50 <\% V (\\- 311913 V. > • ■■ "^ y S U M M A K. Y OP WAGES AND CONDITIONS FIXED BY WAGES BOARDS ou Br COURT OF INDUSTRIAL APPEALS. X/ t«A^^^)-^-A This Summary is brought up to date (Ist June, 1919). Piece-work Prices are not given 6689.— Price Is. ^^ 2 Tliis Summary is lirought up to date (Ist June, 1919). SUMMAIIY OF WAGES AND CONDITIU.NS FIXED BY WAGES BOARDS Oli IJV COURT OF INDUSTRIAL APl'EALS, (Piece-work Prices are not given.) Bovs Milder 16 years of iige, and wo neu and girliS, if worked in a factory for more than 48 hours per week must be paid overtime at the rate of time and a half under section 37 of Act 2650. Wages AND Co\DiTioN3 Fixed by Wages Boards, Etc. (1.) AERATED WATER TRADE.*" ~ (Present Deteniiiiiation in force from 18.2.16.) • NorK. — rhip Deieimmatioii applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan Uistrict aa defined in the Factories and Sho(is Acts ; the cities ot Babarat, Bendigo, (ieelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringhara ; and the h ironghs of E iglehawk (Jeeloiig West Xewtown ami Chilwell, and Sehastopol. riiis Board was appointed to "deterinuie the lowest pricos or rates which may be piid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the proceis, tra (e, or business of an aerated water or cordial or nonintoxicatinB beer manufacturer." Apprentices or improvers. Juvenile Workers. Other Employees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Wages per Week of 4S Bonn. Wages per Week of 4S Hours. 14 years ... ... ... lis. Persons un ler :il years of age other Persons in charge of machinery or 15 years ... ... ... ISs. 6d. than apiirentices or. improvers en- aerated water making plant . 60s. 16 years ... ... ... ICs. gaged in general work, i.e., all work Cordial makers . 60s. ITye.rs ... ... ... His with the exception of — Bottlers . 548. 18 yeirs ... ... ... iiis. (a) Bottling aerated waters ; All others ... . 50s. 19 years 27s. 6d. ('>) Carrying weights of 84 lbs. or 211 vears ... ... S.'is. over; Propoktio.v (withinany factory orpUce.) (c) Working a foot crowner receiv- Apprentices. ing the output, of a power-tilling One apprentice to every three or fraction machine — of three workers receiving not less l.i years ... ... 1.58. than 50s. per week of 48 hours. lii years ... ' ... 17s 6d. Improvers. 17 years ... ... 23s 6d. One in prover to every ten or fraction 18 years ... ... 278. Bd. of ten workers receiving not less than 19 years ... ... 3)s. Site per week of 48 hour*. 20 years ... .. 408. Xiuie of ReKiiiniia;. Time of Ending. (.3) TiMK OF Bkoinninoi 7.30 a.m. ... ... ... 12 noon on the day on which the half-holiday is observed. AND E\ui.\o Work/ 7.30 a.m. ... .. 6 p.m on the other working d*ys of the week. (4) OvKRTl-ME. The following rates shall be paid for all work done during the tnnci cp<>nified hereunder, viz : Within the bonis fixed as the time of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any w<^ekl Between 12 noon and midnight on the weekly half-holiday .. ... ... ... V Time a' d a quarter. Between 6 p.m. and midnight on any other working day of the week .. ... > Petween nidnight and 7.3J a.m. «... ... ... ... ... ... Double time. (5) 'Jasu.^l VVi.rk.— Casual employees, i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 21 hours, shall be paid at the rate of time and a fifih. 6) ■»;'NDAVs AND Pdblic HOLIDAYS. — Double time shall be' the special rate for all work done on .'Sunday, New Year's l>»y, Foundation Day (.6th day of .lanuary). (iood Iriday, Eight Hours Day (2lst day of April), King's Birthday (3rd day of Junelj and Christmas Day; but if any other day be by Act of P. rliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the ab .ve-named holidays, the special rate slfall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. •* Certain Commonwealth agreementt apply in this trade. (2.) AERATED WATER CARTERS.* (Present Determination in force from 13.3.16.) NoTK.— This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; th '. cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelont;,»nd Warrnimbool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boioughs of E iglehawk, Geelong ^Vest, Nesvtown and Chilwill, and .Sebastopol. This Board wasappo nted to '• deermine the lowest piices or rates which may be paid to ary person or persons or classes of persons employed in cartintr or diivirer, or assisting in carting or driving, in connexion with or incidental to the process, trade, or b rsiness of an aerated water or coroial or non-intoxicating beer manufacturer." (2) • Apprentices or Ijiprovers. Wa(,'K8. Per week ot 65 hours from Ist Octoher to 31st. March, vid 46 hours from the Ist April to 3Uth September. 1st year ... ... ... 3Ss 2nd year ... ..- ... 403. 3rd year ... ... ... 45s. Proi'oktion (by any employer). Apprentices. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 55s. per week. Improvers One improver to every six or fraction of six workers receiving not less than 55s. per week. Hours of Work Hours ot Work • •luvenile Workers. g li per Week. Other Employees. h per Week ill is 6.05 i.- 55 46 Stablemen... 3S 50s. 67 48 The hours fixed above for a week's work are to be taken as including time occupied attending to horses. (3) OvKKTiMK — Any employee w o in any week works for any time in excess of the hours fixed in the Determination as a week's work, shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) Casual Lahour. —That a casual worker (i.e., an adult employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination »s a week's w )rk) shall be paid at the rate of time and a quarter. (5) SuNuvY.s AND Public UoLiDAVH. -Double time shall be paid for all work done on Sundays, \e»' Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January). Eight Hours Day (2ist April), (iood Fris Acts ; the cities of liallarat, Bcndigo, Ooolong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Uailarat East and Sand ingham ; the boroughs of Kaglohawk, Ueelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and Sebostopol ; and the Shire of liraybrook. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of — (a) Agri cultural maoUinory or implements ; (6) parts of agricultural ma(?hinery or implements ; (c) bag-filling machinery, bono crushers, butter-making machinery, chaff-cutters, corn-orushing machinery, cream separators, hay prunes, horse-works, iron feeding troughs, lawn mowers, machinery for treating flax or hemp, maize-shellers, windmills." • On 21st December, 1910, this Board was given power to Qx rates for persons " employed in assembling or putting together any parts of machinery or implements of classes or kinds same or similar to those for which the said Board has power to fix prices or rates." (1) That on the 18th November, 1018, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Deter- mination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. JuveoUe Workeis. Other Employees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Wages iier We«k of 48 Hoiui. Wages per Week of 48 Houn Assemblers Attendants at paint mills . . 61i. 58s. ist year's experience . . . . 10s. 14 years of age . . Us. Bolt cutters 61s. 2nd year's cxperionoo . . . . 14s. 15 years of age . . 17s. Blacksmiths 72s. 3rd year's experience .. .. ISs. 16 years of age . . 20s. Blacksmith's strikers 61s. ith year's experience . . . . 22s. 1 7 years of age . . 24s. Bulldozer men 67s. 6th year's experience . . . . 28s. 18 j'ears of age . . 28s. Carpenters 71s. 6th year's experience . . . . 348. 19 years of age .. 35s. Crane attendants, . 68s. 20 years of ago . . 42s. Cranes — Operators of overhead travelling . . 61s. Pbopobtion (in any factory or place). Men in charge of other . . Drillers . . 61s. 61s. Apprentices. Fitters engaged in fitting scarifiers, harrows, drag ' harrows, disc ploughs, mould-board ploughs. One apprentice to every two or fraction disc oultivatori, tooth cultivators, or rollers 658. of two workers receiving at wages or Other fitters 71s. piece- work prices not less than .'583. per Grinders 648. week of 48 hours. Labourers Machinists (iron) not otherwise provided for . . Machinists (wood) not otherwise provided for . . 588. 648. 67s Improveri. Malleable iron anncalcrs . . Men working wood-shaping machine or Boult's 61s. One improver to the first four or fraction carver 70s. of four adults, receiving not less than Men working boring machine 61s. 64,s. per week of 48 hours, and there- Men working mortising machines, or cross-cut after one improver to every four saw . . 61s additional such adults. Painters — Writers and liners Painters — Brush hands Paint mixers Pattern makers . . Persons dismantling implements Pullers-out Sheet irou workers Storeman under man in charge Stores, men in charge of . . Timber markers . . Timber stackers .. Timber yard-imen Turners Wheelwrights 71s. 6U. 61s. 78s. 68s. 6l8. 658 588. 61s. 70s. 68s. 61s. 7l8. 71s. Dbfisitions — Juvenile Workert — Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) employed — (o) Finning, pointing, heating, and cutting off bolts in the bolt and nut making department. (6) Screwing and tapping bolts in any department. (c) Holding up for sheet iron workers or fitters. (d) Crushing and wheeling coke. (e) Striking for apprentices to blaoksmithing. (/) Working friction drilling machines, driiUng holes up to and inclusive of ^-in. diameter. Assembler — Any adult person employed in putting together any of the classes or kinds of machinery or implements afTeotod by the Determination, ami which have been previously fitted or so standardized as to require no fitting ; but shall not include any adult person employed in cutting or shaping the material of which such machinery or implements are composed. (3) OvEKTiMK. — Any employee who works In excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such work at the rate of time and » quarter. (4) Special Rates. — Time and three-quarters shall bo paid for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Eight Hours Day (2l9t April), Goocrewing bolts, (6) Hohling up for sheet-iron workers or fitters, (c) Crushing and wheeling coke, (rf) Striking for apprentices to black- sniitliing, (e) Working friction drilling machines drilling holes up to and iucluoive of .^ in. diameter 14 years of age .. ... Hs. I' „ 178. 16 „ ... ... ... 20s. 17 „ .., 24s 18 „ ... ... ... 28s. 19 „ .. ... ... 3,jR. 20 „ ... ... ... 42s. Other Employees. Wages per We8k..of 48 Hours. Pattern makers ... .Moulders Blacksmiths, carpenters, men working shaping machine or. Hon! 's carver, timljer markers, and wheelwri hts Fitters engaged in fitting scarifiers, harrows, drag harrows, disc ploughs, mould board ploughs, disc culiivators, tooth cultivators, rollers, lifting-j icks, or stump extractors .. Other fitters and turners .. Painters — writers or linei 8 P.iuters — brush hands Sheet-iron workers and man in charge of bull- dozer, pi ess, or power hammer ... Belt-cutters, driller-, grinders, malleable iron annealers, men working boring machine, mortining miichine, or cross cut saw Machinists liron), not (rovided for above ... .Vfachiuists Iwnodl, n')t provided lor above ... Strikers and assemblers ... All others 72s. 728. ess 588. 66j. tiSs. fiTs. 58s. 57s. o8s. 66s. 578. Sis. (3) Time of Beoinnino and Ekdino Woek. — Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. 7 30 am. ... ... 1 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is observed locally. 7.30 a.m. ... ... 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — That the following rate shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside the hours fixed in Clause '3) ... ... ... ... 1 rp- j (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause (3) in excess of 48 hours in any week /•'""« *"" » quarter. (5) Special Rates. — Time and three quarters shall be paid for all work done on "Sundays, New Year's Day, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Guod Friday, Easter Monday, and Christmas Day, but if any other dav be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for the above holidays the special rate shall be payable only on the day so substituted. (6) PiECE-woRic. — The Board determines under the provisions of Section 144 of the Factories and Sh-ps Act 1915 that any employer may fix and pay piece woik prices to any person employed at any work for which the B >»rd has fixed a minimum wage, pirovided that any such employer shall base such piecework prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less thau the wages rates that are fixed by the Board for such work. ANIMAL MANURE, lee No. 90. ARTIFICIAL MANURE, see No. 91. SOMMABY OF WaOKS AND CONDITIONS FiXKD BY WaQES BoABDS, ETC. — COtUitlUed. (6.) ASPHALTERS. Note. — Thia Determination applies to the following parta of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Faotorion and Shoiw Acts ; tho cities of Billarat, Bondigo, G.'olong, and VV'arrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand. ingbam ; and the bo ougbs of Eiglohawk, Gooloiig Wost, Niwtown and Chilwoll, iHid S 'bistopol. In uccordance with the provisions of the Fiictoriu.s and Shops Acts, the S[)ecial Board appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any |)er8on or t)er.->ons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of asphalting or tar [Miving" has made the following Determination, namely : — (4) Tliat on the 22nd day of March, 1919, the laat previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvere. Other Employees. Wage! per week of 48 hours. Waou. Men on mastic machine boilers . . . Layers... Binmen and mixers on asphalt mixing machine Tar distillers Rubbers down ... All others 85s. 72s. 72s. 728. 688. 66s. ^ ApprentlccB. Improvers. per week of 60 hours 17 years of age ... 28s. 18 „ „ ... 338. 19 ,, ,, ... 38s. 20 „ „ ... 488. I.St year's experience 2nd „ 3rd ,, ,, 33s. 38s. 48s. » » 4o , , 48 „ 48 „ Proportion (in any Plmjb). Apprentices. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 668. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver to the first three workers receiving not less than 668. per week of 48 hours, and thereafter one improver to every six workers receiving not less than that wage. 48 „ (3) Time of Beoinnlno and Ending Work. — Potmen All others (except men on mastic machine boilers) Time of beginning. Time of ending. 6.30 a.m. ... 5 p.m. on each of five days of the week. 6.30 a.m. ... 11.45 a.m. on the day ou'which the half-holiday is observed. 7.30 a.m. ... 5 p.m. on each of five days of the week. 7.30 a.m. ... 11.45 a.m. onthe day on which the half-holiday is observed. (4) Overtime. — Men on mastic machine boilers — For work done in excess of 80 hours in any week — First two hours Thereafter All other jjersons — (a) Within the hours fi.xed in Clause 3 in excess of 48 hours in any week (6) Outside the hours fixed in Clause 3 — Between 11.45 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is obierved. or Ijetween 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the other working days ... Between 1.45 p.m. and midnight on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, or between 7 pm. and midn'ght on the other working days, or between midnight and the time of beginning work (5) Speci.41. Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, uie special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Time and a quarter. Time and a half. Time and a quarter. Time and a quarter. Time and a half. (6.) BAGMAKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Aot»; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Gcelong and Warmambool ; the towns of BaUarat East and Pandringham, and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to persons employed in making or repairing jute, hcssian, or cotton bags," has made the following Determination, Jiamely : — (1) That on the 1st day of October, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices. Improvers. Juvenile Female Workers. other Employees. Wages. Wages. Wages Wages. Per week of Pet week of Per week of Per week of 48 hnurs. 48 hours. 48 hours. 48 hours. Ist 6 months . . 12s. Ist 6 months . . 12s. 1st 6 months . 12s. Males. 2nd „ .. 138. 2nd „ .. 138. 2nd „ . . 13s. 2nd year . . 15s. 2nd year . . ISs. 2nd year . IBs. Repairers by hand 598. 3rd „ .. 18s. 3rd „ .. 18s. 3rd „ . 188. Repairers by machine 598. 4th „ .. 22s. 4th „ .. 228. 4th „ . 228. All others 658. 6th „ .. 25s. 6d. 5th „ . . 25. 6d. 5th „ . 25b. 6d. Females. Proportion. Proportion. Bag-making machinists . . 29b. Males. Males. Sacking cutters by hand . . 29s. One male apprentice to every One male improver to every Repairers by hand 37s. three male workers or fraction six of fraction of six male Repairers by machine Sis. 6d thereof receiving not less than workers receiving not less Persons over 21 years of age 55s. per week of 48 hours. than 55s. per week of 48 hours. bag-making (hand or Females. Females. machine) without previoue One female apprentice to One female improver to experience — everv three female workers or every six or fraction of six 1st 6 months 22s. raction thereof receiving not female workers receiving not 2nd 268. less than 278. 6d. per week of less than 278. 6d. per week of All others 27b. Sd 48 hours. 48 hours. r Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued (6.) BAGMAKERS— cojt/inued. Definition op Juvbxilb Workers. Female persons under 21 years of age (other th:in apprentioos or improvers) employed in bag-making at — Machining, * Cutting (except sacking cutting by hand), Turning, Folding, Breaking off ; or • Flying. (3) TiMK 01' Beqinniiio and Ending Work. Time of beginning — Time of ending — 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . 12.30 p,m. on the day on whiuli the half-holiday is observed locally. 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . C.30 p.m. on the other five working days of the week. (4) OVEETUIK.* The follbwing rates shall be paid : — For all work done within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in"1 Making. Repairing, excess of 48 hours in any week, and . . . . . . . . . . vTime and a third. Time and a half. For all work done outside the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work . . J (5) Sundays and Public Holidays. That double time shall be paid for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Proclamation substituted for. any of the above-named holidays, the special rate .sliall only be payable for work day so substituted. . (6) Piece-work. . - . The lowest piece-work prices to be paid to any person for doing work of the description referred to in the following Schedule shall be — Hand repairing ordinary bags (employee to provide twine) Hand repairing mill, coal, Ume, or hide bags (employee to provide twine) Machine repairing ordinary bags (employer to provide twine) . . Machine repairing mill, coal, lime, or hide bags (employer to provide twine) . . Machine repairers on piece-work shall also bo paid 9d. per hour for anjitime occupied in cleaning machines or cutting patches. (7) Piece-work WHicft may be Fixed by an Employee. The Board determines, under the provisions of Section 144 of the Factories and Shops Act 1915, that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employed at repairing by machine bags other than those for which the Board has fixed a piece- work price (employer to prcn^ide twine), provided that any such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rates that are fixe^ by the Board for such work. Good Friday, Parliament or done on the 9d. per dozen. Is. 4Jd. per dozen. 4d. per dozen. 9d. per dozen. (7.) BEDSTEAD M^VKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts : the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilweil, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (including the moulders of bedsteads and excluding the moulders of fenders) employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of metal bedsteads or fenders, or parts thereof," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 23rd day of July, 1917, the last previous Determinition of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by tbii Determination. (2) Apprentices oe Improvers. Bxperlenoe. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year Wages per week of 48 hours. Commencing age — 15 years or under. «. d. n 15 21 26 30 39 7th year I 49 16 years. ». d. 15 17 21 28 39 49 Minimum wage. 17 years or over. ». d. 17 21 28 39 49 Minimum wage Minimum wage Juvenile Workers. Age. Under 16 years Under 17 yearg 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Wages per week of 48 hours. Males. >. d. 16 21 "o 27 32 39 6 52 Wage* per week of 45 hours. Females. *. d. 16 'a 20' 20 24 24 Number (in any place). Apprenticet. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers of the same sex receiving not less than the minimum wage. Imjirovrm. One improver to every two or fraction of two wurkers receiving not less than 56s. per week of 48 hours. Other Employees. Wagts. Blacksmiths Chill-fitters who design and model Other chill-fitters . . Chippers and casters Eleotroplaters Electroplaters' assistants Fitters of fenders which, with the exception of bottom plates, arc wholly made of brass or copper, or brass or copper case Other fender fitters . . Fitters and mounters of bedstead parts will) ly made of brass tube or brass case tube Fitters-up, i.e., persons who fit, straighten, drill and square up parts of bedsteads after such parts have been cast, ex- clusive of those who drill tor mounting Frame setters Furnacemcn Grinders (includins persons using faced or consolidated wheels for preparing work for polLihing) Japanners employed in finishing coating for \\-\n. and 2-in. pillars, and rails if cast thereto Lacqucrers of brass work Mounters of pillars and rails for bedsteads with pillars not less than \\ inches in diameter, excepting rails plain or rosetted only Persons who cut, stmiehten, bend, close tube ends, drill, and prepare bedstead parts for casting up (ex- clusive of cleaning) Polishers of plated or brass work Female wrappers . . .'. All others Per w"«k of 48 liouri. t d. 62 77 65 69 73 63 65 62 65 62 63 60 64 03 » 60 62 60 60 Per week of 45 hours. 29 6 Per week of 48 hours. 56 Summary or Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (7.) BEDSTEAD UkKER^-amiinued. Dzmmon.—JuveniU Workers — Pereonn under 21 years of age (other than apprenticca or iinprOTert] who, if females, are employed a< wrapp<>r8, or, if males, are employed iu (a) chipping or casting ; (6) wrapping, packing, oi moving materini ; or (r) cleaning, faeatug, or closing tubes, angle or bar iron. (3) Oterlimr.. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excesa of the maximum number of hour* fixed for a weck'i work iliall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. • (4) Spfcial Bale*. — That double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Eight Hours Day (Zlst April), Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation^ubgtituted for any of the aboTO-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for woik done en the day so &ubstit:itod. (6) Piect-vjork. — The Board determines, under the proyisions of section 144 of the Factories and Shops Act lfll5, that any employt^r may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employed at any work for whirh the Board has fixed a minimum wage, provided that such em jiloyor shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rates fixed by tlie Board for such work. (S.) BILLPOSTERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan Disrict as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts, the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and vV'arniambooI, the to*ns of Ballarat East and Sandringham, and the borougha of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. , This Board, which was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, business, or occupation of bill posiing," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the l.Sth day of July, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Other Emplojees. Waok». Fer Week of 4b hours. Wages. Per Week of 4n hours. Is* nix months' experience 2nd .. „ ■ 3rd „ ,. 4th „ ,. 5th „ „ 6th „ „ s. d. ... 22 6 ... 27 6 Zi 6 ... 37 6 ... 40 ... 42 6 Billposters ^ s. d. ... 57 6 Proportion. . s Apprintico. / One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 57s. 6d. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver to the first four or fraction of four workers and thereafter one improver to every five or fi action of five workers receiving not less than 57s. Bd. per week of 48 hours. • (3) Casual Labour.— Casual employees (i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 24 hours) shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (4) Overtime. — Any employee who works in any week for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day" (21st April), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (9.) BISCUIT.* NoTE.-^This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan Di.strict, as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnarabool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingbam, and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Seba-stopol. This Board, which was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person employed in making biscuit*," ha.s made the following Determination, namely : — NOTK. — On the 21st June, 1913, the powers of the Biscuit Board were extended to enable it to determine the lowest priees or rates which may bo paid to any person employed as storeman, packer, or sorter in connexioa with the trade or business of making biscuits. * There is a Commomvealih award in this trade. Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, etc. — coniinued. (9.) BISCUIT* -con/inued. (1) That on the I7th day of January, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revolted and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices. Improvers. Juvenile Workers. Other Employeea Waobs. Waqks. V /aqbs. Waobs. I • Per week of 4a hours. Per week of 48 hours. Per week of 48 hours. 'er week of Bakers 48 boun. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 66s. Brakesman Men carrying and stacking 62s. .. d. s. d. «. d. s. d. ». d. > d. 1st year 15 6 14 6 1st year . . 15 6 14 6 1st year . . 15 6 14 6 flour 723. 2nd „ .. 18 17 2nd „ .. 18 17 2nd „ .. 18 17 Mixers 66b. 3rd „ . . 22 19 6 3rd „ . . 22 19 6 3rd „ .. 22 19 6 Oven firemen . . 62s. 4th „ 30 22 6 4th „ . . 30 22 6 4th „ . . 30 22 6 All other males 60s. 5th „ .. 36 25 5th „ .. 36 25 5th ,. . . 36 25 All females 3l8. 6th „ .. 42 28 6th „ . . 42 28 6th „ . . 42 28 7th „ .. 48 •• 7th „ .. 48 7th „ .. 48 Pboportion. Proportion. • Males. Males. On« male apprentice to every One male improver to every three or fraction of three male three or fraction of three male worliers receiving not less than workers receiving not less than BOs. per week of 48 hours. 60s. per week of 48 hours. Females. FeTnaUs. • One female apprentice to every One female improver to every three or fraction of three female three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than workers receiving not less than 31s. per week of 48 hours. 31s. per week of 48 hours. (3) Definition of Juvenii. Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) Baking, cutting, spreading, and filling of all wafers and biscuits ; Blanching nuts ; Bringing fuel to ovens ; Carrying goods, materials, or utensils ; Cleaning bake-house or premises ; Cleaning, greasing, or scraping burning-off baking trays j Counting, cracking, and preserving eggs ; Dusting and wheeling trays ; Feeding and emptying elevators ; Feeding and emptying ovens, cutting and other machines with trays or dough ; Grinding dates and other fruit ; Grinding acids and other ingredients ; Labelling ; LabcUing, weighing, and marking of all wafers ; Packing, sorting, or papering tins ; ,B Workers. employed at — Packing boxes, cartons, or casks ; Picking and sorting nuts or biscuits ; Preparing batters for wafers and drops ; Putting fruit or peel on biscuits ; Setting biscuits on trays ; Scraping, weighing, and marking tins or boxes ; Sifting flour, sugar, or other ingredients ; Stamping, piping, icing, or dotting biscuits; Stirring icing sugar and filling for wafers and biscuits in small basins, after having been previously beaten by the machine ; Stirring gum or paste ; Turning hand machine ; Wrapping ; Washing butter ; Wsishing, cleaning, papering tins, boxes, or casks ; or Working whisking an* icing machines. (4) Overtime. — Any time worked in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sundays, Good Friday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), or Chri.'tmas Day ; and time and a half shall bo the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), King's Birthday, Boxing Day, or Easter Monday ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidaj's, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece-work. — The Board determines, under the provisions of Section 144 of the Factories and Shops Acts, that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person or persons or classes of person^ employed at any work for which the Board has fixed the minimum wage, provided that any such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditi9ns, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages that are fixed by the Board for such work. * Thtrt U a Commonwtalth auard in thit trait. (10.) BOILERMAKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State of Victoria. < In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and Shops Acts, the Special Board appointed "to determine the lowest price! or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the process, trade, or business of — (a) boiler making; (6) plating or riveting or canlking or angle-iron smithing in connexion with (1) iron and steel ship building ; (2) bridge building ; (3) girder, tank, waggon, or truck making ; (4) wrought iron or steel pipe making ; (6) structural iron or steel work," has made the following Determination, namely : — Not*. — When the resolution creating this Board was passed through Parliament the words printed above in italics were not included. The Gkivemor in Council by Order dated 13th January, 1913, added to the Board's powers, and the resolution has been here printed in the kbove form for convenience of reference with the added powers indicated by italicg. 9 Sdmmahy of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (10.) BOILERMAKERS— conJinued. (I) That on the 28th day of March, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentice or Improven. jQTenile Worken,t.0., Persons under 21 years of ajic (other than appren- tices Of iniproverH) lieatinK rivets, assiatlug apprt'iiticc^ or improvers, or labouring. Wages per week of 48 hour*. Wages per week of 48 hours. Ist year's experience 88. Under 1£ years of age 12s. 6d. 2nd .. 12s. 15 years of ORe .. 15s. 3rd „ „ 168. 16 .. 17s. 6d. 4th „ 20s. 17 .. 22s. 6d. Sth „ 258. 18 . . 273. 6d. 6th „ 36s. 19 20 .. 32s. 6d. .. 408. Pbofortiom. Apprenticet. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than li:ts. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprentice- ■hip prescribed was approved on 6th August, 1912 Improver!. One improver to the first four or fraction of four workers receiving not less than 81 '«. per week of 48 hours, and thereafter one improver to every additional four workers receiving not leea than that wage. Other EmidoyMs. Boilermakers working — (a) where the artificial tempera- ture is 130° F. or over . . (b) whore the artificial tempera- ture is 116° F. or over . . Anglo-smiths, boiler stayers, caulkers, chippers, fiangers, levellers, markers, oxy-acety- lene cutters, platers, tappers, tubers, welders, persons knock- ing down or snapping rivets, or persons in charge of the follow- ing machines, viz. : — Angle-iron cutting or straightening, bend- ing, caulking, nipping, notching, punching, riveting, rolling, shear- ing, horizontal punches, or hy- draulic presses — (a) employed on repairs to employer's plant (6) employed on other repair work (c) employed on any other work Persons working portable drilling machines in ship-building yards or ship repair sho'pb — (a) on ship oonstruotion (6) on ship repair work (c) on other work . . Other drilling machinists Circular sawyers, joist cropping machinists, plate edge planers or grinding machinists Erecting hands and tackle riggers employed outside a workshop. . Power hack sawyers All other persons — (o) working where the artificial temperature is 130° F. or over . . (6) working where the artificial temperature is 115° F. or over . . (e) employed on repair work in connexion with a ship or steamer (d) working inside buoys, diges- ters, vats, gas generators, enclosed tanks, receivers or boilers (other than on ship or steamer work), or helping at hand flanging or levelling material at the furnace or fires, or work- ing with hammers 14 lbs. weight or over — on repair work on other work (e) employed on any boiler work, or any shop machine or any constructional work not included above (/) labouring Day Shift. Per hour. t. d. 3 ^ 2 ^ 1 9i 1 9i 1 9i 1 9i 1 94 1 4i 1 4i 1 6 1 6 1 4i 2 9} 1 91 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 4i 1 3i Per week of 48 hours. £ ». d. 8 10 2 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 3 6 3 6 3 12 3 12 3 6 6 14 4 6 3 12 3 12 3 12 3 6 3 3 Night Shift. Per hour. a. d. 5 2 3 8 2 0\ 2 8^ 2 0\ 2 01 2 8i 1 7i 1 71 1 9 1 9 1 7} 4 01 2 61 2 3 2 3 1 9 1 71 1 6} Per week of 48 houis. £ «. d. 12 8 8 IG 4 18 6 4 18 4 18 6 9 3 18 3 18 4 4 4 4 3 18 9 14 6 2 S 8 6 8 4 4 3 18 3 15 Any parson who is employed in any of the above oapaoities outside a workshop and is placed in charge of six or more adult workers shall bo paid Is. per day above the ordinary rate. (3) Allow AKCSS. — Persons employed in connexion with repair work shall be paid the following allowances in addition to the rates provided in Clause 2 : — Oxy-acetylene weldan or catt«n employed oateide a workshop All other persons ... 2s. per shift or part of a shif (. •'• »t •• •■ 10 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waues Boards, etc — continued. (10.) BOUMKMAKERS— continued. (4) Shifts. — (a) The hour of beginaing and the hour of ending each shift shall be as follows :- Day Shift — Time o( Begiunlng. TImB ol Ending. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday . . . . 7.30 a.m. . . 5.15 p.m. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 a.m. . . 12 noon Night Shift— Monday-Tuesday Tuesday-Wodnosday Wednesday-Thursday Thursday-Friday Friday-Saturday.. ...... (6) The higher rate to bo paid for each hour or fraction of an hour worked by an employee before or after hisshift shall be as folloAS Persons employed on repairs to employer's plant used on structurivl work or in tho manufacture of boilors, ships, bridges, girders, tanks, waggons, trucks, or pipes 8 p.m., Monday 8 p.m., Tuesday 8 p.m., Wednesday 8 p.m., Thurdsay 8 p.m., Friday 6 a.m., Tuesday 6 a.m., Wednesday 6 a.m., Thursday 6 a.m., Friday 6 30 a.m., Saturday for Persons employed on other repairs All other persons Time and a half, calculated on the rates fixed in clause 2 the day shift. Time and a half, calculated on the rates fixed in clause 2 for the day shift, with the addition of 1 Jd. per hour. Time and a half, calculated on the rales fixed in clause 2 for the day shift. {n) Casual Labour. — Casual employees {i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 24 hours) shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (fl) Spkcial Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of ParUament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so rubstituted. (11.) BOOT.* Note. — This Leterniination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Act; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geolong. and Warrnainbool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringharn ; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geeloiig We t, Newtown and diilwell, and Sebastopol. Tiiis Board, wliicli was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person for wholly or partly preparing or manufacturing, either inside or outside a factory or work-room, bouts, slioos, and slippers of every descrii)tion," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That oa tho 7th November, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Males. Wages Per Week of 48 Hourt. Ist year 2nd year Zfd year — 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 4th year — 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 5th year — 1st 6 months 2nd C months 6th year — 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months Thereafter Commencing Age. Under 16 years «. d. 9 6 14 6 21 21 27 27 33 33 38 44 16 years. a. d. 14 6 21 27 27 33 33 38 44 17 years s. d. U 6 21 27 27 38 6 44 8 Mini wa Mini;mum wa ije Minimum 18 years ot a. d. 21 27 38 6 44 6 Mini- mum wage mam Proportion. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers smployed and receiving at wages rates or earning at piece-work prices not less than 72s. per week of 48 hours. Proportion. One male improver to ten or over ten male workers employed and receiving at wages rates or piece-work prices not less than 723. per week of 48 hours. Females. Wages. Per week ot 48 hours. a. d. Improvers employed clicking (but not skiving or trimmingj insides or outsides of uppers, or stuff cutting,stufi fitting, or preparing for makers, or making or finishing ' (but not ironing and sizing of uppers, or socking) . . 70 Apprentices and all other improvers — Ist 6 months' experience .. 12 2nd „ „ 3rd „ „ 4th „ „ 6th 6th „ „ 7th „ „ 8tb „ ,, Proportion. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers employed and receiving at wages rates or earning at piece- work prices not less than 34s. per week of 48 hours. Proportion. Two female improvers to each female worker employed and receivmg at wages rates or earning at piece-work prices not less than 34s. per week of 48 hours. .. 13 6 .. 16 .. 17 6 .. 19 .. 21 .. 24 .. 27 other Employees Males. Adult males Females. Females with or without ex- perience employed clicking (but not skiving or trim- ming) insides or outsides of uppers, or stuff cutting, stuff fitting, or preparing for makers, or making or finishing (but not ironing and sizing of uppers, or socking) Females vrith four years' ex- perience and over employed operating wax thread ma- chines Other females with four years' experience and over Other adult females — With less than 6 months' experience With 6 and less than 12 montlis' experience With 12 and loss than 18 months' experience And thereafter . , Minimum Wage, 72b. 728. 428. 348. 21s. 24s. 288. 348. Hours of Work per Week. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 (3) Overtime. — The higher rate to be paid to males over the ago of sixteen years for any ho* or fraction of an hour worked in any day in a factory before or after the ordinary working hours of a factory shall be — First two hours . . . . , . . . . . . . Time and a quarter. Thereafter . . . . . . . . . . . . Time and a half. (4) Special Rates. — Doubletime shall be the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday. Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted * for any of the above-named public holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (5) Inside Workees. — Employers shall supply all grindery, colours, and materials, and also find workshop room and light for inside workers, free of charge. (6) Outside Workers. — Employers shall supply all grindery, colours, and materials (except for wax-thread work) for outaide workers, free of charge. (7) Piece- wo xK. — A sohtdule of piece-work prices has been- fixed by the Board, which has also determined that the employer may fix pieoa-work prices (to bo based on the wages rates determined) for persons employed at making cripple corks. • There ia a Commonwealth award in this trade. 11 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed bx Wages Boards, ztc— continued. (12.) BOOT DEALERS. NoTU. — This DotermiaatioD applies to the following parts of Victoria, namoly: — The Metropolitan District as dofinoil in the Factoriou and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo. Goolong, and VVarrnambool ; the towns of Baliarat East and Sand.ingham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Guclong West, Newtown and CliilwoU, and Sebastopoi. This Uoard. which was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or oIbssos ot persons wheresoever employed in the business of a seller of boots, shoos, or slippers, being a business usually or frequently oarriod on in a shop," has made the following Determination, namoly : — , (1) That on the 6th January, 1919, the last previous Djtormination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) AppnntloM or ImproTsn. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Onder 16 years . . 1 6 years 17 „ 18 ,. 19 , 20 .. Males. Female* ». d. s. d. 10 8 6 12 6 11 6 18 15 24 19 29 6 22 3(i 26 Proportion (in any Shop or Place.) Appbbntices. Males. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male perxons receiving not less than 46r. per week of 48 hours. Females ' One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female persons receiving not leas than 288. 6d. per week of 48 houn. Improvers. Males. Two male improvers to the first male person, and thereafter one to each additional male person receiving not less than 468, per week of 48 hours. Females. Two female improvers to the first female person, and thereafter one to each additional female person receiving not less than 283. 6d. per week of 48 houia. Provided that one female improver in lieu of one male improver, or one male improver in lieu of one female improver, may be employed Other Kmiloyees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. OiiUide the Metro- Wiihin the politan l)i»triia Metropolitan wht-rever this Diiitrict. Ueterniiiiaiion appl es Malks. s. d. «. d. Head salesman or branch manager, I.e., the i>er8on for the time being intrusted with the contrt)! or superintendence of a boot depart- ment or branch shop, notwith- standing he may be umler the orders of a superior who docs not devote his whole time to supervis- ing such department or branch shop — (a) Working singly . . 77 6 12 6 (6) In charge ol 1, 2, 3, or 4 persons 77 6 72 6 (c) In charge of 6 or more persons 85 80 Salesmen-^ , 21 years of age 48 46 22 55 63 23 , „ or over 67 6 66 6 Persons employed in the parcels or country order ofBce, or as packers, porters, or storemen — 2 1 years of age 48 46 22 55 53 23 „ or over 67 6 65 6 Females. Head saleswoman or branch man- • ageress, i.e., the person for the time being, intrusted with the control or superintendence of a boot department or branch shop, notwithstanding she may Ix) under the orders of a superior who does not devote his whole time to supervising such department or branch shop — (o) Working singly .. 77 6 72 6 (6) In charge of 1, 2, 3, or 4 persons 77 6 72 6 (c) In charge of S or more persons 85 80 Saleswomen — 2 1 years of age 28 6 28 6 22 31 31 23 „ or over 37 6 34 6 (3) Overtime. — Any employee who in any weok works for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra timo at the rate of timo and a half. (4) Casual Labour.— Casual employeoa (i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 24 hour.") shall be paid at the rate of double time. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, and time and a half shall bo the rate for all work done on Now Yeai^s Day, Foundation Day (26th of January), Gooe<'n fixed by the Board for persons etnployod making hand-made doughs. (16.) BREAD (PROVINCIAL). ~"^ (Determination not yet made.) Note. — This Dcleiininat ion applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Gcelong, and Warrnaiiibuol ; the town of Ballarat East; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk Geelorg West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebasiopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates of payment for breadmaking or baking." (10.) BREAD CARTERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following imrts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the B'actories and Shops Acts; the citie.s of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Wairnambool ; the town.s of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; uud the borougb.s of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebustopol. Tuis Board, wliioli was apiwinted to " determine tlio lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or clas.ses of persons wheresoever employed in carting or driving or assisting in carting or driving in the business of Ijaker or seller of brejid," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the dth October, 1917, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices. ImproTers. Other Employees. Waoks. Wagbs. VVA.iES. Per week of Per week of 1st veai's ex|)erience 64 hours. 3os. 1st year ... ... ... ) 2nd „ [ 3rd , ) H hours. Motor or Horse Drivers and all others :— 2nd ,, 40s. 40s. Ordinary Days. 3rd ,, 45s. Per hour. Between 12 midnight and 6a.m.... 3s. ,, 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. ... Is. IJd. Pboportio.v Pbopoetion (In any place). (In any place). ,, 6 p.m. and 12 midnight... 38. One apprentice to every three or One improver to one, two,~| Double or Treble Days. fraction of three workers receiving or three (».e., days on which bread for more than one not less than 60s. 9d. per week of Two improvers to four, employees receiving ' day's con.suniption is delivered.) 54 hours. five, or six [■ not less than 60s. Between 12 midnight and 6a.m.... 3ii. ,, 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. ... Is. IJd. ,, 7 p.m.and 12 midnight... 3s. and thereafter one addi- 9d. per week of tional improver to every five additional 54 hourf . (3) OvERTiMK. — 4Jd. per hour in addition to ordinary rates shall be paid for all work done in excess of 51 hours in any week. (4) Special Hates. — That 3s. per h ^ur shall be the rate payable for any delivery on Sunday, and that Is. 9d. per hour shall be the rate payable for any delivery on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (17.) BREWEKS.* (Present Determination in force from 3.3.11.) Note.— This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Billatat, IJeiuligo, Geelong. and Warrnam t)ool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs ot Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newlown and Chilwell, and Sf-bastopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persorts or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a brewer, or in the process, trade, or business of a bottler of fermented liquors made from malt or a substitute for malt," (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Other Employees. Wages.' Over 15 years but not over 16 years 16 years but not over 17 years ... 17 years but not over 18 years ... IS years but not over 19 years ... 19 years but not over 20 years ... 20 years but not over 21 years ... Peopoktion (within any factory, shop, or place). Apprentices. —One apprentice to every three or fraction of three adult workers. Improvers.— Four improvers to the first 100 adult workers, and thereafter one improver to every 25 adult workers or fraction thereof. Per week ot <8 hours. 15s. 228. . 27s. 29s. 6d. 32s. 378. * There it a CommcmoeaUh ttward in thit trade. Wages. Rackers, or corkers, or man in charge of automatic pasteurizer ... Loaders, or sounders, or packers Ueaders-up ... Syphoners or automatic fillers, or filterers Lager beer syphoners ... Persons unloading a machine driven pasteurizer ... Persons loading, wheeling, or emptying pasteuriz- ing trucks ... Clippers Wirers Tinf oilers, or labellers ... Handers-np, or capsulers, or wipers, or wrappers, or tinfoil pickers A 11 other persons (being adult males* Per week of 48 hours. 51s. 4ds. 32s. 328. 37s. 378. 24s. 6d. 27s. 32s. 6d 20s. 15s. 51s. 14 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boaeds, etc. — continued (17.) BREWERS*— continued. (3) UvKRTlMK. — All time worked over 48 hours per week by male persons over the age of 16 years to be paid at the rate of time and a lialf. (4) Su.N'DAY.s AND HOLIDAYS.— All work done on Sunday, tNew Year's Day, tAustralian Natives' Anniversary Day, Good Fri.lay, Kaster .Monday, tEight Hours Day, tKing's Binhday, and tChristmas Day, by any person, to bep.iid at one and a half times the ordinary rate. t Or such other day as may be observed as a Public Holiday in lieu thereof. C) PiBCB-woKK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. * There u a Commonwealth award in this trade. (18.) BRICKLAYERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand ingham ; and tlio boroughs of Eaglohawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sobastopol. This Board which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (other than labourers) wheresoever employed in the process, trade, or business of a brioldayer " has made the followujg Determination, namely : — (1) Tliat on the 4th October, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall bo revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices. Improvers. Other Employees. Waobs. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year . . . 5th year Proportion (by any employer). One apprentice to ev»ry throe workers or fraction thereof receiving not loss than the minimum wage of 823. 6d. per week of 44 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 22.11.11. Per week of Waobs Per week of 44 hours. 44 hours. lOs. 1st six months . . 10s. 17s. 6d. 2nd six months . . 153. 30s. 2nd year . . 23s. lOd. 35s. 3rd year . . 36s. 8d. 45s. 4th year . . 498. 6d. 5th year . . eos. 6d. Proportion (by any employer). One improver to every four workers or fraction thereof receiving not less than the minimum wage of 82s. 6d. per week of 44 hours. Foreman bricklayer in charge of three or more employees Bricklayers emplojed on sewerage work, drainage work, or under- ground work not connected with building construction Bricklayers employed on repairs to old fire work Bricklayers employed on all new file work All other bricklayers . . Bricklayers emploj-ed building chimney stacks over 51 feet high, shall be paid Is. per day extra. Wages per hour. 2s. 2s. 2s. 3d. 2s. Is. lOJd. Wages per week of 44 hours. 883. 99s. 88s. 82s. 6d. (3) Allowances. — The following extra rates shall be paid to any persons wheresoever employed :■ — • 1. (a) On all work distant from the centre two miles and up to six miles, ^d. per hour extra. (b) On all work distant from the centre over six miles and up to twelve miles, Id. per hour eAra. (c) On all work distant from the centre over twelve miles and up to twenty miles, l^d. per hour extra. (d) On all work distant from the centre over twenty miles, 3d. per hour extra. Provided always that where the locaUty of the work is nearer to the employee's residence than to the centre, all distances shall be reckoned from the employee's residence, which in such case shall be deemed to be the centre. Wherever the word centre occurs in this clau.se it shall be taken to mean the Melbourne General Post Office for the metropoUtan district, or the respective Town Halls of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, or Warrnambool (as the case may be) for the rest of Victoria. (4) Time of Bboisninq and Ending Work — ^The time of beginning and ending work for persons (other than those employed on sewerage work, drainage work, or underground- work not connected with building construction) shall be — Time of Brgiunlng. Time of Ending. 7.45 a.m. . . . . . . . . 5.15 p.m. on each of five days in the week. and 7.45 a.m. .. .. .. 12 noon on the other working day of the week on which the half -holiday is usually observed. (5) Overtime. — (a) Persons employed on sewerage work, drainage work, or imderground work not connected with building construction shall be paid — For work done in excess of 44 hours in any week . . . . . . (h) Persons employed on any other work shall be paid — For work done within the hours fixed as the time of beginning and endmg work in excess of 44 hours in any week For work done on the weekly half-holiday — I^etween 12 noon and 5 p.m. Between 5 p.m. and midnight For work done on the other working days of the week — Between 5.15 p.m. and 10.15 p.m. Betworn 10.15 p.m. and midnight Between midnight and 7.45 a.m. . . (6) Special Rates for Sundays and Poblic Holidays. — All work done on — Sundays, Good Friday, and Easter Monday, 2fith January (Foundation Day), 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Nsw Year's Day shall be paid for at the rate of double time ; but if any other day bo by Act of Parhament or Proclamation subotituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for the day so substituted. (7) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. Time and a quarter. Time and a quarter. Time and a lialf. Double time. Time and a half. Double time. Double time 15 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoep Boards, ctc. — continued. (19.) BRK K TRADE. Ij aooorlance with the piovisiuiiH if thv I'luaniira ami Shops AoU, tho Spouia) Hoiiril appoiulud tu " determine the lowent prices or rates which may bo paid to any i)crsoii or persons or classes of [XTSons employed in tho procojs, trade, or business of brickmaking (including clay-digging)," has made the following Dotormtnation, namely : — , NoTi. — (a) On 2l8t February, 1911, the powers of tho Briok Trade Board were extended, eo that it might fix "the lowest prices or rates which may Ix' paid to any person or porsous or cUaseg of persons employed ia the process, trade, or business of sand, lime, or cement brickmaking." (6) This l>ot(!rmination applies to the whole of the State. (I) That on tho Itith April, 1019, tho lost proviuus Determination of this Board shall bo revoked and replaced by this Determination. ' * Wages Iloura (2) Appreutlcos. Improvers. Other Employees. per week. per week. Waobs. Wages. Firebricks. ». d. Per woek rer week Burners 86 3 60 of 48 hours. 0148 hours. Crusher attendants who also haul 71 2 J 61 Crusher attendants who do not haul 68 51 Ist year's experience . . 16s. 14 years of age. . .. 19s. Wet pan attendants 71 2J 61 2nd „ „ .. 2l8. 15 „ „ .. .. 208. Machine drivers 67 9 51 3rd „ „ .. 203. 16 .. 22s. Drawers or hand moulders 70 48 17 ,. .... .. 248. Setters 70 48 18 .. 32s. 6d. Facemcn working in a clayhole 25 feet 19 .. 428. or less in depth where explosives are 20 .. 47s. not used . . 68 48 All other faeemon 70 48 Off bearers from wire out machines 67 48 Wheelers of green bricks on inclined plane 4 feet or over in height at the Proportion (in any factory or place). Proportion (in any factory or place). higher end 66 48 Clayhole men (employer to provide tools) 68 48 One apprentice to every throe or One improver to every eight or Pressors 66 48 fraction of throe workers receiving fraction of eight employees receiv- All others .. 64 48 not less than 64.1. per week of 48 ing not less than 64s. per week of hours. 48 hours. Other Bricks. Burners 86 3 60 Machine drivers, machine riggers, or wet pan attendants 70 1} 51 Dry pan attendants who do not haul . . 70 li 51 Crusher attendants who do not haul 70 li 51 -CruBJier or dry pan attendants who also > haul 74 4J 61 ^ Drawers 75 48 Setters .. .. .. .. 73 48 * Facemen working in a clayhole 25 feet \ or less in depth 69 48 All other facemen 73 48 ( layh(rle men (employer to provide tools) 68 4H k Hand moulder.i, lime grinders, lime crushers, pressors, sapd and lime ■ mixers, or silomon 06 48 All others .. 64 48 (3) TiMB OF Bboinsino and Esdino Wobk. — For any persons except burners, machine drivers, machine riggers, and pan or crusher attendants — Time o( Beglnntug. Time of Ending. 7 a.m. . . . . 1 p rn. on Saturdays, or the day on which the half-holiday is locally observed. 7 a.m. . . . . 5..iO p m. on each of the other five working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — (o) Any employee who works for any time in excess of the maximum number of houfs per week fixed by this Dotormination shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (6) Any employee (other than a burner, machine driver, machine rigger, or pan or crusher attendant) w,ho works outside the hours fixed in clause 3 shall be paid for such time at the rate of time and a half. (5) Sundays and Holidays. — All work done on Sundays by persons other than burners of " Other bricks " to be paid for at the rate of time and three-quarters. Work done by any person on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January!, Fifiht Hours Day (2l8t April), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, shall be paid for at the rate of time and three-quarters ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hohdays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (0) Pjece-wobk. — A schedule of piece-work prices for bricks other than firebricks has been fixed by the Board. (7) Piecework Prices which may be fixed by an Employer. — The Board determines under the provisions of Section 144 of the Faclorien and Shops Act 1915 that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employed in firebrick making, or as a clayholcman, machine driver, machine rigger, wheeler of green bricks, or trucker, provided that any such employer shall base such piece-work prices on tho earnings of an average worker workii g under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not loss than tho wages rates that are fixed by the Board for such work. (20.) BRUSHMAKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following pirts of Victoria, namely :— The \fetrt earlier than — Time o( eoiling aol later thau — 7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. .. 12.15 p.m. on Saturday 7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. 5.15 p.m. on the other working days of tho week (6) Overtime.— That the following rates shall be paid for all work done : — (o) Within the hours fixed in clause 5 in excess of 44 hours in any week- First three hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time and a half Thereafter . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double time (6) Outside the liours fixed in clause 5 — (i) Labourers employed demolishing buildings — liutweeu 5.15 p.m. and midniglit .. .. .. .. .. 2s. 6d. per hour Between midnight and 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 33. per hour (ii) AU other labouivrs — (a) On Saturday — Between 12.15 p.m. and 5.15 p.m. .. .. .. .. .. Time and a half And thereafter till midnight .. .. .. .. .. Doubli, time (6) On the other working days of the week — Between 5. 15 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. .. .. .. .... Time and a half And thereafter till midnight . . . . . . . . . . Double lime (c) Between midnight and 7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. .. Double time (7) Sundays and Ppblio HouoAYS.^Doublo time shall hu the special rate payable to any person for all work done on Sundays, 2lith January (Foundation Day), Good Friilay, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day ; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of tlic above named holidays, the special rate shall only bo payable for work done on tho day so substituted. • T/iere are Commonu-ealtfi awards for this occupation. (22.) BUTCHERS •• (Present Determination in force from 10.4. 14.) NofB This' Determinati'n applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District ns defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Hendigci, ireehmg, and Warrnamboul ; the t .wus ot Ballaral Kast .md >aiidriiigham ; and the bor 'Uglis of Kaglehawk, Cieeloeg West, Newtown aud Cbiiwell, and .Sebastopol ; and the Moorpaiiyal and Peak Kidmgs of the .shirt- of Corio f This Board was appointed to •' determine th'e lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a butcher, or seller of meat, or maker or seller of small goods." Apprentices or Improvers. Apprentices or improvers (other than in a slaughter- house) I'er wok of WAGtS. :y^UMr». Ist year's experience .. I.' 8. 2ud ,, ,, ... 203. 3rd ,, ,, "i.is. 4th „ ,, ... 30». 5th ,, ,, .'17s. 6d. 6th ,, ,, ... 4o8 Peop.iktion. Apprenlices. (In any faetury, shop, or place. ) One apprentice t) every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than the minimum wage. An indenture of apprentice- ship prescribed was approved on 12.9.U. Apprentices or improvers in slaughterhouse. iV: week of WA(iE.S. '«'* '"'"" 1st year's experience... 15s. 2nd „ ., .. 20s. 3rd ,, ,, .. .^(te. 4th „ ,, 42s. lid, .">th „ ,, ... eOs. PROrOBTION. Improvers. (In any factory, -ihop, or place.) One improver to the first three or fraction of three employees, and thereafter one improver to every addi- tional three employees re- ceiving not less than 57s. per week. Juvenile Workers. Other Employees. Waoes. Stable hands (other than apprentices and im- provers) — I'er week of fit) hours. Under 17 years 208. 17 to 18 ,, ... 25s. 18 lo 20 30s. v!Uto21 ,, ... 35s. il years and over ... 42s Wacis Sh'pman, meaning a person iu cliarge ot a shop, or a person engaged for not less tlian 30 hr not less than 3li hours per week as a small goods m.iker Assistant small-goods man Sailers ... Scalders tJeneral butchers, meaning persons (other than shop- men), engaged in cutting meat and delivering orders Hawkins or entt.ing carters Persons delivering orders but who do not cut any meat Beef carters drhing two horses and lorrymen driving two holies Other carters Hours Minioium Wttge. Work rer Weik. 65s 52 808 48 48s. 48 658. 5'2 57s. 52 67s. £2 57s. 52 • 5'/8 52 57s. 52 SOs 52 558. 58 508. 58 t When the Di'UTmlnaUoii of the l>rovi«clal and Gountrjr Butchers Boards come into force the Determination of tho Butchers Board will appl7 to the Metropolitan Dl^lrictonly ** Thtrs it a Commonwtalth award in this trade. 6689,-2 Summary of Wage8 and Conditions Fixed by Waoks Boards, etc. — continued. (22) BUTZBEli—eontinued,* (3) TiMB OF BsaiKNINO AND Endiko Work:-^ For persons engaged in carting from abattoirs to markets or to shops, or from markets to shops — Time of Beginning. Ttana of Ending. 3 a.m. . . . . . . 6 p.m. Monday to Friday (inclusive), ) during October to April (in- 3 a.m. .. .. ■ .. 12 noon Saturday, ) elusive). 3 a.m. .. .. .. 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday (inclusive), \ during May to September (in- 3 a.m. . . . . . . 12 noon Saturday, / elusive). For all peruona other than persons engaged in carting from .abattoirs to markets or to shops, or from markets to shops, and other than persons employed solely as stable hands — In the Metropolitan District. 6 a.m. .. ,. .. 5.15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 6 a.m. .. .. ,, S.16 p.m. Friday, or on the evening before a Public Holiday on which the shop is closed for the whole day. 6 a.m. . . . . . . 1 p.m. on Saturday. Outside the Metropolitan District. 6 a.m. .. .. ..15 minutes after the time 6xed by law for closing the shop, except on the day when the usual weekly half-holiday is observed, when the time of ceasing shall be 1 p.m. sharp. (4) OvEKTiMK. — All time worked in any one week (within the hours fixed as times for beginning and ending work) by males over 16 years in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed by the Board, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a third. All time worked (outside the hours fixed as times of beginning and of ending work on each day) by persons other than those engaged in carting from abattoirs to markets or to shops or from markets to shops, and other than persons employed solely as stable hands, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a third. ' All time worked (outside the hours fixed as times of beginning and ending work on each day) by persons carting from abattoirs to markets or to shops or from markets to shops, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a third for the first hour, and thereafter double time. (5) Casual Labour (now defined by Section 141, sub-section 4, Act 2650, as work for not more than one-half the maximum numbe of hours fixed by the Board) shall be paid for as follows : — Any person employed in a shop, or small-goods factory, Is. 6d. per hour. Beef-carters driving two horses ) Lorrymen „ „ „ >- Is. per hour. Other carters .. ..J * There is a Commonwealth award in thit trade. (23.) BUTCHERS (COITNTRY)t. (Determination not yet made.) Note. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State outside and excepting the fnllnwing parts of Victoria, na'rely :— The Metropolitan I listrict as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the ci ies of tiallarat, Bendigo, <}e«loii(; and VVarrnambiol the towns of Ballarat Kast aud Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, (Jeelong West, Newtown and Oliilwell, and -ebastopol This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a butcher, or s ^ller of meat, or maker or s "lli r of small L;oods." The powers conferred on this Board were taken from the Country Shop Assistants Board by Order in Council, dated 10th March, 1914. t There it a Commonwealth award in this trade. (24.) BUTCHERS (PROVINCIAI^)}:. (Determination not yet ftiade.) NOTB. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool, the town of Ballarat East, and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates whioh may he paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a butcher, or seller of meat, or maker or seller of small goods." * ! There it a Commonwealth award in this trade. (26.) BUTTER. NoTB. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State of Victoria. NoTB. — On 21st June, 1913, the powers of the Butter Board were extended by the Governor in Council to enable it to deal with storemen, packers, or sorters employed in a factory in connexion with the trade or business of manufacturing or preparing for trado or sale milk, cream, butter, or cheese. This Board, whioh was appointed to " determine the lowest prii-es or rates to bo paid to any persons employed in a factory in the process, trade, business, or occupation of manufacturing or preparing for trade or sale milk, cream, butter, or cheese," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 18th November, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination 19 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (25.) BUTTKR.-eon/intt«< Apprentices or Improvers. Wages. Under 16 years 10-17 years 17-18 ., 18-19 „ 19-20 ,, 20-21 „ Per week o( 48 hours 20s. 253. 308. 35s 403. 453. Proportion (in any Pi.acb). Maka. One apprentice and one improver to every throe or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 57». per week of 54 hours. Fetnales. One apprentice and one improver to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not. less than 33s. per week of 48 hours. Juvenile Workers. Wages. Under 16 years 16-17 ycai 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 IVr week o( 48 boura. Hales. 15s. 17s. 6d. 243. 28s. 35s. 408. Females. 133. 159. 189. 21s. 243. 278. Other Employee.?. 758. per week of 4S houn 703. 67s. 6d. „ „ 608. 658. „ „ 638. Wages. General foreman Cream grader Creamery manager Milk or cream tester or neutralizer Foreman of shift or department or casein plant Butter-maker, i.e., operator in charge of a combined churn or both a churn and butter-worker Operators of any of the following machines, viz. — Milk drier . . Vaiiuum pan Churn (other than a churn) Butter-worker Separator . . Pasteurizer Weighing msichino Storeman or packer Cheese- maker Other employees in cheese factories 578. „ ,, All other male adults . . . . 57s. per week of 48 hours Headwoman, i.e., a person who has charge of employees under, and takes her instruction from, the foreman .. .. .. 378. 6d. ,, „ All other adult females . . 33s. ,, „ Persons employed cleaning drying boxes, where the artifi ial temperature is over 112° Fahr., shall be paid 6d. per hour in addition to their ordinary wage. . . 609. »* ») . . 60s. ■t a combined . . 60s. l> »» . . 608. l» *i . . ") 58s. It . . Uss. J* ff . . J 583 »t . . 58s. »» . . 678. 6d. per week of 54 hrs. (3) Deknition of Juvenile Workers. Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) employed at — Patting, wrapping, stamping, or branding butter or cheese ; Blending or re packing cheese ; Filling or cleaning cheese jars or moulds ; Filling or emptying casein trays ; Filling or drying casein in tunnels ; Filling casein into bags ; Weighing, filling, emptying, stacking, capping, sealing, opening, labelling, wrapping, packing, cleaning, or sterilizing tins, cartons, or bottles ; Stamping or branding tins, cartons, cases, bottles, or labels ; Stamping, branding, lining, or nailing up boxes or shooks ; Handling empty tins, cans, cases, crates, jars, moulds, or boxes ; , , Feeding or assisting on machines ; Feeding or taking away from automatic machines ; or Washing up. (4) Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work shall bo paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. • (5) Casual Labour. — Casual employees {i.e., jjcrsons other than creamery employees employed during any week for not more than half the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work) shall be paid at the rate of time and a quarter. ^ (6) Special Rates. — Time and a half shall be the rate payable for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 3rd June (King's Birthday), or Christmas Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (26.) CANDLEMAKERS.* (Present Determination in force from 22.9.16.) NoTK. — This Determination applies to the ' following parts of Victoria, namely:— The Metropolitan District, as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Biilliirat, Bendigo, Gee'oug, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East au(J Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Ueelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and ^ebastopol. This Board was appointed to" determino the lowest prices or rabM which may be paid to any person or persons or oUstes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of candles." * Thtn U a CommoHWiottli award in IM$ tradt. 2D Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed bt Wages Boards, etc. — continued. {•26. 1 CANULKMAKEK-S*— ccmiiJiueJ. (2) 'Apprentices or Improvers. Waqbs. u yean 16 fi 16 17 ft 18 fw 19 f> 20 •t Per week of 48 bourb. , 12s. 6d. , 15s. . 1 8s. , 2 is. 6d. . 28s. Gd. , 35s. . 40s. Pbopobtion (in any factory or place). Apprentices One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 30s. per week Improvers, One improver to every five or fraction of five workers receiving not less than 55s. per week. Wages. Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) : — J UTenile Workers. 14 years 15 „ 16 .. 17 .. 18 „ 19 .. 20 ,. Mtiles. Females. Candle Cutting or Wlck-windlng. Candle Packing. Per week of 48 hours. Per week of 48 hours. g. 12 Id 18 23 d. (i I. 12 15 18 23 28 35 40 Packing Candles in Boxes or Wrapping or Lal-elllng. Per week of 48 hours. 15 17 19 21 23 27 d. ' 6 Other Employees. Per week ol 48 liours. Waqbs. Acidifiers .. 60s. Candle moulders . . 588. Candle-room gangers . . 61s. Glycerine distillers .. 60s. Press-room gangers . . 58s. Refrigerator gangers . . 618. Stillmen .. 60s. Cieneral hands in Refrigerator 58s. All other general hands . . 65s. Females packinj? candles in boxes or wrapping or labellinjE . . . . 30s. (3) OvERTiMB. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) ScNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. — All work done on .Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), Good Friday, and Christmas Day shall be paid for at the rate of double time, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (5) PlECB-woBK. — This Board has determined that the employer may fix piece-work prices to be based on the wages rate determined. • There is a Commonwealth auiarti in this trade. (27.) CARDBOARU BOX TRADE. NoTK — 'I his Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as detmed in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendign, Geelong. and \Yarrnambool ; the towns of Ballaiat East and SiUidringham : and the boioughs of Eaglehawk, Ueclong V\ebt, Newtown and Chilwell; and iSebastopol. 1 liis Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may l)e paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed either in.sirie or outside a factory or woikroom in the process, trade, or business of a maker of cardboard boxes," his made the following Detormiiuition, namely : — (1) That on the 27th .lune. 1918, the last previous Determination of this Hoard shall be revoked, and replaced by this Determination. (V) APPBENTICK3 OK IMPROVERS. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Other Emiloyeks. Ist year's experience 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 6th „ 6th ., 7th „ Males. Females. «. d. ». d. 15 10 17 6 15 22 6 18 27 6 22 6 34 27 6 42 32 50 Proportion (in any place). Appreiilices. One apprentice toevery tliree or fractonof three worker.*' of the same sex receiving not less thaii the minimiiiu wage. Irnprovers. MALES. One male improver to each male worker receiving not less than 57s. 6d. per week. FEMALES. Four fema'e improvers to every five or fraction of five female workers receiving not less than 30.s. j-er week. \\i per Week of 48 Hours. MALES. Guil'otine cutters f "oth or J aper cutters Carion setters ( arton cutlers All others Guillotine cutters C'oth or pa| er cutters C oth box makers Paper box maimers All others «. d. 71 71 68 66 57 6 71 71 37 6 32 30 (3) OvEBTiuB. — Any emp'oyee who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be ) aid for such extra time at the rate of time and a third. (4) SPECL4L Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday. New Year's Day. Foundation Day (26th Januaiy), Good Friday, Easter Monday. Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituteil for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work "done on the day so substituted. (5) PiECK-woRK. — A schcdide of piece-work prices for certain classes of work has been fixed by the Board, which lias also determined as to other classes of work that the employer may fix piecework prices to be based on wages rates determined. 21 Summary ov Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (28 1 CARPKNTERS. ' ~ XoTE — I'liis Determination applioa tc the following p»rt8 of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Sho()8 Acts ; the cities of Ball.irat, 'iendigo, Uceloiig, and Warruamliool ; the towns of BalUrat East and .SandiinKliam ; and the boroughs of hjiglehawk, Cieelong West, Newt 'wn and l^hilwell, Sebastopol, and Oakleigh ; the Uarwou and Kanlinia Ridings of the shire of .S ■ulh lUrwori, i ho Vloorpinyal Riding of the shire of (Jorio, and such portions of the shires of Braybrook and Moorabbin as are within 10 miles of a city or town. Ihis Bi) ird was iipptiitited to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes i f persons wheresoever employed in the process, trade, or business of a carpenter or joiner (including labouring work in connexion therewith) engiged in conciexiou with th.; erecting or repairing of buildings " has made the following Ueteriiiination, namely :— Note. — On the 15th June, 1915, tho ISoanl's powers wore extumled to include persons engaged in connexion with the erecting or repairing of fittings in or on buildings. (1) That on tho 27th 758. 6th „ ' . . 228. 6d. 5th „ .. 30s. 5th „ . 27s. 6d. Grainers 6th „ . . 37s. 6d. 6th „ . 35s. Signwriters • ' • e 7th „ .. 5l8. 7th „ . 48a. Painters Pitmen Wood machinists Wheel grinders Gear painters. . All others • "I : ::j >. 72b. 093. 6l8. 683. Pbopobtion. Peopoetion. One apprentice to every One improver to two two or fraction of two workers, two improvers to All otheb Woek — workers receiving not lens four workers, and there- than 5$3. per week of 48 after one improver to every Bodymakers . . hours. • additional four workers re- ceiving not less than 72s. % Painters Panel beaters An indenture of appren- per week of 48 hours. Smiths ticeship prescribed was ap- Spring-fitters . . . 728. iroved on 17th September, Trimmers 1910. Wheelmakers Wheelwrights Wood machinists Spiral springmakers (by hand) . . 708. Elliptic "head machinists Spring-eyemakcrs (by hand) - 66s. 4 Face-plate workers Screw-cutting turners . . . . ^ Vvcemon 638. All others ■ ■■ 68s. (3) Definitiov of Juvenile Workers. - assisting smith or vyceman. Time of Beginning^. (4) TiwK OF Beoikning i7.H0a.ni. ... AND Ending Work ) 7.30 a.m. ... -Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) employed at Time of Knd!ng. 5.15 p.m. on each of the five days in the week. 12 nuon on the day on which tlie haif-lioliday is usually observed. (5) Overtime. — All work done outside the hours specified as the times of beginning and ending work, or for any work done within such hiurs in excess 48 hours in any week, shall be paid for at the rate oMliine and a quarter. (6) Spkcul Rates. -Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Faster Monday, Eight H'urs Day (^Ist April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any otijer day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on tlie day so substituted. (30.) CARTERS.* (Present Determination in force from 21.2 16.) Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely; — The Metropolitan District ai defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. • This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or person.? or classes of persons employed in carting or driving, or assisting in carting or driving, in connexion with or incidental to some trade or business except drivers of caibs and vehicles connected with the business of a livery stable-keeper) carried on within the area in which the Factories and Shops Act has effect, other than persons carting or driving, or assisting in carting or driving, in connexion with a trade, business, or occupation which may be or is the subject of a Determination of any one of the following Special Boards : — Butchers Board, Bread Carters Board, Grocers Board, Hay, Chaff, Wood and Coal Board {now superseded by the Ghaffcutlers Board, Coal and Coke Board, Fuel and Fodder Board, Country Fuel and Fodder Board)." By the Factories and Shops Act 1910, No. 2, the Boud was gi^en power to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in or in connexion with any stable (other than a livery stable) in which are stabled the horses used in bis business, trade, or occupation by any person subject to the determination of the Carters Board. This Board was deprived of the power to fix rates for persons carting in connexion with the Aerated Water Tiadfl on 2nd September, 1912; the Quarry Trade on 14th July, 1911, and the Pastrycooks Trade on 12th June, 1911. 9 \Tktrt i$ a CommonvnaUh amtrdfor thii occupaium. 23 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waqes Boards, etc. — continued. (30 ) CARTERSt— con<.nuerf. (2> WAGES, ETC. APrRENTICEa AND Impbovbrs. During— Wagei per Week. Kamber (bjr any employer.) .^ lat 6 months . . >nd 6 mnntha . , 3rd months . . 4th 6 months . . eth 6 months . . . . . . , , 25.^ 30s. 36«. 40b. 46s. One apprentioe to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 52s. 6d. per week of 62 1 hours. One improver to every five drivers receiving not less than 628. 6d. per week of 62} hours. • Apprentices and improvers shall be subject to the number of hours per week as lized for their respective sections. Minimum Waob and Hours or Work. WlUiln the Metropollt«i UUtrict. Outelde the Motropolltsn UUtrict wherever this Determlnatiuo spplloe. In any plaoe. DrlTeis ot — One Horae. Two Horses. Three , Boraet. One Hone. Two Horaei. Three Horees. Extra for each additional Horse. ' Per week of — ' Buses Trams Ice Carts Jinkers and Boiler Trucks ,V(ilk Carts . . Sanitary Cart»— Between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. All other Vehicles 578. 548. 56s. 608. 66s. 653. 678. 548. 60s. 65s. 608. 60s. 63^. 67s. 6d. 638. • 64s. 6d. 61s. 6d. 62s. 6d. 67s. 6d. 52s. 6d. 628. 6d. 64s. 6d. Sis. 6d. 578. 6d. 628. 6d. 578. 6d. 67s. 6d. 608. '6d. 658. 608. 6d. • 28. 2s. 6d. 2s. 54 hours.* 48 hours.* 57 hours from Ist November to Slst March, and 44 hours from 1st April to 30th October.* 52i hours.* 65 hours from 1st October to 31st March, and 60 hours from 1st April to 30th Sep- tember.* 62i hours.* 00s. 66s. .. 678. 6d. 628. 6d. ■ .. 62} hours.* 668. 60s. 638. 528. 6d. 57s. 6d. 60s. 6d. 28. 62) hours.* within the Metropolitan DUtrict. Outside the Metrotmlltan District wlierevcr tills Uetermiuatlon appilei. Drivers of one-horse tip drays Drivers of two-horse tip drays . . Drivers of two separate tip drays Persons assisting in carting or driving horse-drawn vehicles Per week of 62) hours.' 648. 69». 65s. 57s. 6d. Per week of 521 hours.' Sis. 6d. 56s. 6d. 628. 6d. 66e. Drivers of motor vehicles up to 25 cwt. carrying capacity . . Drivers of motor vehicles over 25 cwt. carrying capacity Persons assisting in carting or driving motor vehicles . Per week of 48 hours, 60s. 65s. S4s. Per week of 48 hours 57s. 6d. 62s. 6d. 5l8. 6d. • Stablemen Per week of 64 honrs. 558. Per week of 64 hours. 62s. 6d. (3) Definition.— The term (4) horse " shall include any other beast of burden. Times of Beoinnino and Endino Wobk. - All others (except Stablemen, Driver? of Parcels Express and Drivers nr Assistant Drivers ot Tip Drays. (not Including Merchants') Drfvers of Miilt, Ice, or Vehicles. Sanitary Carts, Buses, or Trams. Time of Time ot Time of Time ot Time of Time ot Beginning. Ending. Beginning. Ending. I Beginning. Ending. am. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Mondays 6.30 6 8.16 7.16 7 6.30 Tuesdays 6.30 6 816 7.15 7 6.30 Wednesdays 6.30 i 6 8.16 i 7.15 7 6.30 Thursdays . . 6.30 6 8.16 7.15 7 6.30 Fridays 6.30 6 8.16 9.0 7 6.30 Saturdays . . 6.30 1.30 8.16 1.30 7 1.30 (6) OVEBTIMB. Time and a half. The following rates shall be paid for all work done during the times specified hereunder by — (o) StabUmtn, and Driver) or Asrutant Drivers of MilK, let, or Sanitary Carts, Buses, or Trams — " In excess of the number of hours determined for a week's work, in any week (6) AU others— Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work and within the hours fixed as the times of begiimliiii and ending work in excess of the number of hours determined for a week's woric, in any week, time and a half. ' The houra fixed above for the week's work are to be taken as Including time occupied In attending to boraes, t Tksrs it a CtmmontPnUlh aiiari for lAw occupalum. 24 Summary op Waoks and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (30.) CARTERS*— contin««(i. (0) Casual Laboitb. Casual hands (i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maxhnam number of honrs fixed, in this Determination as a weelt's work) shall be paid at the rate of Is. per day extra. {1) Special Rates for Sundays and Pubuc Houdays. Tbat the special rate payable to all employees (except stablemen, and drivers or assistant drivers of sanitary carts, buses, or trams) for work done on Sundays and the undermentioned Public Holidays shall be as follows : — (a) Double pay on Sundays. (b) Time and a half on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 3rd June (King's Birthday), Christmas Day, and 2l)th December, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Provided that for milk carters these extra rates shall only commence when 5J hours' work has been done. • There is a Comnumwealth award for this occupation. (31.) CEMENT. NoTK. — Thi's Determiuatiou applies to the whole of the State of Victoria. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and Shops Acts, the Special Board appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to |fiy persons employed in the trade of — (1) Making Portland Cement, (2) Quarrying or preparing the raw materials therefor," has made the following Determination, namely : - (1) That this Determination shall be operative on and after the 23rd May, 1919. (2) Apprentices and Improvers. Other Employees. Wages. Per week of 48 liours. Under 16 years of age ... ... ... ... 20s. .. 17 „ „ 278 6d. ,, 18 „ 3.is. » 19 „ „ 428. 6d. ,. 20 „ ,, .50s. „ 21 „ „ 57s. 6d. Proportion (in any factory or place). Apprentiees. Wages. Per week of 48 houw. Ckmknt Works. Cement Burners (kilns 7 feet and over in diameter) ... 75s. ,, (kilns under 7 feet in diameter) ... 69s. Millers ... .. ... ... ... 72s. Ropeway attendant ... ... 6Js. Topinen on aerial ropeway ... .. ... ... 66s. B»j:gers, loaders, and Slackers . ... 66s. All others ... ... ... ... 638. QUARRIKS. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 63s. per week of 48 hours. Improvtm. One improver to every five or fraction of five workers receiving not less than 638 per week of 48 hours. Quarry men ... Powder monkeys Eatesford. Any other place whcr-' the Determina- tion apijUes. Per week of 48 hours. Per week of 48 hours. 72s. 848. 63s 75s. (S) OvERTi.ME. — Any employee who works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours per week fixed by this Determination shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of thne and a half, (4) Spkci.vl Rates. — Time and a half shall be the rate payable for all work done on Sundays, New VTear's Day, 26ih .January (Foundation Day), fiood Friday, Easter Monday -'Ist Apiil (Eight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Birthday), Clirisimas Day, or B"xing l>ay, l)ulif any other day be by Act of Parliameni or Pr.-clamanon substiuiled for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall bi payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (32.) CEMENT ARTICLES. (Determination not yet made.) Note. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons (other than persons under the jurisdiction of the Fibrous Plasterers Board) employed in the trade of making articles of cement or concrete." t33.) CHAFFCUTTERB.t NeiTB. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons — (a) employed i.n the process, trade, or business of chaff-cutting, corn-crushing, or compressing fodder ; (6) employed in carting ol* driving, or assisting in carting or driving, in coiuiexion with the trade or business of dhaff-cutting, oom-orushing, or compressing fodder." The powers of this Board wire originally conferred on the Hay, Chaff, Wood and Coal Board, which has now ceased to exist. (1) That on the 30th day of November, 1918, the last previous Detormmation of this Board shall bo revoked and replaced by this Determination. t Thne is a CommonweaUh award Jor Carltrt in Uat lrad». 25 Summary of Waoes and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, etc. — continued. (33.) CHAPFCUTTERSt- (2) continued. ApprcntlcM or IinproT,en. WAQsa FIB Wbbk or 48 Houbs. B. d. .. 25 .. 27 6 .. 35 .. • 40 .. 47 6 Uiulor 17 years of age 17 years of ago 20 „ Pbopoktion. Apprenlkea. One apprentice to every throe or fraction of throe workers rcooiring not leHS than iVls. per week. Imjyrovtra. One improver to the first six or fraction of six workers, and there- after one improver to every six workers receiving not less than 638. per week. OUier Employees. Foreman (i.e., the man who gives itistructiong to, and is roH|x>niiibIe for the work done by, four or more employees) Carter driving one horse . . „ „ two horses And 2s. extra per week for every additional horse Persons employed on a travelling chaffcuttcr or a travelling straw or fotliler press . . . . All others «8 60 65 d. per week of 48 hours 50 60 4S 48 (3) TiMB OF Bboinkino and Endino Work — Time of Beginning. Carters . . Employees at stationary mills Employees on a travelling ohaffeutter or a travelling straw or fodder press 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 7 a.m Time of Ending. Five Days In the Week. 5.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 6 p.m. The Day the Half-holiday b Usually Observed. 12.30 p.m. 12 noon 12 noon (4) OVBBTIME — Outside the time of beginning and ending work — Between 12 noon and midnight on the day on which the half-holiday is usually observed Between 5.15 p.m. and 9 p.m. on the ottior working days Between 9 p.m. and midnight on the other working days Between midnight and 7.30 a.m. on any day Within the time of beginning and ending work in excess of the hours fixed as a week's work Persons Compressing Fodder. Time and a quarter AU Others. Time and a half Time and a quarter Time and a half *, ,) Time and a quarter (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, and time and a half shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21at April), King's Birthday (3rd June), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Casual Laboub. — Casual employees (i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than one- half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work) shall be paid at the rate of Is. 6d. per hour. (7) PiBOB-woBK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. t There it a Commonwealth award lor Cartert in this tratU. (34.) CHEMISTS (MANUFACTURING). (Determination not yet made.) Note — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District, as defined in the Factories anl Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Goclong, and Warmambool; the town of Ballarat East and Saudingiam; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and SebastopoL This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the trade of — (o) a wholesale or a manufa?t'iring chemist ; (6) manufacturing toilet preparations, perfumery, easonoos, essential oils, food preservatives, branding fluids, deodorants, disinfectants, fungicides, insecticides, vermin destroyers, weed destroyers." (35) CHEMISTS' SHOPS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, vi», :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acis. the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, (Jeelong, and Warmambool; the towns of Ballarat Kast and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong VVest, Newtown and t'hilwell, and .Seliasiopol. In acoordfince with the provisions of the Factories and Sh^p8 Acts, the Special Board appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which rijay be paid to any persons employed in a shop disptnsing, conipoundiug, or selling medicines, drugs, or medicinal preparations '^las made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That this Determination shall be operative on and after the l.^th March, 1919. 26 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (36.) CHEMISTS' SHOPS— conlinued. (2) Apprentices. Improvers. other Employees. Waobs." Wages. Wages. Per week of Per week of Per week of 51 hours. 51 hours. 51 hours. Males. Femalea S. d. S. d. i a d. £ 8. d. 1st year ... 10 17 years of age or under . 30 Manager ... o 4 10 2nd rr ... 15 18 years of age . 35 Regisiered assistant- — 3rd n ... 20 19 „ „ . 40 21 years of agff ... 22' „ „ ... 3 2 14 4th » .. 25 20 „ . 45 3 5 2 18 6 23 » „ ... 3 10 3 3 PROrORTION. Proportio.s.- 24 » » ... 25 years of age or 3 15 3 7 6 (In any shop or place.) (In any sliop or place.) over ... All others— 4 10 4 1 One apprentice to each worker receiving One improver to the first ten oi fraction 21 years of age ... 2 10 2 5 not less that the mimmum wage. of ten, and thereafter one a lditi"nal 22 „ » ... 2 15 2 9 6 improver to each additional ten workers 23 ,. » ... 3 2 14 Provided that an apprentice who is receiving not liss than the minimum wa ff«- 24 „ r ... 3 5 2 18 6 indtnturetl and serving outside the Metr »- 25 years of age or P'diau District may be emidoyed in any over ... 3 12 6 3 5 3 shop witlii'i the Metropolitan District during the third and fourth years of the apprent ceship, notwiilstanding that the • proportion ot apprentices above fixed be lliereby exceeded by one. < - (3) OvKRTi.viK.— Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 51 hours shall be paid for such extra lime at the rate of time and a half. (4) Spkcial K. d. 12 6 30 16 12 6 10 Third Three Months. I. d. 16 30 15 16 10 Fourth Three Months. 4. d. 17 6 30 15 17> 6 10 2nd Year's Experience. First Six Months. «. d. 20 40 26 Piece-work prices 10 Second Six Mouths, 4. d. 26 40 26 Piece-work prices 10 Third Year's Experience. 4. d. Piece-work prices Minimum wage 35 Piece-work prices Fourth Year's Expenenoe. 4. d. Piece-work prices Minimum wage 46 Piece-work prices 27 Summary of Wages and CoNDirioNS fixku by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (3b.) CIGAR TRADE— COTihnued. (4) Othbb Employees. Strippers and bookers of cigar covering leaf Strippers and booicers of cigar bunch-wrapper leaf — (a) By hand (6) by machine . . Strippore of lillfrs Cigar box makers Persons ringing cigars in reverse order . . Persons re-tying or boxing cigars, or engaged at any other work connected with sorting o: herein . . All others packing cigars not specified Wages per Week of «8 Jioum. £ $. d. 3 10 2 10 1 15 1 10 3 10 1 4 2 14 3 6 (6) OvEBTiME. — That any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at h« rate of time and a half. (G) PiKCE-woBK Pbioes. — A schedule of pieoo-work prices has boon fixed by the Board. (37.) CLERKS (COMMERCIAL).* NoTK. — This IXitormination on tho 4th November, 1918, applied to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as di fined in tho Factories and Shop.s Acts ; tho cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geolong, and Warrnambool ; tho towns of Balloiat East and Sand in.'ham ; and the boroughs of Eiglehawk, Geolong West. Nowtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. Di'termination of the Court of in lust ia! Appeals, (1) That on the 4th day of November, 1918, the Determination of tho Court of Industrial Appeals dated the 23rd day of February, 1917, ■hall be revoked and replaced by this Determination as to the lowest prices or rates which may' be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (other than persons employed by any banking company, insurance company, building society, friendly society, trustee company, barrister, or solicitor) employed in oonnexion with some trade or business as a clerk, collecting clerk, time-keeping olerk, despatch clerk, store clerk, weighing clerk, cashier, typewriter, stenographer, or bookkeeper. (2) Jnvenllo Workers ottier Appreiitlees. 1 Im proven. \ tliar< Apprentices aad luiproven. Other Employees. Wages. Wages. Ont.'. d. and until full age. 6th „ „ 44s. 308. such person is Males 62 68 and until full age. under 21 years of age, and in cases Female cashiers in butchers' 34 6 34 6 A B ol}ier Improvers. where a person is shops 1st year's experience 14s. Hs. employed lu con- All other 39 39 2nd „ „ 208. 18s. nexion with copy- females Srd „ „ 26s. 228. ing work for a 4th „ „ 34s. 26s. Directory, and 6th „ „ 44s. 308. such person is and until full age. under 21 years of age, the lowest Pboportioh. Proportion. rate of wages per One apprentice to every two or One improver to ("Workers who. week of 48 hours fraction of two workers receiving one or two if males, are to be paid to such not less than the minimum wage. Two improvers receiving not person in either of to three or four less than 68s. such cases shall be Three improvers per week of 4>' the rate fixed to five or six ■< hours, or, if for an improver,^ And thereafter females, are male or female one improver to receiving not (as the case may every three or trac- less than 343. be), of the like tion of three 6d. per week nf 48 hours. experience. (3) Overtime — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at th« rate o( time and a half. (4) C.\suAL Laboub— Casual employees {i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 24 hours) shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates fob Sundays and Pttblio Holidays.— The special rate to be paid to a clerk or cashier employed in an hotel or restaurant shall be at the rate of lime and a fuUj, and the special rate to be paid to any other person shall be at the rate of rfouW* time lot all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2Ut April), King's Birthday (3rd June), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be, by Act of Farliamejt or Proclamation, substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Provided that this clause shall not apply to — Receiving clerks or punch or fare checking clerks, outfit clerks, roster clerks, or other clerks in lieu of or in substitution for any such clerks in connexion with the traffic operations of tramways or employed in tramway sheds or tramway ofiioes or ' Counter olerks, entering clerks, cashiers, label or despatch clerks employed in daily newspaper ofiiceti. • There Is .■> Commonwealth agreement fir this occupition. (38.) CLOTHING. ~ ~ Note. — ^Thi) Det jrmina' ion applies to the whole of the State. This Board was appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates of payment for wholly or partly preparing or manufacturing the following articles or classes of articles, that is to say, " articles of men's and boys' clothing cr wearing apparel, namely :— Coats (including overcoats and cloaks of every deaoription), vests, trousers, jackets, and kijickerbockers, except indiarubber Faterproof gariMnta. * '^ 28 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continited (33.) CLOTHWQ— :o't(t»uei. • (I) That on the I3th April, 1917, tin last previous Dotormiaation of this Board shall be revoked, and replaced by this Determiaatioo. (2) Apprentices. Imprc vers. Juvenile ' Workere. i.e.. Females under All other Employees. Wages. Wages. 21 years o( age (not being apprentices or Improvers) era- ployed as ticket sewers. Waget. Per week of 48 houn. Per week ol 48 houra. Clasfet of persons. P er w 48 t eekot Experience 1 S « Males employed at — Females. lOIUS. Pressing, Any other work. Em- ployed on Order Coata. Em- ployed on any other work. Waffei. Order Cloth- ing. Order Cloth- ing. Keady- made Cloth- lug. Order Cloth- ing. Ready- made Cloth- ing. SeadT- Per week of 48 hours. made Cloth- ing. ,. d. 1. d. «. d. >. d. >. d. *. d. t. d. *. d. : d. let year at trade — Maues. «. d. ». d. 1st six months 5 5 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 } " Cutters 75 66 2nd „ 7 6 7 6 10 12 6 10 12 6 7 6 7 6 Tailors 66 65 Pressors 60 60 2nd year at trade — Trimmers 67 6 67 6 1st b\\ months 10 10 12 6 16 12 6 16 10 10 10 Machinists . , 60 60 2nd „ 12 6 12 6 15 17 6 16 17 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 Brushers or Folders Seam or under presseis of 52 62 3rd year at trade — men's coats 52 62 Ist six months IS 15 17 6 22 6 17 6 22 6 15 15 ; 20 All other seam or under 2nd „ 17 6 17 6 22 6 27 6 22 6 27 6 17 6 17 6 pressers 60 6 60 All others 50 60 Mh year at trade — 1st six months 20 20 27 6 30 27 6 30 20 20 Females. 2ud „ 25 24 35 35 35 35 24 24 Cutters Pressers, with an iron of not 76 65 6th year at trade — more than 7 lbs. in weight. Ist six months 30 , , 40 40 40 40 27 of such juvenile garments 2nd „ 35 •• 45 45 45 45 30 •• ■■ as are made from linen, drill, silk, or other similar , 6th year at trade — material 32 6 32 « 1st six mouths , , , , 60 50 , ^ , , Pressers of any other gar- 2nd „ •• •• •• •• 55 55 •• •• ments or pressing machinists GO 60 7th year at trade — Seam or under pressers of 1st six months 60 60 men's coats All other seam or under pressors Coat hands 52 50 32 6 62 50 29 8 Buttonhole makers by hand — Pbopobtionatb Number (in Pbopobtionatb Number (in any On coats 32 6 32 ANY Factory or Place). Factory or Place). On trousers and vests Machinists — 30 6 30 6 Makt. 1st six months ex- One male apprentice to every Malu. perience 21 21 two or fract on of two male One male improver to every four or 2nd six months' ex- workers receiving at wages rates fraction of four male workers receiving perience 24 24 or earning at piece-work prices at wages rates or earning at piece-work And thereafter 30 6 29 not less than 5Us. per week of 48 irices not less than SOs. per week of 48 lours. Trousers or vest hands 30 6 28 hours. Brushers or folders, button- FeTtiaUa. bole finishers, or button One female apprentice to every sewers — female worker receiving at wages Female*. 1st six months' ex- rates or earning at piece-work One female improver to every three perience as such . . 21 21 prices not less than 283. per week or fraction of tiiree female workers 2nd six months' ex- of 48 hours. receiving at wages rates or earning at perience as such . . 24 24 An indenture of apprenticeship piece-work prices not less than 28s. per And thereafter 28 28 prescribed was approved on week of 48 houn. All others 28 28 19.6.16. 1 (3) Casital Labour. — Casual employees, i.e., employees engaged at pressing or order cutting for 24 hours or less in any week shall be paid at the rate of time and a third. Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. (4) TiMB Ojif BaaiNNiNQ and Endinq Work, f 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . 6 p.m. on five days of the week. \ 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half -holiday is usually observed. (6) Overtime. — Any employee who, within the hours of beginning and ending work, works in any week for any time in ezoees of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a halt Any employee who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination as the times of beginning and ending work upon such day shall bo paid for such overtime at the rate of time and a half. (0) Speci\l R'te fob Sundays and Holidays — All work done on Snndajrs, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foun- dation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Birthday), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, ■hall be paid for at the rate of double time. If any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above- named holidays, the special rate should only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (7) PiBCE-wOBK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. 29 Sommaky'of Wages and Conditions Fixed by W^Es_BoARDS^jETa--coirUm^ (39.) LOTHING (WATERPROOF). . Victoria namely —The Metropolitan District as defined a tiw Uutermiiuion. V) Apprentices or Improvers. Other Employees. Waoes. Per week ol 48 hours. Wages. 1st year'^ xperienoe 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ Sth „ » (1st six months) Males. Females. s. d. 13 9 22 33 44 55 s. d. a 17 6 24 3 30 9 Propoetioh (in any Pl&ok). Apprenlices. One m*- apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers rteiving'not less than 633. 3d. per week. One fenie apprentice to every tliree or fraction of three female workers ruiiviug not less than 34s. Id. per week. Improvers. One ma improver to every male worker receiving not less than 668. per oek. Onp fenle improver to every female worker receiving not less than 34s. J. per week. Males — Garment Cutters Other Cutters Garment Makers AU others Tmi/LLSS Perwtek U 48 boms. t. d. 71 6 06 66 63 3 34 1 Time of Ending. 1 p.m. on the day on which the half- holiday is usually observed. 6 p.m on the other working days of the week. (3) TME OF BeQINNISQ AND EnDINO WOEK. — I'ime of Beginning. 7.30 a.m. / 7.30 a.ra. . . (4) 'VEBTIME. — (a) Outside the hour? fixed in clause 3 .. .. .. •• •• •• \ Time and a half (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excess of 48 hours in any week .. .. / *"• (51 TECIAL Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th .January), Good Fridp, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other 4ay be by Act of ParUament or Proclaation substituted for any of the above-named hoUdays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substitutej. (6)'*IE0E-W0RK. — The Board determines under the provisions of Section 144 of the Factories and Shops Acts, that any employer ay fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employed at any work for which the Board has fixed a minimum wage, provided lit any such employer shall base such piece-work prices on. the earnings of an average worker working under Uke conditions', and such isoe-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rates that are fixed by the Board for such T»Tk. Noi. — Cotton and all other materials of which articles are composed must be supplied to the worker by the employer free of charge in rder that piece-work prices or wages rates payable shall be net. .(40.) OAL AND COKE.* Nci. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — ^The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories ad Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingham ; and the -roughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol, and the shire of Corio. Thi Hoard, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or daaaes of porsoDi mployed in any business or occupation connected with the sale or distribution of coal or coke by any — a) coal importer, i6) coal-mine owner, 'c) gas company," has made le following Determination, namely :-r- (1) hat on the 6th day of August, 1917. the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by thit Determinaon, (2) , Apprentices or Improvers. Waobs fkb Wexk or 48 Houna Onder 17 yurs of age 17 years cage 18 „ „ 19 » , 20 „ . 31s. 36s. 41s. 468. 66s. Pbopoetion. Apprentices. One appmtice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less tha 61s. per week. Improitera. One imprver to the first four workers, and thereafter one improver to every te workers receivine not leas than 61s. per week. Other Employees. Waoes. Coal trimmers or trollymen .. Persons employed shifting gear to or from a ship or coal berth . . Coal baggers, loaders, or unloaders Coke yard employees Coal carters driving one horse Coal carters driving two horses and 2a. extra per week for every addi- tional horse. Coke carters driving one horse Coke carters driving two hor-sea and 2s. e.xtra per week for every additional horse. 84g. per week of 48 houra 84s. 48 70s. 48 63s. 48 628. 61 67a 61 6l8. 51 668. .. . 51 • Thtre U a Comnumwtalth award for CarUrt m thin Iradt. 30 , Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (40.) COAL AND CO ii.K*— continued. (3) TiMB OF BEQI.NNtNQ AND E.SDINQ WOEK — Time at Begiiuiliig. 7 a.m. 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending. Five days In the week. Tlie Day tl»e HaK-tioliday U Usually Observed. Carters AU others 5.4.J p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 12 noon (4) Overtime — (a) Outside the time of beginning and ending work as herein fixed .. .. .. .. ..\Timo and \b) Within thf times of beginning and ending work in excess of the hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work | a half. (6) Casual Laboue. — Casual employees, i.e., persona bagging or loading coal for 24 hours or loss in any week, shall be paid at the rate of Is. 9d. per hour. (6) Special Rates. — For all work done on Sundays and the undermentioned hohdays the rates shall bo — Coal Trade. Sundays . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Double time Foundation Day (26tb January) New Year's Day Eight Hours Day (21st April) Good Friday Easter Monday Chiistmas Day Boxing Day King's Birthday but if any other day be by Act of ParUament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hoUdays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. * There is a Commonwealth award for Carters in this trade. ' GOAL-MINERS— (See No. 9(1)! ~~~~ " Coke Trade. Time and a halt Double time. Time and a half. Double time. Time and a half. COMMERCIAL CLERKS— (See No. 37). (41.) CONFECTIONERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — ^The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandxingham ; and the iraroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board wlii ,h was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a manufacturing confectioner," has made the following Determii ation, uamelv : — "(1) That on the 2nd January, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by thiB Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Juvenile Workers. — Persons under 21 years of age other than Apprentices or Improvers. Other Employees. ' Wages. Wages. Wages. Pel week of 48 hours. Per week of 48 hours. Per week of 48 hours. ' General Assisting the M.ile9. Females. Maleb. workers. Btoreman or packer. Confectioners Head storeman or packer : d. 72 s. d. *. d. a. d. having not less than three s. d. storemen or packers under his control Ist year 16 15 Under 15 years of age 12 6 68 2nd „ ■ 20 18 15 years of age 14 Storeman or packer, i.e., a 3rd „ 26 6 23 16 16 I 28 male adult who assists the 4th „ 32 6 17 20 head storeman or packer 60 5th „ 36 6 18 26 6 Female chocolate or French 19 32 6 35 cream dippers . . 30 Pboportion. 20 36 6 40 Female general workers, bulk or novelty dippers . . 28 Apprentices. All other males . . 54 MALES. One male apprentice to every Females. Chocolate or French cream General workers, bulk or novelty three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than dippers. dippers. 64b. per week of 48 hours. s. d. s. d. 15 years of age and under . . 14 12 FEMALES. 16 years of age 16 14 One female apprentice to every 17 18 16 three or fraction of three female 18 21 19 workers receiving not less than 19 24 22 28s. per week of 48 hours. 20 27 25 Improvers. MALES. One .male improver to every three or fraction of throe male t workers receiving not less than 728. per week of 48 hours. FEMALES. One female improver to every three or fraction of three fem'vle • workers receiving not less than 30a. per week of 18 hours. 31 SoMsiARY OF Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (41.) CONFECTIONERS— co)i a.m. AND Endino Work 1 7.30 a.m. Time of Gndin^r. 12.15 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is observed. 5.30 p.m. on he oti.er working days of the wedc. (4) Overtime. — (a) Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . ■) (6) Within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of [ 48 hours in any week Time and a half. Thert it a Commonvnttth cacard for this trcuU. 32 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — comiinued. (42.) COOPERS.*— coH(t«Mt(!. (5) Sundays and Publio Holiuavs. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Supday.s, Good Friday, 21st April (Eight Hours Uay), and Christmas Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above named iioiidays the special rate shall only be payable on the day so substituted. (6) Casual Labodb. — Casual hands, i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum onmber of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work, shall be paid at tbo race of one shilUng and elevenpence per hour. (7) A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. • There is a ComirwnweaUh award for this trade. (43.) CORDAGE. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as definid in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geeloiig, and VVarrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of E.aglohawk, Geeloug West, Newtoivn and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. Tliii Board, which was appoiute.l to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of rope, twine, cordage, halters, coir mats, or coir matting," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 15th day of March, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprbnticbs OB Impeovbrs. Wages pi>r Week of 48 Hours. Proportionate Number. Males. Females. 1st year/ 1st 6 months \2nd 2nd „ / 1st \ 2nd 3rd „ / Ist \ 2nd 4th „ / 1st • „ ■ . 2nd 5th „ / 1st ., \ 2nd 6th „ / 1st \ 2nd s. d. 14 16 18 20 22 C 25 27 6 30 32 6 35 37 6 40 ». d. 12 14 ^ 16 > 18 1 20 1 22 6 Apprentices. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers employed and receiving not less than 543. per week of 48 hours One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers employed and receiving not less than 2Ss. per week of 48 hours Improvers . One male improver to every two male workers employed and receiving not less than 54s. per week of 48 hours One female improver to every two female workers employed and receiving not less than 28si pet week of 48 hours (3) Juvenile Workers, i.e.. Persons under 21 years of ago, oth(ir than A'pprontioes or Improvers. Soft Fibre Department. Hard Fibre Department. 1st Six 2nii Six 3ni Six 4th Six ./here- l5t Four 2nd Four 3rd Four Tliere- Moutris* Mouths' Months' Months' after until Mont lis' Montli-.' Months' Experi- ence. Exp>wl- ence. Experl- euce. Experi- ence. altjiuung tile Aiu; Ol 21 Years. Experi- ence. Experi- ence. Experi- ence. tlie Age o( 21 Yoara. Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week of 4» 0(48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 Males. Hours. Hours. Hours. Hours. Hours. Males. Hours. Hours. Hours. Hours. 9. d. s d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. ». d. -. d. ,. i Dressing machine at Leading hands parting tendants . . 25 27 6 32 6 37 6 42 6 and veighing hemp 38 38 38 38 Softener attendants. All others parting and openers or batchers, weighing hemp 32 32 33 .0 34 leading hands 44 44 44 44 44 Automatic spinner at- Softener attendants, tendants 18 21 23 26 openers or batchers. Automatic spinner at- assistants . . 30 32 6 35 37 6 40 tendants (if minding Oilers 40 40 42 42 44 10 spindles) Winders 27 6 30 27 6 30 30 32 31 32 Fbmalss Persons employed at Feeders of breaker cards, balling binder-twine 27 6 32 6 37 38 jute fini?hor cards, or House horizontal or circular cardc.ordraw- vertical rope machine ing machi"e and attendants and roving frame attend reelers for same . . 34 34 35 35 ants 16 18 20 22 6 22 6 Strand machine and Feeders of circular cards laying machine at. withsheetsproad, and tendant? or twisters not sliver fed or of hay lashing and spreaders . . 20 22 6 25 25 25 I box cprda 21 24 28 31 33 Summary op W^aES and Conditions Fixkd by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (43.) CORDApE— continued. (3) JuvRNiLB Workers — eotlinwd. Son B'lBRB Dbpartmixt— conli'nueti. Habd Fidbb Departme.nt — continued. ut six 2nd 8lx SrdSIx 4th Six Thereafter ■ Ill Four 2nd Four 8rd Four Thereafter UonthB' MontliD' Months* Mont ha" until Months' Months' Montlis' kxn>ri- ence. Experi- ence. Bxperl- euct). Experi- ence. attiiinhlK the Age of 21 Years. Experi- ence. Experi- ence. Ex|)rrl- euce. the Age ol '^1 Yean. Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week of 48 i)t »a ol 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 Hnure. notirs. Boura. Hours. Hours. Hours. Hours. Hours. Buun. Females — continued. 1. d. 1. d. *. d. t. d. ». d. ii!An»t-continued. «. d. .. d. «. d. *. d. Uoffere 11 13 16 16 16 PorsonH empliynd ball- Piecers, or spinnerf ing lu.'-hii g and buz who have not had two corilH 35 36 30 36 years' ox]>erieiice as Lappora and finishers piecers 17 17 18 20 20 of clothes lines 35 35 36 36 Spinners on single sides 21 21 22 6 22 6 22 6 Oilers 40 40 42 44 Spiniiors on two sides 25 25 25 25 25 Bobbin bank hands for Windora 17 19 21 22 6 22 6 first rofiemaker 25 27 6 30 30 Twisters or reolers 15 17 19 21 22 Walk bovs 14 16 16 17 J..ap()er3 11 13 16 16 17 Can fillers or sliver lJrui'lii;g machine at- hands on spreaders 27 27 30 32 6 tendants . . 15 17 19 19 20 Can fillers or sliver I'ressers and parcellers hands on drawing . of ropoing and seam- machines . . 27 27 30 32 6 ing twino . . 20 20 22 6 22 6 22 6 Paruellers of shop twine Females. i leader) 25 25 26 25 25 Othnr parcellers and Can fillers or sliver labeUera . . 19 20 21 21 22 bands on spreaders Can fillers or sliver hands on drawing machines . . Persons employed opening hemp Persons employed tak- ing away from Eoftener . . Persona employed ball- ing binder twine .. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 0- 28 28 28 28 28 28 New Zealand Hemp Tow Department. COBDAOE AND Halter Departments. There- There- let Four 2nd Four 3rd Four after 1st Four 2nd Four 3rd Four after At 19 Mouths' Months' Months' until Mouths' Months' Montlis' until or 20 Experi- Experi- Experi- attaining Experi- Experi- Ex|perl- attaining Years ol ence. ence. ence. the Age of 21 Years. ence. ence. ence. the Age ol 19 Years. Age. Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per Week Per week of 48 of 48 of 43 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 of 48 ot • Males Hours. Hours. Hours. Hoius. Males. Hoiurs. Hours. Hours. Hours. 40 Koon. ». d. >. d. «.. d. ». d. B. d. ,. d. >. d. ». d. (. d. .Softener attendants and batchers (leading Males employed hand hand) 44 44 44 44 finishing in walk . . 44 44 44 44 44 Softener attendants and Males employed plait- batchers (as-sistants) 30 32 6 35 40 ing halters 20 25 30 36 40 Breaker card attend- 32 6 36 36 36 • ants Automatic spinner at- Thereafter tendants . . 18 21 Ol 23 26 ist Four Months' 2nd Four Months' 3rd Four Months' Ul.tll attaining Automatic spinner at- t Experience. Experience. Experience. the Age of tendants (if minding 10 spindles) 27 6 27 6 1 21 Veal». 30 31 laying machine at- Prr Week of Per Week of Per Week of Per Week o( tendants . . 21 24 28 31 * 48 Hours. 48 Hours. 48 fioura. 48 Hours. Can fillers or sliver hands on drawing Females. «. d. 1. d. «. d. s. d. machines . . 27 27 30 32 6 Females employed plait- ing halters 18 20 22 6 26 Females. ! Can fillcrsorsliver hands Mats j LND Mattino Departments. on drawing machines 16 18 20 22 6 Males. Koe8 Uours. «. d. 31 29 6 28 29 6 31 28 (5) Overtime.— Any employee who works in any week for any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (6) Special Rates for StfNDAVs and Public Holidays. — All work done on Siin■ 683. 6d. per Foremen in rim-makmg 77 6 The prescribed Indenture of And thereafter week of 48 Brazors in rim-making 68 6 Apprenticeship was approved on one improver to hours. All others employed in rim-making 68 6 8lh February, 1911. every three ad- ditional 35 Summary of Wages and CoNDiTiona Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — contimied. (44.) CYCXE TRADE eontiuued. (3) Time of Beoimnino and Ending Work — Time of bcKlunlng- 7.45 a.in 7.45 a.m. Time o( ending — 1 p.m. on thi! day on whifih the half-holiday is usually observed. 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime— Within the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excera of 48 hours in any week . . Botneofi midnight and 7.45 a.m. on any week day . . Betwpoti I p.m. and 4 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is observed Between fi p.m. and 9 p.m. on the other week days Between 4 p.m. and midnight on the day on which the balf-hoUday is observed Between 9 p.m. and midnight on the other week days Time and a quarter Time and a half [ Time and a quarter. f Time and a haU. (6) Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Kew Year's Day, 2l8t April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day. and Boxing Day; and time and a half shall be the Rpecial rate for all work done on 26th January (Foundation Day), Ea»ter Monday, and Kings Hirthdiiy ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named bolidayx, the M|)eoial rate shall tnily bo payable for work done on the day so substituted. (•)) Piece-work.' — Th" Board determines under the rrovisions of section 144 of the Factories and Shop,''- Act 1915 that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employed in the rim-making department, provided that such employer shall base such piece- work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conilitions and that such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the minimum wage fixed for the said department. (4.5.) DISPENSARIES. Note. — This Determination applies to the following pirts of Victoria, viz.: — The Mctropolit:.n District as derience 2nd6 „ All others Wages per week of 48 hours. Order Clothing. 75s. 60s. 608. 55s. 60s. 55s. 46s. 309. 32s. 42s. 30ik 608. 30s. 21s. 24s. 288. Other Clothing. 65s. 60s. 60s. 558. 608. 658. 36s. 288. 28s. 42i. 30*. 60*. 298. 218. 24*. 288. (3) Deitnition. — Order clothing means " bespoke garments " made to individual measure and fitted on. A coat, bodice, or mantle hand is a person employed making or preparing coats, bodices, or mantles for the machinist. A skirt hand is a person employed making or preparing skirts for the machinist. (4) Time of BsoiNKiNa and Endinq Work — Time of Beglanlng. Time ot Ending. 7.50 a.m. . . . . 6.20 p.m. on five days of the week. 7.50 a.m. . . . . 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half-hohday is usually observed. (6) Overtime. — Any employee who, within the hours of beginning and ending work, works in any week for any time in excess of 48 hours, shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Any employee who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination as the times of beginning and ending work upon such day shall be paid for such overtime at the rate of time and a half. (6) Special Rates fob Sundays and Public Holidays. — All work done on Sunday shall be caid for at the rate of double time and on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day at the rate of time and a half : but if any other day be by Act of Parhament or Proclamation susbtituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (7) Piece-work. — The Board determines under the provisions of .Section 141 of the Fodories and Shops Act 1915 that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices for wholly or partly preparing or manufacturing articles of women's, girls', and children's outer clothing or wearing apparel, provided that such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under Uke conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rates fixed by the Board for such work. NoTR. — Cotton, and all other materials of which garment* are composed, must be supplied to the worker by the employer frea of charge, in order that piece-work prices or wages rates payablo shall be net. 38 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continited. (48.) DYERS AND OLOTHES CLEANERS. NOTB. -This Determination applies to the following parts of Viotoria, namey : — Tlie Metro;ioli!an district as defined in the I'ao ories and .Shops Acta; tlie cities of Ballarat. liendigo, Goelong and Warrnaii ool : tue towns of tiallarat Kast and Sand ingham ; and tiie borougin of liaglehawk, Geelon^ Wist, Newtown and > lidwell. and Sebastopol. This Board which was anpoin'ed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to anvj^erson or persons or olas-e' of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a dyer or oloihjs olea ler," iiai male tae lollowing Ueterm.nation namely : — (I) That on tha4th day of Oatobar, 1)18, tht last proWom Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. * (2) Apprentices and Improvers. Waoes. Per week of 48 hours. Males. Females. t. d. ». d. Ist year 12 6 12 2nd year . 17 6 15 3rd year 25 20 4th year • 32 6 24 Pkopobtion by any Employer. APrKBNTICBS. One apprentice to every three or fraction of th ee workers of the same sex receiving not less than the minimum wage. IMFBOVXBS. One male improver to every three or fra.^tion of three male workers receiv ing not less than 578. per week of 48 hours. One female improver to every four or fraction of four female workers receiving not less than 289. 6d. per week of 48 hours. Juvenile workers, i.e., persons under 21 year^ of age (other fha'i a!>pre .tlces or lmpro\er^) who, li male^, are cohes cleaners or dye-house labourers, or who, if females, are fzarnie-it steamers, glove cKaners, receivers, or despa.cUers. Wages. Per week of. 48 hours. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Males. s. d. 27 6 30 35 40 Females a. d. 17 6 20 25 Other Employee*. Wages. Males. Dyers Dry Cleaner^ in eharge of ma,hinoe . . Other I ry Cleaners Wet Cleaners Fini-hers . . Hat Blockers Pressers . . i)ye-hoi'se Labourers All others Females. Feather Dressers on new material Other Feather Uresser.s Pressers pressing with an iron 12 lbs. or over weight . . Pressors pressing with an iron under 12 lbs. weight . . Steamers steaming glued material or velvet Other Steamers Repairers of Clothing Other Repairers *. . Hat Trimmers Dry Cleanors or Spotters Wet Cleaners Glove Cleaners Receivers and Dospatehers l.ru.'-hers and Folders All others Per week cl 48 bouR , s (I. . 7.> , 72 . .iS . 58 . 58 . 05 . 60 . 57 . 57 40 33 40 30 35 28 6 35 28 6 33 32 30 30 31 28 6 28 6 Time of Beginning. (3) Time of BEOiinJiNa and Ending Work f 7.30 a.m. \ 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending . . 6 p.m. on five days of the week. 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on whijh the half-holiday is tisually observed. (4) Overtime. — Any employee who, within the hours of beginning and ending work, works in any week for any time in excesi of 48 hours, shall be pai 1 for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Any employee who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination as the times of beginning and ending work upon ■uch day ehall be paid for such overtime at the rate of time and a half. (5) Spbtial Rate for Sundays and Public Holidays. — AM work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, 26th -January (Founda- tion Day), (iood Friday. Kaster Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Riithday;, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half If any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted tor any of the al»ove-named holidays, the special rate should only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. 39 SuMM.\RY OF Wages and Conditions fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (49. ELKCTRICAL IKSTALLATI'iN. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in tha Factories and Ships Acts; the cities if Bitllarat, lieiidigo, Geel'ng, and VVarrnambool ; the towns uf Ballaiat East and Sandiingliam ; and the boroughs of Kaglehawk, Oeelong West, Newtown and L'hilwell, and Sehastopol. This Board, which waa appoint il to " determine the lowest prices or rat is wl ich may be paid to any p rson or persons or classes of p^suus wheresoever einplnyed in any bu-incss or occupation connected with the iustallatiiai of electrical fittings, appli- ances, niotora and heaters, incli.diug the layiiig of wires,' has uisde the following L'eterminaliou namely : — (I) That on the 2.'itb November, 1918, the last previoua Uutermination of this Board shall be revoked aad replaced by thii Determination (2) Approutlces. luiprovera Other Employees. > Waobs. Waobs. Wages. Per week c.f i-ir week of 48 hrturs. 48 bOUFH. Outside the latyear .. .. Sg. 1st year .. 78. 6d. Within the Metr(i|Kilitsn biBtrlct whirevtr this Delenuloatlon 2nd year .. .. 12s. 6d. 3rd year .. ..258. 2nd year . . . . ISs. 3rd year . . . , 258. Ui'trupolltan DUUtct. 4th year . . . . 3,,,. 4th year . . . . 358. Cliu« of Persuns Applies. 6th year . . . . 45,. 5th year . . . . 48g. Wages per week Wnges per week o( 48 hours. ol 48 huurs. Day Night Day Might Slilft. Pbopobtion (wit'i n any factory or Shiit. Shirt. Shilt Pboportiok (within any factory or place). place). i^lectrical mechanics, lines- c $ nmn, or wiromon 798. 92s. 74s. 888. I apprentice to 1, 2, or 3 . . 1 improver to 4 . . Battery Erectors . . 83a. 98s. 788. 928 3 ap rentico- tu 4, r>, or 6 . . ■5-2 = 2 improvers to 5 . . •?^s. Electrical erectors, i.e., men 4 app entices to 7 or 8 £ Q J3 :i im, rovers to (i or 7 '^ erecting or dismantling . . Time and a half, in excess of 48 hours in any week } (6) SpEOiAL Rates. — Any person (other than a night patrolman, switchman, sub-station attendant, station switchboard attendant, carboner, or person attending to dynamos or motor generators) shall be paid time and a half for all work done on Sunday, and double time for all work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, '2l8t April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of ParlTament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above- named holidays, the sjwcial rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (51.) ELECTRO-PLATERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiinghara ; and the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and Sebastopol. This Board, whi h was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed In the process, trade, or business of — (a) Electro-plating ; (6) Motal polishing ; (e) Enamelling or japanning metals ; 41 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (51.) ELECTRO-l'LATEllS— <-on<»n.ie/. otber than porsoos Hubject to the Doturininatioii of any one of the following BoArds : — liodstead Makers board, iSraiisworkera Koard, Jewellers Board, Uvonmakors Hoard, Tinsi'iiths iioard," has ra.ido the following Determination, viz.: — (1) That on the 2uth day of August, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced bj this Determination. (2) Apprentloet. Imptovera. JuveoUe Workers. Other Employees. Wages. Waobs. Waoks. Waoes. Per week Per week Per week Per week ot 43 hours. o(48houra. ot4tfhouni. otitJboura. Ist year's experience.. lOs. 1st 6 months' experience IDs. Ger Grinders, (lolishers, liners. An indenture of apprenticeship week of 48 hours ' or hand decorators . . 678. prescribed was approved on Coaters 658 28.1. U All others 598. (3) Definition op Juvenile Wobkbb.s. — Persons under 21 years of ago (other than apprentices or improvers) employed at elinging and unslinging, hanging, cleaning, scouring, scratch- brushing, drying-out, or cleaning old enamel off cycle wheels or frames or other old iron or tinware, or poUshing legging clips, clips and plugs for rugs, nuts, screws, bolts, washers, or caps up to ti' in diameter — Time of BoKloQlng. Time of l::Ddlag. (4) Time OF Beoinnino (7.30 a.m. .. .. 5.30 p.m. on each of the live days in the week. AND ENDING WoBK \7.30 a.m. . . . . 12.30 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is usually observed. (5) Overtime. — All work done outside the hours specified as the times of beginning and ending work, or for any work done within such hours in excess of 48 hours in any week, shall bo paid for at the rate of time and a quarter. (0) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), Christmas Day, and Hoxing Day; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payalih' for work done on the day so substituted. (52.) ENGINE-DRIVERS (FACTORY).* (Present Determination in force from 4.9. 6.) This Board was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be pai'l to any person or persons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the occupation of a fireman, boiler attendant, or engine-driver in connexion with the use of sU^am- boilers or steam-engines, other than steam-boilers or steam-engines connect d with mines." (See Section 159, Act 2i)50, re in.reased powers of this Board to fix rates for certain persons, viz., assistant engine-driver, greasjr or trimmer in connexion with the use of steam-engines or boilers.) On 22.6.14 this Board was given power to tix rates for persons empioyed in the occupation of a boiler cleaner. Hours Board. Minimum Wa^e of Work per Week. Apprentices, Improvers. Wages. Wages. Engine-drivers driving — Per woek of ■TraveUing hoist cranes rmining 48 boors. on gantries at an elevation of 1 St year . . 26s. \ not less than 20 feet 70s. 48 2nd year . . . . 369. \ Same as -. i prentices. Other cranes at an elevation of 3rd year . . . . 60s. J not less than 20 feet, used in connexion with the erection of a building . . 78s. 48 Traction, locomotive, or steam Proportion (in any factory oi Proportion (in any factory or roller engines 69s. 48 place). place). Hoist or winoh engmes without boilers. In foundries where One apprentice to every three or One improver to every three or metals are oast 608. 48 fraction of three workers engaged fraction of three workers engaged Winch onghies, for log-haulbig and receiving not less than 54s. per and receiving ntjt less than 548 per purposes in sawmills, when the week of 48 hours. week of 48 hoor.i. cylinder is less toan 10 inches in diameter, or the cylinders ^ (if more than one is used) have a combined area less than that of a cylinder 10 inches in diameter 63s. 48 Other wmoh or hoist engines or steam lorries 69» 48 Engmes not provided for above — First-class . . 663. 48 Second-class 60s. 48 Third-class . . 67s. 48 Firemen or boiler attendants at hotels, coffee palaces, restaurants. clubs, or boarding houses 648. 48 • * Thm ar» CommontMoltk awardt for (Au oaeupatiim. 42 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — contnned. Board (52.) ENGINE-DRIVERS* (FACTORY }— continued. Other firemen or boiler attendante — Firing three or more boilers Firing one or two boilers All others Engine-drivers attending to engines with condensers or dynamos attached Leadmg-hand firemen or water temlers — Where two firemen are employed Where throe or more firemen are employed . . Persons engaged personally inside a gas or water space of a boiler doing any cleaning work, including scraping or cleaning any part of a boiler, combustion chamber, flue, pit, or tube Minimum Wage. Hours of Work per Week. ApprentlMs. 48 48 48 60s. 578. 548, The rate sj)ecified and^ 6d. per day in addition 6d. Is. 6d per hour ImproTert. OvERTiMB. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 48 hoars shall be paid for sach extra time at the rate of — Time and a quarter for the first two hours ; Time and a half for the next four hours ; And double time thereafter. Spboiai. Ratbs fob Sundays and Pdblio Holidays. — (a) Time and a half shall bo the special rate for all work done on Sundays ; (6) Persons engaged in connexion with waterworks, sewerage works, electric light works, gas works, and tramway power house? shall be paid time and a half and all other persons double time for work done on the undermentioned public holidays, viz.: — Good Friday, Easter Monday, New Year's Day, the 26th day of January (Foundation Day), the 21st day of April (Eight Hours Day), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parhament or Proclamat'on substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rates shall only be paj'able for work done on the day so substituted. Definitions. — " First-class engine " means an engine or engines the cylinder or cyimders of which exceed 12 inches diameter in the aggregate. " Second class engine " means an engine or engines the cylinder or cylinders of which do not exceed 12 inches diameter in the aggregate. " Third-class engine " means an engine or engines the cylinder or cylinders of which do not exceed 6 inches diameter in the aggregate. • Tliere are Commonicealth auiardt for thit occupation. UiniHDH Waox. ApprenUow. 1 • Board. within the Omeo ' and the Gatfney'a Creek DivisiotiB In any other of the Mining Place. District of Glppsland. t ImproText. (53.) ENGINE-DRIVERS'* (MINING). (Present Determination in force from 17.7.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the occupation of a fireman, boiler attendant, or engine-driver in connexion with a steam-engine or steam-boiler in or about mines of every kind." (See Section 159, Act 2650, re increased powers of this Board to fix rates for certain persons.) Engine-drivers in charge of winding engines Other engine-drivers who are in charge of an engine or engines whose cylinders either singly or together exceed the area of a circle 12 inches in diameter, and who are also in charge of a condenser or electric generator or dynamo (not for lighting purposes) All other engine-drivers Fireman or boiler attendants in charge of or attending — One boiler . . Two boilers . . Three boilers Boilers developing in the aggregate 1,000 horse-power or more Per week of ♦8 houm. 75b. 72s. 693. 57b. 61s. 633. 69s. Per week of 4S hours. 638. 60s. 51s. 55s. 57s. 63s. Waoks. Per week of 43 hours. 1st year's experience . . 20s. 2nd year's experience . . 30s. 3rd year's experience . . 40s. and the/reafter the minimum wage. Propobtion (within any place). One apprentice to every worker engaged and receiving not less than 51s. per week of 48 hours. Waoxs. >-Same as apprentices. Proportion (within any place). One improver to every worker en- gaged and receiving not less than 51s. per week of 48 hours. OvEBnME. — ^Time worked in excess of 48 hours exclusive of Sunday in any one week shall be paid for at the rate of time and a quarter. Special Rates for Sundays and PuBLip Holidays. — ^Time and a quarter shall be the special i-ate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day. (Jood Priday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. •• There art Oommonweallh auiardt for thit oceupation. 43 Su.MMARY OF WAiES AND CoNDITIOMS Fl.KBD BY WaOES BoARDS, ETC. — COnHtlUei. (54.) i.NGINiiERIXG. Th' iJett.nniiinlion of the Engineer a atid Brcuaworkers {Skilled) Board h-u been gubatituted for a portion of thia DplermitKUion, and ifhin that oj the Engineers ani Brasaworkera (UnikiHil) Board cornea into force the remiining portion will alao lapae. (In foico 11.2.19.) Noris. — Tills Ujionniiiation applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan ]>istriot as defined in the Factories and .Shops Acts ; the cities of lialiarat, lieiidigo, Geelong, and Warrnaiubool ; the towns of Uallarat East and Sandiingham ; the borouglis of liagloliawk. Geolong West, Nuwlown and Chilwoli, .Sobastopol, and Gastleruaine ; and the ahiro of liraybrook. This liuard, whioh was appaintok of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver to every five or fraction of five workers receiving' not less than 60s. per week of 48 hours- Juvenile Worker*. JtrvEsru! OE VonKo Wobkebs. (a) Engaged in the bolt and nut making depa.rtmont, screwing, tapping, threail- ing, hnning, pointing, heating, and cutting oti bolts. (6) Engaged striking for apprentices or improvers in the blivcksrailhing trade. (c) Engaged as boy labourers. Wages per week ol 48 hours. Under 15 years of age From 1 5 to 16 years of „ 16tol7 age . iOs. Od. . l!»a. Od. . 22s. Od. „ 17 to 18 . , . 27s. Od. „ 18 to 19 , . . 33s. Od. „ 19 to 20 , . 38s. 6d. „ 20 to 21 ,, . 448. Od. Other Employees. Adulis (incluoimu Rkfaibbrs). Patternmakers Blacksmiths " Oliver " smiths . . Drop-hammer smiths Copiiersmiths Fitters . . ■ .*. Turners, iron or brass Spring-makers or fitters Borers Slotters . . Planers (except rail or plate-edge planers) . . . . Planers — rail and plate-e<;ge Shapers (machines exceeding 14-in. stroke and double-headed machines) Shapers (machines up to and including 14-in. stroke) .^ Universal millers . . Persons using precision tools in oi>erating grinding machines Plain millers Gear cutters Maohiuo hands making bolts and nuts Lappors, grinders wet or dry Persons working shearing, ^lotting, nibbing, or buckling maclunos in connexion with the manufacture of springs Persons working stud latbe.i, centring, screwing, or drilling-machines The following additional rat«s shall be paid to persons working— (a) where the artificial temperature is 130° F. or over [b) where the artificial tempera- ture is 116° P'. or over Wages per week ot 4H hours. Day Shut. 94s. Utis S6y. 86s. 868. S6s. 86s. 86s. 86s. 86s. 72s. 80s. 728. 86s. 72s. 72s. 72s. 72s. 69s. 81s KiKht Bhlit. lOCs. U8s. 98s. 988. 988. 988. 988. 98s. 98s. 986. 988. 84s. 988. 84s. 988. 988. 848. ' 848. 848. 848. 69s. 8l8. 2b. per hour Is. ,, (9) Smrra.— Thatr— (a) The hour of beginning and the hour of ending each shift shall bo as follows : — Monday to Friday Saturday Monday to Thursday Friday . . DAY SHIFT. Time of begtoDlog. 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Time of ending. 5.15 p.m. 12 noon jnOHT aHJFT. 6 a.m. on the following day 6.30 a.m. on Saturday (6) Tlie higher rate to be paid for each hour or fraction of an hour worked by any employee before or after hig shift shall be time and a half calculated on the rate8 fixed for the Day shift. (10) Allowances. — (o) That any person employed on work away from the centre shall receive the fares necessarily expended in going to and fro. The " centre " means the fskctory or the employ<,'e'8 residence, whichever is the nearer to the work. (6) Time occupied in travelling during the usual working hours of a factory shall be paid for at ordinary rates, (c) Time occupied in travelling before or after the usual working hours of a ftictory shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. {d) Persons employed outside employer's works on old work shall be paid 1 Jd. per hour extra. (11) Special Hates.— Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Daj- (26th January), Good Fnday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Daj' (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only bo payable for work done on the day so ■ubstituted. (12) Piece-work. — The Board determines, under the provisions of section 144 of the Factories and Shops Act 1915, that any employer ma}' fix and pay piece-work prices to any person or persons or classes of persons employed at any work for which the Board has fixed the minimum wage, provided that any such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and suoh piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less thou the wages that are fixed by the Board for such work. (55.) ENGINEERS AND BRASSWORKERS (UNSKILLED). ( Uetermination not yet made.) Note. — This Determination applies to the MetropoUtan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham : the boroughs of Castlemaino, Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol ; and the shire of Bray brook. This Board was appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any unskilled persons employed in the prooese trade or business of — (o) a brassfounder or biassfinisher, or in the process trade or business of a brassfounder or brassfinisher of any electrical apparatus or machinery or parts thereof; (6) a meohauioal engineer, including- (1) a patternmaker, (4) a blacksmith, (2) an iron and brass turner, (5) a coppersmith, (3) a fitter, (0) a planer. (7) » Blotter, (8) a boreri (9) a milling machinor. 46 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (56.) EXGRAVERS. Note. — (a) This Doterinination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Siiops Acts ; the cities of Hallarat, Bendigo, (ieolong. and Warriiambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and 8and.ingham; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geolong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sobastopol. (6) The Engravers lioard when first constituted had power to fix rates for any person or persons, or classes of persons, employed in the process, trade, or business of a process engraver. This power was taken away by Order in Council dated 2Uth August, 1913. (c) On the 2nd October, 1917, the powers of the Engravers Hoard were extended to enable it to fix the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the process, trade, business, or occupation of making (but not enamelling) metal badges. This Board, which was appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of an engraver or die-sinker, has made the following Determination, namely • — (1) That on the 8th day of November, 1917, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. » Apprentices or Improvers. Juvenile Woricera. Other Employees. Waoes Per Week ok 46J Hours. Wages Pee Week of 464 Hours. Wages. Per Week o» 1st year, 1st 6 months ..12s.6d. 4 Artists 61 Uoun. 69s. Apprentices. Improvers. ,, „ 2nd 6 „ . . 153. Brand cutters . . 69s. «. d. «. d. 2nd .. 203. Chasers ' 70s. 1st year's experience. . 8 6 25 3rd ..278.6d. Die-sinkers or matrix stampers or 2nd „ „ .. 12 6 30 4th .. 35s. engravers of seal dies, soap dies. 3rd „ „ .. 20 35 0- hubs, or any form of matrix 80s. 4th „ „ .. 25 40 Definition of juvenile workers — Engravers of die letters or design 5th „ „ .. 30 ,' 50 Persons under 21 years of age punches used in the production of 6th „ .... 45 (other than apprentices or improvers) cleaning, cutting out blanks, dipping, number- a die or matrix or hub . . Engravers of monograms, inscrip- tions, crests, coats of arms, or any 808. Peopobtion (in any Place). ing, saw piercing, polishing. device on gold, silver, plated ware. sand blasting, waxing, pin- or fancy goods 80s. Apprenticea. ning up, or soft soldering. Engravers, copper plate . . 90:. Engravers, jowe^ery (ornamental One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 62s. per week. • work) . . Engravers, all other Press workers (power) 75a 69? 553 An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 13th March, 1914. Repouss6 workers Routers or pantagraph operators engaged on seals, soap dies, moulds, or any form of matrix or 698. Improvers. s hub .. All other routers or pantagraph 808. One improver to every four workers receiving not less than 69s. per week. operators Stencil plate cutters 69s. 69s. Steel stamp cutters 75s. Tool makers 75s. • All others 52s. (3) Time of Beoinnino and Ending work — Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. On the day on which the half-hoUday is usually observed . . . . . . 8 a.m. . . 12.30 p.m. On the other working days of the week . . . . . . . . . . 8 a.m. . . 6 p.m. (4) Overtime — (a) Outside the hours fixed in Clause 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8d. per hour in addition to the (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excess of 46J hours in any week . . . . | ordinary rate. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (20th January), Good Friday, Easter Monday. Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day. or Boxing Day; butif any other day be by Actof Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the daj' so substituted. (0) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. FACTORY ENGINE-DRIVERS.— (See No. 52.) (57.) FARRIERS. Note. — This Determination, applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely;. — The Metrop"liian District as defined in th' Factories and Shops Acts ; t ho cilies of Ballarat, Bendigo, Goolong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Baliiirat Eaut and Sand.inghani ; and the borouKhfl of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sobastopol. This Board, which was appointed " to detorniir.e the lowest prices or ral-es wliich may be paid to any person or persons, or classes of persons, employed in the process, trade, cr business of a farrier," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) Th.1t on the 14th day of January, 1919, the last previous Determination ol this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Doternnnation. Apprentices. Improvers. Other Employees. Wages. Wages. Wages. Per wpek of Per week of Per week ol 48 hours. 48 hours. 48 hours. ». d. «. d. s. d. 1st year's experience . 17 6 l.st year's experience .. 17 6 Fireman . . . . . . . . . . 77 2nd year's oxpH0P0RTI0N (within any place). One apprentice to every three or One improver to every six workers fraction of three workers receiving receiving not less than 71 8. per not loss than 7 Is. per week of 48 week of 48 hours. hours. A form of Indenture of Apprenticeship was approved on 7th August, 1917. 47 SoMMABY OF Waoes AND CONDITIONS FixED BY Waoes Boards, ETC. — continited. ^ Time o( EudlnK. 12 uoon on tho day on wUioh the usual half-holiday is observed. 5 p.m. on tho other working days of the weok. Double time. Treble time. Double time. Treble time. Double time. (67.) FARRIERS— con/inuerf. Timo ut Uogiantnf. (3) TiMK ijif Heuinni.nu lO.aOo.m. AND Knoi.nu Work / (i.:}0 a.m. (4) OvcBTlMK. — TUo following ralob shall be paid :— A. Outside tho tiauis of bogiuiiinj; and ending work : — {a) On SiUurdaiji — Betwoon 12 noon and 1 p.m. Later than 1 p.m. or earlier than 6.30 a.m. (6) On any other workinQ day — Between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. . . Later than ti p.m. or earlier than U.3U a.m. B. Within tho hourx fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in exue.ss of 4S hours in any week (ii) SPEiiAL Ratks.— Treble time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, 26th January (Foundaiion Day), Good Friday, Easier Monday, 2l3t April (Eight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Birthday), Christmas Day, Boxing-Day, and New Year's Day, but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be p.kvable for work done on the day so substituted. (0) Casual Laboob.— Clasnal hands, i.e., person.H who are employed during any week for not more than one-half tho maximum nnmhor of hours tixml in this Determination as a week's work, shall Ihi paid at the rate lixed and fourpcticc [Xir lionr in adililioii. (58.) FKLLMONGERS. Note.— This Determination applies to the following parts of Viotoria, namely: — ^The Metropolitan District as defined in the Faotoriea and Shops Aots ; the cities of Ballarat, Bandigo, Geelong and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sani.ingham; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geolong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol ; and the Barwon riding of the shire of South Barwon. , This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons, or classes of persons, employed in the prooess, trade, or business of fellmorigors, or wool-scourers or taaiiers of sheep-skins." (1) That on the 29th day of Juno, 1917, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaoed'by this Determination. (2) Apprentloes or Improren. WAO«a. Ist year 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 6th Per week of 48 houn. 23s. 298. 353. 42a. 4ds. PeO PORTION. Apprtnticea. One apprentice to every three or • fraction of three workers re- oeiving not less than 56s. per week of 48 hours. Imjurmera. One improver to every three or fraction of three up to nine workers, and thereafter one to every four or fraction of four workers receiv- ing not less than 663. per week of 48 hours. Other Employees. Wages per week 01 48 houn. Sorters of — (a) dead wool, other than pluoked wool . . . . . . • . ■ • 70s. (6) other wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638. Man in charge of and working at wool-soouring machine - Man in charge of — Sweat-house Piokhng .. .. .. .. .. .. .. }■ COfc or Sheepskin tanners . ' or Man scouring wool by band or sorting pelts . . . . . . . • j Woolpresser, dock and soak band, man employed at fleshing or burring machine or at setting out or Man in charge of — Paint shop . . . . . . . . - . • • • • ^■j Green or flat . . .... or , Limes or Man working at dag machine or dust extractor . . . . . . . . J AU others .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 668. " Man in charge" shall mean a person (working singly or with others) who, imder the Managei^ regulates and is responsible for the work of the department in which he is employed. (3) Time of Beoinnino and Endino Wobe. Time of Bejfinnintr. Time of Ending. 7.30 a.m. . . . . 12 noon on tho day on which the half -holiday is usually observed. 7.30 a.m. .. .. 5.30 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime — The following rate shall be paid : — For all work done within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of ~| 48 hours in any week, and vTirae and a quarter. For all work done outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . . . J (5) Specul R.iTKs. — Time and a half shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, and double time for all work done on New Year's Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece- work Prices. — A schedule of pieoe-work prices has been fixed by the Board. FELT HATTERS.— (See No. 76.) FIBROUS PLASTERERS.— (See No. 114.) (59.) FISH AND POULTRY. - , wJ . (Present Determination in force from 20.12.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may bs paid to any persons employed in th« business of : — (a) killing, plucking, dressing poultry or game ; (6) preparing fish for sale, uncooked ; (c) selling by retail uncooked poultry, uncooked game, or uncooked fish. On 27th July, 1914, the powei'S of this Board were extended to enable it to fix rates for persons uiAtr-Moever employed in the business of — (a) killing, plucking, dressing poultry or game ; ('') preparing fish for sale uncooked, or for canning, drying, or smoking ; (c) selling by wholesale or retail uncooked poultry, uncooked game, or uncooked fish ; (1^) marketing (in fish 01 poultry markets) poultry, game ot fish." 18 Sdmmaby of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages ^BoARDrf, etc. — continued. Hoard (69.) FISH AND POULTRY— M'ltinued. Wholesale salesmen Foremen having the supervision of four or more workers Rabbit boners Block hands or plackets . . Shop hands All others Minimum Wage 708. Od. 658. Od. 608. Od. 578. 6d. 48s. Od. 60s. Od. Hours of Work p r Apprentlcei. 62 52 J 52 I 1st year 52 ' 2nd year 52 3rd „ 52 4th „ Waobs. Improvers. Waobs. Same as apprentices. Pboportion (bt any Employer). One improver to every four or fraction of four workers receiving not less than 48s. per week of 52 hours. Pboportion (by any Employbb). One apprentice to every three or fraction of throe workers receiving notless than isa. per week of 52 hours. OvEKTi.ME. — ^Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 52 hours shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. Casual Wokk. — Casual employees, that is, persona employed durng any week for not more than 26 hours, shall be paid at the rate of Is. 7d. per hour. - Special Rates.— Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sundays, and time and a half shall bo the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), King's BirthcJay, Christmas Day, or Bo.xing Day, but if any ether day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Piecework. — A schedule of piecework prices has been fixed by the Board. (60.) IfLUUR* ~ ~~~ (Present Determination in force from 1".4.13.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a floui- miller." , Apprentices. Improvers . In Mi\U whf>rn thit Oiit.n Lit of Flour iior hour is — Wages. ^ , , Waoes. Glass of Penoup. Mure tlian More than More than More than per week of 4^ hours. Per week of 46 hoars. iNot exceodiiig 1,500 lbs. and not 3.000 lb,s. and not 4.000 lbs. and not 5,000 11)8. and not JIorrentioe to One improver to When the engine is les.s than 150 HP. 57s. 48 every three or fraction every four or fraction When the oiijjiue is 150 H.P. or more 00s. 48 of tliroe workers en- of four workers en- All other adult enijiloyeo^ 4Ss. 48 gaged and receiving gaged and receiving not Persons under '21 yeaia of ago (not being apprentices OT , not less than 48s. per less than 488. per week. improvers) em|>loye'» a ComtnonmxMh award in tkie trade. (62.) FUEL AND FODDERf. Note. —This Determination applies to the following parts of \'ictoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the ractories and bhops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bondigo, Geelong. and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and bandrmgham; and tho boroughs of Eaglehawk, G-eloiig West. Newtown and ChUwell. and Sebastopol. On the 10th September, 1913, this Board was deprived of the power to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons, or classes of persons, employed in any business or occupation connected with the sale or distribution of coal or ooke by any — (a) coal importer, • (6) Coal mine owner, (c) eas company ; anosucn power was ciniurroM exclusively on the Coal and Coke Board. The powMS of i his Board were originally conferred on tho Hiy, Chaff, Wood and Coal Board, which has now ceased to exiit. t There it a CommomteaUh award for Carters and Drivers in this trade. 6689.— 4 60 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boabds, Ji-rc— continued. (02.) FUEL AND FODDER— continued. This Board, whxh was appointed "to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons — (a) employed in the business of a hay, corn, or chaff dealer ; (6) employed in carting or driving or assisting in carting or driving in connexion with the business of a hay, corn, or chaS dealer ; (f ) employed in any business or occupation coEnected with the preparation of firewood for sale or connected with the sale oi distribution of wood, coal, or coke," has made the following Detemiinntion, namely : — (1) That on the 25th day of January, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentlcei or Imrrovers. Other Employees. Waqks pbr Week. Wages. Within the Cities of Ballarat and Bendigo, the Town of Jtullurat All otlier parts of Victoria wber* East, and the Boroughs of this Uetermlnatioa applies. ». d. Hap, Corn, or Chaff Storet. Eaglehawk and Sebaslopol. Under 17 years of age .. .. 22 6 Foreman, i.e., the man who gives instructions to and is responsible for the work done by s. d. s. d. 17 years of age .. 30 not less than four adult employee's 63 per week of 48 hours 65 6 per week of 48 hours 18 „ .. 3.5 Carters driving one horse 57 6 „ 62 „ 60 ,. 51 .. 19 - „ . . 40 „ „ two horses 62 6 „ 52 „ 65 „ 51 „ 20 „ .. 45 And for every additional horse 2 extra per week 2 extra per week All others 60 6 per week of 48 hours 63 per week of 48 hours Apprentices and im- , provers shall be subject Wood Yards, or Wood, Coal, and Coke to the number of hours {Combined) Yards. per week as fixed for Yardman in charge, i.e., the person for the their respective sec- time being intrusted with the control or • tions. superintendence of a wood yard or a wood and coal yard (combined), notwithstanding Propoetion. he may be under the orders of a superior wlio does not devote his whole time to the AppreTiticai. management of the same yard 60 6 per week of 60 hours 63 per week of 50 hours One apprentice to every Carters driving one horse 55 „ 50 „ 60 „ 51 „ three or fraction of three „ „ two horses 60 „ 50 „ 65 „ 51 „ workers receiving not less And for every additional horse. . 2 extra per week 2 extra per week than 60s. per week. Ail others 55 6 per week of 50 hours 80 per week of 50 hours Imprnvere. Coal Yards {i.e.. Places where al least 80 per One improver to tlie first cent, of the Business is done in Coal). four or fraction of four Carters driving one horse 55 per week of 60 hours 63 per week of 51 hours workers and thereafter one „ „ two horses 60 „ 50 „ 68 „ 51 „ improver to each additional And for every additional horse . . 2 extra per week 2 extra per week ten workers receiving not All others 67 per week of 48 hours 69 per week of 48 hours less than 5os. per week Coke Yards. Carters driving one horse 57 6 per week of 50 hours 60 per week of 61 hours ■„ „ two horses 62 6 „ 50 ,. 65 „ 51 „ And for every additional horse. . 2 extra per week 2 extra per week All others 63 per week of 48 hours 63 per week of 48 hours Firetmod Saw Mills (i.e., PlacM where Mechanical Power is used to Saw Firewood). Benchmen 62 6 per week of 48 hours 65 per week of 48 hours Carters driving one horse 55 „ 50 „ 60 „ 61 „ „ „ two horses 60 „ 50 „ 65 „ 51 „ And for every additional horse. . 2 extra per week 2 extra per week All others 56 6 per week of 48 hours 69 per week of 48 hours (3) Time of Beoinnino and Ending Wurk — ' Time of Beghuihig. Time of EndUig. Five days In the Week. The Day the Half holiday Is usually Observed. Cartsrs . . Alt others . . . . . . ... 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 6.40 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 12.30 p.ra. 12.30 p.m. (4) OVEBTIMB — (a) Carters. Outside the time of bogiiming and ending work as herein fixed . . . . . . . . . . "j Within the time of beginning and ending work in excess of the hours fixed in this Determination as a >Time and a quarter, week's work . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J (6) All Others. Between midnight and 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . Double time. At any other time outside the time of beginning and ending work as herein fixed . . . . . . ^ Within the time of beginning and ending work in excess of the hours fixed in this Determination as a }-Time and a quarter, week's work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J (6) Cascal Labour. — Casual hands, i.e.. persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work, shall be paid at the rate of Is. fid. per hour. (6) Special Rates. — Time and a half shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, and double time shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hoUdays. the spcoiju rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (7) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-woik prices has been fixed by the Board. • There is a Commonwealth award for Carters and Drivers in thU trads, - ^^^ 51 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (63.) FUEL AND FODDER* (COUNTRY). Note. — This Doterraiimtion applies to tlie whole of the State outside and excepting the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The MetroDolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the citicd of Jtallaiat, Bendiijo, Ccelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Baljarat East and Sand.ingliam ; and the borouglis of Eagleliawk, Geolong West, Newtown and Cliilwell, and Sbbastopol. This Board, which was appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paii to any person or persons or classes of persons — (a) employed in the business of a hay, corn, or chaff dealer ; (l) employed in any business or occupation connected with the preparation of firewood for sale or connected with the sal* or distribution of wood, coal, or coke, has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 1st day of January, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) ArrRKNTicES OR Impkovbrs. Under 17 years of age 17 18 19 20 30s. per week. 363. 40s. 40s. 53s. Apprentices and improvers shall be subject to the number of hours per week as fixed for their respective sections. Proportion. A pprentices. One apprentice to every throe or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 60s. per week. Intj/rojfrs. One improver to the first three workers, and thereafter one improver to every ten workers receiving not less than 60s. per week. Othbk Employees. Firewood, Saw-mills, dec, Benchmon at self-acting benches where only henchman and stacker employed . . Other henchmen Lumpers TroUeymen Skip loaders Truck loaders of wood 4 feet or over . . • Waggon or dray loaders . . Blork ."tackors . . Wood cutters Carters dri ving one, two, or three horses . . And 2s. extra per week for every additional horse in excess of three. All others Foreman. — If any person employed in any of the above capacities has under his control five or more other workers he shall be regarded as a foreman, and paid Casual hands, i.e., persons emplo\'ed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed as a week's work 768. 6d. per wee kof 48 -Qs. 6d. 48 70s. 6d. 48 70.S. 6d. 48 708. 6d. 48 70s. 6d. 48 70s. 6d. 48 64s. Cd. 48 64s. 6d. 4? 64s. 6d. 54 60s. 48 „ Is. per day above the ordinary rate. 3d. per hour extra above the ordinary rate. Hay, Com, or Chaff Stores. Storemcn in charge All others 70s. per week of 52 hours. 61s. „ 52 „ Wood, Coal, or Coke Yarit. Yardmen . . . . . . . . . . fils. per week of 50 hours Carters driving one horse . . . . . . 6O3. „ 52 „ two horses . . . . . . 628. 6d. „ 52 „ And 3s. extra per week for every additional horse. (3) Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work shall be paid for such extra time at tlje rate of time and a half. (4) SpErm Rate». — Time and a half shall be the speciai rate for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Eapter Monday, Eight Hours Day (List April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, then the special rate shall be payable only for the day so sulfctituted. PiEcB-woBK, — A Schedule of piece work prii es has been fixed by tlie Board. ♦ There is a CommoiiwedUh award for Carters in ihh trade. (64.) I'URN'ITUKK* Note. — This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts: the cities of Ballarat, liendigo, Gcelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saniiogham ; the buroughs of Eaglehawk, Geeloi g West, Newtown and Ghilwell, and Sebastopol. Tnis Board, which was appointed '• to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person employed in wholly or partly preparing or manufncturing any article uf furniture, or in repairing any new or secondhand article of furniture, usually made or partly prepared by cabinetmakers, chair and couch makers, upholsterers, wood carvers, frciichpolishers, and wood turners,'' has made the following Determination, namely: — (1) That, on the 13th day of July, 1918, the last previous Determmation of this Board shall be revoked, and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices. Improven. Juvenile Workers. All other Employees. Wages. Per week of 48 hours. Ist year 1st 6 m 2nd 6 2nd year 3rd „ 4th „ 5th „ Wages. Per week of 48 houis. Wages. Per week of 48 bours. e. d. 1st year . . 14 2nd „ .. 20 3rd „ .. 27 6 4lh „ .. 35 6th ., .. 42 Waoe.>». Pe 4 MaltJi. Boult's carver or shaping machine i)p<'rator All other machinists Yardmen, timlier stackers, or laboureis All others Femnles. Females week of Male. Female. Male. Female. i liours. s. d. Ist year Ist 6 mor 2nd 6 2nd year 3rd „ 4th „ 6th ., 6th „ ths I. d. 11 16"'6 22 6 27 32 40 t. d. io""o 12 6 16 22 6 27 6 on ths s. d. 15 20" "0 30 40 47 6 >. d. 14' "0 17 23 27 73 67 57 70 33 * Thm it a Commonmaltk award for Cartert in (Att tradt. 52 Summary OF Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (64.) WURNITVRE*— continued. (2) Apprenticei. FaoFOBTiON (by any employer). Male*. One male apprentice to every two or fraction of two male workers re- oeiving not leaa than 57e. per week of 48 hours. Females. One female apprentice to every female worker receiving not less than 338. per week of 48 hour*. An indenture of apprenticeship fTescriljed was approved on 3rd Feb- ruary, lulu. Improvers, Pbofobtion (by any employer). Maiea, One male Improver" to ten Two male im- provers to fifteen male workers Three male im- receiving not provers to twenty i- lessthanGTs. And thereafter one per week of additional male 48 hours improver to every ten addi- tional Females. One female improver to the first five femaU' workers recei\inj; not less than 33s. per week of 48 hours ; aiid thereafter one addiliurial female irapruver to every five additional such workrrs. Juvenile Workers. All Other Employees. In connexion with the manu- facture of kitchen chairs, made wholly of wood, or with machine-woven cane seats. l3) (a) Any |)erson employed in wholly or partly (Hcparing or manufacturing any article of furniture or in preparing any new or secondhand article of furniture shall be paid iSixpeiice per hour in addition to the lowest rate fixed by the Board, unless the following are |)rovidcd by the employer, if requirrd in the ptrformance of the work : — Benches, wood or iron cramps over 2 ft 6 in., hand eorewH (in excess of four), glue puts and glue brushes, and varjiish brush a. (6) Any employee engaged at frenchpolishing shall lie supplied with all materials, including rags, brushes, and kit-box. (4) Definition of \ Juvenile vVorkeb. — A juvenile worker is a person under 21 years of age (other than an apprentice or any improver) engaged in the foUuwijig work: — (a) Op'rating a sand-papering machine .. .. ., .. .. ..") (6) Operating a trapping machine .. ' (c) Operating a piiwun); machine .. (d) Carrying turnery or wood tor turnery (e) Feeding an automatic lathe (/) Varnishing or stainuig . . . . . . , . and (ff) Carrying timber .. .. ,. ., .. .. .. ..'I. . -.u .u • I In coiniexion with the i (A) Looking after glue-pots .. ., , J facture ol furniture. (5) llME OF BeOINNINQ AND EnDINO WOSK. — Time of BeglDtnug. Time of Enillng. 7.30 a.m. .. ,. .. .. ..12 noon on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, and 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 5 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (6) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside the hours fixed as the timi'S of beginning and ending work (6) Within the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week (7) Casual Labouk. — Any person casually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of time And a quarter. (8) Si'ECiAL Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Now Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April )r Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any if the above-named h )liday8, the special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (64.) FURNITURE*— ro>(.»"«iie.-/. Wood Manteliiecb or Overmantel (including Repairs). Note. — Tins Determination applie. to the Metropolitan District as define ' in the Factories and Shops Acts : the cities of Ballarat, Bondipo, Geolong. and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and CliilwoU, and Sobastopol. The Furt it re Board, wliich was given power by Order ii Council dated 22nd 0;t ib >r. I!)00. " to determine the lowest prices or rates whi;h may b3 paid to any pcrsoa or perjions Or cla^se^ of persons employed in the ma ufactiirirg processies of a maker of overma te's, and .f wood ma itelpieoes other than wood mantolpieoej to be painteJ, such as are usually made in sawmills," has made the fullowi g Determinati m. namely : — (I) That on the lOth day of May, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) \ Time and a half. Waoes. Per Wwk of *S hours. «. d. .. 11 .. 16 6 .. 22 6 .. 30 .. 40 1st year 2nd year 3rd j'ear 4th year 6th year Pboportion (in any Factory or Place). One apprentice to every two or fraction of two workers receiving not loss than 59s. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 3rd February, 1912. Wages. Per Week of i6 hours. . ». d. Ist year . . ..150 2nd" year .. . . 20 3rd year . . . . 30 4th year . . . . 40 5th year .. . . 47 6 Pbopoetion (in any Factory or Place). 1 improver to 10 T workers re- 2 improvers to 1.5 coiving not 3 improvers to 20 less than and thereafter one > 67s. per additional im- I week of 48 prover to every ] hours, ten additional J Wages. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Per Week of 48 hours. a. d. U 20 27 6 35 42 Wages. Boult's carver or shaping machine operator Boult's carver or shaping machine operators, who also do other work All other machinists Wood turners Order men Persons employed solely in fitting up or packing man- telpieces All others Per Week of 4n hours. «. d. 73 73 67 70 67 59 70 * Tliert w a Commonaealih aaard Jot CarUrt in tUt irad*. 53 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boakds, etc. — continued. (('4.) FURNITURE*— eon/inu«i. Wood Mantklpieob ob Overmantel (inoludimo Repaibs)— eon/t'nueti. (3) Sixpence per hour in addition to ordinary rates shall bo paid by the omployor unless the following are provided by him (if roqiiirud in the i>urfonnanco of the work) : — Benuheu, wood or iron crumps over 2 ft. ti in., hand screws in excess of four, glue pots and glae brushes, varnishors' brushes, enamollors' brushes, polishers', grainers', and dulling brushes. (4) Definition of a Juvenile Worker. — A juvenile worker is a person under 21 yean of age (other than an apprentice or an improver) employed carrying timber or looking after glue pots in connexion with the manufacture of wood mantelpieces or overmantels. (5) Time of Beoinninq and Endinq Work. — Time ot Uugianlug Time of Ending. 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 12 noon on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, and 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 5 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (6) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — {a) Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work ., .. .. ■ ■ \ t° d h If (i)) Within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 honrs in any week . . / ■'■"°' •"" ' "'"'• (7) Casual Labour. — Any person casually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of time and a quarter. (8) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate; shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (64.) FURNITURE*— amtinuei. WiBit Mattresses (includiho Repairs). Note. — This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Act« ; the cities of Ballarat, Bend go Ceelong, and Wnrrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. The Furniture Board, which was given power by Order in Council dated 22nd October, 190^, to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the manufacturing of mattresses," has made the following Determination regardihg wire mattresses, namely : — (1) That, on the 2nd day of September, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board for wire mattress making shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (•2) Juvenile Workers, «.«., Persons under the age of 17 years (not being apprentices or improvers^ Apprentice* >nd Inproven. employed in Painting or Cutting Tin; SUining ; Sandpapering ; Heating Oiue Pots: or receiving and Stacking Timber from the Machines (except Pulling o'lt). All other Employees. f Waobs. Waois. Wages per Week of 48 hours. Per Week of 48 hours. Per of 4 Week 1 D hours. Female Experience. Male Male Apprentices a. d. a. d. Apprentices. Improvers. or Improvers. 1st year .. 16 2nd „ .. 21 Males. Boult's carver or shaping machine operators s. d. a. d. s. d. 73 1st 6 months .. 12 16 n Buz/er, planing machine, 2nd ,, 16 19 12 circular saw, band saw. .•Jrd „ 18 22 16 6 3 or 4 side planer, tenon- 4th „ 21 27 6 17 6 ing machine, or turning 6th „ 24 33 22 lathe operators 67 6th „ 30 39 23 Borini; machine operators 64 7th „ 35 44 32 6 Yardmen or labourers en- 8th „ 40 49 34 gaged in stacking timber All others Females, 57 66 Apprentices. Improvers. f Proportion (in any factory or place). Proportion (in any factory or place). Females 43 Males. Males. One male apprentice to every two One male improver" or fraction of two male workers re- to the first ten, eleven. ceiving not less than 678. per week twelve, thirteen, or of 48 hours. fourteen . . Two male im- workers re- Females. provers to fifteen. ceiving One female apprentice to every sixteen, seventeen. >- not less two or fraction of two female eighteen, or nineteen than 57s. workers receiving not less than 43s. Three male im- per week of per week of 48 hours. provers to twenty ; and thereafter one additional male im- prover to every ten additional male 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship Females. proscribed was approved on 3rd One female improver to every February, U)12. five female workers rot'eiving not lesf than 4S". per week of 48 hours. ■ • Thftn it a Commonmatllt award Jot Carters in Hut tradt. 54 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (64.) FURNITURE*— coniinued. WiBB Mattkessbs (includino Rkpaies) — continued. (3) Time of Beqinnino and Ending Wokk. — Time of BeglDDing. 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending. 12 noon on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, and 6.15 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) OvBRTiMK. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside tlie hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . . . . . . . \™. . ^ i, u (6) Within the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week J ® ^ * (5) Casual Labour. — Any person casually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of time and a quarter. (6) Special Rates. — Double time shall bo the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), Ohri'itraas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any otlier day be by A:t of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (64.) FURNITURE*— conitnaed. Beddino. Note. — This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell. and Sebastopol. The Furniture Board, which was given power, by Order in Council dated 22nd October, 1900, to " determine the lowest prices, or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the manufacturing of bedding," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That, on the 5th day of August, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board for bedding hands shall be revoked, and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices and Improvers. Juvenile Workers. All other Employees. Per Week of Wages. 48 hours. Wages. Per week 01 48 hours. Winira Perweokof WAGES. ^8 ^jj„^^ Male. Female. Male persons under 18 years of age ,. d. (other than apprentices or im- Male bedding hands, including re- «. d. s. d. provers) employed solely in pairers . . . . . . 66 1st six months . . 12 11 teasing bedding materials — e. d. Female bedding hands, including 2nd six months 14 14 1st year . . .. 17 6 repairers . . . . . . 33 3rd six months . . 19 16 6 2nd year . . .. 23 4th six months . . 23 16 6 3rd year . . , , .. 29 f)th six months . . 25 6 2.3 and thoreaft er .. 57 6th six months . . 31 23 7th six months .. 33 27 6 8th six months . . 39 30 9th six months . . 45 10th six months 50 .. Proportion (within any factory or place) * Apprenii ces. One male apprentice to every two or "frac- tion of two male, workers receiving not less than eOs. per week of 48 hours. One female apprentice to every female worker receiving not less than 338. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. - One male improver to every five male workers receiving not loss than 663. per week of 48 hours. One female improver to every five female workers receiving not less than 338. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 3rd February, 1912. (3) Time of Beginning and Ending Work — Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. 7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. ..12 noon on the day on which the halfhohday is observed, and 7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. ..5.15 p.m. on the other working days of the week. * Thtrt i$ a CommanvnaUh axoard for Oarttrt in thit trad*. 55 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — cojiiinued. (U4.) FURNITURE*— c»n<»»ued. BsDOixo— corUi'nuni. (4) OvBSTiiu. — The foUowuig rates shall be paid for all work doae : — _ (a) Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . (6) VVitliia the hours Uzed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week ' I Time and a half. (5) Casval Labour. — Any person oitsually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of tfane and a quarter. (6) Spbcial Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Faster Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (04.) FURNITjURE*— COTUinwed. Plannino Carpets, etc. KOTB. — This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Benditfo, Goelons, antl Wurrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingham ; the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Ohilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of tlio Factories and Shops Acts, the Furniture Board, which was given power by a Resolution passed in February, 1909, by both Houses of Parliament " to determine the lowest prices or raus whii h may be paid o female workers employed as upholstrosses, whether as carpet hands, table liands, or drapery hands, also to male jjersons employed in planning and laying carpets or linoleums or floor cloths or fixing draperies," has made the following Dolermination regarding such persons, namely : — (1) That on the 2Tth day of June, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board for planning carpets, Ac, shall be revoked and replaced by tliis Determination. (2) Apprbkticks and Improvers. -All Other Employees. Wages per week of 48 hours. Carpet planners Males. Females. Wages. Apprentices or Improvers. Apprentices. Improvers. Per week of Males. *S houri. «. d. .. 75 1st six months . . 3. d. 12 s. d. 11 s. d. 15 Carpet, linoleum, or floor-cloth layers, or drapery fixers . . 70 2nd 15 14 17 6 3rd 17 6 16 6 22 6 Females. 4th 20 16 6 24 Upholstresses, whether as carpet hands, table hands, or 5th 6th 23 6 28 6 23 23 26 29 drapery hands article or repairing any new or second-hand .. 33 7th 33 6 27 6 \ 8th 40 30 Apprentices. One male apprentice to one, two, or threes Male workers receiving Two male apprentices to four . . . . not less than £3 10s. And thereafter one additional male j per week of 48 hours. apprentice to every two . . j One female apprentice to every female worker receiving not less titan 338. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One male improver to every five male workers receiving not less 1 than TOs. per week of 48 hours. One female improver to every five female workers receiving not less than 333. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 3rd February, 1912. (3) Time of Beoinnwo and Endinq Work- Time of Beginning. 7.30 a.m. .. 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending. 1 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, and .. 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . . . . . . . \Time and a half (b) Within the hours fixed as the timp of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week / (5) Travelling Rates. — Any emploj-ee who works away from his employer's place of business shall for time occupied in travelling between the employer's place of business and work be paid pro rata at the following rates : — (a) Outside the hours fixed in Clause (3) . . Time and a half. (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause (3) . . The rates fixed in Oause (2). (6) Casual Labour. — Any person casually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of time ftnd a quarter. (7) fcPtciAL Rates.— Double time shall be the rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Houm Day (2l8t April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. * Th*n is a CommonweaUh award for Cartert in this Irads, 56 • Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixbd by VVagks Boards, etc. — continued. (65.) FURNITURE DEALERS.* Note.— This Doterminatioa applies to tlip foUowins; parts of Victoria, namely :— Tlie Metropolitan District as defined in the FactorioK and Shops Act?; the cities of Baliarat, Bcndigo, OoclonK. and Warrnaml>r)ol ; the towns of Ballarat East and t^andiiagham ; and the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Goolong West, Nevvtowa and ChilwoU, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointod to " detorraine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the business of a seller of furniture or floor coverings," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 16th day of Sa.itombar, 1918, the la.st previous Datormination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Datermination. (2) Apprentices and Improvers. .Tuvenile Worlicrs, i.e.. Persons under 21 years of age (other tlian Apprentices or Improvers) W.igcs per Week of 48 Hours. Other Employees. employed in P.ircela OHice or as Porters, Commencing Age. Messengers, or Sweepers. E.xpcrlenoe. 15 years or under. 18 ycirs. 17 years 18 years. 19 years 20 years. Wages per Weeli of 48 Hours. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. 3. d. «. d. s. d. 6. d. s. d. 3. d. s. d. t. d. Males — 15 years of age Males. 1st year— or unJer . . 11 6 Ut 6 months 11 6 11 6 14 6 16 6 16 6 20 16 year.^ of age 15 6 Salesmen — 2nd 6 months 11 6 11 6 14 6 16 6 16 6 27 n „ „ 20 2 1 years of age 42 6 2nd year — 18 „ „ 26 6 22 „ 48 Ist () months 15 6 16 6 22 27 6 22 32 6 19 „ „ 33 £■0 ff fi • . . ■ ■ . 52 2nd 6 months 15 6 16 6 22 27 6 30 37 6 20 „ „ 40 24 CO 3rd year — 25 ,, ,, or over 72 6 Ist 6 months 20 23 30 37 6 37 6 45 Storemon (i.e., persons 21 years of age or 2nd 6 months 20 23 30 37 6 42 6 48 over who have charge of stores, and uf 4th year 26 6 31 37 6 , , the receiving and distribution of goods, 5th year 33 37 6 and who have charge of two or more 6th year 37 6 •• •• adult persons) Packers 65 55 Females — Porters 50 Isf year — 1st fi months 8 11 14 15 15 17 6 2ntl months 8 11 14 15 15 20 Females. 2nd year — lat R months 12 15 18 6 20 20 22 6 Saleswomen — 2nd 6 months 12 15 18 6 20 20 25 21 years of age 40 3rd year — 22 „ 48 1st months 16 13 6 22 6 23 23 27 6 23 ,, ,, or over 57 6 2nd months 16 18 6 22 6 23 23 30 Ol 4th year 18 6 22 6 25 , , ♦ 5tli year 22 6 25 , , . . 1 0th year 23 .. PKOPOttTios (within any shop). appre;*tiob3. M'lles. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not les.s than 423. 6d. per week. Female'!. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 403. per week. *, An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was ap- proved on 12th July, 1912. IMPROVERS. ' Malen. » One male improver to every two or fraction of two male workers receiving not less than 723. 6d. per week. Femo'e-!. One female improver to every two or fraction of two Female workers rece iving 1 lot les i than 57s. 6d . per s feek. 1 (3) Casual Labocr. — Casual employees, t.c., persons employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum numbers of hours fixed in this Determination a'l a week's work, shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (4) Overtime. — -Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the ma.wmum number of hours fixed for a week's work shall be paid for such extra tim" at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special R\te for Public Holidays. — Double time shall be paid for all work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. If any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. • There is a Commomoealth award for Carters in this trade. (66.) GARDENERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; and the cities of Ballxrat. Bendigo, Goelong and Warrnambool, This Board, which was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person-or persons or classes of persons employed by a niirspryman or master girdener, othor than a mirket gardener, in thi? business or ooeupation of a nurseryman Or master eardener other than a ra irkct gardener," has made the following Determination, namely : — (I) That on 4th day of January, 1919, the last previous Doterminatioa of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. 57 Summary ov Waoes and Conditioms Fixed by Waoes Boards, etc. — continued. (00.) GARDEXERS— coniinucd. (2) » Juvenile Workers, i.e., persons under 16 ye.ira of ago (not being ajiprentices or Im- Apprentlcea. Improvers. provers) employed by a yurgeryman In running Other EmployM*. nies8.igua- watting on work- men, or dcaal ng up. Waobs. WA0K8 Waqbs. Pi>r week of Per week of Per week of Waqis. 48 hours. 48 boura. 48 liours. Per week of Ist year's experience .. 11a. Ist year's experience .. los. 1 st year . , 1 Os. 48 hours. 2ad „ .. Lis. 3rd „ .. 178. 6d. 2nd „ .. 179. 6d yrd „ . . 22h. 6d 2nd „ .. 128. 6d. (a) Master Giirdonore' Employees. Forciufin gardeners in 4th „ .. 21s. 4th „ .. 308. cli-arge of two or more 6th „ .. 30s. 6th „ .. 353. employees .. 648. 6tb „ .. 4U8. Oardeuors .. .. 61 8. 7Ul ., .. 488. Gardeners' labourers . . 68e. Pboportton. Proportiok. (6) Nursery Employees. One apprentice to every three One improver to every three Propagators in charge of or fraction of three workers or fraction of three workers one or more employees CCs. receiving not less than 548. per receiving aot less than 543. per General nurpery hands COs. week of 43 hours. week of 48 hours. Nuisery labourers .. 641. Time of Be.4innins;, not earlier loan — Tim" of Kuiliug work. ni>t later than— C 7.30 a.m. .. 12 noon on Saturdaj's (or the day on which the half-holiday is (3) TiMK OF BEOiNinNO AND Endimo Work -[ locally obberved). I 7.30 a.m. . . 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime shall be paid for as follows ; — (a) MaMer Oardeiiert' Employees — For work done outside the hours specified as the times of beeinning and ending work, time and a half, and for work done within such hours in excess of 48 hours in any week, time and a quarter. (6) Nursery Employees. — For work done outside the hours specified as the times of beginning and ending work and for work done within such hours in e.xcess of 48 hours in any week, time and a quarter. Provided that the time occupied in airing, firing, shading, or watering on Saturday after 12 noon or on Sunday (not exceeding three hours) shall not be regarded as overtime, but sliall be paid for at ordinary rates. (5) Special Rates fob Public Houdays. — Time and a half shall bo the special rate of payment payable to any employee for work (other than airing, firing, shading, or watering (not exceeding three hours) on the undermentioned public holidays (that is to say): — New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day. and Boxing Day, but if any oth«rday be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) PiKcE-woEK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. (07.) GASMETER.* Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts: the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates wliich may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trarlo, business, or occupation of making or repairing gas meters." (1) That on the 29th day of March, 1917, the last and all previous Determinations of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Other Employees. Waoes. Per week of Wages. 1st year — 48 hours. Per week of ist six months 10s. Foremen in charge of five or more men — 48 hours. 2nd „ .. 12s. Od. 1st year's experience as such , , 82s. 2nd year .. 17s. 6d. Thereafter , , 90s. 3rd year 253. Meter makers or repairers . . . . , , 728.. 4th year 358. Prepayment meter attachment maker 728. 6th year 45s. Caster of gratings and covers , , 728. Proportions (within any place). Appretitices. Head tester (where four or more other testers employed) .. Other testers . . are 78e. 698. One apprentice to every three or fraction of receiving not less than OOs. per week of 48 hours. three workers Leading diaphragm tier (where two or more other diaphragm tiers arc employed) 753. Improvers. Other diaphragm tiers . . ess. One improver to every three or fraction of three workers DFaphragm cutter . . 653. receiving not loss than OOs. per week of 48 hours. Rim, di.«c, or prepayment meter cash-boxmakers 68s. Note. — An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved All others •• 608. on 24th February, 1914. Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. (3) Time OF Beginning /7..S0 a.m. .. .. .. .. 12 noon on Saturdays, and AND Ending Work (7.30 a.m. .. .. .. .. 5.15 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — All work done outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work, or within such hours in excess of 48 hours in any week, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special R vtes fok Sundays and Public Holidays. — All work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or Eight Hour» Day (21st April), shall be paid for at the rate of double time, and on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Eastei Saturday, Easter Monday, King's Birthday (3rd June), or Boxing Day, at the rate of time and a half, but if any other day be, by Act of Parliament or Proclamation, substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be only payable for work Hone on the day so 8ubatitQt4-H. (6) PlituE-wouc. — A soheJule of pieoo-work prices has boon fixed by the Board. * Thtrt it a ComaumwottA (onari in thit tradt. 58 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Board. (88.) GLASSWOBKERS.* (Present Determination in force from 29.11.09.) Minimum WagB. Boors of Work Appt«iitle<*. Imptoven. This Board was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, tiade, or business of (o) gLiss- blowers; (6) glass moulders ; (c) a maker of all kinds of glass utensils (except cut-glass utensils), including glass bottles, glass jugs, glass globes, tumblers, salt cellars, and vials." Hales — Engine-drivers (Ist cla^s) and boiler attendants . . Yardmen employed emptying coal trucks or trimming coal Labourers . . Blacksmitlis Foreman sorters Sorters Gas furnacemen (with two or more producers) . . Night furnacemen on box tanks Furnacemen working oil tanks and gas tanks with one pro- ducer . . . . Teasers Warehousemen, ».«., light labourers.. Firemen's assistants Lehrraen Turners and fitters . . Lathe workers Persons em ployed repairing wind pipes and other work of a similar character .. .. Pipe-menders 608. 488. 36s. 50s. 42s. 368. 628. 6d. 62s. 6d. 38s. 6d. 33b. 308. 33s. 9d. 36s. 683. 42s. 398. 403. 60 48 48 48 48 48 60 60 60 48 48 60 48 48 48 48 48 Apfrbnticbs in Glass Bottlx Factobies. Wages. For the 1st year's experience, half his earnings on piece-work For the 2nd year's experience, half bis earnings on piece-work For the 3rd year's experience, half bis earnings on piece-work For the 4th year's experience, half his earnings on piece-work For the 5th year's experience, half his earnings on piece-work And thereafter cither the wages or piece-work rates provided by the Determination. Wages. Same aa apprentices. Pbopoetion of Improvers is Glass Bottle Factories. One improver to every six persons or fraction thereof receiving the prices or rates provided in the Determina- tion for adult males or piece-work. When bottles are blowo English systtm, and are finished at glory hole, they will be classed on the block and plate system. Bottle makers unable to blow bottles of a merchantable quality under this or the Anglo-German system are to be paid lOs. per shift not exceeding 8J hours. Flint Glass Factobies. Aditlt Males — Castor place makers (i.e., persons employed making the follow- ing articles, viz.. Gas or Elec- tric Globes, Kerosene Globes of all descriptions, Fish Globes, Fancy Show Jars, Cake Cjvers and Stands, Roof Lamps, Rolling Pins, Illumin- , ators. Eclipse or W.B. Row- att's, Rowatt's Venus, Hurri- canes, Sun Hinge, Propagating Glasses, Smoke Shades, Com- mon Confectioners' Jars, Mam- moth Rocheslers, Local Cells, and Battery Jars) Castor place blowers («.e., per- sons working on globes of every description, including incandescent of all sizes. Elec- tric, Gas, Eclipse, or W.B., Eclipse or Rowatt's, Rowatt's Venus, Anucapnic, Hurricanes, Sun HiUL'e, Ship's Vestibule, Kerosene, Fish, also Propaga- ting Glasses, Smoke Shades, Confectioners' Show Glasses, Cake Covers and Stands, Mam- moths (both sizes). Bun Jars, Roof Lamfw, Local Cells or Battery Jars, RoUine Pins. Whisky Barrels, and Illu- minators) 70b. 48 Apprentices in Flint Glass Factories. Wages. For the Ist year's experience, 8s. per week of 48 hours For the 2nd year's experience, 10s. per week of 48 hours For the 3rd year's experience, 158. per week of 48 hours For the 4th year's experience, 20s. per week of 48 hours For the 5th yeai's experience, 25s. per week of 48 hours And thereafter either the wages or piece-work rates provided by the Determination. 57s. 6d. 48 * Theri it a Commametalth aanemmt in IAt< trad*. Wages. For the Ist year's experience, 98. per week of 48 hours For the 2nd year's experience, 1 3s. per week of 48 hours For the 3rd year's experience, 178. per week of 48 hours For the 4th year's experience, 21s. per week of 48 hours For the 5th year's experience, 25i. per week of 48 hours For the 6th year's experience, 30b. per week of 48 hours For the 7th year's experience, 368. per week of 48 hours And thereafter either the wages or pieco work rates provided by th* Determination. Pbopoetion of Improvers in Punt Glass Factories. Five improvers to every four per- sons recciviig the prices or rates pro- vided m the Determination for adult males or pieoe-work. 69 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Heard. (68.) GLASS WORKERS*— con- tiitued. Flint Glass Factokiks— continued AnuLT }4.Ai,ta— continued. l8l class chimney and general work mnkore (i.e., persons working on Banner Roches- tors, No. I Rochester, Junior Rochestors, Little Royals, Duplex Cone Comets, Tram- ways, Manhattans, Wonder, Wizard, Marvels, Barrel Mugs, Custard Glasses, Jugs, Light- house, Sun Hinge, Fireaides, Argands, Hickoeks, Incandes- cent, Smoke Bells, Rain Gau^s (all sizes). Milk Tes- ters, Covers, Cylinders, Lubri- cators, Carafles and Upps, Tankard Mugs, Tumblers, Batt'Tv Jars, and No. 2 Rochester) 1st class chimney and general work blowers (hand work), {i.e., persons working on Ban- ner Rochosters, No. I Roches- ter, Junior Rochcsters, Little Royals, Duplex Cone Comets, Tramways, Manhattans, Won- der, Wizard, Marvels, parrel Mugs, Custard Glasses, Jugs, Lighthouse, Sun Hinge, Fire- sides, Argands, Hickoeks, In- candescent, Smoke Bolls, Rain Gauges, Milk Testers, Covers, Cylinders, Lubricators, Ca- raffes and Upps, Tankard Mugs, Tumblers, Battery Jars, and No. 2 Rochesters) 2nd class chimney-makers (hand work), {i.e., persons working on all kinds of Flange, Slip, Crimp, Bulge, Straight Comets, Hornets, Stella, Gem, Gem Brackets, Magic, Nut- megs, Little Harry, and Bis- mark Chimneys) . . 2nd class chimney blowers (hand work), (i.e., persons working on all kinds of Flange, Slip, Crimp, Bulge, Straigljt Comets, Hornets, Stella, Gem, Gem Brackets, Magic, Nut- megs, Little Harry, and Bis- mark Chimneys) . . Firemen Packers of flint glassware Sand blasters Potmakers . . Ist class mmld blowers {i.e., per- sons working on Globes of every description, including Incandescents of all sizes, Electric, Gas, Eclipse or W.B., EcliiMe or Rowatt's, Rowatt's Venus, Anucapnic, Hurricane, Sun Hinge, Ship's Vestibule, Kerosene, Fish, Propagating Glasses, Smoke Shodjs, Con- fectioners' Show Glasses, Cake Covers and Stands, Mammoths (both sizes). Bun Jars, Roof Lamps, Local Cells or Battery Jars, Rolling Pins, Whisky Barrels, No. 2 Rochester, and Illuminators) liourB o( Mirdmum Wsge. W< rk 00s. 488. 51s. 48 48 48 42s. 423. 40s. 403. S2s. 48 68 48 48 58 578. 6d. 48 Board. (68.) GLASSWORKERS— eon- tinued. FuNT Glass Factoribs — continued. Adult Males— <;on<«nued. 2nd class mould blowers («'.(., persons working on Banner Rochesters, No. 1 Rochester, Junior Rochesters, Little Royals, Duplex Cone Comets, Tramwnys, Manhattans, Won- der, Wizard, Marvels, Barrel Mugs, Custard Glasses, Jugs, Lighthouse, Sun Hingo, Fire- sides, Argands, Hickoeks, In- candescent, Smoke Bells, Rain Gauges, Milk Testers, Covers, CyUnders, Lubricators, Ca- rafles and Upps, Tankard Mugs, Tumblers, Battery Jars, Battery Cups, and Jam Jars) .■Jrd class mould blowers (i.e., per- sons working on all kinds of Flange, Slip, Cr^mp, Bulge, Straight Comets, Hornets, Stella, Gem, Gem Brackets, Magic, Nutmegs, Little Harry, and Bismark Chimneys) General Workers. (a) Boys (other than apprentices or im provers) working inside a glass bottle factory — Takers in at a lebr >• » kiln Wetters off (1st 6 months).. „ (2nd 6 months) „ (3rd 6 months) „ thereafter Snappers up Pullers off Mould shutters (6) Boys (other than apprentices or improvers) working out- side a glass bottle factory— 14-15 years of age 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 FuNT Glass Factories. (a) Boys and girls employed on finishing chimneys in tlint gla^ factories by machinery — 14-15 years of age 15-16 16-17 17-18 „ B-19 13-20 2J-21 {bt Boys and girls labeUing, and chimneys in flint glass fac- tories — 14-15 years of age 16-16 „ 16-17 17-18 18 years of age and over . . (c) Persons (other than ap- prentices or improvers) employed in flint glass fac- tories — 14-15 years of age 16-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 l»-20 20-21 washing, wrapping Minimum Wage. 50s. 428. 78. 6d. IDs. 12s. 6d. 168. 17s. 6d. 20s. 22s. 6d. 7s. 6d. 88. 6d. lOs. 128. 6d. 158. Hours of ^ork Z •ok. 128. 48 128. 48 168. 6d. 48 188. 48 208. 48 22s. 6d. 48 15s. 6d. 48 15s. 6d. 48 15s. 6d. 48 88. 48 lOs. 48 128. 48 158. 48 178. 6d. 48 2l8. 48 258. 48 8s. 48 lU 48 158 48 208. 48 238. 48 278. 48 308. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Overtime. — Any male person over the age of sixteen years who works for more than 43 heirs ner week shall be paid for guoh extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. PncB-woRK. — ^A schedule of piooe-work prioes has been fixed by the Board. * 7A llii trad*. 61 SOMMABT OP \VaOE3 AND CONOITrONS FtXBD B1 VfXQBi B )1RD3, KTC. — OOnlinued. Board. Ulnltnam W*tfs. (70.) GROCERS' SUNDRIES*- tontintud. Boun ol Work per Woek, JirVSNILB WOBKXBS. PeiBons ander the age of 21 (other than apprentices oi improTersjouiployodin filling, weighing, closing, wrapping, labelling or casing packets, tins, bottles, or bags for stock, or assLsting in the manufacture of macaroni, vermicelli, or Italian paste — HalcB, Femolct. 1st 6 months 138. 138. 48 2nd „ 14s. 14a. 48 2nd year IBs. 178. 48 8rd „ 21s. 198. 48 4th .. 25s. 228. 6d. 48 6th .. 3U. 25s. 6d. 48 6th „ 3Ss. • • 48 ApptSDtlOM. lapiOT Otbbtimx. — Any time worked in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for at the rate of time and a halL Casual Labocr. — Time and a quarter shall be the special rate for all casual employees, i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work. Sundays AND PcBUC Holidays. — Time and a half shall be the sijecial rate for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, the 26th day of January, the 2l8t day of April, Good Friday, Easter Monday, King's Birthday, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only bo payable for work done on the day so substituted. Puca-WOBK. — ^This Board tiaa determined that the employer may fix piece-work prioea to be based on the wages rates determined * There i$ a Commonwealth award in thie trade. (71.) GROCERS* (WHOLESALE). KoTK. — (a) On the 2,3rd December, 1912, the powers of the Wholesale Grocers Board were extended to enable it to fix rates for persons employed in the business of a wine and spirit merchant. (6) "This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, n.imely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Baliarat, Bendigo, Goolong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Bailarat East and Sandringliam; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Ucelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and SebastopoL In acoordanoo with the provisions of the Factories and S?iops Act lulo the Special Board appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the business of a wholesale grocer, including a seller of tea," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 16th May, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) APFBENTIOXa AND ImPBOTSBS. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age " „ .. 18 .. „ 1» .. .. PV>POBTION (W ANT PlACB). Appreniieea. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 648. per week of 48 hours. Improvers, One improver to one or two and thereafter one improver to every three or fraction of throe workers feooiving not less than 648. per week of 48 hours. WsgM per week ol «8 boun. 1. d. 14 18 6 25 34 40 60 AUi OTHEB EHPLOYXES. Head oellarman, i.e., the principal employee engaged in testing, blending, reducing, or fining wines or spirits . . . . ' Packers in charge of 10 or more persons Packers in charge of 6, 7, 8, or 9 persons Packers in charge of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 persons Storeraan in charge of 10 or more storemen Storcman in charge of 6, 7, 8, or 9 storemen Storeman in charge of I, 2, 3, 4, or 5 storemen Storeman employed singly All others Wagn per «eek ol iB hcuii. t. d. 80 80 70 £8 90 80 70 70 64 (3) Times of Beoinnino and Enoino Wobk — "Hmes o( Beiilnnlng. Not earlier ttiaa — Times of Ending. Mot later tliau — 7.30 a.m. .. 12.1.") p.m. .. On Saturday, or the day on which the weekly half-holiday is observed. 7.30 a.m. . . 5.30 p.m. . . On the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — Outside the times of beginning and ending work .. .. .. .. .. .."| Within the times of beginning and ending work, in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed /Time and a half, as a week's work in any week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J (6) Casual Labour. — Any person casually employed during any week for not more than 24 hours shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (6) Specul Rates. — Djuble time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (2Gth January), Good Friday, Eistor Siturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l(rt April), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proulamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, then the special rate shall be payable only for the day so substituted. • Thtre it a Co nnonicealth award in thit trad*. 62 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by VVases Boabds, etc. — continued. Board. Hlolmoin Wage. Houra of Work WMk. AppreDiioef. Improver! (72.) HAIRDRESSERS (Present Determination in force from 24.12.10.) • This Board was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons'wheresoever employed in the business of a, hairdresser, or barber, or wig maker, or other workers of hair." ar female) in Waqes. Waom. . Malce. Females. Hales. Females. Chairworkers (male men's hairdros'iing saloons 60s. 62 £ 1. d. £ ». d. £ >. d. £ <. d. All other males • . . . 703. 02 1st year . . 6 A 1 other females .. 37s. 6d. 48 1st 6 months 6 2nd 6 months 7 6 , , 2nd year 12 6 10 I 2 17 6 1 16 3rd year . . 1 15 4th year . . 17 6 1 Sth year . . 1 17 6 •• J Number. NUHBEB. MaLB3. Males. One male apprentice to every three or fraction One male improver to every of three male workers receiving not less eight male workers receiving not than 603. per week of 52 hours. less than 60s. per week of 62 hours. Fbmaucs. Females. Two female apprentices to every person One female improver to every receiving not less than the miuimum eight persons receiving not less \ wage. than the minimum wage. Overtime. — Any employee who works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of Ss. per hour. <;asual Employees, i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work, shall be paid at the rate of Is. 9d. per hour. Special Rates. — Treble time shall be paid for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), and Christmas Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. An Indenture of Apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 12.12.11. (73.) HAM AND BACON CURERS* (Present Determination in force from 3.8.14.) This Board was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed either inside or outside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or business of a ham and bacon curer." Wages. Wages. Improvers commencing work at the trade under 18 years of age— I.*er week of 48 hourt. 1st year .. .. 10s. 2nd year . . . . 15s. 3rd year . . . . 20s. 4th year . . . . 27s. 6d. 5th year . . . . 358. 6th year . . . . 45a. Improverc commencing work at the trade at 16 years of age — Per week of 48 hours. 12s. 6d, Curing Department — First man First assistant Other assistants Cutting Department — First man Assistants .. Lard and Tallow Department — First man Assistants . . Refrigerating Department — First man Assistants Slaughtering Department — First man Assistants (including stickers, scalders, openers, shavers, backers, and splitters) Small Goods Department — First man Assistants frmoko Filling, Rolling, and Trimming Department — First man Rollers and trimmers Smoke fillers Cisers . . Casing cleaners 67s. 6d. 58s. 64s. 67s. 6d. 60s. 628. 6d. 61s. 62s. 6d. 57s. 67b. 6d. 60g. 67s. 6d. 56s. 62s. 6d. 608. 61a. 668. 6d. 63a. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 4-1 48 *» 1 Bt year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Per week of 48 hours. . 208. 258. . 32s. 6d. . 45s. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 6th year 17s. 6d. 25s. 35s. 46s. ImproTers commencing work at th« trade at 17 years of age — Per wenkftf 48 hours. Ist year .. ,, 158. 2nd year 3rd 5'ear 4ih year 6th year 20s. 25s. 35s. 460. * Then u a OoauumKtaUh award in thin trade. 63 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — cohtiaued. Board. (73.) HAM AND BACON CURERS*— coiUinued. General hatuls, i.e., persons employed at any two or more of the following classes of work, viz. : — Curing, cut- ting up, killing, rolling, smoking, trimming, or assistant small goods man's work Ham baggers Packers Washers Yardmen All other* Hnun 1 o( Work Mlalraum Wage. W^k. 608. 48 638. 48 611. 48 618. 48 61s. 52 48a. 48 Apprentices. Peopoetion (in any place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 48s. per week. Improven. Improvers commencing work at the trade at 18, 19, or 20 years of age^ Fer week ol 48 bouri. Ist year . . . . Hs. 6d. 2nd year . . . . 228. 6d. 3rd year . . . . 308. 4th year . . . . 408. Propoetion (in any place). One improver to the first three or fraction of three workers, and there- after one to every three additional workers receiving not less than 48s. per week. DK»iNrnoNS. — (a) " First man " shall mean the man in charge of a department, and responsible for the work of it, whether employed alone or with others under his direction. (6) " First assistant" shall mean the man employed to assist the first man of a department where a first man is employed, (e) " Assistants " shall mean those employed in a department working under the direction of a first man or first assistant. Casual Labocb (now defined by section 141, sub-section (4), Act 2650, as work during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed by the Board). — Any person employed on casual work shall be paid at the rate of time and a third. TiMB o» Beoinnino and Ending Wobk. — For persons other than those in the refrigerating department or yardmen — Time of Beginning. Time ot Ending 7 a.m. . . . . . . 5.30 p.m. on each of five days of the week. 7 a.m. . . . . . . 12 noon on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday ia usually observed. Otibtims. — The following rates shall be paid to — (a) Persons in refrigerating department — For work done in excess of 48 hours in any week (6) Yardmen — For work done in excess of 52 houra in any week . . . . (e) All other persons — For work done within the times of beginning and ending work in ezce*a of 48 houra in any week For work done outside the times of beginning and ending work . . Sundays and Public Holidays. — All work done by any person (excepting those in the refrigerating department and yardmen) on Sundays, New Year's Day, Good Friday and the following Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day shall be paid for at the rate of double time, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Provided that such apeoial rate (ball not apply to auy employee who works on Good Friday, if he is given a holiday on the following day, nor to any employee who works on the day after Good Friday, if he has had a holiday on Good Friday. • There it a CommonweaUh award in Ihie trade. Time and a half. (74.) HARDWARE.t NoTB. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bondigo, Geolong, and Warmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates wliich may be paid to any por^on or parsons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the business of a seller of goods usually sold by ironmongers, including — (a) furnishing household, plumbers', or buildeiB' ironmongery ; (b) gas fittings, stoves, or tools ; being a business usually or frequently carried on in a shop)," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 9th December, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. 6ther Employees. Waobs. Per week of Waoks. Per week ol 48 hours. 48 hours. 16 yeara of age .. IDs. Departmental managers, having under their control — 16 .. ... 15s. 5 or more salesmen, 25 years of age or over . . ICOa. 17 „ . . 20s. 4 ,, ,, *ff . . MOS. 18 .. 25s. 3 „ „ ,. .. 903. 19 „ .. 30s. 2 „ ■ >, •> ■■ 8Js. 20 .. . . 37s. Branch managers . . . . . . . . 808. Outside salesmen . . . . . . . . SOs. Proportion (in any shop or place). Salesmen employed selling, keeping up stock, or One apprentice >o every three workers or fraction of three workers assembling shop goods — employed, and receiving not less than the minimum wage of 488. 21 years of age . . . . . . ■ . 503. per week of 48 hours. 22 „ .. .. ..• .. 66s. One improver to one worker . . -1 .11 23 „ .. .. .. ..628. Two improvers to two workers 24 .. 6Sa. Three improvers to three, four, or five workers . . O I. 3 25 „ ' and over . . . . . . 74s. Four improvers to six or seven workers Storemen, packers, porters, yardmen, messengers. Five improvers to eight workers 1 0-.C or persons employed in the parcels office^ Six improvers to nine or ten workers . . .f-s* 21 years of age . . . . . . . . 48s. Seven improvere to eleven workers •^ -s 22 „ 63s. Eight improvers to twelve workers and thereafter two la 23 „ .. .. .. .. 588. improvers to each additional three workers J K:S 24 „ and over . , . . . . 6.8. t There it a CommonunaUh award for Carter! and Drivers tn (At> trade. 64 Summa^Jy op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (74.) HARDWAtiE*— continued. (3) Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of 43 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time aud a half. (4) Casual Labocb. — Casual employees {i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than>24 hours) shall be paid at the rate of time aud a half. (5) Special Rates. — Time and a. half shall be the rate paj'able for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Eastor Monday, 21st April (jiight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Birthday), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day he by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. Deixnitioiis. (6) "Departmental manager" shall moan a person having the control of two or more salesmen, 25 years of age or over, notwithstanding lie may bo under the orders of a general manager. " Branch manager" shall mean a person for tue time bemg intrusted with the control or superintendence of a branch shop (the proprietor of which is trading under liis own or a different name), notwithstanding such manager may be under the orders of a superior who does not devote the whole of his time to the management of the said branch shop. " Outside salesman " shall mean an employee who regularly solicits or mcoives orders for goods while absent from the shop where be is employed, whether such goods are kept in stock or have to be proouiei m order to fultll such orders. There is a Commonwealth award for Carters and Drivers in this trade. (75.) HAT (.Sl'iiAW). Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts, the cities of liallarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and VVarrrtambool, the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingham, and the boroughs of Eagloliawic, Geelong West, Newtown and ChilwoU, and .Sebastopol. This lioard. whicii was appointed to determine the lowest pi ices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed iii the process, trade, or business of the manufacture of straw hats, as— (a) hand or macliine blockers, (b) btiffcnors, (c) dyers' assistants, (d) bleachers' assistants, (e) packers, has made the following IJetermination, namely : — (1) That on thu 12ch April, 1918, ttio last previous Detorminatioa of this IJuard shall t>o revoked and replaced by this Determination. ' (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Ist year 2nd year. 3rd year . 4th year . 5th year . VVaobs PEii Week of 48 Hours. d. 6 6 6 Apprentices. Proportion (by any employer). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 563. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. Proportion (by any employer). One improver to every five or fraction of five workers receiving not less than 563. per week of 48 hours. Juvenile Workers. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Persons under 21 years (other than approatioes or improvers) employed at packing or in assisting d^'ers or bleachers — 1st year's experience 2nd „ 3rd „ „ 4th „ 3. d. 17 22 6 33 6 45 Other Employees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Foremen Hand or machine blockers or stiffenera Dyers' or bleachers' assistants Packers s. d. 71 64 6 58 6 56 Time of I^eeiuning. 7.45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. Time of Beqinninu akd Ending Work. (3) That the time of beginning and ending work shall be— Time of Ending. ■ . 12 noon on the day on which the half-holiday is observed, and 6.15 p.m. on the other working days of the week. ( I V IT HT I \T IT (4) That the following rate shall be paid for all work done :— (a) Outside the hours fixed in Clause (3) i IKS Q i> '*^ ^^'''^'° """ ''°"" ^"^"^ '" ^'^'"'^° (■*' ■" ''■''°«8* °f *8 hours in any week /"^""^ ^""^ * ''''^^• r. J ,i ■ J bPEOiAL llATKi — Ibat double time shaU be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, 26th January (Foundation Day). Good Friday, iiaster Monday, 21st Aprd (Eight Hours Day), King's Bh-thday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day. New Year's Day ; but. if any other day be by Act of Parhament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hoUdays, the special rate shaU ouly be payable for work done on the day so substituted. ./ > r j (76. ) HATTERS (FELT).t-Determiaatiou not yet made. This Board was appointed to -determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a manufacturer of felt hats." j r j e f j i " ™=, t There is a Commonwealth award in this trade. HAY, CHAFF, WOOD AND COAL. .1 TT,?" Four to nine employees 60 »i 48 »» Pkopoktion (in any place), ' Ten to nineteen employees . . Twenty or more employees . . 63 70 ,> 48 48 9f Appreniice.i, Gardeners in charge of one or more hales. gardeners 67 6 „ 48 t» One male apprentice to every three or &action of throe male workers receiving not less than 658. per week. Other gardeners Instrument attendants . . Laboratory attendants . . 55 75 75 • It *t 48 62 62 tt tt It FEMALES. Laundrymen in charge . . 60 ff 48 »» Other laundrymen 65 *, 48 If One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female Motor ambulance drivers 60 60 ** workers receiving not less than 34s. 8d. per week. Mortuary-men engaged on post- mortem work . . 75 ,, 62 »» Improvers. Night porters where there is only MALES. one employed 67 6 „ 60 „ One male improver to every ten or fraction of ten male workers Other night porters Storemen in charge of one or more 57 6 " 52 ff receiving not less than 558. per week. storemen 62 6 tt 48 tt " Wardsmen (i.e., persons who handle * FEMALES. and treat patients) 65 tt 62 tt One female improver to every ten or fraction of ten female All others .')5 f* 52 tt workers receiving not less than 34s. 8d. per week. Femalea . Clerks 37 per week of 48 hours Cooks in charge of — One to three kitchen employees 46 >f 52 9> , Four or more kitchen employees 47 6 If 62 „ Other cooks 40 t* 52 tt Housekeepers . . 45 62 »» Head laundresses in charge of — One to three persons 45 tt 48 > Four or more persons 47 6 *■ 48 „ Laundry hands 34 8 *> 48 tt Soamstrcssea who cut out and tit garmt^nts 45 tt 48 tt Other Seamstresses 34 8 It 18 tt All others 34 8 •• 52 • » 67 Sdmmary o? WAGga and Conditions Fixed by W a qes Boards, bto. — continued. (79.) HOSPITAL ATVENDAi^TS— continued. (3) Allowances. — I'ersoiis hanilling patiuiits sunering from venereal diseases or patients qualitied for admission to infectious diseases hospitaU, or Imndliiig clotiiea (nut pruviously disinfected) that are used or worn by such patients, shall be paid os. per week in addition to the rates provided in Clause 2. (4) OvEKTiME. — For work done in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed as a week's work — time and a tenth, (5) Special Hates. — Time and a half shall be the rate for all work done on Now Year's Day, Foundation Day (20tb January), Good Friday, Faster Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), C^hristmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (8) ) HOTFL lO.MI'LUVEKS.* (Determination of the Court of Industrial Appeals.) NoTB. — This determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District aa defined in the Faotorios and Shops Acts ; the oitie:i of lij,IUrat, Beudigo, Goclong. and vVarrnambooi ; the towns of Ballarat Fast and Sund.ingham; and burough.4 of Kaglohawk, Qoelong Wast, Newtown uiid Chilwull, and Sebostopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or poisons, or classes of perHons, cmpluytd in a restaurant, coffee [>uiaco, hotel, eating hou^ie, fish shop, or oyster shop, or any premises for which a Colonial wine liocnoe or billiard-table lioetioo is in force, or which are occupied as a club." Notes. — On the 6th day of June, I'Jl 1, the Board's powers wore extended to include persons employed in the business of a caterer. On the 2nd day of September, 1912, the Board's powers were extended to include persons employed in a boarding- house (with accommodation for twenty or more boarders). (An Order in Conn il has since been passed (on 11.9.18) so as to include boarding-houses with acooma.odation for seven or more boarders.) On the 27th day of July. 1914, the Board was deprived of the power to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the business of — (a) killing, plucking, dressing poultry or game, (6) preparing tisb for sale uncooked, . (c) selling by retail uncooked poultry, uncooked game, or uncooked fish, and such power was conferred exclusively on the Fish and Poultry Board. (1) That on the 1st day of June, lill7, the Deierniination of the Hotel l.mployees Board dated the 5th day of February, 1917, and previous DuterminatiouR, sh rate of time and a half, calculated on the rates fixed without board and lodging. (4) Casual Labour. — Casual employees (i.e., persons employed during any week lor not more than one>hali the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work) shall bu paid — Males .. .. .. .. 23. per hour 1 -lu ^- : «c j Females Is. Bd. per hour P"*'"' *'°""»°» °' ^e. per day. (5) Sfeciai. Rates. — The special rates payable to persons (other than casual workers) for work doneon Good Friday, Easter Monday, New Year's Day, Eight Hours Day (21st April), King's Birthday (3rd June), Christmas Day, and BoxingDay shall be time and a half ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted tor any of the above holidays, then the special rate shall be payable only for the day so substituted. (6) Travelling. — Tlie special rate to be paid to any employee who works away from his employer's place of business for time oooupied in travelling between the employer's plaice of business and work, or between the employee's residence and work, shall be 2s. pet hour. * Thtre are Commonwealth agreements in aectiona oj this occupation. Board. Minimum Vt^age. Hours 01 Work per W'eek. AppranticM. Improver!, (81.) ICE.* (Present Determination in force from 14.9.14.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed either inside or outside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or business of a maker of ice for trade or ■ale, or of a person carrying on the business of freezing, refrigerating, packing, or grading goods of any kind for the purpose of trade or sale in a fros^n or refrigerating condition, other than ice cream." 66s. 48 84s. 48 608. 48 608. 48 668. 48 60g. 66i. 48 668. 48 668. 48 728. 48 568. 48 608. 48 64«. 48 48 Waois. Per week of 48 hours. 16 years, 20s. 17 years, 258. 18 years, 30s. 19 years, 35s. 20 years, 408. Peopoetjon (in any factory or place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers employed and receiving not leas than 648. per week of 48 hour*. 16 years, 2l8. 17 years, 25s. 18 years, 328. 6d. 19 years, 38s. 6d. 20 years, 448. Phopobtioh (in any factory or place). One improver to every ten per sons or fraction of ten persons em- ployed and receiving not less than 64s. per week of 48 hours. Chamber hands i.e., all persons employed for more than 12^ percent, of their working time in t:i Hying, delivering, receiv- ing, bagging, storing, or put- ting meat, rabbits, butter, or other goods in a freezing cham- ber, chipping snow from pipes, or conveying snow out of or running meat up to chamber Foremen Ice-pullers . . loe-stackers Nailers Persons engaged in the chamber breaking down or loading out ice Persons engaged in hanging ground or grading room Poultry packers Putters up . . . . . . Rabbit graders Rabbit packe|B Skinners .. .. All others . . TiMBS OF BsOINinNa AKD EnDINO WoBK fob AIX PeBSONS OtRVB TBAN FoRKMEK OB ICE-rtTLLSBS OB Ice-staokbrs. Timeof Beglnalng. Time o( Badint. 7 a.m. . . . . 12 noon on Saturdays. 7 a.m. . . . . 6 p.m. on each of the other five days in the week. OVEBTnCB. — The following rates shall be pnid for all work done by — (a) Any person (other than a foreman or iee-pulleror ice-stacker) outside the honrs^ fixed as the times of beginning and ending work . . . . . . I , (b) Any person within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work I ' in excess of 48 hours in any week .. .. .. .. ,.) d(7HOAYa AKD HouDAYS. — Special rate for all work done on — I Chamber hands, double time. Sundays .. .. .. .. .. .... .. •< Ice-pullers and ice-stackers, timeand a half. ' All others, time and a third. Christmas Day, Good Friday, and 21st April (Eight Hours Day) . . Double time. Boxing Day, New Year's Day, 26tb January (Foundation Day), and Easter /Chamber hands doub'e time. Monday I All others time and a nail ; ' but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation lubstituled for any of above-named holidays the special rates shall be payable only on the day so substituted, * There it a Commonwealth aaard tor carteri and drivers in this trade. Waoes. Per week of 48 hour*. /Time and a third. (82.) IRONMOULDERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The VTetropoIitan District as defined in the Factories and -Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warmam lionl ; the towns of Ba'lar.it East and sandring- ham ; the boroujihs of ( astlemaine, lag'ehHwk Geelong West, N'ewtown and < hilwell, and Sebastopol ; the Railway riding of the shire of Brayl)rook ; and such p'rtion of the shire of liungiree as is within 10 miles of a city or town. This Board, which was appointed " to determine the lowi st prices or rates of payment which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (other than moulders employed in moulding metal bedsteads) employed in the process, trade, o. bii« leis of an ironmoulder," has ujadethe following Determination, namely : — NoT«.-5^Seetion 183 of the Factories Act 1915, No. 2650. extends the powers of thi» Board to "steel m8. Males. Females. Day shift. Night shift. Day ebift. 15s. 149. ISs. 20s. 18s. 228. 23s. 188. 20s. 27s. 6d. 288. 338. 6d. 37s. 6d. 28s. 45s. 49s. 28s. PbopOrtios (within any place). Males. Two male improvers to each male worker receiving not less than 61s. per week of 48 hours. Females. Two female improvers to each female worker re- ceiving not less than 28s. per week of 48 hours Males Females engaged in stirring jam, sauce, or pulp, pour- ing out or filling jam by hand or machine, pouring out pulp by hand, lifting jam, fruit, sauce, sugar, or vegetables weighing bver 25 lbs., washing bags, or working at a fruit press All other females That— (3) Shifts. (n) The time of beginning and the time of ending each shift shall be as follows : Saturday, or the day on which the half-holiday is observed in the locality. On the other working days of the week Monday to Thursday Friday Day Shift. Time of BegimUng. Time ot Endlns. 7.16 a.m. 7.16 a.m. , , 1 p.m. 6.49 p m Night Shift. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. •• 6 a.m. on the following day 6.30 a.m. on Saturday. (6) The higher rate to be priid for each hour or fraction of an hour worked by any employee before or after his shift shall be time and a half calculated on the rates fixed for the Day Shift. (4) Casual Labour. That casual hands, i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of boors fixed in this Determination as a week's work, shall be paid at the rate of Is. 9d. per hoar. . (5) Spbcsal Rates for Sdndays and Holidays. All work done on Sunday, Good Friday, or Rligftt Hours Day (21st day of April), to ba paid at the rate of doable time, and on New War's Day, Foundation Day (26tli day of .January), Easter Monday, Christmas Day, or Boxinn Day, to bo piid for at the re te of time and a half, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation labstituted for any of the above-named Doiidaya, the special rate shall only be payable tor the day so substituted. (6) PlBOB-WOBK PeIOBS.I A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. HEl 71 Summary op Waoes and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, etc. — continued (U.) JEWELLERS. Note. — This Determination ap|>lie8 to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and .-jnops Acts ; the cities of IJallarat. Beiidigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towi.s of Ballarat East and Sandiingham; and the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and Scbastopol. , This Board was appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a manufacturing jeweller has made the following Determination, namely : — (I) That on the 19th January, 1018, the laat previoua Determination of thi* Board shall be revoked and replaced by thii Determination. (2) Apprentloea or Improvers. Waoes pbb Wbbk op 48 Hours. Appbbnticbs. Male. Female. ad a. d. Ist year's exp rience , . 10 7 6 2nd 15 12 6 3rd 20 17 6 4th „ 25 22 6 6th „ 32 6 27 6 6th 42 6 32 6 Impbovbks. ' Male. Female. s. d. a. d. Ist year's experience . . 10 7 6 2nd „ 2J 12 6 3rd „ 25 17 6 4th „ 30 22 5th 37 6 27 6 6th „ 47 6 Pboportion (in any Place). Apprentices. One male apprentice to one or two, two to throe or four, and thereafter two to every additional three ra;Uc workers receiving not [393 than oOs. per week of 48 hours. One female apprentice to one, two to two, and thereafter one to every additional two female workers receiving not less than S-'is. per week of 48 hours. The prescribed form of indenture as amended was approved on 21st December, 1917, and must be used. Improij^t, One male improver to every five male workers receiving not less than 50s. per week of 48 hours. One female improver to five or fraction of five, two to ten. and thereafter one to each additional five female workers receiving not less than 35s. per week of 48 hours. Jav«nUe Workers. Waobs pbb Week of 48 Uodbs Females. !a) (1) Engaged on gold work at sandblasting, pinnin>!up, scratch- brushing, washing- out, assisting gilder, or wax-filling ; Assisting in miking any silver or base metal artijles; Filling-in or polishing any enamel work — s. d. 10 15 .0 20 25 f2) (3) Ist year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ (6) Engaged in press working — t. Ist year . . . . 12 2nd „ 3rd 4th 5th 17 22 27 37 Other Emploxees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Males. I. d 70 63 Bracelet and bangle maker, jewellery setter, boltring makers, lapper, mounter, ring maker (other than band, buckle, signet, keeper, or wedding rings), silversmith, stamper, swivel maker, tool maker, dia- mond mounter, or enameller . . Chain maker, gilder, meltcr, polisher, repau-er, colourer, wire twister, tube drawer, pressworker, or maker of band, buckle, signet, keeper, or wedding rings Plate roller, or wire roller and drawer, without previous experience — During the Ist six months' experience 50 Thereafter .. .. . . 63 All others .. .. .. .. 58 Females. Maker of the following classes of chain — Up to 5 dwt. to the foot, 18 or 15 carat (solid) . . Up to 4 dwt. to the foot, 9 carat (solid) . . Up to 2 dwt. to the foot (hollow) Pinner-np of brooches, sandblaster, scratch brusher, maker of brooches and other articles from wire, jewellery wax- filler, or enameller . .• Pressworker (weight of press not to exceed 3cwt.) Pressworker (weight of press exceeding 3 cwt.) Maker of all silver or base metal articles. . Polisher or gilder — Gold Silver All others 38 38 38 35 45 55 35 50 40 58 (3) Overtime.— Any employee who works in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. (4) Special Rates.— Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day. Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), King's Birthday (3rd June), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any oPthe above-named hoUdays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (85.) KNITTERS. (Present Determination in force from 3.7.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the process, trade, or business of knitting or crocheting any article Ic human wear." 4 72 SOMMAEY OF WaQES AND CONDITIONS FiXED BY WaQKS BoARDS, ETC. — continued. Board. (85.) KNITTERS— con<.nued. Males. Cotton's patent machine operators Finishing machine operators Ironers X.L. knitters — In charge of 4 machines .. 6 „ . >• 6 „ Scourers (head) Scourers (assistant) Steam pressers — Ist six months' experience 2nd 2nd year's experience . . Thereafter Stock cutters . . All others • Fbmales, Button holers Button sewers Cotton's patent machine operators Coverers . . Dampers working in press room Double stitchers . . Eyelet holers Examiners Fellers Folders Hemraers . . Hoffman press operators — Ist six months' experience 2nd „ „ 2nd year's experience Thereafter Persons using irons not exceeding 8i lbs. weight Persons using irons exceeding 8i lbs. weight . . X.L. knitters — In charge of 3 machines »» * »» >f 5 „ 6 „ ' Knitters nsing hand circular machines for socks or stockings Knitters using hand-flat machines Knitters not already provided for Linkers Menders . . Mounters — Ist six months' experience 2nd „ „ Thereafter Overlockers Peg Press Operators — Ist six months' experience 2nd „ 2nd year's „ Thereafter Seamers . . Stock cutters Winders . . All others Mtntmam Wage. 758. 67s. 67s. 678. 63s. 69s. 60s. 64s. 60s. 658. 608. 70s. 658. 62s. 288. 6d. 27s. 6d. 37s. 6d. 27s. 6d. 27s. 6d. 283. 6d. 278. 6d. 28a 6d. 27s. 6d. 28s. 6d. 27s. 6d. 208. 25s. 308. 358. 28b. 6d. 458. 32s. 6d. 358. 40s. 45s. 25s. 278 6d. 30s. 308. 308. 208 258. 308. 28s. 6d. 32s. 6d. 35s. 408. 458. 283 6d. 308. 279. 6d 25s. Hoara ol Work per Week. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Apprentices. Malbs. Waois fib Wbbk of 48 Houbs. Experience. 15 years or under. CommeDcing Age. «. d. 12 6 16 20 25 30 40 It 17 18 I. d. ». d. ». d. ». d. 15 017 618 620 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year and thereafter the minimum wage. 19 18 22 6 27 6 020 022 6:27 6 25 030 0| 32 6 35 20 «. d. 25 Pbopobtion (in any factory). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 528. per week of 48 hours. Fbmalbs. Waobs pbb Wbbk of 48 Hottbs. Commencing Age. Experience. 16 years or under 17 18 19 20 1st year lOs. 12s. 153. 18s. 208. 2nd year 148. 168. 19s. 22a , , 3rd year 18s. 208. 23s. , , , , 4th year 228. 248. .. .. .. and thereaf er the n linimuD a wage. J Pbopobtion (in any lactory). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 253. per week of 48 hours. Improven. Males. Waobs. Same as apprentices. Pbopobtion (in any factory). One improver to each male worker receiving not less than 62s. per week of 48 hours, Fbmalbs, Wages. >'Same as apprentices. Pbopobtion (in any factory.) Two improvers to each female worker receiving not less than 25s. per week of 48 hours. Time of Beginning. Time op Beoinnino ( 7.30 a.m. AND Ending Wobk | 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending. 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays, and 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. Ovebtimb. — The following rate shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work . , . . . . \ Time and (b) Within the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week . , / a half Special Rates fob Public Holidays. — Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 2l3t April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, Boxing Day; but if any other day be by Act of ParUament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. PiBCE-woBK. — This Board has determined that the employer may fix piece-work prices to be based on the wages rates determined. NoTB. — The employer shall supply all necessary materials free. 73 Summary of Wages and Conditions fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — contiwiei. (86.) LEATHER GOODS.* Note. — This Determination applica to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan Dtatriot as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Gceloiig, and VVarrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saodringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglchawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Onilwell, and Sebastopol. Tlxis Board, which wm appoiatod •• to detormino the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of portmanteaux, or leather bags, or leather trunks, or leather goods of the class or kind of which the following are examples, viz. : — Braces, cap peaks, dog collars, dog leads, garters, hold-alls, knapsacks, knife sheatlis, leather belts (other than machine belts and belts used for liarness or saddlcryl, leather cases of all descriptions, leggings, pocket-book covers, pouches, purses, valises, wallets," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the lOtli April, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Wages. Per week of 48 hours. Males. Females. ,. d. t. d. ' 1st 6 months . . 2nd 9 6 7 6 Ist year 10 6 10 2nd 13 6 13 6 .Srd 18 18 4th 25 23 6 5th ,, 32 8 6th „ 40 PeOPOBTION UN ANlf PLACE). AppretUicei. One male apprentice to the first one or two male workers, and thereafter one apprentice to every additional two adult males receiving not less than 6(3s. per week of 48 hours. One female apprentice to every two or fraction of two female workers receiving not less than 30s. per week of 48 hours. Improver*. One male improver to every throe male workers receiving not less than 66a. per week of 48 tours. One female improver to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 30s. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 2nd May, 1911. Juvenile Female fTorkers. Females (other than apprentices or improvers) engaged in tying- off, or snipping ends of cotton, or cutting webs to lengths, or sorting, or eyeletting, or putting on ends, or counting, or tying up, or preparing sample cards, or turning or rubbing out gloves : — Wages. Per week of 48 hours. s. d. Ist 6 months 7 6 10 12 14 16 , . f Ist 6 moi lstyear|2„d „ 2nd 3rd 4th Other Employees. Males Wages. Perweekof 48 hours. ». d. .. 66 Females — (o) Making — Gladstone bags (except lining out or' making doors or handles) Kit or bulge bags (except hancUis) Any leatiier case exceeding 12 inches in length (except music casts) Bullion bags, trunks, portmanteaux, hat-boxes, camera, musical instru- ment or canvas and leather suit >66 (6) Handstitching cricket, punching, medicine or foot balls, or block military or pigskin leggings (c) Stiffening down any article over 12 inches in length ((2) Framing up or riveting by hand . . Other females 30 Time of Beginning. (3) Time op Beginning / 7.30 a.m. AND Ending Wokk 1 7.30 a.m. Time of Ending. 1. p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is observed. 6.30 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — (o) Outside the hours fixed in Clause 3 . . . . . . • • Xt" a (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excess of 48 hours in any week J ™® *"" * quarter. (5) Sundays and Public Holidays. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sundays, Now Year's Dav, Foundation Day (20th January). 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day.and Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation 8ul»tituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable on the day so substituted. (6), (7), and (8) PlECE-woaK. — A schedule of pieoe-work prices for certain classes of work has been fixed by the Board, which has also determined aa to other classes that the employer may fix pi3ce-work prices to bo based on the wages rates det.rmined. * There i» a CommonweaUh award in thie trade. (87.) LIFT. Note. — ^This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of_ Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingham • and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, whi h was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, business, or occupation of a lift attendant " has made the following determination, namely .- (1) That on the 11th day of October, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or ImproTen. Other Emploreet. Wages. MAUCS OB FEMALES. Per week of 48 hours. 1st year . . . . 30s. 2nd year . . . . 358. 3rd year .. 40s. NuMBBB (by any employer). MALXS. Lift at|iendants who are employed in lifts in hotels, clubs, coffee palaces, restaurants, or hospitals . . All other male lift attendants FEMALES. All female lift attendants 61s. 4d. per week of 66 hoars 63s. „ 48 „ 40a. per week of 48 hours MALES OR FEMALES. One apprentice to two or fraction of two workers receiving the minimum 1 wage. One improver to every two workers receiving not leas than 66a. per week of 48 hours. 74 Summary op Waoes and Conditions Fixbd by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (87.) LIFT— continued. (3) Time of beginning- 8 a.m. 8 a.m. Time o» Beginnimo afd Endimo Work. Time of ending — .. 2 p.m. on the day on wbiob the hali-holiday ia observed locally ... 8 p.m. on the other days of the week. OvEBIIHE. The following rates shall be paid : — For all work done within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in") excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work, and >Time and a quarter. For all work done outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work J Sundays and Public Holidays. Lift attendants employed in hotels, clubs, coffee palaces, restaurants, or hospitals shall be paid at the rate of time and a half for work done on Good Friday, Easter Monday, New Year's Day, Eight Hours Bay, King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing JDay ; and all other lift attendants shall be paid double time for work done on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas Day, and time and a half for work done on 26th January, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day, King's Birthday, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for anj' of the above-named holidays, the special rate I'hall be payable only for the day so substituted. {*) (6) Board. Uinimum Wage. Hours at Work ^, eek. Apprentice!. (88.) LIVERY -STABLE.* (Present Determination in force from 1.8.14.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person employed — ImproTers. (a) driving horse-drawn passenger vehicles hired or plying for hire; (6) in the busmess of a liverystable keeper or in a stable where cab Waobs. or cab horses are kept" Adults Casual hands (now defined by Sec- tion 141, Sub-section 4, Act 2050) Persons under 21 years of age (not being apprentices or improvers) engiiged solely in driving com- mercial travellers' buagies — 17 years of age and under Over 17 years of age 468. 6d. Is. per hour Time of Beginalng. TrHE OF Bboinnino/ ').30 a.m. AND Ending Work \().30 a.m. 65 lit year 2nd year 3rd year Per week of 6S hours. . JOg. . 2U8. 3Us. Pbopobtion. Ist year 2nd year 3rd year Waob3. Pbopobtion. Per week ot 65 huurt. .. 3Us. .. 35a. .. iOi. One improver to every fraction of three employes not less thin 4U8. 6d. per week uf tiS hours. three or receiving One apprentice to every three or 158. 48 fraction of three workers receiving 31s 48 not less than 46s. 6d. per week of Go hours. Time of Ending. .. 12.30 p.m. on Sunday. .. 12 miilnight on the otiier days of the week. OvBKTiME. — AU work done outside the hours fixed as the times of bugiuning and emliug work shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. All work done in any week by any person within the hours specified as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of the number of hours fixed for a week's work shall be paid for at the rate uf time and a half PtjBLio Holidays. — All work done on Good Friday and Christmas Day shall be paid for at the rate of time and a quarter, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the simsciaI rate shall only ba payable for work done on the day so substituted. * There i» a Commonwealth award in thit trade. (89.) MALT.t (Present lie termination in force from 6.3.11.) This Koard was appointed to " determine the lowest prices of rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maltster." • Persons engaged in turning floors, Wages. Wages. I'er week of 4S liourii. blading or unloading kilns, • or putting in or emptying steeps or screening mall or barley Persona engaged in any kind of work dcme iu a mall house, with the exception of ihe turning of floor or loading or unloading kilns, or putting in or emptying steeps or screening malt or barley : — Males from 14 to 16 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) Males from 16 to 18 (other than apprentices or improvers) ... Males from 18 to 19 (othe) than apprentices or improvers) .. Males from 19 to 21 (other than apprentices or improvers) ... Males over 21 years of age (other than apprenticesor improvers) 54s. 15s. 20s. 258. 308. 54s. 48 48 48 48 48 48 Under the age of 17 years ... 20s. Over 17 and under 18 years ... 25s. Over 18 and under 19 years ... 30s. Over 19 and under 20 years ... 36s. Over 20 and under 21 years... 45s. and thereaf ler the minimum wage. Pbopobtion (in the process, trade, or business of a maltster.) One apprentice to every three persons, or fraction of three persons, receiving not less than 54s. per week of 48 hours. Same as apprentices. PiiopoBTiON (in the process, trade or business of a nialtster). One improver to every five persons or fraction of five persons receiving not less than 548. per week of 48 hours. Overtime. — .\ny male employee over the age of 16 years who works any time in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. So.sDAY. — The wage payable to any person for work done on Sunday between 7 ».m. and 6 p.m. shall be as follows, viz. :— For the first five hours worked ... ... ... ... ... Ordinary rates. After the first five hours' work ... ... ... ... ... ... Double rates. Where loading or unloading kilns is done on Sunday — for any kind of work done... Double rates If any employee be worked on seven consecutivft days, commencing ou Monday in each and every week, he shall be paid at double rates for the seventh day of such employment. NiOHT-woKK. — Any employee engiged on night-work for more than six consecutive nights shall be paid at double rates for any time he is employed during the seventh night Night-work shall be deemed to mean employment between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., and day-work shall be deemed to mean employment between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Holidays. — All work done on Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Eight Hours Day shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. t There it a Commonweatth agreement in thit trade. Summary op Waobs and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Board. Minlmnm vr»ta. Hour* of Work vJ^k. AppreatloM. ImproTon. (90.) MANURE (ANIMAL). (Present Determination in force from 3.9.15.) ' Nora. — Thi;) determination applies to the whole of the State. Tlili Board was appointud to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may by paid to any persons employed in the process, trade, or business of the manufacture of manure from aniia.il matter. The powers conferred on this iioard were talc Time and a quarter. ss of 48 hours . . . . . . . . . ! Within the in excess i Casval Labovb (now defined by section 141, sub-section 4, Act 2*150, as work during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed by the Board). — Workers employed on casual work shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. Special Rates. — That double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day. Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Diy, and Boxing Day, and time and a hnlf for all work done on Foundation Dav (26th January); Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), and King's Birthday (3rd June), but if any other day be I'y Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named bohdays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (94.) MEN'S CLOTHINa. NoTB. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan Distriot as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelon^, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or ratos which may be paid to any person or persons or claasns of persons wheresoever employed in the business of a seller of any article of men's or boys' clothing, mercery, or wearing apparel, including und(trcluthiiip;, hats, and caps, but not including boots or shoes" (behtg a business usually or frequently carried on in a shop), has made the following Determination, viz. :— (1) That on the 7th day of November, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by thig Determination. 78 Summary op Waoes and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (94.) MEN'S CLOTHING— coniinue-i. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. ■ Persons under 21 years Wages per Week of 48 Hours. of aije (other than Apprentices or Improvers) employed In Parcels Commencing Age. Office or as Parcel Boys or Helpers. Experience. 15 years or 16 years. 17 years. 18 years. 19 years. 20 years. Wages per Week of 48 under. Hours. a. d. s. d. s. d. ij. - J d. «. d. t. d. K. d. 1st year— 15 years of age Ist 6 months . . U 6 11 6 15 20 20 25 or under . . 11 6 2n'i 6 months. . 11 6 11 6 15 20 20 32 6 IG years of age 15 2ad year — 17 „ „ 20 1 8t 6 months . . 15 6 16 6 22 6 27 6 30 40 18 „ „ 26 6 2nd 6 months. . 15 6 16 6 22 6 27 6 30 45 19 „ „ 33 3rd year — 20 ,, ,, 40 1st 6 months . . 20 24 30 40 40 50 2u(l 6 months . . 20 24 30 40 50 57 6 *th voar 20 6 32 6 40 6tli jear 33 40 8th year 40 Pbopoetiok (in any Shop or Place). APPEBNTICKS. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 60s. per wook of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver t j each person receiving not less than 759. per week of 48 hoiirs. Juvenile Workers, \.e.. Other Employees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Manager (other than depart- mental manager), i.e., a p rson intrusted wiih the control or supe.inlenilence of a branch shop, not« ithsianding he may be under the orders of a superior who does not devote his whole time to the manage- ment of the said branch tjhop Departmental manager, i.e., a person in control of 3 or more persons 21 years of age or over, notwithstanding be may bo under tlio ordor.s of a superior who does not devote his whole time to the manage- ment of such Department Pattom-mea, assemblers, or Balesmen^ — 21 years of age . . 22 years of age . . 23 to 59 years of ago 60 years of age or over . . Travellers, who are in any wav connopted with the sale of goods Collectors who, in addition to their duties of collecting, are in any way connected with the sale of goods . . Foreman packer or storoman, i.e., a person in control of 4 or more packers or store- men, notwithstanding he may be under the orders of a supoiior wh(> does not devote his whole time to the maiiage- a. d. 80 80 60 60 75 60 75 75 ment of such Department . . 70 Packers or storemen . . 62 6 Helpers employed — Between 7.30 a.m. and 11 p.m. .. .. ..60 Between 1 1 p.m. and 7.30 a.m. 76 Porters .. .. ..60 (3) OvEETiMB. — Any employee who in any week works for any time ii excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) Casttal Laboub. — Casual employees {i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 24 hours) shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates. — Time and a half shall bo the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (2Cth January;, Good Friday, Eastor Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day bo by .4.ct of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the sjjecial rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (95.) MILLET BROOM. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of BaUarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand, ingham; and the boroughs 3f Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Cliilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons, or classes of persons, employed in the process, trade, or business of millet broom making," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 20th day of December, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked, and replaced by this Determination. ; (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Wages. Ist year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 6th „ Per week of crs (surface) Car(x>nter8 Skip-repairers . . 66s. 66s. 63s. d8s. f)Os. 65s. 49s. 49s. 49s. 46s. 43s. 60». 55s. 60s. 80s. 46s. 60s. 49s. 49s. 48s. 60s. 48s. 50s. 46s. 44s. 44s. 45s. 603. 45s. 50s. 44s. OOs. 51s. 48 36 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Per week o( " 48 hours 1st year's experience . 1 5a. 2nd year's experience . 20s. 3rd year's experience . 258. 4th year's experience . 308. .'ith year's experience . 358. 6th year's experience . 40s. Pboportion (within any place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers engai»ed, and receiving not less than 438. p<'r week of 48 hours 48liuuni. When employed below the surfnre — Per w<-ek of 4ft hiiurit. 17 years of age, but under 18 years of age 18 years of age, but under 1 9 years of age 19 years of age, but under 20 years of age 20 years of age but under 20 years of age, uui 21 years of ago 30s. 358. 40s. 45s. When employed on the surface — 14 yours of age but under 15 years of nge .. 18s, 15 years of age, but under 16 years of age 16 years of age, but under 17 years of ago 17 years of age, but under 18 years of age ISyenrs of age, but under 19 years of age 19 years of age, but under 20 years of age 20 years of age, but under 2 1 years of age 20s. 25s. 28s. 33s. 388.- 43s. Profortion (within any place). One improver to every three or fraction of three workers engaged, and receiving not less than 43s. per week of 48 hours. OvRftTtMB — Any time worked in excess of the maximum number of hours as fixed by this Determination shall be paid for at the rate of tims »nd a quarter for the first two hours and thereafter time and a half. SpaoiAi. Rates for Suwdavs amd Pcbuo Holidays.— .\U work done on — (a) Sundays : (6) On the undarmentioned public holidays (that is to say) : — Good Friday ; ' Faster Monday : New Year's Day, > Ei ht Hours Day, I or such other day as may by authority of Aot of Parliament or proclamation be observed as • Cliristmas Day, f public holiday ia lieu thereof Boxmg Day, J •ball be paid for at the rate of time and a halL PiMi-woKK. — ^Tlus Board has determined that the employer may fix piece-work prices to be based on the wages rates determined. 80 SuMMABi OF Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, etc. — continued. • Wage*. Apprsntleai. • Board Uining District of Otppeland, and the Dry Creek. Gaffney's Creek. Wood's Point, Big River. Jamieson, Mltta Mltta, Bethanga, Uarrietville, and Corryong Divisions of the Min- ing District of Beecbwortb. AU other parU of Victoria. ImproTtrs (97.) MINERS (GOLD).* (FiMent Determination in force from 3.1.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or elasses ot persons wheresoever employed in the business or occupation (other than fireman, boiler attendant, or engine-drivers) of mining for gold." QUABTZ. Battery feeders . . Battcrymen Blaclcsmiths Blacksmiths' strikers Boiler and fluo cleaners . . Bracemen . . .5 Carpenters Carpenters, rough Drawers Drivers — Horse, underground Horse, at whims or whips Motor, underground Winch Lift iiutallers Miners putting up rises where the angle is not more than 40 degrees from the vertical or sinking shafts or winxes — Machine labour Hand labour Other miners — Machine labour Hand labour Pitmen Platmen Retort men Shift bosses Tailings -dam men Timber dressers Timbermen repairing shafts Other timber repairers Tool sharpeners All other underground workers AU others . . . . CTANTOa. Men In charge of one horse Men in charge of two horses Men in charge of thre'e horses Mixers Overseer in charge of one plant Ail others Dbedoino and SLxnciiro. Pumpholemen . . Puntmen on dredge or in charge of barge and nozzlemen Winch drivers . . All others Ptbitis. Fumacemen All others Per week ot 48 hours. £ «. d. 2 11 6 2 18 3 8 9 2 16 10 2 18 2 19 3 7 9 3 10 3 4 6 2 16 2 15 2 15 2 19 3 4 3 8 9 3 6 6 3 4 3 2 3 4 2 19 2 18 3 8 9 2 15, 3 1 3 9 10 3 6 6 3 10 2 16 10 2 12 8 3 1 3 4 6 2 19 2 14 9 2 14 9 2 12 8 Per week of 48 hours. £ t. d. 2 8 2 14 3 4 2 12 2 14 2 16 3 3 2 17 3 3 2 18 3 2 16 2 14 3 4 2 11 2 17 3 6 3 1 2 17 2 12 2 9 3 2 16 2 11 2 11 S « 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 15 3 3 4 3 2 2 13 9 2 10 2 14 9 2 11 2 16 10 2 12 2 14 9 2 11, 3 4 6 3 2 12 8 2 9 2 17 Waqsr. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Per week of 48 hours. . 3es. . 40s. . 468. Waqbs. PnopoR'noN (in any place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 48s. per week of 48 hours. Ist year 2nd year 3rd year Per week ol 48 hours. 36s. 40s. ,. 48s. PEOPOR'noN (in any place). One improver to every six or fraction of six workers receiving not less than 48s. per week of 48 hours. * Tlitrt art OommomtaUh amariijor thit teeufatUm. 81 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. • Wagw. Bo a *a «^ .« -St Boaid. Mining All other Apprentices. ImpiDvrrs. Dlitrlet of parts of Annt. Victoria. * Mlnin and t Creek BiTer Betha Oorry ingD » Per week of Per week of Per week of • (97.) MINERS (GOLD)*— eo»tlh 6th Par week ot iS boars. «. 12 17 23 32 40 47 i. 6 6 « 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 JUVEMILB WOBKBBS. Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) employed in attending nail-rolling machines, attending roofing nail-heading machines, attending horse- shoe nail-heading machines, attending horseshoe nail- pointing machines, assisting polisher, brushing off, drying, filling ladles, packing, saw-dusting, scrubbing, sorting, washing, watching nail mnohines, or wiring nail ma- chines — 1st year's experience . . 2nd , 3rd „ „ 4th 6th „ 6th „ „ OVEBTIMB. — Any employee who works in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rat« of time and a half. Special H vtes. — Time and a half shall be the rate paid for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Ka^ter .Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall be payable for work done only on the day so substituted. I'lEcE-woRK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. Pboportion. One improver to every four oi traction of four workers receiving not less than 61s. per week of 48 hours. 83 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (101.) NIGHT WATCHMEN. • NoTB. — (a) This Determiaation applies to the following parta of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factoriea and SUops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geolong. and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandring- liam ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geolong West, Nowtown and Cbilwcll, and Sebastopol. (6) Section 217 of the Fartorie-^ and 5Au/»' An lulj provides that" any person employed as a watchman shall be granted one holiday in every week." Tliis Board, which was appointed ''to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed In the occupation of a night watchman," hoH made the following Determination, namely : — (I) That on the Ut October, 1918, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. («) AppreDticM or ImproTcn. Waohs. Ut year 2nd year 3rd year Par week of 72 boun. 308. 36b. 408. NuuBEB (by any employer). One apprentice and one improver to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 608. per week of 72 hours. Otba Employan. Waobs. PerwMkol 72 boun. Night watchman employed — On a wharf or on a vessel thereat As a Block Watchman, i.e., engaged patrolling on foot outside, watching a block of buildings or two or more buildings witn two or more occupiers At a wheat stack Night watchman who does manual work in addition to watching Night watchman not provided for above 72s. 66b. 60(. (3) Otebtimb. — Any time worked in excess of 72 hours shall be paid for at the rate of time and a quarter for the first two hours, and thereafter time and a half. (4) Casual, Laboub. — Casual employees, i.e., persons employed during any week for not more than 30 hours, shall be paid at th» rate of time and a half. (5) Special Ratbs. — Time and a quarter shall be the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), and Christmns Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (102) OFnCE CLEANERS. Note. — ^Thia Determination applies to the following parts of VMotoris, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Kiiotories und Shops Acts; the cities of liaUarat, Bontiigo. Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and th' boroughs of Kaglebawl;, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and ShojM Acts, th-! Special Board appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates whicH may be paid to any person employed as Ofiice Cleaner in any building in which any process, trade, bosineas, or occupation is carried on, has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 8th March, H)19, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvera. Otbsi Employcea. 1st year 2nd „ 3rd „ MALES. Wages. Peopoetion. Per week of 48 boun, 15s. 22s. 6d. 30s. Apprentice. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 60s. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One male improver to every five male workers receiving not! ess than 608. per week of 48 hours. FEMALES. Waoe8.. Pa mek of 80 boon. 1st year .. .. .. .. .. 128. 6d. 2nd „ .. . .. .. .. IBs. 3rd „ .. .. .. .. 20a. Peopoetion. Apprenticts. One female appretitice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 308. per week of 30 hours. Improvers. One female improver to every ten female workers receiving not ieii than 30a. per week of 30 hours. Waqbs. MaUs.- Cleaners in charge of I, 2, 3, 4, or 6 cleaners „ „ 6 or more cleaners Other cleaners Femakt. Cleaners in charge of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 cleaners „ „ 6 or more cleaners Other cleaners Per week of 48 boun 658. 703. . 60s. Per week of 30 hours, 368. 408. 308. (3) TiMXS OF BeOINNINO and ENDOia WOEK. — (a) For Males (other than casual employees) — Tlmei of Beginaing. Times of Ending. " *•'"• • • • ■ • • . . 1 p.m. on the day on which the half-holiday is usually observocl. * *•'"• • • • • ■ • . . . 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (6) For Females (other than oasnal employees) — " * '"• 9.30 a.m. on the day on which the half-hoUday is usually observwi. ® *•">. . . . . . . 9 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4» OnBTiME. — That the foUowinK rates shall be paid for overtime: — Outside the hours fixed in Clause 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Time and a half. Within the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excess of the nambo^ of hours as fixed for a week's work Time and a quarter. (8) CAsrAX Laboue. — Casual employees, i.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more fhan one half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work, siiall bo paid at the rate of time and a third. (6) Spboial Ratbs.— Double time shall ho the rate for all w>rk done on .'^mulaye, Good Friday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), or Chriitma" Dav : wH timo nM a half shall be the rate for allwork Hnro on New Year's Day, 26th Janiarv (Foundation Day), King's Birthday, Boxing Day, or Easter Monday ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proolamation'substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for" work done on the day so aubsiitntod. 84 Summary of Waoks and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, zro.^continued. (103.) OPTICIANS. " Note. — This Determination \pplie9 to the following parti of V'iotoria, namely .—The Metropolitan District as detined in the Factories and Shops Acts, the cities of BiUarat, Bendigo, Ueelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of liallarat East and Sandringham ; and the boronghs of Eaglehawk, (Jeelong West, Xewtown and Uhilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to" determine the lowest prices or rates which may bj paid to any persons employed in manufacturing or mounting optical lenses or their franes," has maile the following Determination, nameiy: — (1) TImton tlio'22nd February, 1 918, the previous Determination of this Board shall l)e revoked and replaced by this Determination. <(2) Apprentices. Iffijirovers. Other Employees. Waoks. Per week of 40^ hours. Wagbs. Per week of 46i hours. Wages. Per week of 46t hours. Ist year .. ... 10s. 1st yeai;— Foreman, i.e., man in charge of three or more 2nd year .. ... 15.S. 1st 6 montlis .. 10s. employees ... 80s. ."ird year . . ... 20.S. 2nd 6 months .. 12s. 6d. Optical workers and repairers .. 72s. 4th year .. ... ... 25s. 2nd year .. 17s. 6d. oth year .. ... 35s. 3rd year .. 22s. 6d. 8th year .. ... 50s. 4th year .. .lOs. I'ROPORTlox (in any factory, shop, 5th year .. 40r. or place). 6th year .. 558. One apprentice to every two tir Pbopoktion (in any factory, shop. fraction of two workers receiving or place). not less th an 72s. per week of 46J , One improver to every two hours. workers receiving not less than An indenture of apprenticeship 72s. per week ot 46J liours prescribed was approved on 15th December, 1914. (3) Time of Beqinwno and Ending Work. Time ot Bcginnini,'. Time of Endins;. S a.m. .. ... 1 p.m. on the day on which the lialf-holiday is observed. 8 a.m. ... ... 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — That the following rate shall be paid for all work done : — («) Outside the liours fixed in Clause (3) ... .. ... ... I ,.,. , . (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause (3) in excess of 46i hours in any week ( ' ^ (5) .Special Rate.s. — That double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, 26th January (Foundation Day), (iood Friday, Easter Saturday, Kaster Monday, 'Jlst April (Kight Hours Day), King's lUrthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, .New Year's Day ; but, if any other day be by Act of I'arliament or TrocUmation substitu ed for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payalile tor work d'uie on the day so suVjstituted. ' Hours (104.) ORGAN. 1 of (Present Determination in force JUinimumWage.! Work i per 1 Week. Apprentices. Improvers. from 6.6.10.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a builder of pipe organs." Wages. Any adult person Any person 16 years or under (other than apprentices or im- provers) employed aa a tuner's assistant, or in sweeping up, or in mixing glue, or at turning the grindstone, or in running mes- sages 58s. 48 48 Ist year's experience 2iid year's experience 3rd year's experience 4th year's experience 5th year's experience 6th year's experience 7th year's experience and thereafter the minimum wage determined by the Board. I'ur week (if 44 hours. Bs. 73. 6d. lOs. 15b. 208. 268. 30s. any person or persons or classes of Wages. Same as apprentices. Pbopohtion (in any factory, shop, or place). One improver to every three adult persons, or fraction thereof, and receiving not loss than 68g. per week of 48 hours. Otbrtoie. — Any male person over the age of sixteen years who works for any time in excess of the maximum number of 48 hours per week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. (105.) OVENMAKERS. Note This Determination applie.s to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in thu Factories and Shops Acts : the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong. and Warrnambool : the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and Shop? Acts, the Special Board appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (other than moulders) employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of ovens, stoves, or ranges, or parts thereof, has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 10th day of April, Z91!t, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by thii Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Ist year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 6tb „ 6th „ 7th „ Wages per week of 48 hours. Commencing age— 14 years.! 15 years. ». d. 12 a. d. 17 16 years.: 17 years. 17 22 6 22 e 28 I 33 6 C I 42 6 54 2H 3.3 42 6 54 «. d. I a. d. 22 28 33 (■' 2S 33 42 6 54 42 .".4 18-20 years. a. d. 33 6 42 6 54 PnOPOBTION .•i pprenUces. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 63s. per week. Improvers. Olio improver to every two or fraction of two workers receiving not less than 70s. per week. Juvenile Workers, i.e., persons under 21 years (ot icr than apprentices or improvers) employed on drilling ma- chines drilling Iioles up to and including 0-16-inch diameter, or cutting off or screwing jjipes. Wages per week of 48 hours. *. d. 14 years of age . . lo 15 ,. . 20 16 „ . 2G 17 .. . 32 18 „ . 37 19 „ 20 „ . 45 6 . 57 (i Other Employees (Including aepairers). 67 78 70 76 67 70 Wages per week of 48 hours. Blacksmiths Coppersmiths who braze Coppersmiths who do not braie Electroplaters in charge of electroplating plant Electroplaters' assistants Grinders or polishers Persons fettling or dressing with consolidated emery wheels . . . . . . . . 66 Persons engaged on bending, bolting, drilling, punching, riveting, assembling or fitting in connexion with — (a) Colonial, side, or selectors oven* . . \ (b) Laundry, heating, or gas stoves •• '.72 (c) Cooking stoves or portable ranges not | more than 3 ft. 6 in. in length , . j {d) any other cooking or heating apparatus — (i) Inside employer's factory . . 74 (ii) Outside employer's factory — repair work — Between 7.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. . . 120 6 p.m. and 7.30 a.m. . . 144 ♦ Labourers, truckers, or blackcrs . . . . 63 < 85 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (105.) OVENMAKERS— eonitnuoi. (3) Overtime.— Any male employee over the age of sixteen years who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. (4) Special Hates. — Double time shall be the rate for all worl; done on Sunday, Kew Year's Day, 2f.th January (I'ciuiidatioii Day). Good Friday, Ka.iter Monday. Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day, but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece- WORK. — The Board determines under the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 144 of the I'nttoricMind Shops .Arhangin,i;." (I) That on the 4th November, 1018, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by (his Determination. ' 1 (2) Apprentices ob Improvers. Other Employees. WlOES. Apprentices. Improvers. Wages per Wage* per week of hour. 44 hours. 1st year's experience 2nd „ „ 3rd „ „ 4th „ „ «tl» „ ,. Per week of 48 boors. ». d. 7 6 12 6 Per week of 44 boura. 17 C 25 36 Per week of 48 boars. «. d. 12 20 Per week of 44 hours. 25 35 45 3. d. a. d. Grainors, piiinters, paper- 18 73 4 hangers, or sign writers 1 Peopoetion (m any Place). Apprentices. One apprentice to eve^ three workers or fraction thereof receiving not less than 73s. 4d. per week of 44 hours. All amended indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 4th April, 1916. Improvers. One improver to three Two improvers to six workers receiving not Three impnn ers to tweh o, and thereafter \ less than 738. 4d. per one additional improver to every twelve week of 44 hours. additional • (3) Time o» BEaiNmna and Emdino Work. — The time of beginning and ending work for any person (other than an apprentioe or improver in his 1st or 2nd year at the trade) shall be : — Time of Btginninc. Time of Ending. 8 a.m. . , . . . . 12 noon on Saturdays, and 8 a.m. . . . . . . 5 p.m. on the other working days of tho week. (4) OTBBTniE. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — Outside the times of beginning and ending work . . Within the times of beginning and ending work, in excess of 44 hours in any week ::} Time and a half. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Simdays, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (28tb January), Good Friday, Easter Alonday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Deitinitions. — A " Centre " shall mean the point from which distances shall be calculated, and such distances shall b« measured in a straight line. The " MetroDolitan Area " shall mean the area included within a radius of 12 miles from the General Post Office, Melboum*. A " Coimtry Area " shall mean any mimioipal area beyond a radius of 12 miles from the General Post Office, Melbourne. An employer may select as his " centre " either — His usual permanent place of business ; or His usual plae* of residenee. 86 Summary of Waues and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (106.) VAWTIERS— continued. Having selected his centre, he shall notify the Chief Inspector of Factories of such selection within 21 days of the coming into forc« of this Determination, and the same shall be regarded as his centre. Any employer eatablishini? a business subsequent to the coming into force of this Determination shall within 21 days give notice to the Chief Inspector of Factories of his selection of a centre. Any employer in the metropolitan area failing to indicate his centre shall be deemed to have selected the General Post Office, Melbourne, as his centre. Any employer in a country area failing to indicate his centre shall be deemed to have selected the principal post office of the municipality in which he resides as his centre. It an employer desires to establish an additional centre, or to alter his centre, lie shall give three months' notice to the Chief Inspector of Factories of his intention to establifih such additional centre or to alter his centre, a a the case may be, and the premises must be in bond fide use for the general purposes of his business. Where an employer, who has no centre within the " Metropolitan Area," undertakes work therein, his centre shall be the General Post Office, Melbourne, for men hired within that area. Where an employer, who has no centre within a " Country Area," undertakes work therein, his centre shall be the princi]'»l poet office of such area for men hired within that area. " Local work " shall mean all work within a radius of 12 miles from a centre. " Distant work" shall mean all work without a radius of 12 miles from a centre. (7) Allowanobs. — The following extra rates shall be paid to any person on — A. " Local " work : (1) On all work distant from a centre IJ miles and up to 3 miles, ^d. per hour extra;' (2) On all work distant from a centre over 3 miles and up to 5 miles, Id. per hour extra ; ' (3) On all work distant from a centre over 5 miles and up to 12 miles, IJd. pev hour extra. Provided always that if an employer supplies the means of transit (otherwise than by tram, train, or other public conveyance) for his employees to and from their work daily, while engaged on this class of work, he shall not be required to pay such extra rates. The above-mentioned allowances to be paid notwithstanding that men are hired at the place where the work is to be carried out. B. "Distant" work: — On all work distant from a centre over 12 miles. Is. lOd. per day or lis. per week extra, or in lieu of such extra payment, at the option of the employer, sxiitable board and lodging may be provided. Tools and Appliances. — Each painter shall provide himself with an ordinary dusting brush and all necessary stripping and (topping knives, hammer, hacking knife, screwdriver, and glazing knife. Each paperhanger shall provide himself with a lay-brush, scissors, rule, plumb-bob, chalk-line, trimming knife (if he requires such an instrument), hammer, hacking knife, screwdriver, glazing knife, and also with surface and joint rollers. Each signwriter shall provide hiniaelf with a mahl-stick, rule, straight edge, chalk line, penoib and gilding cushion, mop, knife, and tip. If any employee is required to provide any tools or appliances other than those enumerated above, Cd. per hour in addition to the ordinary rates shall be paid by the employer. The employer shall supply all tools necessary for the use of apprentices and improvers. (107.) PAPER. KoTK. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State of Victoria. This Board which was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed making paper, cardboard, carpet felt, or any similar products," has made the following Determination, namely : — ^, (1) That on the 10th day of January, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers, Age. Under 17 years 37 years i8 „ 19 „ 20 „ Wages per week of 18 hours. Males. Females. «. d. 15 20 24 28 30 « d. 12 6 15 15 18 18 Apprentieea. Propoktion (in any factory or place). MALES. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 548. per week of 48 hours. FEUALUS. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 27s. per week of 48 hours. Ijnprovera. Pbopobtion (in any factory or place). HALBS. Three male improvers to every five or fraction of five male workers receiving not less than Sis. per week of 48 hours. rSHALES. Three female improvers to every five or fraction of five female workers receiving not less than 278. per week of 48 hours. Other Employees. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. (1) Males Emplotbd on Paper or Board Machines in th« Work of Making Cardboard. Machineman Beaterman where a kollergang is not employed Beaterman where a kollergang is employed Board paster in charge of oiore than two other board pasters Head boilerman, head finisher, or head kollergangman Guillotineman, head yardman, or head strawcutter All others ... (2) Males Employed in Any Other Work. Paper-machine man or beaterman Breakerman Head finisher ... ' Assistant finishers ... Head ragcutt«r Asaistanf ragcutters Bleach houseman, boilerman, glazing maohitoeman, guillotineman. papercutter in charge, lining machineman in charge, ripping and rewinding machineman, or head yardman All others .. Females Employed in Any Other Work. Females 66s. 66s. 60s. 60s. 60s. 57s. 54a. 72». OOs. 60s. 57s. 608. 67s. 57«. 54< 371. (3) Overtime. — Any employee who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra lime at the rate of time and a quarter. (4) Special Rates for Su.ndays and Poblic Holidays. — Time and a half shall be the special ra'.e payable for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Hay, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (^Ist April), Christmas Day, Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, th« special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. 87 Summary of Waqm and Conditions Fixed by Waqe3 Boards, btc. — continued. (108.) PAPER BAG TRADIL Note.— This P<>trrniiiiati(>iPappli<'H to Ihu following parts of Victoria, namely : — Thn Mdropolitun District sa dofmcd in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the citius of Ballarat, Bondigo, Gcelong, and Warmambool ; the towiiK of Ballarat Kast and Sandringhani ; and tho boroughs of Eaglcliawk, Gw-long West, Newtown and C'hilwell, and Scbastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories ai.d Shojw A(^t8, the Special Board appointed to "dotennine the lowest price* or rale* which may be jmid to any person or jKrson.s or classes of pt-rsons employed either inside or outside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or business of" a maker of paper bags " has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the Ulthdayof March, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) . AppreiiUoet. Wagbs. Per week of 48 boors. 1st year 2nd " .. 3rd „ 4th „ 9th „ Male. 12 14 17 20 25 Femitle. ImproTtn. Waoks. Per week ot 48 hoars. Proportion, in any factory or place. Males. One male apprentice to every two or fraction of two male workers ni- oeiving not less than 66.S. per week of 48 hours. Females. One female apprentice to every two or fraction of two female workers receiving not less than SOs. per week of 48 hours. Apprentices employed in the manu- facture of hand-made bags to be paid piece-work prices only. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 8th March, 1911. Ist year . . ist months 2nd 6 „ 2nd year. . 3rd „ .. 4th „ .. 5th „ .. Male. s. d. U 6 19 23 29 36 Female. s. d. 14 6 17 20 24 Proportion, in any factory or place. Males. Two male improvers to each male worker receiving not less than 663. per week of 48 hours. Females. Two female improvers to each female worker receiving not less than 308. per week of 48 hours. Improvers employed in the manu- facture of hand-made bags to be paid piece-work prices only. Other Kmployees. Waqes. Fer Week d 4S Honn. 75 70 66 33 30 .Maclunisls working — Two or more machines f . . One machine . . . . Guillotine cutters . . Female machine minder controlling machine without assistance Females with over four years' e.\ptuience Females engaged in the manufacture of hand- made bags '.. . . Piece-work prices only (3) Overtime. — Any person who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week to be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) Special Rates. — Doiibic time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Eastei Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the abovenamed public holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (.5) PiBCE-woRK A schedule of piece-work prices for certain classes 'of work has been fixed by the Board, which has also determined as to other classes that the employers may fix pioco-work pnces to bo based on the wages rates determined. (109.) PASTRYCOOKS.* v Note.— This Determination, on the 2l8t April, 1919, applied to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts j the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warmambool; the towns of Ballarat Blast and Sandringham : the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of tho Factories and Shops Act 1915, the Special Board appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of person? employed in the process, trade, or business of a pastryoook has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 2l3t April, 1919, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) - Appreatlaes or ImpiOTtn. Adolts. '' Wages. 1st six months' experience 2iid 3rd „ „ 4th 6th „ „ 0th 7th 8th „ „ 9th 10th PSOPOBTIONATK NUMBEB. Apprentices. One apprentice to every two or fraction of two workers receiving not less than the minimum wage. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 16th February, 1916. Improvers. One improver to the first three adults receiving not less than 73s. per week of 48 hours, and thereafter one improver to every four additionikl such adults, Per week of 48 hoTUS. t. d. 11 6 14 6 17 6 20 23 26 29 32 37 6 46 Wages. Fore-hand, i.e., a person who is in charge of a bakehouie or bakehouses in adjacent buildings under one employer Single-hand, i.e., a person who is in charge of a bake- house or workroom with no pastrycook, omamenter, or ornamental worker under his or her charge Pastrycooks, ornamenters, or ornamental workers Farwsskof 48 bona. «. d. 87 Persons engaged for the whole of their working time in the delivery and sale of pastry . . Persons engaged solely in the delivery of pastry All other male* . . Females engaged in general work . . Jobbers, i.e., casual workers engaged for not more than half the numboi of hours fixed for a week's work . . 80 73 Far week tt 61 honn. 66 6 63 60 PerwMkaf 48 boon. 30 9 Fer bonr. 1 9 * T^srt {( a CommomceaHh ofreement for this trails. 68 Summary of Wages and Oonditions Fixed by Waqes Boabds, etc. — continued. (109.) PASTRYCOOKS*— conWiwed. > A JUVBNILE WOBKIRS. Wagef. (3) PsKSONS UNDBB 21 YEARS OF AoB (other than apprentices or improvers) employed as follows :- Males engaged in the delivery of pastry Persons engaged in general work for the Females engaged decorating Christmas and for not more than 30 hours per week and whole of their working time — New Year cakes — in general work — Pet week ot Males. Femalea. iS hours. Per week ol 52 hoon. a d 16 years of age . 17 6 *. d. Per week Per wei k 16 .. 20 16 years of ago .. 23 o< 48 houn. of 48 hours. 17 .. 23 17 .. 26 18 26 18 .. 29 s. d. .5. i. 19 .. 29 19 „ .. .. 34 6 14 years of age 14 6 20 .. 32 20 .. 40 1 15 17 6 Per week ol 14 6 • 62 boon. \6 years of age 20 16 17 23 20 6 / 18 26 21 19 29 23 20 34 6 24 (4) That, wherever occurring in this Determination, the expression " General Work " shall include — Bringing fuel to oven. Bringing in raw material. Buttering tins. Carrying goods to and from the oven. Cleaning bakehouse yard or premises. Cleaning fruit and cutting peel. Cleaning pans, tins, tools, or other utensils. Cracking eggs. Emptying tins or trays. , Labelling tins or boxes. Packing wedding cakes, othet cakes, o> pastry. Papering hoops. Turning hand machines. Washing of machines. Wrapping cakes or flour. Tfans •( beglimlnc. Time of iDdlng. (5) Tmi or BxonmiKO avd Endino Work on each day . . . . . . . . 6 a.m. . . 9 p.m. (6) OVKBTIHX — (a) Outside the hours fixed as the times of beginning f During the first 48 hours of such work in any and ending work ■< week . . . . . . . . IJJ. per hour extra, l^Thereafter . . . . . . . . . . Time and a third. (6) Within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of i8 hours in any week. . Time and a tliird. (7) SuiTDAYs AND PuBLio HOLIDAYS. — That double time shall be the special rate for all work (except making fermented doughs) done on Sundays before 7 p.m., and that time and a third shall be the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. * That U a CommmietMh agreement in thit trade. (110.) PERAMBULATOR. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, viz. : — -The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bondigo, Geelong, and Warmarabool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham : and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to ' ' determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of perambulators," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 30th November, 1918, the last previous Deteoninatiou of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Wages per Week of 48 Hours. All Other Employees. Apprentlees and Improvers. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Apprentices. . Improvers. ». d. s. d. s. d. Ist year 10 12 Ironworkers (i.e., makers wholly or partly of 2nd,, 17 6 17 6 gondola or scroll spring undergears), painters. 3rd „ 22 6 25 wooden body makers, upholsterers, or hood 4th „ 27 6 30 makers 67 6 6th. 35 37 6 All others 65 6th „ 44 45 Proportion. Apprentices. One apprentice to every throe or fraction of three male workers receiving not legs than the minimum wage. Improvers. One improver to three, two improvers to eight, and there- ' after one additional improver to every additional six workers receiving not less than the minimum wage. • 89 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, btc— conftni*«i. (110 ) PERAMBULATOR— ooiUintJed, (3) Time ot Beglnalag. 7.45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. (4) TiMK OP BBalNSINO AND EnDINQ WoBK. Time at Ending. 12.30 p.m. oii thu day on whioh the half-holiday is usually (jbseivcci. 5.30 p.m. on the other working days of the week. OvillTIME. Within the hours fixed in Clause (3) in exooss of 48 hours in any week Outside the hours fixed in Claase (3) — Time and a quarter - — On Suturday (or tlie day on which the hair-holiday is usually observed). Dn other days. Between midnight and 7.45 a.m. Between 12.30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Between S p.m. '.erminatioa applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Bailarat. Bendigo, (3eelong, and Warmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saodringham ; and the boroj^hs of Eiigichatrk, Geeloog West, Xewtown and ChUwell, and Sebaatopol. Tiiis Boani. which was ^ippoiated to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persona, or claMea of petaons, employed either irLjide or oatside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or bosineas of a maker of picture framea, incladiag art picture frames, framed mirrors, and orermanteU other than overmantels usually made by oabinetmakeia," has made tlie foUowim; Determinatioo. namely : — (1) That on the 23rd Jay of De .-ember, 1918, the last prerioos Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaoed by thia Determination. (2) A|i|iiftlu I am] Trnpraim, JarcaBs Wortas, >.«., Per- soas aadsr U jeais cf tfp { OUmt th— Apfsent tes or luiiawsB) deaaias wk- itap, lUAl i lag aadiSack- bks MO^diasi, eaiijlus or moTlBC mark, or dcUTcriog ATPRKSnCKt. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year -Ith year 5th year HCPBOTIBS. 1st; 1st six months 2iid six month* ".^nd y ar — 1st six moatlia 2iid six months Srdyear — 1st six months Sod six months 4th year— 1st six months Sod six months Sthyoar- 1st six months 2od six months Mska. FctweAal 48 hi lHt«, t. d. 11 13 6 30 2.5 35 U 13 6 16 6 20 22 6 25 27 6 30 35 42 Femslas. ftrweakaf 45 bona. t. d. 10 6 16 6 30 25 10 10 n 13 6 15 6 18 21 24 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year FcrwKkst 48 boon. $. d. 13 6 18 6 27 6 35 42 FEOPOBTIOS (In any factory or place). Malea. One male apprentice to every two or fraction of two male workers receiving not leas than 573. per week of 48 boors. One female apprentice to every three or fnotion of three female workers receiving not less than 30t, per week d 45 boon. /■SI One Hale improver to one or two malel BaeeiTiiig wofkers I not leas Two male improvers to three male [ than 67a. woAea ( per week improvers to six male I of 48 J hours. ■d so on in proportiaa where more than six male w o r ke r s leoeiving not lea* than 579. per week of 48 hoars are employed. One taMtle improver to e«eh female worker receiving not la— than 30s. per week p. ~ g, ditional improver to every twenty additional per week of 44 hours. Wages per Wages per week of 44 hours. hour. 9. d. Persons employed — ». d. £ » d. (a) Where the artificial temperature is — Over 130° F. ..37 7 17 8 115° P., but not exceeding 130° F. .. ..2 7 5 13 8 (6 ) In connexion with ammonia coils in an artificial temperature of 50° F. or lower . . ..27 5138 (r) Load burning or at lead work con- nected therewith . . ..24 628 (d) On old ships, i.e., ships that have done one trip or more ..20 480 (?) At any other flumUng or gasfitting work .. 1 10 4 8 fl4 Summary of Wages and Conditions fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (116.) PLUMBERS— co»rf.«uc. d. .. d. Wages per Week of 48 bonis.* Persons (other than apprentices, improvers, or females engaged in connexion with bookbinding) employed as operators of "~ ' Males. Females. addressograph machines, feeders (not being persons in charge of cylinder ma- , chines), flyers employed on platen or cylin- Appren- tices. Im- Appren- der machines, varuishers, machine bron- provers. tices or Improvers zors, stone polishers, ink grinders, label punchers, binders, and gluers (by hand or macliine) for quarter bound work cut s. d. s. d. ». d. flush, turned in paper sides, and all flush 1st year 8 6 10 6 10 *ork not turned in, packers or persons 2nd" „ 10 6 12 6 15 preparing printed matter for sale or dis- 3rd „ 4th ,, 14 18 16 20 18 22 6 tribution, including preparing wrappers or labels, folding, insetting, stapling, 5th „ 23 25 27 6 counting, wrapping, tying, labelling, car- 4 eth ,, 29 31 rj-ing or despatching — 7th „ 36 38 Males 10 12 6 17 6 22 6 28 6 40 Females . . Attendants online-casting machines, labour- 8 10 14 18 22 30 ^ 10 ? Proportion. ers, or roller boys 12 17 6 22 6 28 6 40 Tin-plate feeders, carriers, or cleaners-off — 10 \ Apprentices. Males 12 6 17 6 22 6 28 6 40 One male apprentice to every three or Females 10 10 15 18 22 6 30 fraction of three male workers receiving Copy-holdors in daily newspaper offices — IstiYear. not less than 573. Od. per week of 48 I5etween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. . . 24 24 24 24 40 hours. Between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. . . 36 36 36 36 52 One female apprentice to every tliree or fraction of three female workers re- Per Week of 42 Hoars. ceiving not less than 323. per week of 48 hours. Persons employed on monotype casting Male Improvers. machines . . . . , . 15 20 25 30 40 One male improver to every fifteen journeymen receiving not less than 768. per week of 48 hours. Per Week of 48 Hours. Female Improvers. 1 ' Under 16. 16 to 17. 17 to 18. 18 to 19. 19 to n. BOOKBINDING. ~~" Two female improvers to every female s. d. s. d. s. d. a. d. 1. d. worker receiving not less than 328. per Female copy-holders . . 10 14 18" 22 28 6 week of 48 hours. • 16 or over. ANY OTHER BRANCH. Message boys 10 15 One female improver to every 20 female workers receiving not less than 1st 6 Months. 2nd 6 Months. Thereafter. 32s. per week of 48 hours. s. d. 8 ■»: d. 9 ,. d. 15 An amended indenture of apprentice- Reader boys ship prescribed was approved on 2.8.16. Hand bi;onzor, when the work occupies in ' any week — • • While employed on hand bronzing, 4d. per hour extra. Less than four hours Same as a male feeder Four hours or more Is. per hour Other Employees. Claues of Persons. In Daily Newspaper Offices. Compositors, sluggers, bulk hands, or makers-up Adults (other than apprentices or improvers) learning composition on slug-casting maolilnes, during three months' probation Licaders or revisers — First two years' experience as such Thereafter Male copy-holders — First year's experience as such . . Thereafter Between 6 p.m. and 9 ajn. Per Week of 48 Boon. J. d. 108 108 77 6 97 6 62 6 67 6 6689.-7 98 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (119.) PRINTERS— coBftnued. (2) — continued. Otiiek Employees — conlinued. CUiBei of Fenons. Between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Per Week of 42 Hours. Betwecu 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. Ber Week ot 42 Houn. In any otheb Place. Persons (other than appronticoe or iinproverii) composing on slug-oasting machines or on monotype key- boards (including cleaning or remedying defective working of the machine) — During first five months' experience . . . . . . . . _ . . Thereafter . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . Compositors, sluggers, bulk hands, makers up, stereotypors, eleotrotypers, letterpress men, letterpress machinists, or persons in charge of cylinder machines (including time occupied in feeding) Proof readers or revisers . . . . , In any Place. Persons in charge of four or more monotype casting machines Persons employed on monotype casting machines Attendants on — 1 to 3 line-casting machines 4 to 8 line-casting machines 9 or more line-casting machines Lithographers employed on rotary machines, quad-crown Lithographers employed on rotary machines, under quad All other lithographers Tin printers Stone polishers Storemen or packers who work singly . . Storemen who supervise 1 to 3 persons. . Storemen who supervise 4 or more persons Printing ink grinders and publishing deapatohers Bookbinders, vellum binders, letterpress binders for turned-in work, by iiaud or machine, including those who saw and roll books (excepting persons only employed on quarter bound work cut flush, turned in paper sides), marblers, finishers, iiaper rulers (i.e., a person who makes ready, sets pens or discs on the machine, mixes inks, rules proofs, or regulates the supply of ink to the- machine), blockers (except for blind blocking), guillotine machine cutters, gilders, leather cutters, pocket-book makers, and hand indexers . . Bookbinding forewomen who supervise or are responsible for the work of- From 3 to 8 employees . . From 9 to 20 employees . . Over 20 employees . . Female sewers or takers-down of letterpress work Female tin plate feeders, carrior.s, or cleaners off All other adult males All other adult femalqs and over \ d. 63 85 9 74 96 9 a. d. 78 per week of 48 hours 82 66 per week of 42 hours 57 6 ;, 60 per we 66 75 82 80 78 82 61 61 66 71 60 76 37 6 42 6 45 34 6 33 6 57 6 32 >ek of 48 hours (3) Casual Labour. That casual workers {i.e., persons engaged in feeding or publishing, in other than daily newspaper ofBcos. during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed as a week's work) shall be paid 2d. an hour in addition to the rates fixed. (4) Time of Beginning and Ending Work. That the times of beginning and ending work (except in daily newspaper offices) for any person (other than those composing on slug-oasting machines, or monotjrpe keyboards) shall be : — Time ot BegluDlng. 8 a.m. Time ('( Ending. 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays, and 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (5) OVEBTIMB. That the following rates shall be paid for work done during the times specified hereunder, viz. : — In Daily Newspaper Offices. By any person (except those composing) in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work . . . . . . . . ..... Time and one-third. Time and one-third. In any other Place. Composing on slug-casting machines or monotype keyboards — In excess of 42 hours iu any we»k Any other work — Within the times of beginning and ending work as specified in Clause 6 in excess of the maxi"j mum number of hours fixed for a week's work .. .. .. .■ .• >■ Time and one-third. Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on any of the ordinary working days of the week . . . . J La(er than 12.30 p.m. or eariter than 8 a.m. on Saturday .. .. •• " I Time and a half . Later than 10 p.m. or earlier than 8 a.m. on any other working day . . . . . . / 99 Summary of Waohs and Conditions Fixbd by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (119.) PRINTERS— .4.18.) Note. — This Dotermuiation applies to the whole of the State outside and exoeptmg the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Gcelong and Warrnambool ; the town of Ballarat East ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board was appointed to " determine the lowe-ft prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or olassei of persons (other than persons subject to the Determination of the Printers Board ir the Provincial Printers Board) employed in the process, trade, or business of — (o) Printing (including Bookbinding) ; (6) Stereotyping; (c) Preparing printed matter for sale or distribution, including preparing wrappers or labels, folding, insetting, stapling counting, wrapping, tying, labelling, carrying, or despatchmg. ' (2) ' Apprentices or Improvers. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. 1st year's experience 2nd year's experience 3ril year's tX()erienco 4th year's expeiienco 5th year's cxperieiicf 6th year's experionct- 7th year's experionce Peoportion (by any employer). 7s. 6d. 10s. 129. 6d. 15b. 17s. 6d. 22a. 6d. 27s. Gd. Apprenticet. .One apprentice to every three or fraction of throe workers receiving not less than 60s. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver to every two journeymen employees receiving not less than GOs. per week of 48 hours. Other Employees. Wages. Machine compositors operating linotype, monoline, or barotypo machines (including oleaiiing or remedying defective working of the machine) MaoliiDe compositors operating any other machine (including cleaning or remedying defective working of the' machine) . . Adults learning machine composition, during a probationary period of tliroo months, i.e., .')04 hours actually worked on the machine Per Week of 42 Hours. 788. 72s. 6d. All other adult workers 608. Per Week oj 48 Hours. 60t. (3) Time of Bboikning \ . . AND Endimq Work / Time of Beginning uot curlier than — 8 a.m. 8 a.m. Time of Ending not later than — . . 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays or local half -holidays. . . 10 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) OyXBTiUE. — ^That the following rates shall be paid for all work done : — Outside the hours fixed in Clause 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. \ Time and a third Witliin the hours fixed in Clause 3 in excess of the number of hours as fixed fora week's work / (5) Special Rates. — ^All work done on Sundays (except work done on newspapers which are published on Mondays), New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ehall be paid for at the rate of double time. PiKCE-woEC — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed bj the Board. (121.) PRINTERS (PROVINCIAL). Note. — This Detormiriiition applies to the fpUowing parts of Victoria, namely : — The cities of Ballarat, Bendieo, Geelong, and Wartnambool ; the town of Ballarat East ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Gcelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons (other than persons subject to the Determinations of the Printers Board or the Country. Printers Board) employed in the process, trade, or business of — (a) Printing (including bookbinding) ; (h) Stereotyping ; (c) Preparing printed matter for sale or distribution, including preparing wrappers or labels, folding, insetting, stapling, counting, wrapping, tying, labelling, carrying, or despatching " has made the following Deterndnution, namely :— (1) That on the 9th January, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. 100 ScMMARY OF Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — contimied. (121.) PRINTERS (PROVINCIAL)— continued. . (2) Appreatices. Improvers. , During — Number (in any factorj-). Males. Females. Males. Females. Wages pet Wages per Wages per Wages per week of week of week of week of 48 hours.* 48 hours.* 48 hours.* 48 hours.* «. d. e. d. ». d. «. d. Male Appbentices. Male Improvers. 1st year S 6 8 10 6 8 2nd „ 10 6 10 6 12 6 10 6 One male appren-~| One male improver to every fifteen 3rd „ 14 14 16 14 tico to one or two Male workers journeymen receiving not less than 4th „ 18 18 20 18 and thereafter one reeeiving not 73s. per week of 48 hours. 5th „ 23 23 25 23 additional male ap- > less than 57s. 6th „ 29 31 prentice to each 6d. per week 7th „ 36 38 additional three or of 48 hours, fraction of throe Female Improvers. Female Apprentices. • While empl oyed on bandibronzlng, 4d. per hour extra. One female apprentice to every Bookhinding. three or fraction of three female Two female improvers to every workers receiving not less than 308. female worker receiving not le.ss than per week of 48 hours. 30s. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship Any other Branch. prescribed was approved on 22nd August, 1916. One female improver to every twenty female workers receiving not less than 30s. per week of 48 hours. Per week Wages. Juvenile Workers, i.e.. Persons under 21 years of age (other than Apprentices or Years of Age. Improvers) employed aa — ' of — Under 17. 17 to 18. 18 to 19. 19 to 21. In Daily Newspaper Offices — s. d. t. d. s. d. i. d. Copy-holders . . 42 hours 20 25 30 35 GaUey boys . . 42 „ 15 20 25 35 Juveniles in machine or stereo, rooms 42 „ 20 25 30 40 Attendants on slug-casting machines — Between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. . . 42 „ 20 25 30 40 Not bei ng more than 18 Years of Age. Over 18 • 1st Year and under 21 2nd Year. 3rd Year. 4 Y th ear. Years of Age. 1st Six 2l] d Six •» Months. M Dnths. $. d. a . d. s. d. s. d. B. d. s. d. Between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 48 „ 9 10 6 15 20 26 6 37 6 /a any other place — Attendants on slug-casting machines 48 „ 9 10 6 15 20 26 6 37 6 In any place — Operators of addressograph machines, feeders (not being persons in charge of cylinder machines), flyers employed on platen or cylinder machines, varnishers, machine bronzers, stone polishers, label punchers, quarter binders, or gluers for quarter-bound work cut flush turned-in paper sides, or all flush work not turned in, tiji plate carfiers or cleaners off, packers or persons preparing printed matter for sale or distribution, including preparing wrappers or labels, folding, insetting, staphng, counting, wrapping, tying, labelling carrying, or despatching : — Males 48 „ 9 10 6 15 20 26 6 37 6 Females 48 „ 8 S 13 17 21 27 Labourers, reader boys, or roller boys 48 „ 9,0 IC 6 15 20 26 6 37 6 Juveniles on monotype casting machines 42 „ 15 le 18 22 6 25 35 i Years of Age. Under 16. 16 01 over s. d. ( . i. Message boys . . ' . . 48 „ 9 i: 2 6 Hand bronzer, when the work occupies in any week — Loss than 4 hours Same as male fceo er. 4 hours or more . . . . Is. per k our. 101 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — coruinued. (121.) PRINTERS (PROVINCIAL)— con«»«e. d. 100 per week of 42 hours Man in charge of rotary machine 87 6 ,f Man in charge ol flat-bed machines 80 6 ,, First assistants on rotary machines . . . . . . . . . . 73 6 Stereotyper in charge . 80 6 f» All other adult males in daily newspaper offices 57 6 ff Between Between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. p.m. and 7 a.m. Per week of Per week of In any other Place. 42honr8. 42 hours. Persons (other than appr rfhtioes or improven) composing on slug-casting machines or monotype keyboards *. d. *. d. (including cleaning or remedying defective working of the machine)— During first three months' experience 57 6 91 Thereafter 81 91 Compositors, sluggers, bulk hands, makers-up, 8t«reotypers, eleotrotypers, letterpress men, letterpress machinists, or persons in charge of cylinder machines (including time occupied in feeding) . . . . 73 Proof readers or revisers . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 77 All other adult males . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 In any Place. w Lithographers employed on rotary machines . . . . ' All other lithographers Tin printers Stone polishers . . . . . . Bookbinders or vellum binders for turned- in work (excepting persons only employed on quarter- bound work cut flush tua'ned-in paper sides), marblers, finishers, paper-rulers, blockers (except for blind blocking), guillotine machine cutters, gilders, leather cutters, pocket-book makers, or hand indexers . . Book-binding forewomen who supervise or are responsible for the work of 3 or more employees All other adult females 72 35 30 per week of 48 hours „ , 6 ,. per week of 48 hoars 6 (3) Times of Beoinmno and Ending Work. — The times of beginning and ending work (except in daily newspaper affices) for any person (other than those composing on slug-casting machines or monotype keyboards) shall be : — Time of Beginning. 8 a.m. . . Time of Ending, 12.30 p.m. on Saturday, or the day on which the half-holiday is locally observed, and 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for work done during the times specified hereimder, viz. : — In Daily Newspaper Offices. By any person (except those composing) in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work . . .... In any other Place. Composing on slug-casting machines or monotype keyboards — In excess of 42 hours in any week Any other vork — Within the times of beginning and ending work as specified above in excess of the mazi-^ mum number of hours fixed lor a week's work . . Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on any of the ordinary working days of the week Later than 12.30 p.m. or earlier than 8 a.m. on Saturday, or the day on which the half- holiday is locally obseiVed Later than 10 p.m. or earlier than 8 a.m. on any other working day. . Time and one-third. Time and one-third. ■Time and one-third. .Time and a haXt. (6) Special Rates. — ^Double time shall be the special rate of payment payable to any person (except those employed in daily newspaper offices) for all work done on (o) Sunday ; (b) on the umlormontioned public holidays (that is to say) :— Good Friday, 2l8t day of April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day ; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (d) PiKCE-wOBK. — A schedule of pieoe-work prices has been fixed by the Board. 102 SoMMABY OF Waoes AND CONDITIONS FixED BY Wages Boakds, ETC. — Continued. (122.) PROCESS ENGRAVERS. NoTB. — This Detormination applies to tho MotropoUtaM District ; tho cities of Ballarat, Boiidigo, Geelong. and Warmamboo' ; tlie towns of Ballarat East and Sandringhani ; and tho boroughs of Eaglohawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed to "deternune tlie lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a Process Engraver," has made the following Detormination, namely : — (1) That on the 1st September, 1917, the previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Deter- mination. (2) Apprentices. Improvers. Juvenile Workers. Other Employees. lat year 2nd year 3id year 4th year 6th yeac 6th year Wages per week of 44 hours. «. d. 7 6 10 15 25 35 45 Ist year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Wages per week of 44 hours. «. d. . 20 . 25 . 32 6 . 37 6 . 47 6 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Wages per week of 44 hours. «. d. . 10 . 15 . 20 . 25 . 30 Pbopoetiok (in any place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 60s. per week of 44 hours. An indenture of appren- tioeahip was approved on Ut April, 1914. Peopoetion (in any place). One improver to every four or fraction of four employees receiving not less than 55s. per week of 44 hours. Operator in charge of the Engraving Department Other operators Photo lithographer Half-tone fine etcher Line etcher Artist Router Printer Mounter Wages per week of 44 hours. s. d. 90 65 70 70 65 65 0" 60 55 60 (3) Dbfinition.— -A juvenile worker is any person under 21 years of age (other than an apprentice or improver) employed in cleaning, attending on operator, rocking baths, mounting, or proving. (4) QvERTiMB. — Any employee who works for any time in excess of 44 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be paid for all work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if afty other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so tubstituted. (123.) QUARRY. (Determination of the Court of Indu.,trial Appeals.) NoTB. — -This Determination applies to the whole of the State of Victoria. On 14th July, 1911, exclusive power was conferred on this Board to fix rates for persons carting or driving in connexion with or incidental to the trade or business of quarrying (not including agriculture). (1) That on the 1st day of September, l!tl8, the Determination of tliis Court dated the 1st day of March, 1917, and previous Determinations shall bo revoked and rcplac^ by this Determination as to the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of quarrying, not including agriculture, or employed incartine or driving, or assisting in carting or drivinj;, in connexion with or incidental to the trade or hnsiness of quarrying (not including agriculture). (2) Apprentlcet. Improvers. Other Employees QUAKRriNO. Hours • W«ge«. Wages. Wages. Per Week. Per Week.' Per Week of -Powder monkey . . 848. 48 let year . . . . SOs. 48 Hours. Hammerman, or t 808. 48 2nd „ .. .. 358. Ist year . . . . Ifis. Dresser of pitchers or cubes / 3rd „ .. .. 408. 2nd „ .. .. 2l8. 3rd „ .. .. liOs. 4th „ .. .. :i68. Sealiblers Spaller— ' . First six months' experience as 75s. 48 5th „ .. .. 42s. spaller 66s. 48 And thereafter 72s. 48 Caetino 08. Drivino. Faceman or machine borer 72s. 48 Wages. Hand borers, i.e., the two loading men Per Week of drilling or boring by hand a hole 54 Hours. exceeding 18 inches in depth 728. 48 Under 17 years . . 25s. Carters or drivers — 17 years .. .. 328. 6d. Driving one horse 60s. 64 18 „ . . . . 37r. 6d. Driving two horses 6l8. 54 19 „ .. .. 42s. 6d. In charge of two horses drawing 20 „ .. .. 47s. 6d. two separate vehicles 658. 54 Driving three horses 65b. 54 And 3s. extra per week for every Peopoetion (within any place). Peopoetion (within any place). additional horse. Drivers of motor vehicles up to 25 One apprentice to every three or One improver to every three or cwt. carrying capacity — fraction of three workers receiving fraction of three workers receiving Within the Metropolitan District 658. 48 not less than 60s. per week. not less than OOs. per week. Outside the Metropolitan District wherever this Determination • Apprentices shall be subject to applies 623. 6d. 48 the number of hours per week as Drivers of motor rehicles over 25 fixed for their respective sections. cwt. carrying capacity — Within tho Metropolitan District TOs. 48 Outside the Metropolitan District wherever this Determination applies 678. 6d. 48 All others 63s. 48 103 SuMMABY OF Waobs AND CONDITIONS FiXED BY Waobs Boabds, kto. — Continued. (123.) QUARRY— coiOjnued. (3) OvEBTiME. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed for a week's work shall be paid for suob extra time at the rate of time and a quarter for the first two hours, and thoreailer time and a half. (4) Special Rates foe Sundays and Public Holidays. — Time and a half shall be the special rate for all work done on Sundays, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, 2lBt April (Kight Hours IJay), or Good Friday; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named, public holidays, the apcoial rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (5) Piece-work — -A schedule of piece-work priooi) to bo paid to persons engaged in certain work has been fixed by the Court. (124.) RUBBER TRADE. NoTB. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan district as defined in the factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Oeolong, and \V*rmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringhani ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Goolong W est, Newtown and Chilwell, and Scbaatopol. The powers of this Board wore altered on I5th October, 1918, so that it can now " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persona employed in or in connexion with the trade of — (a) a maker of all kinds of rubber goods j (6) a reclaimer of rubber; (c) a maker of solution." (1) That on the 23rd day of April, 1917, the last prorious Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improven. Under 16 years of age 16 years of age 17 18 19 20 Under 16 years of age 16 years of age 17 18 18 20 Waobs. Mala. Femalta. Per Week of 48 hours. 13s. 6d. 19s. 6d. 268. 6d. 333. 40s. 46s. 12s. 6d. 16s. 6d. 18s. 228. 268. 29s. Peopobtion. Apprentiut. MALES. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 57s. 6d. per week of 48 hours. FEMALES. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 31s. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. MALES. One male improver to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not lees than 67s. 6d. per week 6f 48 hours. FEMALES. One female imorover to every female worker receiving not lees than " i s. per week of 48 hours. Other Employee*. Waobs. Mala. Calender hands Mill hands, and first helpers on the calender Dough mixers and men on washing machines Weighers of compounds Men in charge of forcing machine Spreaders . . . . . . ^ Hosemakers Makers of surgical or mechanical goods and mechanical lathe hands Makers of packing, belting, or mats . . Heater men Textile and strip cutters Press hands Makers of cycle tyres Makers, repairers, or fitters of motor or motor cycle tyres Treadmakers Moulders of motor or motor cycle tyres and solid tyres Other moulders Makers or joiners of motor or motor cycle or cycle tubes Repairers of motor or motor cycle tubes Reclaimers Canvas dippers or impregnatora Examiners Wrappers and strippers Persons employed liquoring Persons employed on cores All others Femala. Adults Per Week of 48 hours. 71s. 6d. 65s. 6d. 628. 6d. 628. 6d. 60s. 62s. fid. 62s. 6d. 623. 6d. 62s. 6d. 61s. 6d. 60s. 6l8. 6d. S9s. 623. 6d. 62s. 6d. 7l8. 6d. 6Ib. 6d. 59b. 62s. 8d. 588. 68s. 59s. 698. 120s. 60s. o7s. 6d. 318. (3) Time of Bboinmno and Endino Work. That the time of beginning and ending work shall be : — lima of Beginning. 6 a.m. (4) Overtime. That the following rates shall be paid for all work done : — (a) Outside the hours fixed in Clause (3) . . . . „ (6) Within the hours fixed in Clause (3) in excess of 48 hours in any week . Time of Ending. 8 p.m., Monday to Saturday 1^. per hour in addition to the rates fixed in this Determination Time and a quarter (5) .Sundays and Houdays. That time and a half shall be the special rate for all work done on Sundays, and double time for all work done on Good Friday, Easter Monday, New Year's Day, 26th day of January, 21st April, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. 104 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Board. Minimum Wage. Hoara of Work per Week. Apprentices. ImprOTers. . (126.) SADDLERY. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, tJeelong, and V\ arrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saudringham ; and the boroughs of Kaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Cliilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board which was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of manufacturing harness, saddlery, and whipthongs " has made tlie following Determination, namely : - (1) That on the 2nd January, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprestices and Improvers. W.I ges. Wages per Week of All other Employees. . 48 Hours. Per Hour. I Per Wpf>k ni Male. Female. 48 hours. •1. d. .s. d. ^. d. s. d. Ist six months' experience 7 6 7 6 Males ... 1 4i 66 2nd „ „ 10 10 Females employed in any of the 3rd II II 12 6 12 6 following work .- — 4th „ , 15 15 (a) All classes of seaming 7i 30 5th II II 17 6 17 6 {h) Hand stitching or machine sew- 6th r 20 20 ing, buggy, gig, or cab saddles. 7th „ „ 22 6 22 6 winker eyes, fronts, drops, pad 8th „ „ 25 25 tops, pad or saddle clotlis. •th ft It 27 6 folded hand parts, collar side lOth „ ., .30 pieces, or housings for gig, 11th 1, „ 35 carriage, spring cart, or van 12th „ „ 40 iiarness — 18th „ „ 45 With waxed thread 1 44 66 14th „ „ 55 With unwaxed thread n 30 • (c) Hand stitching or machine sew- ing allother harness 1 4i 66 ' (d) Hand stitching all classes of Proportion (in any factory or place). saddlery other than harness— With black waxed thread .. 1 H 66 Apprentices. With other than black waxed One male apprentice to every two or fraction of two male thread ... 74 30 workers receiving not less than 60s. per week of 48 hours. Two female apprentices to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than ,30s. per week of 48 hours. (An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 18.7.11.) (e) Machine sewing all classes of saddlery other than harness — With waxed thread With unwaxed thread (/■) Quilting or crossbarring panels (;/) Cutting out, preparing, creasing, edging or finishing all classes 1 1 44 74 44- 66 .30 66 Improvers. of Work ... 1 44 66 One male improver to every two male workers receiving not less than 66s. per week of 48 hours. Two female improvers to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 30s. per week of 48 hours. Note. — Thread shall include silk, cotton, linen, hemp, flax, or other fibrous substance. (3) Time of Beginning and Ending Work — Time of Beginning. 7 a.m. 7 a.m. ... Time of Ending. 6 p m. on five days of the week. 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday is usually observed. (4) Overtime. —Any employee who, within the hours of beginning and ending work, works in any week for any time in excess of 48 hours, shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a quarter. Any employee who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination as the times of beginning and ending work upon such day shall be paid for such overtime at the rate of time and a quarter for the first 3 hours, and thereafter double time. (5) Special Baths for Sundays and Public Holidays. —All work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, F.aster Monday, Eight Hours Day, King's Birthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day shall l>e paid for at the rate of double time ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable unly for work done on the day so substituted. (8) Piece- WORK. — A schedule of piece-work prices lias been fixed by the Board and employers have been allowed to fix and pay piece-work prices for article'! other than those in the schedule provided that such piecework prices are baseil on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rate fixed for such worker. • There is a CommonuwUth agreement in thiti traiU. 105 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Bo«d. Ulnlmom Wage. Hoars of Work W?*ek. ApprontlMs. ImproTor*. (128.) SADDLERY (COCTNTRY).* (Present Determination in force from 3.2.13.) » Thig Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or olossea o{ persons (other than persons subject to the Determination of the Saddlery Board) employed in the process, trade, or business of manufacturing harness, saddlery, and whipthongs." Malks. Outside worker, i.e., a person employed away from his employer's usual place of busi- ness or in connexion with a travelling vehicle Any other adult male . . Fbmales> employed at — (ii) All classes of seaming (6) Hand stitching or machine sewing buggy, gig, or cab saddles with unwaxod thread (c) Hand stitching or machine sewing buggy, gig, or cab saddles vnth waxed thread (rf) Hand stitching or machine .sewing all other harness (e) Hand. Proportion (within any factory or place). One female apprentice to every two or fraction of two female workers receiving at wages rates or earning at piece-work prices not less than 243. jier week of 48 hours. MALES. Waqbs. Same ai apprentices. Proportion (within any factory or place). One male improver to every two or . fraction of two male workers receiving at wages rates or earning at piece-work prices not less than 54s. per week of 48 hours. Proportion (within any factory or place). One female improver to every two or fraction of two female workers receiving at wages rates or earning at piece-work prices not less than 243. per week of 48 hours. Time of Begianing. TiMB OF Bkoinnino /7 a.m. .. AND Endino Work.\ 7 a.m. . . Time at Ending. 1 p.m. on Saturdays (or the day upon which the half -holiday is observed in the locality). 6 p.m. on the other working days oJ the week. OvEBTiMB — Shall be paid for as follows : — For work done between 1 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Saturday, or the day on which the half-holiday is observed locally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Time and a quarter. For work done between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on any of the other working days of the week . . „ „ „ For work done within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week For work done later than 10 p.m. or earlier than 7 a.m. on any working day . . . . . . Time and a half. Sundays and Public Hoijday.s.— Sundays, Good Friday, and Easter Monday, or the days on which New Year's Day, the 26th day 01 January, the 21st day of April wherever proclaimed as a public holiday. King's Burthday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, are observed as public holidays, shall be paid for at the rate of double time. PiEOE-woEK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. The Board has also determined that work not ennmorated in piece-work prices to be paid for at rates not less than that which wiU enable an average worker to earn la. 3d. per hour. * Tliere i> a CommonmeaUh agreement in this trade. (127.) SEWER BUILDERS. (Deii?rmination of Court of Industrial AppeaU in force from 1 . 12. 16.) This Boturd was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to apy persons employed as Labourers in oonmazjon with the oonstruotion of sewers." 106 ScMMARY OF Wages AND CONDITIONS FiXED BY Wages Boards, bto. — continued. Board. (127.) SEWER BUILDERS— continue. Powder monkey . . -t . Concrete manhole builder . . Leading trimmer Invert block setter Manhole or other sinkers, or drivers, at a depth of — Not more than 20 feet More than 20 feet Foreman's assistant Pitcher setter Pipe layer or jointer' Spall packer Tool sharpener . . Topman and shoveller Slurry filler Trucker, underground Earth packer Tool sharpener's assistant Nipper, i.e., persoa carrying tools All others Honra Uinlmnm Wage. of Work per Week. 728. 48 728. 48 728. 48 72s. 48 688. 48 723. 48 68s. 48 68s. 48 68s. 48 688. 48 688. 48 608. 48 60s. 48 608. 48 60s. 48 408. 48 408. 48 60s. 48 AppreDtioM. Peopobtion (in amy Plaob). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 408. i>er week of 48 hours. Waobs. 1st year 2nd „ 3rd „ Per Week of 48 Boun. . 208. . 25s. Improren. Peopoetion (in ant Place). One improver to every fifty or fraction of fifty workers receiving not less than 40s. per week of 48 hours. Waois. Ist year 2nd „ .. 30a. 3rd „ Per Week of ( 48 Hoan. . . 408. . . 40s. .. 40i. Any employee working in wet ground, that is ground where a man working therein under ordinary and usual conditions must in the performance of his work — (i) be wetted continuously from the feet to the knees ; or (ii) be wetted above the waist in the course of a shift through working clothes other than oilskins or other waterproof clothing, by water settling in or falling or dripping upon him, shall be paid I Jd. per hour in addition to the above rates. Overtime. — Any employee who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Special Rates. — Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st of April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclama- tion substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. _j (128.) SHIRT. (Present Determination inforce from 16.8.16.) The Shirt Board was given power to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons for wholly or partly preparing or manufacturing, either inside or outside a factory or work-room, any "shirts, shirt-front*, pyjamas, men's underpants (except knitted goods), collars, and cuffs of every description." Males. Males. Males Male cutters of white shirts, fashion shirts, collars, or cuffs . . Other male cutters Femalbs. Female cutters of white shirts, fa.shion shirts, collars, or cuffs . . Other female cutters Washers, starohcrs, or ironers of shirts, collars, bands, or cuffs Females commencing work at the trade at 21 years of age or over — 1st 6 months 2nd 6 mouths 3rd 6 months «nd thereafter , All other females 703. 65s. 53.?. 37s. 6d. 28s. 18j. 20s. 23.S. 27s. fid. 27s. 6d. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 i8 48 Wages. Per week of Waobs 48 hours. Same as apprentice!. 1st year's experience .. lOs. 2nd year's experience . . 15s. 3rd year's experience . . 208. 4th year's experience . . 30s. 6th year's experience .. 4«s. Peopoetion (within any factory or place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 65s. per week of 48 hours. Females. Wages. 1st year's experience — 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2nd year's experience 3rd year's experience 4th year's experience 5th year's experience Per week of 48 houra. 7s. 6d. 10s. ■ 123. 6d. 1 6s. 18s. 22s. PEOPOBnoN (within any factory or place). One improver to every three or fraction of three male workers re- ceiving not less than 663. per week of 48 hours. Females. Wages. Same as apprentices. Peopoetion (within any factory or place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers re- ceiving not less than 278. 6d. per week of 48 hours. Proportion (within any factory or place) One improver to every three or fraction of three female workers re- ceiving not less than 27s. Cd. pet week of 48 hours. Time of BegloninfE. Time of Beoinnino ( "■'"■ AND Ending Woek 1 7 a.m. Time of Eudlng. 6.30 p.m. on five days of the week. I p.m. on the other working day of the week> on which the half-holiday i» usually obaerved. 107 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. Board. MIolmam Wage. Houn of Work per Week. ApprentiOM. ImproTurt. (128.) SHIRT— eontinutd. UvERTiME. — Any employee who in any one week works for any time in excess of 48 hours shiiU be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Any peraon who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination a« the time of beginning and ending work upon each day shall be paid fe>r such overtime at the rate of time and a half. Special Rates fob Susdavs and Public Holidays. — The special price or rate of payment payable to any person for all work done on Christmas Day and Good Friday, shall be at the rate of double time. On the days on which New Year's Day, the 26th day of .January (Foundation Day), 21st day of April (Eight Hours Day), Easter Monday, and Boxing Day, are obaeryed as public holidays shall be at the rate of time and a hall. PiECB-woEK. — A schedule of pioee- work prices has been fixed by the Board, which has also determined that the employer may fix pioco-work prices for any work (except finishing or cutting) for which the Board has fixed a minimum wage, such pieco-work prices to bo based on the wages rates fixed for such work. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 14.3.12. (129.) SHOP ASSISTANTS (COUNTRY). Notes. — (o) This Determination applies to the whole of the State outside and excepting the following parts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Oeelong, and Warmambool; the towns of Ballarat Eswt and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Oeelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. (6) The following are Fourth Schedule Shops : — Chemists' shops. Coffee-houses, Confectioners, Eating-houses, Fish and Oyster shops. Fruit and Vegetable shops. Restaurants, Tobacconists' shops. Booksellers' and News Agents' shops. This Board, which was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of ptTsons emploj'ed in or in connexion with a shop (other than a Fourth Schedule Shop) as a shop assistant, packer, storoman, or carter has made the following Determination, viz. : — (1) That on the 28th October, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) ArPKSHTICBS OR IMPBOVERS. MaUi. FemcUet. Wages per week of 50 hours. Wages per week of 48 hours Other Employees. r ___ Commencing work as a Commencing work Shop Assistant, Pucker, Storeman, as a Shop Assistant « or Carter at-- at— Under 16 years 17 years Under 18 years 16 years of of of age or 18 years of of age or age. age. over. age. over. I St year — Wages. 1st six months 10s. } 12s. 6d. Per week of 2nd 12s. 6d. 15s. 10s. 12s. 6d. Male shop assistant — 50 lioun. 2nd year . . 16s. 18s. 6d. 18s. 12s. 6d. 15s. In charge of a shop . . . . 72e. 6d. 3rd „ .. 21s. 258. 30s. 168. 21s. 21 years of age . . 478. 6d. 4th „ . . 278. 308. 38s. 17s. 6d. 27s. 6d. 22 years of age . . 528. 6d. 5th ,. 338. 37s. 6d. 46s. 26s. SOs. Between 23 and 60 years of age 6l8. 6th „ .. 408. Minimum Minimum 27s. 6d. Minimum 60 years of age or over . . 62s. 6d. wage wage wage Packer or Storeman . . Carter 658. Pbopoetions (in or in connexion with any shop). Per week of 52 hours. . . 67b. 6d. Apprentices. Improvers. Per week of 48 hours. Female shop assistant — One male apprentice to every three One male improver to each male In charge of a shop 60s. or fraction of three male workers re- worker receiving not less than 478. 6d. 21 years of age .'. 308. ceiving not less than 47b. 6d. per week of per week of 60 hours. 22 years of age . . 32s. 6d. 50 hours. One female improver to each female 23 years of age or over 368. One female apprentice to overv three worker receiving not less than SOs. per or fraction of three female workers re- week of 48 hours. ceiving not loss than SOs. per week of Provided that a female improver maj' 48 hours. be employed in lien of a male improver, or a male improver in lieu of a female improver. (3) Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours fixed shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) Special Rates foe Pubuc Holidays. — All work done on Good Friday, Easter Monday, and the days on which 26th day of January, King's Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day are observed as public holidays shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. 108 Summary ok Waqes ani> Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — oontintted. (130.) SLATERS AND TILERS. NoTB. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely :— The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of BaUarat, Bendigo, Ueelong. and Warmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board which was appointed to determine " the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the process, trade, or business of a slater, roof-tiler, ridger, shingler, or cement tiler (other than a tiler laying verandah or flooring tiles)" has made the following Determination, namely: — . * (1) That on the 25th November, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) ApprentlcM. Improver*. Other Employees. Waobs. Per week of 44 houi^. Wages. Per week of 44 hours. Waqes. Per week of 44 honTB. Ist year . . . . . . 259. 2nd „ .. .. .. 32s. 6d. 3rd „ .. .. .. 40s. 1st year .. .. .. 258. 2nd „ .. .. .. 353. 3rd „ .. .. .. 50s. 4th „ .. .. .. 55s. 5th „ .. .. .. 603. All adult workers, other than those employed striking roofs, carrying, or mixing 93s. 6d. Pbopoktion (by any employer). Propoetion (by any employer). Two apprentices to every five or fraction of five workers receiving at wages rates or piece-work rates not less than 933. 6d. per week of 44 hours. One improver to every six or fraction of six workers receiving not less than the minimum wage of 933. 6d. per week of 44 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship was ap- proved on 18th December, 1911. (3) Time of Beginnino and Ending Work — 8 a.m. . . 8 a.m. . . 6 p.m. on five days in the week. 12 noon on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday is locally observed. (4) Overtime. — All work done outside the hours specified a« the times of beginning and ending work, or for any work done within such hours in excess of 44 hours in any week, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) PiBOB-woRK Prices. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. (131.) SLAaOHTERING FOR EXPORT.*— (Determination not yet made.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed, either inside or outside a factory or work-room, in the process, trade, or business of slaughtering or dressing sheep or lambs for export." . • * There is a Commonwealth award in this trade. (132.) SOAP AND SODA.f (Present Determination in force from 8.9.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which maybe paid to any person or persons or class of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of (o) soap ; (6) washing soda." Males. Soapmaker Assistant soapmaker Soda crystal maker Assistant soda crystal maker Foreman — Frame room, packing room, or cutting room . . . . . Milling room . . Power crutcher — Man in charge of . . Power stamping machine workers . . Soap cutter where only one soap cutter is employed Sto reman in charge of one or more other storemen.. All others .. .. 67s. 623. 60s. 553. 62s. 48 60s. 48 608. 48 56s. 48 60s. 60" 55s, 48 48 48 48 48 48 4S Males. Wages. 14 years of age 15 years of age 16 years of age 17 years of age 18 years of age 19 years of ege 20 years of age Per week of 43 hours. .. 12s. 6d. . . 15s. . . 183. .. 239. 6d. . . 27s. 6d. . . 3,5s. .. 428. Malis. Waqbs, Same as apprentices. t Thtre {« a Comtmynwealth aurtement in thit trad*. 109 Summary of Waoes and Comditions Fixed by Waoes Boards, Em — contiwjM ▲ ■• Hours of Work Board Ulnlmum Wage. Apprentices. WmIc (132.) SOAP AND SODA*— con/tnu«J. Males. Males or Females. JUVBNILB VVoaEBBS. . Males under 21 years of age (other Pbopoetion (by any employer). Proportioh (by any employer). than apprentices or improvers) employed at wrapping or packing One male apprentice to every One improver to every five or BOap or soda or stamping tablets three or fraction of three male fraction of five workers receiving not or bars o{ soap not greater than 16 workers receiving not less than less than 55s. per week of 48 hours. ozs. in weight : — 658. per week of 48 hours. 14 years of age 12s. Cd. 48 15 years of age 158. 48 l(i years of age 18s. 48 Females. Females. 17 years of age 23s. (id. 48 18 years of age 27s. 6d. 48 Wages. Wages. 19 or 20 years of age . . 55s. 48 Females. ' Same as male apprentices. Same as apprentices. Females working stampmg machines 66s. 48 All other females 30s. 48 Females under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) em- ployed at wrapping or packing Peoportion (by any employer). soap or soda : — 15 years of ajje 15s. 48 One female apprentice to every l(i years of age 178. 48 three or fraction of three female 17 years of age 19a. 48 workers receiving not loss than 30s. 18 years of age 21s. 48 per week of 48 hours. 19 years of age 233. 48 20 years of age 278. 6d. 48 Casual LABOtnt. — Any person employed for not more than 24 hours during any week shall be paid at the rate of Is. 6d. per hour. Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works in excess of 48 hours shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Special Rates fob Sundays and Public Holidays. — Double time, shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, Oood Friday, 21st April (Kight Hours Day), and Christmas Day, and lime and a Aa// shall be the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, the 26th January (Foundation Day), Easter Monday, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the si)ecial rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. PlECE-woBK. — This Board lias determined that the employer may fix piece- work prices to be based on the wages rates determined. • There U a CommonweaUh agreemerU in this trade. (133.) STARCH.* (Present Determination in force from 29.9.16.) A Special Board to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a maker of starch." Males. Foreman .. .. .. 628. 6d. 48 MiUstone attendant . . . . 57s. 6d. 48 Leading hand . . . . . . 56s. 48 Stoneilresser . . . . . . 603. 48 'All others .. .. .. 65s. 48 JuvBNiLB Workers. Males under 21 (other than apprentices or im- provers) employed at general work, i.e., any work except (o) weighing and carrying rice, (6) range work, (c) sheet laying, shaking, carrying out and cutting out draining boxes, (d) filling and emptying crusting stoves — '"■ 12s. 6d. 48 148. 6d. 48 17s. 48 19b. 6d. 48 24s. ed. 48 278. 48 328. 48 29s. 48 Juvenile Workers. Females under 21 (other than apprentices or im- provers) employed in scraping and wrapping blocks, or fiUing, weighing, labelhng, and casing starch — 138. 6d. 16s. It J- 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 Females. All adult females 15 years to 16 16 17 17 18 18 „ 19 19 ft 20 20 n 21 19s. 2l8. 6d. 23s. 6d. 25s. 6d. 48 48 48 48 48 48 Males. Wages. 16 years 17 „ 18 ,. 19 „ 20 „ Per week of 4b ..ours. . 193. , 24s. , 298. , 318. 6d. . 368. 6d. Number (in any factory or place). One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 55s. per week of 48 hours. Females. Wages. 16 years 17 18 „ 19 20 „ Per week of 48 boors. 16s. 19s. 21s. 6d. 238. 6d. 25s. 6d. NuMBEh (in any factory or place). One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 298. per week of 48 hours. Mat.ri. Wages. ISame as apprentices. Number (in any factory or place). One male improver to every four or fraction of four male workers receiving not less than 55s. per week of 48 hours. Females. Wages. i-Same as apprentices. Number (in any factory or place). One female improver to every four or fraction of four female workers receiving not less than 298. per week of 48 hours. Overtime. — That any empkiyee who works for any time in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time »nd a half. * Thtr* it a CormumweaUh avari itt this trati. no SoMMARY ot Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, Etc.— continued. (133.) HI ARCH*— continued. Special Rates. — Double time shall be paid for all work done on Sundays, Good Friday, 2l8t April (Eight Hours Day), and Christmas Day, and time and a half for work done on New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation D.4y), Eastor Monday, King's Birthday, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the specisil rates shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. Pjeob-wobk. — ^A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. • TJure it o CommonuitaUlt award in thii trade. (134.) STATIONERY BOARD. Note. — This Determination applies to all cities and towni throughout the Statel This Board, which was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rate* which may be paid to any person or persons or clauei of persons employed either inside or outside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or business of — (a) wholly or partly preparing or manufacturing by hand or machine envelopes, letter-pads, luggage labels, railway tickets, playing or other cards, including cutting, gumming, or gluing, folding, round cornering, gilding, sorting, banding packing, or boxing, but not including any process subject to a Determination of the Printers Board ; (6) embossing or black bordering envelopes, cards, or any description of paper," hat made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That this Determination shall be operative on and after the 20th July, 1917. (2) Apprentices and Improvera. Other Employees. Male Apprentices Male Improvers. Female Apprentices ' and Improvers. 8. d. s. d. s. d. 1st year 2nd „ 10 14 10 15 10 12 6 3rd „ 18 20 15 4th „ 22 6 25 20 5th „ 27 6 35 24 6th „ 32 6 •• •• Wages Per Week ot 48 Houn. Peopoetion (in any Place). Apprenticen. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers of the same sex receiving not less than the minimum wage. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed wa.s approved on 29th June, 1917. Improvers. One male improver to each male worker receiving not less than 52s. 6d. per week of 48 hours. Three female improvers to each female worker receiving not less than 288. 6d. per week of 48 hours. Males. Gilders, edge stainers, blockers, or bevellers . . Guillotine cutters Envelope or playing-card cutters . . Tag machinists Tag material slitters Makers, plate-roUers, brushers or waterproofers of playing cards . . All others Females. Self-tipping envelope machinists . . Embossers . ^ All others Wages per wee iOt 4S Hours. «. d. 68 67 6 00 62 62 00 52 6 30 30 28 6 (3) Time of Beoinnino and Ending Wobk — Time o( Beginning. Time ot Ending. 8 a.m. . . . . 12.30 p.m. on Saturday or the day on which the half-holiday is usually observed. 8 a.m. 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — The rate for all work done within the hours of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week, or for work done outside such hours of beginning and ending shall be — i Males . . . . . . Time and a third. ^ Females . . , , . . Time and a half. (5) Speclal Rate. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 21st April (Eight Hours Day), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work prices for certain work has been fixed by the Board, which has also determined, under the provisions of flection 144 of the FnclorifS and Shnps Act 1915, that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person employe.1 at any work for which this Board has not fixed piece-work prioe.% but has fixed a minimum wage ; provided that such employer shall base such piecework prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, ani such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not loss than the wages rate fixed by the Boird for such work. Ill SuioiARY OF Wages and Conditions fixed by Wages Boards, etc. (135) STONE CUTTERS. Son. — Thii Determination applies to the Metropolitan District ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; thi- towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; tho l)oroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Cbilwell, and Sebastopol ; and such portion of tho East Riding of the shire of Werribee as is within 10 miles of a city or town. In aooordaaoe with the proviaiona of the Factories and Shops Acts, the Special Board appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of cutting, sarring, poUshing, and letter cutting in marble and stone " has made tho following Determination, namely : — (1) That, on the 7th April, 1019, the last preriou* Determination Determination. of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this (2) Appientloes. Improvers. JuTsnllo Workers. Other Emplojreet. Wao«s. Waobs. Waobs. Wages. d. Hours per Monumental stonecutters — - Per week. Per week of Carvers in marble or stone. #. week. Per week. 1st year .. 10s. 4S hours. other than monumental 1st year . . lOs. 2nd „ . . 15s. Under 16 years of carvers 99 44 Sod „ 15s. 3rd „ .. 22s. 6d. age . . 12s. 6d. Carvers (monumental) in 3rd „ .. 22s. 6d. 4th „ .. 308. 16 years of age .. 17s. 6d. marble or stone 84 4 44 4th „ .. 30s. 5th „ .. 40s. 17 „ .. 228. 6d. Carvers' assistants, meaning 5th „ .. 40s. 18 „ . . 278. 6d. persons employed in Stonecutters, other than 19 „ .. 408. roughing out marble or monumental — Pkoportiok (within any 20 „ .. 64s. stone under the direction Per week. factory, shop, or place). of a carver for other than 1st year . . lOs. DiriNITION OF JUVKNILI monumental purposes . . 80 8 44 2nd „ . 158. One improver to from WORKKRS. Stonecutters and letter- 3rd „ . 22s. 6d. three up to eight persons, cutters employed in 4th „ . 30s. and thereafter one improver Persons under 21 years of cutting marble or stone 77 44 5th „ 40s. to every eight persons or age (other than apprentices Polishers employed in sand- (ith „ . 65b. fraction of eight persons re- or improvers) employed in ing, gritting, or finishing 'r ceiving not less than 64s. attending to granite-polish- marble or stone 60 6 44 Apprentices to be paid ^d. per week of 48 hours. ing lathes or saws us&i for Polishers employed in sand- per liour in addition to the cutting stone (including ing, gritting, or finishing above rates unless all tools. slate) or feeding such saws granite 62 4 44 except mash hammer, square. with sand or shot. Persons employed in turning mallet, and straightedge are stone for any purpose . . 76 48 provided by the employer. Persons working machines for planing stone for pur- Pbopobtion (within any fac- poses other than monu- tory, shop, or place). mental work . . Persons employed in work- 76 48 One apprentice to every ing planing machines for three persona or fraction of cutting marble or slate three persons receiving not for any purpose, or stone less than 64b. per week of 48 for monumental work . . 74 48 hours. Persons employed on ma- An indenture of appren- chines in polishing granite 68 .48 ticeship prescribed was ap- Persons employed on ma- proved on 4th February, chines in polishing marble 66 48 lyii. Persons employed on car- Apprentices and im- borundum machines 68 48 provers shall be subject to Labourers 64 48 the same number of hours per week as fixed for their respective sections. (3) Stonecutters employed in cutting stone known as granite to be paid 2d. per hour in addition to abore rates, unless the following tools are provided by the employer, vi». : — Drills, bull-punches, tongs, striking hammers, and patent axes. (4) OrSBTiMB. — That any employee who works for any time in excess of the maximum number of hours per week fixed by this Determination shall bo paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a third. (8) Ratks where Tools not Sharpinbd by Emvloybb. — That 2d. per hour in addition to aboTe rates shall be paid iu all eaaes mentioned above, unless all tools are sharpened by the employer. (6) Dbfinition. — Wherever occurring in this Determination, the term " Monumental " shall mean pertaining to monument! erected in cemeteries or in churches. (136.) STOREMEN, PACKERS, AND SORTERS.* Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the oitioa of Ballarat, Bemligo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwoll, and Sebastopol. This Board was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person (not already [irovided for by any existing special Board) employed as storeman, packer, or sorter in connexion with any trade or business." • TMn aT» ComnumwetUth au>ardi for this occupation. 112 Summary of Wages and CoNDmoNS Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (136.) STOREMEN, PACKERS, AND SORTERS— »'t«>«iie'i.» Oa 21st June, 1913, this Board was deprived of the power to fix rates for storemen, packers, or sorters employed — (o) in connexion with the trade or business of making biscuits ; (6) in a factory in connexion with the trade or business of mauufacturing or preparing for trade or sale milk, cream, butter, or cheese ; ,uid these powers were conferred on the Biscuit and Butter Boards respectively. On 19th August, 1913, this Board was deprived of tlie power to fix rates for storemen, packers, or sorters employed in connexion with tlie trade or business of making uails. and these powers were conferred on the Nailniakers Board. On llth November, 191"., this Board was deprived of the power .to fix rates for any person employed as storenian, packer, or sorter in connexion with the trade or business of — (o) preserving meat ; (6) preparing food products from animal fat, and such power was conferred exchiaively on the Meat Preservers Board. On 4th July, 1916, this Board was deprived of the power to fix rates for any person employed as storeman, packer, or sorter in connexion with making paper, cardboard, carpet felt, or any similar products, and such power was conferred exclusively on tlie Paper Board. The existing Boards which had provided for Storemen, Packers, or Sorters at the date of the passing of the liesolutioii, viz '24th September, 1912, were :— (1) Rates directly provided for Storemen, Packers, or Sorters. Bedstead Makers Brewers Bootdealers Candlemakers Cigar Trade Confectioners Country Fuel and Fodder Country Flour Country Woodworkers Drapers Fell mongers Flour (2) Rates indirectly provided for .Storemen, Packers otherwise provided for " ; — Aerated Water Trade Grocers' Sundries Cardboard Box Trade J»m Cordage Leather Goods Fuel and Fodder Furniture Dealers Furniture (Wood Mantels) Glassworkers Grocers Ham and Bacon Hardware Hotel Employees Ice Men's Clothing Millet Broom Pastrycooks or Sorters as Picture Frame Plate Glass Polish Pottery Printers Soap and Soda Starch Tea Packing Tinsmiths Wholesale (Jrocers Wireworkers Woodworkers "All others" or "Persons not Marine Stores (as Paper Bag Trade Woollen Trade General Hand ' (1) That on the 21st Decombor, 1918, the last and all previous determinations of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by Detorminatiou (2) Api-ee-ntice-s and Improvers. Under 16 years of age 16 to 17 „ „ 17 „ 18 „ 18 „ 19 „ 19 „ 20 „ 20 „ 21 „ Wagoe per week. Males. Females. s. d. t. d. 14 14 18 6 18 6 25 21 34 24 44 27 54 30 Number (in any place). Appeentices. One apprentice to every three or fraction of throe workers of the same sex receiving not loss than the minimum wage. Mali Improvebs. One male improver to every four or fraction of four nialo workers receiving 63s. per week. FXHALB IhPBOVKBS. Two female improvers to each female worker receiving 35s. per week. Apprentices and Improvers shall be subject to the same number of hours per week as fixed for their respective sections. Males employed In (or on) — Other EmployeesT" Bond and Free Store*. Wharfs, Wharf Sheds, or Customs Railway Sheds. Potato or Onion Stores. Bulk Paper, Ume, or Cement Stores. Wool, Skin, Hide, OraiD, or Tallow Stores. Any other place (except IJil Stores). Females employed in any place. Wages per .Wages per Wages per Wages per Wages per Wages per Wages per week of week of week of week of week of week of week of 44 hours. 44 hours. 44 hoius. 48 hours. 48 houre. 48 hours. 4^ hours. Storeman, or Male or Female Packer or Sorter in anv «. d. s. d. «. d. s. d. ». d. ». d. s. d. store, who (notwithstanding he or she may be under the orders of a superior who does not devote the whole of his time to supervising the storing. packing, or sorting in such store) — (a) Works singly . . 63 6 73 4 66 67 6 58 6 66 37 6 (6) Supervises or directs the number of persons of the game sex, indicated hereunder, (a) 1, 2, or 3 such persons . . 63 6 73 4 66 67 6 58 6 06 ,17 6 (6) 4, 5, or 6 „ 68 6 73 4 66 72 6 63 6 71 40 6 (c) 7, 8,9,or 10„ 75 73 4 06 79 70 77 6 43 6 ((i) 11 or more „ „ 82 73 4 66 86 77 84 6 48 Storemen in charge of a bulk store removed from the main place of business , , 66 Packers of crockery for the country , . , . 66 All adults not otherwise provided for : — Ut six months 60 73 4 66 66 54 58 30 2nd six months 80 73 4 66 66 54 63 32 And thereafter 60 73 4 66 66 54 63 35 * There are Commonwealth attarda for this occupation. 113 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Waoks Boards, etc. — confi'nuei. Itoard. MInlmam W.ge. Uoon o( Work ApprentlcM. ImproTcn. (136.) 8T0REMEN. PACKERS, AND SORTERS*— «ono substituted. (6) Casual Labour. — Casual hands, i.e., persons (other than those in Potato or Onion Stores, on Wharfs, or in Wharf Sheds or CuBtoms Railway Sheds) who arc emplu^'ed during any week for not more tlian one-half the maximum number of hours fixed in thii Determination as a week's work shall be paid : — In Bond and Free Stores ,. . . Is. 9d. jjer hour. In any other place .. .. Time and a third. PIECE-WORK. (7) The Board determines under the provisions of sub-sections (I) and (2) of section 144 of the Factoriu and Shop) Act 1915, No. 2660, that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prici s for wholly or partly packing ur sorting any arliiles for whicli wages rate? are fixed, provided that such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rate fixed by the Board for such work. • There are CommonimaUh avcurds for this occvpation. STRAW HAT— (See No. 76 ) (137.) TANNERS.t (Present Determination in force from 22.11.16.) This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest price* or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classet of peiBons employed in the process, trade, or business of a tanner, currier, or leather dresser, other than a tanner of shoepskins." Curriers, that is, persons using in their work a whitening knife, skiver, slicker, wUtening slicker, or shaving knife Qrainors of bookbinding or furni- ture leather* Hand fieshers Jiggers of bookbinding or furni- ture leathers Lime jobbers Machinists working band-split- ting macliines Machinists working fleshing machines. . . , Machine shavers Machinists working unhairing and scudding machines Machinists (not otherwise pro- vided for) working at any machine used for preparing fancy leather Persons employed at japanning or enamelling leather, or at ovens used for japanning or enamelling leather. . Persons (not otherwise provided for) finishing fancy leathers, and persons trimming green hides after being fleshed Punchers Rollers Strikers Scudders Stoners Table hands Unhairers All others DAT Shir. £ «. d. NiOHT Shift. £ *. d. 3 8 4 6 3 1 3 3 3 16 3 3 18 9 3 1 2 16 3 16 3 3 8 9 3 8 4 6 3 3 3 1 3 18 9 3 16 3 2 18 3 12 6 1 1 2 16 3 10 2 18 3 13 6 2 18 2 18 3 3 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 14 3 12 6 3 12 6 3 15 3 15 3 12 6 3 12 6 3 12 6 3 12 6 3 7 6 48 4S 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Juvenile workers, i.e., persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices or improvers) employed as strainers : — 14 years of age 16 „ „ 16 .. .. 17 ,. „ £ 13 17 1 2 1 7 per week of 48 hours Waqbs. 1st year's experience 2nd 3rd 4th „ „ 5th „ „ 6th Per week of 48 hours. £ t. 10 15 7 12 17 d. 6 6 6 Peopohtion (iw Awr Factoet ob Place). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 648. per week of 48 hours. Wages. Same as apprentice*. Peopobtion (is ant Factobt ob Place). One improver to every three or fraction of three workers receivmg not less than 64s. per week of 48 hour* 6683—8 t Thtre at* CommonU4aUk avanU in thit Wait. 114 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continusd. (137.) TAX NERS*— continued. Shuts. — That the times ol beginning and ending shifts and the higher rate to be paid for each hour or fraction ot an hour worked \)y an employee U-fore or after liis sliift sliail bu an [ollovvs t — Time ol— Overtime. Beginning - - Ending— Day t iniFT. Day SniPT. Saturday, aatnrday. _ 730 a.m. 12 noon 12 noon to 1 p.m , Time and a quarter. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 ime and a half. 4 p.m. to midnight. Double time. Other Day». Olhtr Days. 7.30 a.m. ! 5.15 p.m. 3.30 a.m 6.30 a.m. 5.15 p.m 6.15 p.m 9.15 p.m to 6.30 to 7.30 to 6.15 to 9.15 to 3.30 a.m., a.m., p.m. p.m. a.m. Time and a half. Time and a quarter. Time and a quarter. Time and a half. Double time. NiOHT Shift. Night Shipt. 5.30 p.m. 2.30 a.m. 2.30 a.m. to 7.30 a.m., Double time. SpBciAL Kates foh Sunoav-s ano Pori.ic Holidays — All work done on— ^ (a* Sundays and Christmas Day — djuble time. (6) On New Year's Day, 2 ith January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 2l8t April (Eight Hours Day), 3rd June (King's Birthday), and Boxing Day — time and a half ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament oi Proclamation substituted for any of the above holidays, such special rates shall only be payable for work done on the day substituted. An indenture of appronticesliip prescribed was approved on 31.7.11. * There are CommonwecUth awarde in thit trade, (138 ) TEA PACKING. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geeloig and Warmambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sind.iaghara ; the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and Shops Acts, the Special Board appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persona or classes of persons (other than persons subject to the Determination oi the Grocers Board) employed either inside or outside a factory or work room, in the process, trade, or business of preparing tea, coffee, cocoa, or chocolate for trade or sale, including blending, weighing, filling packets, wrapping, packing, or labelling," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 16th April, 1919, the previoas Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Adults. 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Ma LIS. Wages. Per »«ck of 48 houra. 13s. 6d. 178. 18s 6d. 248. 32a. 6d. 36s. 4 Is. 6d. Peopobtion (within any factory or place). Apprenliees. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers rpceiving at wages rates or piece-work prices not less than 6 Is. per week of 48 hours. Itnprover^. One male improver to every lour or fraction of four male workers receiving at wasfes rates or piece-work prices not less than 01s. per week of 48 hours. Femalbs. 15 years 1 6 years 17 yi-ars 18 years I'J years 20 years Wagvi. Per w^ek o( iX iiours. . Hi Gd. 17s. 19s. 21s . 248 6(1. . 268. ed. Pbopoetios (within any factory or place). A fiprenlicrt. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of throe female workers receiving at wages rales or piece-work prices not less than 30s. per week of 48 hours. Improvem, One female improver to every four or fraction of four female workers receiving not less than 3 s. per week of 48 himrs. Waqbs. Males. Per week ol 48 Iiours. Foreman, i.e., a person held directly responsible by the employer for the carrying out of the work, and who has the charge and direction of the employees . . 70s. Headman, i.e,, a person who has charge of employees under, and takes his instructions from, the foreman . . 67s. 6d. All other adult workers , . . . . . . . 61a. Femalet. Headwoman, i.e., a person who has oharpe of employees under, and takes her instructions from, the foreman. . 37f All other adult females . . . . . . . . 30f , 116 SOMMARY OP WaOES AND CONDITIONS FiXED BY WaOES BoARDS, ETC. — continued. (138.) TEA PACKING— con/i/iued. Juvenile Workebs. WAGES. Under 16 year8 of age. General work, i.e. all work except — (a) Bulk bloruling, i.e., mixing ; (&i Moving by band, unassisted, packages exceeding 3.5 lbs. gross weight ; (ej Ramming witb a rammer exceeding 3 11)8. in woiijbt ; {d) Packing tea with a machine other than a power driven machine — Per week of 48 lioura. Males uyoEs 21 Ybabs or Aoe (other than apprentices or improvers) employed at — Under 18 yara of age. General work, i.e., all work except — (a) Bulk blending, i.^., mixing ; (6) Moving by hand, unas'jisted, packages exceeding 70 lbs. gross weight ; (r) Ramming with a rammer exceeding 4 lbs. in weight :' {d) Packing tea with a machine other than a power-driven machine^ Per week of 48 houm. 14 years Ifi yean 13s. 6d. 17s. 16 yean 17 yean 188. 6d. 21s. Under 21 ye/in of age. General work, i.e., all work except — Moving by hand, unassisted, packages exceeding 100 lbs. gross weight — Per week of 48 hours. 18 years 19 years 20 years 329. Od. 36s. 4l8. 6d. Females under 21 Years of Aob (other than apprentices or improvers) employed at — Under 18 year.f of age. General work, i.e., all work except — Packing tea with a hand or power-driven machine — Per week of 48 hours. Under 21 yeart of age. General work, i.e., all work except — Packing tea with a hand machine — Per week of 48 liours. Ifi yean .. .. .. .. .. 14b. 6d. 16 years .. .. .. .. .. 178. 17 yean . . . . . . . . . , 198. 18 years . . 19 years . . 20 yean . . 21.. .. 218. 6d. . . 203. 6a. (3) Overtime. — All work done in excess of 48 hours in any week shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. (4) Special Rates for Sundays and Public Houdavs, — Time and a half «h.ill be the special rate for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (5) Piece-work — The Board determines under the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of section 144 of the Factories and Shop Act 1915, No. 2650, that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of preparing tea, colToe, cocoa, or chocolate for trade or sale, including blending, weiKliiiig, filling packets wrapping, packing, or labelling, provided that such employer shall base such piece-work prioes on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions ; and that such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than th< minimum wage fixed by the Board for such work. (139.) TENTMAKERS. Note.— On the lith day of November, li)13. the powers of the Tentmakers Board were extended to enable it to fix the lowest prioes or rates which may be paid to any parsons employed in the process, trade, businciss, or occupation of a maker of — Horao rugs ; Cow rugs ; Water bags ; Outside blinds (except Venetian blinds) j Canvas or duck filters j Canvas or duck mail bags. This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories nn(i .Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat. Bendigo, Goelong, and VVarrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and the boroughs of Eaulohawk. Goelong West. Newtown and Chilwcll and Sebastopol. Tills Board, which was appointed "to determine the lowest prices or rates wliioh may be piid to any persons employe I in the proco-!8. trade, business, or occupation of a maker of tents, tarpaulins, sails, or fligs." has made the following Determination, namely: - f!) That on the 8th April, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Wages. 1st six months' experience 2nd 2nd year's experience 3rd 4th 5th Per week of 48 hours. Females. a. d. 9 6 10 8 13 16 21 23 6 Ua s. les. d. 10 6 13 10 21 26 31 Proportion (in any Place). Apprentices. One male apprentice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 648. per week of 48 hours. One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three female workers receiving not less than 278. per week of 48 hours. Improver/I. Two male improvers to each male worker receiving not less than u4s. per week of 48 hours. Two female improvers to each female worker receiving not less thon 27s. per week of 48 hours. Provided that one female improver in lieu of one male •mprover may bo employed. Other Employees. Wages. Males. Foreman in charge of one or more employees Hand sewor. i.e., any person making, altering, or repairing by hand, any article except flags All other adult males Female3. Forewoman or leading machinist where 10 or more females are employed Machinists operating power or treadle eyelet machines Machinists operating grummet macliines Machinists operating 7. 3 or larger machines . . All other adult females Per week of 48 hours. f*. d. 72 66 54 36 36 30 30 27 116 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wagks Boards, etc. — continued. roard. Minimum Wage. Houra of Work X eek. Apprentices. Improvers. (13a.) TKNTMAKERS— continued. Time of Beginning. (3) Time of Beqin.sino i 7.45 a.m. AND Ending Work ( 7.45 a.m. Time of Ending. 1 p.m. on Saturdays. . . 6 p.m. on the other working days of the week. (4) Overtime. — That the following rates shall be paid for all woik done during the times spe ifiod hereunder, viz. : — Within the hours fixed as the times of beginning and ending work in excess I ■ Time and a half. of 48 hours in any week Between 1 p.m. and midnight on Saturday Between 6 p.m. and midniglit on any other working day of the week . . ' Between midnight and 7.45 a.m. .. ., .. .. .. Double time. (5) Casual Labour. — Casual workers, i.e., wor'vers employed for not more than 24 hours in any week shall be paid at the rate of 2d. per hour in addition to the ordinary rates. (6) Special Bates. — That double time shall be paid for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day, 26th January (Foundation Day). Good Friday, Easter Saturday. Easter Monday, 2l8t April (Eight H .urs Day), Chri-'mas Day, and Boxing Day; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named uoliUays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (7) Piecework. — -The Board determines, under the provisions of Section 144 of the Fatories and Ships Act 1915. that any employer may fix and pay piece-work prices to any person or persons or classes of persons employed at any work for which iho Bi>ard has fixed the minimum wage, provided that such employer shall bise such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, ann such piece-work prices shall bo fixed so that an average worker can earn not leas than the wages that are fixed by the Board for such work. (140.) TIE MAKERS. (Present Determination i.i force from 22.5.13.) ! | This Board was appointed to " determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a manufacturer of men's and boys' ties." Males. Bilk cutter Lining cutter Females Needleworkers employed raanufactur. iiig ties of the classes known ,ib Bats- wing. Thistle, President, Windsor, Lombard, Long Scarve, and Wide End . . ■ . . All other reodleworkers . . Treadle machinists Power machinists Boxers . . Pressers Aault females not provided for above Adult females, w'thout previous ex- p"ripnce. — Commencing work at the trade at 2 1 years of age or o ver — )st six months' ex|)erionce 2nd six niontlis' experience 2nd year's exfierieuce.. 478. 6d. 40s. 258. 228. 6d. 22s. 6d. 20s. 20s. 20s. 20s. 15s. 1 7s. fid. 20s. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 MALES. Wages. Per week 0143 hours. Ist year, Jst six months 7s. tid. 2nd six months lOs. 2nd year, Ist six months 12s. fid. 2ud six months 17s. 6d 3rd year, 1 st six mo iths 203. 2nd six months 25s. 4th year, 1st six months 30s. 2nd six months 35s. Proportion (in any factory or place). One male appi entice to every three or fraction of three male workers receiving not less than 40s. per week of 48 hours. FEMALES. Wages. 1st year, I st six montlis 2nd six months 2nd year, 1st six months 2nd six montiis 3rd year 4th year . . ' . . Per week of 48 hoard. 53. 7s. fid. 10s. J 2s. 6d. 15s. 20s. Proportion (in any factory or place). One female apprentice to every three or fraction of three (ema'i workers leceiving not less than 2Us. per week of 48 hours. MALES. Wages. Lining Culling. Ist year, 1st six mouths. 2nd six niontlis. 2nd year, 1st six months. 2nd six mouths. 3rd year 4th year Silk Culling. 1st year, 1st six montlis. . 2nd six months. . 2nd year, 1st six mouths. . 2nd six mouths. . 3rd year, Ist six months. . 2nd six months. . 4th year, Ist six months . . 2nd8i-\ montlis. . Per week of 48 hours. 7h 6d. Ids. 12s. Od. 168. 20a. 308. 78. 6d. lOa. 12s. 6d. 17s. 6d. 203. 25s. 308. 3os. Proportion (in any factory or place). Two male improvers to each male worker receiving not less than 40s. |)er week of 48 hours FEMALEa Wages. Ntcdle-workers or Treadle iUfhininU. Per week 0(48 hours. 1 st year. 1st six months. . ."js 2nd six months . . 7s 6d. 2nd year. 1st six months. . iOs. 2nd si.\ mouths . . 12s. 6d. 3rd year .. 158. 4th yeur . . 20s. All Othere. I 3t year .. 78. 6d. 2tid year .. IOs. 3rd year ..15s. Propobtiojj (in any factory oi place) Fmir female improvers to each female worker reeeivi le 'lol less than 20a. per week of 48 houra 117 SoMMARY OP Waoes AND CojJDiTioHS FiXED BY Waoes Board3, ETC. — Continued. (140.) TIE MAKERS-con«int«d. Time of beglnalng. „ f7..1Ua.m. TlMK OF AND Emdimo Work { 7.30 a.m. Time of ending. 6.15 p m. on fivo dnys of the week. 1 p.m. on th>> other working day of the week on which the baU-holiday is usually ob.th January (Foundation Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday. Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), OhrUtina.s Day. and Bo.xing Day; but if any ot'ior day bo by Act of Parliament or I'roulamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable far work done on the day so substituted. 118 Sdmm\ry of W oes and Conditions fixed by Waoes Bovrds, eto — continued. (141.) TILE LAYERS— continued. PiBCB-WOBK — (6) A Schedule of piece work prioea has been fixed by the Board. (7) The Board determines, unlor the prorisions of sootion 144 of the Factoriei and Shtpt Act 1915, t'lat any employer may fix und pay piece-work pri es to any person employeJ at any work for which this Board has not fixed pitwe-work prices but lias fixed a miiiimu n wage, provide 1 that suoh empiover shall bvso such piece- work prices on the earnint»s of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rate fixed by the Board for such work. (142.) TIMBER-FELLERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the whole of the State outside and excepting the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factorio.' and Shops Acts; the cities of Uallarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool; the towns of Ballarat East and Sand.ingham; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, which was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rate* which may be paid to any person employed in the occupation of felling or preparing timber for saw-mills or conveying it to the mills," has made the following Determination, aamuly : — (1) That on the 16th day of July, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) WAGES. Apprentices. Improvers. Other Employees. Waqbs. Wages. Wages. Per wMk of Per week of Per week ol 43 hours. 43 hour*. 62 hours. s. d. <. d. £ ». d. Ist 6 months . 7 6 16 years of age .. 27 6 Driver of snig-team or vehicle (other than a tram truck) 2nd 6 . 10 17 .. 32 6 conveying logs to mill — 2nd year . 15 18 .. 37 6 Where one horse is used . . . . ..350 3rd „ . 20 19 .. 42 6 And 2s. 6d. extra per week for every additional horse. 4th „ . 27 6 20 .. 50 Trucker .. .. .. ..360 6th „ . 35 Per w«k of 6th „ . 40 Proportion. 48 hours. Ropeman .. .. .. .. ..380 PEOrORTlON One improver to every four Bullock-driver, feller, or guard on steam tramway ..360 workers receiving no t loss than Swamper. . .. .. .. .. ..340 One apprentice to every three 628. per week of 48 hours. All others .. .. .. .. ..320 or fractio 11 of three workois re- coiving not less than 62s. per woek of 48 hours. (3) Overtime. — Any employee who in any week works for any time in excess of the hours fixed in the Determination as a week's work, shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. (4) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for all work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), and Christmas Day ; but if any other daj be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays the special rate shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (143.) TINSMITHS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat. Bendigo. Geelong and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saudringham ; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, anl Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Fa'inrif ani Skopi Arl.i, the Special Board appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates of payment payable to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of jireparing or manufacturing articles made of tin plate or other sheet metal, including the japanning of such articles," has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 23rd day of May, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. 119 Summary of Waies and Comditionts Fixed by W.vges Board?!, etc. — continued. (143.) TINSMITHS— contiduei, (2) ApPBKNTirES AND ImFROVSRS. Wages per \\eek of 43 Hoars. Ajiprpiiticti. Improver*. 1 St year's experience ... lis. lis. 2i>d „ Itis. lOs. 3nl „ 22s. 2: 2iid Year's :iril Year's EX|«T1- Experi- Experi- ence in ence in ence In Class 11. Class B. Class B. VndiT 21 years of agt. Class B. s. d. a. d. a. d. Soldering down pipes not heavier than 24 gauge or larger than 4 inches in diameter 33 (1 40 48 IH Year'B 2nil Year's 3rd Year's 4th Year's Experi- Experi- Kxperi- Experi- ence In ence in encc in ence in Class C. Class 0. Class C. Class C. Class C a. d. a. d. a. d. *. d. Repairing leak? in general shoot metalwork or r.ssist inp at rollers for forming down pipes, or engaged at general sheet metal work on the following maehines, viz.; — Hurnishing aiul spinning lallies, curving machines. guillotines for cutting spouting and ridging, stamping machines cr presses, or sjrauting and ridging machines 22 C 30 37 r. 45 1st Ycar'i- 2nd Year's Srd Year's Ith Year's ExtHTi- Experi- ICxperi- ExpiTl- cnce in ence in encfi in oncc In Class D. Class U. Class U. Class U. Class D. a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. Engaged at canister work on the crank press 27 6 32 6 40 47 C iBt Year's 2nd Year's ird Year's 4th Year's 5th Year's Olh Year's Experl- Experi- Experi- Experi- Kxperi- Experi- Class E. enoe in ence in ence in ence in eneo in ence In Class E. Class E. Class E. Class E. Class E. Chiss E. Engaged at general sheet metal work or canister work on any other power a. d. 8. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. machine or at canister work on the following machines or presses : — monkey, pendulum, screw, or treadle, m.ichines for folding canisters of holding capacity up to and including one pint, beading, bonding (other than bv angle bo'Kler or folder), body forraingfother ihan by angle bender). clonclling. crimpi ig. curling, double seaming, flanging, hinge hooking. hinge seating, look seaming, notching, rolling, squeezing, trimming, "r wim formitig. or feeding or taking off in oonnexion with any power soldering michiie or employed in connexion with j.ip;inning at scouring. olo.iiing. assisting t > polish or gonor.vl rough w 'rk. or engaged on c.ibinet h indies in cutting -tri is, cli is, and hohs on guillotine, bonding clira round ri ig. fitting same and opening out ends, or employed at hin;.;e making in cutting metal into strips, or putting in pins 15 20 es 32 6 40 47 6 120 SOMUARY OF WaOBS AND CONDITIONS FiXED BY WaGES BoARDS, ETC. — continued. (143.) TINSMITHS— continued. (4) Other Employbes. — ^Waoes. Tinsmiths or sheet metal workers who cut patterns or make up articles from patterns out by themselves Other tinsmiths or sheet metal workers Kepjiireis on g'lieral sheet nieial work Machinists ou general sheet metal work Solderers of d wn pipes ... Artistic japanners Gold workers Orn^inentiil pencil workers mieters Grainers Liners ... Writers ... Makers or repairers of canisters or oil tins or parts thereof (a) by hand (6) by n achine Cap scilderers Canist-r vent closers Persons attending — (o) Power capp iig machines ... 75s. ... 70s. ... 708. per week of 48 hours >* »• ••■|e6s »f I> '.'.'. J- 708. - " 64s. :::} 678. 61s. 67s. (6) tne metvl pot ou a power a(> of Ending. ... 12.15 p.m. on the day on wh ch the half-holiday is observed. ... 5.45 p.m. ou the other ivorking days of the week. (6) Overtime. in I Til Outside the time of beginning and ending work as herein fixed Within the time of beginning and ending work in excess of the hours fixed in \ Time and a half this Ueierniination as a week's work (7) Special R.\ti.s. Double time shall l)e the specinl rate for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Pay (26th January , (iood Fri ay, Kaster Monday, Eiglil Hours Day (21st April , Kinss Biithday, Christmas Day, and Boxing l)ay ; but if any other day be by Act of I'arlianjent or Pioclamation subslitu:ed for any of the atove-nained holidnys, the tptcial rate shall only be payable for work done on ttie day so 8ub>titutecl. A Schedule of piecework prices has been fixed by the Board. (144.) TRAMWAY.*— (Determination not yet made.) This Board was appointed to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes o( persons employed in any business or occupation connected with tramway lines, tram cars, tramsheds, or tramway works, other than the erection or repair of buildings." * There are ComTnotuceaUh aieardtfar thit occupation. (Ur,.) TQCKPOINTERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District, as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnarabool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandringliam ; the boroughs of Oakleigh, Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol ; and such portion of the shire of Moorabbin as is within 10 miles of a city or town. This Board, which was appointed " to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons, or classes of persons, wheresoever employed in the trade or business of a tuokpninter." has made the following Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 6th November, 1917, the last and all previous Determinations of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Appbektioes and Ihpbovsbs. 1st year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 6th „ Waeea per Week of 44 Houn. s. d. 10 20 27 6 40 65 Apprentices (Proportion by any Employer). One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 7l8. 6d. per week of 44 hours. Improvers (Proportion by any Employer). One Improver to every three or fraction of three persons reoetving act less than 7 Is. 6d. per week of 44 hours. Other Employees. Tuokpointers Is. T^d. per hour, or 71b. 6d. week of 44 houn per 121 Summary op Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (145.) TUCKPOINTERS— con/inued. (3) Definitions. — Whenever occurring in this Determination, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned ';o them (that is to say) : — (a) Metropolitan Centre shall mean the Melbourne General Post Office 1 (b) Any other centre shall mean the respective town halls of Ballarat, '• and all distances from a centre shall be computed Bendigo, Goclong, and Warrnambool ] by the radius. (4) Allowances. —The following extra rates shall be paid to any persons wheresoever employed — (o) On alJ work distant from the metropolitan centre 3 miles and up to 6 miles, Jd. per hour extra. (6) On all work distant from the metropolitan centre over 6 miles and up to 16 miles. Id. per hour extra. (c) On all work distant from any other centre 3 miles and up to 6 miles, Jd. per hour extra. (d) On all work distant from any other centre over 6 miles and up to 8 miles. Id. per hour extra. Provided always that whore the locality of the work is nearer to the employee's residence than to the centre, all distances shall be reckoned from the employee's residence, which in such case shall be deem'id to bo the centre. (5) Times of Beginning and Ending Wobk. — Tlmw o( Beginning. Times of Ending. 7.45 a.m. . . . . . . 6.15 p.m. on each of five days of the week. 7.45 a.m. . . . . .. 12.15 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday is usually observed. (6) Overtime. — The following rates shall be payable : — (a) Time and a quarter for work done between 5.15 p.m. and 7.16 p.m. on any working day other than the day on which the weekly half-holiday is usually observed. (6) Time and a half for all other work done outside the times of beginning and ending work on any week day. (c) Time and a quarter for all work done within the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 44 hour? in any week. (7) Special Rates for Sundays and Public Houdays. — Double time shall bo the special rate for all work done on Sundays, Year rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (8) Piecework. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. (146 ) UNDERCLOTHING. — Nots. — (o) This Determination applies to the Metropolitan District; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Warrnambool j the towns of Ballarat East and Saidringham; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geelong West. Newtown and Chilwell. and SebastopnI. ' (6) On the 2nd July, 1907, the powers of the Underclothing Board were extended to enable it to determine the lowest prices or rates of piymeiit for wholly or pirtly preparing or manufacturing all classes of pillowslips. (c) On 12th June, 1911, the power to determine the lowest prices or rates of payment for wholly or partly preparing or manu- facturing blouses was taken from the Underclothing Board and conferred solely on the Dressmakers Board. The Djtermination of this Board, which was appointed "to determine the lowest prices or rates of payment for wholly or partly preparing or mmufacturing all articles of women's and girls' underclothing, except stays and corsets, also nightgowns, blouses, pinaforos, aprons, and infant^' gowns and underclothirg," was amended by the Court as follows: — (Determination of the Court of Industrial Appealt.) (1) That on the 12th December, 1917, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Deteruunationi (2) ndation Day (2Gth January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l3t April), Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Ne r's Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the spccii w special Apprentices and Improvers. All other Employees. Wages per week ol <8 hours. Wages per week of 48 hours. ifnles. Cutters Machinists All others Females. Cutters Machinists Pressers All others #. d. 66 57 Hale. Female. 1st year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 5th „ ». d. 10 6 16 6 25 35 46 t. d. 7 11 16 21 6 26 66 33 29 29 28 Pbopoetion (in any Place). Apprentice*. One apprentice to each worker of the same sex receiving not less than the minimum wage. ImpmvPT^. Three improvers to every two or fraction of two workers of the game sex receiving not less than the minimum wage. The prescribed form of indenture as amended was approved on 21st Septembor, 1917. (3) Time of Beginning and Ending Work — Time of BeglniUng. Time of Ending. 7.50 a.m. . . . . 6.20 p.m. on five days of the week. 7.50 a.m. . . . . 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday is usually observed. (4) Overtime. — Any employee who, within the hours of beginning and ending work, works in any week for any time in excess of 48 hours, shall be paid for such extra time at the rate of time and a half. Any employee who is engaged outside the hours specified in this Determination as the times of beginning and ending work upon •uch day shall be paid for such overtime at the rate of time and a half. (5) Special Rates fob Sundays and Public Houdays. — All work done on Sunday shall be paid for at the rate of double time, and on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (2l8t April), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day at the rate of time and a half ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named holidays, the special rate shall be payable only for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece-work. — A Schedule of pieop-work rates has been fixed by the Board, which has nlso determined under the provisions of section 144 of the Factories and Shops Act 1915 that any employer may fix and piy piece-work prices to any pnrson employed at any work for which this Board has not fixed piece-work prices but has fixed a minimum wage, provided that euch employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piece-work prices shall be fixed »o that an average worker can earn not less than the wages rate fixed by the Board for such work. 122 Summary of Waoes and CoNDixroNS Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued (147.) DNDERTAK.ERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of B.vUarat, Bandigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Goelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Baard w'iish was appDinted to "determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons wheresoever employed in the business or occupation of an undertaker," has made the following Determination, viz. : — (1) That on the 23th December, 1913, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by thii Determination. (2) Apprentices. Wages. Per week of 48 hours. 1st year' J experience . 15s. 2nd year 8 expsrionce . 203. 3rd year' s oxpononce . 25s. 4th year's experience . 303. 5th year' s experience . 358. Improvars. Other Employees. Pboportiok (within any factory or place). One apprentice to every two or fraction of two workers receiving not less than 623. per week of 52 hours. Wages. Under 18 years of age 18-19 years of ago 19-20 years of age 20-21 years of age Per week of 48 hours. . . 223. 6d. . . 29s. . . 35s. . . 42s. 6d. Pbopoetion (within any factory or place). One improver to every seven or fraction of seven employees receiving not less than 62s. per week of 52 hours. Wages. Workers engaged in making coffins of wrought timber for either polishing or varnishing Workers engaged in making other coffins, trimming or polishing coffins, or conducting funerals First chauffeur who makes adjustments and attends to running repairs to two or more motor hearses, coaches, or waggons Other chauffeurs Workers engaged in driving or grooming horses, washing vehicles, cleaning harness, doing general stable work, or placing remains of deceased persons in coffins . . Provided that workers who live at branch establishments, and work tor more than two days per week at the employer's principal place of business, shall receive and that workers who live and work at either principal or branch estab- lishments shall receive 70s. per week of 48 hours. 66s. per week of 48 hours. 67s. per week of 50 hours. 62s. jjor week of 50 hours. 62s. per week of 52* hours. 20s. per week extra. 10s. per week extra. (3) Time of BEOiNNrNO and Ending Woiik. — (o) For workers engaged in conducting funerals, making, trimming, or polishing coffins — Time n( BeglDDlng. Time of Ending, 7.30 a.m. . . .. .. .. 6.30 p.m. on six days in the week. (6) For all other workers — 7 a.m. . . . . . . . . 6.30 p.m. on six days in the week. (4) OVKETIMB. — Outside the hours fixrd as the times of beginning and ending work Within the hours so fixed in excess of the number of hours as fixed for a week's work Time and a half. Time and a quarter. (5) Casual Labour. — Casual employees, t.e., persons who are employed during any week for not more than one-half the maximum number of hours fixed in this Determination as a week's work, shall be paid at the rate of time and a quarter, with a minimum of 98. per day. (6) Speciai, Rate.i fob Sundays and Pubuo Holidays. — Double time shall be paid for all work done on Sundays, New Year's Day. Good Fri lay, nnd Cliristmas Day. Provided that persons employed at cleaning out stables, feeding, grooming, and bedding, down horses shall be paid for the first two hours' work at the ordinary rate. (7) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work pri:es has been fixed by the Board. * The hours fixed at>ove for the week's work are to be taken aa including time occupied in attending to honea on Sundays (not exceeding two bouis). (148.) WATCHMAKERS. Note. — -This Duterinination applies to the following parts of Victoria, viz. : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the town of Ballarat East and Sandringham ; and the bo"ough3 of Eaglehawk, Geelong West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sobastopol. This Board, which was appointed " to deterniino the lowest prices or rntos which may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in the process, trade, business, or occupation of a watch or clock maker (including repairers)" has made the follow, ing Determination, namely : — (1) That on the 22nd April, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. 123 Summary op Wages a.\d Comditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (148.) WATCH.MAKEBS— cortdnaei. {2\ Apprentluoa or Improven. Wages Per Week of 46J Houks. Apprentices. Impkovers. s. d. ». d. Ist year's exporicnco 7 6 10 2nd „ 12 6 15 Srd „ 15 25 4th „ 25 35 5lh ,, 32 6 40 6th „ 42 6 65 Pbopoetion (in any Place). Apprentices. Two apprcnticea to tho first throe workers or fraction thereof receiving "hot less than tho minimum wage, and thereafter one apprentice to every throe such worker.™ or fraction thereof. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed wag approved on 7th August, 1911. Improvers. One improvei to every four workers rocuiving noL less than the minimum wage. Other Employees. Adults Within thft Metro- politan DiDtrii't. Wages per week o( 46i Koura. 75/- Outtldf the AIi'tiupoFiUtn Dtitrirt tthen'VOf this Dc'UrniinaUon Applies. Wage* per week n( 46i Uoura. 72/- (3) Time of BEai.vNiso and Endino Work — Time of Beginning. Time c( Ending. 8 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 1 p.m. on the day on whicli tho hilf-holidaj' is usually observed. 8 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . 6 p.m. on the other working days of tho week. (4) Overtime. — All work done outside the hours specified as tho times of beginning and ondiiig work, or for any work done within such honrr. in excess of 46J hours in any week, shall be paid for at the rate of time and a quarter. (o) dPECiAL Rates. — Double time shall be the rate for a!! work done on Sundaj's, New Year's Day, Fouiidation Day (2Gth January), Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day (21st April), King's Birthday (3rd June), Christmas" Day, or Boxing Day; but if any other day bo by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of tho above-named holidays, the special rate shall only be payable for work done on tho day so substituted. (0) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. WATERPROOF CLOTHING.— (See No. 39.) WHOLE.SALE GROCERS.— (See No. 71.) (149.) WI( KER. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of Ballarat. Bendigo, Geelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Saudringham ; and the boroutdis of Eaglehawk, Geebmg West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. This Board, whi h wis "appointed to determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any person or persons or i lasses of persons employed in the process, trade, or business of a manufacturer of bamboo or wicker goods," has made the following Determination, namely :■ - (1) That ou the 10th day of August, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked aud replaced by this Determination 12) Apprektices or Improvers. Other Employbes. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. Wages per Week of 48 Hours. 1 St year ... ... 98. Persons not provided for in the piece-work schedules 2nd „ 17s. employed — 3rd „ 253. 4th „ ... ... 31s. (a) in the making or repairing of basket- 5th ,, ... ... 378. ware ... ... ... ... 65s. 6th ,, ... ... 44s. (6) on other work ... ... ... 67s. 6d. Proportion (in any factory ob place). Appren ica. 1 apprentice to I, 2, or 3... ...\ 2 apprentices to 4 or 5 ... 3 „ 6 4 „ 7 workers receiving not 8 „ 8 less than 65s. per 6 „ 9 or 10 . week. and thereafter 1 apprentice to every :< or fraction of 3 The prescribed form of indenture was approved on 8th April, 1911. Improvers. 1 improver to 3 ... ... .. 1 workers receiving not 2 iinnroveis to 8 ... ..V less than 65s per and thereafter 1 improver to every 6 j week. 124 Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continxied. (149.) WICKER— con'tnuei. (3) TiMB or Bkoinninq and Endino Wobk.- Monday, Tuesday, Weduesday, Thursday, \ and Friday / Saturday ... ... .^ Timeot Beginning^. 7.45 a.m. 7.43 a.m. Time ol Ending:. S.30 p m 12.30 p.m. ay J Time and a quarter (4) OVBRTIMB. — Within the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week Betneen 12.;10 |>.m. and o p.m. on Saturday ... Between xSO p.m. and 9 p.m. on Momlay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday Between 5 p m. and midiiijjht on Saturday ... ... ... ... i Between 9 p.m. and midnight on .Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday | Double time. Between midnight and 7. +.5 a.m. ... ... ... ... ...J Provided that no person shall be employed working overtime at less than 9d. per hour. (5) Spkctai. Rates. — Time and a half shall be the rate for all work done nn New Year's Oay, Foundation Day (26th January) and Boxing Day; and double time shall be the rate for all work done on G 'O i Friday, Eister M mday. Eight H ^urs Day ('ilst April) and Chiistrnas Uay ; but if any other day he by Vet of Parliiment or Proelainatijn substii-uted for any of ihe above-named holidays he Special Rat« shall only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) I'lECE-woBK. — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. (6) Piece-work — A schedule of piece-work prices has been fixed by the Board. (150.) WIREWORKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Ueelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns oJ Ballarat East and Sandringham; and the boroughs of Eaglohawk, Gedong West. Newtown and Chilwell, and Sebastopol. In accordance with the provisions of the Factories and Shops Acts, the Special Board appointed to " determine the lowest price* or rates widcli may be paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed eitlier inside or outside a factory or work-room in the process, trade, or business of a wire -worker, using six gauge or smaller wire, but not including persons employed in making wiro netting, barbed wire, wire nails, or wi.e matt.essos," has made the following Determination, viz. : — (1) That on the 26th day of April, 1919, the last previous Determination of this Board shall bo revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Apprentices or Improvers. Juvenile Woiken. Other Employees. Wages per week of a hours. a. d. 12 6 17 6 22 6 27 6 32 6 42 6 Ist year 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 5th „ 6th „ Proportion. (In any lactory or place.) Apprentices. One apprentice to every three or fraction of three workers receiving not less than 63s. per week of 48 hours. An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved on 4.11.12. Improvers. One improver to every two workers receiv- ing not less than 633. per week of 48 hours. 1st year 2nd „ 3rd „ Per week of 48 houR. *. d. .. 10 .. 12 6 .. 16 Wages. Definition of Juvknile Workers. Persons under 21 years of age (other than apprentices and improvers) engaged minding swifts, blacking, painting, or oiling, carrying or moving material, packing, cleaning up factory, or going messages. Wire-workers Weavers . . All others. . (3) Time or Beqinnino and Ending Work : — Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. 7.45 a.m. . . . . 5 30 p.m. on each of five days of the week. 7.45 a.m. . . . . 1 p.m. on the other working day of the week on which the half-holiday is lunally observed. (4) Overtime : — For work done within the times of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week . . ) For work done between 1 p.m. and midnight on the day on which the half-holiday is usually observed VTime and a third. For work done between 5.30 p.m. and midnight on the other working days . . . . . . j For work done between midnight and 7.45 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Double time. (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the rato for all work done on Sunday, New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Good Friday. Easter Monday, Eight Hours Dvy (21st April), King's Birthday, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day ; but if any other day bs by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hoUdays, the special rate shall only bo payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6) Piece-work. — A schedule of piece-work rates has been fixed by the Board. (151.) WOODWORKERS. Note. — This Determination applies to the following imrts of Victoria, namely: — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts ; the cities of B.iUrat, Bendigo, Getlorg, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham; and the boroughs of Eaglehawk, Geclorg West, Newtown and Chilwell, and Scbastopol. Tbi powers of thij Bjard were altered on 20.1.19, so that it can now " determine the lowest prices or rates which may be paid to any persjns (other thin p iison.s under the jurisdiction of the Carpenters, Agricultural Implements, or Picture Frame Boards, or persons ongigod i.i ship or boat building or the erection of bridges, wharfs, or similar structures) employed aa — (o) Carpenters, joiners, or box-makers ; (6) Stackers, sorters, loaders, or unloaders of sawn timber ; (c) Saw-mill, timber yard, box factory, or joiner's workshop employees, (d) Woodworkers making articles not under the jurisdiction of any Special Board heretofore appointed or hereafter to be appointed," 125 SoMMABT OP Wages and Co:n)iTiON8 Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — coTilinued. (151.) WOODWORKERS— coftrinuerf. (1) Thai on the 14th day of Ootober, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall be revoked, and replao by thi^ Determination. (2) Apprentlcva or Improvsn. Wagea per Week of Experience. 48 Hours. Appn-n- Uces. Improvers. 1st year lOs. 153. 2nd .. 178. 6d. 20s. 3rd „ 25s. 309. "h „ 328. (id. 40s. 6th „ 40s. 47s. 6d. flth „ 478. 6.1. Pbopobtion in any Factory ob Plaob. AppretUieet. One apprentice to every two or fraction of two workers receiving not less than 61s. per week of 48 hours. Improver). One improver to every four workers up to 24 workers, and thence one improver to every ad- ditional eight workers receiving not less than 61s. per week of 48 hours. An amended form of indenture of apprenticesliip prescribed was approved on 9.2.15. Other Employees. Wages pet \Ve<:k o( Wbkm I Wci-li Belt repairers or attendants (other 48 Ilaun. Persons cmploypd at — 48 Houi than machinists or sawyers at- Removing first cuts ofF logs (bat tending to or repairing their own not persons carrying ligit belts) 64 s. material from crosscut saws) 6I«. Kelt Sivndcrs 65s. Removing lathing material 618. Box-makers 65s. Shaping machine 74». Carpenters, i.e., persons making — Spoke planer 688. Stock doors not larger than Spoke throater 68a. 7' X 3' X 2", double insertion Spoke turning 68s. moulded or ledge only ; stock Stacking boxes 61a. sashes not larger than 6' x 3' Tenoning machine . . 68s. X IJ', or stock frames for same; Timber bending 68a. field gates, picket gates; hurdles; Turning logs on skids for gang ladders ; step ladders ; skirt- frames 62s. ironing boards ; shirt-ironing Veneer lathes cutting veneer for boards ; boot-cutting boards ; ply wood, who grind their tailor's cutting boards ; paste own knives or cutters 70t. boards ; clothes horses ; fly- Veneer lathes rutting veneer for wire doors ; fly-wire windows ; ply wood, who do not grind tree guards ; dog kennels ; wheel- their own knives or cutters.. 668. barrows ; water closets (other Veneer glueing machines 64a. than preparing pedestal seats) . . 688. Veneer lathes and glueing ma- Carpenters (all other) 80s. chines as assistants and per- Coaters 70s. sons cariying ply wood, bund- Dogger-up on band-saw carriages 64s. ling, or placing same in crates 61s. Electrical crane-worker 66s. Polishers 70s. Ganger on band saw carriages 64 s. Pullers-out at leading saw benches 62a. Glaciers 66s. Pullers-out at re-cut band saw or Joiners 808. any other saw beaches 61a. Labourers 61s. Saw doctors — Lever-men on disappearing cross- Log or recutting band saw, cut saws 64s. sharpening for one machine . . 83a. All other lever-men 628. Log or recutting band saw. Log pond men 64s. sharpening for more than one Machinists (box-lacing) 653. machine . . 91a. Machinists (box-nailing) 60s. Other saw doctors, i.e., persona Machinists (box-printing) 628. 6d. who braze, hammer, straighten, Machinists (emery-paper) 653. and put saws in perfect Machinists (pressing ply wood) 623. working order 80a. Machinists (sand) » . . 65s. Saw sharijeners 688. Machinists not otherwise provided Saw (band) slabbers 68a. for 64s. Sawyer (crosscut) 65*. Ordermen . . . . ' 66s. Sawyers (horizontal shingling) esa. Mantelpiece makers 70s. Sawyers (breaking down) 68a. Packers 64s. Sawyers (roller re-cut band), not Painters 66a. brazing or sharpening their own saws, if blade docs not exceed Persons employed at — 3' in width . . 66*. Boring machine 64s. Sawyers (rollerre-cut band), brazing Boult's carver 74s. or sharpening their own saws, 2 Bundling lining boards and blade does not exceed 3' in width 718. weatherboards 62». Sawyers (roller re-cut band) if blade Buzzer 68s. exceeds 3' in width . . 728. Carrying light material from Sawyers (band or jig) not brazing or cross-cut saws 61s. sharpening their own saws 66a. Cleaning up sawdust. . 61s. Sawyers (band or jig) brazing or Cleaning up shavings 61s. sharpening their own saws 718. Copying lathe 68a. Sawyers (circular) cutting less than Cranes (overhead, steam, or 7i'deep 6^ electric) slinging timber 63s. Sawyers (circular) cutting 7i' deep Door-planing machine 68s. or over 68a. General joiner machine 71s. Sawyers (circular) preparing timber Mortising machine . . 64s. for moulding machine or detail Moulding machine, or two or work 68a. three or four side planer, who Sawyers (gang frame) cutting less grind their own knives or than 18' deep 668. cutters . . 73a. Sawyers (gang frame) cutting 18* Moulding machine, or two or deep or over 68a. three or four side planer, who Smiths 688. do not grind their own knives Strikers 618. or cutters 68a. Stackers 668. Removing boxes 61s. Tallymen 668. Removing firewood . . 6U Woodturners . . 7' 'a. A foreman is a man who has under his charge or control any other adult person or parsons, and shall be paid One shilling per d over and above the highest rate fixed by this Determination for the person or persona under his charge or controL A Tallyman or Orderman is a man who selects or marks timber for cutting or dressing, or who measures timber for delivery, who ia responsible for the execution of orders, or for the selection of suitable timber for manufacture in a joiner's shop. Time of BrglnninK. Time of Ending. (3) TiMR OF Beoinnino ^ 7.30 a.m. . . , . . . . . 5.15 p.m. on each of the five ordinary working days in the wee AND Ensimo Wobx ) 7.30 a.m. . . . . . . . . 1 p.m. on Saturday. 12fi Summary of Wages and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (151.) WOODWORKERS— con/inueti. (4) Overtime. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done : — Within the hours hxed as the time of beginning and ending work in excess of 48 hours in any week On Saturday- Earher than 5.30 a.m. . . Double time. Between 5.30 a.m. and 7.30 a.m. ) Time and a Between 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. J quarter. Between 2.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. Time and a half. Between 4.30 p.m. and midnight Double time. Time and a quartet Double time. Time and a quarter. Time and a half. Double timo; On any other day — Earlier than 5.30 a.m. Between 5.30 a.m. and 7.30 a.m. Between 5.15 p.m. and 7 p.m. Between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Between 9 p.m. and midnight (5) Special Rates. — Double time shall be the special rate for all work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, Eight Hour* Day (21st April). Time and a half shall be the special rate for all work done on New Year's Day, Foundation Day (26th January), Easter Monday, and Boxing Day ; but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above-named hohdays, the special rate shati only be payable for work done on the day so substituted. (6; PiEOB WORK PaiOES. — A schedule of piece- work prices has boon fixed by the Board. (152.) WOODWORKERS (COUNTRY). Note. — This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The whole of the State outside and excepting the Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops Acts; the cities of Biillarat, Bendigo, Goelong, and Warrnambool ; the towns of Ballarat East and Sandiingham ; and the Borouulis of Eaglchawk, Goelong West, Newtown and Cliilwell, and Subastopol. The po \e s of this Board were altered o.i 2 i.l.l), so that it can no.v " determine the lowest prices or rates which may bo paid to any person (other than persons under the jurisdiction of the Carpenters, Agricultural Implements, or Picture Frame Boards, or persons engaged in ship or boat building or the erection of bridges, wharfs, or similar structures) employed as — (a) Carpenters, joiners, or boxmakers ; (6) .Stackers, sorters, loaders, or unloaders of sawn timber; (c) Sawmill, timber yard, box factory, or joiner's workshop employees ; (i) Woodworkers making artisles not under the ju.i>diction of any Special Board heretofore appointed or he eifter to be appointed." (1) That on the Ist day of April, 1918, the last previous Determination of this Board shall bo revoked, and replaced by this Determination. (2) ___^ Apprentices or Improvers. Waaos per Week of 48 Hours. ExperleDce. Appren- tices. Improvers. Ist six months 7s. 6d. Under 1 7 years 2nd „ 10s. of age, 203. 2nd year 15s. 17 years of 3rd „ 203. age, 263. 4th „ 273. Od. 1 8 years of 5th „ 35s. age, 32s. 6th „ 403. 19 years of age, 38s. 20 years of age, 44s. Propoetion IN ANY Factory or Place. Appre-nticen. One apprentice to every three or f ractior of three workers receiving not less than (iOs. per week of 48 hours. Improvers. One improver to every four workers up to 24 workers, and thence one improver to every a3. 843. 79s. 6r.8. 6.5s. 663. 659. 63s. 688. 693 63s. 68s. 628. 653. 65s. 638. 658. 688. 703. G3s. 678. eos. I 27 Summary of Waqes and Co.vditions Fixed byt Wages Boards, etc. — continued, (152.) WOODWORKERS (COUNTRY) —eoiUinueJ. A foreman la a nmn who hiw imdiT his ohargo or control any other adult person or j)or3ori3, and shall be paid One shilling per day over and above the highest rate fixed by this Outerinination for the iwrson or poraons under liis charge or control. Time of Ucglnniug. Time of Ending. (3) TiMC or Beoinnino j 7.:tU a.m. . . . . . . . . 5.30 p.m. on each of the five ordinary working days in the week. AND Ending WoiiKl 7.30 a.m... .. .. .. 1 p.m. on Saturday. (4) OvKBTlMK. — The following rates shall be paid for all work done :— Within the hours fixed as the time of beginning and ending work in exoi.'.s3 of 48 hours in any week Between 1 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Saturday or the day on which the weekly half-huliday Is observed Later than 5.30 p.m. or earlier than 7.30 a.m. on any working day Time and a quarter. Time and a quarter Time and a half. (5) SpEf'iAL Uate.s. — Double time shall bo the special rate for all work done on Sunday, Good Friday, Eaater Monday, Christmas Day, Eight Hours Day (21st April), but if any other day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamation substituted for any of the above- named holidays, the special rate shall only bo payable for work done on the ilay so substituted. (6) The Board determines, under the provisions of section 144 of the Factories and Shops Act 1915, that any employer may 6x and pay piece-work prices to any person employed at any work for which this Board has not fl.xed piece-work prices but has fixed a minimum wage, provided that such employer shall base such piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, and such piooe-work prices shall be fixed so that an average worker can earn not loss than the wages rate fixed by the Boanl for such work. (153.) WOOLLEN TRADE. Note. This Determination applies to the following parts of Victoria, namely : — The Metropolitan District as defined in the Factories and Shops -Vets; ihe cities of Ballarat, 15 iidlkjo, (ieelong, and Wurrnhnibool ; tlie towns of Uall.irat East and Sandringham : l he boroughs of l<^glehawk, (Jeelong VVest, Newtown and Chilwell, (,'astlemaine, and Sebastopol ; and sucli portion of the shire of Buugaree as is within 10 miles of a city or town. In accord:ince with the provisions of the Factories and Shopt Acts 191 i, the Special Board, appointed to " deteiniine the lowest prices or rates which m ly he paid to any person or persons or classes of persons employed in tliC process, trade, or biismesa carried on in a woollen mill," has made the following Deteiniination, namely ; — (1) That on the 24th April, 1919, the previous Determination of this IJoard shall be revoked and replaced by this Determination. (2) Appke.-jtcks and Improvers. All other Employees. Wages per week ol Wages per wi-ek of 48 hours 48 hours. Male. Female. Day Shift. Night Shift. 1 i «. d. « d. 1st year 13 6 12 Power Loom Tuners — s. d. a. d 2nd » IB 6 14 Hirst year's experience as a power loom tuner 65 75 3rd « 20 17 Second year's e.xperieuoe as a power loom tuner 68 78 4th „ 23 19 And thereafter 73 83 5th » 28 6 21 6 Assistant foreman spinner b9 (I 79 6ih n 35 25 Assistant foreman cader Man in charge of wool scouring and carbonizing machines 69 66 79 76 Mi.n in charge of Willey house 66 76 Proportion (i.v ant place). Pettier 64 74 Male warper 64 74 Apprentices. Female warper .36 6 ... ^ Power loom weavers 39 49 One apprentice to fvery three or fraction of three workers of the same sex receiving not leas than the minimum wage. All other adult males 63 73 All other adult females 33 An indenture of apprenticeship prescribed was approved en 21st April, 1911. Improvers. Three improvers to each worker of the same sex receiving not lees than the minnnum wage. (3) Shifts.— That— (a) The hour of beginning and the hour of ending each shift shall be as follows :- Monday to Friday ... Saturday ... Monday to Thursday DAY sHiirr. Time of beginning. 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. Time of ending. 5.30 pm. 1 2 nuon NIOHT SHIIT. 6 p.m. I 6 45 a.m. on the following day (6) The higher rate to ht paid for each hour or fraction of an lionr w irked by any employee before or after his shift shall be time and a quarter calculated on the rates fixed for the Day shift. 128 Summary op Waoes and Conditions Fixed by Wages Boards, etc. — continued. (153.) WOOLLEN jRAOE—conlinued. (4) Sundays and Public Holidays.— That time and a half shall he the special rate for all work dene on Sundays, and doul time the special rate for all Wurk done on New Year's Day, Good Kridiiy, Easter Monday, Eight Hours Day ('Jlst April), Christir Day, Boi.iiig Day, but if any day be by Act of Parliament or Proclamaiion substituted for any of the above-named public holidaj the special rale shall only be payable for work done ou the day so subsiitutcd. l', (5) Piece- WoEK. — A Schedule of piece-work prices for certain clasies of work has been fixed by the Board, which has al ; determined, under tne provisions of .Section 144 of the t'aclorin and Shojis Act 1915, that any employer may fix and pay piece-wo I prices to any pe sou employed at any work for which the Buard has not tixed piece-work prices, but has fixed a minimum wa|j provided ihat such employ er shall I ase auch piece-work prices on the earnings of an average worker working under like conditions, ai (uch piecework pricvs shad be fixed so tliat an average Worker cau earn not less than the wages rate fixed by the Boaid fur such wor By Authority : Albert J. Mcllett, Oovernment Printer, Melbourne, UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. Th« book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LD 21-100m-9,'48 (8899.16)476 )