l'h^'; MM .Ki.i)'' .f v.. . -l-^. ■/• M^:t'-^i^'y ^•'- r-^ Cb- , loth century, ''a ) „.. . , , Abbeys, &c. ^.d. Bilhopncks. ^ ! ^ - n in- • \,\ ^ A.D. j I" rauenmuniter (Zurich) 930 St. Urfus (Solothurn) 930 St. Gallen - - 947 Peterlingen - - 962 St. George at Stein - 1024 Rheinau - - 1241 Fifchingen^ p Engelberg J Few, if any, coins from thefe places, however, are known of a date earlier than the eleventh century. Some of the chief fecular princes alfo received the right of coining. Thefe were the counts of Bargen and Sogern, and the counts of Nellenburg Chur - - 959 Laufanne Geneva Bafel - - 1087 Sitten - - 1274 Introdu&ion. xiii and Savoy. The coins of the laft two families were ftruck refpectively at Schaffhaufen, and at St. Maurice in Wallis. 5. About the middle of the eleventh century, foon after the eftablifhing of the ecclefiaftical coinage, the denier gave place to a thin irregularly-ftruck coin, called by numifmatifts the half-bradleate, which in its turn, after a lapfe of more than a century and a half, was fuperfeded by a ftill thinner and bafer coin, ftruck only on one fide, and known as the bradleate. During this period the coinage remained principally in the hands of the ecclefiaftical party, but about the time of the introdudlion of the bradeate the cities of Switzerland, which had long been fteadily growing in fize and importance, began to claim and exercife the right of ifiliing a coinage diftindl from that of their feudal fuperiors. The firft to gain this recognition was Bern, which received the right of coining from Frederick II. in 1218. In 1239 Zofingen received from the fame emperor the mark-recht, right of holding a market, and the miinz-recht, right of coining. Thefe places were followed in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries by Diefi^en- hofen (1309), Schaffhaufen (1333), Bafel (1373), Solothurn (138 1 ), St. Gallen and Luzern in the fame year (141 5), Freiburg (1422), and Uri and Schwyz (1424). The town of Zurich with the fame object encroached upon the right of the neighbouring abbey of Frauenmiinfter, until in the year 15 14 the latter definitely relinquifiied to Zurich all its monetary privileges. During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the emperors alfo granted the right of coinage to the lords of Neuchatel, Wallis, Kyburg (at Burgdorf), Habsburg (at Laufenburg), and Greierz, but this right was only exercifed for a ftiort period. xiv IntroduBion. After the fourteenth century, the only ecclefiafticaJ mints were thofe of Chur, Laufanne, and Sitten. The BIfhoprIck of Bafel, which in 1373 had fold its right of coinage to the town, again refumed it in 1556, under the Bifhop John Charles, Baron von Wartenfee, and continued to ifTue coins at intervals until 1789. 6. The laft or modern period of Swifs numifmatics is diftinguifhed by the fuppreffion of the bracteates and the intro- duction of various new coins, moft of which, from the begin- ning of the fifteenth century downwards, continued to be ifTued until quite recent times. This period is further marked not only by the various denominations of coins iflued, but by the number of mints from which they proceeded. This ftate of things naturally led to great confufion in the conditions of monetary exchange, a ftate of economic anarchy which a fucceffion of con- ventions among the different ftates and towns endeavoured to remedy. The monetary hiftory therefore of this period is chiefly a catalogue of thefe monetary conventions. ^ As early as 1344 Zurich had called upon the chief cities of Switzerland to follow her, and adopt a uniform ftandard for the weight and purity of their coins, but her efforts were produdlive of little refult. In 1425 the firft Monetary Convention of the Confederate States was held at Zurich, and {^ytw of the ftates took part in it, Bern alone holding aloof. The refult was a compad, binding for fifty years, agreeably to which Zurich and Luzern ftruck a new coinage, having as its ftandard the gulden of pure gold, one fixty-eighth of the Cologne mark in weight, and in value thirty fchillings. The coins thus ifllied were the plappart, the angfter, and the pfenning. In a ftiort time, however, the convention was broken and the greateft confufion enfued for many years. In 1450 the towns of Bern, Freiburg, Laufanne, Solothurn, and Wiflif- burg began for the firft time to ftrike five-haller (or bracteate) IntroduSiion. xv pieces called fiinfers. Thefe coins were adopted by Ziirich in 1483. One more Monetary Convention was attempted before the end of the fifteenth century, but proved ineffectual to eftablifh a uniform ftandard, or flop the iffue of debafed money, the neceffary confequence of its abfence. The value of the gold gulden, which at the beginning of the century had been fixed at thirty fchillings, had now, owing to the depreciation of the coinage, rifen to forty fchillings, at which it was fixed by the convention of 1487. In 1 500 Zurich, adopting the ftandard of Bern and Solothurn, began to flrike batzen at fifteen to the pure filver gulden, and five-batzen pieces called diken or " thick " pieces. The fchilling being, apparently, one third of the batzen muft now have fallen to the rate of forty-five to the gulden. During the remainder of this century the different ftates continued to iffue feparate coinages, generally in very debafed metal. Zurich, however, in 1554, attempted a reform, and iffued, for the period of fix years, thalers, two-fchilling pieces, and hallers, the thalers being current at the metal value. The experiment, in the abfence of co-operation from the other ftates, proved ruinous, and in 1561 Zurich fuspended the iffue of the thalers, and did not ftrike them again until 1620, and then at a lower flandard. In 1593 a Monetary Convention was held between Bern, Frei- burg, Solothurn, Geneva, and Neuchatel, at which it was deter- mined to flrike the parpaillot, six-quarts, and trois-fols, which were ^ to correfpond in weight andfinenefs to the kreutzer, half-batzen, and batzen. Thefe coins were flill in circulation during the feventeenth century (Blavignac, Armorial Genevois, p. 79, note.) The Cologne mark of pure filver was, in 1554, worth ten and one quarter gulden, in 1584 it rofe to eleven and a half, in 1596 to twelve, and in 16 15 to fifteen gulden. The poverty refulting from the Thirty- Years- War, which was the caufe of a depreciated coinage throughout Germany, was not without its effect in Switzerland. While Zurich maintained xvi hitroduBion, her former coinage, only reducing the value of the thalers from the ftandard of twelve gulden to the mark to that of fifteen gulden, Bern, to meet the influx of debafed German money, began the ifliie of base batzen, at the rate of fifty, infl:ead of the former twenty-two and a half, to the imperial thaler. The refult was that, when at the end of the war the reichsthaler was again raifed to the value of twenty-two and a half batzen, Bern reluctantly found herfelf compelled to Iflue a proclamation that her batzen fhould be received for the value of half-batzen. This was agreed to by the other ftates at a Convention held in 1653, and the fame ftandard was preferved until the end of the century. In 1622, Freiburg and Solothurn had agreed to a ftandard by which the batzen was ftruck at the rate of eighty to the mark. The difficulties which impeded the adoption of a purer currency in Switzerland naturally arofe chiefly from the number of places in which coins were ftruck and the commercial rivalry between them all, and it might be added from the perfiftent dif- honefty of the eccleliaftical mints. This facfl is well illuftrated in the cafe of Chur, where we find during the feventeenth century no lefs than three diftindl mints in operation at the fame time. The firft was under the direction of the Epifcopal See, another belonged to the town, and the third was that of Thomas von Schauenftein-Ehrenfels, who, in 1608, acquired the eftates of Haldenftein and Lichtenftein, with the right of coinage. This privilege he turned to the beft advantage, ftriking gulden at the rate of twenty -nine to the Cologne mark, although in the other ftates the value of the gulden appears to have been about fourteen and a half In 1617 when the value of the filver mark was fixed by imperial edid at twelve gulden, the currency of Haldenftein and Chur was entirely forbidden. At the beginning of the eighteenth century a Convention was held at Langenthal between Zurich, Solothurn, and Neuchatel. At this the French mark was adopted as the ftandard of fine IntroduFtion, xvii filver, and a fcale was drawn up fhowing the finenefs of which each piece fhould be ftruck. It does not appear, however, that this fcale was adhered to. In 1737 Zurich, afting for herfelf, beean to ftrike coins at the rate of nineteen and a half gulden to the Cologne mark, but the value of the thaler was raifed from one gulden thirty-two fchillings to two guldens. About this time alfo Bern called in as much as po/Tible of the bafe filver which had been ifTued from her mint. The outbreak of the Seven- Years- War, however, in 1756, deluged Germany with a multitude of fmall coins of bafe metal, many of which found their way into Switzerland and tended again to depreciate the currency, fo that in Zurich and moll other cantons the gulden would appear to have fallen to the rate of twenty-three or twenty-four to the Cologne mark. Towards the end of the century mofl of the cantons began independent efforts to reform their ifTues. In 1782 Zurich fixed her ftandard at the rate of twenty-two gulden to the Cologne mark, but Appenzell, Schaffhaufen, St. Gallen, and fome other cantons, no doubt on account of the quantity of bafe money current in thefe dif- tridls, adhered to the German ftandard of twenty-four gulden to the mark. Before 1800 the louis d'or franc^ais^ which was commonly current throughout the Swifs cantons, was frequently adopted as the unit of value. In relation to it, the filver coins of the various cantons, &c. feem to have flood much as follows : — In Zurich current filver was 10 gulden to the louis d'or. Freiburg Glarus ^ „ 10^ Neuchatel Bern Bafel j> „ 10 J Solothurn Appenzell Schaflhaufei St. Gallen 18090. 7 J> i'>-'2 iJ j> j> •>■) J) JJ 35 ^^ a >j it J> 3J 3> J> JJ JJ xviii IntroduEiion, In Luzern current filver was 12 gulden to the louis if or. Unterwalden „ 12 ,^ ,, „ Zug jj I 2 2" J, 5J 3J Schwyz \ Uri J ^' "^ Chur i, ija" Geneva, v/hich joined the Confederation in 1533, had held aloof fro"l-n the other ftates by adopting a feparate ftandard for thecoinaf^e. In 1535 Geneva took for the bafis of the fyftem of coinage a florin containing the twenty -feventh 'part of the Cologne mark of filver. This florin was divided into twelve fols, the fol into twelve denlers, the denier into two oboles, and the obole into two pites or pougeoifes. Geneva kept this florin as the bafis of the coinage until 1794, the value gradually decreafl ng, fo that while In 1538 It was at the rate of 27 to the Cologne mark 39 » » 4^ 3> - a 64 J) JJ 98 3, ,, In 1794 Geneva adopted a decimal coinage having for its unit the Genevoife, fubfequently called the ecu, worth twelve of the old florins and nineteen fols. By the French occupation of Switzerland In 1798, the old conftitutlon of the country was broken up, and on Its ruins was eredled the Helvetic Republic. The fyfliem of coinage now- adopted comprifed a uniform Ifliie for the whole fl:ate, uni- form alfo with that which was current in France. A lifl: of the pieces fl:ruck on this new fyfl:em will be found In the Introduc- tion to the Coins of the Helvetic RepubUc at page 575. After the '^ Act of Mediation," pafled by Napoleon in 1803, the old Confederation, though confiderably changed, was refliored to Switzerland, and the right of coinage was as hereto- fore veflied In the feparate fl;ates, fubjeft to approval from the 1576 33 1591 1619 „ 1786 IntroduEitoit, xix central reprefentative body or Diet. The unit of coinage now ordered was the Swifs franky worth one and a half French francs, the leffer denominations being forty, twenty, ten, and one batzen pieces. The number of coins in each clafs which were to be ftruck was likewife fixed by the Diet. The working of this fyftem was vitiated by the condu(5b of the individual ftates which perfifled in ifTuing large maffes of the bafe money, a pradlice which no efforts of the central body availed to check. In 1834, 1836, and 1837, conferences were held to try and bring about a unification of the monetary fyftem, and to difcufs the advifa- bility of adopting a decimal fcale throughout. This lafl ftep had been already taken by Geneva in 1 833, and fhe was followed by Bern after the conferences had come to an end. In 1 848 the new and now exifting conflltution of Switzer- land was promulgated, and a uniform coinage was at the fame time finally adopted. An account of this coinage will be found in the Introduction to the Coins of the Swifs Confederation at page 581. From this time no gold coinage was ftruck by the Swifs Confederation, but the want of it is fupplied by the French twenty-five franc piece, which in i86o was ordered to be current at its _ full value. The flatute ena6ls that French gold coins, which were ftruck in the proportion of 15 J to filver, fhould be current in Switzerland at their legal value in France, fo long as they retained this currency in their own country. In December 1865 a Monetary Convention was made between France, Italy, Switzerland, and Belgium, at which the flandard of finenefs for filver coins was fixed at '833, th^ franc or lire being by this means made current in any of the four countries. H CATALOGUE OF SWISS COINS. A A R G A U. ARGAU or Argau, (Argovia, Argovic,) " the Aar diftria," conftituted in 1803, is the fixteenth canton of the Swifs Confederation. It contains four principal divifions, the fo-called Lower Aargau (der Untere Aargau), the county of Baden, the Free Bailiwicks (die Freien Aemter), and the Frickthal. At the Swifs Revolution of 1798, two cantons were formed, the firft divifion above-mentioned being called Canton Aargau, and the fecond and third divifions, Canton Baden. In 180 1 the two cantons were united, and in 1 803 the Frickthal was added, and the prefent canton definitely conftituted. Capital^ &c. — Aarau, earlier Arowa, the name of which defcribes its pofition on the bank of the Aar. It was the firft capital of the Helvetic Republic for the greater part of the year 1798. The Caftle of Habft^urg is in this canton. Jrms.— The Canton Aargau bears : Per pale, ift, fa., a fefte wavy (the river Aar) arg., for Aargau ; 2nd, az., three ftars of five points, arg., for Baden, the Free Bailiwicks, and the Frickthal : dating from 1803. The coins of the Canton Aargau, being wholly of the nineteenth century, prefent nothing of fpeciai intereft. Obverfe. Reverfe. Thaler, or Four (Swiss) Frank Piece, of 1812, containing 40 Batzen CANTON ARGAU 1812 Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; crown clofed. SCHWEIZER: EIDSGENOSSENS : Warrior, wearing plumed hat and two-handed fwoid, right hand refting on oval ftiield infcribed xix , left hold- ing halbert : In the can exergue, 4, frank: tone JR 1-6. The two-handed fwovd is the renowned weapon of the old Swifs infantry.— The Cantons became nineteen in number in the year 1803. 28090. Wt. 6745. Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 2-4. Half-Thaler of 1809, containing 20 Batzen. Obverfe. Rtxtxk. CANTON ARGAU Shield j arms of canton, colours Indi- cated ; fprlnging from beneath flileld, on either fide, a branch, on dex., of laurel, on fin., of palm, ftems croflTed. SCHWEIZERISCHE EIDSGE- NOSSENSCHAFT 1809 Warrior, feated, towards right, wear- ing plumed hat and fword, holding halbert and palm-branch ; right arm refting on (hleld, Infcribed xix , be- hind which branch of oak j CANT: in exergue, 20. batz: A I'3. Q uarter-Thaler of 1818, containing 10 Batzen. CANTON ARGAU (mm. between words, quatrefoil barbed.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours Indi- cated ; branches, laurel and palm. Within oak-wreath, 10 BATZEN 1818 M 115. Five-Batzen Piece. 1808. CANTON ARGAU (mm. fame.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours Indi- cated ; branches, laurel and palm. Within oak-wreath, 5 BATZEN 1808 Bil. J. 7- 1810. 8. Bil Mm. cinquefoll ; ftops, at either end of Infer., ftars of fix points. On either fide of date, ftar of fix points. Bil. 9- 1815. Same. Same : var. no ftars. Bil Am ^ga u. 10, I I. Concordat-issue, dated 1826. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON AARGAU 1826 DIE CONCORDIER- CANTONE Shield; arms of canton, colours in- DER SCHWEIZ (mm. cinquefoil.) dicated ; branches, laurel j beneath, Within laurel-wreath, the Concordat- 5 • BATZ • : wreath-border. crofs, that is, the crofs of the Confedera- tion, a crofscouped, having fordiftindion, in the centre, c in an oak-wreath, and in each limb, floral ornaments : wreath- border. Bil. 1-05. The Concordat-crofs is varied in the Bernefe Thaler dated 1826. In 1825 a monetary convention or concordat (Miinz-Concordat) was made between the Cantons Bern, Freiburg, Solothurn, Bafel, Aargau, and Waadt, and was carried out in 1826. 12. Batzen, containing id Rappen. 1805. CANTON AARGAU Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colours indicated; relHng on fliield, triple laurel- garlands ; in exergue, 10. Rapen . Within oak-wreath, 1 BATZEN 1805 Bil •95- This is the earlieft coin in the colleftion with the modern orthography of Aargau, which does not here recur until the ifl"ue of the monetary convention of iSzf, dated 1826. 13- 1806. Same : var. argau RAPPEN 14. 1807. CANTON ARGAU. (mm. between words, quatrefoil barbed ; flops cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; branches, laurel and palm ; in exergue, ic : rap- Bil Within wreath of flowers, 1 BATZEN •1807- (Stops as on obverfe.) Bi Same : var, 10 . rap. 15- 1809. I Same : var. no flops. Bil 16. i8ii. Same: var. mm. ftar of f.ve points, IQ • RAP: Same : var. • i8ii- ; flops, ftars of five points. Bil. A Z Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 17-19. Concordat-issue, dated 1826. Obverfe, Reverfe. CANTON AARGAU 1826 Shield j aims of canton, colours in- dicated ; blanches, laurel and palm ; in exergue i-batz • DIE CONCORDIER- CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm.cinquefoil.) Within ornamented quatrefoil border, Concordat-crofs. Bil. -95. 20. Half-Batzen Piece of 1809, containing 5 Rappen. •CANTON ARGAU- (mm. between words, four-leaved ornament j ftops, ftars of five points.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated j branches, laurel. Within wreath of flowers and ftars of five points. i BATZEN 1809 Bil. -85. 21. Concordat-issue. 1829. •CANTON AARGAU- (ftops, cinquefoils.) 5- RAP- Shield ; arms of canton, colours in- dicated. CONCORD- CANT-DER SCHWEIZ- 1829 Bil. -85. 22. 1831. 23-25. Kreuzer, of 1831, containing 2I Rappen. CANTON AARGAU- 2^ RAP (ftops, fixfolls.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours in- dicated. -EIN KREUZER- 1831 (ftops, fame as obverfe.) Concordat-crofs. Bil. -7. 26. Two Rappen Piece of 1808. CANTON ARGAU (mm. fevenfoil.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours in- dicated ; branches, laurel. Within triple laurel-wreath, all in one direftion, above, to right, 2 RAPPEN 1808 Bil. -7. 27. 1811. Same: var. mm. ftar of five points ; I Same: var. .1811 ftops, ftars of fix points. I Bil Aargau. 28, 29. 1812. Obverfe. Reverfe. Bil. 30. 1813. Bi 1 8 14. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil ; ftops, ftars of five points. Same. Bil. 33. 34- 1816. Same : var. no mm. ; three ftars. | Same. Bil. 35, 36. Rappen, of 1809. CANTON ARGAU (mm. ftar of five points.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours in- dicated j branches, laurel and palm. Within oak-wreath, 1 RAPPEN 1809 Bil. -6. 37, 38. 1810. Same : var. mm. ftar of five points. The wreath, of laurel-leaves, triple, to right, and of ftars of five points. 39- 1811. I The wreath of oak. 40, 4.1. 1816. Same : var. mm. very fmall. Both branches, of laurel. APPENZELL. PPENZELL was received into the Confederation, of which it is the thirteenth canton, in 1 5 13. Like the older territory, it takes its name from the town of Appenzell, capital of one of its two principal divifions. It is fepa- rated into the Inner and Outer Communes, Inner und AufTer Rhoden, earlier Inner und Ufs UiTer Rooden, Roden.* They were feparated in 1597, after the religious wars, and are refpedlively Catholic and Proteflant. They are two independent Republics, but form only one canton. The capital of the Inner Communes is Appen- zell, that of the Outer Communes, Trogen. Appenzell, earlier Abbacella, Abbatiscella, was fo called from a cell or chapel made by the abbots of St. Gallen for their fhepherds. In 1061 Abbot Norbert built a parifh church for the people fettled near, and dedicated it to St. Maurice. Arms. — Arg., a bear rampant fa., langued and armed gu. Obferve that the Abbey of St. Gallen bears the fame arms, except that the field is or ; and that the City of St. Gallen only differs in the bear's being collared or, as an honourable augmentation. When no colours are indicated it is difficult to diftinguifh the arms of Appenzell from thofeof the Abbey. On the origin of thefe arms, fee St. Gallen., Abbey .^ and Bern. Appenzell derives its arms from thofe of the Abbey, of which it was formerly a dependency. The two half-cantons ufe the fame arms, with this difference, that the Outer Rhoden place the letters V R for Uffer Rhoden in the field on either fide of the bear. The letter A is be- ginning to fupplant V as more grammatical. M. Gautier remarks that it would be better to blazon the arms of the two Appenzells party per pale, like Unterwalden and Bafel modern. (On the whole fubje6l, * "Rode, Roode, Rhode bezeichnet eine Gemeinde (politifche) und Gemeindsbczirk. Schon im XIV Jahrhundert heiflen die einen Gemeinden des Landes die innern, die andern die aufTe/n Rhoden." Titus Tobler, Appenz. Sprachfchatz. Zellweger, Gefch. I., 334, ap. Mitth. Ant. Gefell. Ziir. IX. Stadte- u. Landes-Siegel, p. 118. No doubt the original meaning is a clearing. The Earl of Ennilkillen remarks that the word is commonly ufed in compound names in the Hartz. Appenzell. fee Jrmoiries des Cantons.^ pp. 17-ig.) The coins of the Outer Rhoden are diftinguifhed by the arms, thofe of the Inner Rhoden by the infcription. The canton-arms, except perhap* in the Hohl- pfenninge, probably always indicate the latter diftrift, and there is not, fo far as I know, any certain coinage of the whole canton either before its feparation or fmce. The dated coins of this canton are of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The former are of few denominations and ftruck during a fliort period. One of them was ilTued, according to its infcription, for the Inner Rhoden, and it may be fafely alTumed that thofe with the figure of St. Maurice were ftruck for the fame diftrift and had no further circulation. At the end of this group are placed certain Hohl- pfenninge of doubtful date. The coinage of the prefent century is wholly of the Ufl'er Rhoden, which contain about three-fourths of the population of the canton, and are manufailuring diftridls, the Inner Rhoden being paftoral. A. COINAGE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. I. Ducat of 1737. Obverfe. ST- MAURITIUS PATRONUS St. Maurice, to the right, wearing de- fenfive armour and fword 5 in right hand, flag, with red crofs on white field, ending in two ftreamers ; left hand refting on oval (hield, arms of canton, charge to fin. inftead of dex. : in ex. T. I Reverfe. Within irregular ornamented border, DUCATUS REIP- APPENZEL LENSIS 1737 Beneath, two palm-branches. Weight, 3-5 grammes, at -85. T is the initial of the Mafter of the Mint (Milnzmeifter), and doubtlefs alio engraver, I. Thiebaud, by whom all the following coins, to no. 9 inclufive, except no. 4, feem to have been ftruck. Nine-Batzen Piece of 1738. S- MAURIT- PAT- REIP- APPEN ZELLENSIS St. Maurice, to the right, with nim- bus of rays, wearing defenfive armour and fword 5 in right hand flag, with red crofs on white field ; left hand refting on oval fliield ; arms of canton, charge to fin. The quotation is from Exod. xv. 2. Within ornamented border, in curved upwards, ET FACTUS EST MIHI IN SALUT- EM- EX -15 Vim- BATZEN ■1738- Bencatli, I T. lines Bil 1'2. 8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Reverfe. gjj^g Within broad palm-wreath, SALVUM FAC POPVLUM TVUM 1738 BATZEN Vim I T Quotation from Ps. xxviii. 9. ^"- ^"^^ "This piece, bought by me at Appenzell, is inedited R R R R [extremely rare]." Note by Mr. Townfhend. Probably it is a pattern never iffued, on account of the inconfiftent ufe of v and u for the fame letter on the reverfe. The preceding three coins feem to have been ftruck for the Inner Rhoden, on account of the reprefentation of the Patron Saint. Twenty-Kreuzer Piece of 1740. MONETA REIP: APPENZ IN TERIORIS (mm. ftar of fix points.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; on it oval ftiield, arms of canton, crown clofed. Struck for the Inner Rhoden. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO ET IN TERRA (mm. fame as obv.) Within ornamented oval, 20 KREU ZER 1740 Bil. 1-05, MONETA REIP- APPENZEL LENSIS. (At each end of infer, bud.) Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, charge to fm. 5, 6. Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece of 1738. Within ornamented border, the firft three lines curved upwards, SUPER OMNE LIBERTAS ■1738- T Bil. i-i. The motto on the reverfe is the fame as that taken by Selden, " irepl wavTls rr;* iXivQepiavy^ and feems, from the ufe of the fmgular "omne," to be a tranflation from the Greek. Appenzell. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA NOVA REIP:APPENZ: Arms of canton ; beneath, partly in border, eagle's leg, within oval. Within ornamented border, having palm-branch intertwined with it on either fide, GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO ■1738- In lowed part of border, 15 in oval. Bil. 1-15. The inferior arms on the obv. arc probably Thiebaud's. 8,9. Six-Kreuzer Piece of 1737. MONETA REIP . APPEN2EL Within ornamented border, LENSIS. Vi Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- KREU ton, charge to fin. ZER" •1737- In loweft part of border, t . Bil. 10. 1738. Same infcription. Irregular fhield \ charge to fin. arms of canton. Within ornamented border, middle three lines curved upwards, VI KREU ZER. •1738- T The preceding four coins were probably ftruck, like no. 4, for the Inner Rhoden, all but one bearing the initial of Thiebaud, unlefs indeed 5, 6 was ftruck for the Outer and 7 for the Inner Rhoden, and the others as common coinage. II-14. Half-Kreuzers of 1737. Two fhields. i. Empire ; two-headed imperial eagle ; 2. Appenzell, charge to fin. : above, in oval, \, on either fide of which, -17 37- (Four fpecimens, flightly varied.) Thefe coins might be of Appenzell or the Abbey of St. Gallen, did not the evi- dence feem to preponderate in favour of the former. The date is that of the com- mencement of the Appenzell coinage, and the bear is turned to fin., a peculiarity feen in fix of the eight coins previoufly defcribed. Eil. •55- lO Catalogue of Swifs Corns. Concave Pennies (Hohlpfenninge) of Appenzell or Abbey of St. Gallen, of doubtful date. 15-18. Two-Denier Piece. Type on concave fide. Bear, rampant, to fin. ; on either fide 2 D : border of lines. 14-16. Bil. -55. 17- "5- The fame, without infcription. 19 -22. 18-20. Bil. -5. 21. -^s- The fame 5 but bear to dex. 23-27. 22, 23. Bil. 24-26. ■55- ■5- Thefe coins may be even as late as the end of the laft century, fimilar ones being known, as will be later feen, of the Canton of St. Gallen. The later the date the higher the probability that they are of the Canton of Appenzell, and not of the Abbey of St. Gallen. The direftion of the bear being both dex. and fin. is in favour of the former attribution. Dr. Meyer holds the fimilar coins of the City of St. Gallen to be of the fixteenth century. (Braa. d. Schweiz, p. 54.) Their clafs generally fucceeded the brafteates and preceded the regular coinage. B. COINAGE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, ALL OF THE OUTER RHODEN. Thaler, or Four (Swiss) Frank Piece, of 1812. Obverfe. CANTON APPENZELL 1812. lEDEM DAS SEINIGE- Irregular fiiield 5 arms of the Outer Rhoden ; on either fide a branch, on dex., of laurel, on fin., of palm, ftems crofiTed. Reverfe. SCHWEIZER: EIDSGENOSST Warrior, wearing plumed hat, right hand refting on oval fliield, infcribed XIX left holding two-handed fvi'ord ; can= 5 in exergue, 4. frank*? . tone jr. 16. The motto is from the Latin " fuum cuique," appropriate to the conftltution of this half-canion. AppenzelL 1 1 2. 1816. Obverle. Rcverfe. CANTON APPENZELL 1816. Within laurel-wreath, arms of the Oiitet Rhoden. lEDEM DAS SEINIGE. Warrior, wearing plumed hat, right hand holding two-handed Ivvord, left arm refting on (hield bearing arms of Confederation, gu., a crofs couped arg. ; in exergue, 4. Frank'? . The arms of the Confederation were -hofen in 181 5. Half-Thaler, or Two-Frank Piece, of 1812. SCHWEIZER : EIDSGENOSST Warrior, wearing hat with three plumes, right hand refting on oval lliield, infcribed xix , left holding two- handed fword ; can in ex., 2 . frank?. TONE - M. I"35' CANTON APPENZELL 1812 lEDEM DAS SEINIGE Shield 5 arms of the Outer Rhoden; branches, laurel and palm. 4, 5- Half-Frank of 1809 CANTON APPENZELL Shield ; arms of the Outer Rhoden ; above, fun with many rays; branches, laurel and palm. lEDEM DAS SEINIGE Within wreath of branches of palm and laurel, connected by circle, SCHWEIZ: FRANKEN 1809 Bi 1-05. 6,7. Batzen, containing 10 Rappen. 180J CANTON APPENZELL Shield 5 arms of the Outer Rhoden ; branches, palm and laurel ; in ex., 1808 . lEDEM DAS SEINIGE (At each end of infcription liar of five points.) Within flower-wreath, 1 BATZEN 10 Eil. 95- 8. Same : var. 1808, Same. Bil. I 2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 9-11. 1816. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. 1816. Same. £il. 12. Half-Batzen Piece of 1808. Within circle, outfide ZELL 1808 e which, triple e Outer Rhoden. lEDEM DAS SEINIGE Within wreath of branches of palm and oak, 1 BATZEN. 5. Bil. -9. 13- 1809. 14, 15. 1816. 16-18. Kreuzer of 1813. CANTON APPENZELL Within double circle, outfide which dotted border, arms of the Outer Rhoden 5 beneath, two conventional laurel-branches. Within wreath of leaves and flowers of three petals, KREUZER 1813. Bil. -7. 19. Pfenning of t8i6. CANTON APPENZELL Arms of Outer Rhoden ; beneath, two palm-branches. 1 PFENNING 1816 Bil. ■55- BASEL. ASEL (Bade, Bale) was conftituted in I50i,asthe eleventh canton of the Swifs Confederation, but afterwards, in con- fideration of its importance, granted the ninth place, taking precedence of the earlier cantons, Freiburg and _ Solothurn. It takes its name and arms from its capital, long a bilhop's fee. Its territory formerly was divided into eight bailiwicks. Political differences between the country-people and the citizens of Bafel, which began in 183 1, were terminated in 1833 by the fepa- ration of the canton into two half-cantons, Bafel-Town, with a fmall neighbouring territory, and Bafel-Country, having Liechftall (Lieftal) for its capital. Capital— 'Q7x(d (Bafilea, Bafle, Bale) is firft mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus as (landing in the time of the Emperor Valentinian I. In confequence of the deftrudion of Augufta Rauracorum (Augft, fix miles fouth-eaft of Bafel) in a.d. 450, the town gradually rofe in importance. In 740 it became a bifhop's fee. The General Council of Bafel was held here from 1431 to 1448. In 1460 the Umverfity was founded. In 1527 the town ceafed to be the bifhops' refidence. In 1795 the Peace of Bafel was concluded between France and Pruffia and France and Spain. The city is divided by the Rhine into Great and Little Bafel, (Grofs und Klein Bafel,) formerly connefted by a wooden bridge. ^^;;j^._Bifhopric : Arg., a bafelftab, gu. to fin. Town and Canton.— Old : Arg., a bafelftab fa. Modern : the fame for Bafel-Town, impaling arg., a bafelftab gu. to fin., having around its upper part feven pearls, for Bafel-Country with its feven diftrids. The bafelftab is probably a conventionalized crozier, or poffibly a crozier-cafe. The arms of the bifhopric are the oldeft. The city adopted its charge, changing the colour, and about 1380 changed its direaion. The arms of Liechftall were adopted by Bafel-Country differenced in the number of pearls. (Gautier, " Armoiries," pp. 15, 16, pi. I. II.) T4. Catalogue of Swifs Coins. A bafilifk is the fupporter of the fhield of Bafel, and the arms are thus " parlantes." fGautier, I.e.) On the coins fometimes, but rarely, two bafilifks occur as fupporters. The bafilifk, or cockatrice of heraldry, regarded as the King of Serpents, (/3:.cr.X/o-/co?, bafilifcus, regulus,) was adopted by the city of Bafel as fuitable to a royal city. On the coins its tail does not terminate in a head. Patron.— The Virgin Mary. St. Urficinus and St. Henry the Emperor alfo occur on fome of the coins of the bifhops. Motto, — " Domine conferva nos in pace." The order followed in the catalogue is to defcribe firft the coinage of the bifliopric, fucceeded by that of the city and canton, which latter, from the date of the conftitution of the canton downwards, forms but one feries. BISHOPRIC. A. firft Period. From the latter part of the eleventh to the latter part of the fourteenth century. Halfbradieates (Halbpfenninge) of the eleventh and twelfth Centuries. RUDOLF, 1107-1122. The following coins were firft attributed by Morel-Fatio to this Bifhop. Meyer thinks fome may have B inftead of R, and be of BifliopBeringer (1057-1072), or his fucceflbr, Burkhard von Hafenburg, 1072-1 107. In the three examples following, however, the firft has an undoubted R, and the fecond and third have a letter like a B, of which the lower half is not clofed beneath ; but a fimilar R is feen on a coin of Burkhard II., Duke of Swabia, 954-9735 engraved by Meyer, (Die Den. u. Braa. d. Schweiz: Zur. Ant. Gefell. XII., Taf. IV., no. 29,) and therefore I am difpofed to confider the doubtful letter to be R, and to attribute all three coins to Biftiop Rudolf.* The full infcription is * " Morel-Fatio hat zuerft (pag. lO u. ii.) Miinzen defFelben [Ep. R.] erkannt und erkliirt. Sie fcheinen nicht mehr zweireitig gepragt, fondern nur auf Einer Seite, wenigftens lafft fich auf der Riickfelte kein Typus erkennen. 15. Viereckig. Im innern guadrat ift die Unifchrift + basilea und im Perlenkreis fteht der Buchftabe r. Abgebildet auf Taf. II. I07 der Bradeaten der Schweiz. Diefe Miinze ift in vielen Exemplaren vorhanden, allein auf einigen ift die Umfchiift un- vollft'andig, z. B . bas. . . ., oder b . . ile oder, + i . . . . ea. Auf andern ift es zweifelhaft, ob im Perlenkreis r oder b gepragt ift, aber die Mehrzahl hat deutlich r. Diefer Buchftabe bezeich- Bafel. 15 + BASILEA. The reverfes of thefe fpecimens bear an unintelligible type. The form of the coins is round, with an attempt to cut them fquare. I. Obverfe. Reverfe. Within fquare, each fide indicated by I Within fquare, as obverfe, uncertain feveral parallel lines, . . silea. Within type. dotted circle, R Within fquare, as above, .... ilea. I Similar. Within dotted circle, B . I JR. I'l. Within fquare, as above, a Within dotted circle, B . Within fquare, as obverfe, uncertain letters ; in centre, 2 • A I. BASEL? The following half-bra(fteate is of the fame age, but is one-fided. 4' Within fquare, as above, dotted fquare, from angles of which iffue diagonal dotted lines, bifurcating ; (a kind of crofs j) in angles, letters. J& 17. Square Bradeates of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. JOHANN VON CHALONS, 1325-1335. or JOHANN SENN VON MUNSINGEN, 1335-1365. Buft of bifhop, to left, mitred ; on either fide, I O Square M •■j. UNCERTAIN BISHOPS. 6. Buft of bilhop, facing, mitred, between rofes, that on right not vifible. M 75. 7-9- Buft of bifliop, to left, mitred ; in front, crozier, to left. JS. -65. 10. Buft of biftiop, to left, mitred, between two crofles, one held in each hand, jr 75. net unftreitlg den Miinzherren, alfo den Bifchof von Bafel, und Morel hat mit Eecht r auf Bifchof Rudolf, der nicht lange nach Beringer regierte, bezogen .... Sollte aber auf einigen Exemplaren b ftatt r ftehen, fo mogen fie obigem Bifchof Beringer oder felnem Nachfolger Burkhard von Hafenburg 1072-II07 zugehoren." Meyer. Id. p. 58. i6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. B. Second Period. From the latter part of the fixteenth to the latter part of the eighteenth century. JACOB CHRISTOF BLAARER VON WARTENSEE, 1575-1608. I. Groschen, containing Three Kreuzers, of 1596. Obverfe. Reverfe. • lA ■ CHR • D ■ • EPS • BASILIENSIS (ftops I, 3, 5, 6, crolslets.) Shield; arms of fee quarterly with billiop's ; on either fide, 9 6 . • RVDO • II • IMP- AVG. ■ F- OF ((lops I and 4 crofslets.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi ; between heads, crofs, fupporting clofed crown ; on eagle, 3. Wt. i'6 gramme. BIl. "85. WILHELM RINK VON BALDENSTEIN, 1608- 1628. 2. Coin of 1624 ? WILHEL : DG : BASILIEN : 162[4?] Ornamented (hield ; arms of fee quar- terly with bllhop's; above, 2 in circle. AVE : M.ARIA ■ • GRATIA ■ PLE : Virgin and Child, on crefcent, in radiate veiica. Wt. 2"4 -\- grammes. Bil. i. 3- 1623. WIL : EPISCO : BASILIE : 1623 (mm. crofs between two ftops.) Shield; arms of fee quarterly with biftiop's. SANCTV- VRSICINVS (mm. between words, cinquefoil.) Saint Urficinus, nimbate, holding ftalk with three lilies and open book. Wt. "9 gramme. Bil. "75. •WIL ■ EPISCO • BASILIEN • 1623 Same type. SANCTVS VRSICINVS Same type. Wt. '9 gramme. Bil. •■;. JOHANN FRANZ VON SCHONAU, 1651-1656. 5- 1654. 10 : FRAN ■ D : G • EPIS • BASI -AVE • MARIA GRATIA • PLEN LIEN • 1654 Ornamented (liield ; arms of fee quar- terly with bifhop's; above, i. In oval. (mm. rofe ?) Virgin and Child, on cr.efcent, in ra- diate vefica. Wt. I "7 4- gramme. Bil. '^. JOHANN KONRAD VON ROGGENBACH, 1656-1693. 6. 1 660. 10 : CONRA . D : G • EPIS • BASI : 1660 Ornamented fhleld ; arms of fee- quar- terly with birtiop's; above, i, in oval. AVE • MARIA- 'GRATIA - PL Virgin and Child, on crefcent, in ra- diate vefica. Wt. I '3 gramme. Bil. -9. BafeL 17 JOHANN KONRAD VON REINACH, 1705-1737. 7. Double Ducat of 1716. Obverfe. Reverfe. D • G DVCATVS • 10 ■ CONRADI (ftops, quatrefoils.) Buft of bifliop to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs j beneath, IH Z. EPIS ■ BAS ■ S • R ■ I ■ PRINC: 17 16 (mm. crols j ftops, ftars of five rays, except laft.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; upon eagle, oval fhield, arms of fee and bifhop quarterly. Wt. 7 grammes. N 1*05. This coin is a double ducat, (truck, from a ducat die. In the (hield, inftead of the bafelftabs in the firft and fourth quarters being turned towards each other, and that in the firft quarter being in confequence to fin., both are turned to fin. ; the fame is the cafe in the next coin. 8. Thaler of 1716. • lOANNES ■ CONRADVS ■ D ■ G • (flops, quatrefoils.) Buft of biftiop to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs. Edge: • GLORIA ■ IN-EXCELSIS ftars, lion, vaiioufly between words. Arms in firft and fourth quarters as no. 7 • EPIS • BASILEENSIS ■ S ■ R • I ■ PRINC ■ 17 16 (ftops as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; upon eagle, oval fhield, arms of fee and bifliop quarterly, with inefcutcheon effaced. [D]EO-ET • IN-TERRA Fleurs-de-lis, Ai i'65. 9, 10. Quarter-Thaler of 1717- lOANNES • CONRADVS ■ DEI • GRAT (mm. end of infer, cinquefoil to dex. on ftalk.) Buft of bifhop to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs. • EPIS • BASILEENS ■ S • R ■ I • PRINC EPS • 1717 (firft and laft ftops crofTes.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of fee j (bafelftab gu. ;) beneath which, \ in oval. M. I'l. II. Twenty-Kreuzer Piece of 1716. lOANNES • CONRADVS • D ■ G ■ Buft of bifliop to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs. • EPIS ■ BASILEENSIS • S ■ R ■ I • PRIN • 17 16 Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; on eagle, 20, in circle. Bil. 1-05. 12. 1725- Varied in buft. Varied in buft. s. c. i3- B i8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 14- Six-Kreuzer Piece of 1726- Obverfe. Rererfe. lOANNES . CONRADVS . D . G . Bull of bilTiop to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofe. ■EPIS. BASIL. S. R.I .PRIN- 17 26 (tlops I and 7 crofles.) Two-headed imperial eagle; above, crown ; on eagle, 6 in circle. BU. -75- MONETA- NOVA CONR • D ■ G (mm. crofs.) Ornamented irregxilar (hield of fix quarters ; arms of fee and bifhop's of four quarters ; inefcutcheon, with open crown furmounted by cretl ; m ex., 1718. The bafelftabs both to fm. 15, 16. Batzen of 1718. lOAN • • EPIS BASILEENSIS ■ S • R ■ I ' PRINCEPS ;mm. cinquefoil on leaves.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. BU. Batzen, containing Four Kreuzers, of i-'^-i,. lOANNES CONRADVS . D . G . EPIS ■ BASIL ■ S ■ R Irregular fliield, of fix quarters ; arms of fee, and bifliop's of four quarters ; in- efcutcheon, with open crown furmounted by creft. ■ PRIN • 17 33 Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; on eagle, +, in circle. Bil. -85. 18. Coin of 1-17. • MONETA • NOVA • lOAN ■ CONR • EPIS ■ BASILEENSIS • S • R • 1 • D ■ G ■ 1717 • I PRINCEPS (mm. cro6.) Crofi fourchee, having in the centre a | Two-headed imperial eagle, with ftiield ; arms of fee (bafelAab to fin.) 1 nimbi, impaling bifliop's, per felTe, two coats. ' Wt. i-8 -|- gramme. Bil. -9. 19. Same : var. crofs at each end of infer. ] Same : var. principis MON ■ NOVA I • C • EP • BAS . Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; in exergue, fhield, arms of fee, (bafelftab to fin.,) on either fide, 17 17-. 20. 171"- SANCTVS VRSICINVS (nim. at end of infer, {inall quatrefoil on ftem to dex., ftop crofslet.) Three-quarter figure of Saint Urii- cinus, tonfured and nimbate, wearing veftment upon which Latin crols, and holding church and ftalk with three lilies. Wt. i-i gramme. BU. ■%. B a e 19 21. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : ftop after nova- Same : mm. not vifible. Bil. -85. 22. 1-19. Same : no flops after nova and bas | Same : jtoint 17 19. end of infer., ci between words, mm. at ciiiquefoil on item to dex. Bil. -8. 23- JOSEPH VOX ROGGENBACH, i -82-1794.. Six-Batzen" Piece, containing Twenty-four Kreuzers, of 1788. • lOSEPHUS D.G.EPISCOP- I SAC ■ ROMAN . IMPER . BASILEENSIS. (mm. ftarof ive points.) j PRINCEPS . 1788 . Buft of bifhop, to left, in wig, gown, . Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, and bands, wearing crofs. crown ; on eagle, 24 in circle. Bil. I- 24, 25. Three-Batzex Piece, containikg Twelve Kreuzers, of 1787- lOSEPHUS D ■ G ■ EPfSCOP ■ BASiLEENSlS 'mm. ftar of five points.) Buft of bifhop to left, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs. SAC . ROMAN . IMPER . PRINCEPS 1787 (mm. before date, qua trefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown ; on eagle, 12 in circle. Bil. -85. 26, 27. 1788. 28. Batzen of 1787. lOSEPHUS D • G ■ EPIS ■ BASIL ■ S • R ■ I • PRINC ;m.T,c:na_uefoil.) Shield; arms of fee, quarterly with bilhop's, per fefTe, fa. and arg. ; cro«-n clofed ; behind, crozier and fword crolTed. Within laurel-wreath, 1 BATZEN 1787 Bil •85. 29, 3^- Half-Batzen of I -8-. lOSEPHUS D . G . EPIS . BASIL . ,, Within laurel-wreath, S.R.I. PRINC ^.mm. for of five ' points.) Shield ; arms of fee impaling bifhop">, per fefTe, in chief gu. and fa., in bafe, arg. ; crovsTi clofed ; behind, crozier and Bi fword, crolTed. 1 BATZEN 1787 B 2 20 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. C. MEDALS. I. JOHANN KONRAD VON REINACH. Obverfe. Reverfe. lOAN • CONRADVS BAS • S • R ■ I D ■ G PRIN Buft to light, in wig, gown EP and bands, wearing crofs. Map (bird's-eye view) of diocefe. In front Solothurn, then river Aar, be- yond, Swifs and French territory, and places, with their names; above, compafs ; in field to right, on ornamented label, LEVECHE' above mantle, on which or- DE namented oval fhield, arms BASLE of fee and bi(hop ; mitre ; behind, crozier and fword, crofled. At foot, PR . JS. I'y. " Underneath is P R Perhaps by Reynard (a French medallift), which would account for French being the language ufed on the medal." " Very rare." Notes by Mr. Townfhend. JOHANN KONRAD VON REINACH, and his Brother JOHANN BAPTIST, as Coadjutor. IDA • CON • S • R ■ I • P ■ E • BASIL • COADIVTVS ■ ET lOA • BAP ■ COADIVTOR FRATRES (mm. cinque- foil.) Two bufts, to right, jugate, J. K., nearer, both in gown and bands ; J. K., m w g, and wearing crofs ; J. B., m wig ? and wearing medal or badge. 1724, VNIO SERVAT SPLENDOREM Two draped arms iffuing from clouds, holding ornamented oval fhield, arms of fee, impaling bifhop's j above, EPis . ET CAPIT in fcroll ; beneath, basil . 5 in ex., ELECT. ARLESH. II • SEPT MDCCXXIV beneath, H . M I. JOSEPH VON ROGGENBACH. 1788. lOSEPHUS D.G.EPISC [BJASIL. S.R.I. PRINC . Buft of biftiop to left, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs ; be- neath, T HAITEVR FEC . Within laurel-wreath, REM NUMARIAM RESTITUIT ANNO MDCCLXXXVIil. JS. (o6lagonal) i' BafeL 21 CITY AND CANTON. GOLD COINS. (With Gothic Letters.) I. Imperial Mint. EMPEROR SIGISMUND. Gold Gulden. Obverfe. - Reverfe. MONET: NO BASILIEN' (flop annulet.) Virgin and Child. SIGISMV ' D : RO • NORV : IMPATOR (mm. crofs pattee, flops annulets.) The Imperial orb (Reichsapfel) within trefoil border, points between foils. Wt. 3*5 grammes, n •^. This coin muft have been ftruck between 1429 and 1437, the former date being that of the eftablilhment of the Imperial Mint at Bafel, Haller, II., p. 4. ALBRECHT IL MONET: NO BASILIEN (flop annulet.) Same type. Struck in 1438 or 1439. ALBERCH'TVS ■ ROMANOR : REX (mm. crofs pattee, flops annulets.) Same type. Wt. 3 "4 grammes, iv '9. FRIEDRICH III. Without date. •MONET: NO: BASILIEN' (flops annulets.) Same type. Probably ftruck between 1440 and 1490. FRIDRICVS- ROMANO: IMPA' (mm. crofs pattee, flops annulets.) Same type. Wt. 3*2 grammes. N 'ZS' 4- 1491. FRIDRICVS • ROMANO' • IMPDR' (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Wt. 3"3 grammes. A'^ "9. According to Haller (II., p. 92) the arms are thofe of the Weinfperg family, by whom the mint was held in 143 1, 1434, and 1438. (pp. 4, 5.) MONETA BASILI-1491 Virgin and Child ; on lower part of Virgin's drefs, {hield, arms, three fhields. 5- 1492. MONETA BASIL': 1492 Same type. FRIDRICVS : ROMANO': IMPR' (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Wt. 3' 3 grammes. A' '9. 22 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 6. 1493. Reverfe. M0N3TA BASIL': 1493 Same type. FRIDRICVS : ROMANO' : IMPRA (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Wt. 3*3 grammes. N •9. MAXIMILIAN I 1507 ? ■ MONETA ■ N ■ BASILI ■ 1507 (Laft figure doubtful ; firft flop annulet.) Virgin and Child ; rays behind ; on lower part of Virgin's drefs, fhield, quartered arms, family unknown. This coin gives the Emperor's fecond title MAXIMILIANVS • ROMA ■ REX (mm. crofs pattee between annulets j ftops annulets.) Same type. Wt. 3'3 grammes. N "9. 8. Civic Mint. Gold Gulden of 1521. MONET .'no:av r:civi: basil-. (ftops cinquefoils.) Long crofs pattee, on which fhield, arms of Bafel 5 above ftiield, 15 21 . • 8 : MARIA ORA ■ PRO : N (ftops cinquefoils.) Virgin and Child. Wt. 3'3 grammes, n "9. Gold Gi/lden or Florin. (With Latin letters.) FLORENVS AVREVS REIPVB- BASIL- Pole on which cap of liberty ; on either fide, tied to pole, two branches, of laurel and palm, four in all. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of Bafel. Wt. 3"2 grammes. N -85. Struck in the latter half of the eighteenth century. 10. Half Gold Gulden of 1529. (With Gothic letters.) MONE- NO: AV R: CIVI! BASIL (ftops cinquefoils.) Long crofs pattee, on which fliield, arms of Bafel; above fhield, 15 29. The c in gracia refembles an E, ■ AVE ■ MARIA GRACIA ■ P'. (flops crofslets.) Virgin and Child. Wt. 17 grammes, n -9. Bafel. 23 DUCAT CLASS. (With Latin letters.) II. Eight Ducat Piece. Obverfe. Reverfe. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS • IN • PACE Bafilidcjto dex., looking back, holding with right claw nine oval fhields ; in the centre, large one ; arms of Bafel ; around eight fmaller ; arms of the eight baili- wicks, Farnfpurg, Wallenburg, Hom- burg, Monchenftein, Ramftein, Riechen, Klein Hiiningen, and Liechftall. View of town; in front. Little Bafel, then the Rhine, with the bridge, and be- yond, Great Bafel ; above, basilea, within ornamental border. Wt. 27*5 grammes. N i"6. M ON ETA • NOVA • fOJR^K BASILEENSIS (mm. quatrefoil.) Bafiliflc, towards dex., holding irregu lar fhield 5 arms of Bafel. 12. Double Ducat. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) Imperial orb, within ornaments in (hape of open rofe of fix leaves. Wt. 6'4 grammes. N . i • 13' Pattern in Silver of Double Ducat. Bafililk, towards dex., looking back, holding, with right claw, oval ftrield j arms of Bafel, colours indicated. On mantle, behind which is ftaff fup- porting plumed hat, which appears above, between branches of palm and laurel, in- fcription, lines curved downwards, DUCATUS DUPLEX BASIL- js. -95. MON ■ NOVA • AVREA • BASILEENSIS (mm. ftar of five points.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Bafel. IN 14. Ducat. DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS PACE (mm. fame asobv.) Imperial orb, within ornaments in ftiape of fix-leaved rofe. Wt. 3 '2 grammes. A' '9. 15- MON • NOVA • AUREA ■ BASILEENSIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Highly-ornamented oval Ihield ; arms ' of Bafel, DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS ■ IN PACE • (mm. fame as obv.) Same type. Wt. 3' 3 grammes. A', 'g. 24 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. i6. 1653. Obverfe. Reverfe. 3rnamented border. DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN • Within ( PACE • 1653 (mm. quatrefoil.) DUCATUS NOVVS REIPUB: Bafiliflc to dex., looking back, holding fhield ; arms of Bafel. BASILE" ENSIS (beneath, 1 Tim. rofe.) ' Wt. 3 '4 grammes. N -85. The letter u in this coin, except when reprefented by v, has the form of a fmall u. 17- DOMINE ■ CONSERVA • NOS • IN • Within ornamented border. laft three PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) lines curve d upwards. Bafilllk to dex., looking back, holding DUCATUS ftiield ; arms of Bafel ; colours indicated ; NOVUS. on either fide of fhield, palm-branch. REIPUBL: BASILE ENSIS (at end ol 'infer, cinquefoil.) Wt. 3*4 grammes.. N -85. 18. Half-Ducat. Bafdilk to dex., looking back, holding Within laurel-wreath, with right claw oval fhield ; arms of 1 2 Bafel j colours indicated j in exergue, H. DUCAT. BASIL. Wt. i'7 -h gramme. N •75- 19. Quarter-Ducat. Bafilifk to dex., looking back, holding 1 with right claw oval fhield ; arms of DUCAT. Bafel j colours indicated ,• in exergue, H. BASIL- Wt. '9 gramme. N 'G. DUPLONE CLASS 20. DuPLONE OF 1795. RESPVBLICA BASILIENSIS- Within oak-wreath > 1795 DOMINE Oval fhield ; arms of Bafel 5 above, CONSERVA hat with three plumes, refting on NOS branches of laurel and palm, falling IN PACE round, on either fide. Wt. 7*6 grammes. A' -95. Bafel. 25 21. Obverfe. RESPVBLICA BASILIENSIS Oval fhield ; arms of Bafel ; above, hat with brufli between two plumes, refting on branches of laurel and palm, falling round, on either fide. Reverfe. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1795 Tripod, on which laurel-branch to right. Wt. -J -6 grammes. N 1. SILVER COINS. Bracteates of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. The following bra6leates are attributed to the City of Bafel on the authority of Dr. Meyer. Thofe which have not the bafelftab as principal type may be anterior to 1373, when that type feems to have been adopted by the city. 1-8. Buft of bi(hop, to left, wearing mitre, between B a . 9-13- Same type : above, annulet. JR. 14-18. Buft of bifhop; to left, wearing mitre, between two bafelftabs, the heads outwards. 19. Shield ; arms of Bafel : broad border. /R. M. Thefe coins are all fquare, ftruck on one fide, and meafuring about -8, orfomewhat lefs, diagonally. 20. Shield ; arms of Bafel : broad border. 21-28. Shield ; arms of Bafel : broad border within border of dots. Thefe coins moftly meafure -65, extreme fizes -6 to -75. M -6. M. 29-33- Same ; var. (hield (lightly ornamented. Thefe coins meafure -65, except one, -6. M. 26 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. THALER CLASS. 34- Double Thaler. [i6ii?] Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA ■ NOVA ■ VRBIS • ■ BASI LEENSIS (ftops, quatrefoils.) Within wreath, arms of Bafel ; around, ornamented irregular fhields of the eight bailiwicks, a floral ornament feparating each. This coin was already ftruck in i6ii,in order to be given away. (Haller, ii. p. 85, no. I475-) DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN • PACE (flops, fame as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi, within narrow wTeath. js. 1-95. 35- Within wreath, DOMINE ■ CONSERVA ■ NOS ■ IN • PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) Arms of Bafel ; around wreath, orna- mented oval Ihields of the eight bailiwicks, a floral ornament feparating each. View of City ; in front. Little Bafel, then Rhine, with bridge, and, beyond. Great Bafel ; above, in fcroll, basilea, curved upwards. M 2*05. 36, 37- Bafiliflc, towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw ornamented oval fliield, arms of Bafel ; around, orna- mented oval fliields of the eight bailiwicks, between which grotefque and floral orna- ments ; beneath (hield of Bafel, i d b Engraved by I. de Beyer. IN DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) View of City ; in front, Little Bafel, then Rhine, with bridge, and, beyond, Great Bafel; above, basilea, curved upwards. 38- 174.1. IN • DOMINE ■ CONSERVA • NOS PACE (mm. funflower.) Bafiliflc, to dex., holding with right claw ornamented oval fliicld, arms of Bafel. View of City ; on left. Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine with bridge, on right. Little Bafel ; in foreground, illand or bank ; above, flrields of the eigb.t baili- wicks, beneath which, in ornamented fcroll, BASILEA; in exergue, 1741 ; be- neath, cornucopias and laurel-branch, extremities crofl'ed ; beneath line of exergue, i hm Edge: CONCORDIA FIRMAT VIRES (fepavated by ornaments). Ai i-t;5. Engraved by I. Handmann. Bafel. 27 Obverfe. (With Gothic letters.) 39- DiKTHALER OF 1520. Reverfe. MONETA : BASILIENSIS : 1520 (mm. crols pattee, ftops, cinquefoils.) Arms of Bafel, within trefoil border. ■ AVE : MARIA : GRACIA : PL . (ftops, cinquefoils.) Half-figure of Virgin, nimbate, about to fuckle Child, radiate. Wt. 25*2 grammes, js. I'z^. (With Latin letters,) 40. Gulden-Thaler, containing 6o kreuzers, of 1565. MONETA ■ NOVA ■ VRBIS • BASI LIENSIS 1565 (mm. crofs patt6e, ftops, crofslets.) Shield J arms of Bafel ; within orna- mented qnatrefoil border. DOMINE • CONSERVA NOS • IN ■ PACE (mm. crofs pattee, ftops, cin- quefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; upon it, orb infcribed 60. 41. Thaler of 1621. ■MONETA-NOVA-VRBIS-BASI LIENSIS (ftops, diamonds.) Arms of Bafel between 16 21 •DOMINE-CONSERVA-NOS-IN- PACE (mm. cinquefoil, ftops, diamonds.) One-headed imperial eagle. Ji I'/. NOVA ■ 1639 VRBIS (mm. quatrefoil MONETA LEENSIS barbed.) Arms of Bafel, within (hallow quatre foil border, with cufps. 42. 1639. BASI DOMINE CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN • PACE (mm. as obv., ftops, large dia- monds.) One-headed imperial eagle. J8.. 43-45- 1640. MONETA ■ NOVA • VRBIS ■ BASI LEENSIS (ftops, cinquefoils.) Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of Bafel between 16 40 . DOMINE ■ CONSERVA • NOS • IN • PACE (mm. quatrefoil upon floral or- nament, like wings j ftops, cinquefoils.) One-headed imperial eagle, M. Thefe three fpeclmens are varied in details of ornament and in mint-mark. 28 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 46. 1669. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS • IN ' PACE (flops, ftars of five points.) Ornamented ovalfliieldj arms of Bafel. Reverfe. Within ornaments, above and below, MONETA NOVA REIPVBLIC/E ■ BASI[LI]ENS: " 16 6 9 on either fide of infer., as indicated, quatrefoil. ^' 47- 1694. Same : var. mm. - fixfoil - flops - . Ir- regular fliield 5 arms of Bafel ; fupporters bafilifks, looking back. Similar : var. cinquefoll on either fide of NOVA, juft below ; no colon ; 16 94 and details of ornaments varied. JSi. 48. Same. Engraved by G. le Clerc. View of City ; in front. Little Bafel, then Rhine with bridge, and Great Bafel ; above, basilea, in fcroll ; near foot, GLC . ■^• 49. Same : var. no flops on either fide of mm. cinquefoil ; flops, • and details of arms varied. Similar view ; ftarof fix points on either fide of name, not in fcroll ; -g-l-g-, higher in view. ■*• 50. ■ DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN • PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) Bafililk towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw oval fhield, arms of Bafel, furrounded by fhields of the eiffht bailiwicks. Engraved by I. de Beyer. Similar view ; above, basilea, in or- namented border ; in loweft part ot field, D B . M. 51- Same : var. flops, crofslets. Same. M. 52. Same : var. mm. funflower, with fpray on either fide ; flops, oval annulets, horizontally placed. Bafililk towards dex., holding with right claw orna- mented oval ftiield, arms of Bafel ; beneath, IDB . Similar type, varied in view, and bor- der of infer. : idb JR. Bafel. 29 Obverfe. 53- 1741. Reverfe. Same: var. mm. funflower; flops, points •. Bafililk, holding with right claw ornamented oval fhield, arms of Bafel. View of City; on left, Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine 'with bridge, on right, Little Bafel 5 above, fliields of the eight bailiwicks, beneath which, basilea, in ornamented border; In ex., 1741, above cornucopiae and laurel-branch ; on either fide of date, i HM . Edge: CONCORDIA FIRMAT VIRES (feparated by ornaments.) JR. 1756. Same. Similar view: above, basilea; in exergue, 17 56, above which, ornament. to right of which, ffl. Edge : fame. JR. 55' 1765. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil, with fpray on either fide. Shield irregular. MONETA REIPUB ■ BASILEEN SIS 1765 Within laurel-wreath, I THALER within loops of tie of wreath, i H Edge : milled with cinquefoils. jr i*5. Same: var. mm. cinquefoil. 56. I Same, Edge : fame. JR 1-6. Same infer. ; no point but after pace. Upon bafe, bafilifk towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw oval fliield, arms of Bafel, colours indicated, refling againft truncated column ; falling over fhield, laurel-branch ; in ex., H . 57- 1785- View of City ; on left, Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine with bridge, on right. Little Bafel ; above, fhields of the eight bailiwicks, colours partly indicated, bound with laurel-garland ; in exergue, basilea above branches of palm and 1785 laurel. Edge : CONCORDIA FIRMAT VIRE (/ic) feparated by ornaments. ^R. 58, 59- 1793- Same infer., no flop. Bafilifk holding with right claw oval fhield, arms of Bafel. View from fame direflion ; in exergue, ^^^^ ^ above two laurel-branches. 1793 Edge: fame : var. viRES. Al. 30 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 60. 1796. Reverfe. RESPVBLICA BASILIENSIS On ornamented ba'fe, oval fliield, arms of Bafel, upon which hat with three plumes refting on laurel- and palm- branches and laurel-garlands. Edge : fame Within oak-wreath, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE MDCCXCVI JSi. 61. Half-gulden Thaler of 1583, containing 30 Kreuzers. MONETA • NOVA ■ VRBIS ■ BASl LIENS1S83 (mm. crofs pattee ; flops, croislets.) Shield; arms of Bafel; within orna- mented quatrefoil border. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS PACE (mm. and flops, as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbi ; upon it, orb on which, 30. Wt. i2'i grammes. JS. -i"i$ IN with 62. Half-thaler of 1638. Same infer, var. mm. cinquefoil ; ftops-; basileensis • 1638 . Arms of Bafel, within fhallow quatrefoil border. Same infer, var. mm. cinquefoil be- tween two points ; ftops • . One-headed imperial eagle. M 1-35. 63- 1640. Same infer. : var. mm. cinquefoil on ftalk, with two leaves ; ftops, ftars of fix points; basileensis . Ornamented oval (liield ; arms of Bafel between 1 6 40. Same: var. mm. rofe ; ftops, ftars of fix pomts at end of infer, flourifti. JS.. 64, 65. Within circle, arms of Bafel ; around, oval fhields, arms of the eight bailiwicks ; all much ornamented ; in circle, D B . View of City ; in front. Little Bafel, then, Rhine with bridge, and, beyond, Great Bafel ; above, basilea, in fcroU ; in loweft part of view, J, within oval. /A. 65. 1741. NOS DOMINE • CONSERVA IN ■ PACE Bafillfk towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw irregular fliield, arms of Bafel. View of City ; on left. Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine with bridge, and on right. Little Bafel ; above, fliields of the eight bailiwicks, beneath which basilea ; in ex. 1741, abovecornucopiae and laurel- branch, on right, HVI Bafel. 31 67. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same infer. ; no mm. or flops. Upon bafe, bafilifk towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw oval fhield, arms of Bafel, colours indicated, refting againft truncated column ; falling over fhield, laurel-branch ; in exergue, H . Same. JR. 68. 1765. Same infer. ; mm. cinquefoil ; flops, • except at end. Bafiliik holding with right claw irregular flaield, arms of Bafel. MONETA REIPUB- BASILEEN SIS 1765 Within laurel-wreath, 1 2 above date, H THALER M. 69. Same : flightly varied. Same : var. H in lower part of fpace enclofed by wreath. Ai I •3. 70. 1785. Same infer. ; no mm. or point, but full flop at end. Upon bafe, bafilifk towards dex., looking back, holding with right claw oval fliield, arms of Bafel, colours in- dicated, refling againfl truncated column ; falling over fliield, olive-branch : in ex. H . View of City ; on left. Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine with bridge, on right. Little Bafel ; above, fliields of the eight bailiwicks, colours .partly indicated ; in BASILEA , , 111 ex. „ above palm- and laurel- 1785 ^ branches. JS.. Same, 71- 1786. Similar type. AL. 72, 73- 1797- RESPVBLICA BASILIENSIS Oval fliield; arms of Bafel; fur- mounted by hat with three plumes ; on either fide, olive-branch. Within oak-wreatl\, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE MDCCXCVIl M. 32 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 74- Half-gulden of i499- (With Gothic letters.) Reverfe. MONETA : BASILIENSIS : 1499 (mm. crofs pattee; flops, mullets of five points.) Shield; arms of Bafel; fupporters, bafiliflts, tails intertwined. AVE : MARIA ■ GRACIA : P (ftops, mullets of five points.) Virgin and Child on crefcent ; behind, rays. Wt. 7"i + grammes. Js. I'lf. 75- Quarter-thaler (With Latin letters.) Oval fliield ; arms of Bafel ; around, oval fhields of the eight bailiwicks 5 all much ornamented. View of City ; in front, Little Bafel, then, Rhine with bridge, and, beyond, Great Bafel ; above, basilea in fcroU ; in loweft part of view, \ within fhield, on either fide of which, D B 76. 1740. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS • IN • PACE (mm. fmall cinquefoil.) BafiHik holding with right claw or- namented oval fliield, arms of Bafel. View of City ; on left. Great Bafel, in middle, Rhine with bridge, on right. Little Bafel 5 above, fliields of the eight bailiwicks, beneath which, basilea ; in ex. 1740, above cornucopiae and laurel- branch, beneath which, H . M. 77- Same infer, var. mm. larger ; no ftops. Similar type ; irregular ftiield. Same. JSi. 78. Third-thaler of 1764. DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS • IN ' PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) Bafiliflc holding with right claw ir- regular (hield, arms of Bafel. MONETA REIPUB- BASILEEN SIS 1764 Within laurel-wreath, 3 JS. n 5. 79, 80. SiXTH-THALER OF 1766. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE (mm. cinquefoil) Bafililk holding with right claw ir- regular fliield, arms of Bafel. MONETA REIPUB- BASILEEN SIS 1766 Within laurel-wreath, 6 Bafel. 33 Obveife. DIKEN CLASS. 8l. DiKEN OF 1633. Reverie. MONETA-NOVA. . BASILEENSIS ^ DOMINE ■ CONSERVA ■ NOS • IN • (mm. fixfoil.) PACE (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornamented fliield ; arms of Bafel ; within ornamented border of fix fliallovv foils ; in ex., • 1633 • Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. Wt. 8'4 grarames. M I'z, 82. 1634. Same, Same j var. mm. cintjuetoil in middle of ftalk, rifmg to fin. and ending in leaf. AS., B3- 1636. Same j var. mm. cinquefoil ; no ftops in infer. Same ; var. mm. without leaf. M. 84. Same. Same ; var. mm. italic of cinquefoil riling to dex. SMALL COINS OF THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES. (With Gothic Letters.) 85. Groschen. GROSSVS : BASILIENSIS (mm. crof? pattee on either fide of which : ; flop, ftars of five points.) Shield ; arms of Bafel ; within border of eight foils. SALVE ■ REGINA ■ MISERICORDIE •D VLC EDO VIT A (in two circles) (mm. crol's pattee ; flops, ftars of five points.) Long crofs pattee. Wt. 3'7 grammes. M x'o^. 86. Sechser. MONE[TA -JNOVA • BASILIENSIS (mm. crols pattee; flop, flar of five points.) Shield i arms of Bafel ; within trefoil- border. AV[E] MARIA GRA[CI]A-P' (ftop, ftar of five points.) Virgin and Child, with nimbi. Wt, I "8 gramme. Bil. '95, 87. Same. AVE-MARI A'GRACI.'P (ftops, cinquefoils ?) Vlro-in with nimbus. Child without. Wt. I '9 + gramme. Bil. s.c. 34 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obveife. 88, 89. Reveire. MONETA : N0:BASILIENSIS i • AVE • MARI A • GRACIIP' (mm. ciols pattcc ; flops, annulets.) 1 (lame ftops as obv.) Shield ; arms of Balel j within border 1 Same type, cf fix foil;.. ! Bil 90. MONETA: . :BASILIENS1S (mm. f AVE • MA[R]I A • GRACI'.P- crofs pattee, followed by : ; ftop, annulets, (ftopSj annulets.) between which cinquefoil ?) j Same type. Same type. I ^"• 91,92. MONETA ; NO': BASILIENSIS (mm. I -AVE -MARIA' GRACIA ■ P'. (fame crofs pattee, preceded by : of cinquefoils ; ftops as obv.) flops, cinquefoils.) Virgin on crefcent and Child, with Shield ; arms of Bafel ; within trefoil nimbi ; behind, rays. border Bil. 93- Same. Same : var. no Hop at beginning of legend. (Legend partly indillinfl.) Wt. 2 + grammes. Bil. 94- Same: var. NO'. Stop, cinquefoil. | Same. (No ftop vifible after MARIA.) : Bil. 95-97- DOPPEL-VICRER OR KrEUZER. GLORIA • IN • EXCELS:D (flops, cinque- j MON ETA BAS ILIE foils, but uncertain objedl after in.) ' Long crofs. Arms of Bafel within qilatrefoil bor- | 'le'- I Wt, 1-3 H- gramme. Bil. 75. 98. Same: var. : : EXCELS'D (fame Same: var. A ■ ; Hop, cinquefoil. Itop^O i Bii. 99. Same: var. .. EXCELS:DE: (fame] Same 1 var. A: ftops.) ftops.) E : (fame Bil. 100. GLORIA- IN • EXCELSIS (mm. crofs pattee; flops, ftars of five points.) Same type. MON ETA BAS ILIE Same type. Bih lOI. Same : var. EXOELSI Same. Bil. Bafel. zs 102. VlfcRER, OR HaLF-KREUZER. Obveilc. Reverie. MONETA N0;BA3ILIE' (mm. crol. pattcc J ftop, annulet.) Sliield ; ann^ ot Balll. SALVE-REGINA-MISER (mm. and (lops, as obv.) Crol's patonce, middle of lucIi limb marked with diasronal lines cioiliiU'. AVt. '9 gramme. Bil. '7. 103. Same. (Nothing vilible between o and B.) Same : var. R' 104. Same : var. A' , annulet. (Inl'cr. partly effaced.) Same. (Tnftr. partly effaced.) Bi Bi Same. (Infer, partly effaced.) 105. Same: var. SB' . (Infer, partly ef- faced.) Bil 106. MONETA- NOV- BASI LIE (mm. crofs pattee ; flops, annulets.) Same type. Same, Bi 107. MONETA-NO BASiUE.' (mm. crofs , GLORIA-IN : EXCE S (mm. patttie j flops, cinquefoils j no flop vifible after NO.) crofs pattee ; flops, cinquefoils.) Same type. Bil. 108. Pattern of Vierer. MON-NO-BASILIEN (mm. crofs pattee J flops, crofslets.) Same type. DA- PACEM ■ DOMINE (mm. and flops as obv.) Same type. M lozenge-fliaped "95. TWELVE-KREUZER PlECES OF THE SEVENTEENTH CeNTURY. log MONETA • NOVA • BASILIENSIS (mm. cinquefoil ; flops, diamonds.) Shield ; arms of Bafel ; within border of twenty foils, enclofmg (liield above and on each fide. DOMINE- CONSERVA- NOS- IN ■ PACE (flops, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on it, 12 in circle. Bil. i-j. IIO. Pattern, 1622. Same infer, (mm. large diamond ; Same : var. PA ; no ftop vifible after ftop, diamond ; no flop vifible after firit A.) Shield ; arms of Balt;l between 16 22 f^rfl A JS. (bafe) lozenge-fhaped 1-4 c 2 36 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveile. 111,1 12. 1623. Reverie. : MONETA -NO VA • BASILE in exergue •1623- (mm. and ftops, diamonds.) Shield ; arms of Bafel ; within orna- mented quatrefoil border. : DOM ■ CONSE R ■ NOB • IN • PA in exergue ' 12 ' (mm. and ftops as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. Bil, ro5. "3- Same inlcr. (mm. crofs pattee.) Shield ; arms of Balcl ; within trefoil border, ornamented above and on each fide. Same: var. on each fide of 12, crofs pattee. Bil. i'o5. ASSIS CLASS. "4> 115- Assis Duplex of 1623. MONETA • NOVA • BASILEENSIS . (mm. cinqucfoil.) Ornamented fliield j arms of Bafel Same : var. no flop after basileensis DOMINE ■ CONSERV- NOB- IN • PACE (mm. as obv.) Between two ornaments, above and below, • ASSIS ■ • DVPLEX • • 1623 • Bil. I 05. 116. 16 24. Same : var . CONSERVA ASBIS • DVPLEX • 1624 • Bil 117. Same. Same : var. • 1624 Bil 118. After 1624 ? MONETA' NOVA- BASILEENSIS , ■ DOMINE • CONSERVA- NOS • IN ■ (mm. cinquefoil.) PACE Between two ornaments, above and below, • ASSIS • • DVPLEX Bil. Ornamented Ihield ; arms of Bafel. Same : var. nun. fixfoil. 119. Same s var. mm. cinquefoil ; no ftop before dvplex, Bil. Bafel. Z7 Obverfe. 120. Assis OF 1663. Reveife MONETA • NOVA ■ BASILEENSIS (mm. fixfoil on ftalk to (in.) Ornamented fliield ; anus of Bafel. DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN ■ PACE (mm. fixfoil ; ftops, firft doubtful, crofslets.) Between two ornaiiients, above and below, ASSIS •1663 Bil. -85. Same : var. mm, cinquefoil. Same. uefoil. 121. 1697. Same : var. mm. as obv, ■ 1697- 122- 16 -124. 98. Same : var. • DOMINE &c. • INPACE Eil. 125. 1708. Same. Bil. Same : var. IN ■ PACE ; mm. fixfoil. 1708 between fmall faltires. Bil. 126, 127. Same: var, mm. fixfoil ; ftops, crofslets. | Same: var. -1708 • 128, 129. FiVE-EATZEN PlECE OF 1809. CANTON BASEL DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN Bafilifk holding with right claw fliield, arms of canton. PACE 1809 Within oak-wreath, 5. BATZ: B 130-132. 1810, n i'05. Bil. 133- Concordat-issue, dated 1826. CANTON BASEL. 5. BATZEN Within oak-wreath, oval fliield, arms of Bafel, CONCORD • CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ • 1826 Within oak-wreath, concordat-crofs ; in angles, two cinquefoils and 5 b Bil. 3« Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 134- Three-batzen Piece of 1724. Obverff. R^wtxk. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS ■ IN • PACE (mm. mullet of five points.) Baniilk towards dex., holding with vif^lu claw (hitltl, anus of Balcl. MONETA • NOVA ■ BASILEENSIS (mm. as obv.) Within ornamented border, III BATZEN 1724 Bil. •95- 135-137- Same inkr. var. no mm. or (lops. ' MONETA REIPVB • BASILEEN Within ornamented border j arms of canton. SIS Within ornamented border, III BATZEN 1765 Bil. 138-141 1809. Same infer. Shield ; arms of canton ; above, l)raiiches of oak and palm; below, laurel-branches. CANTON BASEL Within wreath of palm and laurel, 3 BATZ: 1809 Bil. 142. 1 H3> H4- Eatzen, I 72:1. DOMINE • CONSERVA ■ NOS ■ IN • PACE (mm. fmall cinquefoil.) Bafiliik holding witii right claw fliield, arms of Bafel. (Two fpecimens varied.) Bil. MONETA- NOVA- BASILEENSIS , (mm. mullet of five points.) Within ornamented border, I BATZEN 1724 Bil. -85. 145, 146. 17^3. MONETA REIPUB- BASILEENSIS Within ornamented border ; arms of Bafel ; colours indicated. Within ornamented border, I BATZEN 1763 Bil. 147. Same : var. border varied ; colours not I Same : var. border varied, and full ftop indicated. I after date . Bil. Bafel. 39 148. 1764. Obveife. Reverfe. Siinie : var. biul at end of legend ; border as 145, 146. 149, 150. 1765. Same: var. border as 147. (Two ipecimens varied.) Bil. Bil. 151-152- 1809. CANTON BASEL Shield ; arms of canton j on eitlier fide, laurel- branch. Within oak -wreath, 1 BATZEN 1309 i54> 155- 1810. Bil. -95. Bi 156-159. Concordat-issue, dated 1826. Same infer. Similar type on bar ; in ex., IBATZ . CONCORD ■ CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ • 1826 Concordat-crofs ; (wreath round c of f.ngle oak leaves ;) in angles, two bafel- (tabs, and i Bz . Bil. 160. Same : var. iBatz- Bil. 161-163. Half-batzen Piece of 1724. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN 1 MONETA- NOVA- BASILEENSIS . PACE (mm. imall cinquetbil.) 1 (mm. mullet? oi five points, cf. nos. 143, 144.) Baiililk holding with right claw fliield, arms of Bafel. Within ornamented border, 1 •2 BATZEN 1724 Bil. -75- 164. 1762. Irregular ornamented Hiield ; arms of Bafel, colours indicated. Within ornamented border, open above. BATZEN 1762 Bil. 40 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 165, i7f 166. 5- Reverfe. Bil Witliin ornamented border; arms of , Bafel. Within finiilar border, i BATZEN 1765 Bil. Same type. 167, 17 168. 94- Within Umilar border, 1 BATZEN 1794 Bil. CANTON BASEL Shield ; arms of Bafel ; on eitliei branch of laurel. 16 t8 fide, 9- ■ 09. Within oak-wreath. 1 BATZEN 1809 •85. 170, 171. Concordat-issue, dated 1826. CANTON BASEL 5 • RAP Shield ; arms of Bafel ; on eithei fide, branch of laurel. • CONCORD -CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ • (points quatrefoils,) Concordat-crofs ; in angles, bafelftabs and 5 Rp . Bil. 172. Two-RAPPEN Piece of 1810. CANTON BASEL Shield ; arms of Bafel ; on cither fide, branch, of laurel and oak. Within hiurel-wreath, 2 RAPPEN 1810 173- 1818. Bil. -7. Bil. 174-176. Happen. Within ornamented border; arms of Within laurel- wreath, Bafel. MON, BASIL beneath, cinquefoil. Bil. 55' 177- Same. Same : var. no ftops. Bil. B a 41 Obverfe. 178. Snme, Similar, Reverfe. Same: vnr. wreath of fewer leav^es. Bil. 179, 180. Within laurel-wreath, (not as laft,) MON- BASIL- beneath, cinquefoil, Bil. 181. 1818. CANTON BASEL Within laurel-wreath, Shield; arms of Bafel ; on either fuie, 1 1 branrh, of laurel and palm. RAPPEN 1818. Bil. MEDALS. GOLD, A. CITY AND CANTON. I. Thf so-called Gluckhennen Thaler, in Gold, of Ten Ducats' Weight, View of City : on right, Great Bafel j | The Gluckhenne, fetting, to left, in on left. Little Bafel j in front, Rhine, with bridge, behind which extends the older part of the City ; beneath, orna- mented oval ftiield, arms of Bafel, fupporters, bafilifks, looking back ; in exergue, s H . Engraved by Samuel Han'hardt. a field ; on her back, chicken, four others beneath her, and three in fore- ground, one of which, on left, is drink- ing ; in exergue, alit-et-pro TEGIT On either fide of firft line, cinquefoil ; to right, and a little above that on right, SH . Wt. 3 3 '9 grammes. A' r/. 2. The Quarter Gluckhennen Thaler, in Gold, of Four Ducats' Weight. The Gluckhenne, fetting, to left, in a View of City : in foreground. Little Bafel, feparated by Rhine with bridge from Great Bafel, beyond ; above, fliield, arms of Bafel, on either fide, cord with taffel. field ; on her back, chicken, three others beneath her, and three in fore- gromid ; in exergue, ALIT . ET . PRO ■ TEGIT • (Stops, points within annulets.) Wt. 1 3 '6+ grammes. N v\. 42 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. B. MORALISCHER PFENNING. 3- Of two Ducats' Weight. Obverfe. Reveife. View of City: in foreground, Little Bafel, feparated by Rhine with bridge, from Great Bafcl, beyond ; above, oval fliield, arms of Bafel, in clouds under which fun fliining. See notice of this clafs of medal, in fiK'er, below, C. LVX GENTIVM. Virgin, feated to left, and Child ; in front, theThree Kings bringing offerings, one kneeling, the other two (landing. Wt. 6'9- grammes. N i. INCLYTA BASILEA Burt of City, to right, turreted and veiled, wearing earring. SILVER, &c. A. CITY AND CANTON. I. A c^st in Lead. PROVIDENTIA SENATVS Two fenators, holding between them ftatue'of Peace, In riglit hand, olive- branch, in left, cap of Liberty. PI. 1-7. Haller confiders the ftatue to reprefent both Peace and Liberty, and flutes that it is probable that the medal was defigned by Sebaftian Facfch. (ii. p. 27. no. ii77-) Tercentenary of University, 1760. ATHENAE RAVRACAE. City, feated, to left, holding open book und cornucopia, left arm refting on oval rtiield, arms of Bafel ; in exergue, PRIDNONAPR- MDCCLX- By I..M. Mfirikofer. ACADEMIAE SAECVLO QVARTO FELICITER INITO Obeliik, bound with laurel, between s C JR I 05. Peace of Basel, 1795. FRIEDR:WILHELM II KOENIG VON PREUSSEN Burt, to right ; beneath, K- FRIEDE DEN VOLKERN Eagle, holding olive-branch in beak, and winged caduceus in right claw ; beneath, plough, driven to left, towards temple, to left of which tree, above which, fun ; in exergue, BASEL 0-5. APRIL 1795 M. 13. Bafel. 43 Contest of Marksmen, at Basel, 1844. Obverie. Reverfe. eidg-enussisches freischlessen in basel Archer, wearing hat with plume, and holding arrow and crofs-bow ; to left, pavilion ; in exergue, 1844 . St: Jakob 1844 Dying warrior, holding broken two- handed fword and ftandard of confede- ration bearing arms, gu. a crofs couped arg., and ending in two ftreamers, before chapel, on which genius, to left, infcribes 1444 ; beneath warrior, B . Wt. 151 grammes, jr. l■^e^. B. MUNATIUS PLANCUS CLASS. 5- L. Munatius Plancus, when governing Transalpine Gaul, except Narbonenfis and Belgica, B. c. 44, founded Lugdunum and Raurica, the latter very near Bafel, and the fource of its civilization and power ; he thus is treated on thefe medals as founder of the laft town. Weigfit of Half-Thaler, 1571. ■ L ■ MVN • PLANCO • RAVR ACORVM • ILL VST RATOR- VET VSTISS' (ftops, quatrefoils.) Munatius Plancus, in defenfive ar- mour, wearing fword, and holding rtiort lance and (liield charged with bend infcribed spur SI • DEUS ■ PRONOBIS • QVIS • CONTRA ■ NOS (mm. quatrefuil j ftops, quatrefoils.) Ornamented fliield ; arms of Bafel ; fupporters hafdifks ; above fliield, 157 1 Wt. 12" + grammes, m i"35. 6. Medal, 1623. L : MVN : PLANCO : RAVRA CORVM • ILLVSTRA : VETVSTISS (At catli end of infer, cinquefoil.) Munatius Plancus in defenfive armour, wearing falchion, holding ftaff and orna- mented oval fliield, charged with bend fin., on which spur j in ex., 1623, on either fide of which, crofslet. Arms of Bafel in ornamented circle ; around, eiglitornaniented irregular fliields, arms of the bailiwicks, alternating with floral ornaments. Wt. 21-7 grammes, m i-6. 7,8. WfTGHT OF Quarter-Thaler. L : M : PLAUCVS . RAVRACOR ILLVST : VETVST : (At each end of infer, cinquefoil ) Same type ; no date. View of City ; in foreground, Little Bafel, feparated by Rhine with bridge from Great Bafel, beyond ; aI)ove, GOTT • MICH • BEWAHR • in exergue, vor • aller gefahr Wt. (of one) 7' 2+ grammes. yR i-j. 44 Catalogue of Sxvifs Coi?is, C. MORALISCHE PFENMNGF. Thefe were moftly intended for Imall prefents, chrillening gifts, and the like : chiefly ftruck in gold as well as filver : nearly all by Fechter, (Haller, ii. p. 4i») i.e., I. Ulrich, or one of his family. See note on no. lo belo«-. Obverfe. Reverfe. Bafilifk, having leaf-like wings, hold- ing with right claw irregular ihield, arms of Bafel. The Saviour advancing, bleiTing with right hand, in left, orb. M lozenge-fliaped i. 10. Angel holding, with right hand, or- I King David kneeling in court of namented oval ihield, arms of Bafel; Temple or Palace ; on the ground, harp, below, FF . i« I'l. By Fechter : Fechter Fecit ? If p p is to be thus explained, as Haller conjeftnres, i. p. 484, we cannot determine which Fechter was the engraver. — To reprefent David kneeling in the court of the Temple would of courfe be an anachronifm. II. : ALLES VERGENCKLICH Naked child, fitting to left, under tree, holding three flowers, and refting left hand on fkull ; in front hour-glafs ; in ex., 1 H . View of City : on left. Great Bafel ; in middle, Rhine, with bridge ; on right. Little Bafel ; above, fun, beneath whicli clouds, from one of which, on right, iflues draped arm, to left, in hand of which, eye ; in ex. trauwscha= UW WEM FF JR I 4. 12. Within wreath of laurel ? arms of Bafel. ARRECTA ■ ATTENTIORAVRE (mm. ftar of fix points.) Stag, ftanding, to left ; beneath, and ; in background, flirubs. AL 7. The wreath of olive according to Haller. (ii. p. 49. no. 1336.) 13- FAMA ■ NOCET (at each end of infer, cinquefoil.) In a field, hawk to right, on (himp, wings half open, belled, pecking left claw. View of City : on right, ftretching acrofs. Great Bafel ; In middle, Rhine with bridge, bearing raft befides boats; on left. Little Bafel ; in clouds, oval fliield, arms of Bafel, fupporters, bafi- lilks. ^ I '4. BafeL 45 14. Obverfe. Reverfe. Ornamented iliield, arni^ of Balel, in View of City : in foreground, Little circle ; around, ornamented fliields of Bafel, then Rhine with bridge, and the eight bailiwicks, alternating with Great Bafel ; above, leaves. gott • mich ■ bevvahr ■ beneath, voraller GEFAHR JS. II. 15- Bafili(k, with leaf-like wings, towards dex., looking back, holding iliield, arms of Bafel ; to left, tulip. .HEUT ROOT MORN DODT . (L in fhape of fmall letter.) Skull on bone, with worm ; rofe-tree with flower and buds growing over it ; in exergue, on either fide of hour-glafs, V F . M -95. 16. View of Bafel : in foreground, Little Bafel i beyond, Rhine with bridge, and Great Bafel j in clouds oval Ihleld, arms of Bafel, from which hang ribbons. HEUT • ROOT • MORN • DODT (U in fliape of fmall letter.) Skull and crofs-bones, above which, rofe-tree with flower and buds ; beneath, hour-glafs. JS. -8. 17- .HEVT SENID WIER ROT. Branch with three rofes. VND MORGEN TODT Dead Hag, to left, transfixed with arrow , beneath trees. M -6. 18. 1630. MOREM FACIT VSVS ■ (ftop, crofs.) Boy holding Icalli of dog, feated to left, to whofe collar club is tied ; on right, tree ; in exergue, 16 FF 30 . • OMNIA ■ MECVM • PORTO • (ftops, cinquL-toils.) Snail, to left ; behind, plants ; in ex- ergue, two palm-branches, ftems eroded. '^'^P' l^atrefoil faltirewife.) Same type. Bil. 124. MONETA -BERNESr (ftop, annulet.) ^ SANCTVS • VINCENCI (mm. crofs pattee ; ftop, annulet.) Same type. Same type. Bil. 125. Same, SANTV : VINCENCIV- (mm. crofs pattee ; ftop, annulets.) Bil. BATZEN. (With Latin letters.) A. From 1529 to the end of the Century. In 1528 the Reformation was adopted by the Canton Bern, and in the fame year "the Plapparts and Fiinfers were aboliflied, and in their place Batzen, Half-Batzen, Kreuzers, and Vierers were introduced." (Haller, i. p. 289.) It is at this time that St. Vincent difappears, and his place is taken by Berchtold V. of Zahringen, the foimder of the city. 126. 1529. MONETA ■ BERNENSIS -1529 (firft ftop, quatrefoil.) Shield ; arms of Bern ; above, one- headed imperial eagle. BERCTOLD-D'ZERINGEN- FVNDA' (mm. crofs pattee.) Crofs pattee within quatrefoil border, having fleiir-de-lis cufp'^. Bil. II. Bern. 71 127. Obverfe. Same ; var. both flops quatrefoils. Reverfe. Same : var. D'D; D' 128. Same, Same. Same : var. 129. Same : var. Bil Bil. D'Z FVNDA Bil (With Gothic letters.) 130. Dated 1532. MONETA-DEEIANE 1532 Shield ; arms of canton ; above, one- headed imperial eagle. BERTOLA ■ T • COM ■ D • VIE • IM (mm. crofs pattee.) Crofs moline ; in each angle, a fleur- de-lis pointing inwards. Bil. This ftrange coin Is a forgery of the time. The inaccurate infcription is probably a trick of the forger, in order to efcape part of the penalties of his crime by avoiding a correft copy of the current coin. (Cf. Blavignac, Armorial Genevois, p. 364..) (With Latin letters.) I3I- ■ MONETA : BERNENSIS Shield ; arms of canton ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. BERCH : D : ZERING . CONDI (mm. crofs pattee.) Long crofs moline. Wt. 3 grammes. Bil. i"05. 132. Same ; var. fccond point as firft. Same : var. third point : at end'. Wt. 3 grammes, Bil. I'Of. 133- Same ; fecond point wanting Same : var. : laft flop • Wt. 2'9 grammes. Bil. ro5. 134, 135- Same ; no f^op but between words. BERCH D ZERING CONDIT (mm, crofs pattee,) Same type. Wt. 2'9 grammes. Bil. i"05. 2'6 i"05- 72 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. B. From 1617 to 1622. This clafs extends to 1640, but the colkaion contains none ftruck after 1622. " Thefe Batzen, both on account of their fmall intrinfic value, as well as the mafs of falfe Bernefe Batzen of this time, which were fmuggled in from all fides and put in circulation, not only in the Canton Bern, but alfo in all Switzerland, were firft proclaimed by other cantons at the half of their nominal value. Hence the government of Bern took meafures of repreffion ; but on the 22nd November 1652, itfelf forced to take this ftep, it decreed that fuch Batzen be eftimated as Half-Batzen, which caufed great popular indignation, and was one of the chief caufes of the peafants' outbreak of 1653. '^^^^ ^^ t^^^^ ^°'"^ ^^ ^'^^^ "° ^^^^'^ ^^'^^ ftruck in the years 1624 to 1640." Lohner, p. 141. 136. 1617. cc (C C( (i tc cc cc cc cc cc Obverfe. Reveife. MONE'NO- REIPV-BERNENSIS- 1617 (mm. ciofs.) Ornamented fliield ; arms of canton. BERCHT-V-DVX-ZERIN- FVNDATOR (mm. crofs.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. Bil. -95. 137. i3«' I6I8. Bil. 139- Same. Same : var. point- in place of mm. Bil. 140. 1620. Saine. Same : var. FVNDATO mm. crois. Bil. 141. 1621. Same: var. no ftop before date. Same : var. FVNDA Bil. 142. 1 622. MONE • NO • REIPV: BERNENSIS ' 1-6'22 (nmi. pelli;t.) Same type. BERCHT • V ■ DVX ■ 2ERIN FVNDATOR (mm. as obv.) Same type. Bi Ber?i. 73 Obveife. H3- Same : var. V-. Reveife. Same var. FVNDATO Bi 144. MONE • NO ■ REIPV : BERNE 1622 (mm. crofs.) Same type. BERCHT- V- DVX' ZERIN O Same type. Bil 145. 1623. MONE -NO- REIPV 1-6-2-3- Same type. S. BERCHT -V- DVX DATO Same type. Bil. C, Of the Eighteenth Century. 146. 1754 MONETA- REIPUB : BERNENSIS (firft ftop cinquefoil.) Ornamented irregular {hield ; arms of canton ; in exergue, C : 4 . . DOMINUS • PROVIDEBIT 1754 (ftop cinquetoil.) Crofs fleury. Bil. 147. 1765. Same : var. firft ftop wanting ; for fecond, fmall pellet ; Cr. 4 Same. Bil. 148. 1772. [MONETA REIPJUBLIC/E BERNENSIS Same type. [DOMINUS • P]ROVIDEBIT 1772 (mm. cinquefuil.) Crofs fourchy; in each angle, fleur-de- lis ornament pointing outwards. Bil. Same var. mm. cinquefoil. (Double-ftruck.) 149. 1774- Same. Bil. 150. 1775- MONETA REIPUB ■ BERNENSIS Same type ; in exergue, cr- 4 . Same infer. Crofs fleury. Bil. 74 Catalogue of Swifs Corns, 151- 1776. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : vav, 4. . Same. 152. 1789. Bil, Bil. '53 1794 MONETA REIPUBLIC/E BER NENSIS(mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. Crofs fourchy 5 in each angle, fleur- de-lis ornament pointing outwards. Bil. 154- 1795- MONETA REIPUB • BERNENSIS Same type : in exergue, Cr-4. . Same infer, Crofs fleury. Bil. 155- 1797. Same •, var. CR. 4.. Same, 156. 1798. Bi Bil Pieces with this date continued to be Rruck for fome years. See Lohner, p. 223. D. Of the Nineteenth Century. I8I8. MONETA REIPUB ■ BERNENSIS Irregular ornamented fliield 5 arms oi canton ; in exergue, Cr. 4. DOMINVS • PROVIDEBIT 1818 (ftop, cinquefoil.) Crofs fleury. Bil. -gs. 158-160. Convention-issue, dated 1826. CANTON BERN 1826. Irregular ornamented ftiield ; arms of canton 5 in exergue, iBAZ- . DIE CONCORDIER ■ CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. at end of infer, fixfoil?) Concordat-crofs within quatrefoil bor- der. Bil. -95. Bern. 7S i6i. Obverfe, Same : var. no ftop. Reverfe. Bii, -95. 162-165. Same : var. in exergue, 1- BATZ' Same ; var, mm. cinquefoil. («) Bil. -I, {b-d) Bil. -95. 166. Same : var. ftop after date. Same. Bil. -95. HALF-BATZEN. A. Struck from 1550 to 1614. Lohner gives this interval 1 530-1614, the earliell coin in his ferie-, bearing the firft date. (p. 161.) 167. 1550. MONETA BERNENSIS- 1550 • BERCTOL'D'ZERINGE ■ FVNDA Shield ; arms of canton ; above, one- headed imperial eagle. (mm. crols.) Crofs fourchy. 168. Same : var. 1550 ; Same. Bil. -85. Bil. Same: vai. no ftop after date, 16 15! 1 9- BE[R]CTOLD[Z]ERINGE • FVNDA : (mm. crofs.) Same type. Bi Probably ftruck between 1594 and MONETA BERNENSIS (mm. crofs.) Same type. 16 10. 00. (Lohner, p. 166, no. 754 feqq.) BERCHTO ■ D ■ ZERIN ■ CONI Same type. Bi Same. i: 71. Same : var D Z Bi MONETA BERNENSIS 1614 Same type. 16 72. 14. BERCHTO' D ; ZERIN-CONDI (mm. trefoil flipped^) Same type. Bi 76 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. B. Of THi; Eighteenth Century. 173- 1770. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E BER NENSIS (mm. quatrefoil ') Arm'; ot canton. DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT 1770 (on either fide ot" date cinquefolli') Crol's t'ourcliy, on uhich circle infcribed 2 CREU ZER Bil. 174. 1771. MONETA REIPUBLlC/E • BER NENSIS (mm. cinquefoll.) Ornamented irregular (hield ; arms of canton. DOMINUS- PROVIDEBIT 1771 (mm., between words, cinquefoil.) Crofs fourchy ; in each angle, fleur-de- lis ornament pointing outwards. Bil. Same : var. no ftop. 175, 176. I794-- Same. 177. 1796. 1 Bil. Bil. 178, 179. 1798. Same- var mm. of different form. | Same: var. mm. of different form. Bil. C. Of the Nineteenth Century. 180, 181. Concordat-issue, dated 1826. CANTON BERN 1826 5 RAP | DIE CONCORDIER ■ CANTONE Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of canton. DER SCHWEIZ (mm. f.xfoil.) Concordat-crofs, within quatrefoil border. Bil See note to nos. 88, 89. Same. 182, 183. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil. BU. Bern, 11 KREUZERS. A. Of the Sixteenth Century. 184, 185. 1561. Obvcile. Reverie. MONE • BERNENSIS • 61 (mm. quatrefoil.) Bear paflant ; above, one-headed im- perial eagle. BERCHT ■ D ■ ZERl ■ COND (mm. as obv.) Long crof-;. Bil. -IS- 186. 1562. Same : var. 1562 . Same. Bil. 187. 1563. Same. Same ; var. third ilop wanting. Bil. 188. 1564. Same. Same : var. having third itop. Bil. B. Ok the Seventeenth Century. 189. 1612. • MONE • BERNENSIS ■ 1612 Bear paflant j above, one-headed im- perial eagle. BERCHT- D • ZERl • COND (mm. crofs.) Long croib.. Bil. 190. 1618. Same: var. nun. croli^ ; no point be- fore date. Same : var. point misplaced before I Bil. 191-193. 1619. Same : var. point before date. BERCHT ■ D • ZERIN ■ CON (mm. as cbv.) Same type. Bil. 78 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 194-196. 1620. Obverfe. Reveife. Bi 197. I62I. Same : var. point in place of mm Bi 198. Same : var. 1'6'21 Same : vai. COND mm. crols. Bil. 199. 1625. Same ; var. 1625 Same : var. CON Bil. C. Of the Eighteenth Century 200. 1718 MONETA ■ REIPUB • BERNENS (mm. fixfoil.) DOMINUS ■ PROVIDEBIT • 1718 Crofs fourchy ; in each angle, fleui Ornamented irregular flrield j arms of de-lis ornament pointing outwards, canton. I .•""• '■ 201, 202. I75S- Same : var. BERNEN (mm. cinque- I Same : var. no floral ornaments, foil.) 1 Bi MONETA REIPUB ■ BERNENS (mm. cinquefoil.) Irregular flrield ; arms of canton. 203. 1765. Same : var. firit point wanting. Same type. Bil 204. 1792. Same. Same : var. point . before legend. Bil. Same ; var. lail flop . 205-207. 1793. No point before legend Bi Bern, 79 208. 1796, Obverfe. Mm. varied in form. Reverfe. Same. Bi 209. 1797- Mm. varied in form. Point • before legend. Bil 210, 211. Kreuzer, or Two .\nd a half Rappen Piece, 1811. Within oak-wreath, all in one direc- tion, to r. above, CANTON BERN (mm. after legend cinquefoilr) Ornamented irregular (liield j anus ol canton ; beneath, palm-branches. 2'/. RAPPEN 1811 Bil. -J. 1l2j 213. Two Rappen Piece, 1809. CANTON BERN (mm. after legend leaf.) Ornamented irregular flrield j arms of canton. Within oak-wreath, all in one direc- tion, to r. above. 2 RAPPEN 1809 Bil. 7, vierers or HALF-KREUZERS. A. Of the Sixteenth Century. 214. MO ■ BERNENSIS : , BERCHT ■ D • ZERI ■ COND Bear pafTant ; above, one-headed im- Crols fourchy. perial eagle. | Bil. '65. 215. Firft flop : . Mm. crofs. Bil B. Of the Seventeenth Century. 216. MONE BERNENS S (mm. pellet.) Bear paffant ; above, one-headed im- perial eagle. BERCHT • ZERIN • COND (mm. pellet.) Croii. Bil. 8o Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 217. Obveile. Reverfe. MONE . BERNEN Bear paflant 3 above, two-headed im- perial eagle. BERCH ■ ZERING (mm. fixtoil.) Crofs. Bil. 218. MONE * BERNENS Same type. BERCHTOLD " D ZE (mm. quatrefoil.) Crols. Bil. 219. MONET ERNENS (Lafl N retrograde ) Same type. BERCHTZ RINGQO- (mm. crofs ?) Crofs moline. Bil. 220. MONET ■ BERNENSIS Same type. ■ BERCHT • ZERING • D (N in form of Imall letter.) Similar type. Bil. 221. MONE • BERNENS (N's in fecond word in form of Imall letter.) Same type. BERCH D ZERING (mm. cinquefoil.) Crofs pommetee. Bil. 222. 1680. MONETA • BERNENSIS (mm. ftar of BERCH • ZAER ■ DVX • 1680 (mm. five points; flop lame.) Arms of canton. lame as obv.) Crofs patonce ; in each angle, fleur- de-lis ornament pointing outwards. Bil. 223. In place of mm., point • ; of Ibp, tre- I Mm. ilar of five points ; no Hops, foil. ' B'l- Two points. 224.. 1684. 1 Point, in place of mm. and aftei' each word : U in form of fmall letter. Bil. 225. Mm. quatrefoil. Mm. fame as obv. ; firll flop quatre- foil t fecond effaced, third point ■ . Bil. Bern, 8i 226 Obverfe. Mm. and Uop, trefoils. Reveife. For mm., and ftops, points ■ . Bil 227. 1699. Mm. fmall ftar of five points. ! • BERCHT • Z/ER • DUX • 1699 Crols fourchy ; in each angle, fleur- de-lis ornament, pointing outwards. Bil. 228. Mm. trefoil. Bil C. Of the Eighteenth Century. 229. 1707. MONETA BERNENSIS Arms of canton. BERCH 2/ER DUX 1707 Crofs fourcliy ; in each angle, fleur- de-lis ornament, pointing outwards. Bil. 230. 1731. I Bi 231, MONETA BERNENSIS I ' DOMINUS PROUIDEBIT* 17 31 Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of Ornamented irregular fliield, in which canton ' thin crois patonce. Bil. 232. 1732. Point . on either fide of firlf word. Bi 233- Mm. and ilops, triangular points like inverted trefoils. Within border of two foils, arms of canton. ■ BERCHT • ZAER ■ DUX • 1732 Within quatrefoil border, thin crofs patonce. Bil. s. c. 82 Catalogue of Swijs Coins. Obverfe. No points. Arms ol" canton. 234, 235. 1762. Reverfe. DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT 1762 Crofs fourchy ; in each angle, fleur- de-lis ornament, pointing outwards. Bil. • 236. 1764. 1 Bil. Point ■ betvvttn words. 237- 1771. 1 Bil. No point. 238. 1774' 1 Bil. 239. 1777. 1 Bil. 240. 1778. 1 Bil. 241. 1781. I Bil. 242-244. 1794. i Bil. Of -the CANTON BERN Shield ; arms of canton ; on eitl branch, of laurel and palm. RAP Ninete 2- 18 er fide. PEN. ENTH Century. 1 1. Within oak-wreath, all in one dircdion, above to right, 1 RAPPEN 1811 Bil. -6. Bern. 83 246-248. 1818. Obveii'e. Reveift. REPUBL : BERN Shiekl ■■, anus of cuiUuii ; blalKllc^, laiiiL-1 and palm. Same. 249. 1819. Bi Bil. 250, 251. 1829. CANTON BERN S.iine. Same type. 252-254. 1836. REPUBL BERN Same. Same type. Bi B 11. 255- CENT. Pattern of 1838. REPUBLIK BERN 1838 (mm. cin- 4ucfuil.) Shield j arms of canton, field and oid. with colours ; above, crol's of Confedera- tion, radiate. 100 STUKAUF EINEN THALER (mm. js ubv.) 1 CE-NT Small circle of filver upon i, the reft copper. Bil. -95. 256. Without circle of filver. Bil Lohner explains that on account of the long-continued confufion of coinage in Switzerland the Bernefe government propofed to Introduce the French or a fimilar fyftem, in the hope that other cantons would follow its example. About a hundred proofs of a copper or ratlrer mixed-metal coin, the hundredth part of a Thaler of 35 Batzen, were accordingly Itruck. The piece was of copper, with a fmall circle foldered into the middle of unmixed fine filver, repreienting nine-tenths of the value, the copper and coft of fabrication making up the remaining tenth, and the fize was one convenient for ufe. It was fuppofed that fuch a coin would be difficult to falfify, and that if worn and withdrawn from circulation, the two component metals would be eafily feparated. The coin was, however, not ifl'ued, as it was ultimately judged that the filver circle would be hard to fee, and might be eafily forged, or the circle cxtraded and the piece pafled among people Ignorant to what it owed its value. (Miinzen, p. 254.) The fecond fpeclmen (no. 256) Is unknown to Lohner. Perhaps It was (buck as an experiment with the Idea of IfTuIng a currency of billon cents, the filvet being mixed. F 2 84 Catalogue of Swifs Co his. FRENCH ECUS OF LOUIS XV. AND XVI. COUN FERMARKED BY CANTON BERN AS THALERS. 257- Louis XV., 1770. Obverie. Reverie. Countermark partly on hair. Shield, arms of canton, tiekl and ord. with colours. 40 Countermark, inverted, a-y. in field, right. /R 1'6. Countermark in hair. 258. Louis XVI., 1791. Countermark, inverted, on iln. laurel- branch. JR. 259. 1792 Countermark partly m hair. Countermark, inverted, in front of altar partly on book. M. 1-5. 260. Countermark in hair. Countermark, inverted, on book. 261. 1793. M 1-5. In conl'equence of the introduilion, at the beginning of the prefent century, of the new fyllem of coinage in France, the old French Ecu was thrown out of circulation in that country. It had already circulated largely in weftern Switzerland, and efpe- cially in the Canton Bern, which had little heavy filver money of its own, and here it was not given up. There was, however, fuch a mafs of rubbed down and light money, that the government of Bern had to take precautionary meafures to proteft itlelf and the public. It therefore decreed, in 1813, that every fuch Thaler, weighing at leaft 542 grains, (hould be taken at 39 Batzen, and the lighter pieces put out of circulation, whence it refulted that at every counting each coin had to be weighed, at much coll of time and labour. To avoid this, it was further decreed, on 2nd July 1 8 16, that every French Thaler of fix livres which came into the trealury, as well as the Helvetian Thaler, weighing 545 grains or more, fliould be taken to. the mint, that it might be llamped with the countermark of the Canton Bern, and provided with a new cordon or rim, fo as to obtain a good large filver currency, and at once to know the heavy Ecus from the light. Private perfcns were allowed to bring their Ecus to be (Vamped and receive the cordon, at the coft of one Rappen per piece. This expedient anfwered for feme years ; the light coins were fent back to France, and the heavy remained in circulation in Switzerland. But the filverfiuiths of Bern and the watchmakers of Geneva loon found that they could obtain no better and more fervice- Bern, 85 able filvei- than thole ftainped Thalers, wliich thus in the couife of a few years went into the crucible, fo that their number was diminiihed until in 1844 but tew were to be found. From July 1816 to the fame time 1S19, 66o,oco fucli Tlialers were ftamped, ami had a legal value of five Swifs Franks, or 40 Batzen, apiece.— See Lohner, p. 49. A. MEDALS, TOKENS, &c. CITY AND CANTON, AND MISCELLANEOUS. Obverfe. I. 1698. Reverfe. lEHOVA • EST CLYPEUS ■ arx ET • FORTITUDo SUORUM Bear, in attitude of defence, head to dex., holding halhert with both fore- paws, horizontally, right fore -paw refting on ornamented oval fliield of canton. Around, (liields of forty-two bailiwicks, with heraldic colours, as far as they can be indicated, and over each, the firll three or four letters of the name. View ; in foreground, bank, then river Aar, and beyond, Bern. In the clouds, an angel blowing a trumpet, to which is attached flag of Bern ; (arms ; field and oril. with colours ;) and hold- ing, in left hand, jialm-branch ; above, PAX-TOTriSRAF.Li-DEi- ; in exergue, PROPTER • DOMUM ■ lEHOV/E DEI • NOSTRI • PROCURABO BONUM • TIBI • 1698 ■ A a"5. The mottoes are adapted, from Pfalm xvlii. 2, and Galatians vi. 16, and quoted, from Pfalm cxxii. 9. For a fuller defcription of this medal lee Haller, (i. pp. 309-312,) who obferves that nine bailiwicks are omitted, probably for want of fpace. (p. 312.) 2, 3- Second Jubilee of Reformation, 1728. BERCHT;HALLER-ET FRANCIS: KOLB-REFORM:BERNENS Buds of Haller and Kolb, wearing caps, jugate, to right ; beneath, MDXXVIIf The quotation from Luke xxiv. 29. MANE NOBISCUM The Saviour walking iietween two difciples : in ex. lUBiL : 2 DUM.BERN CEL : 7 . IAN : 1728 . Third Jubilee of Reformation, 1S28. BERCHTOLD HALLER REFORM- WIR Bull of Haller, to left, wearing cap. HALTEN fest WAS GOTT UNS GAB- III • REFORM • FEIER IN BERN 1823 M I2. 86 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Reverfe. ET APUD FERAS- GRATIA GRATIAM PARIT In rocky landfcape, Androclus, feated Meeting of Androcliis and tlie lion in to light, extracting tliorn from right fore- the amphitheatre, both to left j in exergue, paw of lion, feated facing him; in exergue, I'DASSIER'F- 1-D-F- M 1-8. According to Hallerthis medal was, ftrangely enough, ufed by the State for pre- fents, and he notices that an example in gold of twenty-four ducats' weight was adjudged to one Henchoz, in 1730, by the Bernefe Council of War. 6. Trades-Company Medal, commemorating the Rebuilding of the Hall, 1722. CONCORDIA FUNDAMENTUM FCELICITATIS CIVIC/E • Buft of bearded man, to left, wearing turban, between two cornucopiae form- EX RUINA CLARA RESURGO Building of three ftories ; in exergue, RE/EDIFICATA 1722 ing wreath. M 1-15. Haller calls the head on the obverfe that of an Armenian, " as the arms of the Company of Merchants," and fays the medal was given to every member of the corporation after the banquet in commemoration of the rebuilding of the hall, (i. p. 320, no. 753.) Fidelity of Lausanne to Bern, 1723. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of canton ; crown open. VMBRAM QUIET/E TENACI ET CORONAM Female figure recumbent at toot of oak, of which (he holds trunk with left hand and with right pulls down branch, making it pafs round her head as a civic crown ; behind, (liield, arms of Laufanne ; in exergue, LAVSANN : FIDES M-DCC-XXIll I'HUG-F M. 2'I. . I. D. A. Davel, Major in the Bernefe Militia, having plotted an outbreak at Laufanne, then fubjeft to Bern, was, in confequence of the fevere difcipline of the Swifs forces, put to death by the cliief magiftrate (Stadtmagiftrat) of the town. This commemorative medal was fliuck, in gold, of the value of ten Louis d'or, and in filver, for prefentation to tlie officer juft mentioned, and other"-, who did fervice on this occafion. (Haller, i. p. 320, 321, no. 754.) Bern, 87 8. Society of Agriculture, 1759. Obverfe. Reverfe. HINC FELICITAS . Block, on which winged cachireus, Icythe, and reaping-hook, crofTed ; in ev. MDCCLIX- SOC • BERNENS ■ AGRICULTURAE ET BONARUM ARTIUM • (mm. cln- quefoil.) Within wreath of wheat, twined with laurel, CIVI BONO M 1-95. Struck in filver for prefentatlon to deferving country-people (Haller, i. p. 328, no. 761.) POI ITICAL, t8i8. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS FIDES UTRIMQUE FALLERE Shield ; arms of canton, field and ord. NESCIA . with colours ; crown, clofed. ' Within oak-wreath, CIVIB • JURAN ■ IN COMMUNEM PATRIAM RECEPTIS. HOMAG • PR/ESTIT DELEMONTII XXIV . JUN- MDCCCXVIII. JR 1-55. 10. Third Swiss Industrial Exhibition, Bern, 1857, View of city in the diftance, feen over viaduft ; above, fun ; in exergue, fhield ; arms of canton, field and ord. with colours; crown, doled ; on either (ide, branch, of lau'-el and oak. ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DIE III SCHWEIZ • INDUSTRIE - AUS STELLUNG IN BERN 1857. Helvetia, with open book on lap, on fides of which, crofs of confedera- tion and 1307, receiving corn and minerals from kneeling female figures ; in front, youth with lyre, at liis feet, pallet and bruflies; aroimd principal figure, arched wreath, of oak and laurel, in the former part, agricultural imple- ments, in the latter, mining implements ; beneath, HORN M 2'05. B. MEDALS OF THE SEDECIMVIRI OF BERN. The Sedecimviri, or Council of Sixteen, of Bern, formed a very ancient tribunal, which yearly, on Maunday Thurfday, exercifcd the right of cenforfhip over every member of the government. Certain fees were 88 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. allowed to the Sixteen and the officials adling with them. On the 30th March 1666 it was ordered that pieces fhould be ftruck of the value of a thaler, for this purpofe, increafed to that of a double thaler, and ultimately to that of about five rix-thalers. Thefe pieces were at one time diilributed in gold of the value of \\ Louis d'or ; but this was immediately forbidden. (Haller, i. pp. 329, 330.) II. Obveife. (Thaler Weight.) 1681. Reverfe. SENATVS ■ ET • SEDECIM ■ VIRI • REIP-BERN (Oops i. obfcuie, 2, 4, croislets, 5, cinqiiefoil.) Ornamenttil oval fnield ; aiiiT^ of canton. LIBERTAS • • • LIBERIS- ■ • CVR/E ■ ' ■ 1681 (mm. quatrefuil ; ftops fame between points.) Two arms ifluing from clouds, hands clafped, dex. in armour, holding fvvord, fin. clothed, holding fceptre, eroded, and fupporting laurel (?) wreath, above which, fun fliining. Wt. 27-8 + J& 1-65. 12. 16S4.. SENATVS • ET ■ SEDECIM • VIRI ■ REIPUBLI • BERNENSIS (mm. tre- foil, flops, I, 2, 5, fame, fmaller.) Ornamented aval fliield ; arms of can- ton ; fupporters, bears ; above, lion's head ; (as creft ?) beneath, CR'120. LIBERTAS-LIB ERIS- CUR/E . 1684 ■ (mm. leaf 5 ftops fame, 2, 3, fame, fmaller.) Same type. Edge : CONCORDIA • RES • PARV/E • CRESCUNT ■ DISCORDIA • MAXIMA • DILABUNTUR • u in all three infcriptlons, in form of fmall letter. I Wt. 27-7 grammes, m i"75. 1697. SENATUS • ET • SEDECIM • VIRI ■ REIP- BERNENSIS • Bear paflant, within border of fi> foils. LIBERTAS LIBE RIS CUR/E- 1697(mm.clofed flower, downwards, flipped.) Same type. Wt. 27-5 grammes. ^ i-6. 14. 1700. Mm. trefoil ; beneath border, B . No mm. or flop. Sin. arm bare. Wt. 26-6 grammes, jr. \-%. Bern, 89 15. (Double-Thaler Weight?) 1735. Obverfe. Reverfe. REIPUB : (mm. fkui-de-lis : no border.) Mm. as ol)V. ; at enil of infer, floiiridi like horizontal s. The ^vreath, of oak j above it, eye in triangle, radiate. Edge: CONCORDIA RES PARV/E CRESCUNT DISCORDIA MAXIMA DILABUNTUR 1735 . I VVt. 49-2 + grammes, ill 1-75. 16. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS • Irregular fhielil ; arms of canton ; held by bear, weaiini^- fliort mantle and belt, holding in right fore-paw fword, which fiipports cni) of liberty, and ihmding on military implements; on column, in field, left, i-D- FELICITAS REIPUBLIC/t- Female figure (Religion ?) wearing veil, from upper part of which rifes flame, holding in right hand fword and Iceptre, in left, fa fees ; to left, altar, garlanded, on which open bonk, in- fcribed LEGES FUNDAMENT- relting againft clofed one ; iieyond it, llork, to right, looking back ; on right, owl, to right, in front of which, I'DASSIER in exergue, F. SENATUS ET SEDECIM VIRI REIPUBLIC/E By I. A. Daffier. 17, 18. Similar type ; in bear's right fore- i Same, paw, fceptre; befides military implements, fafces ; to right, colours anti column : in ex. I-C-MC-F- The obverfe by I. C. Morikofer. /R 2'25. 19, 20. 1818. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS Shield ; arms of canton, field and ord., with colours ; crown, clofed ; held by bear ftanding on heap of military and agricultural obje(5ls and caduceus ; in right fore paw, branch of oak: below, S^BURGER F" FELICITAS PUBLICA Minerva, wearing plumed helmet and ;cgis ; in right hand, croffed fceptre and fvj'ord, refting on book, placed on fquare ball" ; left hand fupporting fafces ; on right, owl, to right : in exergue, SENATUS ET SEDECIM VIRI M 2-25. M 2'3. Thefe large medals are of irregular weight ; two weigh refpedlively 90' i grammes and 92'3 grammes. 90 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. C. MEDALS OF THE SEDECIMVIRI OF THE OUTER STATE. The Outer State was an old inftitution for the purpofe of training the young men of Bern to the military and other duties of citizenfliip. Like the State itfelf, it had its fedecimviri, who performed their part of annual cenfors, as did thofe of the flate, or of the inner flate, as it was called for diftindion. The following are the only examples of its medals known to Haller, (i. p. 336 feqq.,) who refers to Kohler's Munzbeluftigung, (ix. 193-200, 206-208, 2i6,) where there is an account, which I have compared, of this fingular inftitution, by Daniel Tfcharner, then magiftrate (Schultheifs) of the Outer State. Arms. — Per bafe, or and vert, an ape feated, backwards, holding mirror and apple, on lobfter to fin. 21. 1703. Obverfe. IMITAMVR QVOD SPERAMVS Arms of Outer State ; in exergue, SENATVS ET XVI-VIRI STATVS EXTERIORIS Reverfe. HOC PROTECTORE CRESCIMVS MDCCIII- IfTuing from clouds, two arms in ar- mour, holding dagger and ftueld, arms of Bern. M. 1-25. 22. HOC SIDERE GAUDET Irrccrular fliield ; arms of Outer State, field with colours ; behind, celeftial globe, on which is feen Great Bear, and other condellations : in exergue, SENAT : ET XVl-VIRi STAT : EXTER • BERN 1737 DEXTER/E GUBERNATIONIS SPES upon fcroll. Ship failing into harbour ; in exergue, MDCCXXXVII /R IV 23- LUDENS FIT APTIOR Roman youth, to left, crowned by Mercury, holding caduceus in left hand ; both figures on bafe ; on lower level five youths, to right ; on ^iS^g't of bafe, un- certain infcription. M I'4. Defigned by Grimm ; engraved by I. C. Morikofer, Haller, i. p. 338, no. 794. PAULATIM Arms of Outer State; the ape as if wifliing to approach temple on mountain, behind which fim fhining. Ber7t. 9^ 24. 1776. Obverle. Reverie. HOC PROTECTORE TUTUS- Anns of Outer State j behind, bear, to dex., armed with fword, which he is about to draw, and roHiid tliield ; in exergue, SEN AT ■ ET XVI ■ VI Rl STAT • EXTER • BERN • 1776- AD UTRUMQUE PARATUS Within laurel-wieath, Rcptre and fword, eroded. AL 1-45. Engraved by T. C. Morikofer, Haller, i. pp. -1,1%, 339, no. 79. D. MAGISTRATES' TOKENS. Thefe tokens were in former times given to the young people by the newly-chofen magiftrates of the City of Bern. (Haller, i. p. 339.) 25- MONVM : ELECT ; CONSVLARIS (mm. three-looped knot.) Shield; arms of canton ; crown open ; branches, pahii and latnel. AD SATISFACTIO^EM lUVENT . (mm. tout-looped knot.) Child running to riglit, holding toy- windmill, 315 grammes. Bii. i'05. E. TOKENS CALLED TISCHLI-VIERER There was a very old cuftom at Bern, that on Eafler Monday fmall coins fliould be diftributed to the children. The children flit under the archways before pretty little tables (Tifchen), whence thefe pieces were called Tifchli-Vierer. At firft, and as early as 1531, every child received a Fiinfer, afterwards a Vierer, for which the government gave a hundred Bern pounds, a pound being a money of account, worth thirty Kreuzers, or fixty Vierers, and thus, if we do not take into account the coft of providing the tokens, provifion was made for fix thoufand children. The head of the police (Grofsweibel) and the town-clerk (Gerichts- fchreiber) had the duty of diftribution, and out of emulation added three or four times as much at their own coft, but when their term of office was reduced to five years, and they were deprived of other advantages, the diftribution was aboliftied. (Haller i. pp. 342, 343.) 26. Hat on pole, in a field. Bear, wearing plumed cap, and armed with fword and gun, in a field. Wt. -6 -'■gramme, M. '55. 92 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?2s, Obverfe. 27. Reverfe. Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Bern, field and ord. with colours 5 crown, open. Same type ^ "SS- 28, 29. Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Bern ; i Minerva, advancing, to right ; in right crown, open. hand, fpear, with left hand holding wreath over hoy, running to right, a book in his left hand. JR '7. 30- NEC METAS RERUM- Club, around whic li two fnakes, like caduceus, fcientific inftrumenls, and laurel-branches. NEC TEMPORA PONIT. Female figure feated, to right, holding pole, on which hat, and open book, right arm refting on oval (liield, arms of Bern ; above, eye, radiate. Wt. 2- 1 grammev, jr -75. F. SCHOOL-BOARD TOKEN. Such tokens were aniuially given at the public examinations to all members of the upper and lower fchool-boards of Bern. 31- (One Thaler and a half WErniiT') RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, field and ord. with colours ; relting againll l)uilding; above, crown, open; as fupporters. Abundance with cornu- coplae. Charity with two children ; be- neath, ornaments. INTUITU VEGETAT Garden ; in centre, fountain ; above, fun ; in exergue, ACCAD'CURATOR- Wt. 38 grammes, jr 1-65. G. SCHUL-PFENNINGE. Thefe medals or tokens were annually given to the fcholars and certain officials. (Haller, i. pp. 360-362.) Some of them, which have almoft always on the obverfe nearly the type of a current coin, (Id. nos. 816-839, 870-884,) and bear the infcriptions moneta nova BERNENSIS, REiPUBLic^ BERNENSIS, and the like, having been moftly ftruck in large numbers and largely diftributed, came by degrees into circulation, fo that they may be confidered part of the coinage. Such is Lohner's opinion, who defcribes them in his MUnzen, Nachtrag No. 3. (Nachtriige, p. 42 feqq.). Bern. 93 32- (20 Kreuzer Weight) 1659. Obveill-. Reverie. Between oiiuiments, aliove and below, 1659 PR/EMIUM DILIGENTI/C CATECH ■ EX ■ LIBERALITATE • MAG ' BERN (mm. pellet.) Bear paflant ; above, rays illliing from cloud. Wt. 5 grammes. A<. I'Of. 33- (10 Kreuzer Weight) 1676. PR/EM REIPVBLICAE [BER]NENSIS DILI . G CA Bear paflant, on ground ; above, two- T ECHET headed imperial eagle. 1676 ^ ^ Wt. 2"4 grammes. /R '9. 34- (10 Kreuzer Weight) 1684. On mantle held by angel, PR/EMIUM DILIGEN • 1684 • (u in form of Imall letter j mm. after fecond word, trefoil.) REIPUBLIC/C BERNENSIS (mm. and u as obv.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton } beneath, CR'10 within a border. Wt. 2-4 grammes. A 9. 35- (10 Kreuzer Weight) 1700. Within triple laurel-wreath, all in one direction, above, to right, PR/E MIUM Dl LIGENT- 1700 Above and beneath, loie. MONETA ■ REIPUB : BERNENSIS ■ CR : 10 (on either fide of value, bud.) Ornamented oval fliielil ; arms of can- ton. Wt. 2'6 grammes. M. •^. 36. (30 Kreuzer Weight.) Within laurel-wreath, , IN TVENDO TVETVR •PR/EM Bt-m- I'eated, lioKlini;- palm and open DILIGEN ,3„„j,. Tl/E above, crofs ; belo\V, fixfoil. Wt. 7-4 grammes. A \z. 94 Catalogue of Swijs Coins. 37- (20 Kreuzer Weight.) Obverfc;. Reverie. Within fingle laurel-wieatli, PRAEM DILIGEN TIAE IN TVENDO • TVETVR • (ftops, tiorsicts.) Same type. Wt. 48 grammes. J&. 105. 38- (10 Kreuzer Weight.) . PR/EM DILIGEN -TIAE between ornaments, above and below. INTVENDO- TVETVR Same type. Wt. 25 grammes. M. 9. 39- 1663. Within ornamented border, LACTE PIETATIS • ET FORTI TVDINIS Bear fuckling two cubsj above, nin'' (t tor >) Within wreath of laurel and palm, . BENE DICTIO . DEI DITAT 16:63 Al 1-4. 40, 41. (Half-Thaler Weight.) RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS Shield ■■, arms ot canton, field and ord. with colours; crown, clofed ; on either fide, laurel-branch : border of triple wreath of leaves. Two fpecimens varied. LABOR OMNIBVS IDEM. Bee-hive beneath tree ; in exergue, PR/t"M : DILIG- border of triple laurel ? wreath. Wt. 1 4' 3 grammes. A< 14. M 1-35 RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS Ornamented oval (hield, garlanded ; arms of canton, field and ord. witli colours ; crown, open ; on either fide, palm-branch. 42, TEMPESTIVE ET INDEFESSE Bee-hive ; in exergue, PR.a;M.DiHG Al 135. 43- RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS CULTURA MITESCIT Shield; arms of canton ; crown, open ; Gardener kneeling, to right, tending on eitlier fide, branch of laurel and palm : young tree ; in front, baiket of tools ; wreath-border, | in ex. pr/em • dilig- ; beneath, c. : wreath-border. I /-R 1"25. Bern. 95 Obverfe. 44. (ThALHR. WlilGHT.) Reverfe. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS OrnuiiiciilLil irregular (liiekl ; arms oi canton, field and ord. with coloui-sj crown, open j on either fide, palm-branch. PER TEMPLUM VIRTUTIS Temple on fteep mountain, up which ligures are climbing ; above, A, in which tliree flames ? radiate ; in exergue, dili- GENTI . Wt. 27'7 grammes. M id. MONVM LIBERAL REIP BER NENSIS Shield ; arms of canton ; crown, open ; on either fide, palm-branch. 45- OMNIS HALITVS LAVDET lAH (N retrograde.) King David kneeling, to left, playing on harp. Wt. i9'8 grammes. M I'S^, 46. (20 Batzek or 80 Kreuzhr Weight.) REIPVBLIC/E BERNENSIS CR ■ 80 ill label (mm. quatiefoil j (top, cinque- foil.) Ornamented ftiield j aims of canton ; beneath, d . OMNiS • HALITVS ■ LAVDET ■ lAH (mm. qiuitrefoil ; (lops lame, a little Imallcr.) Same type. Wt. 186 grammes. /R i-G^,. 47- 1695. REIj PUBLIC/E- 16-95 BERNENSIS | OMNIS • HALITVS- -LAUDET' (mm. and lecond flop, quatrefoil, laltire- -JAH • ((lops, i, 5, 6, quatreloils.) wife.'') Same type. Ornamented oval fliield •■, arms of can- ton ; beneath, CR 80 . Wt. 184 grammes. /R i 55. u's in form of fiiiall letter. 48. 1700, REI PUBLIC/E • BERNEN SIS (mm. and flop, quatrefoil.) Ornamented oval ihield ; arms of can- ton i beneath, CR 80 . u's in form of fmall letter. OMNIS ■ HALITUS - ■ LAUDET, ■ I AH • (flops I, 5, 6, as obv.) Same type. Wt. i8*5 grammes, as. i-6. 49. (With German Letters.) Mund und Hertz zufainen lobt defs Herren Namen 1700 . King David kneeling, to left, playing on harp 5 on either fide, CR 80 . Within wreath of flowers, Gotts F'orcht und Fleiis, bringt Nutz und Preifs. beneath, ornament. Wt. i8'4 grammes. AL i'SS- 96 Catalogue of Swifs Corns. 50. 1734- (With Latin Letters.) Obverfe. Same j no value Hated. Reverfe. Within border of canopy, two orna- ments, and branches of laurel and palm, lame infer, without ftops. Wt. 1 8- grammes. ^1.5. 51- (30 Kreuzer Weight.) 1697. MONETA ■ REIPVBLIC/E ■ BER NENSIS (mm. at end of nifcr. pine- branch with cone, to fm.) Ornamented oval Ihield ; arms of can- ton. Man and woman, naked to waift, holding garland of flowers and mantle infcribed, MONETA NOVA • 1697 • ; beneath, landfcape. Wt. 6-6 grammes. M vi. 52. 1699. REIPUBLIC/E BERNENSIS ■ OR 30 ■ Ornamented oval iliield ; arms of can- ton J trown, open. No garland ; no points on either fide of date. Wt. 6-5 grammes. A I'z. 53- MONETA • REIPVBLiC/E • BER With garland. NENSIS (mm. at end of infer., pine-bianch with cone.) Same type. Wt. 6'4 grammes, m it. LACTE ■ PIETATIS ■ ET • FORTI TUDI : (ftops, trefoils? u in form of fmall letter.) Bear fuckllng two cubs, and embrac- ing a third older one. 54- (50 Kreuzer Weight?) 1700. Two bears, facing one another, holding mantle infcribed, ■ BENEDICTiO ■ DEI DITAT • 1700 (Stops, cincjuefoils.) Wt. II '8 grammes; Ai 1*35. B em. 97 55, 56. (30 Kreuzer. Weight.) 1706. Obverfe. Reverfe. REIPUBLIC/E BERNENSIS • CR 30 • Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton ; crown, open. Man and woman, naked to waift, holding mantle infcribed, MONETA NOVA 1706 Wt. 6-7 grammes. M I'zs- 6-6 1-2. 57- (20 Kreuzer Weight.) 1684. REIPUBLIC/E BERNENSIS Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton ; beneath, CR 20 in a border. On mantle, held above by angel, ■ MONETA ■ NOVA • ■ 1684 • (Mm. trefoil) ; beneath, landfcape. Wt. 4*8 grammes, jr 115. 58. 1706. REIPVBLIC/E BERNENSIS CR 20 Ornamented oval Hiield ; arms of can- ton, field and ord. with colours ; bound with branches of palm and laurel ; be- neath, D B . Bear feated to right, on bench, wear- ing fhort mantle? in right fore-paw fcroll infcribed, MONETA NOVA 1706 in left fore-paw, fword ; in exergue, branches of palm and laurel. Wt. 4' 7 grammes. .<« i"i. 59-61. 1734- On either fide of value, cinquefoil. Laurel flowering : no initials. DOMIN' PRO VIDEBIT 1734 Wt. 5" I grammes, m roj, 5" 4-8. 62. U inftead of V ; mm. cinquefoil ; flops, quatrefoils barbed, faltirewife. Same. Wt. 5' grammes. s. c. 98 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 63- 1766, 1787. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA REIPUB • BERNENS- 1787 Oval fhield ; arms of canton ; crown, clofed ; on either fide, palm-branch. Bear, feated on bafe, holding with right fore-paw fcroU infcribed, DOMINUS PRO- VIDEBIT 1766- with left fore-paw, fword. Wt. 5'i grammes. JR i'05. A mule. H. TICKETS. 64. Board of Works, 1760. MONETA REIPUB [BE]RNENS 1758 . Oval fhield ; arms of canton ; crown, clofed ; on either fide, palm-branch. A mule. BAUW AMT 1760 • Above, half-eightfoil. JE. i'o5. 65. Aid-Institution (Hulfs-Anstalt) of Canton Bern. HULFS-ANSTALT C • BERN Shield; arms of canton. 1 PORTION IB 'JS- MONETA REIPUB BERNENS • 1787- Oval ftiield ; arms of canton ; crown, clofed ; on either fide, palm-branch. 66. Card-Counter ? Ornament of fix oak-leaves and fix acorns, forming flower. IE 9. BERON MUNSTER, or MUNSTER. ^HE convent of Beron Miinfter, or Miinfter, in Canton ^,^^1 Luzern, formerly in Aargau when a territory, which gives its name to the neighbouring town of Miinfter, was founded A.D. 720 by Beron, Count of Lenzburg, who is commemorated on its medals : it was dedicated to St. Michael. This convent paid, in Haller's time, a yearly tribute of 40 of its medals or tokens (Pfenninge), to the Inner Council of Luzern, in acknowledgment of protedion. They were prefented in gold and in filver to the Papal Nuncio when he vifited the convent, and were diftributed on St. Michael's day to thofe muficians prefent who were ftrangers. A certain number were annually given as fchool-rewards. They were commonly called " Michels-Pfenninge " (Haller, ii. pp. 402, 403). From the reverfe-infcription of the whole feries it is evident that the objed for which they were ftruck was the annual payment to Luzern of the quitrent. The value and fize were not uniform. Haller catalogues in gold, ducat fize, in filver, half and quarter thaler fize, and the latter fizes alfo ftruck in gold of the value of a certain number of ducats, eight, five, four, and three. (Id., p. 396 feqq.) The fpecimens are here arranged in chronological order, which is beft fuited to pieces which were not current money. MEDALS. Obverfe. BERO ■ COMES ■ DE • LENTZBVRG • FVNDATOR • E • BER (mm. ciofs ; flops, fleurs-de-lis.) Ornamented fhield; arms of Lenzburg, to fin ; helmet furmounted by open crown and plume of peacock's feathers. Reverfe. • COLLEGIVM • BERONENSE ■ SVIS ■ BENEVOLIS : D : D : (mm. as obv.} flops I, 2, 3, 4cinquefoils.) The archangel towards left, nimbate, crofs on head, in armour, with fmall Ipiked fliield, about to ftrike dragon, to left, with uplifted fword. Bil. 1-4. G 2 lOO Catalogue of Swifs Coins, This is a genuine caft medal. Haller notices it in his appendix, obferving that it feems to be one of the oldeft (ii. pp. 536, 537, no. 2284a.) It is certainly older than no. 2, which heads his lift previoufly drawn up. A Cast. Obverfe. Reverfe. LENZBVRG ■ (at each end of • BERO : COM • DE ' FVND • ECCL BER infer, crofslet.) In foreft, huntfman, in plumed hat, to right, fpeaving bear to left ; beneath, ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of Lenzburg, helmet with mantling, fur- mounted by open crown and plume of peacock's feathers. COLLEGIVM ■ BERONENSE • SViS ■ BENEVOLIS D D (miru cinquefoil.) The archangel facing, with lance, flaying dragon, to right. JE 1-55. This is a caft in copper of an original which was fet in a twifted ring. Haller, who had a copy, (perhaps a fimllar caft for this is not recent,) fays it is probably the oldeft medal of the feries, and ftruck towards the end of the fixteenth or beginning of the feventeenth century, of the fize of a half-thaler. (Id., pp. 396, 397, no. 2284.) At the time when he wrote thus, no. i was not known to him. Weight of Half-Thaler ? Same infer.; mm. cinquefoil, flops . and 5. 7 Same infer. ; mm. rofe ; flops : The archangel, towards left j the dragon, to left ; in field, flowers. M (gilt) I '6. Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Lenz- burg, helmet, &c., as above. Set in twifted ring. The weight cannot be certainly determined on account of the ring. Weight of Two-thirds Thaler. Same: var. no mm.; ftops 1, 2, 3, and 7 wanting. Same infer. ; no mm. vifible ; no ftops. The archangel facing, the dragon to left ; within border of foils interlacing, broken above and below. M I '45. Beron Miinjler^ or Mii?ijler. lOI Obverfe. Weight of Half-Thaler. Reverfe. BERO COM : DE LENZB : FUNDA : ECCL : BERON : (mm. quatrefoil re- peated at end of infer.) Same type. COLLEG : BERO : SVIS : BENF.V : D : D (mm. at end of infer, cinquefoil.) The archangel facing, armed with plumed helmet, flaming fword, and (hield gvis infcribed vt , about to ftrike Satan, to DEVS right. A I •4. The infcription on the (hield is the rendering of the Hebrew name Michael. 6. Weight of Half-Thaler. BERO COM; DE: LENZB: FUNDA: ECCL: BERO : 720 Same type varied ; on either fide of arms, branch, of palm and laurel, rifmg from ornament of fhield ; beneath, UB . COLLEG : BERO SVIS BENEV : D : D : The archangel facing, armed with fhield bearing infcription, above and below which, ftar of five points, hurling thunderbolt at dragon, to right ; beneath, •HUPR ? ^ I-35, The initials on the obverfe are thofe of Uhich Brupacherj thofe on the reverfe of an engraver I have not been able to trace. BERO ■ COM • DE- LENZB: FUNDA- ECCL ■ BERO • 720 Ornamented irregular oval flileld of Lenzburg, with helmet, &;c., as before ; on either ilde, branch, of laurel and palm ; from ornament hangs riband with crofs. Weight of Quarter-Thaler. COLLEG • BERO - SVIS • BENEV • D • D : The archangel towards left, armed with plumed helmet, flaming fword, and SVIS fliield infcribed ^J^^ , about to ftrike U b V = Satan, to left j beneath, i.M- M. 1'2. BIEL. IIEL (Bienne) a town in Canton Bern was formerly fubjed to the Bifhop of Bafel : in 135/ it made an alliance with Bern, but did not become virtually independent until the beginning of the feventeenth century, from which time its condition remained unchanged until it was taken by France in 1798. In 18 15 it was included in Bern. It appears at no time to have ftruck money, which is not to be wondered at, feeing that it was never wholly free and that the currency of its powerful ally was always within reach. Jrms. — Gu. two hatchets, faltirewife, arg. Biel is the Swifs pro- nunciation of Beil, hatchet ; the arms are therefore parlantes. (Gautier, Armoiries, p. 29, pi. ii. fig. 10.) I. Medal of Gymnasium. Obverfe. Reverfe. DAS GYMNASIUM VON BIEL (mm. cinquefoil.) Irregular fliield j arms of Biel, with colours. Within wreath of oak and laurel, DEM AUFSTREBENDEN FLEISSE M I 15. CHUR. HUR (Curia, Curia Rhaetica, Coire, in Rhaetian Cuort, Coira) is a very ancient city and bifhop's fee, now the capital of Canton Graubiindten (Grifons), and efpecially of its firft League, the League of God's houfe, Gottes- hausbund. (Ligue de la Maifon Dieu.) Armi. — Bifhopric : Arg., a wild goat mounting, fa., the arms of the Gotteshausbund, an identity which makes it difficult to determine whether to attribute to the See or the Bund any coin bearing the common arms without infcription. Town : Arg., a caftle battlemented and loopholed gu., having a niche, in which a wild goat mounting, fa. In the oldeft known feal the form is fimpler, and the niche and wild goat are omitted. (Ziir. Ant. Ges. xiii. p. 20, pi. vi. fig. 7.) On fome of the coins of the town the arms common to the Gotteshausbund and the See appear ; thefe are indeed the fimpler form of the arms of the town, (which were derived from them,) and as borne by the Bund they were applicable to the capital. Patron. — The Virgin Mary, to whom the cathedral of Chur is dedicated. St. Lucius, alfo, as patron, and probably with that title, patronus ecclefiae, is reprefented on the coins of both biftiops and city, nimbate, armed, and with the infignia of royalty, and is not difplaced in the latter feries by the Reformation. The conne61:ion of the mythical Britifti king with Chur is interefting as one of the traces of the Irifh miflions to Switzerland. BISHOPRIC. HEINRICH II. VON ARBON, 1180-1193. 1. Denier, Obverfe. Reverfe. )> IC/S (mm. crofs between two fixfoils.) n P ■ s 111 centre , p , : border of dots. (Be- tween letters, fixtoil.) CVR I E N SIS (Above and below, fixfoil between two dots: border of dots.) Wt. -85 gr. M. -7. I04 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. The infcription is coin RRR. HENRICVS EPS CVRIENSIS . Mr. Townftiend marks this BISHOP OF FIFTEENTH OR SIXTEENTH CENTURY 2. EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Haller ?) Arms of fee : border of large dots. See Lohner ap. Meyer, Den. u. Braft., p. 91- Bil. -5. PAUL ZIEGLER VON ZIEGELBERG, FREIHERR VON BAR, 1500-1541. Batzen of 1525. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA • EPI ■ CVRIENSIS • (mm. leaf; flops i, 2, fixfoils ; 3, annulet.) Shield ; arms of fee quarterly with thofe of bifliop ; above, 1525, and on either fide, annulet. AVE REGINA CELORVM ' (flop, an- nulet.) Virgin and Child, on crefcent. Wt. 3'4 grammes. Bil. I'of. 4- 1 526. MGHETA- EPI • CVRIEMSIS (mm.fix- AVE • REGIMA "CELORVM' (ftops, foil ; ftops, annulets.) Same type. annulets.) Same type. 11 i* 5- 1527. MOMETA • EPI • CVRIEHS : 1527 (mm. fixfoil ; ftops I and 2, annulets.) Same type : var. annulet above. Same, Bil. 1-05. Chur. 105 Obverle. Same : var. (top 3 annulet. 6. 1528. Reverfe. Same : var. N ; (top 3 wanting. Bil. 1-05. BEATUS VON PORTA, 1565-1581. Half-Diken, containing 12 Kreuzers. BEATVS • DEI • [G] ' EPS • CVRIENS Two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi ; between heads, crofs of orb Supporting imperial crown ; on eagle, (hield ; arms of fee impaling bi(liop''s ; beneath, orb infcribed 12 . M I'2. The treatment of the orb on the reverfe of this coin is remarkable ; the crofs is feparated from it by the whole body of the eagle, and the uppermofl: limb of the crofs is hidden by the crown. •SI ' DEVS • PRO ■ NOB'OVI CON • NOS ■ Half-figure of St. Lucius, r., wearing armour, and clofed crown, nimbate, hold- ing fceptre and orb. 8. EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Haller ?) Shield; arms of See; around, B C: border of dots. Bil. -5. PETER II. RASCHER, 1581-1601. 9- Seven-Ducat Piece. •PETRVS: DEI :GR A:EPISCOPVS. ON/?' Half-figure of St. Lucius, r., as ufual ; on either fide, S-L P-E.C; beneath, in border, two (hields, arms of bifiiop, charge to fin., and (ee. The infcription in the field of the obverfe probably (tands for SANCTVS LVCIVS PATRONVS EGCLESIAE CVRIENSIS . rHaller. ii. n. 533.) RODOL-II- D-G- ROM-IMP'SEMP- AVGVSTVS Two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi J above, crown. Wt. 24.' 3 grammes. N i*55. io6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. lO. Half-Batzen ? Obverfe. ■ PETRVS ■ D • G ■ EPS • CVRIEN ' • (flops, annulets.) Virgin feated (?) and Child, both nim- bate ; on Virgin's drefs, right fide, (liield ; arms of bifhop. Note by Mr. Townfhend, " rrr." Reverfe. DOM ■ CONSERVA • NOS • IN ■ PAC (mm. trefoil ; flops, annulets.) Crofs moline. Wt. I '8 5 gramme. Bil. 85. JOHANN V. FLUG VON ASPERMONT, 1601-1627. II. Seven-Ducat Piece of 1613. lOANNES-DEhGRA- EPISCOPV- 1 RO DOL • II • D • G • ROM • IMP • CVR ■ (ftops I, 4, five points, crolTwife j SEMP • AVGV ST 5, fix points, like cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, Half-figure of St. Lucius, r., as ufual ; crown ; in field, 16 13 on either fide, S-L- -P-E-C- ; beneath, in border, two fliields, arms of billiop and fee. Wt. 24.'3 grammes. N r6. 12. Double Ducat, struck in the interval 1601-1612. JOANNES • DEI ■ G • EPIS • CVRI • Ornamented fhield ; arms of fee and bifhop, quarterly, charge in firft quarter to fin. RODL • II • D ■ G • ROM • IMP • SEMP- AVGVS : Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; between heads, crofs fitchee, fup- porting crown. Wt. 7' grammes. N i"i. 13- Gold Gulden, struck in the interval 1612-1619. • MON • NO • AV • EPISCO ■ CVR Half-figure of St. Lucius, facing, as ufual. MATH • D ■ G ■ R • IM • S ■ A-V-G ■ BHR Two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi J on it, orb ; above, crown. Wt. 3'2- grammes, jv "9. Ch ur. 107 14. Thaler. Obverfe. • lOANNES • DEI • G ■ EPISCOPVS ■ CVRIENSis • • (ftops, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of fee and quartered arms of bifliop J above, mitre with ftole between fword and crozier ; beneath, two cor- nuacopiae, joined. Reverfe. : DOMINE : CONSERVA : NOS : IN : PACE: St. Lucius, feated, beardlefs, wearing mitre and robes, and holding orb and crozier. A 1-6. 15- Thaler, 1626. lOANNES : D : Qfl^EPISCOPV : CVR (ftops, crofslets.) Ornamented (hield ; arms of fee and bifhop quarterly, the latter not themfelves quartered j above, mitre, &c., as above ; on either fide, 16 26 . DOMINE^I^CONSERVA : NOS : IN : PACE : (ftops, fmall faltires.) Two-headed imperial eagle,, with nimbi ; above, crown. &. i'6. 16. DiKEN, 1620. I[0]ANNES : D : G EPISCO : CVR : 1620 Half-figure of St. Lucius, r., beardlefs, otherwife as ufual ; beneath, in infer., fmall fhield, arms of fee, charge to fin. NOS with SI : DEVS : PRO NOB : Q: CON Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbi ; between heads, crofs ; above, crown. 17- Var. CVRIE; no date; mm. and ftops after each word cinquefoils. Same type, var. on either fide, s L ; charge in fmall fhield to dex. SI • DEVS ■ PRO N OBIS • Q • CON • NOS (mm. and ftops as obv.) Same type j beneath, in infer., fmall fliield J arms of bifliop. & 12. lOANNES ■ D • G Shield J arms of fee ; headed imperial eagle I 8. Batzen . ' EPI • CVR MONETA : NOVA e ; above, two- Crofs fourchy. Wt. 2 •+ gran CVRIE Bi io8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 19. Bluzger ? Reverfe. 10 ■ G ■ EPISCO • CVR • Crofs fourchy. ECCE ■ ANCILLA • DOM Half-figure of Virgin and Child. Wt. "95 gr. Bil. -7. 20, 21. EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning, (Haller ?) E Shield ; arms of biihop j around, I C , interrupting border of large dots. Wt. -25 gr. Bil. -55. '2 22. Shield J arms of bifliop ; charge to fin. ; above and on either fide, three cinquefolls. Wt. -2 gr. Bil. -5. JOSEPH MOHR VON ZERNETZ, 1627-1635. Ten-Kreuzer Piece, 1630. lOSEPHVS • D • G ■ EPISCOPVS • CVRIEN ' (flops, cinquefoils.) Ornamented fhield ; arms of fee and bifhop, quarterly ; mitre with ftole ; on fin. fide of mitre, crozier. Two fpeciinens, llightly varied. FERD : II : DEI . G : ROM : IM : S ' AV Two-headed Imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on eagle, orb, infcribed 10 j above, crown 5 In ex., 1630. Bil. i-i. Same : var. laft flop. 25. 1632. . Same infer, va for AV ; ftops, as obv.. none at end. Same type. Bil- 11. Cliur. 109 Obveife. Same : var. EPISCOP • CVRIE 26. 1634. Reverfe. FERDIN-II'D G-ROM-IM-S- A- Same type. Bil. II. 27. 1635. ■ lOSEPHVS ■ D ■ G • EPISCOPVS CVRIE- Same type. Same : var. a.v ; at either end of infer., cinquefoil ; in ex., -1635. Bil. II. ULRICH VII. VON MONT, 1661-1692. 28. Gulden, or Two-thirds Thaler, 1688. VDAL : D : G : EP: CVR : S : R : I : PRIN : D: In FVr &• GR • Buft, to right, with fmall tuft on cliin, in ecclefiaftical drefs, with bands and fmall crofs. : LEOPOLDVS -0:0 ROM : IMPER:S:A:16 88 Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, crown : on eagle, fliield, arms of fee and bifliop, quarterly, charges in firft and third quarters to fin 5 above, mitre ; behind, crozier and fword crolfed : beneath eagle, b c , and, interrupting infcription, in oval, |. M. I'5. 29. 1689. VDAL : D : G : EP: CVR : S : R : 1 : PRiN d; In FVk &• GRO? Half-figure of St. Lucius, to right, in armour, crowned, nimbate, wearing fmall crofs, holding fceptre and palm in right hand, orb in left ; on either fide, beneath principal infcription, s : Lvcr • P : E : c : beneath, in infer., two ihields, arms of fee, charge to fin., and bifhop. Same infer., fecond ftop : . Same type, but no arms on eagle, and value in ornamented border. M 1-55. I lO Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 30- 1690. Obverfe. Same. Reverfe. Same ; firft ftop point • ; value in oval. js. 1-55. Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, 1688. VDAL • D : G : EP: CVR : S : R : I : PRIN : D: INFVRSTEB : & GROSE (mm. fixfoil.) Buft of bifhop, to right, in eccleiiaf- tical drefs with bands and fmall crofs. • LEOPOLDVS ■ D G ■ ROM • IMP ■ S-A'16 88 Two-headed imperial eagle ; on it fliield, arms of fee and bifhop, quarterly, charges in firft and third quarters to fin ; above eagle, crown ; beneath, B c, and, interrupting infcription, in ornamented border, xv . Bil, 1-2. 32. Bluzger, 1691, ■ DOMINI • EST • REGNVM 16 91 (mm. in date, fame as obv.) Crofs fourchy. Bil. -7. VDAL : D : G : EP • CVR • D : IN • FVEG . E . (mm. cinquefoll.) Ornamented oval (hield ; arms of fee and bifhop, quarterly, firft and third quarters as no. 31. On the origin of the name Bluzger, Dr. Meyer remarks that it is a difficult queftion. He cites the explanation, given him by Th. von Mohr, on what authority is not ftated, " Numulus qui B(eatum) Lucium gerit, Bluciger vocatur ficuti Cruciger (Kreuzer)." But he objeas that no Bluzger bears the reprefentation or even name of St. Lucius, and decides that the etymology muft therefore be abandoned, propofmg nothing in Its ftead. (Denare, &c., p. 90.) 33- EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Haller ?) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; around, V C : border of radiating lines, Bil. -5. Chur, III 34, 35- Shield ; arms of fee ; fame infer, and border. 36. Same, but charge to fin. Bil. -45. BIl. -^S- 37-40. V Same, but infer. C R . Bil. •45- T am difpofed to attribute thefe coins, nos. 34-40, as they bear the arms of the fee, to Ulrich VII., on account of their identity of type and ftyle with that preceding them : in nos. 37-40 the initial of the biftiop's name may be included in the abbreviation of CVRIA. The identity of ftyle with epifcopal coins would prove nothing, as an agreement was made In 16 14 between the burgomafter of Chur and the blfhop's mint-mafter for a common Iffue of coins, and that this agreement was obferved in Ulrich VII's time is obvious from a comparifon of his bluzger of 1691 with the civic one of 1693 in this coUeftion. ULRICH VIII. VON FEDERSPIEL, 1692-1728. 41. Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece of 1703. Obverfe. Reverfe. VDAL • D • G • EP • CVR • D • IN • FVRST • BVR Buft of bifhop, to right, in fkull-cap, gown, and bands, wearing crofs. LEOPOLD ■ i • D ■ G • ROM • ■ IMP • SEMPER ■ A • 1703 Two-headed Imperial eagle, nimbate, on which, fhleld ; arms of fee quarterly with blfhop's, charges in firft and third quarters to fin ; above eagle, crown j beneath, in ornamented border, xv. BiL 1-2. 42. Ten-Kreuzer Piece of 1717- S ■ LVCIVS ■ MAR • • EP • CVRIENSl (mm. fixfoil.) Half-figure of St Lucius, as ufual, but beardlefs, and wearing open crown. CAROLVS ■ D • G • ROM • IMP ' SEMP-AV 17 17 Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on eagle, orb infcribed ro ; above, imperial crown. BIl. ri. I I 2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 43- Bluzger, 1709. Reverfe. VDAL D • G • EP • CVR • D • IN ■ FVR • BVR (mm. fixfoil.) Ornamented circular fhield ; arms of fee and bifliop, quarterly, as before. DOMINI • EST • REGNVM 17 09 (mm. in date, fame as obv.) Crofs fourchy. Bil. -65. 44-46. 1723. VDAL • D • G • EP • CVR • D • I • F BV (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. Same : var. mm. in date, fame as obv, Bil. -7 47- 1725. VDAL • D G • E • P ■ CVR • Dl • F BVR (mm. quatretoil.) Same type. Same : var. point • at either end of infer., fecond before date. Bil. 7. 48, 49. EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Zweihaller ?) Three (hields, arranged triangularly, i. Empire (two-headed eagle). 2. See, charge to fin. 3. Bifliop : between 2 and 3, figure 2 : border of dots. Bil. -55. JOSEPH BENEDICT FREIHERR VON ROST, 1728-1754. 50- Seven-Ducat Piece, 1749. lOS : BENED : D : G : EPISCOPUS • CURIENSIS- S: R : i : PRINC : Bull, to right, in wig, gown, and bands, wearing crofs ; beneath, -I-haag- Engraved by J. Haag. • EX : LIB : BARON : DE : ROST : DOM : IN : FVRSTENB : ET : FVRST ENAU : ■ (ftar of five points at either end of infcription.) Ornamented oval fliield ; quartered arms of bifiiop, charge in firft quarter to fin., bearing arms of fee in inefcut- cheon ; colours partly indicated ; above, bifiiop's hat with cords and taifels; behind, crozier and fword crofled ; be- neath, 17 49- . Wt. 24-3 grammes, n i"4. Chur. J13 51- Ducat. Obverfe. Reverfe. lOS : BEN ; D : G : EP : CUR 1 : PRINC : Same type, beneath, -H. Same engraver. S : R DOM : IN : FVRST : ET : FVRSTENAU Same type : var. above, 17 49 . Wt. 3.5 grammes, n "85. 52- Thaler, 1736. • lOS ■ BENED • D • G • EPICOPVS • CVRIENS • S • R • I • PRINCEPS • Buft, to right, in wig, bands, and rich robe, over which, fmall crofs ; be- neath, in infcription, within ornamented border, H-LG . ■ D • IN • FVRST • ET ■ FVRSTENAV- EX • L B • DE • ROST 17 36 Ornamented oval fliield ; quartered arms of bifliop, bearing arms of fee in inefcutcheon, as above ; colours partly indicated ; above, biihop's hat ; on either fide, fpringing from ornaments, a palm- branch. Haller gives the engraver's initials H. L. C, adding " others read H. I. G." (ii. p. 333, no. 3189.) M. Trachfel (Miinzen und Medaillen Graubiindens, p.82, no. 283) has the latter reading, and attributes the work to Geffner. There were two artifts, Hans Jacob Geflher, the fecond of whom, fon of the firft, executed his firft work in 1736. (Haller, i. p. 492, 493.) This thaler is of very bad ftyle and execution, and the infcription of the obverfe contains a blunder : probably it is by a local artift. 53- Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, 1743. 10 EP • CUR • S RO • IM • PRINCEPS : Ornamented oval fliield ; arms as ufual, colours partly indicated, nearly effaced ; above, cardinal's hat, behind which, crozier and fword, croffed. Within ornamented border, entwined in which, on either fide, branch, of olive ? and palm, SOLI DEO GLORIA 1743 T beneath, within oval forming part of border, 15 Bil. 1-05. s. c. 114 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 54, 55- Kreuzer, 1730. Obverfe. ReveiTe. iOS ' BEN -D-G-E-C-S-R'l-P Buft of biftiop, to right, in wig, wear- ing crofs. One of thefe has c for G obv. and rev. • CAR 'VI'D'G-R'I'S'A' 17 30 Two-headed imperial eagle, on which I in circle ; above, crown, Bil. -6. 56. Bluzger, 1739- IOS- BEN- D- G- EP- CUR ■ S ■ R" I • P (mm. fixfoil.) Ornamented oval fliield; quartered arms of biftiop, as ufual, bearing arms of fee in inefcutcheon ; colours partly indicated. DOMINI ■ EST- REGNVM ■ 17 39 (mm. in date, fame as obv.) Crofs fourchy. Bil. -J. SI- Same : var. E-P- Bil. -7. ,8. Infer, as no. 56; ftiield varied, and having on either fide palm-branch. Bil. •;• 59- 1740. IOS ■ BEN ■ D • G • EP • CVR - S • R • I • P ■ (mm. uncertain.) Ornamented oval ftiield ; arms as ufual ; on either fide branch, of palm and laurel ? DOMINI • EST- REGNUM • 17 40 (mm. In date, fixfoil.) Same type. Bil. -J. 60. IOS : BEN : D : G : EP : CUR : S : R I : P- Same type ; ftiield varied. •DOMINI : EST : REGNUM : 17 40 (mm. in date, cinquefoil j after" laft flop, tor of five rays.) Same type. Bil. -7. Ch ur. 115 61-67. EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Zweihaller ?) Three fhields, arranged triangularly, i. Empire (two-headed eagle). 2. See (charge to fin.). 3. Billiop (greyhound's head, collared) : between 2 and 3, figure 2. Bil. -55. In one fpecimen (no. 67) the figure 2 is not much lefs high than the fliields, twice its height in the others. JOHANN ANTON FREIHERR VON FEDERSPIEL, i755-i777- 68. Kreuzer, 1761. Obverfe. Reverfe. Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of bi- Monogram of I A E C italic, inter- ftiop, charge in firft quarter to fin ; bear- laced ; above, clofed crown ; on either in g fhield of fee in inefcutcheon, above fide, I K; beneath, 1761. which, two-headed imperial eagle, car- rying fword and fceptre, imperial crown ; colours partly indicated ; above (hield, | clofed crown ; behind, crozier and fword, crolTed. ; I^'l- '^ 69. Bluzger, 1765. lOH ■ ANT ■ D ; G • EP • CVR ■ S • R • DOMINI • EST • REGNVM • 1765 On mantle, oval (hield ; arms of bilhop, bearing fhield of fee in inefcut- cheon, &c., as above. (on either fide of date, bud.) Crofs fourchy. Bil. Stops 3, 7 obfcure ; u 70. No flop 3 ; u . Bil. -1. 1766. lOH • ANT ■ D ■ G ■ EP . CUR • S ■ R • Same. I • P Same type, without imperial crown. Bil. 7. H 2 I J Catalogue of Swifs Coins. CITY. GOLD COIN. I. Gold Gulden, i6i8. Obverfe. Reverfe. MON : NO : AVR : CIV : CVRl St. Lucius, facing, in epifcopal habit, holding orb and crozier; in field, 1 6 i8 . MATTIAS • I • RO • IMP • S • A • G • H Two-headed Imperial eagle, with nimbi ; between heads, crofs fupporting crown. Wt. 3.2 grammes. Jv '85. The laft two initials on the reverfe are for Germanicus, Hungaricus. {_See Haller, ii. p. 191, no. 1826.) SILVER COINS. MONETA • CVRIA[E] RETICE (/O Half-figure of St. Lucius, to right, in armour, crowned (crown open), nimbate, holding fceptre and orb. Thaler. DOMINI • EST ■ REGNVM • (ftops cinquefoils ; after laft, flourifh.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, crown. M. r6. 1633. • MONETA : NOVA : CIVITATIS : CVRIENSIS : 1633 (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornamented oval (hield ; arms of Chur. • FERDINANDVS • II ■ D : G : ROM : IMP : SEM : AV ■ (at either end of infer., cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi j above, crown. M 1-6. Half-diken, containing 12 Kreuzers. DOMINI . EST REGNVM : Half-figure of St. Lucius, to right, as ufual, but beardlefs ; crown clofed j beneath, interrupting infcription, fiiield ; arms of Gotteshausbund or fee j charge to fm. ■ MONETA • CVRIAE ■ RETICAE ' (flops, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, crown; on eagle, orb infcribed, 12. . Bil. 105. Chtir. 117 Ten-Kreuzer Piece, 1629. Obverfe. ' Reverfe. MONETA ■ NOVA • CVRIAE • RET • (at either end of inicr., cinquefoil.) Same type j but ftiield j arms of Chur. ■ DOM : CONSE : NOS . IN . PAG : • (at either end of infer., as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi 5 above, crown ; on eagle, orb infcribed lO : in exergue, -1629 • Bil. 1-15. 5. 1632. ■ MONETA NOVA CVRIAE • ■DOMI: CONSE- NOS -IN -PACE RETH ■ (at either end of infer., cinquefoil.) Same type. - Same type. Bil. II. Var. NOVA RETH Var. CONSER : Bil. II. MON 7- 1633. ETA • NOVA CVRIAE ■ RETIC DOMI • CONSER NOS • IN • PACE Same type. Same type ; date without ])oints. Bil. 105. Same. Var. DOMI : Bil. 1-05. 9- 1634. Var. NOVA DOMI : CONSE NOS -IN -PACE* (at either end of infer., cinquefoil.) Same type; date -1634. Bil. ri. II 8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 10, Obverfe. Var. NOVA RET( Reverfe. DOMI ■ COSE • NOS ' IN • PAC (no cinquefoils.) Bil. ro5. Same. II. 1635. DOMI • CONSE NOS • IN ■ PACE (at either end of infer., cinquefoil.) Same type, -ifiss- Bil. II. Same. 12. 1636. Var. no cinquefoils; date without points. Bil. 1-05. 13- Groschen, or Three-Kreuzer Piece, 1631. MONETA • NOVA • CVRIAE • RHETI (mm. cinquefoil.) Shield } arms of fee. FERD . II : D : G : RO : IM : S : (at either end of infer., cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, crown ; on eagle, orb infcribed 3 ; in exergue, • 163 1 • Bil. •75- Var. RHET 14. FERDIN : II ■ RO : IM : S ; A : (cinquefoils as above.) Same type. Bil. -8. Ch ur. 119 15. 1732. Obverfe. Reverfe. S : LVCIVS : M : E : P : : CVRIE : Half-figure of St. Lucius, to right, as ufual, but beardlefs, crown open ; beneath, interrupting infer., 3 in oval. CAROL : VI ■ D : G • • • ROM : IM : S : A : • 17 32 • Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi j above, crown ; on eagle, oval ftiield, arms of fee, furmounted by open crown. Bil. -9. S • LVCIVS ■ M • E • P Same type. CVRIE 16. 1733. CAROL VI ■ D : C ROM • IM • S ■ A 17 33 : Same type. Bil. 85. S- LUCIUS M EP CURIE Same type. 17- CAROL[']VI[-]D G • ROM • IM • SA • 17 33 • Same type : var. eagle without nimbi. Bil. 8. Same : var. M- 18. 1734- Same. Bil. 85. Same, 19. I73S- Same. Bil. -8. I 20 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same: var. • CURIE 20. 1737- Reverfe. ROM- IM-S-A CAROL- VI- D-G 17 37- Same type : var. eagle with nimbi. Bil. -85 21. Half-Batzen, or Two-Kreuzer Piece? 1624. SANTVS MARTIN , MO ■ NO • CVRIAE St. Martin, facing, in epiicopal habit. Two-headed imperial eagle, with mitred, nimbate, holding fword and nimbi ; above, crown ; in ex., fhield ; ci-oiier. arms of fee, charge to fm, between 16 24. . Wt. 1-4. gramme. Bil. -85. MO - NOVA CVRIAE ■ RETIC (mm. cinquetbil.) Buft of St. Lucius, to right, in armour, beardlefs, wearing clofed crown. 22. Kreuzer, 1643. FER-III-D G - R-IM - S-AV-1643 Two-heaJed imperial eagle, with nimbi; above, crown; on eagle, -i- in circle. Bil. -65. 1713. • S • LVCI ■ M • EP • CVRIENSI | CAROL • D • G • R Half-figure of St. Lucius, to right, as I Same type : var. i ufual, but beardlefs, crown open. [ - S[-]AV 17 13 Bil. -6. • S ■ LVCI • M • EP - CVRIENSIS ' Same type. 24. 1715. CAROL • D - G • R • I • S - AVG ■ 17 15 Same type. Bil. -6. Chur, 12 1 Obverfe. S- LVCI • M • EP- CVRIE Same type. 25. 1720. Reverfe. Same : van IM • S • A • 17 20 • Eagle without nimbi. Bil. -6. 26. Same: var. CVRIENS " ; crown clofed. Same : var. I • M • S • A . Bil. -6. • S ■ LVCI ■ M • EP- CVRIE Same type j crown open. 27. 1729. CAROL . D . G . R • I • S • A • 17 29 Same type. Bil. -65. 28. Bluzger, 1644, MO • NOVA • CVRIAE " RETIC (mm. ^ • DOMINI ■ EST ■ REGNVM ' 1644 cinquefuil.) j Crols fourchy. Arms of Chur, Bil. VS- 29, 1652. MO ■ NOVA CVRIAE ■ RETHI (mm. , Same : var. points i, 4 wanting. cinquetoil.) Same type, but goat to fm. I B'l- 'IS- 1693. MON • NOVA- CVRIAE- RETIC (mm. Same: var. no points; mm. in date cinquetoil.) I fame as obv. Same type, but goat to Hex. \ Bil. 7. 122 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 31- 1724.. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same infer. ; var. RETICI ' (mm. quatre- foil.) Same type } goat to fin. . DOMINI ■ EST ■ REGNVM • 17 24 (mm. in date fame as obv.) Same type varied. Bil. -7. 1725. MO NOVA • CURIAE ■ RETH (mm. fixfoil.) Same type ; goat to dex. Same : var. u . (mm. in date fame as obv.) Bil. -7. 33- 1726. MON ■ NOVA • CVRIAE ■ RETIC (mm. j Same : var. mm. quatrefoil. effaced.) Same type } goat to fin. Bil. •7- 34. 1739. MON • NOUA • CURIAE ■ RETHIC (mm. fixfoll.) Same type ; goat to dex. Same infer, (mm. fame as obv.) Same type varied. Bil. -75. 35- 1740. MON : NOUA : CURI/E : RHETIC/E : (mm. cinquefoil j at end of infer, ftar of five points.) Same type, varied. DOMINI : EST : REGNUM : 17 40 (mm. in date fame as obv. ; at end of infer., before date, ftar of five points,) Same type. Bil. 75. Chur. 123 Obverfe. 36. 1765. Reverfe. MON : NOVA : CVRIAE : RETHICAE (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type, as ufual. DOMINI ■ EST'REGNVM- 1765 (on either fide of date, bud.) Same type, varied. Bil. -T. Same : var. ftops, points 37- nts • . Same : var. no point at end of infer Bil. -7 Same ; var. u for v 1766. Same : vai . u for v Bil. -65. 39- EiNSEiTiGER Pfenning. (Haller ?) Arms of Chur ; on either fide, C R ; the fecond letter doubtful. Bil. -5. DIESSENHOFEN. lESSENHOFEN, in Canton Thurgau, on the Rhine, was founded as a town and granted the privileges enjoyed by the cities of the Dukes of Zahringen, by Hartmann Count of Kyburg, in whofe territory it lay, A. D. 1178. There was an older community, which had grown round the ancient church of St. Dionyfius, whence it took the name of Dieffenhofen. It was in a good pofition for the traffic from Italy to Germany, by the St. Gotthard and Rapperfwyl, and for levying dues at the paffage of the Rhine. It is not certain whether the town had the right of coinage from its foundation, or from a later date ; as early as 1 309 the citizens paid five pounds for that right, and probably, there- fore, exercifed it. Towards the clofe of the fourteenth century the right was not exercifed, for in 1387 DiefTenhofen is ftated to have had no money of its own. In the fifteenth century there are fome fcanty indications which point to an exercife of the right. Arms. — The fame as thofe of the Counts of Kyburg. (Meyer, Den. u. Brad., pp. 81, 82 j Brad., pp. 74, 75.) BRACTEATE OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. No other coinage but that of brafteates, of which the following is an example, has been claffed to DiefTenhofen by Meyer, who only confiders the attribution as probable. (Von Mlinzen kann ich nur einen Brafteaten des XIV. Jahrhunderts anfiihren, der, wie ich glaube, keiner anderen Milnzftatte mit groflerer Wahrfcheinlichkeit zuge- fchrieben werden kann.) He compares the coin with the brafteates of Zofingen and Ziirich. (Den. u. Braft., 8t, 82, pi. iii. 192.) I. ^ DION y SIVS : Buft of St. Dionyfius, wearing diadem ; on robe, ftar of fix points : rude wreath-border. ./R (fquare) d. The fifth letter indiftinfl ; varied from Meyer, pi. iii. 192 ; the form is different In theTownftiend fpecimen, which is not well clipped fquare. D I S E N T I S. ^ ISENTIS, in the Grey League, in Canton Graiibiindten, is a very ancient Benedi6line Abbey, the origin of which is traced to one of the Irifh miflionaries in the feventh century. Its abbots obtained the title of Prince of the Empire from Maximilian II. The right of coinage was exercifed by ftriking kreuzers in 1729. Thefe coins were forbidden by the Emperor, and are therefore fomewhat rare. (Haller, ii. p. 374.) Arm^. — Gu. a faltire arg. MARIAN VON CASTELBERG, 1724-1742. I. Kreuzer, 1729. Obverfe. Reveife. • MAR -D'G-A B'D-S-R-I-P- Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of abbey and abbot, quarterly, charge in third quarter to fm. ; mitre, to dex. of which crozier, and ftole hanging on fin. fide. ■ CAR -Vl-D-G- R- I- S- A ■ 17 29 Two-headed imperial eagle, without nimbi ; above, crown ; on eagle, i in oval. Bil. -65. EINSIEDELN. INSIEDELN is a very famous Benedi6line Abbey and place of pilgrimage, in Canton Schwyz, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It was already in exiftence in the ninth century. The tradititional founder was St. Meinrad, who ___^__ is faid to have founded a hermitage on the fite in 832, and to have been there killed by robbers, whofe crime was brought to light by two ravens who had been the afcetic's companions ; hence the ravens in the fhield of the convent. The rank of Prince of the Empire was granted the Abbot by Rudolf of Habfburg, in 1274. A very old wooden ftatue (or rather ftatues) of the Virgin has been an objed oi reverence here from remote times. Jrms. — Ermine, two ravens volant. MEDALS. GOLD. I. Ducat-Weight, 1783. Obverfe. SPLENDIDA SICVTFVLGVR (mm. ftar of fix points.) The Virgin and Child, both crowned and robed, in right hand of former fceptre, upon cloud ; behind, rays of lightning. Reverfe. DEVOTAM TIBI SERVA PATRIAM 1783 Ornamented oval (hield ; arms of ab- bey ; mitre, between crozler and I'word, crofled. ^t. 3"3 -f grammes. N '9. DIGNARE ME LAUDARE ET VIRGO SACRATA (mm. ftar of fix points.) Same type, varied in details. DAMIHI VIRTUTEM CONTRA HOSTESTUOS 1786 Same type : var. charges to Ihi., &c. Wt. 4-3 grammes, a^ •%. Einjiedeln. 127 Obverfe, SILVER, &c; 3- Jubilee of 1748. Reverfe. DIVINITUS CONSECRATA- The Holy Chapel of the Convent ; over the entrance, arms of a cardinal j in ex., A-DCCCCXLViii- Deo TER sanCto In aVLa gLohIos^ VIkgInIs eInsIDLensIs gLobIa peCCatorI paX ET seCVLarIs IVbILVs- j& 1-75. This medal, by Hedlinger, was ftriick in 1748, when the jubilee of the confe- cration of the chapel was kept at Einfiedeln. The chapel ftands in the church in the place of the ancient wooden one to which it fucceeded. The large letters on the reverfe compofe the date, 1748. {See Haller, ii. p. 375, no. 2252, cf. p. 374, no. 2250.) The infcription on the obverfe refers to a tradition that at the firll: confecration of the chapel an angel's voice flopped the rite, thus addreffing the Bifhop of Conftanz, *' CeiTa frater, Capella jam divinitus confecrata eft." Same as no. 2. /« '9, 5- Jeton. Virgin and Child, both crowned and robed ; in right hand of former, fceptre ; between two facred perfons, enthroned, holding refpe61ively fceptre and orb. St. Meinrad, nimbate, kneeling, mar- tyred by two men armed with clubs ; above, two birds ; to right, temple and trees ; in ex., s:meinradvs •M- m (oval) I X I'lS- 6. Medal COENA DNI.TYP' SACELLI EINSID LENSIS, DIGITO CHRI A ' 948 . 14 . SEPT SIGNAT' The Laft Supper j the table round. Interior of church, looking eaft, during mafsj above the altar, vlfion of Virgin and Child ; angels taking part in femce ; beneath, p s JE (oval) 1-75 X 1-55. FISCHINGEN. [jISCHINGEN is a moft ancient Benedidline abbey in Canton Thurgau. ^^;;2j._Two fiflies counter-naiant, that in chief to dexter. MEDAL. FRANZ TROGER VON URI, 1688-1728. I. Weight of Ducat, 1726. Obverfe. FRANCISCUS ABBAS FISCH • lUBIL/EUS Ornamented oval fliield 5 aims of ab- bey and abbot quarterly, charges in firft quarter to fin. and dex., with inelcutcheon ; mitre with ftole and on fin. crozier ; fiiield refling on pedeftal infcribed 1726 By H. I. Geffner the Elder. Reverfe. S. IDDA COMIT . TOGG . Three-quarter figure of St. Idda, wear- ing drefs of fixteenth century, nimbate ; by her fide, flag of five points, head and and neck feen ; both going towards left. Wt. 3 "4 grammes, iv 'Sf. FREIBURG. REIBURG (Fribourg) the ninth canton of the Swifs Confederation, which it joined in 148 1, takes its name from its capital. Capital. — Freiburg (Fribourg) " the Free Caftle," was built, in 1 179, by Duke Berchtold IV. of Zahringen, as a ftrong place for the protection of his fubjecls againft the neighbouring lords, upon a fite where there was already a fettlement of the fame name. On the extinction of the line of Zahringen in 1218, Freiburg did not fhare the good fortune of Bern and obtain independence, although the Count of Kyburg, to whom it firft pafled, maintained and enlarged the rights conferred by the magnificently liberal houfe from which he inherited it. In 1422 the emperor Sigifmund gave Freiburg the right of coining filver money. Jrms. — Freiburg has always had two fhields : i military, as a fovereign city and canton ; per fefle, fa., and arg. 2 municipal ; az., a caftle with three battlemented towers, arg., with a ring of the fame on the bafe of the middle tower. (Gautier, Armoiries, pp. 13, 14,) The coinage of Freiburg may be beft arranged in three groups : the old coinage ; that of the latter part of the eighteenth century j and that of the prefent century. A. THE OLD COINAGE. This collection contains no fpecimen of the coinag-e of Freiburo- before it became capital of a canton : the earlieft dated piece is of 15 15, and the undated coins are in no cafe much older. s. c. 1 30 Catalogue of Swifs Coi7is. GOLD COINS. DiKEN? IN Gold, of the weight of Six Gold Gulden. I. Obverfe. MONETA • NOVA • FRIBVRGENSI (mm. crofs-pattee ; ftops, quatrefoils, faltire- wlfe.) Municipal arms; eagle, one-headed. " RRRR," Mr. Townfliend. Reverfe. SANCTVS ■ NICOLA (mm. between words, quatrefoil.) St. Nicholas, feated, mitred and nim- bate, holding crozier and three loaves. Wt. 20 "4 + grammes. N i'25. Ducat, 1787. MONETA REIPUB ■ FRIBURGENSIS Irregular fhield ; fovereign arms, with colours. ■ SANCTU3 • NICOLAUS- 1787 (mm. between words, mullet of fix points ; points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy cantoned with fixfoils (talked and leaved. Wt. 3" grammes. A' '95. SILVER COINS. Thaler. CVDEBAT • RESPVB ■ FRIBVRGI ■ HELVECIORVM (mm. quatrefoil barbed; ftops, iame.) Municipal arms ; eagle, two-headed : furrounded by circle of feventeen ftiields ; arms of the bailiwicks and territories. ESTO : NOBIS : ONE : TVRR : FOR TIT : A : FACIE : INIMIC (mm. as obv. ; ftops, diamonds.) • SANCTVS ■ • NICOLAVS (inner circle : ftops I, 3, diamonds ; 2, quatrefoil barbed.) Within border of foils ornamented with fleurs-de-li"^, broken above and below, St. Nicholas, to fin., mitred and robed, holding crozier and three loaves. Wt. 28"8 grammes. JS. I'ys- Haller obfei-ves, " An ancient and extremely rare thaler, alfo known in gold. It " mu ft have been ftruck before 1555, for the arms of the bailiwicks Gruyeres and " Corbieres, purchafed in that year, are wanting." (ii. p. 137-) On the great medal of Bern of 1698, nine coats of bailiwicks are omitted probably for want of fpace. (i. p. i\^,fupra, p. 85, no. i.) This argument therefore is not conclufive, though there feems ample room on the Freiburg coin. Haller adds that " Madai 2028, " probably on account of an ill-preferved fpecimen, only faw a fingle eagle in the " arms." (ii. p. 137.) This being a matter of fome intereft, it may be obferved that the fpecimen I have defcribed above has almoft loft one of the eagle's heads through a break in the die. — The fentence on the reverfe is from Pfalm Ixi. 3. Freib urg. 131 Obverfe. 2. DlKEN. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA : NO : FRIBVRGI (mm. an- nulet crofs pattee and colon j flops, fix- foils.) Municipal arms ; eagle, one-headed ; above, fixfoil ; on either fide, annulet. Reverfe. • ■ SANCTVS • NICOLA VS ' • (mm. be- tween words, large fixfoil j ftops, annulet and fixfoil, sf and a.) Buft of faint, three-quarter face, to- wards fin., mitred j on either fide, annulet and fixfoil. Wt. 9"4 grammes. M. i"i5. Same : var. above, annulet ; on either fide, fixfoil and annulet. Same: var. --s ; on either fide, fixfoil and annulet. Wt. 97 grammes. M. i'2. Same. Same: var. flop i, fixfoil; on either fide of buft, annulet and fixfoil. Wt. 9'6 grammes. M i'2. Thefe coins are of either the lateft part of the fifteenth century or the earlieft part of the fixteenth. Haller mentions an iflue of dikens in 1487. They fhould be compared with the Bernefe Dikens of 1492 and the double dikens of the fame date. (Lohner, p. 78, nos. 340, 341, 342 j p. 62, no. ^(>^,fupra, p. 59, no. 40, p. 49, nos. 1,2.) (With Latin letters.) 1608. MO ■ NO • FRIBVRGENSIS ■ 1608 : (mm. crofs; ftops, i, 2, ftars of fix points, 3, quatrefoil ?) Municipal arms, eagle one-headed, between f b . • SANCTVS ■ N I CO LAVS • (ftops, fix- foils.) Buft of faint, to fin., mitred and nim- bate, holding crozier and three loaves ; behind head, annulet. Wt. 8'7 grammes, jr I'z. I 2 132 Catalogue of Swifs Coi7is. 6-8. Five-Batzen Piece, containing Twenty Kreuzers, of 1710. Obverfe. Reverfe. 1710 ■ MON : NO : REIP ■ FRIBVRG • HELVE (at beginning of infer., berry or point and two leaves ; at end, three leaves.) Within ornamented border, municipal arms, eagle two-headed with nimbi. Within ornamented border, twined on either fide of which palm-branch, two-headed imperial eagle, on which 20 ; crown, clofed. Bil. 1-05. • MONETA ■ NOVA • REIP : FRIBVR GENSI : (mm. flops, i, 2, crofslets.) Within ornamented oval border or fliield, municipal arms, eagle two-headed. ■ SOLI ■ DEO • GLORIA ■ 1710 (mm. ftar of five points; flops, crofslets.) Crofs, formed by eight F's, in pairs, back to back ; in centre, double circle, enclofing uncertain obje£l ; beiieath, in infer., CR-20 within border. Bil. 1-05. 10. Ten-Kreuzer Piece, 1635. MONETA • NO • FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. after firft word, cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, crown ; beneath, in infer., fmall ftiield, municipal arms without eagle. SANCTVS NICOLAVS Half-length figure of faint, towards fin., mitred and nimbate, holding crozier and three ? loaves; in ex,, 1635 • Wt. 5" grammes. Bil. I'l. II, 1709. MONETA ■ NOVA • REIPVBL : FRI BVRG ■ HELVE (mm. crofs; flops, i, flar of five points, 2, crofslet.) Within ornamented oval or (hield, municipal arms ; no eagle. GLORIA- IN- EXCELSIS- DEO -1709 (mm. cinquefoil ; flops, all but laft, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; on it, 10 in circle ; above, clofed crown. Bil. -9. Freib purg. 133 12. Batzen, 1595. Obveife. Reverfe. MO : NO : FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. crofs pattee ; ftops, annulets.) Municipal arms j eagle one-headed. SANCTVS • NICOLAVS : 95 (mm. as obv. ; ftop I, large fixfoil.) Crols patonce. Wt. 3" grammes. Bil. i'05. A coin-concordat between Bern, Freiburg, Solothurn, Genf, and Neuenberg was concluded in 1593 and oblerved for fome time. " En 1593, lesetats de Berne, Fribourg, ' Soleure, Geneve, et Neuchatel pafferent un concordat relatif aux monnaies, et en ' fuile duquel le poids et le litre des Parpaillots, des Six-quarts, et des Trois-fols deve- ' naient equipolent a ceux des Kreutzer, des Demi-batzen, et des Batzen. Ce traite ' fut ratifie en Confeil le 26 Novembre. Au dix-feptieme fiecle, ces nouvelles denomi- ' nations etaient encore en ufage. Voy. la Defcription generate de P Europe, imprimee ' a Paris en 1660." (Blavignac, Armorial Genevois, p. 79 and note i.) The weight of this coin, compared with the weights of Bernefe Batzen ilruck in the fame century after 1532, (Lohner, pp. 129-141) proves its denomination. This concordat had fallen into difufe by 1618, (fee next coin, no. 13) and was formally abandoned by Freiburg and Solothurn in 1622 (nos. 14-16). 1618. MON ■ I I BVR • GEN Crofs moline, on which, fliield ; muni- cipal arms, eagle one-headed. SANCTVS NICOLAVS • 18 Buft of faint, wearing mitre furmounted by crofs, towards fin., holding crozier and three loaves. Wt. 2'i grammes. Bil. "95. This coin, having the weight of the Batzen of 1622, (nos. 14, 15, 16,) indicates that the fyllem formally adopted in that year had already come into ufe. 14-16. 1622. MONETA- FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. crofs pattee ; ftop, quatrefoil.) Municipal arms ; eagle one-headed. SANCTVS ■ NICOLAVS • 1622 (mm. and ftop i, fame as obv.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. 2'4 grammes. Bil. i. 21 2" According to Haller, Freiburg and Solothurn agreed in 1622 to a ftandard by which the Batzen was ftruck 80 to the Mark at a quality of 45 Loth, the ftandard 134 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. of the Confederation generally being, to judge from the Batzen, Wer in weight and ^U: in .alit. (ii. l^r. The aa.. -^^ ^^^ ^ t^rti;:^ n:So ri;;.^' ^::;n:de.rihed aw and tho. fallowing of ^e fame entury and denomination are of this ftandard, though very low m wejght. As rady noticed, this new ftandard was probably a formal adoptK-n oi - ex^ft-g on (no. 13.) The type, however, is changed in i6zz, but afterwards the old type is virtually refumed. (nos. i?/^??-) 1630. Obverfe. MON: FF^ BVR [G]EN : Crol's fourchy, on which, (Irield ; muni- cipal arms, eagle one-headed, no ring. Reverfe. SANCT ■JS • NICOLAVS . 1630 ■ Buft of faint, three-cjuarter face, to- wards fm., robed and mitred, with crofs on mitre, holding crozier and three loaves. Wt. 2'4 grammes. Bil. i. Same : var, caftle with ring. 18. Same : var. mm. : flop z • Wt. 2- grammes. Bil. 95. 19. 1631. Same. Same : var. no"mm. Wt. 2"6 grammes. Bil. i. 20. Same, Same : var. fecond flop Wt. 2'8 grammes. Bil. i, 21. Stop I uncertain. Same : var. 16 31 Wt.|2'i grammes. Bil. i. * There is evidently an error in the page referred to, the particulars afligned to the Drei Krcuzer of this year applying to the Eatzen. Freiburg". ^ZS Obverfe. Same : var. ftop a, Same : var. flops = , raifed. Stops, uncertain. 22. Reverie. Same : var. mm. •■"• ; Hop 2, colon ; Wt. 2'5 grammes. BIl. i'o5. 23- Same : var. no mm. ; ftop 2, ■ i 3 want- ing. Wt. 2'5 grammes. Bil. i. 24. 1^38? Stops, uncertain ; date 38 or 39, pro- bably former. Wt. 2"5 grammes. Bil. i. 25. 1641. MON ■ FRI BVR GEN ■ Same type : var. around ilrield, four points. ■ SANCTVS : NICOLAVS : 41 ' Same type. Wt. 2-7 grammes. Bil. i. 26. 1648. Same : var. point after bvr • ; colon at end of infer. ; no points in field. Same : var. no point at beginning ; ftops Wt, 2' grammes. Bil. "95. 27. Half-Batzen, containing Two Kreuzers, of ijix. MO • NO • REIP ■ FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. cinquefoil ; ftop 3, crofslet.) Within (liield-like border, municipal arms, eagle one-headed ; on either fide, F B . SAN[CTVJS • NICOLAVS 171 Crofs fourchy ; on either fide of loweft limb, .2 CR : (before 2, crofslet). Wt. 2'i grammes. Bil. '9. Haller notices iffues of Half-Batzen of 1710, Schrot 112, Korn 2 Loth. 1712, 115, Korn I Den. 7 Gr. 1713, 108-110, Korn i Loth 12 Den. (ii. p. 126.) 136 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 28. FUNFER ? 1515. (With Gothic letters.) Obveife. Reverfe. MONETA • FRIBVRGI ■ 15 (mm. crofs patttie ; ftops, I, quatrefoil 5 2, annulet.) Municipal arms, eagle one-headed, no ring. SANCTVS NICOLAVS • (mm. as obv. j ftops I, effaced 5 2, quatrefoil cantoned with annulets.) Crofs-crofslet patonce. Wt. 1-2 gramme. Bil. 85. This and the three coins of the fame clafs following (29-31) are probably Fiinfers, on the following grounds. It mud firft be explained that although Freiburg did not Itrike Hallers as its fmallell money, unlefs perhaps in conl'equence of the Monetary Convention of 1622, but Deniers, the 48th inilead of the 32nd part of the Batzen, the Haller wasthe ideal unit of its coinage. Thus the Fiinfer, Vierer, (Haller, ii. p. 127,) and Dreier (p. 521) are to be conlidered as reprefenting fo many Hallers not fo many Deniers. This Haller at the date of the coin above defcribed was equivalent to the Bernefe j for in 1492 the Bernefe Freiburg and Solothurn Plapparts were equal, each containing 16 Haller Bernefe (Lohner, p. 258). Notwithftanding flu(5tuation, as when in 1508 it was decreed at Bern that the Solothurn and Luzern Hallers fliould pafs at the rate of 5 for 4 Bernefe, there is no evidence of any great difference between the three ftates. The weights of fix Bernefe Fiinfers (truck between 1490 and 1528 are given by Lohner as -85, -98, -88, -91, -92, and -96, and we obtain from them an average of '91 centigrammes. The weights of the coins under confideration give a fomewhat higher average, but this is fcarcely fufficient to fuggeft a different denomination. 29. Same. Same: var. NICOLAV (ftop i, quatre- foil, 2, wanting.) Wt. I -I gramme. Bil. -85. 30- MONETA • FRIBVRGENSI (mm. crols pattce, ftop, quatretbil.) Same type. SANCTVS • NICOLAVS (mm. and ftop as obv.) Same type. Wt. 1-2 gramme. Bil. -9. Same : var. FRIBVRGEN 31- Same. Wt. I -I gramme. Bil -9. Freih rejt?urg. 137 Obvede. 32-34- FtJNFER ? i6th Century. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA :•: FRIBVRGI (mm. crofs pattee between 4 annulets j ftop, cinquefoil between 4 annulets.) Municipal arms, eagle one-headed, no ring. Reverie. I SANCTVS- NICOLAVS (mm. as obv. ; ftop, cinquefoil.) Crofs patonce. Wt. !• gramme. Bil •8 ■7 ■75- •75- '7- Var. ftop, fixfoil, &:c. 35- Var. ftop, fixfoil. Wt. -8 gr. Bil. -75. 36. Same : var. M and G Lat. ; mm. and ftop, crofies pattees. Same infer, var. mm. and ftop as obv. Crofs fourchy. Wt. -7 gr. Bil. -7. Thefe coins (nos. 32-36) evidently continue the previous clafs, the laft (no. 36) conne6ling them with the fuppofed Kreuzers of the fame century (nos. 37-42) in which the infcriptions of all but the firft are wholly in Latin charaders. That they are Fiinfers would appear from the following confiderations. Fiinfers, although con- demned by the Government of Bern in 1528, and Kreuzers ordered in their ftead, do not feem to have been there difcontinued for fome time, nor the new coin introduced. Lohner gives Fiinfers of the interval 1 529-1 550 (only date 15+7) and Kreuzers from 1560 (firft date, p. 175, 6, 7 ; cf. 262). I can find no earlier date of ilfue of Kreuzers at Freiburg than 1554 (Haller, ii. p. 127). The coins can fcarcely be anything but Fiinfers or Kreuzers. The weights of Bernefe Fiinfers of the interval 1529-1550, as given by Lohner, are for one ftruck foon after 1528, i-i gram., and for one dated 15471 '71°' MONETA ■ FRIBVRGI (mm. crofs pattee between 4 annulets : • : ; ftop, fixfoil.) Latin F ; above, pellet. 37- Kreuzer ? i6th Century, (With Gothic letters.) SANCTVS • NICOLAVS (mm. and ftop as obv.) Crofs pattee ; on dex. fide, pellet. Wt. I" gramme. Bil. -75. This piece, connefled by its mint-mark with coins of the preceding clafs (nos. 32- 35) and by its mixture of Gothic and Latin chara6ters with the coin immediately Catalo(rue of Swifs Coins. ^3^__ preceding, (no. 36,) heads a clafs which can fcarcely be of any denomination but the Kreuzer the fuccelTor of the FUnfer. This firft may probably be of the year 1554. the earllelt date known to me of the iffue of Kreuzers by Freiburg. Obverfe. 38. 39- (With Latin letters.) Reverfe. MO FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. crofs pattee ; ftop uncertain.) Municipal arms, eagle one-headed, SANCTVS : NICOLAVS (mm. lame as obv. ; ftop uncertain.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. i'4 gramme. Bil. '75. G on obv. Gothic. No. 39 is in bad condition, and indiftinft in its infcriptions. 40. MO- NO ■ FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. crols.) SANCTVS • NICOLAVS (mm. fame a obv. ; ftop, ftar of fuur puints.) Same type. N inverted. Same. Crofs fourchy. Wt. r2 gramme. Bil. "8. 41, Same : var. ftop • Wt. 1-2 gramme. Bil. '75. 42. 1587. MO : NO : FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. ftar of , SANCTVS • NICOLAVS 87 (mm. as • fix points.) i obv. i ftop, uncertain.) Same type ; on either fide, point. Crofs fourchy. Wt. i"4 gramme. Bil. 'S. 43^ 44- ViERER ? 1656. MONETA- FRIBVRGENSIS (mm. crofs.) SANCTVS NICOLAVS 1656 (mm. a> Two-headed imperial eagle, on it (hield, municipal arms. obv.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with quatre- foils. Wt. -8 gr. Bil. -75. ■7 "7. According to Haller, the weight of the Vierer, as fixed by the Monetary Con- vention of i6i2, was 300 to the Mark, or very little lighter than the fpecimens above, Freib rewurcr. o 139 while, at the fame time, the very low quality, i^ Loth, is in accordance with their evident great degree of bafenels. (Haller, ii. p. 267.) Obverfe. 45- Schilling, 1713. MON : NOV : FRIBVRG. Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, open crown ; on eagle, flileld, municipal arms, no eagle or ring; in ex. " 1713 ' (on either fide of date, quatrefoil.) Reverfe. • SANCTVS • NICOLAVS ■ (at either end of infer, crofslet.) ^\\& of Saint, facing, robed mitred and nimbate, holding crozier and three loaves in tray. Wt. I '5 gramme. Bii. '-js- 46. 1714. Same : flop 2 doubtful. MO • NO • FRIBVR Same type ; in ex. ' 1714 ' (on either fide, crofslet.) Wt. I '4 gramme. Bil. There can be no doubt as to the denomination of thefe two coins, for Haller gives the weight and quality of the Schilling of 171 3 as 160 to 180, i| to 2 Loth ; and thofe of the Schilling of 1714 as 161 to J77, i Loth 2 Qu. 3 Den. to i Loth 7 Den. (ii. p. 126.) I have placed them here in order not to break the connexion of the Fiinfers and Kreuzers. 47- Half-Schilling, 1713. MON ■ NOVA • FRIBVRGENS (mm. SANCTVS ■ NICOLAVS 1713 (mm. as crofslet ; flops uncert.) Two headed imperial eagle ; on it, iliield, municipal arms, as before. obv., ftop or flops uncert.) Crofs moline, cantoned with quatre- foils. Wt. !• gramme. Bil. "7. 48. 1714. Same : var. (lop 2 ' j crofs fourchy, cantoned with crufslcts } MO ■ NO • REIP ■ FRIBVRGEN (mm. crofslet.) Same type. Wt. I" gramme. Bil. "7. From their dates of iflue, types, and weights, thefe are evidently examples of the Half Schilling. 140 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 49-52. Denier, one-sided, of thh Sixteenth Century. Municipal arms, eagle one-headed; on either fide, F B : border of large dots. Wt. (average) •23 gr. Bil. "5. The Denier, 48 of which went to the Batzen, was the fmalleft coin in Switzerland, the Haller being 32 to the Batzen. It was ftruck for the convenience of the Freiburg cuftom-houfes and not otherwife for the currency. (Haller, ii. p. 127.) The weights of thefe pieces agree with thofe of the Denier rather than the Haller. In the Monetary Concordat of 1622 between Freiburg and Solothurn the Haller is fixed at Schrot 1200, Korn ih Loth (p. 267.) If the Denier was ftruck at a propor- tionate weight and the fame alloy, 1800 would have been coined to the Mark, and this gives the weight of the fpecimens above, as well as thofe following, four of which muft be of the feventeenth centurj". That Freiburg ever ftruck the Haller I have no other evidence than that of the lift cited above, and it is very probable that it includes the weight of the Solothurn Haller as ruling t^at of the Freiburg Denier. Meyer, however, calls the clafs defcribed above Hallers of the fixteenth century. (Den. u. Braa. p. 85, Taf. vi., no. 118.) Obverfe. 53- Same Century, later. (With Gothic letters.) Reverfe. MO . . FRI . VRGENSlS(mm. ftar of four ] SANCTVS ■ NICOLAVS (mm. fame as points.) obv.) Municipal arms, eagle obfcure. Crofs pattee. Bil. -ss- 54- Seventeenth Century. (With Latin letters.) MO : FRIBV . . . (mm. crofs.) Municipal arms, no eagle. S : NICOLAVS : (mm. fame as obv.) Same type. Bil. -45. MON • FRIBVRG fmm. crofs.) Municipal arms, no eagle or ring. 55- SA • NICOLAVS (mm. as obv.) Same type. Bil. 5. Freib urg. 141 Obverfe. MON FR . . VR . . . (mm. obfcure.) Municipal arms, eagle obfcure, ring. 56. Reverfe. SA. . . . LAVS (mm. crofs.) Same type. BIl. -5 57- MONE . . FRIBVR . (laft letter wanting, mm. effaced.) Municipal arms with ring, eagle ob- fcure. SANC ■ NICOLAV (mm. obfcure.1 Crofs pattee, cantoned with pellets. Bil. -5. Wt. (aver.) 53-57. "34 gr- B. THE COINAGE OF THE LATTER PART OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 58, 59- Ouarter-Thaler, containing 56 Kreuzers, of 1797. RESPUBLICA FRIBURGENS \ 1797 (flops, cinquefoils.) Oval fhleld, fovereign arms, colours indicated ; on either fide, palm-branch ; crown clofed. DEUS AUXI LIUM NOSTR Crofs formed of eight f's, back to back, in pairs 5 in centre, within fquare border, 56 ; beyond each limb, clofed crown. Bil. 1-3. Same. 60. Eighth of Thaler, containing 28 Kreuzers, of 1793. Same : 28 . Bil. 61. Sixteenth of Thaler, containing 14. Kreuzers, of 1787- Same: var. flops, ftars of five points. | Same : 14 Bil. 85. I 4. 2 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?ts, 62. 1797- Obverfe. Reverfe. Same. Same. BIl. 63. Thirty-second of Thaler, containing 7 Kreuzers, of 1787. Same : var. flops Same : 7 Bil. '7. 64. Same : var. ftop 2 at end of infer, before date. Same. Bil. 65, 66. 1788. Same: var. ftops i, 2, between words, ) Same. 3 . at end of infer. Bil. -ys- 67, 68. Same : var. ftop 3 wanting. Same. Bil. 69. 1789. Same : var. ftop 3 . at end of infer. Same Bi 70. J795- Same : ftop 3 wanting. Same. Bi Freiburg. 143 C. THE COINAGE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, WITH EARLIER PIECES BEARING THE SOVEREIGN ARMS OF FREIBURG. Thaler, containing Four Franks, of 1813. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON FREYBURG 1813. Ornamented oval fliield ; foveieign arms, colours indicated ; on either fide, laurel - branch fpringing from palm - branch, crofling beneath ; crown doled. SCHWEIZER? EIDSGENOSS^ Warrior wearing hat with one plume, right hand refting on ornamented ovalfliield, infcribed ^"^ , left on hilt of ' CANT- two-handed fword; in ex., 4 . frankT, j& 1-55. 72, 73- Ten-Batzen, Quarter-Thaler, or Frank, of 1812. CANTON FREYBURG Oval fliield, fovereign arms, colours in- dicated, within ftrield of irregular fliape ; on either fide, branches of laurel and palm, crofTing behind outer fliield and reappearing at oppofite fides ; crown clofed. SCHWEIZERISCHE EIDSGENOS SENSCHAFT . 1812. Warrior wearing hat with one plume, right arm holding palm-branch and reft^- left hand ingr on fliield, infcribed ° ' cant- holding halbert J in ex., 10 . eatz : A I ■ 15. 74- Five-Batzen, 1811. CANTON FREYBURG Oval fliield ; fovereign arms, colours indicated ; on either f.de, palm-branch, crolBng beneath ; crown clofed. DEUS AUXILIUM NOSTRUM 1811 (On either fide of date, fpray.) Within oak-wreath, 5 BATZ : Bil. -95. 144 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife. 75- Concordat-issue, 1827. ■CANT FREY BURG 1827- 5 BAZ (points, cinquefoils.) Oval fliield ; fovereign arms, colours indicated ; on either fide, palm-branch ; crown clofed : chain border. Reverfe. • DIE CONCORDIER ■ CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. cinquefoil.) Within border of four foils, concordat- crofs, wreath of fingle leaves : chain border. Bil. I. 76, 77- 1828. • CANTON FREYBURG 1828 ■ 5 BAZ (points, fmall cinquefoils.) Same type : var. branches partly be- hind (liield. Same : var. mm. fmall cinquefoil ; ftop • at end of infer, only. Details of type of bolder ftyle. Bil. 78, 79- Batzen, containing Ten Rappen, of 1811. • CANTON FREYBURG • (at either end Within wreath of oak. and jialm, of infer, double fpray.) Ornamented irregular fliield ; fovereign arms, colours indicated; in ex., •i8ii- (points, fmall cinquefoils.) Bil. •95. 1 BATZEN 10 80,81. Concordat-issue, 1827. CANTON FREYBURG 1827. Same type ; in ex., 1 . BAZ. DIE CONCORDIER CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. cinquefoil.) Within border of four foils, concordat- crofs, wreath of fingle leaves. Bil. -95. Same : var. I BAZ ■ 82, 83. 1821 Same : var. mm. fmall cinquefoil j de- tails of type of bolder ftyle. Bil. I. •95. Freib urg. 145 Obverle. 84-86. 1830. Reverfe. CANTON FREYBURG Ornamented irregular fliield ; fovereign arms, colours indicated ; on either fide, branch of laurel ; in ex., 1 ' BATZ ■ CONCORD ■ CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ- 1830 Concordat-crofs, wreath of ftrung detached leaves, cantoned with two crowned fhlelds ? and 1 Bz Bil. 87. Half-Batzen, 1793. MONETA REIPUB ■ FRIBURGENSIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornamented irregular fliield ; fovereign arms, colours indicated. ■ SANCTUS ■ NICOLAUS • 1793 (points, cinquefoils ; mm. between words, mullet of fix points.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with fixfoils ftalked and leaved. Wt. I '4- gramme. Bil. 'Sj. Same. cated. 88. 1798. Same : var. points, 3, cinquefoils j no mm. Wt, 1*7 gramme. Bil. '9, 89, 90. 1806. 3URG 1806 Within double odagonal border of ms, colours indi- lines and dots. 5. RAP. beneath, ornament. Bil. -9. 91. iSii. CANTON FREYBURG 1811 (At either end of infer, fpray of four ivy-leaves.) Ornamented irregular ftiield; fovereign arms, colours indicated. Within wreath of palm and oak, open above. L 2 BATZ EN line ornamented. Bil. s. c, 146 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 92, 93- Concordat-issue, 1830. CANTON FREYBURG 5 ■ RAP. Irregular fliield 5 fovereign arms, co- lours indicated. Reverfe. • CONCORD • CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ • 1830 Concordat-crofs, wreath of detached ftrung leaves. Bil. 94. 1831. Bil. -95. 95- Kreuzer, 1787. MONETA REIPUB- FRIBURGENSIS SANCTUS (mm. and ftop, cinquefoils.) Irregular fhield ; fovereign arms, co- lours indicated. ■ NICOLAUS • 1787 (mm. and ftops, fixfoils.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with ornaments. Bil. -7. 96, 97. Concordat-issue, 1827. CANTON FREYBURG 1827- 2^^ RAP (mm. and ftop, quatrefoils.) Irregular rtiield ; fovereign arms, co- lours indicated. DIE CONCORDIER CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ ■ (mm. quatrefoil.) Concordat-crofs, wreath of detached ftrung leaves, cantoned with floral orna- ments. Bil. 98-103. 1846. CANTON DE FRIBOURG Shield ; fovereign arms, colours indi- cated j on either fide, laurel-branch, croff- ing beneath ; above, confederation-crofs, rayed. Within oak-wreath, 2i RAP. 1846 Bil. Freiburg. 147 104. ViERER, 1737. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA- FRIBURGENSIS (mm. uncertain.) Irregular fliield ; Ibvereign arm.s, co- lours indicated. • SANCTVS ■ NICOLAVS ■ 1737 (mm. between words, crofs.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with trefoils. Bil. -55. The average weight of thefe coins in this Collection is '57 gr. The only weight of the Vierer of Freiburg that I can find on record is that fixed by the Monetary Convention of 1622 at Schrot 300, or • 8 8;r. a coin. (Haller, ii. p. 267.) As the coinage had fallen in weight between this date and that of the piece defcribed above, the Half-Batzen of 1741 weighing about an eighth lefs than that of 1622, with a decreafe in purity, there can be no reafonable doubt that the identification here propofed is the correft one. 105. 1744. MONETA- REIPUB • FRIBURGENSIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornanrented irregular fliield 5 fovereign arms. ■ SANCTUS ■ NICOLAUS • 1744 (mm. between words, fame as obv.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with cinque- foils. Bil. 106. 1751. Same : var. for mm. point ; flop i not Same : for mm. point vifible ; arms with colours indicated. Ril ■ MONETA ■ FRIBVRGENSIS Similar type. 107. Same. Bil 108. 1769. ■ MONETA- REIP- FRIBURGENS (mm. cinquefoil.) Similar type. SANCTUS ■ NICOLAUS- 1769 (mm. between words, fame as obv. ; ftops, ftars of five points.) Crofs moline, cantoned with fprigs. Bil. K 2 148 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. • MONETA ■ REIP ■ FRIBURGENS Similar type. 109. 1790. Reverfe. S ■ SANCTUS • NICOLAUS • 1790 Crofs fourchy, cantoned with dagger- like ornaments. Bil. Wt. (aver.) 104-109, -57 gr. JETONS. Five-Batzen Token for the Students of the Jesuits' College at Freiburg, of 1840. MONETA CONVICTUS FRIBUR DEUS AUXILIUM NOSTRUM • V GENSIS. Malrefe crofs, having in centre v in circle. (flops, ftars of five points.) + View of building ; above, IHS radiate j beneath, 1840 . Same : var. I 2. Batzen Token. • DOMINUS SPES NOSTRA • (flops, ftars of five points.) Same type, varied. X. 'J. ST. GALLEN. . GALLEN, the fourteenth canton of the Swifs Con- federation, conftituted in 1803, takes its name and arms from an ancient abbey, which owed its origin to St. Gallus, an Irifh miffionary, who, in the beginning of the feventh century, eftablifhed himfelf here, while his companion, Columban, founded Difentis. A town of the fame name, which fprang up under the prote6tion of the abbey, ultimately rendered itfelf inde- pendent in the middle of the fifteenth century. In 1529 it adopted the Reformation, and the feparation from the abbey became irrevocable. The prefent canton was formed by the union of the lands of both city and abbey with other neighbouring territories. Jrms. — Abbey : or, a bear rampant, fa. City : arg., a bear rampant fa , collared or, the collar being an honourable augmentation granted in 1475 by the Emperor Friedrich IIL for the fervices of the contingent of St. Gallen in the war with Burgundy. Canton : vert, lidor's fafces of eight batons arg., bound with a riband of the firft. ABBEY. GOLD AND SILVER COINS. BERNHARD MULLER, 1594-1630. Thaler, 1622. Obveik. Reverie. MONETA • NO ■ MONA StERII ■ S ' GaLLI • 1622 (ftops I, 1, cinquefoils j 3, 4, 5, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate, crown imperial; beneath eagle, ftiielcl, quartered arms of St. Gallen, Abbey of" St. John in the Thurthal, abbot, and county Toggenburg, above which, mitre with ftole between heads of croiTed croziers. The ordinary type is deviated from in the obverfe infcription above in order that the larger letters may be indicated. GLORIA • ET • HONOR ■ ET • PAX • OMNI • OPERANTI • BONVM (mm. cinquefoil ; ftops, fame fmaller.) Half-figure of St. Gallus, nimbate, nimbus radiate, wearing hermit's drefs, and holding loaf and hermit's fluff"; on his right fide, upper part of bear fawning. JB. i*6v ^5o Catalogue of Swifs Coi7ts. • BEDA ANGEHRN VON HAGENWYL, 1767-1796. 2. Ducat, 1774. Obverfe. Rever/e. BEDA- D.G.S.R.I.P.S.G. E.S.l.l.V.T.H.A-A.V.E: On ermine mantle, oval (laield ; arms, I, Abbey of St. Gallen ; 2, Abbey of St. John in the Thurthal ; 3, Family ; 4, County Toggenburg: partly with colours : around fliield, collar, and be- neath, badge, of order of Annunciation ; on either fide of badge, 17 74; above, mitre, between heads of croffed croziers. SANCTUS GALLUS ABBAS . Saint, feated to left, nimbate, holding loaf towards bear, advancing to him with log over flioulder held by right fore -paw ; in left hand, hermit's ftafF. Wt. 3"5 grammes. A'' 85. The infcription of the obverfe fliould be read as fol'ows, according to Haller : — BEDA Dei Gratia Sacri Romani Imperii Princeps Sanfti Galli Et San6li loaimis In Valle THurae Abbas Annunciatge Virginis Eques. (ii. p. 382, no. 2262, p. 383, no. 2263.) 3- 1781, BEDA .D.G. S.R.I.P (mm. at end of infer., cinquefoil.) On ermine mantle, oval fliield j ai ms of abbot} around fliield, collar of order of Annunciation, from which hangs badge j crown doled. ABB .S.G. .E.S.I.A.V.E Within wreath of palm and laurel, bear advancing to right, carrying over fhoulder log held by right fore-jiaw ; beneath, within border of palm-leaves, 17S1 . ^^- 3 4 giammes. A^ -q. BEDA -D-G- S-R-l-P at end of infer., fixfoil.) On ermine mantle, oval fliield ; arms as no. 2, partly with colours ; around fliield, collar, and beneath, badge, of order of Annunciation ; above, mitre between crofled croziers ; on either fide of badge, branches, ot laurel and palm. By A. Vofter. Thaler, 1776. ' (mm ABB -S-G- E-S-l-A-V-E- Within wreath of palm and laurel, bear advancing to right, carrying over flioulder log held by right fore-paw 5 beneath ground, •1776- (points buds) • beneath wreath, v . ^^ ''55 St» G alien. 151 Obverfe. 5, 6. 1777. Reverie. Similar : var. on lower part of border Similar : var. in place of laft ftop, ftar of badge, h . j of five points; beneath wreath, H By I. Haag. AK. 7- 1780. Var. A'B- B-S"G • E-S Wreath lefs full : 1780 . Similar infer, var. mm. large cinque- foil; laft point wanting. On ermine mantle, knotted at upper extremities, oval fliield, arms of abbot, one colour indicated, around which, col- lar, and beneath, badge, of order of An- nunciation ; above, clofed crown between mitre with crofled croziers and fword. Edge: FORTITER ■ ET • CONSTANTER • (Points, fleurs-de-lis.) !• A- V- E M. 8. Half-Thaler, 1776. BEDA -D-G- S-R-l-P- On ermine mantle, oval Ihield, arms as no. 2, partly with colours; around Ihield, collar, and beneath, badge, of order of Annunciation ; on either fide of badge, branches of laurel and palm ; above, mitre between heads of crofled croziers. ABB- S-G- E'S-1-A-V-E- Within wreath of palm and laurel, bear advancing to right, carrying over flioulder log held by right fore-paw ; beneath ground, •1776- ; beneath wreath, V . & 1-25. 9, 10. Same : var. in loweft part of badge. Same : var. wreath fuller ; beneath, JR.. 152 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. II. 1782. Obverl'e. BEDA -D-G- S-R'l-P (mm. at end of infer., ftar of twelve points.) On ermine mantle, oval fliield, arms of abbot, around which, collar, and be- neath, badge, of order of Annunciation ; above, clofed crown, on either fide ot which, mitre with ciofled croziers, and Iword. Reverfe. ABB .S'G. E.S.I.A.V.E. Same type : var. wreath much lefs full ; beneath date, vine-leaf } on ftem interrupting wreath. Ai r3. 12. Thirty-Kreuzer Piece, 1781. Within irregular ornamented border, upper part of which formed by inverted palm branches, crofTed at Hems, MON . PRINCIP. TERRIT . S . GALL! 1781 . three upper lines curved upwards ; be- neath, within oval in border, 30 Within wreath of palm and laurel, bear advancing to right, carrying over fhoulder log held by right fore-paw. M 115. Twenty-Kreuzer Piece, 1774. BEDA -D-G-S-R-l-P-S- G-E-S-I-I-V'TH-A-V-A-E- On ermine mantle, oval ihield, arms as no. 2, partly with colours ; around it, collar of order of Annunciation ; be- neath, 20 within border, from which fpring branches of laurel and palm on either fide, and beneath which, H; above, mitre between heads of croffed croziers. S • GALLUS ABBAS (mm. at end of infer., trefoil on ftalk.) Saint, feated to left, in chair, nimbate, and wearing hermit's drefs with cowl, holding loaf in right hand, hermit's ftafF in left ; before him, bear advancing to right, carrying over fhoulder log held by right fore-paw; in ex., 1774 betv\een quatrefolls faltirewife ; beneath, H M II. St. Gallen. 153 Obverfe. 15- 1780. BEDA .D. G. S.R.I. P. On ermine mantle, oval fhield, arms of abbot, one colour indicated ; around it, collar, and beneath, badge, of order of An- nunciation ; above, clofed crown between mitre with crofTed croziers and fword. Reverfe. ABB. S.G. E.S.I.A.V.E. Withm wreath of palm and laurel^ bear advancing to right, carrying over ffcoulder log held by right fore-paw ; beneath, within foliated border fpringing from wreath, 20 ; on either fide of bor- der, 17 80 . Ai 1-15. 16. BEDA ■ D . G . S ■ R Same type, varied in details. I • P Same. .R. 17. Twelve-Kreuzer Piece, 1773, On ermine mantle, oval fliield, arms as no. 2, partly with colours j above, mitre between heads of croffed croziers ; be- neath, within border, 12 ; on lower part of border, h BAP. (Beda Abbas et Princeps ?) in italic monogram ; above, clofed crown ; on either fide, branch, of laurel and palm j beneath, 1773, below which, H . Bil. -95. 18. Six-Kreuzer Piece, 1773. Same type, varied in details ; in border, 6; on either fide of border,'i7 73 ; no initial of engraver. Same : var. date omitted, details varied. Bil. 'Sf. 19. Five-Kreuzer Piece, 1774. BEDA -D-G-S'R-I-P-S- G-E-S-I'I-V-TH'A-V-A'E- On ermine mantle, oval (hield, arms as no. 2, one colour indicated ; around fliield, collar of order of Annunciation ; above, mitre between croiTed croziers ; beneath, in border, 5 S • GALLUS ABBAS ■ Saint, feated to left, in chair, nimbate, and wearing hermit's drefs with cowl, holding loaf and hermit's ftaif 5 before him, bear advancing towards him with log over fhoulder held by right foie-paw ; be- neath chair, h ; in ex., 1 774 between buds. Bil. -8. 154 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 20. Two-Kreuzer Piece, 1780. Obveife. MON . PRINCIPAL . TERRIT . S . GALLI (mm. cinquefoil.) Bear advancing to right, carrying over flioulder log held by right fore-paw. Reverfe. Within border of palm and laurel, 2. KREU ZER 17 80 Bil. i. MEDALS. Gallus II., 1654-1687. SANCTVS GALLVS ABBAS. Half-figure of St. Gallus, nimbate, wearing hermit's drefs, with left hand holding loaf to bear, approaching him open-mouthed, on his right fide, holding log with right fore-paw over left flioulder j the upper part of bear is only feen. /s. 1*19. This medal is of goldfmith's work, caft and chafed. Comp. Naef A. Sanct Gal- lifche Denkmiinzen, p. 5, nos. i, 2 ; Haller, ii. p. 380, no. 2259. GALLVS II . ABBAS S . GALLI . & S . R . 1 .PRINCEPS.1686. Ornamented round fliield ; arms of Abbey of St. Gallen, Abbey of St. John, abbot, and Toggenburg, quarterly} mitre with Hole between croffed croziers. 2, 3- Removal of the Relics of St. Othmar, first abbot of St. Gallen, MIDDLE of eighth CENTURY, STRUCK BY AbBOT BeDA, 1773. eLapsIs • DVCentIs . LVsteIs . pestIVa . transLatIo . Within wreath of plants with flowers, St. Othmar, to left, nimbate, holding little barrel, crozier refting on left arm ; in ex., i-haag- beatI . othMarI . ABBATia , Beneath, on large mantle, oval fliield ; arms of Abbot Beda, one colour in- dicated, above which, mitre between crofled croziers, with, on either fide, above ends of mantle, a clofed crown with fall- ing cords. Wt. 12" grammes. .* i*3. The date is indicated by the large letters. Naef S. Gall. Denkmiinz., p. 6, no. 4. According to Haller (i. p. 84, no. 134) this is a very rare medal. St. G alien. 155 ABBEY, OR CITY FOR ABBEY, or CITY. Bracteates of the Class called Lammpfenning, or Munz- LAMM, OF THE FOURTEENTH OR EARLY PART OF THE Fifteenth Century. Of the following coins, nos. 5, 6, which appear to be the lateft, refemble thofe ftruck by the City in 1424. (Meyer, Denare, p. 79, no. 4, Taf. ii. 81, v. 95.) Three periods for their iffue are therefore poffible, that of the independent coining of the Abbey, 947-13735 their ftyle limiting them to the fourteenth century, that of the coining of the City for the Abbey, 137 3-14 15, and that of the independent coining of the City, 141 5 until the introduction of the Barpfenning foon after 1475. Of thefe periods the fecond feems the moft probable. Granting this view to be corredt, the fuppofed earlier coins, nos. 1-4, would moft likely be of the fame period (i 373-141 5) or of the later part of that preceding it. 1-4. Pafchal lamb, advancing to left, right fore-foot raifed, looking back, nimbate ; in front of cheft, three Imall ribands ? beyond, long crofs, with flag ending in two (hort fquared ftreamers : broad raifed border within border of dots. (Meyer, Denare, Taf. V. 94.) A< -75. •75- •8. •8. The peculiarity of the ribands ? not engraved by Meyer (1. c.) is very diftinftly feen in no. i, which is a remarkably well-ftruck fpecimen, and traceable in nos. 2, 3, and perhaps 4, all which are of inferior ftamp. 5, 6. Same : var. lamb not nimbate, ftreamers pointed : no border of dots. •65. This variety, without the nimbus, is unknown to Meyer. He notices the fame peculiarity in the fquare clafs. (Denare, p. 79, no. 2.) Wt., 1-6 (average), •38 gr. 156 Catalogue 0/ Swifs Coins, CITY FOR ABBEY, 1373-1415. Bracteates of the Class called Galluspfenning. " There are bradeates extant, perhaps even of the end of the " fourteenth century, of fine work, which are ornamented with the " head of St. Gallus. The infcription : moneta sancti galli proves, " that they were ftruck by the City of St. Gallen, not by the Abbey, " for all the civic coins bear this infcription, either at full length or " abbreviated s G. It is probable that the City introduced this type " after the year 1 373, when it received from the Abbey the right to " coin for it." (Meyer, Denare, p. 80.) There are feveral types of thefe bradeates {id. pp. 80, 81), and therefore they were probably ftruck during fome years after 1373. In the prefent coUedion but one type, varied in the mint-marks, is reprefented. MONETA • SANCTI • GALLI (mm. crofs ; ftops, pellets.) Buft of faint, full face, tonfuietl, hair thick, beard clofe : border of large dots. M 95. 8. Same : var. mm. loaf? M 9- Same : var. mm. crefcent. _^ -o " The head is very archaic and apparently reprefented according to a then extant " ftatue of Gallus, The great Roman tonfure and the form of the beard agree with " fculptures and miniatures of the eleventh and twelfth centuries." {Id. p. 80.) The coin is of the largeft clafs of Swifs bracteates, rather than, as Meyer fays (1. c), " the largeft." Wt., 7-9 (average) -5 gr. St. Gallen. 157 CITY. GOLD COINS. I. Denier, one-sided, in Gold. Arms of City ; between hind legs of bear, G : border of radiating lines. Wt. '3 gr. N (concave) -5. Same : var. a . Wt. •3 gr. N (concave) -5. Thefe curious little coins are nothing but deniers ftruck in gold of the weight of the tenth of a ducat ; they were probably patterns. 3>4. Double Ducat, i6ai. Obverfe. Reverfe. MO : NO : CIVI : SANGALLENSIS • | Two-headed imperial eagle, with 1621 (mm. cinquefoil j flops, diamonds.) nimbi. Arms of City. I Wt. 6-9 + grammes, iv 1-05. 5i 6. Two Patterns, in Silver. M (lozenge-fhaped, gilt) \- $. A (lozenge-fliaped) 1-45. SILVER COINS. I. Plappart, 1424. (With Gothic Letters.) MOMETA : MOVA : SAMT : GALLI (mm. ' SAMTTVS : GAL LVS : 1424 crofs pattee.) Saint towards left, tonfured and nim- Within quatrefoil border, crofs pa- bate, holding crozier and uncertain objeftj tence, on which ftiield, one-headed im- (loaf?) before him, bear walking ere6t, perial eagle. holding log over flioulder with right fore- |)aw. Wt. 2" grammes. Bil. "9. The letters M and N have the Latin form. 158 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. This very rare and remarkable coin is, as Haller obferves, the oldeft bearing a date in Switzerland, and one of the oldeft of this kind in Germany, or rather the German-fpeaking territories. He denies that Hottinger {de Nufn. BraS. Tigur.) is rio-ht in calling it a plappart, for he fays it is too fmall ; and he defcribes it asagrof- chen (ii. pp. 378, 9). He is, however, in error, as the records of the coinages of this time lufficiently fliow. In the year 14.24 an agreement was entered into by the towns Zurich, Schaffhaufen, and St. Gallen, by which they were to ftrike identical coins, (ii. p. 162, Meyer, Denare, p. 79.) In the next year (1425) an agreement was entered into between the Seven Old States, Ziirich, Luzern, Uri, Schwytz, Unter- walden, Zug, and Glarus, by which the firft and fecond of thefe were to ftrike certain coins in the name of all Seven States. Of thefe coins the heavieft was the plappart, half of fine filver, 94 to the Zurich mark. (Lohner, p. 255.) This plap- part of 1425, therefore, weighed 2-4 grammes. (On the Ziirich mark, fee Haller ii. p. 186.) By the fame agreement it was fettled that the earlier plappart of Ziirich, Bern, SchaffTiaufen, and St. Gallen Ihould pafs for 12 ftabler pfennings, the new plappart containing 15. It however alfo appears that in 1421 Bern ftruck a plap- part, half of filver, 100 to the mark, which if the Bernefe mark be meant, would be almoft identical in weight with the plappart of 1425 ; if that of Zurich, a little lio-hter. The earlier of thefe coins, whether of Bern or St. Gallen, were therefore properly identical, or nearly fo, with the later, and the depreciation from five to four muft have been due to a deficiency in purity. The very interefting coin above defcribed, from its weight, and from its being apparently confiderably alloyed, though whether more than half could not be determined without analyfis, is undoubtedly a plappart. Bracteates of the Class called Barpfenning struck after H75- This clafs is later than the Lammpfenning, for Vadian ftates that the Abbey changed the lamb for the bear on its coins. It probably- originated in the fifteenth or fixteenth century : the pieces defcribed below are of the fixteenth or feventeenth, and ft ruck by the city. (Meyer, Denare, p. 80, Taf. v. 97, 98.) The earlier are of the bra6leate type (nos. 2, 3, below), the later (nos. 4-6) reprefent the tranfition to the Hohlpfenning type almoft accompliftied, and are very like the modern denier-clafs to be fubfequently defcribed (nos. 103-132). 2, 3. Arms of city iietween S G : broad plain border. Wt. (average) ■% gr. al •55. •5. 4-6. Same type, without infcription : border of large dots. Wt. (average) -25 gr. Bil. -5. In no. 4 the dots are very large. St. G alien. 159 Obverfe. Thaler, 1565. MO : NO : CIVI : SANGALLENSIS : 1565 : G ; (ftops, diamonds.) Arms of" city. Reverfe. • SOLI • DEO • OPT ■ MAX • LAVS ■ & • GLOR " (ftops, 2 to 7, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; crown clofed. M. (gilt) r6. 8. 1620. MO : NO : CIVITA : SANGALLENSIS • 1620 (mm. and laft ftop, cinquefoils; other ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city. SOLI • DEO • OPT : MAX : LAVS • ET- GLORIA • (ftops, I, 2, 5, 6, 7, fmall cinquefoils ; 3, 4, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate ; above, imperial crown. M. 1-6. Same. Same : var. ftop 7 wanting. A. Same quefoil. 10. 1621. var. CIVIT ; laft ftop, fmall cin- Same. Same : I 16 var. CIVITA . I. 22. Same. Same : 16 var. CIVIT . I. Same. JR. Si. JR. 1 6o Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 13- Half-Thaler, 1565. Reverfe. MO ■ NO • CI • SANGALLENSIS 1565 • G (flops, diamonds.) Anns of city. SOLI : DEO : OPT : MAX : LAVS : & : GLO (flops, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; crown clofed. js. 1-35. 14. Half-Thaler, 1620. MO : NO : CiVIT: SANGALLENSIS- 1620 (mm. cinquefoil ; flops, diamonds.) Arms of city. SOLI • DEO • OPT : MAX • LAVS ■ ET • GLORIA (flops, diamonds.) Two-hesded imperial eagle, nimbate ; crown, imperial. M (lozenge-lhaped) i"9. 15- DlKEN, 1504. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA ■ NO ■ SANCTI • GAL' (mm. crofs pattee ; flops, quatrefoils faltirewife.) Arms of city. SANCTVS • OTHMARVS • 1504 (mm. and flops as obv.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wt. 9"4 grammes. JS. 12. 16. 1505. MONETA ■ NOVA -SANCTI • GAL (fame mm. and flops.) Same arms. Same : var. flop after date. Wt. 91 grammes, jr.- Same : var. GALLI Same. 17- Same : var. OTHTMARVS . Wt. 9"6 grammes, jr. 18. Same : var, name of St. correal ; no flop after date. Wt. 9'6 grammes, js.. St, G alien. i6i Obverfe. Same : var. GALI . Same : var- GAL Much worn. 19, 20. 1509. Reverfe. Same : var. flops, cinquefoils. Wt. 9-7 grammes. M vz. 9'4 i"iS- 21. 1513. Same : var. ftops, quatrefoils faltire- wife, one after date. Wt. 8' 5 grammes. JS.. 22. Strichli-Diken, containing 6 Batzen or 24 Kreuzers, of 1619. (With Latin Letters.) MO : NO : CIVI : SANGALLENSIS 1619 (mm. cinquefo'il ; ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city. VNI ■ SOLI ' DEO ■ GLORIA (mm. and ftops, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi. Wt. 7'4 grammes. M. 23- Pattern of 1620. I Wt. 7-5 gr. /R (lozenge-fliaped) 1-55. 24. I62I. ir's collar, varied. Same. Wt. 6 25. 16 33- Wt. 6- grammes. Ai I'if. MO : NO : CIV : SANGALLENSIS ; in exergue of border, 24 (ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city. VNI • SOLI • DEO • GLORIA; in exergue of border, ■ 1633 • (ftops, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi. Wt. 8'2 grammes. JS. i"25. s. c. l62 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 26. Half-Diken, containing three Batzen or 12 Kreuzers, of 1621. Obverfe. Reverfe. MO : NO : CIV : SANGALLENSIS ; in exergue of border,' 1621 • (ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city. VNI • SOLI ■ DEO ■ GLORIA ; in exergue of border, • 3 " (ftops, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. Wt. 34 grammes. JS. i. This and the following coins, no<. 28-31, muft be Half-Dikens, the number 3 being only explicable as indicating the contents in Batzen. The weight is indeed below that agreed on by the Confederate States, faving Freiburg and Solothurn, in 1622, 54 to the Mark, the finenefs being 12 Loth, (Haller, ii. p. 267,) but the fame differ- ence is to be obfen^ed in the Dikens of the fame period already catalogued, nos. 23- 25, except the laft. This remark is not fuperfluous, as Haller will not admit that any fuch coin was ftruck, (" was andere Schriftfteller von Zwolfkreuzerftiicken, Schil- lingen und Fiinfern melden, is alles irrig " p. 198,) and defcribes a pattern like no. 27 as perhaps the pie fort of a grofchen (p. 527). 27. Pattern, Weight of Double Diken ? Wt. i6-7gr. ^R (lozenge-fliaped) i'45. 28. Pattern. Wt. 3'5 gr. JS. (lozenge-fliaped) 1*4. 29. Half-Diken, 1622. Same : var. ' . 1622 . * (points, diamonds.) I Same : var. " 3 ' (points, clnquefoils.) i Wt. 3-1 grammes. jR 1-05. 30- Same: var. SANGALLENS -1622 (points, diamonds.) Same. Wt. 3*7 grammes, m 1-05. S^, G alien. 163 Obverfe. 1624. Reverfe. Same : var.CIVI : SANGALLENSIS Same ; var. flop 4 at end of infer. Wt. 3" 3 grammes. JS. 1*05. PlAPPART struck after 1475 AND BEFORE 1529, PROBABLY ABOUT THE CLOSE OF THE FIFTEENTH OR THE BEGINNING OF THE SIXTEENTH CeNTURY, (With Gothic letters.) MONET • NO ■ SANCTI ■ GALLI (mm. crofs pattee ; flops, quatrefoils faltlrewife.) Arms of city. SANC TVS ■ OTHM ARVS (mm. be- tween words, quatrefoU faltlrewife.) Crofs moline, on which (hield, one- headed imperial eagle. Wt. 2-7 grammes. Bil. i*i. Same : var. GALI (flop 3 effaced.) 33- Same. Wt. 3-1 grammes. Bil. 34- Same: var. MON ETA fixfoilj flops, cinquefoils.) GALLI (mm. Same. Wt. 3-0 grammes. Bil. 35- Same: var. mm. crofs pattee; flops, fmall cinquefoils, 2 : of cinquefoils. Same. Wt. 3' I grammes. Bil. • MONE • NOV • CIVITAT ■ S (flops, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle, on which fliield, arms of city. 36. Plappart, 1527 GALLI • VNI : SOLIQ : DEO : GLORIAM ■J. 5. 2- 7. (flops, annulets.) St. Laurence, full-face, towards right, nimbate, holding palm and gridiron. Wt. 3-2 grammes. Bil. I'l. L z 164 Catalogue of Swifs Corns. The infcription of the obveife is in Latin letters, that of the reverfe, in Gothic, except the E ; in tlie latter a character refembling 9 appears to reprefent 9 in SOL19 for folique, and the firft letter of DEO is a G retrograde. This very curious coin, the peculiarities blunders and bad ftyle of which feem to indicate that it was hurriedly ftruck, is intermediate between the Roman Catholic and the Proteftant coinage. Though the Reformation motto is here firft feen, yet a faint, though not the Othmanis of the earlier coins, is reprefented, juft as the obverfe infcription is in Latin, and that of the reverfe in Gothic charaflers. The coin is tranfitlonal, though probably not intended to be fo. It is unknown to Haller, but Wellenheim, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 305, no. 5856, publifhes a fimilar piece, which he con- fiders to be of the fecond degree of rarity. 37-39- Quarter-Thaler, or Half-Gulden, containing 30 Kreuzers, of 1738. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA : NOVA : S^ : GALLENSIS (at end of infer, bud and point.) Arms of city ; beneath, in oval, interrupting border, arms of Schirmer, Mafter of the Mint, fnake. Within ornamented irregular border, in lower part of which, in oval, 30 , LIBERTAS CARIOR AURO 1738 GE On either fide, entwined in border, branches of olive (?) and palm. Bil. 1.25. Bil. 1-25. Bil. 1.2. Haller defcrlbes the arms on the obverfe as thofe of Schirmer, Mafter of the Mint from 1726 to 1766, (ii. p. 198,) and the fmall initials on the reverfe as thofe of G. Reich, to whom he gives the fame defignation. (p. 212, i. p. 497.) The latter muft, however, have been the artift. 40. Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, 1730 MONETA : NOVA : S : GALLENSIS (at end of infer, bud and two points.) Arms of city ; beneath, in oval, inter- rupting border, arms of Schirmer. Within ornamented irregular border, in lower part of which, in oval, 15 , SOLI •DEO- GLORIA 1730 G^B. (points, buds.) On either fide, entwined in border, branches of olive (?) and palm. Bil. I.I. St, G alien. 165 Obverfe. 41. 1732. Reverfe. Same : var. MON Similar. BIl. 1-15. 42. 1738. Same : var. S"^ : bud and three points. Similar. Bil. 1-15. 43- 1786. Same: var. MON ETA: bud without points ; in oval Z . Similar border. SOLI DEO GLORIA 1786 HGZ (points, buds.) Bil. I'zs. 44. Six-Kreuzer Piece, 1727. MONETA ■ NOVA ■ S ■ GALLENSIS ■ Arms of city ; beneath, in oval, inter- rupting border, arms of Schirmer. Within olive (?) and palm-branches. KREU •ZER- 1727 (points, buds.) Bil. -95. 45- 1732. Same : var. MON : flops, colons j at end of infer, bud and point. Same : var. branches of olive ? be- neath date, GR . Bil. I. i66 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 46, 47. 1786. Reverfe. M ON ETA • NOVA • S^ : GALLENSIS Arms of city ; beneath, in oval, in- terrupting border, Z . Same : var. branches of olive (?) and palm, HGZ . Bil. -95. ■I. 48, 49. 1790. Same : var. all ftops, colons ; at end of infer., bud. Within olive [)) wreath, •VI- •KR EU- •ZER- 1790 HGZ (points, buds.) Bil. I. 50- Batzen, containing Four Kreuzers, of 1621. MO : NO : CIVI : S ANGALLENSIS (mm. cinquefoil ; ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city between 16 21 ; be- neath, in long oval, in border, 4 k . VNl-S OLI-D EO-GL ORIA- (flops i, 2, 3, cinquefoils, 4, diamond.) Long crofs fourchy, on which rtiield ; one-headed imperial eagle. Bil. I. 51- Same: var. no mm.; all ftops, diamonds. Arms of city between 4 k ; in ex- ergue of border, •1621- Same : var. flop si, 2, 3, diamonds, 4, wanting. Bil. -85. The difference in fize and weight between thefe two coins, and the extreme light- nefs of the fecond renders it probable that the latter is a forgery. Falfe batzen of Bern are noticed as having been in circulation in 1648 and fomewhat later. (Lohner, pp. 264-266.) St, Gallen. 167 Obverfe. 52. 1 721 t Reverfe. MON-NOVA- ALLENSIS (mm. obfcure ; ftops, quatrefoils.) Arms of city between 4 [Kr]. • SOLI • DEO • GLORIA • 17 21 Date obfcure in laft figure ; within date, oval, arms ofAnhorn. (mm. and ftops, buds.) Eight G's in pairs, backs outwards, all interlaced, forming arabefque ornament and within it crofs. Bil. -9. Anhorn was Mafter of the Mint from 1720 to 1726. SZ' 1725. MONETA • NOVA ■ S ■ GALLENSIS • Arms of city between 4 • Kr ; be- neath, in oval, interrupting border, arms of Anhorn. Same: var. ftops, cinquefoils j 1725. Bil. 95- 54- Groschen, containing Three Kreuzers, of 1563. MO • NO • CIVI ■ SANGALN • 63 (mm. ftar of fix points.) Arms of city. VNI ■ ET ■ SOLI • DEO ' GLORI Two-headed imperial eagle, on which orb, without crofs, infcribed 3 j crown. Wt. 2" 2 grammes, Bil. '85. ■ MO • NO • 01 ■ SANGALENS • 65 (mm. Gothic G ; ftops, diamonds.) Arms of city. 55- 1565. VNI ■ & • SOLI ■ DEO • GLORIA (ftops, asobv.) Same type. Bil. 56,57- 1566. Same: var. CIVI ■ SANGALN Same. Bil. 1 68 Catalogue ofSwifs Coins, 58, 59- 1567. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. MO ■ NO ■ CI ■ SANGALEN " (mm. monogram ^ , followed by Gothic G ; ftops I, 2, 3, diamonds.) Same. 63, 64. 1570. 65. 1572. Same : var. mm. Gothic G only. I Same. 66, 67. 1573- 61. Same : var. 01 ■ SANGALEN 1568. Same. 62. 1569. 1 Bil. 60. Same : var. O SANGALL 67 (c ob- l Same, fcure.) Bil. Bil. Bil. Bil. B il. Bil. St» Gallen, 169 Obverfe. 68, 69. 1618, Reverfe. MO" NO : CIVI • SANGALLEN : 1618 : Arms of city. ■ VNI ' SOLI • DEO ■ GLORIA Two-headed imperial eagle, on which orb, without crofs, infcribed 3 . Bil. -85. 70. 1723. MONETA : NOVA : S : GALLENSIS (At end of infer., bud, followed by point.) Arms of city ; beneath, in border, oval, arms of Anhorn. • SOLI ■ DEO ■ GLORIA ■ 1723 (mm. and flops, cinquefoils.) Crofs patonce, on which 3 in oval from which fpring four trefoils. Bil. -85. 71- 1732. Same : var. MON: in oval. arms of Same : var. fto Schirmer. each trefoil, poin Bil. Same : var. no bud and point. 72. Same. Bil. 73- 1739- Same : var. MONETA; flops • ; at end of infer,, bud, followed by point. Same : var, all points cinquefoils. Bil. -9, 74, 75- 1790. Same : var. S^ ; flops, colons 5 in oval Same: var. points • ; 17 90 Bil -85. 170 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 76. Half-Batzen, containing Two Kreuzers, of 1721. Obverfe. MON . NOVA • S ■ GALLENSl (ftops, buds ; at end of infer., uncertain point.) Arms of city ; in exergue of border nothing vifible. Reverfe. Within floral border, • SOU • DEO -GLORIA ■1721' (points, except 3, buds.) Bil. 75- 77' 1724. Same : var. GALLENSIS ; ftops, points • at end of infer., bud, followed by- two points ; in exergue of border, z k , between which, oval, arms of Anhorn. Same. Bil. -8. 78. 1727. Same : var, ftops, colons j nothing at end of infer. ; arms of Schirmer. Between palm-branches curved fo as to form imperfeft wreath, SOLI ■ DEO- GLORIA 1727 (points, buds.) Bil. 79- 1728. Same : var. at each end of infer,, bud. I Same Bi rupting line of exergue. 80, 81. 1730. Same : var. ftops, points • ; oval, inter- Between two olive-branches ? curved fo as to form nearly perfeft wreath, SOLI • DEO- GLORIA 1730 GB (above, cinquefoil j points, buds.) Bil. -85. •8. St. G alien. 171 82. Obverfe. Same : var. GALLEN ; flops, colons. Same. Reverfe. Bil, '85. 83- 1739. Same : var. GALLENSIS- (no bud) ; flops, points • . g Same : var. above, cinquefoil, having on either fide large and fmall point. Bil. -85. MON ■ CIVIT • St ■ GALLENSIS Same type: var. in oval, Gothic g. 84-86. 1766. Between two olive-branches (?) curved fo as to form nearly perfe6l wreath, with flower and leaves between points, SOLI DEO GLORIA 1766 D R Bil. -8. The initials on the reverfe are thofe of the engraver, David Reich. 87. 1767. Same : var. s • . Same. Bil. 88. Kreuzer. Arms of city ; on either fide, i K beneath, c Eight g's in pairs, backs outwards, all interlaced, forming arabefque ornament and within it crofs ; in centre, H , Bil. -6. 172 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 89. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. no letter beneath. Same : var. In centre, monogram of A V . Bil. 90-93- Same. The monogram is that of David Reich. Same : var. In centre, monogram, D r BIl. 94> 95- Same. Same : .'ar. In centre, z . BI 96-102. Same. Same : var. in centre, K Bil. 103-105. Two-Denier Piece, one-sided. Arms of city 5 on either fide, 2 d ; between bear's legs, a : border of radiating lines. . Bil. -55. 106. Same : var. a in circle. Interrupting border. Bi 107, 108. Same : var. A, not In border. Bil. 109. Same : var. a 2 ; no letter beneath. Bil. Wt. (average) 103-109, -4 gr. St. Gallen. 173 110-114. Denier, one-sided. Arms of city ; between bear's legs, a: border of radiating lines. Bil. -45. 115-I18. Same : var. a in circle, interrupting border. Bil. II9-125. Same ; var. between bear's legs, G . 126, 127. Same : var. A Bil Bil. 128-130. Struck between 1726-1766 ? Same : var. between bear's legs, fnake to fin. Bil. The objeft on thefe coins is not identical with the fnake of the arms of Schirmer, mint-mafter, 1726-1766; perhaps, however, it is a variety of it. 131- Same : var. on either fide of fnake, point. Bil 132. Same .'' dex. point uncertain. Bil. Wt. (average) 110-132, "23 gr. 174 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. MEDALS. I. 1566. Obverfe. Reverfe. REI • PVBLIC/E • SANGALLENSIS • INSIGNIA (flops, diamonds.) Three irregular fhields, placed trian- gularly : I . empire ; (two-headed eagle ;) 2, 3. St. Gallen city, charge in 2 to fin. : above, clofed crown, between monograms •^ and 4 ; (the fecond partly effaced, but the upper part apparently not 4, as in Haller, ii. p. 199, no. 1849, ^"^ ^^^ St. Gall. Denkmiinzen, p. 6, pi. no, 6 ;) between lower fliields, Gothic G : wreath- border, all in one direftion, above, to left. Two angels, wearing drefles with crofs couped on cheft, holding before them long label infcribed, CONCORDIA • PARV>E- RES ■ CRESCVNT : DISCORDIA • MAX! M/E ■ Dll-ABVNTVR (flops, diamonds.) beneath, palm } branches, crofTed ; on either fide of ftems, 15 66 : wreath- border, as obv. M (gilt) 1-65. According to N'af the monograms denote the double office of the Stadtamman and AfTay-mafter (Miinzwardein), Jacob Straub the Elder. 2. Schul-Pfenning, 1739. RESPUBLICA STGALLENSIS Bear ereft, facing, head to right, wear- ing cuirafs and belt, holding irregular fliield, arms of city, and two-handed fword j in ex., T . By J. Thiebaud. Ornamented oval fliield, infcribed, SOLI DEO GLORIA 1739 l-T (lines curved upwards, except laft, ini- tials,) held by two angels 5 above, right eye, rayed, in clouds. ^ -85. Schul-Pfenning. Same. SATIS EST FAVISSE SUPREMA. (flop, flar of five points.) Thunder-cloud, from which ifilie light- ning and rain; above, fummit of moun- tain, on which the fun (on left) is fhining: beneath, in border, within oval, lt . JS. -85. St. G alien. ^7S CANTON. Five-Batzen Piece, 1813. Obverfe. CANTON ST. GALLEN Shield } arms of canton, field with colour J two oak-garlands refting on fhield and falling on either fide ; in ex., J813 . Reverfe Within oak-wreath, 5 . BAZEN K Bil. I'Of. Same : var. date not feparated by line of exergue ; on either fide, branch of laurel, ftems crofled. 2. 1814. Same. Bil. 3- Six-Kreuzer Piece, 1807. CANTON ST. GALLEN Shield; arms of canton, field with colour ; on either fide, branch of oak, ftems crofted. Within thin oak-wreath, VI KREUZER 1807 Bil. -9. Batzen, 1808. ■ CANTON ST. GALLEN • (flops i, 3, fixfoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, field with colour ; on either fide, branch of oak 5 beneath, k . Within thin oak-wreath, 1 SCHWEIZER BAZEN 1808 Beneath wreath, k . Bil. -85. 176 Catalogue of Swifs Coi72s. 1810. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON ST. GALLEN Within circle, fliieldj arms of canton, field with colour ; on either fide, branch of oak ; circle and branches cut by triple line of exergue ; in ex. 1 8 1 o . Within wreath of buds ? in one direc- tion, above, to left, I BAZEN BIl. -9. 1813. Bil. -95. 7- 1814. I Bi 8,9- 1815. I Bil. 10. Half-Batzen, 1807, CANTON ST. GALLEN Shield J arms of canton, field with colour; on either fide, branch of oak, ftems crofl'ed. Within oak-wreath, JL - 2 BAZEN 1807 Bil. -8 •85. II. Same : var. branches filghtly different. Within oak-wreath, 2 SCHWEIZER BAZEN 1807 beneath wreath, K . Bil. -8. St. G alien. 177 12, 13. 1808. Obverfe, Reverfe. Same : var. infer, larger ; branches | Same : var. thin oak-wreath, (lightly different. Bi 14. 1812. CANTON ST. GALLEN Shield ; arms of canton, field with colour; on either fide, branch of oak, ftems croffed. 15- 1814. 16. 1815. 1816. Within oak-wreath, 1 2 BAZEN 1812 K Bil. -85. Bil. Bil. Bil. 18. Quarter-Batzen, or Kreuzer, of 1807 CANTON ST. GALLEN Shield ; arms of canton, field with colour ; on either fide, branch of oak, ftems croffed ; beneath, K Within oak-wreath, JL 4 SCHWEIZ: BAZEN 1807 Bil. -6. s. c. M 1^8 Catalogue of Swtfs Coins. Same. Obverfe. 19. 20. 1808. Reverfe. Same. Bil. -65. Same. 21, 22. Kreuzer, 1811. Within oak-wreath, fuller, I KREUZER 1811 K Bil. -65. Thefe fpecimens differ in the wreath. 23. 1813. 24. 1816. Bil. Bil. 25- Two-Pfenning Piece, or Half-Kreuzer, of 1808. CANTON ST. GALLEN I 2 Shield ; arms of canton, field with | PFENNING colour; on either fide, branch of oak, j 1808 ftems croffed. i K Bil. -55. 26. Half-Kreuzer, 1808. Same. KREUZER 1808 K Bil. -55. St. G alien. 179 Obverfe. Same : varied. 27. 1811. Same. 28, 29. 1813. 30- 1814. 31-34. 1815. I 35. 1816. Reverfe. Bil. -6. Bil. Bil. Bil. Bil. 36-41. Pfenning (One-sided). Shield; arms of canton, field with colour; on either fide,! pf ; beneath, oak branches, ftems crofled : narrow border of lines. Wt. (average) "23 gr Bil. •45, Type on concave fide. M 2 GENEVA. ENEVA (Genf, Geneve) is the twenty-fecond and moft recent canton of the Swifs Confederation, conftituted in 1814. Capital. — Geneva, a very ancient city, firft mentioned by Casfar as the furtheft town of the AUobroges, and the neareft to the borders of the Helvetii. (Bell. Gall. i. 6). It was long a bifhop's fee, but having adopted the Reformation in 1535, it became from that date the capital of a free ftate, until the period of the French rule, 1 798-1 8 14, after which the canton was founded. Arms. — Per pale, ift, or, a demi-eagle, difplayed fa., crowned, beaked and membered gu. ; 2nd, gu., a key or, turned to fm.* The arms of the empire denote that Geneva was an imperial city, and the key marks its former dependance on its prince-bifhop, who bore gu. two keys in faltire. An older fhield, arg., a crofs treflee (of St. Maurice) az., was ufed fide by fide with this, and hence the various crofl'es on the coins, which, as M. Blavignac obferves, are always furrounded by the motto fp. 29). This writer confiders this fhield to have been that of the community of Geneva ; M. Gautier thinks it was military, and the modern fhield with its creft the fun rather of municipal and adminiflrative ufe, comparing the two coats of Freiburg. {JrmoirieSj p. 27.) * M. Blavignac defcrlbes thefe arms In detail as follows: — " La Republlque et Canton de " Geneve port pour armoiries, un ecuflbn mi-parti d'or et de gueules, charge au premier d'une " demi-aigle eflbrante de fable, armee de meme ; couronnee, allumee, becquee, languee et mem- " bree de gueules ; au fecond, d'une clef d'or contournee, le panneton ajoure d'une croix, " I'anneau en lofange pommete et engage fous le parti d'or." (p, i.) It may, however, be doubted whether there is authority of antiquity for all thefe details, particularly the colour of the eyes (allumee). The term efforant feems to be an innovation for eploye, and to be thus de- prived of its proper heraldic fenfe. It may be noticed that a dimidiated eagle can only be known to have two heads if it is marihalled in the finifter half of the iliield ; that in the prefent cafe the two-headed eagle is intended, may be inferred from the date to which the arms can be taken back. Like the bears at Bern, eagles have been kept at the public coft at Geneva, at leaft fince 17 14, and apparently for fome time before. (Id. p. 70, note 3.) If this pradlice were of much older date, and not borrowed from Bern, it would raife a curious queftion of the poiTible double origin of the eag'.e in the arms of the city. Geneva, i8i Creji. — The fun, infcribed i h s. Originally Geneva had the fun as its arms ; on the coins it is varioufly rayed j fometimes, in them, the imperial eagle takes its place. Motto. — " Poft: tenebras fpero lucem " (Job, xvii. 12), changed about the middle of the fixteenth century to " Poft tenebras lux," although it has fmce been often written " Poft tenebras lucem." (fpero underftood.) On the whole fubjedl, fee Blavignac, Armorial Genevois, and Gautier, Armoiries, pp. 26-28., 30, pi. i. BISHOPRIC. ELEVENTH CENTURY. I. Denier. Obverfe. Reverfe. GENEVA CIVI[T]AS (mm. crofs pattee.) Crolsj in cantons i, 4, S. SCS PETRVS (mm. as obv.) Rude head of St. Peter, to left, ton- lured. I* I gramme, m. "75. 2. Var. ciAis ? in cantons 2, 3, c« Same. 1*5 gramme, m -yj. TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTURIES. 3- GEN EVA >-^ (mm. crols pattee.) Crofs ; in cantons i ~ , 4 bezant. Denier. '-'•^ PETRVv-n (mm. eftaced.) Ruder head. gr. ^ 7. Var. in canton 1 S, Var. 05 (mm, crofs pattee.) •6 gr. Ai, Var. ~ in canton i ~ Var. ? •9 gi'- ^. l82 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Same. Obverfe. Same. Reverfe, •6 gr. J8.. Var, e's approaching femilunar form. Same : var. E as obv. •7 gr- ^• 8,9. Var. CO. Same. gr. iR. FOURTEENTH CENTURY. 10. Denier. GENEVAS (mm. crofs pattee.) ; ^ PETRVS (mm. fame as obv.) Crofs j in cantons i oi , 4 bezant. Very rude liead. •9 gr. Bil 65. II, Var. in cantons 2 bezant, 3 S. Same. •7 gr. Bil *6. CITY AND CANTON. There have been three monetary lyftems in ufe at Geneva : (i) that of the Florin, (2) that of the Genevoife, and (3) the decimal fyftem. The firft iyftem, adopted by the new State in 1535, lafted until 1794, when the fecond was introduced; in 1795 the two were com- bined and lafted until the French dominion in 1798. French money was iffued, and the decimal fyftem thus introduced, from 1 799-1800 to 1805, when the local mint was abandoned, but this fyftem continued in Ge?ieva. 183 force until the reftoration of independence to Geneva in 1813. The canton, conftituted in 18 14, ftruclc money in 18 16 on the firft fyftem, which was abandoned in 1838 for the French decimal fyftem, then finally accepted. The firft fyftem has for its bafe the florin, which in 1535 was the twenty-feventh part of a mark of fine filver. The florin contained twelve fols, the fol twelve deniers, the denier two oboles, and the obole two pites or pougeoifes. The value of the florin was gradually reduced, until on the abandonment of the fyftem it had been depreciated to lefs than one fourth. The coinage was ftruck in a double relation to this florin. All billon coins, befides their occafional copper reprefentatives, were divifions of the florin, whereas thofe of gold and filver retained the ftandard of the precious metals at the time. Hence great intricacy in the coinage, the contents of the gold and filver pieces in bafe pieces conftantly changing. It is important to remark that in 1593, Bern, Freiburg, Solothurn, Geneva, and Neuchatel pafiTed a coin-concordat, by which the trois fols, fol-fix-deniers or fix-quarts, and parpaillot, became equivalent in weight and finenefs to the batzen, half-batzen, and kreuzer, an agree- ment which appears to have remained in force until, at earlieft, about 1660. (Blavignac, p. 79, and note i.) . The fyftem of the Genevoife was fo called from its principal piece, an ecu, weighing one ounce, the eighth part of a mark, was decimal, having a decime, mi-decime, centime, and minime, the fourth of the centime, the laft two never having been ftruck. In 1795, the Genevoife was changed to the gros-ecu of the fame weight, the half of which was ifilied, with other divifions which were on the old fyftem, thus combined with that of the Genevoife. {^See Blavignac, p. ']2 feqq.^ and 62-66.) GOLD COINS. OLD SYSTEM. I. ^cu-d'or-Sol, struck between 1542-1552. Obverfe. Reverfe. : GENEVA • CIVITAS ■ (points, 2, 3, • POST • TEN EBRAS : LVX • G (points, cinquefoils.) ' i, 4> cinquefoils.) Arms of Geneva ; above, two-headed I Sun of eleven flames, each with centre imperial eagle ; crown clofed. j line, infcribed ; over infer, wavy line. Wt. 3*4 grammes. JV i. This coin is extremely rare, if not unique, and its importance is increafed by its being the only known example of its denomination. M. Blavignac ftates that by decree of 1 84 Catalogue of Swijs Coins. the ordinary Council of Jan, 30, 1542, the finenefs of the Ecu-d'or-Sol was fixed at 23 carats, and its weight at 2 deniers 16 grains. The Mint-mafter at that time was Henri Goulaz, who ftruck coins with his initial G for inint-mark between 154.2 and 1552, and up to 1550 always without dates. So rare did this coin and the Vieux Ducat, which was for a year or two, but apparently no longer, its contemporary, become, that when M. Blavignac wrote not a fpecimen of either was known at Geneva. This we may conje6ture to have been due to the circumftances that the (lightly lighter weight of this Ecu would have driven the ducat out of the currency, and the further decreafe in the cafe of the Ecu-Piftolet, the fucceffor of the Ecu- d'or-Sol, would have repeated the operation, precifely as in the cafe of the three iflues of Gold Nobles by Edward III. of England. Thus deprived of abfolute infor- mation, M. Blavignac conjeftures that the gold piece defcribed by Haller (vol. ii. p. 239, no. 1942) is an Ecu-d'or-Sol, on account of the abfence of date and the mint- mark G, and no doubt alfo becaufe in the Ordonnantie Antw. 1575, the weight is given at 2 den. 16 gr. From the latter work M. Blavignac takes a figure of the coin (pi. xlvi. 4), which though eflentially agreeing with the coin defcribed above, differs in fome details, which may be due to the careleflhefs of the original engraver. The coin defcribed by Haller as a Ducat of 156 1 (p. -»42, no. 1954) is thought by M. Blavignac to be an Ecu of this clafs, for it cannot be anything elfe. (p. 88, cf. 76, and note 3, 362, 363.) ECU-PlSTOLET, OR DuCATON, OF 1565. Obverfe. ■ GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1565 • (points, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, on which, ftiield, arms of Geneva 5 crown clofed. G. Mint-mafter, Charles Goulaz. Reverfe. : POST : TEN E BRAS : LVX : G Sun of eight rays and eight flames, all with centre lines ; beneath infer, of fun, cinquefoil. ^t- 3'3 grammes, n 9. 3- 1566. Wt. 3 -2 grammes, iv '85, Same. 4- 1575- Var. points, cinquefoils. Sun of twelve flames, each with centre line; beneath infer, of fun, cinquefoil. ^t. 3-3 + grammes, yy -9, -eneva. 185 Obveife. Same, 5- 1576. Reverfe. Var. points, i, 3, 4, colons; 2 • . Sun of nine flames, each with centre line ; be- neath infer, of fun, cinquefoil, between points • Wt. 3-3 + grammes, iv 'Sf. 6. Quadruple, 1637, • GENEVA ■ CIVITAS • 1637 ■ (at either end of infer, cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, on which, ftiield, arms of Geneva ; crown clofed. • POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • M (points, cinquefoils.) Sun of fix rays and fix flames ; be- neath infer, of fun, fmall cinquefoil. Wt. 13* + grammes, n I'z. Thefe coins are recorded to have been ftruck in 1635, bnt the oldeft known to M. Blavignac was dated 1638 (p. 363). Mon. PM., Mint-mafter, Pierre de Murier, proving that he was ftill in office in 1637. M. Blavignac ftates that this was the cafe as late as Auguft 1636 (p. 312). 7- 164.0. Var. points, cinquefoils. Var. B ' G (point, cinquefoil.) Rays of fun with centre line ; fmall cinquefoil between points • , Wt. ia"8 + grammes. JV I'z. B.'G. Mint-mafters, Bacuet and Gainier. 8. 1641. Var. points, 2, 3, • . S. D. Mint-mafters, Sarde and Deneria. Var. S • D (point, cinquefoil). Wt. 13" grammes, jv I'z, i86 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Double Ducat, 1654. Obverfe. Reveife. ■ POST • TENEBRAS • LVX m • (points, 2, 3, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, on which, fliield, arms of Geneva ; crown clofed. Within ornamented iquare border, DVCATVS REIPVBL- GENEVEN ■ SIS ■ 1654 Wt. 6"9 + grammes. A' 1. Mon. Mint-mafters, Auguftin Bacuet and Auguftin Binet. The double ducats of Geneva have the fame types as the ducats (Blavignac, p. 91). Probably they were originally ftruck from the fame dies, but from the dates given of known fpecimens of both {Id., pp. 90, 91), it would appear that there were feveral independent iffues of double ducats. 10. Ducat, 1667. Var. Type varied in details. Mon. Mint-mafter, Andre Emery. Border varied. DVCATVS NOWS • • GEN • 1667 (points, 2, 3, cinquefoils.) Wt. 3'5 grammes. A' •^. II. Triple Pistole, 1771. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS • Ornamented (hield 5 arms of Geneva } creft, fun of 12 flieaves, infcribed ; be- neath infer, of fun point. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1771 (points, cinquefoils.) Sun of 12 flieaves, infcribed 5 after and beneath infer, of fun point. I Wt, 17 grammes. A^ 1-25. This coin was only llruck in the year 1771, the number iflued being 1910 (Bla- vignac, p. 92). Terroux, Mafter of the Mint at this time, unwifely ftruck fome of thefe coins in copper in the fame year. Thefc were afterwards gilt, and this fpecial ilTue thus came to be regarded as almoft one of falfe money (p. 364). Geneva, 187 12. Pistole, 1758. Obverfe. Reveife. RESPUBL- GENEVEN • Ornamented fhield ,■ arms of Geneva j fun of many (heaves, infcribed. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1758 (points, fixfoils.) Sun of eight rays and eight flames, infcribed ; beneath infer, of fun, point . Wt. 5*7 grammes. N "85. 1762. Same. Var. points, cinquefoils. Wt. 5'7 grammes, at "9. DECIMAL COINAGE. 14. Twenty-Franks, 184.8. . REP ■ ET CANT • DE GENEVE • POST • TENE- -BRAS ■ LUX ■ 20 I (mm. large quatrefoil faltirewile.) FRANCS 1848 (points, 1, 3, quatrefoilsfaltirewife.) Wt. 7"6 + grammes. N "9. Same : var. 10. 15- Ten-franks of 1848. I Same. Wt. 3-8 + grammes. N 75. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. Old System. - I. Thaler, 1561. P • POST • TENEBRAS • LVX (mm. and Hops, fame as obv., fmaller.) Sun of eight rays and eight flames, infcribed ; beneath infer., 1561 . Wt. 28-1 grammes. ^ i'6. P. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac. GENEVA • CIVITAS • (.mm. and ftops, quatrefoils.) Arms of Geneva ; above, two-headed imperial eagle. i88 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 2. 1562. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. above eagle, clofed crown. Same : var. mm. and flops, cinque- foils. JR. Ecu-Patagon. 1657. GENEVA • CIVITAS ■ 16 57 (mm. and flops, quatrefoils faltirewife.) Arms of Geneva, with creft. POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • AC • (mm. and flops as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle, crown clofed. Mon. A, C, Mint-mafter, Andre Capitel (with Defpons). iR. 4- 1722. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS. Ornamented irregular fliield j arms of Geneva, with creft. POST TENEBRAS LUX 17 22 (on either fide of date, floral ornament.) Two-headed imperial eagle j crown clofed. Wt. a6*9 grammes, js.. 1723. Same : var. no ftop and details dif- Same : var. ftop at end of infer,. ferent. 17 23 6. Half-ecu, 1622. GENEVA ■ CIVITAS • 16 22 (mm. and flops, quatrefoils faltirewife.) Arms of Geneva, with creft. POST • TENEBRAS • LVX- R ■ • G (mm. and flops as obv.) Imperial eagle, crowned. Wt. 14-2 grammes, js. 1-4. R. G. Mint-mafters, Jean Richard and Fran5ois Grenu, (M. Blavignac dates their term of office 1624.-25, unlefs the former is a misprint for 1621, as he dates their predeceiTors 1617-21.) Geneva, 189 Obverfe, Same : mm. and flops larger. 7- 1657- Reverfe. Same : var. after motto, aC ; mm. and flops, cinquefoils ; flop 5 transferred to end of infer. JS.. Mon. A. C. Mint-mafler, Andre Capitel (with Defpons), 8,9. 1659. 10. Quarter-ecu, 1623. GENEVA ■ CIVITAS ■ 1623 (ftops,cinque- 1 • POST • TENEBRAS ■ LVX • R • ■ C foils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, crowned. Arms of Geneva, with crefl. Wt. 6'8 grammes. /9i. 1*2. R. G. Mint-maflers, Jean Richard and Fran9oi3 Grenu. See above, no. 6. II. 1624. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil, followed by point • ; after date, another point • Arms of Geneva, with crefl. Same. Wt. 8' grammes. /Si. 12, 13. Quarter-ecu, containing 24 Sols, of 1645. Same : var. mm. larger. Arms of Geneva. POST ■ TENEBRAS ■ LVX • B • (ftops, cinquefoils.) POVR XXIIII SOLS Wt. 6"9 grammes. M I'^S- 6-3 B. Mint-mafler, Auguflin Bacuet. The ecu of 1623 was worth 8 florins, or 96 fols, that of 1644, 9 florins 4 fols, or 112 fols ; the coins of 1645 defcribed above are therefore rather pieces of 24 fols than quarter-ecus. (Cf. Blavignac, p. 83, 84, 85, and note 2.) IQO Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 14, 15. Twenty-one Sols Piece, 1710. Obverfe. Reverfe. RESPUBLIC' GENEVENS' -17 10- Ornamented fhleld ; arms of Geneva, with creft of eight rays and eight flames. Within ornamented border POST TENEBRAS LUX 21 Above, fun, infcribed, of 14. fheaves and 14. forked rays; on either fide, palm. Wt. 46 grammes. & \-\. 16. 1714. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS • I Similar type; no palms; fun with Same : var. on either fide of creft fheaves. 17 14; beneath (hield, -iP- -D- ^, I. P. D. Mint-mafter, Jean Pierre Du Roveray. 17- 1715. 18. 1720. Same : var. no letters beneath. Same: var. 21 in the border. A. 19. 1721, M. I. This coin was ftruck as the fixth of the Ecu when the latter was worth 10 florins 6 fols (or 126 fois) in 1 710, 1 1, 14, 15, 20, and 21 ; and its half, the loA fols in 1714. 1715- They were equal, refpeftively, to 10 and 5 fols current. (Blavignac pp. 86, 87.) ' 20. Florin, or Huitain, containing 12 Sols, of' 1602. GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1602 ■ POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • (mm. Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, two- cinquefoil.) headed imperial eagle. POVR •xir SOLS Wt. 3*9 grammes. j&. i. Geneva, 191 Obverfe. 21. 1603. Same : var. ftop i Reverfe. Same ; mm, quatrefoil faltirewife. ^. 22, 23. 1624. Same: var. mm. quatrefoil faltirewife • POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX ■ G R after which point • ; points 2, 3, cinque- Imperial eagle, crowned, foils ; 4, point • 1 Arms of Geneva. j Wt, 3 "4 grammes. J&. G. R. Mint-mafters, Jean Richard and Fran9ois Grenu. 3*5 24. Same. Var. R G R. G. Same Mint-mafters. Wt. 3'2 grammes. yR 95 25-27. 1654. GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1654 m ' POST • TENEBRAS • LVX ■ Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, im- POVR perial eagle, " XII ' SOLS Wt, 2*5 grammes, jr -g. Mon, A. B. Mint-mafters, Auguftin Bacuet and Auguftin Binet. As in the cafe of the Quarter-ecu all the coins of this clafs are not divifions of the Ecu. The pieces of 1602, 1603, and 1654 are multiples of the fol, or florins, the Ecu at the firft and fecond dates having been worth 8 florins 6 fols (Haller, ii. p.214), and at the laft date 10 florins. It is only the piece of 1624 in this colleftlon which is an eighth of the Ecu and a florin, for at that date the Ecu flood at 8 florins. (Bla- vignac, p. 83.) ^^^^ 28, 29. Ten and a half Sols Piece, 1714. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS- Ornamented flileld ; arms of Geneva ; above, creft, infcribed, of eight rays and eight flames, between 17 145 beneath, •I'P- -D- Within ornamented border, POST TENEBRAS LUX 10 Above, creft, infcribed, with (heaves. Wt, 2'3 grammes, m "85. I, P, D, Mint-mafter, Jean Pierre Du Roveray, 192 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife. 30-32. 1715. Reverfe. Same : var. no point before firft Same, initial. See the note on the 21 fol pieces, after no. 19 above. iR. 33- Seizain, or Six-sols Piece, of 1602. GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1602 Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. • POST • TENEBRAS ' LVX • (mm. cinquefoil.) POVR ■ SIX- SOLS Wt. 1-9 gramme. M "9. M. Blavignac qualifies as feizains or fix-fols d'argent pieces of 1602, 3, 7, 10, 11, and 24. Cf. p. 86. The fix-fols of 1633, 4, 8, 9, 40, 41, 42, 78, 89, 1722, &c., he clafles among billon coins (pp. 81, 82). The coin could only be exactly a feizain when the ecu was worth 8fl. ; in 1602 it flood at 8fl. 6s. 34- Six-sols, 1639. GENEVA • CIVITAS ■ 1639 POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX • G • B • (mm. and flops, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, vi-s Mint-mafters, Bacuet and Gainier. (mm. between initials, cinquefoil.) Ornamented crofs (croix cercelee). Wt. 2*2 grammes, jr. "95. 35- 1678. Same : var. -vi-s- Same : var. after motto, A. ; flops, cinquefoils. Mon A. E. Mint-mafter, Andre Emery. See no 159. A. 36, 37- 1765. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS- (ftop, annulet.) Ornamented ftiield ; arms of Geneva ; creft infcribed. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1765 (ftops, annulets.) SIX Within ornamented oval, oqi o (be- neath, mm, cinquefoil.) Wt. 2*7 grammes. Bil. Geneva. 193 Obverfe. Similar : ftop, ordinary. I. G. Mint-mafter, Jacques Greffet. 38-40. 1776, Reverfe. Similar: var. for mm. initials l-G ; flops as obv. Bil. 41. Same : var. letters in crelt, retrograde. Same. Bil 42, 43- 1791. Similar, without error. P. B. Mint-mafter, Paul Binet. Similar : var. p-b Bil. 44. Eight-sols Piece, 1610. • GENEVA ■ CIVITAS • 1610 ■ Shield J arms of Geneva, with creft. POST • TENEBRAS • LUX • D (mm. clnquefoil ; ftop 3 fame.) POVR VIM SOLS Wt. 2'6 grammes, jr '95. D. Mint-mafter, Jacques Danfle. M. Blavignac dates his death 161 1, but gives no other particulars but that his predeceflbr was in office in January 1610. In 1610, eight-fols and four-fols were ftruclc in filver, in 1603, 1604, (and 1607, fee below, no. 63) three-fols, and in 1609, 1610, two-fols, the laft being unknown to M. Blavignac in any colle6lion (p. 86) : thefe were divifions, ^^ ^, ^, and ^^j of ^^e Ecu of eight florins, or ninety-fix fols. 45, 46. FouR-soLs Piece, 1610. • GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1610 ■ POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • D • Shield ; arms of Geneva, creft with POVR four rays and four flames. II "11 SOLS Wt. I '4 gramme. JS. •75. •8. "Dt Mint-mafter, Jacques Danfle. See note after no. 44. s. c. N 194 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 47- Three-sols Piece, 1557. Obverfe. Reverfe. : . : GENEVA : - : CI VITAS (mm. and flop, quatrefoil, between colons.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, -iSfz- POST • TENEBRAS • LVX lEJ (mm. E between flames; flops, quatrefoils.) Crofs a baluftre, within quatrefoil border, having fleurs-de-lis at cufps. (Crofs of Blavignac, pi. v. 8, flightly varied.) Wt. 3"7 grammes. Bil. i"i. E, Mint-mafter unknown to M, Blavignac j between F. D. Berthelier and C. Goulaz, 47a 1558- Same. PCS! ■ TENEBRAS • LVX • G • (ftops I, 2, quatrefoils.) Wt. 3 '4 grammes. Bil. G. Mint-mafter, Charles Goulaz ? according to M. Blavignac, from 1559. 48. 1561. Same. P. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac. POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • P (mm. and ftops, quatrefoils.) Wt. 4 grammes. Bil, 49- 1562. Same : var. quatrefoils faltirewife be- tween colons ; date without points. Same : var. ftops, quatrefoils faltire- wife. Wt. 4*3 grammes. Bil. i • 05. 50. Var. date larger. Same. Bil. 51,52- 1563. Same : var. date with points. Same. Bil. Geneva. 195 Obverfe. Same. G. Mint-mafter, Charles Goulaz. 53- 1564. Reverfe. Same : var. after motto, G j mm, and ftops, cinquefoils. Bil. 54- ICO i^i- 55- 56. 1567. 57- 1568. I 58. 1569. Bil. I. 59- 1570- 60, 61. 1589, • GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1589 • POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • C • G (flops, cinquefoils.) Crofs a baluftre, within quatrefoil Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, mm, border, having fleurs-de-lis at cufps. quatrefoil faltirewife,between points. (Crofs of Blavignac, pi. v. 9.) Wt. 3 • 6 grammes. Bil. 3*4 C. G. Mint-mafters, Jean Chenu and Jean Gringallet. M. Blavignac inverts this order. 62. 1592. N 2 196 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 62a 1604. Reverfe. • • • GENEVA- CIVITAS (mm. quatrefoil faltirewife, between points.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, 1 604. • POST TENEBRAS • LVX (mm. as obv. followed by point.) POVR -MI- SOLS Wt. '9 gr. M -65, 63. 1607. GENEVA ■ CIVITAS ■ 1607 Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. Same : var. mm. quatrefoil faltirewife, between points. Wt. I gramme. M "75. This iflue of the trois-fols in filver is unknown to M. Blavignac. (p. 86.") 64, 65. 1619. • GENEVA- CIVITAS- 1619 (points, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, mm. cinquefoil. • POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX • NP • G Crofs a baluftre, within quatrefoil border, having fleurs-de-lis at cufps. Wt. 2-3 grammes. Bil. '95. N. P, G. Mint-mafter, Nicholas and Pierre Girard dit Guerre. 66. 1633. Same. Var. after motto P^. Crofs a baluftre no border. Bil. Mon. P. M. Mint-mafter, Pierre de Murier. — 67, 68. 1634. Var. border. Wt . ^' grammes. Bil. 69. 1638. Same. B. G. Mint-mafters, Bacuet and Gainier Same : var. after motto, B ' G (point cinquefoil). Bil. -eneva. 197 Obverfe. 70. Reverfe. Same : var. point 2 • * • uncertain obje6t, cinquefoil, and fmall cinquefoil, G. B. See preceding. Same : var. point 2 cinquefoil. Same ; var. G • B (point cinquefoil). Bil. 1639. di Same : infer, blundered by flipping of le. Bil. 72, 73- 1640. Wt. 2*3 grammes. Bil. Same. 74- Same : var. B ■ G (point cinquefoil). Bil. Same. 16 Sarde and Deneria. 76. 41. Same : var. D • S (point cinquefoil). Bil. 7 16. 7- 1-3 • ' Same : var, nothing above fliield. Same. 78. 1644. Same. B ? Mint-mafter, Auguftin Bacuet ? Var. B ? Bil. '9. Bil. X98 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 79. 1645. Reverfe. Same. Var. B Bil. 80. 1689. ■ RESPVB ■ GENEVEN ■ 16 89 (mm, between words, cinquefoil ; points, diamonds.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. • POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX • S^a (points, ftars of fix points.) Crofs a baluftre, within quatrefoil border, having fleurs-de-lis at cufps. Bil. S. Gr. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac. 81. 1764. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS . Shield ; arms of Geneva, with creft. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1764 Same type varied j dots in place of fleur-de-lis ornaments. Wt. i'9 gramme. Bil. "85. 82, 83. I79I' Same : point namented. ; fhield flightly or- Same : var. p • 1791 • b P. B. Mint-mafter, Paul Binet. Bil. 84-86. Sol-Six-Denters, Six-Quarts, or Dix-huit-Deniers, of 1594 GENEVA • CIVITAS ■ 1594 Arms of Geneva ; above, two-headed imperial eagle. ■ POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • G Crofs a baluftre. Wt. i'9 gramme. Bil. 85. G. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac } poflibly Jean Gringallet, joint mafter at dates fhortly before (1588, 1590). G eneva. 199 87. 1634. Obverfe. Revevfe. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil, between points. No creft. Mon. Mint-mafter, Pierre de Murier ? Same : var. • f^ ? Crofs a baluftre, anglee of flames. Wt, I '4 gramme. Bil. 75. 88-90. 1678. Same : var. 4 points, fixfoils ; creft, two-headed imperial eagle. I. E. Mint-mafter, Jean Emery. Same : var. I • E ; points i, 2, 3,4, fame as obv. j fame type. Bil. 91. 1766. RESPUBLIC • GENEVENSIS Irregular Ihield ; arms of Geneva, with creft, fun. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1766 Crofs a baluftre, ornamented with fleurons, making a kind of qua trefoil between limbs. Wt. 1*2 gramme. Bil. '75. 92, 93- Same flightly : , var. i^aried. laft letter s Type Same. Bil. Same. 94- 1776, Same. Bil. 95. Same : var. flop beneath laft letter. Same. Bil. 200 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 96, 97. Sol, or Gros, Sixteenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. • GENEVA • CI VITAS • (points, cinque- foils.) Shield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, two- headed imperial eagle. :• : POST • TENEBRAS ■ LVX (mm. ftar of fix points between colons.) Crofs fourchette. Wt. 1*5 gramme. Bil. '8 5. 14 -8. (97 mm. obfcure.) Same. 98. Var. mm. •• : (point, ftar, colon.) Wt. I "6 gramme. Bil. Same type. Same. FAS • 1550 99^ 15 100. 50. Var. 'mm. ftar of fix points between colons ; points colons. Bil. lOI. 1551. Var. mm. G : Wt. 1*9 gramme. Bil. Var. after date, • G. Mint-mafter, Henri Goulaz. 102-104. Bil Same. 105. 1552. Var, B (: B : , Bil, B. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac, unlefs Francois Daniel Berthelier, in office before 1555. Geneva. 20I Obverfe. Var. ftops I, 2 wanting. io6. 1553- Reverfe. Same : B Bil. Var. 4 points. 107. 1557- Var. [Ej (between flames.) E. Mint-mafter unknown to M. Blavignac, Bil. 108. 1559- Var. after date : (points i, 2 not vifible). G. Mint-mafter, Charles Goulaz. Var. : G : Bil. -8. 109. 1560. Var. flop 2 : beginning. 3 wanting ; no point at 1 Same. Bil. Var. flop I : 2 IIO. I570. Same. Bil. III. IS75- Var. ftops • Var. • G • ; all points, cinquefoils, 3 wanting. Bil. G. Mint-mafter, Charles Goulaz (jointly with Jean Roffet). 202 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 112. 1591- Forgery of the time. Reverfe. GENVINA Civil I IAS- 1591 1 Var. no mm. ; three pomts- . Same type. | ^' M. Blavignac thinks that the origin of extraordinary legends, like that of the obverfe of this coin, was that forgers efcaped part of the penalty of their crime when the imitation was not a complete copy of the original, (p. 364., 81, 170 note 2.) See the next no. and no, 195. "3- Another fpecimen, date not legible. Same ? var, point • after firft word, | Same ? This coin is partly effaced. m. 114. 1593- GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1593 Same type. Var. mm. • G • ; two other points. Wt. i'5 gramme, Bil. II5-II7. 1788. RESPUBLICA GENEVENSIS Arms of Geneva ; creft, fun, imin- fcribed. B. Mint-mafter, Paul Binet. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1788 Within ornamented border, UN SOL above, cinquefoil. 115 Wt. I'l gramme, js. -7. 116, 117 II Bil. '7. 118. Parpaillot, 1557. (This coin is alfo called Parpayole, Perpillole, or Parpillot.) GENEVA : CIVITAS : 1557 (mm. cinque- foil.) Shield ; arms of Geneva 5 within double trefoil border. G. Mint-mafler, Charles Goulaz .' POST TENE BRAS LVX-G Long crofs over double quatrefoll border. Wt. 1-3 gramme. Bil. -85. Geneva, 203 Obverfe. 119. 1559- Reverfe. Wt. i'5 gramme. Bil. 120. 1576. Var. mm. rofe ; flops Same, Var. mm, fmaller ; flop 2 : . Mon. G. C. Mint-mafters, Jean Gringa 121-123. 1590. Var, G let and Jean Chenu. 124, 125. 1592. I 126. Same. Var. G G. Probably Mint-mafter, Jean Gringallet. 127. Var. flop a Same. 128, 129. 1594. Bil. -8. Bil. 75. Bil. Bil. Bil. GENEVA • CIVITAS -1594 Arms of Geneva ; creft, two-headed imperial eagle. POST TENE BRAS LVX • G Long crofs over double quatrefoil border. Bil. 130. 131' 1595- I Bil. 204 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 132. 1599. Reverfe. Stop 2 not vifible. 133- 1612. 134. 1634. Mm. obfcure. 135- 1678. Bil. Bil. -7. Bil. •GENEVA • • • CIVITAS • 1678 (mm. between words, cinquefoil between points.) Arms of Geneva; in middle chief, cinquefoil. I. E. Mint-mafter, Jean Emery. • POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • I • E Crofs over double quatrefoil border ; in centre of crofs, cinquefoil. Bil. 136. Var. no points on either fide of mm. Var. points 2, 3, wanting ; no cinque- foil in centre. Bil. 137. Uncertain Date. Same. (Points and date not vifible.) Var. • POST* points 3, omitted, 4, 5, not vifible. Bil. 138. 1708. GENEUA RESPUB- in ex. of border, 1708 Arms of Geneva. I. M. Mint-mafter, Jacques Marcet. • POST TENE . BRA LUX -I'M (fic) Crofs pattee within quatrefoil border. Wt. '9 gr. Bil. -65. reneva. 205 Obverfe. 139- 1715. Reverfe. RESPUBL. GENEVEN. i-p-d- • 1715 Ornamented irregular ihield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. POST [TE]NE BRAS LUX Ornamented irregular crofs ; in centre, fun raylefs, infcribed. Bil. I. P. D. Mint-mafter, Jean-Pierre du Roveray. 140. 1730. RESPUBL GENEVEN- 17 30 Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. POST TENEBRAS LUX -p-a-c- Two-headed imperial eagle; crown clofed. Bil. P. A. C. Mint-mafter, Pierre- Antoine Collavin. 141-143. 1775- Var. after firft word • ; no date. (In one, eagle crowned.) Var. inftead of mint-mafter's initials, 1775 Bil. 7. 144. 1785. Var. point • at beginning of infer. ; fun, infcribed. Var. point • at beginning of infer. ; date 17 85 Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. •65. 145-147- HuiT Deniers, 1617. • ■ GENEVA • CIVITAS ■ 1617 (mm. cinquefoil between points.) Shield ; arms of Geneva. POST • TENEBRAS • LVX (mm. fame as obv.) POVR VIM DEN: Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. '7. 2o6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 148. i6zo. Obverfe. Reverfe. Bil. -75. 149, 150. Six Deniers, Demi-Sol, or Deux-Quarts, of 1597. GENEVA ■ CI VITAS Shield; arms of Geneva ; above, 1597, above which, mm. quatrefoil faltirewife between points. G. Mint-mafter, Jean Gringallet ? • POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • G Sun, infcribed, flaming, upon crofs fourchy. Wt. I gramme. Bil. '7. 151. 1598. (s- not vifible.) Bil. 152. 1618. (Mm. and flop not vifible.) I Var. - ^f • G N. P. G. Nicolas and Pierre Girard dit Guerre. Bil. 153- 1645. Var. mm. cinquefoil between points. I Var. • B (only.) B. Mint-mafter, Auguftin'Bacuet. Bil. 1545 155- 1651. Var. • M Bil. M. Mint-mafter, Jean Muflard, whofe term of office, according to M. Blavignac, ended at the clofe of 1650, Geneva. 207 Obverfe, 156. 1652. Reverfe. (Mint-letter and points i, 4 not vifible.) Bil. -65. 157, 158. 1674. Same. (No points vifible on either fide • POST* TEN EBRAS LVX-/E of mm.) SIX DE-Nl ERS Bil. -6. Mon. A. E. Mint-mafter, Andre Emery. 159. 1677. Same. (No mm. or flop vifible.) * POS[T' TE]NEBRAS LVX -/E Sun, infcribed, flaming, upon crofs fourchy. Bil. -65. Mon. A. E. Mint-mafter, Andre Emery, not known to M. Blavignac to have been in office after 1674. 160, 1687. Var. mm. crofs, on either fide of which flourifti ; beneath fhield, ornament divid- ing words ; no flop. I. E. Mint-mafter, Jean Emery. Var. • POST • I • E (point before LVX not vifible.) Bil. Var. three points, ftars of five points ; another above date. 161, 162. 1688. Var. points, i, 2, 3, 4, ftars of five rays. Bil. 2o8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 163. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. ftar of five points before date. Var. • • • ftar of five rays between points, at beginning of infcription TEBRAS for TENEBRAS . Bil. GENEVA RESPV- 1702 Shield ; arms of Geneva. I, E, Mint-mafter, Jean Emery. 164. 1702. • POST ■ [TEN]EBRAS ■ LVX ■ I ■ E Sun, infcribed, flaming, upon crofs fourchy. Bil. 165, 166. 1709. • RESPUBL- GENEVEN- 17 09 • POST TENEBRAS LUX • I ■ P- D Ornamented irregular (hield j arms of Sun, infcribed, flaming, upon crofs Geneva; creft, fun. fourchy. Bil. -6. I. P. D. Mint-mafter, Jean-Pierre du Roveray. 167. 1725. RESPUBLIC GENEVEN . (between words, obliteration.) Arms of Geneva; creft, fun. Between words point • POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1725 Same type. Bil. 168. 1726. Same. 169-171. 1729. 1 Bil. Bil. Geneva. 209 Obverfe. 172, 173. 1750. Reveife. Same. (Point 2 not vifible,) - G. MInt-mafter, Jean-Jacques Girod, Var. after date, • g j fun of thirty-two rays, infcribed. Bil. 174. 1754- RESPUBLIC ■ GENEVEN . Arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. •POST TENEBRAS LUX- 1754 Sun, infcribed, of fix rays and fix flames. Bil. 175-177. 1759- I 178. 1765- 179, 180. 1769. Bi Bil. Bil 181, 182. 1770. 183-186. 1776. I Bil Bil s. c. 2IO Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same. 187, 188. 1785. Reverfe. Var. iuiij infcribed, with feven lumi- nous (heaves. Bil. Same. 189-193. 1788. Var. fun, Infcribed, of eight rays and eight flames. Bil. 194. QUATRE DeNIERS, 1617. • ■ • GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1617 (mm. cinquefoil between points.) Shield ; arms of Geneva, POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX (mm. fame as obv.) POVR • II • II ■ DEN: •7 gr. Bil. '6. 195. Quart of the Sixteenth Century, a Forgery of the Time. ■ GEVENA • CIVITAS ■ {Sk. points clnquefoils.) Shield 5 arms of Geneva 5 creft, two- headed imperial eagle. See note to no. 112. ■ POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVCEM • G (points, I, 4, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy. •7 gr. Bil. 7. 196, 197. • GENEVA • CIVITAS • (points as laft.) Same type. Infcription of ro. 197 partly effaced. • POST ■ TENEBRAS • LVX • G (points, cinquefoils.) Same type. •8 gr. Bil. G eneva. 211 Obverfe. Var. points i : 2, 3 Same. 198. Reverfe. Var. ponits • (none at begmnmg;. Bil. 199. Var. mm. ftar of fix points, followed by : inftead of G. Bil. 200. 1553- GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1553 : Same type. G. Mint-mafter, Henri Goulaz or A. Gervais Var. mm. g (: G :) ; points 4, : . Bil -6 201. 15 Points I, 2 • ,3 wanting. 95- Var. mm. points, 4 • . cinquefoil between points; BU. 202-205. 15 Same. 96. Var. mm. G between points. Bil. G. Mint-mafter, Jean Gringallet ? 206. 1598- Infcriptionobfcure from double ftriking. | Same. Bil. 207. 1599 Bil. o z 212 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 208. Maille, or Two Deniers. Arms of Geneva. Reverie. • • • POVR • DEVX ■ DENIERS (mm. cinquefoil between points.) I- I (beneath, cinquefoil.) i'8 gramme. JE "j. 209. Denier, Sixteenth Century. ■POST TENEBRAS EM DEVS (incencre) PVGNA RO'NOBIS- Shield; arms of Geneva. | Bil. "j. (Badly ftruck and a portion wanting.) 210, 211. Denier ? of 1601. • • GENEVA • CIVITAS • 1601 (mm. cinquefoil between points.) Arms of Geneva. • ■ POST ■ TENEBRAS- LVX (mm. fame as obv.) Crofs a baluftre. •9 gr. Bil. -65. Arms of Geneva. 212, 213. Denier. POVR ■ VN • DENIER (mm. cinquefoil.) I I" gramme. R. "6. 214. PiTE OR PouGEOISE. — BraCTEATE. Sun, on which arms of Geneva. •15 gr. Bil. -5. The monetary fyftem of the florin, of which the 576th part and fmalleft divifion was the pite, the half of the obole, and the fourth of the denier, was, as already ftated, adopted by Geneva in 1535. (Blavig- nac, pp. 74, 75.) The fmaller denominations (the obole and pite) were Geneva. 213 given up at a later time, apparently very foon. They were bracteates. Only three fpecimcns were known to M. Blavignac, an obole in the Mufeum of Geneva, a pite in the colle6lion of M. Revilliod-Faefch, and another fpecimen (of the latter ? ) at Zurich. One of thefe he engraves, but docs not fpecify its denomination. The Townfhend fpecimen, which from its weight can only be a pite, as it weighs the fourth of the broken and confequently deficient early denier in this colle£lion, is of exactly the fame fize as that engraved by M. Blavignac, and we may therefore conclude the latter to be of the fame denomination, and to be the fpecimen of M. Revilliod-f'aefch at Geneva. M, Blavignac thinks that thefe bradteates were probably ftruck in the firft half of the fixteenth century, (pp. 75, 76, 15, Expl. des. PI. p. i, pi. ii. no. 7.) The arms of Geneva appear as early as 1449, (p. 36, pi. viii.,) at leaft in their modern form, (Mittheil. Ant. Ges. Zurich, xiii., p. 72,) but it is held that the city had no independent coinage until 1535. It may indeed be doubted whether the civic authorities did not ifTue money, intermittently, fomewhat earlier, but it cannot be fhown that they ufed any type of their own. (Blavignac, p. 74, note b.) SYSTEM OF THE GENEVOISE. 215, 216. Pattern for Genevoise of 1794. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONNOYE REVOLUTIONNAIRE . 19 . JUILLET.1794. Within two ears of barley, the ftalks bound with riband, XII F LORINS FRUIT DU TRAVAIL. REPUBLIQUE GENEVOISE. The Republic, wearing turreted head- drefs, head turned to right, leaning on column fculptured with meridian, and placing left hand on cap of liberty fur- mounting fafces; on left, eagle, and refting againft column, book and hour-glafs; on right, rifing fun, rays extending over field ; in ex., EGALITE ■ LIBERTE INDEPENDAN CE. ' ^ i"6. Thefe two fpecimens differ only in the colours of the metal, one being of copper, and the other of brafs. They were patterns firft chofen for the Genevoife in 1794, but fubfequently rejefted, and never iflued. M. Blavignac has the following note upon them : — " Le coin des premieres genevoifes, adopte par la Commiffion des Monnaies et decrit dans fon rapport du 19 juillet 1794, porte ' fur la face une figure qui reprefente L'AN 'III . DE L'EGALITE 214 Catalogue of Swifs Coins » la Republique Tappuyant fur une colonne qui poite un meridien et tenant un faifceau, fymbole de Tunion 5 derriere elle eft un foleil levant. Dans la legende on lit, REPUBLiguE GENEVoiSE ; dans Texergue, egalite, liberte, independance ; fur le revers, xii florins ; au-deffous, prix du travail, et dans la legende, MONNOYE REVOLUTIONNAIRE, I9 JUILLET 1794, L'aN 3'' DE L'eGALITE.' Les mots monnoye revolutionnaire furent juges deplaces fur cette piece, et Ton renon^a a ce coin pour prendre celui des genevoifes que nous avonsdecrit ci-defTus.'" — Armorial Genevois, p. 65, note i. The miftake in the tranfcription of the legend of the reverfe is caufed by the fimilarity of the phrafe " fruit du travail " to " prix du travail," occurring on the Genevoife as fubfequently adopted which fuperfeded that projefted in this pattern. See below, no, 217. 217. Genevoise, 1794. Obverfe. Reverfe. REPUBLIQUE GENEVOISE Head of Geneva, to left, turreted ; in ex. EGALITE LIBERTE INDEPENDANCE T- B- APRES LES TENEBRES LA LUMI ERE PRIX DU TRAVAIL. L'ANN III • DE L'EGALITE 1794 On either fide, ear of barley curved inwards. ^t- 30*5 grammes, js. 1*55. T. B, Engraver, Theodore Bonneton. 2 1 8-2 209-. Dj^CIME, 1794. APRES LES TENEBRES LA LUMI ERE Eagle, head to left, wings open, on key, within oak-wreath ; beneath, w . W. Engraver, Charles Wielandy, EGALITE LIBERTE INDEPEN DANCE 1794 DECIME L'OISIVETE EST UN VOL Above, bee ; beneath laft word, flower, on either fide of which, bee. Wt- 3'4 grammes, js. '95. Geneva. 215 Obveife. 221, 221^. Ml-D^CIME, 1794. Reverfe. TRAVAILLE ET ECONOMISE Hive ; beneath, two bees and GENEVE 1794 LES HEURES SONT DESTRESORS Clock-face marked with the hours, within which, CINQ CENTIMES L'AN III- DE L'EGALITE Beneath, T'B Wt. a"7 grammes. JS. "9. By Bonneton, 222. Gros-ecu, 1795. POST -TENEBRAS- LUX -7 1795 6 1 ■ GENEVE - REPUBLIQUE - L'AN-IV (points, clnquefoils.) DE'L'EGALITE (points i, 3, clnquefoils.) Sun with 24 (heaves, infcribed XII. FLORINS IX SOLS. By Bonneton. Within oak-wreath, round fhield ; arms of Geneva, eagle's wing drooping, field with colours. M 1-6. 223. 1796. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • XU FLORINS 1796. IX SOLS, (points i, 2, clnquefoils ; names of denoms. fmaller.) Sun with 24fheaves, infcribed iHS. (Be- neath monogram, cinquefoil.) Var. L'AN V ' DE L'EGALITE (clnquefoils larger ; point 2 wanting.) Eagle's wing raifed. A. POST - TENEBRAS ■ LUX ■ (points, clnquefoils.) Sun with 24 flieaves, infcribed VI. FLORINS IV.s V|D W By Wielandy. 224. Half-]6cu. [1795- 1795 ■ GENEVE- REPUBLIQUE- L'AN-IV DE-L'EGALITE (points fame as obv.) Within oak-wreath, arms of Geneva, eagle's wing drooping, field with colours. IE 1-3. 2l6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 225-227. Fifteen Sols, 1794. Reverfe, POST TENEBRAS LUX 1794 Eagle, head to left, wings open, on key, within oak-wreath. By Wielandy. • EGALITE • LIBERTE ■ INDEPEN DANCE ■ W [points, cinquefoils.) 15 Sun with 18 fheaves, infcribed SOLS (beneath, cinquefoil.) Wt. 3'4. grammes, jr. "95. 228. Six Sols, 1796. GENEVE REPUBLIQUE L'AN IV POST TENEBRAS LUX 1796 DE LEGALITr- Arms of republic, eagle with droop- ing wing. Within oak-wreath, SIX SOLS Bil. I. 229. 1797. Var. • GENEVE REPUBLIQUE ■ L'AN 6 DE L'EGALITE; eagle with raifed wing. Same. Bil. 230. Same : var. 6- and details of Var. at either end of infer., cinquefoil, arms. 2 before date. Bil. 231-233- Three Sols, 1795. • GENEVE REPUBLIQUE • L'AN IV- , • POST • TENEBRAS ■ LUX • 1795 DE L'EGALITE | (points cinquefoils.) Within oak- wreath, TROIS SOLS Bil. -85. Arms of Geneva. Var. 7 : points, pellets (3 wanting.) 234- 1798- Points, pellets. Bil. Geneva. 217 Obverfe. 235- Sol six deniers, 1795. Reverfe. ■ GENEVE REPUB ■ L'AN 4 • DE L'EGALITE Arms of Geneva, eagle's wing droop- ing. • POST TENEBRAS LUX- 1795 (points, clnquefoils.) Within oak-wreath, I • SOL SIX- D Bil. -75. • GENEVE REPUB • L'AN 4 • DE L'EGAL Arms of Geneva, eagle's wing droop- ing. 236, 237. Six Deniers, 1795- POST TENEBRAS LUX 1795 Within oak-wreath, SIX D. Bil. -6. GENEVA UNDER FRANCE. 238. Decime, i799> 1800. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE ■ • (mm. Within oak-wreath. after ftop, ftar of five points.) Buft of republic, to left, wearing Phry- gian bonnet ; beneath, Dupre. UN DECIME- L'AN 8 ■ G (on either fide of line 3, Minerva and lion.) JS., 1*25. Same. 239- 1800, 1801. Var. 9 JE. 2l8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 240. Five Centimes, i799» 1800. Obverfe, Reverfe. Same, Within oak-wreath, CINQ CENTIMES' L'AN 8- G (beneath line 3, far apart, Minerva and lion.) m. I'l. 241. 1800, 1801. Var. 9 . M. Same. As already ftated (p 182) the French, during their domination, ftruck their own money at Geneva, from 1799-1800 to 1805. The coins bearing the dates of the years 8, 9, or 1 799-1800, 1 800-1 801, have the Hon as mm., the mint of Geneva having then been under that of Lyons. The later ones have the trout as mm. of Geneva. CANTON. OLD SYSTEM RESTORED. 242-244. Sol Six Deniers, 1817. REP : ET CANTON DE GENEVE 1 • POST TENEBRAS LUX ■ IS17 (points Shield } arms of Geneva, field with colours ; creft, fun. cinquefoils.) UN SOL 6 D : H above which, barley-plant with three ears. •Bil. 75- 245, 246. 1825. Var. point, full flop. Shield different in form, and without colours. Var. 1825 ; points, fevenfoils. 1 SOL 6D. Bil. Geneva, 219 Obverfe. 247-249. Sol, 1817/ Reverfe, REP : ET CANTON DE GENEVE Within dotted circle, fhield ; arms of Geneva, field with colours ; above (in border) fun, uninfcribed. ■ POST TENEBRAS LUX • 1§17 Within ornamented border, UN SOL H above which, cinquefoil. BIl. -7. 250-252. Same : var. circle plain ; field without colours. 1819. Var. 1819 ; plain circle, no border within. UN SOL Bil. 253-255< 1825. Var. point . ; no circle ; fhield dif- ferent in form. Var, no line. Bil. 256-260. 1833- I Bil. -65. 261. Six Deniers, 1817. REP : ET CANTON DE GENEVE Arms of Geneva, field with colours ; creft, eye radiate. • POST TENEBRAS LUX • I817 ■ (points, ftars of five points.) Within ornamented border, 6- D H above which, cinquefoil. Bil. '6s. 2 20 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 262-264. Obverfe. 1819. Reverfe. Same : var. field without colours. Same: var. 1819 5 plain border within. SIX D. circle, no Bil. -6. 265, 266. Same. Same : var. points i, 2 • . Bil. 267. 1825. Var. point . j creft, fiin uninfcribed. I Same. BU. 268-271. 1833. Bil (No. 271 is enamelled, but the colours of the arms are not correft in the dexter half.) DECIMAL SYSTEM RESTORED. 272. Ten Francs, 1848. • POST ■ TENEBRAS • LUX • Shield ; arms of Geneva'; creft, fun. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE Within wreath of oak and laurel, 10 FRANCS 1848 beneath wreath, fixfoil, on either fide of which, ANT. BOVY . /R 1*9. Geneva. 221 Obverfe. 273- 1851. Reverfe. A. 274. Five Francs, 1848. ■ POST ■ TENEBRAS ■ LUX • Shield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE Within laurel-wreath, 5 FRANCS 1848 beneath wreath, ant. bovy , between which words, quatrefoil. A i"5. 275-278. Twenty-five Centimes, 1859. POST • TENE- -BRAS ■ LUX • (mm. quatrefoil faltlrewUe.) Arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. REP -ET CANT- DE GENEVE 25 CENTIMES 1839 Bil. I. 279. 1844. Bi 280. 1S4-. POST TENE- -BRAS LUX Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of Geneva; creft, fun ; beneath, a. b. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE (mm. quatrefoil.) 25 CENTIMES 1847 Bil. 222 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 281, 282. Ten Centimes, 1839, Obveife, Reverfe. POST • TENE- -BRAS- LUX • (mm. quatrefoil faltirewlfe.) Arms of Geneva j creft, fun. REP ■ ET CANT- DE GENEVE 10 CENTIMES 1839, Bil. -85. 283, 284. 1844. 1 Bil, 285-289. 1847. POST TENE- -BRAS LUX Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, fun ; beneath, a. b. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE - (mm. quatrefoil.) 10 CENTIMES 1847 Bil. 290-292. Five Centimes, 1840. POST - TENE- -BRAS - LUX • (mm. quatrefoil faltirewlfe.) Arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. REP - ET CANT- DE GENEVE 5 CENTIMES 1840 Bil. -75. 293-297 1847. POST TENE- -BRAS LUX Ornamented irregular ftiield 5 arms of Geneva ; creft, fun ; beneath, a. b. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE (mm. quatrefoil.) 5 CENTIMES 1847 Bil. Geneva. 223 Obverfe. 298-302. Four Centimes, 1839. Reverfe, ■ POST ■ TENE- -BRAS ■ LUX- (mm. quatrefoil faltirewife.) Arms of Geneva 5 creft, fun. REP ■ ET CANT • DE GENEVE 4 CENTIMES 1839 Bil. 7. 303- Pattern for Two Centimes of 1838. POST TENE- -BRAS LUX (mm. quatrefoil faltirewife.) Anns of Geneva ; creft, fun, unin- fcribed. R: 2 C : CENTIMES 1838 GENEVE Lines 1 and 4 curved to form broken circle. Bil. 65. • POST ■ TENE- -BRAS • LUX • (mm. quatrefoil faltirewife.) Arms of Geneva ; creft, fun. 304-307- 1839. REP - ET CANT - DE GENEVE 2 CENTIMES 1839 EiJ. Same. 308-312. Centime, 1839. Var. 1 CENTIME 3i3> 314. 1840. 1 Bil. -55. Bil. 224 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 315-317- 1844. 1 Bil. 318. 1846. 1 Bil. 3i9> 320- 1847. POST TENE- -BRAS LUX Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE 'GENEVE (mm. cinquefoil.) Geneva ; creft, iun ; beneath, a. b. 1 CENTIME 1847 Bil. -65. MONEY OF NECESSITY. 1590. The Council of the Republic of Geneva decreed on the 8th of June 1590 the ftriking of copper coins for the payment of troops en- gaged in the war with Savoy : they were bought in at a later time. Of this currency there are florins, fix-fols, and fols, all dated. M. Blavignac thinks that the deniers and mailles (he has accidentally written forts) of copper, without date, appear to have been ftruck at the fame time. The two clafTes differ, however, in metal, general characfter and infcrip- tion, fufRciently to make this doubtful, and I have therefore not included the undated in the prefent group. M. Blavignac is almofl juftified in calling the coins of 1590 obfidional, for at the time when they were ftruck the refources of the State had been completely exhaufted by the coft of the alliance with the French againft Savoy, and the Council did not come to the refolution of ftriking copper money until it had borrowed the plate of fubjeds, had calculated the worth of obje6ls of value in the city, and had even attempted to ufe alchemy. (Blavignac, p. 92-94.) From this it would appear that though the Republic had ventured to ftrike very bafe billon, it had fcruples as to the entire abandonment of the precious ingredient. Geneva, 225 321-323- Florin, or Twelve-sols, 1590. Obverfe. Reverfe. Sun of eight flames, on which, fhield ; arms of Geneva ; between each flame, pointing inwards, complicated fleur-de- lis ornament. • P- XII ■ • SOLS • POVR • LES SOLDATS • DE GENEVE • 1590' (points, 4, 5, cinquefoils.) JE I"2. Var. no ornaments. 324-327- Six-sols, 1590. I Var. firft line, -SIX' JE 1'0$. Same. 328-331. Sol, 1590. I Var. -P-VN- 2E -85. MEDALS. History of Republic and Canton. I, 2. Calvin, 164.1. lOANNES CALVIN US PICARD : NOVIODUN : ECCLES : GENEV : PASTOR, (laft point, cinquefoil.) Within ornamented border of many- foils, buft of Calvin to right in cap and furred gown ; on edge, -1641 • so- DOCTRINA & VIRTUS HOMINES POST FUNERA CLARAT. (point, cinquefoil.) An angel, facing, head to right, blow- ing a trumpet ; in his left hand a book infcribed Do6lrina, his left foot on a (lone infcribed virtus, and, at fide, . s D • on either fide of figure, rofe-tree and olive. M Z'Z. M (gilt) 2-15. By S. Dadler (Haller ii. p. 462). Both Haller (i. p. 103, no. 171) and Blavignac (p. 340, no. 1 50) incorreflly defcribe the angel as Fame. JOANNES CALVINVS . M Similar buft to right. PI, 17. s. c. 2 26 Catalogue of S-wifs Coins. Obverl'e. 4- 1749. Reverie. View of Geneva : in foreground, the Lake, on which is a flotilla ; in clouds, irregular ihield, arms of City, fin. half field with colour ; on either fide, garland ; above, crell infcribed, from behind which extends on either fide riband infcribed POST TENE- -BRAS LUX ; in exergue, RESPUBLICA GENEVENSis. , beneath which, crolTed palm-branches; above, lEAN DASSIER F . HAEC OTIA FECIT ■ Religion feated on bale, wearing veil from which rifes flame, right arm relling on book fupported by bafe ; on riglit, bov holding pole on which cap of liberty, and another, winged, occupied with bale of raerchandife ; on left, another, winged, ftud\-ing globe, and a fourth, not winged, occupied with clock-machinery ; in the background, hilly landlcape, and, on either fide, a lofty rock; on right, reclining female figure with urn infcribed arv (Arve), whence flows waterfall ; on left, reclining male figure, urn infcribed rhod (Rhodanus) ; in exergue, EVANG • REFORM • ACCEP • AN • MDXXXV • NUM • CUSUS AN • 1 749 (laft line curved downwards.) S. 2-7. Engraved bv Jean Dallier. The occafion on which this large medal was llruck appears to be unknown. (Haller, , p. 219, 220; Blavignac, p. 353, 354.) In honour of the Commissioners by the Representatives, 1767. Pattern. DECERNEE PAR LES CITOYENS VOUS VOYEZ LEUR DIT-IL L EFFET DE LA CONCORDE Fable of bundle of Iticks : old man and three fons ; in exergue, -j-c-f- (ex- treme points, cinquefoils.) ET BOURGEOIS REPRESEN TANS A LEURS 24 COMMIS S AIRES (mm. cinquetbil.) J-F-DELUC M-CHAPPUIS-J-FURET J-DESARTS-A-J-PALLARD J-F-J-CASTANIER-A-JOLY F-DUROVERAY-J-CHEVRIER J-VIEUSSEUX'E-BONNET A-MELLY-F-H-DIVERNOIS L'VIGNIER-A-C-BERARD J-l_ANTELME-J-A-DELUC J-FLOURNOY-A-TERROUX J'A-THUILLIER'M-MAUDRY E-CLAVI ERE-A' F- BELLAMI J'BARDE GENEVE LE 21 NOV 1767 P). bronzed i-8. Geneva, 227 6. 1768, Obverfe. Same fubje6l : old man and fix fons ; on edge of exergue, • D • cochin ■ F . (points, trefoils); in exergue, pax nobis; around, rococo border, enclofing the in- fcription embleme de lunion que DIEU NOUS LA MINTIENNE (Jic) ; in border, 17 68 . By D. Cochin. This is a hollow medal of goldfmith's work Reverfe. Var. J- VIEUSSIEUX; after laft name D'COCHIN-F- in lift, trefoils^ 1768 (extreme points, Jfi 2*45. J . JAQUES ROUSSEAU . (between words ftar of fix points.) Buft to left ; beneath, t, b. By Theodore Bonneton. Rousseau, 1793. A J. J. ROUSSEAU PAR LE PEUPLE DE GENEVE . Column, on which buft, between pop- lars, &c. (the Roufleau monument at the Lycee de la Patrie) ; in exergue, LE 28-DECEMBRE L'aN 2.DE L'EGA 1793 & (gilt) 1-4. 8. Entry of Austrians into Geneva, 1813. (Medalet.) GENF BESETZT DURCH BUBNA D- 30 DECEMB 1813 GOTT SEGNETE DIE VEREIN IGTEN HEERE Vi6tory, flying to left, holding fword and wreath. J&. -6. P 2 2 2 8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. THIRD JUBILEE OF REFORMATION, 1835. 9, JO. The Great Medal. Obverfe. • JVBIL • REFORMAT * • RELIG • GENEV • TERT • • SEC • CELEBR • AUG ■ D • ■ XXIII ■ AN • MDCCCXXXV • (points, diamonds.) Four circles, each containing a buft : (l) lOHANNES CALVIN- Buft to right, wearing double cap and gown with fur collar; (2 on left) GVILELM FAREL • Buft, to right, with outer cap and gown with plain collar j (3, on right) petrvs viRET • Buft, to left, with double cap, gown with plain collar and fmall ruff ; (4) THEODORVS DEBEZE- Buft to left, with inner cap, gown with plain collar and fmall ruff. Within fpace left between circles, fliield, arms of Geneva, field with colours ; on riband above and partly round, post tenebras lvx In outer fpaces are feen columns of church with round arches, (points, diamonds.) By Antoine Bovy, Reverfe. BIBLIA FIDEI ET RATION! RESTI TVTA . A . BOVY INV ■ ETP . Two female figures (Faith and Reafon) holding between them an open Bible, in- fcribed ^^^^'^ with imitation of print, sacra' refting on ornamented Gothic ftand ; above, dove, from which defcend rays ; figure on left looks upwards to it ; in liber apertvs est exergue. QVi est vnjE. JS. 2*4. JE. 11, 12. Small Medal. POST TENEBRAS LUX Open Bible, Infcribed ^ ,with imita- 6IB LE tion of print, upon rays of fun, infcribed. 3? JUBILE DE LA REFORMATION GENEVE 23 AOUT 1835. js. 1*3. X. On thefe medals, three kinds of which were kv\ickyfee Blavignac, pp. 169, 324. Geneva. 229 13- In memory of those who fell in repulsing the Escalade de Geneve ; struck in 1840. Obverfe. Reverie. ■ SOUVENIR DU XII DECEMBRE MDCil • 1840 (points, cinquefoils.) Ornamented fliield, arms of Geneva ; above, fun ; on either fide and beneath, SI LE SEIG NEUR N'EUT • SON • PEUPLE ASISTE • C'EN • ETAIT FAIT • SANS • ESPOIR DE • RETOUR PS CXXIV (lowed line curved downwards). AUX CITOYENS MO RTS EN DE PENDANT LA PATRIE Ornamented fhield, upon which, J. CANAL L. BANDIERE J. VANDEL L GALLATIN P. GABRIOL M. CAMBIAGUE N. BOGUERET J. MERCIER G. MUZY above, fun, infcribed. A. BAPTISTA M. DEBOLD D. HUMBERT M. MONARD P. PORTIER F. BOUEZEL J. GUIGNET J. PETIT M. I. The Escalade de Geneve was an unfuccefsful attempt on the City by the Duke of Savoy, in 1602. 14. In HONOUR OF THE MAGISTRATES FROM THE RESTORATION OF InDEPEN DENCE TO 1842, STRUCK IN 1842. TEMPORIS ACT! MEMOR Within oak-wreath, City feated to left, on wall, holding oak-wreath in each hand j in back- ground. Lake and City of Geneva ; in exergue, ^^^f^^^^^^'^ (lower line curved downwards). By A. Bovy. HOMMAGE aux sindics et conseillers d'etat DE 1814 A 1842 W. 2'1. 15- Acceptance of New APRES LES TENEBRES LA LUMIERE View of Geneva and neighbourhood lighted by the rifmg fun ; in exergue, canton DE GENEVE regenere 1842 3 MARS 18 OCTOBRE 22 NOVEMBRE 1841 (laft line curved downwards) ; on band of exergue, m. coellner f. By M. Coellner. Constitution, 1842. CONSTITUTION GENEVOISE DE 1842 SUFFRAGE UNIVERSEL ELECTION PAR ARRONDISSEMENTS LIBERTE MUNICIPALE DROIT DE PETITION in exergue, ACCEPTEE PAR LE PEUPLE LE 7 JUIN 1842 /R I '4. 2^0 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. i6. In honour of the Baron de Grenus, struck by the Municipal Council in 1847. Obverfe. Reverfe, FRS TH^E L? BARON DE GRENUS A FAIT CETTE DONATION d'apres LE CONSEIL DE SON PERE ET EN MEMOIRE DE SES ANCETRES QUI EXER CERENT, AVEC LUSTRE, LES \^^:^^ DIGNITES DE LA REPUBLIQUE ET QUI FIRENT AUSSI HONNEUR A LA PATRIE GENEVOISE DANS LES ARMe'eS DE LOUIS XIV. JE 2'35. By Antoine Bovy. This medal was ftruck in gold for prefentation to the Baron de Grenus, and alfo in filver and copper. (Blavignac, pp. 330, 331.) HOMMAGE AU VRAI PATRIOTISM E City, wearing turreted crown, holding civic crown in right hand, and refting left on altar adorned with ornamented oval Ihield, arms of Geneva, creft, fun di- viding [PO]ST TENE BRAS LUX 5 On left of figure, baronial coronet and creft, three ears of barley, refting on cuftilon ; above, fcroll infcribed o dieu tu nous vois GRENUS; in field right, ANT- BOVY. in exergue, 400,000. fr'c* donnes en immeubles a la ville de geneve LE 7 MAI 1847. TiR of 1851, TIR FEDERAL DE GENEVE JUILLET MDCCCLl Ornamented ftiield, arms of Canton, field with colours, upon crofted mufkets ; creft, fun infcribed, acrofs rays, label, on which, post tenebras lux ; on either fide, branch of laurel and oak, forming wreath open above. By Dorciere. HELD AT Geneva. GENEVE CANTON SUISSE 1815 Half-draped female figure ftanding, facing, head turned to left, holding lau- rel-branch and refting hand on fhield, on rock, bearing arms (with creft) of Canton, above and hanging over which, flag, upon which Confederation-crofs ; behind. City; on left, rays of dorciere f . fun m exer gue. M 1*5. Geneva. 231 18. James Fazy, 1855. Obverfe. Reverfe. JAMES FAZY ^ CITOYEN DE GENEVE Buft to left ; beneath, a. bovy. DEUX FOIS SON PATRIOTISME AFFRANCHIT LE PAYS Within oak-wreath, EN 1846 IL CONQUIT NOS LIBERT^S. EN 1855 IL SAUVA l'industrie ET LE COMMERCE Beneath wreath, quatrefoil. IS. i*6. By Antoine Bovy. B. Medals and Badges of Volunteers. 19. MeDALET of the EXERCICE DE LA NAVIGATION. EXERCICE DE LA NAVIGATION Two dolphins meeting ; above, two ornamented fhields (i) per pale arg. and az, an anchor [fa.] the arms of the Exer- cice 5 (2) Geneva, fm. field with colour j above all, Confederation-crofs radiate. R '9. The command of the Lake of Geneva was in former times of great confequence to the Republic, and thus a naval corps was formed for the purpofe of manning its fmall veflels of war. (Blavignac, p. 147, feq., 339.) 20. ^ Fireman's Badge. Ornamented fhield, arms of Geneva, with colours. SERGENT DE . LA SERINGUE DE . SAINT GERMAIN (points, buds.) IE I •4. 232 Catalogue of Swifs Coi7is. C, School Medals. The College Prizes ( Prix du College) of the College of Geneva, which were inftituted in 1562, were changed from prefents of money to medals in 1616. Thefe medals, twenty-four in number, were ftruclc of two fizes, eight large and fixteen fmall, for diftribution to the fcholars and certain officers of the College. (Blavignac, p. 331.) 21. Large College Prize of Seventeenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. •SENAT'GENEV-SCHOLAST- PR/E*M-DED1T ■ (points, i, 3,4, 7, cinquefoils.) Shield, arms of Geneva; creft, fun of eight rays and eight flames. Engraved by Ifaac Royaume, 161 6 or i The allegorical fubje6l of the reverie, plained, is defcribed after M. Blavignac (1. all that is wrong in modern allegory. • LEX • DEI • SAPIAM • PRAESTAT • PARVVLIS • At the voice of Religion, going to left, whofe eyes are fixed on the clouds, in which appears the name Jehovah (in Hebrew) radiate, and who holds in both hands an open book, InftrucHon, before her, rifes from her tomb, and makes the milk of knowledge fpout from her breaft ; above the latter, a palm-tree ; in background, on right, a Gothic church and a tree. JS. i'6. 625. which could not otherwife have been ex- c). No better inftance could be given of 22, 23. Prize for Diligence, Eighteenth Century, Much-ornamented oval fhield, arms of City ; creft, fun of eight rays and eight flames, infcribed 5 on either fide of fliield, in ornaments, a palm-branch ; above, in label, POST tenebras lux-; beneath, in label, sen'Gen-pr^m-scho-d- Same infer, var. no point at begin- ning, lA . Same type, var. Palladian building in background without tree, and with colonnade ftretching towards left. JR. i'65. Geneva, 233 24. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : branches. details varied j no palm- Same infer, var. points, i, 5, want- ing. Same type ; no colonnade. JR I'3. Thefe medals, from dies engraved by^Domaine and Jean DafTier in 1711, 171 2, appear to have been originally intended for the Prize for Diligence, one of the lelTer prizes into which the old general prize became fubdivided (pp. 332, 333). 25. D. Miscellaneous. Medal of Society of Arts. Ornamented (hield, arms of Geneva, field with colours ; creft, infcribed ; on either fide, lavu'el-wreath tied beneath ; above all, label bearing post tenebras LUX ; beneath wreath, R . Within ornamented border, beneath. SOCIETE POUR L'AVAN CEMENT DES ARTS COMITE GENERAL j& (oftagonal) i*i. 26. Religious Medalet. Buft of the Saviour, to left, radiate j beneath, a. bovy f. AIMEZ-VOUS LES UNS LES AUTRES JE -95. By Antoine Bovy. Thefe medalets were iffued by M. Charles Hentfch in 1831, with Englifh infcrip- tion in 1839, Italian in a year not ftated, and German with a different revetfe- type in 1842. (Blavignac, p. 356). 234 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, I. Tickets. 27-29. Pass-ticket. Obverfe. ■JETON DE PASSAGE POUR UN PI ETON AUX PORTES DE LA VILLE DE GENEVE. -lO CENT. (points I, 3, quatrefoils.) Military figure. Handing, facing, wear- ing plumed hat and fword, refting right arm on Ihield bearing arms and creft of Canton, and with left holding halbert j in exergue, w . Reverfe. ■ REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE ^ GENEVE . • 10 CENT? (points i, 3, cinquefoils.) Ornamented fliield, arms of Geneva, field with colours 5 creft, infcribed. Carton (yellow) I'lS. :■ : POVR : ■ : LE : VIN (between colons, ftars of fix points.) Shield, arms of City. Wine-ticket. I • C (between letters, ftar of five points.) JE. (fquare, corners clipped) '8. Shield, arms of City. Ticket of uncertain use. Plain. IE (fquare) '65, F. Jeton. 32- James Fazy, 1859. LE DIABLE ME PROTEGE Buft to right, wearing hat and fpec- tacles. Within wreath of oak and laurel, 5 Fr. 1859 PI. 1-5. GENEVA OR GENEVOIS. Counts. HE Counts of Geneva, a very ancient line, fubjedl to the Bifhops of Geneva, became extinft in the male line on the death of Pope Clement VII. in 1394. The title then pafTed to the houfe of Thoire de Villars, but was fold in 1401 to the Count of Savoy. The pre- tenfion to the fovereignty of Geneva thus acquired was doubtlefs the origin of the term Genevois in place of Geneva, as the admiflion by the Genevefe of the latter would have been a dangerous conceflion to the houfe of Savoy. Jrms. — (i.) Arg., a bend az., between two lions rampant, of the fame ; adopted from thofe of the Duke of Zahringen, from whom Count Amadeus I. obtained fovereign rights in the middle of the twelfth century. (2.) Probably introduced by Amadeus II. as early as 1288, Checquy of nine panes, or and az. (d'or a quatre points equipolles d'azur). Obverfe. PETER. 1-3- Gros, (With Gothic letters.) Reverfe. PETRVS : CO GEBENES Within elongated quatrefoil border, ftiield, arms of county, inclined to dex., furmounted by creft terminating in bearded head with goat's horns. N's reverfed. FIDELIS : IMPERII (mm. crofs pattee.) Within quatrefoil border, having fleurs- de-lis at cufps, crofs like arms of county, Wt. 2* grammes. JS. "9. No. ys. -S- 236 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 4-7- Denier. Obverfe. Reverfe. PETRVS : COMES (mm. crofs pattee.) Within quatietbil border, crofs like arms of county. GEBENNENSIS (mm. as obv.) Within quatrefoil border, fliield, arms of county. Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. "65. 8,9. Half-denier. PETRVS : COMES (mm. obliterated.) Lozenge, arms of county. N's reverfed. GE BE NE NS Long crofs like arms of county. Wt. -5 gr. Bil. -55. G L A R U S. LARUS (Claris) is the feventh canton of the Swifs Con- federation, which it joined in 1352. Capital. — Glarus . Jrfns. — Gu.jSt. Fridolin, gradient, in pilgrim's drefs, nimbate, carrying hermit's ftaff and Bible, all pr, — St. Fridolin is faid to have been an Irifh miflionary and companion of Gallus and Columban, and from the activity of his life to have been furnamed the Pilgrim. FreischiessenThaler, containing 40 Batzen, of 1847. Obverfe. Reverfe. EIDGENOSSISCHES FREYSCHIES Within broad laurel-wreath, Confe- SEN IN GLARUS 1847 deration-crofs, behind which, crolsed Within wreath of oalc and laurel, fliield, mufkets, flags (4), and pennons, and fuf- arms of Glarus, field with colour, faint pended powder-horn ; beneath, 40 Btz. wearing cap. Edge : • EINTRACHT MACHT STARK (at beginning of infer., ftar of fix points.) M 1-55. 2. Fifteen Schilling, containing 45 Rappen, of i8o6. CANTON GLARUS (on fcroU.) Shield, arms of canton, field with co- lour ; on either fide, branch of laurel and palm, crofled beneath ; in ex., 1806 . Within wreath, XV SC HILLIN G 45. RAPPEN Bil. 1-05 238 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 3- 1807. Reverfe. Bil. 4- 1814. CANTON GLARUS 1814 Similar Ihield; attached to uppermoft part, two oak-branches ; on either fide, branch of palm and laurel. Same. Bil. Three Schilling, containing 9 Rappen, of 1806. • CANTON ' GLARUS • (mm. between Within wreath, words, fixfoil ; points, buds.) Ill Shield, arms of canton, field with co- S CHILLIN G lour ; in ex., 1806 . 9, RAPPEN Bil. -9. 6-7. [808. CANTON GLARUS Similar fhield, ornamented with laurel- garlands, covering upper part and hanging on each fide ; in ex., 1808 Within wreath all in one direftion, above, to right, fame infer., but bar divided, having dot in centre. Bi 8. Same. Within wreath, fame infer. ; bar con- tinuous and with diamond-fhaped centre. Bil. GL arus. 239 1810. Obverfe. CANTON GLARUS Similar fhield, no garlands j on either fide, branch of palm and laurel ; in ex., 1810 . Reverfe. Same, (bar obfcure.) Bil. 10. 1814. CANTON • GLARUS (mm. between words, fixfoU.) Similar type. Same, (bar as no. 8.) Bil. II. Schilling, containing 3 Rappen, of 1807. CANTON GLARUS • (between words, fcroU ornament ; point, bud.) Similar fhield ; in ex,, 1807 "Within wreath, [1] SCHiL: [3] RAP: Bil. 75. 12. 1809. CANTON GLARUS Similar (hield, ornamented with laurel- garlands, covering upper part and hang- ing on each fide ; in ex., 1809 Within wreath all in one dire6lion, above, to right. SCHIL I 3 RAP: Bil. 75. 13- 1811. Same. Within wreath, fame infer. Bil. 75. 240 Catalogue of Swijs Coins, Obverie. Same. 14. Reverfe. Same : var. 1 and flop 2, . Bil. •75- Same : varied. 15- 1813. Within wreath all in one direftion, above, to right, fame infer. ; var. I and flop 2, : . Bil. GOTTESHAUSBUND. OTTESHAUSBUND, (Ligue Caddee, Ligue de la Maifon Dleu) the fitft, according to precedence, of the Three Leagues conftituting the prefent canton Grau- biindten, which fee. Coinage of Sixteenth Century, I. Thaler. Obverfe. MONE : NOVA • DOMVS • DEI • CVRIENSIS • (mm. ciofs pattee, around which uncertain ornaments; ftops, I, 2, 3, 4, 6, annulets, 5 large fixfoil.) Arms of Bund. Reverfe. •DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS ■ IN ■ PACE • (ftops, 1-5, cinquefuils, 6, large fixfoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; crown clofed. Wt. 25"2 grammes. Ai I'SS- 2. Groschen, cont.aining Three Kreuzers, MO • NO • DOMVS • DEI • CVRIENS (mm. fixfoil.) Arms of Bund. DOM ■ C0N3ER • NOS • IN • PACE Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on eagle, orb without crols, in- fcribed 3 ; crown clofed. Wt. 2"3 grammes. Bil. '85. s. c. Q. GRAUBUNDTEN. IRAUBUNDTEN, (Grifons) the fifteenth canton of the Swifs Confederation, was formed in 1803, by changing into a canton the three Leagues of Upper Rhaetia, which had long exifted as confederate ftates. The Gotteshausbund, (Ligue Caddee, Ligue de la Maifon Dieu) the firfl: of thefelrTprecedence, was in exiftence at the beginning of the fifteenth century : it owes its name to the fa£t that it contains the See of Chur : the Oberer, or Grauer Bund (Ligue Superieure, Ligue Grife) is of a date but little later : and the Zehengerichtenbund (Ligue des Dix Droi- tures, Ligue des Dix Jurisdidions) was conftituted very foon after the latter. Li the middle of the fame century the leagues were already confederate in the form of a ftate. Capital. — Chur, which fee. Jrms. — Gotteshausbund: Ar., wild goat mounting, fa. Supporter, before the Reformation : Virgin and Child. Grauerbund : Per pale, ar. and fa. Supporter, St. George ftriking the Dragon. Zehengerichten- bund : Quarterly, az. and or, a crofs of the fame counterchanged. Supporter, a favage pr., holding a crofs of the colours of the (hield, and a fir tree pr. Canton Graubiindten : The arms of the three Leagues placed fide by fide and united by a riband, held above by three clafped hands, the arms of the Gotteshausbund occupying the middle place. The three fhields can alfo be emblazoned in a fingle fhield arg., or the fame may be done by dividing the cantonal fhield per pale in three and placing the arms of each league in its third. The fupporters may be reprefented or omitted. (Gautier, Armoiries, pp. 19-22, pi. I.) On the coins it is ufual to emblazon the fhields in the firfl: manner, 2 and 3 containing the league arms and fupporter, but i fimply the arms, the fupporter having been difufed, as above noticed G7^anhu72dte72, 243 GOLD COIN. I. Sixteen-Frank Piece, 1813. Obveife. Reverfe. CANTON GRAU= BUNDEN Three fliields, arranged triangularly ; I. Gotteshausbund, 2. Graiierbund, and 3. Zehengerichtenbund, united by wreath of palm and laurel feen between. Within oak wreath, 16. SCHWEIZER FRANKEN 1813. Wt. 7*7 grammes. N '9. SILVER COINS. I, 2. Freischiessen-Thaler, containing Four Franks, ftruck to commemorate the Tir at Chur, 1842. EIDGENOSSISCHES FREISCH lESSEN IN CHUR 1842 Shield, arms of Confederation, with colours; on it, hat with three plumes; behind, four flags, two muikets, and branches of oak. and laurel, croffed ; be- neath, powder-horn fufpended. EINTRACHT MACHT S T A R K (point, Itar of llx rays.) A< 1-55. ■ CANTON GRAUBUNDEN • 4 SCHWEIZER FRANKEN (points, cln- quefoils.) Oval fliields ; arms of canton, colours indicated ; riband uniting fliields in re- gular waves ; beneath, two oak-branches, ftems crofl'ed. Edge : 3.4- Ten-Batzen Piece, or I'^rank, of 1825. KANTON GRAUBUNDEN. Oval fliields ; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 ; riband in regular waves ; beneath, two palm-branches, ft:ems croflTed ; on riband, below, n . Within triple wreath of laurel between oak-leaves, all in one dire(klion, above to right, X SCHWEIZER BATZEN 1825. /R 12. e * 2 44 Catalogue of Swijs Coins Five-Batzen Piece, or Half-Frank, of 1807. Obverfe. Reverfe. • KANTON • GRAUBUNDEN (mm. cinquehiil.) Oval fhields ; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 ; riband in regular waves j beneath, 1807., beneath which, two palm- branches, ftenis eroded. Within triple wreath of laurel between oak-leaves, all in one dire8ion, above to right, V. SCHWEIZER BATZEN (bar ornamented.) Bil. 1-05. Var. no ftop after date. 6, 7. 1820. Bil. Var. ftop after date. 8,9. 1826. Bil. 10-12. Batzen, 1807 GRAUBUNDEN (mm. KANTON ■ ■ ■ quatrefoil between points.) Oval (liields; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 ; riband in regular waves j in exergue, 1807. Within wreath of oak-leaves and acorns, alternating, all in one direflion, above to right. SCHWEIZER BATZEN Bil. I. 13. J4 1820. Same: var. mm. bud and point • : no exergue, date below arms, beneath it, fprigs of oak, ftems crofted, beneath which. B Within floral wreath, 1 SCHWEIZ: BATZEN Bil. -95. Graubu7tdte?i. i5-i(S. 1836. Obverfe. KANTON GRAU= BUNDEN Irregular (liields, arranged triangularly; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 ; all united by laurel-wreath, in one direction, above to left. Reverfe. Within oak-wreath, 1 SCHWEIZ: BAZEN 183fi 245 (2) Bil. -85. {ig Bil. -9. Same. var. : GRAU = 19-/1. 1842. Same : var. no colon after SCHW Bil. -9. 22. Half-Batzen of 1807. KANTON • • ■ GRAU BUNDEN (mm. I Within floral wreath bud between [loints.) Oval ihields ; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 ; riband in regular waves; beneath, 1807. , beneath which, two fprigs of oak, Items crolfed. 1 SCHWEIZ; BATZEN Bil. •95- 23,24. ]»I2. Same : var. riband tied in bow above, three bows beneath ; no date or branches. Within wreath of oak-leaves and acorns, two and one, alternating, all in one dire6lion, above to left, SCHWEIZ: BATZEN 1812 Bil. •85. 246 Catalogue of Swifs Coifts. 25, 26. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same infer, no points. Same type : vat. riband tied in bow above, beneath in regular waves j be- neath arms, 1820, preceded by B . Within floral wreath, fame inkr. without date ; bar ornamented. Bi CANTON GRAU= BUNDEN Three irregular fliields, arranged tri angularly ; arms of canton, colours in dicated in 2, 3 ; united by laurel-wreath all in one direflion, above to right. 2 7- 1836. Within oil;-wreath. 1- v.. 1- 1, SCHWEIZ BAZEN 1836 Bil. 'js- Same left. var, KANTON 28-30. 1842. Wreath to ; Same : var. numeral fmaller ; no colon; beneath wreath, A-B . Bil. Sixth-Batzen of 1807. KANTON- ' GR: BUNDEN (mm. ftar of five points j flop before it, bud.) Three oval fliields; arms of canton, 2, without fupporter, 3, fupporter without arms ; united by laurel garland attached to ornament above and falling behind and on each fide ; beneath, two fprigs of oak, Items crolTed. Within wreath of leavesj 1 6. SCHWEIZ: B ATZEN 1807. Bil. -ds. 37-40. 1S42. KANTON • GR . BUNDEN • 1842 (ftops I, 2, 4, ftars of fix points.) Three oval fliields ; arms of canton, colours indicated in 2, 3 j riband in regular waves, hands radiate j beneath fliields, A. E. Within laurel-wreath, Vo SCHWEIZ BAZEN Bil. -6. G R E I E R Z. REIERZ (Gruyere), Counts of, took their title from the town of the fame name in Canton Freiburg, which is built on a hill crowned by their ancient cafHc, faid to have been founded in the fifth century. The laft of the line, Michael, took the title of Prince. The right of coinage appears to have been granted to the Count of Greierz by the Emperor Wenceflaus in 1396 ; but it does not feem to have been ufed until Arms. — Gu., a crane ar. COUNT AND PRINCE MICHAEL. 1539-1554- I. Sol of 1552. Obverfe. Reverie. MYCHAEL • PR1N:E I COGRVCR (mm. clnquefoil.) Shield; arms of Greierz; above, -issi- ; point on either fide of date in inner of two circles within infer. TRANSVOL . NVBILA . VIRTVS (mm. as obv.) Crofs cercelee. Wt. i'7 gramme. Bil. '9. HALDENSTEIN. HE Barony of Haldenftein lay near Chur, in the territory of the Leagues. It was independent, and its barons enjoyed fovereign rights, but the Leagues took it under their protection in 1568. The right of coining gold and filver money was granted by the Emperor Rudolf IL in 1612 to the Baron of Haldenftein. The Leagues decreed in 1615 that this money fliould be current in their territories, and permitted the iflue of local bale coins or bluzgers. Three families of the Barons of Haldenftein have ft ruck money, — (i) the Barons von Schauenftein, who received the Emperor's grant in i6j2,and became extinct in 1695 j (2) the Barons von Salis- (commonly known as de Salis-) IMaienfeld, Lucius von Salis having married Maria Flandrina von Schauenftein, co-heirefs of the previous line i (3) the Barons of Schauenftein-Reich- enau, to whofe head Regina Maria, co-heirefs of the firft line, conveyed her rights. The confliding rights of the latter two houfes were put an end to by Napoleon L, who, in 1806, mediatized the Principality of Haldenftein ; but the diftridt of Liechtenftein, w^hich appears on the coinage of the de Salis family as a dependency, was reconftituted in the form of a Principality in favour of the Auftrian ftatelman Prince Liechtenftein, at the Congrefs of Vienna In 1814-5. (Cf. Haller, ii., pp. 42 J, 422; J. Bott de Ehemalige Herrfchaft Haldenftein: Chur, 1864 ; Note to a Plate of Coins by the de Salis family.) I. Barons of Schauenstein-Haldenstein. Jrms:-—Yor Haldenftein: i. az., two goat's horns facing, arg. (Liechtenftein) ; 2, 3, or, a kii'e, gu., charged with five bezants, ar., three in chief and two in bafc (Grottenftein) ; 4 ar., a goal's horn, sa. (Given by Rietftap Jrmorlal General for Schauenftein.) For Schauenftein : Gu., three fifties naiant, arg. in pale. Haldenftein. 249 THOMAS I., 1612-1618. I. Seven-ducat Piece, 1617. Obverfe. Reverfe. SVB • VMBRA ■ ALARVM • TVARVM • DNE : (points, pellets.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi J between heads, crofs lupporting imperial crown ; on eagle, fliield, arms of Haldenftein, colours partly indicated, with inelcutcheon, arms of Schauenftein : wreath border. Wt. 24.1 -f grammes. N i'6. The titles are Liber Baro ab Ehrenfels, Dominus in Haldenftein. (Haller, ii. p. 436.) THOMAS • L • B • AB ■ EHRENFELS • D • IN • HALD (mm. fixfoil j points, pellets.) Half-length figure to left, bearded, armed, holding fceptre ; on either iide 16 17 : wreath border. 2. Thaler of 1623. ARGENT ■ RECENS • CAVAT • IMP ■ AVT ■ SIG ■ (flops, cinquetoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi j above, imperial crown ; on eagle, (hield, arms of Haldenftein quarterly, in- efcutcheon, arms of Schauenftein. Wt. 29 grammes. /R i'65. This coin, according to Haller, is very rate (p. 442, no. 2361). THOMAS ■ L ■ B ■ AB ■ EHRENFELS • D • I ■ H ■ 1623 Half-length figure, to right, bearded, armed, holding fceptre, and grafping fword. DiKEN OF 1617. THOMAS- L- B- AB ■ EHRFLS- DNS- SVB - VMBRA- ALAR ■ TVAR DNE I - H - 16" ((tops, pellets.) Half-length figure, to left, bearded, armed, holding fceptre and refting left hand on hip. (ftops as obv.) Two-headed imperial eagle j above, crown clofed above crofs. Wt. 7'9 grammes. M I'z. 4- 1620. THOMAS : L : B : AB : EHRENFEL^ : D : I : H I620 Half-length figure, to right, bearded, armed, holding fceptre inverted, and refting right hand on hip^ SVB : VMBRA : LARVM : TVARVM DNE (//V J flops, diamonds.) Same type, but eagle with nimbi. Wt. 6-1 -t- grammes. /R. 250 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 1 62 1 . Obverfe. THOMAS : L : B : AB : EHREN FELS D • IH 1621 Same type. (AB on obverfe joined.) Reverfe. SVB : VMBRA : ALARVM : TVA : D^E Same type, but crown imperial. Wt. 5'6 grammes. JS.- •THOMAS -LB- ABEHRENFLS • D ■ I • H • Half-length figure, to left, bearded, armed, wearing cap, holding fceptre in- verted, and rerting left hand on hip. A piece has been cut oft~ this coin. SVB VMBRA • ALARVM ■ TVARVM DNE Same type, but crown clofed. Wt. 6 '8 grannies. JR. Half-Diken, containing 12 Kreuzers. -■ THOMAS • L ■ B ■ AB ■ EHREN- SVB • VMBRA • ALARVM • TVA • DNE FELS ■ D • I • H • Two-headed imperial eagle, with Half-length figure, to right, bearded, nimbi; upon it, orb, infcribed 12 ; crown armed, holding fceptre, and gral'ping imperial, fword. I Wt. 1-8 grammes. Bil. '95. Sune: var. TVAR ■ DNE Wt. 2" grammes. Bil. Same : var. no points before or after infer. Were it not for the numerals on the reverfe the low weight of thefe coins would not allow us to fufpeft them to be half-dikens. DNS • IN • HALDENSTAIN (mm. as obv. ; flops, pellets.) Shield 5 armsof Haldenftein, quarterly; inefcutcheon, arms of Schauenftein, re- verfed. Wt. i'7 + gramme. Bil. 1. This coin, fince it is apparently of inferior metal to the preceding two, may, not- withitanding its weight, be the halt of their denomination, a fix-kreuzer piece. THOMAS • L • B • AB ■ EHRENFELS : (mm. cinquefoil ; Hops, pellets except laft.) Half-length figure, to right, bearded, armed, holding fceptre inverted, and relting right hand on hip. HaldeiifletJi. 25^ 10. Obverle. THOMAS • L • B ■ AB • EHREN (rtop„ pellets.) Half-length figure, to right, beaided, armed, holding inverted fceptre, and refting right hand on hip. Rev ei le. DNS • IN ■ HALDENSTAI (points, as obv.) Shield j arnis a. preceding. Wt. -8 gr, Bil. -7. I 1 THOMAS • L- B- AB • EHR (mm. fixftil ; flops, annulets.) Halt-length figure, to right, bearded, armed, holding fceptre with right hand. Same. Wt. "9 gr. Bil. Thel'e two coins may be two-kreuzer pieces, if no. 9 be a fix-kreuzer. GEORG PriILIPP, 1^,7.-1695. 12. Gulden, or Two-thirds Thaler, of 1690. LEOPOLD • I • D : G • ROM IMP • SEMP • A ■ G • 1690 (mm. at end of inter, fleur-de-lis.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi; above, imperial crown ; on eagle, fhield, arms of Haldenftein, cjuarterly, inefcutcheon, arms of Schauenftein ; be- GEORG • PHIL- L- BA -ABEHRN • F ■ DO • 1 ■ H (mm. quatrefoil ; flop, 4, quatrefoil.) Buft, to n'ght, hair long, armed and wearing lace cravat, within ornamented border. neath, in wreath-like oval 3 Wt. 167 grammes. M. I's- Same : var. BA ■ AB fleur-de-lis inverted.) Similar type, hah fliorter. '3- 1691. (rtop, 4, Same : var. AVG • 1691 • (mm. after ROM, Inverted ; Itop, 3 fingle point.) Same type within ornamented border. Wc. 14*7 grammes. &. 14. Same : var. D ■ IN • H • ? (mm. crolslet ; ftop 4, fame, 5, faltire.) Similar type, hair longer. Same inltr. Similar type, Wt. 1 7' -t- grammes. A. 252 Catalogue of Swifs Coiju. 15- Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, of 1690. Obveiie. Keveile. IMP GEORG- PHILL-B- ■A[B]EHRN-, LEOPOLD[l D]G • ROM F ■ D • 1 ■ H (mm. quatrcfoil ; flops, 3, 4, SEMP • A 1690 (Eefore date untert. irclslets.) obj., after, faltire.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with Buft to light, luiii- long, armed, and wearing lace cravat, within ornamented ' nimbi; above, imperial crown ; on eagle, bolder. ' 'hield, arms of Haldenftein, quarterly, I inellutcheon, arms of Schauenftein 5 j beneath, in inl'cr. within border, xv . I Wt. 4'7 grammes. Bil. \^^. 16. Bluzger, ib93. GEORG • PHIL ■ L ■ B ■ A • EH • F • DO ■ I • H (mm. crols.) Shield ; arms of Haldenftein, quarterly inefcutcheon, arms of Schauenftein, re- verfed. MON • NOVA • HALDENST ■ 1693 Crols tourchy. Bil. -7. 2. Barons de Salis-Maienfeld of Schauenstein-Haldenstein. Jrrns.—Yox De Salis : Per fefle, i or, a willow vert, 2 party in feven, ar. and gu. Liechtenftein : az., two goat's horns facing, arg. Grotten- ftein : or, a fefle, gu., charged with five bezants, arg., three in chief two in bafe. Ehrenfels : barry of five, or and fa. GUBERT DE SALIS, 172Z-1737. 1. Bluzger, 1725. G • V • S • D • I • HALDENS I SPES ■ MEA • EST • DEVS 1725 Ornamented oval flrield ; arms of (mm. obicure.) Haldenftein ; count's coronet. Crofs fourchy. Bil. 7. Same; var. HALDENST: Similar (hield ; crown open. 2. Same : var. point • after laft word. Bi Haldenjlein. '^Sl 3^4- Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. no point at end ot infer. Crown varied. Same : var. mm. pellet. Bil G . D . S . D . I . HALD Similar fliicld ; imperial crown. Q . D .S . D Same. I . HALD . SPES . MEA . DEUS . 17 25 (mm. in djte, crols.) Same type. Bil. . 6. 1726. Same : var. V for U Bil. G • V • S- D ■ I ■ HALDEN Similar fhicld j count's coronet. 1727. : SPES • MEA ■ EST • DEVS 1727 Same type. Bil. 8. Infer, almoft effaced. Same fliield ; coronet of ftrange form. Mm. obfcure; ftops, 2, 3, not vifible, 1727 Same type. Bil. 9- 1728. ■ G • V ■ S ■ D ■ I ■ HALDEN Similar fliield ; count's coronet. ■ SPES • MEA • EST • DEVS • 1728 Same type. BiL 10. Kreuzf.r, 1728. G • V ■ S • D • I • HALDEN ■ , CAR . VI ■ D • G • R IM ■ 1728 Ornamented oval ftiield ; arms of Two-headed imperial eagle, on which, I ; imperial crown. Bil. -6. Haldenftein ; crown open. 25 + Catalogue of Swifs Coins. THOMAS DE SALIS, 1737-1770- II. Kreuzf.r, 1758- Ohverfe. T-D-S-D- IN'H-L'B" Bult to ri!,l;t, aniUHl. Reverfe. Witliir. border, I KREVT ZER 1758 Bil. -SS- 3. Barons of Schauenstein-Reichenau. ^,.;«j.— Schauenftein ; Gu., three fiflies naiant arg. in pale. JOHANN RUDOLF. 1709-1724. : I. Bluzoer, 1719. lOH ■ RVDOLF • L • B • AB • ED ■ R MON • NOVA • REICHENI • 17 19 (mm. qiKitrefoU.) Ornamented oval (liield ; aims ot Schauenftein, (mm. in date, quatrefuil.) Crofs fourchy. Bil. -7. THOMAS FRANZ. 1 724-1 742. Kreuzer, 1724. • TOM • PR • V' S- L- B- A- B- E- j MONETA ■ NOVA 17 24" D ■ I • R • (mm. fixfoil.) ' Two-headed imperial eagle, on which Ornamented oval fhield; arms of oval infcribed I ; above, imperial crown. Schauenftein ; crown open. j Bil. -6, Halcle7iJlei?J. 255 3- Five-Kreuzer Piece, 1731. Obverfe. Reverfe. TOM ■ FRA • VON • SCH • L • B • AB ■ E ■ D • R Ornamented circular fliield ; arms ot Schauenftein ; crown doled ; above, creft fim. CAR • VI • D • G • ROM ■ IM • S • A ■ 17 31 ' Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, imperial crown ; beneath, V in a border. Bil. -9. Kreuzer, 1725. TOM ■ FRA -V-S-L-B-AB-E- " MONETA • NOVA • 17 25 D ■ R ■ (mm. fixtoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; on ir, I ; Ornamented irregular (hieki 5 arms ot imperial crown. •Schauenftein ; crown open. I Bil. "6. 5- 17^9. Same : var. point . at beginning of ; Point • at beginning of infer. ; for infer. ; U for V . Similar type. Same type. Bil. 7. 6. Haller. ( One-fided.) V around ftiield ; arms of Schauenftein reverled. Bil. (Concave) '45. 7-9- Haller. (One-fided.) S around (liicld ; arms of Schauenftein. Bil. -45. 256 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?is, Eighteenth Century. 10-13. Twg-Haller Piece. (One-fided.) Two (hiekls ; dex. Empire (two-headed eagle), fin. Schauenftein ; above and below, 2 Bil. -ss- K Y B U R G. YBURG, Counts of, a great feudal line which held the Landgraviate Burgund. Capital. — Burgdorf, now a fniall town on the Emme was walled in 1190, by Duke Berchtold V. ofZahringen. At his death, in 12 18, it was inherited by Count Ulrich of Kyburg, his brother-in-law. In 1328 the Emperor Ludwig IV. gave the right of coinage for his whole county to Count Eberhard of Kyburg, who accordingly ftruck money at Burgdorf In 1384 the town was fold to Bern, and the Count of Kyburg ftruck coins for a fhort time at Wangen. (Meyer, Bradleaten der Schweiz, p. 33,7^^^. ; Denare und Bradleaten, p. 68.) Bracteates, 1-3- Buft of Count ?, to left, in round hat with bvoad brim ; on either fide, B V : broad plain border. (Meyer, Bra6teaten der Schweiz, pi. i., fig. 4.1.) J& (fquare) '7. ■65. s. c. LAUFENBURG. AUFENBURG was the capital of the Counts of Habf- buro--Laufenbur2. Count Rudolf VIII. obtained the right of coinage in 1373 from the Emperor Karl IV. His fon Johann IV. fold the town in 1386 to Duke Leopold of Auftria, but retained his right of coinage, which ceafed in 1408, on his death without n.ale iffue. Jrms.— Or, a lion rampant, gu. Bracteates of the Counts of Habsburg-Laufenburg. 1-5- Helmet, to left, terminating in fwan's neck and head, a ring in its beak 5 behind, annulet. jSL (fquare) "6. CITY. Silver Coins. WITH GOTHIC LETTERS, I. Plappart. Obverfe. monet: nova : lovfenberg: (mm. crofs pattee ; points, c'mquefoils.) Within ornamented trefoil border, fhield, arms of Laufenburg. Reverfe. •S; lOHANNES BAPTISTA- (points, cinquefoils.) St. John Baptift, facing, carrying a lamb on left arm. Wt. 17 gramme. M "95. Latifenburg. 259 2. Groschen ? Obveile. Reverie. MONET' LOVFENBERG: (mm. crofs SAL VE ; C RVX ■ SAN; (points, pattee ; points, cinquefoils.) I cinquefoils.) Shield i arms of Laufenburg. ' Long crofs pattee- Wt. rz gramme. A "8. WITH LATIN LETTERS. 3- One-sided Penny, 1577. Within lozenge, fliield ; arms of Laufenburg; above which, 77 Bil, 5. 4- Schilling ? Seventeenth Century. MO- NO- LAVFFENBERG (mm. j S • lOANNES • BAPTIST quatrefoil.) j Half-figure of St. John Baptill, holding Shield ; arms of Laufenburg. j fword ? and lamb. Bil. 7. R 2 LAUSANNE. AUSANNE (Laufanna, but in the Roman period Lou- fonna, Mommfen, Infcrr. Conf. Helvet., Mitth. Zurich. Ant. Gefell. x., pp. 22, 23) is now the capital of Canton Waadt. It was the feat of a Biihop from the latter part of the fixth century. The earlieft coinage with the name of the town is the ufual gold money of the A'le'-ovingian period, here, as at Geneva, Sitten, Bafel, and Zurich, preceding an ecclefiaftical filver coinage. The fecond coinage was the refult of rights granted by the Empire in the tenth century to Ziirich, Laufanne, and Geneva, in this or the next century to Bafel, apparently ftill later to Sitten, in each cafe to an ecclefiaftical authority. The infcriptions of the oldeft filver coins, sedes lavsana or LAVSANE ?nd civiTAS EQVESTRiv, raife a curious queftion. Colonia lulia Equeftrium, or Noviodunum, is the modern Nyon (Mommfen, p. 18), near Loufonna. It might, therefore, have been fuppofed that the two names indicated a joint coinage, or that the mint of Civitas Equeftrium coined for the bifhopric of Laufanne. (Cf. Mis. de Pina, Rev. Num. 1838, pp. 126, 127.) It is, however, certain that the people of Laufanne perfuaded themfelves, in the laft century, againft all ancient authority, that their city was the ancient Colonia, and therefore engraved on their gates, civitas eqvestris, and on one of the bells of the cathedral, lausanna civitas eqvestris. (Blanchet, Mem. fur les Monnaies des pays voifins du Leman, pp. 36-38.) This is quite in harmony with the coins, and it is propable that the miftake arofe from fome attempt early in the middle ages to trace Laufanne to the neigh- bouring Roman Colonia. The coins of the Bifliops of Laufanne may be now defcribed in a general chronological order, though it will be obfcrved that the claftes are not wholly confecutive, but fometimes in part contemporaiy, fome of the coins without names of bifliops, for inftance, being of the age of thofe which bear names. The arrangement is taken from M. Blanchet's excellent memoir on the fubjed: (p. 2'j^feqq.)^ from which there are very few deviations. Ljaufa?2ne. 261 Arms. — Bifhopric, Per pale, arg. and gu., two ciboria counter- changed. City, Per fefle, arg. and gu. BISHOPRIC. A.— DENIERS WITHOUT BISHOPS' NAMES, NINTH TO FOURTEENTH CENTURIES. I. With Latin Letters, Ninth to Thirteenth Centuries. I. Obverfe. Reverfe. SEDES LAVS AN E Front of temple, with pediment, tour columns, and two fteps, the columns not joined to pediment or upper ftep j pedi- ment furmounted by crofs, which ferves as mm. ; another between columns j beneath, three annulets. CiVlTAS EQSTRIV (mm. crofs; ftop at end of infer., three points placed perpendi- cularly.) Crofs. (TA united.) Wt. II + gramme. Bil. '75. Same : var. hhE Same : infer, partly obfcure. Wt. -8 + gr. Bil. Same : var. details of temple. A forgery of the time. Var. CIVIAS EQ[S]TRi « -65. 4-21, SEDES LAVSAhE Similar type ; temple with five columns, one ftep, columns joined to pediment and ftep, no crofles, except that in the infer., which is above the temple; beneath, three pellets. CIVITAS EQSTRI (mm. as obv.) Crofs cantoned with pellet in dexter chief, and uncertain objeft like double arrow-head in finifter bafe. Wts. I" gramme. Bil. 9 7 + 22-24. Same : var. NE Same. Bil. 262 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife. Same : var. 25. Reverfe. Same -. var. CIVITA ' SEQSTIV Bil .DESDES LAVSAI^ Same type 5 no crofs. A forgery of the time. 26. TRI . TASEQSTRIS (point, crofs ; fecond 1 obfcure.) Crofs cantoned with pellet in d. ch. and b. ; uncertain objeft as before in s. ch. Bil. 7. 27. SEDES LAVSAE Same type ; crofs above pediment as before . CIVITAS EQSTRI (mm. as obv.) Crofs cantoned with pellet in s. ch., uncertain objeft as before in d. b. Wt. -9 + gr. Bil. -Gs. ^ 28. SEDES LAVOD (mm. crols.) j CIVITAS 001 (mm, as obv.) Similar type ; temple with four co- 1 Same type, lumns. I (Rev., fecond word of infer, obfcure.) Bil. 29. Same. Same ; var. CIVITAS , . Bil. 30- SEDES LAVSANSE (mm. crofs.) Same type. CIVITAS TRVS (mm. as obv.) Same type. Bil. 3i« Same : var. LAV Same. Bil. Laiifanne 263 Obverfe. SEDES LAVSAl/E (third E obfcure.) Similar type ; pediment furmounted by crofs. , V- Reverie. CIVITAS EQVEST (mm. crofs.) Similar type; uncertain objeft three arrow-heads. (TA united.) ike Bil. 33-35 SVAI SEDES (mm. crols.) Similar type ; crofs above pediment re placed by mm. OIVAS lOST (mm. as obv.) Similar type ; uncertain obje6l fplit into five, united above. Bil. 36. SVAISIDIS (mm. crofs.) Similar type ; temple with five columns. Same : var. pellet in d. ch. ; uncertain objeft cut in four like crofs in s. b. Bil. 37- SEDES LAVSAE (mm. crofs.) Similar type ; temple with feven co- lumns. TSOl SAVIO (mm. crofs.) Same : var. uncertain objeft trifid. Wt. !• + gramme. Bil. "j. 38-40. COlDI CO lAVCO (mm. crofs.) Temple with five columns. TcoOl CoAVIO (mm. as obv.) Same type. Bil. Same : var. second S W . 41. Same. Bil. . IDlCOl . . . (mm. effaced.) Same type. 42. T WOI WAViO (mm. crols.) Same type. Bil 264 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. COlDIW lAV W (mm. crofs.)' Same type. 43- Reverfe. TC* 101 WAVIO (mm. as obv.) Same : var. uncertain objeft, double, lower part trifid. Bil. 44. Same : var. second S Similar type} temple with four co- lumns. Same: var. TwOlj uncertain objeft trifid. Bil. 45- WIDlCOIAVco (mm. crofs.) Same type. TWOI coAVIO (mm. as obv.) Bil. 46/ Same : var. firft and second S co. Same : var. first S co ; second CO. Bil 47, 48. SEDES LAVSANE (mm. crofs.) Similar type j temple with five co- lumns. (E's, except in monogram, Gothic.) CIVITAS EQSTRI (mm. as obv.) Same : var. pellet in d. ch. j uncertain object in s. b., double, lower part trifid. No. 4.7. Wt. ri gramme. Bil. '65. 49-51- Same : var. NE. Same. Bil L,aufanne, 265 Obverfe, 52. Reverfe. Same. Same : var. uncertain obje6l in d. ch. ; pellet in s, b. Bil. Same. 53- Same : var. uncertain objeft in s. ch. ; pellet in d. b. Bil. 2. With Gothic Letters, Fourteenth Century. 54-57- SEDES LAVSANE (mm. crofs.) CIVITAS EQSTRI (mm. as obv.) Same type. Same type. No. 54. Wt. '9 gr. Bil. "65. 55- •7- 58-60. Same : var. beneath temple, annulet between two pellets. Same : var. in s. ch. annulet; d. b. un- certain objeft like double arrow-head. Bil. Same : var. A later form, N Gothic. 61. Same: var. T not Gothic ; after firft word, point : annulet in d. ch. j uncertain obje6\ in sin. b. Bil. 62-65. SEDES : LAVSAN (mm. crofs ; flops, an- nulets.) Similar type ; pediment projecting at each end. CIVITAS : LAVSAN (mm. crds ; flop, an- nulets.) Crofs chardonnee, cantoned with uncer- tain objeft like branch in s. ch. ; annulet in d. b. Bil, 266 Sanve. Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverre. 66, 67. Reverfe. Same : var. annulet in d. ch. ; uncei-' tain object in s. b. Bil. Same. 68. Same : var. uncertain objeft in d. ch. ; annulet in s, b. Bil. Same : var. flop, cinquefoil. 69. Same: var. uncertain objeft in s. ch.; annulet in d. b. Wt. i"i gramme. Bil. "65. Same : var. temple without ftep. 70-76. Same : var. CIVITAS • LAVSAN (flop, cinquefoil): uncertain objeft ind. ch.; annulet in s. b. Bil. Same. 77- Same : var N- Bil. Same: var. LAVSAN E 78. Same : var. no Itop at end of infer. Bil. 79- 2EDE8 : LAV8ANE (mm. crofs.) Similar type; temple with ftep, point above centre column ; beneath, three an- nulets. CIVITAS LAV8ANE (mm. crofs.) Crofs cantoned with annulet in d. ch. ; uncertain objefl like double arrow-head in s. b. Bil. Laufanite, 267 Obverfe. Same. Same : var. ftop, anmilets. 80. Reverfe. Same : var. uncertain obje(S in s, ch. ; annulet in d. b. Bil. 81. Same: var. CIVITASALAVaANEj an- nulet in d. ch. ; uncertain objeft in s. b. Bil. CIVITAS LAV8ANE Same type. 82. Same : var. 3EDE8 : LAV3ANE : un- certain objeft like double arrow-head blundered in d. ch. 5 annulet in s. b. Bil. SEDES LAVSAME (mm. crofs.) Same type. 83- CIVITAS LOSINI . (mm. crofs.) Crofs cantoned with annultt in d, ch. j uncertain objeft like double arrow-head in s. b. Bil. Same. 84. Same : var. point • j uncertain objeft in d. ch. i annulet in s. b. Bil. Same. 85. Same : var. point : ; uncertain objeft like three arrow-heads in s, ch. 5 annulet in d. b, Bil. Same : var. E 86. Same : var. annulet in d. ch. , uncertain objeft in s. b. Bil. 268 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 87- Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. VE Same : var. uncertain objeft in s. ch.j annulet in d. b. Bil. SEDES LAVSNS' 88-91. CIVITAS ■ LAVSNS' (mm. crols ; point, Cathedral with pediment furniounted by crofs and two towers ; in bafe, quatre- foil window. c'lnquefoil.) Crofs chardonnee, ends of limbs trifid. Bil 92> 93- SEDES ■ LAVSANS (point, cinquefoil.) Same type. (Rev, of one obfcure.) CIVITAS ■ LAVSAS' (mm. crofs j cinquefoil.) Same type. Bil. Same : var. LAVSNS 94. Same : var. LAVSAN Bil. Same. 95. Same: var. LAVSN Bil. 96-98. BEATA VIRGO (mm. crofs.) Rude head, crowned. SEDES LAVSI (mm. as obv.) Crofs cantoned with fixfoil in d. ch. ; crefcent, horns outwards, in s. b, Bil. 99, 100. Same. Same: var. LAVS' Bil. Laufanne, 269 lOI. Obverfe. Same. Reverfe. Same ? end of infer, obfcuie. This may be like 96-98, or 99, 100. Bil 102. Same. Same : laft letter obfcure or wanting ; crefcent, horns outwards, in d, b, j fixfoil in s. ch. Bil. Same. 103, 104. Same : var. LAVSAI : crefcent, horns to fin., in d. ch. ; fixfoil in s. b. Bil. B.— COINS WITH BISHOPS' NAMES. Guy de Prangins. 1375-139^- I. Sol? GVIDO . EP S LAVSAN Bifhop in pontifical robes, holding crozier, enthroned, in aft of benedifiiion ; in front, fhield, family arms. SIT ■ NOME DNI • BNDiCTV : (mm. eagle displayed to fin. ; Bilhop's arms reverfed j points, clnquefoils.) Within ornamented quatrefoil border, crofs pattee. Wt. I "9 gramme. /&. "9. GVILL EP S . LAVSAN (flop, large pellet.) Bifhop, in pontifical robes, enthroned, holding crozier, in attitude of benedic- tion ; in front of throne, fliield, family arms. GUILLAUME DE MENTHONAY. 1393-1405- 2. Sol.? SIT . NOMEN DNI . BENEDITVM (mm. crofs ; ftops, annulets.) Within ornamented quatrefoil border, crofs pattee. Wt. !• gramme. M. '9. 270 Catalogue 0/ Swifs Coi?ts. Obveil'e. Same : var. cinquefoil. Reverfe. Same : var. 3 points, laft at end of infer, colon ; all annulets. Wt. I "9 gramme. JS. '9. 4- Same. Same : var. M ' (annulet.) M. S (Clipped and infcription on both fides partly loft.) G ■ D • CHAL Al ■ EP: LAVS' (points, cinquefoils.) Bifliop, in pontifical robes, holding crozier, enthroned, in attitude of bene- di6lIon ; in front, shield, family arms. GUILLAUME DE ChaLLANT. I405-I433. 5-7- Sols ? SIT ■ NOMEN ■ DNi: BENEDTM' (mm. crofsj points, cinquefoils.) Within ornamented quatrefoil border, crofs chardonnee. (One) Wt. 1-7 gramme, ah 'it,, (Rev., on one, latter part of infer, loft by fraaure of piece of coin.) 8. Same : var. AT Same : var. M inverted. Wt. ^^ grammes. JS. "9. 9-13- Demi-Sol .? SIT ■ NOME: DNi: BNDICTV' (mm. as obv.; points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fleury. G • D • CHALLAT EPl LAVS' (mm. crols; points, cinquefoils.) Seated figure of Virgin, crowned and nimbate towards 1., and Child. Wt. I "2 gramme, jr (Rev. of one BND, Sec. ; another BNI, ftop, cinquefoil.) 14. Same. Same: var. BNDICT Wt. i'6 + ojramme. /R Ljatifanne. 271 Obverfe. 15 Reverfe. Same, Same: var. NOMEN'DNI'BNBICTV points, cinquefoils. Same. 16. Same: var. NOMEN-DNI'BNBDICT (points, cinquefoils.) M. Georges de Saluces. 1440-1462. Demi-Sol ? I?' MONETA : NOVA LAVSANE (mm. crofs ; flop, cinquefoils.) Within trefoil border, fhield, arms of Biihop, above which, eightfoll. G : DE : SALVCIIS : EPICOPV (mm. and (tops as obv.) Within qiiatrefoil border, having tre- foils at s. ch. and d. b. cufps, crofs pattee. Wt. i"i gramme. yR "8. 18. G ■ D • SALVCIIS • EP ■ LAVS ■ (points, quacrefoils.) Seated figure of Virgin toward^l., and Child, both crowned. SIT NOME • DNi: BENEDTV (mm. crofs J flops, cinquefoils.) Crofs Heury. Bil.-8. 19. Same: var. LAVS, points i, 2, 5, quatrefoils faltirewife, 3, 4, effaced. Same: var. points i, 3 (! ?), quatre- foils faltirewife, 2 effaced, end of hifl word obfcure. Wt. !• gramme. Bil. •75. 20. G • D ■ SALVCIIS EP: LAVS' (points, cinquefoils.) Similar type : Virgin nimbate. Same : var. 3 points, cinquefoils, none at end. Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. "8. 272 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 21. Denier ? Reverfe. Q • D ■ SALVCIIS • (mm. crofs ; points, cinquefoils.) Within trefoil border, fhield, arms of birtiop, above whicli, uncertain objeft, and below, eightfoil ? (D reverfed.) : LAVN (flop, cinquefoils.) Crofs fleury. Wt. 7+ gr. Bil. 7. GUILLAUME DE VaRAX. 1462-1468. 22, 23. Deniers } G ■ D • VARAX ■ EPS (ftops, cinquefoils.) 1 lAVSANE ■ EPS {Jk ; mm. crofs ; flop, Shield,'-arms of biflrop, furmounted by cinquefoil.) top of crozier turned to dex. Crofs fleury. ^ Wt. 7 gr, Bil. '65. 24. S ET ■ CO (points, annulets,) Shield, fun of eight flames above moon j above it, eightfoil. . . VSACMIS . ? (mm. crofs.) C rofsfleury. Wt. 7 gr, Bil. -6, BARTH]feLEMY, BiSHOP OF NiCE, AS ADMINISTRATOR. 25- Sol.? B : EPS : NICIEN : ADMISTRATOR : " LAVSA (mm. crofs fourchy: points, an- nulets.) Within quatrefoil border ornamented with cinquefoils at cufps, crofs pattee. PVLCRA : VT : LVNA : ELETA : VT : SOL (points, annulets.) Virgin crowned and nimbate, towards r., holding heart in r., Child nimbate, towards 1., above fhield ; arms, fun flam- ing above moon, Wt. 2-6 grammes. A V. Aymon de Montfalcon. 1497-1517. 26. Ducat. AY • DE ■ MONTE • FALCONE ■ ES (mm. crofs pattee ; points, cinquefoils.) Bust to right, tonfured, wearing robe fringed round throat. (N on rev. retrograde.) DIGNARE ■ ME • LAVDAR ■ TE (mm. as obv. 3 points, horns.) Shield J quartered arms of bifliop. Wt. 3 '4 grammes. iV '85. Laufanne, 273 27. Sol? Obverfe. ■ REGINA • CELI . ' LETARE • AU (points, 1, 6, pellets, 2, 5, cinquefoils, 3, obfcure, 4, annulet.) Virgin crowned and nimbate, towards right, about to fuckle Child, above (hield, quartered arms of bifhop. Reverfe. AY • DE • MOTE • FALCONE • EPI COPV (mm. crofs ancree; points, cin- quefoils.) Crofs fleury ; in centre, pellet. Wt. 3* grammes. j« I'f. 28. REGIMA ■ CELI - LI L • AL . . (points I, 3, cinquefoils.) Similar. AY • DE • MOTE ■ FALCONE EPV COPVS (points, horns ?) Crofs fleury ; in centre, cinquefoil. Wt. 2*3 + grammes. AK. I'oj. 29. REGIMA ■ CELI LETARE • ALELVA (mm. after fecond word right hand ; points, rofes.) Similar type ; the Virgin towards left j on either fide of fhield A Y . AY DE ■ MOTE • FALCOUE • EPI COPVS (mm. crofs pattee ; points I, effaced, a, 3,4, rofes.) Crofs fleury, cantoned with falcons and ermine fpots. Wt. z-% grammes, ^R I'l. REG Similar. 30- LETARE • ALELVA (point, rofe.) AY -DE -MO. .COME'EPICOPVS (mm. crofs ; flops, rofes). Crofs fleury, in centre, pellet, cantoned with falcons and ermine fpots. J9. I"l. AVE ■ GRACIA • PLEN' Half figure of Virgin towards right, crowned and nimbate, about to fuckle Child, nimbate. Denier ? AY . MOTE • FALCONE (mm. crofs.) Crofs fleury. Bil s. c. 2 74 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 'AVE • GRACI • PLENA- (points, annulets.) Same type. 32. Reverfe. AY • MOTE • FALCON • EPS (mm. crofs.) Same type. Wt. -8 gr. Bil.-8. 33-35- AV • MOTE • FALCON : AVE • GRACI A • PLEN (mm. crofs.) Shield, arms of bifliop, quarterly, fur- mounted by crozier-head to fin. Crofs fleury. Wt. -7+ gr. Bil, '7. Same, (end of infer, obfcure.) 36. Same: var. [PLE]NA Bil. Same : var. FALCONE 37- Same : var. PLEN BI Same : var. flops, annulets. 38. Same: var. ftop i, annulet, no others vifible. Bil. Same : var. E' 39- Same .? (no flops vifible.) Wt. -8+ gr. Bil. -65. A . Same type. 40. AVE • GRACIA ■ PEN (mm. crofs ; ftops, cinquefoils.) S:me type. Bil. l^aufanne. 275 Sebastien de Montfalcon. I5I7-I536. 41- Testoon, Obverfe. Reverfe. SEB • EPS ■ ET ■ PRINCEPS • LAV (mm. crofs ; points, exc. 2, quatrefoils.) Buft of bUhop, bare-headed, robed, to right. S • MARIV • S • MARTIR (mm. end of infer, crofs patonce ; points, quatrefoils.) Saint Maurice ? enthroned in attitude of benediction, holding palm 5 beneath, falcon. Wt. 9*45 grammes. JSi I'lf. 42. DiKEN. SEBAST IAN VS'I E:PS: Helmet to left, furmounted by open crown and difplayed falcon. S A CTVS MAVR I CIVS Saint Maurice on horfeback to right, armed 5 beneath, large pellet. Wt. 5'5 grammes. M. i'2. 43- Uncertain Denomination. SAN . 1 MONE . A ■ LAV Half figure of Virgin, crowned, towards | Crofs pattee, cantoned with ermine fpots 1., holding Child, nimbate ? and fceptre. ! and falcons. I Wt. I' gramme. Bil. "7. 44. Denier. SEBASTIA[N]VS ■ DE ■ (points, annu- : RIA • GRAC ' (points as obv.) lets.) Crofs fleury. Shield, quartered arms, of bifhop, fur- mounted by croziei-head, to dexter. Wt. -6 gr. Bil. -6. S Similar type. . SEBASTIANVS Similar type : crozier-head to fin. 45- AVE • GRAC (mm. crofs pattee.) Crofs fleury. Bil. -65. 46. SEB Same type. Bil. -6. s 2 27^ Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. . SEBASTIANVS Same. 47- Reverfe. SERASTIANV (i/c) Same type. Wt. -6+ gr. Bil. -65. 48. MONETA ■ L Al (mm. and point cinque- foils.) Similar ; crozier-head to dex. (Infer, obfcure.) Crofe fleury. Wt. 's-gr. Bil. '55. MONETA • LAV Similar type. 49- MONETA LAVS Same tj'pe. Bil. -65. MON . . . LAVS Same type. 50. M . . . . A ■ LAVS (mm. crofs.) Same type. Wt. -4 gr, Bil. -6. Medal of the Literary Society of Lausanne, struck to comviemorate THE Departure of Count Von der Lippe from that City, and THE breaking UP OF THE SOCIETY. SIMO AUGUSTUS LIPPI>E COMES A • /ET • 20 • 1748 Buft to left, wearing cuirals orna- mented with head of Medufa, and over right flioulder cloak ; hair en queue ; on left (houlder 1 ■ D • ET • F ■ Cf. Haller, I., p. 323. CCELI VIAS ET SIDERA MON STRAT- View of lake with mountains on either fide ; on the horizon, a fliip in full fail ; above, an eagle with eaglet on its back flying towards the fun ; in ex., SOCIET • LITTER LIPPIACA LAUSANN/E ' J747- L U Z E R N. lUZERN (Lucerne), which joined the Swifs Confederation in 1332, is now the third Canton, taking precedence of the Three Foreft Cantons, though following Ziirich and Bern. Capital. — Luzern (Lucerne), one of the three capitals of the Confederation, the Federal Diet fitting by turns there and at Zurich and Bern. Meyer holds that Luzern coined no money before the conceflion of the right by the Emperor Sigifmund in 1418. (Bradeaten der Schweiz, pp. 83-85 ; Denare und Bracfteaten, p. 83.) Jrms. — Per pale az. and arg. Supporters : Anciently the fhield was held by a monk as a mark of the fovereign rights over the city and chapter held by the Abbot of Murbach in Upper Alface. The Abbot Berchtold von Falkenftein having given up thofe rights to the Emperor Rudolf L, the monk was replaced by two lions rampant j but, in con- fequence of the difcovery at Reiden in the canton in the year 1577 of gigantic foflil bones of mammalia, then miftaken for remains of giants, the modern fupporters, two giants or favages, were adopted. (Gautier, Armoiries, pp. 10, ii.) Patron. — St. Leodigarius or Leger, whofc martyrdom is reprefented on fome of the coins. Obverfe. GOLD COINS. DUCAT CLASS. I. FouR-DucAT Piece, 1623. Reverfe. MONETA ■ NOV LVCERNENSl (mm. fixfoil ; point, quatrefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; between heads, crofs ; in ex., ftiield, arms of canton, colour indicated j on either iide, 16 23 . • SANCTVS • LEODEGARIVS ■ (points, quatrefoils.) Bull of St. Leodigarius to right, nim- bate, wearing mitre and epilcopal robes, and holding drill, j Wt, i3'5 grammes, n i"3. 278 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 2. DouBX-E Ducat, 1741. Obverfe. Reverfe. Ornamented ii regular (liield on pedes- tal ; arms of canton, colour indicated; fupporters, two favages holding open crown above Hueld ; the dex. holds two- handed fword in right hand, the fin., palm-branch in left ; beneath, floral orna- ment. By I. Thiebaud. Within ornamented border wreathed with palm-branches, DVCATVS REIPVBLIC/E LVCERNEN SIS . I.T •1741- Wt. 5" I grammes. N 'gs- 3 Ducat, SANCTVS LEODEGARIVS 1 St. Leodigarius, facing, wearing mitre I and epifcopal robes, and holding drill and book, and crozier 5 around his head, nimbus of rays. 1715. Within ornamented border, 1715 DVCATVS REIPVB LVCER NENSIS Wt. 3*5 grammes. N -85. 1741. Ornamented irregular fliield on pedes- tal ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; fupporters, two favages holding open crown above (liield ; the dex. holds two- handed fword in right hand, the fin., palm-branch in left ; beneath fhield, floral ornament. By I. Thiebaud. Within ornamented border wreathed with palm-branches, DUCATUS REIPUBLIC/E LUCERNEN SIS' l-T • 1741 • Wt. 3'4 grammes, iv "85. Double Pistole, 1794- RESPUBLICA LVCERNENSIS Shield ornamented with garland ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown, doled. Within laurel-wreath, 24 Mz : Gl •• 1794 . beneath wreath, Br. Wt. i5'2 grammes. N I"2. Luzer?i. 279 Obverfe. 6. Reverfe. Same : var. LVCERNENSIS. Same : var. beneath wreath, B. Wt. i5'2 grammes. N i'2. 7- 17 96. RESPUBLICA LUCERNENSIS Within hiurel-wreath, Jimilar type/ 24 Mz : Gl 1796 beneath wreath, ornament. Wt. i5'2 grammes. N 1'I5. 8. Pistole, 1794-. RESPUBLICA LVCERNENSIS. Shield ornamented with garland 5 arms of canton, colour indicated 5 crown, clofed. Within laurel-wreath, 12 Mz : Gl : 1794 • beneath wreath, B Wt. 7'6 grammes. jV "9. Twenty-frank Piece, 1807. CANTON LUCERN Shield ornamented with garland ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown, clofed 5 on either fide of fliield, at bafe, 20 FR . ; in ex., 1807 . to right of which B SCHWEIZER ■ EYDGENOS. SCHAFT. Warrior, wearing hat with plume and holding halbert in right hand, feated to left on mound and leaning on oval ftiield, which refts againft a broken oak-trunk from which a young branch rtiootsj fliield infcribed XIX CANT' in ex., B Wt. 9"4 grammes. N I'l. 2 8 o Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 10, II. Ten-frank Piece, 1804. Obverfe. CANTON LUCERN Shield and crown as on laft ; on either fide, at bafe, 10. FR. in ex., 1804 . Reverfe. B SCHWEIZR ■ EYDG : Warrior as on laft ; to right of fhield, Wt. 4" 7 grammes, n '85. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. Bracteates of the Fifteenth Century. 1418-1425. 12, 13. Within circle, (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated : border of large dots. Wt. -z gr. Bil. -6. 14, 15. Similar : colour indicated by arabefque. Bil. -6. 16. Plappart of the Fifteenth Century. (With Gothic Letters.) MONETA • LVCERNENSIS (point, quatrefoil.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by frette 5 above, one-headed im- perial eagle. SANCTVS • LEODIGARIVS (mm. crofs pattee ; point, quatrefoil.) Buft of St. Leodigarius, facing, nim- bate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding drill. Wt. 2"i grammes. Bil. -9. Luzern, 281 Obverfe. FiJNFER CLASS. 17- FUNFER. (With Gothic Letters.) Reverfe. MONETA • LVCERNENSIS (mm. crofs pattee j point, cinquefoil.) Within double quatrefoil, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated; above Ihield, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide, L V SANCT LVDIGA St. Leodigarius, facing, partly within compartment of many foils, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding drill and crozier. Wt. 1* gramme. Bil. '8. 18. Same infer, (mm. crofs pattee; point, quatrefoil.) Same type. SANCT LVDIGAR Similar type : compartment of many foils ornamented with trefoils at cufps. Bil. MONETA \LVCERNENS (mm. crofs pattee ; point, cinquefoil.) Same type. 19. SANCTV LVDIGAR Same type. Wt. I* gramme. Bil. "75. 20. (With Latin letters.) Same infer, (mm. crofs.) Same type. SANCT LVDIGA Same type ; varied. Wt. -6 gr. Bil. '75' THALER CLASS. 21. Thaler, 1557. ■ 8 ■ LEO DIGARI' ■ PATR' • LV CERNE' 1557 (points, quatrefoils.) St. Leodigarius, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, feated to left on throne, his hands raifed in the atti- tude of prayer ; before him (lands a foldier, armed with fword and dagger, piercing his right eye with a long drill. See Haller, i., pp. 4i5,"423.'^ Two flilelds ; the lower, arms of canton, colour indicated by frette ; the upper, arms of empire (fmaller, furmounted by clofed crown and two-headed imperial eagle nimbate) ; fupporters, lions rampant : border of (hields ; arms of fixteen baili- wicks of Luzern. Wt. 28'36 grammes, /R 175. 282 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 22, 23. 1621. • SANCTVS ■ LEODIGARIVS • P • (points, ftars of fix points.) St. Leodigarius, facing, nimbate, wear- ing mitre epifcopal robes and crofs, and holding drill and crozier. Reverfe. MONETA • NOVA ■ LVCERNENSIS • 1622 (points, I and 2, fmall quatrefoils, 3, ftar of fix points.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; above, crown ; on eagle, (l\ield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Wt. 28*5 grammes. JR i"6. 24, 25. 1698. SANCT: LEODI GARIVS PATRON : St. Leodigarius, towards right, wear- ing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding drill and book, and crozier ; around his head, nimbus of rays ; in ex., ftar of fix points. MONETA NOVA REIPU . LU CERNS. • 1698 • (points, i and 2, diamonds, 3 and 4, ftars of fix points.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; beneath fliield, ftar of fix points. Wt. 27'5 grammes. M 17. 26. 1714. SANCTVS LEODIGARIVS St. Leodigarius, wearing mitre epi- fcopal robes and crofs, feated towards left and looking towards right ; his right hand is raifed in the aft of blefting, and he holds crozier in his left ; his left arm refts on ornamented oval ftiield, arms of canton, colour indicated, fin., by arab- efque; at his feet is feated a child, who holds drill and palm ; beneath ftiield, h: ; in the ex., floral ornament between two ftars of five points. By John Hedllnger. Within ornamented floral border, MONETA REIPVP. (i/V) LVCERNEN= SIS beneath border, 1714 , Wt. 25'7 grammes. yR 1*55. Luzer?t. 283 27. Thaler, containing 40 Batzen, of 1796. Obverfe. Reverfe. RESPUBLICA LUCERNENSI . Oval Hiield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown clofed j on either fide, laurel-branch j in ex., 40 ' BAZ . DOMINUS SPES POPULI SUI 1796 Crofs formed of eight Ls, in pairs, back to back ; in centre of crofs, laurel- wreath. JR 1-55. 28. Thaler, containing 4 Franks, of 1813. E CANTON LU2ERN 1813 Oval fliield with border ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; crown clofed ; on either fide, palm-branch. SCHWEIZER: EIDSGENOSSEN • Warrior, towards right, wearing fword and hat with three plumes ; he holds halbcrt in right hand, and his left refts on irregular flrield, which is placed on low garlanded pedeftal, and is XT X infcribed p ^,„ ; on either fide of flueld, palm-branch ; the blade of the halbert is ornamented with confederation-crofs ; in ex., 4. franken _\ yR I'6. 29. 1814. Same. Same. M 1-55. Thaler, containing 40 Batzen, of 1816. Same : 1816. Within wreath of laurel and oak, 40 BATZEN 284 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Half-Thaler, 1714. MONETA ■ NOVA ■ REIP • LVCERN ENSIS ■ 1714 (points, ftars of five points.) Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Reverfe. Within border of fcroU work, AVXILIO DEI PROSPE R E Wt, i3*3 grammes, jr. i'j. 33- Half-Thaler, containing 20 Batzen, of 1795 RESPUBLICA LVCERNENSIS Oval fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown clofed'j on either fide, laurel-branch j In ex., zo-baz* DOMINUS SPES POPULI SUI ■ 1795 ' (points, ftars of fix points.) Crofs formed of eight Ls, in pairs, back to back ; in centre of crofs, laurel- wreath. JR 1-3. 34- Frank, containing to Batzen, of 1812. CANTON LUZERN 1812 Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated 5 crown clofed 5 on either fide, palm-branch. SCHWEIZERISCHE EIDSGENOS SENSCHAFT Warrior, to left, wearing fword and hat with one plume ; in his right hand, which refts on (liield, he holds halbert directed over right flioulder ; his left hand refts upon his hip ; the fliield is infcribed XIX CAN ; in ex., '10 . BATZ : tone Wt. 7" I grammes. &. I'l. DIKEN CLASS. 35- DiKEN OF Seventeenth Century. • MO • NO ■ LVCERNENSI (points, 2 and 3, fixfoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; above fliield, one- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide, L V. ■ SANCT^ . LEODIGARl^' (point, i, ftar of fix points, 2, large trefoil.) Buft of St. Leodigarlus to right, with double nimbus, wearing mitre and epi- fcopal robes, and holding drill. Wt. 8"9 gram.mes. jr. v^. Luzern. 285 36- 1612. Obverfe. Reverfe,"' ■ MON • NO- LVC ERNENSIS. (mm. fixfoll J points, l, 3, and 4, quatrefoils, 2, fixfoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; between heads, crofs ; below, or- namented fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated by frette. • SANCT5 ■ LE0DIGARI5 1612 • (points, I and 3, quatrefoils, 2, fixfoll.) Same type, nimbus fingle. Wt. 8*8 grammes. M I'z^. 37- 1620. MONETA ■ NOVA LVCERNENSIS (mm. fixfoil ; point, quatrefoil.) Similar type ; fhield plain, colour indi- cated. SANCT= ■ LEODIGARIVS ■ 1620 (points, quatrefoils.) Same type. Wt. 6'3 grammes, jr. i'i5. 38-40. 1623. MONETA • NOV LVCERNENS (mm. fixfoil ; point, quatrefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; between heads, crofs ; in ex., fhield, arms of canton, colour indi- cated, between 16 23. SANCTVS ■ LEODEGARIVS • (points, quatrefoils.) Similar. Wt. 8"5 grammes. & i'2. 8-2 7-6 41. Half-Diken, 1623. MONETA ■ NOV • LVCERNENSIS (points, cinquefoUs.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque; in ex., • 1623 . SANCTVS • MAVRITIVS • PATRON (points, cinquefolls.) Half-length figure of St. Maurice to- wards right, nimbate, armed and wear- ing helmet ; in his right hand he holds drawn fword and his left relts upon his hip ; on his breaft, crofs treflee. Wt. 4*1 grammes. i« I'l. 2 86 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 42. Obverfe. MONETA • NOV ■ LVCERNENS (points, cinquefoils.) Same type; in ex., 16,23 (point, cinquefoil). Reverfe, Same. Wt. 4.' grammes. M \'i. BATZEN-CLASS. 43- Five-Batzen Piece, 1806. CANTON LUCERN (mm. quatrefoil barbed, between words.) Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated; crown open; on either fide, palm- branch. Within wreath of oak, V BATZEN 1806 Wt. 4'4 grammes. Bil. '95. 44-46. 1810. Same infer. Ornamented flileld ; arms of canton, colour Indicated ; crown clofed ; on either fide, laurel and palm branches. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE (mm. cinquefoil. j Within wreath of laurel, 5. BATZ: 1810 Bil 47, 48. 1814. CANTON LUZERN Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; crown clofed ; on either fide, laurel-branch. Same Infer. Two laurel-branches forming wreath, ends croffed and united by two palm- branches ; within wreath, 5 BATZ : 1814 Bil Liuzern. 287 Obverfe. 49. 1815. Reverfe. CANTON LUZERN 1815 . Similar type 5 on either fide of fliiekl, palm-branch. Same infer. Two paim-branches forming wreath, ends croffed and united by two laurel- branches ; within wreath, 5. BATZ ; Bil. Same : var. LUZERN. 50. 1816. Same. Bi 5'- Two-and-a-haLF Batzen Piece, 181 5. ;respublica lucernensis Shield 5 arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; crown clofed 5 on either fide, oak and laurel branches. domine conserva nos in pace (mm. quatrefoil.) 1\ BfKTZ : 1815 Wt. 2' I grammes. Bil. -8. 52. CANTON LUZERN 1815. Similar ty*pe ; fhield var. ; on either fide, palm-branch. Same infer. Two palm- branches forming wreath, ends crolled and united by two laurel- branches 5 within wreath, 2h BATZ: Bil. 53- Same. I Same : var. no line. 2 88 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 54- Batzen of Seventeenth Century, Obverfe. Reverfe. • MONETA • LVCERNEN • (points, fix- foils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque; above, one-headed imperial eagle between l v. SANCTVS ■ LVDIGARIVS: (mm. crofs pattee ; point, obfcure.) Crofs moline, within quatrefoil orna- mented with large fleurs-de-lis at cufps. Wt. 2*4 grammes. Bil. I'os. 55. 1622. MON • NOVA • LVC ERNENS : 1622 Ornamented fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated in fin. by arabefque 5 above, one-headed imperial eagle, nim- bate. CONCORDIA- RES ■ PARVAE • CRE SCVN : (mm. cinquefoil.) Crofs moline, cantoned with fleurs-de- lis pointing inwards. Wt. 2* grammes. Bil. "95. 56= MON ■ NOVA ■ LVCERNENS • 1622 (point I, cinquefoil.) Similar type ; eagle not nimbate. CONCORDIA ■ RES • PARVAE ■ CRE SCV : (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. Bil. 57- MONE ■ NO • LVCERNENSIS • 1622 Similar type ; colour in dex. ; on either fide of ftiield, L v. CONCORDIA • RES • PARVAE • CRE SCVNT (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. BIL 58. MONE ■ NOV ■ LVCERNENSIS • 1622 Similar type ; eagle nimbate. Same. Bil. -9. Luzern. 289 Obverfe. Same. 59- Reverfe. CONCORDIA RES • PARVAE • CRE SCVN (mm. quatretbil.) Same type. Bil. 60-62. 16 38. MON • NO ■ LVCERNENSIS (points, diamonds.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque } in ex., 1638 V of TRIVMPHAT inverted a. IN • CRVCE • TRIVMPHAT (mm. crofs pattee ; points, diamonds.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. ^•l grammes. Bil. i" 63- MON • NOV ■ LVCERNENSIS (points, diamonds.) Same type 5 in ex., 1638 IN • CRVCE • TRIVMPHAT • (mm. crofs; points, diamonds.) Same type. Bil. 64. 1713. MON • NOVA • REIP • LVCERNE • • 1713 ' (point on either fide of date, cinquefoil.) Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque. CONCORDIA • RES • PARVAE • CRESC • (mm. quatrefoil.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with heart- ftraped ornaments. Wt. i'9 gramme. Bil. '9. 65. Similar : on either fide of date, quatre- foil. Same infer.-, var. CRESC. Crofs fourchy, cantoned with trefoils flipped pointing outwards. Bil. s. c. 290 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 66. 1714. Obverfe. MON • NOVA ■ REIP • LVCERNEN . 1714 (on either fide of date, ftar of five points.) Similar type. Reverfe. Same : var. mm. ftar of five points. Bil. 67, 68. 1742. ■MON- NOVA ■ REIP • LVCERNENS! 17 42 Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated. CONCORDIA • RES • PARV/E • CRESC • (mm. clnquetoil.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with fleur-de- lis ornaments pointing outwards. Bil. 69. 1743- MON : NOVA : REIP : LUCERNENS • • 1743 ' (mm. at end of legend, trefoil on ftalk.) Same type : beneath date, i.h By J. Haag. CONCORDIA : RES : PARV/E : CRESC ■ (mm. clnquefoil.) Same type. Bil. 70. 1795- MON • NOVA -REIP- LVCERN. 1795. i DOMINUS SPES POPULI SUI (mm. (above point, on either fide of date, ftar of fix points.) Ornamented oval Oiield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque. role.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with trefoils flipped pointing outwards. Bil. -95. 71,72. 1796. MON • NOVA • REIP • LUCERNEN . 1796. (Above point, on either fide of date, ftar of five points.) Same type. Same: var. mm. cinquefoil. Bil. Luzern, 291 Obverfe. 73- Reverfe. MONETA • REIPUB ■ LUCERNENSIS Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; in ex., -I-Baz. DOMINUS • SPES • POPULI • SUI 1796 (points, ftars of five points.) Crofs foiirchy. Bil. 74- MONETA REIPUB • LUCERNENSI Same type. Same. Bil. 75- Batzen, containing 10 Rappen, of 1804. CANTON • LUCERN Ornamented oval fhield \ arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque j on either fide, laurel and palm branch ; in ex., 1 • BAZ • Within wreath of oak, X RAPPEN 1804 Wt, 2'5 grammes. Bil. 76. 1805. MONETA • REIPUB • LUCERNENSIS Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; in ex., I'Baz- Within wreath of oak, 1 BATZEN 1805 Bil. 77, 78. 1806. CANTON ■ LUCERN Ornamented oval flileld ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque j on either fide, palm and laurel branch. Within wreath of oak, X RAPPEN 1806 Bil. -9. T Z 292 Catalogue of Swi/s Coins. 79, 80. 1807. Obverfe. CANTON LUCERN • (mm. between words, fleur-de-lis.) Oval iliield 5 arms of canton, colour indicated ; above fhield, feftooned gar- land ; in ex., 1807. Reverfe. Within wreath of oak, I BATZEN X RAPPEN Bil. Similar: nomm.orftop. 81. 1808. Same. Bil. 82. 1809. • CANTON • LUCERN ' (points, ftars of five points.) Similar type. Similar. Bil. Same infer. : no points. Similar type} in ex., 1810 83. 1810. Similar : var. 1. Bil. '95' 84. 1811. • CANTON LUCERN • (points, ftars of fix points.) Similar type; the ftiield being placed on pedeftal j in ex., 181 1 between ftars of fix points. Similar. Bil. Luzern, 293 Obverfe. 85. 1813. CANTON LUCERN (mm. between words, quatrefoil.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, palm-branch ; in ex., 1813 Reverfe. Within wreath of laurel all in one direction, above to left, 1 BATZEN 10 RAPPEN Bil. -9. 86. Same infer, (mm. floral ornament.) Similar type : In ex., 18 13. Similar. Bil. 87. Half-Batzen, 1742. • MONETA ■ LUCERNENSIS ■ 17 42 (points, ftars of fix points.) Ornamented Shield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; beneath fhield, I T . By J. Thiebaud. SANCT : LEODIGARI • (mm. after infer., flar of fix points.) Half-length figure of St. Leodigarius facing, nimbate, wearing mitre and cpi- fcopal robes, and holding drill and crozier. J Wt. I "3 gramme. Bil. '75. 88, 89. 1743- Same : var. points, ftars of five points ; beneath fhield, • I • H • By J. Haag. Similar : mm. ftar of five points. Bil. 90-92. 1794- MON . LVCERNENSIS . 1 Similar : no point at end of infer. Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated j in ex., •I794' Bil 294 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 93> 94. Obverfe. 1795- Reverfe. MON : LUCERNENSIS . Same infer, (point • after mm.) Same type; in ex., 1795 • Same type, varied. Bil. 95. MON : LUCERNENSIS Same infer, (point beneath mm.) Same type. Bil. 96, 97. Half-Batzen, containing Five Rappen, of 1813. CANTON LUCERN 1813 Within wreath of laurel all in one direftion, above to left, BATZEN 5 . RAP Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. "85. Shield ; arms of canton, eolour indi cated ; on either fide, palm-branch. SCHILLING CLASS. 98. Gulden or Florin, containing Forty Schillings, of the Eighteenth Century. MON : NOV : REIP : LUCERNENSIS. Ornamented irregular Ihield, decorated with flowers ; arms of canton, colour in- dicated J crown open. ■ DOMINUS ■ SPES • POPULI ■ SUI • (points, crofses fourchy.) Ornamented irregular fhield decorated with flowers ; on ftiield, two Ls inter- lacing ; in centre, small crofs fourchy and other ornaments ; crown open ; on lower part of fliield, G- B Wt. 8"i grammes. M \'i$. 99. 1796. RESPUBLICA LUCERNENSIS Oval fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel-branch ; crown clofed. DOMINUS SPES POPULI SUI 1796 Crofs formed of eight Ls in pairs, back to back ; in centre of crofs, 40 . Wt. 7*5 grammes, jb. I'lj. Luzern, 295 Obverfe. 100. Reveife. Similar : crown var. Same. iR. lOI. Half-Gulden, 1713. • MONETA ■ NOVA • REIP • LUCER NENSIS (points, except laft, ftars of five points.) Ornamented oval ftiield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either lide of fliield, palm-branch. ■ DOMINUS ■ SPES • POPULI • SVI • 1713 (points, ftars of five points.) Crofs formed ot eight Ls as before ; in centre, 20 . Wt. 4" 2 grammes. Bil. i. 102. 1793. MON : NOV : REIP : LUCERNENSIS . Ornamented oval fliield, decorated with garland ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel and palm branch j crown open. DOMINUS • SPES ■ POPULI • SUI 1793 ' (points, crofses fourchy.) Same type. Bil. 103. 1796. RESPUBLICA LUCERNENSIS Oval fliield 5 arms of canton, colour indicated j on either fide, laurel-branch ; crown clofed. Same : no points. Bil. 104. Quarter-Gulden, 1725. MON • NOV- REIP- LUCERNEN • 1725 (mm. ftar of five points.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque; below, in oval -^ DOMINUS • SPtS ■ POPULI • SUI (mm. cinquefoil ; points, croises fourchy.) Two ornamental Ls interlacing ; in centre, crofs fourchy; around, orna- ments. Wt. 2" 5 gramnit;s. Bil. •<). 296 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 105, 1793. Obverfe. MON . NOV . REIP . LUCERNENS . Ornamented oval fhield, decorated with garland; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, laurel and palm branch ; crown open. Reverfe. DOMINUS ■ SPES • POPULI ■ SUl 1793 (points, crofses fourchy.) Crofs of eight Ls ; in centre, i Bil. Same. 106, 107. 1796. Same. Bil. 108, 109. Eighth Gulden, 1725. MON • NOV ■ REIP • LVCERN • 1725 DOMINVS SPES POPVLI SVI (mm. Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ; clnquefoil.) ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; below, in circle, -g- (Two fpecimens, varied.) Two Ls interlacing; in centre, crofs fourchy 5 around, ornaments. Wt. 16 gramme. Bil. "75. 1 10. 1793. MON . NOV . REIP . LUCERN . Ornamented oval fliield, decorated with garland ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; crown open. DOMINUS SPES POPULI SUl 1793 • Same type. Bil. III. Groschen, 1594. MONETA ■ LVCERNENSIS • 594 (mm. crofs pattee ; points, leaves.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque. SIT • NOM • DNI ■ BENEDICTVM (points, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi; on it, orb infcribed 3 ; crofs of orb fup- porting clofed crown. Wt. 2*2 grammes. Bil. '85. Luzern. 297 1 12. 1600. Obverfe. Reverfe. Var. date, 600; point at beginning of infer. ; other points, cinquefolls. Var. points, cinquefolls ; colon at be- ginning and end of infer. Bil. "3- 1601. Var. date, 601 ; point i wanting, 2 cinquefoil, 3 colon. Var. quatrefoils in place of cinque- folls (laft effaced), and fingle points at beginning and end of infer. Bil. 114. 1602. Var. date, 602 ; cinquefoil before date. Var. cinquefolls between words ; no point at beginning or end of infer. Bil. Var. MONET; date, 604 115. 1604. Var. D in place of DNI ; cinquefoil at end of infer. Bil. 116. 1605 ? MONETA • LVCERNENSIS : 605 (mm. crofs pattee ; firft point, cinquefoil.) Same type. (The unit in date is indlftlnft.) SIT ■ NOM • DNI • BENEDICTVM (points, cinquefolls; end of infer, obliterated.) Same type. Bil. 117. 1606. Var. MONET • 606 (points, cinque- folls.) Var. D In place of DNI ; cinquefoil at end of infer, BU. 298 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 118. Obverfe. '' Var. date in full, 1606 5 points, quatrefoils. Reverfe. Var. points, quatrefoils. Bil. 119. MONETA • LVCERNENSIS (point, ftar of fix points.) Within quatrefoil, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated 5 furmaunted by two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; above, crown. Schilling of Sixteenth Century. • SANCT , LEODIGARI ■ (mm. and points, ftars of fix points.) Buft of S. Leodigarius three-quarters towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and cpilcopal robes, and holding drill and ciozier. Wt. i'4 gramme. Bil. '85. 120. 1600. Same infer. ; points, cinquefoils ; point at beginning and end of infer. ; fame type ; on either fide of ihield, 6 OO j crown clofed. Same infer. ; mm, cinquefoil and leaf ; points, cinquefoils ; firft point wanting; fimilar type ; buft of faint facing. Wt. 1-3 gramme. Bil. '8. 121. 1603. Var. points i and 3 wanting; date, 6 03 : SANCT ■ LEODIGARI • (mm. cinque- foil ; 2nd point, cinquefoil.) Same type. Bil. -75. 122-124. 1623. MON • LVCER NENSIS (point, cinque- foil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, clofed crown; in ex., fliield, arms of canton, colour indicated, between 16 23 SANCT • LEODEGARI (mm. and point, cinquefoils.) Similar type. Bil. -85. Luzern, 299 Obverfe. Same. 125. Reverfe. Var. cinquefoil at end of infer. Bil. Var/point, crofs fourchy. 126. 1634. No point at end of infer. Bil. 127-130. 1638. Var. MON • LUC ERNENSIS (point, diamond.) Var. mm. crofs ; point, diamond. Bil. 13I5 132. 1647. MON • LVCERNENSI Similar eagle, but larger and without crown ; in ex., fliield as laft between 16 47 , SANCT ■ LEODEGARIV • (mm. cinque- foil ; point 2, (juatrefoil.) Same type. Bil. '8. Same. i33> 134. SANCT ■ LEODIGARI' (mm. fleur- de-lis.) Same type. Bil. 135' Kreuzer, 1609. MON ■ LVCE RNENSIS- (points, cinque- foils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate, as laft ; below which, 1609 ; below date, fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated, dividing infer. SANCT ■ LEODIGARI ■ (points, cinque- foils.) Half-length figure of Saint, facing, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding drill and crozier. Wt. -igr. Bil. -65. 300 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. RAPPEN CLASS. 136, 137. Rappen of Eighteenth Century Obverfe. Reverfe. Ornamented Afield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fliield, laurel and palm branches. I RAPEN below, floral ornament. IE. "65. Same : varied. 138. I Same Tvaried. 139-141. 1774- Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- Ornamented border, in ^vhich, ton, colour indicated; on either fide of fliield, palm and laurel branches ; below, B 1 RAPEN 1774 1 Bil. 2 IE. By J. Brupacher ? 142, 143. Similar type ; fliield var. ; below fliield. 175 no letter Border varied ; after date, point. I Bil. ^ I VE. 144. 17 95- Same. Same ; no point after date. IE. Luzern. 301 Obverfe. 145. 1796.' Reverfe. Same. Same. M. 146, 147. 1804. Same: varied. Within laurel wreath, 1 RAPEN 1804 JE. 148, 149. 1831. Between two laurel-branches, (hield ; Within wreath of palm and oak. arms of canton, colour indicated. 1 RAPPEN 1831 m. 150. 1839. CANTON LUZERN Within oak-wreath, Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated j on either fide, oak-branch. 1 RAPPEN 1839 m. 151, 152. Var. branches, laurel. Within wreath of laurel leaves all in one dire6lion, above to left, 1 RAPPEN 1839 on either fide of numeral 1, bud. iE. 302 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?ts. 153^ 154- 1843. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON LUZERN Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; from behind ihield are feen oak and laurel branches. Within oak wreath, 1 RAPPEN 1843 «. ANGSTER CLASS. 155-159- Angster, 1790. Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- Between ornaments, ton, colour indicated ; on either fide of 1 ftiield, palm and laurel branch. (155, 156 {lightly different from 157, 158, 159.) ANGSTER 1790 I Bil., the reft je. MEDALS. A. — City and Canton. I. Rebuilding of Collegiate Church, 1633. Shield, arms of Luzern, furmounted by two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi ; on either fide of ihield, 16 33 . IN MEMOR' BENEDNIS ANG". LAP. NO. ECCL-COLL- SEN ■ LVCEN F • F • ET ■ D • D Wt. I "1 6 gramme. .« '65. The Collegiate Church of Luzern was burnt down in 1633, and rebuilt in the fame year. (Haller. vol. ii. p. 395.) This medal commemorates the laying of the foundation ftone of the new building. Luzern. 303 Obverfe. 2. 1745- Reverfe. DOMINVS ILLVMINATIO MEA Irregular fhield with deep ornamental border and pedeftal rifing higher on one fide of fliield than on the other ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; fupporters, favages ; the dex., to left, holds two-handed fword in right hand, and open crown over Ihield with left ; the fin.,feated, holds palm-branch, and refts head on hand 5 on dex. fide of fhield, olive-branch ; on pedeftal, 174.5, ^'""^ below, • i • B • LVCERNA PEDIBVS MEIS View of City ; above, on cloud, Virgin, crowned, and Child, both with gloria ; (he holds fceptre with which fhe points towards city ; befide her, to right, angel holding wreath in right hand, and fly- ing towards city ; in exergue, • i • BRUPACHER Wt, 37'2 grammes. M 2. 3- 1746. DOMINVS ILLVMINATIO MEA Oval fhield with deep ornamental bor- der and pedeftal ; arms of canton, colour indicated j open crown, through which the fcroll-work of fliield paffes ; fup- porters, favages, recumbent ; on either fide of fhield, from behind, are feen branches of palm and olive ; on pedeftal, 1746, and below, i brupacher . Same infer. ; fimilar type ; in exergue, I. Brupacher . Wt. 20*8 grammes. & t'SS- Medal commemorating Battle of Sempach. VOTA PVPLICA S • P" Q- LVCER NENSIS- Female figure (Luzern) I0 left, facri- ficing with patera at tripod ; fhe wears mural crown, and on left arm carries oval fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated ; in exergue, I -SCHWENDIMANN FECIT ■ LIBERTAS ASSERTA- Viftory advancing to right, holding in right hand ftaff, on which is hat with three plumes, and in left laurel-wreath ; In exergue, AD SEMPACVM MCCC LXXXVI Wt, 9*8 grammes. M i'3. 304 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Medal of Tir held at Luzern. Obverfe. Reverfe. Arnold von Winkelried in full armour, dead, grafping to his breaft bundle of pikes ; beneath him, halbert and banner, gu. a crefcent ar., on broken ftaft ; above him. Victory, holding hat on ftaff and laurel-wreath, flying left ; in field, I • B • FRENER m exergue, DEM ARNOLD VON WINKELRIED DAS DANKBARE VATERLAND Confederation-Crofs, radiate, over which, in wreath of oak and laurel, SCHUTZENFEST DER EIDGENOSSEN IN LUZERN Wt. 33 grammes. ^R i"6. B. SCHUL-PFENNINGE. 6, 7. Upon a fun of 1 7 flames and 1 7 rays, the monogram ■ I H S ■ within a gloria ; below, . p. I_. V "S- P- Q- L- Immediately above H and joined to it by line, crofs pattee 5 points 1-7, 11, 12, 14, cinquefoils J 13, fame, larger. Three irregular fliields placed triangu- larly ; I, Empire (two-headed eagle) ; 2, 3, Luzern, colour^in 2 in fm. impe rial crown ; fupporters, lions rampant ; the dex. holds fword and orb, the fin. ban- ner of Luzern, per fefl^e arg. and az. : border compofed of fliields, arms of the 18 bailiwicks. Wt. i8'i grammes, /s. i'6^. 16 grammes. M I'y. The arms of thefe 1 8 bailiwicks of Luzern are defcribed and attributed by Haller (vol. I. p. 415). This medal, though genuine, has fomewhat the appearance of a cafl:. 8. Similar. 1 H S ; below, • P. L- V •S- P- Q- L- . F.F. Loweft limb of crofs prolonged Into H ; points, ftars of five points, except 11, cin- quefoil. Shield 5 arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque and horizontal lines ; fupporters, lions rampant, regardant ; the dex. holds fword, the fin. baimer of canton, as laft, colour indicated ; open crown ; ornamented pedeftal, below which, the letters ib like mon. IB : border of fliields as in lafl;. Wt. 23*3 grammes, jr i'6. This medal has been cut round the edge In order to be fet in a rim. Luzern. 305 Obverfe. Reverfe, CIVITAS SURLACENSIS Female figure to left, draped and wear- ing crefted helmet and cuirafs of fcale armour, leaning againft pedeftal, and holding in left hand a fpear ; the right refts on oval fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated fm. ; behind the pedeftal are a fcroll, globe, and caduceus furmounted by winged petafus. Within laurel wreath, DEM FLEISS ZUM LOHNE (With ring) Wt. i2'i grammes. 10. SENATUS POPULUSQUE LUCER NENSIS ■ F ■ F • (mm. fevenfoil.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; crown open ; on either fide, oak and laurel branches. Mountain, on the fummit of which an irradiated temple, to which a winding path leads up ; at foot ftands a teacher or facred perfonage, who points out tem- ple to young fcholar holding books ; in the diftance, the fea with two fhips 5 on ftone in foreground, a . s . f . Wt. 49"5 grammes. JR. I'l s.c. u MURI. URI, a Benediaine Abbey in the Canton Aargau, was founded in 1027 by Rathbot, Count of Altenburg, and reorganized by his fon Werner, Count of Habfburg. In 1089 it obtained Papal and in 11 14 Imperial re- cognition. In 1 701 the Emperor Leopold raifed the Abbot of Muri to the rank of Prince of the Empire. Jnns. — Gu., a fefle embattled az. ABBEY OF MURI. Medals. PLACIDUS, 1684-1721. 1-3- Jubilee of 1720, Ducat Weight. Obverfe. Reverfe. I PLACIDVS . ABB . MVR . S . R PRINC. Buft of Abbot to right, wearing cowl and fkull-cap ; around his neck, a cord, to which is attached a crofs. >ET . LXXIV REG . 20 (points I and 5, tre- • IVBIL>EVS . XXXVI ■ 17 foils.) Upon a prince's cloak, (hield j arms of the family of Zurlauben, with inef- cutcheon, arms of the abbey, colours indicated j above Ihield, three helmets, the centre furniounted by mitre on cufhion and crozier, the dex. crefted with demi- lion of Habfburg, holding in paws flag ornamented with two-headed imperial eagle, the fm., demi-lion of Zurlauben holding branch, Wt, 3'4 grammes. N '8. No. 2, double ftruck. No. 3 has a loop for fufpenfion, and is therefore heavier. Muri, 307 Obverfe. Same. Reverfc. IVBIL/EVS /ET . LXXIV REGIM . XXXVI • 1720 (points i and 4, trefoils.) Same type. Wt. 4 grammes. A '85. PLACIDVS . ABB . MVR PRINCEPS Gulden S.R.I. 5- Weight. iVBIL/EVS Same type. >€T . LXXIV XXXVI ■ of the REGIM Abbey of Bird's-eye view Muri ; in centre, church with two fteeplcs and lantern ; around it, gardens and various buildings ; the whole enclofed by high wall with door-way ; in ex., fliield, arms of Zurlauben, with inefcutcheon, arms of the abbey ; above fliield, mitre between crozier and fword j on either fide, palm-branch and mdc cxx . Wt. i8"3 grammes. JS. i'35. Placidus, Abbot of Muri, was born at Zug in 1646, and was a deicendant of the houfe of Zurlauben von Thurn and Geftelenburg. He was made Abbot of Muri in 1684, and in 1701 received for himfelf and his fucceffors the rank of prince of the empire. He died in 1721. u 2 NEUCHATEL. ^EUCHATEL (Neuenburg), the twenty-firft canton of the Swifs Confederation, to which it was added in 1815, has the fame name as its capital. Capital. — Neuchatel (Neuenburg), the " New Caftle" was the feat of Counts, who had a grant of the right of coinage from the Emperor Karl IV. in 1347. In 15 12 it pafTed from the family of Hochberg to that of Longueville by the marriage of the heirefs of the former houfe to Louis de Longueville, youngeft fon of Francois d'Orleans, Count of Longueville and grandfon of Jean Dunois, the Baftard of Orleans. In 1707 this line became extinft, and the States of Neuchatel and Valangin placed themfelves under the pro- tection of Pruflia, Frederick I. having been feleiled' as reprefenting the houfe of Chalons, to which the States had formerly belonged. In 1806, Napoleon L compelled Pruflia to renounce its claim, and made his general iMarfhal Rerthier, Prince of Neuchatel : in 18 14 at the Congrefs of Vienna the principality reverted to Pruflia, but declared itfelf inde- pendent in 1848. Jrms. — Town and Canton, Old : or., a pale gu. charged with three chevrons arg. Thefe are the arms of the county and principality of Neuchatel, varied only under the ephemeral French line of Berthier. Modern : Per pale, vert, arg., and gu., the laft with a crofs couped of the fecond in chief; adopted in 1848. BRACTEATE. Time of Isabella, Countess of Nidau, Fourteenth Century. Within broad ET ■ 74 • REG • 27 • GEROLD • II BIL/EUS (1723) On mantle, two fliields ; the dex., arms of Abbey ; the fin., arms of Zurlauben; colours in both indicated 5 above, in centre, mitre with ftole on embroidered ciifliion, and crozier, the (lafF of which pafles between fhields ; on either fide of mitre, a helmet, the dex. with high peak, the fin. crefted with the demi-lion of Zurlauben. S ■ FIN TAN • PRINC • LAGINI/E MONACH • RHENOV St. Fintan, facing, nimbate, in monk's drefs, holding ftaff and book on which is a clofed crown ; on left ftioulder, bird ; before him, two Aiields, the dex. Scot- land, the fin. a man paflant gardant, holding uncertain objeft in right hand. Wt. 6"9 grammes, iv I'of. Another in filver. Wt. 5*8 grammes. JS. i. Same. Ducat-Weight. Var. points after LAGINI/E • and RHENOV- Wt. 3 "4 grammes. N '85. GEROLDUS ■ II • ABB ■ RHENOV : Buft, to right, in cowl and biretta ; on breaft, a crofs. lUBIL/EUS /ETATIS • 74 • REGI MINIS ■ 27 Ornamented oval (hield on pedeftal ; arms of Zurlauben, with inefcutcheon, arms of Abbey, colours indicated, fur- mounted by mitre between crozier and fword ; on pedeftal of fliield, 1723. Wt. 5"9 grammes. N 1. Another in filver with thick rim. Wt. 6*9 grammes, js. vo^. Ceroid II. Zurlauben or zur Lauben, Baron of Thurn and Geftellenburg, was born 1649 or 1650, was eleded abbot in 1697, and died in 1725. He built feveral additions to his monaftery, among which is the church commemorated on the firft medal. CANTON OF SARINE AND BROYE. FIE ephemeral canton of Sarine and Broye was founded in February 1798. It confifted of the Romanfch por- tion of Freiburg, together with the dillri6ls of Payerne, W\ Avenches, and Morat. The deputies reprefenting this canton met at Payerne, where a national provifional aflembly was formed. The canton lafted but a few months, having been reunited to the canton of Freiburg on the 30th May 1798. KREUZER CLASS. Forty-two Kreuzer Piece, 1798. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON • DE SARINE -ET • BROYE Fafces rumiountccl by hat witli two plumes. LIBERTE EGALITE • 1798 • (points, cinquefoils.) Within wreath of olive and laurel, VALEUR DE 42C- Wt. 6-7 grammes, jr i'i. 2. Same. San:e. Wt. 7'4 grammes. M I'lf. Same, Same: var. 42CR- Wt. 7 grammes. M I'iS- These pieces of 4a Kreuzers, which were ftruck at Freiburg, were the only money iflTued by this new canton during the flrort period of its exiftence. They were with- drawn from circulation by the Helvetic Government on the 20th November 1800, wlien it was ordered, that, as thefe pieces were below the intrinfic value of the current coinage, they would be received at the Public Treafury until the ist January 1801 and reckoned at the value of 10 Batzen ; after -which date their currency would entirely cease. This fudden fuppreflion cf thefe coins accounts for their extreme rarity. SCHAFFHAUSEN. CHAFFHAUSEN (SchafFhoufe) is the twelfth canton of the Swifs Confederation, which it joined in 1501, in the fame year as Bafel, which taices precedence of it. ^Capital. — Schaft'haufen (Schaffhoufe) or the Skiff-houfe, from an early period incorre£lly fuppofed to mean the fheep-houfe. Jnns. — Or, a demi-ram mounting, fa., attired of the firft. CITY AND CANTON. GOLD COINS. I. Pattern for Ducat, 1599. Obverfe. Revcrfe. Ornamented fliield ; arms of canton ; j Two-headed imperial eagle with two above, 1 5, on either fide, 9 9. open crowns. { Wt. 5-1 grammes. At (lozenge) \-z. Ducat, 1633. 2. MO : NO : AVREA • SCAFVSENSIS 16-33 • Ornamented fliield j arms of canton. : DEVS • SPES ■ NOSTRA • EST : (mm. cinquefoil ; points, 2, 3, and 4, fmall cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; between heads, crofs. ^^- 3 '5 grammes. A' "8. DVCATVS ■ NOVVS • REIPVB : SCA FVSENSIS (mm. quatrefoil with rays.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of canton. DEVS • SPES • NOSTRA ■ EST • (mm. ram IfTuing from hoiife between two quatrefoils with rays; points, I, 2, 3, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle; between heads, open crown. Wt. 3-5 grammes, jv -85. 3 3 o Catalogue of Swifs Coins. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. BRACTEATES. (Pfenninge of two Hellers, called Bockspfenninge.) I. Before 1415. 4- Demi-ram iffuing to left from round caftle with pointed roof: border of dots. Wt. -7. gr. Bil. (fquare) -65. In the year 14.15 the arms of Schaffhaufen were changed from a ram ifluing from a caftle to a ram fpringing from a caftle. II. After 141 5. Fifteenth Century. 5,6. Demi-ram fpringing to left from round caftle : plain border. (Two coins varied.) Wt. "3 gr. Bil. (fq.) -6. 7- Same : var, ram with longer horns and legs more raifed : plain border. Bil. 8,9. Demi-ram fpringing to left from embattled round tower : plain border. Bil. III. Struck during Seventeenth Century. 10, II. Demi-ram fpringing to left from fquare embattled tower with window at fide. (Low relief). (Two coins varied.) Wt. -2 gr. Bil. -5. S chaff haiif en. ZZ"^ Obverfe. THALER CLASS. 12. Thaler, 1551. MONETA • NOVA • SCAFVSENSIS (mm. trefoil flipped ; points, quatrefoils.) Demi- ram fpringiiig to left from fquare embattled caftle with circular window at fide ; below ram, caftus ; above head of ram, 1551. Reverfe. DEVS • SPES • NOSTRA • EST (mm. trefoil flipped ; points, quatrefoils.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wt. 28'5 grammes. M. i*6. 1620. Same infer., mm. cinquefoil"; fimilar type. DEVS : SPES NOSTRA : EST (points, quatrefoils.) Similar type ; above eagle, crown clofed. Wt. 27- grammes, m. vG. 14. 1621. Same : var. points and numerals of date fmaller. Same : var. fingle points (quatrefoils) in place of colons. Wt. 26-1 grammes, m. vG. 15- Same : var. mm, fmall quatrefoil ; numerals of date large. DEVS : SPES NOSTRA EST : (points, quatrefoils.) J& 1-6. 16. Half-Thaler, 1623. MONETA NOVA : SCAFVSEN[SIS] (points, quatrefoils.) Demi-ram fpringing to left from caftle ; below, ca6lus; above head of ram, 1623. DE S : SPES NOSTRA EST : (mm. cinquefoil ; point?, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi. Wt. i2"4 grammes. M i*35. 332 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. DIIvEN CLASS. DiKEN, 1614. Obverfe, Reverie. MO : NO : SCAFVSENIS 1614 (points, diamonds.) Demi-ram, crowned, fpringing to left from calHe, over which are four balls; below, ca61us. DEVS : SPES NOSTRA EST : (mm. cinquefoilj points, diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle. Wt. 8*5 grammes. M I'z. 18. 1617, Same : var, colon of diamonds after date. This coin feems to be a pattern. Same : var. no points at beginning and end of infer. ; eagle nimbate. Wt. io"7 grammes. M (lozenge-fliaped) i-6. 19. MO ■ NO : SCAFVSENSIS 1617 • (points, diamonds.) Same type; caftle var., without the \ Same type, four balls above it ; ram not crowned, I Same infer.; fingle points . (diamonds) at beginning and end of infer. Wt, 7"8 grammes, m i'15. 20, 1621. M O ■ NO ' SCAFVSENSIS 1621 • DEVS • SPES N OSTRA • EST (points, diamonds.) Similar type. (points, diamonds.) Same type. Wt. 6-1 grammes, JS. I'lS- The reverfe of this coin Is countermarked with bear — of Bern, according to Haller. 21. 1631. MONETA NOVA ■ SCAFVSENSIS : (mm. quatrefoil ; point between words, fmall quatrefoil.) Similar type ; caftle var. DEVS • SPES NOSTRA EST • (mm. and points, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi; in ex., •163 1- ; points, quatrefoils, Wt. 8"3 grammes, J& I'^S- S chaff haiife7i. 333 Obverfe. 22. 1632. MONETA • NOVA • SCAFVSENSIS (mm. trefoil.) Similar type; two balls above caftle. Reverfe. Same : var. mm. role ; point, final q\iatrcfoil. Wt. 77 grammes, /r i"2 5. 1633. MONETA • NOVA • SCAFVSENSIS (mm. fmall quatrefoil.) Similar type; no balls above caftle. DEVS : SPES • • NOSTRA EST (mm. fmall quatrefoil.) Same type : var. date, •i633- Wt. 8'5 grammes. M. \'z^. KREUZER CLASS. 24. Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, 1657. : MONETA NOVA ' SCAFVSENSIS ■ 1657 (mm. colon of trefoils j points, tre- foils.) Ram crowned mounting; on groimd beneath, flowers. • DEVS • SPES • NOSTR A • EST • (mm. four trefoils arranged crofs-wife around faltire ; on either fide of crofs, a large trefoil with leaves; points I, 2, 3, trefoils flipped.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on breaft, orb, the crofs of which paflfes between heads of eagle ; on orb, 15. Wt. 5 grammes. Bil. i'i5. The obverfe of this piece is countermarked with the ram's head, crowned, of SchafFhatifen. 25, 26. MON : NOVA ■ SCAFVSENSIS 1657 (mm. four trefoils arranged round point ; points, trefoils.) Ram crowned mounting ; on ground, many flowers (trefoils). DEVS • SPES ■ NOSTRA ■ EST • (mm. four trefoils arranged in crofs j on either fide of crofs, another trefoil ; points, tre- foils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on breaft, within circle, 15 Bil. Two coins, one of which Is countermarked with ram's head, crowned). 334 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 27, 28. Obverfe. Reverfe. DEVS ■ SPES • NOSTRA ■ EST (mm. ornament compofed of four trefoils, &c. and leaves ; points, quatrefoils ; at end of infcription, floral ornament.) Same type. DEVS • SPES ■ NOSTRA ■ EST • (mm. as laft, compofed of fix trefoils with points ; points, trefoils.) Same type. Bil, (Two coins, one of which is countermaiked with ram's head, crowned.) 29. MONETA ■ NOVA ■ SCAFVSIENSIS (points, fixfoils ; ornament before infer.) Ram crowned mounting ; beneath, ground. DEVS ■ SPES ■ ■ NOSTRA ■ EST (ornament before infer.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; below, in circle of infer., (xv). Bil. 30- Plappart, 1515. (With femi-Gothic letters.) MONETA • NOV. SCAFVSENSIS ■ 1515 . (mm. crofs pattee.) Demi-ram fpringing to left from caftle ; beneath ram, caftus. O REX • GLORIE ■ XRE ■ VENI CVM PAC (mm. crofs pattee.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wt. 3 grammes. JR. i"05. 1526. MONETA • NOV ■ SCAFVSENSIS 1526 (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. • REX • GLORIE • XPE • VENI ■ CV ■ PA' (mm. crofs pattee ; points, except firfl, annulets.) Same type. JS. I. The letter N of the infer, is always reverfed. MONETA ■ NOVA 1532 ■ (mm. ci Same type. 32. ^532- SCAFVSEN ■ ■ REX ■ GLORIE ■ XPE • VENI jfs pattee.) CVM ■ PA (mm, crofs pattee.) Same type. S chaff hauf en. 335 BATZEN CLASS. 33- Three-Batzen Piece, containing Twelve Kreuzers, of 1622. Obverfe. Reverfe. MO : NO : SCAFVSENSIS (mm. quatre- foil ; points, fmall quatrefoils.) Demi-ram fpringing to left from caftle ; beneath ram, caflus. DEVS : SPES NOSTRA EST 1622 (points, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on bread, orb, the crofs of which pafTes between heads of eagle; on orb, 12 . Wt. 2*6 grammes. Bil. 1. 34- MO • NO • SCAFVSENSIS 1622 • (points, quatrefoils.) Same type. DEVS • SPE NOSTRA EST (mm. large quatrefoil ; point, quatrefoil.) Same type. Bil. 35- Batzen, containing Four Kreuzers, of 1657. MONETA • NOVA • SCAFVSENSIS 1657 (mm. quatrefoil barbed.) Ram on ground, crowned mounting. DEVS • SPES ■ NOSTRA • EST (mm. large quatrefoil between two trefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on breaft, orb, the crofs of which pafles between heads of eagle ; on orb, 4 . Wt. 2-2 grammes. Bil. '9. 36. 1658. Same infer.: var. SCAFVSENSIS (mm. two trefoils divided by line; points, trefoils.) Same type : var. on ground, many trefoils. Same: var. • DEVS EST- (mm. four trefoils feparated by rays faltirewife.) Bil. MONETA • NOVA • SCHAFVSENSIS 1658 (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type : var. beneath ram, two lilies. 37- Same : var. EST : mm. cinquefoil with points between leaves ; above fin. wing of eagle, fmall crofs. Bi 336 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 38, 39- Batzen, 1808. Obveile. Reverfe. CANTON SCHAFFHAUSEN . Shield; arms of canton 5 on either fide, laurel and palm-branch ; in ex., 18 - 08 Within floral wreath, 1 SCHV\'EIZER BATZEN Wt. a*7 grammes. Bil. '95. Same : var. 40, 41. 1809. Within floral wreath, 1 BATZEN Bil. 42, 43- Half-Batzen, 1809. CANTON SCHAFFHAUSEN Shield ; >rms of canton ; on either fide, oak-branch. Within laui el-wreath. BATZEN 1809 Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. •85. GROSCHEN CLASS. 44. Groschen, 1551. MO • NO • SCAFVSENS • 51 (mm. qua- trefoil ; points, cinquefoils.) Demi-ram fpringing to left from em- battled caftle ; beneath ram, ca6f us. DEVS SPES NOST RA • ES Two-headed imperial eagle ; the ends of a crofs pattee divide circle of infcrip- tion, one limb of crofs pafllng between eagle's heads. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. '85. This coin is rtruck in a lozenge and has been gilt. 45- Same. Same : var.' upper limb of crofs not continued. Wt. r8 gramme. Bil. '8. S chaff hauf en. 337 46. Groschen, containing Three Kreuzers, of 1580. Obverfe. Reverie. MON • NOV ■ SCAFVSENSIS ■ 80 (mm. fixfoil.) . Same type. ,ir DEVS SPES MOST RA • ES Two-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, within oval, 3 ; the ends of a crofs pattee divide circle of infcription, one limb of crofs pafling between eagle's heads. Wt. ^'\ grammes. Bil. •85. Same : mm. obfcure. 47. Same : var. upper limb of crofs not continued. Bil. -8. 48. 1596. MO • NO • SCAFV SENSIS 96 • Same type. Same : var. RA ES BI 4< Same : var. no points between w'ords infer. DEVS SPES NOST RA EST Same type, Bil 50, MON NO SCAFVSENSIS • 97 Same type. * 5'- 97- DEVS SPES NOST RA ES Same type : var. eagle with nimbi. Bil 52. MO ' NOVA • SCAFVSENSIS • 97 (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. Same : var. eagle not nimbate. Bil S.C- 338 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 53- Obverfe. MO ■ NO • SCAFVSENSIS 161 (points, diamonds.) Similar type. Reverfe. DEVS ■ SPES • NOSTRA EST (points diamonds.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on breaft, orb, crofs of which pafles between heads ; on orb, 3 ; above crofs and dividing infer., one end of a crofs pattee. Bil. 54- i6ii. MO • NO • SCAFVSENSIS 1611 • • DEVS • SPES NOSTRA EST ■ (points Same type, var. diamonds.) Same type. Bil. Same, type var. 55- i 024. DEVS • SPES • • NOSTRA EST • Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; between heads, crofs ; in exergue, within circle, 3 between two quatrefoils, Bil. 56. 1626. MO • NO ■ SCAFVSENSIS ■ 1-6'2-6 • (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. Similar. • Bil 5 16 : MO : NO : SCAFVSENSIS : 1627 (mm. quatrefoil witliin four points.) Same type. 7- DEVS • SPES NOSTRA EST (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. Bil Schaffhatife7i. 339 Obveifc. 58. Same : var. mm. and point 4, quatre- foils. Reverfe. • DEVS : SPES NOSTRA EST Two-headed imperial eagle crowned ; in exergue, within circle, 3 between two quatrefoils. Bil. 59- 1628. • MO • NO • SCAFVSENSIS • 1 ■ 6 • 2 • 8 (mm. quatrefoil.) Same type. : DEVS SPES . . NOSTRA EST (mm. quatrefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; between heads, crofs; in exergue, within circle, 3 between two quatrefoils. Bil. 60. 1634. MO • NO ■ SCAFVSENSIS • 1634 (mm. diamonds ; points 2, 3, and 4, quatrefoils.) Same type. DEVS • SPES • NOSTRA EST • (points I and 3, quatrefoils.) Same type, var. ; in exergue, 3 between two quatrefoils. Bil. 61. Same. Same : var, point 2 omitted. Bil 6V65. Kreuzer, 1808. CANTON SCHAFFHAUSEN Within floral wreath, all in one direc- tion, above to right, Shield J arms of canton; on either fide, laurel-branch. KREUZER 1808 Wt. I gramme. Bil. -7 Y 2 340 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 66. ViERER OF Seventeenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. MO • NO • SCAFVSENSIS (mm. quatre- foil.) Demi-ram fpringing from caftle ; be- neath ram, caftus. DEVS SPES NOSTRA EST (mm. quatrefoil.) One-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, within oval, 4 . Wt. '4 gr. Bil. -6. Medal. Female figure, (Peace) naked to waift, facing, head to right, walking over arms; in right hand (he holds a palm-branch, and in left a fcroU infcribed DEVS SPES NOSTRA EST View of the town of Schaff haufen with the Rhine, the bridge, and in the back- ground the fortrefs of Munnoth ; above, ornamented oval fhield, arms of canton, held by two angels ; in exergue, within ornament, DIE WEIL GOTT MEINE HOFNVNG 1ST SO FORCHT ICH KAINER (» FEINDEN LIST above which f h ? Wt. 2*1 grammes. M i"55. Haller, vol. ii., no. 1752. The circumftance to which this medal alludes is not mentioned by Haller. S C H W Y Z. CHWYZ is the fecond of the three Foreft Cantons, or Waldftadten, Uri Scliwyz and Unterwalden, to which the Swifs Confederation owes its origin. They now rank fourth fifth and fixth in the order of the Cantons. A treaty was concluded in 1251 between Schwyz Zurich and Uri, which was afterwards joined by Unterwalden, in order to oppofe the Archduke Albert. In 1307 the famous union took place between Uri Schwyz and Unterwalden, when three gentlemen of thofe Cantons met near Fluelen and figned a treaty uniting thefe Hates for ever. Arms. — Old: Gu. Modern: Gu., a crofs couped arg. in finifter chief. The augmentation was introduced about the clofe of the 17th century, the precife date being uncertain. (Gautier, Armoiries, pp. 7, 8.) Motto. — Turris foftiffima nomen Domini. Obverfe. GOLD COINS. I. Ducat, 1781. Sliield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; fupporter, a lion rampant, regar- dant, who holds fword, on the end of which is a Swifs hat ; around fhield, laurel- garland and palm-branch 3 in exergue. Reverfe. Within ornamented border, DUCATUS REIPUBLIC/E SUITENSIS 1781 Wt. 3*5 grammes. N •%. 2. 1790. Similar type. Similar infer. SVITENSIS 1790 above, wreath \ below, floral ornament. Wt. 3-6 grammes, n '85. 342 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?2s. Obverfe. 3- Reverfe. Similar type. Within ornamented border, fimilar infer., date apparently effaced. Wt. 3*5 grammes, n "9. SILVER, BILLON, AND COPPER COINS. Bracteates of the Fifteenth Century. 4-5- Within circle, fhield : border of large dots. Wt. -a gr. Bil. -65. 6. Same : var. (hield with double border. Wt. -18 gr. Bil. -6. THALER CLASS. Thaler, 1653. • MONETA • NOVA SVITENSIS • 1653 • (points i and 4, fixfoils, barbed.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi 5 between heads, clofed crown, furmounted by crofs ; beneath, and dividing circle of infcription, fliield with double border. • TVRRIS • FORTISS : NOME : DOM ; (points I and 2, fixfoils, barbed.) St. Martin, nimbate, and wearing hat with plumes, and on breaft crofs, on horfeback to right ; with his fword he divides his cloak which he holds in his left hand and offers to a half-naked beggar who, feated at horfe's feet, raifes left hand and holds crutch in right. Wt. 27*1 grammes. J&. i'6. GULDEN CLASS. 8. Gulden, 2785. MONETA REIPUBLIC^E SUITENSiS Oval fliield on pedeftal j arms of canton, colour indicated ; fupporters, lions, the dex. couchant, regardant, ap- pearing from behind (liield, the fin., ram- pant, regardant, holding laurel-wreath and fword ; on left fide of fliield, laurel- branch ; in exergue, 1 . GL . with palm- Within band twined branches and tied above, PAX OPTIMA RERUM 1785 below which, quatrefoil ; oiitiide band, in exergue, Stadolin Wt. ii'2 grammes. /R i'3. Schwyz. 343 Obverfe. 9- 1797. RESPUBLICA SUITENSIS . (point, cinquefoil.) Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fhield, laurel- branch ; crown open ; in exergue, 1 • gl . Reverfe. . NOMEN DOMINI TURRIS FOR TISSIMA. 1797 (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy entwined with orna- mental S . Wt. ii"i grammes. ^ i*3. 10. Half-Gulden, 1785. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E SUITENSIS . ^ GL (flop, ftar of five points.) Ornamented oval fliield twined with laurel-wreath j arms of canton, colour indicated. Within band entwined with palm- branches and tied above, PAX- OPTIMA RERUM. 1785. below, between ends of palm-branches, St: Wt. 5"6 grammes. Js. I'l. 11. 1797. RESPUBLICA SUITENSIS . (ftop, cinquefoil.) Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fliield, laurel- branch ; crown open ; to right of fliield, s ; in exergue, 20 . s ■ NOMEN DOMINI TURRIS FOR TISSIMA ■ 1797 (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy entwined with orna- mental S Wt. 5*3 grammes. /R I'l. DIKEN CLASS. 12. DiKEN, 1623. MON : NOVA SVITENSIS Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi ; between heads, clofed crown, fur- mounted by crofs ; in exergue, on either fide of fliield, -16 23- TVRRIS • FORTISS : NOM : DOMI : St. Martin, nimbate, wearing hat with plume, on horfeback, to right ; with his fwordhe divides his cloak, which he holds in his left hand, and offers to a half-naked beggar feated at horfe's feet, and grafping in right hand a crutch. Wt. 8'6 grammes. At. I'aj. 344 Catalogue of Swifs Corns. Obverfe. 13- 1656. Same : var. crown without crofs 5 in exergue, fhleld between 1 6 56 . Reverfe. TVRRIS ■ FORTISS : NOMEN • DOM : Same type. Wt. 7"5 grammes. M. I'a. BATZEN CLASS. u, 15- Five-Batzen Piece, containing Twenty Kreuzers, of 1730 S ■ MART • PAT • RE IPVB ' SUI TENSIS (mm. cinquefoil.) St. Martin, wearing hat with three plumes, on horfeback, to right ; on his breaft, a crofs ; with his Iword he divides his cloak, which he holds in his right hand, and ofFers to a naked beggar lying on the ground at horfe's feet and raifmg both his hands ; on either fide of horfe, 17 305 beneath, dividing circle of infer., orna- mented oval (hield, infcribed 20 . AD • DEI • HONOR ■ PAT • Q ■ SALUT • Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, clofed crown ; on breaft, ftiield, arms of canton, crofs in dex. chief, colour in- dicated by arabefque and lines. Wt. 4-5 grammes. Bil. 1. 16, 17. Four-Batzen Piece, or Oertli, of 1672. MON ■ NOVA • SVITENSIS : 1672 ' (points I, 2, and 4, cint^uefoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque. TVRR ■ FORTISS ■ NOM : DOM (points, fmall cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; above and in circle of infer., clofed crown. Wt. 5* grammes. Bil. i"i5. 18. Same. : TVRR : FORTISS : NOM : DOM (colons, ftars of fix points.) Same type. Bil. Schwyz. 345 Obveife. 19. Reverfe. MON : NOVA : SVITENSIS : 1672 (mm. lixfoil ; colons, Imall cinquefoils.) Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefcjue j on either lide, a fixfoil. This coin is a forgery of the time. TVRR : FORTISS : NOM : DOM : (mm. fixfoil ; colons, fmall cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi 5 above, clofed crown, furmounted by crofs. Bil. 20, 21. 1811. • CANTON • SCHWYZ ■ (points i and 3, buds, 2, ftar of five points.) Ornamented irregular ftield ; arms of canton, colour indicated 5 on either fide, laurel-branch. NOMEN DOMINI TURRIS FOR TISSIMA (mm. ftar of fix points.) Within wreath of buds, all in one dirc6tion, above, to right, ■ 4-- BAT2EN • 1811 ■ (points in field, ftars of fix points.) Bil. I'l. 22. Same : var. points i and 3 wanting j beneath laurel-branches, h . Same : var. in wreath ; mm. quatre- foil ; points on either fide of 4, quatre- foils 5 beneath date, — • — . Bil. 23- Two-Batzen Piece, 1810. CANTON • SCHWYZ (point, cinquefoil.) Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated j on either fide, laurel- branch. Within wreath of palm and laurel, 2 BATZEN 1810 Wt. 2'9 grammes. Bil. "95. 24. Same : var. point, ftar of five points ; beneath laurel-branches, H . Same. Bil. 34^ Catalogue of Swifs Coi?is, Obvevfe. 25- Batzen, 1623. ReveiTe. MON : NOVA SVITENSIS (mm. fixfoil.) Shield, arms of canton, on crofs fourchyj in exergue, .1623- • TVRR : FORTISS : NOM : DOM : . (points I and 6, fixfoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi 5 above, clofed crown, furmounted by crofs. Wt. 2*4 grammes. Bil. i. Same. 26-30. Same : var. colon after DOM wanting. Bil. Same : var. 1624. Same : var. fixfoil after DOM wanting. Bil. Same : var. SVITENSI . 32- Same. BII. 33- Same: var. SVITENSIS; colour in (hield indicated by arabefque. Same : var. fixfoil after DOM . Bil. 34- Same. Same : var. colon and fixfoil after DOM . BIh Schwyz, 347 35. Two-thirds Batzen Piece, i8io. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON • SCHWYZ (mm. quatrcfoll, barbed.) Irregular (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel- branch. Within laurel-wreath, BATZ : 1810 Wt. i'8 gramme. BIl. 9. Same. 76. 1811. Same : var. Bil. Same : var. mm. ftar of five points. Z7' Same. Bil. Same. 38. 1812. Within laurel-wreath, BATZEN 1812 beneath wreath, S . Bil. 39- Half-Batzen, 1622. : MON : NOVA : SVITENSIS : 1622 : (mm, cinquefoil.) Shield on crofs fourchy ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque. ■ TVRR : FORTISS : NOM : DOMI • (points I and 5, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi 5 above, clofed crown. Wt. i*8 gramme. Bil. -95. 348 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 40. Obverfe. ■ MON : NOVA : SVITENSIS : 1622 (mm. cinquefoil ; point i, fmall quatrefoil.) Same type. Reverfe. : TVRR : FORTISS : NOM : DOM (points I and 6, fmall quatrefoils.) Same type. Bil. SCHILLING CLASS. 41, 42. Ten-schilling Piece, 1785. MONETA R : SUITENSIS (mm. cinquefoil, at end of infer.) Oval (hield ; arms of canton, colour Indicated ; crown open ; on either fide of (hield, laurel-branch. Within laurel-wreath, X SCHIL= LING 1785 Wt. 2' 6 grammes. yR *9. 43-45- Five-schilling Piece, 1785- Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown open ; on either fide of Ihield, laurel-branch 5 beneath, S . Within laurel-wreath, 5 . SCHIL LING 1785 Wt. i'3 gramme. ^ '75- 46. 1787. Same. Within laurel-wreath, V SCHIL LING 1787 JS.. Schwyz, 349 Obverfe. 47- Schilling, 1623. MON : SV ITENSIS (mm. pellet.) Two-headed Imperial eagle with nimbi ; above, clofed crown ; in exergue, fhield, on either fide of which, 16 23 Reverfe. SANCT' : MARTIN' Half-figure of St. Martin, facing, nim- bate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. Wt. I "I gramme. Bil. '8. Same : var. no ram. 48, 49. 1624. Same, BIl. Same. 50. Same : var. colon in place of comma at end of infer. Bil. 51- Same : var. colour indicated by hori- zontal lines. Same : var. comma inftead of colon at end of infer, but feparated from it by fword of St. Martin. Bil. 52. Same: var. pellet at beginning and end of infer. SANCTVS ■ MARTINVS Same type. Bil 53- 1629. Same : var. no point at beginning or end of infer. ; colour not indicated on (hield. SANCT' : MARTIN' Same type. Bil 350 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Same. Obverfe. 54, 55- 1630. Same. Reverfe. Bil Same. 56, 57- Same : var. colon at end of infer. Bil. 58. MON SVI TENSIS SANCT' MARTIN' Same type. Same type. Bil. 59- 1653. MON SVI TEN : SIS (points, diamonds.) Similar type ; crown varied. ' SANCT' MARTIN' (point, diamond.) Same type, ^^ Bil. 60. 1673. MON • SV ITENSIS • (points, ftars of fix points.) Similar type ; eagle not nimbate ; crown larger. SANCTVS ■ MARTI NVS (point, cin^ue- foil.) Similar type. Bil. 61. Undated; Seventeenth Century. MON ■ SV I T ENSIS Similar ; without date ; the line of ex- ergue divides the letters I Tfrom the reft of the infer. SANCTVS : MARTI NVS Similar type. Bi Schwyz, 351 62. Obverfe, Same : var. points, between words and at end of infer., quatrcfoils. Reverfe. Same. Bil, 63, 64. • MON : SV I T ENSIS Similar type. SANCTVS • MARTINVS • • (laft point, crofs.) Similar type. Bil. 65. Same : var. no point at beginning or end of infer ; point after MON • Same infer. ; colon between words ; no points at end. Similar type 5 the faint wears crofs on breaft. Bil. 66. Undated; Eighteenth Century. MON : SV I TENSIS • (point at end of Infer, trefoil.) SANCTVS : MARTINVS • (laft point, trefoil.) Similar type. Bil. GROSCHEN CLASS. 67, 68. Groschen, 1791. MONETA REIP. SUITENSIS Oval fliield on ground ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; above, wreath of laurel with long ends falling befide ftiield ; below, laurel-garland feftooned. Between two pairs of laurel-branches, EIN GROSCHEN 1791 Wt. 1-4 gramme. Bil. •85. 352 Catalogue of Swijs Coins 69. Obverfe. 1793- Reverfe. MONETA REIP • SUITENSIS ■ Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; over fliield is laid laurel-garland. EIN GROSCHEN 1793 above, feftoon of leaves and flowers ; below, crofs of laurel-leaves. Bil. -8. Same. Proof in copper. 70. Same. JS. '9. RAPPEN-CLASS. Two-Rappen Piece, 1812. CANTON • SCHWYZ (point, ftar of fix points.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated; on either fide, laurel-branch. Within floral wreath, 2 RAPPEN 1812 Bil. -7. Same : var. fhield irregular. 72. Same s var. 2 RAPPEN 1812 Bil. n- 1813. Same : var. point between words of ' Same : var. . 2 infcription. j Bil. Schwyz, iSZ Obverfe. 74- 1815. Same : var. point between words, quatrefoil ; on either fide of" fliield, oak- branch. Same : var. Reverfe. . 2 . RAPPEN. 1815 Bil 75. 76. 1844. CANTON SCHWYZ . Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on cither fide from beliind, oak and laurel-branches. Within oak-wreath, 2 RAPPEN 1844 B\\. -65. CANTON SCHWYZ Same type. 11^ 78. 1845. Same : var. 2 laiger. Bil 79, 80. Same: var. beneath fliield, CB. Same. Eil Same 81. 1846. Same. Bil. Same : var. beneath fhield, B. 82, 83. Same. 5.C. 354 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 84. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. no monogram or letter beneath fliield. Same. Bi 85. Same : var. on either fide of fhield, trom behind, laurel and oak-branches. Same : var. numeral fmaller. BIl. 86. Rappen, 1777. Ornamented fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated j on either fide, laurel- branch. Within ornamented border, I RAPEN 1777 M -7. 87. 1779- Same : var. beneath fliield, s Similar. JE. 88. 1782. Same : var. no letter beneath Ihield. Similar. JS.. Same. 89. Same : var. N reverfed. m. Schwyz. 355 90-92. 1793. Obveife. Reverfe. Same : var. ornamented oval (hield. Three Tpecimens varied. Similar : beneath date, liar of" five points. X.. Similar. 93- 1797- Sunilar. m.. Similar, 94. Same : var. beneath date, large trefoil. ^. Simil ar. 95- 1798. Similar. &, 96-98. Similar : fliield var. Same : var. 1 j no trefoil beneath date. JS.. Similar. 99. 1815. I Similar : border var. I J£. -65. z a 56 Catalogue of Swifs Corns, 100. Obverfe, Reverfe. Same : var. on either fide of ftiield, branches with laurel and oak-leaves. Same: var, I R. lOI. Same : var. on either fide of fiiield, , Within ornamented border, RAPPEN I 1S15 iaurel-branch. R, Similar. 102, 103. 1843. Similar. R. 104-106. 1846. Similar. Similar. ANGSTER CLASS. 107. Angster, 1773- Oval (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fhield, oak EIN ANGSTER and palm-branches. 1773 below, crofs of oak-leaves. &. K -6. 108. 1779. Same fhield ; on either lide, palm and laurel-branches. Similar infer, j crofs of oak-leaves, fmaller. R. Schwyz. ISl ObveiTe. 109. 1798. Reverie. Ornamented oval fliield j arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; on either fide of ftiield, laurel-branch. ANGSTER 1798 above, two laurel-branches ; bclovr, ornament. IIO. 1812. Oval fhield ; arnr- of canton, colour Within wreath of fmgle oak leaves, indicated ; on either fide of (liield, oak- i 'I * branch. | ANGSTER ■ 1812 Points, cinquefoils. I ^ '55 Same. III. Within fimilar wreath, •1- ANGSTER 1812 Points, cinquetoil.^. JE. Same. 112. Within tour palm-branches difpofed like wreath, 1 ANGSTER 1S12 on either fide of numeral, fmali oak-leat. 113- Similar fhield ; on either lide, laurel and oak-branches. ANGSTER 1812 below, ornament. iE. 5 8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 114, 115. 1816. Obverfe. Reverfe. Oval (hield ; arms of canton, colour Same. Within four laurel-branches difpofed e, laurel-branch. like wreath, 1 ANGSTER 1816 on either fide of numeral, ornament. I 18 16. i7- IE. Within broken wreath of oak-leaves, I ANGSTER 1827 on either fide of numeral, oak-leaf ; below date, ftar of five points. Similar. 117. 1846. i I ANGSTER 1346 on either fide of numeral, oak-leaf; below date, two oak-branches. MEDALET. 1844. CANTON SCHWIZ. Within wreath of oak and laurel. On grcunil, fliicld ; amis of canton, CONSERVA colour indicated ; fupported by lion ram- NOS IN pant, regardant ; beneath and befidefhield, PACE, to left, laurel-branch. j 1844. I X. -85. SITTEN. ITTEN, (Sion) one of the oldeft biflioprics of Switzerland, appears to have exifted fo far back as the 4th century. The bifhops received the title of Count and Prefe6l of Wallis as w^ell as that of Prince of the Empire. The ^ temporal power of thcfe bifliops was always more or lefs reftrained, on the one fide, by the privileges of the town of Sitten, and the franchife of Ober- Wallis, on the other fide, by the tradi- tional fupremacy of the Houfe of Savoy, which was exercifed over Sitten during a period of three centuries. The events of 16 13, after the death of Adrian II. von Riedmatten, deprived the bifhops of their temporal power. The following: are the chief records of the coinage of Sitten. The earlieft coins ftruck belong to the Merovingian feries, and appear to have been iflued during the 6th century. As early as A.D. 802 Charlemagne is faid to have granted to the bifhop Theodolus the right of ftriking money. None, however, exifts to fupport this ftatement, the earlieft extant coin of any bifliop being the kreuzer of Walther von Superfaxo (1457-1482). His fucceflor, Jodocus von Silinen, was the firft to ftrike teftoons, and Nicholas Schiner (1496-1499), thalers and ecus. After the acceflion of Adrian III. von Riedmatten in 1640, the coinage bore the arms of the bifliop on one fide, and thofe ot the ftate on the other. The laft coinage iflued by Sitten was ftruck in 1778. Jrms. — Gu. fword and crozicr faltirewife, otherwife, the lame, a mitre hi chief. (Cf. Blavignac, Mift. dc I'Architeaurc Sacre, p. 315.) MEROVINGIAN SERIES. Sixth century. Tremissis. Obverfe. MVNDERICVS MVNE Buft to right, laur. I. Reverfe. CIVITATIS IDVNINSIVM Monogram ►+=! Wt. i'5*gramme. N '5; 360 Catalogue of Swijs Coins. Obverfe. SIDV NISTIT Helmeted bull to right. 2. Reverie. AE C IV WN (mm. crofs.) Latin crols on llep between V II Wi. rz gramme. .iV •4.5. EPISCOPAL SERIES. JODOCUS VON SILINEN. 1482-1496. 3- DiKEN. ODOCVS • DE • SILINO : EPS ■ SEDVNENl • (mm. crolspattee ; points, annulets.) Buft of bifliop to right, wearing tap and cloak. • PREFECTVS • ET • COMES • VA LESIS • (points, annulets, I and 5 being large.) Shield ; arms of biflrop ; above, mitre between croised Iword and crozier. Wt. 9-8 grammes, jr. \'is- NICHOLAS VON SUPERSAXO. 1496. 4- DiKEN. ' S ■ THEODO L' EPS ■ SEDVN' (points, annulets.) St. Theodoliis, tovi'ards left, nimbate, and wearing mitre and epifcopal robes ; he holds I'word and crozier, and looks towards right at Satan, who advances to him and carries bell on his fhoulder. NICO SDNP V!CA' FL'SE On crois pommetee, shield ; arms of bifliop. Wt. 98 grammes, jb. I'if. Sit ten. 36J Obverfc. NICHOLAS SCHINER. 1496-1499. Thaler, 1498. Reverfe. NICOLAVS ■ EPS ■ SEDVNENS' ' • pre: ET . CO • 1498 (mm. crofs pattce ; points 1 and 2 rof'cs, the others quatrefoils ; D reverled.) The Emperor Charlemagne entluoneil and wearing crown anil regal robes ; in left hand he holds orb and in tight, fword, which he offers to bifhop, who, kneeling before him, wearing mitre and tpifcopal robes, extends his hands to receive it. For a defcription of fliields, fee Haller, les Monnaies des Pays Voifins du Leman," Shield ; arms of biflrop j above, be- tween crofsed fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole, the ends of which appear on either fiiie from behind /liield ; around are arranged in circle fixteen fhields, with the arms of the feven difains of the Ober-Wallis, the fix banners of the Unter-Wallis, and the three feignories of the Entremont. Wt. 29-3 grammes. M i"6. ii., p. 361, 362, and Blanchet, " Mem. fur p. 120, 121. 7- DiKEN. ■ • S : . THEO ■ EPS : SEDVN (points, annulets.) St. Theodokis, towards left, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes ; he holds fword and crozier, and looks down at Satan, who, prollrate to right, holds bell in both hands. NICOLAV • EPS • SEDV • PRE • ET ■ CO : VAL (mm. crofs patlt'e.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween crofsed fword and crozier, mitre with long itole. Wt, 9*8 grammes, /s. 11 5 Same : var. '"'Si; Saint facing. 8. NICOLAV EPS • SEDV; PRE.' ET • COI V (mm. crofs pattee ; points, quatre- foils.) Same type. JH I 2, ' S : THEO • EPS : SEDV (points, annulets.) Same type. Same. M 115. 362 Catalogue of Swifs Coi72S, MATTHEW SCHINER. 1499-1522. 10. FuNFER. (With Gothic letters.) Obverfe. Raverfe, MATHEVS • EPS ■ SE' (points, cinque- foils.) Shield; armsofbifhop; above, mitre. SANCTVS ■ THEODOL (mm. quatre- foil faltirewife ; point, fmal! cinquefoil ; D reverfed.) Croi's fleury ; centre formed by quatre- foil. Wt. "7 gr. Bil. -75. Same. I I, 12. Same: var. THEODOLV (mm. crofs pattee.) Bil. n- Double Thaler, koi. (Commonly called the Double Teufel-thaler.) THEODOL ■ PRECIBVS : S : THEODOL ■ I : Dl MISSA : EST • CVLPA • CAROLI (mm. crofs pnttce ; points, cinquefoils.) St. Theodolus, nimbate, and wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, kneeling to left before altar ; he holds crozier and fword ; on altar are two lights, an open book, a paten, and an overturned chalice ; from behind altar rifes an angel on clouds, holding with left hand a long fcroll, which extends over the head of the Saint and is infcribed CAVDITA EST {fic) ; behind Saint, Satan advanc- ing to left and carrying bell on his flioulder ; beneath Saint, 1 501. MATEVS • EPS • SEDV: PREF.' ET ■ CO ■ VALES (mm. crois pattee ; point 6,. cinquefoil.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween crofsed crozier and fword, mitre with long ftole, the ends of which appear on either fide from behind fhield ; border compofed of feventeen fliields, being that of the bhliopric and the fixteen Ihieids particularized on the thaler of 1498 of Nicholas Schiner (nos. 5,6): the fhields are ibmewhat differently arranged. Wt. 39'4 grammes. & f75- 14. Caft in filver. Wt. 34'4 grammes. iR 175. Sit ten. 363 Obverfe. 15- Reverfe. Another, gilt. 16. Another, in lead. M 1-8. PI. 17. : S • THEODOLVS • SEDVNORVM • PATRONVS • 1501 ■ : (colons, annu- lets, points, large quatrefoils faltirewife. St. Theodolus, enthroned, nimbate, wearing mitre and epilcopal robes, and holding crozier and fword ; to left of throne, Satan with bell. 17, 18. Thaler, 1501. MATHEVS • EPS ■ SEDV • PRE • ET • CO . VAL' (mm. quatrefoil faltircwitc.) Similar type ; the fliield with arms of bilhopric being omitted. Wt. 29-5 grammes. JS. \G^. 19. DiKEN. s THEODO pat: SEDVN St. Theodolus, enthroned, nimbate, wearing mitre and epilcopal robes, and holding crozier and iword ; to right, bell. MATHEVS ■ EPS • SEDV.' PRE.' ET • CO! VALE (mm. crols patonce.) Shield; arms of bifhop ; above, be- tween crofsed crozier and fword, mitre witli long dole. ^f- 9' 3 grammes. ^R I'lf- 20. QUARTtR-DlKEN. -S CATERINA • S ■ TE ODOLVS ■ MATHEVS St. Theodolu>, (landing towards right, nimbate, wearing initrc and epilcopal robes and holding fword and crozier; St. Catherine, Handing towards left, nimbate, crowned, and holding fword. EPS • SEDv; pre; et CO! VAL (mm. crofs patonce.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween crolsed crozier and fword, mitre with long ftole. Wt, 28 grammes. /R roj. 3^4 Catalogue of Swifs Coifis, 21. Obverfe. Reverfe. S ■ CATERIN' ■ S • T EODOL' V (mm. Same: vai. MATHEVS cinquefoil.) Same type. JR: Similar : ill point wanting. 22. Same : var. VA ; point 2 wanting. JS.. 23- Testoon. MATI lEVS ■ EPS • SEDV: PRE' ET . CO.' VALE (mm. crols patonce.) Buil of bifliop to right, wearing em- broidered cope. Within border oi many toil^, the cuips ornamented with fleurs-de-lis, SOLI • D EO • GLO RIA (points, ornamented lozenges.) Wt. 5-5 grammes. JS.ii. Same. 24. Same ; var. SOLI • DEO : GLO RIA • (points I and 3 ornamented lozenges.) 25. Same : var. H crolkd ; VALES I . | Same : var. point 2, ornamented lozenge. Same : var. VALES JR. 26. Same : var. SOU • D EO • GLO RIA ■ (points, ornamented lozenges.) JR. Sit 1 671, 365 PHILIP II. VON PLATEN. (Birtiop elea.) 1522 1529. 27. Thaler, 1528. Obverfe. Reverfe. S : THEODOLVS : EPVS^ : SEDV NEN : 1 • 5 "28 (mm. ciofs pattce ; points, quatrefoils, colons, quatrefoils faltirewife ; N's and 5 reverfed.) St. Theodolus, nimbate, wearing mitre and epiTcopai robes, kneeling to left before altar ; he holds crozier and fword j on altar are two lights, an open book, a paten, and an overturned chalice ; from behind altar rifes an angel on clouds, holding in left hand a long fcroll, which extends over the head of the Saint, and is infcribed ExVDlTA EST {fic) ; be- hind Saint, Satan advancing to left and carrying bell on fhoulder ; beneath Saint, 1501. PHVS^ ■ ELECTVS • SEDVNEN'-' . (mm. crofs pattee ; points, quatrefoils ; N's reverfed.) Shield ; arms of bifliop eleft ; behind, on fin. fide, fword ; border of fixteen fliield'*, as on double thaler of Mathew Schiner; that of Conthey? being omitted, and the fpace filled up by a branch. Wt. 27"2 grammes. /R 1-7, 28. Same with border and chain. M. 29. Batzen, 1529. SANCTVS ' THEODOLVS (point, quatrefoil.) Half-length figure of St. Theodolus, three-quarter-face towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holdlnrc fword and crozier. PHSI DE Shield ; 1529. • PLATEA ■ ELEC • SEDVN arms of biftiop eleft ; above, Wt. 1-6 gramme. Bil. -95, 366 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. ADRIAN I. VON RIEDMATTEN. 1529-1548- 30. DiKEN. Obveife. • S THEODO ■ pat: SEDVN • (points, cinquefoils.) St. Theodolus, enthroned, nimbate, wearing mitre and eplfcopal robes, and holding crozier and fword ; to right, bell. Reverfe. ADRIANVS • EPVS ■ SEDVNEN ■ (points, fixfoils.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole. Wt. 91 grammes. M i'i5. Half-Diken, 1540. • SANCTVS • THEODOLVS : PA (points I and 2, fixfoils.) Half-length figure of St. Theodolus, three-quarter-face towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. ADRIANVS • D • R • EPVS ■ SE • 40 • (points, fixfoils.) Shield ; arms of bifliop, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, fixfoil. Wt. 4'6 grammes, m i"05. 32. 1542. S ■ THE0D0L9- PATER • PATRIAE (mm. cinquefoil ; points 2, 3, and 4, quatrefoils.) Similar type. ADRIANVS • D • R • EPS • SEDVNE (mm. crofs patonce ; points, quatrefoils.) Shield ; arms of bifhop ; on either fide, trefoil flipped ; above, 1542 33- 1543- Same. Same. j&. 34. '545- Same. Same. Wt. 4" 2 grammes, ^k. Sit ten. 367 Obveife. 1547- Reveife. Same. Same. Wt. 4'6 grammes. M. 36. Ratzen. • S ■ THEODOLVS (points, fixfoils.) Half-length figure of St. Theodolus towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. ADRIANVS • D ■ R • E • SE (mm. cinquefoil ; points, quatrefoils.) Within border of many foils, arms of bifliop. Wt. 3 grammes. Bil. '95. 37- Same : var. ift point wanting, 2nd trefoil. ADRIANVS • D • R ■ E • S (mm. fixfoil ; points, quatrefoils.) Same tyi)e. Bil. Same. 38- Same : var. points, trefoils. Bil Same. 39' Sam*; : var. S ■ (point, trefoil.) Bil. 4.0. ViERER. Crozier and fword crofsed ; above and below, cinquefoil. Arms of hifhop. Wt. -5 gr. Bil. -6. 368 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. JOHANN I. JORDANUS. 1548-1565. 41. DiKEN, 1550. Obverfe. • s THEODO • ■ pat: SEDVN ■ (points, cinquefoils.) St. Theodoliis, enthroned, nimhate, wearing mitre and epilcopal robes and holding cro7ier and fword ; to right, bell. Reverfe. lOANNES • EPS ■ SEDV • PRE • ET ■ CO ' VALE (mm. crofs patonce ; points, quatrefoils.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; abov^e, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole ; beneath ends of flole, 5 O Wt. 8 '8 prannnes. M i'i5. 42. 1557- • S : THE0D0L9 PAT'^'. SEDVN • ] (points I, 2, and 3, quatrefoils, 4, cinque- 1 foil.) Similar type ; on breaft of Saint, a crofs, and on either fide of him, 5 7 ; to the crozier is attached an afpergillum. • 10 : lORDAN ■ EPS ■ SEDV ■ PRE • ET ■ CO ■ VA ■ (points, quatrefoils.) Similar type ; ornamented fliield 5 no date. Wt. 94 grammes, m i"I5- Half-Dikf.n, 1548. 43- • S ■ THE0D0L9 • PATER • PATRI/E ■ (mm. cinquefoil ; points 2, 3, and 4, quatrefoils.) Half-length figure of St. Theodolus, three-quarter-face towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. This and the following coin are double ftruck. lOANNES • lORDAN ■ EPS ■ SEDVN (mm. crols patonce ; points, quatrefoils.) Shield; arms of bifliop 5 above, 1548. Wt. 4'8 grammes. M i'o5. 44- Same. Same : var. SEDVN ■ (point, quatre- foil.) Sit ten. 369 Obverfe. 45- Batzen, 1548. • S • [TJHEODOLVS- (points, quatrefoils.) Half-length figure of St. Theodolus three-quarter face towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and eplfcopal robes, and holding fvvord and crozier. Reverfe. lOANNES • lORDAN • E • SED (mm. crofs ; points, quatrefoils.) Shield; arms of bifhop ; above, 1548 Wt. i'8 gramme. Bil. 95. HILDEBRAND I. VON RIEDMATTEN. 1565-1604. 46. Ducat. • S • THEO • PA • VAL • PATR • Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, half- figure of Saint three-quarter face towards left, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifco- pal robes, and holding fword and crozier. HIL- • • DRl ■ • • EPS- • • SED- (between words, trefoils flipped betweer points.) Crofs ornee. ^t- 3"3 grammes, a' •^. 47- Thaler. • SANC • TH EODOLVS ■ St. Theodolus, enthroned, nimbate, wearing mitre and epilcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier ; at his feet, loft, Satan, carrying bell to right; in ex.. Ill . (point, quatrefoil.) (With rim and chain for fufpeniion.) HILTB : DE : RIED : EPS : SED : PR/E : CO : VAL Ornamented fliield ; arms of bifliop ; above, between crofsed fword and crozier, mitre with long Hole. .u 1-75. 48. Testoon. HILTEBRANDVS - DE - RIET - EPI-S (mm. crofs patonce j points, diamonds.) Tonfured bull of bilhop to right, wear- ing rich robes. HIL : DE : RIED : EPS : SED : P : "E : C - V Shield; arms of bifliop ; above, mitre between crofsed fword and crozier ; on either fide of fiiield, cinquefoil. Wt. 7-5 grammes. M. I'z. s. c. A A 370 Catalogue of S^jcifs Corns. 49- DiCEN, 1571- Obrerfe. S ■ CATERIN: ST EODOL' V {mm. St. Theodolui, iUnc mmbate, wearing mi;.^ -..^ ^^..^.. robes, and holding fword and crozie. S. Catherine, ftanding towards left, bate, crowned, and holding fword. Reverb. HILTEBRANOVS • D ■ R ■ E • S . 72 fjl; points, qnueids.) - of bifliop, cxdoar indi- ;:£de, dnquefbil; aboTC, crtain objed. Wi» r.-i TTammes. A. I'os- { 50. Batzex. • S • TmEO DOLVS • HILTEBf^NDVS ■ DE Rl • E • S • • • Half-figure of St. Theodolus, nimbate, Skitid ; arms of bithop ; abore, mitre wearing mitre and episcopal robes, and holding fword and crorier. with ftole i on either fide of (hield, : quaticfoil. Wt. X grammes. Bit 'S5. 5I5 5^- Half-Batzes, 150A. • S • THEODOLVS • 1594' (third point, | HILTE2 ^ crolk.) I Half-figure of St. Theodolus, thr^e- quarter-face towards left, nimbate. wei - ing mitre and epiicopal robes, a. . fword and crozier. 2VS- D R • E • S (mm. ciiw{adSiMl, other Wt. v^ gninme. Bil. -S5. 53- 1597. •S-THEOOOLVS' 1597 1 Same iuicr. (a Similar type. 1 tzdbOs flipped.) 1 Same type. mm. fleur-de-lis; points. BU. 54> h^- Same : rar. points, croises ; no point before infer. Tar. points, croi&ts patoace. BU. Sit ten. 371 Obverle. .S-THEODOLVS Similar type. 56, 57- (Undated.) Reverie. HILTEBRANDVS • DE Rl ■ E • S • (mm. crofk.) Within compartment of many foils, arms of bifliop. Bii. 58, 59- Kreuzer, 159+- HILTEBRANDVS • D • R • E • S • (mm. cinqueloil 5 lirft point, qoatrefbil.) Mitre over crofsed fword and crozier ; on either fide, ftar; below, trefoil on ftalk (arms of bifhop). S : THEODOLVS • (mm. tiear-de-Iis; laft point, quatretbil.) Crols fourchy. Wt. I 3 gramme. BiL '75. Same: var, mm. quatrefoil. 60. Same : var. lalt point cinquefoil. Bil. Same : var. mm. croCi patonce. 61, 62. 1595- Same : var. after firll S, quatrefoil j after laft, crois patonce. Bil. Same. 63. 1J96. Same. BU. Same : var. firft point, crois. 64, 65. 1597. Same : var. after firft S, crols. BU. A .4 2 372 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 66, 67. (Undated.) Obverfe. Reverfe. HILTEBRANDVS ■ D • R • E • S • (mm. crofs.) Arms of bifhop. S'THEODOLVS (mm. crofs.) Crofs pattee. Bil. 68-71. Same : var, pomt at end of infer, want- | Same. ing. Bll. 72. Same : var. DRE (mm. ftar of fix points). Same: var. mm. fleur-de-lis j point after fecond Bil. Same infer. : mm. crofs, Similar type. 7i' Same : var. mm. crofs. Bil. Uncertain Kreuzer, 1594 ? HONESTVS • P- R- O : Mitre over crofsed fword and crozier; on either fide, ftar ; below, trefoil on ftalk (aims of biihop). • • ODOLVS . 1594 Q) (mm. doubtful ; point, quatret'oil.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. I '3 gramme. JE '7 ViERER, 1572. H ■ D ■ R ■ E • S • 72 (mm. crols patonce ; points, except laft, quatrefoils.) Anns of bifliop. S ■ THEODOLVS (mm, and point quatre- foils.) Crofs fleury. Wt. 7 gr, Bil. '7, Sitteiu 373 Obverfe. 76. Reverfe. Same : var. lall point plain. Same : var. mm.'and firll point, rofes ; colon of (juatretoils faltirevvile, at end ot infer. Bil. n^ 78. 1573- H • D • R • E • S • 73 (mm. fixfoil j points, quatrefoils.) Same type. S • THEODOLVS (mm.quatrcfoil 5 point, fame, fmaller.) Same type. Bil. HILDEBRAND II. JODOCVS, OR JOST. 1613-1638. 79- Half-Thaler, 1624. SANCTVS • THEODOLVS • EPS ■ SEDVN '. (points I, 2, 3, cinquefoils, 4, fame, fmaller.) St. Theodolus, facing, nimbate, wear- ing mitre and epifcopal robes ; he holds fw'ord and crozier ; at his feet, Satan, lying to right and holding bell. • HILTEB • lODOCVS • EPS • S • C • ET • P ■ V • 1624 (mm. clnquefoil ; points, except fiift and laft, fmaller cinque- foils.) Shield 5 arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with ftole. Wt. i3"8 grammes. M. i"4.5. 80, 81. Batzen, 1623. S ■ THEODOLVS • 1623 (firft point, cinquefoil.) Half-figure of St. Theodolus, facing, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes and holding fword and crozier. HILTEB • lODOCVS • EPS • S • (mm. and points, except laft, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of bifhop ; above, be- tween crofsed fword and crozier, mitre with ftole. Wt. 2*2 grammes. Bil. "95. 82. Same. Same : var. cinquefoils fmaller, mm. and laft point obliterated. Wt. 2'7 grammes. Bil. i. 374 Catalogue of Swifs Corns, Obverfe. Same. 83- Reverfe. Same: var. points i, 2, large cinque- foils ; 3 and mm. fmall cinquefoils ; point after laft S' Wt, 2*2 grammes. Bil. • S ■ THEODOLVS ■ 1624 Same type. 84, 85. 1624.. HILTEB • lODOCVS • EPS ■ S • (mm. cinquefoil ; points, except laft, fmalfer cinquefoils.) Same type. BIl. Same : var. mm. fingle point ; after firft S, cinquefoil. 8( point 5. Same : var. mm. and firft point, cin- quefoils ; colon after final S : Bil. 87. 1627. S ■ THE O DOLVS . (points, i, cinque- foil, 2, quatreLil.) Half-figure of St. Theodolus, three- quarter-face towards left, nimbate, wear- ing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier ; in exergue, 1627 This coin has been tooled. HILTEB • lODOCVS • EPIS (firft point, quatrefoil.) Ornamented fiiield ; arms of bifhop ; above, between crolsed fword and crozier, mitre with ftole. Bil. • HILTEB ■ lODOCVS ■ EPS • S (points, except laft, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of bifhop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with ftole. 88. Half-Batzen, 1623. S- THEODOLVS 1623 (mm. cinque- foil ; point, pellet.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with fleurs-de- lis, like rays. Wt. 1*4 gramme. Bil. 'Sf. Sit ten. ZId Obverfe. 89. 1624.. Reverfe. Same : var. all points cinquefoils. Same : > var. mm. large cinquefoll; point, fmall cinquefoil, after final S . Wt. ry gramme. Bil. "85. 90. Same infer. ; points, except fccond, Same, plain. Similar type ; hilt of fvvord divides infer. Bil 91, 92. 1625. HILTEB • lODOCVS EPS • S • (points, cinquefoils.) Similar type ; hilt of fword does not divide infer. S • THEODOLVS- 1625 (mm. folid pentagram ; points, fmall cinquefoils.) Same type. Wt. i"6 gramme. Bil. "8. Wt. 1-4 93- 1627. HILTEB • lODOCVS • EP • S • (firft point, quatrefoil.) Similar type varied. S • THEODOLVS • 1627 (mm. ftar of five points.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with fleurs-de- lis. Wt. i'6 gramme. Bil. -85. 94-99. Same. Same infer. Similar type ; fleurs-de-lis better formed. Bil. 37^ Catalogue of Swifs Corns, 100. Obverfe. Same: var. firft point, lozenge of dots. Reverfe. Same : var, firft point, ftar of five points Bil. HILTE- lODOCVS- Arms of bifliop ; above, mitre, behind which, fword and crozier crofsed. lOI. Kreuzer, 1623. , S • THEODOLVS ■ 1623 (mm. cinque- foil ; points nearly obliterated.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. -5 gr. Bil. 7. 102, 103. Two others, much defaced, of which the date is illegible. ADRIAN III. VON RIEDMATTEN. 1640-1646. 104. Batzen, 1644. Bi ADRIAN' DE • RIEDM ■ EPS • SE DVN (mm. cinquefoil.) Shield ; arms of bifliop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with ftole. PR/EF,ET'COM = REIPVB : VAL LESY (mm. trefoil on ftalk, as in arms of bifhop.) Shield J arms of Wallis ; above, one- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of (hield, 16 44 . Wt. 2-4 grammes. Bil. -95. Same : varied. 105. Same. Bi Same infer, (mm. effaced.) Similar type varied. 106. PR/EF • ET • COM • REIPVB ■ VALLESY (mm. point.) Same type. Bil. Sit ten. Zll Obverfc. Same : mm. doubtful. 107. Reverfe. Same : var. points, colons ; mm. trefoil Bil. ADRIAN' DE • RIEDM ■ EPS • SE DVN (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. 108. Same infer, (mm. tiefoil as in arms of bifhop, preceded by point} points i, 2, obfcure, 3, fmgle.) Same type. Wt. 2-3 grammes. Bil. "9. 109, IIO. Half-Batzen, 1644. • ADRIAN' DE • RIED • EPS SE PRAEF- ET- COM • REIP • VALLESY (points uncertain.) Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, one- Shield ; arms of blftiop ; above, be- headed imperial eagle 5 on either fide of tween crofsed fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole. Same type. id crozier, mitre fhield, 4 4 Wt. v% gramme. Bil. -85. III, 112. I :d • EPS • s • 645. Same. Bil. 113, 114. Same ; var. no point after final S . I Same. Bil. 115. Same : var. firft point wanting. I Same. . I Wt. 2"i grammes. Bil. "75. 378 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. AD • DE • RIED • EPS • S Same type. ii6. (Undated.) Reverfe. PRAEF • ET • C • REIPVB • VAL Same type. Wt. 2-1 grammes. JE gilt '75. 117, 118, Pattern for Half-Batzen, 1646. ADRIAN' DE • RIED • EPS S Same type. Two pieces from the fame die. PRAEF ■ ET • COM • REIP ■ VALLESY Same type. Wt. 8'5 grammes. jR (fq.) i. ADRIAN V. VON RIEDMATTEN, 1672-1701. 119. Batzen, 1683. ADRIAN ■ DE • RIED • EPS SE Shield ; arms of bilhop j above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole. PR/EF • ET • COM ■ REI • P • VALL (mm. fmall point.) Shield j arms of Wallis ; above, two- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, 8 3 . Bil. I. ADRIAN • DE RIED • EPS • SE D (mm. cinquefoil at end of infer.) Same type. 120. 1684. PRAEF • ET COM • REIP VALLESY (mm. fmall point.) Same type. Wt. 2-2 grammes. Bil. '95. 121. ADRIAN DE • RIED ■ EPS • S E Same type. Same : var. Bil Sit ten. 379 Obverfe. 122. Reverfe. ADRIAN DE • RIED EPS • S ED Same type. PR/EF • ET • COM • REl • P VALLES ■ Same type. Bil. A DRIAN > DE • RIED • EPS SE Shield ; arms of birtiop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with long dole. 123, 124, Half-Batzen, 1683. PRAEF • ET • COM ■ REIP • VALLES Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, two- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of (hield, 8 3 . Wt. 1-7 gramme. Bil. -85. ADRIAN • DE- RIED- EP" SE Same type. 125. PRAEF • ETCOM • REIP • VALLE Same type. Bil. ADRIAN DE RIED EPS S Same type. 126. PR/EF • ET- COM ■ REIP VALL(mm. fmall point.) Same type. Bil. ADRIAN - DE • RIED EP Same type. 127. 1684? PR/EF ET • COM REIP VAL Same type ; much defaced ; date un- certain. Bil. 380 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 128. 1685. Obverfe. Reverfe. ADRIAN • DE • RIED • E S (mm. cinquefoil at end ot inlcr.) Same type. PR/EF ET COM- REI • P VAL • Same type. Bil 129. ADR DE RID • E • SE Same type. PR/EF • ET REI • P ■ VAL (mm. point.) Same type. Bil. R • -A- • D Arms of bifliop. 130. ViERER, 1685. Shield; arms of Wallis ; above, -W on either fide of (hield, 8 5 Wt. -4 gr. Bil. •$. Same : var. points omitted. i3i> ^32- Same. Bi Same. 133- Same : var. no points befide W Bil Sit ten. 381 FRANZ I. JOSEPH SUPERSAXO. 1701-1734.. 134, 135- Twenty-Kreuzer. Piece of 1709. Obverfe. Reverfe. • F • I • S • SAXO • E • S • P • ET • COM • REIP • VAL • (firft and laft points, ftars of five points.) Ornamented oval fliield j quartered arms of bifliop ; above, between crofsed fword and crozier, mitre. SVB TVVM PRAESIDIVM • 1709 (point, ftar of five points.) Virgin and Child ; fhe is feated on cloud, looking towards right, and holding fceptre in right hand 5 around her head, feven ftars; on either fide, CR 20 , and below, fhield, arms of Wallis. Wt, 4." 7 grammes. Bil. I'l. 4'5- 136-138. 1710. Same infer. ; point after VAL • plain ; no point before infer. Similar type ; colours in ftiield indi- cated. Same infer. ; point plain. Similar type ; colours indicated in Shield J on either fide of ftiield, CR : 20 Wt. 4-8 grammes. Bil. 4"S- 4-3- 139- Batzen, 1708. F • I • SVPER • SAXO • EPS • SE (mm. quatrefoil at end of infer.) Shield ; quartered arms of biftiop ; above, between fword and crozier, mitre. PR/EF • ET • COM • REIP • VALLES Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, two- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, 17 08 Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. '95 140. F • I ■ SVPER SAXO • EP • SE Same type. Same : var. REIP. Bil. 382 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same. 141, 142. Reverfe. PR/EF • ET COM • REIP VALLESY • Same type. Bil. 143- 1709. Same : var. on either fide of mitre, quatrefoil j laft point wanting. Same : var. point at end of infer., ftar of five points. Bil. 144. Same : var. on either fide of mitre, ftar of five points. Same. Sil. 145. 1710. Same : var. on either fide of mitre, Same. quatrefoil. ■ BI 146, 147. Same : var. on either fide of mitre, ftar of five points j point after E • Same : var. laft point wanting. Bil. 148, 149. 1721. Same : var. ftar of five points on left fide of mitre only. Same : var. laft point plain. Bil. Sit ten. 383 Obverfe. Same. 150, 151. Reverfe. Same : var. laft point wanting. Bil. 152-154. Same : var. on left fide of mitre, cin- Same, quefoil j no point after E . Bil. 155- Same : var. uncertain objeft befide mitre ; no point after E ; mm. effaced. Same : var. point at end of infer. Bil. 156. 1722. F • I • SVPER SAXO ■ EP • SE PR/EF ■ ET • COM ■ REIP ■ VALLESY Same : var. on left fide of mitre, ftar of five points. Same type. Bil. Same. 157- Same : var, point at beginning and end of infer. Bil. Same : var. ftar wanting. 158-160. Same. Bil. 161. Half-Batzen, 1708. F ■ I • SVPERSAX- EP ■ SE : (mm. quatrefoil at end of infer.) Shield ; arms of bilhop ; above, be- tween fword and crozier, mitre with long ftole. PR/EF • ET • COM • REI • P ■ VALL : Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, one- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fhield, O 8 Wt. 1-3 gramme. Bil. -95. 384 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 162. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. point before infer. I Same. Bil. 163. F • 1 • SVPERSAXO ■ EPS • S E Same type. Same, Bil. Same. 164, 165. PR/EF ' ET • COM REI • P • VAL Same type. Bil. 166. 17 09. Same. Same : var. VALL Bil. F • 1 • SVPERSAXO • EPS • SE" (firft and laft points, ftars of five points.) Same type. 16 7- Same. I 58. no. Same : var. EP : SE ; ftar of five points on left fide of mitre. Same. Bil. Bil. 169. Same. Same : var. PRAF ; point after VAL . Bil. Sitte?t. 38.5 Obverfe. 170. 1721. Reverfe. SVPERSAXO ■ EP ■ SE Same type. PR/EF • ET • COM ■ REIP ■ VALL Same type. Bil. 171 F ■ I ■ SVPERSAXO • EP • SE ■ (ilar of five points bcfidc mitic.) Irregular fliield j arms ot bifliop ; above, between crolsed fword and crozier, mitre with lung Hole. Same : var. point at end of infer. Bil. 1 72. I72Z. Same infer, j no point after SE ; fhield ; quartered arms of bifhop, witli mifre fword and crozier as before. Same. Bil. I73-175- KaiiuzER, 1708. F • I ■ SVPERSAX ■ EPS ■ S E , PR/EF • ET • COM ■ KEI • PV : Shield; arms of bifliop; above, i)e- ' Shield; arms of Walli>; above, one- tween crofsed Ivvord and crozier, mitre with long Hole. headed imperial eagle ; 011 either fide of (liield, O 8 . Wt. -9 gr. Bil. -7. 176-183. 1722. F • I ■ SVPERSAX • EP . SE Same type. PR/EF • ET ■ COM ■ REIP ■ VALL ' Same type. Bil. s. c. B B 386 Catalogue of Swifs Corns. FRANZ II. FRIEDRICH AM BUEL. 1760-1780. 184-186. Twenty-Kreuzer Piece, 1777. Obverfe. Reverfe. F- F.AM C . E . P BUEL E . S RE . VALL Ornamented oval fliield ; quartered arms of bifliop, colours indicated ; above, between crofsed fword and crozier, mitre SUB TUUM PR/ESIDI UM CONF Virgin and Child within a gloria ; flie is ieated on clouds and holds fceptre in right hand ; around her head, feven ftars ; below her, oval (hield ; arms of Wallis, colour indicated ; on either fide of fliicld, CR 20 and beloAv, D. s. I Wt. 4 grammes, js. I'oj. The fecond F on the obv. of thefe coins looks like an E, the die having flipped. Engraved by David Anton Stcdelin. with ftole 5 below fliield, 17 77 F • FRID ■ AM == BUEL EP SED • Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of biflrop, colours indicated ; above, mitre between crofsed fword and crozier ; on either fide of fliield, laurel-branch en- twined ; below, D s . 187, 188. Twelve-Kreuzer Piece, 1777. COM . E . P . RE VALL . 1777 . Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Wallis, colour indicated ; above, two- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, laurel-branch entwined j in ex- ergue, CR . 12 Wt. j'z grammes. Bil. i'05. 6-8 6'3 189. F . FRID . AM = BUEL . EP SEDUN . Same type. Same. Bil. 190, 191. Six-Kreuzer Piece, 1777. F.FRID. AM = BUEL EP. SED. Ornamented oval fliield j cjuartered arms of bifliop, colours indicated ; above, mitre between crofsed fword and crozier 3 below, D s COM . E . P . Ornamented Wallis, colour RE . VALL. M77 ' oval fliield j arms of indicated j above, two- headed imperial eagle j in ex., CR . 6 . Wt. 5-5 grammes. Bil. i. Sit ten. 387 192. Batzen, containing Four Kreuzers, of 1776. Obverfe, Reverie. F. FRID . AB = BUEL EP.SE . COM . ET . PR/EF REIP . VALL . Irregular fhield ; quartered arms of , Irregular flilekl ; amis of Wallis, bifhopjcolou rs indicated; above, mitre colour indicated; above, two-headed with ftole between crofsed fwoid and imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, crozier ; below, D s . 7 6. I Wt. 1-6 gramme. Bil. 95. F . FRID . AM BUEL EP • SED Similar type. 193- COM ■ ET . PR/EF . REIP • VALLE . Similar fliield, ornamented with laurel- branches; oneither fide of fliield, 17 76 and below, D . ST . Bil. 194, 195. Same: var. AM = BUEL Same : var. PR/E. D . s Bil Same. 196-199. COM ET . PR/EF . UTR . VALLE . Irregular fliield ; arms of Wallis, colour indicated ; ornamented with floyvers ; above, two-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, 17 76 . Bil. 200. 1777- F . FRID . AM BUEL EP . SED • Similar type. COM . ET . PR/E . REIP . VALL . Similar type ; fliield ornamented with laurel-branches ; below, D . s . Bil. B B a J 88 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 201, Obverfe. F . FRID . AM = BUEL EP . SE Same typt. Reveife. Same : var. s below fliield. P.il 202. Same. Same : var. VALLE ; no laurel-branches. Bll. 203-205. 1778. BUEL. EP.SEDUN . ; COM . ET . P- R/EF . REIP . VALLES . Similar type ; fliield ornamented w itb F. FRID. AM Irregular ihiekl ornamented with flowers | and laurel-branches ; arms of bifliop, colours indicated ; above, mitic with Hole between crolsed fword and crozier. flowers and laurel-branches j beiide fliield, 17 78- Bil. 206. Half-Batzen, containing Two Kreuzers, of 1777. F . FRID . AM = BUEL EP . SE . Irregular fliield ; quartered arms ot bifliop, colours indicated ; above, mitre between crolsed fword and crozier ; below, D. s. COM . ET . PR/E . REIP . VALL . Irregular fliield j arms of Wallis, colour indicated ; above, two-headed im- perial eagle j on either fide of fliield, 7 7 ■ Wt. 1*4 gramme. Bil. '%. 207. Same : var. no points after SE or D S . Same. Bil. Sit 1 672, 3«9 Obverfe. 208-211. Kreuzer, 1776. F . FRID . AM = BUEL . E . S . Sliicld ; arms of hirtiop, field having colour indicated ; above, mitre with ftolc between crofscd fword and crozier. Reverfe. PRAE . ET. COM. REIP. VAL Irregular fhield \ arms of Wallis, colonr indicated ; above, two-headed im- perial eagle, above which, S. ; on either fide of niieKI, 7 6 Wt. '9 gr. Bil. 7. SEAL OF NICHOLAS SCHINER. NIC O- SCHINER ' • e"pI • SEDVNre- PREFrP- Z ■ CO ■ VAL ■ EXIl (polntf, horns.) Shieltl ; arms of liifliop ; above, mitre witli dole between crozier and fword \ on either fide, floral ornament. /E 2T. SOLOTHURN. OLOTHURN (Soleure; Latin, Solodurus or Pagus Solo- durius), which ranks eleventh in the order of the cantons, joined the Confederation with Freiburg in 148 1. It is divided into four inner and feven outer diftridls. Capital. — This city, the name of which is the fame as that of the canton, is one of the moft ancient of Switzerland, its foun- dation being contemporaneous with that of Treves. Before Solothurn joined the Confederation it belonged at various times to Burgundy, France, and the Empire. The right of ftriking coins for the town of Solothurn was originally exercifed by the German Emperors, by whom it was hrft mortgaged to Ulrich von Aarberg and his fucceflbrs, and afterwards, in 1363, by Charles IV., to Peter von Thornberg, for the fum of 200 marks of filver of the Bafel ftandard. In 1 38 1, Peter von Thornberg pledged this right to Solothurn itfelf. Since its declaration of independence in 1540, the canton has always had its own coinage. Jrms. — Party per fefle, gu. and ar. CITY. Bracteatls of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. I. VRy) Vc/D Head oF St. Urfiis to left ; above, crofs : plain border. Wt. -3 gr. Bii. -G^. Cf. Meyer, Brafteaten der Schweiz, pi. i, no. 53. 2-5. Buft of St. Urfus, facing, helmeted, and wearing coat of mail ; on either fide, S O ])lain border. Bil. Solothurn. 91 6-13. Bull: of St. Urfus facing ; hair in rolls ; on either fide, S O : plain border, Bi 14-19. Same : var. Cf. Meyer, Braifleaten der Schweiz., \\. i, no. 61. Bll Dragon paflant : plain border. Cf. Meyer, Id., pi. 3, no. 63. Same : var. 20-35. 36. Bil Bi CANTON. GOLD COINS. 37- Four-Ducat Piece, or Double Duplone, of 1797. Obverfe. Reverfe. RESPUBLICA SOLODORENSIS Shield ornamented with lain el-garland ; arms of canton, colour indicated 5 crown clofed. S . URSUS MARTYR St. Urfus in armour, helmeted, nim- bate, wearing fword, and on breaft crofs ; in his right hand he holds banner of Switzerland, gu. a crofs ar., and reds left on his hip ; In exergue, 1797 • Wt. i5"5 grammes. A' I'oj. Same. 38. Double-Ducat, or Duplone, 1787. I S- URSUS MART •1787. Similar type. I Wt. 7" 6 grammes, n i. 392 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 39- 1813. Obverfe. CANTON SOLCTH'^ 1813 Oval fliield with hioad border; arms of Reverfe. SCHWEIZERE EIDSGENOSST Warrior, wearing hat with two plumes canton, colour indicated ; crown clofed ; ! and two-handed fword, holding in right on either fide of fliield, branches of laurel and palm. hand halbert, and refting left on oval fliield infcribcd, XIX CANT, in exergue, 16 FRANK^' Wt. 7'6 grammes. A' "9. 40. Ducat, 1768. DUCATUS SOLODORENSIS ■ 1768 • Shield ; arms of canton, coK.iir indi- cated ; crown open ; on eilher fide, palm- branch. A reftruck coin, S . URSUS MART . St. Urfiis, fiicing, in armour, hclmeted, nimbate, wearing fword, and on breaft crofs ; in his right hand he holds banner of Switzerland, gu. a crofs ar., and refts left on his hip. Wt. 3"^ grammes. A' 'g. 41. T787. RESPUBLICA SOLODORENSIS Shield, ornamented witli laurel-gar- land; arms of canton, colour indicated; crown clofed. S ■ URSUS MART' ■1787- (tliirti point, cinquefoil.) Similar type. Wt. 3"8 grammes. n •%. RESPVBLICA Similar type. 42. Half-Ducat. 1789. SOLODORENSIS | S • URSUS MART • 1789 Similar type. Wt. 1-9 gramme A-- -65. Solothtir?2, 393 SILVER AND BILLON COINS. FUNFER CLASS. 43- FuNFER OF THE FIFTEENTH CeNTURY. (^^'iI!l Gothic letter-.) Obvcife. Reverfe. MON ORENSIS (mm. crofs pattce.) Within qiiaticfoilcomjiartnient, having fleurs-de-lis pointing outward from cufps, fhield, armsorcanton,rurmounted by one- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, S O S • VRSVS ■ (mm. at end of infer., fixfoil ; point, annulet.) St. Urfiis, (landing, facing, nimbatc, in armour ; in his right hand he carries a pennon, and with his left holds againft his fide a finall fliield, arms, a plain crofs. Wt. 7 gr. Bil. -85, 44. MONET SOLODORENS SANCTVS VRSVS (points, annulets.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by dots; above, one-headed im- perial eagle; on either fide, S O (mm. crofs pattce; point i, nnnulct, 2, cinquefoll.) Crofs flcury with quatrefoil centre. Wt. -9 gr. Bil. 75. • MARTIR • 1501 ' (points I an. I ^, ornamental lo- zenges, 2, mm. large cinquefuil, 4, fmall cinquefoil.) St. Urfus, nimbate and armed, Hand- ing to right; with right hand lie holds ftandard bearing Confederation crofs, and with left grafps his two-handed fword, which hangs at his fide ; brcaft-plate ornamented vvith crofs : the figure of the Saint extends acrofs the whole coin, and is parli.dly enclofed within border of many foils with fleurs-de-lis at cufps. Cf. Haller, ii. p. 152. THALER CLASS. 45. Thaler, 1501. (With Gothic letters.) (In centre) MONETA ■ • SOLODOR (points, fixfoils.) Shield partially enclofed within border of many foils with cinquefoils at cufps; arms of canton, coloui indicated by arabefque ; above, two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi : border of twelve fliields ; arms of twelve liailiwicks of the canton, the fliield of Kienberg being omitted ; between each fliield, a fleur-de- lis jiointing inwards. Wt. 28'i grammes. JR 1-65. 394 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 46. (With Latin letters.) SANCTVS ■ VRSVS • MARTI R (points, cinquefoils.) Similar type ; the pole of the flag being fhaped like a lance : no border. Reverfe. ■ MONETA ■ SO LODORENSIS (points, cinquefoils.) Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; above, two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; on either fide, S O M. 47, 48. SANCTVS • VR SVS • MARTIR ■ (points, fixfoils.) Similar type. MONETA ■ SOL ODORENSIS ■ (points, fixfoils.) Similar type. ^ i'55- 49. Thaler, containing Four Franks, of 1813. SOLOTH^ 1813 arms of canton, colour CANTON Oval fliield indicated ; crown doled ; on either fide laurel-branch. SCHWEIZERf EIDSGENOSS^ Warrior, facing, wearing fword and hat with three plumes; his left hand rells upon his hip, and with his right, which refts on oval fliield, he holds ban- ner ; the fliield is infcrlbed XIX CANT- in the exergue, 4 • FRAN KEN Wt. 30 grammes. M i'6. 50. Quarter-Thaler, or Frank, 1812. CANTON SOLOTHURN 1812 • Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; crown clofed ; on either fide, laurel-branch. SCHWEI2ER : EIDSGENOSS : Within oval, warrior, facing, w-earing hat with one plume ; he leans with right hand on two-handed fword, and his left reflis on oval fliield, infcribed XIX CAN= TONE in exergue of oval, 1 . FRANK : Wt. 7"4 grammes. M j'l. So lot hum. 395 DIKEN CLASS. Obverfe. 51- DiKEN. (With Gothic letters.) • SANCTVS • VRSVS : MAR ' (points I and 3, cinquefoils, 2, pine-cone.) Buft of St. Uifiis to light, nimbate, bareheaded, and bearded, wearing ar- mour; breaftplate ornamented with crofs; his head is bound with fillet ; behind buft, cinquefoil. Reverfe. MONETA • SOLODORENSI (mm. fleur-de-lis.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; above, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide, S O Wt. 9" 2 grammes. A<. I'xf. 52- (With Latin letters.) SANCTVS • VRSVS ■ MAR ' MONETA (points I and 3, fixfoils j 2, mm. crofs pattee.) Similar type : behind buft, fixtoil. SOLODORENS • (point z, fixfoil.) Similar type. M I'X. BATZEN CLASS. 53- Twenty-Batzen Piece, or Gulden, 1795. RESPUBLICA SOLODOREN . Oval fiiield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown clofed ; on either fide, laurel-branch ; in exergue, 20 ■ BAZ ■ ■ CUNCTA PER DEUM ■ 1795 (points, roles.) Crofs pattee entwined with S Wt. 1 5' 3 grammes, ^fi i'3. 54- 1798. Same. Same. /R. 39^ Catalogue of Swifs Coi77s. 55- Quarter-Thaler, or Ten-Batzen Piece, 1767. Obverfe. Reveife. MONETAREIP. SOLODORENSIS , • CUNCTA ■ PER DEUM ■ 1767 Ornamented in-egular fliield ; arms of (P^'"t^ clnqnefoils.) canton, colour indicated 5 crown open; Within palm-wreath, crofs pattee below, cinquefoil between two leaves. 1 entwined with floral S; above, open j crown. I Wt. 7'7 grammes. M i'i5. The S on the reverie being floral, the wreath may reprefent the letter O . MONETA REIP • SOLODORENSIS ■ Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; crown^open ; on either fide, palm branch. 56. 1778. ■ CUNCTA ■ PER • DEUM ■ 1778 (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs pattee combined with O and en- twined with S Similar. 57- 1785. Similar. JS.. 58, 59- T787. REGPUBLICA SOLODORENSIS ,• CUNCTA PER DEUM -1787 Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour ' (points i and 2, fixfolls.) indicated ; crown clofed ; on eMlvr fide, ! Crofs pattee entwined with S . laurel-branch. JS.. Same. 60. 1794. Same : var. quefoils. j ; points, large cm- JS.. Solotliiirn. 397 6i. Five-Batzen, or Twenty-Kreuzer Piece, 1642. Obveile. Reverfe. ■ MONETA ■ NOVA • SOLODOREN (points, quatrefoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour in- dicated by floral ornamentation j above, quatretbil ; on either fide, S O • S ■ VRSVS . MARTYR • (mm. large quatrefoil ; points, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi ; in exergue, ' 1 • 6 • 42* Wt. 38 graninie,s. /R. i. 62, 63. 1760, MONETA • REIP . SOLODORENSIS CUNCTA (mm. floral ornament.) Ornamented ftiield; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown open j on either fide, laurel and palm branches. PER DEUM 1760 ■ OR ■ 20 ■ (points I and 3, buds.) Within palm-wreath, crofs pattee en- twined with floral S ; above, open crown. Wt. 4.'5 grammes. Bil, i. 64. 17G3. MONETA REIP . SOLODORENSIS Irregular ornamented ihield ; arms ot canton, colour indicated; crown open. CUNCTA PER DEUM 1763 CR • 20 Within wreath of palm and laurel branches, crofs pattee entwined with floral 8 ; above, ojien crown ; the ends ot branches enclofe mark, of value. Bil. 65. 1 809. • CANTON SOLOTHURN • (points, ftars of five points.) Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown doled ; on either fde, laurel-brancli. • CUNCTA ■ PER • DEUM ■ 1809 (points I and 4, flowers, 2 and 3, quatre- foils.) Within wreath of oak-leaves, all in one direction, above to right, 5 B ATZE N Bil. 39^ Catalogue of Swifs Coi7is. 66, 67. 1811. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same. Same. Bil CANTON SOLOTHURN 1826 5 BAZ (points, cinquefoils.) Same type. 68. 1826. DIE CONCORDIER • CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. clnquefoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment, Con- cordat-crofs ; limbs ornamented ; in centre, C within wreath. Wt. 3'9 grammes. Bil. i. Similar : 5 ■ BATZ 69, 70. Similar : quatrefoil compartment with double border. Bil. Two AND A HALF BaTZEN, OR TeN-KrEUZER PiECE, 1760. MONETA REIP . SOLODORENSIS • Ornamented fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated; crown open ; on either fide, laurel and palm branches. CUNCTA PER DEUM 1760 Within palm wreath, crofs pattee en- twined with S of leaves ; above, open crown 5 beneath, within border, CR ■ 10 Wt. 2"3 grammes. Bil. '85. 72, 73- Same: var. laft point wanting; fhield irregular and ornamented ; laurel and palm branches wanting. Same : var. within wreath of palm and laurel branches, crofs entwined with floral S ; ends of branches cnclofe mark of value. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. -85. So lot hum. 399 Obverfe. 74- 1794. RESPUBLICA SOLODORENSIS Oval fliield ; 'arms oi" [canton, culour indicated j crown doled ; on either lide, laurel-brancli. Reverfe. CUNCTA PER DEUM • (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs pattec entwined with S 1794 Bil. 75- 1826. • CANTON SOLOTHURN 1S26 • 2'/„ BAZ (points, cinquefoils.) Oval (hield; arms of canton, colour indicated ; crown doled ; on cither fide, laurel-branch. DIE CONCORDIER ■ CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. fixfoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment, orna- mented with trefoils at cufps, Concordat- crofs ; limbs ornamented 5 in centre, C within wreath, Bil. 76. Plappart, Fifteenth Century. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA ■ SOLODOREN' (mm. be- tween words, cinquefoil.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis-work and pellets ; above, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of niield, S O . SANCTVS • VRSVS ■ MARTI (mm. crofs pattee ; points, cinquefoils.) Within quatrefoil compartment, orna- ihented at the cufps with fleurs-de-lis pointing inwards, crofs moline. Wt, a'9 grammes. Bil. 105. ■ MONETA ■ SOLODORN • (mm. be- tween words, mullet of fix points.) Similar type ; colour on fliield indi- cated by arabefque. Batzen, Sixteenth Century. (With Latin letters.) SANCTVS • VRSVS • MART (mm. crofs pattec ; points, fixfoils.) Same type. Bil 400 Catalogue of Swijs Coins. Obverfe. Same: var. SOLODOREN (One coin pierced.) 78-80. Reverie, Same. Bi Same : var. mm. lixfoil. 8j, 82. I Same. Bil. 83- Same : var. mm. mullet of fix pointi?. Same : var. MAR Bil. 84. 1630. MONETA • SALODORENSl. (point, fixtoil.). Similar type ; colour indicated by floral ornament. SANCTVS ■ VRSVS • MART • 1630 (points, fixfoils ?) Crofs toLucliy cantoned with floral ornaments pointing inwards. Wt. 2 "7 grammes. Bil, '95. ^ MONETA ■ SALODORENSl (points, fixfoils.) £ame type. 85. 1631. SANCTVS • VRSVS ■ MART • 1631 (points, fixfoils.) Similar type. Bil. Same. Same: var. SALODORENSIS 86. Same : var. crofs interferes with circle of infer. Bil. 87. Same. Wt. 2-2 grammes. Bil '95. So lot hum. 401 Obverfe. 88. 1632. Reverfe. Same. Same infer. Within quatrefoil compartment, orna- mented at cufps with fleurs-de-lis pointing inwards, crofs fourchy, Bil. 89. 1632 ? MONETA • SOLODORENSIS (point, diamond.) Same type. •SANCTVS • VRSVS ■ MART : 16 2 (points, diamonds.) Similar type. Wt. 3'i grammes. Bil, i. 90. 164.2, MONETA • SOLODOREN (point, quatrefoil.) Same type. S • VRSVS • MART • 1-6- 4 2 • (points I, 2, 3, 6, quatrefoils.) Crofs fourchy cantoned with floral ornaments. Wt. 2"7 grammes. Bil. i. 91, Same : var, point,'quatrefoil at end of infer. Same : var, no points between nume- rals ; in centre of crofs, quatrefoil. Bil. 92. Same : var. points, quatrefoils at begin- ning and end of infer. S • VRSV S • MA RT • 16 • 42 Similar type ; the ends of the crofs intercept infer, Bil. 93- 1760. MONETA REIP . SOLODORENSIS Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fhield, S O ; in exergue, CR* 4 CUNCTA - PER - DEUM - 1760 - (between the words and on either fide of date, floral ornaments.) Crofs fourchy, the ends of which are united by fegments of rope-circle, can- toned with floral ornaments. Wt. 2'2 grammes. Bil. '95. s, c. c c 4-0 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same infer. ; fimilar type. CR . 4 94. 1762. Reverfe. Same infer., the words and date fmii- larly divided. Crofs fleury. Bil. 95- 1787. MONETA REIPUB- SOLODOREN SIS (mm. floral ornament ; at end of infer,, flower on ftalk.) Similar (hield ; on either fide of which, s o . Same infer., fimilarly divided. Crofs fourchy ; floral ornaments. Wt. 1*7 gramme. Bil. '9. 96. 1793. Same infer.: var. REIP' Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide of fhield, S O ; in exergue, CR 4 . Same infer., fimilarly divided. Crofs fleury. Wt. a' 5 grammes. Bil. '95. 9 17 Same. 7- Same. 98, i8( CANTON SOLOTHURN Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, and on either fide of fliield, laurel-branches ; in exergue, 1805 99. Within floral wreath, I BATZEN X RAPPEN Bil Bil. Solothurn. 403 Obverfe. 100. 1808. ' • • • CANTON SOLOTHURN (the points, one removed from beginning and end of infer., flowers.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either iide of fliieid, the letters S O ; in exergue, 1808 . Reverfe. CUNCTA • PER • DEUM (points, cinque- foils ; the fpace between the end and the beginning of the infer, occupied by floral ornament.) In centre, 1 BATZEN 10 Bil. lOI. CANTON SOLOTHURN • (point, trefoil ornament ; before and after infer., ears of barley on flalks rlfmg from exergue.) Same type. Same j points varied. Bil. • • • CANTON SOLOTHURN • (the points, one removed from beginning and end of infer., flowers.) Same type. 102, 103. 1809. Same : var, points, quatrefoils. Bil. Same. Same, 104- -106. Same infer, and ornament ; in centre, 1 BATZEN Bil. 107, 108. I8II. Same. Bil. C C 2 404 Catalogue of Swi/s Coins. Obverfe. CANTON SOLOTHURN 1826 Same type ; in exergue, 1 ' BATZ 109. 1826. Reverfe. DIE CONCORD lER • CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. cinquefoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment, the Concordat crofs ; in centre, within wreath, C ; in limbs, floral ornaments. Bil. 110. Same : var. point after date wanting. Same. Bil. III. Half-Batzen, Sixteenth Century. [SA]NCTVS' VRSVS • • 15 (points i and 3, crofses pattee.) Bull of St. Urfus to right, bare- headed, nimbate, wearing armour, with crofs on breaft-plate. Infer, on both fides partially effaced. • MOW ETA ■ SALODO • (points, crofses pattee.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by floral ornament ; above, one- headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of (hield, S O . Wt. i'6 gramme. Bil. '85. 112. 1549. • SAI/ICTVS ' VRSVS • 1549 (points, crofses pattee.) Same type. • MOMETA • SALODOREN • (points, crofses pattee.) Same type, Bil. 113- 1551- • SANCTVS ' VRSVS ■ 1551 (points, crofses pattee.) Same type. • MONETA • SALODOREN • (points, crofses pattee.) Same type. Bil. Solothurn, 405 Obverfe. 114. Reverie. Same infer. Buft of St. Urfus, three-quarter face towards right, nimbate, wearing body- armour and helmet and with crofs on breaft-plate. Same. Bii ■ SANCTVS ■ VRSVS • MART ■ 1623 (points, cinquefoils.) Buft of St. Urfus to right, bare- headed, nimbate, wearing armour, with crofs on breaft-plate. 115, 116. 1623. MONETA • SOLODORENSIS (point, cinquefoil.) Shield 5 arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque j above, one-headed imperial eagle. Bil. 117. Same. Same: var. point quatrefoil. Bil 118. 1624, • SANCTVS • VRSVS • MART : 1624 (points I and 2, crofses treflee.) Same type. Same infer. 5 point effaced. Same type. Bi 119. Same : var. point i, cinquefoil, points 2, 3 and 4, crofses patonce. Struck on lozenge-lhaped flan. Same infer. ; point quatrefoil. Same type. Bil 120. 1760, MONETA ■ REIPUB : SOLODOREN SIS (mm. flower; point l, cinquefoil.) Ornamented irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated j on either fide of fhield, S O . CUNCTA - PER - DEUM • -1760- (between words of infer., floral ornaments j on either fide of date, other floral orna- ments.) Crofs fourchy cantoned with floral ornaments pointing inwards. Bil. -9. 4o6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 121. 1761. Obverfe. Same : var. mm. point 2, full ftop. Shield var. floral ornament ; Reverfe. Same infer., fimilarly ornamented ; point wanting. Crofs fourchy laid over irregular four-fided figure ornamented at angles with flowers. Bil. 122. 1793. Same infer.; but fuigle point after REIPUB • and at end of infer, cinque- foil ; fame mm. Similar type. Same infer., fimilarly ornamented. Crofs fourehy with floral ornaments between limbs. Bil. 123. 1795. Same. Same. Bil. 124, 125. Half-Batzen, containing Five Rappen, of 1826. • CANTON SOLOTHURN 1826 • 5 ■ RAP (points I and 2, fixfoils.) Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fliield, S O . DIE CONCORDIER • CANTONE DER SCHWEIZ (mm. fixfoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment, deco- rated at cufps with floral ornaments, the Concordat crofs ; in centre, within floral wreath, C ; in limbs, floral orna- ments. Bil. KREUZER CLASS. 126. Kreuzer, 1560. • MONETA • SALODOR ' (points I and 3, fmall annulets, 2, quatrefoil.) Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; above, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield, S O . SANCTVS • VRSVS • 1560 (points, quatrefoils.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. 1*1 gramme. Bil. "yf. Solothurn. 407 Obverfe. 127. Reverfe. ■MONETA ■ SOLODOR • (points, i and 3, f plain, 2, ftar of fix points.) Same type. Same infer. ; points plain. Similar type. Bil. 128. 1561. Same. Same : var. point 3 wanting. Bil. 129, 130, 1562. MONETA ■ SOLODO • (point 2, ftar of fix points.) Same type. • SANCTVS • VRSVS • 62 Same type. Bil. I3I5 132- Same : var. firft and laft points wanting. I Same. Bil. MON ■ SOLODORN • (point 2, mullet fix points.) Same type. 13 of 3- • SANCTV! Same type. Same : var. laft point wanting. 15 54. 64. • SANCTV Same type. Bil. Bil. 4o8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 135- 1565- Reverfe. MONETA • SOLOD ' (point i,. mullet of fix points.) Same type. • SANCTVS • VRSVS • 65 (points, diamonds.) Same type. Bil. 136. 1572. MONETA • SOLODOR (point, crofs pattee.) Same type. SANCTVS • VRSVS ■ 72 (mm. crofs j points, crofslets.) Same type. Bil. 137- 1623. MONETA • SOLODORENSIS (point, quatrefoil.) Same type. SANCTVS • VRSVS • 1623 (mm. and points, cinquefoils.) Within quatrefoil compartment, orna- mented at cufps with fleurs-de-lisi crofs fourchy. Bil. MONETA • SOLODOR • (firft point, diamond.) Same type. 138. SANCTVS • VRSVS • 1623 (mm. crofsed keys ; points, diamonds.) Crofs fourchy, having cinquefoil in centre, and in angles fleurs-de-lis point- ing inwards. ^ Bil. 139, 140. 1624. MONETA • SOLODORENSIS (point, quatrefoil.) Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, co- lour indicated by arabefque j above, one- headed imperial eagle. SANCTVS ■ VRSVS • 1624 (mm. and points, crofses patonce.) Within quatrefoil compartment, orna- mented at the cufps with fleurs-de-lis, crofs fourchy. Bil. Solothurn, 409 Obverfe. 141. 1629. MONETA • SALODOR (point, fmall quatrefoil.) Same type. Reveife. Same infer. ; mm. and points, quatre- foils. Similar type ; the crofs has fmaller crofs in centre. Bil. 142. Same : var. SOLODOR 5 points at be- ginning and end of infer., quatrefoils. Same : var. no compartment 3 fleurs- de-lis between limbs. Bil. 143- 1794. MONETA REIP . SOLOD . (mm. flower.) Irregular fhield 5 arms of canton, co- lour indicated } on either fide of fhield, S O . • CUNCTA • PER • DEUM- 1794 (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy cantoned with floral ornaments. Wt. I gramme. Bil. '7. 144. 1796. Same : var. colon at end of infer., firft point effaced. Same. Bil 145. 1813. CANTON SOLOTHURN Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide of Ihield, laurel- branch. Within laurel-wreath, 1 KREUZER 1813 Bil 4IO Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 146, 147. Kreuzer, containing Two and a Half Rappen, of 1830. Obveife. Reverfe. • CANTON SOLOTH URN • 2^2 RAP Shield j arms of canton, colour indi- cated. • 1 ■ KREUZER- 1830 Concordat crofs, having in each limb a floral ornament, and in centre, within floral wreath, C . Bil. MONETA REIP. Crofs fourchy. RAPPEN CLASS. 148. Rappen, 1789. 1789 SOLODORENSIS (mm. floral ornament.) Irregular fliield ; arms of canton, co- lour indicated ; on either fide of fliield. S O Wt. -egr. Bil. -55. Same. 149. 1790. Same. Bil. 150. 1794. Same : var. point, fmall cinquefoil. Same. Bil. 151. 1796. Same. Same. Bii. So lot hum. 411 152. 1797. Obverfe. Reverfe. • Same. Same. Bil. 153, I7S Same. 154. 8. Same. Bil. 155, 18] CANTON SOLOTHURN Shield } arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, oak-branch. 156. Within vine (?) wreath, 1 RAPPEN 1813 Bil. COPPER COINS. ANGSTER CLASS. 157. Ang Irregular (hield 5 arms of canton, co- lour indicated by trellis. 5TER. Plain. JE. 'b' 158. Similar type. Plain. m. 159- Uncertain Piece. Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; above, one-headed imperial eagle between quatrefoils j on either fide of (hield, S O . M • VI X -7. 41 2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, MEDALS. A. — Historical. I. Birth of Louis Duke of Burgundy, 1682. Half-Thaler Weight. Obverfe. Reverfe. HOCCE • SIDERE • FIRMANT (Space between beginning and end of infer, filled by large cinquefoil, having to right fmall cinquefoil, followed by diamond, and to left two fmall cinquefoils with diamond between.) Clofed crown between two dolphins, counternaiant } above, fun reprefented as face from which iffue rays and flames. SPARSA • PUBLICE • D • R • GRA VEL • LEG • SOLOD (firft point, ftar of fix points.) In field, LVD • MAG • uiaa GLOR • PROLI DVCI • BVRG 1682 Wt. 1 4" 5 grammes. A 1*35. 2. Birth of Louis Duke of Burgundy, 1751. Thaler-Weight. GALLIA FIT PARTU FELIX Gallia, crowned, and wearing regal robes, ftanding to left, and placing infant prince on a garlanded altar ; flie raifes her eyes to the clouds, from which rays of funlight fall on the child ; in exergue, XIII • SEPTEMBRIS M • DCC • LI • SOLODOR MARCH? REGIS AP. HELVE (mm. over laft point, FESTA DATA IN PAULMY TIOS LEG trefoil.) Circle formed by twenty-two fhields with the arms of the Thirteen Cantons, thofe of the abbey and town of St. Gal- len, Biel, Miihlhaufen, Wallis, of each of the Three Leagues, and of the bifhopric of Bafel ; colours indicated. Within fpace formed by (hields, L/ETAN TUR AMICI Wt, 26* grammes. At. 1*5. Solothurn, 413 Obverfe. Reverfe. • DUX BURGUNDI/E NASCENS D. 13 . SEPT. 1751 • (mm. quatrefoil barbed.) Within laurel- wreath, GALLIA • FIT • PARTU FELIX ■ (points, fleurs-de-lis ; arms of France.) SPARSA PUBL • SOLODORO MARQE. A PAULMY REG . LEGATO (mm. cinquefoll.) Within floral wreath, L/ETAN . TUR AMICI . Wt. 4.'9 grammes, js. 1, B. — Alliance. Treaty between France and the Helvetic Confederation, 1777. Double-Thaler Weight. LUDOVICUS XVI REX CHRISTIA NISS Buft of king to right, in armour ; he wears ermine cloak, embroidered with fleurs-de-lis and crowns, and order and crofs of St. Efprit ; hair en queue ; on flioulder, J • schwe:ndiman4 f- HELVETIOS NOBIS SOCIOS NOVA FOEDERA IVNGANT Two female figures, France and the Helvetic Confederation, clafping right hands ; the former wearing crown and long robe embroidered with fleurs-de-lis ftands to right and raifes her left hand ; the latter wearing mural crown ftands to left, her left hand placed on her bofom ; between them, a lighted gar- landed altar ; to right, in background, column furmounted by figure of Minerva, feated to left, holding olive-branch and fpear and fliield ; againft the bafe of column, refts round fliield ornamented with fafces furmounted by cap and entwined with laurel-branch, around which, border of eighteen fliields bearing the arms of the thirteen cantons and of the five allied ftates, colours indicated ; in exergue, SOLODVRI XXV AVG MDCCLXXVII Wt. 62'5 grammes, /s. z'l. 414 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, C. — Shooting-Medal. 5- 1840. Obverfe. UN POUR TOUS — TOUS POUR •UN From clouds appear two draped hands, clafped ; above. Confederation crofs, radiate, beneath which, PATRIE LIBERTE, below, FRATERNITE TIR FEDERAL SOLEURE 1840 The laft line of infer, is divided by apple pierced by arrow. Reverfe. Trophy formed of roimd fhield with bofs, from which are fufpended a powder- flafk and pouch, behind, crofled muflcets, four flags, the nearer of which bear arms of Confederation, colours indicated, laurel and palm branches, and in centre, fafces furmounted by hat with two plumes. Wt, 4.' 3 grammes. JS. '9. Thaler, 1855. HELVETIA Helvetia feated to left, wearing wreath and clofe-fitting robe, and mantle over her knees; fhe points with right hand to Alps, and refts left on fliield, arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; behind, plough and ears of corn ; near edge, to left, A . EOVY . On edge, EIDGEN . FREISCHIESEN Within wreath of oak and rhododen- dron ferrugineum, 5 Fr. 1855 Wt. 25- grammes, js. 1*45. SOLOTHURN 1855 r (points, fixfoils.) Solothurn. 415 D. — Collegiate Foundation Medal. 7. (With femi-Gothic letters.) Obverfe. Reverfe. •RE BERTA • FVDRIX • ECCLIAE . S • VRSI • 932 ■ (points, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, quatrefoils faltirewife.) St. Urfus, nimbate, wearing armour, Handing to right ; with right hand he holds banner of Confederation, and with left grafps his two-handed fword, which hangs at his fide ; his breaftplate is orna- mented with crofs ; before him kneels the queen to left, crowned and holding church, which (he offers to the Saint ; between them, fhield furmounted by open crown : wreath -border. Wt. aa'S granunes. jr. 2' 15. This medal, which is caft and of goldfmiths' work, is filver gilt, and has been fet in a ring. See Haller, ii., p. 403, no. 2304. • SALOD • SVB • ABRAMO • CODI • (points, I to 4, quatrefoils.) Shield ; arms of Solothurn, colour indicated by floral ornamentation ; above, two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; around, fifteen flrields bearing the arms of the pofleflions and bailiwicks of Solothurn, colours indicated; between each fliield, annulet and fleur-de-lis pointing inwards : wreath-border. E. — School-Medals. 8. Four-Ducat Weight. S. S. URSUS ET VICTOR M-M. St. Urfus and St, Viftor in Roman armour, wearing fwords, facing one another ; the firft holds in left hand palm, and on right arm fhield, on which is a plain crofs ; the fecond holds palm in right hand, and on left arm fliield, on which is a crofs treflee ; between them on ground, ftiield, arms of canton, colour indicated, decorated with laurel and palm branches and fupported by lion couchant holding fceptre in left fore- paw, crown, open j on ground to left, i. Within wreath of vine leaves, PRCEMIUM DILIGENTI/E ET VIRTUTIS above, from clouds, a cornucopiae pouring out coins. Wt i3'3 grammes. N i'i5. 4i6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe, CIVITAS SOLODORENSIS Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; on either fide, palm and laurel branches. Reverfe. Within vine-wreath, open above, VIRTUTIS ET DILIGENTIAE PROEMiUM above, from clouds, cornucopias pouring out coins. Wt. II "6 grammes. ^R 1*15. 10. RESPUBLICA SOLODORENSIS Same type ; var. above, clofed crown. Same. Wt. i3'i grammes. JR. II. CIVITAS SOLODORENSIS Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, laurel-wreath, within which, ends of two palm-branches ; on either fide of (hield, palm and laurel branches. • FLORET IN >EVUM • (points, cinquefoils.) Pyramidal monument around which is entwined laurel-branch. M. F. — Commemorative Medal. 12. SANCTVS ■ VRSVS • SOLI TVRNEN SIS (points, quatrefoils.) St. Urfus, nimbate, kneeling to right ; behind him ftands executioner, who is about to ftrike off with long fword Saint's head ; above, fhield, a plain crofs ; below, (hield, arms of canton, colour indicated. Within wreath of buds, all in one direftion, above to right, •WARD SANCTVS •VRSVS • GE MARTTER ET • ANNO 280 . points, 3, 4, and 5,crofses. Wt. 84 grammes, js. i-%. T E S S I N. ESSIN (Ticino), which ranks as the eighteenth in the order of the cantons of the Confederation, takes its name from the River Teflin. It is divided into eight fmall diftri6ls which were, at intervals between 1466 and 1512, detached from the pofleflion of the Dukes of Milan and annexed by the Confederation. Till 1798 thefe diftri6ls, known by the title of the bailiwicks of Ennetbourg, were governed by bailiffs or prefects appointed by the Confederation. At this date, however, Bafel and Luzern having renounced for ever their rights over the bailiwicks, their inhabitants took the opportunity to declare themfelves independent, and to form themfelves into the two Cantons of Bellinzona and Lugnano, which in 1803 became united under the name of Teflin. In 18 15 Teflin was declared an independent fl:ate of the Confederation. Arms. — Party per pale, gu and az. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. THALER CLASS. I. Thaler, containing Four Franks, of 1814.. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTONE TICiNO 1814 Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, rifing fun j on either fide, lauiel-branches forming wreath. CONFEDERAZ: SVIZZERA . Warrior, facing, wearing two-handed fword and hat with three plumes j his left hand is placed on his hip, and in he holds halbert direfted over his right arm refts on ftiield his right ftioulder ; infcribed, XIX CANT in exergue, 4 . FRANCHI Wt. 28 "9 grammes. /R. 1-6, D D i8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Same. 2. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. in exergue, 4 • FRAN CHI ; beneath, cinquefoil. Wt, 29-5 grammes. J& i"55' 3- Half-Thaler, containing Two Franks, of 1813. CANTONE TICINO 1813 Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated j above, riling fun ; on either fide, laurel-branch forming wreath. CONFEDERAZ: SViZZERA. Warrior, facing, wearing two-handed fword and hat with three plumes ; his left hand is placed on his hip, and in his right he holds halbert directed over ftioulder ; his left arm refts on (hield infcribed, XiX CANT- in exergue, 2 • FRANCHl . Wt. 15 grammes. M ^"iS- Same. Same : var. in exergue, 2 . FRANCHl ; beneath, cinquefoil. Wt. i4.'7 grammes, jb. i^. CANTONE TICINO 1813 Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; above, rifing fun ; on either fide, laurel-branch forming wreath. 5^6. Quarter-Thaler, or Frank, 1813. CONFEDERAZ: SVIZZERA Warrior, facing, wearing two-handed fword and hat with three plumes ; his left hand is placed on his hip, and in his right he holds halbert direded over (houlder; his left arm refts on fhield infcribed, XIX CANT- in exergue, I'FRANCO' (laft point, cinquefoil.) Wt. 7-5 grammes, jr. i"i5. Tejfin. 419 7,8. Eighth-Thaler, or Half-Frank, 1835. Obverfe. Reverfe. •CANTONE TICINO- 1835 (points, clnquefuils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; above, lifing fun ; on either fide, laurel-branch forming wreath. Within oak-wreath, 1 MEZZO FRANCO Wt. 4'45 grammes. M i. 9, 10. Sixteenth-Thaler, or Quarter-Frank, 1835 1835 • CANTONE TICINO (points, cinquefoils.) Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; above, rifing fun ; on either fide, laurel-branch forming wreath. Within oak-wreath, 1 QUARTO FRANCO Wt. 2*2 grammes, jr. '8. SOLDI CLASS. II. Three-Soldi Piece, 1813. CANTONE TICINO . Shield; arms of canton, colours in- dicated ; above, wreath of laurel ; in exergue, feftooned garland. Within wreath of laurel and oak, Soldi TRE 1813 Wt. i"8 gramme. Bil. •75. 12. Same : var. Same : var. mm. above infcription, cinquefoil. Bih D D Z 420 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same : var. I 3- 1835. Reverfe. Same : var. SOLDI TRE 1835 Bil. Same ; var. lait point wanting. 14. Same. Bil. Same. 15- 183?. Same. Bil Same: var TICINO 16. Same. Bil. Same : var. 17-19. 1841. Same : var. Bil. CANTONE TICINO Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated ; on either fide, laurel-branch. COPPER COINS. DENIER CLASS. 20. Six-Denier Piece, 1813. Within wreath of palm and oak, DENARI SEI 1813 Wt. -8 gr. M •%. re{ft?t. 42 I Obverfe. Same. 21. 1835. Reverfe. Within palm-wreath, DENARI SEI 1835 K.. CANTONE TICINIO 22. 1841. Same type ; var. on either fide of (hield, oak-branch. Within wreath of laurel and oak, DENARI SEI 1841 &. Same; var, TICINO . 23- Same X.. 24. Three-Denier Piece, 1814.. CANTONE TICINO. ■ 1814 • DENARI (points, 2 and 3, cinquetbils ) Within laurel-wreath, rour.d (hield; arm;> ot canton, colours indicated. TRE beneath, two laurel-branches bound JE. -6. together 25-27. 1835. Same: var. point i, wanting, points | 2 and 3, ([uairetoils. Same. 42 2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 28, 29. 1841. Reverfe. CANTONE TICINO Shield ; arms of canton, colours indi- cated j on either fide, oak-branch. Within oak-wreath, DENARI TRE 1841 M. T H U N. 'HUN, (Lat. Thuniim) a fmall town and bailiwick in Canton Bern, originally belonged to the Counts of Thun, the lalt of whom, Conrad, Abbot of Einfiedeln, died in 1234. After this it palled into the pofTefTion of the Counts of Kyburg, of whom Eberhardt foldthe city to Bern in 1323. Arms, — Gu, on a bend ar., a flar of fix points, or. SCHOOL MEDALS. Obverfe. Reverfe, THUNUM . Ornamented iliield j arms of town, colour indicated ; decorated with laurel- wreath Two youths, in coftume of the eighteenth century, joining hands over an altar decorated with garland and figure of owl ; in exergue, SAPIENTI/E ET AMICITI/E Wt. 10 grammes. yR i"2. TH UN. Shield as laft, colours indicated. 2. Juftice, I'eated to left on bale, holding in outftretched right hand wreath and in left fcales ; in exergue, DEM g'eHORSAM U. FLEISS ^f- 5'5 grammes, j^ 11. On this fpecimen there are pellets in thefliield as if to indicate that the field is or. The peculiarity is not apparent upon the other. T H U R G A U. HURGAU (Thurgovie) was as early as the fifth century governed by its own Counts, It afterwards paiTed to the Dukes of Zahringen and the Counts of Kyburg, and ft-om 1264 the greater portion of the diftrict was under the jurifdidion of the Houfe ofHabfburg. In 1460 the confederated Swifs Cantons obtained pofleflion of Thurgau, and from that year till 1798 it was fubject to the adminiftration of bailiffs appointed by the Confederation. Five years later, in 1 803, it was eredted into a canton, and became an independent member of the Con- Lfederation, taking the feventeenth place in the order of the cantons. Jrms. Party per bend, ar. and vert, two lions rampant, or j fome- imes, party per feffe, ar. and az., two lions paflant counterchanged. BILLON COINS. BATZEN CLASS. Obverfe. Five-Batzen Piece, 1808. CANTON • THURGAU • (points, 1 and 3, cinquefoils, 2, mm. large quatrefoil barbed.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; ornamented above with laurel- garland j on either fide, oak -branch. Reverfe, Within wreath of vine-leaves, united above by bunch of grapes, 5. SCHWEIZ BATZEN 1808 Wt. 4' 5 grammes. Bil. i. 2. Same. Same : var. SCHWEIZ: BATZEN () 1803 Bi l^hurgau . 425 Obverfe. Batzen, 1808. • CANTON • THURGAU • (points, i and 3, buds, 2, mm. floral ornament.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, oak-branch. Reverfe. Within wreath of buds, 1 SCHWEIZ: BATZEN 1808 Wt. Z7 grammei. Bil. 4-6. 1809. Same: var. points, i and 3, leaves; 2, mm. quatrefoil barbed. Same. Bil. 7,8. Half-Batzen, 1808. • CANTON • THURGAU • (points, i and 3, cinquefoils, 2, mm. quatrefoil barbed.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated j on either fide, oak-branch. Within laurel-wreath. 1 2 SCHWEIZ: BATZEN 1808 Wt. 1-8 gramme. Bil. -8, Same: var. points, i and 3, buds. Same. Bil KREUZER CLASS. 10, II. Kreuzer, 1808. CANTON • THURGAU (mm. quat.efoil.) Shield \ arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either tide, oak-branch. Within wreath of fingle Icaret, 1 KREUZER 1808 Wt. I gramme. Bil. 65. 426 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 12, 13. Half-Kreuzer, 1808. Obverfe. Reverfe. CANTON ■ THURGAU (mm. quatrefoil.) Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide, oak-branch. Within wreath of fingle leaves, \ 2 KREUZER 1808 Wt. s gr. BIl. -55. UNSPUNNEN. NSPUNNEN is a town of the Canton Bern celebrated for its caftle, the feat of the Barons of Unfpunnen, and the reputed refidence of Manfred. It is alfo noted for the wreftling-matches periodically held there. MEDAL. Shepherds' F£te, Obverfe. 2UR EHRE DES ALPHORNS Mountaineer, facing, holding Alp- horn with both hands. Reverfe. HIRTENFEST DER SCHWEIZER-ALPLER ZU UNSPUNNEN IM CANTON BERN. Wt. i2'8 grammes. A(. I'z, UNTERWALDEN. NTERWALDEN, one of the Three Foreft Cantons, is divided by the Foreft of Kernwald into two diftri6ts, viz., Obwalden and Nidu^alden, the former being divided 'into feven communes, and the latter into fourteen ; the two parts of the canton having together but one voice in the Swifs Diet. Unterwalden, Schwyz, and Uri, formed the nucleus of the Swifs Confederation as early as the 14th century. Little worth notice has occurred in the fubfequent hiftory of Unterwalden, except its vigorous refiftance to the French revolutionary troops in 1798. Unterwalden ranks fixth in the order of the cantons. Arms. — Party per pale ; I, per fefle, gu and arg., charged with fingle key, counterchanged (Obwalden) ; 2, gu., charged with double key, ar g (Nidwalden.) OBWALDEN. Gold Coins. DUCAT CLASS. I, 2. Obverfe. Ducat, 1726. BEATVS • NICOL AVS VON • FLVE . (points, annulets.) St. Nicholas von Flue (landing in field, facing, with gloria, bare-footed and wearing hermit's robe ; he refts his right hand upon hermit's ftaff, from which hangs a rofary, and his left upon irregular fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated. Reverfe. Within ornamented compartment, DVCATVS REIPVBL : SVBSYLV : SVPERIOR ■ 1726 • (laft two points, cinqucfoils.) ^^- 3'3 grammes. A^ 85. Unterwalden. 429 Obverfe. 3- 1730. B : NICOLAUS DE FLVE . (mm. rofe.) St. Nicholas von Flue, to right, pray- ing, in hermit's robe, having rofary fufpended from clafped hands ; before his face, rays dreaming from cloud ; in background, to left, mountain and church J in exergue, arabefque. Reverfe. Within ornamented compartment, DUCATUS REIPUBL: SUBSYLV: SUPERIOR • 1730 • (laft two points, trefoils.) JV. Same infer. ; var. FLUE; mm. cinque- foil. Similar type ; var. Saint, nimbate ; mountain, larger, with ftream in front. Same die. N. 5- 1743- B : NICALAUS VON FLUE • on band, (mm. at end of infer, cinquefoil.) Similar type ; var. mountain on either fide of Saint ; in exergue, i-H- By I. C. Hedlinger. Within ornamental border, decorated with palm-branches, DUCATUS REIPUB : SUBSILVANI/E 1743 H N. 6. 1787. BEAT • NICOL • DE FLUE PAT- HELV • St. Nicholas von Flue, to right, pray- ing, wearing hermit's robe, and having roiUry fufpended from clafped hands; before his face, rays iffuing in form of cylinder ; below, on ground, s . By D. A. Stedelin ? NATUS A° 1417 OBIIT -A" 1487 XX! MARTY (mm. pellet.) Within palm-wreath, DUCAT • REIPUB- SUBSILV" SUPER - 1787 43 o Catalogue of Swifs Coins, i Obverfe. B: NICO LAUS VON FLUE- on band. St. Nicholas von Flue, praying, facing towards left, in hermit's robe, with ftaff and rofary ; above, to his right, the beatific vifion, a head furrounded by fix (heaves of rays ; on right, church. Reverfe. Same. ^ -8. Silver and Billon Coins. THALER CLASS. 8. Half-Thaler, 1732. MONETA REIP : SUBSYLVANI/E SUPER : 1732 . (mm. rofe.) Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Ob- walden, colour indicated by arabefque j on either fide, palm-branch; below, in border of fhield, ^ B . NICOLAUS DE FLUE HELV : OATH : PATR : St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's robe, kneeling to right, in field, holding rofary, and looking up at radiate objeft in thefky ; before him, tree, behind him, mountain ; in exergue, floral ornament. Wt. i3'i grammes. JR I'^S- KREUZER CLASS. Forty-Kreuzer Piece, 1743. B : NICALAUS DE FLUE HELV : CAT : PAT : St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's robe, kneeling to right, in field, holding rofary, and looking up at radiate obje6l in the fky ; behind him, in the back- ground, mountain j beneath, i • H • Within ornamental compartment, with palm-branch on either fide, ET SERVUS MEUS ORABIT PRO VOBIS lOB ■ 42 • 1743 . i H beneath compartment, 40 . Wt. 8*7 grammes. M i"z. Unteriscalden. 431 10. Twenty-Kreuzer Piece, 1729. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA REIP SUBSYLVANI/E SUPERI : 1729 Ornamented oval (hield ; arms of Ob- walden, colour indicated by arabefque. DILEXIT- DOMINVS ■ DECOREM • IVSTITI/E (mm. cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; between heads, clofed crown ; on breaft, 20. ^^- 3'9 grammes. JS. i. II. 1732. MONETA REIP SVPERIORIS ■ cinquefoil.) Same type. SVBSYLVANI/E 1732 (laft point. DILEXIT DOMINVS DECOREM IVSTITI/E (mm. ftar of five points j at end of infer., floral ornament.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; between heads, clofed crown; on breaft, 20. 12. 1735- MONETA REIP. SVBSYLVANI/E • SVPERIORIS ■ (points, 2 and 3, faltires.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on breaft, ftiield, arms of Obwal- den, colour indicated. DILEXIT- DOMINVS- DECOREM IVSTITI/E (points, ftars of five points.) Within palm-wreath, [20] KR[EUZE]R 1735 Wt- 4' 7 grammes, m. i. 1742. MONETA REIP: SVBSYLVANI/E SVPERIORIS Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of Ob- walden, colour indicated by arabefque } on either fide, palm-branch. DILEXIT DOMINVS DECOREM IVSTITI/E - 1742 - (points, ftars of five points.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; between heads, clofed crown j on breaft, 20. Wt. 4"i grammes. >r \. 43 2 Catalogue of Swi/s Coins. Obverfe. 14, 15. (Undated.) MONETA REIP= SVBSYLVANI/E SVPERIORIS- Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Ob- walden, colour indicated by arabefque; on either fide, palm-branch. Reverfe. B : NICALAUS VON FLUE ■ • • (points at end, bud, trefoil, cinquefoil.) St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's drefs, kneeling to right, in field, holding rofary, and looking up at radiate obje6l in the flcy ; in the diftance, mountains ; in exergue, i-H. Wt. 4."i grammes. >R 1. 16. Kreuzer, 1726. MONETA : REIP : SUBSYLVANI/E : SUPERIORIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornamented oval (hield; arms of Ob- walden, colour indicated by arabefque. DILEXIT : DOMINVS : DECOREM IVSTI • 1726 : (point, trefoil.) Crofs fourchy cantoned with trefoils. Wt. I "7 gramme. Bil. 85. 17- MONETA REIP : SUBSYLVANI/E : SUPERIORIS (mm. ftar of five points.) Similar type. This coin has been gilt. DILEXIT DOMINUS DECOREM lUST : 1726 (mm. ftar of five points.) Similar type. Bil. BATZEN CLASS. 18, 19. Fxve-Batzen Piece, 1812 CANTON UNTERWALDEN OB DEM WALD Shield J arms of Obwalden, colour indicated ; on either fide, palm and laurel branches. DILEXIT DOMINUS DECOREM lUSTITI/E (mm. role.) Within wreath of oak-leaves, all in one diredion, above to left, 5 BATZEN 1812 Wt. 4"5 grammes. Bil. i. Unterwalden, 433 Obverfe. 20, 21. Batzen, i8i2. Reverfe. CANTON UNTERWALDEN OB DEM WALD Shield j arms of Obwalden, colour indicated ; on either fide, palm-branch ; at bafe, trefoil ; in exergue, 1812. • DILEXIT DOMINUS DECOREM lUSTITI/E • (mm. ftar of five points.) Within circle of Maltefe croffes, 1 BATZEN beneath, floral ornament. Wt. 2'6 grammes, Bi). •9^. 22, 23. Half-Batzen, 1 812. CANTON UNTERWALDEN OB DEM WALD Oval fhield ; arms of Obwalden, colour indicated j above, three oak-leaves ; on cither fide, palm-branch. DILEXIT DOMINUS DECOREM lUSTITI/E (mm. floral ornament.) Within wreath, BATZEN 1812 Wt. 2" grammes. Bil. '8. RAPPEN CLASS. 24-27. Rappen, Shield, upon trefoil, with fmall trefoils at cufps ; arms of Obwalden, colour indicated by arabefque. Within wreath of laurel and palm, MONETA SVBSYLV NA 28-30. Same : var. Same : var. MONETA SVBSYLVA NA M. 31' Same : var. Same : var. NA , M. s. c. E E 434 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 32, 33- Half-Rappen, 1730. Two fhields ; dex., two-headed im- perial eagle ; fin., arms of Obwalden, colour indicated by arabefque ; above, within oval, ^ between 17 30 ; be- neath fhields, K . In field, Reverfe. I 2 M "5. Same : var. K inverted. 34. 1732. Same. J£, Same : var. K . 35, 36. Same. &. 37- (Undated.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; between Same. heads, and within oval, — ; on breaft, 2 fhield, arms of Obwalden, colour indi- cated by arabefque. M. 38. Assis, 1728. MON : REIP • SVBSYLVAN : SVPE DILEXIT RIORIS Ornamented fliield, arms of Obwal- den, colour indicated by arabefque. DOMINVS • DECOREM IVSTITI • Between two floral ornaments, ASSIS 1728 Wt. i'2 gramme, Bil. "75. The Aflls was originally a coin of Stralburg, and was firft ftruck by order of the Council on the 13th November 1680. Its value was 2 Batzen, or 8 Kreuzers, and 40-4.2 went to the Mark. Unterwalden. 435 Obverfe. NIDWALDEN. BATZEN CLASS. 1,2. Five-Batzen Piece, i8ii. Reverfe. CANTON UNTERWALDEN NID DEM WALD (mm. ftar of fix points.) Shield ; arms of Nidwalden, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel and palm branch. Within oak-wreath, 5 BATZEN 1811 Wt. 4"5 grammes. Bil, i. Batzen, 1569. MON • NO • VNDERVALDENSI (points, crofses.) Shield ; arms of Nidwalden ; above, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide, V N . SOU • DEO • GLORIA • 69 (mm. crofs pattee j points, crofses fleury.) Crofs pattee ; in each angle, cufp with trefoil. Wt. 2'.8 grammes. Bil. i. ^^ 5- Batzen, containing Ten Rappen, of 1811, CANT : UNTERWALD : N : D : WALD Shield ; arms of Nidwalden, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel and palm branch. Within wreath of buds, all in one dIre6tion, above to right, I BATZEN I- O RAPPEM. 1811 Wt. 2'6 grammes. Bil. "g. 6-8. Half-Batzen CANT : UNTERWALD : NID DEM WALD Shield } arms of Nidwalden, colour indicated ; on either fide, laurel and palm branch ; beneath, bud. , 1811. Within laurel-wreath, 2 BATZEN •:.1811-:. Wt. 2*3 grammes. Bil. '8. E e 2 436 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. MEDALS. A. — Shooting Medals. TiR HELD AT StANZ, i86i (NiDWALDEN). I. Obverfe. Reverfe. DAS WAR EIN SCHUSS! DAVON WIRD MAN NOCH REDEN IN DEN SPATSTEN ZEITEN. William Tell in huntsman's drefs ad- vancing towards left; in his girdle, an arrow ; his right hand refts on crois- bow, and his left encircles the waift of his fon, who, looking back, holds apple in left hand ; in the background, flowers ; in exergue, sebald drent wett The border on the reverfe is ornamented in a feparate compartment. EIDGENOSSISCHES SCHUTZEN FEST IN STANZ CANTON UN TERWALDEN. 1861 Gothic building with high tower in centre and turret at each end ; the centre tower is ornamented with Ihield, arms of Confederation, and above it figure in niche; at the top of the tower is the Con- federation banner, and on either fide of it four fmaller ones; each turret is fur- mounted by long pennant ; in exergue, between arabefque ornaments, fliield, arms of Confederation, colour indicated. Wt. 2 5 '4 grammes. M I'G. with lines fo that each complete word is EIDGENOSSICHES SCHUTZEN FEST IN NIDWALDEN • 1861 Confederation crofs; behind, rays. 2. ARNOLD WINKELRIED Group of three figures ; on (lab lies a dead warrior ; beneath him, his axe ; on him falls another (Von Winkelried), who holds in his arms the Iheaf of broken fpears; a third ruilies forward brand- ifhing, in both hands, club ; on the bafe, F.scHLOTH inv ; in exergue, A . BOVY Wt. 25" grammes. A 1*45. The group on the obverfe of this medal refers to the battle of Sempach in 1386, and the reverfe to the Schiitzen-feft held in 1861. Unterwalden, 437 (Shooting Medal ?) Thaler-Weight. Obveife. VICTIMA VITA SALUS- Arnold von Winkelrled in full body- armour, and wearing fvvord, Handing to left ; his left arm encircles ftieaf of fpears bound with laurel, and his right hand is placed on his breaft ; at his feet lie cuirafs, furmounted by helmet, club, and cord ; before him, in the background, two tents, the nearer of which is marked 398; behind him, palm-tree, from one of the branches of which hangs hunts- man's horn; the trunk infcribed 755; at the bafe of tree, a drum and bow; in exerguC; 1386 Reverfe. VIR TUTI DEBITUM . (flop, pellet infcribed b.) Ornamented oval (hield ; arms of Nid- walden, colour indicated ; above, wreath ; behind, palm and laurel branches ; fupporters, dex., lion couchant to left gardant, fm., lion rampant regardant; on upper part of (hield, pellet infcribed B reverfed ; beneath fliield, flowers ; in exergue, c • b . Wt. 29*5 grammes, m. v6. B. — School Medal. (OBWALDEN.) Hufbandman, armed with dagger, ftanding to right ; in right hand he grafps knife, with which he pierces the right eye of captive feated on block of ftone and bound to pillar; in the back- ground, plough ; above, in clouds, fhield, arms of Obwalden, colour indi- cated ; above, open crown ; on either fide, palm and laurel branches ; on bafe of pillar, Br; in exergue, 1.307 . This medal was ftruck at a later date than it bears. Within garla nd PR/E MIUM STU : JUV: SUBSYLVANI/C SUBERI = ORIS. Wt. 21*2 grammes. /R i"5. C. — Medals commemorative of Nicholas von Flue. St. Nicholas von Flue v/as born at Saxlen, in the Canton Unter- walden (Obwalden), on the 20th of March 1417. He died in 1466. It was owing to his patriotic exertions that, in 148 1, Freiburg and Solo- thurn joined the Confederation. He was canonized by Clement IX. in 1669. 438 Catalogue of Svnfs Coins. i \ Obverfe. B ■ NICOLAVS • VON • FLVE • NAT ■ 1417 ■ OB • 1488 . Buft of St. Nicholas von Flue, to right, in hermit's drefs, with long beard, head bare ; beneath buft, i • c • H • F • ; bdrder of dots. Reverfe. • VISIO ' BEATI • (points, croffes.) Crowned head, furrounded by double glory ; from head proceed fix {heaves of rays, three of thefe iffue from the eyes and mouth, thefe increafe in breadth at extremities; the other three have their broadeft ends neareft the head ; the dif- ferent rays are arranged alternately; beneath, clouds. Wt. 4.0 grammes. &. vj. Same. 6. 1732. Within wreath of palm and laurel, EXPOSITUS A lOANNE BAPTISTA DE BARNIS ARCHI = EP: EDESS : NUNTIO APOSTOL: AD HELVETIOS Wt. 34.*4 grammes, m 16. 7- 1732. Same. Within wreath of palm and laurel, eXposItVs A lOANNE BAPTIsTA De barnIs ArCh1--EP: eDeSS: nVntIo apostoL : aD heLVetIos Wt. 44 grammes. At. I'-j. To this medal a ring is attached. Unterwalden. 439 Obverfe. 8, 1732- Same. Reverfe. Within wreath of palm and laurel, open above, lEIUNABAM ET ORABAM ANTE FACIEM DEI . 2 . ESDR . I . IN EXPOSITIONE- MDCCXXXil ■ above infcription, bearded crowned head as on no. 5, except that the glories are reprefented by circles. Wt, 43" grammes. J?i \'\. 9- 1732. B : NICOLAUS DE FLUE St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's drefs, kneeling to right, holding rofary and looking up at radiate objeft in the flcy ; behind him, in the background, moun- tain ; in exergue, floral ornament. Beneath canopy, EXPOSITUS VENERATIONI PUBLIOE- 1732 on either fide, laurel and palm branches Wt. 2'7 grammes. M "85. 10. Same: var. FLVE 5 Saint nimbate. ( Same: var. 1732 I ^•85. II. B . NICOL . DE FLUE PAT . HELV St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's drefs, kneeling to left ; before him in the flcy is feen the vifion, crowned head with double circle of rays, and ifluing from it fix {heaves of rays all increafing at extre- mities ; before him lies his ftaff ; behind him, church ; in exergue, ornament. To this medal a loop is attached. SANCTUS • MAURITIUS ■ M • (points, crofslets.) St. Maurice, facing, wearing helmet with many plumes ; his right hand refts on ftiield, arms of Confederation, colour Indicated, and with his left he holds long flag, a portion of which refts on fliield. Wt, 1 2*6 grammes. M. i'^.. 440 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 12. Obverfe. Reverfe. B. NICOLAUS V. FLUE St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's drefs, nimbate, kneeling to right and holding rofary ; on the ground lies his ftafF ; in the background, before him, church, and behind him, houfe. Within ornamental border, HEILiGE MARIA BIT GOTT FUR UNS JE -85. On the reverfe border are traces of infcription as though this medal had been ftruck on too fmall a flan. 13* B . NICLAUS . VON FLUE St. Nicholas von Flue, in hermit's drefs, nimbate, kneeling to right and holding rofary 5 before him, church. Within laurel-wreath, PAT HELVETC: lAE Bil. 75- URL IRI, one of theThree Foreft Cantons, (Wald-Stadten) is now ' the fourth in the order of the Cantons. It was formerly governed by bailiffs or Landvogts appointed by the Ger- man emperors, and poffefled peculiar privileges. The attempt on the part of Albert I. to curtail thefe privileges, and thofe of the other Foreft Cantons, gave rife to the difputes which eventually ended in the liberation of the three cantons. It is at Altorf, the capital of Uri, that tradition places the fcene of Tell's famous fhot. Arms. — Or, a Urochs' head fa., langued, and with nofe-ring, gu. (Uri is fuppofed to derive its name from the Urus or Urochs, which formerly inhabited its forefts, or from a tribe called Taurifci, its ancient inhabitants, whofe name is derived from the fame animal.) GOLD COINS. I. Pistole, Sixteenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe, S : MARTIN' PATRON' : NO : St. Martin, riding to left, in drefs of fixteenth century ; he holds in right hand fword with which he divides cloak held in left ; to his left, beggar, fcantily dreffed, fupported on crutch. MO : N : AV : REIPV PLICAE : VRANIE (mm. fixfoil.) Crofs fleury ; below, dividing circle of infer., fhield, arms of Uri. Wt. 6 "4 grammes, .fl^ '95. 2. Ducat, 1720, SANCTVS MARTI NVS Similar fubjed, but Saint nimbate, beggar almoft naked recumbent, and on ground, crutch. • DUCATUS REIPVBLIC/E VRANI/E- 17 20 (points, flars of five points.) Oval ftiield with deep ornamental border; arms of Uri. Wt. 3 "4 grammes, iv '8. , 442 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 3>4- 1736 ? Obverfe. SANCTUS MARTINUS Similar type. Reverfe. Same : var. on fliield, colour of field indicated. JV. In both thefe coins, which are from the fame die, the decimal of the date is doubtful. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. DIKEN CLASS. DiKEN, 1617. SANCT' ■ MARTIN' EPIS : • (points, quatrefoils.) Half-figure of St. Martin to right, nimbate, wearing mitre ornamented with crofs patonce and epifcopal robes, and holding crozier and fword. MO' NOVA 'VR ANIENSIS- 1617 (points, quatrefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate ; between heads, crofs ; below, in circle of infer., (hield, arms of Uri. Wt. 8'5 grammes. i4t I'z. 6. 1621. Same : var. points plain ; point after MARTIN' • ; laft point wanting. MO • NO • VRA NIENSIS ■ 162-1' (points, I and 2, fixfolls.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; between heads, crofs ; above, in circle of infer., imperial crown ; below, fliield, arms of Uri. Wt. 6" 3 grammes, jr. I'f. Forgery of the Time ? SANCT' MARTIN' EPISC | MO • NO • VRA NIENSIS 1621 Similar type. Similar type 5 crofs between heads wanting. Wt. 6* grammes. Bil. I'if. Uri. 443 Obverfe. BATZEN CLASS. 8-10. Four-Batzen Piece, i8ii. CANTON URI Shield, arms of canton ; on either fide, laurel-branch. Reverfe. UNITAS VERITAS ET RELIGIO (between beginning and end of infer, floral ornament.) Within floral wreath, all in one direc- tion, above to right, 4 BATZ : 1811 Wt. 3'5 grammes. Bil. "9. II-13. Two-Batzen Piece, 1811. CANTON URI Shield, arms of canton ; on either fide, laurel-branch. UNITAS VERI TAS ET RELIGIO (between beginning and end of infer, floral ornament.) Within wreath, all in one dire6lion, above to left, 2 BATZ: 1811 Wt. 2*7 grammes. Bil. *8. 14, 15. Batzen, 1622. MONETA • NOVA • VRANIENSIS • 1622 (mm. fixfoil.) Crofs fourchy ; in centre, ftiield, arms of canton. SOLI • DEO • GLORIA • (points, quatre- foils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate; between heads, crofs, above which, im- perial crown. Wt. I "9 gramme. Bil. i. 16. Same : var. points i, 2, wanting. Same. Bil, 444 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 17- 1624, Reverfe. MON • NOVA • VRANIENSIS Similar type; in exergue, 1624 SOU ■ DEO ■ GLORIA • (points i and 2, fixfoils.) Similar type. BIl. 18, 19. MONETA • NOVA • VRANIENSIS (points, quatrefoils.) Shield, arms of canton ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. SOLI • DEO ■ GLORIA • (points, plain.) Crofs fourchy j In exergue, ' 1624 ' Bil 20, 21. Batzen, containing Ten Rappen, of 1811. CANTON URI Shield, arms ot" canton ; on either fide, laurel and palm branches ; in ex- ergue, 10 . RAP- Within vvreath, all in one direction, above to left, 1 BATZEN "l8ir Bil. '9. 22, 23. Half-Batzen, 1811, CANTON URI Shield, arms of canton ; on either fide, laurel and palm branches. Within floral wreath, all in one direc- tion, above to left, JL 2 BATZEN 1811 Bil. -g. GROSCHEN CLASS, 24, 25. Groschen, containing Two Schillings, of 1623. MO • NO- VRANIE Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate ; above, clofed crown ; in exergue, fhield, arms of canton ; on either fide, 16 23 . Wt. 1*2 gramme. Bil. "8. SANCT' MARTIN' St. Martin, nimbate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. I'l Uri, 445 Obverfe, 26, 27. 1624. Reverfe. Same, (Date of one coin uncertain.) Same infer., firft point wanting. Similar type ; eagle not nimbate, clofed crown in circle of infer. Bil. Same. Same. 28. Same : var. M' NO' V RAN IE Sr Bil. 29. 1629. Same t var. MO • NO VRANIE Bil. SCHILLING CLASS. 30- Schilling, 1605. SANCT • MARTIN' St. Martin, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. MO-NO'VR ANIE'1605 Two-headed imperial eagle ; above, clofed crown ; below, (hield, arms of canton. Wt. '7 gr. Bil. -65. Same : var. SANCT' 31. 32. 1608. Same. Bil. Same. 33- 1609. Same. Bil. 446 Catalogue oj Swifs Coins, 34. 1611. Obverfc. Reverfe. Same. Same. Bil KREUZER CLASS. 35- Kreuzer, 1627. MO • NO ' VRANIE • 1627 (mm. fixfoil ; points, quatrefoils.) Shield ; arms of canton. SOU DEO GLORIA (mm. fixfoil.) Crofs fourchy. M -7. RAPPEN CLASS. 36, 37- CANTON URI Shield ; arms of canton ; on either fide, palm-branch. Rappen, i8ii. Within circle compofed of pellets joined, 1 RAPPEN 1811 Bil. -6. MEDALS. Commemorative Medals. I. Half-Thaler Weight. SALVE VRANIA • FILIA MA RTIS Three flaields placed triangularly (i, Empire, 2,3, Uri) ; over the upper fhield, clofed crown ; fupporters ; dex., a bifhop (St. Martin ?) wearing mitre and epi- fcopal robes, and holding in right hand crozier ; fin., a man in doublet and hofe, wearing cap and fword, and blowing long horn held in right hand. Haller, vol. i., no. 11. On left, Tell difcharging crofs-bow ; behind him cap, placed on ftump of tree ; in front, to right of medal, young Tell bound to a tree ; on his head, apple, which is held by hand from the clouds ; behind, hills, on which church and other buildings. Wt. 1 4*4 grammes, jr I'G^. Uri, 447 2. Half-Thaler Weight. Obverfe. SALVE URANIA FILIA MARTIS Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, open crown, behind which is a fword held by the bifhop ; the dex. fupporter of the fhield as in laft medal ; the fin. fupporter alfo fimilar to that on laft medal. Haller, vol. i,, no. 12. Reverfe. Tell (hooting from crofs-bow at apple on the head of his fon, who is bound to tree as in laft medal ; in foreground, ftaff", on which is a cap guarded by feated foldier ; behind, knight on horfeback (Gefller) ; beyond, various foldiers and others behind wall. Wt. i4*a grammes, jr. i'45. Same. Same. Wt. 1 3 "2 grammes. JR t'4S. URI AND WALLIS. (Confederation of Catholic Cantons.) Half-Thaler Weight. 1696. QVOS • FIDES • ADVNAT • HOS • FIDES ■ CONSERVAT ■ (points, diamonds.) Nine oval ftiields in circle ; i, Biftiop of Bitten (Adr. V. von Riedmatten), to left of which the arms of the cathedral foundation ? the other feven ftiields are thofe of the feven disaines of Wallis ; in centre, VALESIA RENOVAT FOEDVS CVM CANT CATTOL VRANIAE 1696 • mitre, between fword and crozier, above biftiop's ftiicld ; above all, biftiop's hat. With ring for fufpenfion. Haller, vol. 1., no. 87. PRO DEO FIDE ET LIBERTATE CVNCTA FACERE ET FERRE PARATI • Religion, feated on Urochs' head of Uri, with crofs in right hand and dove on breaft, holds the two ends of a chain which connefts the ftiields of the feven Catholic cantons, colours partly indicated by arabefques. Wt. 137 grammes, js. i'4. 448 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife. 5,6. • PRO DEO FIDE ET LIBERTATE CVNCTA FACERE ET FERRE PARATI (mm. quatrefoil.) Oval fhield with deep ornamental border ; arms of Uri, having the letters S • P • Q ■ V • above head of Urochs. Haller, vol. i,, no. 89. Reverfe. • RENOVATIO FOEDERIS REIPVB : VALESIAE CVM CANT : CAT : (mm. quatrefoil.) Within olive-wreath, VRANI AE 1696 (curved upwards) ; in centre, quatrefoil. Wt. 48 grammes. M I'l. URI, SCHWYZ, AND UNTERWALDEN. RI, Schwyz, and Unterwalden, fometimes called the Three Foreft Cantons, (Wald-ftadten) ftruck a common coinage in the courfe of the i6th century. The metal for this coinage is faid to have been drawn from the mines of the Pallenzer Thai, and it will be obferved that among the coins of Uri and Unterwalden in conjundion are two kreuzers bearing the legend, moneta nova bellizione. GOLD COINS. I. Gulden, Sixteenth Century. Obverfe, Reverie. S ■ MART I NV S • St. Martin riding towanls left, nimbate, holding in right hand fword, with which he divides cloak held in left, having thrown the other end round naked beggar running to left befide horfe. VRANIE • SVIT- ET- VNDERVALD (mm. crofs pattee.) Three fhields fide by fide ; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden ; above centre fiiield, two-headed imperial eagle with imperial crown J above all, crofsed keys. Wt. 3*4 grammes, iv '9, SILVER AND BILLON COINS. THALER CLASS. Thaler, Sixteenth Century. ■ SANCT' • MART IN' • EPI' (points I, pellet, 2, 3, fixfolls.) St. Martin, nimbate, enthroned, wear- ing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding book and ciozier in left hand. VRA NIE- SVIT-VN DERVAL " (points, fixfolls.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate j above, clofed crown dividing infer. ; within circle of infcription, and dividing it, three fliields, Uri, Schwyz, and Unter- walden Wt. 28"5 grammes, al i'6. s. c. F F 450 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 3- 1561. VRANIE • SVIT • VNDERVALDE • 1561 (mm. crofsj points, diamonds.) Three fliields ; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden ; bafes pointing inwards ; between them, floral ornaments. Reverfe. DOMINE ■ SERVA • NOS ' IN • PACE (mm. at end of infer., fun ; points, fixfoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate ; above, doled crown. Wt. 28'2 grammes. M i"6. DIKEN CLASS. DiKEN, 1561. SANCT'- MARTIN" • EP I (points, cinquefoils.) Half-figure of St. Martin, to right, nimbate, wearing jewelled mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding crozier in right hand. VRANIE • SVIT • VNDERVA • (points, cinquefoils.) Shield; in chief, Uri and Schwyz, colours indicated by arabefques, in bafe, Unterwalden ; above, one-headed imperial eagle ; on either fide of fliield (engraved), 15 61 . Wt. 9'3 grammes. ^R I'z. Similar. 5- Sixteenth Century.' VRANIE SVIT • VNDERVA • (mm. crofs pattee ; point 3, cinquefoil.) Three fhields,fide by fide ; Uri, Schwyz, (colour indicated by arabefque) and Unter- walden; above, one-headed imperial eagle. Wt. 9 grammes, js. i"6. 6. ■ S • MARTINVS ■ EPISCOPVS • (points, pellets.) St. Martin, nimbate, in aimour, and wearing cloak, holding in right hand banner, arms of Confederation, and in left hand, flaming fword. •VRANIE • SVIT- ET- VNDERVALD • (points, pellets.) Three fliields ; Uri, Schwyz, and Un- terwalden ; above, two-headed imperial eagle, above which, clofed crown. Wt, 9 "4 grammes. JS.. f/r/j Schwyz^ and U?iterwalden, 45 Obverfe. Keverfe. S • MARTINVS • E PISCOPVS Same type. Same. Wt. 9*3 grammes, m. 8. Half-Diken, Sixteenth Century. SANCTVS- MARTINVS • EPISCOP • (points, crofslets ,) Buft of St. Martin, three-quarter face towards left, wearing mitre with ftole and epifcopal robes ; on breaft, in lozenge» crofs patonce. VRANIE • SVIT ■ VNDERVALDE (mm. and points, crofses pattee.) Three fhields j Uri, Schwyz, (colour indicated by arabefque) and Unter- walden ; the bafes pointing inwards. Wt. 4*8 grammes. M I'is. 9- Same infer. (3rd point wanting). Same type. Same, Wt. 4*1 grammes, al. 10. S • MARTINVS • EP IS • COPV • St. Martin, nimbate, on horfeback, to right, holding in right hand fword, with which he divides his cloak, which he has thrown over naked beggar befide horfe. VRANIE • S VIT • ET • VN DER VALDI ■ Three (hields ; Uri, Schwyz, (plain) and Unterwalden ; above each, two- headed imperial eagle with clofed crown. Wt. 3' 5 grammes. JS. i'i5. S : MARTINVS : E PISCOPVS Similar type. II, RA:SVV IT: VNDE RVALD (mm. quatrefoil). Same type. Wt. 3'9 grammes. JS. I'l. F F a A.^2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 12. Forgery of the time ? Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : van EP IS COPVS • ; fingle points in place of colons. Same: var. SW ITZ : (mm. crofs patonce.) Wt. 3 grammes. Bil. S- MARTIN VS: EPISCOP (mm. crofs patonce.) Similar type ; Saint nimbate. 13- V RA : SVV ITZ : VNDE RVALD (mm. crofs patonce.) Same type. Wt. 3*4 grammes. JR. 14. Half-Diken ? VICTORIA: ELVECIORVM ■ • • • (mm. crofs patonce between cinquefoils ; point I , cinquefoil, 2, crofs patonce.) Male figure in armour, wearing helmet, the plume of which partes into circle of infer., feated on cuirafs, holding drawn fword in right hand, and raifing left; at his feet, helmet, and in front of him, battle axe. VRANIE • SV VIT • ET • VNDER VALDI • (points, cinquefoils.) Three fliields fide by fide ; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden ; above centre fhield, two-headed imperial eagle with clofed crown ; above all, crofsed keys. Wt. 4' 8 grammes. ^ I'l. 15- Same : var. ELVETIORVM ; points '> ^> 3) 5> cinquefoils, 4, quatrefoil. VRANIE : SVVIT: ET : VNDER VALDI (mm. quatrefoil ; points, colons of annulets.) Same tj-pe. Wt. 4*6 grammes. M. Thefe pieces (nos. 14 and 15) commemorate the alliance between the Pope, Julius II., and the Foreft Cantons, and the battle of Novara, 1513. Haller, vol. i., no. 21, defcribes them as medals, and fays they are very likely of Italian work. They may, however, be pattern pieces. Uriy Schwyz^ and Unterwalden, 453 BATZEN CLASS. 16. Batzen, 1569. Obverfe, • VRANIE • SVIT • VNDERVAL (points, crofses pattee.) Three fhields ; Uri, Schwyz, and Un- terwalden ; bafes inwards ; between them, floral ornaments. Reverfe, SOLI • DEO • GLORIA • 69 (mm. crofs pattee ; points, crofses patonce.) Crofs pattee, in angles of which, cufps, florally ornamented, forming eightfoil pattern, Wt. 27 grammes. Bil. I'l. 17- Half-Batzen, Sixteenth Century. VRANIE • SVIT • VNDERVALDE (mm. crofs pattee ; points, quatrefolls.) Three fhields; Uri, Schwyz, (colour indicated) and Unterwalden ; bafes pointing inwards. SOLI ■ DEO • GLORIA (points, crofses pattee.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. i'6 gramme. Bil, 8, 18. Same : var, on fliield of Schwyz, colour indicated by arabefque. Same. Bil. 19-21. Same : var. VNDERVALD ; points, cinquefoils. Same. Bil, 22. Quarter-Batzen, VRANIE ■ SVIT • VNDERV (mm. fpur; points, ftars of four points.) Three (hields, fide by fide; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden. SOL DEO GLORIA Long crofs pattee dividing legend. Wt, 1' gramme. Bil. •7. 454 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife. 23. Forgery of the time ? Reverfe. Same : var. mm. and points, quatre- foils. Same : var. SOLI Bil. GROSCHEN CLASS. 24. Groschen. • S • MARTINVS • EPISCOPVS (mm. crofs patonce ; points, cinquefoils.) Half figure of St. Martin, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, holding in left hand crozier, and raifing right in attitude of benedi61tion. VRANIE • SVVIT • ET • VNDERVALDI (mm. crofs patonce; points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fleury. Wt. 2*4 grammes. Bil. '9. 25. Same : var. mm. crofs pattee ; point, i Same : var. mm. crofs pattee. cinquefoil at end of infer. I I Wt. 1*9 gramme. Bil. *8. 26. Groschen, containing Three Kreuzers, VRANIE • SVIT ■ VNDERVALD (mm. crofs pattee ; points, ftars of five points.) Three ftiields, fide by fide ; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden ; them, three leaves. between • . SOLI ■ DEO • GLORIA • " (points, except firft and laft, ftars of five points.) Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate ; on breaft, orb infcribed 3 ; above, open crown. Wt. i"9 gramme. Bil. '8. SCHILLING CLASS. SANCT MARTIN St. Martin, facing, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. 27. Schilling. • VRANI : SVIT: VND- Three ftiields fide by fide ; Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden ; above, two- headed imperial eagle, with clofed crown ; from eagle's wings, cord furrounding ftrields. Wt. I'z gramme. Bil. •7. t/r/j Schwyz^ and Unterwalden, 455 COPPER COINS. (Showing connexion with Italy.) 28. Mezzo-Soi.do, 1788. Obverfe. Reverfe. Three fhields ; Uri, Schwyz, (modern) and Unterwalden ; bafes inwards. Within laurel-wreath, MEZZO SOLDO 1788 /E -8. 29. QUATTRINO, 1788. Similar to laft j colour indicated on fecond Ihleld, UN QUATTRINO 1788 M '65. Haller ? VRI • SVVIT ■ VNDE (mm. crofsj points, diamonds.) Snake of many coils, eredl. MONETA(mm. crofs.) Crofs 'patonce. M -5. 31- VI : SVVIT • VNDER (mm. crofs.) Same type. Same. &. Same, obfcure. 32- I Same, obfcure. M. 456 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 33- Obverfe. Reverfe. V DERVAL (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Same infer, (mm. cinquefoil.) Type var. m. 34, 35. Similar. I Similar. M, URI AND UNTERWALDEN. T is unknown why thefe two cantons ftruck a common coinage to the exclufion of Schwyz. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. DIKEN CLASS. I. Half-Diken, Sixteenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. S • MARTINVS . E PISCOPVS (mm. crofs patonce.) St. Martin, nimbate, on horfeback, to right, holding in right hand fword, with which he divides his cloak thrown over naked beggar befide horfe. V RANIE : ET VNDERVALDI (mm. crois patonce.) Two fhields, fide by fide ; arms of Uri and Unterwalden ; above, two-headed imperial eagle ; crown clofed. Wt. 3'5 grammes. A(. i. S • MARTINVS EPISCOPVS (mm. crofs pattee anglee of flames.) Same type. Same. Wt. 2*4 grammes. At. i. 4.58 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. SCHILLING CLASS. 3- Schilling. Obveife. SANCT MARTIN St. Martin, facing, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, and holding fword and crozier. Reverfe. VRANI • VNDERVALDEN (point, quatrefoil.) Two ftiields; arms of Uri and Unter- walden ; above, two-headed imperial eagle ; crown open. Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. -7. SANCT MARTI : Similar type ; Saint nimbate. VRANI Same type. VNDER VALDE (point, quatrefoil.) Bil. VIERER CLASS. ViERER OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. •MONETA • NOVA • 7^- (mm. cinque- foil ; points 2 and 3, horns.) Crofs fleury. VRANI ■ ET ■ VNDERVALDl • (mm. crofs pattee.) vv V Wt. -9 gr. Bil. -6, Coins with name of Bellinzona. KREUZER CLASS. 6. Kreuzer. MONETA • NOVA • BELLIZIONE (mm. cinquefoil.) Crofs fourchy. VRANIE ■ ET • • VNDERVALD • (mm. cinquefoil.) Shield ; per pale, arms of Uri and Unterwalden ; above, two-headed imperial eagle ; crown open. Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. "7. Uri and Unterwalden. 459 Obverle, Reverfe. Same. I Same : var. VNDERVAL- I Bil. Thefe laft two coins appear to have been (truck for the town of Belllnzona, in the Canton Uri. This place was fold by the Counts of Sax von Montsax in 14.22 to the cantons of Uri and Unterwalden on account of the frequent attacks of the Dukes of Milan, who defired to obtain pofsefsion of it. In 1426 Bellinzona fell into the hands of the latter. In 1499 this place, together with the dukedom of Milan, was taken pofleffion of by Louis XI., who, in 1503, transferred it to Uri and Unter- walden, that a6l being ratified by Maximilian Sforza in 1 512. In the territory of Bellinzona was fituate the mine which furnifhed Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden, with filver for purpofes of coinage. I* V E V E Y. EVEY, (Lat. Vibifcum) a town in the Canton Waadt, (Vaud) formerly belonged to the Counts of Savoy. In 1536 it pafsed into the pofsefsion of the Canton Bern, and was erected into a bailiwick with Chillon. In 1 798 it became part of the Canton Waadt. Jrms. — Party per pale, or and az. MEDALS. A. — School Medal. I. Obverfe. VIRTUS INNEXA VERO • \ ■ Round ftiield ; arms of Vevey, colours indicated ; in centre, W, counterchanged. Reverfe. AUT PUER AUT NUNQUAM Minerva feated to left, with open book on her lap ; with right hand fhe crowns youth advancing towards her ; between them, in the background, globe 5 at her fide, ftiield, beneath which owl ; in ex- ergue, QUAERAS HABEBIS Wt. 1 2" 5 grammes, jr I'z. Vevey, 461 B. — Vine-dressers F^te, 1865. 2. Obverfe. Infant Bacchus feated aftrlde a barrel, crowned and girt with vine-leaves, hold- ing cup and thyrfus ; the head of the barrel bears arms of Vevey, colours of field indicated ; on either fide, corn and fmit ; above, fcroll infcribed, ORA ET LABORA : in exergue, siber.fec. Reverfe. Within vine-wreath, SOUVENIR DE LA FETE DES VICNERONS CELEBREE A VEVEY . EN 1865 . beneath wreath to left, A. PROST DEL. Wt. 32 grammes. JS. i'65. Same. Same. R, W A A D T. AADT, (Vaud) a territory correfponding clofely to that defcribed by Caefar as the Pagus Urbiginus, fuc- ceflively belonged to. the Burgundian and Frankifh kingdoms, the German empire, the Dukes of Zah- _^_^____^ ringen, and, from 1273 to 1536, to Savoy. After this date it fell under the joint government of Bern and Freiburg, together with the diftrids of Bex and Aigle and the bailiwicks of Echallons, Orbe, and Granfon. In 1798, through the entry of the French into Switzerland, thefe different territories were freed from their bailiffs, and formed themfelves into the canton of Leman, thus becoming an independent flate of the Confederation. In 1803 the old name was reaffumed. It holds the nineteenth place in the order of cantons. » LIBERTE /irms. — Party per fefse, ar. and vert ; in chief et fa. PATRIE SILVER AND BILLON COINS. A. Under Dukes of Savoy. DENIER CLASS. (With Gothic Letters.) 1-4. Denier of the Fourteenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. LVDOVICVS; • (mm. crofs pattee; laft point fixfoil.) Crofs pattee ; in dex. chief, pellet, in fin. bafe, crefcent. DE SABAVDIA (mm. crofs pattee). Temple, pediment ornamented with trefoil} beneath, W Wt. -8 gr. M -6. JVaadt, 463 Obverfe. Same : var. Reverfe, Similar; temple varied. 6. LVDOVICVS • : ■ (mm. crofs pattee ; laft point, fixfoil.) Same type ; var. crefcent in dex. chief, crefcent in iln. bafe. Similar, A. Same as no. i. I Same : var. beneath temple, M A. 8. LVDOVICVS : (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type ; var. pellet iu dex. bafe ; trefoil in fm. chief. D • SABAVDIA (mm. crofs pattee.) Similar type. I [Wt. 7 gr. J8. '6, Thefe deniers were ftruck for Waadt by Louis II., Duke of Savoy, and Lord of Waadt (1302-1359). This attribution is bafed on their refemblance in ftyle and fabric to coins of the fame period ftruck for Laufanne. The coins ufually attributed to Savoy are of a different type. B. Canton. THALER CLASS. Thaler, containing 40 Batzen, of 1812. CANTON DE VAUD Shield j arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, oak-wreath, which pafTes through upper part of fliield ; on either fide, vine-branch entwined with ears of corn; in exergue, 1812 CONFEDERATION SUISSE Warrior, facing, wearing plumed hat and two-handed fword ; in left hand he holds halbert, and leans with right arm on fliield infcribed q^^^j . ; in exergue, 40 . BATZ . Wt. 29 grammes. M \'^. 464 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 10. Half-Thaler, containing 20 Batzen, of 1810. Obverfe. Reverfe. Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, oak-wreath, which paiTes through upper part of fhield ; on either vine-branch entwined with ears of • in pvprcriie. 1810. th fide, vnie-orancn eniw corn ; in exergue, 1810 CONFEDERATION SUISSE Warrior, facing, wearing plumed hat and two-handed fword ; in left hand he holds halbert, and leans with right XIX arm on fhield infcribed cANT : ' '" ^^' ergue, 20 . BATZ Wt. i4."8 grammes. JS. i"3. II. 1811. Same. Same : var. CONFEDERATION JR. 12. Quarter-Thaler, containing 10 Batzen, of 1804.. CANTON DE VAUD Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; in exergue, 1804 , Within oak-wreath, 10 Batz Wt. y's grammes. JR. vi$. i3> 14. 1810. CANTON DE VAUD Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, oak-wreath, which pafles through upper part of (hield ; on either fide, vine-branch entwined with ears of corn J in exergue, 1810, CONFEDERATION SUISSE Warrior, facing, wearing plumed hat and two-handed fword ; in left hand he holds halbert, and leans with right arm XIX on (hield infcribed CANT . 5 '" exergue. 10. BATZ Wt. 7*4 grammes. JS. \'\. Waadt. 465 Obverfe. Similar ; in exergue, 1823 15- 1823. Reverfe. Similar ; warrior, with two plumes in hat ; fhield infcribed ^^^' CANT A. 16, 17. Quarter-Thaler, or Frank, 1845 CANTON DE ' VAUD Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, oak-wreath 5 on either fide, laurel and oak branches ; In exergue, 10 aoCt 1845, curved downwards. CONFEDERATION SUISSE Warrior, facing, wearing plumed hat and two-handed fword ; with left hand he holds halbert, and refts right on fhield XXII Infcribed qamt- ; in exergue, 1 FRANC. Wt. 7*5 grammes. M. \'o^. Same. Engraved by Siber. XXII 18, ig. Same : var.p^Cjy ; to left, at bafe of flileld, s. BATZEN CLASS. 20. Five-Batzen Piece, 1806. CANTON DE VAUD Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; above, oak-wreath, which paflTes through upper part of fhield ; on either fide, laurel-branch ; beneath, 1806 Within circle, entwined with vine- branch and corn, 5 BATZ ■ (point, cinquefoil.) Wt. 4*3 grammes. Bil. i. s. c. G G 4.66 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 21. Obverfe. CANTON DE VAUD 1807. Reverfe. Within wreath of vine and corn, Similar type ; beneath fhield, 1807. 5 BATZ Wt, 4.*5 grammes. Bil. 1. 22. 1810. Similar: 1810 . Similar. Wt. 4'4 grammes. Bil. I. 23- I8II. Same. Same. Bil. 24. l8t2. Same. Same. Bil. 25. 1813. Same. ] Same. Bil. 26. 1827. CANTON DE VAUD ■1827' (laft point, leaf.) Similar type; beneath (hield, 5. BATZ LES CANTONS CONCORDANTS DE LA SUISSE (mm. cinquefoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment Con- cordat - crofs ; limbs ornamented with floral pattern ; in centre, C within vine- wreath ; in each outer angle of quatrefoil, ivy-leaf. Bil. Waadt, 467 27, 28. I82S Obverfe. Reverfe. Similar; point i, Hiield, arms of canton ; point 2 wanting ; 5 . BATZ (point, (hield). Same infer, (mm. ftiield.) Similar type ; quatrefoil compartment partly floral. Bil. Same. 29. 1829. Similar, quatrefoil compartment wholly floral. Bil. Same. 30- Same. Bil. Similar; point i, quatrefoil. 1830. Similar ; mm. pellet. Bi Same. 33- 1831. Similar ; mm, quatrefoil. Bil 34- Batzen, containing Ten Rappen, of 1804. CANTON DE VAUD (mm. cinquefoil at end of infer.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide of fhield, branch; in exergue, 1804 Within wreath of corn and vine, 1 Batz 10. RAP. firft point, annulet. Wt. i'3 gramme. Bil. '95. G G 2 468 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Same. Obverfe. 35- 1805. Reverfe. Same. Bil. Same, 36. Same : var. 10 • RAP Bil. 37- 1809. Same : var. 1809 . ; branches befule fliield varied. Same : var. Batz 10 -RAP Bil. Same. 38. 1810. Same : var. fecond point, annulet. Bil. Same. 39- 1811. Same. Bil. Same. 40. 1812, Same ! var. 10'RAP ' points, annu- lets. Bi!. Waadt. Obverfe. Same. 41. 1813. Same. Reverfe. 469 Bi] Same : var. no flop after date. Same : var. full (lop after date. Same. Same. 42. 1814. Same. 43- 1815. Same. 44-46. 1816. Same. 47-49. 1817. Same. 50. 1818, Bil. Bil Bil Bi Same: var. mm. at end of infer., ftar of five points. Same : var. 10 • RAP • points, plain. Bil. 51-53- 1S19. Same : var. mm. at end of infer., mullet of five points ; no ftop after date. Same. BI 470 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Same : var. full flop after date. 54. 1820. Same. Reveifa. Bil. 55, 56. 1827. CANTON DE VAUD • 1827 Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; on either fide of fhield, laurel- branch ; in exergue, 1 • BATZ ; on line of exergue, bel LES CANTONS CONCORDANTS DE LA SUISSE (mm. fmall cinquefoil.) Within quatrefoil, Concordat-crofs ; floral ornaments in limbs ; in centre, within wreath, C Bil. SI, 58. 1828. Same : var. point, fhield, arms of canton. Same : var. mm., fliield, arms of canton. Bil. 59, 60. 1829. Same. Same. Bil. 61. 1830. Same : var. point, fmall quatrefoil ? point in exergue, fliield, arms of canton. Same. Bil. 62. 1831. Same. Same : var. mm. quatrefoil. Bil. Waadt, 63-65. 183a. Obverfe. Same; var. point, fhield, arms of canton. 1 Same. 471 Reverfe. Bil. 66, 67. 1834. Same. Same. £11 68, 69. Half-Batzen, containing Five Rappen, of 1804 • CANTON DE VAUD • 1804 (points, cinquefoils.) Shield j arms of canton, colour indi- cated 5 on either fide of fliield, laurel- branch. Within wreath of corn and vine, Batz « — * — . 6 . RAP . points, annulets. Wt. 1*9 gramme, Bil. "9. 70. 1805. Same. Same : var. 5 . RAP . points, plain. Bil. 1806. Same. Same. Bil. 472 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Same. 72. Reverfe. Within fjmiiar wreath, 'A Batz 5 .RAP. firft point, annulet. Bil. Same. 73-75- 1807. Within fimilar wreath, Batz 5 . RAP . firft point, annulet. Bil. 76, n- 1809. Same : var. no branches befide fhield. Similar. Bi 78, 79- ISIO. Same. Same. Bil. 80. 1811. Same. Same: var. firft point, plain. Bil Waadt. 473 Obverfe. Same. 8i. 1813. Reverfe. Same : var. 5 . RAP : Sil. Same. 82. 1814. Same. Bil. Same. '^Z. 84. I8I6, Same : var. , RAP. points, annu- lets. Bil. Same. 85,.86. 1817. Same. Bil. 87. 1818. Same: var. points, mullets of five points. I Same: var. points, plair Bil 88. 1819. Same : var. points, ftars of five points. | Same BI 474 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Same. 89, 90. Reverfe. Same : var. points, annulets. BiL 91. Quarter-Batzen Piece, or Two and a Half Rappen, 1809. CANTON DE VAUD 1809 Shield 5 arms of canton, colour indi- cated. Within wreath of corn and vine ? R APPE S Wt. I gramme. Bil. '7. 92-94 1816. - CANTON DE VAUD - 1816 (at beginning of infer., vine-branch, at end, ear of corn.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated 5 in chief, ^ & ^ 2V. Rap : within laurel-wreath, all in one dirc6lion, above to left, which fprings from down- ward ftroke of the R . Bil. RAPPEN CLASS. 95- Rappen, 1804. CANTON DE VAUD Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; without infer, in chief ; on either fide of fhield, laurel-branch crofsed be- neath. Within wreath, all in one direction, above to right. 1 Rappe 1804 Bil. -5. 96-98. CANTON DE VAUD . 18c >7- Within oak-wreath, Similar type. 1 RAPPE 1807 Bi Waadt. 475 99. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same : var. point wanting. Same. Bil. Ecu OF Louis XV., countermarked by Canton Waadt as a Thaler. 100. 39 Oval countermark ^^ , in field, be- neath chin. For hiftory of thcfe coins fee pp. 84, 85. Oval countermark, on dex. laurel- branch 5 (hield," arms of canton, colour indicated. Wt. 28*9 grammes. ^ i"6. MEDALS. Expulsion of the Jesuits from Waadt. 184.5. •PETITION DE 32000 CITOYENS ■ POUR L'EXPULSION DES JESUi TES (points, ftars of five points.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated 5 behind, fafces, furmounted by cap with two plumes ; above fliield, fcroll infcrlbed CANTON DE VAUD ; on either fide, oak-branch. ELECTIONS DU 24 FEVRIER • ASSEMBLEE DU GRAND CON SEIL 3 MARS (points, ftars of five points.) LE PEUPLE FAIT ACTE DE SOUVERAINTE LES14et15 FEVRIER GOUVERNEMENT PR OVISO IRE 1845 Wt. 1 1'5 grammes. JS, fz. 2. Same. Same. /E. W A L L I S. ALLIS (Valais) is divided into two diftridls, Ober- Wallis (Haut-Valais) and Unter-Wallis (Bas-Valais). After pafsing, in the fixth century, from the jurif- di6lion of the Burgundian kingdom to that of the Franks, Wallis returned in the ninth century into the pofsefsion of the former, under whofe rule it remained till the death of Rudolph III. in 1032, when it became a portion of the German Empire under Conrad III. In 1035 Conrad gave Unter-Wallis to the Dukes of Savoy, but Ober-Wallis was placed under the protection of the Bifhops of Sitten (Sion). Ober-Wallis in the 13th century (1250) declared itself independent, and two centuries later annexed to itfelf a portion of Unter-Wallis, the other part being joined to Waadt. In 1577 the whole diftrict was allied to, not incorporated with, the cantons which formed the Confederation, and was divided into thirteen diftrids, called difaines. In 1798 Wallis became a canton of the Confederation, but in 1802 was detached from it and formed into a feparate republic under the protedion of France. In 18 10 it was incorporated into the French Empire as the Department of the Simplon, and in 18 15, after the evacuation of the French, it became again a canton of the Con- federation, ranking twentieth in the order of the cantons. Until the year 1628, the coinage current in Wallis was that ftruck by the Bifhops of Sitten, but in this year, owing to a ftruggle between the State and the biftiops brought about by the overbearing conduct: of the latter, the State ftruck a new coinage bearing its arms. In 1640, when Adrian III. von Riedmatten became bifhop of Sitten, it was arranged that for the future the coins (hould bear on one fide the arms of the bifhop, and on the other thofe of the State. Arms. — Party per pale, arg. and gu., thirteen ftars, 4, 5, and 4, counterchanged. Wallis, Ml Coins of the Republic of Wallis during 1628. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. DIKEN CLASS. I, 2. Obverfe. DiKEN, 1628. Reverfe. MON • REIPVBLIOE ■ VALLESIyC ■ (mm. ftar of five points.) Ornamented Hiield ; arms of Wallis ; on either fide, point. • SANCTVS • THEODOLVS • Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; in exergue, • 1628 • Wt. 9"2 grammes. M. 1*15. BATZEN CLASS. 3-9- Half-Batzen, 1628. MON ■ REIP • VALLESI/E Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, one- headed imperial eagle. S- THEODOLVS- 1628 (mm. ftar of five points.) Crofs fourchy, cantoned with fleurs- de-lis pointing outwards. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. '8. KREUZER CLASS. 10-13. Kreuzer, 1628. MON • REIP . VALLESI/E Shield ; arms of Wallis ; above, one- headed imperial eagle. S • THEODOLVS • 1628 (mm. ftar of five points.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. I gramme. Bil. 7. 14. Pattern in filver, lozenge-fliaped. Wt. 4" I grammes. J^ i-x. 47 S Catalogue of Sivifs Coins. MEDALS. I. A. — League between the Seven Catholic Cantons and Wallis. 1696. Tkaler-Weight. Obverfe. Reverfe, QVOS ■ FIDES • ADVNAT • HOS ■ FIDES • CONSERVAT Between two ornamented cords, eight fmall fliields attached by cable-bor- ders and arranged in circle, having at the top a ninth, with the arms of the Bifhop Adrian V. von Riedmatten ; feven other ftiields bear the arms of the feven difaines of Ober- Wallis, and the eighth thofe of the Republic, colours partly indicated ; the fhield of the bifliop is furmounted by mitre between crofsed crozier and fword ; above thefe is placed the bifhop's hat ; within inner fpace formed by (hields, VALESIA RE NOV FOEDVS CVM CANT : CAT : VRANI/E . 1696 PRO DEO FIDE ET LIBERTATE CVNCTA FACERE ET FERRE Seated figure of Religion holding crofs in right hand and orb in left ; above, to left, dove furrounded by glory j to each wrift of Religion is attached a double chain, on which hang feven fliields in circle between ornamented cords ; thefe bear the arms of the feven Catholic can- tons, viz., Luzern, Schwyz, Zug, Frei- burg, Solothurn, Unterwalden, and Uri, colours indicated ; within inner fpace, formed by fliields, and beneath the feet of Religion, is an Urochs' head, arms of Uri, and above it, PA RA Tl , Wt. 27' 7 grammes. /« i'8. 2. Renewal of League between the Seven Catholic Cantons and Wallis, 17 Eight oval fliields arranged in circle on laurel-wreath, united above by ninth, bearing the arms of the Bifliop Franz III. Melchior Zen Ruffinen ; feven others bear the arms of the feven difains of Ober- Wallis, and the eighth thofe of the Republic, colours indicated ; the fliield of the bifliop is furmounted by mitre be- tween crofsed fword and crozier; within inner fpace, formed by fliields, two hands draped, clafped, and furrounded by in- fcription, VIS UN ITA FORTI OR. For lift of Catholic cantons fee previous 80. CANTONES CAT . RENOVANT FOE DUS CUM REP VALLESIA Seven oval fliields, bearing the arms of the feven Catholic cantons, arranged in circle and chained together, colours in- dicated ; between the two upper ones, in clouds, a crofs, and above it, a chalice fur- mounted by radiate wafer ; within inner fpace, formed by fliields, firlt line curved downwards, SEDUNI 1780 • 14. NO- beneath fliields, Stedelin f. Wt. i7'8 grammes. JV. I'j. medal. Wallis, 479 B.— Musical Festival held at Sitten, 1854. 1854. Obverfe. Reverfe. SOUVENIR DU CONCERT HELVE TIQUE (mm. ftar of five points.) In field, SION ; above, Confedera- tion-crofs, radiate ; below, 1854 Group formed of open mufic-book and various mufical inftruments : behind, oak and palm branches ; above, ftar of five points, radiate; beneath, siber. Bil. I. WINTERTHUR. INTERTHUR (Lat. Vitodurum, the actual fite of which is reprefented by Ober-Winterthur) is a town of the Canton Zurich, about 12 miles from the city of that name. In the Middle Ages, Winterthur was in the pofsefsion of the Counts of Windthiirn or Winter- thur, from whom it pafsed in the 12th century into the hands of the Counts of Kyburg. In 1264 the town was inherited by Rudolf IV., Count of Habfburg. In 1417 it was declared a city of the Empire, and fifty years later it pafsed by purchafe from the houfe of Habfburg to the city of Zurich. Since that period it has remained in the Canton Zurich referving until recently fome traces of felf-government. MEDALS. I. THIRD JUBILEE OF REFORMATION, 1819. 1819. Obverfe. ULRICH ZWINGLI Buft of Zwinglius to left, wearing peaked cap and gown. Reverfe. 3E lUBELFEYER DER REFORMA TION Altar, with monogram p ; on it open book, infcribed g^^ » ^* ^^^^' cloth ; behind, rays ; in exergue, WINTERTHUR 1 . IAN .1819 (lower line curved upwards) ; on line of exergue, i . aberli f. Wt. 20 grammeS: .-« !*4. Winterthur. 481 Obverle. Musical Festival. 1854. Reverfe. Shield ; arms of Confederation, colour indicated; above, lyre, on which radiate head ; behind, two flags crofled ; around, femicircle of leven fhields, Aargau, Schaft"haufen, Teflin, Thurgau, Bafel, Bern, and Zlirich, colours in all indi- cated, in the laft, by arabefque and lines. SANGERFEST ; below. EIDGEN IN WINTERTHUR XVI-XVII JULI MDCCCLIV A View of pavilion decorated with flags. Wt. i8'7 grammes. /R I'f. b. c. H H Z O F I N G E N. OFINGEN or Zopfingen, (Lat. Tobinium) a town of the Canton Aargau, is faid to have exifted from the time of Julius Caefar, and to have pofsefsed a mint as early as 883. It formerly belonged to the Counts of Spitzenberg, but became a city of the Empire in 1032, and afterwards came into the pofsefsion of the Counts of Habfburg. In 141 5 it pafsed into the pofsefsion of Bern, and fo continued until 1798, when Aargau was ere£led into a feparate canton. Arms. — Barry of four, gu. and arg. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. BRACTEATES. (13th and 14th Centuries.) First Period. I. Within raifed border, buft (male or female ?) with long hair, crowned and draped, and having chain of pearls on bread; on either fide of head, Z O Square, with high border. Wt. '9 gr. Bil. 7. See Meyer, Brafteaten der Schweiz, p. 30, taf. i., fig. 3, and the fame author, Denare und Bracleaten, ZvR. Ant. Gesell., xii. p. 63. 2-6. Similar, varied. Sq., with border lefs raifed. Compare Meyer, Bra£l. taf. i. fig. 4. Wt. -3 gr. Bil. '5. Zofingen. 483 7- Within raifed border, having four pellets, female head wearing veil, between the I letters ^ V ; to right of neck, pellet, and to left, ftar of five points. Bil. (round). Second Period. ** It is unknown when the earlier ecclefiaftical type gave place to the Auftrian upon the coins of Zofingen. The firft intelligence we have of this change dates from the year 1397. In that year Duke Leopold ordered the burghers of Zofingen ' to ftrike money with our mark (unter unferm Zeichen)' that is, with the ducal arms." (Meyer, Die Denare und Bra6leaten der Schweiz : Ziir. Ant. Gefell. xii. p. 65.) 8. Within raifed border, open ducal crown, with the Auftrian peacock's plume. Sq., with broad border pierced. Bil. -6. Meyer, Brail., taf. i. fig. 17. 9-13- Similar : crown flightly varied. Sq., with narrower border. Bil. Similar : plume flightly varied. 14. Bil. (fq.) 15-17. Clofed helmet, feen from front, with ducal crown, with the Auftrian peacock's plume. Bil. (fq.) Meyer, Bra£l., taf. i. fig. 21. 18. Clofed helmet, feen from left fide, with ducal crown, with the Auftrian peacock's plume ; on either fide, ^ O Wt. I "5 gramme, jr. (fq.) '7. Meyer, Bra6t., taf, i. fig. 23. H H 2 484 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 19, 20. similar ; letters varied, Z O Wt. I "a gramme. JR. (fq.) '%. Meyer, Bra6l., taf. i. fig. 24- 21-24. Same type. Wt. '7 gr. Bil. (round) '7. Meyer, Brad., taf. i. fig. 25. 25. Within radiate border, helmet feen from left fide, with plume. Bil. (round). 26. Same type ; var. behind helmet, fixfoil pierced. Bil. (round). 27. Same type ; var. no fymbol. Bil. (round). 28. Two fiiields ; dex. per feffe (Zofingen) ; fin. one-headed eagle difplayed (Auftria ?) 5 above, crofs moline between the letters, Z O Bil. (round.) X O To left, fhield ; a fefle (arms of Zofingen ?) Bil. (fq.) -5. Meyer, Bra6l., p. 32 and taf. i. fig. 33. ZoJi?igen. 485 BATZEN AND KREUZER CLASS. 3o> 31- Five-Batzen Piece, containing 20 Kreuzers, of 1722. Obverfe, Reverfe. MONETA • CIVITATIS • ZOFINGEN (points, ftars of fix points.) Ornamented irregular fhield ; arms of Zofingen, colour indicated ; above, bear pafiant; on either fide of fhield, palm-branch. Within palm-wreath, DEVS PROVI : DEBIT 1722- (points, irregularly placed triangles) beneath wreath, 20. cr Wt. 4"7 grammes. Bil. 1. Batzen, containing Four Kreuzers, of 1726. MON . REDIVI VA ZOFINGENS (point, triangle.) Shield 5 arms of Zofingen, colour in- dicated ; above, bear palTant. DOMINUS • PRO VIDEBIT-1726 (mm. trefoil on ftalk ; points, triangles.) Ornamental crols fleury ; in exergue, CR • 4- (points, 1, triangle, 2, trefoil.) Wt. 2-8 grammes. Bil. "9. MON : NOV: ZOFINGENS- (mm.rofe; laft point, triangle.) Shield ; arms of Zofingen, colour in- dicated. 33- Kreuzer, 1722. DEVS • PROVIDEBIT •1722- Crofs fourchy; in angles, fleur-de- lis ornaments pointing outwards. Wt. 1*4 gramme. Bil. -7. 34. Vierer, 1722. • MONET -NOV -ZOFINGENS Shield ; arms of Zofingen, colour in- dicated. DEVS • PROVIDEBIT • 1722 • (points, 2, 3, trefoils ?) Crofs fourchy ; in angles, fleur-de-li.t ■ (points, ftars offive points.) Similar type ; var. fliield lefs orna- mented j no arabefque. Similar. Wt. 26*5 grammes. M 16. 118. J773- MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TURI CENSIS • On bafe, oval fliield, ornamented with palm-branch and flowers ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; fupported by lion rampant gardant, holding fword over left flioulder. Within ornamented border, lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1773 J8.. 119. 1776. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TURI CENSIS- Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; fupported by lion rampant regardant, holding fword over left flioulder ; behind fliield, palm-branch. Within ornamented border, the lower part formed of two inverted cornua- copiae, iUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1776 • Zurich. 535 Obverfe. Same infer. ; var. no point. Similar type. 120. 1777. Reverfe. Similar ; var. no point. J&. 121. 1779- MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TURI CENSIS Ornamented oval fhield, decorated with palm-branch and plumed hat ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; fupported by lion rampant regardant, holding fword. Within olive-wreath, lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1779 Wt. 26"3 grammes, m. i"55. 122, 122. 1780. MONETA REIPUBLICAE TURI CENSIS. On bafe, decorated with inverted cor- nuacopiae crofsed, oval (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; fupporters, lions rampant regardant j above, plumed hat. Within laurel-wreath, tied above, lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1780 ■ Wt. 26*3 grammes. M i"6. 124. Thaler, at Eleven to the Mark, of 1783. Within olive-wreath, tied above, XI AUFI PEINE MARK . 1783 . MONETA REIPUBLICAE TURI CENSIS . On bafe, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; decorated with garland, palm and olive branches, and hat ; fup- porters, lions couchant, the fore parts appearing from either fide of ftiield. Wt. 25- 1 grammes, ^1*5. 536 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. 125-127. 1790. Reverfe. Same die. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE View of Zurich from the Lake ; below, 1790 . Wt. 25 grammes, JS. I'SS' Three coin? from the fame die. 128. Thaler, containing Forty Batzen, of 1813. CANTON ZURICH On bafe, Ihield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; decorated with oak- garland, twifted around the upper part, the ends falling on either fide ; in ex- ergue, 40. BATZ : By J. H, Boltfchhaufer ? Within olive-wreath, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1813 beneath, H B in monogram. Wt. 29-3 grammes. M i"6. 129. Half-Thaler, 1556. MO : NO : TVRICENSIS • CIV! .' IMPER ■ 56 (mm. "^ between points.) Lion rampant, holding orb and reft- ing left paw on fliield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. By Hans Guttenfon, see no. 79. DOMINE • CONSERVA • NOS • IN • P Two-headed imperial eagle, nimbate; clofed crown. Wt. i3'7 grammes, M i"4. 130. 1022. . MONETA ■ NOVA • THVRICENSIS • 1622 (points, cinquefoils.) Lion rampant gardant on pavement, holding orb and fword, and refting fin. paw on fliield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Within wreath of leaves, ornamented with cinquefoils, LASSEN D DIE KINDLIN ZV MIR KOM : DAN IHREN 1ST DAS RYCH GOTTES • (points, diamonds.) Wt. i2"4 grammes. Defcribed by Haller among the Moralifche Denkmiinzen, i. p. 210. JB. I "4. Zurich, 537 Obverfe. Same : var, laft point wanting. n^' Same. Reverfe. Wt. 12*4 grammes. JS.\"}^. Same die. 132, CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (point, cinque- foil J between beginning and end of infer., floral ornament.) Two-headed imperial eagle. Wt. i2'4 grammes. /&. 1*35. 133. 134. 1647. MONETA • NOVA • REIP VBLI CAE • TIGVRINAE (mm. cinquefoil between ftars of fix points ; points, ftars of fix points.) On ground, (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; fupporters, lions rampant, holding olive-wreath and refting paws on Ihield. Within ornamented border, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN • PACE ■ 1647 beneath, ftar of iix points. Wt. 14' grammes. M. i'45. Two coins from the fame die, both double-ftruck. 135-137- 1652. Within ornamented border, DOMINE CONSER • VA ■ NOS • IN • PACE 16 52 (points I, 3, cinquefoils j the N'sand S's of infer, reverfed.) («, b") Wt. 14*1 grammes. ^ i'3. (f) 8*1 1-4. Three coins from the fame die j c, probably a pattern. MONETA • NOVA • REIPVBLICAE • TIGVRI N/E (mm. uncertain.) On ground, ornamented fliield 5 arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; fupporters, lions rampant, the dex. hold- ing fword and orb. 538 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obveife, 138. 1690. Reverfe. MONETA NOVA REI PVBLIC/E TIGVRIN/E (mm, cinquefoil.) Lion rampant on pavement, holding fword and refting left paw on fliield, arms of canton, colour indicated by ara- belque } below, in oval, ^ . This half-thaler contains 36 schillings. Within ornamented border, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 16 90 at foot within oval, from which fpring two palm-branches, 36 . Wt. i4'i grammes. JS. i'3. 139- MONETA • REIPUBLIC/E • TIGU RIN/E . (points, ftars of fix points.) Lion rampant on pavement, holding fword and refting left paw on orna- mented oval fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated. Within wreath of olive and palm, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1713 below, outfide wreath, 36 . Wt. 1 4" 6 grammes. JS.. 140. 1739- MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TIGU RINAE (mm. cinquefoil.) Lion rampant on ground, holding fword and refting left paw on orna- mented oval fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated 5 on ground, in oval, h . Within ornamented border, having at bafe olive and palm branches, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. 1739 below, enclofed within the border, 36 . Wt. 14 grammes, jr. 141. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TIGU RIN/E (mm. ftar of five points.) Shnilar type ; colour on fliield indi- cated by arabefque and lines. Engraved by Hans Jacob Geffner. View of Ziirich from the Lake ; above, TIGU RUM 5 on left fide, hig j below, within border, 1739 incufe. Wt. i3'6 grammes. JS.. Zurich, 539 Obverfe. Same die. 142. 1 741. Reverfe. Same die j altered for date. A. 143- 1743- Same die. Same die ; altered for date. Wt. 14 grammes. M. 144. 1745- Same die. Same die ; altered for date. ^t. i3'7 grammes. M. Same die. 145. 1748. Within ornamented border, having at bafe olive and palm branches, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1748 below, enclofed in the border, 36 A. Same. 146. 1756. View of Zurich from the Lake j above, TIGURUM J on left fide, hig ; below, 1756 incufe. A. Rev. from fame die as coin of 1739, no. 141. 54-0 Catalogue of Swifs Coi?JS. Obverfe. 147. 1758. Reverfe. Similar ; colour on ftiield indicated by lines only ; mm. effaced ; oval on ground wanting. Within ornamented border, having at bale olive and palm branches, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1758 148. 1761. Same: var. TIGURINAE ; mm. cinque- Similar ; below infer., enclofed within foil; beneath edge of fliield, HIG ; on border, 36 , ground, in oval, i Same die. 149, 150. View of Zurich from the Lake ; above, TIGURUM ; on left side, hig ; below, 1761 incufe. Rev. from fame die as coin of 1739, "O- ^4-^- 151. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TIGURIN/E Same die, (mm. ftar of five points.) Similar type ; colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; engraver's name wanting. Obv. from fame die as coin of 1756, no. 146. i«. Zurich. 541 Obverfe. 152. 1768. Reverfe, Same die. Within ornamented border, having at bafe olive and pahn branches, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1768 Wt. 13-4. grammes, /s.. 153- Same : var. TIGURINAE ; mm. cinque- foil ; colovir on fliield indicated by lines only J HiG beneath edge of fhield. Same die as coin of 1761, no. 148. View of" Zurich from the Lake j above, TIGURUM ; on left side, hig ; below, within border, 1768 incufe. Same die as coin of 1739, no. 141. Wt. 13* grammes, /s.. 154. 1776. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TURICENSIS. Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines ; fupported by lion rampant regard- ant, holding fword over left fhoulder j be- hind fliield, palm-branch. Within ornamented border, the lower part formed by two inverted cornuacopiae, lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1776- A. 1-35, 155- 1779- Same infer. ; no (top. Oval fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque and lines 5 de- corated with palm-branch and plumed hat ; fupported by lion rampant re- gardant, holding fword. Within olive-wreath, lUSTlTIA ET CONCORDIA 177 9 A. 542 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 156. Half-Thaler, at Twenty-two to the Mark, of 1783. Obverfe. Same infer. On bafe, fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated 5 decorated with garland, palm and olive branches, and hat ; fup- porters, lions couchant, the fore parts appearing from either fide of ftiield. Reverfe. Within garland, tied above, XXII aufI peine MARK. 1783- Wt. ia'5 grammes. JS. i"25. Same. 157. 1788. Similar ; no points. i« 1 * 3. Same ; on bafe of ftiield, • b ■ 158. 1798. Within fimilar garland, XXII aufI peine MARK. 1798. beneath, outfide garland, Br. iR. 159- Half-Thaler, containing Twenty Batzen, of 1813. CANTON ZURICH On bafe, ftiield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; decorated with oak- wreath twined round it ; below, 20. BATZ: Within olive-wreath, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 1813 upon two of the olives, B incufe. Wt. i4.*7 grammes. JSi i'35. Same : var. ZURICH . 160. 1826. Same : var. upon two of the olives, B incufe ; on band, b . JR.. Zurich, 543 i6i, 162. Quarter-Thaler, 1629. Obverfe. • MONETA ■ NOVA • THVRICENSIS (points, clnquefoils.) Lion rampant on pavement, hold- ing orb and fword over left fhoulder, and refting left paw on ftiield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Two coins flightly varied. CIVITATIS Two-headed Reverfe. IMPERIALIS imperial eagle, with nimbi ; crown, imperial 5 in exergue, ' 1629 • (points, cinquefoils.) Wt. 8'3 grammes, jsl I'z. 7*5 163. 1674. MONETA' NOVA- REI TIGVRIN/E PVBLIC/E Lion rampant, holding fword, and reft- ing left paw on fhield, arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; beneath, in oval, interrupting infer., j. Within ornamented border, DOMJNE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE 16:74 Wt. 6*7 grammes. Ai I'l. DIKEN CLASS. 164 DiKEN, • S • REGVLA • S : VELIX • (mm. between words, crofs pattee between colons of annulets; points, annulets.) St. Regula and St. Felix holding' their heads in their hands, and having nimbi of many cufps above necks 5 between them, at their feet, ftiield, arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis. The obv. is gilt. 1504- MONETA ■ NOVA ■ THVRICENSIS : 1504 (mm. crofs pattee; points i, 2, quatre- foils, faltlrewife ; 3, colon of annulets.) One-headed imperial eagle. (The 4 is Gothic 5?.) Wt. 7"9 grammes. ..R i"i. 544 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 165. 1621. Obverfe. MONETA • NOVA * THVRICENSIS ■ (points, cinquefoils.) Ornamented fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, cinquefoil. Reverfe. CIVITATIS ■ IMPERIALIS • 1621 (points, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi. Wt. 6*3 grammes, jr 1*15. 166. Same infer. ; points, plain. Similar type ; no cinquefoils. Same infer. ; points, plain ; point after date, 1621 ■ Same type." A. BATZEN CLASS. 167, 168, Ten-Batzen Piece, 1812. CANTON ZURICH Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; decorated with oak-wreath twined round it; in exergue, 10 . batz : By J. H. Boltfchhaufer ? Within olive-wreath, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. 18 12. on faftening of wreath, B incufe. Wt. 7" 3 grammes. /R 1*15. 169. Eight-Batzen Piece, 1810. CANTON ZURICH Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated ; between olive and palm branches crofsed and fattened by fmall (hield, crowned, on which, B incufe. Within olive-wreath, 8 BATZEN 1810 on faftening of wreath, B incufe. Wt. 7*2 grammes. Bil, 115. Zurich, 545 Obverfe. 170. Reverfe. Same : var. oval brooch in place of \ Same ; var. 1 8 1 O . fhield ; traces of crown. 1 Bil 171. Same : var. Same : v^r. Bii 172. Batzen, of Sixteenth Century. (With femi-Gothic letters.) MONETA ■ THVRICENSIS • (mm., and points, ftars of five points.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis ; above, one-headed im- perial eagle; on either iide of fliield, Z V . • SANCTVS • • • KAROLVS • (mm. crofs patonce; points, i, ?., 4, 5, ftars of five points, 3, rofe.) Crofs patonce within imperfeft quatre- foil, the cufps ornamented with fleurs-de- lis ornaments. Wt. 3 grammes. Bil. i-i. Same infer. ; laft point plain. Over compartment of many foils, fimilar fhield ; above, one-headed imperial eagle. 173- Same. Bil. 1-05. 174, ^IS- Batzen, 1519. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA • NOV ■ THVRICENSIS (points, annulets.) Within trefoil, ornamented internally with many foils, and having fmall tre- foils fpringing externally from lower cufps, ftiield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis ; above trefoil, one-headed im- perial eagle, head fin. SA : FELIX ■ SANCTA • REGVLA • 1519 (mm. rofe; points, annulets.) Crofs fleury within imperfeft quatrefoil border with fleurs-de-lis in cufps. Wf- 3*3 grammes. Bil. I'of. s. c. M M 546 Catalogue oj Swifs Coins, 176. 1526. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONE • NOV • THVRICENSIS • (points, annulets.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis ; above, one-headed im- perial eagle. SAN • FELIX ■ SAN ■ REGVLA • 1526 (mm. rofe j points, annulets.) Crofs moline. Bil. 177. 1530- Same : var. NOVA ; laft point wanting. I Same : var. points, crofslets. Bil. 178-180. • 1607. (With Latin letters.) MONE = NOVA ■ THVRICENSIS • (points, cinquefoils.) Shield; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; above, one-headed imperial eagle. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS • 1607 • (firft point, cinquefoil.) Crofs fourchy. Wt. 2' 5 grammes. Bil. i. 181, 182. Same : var. MONE : no point at end of infer. Same infer. ; all points, plain. Same type. Bil. 183-185. 1608. Same. Same. Bil. Zurich, 547 i86, 187. 1622. Obverfe. MONE ■ NO : THVRICENSIS • Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; on either fide of Ihield, cinquefoil ; above, one-headed imperial eagle. Reverfe. CIVITATIS ■ IMPERIALIS ■ 1622 (points, cinquefoils.) Crofs fourchy, having a trefoil flipped in each angle. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. *'5 188, 189. Same: var. MONE : NOVA : no point at end of infer. Same infer. Similar, type ; ornaments in angles of crofs, var. Bil. 190. 1623, MON NO • TH VRIC ENSIS Crofs fourchy, over which, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. CIVITA : IMPERIALIS ■ 1623 Two-headed impel ial eagle with nimbi 5 imperial crown, dividing circle of infer. Wt. 2*5 grammes, Bil. 191. MON : NO : TH VRIC Same type j varied. ENSIS 1623 • CIVITA : IMPERIALIS • (mm. at end of infer., cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; imperial crown. Bil. Same : var. MON" 192. CIVITA : IMPERIALIS ' 1623 Same type. BU. M M 2 548 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. Obverfe. Same: var MON : NO: 193-195- Reverfe. Same. Bil. Same. 196. Same: var. 1623 • Bil, 197, 198. MON ETA' -NO VA ftar of fix points.) 1639. (point4, THVRICENSIS • 1639 (mm. ftar of fix points; point, fmaller ftar of five points.) Crofs fleury, over which, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabelque. Two-headed imperial eagle; above, open crown, dividing circle ot infer. Bil. Same type. 199-202. 164.0. VA- nts.) (points, ftars • THVRICENSIS • 1640 • (points, ftars of fix points.) Same type. Wt. a* 5 grammes. Bil. '9 5. 203. Half-Batzen, 1518. (With Gothic letters.) MONE' NOV- T HVR1C ENSIS (point, annulet.) Crofs pattee, dividing circle of infer. ; over it and within compartment of many foils, fliield, arms of canton, colour in- dicated by trellis. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS ■ 1518 • (mm. crofs pattee ; points, cinquefoils.) One-headed imperial eagle with nimbus. Wt. 1*6 gramme. Bil. '%. Zurich, 549 Obverfe. 204, 205. 1519. Same : var. point plain ; no foils. Same. Reverfe. Same : var. point 3, plain. Wt. i'2 gramme. Bil. 206. 1520. Same : rofe. var. points, i, 3, annulets, 2, Bil. Similar. 207. 1530. Similar J points, i, effaced, 2, cinque- foil, 3, wanting. Bil. 208. (With Latin letters.) CIVITATIS : IMPERIALIS • 58 (mm. MONE • NOVA • TVRICENSIS uncertain.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis. Unit of date fomewhat obfcure. (mm. crofs.) Crofs moline. Wt. 1*3 gramme. Bil. 209. 1589. MON- NO'T HVRIC ENSI Crofs pattee, dividing circle of infer. ; over it and within compartment of many foils, (hield, arms of canton, colour indi- cated. CIVI TATIS ■ IMPERIALIS ■ 89: (mm. crofs; point, i, quatrefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle. Bil. 550 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 210. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same infer. Similar type; fhield over quatrefoil, having a pellet outfide each cufp. Same : var. laft point wanting. Bil. 211. Same infer. ; no points. Crofs pattee, dividing infer. ; over it, fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated, having external ornaments befide limbs of crofs. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS 89 (mm. crofs ; point, quatrefoil.) Same type. Bil. MON NOT HVRl CENS Same type. 212, 1592. Same : var. IMPERIALI : 92 BU. 213. 1593- Same infer. ; point, crofslet. Similar type ; ornaments of fhield wanting. CIVITATIS ■ IMPERIALIS • 93 (points, crofslets.) Same type. Wt. i'7 gramme. Bil. Undated. End of Sixteenth Century. 214. MON- NO-T HVRIC ENSIS (points, diamonds.) Crofs pattee, dividing circle of infer. ; over it and within compartment of many foils, fhield, arms of canton, colour in- dicated. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS : (mm. crofs ; point I, rofe.) Same type. Wt. I gramme. Bil. '8. Zurich. 551 Obverfe. 215. MON= NO=T HVRIC ENSIS Crofs pattee, dividing circle of infer. ; over it, Ihield, arms of canton, colour indicated. Reverfe. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (mm. crofs; point, cinquefoil.) Same type. Wt. 1-3 gramme. Bil. 216. MON : NO :T HVRIC ENSIS Similar type ; ornaments on fhiel befide limbs of crofs fourchy, colour in- dicated by trellis. Same : var. mm. uncertain j point, fmall cinquefoil. One-headed imperial eagle, head to fin, Wt, 1 gramme. Bil "j. 217. Same. foil. Same : var. mm. crofs ; point, cinque- Bil. SCHILLING CLASS. 218. Twenty-Schilling Piece of Seventeenth Century. • MONETA • NOVA • REIPVBLIC/t • TIGVRIN/E- Ornamented oval Ihield j arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, palm-branch entwined. GVR in monogram. Within ornamented border, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS . IN PACE beneath, in border and within oval, 20 Wt. 8-4 grammes. Bil. i"2. 219. MONETA REIPUBLICAE TIGUR INAE (mm. cinquefoil.) Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque. I7SI' Within ornamented border, entwined with olive and palm branches, DOMINE CONSERVA NOS' IN PACE 1751 beneath, in border, 20 Wt. 7'6 grammes. Bil, 552 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obveile. 220. 1761. Reverfe. MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TIGUR INyC (mm. ftar of five points.) Same type. Similar. Eil. 221, MONETA REIPUBLIC/E TURI CENSIS Ornamented and garlanded oval fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; in exergue, 20 ■ SCHIL • 1780, Within ornamented border, the lower part formed of two cornuacopias croised, lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA 1780 Bil. 222. Ten-Schilling Piece of Seventeenth Century. MONETA • NOVA • THVRICENSIS (mm. large cinquefoil ; points, fmall cinquefoils.) Ornamented fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, cinquefoil. i Within ornamented border, Pro Deo -et Pa TRIA Wt. 55 grammes. Bil. I'l, 223. 1656. MONETA • NOVA • THVRICENSIS • (mm. and points, cinquefoils.) Ornamented fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, and above fhield, cinquefoil. Second and third N's reverl'ed. Within ornamented border, • Pro • • Deo et Pa • • TRIA- . !65S . points, cinquefoils. Wt. 5'2 grammes. Bil. Zurich, SS7> 224. Obverl'e. 1677. Reveife. Same as no. 222. Within ornamented border. Pro DEO ■ ET PA TRIA 16 77 BIl. 225. J732. MONETA 'REIPUB. TIGURINAE (mm. cinquefoil.) Similar type ; fame lymbols. Within ornamented fliiekl, PRO DEO ET PATRIA 1732 beneath, within oval, 10 j on either fide of fhield, olive and palm branches. Wt. 4'8 grammes. Bil. 226. Same: var. REIPUB- (mm. liar of five points.) 743- Similar. Wt. 4-4 grammes. Bil. 227. 1745- MONETA • REIPUB : TIGURl (point i, Similar, cinquefoil.) Same type. The mm. and end of infcription are effaced. Wt. 38 grammes. Bil. 228. 1751. MONETA REIPUBLl : TIGURIN/E Similar, (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. Wt. 4'6 grammes. Bil. 554 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 229. 1753. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA REIPUB : TIGURINAE (mm. ftar of five points.) Same type. Simil ar. BIl 230. Nineteenth Centurv. MONETA REIPUB- TIGURINAE (mm. mullet of fix points.) Same type. Similar ; on an ornament at top of Ihield, B . Bil. Same. 231, 232. 1808. Similar. Bil. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil. 233-235- 1809. Same. Bil. 236-239. 1811. Same : var. mm. mullet of fix points ; beneath, in bafe of ftiield, b . Same. Bil. Zurich. 555 240. Five-Schilling Piece, 1656, Obverfe. • MONETA ■ NOVA • THVRICENSIS • (mm. and points, 2 and 3, cinquefoils.) Lion rampant on pavement ; his left paw refts on fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Reverfe. Within ornamental fixfoil compart- ment, Pro Deo et Pa TRIA- •1656" (points, 2 and 3, cinquefoils.) Wt. 2"9 grammes. Bil. -95. 241-243. 1693. Ornamented oval fhield 5 arms of can- ton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, palm-branch tied below. Within olive-wreath, S. P. Q. T 16 9 3 within bafe of wreath, 5 . Bil. 244. 1697. MONETA NOVA THVRICENSIS Lion rampant on pavement, holding fword in right paw, and refting left on irregular fliield, arms of canton, coloui- indicated by arabefque. Within ornamented border, Pro DEO ET Patria 1697 Bil. 245-247. 1700. MONETA • NOVA- THVRICENSIS ; Similar, (points, cinquefoils.) Same type. Wt. 2-9 grammes. Bil. '95. 248. Same. Same : var. PATRIA- Bil. 556 Catalogue oj Swijs Coins, Obveife. 249-251. 1783. MONETA TURICENSIS- Ornamented oval fhleld ; arms of canton, colour indicated ; fupporter, lion rampant regardant, holding fword over fin. fhoulder ; behind fliield, palm- branches. Reverfe. Within laurel-wreath tied above and the ends united below, V SCHIL= LING 1783 Bil. 252. 1784. Similar. Similar. Bil. 253-257. Schilling of Seventeenth Century. MON : NO : T HVRIC ENSIS Over long crofs fleury, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. • CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS* (points, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle. a. Wt. i'8 gramme. Bil. '8. b. i"7 c. d, e. 1'2 258. Similar. • CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS : (points, I and 2, cinquefoils.) Same type. Wt, -9 gr. Bil. -8. 259. : MON NO: T HVRIC ENSIS Same type ; var. : CIVITATIS • ' • IMPERIALIS : (mm. and point a, cinquefoils.) Same type. Wt. I 'I gramme. Bil. Zurich. 557 260. Obverfe. MON : NO : TH VRICE NSIS Same type. Reverfe. CIVITATIS IMPERIALIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. . BJl. 261. MON : NO : T HVRIC ENSIS Same type. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (point, cinquefoil.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; crown clofed. Wt. I 3 gramme. Bil. • MO NET A NO VA (points, ftars of fix points.) Same type. 262. 1640. THVRICEN • • SIS • 1640 ■ (points, I, 3, 4, and 5, ftars of fix points.) Same type ; var. crown open. Wt. -8 gr. Bil. PRO- PAT RIA' 1725. Similar type. 263, 264. 1725. Within ornamented border, having at bafe olive and palm branches, MON ETA REIPUB. TIGU RIN/E Wt. I'l gramme. Bil. 265. MONET REIP. THURI CENSIS Similar type. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE (mm. trefoil.) Within circle of dots, I SCHIL LING 1725- Bil. 558 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Same. 266. 1730. Reverfe. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE • Within circle of dots, I SCHIL LING 1730 Bil. Same: var. REIP' 267. 1736. I Same : var. mm. ftar of five points. Bil. Same: var. REIP 268. 1739. Same. Bil. 269. MONE REIP THVRI CENSIS Same type. Same. Bil. Same: var. MONET 270-272. 1 7+1. I Same. Bil. 273- 1743' Same. Same. Bil. Zurich, 559 274. Obverfe. I74S- Reverfe. Same. Same : var. Bil. MONE TA'REI THURI Same type. 275. CENSIS Same. Bi]. 276. 17 MONE REIP THURI CENSIS Same type. 47 Same. Bil. Same: var. REIP 277. 1750- Same. Bil. MONE REIPU Same type. 278. 1751. THURI CENSIS Same. Bil. MONETA • NOVA • THVRICENSIS • Lion rampant on pavement, holding orb in right paw and refting left on (hield, arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. KREUZER CLASS. 279. Twelve-Kreu7,er Piece, 1622. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS 1622 (points, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle with nim- bi ; on breaft, within circle, 1 2 Wt. 3*4 grammes, JS.. I'of. 560 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 280. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA • NOVA • THVRICENSIS (points, cinquefoils.) Same type. Same : var. IMPERIALIS . ' (laft point, cinquefoil.) M. 281. Kreuzer of beginning of Sixteenth Century. (With Gothic letters.) MON THVR ICEN SIS SAN TVS KAR LVS On long crofs fourchy, fhield • arms , Crofs pattee faltirewire over long crofs of canton, colour indicated by trellis. pattee. • Wt. -6 gr. Bil. -7. 282. [mjonet: thvricen[sis] (point, annulet.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis ; on either fide, Z V This coin is much worn. SAN[C7VS K]AROLVS (mm. crols pattee.) Crofs fleury, in centre, quatrefoil. Wt. ■7 gr. Bil. "75- 283. MONETA • TVRICENSIS (mm. crofs pattee.) Within double trefoil, ornamented ex- ternally with fleurs-de-lis at cufps, (liield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis. CIVITATIS • IMRERIAL' {fie) (mm. crofs pattee ; point, annulet.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wt. -6 gr. Bil. -65. 284. MONETA • THVRICENSI (mm. crofs pattee.) Similar type. CIVITATIS • IMPERIAL (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Bil. Zurich, 561 Obverfe, Similar. 285. Reverfe. CIVITATIS- IMPERIA (mm. crofs pattee.) Same type. Bil. MON • NO • TVRICENSIS 55 (mm. cinquefoil.) Within trefoil, ornamented externally with annulets at cufps, (hield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis. 286. '555- (With Gothic and Latin letters mixed.) CIVITATIS Same type. IMPERIAL annulet.) (point Bil. MO • NO • TVRICENSIS • 60 (mm crofs ; points, i and 2, annulets.) Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by trellis J above and on either fide, cinquefoil. 287. 1560. (With Latin letters.) CIVITATIS • IMPERIAL (mm. crofs.) One-headed imperial eagle. Bil. 288. Kreuzer of beginning of Seventeenth Century MON : NO : THVRICENSIS (mm. crofs.) Over double trefoil, fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis ; out- fide each cufp of trefoil, pellet. CIVITATIS ■ IMPERIALIS (mm. crofs j point, cinquefoil.) One-headed imperial eagle. Bil. 289. Same : var. mm. cinquefoil ; trefoil, fingle. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (mm. cinque- foil.) One-headed imperial eagle. Bil. s. c. N N 562 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 290, 291. ViERER OF Sixteenth Century. Obverfe. Reverfe. MON : NO : THVRICENSIS (mm. cinquefoil.) Over trefoil, fliield ; arms of canton, reverfed, colour indicated by trellis; outfide each cufp of trefoil, fleur-de-lis. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (mm. cinque- tbl.) Two-headed imperial eagle ; crown, imperial. Wt, -5 gr. Bil, '55. GROSCHEN CLASS. 292. Groschen, containing Three Kreuzers, of 1555. MON • NO • TVRICENSIS • 55 (mm. crofs ; point I, annulet.) Within double trefoil, fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by trellis. CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS (mm. "K •)'. Two-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, orb infcribed 3 Wt. 2*2 grammes. Bil. -85. The mm. on the reverfe is the fymbol of Hans Gutenfon. Same : var. point, pellet. 293- CIVITATIS • IMPERIALIS ■ (mm. ^.) Same type ; var. eagle with nimbi. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. "85. 294, 295. 1556. MON • NO • TVRICENSIS 56 Same type. Same : var. points i and 3 wanting. Bi Same : vnr. TVRICENSIS ■ 57 296. 1557- Same. Bil. Zurich. 563 Obverfe. MON ■ NO ■ TVRICENS ■ 58 (mm. crofs.) Same type. 297. 1558. Same. Rcverfe. Eil. 298. 1560. MON • NO • TVRICENSIS 60 (mm. crofs.) Same type. CIVITATIS • IMPERALI (mm. ^.) Same type. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. -85. RAPPEN CLASS. 299-302. Two-Rappen Piece, 1842. CANTON ZURICH Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque and lines ; behind (hield, oak. and olive branches ; below, D Within oak-wreath, 2 RAPPEN 1842 Wr. -6 gr. Bil. "j. 303-310- Rappen. Seventeenth Century. Over trefoil, having fmall trefoil out- fide each cufp, fliield; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque. Within olive and palm wreath, MON ETA TIGURI NA Wt. -3 gr. Bil. '55- N N 2 564 Catalogue 0/ Swifs Coins, Obverfe. Reverfe. Another coin with fimilar type and infer. Bil. 312. Rappen, containing Three Hallers. Eighteenth Century. Oval fliield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, olive-branches. Within ornamented compartment, 3 HALLER Wt. -3 gr. Bil. 313- Similar (hield ; on either fide, olive and palm branches ? Within fimilar compartment, fame infer, reverfed. Bil. 314-319- Oval fhield ; arms of canton, colour indicated by arabefque ; on either fide, olive and palm branches. Within ornamented compartment, 3 HALLER Bil. 320-335- Sixteen coins of fimilar type with fmaller fliield. Bil. CANTON ZURICH 336, 337- Rappen, 1848. I Within oak-wreath, Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque and lines ; behind Ihield, oak and olive branches ; below, D . 1 RAPPEN 1848 Bi Zurich, 565 MEDALS. A. — City and Canton. I. Building of New Rathhaus, 1698. Ten-Ducat Weight. Obverfe. Reverfe. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE Bird's-eye view of Zurich ; above in clouds, genius flying to right, holding in left hand palm, and in right fhield, arms of canton, reverfed, colour indicated by arabefque. Deo et Patriae Palladian building with high gables ; above, between two palm-branches crofsed at bafe, ornamented oval fhield, arms of canton, reverfed, colour indicated by arabefque; beneath. Curia nova Tig Dedic. IX gal. [ul. MDCXCVIII HIB Wt. 33"8 grammes. N i'65. The U's are in form of fmall letter. By Hans Jacob Bullinger. This medal commemorates the building of the new Rathhaus at Zurich. A copy in gold was given to each member of the Council, and alfo to each of the four minifters, who at that time were preaching at the four principal churches of Zurich. Haller, i. p. 193. 2. Another, in filver; thaler weight. Wt. 28 grammes. M. Zurich and its Bailiwicks. 1714. RESPVBLICA TIGVRINA Within two circles of fliields, the outer Ornamented oval ftiield on bafe ; arms twenty-five, the inner eighteen, colour, of canton, colour indicated ; fupporters, indicated, having ornaments between, lions rampant, the fm. gardant ; the dex. NUMINE holds fword, the fm. palm-branch ; on PROPITIO base, 1714 ir.cufe ; to left, hg • PATRIA FLORET Wt. 43'7 grammes. /R 2*05. By Hans Jacob Gefsner. The fhields on thefe medals bear the arms of the 43 bailiwicks, greater and lefler (Vogteien and Aemter), into which the canton was at this time divided. Thefe 566 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. confifted of the i8 inner Vogteien (whofe armsareon the i8 (luelds of the inner circle), fo called becaafe they were f.tuate neareft the town of Zunch, 13 outer Vogteien which were ftill within the limits of the canton, five others, which were outfide th s boundary, and had to fome extent an autonomy, and, laftly, the feven Aemter, which for purpofes of government were placed upon much the fame footmg as the Vogte.en. Thefe laft three clafses are reprefented upon the outer circle of fluelds. The (luelds are attributed by Haller, i. p. 202, no. 333. Saffron-mongers Festival. 1774- Obverfe. Reverfe. View of the Saffron-mongers Hall at Ziirich ; in exergue, MDCCLXXIV • M< • F I FIDELITATl ET INDUSTRI/C Mercury, wearing chiamys over left (houlder and petafus, holds winged caduceus, and leans on bafe, on which, within laurel -garland, oval fhield, two faffron-flowers faltirewife ; in foreground, cornucopias with money, and fcales ; in exergue, nk • f • Wt. 44 grammes. JR z. By Johann Cafpar Morikofer. This medal was ftruck on the occafion of the firft audit of the Saffron-mongers Company in 1777. Haller, i., p. 196, no. 322. B. — TiR Medals. 5- Federal Tir, 1859. (Weight of Five-Frank Piece.) ZURICH Three ihields, i. Confederation ; a, 3, Ziirich, 2, reverfed, colours indicated in all ; fupporters, lions rampant, on bafe ; in exergue, 5 FRAN KEN By M Korn. EIDGENOSSISCHES FREISCHIES SEN Rifleman, in Swifs hat ornamented with bunch of oak-leaves, ftanding, facing, holding gun, and refling left hand on fword-bayonet ; behind, mountains ; on ground, korn ; in exergue, 1859 Wt. 25 grammes. /R 1*45. Zurich. 567 6. Obverfe. Reverfe. EIDGENOSSISCHES FREISCHIES SEN IN ZURICH; in exergue, 1859 View of camp, with pavilion and chalets, all decorated with pennons, arms of Confederation ; about camp, various people. By Sebald Drentwett. DAS WAR EIN SCHUSS! DAVON WIRD MAN NOCH REDEN IN DEN SPATSTEN ZEITEN. Tell, advancing, wearing plumed hat, arrow in girdle, refting right hand on crofsbow and placing left around his fon, who turning to the left holds up apple pierced by arrow ; in exergue, SEBALD DRENTWETT ^^- 25*4. grammes. White metal, V(,. Boys' Shooting Medal. KNABENSCHIESSEN DER STADT ZURICH Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque and lines; above, mural crown. With ring. UB' AUG' UND HAND FUR'S VATERLAND The young Tell holding apple pierced by arrow in right hand, and refting left on crofsbow ornamented with wreath. Wt. 1 1 '4 grammes. ^R i"2. C. — SCHUL-PFENNINGE AND REWARDS FOR LEARNING. 8,9. 1600. Shield ; arms of canton, colour indi- cated by arabefque ; fupported by two lions rampant, the dex. gardant, which hold above it another ftiield, arms of Empire (two-headed imperial eagle), above which, imperial crown within clofed crown : border of laurel-leaves. Within olive-wreath, S • P- Q- T' LEER GIBT EER ISOO Wt. 4' 5 grammes. Wt. 35 grammes. JS. I. In 1586 it was ordered that each fcholar of the German fchool at Zurich fliould receive every year a medal infcribed LEER GIBT EER. Haller, i. p. 214, no. 366. 568 Catalogue ofSwifs Coins, 10. Ring-Tilting Prize. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA REIPUBLICAE TURI CENSIS (mm. mullet of fix points.) Ornamented oval fhield ; arms of can- ton, colour indicated ; fupported by lion rampant, regardant, holding fword over left fhoulder ; behind fhield, palm-branch. Within ornamental compartment, having at bafe crofsed arms with (hield ot Zurich, S- P- Q'T- LEHR GIBT EHR- Wt. 4.*s grammes. J». 1. This medal was ftruck in 1776, and was prefented to the little boys who, on the (hooting-day, had taken part in the ring-tilting. Haller, i. p. ai8, no. 390. II. For Military Cadets. 1737- PRO ARIS ET FOCIS. Lion rampant on pavement, holding fword and refting left paw on orna- mented oval fhield, arms of canton, colour indicated. Cf. Haller, i. p. 212, no. 360. Within ornamented border, GLORIA IN EXCELSiS DEO 1737 below, fhield; arms of canton, colour indicated ; on either fide of fliield, palm- branch. Wt. 6'4 grammes. JS. I'z. 12. 1765. Similar ; no point. I Similar, I Wt. 6"7 grammes. JR. 1*25. Thefe medals were given to the cadets in the military fchools on the day on which they finiflied their courfe of inftruftion. Zurich. 569 Obverfe. RESPUBLICA TURICENSIS' Truncated column, garlanded and decorated with fhleld ; arms of canton, colour indicated; on the column, hat, fword, and palm-branches ; in front, lion couchant, facing, holding cornucopige, from which fioiits pour out ; in exergue, I . C . MC . F . 13- Reverfe. BENE MERENTI • Minerva feated to left, holding laurel- wreath in extended right hand and refting left arm on vafe placed on her feat, on which is alfo a laurel-wreath j in exergue, i . c . MC . f . Wt. 69*3 grammes, jr. 2'4. By Johann Cafpar Morikofer. This medal appears to have been given to diftinguiflied fcholars Haller, i, p. 201, no. 332, D. — Religious and Moral Medals. 14. (Gulden Weight.) DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE on fcroU. View of Ziirich with fortifications, Lake on the right; above, ifliiing from radiate cloud, angel, bearing palm-branch and fhieid, arms of Ziirich, colour indi- cated by trellis 5 below, ' 120 • (?) incufe. By J. C. Hedlinger. Haller, i. p. 207, no. 347. • IN VNN GLICK VERZAC NID • (Between floral ornaments, f (c"h) • f points I, 2, 4, fleurs-de-lis). In the fea, Fortune, with flowing hair and cloak floating behind, Handing on globe fupported by fhell and holding fail ; in background, on left, flilp, on right, dolphin and landfcape with forti- fications. Wt. 20 grammes. ^ (gilt) 175. 15- SAVLVS • SPIRANS • MINAS • ET • C/EDEM • ADVERSVS • DISCI PVLOS- lESV • I BAT • DAMASCV • (mm. cinquefoil.) Four horfemen and two footmen armed with lances and fwords, and dog, all going to right. PROPE • VRBEM • PROSTRATVS • AVDIVIT • VOCEM : SAVL- SAVL- QVID • ME • PERSE QVERIS ? (mm. cinquefoil). View of Zurich ; in foreground, two proftrate horfes to left, with riders, the firll falling, the fecond fallen ; figure of Chrirtwith gloria appearing from clouds. Wt. 13-8 grammes, m. (gilt) 1-75. This medal is probably the work of Hans Stampfer. It and the previous medal commemorate fome perfecution or controverfy of the Evangelical party. Haller, i. p. 204, no. 342. 57^ Catalogue of Swifs Coins. E. — Reformation- Jubilee M EDALS. ZWINGLIUS. l6. (Double-Ducat Weight •) Obverfe. 1719. Reve rfe. M • HVLDR- ZVINGLIVS REFOR MAJOR • Bull of Zvvingllus to left, wearing cap with peak and gown. INEXTINCTUM Communion-table covered with cloth ; on it, open book inlcrlbed, BIB SAC LIA RA in centre, within panel, C • C • AN • ; above, fun radiate ; beneath, 1719 . ■ Wt. 7 grammes. N "95. (Ducat Weight.) magister hvldricvs ZVINGLI Similar type. LUCE EVANGELII DUOB. S/ECUL. PURE CONSERVATA VOTA PUBLICA CHRISTO DECRETA TIG . CAL . IAN 1719 Wt. 3*5 grammes. N '8. 18. 1819. MAGISTER HULDRICUS ZWINGLI Similar type ; buft to right. LUCE EVANGELII III . S/ECUL. PURE CONSERVATA VOTA PUBLICA CHRISTO DECRETA TIG . CAL . IAN 1819 Wt. 3'5 grammes. A' -8. Zurich. 571 Obverfe, 19. MAGISTER HULDRICUS ZWINGLI • (point, ftar of five points.) Buft of Zwinglius to right, wearing cap with peak and gown; on flioulder, a . Reverfe. LUCE EVANGELII III ■ S'/ECUL: PURE CONSERVATA VOTA PU3LICA CHRISTO DECRETA TIG : CAL : IAN : 1819. Wt. 22 grammes. J&. i'4S. 20. Same: var. ZWINGLI AUF DIE FEVER DER REFORMATION AM I . lENNER 1819 ZURICH Wt. 3*4 grammes. M. "8. 21. Bud of Zwinglius to right, wearing rap with j)eak and gown ; on flioulder, P : B. ULRICH ZWINGLI o ZUM ANDENKEN DER REFORMATION AM III JUBIL- JAN •1819- Wt. 11*3 grammes. a< i-z. Sl'^ Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 22. ZWINGLIUS AND BULLINGER. 1719. Obverfe. Reverfe. MAGlSTER HVLDRICVS ZVINQLI. Buft of Zwingiius to \ left, wearing cap with peak and gown ; on fhoulder, HIG j in exergue, /ET .48 AN . 1531 . By Hans Jacob Gefsner. M. HENRICVS BVLLINGERVS . Buft of BuUinger, three-quarter face to- wards right, bearded, wearing cap with peak, and gown with fur collar. Wt. 22 grammes. J^ i"4.. 23- BULLINGER. M . HENRICVS BVLLINGERVS MDIV Buft of Bullinger, three-quarter face NATVS towards right, bearded, wearing cap BREMOGARDI. with peak, and gown with fur collar. MDXXXI ^ ' ^ SVCCESS: ZVINGLIh PASTOR TIGVRINVS ANNIS • XLIV. OBIIT MDLXXV AET . LXXI. Wt. 22*2 grammes. JS. i'45. The obverfe of this medal and the reverfe of the preceding one are from the fame die. F. — Personal Medals. 24. Conrad Gessner. 1564. CONRADUS GESSNERUS -M-D- ARCHIAT- PROF- PHYS-TIGURIN Buft of Gefsner to right, bearded. Shield} arms of Gefsner family, quar- wearing cap with peak, brocaded gown, terly, i, gu., dolphin haurient proper; and ruff; on flioulder, HIG . 2, arg., eagle difplayed, gu. ; 3, arg., lion rampant, gu. ; 4, gu., eel haurient proper, in mouth emerald ring ; creft, clofed helmet with lambrequin, crefted with demi-fwan difplayed, feme of ftars; MUNIFIC-AUG- in exergue, ..j^g^. (point on either fide of date, trefoil). Wt. IS' 3 grammes. J&. i 35. By Hans Jacob Gefsner. Haller, i. p. 123. Zurich. ^IZ Obverfe. 25. Reverfe. Same. Same." K.. 1-35. 26. Heinrich Escher. I7I0 HENRICUS /ESCHERUS CONSUL REIP- TIGURIN/E Buft of Efcher to right, in wig, wearing flcuU-cap, bands, and official robes } on (houlder, hg NON By Hans Jacob Gefsner. Heinrich Efcher was burgomafter at Ziirich in 1678. EST MORTALE QUOD OPTO. Hope, wearing diadem, feated to left; in raifed right hand flie holds flower, her left arm refts on fhield, arms of Efcher family ; at her feet, globe and fafces ; in the background, landfcape ; above, rays ifTuing from clouds ; in ex- ergue, /ET- LXXXIV- COS- XXXII • OB • M • D CC . X- Wt. 43*2 grammes, js. i'85. Haller, i. p. 112, no. 185. RUDOL . BRUN MILES PRIMUS MAGISTER CIVIUM Buft of Brun to right, bearded, head bare, wearing ruff, robe, collar of order, and cloak; beneath fhoulder, HIG; be- neath buft, • 1736 • 27. Rudolph Brun. 1736. Within circle, formed by thirteen ftiields, arms of the thirteen guilds of Zurich, establiflied in 1336, FUNDAMENTUM REIPUB • TIGURIN/E Altar or table with centre panel on which fhield, arms of Ziirich, colour indicated by arabefque ; on it, open book or charter, ... .,.-.., EID ZUR . with large feal, mlcnbed, gRj^p |qh ' beneath, MCCCXXXVI . Wt. 44 grammes. JS. i"9. Hall er, 1. p. 93, no. 151, 574 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 28. J, J, BODMER. 1783. Reverfe. Undraped biift of Bodmer to right ; beneath, BOLTSCHAVS • f« Within laurel-wreath, BODMERO PATRl IVVENT . ACADEM ■ TVRICENSIS MDCCLXXXlll- m i'6. J. J. Bodmer, who was born at Zurich in 1698, obtained in 1725 the chair of hiftory at his univerfity. This port he filled till his death in 1783. He was the author of many works both in profe and poetry. THE HELVETIC REPUBLIC. 11 F 1 p 1 i N Jan. 1798 the troops of the French Republic invaded Swit- zerland, and finally defeated the troops of Bern at Grauholz. This vi6lory was the death-blow of the old Swifs Confedera- tion. Switzerland was entirely in the power of France, which at once propofed a new form of government bafed on the fame principles as her own. The form of government thus thruft upon Switzerland under the title of the Helvetic Republic was democratic, and confifted of three central powers, viz., a fenate, a general council exercifmg the legiflative power, and a directory of five controlling the executive power. The country itfelf was divided into twenty-two cantons, each under the immediate control of a prefe6l, a cantonal tribune, and an adminiftrative chamber. France at the fame time guaranteed to the Republic its independence and prote6lion againft foreign powers. Coinage. — Thefe events gave rife to the ifTue of a new coinage. On the 20th January 1798, it was ordered by the Council that a new filver coinage, to be current over the whole Republic, fhould be ftruck, bafed on the fame ftandard as that of France and following the decimal fyftem, but the coins to be of the fame denominations as thofe of Bern, viz., of 40, 20, ic, and 5 Batzen. In confequence of this refolution the following coinage was iflued : — jj /R 15 " J5 ~ JJ ~ Bil - 51 ~ The mint-places were Bern, Bafel, and Solothurn, which are diftin- guifhed on the coins by the letters B, BA, and S, refpedively. By the A double Piftol e of 32 Franks A fingle 5> » 16 „ A piece of 40 Batzen. 20 •)•> 10 55 5 55 I 1 55 2 55 I E Lappen, 57^ Catalogue of Swifs Coins. aa of mediation of Napoleon in 1803 all the cantons were again accorded the privilege of ifluing feparate coinages. Jrms.— The fhield taken by the Helvetic Republic, or rather im- pofed upon it by the French, was analogous to the banner of France, being a tricolour of gu., or, and vert. This was abolifhed with the uniform conftitution. GOLD COINS. FRANK CLASS. I. Double Pistole, or Thirty-two-Frank Piece, 1800. Obverfe. Reverfe. HELVETISCHE REPUBLIK Warrior in drefs of fixteenth century, wearing three-plumed Swifs hat, and with two-handed fword at fide, facing towards right ; he holds in right hand Confederation banner, and refts left againft thigh ; in exergue, b Within hoop, of fafces, entwined with oak, 32 FRANKEN 1800 Wt. 1 5'4 grammes. JV i"o5. Same. 2. Pistole, or Sixteen-Frank Piece, 1800. Same : var. 16 . Wt. 7*7 grammes. JV 'Ss. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. HELVETISCHE REPUBLIK (Between words, two crofsed oak-branches.) Warrior to left, wearing hat with three plumes ; in right hand he holds flag (tricolour of Confederation), and with left grafps the hilt of his two- handed fword ; on ground to left, s ; in exergue, 1799 By D. A. Stedelin ? Four-Frank Piece, 1799. Within cylindrical hoop, entwined with two oak-branches, 4 FRANKEN B Wt. 33 grammes. ^ i'65. Helvetic Republic, S7 i-i Obverfe. 4- 1801. Reverfe. Same. Within hoop, of bent fafces, entwined with oak-branches, 4 FRAN KEN The firft of thefe two pieces appears to be a pattern. B Wt, 29 grammes. JS. vG. THALER AND BATZEN CLASS. Thaler, containing Forty Batzen, of 1798. Within oak-wreath, 40 BATZEN HELVET: REPUBL: Warrior facing, wearing hat with three plumes; in right hand he holds flag dire6led over right flioulder, and his left refts upon his hip ; he is armed with two- handed fword ; on ground, to right, h ; in exergue, 1798. By J. F. Huber. Wt. 29*5 grammes, ys. 1'^. 6. Half-Thaler, containing Twenty Batzen, of 1798. Similar. Within oak-wreath, 20 BATZEN Wt. 14*6 grammes. At. 1*3. 7-9- Quarter-Thaler, containing Ten Batzen, of 1799. HELVETISCHE REPUBLIK (Between words, two oak-branches crofsed.) Warrior to left, wearing hat with three plumes ; in right hand he holds flag, and with left grafps the hilt of his two- handed Avordj in exergue, 1799. Within hoop, entwined with oak- wreath, 10 BATZEN — o — Wt. B 7' 5 grammes. M. vi. s. c. o o 578 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Similar. 10, II. Five-Batzen Piece, 1799- Obverfe. Reverfe. Within hoop, entwined with oak- wreath, BATZEN B Wt. 4"7 grammes. Bil. '95. 12, 13. Batzen, containing Ten Rappen, of 1799 Within oak-wreath, HELVET. REPUBL. 10. Within border of leaves and ftars, 1 BATZEN 1799 Wt. 2'7 grammes. Bil. '95. 14. Within oak-wreath, Similar; with border of leaves and HELVET: REPUBL. cinquefoils. 10 beneath wreath, b Bil. 15. 1802. Similar. Similar. HELVET. REPUBL. 10 Bil. 16. 1803. Same. Same. Helvetic Republic. 579 17-19. Half-Batzen, containing Five Rappen, of 1799. Obverfe. Reverfe, Within two oak-branches, HELVET REPUBL Within floral wreath, 1 BATZEN 1799 Wt. 2*3 grammes. Bil. '%^. 20. 1802. Same ; var. Similar: 1802 . HELVET. REPUBL. 5 21, 22. 1803. Same. Similar: 1803 23- Happen, 1800. HELVET. REPUBL . Within oak-wreath. In field, HI ; above, hat with three umes; beneath, two olive-branches. 1 RAPPEN 1800 Bi Bi Bil. -6. 24. HELVET : REPUBL : Fafces furmounted by iiat with three plumes; on either lide, olive-branch. Similar. Bil o o ?• 580 Catalogue of S'.vi/s Coins. Obrerie.* Similar. 25, 26. iSci. Reverie. Similar. Bil. 27-29. 1802. Same. Same. Bil THE SWISS CONFEJ3ERATION. HE following is the form of government for Switzerland adopted in the year 1848. The legiflative power is J§. vefted in a Federal Afsembly, confifting of the " Confeil ^ F^jfj National " and the " Confeil des EtatI" A " Confeil ^Om^ Federal," confifting of a Prefident of the Afsembly and fix members, forms the executive government. This " Confeil " is triennial, and is elefted by the Federal Afsembly. By Article 36 of the Conftitution, the Confederation is alone to exercife the right of ifluing money, the cantons ceafing to ftrike any more coins. In virtue of this Article it was decided by the Afsembly on the 7th May 1850 to ftrike a uniform coinage for the whole of Switzerland, and to make the whole fyftem, both as regards weight and denomina- tion, identical with that exifting in France. A. Bovy, the coin-engraver, was commiffioned to prepare the neceflary defigns. The following are the coins iflued under this order : — JR — 5 franks ; 2 franks ; 1 frank ; and -}j frank. Bil — 20 centimes ; 10 centimes ; and 5 centimes. JE — 2 centimes, and i centime. (The centime is alfo called a rappen.) During 1850-51 the filver and copper coins were ftruck at Paris and the billon at Strafburg. They bear the mint-marks of thofe towns, A or BB. At the prefent time the mint is at Bern. jfrms. — Gu., a crofs argent. Red has long been the national colour of the Swifs, and was the colour of the uniform worn by Swifs foldiers in the fervice of foreio-n countries, as we may fee from the Suifses in French churches, &c., at the prefent day. It is fuppofed to have been originally introduced on the banner of the early Scandinavian fettlers in Switzerland. Red is now the colour of the Danebrog, the national banner of Denmark, and the Danifh uniform, like the Englifti, is alfo red. 582 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, SILVER, BILLON, AND COPPER COINS. FRANK CLASS. I. Five-Frank Piece, 1850. Obverfe. HELVETIA Helvetia, feated to left, wearing wreath and clofe-fitting robe and mantle over her knees; /he points with right hand to Alps, and refts left on fhield, arms of Confederation, colour indicated; behind, plough and ears of corn ; near edge, on left, A • BovY ; in exergue, hand, and dog's head to right. Reverfe. Within wreath of oak and rhododen- dron ferrugineum, 5 Fr. 1850 beneath wreath, a Wt. 25 grammes, jr 1*45. Same. 2. 1851. Same. JR. Same. Two-Frank Piece, 1850. Within wreath of oak and rhododen dron ferrugineum, 2Fr. 1850 beneath wreath, a Wt. 10 grammes, ^ I'l. 4. 18 60. Same : var. no engraver's name in Similar ; beneath wreath, b field ; in exergue, korn By M. Korn ; the B Is the mint-mark of Bern. JR. Swifs Confederation. 583 5> 6. Pattern, i860. Obverfe. Reverfe. Within circle of twenty-two ftars of five points, ornamental quatrefoil ; arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; be- neath, A . BOVY Within wreath of oak and rhododen- dron ferrugineum, 2 FRANCS , 1860 This coin was executed by A. Bovy in accordance with an order of the Federal Council given in i860. As the defign did not pleafe the Council, the coin was never in circulation, and only a few efsays were ftruck. The type eventually adopted was that of which no. 4 is an example, for which the figure of Helvetia was re- touched, and the coin figned by M. Korn, chief engraver at Bern. HELVETIA Helvetia feated to left, wearing wreath and clofe-fitting robe and mantle over her knees ; (he points with right hand to Alps, and refts left on fhield, arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; behind, plough and ears of corn ; near edge, on left, A. BOVY ; in exergue, hand, and dog's head to right. Frank, 1850. Within wreath of oak and rhododen- dron ferrugineum, IFr. 1850 beneath wreath, a Wt. 5 grammes. Js. '9. 8. 1851. Same. Same. iK. 9- i860. Same : var. no artift's name in field j in exergue, korn Similar ; beneath wreath, b Jfi. 584 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 10. 1861. Obverfe. Reverfe. Same, Same. iR. II. Half-Frank Piece, 1850. HELVETIA Helvetia feated to left, wearing wreath and clofe-fitting robe and mantle over her knees ; fhe points with right hand to Alps, and refts left on (hield, arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; behind, plough and ears of corn ; near edge, on left, A. EOVY ; in exergue, hand, and dog's head to right. Within wreath of oak and rhododen- dron ferrugineum, Fr. 2 1850 beneath wreath, a Wt. 2*5 grammes. J&. '7. 12. 1851. Same. Same. M. Piece of Twenty Centimes, or Rappen, 1850. HELVETIA Shield ; arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; behind ftiield, branches of rhododendron ferrugineum j beneath, ■ 1850 • (points, bee, and dog's head to right.) By Hugues Bovy. Within wreath of rhododendron ferru- gineum, 20 beneath wreath, ib Wt. 3'3 grammes. Bil. '85. Swifs Confederatio?2, 585 14. 1858. Obveife. Reverfe. Same : var. no points on either fide of date. Same : var. beneath wreath, B Bil. Same. 15, 16. 1859. I Saine. I Bil. 17, 18. Piece of Ten Centimes, or Rappen, 1850. Within oak-wreath, HELVETIA Shield j arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; behind fliield, branches of oak; beneath, • 1850 • (points, bee, and dog's head to right.) 10 beneath wreath, m Wt. 2*5 grammes. Bil. "75, 19-22. Piece of Five Centimes, or Rappen, 1850. Same: var. behind ftiield, ears of corn Within vine-wreath. beneath wreath, m Wt. I '7 gramme. Bil. •65. 23^ 24. Piece of Two Centimes, or Rappen, 1850. HELVETIA Shield; arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; above, hat with three plumes ; on either fide, laurel and oak branches ; beneath, ■ 1850 • (points, hand, and dog's head to right.) Within laurel-wreath, 2 beneath wreath, a JE. 8. 586 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. 25. 1851. Reverfe. Same. Same. JE. Same, 26-29. Centime, or Rappen, 1850. Within olive-wreath, 1 beneath wreath, a m '65, PATTERNS AND PROOFS FOR NEW COINAGE. I. Four-Frank Piece, 1855. CONFEDERATION SUISSE Female bull (Swifs Confederation) to left, draped, head bound with broad fillet 5 beneath, a . bovy PRESSE MONETAIRE • M . L . BOVY A GENEVE (points, i and 2, quatrefoils.) Within wreath of laurel and oak, ESSAI 1855 IS. I 's> 2. Twenty-Centime Piece, 1855. CONFED. SUISSE Same type 5 artift's name wanting. PRESSE MONETAIRE • M . L . B A GENEVE Within wreath of laurel and oak, ESSAI 1855 JE -65. Ten-Centime Piece, 1850. HELVETIA Between ears of corn and oak-branch, united with band, Confederation crofs radiate, with double border. Confederation crofs with double bor- der ; on either fide, 10 0?; beneath, 1850 Bil. 75- Swifs Confederation, 587 (With types of" French coinage.) Twenty-Frank Piece, 1851. Obverfe. Reverfe. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE f Female head to right, wearing neck- lace earring and wreath of corn and oak 5 before head, laurel-branch ; be- hind, fafces with hand ; above, ftar of fix points; beneath, l . merley . F . • MONNAIE SUISSE • ESSAI (points, ftars of five points.) In centre, 1851 Bil. -8. Ten-Frank Piece, 1851. Same : var. beneath head, l. merley . Same. Bil.-75- 6. Frank, 1851. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE . Female head to left, wearing neck- lace and wreath of flowers olive and oak ; head bound with fillet appearing in front and infcribed CONCOR ; above, ftar of fix points ; beneath, P . A . OUDIN^ . F . Same. Bil. -95. Centime, 1851. ■ REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE • Head of Liberty to left, hair long, wearing Phrygian cap ; beneath, • DUPRE • Same, Bil. -65. MEDALS. A.— FOUNDATION OF THE SWISS CONFEDERATION. Thaler Weight. I. Obverle. Reverfe. Infcrlption in two lines : , (Outer line) WILHELM TELL VON VRE • STOVFFACHER_ VO" SCHWYTZ • ERNI VO V^D ERWALD • (laft point, crols.) (Inner line)- ANFANG • DESS PVNTZ ■ IM lAR . CHRISTI ■ 1296 • (firft point, crofs.) The three founders of the Swifs Confederation (Tell, StoufFacher, and Erni) taking oath of independence; they hold each other's right hands ; the one on right wears coat of mail and helmet, and holds in left hand helmet ; he is alfo armed with fliort fword ; the one on left wears jerkin and cap, and holds fhort fword in left hand ; the centre figure, facing, wears breaftplate, coat of mail, and helmet ; beneath, in exergue, ts, between floral ornaments. By Hans Stampfer (died 1585). Cf., Haller, i., p. 5, no. 6. Two circles of fhields ; the outer one confifts of thirteen fhields, arms of the following cantons, Ziirich, Bern, Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Zug, Glarus, Bafel, Freiburg, Solothurn, Appenzell, and Schaff haufen ; the inner one, of feven flrields, arms of the allies, St. Gallen (abbey) Chur,St. Gallen (city), Rothweil, Wallis, Biel, and Miihlhaufen ; colours in both circles frequently indicated by ara- befques; in the centre is the Confederation crofs ; under each fhield of the outer circle is a number indicating its order. Wt. 29" I grammes. /R vj. Medals. 589 Obverfe. 2. Infcriptlon in two lines : (Outer line) WILHELM • TELL • VON • VRE • STOVFFACHER • VON ■ SCHWYTZ ■ ERNI ■ VON • VND ERWALD ■ (laft point, ciofs.) (Inner line) • ANFANG • DESS PVNTZ IM • lAR • CHRIST! • 1296 • (points, I, 5, and 6, crofses.) Same type j var. helmet of centre figure furmounted by crofs ; in exergue, T between floral ornaments. Reverfe. Same : var. circle of dots between fliields ; numbers wanting. Wt. 27"6 grammes, m. i"6. Same. This medal appears to be a caft. Same. Wt. 127 grammes. j& id. 4- (With Gothic letters.) Eighteenth Century. DER ERSTE EIDGENOSISCHE : : BVNDT . The three founders of the Confedera- tion taking oath of independence; they all wear drefs of the 17th century, and raife their right hands, having the third and fourth fingers clofed ; the centre figure holds fword with left hand, the other two, hats. Within border of many foils, DA DEMVTH WEINT VND HOCHMVTH LACHT . DA WARD DER SCHWEIZER BUNDT GEMACHT. 1296 . (points, trefoils.) This medal is the work of Hans Jacob Gefsner. !£.. I ■4. Halle r, 1. P- 5) no. 5- 1823 The three founders of the Confederation taking oath of independence j they grafp each other's left hands and raife right, the third and fourth fingers being clofed ; on right, hat and cloak on rock ; in the background, landfcape ; in exergue, GRUTLI DEN XVII NOV^ MCCCVIII on edge of exergue, on left, A . BOVY F . DER GEIST VNSRER VATER SEY MIT UNS Trophy of twenty-two flags, with arms of cantons, colours indicated ; before them in centre. Confederation flag, colour indicated ; above, in clouds, liirrounded by glory. Confederation crofs ; on right, L . FOURNIER. in exergue, LANGENTHAL DEN 18 JULI 1822 l^ 1-8. 590 Catalogue of Six: if s Coins. Obverfe. 6. 1836. IN DER EINTRACHT DIE KRAFT Shield ; arms of Confederation, colour indicated ; above, fun radiate ; beneath, HB ; on either fide, laurel and oak branches : border ornamented with wreath of acoms. By Hugues Bovy. Reverfe. BUNDESFEST • ZU ■ DAVOS 1836 (points, I, ftar of fix points, 2 and 3, floral ornaments,) Above, di\'ine eye in radiate triangle. R 1-6. Jubilee Medal of the Eidgenossenfest held at Zurich in 1851 (Zurich, Luzern, Schwyz, Unterwalden, and Uri). In centre, fhield j amis of Zurich, colour indicated by arabelque and lines ; around it are arranged on oak-wreath the four fhields of Luzern, Schwyz, Un- terwalden, and Uri, colours indicated. Within laurel-wreath, DER STADT ZURICH EWIGER BUND MIT DEN EIDGENOSSEN. I . MAI MCCCLI JUBELFEIER MDCCCLI Wt. 38-8 grammes. .« i'6. This medal was ftruck to commemorate the fifth centenary of the entry of Ziirich into the Confederation. 8. TiR Medal. Thaler Weight. 18+4. EIDGENOSSISCHES FREISCHIES SEN 1844 ZU BASEL Knight in armour, holding broken fvvord, and Confederation banner, falling backwards on (hield ornamented with fafces which is placed on funeral pyre ; in exergue, ST : lACOB AN DER BIRS 26 AUGUST 1444 A . BOVY . SO . DER SCHILD ZERBROCHEN . DAS SCHWERT ENTZWEI . DAS BANNER IN STERBENDER HAND . TRIUMPH DAS VATERLAND BLEIBT FREI . GOTT SEGNE DAS VATERLAND . Around, nine (hields, arranged in circle, amis of Bern, Luzern, Uri, Schwp, Unterwalden, Zug, Glarus, Solothurn, and Bafel (order from dex. to fin.), colours indicated. Wt. 28"i grammes. & 1*45. Medals. 591 Obverfe. Reverfe. Same. Same. R. 1-45. B.— ALLIANCES OF CANTONS. 10. Alliance between Zurich, Bern, and Geneva, 1586. Thaler Weight. Viflory facing, with wings fpread, her hair bound with fillet ; with extended hands fhe holds two fliields, between which is a third ; centre fliield, arms of Bern,dex., arms of Zurich, reverfed, fin., Geneva. Haller, i., p. 30, no. 42. This medal has been gilt, and is a fine chafed. Within vaulted chamber fupported in centre by column, an old man feated on couch, furrounded by his fix fons ; with both hands he breaks a flick ; one of his fons on left does the fame, whilft another tries to break a bundle of (licks on a ftep ; the other four fons on the right look on. Wt. a8"5 grammes, jr. (gilt) a. fpecimen of goldfmith's work, call and II. Treaty between Zurich and Graubundten, 1707. Gulden lUNGIT FOEDERA PACTA FIDES • (point, ftar of five points.) Two armed female figures with right hands clafped ; the dex. reds left hand on circular fhield, arms of Ziirich, colour indicated j the fin. refts left hand on fhield, arms of the Three Leagues (Graubundten) ; between them, on altar, treaty with four feals; in the back- ground, mountains and lake. Haller, i., p. 59, no. 93. Weight. MONUMENTUM ILLUSTR . REIP . TICURINAE CUM ILLUSTR . REP . TRIUM FOEDERUM RHAETORUM CONFOEDERATIONIS CELEBRATAE . TIGURI D . V . MAIl MDCCVII . Wt.20 grammes, Ja i'55» 592 Catalogue of Siclfs Coi?is, C— CANTONS IN ALLIANCE WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 12. Baptismal Medal of Claudia, Daughter, of Henry II. of France, 15+8, PRESENTED BY THE CONFEDERATE CaNTONS. Obverle. In centre, draped hand radiate, holding ends of circular chain or band, to which are attached the fhields of the thirteen cantons ; above each ihield, label bearing name of the canton ; beneath, number indicating its order : the fliields are arranged as follows, ZVRICH ; BERN; LVCERN ; VRY; SCHWYTZ ; VNDERWALDEN ; ZVG ; GLARVS ; BASEL ; FRYBVRG; TVRN ; SCHAFHVSEN ; APPENZEL; colours partly indicated by arabefques ; between each pair of fliields, fleur-de-lis. Reverie. In centre, two genii (dex. male, fin. female), holding Confederation crofs, infcribed, S I D E V S QVIS CON • TRANOS N O B 1 S C V M Around, branches interlaced forming leven compartments, in each of which, fliield furmounted by label bearing name ; fliields of the feven allies, H ■ APT — S • GALEN; (the arms of the abbey quartered with thole of Diet- helm Blarer von Wartenlee, Abbot, 1530-1564) ; S ■ GALLEN • D • DRY ■ BVNT • WALLIS • ROTWYL • MVL HVSEN • BIEL- ; colours partly indi- cated. Wt. 69- 1 grammes. ^ 3. The fliield of the Abbey of St. Gallen is remarkable not only for the prefence of St. Callus's arms, but aUb for the bears being collared as on the arms of the city. This medal is of goldlmiths' work, caft and chafed, by Hans Jacob Stampfer. It is a copy of the medal aiSlually prefented to the princefs, which was of gold and ot the weight of 300 crowns. Two others, each of the weight of 50 crowns, were ftruck for her fponfors. (Haller, i., p. ao, no, 30 ) Medals. 593 13- Alliance between France and Switzerland, 1663. Obverfe. Reverfe. • LVD • Xllll • D • G • FR'ET- NAV- REX- Buft of Louis XIV. to right, hair long, wearing cloak and armour with Gorgon's head on breaft. Haller, i., p. 49, no. 76. NVLLA DIES SVB ME NATOQVE H/EC FOEDERA RVMPET Altar adorned with cloth embroidered with fubjeft of the Afl'umption ; on it, open book and crucifix ; to left, the King Louis XIV. and Infant Prince, robed and crowned, the former with his left hand refting upon the altar; to right, ambafTadors, the firft of whom refts right hand upon the altar; above, the Dove rad'ate ; in exergue, ■ FOEDERE HELVETICO ■ INSTAURATO • • MDCLXIII • Wt. 771 grammes, al i'lf. 14- Same, Same : var.,' RVMPET • ; King and Prince to right of altar, ornamented with crofs; the King places right hand on altar ; the ambafladors ftand to left, and the foremoft places his right hand on altar ; above, curtain ; in exergue, fame infer. ; date larger. Wt. 63-9 grammes. j&. 2-2. Thefe medals were ftruck for prefentation to each of the Swifs ambafladors by the King of France. In gold the weight was 18 doubloons. The firft of thefe medals was cancelled becaufe the King was placed on the left fide of the altar. (Haller, i. p. 50, no. 75.) 15- Alliance between Zurich, Bern, and Strasburg. Half-Thaler Weight. 1588. MAIORVM LIBERTATI TVEND/C • FOEDER • Irregular fliield ; arms of Strafburg, • CVM • arg. a bend, gu., colour indicated ; fup- TIGVRI • ET BER porter, lion fin., rampant regardant. NAT • INITI HOC MNHMOIINON • SPQA • FF • •15 • 88 • points, 1, 2, 5-12, diamonds, 3 and 4, cinquefoils. Wt. 14' 1 grammes, a vf,. Haller, i., p. 3*, no. 46, s.c. p p 594 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, i6. Alliance between Venice, Zurich, and Bern. 1706. Obverfe. Reverfe. QVOS TRINVS IVNXIT FOEDERE ,. . • FIRMET- , . , ,„ (in exergue) ^mOR (PO'"":^' '^'^e- foils.) Three Hiields ; centre, arms of Venice, lion of St. Mark towards dex., nimbate, holding book and fword ; dex., arms of Ziirich, reverfed, colour indicated ; fupporter, lion rampant, fin., holding fword in left paw ; fin., arms of Bern, colour indicated ; fupporter, lion rampant, dex., holding fword in right paw. This medal is the work of Hans Jacob Gefsner. Haller, i., p. 58, no. 92. ser-reip- VENET/E CVM • ILL- REB • P- P- TICVR • ET ■ BERN RENOV- FOEDERIS MONVMENTVM 1706 Wt. 5" 5 grammes, M i. 17- Alliance between Venice and Graubundten. Thaler Weight. 1603. Within wreath of flowers, all in one direftion, above to right, three orna- mented oval fhields united ; (centre) arms of Grifons ; (dex.) Gotteshausbund ; (fin.) Zehengerichtenbund. Wt. 27*2 grammes. M. i'6. In the third flrield the favage is the charge inftead of the fupporter. Haller, ii., p. 182, no. 1805. Within floral wreath, lion of St. Mark paflant gardant ; behind, waves ; be- neath, triple orb furmounted by crofs ; in exergue, ' 1603 ■ 18. 1706. Same : var. wreath of laurel ; no orb ; in exergue, 1706 . Haller, ii., p. 187, no. 18 15. Same : var. wreath of laurel, all in one direflion, above to left.. Wt. 7'5 grammes. N vo^. Medals, 595 19. Thaler Weight. Obverfe. Similar, Reverfe. Same: var. wreath, floral. Wt. 27- grammes, js. vd^. D. —Historical Medals. 20. War with the Duke of Burgundy and Battle of Murten, 14.76. (Used as Tir-Medal, 1843.) View of the town of Murten ; behind, lake and landfcape ; above, three fhields (2, i), the firft two oval, arms of Bern and Freiburg, colours indicated ; above, open crown 5 on either fide, palm- branches ; the third fliield, which is fufpended by ribbon, arms of Murten, colour indicated ; in exergue, • MVRATVM • (points, trefoils.) In four circular lines the infcription, CAROLI INCLYTi ET FORTISSIMI BVRGVNDI/E DVCIS EXERCITVS MVRATVM OBSIDENS AB HELVET= IIS C/CSVS • HOC SVI MONVMEN TVM RELI QVIT ■ A-^ MCCCCLXXVI- Mortuary chapel j in exergue, OSSVARVM DE CLADE BVRGVND : AD MVRATVM . On edge: SCHUTZEN GESELLSCHAFT VON MURTEN 1843 . Wt. 34."8 grammes. JS. i'5. This medal has a ring for fufpenfion, which appears to have been attached after the infcription on the edge was engraved. The medal itfelf dates from before the publication of Mailer's work, 1781. Cf. Haller, i., p. 11, no. 18. 21. Toggenburger War. 1712. HOC DVCE PVGNAMVS- Two ftiields ; arms of Zurich and Bern, colours indicated ; fupporter of firft, lion rampant holding fword ; fup- porter of fecond, bear rampant alio hold- ing fword ; above, fun with many rays ; beneath, hio. VNITI CRESCVNT SPLENDORE LEONES ET VRSI Ornamented cuirafs, from arms of which, and behind which, feven banners of the conquered territories ; around cuirafs, a trophy of implements of war j in exergue, MDCCXII . Wt. 44-8 grammes. jtL r^. This medal, by Hans Jacob Gefsner, is very rare. Haller, i., p. 61, no. 95. p P t 596 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 22. Peace of Aarau confirmed. 1718. Obverfe. Reverfe, Three ornainented oval fliields, Bern, Zurich, and St. Gallen (Abbey), colours indicated, united by bands held by two clafped and draped hands iffuing from clouds ; in exergue, PAC . BAD . CONCL . ET . SIGN TIG . ET . BERN . CVM . ABB S. GALLI • D15 ■ IVN 1718- Haller, i., p, 63, no. 100. Minerva feated, looking to right ; (he holds olive-branch and palm, and refts left arm on low column j around her on ground, various implements of war; be- hind, landfcape ; above, in femi-circle, feven (hields, arms of Unterwalden, Uri, Bern, Zurich, Luzern, Schwyz, and Zug, colours indicated ; in exergue, PAC . AROV . HELV . CONCI ET. SIGN . DD.18 . lUL 9 . ET . 11 . AVG 1712. Wt. 22" grammes. /& i"45. 23- Peace of Baden. 1714. CAROLVS VI • D • G ■ ROM • IMP • SEMP • AVG (points, triangles.) Buft of Emperor to right, laureate, draped, and wearing long wig ; beneath, By G. W. Veftner. Haller, i., p. 65, no. 105 Infcription in two lines : (Outer line) PRIMVS AQVAS FAVS TVS GENIVS MOVET INDE SAL VTEM. (Inner line) ET LAETAM PACEM BALNEA SANA TRA HVNT. Pool of Siloam, over which flies angel to left ; the pool is furrounded by low baluftrade, infcribed lOH • V X/ • II • , and lofty portico ; in exergue, PAX BADENS. 7 -SEPT. 1714. Wt. 22'6 grammes. M 1*7. Medals. 597 24. Dissolution of the Sonderbund. (Tribute to General Dufour.) »H7. Obverfe. LA SUISSE LIBERALE VICTORI EUSE Minerva (landing, facing, on proftrate demon, who holds dagger and flaming torch ; fhe holds olive-branch in left hand, and with right grafps that of winged genius advancing towards her ; between them, (liield, arms of Confedera- tion, colour indicated ; behind, fevcn flags ; in exergue, PAIX UNION FRATERNITE (lower line curved downwards.) Reverfe. Infcription in two circles ; (Outer circle)' DIETE HELVETIQUE- {fic) ARMEE FEDERALE . DUFOUR GENL EN CHEF (points, ftars of five points.) (Inner circle) ARRETES DU 20 JUIL : DU II AOUT DU 24 OCT: ET DU 4 NOV: j.sieber f: In centre, 1847. NOVEMBRE FRIBOURG 14 ZUG 21 LUCERNE 24 UNTERWALD 25 • SCHWITZ 27 URI 27 VALAIS 29 H- I "4. 25. LE GENERAL DUFOUR COM MANDT EN CHEF L'ARMEE FEDERALE Bull to left in uniform, wearing orders ; below, A . BOVY ■ LE PEUPLE SUISSE A L'ARMEE FEDERALE • NOV • 1847 (points, I, 2, quatrefoils.) Between laurel-branches, crofsed above, L'ARMEE A BIEN MERITE DE LA PATRIE above, Confederation crols. IS. I -45. 598 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obverfe. E. — Personal Medals. 26. Daniel Bernouilli. Thaler Weight. Reverfe. DANIEL BERNOUILLI Buft of Bernouilli to left, draped ; be- neath, in monogram, abr. MARIS ET CCELI MENSOR On fea-fliore, obfervatory in fliape of tower, upon which, quadrant ; in the diftance, fhip in full fail ; in exergue, NAT • MDCC- Wt. 28*6 grammes, jr. i"6. By Jacob Abramfon, of Berlin. Haller, i., p. 88, no. 141. 27. John Calvin. (Reformation-Jubilee Medal, 1835.) CALVINVS NATVS ECCLESI/E - REFORMATOR - lOHANNES NOVIODVNI • 1509 • MORTVVS GENEV>t • 1564- Buft of Calvin to left, bearded, wearing cap, and gown with fur collar j before, A . BOVY P • GENEV/E ■ PASTOR - ET - TVTA MEN i CORPORE - FRACTVS : ANIMO - POTENS : FIDE - VIC TOR: Pulpit with Gothic canopy and fcreen on either fide ; canopy of pulpit fupported by two columns dividing field into three compartments, within which iL COME QVI TEINT S' IL EST FER- EVSTVEV INVISI- -ME CELVY -BLE on pulpit, two fiuelds, infcribed HEBR ■ XI • 27 ; beneath, to_ left, GENEV • JVBIL • j to right, AN ■ 1835 • /E 4.-3. Medals, 599 28. Samuel Frisching. 1716. Obverfe. Reverfe. SAM • FRISCHING • CONS ■ & DUX ■ SUP- COH • REIP- BERN • Bull to right in wig, wearing armour and Icarf ; on edge of flioulder, hig . VICTORIA VICTORIAM Seated female figure towards left, point- ing to the fun radiate, and holding anchor, with her right foot (lie ftrikes a globe, her left arm refts on bafe, againft which is placed an oval ftiield, or, a fheep, and on a label occupying its upper border, lEHOVA PASTOR MEUS ; above, Viflory riying left, holding palm and wreath; in exergue, MDCCXVI. Wt. i9"9 grammes. yR i'9. By Hans Jacob Gefsner. Haller, i., p. 119, no, 199. 29. WiLHELM FroHLICH. 1552. WILHELM • FROHLICH -/ETATIS AN SV/E 48 (points, cinquefoils.) Buft to right, bearded, in clofe doublet and hat, wearing thick chain about the neck. ANGST • VND • NOT- W>CRT BIS • IN ' TOD • 1552 (points, cinquefoils.) Ornamented irregular fliield, cheeky, in chief, two rofes, furmounted by a helmet, crowned ; creft, half figure of favage wearing garland and holding a rofe in either hand, on his breaft, a fleur-de-lis ; on either fide of helmet, mantling. Wt. 30" 7 grammes. /K (gilt) ry. A medal of goldfmith's work, call and gilt, probably the work of H. Stampitr. It is very rare. Haller, i., p. lao, no. 201. 6oo Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 30- Louis Le Fort. 1734- Obverfe. LUD • LE FORT REIP • GENEV ■ CONSUL PRIMAR • ANN ■ J734 ■ /ET • 66 • Bull three-quarters towards left, in wig and robes j beneath, i ■ dassier • f. Reverfe. DEI NUMINE- The City feated to right, holding pole which fupports cap of liberty, and open BIBL Bible infcribed SA- ; her left arm refts CRA on oval fhield, arms of Geneva, below which, cornucopiae ; before her, four winged genii, one holding fafces and heart, a fecond with bale of merchandize, a third, behind whom, globe, reading, and a fourth painting ; above the fubjeft, radiate right eye in clouds ; below, to right, I'D-; in exergue, JURA CIVIUM ASSERTA- ANNO 1734- Wt. 3 1 "4 grammes. /« i"i. 3'- Canonization ok Francis de Sales 1665. ALEXAN • VII • PONT • MAX • AN • XI • Buft of Pope, wearing embroidered cope and fkull cap ; beneath, • MDCLXV • G .M . (On band) BEATO FRANCISCO EPISCOPO INTER SANTOS (» RELATO Interior of church, during ceremony of canonization. K. i'7. Perhaps by Cafpar (or Gafpar) Mola. Haller, ii., p. 352, no. 2220. Medals, 6oj 32. Maria Rosa Frances Schorno, 1755. (Wife of J. C. Hedlinger.) Obverfe. Reverfe. MAR • ROSA FRANC • SCHORNO • NAT • 1705 • DEN • 1755 On clouds, from which appear three cherubs, oval fliield ; gu. a crofs pattee fitchee on three mounds between crefcent and decrefcent moons ; around fhield, laurel-garland ; in exergue, AETERNAE MEMORIAE CONIUGIS OPTIMAE MOESTUS CONSECR • I . C . H . By Johann Carl Hedlinger. Haller, i., p. 137, no. 230. Within circle of ftars of five points, SEMPER HONOS NOMENQUE TUUM LAUDESQUE MANEBUNT Wt. 1 6*4 grammes. /R 14. 33- Wife of Hans George Steiner. 1725. RARA CONCORDIA On pavement, two fliields ; dex., a ram mounting to fm., on ground, with hel- met, crert, demi-ram mounting, and mantling; fin., per fefse, chief, gu, (un- certain objefl), bafe, cheeky, or and fable, with helmet, creft, plumes, and mantling. FLOS DEFLUIT ET REFLUIT Death to right, mowing with fcythe field of corn and flowers ; beneath his feet, HiG ; in exergue, M ■ D • C C XXV- Wt. 19 grammes, js. I'SS- By Hans Jacob Gefsner. This medal was (truck by order of Hans George Steiner, in commemoration of the death of his wife, daughter and co-heirefs of Henrich Rahn, of Winterthur. The fliields bear the arms of the Rahn and Steiner families. Haller, i., p. 197, no. 324. 6o Catalogue of Swifs Coins, 34- LORENZ ZOLLIKOFFF.R. 1577- Obverfe. Infcription in two lines ; (Outer line) ■ VERSCHID DEN 10 TAG AVGVSTI IM 1577 lAR (point, cinquefoil.) (Inner line) LORENTZ ZOLLIKOF FER ALT 58 Bearded buft towards right, wearing furred cloak, ruff", and hat. This medal is call and chafed. Haller, i., p. 176, no. 304. Reverfe. Infcription in two lines ; (Outer line) • SI DEVS PRO NOBIS QVIS CONTRA NOS (point, cinquefoil.) (Inner line on label) W-D'M'A-I'D' (points, annulets incufe.) Ornamented fliield, canton ; furmounted by helmet with mantling, crowned ; creft, a half-figure 5 beiide creff, 15 75 . Wt. 167 grammes. J& 1*5. David Zollikoffer. 1594. DAVIT- ZOLIKOF • FER 1594 (after firft word, quatrefoil barbed ; in fpace dividing fecond word, ornament; after fecond word, ornament ; before date, quatipfoil barbed ; after date, lion paflant.) A helmet with mantling, crowned, and furmounted by creft of Zollikoffer, BALLGA : VONN ■ ALTEN • KLIN GEN Ornamented fliield, bearing canton; around fliield, in angles, ift, quatrefoil ; 2nd, lion pafTant ; 3rd, floral ornament; 4th, lion paflTant. Wt. 15-3 grammes. /&. (lozenge) 1-55. This medal is not of the time, but a modern caft. F. — Miscellaneous Medals. 36. SOCIETiS HELVfeTIQUE OF PaRIS, 182I. Warrior, in plumed hat and coftume of fixteenth century, feated to left on rock, holding in right hand halbert, and refting left on oval fliield, ornamented with device of crofs-bow and two crofsed arrows ; at the warrior's feet, a hydra ; behind him, rocks, and above, twenty-two ftars ; at the fide, H. DESNOYERS F . in exergue, LIBERTAS UNIO PATRIA . Within wreath of oak and wheat, SOCIETE HELVETIQUE DE BIENFAISANCE A PARIS. below wreath, b 1821 F . JE 1-35. Medals, 603 37- Obverfe. Reverfe. LA SOCIETE DES SVISSES (point, floral ornament.) Two draped left hands, clalped. nil • sovs (point, quatrefoil.) Wt. ii'5 grammes. JE I'l. 38. Religious Medal. The Belief in German ; fome of the words abridged. Three tongues of fire within radiate triangle ; around, four angels and four cherubs, the latter iifuing from clouds. On edge: WIE DIE VATTER ALSO WIR GLAVBEN VND BEKENNEN HIER • At beginning of infer., a fixfoil. Wt. 3*8 grammes, jr 7. APPENDIX. Coinage of Places in Alliance with the Swiss Confederation. CONSTANZ. e^ :r- ONSTANZ (Conftantia, Conftance), a town in the Duchy of Baden, fituate upon the Lake of the fame name (alfo called the Boden See), and the Rhine, is faid to have been founded by Conftantius I. Chlorus, the father of Con- flantine the Great. Here was held, in 1414-1418, the Council of Conftanz. Conftanz was long an imperial city and mint, but in 1549 it pafsed into the pofsefsion of the Houfe of Habfburg. In 1805 it was ceded by Auftria to Baden. The See of Conftanz, which was founded in the fixth century in place of the See of VindoniiTa (Windifch), received the right of coinage at a very early date, fince the Emperor Otto III. (983-1002) in granting this privilege to the town of Vilingen ordered that it fhould extend to Ziirich and Conftanz. This order was confirmed by the Emperor Friedrich I. in 1158, and in 1498 Biftiop Hugo von Landen- burg by permiflion of Maximilian I. was allowed to ftrike "large filver coins," viz., double grofchen. In 1538 the biftiopric of Conftanz, with thofe of Regenft)urg, Salzburg, and Paflau, entered into a monetary convention with Auftria and Baden, and with the towns of Conftanz, Regenfburg, Ulm, Augfburg, Kcmpten, Ifny, SchalFhaufen, and St. Gallen. The Town of Conftanz appears alfo to have been in pofsefsion of a mint at an early date, but not fo early as the See. Speth in 6o6 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. his Chronicle (p. 22) fays that the right of coinage was granted to the town by the Emperor Maximilian I. (1493-15 19), but the date of this privilege can be placed earlier, as by the mandate of Henry I. von Tanneg, Biftiop of Conftanz, iflued in 1240, it was ordered that only the coins ftruck in the towns of Conftanz, St. Gallen, Radolfzell, Ueberlingen, Ravenft)urg, and Lindau fhould be current in his See ; and further at the monetary convention of the towns fituate on the Lake, held in 1423, it was decreed that the pennies of Conftanz ftiould be ftruck only on one fide with the arms of the city, but that the hallers and fchillings Ihould be ftruck on both fides, the hallers with the eagle on one fide and the arms of the city on the other, the fchillings with the buft of St. Conrad, and the eagle and the arms of the city. Jrms. — Arg., a crofs fa., chief gu. (The laft is fometimes omitted from the fhield.) BISHOPRIC. BRACTEATES. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. 1-3- Head of bifhop, facing, between crefcent and mullet. Wt. -4 gr. Bil. '7. Meyer, Den. und Braft. der Schwciz, Ziir.' Ant. Gesell. xii., p. 104, taf. iii. fig. 163. 4- Buft of bifhop, facing, holding crozier and book : border of dots. Wt. "5 gr. Bil. •9. Meyer, Den. und Braft. der Schweiz, p. 105, taf. iii., fig. i;^' 5,6. Head of bifhop, facing, between crozier and fleur-de-lis : border of dots. Wt. -f gr. Bil. 75. Meyer, Den. und Braft, der Schweiz, p. 105, taf. iii., fig. 166. Appendix. 607 HUGO, COUNT VON LANDENBURG. Firft elefted, 1496 5 refigned, 1520 ; afterwards re-ele6led and died, 1533. DOUBLE GROSCHEN. (With Gothic letters.) 7,8- Undated. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA- EPI • CONSTANCIENSIS MAXIMILIANVS ■ ROMANO RV. REX (mm. cinquefoil ; points, annulets.) Shield ; arms of hiihop quarterly with thofe of Conltanz. (mm. cinquefoil ; points, annulets.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wr. 3*2 grammes. Bil. i"i. 9- MONETA : EPI : CONSTANCIEN SIS' (mm. cinquefoil; points, annulets.) Same type. MAXIMILIANVS : ROMANORV : REX (mm. cinquefoil J points, annulets.) Same type. Bil. 10. MONETA • EPI • CONSTANCIENSI (mm. cinquefoil ; points, annulets.) Same type. Same : var. lingle points annulets. Bil. II. 1519. MONETA • EPI • CONSTANCIENSIS MAXIMILIANVS ROMANORV • REX (mm. cinquefoil ; points, annulets.) (mm. cinquefoil; point, annulet.) Shield ; arms of bifhop quarterly with Same type. thofc of Conftanz ; above, 1519 Wt. 3'2 grammes. Bil. 6o8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 12. Obverfe. MONETA- EPI • CONSTNCIENSIS (mm. cinquefoil; points, annulets.) Same type. Reverfe. MAXIMILIANV . ROMANORV -JREX (mm. cinquefoil j point 2, annulet.) Same type. Bil. 13- Same type. Same : var. EPI : NSTANSIENJ l\ MAXIMILIANVS' ROMANORV- RE ts, annulets.) (mm. cinquefoil 5 points, annulets.) Same type. Bil. 14. 1520. CAROLVS : ROMANORVM • RES (mm. cinquefoil.) Same type. Bil. MARCUS SITTICH, COUNT VON HOHEN-EMS. 1561 ; refigned, 1589. 15- Ten-Kreuzer Piece, 1573. (With Latin letters.) MAXIMILIANV: II -IMP'SEM- AVG • DECRETO : Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on breaft, orb, crofs of which paises between heads; on orb, 10 ; above, imperial crown ; on either fide of eagle, 15 73 Wt. 4'2 grammes. Bil. I'of. The N's in both obv. and rev. infer, revcrfed. See Haller, ii., p. 34.7, no. 2210. MAR : SIT : M • D • S • R • E : CAR : EPS : CON : D : AVG : MAIORIS (mm. cinquefoil of points.) Shield ; arms of bifliop quarterly with thofe of Conftanz ; above, between crofs and crozler crofsed, cardinal's hat. Appeitdtx, 609 MARQUARDUS RUDOLPH VON RODT. 1689-1704. 16. Thaler, 1694. Obveife. Reverfe. From right to left, MARQ : RUDOLPH : EPIS : CONST From left to right, EBERH : LUDO : DUX WURT & TEC ; (Between infers, at beginning and end, ftars of fix points.) Two ornamented oval fhields, united by ribbon tied above ; dex., arms of bifhop quarterly with thofe of Conftanz, having arms of Oehningen ente en bafe, with inefcutcheon, arms of Conftanz ; above, between crofsed crozier andfword, mitre; fin., arms of Wiirtemberg, quar- terly ; above, ducal ele6toral crown. Wt. 29" I grammes. /R i"S This coin was ftruck by the Bifliop of Conftanz and Eberhardt Ludwig Duke of Wiirtemburg as princes of the German Empire, having the Suablan Circle under their jurisdiftion. TheBiftiops of Conftanz, having no mint, ftruck their coins firft at the town-mint, then at Augfburg, and finally at Giinzburg. This accounts for the Augftsurg mint- mark on this and the following coins, (See alfo no. 22.) MONETA NOVA IMPERIALIS CIR CULl SUEVICI (mm. ftar of fix points.) Between two palm-branches crofted and tied below, ornamented oval ftiield, arms of the Suabian Circle; three lions paftant in pale ; in chief, Maltefe crofs j outfide branches, '16 94* (points, quatrefoils) ; below, pine-cone (the mm. of Augs- burg) between two horfeftioes (private mark of the mint-mafter Hohleifen.) JOHANN FRANZ SCHENK VON STAUFENBERG. 1704-1740. 17. Ducat, 1737. I • F- E C • R • D C • &-A W -A- &• T Two oval ftiields, conjoined by orna- mental border ; dex., arms of the See of Conftanz, furmounted by mitre between crofsed crozier and fword ; fin., arms of Wiirtemberg (ancient, or, three ftags' antlers, sa.) ; above, clofed crown ; be- neath, 17 37; within date, pine cone between two horfeftioes. MOM : AUR : CIRC : SUEV AD LEGEM IMPERII Ornamented lions paftant ; crofs, gu. oval ftiield ; in bafe, arg., or, three a Maltefe Wt. 3'5 grammes. -V '85. s.r. o o 6io Catalogue of Swifs Coins, FRANZ CONRAD, CARDINAL VON RODT. 1750-1776. 18. Ducat, 1761. Obverfe. FRAN • CON ■ TIT • S • MA ■ DE POP ' CARD • DE RODT -E-C-S-R-l-P- Biift to left, in wig, bands, and ermine mantle, wearing crofs ; beneath ftioulder, T ; below buft, . F . . H . ; point 3, pine- cone. Reverfe. By F. Hohleifen and J. Thiebaud. PRO ECCLESIA ET PRO PATRIA • •1761 • Over Maltefe crofs, fhield quarterly ; I, arms of biftiop 5 2, 3, arms of Con- ftanz ; 4, arms of Oehningen ;' above, between crofsed crozier and fword, clofed crown, furmounted by crofs pommetee, above which, cardinal's hat ; all on ermine mantle, W^- 3 '5 grammes, N "9. 19. Thaler, 1761. FRAN:CON:TIT:S:MA: DE POP: CARD : DE RODT :' EPIS : CONST : S : R : I : PRIN : (mm. trefoil.) Buft of bifliop to left, bare headed, wearing ermine mantle and epifcopal drefs ; beneath, f h ; beneath fhoulder, T PRO ECCLESIA ET PRO PATRIA Over Maltefe crofs, fliield quarterly ; I, arms of bifhop ; 2, 3, arms of Con- ftanz ; 4, arms of Oehningen ; above, between crofsed crozier and fword, clofed crown, furmounted by crofs pommetee, above which, cardinal's hat; all on ermine mantle } on either fide of mantle, 17 61 Wt. 28 grammes, jr 1*65, 20. Half-Thaler, 1761. Same type as thaler ; var. fingle points PRO ECCLESIA ET PRO PATRIA (in centre) in place of colons ; t in field right. 17 61 (mm. cinquefoil at end of infer.) Same type as thaler, Wt. 14 grammes, jr. i'45. 21. Quarter-Thaler, 1761, Same as half-thaler, but t beneath flioulder. Same as half-thaler; below, • 1761 ' Wt. 7 grammes, js. i'o6. Appendix. 6ii 22. ^\ OF A Convention-Thaler, 1772. Obverfe. Reverfe. 24 EIN CONVEN THALER 1772 F:C:S:R'E-P-C' DE RODT E CONSTAN • S • R • I • P • Over crofs fourchy, ftiield quarterly ; I, arms of bifliop, 2, 3, arms of Conftanz ; 4, arms of Oehningen ; above, between crofsed fvvord and crozier, ele6loral cap, furmounted by crofs pommetee, above which, cardinal's hat ; all on ermine mantle. Wt. 2 grammes. Bil. 9. G is the initial letter of the town of Giinzburg, where this and the following coins were ftruck. 23- ■jV of a Convention-Thaler, 177^- 4-S ^ ■C' S- R • P • C •DE RODT E- CONST • s R' 1 • P Same type. 48 EIN CONVEN. THALER 1772 o Wt. I '4 gramme. Bil. -75. 24. KrEUZER, I77»- Same : var. CONSTAN EIN KREUTZER 1772 JX. '9. y o « 6l2 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. MEDALS. I. Damian Hugo, Count of Schonborn, Cardinal Bishop of Spier and CONSTANZ, I 722-1740 (died I74-3)' Commemorative Medal. Half-Thaler Weight. Obverfe. Reverfe. Five ftiields ; the centre, arms of Schonborn ; above, between long crozier and iword crofsed, count's coronet, fur- mounted by imperial crown, above which, and appearing from behind fhield, patri- archal crofs ; around, four ftiields, i , arms of Spier; 2, 3, a Maltefe crofs on plain field ; 4., arms of Conftanz ; the crofsed crozier and fword pafs behind fliields of Spier and Conftanz; the whole is furmounted by cardinal's hat; below, P. P. IV. By Peter Paul Werner. DAMIANUS HUGO S • R • E • CARD • EP • SPIR & CONST • S • R • I • PRIN • COM • DE SCHONBORN /ET • 67 • REG 24 . 0BilT19 • AUG 1743 ■r - 1 • P above and below, ornament. Wt. 1 4' 5 grammes. JS. I's- 2. Franz Conrad, Cardinal von Root. Commemorative Medal. Sede Vacante. 1758- Two ornamented (hields on ermine mantle ; dex., arms of Conftanz (biftiop- riclc ?) quarterly with thofe of Oehn- ingen ; with inefcutcheon arms of Con- ftanz (city ?) ; fm., arms of biftrop ; above, between crofsed crozier and fword, prince's cap furmounted by cardinal's hat. FRANCiSCVS CONRADVS S : R : E : CARD : DE • RODT EPISC : CONSTAN : S: R : I : PRINCEPS Sede "VACANTE 1758 M (gilt) VI. Appendix. 613 3- Medal of the Brotherhood of St. John Nepomucene. Undated. Obveife. Reverfe, SANCTI lOANNIS NEPOMUCENI in exergue, CONFRATERNITAS St. John Nepomucene, drelsed in long robes with ermine tunic, kneeling upon clouds and holding long crofs in left hand ; around head, ftars ; above, two cherubs j in front, angel with fkull and mitre, and behind, another holding wreath and palm in right hand ; beneath, bridge. Oval, with ring for fulpenfion. By J. Thiebaud. — IN ECCLESIA CATHEDRALl CON STANTIENSI . — (at beginning and end of infer., floral ornaments.) Ornamented and garlanded oval ftiield ; arms of Conftanz ; below, five pellets arranged in form of crofs, separating 1 t • ^^' 41 '3 grammes. J&. (gilt) 2'i. CITY. GOLD COIN, I. Ducat, F^ifteenth or Sixteenth Century. MONETA • AVREA • CIVITATIS CONSTA (mm. crofs.) Shield ; arms of Conftanz ; above, two- headed imperial eagle. MAXIMILIANVS ■ ROMANORV • REX (mm. crofs.) Within trefoil, orb. Wt. 3'3 grammes, n "95. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. THALER CLASS. 2. Thaler, 1623. View of Conftanz from the Lake; above, three fliields placed triangularly; i, Auftria, above, imperial crown ; 2, 3, Conftanz ; the three fliields united below by order of the Golden Fleece ; in exergue, CONSTANTIA • • 16 • 23 • (point, I, floral ornament.) Within circle of twenty-one fliields, five larger fliields j above uppermoft fliield, fleur-de-lis. Wt. 28 grammes. yR i'65. The five inner fliields on rev. bear the arms of the chief oflicers of the city of Conftanz, and the twenty-one outer fliields, the arms of the members of the council in 1623. Haller, ii., p. 410, no. 2316. 6 1 4 Catalogue of Swifs Coins, Obveife. Reverfe. 1625. MON : NO : CIVITAT : CONSTANTI ENSIS (mm. fixfoil 5 at end of infer., floral ornament.) Shield ; arms of Conftanz, colour in chief indicated by arabefque ; on either fideof (hield, 16 25 FERD : II : D : G : ROM : IMPER : SEMP:AVG Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, imperial crown dividing circle of infer. Wt. 28*5 grammes. JS. v6. 4- 1628. Same infer. ; var. mm. fevenfoil, fmgle point after MON • , no ornament at end. Similar fhield, with band j in com- partments, floral ornaments ; on either fide of fliield, 16 28 , and around, floral ornaments. Same infer. ; var. SEMPER : AV Same type. Wt. 27*7 grammes, jr. 1629. Within circle of twenty-two (hields, that of Conftanz being the uppermoft, five larger ftiields, all, but fourth, fame as on no. 2, colours partly indicated . M i"7. On this coin the fliield of Conftanz has been added to thofe of the members of the council. Similar type to no. 2 ; on either fide of ftiield of Auftria, 16 29 5 no order ; in exergue, • CONSTANTIA • (firft point, fixfoil). MON : NO : CIVITAT : CONSTANTI ENSIS : (mm. obfcure.) Shield } arms of Conftanz, colour in chief indicated by arabefque ; on either fide of flileld, 16 23 6. Half-Thaler, 1623. FERD : II : D : G : ROM : IMPER •: SEMPER ■: AVG (at end of infer., floral ornament.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, imperial crown dividing circle of infer. Wt. 13*3 grammes. ^R i'3. Appendix. 615 DIKEN CLASS. DiKEN, 1630. Obverl'e, MON : NOVA : CIVI : CONSTANTI ENSIS (mm. fevenfoil.) Within quatrefoil compartment, having each foil trefoliate and ornamented with pellets, fhield, arms of Conftanz, colours indicated j outfide each angle of quatre- foil, trefoil between points. Reverie. FERD : II : D : G : R . • IMP: SEMP: A Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; above, imperial crown dividing infer. ; in exergue, • 1630 Wt. 7'8 grammes, m. I'z. 1633/ Similar. Similar. Wt. 8"2 grammes. /R. Same infer.; var. COSTANTINEN FERD : II : D : G : R IMP: SEMP :AV SIS- Similar type. Similar type. A. GROSCHEN CLASS. 10. Double-Groschen. Fifteenth Century. (With Gothic letters.) MONETA • CIVITATIS • CONSTANCf (mm. cinquefoil.) Within compartment of feven foils, each foil trefoliate, fiiield, arms of Con- ftanz, no chief. Wt. 3" I grammes. Bil. 105. If the fuggeftion of Berftett be correal this would rather be a double-schilling. (Berrtett, Miinzgeschichte des Ziih-Bad. Fiirftenhaufes, p. 152.) TIBI ■ SOLI • GLORIA • ET • HONOR (mm. cinquefoil ; points, annulets.) One-headed imperial eagle. 6i6 Catalogue of Sivifs Coin s, 11. Obverle. Similar ; but with Latin N's j ieconJ point, colon. Same. Reverie. Bil. Same : var. points wantmg. 12. Same. BU. Same. 13- Same : var. point, annulet, before infer. Bil. Sixteenth Century. (With Latin letters.) 14- MONETA • CIVITATIS ■ CONSTANC TIBI • SOU • GLORIA • ET HONOR (mm. cin^uefoil.) i VM (jic) smm. cin^uexbil.) Similar type. Same type. I Wt, 3*5 grammes. Bii. This coin feenis to be of baler metal than the others, and is probably a forgery of the time. KREUZER CLASS. 15- Fifteen-Kreuzer Piece, 1619. S : CONRADVS S : PELAGIVS . LEOPOLDVS . I . D . G . R . I . SEM . AVG : Two-headed imperial eagle with nimbi ; imperial crown ; on brealt, within circle, 15 . St. Conrad and St. Pelagius facing, nimbate ; the former wears mitre and epifcopal robes, and holds chalice and crozier ; the latter wears high cap and epifcopal robes, and holds palm and fword ; between tbem, at their feet, ornamented oval ihield, arm* ot Con- llanz; beneath fliield.1 6 19 . Wt. 4"3 grammes. A<. I'if. This coin is countermarked on the reverfe \vith the arms of Conllanz, Appendix, 617 Obverfe. 16, 17. 1636. S : CONRADVS • S : PELAGIVS • (point 2, cinquefoil.) Similar type ; the under robe of St. Conrad is embroidered, and to his crozier is attached an afpergillum ; beneath fliield, 16 3 6 . 18. S : CONRAD . S : PELAGIVS Similar type ^ drefs of St. Conrad not embroidered ; (hield not oval. Reverfe. FERDINANDS • II • D : G : ROM IMP: SEMPER • AVGVS : Similar type. M I, FERD : I! : D : G : ROM : IMP; SEMP : AVG :• Similar type. 19, 20. Twelve-Kreuzer Piece. MON : NOVA • CIVITA : CONSTAN TIENSIS (mm. quatrefoil.) Three ornamented fhields arranged triangularly; i, oval, arms of Auftria ; 2 and 3, irregular, arms of Conftanz, colours indicated ; on either fide of upper fliield, olive-branch. IMP FERD : II • D : G : RO SEMP : AVG : Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; imperial crown j in exergue, • XII • (points, fixfoils.) ^^- 5 "5 grammes. Bil i, 21, 22. Ten-Kreuzer Piece. MON : NOVA : CIVI : CONSTAN TIENSIS (mm. fevenfoil on ftalk.) Within ornamented quatrefoil com- partment, fliield ; arms of Conftanz ; around fliield, pellets; outfide cufps, floral ornament between pellets. FERD : II : D : G : R • IMP: SEMP: AV: Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on breaft, /hield, arms of Auf- tria j above eagle, imperial crown; in exergue, "lO" Wt. 47 grammes. Bil. i. MON • NOVA • CIVI • CONSTAN TIENSIS (mm. fevenfoil on ftalk.) Same : var. colours indicated in fliield. 23- Same: var. • 10 Wt. grammes, Bil 6 1 8 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 24. Three-Kreuzer Piece, or Groschen. Obverfe. MO : NOVA : CIVI : CONSTANTI ENSIS : (mm. cinquefoil.) Within ornamented quatrefoil com- partment, fhield ; arms of Conftanz ; around fhield, pellets ; outfide each cufp, floral ornament. Reverie. FERD :ll : D : G : R IMP : SEMP : A- Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on breaft, (hield, arras of Auf- tria; imperial crown ; in exergue, ' 030 • Wt, 1*7 gramme. Bil-Sf. 25. 1694. . MO : NO : CIVIT : CONSTANT : 1694 : (mm. fixfoil.) Ornamented (hield ; arms of Conftanz ; above and on either fide of fliield, trefoil. : LEOPOLDVS -I D'G'R'I'S' AVGVST : Two-headed imperial eagle, with nimbi ; on breaft, (hield, arms of Auf- tria ; imperial crown ; beneath, within oval, 3 . Wt. I '5 gramme. Bil*75. 26. Two-Kreuzer Piece, or Half-Batzen, 1654. MON : NO : CIV! : CONSTANTIEN PER : III : D : G : RO : IM : S : SIS (mm. quatrefoil.) AV : Shield; arms of Conftanz, colour in Two-headed imperial eagle, with chiefindicated; above, cinquefoil between nimbi; on breaft, (liield, arms of Auf- pellets ; on either fide, 16 54 . tria; imperial crown ; in exergue, • 2 • Wt. I gramme. Bil "7. 27. Kreuzer. MON CIVI CON STA Over long crofs pattee, fliort crofs pattee, faltirewife; over all, (hield, arms of Conftanz. RVDOL- II • IM • AV- RF" D Two-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, orb, infcribed I ; crown clofed, Wt. 7 gr. Bil. -65. Appendix. 619 28. Obverfe. MO • CIVI • CONSTANCI (mm. crofs pattee.) Shield, arms of Conftanz. Reverfe. TIBI • SOU • GLORIA ■ ET (mm. crofs pattee.) One-headed imperial eagle. Wt, -5 gr. Bil -6. 29. 1702. MON • NOV ■ CIVI CONSTANT • Over long crofs pattee, fliort crofs pattee, faltirewife ; over all, oval ftiield ; arms of Conftanz; within upper angles of crofses, 17 2; beneath fhield, within oval, 1 • LEOP- I • IMP- SEM • AVG • Two-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, oval fliield, arms of Auftria ; imperial crown. Bil. 1717. MON : NOV : CIVI : CONSTANT On two crofses pattee, faltirewife, cir- cular fhield ; arms of Conftanz ; within upper angles of crofses, 17 17; beneath fhield, within circle, 1 . CAROL : VI-DG'RISAGH REX Similar type ; fliield circular. B Bil. 32. ZWEIER. MO, NO, CIVI CON, 1702 Ornamented oval fliield ; arms of Con ftanz ; beneath, within oval, \ 1702. Plain. Wt. •4gr. Bil -5. 33- 1723. MO NO • CIVI CON • 1723 Ornamented fliield ; arms of Conftanz; beneath, within oval, \ . PI am. Bil. 620 Catalogue of Swijs Coins, SCHILLING CLASS. 34. Schilling. Fifteenth Century. (With Gothic letters.) Obverfe. Reverfe. S' CONRAD' EPS' CONST St. Conradus enthroned, facing, nim- bate, wearing mitre and epifcopal robes, holding crozier in left hand, and raifing right in attitude of benedi6lion. • MONETA • CIVITATIS CONST (mm. and point I, annulets.) Partly enclofed within trefoil com- partment, each foil trefoliate, and having outfide two lower angles ornaments, (hield ; arms of Conftanz, without chief; above, within circle, one-head«d imperial eagle ; above each upper corner of fliield, an annulet. Wt. i'7 gramme. Bil. '85. Thele coins were iffued after the monetary convention of 1423. See p. 606. Same : var. CONST^ The N's Latin. Same : var. the N's Gothic. 35- ! Same : var. • MONETA CIVITATIS CONST (mm. and point, annulets.) ■ Type var. Wt. i*5 gramme. Bil. 36. Same : var. CIVITATIS • Bil. Same, 37, 38. Same : var. • MONETA • CIVITATIS CONST^ (mm. and point i, annulets.) Bil. Same: var. S'. EPS- The N's Latin, inverted. 39- • MONETA CIVITATIS CONSTf (mm. and point, annulets.) Similar type. Bil. Appendix. 621 Obverfe. 40-44. Pfenning. Sixteenth Century. Over two crofses pattee, faltirewife, fliield ; arms of Conftanz ; beneath ftiield, in place of limb of crofs, oval. Reverfe. One-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, fhield, arms of Auftria. Wt. '5 gr. Bll. -6. MEDAL. Siege of Constanz raised in 1630. 1636. CONSTA A • SVECIS • OBSESSA • A OL • LIBERATA • MDCXXX Virgin and Child, facing ; the former wears long robe and high head-drefs fur- mounted by triple crown ; the latter is alfo crowned, and holds orb ; the Virgin (lands on open ornamented bafe ; be- neath, (hield, arms of Conftanz. HOC VICTORI/E MONVMENTVM EX VOTO POSVIT ANNO M ■ D • Cxxxvi Mortuary chapel ; beneath, fliield, arms of Conftanz ; on either fide, floral ornament. The infc. on the obverfe is much eftaced. R (gilt, lozenge fliape) i'6. MUHLHAUSEN. tJHLHAUSEN (the Mill-houfe) is an important manu- fafturing town of Alface. From the pofsefsion of the Biftiops of Strafburg Miihlhaufen pafsed in 1261 under the rule of Rudolf, Count of Habfburg, from whom it received many privileges. In 1308 the Emperor Henry VII. exchanged the towns of Molftein and Mutzig for that of Miihlhaufen, and it thus became a city of the Empire. In 1422, Miihl- haufen became a free city, and was received in 15 15 into the Swifs Confederation, having already in 1506 entered into an alliance with Bafel. On the invafion of Switzerland by France in 1798, Miihl- haufen was taken by the French as a return for the protedlion which Switzerland received from them. Before the union of Miihlhaufen with Switzerland there is no trace of a mint in this city. In 1622, a mint appears to have been efta- blifhed, and a contradl to hold good for ten years was figned between the city and the moneyers, Bernhard Weitnauer and Hans Uirich Falkner, by the conditions of which they were to ftrike coins according to the ftandard of Bafel. This contrail, however, ceafed three years later, in 1625, fince when Miihlhaufen has ftruck no coins. Arms. — Arg., a water-wheel with eight blades, gu. SILVER COINS. I. Pattern of Double Gulden, 1623. Obverfe. Reverfe. NOVA • MILHVSINA • (points, I, 2, 3 and 5 cinque- MONETA 16 • 23 foils.) Irregular fhield ; arms of Miihlhaufen ; fupporter, lion rampant gardant on or- namented pavement, in right paw, orb. • EX • VNO • OMNIS • NOSTRA • SALVS • (points, cinquefoils.) Two-headed imperial eagle, with nim- bi ; above, clofed crown. Wt. 36'2 grammes. ^« (lozenge) 2*3, Appendix. 623 Obverfe. 2. Gulden, 1623. Reverfe. MONETA • NOVA ■ MILHVSINA • 1623 • (points, rofes.) Ornamented fhield ; arms of Miihl- h ail fen. • EX • VNO • OMNIS • NOSTRA • SALS> • (points, rofes.) Similar type. Wt. 187 grammes, m. vd. R O T W E I L. OTWEIL or Rothweil, at prefent a city of the kingdom of Wiirtemberg, was formerly a free city of the Empire. In 1463, it formed an alliance with Switzerland, which was renewed in 1519. Rotweil received the right of ftriking coins from the Emperor Maximilian I. in 15 12. This privilege was, however, but rarely exercifed. SILVER AND BILLON COINS. 1. DiKEN. 1622. Obverfe. Reverfe. MONETA • NOVA • ROTWILENSIS One-headed imperial eagle. SALVE ■ CRV X • SANCTA (mm. rofe.) Latin crofs with fcroll and fuperfcrip- tion ; on each arm and on the lower limb are the marks of the nails j on either fide of lower limb, 16 22 ^^' 5'4 gramines. At. 1*15. MONETA' N Groschen, Fifteenth Century. (With Gothic letters.) ROTWELE (mm. crofs , SALVE • CRVX • SANCTA (mm. crofs pattee.) One-headed imperial eagle. pattee ; points, uncertain.) Latin crofs. Wt. -6 gr. Bil. '7. Groschen, containing 3 Kreuzers, of 1622 MO • NO • ROTWILENSIS • One-headed imperial eagle ; on breaft, within circle, 3 SALVE • CRVX ■ SANCTA Latin crofs ; on either fide of lower limb, 16 22 . Wt. -6 gr. Bil. 7. TRIVULZIO FAMILY. 1 ^ HE Trivulzio family, an ancient houfe of Milan, eftabliflied, at different times fmce the fifteenth century, mints at Mifocco, Mufso, Roveredo, and Retegno. In 1482 Giov. Jac. Trivulzio, Duke of Milan and Marfhal of France, purchafed of the Count of Sacco and Belmont, for the fum of 10,000 florins, the valley of Mufolcino and the caftle of Mifocco in the Canton Graubiindten. In 1493 the new Count of Mifocco purchafed the feignorial rights of the valleys of Rheinwald and Stufsan- vien. Shortly after the purchafe of Mufolcino, Giov. Jac. Trivulzio obtained leave from Ferdinand III., Emperor of Germany, to eftablifh a mint at Mifocco. In 15 12 he quarrelled vi^ith his fubjeds in Grau- biindten, and Louis XIII. allowed him to transfer his mint to Mufso, the terms of the permiffion being " de /rapper des monnaies d'or et d'argent dans fon chateau de Mufso aujsi qu'jl V av ait fait jufqu" alors dans celui de Mifocco. ^^ This privilege was confirmed by Francis I. in 1515. In 1529 the inhabitants of the valley of Mufolcino demolifhed the caftle of Mifocco and Giov. Fr. Trivulzio, the fon of the firft Count of Mifocco, transferred his mint to Roveredo. The fourth mint, that of Retegno, was eftablifhed by Theod. Trivulzio about the end of the feventeenth century. Arms. — Ancient arms. — Gu., head with three faces pr., with fa, cap ; creft, mermaid, pr. Modern arms. — Six pales, or and vert, SILVER COINS. Obveil'e. I. Triple-Ecu, 1676. THEODORVS ■ TRIVLTIVS • S • R • I ■ ET • VAL • MISOL • PRI ■ 1676 Buft of Count to riglit, hair long, wearing breaitplate, cloak, and deep collar ; around the neck, order of the Golden Fleece. Reverfe. COMES • MVSOCHI • X • BARO • RET • IMPERIA • Xllll • ET • (mm. three ftars ot'lix points, placed tri- angularly.) Irregular fliield; arms of the Tri- vulzio family. Wt. 83'5 grammes, a i'q. S.C. R R 626 Catalogue of Swifs Coins. 2. Ecu, 1676. Obveife. THEOD • TRIVL • S • R • I • ET • VAL ■ MISOL ■ PRIN CEP • (laft point, ftar of fix points.) Same type j beneath fhoulder, • 1676 • Thefe coins were llruck at Retegno. Reverfe. CO • MVSOCHI • X • BAR • RET • IMP • Xllll • ET • C (mm. ftar of fix points.) Same type. Wt. 27'8 grammes, m I'j. T U N G E N. ^aoaU 1 H^S^ 1 iJNGEN, or Thiengen, is a fmall town in the Duchy of Baden, and formerly in the landgraviate of Klettgau or Kleggau. At an early period, Tiingen belonged to the See of St. Blafien, then to that of Conftanz, and later to the Barons of Krenkingen, whose pofsefsions were fituate in the neighbourhood. The right of Henry the Younger, Baron of Krenkingen to Tllngen was in 1262 confirmed both by the See and town of Conftanz. In 141 3 Diethelm von Krenkingen fold Tiingen to the See of Conftanz, from the pofsefsion of which it pafsed at a later period to the Counts of Sulz. From the abfence of hiftorical documents little is known concerning the coinage of Tiingen. In the monetary conventions of 1377 and 1387 Hamman von Krenkingen appears as the pofsefsor of a mint there and as taking part in the proceedings. To him may perhaps be attributed the bradleates ftruck at Tiingen, which are the only extant coins from that mint. Bracteates of the Fourteenth Century. 1-4. T w Head to left, wearing pointed liat with tafsel. (Meyer, Den. und Braft. der Schweiz, p. 32, no. 34.) Bil (sq.; -6. R R 2 SUPPLEMENT, BADEN. ADEN, the ancient Aquae Helvetlcas or Verbigenae, fo named for its hot fulphur-fprings, is a town of the Canton Aargau. Arms. — Arg., a pale fa. SCHUL-PFENNING. Obverfe. Virgin feated, crowned and nimbate, fceptre in left, and Child, nimbate, right hand in attitude of benediftion, orb in left 5 beneath Virgin's left hand, fliield, arms of Baden, colour indicated. This medal is fet in a collar. Reverfe. PRAEMIUM DILIGENTIAE lUVENTUTIS BADENSIS Above, cher\ib ; beneath, branches of laurel and palm crofsed, above which, fmall fliield, arms of Baden, colour in- dicated. Wt. 217 grammes. M I'j. B U R G D O R F. |URGDORF, a municipal town of the Canton Bern. Arms. — Per pale, fa. and arg. SCHUL-PFENNING. Weight of Ten-Batzen Piece, Obverfe. Reverfc. STADT BURGDORFF Ornamented fliield; arms'of Burgdorf, colour indicated ; above, laurel-wreath ; on either fide, palm-branch fprlnging from behind (hield, which is alfo orna- mented with garland of flowers ; in ex- ergue, PR/tM • DILIG • Haller, i. p. 365, no. 912. Within ornamented border, DER CATECHISMUS FLEISS BRINGT lEDEM TROST UND PREIS Wt. 9'2 grammes. M. i'25. * For the early hiftory of Burgdorf, y?^ Kyburg, p. 25/, Obverfe. GENEVA. BISHOPRIC. CONRAD. Created 1038. I. Denier. Rev'erfe. COHRADVS EPS (mm. crofspattee.) 1 GEMEVA CIVITAS Crofs pattee, cantoned with billets, ' Temple with five columns and two (equilateral, not oblong.) I fteps, furmounted by crofs pattee. I Wt. 1 gramme. At. 'S. Eleventh Century. 2. GEIIIVA CIVITAS (mm. crofs pattee.) Same. Crofs pattee ; in cantons, i 2, 4 co , Wt. I '4 gramme. M "7. Same: var. in canton, i S . Same: var. CO Wt. I gramme. Bil. '65. Thefe three coins were (Iruck before thofe defcribed under Geneva, p. 181, no. I, and attributed to the eleventh century. Fourteenth Century. Half-Denier. GENEVAS (mm. crofs pattee.) PETRVS (mm. as obv.) Crofspattee; in cantons, I c«, 4 befant. 1 Very rude head, I Wt. -5 gr. Bil. -5. This coin to follow No. 11, p. 182. Supplenie7it> 631 CITY. Obverfe. Testoon, 1561. GENEVA : CIVITAS : 1561 (at either end of infer., quatrefoil faltirewife.) Shield; arms of" Geneva; creft, two- headed imperial eagle, nimbate. This coin to follow no. 2, p. 188. Reverie. POST • TENEBRAS • LVX • P • (points, quatrefoils.) Ciofs fouvchy. Wt. 9-5 grammes. /R ris. Quarter-Ecu, containing Twentv-four Sols, of 1635. GENEVA ■ • CIVITAS ■ Shield ; arms of Geneva ; creft, two- headed imperial eagle ; in exergue, • 24 • POST • TENEBRAS ■ LVX • 1635 -PH ■ Sun of fix rays and fix flames infcribed ; beneath infer., cinquefoil between points Wt, 7"7 grammes. M. 1.15. This coin to precede nos. 12, 13, p. 189. GREIERZ. COUNT AND PRINCE MICHAEL. Pattern of Sol in Gold, 1552. MYCHAEL ■ PRIN : ET • CO : GR VER ■ (mm. cinquefoil.) Shield 5 arms of Greleiz ; above, ■ 1552 ■ ; point on either fide of date in inner of two circles within infer. This coin to follow no. 1, p. 247. TRANSVOL : NVBILA : VIRTVS (mm. cinquefoil.) Crofs cercelee within two circles. Wt, 2" I grammes. iV '9. INDEXES. ^35 1. GENERAL INDEX. Aarau, capital of Canton Aargau, hiftory i, Peace of, confirmed 1718, medal, 596. Aargau canton, arms, i ; coins, ib. ; hiftory, iL Adrian I. von Riedmatten, bifhop of Sitten, coins, 366. Adrian III. von Riedmatten, bifhop of Sitten, coins, 376. Adrian V. von Riedmatten, bifhop of Sitten, coins, 378. Aigle and Bex united to Bern and Freiburg, 462. Albrecht 11., coins of, ftruck at Bafel, 21. Alliances of cantons, medals commemorating, 591. Alliances of cantons and foreign countries, medals commemorating, 592. Anhorn, mint-mafter of St. Gallen, coins, 167. Anne Genevieve de Bourbon Conde, coins (Neuchatel), 311. Appenzell, arms, 6 ; canton, hiftory and divi- fions, a. ; coinage, hiftory, 7 ; coins, ib. Appenzell or Abbey of St. Gallen, notes on coins of, 9, 10; coins, ib. Argau_/fe Aargau. Afiis, its origin and value, 434. Augfburg ftrikes coins for Conftanz (fee), 609. Augfburg, mint-mafter Hohleifen, 609. Auflrians, entry of, into Geneva, medal, 227. Aymon de Montfaucon, bifhop of Laufanne, coins, 272. B. Baden, arms,' 629; canton, i ; Peace of, medal, 596 ; fchulpfenning, 629. Bacuet, Auguftin, mint-mafter of Geneva, i85, 186, 189, 191, 192, 196, 197, 206. Bailiwicks of Zurich, medal, 565. Barpfenning, origin of the, i58. Barthelemy, Bifhop and Vice-Adminiftrator of Laufanne, coins, 272. Bafel, arms of bifhopric, city, and canton, 13 ; blfhopric, canton and city, hiftory, ib. ; coins ot bifhopric, 14; uncertain coins of bifhop- ric, I 5 ; coins of city (Imperial Mint), 21 ; coins of city and canton, ib. ; medals of bifhopric, 20 ; medals of city and canton, 41 ; Jeton, 47 ; moralische pfenninge, 42, 44; Patron Saints, Virgin Mary and St. Urficinus, 14; Peace of, medal, 42 ; fchulpfenninge, 46 ; tir-medal, 590 ; Uni- verfity tercentenary medal, 1760, 42. Batzen of Bern, depreciation, 72; falfe, 166. Batzen of Freiburg and Solothurn of fame ftandard, i33. Batzen, Kreuzers, and Vierers, their adoption at Bern, 70. Beatus von Porta, Bifhop of Chur, coins, io5. Beda Angehrn von Hagenwryl, Abbot of St. Gallen, coins, i5o. Bellinzona, coins bearing name of, 458; his- tory, 459. Bellinzona and Lugnano, creation of cantons, 417. Berchtold IV., Duke of Ziihringen, founder of city of Freiburg, 129. Berchtold V., Duke of Zahringen, founder of Bern, 48, 52 ; on coins of Bern, 70. Bern, arms, 48 ; batzen, kreuzers, and vier- ers, hiftory, 70, 72 ; canton and city, hiftory, 48 ; coinage, hiftory, 49 ; coins, ib. ; decimal coinage of i838, propofal for, 83 ; medals and tokens, 85 ; — Agricultural Society's medal, 87; Aid Inftitution medal, 98 ; Board of Works ticket, ib. ; Indus- trial Exhibition medal, 87 ; magiftrates' tokens, 91 ; Patron Saints, St. Vincent and St. Peter, 49 ; pofTeflion of Vevey by Bern, 460 ; purchafes town of Burgdorf, 636 General Index, 63o ; Reformation Jubilee medals, 85 ; fchool-board token, 92 ; fchulpfenninge, hiftory and currency of, 92 ; Sedecemviri, hiftory and medals, 87 ; Sedecemviri of Outer State, hiftory and medals, 90 ; tickets and counters, 98 ; tokens, or Tifchll-Vlerer, 91 ; trades-company's medal, 86. Bern and Freiburg receive Bex and Aigle, and alfo Granfon, Echallons, and Orbe, 462. Bern and Laufanne, " fidelity " of Laufanne medal, 86. Bern, Venice, and Ziirich,'alliance, medal, 594. Bern,Zurich,and Geneva, alliance, medal, 594. Bern, Zurich, and Strafburg alliance, medal, 593. Bernhard Miiller, Abbot of St. Gallen, coin, 149. Bernouilli, Daniel, medal, 598. Beron-Miinfter, or Miinfter, convent, hiftory, 99 ; medals, ib. ; Patron Saint, St. Michael, 99. Bero von Lenzburg, Count, founder of Beron- Miinfter, 99. Berthelier, Franjois Daniel, mint-mafter of Geneva, 194, 200. Berthier, Alexandre, Prince of Neuchatel, coins, 320. Biel, arms, loz ; hiftory, ib. ; medal of gymnafium, \b, Binet, A., mint-mafter of Geneva, 186, 191. Binet, Paul, mint-mafter of Geneva, 193, J 98, 202. Bluzger, origin and hiftory of the, no, Bodmer, J. J., commemorative medal, 574. Brandenburg, Houfe of, Princes of Neuchatel, coins, 3 1 2. Bioye,fee Sarine and Broye. Brun, Rudolph, medal, S73. BuUinger, Heinrich, commemorative medal, 572. Burgdorf, city and coinage, hiftory, 257, 63o j fchulpfenning, 63o. Burgundian kings, lords of Zug, 487. Calvin, J., medals, 225, 598. Cantons, alliances of, commemorative medals, 591. Cantons and foreign, countries, alliance medals, 592. Capitel, A., mint-mafter of Geneva, 188, 189. Catholic cantons, confederation of, renewal of treaty between Uri and Wallis, medal, 447. Catholic cantons and Wallis, medals of league and league renewed, 478. Chenu, Jean, mint-mafter of Geneva, 195, 2o3. Chur, arms of bifhopric, and city, io3 ; bifliop- ric and city, hiftory, ib. ; capital of Grau- biJndten, 242 ; coins of bifhopric, io3 coins of bifhopric, uncertain, 104; coins of city, 116 ; Patron Saints, the Virgin Mary and St. Lucius, io3. Claudia, daughter of Henry II. of France, baptifmal medal, 592. Clockmakers, of Neuchatel, medal, 325. CoUavin, Pierre Antoine, mint-mafter of Geneva, 2o5. Commiflioners of 1767, medals of, 226, 227. Concordat or convention coinage, (Aargau), 3, 4 } (Bafel) 37, 39, 40 ; (Bern) 65, 74. 76 5 Freiburg, 144, 1465 (Solothurn) 398, 399, 404, 406 ; (Waadt) 466, 470. Conrad, Bifhop of Geneva, coin (Suppl.), 63i. Conftanz, arms, 606 ; bifhopric and city, hiftory, 6o5 ; coinage of bifhopric and city, hiftory, ib, ; coins of bifhopric, 606 ; coins of city, 61 3; medal of bifhopric, 612; medal of fiege of city, 621. Convention coinage, see Concordat coinage. D. Damian, Hugo, Count of Schbnborn and Bifhop of Conftanz, medal, 612. Danfle, Jacques, mint-mafter of Geneva, 193. Davel, J. D. A., execution of, 86. Davos, feftival held at, commemorating foundation of Swifs Confederation, medal, 590. Decimal coinage, attempted introduction of, at Bern, 83 ; reftoration of, at Geneva, 220. De Grenus, Baron, medal of, 23o, De Murier, Pierre, mint-mafter of Geneva, i85, 196, 199. Deneria, mint-mafter of Geneva, 185, 197. Denier, Swifs, its weight and relation to the Batzen, 140. De Sales, Francis, canonization of, medal, 600. De Salis-Maienfeld, Barons, arms, 252 ; coins, ib. ; receive mint of Haldenftein, 248. General Index. ^Z7 Despons, mint-mafter of Geneva, i88, 189. Dieflfenhofen, arms, 124; town and coinage, hiftory, 124; coin, (brafteate), ib. Diken of Freiburg, note, 131. Dlken, double, of Bern, note, 50. Diken, half, of St. Gallen (city), its weight and hiftory, 162. Difentis, arms, 125 ; abbey and coinage, hiftory, ib. ; coin, ib. Ducat, double, iisues of, at Geneva, 186. Dufour, General, tribute to, medals, 597. Du Roveray, Jean Pierre, mint-mafter of Geneva, 190, 191, 205, 208. E, unknown mint-mafter of Geneva, 194, 201. Echallons, Orbe, and Granfon united to Bern and Freiburg, 462. Ecu, French, circulation of, in Switzerland, 84. Ecu of Louis XV. and XVI., countermarked 40 batzen by Bern, 84; of Louis XV., countermarked 39 batzen by Waadt, 475. Ecu d'or fol of Geneva, its weight and hiftory, 183. Ecu piftolet, of Geneva, its weight, &c., 184. Eidgenofsenfeft held at Zurich, 1851, medal, 590. Einfiedeln, abbey, hiftory of, 126 ; arms, ib. ; medals, jeton, 127 ; jubilee of confecration of chapel, medal, 127. Emery, Andre, mint-mafter of Geneva, 186, 192, 207. Emerj', Jean, mint-mafter of Gene%'a, 199, 204, 207, 208. Emperors of Germany ftrike coins for Zurich, 5"> 512- Ennetbourg, bailiwicks of, origin and govern- ment, 417. Elcher, Heinrich, commemorative medal, 573. F. Fazy, James, medal, 231 ; jeton, 234. Fifchingen, Abbey in Thurgau, 128 ; arms, ib. ; medal, ib. Florin, fyftem of, at Geneva, 182. Florin, or huitain, of Geneva, note on, 19 1. Foreft-Cantons, Three (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden), alliance with Julius II. and battle of Novara, 452 ; foundation of, 428 ; fee alj'o Uri, Schwyz, and Unter- walden. Foreign countries and cantons, alliances of, medals, 592. Forged coins of Bern, 71 ; St. Gallen, city.i 66 ; Geneva, 202 ; Conftanz, city, 616. France ftrikes coins at Geneva, 217 ; dates of ifsueand types, 218. France and the Helvetic Confederation, alliance of, medal (1777), 413. France and Switzerland, alliance of, medal (1663), 593. Franks, two, of Confederation, by A. Bovy, re-engraved by M. Korn, 581. Franz Conrad, Cardinal von Rodt, Bi/hop of Conftanz, coins, 610; medal, 612. Franz I. Jofeph Superfaxo, Bi/hop of Sitten, coins, 381. Franz II. Friedrich am Buel, Bifhop of Sitten, coins, 386. % Frauenmiinfter, Abbefs of, abandons to Zurich right of coinage, 5 12. Frauenmiinfter, Abbey of, coinage, hiftory of, 511, 512; bradleates, 513. Frederick I. of Pruflia, Prince of Neuchatei, coins, 312 ; medal of acceflion and birth of grandfon, 323. Frederick William II. of Pruflia, Prince of Neuchatei, coins, 314; medal of acceflion, 324. Frederick William III. of Pruflia, Prince of Neuchatei, coins, 318. Frederick III., Emperor of Germany, ftrikes coins at Bafel, 21. Freiburg, arms, 129 ; canton and city, hiftory, ib. ; coinage, hiftorj',.1 30 ; coins, ib. ; jetons, 148 ; Patron Saint, St. Nicholas, I'ioandpas. Freiburg and Bern receive Bex and Aigle, Granfon, Echallons, and Orbe, 462. Freiburg and Solothurn adopt fame ftandard (1622), 133. Frifching, Samuel, medal, 599. Frbhlich, Wilhelm, medal, 599, Fiinfur of Freiburg, its relation to other coinr, 136, 137. Fiinfers and plapparts abolished at Bern, 70. G. Gainier, mint-mafter of Geneva, 185, 192, 196, 197. Gallen, St., abbey, canton and city, hiftory, 149 ; arms of abbey, canton, and city, ib. ; coins of abbey, 149 ; coins of abbey or city, 1S5 ; coins of city, 157 ; coins of canton, 175; medals, city, 174; fchulpfenninge ib. 638 General Index, Gallen, St., abbey or Appenzell, notes on coins of, 9, 10. Galluspfenning, date of iffue, 156. Geneva, arms, 180; do. modern in 1449, 21 3 ; canton and city, hiftory, 180; coin- age of canton and city, hiftory, 182 ; independent coinage of, 1535, 213 ; corns of bifhopric, 181, (Suppl.) 631; coins of canton and city, 183, (Suppl.) 632; do. old fyftem, 187; decimal coinage, 187, 220 ; medals, 225 ; — Efcalade of city, medal, 229 ; fireman's badge, 231 ; magiftrates' medals, 229 ; mint under con- trol of that of Lyons, 218 ; money of necef- fity (1590), 224; Reformation Jubilee medals, 228; religious medal, 233; Society of Arts medal, 233 ; fchulpfenninge, 232 ; tickets, 234 ; volunteer medals and badges, 231. Geneva, Zurich, and Bern, alliance, medal, 591- Genevois, Counts of, arms, coins, and hiftory, 235. Genevoife, fyftem of coinage of, 213. Georg Philipp, Baron of Schauenftein-Halden- ftein, coins, 251. George de Saluces, Biihop of Laufanne, coins, 271. Gerard dit Guerre, N., mint-mafter of Geneva, 196, 206. Gerard dit Guerre, Pierre, mint-mafter of Geneva, 196, 206. Gerold II., Zurlauben, Abbot of Rheinau, hiftory of, 827. Gervais, A., mint-mafter ot Geneva, 211. Geffner, Conrad, medal, 572. Girod, Jean Jacques, mint-mafter of Geneva, 209. Glarus, arms, and coins, 237. Gluckhennen-thaler, illue of, 41. Gotteshausbund, arms, 242 ; coins, 241 ; hif- tory, 241, 242. Goulaz, C, mint-mafter of Geneva, 184, 194> i9S> 201) 2°^- Goulaz, Henri, mint-mafter of Geneva, 200, 211. Gr., S., unknown mint-mafter of Geneva, 198 Graubiindten, arms, 242 ; canton, hiftory, 242 ; coins, 243. Graubiindten and Venice, alliance, medal, 594, Graubiindten and Zurich, aUiance,medaI, 591. Grauerbund or Oberer Bund, arms and hiftory, 242. (ireierz, arms and hiftory, 247 ; coins, 247, 632. Grenu, F., mint-mafter of Geneva, 188, 189, 191. Grefset, J., mint-mafter of Geneva, 193. Gringallet, Jean, mint-mafter of Geneva, 195, 198, 2o3, 206, 211. Grifons, _/ff Graubiindten. Gruyere, /i;) 615 ; (Freiburg) 131 ; (St. Gallen, city) 160; (Haldenftein) 249 ; (Laufanne, fee) 275; (Luzern) 284; (Rotwcil) 624; (SchafF haulen) 332 ; (Schwyz) 343 ; (Sittcn) 360, 646 Index of Denominations. 361, 363, 366, 368, 370 ; (Solothurn), 395; (Uri) 442; (Uri, Schwyz, and Un- terwalden) 4505 (Wallis) 477 5 C^^^g) 492 5 (Ziirlch) 543. Diken,or fix-gulden piece, gold, (Freiburg) 130- or twenty-kreutzer piece, (Bern) 60. half, (Chur, fee) 105 ; (St. Gallen, city) 162; (Luzern)285j (Sitten) 366, 368; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 451 ; (Uri and Unterwalden) 457. , half, or twelve-kreuzer piece, (Chur, city) 116 J (St. Gallen, city) 162; (Hal- denftein) 260 ; (Zug) 494. half, or ten-kreuzer piece, (Bern) 61. quarter, (Sitten) 363. two, (St. Gallen, city) 162. two, or four-gulden piece, gold, (Bern) 49. Dikthaler, (Bafel, city and cant.) zS. Ducat, (Appenzell) 7; (Bafel,city and cant.) 23; ~ (Bern) 52 5 (Chur,fee) 1 1 3 ; (Conftanz, fee) 609, 610 ; (Conftanz, city) 613 ; (Freiburg) l3oj (St. Gallen, abbey) 150; (Geneva, city) 186 ; (Laufanne, fee) 272 ; (Luzern) 278 ; (Obwalden) 428 ; [Schaft'haulen) 329; (Schwyz) 341 ; (Sitten) 369 ; (Solothurn) 392 ; (Uri) 441 ; (Zurich) 517. half, (Balel, city and cant.) 24';'.(Bern) 52 ; (Solothurn) 392 ; (Zug) 488 j (Zurich) 5 1 8. quarter, (Bafel, city and cant.) 24 ; (Zurich) 520. ten, or Gluckhennen-thaler, (Basel, city and cant.) 41. eight, (Bafel, city and cant.) 23 ; (Bern) 5°' feven, (Chur, fee) 105, 106, 112; (Hal- denftein) 249. four, (Bern) 50 5 (Luzern) 277. four, or double-duplone, (Solothurn) 391- four, or quarter-Gluckhennen-thaler, (Bafel, city and cant.) 41. four, or double-piftole, (Zurich) 516. three, (Bern) 5i ; (Zug) 488. two, (Bafel, fee) 17 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 23 5 pattern, 23; (Bern) 5l ; (Chur, fee) 106; (St. Gallen, city) 157; (Geneva, city) 186; (Luzern) 278; (Zurich) 517. two, or duplone, (Solothurn) 391. Ducaton, or ecu-piftolet (Geneva, city), 184. Duplone, (Bafel, city and cant.) 24 ; (Bern) or two-ducat piece, (Solothurn) 391. two, (Bern) 53. two or four-ducat piece, (Solothurn) 391- E. ;^cu, (Trivulzio) 627. or forty-batzen piece, (Bern) 84. or thirty-nine-batzen piece, (Waadt) 475- d'or fol, (Geneva, city) 188. patagon, (Geneva, city) 188. piftolet,or ducaton, (Geneva, city) 184. half, (Geneva, city) 188, 2i5. half, petit, or twenty-one-batzen piece, (Neuchatel), 314, 318. quarter, (Geneva, city) 189. quarter, or twenty-four-fol piece,(Geneva, city) 189, 632. douzieme'd', (Neuchatel) 309. triple, (Trivulzio) 626. F. Frank, (Swifs Confederation) 583;pattern 587. or ten-batzen piece, (Freiburg) 143 ; (Graubiindten) 243 ; (Luzern) 284. or quarter-thaler, (Bern) 59 ; (Solo- thurn) 394 ; (TefTin) 418 ; (Waadt) 465. half, (Appenzell) 1 1 ; (Swifs Confedera • tion) S84. half, or five-batzen piece, (Graubiindten) 244. half, or eighth-thaler, (TefTin) 419. quarter, or fixteenth-thaler, (Teffin) 419. Franks, thirty-two, or double-piftole, (Helvetic Republic) 576. twenty, (Geneva, city and cant.) 187; (Luzern) 279 ; (Swifs Confederation), pattern, 587. fixteen, (Graubiindten) 243. fixteen, or piftole, (Helvetic Republic) 576. ten, (Bern), pattern, 54 ; (Geneva, city and cant.) 187; (Geneva, cant.) 220; (Luzern) 280 j (Swifs Confederation), pat- tern, 587. Index of Denominations. 647 Franks, five, (Geneva, city and cant.) 221 } (Neuchatel)320j (Swifs Confederation) 5 82. four, (Helvetic Republic) 576. four, or thaler, (Aargau) i ; (Appen- zell) 10 ; (Freiburg) 143 ; (Graubiindten) tir-medal, 241 ; (Luzern) 283 ; (Solo- thurn) 394 ; (Swifs Confederation), pattern, 586; (TerTin) 417. two, (Neuchatel) 320 ; (Swifs Con- federation) 582. two, or half-thaler, (Appenzell) 1 1 ; (Teflln) 418. Florin, or gulden, (Bafel, city and cant.) 22. Florin, or gulden, or forty-schilling piece, (Luzern) 294. or huitain, or twelve-fols piece, (Geneva, city) 190. or twelve-iols piece, (Geneva, money of necefsity) 225. Fiinfer, (Bern) 69, 70 ; (Freiburg) i36; (Lu- zern) 281 ; (Sitten) 362; (Solothurn) 393. — — or five-haller piece, (Bern) 69, 70. G. Galluspfenning, or Brafteate, (St. Gallen, abbey and city) 156. Genevoife, (Geneva, city) 21 3, 214. Gluckhennen-thaler, or ten-ducat piece, (Bafel, city and cant.) 41. or four-ducat piece,(Bafel, city and cant.) 41. Gros, (Genevois) 235. or fol, (Geneva, city) 200. Gros-ecu, (Geneva, city) 215. Grofchen, (Bafel, city and cant.) 33; (Lau- fenberg, city) 259; (Luzern) 296 ; (Rot- weil) 624; (SchafFhaufen) 336; (Schwyz) 351 ; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 454. — or three-kreuzer piece, (Bafel, fee) 1 6 ; (Chur, city) 118 J (Conftanz, city) 618; (St. Gallen, city) ; 167 ; (Gotteshausbund) 241 ; (Rotweil) 625 ; (SchafFhaufen) 337 ; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 454 ; (Zug) 498 ; (Zurich) 562. or two-fchilling piece, (Uri) 444, two, (Conftanz, fee) 607 ; (Conftanz, city) 615. Gulden, (Bafel, city and cant.) gold, 21, 22; (Bern) 50; (Chur, fee) gold, 106'; (Chur, city) gold, 116 ; (Miihlhaufcn) 623; (Schwyz) 342 ; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unter- walden) 449; (Zurich) gold, 515. Gulden, or florin, (Bafel, city and cant.) gold 22. or florin of forty fchillings, (Luzern) 294. — — or twenty-batzen piece, (Solothurn) 395, or two-thirds thaler (Chur, fee) 109; (Haldenftein) 25i. — — half, (Bafel, city and cant.) gold, 22 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 32 ; (Luzern) 295 ; (Schwyz) 343. — — half, quarter-thaler, or thirty-kreuzer piece, (Bern) 57 ; (St. Gallen, city) 164. quarter, (Luzern) 295. eighth, (Luzern) 296. fix, or diken, (Freiburg) gold, 130. four, or double-diken, (Bern) gold, 49. two, (Muhlhaufen) 622. Gulden-thaler, or fixty-kreuzer piece, (Bafel, city and cant.) 27. ^— half, or thirty-kreuzer piece, (Bafel, city and cant.) 30. H. Haller, (Haldenftein) 255 ; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 455 ; (Zug) 506. or einfeitiger pfenning (Chur, fee) 104, io5, 108, no, III; (Chur, city) 123. Hallers, fifteen, or plappart, (Bern) 67. five, or fiinfer, (Bern) 69, 70. three, or rappen, (Zurich) 564. two, (Haldenftein) 256. two, or einfeitiger pfenning (Chur, fee) 112, 115. Huitain, or florin of twelve fols (Geneva, city) 190. J. Jeton (Bafel, city and cant.) 47 ; (Einfiedeln) 127; (Freiburg) 148; (Geneva) 234; (Zug) gold 489; (Zurich) gold, 521. K. Kreuzer (Appenzell) i2;XBern) 77; (Chur, fee) 114, ii5; (Chur, cit)) 120; (Con- ftanz, fee) 611 ; (Conftanz, city) 618; (Difentis) 12S ; (Freiburg) 137, 146; (St. Gallen, citj) 171 ; (St. Gallen, cant.) 178; (Haldenftein) 253-255; (Luzern) 299; (Neuchatel) 309, 3io, 3i7, 319, 648 Index of Denominations, 322; (Obwalden) 432; (SchafFhaufen) 339; (Sitten) 371, 376;.385, 389; (Solo- thurn) 406 ; (Thurgau) 425 5 (Uri) 446 ; (Uri and Unterwalden, Bellinzona) 458 ; (Wallis) 477 ; (Zofingen) 48S ; (Zug) 497, 498; (Zurich) 56o. or quarter batzen, (St. Gallen, cant.) 177. or two-and-a-half-rappen piece, (Aargau) 4 ; (Bern) 79 ; (Freiburg) 146 ; (Solothurn) 410. or double -vierer, (Bafel, city and cant.) 34- half, (St. Gallen, cant.) 178 ; (Thurgau) 426. half, or two-pfenning piece, (St. Gallen, cant.) 178. , or vierer,(Appenzell) 9 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 35; (Bern) 70; (Neuchatel) 3 11. Kreuzers, fixty, or gulden-thaler, (Balel, city and cant.) 27. fifty-fix, or fourteen-batzen piece, (Neu- chatel) 3 1 5. fifty-six, or quarter-thaler,(Freiburg) 141 . forty-two, (Sarine and Broye) 328. forty, (Obwalden) 430. thirty, or half-gulden-thaler, (Bafel, city and cant.) 30. thirty, half-gulden, or quarter-thaler, (Bern) 57; (St. Gallen, city) 164. twenty-eight, or feven-batzen piece, (Neuchatel) 3i5. twenty-eight, or one-eighth-thaler, (Frei- burg) 141. twenty-four, or fix-batzen piece, (Bafel, fee) 19. twenty-four, or ftrichli-diken,(St. Gallen, city) 161. twenty (Appenzell) 8 ; (Bafel, fee) 17 ; (St. Gallen, abbey), 1 52 ; (Obwalden) 431 ; (Sitten) 38i, 386; (Zug) 497. , twenty, or five-batzen piece, (Bern) 61; (Freiburg) i32; (Neuchatel) 3i2; (Schwyz) 344; (Solothurn) 397; (Zo- fingen) 485. twenty, or dilcen, (Bern) 60. twenty, or eighth-thaler, (Neuchatel) 313- fixteen,or four-batzen piece, (NeuchStel) 312. fifteen, (Appenzell) 8 ; (Chur, fee), 1 10, III, 113; (Conftanz, city) 616; (St. Gallen, city) 164; (Haldenftein) 2S2 ; (Schafthaufen) 333. Kreuzers, fourteen, or fixteenth-thaler, (Freiburg) 141. twelve, (Bafel, city and cant.) 35 ; (Con- ftanz, city) 617; (St. Gallen, abbey) 153 j (Sitten) 386; (Zurich) 559. twelve, or three-batzen piece, (Baiel,fee) 19; (SchafFliausen) 335. twelve, or diken, (Haldenftein) 25o. twelve, or half-diken, (Chur, city) 116; (St. Gallen, city) 162; (Zug) 494. ten, (Chur, fee) 108, 109, ill ; (Chur, city) 117 ; (Conftanz, fee) 608; (Conftanz, city) 617; (Freiburg) l32; (Neuchatel) 314; (Zug) 497. ten, or tvvo-and-a-half-batzen, (Bern) 65 ; (Solothurn) 398. ten, or half-diken, (Bern) 61. feven, or thirty-fecond part of a thaler, (Freiburg), 142. fix, (Appenzell) 9 ; (Bafel, fee) 1 8 ; (St. Gallen, abbey) 1S3 ; (St, Gallen, city) l65; (St. Gallen, cant.) I75; (Sitten) 386. five, (St. Gallen, abbey) i53 ; (Halden- ftein) 255 ; (Zug) 498. four, or batzen, (Bafel, fee) 18; (Bern) 73; (St. Gallen, city) 166; (Schaffhaufen) 335; (Sitten) 387; (Zofingen), 485. three, or grofchen, (Bafel, fee) 16; (Chur, city) 118; (Conftanz, city) 618 ; (St. Gallen, city) 167; (Gotteshausbund) 241 ; (Rotweil) 625; (Schaffhausen) 337 J (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 454; (Zug) 498; (Zurich) 562. two, (St. Gallen, abbey) 154. two, or half-batzen, (Bern) 76 ; (Chur, city) 120; (Conftanz, city) 618 ; (Freiburg) 1 35; (St. Gallen, city) 170; (Neuchatel) 3i6; (Sitten) 388. L. Lammpfenning, bradeate, (St. Gallen, abbey and city) i55. M. Maille, or two-denier piece, (Geneva, city) 212. Medals, (Bafel, fee) 20 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 41 ; (Bern) 85 ; (Beron-Miinfter or Miinfter) 99-101 ; (Biel) 102 ; Conftanz, Index of Denominatio?is. 649 fee) 612 ; (Conftanz,city) 621 ; (Einfiedeln) 126; (Fifchingen) 128; (St. Gallen, abbey) 1S4; (St. Gallen, city) 174; (Geneva) 225; (Laufanne, fee) 276; (Luzern) 3o2 ; (Muri) 3o6 ; (Nidwalden) 436, 437 ; (Neuchatel) 323 ; (Obwalden) 438 ; (Rheinau) 326 ; (SchafFhaufen) 430; (Schwyz) 358; (Solothurn) 412; (Unfpunnen) 427; (Unterwalden) 436; (Uri) 446 ; (Uri and Wallis) 447 ; (Vevey) 460; (Waadt) 475; (Wallis) 478 ; (Wlnterthur) 480 ; (Zofingen) 486 ; (Zug) S09 ; (Zurich) 565. Medals, general 588; (alliances of .cantons) 591; (cantons in alliance with foreign countries) 592; (foundation of Swils Con- federation ) 588 ; ( hiftorical ) 595 Eidgenbfsenfeft at Zurich, i85i) 590 (mifcellaneous) 602; (perfonal) 598 (religious) 6o3. of Sedecemviri (Bern) 87. of Sedecemviri of Outer State, (Bern) 90. Money of neceflity, (Geneva) 224. Miinzlamm, bradeate, (St. Gallen, abbey and city) 1 55. o. Oertli, or four-batzen piece, (Schwyz) 844. Parpalllot, (Geneva, city) 202. Petit, half-ecu or twenty-one-batzen piece, (Neuchatel) 314, 318. Pfenning, (Appenzell) 12; (Conftanz, city) 621; (St. Gallen, cant.) 179. einfeitiger, (Laufenberg, city) 259. .einfeitiger, or haller, (Chur, fee) T04, loS, io8, no. Ill ; (Chur, city) i23. . einfeitiger, or double-haller, (Chur, fee) 112, ii5. moralische, (Bafel, city and cant.) 42, 44. two, or half-kreuzcr, (St. Gallen, cant.) 178. Piecette, (Neuchatel) 314. Piftole, (Geneva, city) 187; (Luzern) 279; (Neuchatel) 312; (Uri) 441. or fixteen-frank piece, (Helvetic Re- public) 576. Piftole, triple, (Geneva, city) 186. double, (Luzern) 278. double, or four-ducat piece, (Zurich) 5i6. double, or thirty-two-frank piece, (Hel- vetic Republic) 576. Pite, or Pougeoife, (Geneva, city) 212. Plappart, (St. Gallen, city) i57, i63; (Lau- fenberg, city) 258 ; (Luzern) 280 ; (SchafF- haufen) 334; (Solothurn) 399; (Zurich) 523. or three-fiinfer piece, (Bern) 69. or fifteen-haller piece, (Bern) 67. Pougeoife, or pite, (Geneva, city) 212. Quadruple, (Geneva, city) i85. Quart, (Geneva, city) 210. Quarts, fix, fol-fix-deniers, or dix-huit-denier piece, (Geneva, city) 198. deux, fix-deniers, or demi-fol piece, (Geneva, city) 206. Quattrino, (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 455. R. Rappen, (Aargau) 5 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 40; (Bern) 82; (Helvetic Republic) 579; (Luzern) 300 ; (Obwalden) 433 ; (Schwyz) 354 ; (Solothurn) 410; (Uri) 446 ; (Waadt) 474; (Zug) 504; (Zurich) S63. Rappen, or centime, (Swifs Confederation) 586. or three-haller piece, (Zurich) 564. half, (Obwalden) 434. forty-five, or fifteen-fchilling piece, (Glarus) 237. twenty, or twenty-centime piece, (Swifs Confederation) 584. ten, or batzen (Aargau) 3 ; (Appen- zell) II ; (Freiburg) 145; (Helvetic Re- public) 578 ; (Luzern) 291 ; (Nidwalden) 435 ; (Uri) 444; (Waadt) 467. ten, or ten-centime piece, (Swifs Con- federation) 585. nine, or three-fchilling piece, (Glarus) 238. 650 Index of Denominations, Rappen, five, or half-batzen, (Aargau) 4 ; (Bafel, city and cant.) 40 ; (Bern) 76 ; (Freiburg) 145 J (Helvetic Republic) 579 ; (Luzern) 294; (Solothurn) 406; (Waadt) 471. five,"or five-centime piece, (Swifs Con- federation) 585. three, or fchilling, (Glarus) 289. two-and-a-half, or quarter-batzen, (Waadt) 474. two-and-a-half, or kreuzer, (Aargau) 4 ; (Bern) 79 } (Freiburg) 146 ; (Solothurn) 410. two, (Aargau) 4 ; (Bafel, city and cant) 40; (Bern) 79; (Schwyz) 35a; (Zurich) 563. two, or two-centime piece, (Swifs Con- federation) 585. s. Schilling, (Conftanz, city) 620; (Freiburg) 139; (Laufenberg, cit>') 259; (Luzern) 298; (Schwyz) 349; (Uri) 445; (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden) 454 ; (Uri 'and Unterwalden) 458 ; (Zug) 5o2 ; (ZUrich) 556. or three-rappen piece, (Glarus) 239. half, (Freiburg) iSg. . forty, gulden, or florin, (Luzern) 294. — thirt)-fix, or half-thaler, (Zurich) pat- tern, 522. twent)-, (Ziirich) 55l. fifteen, or forty-five-rappen piece, (Glarus) 237. ten, (Sch\v)-z) 348 ; (Zurich)]5S2. five, (Schwyz) 348 5 (Zurich) 555. , three, or nine-rappen piece, (Glarus) 238. two, or grofchen, (Uri) 444. School-medals/f^ Schulpfenninge. Schulpfenninge, (Baden ) 629 ; (Bafel, city and* cant.) 46; (Bern) 92; (BurgdorQ 630; (St. Gallen, city) 174; (Geneva, city) 232 ; (Luzern) 304 ; (Obwalden) 437; (Solothurn) 41 5; (Thun) 423; (Vevey) 460 ; (Zofingen) 486 ; (Zug) 509 j (Zurich) 5^7. or twent)'-batzen piece, (Zofingen) 486. — — or twelve-and-a-half batzen piece, (Zo- fingen) 486. Seal, (Nicholas Schiner, Bifhop of Sitten) 389. Sechfer, (Bafel, city and cant.) 33, 34. Seizain, or fix-fols piece, (Geneva, city and cant.) 192. Sol, (Geneva, city and cant.) 219 ; (Geneva, money of necefsit)-) .225 j (Greierz) 247, 632 ; (Laufanne, fee) 269, 270, 272, 273. Sol, or fix-deniers piece, (Geneva, city) 217; (Geneva, city and cant.) 218. Sol-fix-deniers, fix-quarts, or dix-huit-deniers piece, (Geneva, city) 198. Sol or gros, (Geneva, city) 200. demi, (Laufanne, fee) 270, 271. demi, fix-deniers, or deux-quarts piece, (Geneva, city) 206. Sols, twenty-four, or quarter-ecu, (Geneva,city) 189. twenty-one, (Geneva, city) 1 90. twenty-one, or quarter-ecu, (Geneva, city) 632. fifteen, (Geneva, city) 216. twelve, or florin, (Geneva, city) 190 ; (Geneva, money of necefsity) 225. —— ten-and-a-half, (Geneva, city) 191. eight, (Geneva, city) 193. fix, (Geneva, city) 192, 216 ; (Geneva, money of necefsity) 225. fix, or feizain, (Geneva, city) 192, four, (Geneva, city) 193. three, (Geneva, city) 194, 216. Soldo, mezzo, (Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwal- den) 455. Soldi, three, (Tefsin) 419. Strichli-diken, fix-batzen, or twenty-four- kreuzer piece (St. Gallen, city) 161. T. Teft:on, (Geneva, city) 632; (Lau{anne, fee) 275; (Sitten) 364,369. Thaler, (Bafel, fee) 17; (Bafel, city and cant.) 27; (Bern) 54; (Chur, fee) 107, Ii3; (Chur, city) 116 ; (Conftanz, fee) 609, 610; (Conftanz, cit)) 61 3 ; (Freiburg) 130; (St. Gallen, abbey) 149, i5o; (St. Gallen, city) i59; (Geneva, city) 187; (Gotteshausbund) 241 ; (Haldenftein) 249 ; (Luzern) 281, 282; (Neuchatel) 3i3; (Schaffhau^en) 33 1 ; (Schwyz) 342; (Sitten) 36i, 363, 365, 369 j (Solothurn) 393 ; (Uri, Schwyz, and Untenvalden) 449 ; (Zug) 489 ; (Ziirich) 523, 527, 53o. at eleven to the mark, (Zurich) 535. or forty-batzen piece, (Aargau) i ; (Glarus) ^^^ ; (Helvetic Republic) 577 ; Index of Denominations, 651 (Luzern) 283 ; (Waadt) 463 ; (ZUrich) 536. Thaler, or four-frank piece (Appenzell) 10; (Freiburg) i53 ; (Graubiindten) 243; (Luzern) 283; (Solothurn) 394; (Te(sin) 417. ^ee aljo Dik-thaler. — — gluckhennen, or ten-ducat piece, (Bafel, city and cant.) 41. fee aljo Gulden-thaler. two-thirds, or gulden, (Chur, fee) 109 ; (Haldenftein) 25 1. half, (Bafel, city and cant.) 3o j (Bern) 57 J (Conftanz,lee) 610; (Conftanz, city) 614; (St. Gallen, abbey) i5i ; (St. Gallen, city) 160; (Luzern) 284; (Neuchatel) 3l3 3 (Obwalden) 430; (Schaffhaufen) 33i; (Sitten)373; (Zug) 491 ; (Ziirich) 536. half, or twenty-batzen piece, (Aargau) 2 ; (Luzern) 284 ; (Waadt) 464; (Zurich) S42. half, or two-frank piece (Appenzell) II ; (Tefsin) 418. half, or thirty-fix-fchilling piece, pattern, (Zurich) 522. half, at 22 to the mark, (Zurich) 542. third (Bafel, city and cant.) 32. quarter, (Biel) 17; (Bafel, city and cant.) 32; (Conftanz, fee) 610; (Neu- chatel) 3i3; (Zurich) 543. — — quarter, or ten-batzen piece, (Aargau) 2 ; (Helvetic Republic) 577; (Solothurn) 396; (Waadt) 464. . quarter, ten-batzen piece, or frank, (Frei- burg) 143. quarter, or feven-and-a-half-batzen piece, (Bern) 58. quarter, or frank, (Bern) 59 ; (Solo- thurn) 394; (Tefsin) 418; (Waadt) 465. quarter, half gulden, or thirty-kreuzer piece, (Bern) 57; (St. Gallen, city) 164. quarter, or fifty-fix-kreuzer piece, (Frei- burg) 141. . quarter-gluckhennen, or four-ducat piece, (Bafel, city and cant.) 41. Thaler, fixth, (Bafel, city and cant.) 32. eighth, or half frank, (Tefsin) 419. eighth, or twenty-eight-kreuzer piece, (Freiburg) 141. eighth, or twenty-kreuzer piece, (Neu- chatel) 313. fixteenth, or fourteen-kreuzer piece, (Freiburg) 141. fixteenth, or quarter-frank, (Tefsin) 412. ■^ convention, (Conftanz, fee) 611. ^, or feven-kreuzer piece, (Freiburg) 142. -^ convention, (Conftanz, fee) 611. double, (Bafel, city and cant.) 26 ; (Sitteu) 362 ; (Zurich) 527, 53o. Tickets, (Bern) 98 ; (Geneva) 234. Tir-medal, (Bafel, city and cant.) 43 ; (Grau- biindten) 243 ; (Nidwalden) 436, 437 ; (Solothurn) 414 ; (Unterwalden) 436 ; (Zug) 509; (Zurich) 566. Tlschli-vlerer, or token, (Bern) 91. Tokens, (Bern) 85, 91. Tremifsis, (Sitten) 359. u. Uncertain coin, (Solothurn) '411. V. Vierer, (Bern) gold, 52 ; (Freiburg) i38, 147 ; (Neuchatel) 317, 319 j (Schaffhaufen) 5405 (Sitten) 367, 372, 380; (Uri and Unterwalden) 458; (Zofingen) 485; (Zug) 498 ; (Ziirich) 562. or half-kreuzer, (Bafel, city and cant.) 35; (Bern) 79; (Neuchatel) 311. double, or kreuzer, (Bafel, city and cant.) 34. z. Zweier, (Conftanz, city) 619. 652 III. INDEX OF TYPES AND SUBJECTS. A. Aar, view of river, 85., Aargau, arms of, i. Abundance and Charity fupporting fliield of Bern, 92. Adrian V. von Riedmatten, Birtiop of Sitten, arms of, 447, 478. Agricultural implements, 87. Agricultural implements, with caduceus on block, 87. Alexander VII., Pope, buft of, 600. Allied places, arms of, 418, 592. Allied places and cantons, fliields of, 588, 589. Altar, before which Louis XIV. of France, his Ion, and Swifs ambafsadors, SgS. Altar, garlanded, 89. Altar, infcribed, over which man and woman clafping hands, So, 52. Altar, ornamented with owl, 423. Altar, over which two youths clafping hands, 423. Altar, with bible, 480. Altar, with lights, chalice, &c., 362, 365. Altar, with open book, 577. Altar fee aljo Communion Table. Ampulla, furmouiited by raven and held by angel, 5 09. Ampulla, furmounted by raven and held by St. Ofwald, 492, 494, 498. Androclus and lion, 86. Angel before St. John Nepomucene, 613. Angel blowing trumpet, 225. Angel flying over Pool of Siloam, 596. Angel with ampulla, 509. Angel with palm and Ihield (Zurich), S69. Angel with fcroll above altar, 362, 365. Angel with wreath flying over Luzern, 3o3. Angels and cherubs around triangle radiate, 603. Angels, two, holding infcribed ihield, 1 74. Anhorn, arms of, 167, 169, 170. Annunciation, order of, i5o-l52. Ape approaching temple on mountain, 90. Ape holding mirror and apple and feated on lobster (arms of Outer State of Bern), 90. Appenzell, arms of, 6. Archer (Tell?) with arrow and crofs-bow, 43. Arms ifsuing from clouds, 88-90. Arne River, reprefented by divinity, 226. Auglburg mm. (pine-cone), 609. Auftria and Zofingen, arms of, 484. Auftrian plume on ducal helmet, 483. Axe held by St. Wolfgang, 5o2, 5o3. B. Bacchus, young, feated aft:ride barrel, 461. Bailiwicks and territories of Freiburg, fliields of, i3o. Bailiwicks of Luzern, arms of, 304. Bailiwicks of Zurich, arms of, 565. Balance containing foul and wheel and dragon, 489. Balel, city, veiled buft of, 42. Bafel, city, feated, holding book and cornucopiae, 42. Bafel fee, city and canton, arms of, 13. Bafel, arms of bailiwicks of, 23, 26, 28- 32. Bafel, view of city, 23, 26, 28-32, 41-46. Bafel, view of diocefe, 20. Bafelftab,/f(? arms of Balel, 13. Bafilifk,/ff arms of Bafel, i3. Bear armed, 91. Index of Types. 653 Bear carrying boy, iSi-i53. Bear fpeared by huntsman (Count Beron, of Lenzburg), 100. Bear fuckllng cubs, 94, 96. Bear with palm and book, 93. Bear with fcroU, 97, 98. Bear, to which St. Gallen offers loaf, 149, iSo. Beehive, 94, 21 5. Beehive beneath tree, 94. Bees as emblems of induftry, 214. Beggar receiving cloak from St. Martin, 842- 344>449. 45x,457- Beggar receiving cloak from St. Nicholas, 441. Belief, the, in German, 6o3. Bell carried by Satan to St. Theodolus, 36o- 363, 365, 369,373. Bern, arms of, 49. Bern, arms of bailiwicks of, 85. Bern, Trades-Company's Hall, 86. Bern, view of city, 85, 87. Bern, Freiburg, and Murten, arms of, 595. Bern and Zurich, Ihlelds of, (Toggenburger- War), 595. Bern, Zurich, and St. Gallen, fliields of, held by draped hands, 596. Bernouilli, Daniel, buft of, 598. Bertha, Queen, prefenting church to St. Urfus, 415. Berthier, Alexandre, head of, 320. Bible, held by Geneva, 600. Bible on altar, 480, 570, 573. Bible radiate, 228. Biel, arms of, 102,412. Blftiop, buft of, between crozier and fleur-de- lis, 606. Biftiop, buft of, holding crozier and book, 606. Biftiop, head of, between crozier and mullet, 606. Black eagle, order of, 3 18, 324. Block with caduceus, Icythe, and reaping- hook, 87. Bodmer, J. J., buft of, 574. Book and hour-glafs refting againft column, 213. Boy crowned by Minerva, 92. Boy holding leafti of dog, 45. Boy, winged, ftudying globe, 226. Boy with bale of merchandife, 226. Branch with three rofes, 45. Brun, Rudolph, buft of, 573. Bullinger, H.,buft of, S72. Bundle of fticks, fable of, 591. Buft, female, crowned, 482. c. Ca£lus,yi« arms of Schaffhaufen, 33l, et jeq. Caduceus and winged petafus, 305. Caduceus on block, with agricultural imple- ments, 87. Calvin, John, buft of, 225, 228, 598. Camp, view of, with pavilion and chalets, 567. Cantons and allied places, ftiields of, 588, 589. Cantons (thirteen), arms of, 412, 413. Cantons (thirteen), arms of, held by hand, draped and radiate, 592. Cap of Liberty on pole, 22. Cap on fafces, 509. Captive, whofe eye is pierced by huftandman, 437. Cathedral, 268. Catholic cantons, arms of, 447, 478. Chalons, arms of, quarterly, with arms of Neuchatel, 3i2, et feq., 325. Chapel of Einfiedeln convent, 127. Chapel, furmounted by Genius, before it dying warrior, 43. Charity and Abundance, fupporting fliield of Bern, 92. Charlemagne prefenting fword to Nicholas Schiner, 36i. Charlemagne, feated, holding fword, 5i5, 5 1 7, 523. Charles VI., Emperor, buft of, 596. Cherub, 629. Cherubs and angels around radiate triangle, 6o3. Cherubs in clouds, 601. Child and Virgin, see Virgin and Child. Child, holding drill, 282. Child, naked, feated beneath tree holding flowers, and /kuU, 44. Child, receiving wreath from Minerva, 47. Child, with toy wind-mill, 91. Chrift, buft of, 233. Chrift, in attitude of benediftion, 44. Chrift in clouds, 569. Chrift, Infant, receiving ofl^erings from the Three Kings, 42. Chrift, with two difciples, 85. Chur, arms of, fee and city, io3. 654 Index of Types, Church, 5 1 3. Church, held by St. Wolfgang, 5o2, So3. Church, interior of, 127. Church with fcene of canonization of St. Francis de Sales, 600. Church with tower and lantern, 324. Clock, 21 5. Club entwined with fnakes, 92. Coins ifsuing from cornucopiae in clouds, 41 5, 416. Column garlanded, with fhield (Zurich), and furmounted by hat, &c., 569. Column, furmounted by figure of Minerva, 4i3. Column, furmounted by Viftory, and orna- mented with fhields of various cantons, S09. Communion table, with open bible, 570, 572. Confederation-crofs above hands ilsuing from clouds, 414* Confederation-crois, combined with tir-trophy, 237. Conftanz, arms of fee and city, and of Wiirtemberg, 609. Conftanz, fhields of chief officers and members of the Council of (1623), 613,614. Conftanz, view of, 61 3. Cornucopiae, held by lion, 569. Cornucopise, in clouds, pouring out coins, 41 5. Cornucopia, with coins and fcales, 566. Crofs of eight B's, 64. Crofsof eight F's, i32. Crofs of eight G's, 167, 171. Crofs of eight L's, 284, 294. Crofsof fourN's, 3 12. Crofs of Confederation,/?-; Confederation-crols. Crown, furmounted by Auftrian peacock's plume, 483. Cubs and bear, 94, 96. Cuirafs with feven banners, S95. D. David kneeling in Temple, 44. David kneeling, playing on harp, 95. Death as reaper, 601. De Beza, Theodore, buft of, 228. Delta infcribed, S09. Delta with flames, 9 5. Demon, with dagger and flaming torch, prof- trate beneath feet of Minerva, 597. De Sales, St. Francis, canonization of, in Church, 600. De Salis-Matenfeld, Barons of, arms, 2S2. Difciples with Chrift, 85. Difentis, arms, 12 5. Dog in leafh, held by boy, 45. Dolphin and ftiip on fea, 5 69. Dragon and wheel in balance, held by St. Michael, 489. Dragon flain by St. Michael, 99, loo, lOI. Drill, /e-f St. Leodigarius. .^ Dufour, General, buft of, 597. E. Eagle, 21 3. Eagle on key, 214. Eagle with eaglet flying towards the fun, 276. Einfiedeln, arms of, 126. England, arms of, 509. Entremont, arms of the three feignories, 36 1, 365. Erni, Tell, and Stouffacher, taking oath of independence, 588, 589. Efcher, family, arms of, 573. Efcher, Heinrlch, buft of, S73. Executioner decapitating St. Urlus, 416. F. Faith and Reafon holding Bible, 228. Farel, W., buft of, 228. Farnfpurg, ftiield of, 23. Fakes lurmounted by cap, 509. Fafces furmounted by plumed hat, 328, 414, 475, 579- Fazy, James, buft of, 23 1, 234. Female buft (Swifs Confederation) draped, 586. Female emblematic figures prefenting corn, &c. to Helvetia, 87. Female figure holding pole furmounted by hat, 92. Female figure, (Laulanne?) encircling head with oak-branch, 86. Female figure (Neuchatel), holding child, and prefenting laurel-wreath to Frederick L of Pruffia, 323. Female figure, feated, holding anchor, and ftriking globe with foot, 599. Index of Types, 655 Female figures (two), armed with fhields of Zurich and Graubiindtcn, 591. Female head laureate, 587. Fifchingen, arms, 128. Foreft Cantons, Patron Saint of, 449. Fortune in the fea, 569. Founders of Swifs Confederation, taking oath of independence, 588, 589. Fountain in garden, 92. France and Helvetia clafplng hands before altar, 413. Franz III., Bifliop of Sitten, arms of, 478. Franz Conrad, Cardinal von Rodt, buft of, 610. Frauenmunfter, Abbefs of, veiled buft, 514. Freiburg, arms of, 129. Freiburg, Bern, and Murten, ftiields of, 59 5. French Empire, arms of, in chief with arms of Neuchatel, 320-322. Frederick I. of Pruflia, buft of, 3l2-3i4. Frederick I. of Pruflia, receiving fceptre and palm from Neuchatel, 323. Frederick I. of Pruflia, receiving wreath from Neuchatel, holding child, 323. Frederick William II., buft of, 324. Frederick William III., buft of, 3 18. Frifching, Samuel, buft of, 599. Frifching, Samuel, ftiield of (?), 599. Frohlich, Wilhelm, buft of, 599. Frohlich, Wilhelm, fliield of (?), 599. Gallia placing infant prince on altar, 412. Gardener tending tree, 94. Geneva, arms of, 180. Geneva, holding laurel-branch and ftiield, 2 3o. Geneva, and winged genii, 600. Geneva, holding oak-wreath, 229. Geneva, (eated, holding Bible, and pole fur- mounted by Cap of Liberty, 600. Geneva, head of, 214. Geneva, holding wreath, and leaning on altar, 23o. Geneva, leaning on column, &c., 213. Geneva, view of city, 226, 229. Genii and Geneva, 600. Genii graiping hand of Minerva, S97. Genii with Confederation-crofs, 592. Genii with palm and ftiield, 565. Gerold II., Abbot of Rhcinau, buft of, 327. Gefsler on horfeback and foldiers, 447. Gefsner, arms of family, 572. Gefsner, C, buft of, 572. Glarus, arms of, 237. Gluckhenne with chickens, 41. Gotteshausbund, arms of, 242. Graubu'ndten, arms of, 242. Graubiindtcn and Venice, ftiields of, 594. Grauerbund, arms of, 242. Grenus, Baron de, coronet and craft of, 2 3o. Greierz, arms of, 247. Guilds of Zurich, arms of, S73. H. Habftjurg, creft of, 306. Haldenftein, arms of, 248. Haller, B., buft of, 85. Hands clafped, with fword and fceptre, 88, 89. Hands draped and clafped, 6o3. Hands ifsuing from clouds, and furmounted by Confederation-crois, 414. Hands, with dagger and fliield, 90. Hat on fafces, 414, 579. Hat on pole, 91, 92. Hat on pole, held by Viftory, 303, 304. Hawk, 44. Head, female, veiled, 483. Head, with pointed hat and tafsel, 628. Helmet, furmounted by crown and falcon, 275. Helmet, furmounted by fwan's neck, 2 58. Helmet, with ducal crown, furmounted by Auftrian plume, 483. Helmet, with Auftrian plume, 484. Helmet, with vizor and creft, 308. Helvetia and France clafping hands before altar, 413. Helvetia receiving corn &c. from female emblematic figures, 87. Helvetia feated before Alps, 414. Helvetia feated, pointing to Alps, 582-5 84. Helvetic Republic, arms of, 576. Hen and chickens, 41. Henry II., Duke of Longueville, buft of, 309. Hildebrand von Riedmatten (Biftiop of Sitten), buft of, 369. Hive, with bees, 21 5. Homburg, ftiield of, 2 3. • Hope, with flower and fliield (Efcher arms), 573. 656 Index of Types, Horfemen (two) proftrate before Zurich (city), 569. Hour-glafs and book refting againft column, 2l3. Hour-glafs, fkull, &c., 4S. Huntfman spearing bear, loo. Huntfman's horn on palm-tree, 437. Hulbandman and his three fons, 226, 227. Hulbandman piercing eyes of captive, 437. Hulbandman tending vine, 46. Hydra and Swifs warrior, 602. Infant prince placed by Gallia on altar, 412. Inftruftlon rifing from tomb at voice of religion, 232. J- Jefuits' college, Freiburg, 148. Juftice and Minerva leated, clafping hands, 509. Juftice, holding wreath and kales, 423. K. Kings (Three) offering to Infant Chrift, 42. Klein Hiiningen, arms of, 2 3. Knight in armour, falling on funeral pyre, 590. Kolb, buft of, 85. Kyburg, Count of, buft, 257. Lamb, Paichal, with flag, iS5. Landfcape, with orange trees, 323. Laft Supper, the, 127. Laufenberg, arms of, 2 58. Laurel, flowering, 97. Laufanne, arms of biftiopric and city, 261. Laufanne, view of Lake, 276. Le Fort, buft of, 600. Lenzburg, arms of, 199-201. Liberty, Cap of, and ftatue of Peace, held by senators of Balel, 42. Liberty, head of, Phrygian cap, 587. Liechftall, fliield of, 23. Lion and Androclus, 86. Lion couchant, with cornucopiae, 5 69. Lion, holding fword furmounted by Swifs hat, 341. Lippe, Simon Auguft, Count von der, buft of, 276. Louis XIV., buft of, 593. Louis XIV., his fon, the Dauphin, and Swifs ambalsadors, taking oath of alliance at altar, 593. Louis XVL, buft of, 413. Luzern, arms of, 277. Luzern, arms of, on jeton of Bafel, 47. Luzern, holding fpear, 3o5. Luzern, facrificing at tripod, 3o3. Luzern, view of city, 3o3. M. Man blowing horn, &c., as fupporter of Ihields of Empire and Uri, 446, 447. Man clafping woman's hand over altar, 50— 52. Man in oriental turban, 86. Mantle infcribed, held by man and woman, 5i, 52. Maria of Orleans, buft of, (Neuchatel) 3 12. Minerva and Juftice, feated, clafping hands, 509. Minerva crowning youth, 92, 460. Minerva holding fceptre, fword, and fafces, 89. Minerva holding wreath, 569, Minerva offering wreath to youth, 47. Minerva on column, 413. Minerva, fliield of, ornamented with border of ftiields of various cantons, 596. Minerva ftanding on proftrate demon, and holding winged genius, 597. Minerva with olive and palm branches, 596. Mercury crowning youth, 90. Mercury with caduceus and fliield (Saffron- mongers, Zurich), 566. Monchenftein, fliield of, 23. Monument entwined with laurel, 416. Mountain and church before St. Nicholas von Flue, 429. Mountain behind thunder-cloud, 174. Mountain furmounted by temple, 3o5. Mountain with temple, afcended by figures, 95. Mountaineer with alp-horn, 427. Mortuary chapel, 595, 621. Index of "Types. 657 Miihlhaufen, fhield of, 412. Munnoth, view of fortrefs, 340. Muri, arms of abbey, 3 06. Muri, view of abbey, 307. Murten, Bern, and Freiburg, fhields of, 595. Murten, view of city, 595. Mufic-book and mufical inftruments, group of, 479- N. Neuchatel, arms of, 307. Neuchatel, arms of, quarterly, with thofe of Orleans, 309 et Jcq., 3l2, 325. Neuchatel, arms of, quarterly, with thofc of French Empire, 320. Neuchatel, prelenting fceptre and palm to Frederick, of Pruflia, 323. Neuchatel, with flag and torch, 325. o. Obeli/k, 42. Ober-Wallis, fevcn difains, arms of, 36i, 36s. Ober-Wallis, fevcn difains, fhield of, 478. Obfervatory on fca-fhore, 598. Orange-tree (fymbol of Houfe of Orange), before landfcape, 323. Orleans, arms of, quarterly with thoie of Neuchatel, Zoc) feq. Outer State of Bern, arms of, 90. Owl, 89, 460. Owl, figure of, on altar, 423. P. Palladian building, with colonnade, 2 32. Palladian building with gables, 565. Palm-tree, on which hangs huutfman's horn. &c., 437. Pafchal lamb, with banner, i5S. Pavilion, before which ftands archer, with crofs-bow, 43. Pavilion with flags, 481. Peace, holding palm-branch and Icroll, 340. Peace, ftatue of, and cap of liberty, held by fenators of Bern, 42. Petafus and caJuceus, 305. Phanix in burning nell, 46. Placidus (Abbot of Muri), bull of, 3o6. S.C. T Plancus L. Munatius, armed, 43. Pole, furmountcd by cap of liberty, held by Geneva, 600. Pole, furmountcd by hat or cap, 91, 92, 447. Pole, iurmounted by hat, held by female figure, 92. Pole, with cap of liberty, 22. Pruflia, arms of, Ziz,fiq., Zz$. Pulpit with canopy, 598. Quadrant on tower, 598. R. Rahn and Steiner, fliields of families of, 601. KdiTciyfee arms of Schaft'haulen, 3z^fcj. Ramftein, Ihield of, 23. Rathhaus of Zurich, 565. Raven on ampulla held by angel, 509. Raven with ring on ampulla held by St. Ofwald, 492, 494, 49S. Reafon and Faith holding Bible, 228. Religion calling Inftrudlion from tomb, 232. Religion holding crofs and fhields of Catholic cantons, 447. Religion holding fword, fceptre, and fafces, 89; Religion with book, 226. Religion with fliiclds of Catholic cantons, holding crofs and orb, 470. Republic wearing Phrygian cap, 217. Rhcinau, arms of, 326. Rheinau, church of, 326. Rhone, female figure, 226. Richard, Dl. Jean, (dit Brefsel), bull of, 32S. Ricchen, fliield of, 23. Rifleman, Swifs, 566. River gods (_.'\rne and Rhone), 226. Roulseau, J. J., buft of, 227. Roufseau, J. J., column of, 227. Rofe tree above fltuU and crofs-bones, 45. s. Saffron-monger's Hall at Zurich, 566.^; St. Catherine and St. Theodolus, 363, 370. St. Conrad and St. Ptlagius, 616, 617. St. Conrad enthroned, holding crozicr, 620. St. Dionyfjus, buft of, 124. 658 Index of Types. St. Exuperantlus, St. Felix, and St. Regula, decapitated, each holding head, S24. St. Felix and St. Regula, decapitated, each holding head, 543. St. Felix, head of, 5 13, S14. St. Felix, St. Regula, and St. Exuperantlus, decapitated, each holding head, 524. St. Fintan, Patron Saint of Rheinau, 327. St. Fridolin, arms of Glarus, ■2.1>1 Jeq. St. Gallen, arms of abbey and city, 149. St. Gallen, Eern, and Zurich, fliields held by draped hands, 596. St. Gallen, fliields of abbey and city, 412. St. Gallen, buft of, i56. St. Gallen, patron falntof St. Gallen, with ftaff, loaf, and bear, 149, 152-154, iSj. St. Idda with flag, 128. St. Jacob falling back on funeral pyre, 590. St. John Baptlft with lamb, &c., 258, 259. St. John Nepomucene kneeling, holding crofs, 6i3. St. John, abbey of (in Thurthal), arms quar- terly with thofe of St. Gallen, Toggenburg, &c., 149, i5o, 1 52. St. Laurence with palm and gridiron, i63. St. Legeryi-tr St. Leodigarlus. St. Leodigarlus or Leger (Patron Saint of Lu- zern) and child with drill, 282. St. Leodigarlus, his eye pierced by foldler, 281. St. Leodigarlus with drill, &c., 277-278, 280- 284, 293, 298, 299. St. Lucius (Patron Saint of Chur), buft of, 116, 119. St. Lucius with orb and crozier, 116, 120. St. Lucius with orb and fceptre, 105-107. St. Lucius with orb, palm, and fceptre, 109, no, HI. St. Martin as fupporter of fliields of Empire and Uri, 446, 447. St. Martin (Patron Saint of Schwyz), 342. St. Martin (Patron Saint of Uri), buft of, 451. St. Martin, dividing his cloak with beggar, 342-344, 441, 449> 45i, 457- St. Martin, enthroned, with book and crozier, 449. St. Martin, in eplfcopal robes, and ho'dlng fword and crozier, 349, 442, 444, 445, 454, 458. St. Martin, holding banner of confederation and flaming fword, 45o. St. Martin, holding fword and crozier, 120, St. Maurice, 7. St. Maurice, enthroned, holding palm, 275, 285,286. St. Maurice holding flag and flileld of confede- ration, 489. St. Maurice on horfeback, 275. St. Maurice with drawn fword, 285. St. Melnrad, martyrdom of, 127. St. Michael flaying dragon, 90-IOI. St. Michael (Patron Saint of Zug), with flileld and balance, 488, 492. St. Michael (Patron Saint of Zug), with fword and balance, 489. St. Michael flaying Satan, 161. St. Nicholas (Patron Saint of Freiburg), buft of, 1 3 1. St. Nicholas (Patron Saint of Freiburg), with crozier and loaves, 130-134, 139. St. Nicholas von Flue (Patron Saint of Unter- walden), buft of, 438, 439. St. Nicholas von Flue, leaning on ftaff^, 428. St. Nicholas von Flue, praying, 429, 430, 432, 439, 440. St. Nicholas von Flue, vifion of, 429, 43o, 432, 438, 439. St. Ofwald (Patron Saint of Zug), church of, at Zug, 492. St. Oiwald, kneeling, holding pen and crofs, 509. St. Oiwald, three-quarter figure, holding pen and crofs and fceptre, 5 10. St. Ofwald, with fceptre and ampulla, 492, 494, 498. St. Othmar, with barrel and crozier, 154. St. Paul, Converflon of, 569. St. Pelagius and St. Conrad, 616, 617. St. Peter, head of, 181, 182, 63i. St. Peter, with key and book, 1 5o. St. Regula and St. Felix, decapitated, each holding head, 543. St. Regula, St. Felix, and St. Exuperantlus, decapitated, each holding head, 524. St. Theodolus (Patron Saint of Sitten), 36o et Jeq. St. Theodolus and St. Catherine, 362, 370. St. Theodolus, and Satan with bell, 36o-363, 365, 369,373. St, Theodolus, buft of, 364. St. Theodolus enthroned, 363, 366. St. Theodolus kneeling before altar, 362, 365. St. Theodolus, with fword and crozier, 365- 368, 370, 373, 374. St. Urficinus, 16, 18. St. Urfus (Patron Saint of Solothurn), 390 ctfeq. Index of Types. 659 St. Urfus and St. Viftor with fhield of Solo- thurn, 415. St. Urfus, buft of, in armour, 390, 391, 395, 404, 405. St. Urfus, head of, 390. St. Urfus, martyrdom of, 416. St.Urfus, receiving Church from Queen Bertha, 41 S. St. Urfus with banner, 39 1-3 94. St. Vidlor and St. Urfus, with fhield of Solo- thurn, 415. St. Vincent (Patron Saint of Bern), buft of, S9. St. Vincent, with pen and book, 49, 52, 54. St. Wolfgang (Patron Saint of Zug), holding church, crozier, and axe, 5o2, 503. Satan carrying bell to St. Theodolus, 36o-363, 365, 369, 373. Satan (lain by St. Michael, loi. Scales and cornucopias with money, 566. Sceptre and fword, crofsed, 91. Schaft'haufen, arms of, 329. Schaffhaufen, view of town, 340. Schauenftein-Haldenftein, Barons of, arms, 248. Schauenftein - Reichenau, Barons of, arms, 254. Schiner, Nicholas, Bifliop of Sitten, receiving fword from Charlemagne, 36 1. Schirmer (mint-mafter of St. Gallen) arms of, 164, 1 65, 170. Scholar with teacher before temple on moun- tain, 3o5. Scholars (two), joining hands over altar, 423. Schorno, Maria Frances, fliield of (?), 601. Schwyz, arms of, 341. Scientific inftruments, with club, &c., 92. Scotland, arms of, on medal of Rheinau, 327. Sea, with fliips, &c,, 90, 276, 3o5, 569, 598. Sea-fliore, with obfervatory, 598. Senators of Bafel, holding ftatue of Peace and cap of Liberty, 42. Ship and dolphin, 569. Ship in full fail, 90, 276. Ship on fea, 598. Ships on fea, 305. Skull and crois-bones, 45. Shield of Minerva ornamented with fafces and border of fhields of 1 3 cantons and allied places, 41 3. Slloam, Pool of, 596. Simon Auguftus, Count von der Lippe, buft of, 276. Sitten, arms of, 3S9. S.C. Sitten, arms of Cathedral Foundation, 447. Snakes entwining club, 92. Snail, 489. Snail beneath plants, 45. Soldier guarding ftaft' furmounted by cap, 447. Soldier piercing eye of St. Leodegarius, 281. Soldiers (horfe and foot) and dog, 569. Solothurn, arms of, 390. Solothurn, arms of pofsefsions and bailiwicks, 393, 4i5. Soul in balance held by St. Michael, 489. Staff furmounted by cap or hat, 91, 92, 447. Stag before trees, 44. Stag, dead, transfixed with arrows, 45. Stag with St. Idda, 128. Stanz, Town Hall of (?), 436. Steiner and Rahn, fhields of families, 601. Sticks, Bundle of (fable), 226, 227. Stork, 89. Straft)urg, arms of, 593. Stouffacher, Tell, and Erni, taking oath of independence, 588, 589. Student crowned by draped arm, 47. Sun above garden, 92. Sun with flames, infcribed, 304. Sun with human face, 412. Supper, the Laft, 127. Swifs Ambafsadors, Louis XIV. and the Dauphin, taking oath of alliance at altar, 593. Swifs Confederation, buft of, draped, 586. T. Teacher with kholar before temple on moun- tain, 305. Tell and his fon, 436, 567. Tell fhooting at apple on his fon's head, 446, 447- TeU, Stouffacher, and Erni, taking oath of independence, 588, 589. Tell (younger) with apple pierced by arrow and crofs-bow, 567. Tell with crols-bow, 567. Temple, in court of which David kneels, 44. Temple on mountain, 95. Temple on mountain, approached by ape, 90. Temple on (ummit of mountain, 3o5. Temple with columns, 63 1. Temple with pediment, 261, 462. Tefsin, arms of, 417. Three Leaguei, arms of, 412. Thun, arms of, 423. u u 66o Index of Types. Thurgau, arms of, 424. Thyrfus, lymbol of Bacchus, 461. Tir-trophy combined with Confederation crofs, 237. Toggenburg, arms of, quarterly with thoie of St. Gallen and Abbey of St. John in the Thurthal, 149, 150, 154. Trades Company's Hall, Bern, 86. Tree and bee-hive, 94. Tree and gardener, 94. Triangle, radiate, lurrounded by angels, &c., 6o3. Triangle, with divine eye, 590. Tripod, 25. Tripod, at which female figure (Luzern) iacrifices, 3o3. Trivulzio family, arms of, 626. Trivulzio, Count Theodor, buft of, 626, Trophy of arms, &c., 237, 243, 414, 595. Trophy of twenty-two flags, 589. u. Unterwalden, arms of, 428. Unterwalden, fix banners of, 36 r, 36S. Venice and Graubiindten, fhields of, 594. Venice, Zurich, and Bern, fliields of, 594. Viftory holding ftaff on which is a hat, 303, 304- Viftory on column, 509. Viftory with fword and wreath, 227, 324. Victory with palm and wreath, S99. Victory with fliields of Bern, Zurich, and Geneva, 591. Vine tended by hufbandman, 46. Virel, Peter, buft of, 228. Virgin, head of, 268. Virgin and Child, 16, 21, 22, 27, 32, 33, 34, 46, 126, 127, 3o3, 38i, 386, 621, 629. Virgin and Child receiving offerings from the three Kings, 42. w. Wallis, arms of, 476. Wallis, arms of, on coins of Sitten, 376-389. Wallis, arms of, 412. Wallis, arms of leven dizaines of, 447> Warrior, (Swifs), i, 2, 10, 11. Warrior, (Swifs), refting againft broken oak- branch holding halbert, 279, 280. Warrior, (Swifs), feated on cuirafs holding fword, 452. Warrior, (Swifs), with banner and Infcribed fliield, 394. Warrior, (Swifs), with baton and /hield, 5 1 8. Warrior, (Swifs), with banner, 5 77. Warrior, (Swifs), with halbert and fafces, 53, Warrior, (Swifs), with halbert and infcribed fliield, 392, 417, 418. Warrior, (Swifs), with halbert and fliield, 283, 284, 463-465. Warrior, (Swifs), with halbert and fhield, and beneath feet, hydra, 602. Warrior, (Swils), with plumed hat and fword, 234. Warrior, (Swifs), with fliield, 394. Warrior, (Swifs), with fword, 55, 56, 57. Warrior, (Swifs), with fword and Confedera- tion-banner, 576. Warrior, (Swifs), with fword and Confedera- tion-banner, dying before chapel, 43. Warrior, (SwUs), and fliield, 59, 143. Wheel and dragon in balance, held by St, Mi- chael, 489. Winkelried, Arnold von, before camp, 437. Winkelried, Arnold von, dead, gralping pikes, 304. Winkelried, Arnold von, group of three figures, reprefenting death of, 436. Woman clafping man's hand over altar, 5o-52. Wiirtemberg and Conftanz (Bifliop and city), arms of, 609. Waadt, arms of, 462. Wallenburg, arms of, 23. Youth crowned by Mercury, 90. Youth crowned by Minerva, 460. Youth with lyre, &c., 87. Zehengerichtenbund, arms of, 24a. Zofingen and Auftria, fliields of, 484. Index of Types » 66i Zofingen, arms of, 482. ZoUikofFer, David, arms and creft of (?), 602. ZoUikoffer, Lorenz, buft and fhield (?), 602. Zug, arms of, 487. Zug, view of city, lake, &c,, 509. Zurich, arms of, 5 12. Ziirlch, new Rathhaus, 565. Zurich, Saffron-mongers' hall, 566. Zurich, fliields of bailiwicks, 524, 565. Zurich, fliields of thirteen guilds, 573. Zurich, view of city, 527, 565. Zurich, view of city and lake, 528, 531, 533, S36, 538-541. Zurich, view of city, fortifications, and lake, 569. Zurich, view of city ; in front two proftrate horfemen, (Converfion of St. Paul?) 569. Zurich and Bern, fliields of (Toggenburger War), 595. Zurich, Bern, and St. Gallen, fliields of, held by draped hands, 596. Zurich, Venice, and Bern, fliields of, 594. Zurlauben, arms of family, 3o7, 326, 327. Zwlnglius, H., bufl: of, with peaked cap and gown, 480, 570, 571. u u » 662 IV. INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS. A. Academiae Saeculo quarto feliciter inito, 4a. Ad Dei honor, pat. q. falut., 344. Ad fatisfactionem juvent., 91. Ad utrumque paratus, 91. Adfit aurea pax, felix concordia, copla rerum, 323. Aeternae memoriae conjugis optlmae moeftus confecr., 601. Aimez-vous les uns les autres, 233. Alit et protegit, 41. Alles vergencklich, 44. Anfang des Puntz im JarChrifti 1296, etvar., 588, S89. Angft und Not waert bis in Tod, S99. Apres les tenebres la lumiere, 214, 229. Argent, recens. cavat imp. aut. fig., 249. Arnold Winkelried, 436. Arrecta attentior aure, 44. Athenae Rauracae, 42. Auf die Feuer der Reformation am 1 Jenner 1819, Zurich, S71. Aut puer aut nunquam — Queras habebis, 460. Aux citoyens morts en defendant la patrie, 229. Auxilio Dei prospere, 284. Ave grac, 275. Ave gracia plena, 273, 274. Ave [Majria grac, 275. Ave Maria gracia p. 22, 32-34. Ave Maria gracia pL, 27. Ave Maria gratia plen., et var., 1 6. Ave Regina celorum, 104. B. B. A. P., i53. B. Nicalaus von Flue, 429, 430, 432. B. Niclaus von_Flue — Pat. Helvetlcae, 440. B. Nicol. de Flue, pat. Helv., 439. B. Nicolaus de Flue, 429, 439. B. Nicolaus de Flue — Expofitus venerationi publicae, 1732, 439. B. Nicolaus de Flue. Helv. cath. patr. et var., 430. B. Nicolaus v. Flue, 440. B. Nicolaus von Flue, nat. 1417, ob. 1488, 438. Ballga von alten Klingen, 602. Bafilea, i5, 23, 26, 28-32. Bafilicam hanc Deo adornavit, 326. Bauwamt, 98. Beat. Nicol. de Flue, pat. Helv.— natus A" 141 7, obiit A° 1487, xxi. Marty, 429. Beata Virgo, 268. Beato Franciico Epifcopo inter fantos relato, 600. Beatus Nicolaus von Flue, 428. Bene merenti, 569. Benedictio Dei ditat, 94, 96. Benedictus fit Jehova Deus, So-52, 54, 55, 57, 58. Berch. D. Zering, 80. Berch. D. Zering, conditor, et var., 60, 61, 71- Berch. Zaer. dux, 80, 81, Berch. Zering, 80. Bercht. D. Zeri. cond., 52, 77, 79. Bercht. D. Zerin. cond., et var., 77, 78. Bercht. Dux Zering fundat, et var., 61. Bercht. HaUer, et Francis Kolb. reform. Bernens. mdxxviii., 85. Bercht. v. Dux Zerin. fundator, 7*. 73- Index of Infcriptions, 663 Bercht. Zaer. Dux, 81. Bercht. Zerin. cond., 79. Bercht. Zerlng. D., 80. Berchto. D. Zerln. condi., yS. Berchtold. D. Ze., 80. Berchtold Dux Zering. condi. 57, 58. Berchtold Dux Zering. fund, et -var., 6i-63. Berchtold Haller reform. 85. Berctol. D. Zering. funda., 7 5. Berctold D' Zeringen funda'., 70. Bero. Com. de Lenzb. funda. Eccl. Beron, et 'var.f 1 00, I or. Bero. Comes de Lentzburg fundator, E. Ber., 99- Biblia fidei et ration! reftituta, 228. Biblia facra, 228. Bodmero patri. juvent. Academ. Turicenfis mdcclxxxiii., 574. Bundesfeft zu Davos i836, 590. c. Cantones Cat. renovant foedus cum Rep. Vallefia— Seduni, 1780, 14, No., 478. Canton de Geneve Regenere, 1842, 3 Mars. 18 Octobre, 22 Novembre, 1841, 229. Caroli inclyti et fortiflimi Burgundiae Ducis exercitus, &c. — Offuarum de Clade Burgund. ad Muratum, 595. Civib. juran. in communem patriam receptis — Hormag. praeftit — Delemontii xxvi Jun. mdcccxviii., 87. Civitas Surlacenfis, 3o5. Coeli vias et fidera monftrat — Societ. Litter. Lippiaca Laufannae, 276. Coena Dni Typ' facelli Einfidlenfis, digito cITr:. A. 948, Sept. fignat., 127. Colleg. Bero. fuis benev. d.d., loi. Collegium Beronenle fuis benevolis. d.d., 99, 100. Concord, cant, der Schweiz, 4. Concord, cantone. der Schweiz, 37-40, 145, 146. Concordia firmat vires, et -var., 26, 29. Concordia fundamentum foelicitatis civicre, 86. Concordia parvse res crefcunt, difcordia maximffi dilabuntur, 174. Concordia res parvse crekunt, et 'uar., 288, 289, 290. Concordia res parvse crelcunt, difcordia maxima dilabuntur, 88, 89. Confed. SuifTe, 586. Confederation Suiise, 463-46S, 586. Confederaz. Suizzera, 417, 418. Conradus Eps., 63o. Conserva nos in pace, 358. Confta. a Suecis Obfefsa a .... ol. liberata, mdcxxx., 621. Conftitution de 1842 — Suffrage univerfel, election par arrondifsements, liberte munici- pale, droit de petition, acceptee par le peuple le 7 Juin 1842, 229. Cultura mitefcit, — Praem. dilig., 94. Cum his qui odert. pace eram paci. et -var., 490-496. Cum his qui odert. pace eram pacificus, 489, 490, 497. Cuncta per Deum, 395-399, 401, 403, 409. D. Da Demuth weint und Hochmuth lacht, da ward der Schweizer Bundt gemacht, 1296, 589. ■ Da Ihr. diefes wiifset fo feyt Ihr felig wan Ihr's thut, 486. Da mihi virtutem contra hoftes tuos, 126. Da pacem Domine, 35. Das Gymnasium von Biel, 102. Das war ein Schufs davon wird man noch reden in den fpatften Zeiten, 436, 567. Dat. et dabitur vob., 507. Decernee par les citoyens et bourgeois reprefen- tains a leurs 24 Commifsaires, 226. Dei numine — Bibl. Sacra — Jura civium alserta anno 1734, 600. Dem Arnold von Winkelried das dankbare Vaterland, 304. Dem aufftrebenden Fleilse, T02. Dem Fleifs zum Lohne, 3c5. Dem Gehorfam u. Fleifs, 42?. Deo et patriae — Curia nova Tig. dedic. ix. cal. Jul. mdcxcviii., 565. Deo ter fancto in aula gloriofje Virginis Ein- fidlenfis gloria peccatori pax et fecularis jubilus, 127. Der Catechifmus Fleifs bringt jedem Troft und Preis, 629. Der erfte Eidgenofifche Bundt, 589. Der Geift unfrer Vater fey mit uns. Langen- thal den 18 Juli 1822, 589. Der Schild zcrbrochen das Schwert entzwei das Banner in Sterbender Hand. Triumph das Vaterland bleibt frei. Gott fegne das Vaterland, S90. 664 Index of Infcriptions, Der Stadt Zurich ewiger Bund mit den Eid- genofsen i Mai mcccli. — Jubelfelermdcccli., 590. Deus auxilium noftrum, 141, 143, 148. Deus providebit, 53, 54, 65, 66, 48S. Deus pugna pro nobis, 212. Deus Ipes noftra es, 336, 337- Deus fpes noftra eft, et -var., 329, 33i-340. Deux fois son patriotifme affranchit le pays, 23 1 . Devotam tibi ferva patriam, 126. Dexterae gubernationis fpes mdccxxxvii., 90. Die concordier. cantone der Schweiz, 3, 4, 65, 67, 74-76, 144, 146, 398, 399, 404-406. Die weil Gott meine Hoffnung ift, so furcht ich kainer Feinden Lift, 340. Diete Helvetique, Armee Federale, DufourGenl. en chef— Arretes du 20 Juil., du 1 1 Aoiit, du 24 Oct. et du 4 Nov., &c., 597. Dignare me laudar. te, 272. Dignare me laudareet virgo facrata, 126. Dilexit Dominus decorem Juftitise, et var., 43 1, 434. Dionyfius, 124. Divinitus confecrata, 127. Dne ferva nos in Pace, et var., 524, 525. Dns Protedtor, 5i8, Doctrina & virtus homines poft funera clarat, 225. Dom. conferva nos in pace, 106. Domi. confer, nos in pace, et var,^ 117, 118. Domin. providebit, 97. Domine con. nos in pace, et -var., 498-501. Domine conferva nos in pace, 22-33, 35-39, 107, 241, 286, 287, 450, 5i2, 5i6-52o, 522, 523, 526-528, 530-533, 536-544, 551,557, 558, 565, 569. Domine ferva nos in pace, 5 16, 5 1 7, 525. Domini eft regnum, no, 112, II4-I16, 121, 122, 123. Dominus illuminatio mea, 3o3. Dominus providebit, 5o, 56-59, 63, 64, 66, 73, 74>76, 78, 79> 81, 82, 98,485. Dominus fpes noftra, 148. Dominus fpes populi fui, 283, 284, 290, 291, 294-296. Durch Devaux wurde Neufchatel befetzt d. 25 Dec. 1813, 324. Dux Berch. Zeringe conditor. Bernen Anno. D. 1191, 60. Dux Burgundiffi nafcens — D. i3Sept. 1751 — Gallia fit partu felix, 413. E. Ecce ancilla Dom., 108. Egalite, liberte, independance, 213, 214, 216. Eidgen. Freifchiefen Solothurn. i855, 414. Eidgen. Sangerfeft — in Winterthur xvi-xvii Juli. mdcccliv., 481. Eidgenofsifches Freifchiefen in Chur, 1842, 243. Eidgenofsifches Freifchiefsen, 566. Eidgenofsifches Freifchiefsen in Balel, 43. Eidgenofsifches Freifchiefsen in Zurich, 567. Eidgenofsiiches Freifchiefsen 1844 zu Bafel — St. Jacob an der Birs, 26 Auguft 1444, 590. Eidgenofsiiches Freyfchiefsen in Glarus, 237. Eidgenofsifches Schiitzenfeft in Nidwalden, 1861, 436. Eidgenofsifches Schiitzenfeft in Stanz — Canton Underwalden, 1861, 486. Eintracht macht ftark, 237, 243. Elapfis ducentis luftris feftiva tranflatio beati Othmari Abbatis, 1 54. Eleftions du 24 Fevrier. Afsemblee du grand confeil, 3 Mars — Le peuple fait acte de Souverainte les I4et i5 Fevrier — Gouverne- ment provisoire 1845, 475. Embleme de I'Union, que Dieu nous la min- tienne, 227. En 1846 il conquit nos libertes, en 1 855 il fauva I'induftrie et le commerce, 231. Efto nobis Drie turr. fortit. a facie inimic. — Sanftus Nicolaus, i3o. Et apud feras gratia gratiam parit, 86. Et factus eft mihi in ialutem, Ex. 1 5, 7. Et fervus meus orabit pro vobis, Job. 42, — 430. Evang. reform, accep. an. mdxxxv num. cufus an. 1749, 226. Ex liberalitate mag. Bern, 93. Ex ruina clara relurgo reaedificata, 86. Ex uno omnis noftra fal., 623. Ex uno omnis noftra falus., 622. Exaudita eft, 362, 365. Exercice de la navigation, 23 1. Expofitus a Johanne Baptifta de Barnis Archiep. Edefs. Nuntio Apoftol. ad Helvetios, 438. F. Fama nocet, 44. Felicitas publica, 89. Index of Infer ipt ions. 665 Felicitas reipublicae — leges fundament, &c., 89. Fefta data Solodor. Marche. in Paulmy Regis Ap. Helvetios leg. — Laetantur amici, 41Z. Fidelis inperii, 235. Fidelitati et induftriee, 566. Fideiite au devoir et a la patrie, 325. Fides utrimque fallere nefcia, &c., 87. Floret in aevum, 416. Flos deflult et refluit, 60X. Feeder, cum Tiguri et Bernat. initi hoc MNHM02IN0N. s. p. s.A. F.F. 1 588, S93. Fortes generantur a fortibus et bonis, 323. Fortiter et conftanter, i5l. 40,000 Fr"=^ donnes en immeubles a la villa de Geneve, 67. Fridericus Wilhelmus III. viftor et pacificator Deum laudat mdcccxiv., 324. Friede den volkern, 42. Pj.s Th'^ L% Baron De Grenus a fait cette do- nation, &c., 230. Fundamentum reipub. Tigurinee — Eid. Brief. Zurich mcccxxxvi., 573. G. Gallia fit partu felix, 412, 413. Genf befetzt durch Bubna . d. 30 Decemb. 1813, 227. Gloria et honor et pax omni operant! bonum, 149. Gloria in excels. D., 34. Gloria in excelfis, 34, 35. Gloria in excelfis Deo, 9, 132, 568. Gloria in excelfis Deo et in terra, 8, 17. Gott mich bewahr, vor aller Gefahr, 43, 45. Gott fegnete die vereinigten Heere, 227, 324. Gotts Forcht und Fleils bringt Nutz und Preis, 95. Griitli den xvli Nov"^ mcccviii., 589. H. Haec otia fecit, 226. Heilige iVIaria bit Gott fiir Uns., 440. Helvetia, 414, 582-586. Helvetios nobis focios nova foedera jungant, 413. Heijt rodt Morn dodt, 45. Heut fenid wier rot, und Morgen todt, 45. Hinc felicitas, 87. Hoc duce pugnamus, 595. Hoc proteftore crefcimus, mdcciii., 90. Hoc protedtore tutus, 91. Hoc fidere gaudet, 90. Hoc Vidlorias monumentum ex voto pofuit, anno mdcxxxvi., 62 r. Hocce fidere firmant, 412. Homage au vrai patriotifme, 230. Hommages auxj findics et conleilliers d'etat de 1814 a 1842, 229. Honeftus, P. R. O., 372. Honneur jau travail perfeverant — Dediee aux horlogers, 32 5. Hulfs-Anftalt . C . Bern .98. I. II teint ferme, come I'il euft veu Celuy, 2"i eft invifible, &c., 598. Imitamur quod fperamus, 90. In cruce triumphat, 289. In der Eintracht die Kraft, 590. In Ecclefia Cathedrali Conftantienfi, 613. In memor. benednis Ang. Lap. No. Eccl, Coll. Sen. Lucen. f . f . et d.d., 3o2. In tuendo tuetur, 93, 94. In Unnglick verzac. nid., 569. Inclyta Bafilea, 42. Inextinftum — Biblia facra, 570. Intuitu vegetat — Accad. curator., 92. Invitat pretiis animos, 47. Jedem das Seinige, 10-12. Jehova eft clypeus arx et fortltudo fuorum, 85. Jejunabam et orabam ante faciem Dei, 2 . Esdr . I, in expofitione mdccxxxii., 439. Teton de pafsage pour un pieton aux portes de la ville de Geneve, 234. 3^ Jubelfeyer der Reformation — Winterthur^ I Jan. 1819, 480. Jubil . 2 Dum Bern Cel. 7 . Jan. 1728, 85. Jubil. reformat, relig. Genev. tert. iec. cclebr. Aug. d. xxiii. an. mdcccxxxv., 228. 666 Index of Infcriptions. Jubilfeus, ?et., Ixxiv regim. xxxvi, et -var., 3o6, 307. Jubilseus setatis 74 regiminis 27 — Geroldus II. Abb. Rhenov. 327. Jubile (3') de la Reformation, Geneve, 23 Aout 1835, 228. Junglt foedera pafta fides, 591. Juftitia et concordia, S29-532, 534, ^^5, 541. Juftitia et pace, 552. K. Knabfchiefsen der Stadt Zurich, 567. L. L':Sveche de Bafle, 20. L. Mun. Plancus Rauracorum illuftra. vetuftifs. et "var., 43. L'Oifivete eft un vol, 214. La Soc'iete des Suifses, 603. La Suifse liberale vidorieule — Paix, union, ftaternite, 597. Labor omnibus idem — Praem. dllig., 94. Lafte pietatis et fortltudi, 96. Lafte pietatis et fortltudinis, 94. Lafsend die Kindlin zu mir kom. dan ihren ift das Rych Gottes, 536. Le diable me protege, 234. Le General Dufour Command', en chef I'armee federale, 597. Le peuple Suilse a I'armee federale, Nov. 1847 — L'armee a bien merite de la patrie, 597. Les cantons concordants de la Suifse, 466, 470. Les heures font des trefors, 21 5. Les republicalns neuchatelois ont bien merite de la patrie, 32 5. Lex Del fapiam praeftat parvulls, 232, Liber apertus eft qui eft vitae, 228. Llbertas afserta — ad Sempacum mccclxxxvi., 3o3. Llbertas carior auro, 1 64. Llbertas liberis curae, 88. Llbertas unio patrla, 602. Liberte egallte, 328. Luce evangelil duob. fsecul. pure confervata vota publlca Chrifto decreta. Tig. Cal. Jan, 1719, 570. Luce 'evangelil m fsecul. pure confervata vota publlca Chrifto decreta. Tig. Cal. Jan. 1819, 570, S71. Lucerna pedibus mels, 3o3. Lud. Mag. glor™« proli Duel Burg., 412. Ludens fit aptior, 90. Ludovicus xvl rex Chrlftianifs., 41 3. Lux gentium, 42. M. Mag. Bal. Juventuti ftud. bpabeion. d, d., 46, 4-7- Majorum libertati tuendcP, 593. Mane nobifcum, 85. Maris et cceli menfor, 5 98. Mdiv Natus Bremogardi. mdxxxi fuccefs. Zuln- glli paftor Tigurinus annis xliv, obiit mdlxxv aet. Ixxi., 572. Merenti, 5 10. Monnaie lulfse, efsal, 587. Monnoye revolutlonalre 19 Juillet 1794 — Fruit du travail. L'an. iii de I'egalite, 21 3. Monum, ele£t. confularls, 91. Monum. liberal, relp. Bernenfis, 95. Monumentum illuftr, relp. Tlgurinae cum illuftr. rep. Trium. Foederum Rhaetorum confederationis celebratae Tigurl d. v. Mail mdccvii., 591. Morem facit ufus, 45. Morlar ut vivam, 46. Mund und Hertz zufamen lobt des Herren Namen, 95. Mundericus mune, 359. N. Nee metas rerum — nee tempora ponit, 92. Nomen Domini turns fortlfsima, 343, 345. Non eft mortale quod opto — Aet. Ixxxiv cos. xxxii ob. mdccx., 573. Nova fpes regni — Fides Novicaft. et Valengin. praeft. mens. Nov, mdcclxxxvi., 324. Novum Caftrum, 323. Novus heros, 323. Nulla dies fub me natoque haec foedera rumpet — Foedere Helvetico Inftaurato mdclxili., 593. Numine propitio patria floret, 565. Index of Infcriptions, 667 o. O Dieu Tu nous vols grenus, 23o. O Rex glorie Xre. veni cum pac. et -var., 334- Oculi Domini et pax fup. juftos, ef i/ar., 809- 3l2. Oculi Domini fuper juftos, et var., 3o9-3ia. Omnia mecum porto, 45. Omnis halitus laudet Jah,, 95. Optimo principe nepote aug. & fapientis Fride- rici, &c., 323. Ora et labora, 461. P.L.V.S.P.Q.L.F.F., 304. Pac. Arov. Helv. conci. et fign. dd., 18 Jul. 9 et II Aug. 1712, S96. Pac. Bad. concl. et fign. Tig. et Bern, cum Abb. S. Galli d, iS Jun. 171 8, S96. Patrie, liberie, fraternite — Tir federal Soleure, 1840, 414. Paulatim, 90. Pax nobis, 227. Pax optima rerum, 342, 343. Pax toti Ifraeli Dei, 85. Per templum virtutis — Diligenti, 95. Pere de noftre induftrie le pays te doit sa pro- fperite, 325. Petition de 32,000 citoyens pour I'expulfion des Jefuites, 475. Pietas ad om. utilis, 498. Poids dix grammes, titre neuf-dixiemes, 3 20. Poids vingt-cinq grammes, titre neuf-dixiemes, 320. I. Portion, 98. Poft tenebra lux, 204. Port tenebras lucem, 210. Poft tenebras lux, i83-2io, 212, 215-224, 226, 228, 23o, 232, 233, 632. Pour le vin, 284. Prsem. dilig. catechet., 93. Prgem. diligentife, 93, 94. Prasmium diligent., 93. Prsemium diligentiae, 93. Prsemium diligentiae catech., 93. Prfemium diligentiae juventutis Badenfij, 629. Prfemium ftu. juv. Subfylvanise Suberioris, 437- Praemium diligentiae et virtutis, 41 5. Precibus S. Theodoli dimifsa est culpa Caroli, 362. Preis der Schreibkunft, 486. Prefse monetaire M. L. B. a Gcntve, 586. Prelse monetaire, M. L. Bovy a Geneve, 586. Primus aquas fauftus genius movet inde falutem — et lactam pacem balnea lana trahunt Joh. v.v.ii. — Pax Badens. 7 Sept. 1 714, 596. Prix du travail, 214. Pro aris et focis, 568. Pro Deo et patria, 552, 553. Pro Deo fide et libertate cunfta facere et ferrc parati, 447, 448, 478. Pro ecclefia et pro patria, 610. Prope urbem proftratus audivit vocem, Saul Saul quid me perfequeris, 569. Propter domum Jehovas Dei noftri procurabo bonum tibi, 85. Providentia fenatus, 42. Pulcra ut luna eleta ut fol, 272. Quis ut Deus, loi. Quos fides adunat hos fides confervat. — Valefia renov. foedus cum cant. cat. Uraniae, 1 696, 478. Quos fides adunat hos fides confervat. — Valefia renovat foedus cum cant, cattol. Uranise, 1696,447. Quos trinus junxit foedere, firmet amor, 594. R. Rara concordia, 60 1. Re. Bertha, fudrix eccliae S. Urfi, 932, 415. Regiae flos fruftufque juventse aurea condat fecula, 323. Regina coeli letare alelua, et -var., zj3. Regis Friderici fap. gens, nepote audla a. 1707, 23 Nov., 323. Regis Friderici fap. regnum provincia au£him, 3 Nov. a. 1707, 323. Relpublicae SangaUenfis infignia, 174. Rem numariam reftituit anno mdcclxxxviii., 20. Renovatio foederis reipub. Valefiae cum cant. cat. 448. Republique Francaife, 587. 668 Index of Infer ipt ions. Republique Neuchateloile fondce le i Mars 1848 — Confolidee par la manifeftation po- pulaire, &c., 32 5. Reftaurata felicltas Novicaftrenfis, 324. s. S. Catarin. S. Theodolu., 364, 370. S. Caterina. S. Theodolus, et 'var., 363, 364. S. Conrad eps. Conft., 620. S. Conradus S. Pelagius, et -var., 616, 617. S. Felix. Sanfta Regula, S45. S. Fintan. princ. Laginiae. monach. Rhenov. 327. S. Idda comit. Togg., 128. S. Johannes Baptifta, et -var., aS8, 259. S. L. P. E. C, io5, 106. S. Leodlgari patr. Lucern., 281, 282. S. Luci. P. E. C, 109. S. Lucius mar. ep. Curienfi, iii. S. Maria ora pro n., 22. S. Marius martir., 275. S. Mart. pat. reipub. Suitenfis, 344. S. Martin, patron. No. 44I. S. Martinus, 449. S. Martinus Epifcopus, et -var., 450, 45l, 454, 457. S. Maurit. pat. reip. Appenzellcnfis, 7. S. Meinradus M., 127. S. Mich. pat. te tuente fecuri, 488, 492. S. P. Q. T., S09. S. P. 2- T., Leer glbt Eer, 567. ,S. P. g. T., Lehr glbt Ehr, 568. S. P. Q. v., 448. SS. Urlus et Viaor M.M., 415. S. Theo. pa. Val. patr., 369. S. Theodo. pat. Sedan., et -var., 363, 366, 368. S. TheodoL Eps. Sedun., et var., 36o, 36l, 365. S. TheodoL pater patria?, 366, 368. S. Theodolus, 367, 369-376, 477. S. Theodolus Sedunorum patronus, et "var., 363. S. Urfus, 393. S. Urfus Martyr, et var., 391, 392, 397, 40I. S. Vincencius, 49, 52, 54, 55, 59, 69. Sainte Bible, 228. Salod. fub Abramo Codi, 415. Salve crux fan., 259. Salve crux fandla, 624. Salve regina mifer., 35. Salve regina mifericordie dulcedo vita, 33. Salve Urania filia Martis, 446, 447. Salvum fac. populum tuum, 8. San. Felix San. Regula, 546. Sand. Leodigari, et var., 293, 298, 299. Sand. Leodigarius, et var., 284, 28 5. Sand:. Ludigar., et var., 281. Sand. Martin, et var., 444, 445, 454, 458. San(a. Martin, Epifc, et var., 442, 449, 450. Sandl, Wolfgang, 5o2, 503. Sanfti Joannis Nepomuceni confraternitas, 613. Sandlu . Michae., 498. Sanftu . Urficinus, 16, Sanftus Gallus Abbas, et var., i5o, 152, 154. Sandtus Karolus, 545, 560. Sandus Leodigarius, et var., 277, 278, 280, 282, 285,288. Sanftus Lucius patronus ecclefise Curienfis, 105. Sandlus Martinus, et var., 349-351, 441, 442. Sandlus Martinus Epifcop., 451, 452, Sanftus Mauricius, 275. Sandlus Mauritius m., 439. Sandlus Mauritius Patron, a85, 286. Sandlus Michael., 497. Sandlus Nicolaus, et var., 130-141, I45-148. Sandlus Ofwaldus, 498, Sandlus Othmarus, 160, l63. Sandlus Petrus, 5o. Sandlus Theodolus, et var., 362, 365, 369, 477. Sandlus Theodolus Eps. Sedun., 373. Sandlus Theodolus pa., 366. Sandlus Urficinus, 16, 18. Sandlus Urfus, 393, 404, 406-408. Sandlus Urfus martir, et var., 393-395, 399- 401, 405. Sandlus Urfus Soliturnenfis, 416. Sandlus Vincencius, et var., 54, 55, 59, 67, 69, 70. Sandlus Wolfgangus, et var., So3. Santus Karlus, 523, 5 60. Santus Martin, 120. Santtus Gallus, 157. Sapientise et amicitise, 423. Satis eft faviffe fuprema, 174. Saulus fpirans minas et csedem adverfus difci pulos Jefu ibat. Damafcu, 569. Scs. Petrus, 181. Schweiz. Eidsgenofs. xix cantone, 59. Schweiz''. Eidsgenoflen'., 283. Schweizer Eidsgenofsens., I. Schweizer Eidsgenofs'., 10, ix. Index of Infcriptions» 669 Schweizer" Eidsgenolst— f/ var., 392, 394. Schwelzerlfche Eidsgenofsenfchaft, 56, 59, 284. Schweizerifche Eidsgenofsenfchaft, et -var., 2, 143. Schweizer Eydgenofschaftj 279, 280. Schweizr. Eydg., 280. Schiitzenfest der Eidgenofsen in Luzern, 304. Schiitzen-Gefellfch. der Stadt Zug, 509. Schiitzen-Gefellfchaft von Murten, 1843, 595. Selig find die feine Zeiignuflen bewahren, 486. Semper honos nomenque tuum laudefque manebunt, 601. Sen. Gen. prsem. fcho. d., 232. Senat. Genev. fcholaft. prsem. dedit, 232. Senatus populuique Lucernenfis, f. f., 3o5. Ser. reip. Venetse cum ill. reb. p. p. Tigur. et Bern, renov. foederis monumentum, 1706, 594- Sergent de la Seringue de Saint Germain, 23 1. Si Deus pro nob. q. con. nos, 107. Si Deus pro nob. qui con. nos, 105. Si Deus pro nobis q. con. nos, 107. Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos, 43, 602. Si Deus nobifcum quis contra nos, 592. Si le Seigneur n'eut fon peuple asifte e'en etait fait fans efpoir de retour, Pf. cxxiv., 229. Sine numine fruftra, 46. Sit nom. Dni. benedictum, et var., 52, 269, 271, 296, 297. See. Bernens. Agriculturse et Bonarum Artium civi bono, 87. Societ. Litter. Lippiaca Laufannse, 276. Societe Helvetique de Bienfaifance a Paris, 602. Societe pour I'Avancement des Arts— Comite General, 233. Soli Deo gloria, 46, ii3, i32, 164, i65, 167, 169, 170, 171, I74> 364, 435, 443, 444, 446, 453, 454- Soli Deo opt. max. laus et gloria, 159, 160. Souvenir de la fete des vignerons celebree a Vevey en i865, 461. Souvenir du concert Helvetique, 479. Souvenir du xii Decembre mdcii., 229. Sparfa publ. Solodoro. Marqe a Paulmy reg. legato. — Lsetantur amici, 41 3. Sparfa publice D. R. Gravel. Leg. Solod., 412. Spes mea Deus, 253. Spes mea eft Deus, 252, 253. Splendida ficut fulgur., 126. St. Jacob, 43. St. Mauritius Patronus, 7. St. Petrus, 181, 182, 63i. St. Regula, St. Velix, 543. Sub Tuum pretfidium, 38i. Sub Tuuip praefidium conf , 386. Sub umbra alarum tuarum Dne. ct var., 249, 25o. Sum merentis, 509. Super omne libertas, 8. Suum cuique, 3 12-3 19. T. Tempeftive et indefefse — prgem. dilig., 94. Temporis adi memor., 229. Tibi foli gloria et, 619. Tibi foli gloria et honor, 61 5. Tibi foli gloria et honorum, 616. Tranlvol. nublla virtus, 247, 632. Trauw fchauw wem, 44. Travaille et economife, 21 5. Turris fortifsima nomen Domini, et -var., 342- 348. u. ijb. Aug, und Hand fur's Vaterland, 567. Ulrich Zwingli — Zum Andenken der Refor- mation am III Jubil. Jan. 1819, 571. Umbram quietse tenaci etcoronam. — Laufann. fides, mdccxxiii., 86. Un pour tous — Tous pour un, 414. Uni et foli Deo glori., 167. Uni et foli Deo gloria, 167. Uni foli Deo gloria, 161, 162, 16 3, 166, 169. Uni foliq. Deo gloriam, i63. Unio fervat fplendorem, 20. Unitas veritae et religlo, 443. Uniti crefcunt fplendore leones et urfi — mdccxii., 595. Vidima vita falus — virtutl debltum, 437. Vidoria Elvetiorum, et •var., 452. Vi(£toria vidoriam — Jehova paftor meus — mdccxvi., 599. 670 Index of Infcriptions, Virtus innexa vero, 460. Virtutis comes gloria, 47. Virtutis et diligentiae prsemlum, 416. Vis unita fortior, 478. Vifio beati, 438. Vota publica. S. P. Q. Lucernenfis, 3o3. Vous voyez leur dit-Il I'effet de la Concorde, 226. w. Ward Sanftus Urlus gemartteret anno, 280, 416. Wer wol lehrt wirdt geehrt, 46. Wie die Vatter alio wir glauben und bekennen hier, 6o3. Wir haben fein Sternen gerachen, 46. Wir halten feft was Gott uns gab. — iii Reform- Feler in Bern, 1828, 85. z. Zur Ehre des Alphorns — Hirtenfeft der Schweizer-alpler zu Unfpunnen im Canton Bern, 427. 671 V. INDEX OF ENGRAVERS. A. A., 481, 571. A, S., 305. A. v., lya. Aberli, J., 480. Abramfon, Jacob, 598. B. B., 43, 244, 246, 279, 280, 353, 504, 542, 544, SS4, 576, S78. B.C., 109, no. B.E.L., 466, 470. Boltfchaus, 574. Bonneton, Theodore, 214, 2x5, 227. Bovy, Antoine, 220-222,224,228-231, 233, 246,414,436, 582-584, 586, 589, 590, 597. 598- Bovy, Hugues, 584, 585, 590. Br., 437, 54^- Brandt, H. F., 278, 324. Brupacher, C, 509. Brupacher, D., 97. Brupacher, J., 3oo, 303, 304. Brupacher, Ulr'ich, loi. Bullinger, Hans Jacob, 565. Burger, S., 89. C, 94. C. B., 437. Clerc, G. le., 28. Cochin, D., 227. Coellner, M., 229. D. D., 563, 564. ^ Dadler, S.. 225. Daflier, J. A., 86, 89, 226, 233, 600. De Beyer, J., 26, 28, 3o-32, 5o, 5i. Defnoyers, H., 602. Domaine, 233. Dorciere, 23o. Drentwett, Sebald, 436, S67, Droz, H. P., 320. Dupre, 217, 587. F. F. H., 340. Faefch, Sebaftlan, 42. Fechter, J. Ulrich, 44-47. Fournier, L., 589. Frener, J. B., 304. G. G. B., 294. Gefsner, Hans Jacob, (the Elder) Ii3 (?), 128, 53i, 539-541, 565, 572, 573, 589, 594, 595, 599, 601. Grimm, 90. Guten(on, Hans (lymbol K), SiS, 536, 562, 563. H. H. (Haag ?) Il3, 171, 218-220, 345. H. G. Z., i65, 166. HI, 579- H. U. P. R., loi. Haag, J., 112, i5i-i54, 290, 293. Halter, Heinrich Friedrich, 323. 672 Index of Engravers, Handmann, Johann Jacob, 24, 26, 29-32. Hanhardt, Samuel, 41. Hedlinger, J., 127. Hedlinger, Johann Carl, 282, 429,430,432, 438, S69, 601. Hohleifen, F., 610. Horn, 87. Huber, J. F., 577. Hug, J., 86. I. I,, 276,415. ffi, 304, 353. I, K., ii5. I. M., loi. I. P., 312-314. J. B., 536. J. C, 226. J. K., 42, 172, 175-178,434. Korn, M., 566, 582, 583. L. L. & P., 474. Landry, F., 325. Loos, D. F. (?), 324. M. Merley, L., 587. Mognet, S., 325. Mola, Cafpar or Gafpar, 600. Morikofer, Johann Cafpar, 89-91, 566, 569. Morlkofer, J. M. (?), 42. N., 243. N. o. p., 58. P. B., 571. P & L, 474. P. S., 127. Proft, A., 461. R. Oudine, P. A., 587. R., 233. Reich, David, 171, 172. Reich, G., 164, i65, 170. Reynard, P. (?), 20. Royaume, Ifaac, 232, 233. s. S. G., 46. Samfon, 47. Schlott, F., 436. Schwendimann, K. J. N., 509. Schwendimann, J., 3o3, 4i3. Sieber, J., 461, 465, 479» 597- Stadolin, 341-343, 348. Stampfer, Hans Jacob, 569, 588, 592, 599. Stedelin, David Anton, 386-388, 429, 478. 576. T. T., 589. T., 1 1 3. Thiebaud, J., 7-9, 174, 278, 293, 610, 613. V. Veftner, G. W., 596. Vofter, A., i5o, iSi. w. W., 3 1 8. Werner, Peter Paul, 612. Wielandy, Charles, 214-216, 234. z. Z., 172. 673 INITIALS OF KNOWN ENGRAVERS. A. B. = Antoine Bovy. A. B. R. = Jacob Abramfon. B, = J. Brupacher. B. = J. De Beyer. Br, = H, F. Brandt. C. B. = C. Brupacher. C. H. = Johann Carl Hedllnger. D. B. = J. De Beyer. D. B. = D. Brupacher. D. R. = David Reich. D. S, = David Anton Stedelin. F. = J. Ulrich Fechter. F. H. = F. Hohleifen. G, L. C. = G. Le Clerc. G. M. = Cafpar or Gal par Mola. G. R. = G. Reich. G. W. V. = G. W. Veftner. H. = J. Haag. H. = Heinrich Friedrich Halter. H. = J. Handmann. H. = J. F. Huber. FB, = Hugues Bovy. H. B. = Hugues Bovy. H. F. H. = Heinrich Friedrich Halter. H. G. = Hans Jacob Gefsner. H. I. B. = Hans Jacob BuUinger. H. I. G. = Hans Jacob Gefsner. H.. = J. Hedlinger. H. L. (?) G. = Hans Jacob Gefsner. HM. = J. Handmann. FS. = Hans Jacob Stampfer. I. B. = J. Brupacher. I. C. H. = Johann Carl Hedlinger. I. C. MC. = Johann Cafpar Miirlkofer. I. D. = J. A. Dafsier. I. D. B. = J. De Beyer. FH. = J. Handmann. I. H. = Johann Cafpar Hedlinger. I. H. M. = J. Handmann. I. S. = K. J. N. Schwendimann. I. T. = J. Thiebaud. J. H. = J. Haag. J. T. = J. Thiebaud. MC. = Johann Cafpar Morlkofer. P. P. W. = Peter Paul Werner. P. R. = P. Reynard. R. = Ifaac Royaume. S. = Samfon. S. = Stadolin. S. = David Anton Stedelin. S. D. = S. Dadler. S. H. = Samuel Hanhardt. T. = J. Thiebaud. t. = J. Thiebaud. T. B. = Theodore Bonneton. U. B. = Ulrich Brupacher. V. = A. Vofter. W. = Charles Wielandy. X fymbol of Hans Gutenfon. /ICuiil-tfia I b » LONDON : Printed by George Edward Evre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty. For Her Majefty's Stationery Office. [ —250.-5/78.] .( X, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. iBPDlDBRC j^VCO'J 10or iH ^^^UBRAR^ UOAt^^» RE(E 9 p iqRfi ■. ;. ic V:' ii ■' iViAR 5 139 I ^ t^^i :»PT "'ilinHlllllillM I .1 i ;' 3 1158 Ulu28 9493 1.^! ':'' < -mm ''' '■.■'-':''.•'/■ ■ ^- /,. ' ' '<'.■' ' ^1 '.>■>' ','•■;■ ■'.;■ ■ \ • ■■'■ 1 1' / Mi mimS: i./ Sfil ' ( I,