGIL, Jos^ Maria. La reforma. (In Mexico a travt-s <1.' los siglos.
V. 5; ed. by V. Riva I'alacio.)
VIGNE, Felix de. Moeurs et usages des corporations de nn^tiers
de la Belgique et du nord de la France. Gand., 1857. iL
pl. Q-
VIGNE, Godfrey T. A personal narrative of a visit to Ghuzni,
Kabul, and Afghanistan, and of a residence at the court of
Dost Mohamed; with notices of Kunjit Sing, Khiva, and the
Russian expedition. Lond., 1840. pi. pors. map. O.
VIGNE, La, am^ricaine et la viticulture en Europe: revue public
par V. Pulliat et J. E. Robin, sous la direction de J. E. Plan-
chon; tome 1-12, 1877-88. 12 v. O.
VIGNY, Alfred Victor, cointe de. Journal d'un po^te recueilli et
public sur les notes intimes d'A. d'Vigny par L. Ratisbonne.
Paris, 1882. D.
Theatre complet. Paris, 1882. D.
VIGREUX, Leon, aiid Raux, A. Moteurs hydrauliques. (Bd. with
Chauveaux des Roches, A. and others. Hydraulique ap-
VIGUIER. Etudes g^ologiques sur le d^partement de I'Aude.
(Bassin de TAude et Corbi^res.) Montpellier, 1887. O.
La formation du littoral du departement de Taude. Mont-
pellier, 1888. 24 p. (In Pamphlets on viticulture, v. 1.)
VILES, Edward, ed. The fraternitye of vacabondes, by J: Awd-
eley. (In Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser., no. 9.)
VILLANI, Giovanni. Selections from the first nine books of the
Croniche Florentine; tr. for the use of students of Dante,
bv R. E. Selfe; ed. bv P. H. Wicksted. Westminster, 1897.
VILLARI, Pasquale. The two first centuries of Florentine history;
the republic and parties at the time of Dante. N. Y., 1894-
95. il. 2 V. O.
VILLARS, Claude Louis Hector, marechal. due de. M^moires [1670-
1734]. [In Col. des m(?m. rel. ;\ I'hist. de France. 1828. s.
2. V. 68-71.)
VILLAULT. sieur de Bellfond.
ABSTRACT of a voyage to the coast ol Africa and Guinea in 1666; tr.
from the French; — Description of Sierra Leona; tr. from the French;
(//( Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 2, pp. 374, 308.)
VILLE-HARDOULN, Geoffroi. sire de. M^moires ; ou Histoire de
la conquete de Constantinople par les frangais et les V^niti-
ens. {In Col. des m(=^m. rel. i\ Tiiist. de France. 1824. s. 1.
V. 1.)
VILLENEUVE, Guillaume. M^moires, 1494-97; contenant la con-
queste du royaume de Naples par Charles VIII. et la maniere
dont les fran(;ois en furent chasses. (In same. 1826. s. 1.
V. 14.)
VILLEROY, Nicolas de Neufville. seigneur de. M(5moires d'estat.
(In same. 1824. s. 1. v. 44.)
VILLIERS, Charles Pelham. Free trade speeches; with a political
memoir; ed. by a member of the Cobden Club. Lond., 1884.
por. D.
VILLTERS, George. 2d Dulx of BucMngham. Epitaph on Thomas,
third Lord Fairfax, 1688. (In Arber, E : Eng. Garner, v. 8,
p. 611.)
VILLON. Francois de Montcorbier. dit. Poems, now first done
into English verse in the original forms by John Payne.
Lond., 1878. 185 p. D.
VILLOT, Fr^d^ric. See Reiset, Fr(^d6ric, and Villot, F. Texte ex-
plicatif en Collection de dessins de granda militrea.
VINAYA texta; tr. from llio I'Ali, by T: W: R. Davida, and II. Old-
enberg (continual ion); pt. '^, Tlic Kullava^^ga, 4-12. Oxford,
1885. O. (Miillci-, F. M. ed. Sacred books of the eaat, v. 20.)
VINCENNES, Jean Baptiste IJissot. sieur de.
MALLET, E. Sieur de Vincennes, the founder of Indiana's oldest
town. Indianapolis, 1897. O. (Ind. Hist. Soc. pub., v. 3:2.)
VINCENT, Edmund. The discontent of the working-classes. (In
Mackay, T: ed. A plea for liberty.)
VINCENT, Francis. A history of the state of Delaware from its
first settlement until the present time[v.l]. Phil., 1870. O.
Note: Only vol. 1 published.
VINCENT, Frank. Actual Africa; or The coming continent, a tour
of exploration. N. Y., 1895. il. pi. maps. O.
Around and about South America; twenty months of quest
and query. N. Y., 1890. pi. maps. O.
VINCENT, John H., Lee, James W., and Bain, R. E. M. Earthly
footsteps of the Man of Galilee: being four hundred original
photographic views and description of the places connected
with the earthlv life of our Lord and his apostles. N. Y.,
[c. 1891]. il. 6. obi.
VINCENT, John Martin. Contributions toward a bibliography of
American history, 1888-92; adai)ted from reports to the .Jahr-
esbericht der Geschichtswissenschaft of Berlin. (Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Rept., 1893. Papers, no. 28.)
State and federal government in Switzerland. Bait., 1891.
O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in Hist, and Pol. science.
Extra vol. 9.)
VINCENT, Marvin Richardson. D.D. A critical and exegetical
commentary on the epistles to the Philippians and to Phile-
mon. N. y'., 1897. O. (Int. Crit. comm.)
Word studies in the New Testament (continuation); v. 3. N.
Y., 1890. O.
VINCENTITTS of Leriiis. (psevd. Perogrinus.) Commonitory for
the antiquity and universality of the Catholic faith against
the profane novelties of all heresies; tr. by C. A. lleurtley.
(In Schaff, P., and Wace, IL eds. Sel. lib. of Nicene and
Post-Nicene Fathers. 2d ser. v. 11.)
VINOGRADOFF, Paul. Villainage in England: essays in FJngiish
mediaeval history. Oxford, 1892. O.
VINS franrais et le vinage; par nii vit iculteiir. Montpellier, 1888.
77 p.^ S.
VIOLET, Monsi»Mir. psevd. See Marryat, F.
VIRGILFS, Maro Publius. Eclogues; tr. into Kiiglisli hrxaineter
verse bv Sir G: O. Morgan. Lond., 1897. 48]). O.
Opera; with introduction and English notes by .\. Sidgwick.
Cambridge. ISOO. 2 v. S. (Pitt press ser.)
Works; iv. int(. English verse by .lolni lHydeii. [t. p. \v.| il.
VIRGILUS, Maro Publius. Works of Virgil literally translated
into Eno-lish prose, with notes, by Davidson. New ed. rev.
with additional notes by T. A. Buckley. N. Y., 1889. D.
(Harper's new classical library.)
COMPARETTI, D. Vergil in the middle ages: tr. by tl. F. M. Benecke.
Lond., 1895. D.
VIRGINIA. Calendar of Virginia state papers and other manu-
scripts (continuation); May, 1795-April 15, 1869; ed. by H. W.
Flourney; v. 8-11. Richmond, 1890-93. 4 v. Q.
Constitution. Constitution of the state of Virginia and the
ordinances adopted by the convention which assembled at
Alexandria, Feb. 13, 1864. Alexandria, 1864. 30 p. D.
General Assembly. Acts and joint resolutions. Richmond, 1895.
Annual reports (continuation) ; 1889-95. Richmond, 1890-
95. 6v. O.
Journal of the House of Delegates (continuation); 1889-
90, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-96. Richmond, 1889-95. 4 v. O.
Journal of the Senate (continuation); 1889-90, 1891-92,
1893-94, 1895-96. Richmond, 1889-95. 4 v. O^
Railroad Commissioner. 19th annual report. Richmond, 1895.
VIRGINIA Historical Society. Collections; ed. by R. A. Brock.
New series. Richmond, 1882-91. 10 v. in 9. pors. folded
map. facsim. O.
Contents: V. 1-2. Official letters of Alexander Spotswood, It.-gov.,
1710-22. 3-4. Official records of Robert Dinwiddle, It.-gov., 1751-58. 5.
Documents relating to the Huguenot emigration to Virginia and the
settlement at Manakintown; with app. of genealogies. 6. Miscella-
neous papers. 1672-1865. 7-8. Abstract of the proceedings of the Vir-
ginia Co. of Lond., 1619-24, prepared by C. Robinson. 9-10. Grigsby,
H. B. History of the Virginia Federal Convention of 1788, with some
account of the members; with biog. sketch of the author.
Proceedings at the annual meeting, Feb. 24, 1882; with ad-
dress of W: W. Henry. Richmond, 1882. 63 p. O.
VIRGINIA magazine of historv and biography; v. 1-4; 1893-97.
Richmond, [1893-97]. 4 v. O.
VIRGINIA medical and surgical journal, April, 1853. [n. p.], 1853.
O. {In Medical journals, 1853-55.)
VISCHER, Edward . Missions of upper California, 1872; Notes on
the California missions; Supplement to Vischer's Pictorial
of California. S. F., 1872. 44-;-8-!-6 p. O. pam.
Pictorial of California. S. F., 1870. 2 v. text and plates. Q.
and F.
p2ih. Vischer's views of California. Tlie mammoth tree grove,
Calaveras countv, California, and its avenues. S. F.. [c.
1862]. pi. F.
VISGER, 2[rs. Jean A. Owen, (psend. Son of the marshes.) In the
green leaf and the sere. Lond., 1896. il. O.
VISIT to the falls of Niagara in 1800. See Maude, J:
VITRY, Jacques de. See Jacobus de Vitriaco.
VIVIAN, Jolm Lainbnck. Ueut.-col. The visitations of Iho county
of Devon, eompiisinj; the lierald's visitations of 1531, 1564,
and 1()2(); with additions by V. Exeter, [181)5]. Q.
VIVIAN, Thomas J. The eoninierc-ial, industrial, aj^i-icultural,
transportation, and other intcrcsis of (.'alifornia; bciii^ a re-
port on that state for 18J)0, made to S. C5. IJroek; toj^etiier
witli a eolleetiou of tabulated statements, prepare-y3; v. 2-9. N. Y., 1887-
1)4. U V . pL por. O.
WALLACE, Joseph. The history of Illinois and Louisiana under
the French rule, embracing a general view of the French do-
minion in Xorth America, ^Yith some account of the English
occupation of Illinois. (Mn., 18J)3. O.
WALLACE, Lewis, maj.-gcn. The boyhood of Christ. N. Y., 1889.
101 p. pi. 2.
The prince of India; or, Why Constantinople fell. N. Y., 1893.
2 V. S.
WALLACE, liobert. Indian agriculture. Edin. [LS92]. il. pi.
maps. O.
The rural economy and agriculture of Australia and New Zea-
land. Loud., 1891. il. pi. maps. por. O.
WALLACE, William. Kant. Phil., 1882. por. S. (Philosophical
. Life of Arthur Schopenhauer. Lond., 1890. S. (Great writ-
. tr. The logic of Hegel; tr. from the Encyclopaedia of philosoph-
ical sciences. 2d ed., rev. and augmented. Oxford, 1892. D.
WALLACE, Sir William.
HENRY the ininsiirl. Wallace; or, The life and acts of Sir William
Wallace, of EUerslie. Published from a mauuscript dated 1488, with
notes, and preliminary remarks by John Jamieson. New ed. .
Glasgow, 1869. D. (Bruce and Wallace, v. 2;)
[WALLACE-DUNLOP, Misses Madeline and Rosalind.] The timely
retreat; or, a year in Bengal before the mutinies, by Two sis-
ters. 2d ed. Lond., 1858. 2 v. il. pi. D.
WALLACK, Lester (John Johnstone Wallack). Memories of fifty
years; with an introduction by Laurence Hutton. N. Y.,
1889. pi. pors. facsini. U.
WALLxVSCHEK, Richard. Primitive music. Lond, 1893. music.
WALLER, Edmund. Poetical works of Edmund Waller and Sir
John Denham ; with memoir and critical dissertation by Rev.
O: Gilfillan. Edin., 1857. O.
[W^ALLIHAX, A. G. and Mrs. A. G.] Hoofs, claws and antlers of
the Rocky Mountains; i)hotogriiphic reproductions of wild
game fron'i life. IMiblislied by F. S. Thayer. Denver, 1894. Q.
WALLIS, Henry. IMctures from Greek vases; the white Athen-
ian lekvthi: a series of twelve pol^'chrome plates. Lond.,
1896. il. Q. obi.
WALLIS, Robert Ernest. Ir. :Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exe-
getical handbook to the gospels of Mark and Luke.
WALLIS, Talbot Howard. Association of State Librarians; letters
and circulars, [also the letter by the Board]. Sac, 1S90.
[no paging.] O.
WALMSLEY', R. Mullineux. The ele<-tric current; how produced
and how used. Lond., [etc.], 1891. il. D.
WALMYSLEY, Thomas. The expenses of the judges of assize rid-
ing the western and Oxford circuits, temp. Elizabeth, 1596-
1601; ed. from ms. account book, by W: D. Cooper. Lond.,
1858. 60 p. O. (in Camden misc., v. 4. Camden Soc, v. 73.)
WALPOLE, Horace. J/th earl of Or ford. Letters; selected and ed.
by C. D. Yonge. N. Y., 1890. 2 v. pors. O.
WALPOLE, Sir Robert. Isf Earl of Orford. 1676-1745.
MORLEY, J. Walpole. Lond., 1889. D. (Eng. me'a of action.)
WALPOLE, Spencer. The electorate and the legislature. Lond.,
1881. 8-1-160 p. D. (English citizen).
Foreign relations. Lond., 1882. 162 p. I). [Same.)
Life of Lord John Russell. 2d ed. Loud., 1889. 2 v. pors. O.
WALSH, Joseph M. Tea; its history and mystery. Phil., 1892.
il. S.
WALSH, Eev. Robert. See Warburton, J :, Whitelaw, J., and Walsh,
R. History of the city of Dublin.
WALSH, William Shepard. Curiosities of public customs, and of
rites, ceremonies, observances and miscellaneous obser-
vances. Phil., 1898. il. D.
Handy-book of literary curiosities. Phil., 1893. D.
WALSINGHAM, Sir Francis. Journal from Dec. 1570 to April
1583; ed. from the original ms. in the possession of Lieut.-
Col. Carew, by C: T. Martin. Lond., 1870. 2-i-104 p. O.
(In Camden misc., v. 6. Camden Soc, v. 104.)
WRIGHT, A. H. Ancestry of Lucy Walsworth, wife of Veach Wil-
liams. (In Descendants of Veach Williams.)
WALTER, James. Memorials of Washington and of Mary, his
mother, and Martha, his wife; from letters and papers of
Robert Cary and James Sharpies. N. Y., 1887. pors. O.
Shakespeare's true life; illustrated by Gerald E. Moira.
Lond,. 1890. il. pi. por. Q.
WALTON, Isaak. The complete angler; or. The contemplative
man's recreation: being a facsiftiile reprint of the first edi-
tion published in 1653; with a preface by R. Le Gallienne.
Lond., 1897. S.
WALTON, William, ed. Chefs-d'oeuvre d'exposition universelle
de Paris, 1889. Phil., Paris, [c. 1889]. F. extra plates. F.
See Shinn, E., and Walton, W: Selected pictures.
WALWORTH, Clarence Alphonsus. The gentle skeptic; or, Essays
and conversations of a country justice on the authenticity and
truthfulness of the Old Testament records. New ed. rev.
N. Y., [c. 1863]. D.
WALWORTH, Mrs. Ellen Hardin. Battles of Saratoga, 1777: the
Saratoga Monument Association 1856-1891. Albany, [c.
1891.] il. pors. O.
Value of national archives. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1893.
Papers no. 3.)
WARBURTON, John, Whitelaw, Rev. James, and Walsh, Rev. Rob-
ert. History of the city of Dublin, from the earliest accounts
to the present time. Lond., 1818. 2 v. pi. maps, facsim. F.
WARBITRTON, William Parsons. Edward III. N. Y., 1895. maps.
S. (Epochs of mod. hist.)
WAKD, Claivncc' Stuart, ed. Wit, wisdom, and beauties of Shakes-
peare. 15t)sl., 1SS7. 8-1-188 p. S.
WAKD, Elizabeth Stuart IMiclps. Cliaplcrs troin a life. Boat,
18'JG. il. pois. D.
Gypsy's sowing aud i-eapiug. N. Y., [c. 1800]. il. S. ((iypsy
A singuhir life. liost., 181M>. S.
Zerviah Hope. {,ln Stories by Anier. authors, v. 8.)
and others. Our famous women: an authorized record of the
lives and deeds of distinf^uished American women of our
times. Hartford, 1884. pors. ().
WAKD, lleury I'arker. The Follett-Dewey, Fassett-Safford ances-
try of Capt. Martin Dewey FoUett and his wife Fersis Fas-
sett. [Columbus,] 1800. O.
WARD, Herbert, and IJidwell, D. D. Five years with the Congo
cannibals. N. Y., 1890. pi. pors. map. O.
WARD, James. Workmen and wages at home and abroad; or, The
effects of strikes, combinations, and trades' unions. Lond.,
1868. D.
WARD, James. The principles of ornament: ed. by G: Aitchison.
NeUed. N. Y., 1890. il. O.
WARD, Julius Hammond. The life and times of Bishop White.
N. Y., 1892. S. (Makers of Amer.)
The White mountains; a guide to their interpretation. N. Y.,
1890. pi. map. S.
WARD, Lester Frank. The geogra{)hical distribution of fossil
plants. {In U. S. geol. surv. 8th report; pt. 2.)
Guide to the flora of Washington and vicinity. Wash., 1881.
map. O. (U. S. Nat. Museum. Bulletin, no. 22.)
The Potomac formation. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 15th rept.)
Types of the Laramie flora. Wash., 1887. 115 p. pi. {Same.
Bull., V. 6.)
WARD, Mrs. Mary Augusta. Tlu^ history of David Grieve. N. Y.,
1892. D.
Marcella. N. Y'., 1894. 2 v. D.
Sii- George Tressady. N. Y., 1890. 2 v. S.
The story of Bessie Costroll. N. Y., 1895. S.
tr. Amiel, H. F. Journal.
WARD, Susan Haves, and Watson, :Mary L. ^[cL. The green guess
book. N. Y., 1897. Ill p. S.
WARD. Mrs. T: nniiii>lirey. See Ward, Mrs. ^Uwy Augusta.
WAKD, Wilfrid. Williaui George Ward and the (;atholic revival.
Lond., 189.'^. por. O.
WARD. William George.
WARD, W. William George Ward and the Catholic revival. Lond.,
1893. ' por. O.
WARD, William Hayes. :\Ieiii()iial [of Sidney Lanier]. (///Lanier,
S. Poems; ed. by his wife. New ed.)
Notes on oriental antiquities. Bait., 1887. il. 1!> p. O. (Arch.
Tnst. of Am.. Papers.)
. Report on the Wolfe expedition to Babylonia. Bost.. 1886. 33
p. O. {Same.)
WARDMAN, George. A trip to Alaska: a narrative of what was
seen and heard during a summer cruise in Alaskan waters.
Bost., 1885. S.
WARDROP, Marjory, tr. Georgian folk tales. Lond., 1894. • 175
p. D. (Grimm lib. no. 1.)
WARE, Henry, jr. Formation of the Christian character; and.
Progress of the Christian life. New ed. Bost., 1890. T.
The life of the Saviour. 8th ed. Bost., 1892. S.
WARE, J: Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, jr. New ed. . Bost.,
1890.' 2 V. in 1. D.
[WARE, Sir James, ed.] Ancient Irish histories. [2d ed.] Dub-
lin, 1809. 2 V. O.
Contents: V. 1. Spencer, E. View of the state of Ireland, 1596.—
Campion, E. Historie of Ireland, written in the yeare 1571. 2. Han-
mer, M. Chronicle of Ireland, 1571.— Marleburrough, H. Chronicle of
Ireland, 1571.
WARE, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, jr. New ed.
Bost., 1890. 2 V. in 1. D.
WARE, Mary Lovell.
HALL, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware, wife of Henry Ware, jr.
Bost, 1891. por. D.
WARE, William Robert. Modern perspective: a treatise upon the
principles and practice of plane and cylindrical perspective.
Bost., [c. 1882]. O. Plates. F.
WARING, Charles. State-purchase of railways. Lond., 1887. O.
WARING, George Edwin. ;/•. Modern methods of sewage disposal.
N. Y., 1894. D.
WARING, S. D. tr. Allonge^, A. Charcoal drawing.
WARINGTON, Robert. Six lectures on the investigations at Roth-
amsted Experimental Station, delivered under the provisions
of the Lawes Agricultural Trust, before the Association of
American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations,
at Washington, D. C, Aug. 12-18, 1891. Wash., 1892. O.
(U. S. Office of Exper. Stations. Bull., no. 8.)
WARKWORTH, John. A chronicle of the first thirteen years of
the reign of king Edward the fourth; ed. from the ms. now
in the library of St. Peter's college, by J. O. Halliwell. Lond.,
18.39. 27-1-79 p. facsim. O. (Camden Soc. v. 10.)
WARMAN. Philip Creveling. Bibliograjdiy and index of the publi-
cations of the United States Geol. Survey with the laws gov-
erning their printing and distribution. Wash., 189.3. O. {In
TJ. S.^Geol. Surv. Bull. 100.)
WARNER, Adoniram Judson. Bimetallism considered from the
standpoint of national interests. [Reprint, 1894]. 7 p. O.
(In Tracts on finance: v. 7.)
Important financial problems. [Reprint from N. Y. Sun, 1894.]
8 p. O. (In Same.)
Prices on a gold basis. [Reprint from N. Y. Sun, 1894]. 15 p.
O. {In Same.)
Protection and the gold standard impossible: protection pos-
sible onlv under bimetallism. [Reprint from N. Y. Sun,
1894.] 14 p. O. (In Same.)
WARNER, Amos Griswold. Three phases of cooperation in the
west. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 6.)
WARNER, Beverley Ellison. English history in Khakesp«;are'8
plays. N.Y.,' 185)4. 1).
WARNER, Charles Dudley. As wc go. N. Y., 1894. il. por. T.
As we were saying. N. Y., 181)4. il. T.
Being a boy. Jiost., 181)7. il. U.
A little journey in the world. N. Y., [c. 18Hl)J. 1).
Our Italy. N. Y., 1801. il. pi. O.
The people for whom Shakespeare wrote. N. Y., 1897. 11.
187 p. S.
The relation of literature to life. N. V.. 181)7. I).
Studies in the south and west; with comments on Cannda.
N. Y., 1889. D.
[and others.] eds. Library of the world's best literature, an-
cient and modern. Autograph ed. no. 145. Vol. 1-30. N. Y.,
1896-97. il. 30 v. O. "^
WARNER, G. T. tr. lioissevain, G. M. The monetary question.
WARNER, George Frederick, ed. Nicholas papers: correspond-
ence of Sir Edward Nicholas; v. 1, 1641-52. [Westminster],
1886. O. (Camden Soc, n. s. v. 40.)
WARNER, George Henry, assoc. ed. See Warner, C: D. [and
oihers]. cds. Library of the world's best literature.
WARNER, John Riddle. b.D. Sermons; with a sketch of his life
bv Marv W. Moore. Phil., 1895. por. D.
[WARNER, IVter Roome] . Descendants of Peter Willemse Roome.
[N. Y., 1883.] O.
WARRE. Margaret. //•. Diillinger, J. I. von. Studies in EurojK^an
WARREN, Benjamin Harry. Taxidermy; how to collect, skin,
preserve and mount birds; — The game and fish laws of the
commonwealth of Pennsylvania. [Ilarrisburg], 1896. il. pi.
O. (Penn. Dept. of Agri. Bull. no. 6.)
See Pearson, Leonard, and Warren, B. H. Diseases and ene-
mies of poultry.
WARREN, Francis E. gov. of Wyomimj. Message to the legislature;
1886, 1890. Laramie, 1886-90. O. 2 pams.
WARREN, F. M. Historv of the novel previous to the seventeenth
centurv. N. Y., 1895. D.
WARREN, George Washington. Thf> history of the Bunker Hill
:Monument Association during the first century of the United
States of America. Bost., 1877. pi. pors. facsim. O.
WARREN, Ina Russelle. ed. The doctor's window: poems by the
doctor, for the doctor, and nbout the doctor. Buffalo, 1898.
il. O.
WARREN, John Collins. M.T). Surgical i)athology nnd thcra]KM]-
tics. Phil., 1895. il. O.
WARREN. Lillie Eginton. Defective speech and deafness. N. ^ .,
1895. 116 p. D.
WARREN, Mercy Otis.
T?ROT\'T^'. A.' Mercy Warren. N. Y., 1896. por. S. (IVomen of rnl.
and rev. times.)
WARREN. Samuel. Ten thousand a year. Bost., 1889. 3 v. D.
Who is the murderer? [or] C.oldsborough's case. (Tn Paget,
J: ed. Judicial puzzles.)
WARREN, William Fairfield. Paradise found; the cradle of the
human race at the north pole. 10th ed. Bost., 1893. D.
WARREN, William Whipple. History of the Ojibways, based upon
traditions and oral statements. (In Minnesota Hist. Soc.
Col. V. 5.)
WILLIAMS, J. F. Memoir of W. . (In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll.,
V. 5.)
WARREN county (Missouri). History of St. Charles, Montgomery
and Warren counties, Missouri. St. Louis, 1885. O.
WARREN family. See Wheeler and Warren families.
WARWICK, Earl of. See Neville, R., earl of Warwick.
WARWICK, John George.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of J : G. Warwick, a
representative from Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives
and in the Senate, Fifty-second Congress. Wash., 1893. por. Q.
(U. S. Cong. H. M. D.)
WARWICK library: ed. bv C: H. Herford. N. Y., 1894-1896. 3
V. D.
Namely: English pastorals, comp. by E. K. Chambers. English lit-
erary criticism, comp. by C. E. Vaughan. English essays, comp by J.
H. Lobban.
WASHBURN, Emelvn W. Studies in early English literature. N.
Y., 1884. D. '
WASHBURN, Jean Bruce. Blossoms of thought. S. F., 1886. D.
WASHBURN family.
SHARPE, W: C. comp. The Washburn family: descendants of John
of Plymouth, Mass., and William of Stratford, Conn., and Hemp-
stead, L. I. Seymour, Conn., 1892. 16 p. D.
WASHINGTON, George. 1st pres. of U. S. Accounts with the
United States from 1775-1783. N. Y., [n.d.] Q.
Note: Lithographed copy.
Daily journal, 1751-52; kept while on a tour from Virginia to
the island of Barbadoes; copied from the original and edited
with notes by J. M. Toner. Albany, 1892. 88 p. pi. O.
Diary, from the first day of October, 1789, to the tenth day of
March, 1790; from the original ms. N. Y., 1858. 89 p. O.
Journal; commanding a detachment of Virginia troops sent
by R. Dinwiddle across the Alleghany mountains in 1754; ed.
with notes by J. M. Toner. Albany, 'l893. O.
Jouiiial of my journey oyer the mountains, while surveying for
Lord Thomas Fairfax in the northern neck of Virginia be-
yond the Blue Ridge in 1747-8; copied from the original with
literal exactness and edited with notes by J. M. Toner. Al-
bany, 1892. 144 p. maps, plans, sq. O.
RnU's of civility; traced to their sources and restored bv M. D.
Conway. N.Y., [c. 1890]. 180 p. S.
Writings; collected and edited by Worthington C. Ford [con-
tinuation], v. 6-14. N. Y., 1890-93. 9 v. O.
CATALOGUE no. 694. Washington-Madison papers; collected and
n-eserved by James Madison; estate of J. C. McGuire, of Washing-
ton, D. C. Catalogue compiled by Stan. V. Henkels. [Phil., c. 1892.]
facsim. O.
AN extraordinary collection of Washington's letters, Washington rel-
ics, revolutionary documents and the rarest works on American
WASHINGTON, (i(H)rii('. /.s/ presidi'iU of li . S.
history, also scarce American portraits, maps, and views to be sold
Dec. 15-16, 1891; catalogue conij). and salt- conducted by S. V. Hen-
kels; Thus. Birch's Sons and auctioneers. [Phil., n. d.] facsim. O.
THE history of the centennial celebration of the inaufruration of
George Washington as first President of the United States, ed. by
C. W. Bowen. N. Y., 1892. il. pi. pors. facsim. Q.
BAKER, W: S. Itinerary of General Washington, from June 15, 1775,
to December 23, 1783. Phil., 1892. por. O.
Same. nl. Early sketches of George Washington reprinted with
biographical and bibliographic notes. Phil., 1894. 150 p. O.
FORD, P. L. The true George Washington. Phil., 1897. 11.
por. D.
JOHNSON, B. T. General Washington. N. Y., 1894. por. D. (Great
LODGE, H. C. G: Washington Bost., 1890. 2 v. D. (Amer. states-
TONER, J. M. George Washington as an inventor and promoter of
the useful arts: an address delivered at Mount Vernon, April 10, 1891.
Wash., 1892. 69 p. O.
WASHINGTON-Madison papers; estate of the late J. C. McGuire of
Washington, D. C.; catalogue compiled by Stan. V. Henkels. [Phil,
c. 1892.] facsim. Q.
WHARTON, A. H. Martha Washington. N. Y., 1897. por. S. (Wo-
men of colonial and rev. times.)
[FORD, W. C] cd. The Washington family. [Reprint from Ford.
W. C. Writings of Washington.] N. Y., 1893. facsim. O.
WALTER, J. Memorials of Washington and of Mary, his mother, and
Martha, his wife; from letters and papers of Robert Gary and James
Sharpies. N. Y., 1887. pors. O.
WASHINGTON ceiitenarv; c<^lebrated in New York April 29 May
1, 18SU. 4th ed. N. Y., [IS.SD]. 124 p. pi. O. (Tribune
extras, v. 1, no. 5.)
WASHINGTON (D. C.) xAIaps 1: The Kini^ Plats of the city of
Washington, 1803, (reprint). 2: L'Enfiint's plan of the city
of Washin^^ton. 3: Engraved plan of the city of Washinjjjton.
4: The Dennott map of the city of Washiu«,'ton, 17!)7-98,
(reprint.) F.
VISITOR'S companion at our nation's capitol: a complete guide for
Washington and its environs; to which is added an appendix; ed.
and pub. by G: G. Evans. Phil., 1892. il. pi. pors. folded map.
THATCHER, E. Founding of Washington city. Wash., 1891. O.
W^ASHINGTON (territory). AmlUor. Report, 1885, 1887, 1888-89.
Olvmpia and Tacoma, 1885-89. 3 }>anis. O.
(state). Auditor. Annual report, 1890. Olympia, 1890. O. House jouiiial. lSS!»-9(). 1891, 189.3, 1895.
OlYinpia, 1S90-95. 4 v. " O.
^Leo-islative handbook and manual, 1889 9(1. 189.3-94,
[Tacoma], Olvmpia. [lSS!)]-9:5. ]>or. 2 v. S.
Public (locumcnls; ISirj!):'.. (2 v.) Olymi.ia. 1S92-93.
2 V. O.
__ Senate journal <»!' tin- cxt raunlinar.v session Sept.
1890-95. 4 V. O.
Senate journal of the extraordinary session l^ept.
3-11, 1890. 01ymi)ia. 1891. O. (/// Senate .lournal, 1891.)
WASHIjS^GTON (state). State Land Commissioners. School granted
and tide land laws. Olympia, 18D5. O. pam.
State Library. Catalogue, 1891. Olympia, 1891. O.
State Normal School (Lllenshurgh). Annual catalogue 1893.
Olympia, 1893. O. pam.
WASHINGTON bridge. New YorJc City.
HUTTON, W. R. The Washington bridge over the Harlem river at
81st street, New York city: a description of its construction. N. Y.,
[c. 1889.]. 90 p. pi. Q.
WASP, The; Jan. 1889-Dec. 1897. S. F., 1889-97. 18 v. F.
WASSON, Joseph. Complete guide to +he Mono county mines. S.
F. [n.d.] il. maps. S. (In Pams. on mines and mining, v. 1.)
WATERHOUSE, Sylvester. American commerce in 1900. [n.p.]
[1891]. 6 p. O. (In Tracts on commerce, v. 4.)
The importance of ramie to the agricultural prosperity of our
Gulf states. St. Louis, 1894. 18 p. D. pam.
The influence of our northern forests on the Mississippi river.
St. Louis, 1892. 7 p. O. (In Tracts on commerce, v. 4.)
Memorial to Congress to secure an adequate appropriation for
a prompt and thorough improvement of the Mississippi river.
St. Louis, 1877. 39 p. D. (In Same.)
The Mississippi and its affluents. St. Louis, 1892. 11 p. O.
{In same.)
The Nicaragua canal : the benefits which it will confer upon
the United States justify government aid: government con-
trol. St. Louis, 1892-93. 7^-8 p. O. {In same.)
The resources of Missouri. St. Louis, 1867. 64 p. O.
WATERLOO, Stanley, and Hanson, John Wesley, jr. eds. Famous
American men and women. Chic, 1896. pors. Q.
WATERS, Arthur W. Polyzoa. (Challenger exped. Zoology, v.
WATERS, B. Modern training, handling, and kennel management.
Chic, 1890. il. D.
WATERS, Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement. Naples, the citv of Par-
thenope. Bost., [c 1894]. pi. O.
An outline history of painting for beginners and students,
4th ed. N. Y., 1886. il. pi. O.
WATERS, W. G. tr. Straparola, Giovanni Francesco. Nights of
WATFORD, Robert de. See Robert de Watford.
WATHEK-BILLAH, Al. written also Vathek and Watliik. Ahoo
Jaafar Haroon or Harun.
BECICPORD, W: The history of the Caliph Vathek; and European
travels. Lond., 1891. pi. por. D. (Minerva lib. of famous books.)
WATKINS, Henry William. Modern criticism consid(n'ed in its
relation to the fourth gospel. Lond., 1890. O. (IJampton
lectures for 1890.)
WATKINS, Rev. Morgan George. Gleanings from the natural his-
tory of the ancients. Lond., 1896. D. (Antiquarv's lib.)
WATSON, Egbert Pomerov. Manual of the hand lathe. Phil.,
1885. 134 p. il. pi. D.
The modern practice of American machinists and engineers.
Phil., 1886. il. D.
WATSON, Hewett Cottrell. Cybele Britannica; or, Britisli plants
and thoir p:oop:raphi('nl relations. Lond., 1847-50. 4 v. map.
Remarks on the ^eofjjraphieal distribution of I'.rilisli plants;
C'liielly in connection with latitude, elevation, ;ind dimate.
Lend.', 1835. D.
Topojjraphical botany: bein<; local and personal records to-
wards showing? the distribution of British i)lants traced
throujjh the 112 counties and vice-counties of Kn<;land,
Wales, and Scotland. 2d ed. cor. enl. Lond., 1883. map. O.
WATSON, James Craig. Popular treatise on comets. I'hil., 1891.
pi. D.
WATSON, John. LL.D Christianity and idealism; the Chi-istian
ideal of life in its relations to the Greek and Jewish ideals
and to modern philosophy. N. Y., 1897". D. (Univ. of Cal.
Phil. Union Pub., v. 2.)
tr. Philosophy of Kant. N. Y., 1892. D. (Ser. of Modern
WATSON, John Maclaren. B.D. {pseud. Ian Maclaren.) Beside
the bonnie brier-bush. N. Y., 1895. D.
The cure of souls. Lvman Beecher lectures on preaching at
Yale University, 1896. N. Y., 1890. D.
— —The daj^s of auld lang syne. N. Y., 1895. D.
A doctor of the old school. [In Stories by Eug. authors.
Kate Carnegie. N. Y., 1896. 11. por. D.
The potter's wheel. N. Y., 1897. S.
WATSON, John Selby. tr. Cicero on oratory and orators. N. Y.,.
1890. D. (Harper's new classical library.)
Sallust. Florns and Velleius Paterculus; with notes and
a general index. N. Y., 1886. D. {Saw p.)
WATSON, John T. comp. Dictionary of ]»oetical (piotat ions. IMiil.,
[c. 1847]. I).
WATSON, Joshua.
CHURTON, E: ed. Memoir of Joshua Watson. Oxford, 1861. por.
2 V. O.
WATSON, Lewis F.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and character of W., delivered in
the House of Representatives and in the Senate. Wash., 1S91. por.
Q. (U. S. 51st Cong., 2d sess. H. M. D., v. 8.)
WATSON, Mary L. McL. See Ward. S. IL, and Watson. M. L. M.L.
Green guess book.
WATSON, Paul Barron. The Swedish revolution under Cusiavus
Vasa. Bost., 1889. O.
WATSON, Ro.samond :Marriott. The art of the house. Lond., 1897.
il. pi. O. (Connoisseur ser.)
WATSON. William. Life in th«' confederate army. Lomt.. 18S7.
WATSON, William. The eloping angels; a caprice. N. Y., 1893.
29 p. sq. S.
The father of the forest and other poems. Chic, 1895. por.
59 p. S.
WATSON, Williiiin. Poems. New ed. rearranged by the author,
with additions. N. Y., 1893. por. D
The prince's quest, and other poems. Lond., 1896. 145 p. S.
WATT, Alexander. The art of paper making; to which are added
details of processes for recovering soda from waste liquors.
Lond., 1890. il. pi. D.
WATT, W. A. The theory of contract in its social light. Edin.,
1897. 96 p. O.
WATTERS, Thomas, comp. Stories of everyday life in modern
China. Lond., 1896. D.
WATTS, Mrs. Alaric Alexander. See Watts, Mrs. Zillah.
WATTS, Henry. Dictionary of chemistry; revised and entirely re- .
written by H. F. Morlev, and M. M. P. Muir (continuation);
V. 2-3. Lond., 1890-92. ' 2 v. O.
tr. Wurtz, C. A. History of chemical theory.
WATTS. Henry Edward. The Christian recovery of Spain: being
the story of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of
Granada (711-1492 A. D.). N. Y., 1894. D. (Story of the
Life of Miguel de Cervantes. Lond., 1891. O. (Great writers.)
WATTS, W. L. The gas and petroleum yielding formations of the
. central valley of California. Sac.,' 1894. il. maps. 100 p.
O. (Cal. State Mining Bureau. Bull. no. 3.)
WATTS, Mrs. Zillah. ed. Hogarth's tableaux; a series of original
graphic scenes, illustrative of national character, beauty and
costume. Lond., [n. d.]. 2 v. in 1. pi. F.
WAUGH, Arthur. Alfred, Lord Tennyson: a study of his life and
work. 3d ed. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
[WAUGH, Benjamin.] The gaol cradle, who rocks it? a plea for
t1ie abolition of juvenile imprisonment, by A member of the
School Board for London. 3d ed. rev. enl. Lond., 1876. D.
WAUGH, Lorenzo. Autobiography. 3d enl. ed. S. F., 1885. por.
WAVE, The; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1897. 14 v. F.
WAY, Arthur S. ir. Homerus. Iliad. Lond., 1886-88. 2 v. O.
WAYLAND, (Mass.). The town of Wayland in the civil war of
1861-65, as represented in the army and navy of the Amer-
ican union. Wayland, 1871. O.
WAYLEN, James. The house of Cromwell: a genealogical history
of the family and descendants of the Protector. New ed.
Lond., 1897. ' O.
WAYNE, Anthony, maj.-gen.
STILLE, C. J. Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania
line in the continental army. Phil., 1893. por. pi. O.
WAYNE county, (Ohio).
DOUGLASS, B. History of Wayne county, Ohio, from the days of
the pioneers and first settlers to the present time. Indianapolis,
1878. pors. O.
WAYTE, William, ed. >Scc Smith, W:, Wayte, W:, an^ Marindin,
G. E. eds. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities.
WEALTH of households, [bV J. T. Danson.]
WE ARE, G. E. Cabot's discoverv of North America. Lond., 1897.
il. D.
WEATHERLEY, S. M. The youn^^ job idinlcr: a book of iiiHtriic-
tious iu detiiil on job priming I'oi* begiuiic'i-.s. VA\\v,., l.S81>.
72 p. D.
WEAVEK, Fiedei'ie William, ed. Somorsel iucuinbouls- froiu ihe
Hugo luss. ill tlie Biitisli Alusoiiiu. IJrislol, 1881). Q.
WEBB, J//VS-. Beatrice I'otter. The co-operative movement iu Great
Britaiii. l.oiid., 18!)5. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
See Webb, Siduey, and Beatrict; Totter. History of trade
WEBB, Charles Heiiry. Our friend fiom Victoria: a comedy in
three acts and a prologue. First produced at Wheatleigh's
Eureka Theatre, San Francisco, California, Tuesday evening,
August 15th, 1805. S. F., 1805. 57 p. S.
WEBB, Herbert Laws. The making and laying of a cable. (In
Brackett, C. P., and others. Electricity in daily life.)
WEBB, Rev. John. ed. Roll of the household expenses of Richard
de Swinfield, bishop of Hereford, during part of the years
1289 and 12!K). [Lond.,1 1854 55. 2 v. O. iCamden Soc,
V. 59, 02.)
WEBB, Sidney. The London programme. Lond., 1891. D. (Soc.
sci. ser.)
Socialism iu England. (In Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub. v. 4.)
Same. Loud., 1892. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
-and Beatrice Potter. History of trade unionism. Lond.,
[1894]. O.
a /u/ Cox, Harold. The eight hours day. L(md., [1891]. D.
WEBB, Thomas L'beuezer. The veil of Isis: a series of essays on
idealism. Dublin and Lond., 1885. O. (Dublin Univ. Press
sGr 1
WEBB, Thomas WMlliam. ed. Roe, — . Military memoir of Colonel
John Birch; with an historical and critical commentary,
notesandapp. by J: Webb. [Westminster], 1873. O. (Cam-
den Soc, n.s. V. 7.)
WEBB, William H. Plans of wooden vessels selected as types from
one hundred and fifty of various kinds, . . . from a fishing
smack to the largest clipper ships and vessels of war, both
sail and steam, built by W: H. Webb. X. Y., from 1840 to
1809. [n.p.] 1897. pi. 2 v. F. obi.
W^EBER, Alfred. Historv of philosoi)hy; tr. from the French by
F. Thill V. N. Y., 1897. O.
WEBER. F. Parkes. See Weber, H., av.d F. P. Spas and mineral
waters of Europe.
WEBER, Br. George. Story of the nations; from ihe creation of
man to the present dav: with a history of .\merira, by C: J.
Little. S. F., [c. 1890.] il. pi. Q.
WEBER, Henry, ed. :Metrical romances of the thirteenth, four-
teenth, and fifteenth centuries; published fi-om nncient mss.
with an introduction, notes, and a glossary. Edin., 1810.
WEBER "nermann, and F. Parkes. ¥.7). The spas and mineral
waters of Europe, with notes in bnlneo-therapentic manage-
ment in various diseases and morbid conditions. Lend.,
1890. D.
8. D.
WEBSTEK, Albert Falvey. An operation in money. {In Stories
by Amer. authors, v. 1.)
Miss Eunice's glove. {I71 Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.;
WEBSTER, Daniel.
Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statute of D:
Webster, presented by the state of New Hampshire, Dec, 1894.
Wash., 1895. pors. Q. (U. S. 53 Cong., 3d sess. S. E. D., v. 4.)
WEBSTEK, Harrison Edwin. Annelida from Bermuda, collected
by G: B. Goode. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 25, pt. 7.)
WEBSTEK, J. Vinson. Two true California stories: Augusta
Dane; or. The influence of circumstances. Mary Morton; or,
The result of a fashionable education. S. F., 1883. O.
WEBSTER, John Clarence. Researches in female pelvic anatomy.
Edin and Lond., 1892. 124 p. pi. Q.
Tubo peritoneal ectopic gestation. Edin. and Lond., 1892. 50
p. col. jjI. Q.
WEBSTER, Noah. Encyclopedic dictionary of the English lan-
guage; enl. and rev. to 1891, by S: Fallows. Chic, 1891. Q.
International dictionary of the English language; comprising
the issues of 18G4, 1879 and 1884; now thoroughly rev. and
enl. under the supervision of Noah Porter; with app. Spring-
field, 1890. il. pi. por. F.
WEBSTER, William Clarence. A comparative study of the state
constitutions of American Revolution. Phil., [1897]. O.
(Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Pub. no. 200.)
WEBSTER'S roll of the aristocracy; 1868. Lond., 1868. D.
WEDDERBURN, Alex John. Popular treatise on the extent and
character of food adulterations. Wash., 1890. O. (U. S.
Dept. of Agric. Div. of Chemistry, Bull. no. 25.)
WEDGWOOD. Frances Julia. The moral ideal: a historic study.
Lond., 1888. O.
Etching in England. Lond., 1895. il. pi. 185 p. O.
Life of Honore de Balzac. Lond., 1890. O. (Great writers.)
WEED, Clarence Moores. Fungi and fungicides: a practical man-
ual concerning the fungous diseases of cultivated plants and
the means of j)reventing their ravages. N. Y., 1894. il. D.
Life histories of American insects. N. Y., 1897. 11. pi. D.
W^EED, Joseph. A view of California as it is [2d ed.] S. F., 1874.
192 p. D.
WEED, Walter Harvey. Formation of travertine and siliceous
sinter by the vegetation of hot springs, pi. {In IT. S. Geol.
surv. 9th annual report.)
The glaciation of the Yellowstone valley north of the Park.
Wash., 1893. O. {Same. Bull. no. 104.)
The Laramie and the overlying Livingston formation in Mon-
tana: with report on flora. Wash., 1893. O. {Same. Bull.
WEEDEN, William Babcock. Economic and social historv of New
England, 1620-1789. Bost., 1890. 2 v. O.
Indian money as a factor in New England civilization. {In
Johns Hopldns LTniv. studies, v. 2.)
The social law of labor. 2d ed. Bost., 1882. D.
WEEKS, Edvviu Lord. From the Black sea (lirouj;li Persia and
India. N. Y., 1890. il. pors. U.
Some episodes of niounljMnecrini; by a casual juialciir. {In
Onl-ol-door lib. IMoiinlaiii clinibinj?.)
WEP]KS. flosepli 1). lnd\istri;il conciliation and arbil ration in New
York, Ohio, and I'ennsyhania; with coniiiicnts by ('. D.
\\ri^-ht. Host., 1881. 75 p. O.
Report on the practical operation of arbitration and concilia-
tion in the settlement of dilTerences between employers and
employees in Enjjland. Harrisbnr}:^, 1879. 47 p. O.
Potomac and Roaring Creek coal fields in West Virginia. {In
U. S. (Jeol. Surv. 14th rept. pt. 2.)
WEEKS, Stephen Beauregard. Church and state in North Caro-
lina, {hi Jolins Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 11, no. 5-0.)
General Joseph Martin and the War of the Revolution in the
west. Wash., 1893. O. (Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rept. 1893. Pa-
pers no. 20.)
The press of North Carolina in the eighteenth century.
Brooklyn, 1891. 80 p. O.
The religious development in the province of North Carolina.
Bait., 1892. O. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and
pol. sci., V. 10, no. 5-0.)
WEEKS family.
CHAPMAN, J. Leonard Weeks of Greenland, N. H., and descendants.
1639-1S88. Albany, 1889. il. por. O.
WEGMANN, Edward. The water-supply of the city of New York,
1058-1895. N. Y., 1890. il. Q.
W^EIK, Jesse William. See Herndon, W: H., and Weik, J. W.
Herndon's Lincoln; the true story of a great life.
WEIK, Joliaun. Californien; wie es ist, oder Handbuch von Cali-
fornien, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung fiir Auswanderer.
Phil, und Leip., 1849. 107 p. T.
WEIR, Harrison. Our cats and all about them: their varieties,
habits, and management; and for show, the standard of ex-
cellence and beauty. Bost., 1890. por. D.
WEISHAMPEL, John F. jr. The adventures of Balboa. Bait.,
N. Y., [n. d.]. pi. S.
WEISMANN, Dr. August. Essays upon heredity and kindred bio-
logical problems; v. 2, ed. by E. B. Poulton, and A. E. Ship-
ley. Oxford, 1892. D.
The germ-plasm: a theory of heredity. N. Y., 1893. il. D.
(Contemp. Sci. Ser.)
WEISS, Dr. Karl Phili])}) Bernhard. Biblical theology of the New
Testament; tr. from the 3d rev. ed. by D. Eaton [and J. E.
Duguid]. Edin., 1888-89. 2 v. O.
The life of Christ; tr. bv J: W. Hope [vol. 2-3; tr. by M. G.
Hope]. Edin., 1883-89. 3 v. O.
Manual of introduction to the New Testament; tr. from the
German by A. J. K. Davidson. Lond., 1887-88. 2 v. D.
WEISSE, John Adam. Abstract of a new method to analyze the
English language and literature. N. Y., 1873. 24 p. O.
WEISSE, John Adam. Origin, progress, and destiny of the English
language and literature. N. Y., 1879. O.
WEITEMEYEK, H. ed. Denmark; its history and topography,
language, literature, tine arts, social life, and finance. Lond.,
1891. map. O.
WEITENKAMPF, Frank.ipsend. F. L. White.) Dictionary of bio-
graphical reference, by L. B. Phillips. New ed. rev. and aug.
with supp. to date by W. Phil., 1889. O.
tr. Bleunard, A. Babylon electrified.
Dieulafoy, 3Ime. J. At Susa.
WEITZMANN, Carl Friedrich. A history of pianoforte-playing
and pianoforte-literature; with a biographical sketch of the
author and notes by Otto Lessmann; ffom the 2d aug. and
rev. German ed. by Dr. Th. Baker. N. Y., 1893. music. O.
WELCH, S. L. comp. Southern California illustrated; containing
an epitome of the growth and industry of three southern
counties; pub. by W^arner Bros. Los Angeles, 1886-87. 152
p. il. maps. O.
WELCKER, Adair. A vovage with death and other poems.
Oakland, [c. 1878]. 78 p. T.
[WELD, Theodore Dwight.] American slavery as it is: testimony
of a thousand witnesses. N. Y., 1839. O.
WELLER, John B. Inaugural address, 1858. {In Cal. Gov. Inau-
gural addresses, 1819-91.)
Speech delivered before the Democratic Club, at Petaluma,
Cal., June 6, 1863. S. F., 1863. 24 p. O. {In Cal. speeches,
V. 3.)
Addresses delivered at the complimentary dinner given to Hon. J: B.
Weller by citizens of California, at the Kirkwood House, Washing-
ton, D. C, Jan. 22, 1857. Wash., 1857. 36 p. O. {In Cal. speeches,
V. 3.)
WELLIKG, James G. Slavery in the territories. Wash., 1892. O.
(Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1892. Papers no. 7.)
WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley. 1st duke of. Letters of the
Duke of Wellington to Miss J., 1834-51; ed. with extracts
from the diary of the latter, by Christine Terhune Herrick.
N. Y^, 1889. b.
WILSON, J. M. Memoir of Field-marshal the Duke of Wellington;
with interspersed notices of his principal associates in council, and
companions and opponents in arms. Edin., [1853-54]. 2 v. pors.
maps. O.
WELLS, Benjamin W. Modern French literature. Bost., 1896. D.
WELLS, David Ames. The decay of our ocean mercantile marine
—its cause and cure. N. Y., 1890. 48 p. D. {In The ques-
tions of ships. Questions of the day, no. 64.)
Recent economic changes and their effect on the production
and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society. N.
Y., 1891. D.
Our burden and our strength, a comprehensive and popular
examination of the debt and resources of our country, pres-
ent and prospective. N. Y., 1SG4. 39 p. O. {In pam. on
war, V. 1.)
The United States and Great Britain. N. Y., 1896. D. (Ques-
tions of the day, no. S7.)
WELLS, Henry rarkhurst. Fly rods and fly-tackle: aufij^cHlioiiH
as to their nianiilaclure and use. N. Y., [c. liSS;")]. il. 1).
WELLS, Fary:o and Co.'s express oiliee directory foi- | I'acilic
coast] ; ISOo. [n. p. n. d.] 98 p. O.
WELLS, Koger, and Kelly, John W. comps. Enj^lish- Eskimo,
and Eskinio-Engllsli vocabularies. Wash., 181)0. O. (U. S.
Bu. of Ii]d. Circ. of inform. 18D0, no. 2.)
WELLS, H. G. The time machine; an invention. N. Y., IMJ);'). il.
WELLS, Sidney H. Engineering drawing and design: pi. 1-2.
Lond., 1893. 2 v. il. D.
Conlenln: Pt. 1. Practical geometry. 2. Machine and enj^ine draw-
ing and design.
WELLS, Webster. University algebra, liost., [c. 188()J. Q.
(Greenleaf's math, ser.)
WELLS, William.
HAYES. C: W. William Weils of Southold and his descendants, A. D.
1638-1878. Buffalo, 1878. il. O.
WELLWOOD, John. Norman Macleod. N. Y., [1897]. 155 p. D.
(Famous Scots.)
WELSH, Herbert. Early Moravian Indian work. Phil., 1897. O.
(Indian rights Assoc. Pub. 41.)
WELSH, James. Two voyages to Benin beyond Guinea in 1588
and 1590. {In Green, J : Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 199.)
WENDELL, Barrett. Cotton Mather, the puritan priest. N. Y.,
[c. 1891]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
Some neglected characteristics of the New England puritans.
(Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept. 1892. Papers, no. 13.)
Stelligeri, and other essays concerning America. N. Y., 1893.
William Shakspere: a study in Elizabethan literature. N. Y.,
1894. D.
WENDELL, Evert Jonsen. Boys' clubs in New York. (/?/ Woods,
R. A., and others. Poor in great cities.)
WENDTE. Charles W., and Y^orke, Kev. Peter C. The Yorke-Wendfe
controversv; letters on the Papal primacy and the relations
of church and state. S. F., 189fi. D.
WENLEY', R. M. Aspects of pessimism. Edin., 1894. D.
Contemporary theology and theism. N. Y., 1897. D.
*WENTWOPiTH,'May. (Mrs. Mary Wentworth Newman). Fairy
tales from gold lands. N. Y., 18G7. pi. S.
cd. Poetrv of the Pacific; selections and originnl from the
poets of 'the Pacific States. S. F., 1807. D.
WENTWORTH, Thomas, earl of Sfraffnrd. Four letters; with a
poem on his illness; ed. by S: R. Gardiner. [Lond.], 1883.
O. (In Camden misc. v. 8. Camden Soc, n.s. v. 31.)
Letters to Queen Mary, 1557-58. Rei)ort to Queen Mnry, 15.^)7.
(In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 180-92.)
TRAILL, H. D. Lord Strafford. Lond.. 1889. por. D. (Eng. men of
WENZEL. John. Comparative view of the executive and legisla-
tive dei)artments of the government of the United States,
France, England, and Germany. P.ost., 1891. 22 p. obi. Tt.
WENZELL, Albert B. In vanity fair: drawings. N. Y., 1896. il.
O. obi.
WERBURGA. Werburgh or Wereburga. St.
BRADSHAW, H: Life of Saint Werburge of Chester; Bnglisht A. D.
1513, printed by Pyuson A. D. 1521, and now re-edited by C. Horst-
mann. Lond., 1887. O. (Early Eng. Text. Soc. Pub. Reg. ser.
no. 88.)
WERNER, Anthony, ed. Humour of Holland: N. Y., 1893. il.
D. (Int. humour ser.)
Humour of Italy. N. Y., 1893. il. D. iSame.)
tr. Garibaldi, G. Autobiography.
WERNER, J. R. A visit to Stanley's rear-guard at Major Bartte-
lot's camp on the Aruhwimi with an account of river-life on
the Congo. Edin., 1889. pi. pors. map. O.
WERNERS' magazine, a guide to artistic expression in speech,
song, and style; v. 11-19. N. Y., 1889-97. 9 v. O.
Continuation of The Voice.
WERNER'S readings and recitations; no. 1-14. N. Y., 1890-95.
14 V. D.
Namely: No. 1. Englisli classics; comp. and arranged by S. S. Rice.
2. S^ame: conap. and arranged by E. M. Wilbor. 3. Original character
sketches l:y G: Kyle and M. K. Dallas. 4. Same; comp. and arranged
by E. M. Vv^ilbor. 5. American classics; comp. and arranged by S. S.
Rice. 6-7. Same; comp. and arranged by E. M. Wilbor. 8-9. First
prize; Ft. 1-2; comp. and arranged by J. Carruthers. 10. America's
recitation book; comp. and arranged by C. B. le Row. 11. World
classics; comp. and arranged by S. S. Rice. 12. Same; comp. and ar-
ranged by B. M. Wilbor. 13. Same; comp. and arranged by P: P.
Richardson. 14. Same; comp. and arranged by L. M. Haughwont.
WESLEY, John. Explanatory notes upon the New Testament.
Stereotype ed. Lond., [n.d.]. por. O.
WESLEYAN-METHODIST magazine. See Methodist magazine.
W^ESSLAU, O. E. See Hake, A. E., and Wesslau, O. E. Free trade
in capital.
WEST, Andrew Fleming. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian
schools. N. Y., 1892. D. (Great educators.)
WEST, Edward William, tr. Pahlavi texts (continued); pt. 3-4.
Oxford, 1885-92. 2 v. O. (Miiller, F. M. ed. Sacred books
of tlio east, V. 24, 37.)
Contents: Pt. 3. Dina-I Mainog-i Khirad, Sikand-gtimanik Vigar,
Sad Dar. 4. Contents of the Nasks.
WEST, Maria A. Romance of missions in the land of Ararat.
Bost., [1890]. map. D.
WEST, Max. The inheritance tax. (Columbia Univ. Studies in
hist. ccon. and pub. law. v. 4, no. 2.)
WEST VIRGINIA. Auditor. Report [J. M. McWhorter] for fiscal
year ending December 31, 1865. Wheeling, 18GG. O.
Legislature. Journal of the House of Delegates, 1805, 1867 inch
doc, 1868 inch doc, 1870, 1871, 1872. Wheeling and Charles-
ton, 1865-72. 6 V. O.
Journal of the Senate, 1864, 1866, 1867, 1868, (ex. sess.
June) 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872. W^heeling and Charleston, 1864-
72. 8 V. O.
(li:SEIiAL DI'A'MiTMENT. 947
WEST N'lIiGlNIA. Leijislaiurc. Message [A. I. BoremanJ and
docuiiieiits 18G<), auuual Message, W : F. Steveusou, willi ac-
eoiiipanyiug documeuts to the legislature of 1871, liieunial
message, J: J. Jacob, with aceoiupaiiyiiig documents to the
legislature of 1875. Wheeling and Charleston, 18GG-75. 3 v.
WESTCHESTER county (N. Y.)
History of the several toyvns, manors, and patents of the county of
Wtbtchester, from its first settlement to the present time, by Robert
Bjitjn; eci. by C. W. Bolton. N. Y., 1881. 2 v. 11. pi. imap. O.
WESTCOTT, Brooke Foss. D.D. The Bible in the church. Loud.,
18SD. S.
A general survey of the history of the canon of the New Testa-
ment. Gth ed. Camb., and Lond., 1889, D.
WESTCOTT, Thompson. See Scharf, J : T:, and Westcott, T. His-
tory of Philadelphia.
WESTElhlAKCK, Edward. The history of human marriage.
Lond., 1891. O.
"SVESTEKN, Thomas George. Commc^ntaries on the constitution
and laws of England incorporated with the political text of
J. L. I)e Lolme. Lond., 1838. O.
WESTERN Australia. Conservator of Forests. Report on the
forests of W. Australia, their description, utilisation and pro-
posed future management, by 7. Ednie-Brown. Perth, 1896.
il. pi. Q.
WESTERN journal of education: new ser. v. 1-2. S. P., 1896-97.
2 V. Q.
WESTERN lancet (continuation); [v. 2] ; 1873. [S. F., 1873]. O.
[n.t.p.] }Yanting, May 1873.
WESTERN scenes and reminiscences; together with thrilling
legends and traditions of the red men of the forest. Auburn,
Buffalo, 18."3. pL O.
WESTERN series of readers; ed., by Harr Wagner. Vol.1. S. F.,
1806. S.
Xamrhi: Vol. 1. Pacific history stories.
WESTGARTH. William. Half a cenlury of Australasian progress,
a jtersonal retrospect; pt. 1. Itinerary of the tour of a re-
visit. 2. Series of articles on general questions of Australa-
sia, the colonies and the emjiire generally. Lond., 1889.
maps. O.
WESTLAKE, N. H. J. History of design in painted glass. Lond.,
1881-82. 2 V. il. F.
CHESTER, J. L. ed- Marriage, baptismal and burial registers of the
collegiate church or abbey of St. Peters. Westminster. Lond..
1876. Q.
WESTMINSTER gazette library. Lond., 1806. D.
NamcU/: In the evening of his days; a study of Mr. Gladstone in
WESTMINSTER review (continuation); v. 331-148. Lend., 1889-
07. 18 V. O.
WESTON, Jessie L. The legends of the Wagner drama, studies in
mythology and romance. N. Y., 1896. D.
WESTON, Rev. Walter. Mountaineering and exploration in the
Japanese Alps. Lond., 1890. il. maps. O.
WESTWOOD, John Obadiah. Natural history of the insects of
India, by E. Donovan. A new ed. brought down to the pres-
ent state of the science, with systematic characters of each
species, synonyms, indexes and other additional matter by
W. Lond., 1842. col. pi. Q.
See Doubleday, E., and Westwood, J. O. Diurnal lepidoptera.
WETHERED. Frank J. Medical microscopy. Lond., 1892. il. D.
WETl^ERSTKAND, Otto Georg. M.7J. Hypnotism and its appli-
cation to practical medicine: with medical letters on hypno-
suggestion by H. G. Peterson. N. Y., 1897. 166 p. O.
WETZEL, W. A. Benjamin Franklin as an economist. [In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 13. no. 9.)
WETZLER, Joseph. The electric railway of to-day. {In Brackett,
C F., and others. Electricity in daily life.)
WEYL, Walter E. First essay. {In Equitable taxation: six
WEYMAN, Stanley John. A gentleman of France: being the mem-
oirs of Gaston de Bonne, sieur de Marsac. N. Y., 1894. D.
A perilous amour. {In Stories by Eng. authors. France.)
The red cockade. N. Y., 1896. il. D.
WHARTON. Anne Hollingsworth. Colonial days and dames.
Phil., 1895. il. S.
Martha Washington, N. Y., 1897. por. S. (Women of col. and
rev. times.)
Through colonial doorways. Phil., 1893. pi. D.
WHARTON, Francis. A willing reunion not impossible. Bost.,
1863. V. 4. O. {In Pam. on war, v. 1.)
ed. The revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the U. S.;.
V. 1-6. Wash., 1889. 6 v. O. (U. S. 50th Cong. H. M. D.)
WHARTON, Grace, pseud. See Thomson, Mrs. K. B.
WHARTON, Philip, pseud. See Thomson, J. C.
WHARTON, William James Lloyd. Hydrographical surveying, a
description of the means and methods employed in construct-
ing marine charts. Lond., 1882. il. O.
WHEATLEY, Henry Benjamin. How to catalogue a library. N.
Y., 1889. S.
London past and present, its history, associations, and tradi-
tions; based upon the Handbook of London, by Peter Cun-
ningham. Lond., 1891. 3 v. O.
Preface. (In Herrtage, S. J. H. ed. Catholicon anglicum;
Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 75.)
What is an index? A few notes on indexes and indexers.
Lond., 1879. O. (Index Soc. Pub. v. 1, 1878.)
ed. Book-lover's library. Lond., 1892. D.
For list see Book-lover's lib.
Diarv of S. Pepys with Lord Braybrooke's notes. Lond.,
1893-95.' por. 6 v. D.
• Manipulus vocabulorum: a dictionary of English and
Latin words arranged in tlie alphabetical order of the last
syllables, by Peter Levins; First printed. 1570, now re-edited
with a preface and alphabetical index. [Westminster], 1867.
; O. (Camden Soc, v. 95.)
WHEATLEY, lleiiiy lienjamiD. ed. Maiiipulus vocabulorum: a
rliyiuiiig- diftionai'v of Ihc Eiigiisli language, by IV'ter Lev-
ins, loTO; Nvilli alpliabetical index. Lond., 18C7. O. (Early
Eng. Text iSoc. i'ub. Keg. ser. no. 27.)
JNlerliu; or, Tlie early history of King Arthur: a prose
romance, about 1450-14(U> A. L».; ed. from the unique ms. in
the University Library, Cambridge; with an introduction by
D. W. Nash ; pt. 1-3. Lond., 18(>5-0t). 2 v. O. {Same. Keg.
ser. no. 10, 21, 30.)
Of the orthograj)hie and congruitie of the IJritan tongue;
ed. from the original ms. in tht' Kritish Museum. Lond., 18G5.
O. [Same. Reg. ser. no. 5.)
WHEATLEY, Kichard. Cathedrals and abbeys in Great Britain
and Ireland; with descriptive text bv W. Lond. and N. Y.,
181)0. pi. F.
WHEELER, George Augustus, and Henry Warren. History of
Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine, including the
ancient territory known as Pejepseot. Bost., 1878. i)ors. O.
^\'HEELER, Henry Warren. See \A'heeler, G: A., and H: W. His-
tory of Brunswick [etc.]
comp. Descendants of George Wheeler, Concord, Mass., 1638,
through deacon Thomas AV heeler. Concord, IGOG: and of
John Warren, Boston, Mass., 1630, through Ebenezer War-
ren; Leicester, Mass., 1744. Albanv, 1892. il. pors. 121
p. O.
WHEELER, James R. The theatre of Dionysus. (In Arch. Inst,
of Amer. School of Athens, v. 1.)
WHEELER, John Hill. Reminiscences and memoirs of North Caro-
lina and eminent North Carolinians. Columbus, 1884.
por. Q.
WHEELER, John Talboys. History of the Imperial Assemblage at
Delhi held on the 1st Januarj^, 1877, to celebrate the assump-
tion of the title of Empress of India by her Majesty the
Queen; including historical sketches of India and her princes
past and present. Lond., [n.d.]. pi. i)ors. maps. Q.
WHEELER, William Adoli)hus. Wlio wrote it? an index to the
authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern
literature; ed. by C: G. Wheeler. Bost.. L^87. D.
a7}d Charles Gardiner. Familiar allusions: a hand-book of
miscellaneous information, liost., 1882. D.
WHEELER. William F. comp. Catalogue of the library of the
Historical Society of the state of Montana. Helena, 1802. O.
WHEELER. William Morton. A genus of maritime dolichopdidae
new to America. (Cal. Acad, of Sci., 3d ser. Zoology, v. 1.)
WHEELER and Warren families.
WHEELER, H: W. nnn/). Desrendnnts of George Wheeler, Concord,
Mass.. 1fi:^S. through deacon Thomas Wheeler. Concord. Ifi9fi: and
of .John Warren, Boston, Mass., 1630, through Ebenezer Warren,
Leicester, Mass., 1744. Albany, 1892. il. pors. 121 p. O.
WHEILDON. William Willder. New history of the battle of Bun-
ker Hill, June 17, 1775: its purpose, conduct, and result. 2d
ed. Bost.. 1875. 56 p. map. O.
WHEILDON, William Willder. Biege and evacuation of Boston
and Charlestown; with a brief account of pre-revolutionary
public buildings. J3ost., 1876. 63 p. il. map. O.
WHEKRY, Eev. E. M. A comprehensive commentary on the Quran:
comprising- Sale's translation and preliminary discourse,
with additional notes and emendations (continuation); v. 3-4.
Bost, 1885-86. 2 v. O. (Eng. and foreign philos. lib.)
WHETHAM, Jolin Whetham Boddam — . Western wanderings: a
record of travel in the evening laud. Lond., 1874. pi. O.
WHETHAM, William Cecil Dampier. Solution and electrolysis.
Camb., 1895. D. (Camb. nat. sci. man. Phys. ser.)
WHIGHAM, H. J . Golf. {In Out-of-door lb. Athletic sports.)
WHINFIELD, Edward Henry, tr. The quatrains of Omar Khay-
ydm; the Persian text with an English verse translation.
Lond., 1883. O. (Triibner's oriental ser.)
WHIPPLE, Amiel W. Magnetic and astronomical tield-work ; Feb.
1, 1869. (Essavons Club; printed papers, v. 1, no. 16.)
WHISHAW, Frederick, tr. Uostoieffsky, F. M. The idiot.
WHISTLER, James Abbott MacNeill. ''Ten o'clock." Bost., 1894.
WHITAKER, J. and Sons. pub. Reference catalogue of current lit-
erature, containing the full titles of books now in print and
on sale. Lond., 1889. O.
Same. Lond., [1849]. O.
WHITAKER, Joseph. Almanack for 1894. Lond., [L894]. D.
WHITCOMB, Selden L. Chronological outlines of American liter-
ature; with an introduction by B. Matthews. N. Y., L894. D.
WHITE, Andrew Dickson. European schools of history and poli-
tics. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.)
■ A history of the doctrine of comets. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc.
Papers, v. 2.)
A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christen-
dom. N. Y., 1897. 2 V. O.
On studies in general history and the history of civilization.
{In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Papers, v. L)
WHITE. Arnold, [and others.] The destitute alien in Great Brit-
ain, a series of papers dealing with the subject of foreign
pauper immigration. Lond., 1892. D. (Soc. sci. ser.)
WHITE, Arthur Silva. ed. Britannic confederation: a series of
papers by J: Colomb, E. A. Freeman [and others]. Lond.,
1892. folded map. D.
Contents: White, A. S. Introduction. 1. Colomd, fiir J: A sur-
vey of existing conditions. 2. Freeman, E. A. The physical and
political bases of national unity. 3. Chisholm, G: G. The commerce
of the British empire. 4. Nicholson, J. S. Tariffs, and international
commerce. 5. Hervey, M. H. Alternative measures. 6. Thring, Lord.
The consolidation of the British empire.
WHITE, C. H. ipsevd. of Heman ^Vhite Chaplin.) Jn Stories
by Amer. authors, v. 9.)
The village convict. (In Same, v. 6.)
WHITE, Charles Abiathar. Correlation papers. Cretaceous.
Wash., 1891. O. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 82.)
On invertebrate fossils from the Pacific coast. Wash., 1889.
O. {Same. Bulletin, no. 51.)
GENERAL IH'JI'A in'M ENT. ',>f)l
WHITE, Charles Abiatluir. On the S<'<»><>^'y '>nf
southwestern Missouri. Wash., 1893. O. {In U. y. A'illiam Dwight, and others, eds. Century dictionary
(continuation); pt. 5-24. N. Y., [c. 1889-91]. il. v. F.
WHITSTTT, William Heth. Life and times of Judge Caleb Wal-
lace ... . of the Court of Appeals of Ky. Louisville, 1888.
F. (Filson Club Pub., no. 4.)
WHITTAKER, Thomas Palmer, ed. Barker's facts and figures
for the year 1891. Lond. and N. Y., [1891]. D.
WHITTEMOKE, Henry camp. History of the Adams family, with
biograi»hical sketclies N. Y.,' 1893. il. 84 p. O.
WHITTEMOKE, -Foel. Genealogical record of many Fitzwilliam
families. N. Y., 1888. O. (Tn Norton, J. F. History of
Filzwilliam, N. H.)
WHITTIER, Jobn Greenleaf. Complete poetical works. Camb.
ed. Bost., 189.5. il. por. O.
Poem. (In Memorial of C: Sumner.)
ed. Songs of three centuries. Bost., 1879. D.
LINTON. W. .J. Life of .John Greenleaf Whittier. Lond.. 1893. O.
(CIrent writers.)
PICKARD, S- T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. Best.
1894. 2 V. il. por. D.
WHITTINGHAM, William, dean of Durham.
Life; from a ms. in Antony Wood's collection, Bodleian library, Ox-
ford; ed. by M. A. E. Green. Lond., 1870. 48 p. O. (In Camden
misc., V. 6. Camden Soc, v. 104.)
BESANT, W., and Rice, J. Sir Richard Whittington, lord mayor of
London. N. Y., [1881]. D. (Makers of hist.)
Memorial of the Whittlesey family in the United States. [New Ha-
ven]. 1855. O.
WHO are benefited by protection; an editorial article in the Bulle-
tin of the American Iron and Steel Association, August 11^
1880, {In Republican campaign docs. 1880.)
WHO pay the national taxes? and on what are they levied. {In
WHO'S who, 1897; edited by Douglas Sladen: 49th year. Lond.,
1897. D.
WHY the solid South? See Herbert, H. A., and others.
WHYMPER, Edward. Supplementary appendix to Travels
amongst the Great Andes of the equator; with contributions
by H. W. Bates, P. Cameron [and others]. Lond., 1891. 169
p. il. pi. O.
Travels amongst the Great Andes of tlie equator. N. \ ., 1892.
il. pi. maps, folded map. O.
WICKES, Charles. Illustrations of tlie spires and towers of the
mediaeval churches of England; preceded by some observa-
tions on the architecture of the middle ages and its spire-
growth. Bost., 1889. 39 p. 3 v. in 1. pi. F.
WICKSON, Edward James. The Vacaville early fruit district of
California. S. F., 1888. 16-1-149 p. pi.' Q. (Cal. illus-
trated, no. 1.)
WICKSTEED, Charles M. tr. Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. von. So-
cial peace.
WICKSTEED, Philip Henry, ed. Villani, G. Selections from
the first nine books of the Croniche Florentine; tr. by R. E.
Selfe. Westminster, 1897. D.
tr. Kuenen, A. Historico-critical inquiry into the origin and
composition of tlie Hexateuch.
WIEDEMANN, Alfred. Religion of the ancient Egvptians. N.
Y., 1897. il. O.
WIEL, Aletliea. Venice. N. Y., 1894. il. maps. D. (Story of
the nations.)
WIENER, August F. See Blackston, W. A. Swaysland, W., and
Wiener, A. F. Canaries and cage-birds.
WIESER, Friedrich von. Natural value; ed. with a ]>reface and
analysis by W: Smart; tr. by C. A. Malloch. Lond., 1893. O.
WIGGIN, Kate Douglas. See Riggs, Mrs. K. D. Wiggin.
WIGHT, Orlando Williams, tr. Pascal, B. Thoughts, letters,
and opuscules.
WIGHT, William Ward. The Wights; a record of Thomas Wight
of Dedham, and Medfield, and of his descendants, 1635-1890.
Milwaukee, 1890. Q.
WIGHT family.
WIGHT, W: W. The Wights, a record of Thomas Wight of Dertham
and Medfield and of his descendants. 1G35-1S90. Milwaukee,
1890. Q.
WIGHTWICK, George. Hints to young architects; logcthcr with
a model specification. Htli ed. rev. and considerably en-
larged, comprising treatises on the principles of const I'uciion
and design, by G. H. Guilhiume. Lond., 1887. il. 1>.
WILBER, David.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of W., delivered in the
House of Representatives and in the Senate, 51st Cong., 1st sess.
Wash., 1890. por. Q. (U. S. Cong. Misc. Memorial addresses.)
WILBOR, Elsie M. ed. Delsarte recitation book and directory.
2d ed. N. Y., 1893. 11. D.
WILBRAHAM, Frances M. The sere and yellow leaf: thoughts
and recollections for old and young; with a preface by Rev.
W. ^^'. HoAV. Lond., 1S84. 8-1-171 p. D.
WILBUR, George B. pub. Langley's San Francisco directory for
the year commencing May, 1890. S. F., 1890. map. O.
WILCOX, Cadmus Marcellus. gen. History of the Mexican war;
ed. by Mary Rachel Wilcox. Wash., 1892. pi. pors.
maps. O.
WILCOX, Delos F. Municipal government in Michigan anL p. D.
(Cosv corner ser.) ' , 4.- ^.i
WILDER, Hans M. comp. General index to volumes :',l-3S()t the
Proceedings of the American I'harmaceutical Association;
1883-90 rhil., 1891. O. {In Proceedings, 1891.)
WILDER nev. Moses H. Book of the Wilders; a contribution to
the history of the Wilders from 1497 . . . . to 187;"). N. Y.,
1870. il. por. O.
WILDER family.
WILETER, Rer. M. H. Book of the Wilders. 1497 to 1875. N. Y.. 1878.
il. por. O.
WILDES. Thomas F. Record of the One hundred and sixteenth
regiment Ohio infantry volunteers in the war of the r.'bell-
ion. Saiulusky, 1884. O.
WILEY, Harvey Washington. Record of exi»erinienis in the man-
fa'cture of sut,Mr from sorgham at Fort Scott (etc.), 1886^
1888,1889. Wash.. 1887-90. O. (U. S. D<-i)t. of .Xgric Div.
of ciiemistrv. Bull. uos. 14. 20. 20.)
Th<' sun-ar-beet industrv: culture of the sugar-beet and manu-
facture of beet sugar." Wasli.. IS'.MI. (). iS'iwr. Bull. no. 27.)
no. 27.) ^ .. V
cd Proceedings of the Sixth annual convention of the .Vssoc.
of Official Agric. Chemists, Sept. 10-12, 1889. Wash.. 1890.
O. (Same. Bull. no. 24.)
"WT^LEY, William H., and Sara King:. The Yosemite, Alaska, and
the Yellowstone. Lond., [1893]. il. pi. por. map. Q.
WILGUS, James Alva. Evolution of township government in
Ohio. [In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept., 1894. Papers, no. 22.)
WILHELM, Lewis W. Local institutions of Maryland. {In Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 3.)
WILKES, Charles. Western America, including California and
Oregon. Phil., 1849. 130 p. maps. O.
COLVOCORESSES, G: M. Four years in the government exploring
expedition commanded by Captain C: Wilkes. 4th ed. N. Y., 1853.
il. D.
WILKINS, Mary Eleanor. Jane Field. N. Y., 1893. il. por. D.
Madelon. N. Y., 1896. S.
Pembroke. N. Y., 1894. S.
WILKINS, William Henry. The alien invasion. Lond., 1892. D.
(Soc. ques. of to-day.)
The Italian aspect. {In White, A., and others. Destitute alien.)
See Burton, Lady Isaljel. Romance of Isabel Ladv Burton.
WILKINSON, John Frome. Mutual thrift. Lond., 1891. S.
(Soc. ques. of to-day.)
WILKINSON, Rev. John James, ed. Receipts and expenses in
the building of Bodmin church, 1469-72. [Lond.], 1874. O.
{In Camden misc., v. 7. Camden Soc, n. s., v. 14.)
WILKINSON, Robert, puh. Atlas classica; being a collection of
maps of the countries mentioned by the ancient authors,
both sacred and profane. Lond., [1808]. F.
WILKINSON, Spencer. See Dilke, Sir C: W., a^id Wilkinson, S.
Imperial defence.
WILKINSON, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo-etching and photo-
lithography in line and half-tone; also collotype and helio-
type. Revised and enlarged by E : L. Wilson, American (3d)
ed. N. Y., 1888. il. O.
WILLARD, A. J. An examination of the law of personal rights, to
discover the principles of the law. N. Y., 1882. O.
WILLARD, Ashton Rollins. A sketch of the life and work of the
painter Domenico Morelli. Bost., 1895. il. 68 p. O.
WILLARD, Eleanor Withev. comp. Children's singing games.
Lond. and N. Y., [c. 189.5]. il. 67 p. O.
WILLARD, Frances Elizabeth. Glimpses of fifty years: the auto-
biography of an American woman; introduction by Hannah
Whitall Smith. Chic, etc., [c 1889]. il. pi. pors. fac-
sim. O.
a7ul Livermore, Mary Ashton. eds. A woman of the century;
fourteen hundred-seventy biographical sketches, accom-
panied by poi'traits of leading American women in all walks
of life. Buffalo, 1893. pors. Q.
WILLCOX, Walter Francis. The divorce problem; a studv in sta-
tistics. N. Y., 1891. O. (Columbia College. Univ. Faculty
of Pol. Sci. ed. Studies in hist, economics and public law;
V. 1, no. 1.)
WILLEBY, Charles. Masters of English music. N. Y., 1895.
pors. D. (Masters of contemp. music.)
WTLLERT, Paul Ferdinand, llenrv of Navarro, and llie lln^Mie-
nots of Franco. N. Y., ISOM. por. D. (IToroos of tlio na-
WILLEY, Arthur. Ani})liioxns and tho ancestry of the verte-
brates. N. Y., 1894. il. O. (Columbia Univ. Biol. ser. 2.)
WILLIAM I, fhc Conqueror, huiy of England.
GUILLAUME dv I'oiticrs. Vie de Guillaume le conqu6rant. (In Col.
(les nu'm. rel. a I'hist. de France, s. 3. v 29.)
PLANCH K, J. R. The conqueror and his companions. Lond., 1874.
2 V. O.
WILLIAM I. Emperor of Germany.
LIEB, H. Emperor William I, the founder of the new German empire.
Ciiic, etc., 1888. il. pors. D.
WILLIAM IL Emperor of Germany.
FREDERIC, H. The younger emperor Wiliam II of Germany: a study
in character development on a thi'one. N. Y., 1891. pors. D.
WILLIAM of Palerne. The romance of William of Palerno, other-
wise known as the romance of ^'William and the werwolf";
tr. from the French about A. D. 1350; added a fragment of
the alliterative romance of Alisaunder [Alexander] ; tr. from
the Latin about A. D. 1340; ed. by W. W: Skeat. Lond.,
18G7. O. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser. no. 1.)
WILLIAM of Tyre. Histoire des croisades [continuation par Ber-
nard le tr^sorier]. {In Col. des m6m. rel. h I'hist. de France,
1824. s. 3, V. 15-18.)
WILLLV]\l and Mary College quarterly historical papers; ed. by L.
G. Tyler; v. 1-5. Williamsburg, 1892-97. 5 v. O.
WILLIAMS, A. Stanley. Zenographical fragments: 1. The mo-
tions and changes of the markings on Jupiter in the appari-
tion of 1886-87. Lond., 1889. 118 p. pi. O.
WILLIAMS, Albert. See Day, D: T., and Williams, A: Abstracts
from ''Mineral resources of U. S."
WILLIAMS, Eev. Albert. A pioneer pastorate and times embody-
ing contemporary local transactions and events. S. F., 1879.
por. O.
WILLIAMS, Alfred Mason. Sam Houston and the war of inde-
pendence in Texas. Bost., 1893. por. majjs. D.
WILLIAMS, Benjamin Samuel. Choice stove and greenhouse
flowering plants. Lond., 1809. col. pi. D.
— Choice stove and greenhouse ornamental-leaved plants. Lond.,
1870. pi. D.
WILLIAMS, C. E. Yuba and Sutter counties, California; their re-
sources, advantages and opportunities. S. F., 1887. 119
p. O.
[WILLIAMS, Jl/r.s. Catharine R. Arnold.] Might and right; by A
Rhode Islander. Providence, 1844. por. D.
WILLIAMS, Charles Frederic. The tariff laws of the United
States. Bost., 1883. O.
WILLIAMS. Cliarlos Reynolds. The defence of Kahun: a forgot-
ten episode of tho first Afghan war; being a narrative com-
piled from a journal kept during the siege, and from original
letters. Lond., 1880. 108 p. pi. D.
WILLIAMS, E. Coit. The cruise of "The Black Terror" (Porter's
dummy at Vicksburg). {In Hunter, R, ed. Sketches of war
"WILLLVMS, Mrs. Ellen. Three years and a half in the army; or,
History of the Second Colorados. N. Y., [c. 1S85]. 178 p.
por. D.
WILLLVMS, Frederick Wells. Concluding chapter narrating re-
cent events, (/w Williams, S: W. History of China.)
WILLLVMS, George Huntington. Elements of crystallography.
N. Y., 1890. il. pi. D.
General relations of the granitic rocks in the middle Atlantic
Piedmont plateau. {In U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th rept.)
The greenstone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette
regions of Michigan; with introduction by R. D. Irving.
Wash., 1890. pi. maps. O. {Same. Bulletin no. 62.)
[WILLIAMS, Henry Llewellyn, jr.'] Joaquin, the Claude Duval
of California; or, The marauder of the mines. N. Y., 1888. D.
WILLIAMS, Henry Shaler. Correlation papers. Devonian and
carboniferous. Wash., 1893. O. {In U. S. Geol. Surv.
Bull. no. 80.)
Fossil faunas of the upper Devonian, the Genesee section.
New York. Wash., 1887. 123 p. pi. {In same, v. 6.)
WILLIAMS, Henry T. The Pacific tourist: Williams' illustrated
trans-continental guide of travel from the Atlantic to the
Pacific ocean. N. Y., 1878. il. O.
[WILLIAMS, J. M.] "The eagle regiment," 8th Wis. inf'ty vols.:
a sketch of its marches, battles, and campaigns, 1861-65, with
a complete regimental and company roster; by A "non-vet"
of Co. "H." Belleville, Wis., 1890. 166 p. pors. O.
WILLIAMS, J. S. comp. Lawyer's directory for California. [S.
F.],1889. 77 p. O.
WT^LLIAMS, James {formerly J: T: Evans). Life and adventures of
W., a fugitive slave; with a full description of the under-
ground railroad. 3d ed. S. F., 1874. 124 p. O.
WILLIAMS, John Bickerton. Memoirs of the life, character, and
writings of Sir Matthew Hale, lord Chief Justice of England.
Lond., 1835. por. D.
WILLIAMS, John Fletcher. History of the city of Saint Paul and
of the county of Ramsey. {In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Col., v. 4.)
Memoir of W: W. Warren. (In same, v. 5.)
WILLIAMS, John Lee. A view of west Florida, embracing its geo-
graphy, topography, etc., with an appendix treating of its an-
tiquities, land titles, and canals. Phil., 1827. 178 p. O.
(map. w.)
WILLIAMS, Sir Monier Monier. Buddhism in its connexion with
Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christi-
anity. Lond., 1889. il. pi. O.
Modern India and the Indians: being a series of impressions,
notes, and essays. 5th ed. Lond., 1891. map. O. (Trub-
ner's oriental ser.)
WILLIAMS, ^lontagu. Leaves of a life: being reminiscences.
Bost. and N. Y., 1890. 2 v. por. facsim. O.
WILLI AMIS, K. T. comp and pub. OlHcial British Columbia direc-
toi-y. LS97-8. Victoria, [1S97]. O.
WILLIAMS, Kalph Oimstead. Some iiiR'stions of good English,
examiiKMl in controversies with Dr. Filzedward Hall. N. Y.,
1897. D.
WILLIAMS, Koger. A key iuto the language of America, {ht, K.
I. Hist. soc. Col., V. 1.)
Sketch of the life of W. {In same.)
KNOWLES, J. D. Memoir of Roger Williams, the founder of the state
of Rhode-Island. Bost., 1834. facsim. D.
STliAlS. 0. S. Roger Williams: the pioneer of religious liberty.
N. i.. 1S94. facsim. D.
WILLIAMS, Samuel G. The history of modern education. Syra-
cuse, 1892. D.
WILLLVMS, Samuel Wells. Chinese immigration. N. Y., 1879.
O. {In Chinese immigration; pamphlets.)
A history of China; being the historical chapter from "The
middle kingdom"; with a concluding chapter narrating re-
cent events by Frederick W. Williams. N. Y., 1897. O.
English and Chinese vocabulary in the court dialect. Macao,
1844. O.
WILLIAMS, Sarah, ed. Letters w ritten by J : Chamberlain during
the reign of Q. Elizabeth. [Lond.], 1861. O. (Camden
Soc, V. 79.)
WILLIAMS, Talcott. Silver in China ; and its relation to Chinese
copper coinage. Thil., [1897]. O. (Amer. Acad, of Pol.
and Soc. Sci. Pub. no. 199.)
WILLIAMS, William. Letters to the landholder; printed in the
American Mercury, February, 1788. {In Ford, P. L. ed. Es-
savs on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
WILLIAMS. \\'illiam. Climbing Mount St. Elias. (In Out-of-door
lib. Mountain climbing.)
WILLIAMS, William Klapp. The communes of Lombardy from
the fith to Hie 10th century. Bait., 1891. (/n Johns Hopkins
Univ. studies, v. 9.)
WILLIAMvS, William Mattieu. The chemistry of iron and steel-
making and of their practical uses. Lond., 1890. D.
WILLIAMS family.
WRIGHT, A. H. The descendants of Veach Williams, of Lebanon,
Conn.: also, the ancestrv of Lucy Walsworth, his wife. New Haven,
1887. O.
WILLIA^ISON, George C. Portrait miniature, from the time of
Holbein, 1.^31, to tliat of Sir William Ross, 1800: a hand-book
for collectors. Loud., 1897. il. O. (Connoisseur ser.)
Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England,
Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen,
etc.; a new and revised edition of W: Bovne's work. Lond.,
1889-91. 2 V. pi. O.
WTELLIAMSOX, Hugh. Remarks on the new plan of government;
printed in the State Gazette of North Carolina, 1788. {In
Ford, P. L. ed. Essays on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
WILLTA^NISOX, Joseph, rowp. A bibliograjdiy of the state of
Maine, from the earliest period to 1891: comp. under auspices
of Maine Hist. Society. Portland, Me., 189G. 2 v. O.
WILLIAMSON, William Crawford. Further elucidations of the
structure of volvox globator. [u. t. p.]. 9 p. O. {In
Busk, G: Some observations on the structure and develop-
ment of volvox globator.)
On the recent foraminifera of Great Britain, Lond., 185S. pi.
F. (Ray Soc. Pub.)
WILLIS, Alexander A.
The story of Laulii, a daughter of Samoa; also a sketch of the life of
Alexander A. Willis (her husband); ed. by W: H. Barnes. S. F.,
18!39. pi. pors. O.
WILLIS, Bailey. Changes in river courses in Washington Territory
due to glaciation. Wash., 1887. 10 p. pi. {In U. S. GeoL
Surv. Bull., V. 6.)
The mechanics of Appalachain structure. {In same. 18th
WILLIS, Henry A. Fitchburg in the war of the rebellion. Fitch-
burg, 18(J6. O.
W^ILLIS, John C. A manual and dictionary of the flowering plants
and ferns. Cambridge, 1897. 2 v. D. (Cambridge nat.
sci. man.)
WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker. Two buckets in a well. {In Stories
by Amer. authors, v. 4.)
WILLIS, William. History of the law, the courts, and the lawyers
of Maine, from its first colonization to the early part of the
present century. Portland, 18G3. pors. O.
WILLISTON, Samuel W. Synopsis of the North American syr-
phidae. Wash., 1886. O. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. no. 31.)
WILLOUGHBY, Westel Woodbury. The supreme court of the
United States; its history and influence in our constitutional
system. Bait., 1890. 124 p. O.
and William F. Government and administration of the United
States. Bait., 1891. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 9.)
WILLOUGHBY, William F. Child labor. {In Amer. Econ. Assn.
Pub., V. 5, 1890, no. 2.)
WILLS, Charles James. M.D. In the land of the lion and sun; or,
Modern Persia: being experiences of life in Persia during a
residence of fifteen years in various parts of that country
from 18GG-81. Lond., 1883. pi. O.
WILLS, Mary H. A winter in California. Norristown, 1889. 150
p. D.
WILLS and inventories from the registers of the commissary of
Bury St. Edmund's and the Archdeacon of Sudbury; ed. by
S: Tymms. [Lond.], 1850. O. (Camden Soc, v. 49.)
WILLS from Doctors' Commons: a selection from the wills of emi-
nent persons, 1495-1695; ed. by J: G. Nichols and J: Bruce.
[Lond.], 1863. 7^-174 p. O. {Same, v. 83.)
WILMER, Lambert A. Our press gang; or, A complete exposition
of the corruptions and crimes of the American newspapers.
Phil., 1859. por. D.
WILMER, Eev. Richard Hooker. The recent past from a southern
standpoint. N. Y., 1887. por. O.
WILMOT, Sydney Marow Eardley. capt. R. N. The development
of navies during the last half century. N. Y., 1892. pi. D.
WILSON, Alexander Johnstone. The national budget: the na-
tional debt, taxes and rates. Lond., 1882. 8-i-lTG p. D.
(Eufiiisii citizen.)
Kesources of modern countries; essays towards an estimate of
the economic position of nations and British trade prospects.
Lond., 1878. 2 v. O.
WILSON, Charles Heath. Life and works of Michelangelo Buon-
arroti; the life partly compiled from that by the (Jommend-
atore Aurelio Gotti! 2d ed. Lond., 1881. pi. por. fac-
sim. O.
WILSON, Sir Charles William. From Korti to Khartum; a journal
of the desert March from Korti to Gubat, and of I lie ascent
of the Nile in General Gordon's steamers. 4th ed. Edin.
and Lond., 1886. map. D.
Lord Clive. Lond., 1890. por. D. (Eng. men of action.)
WILSON, D. L. See Lester, J. C, and Wilson, D. L. Ku Klux
W^LSON, Edmund B. The cell in development and inheritance.
N. Y., 1897. il. O. (Columbia Univ. Biol., ser. 4.)
and Learning, Edward. An atlas of the fertilization and kary-
okinesis of the ovum. N. Y., 1895. pi. F.
WILSON, Edward Livingstone. Mount Washington in winter. (In
Out-of-door lib. Mountain climbing.)
Photoengraving, photo-etching and photo-lithography in line
and half-tone; also collotype and heliotype, by W. T. Wilkin-
son; revised and enlarged by E. L. Wilson. American f3d)
edition. N. Y., 1888. il. O.
Photographies: a series of lessons accompanied by notes on all
the processes which are needful in the art of photography.
N. Y., [1881]. il. O.
WILSON. Ephraim King.
Memorial addresses on the life and character of W., delivered in the
Senate and House of Representatives, May 6, and July 2, 1892.
Wash,. 1893. por. Q. (U. S. 52d Cong., 1st sess. H. M. D., v. 8.)
WILSON, George R. Drunkenness. Lond., 1897. D. (Soc. sci.
WILSON, H. F. ed. Builders of Greater Britain. N. Y., 1897. il.
maps. D.
For list sec Builders of Greater Britain.
WILSON, Henry, capt. An account of the Pelew islands, from the
journals of W., ed. by G: Keats. 2d ed. Lond., 1788. map.
por. Q.
WILSON, Herbert M. American irrigation engineering. (/» U. S.
Geol. Surv., ].3th rept.)
Engineering results of irrigation survey. (In same.)
Irrigation in India. {In same. 12th annual rept., pt. 2.)
Manual of irrigation. N. Y., 1890. il. pi. O.
Manual of irrigation engineering. N. Y.. 1893. O.
WILSON, James C M.D. ed. An American text-book of applied
therapeutics for the use of practitioners and students. Phil.,
181)0. il. pi. Q.
WILSON, James (J rant. gen. Lord Lovelace and the second Cana-
dian campaign, 1708-1710. \A'asli., 1892. O. (Amer. Hist.
Assoc. Kept., 1892. Papers no. 15.)
Tributes to Hamilton Fish, Hon. John Jay, Hon. Robert E.
Wiuthrop and others. {In same, 1894. Papers no. 6.)
ed. Centennial history of the Protestant Episcopal church in
the diocese ot New York, 1785-1885. N. Y.. 188G. pors. O.
General Grant's letters to a triend, 1861-1880; with notes
and introduction by W. N. Y., L897. pors. 132 p. S.
Great commanders series. N. Y., 1892-95. 9 v. pors.
maps. D.
For list see Great commanders.
The memorial history of the city of New York, from its
first settlement to the yar 1892. N. Y., 1892-93. 4 v. il.
pi. pors. facsim. maps. Q.
and Coan, Titus Munson. eds. Personal recollections of the
warof the rebellion; addresses delivered before the New York
Commanderv of the Loyal Legion of the United States, 1883-
91. N. Y., 189L por. O.
WILSON, James iVIaurice. See Crossley, E., Gledhill, J., and Wil-
son, J. M. Handbook of double stars.
WILSON, John. ed. (d. 18G8.) Unitarian principles confirmed by
Trinitarian testimonies: being selections from the works of
eminent theologians belonging to orthodox churches. 13th
ed. Bost., 1890. D.
WILSON, John. D.D. (d. 1875.) History of the suppression of in-
fanticide in western India under the government of Bombay.
Bombay, 1855. O.
WILSON, John Marius. Memoir of Field-marshal the Duke of Wel-
lington; with interspersed notices of his principal associates
in council and companions and opponents in arms. Edin.,
[1853-54]. 2 v. pi. pors. maps. O.
WILSON, .Joseph T. The black phalanx: a history of the negro
soldiers of the United States in the wars of 1775-1812, 1861-
65. Hartford, 1889. il. por. O.
WILSON, Robert Anderson. Mexico and its religion; with inci-
dents of travel in that country druing parts of the years 1851-
54. N. Y., 1855. il. por. D.
WILSON, Robert Thomas, gen.
RANDOLPH, H. ed. Life of General Sir Robert Wilson; from auto-
biographical memoirs, journals, narratives, correspondence, etc
Lond., 1862. 2 v. por. O.
WILSON, Dr. Thomas, [and others]. The spoil of Antwerp. Nov.,
1576. (In Arbor. E. Eng. garland, v. 88, p. 142.)
WILSON, Thomas. The golden pateia of Rennes. (In U. S. Nat.
Mus. Rept. 1894.)
The Swastika. (In same.)
[WILSON, Thomas Fourness. maj.'] The defence of Lucknow: a
diary recording the daily events during the siege of the Eu-
ropean Residencv from 31st May to 25th September, 18.57;
by A staff officer.' Lond.. 1858. plan. S.
WILSON, Thomas Woodrow. Division and reunion, 1829-1889. N.
Y.y 1893. maps. S. (Epochs of Amer. hist.)
WILSONS, Tlu)inas Woodrow. Mere lileiature, aud other essays.
Bust., 18!)(). D,
An old niasU'!-, and ulhcr political essays. N. Y., 181)3. D.
WILSON', W illiani. liryoloj^ia Uiitannica; containing tlie mosses
of Great Britain and Ireland. :*>d ed. Lond., 1855. col. pi.
WILSON, William Bender. A lew acts and actors in the tragedy
of the civil war in the I'nited States. Phil., 189:3. 114 p. D.
WILSON', W illians L. The tariff: si)eech in the Ilouse of Repre-
sentatives, .Jan. 8, 9, 1894. Wasli., 1894. 19 p. O. {In Bam.
on free trade, v. 1.)
WILSON, Woodrow. See Wilson, Thomas Woodrow.
WINCllELL, Alexander. Genealogy of the family of Wincliell in
America. Ann Arbor, 1869. O.
Walks and talks in the geological field; revised and edited by
F: Starr. Mcadville, 1894. 11. D.
W^INCHELL, v.. ('. Oration at the New Idria quicksilver mines,
Fresno count y. ('ah, July 4, 1867. S. F., 1867. 21 p. O. {In
Cal. speeches, v. 3.)
W^INCHELL family.
WINCHELL, A. Genealogy of the family of Winchell in America-
Ann Arbor, 1869. O.
BO\D, J: Annals and family records of Winchester, Conn. Hartford,
1873. pors. O.
WINCHESTER, Boyd. The Swiss republic. Bhil., 1891. map. O.
WINDELBAND, W ilhelm. A history of philosophy, with special
reference to the formation and development of its problems
and conceptions: tr. by J. H. Tufts. N. Y., 1893. O.
"WINDHAM, Thomas, capt.
Second voyage to Barbary, 1552; by J. Thomas;— Voyage to Guinea
and Benin, 1553. {In Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1. pp. 140,
WINDOM, William. The exodus speech in the U. S. Senate June 4,
1880. [In Republican campaign docs., 1880.)
WINDT, Harrv de. Siberia as it is; with an Introduction by
Madame "Olga Novikotf. Lond., 1892. il. pi. pors. O.
MEACHAM, A. B. Wi-ne-ma (the woman-chief) and her people.
Hartford, 1876. pi. D.
WINES, Emma Stansbury. Sec :Maddison. Isabel, Thomas, H. W.,
Wines, E. S. Handbook of courses open to women.
WINES, Frederic Howard, aud Koren, John. The liciuor problem
in its legislative aspects, an investigation made under the di-
rection of C: W^ Eliot, Seth Low and James C. Carter. Bost.,
1897. D.
WING, Henry H. Milk aud its products: a treatise upon the na-
ture and qualities of dairy milk and the manufacture of but-
ter and cheese. N. Y., 1897. il. S. (Rural sci. ser.)
WING, Talcott E. ed. History of Monroe county, Michigan. N. Y.,
1890. il. pors. Q.
WING ATE Charles Edward Lewis. Shakespeare's heroes on the
stage. N. Y., [c. 1896. il. D.]
WINGATE, Charles Edward Lewis. Shakespeare's heroines on
the stage. is\ Y., [c. 1895]. il. D.
See McKay, F: E:, and Wingate, C: E. L. eds. Famous
American actors of to-day.
WINGATE, George Wood. Through the Yellowstone Park on
horseback. N. Y^., 1886. il. folded map. D.
WINLOCK, William C. Bibliography of astronomy for the year
1887. Wash., 1888. O. (In Smithsonian Inst. Misc. coll.,
V. 34.)
WINN, A. M. gen. Valedictory address to the Mechanics' State
Council, in San Francisco, Jan. 11, 1871. S. F., 1871. 19 p.
O. {In Cal. speeches, v. 4.)
WINNO WINGS in American history. Diplomatic series, no. 1.
Brooklyn, 1890. 109 p. O.
Namely: The United States and Spain in 1790; with an introduction
by W. C. Ford.
WINSHIP, George Parker. Why Coronado went to New Mexico in
1540. iln Amer. Hist. Assoc. Kept, 1894. Papers no. 8.)
WINSLOW, Arthur. A preliminary report on a portion of the coal
regions of Arkansas. {In Arkansas geol. sur. annual report
for 1888, V. 4.)
WINSLOW, Francis. Ueui. U. S. N. Catalogue of the economic
mollusca and the apparatus and appliances used in their cap-
ture and preparation for market, exhibited by the United
States National Museum. Great Int. Fisheries Exhib., Lond.,
1883. Wash., 1883. O. (U. S. Nat. Mu. Bull. no. 27, sec. D.)
Keport on the sounds and estuaries of North Carolina with
reference to oyster culture. [Wash., 1889.] 136 p. maps.
Q. (IT. S. Coast Geod. Sur. Bulletin no. 10.)
WINSOR, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac: geographical discovery in
the interior of North America in its historical relations, 1534-
1700. Bost., 1894. il. maps. O.
Christopher Columbus, and how he received and imparted the
spirit of discovery. Bost., 1892. il. pi. por. maps. O.
Explorations in the Mississippi basin; the struggle in America
between England and France, 1697-1763. Bost, 1895. il. pi.
maps. O.
The westward movement; the colonies and the republic west
of the Alleghanies, 1763-1798. Bost., 1897. il. maps. O.
ed. Narrative and critical history of America [continuation];
V. 1, 8. Bost., 1889. 2 v. il. pors. maps, facsim. Q.
Contents: V. 1. Aboriginal America.
8. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America.
WINTER, Alexander. The New York State Reformatory in Elmira;
with preface by Havelock Ellis. Lond., 189L 10-^172 p. D.
(Soc. sci. ser.)
WINTER. William. Life and art of Edwin Booth. N. Y., 1894.
pors. D.
Shadows of the stage. N. Y., 1895. T.
WINTERS express, The; July 1889-Dec. 1897. Winters. 1889-97.
2v. F. '
WINTHROP, James. Letters of Agrippa; printed in the Massachu-
setts gazette. November, 1787-Januai-y, 1788. (In Ford. P. L.
ed. Essays on the Constitution, 1787-88.)
WINTHROP, John. Some old Piiritjin love-letters; John and Mar-
fjaiet Winthro]). KIlS-K^iS; ed. by J: H. Twichell. N. Y.,
]8;)4. 187 p. C).
TWICHELL, J. H. J: Winthrop. first governor of the Massachusetts
colony. N. Y., [c. 1891]. por. S. (Makers of Amer.)
WINTHKOP, :Marsaret. Some old Puritan love-letlcrs; John and
Marfjaret Winthrop, 1G18-1G38; ed. by J: UopkinH Twichell.
N. Y., 1894. 187 p. O.
EARLE, A. M. Margaret Winthrop. N. Y., 1896. por. S. (Womem
of col. and rev. times.)
WINTHROP, Robert Charles.
WINTHROP, R: C: jr. Memoir of Robert C: Winthrop. Bost.. 1897.
pors. 0.
WINTHROP, Robert Charles, jr. A memoir of Robert C: Win-
throp; prepared for the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Bost., 1897. pors. O.
W^INTON, A. L. Sea Jenkins, E. H., and Winton, A. L. A compila-
tion of analyses of American feeding stuffs.
WINWORTH, Freda. The epic of sounds; an elementary interpre-
tation of Wagner's Niebelungen Ring. Phil., 1897. 184 p. S.
WIRTH, Max. Banking in Germany and Austria-Hungary. {In
History of banking in all nations, v. 4.)
WISCHNEWETZKY, Florence Kelley. tr. Engels, F. Condition
of the working class in England.
STRONG, M. M. comp. History of the territory of Wisconsin from
1836 to 1848. Madison, 1885. por. O.
(state.) Commissioner of Insurance. Annual report, 1895; pt. 2.
Madison. 1895. O.
Legislature. Assembly journal; 1872, 1891, ex. sess. June 28-
July 1, and Oct. 17-27, 1892, 189."^, 1895, spec. sess. 1896, 1897.
Madison. 1871-97. 7 v. O.
Governor's message and accompanying documents; 1893
(2 v), 1894 (2 v.). Madison, 189:VJ5. 4 v. O.
Roster of Wisconsin A^olnnteers, war of the rebellion,
18(51-05; comy)iled under the direction of J. M. Rusk and C. P.
Chapman. Madison. 1S86. 2 v. O.
Senate journal. 1872, 1891, ex. sess. June 28-July 1, and
Oct. 17-27, 1892. 189.''., 1895, spec. sess. 1890. 1897. Madison,
1872-97. 7 V. O.
Sern'fnn/ of State. Blue book of the state of Wisconsin, 1889
[n. p.], 1889. pi. maps. O.
State Historirnt Sorieli/. Reports and collections for 1854-85;
V. 1-10. Madison, 18.55-88. 10 v. i>ors. ])1. D. O.
Collections: v. 11-12 [v. 1-2. u. s.]. Madison, 1888-92. 2 v.
pors. maps. O.
Stale Lltn-nn/. Sultject-index to the law books; by J: R. Berry-
man. Madison, 1892. O.
WISCONSIN Commandery of the MiMlnry Order of the Loyal Le-
gion of the United States. See Military Order of the Loyal
Legion of the F. S. Wisconsin Commanderv.
[WISE. CrooT-cr(..l TTi«!tr-vv r <" th(> Sevcu t ('Oil t h ^'!v;,■.nl:l i!'.r;Mi(ry,
C. S. A. Piilt., l: 70. I).
WISE, Henry Augustus, lieut. Los Gringos; or, An inside view
of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Peru, Chili, and
Polynesia. A^. Y., 1850. D.
WISE, Jonathan P». The farmer's question: an argument for a pro-
tective tariff. Camb., 1880. 10 p. O. {hi Pam. on free
trade, v. 1.)
WISE, Lilien. comp. The bucket. S. F., 1887. 15G p. por. S.
WISE, P.M. M.D. General index to the first forty-five volumes of
the American Journal of Insanity from 1844-89 inclusive^
with introduction by G. Alder Blumer. Willard, [1889]. O.
WISE, Thomas J. cd. ^Sce Nicoll, W: R.. a??fnYise, T: J. eds. Lit-
erary anecdotes of the nineteenth century.
WISEMAN, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, cardinal. Twelve lectures
on the connection between science and revealed religion. 1st
Amer. ed. N. Y., [1849]. 2 v. D.
WISTAR, Isaac Jones, gen.
BALTZ, J: D. Biographical sketch. (In Baltz, J: D. Col. E. D.
Baker's defense in the battle of Ball's Bluff.)
WISTER, Mrs. Annie Lee. tr. Kirschner, L. Erlach court.
WISWALL family.
TITUS, Rer. A. The Wiswall family of America; four generations,
[n. t. p.]. 1886. 4 p. 0. pam.
WITHER, George. Fair, virtue, the Mistress of Phil'arete, 1622,
Miscellany of epigrams, sonnets, [etc.], 1622. (In Arber, E.
Eng. Garner, v. 4, p. 353-495.)
Fidelia, 1615. {In same, v. 6, p. 167.)
WITHERS, Frederick Clarke. Church architecture; plans, eleva-
tions and views of twenty-one churches and two school-
houses. N. Y., 1873. pi. F.
WITHERS, William. The acacia tree, robinia pseddo-acacia: its
growth, qualities and uses; with observations on planting,
manuring and pruning. Lond., 1842. O.
WITTEMANN, A. puh. The United States of America: one hun-
dred Albertype illustrations from recent nc^gatives of the
most noted scenes of our country. Chic, and N. Y.. c. 1893.
pi. obi. D.
WOAKES, Edward. Post-nasal catarrh and diseases of the nose
causing deafness. Phil., 1884. il. D.
WODEHOTJSE, Mrs. i\dela H. Dictionary of music and musicians,
A. D. 1450-1889; ed. by Sir G: Grove: Index to the four vol-
umes and catalogue of articles contributed bv each writer.
Lond., 1890. 4-1-188 p. O.
MOLLOY, J. F. Life and adventures of Peg Woffington. with pictures
of the period In which she lived. N. Y., 1893. il. pors. 2 v. S.
WOLF, Alice S. A house of cards. Chic, 1896. S.
WOLF, Emma. The joy of life. Chic, 1896. I).
Other things being equal. Chic, 1894. S.
A prodigal in love. N. Y., 1894. D.
WOLFENDEN, Richard Norris. Radiography in marine zoology:
the British echinodermata. Lond., 1897. il. pi. Q. (Supp.
to the Archives of the Roentgen ray.)
WOLFF, Rev. Joseph. eTournal in a H-rios of letters lo Sir Thtr.nas
Bariii"- containing: an account of l\is missionary labours from
the years 1827 to ISP.l; and from Is:};") to ISJiS. Lond., 1S:^9.
WOLLASTOX. AVilliiim Rvde. On super-acid and sub-acid salts.
{In Dalton, .1 :. Wolln'ston, W: TI., aud Thouison, T: Founda-
tions of the alomic theory. Alem]>ic Club rejuints, no. 2.)
WOLSELEY. Sir Garnet Josei)h.
LOW, C. R. A memoir of W. . Lond., 1878. 2 v. D.
WOLTOR, Robert. A short and truthful history of the taking' of
California and Ore^'on by the rhinese in the year A. D. 1899.
S. F., 1882. 82 p. D.
WOLZOGEN Hans von. .V key to Tarsifal, with (hematic mu-
sical illustrations; tr. by W: A. Ellis. Lond., [1892]. 80 p.
WOMAN'S book. The; dealin;;- practicnlly with the modern condi-
tions of home-life, self-support, education, opportunities, and
everv-dav problems. N. Y., 1894. 2 v. il. pi. O.
Coiitnits: Vol. 1. Hubert, P. G. jr. Occupations for worn- n. Stod-
dard W O Women in their business affairs. Betts, L. W. Princi-
ples "of housekeeping. Harrison, C. C. Society and social usages.
McGlasson E W. Aesthetics of dress. Dress from a practical sta.nd-
Doint by several writers. Roosevelt, J. W. Hygiene in the home
Wiggln K D. Training of children. Abbott, L. Education of
women.' Higginson. T: W. Books and reading. Bisland, E. Art of
2 Parsons S. jr. Home grounds. Gerard, J: N. Candee, H. C.
House building. Humphreys, M. G. House decoration and furnish-
in^ Jones M C. Women's opportunities in town and country.
Harrison. C. C. Woman's handiwork. Supplementary inlormation,
by various writers.
WOMEN of colonial and revolutionary times. N. Y., 1896-97. pors.
6v. S.
Namrlii: Eliza Pinckney, by H. H. Ravenel. Margaret Winthrop, by
A M Earle Mercy Warren, by A. Brown. Dolly Madison, by M. W.
Goodwin. Martha Washington, by A. H. Wharton. Catherine Schuy-
ler, by M. G. Humphreys.
WONDERS of art and archaeolojry. X. Y., 1885-00. il. (> v. S.
Xaiixlir Lefevre A. Wonders ot architecture. Monnirr, M.
Wonders of Pompeii. Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making. Viar-
dot, L. Wonders of Italian art. do. Wonders of European art . Sec Chicago. WnrUVs Co-
lumhian Exposition.
WORLD'S masterpieces of modern painting: selected from the
great art exhibitions of all nations: edited by Chevalier John
Sartain; pub. bv Wm. Finlev and Co. Edition de luxe; no.
195. Phil., [189.3]. 11. pi. 2 v. F.
WORLD'S religions series. Lond., 1892. il. D.
Namclu: Mohammedanism, by G: T. Bettany.
WORMELEY. Katharine Prescott. A memoir of Honord de Balzac.
Bost., 1892. por. D.
tr. Balzac, H. de. Alkahest. — Bureaucracy. — Fame and sor-
row. — Lily of the Valley. — Louis Lambert. — Sons of the
soil. — Ursula. — An historical mystery. — Albert Savarus. —
Paz. — Madame Firmianl. — Lucien de Rubcmprp. — Start in
life. — Pierrette. — Lost illusions. — A groat man of the prov-
inces in Paris. — Village rector. — Memoirs of two young mar-
ried w'omen. — Catherine de' Medici.
WORSFOLR, W. Basil. South Africa; a study in colonial admin-
istration and development. Lond.. 1895. map. D.
WORSSAM, S. W. jr. On mechanical saws. Phil.. 1869. .36 p. pi.
WORTHEN, ,\mos Henry. Description of fossil iuvcrtc^brates. (In
111. Geol. Snrv., v! 8, pt. 2, sec. 1.)
Geology of Illinois. (In same, v. 8, pt. 1.)
BLISS, N. W. avd White, C. A. The private life and scientific work of
W. (//( Same. v. 8, app.)
WORTHINGTON. T. Locke. Dwellings of (he j.oor and weekly
wage-earners in and Jiround towns. Lond.. 1S9.'>. D. (Soc.
sci. ser.)
fWORTHINrjTON, Thomas.] Shiloh; or. Tiic Tennessee campaign
of 1862; by A comrade on that battle-field and a West-Point
graduate of 1827. Wash., 1872. 164 p. map. O.
WOZENORAFT, Oliver M. Oration delivered before the Society of
California Pioneers, Sept. 9, 1875. S. F., 1875. 14 p. O. {In
Cal. Pioneers. Orations and poems, 1858-94; v. 2.)
WREN, Walter. Voyage of Captain (ieorge Fenner to the islands
of Cape Verde in 15G6. {In Green, J: Voyages and travels,
V. 1, p. 185.)
WRENN, Robert D. Lawn tennis. {In Out-of-door lib. Athletic
WRIGHT, Alexander Hamilton. The descendants of Veach Will-
iams of Lebanon, Conn., who was of the fifth generation from
Robert Williams; also, the ancestry of Lucy Walsworth, wife
of Veach Williams. New Haven, 1887. O.
WRIGHT, C. H., and Dewar, D. eds. Johnson's gardener's diction-
ary. New ed. Lond., 1894. O.
WRIGHT, Carroll Davidson. The Chicago strike. {In Amer. Eeon.
Assn. Pub., V. 9.)
The phosphate industry of the United States. Wash., 1893. O.
(U. S. Bu. of Labor. 6th spec, rept.)
The slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia.
Wash., 1894. O. (7th spec, rept., Dept. of Labor.)
Same. 53d Cong., 2d sess. H. E. D.. no. 257.
ed. Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of
labor statistics in the United States prior to November 1,
1892. Wash., 1893. O. (3d special report of the U. S. Com.
of labor.)
comp. A compilation of the labor laws of the various states
and territories and the District of Columbia. Wash., 1892.
O. (U. S. 52d Cong., 1st sess. H. R.)
Same. 2d ed. Wash., 189H. O. (U. S. Bu. of Labor.
2d spec, rept.)
WRIGHT. Charles. A cor})orars story: experiences in the ranks of
Company C, 81st Ohio vol. infantry, 1861-64; with introduc-
tion by W. H. Chamberlin. Phil., 1887. 14.3-i-8 p. pi. O.
WRIGHT, E. W. ed. Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the
Pacific northwest. Port. (O.), 1895. il. pi. por. F.
WRIGHT, Charles Romley Alder: Animal and vegetable fixed oils,
fats, butters, and waxes: their preparation and properties,
and the manufacture therefrom of candles, soaps and other
products. Lond., 1894. il. O.
WRIGHT, Edward. A cruizing voyage, by Right Honourable
George, earl of Cumberland, to the Azores, in 1589. (In
Green, J: Voyages and travels, v. 1, p. 206.)
The voyage of the Earl of Cumberland to the Azores, etc., in
1589. ri.599]. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 3, p. 368.)
WRIGHT, Edward Percival, and Studer, Th. Alcyonaria. (Chal-
lenger Exped. Zool., V. 31.)
WRIGHT, F. A. Architectural perspective for beginners. N. Y.,
1885. pi. F.
WRIGHT, Georjje ArHiur. See Ashby, H., and Wright, G. A. Dis-
eases of children.
WRIGHT. Genrge Frederick. Charles Grandison Finney. Boat.,
1891. D. (x\mer. religious leaders.)
WEIGHT, George Frederick. The glacial boundary in western
I'euusylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. Wash.,
181)0. {in U. S. Geol. surv. Bulletins, v. 8, no. 58.)
and Upham, Warren. Greenland iceiields and life in the North
Atlantic; with a new discussion of the causes of the ice age.
X. v., 1800. il. maps. D.
[WRIGHT, James.] The second generation of English professional
actors, 1G25-70. 1099. {In Arber, E. Eng. Garner, v. 2, p.
WRIGHT, John A. How to get good judges: a study of the defects
of the judicial systems of the states, with a plan for a scien-
tific judicial system. S. F., 1802. 85 p. O.
WRIGHT, John Henry, tr. Collignon, M. Manual of Greek
WRIGHT, Joseph Conway, R. S., and Rouse, W. H. D. irs. F.rug-
mann, K. Comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic lan-
guages; V. 1-2. N. Y., 1888-91. 2 v. O.
WRIGHT, Mabel Osgood. Birdcraf t ; a field book of two hundred
song, game, and water birds. N. Y., 1895. pi. O.
an(i Coues, Elliott. Citizen bird: scenes from bird-life in plain
English for beginners. N. Y., 1897. il. D.
WRIGHT, Marcus Joseph. General Scott. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
(Great Commanders.)
WRIGHT, Myron B.
MEMORIAL addresses on the life and services of W., late a represent-
ative from Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives
and the Senate, Fifty-third Congress, Third session. Wash., 1895.
pors. Q. (U. S. Cong. H. M. D. v. 11.)
WRIGHT, Thomas. Anglo-Saxon and Old English vocabularies.
2d ed.; ed. and collated by R. F. Wiilcker. Lond., 1884. 2 v.
The historv and topography of the county of Essex. Lond.,
1836. il. pi. 2 v. Q.
ed. Alliterative poem on the deposition of King Richard II; —
Maydiston, R. Deconcordia inter Ric. II, et civitatem Lon-
don. Lond., 1838. 8-1-64 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 3.)
The book of the knight of La Tour-Landry, compiled for
the instruction of his daughters; tr. from the original French
into English in the reign of Henry VI, and ed. for the first
time from the uni(]ue ms. in the British Museum, with an in-
troduction and notes. Lond., 1868. O. (Early Eng. Text
Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 33.)
Churchwarden's accounts of the town of Ludlow, in
Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth.
[Westminster], 1869. 7-1-184 p. O. (Camden Soc, v. 102.)
A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against
Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, by
Richard de Ledrede, bishop of Ossorv. Lond., 1843. 42-i-61
p. O. (Same, v. 24.)
The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes.
Lond., 1841. O. {Same, v. 16.)
INIapes, W. De nugis cnrialium. [Lond.], 1850. O. (Same,
V. 50.)
WEIGHT, Tbuma«. td. Three chapters of letters relating to the
suppiessiou of luouasteries; ed. from the originals in the
Briiish Museum. ]^ond., 1813. O. {Same, v. 2G.)
and tr. The political songs of England, from the reign of
John to I hat of ii,dward II. Lond., 1831). O. {Same, v. G.)
WRIGHT, Thomas. ("The Journeyman Engineer"). Our new
masters. Lond.. 1873. D.
W^RIGHT, Thomas. The life of William Cowper. Lond., 1892. pi.
pors. O.
WRIGHT, Walter C. Female life mortuary experience of the New
England Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Boston, Mass.;
1863-92. [n.p.], 1893. 32 p. Q.
WRIGHT, William. The Brontes in Ireland; or. Facts stranger
than ticlion. X. Y., 1893. il. jjors. D.
WRIGHT, William. Lectures on the comparative grammar of the
Semitic language. Cambridge, 1890. O.
WRIGHT, William Aldis. ed. Generydes, a romance in seven-line
stanzas; ed. from the unique paper ms. in Trinitv College,
Cambridge, about 1440 A. D. Lond., 1873-78. 6. (Early
Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Reg. ser. no. 55, 70.)
AVorks of V\ : Shakespeare [Cambridge Shakespeare 3d
ed.]. Lond., 1891-93. 9 v. O.
*See Clark, W: G:, atir^ Wright, W: A. eds. Works of W:
W^RIGHTSON, Thomas. On the punishment of death. Lond., 1833.
44 p. D.
W^RIOTHESLEY, Charles. A chronicle of England during the
reigns of the Tudors, 1485-1559; ed. by W\ D. Hamilton.
[Westminster], 1875-77. 2 v. O. (Camden Soc, n.s. v.
11, 20.)
W^RONG, George M. ed. and ir. Louisbourg in 1745: the anony-
mous lettre d'un habitant de Louisbourg. (Cape Breton).
N. Y., 1897. 72 p. Q.
WROTTESLEY. George, maj.-gen. liife and correspondence of
Field Marsha] Sir John Burgoyne. Lond., 1873. 2 v. por.
facsim. O.
WULLING, Frederick eT. The evolution of botany. {In Brooklyn.
Ethical Assoc. Evolution in science, philosophv. and art.)
WUNDT, Wilhelm Max. Ethics: v. 1. Lond., 1897. O.
Outlines of psychology: tr. by C: H. Judd. Leipzig, 1897. O.
Contents: V. 1. Facts of the moral life.
WURTELE. Arthur S. C. Standard measures of United States,
Great Britain, and France. X. Y., 1882. 24 p. O.
WURTZ, Charles Adolphe. A history of chemical theory, from the
age of Lavoiser to the present time; tr. and ed. bv Henrv
Watts. Lond., 1809. T).
WYAT or Wyatt, Sir Thomas the younr/er, 1520-54. Chronicle of
Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary, and especially
of the rebellion of Sir T: Wyat; written by A resident in the
Tower of London; ed. by J: G Nichols. [Lond.], 1850. O.
(Camden Soc, v. 48.)
WYATT, Francis. The pbosplialos of America: where aud how
tliey occur; liow they are iiiiued; and what they cost. 3d ed.
N. v., 1S1)2. pi. map. O.
WYCJJF, Jolm. An apology for Lollard doctrines, attributed to
W'iclilfe; now first printed from a ms. in the library of Trin-
ity Colh'y,e. Dublin, with iutrod. and notes by J. H. Todd.
Lond., l^lL'. O. (Camden Soc, v. 2U.)
■ English works, hitherto unprinted; ed. by F. D. Matthew.
Lond... ISM), facsim. O. (Early Eng. Text Hoc. l»ub. Reg.
ser. no. ~\.)
SERGEANT, L. John Wyclif, last of the schoolmen and first of the
English reformers. N. Y., 1893. pi. pors. D. (Heroes of the na-
WYLDE, A. Ji. 'Ki to '87 in the Soudan; with an account of Sir'
W: Hewett's mission to King John of Abyssinia. Lond.,
1888. map. 2 v. O.
WYXIE, xVlexander J. Labour, leisure and luxury; a contribution
to present practical political economy. Lond., 1884. D.
WYLIE, Claude. Iron and steel founding. 2d ed. rev. enl. Lond.,
[n.d.]. il. 1).
WY'LIE, Jean W. tr. Behrens, B. Her only brother.
WY'LIE, Laura Johnson. Studies in the evolution of English criti-
cism. Bost., 1894. S.
WYNKY^N de Worde. See Worde, Wynkyn de.
WY^NN, M. B. Historv of the mastiff. Melton Mowbray. [1886.]
WYNNE, Edward. Eunomus; or. Dialogues concerning the law
and constitution of England; with an essay on dialogue. 5th
ed., with additional notes, and a dissertation recommending
a course of reading to students in the several branches of
law, by W. M. Bythewood. Lond., 1822. 2 v. in 1. S.
WY'OMING (territory.) Legislative Assemlly. Council journal, 1886
1888, 1890. Cheyenne [1886] -90. 3 pams. O.
House journal, 1886, 1888, 1890. Cheyenne and Laramie
1886-90. 3 pams. O.
Message of Francis E. Warren, governor, and reports of terri
torial officers, January, 1886. Laramie, 1886. O.
(state). AUorney-General. Biennial report; 1891-92. Cheyenne
1893. O.
Constitutional Coiiveyiiion, 1889. Journal and debates. Chey
enne, 1893. O.
Governor. Message of Francis E. Warren, Nov. 1890. Lara
mie, 1890. O. pam.
State Auditor. Annual report; 1892. Cheyenne, 1892. O.
State Engineer. 1st biennial report ; 1891-92. Cheyenne, 1892.
maps. O.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial report; 1890-
92. Cheyenne, 1892. O. pam.
YAKOOB BEG. See Yukiib Beg.
YAKUB BEG. amir of Kasligar.
BOULGER, D. C. Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi and Badaulet.
Lond., 1878. map. O.
YALE, Leroj Milton. American game-fishes. {In Yale, L. M.,and
others. Angling.)
Getting out tlie fly books. {In same.)
and Creighton, J. G. Alywin. The land of the Winanishe. {In
and others. Angling. N. Y., 1896. il. D. (Out-of-door lib.)
YALE College. See Yale University.
YALE review; a quarterly journal of history and political science;
V. 1-5; May 1892-Feb. 1897. N. Y., Bost., Chic, 1892-97. 5
V. O.
YALE University. Bibliographies of the present officers; together
with the bibliography of the late president Porter; 1893.
[New Haven, 1893]. O. pamp.
Catalogue; 1886-98. New Haven, 1886-97. 10 v. D.
Catalogue; with descriptive novices of the portraits, busts,
etc., 1892. New Haven, 1892. 129 p. O.
Catalogue of the officers and graduates of Yale University;
1701-1892. New Haven, 1892. O.
Report of the president; 1892-96. [New Haven], 1893-96. O.
4 pams.
KINGSLEY, W: L. Yale College: a sketch of its history. N. Y., 1879.
2 V. il. pi. pors. F.
Astronomical Observatory. Transactions; v. 1: 3-4. New Haven,
1893. Q. pamp.
Contents: 3. Elkin, W: L. Researches with the heliometer: trian-
gulation of stars in the vicinity of the North Pole. 4. Palmer, M. De-
termination of the orbit of the comet of 1847. V 1.
YANCEY, William Lowndes.
DUBOSE. J: W. Life and times ofW: L. Yancy: a history of political
parties in the United States from 1834 to 1864; especially as to the
origin of the confederate states. Birmingham. 1892. pors. O.
YARROW, Henry Cr^cy. Check list of North American reptilia
and batrachia, with catalogue of specimens in U. S. National
Museum. Wash., 1882. O. (U. S. Nat. Museum. Bulletin
no. 24.)
YATE, Arthur Campbell, lieut. England and Russia face to face
in Asia: travels with the Afghan boundary commission.
Edin. and Lond., 1887. pi. pors. plan. O.
YATE, Charles Edward, maj. Northern Afghanistan; or. Letters
from the Afghan Boundarv Commission. Edin. and Lond.,.
1888. folded maps. O.
YATES, Robert. Letters of Sydney; printed in the New York
Journal, June 1788. {In Ford, P. L. ed. Essays on the Con-
stitution, 1787-88.)
YATES, Eev. William. Dictionary iu Sanscrit and En2.)
YONGE, Walter. Diarv, written at Colyton and Axminster, 1004-
28; ed. by G: Roi)erts. Lond., 1848. 32-1-124 p. O. (Cam-
den Soc, V. 41.)
YORK. James. //•. Manuel. J. Count Lucanor.
YORKE, Bev Peter C. See Weudte, C: W., and Yorke, P: C. Yorke-
Wendte controversy.
YOUMANS, Edward Livingston.
FISKE, J: Edward Livingston Youmans; interpreter of science for
the people. N. Y., 1894. por. D.
YOUMANS, William Jay. ed. Pioneers of science in America.
N. Y., 1896. por. O.
YOUNG, Alexander. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of the col-
ony of Plymouth, from 1G02-1625. Bost., 1841. por. O.
YOUNG, Alfred. Catholic and Protestant countries compared. 2d
ed. N. Y., 1895. D. .
YOUNG, Sir Allen. The two voyages of the "Pandora" in 1875
and 1876. Lond., 1879. pi. folded map. O.
YOUNG, Andrew White. History of Chautauqua County, New
York with biographical and family sketches. Buf-
falo, 1875. pors. O.
YOUNG, Edward. Labor in Europe and America: a special report
on the rates of wages, the cost of subsistence, and the condi-
tion of the working classes in Great Britain, Germany,
France, Belgium, and other countries of Europe, also in the
United States and British America. Wash., 1876. O. (U.
S. 44th cong. 1st sess. H. E. D.)
Special report on the customs-tariff legislation of the United
States. Wash., 1874. O.
YOUNG, George A. Whatever is, was. S. F., 1887. O.
YOUNG, Iza. tr. Sienkiewicz, H. W'ithout dogma.
YOUNG, Philip. M.D. History of Mexico ; her civil wars and colo-
nial and revolutionary annals; from the period of the Span-
ish conquest, 1520, to the present time, 1847; including an
account of the war with the United States, its causes and
military achievements. Cin., 1847. maps. O.
YOUNG mechanic [by J. Lukin].
YOUNGHUSBAND, George John. Eighteen hundred miles on a
Burmese tat through Burmah, Siam, and the eastern Shan
states. Lond., 1888. pi. map. D.
YOUNKIN, Lulu. comp. Catalogue of the San Diego Free Public
Library, April, 1889. San Diego, 1889. D.
YOUR fellow-citizen. Address to the honest and patriotic mem-
bers of the late Union party. 16 p. O. (In Cal. speeches,
v. 3.)
YRIARTE, Charles. Venice; facsimiles of colored photographs
of St. Mark's cathedral. The Doge's palace [etc.] ; together
with half-tone engravings of drawings by Frank M. Gregory;
accompanied by selections from the text by Y. N. Y., 1889.
col. pi. F.
YSAGUIRRE, — , and La Marca, — . Cold dishes for hot weather.
N. Y., 1896. 126 p. S.
YUBA countv, (Cal.). Great register (continuation); 1880, 1890,
1892, 1894, 1896.
YUBA and Sutter counties, California; their resources, advantages and
opportunities; written and comp. by C. E. Williams. S. F., 1887.
119 p. O.
YUKON gold fields: map showing routes from Victoria, B- C., to
the various mining camps on the Yul