f^ 72 fcoc ^<5, Tunira, s. border, margin, bank of a river. pi. c5i t'lvuru. ^^, Ishta, a. wished, desired; s. worship, reverence; oblation; good fortune; that which happens. (^iSi6<^Qo, Ishtalcaranmvd, v. to cause to hap- pen; to complete, accomplish, fulfil. <5aOo532a), Ishtagandha, s. (r^f^ and coacD smell) fragrant odour, fragrance, scent of perfumes. oaQ ?03CS5c5, Ishta-vipdlaya, s. (o^ and c33-255ca reward) good luck, good fortune; reward of merit. o^(5>Q^5d83, Ishtaivenaiod, v. to be accomplished. oaSa^^ac), Ishtdm'shta, s. (<5?3Q I'sJita and ^e6t2) anishta bad luck) merit and 'demerit, good and bad fortune, gain and loss. igsOa^, Ishtdrtha, s. (e^5J)Q(3, Isl-abala, s. skull, pi. (pd!'(^ ishahaJ. <^tS^6, Ishara, s, head and part of the neck which is separated from the body by decapitation. e3v^53s3, Isakes, j 'gesScs, Isatiyn, s. lance used in war. 9533, /sft, zwf7. Elu form of c?& z'rshyd; a copula- tive particle=^ r/rt and. (Inscription at Mihin- tale), j lii;) d e, ^ ^; an; <|?8 ah; guttural] f^x e, (soimded like a as in hat) cpx e, the same sound lengthened. Consonants. The following are sounded with a as final inherent vowel, and are given separately for the sake of convenience in referring to the Dictionary. Gutturals: ssi ka, Q kha; s) ga, as gha; ) iia. Palatals'. cha, ^ chha; d ja, -3S) jha; < na. Cerebrals: ta, & tha; Q da, db dha; ^ na. Dentals: ) ta, 6 tha; ^ da, S) dha; d na. Labials: C3 pa, 6 pha: ba, 3 bha; ma. Semi-vowels: ce ya, <5 ra; q la, Q va or wa. Sibilants and aspirate: sa sa, es sha; es sa, sj ha, |a. When a consonant is final by being deprived of its inherent vowel the sign ' or "^ (called al) is added to it, as J, , unless the consonant is conjoined wnth. another consonant. * The vowels to be sounded as in the Italian alphabet: tf &, like a in America. ^ t These characters are taken from the Sanskrit alphabet, the first is seldom the second never used. X These signs (o and t) are always preceded by vowels. The common English t and d. IV The following is a fall table of the consonants as combined with final vowels: ) ka S53ka 3 ki 9 ki 5 ku g ku [ * 58 kri isw kri C33 klu > k|u] s^s) ke s^J ke ^v kai' 403 ko sS5J ko (S>s) kau ffijo kaij SS3i ka|i. a kha 03 kha 3 khi 3 khi g khu g khii s^Q khe (^^^ khai (3a3 kho S^Qi khau )o khani Qg khah, CJga <573ga <6 gi mi ghau ^o ghan mi ghah. e ua 3 iia S I'li S I'li Au riu s) fje 5^@ liai i Aau S)o ria^i g; Aah. 8cha 3cha chi 9 chi ^chu chii s^Sche s^ScW s^(5^^chai s^Socho iSJch6 <5>3)chauachan' I chah. ^ chha e^D chha chhi ^ chhi ^ chhu ^ chhii S^d' chhe S^d' chhai e^d'o chho o^d"") chhau efo chhan di chhah" d ja aS ja ? ji ? ji ^ ju ^ jii d je S^tS je sv(S>d jai e^j^ jo d) jau do jan ds jah. ^ jha fi)D ]*ha nan s^ tai <5^3 to &Q5 to s^") tau Qo tan tah. & tha 63 tha S thi S thi s3 thu < thii (S><5 the S>6t thau io thaiii tSs thah. S da 3 da S di 8 di du g du > de (3^^ de sn* dai ^3 do J do *=) dau o dan 8 daji, & dha ^J dha ^ dhi ^ dhi S dhu ii dhii S^^ dhe (^^S^db dhai (S>dB3 dho s^db') dhau dbo dhan dbs dhaji. ^ na ^ na esS' ni ^ ni <^ nu ^ nu ^^ ne (^^-3 nai s^'^ no ><^J no e^G33 to svoi tau C3o tan S)g tah. S tha do tha 8 thi 8 thi g thu g thu 6t thau 60 thay ^8 thah. ^ da <^ da ^ di di g du g dii *ij de (S4 de <^^S^ dai <^ do s^ef do ^ dhai (^^J dho S>=3 dhau So dhan 8 dhah.. esna 33na i0ni9ni' ^nu -^^nu ^^Dne(5^5n^ s^(5^5nai s^easno ^oJno s>d) nau ^^soonanl ass nah C3 pa C33 pa 8 pi 8 pi g pu g pu S^o pe d pe (Svs^6 phai (5>63 pho S^^i phau 60 phan ^8 phah. ha sba ^bi hi ghu bu s^S)he s^ he ^v bai e>3 bo ^ibo S\@') bau o ban s bah, bha ttssbha t6bhi ?Bbhi t^i bhu ^bhu s^aobhe ^s^es>bhai >eo3bho e>ao'o bhau eno bhani eos bhah. ma 3 ma mi mi mumu^me ^me ^>mai S3mos^Jm6 \)mau omani smah, CO ya C83 ya 8 yi 8 yi g yu g yii s^cs ye S^a5 ye ^^is yai >c03 yo co^ yo s^coi yau cCo yan co8 yah. tf ra ^ rd 6 ri S ri c5i ru 6x ru S(5 re S^i5 re ^SNd rai >C3 ro <3\63 ro ^<5Q le ^^ le >^C lai *C3 lo S^C^ lo (3) lau Qo Ian, (38 lah. 8 va 3 va vi 9 vi g vu g vii > ve G^B ve Si vai >83 vo SJ v6 s^) vau o van 8 vah. 09 sa (S33 sd ( si (@ si eg su c su >(S3 se S^csJ se s>q9 sai S^C533 so S'Odi so 03) sau sae sa^ sag sah. sha ^3 shd S shi @ shi ^ shu ^ shu a she s^* shai 5S3 sho ST shau Ko shan ^8 shah. ee sa M3 sa Q si S si g su g su s^e5 se s^e^ se ^^S3 sai s^ec3 so 2sJ so e3T sau eso san ces sah. 6) ha ao3 ha ?6 hi c9 hi g hu 3 hii S) he ^Kf he ^^es) hai s)3 ho ^loJ ho s^wo hau coo haiji tai hal.i, la 3 la g li ^ li 6 lu & lii s^ le s^^ le n> lai 3 }o J jo ^i |au o Ian 8 jah. Dotible letters: nga ncha c^nja & nta nda ^ nda ddha S) mba dwa aaxke ssix ke. The vowels ffx, e and c^ 6 are represented by the symbols i and -^ respectively as in Oi ^^e and ssx Ice. These vowels occur only in pure Si^ihalese words, and are not found in the Pali or Sanskrit. The above lists of vowels and consonants with the addition of the vowel sovmds in tSix ke and fi>x Tee repeated for each of the consonants, will contain about 550 characters. The diacritical mark under "n" denotes half of the nasal sound in the case of purely Smhalese words, such a po anga horn, (S5d ganga river, but when attached to Pali words e. g. c paucha five ^dQ anjali clasped hands &c., it stands for the full sound. * These Sanskrit forms are not repeated for the other consonants. lUMm II I l i SINHALESE EMLISH DICTIOMRY. 8S5(3 ^0(^8 cp^3(;^^c3. I. The first letter in the Alphabet, pronounced like a in ichat. But in composition it is subject to several modifications: (a) In closed syllables the primary sound is generally retained, thus (53 (^ gal, stones, but in open syllables a change is often met with; thus in co(^(3 galwala, of stones, the second syllable has the sound of a in syllable, (b) In 5(5-(s^3 Jcaranaivd, do, and its participle iS)Q lata, the sound of a in 5 is like that of a in the word negative, while in OiQ kala, time, ssi has an open sound like eocf in C55<^9C' II. It inherently follows every consonant, unless some other vowel or sign be attached; thus , J.;5?i-CT, s. see qpSa a?l-a. sfossida, Ankaraya, s. anchor. f?o9c3, Ankita, part, see ^S3 a^iyJV/a. cfoi^QOa, Anicuttd, s. a small kind of prickly fish; lame person, cripple. qio5(5, ^^i;M7-cf, s. see qpSfegd ankura. spoigc?, Ankusa, s. see ffSbgca atikusa. efo^Sii^^, Ankenda, s. name of a plant, Acronychia laurifolia (Rutacew), used for med- icinal purposes. 90(53, Anga, s. see ^eDto a^i^a. ^o angardga, ^o<55^?9, Angavikrati, s. see ffSto5a^ aAga- vikriti. epo353d, J^wgrara, . see cp Stood aAgdra, fpocgQOo, Anguttd, a. see fo^933 ankuttd. Kodesa ^Qco, Afijanan-eltya, s. the light which a sorcerer or demon priest is said to make, see ^cf^sDo anjanan. qfoc53. Ansa, a. part, share, portion; side, (in this sense used chiefly of the human body). qfcxra^s, Ansaka, part, partner, kinsman or relation, coheir; an astronomical number; dowry; indigent person, ffacg, Ansu, s. sun-beam, ray of light, light, splendour, effulgence. cpocgiS), Ansuka, s. clothes; fine cloth, muslin; a linen garment worn round the upper part of the body. CpoCgS)(5, Ansudhara, s. (^ocg light, Qd which holds or bears) the sun. {foegD(33, Ansumdld, s. (ffocg and 3Q0 garland) garland of light, halo. qpoog3(3, Ansumdli, s. (cfoeg3(33 and ^?5i in, aff.) the sun. ^ocgo^, Ansujxiti, s. (0(33 akkdld. (f^ssio6zS, Akkdran, Is. a disease of infants, ^J>3(5, Akkdram, j scurf or fur on the tongue, thrush. epJ3, AMj, ") a. sort of rash or cutaneous qp45JjS, Akki, /eruption. ff^s!9^5^c^, Akkttta, "la. (e?J point, o?^si , Ak-ktnitta, } esD, Ak-kinitta, ) stalk) extremity of a cluster of fruit or flowers, end of a twig, extreme point of a branch. q^Je5, Akta, "^ s. a paper signed by some fpJ65c3, ^i-toj/a, Vone and giving authority to epJs>S), Akte, > another person; warrant of appointment to an office. ipesJ^S, Akdivi, s. (q^asJ dice, playing) gambler, dicer; Sanskrit qp.S3^<^3 akshadevi. ffJ(3\<:j(Scs, A'cderii/a, s. straining cloth for purifying water. [Colloquial: Akmella, s. a medicinal plant. ;S'^m7- anthes acmella. (Compositce.) {ped|)(^, Akmul, a. (^esJ end, (^ beginning) root and top, the whole; the beginning and end: compare English phrase " root and branch." ^^Sd '2S3t^, Ahmdneti, a. same as above neg- atively, without beginning or end; wearisome, confused. cf^aOOo, Akrapattd, s. a kind of medicinal bark. who lives) one who gets a livelihood by his pen, scribe. 3^3, Aksharatulikd, s. (-!^5 and .^63 substitution) substitution of letters. (^^SJSsSS, Akshdnti, s. (fp neg. ;ss)eD5S forbearance) envy, impatience of another's success. [Colloq. O^^DfSS no-ivas{jna.'\ ^^, Akshi, s. the eye. [Colloq. ^tsa esa.'] "i^^c-g^SJ, ALsIukutaka, s. (^-jS and i^Q ball) eyeball. ^^GSDSD, Aksktgata, a. (^4eS and cjsj gone) afEecting the eyes, as a disease; hateful. .^^(56, Akshigutha, s. (cp2S and (s^d rheum) rheum in sore eyes, mucus. iy4Ss^(SJiC) Akshigola, s. (cf^M and '^siiQ a ball) eyeball. <;p4S33<5, Akshtdhdra, s. (cp<29 and Q3<5 which flows) tears. [Colloq. .^gd ia^Jt^M/tt.] ^^C3S293, Akshipakshma, s. (^^^ and offi&^^ lash) eyelash. [Colloq. ^iSScs fsi/)?_ya.] ^^caOC, Akshipatala, s. (^-^ and oQc coat) cataract in the eye. qp4S3\205sd', AkshibhesJiqja, s. (^.sS and svaa^d remedy) a tree, gompJiocarpm volubilia; any medicament or coUyrium for the eye. <]p^<^(3c5, Akshimandalaya, s. (q;<2S and Q)-d?cD(3 circumference, disc) eyeball; design shewing alphabet classification at one view. (f .33 Sid, Akskiruja,\s,(e^'!^ and (S.d to ache) cp4Sc3id5, Akshirujd, ) that one of the eighty morbid airs which causes weak eyes. 9^s^(5J, AksJuroma, s. (^4eS and s^<55i) hair) eyelashes. qpd3Q^, Akanitthd, s. Pali form of the following word; highest, sublime. cp4S)j3eftS3, Akanishtlid, s. eldest daughter of a family; the sublime gods who are to inherit Nirvana, a. elder, superior. (fsazi, AkajKi, a. improper, unfit, unlawful; cor- rectly written ^-2551:3 Akepa. ^as3^-''3J, Akampya, \ a. (C3, Akampa, firm, stable, immovable. (p^sSWjc Akampdla, a. unshaken, unmoved; in common conversation it is used in a difEerent sense, viz. compassionate, sympathetic, distress or pain of mind. ^3S)^3Q(S^Q^Qo, Akampdlaicenawd, v, to be sorry, to sympathize. {p>Se38, Akampdwa, s. stability; (in common i;se) compassion, sympathy. q!^S59s), Akampita, part. (Si,eJs5, Akametta, s. unwillingness. qp4!j)i^, Akameti, I a, unwilling, indisposed, qp5ati?9, Ahcmeti, J disinclined. (ra hard) soft, mild, not harsh, not cruel. f^GxsSf, Akm-na, a. (^ and ssi4S ear) deaf, heedless, inattentive, s. deaf person, one without ears. pa)?SS33, Akartauya, a, (

^8 to be done) not to be done, improper, impracticable. 8. unlawful or improper act, gross or indecent affair. , Akarma, s. (<;p and 5 an act) actionless, inactive; absence of occupation; crime. cpj5, Akarmaka, a. without work, inactive, disengaged. cpS5c^ dirt) clean, pure, free from spots or dirt. Q), Akalaha, s. (ep and fiJQK) tumult) peace, quietness, calmness. {p)e533, Akalamand, s. (ep and >>es33 proper) improper deed, unlawful act, unjustifiable proce- dure. fp)aS;, Akdma, a. (cp and )d lust) free from lust or desire. fp03)3 cpS% to be done) improper to be done. s. improper act. f53(5-o<5cs, Akdraya, s, letter (f a. cp53(^cs, Akdrddtya, s. (, Akahva, la. (tf priv. ssiOQ time) out of {^53(3> Akdla, J season, unseasonable, prema- ture, inauspicious, unfortunate; also, not black, ep5D(3S)Sca, Akdlakarmaya, s. (t^G>oQ unseason- able, > act or deed) mishap, misfortune, untimely event. ep)3Ga(go3c5, Akdtapalitaya, s. premature grey- ness of hair. ff ^aD, Akinchana, a. (cp priv. 98e3 something) having nothing, destitute, penurious, poor. ^?S3aD3, Akinchanatd, s. (the foregoing with the nominal affix cJd) state of poverty, voluntary povei'ty* ^<9e5, Akit, s. (~^ i^S&SSi epSs):Ji^S)>c5^i3, Akikarukamka7'anawd, v. to act disobediently. {f 4S^:SlS5), Akikarukama, s. disobedience. (^iSiss'SiQo, Akikaruwd, s. disobedient person, rebel. ef 59^JI(5n8-2o83, Akikaj-mcenaivd, v. to be disobe- dient, to be rebellious. fpiS^^Sco, Akirttta, part, (cp and ^^9^03 said) not said, untold, not celebrated. qp^^^S, Akirti, s. {(!( reverse, 49^59 fame) infamy, disgrace, dispraise, public odium. {p^gSD, Akudd, a. (cp neg. ss^oi:) small) not small, large. q:g- Akusala, s. (q: neg. 5?ss(3 merit) demerit, bad-luck or misfortune, applied to persons labouring under any particular misfortune or deformity, in consequence of misdeeds in a former state of existence and considered as retributive inflictions, pi. ef^X(^ akusal* a. not clever, without merit. as\i5)3c^, Akos, I , ^ {8. abuse, curse. ^(S\)3e3, Akosa. J ^453Jc5& violate) inviolate, unaltered; not angry, not irritative. ep(3^^^J0C> Akomala, a. (^ and (3^^Jo soft) hard, rough, disagreeable, disgusting. ^3xc3, Akepa, a. (ff and iCio proper) improper, unfit, unlawful, used chiefly of religious matters or religious offerings. ^531,^, Ak^mati, see ^5i)x,^ akameti. ^5ii,sJs3, Akemettat see ^3x6Jo3 akametta. cp^ae^, Akrichch'hra, a, (f neg. ^%^ difficult) without difficulty, easy, unobstructed; also freedom from pain or sorrow. {fS59S), Akritya, a. (ep and 5ao3 to be done) improper to be done. s. improper act. (fSSi^S3, Akrita, a. (ce and 53a> done) undone, neglected, incomplete, s. any act unperformed. i^ssi^>si<:Si, Akritajna, a. (cp and 4DiiOD(3^ grateful) ungrateful. [Colloquial: s>3(3^(2,59 cg- Akhila, , (qj and Sq separated) all, entire. [CoUoq. Qcoq siyalu.'] ^(sf, ^^r, more correctly tfcj o^a, whicli see. ^csJotCj Aggala, s. (^o agfa, higher, sjc fi'aZa, stone) upper millstone; sometimes improperly written (f-ssiiSiQ akgala. q;edc53(33, Aggala, s. kind of sweetmeat, ball of dough made of flour and jaggery, globe-cake. qiedcSe^es, aggissa, s. end, extremity, apex, top. *^epcd<5s5, Agclat, a. knowijig;the end, discerning the, result of things. epcd(>^<5c3, Agderaya, s. the eaves of a roof. ef^a^AgniiS.G.ve; also a Hinduldeity fo ca^ed in consequence of his being considered the god of fire; he presides over burnt pfferings. Agni is also the sovereign bi ;vthe south east quarter of the world which after him is called ,q!(SDj9 (3>5J^ agni kona or cSe6 (^^^^(j9)3S^3, Agnikdrikd, s, , (<^P^ and 4Ki35s5?3 making) that which produces fire, firewood; but among the Hindus it is the production of sacrificial fire by means of melted butter; maintaining a sacrificial fire. 3estS, Agnikdshtha, e. (epcsjQ and ^553s6 wood) firebrand; agallochum or aloe wood. fp<53i53^5cf<^, Agnikona, s. (cp(53i3 and (3^)J\^ corner) south east. (^(s>6i(S}(a, Agnigarbha, s. (cposjfQ and sjsS womb) crystal, sun stone, a fabulous stone supposed to contain and impart solar heat. Cpcs5i53t3(3, Agnijwdla, s. (c?(K>j9 and cSsq flame) flame of fire; plant bearing red blossoms used by dyers, grislea tomentosa, [Colloq, q S33C53 ^<55jflS)(3, Agnibala, s. (q?(5?i9 and S)q power) sensation caused by hunger. fpc5je3<^, Agnimani, s. (cftK)ir3 and <^ .a jewel or gem) crystal; sun stone. {^pcjcDSe^, Agnimanda, s. (cpK0 and xs^ defi- ciency) scarcity of bile, indigestion. ^<5?i53Q, Agmmukha, s. (tfsjjQ and Q mouth) oblations passed through fire as though it were the mouths of the gods; name of plant, (5c5 ^^S ratnitul, plumbago zeylanica. ef preserving) preservation of sacred fire. *fp(S3ifl<^(S, Agndrdsi,^'^3. (^C5?i0 and <^c a coUec- epsjiOCoS, Agnirdsi. J tion) a conflagration. ef: dlaya, asylum) a place vfhQTQ consecrated fire is kept. v^ig, Agra, a. chief, principal, first, prior, ex- cellent, exalted, best, much, most, fore, front. s, end, top, summit, point, upper part, a weight equal to one pala, , ... ^^ "- " ' "" ""n w w w t m i. '"" !_! ' " ^9}3 f9i& qp<9eoaca<^, AgraMyana, s. (cpcg and is>oa-<^ year) ' name of a month, i, e. the eighth of the lunar year of the Hindus "when the moon is f uU near the head of. Orion, or about November aad ! December. icfcs^JOid, Agrahdra, s. endowment of lands or villages conferred on Brahmins; village in- habited by Brahmins. ?>, Aga, s. end, front, extremity, great depth, profundity, sorrow, distress, house, rock, stone, fear, body, fire, medicine, part, portion, sun, snake, cobra capella. a. first, noble, principal, chief. cp(53'Soe3, Aganana, s. (ep neg. (Si^^iSi price) unfair price,, extra charge. ep(53-2SD, Agatigamana, s. (epc53?9 and <53? journey or passing off) evil course; inauspicious event, unfavourable occurrence; there are four things that are unfavourable to just and right- eous determinations, viz. lust, anger, fear-, and ignorance, and should these four or any of them be found in a judge, his judicial decrees cannot be according to equity; the determina- tions of such a judge are called' ^OT^cjSesD. q;c3^<5:Bo3, Agatirdhita, a. ({?<55^ and cSjSqd not) proper, right, frank, candid, open to conviction, impartial. <<>!57^3, Agatisi, s. The rishi or sage' commonly called Agasti. q;c5^, Agada, s. (cp and od^. disease) medicament, medicine, drug; a. healthy, free from disease. epQ0(S^5S, Agadevi, s. the chief god; Indra. cpcneo, AganOfla. excellent, worthy, valuable; {$(53^530, Agand, J rare, scarce. eps5e^S33S)<3-e3, AganittdbamhaJowa, s. a cor- rupt form of q? 535^633 (9^ C3 akanitdbamba- loica, (ep priv. tSi^Qa or 5^fl^3 kanisthd, small, S) Brahma, (B'C?^ world). In Hindu mythology the chief or highest of the material Brahma lokas or worlds. -I ($(Si^^, Agapati, 1 s. (epo diief, oS lord) (fosi^^&a'i, Agapatzyd, (the first minister of state, man of great power and authority. cp, Agrajdtaka, s. {ts who is born) man of high caste, Brahmin; ^cE)a5?9, Agrajdti, see the last. {je)sS's333, Agrajihvd, s. (ff(g end, eS'saSs tongue.) tip of the tongue. [Colloq. ^9 kot diva aga."} q)@<^^-(!033, Agraddkshinya, s. (cs)e3 agasat. q^s:<5, Agrasara, s. (feeg) and w6 who goes) leader, a. going before, preceding. cp^Bsesss, Agrasasya, s. (fficg and caK* corn) best paddy, best thriving paddy; first fruits. tf&B 8 f!<5>S)4^, Agabamunu, s. (qpo and (S^CG(3) agabbhaseyyd, ^(55(5, Agara, s. beauty. (f<^. Agaru, s. agallochum or aloe wood. 9055 cJi, Agaru, a. (tp neg. (53(51 honour) dishonour- able, disrespectful, degraded, impudent. ef(SidiiSi6-^Qo, Agarukaranawd, v. (9(5>c5t and 453<5- Agallanaiod, v. pret, f(r(:^ei3 agaU lewd-^ see qpc53C Agaladamanawd, v, to cut a ditch. {f{53CiS)?S3iE^9S, Agalamedahesmma, s. filling up a ditch or trench. Cj:c53(S, Agalu, s. nonsense. epcs^Sd, Agaivrawa, see fjpisvom^ agaivrawa. ep(ncJ, Agawat, a. invaluable or incalculable, good. 'cf:(53cf, Agavtp, Is. (cpra and d Brahmin) 9G!3g, Agavipu, J a chief Brahmin. qjOTC^, Agas, s. (efcsi aga, and e^ sas grain, the initial ta sa cut off) first fruits, best grain. a. precious, valuable. f(53365, Agasti, Is. a celebrated saint of Hindu pp(53esS333, Agastya, j mythology, the son of both Mitra and Varuna by Urvasi; he is represented of short stature, and is said by some to have been born in a water jar; he is said to have once swallowed the ocean when it had given him offence, but restored it again by urinary evacuation. He is spoken of in the RamAyana, Skandana and other works, and is said to have framed the Tamil language. He is also said to be the regent of the star Canopus. He was a Rishi, a sanctified personage. A kind of valuable red stone; a tree, murunga. fp(53e3e9>, AgastiJca, s. a tree, murunga. cp(53f^ Cf^, Agas-dana, Is. ({fc53E^ first fruits, cpe53e^ <^S3{D5, Agas-ddnaya, ) ^^ giving) an offer- ing of the first fruits. (^(Siis,t>, Agasaw, s. ((fvsi from, ^(9 agra chief, 63 9 from ^o) srdvaka, disciple) name given to the two chief disciples of Buddha, who accompanied him in all his travels for the purpose of recording the facts of his history and his public discourses, one called e?i8a!ci Seriyut was always on his right hand, the other called C53C^ Mugalan, was always on the left. Every Buddha has two chief disciples. <^(53<5Nes:J, Agasen, s. (^w chief, svesesJ an army) principal army, leader, general. ep(53S3, Agahana, a. (q: neg. e>JS)20 crowded) not crowded, not populous, thinly inhabited. p(53J53(5, Agahara, s. village inhabited by Brah- mins. ^cacS 9 epsJcBo, Agahiga, s. want, need. epsiiSsj, Agahtta, la. (fp and cs?! legal) coun- cpcJcBcj, Agahita, / terfeit, illegal, improper. cpOTiO, Agddha, s. (^ and o^S) fixed place) hole, chasm, fathomless abyss, a. very deep, bottomless. ^(5333 dcco, Agddha-jalaya, s. (fpoooQ deep, c^Cco water") lake, very deep water. ^<533e6s)0, Agdnigd, s. sorrow, distress, need, neces- sity, uneasiness, either in body or mind. (f(Siodsi, Agdraka, s. (^cjad house, > aff.) lajrman, a. lay, not clerical. fps53(5ce, Agdraya, s. {f^ mountain, 83) ri to go, rising like a hill) house, dale, or valley. ^(53355, Agdriha, a. lay, not clerical, see e^^idss-. agar aha. tf ilea aff, <5?S5aocs ornament) ornaments of a house, furniture; one of the names of a ChaJcravartt, king of the universe. qpcSeoSs, Aginmod, v. to be worth, value. <^c8(^, Agil, s. agallochum, the aloe. ^^ca, Aghja, s. (ep and <9c8 verse) prose. fjog):5^-s^c, Aguyiayn, "I .csJ price, 8 e393 to increase) to increase the price, to en- hance the value, to overvalue. 'IP(3^cm(5, Agauraiva, s, ((f priv. S^ciid honour) dishonour, disrespect, irreverence. ep{3^a53)(5)<5'-<^3, Agaurawa Tcaranawd, v. a. to dishonour, to disgrace, to treat with disrespiect. q!S^(5^'^(5g, Agaurawawi,, a. dishonoxirable, dis- graceful. ^ffis, Anga, s. a horn. pi. tfo an. tft), Anga. s. (Sans. fpSbo a?iga) limb, liiember, part, mode, manner, body. qpDo, Angan, s. (prop: written (foooo angd^) power by which jugglers are supposed to command demons. (ftsi-^, Angana, s. space in front of a house, court, yard. [CoUoq. c,(^ midula.'] fpD-253, Angana, s. woman, pi. (fto^&i anganan. j;ps333, Angand, s. woman. qpo^9, Angani, s. an assembly. ?piK)c3eeD, Angapasanga, s. the collective members of the body. The Elu form of the Sanskrit word fpatogc538ato aTigapratyatiga. qpto, Angama, s. sort of magic, pi. qpDo angan, improperly written for tpotn angama which see. (ftssa, Angaya, s. body, limb, manner; corruption of tjSiscs aiigaya which see. {fo<5e^455, Angarakshaka, s. see efSkodissSi a?iga- rakshaka. ^cotf qpcjc5a5cs3, Angarakshakayd, s. see efS^<5e^ss>cio aiigarahshahayd. <^ti6qK>^83^, Angaharuwddd, s. (^OK3c5l9a Mars, ^ day) Tuesday, ff cc3<^, Angdni, s. stall in market where provisions are sold, especially meat. '^4035, Angdri, s. see fpatesS aiigdri. cfSd, Angtra, s. see epStS^ afigtra. ^^<5s3, Angirasa, s. see JfacBdss atigtrasa, (fi^, Angu, s. thumb, arm ornament. qpigS, Anguta, s. (from fS)^^ Sans.) thumb. qpc2, Angutu, a. having horns or prickles; short. qpcg<38, Angute, s. toe. qp JS<^, Anguna, s. name of a plant, Ao?/a (^^scZe- piadece) of which there are several species in Ceylon; Sanskrit fp(3N)ffl3C aiikola. a woman. 92^ tC, Angunawela, s. see the foregoing. ^g<2^, Angunu, a. woman, from qpD3D angand. ^cgc3C?>S338, Angupalandandwa, s. (ffi)353 a hook) blacksmith's fire hook, iron for branding cattle, i^l. ffi% Si ^&\t^ angurukoku. 10 ff^iVi fft^d s>c30(5c. AngulpoUa, s. (qptge double canoe, a5, Angottara, 8. see ^(5>9jb335eO(5 aAgot- tara. ^&}55, ^T^^^a, s. mark, spot, stain; sign, badge, vestige; cypher; impression; line, stroke; flank or part of the body above the hip. Cfi9s), A'Akita, a. marked, spotted, stained, counted. fpSfepd, AAkura, s. germ, bud of leaves, scion, shoot, sprout, sucker, plant just appearing above ground; name applied to a king and a god. cpafc^o, AAkusa, Is. hook used for driving the {?afeg53, A?ikusa, j elephant. [CoUoq. (S^S3-, Aiigapratyaiiga, s. (epates body, gs3abD limbs) members of the human body expressed collectively, equivalent to the term cap a pie. epabocfl, Angaya, see epafco aiiga. cpate><5^S8>, Aiigarakshaka, s. (qfSoD body, <5) 1 guardian) protector of body; armour. 11 ^^^ pa)QD<53^ca3, Ayigarakshakayd, s. one who pro- tects a king's person, (see the foregoing.) fpalto<35s3, Afigardga, s. (^aio body, <^C53 anointing) anointing the body after bathing with perfumes made from sandal wood. SfSisiQ^Stf^Oi, Angalahshanaya, s. (cf-Ska body, (3^53-ao, Atigavikshepa, s. (^ato and B(S^^3o moving) gesture, gesticulation. 8)as338, Angawaikritya, s. ({fStjo and eS)aS3, <3^^ at is, substituted for g e in S)ao) deformity of the limbs, sign, token, intimation ^ given by a private sign. paub33<5, Angara, 1 s. charcoal, burning or not, qp9ub03<^45), A%amyl-a, f but generally the latter; planet Mars, from his resemblance in colour to burning charcoal, (patooi^^a <^, Angdraka mani, s. ( (^^^ and 5(5 Achapala, a. (p priv. QoQ fickle in tem- per) calm, thoughtful, steady. (^^{S^d'^cs, Acharmachhedyaya, s. (^ neg..Q skin, (S^dCQ cutting) uncircumcision. ^S^svSd^g, Acharmachchhedyawu, a. uncircum- cised. (fQQ, Achala, a. (^ priv. Qq shaken) unshaken, ^ fixed, immovable. 'tfBtS/Si^, Achittaka. s. (q: priv. aCD thought) absence of mind, want of thought, careless, forgetful, a. having no mind. e^^^sxiTi, Achmtya, la. (cp neg. >253 con- qpS s3Dg, Achintyawu, J ceivable) incomprehen- sible, inconceivable, unimaginable. , Achetaska, ya. see the preceding, ^s^^c5^Q^53, Achetasika, j (fiS^zlQiSi, Achelaka, a. {^tf and (S^^c-esi clothes) unclothed, naked; [Colloq. -eflS^ nirwastra']. s. a sort of religious mendicants who go naked. 9'9^^3<5, Achorat a. (tf and s^^3<5 thief) honest, upright. 'i^d^3(3\05^ ?Sic8, Ajjhdrohana timiya, s, (e^^ adhi very, dliss ruha to ascend, <53 eludenaJ] <^e35s3<53^, Ajdtasatru. s. (p?3S, Ajiwaka, s. kind of Hindu religious men- dicant who goes about naked as a proof that he has destroyed his passions. (f^6'3Si, Ajivika, a. without life. qp^S, Ajuwa, a. disfigured, discoloured, s. ugli- ness, [a low word.J ips^dJg, Ajoduwa, s. accidental impediment, mishap. (fdi6, AJera, 8. teacher, preceptor. cfdso, Afijana, ^ s. antimony; collyrium or ap- ^E^3, Anjana, J plication to the eye lashes to darken and improve them, very generally used among the natives of India as adding to the beauty of the face; the name of a plant; echites antidysenterica ; elephant of the west. ^fe3o, Anjanan, Is. witchcraft, necromancy, (fi^^o, Anjanan, J sorcery of every kind; med- icine rubbed inside the eye when a person is very sick. fpe^^oo)3^cs3, Anjanankdrayd, ") s. Q^s^^sio ^4^e3953<5cS3, Anjanankdrayd, J witchcraft,, >3 <5c53 doer) magician, dealer in the black art. qpdesa^Scs, Anjanakutaya, ") s. (^5^3 an- (fS(:^-!s:>iSj^dai, Anjanakutaya, } tiraonj, iqO rock) native antimony; a rock resembling antimony in colour. !fdssiSi(S, Anjanake^i, \s. a vegetable per- ep<2b^DS^S5c8, Anjanakesi, J fume. ^?^^o^^^3, Anjanadevi, )s. (^is^ea witchcraft, qti^2sD, AJndta, a. (cp neg. cSoS) known) unknown. ef^^, Ajndna, a. (^ priv. S33 knowledge) foolish, stupid, ignorant, unwise. {y^eoc53, Ajndnayd, s. fool, idiot, ignorant person. ^9^(^^0^^^, Atfamwenawd, v. to get out of the way, to stand aside, [a low word.] ^93, Attarna, adv. (vulg.) aloof, out of the way. 9QD3CC5, Attdlaya, s. hut on poles on which a watchman sleeps, observatory. {p9SJffi)3, Attikkd, 8. tree, Ficua glomerata, ( Urticacece), ^Sg S)f 3S3, Attn baudinawd, v. to adhere, to stick, to soil, to contract filth, to become dirty or soiled. tfdQ^O, Aujaliputa^ I s. the placing the palms , Atakona, s. (tp3 and )3'C Atamagala, s. magical diagram made by forming an octagonal figure with ashes, and used for propitiatory purposes; also an octagonal ornament worn on the waist, pi. ^(5)(^ ata- magal. cpcai9dos, Atamahaniraya, s. (p and Sesj^Qdca great hell) the eight chief hells: 1. esod" eanjiwa, the living hell, or punishments inflicted by others; 2. )3CS^ kdlasutra, black lined hell; 3. e3oK3) sa^ghdtay the crushing hell; 4. (^^d'^(5S raurawa, terrible hell; 5. W3S^<5i(58 mahd raurawa, the very terrible heU; 6. 0330 tdpa, fire hell; 7. gs33o pratdpa, excessive fire- hell; 8. ^3 avichi, hell of endless torments. ^s)S^05o53cs, Atamaharogaya, s. (f} and S'CS) great (S^c^sjcs sickness) the eight chief diseases with which men are afflicted: 3S3S^055dc5 icdta- rogaya, windy complaint; ^iKd(3^<35(55ca asmari- rogaya, stone; ^eaS<3^c35(^ca kushtharogaya, leprosy; ^<3y^(S^(Si(Si:A prameharogaya, urinary complaints, suppression of urine from an excess of venery; ^^<5(9>d53ca tidararogaya, dropsy; ss?s3e^<5(3^cS(53C3 bhagandararogaya, fistula in ano; 4f(Se^(5^^S)cs arsasrogaya, piles; (gsx^s^Oocjcs gi-ahanirogaya, dysentery or chronic diarrhea. ^(5e3, Atarasa, s, (j^Q and <5s3 for , Atawaka, s. (ffQ and S^j a lunar day twenty-four of our hours or sixty Sinhalese,) the eighth day after the new and full moon. ffQ85^ ashtdfiga silaya. ^0(S^3e^) Atalos, a. eighteen* [Colloq. 2533, Atumdnd, s. species of heron, adjutant bird; used also as a term of ridicule to a long legged man* ^9i)-i^e3, Atumessa, s. elevated wicker frame for keeping paddy, etc. ^0, Atuiva, 8. barn, granary; see foregomg word. pi. ^ atui qpgSj 43(53, Atuwd katkdwa, 8. discourse updn interpretation, exegesis. cfg-iJD, Atuwdwa, s. glossary, commentary. f(S\SJo3Qo8, Atordsiya, s. hundred and eighti reQxcdi, Ates, a. octagonal. coJgco, Adagotraya, s. (f e) and (9^e5JJ^ce tribe) half tribe. s. to place a support. fe)^ca'2533, Adattyanawa, J ' W(^e hella^l pS)osq<5, Adayatidara, s. (^8ca8 javelin, ^4 bearing) the god of war, one of the names of hataragdma deviyot jmn-i-mi^fgaimm ^S)69) 15 ^ie fr8c6D(5, Adaydlama, s. brand, mark, type. pi. {fScO)(^i) adaydlam. fpSCco, Adalaya, 1 5. part, also (common use) f^^f^c^, Adale, J small portion of the cocoanut left in the shell after the other part has been rasped out for culinary purposes, pi. Adikolama, 8. fun, foolery, pi. fpS (5>-2S5Je adikolam. epSaowaa, Adigahana. a. stamping with the foot. qpSsicsjaaSo, Adigahanawd, v. to stamp with the foot. ^c53irf3, Adtgesma, s. the sound made in walk- ing, also a sound caused by ghosts to resemble that of men when walking; mark or track made by the foot of animals, which enables their pursuer to follow them; the sound of birds or animals, by means of which they are discovered by the sportsmen. {fSc33(3, Aditdlama, s. (^S foot, GiOQ from teSQ sthala place) foundation. pS!33(5, Adipdra, s. track made by the feet of animals or of men, foot-path. qp^ca, Adiya, 8. foot, footstep, the bottom of any- thing; twelve inches. ^aoc3-S33, Adihapanatvd, v. to stamp with the foot as when angry. qfSJ, Adt, 8. the vocative of you (feminine) used only to inferiors, (vulg:) [Colloq. 9 tt."] ep, Adu, a. less, deficient, inferior, low, mean; a grammatical term for abbreviation. (5Je5 adukku. cpa, Adukama, s. (fS^ less, 5 afF.) state of being less, deficiency, abatement, disgrace. <}!>(5S)(5cs anaberaya. ^Ss<(5-5?3'5ca3, Andaberakdrayd, s. drummer, tom tom beater. ^s^S)'5(558SJ^5^8^, Andaberagahartawd, v. to publish by beat of tom tom, see c^^'3^'a>d(*^Qo anabera- lanawd. ^cs, Andaya, s. see -^c5 andaya. ^C'SoSi, Andalanawd, v. to cry or chirp as birds or fowls, to crow. '^be3c5, Andawdtaya, 'is. see j^303c6 anda- ee9D03S, Andawdyuwa, } wdtaya. ?e3(^!?M:j g(5, Andasddeha dura. s. (cp voice, e84s^<5 sound, g(5 distance) the distance to which the sound of the voice can be heard when a person is calling or hallooing; this is a common mode of reckoning the distance from one place ^ to another among the natives. |pasji<5(;5o93, Andakeralanawd, v. to chant or make a noise, as when persons are ploughing or driving cattle. ef%Q, Anduiva, s. pincers, tonga. {^, Anda, s. egg, testicle, scrotum. Cp'dSQd', Andaja, s. (tf^sfrS) egg, d born) one born from an egg, bird; a. oviparous, produced from WijfeScs, Andaya, s. patch. q;^, Andarademala, "is. nonsense, a ^dSc5(5^^JS<3^(S, Andaradefnale, /confused un- meaning talk; (a low word). {}!. ata. <$f^e^is^6, At-aJcura, s. a letter written with the hand, handwriting, pi. epc5<^p5c5L at-akuru. ^sJee4g<5, Ai-atura, s. breast, part between the arms. [Colloq. CiOxt^Si lepetta."] ^cJ^S^Ssc, At-arina, a. leaving, abandoningj for- saking, fps5^8-g3, At-arinatvd, v. to leave, to abandon, to forsake. ?ecJ^(5c, Atgala, s. hand stone, upper round stone in a set of curry stones; stone used by potters in smoothing their pots. ^c}cS<5, Atgira, Is. (^J west, (88 mountain) the eps5c85, ^^m, /western mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set. ep}c^-Sc3 sight) close thought, embracing another religion, free thinking. qf'SjeaS'^^Qj^cs, Attdnmvddaya, s. (^s>S) and q^-gg 83<5 blame) the upbraidings of conscience in consequence of some secret evil act. (fsJs3305 Attdlama, s. cymbal, pi. aJc33(3 at- tdlam. [Colloq. 8c33C kaytdlama.'] q:65?932533, Attikkd, s. a tree, Jicus glomerata, (Urticacece): see <^93J53 a//?Ha. q;cJ^)3(5a), Attikdrama, s. earnest money, deposit money, pi. po5^53d^ attikdram. ^s5^83(5, Attiwdrama, s. foundation, pi. ^c5^ 3<5 attiwdram. fft^ i^Q^^^Q, At-tuwakkuwa, s. fowling piece, ordinary small gun, musket. 3?)3, Atnul-bandmawd, v. tying thread on the hands or arms as a charm. qpsJc3sJ25>(5(53e5:J2s33, Atpatkaraganuawd, v. to possess, to take possession of, to take possession of by force; to attain. fecjrjss, Atpasa, s. the space inclosed by the arms placed horizontally the elbows kept by the side; eatables presented to a priest must be placed in that space before he can lawfully accept them; side, part. ^6Jc33, Atpd, a. hands and feet; used in various senses; as {fs5 o3 (3^>25j-255(5JD3 at pd mehe- karannd, a servant of all work. fficJ C33 \(5\ffi3o5, Atp)dmeheya, s. (tfcJo3 and (S S^wcs service) rubbing the feet or hands when attacked with pain, any kind of menial service. epcJeO, Atptta, adv. in hand, now, in advance, immediately, readily. cpcJGScsjsse^jQD, Atpidigasanawd, It', see a3 striking, esaJ sound) the sound of clapping the hands. qps5s^:33s3e5!3^^o83, Atpiolasandenawd, v. to clap the hands. 33SO, Atyanta, ad. (q;^ ati beyond, ^303 anta end) very much, exceeding. [Colloquial. ^S33 ttdma.'] cp333S\ie330^3d, Atyantopakdra, a. (<|ps336)0^ atyanta and (^ossi^6 upakdra help) much want- ed, very useful. ^S3S, Atyartha, a. (f^^ ati and ^S artha subs- tance) excessive, much. [CoUoq. ^S> adhikaJ] qiSS(yj, Atyalpa, a. (cp^ ati very, ipQCJ alp)a small) very small, minute. f^(gSto, Atrilinga, s. (cp neg. ^ three, gabo gen- der) without the three genders; grammatical term used to express verbs and particles that are without gender. Atla, s. palm of the hand: sometimes ^Sq alia; pi. cp-egc^ atul. ^c5ce3, Atlasa, s. bribe; pi. qps5(^r^ atlas; some- times ^^^C^ alias. ^5S3D3, Ativasanaivd, v. to conceal. q!a583Sco, Ativdchchiya, s. knack, peculiar skill or efficacy, especially in administering medicine, ^sJ3C5l), Atwdruwa, s. support. tfsJe3S3, Atvidinawd, v. to bore the hands, to lance, to spear; to vaccinate, to inoculate for small pox. ^sJ^C^5 Atvilanguwa, s. handciiff, 4^, Ativeredda, s. accident, mishap; pi. ^c5i<5^ ativeradi. Atwcla, s. rail or string to hold by in passing over a plank thrown acros a river, pi. cpJi(^ atwel. efc5ie^, Atwes, s, see (ff^QiQao atawesiyd. fpcJQtrf, Atwes7na, s. (ci hands, StdT^) cover) gloves, cover for the hand; the hilt of a sword. {fcJ0te^ss3, Atwe'ssd, Is. subject, dependant, ser- ffsJSiQcsa, Atu-esiyd, j vant, pupil. ^oiSxcs, Atweya, s. small adze. qpJe3i!:Jes>':5 ^,6*5J>(5- -55S)(5co3, Atakabarayd, s. man with a kind of leprosy in the hands or with spotted hands. fS>S5(5 pj3cis)i), Atakara-dyittama, s. ornaments worn by women, comprehending all the articles of jewellery. efSi.^:^, Atakuni, s. handwriting: see tftd ef^SQ^ at-akura> ^S)55c5l(553'2o83, Atahtirugasanawdt i\ see f^^6 !^&i 33 akiirakin vidinaivd. (fO^)3g, Atakoluwa, s. mallet. (53K>S38j, Atagahanawd, /hand, to support by the hand, to strike the hands in pain, to reach with the hand; to strike a bargain. efSiisimiQo, Atagdnawd, v. to rub, to stroke, to grope, to feel, to touch. cfSy&cs, Atatai/a, s. shallow drum with only one skin. f?03-egc5i, Ataturu, s. the breast. [Colloq. ecs lai/a.^ q:<53s^)3, Atapasukaranawd, "J i\ to delay, fp05;rig5c5.!3Si, Atapahul-aranawd, |to fail in performing, to neglect, to put off a thing, to procrastinate. e?0333, Atajmnaivd, v. to hold the hands, to stretch the hands. o. handful. fpesgoB, Atapurama, j fp<55'?>C3<53S3, Ataperawanatcd, i\ to fold the arms across the breast from cold. f!0(S*c3S39, Atdpowanawd, v. to handle, to touch, to dip the hand; to reach with the hand. pret. ^oc5-c3 to pour) to pour water into the hand, referring to a cus- tom among the Buddhists, when a person makes a vow to offer a gift of importance to the priests or the temple, he ratifies it by pouring water into the hand of the priest; also to pour water into the hands of each other at the marriage ceremony to ratify their promise. ^C3S)<5)3, Atabarcdama, s. magnitude, serious illness, heaviness. qFO>)(5cS3, Atahara ledd, s. excessively diseased person. CfoQjQcoa, Atabdlayd, s. younger person. *P& Atambula, s. kind of precious stone which when held in the hand towards any part every object in that direction becomes visible; kind of prism; a nelli fruit, phyllanthus or mi/robalann emblica. 33-i^, Atamitaneti, a. (^S3 hand, fist, s:>i^ not) needy, destitute, helpless, poor. ^)|jc^(5, Atamugura, s. staff, club, mace, car- penter's hammer. ^S) coO, Ata-yata, ad. (fpss and ca0 under) under- hand. ^S)(5, Atara, prep, between, in, amongst, during the space of; s. middle, interval, from fpesxcd antara; adv. whilst, in the meantime, from fpX55G5 antard. 4f3d-8e33, Ataramamcenawd, v. to be astray, wander; to be left unprotected. ^35(53, Ataramaga, s. ({f03d in, o road) on the road; or a middle path. pi. e^isid'^o ataraman. effS>6Q3dci, Atarawdraya, s. intermediate tune, an interval. ^D<53(5>(5, Atarawdre, adv. amidst, in the mean- time; seldom. ^tSif^6tS, Atarehi,'\\oQ.?ktiYe of e^^6 atara\ mid- f>S, Atare, /die, amongst, in the midst of . epC3e> Atala, s. (fp neg. cdq bottom) bottomless, that portion of the world immediately below the earth, one of the hells, a particular division in hell; a. spread, strewn. ffS)C^83, Atalanaicd, v. (tf03 and CsaS'D to put) to put the hand in, to meddle. ^C5(3cfl5 Atalamayd, s. infant in arms, a word of fondness like darling in English. 3 (K)i,@<5 2td gembura.'] feS5(g\(^, Atale, s. water pot to carry in the hand; [Colloq. 4f5 .esjQco atkalaya'\. mug; pi. t^tsiQ atala. qpOS^(3^c^eo, Atalossa, s. kind of measure; i. e. as much as can be contained in one hand, hand- ful, pi. 0)3>C3S atalostiy fpos^c^g atalohu. cfo Se^eD3, Ata-ivananaivd, v. to beckon with the hand. if&iQ 20 <^4^<^(533 epc3eD3, Ata-vidinaicd, v. to let blood, to bleed the arm; to vaccinate. i|p4Dtrfe33, Ataivessd, 1 s. disciple, pupil, depend- exceeding, )3)K) going beyond) in the highest degTee, analogous to English words, infinity, beyond all expression ; transgressed, surpassed. 203S3(5 beautiful) very beautiful, very lovely, very pleasing, p^ csSs^, Ati maryddd, ad. (^^ and c6?d^ limit) much, excessive, unlimited. {p^said, Atisdra, a. (^ excessively, esDi^ that which goes) dysentery; a. very fruitful. ^^ QgD, Ati siyum, a. (^?9 and Sgfji) sharp) ex- ceedingly sharp, as a razor; very profound. q;?9 g8, Atisuwa,8. (|p^ and ^8 health) great happiness, great health; great riches. fp^ g&3, Ati sukshma, a. vqtj profound, very deep, very lofty. qp^coaes, AtiMsa, s. ({f& much, ojoeo laughter) violent laughter, horselaugh. [Colloquial: ):j S33Q tada smciiva.'] {f^03, Atita, a. passed, gone, belonging to former times; s. the past. iS:fcj>3(5cs3, Attirendakdrayd, s. one who takes a rent from the principal renter; sub- renter; sharer, partner in the piirchase of government rents. tfi^e33c5> sorakama."] , Adawata, s. see csj^853 hadaivata. Cf{553, Ada heta, ad. today or tomorrow, in these days. 3(5i), Adtkdrama, s. a Kandian chief, adigar, minister of state; pi, <^^455D($^8^ adikdramwaru. See ^53(5 adhtkdrama. ^XSD3^.s?o5, Adinndddnaya, s. taking what is not given; theft. 9{^'2o83, Adtnaivd, v. to pull, to draw, to drag, to haul. pret. ^4'? eddd. qp5^dg8, Adtpjmioa, s. lattice, frame, qf^o^, Adtpati, see epSo^ adhipati. {fo^3<5 adhikdra, ^ chapter, qi^e^, Adt's, see fpS adi'si. ffi^tSSi, Adtsst, a. sudden, unforeseen. efi^eSQji, Adissiya, s. accident, chance, sudden event, haste. ff^Q, Adisi, a. (fp neg. ^es disa seeing) invisible, out of sight; [Colloq. ^c^) 3 eudinneivuwd, ^gJ 8, Audim wa}a, a. the part under tiie eye which the natives of India make black with antimony. ^ged*iD, Audunivenna, s. a plant; Tl^n^^mna (Ilicinece), fg3, At34una, 8. see ff^^ ajidun. l! {]pg'25D'8S3, Andunana, p. a. acquainted with, known, familiar. cpgeosj}, Andunanawd, v. to be acquainted with, to know, to recognize; pret. ^:feD3 endtnnd. 'jpgd, Andura, s. darkness, dimness, '^g^ Anduru, a. dark. pgc5i, c5lg, Anduiu rujm, s. (^g<5l and (5i.g enemy) ^ the sun. Qa^^, Adhyaksha, s. superintendent, overseer; a. perceptible, present to the senses. [CoUoq. gQi'S^oBa pradhdniyd.'] q: Sacs -23, Adhyayana, s. study, reading, especially of the sacred books; one of the six duties of a Brahmin. (fa)-a):3SSi, Adhydpaka, s. teacher, instructor in the sacred books of the Hindus. efaa)C33, Adhydpana, s. instruction in the sacred books of the Hindus; one of the six duties of the Brahmins. tpajMGSco, Adhydsaya, s. wish, intention. [Colloq. cp^wss adahasa.'] qsQajWod, Adhydhdra, s. adding a word or Avords to complete a sentence, supplying an ellipsis; reasoning, argument. ^gL, Adhiuwa, a. (ep neg. ., fixed) unstable, unfixed, uncertain, transient. [Colloq. c^ssBd asthira.l {^20, Adhwa, s. road, way. [Colloq. exp 7naga.2 fS9cj, Adkwaga, s. (f) and cj who goes) trav- eller, camel, the sun. [Colloq. 65a;ci33do53 gamankdrayd.'] epaSSsj, Adhammika, s. not doctrinal. Pali form of ^oi^Si adharmtka, which see. cpa, Adhama, a. inferior, low, mean, base, vile. ^a), Adhamakama, s. (tfaS and > afE.) baseness, meanness, vileness. , Adharmtka, a. unjust, unrighteous, ir- religious, wicked. e^afSadb, AdharmisJitha, . very wicked, unright- eouSj improper, irreligious. ja)fft5i)> Adharmishfhakdma, s wickedness, tinrighteousiiess. ^Q^eaficaa, Adharmshthayd, 8, wkked person, tmrighteous ma3a. ^G)tf 24 ^Se)3 'f a<5, Adhara, a. (if neg. Q6 to hold) low, inferior, below, vUe; s. under lip. {f Q(33iSic3, Adharoshthaya, s. corrupt form of the following. q^oisNc^'iaiScc, Adharaushthaya, s. (^o35 adhara below, S)'3ftS oshtha the lip) the under and upper lips. ^QtS, Adhas, ind. down, downwards, below; [Colloq. oesjca^jaAato.] 5. pudendum muliebre. fpo)c8S)3o5, Adhastdt, see last. qpQj^), Adhdrraika, a. (cf neg. 2)3^^55 virtuous) unjust, wicked. 03(5, Adhikatara, ad. exceeding, very much, more, comparatively more. ?p3>(5-205i5>o5D, Adhikarana ndyakayd, s. a judge. {?iSe3SNcs:f, Adhikawasayen, ad. more, more so, more than. f3>3d, Adhikdrama, s. prime minister, judge, (principally applied to judges of the superior court), an adigar. pi. cp3^33 C3 uncaused, esi) sam with, (^swqxSco utpattiya bu-th) transmigration, one of the four states or divisions of the animate world, signifymg the present state of things; state in which men or animals are now in a state of migration. [Colloq. ^S^esj-2g) (-OX3S329 <^?9 ahetwka utpatti eU.'\ 9Sg3ca, Adhiprdya, 1 t, g^ .,,. / }s. see Sf-fBwCD, Adhogata, a. (^o):^ adhas down, oo gone) dishonoured, gone down, base. ^>a33(53 83S305, Adhogama wdtaya, s. (fp)^ adhas below, CO going, QoS3 wind) breaking wind, one of the five vital airs. ^3\o)3 aascKia, Adho-bhdgaya, s. (^Qed and kidcj) part) the lower part; from the hips downward; bottom. S3 ^8e3, Adho-bhmvana, s. (fa)el beneath, ^3 world) infernal regions, heU, the naga world. [Colloq. O3033(3cs^afa^aya.j Cfs^Qj 3oSco, Adho-mdrgaya, s. fundament. ['Colloq. C 053 mala-maga.2 Q3(36cs, Adholiptya, s. letter or letters below the line to correct errors, foot-note. f(5^)3(?>c'i, Adholoka, s. (epSidi and s*C3> world) regions below the earth. ffO^SJo c8iS, Adho-^irs/ia, 1 s. (^S)ed and (33 head) |pQ(58c8S, Adha^sirsha, J the head downwards, suspension by the heels. sxD, Anta, s. boundary, limit; death; a. final, ultimate, qpexoaa, Antaka, s. (^ff^sxa death, ) aff. of agency) name of Mara, the king of death, in Hindu mythology called Yama; Wasawarti the enemy of Buddha. ^xo<55 g, Antaka ripu, s. (^3es35 and 5g en-' emy) enemy or destroyer of death, enemy of Mara and Yama; one of the names of Buddha. 930D<55, Antaga, la. dead, departed; crossing, fpeocsDOTSD, Antagata, J going to the end. tfisxEca, Antaya, s. limit, end, conclusion; religious penance, religious offerings made to procure a place in Kamaloka. tf Do:o53, Antayd, s. worst or meanest person. cf3C3cSsD, Antargata, a. (6D03d? and cgsj been) internal, inner, within. -MM ^9S3 26 ^ess ^2035^33, Antarhitn, a. (F)035 and 3 dim to liold with so kta afp; cS /(5-j83, Antardkaranawd, V. to endanger, to imperil, to hurt, to injure; to hinder. <;pX5D<5 (5-, Antewdstka, s. (qp^xs and SoS^iS) who dwells) one that lives near another, t. e. pupil, scholar; servant. ff(9^isxiQoQsi, Antewdsin, s. (qps^^5t5^ loc. case of cp-sooD near, aSai dweller) pupil, [Colloquial: (S^ca^Cao golayd.'] cff^isysio^, Antora, s. inner town, (Namavali. 103,) see (fi(a*C33<5 ctora. f|fDK)?, Antah, a. inner. ^XD j(33ca, Antah-kalpaya, s. 1,774,080,000 years. . {f^sxii ^6a>, Antah-pywaya, s. (qf axDiJJ antar inner, g<5 house) queen's apartments, inner court; citadel. cf^q, Anda. a. see qpe^ andha. q:edi^iR3(5c5, Andakdraya, s. darkness. (^isic^isi 0325393, Andan tabanawd, v. to clip the beard into shape. qpeJj^S, Andama, s. mode, manner, state, condition; pi. qperJ^l andam. ^55:fcjc53, Andayd, s. see epsSlcsa andhayd. c^is5q6, Andara, s. a sort of tree, (acacia) of which there are about seven or eight species in Ceylon; Dichrostachys cinerea, (Legum). qp:J^Q33, Andaicanawd, v. to dress another, to clothe; pret. {fieJs^^SSa endewwd. qp55:J^cs, Anddyama, s. fortified entrenchment, camp, barricade, pi. qp:J(^c5l) anddyam. qpei, Anditu, s. (qpsJ other ^9 religion) heathen, pagan. fd'sefc5l9, Andoruwa, s. Kandian palanqum. qpaa), Andha, a. blind; dark. qpJjS), Andhaka, s. name of a country, probably Behar; name of a king, a muni, and an Asur. a. blind. qpea)^S), Andliakama, s. darkness. qp55)^553(5, Andhakdra, s. (qfesa) blind, 5J<5 what makes) darkness, qpea)cS3, Andhayd, s. blind man. qpa)(a*8-25383, Andhawenawd, v. to become blind, qpoeo, ylnwa, s, boiled rice; food. q::J-253, J.n?io, m^ particle of exclamation, look, behold, there ! qp:f-2SDJ)3, Annakkd, s. pine apple; provincial. [Colloq, qpsi^^oQ anndsi."] qp3S3c332o, A7inapdna, s. (5 c35^i5, Anya-jdtiya, $. (fp^s and 35^co race) , another race, anothei* caste. {p55D59S3<5, Anyatara, jiron. other, different, either of the two; applied chiefly to words that refer to two thino's. cp203S <^'^, Anya-drishti, a. (qpesrjs strange, i^aS sight) apostate, heretical, heathen, q;3J3 ^!S@)c33, Anya-drishtikayd, s, apostate, hea- then. ^9 27 ^54J5 pD56 g^, Anya-pushta, s, (fp>25: and ga3 nour- ished) Indian cuckoo, supposed to be reared by the crow. cpeD33 8oa?33, Anya-brita, s. (^ajjo and oao nourish- ed) the kokiJa or Indian cuckoo. This bird is supposed to lay its eggs in the nests of other birds (generally the crow) to be hatched by them. [Colloq. s^i3Djo3 kohd.'] Cpes33S (5s3co, Anya-rasaya, s. (<|>S3 and c5eeca taste) another taste. epD33 (3^> Anya-labdhi, a, ({p3J3 and QaS sect, faith) heretical, false in religion. ^3 &03, Anya-tcardhita, a. (qpeoas and 5C5 grown) brought up by another, fostered ep2$D35)3J, Anyawddin, s. (ep.253J5 otherwise, D^^szf who speaks) one who speaks inconsistently, pre- ^ varicator. f^3i53, Anyiina, a. (ep neg. ^^^ defective) complete, entire. [Colloq. ssDg^ sampth-na.'] qp'5^^5^52o:^^55, Anyodaka, s. f^saa anya and <5<^-253 idaka water) other water; fever ague taking effect every twenty-four hours. {f'SdSsaSo, Ami-anatvd, r. to cause to pierce or butt, and is used of horned animals to make them fight, pret. (^i(5v2oS03 enneivwd. See ep:^a333 annanaivd. 4f-2co, Anivaya, s. generation, lineage, succession; the natural order or connection of words in a ^^ sentence or stanza. ep(SN^5S- a. belonging to another. ^Js3dfe3a>, Ansantaka, j qp^rfssce, Ansaya, s. see ^o(bc ansaya. (fis5ss(^, Ansa!, s. lute, rock, stability, firmness. (fSS-esi, Anszna, s. a person deprived of some members of his body. ffi^, Ansii, see qpo^ ansti. ep3, Awa, s. command, an order, authority; in Pali ^ books it means sound: more correctly if^-^ ana. tfe53 )(5-S5Jad C5^e2 h6jmlu-gasa.'\ qp25365c53, Anangayd, see q!3D anauga. ^3ate)cs, Anangajmya, s. see qf^ocsScs anaijga jnya. cpD3rac53, AnaAgayd, s. (ep:J an neg. 3 SaeoeS, Ananya vritti, a. (cpe5:f an and ^esjs anya other, a 3S profession) closely atten- tive, having the mind fixed on one object. {f>53<93, Ananawd, v. to knead, to mix as dough, to mingle; pret. 'ft ^3 eniiwd. epe3'^S.:33(^c finapoUa. pi. cp-is^Ss^oig anapolu ^e33\S)(5>D<5t3, Anaberakdrayd, s. one who pub- lishes orders by beat of drum: more correctly ^Q<5ffi>3<5cs) anaberakdrayd. pi. ^f^S^^ 53(5!?csi anaberakdrayo. e:)S\Q<5cfl, Anaberaya, s. drum by which orders are published: more correctly fp-S!,<5c5 ana- beraya. {peis^^dc^-sss, Anaberalannd. s. see cpD5>S)54553 f5cS3 anaberalidrayd. ep3'5 abhimata liked) undesired, disliked. f^e3?B3, Anabhimuhha, a. {^tsi an and cptSgQ abhimuhha present) absent. -2533 5BJ 553 nohtkmuna.'] qpeaS, Anargha, a. (t^isi an and q:S ar^iArt price) invaluable, priceless, precious. _. if&it 2& ^5< ffeoS, Anartha, la. (ffJ an and ^rsSb arttha ciSi'Sb, Anarttha, J meaning or use) without mean- ing, unmeaning, unjust. p3^ca, Anartthaya, s. loss, injustice, that which is without meaning or profit. KejQia, Analpa, "ka. 3d ratnetul, (plumbago zeylanica and rosea); also the third constellation. ?es3Ce5. Analasa, a. (ffisi an and pCS3 alasa idle) industrious. qp39, Anawa, s. the ocean; (Ndmdvali. 81.) [CoUoq. eais^dza sagar-aya']. {f5J38>3S5, AwoM'a^a, a. (e^i an and o5s3 (5, Anawatatta vila, s. name of a lake in the Himalaya mountains, the dark lake; i. e. on which the beams of the sun never shine. qp39^, Anaivadya, a. ((fsi an not, fp0^ aivadya guilt) guiltless, innocent. cfeaSaosD, Anawadhdna, s. (cfi an and awadhdna attention) carelessness, inattention* inadvertence, mistake. S38<5-, Anawa7'ata, a. ((^^ an neg. (fQ6s3 awa- rata ceased, stopped) continual, constant, un- remitting, eternal. [Colloq. 29c5?cr<5 nirantara.'] pDS(5S3cf, Anawarataya, s. constancy. [Colloq. 26<5)eD<5c8 ntrantaraya.'] <^5^^(5e^?^csf, Anawaratayen, ad. constantly, con- tinually, epSjQcSx?, Anawardgra, a. (C3S>, Anawaloka, la. (Jawand{f8 qpa38s^G3)S3, Jwau-a/o^-ana, jawa and (S^co to see) imperceptible. ffDes3, -4narma, s. witchcraft, incantations prac- tised upon persons who have been poisoned, or bitten by a serpent. e5!3a3J3<5c03, Anavinakdrayd, s. juggler, one who practises incantations upon persons who have been poisoned or bitten by a serpent. i;p3g(5L, Anawuru, s. (<^^ an and e^^(^ aivuru to cover) the sea. [Colloq. ^ muhicda,'] cp 'S3eo45>, ^wasa^-a, s. order, command, jurisdiction: more correctly qp-^eeo anasaka. ^e)-85G, Andkula, a. (efi^ an And ppi^Q dkula confused) clear, unconf used, simple, composed, unperplexed, fp03(55C3, Andgata, a. ((f&i an and cpcsxo dgata come) future, not arrived. fpD3(KS5 53(3ca, Andgata kdlaya, s. (c3, Andgatawdhjaya, s. a prophecy, ^es33C553, Andgdmi, s. (tfi^ an and pro3^ dgdmi one who comes) one who has entered the third of the four paths to Nirvdna, so called because he cannot be bom again in the world of men or of gods, but only in a Brahma world from which he may attain Nirvana; the future. c5rf, Andydsayen, ad. easily, with facil- ity. [Colloq. s^(^S'5, Andryalca, f respectable, 455 A-a aff.) un- worthy, disreputable, not noble, of mean origin; belonging to the country of the Mlechchhas, or barbarians; name of a kind of wood, the agallo- chum or aloe wood (aquilaria agallochum). (fiS3j69kr)cR, Andrambhaya, s. {^isi an and fo(5'5)eo drambha beginning) want of a beginning, non commencement. tpewQcJ'CS^, Andwarana, a. (tfJ an and ep9(5<3S dwarana covering) open, unclosed, uncovered, exposed, unobstructed. qp33(5<^ i5,->!S^c, Andwarana ndnaya, 1 s. {s^isi 9338(5-S33gco, Andsraya, s. (^^ an and tfDcgoB dsraya asylum) absence of attachment or dependence. <^533tg, Andsrawa, a. (S33S3, Andjndwa, corruption of ffocSi djndwa. epd3J, Anikak, s. another one. ^2^355^, Anikaku, s. another man. pefl3353, Am'kd, s. the other one. epe6s9^6, Anikini, s. army, host, forces; force consisting of a certain number that is one tenth of an akshauhini; 2187 elephants, and as many chariots, 6561 horse, and 10,935 foot. ^sQ^gsJ, Anikut, a. other, the other one also. qp^9-S55, Aniktidu, s. the other one; a. other. ^^^535 2rf, Am'kek, s. an other person. ?5s58o, Anichchan, 1 (Pali), a. not lasting, transi- ep6)83, AnichcM, J tory, perishable. ff^6(?vS9, Am'chche, Pdli form of ^e6c5 anitya. ^^6l3^9, Amchche, interj. expressing surprise, as dear me ! pi6, Anitu, a. inauspicious, ominous; ^s. misery, suffering, sin, poison, ingratitude. {^26a5, Anit, a. the other. fpe^cJo?, Am'tta, s. plant, Rhinacanthus communis, (Acanthacece.) qj'j6s5>5, Anitya, a. (Jf neg. e6o533 constant) tran- sient, perishable, changeable, not always abiding, cp'SQ^^, Aniddd, ad. the day after tomorrow. ^^ffe^cs, Anindriya, a. (^25^' aw not, and 26^03 reproached) honourable, respectable, but its more general meaning is that of beauty or freedom from any deformity ; in Sanskrit books it conveys the idea of pious, virtuous. ^^625D3, Aninawd, v. to spear, to pierce, to stab, to gore; to punch, to beat with the fist or with ^ a stick, pret. pi:f33 ewwa. (f^^ts, Animisha, "Is. (if and fla that twinkles) (fdi'^ti, Animisa, J that which always keeps its eyes open; a god, a deity. ^23^S(5^C3'2!3, Animisalochana, s. unblenching gaze; a. sleepless, lit. never closing the eyes. pp'SScscJ, Aniyata, a. (f and e^cses proper) impro- per, mistaken; undefined, unprescribed. f]p^6c6, Aniyam, I o. (^ and zQcs appointed) un- fp^Qcs, Aniyama, j fixed, unsettled, not appointed, undetermined, indefinite, irregular. ^^^ 31 ^a3r epeQc^lS, lAniruddha, s. the son of Pradyumna, cf.6i(Si^, J a form of Kama and husband of Usha. (fi^Q, Anila, s. air or wind, considered also as a deity who has the command of the wind; a subordmate kind of deity 49 of whom form a class called anilas ; the 15th nakshatra or lunar mansion, a. airy, windy. qf^6^, Anishta, a. (fJ an neg. <6) ishta wished) bad, unlucky, undesirable; see tfi^^ anitu. i^^!aQ(3\ 3^303, Anishtaivenawd, v. . not to happen, not to accomplish. cp^6e^e3, Anissa, s. (ef and ^Qe^ea that which is proper) an improper act, a duty which a man is not obliged to do. p5Bes, Anisa, a. perishable, not always abiding. ef!^iS), Anika, see (fiAssi anika. ^iQ9^, Anikini, see ^^99i9 anikini. q:i9(5^<5, Amswara, a. {^isS an neg. <^cx)6 iswara lord) lordless, having no authority. \^, Ann, preposition and prefix implying after, like, in the same manner; under, inferior to: along, lengthwise; with, together with, in part of; severally, each by each, near to; in regard to. (f^, Ann, a. small, minute, subtle, confirming; s. atom, well watered place, measure equal to thirty six paramanus: more correctly ^4^ anu. t3j iSi6^(5)93, Amcgamana, 8. {ffg33ea5, Anuttara, a. (^ffs^ an and ^G&i6 uttara answer or subsequent) unable to answer j silent; best, chief, principal, excellent. ^<^S>5>3C3, Anuttdpa, see ^^S333 dnutdpat ff-^^DOD*?, Anutpdda. a. ((fisi an and (^^SXioq utjyd- da birth) without birth. (p^^SX5')^^, Anuipddana, 8. {ep&i an and ^sxio^^ utpddana birth) that which is without birth, i. e. Nirvana. g9^92, anvdenima. *f"Sfl*D, Anud Anvdenima, s. permission, consent. qp-^g^aw, Anuddhrita, a, {6docM9 chief) sub-chief, vice-president. QC3es)03, Anupaliata, a. not killed. qf'g^oavj 5^6380, Annpddisesa, s, (^ed an and (jao^ u][)ddt cleaving, svsses remainder) that which puts an end to transmigration, that which leads to Nirvana. ^^OD3, Anujydna, s. (ep^ with or after, cja3 drink) a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink taken with or after medicine. cp-gggS, Anupurwa, s. {^^ after, gS prior) order, regular, succession, series, degree; a, regular, orderly. [Colloq. QQ(5^Qq piliwela.'] (f^<^o6, Anupera, s. order, succession. qP'^goeo, Anuj^rdsa, s. (^-Q and g pra before, q39dc?e anu- 3, Anumarjjana, ymajjita. ^^6^, Anumarana, s. (fp-g with, d2S3 afif.) inference; (in logic) drawing a conclusion from given premises, (in common use) doubt, uncertainty, ep-gs^St^vS^a, Anumeivent, s. satisfaction, approval, thanks; the words which the priests pronounce when they receive the offerings of food from the people expressive of their own gratitude and also of benediction. {^g^;J.?f, Anumodan, Is. see the preceding 9'^'5J^5!D3, Anumodand, J word. tp-gST^co, Anumetiya, s. see fp<3^cs anumatiya. ^-305303, Anuydta, a. ({p^ after, csosj gone) followed, accompanied; s. a follower. qp'^gggasw:*, Amiyukta, a. (g with, (s^ca^(55 union) joining with, compliance with, question; repeat- ing. cp'g(5, Anura, s. seventeenth nakshatra or lunar mansion designated by a row of oblations;' stars in Libra. (^^6^, Anurati, s. love, passion, one of the eight sentiments expressed by the drama, ep^(5d3, Anuranjana, la, (fp-^ and 6(33 going >e3 1^(33, Anuloma, S or hair) natural order, des- cent, succession. t^^Q-&ds5, Anuvyanjana, Is. (qp-^g and 835S^ together, C5e533 to go) to follow. p'3^33, Anuwartana, s. obliging, conferring favours on others. ^^o^, Anuwdda, s. (qi-Q low, 3^ speaking) reviling, abuse, censure; tautology; argument- ative contest. ^^3S>4, Anuu'dde, ad. by accident, nearly, near, almost; by or on account of evil, [Provincial.] ^.^383^3, Anuwdsana, s. (cp^g after, ase to fumi- gate) perfuming the clothes, scenting iu general. ^53 34 ^9i3 ^^931023 C5d-^ac6 krodhaya']; repentence, regret, object of pursuit. fp.^333S3-s^, AnusdsaJca, s. counsellor, instructor, one who interprets and enforces law. p'^333eS'25a5, Aniisdsand, s. (ff-^ andc533d3a?3 govern- ing) governing, order, command, precept, in- struction, exhortation, informing, counselling. ef-iQtiSfn, Anushna, a. (:J an neg. ^'S>^ ushna warm, alert) lazy, sluggish; [Colloq. 5l7^ Jcammelt']', cold, chilly. epfi^^e;, Anusna, corruption of the foregoing. {f'Qe(5-5'? sthikerima.'\ cp^^^e^a^cs, Anusmritiya, s. (cp-^ and e^a^ me- mory) cherished recollection; see foregoing word. {p^f39MS5fiO, Anusampanna, see ^-q^3 ami- yukta. 'tf-SQtud, Anusara, s. recollection, memory. fp^^eed-ss^o, Anusa7'ana, s. (ff'Q and tea sri to go dr Anuhas. fp^K33(5, Anuhdra, s. imitation, resemblance, cp^-sa, Anuria, a. ((fssi an and (^isa una less) whole, entire, complete. [Colloq. esS^^ sam- purna."] cp^35, Anunaka, a. see the preceeding word. ep^3, Anupa, s. {(^^Q anu near or with, cp?o dpa water, ^) u substituted for ^ a) watery, locality. ep^0, Aniiwa, s. ninety. tps:'a;^, Anriju, a. ((fi an neg. eea^ r)'M straight) crooked, perverse, wicked. t^^^Si, Anrt'ta, s. (cftsS an and ts^fSi rita truth) falsehood, agriculture. epo^aa^Si, Aneka, a. ((ftsi an not, 63 e^-a one) various, many. [Colloq. (S^33(S^c6J o?/6^.3 ef<^'is:iszid, Anekaja, 8. (ffs^-ao^s) more than one, d what is born) bird, which is produced first in the shell and the second time when hatched. fp^^esSg^n, Anedamuka, a. (ef^ anu implying similarity, <5S eda deaf, > dumb) deaf and dumb; wicked, perverse, false. fp(S^:J, Ane, a. various, many, interj, alas, oh! ep(5^:J:i, Aneka, see {^(3^^^ aneka. (f<5y^ooQC3 amipa- fp(9-3Dc3(9>cs, Anopameya, ) ma. C Appalle, s. kind of earthern vessel or pan used by the natives to cook with, pi. ^d 0(^C5 appalld. [Colloq. ^c?^ {^^gca loku ctth'ya.'] f^d'jo, Appd, s. father, (not very respectable), pi. ^rfjiC^ appdld. qptjg, Aj)pu, s. head servant. piihdmi, s. title of respect to persons of high caste and sons of mudaliyars, f^dfS^ootlW, 8. father, (more respectable word than sfdzio appd). pi, qpef3^c53C3 appochcliild. ^9^550, A2^rakata,y^a. (ff neg, g>3 or gffijacs ^g^acra, Aprakdsa, /public) secret, unrevealed, not published, not known, [Colloquial: qpgS^ aprastddha.^ q:g5a?9, Aprakriti, 8. (f and g>a^ nature or matter) accidental property or nature; not na- tural. ^g^:s 35 ^oca qpgwsias, Ajyratyaksha, a. (ff and gsjjS'S^ present) imperceptible, not present, invisible. f gessca, Apratyaya, a. (^ and go33Sc3 cause) cause- less, without cause, having no producing princi- ple; also (cp a vowel a, ^SiTioa pratyaya an affix) the affix a. qpg?9336, Apratindtha, s. (^ and 9^ second, esDsS chief) one who has not his superior; interreg- num; a. peerless. ;pg^g^C> Aprattpudgala, s. one to whom none can be compared. ^g?9oo3S5, Apratibhdga, a. {cf not, g?9a33cs? like) incomparable, matchless. [Colloquial: q;e3i)325Dg asamdnawu.^ ^g^ecaSca, Apratisandhika, s. (S care) carelessness, inattention, negligence; heedless- ness, imprudence. cpg60S3S3, Aprasanna, a. (^ and gsoe^ao clear) turbid, muddy, not clear; (most commonly,) unwilling, displeased. ^geaoij, Ajyrasdda, see the preceding word. ^gQS), iAprastddha, a. secret, unrevealed, un- ^gSip, J published. See {);g^3G3 aprakdsa. ^gg^^a, Aprasutikd, s. (^ not, gg^)3 child bearing) barren wonian. [CoUoq. ^^ ts&a ivauda stiriyaJ] q>g;9-a^^amfi^.] {pgjCOT, Ajirdpta, a. (f and go^cs arrived) not arrived, not come; not obtained. ^gca, Apriya, a. (^ and gca beloved) not dear, not beloved, not pleasant, unfriendly, inimical, un- kind; also (^ neg. cs husband) husbandless. faj3, Ajmyd, s. (cp and c53 wife) one wifeless, widower. [Colloq. Qii^qt^Qo icendambuwd.j <^gc538, Apriydioa, s. disgust, nuisance. e3S3<:S, Apsard, s. (qsd ap water, ess sri to go or, q;cg in the waters, <5e3 rasa flavour) apsara, nymph of swarga; the name alludes either to production of the nymphs at the churning of the ocean or to their frequent bathing. q;o, Apa, p)ron, us, the accusative of the per. pron. p8 a/"; also a particle or preposition, the reverse of 5(Sd^, Apa-kerehi, the loc. of tfO rt^w, sometimes used in the sense of ^oO aptata ahd qpc3C53^, Apagata, a. (^s3 away, cdsj gone) lost, deprived of; dead, deceased, departed. [Colloq. o^^ pahawu7\ cpoOT'Se?, Apagamana, s, {(fo and co0 going) departure, separation. ^ '- 36 ^esff fpCJS^ed, Apage, the gen. of qp8 a^n. <;prj8c5, Apachaya, s. loss, decay, wearing away; [Colloq. ^(5j3cS3S geviydma;'] respect, obeisance. qpcS, Apata, the dat. of Apatya-satru, s. (^asss offspring, 88^ an enemy) the crab, being said to perish on producing its young. [Colloq. ssi^&Qo kaJcu- , lxhwd?[ qpog:23, Apatrapd, s. (efo and ^533 shame) bash- fulness. pc3CJg33. Apatwuna, pret, of following word. p:3sJ(SNaD)3, Apathwenawd, v. to die. tpc333S-<^^y<^-'\ q;oC0635, Apannala, a. (cp prohibitive, oeoSD gone, -S55 aff.) used of fiuch as deviate from the right road in religion, heretical, erroneous; also certain, true; without leaves; s, one of the in- carnations of Buddha, flrst in order, cpa^oGS, Apabhrnnsa, s. {tfo and ^oea fall) lan- guage so called, ungrammatical language. 253, Apaydna, s. (^a from, caseo going) re- treat, flight. [Colloq. 0(^3(3x9 paldyema.^ {p!3col303, Aparyanta, a. (cp neg. C3C5^2S30D end) endless, immeasurable, boundless, unlimited, in- definite. [Colloq. (S^38(5J e^x^ kelawarak netiJ^ fpc3<5, Apara, s. west; also, other, opposite, contra- ry. [Colloq. S)0e9(5 batahira.'] ^3(5(5^o3cS3e3co, Aparagoydnaya, s. an imaginary island or continent so called in the west, some say it is America. (^06 c^cs, Apara-pakshaya, s. the wane of the moon. qpo<5 oSsJcs, Apara-parwataya, s. {cfod west, oS C3CS rock) the western movmtain behind which the sun sets. (fssdejscoca, Aparabhdgaya, s. time just past, after- noon. qps^, Apard, a. other, opposite. [Colloq. {^j6J anik,~\ epc305?), Ajmrdjtta, a. (tf and C3^5?S3 conquered) unconquered; name of Vishnu and Siva, name of a plant, (clitoria ternatea ;) see eQ(^.S5(9>fi5^ nilkatarolu. ^o^gDco, Aparddhaya, s. {(fo badly, OoQ to accom- plish) offence, impropriety, guilt, txansgression. qpo<55, Aparddhika, s. offender, transgressor, guilty person. sfz}<^oc&% Apardparya, s. transmigration. [Colloq. eeesd igo sasara-ipadimajy 9c3(^K)3, Apardlina, s. {^zi6 apara after, anw7'to, J SjCD known) unknown, ignorant. tf^S ^o^05e3S3, Aparttapta, a. (q: and 08 exceeding, SDfSOT warmed) not warmed or heated either by fire or of the sun. ^cSg-?35^, Aparipurnna, a. {f^ and 08 emphatic, g-sji^ filled) incomplete, not filled; unprofitable, poor, tfo83^K)3csj, Aparibhoga, a. not used, not embrac- ed; compare oSs^ccJS) /lanMo^a. tried) untried, unproved. qpc3i3^050'K/e)co, Ajyaropakramaya, s. {ffod apara other, (^a^S upakrama stratagem) another stratagem. qpc3(3, Apala, Elu form of ^6c aphala which see. tfOQ_a, Apalai/a, s, misfortune, disadvantage, un- profitableness, bad luck; evil infiuence, (used of the planets.) ^C5Q30, Apcddpa, s. i^tfo away or kindly, Qo lapa to speak) denial or concealment of knowledge, secrecy; affection, hiding; a. {f neg. oo^^ chaff) not empty, useful. (^oQa, J unclean, defile, polluted. 9:3 ^ed^, Apavistra, corruption of Jf 3g apavitra. ffo SQssi, Apa visin, pron, instrumental case of cf8 api. ^C3e3(5, Apasmdra, s, (epo privation, e^a smri to remember) epilepsy, falling sickness; a kind of sickness in which the patient is supposed to be affected by a demoniacal possession and suddenly falls, [Colloq, Qti'^6 (S^dSs^ca icasmara'rogaya.'j ^^ee35^c3, A2)aswddrga,s. (<}! neg. o5t)3^ alliance) enmity, hostility, [Colloq, (^3 dddna taking) removal, taking from; it conveys the sense of the fifth or ablative case in Sanskrit and Pali. epoJ^, Apddt, see cfQo^ apdda. 9:^3 gcs5, Ajyd duka, s. (j^ao hell, g> sorrow) sorrows of hell, punishments or sufferings of the infernal regions. 9O3'20, Apdna, s. (90 apa below, ^eo ana to breathe) the anus, breaking wind, one of the five vital airs. {po30, Apdpa, a, (^ neg. C33s3 sin) sialese, vii'tuous. pure. ^C93^ 38 4^G3 ^eD3 atpolasandenawd'] ; also to strike; see ?pg(^C^^' apullanaivd. {fSNODS^aosasi, Apohosat, a. (^ and e^oatjieojsosJ rich) not rich, poor; unable. ^6(3, Aphala, a. (f? and 6c fruit) fruitless, sterile, barren; unprofitable, disadvantageous. ? Aphalakama, s. barrenness, sterility, un- profitableness. ^?93g), Aphdsuiva, s. see qosig apahasuwa. qpSW, Abja, s. (cf^ ab for, ^d aj) water, d ja born) the lotus, [Colloq. s^^^g nelwn]', moon, physi- cian of the gods. qpSb'c^cssefl, Abjayoni, s. one of the names of Brahma. ^S)E?eQ, Abjim, s. multitude of lotus flowers. <^E?^a^, Abjintpati, s. (ff'Sjd'iSi and c^ lord) the sun. [Colloq. gcscC3 suryayd.'] ^a, Abdhi, s. sea, ocean. [Colloq, g^ muda.'} ''^S3(?3o, Abbdgdta, a. cripple, lame; see cf'shi^ ^30 abbhdghdta. [Colloq. (S^^36 kora.'] cfSS)3(K>3S3c53, Abbdgdtayd, )s. cripple, person hav- epato3ffi3, Abbhdghdta, J ing lost a limb. epS)epo5 SeG, Abbhuta dhamma, s. {if not, t3 beino' or been, S event; that which has not happened before, strange event, wonder, miracle; one of the branches of sacred science into which Buddhism is divided, comprehending such siitras or works as describe the miraculous powers of srawakas. qvSfe)33ais>361>3acs, Abbhokdsikdilgaya, the Pali form of {^e335933c8-25538)Dco abhyawakdsikdngaya which see. ef9B3S3S, Abrahmachdri, see gsS3S brahma- chdri. {f9E<5Sj3, Abrahmanya. a. (ep neg. gKS:<^ pro- per for a brahman; i. e. death) sacred, not to be killed. fpS), Aba, s. mustard, brassica juncea (Cruet/era;). ^'S>^6, Abatura, " Elu form of ^tixzxi6 abhyan- epQ^c^, Abaturu, J tara. ^aag, Abandhu, a. (^ and S)i^ relative) without relations, not related. ^aS, Ababa, s. a hell so called; a number. ^05, Abaya, s. (if and S)ca fear) exemption from fear or danger. if^^ 89 ^(3@ CpS)<5, Abara, a. (cp not, <5 weight) light, not heavy. [Colloq. 8siS5i(^^ sehellu.'] ep5.?c5es abiyasa. ep^S^coJ(53, Abiyoga, a. silly, foolish, stupid; s. in- sanity. qp<5[, J.in-w., a. Elu form of epsBcJl abhirti. '^eaJl. Abisaru, s. woman who goes to an assig- nation, {fSNes, Abisew, a. Elu form of fPtB3>e3) abhiseka. cp03, ^A2, Abhyanga, Is. smearing the body with fpcoaStej Abhyanga. foil, rubbing the body with any unctuous substance. t^Ti-Ad'Si, Abhyanjana, Is. ({?tQ and tfisf^ to epeDJSs^'e:^, Abhyanjana, (anoint) ointment, smear- ing the body with oil in unction ; applying coUy- rium to the eyelashes. 9{!n2ao3<5, Abhyantara, pi-ep. within, inside, inner space, the space included. [Colloq. f^c^Q etula^ fp{S3333(K05, Abhyawakdsaya, s. firmament. [Col. ^53C53co awakdsaya.'] ^w953cj3Ste>cs, Abhyawakdsikddgaya, s. (?t65* 53C5a abhyawakdsa atmosphere, ^> ika aflp. ^ate> aAga ordinance) institute of the Buddhist code enjoining upon the priests to reside in the open air, and not to employ the slightest cover- ing or defence, whatever may be the weather to which they are exposed. See S'w;^?^ 3gDo teles dhutdiiga. cpao32oaaoeo, Abhyakhydna, s. (tftS ai^? and ^QoaoSD dkhydna saying) groundless demand; false ac- cusation. q5C3)(5>385, Abhydgdrika, s. (^S abhi and epwad dgdm house, <^S) ika aff.) one diligent in supporting the concerns of a house. fpwax^ea, Abhydddna, s. beginning, commence- ment. [Colloq. oQ&ScsiiisSs) pafangenma.'] epwaoescs, Abhydsaya, s. practice, exercise. [Colloq, gcJi<^<:j inirudda.'] pQOjg;:3C5>i)a3, Abhyupagamana, s. (, Abhaktika, a. ungodly. Cp(545x9c3, s. Abhaktiya, impiety, wickedness, un- godliness. itfiSica, Abhaya, a. (^ not, essca fear) fearless, free- dom from fear or danger. f er>S, Abhawya, a. (fp and eo fit, proper) unfit, improper. qpeos, Abhdwa, s. (tf and en39 being) non exist- ence, annihilation. ffeoiSw, Abhdvita, a. (cp and knowledge) ^tSs>, Abhtjm, /profound knowledge, supernat- ural acquirements, used chiefly to express the five kinds of knowledge acquired by the Rahats or Buddhistical ascetics; viz. 1. The power to assume any shape. 2. Supernatural hearing, by which words or soimds however low can be heard at any distance. 3, The power of know- ing the hearts of others. 4. The knowledge of men's condition in a former state of existence. 6. The power of seeing objects at any distance, a. having known, become cognizant of. CPS?rrw^, Abhinnd, Pali form of fftSsSj abhijnd. ptSec5, Ahhitapta, a. (^tB and 03f5n burnt) scorched, burnt. eptfiQ*), Abhidhydwa, s. extreme desire, excessive longing, violent covetousness. ep8, Ahhid.harma, s. (eptfi profound, SD^ID say- ings of Buddha) those addresses of Buddha which were delivered to the gods; one of the three pitakas or divisions of Buddhism. qptSa eOa>o5, Abhidharma-pitahaya, s. (^tSS) and e~)5j5 basket) third of the three pitakas or collections of the discourses of Buddha. It contains books, which were addressed to gods. q:B5)3'S3, Abhidhdna, s. name, appellation; vocab- , ulary, dictionary, fptS3)3, Abhinydsa, s. (er>, Abhimdnna, > [Colloq. i DtrseT'cs q;B3-S3, Abhimdna, j n-edi-mdnnaya.'\ epc6a, Abhimvkha, prep. ({?B before, 3 face) before the face, in the presence of, present. cp{BQc5, Abhimukhaya, s. presence. ep^o355", Abliyukta, a. (ffsB and g?s>5^ joined) surrounded, encompassed by an enemy, [Colloq. 5 5-^(3:j watakaranalada']; s. servant at- tending a priest. fftB5^, Abhirati, s. ({fB emphatic, <5?9 pleasure) excessive desire. I- ^^^ cf^dS:a, Abhiramya, a. ({^B very, (5 delightful) very pleasant, delightful, agreeable. fptS<5-, Abhisanskrata, see {ftSeeoeeasaw ai^z- fptBs3o5Q833<5, AbhisansMra, s. thought, idea, con- ception, fancy, forming, perfecting, accumula- tion, collection. This word is somethnes found written as eftSes(oi5>^<5 abhisansTcdra, in old manuscripts. epSeso8ea5k)3?n, Abhismislrita, a. (fptS and esoteasa well done) completely or well made, perfected; prepared, formed. eftBeeSS)^, lAbJusambuddht, s. (ep^ emphatic, {fBe3@|)^, je6S9<^ wisdom) great wisdom, universal knowledge, infallible knowledge. eptS53?cfl, Abhtsamanaya, s. check, suppression, that which causes anything to cease. [Colloq. esoQ^S sansindavima.'] epSeecs, Abhisamaya, s. penetration, comprehen- sion, clear understanding; fine weather, good or favourable season; good religion. f?5f3ec35ffi)3S, Abhisdrikdwa, s. woman who goes to an assignation. ^eBSs>5?, Abhisikta, Is. (cpjQ before, 8X3 sprink- {fe9!S^e3), Abhiseka, J ling) an anointing, royal unction ; sprinkling. f8;9s), Abhihita, a. (^tP before, Qd dhd to have, 85X55 kta aff, ^ hi substituted for the root) spoken, said, called, named. [Colloq. aSctesQCj kiyana- ladaJ] 41 , Abhuta, s. (cp and fo being) that which is not, that which has not been, falsehood; non- existence, annihilation. CfS^3^, Abhedya, a. (ef and (S^tsie^ to be broken) not to be broken, solid; s. diamond, {p, Amba, s. water, rainy cloud; woman, wife; chaste wife; mother; also a medicinal drug, see tB8'^B8ai himce'nya. ep, Amba, s. mango, mangifera indica or mangi- fera zeylanica (Anacardiacece). qp5C53, Ambakaha, s. tuberous plant, with scarce- ly any stem, Kaempferia pandurata (Scimita- minece). ffi <53W, Amba-gaha, s. mango tree. ^?(5^s^ce, Ambagedtya, s. mango fruit; kidney, q -25303, Ambanawd, v. to make, to form; to drive away: pret. J^gSo ?wji2"<^'. q: (j, Amba-mal, s. flower of the mango, {pad, Ambara, s. the sky, the atmosphere; apparel, clothes; also a powder applied to the body. ^(5(^Q em- barelln'] . qpS(3, Ambalama, s. kind of shed built on the ^ road side for travellers to rest in. ^iS)3, Amba, s. mother. fpi5539, Ambikdwa, s. mother, wife; plant, (c lypea herna ndifo h'a). ??, Ambu, s. water. f^^d, Ambuja, s. (ffSE^ water, d born) lotus, moon, fish, oyster; a. aquatic. ^ t'ngim.'] cpggcJi.5J, Amburuha, s. (fS and c5leo what grows in or on) lotus, any aquatic plant. d, Ambhoja, s. (q;trf ambhas water, d born) water born, lotus; moon. q:s\?)eoo ^633, Ambho-nidhi, s. (|pafe)df ambhas and ^3 treasure) ocean. [Colloq. s30(5J(5co sa^araya]. fp3^e5^(5iiS5, Amblwruha, s. {(^^itsiiS ambhas and cJlao what rises or grows) lotus. [Colloq. 699 jn'yum,^ {p333, Ammd, s. mother, pi. cp3(33 ammdld or q3je)^^ ammdwaru. cf93a(^C) Ammdpalla, 'is. common asseveration, Cf3C50, Ammdpd, j " by my mother." <;p, Amra, s. mango. [CoHoq. amrita. ^^9(57, Amaga, s. (e? neg. ra the way") heresy. qpSSise, Amanqala, s. (ff and SraC auspicious) inauspicious, unlucky; s. castor oil plant, the wood of which has no sap and is useless. 3<3383 atugdnawd, Q^SiQ'3 pthtnawd.'] ($^iSi, Amadini, s. mother, sweeper, broom, ^5, Amadu, s. eating, feeding. cpgc5, Amadura, la. (ff and g<5 savour) taste- fp5c^^, Amaduru, j less, having no savour. [Coll. des e?i?9 rasa-neti.'\ 25333, Amayuru, icadana, s. (^gj5 sAveet, ^20 word) sweet speech, pleasing words. un- iisS, Amdpen, s. see pJi^c5 amddiya. ^33s3 ^^3-5 rain) Elu form of ^as) S^a amrita warshd; the fall of ambrosia^from heaven; pleasant rain. 93838, Amdwdsi, s. ('?a/3 with, 8i^ to abide) the day in which the moon is with or in the same quarter as the sun; the day of the new moon. ^3 xS, Amd-wesi, see (f^oQsys^iS amd-wahare. c33 released) not loosed, retained; s. weapon that is always grasp- ed to be used as a knife. ^ &QSi, Amu-kapuru, s. unprepared camphor. (f^'2s:6, Amukara, past. part, begun, brought into the presence. fpgQjs, Amukhi/a, a. (ep not, 333 chief) secondary, inferior, not chief. [CoUoq. qpgS)3D apradhdna.\ ^a), Amuda, is. piece of cloth used to pass e23(3'.S3D2J?, Amusohona, s. ground where dead bodies are cast without a burial. {fg (S^ssio^q, Amu-hodda, s. (<^ raw, (F>293<^^ soup) soup or condiment prepared without the help of fire; soup that is not well boiled, pi. {fgQSJoJ^ a?nu-hodi. fpgg^, Amulika, a. (fp neg. gc mida root, begin- ning, (^?s> ika aff.) endless, infinite. ^aS3, Amrita, a. (qp and go dead) immortal, imperishable, unfading; s. freedom from death, final emancipation of the soul from the body, according to the Buddhistical philosophy deliver- ance from transmigration, i. e. Nirvana; also the food of the gods, ambrosia, nectar. qpa03 83, Amrita ivai'shd, see qoQssi^5 amd- ./ wahare. ^S>SiJS. Amedhya, e, (^ and >} pure) foeces, excrement; a. impure, foul. [Colloq. ^^ ^ asucht.^ ^S^ae^, Amedhas, s. fool, idiot. [Colloq. (^^Ja)c6^ 7n6da9/d.'] qp<3is, Amaitri, s. unfriendliness. tive, fruitful. <^<^i^, Amdda. s. joy, pleasure, [Colloq. ts^Q satutii] ; strong perfume, fragrance. ^(3>J<^, Amord, p. p. having lifted up as if to strike, [Colloq. (^d-esia^^jQ idukkota.'j qpsNcf5J, Amoha, s. (^ neg, (3>Scfs3 folly) absence of ignorance or error, correct kno^Yledge. fp'5\Jii', Amohi, s. i^ not, (^^J^S foolish) wise judicious person. [CoUoq. >^^eDi.i^3 nuwa- nettd.'\ i^ce, Aya, s. taxes, produce, gain; person; iron; in Sanskrit writings, good luck, fortune, pi. ^cs or qpcsSt^ ayawal. ^c3, Ayana, s. way, road, [Colloq. aoScc mdrga- v/a] ; half year, that is the sun's passage north or south; going, motion. q^ca5o3, Ayanaicd, v. to gape, to yawn, to open, pret. <^g53 eyuwd. q:c65Di,gi5i, Ayaneduru, s. (epcs^ss; ayana Nirvana, (fie^^ eduru teacher) name of Buddha. ^aiz>%'Si, AyajMTiduru, s. revenue. {fG5^^, Ayabadda, s. tax, impost, revenue; pi. ^csg ayabadu. qfc3, Ayam, s. length. [Colloq. ^(Si diga.'] cpco5Ne-j3cD, Ayamnoyam, s. see cpcojS'S^ssiceail ayd7nnoydm. (fi&BBoid, Ayamvitara, s. length and breadth. [Colloq. (55 53G diga jxdala.'j ^c5, Ayama, see ^co ayani. qpcsf -Kf, Ayamin, abl. of fpcaS ayama. '] Ayassula, Is. (tfcsd u-on, cc a pike) q:c5edgc Aya-ssilla, J iron pike used as an in- strument of punishment in hell; any iron pike. [Colloq. cs^kS (-C yakada ida.'\ tfcAsi, Ayas, s. iron. [Colloq. cs^a) yakada.j RcsscaaaeocD, Ayask-dnta, s. (tpcse^ and &-53oo3 stone) loadstone. [Colloq. 35:ri powder) iron filings. ^cos3C3c}, Ayahapat, a. (^ not, c6SJC3.c5 good) bad, unrighteous, improper. ^c5K)C3e3, Ayahapata, s. wickedness, misfortune. fc33K)d''203, Aydgannawd, v. to gape, to yawn. qpcS3S (S>e33!ai), Aydm-noydm, s. dearth, need, scarcity, necessity. [Colloq. fS358s33i) agahiga- kam.'] efcs39, Aydma, s. dearth, need, scarcity, want; pi. epcs3i) aydin. [Colloq. tScsica Jdgaya.'] qpcs3(3ci53, Aydlayd, s. vagrant, wanderer, vagabond. l7ca^S^c cs<5:)3, Aydle yanawd, v. to go astray, to wander. [Colloquial: 03<:j(9^S cs>2533 pcidade- yanaivd.^ >S335fl9 no- nisi.'] ^^6d3(S) 46 i^^iSi Cf^c&icsi Ayoga, s. (Q rela.\ tfS, Argha, s. price, cost, value, [Colloq. ^20 knowledge) one of the six sciences contained in the (98e,9te> u-eddtiga viz, comprehension of meanings. fpi^ <533aegcs, Artha-sdstraya, s. the science of polity or moral and political government, cp:S&i3Sc3, 1 Arthasiddhiya, s. {^'^ and fii^ ac- {f^Si^cc, Jcomplishment) fulfilment of purpose, success. ^^ sB'SSD, Artha-Jiina, a. (sJ rahat.'] 47 ^^^ qJijScJ 6ccs, Arhat-phalaya, s. fruition of the Rahatship. ^^sJ 3cS:5, Arhat-mdrgaya, s. (q;t^J arhat, ogS way, path) the last of the four paths or grades to Nirvana, when, the passions which are a source of existence being destroyed, the devotee finally attains Nirvana or extinction. cf!JS>39, Arghikdiva, s. artificial tree of lamps. [CoUoq. o-i?si5393, Aralcgannan-d, r. to protect, to guard, to inhabit. [Colloquial: {pde^i^s^c^-^s^Sa drakshdhai'anawd .~\ ?p<5}'5"ij9, Arakdew, s. protecting god, guardian angel. Jf<5ffi), Araka, s. that thing, (masc); name of an aquatic plant (valUsneria); protection, pi. ^(563 arawd. ^^o9, Arakata, s. dat. or ace. of f<55 araka. cp(5>3, Arakd, pron. that one, (disrespectful") commonly used of the lower animals; pi. C(.6^o Q'} arakdld. efdS, Araki, the fem. form of the above, pi. (f6^Q'i arakild. ep<5<53^^83, Aragannawd, v. to take, to receive. qp<5<53- iSilQ, Aranya-kadali, s. (tfd^-aand ^^Q plantain) the wood or wild plantain. [^Colloq. 8e5? i3>(9s339e:f, Aran-gosin, p. p. of the following, having carried. ^6isi cosdSo, Aran-yanau-d, v. see cp<5<53<^ caD83 aragana-yanawd. Cf6^, Arana, s. incorrectly for q?(5<3S arana. {f<5S), Araba, ad. therefore, on account of, for; s. beginning. i^<5S)cC3, Arahayd, ad. on account of, for. fp(5, Aramba, s. beginning, grove, forest. qp<5S, Ai^ama, see ep/CSi) drdma. q!(5 )(!), Aramana, s. kind of leprosy. ec<5)-^c53 Aramanayd, s. kind of small worm or maggot which breeds m sores. f(5S-^, Arumand, s. tree. Cassia siamea or C. fiorida (Leguminoscp); also called 80 wd. efd^-^a, Araminiya, s. being seated cross legged as the images of Buddha are frequently re- presented in the temples. ff<5^, Aramuna, s. thought which is the result of seeing any beautiful or striking object, thought, conception, an idea, beginning; pi. SDfiD ??e/ww.] cp<58, Arasa, a. (fp not, dss flavour) insipid, taste- less, dull, (as a composition). {ff6so6, Ai^asara, see (p(3)Qj(5 drdchdra. q!(5as>, Araha, a. just, proper, fit, worthy, venerable, sinctified. Cfdsisi, Arahat, a. finally sanctified. ]f^, Ard, p. p. having ascended; commonly; 8. a fish. Cfi^dssi, Ardjaka, a. (^ neg. dtdiSi kingship) interregnum; anarchical, having no king or government. q)<^, Ardma, s. (f$ and c^ joy) disconsolate state. [Colloq. iQi^QQ 250i^S) senasili neti- ef8, Ari, s. enemy, [Colloq. t3^(S ga^wra]; wheel; species of mimosa. b8 cfQ, Ari-ata, see fpaOocsl ashtdrya. ^8, Aritu, s. enemy; [Colloq. te^dS sattird^; a. wicked, bad; see (^8^ artshta. {p55a, Arituhama, s. fierceness; pi. ^8a5 aiituJcam. (fS^Qo, Arinawd, v. to send; to open, to let go the hold; to leave, to abandon: pret. <^8ca3 eriyd. p8^, Aritra, s.'a ship's rudder. [Colloq. gJ5-) <2S3 8ukhdnam,a.~\ ^8^<5, Aridda, s. tree, Campnosperma zeylanicum ( Anacardiacece). ep89, Aiimhiaoa, s. carved work on the margin, used of metals only. ^8c5, Ariya, s. Rahat, one of the highest orders of the Buddhist ascetics; see ^cel drya. ^8cs3, Ariyana, a. entreating. e8c8(5, Ariyara, 1 ind. always, constantly, in- ff8(?>oS3(5, Ariyora, J cessantly. [Colloq. ^6?sys:i6 S^cesd nirantarayen.'] fp8^, Arishta, s. name of a plant, soap berry plant, sapindus saponaria, also garlic; the nimb tree, meUa azadaracta; evil symptom; sign or symp- tom of approaching death; asura or infernal spirit; any portent or natural phenomenon indi- cating calamities; crow, heron; vinous spirit. See qpS aritu. ^8i>iS), Arishtakama, s. (^8^6) disagreeable, ) afp.") bitterness, wrath; malice. [Colloq. ^^c^ 5 napurukama.'] ^SaQcsa, Arishtayd, s. disobedient man, cruel man. qpSesee, Arisasa, s. hemorrhoids, piles; pi. fpSssd? arisas. cJL-esJ, Aruk, s. kind of leprosy. ^cSl, Aruchi, s. (< neg. <5L desire) disgust, loath- ing of food, antipathy, aversion. ^(Si-^, Aruna, s. sun; charioteer of the sun; dawn of day, the colour of dawn, dark red or mixture of red and black, redness of sunset; name of the bitter apple, (colocynth); the plant that yields the red and black berry from which the jeweller's weight, the retti, is derived; kind of leprosy. ?pi5i,-(5f>3dcC3, Arokdrai/d, s. disputant, antagonist. ci(^diS, Aroqi, a. healthy, free from sickness. t};'S^dJ(Ss^^, Arogitd, s. health. qp(?>dJ, Aroma, a. (ef neg. (5><5J hair) without hair, woolless. ($(S>6iQ, Arowa, s. contest, dispute, disturbance. efd>^s>, Aretta, see f^6f^tsi aratta. f<^. Are, pro. that one, (fem.) fpd -^U s. a mute letter or the symbol to neutralize the inherent vowel of consonants. 5-(^)d, AlpecTichha, a. (^(y alpa little, power") one of little power or influence. ?P(^55cs, Almdriya, s. almirah, (Port.) ep(^r, Alia, s. palm of the hand. ^(^e393 Allanawd, v. to contain; to seize, to apprehend, to lay hold of, to take hold of, to catch: pret. ?ids3 elluwd; p. p. ^d<^3 ^^- cp<^eS>20?)', Allawanaiod, v. to cause to seize: pret. P^^*- Slaving seized or laid hold of. ?P033C5 csQgaes, Alldpa-salldpa, s. courtship, conversation. {p(5(53g, Alldpu, a. seized, laid hold of; ^generally,) near, next to, adjoining; part, apprehended, attacked with. (^C;d88393, Alldsitinawd, Iv. to bear, to keep f?(4Q5tS9393, Alldhitinawd, ("up, to hold on, to continue: pret. q^c^eseSScai alldhiUyd. ^dSza, Alliya, s. spot, place, a place or square on a chess board, (sometimes) a small Hindu tem- ple Tinder a tree &c. ef(iQ^Qo, Alwanawd, v. to seize or apprehend: pret. eptc^S! elluwd. (fQ, Ala, s. yam; house, fondness, desire, {^po, Alan, adv. expletive, conveying the idea of sufficiency and of beauty. fPC>5-<5, Alanhdra, see epc^^*^' AlaAkdra. tFCoanodos, AlanJcdraya, see (^G^)as>odai alaiihdraya. '^(^o59C3, AlanTcrita, see ?pcStoaS5 aladJcnta. {pCoBS^cfl. Alanghaniya, see q^c^M^^ alaAgha- m'ya. {fe. Alandu, s. tree, Alloeanthus zeylanicm, (Urticacece). (^Qot&'i'QiSi, Alamdtaha, s. class of brahmins, who are so voracious that they untie their gh-dles previous to eating in order to remove every impediment. ^CJ, Alah, s. painting, drawing, picture from ^(S^Q'oi-Adlekhya. [Colloq. ceacoS sdyama.'] t?(5xs?, Alakta, Is. (

, Alal-a, s- name of a city, capital of Kuvera. tpQ 5:J3 city, efQo cfC5333cJ49, Alakddhipati, \ adhipa or ^80 ?9 adhipati ruler) name of Kuvera. [Colloq, s^Se5^^) Alakdpura. see (fQSi alaka. C5>53, Alagna, a. (^ not, c3 attached to) not joined or connected; not adhering. [Colloq. , (5>25^3ffi(5*c;25^C<^ noelenalada."] ^CcgS), Alagwca, s. mark made to assist the ! memory in casting up accounts. fpC5, Alanga, 8. kissing. (fOS^asid, Alajikdra, a. beautiful, ornamented, : decorated. ff Q9)ss}o6, AlaAkdrai/a, s. beauty, ornament, dec- oration, ornament (of dress), trinkets, jewels, . etc; rhetorical figures, rhetoric. {^CS^9^> Alankrita, past. part, ornamented, dec- orated, adorned, embellished. qpC^as^cflj Alanghaniya, a. ( not, cSw^co to be passed) impassable, inviolable, not to be trans- gressed. p(3tjE?>c3, Alajjikayd, s. shameless liian, glutton. (fG^tSoi, Alajjita, a. (qp priv. C3& lajja shame, (g ita aff.) not ashamed, shameless; bold. i{Qi^:i, Ataid,''8. fac, a red animal dye, see {fc^sro; alakta. [Colloq. C^jfcs latudiya.l tfQaiQ, Alatdwa, s. gumlac. [CoUoq. C^?t* Idtudtya.'] <^d, ATap, s. Vord, calliiig; the vocative relation. ffC^^? Alapata, s. shoots of the yam. fC%, Aldbu, s. gourd, pumpkin; Elu form of <|fCJ@ aldbu. tfC, Alamba, s. a biir6r df^serp6nts' venom, kind of stick. *IFC^> Alainandd, 8. the city of Wesamuni or Kuvera; Elu form of f>c>S3, dlakamandd. epCcs, Alaya, s. yam. e^C^ce, Alariya, s. kind of tree, plumeria acu- minata. ^GG'253'j Alalanaivd, v. to put in motion, to stir about as Watet in a vessel: pret. tfiCS^' elahiwd. epG&oc^S), Alaimngmoa, 's. crowbar, lever, axletree. fpcS'SaSj, Alaivanawd, v. to paste or glue together, to cause one thing to adhere to another, to affix: pret. ^'5<(3i elernurd. ^C SiC? Ala-tvela, s. (f^pc yam? ^C creeper) a kind of creeper of which the root is edible. qpCJes, Alasa, a. (5J)c6cs, Aldbhahdmya, s. loss, damage. qFOi>, Aldmaka, a. (qp neg. (33S3 mean or childish) honourable, reputable, respectable; wise, prudent, not childish. CfQ, AH, 8. bee, [Colloq, d5 hambard'\', el- ephants, [Colloq. <^cJ^o ettul; scorpion; sign of Scorpio; plural of qp(3c3 aliyd. qf(3J, Aliky s. picture, painting from t^S^Qoi dle'kha. [Colloq. S^cs situyama.'] f(g55t^, Alikkemi, s. (qF@J and >rS who does) painter. [Colloq. Qtsitsxi sittard.'\ @c5, Aliyama, 8. daybreak, dawn; pi. <)?gcfli) ally am, \ 5. ash coloured plantam. q>Oisv)S'Q(S, Aluphul, J ed with a sort of powder of an ash colour; bemncasa cerifera (Cucurbi.J. ^d(S\o3Sc03, Alupodayd, s. person affected Avith a cutaneous disease in which the body seems of an ash colour; [a low word, j (f&S^aaQtoo, Alupolangd, s. a polonga (a venomous snake) of ash colour. <^ds>Si, Alubd, 5. tree, eugenia sylveatris (Myrta- ceoe.) <;pdS) s^oae^') Alumi-polaugd, s. a species of polonga, venomus snake. ipgco, Aluyama, s. daybreak, pi. ^gca aluyam. ^S6>, AluHta, a. ( Ale(cu, 8. picture, painting; anointing. <]p.^(^, Ale, s. yam. ^(3^(^Q, Ale'si, a. (fp and >(^Q easy) difficult, troublesome; s. uneasiness, difficulty, trouble. ^s^C^d, Aloj^, s. a lump or ball of food; see pS>GJc3 dldjia. 33 indistinct, 05(55 colour) dark red, the colour of the dawn. fp8j6?S33(5, Airyabhichdra, s. (cp neg. c9S3c5 ir- regularity) constancy, faithfulness, not having committed adultery. qpSscs, Awyaya, s. (in grammar) the indeclinable words or particles, as adverbs, prepositions etc. ^8Sffi33s), Awyayi'bhdica, s. indeclinable compound. efQxo^^, Aicyddhika, s. (^ and SaaS disease, ) aff.) healthy person. [CoUoq. seiSc? {^c53 sanipa-ettd^ :^9d5, Aurd, Is. rampart, entrenchment, breast ;^9(5i, AttTM, /work near the entrance of a city; [Colloq. S^53Qo53dc5ca kotutdppaya']; mode, manner, from {f)33(5 dkdra. efBQi5:>, Awlana, a, confused; collecting, gathering; shining. Cp99, Aimva, s. sun. c^Sesijcs, Awsadaya, see S)ieo) auskadha. Cp8, Aiva, 8. fortnight of the waning moon. ^S, Awa, preposition and prefix with the sense of from, down, downwards, down from, away; diminution; disrespect; bad; a negative and priv- ative particle. ^38c3, Awakshepa, s. ({f and s>-2S!3 throw- ing) insult, reproach. [Colloq. effee, ninddwa.'] p8ja383, Awakapanaicd, v. to use an illomened expression, ^)S'iC, Awakarskana, a, attracting, drawing towards, pulling. ^>(5i.-^, Aivakarundiva, s, (3ca, Awakdsa, 1 8. (qp betAveen, 33g3 tn fe53es, Att-aMsa, J shine) leisure, opportunity, interval; tmoccupied space; the atmosphere, sky. {f)3e35^-i.6i', Airakepima, 8. saying something in- auspicious, contradiction, an ill omen; pi. tfz> 40 18 aicakejn'm. ^coa), Aicagada, s. boil or pimple on the face. Elu form of (fQiSi-d^ awa-gan^a. ^Q, Au-anata, a. (cfQ and eao) bending) bend- ing, stooping, bowing, humble, respectful. [CoU, -es3i|J3D nemuna.'] ^S3i)g, Awanambu, '\s. (^Q priv. -ZoDg honour) fpQesDg, Awanambu, J dishonour, disrespect; a. dishonourable. efQ^3^}o, Aivanawd, v. to curse, to imprecate: pret. (^ga ewuwd. 98333o5, Awanasat, see ^idsscJ axoansat. to go or fall) descent, descending; hole or pit in the ground ^/ for catching game in, ^(?>JS, Awabodha, s. (cfQ emphatic, s^QJQ knowledge) understanding, full knowledge. qfSs^QJQ 5d- Awamaffula, see fi)5k>e*c8 aivaman- galyaya. ji9l2)C*) Awama/igalya, a, (^Q bad, ak)e fortunate) unfortunate, inauspicious, calamitous, unhappy. ^<2)ai)30C*55> Awama7igalyaya, e. any calamitous event; funeral ceremony. ^90O, Aivamata, a, (^ implying contempt, known) despised, contemned. [Colloq. ^3, ^^(^(S^C? ninddkaranalada.'\ 9^, Awamaii, s. (cp bad, ^ thought) dis- regard, contempt. cp2d', Awaman, see epS32d'25:c3 awamdnnaya. tp^, Atcamarda, s. devastation, laying waste a country, ifQSss, J.H'a/Hrt.s<(, s. (if implying depreciation, 3 month) the dark fortnight. ep5/3&:fei, Awamdnna^ . disgraceful, shameful. (c5JcD dvi?(S>c5J, Awarodha janayo, s. females of a harem; attendants of the queen. ^Q(S ^Ipf'WSa, Awal adinaivd, v. to pull by oars, to row. cpCj Aioala,a. overspread, crowded, replete; con- fused; [Colloq* Q^ noelena']. s, waist. Awalambana, ) part, depending, sus- pended, hanging on, or from. [Colloq. t9(^<3 ellima.'] q:0GSSo, Awalambita, a. quick, expeditious; hanging on or from, suspended; protected, cherished. [Colloq, ^(^^C'^Q^ ellenalada.'] ^)CC> Aivalamala, s. rowlock, lock or hold for rowing. [CoUoq. ))(^oae3a5 habalpdsaya ] *pe3> Awalamd, s. vagabond; pi. ^e^i awa- lammu. also see oocjeDcoa pddadayd. {^Qacj, Awaldda, s. reproach, blame, abuse, remonstrance before the gods. s, Awdchya, s. (i53D2Sc5DC"? nokiyanalada,~\ tp33, Awdna, s. fan; dry, dried (as of fruit) (Port.) ; more usually os:f ;303 pawanpata. cp3^ca, Aivdbtya, s. (< thought) thoughtless, destitute of thought, absence of mind. [Colloq. ffiJo^eDD -soi^ kalpand neti.'] eo3(S>83 C^ wenasnoivenalada.'] Avirala, a. (<^ and 9<5o fine) gross, coarse, substantial. [Colloq. 993|3 ^^ana?PM.] ?pS5g, Aviridu, '\ a. ( married) unmarried. ;p9(5<5, Aviioeka, a. (Qi3S<^ to be known) that which cannot be known. [ Colloq. s>dd<:jo5 tcS nodataheki.'] tp>^, Aivem, Elu form of (p'^B<^ai dtvenika. qpSN^c^, Aive'ldwa, s. (q? and '5^e^9 time) im- ^ proper time, bad time, unseasonable time. |PiS, Aweda, a. (if priv. x^ good) evil, bad; ^ 8. injury, evil. ^(K>tt3<, Asmahheda, s. (^ stone, '?^^Bi? that breaks) plant (u^ruwa lanata or illecehrum lanatum), commonly called c33(^5S)c3Ci pol- hudupald, said to be good in nephritic com- plaints. ^(S^S, Asman, s. disease, stone or gravel. ^(^e^3, AsraddM,' *! 5. C neg. geQs beliefs eps5^3, Asraddhdwa, j unbelief. f, Aswamdraka, ) acuminata. [Colloq. 455(5>2d''5i kaneru.'] T)05 asvida-nelcata]. See Jfaaf ^53 asvini. q!(s)?>C, Aswalemba, Is. mare, pi. ^(K^(^^C ^(Ss^GSS), Aswalemba, J ^^s^csJ aswalembiyo. ^(HSoSacsSciCa, AswcicMryayd, \s. horse breaker, ^3335c:3, Asivdchdriyd, J horsekeeper. ^(J5a3, Asobhana, a. unseemly, ugly, un- comely. ^S3 (S^coi'dics preta-yoniya, as a kind of ghost or hobgoblin; 4. ^d^sjcca ess) ^sso^SjCDC"^ arutalaya saha asanndtalaya, in the bodiless world of the Brahmas; 5. gs)33DCDc5 pratyantaya, in a desert or among savages; 6. ::3S^iSE^-J^csc5J'^csJ ) 2Kinchendriyayange vikalabawa, in a state destitute of the five senses; 7. (353od^3c6 mithyddrishtiya, as a pagan; 8. <^S^<5330X33^ 53(3oo abuddhotpdda kdlaya, an age in which there is no Buddha. ife3^ acs, Ashtaloka dharmaya, s. ( Ashtdnga-silaya, J and ifate) aTiga order, <^q<, precept) the eight commands of Buddha: viz. 1. not to take life, 2. not to steal, 3. celibacy, 4. not to lie, 5. to abstain from all intoxicating liquors, 6. not to eat after midday, 7. to avoid all Avorldly pleasures and luxuries. 8. to avoid lying or sitting on luxurious beds spread with red clothes, or on bedsteads above a certain height. [Colloq. ^363(^ atasil.'] ep^3 6i)S^ 3(jScs, Ashtdngiha mdrgaya, s. (^^ ashta and epSte) a'Aga limb, , Ashddhaka, J of June and July, [Colloq. <^e3(ie3 esala-masa.^ cpdi, As, s. horse, seal, signet; angle, corner; bear; half moon; shoulder. (fti S)ffi)^S3, As-obanawd, v. (tfe^ seal, .sj^s to press) to seal, to stamp with a seal. [Colloq. ^<5(5 S)S)^Q3 muddara tahanawdr\ q;ed^e), Askada, s. breach or opening in a dam. pe^^^, Askan, Elu form of q;^ aswakama. epe5eKK5-i3w3, Askaraiiawd, v. to put in order, to arrange, to put by, to decorate. ^^(5>3S3, Asgowuwd, see tfcs^ooQiai aswa- pdlai/d. epee, ^LS^ra, s. weapon, sword, bow, missile weapon. epesS), Asia, s. the western mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set. {ftQS)0 55O3, Astangata, part. (epEOOo disappearance, CS5S3 gone) the sun having set. tOQ)3S)i), Astangama, s. fepKiSJo and oD to go) descending, setting (of the sun), disappearance, vanishing, destruction, annihilation, cpeojai), Astam, ind. (qpss asa to cast, 05 aff.) dis- appearing, vanishing, setting. q!t0S)j3(3, Astdchala, s. the western mountain, {f ea?9, Astt, ind. pni-t. now being, existent, present, it is. [CoUoq. 'fi^ ett.'] fpe3?95553<5cso, Astikdrayd, s. opulent man, wealthy person. [CoUoq. a5o9a3a)cs3 dhanawantayd.'] Asrrmdda, s. (epdi and f)^^ the same) seal, signet. efsSQ^q^Qo, Aswaddanaivd, v. improve a paddy field: pret. q:c^0i<^g83 asivedduwd. f^tSQ^i^Qis:)Q3, Aswaddaivanawd, v. to cause to ^ cultivate; pret. q;e^8^<^5^^S^ asweddewwd, epe5Sso33, Aswasanaivd, v. to comfort, to console, to cherish: pret. (ftSQi^Qo aswesuwd. {(eSQ^d, Aswasttra, s. excrements of a horse. (f-oSBq, Asvida, s. the first of the twentyseven con- stellations in the moon's p,th. . ffc (?>9e As-ivedd, s. ((itS horse, l^^^^ doctor) farrier. tftS^&^Qo, Aswenawd, v, to be put aside, to be cleared of, to be arranged. ^e5Di5c63, Aswesilikdrayd, 8. comforter. ^dfeo, Assa, s. corner, angle. efe53e5, Assaka, loc : indef: in a corner, inside, amongst. qfrifes9, Assata, lit. to a corner, ace. or dat of Cfe^so assa; among. ffe^?>33253OT, Assenaga, ,9, cavalry. :ed^3^e^, Asse, locative of f^e^ss assa. part, between, among. "{pe^^ve^^jS), Assendwa, see Cpe^s^eseD'T) asseno^ra. epc5r3, Ashala, s. stable, qpee, Asa. s. side, goat; [CoUoq. 6603 eluwd']. cpseo^gc Asanktda, see f?s3?^c amfikuJa. ^esoaas, Asankhya, 1 rt. (q! neg. 63oS)is wwHya ^e3o'5>S)a553, ^Sfl^iHeyyrt, f and fso-^Noics to bejium- bered) numberless, innumerable; used by native authors to express the highest idea of number- ing, beyond which it is impossible to reckon or calculate; s. the highest numeral. "{f 30(55 S3, Asangata, a. (ff neg. csootss connected) unattached, unaccompanied, detached. ?ps390<5-, Asanwdsika, s. (ep and iCoQsea sanwdsa living with, cj> aff.) outcast; applied to persons rejected from society on account of ill behaviour or bad deeds. ffesisJ, Asak, Is. (ff and eaS) doubt) certainty, ^63355, Asaka, J assurance; without eyes, blind; dull; see also ^S3D ahaka. This is the Elu form of ^esoa* asankhya. ^eo)c9-^, AsaJikirna, a. (^ and ssSjS*^ mixed) unmixed, not confused. [CoUoq. q!<> atni- srita.^ Jijo55eKj, Asamodagan, ) num. sativum. epes^o, Asardhdwa, s. (q: and ssSj^ faith) un- faithfulness, unbelief. Corrupt form of ^@S}3 asraddJidiva. (f^d, Asara, s. goddess; way. epe3<5, Asu-gaha, see qpg ahu. ff!g, Asuchi, s. excrement, dirt; a. impure. wgijQ, AsiuMM, a. (p and g^ clean) unclean, impure. pgf, J.5MW, s. intelligence; horses. e3, Ase, 8. female friend. ffs^eee^, Ases, a. all, entire, the whole. [Colloq, ScsQ styalu.j qps^^^, Ase, see ep<5^t3 ase. ^>t^^8, Asetuwa, a, unhappy, miserable; s. mis- fortime; incorrectly for q!(5>ts<4g8 ahetmva. (fiS'tsi, Aso, ") 8. tree, (jonesia asoca); a plant ^f^tsS^, Asoka, /which is used for medicine; a. without sorrow; see cf s>C5?Jffl; asoka, fps^eajffii^o, Asobhana, a. (, As^ka, s. certainty. Cp>, Aha, interj. oh ! ^S3o>j'5(a, Ahankdraya, 8. (j;w> I, )3i5 which makes) self-conceit, pride, arrogance, egotism, cpS3JK5-ca3, Ahitundikayd, s. snake catcher, snake exhibitor, juggler who carries snakes with him, the poisonous fangs of the snakes being extracted they are often permitted to bite the exhibitor. fpjfioeo, Ahinsaka, a. (^ neg. jSoesa himd pain) that which gives no pain. jf?Bo53, Ahirdivd, s. kind of fish. 't{!!93C35, Ahiwdtala, s. (ff^ snake, 90 wind, breath, as aff.) pestilence, plague. ^56e3. Ahivisa, s. poison of serpents. tfjSsei, Ahisewa, s. slough cast off by the ser- pent. <^c8c330, Ahipdta. s. poverty, want. qpg, Ahu, s. tree, Morinda citrifoUa and M. tinc- toria, (Rubiacece). f:g>5-<^93, Ahukaranawd, v. to seize, to catch. , Ahupewata, a. flourishing, in a state of perfection, plump (applied principally to veg- etable productions); s. heap of paddy. ^g<5, Ahura 8. as much as can be held in the closed hand, handful, pi ^S<^ ahuru. ef^6(5co, Akaraya, s. mine. epSJOCj, Akalpa, s. ornament, decoration; demean- our. {p)>9(5, Akdra, s. form, manner, mode; hint, sign, token; mine. fp53(5c5e3JS, Akdragupti, s. dissimulation. fp:3G3, Akdsa, " 5. the fifth element, ether; sky, f)53es, Akdsa, J atmosphere. "^53)363 05253, Akdsa viyaua, s. a carried canopy. {f353e33'S3 Akula, a. confounded, perplexed, distress- ^ ed; crowded, confused. cp5a^, Akriti, s. form, figure, body, tribe, species. p>3eQ, Akrishta, s. drawn, attracted. {fo(9^3(K, Akrosa, s. abuse, curse, censure, an oath. fpS)o, Akhyd, s, name, appellation. ^ Qiao 33, Akhydta, part, said, spoken; belonging to a verb. epQaooco, Akhydtaya, s. a part of grammar, the verb. ep3)34553, Akhydyikd, s. tale, story, legend. {pQ'C^Q, Akhandala, s. name of Indra. f5(9aD3ca-<^, Agrahdyana, s. month so called, first of the Hindu year, part of November and December. tp(Q^i 63 ^^ pgS)Dc32g3, Agantuka, a. (cp and o gama to go, ^) aff,) incidental, strange, adventitious. ep(5332gS5 ^6ci, Aganttika-jwaraya, s. (epoajsg incidental, 3 aff. c)<5 fever) slight fever, strange fever, fever brought on by accident, as a fall or the fracture of a limb etc. ^co<202g42aca3, Agantukayd, 8. guest, visitor, one who comes by accident or unexpectedly, new- ^ comer, stranger. ^05) , Agama, s. (tp and gd to come, to go) an approaching, coming; grammatical augment; science, a work on any of the sacred sciences; the word is universally used in coUoquial inter- course to express religion. jo(5)D, Agamana, s. arrival, coming. ^(553(5, Agdi'a, 8. house. ffi,^3-<3B, Aghrdna, 8. smeUing, pra30), Aghdta, 1 8. killing; slaughter-house, jfj^33'2S3, Aghdtana, J place for killing animals or victims. ^, AchcJii, s. grand-mother. pSd3^esoco, Achchhddanaya, s. cloth, clothes; put- ting on cloth, covering. ^s^O^q^, AchchJiedana, s. cutting. 'gpQ6'<^, Acharana, pat-t. walking. p)85v53, Acharita, a. trained, used, observed. p83ca2cs3, Achdryaydt see ffcSsS.edQaoesis^c^ dchd- rinwahanse . (^Qo(5, Achdra, s. established rule of conduct, ordinance, institute; precept; (commonly) a salu- tation. fo33(5)<5-<^03, AchdraJcaranawd, v. to bow, to make obeisance. p93dca, Achdraya, s. salutation. ffi)S3<583e3cS3, Achdrawantayd, s. weU-behaved man. fo03ScS3, Achdriyd^ . blacksmith. eeSsScoscsd, Achdnyd-palu, s. plant, cowitch, Mucuna pruriens (Legum)\ or ifSoScoso^ achdiryd-palic. aoQ35:JSsj:f(9^el, Achdrinivahanse, s. teacher, ,, preceptor. '{focsSsN^aco, Ajdneya, s. horse of a good breed. fp5?s?, Ajiu-a, s. livelihood, profession. {p5?0), Ajiicaka, see epe?S^ ajuvaJca, ^?9);3, Ajnvakayd, s. religious mendicant of a peculiar class. f3(5^33;3, Atopa, a. fat, glutinous, thick. jp(3\QJo, Atopa, 8. pride. ^S'iQd, Adambara, 8. pride, arrogance; a, proud, arrogant. {pe)3(^^a)Ja)^, Addtodd, 8. plant, justicia adkenatoda; [CoUoq. ^(55^epc,(5 agaldddra']. fpdbtf, Adhya, a. abounding in, opulent, wealthy, rich. {pfib), Adhaka, s. a corn measure containing about 7 lbs. 11 oz. avoirdupois. jpebditdbS), Adharudhaka, see tpSj'S^oJSj dddtodd. fice3, Aridiyd, s. religious mendicant, fakir. {p<^, Andmva, 8. government, ruling, reign. fcC3533, Attd, 8. grand-mother, pi. (pGXSiJC^ dttdld; a fruit, bullock's heart; anona reticulata. pci-jg-50i^3, Attunetikama, 8. poverty, destitu- tion. ^^o::^, Atmaja, 8. (p03S) and d born) son, daugh- ^ ter. p:i)t, Atmabhu, 8. {(^tsS) and ^ who is born, existent) name of Kama the god of love. focQca, At7naya, 8. soul; understanding, intellect; mind or faculty of reason; life, spirit, animated frame, vivifying soul in opposition to the senti- ent; self, abstract individuality, pi. ^c:(^ ^ dtmawal, f)Si)3!&c5, Atmdrthaya, s. (^c: dtma self, tf^ artha good) self-interest, one's own good, pc:)3-g9<^5s8c8, Atmdnudrishtiya, 8. (^cc dtma , and ^Ip'^ci^^cs amulrishtiya seeing) experience. epo3c2, Atap>a, s. sunshine. [GoUoq. B<^, Atarjmna, s. satisfaction. f)S33, Atd, 8. grandfather, pi. {pojQj dtdld, ep^gd, Atwa, a. diseased. fp^d 3^^, Atura-pakshe, s. the party of the bridegroom or the bride. efD.a2<5cs3, Aturayd, 8. diseased person, patient. 'ep^'gsDSJ Adyanta, a. first and last. efoqcS, Adarsa, s. mirror; commentary; the original manuscript from which a copy is taken. ^^i6, Adara, s. respect, reverence, affection, love. f)e,3, Addna, s. taking, receipt, acceptance. {fo^co, Addyama, 8, reyeaue* tSo53 keda^yata ^ cp^waa, Addhana, s. (jsp and qtsi to burn) burn- ing, conflagration. (^^, Adi, a. ancient, first, prior, other; s. et-cetera. adv. formerly. ^^fS3l&, Aditya, s. sun; general name for a deity. pco, Adiya, see {p ddi, ^3, Adinaica, s. distress, paia, uneasiness, fault, transgression, evil consequence. ep^txn, Adipta, a. enlightened, illuminated. (fiS^^S3, Adesa, s. (in grammar) substitute. jo^, Andd, 8. eel. ^S)7So^, Addhydtma, s. (^3 ddhi and ^J an aff . ffsca dtma self etc.) inner man, soul or seat of intelligence. {foS)o5, Addhydtmka, a. internal, mental. tfoSDMoeo, Addhydsa, ^s. thought, reflection; mean- ^Qsoes, Adhydsa, J ing, intent, purpose. {po)}<5, Adhdra, s. comprehension, in grammar, the sense of the locative or ablative (7th) case, in or on. ^tpQo^co, Adhdraya, s. help, support. '^eogoS, Antrdwa, s. danger; more correctly ep-asxn ^08 antardya, i^3. Ana, 8. breath inspired, shelf, clothes-line, {peaei^, Ananda, s. happiness, joy; fabulous fish, 4000 yodims in length; see ^ca timiya. efoeo-SJ, Anana, s. mouth, and by syncope, face. tfci333, Ananawd, v. to gape, to yawn: pret, cpit-^Qj enuwd, tp-soa)3>2c5, Anamdnaya, s. contrivance, plot, scheme. tfj^aGad, Anawdlu, s. kind of plantain. fpe3303-253, And^idna, s. {tp^ dna breath inspired, cfooiSi apdna breath respired) inspiration and respiration of the breath, epi^ssoes, Anisansa, s. reward, gain, efficacy, effect, p93), Am'ka, 8. army; corrupt form of fpQ amka.^ tp^VioS, Anubhdwa, s. power, glory, influence. t^tstsu, Apia, a. confidential, trusted, gained, obtain- ed; twisted. (^ts&, Ajiti, s. gain, acquisition, binding, joiniag. {ptSQ, A^ilawa, s. bathing. {oo, Apya, a. (efoo djya water, cs aff.) watery, consisting of water, as froth; plant, kind of costus, [Colloq. > feJtf.] i pC3, Ajm, 8. water, [Colloq, 4gd ivatura']. {po, Abahikaina, s. avarice, pS)3oDco, Abddhaya, s. sickness, danger, obstacle. {peod-iaSco, Abharanaya, s. any ornaments for wear- , ing, decoration; jewellery, ornament. {p335SOs5, Abhdshana, part, addressing, speaking to. ao($Na5jJe53, Abhoga, s. completion, fulness; eifort, pains; extended hood of the cobra capella used by Varuna as his umbrella. ^S)o)(5-) Amnlala, 1 s. gem, crystal; tree, phyllan- {f/C^, Amalah', ^ thus emblica; fColloq. S^e3(^g Nellt]. {|39D03ca, Amawdtai/a, s. (cpD and 3S3 wind) morbid air producing a slight diarrha;a. {o), Ajnd, s. wet nurse, pi. p)cJi dmdwarii, or ^i>3(33 dindld, epSosocs, Arndsaya, s. stomach. ^.^cs, Amisha, s. flesh, hence a bribe, secular gain; enjoyment; pleasing or beautiful object; ^ coveting, longing for, lust, desire; food, ^f (sej^j, Amishaddna, s. (fpW^ and q3 gift) bestowing flesh, alms etc., material gifts. tp^ssxT), Amukta, a. {tap and 9 mucha to release, unbind, axD ^trt aff.) clothed, accoutred; cast, shot. tfo-^^^Jij, Amdda, s. fragrancy, perfume, joy, plea- sure; a. diffusive. tpcseoa, Ayatta, a. (ep and caD yama to restrain, axsD /.to aff.) docile, tractable, dependent. f3csC3, Ayata, a. long. 4f:csS33, Ayatana, s. (Pali) the five senses; (Sans- ^ krit), altar, shed for sacrificing, abode, cause. jfocs, Ayam, s. government duty on the saltpans. pcs0(3, Ayampala, s. the place where the salt ^. duty is collected. pc03, Ayd, s. nurse, children's nursemaid, pi. tp ^ CC333 dydld, or jpcs3SiJl dydioaru. ^C8), Ayd ma, s. scarcity; length. ep-coes, vi^fwa, s. fatigue, wearisomeness, sometimes written ^csoes aydsa. {o83)S3i), Aytttnma, s. dress, uniform, ornament. 5pS -4_y?f, s. age, duration of life. ^.^a, Ayudha, }' ^^^P^'^' implement, tool, {pgos^^*^, Ayubowan, interj. salutation, express- ing desire for another's long life and happiness. aoC)?iS<^, Ayuriceda, s. the science of medicine. j^'.C(":)sJ, Ayushmat, a. (fpssqes dyus life, cj poss. aff.) long lived, venerable. epg^555C*3c5, Ayuskalpaya, .<(. age. cpgjscs, Aytisaya, s. age, duration. {p^c5 ', Ayet, '\ {ps^csS, Ayema, Vo^/. again, fmce more. I {prs^cd. Aye, ) tpj(58, Arachchi, '\ t j0(58c^e, Arachchirdla, >-i {p<58C Arachchila, J 1 'fp^, .4rrfra, , (q'<5 arfa to go, <5!J raJc aff.) sixth nakshatra or lunar mansion. ^), Ardraka, s. ginger in its undried state. ^co2, Arya, a. term of high respect, of veneration, and applied to persons of high descent, venerable, respectable, proper: s. name of Buddha, but particularly applied to the priests of Buddha. efocsldsJSDcs, Aryaratnaya, s. ({f:c6' venerable, ^ ^ do53 gem) rahat, saint. epdocs, Aranchi'ya, s. news, intelligence. {p(5s3o), Aralshdwa, s. (ep prefix, <5^^3 to pre- serve) preservation, support, protection. tpj(58, Arachchi, *J s. aratchy, officer in the native militia of the rank of sergeant, a petty village official. ff5(5<^, Aranya, s. forest, wilderness. [Colloq, soj^xodco ivandntaraya.'] {p<5-eJ gsjoao teles- dhutdnga. fp<5-dJs>39, Arogya, s, (cp a neg. i^cJJeo roga sickness) health. 'p(3^^JoSocfl, Aropanaya, s. planting, fixing. {ps>(5J8s>, Arnpita, a. planted, fixed. ^e^to 66 ^CS^ {jn(S\dJs, Aroha, 8. length; ascent; rising, mount- ing; riding. ^s^(5ifs)<^, Arohana, s. (ep and <^tsi ruha to ascend, ^jSjg nya aff.) ladder, stair-case, rising, ascending. ^(35S3 Alakamandd, s. sity of Kuvera. pec3, Alangd, "Is. moon-flower; Ipomcea Bona- pC0533, Alangd, ) nox, (Convolv.); kind of cake. ef3C^^'5^'^^, Alapanne, s. materials, tools. cp^S^Dcs, Alambanaya, 1 ^. hanging down, sup- efD(3S)30B, ^/am5ana?/a, j porting. ^ec5> Alaya, s. affection, attachment, inclination; house, place of worship; desire. (pQQiSi, Alawaka, s. demon or yaksha, one of the yaksha chiefs under Kuvera. ^QHBTi, Alasya, s. idleness, sloth. tpC^^j Aldpa, s. (ep and Q'^ I'^'P'^ to speak) speak- ing to, addressing. ^^(S, An, 8. woman's female friend; row, contin- uous line; race, family. ^(gi0'20, Alingana, s. (ep before, (^toeD to ap- ^ proach) embracing, an embrace. ^^s^CQA Alekhi/a, s. (ep and QQ likha to write, .. tood, victuals. )Q, A/iara, j {pE8^<:^'D, Ahitundika, see cpcB^-sfS^a ahitnn- dika. 67 The third vowel in the alphabet having the fine, sharp sound of i in his or him or pin ; where non-initial it is written above the consonant, as ^ ki. i^^sJ, Ih, s. sight, looking; sugar cane, passing time. 5e5J-SK3gc IkMmadula, s. soft part of the jack fruit without stone, pi, <^^ssi3^Q ikkdmadulu. K) uk- (jalm.'\ 5ig53<:6^, Ikskukdnda, s. species of the sugar cane, saccharutn munja. '^agSi, Ikshuwa, see 5g ikshu. c55<^, Itipandama, s, candlestick; wax candle, pi. ^383, Ida-denawd, v. to give place, to allow, to permit. 9g0SQ, Idaprastdxva, s. opportunity. 9S), Idama, s. spot, place. (ge^Q, 7f/^, s. time. S)5, Itiivuttaka, s. (?9 thus, g-eK3 said, ssi aff.) one of the nine divisions of sacred science which belong to Buddhism; it compre- hends such siitras or works as are written in the catechetical form; see e30Dsoe?eo naivanga- sdsana, (|^S3De3, Itihdsa, s, history, traditional accounts; heroic history. f^g*^, Ituru, a. remaining, surplus. (g^g(5i3d-<^83, Iturukaranawd, v, to reserve, to spare. f-5g^3, Itiiruwd, s. remainder, arrear; also the pret. of (5^(5^03 %ituranawd. f QCJi(3^S'^^S^, Ituruwenawd, v. to remain, to be in arrear. -S3C 2)eneki]. ^o^q-^Qj, Idenawd, v. to ripen; to suppurate. d, ) h J s. tortoise. ^^sa 69 (^^ss)q), Indilada, s. entrance to a fenced garden, stile. ]du, s. moon; name of Sakra; chief, eminence. 9g03-25303, Ijidukdntd, s. (fg and aDJ^DCDo hus- band) night. i^g^Sc Iiidukila, see ig^^C indrcdcila. ^g^, lududa, s. thunder. 2o, Iwluratna, s, pearl. (g(5e55, Induran, s. the five senses, v)i> imgam. Innaliala, see i:f-20(S^(4 innale. 9j'33, Innd, s. Avart, verbal form meaning there is (Avithin sight); pi. fesis^-eo^J iniid. 2diQs33, Innisd, conj. therefore, (incorrectly used for tSr e^s53 enisd or <9cs -60633 eya nisd). (geio^, Inpasu, ad. after that. S3, Ina, 8, waist. ^isi* 70 ^^C .s. birth. oDocg, Inangu, a. proper, fit, suitable. ^S3, Inama, s. a general name for any low caste. Ipanella, s. stalk of grain, stubble, pi. S5 tbbo. 9, Iba, s. an elephant. [Colloq. tfgcs) aliyd.'] s>Qd(5>3Scd, Ibdgdte, s. sauntering, walking about without any special object, (gg, Ibu, see S) tba, (g5vS, Ibe, larf. spontaneously; of itself , of its 6j>)0, Ibe'ta, J own accord.' ligao, Ibha, see ^S) iba. <^'ZS2Qo, Imbinawd, v. to smell, to kiss: pret. , Imbulkiribata, s. ("^^c^ and ^SSQoD rice milk) balls of rice mUk in the shape of the silk cotton pod. pi. ^(^9C333 5it<^> Illdgemma, j 9d(3' IlUina, s. petition, prayer, pi. ^(^(3 ilUm, ox <^(^S ilium. ^X^6^3(5ca3, Illumhdraii/d, s. petitionei;, ^ppli^a^t. dS' Illuma, see "gecS ilUma. 0(^3dS3, Ilwanawd, v. to ask, to request, to solicit: pret. ^(^s^cSSo illewwd. (5(^9, Ilvima, see 9(^(33 ilUma. C') Ilangama, s. kind of dancing school, where dancing and beating of the torn torn are taught, pi. f Qocs^o ilangan,. i^QifiQa, Ilaetaya, s. rib. (3^s5^55, s. cypher, figure, number, pi. ^(3J53i> ilakkam. Q(325J2J)c5, Ilalchaya, 1 s. target, mark for shooting, (3C'2s5s^'255, Ilakhe, j pi. ^C'^sJ' ilahka. -^Cj-^OTSgS, Ilattattuiva, s. betel dish, tray. (5QcJ^c5, Ilattiya, s. elephant's dung. [Colloq. i^Qq^Q, Iladahiiva, s. rib. , hva, s. scent, instinct, power of smelling at a distance after the manner of hounds; a so, even, like, as, in the same manner. oS{j'(33^5j3, Iivaallanmcd , ?;. to search by scent. ^965^(5-^S3, Iwatkaranaicd, v. to put aside, put out of the way. <^QiSi, Iwata, ad. aside, aslant, out of the way. 9^, Iwada, s. medicinal plant. ig(5, Iicara, s. leisure, end, termination, accom- plishment. ^8(55?<5, Ist7'ikkaya, s. (Portuguese) 'smoothing iron. <5f^(SvsDidg8, Istoppuwa, s. (Portuguese) outer verandah. (^^^Q Isthula, see m^Qsthula. i3)cdcS3, IsaJceyiyd, "l (^ess^sjcs, Isal-es, j' 'gesScs, Isatiya, s. lance used in war. 15233, Isd, ind. Elu form of &!% irshyd; a copula- tive particle=ij da and. (Inscription at Mihin- tale) . (scsjsa. Isdna, s. north-east. 98, Tsi, s. jealousy at the prosperity of others, envy; shrimps; Siva; a sage. (^SsdSo, Isinawd, v. to sprinkle, to scatter as seed, to throw out as water from a pond: pret. '^e^sc3 issd. <^&@^6-<^Qi., Isirenatvd, r. to spill accidentally: pret, 9Q:5^25393, I?iagahanaivd, v. to be troubled, to knock the head against, to put up with. (gssjo, Ihata, a. preceding, foregoing, before men- tioned; above. 0S3^, fhanda, s. eggs of a blue fly producing maggots in dead bodies. 0K>C> J^hala, p?-ep. above. fe553f 73 C*z o^osS)iSioQcA, Ihdtmabhdioai/d, Is. ('^ss here, f5e:& (geoDc:i)c5, Ihdtmaya, J existence, 53 state) the present state of existence. 1^^, Ihi, prep, with, in the company of, (Qcsi^eS, with relations, Selalihini Sandesa). ^eSt^C Ihidela, a. coarse, as cloth; s. prawn net. (gv833, Ihtnawd, v. to sprinkle, to scatter, to bale off, or throw out water as from a large hole or pond: pret. ige^ssa issd. (^^r^6^Qo, Ihirenawd, v. to be scattered, sprink- led, spilt: pret. (^sScJl-?^ ihirund. ^?S(5, IliiU s. kind of cloth of a thin or loose tex- ture; cohabitation; softness, a. soft, of a loose texture. (^58(5. Ihilima, s. the act of bearing up: see also <^&Q isilima. o'&Qi), Ihiluma, see 9(3 isiUma, '^Ci@> Ihilelt, a. soft, of a loose texture. (^SSJ33, Ihenawd, v, to be sprinkled with, to be spattered with. d, Ilu, s, forest; congregation, multitude. (gdJ, Iluk, Is. kiad of reed, Imperata f 6-esJs3-o<5, ikdra, s. the letter <^ {, S^OTee, tnrtsa., 1 ' -^ ' Vs. an arrow. ^(5)S5, Igaha, J 3^(550S5, igdne, a. various, multiplied; ac/t'. re- peatedly. S^wjSd, Igdivd, a. proximate, near. 5^0, //Of, to that. cJ^Sca, //2V/a. s. long hook by which an elephant is guided. d^03<^, Itana, s. species of the panic grass, Iletere- pogon hirtus (Gramineoe). i?s>ec6, italayai s. the head or blade of an awow. d^ot^oaa, tpetta, s, plantj Cyathocalyx zeylanicus (Anonacece); also called ss^i&o kclrda, c?, iina, s. (6^303 enawd he comes) coming or approaching. i?c5, Jya, s, arrow. H la.J c?csS, /ya/n, )-s. lead. i5fc5, lyama d"S^Q, lye, ad. yesterday. ^cs^39, Irshydwa, s. envy, impatience of another's success, jealousy. d^^lsQ^ooD, Irshydwanta, a. envious. d'd, Iri, s. sow, pi. cJ^5(^^c5cf ?'nyo. (S-8tSi, Irita, p)art. (p6i {rati he sends) sent, des- patched. <-?5oB, triya, s. forest tree, Myristica Iriya, (Myristicacece). ^^, II, s. palanquin. c?(^C ilia, s, name of a tree, callicarpa lanata (Verbeneacece). c?(3o, ilanga, a. next. d^(?:)(5c63, tswarayd, s. chief, lord, head or master; owner, proprietor; name of Siva or Kamadeva. C^cs?05, tswari, s. wife of Siva, otherwise named Lakshmi, Durgd, or Saraswati. (^C533D, Isdna, north east quarter; name of iva aa regent of that quarter. c^J, I shut, a. little, some. i?&8(5c53, tswarayd, see S'(sB<5aio iswarayd. c?6e3, iswari, see d^csQS i&voari. 3^e3oD<5, tsadhara, s. one of the seven mountains surrounding Mahdm^ru. id^e3i.<5c5, tseraya, s, journey or passage of the arrow. I The third short vowel, and fifth in the ' aipuabet; it sound? like u iu put. ^J, Uk, s, sugar cane. (5Js3(5325>S'jS3, Ukkaganuawd, v. to chide, to speak snappishly, to speak in a snarling way. ^JgS^cs, Ukkutikaya, s. act of sitting on the heels, as commonly practised by the natives. (^i^?^isi, Ukkun, inter, expression of fondness used to infants when giving them the breast. (J<55ec, Ukgasa, see (5J uk. QSJfSi, Ukta, s, px^^i' spoken, said. ^)63, Ukti, s, speech, speaking. (5i<^-<3Sr)> Ukdanda, s. sugar cane, pi. (5-8sJ^ ukdau4^- ^^S'S' Ukdunu, S: name of Kaniadeva the Indian C'upid. t^i^Ziii^, Ukpcni, s. ((^esJ alid -cii^ juice) juice of the sugar cane. 19 \ssiad 74 Ce)e^ (553, Ukasa, \s. pledge, pawn, mortgage, secu- (55S3, Uknha, j rity, pi. i^ssid ukas. (5Je355Jl, Uksahuru, s. sugar. ^^z>, Uknta, s. eminence. (^S5(3, Ukatali, s. disgust, aversion, weariness. (^C3 3(5 ?)a:>3, Ukatali'icenaicd, ?'. to become in- dolent, to grow lazy, to become dissatisfied. -^aneav^D, TJkanaicd, r. to scoop or lade out; tc take with the hand, pick up, raise. Q^tissiida^, Ukaskeraya, s. mortgage deed. ^i^ne^OTsrfeDQa, Ukasgannawd, v. to take in mort- gage. Q^-^ ^S)2!d8d, Ukastihanawd, v. to pledge, to lay down a stake. , Ukasa, )s. p , Uknha, J rity, (josiD, Ukd. p. p. having raised, lifted. '(5)j5, Ukdra, s. the letter q u. (5^, Uku, a. thick (as applied to liquids). ^^ssiSi, Ukukama, s. thickness (as applied to liquids). (^s^, Uchchhe'da drishtika, s. (^(^^^^ and ^^cs dfishtiya sight) a sect who embraced a system of atheism and denied the future exis- tence of the soul. (2S^S5^t83tC8, Uchchhadawddaya, .?. ((*'9^5^<5 and 8o^co discussion) system of religicm denying the transmigration ^f beings. ^(5vSd Uda-dma, s. difficulty in breathing, asthma. (^a)cs)2d'383, Udagannaivd, r, to lift up, to take up. (*e)2) Udangu, a, high, exalted, haughty, ar- rogant, proud. (*a)geni), Udaiigukama, s. pride, haughtuiess, arrogance, height. ^35, Udat, adv. above; s. the upper end. (9^, Udana, s. ignorant foolish persons. (*,e)>^, Udanu, 8. wicked man, wretch, an ignorant man. (^,8i'r36isS, Udapparan, s. conceit, puppyism. c^ 75 (5(3oo5, Udaltpata, s. strong piece of plank laid horizontally over the door or window when building, for the purpose of supporting that part of the wall which does not rest on the frame: pi, ^S^Qot^ udalipat. (5 S S3 (33, Udahalla, s. something suspended in order to preserve some little things, shelf, hang- ing wicker safe: pi. ^S^jg udahalu. (^J<9ca, Udikkhja, s. kind of small drum carried in the hand by the Malabar mendicants, and beaten at the doors of the persons from whom they ask alms, (^SJ, Udtn, ad. above, higher, over. 0' ^(^^^ s. a constellation, plough; riches; a. ^ tigh. C9dc Udutalla, s. roof of the mouth, palate, P^- 0%^^ udutalu. C^^vQJoe, Udutola, s. upper lip; pi. oS^^^^d udutol. 09=3' Udupa, \ . ^ Ol^S), Uduba,r- ^^^' ^^^*- C9Q'-^G^5)3, Uduhurnlanmvn, v. to howl, to yell, to bark (as a dog) : pret. j^gQdlCxSj uduburu- leivd. (*gS)t(^(SS393, Udumhjciwenawd, v. to raise the head to look at anything. (2dc* Udurewula, s. mustache. (^s^S, Ude, s. breeches (worn under cloth). (^^jSt^arfsBcs, Udekkiyas see (^^^deScs ndikkiya. ,^'S^ct, Undiya, s. ball. <3<35^(3^a), TJnde, s. cannon shot, ball to shoot with, pi. Q<^ unda. (5-^A), Utkanthd, a. ((sJ much, -ssS kathi to be sad) regretting, missing any object. (3c5.S5-t5>, Utgata, part. (r,zi upwards, otos gone) ascended; literally gone up, 5s5.^)S3, Uttrdsa, s. (r^&'J much, ^i^ fear) fear, terror; [CoUoq. eocs bhaya']. ^o5s)S), Uttama, a. best, first, principal. ^,cJa3cfl3, Uttamayn, s. ((dc^X' and cji aff,) chief, ^/sJo^oosi, Uttnmrinqa, s. head. [Colloq, fies h'sa or oee z'sa.] ^SDcJ, Uttara,s. answer, reply; ''in law) defence, rejoiuder; the North, a. best, highest, most ex- cellent; northern. ^OS3<55g(5i, ZTttarabuni, s. the country about the north pole, (5c5o3(5s3<5, Uttaratara, a. ((-e5o55 and 335 very) very eminent. (2?rfc3(5-ac5ca, Uttaraya, s. answer, reply, defence; see (*>S3(5 uttara. ^S)S3<563C(^<^) Uttara phdJ gum, s. (^ZsaSid sub- sequent, 63(3:5-S)5e3)S^5:c:, Uttarasdtakaya, 8. upper and outer garment: see (^siciOossto uttardsanga. 'cJ03(35cs, Utumkama, s. eminence, excellence, ex- altation; supremacy, pi. (j^D^aD tctumJcam. Q^zxsy, Utumaga, s. head, vulva, pi. (^egSo utu- man. (2^o, Utumd, 8. person of eminence. (5^3-2oi0e3:f5^df, Utumdnanivahanse, s. ((j^Sa es^ and Qsi&Ss^iS title of respect) commonly used to signify the Governor; pi. (gS3253:f 82sjs:f(5^cd(53 utumdnanwahanseld. (3^(5, Utura, s. North; answer. (5^(5-BS3ss<5g^ noise") loud noise. (3^<^393, Uddanmvd, v. to give pain: pret, o^e^B:) idduwd. <-^eCT, Uddipta, C^?ce, C7Vi.7^>^>a, .. L^^^^t^^g' I exciting, inflaming, as C^8c33, TJddipana, s. j Passion. (5'^(3^^ and ooeo to drink) place where water is drunk, well. O^, Udam, a. high. [Colloq. ^r iis.'] (5 5. fig tree, ncus qlomerata. (5Sd, Udumbara, f -^ ^ (*5C5, Udura, s. rat. [Colloq. c:3 7mi/d.'] QCjd^Qi, Uduranawd, v. to pluck up, to eradi- cate: pret. fgc^Qo iduruwd. (5(^, Udul, a. shining, glittermg, good, excellent. (5(^S)t, Udulbeivu, s. gracefulness; name of the forms in dancing. (52(5, Udula, see Cgd u^^fd. (^S^ijeseoQo, Udesanawd, v. to enunciate, to say or declare. (* (3^^333, Udesd, prep, on account of, for that rea- son, instead of. O^dC^ Udella, s. kind of hoe, mammoti; pi. ^^Q udalu. (5^03 S3, Udesana, s. mornmg. Undu, s. plant, species of Jlemingia. jgsK>5 983, Undugowu'd, s. kind of small worm which eats away the roots of the hair, pi. ^^g S^)iS'3J undugmoico. 8. rat. ^^ c^^ ^ges3, Unduna, s. oven; kiln. ^gSctg, Undupiyali, s. medicinal plant, DeBtno- dium or hedysarum, (Leguminosce); of which there are many species in Ceylon. (f,5i, Unduru, see ^^6 undura. (f;9d 88, Undmvap masa, s. part of the months of December and January, (erf, Un, pron. they, a form generally used when speaking of low classes and animals. (55:JssGrf, Tinge, pron. their, of them. (-:f3, Unta, pron. to them. <3'5, Undura, ") (*5g(5caa, Undurayd, f ^aies33^Ne^, Unndnse, pron. third pers. sing, he (respectfully) ; s. buddhist priest, pi. (jeJesocrf (5^0^(30 unndnseld. i23e)d, Unmat, la. insane, mad, frantic; drunk, (^ex)^, Unmad, /intoxicated; s. name of the plant datura, or thorn apple, of which there are several species and which name is given to them on account of their deleterious properties. (5633<:j, Umndda, s. madness, insanity, extrav- agance. (5nC^i Unmilana, s. winking, twinkling the eye. Q^s^Q^ca 5(5<^)o, Unmilanaya karanaivd, v. to open the eyes. (33a), Unmukha, s. looking upwards, literally the face up. (2:!g(3e3, Unmulita, part, eradicated, plucked up by the roots. (^ed'Saoesrfs^dr, Unwahanse, pron. third pers. sing. applied to God, to kings, and to persons of high rank. (35c8ee, Unhisa, s. (more correctly, (',93393, Uppennawenawdy v. to be bom. (5:3, C/))a, particle and prefix to verbs, implying excess, over, above; near, by the side of, together with; inferiority, secondary, lower; like- ness, resemblance; disease, extinction; ornament: command; reproof; astonishment; 'giving; diffu- sion; wish, desire; effort, exertion. (5C33 Upakrama, s. ((:3 over, ^^S to go) strat- agem, overreaching; deliberate commencement or undertaking; providing means and anticipat- ing consequences; beginning in general; valour; trying the fidelity of a friend. (5C3(3^as(30G5, Upaklemya, s. sinful thought. ^0(5*45Js3c, Upakrosaya, s. censure, reproach. Q'-jiSS^d^, Upakarana, s. implements, materials, means; provisions for a journey; insignia of royalty. ^,35S>3ca?, Upakdrya, a. deserving assistance or favour, ^3')(5&D(5^2)3, Upakdrakaranawd, v. to help, assist, favour. (5!3>35c;, Upakdraya, s. help, assistance, favour, protection, in Sanskrit authors it sometimes ^ means a flower full blown. (^OOTOT, Upagata, a. ((*o with, siS? gone) come to; promised, agreed. (5=3053, Upagama, s. approach, approximation; promise, agreement. (-0833S3, Upaghdta, s. ((^ss much, ^3S3 injuring) touch, contact, especially with an intent to injure; sickness, disease. C3^ (5!3<5, Upacharo, see (*::393<5 tipachdi'a, (:3Sa), Ujmchanta, a. served, ministered to. (*393(5, ZTpachdra, s. ((^,:2 well or near, 8<5 chnra to go) being or living near to; practice, profes- sion, usage, service, assistance; present, bribe; practice of physic ; ellipsis. (5C3S3, Upachita, a. (1^0 and C3 collected) collected, assembled. QO^S), Upajdta, a. born, brought forth. (t3S?Ss3, Upajmha, s. ((^o likeness or privation, c?Ss33 tongue) uvula or soft palate; kind of in- sect; disease, enlargement of the uvula. (*,oa3, Upata, s. birth, origin, source. ^C3S53C5, Upaidpa, s. ((50 and 'Si:>-o heat) burning, heat, heatedness; haste, hurry, disease, sickness. (^'3^<:jS383, Upaddanaii'd, v. to cause, to produce: pret. C3t(^g3 ipedduwd. (5C38, Upadrawa, s. portent, omen, natural phenomenon; danger, risk. (5C3g8cc, Upadrawaya, s. danger, misfortune. (5C3<;oscs, Upadansaya, s. {^,^ much, zsi, Ujjadhdna, s. pillow, kindness, affection; poison; religious observance. Q-:iS, Upadht, s. fraud, circumvention. (^jisS, Upan, part. born. ^o^Q-ooi, Upan-lapaya, s. Avart, spot, mole or freckle with which a man is born. (^O'fiO, Ujmna, see (^jO?^ upan. (3C5-SD3(5, Upanagara, s. suburb, city or town of a secondary class. (* r)253css3, Upanayana, ") s. custom of investing the (30 2533C3, Upandya, J Brahmins with the cord as the insignia of their office, according to their respective age and rank. (5C3^, Upanidhi, s. deposit, pledge, property put intc) the care of a friend. (^o^Q^cfl, Upanisrayn, s. happiness, fortune. ^zi^'^zi:', Uparn'srita, a. with, united, joined. c^^ -Mi 79 ^&363 ia. mma, J stopping, ceasing. QOi^^4^ Upanishad, s. portion of the religious writings of the Hindus : i. e-. the theological part and the vedanta or argumentative part of the Vedas. (^oi^fiiOCT, JJpanisinna, a. sat, seated. "^oo^, UjMpatt, s. paramour, gallant. ^:j'3vio3K), Upahhoga, s. pleasure, satisfaction, en- joyment; wealth, things used for comfort such as furniture. (^oSa, Upamci, -\ s. (qo like, 3 to measure) g:3320, Upamdna, v likeness, resemblance as a ^S338, Upamdwa, J picture, an image etc., par- . able, simile. (5:3C338), Upayanawa^ v. to amass, as money or wealth, to collect, to procure, to earn. ^ocsD^o, Upaydchita, a. {^QO much, csaeJo to ask or beg) offered, especially to the deities to render them propitious. (C3(53, Upxirakta, s. (^o implying distress, 6isssi tG colour) afflicting with pain or calamity; eclipse of sun or moon; Rahu, the ascending node. (5C3<5^, Ujmratt (5^05sD, Upardga, see <^,o6sxs> uparakta. (20<55d, Upardja,, s. viceroy. i^scJSi), Upanbna, see QodS) uparati. %^Qi Upala, see OSC ttpula. (c3G^Ba^, Upalakshana, s. synecdoche of a part i .r a whole or of quality for that in which it resides; the characteristic mark by which any thing is distinguished, as eGi.d'3^4 iQQi^^<^ ;ja3><5s5 scrade nuwanmini pandaren, Sidat- sano-ara; live long in the possession of gifts of eye-gems, t. e. admired by the world. QOQ-s^Si, Upalakshita, a. (,3=3 near, c<^ laksha mark, and W3 kta affix) endued with, contamed or inherent. (=!3(3SS, Upalabdld, s. {^z> and Qis> labha to re- ceive) gain, acquisition; mind, understanding, knowledge, especially religious. '^csgecj, Upalipita, a. {c>^ and Qo lipa to smear, -S335 aff.) smeared, daubed, anointed. (5C3g, Upawadhu, s. concubine. QoQiSi, Upawana, s. (0=^ like, Sea wood) kind of garden, grove, wilderness bordering a village. f^o3<5, Upawdda, s. abuse. [CoUoq. i<^ be- (CJ)53, Upaivdsa, s. fast, fasting on stated days. (5^2(53, Ujiamma, see (3C3Ki^c3 upasamanaya. (*C3KK), Upastambha, s. service rendered to per- sons of respectability, support of life. (3seo&33c5, Upasthanaya, s. standing by; rite of hospitality. (2C3e63c54Kc33, Upcisthdyakayd, s. attendant, servant, one employed to serve a person of great respect- ablility. (2ae3o^<^, Upasaiikramana, s. (^o near, eo^ ss^ to go) approaching, going to. (3C3S53::3^, Upasampadd, s. (^qo again, esSot^ gain) acquirement of office or emolument; order of a Buddhist priest who has passed his noviti- ate, highest order of Buddhist priests. i^^ssSoe,, Upasampaddwa, s. the admission of a Buddhist priest to the full privileges of the priesthood. joeac>0, Upasampanna, p. a, perfected, im- molated, sacrificed as a victim; attained to. ^c3esa)-c3^S83, UpeksM, s. middle state, mediocrity; trick, deceit; indifference. (5^:30, Upeta,part. having, being. ^,!3a<5, Upendray s. name of Vishnu. '^sv^Scs, Ubberiya, s. name of a tree, Carcillia calycina (Khizophomcece.) ^oc8, Vbhaya^pron. both. '^ c&^5C Ubhayakuiii, s. (o and *ge progeny) " both from father and mother, t. e. progeny or race coming in eqaal lines from both parents. '^^S, Umba, pron. you, addressed familiarly to equals or inferiors. J^iJXcsxCT, Ummagga, s. subterraneous passage. ^t^'iiioq, Ummdda, s. m-Adneas; . foolish, silly, ^(5OT, Umaga, see (-i)i)rx ummagga. ,^a)^, Umatu, s> plant, stramonium', epilepsy, a. foolish, insane. '^'3o52as3):), Umankaninmcd, )?.*. to enter a ^^Sii^sjSa, Umankaninawd, /house by a hole made in the wall, to break into a house, to rob. (^,S^(3g;, UmanU'ya, s. stick used as rafter, etc. ^i?cOT33, Umayangand, s. name of the goddess Pi'irvati or Durga. (*3, Umd, s. see ^S>c5o,S)3?S3, tTmrfA'Offff, 1 ^. name of the goddess ,^^s^4^, Umddevi, ) Parvati or Durga. ^3^49, Umdpati, s. ((33 and o^ lord, husband) name of Siva, as the husband of PArvati. (^,3|5S3, Umdsuta, s. name of Kartik^ya usually called Kataragama-deviyo. (3, Umutu, s. chameleon. (*C35(3N(5)3S3, Uyangoiowd, 1 s. gardener, pi. ^ (5ca's:f23Ccs3, Uyanpdlayd, j ca^ts^csioBs^QS uyan- gowivo. ^cssJeas, Uyannd, s. cook. (3C3-2S3, Uyana. s. royal garden; garden, pL (^ca^J ^l,yan. (*ca2nicsJ, Uyanage, s. kitchen. (5;se393, Uyanawd, v. to dress provisions, to cook: pret. (g>)3 iwu'd. (csie3, Uyamana, s. cooking, pi. ^jiSsi uyaman. 0^C> Uyala, s. tuberous plant, kind of yam, Dioscorea tomentosa (Dioscoracece). (5(5, Ura, s. heart; mind, shoulder, bosom, snake. (5<5 i*<5''6 necklace) necklace reaching down the breast; name of Siva; race of imaginary birds possessing super- natural powers. {^oeSx, Urahisa. s. ((^j6 shoulder, eSes head) shoulder blade. fjC^, Urd, s. snake, serpent. (^,^'^'S)')^Q), Urdbonaiod, r. to drink with great avidity, to suck: pret. (^d^SSj urdbiwd. ^5g, UriRdu, s snake. [Colloq. eaScso mrpayd.'] (^^g atsisi, Urindti yahan, s. ((^Sg snake, iSo^^si who rides) Vishnu. ^8 Si, Urini, s. blood. (^ScJioa, Urh-ujx'i, s. Rakshasa, demon. (^^5i, Uru, a. large, great. ^Sl.^, Uriuli. ad. truly, verily. Q5, Ulkd, s. (^^5S ii.iha to burn, (3 la sub. for cs sha and ^55 ka aff ) firebrand; meteor, flame. Q^,&)OGi(Si'0, Ulkdtaruiva, \ s. (^c^) flame, o3S3 (3,^^3'jj53, Ulkdpdta, j Avhich falls) lire fall- ing from heaven, meteor; fire-brand. (5(^o9, Ulpattu, a. public. [Colloq. gSd^ pra- siddha]. (5(^:3 03, UliKita, s. spring of water; fountain, pi. (*(^::3J idpat. c-,c5 SiCiJfSJ, Ul-meesd, s. kind of fly Avith a long pointed beak. OdC^^, UUangha, s. (c6 "P "^ beyond, c^ /- gha to go) going beyond, transgressing, leaping, bounding or springing over. Od^C^^) UUdgan, s. the thrush. ^^C Via, s. point of a dart or any sharp instru- ment: spike, stake, pi. ^(S ^^ 5CS, Ulaiigi, s. rising, ascending. 5G^c3^2>3, Ulatiyanaivd, v. to impale a person, (*C3S5, Ulanmvd, v. to rub, to touch: pret. eg83 iluud. ,0e3> ?7/aW(7, .. devil bird, pi. OC^^ uJamo. GC^M r//?'"', rt- large, great. (^C(3S<^cfl), Ulalihiniyd, s. kind of stork. (2C35, Z7/orrt, a. great; famed; liberal. OQ^-, Uliika,s. owl. [Colloq. 'S)^^^o bakamund.'] Cs^CC' Ulela, s. whirling in the water, festival. C^^C^C* Ufola, 8. waves. (5Ci^) Ulengi, 8. rising. G, Uira, 8. bow; a prefix, near. Y^S3, Uwata, 1 . _ ^, . ^Q2i^, Uwaten, } ^935, Uwatamba, see ^c2co5a3 upasthambha. '^8g<5, Uicadura, s. portent, danger, pestilence, pi. (^Sg^ uivaduru. (*8s^, Uwana, s. face, pi- ^SesJ lamn. [Colloq. ^53 mtihtma.^ ^582), Uicama, s. comparison, simile. See ^^csSaS vpamdwa. (-9S33, Uwamand, a. suitable, proper, fit, con- sistent, necessary. (^Q6<^, Uicarana, see q::33<5^C5 premaya.'] (5)3<5, Uivasara, s. assistance; see QoQod vpa~ chdra. = g, Uicasii, see (^ziOtaSiao updsakayd. ;^e3(5-cJ uluilld. (25333e^s^S3, Uhdffannawd, r. to lift up, to rai'^e (2C53<:f X-saSS; U/iddnmiditird, r. to push off, to shove. CS' ^^"'> i>'"ow. him, his: pi. they. (3(gg, Uh'ndv, s. ((^)'5 "/ star, <> inr/n Lird) moon. [C'olloq. CS3^ handd^j (^^, Ula, s. star; tiles sucli as are usepanaicd, r. to liollow out, to scoop: pret. gdgSa ilippau-d. (5^ <5d', Ulu-raja, s. {^ji> stars, d;^ king) moon. [Colloq. K>9 hando.'] Qi) S3, Ulii-iradiiivd, s, (j^d tiles, 0^Sl3 work- man) bricklayer, mason. (^dSdsa, Ulmvassa, s. door frame, pi. (*,d9g uluwahu. (;^,63S33^, Uluwahdl, "| i. small grain or seed used (l^dSs, Uluwd, j by natives to put in to their curries; condiment. ^6gs5, Uiusiin, 8. brick dust. ^,^23)(^, Uluhdl, see ,*63ffi33(^ vlmcahdl. t^'tib, Uluhi, s. tree, Machilus (ihnu-cstceas (Lcuir- The sixth vowel of the alphabet: it is sounded like ? in rule, ^^^i, U, jyron. he, (disrespectful) aj^plied to inferiors or animals. (^^gfa-SeaSa, Uduwenaicd, p. to swell, to become large or bloated, (^^SJ, una, a. short, deficient, less. ^=i305, Unatwaya, s. want, deficiency. (5")Sc53, Umaya, 8. mute, dumb or silent person. (2=0 s. n rwast, J ymj^li of Swarga, goddess. c^^ 83 ^ssiQ ()<:S555xQc5, Uraketaya, .. circle of burnt clay used in forming the inside of a well. (*):Ji, tlru, a. big, large; s. the thigh. (^:J^.^s^<^, unddnu, s. Lasianthcra ajn'adift (Ola- cinece). (^TCJiS^cs)^, I'viuiciuld, .V. kind of lierbs, Portulaca tuberosa. ()-5is>03Jd, Urufora, ,. name of plant, Cassia So2ihera (Leguminosce). (^TCJtCcso, Urumiijd, s. rat of large size; Mus gigantevs; bandicoot. {5Tc5i0, Uruinanri, s. ((5'^^ large, c^9 mouth) owl. (-icSlocOT, Urm/uga, s. tAvo thighs. (*)>5x.8, Uruica, s. thigh; barren ground, sand. (^Tii 9, Uru-Vf, s. wild paddy, Oryza sattva. (Gram.) (51CJI(5^S59j, Uruwenaicd, v. to spoil, to become bad. "^jeD, Uldtca, .. a fish. ^^(^caed-SSJoc^cJi, inii/aLLdra/fd, . palanquin bearer. (^gcsS), UUijaina, s. work or service of carrying palanquins; ct)mpulsory lab(tur to which stran- gers are liable; perfunctory di charge of duties, (Colloquial use). ^'IQCS^, UHha, s. owl. ^i(3xj, Uleivd, see (^''c^^ uldira. ka, S^ 7ne. 6, E, pron. he, that (spoken of before). ?95, Ek, a. one (indefinitely). '3^s5^, Elka, prep, together Avith, united to. ^i:^^6^.0o, Elkaranawd. v. to join, to unite, to collect, to put together. ^?^{Si^,, Ekkala, ad. certainly, truly, verily. \3J5(g, Ekkala, v. added, joined. 62s55ajg, EH-dsu, part, united, collected, gathered together, assembled with. -:5Js^3gs>5-^S3, Ekkdsukaranaicd, v. to assem- ble, to collect, to gather, to join, to put together. ^s^fS-ssiQQO, Ekkeliptfa, prep, over against, op- posite . 65(^^5^9, EJckoma, s. all, the whole. 6J5>253J, Ekkd, conj. either, or. 6Js305, Ektard, pron. one, certain person, applied only to persons. ^Js5(3, Ektala, s. drum beaten only on one end; harmony, unison. 6J<^e5, Ekdat, s. name of Gana Deviyo the Hindu god of wisdom. 6JS^, Ekbiju, s. karandatree, gahdupa arborea; see ffi)(5e karanfla. ^-esJS, Ekwa, part, united, collected, gathered, assembled with. 6J8i, Ekwan, ad always, contintially, un- remittingly. ^ssi^i 84 ^esJSt^^. Ekwcni, a. alone, solitary. -;33:3sJ, Ehsat, s. {^^ eJca one, 6ss5 umbrella) univerijal rule or government. 5?s?S3(3, Ekheli, a. open, exposed, uncovered. 6as>, Eka, a. one, best. 6^5^^5533, Ekaekd, proit. every one, one by one. *'-:Sa53esJ, Ekak, s. one thing. <3^3)5g, Ekaku, s. person, (ace or gen). ib^Si&j, Ekanga, a. united, peaceful, acquiescing, cementing, amicable. <9)o5, Ekangakama, Is. unity, agreeableness, ^^e?c5, Ekaijgm/a, j agreement, unanimity. tS5:5N5S> one, cpsi i side) on one side. <5es>cJ^e^9, Ekatpaswa, "^ad. (tSac^i and oso 3365:5!3^S3ec, Ekatpaseka, j pasa side) on one side, on the same side, aside, standing on one side out of respect to a person. 6555i550s5^9, Ekntdttnira, .. harmony in singing or chanting continually. 6^3C Ekatdla, s. (6^55 one, sodc musical mea- sure or tune) harmony, unison, the accurate adjustment of song and dance. d^Si)S^QQ^, Ekatdletama, ad. harmoniously, in a regular train, continually, without inter- mission. ^ssis^^d^Qi, Ekatukaranawd, v. to unite, to jom together, to assemble, collect, combine. tSea^aaodcJO, Ekatukdrayd, s. ally, partner. ^5?^, Ekatuwa, p. being united. ^&)q, Ekada, a. one, even one. a^>?S3, Ekadeha, s. (65 best, (S^q(Si body) one of elegant form; the planet Mercury. tS^i^ 53203 <9, Ekaninndda, s. (6> one, e6s>S3D, Ekama, a. one, one only, alone. 65^, Ekamutu, a. collected, gathered, assembl- ed; friendly, united, agreeable. a^(^, Ekal, '\ <32S5(^^, Ekalhi, \ad. then, when, at that time. 0^C> Ekala, ) 62K>c^) Ekalas, a. collected, 'gathered, arranged, numbered. 4D(5o, Ekakhca, a. alone, solitary. dssi'iS, Ekas, a. (t23 one, cpsa asa corner or slioul- der) on one side, over one vslioulder etc. <3De^<3*S)<5, Ekasbera, s. (6^eS one side, ^'S)6 drum) timbrel, tympanum. 6ii-)'-Jidi, Ekasat, a. (63 one, essJ or i^f^ chhafra imibrella, used here metaphorically for govern- ment) under one government, under the same sovereign, unanimous. 0^S3De3, Ekasamdna, a. like, equal, similar. ^^'S^^Qi, Ekaheld, ad. at once, all together. t9^3, Ekd, pron. one person, one man or animal, (mas.) 6s>5S)3<5, Ekdkdra, a. alike, similar. ^2S53iS5cs, Ekdicerii/a, s. plant, Jiauwoljla Serpentina (Apoci/naceoe). d^D9t(3, Ekdicela, s. necklace of pearls, beads, flowers etc. -cS^StSss^^d^, Ekiekin, ad. one by one. t94:Si6^, Ekineka, ) ; , , ' V . one by one, each one. ^^^6.^0, Ektnekd, ) ^^S, Eki, pron. that woman (not respectful); part, aforesaid. weged, Ektin, a. less one, one under (as -cSs^sd i3c5C5 ekim siyaya, literally one hundred less uJie, i. e. ninety nine). <9-25'^-?gaQ, Ekurutupafa, s. (tS^^cSl^ and 00 fold) end of the cloth folded and fastened at the waist as a pocket. ^(3yS5i^<^^, Ekeneht, ad. at that time, immediate- ly, forthwith. '^^iSi^Q^, Ekolaha, s. eleven. 65^^5)Do>g,3E^5*9^9 Ekolosweni, a. eleventh. 6sves338), Egoda, s. other side, as of a river, lake etc. 683d, Echchara. ad. so much. 625i, Etakin, ad. so much, that much. nd. from tliciice. a^J, Etara, s. other side of a river or lake etc; adr. beyond, a^gi), Etuma, s. involution, wrapping up; he, (respectful term). d-S^s>J, Etek, s. conclusion, end, finishing; ad. till then. a-a^sssS-ss^, Etel-in, ad. by so much. 63^S3'a), Etema, pron. he; sometimes written S^&'3 (9\S5i) heterna. a!5^s^<5, Etera, see as)(5 etara. a 5,, Edci, ad. that day, the other day. ^^isi^^z), Edineddta, ad. day by day. a(^, Ediri, a. inimical, adverse, against. a^55)<5:53, Edtrikdrayd, s. enemy, adversary, opponent. a^SeS, Ediripita, prep, before, sometimes written i^'^dQQ tdiripita. a538Ss3a33, Ediri pirimahanawd^ r. to revenge: pret. a^SSSi'tgSj ediripirimehmod. 6^8-Jt, Edirii/a, s. aversion, enmity, opposition. a^89)g, Ediriivddu, s, malice, envy. 6sSsiJci, Ensdl, s, Ceylon cardamoms, elettaria cardamomum (Scitamineoe). a93, Enaivd, t\ to come; pret. tpSa dwd. 'dzi^-^^ Epamana, ad, about, so much. a^a, Epd, ad. particle of prohibition, don't want, used after the infinitive mood to form an imper- ative: as 6i5i^ a ^3 maranfa epd^ do not kill, a 80, Epifn, ad. distant, far, at a distance. a3g, Ebatulii, a. such, like that. aSs), Ebaiva, s. that fact. aS^asJ^J, Ebikan^ s. peeping, sly look. a^>2s:f'(5-il plant, see aScJi endaru. a<5S)g, Erabadu, s. coral tree, erythrinu indica, (Legum). a<5<:Sc33, Eraminiyd. s. plant, the fruit of which is about the size of a pepper corn and is eaten when ripe, zizyphus napeca ( Rhumnaceai ) . ^6Q^, Eraivana, s. Au form of Sanskrit <5^a<3) 8-S3S3, Erda'ctenau-d, v. to sink in the mud. a8e^s5(3C3, Erismlayn, .-. ill humour, peevishness. aSM5-25393> EUanaicd, r. to hang, to suspend. ^dc9"253)3, EUawanawd^ i\ to cause to be hung, to cause to be suspended. ^dS^5W, ElhmgaJia, s. gallows, the erection on which criminals are liltng, pi. adg^foe^ ellun- gas. a d I?' e "253^)3, EUenaivd, v. a. to be hanged, to be suspended. a^S, Elnma, s. hanging. ac, Ela, a, white; s. goat, ac <^%?53d Ela-gitel, /distinction to bufEftlo's bnttei*. <&e 86 dC03 6g s>(551>, Ela-gokatu, s. tree, Gniania sjncata. (Guttiferae). ^(3. plant, Euphhorhia p (j-vij/ora. (Eiiphorhuiecae.) ^C^^isi, Eladen, s. cow, pi. tSc's^^sd^^g eladennu. ^QZiQ:i, ElanniL'tu v. to throw diwii, to cause to fall, to spread: pret. ^gSa ehnod. =Sc 'S?, Ela-nuga, s. large tree, Etciis TsieUt. 60 SNe3(^, Ela-netuI, s. medicinal plant, plum- hago zet/lam'ca (Plumhuqinece). <5C::325393, Elambenairn, r. to come, to approach, to come near to: pret. 6(3^23) elamhtind. ^0d Elainal, .. flowering plant, Hedychkun coronarium (Scitamineoe). fSf* 9^'^'(^C) Ela-midella, s. tree, resembling the oak, Barringtoma acutangnla (Jfi/rtacece). 6(3 <5c5S)(;^, Ela-ratmal, s. plant, Knexia zeyJani- ca, (Jiabt'dcea'). ^CC^^^f Elalatnnrd, r. to darn, to repair, to mend with the needle: pret 6r;gj elaluwd. 6c S-g-^j Ela-Iuhimu, s. white onions. 6c<^) Ela-icard, see s^sooSi^ helaward. ^oSg, Eldiralu, >. vegetables, 6c<^, Elawwd, (t. (6(3 white, g aff. d5 red) light red, pinki 6e3^3'253)3, Elaicenaicd, v. to drive, to cause to run away, to pursue! pret. 69>(393 elewiod. 6(3 <9>3i.(5) Ela-wewel, s. kind of rattan, Cala- mus Itoxburgkii (Palmoi). 6c^S3Si Elawolu, see 6cQs claivalu. 6(38t(^, Elawel, s. kind of ratan, Calamus rivalis (Palmar), 6csj:r, Elahan, prep. near. 6(3asj<553, Elaharakd, s. ox, cattle, in contradis- tinction to the buffalo. 6c^5 Elalu, s. complexion, a fair complexion, light red, brown. ^Qoq^s^Qi, ElddamanaiixU v, to put down, to siibduet pret. 60x5, Sa eldd^mmd. ^6(3, Eli, rt. public, open; plural of ^Qa eliya, a light. 6g^ad<^83, Elikara^aivd, v. to clear the ground from jungle. .tSg^d, Elidaraw, a. published, made known; 111 ' I III f I II i. .1 1 . I I 6 (3 00?, Eh'pnta, s. threshold. ibQz}!^, ElijKina, .*t. day light. 6@ffi5^, EUinahana, .<-. open plain. 6(Sc5, EUi/a, s. light; open space or plain. ^(3. then, at that time, at that day. 68(?>(3, Eiralema, ad. immediately, instantly. 6 05563, Etngasa, ad. immediatly, forthwith. ^^B^, EvicJiarat ad. so much. 69Q, Evita, ad. then, on that occasion, at that time. 6S3(5, Ei'itara, ad. so much. 6, Eii'ii, see 69 ^?<>. 65>^, Eweni, a. like that, such. 65^9c 6(5v9{5^e^ 68te6, Eiveni, see 6sN8e6 ^^r^w?'. 6 3^, E sand a, 635df, 'sc', ad. so, in that manner. 6s^E^(;^)6J, Esemcat, ad. although, nevertheless. 63^e^-^5j, Esenumut, ad, nevertheless, notwith- standing. 6(5^tli), Ese'ma, ad. in that very manner. 6(^^f^co, Eseya, ctd, yes. 6s>e^s3^^cJ, Esevinumut, ad. yet, although* 6(3^c^S^aos5, Ese'heyin, conj. therefore; 6^0, Ehd, pre}), thei'e, in that place: sec: 2yersi sing.' you; pi. 6s33(30 cJidld. [Colloq. sd|]s^c^ tamuse'.J^ pS, Eirelawa, 1 , ,, . , o T. M 7 . /^"'* tlien m that ti e^, Eiceleh, J 6sN8e6 eweni. \ ad. then, at that time Id, j ^;S^ 87 d5c i5S, Ehi, prep, there, in it. <3(5JK)-txJ Ehet, conj. but, though, although. t3sN5De:>, Ehenmn, ad. then, in that case. ^S^SJ-^gsJ, Ehenumut, conj. but, nevertheless. ^(s'Si, Ehema, ad. so, in that manner, in that way. tSfS^s^SeS-sstf, Ehemapitin, ad. wholly. ^S^BiS, Eheyi, ad. yes. (honorific form.) ^^siSsd', Eheyin, conj. therefore, by that, ^sKf, 7^7ijtsi, Ekshanayen., ad. in an instant. }Si, Eka,a. alone, solitary; other, different; chief, pre-eminent; jn-on. that thing. ^TfiEoss, ikansa, s. (ssi one, cfoX' ansa shoulder) having one shoulder. tfifffisss^J, ELaghana, a, cemented, made strong. fs>dg, Ekachchhatra, see ^^SJfscJ ekasat. ^iSi%)3S, Ekachdri, .. (tSf-sn alone, )d c/tora which goes) one going alone. fffi)i3C, Ekajjwdhi, s. flame. f)033C> Ekatdla, s. harmony, unison. ffffl):J^^<5D, Ekadantn, .. (tSf-255 one, :jeoc3 tooth) name of (Tanesa who lo.t one of lii.s tusks in a scuffle with Ivartikeva. 3^S'<^*:jiT ckadeha. f^K::3^'^, Ekapaksha, . (tSf^ and -c^ss side) one of the same side or ])arty, ally, associate, parti- san. tf>5eo(5x::;, Ekasivarupa, a. of the same manner, like form. f53, l^kd, jiron. he, that fellow. ^fflSDoiT), Ekd/jga, s. (tff5 excellent, 3s), Ekdbaddha, s. (^.fiSJone, {f:i) dbaddha, bound to) a. joined, united, d'^ocaeo, Ekdyana, i s. (6) eka alone, ^553Jcs.23rt05, Ekdyanagata, ) tfc52S3 ayana road) tlie way to Nirvana, the sole road (to salvation). See Childers' Pali Dictionary. t2f)jSi.c Ekdaola, see 65JiC ekdtcela. ^253333 ^, Ekdsantka, s. (f-35 one, qeseSaa ow- /a'ifcrt who eats) religious observance among the Buddhists to eat only once a day; priest. !fi55352-5^ajffi3, Ekdsanikdnga, s. (tfS3 and {p;s33 dsana seat, <53 ika aff. Cfjo a^ and ordinance) an institute of the Buddhist code, enjoining up- on the priests always to use the same seat while eating: see s^s>lS^(^e^o^^e3 telesdhntdnga. &!>, Eh', pron. fem. she, a term of disrespect; also applied to females of irrational animals. ^S^J, Eke, ad. there, in that place; in it. tSfS, Eda, a. deaf. ^Sgaa, Edamuka, a. (tSTa) and gC55 dumb) deaf and dumb; wicked, perverse. ^ ^, Ella, ~\ s. (9<^ tna to go, t^ aff.) sort -(^ssi, Etiaka, Vof deer or antelope, described as t^-sj^, Eiii, J being of a black colour, witli beautiful eyes, and short legs. tSTsi^cosDeoSo, Ettugannawd, v. to accept, to approve. tSfcDjesJ, Etdk, ad. so much, till, till then, until. ^i^"^^, Edanda, .*. plank or be.un laid aci'oss a river or brook to pa?s over as a bridge; pi. ^35^<5, OH-are, s. retching at the stomach, &o^^, Epamana, ad. so much, about. tfoc5, P.pawat, see ^C38c5 epawat. tfc33, Epd, see <9c33 ^'pr/'. ^(5is>^, Erakan/fa. s. pole of a cart or carriage, pi. ^5D^a:f e'rdknndan. tf<5<5S>s3e3s5, EralcawattiLa, s. a capital punish- ment, stripping the skin from the neck to the waist, and folding it as a cloth. f6 rs?;}, Erandii, see ^'tjSi endaru. ^, Aindriyaica, a. perceptible, perceived; .9. object of the sense of seeing. ^6<338^s^, Airdwana, s. elephant of Indra. ^^(^p)Gi, Atrdwata, s. elephant of the north or Indra's elephant; orange. (5^6<:$8^, Airdwatt, s. female of Indra's elephant. (S^tSorQcs'^, Aiiiwarya, .. (d'KQ5 iHwara master, a deity, !225^ shyan aflF.) superhuman power; the divine attributes of omnipresence, omnipotence, invisibility; it may also be used to express supremacy in general; human greatness, such as the power, glory, honour, magnificence and wealth of kings. '?\-6cs3':^, Ai'sdni, s, quarter of the world so called north-east. -P-d'Si 9<(3'oe5, Af/i((-laiih'/,(f, .*. ('jjqd t'ha here, <5(3i6)-2K> wordly) things of this world. The thirteentli vowel of llie alpliabet: it has nearly the sound of o in olive. vomitmg. J 3*45^3, Okkoma, pron. all, every one. S)5i^, Okanda, a. thick, coagulated; s. stream or pillar of light, thickness. i)c53, Oga, s. flood. [Colloq. ooiQ gelima']. S)^, Ochchama, s. quizzing, joking, banter, sport, ridicule. 29<5, Ochchara, ad. so much. Sd, Oja, s. joy, delight, pleasure, juice flowing from an elephant's temples when in rut; each alternate sign of the zodiac, 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. S)d3 5^S3, Ojakaranawd, v. to allure, to attract. s)d^6, Ojare, s. kind of sickness which causes the swelling of the belly. S);^8a^93, Ojairadanaird, r. to overvalue, to make a fuss, S)9S)8gcc, Ottukachclnya, s. belt for the waist, girdle. S)9355<5^83, OtfMkammivd, v. to bet, to wager, to stake a wager. S98, Ottawa, s. Avager, bet, stake. S)Q, Ota, s. the lip, from ^(S& oshtha; regarc! afEection; plant, Macaranga digyna, (Ewphorb.) S)g, Otu, see S)53 otund. Sgsr^e:^, Otunna, s. crown, diadem; pi. a)g^o///.nw. S)-Q c3iC> Otunu-iielandima, s. coronation. a)83, Otuwd, s. camel. SSSsNijsB, Oddidehi, s. lime or lemon of SfiS' country so called. S)5Do^3, Odapana, s. pledge, stake. S)a), Odama, s. drinking vessel. , Odi, s. banner, standard. [CoUoq. n2553S5gs kodiya~\ . SJScsdl^SS, Odiyarukima, s. irony, covert praise or censure. S^e^' Odutulan, s. mint, Mentha javanka or M. arvensis (Labiatoc). SgS, Oduiva, s. something inserted into a boil or cancer. a)?^^)^s^^5^, Odokkwra, s. kind of pocket, that is the place in the waist where the natives deposit their l:)etel box and money. ilci, Ot, a. reclining, re-ting. S)-ti'S>, Otta, see Sleg otu 3 -.1^, Ottu, s. act of a spy. 3 i3^<2S)):5cj53, Ottukdrayd, .. ;spv, guide to an army, envov. ^^^ 89 les<09 5^Se393, Ottvialamwd, v. to watch for an opportunity as a spy. 3J^, Ottuwa, s. information given by a spy. '^t^, Odana, see <53 ddana. ) Olaguwa, s. large purse; see ^(3^{5 ologuwa, ceo, Olayd, see Ss^qScoo ohyiyd. C?^'^^^^' "la. great, large. C3S, O/an, j g^ i(^, Olijida-wel, s. plant, aJrMS precatorim, wild liquorice. @, OZe', . caste of torn tom beaters and dancers. S'5>53cJ5, Olupetta, s. plant, Ostodes zeylantca, (Euphorbiacece) : also called 8(^ Mg) waZ- helcuna. g, Oluwa, 8. head. SfSveScfij, Ohyiyd, s. bird so called; kind of water wag tail. (3^e3C5, Ologima, s. two bundles tied and thrown over the, shoulder to carry. 9, Ow, ad. yes. 33, Owanawd. v. to pour into, to fill: Sd, Owap, s. beam, ray. 3, Owd, 8. advice. 3(5, Ovitara, a. so much. S(g, OeJz7?, s. palanquin, swing, pain. g, OtM, see 9 o?mw. 3g'S33gJ, Ohunohun, pron. see 3g\33g:J s, OAe, a(/. there. S(9!SJ3, Ohoma, ad. so, in that way or manner. S)SNS33Sc5, Ohoriya, s. kind of female dress, such as is worn by Tamil women. S)(^w5, Oho, interj. of recollection, aye i oh ! The fourteenth letter of the alphabet; it takes the sound of the vowel a held long; as in stone, So, On, s. among the Hindus the mysterious name of the deity, more properly written 6m, which see. 535, 6ka, pron. that; house, asylum, refuge. f)58), 6kada, s. a sheet of water near the sea-shore. S>^, dkanda, s. the shore or level ground along the banks of a river. Sa)3, 6kd, s. a person or animal or thing, used in common language, (disrespectful when applied to a person), pi. S^kog' ohdld. S)5D(5, dkdra, the latter 6. ^!), 6ki, pron. that woman (disrespectful), pi. ^^Qo okild. ^gcJi, Okuru, s. plant, Cleidion javanicum, (Eu- 2)7iorbiaceae). Ss^^siScsJ, Okeyiyd, s. kind of wUdpine, Pandanus zeylanicus, (Pandanaceae). Sm, dgha, s. quick time in music; river, flood, stream, torrent, flow of water, multitude. ^dv, Ojasa, s. light, splendour; manifestation, appearance; power; vitality; moisture of the human body or plants, pi. Sde^ ojas. !F^9, Ode, 8. small lake; water course. Sg g'-, Odra-p\ishpa, s, flower, Chinese rose, Hibiscus mutabilis; name of a country, the northern part of Orissa. \S3(3c59, Oteliyd, 8. a fish so called. (?>c^^s^^, 6tom6, pron. fern, she, respectfully, (used only in books). ^S3, Odana, s. C(S^ unda to be wet, -(^a nya aff.) boiled rice. ^qtS, ddas, "^ ^.^63, ddasa, rsee Sdes qjasa. s. need, necessity, want. S3x9, Oneiva, ) ' S:303^), dpapdtika, s. one bom by chance; one who appears ready-formed on the earth, Sc3igc3, dpddupa, 8. insinuation, information, slan- der, backbiting, detraction. SD, 6m,''s. mystic name of the Hindu deity; the general opinion is, that it is composed of the following letters: ep a name of Vishnu, (f, % of Siva, TW of Brahma, which implies the Indian triad, and expresses the three in one. It prefaces most of the writings of the Hindus, and all their prayers. It has the same place in all the books, prayers, charms, and incantations of the Kapuwas, the Yakaduras and the Balikarayas of Ceylon, and in most of the books on astronomy. It is always pronoimced with great reverence by the natives in their temples and on all religious occasions: the Hindus are, it is believed, accus- tomed to pass over the word in silence as the Jews did the word Jehovah. 3, 6yi, interj. of calling; as O there, hallo there. S, 6lu, 8. species of waterlily, Nymphaea Lotus, (Nymphoeacece) ; also Limnanthemum indicum, (Gentianaceae). ?q83, dluwd, 8. sort of deer; antelope. 03, 6wd, pron. those, applied to things. S3, dvita, s, low ground which may be used for the cultivation of paddy or yams. pi. 9 oviti. dC. 6villa, s. child's swing, cradle; pain. WBQ, dvili, plur. of the above word. Saa, dshtha, 8. lip, especially the upper lip. Dsftfie^, dshthaja, s. (f)'59S and d which produces) labial, that which is pronounced by the lip. eftSca, dshthaya, see SsftS 6shtha. SssS, dshadhi, s. (3 heat, 3 dhd to have or to bear) star; an annual plant or herb, one that dies after becoming ripe. @s 91 t^iQuii SesS si:}6ssio, dsadhi tdrakd, s. (SesS medicine, )3(5iS3 star) star that presides over medicine; star that accompanies the moon ; morning star. SesSos, Oshadhisa, s. (Sa;3 star, ^csa isa lord) moon. [Colloq. ea^ sajida.] ^S^tS, Use, s. protracted sound of the voice after the word or sentence is finished, SaoQ, dhata, the dative of g ohu, he. The fifteenth letter in the alphabet: it sounds . like ou 'm our. S)')6ei, Aurasa, s. (5<5rf uras best and ^-(SjsJ ati afiix) a legitimate child, i. e. a child whose mother is of the same caste as the father. 9)'n<^^q, Aurudda, s. year, see ?c^xs), ^gewa, s. festoon work. (^o, Enga, s. body. {fio3, ^Tigavt'ma, (fi3gi), Eugawwna f^^dC Engilla, s. finger, pi. e^Sg fwgreV^ , >8. hip, side. >, JSkaya, J ^ . J s. information. L boiled. efi9QS)05, JEttambard, s. plant, solandra oppositi- folia. ^3Si^, Ettamurd, s. climbing shrub, cansiera scandens. S5cs, Etteriya, s. small tree, with white fragrant flowers, murraya exotica (Rutacece). cfiQ, jf/a, s. bone, kernel; seed, grain of any thing; hardness. {f^,0^^3^(S^as)^^S^, JEtakatugehenawd, r. to grow lean, to become a skeleton. {fi8 S5^Qi,(j, j&/a kirindawel, s. j^laat,. strychnoa cinnamomifolia, (Loganiaceae). {^9ScC> ^takirilla, s. forest tree, Twpinia pomifera or T. nepalensis (Sapindacece); also called ^gsiegSlcs kunkumbald. ^iQ <5gScs3, ^ta-kuhumbiyd, s. small ant. {^ (3^s^s^5S3^, jK/a ^e^e/, s. kind of plaintain or banana, musa sajnentum. ^Q (3N5305?, j&/a gemadiyd, s. kind of toad or frog. {fvSoei, JEtapan, s. plant, Lepironia mucronata, (Cyperacece). {piOoC JStapala, s. porcupine. {fiQ (3\S)(g, Eta-beli, s. tree, og^/e marmelos, (Ruta- ceoe) or s^Qg ie/j. (fiQSScJi, JEtambaru, 'Is. tree, Fagroea zeylanica '^ > JEtambaru, j (LogaiiiaceoeJ, {fiS, Etamba, s. mangifera indica or the common wild mango. <^0qco3, JEtamadayd, s. bull. {fiS'^^, JEtamidalu, s. marrow. JEtawalld, s, name of a large sea fish. (f\QQxdii(dd Etawrella, e, shrub, dodoncea vis^ cosa, (Sapindacece J. ifiQQiC Etawela, s. necklace, pi. (fi8t(^ ctawcl. :fiSe2iS(JC> ^tasekilla, s. skeleton, ph i^Qssi^Q etasekili. ^i@^ 92 ^zS^ ^o crying, weeping, pi. <^ ^t, Enduma, ) endim or fii> endum. Cftc5, j^#, shoulders; elephants, pi. of (fT.S)3 eVa. t^cj ^9, Et-adi, 8. plant with hairy leaves chiefly radical, clcphantopus scaher, (Compositae). ft5 8<.0(3, ^i undupiyali, s. small plant, food for rabbits, hed^sarum heterocarpon or dermo- dium ( Leguminosce ) . <^65 d, Et Silly 8. water lily, nymphoea. ^sJ 5, < i'/M, s. ((^33 fia elephant, ^ prick) an elepliant hook. ^6j4S)9(QS<^c23, jptkaudah'hiniyd, s. kind of eagle fabled to be the destroyer and eater of elephants. (^sJ^Tiecf, jptLany s, plant, arurn macrorhizon, name of the kfla tree, butea frondesa. ?^c5 i28c5l32sj, ^f kukurumdriy 8. plant, randia uUginosa (Rubiaceoe), fii S>)3<5e38i^, ]^t korasaw^l,' s, plant, Petracera loevis (Dilleniacem)k ififiJsxsjDgQj, Etgowmvd, s. elephant keeper, ^ci>, ^, s. truth, certainty, fact, that which really is. e^cJax^C jptta^dala^ 5. plant, arum colocasia. (^cJs33, ^, s. possessor, owner, pi. e^sis^caJ ^tto or (ficis)5 fa?2. ffis5339cc, Ettd^iya, s. see (ftsi ^^ et-adi. ^ci^, ^m', s. female owner, pi. 'ficJsvcjJ fo. {^J^, Ettu, pL of ?^C3D f^a. {ftsi^sJ^S, Etttittin, s. kmd of grass, aristida adscensionis, (^5s>s33, ^o, . people, the natives or residents of a place. >^fs>. Eta, ad. is it enough, there is. {^03, Etam, a. some. (^<53(5i, Etaru, 8. ('^03 and 5t who mounts) ele- phant driver. (^S33, ^fa, s. elephant, pi, ftai-^ ew. t^i, Eti, a. enough, sufficient, existing; v, there is. (fi^3c5^83, J^tikaranaivd, v, to bring up, td breed; to adopt; to educate. ffi&^iQQ:s3, jptikalawana, s. garden, park or pleasure ground. (^^esJi^, Etinni, \ s. female elephant, ph (^^5 i^&^, Etini, J i^SHcaJ etinniyo. t^if&S 93 e^^Sco, Etiriya, see t^^Sf^C? ?tirilla. <^^5(^ oc'j Etiril paid, s. plant, gisekia pharna- ceoides, (Ficsidece). >^^8(^Q, Etirilla, s. that which is spread; but generally a piece of cloth spread upon chairs and other seats out of respect to a guest; a sheet, pi. ifi&dQ etirili, (^^(3\(5-s!SQ3, Etirenaim, y. to be spread: pret. !f\.^Si<^ etirnnd. f^^gcis, ^tiliya, 8. large open cooking vessel, pi. ft^Q etilt. f^^s>9<2s39, Etmenaivd, v. to grow, to spring up as a child, to be brought up, to be satisfied. <^^ffijx3 jSco^oSj, Etiheti kiyanawd, v. to confess, to acknowledge. ^^, Etu, s. elephant. (f\.^^, Etun, plur. of i^eg ^tu. c^egS), J^tuma, s. body with life. ^g(^, J^tul, ad, inside, inner, within. (^43(;^3C53Q(5, J^tul nuwara, 8. citadel, the inner- city, <^g(^g(5, Etuljmra, 8. inner city, usually the residence of royalty and courtezans. efv-ege, ^tula, see ^x^(^ ceo23, Enenawd, v. to be pierced; to be kneaded: pret. efi^sos nund, (fi ^pala, 8. plant, Triumfetia Bhomhoidea (Tiliacece). <^6<;^(3S, EpilUmd^ s. the act of washing, pi. ^8(^g epilUnii ^t^S)i.t6(SN'S33, J^hbehuvenaivd, v. to become ac- customed to, to become acquainted with, to fre- quent uncourteously* fiS)a5, Ebaya, 8, cork, stopper, plug, prop, (^Scjo, Ebitta, 8. very little; fi^>S3ca3, Ebittayd,s, the servant of a priest* ifi-e^e3, J^bissa, 8. very little quantity. 94 ^iC cpiede3J, JEbtssak, s. short space, little time, very little. ^>9, Ebe, see Embul dodan, s. sour variety of tbe orange tree. ?i^d ^C'j Embul paid, s, a peculiar curry, made of vegetables; plant, hedyotis diffusa. Jpmbul honarawdlu, s. variety of the plantain or banana tree, musa sapientum, (ft^Q, J^mbula, 8. variety of water lUy, nymphcea. (fi^'b, JEmbulu, s. plant, species of the 2)hyllanthus. ffi%QtQ<^i Embulembiliya, s. plant, species of the marsilea, or c fid ^t(Scs diya-embul embiliya. ^ti)Sd^(2, ]pmharlla, s. tree, hog-plum, sj^on- dias mangifera, (AnacardiaceoeJ. ^1^^Se6c^J, Embeniyd, s. wife; woman. ffiS)i8c)eo3, jpnibfttayd, s. barber, qpi, jpmfna, s, ache, pain. fpt, Emd^ s. bait, pi. ^t em: another form of esx sfma, all. ^)C, ^ma^a/a, 1 ^_ everlastingly. ^xS3C*' Emakale, J ^t?9c3, Ematiyd, s. minister of state. qpt^, Ematuma, s. thought, reflection; calling, invitation, pi. qitS-sg emattm. Eminilla, s. stringing (as beads), see fS3DSj amunanaivd. qpt-'Is^s^'SaSa, Eminenawd, v. to be caught with a bait, to be stuck in. ^ralanawd, v. to conduct, to escort, accompany a person a certain distance on his journey, out of respect: pret. ^z6qQ'3 eraluwd. {^5g5, JEriwun, s. request. efx8, JEnma, Is. sending, opening or quieting, iftdi, fJruma, J the verbal noun of q^5-i)(3383, Elme'lanaivd, v. to separate a cow and calf from the flock, to cause the young calf to repose while the mother cow is grazing: pret, 3, Eli-etd, 8. white elephant, pi. tfiQ ^isJ^g eli-ettu. ft(S5, Elik, s. picture. ^tgco, Eliya, s. ditch, drain, river; wish, desire. ^i@ Qgc35, Eli-wandurd, s. white monkey, semna- pithicus thersites. cfiQ esSd, Eli-sawarama, s. (^i@ white, esSd whisk) white whisk. tfiS, Eb'ma, s. verbal noun of (^C'2533 elenawd. fi2-20, Eluna, a. adhering, loving, ^igrf, Elup, 8. speech, a word from Gpco dlapa. q>tSi)(3N8-S383, Elumwenawd, v. to adhere to, to stick to, to be attached to, to love. Evililla, 1 fi. sharp piercing or shooting ^i@i), Evilima, J pain, as, a stitch in the side; rheumatism, pi. ptS(3(3 evilili. ?pi(SC'2s?83, Evilenawd, v. to be affected with rheumatism, to take fire, to catch fire: pret. ^i9 2-2539 eviluna. ^t9diS, Evissima, verbal noun of the following word, pi. {ftSe^S evissim. ^te^s^e32o83, Evts8enawd, v. to become angry, to become roused or stirred up: pret. <^xrfg33 qptS, Evt'ma, 8. cursing, imprecation. eptS^Sa. Eiooma, a. all, the whole. qpi8tcJ, -E^it'ff, 8. guilt, fi8xJ^9, Ewetni, 8. term of respectful salutation; as when a priest or a person of age is addressed. qpiSxd^es, Ewe8sa, a. near, proximate; in relative connection, related either by the father's sister, or mother's brother, direct relation ; as qpi8ts^e3 33 eivessa mdmd, uncle, i. e. mother's brother. ^l8^, Ewema, Is. that which, comes next fpi8t'S^2rJ, Ewemen, /after, in succession, de- cease, pi. epi8^ ewem. eptrif, Es, plur. of {fxes esa; also 8. comer, angle, {f iriiegg, Eshuli, 8. reward for restoring or finding lost things, literally the reward of the eyes. ^te^cg(^(33, Esgulld, 8. snake. ^idTcggcs, Esguliya, s. eye-ball. ^trii 5,(^, E8-del, 8. (tfita 8a eye, multitude) name of Indra; a. having interstices, coarse, ^tc^oo, Espata, 8. hasp, joint, moveable hinge or fastening, link, that which faces or covers the key hole, pi. ^irfcsci espat. cfxrfScs, Espiya, s. eye lids. ^idi8c0(53K)383, Espiyagahanawd, v. to twinkle the eye. (fxtS8(^, Espil, 8. ({^les esa eye, Be /'^'^^ feather) peacock's tail. cfitSes)'iQQ, Espihdtta, s. (cfita and ewsQ wing) eyelash, pi. 'firfSMa^ espihdtu. efirf($^c33C Espola, s. ophthalmia, cataract. cfirfQtKJg, Esbenduma, s. juggling, pi. epieJ ^t5igD esbendum. efiC^Qi, Esbema, 8. eye brow, pi. ^le^Si, fs- cpie^S^eg, Esmusu, 8. lamp. cpi^QScc, Esiva/aya, s. ancle bone. ^Ifi^c) 96 S)2Sg9 cpts^Scs), Eawaha, s. curse supposed to be produced by envious eye, literally eye poison; evil sight. epieiJ85S3OT33C393, Eawdhagannawd, v. to look witb an envious eye. ^tss, Esa, 8. eye, tear, from cpg^ asm, see 25393, Ehindinawd, v. to gather up, to pick up, to pick out, to sort as cofEee: pret. epi^edi^ ehindd. cpi,!S(5>c5i!35o83, EMrenawd, v. to assemble, to come together; to become parched. cftcQ, EMma, s. hearing, question, verbal noun of epeo^DSo ahanawd. fxQ:fiS5e:J^^-2533, Ehunkandenawd, v, to hear, to listen attentively, ^tg, Ehuma, s. hearing, verbal noun of the following. pt(5>W2SDS9, Ehenawd, v. to be heard. qpis)!, Ehe, see cptrf es. {fiSJiQ, ^Ae/M, s. large tree, Ftcus Tsiela (Urti- caceoe). 9J eb'ydwo. The first consonant of the alphabet and sounds like k in kalendar. fS)c&, Kantha, see iSi-^Si, kantha. assoes, Kansa, s. seed, which has lost the power of fructifying; uncle and enemy of Krishna by whom he was slain ; he is generally considered an asur or demon, inhabiting pdtala; goblet or drinking vessel; kind of metal called by the natives tuttandgam, i. e. white copper; bell metal, or any mixture of zinc and copper. 5o;e453, Kansaka, a. kind of salt used by the native medical men in mixing some of their medicines. )o*ss?s5, Kansajit, s. (5oe3 and ??c} who con- quers) he that conquered the demon Kansa, i. e. Krishna or Vishnu. Oo5e3(^^, Kanadrdti, a. ()ot3 kansa and t^^^ enemy) the enemy of Ka^sa, i. e. Krishna or Vishnu. 5^d9eaca, Kakkiaaya, a, accident, unpleasant event, troublesome event. 5J5e^8co, Kakkusaiya, a. necessary, privy, pi. >5d55^Q kakkussi. (Port.) >Jg^ C3c3, Kakkutvrpald, a. water-cress, Naa- , tiirtium officinale, (Cruciferoe). 3S><:^>, Kakantaka, a. lizard. ss)Si:), Kakd, part, of 2o3 kanaiva, eating. 4B5>3(5-w&3, Kakdranawd, v. to stir arjy boiling liquid with a spoon, to make an infusion or decoction, by boiling etc: pret. )i)x(5i,3 keke- ruwd. )9ca>K:3, Kakiyanawd, v. to be pained, to ache. SSit^Gi 97 Je es56c5)399, Kakhjawanawd, v. to boil; to cause pain: pret. 5i6!?5(^<^3cS3, Kakuldadayd, s. vagabond. )5C;, Kakula, s. foot, calf of the leg, pi. ssa^c^ hakuL tSii^b djio, Kakulu-resa, 8. fourth sign of the Indian zodiac, Cancer, or the crab. o^^itQ-), Kakuluwd, s. crab. ^^516 ^o, Kakulu-sun, s. (5g6 crab, go or roaato srtTiga horn or claw of the crab) a plant, fruit of which is compared to the claw or feeler of a crab. y ffi5ont3C3, Kagapata, s. blade of a sword or sabre, ?OT9, Kagamuiva, s. edge of the sword; squirrel, unicorn. 5C55ca, Kagaya, s. sword. ^SJcoSfs, Kagavisa, "I ffi>055e3-9-s^, Kangaive'nd, s. unicorn, pi. ^sjos^Sed-Q kangawennu, eg, Kangu, 1 s. kind of dry grain or millet, CJol^, Kaiig%i^ f which is cultivated as an article of , food, panicum italicum or setaria italica. as58c8, Kachchiya, s. piece of liuen cloth no part of which has been torn ofF. pi. 5 kachchi. )5$3, Kachchhapa, s. (^s>d armpit, o which drinks) turtle, tortoise. )?, Kanchana. s. gold; a. golden. 5g5, Kanchuka, s. skin of a snake; armour, mail; bodice or jacket; clothes, dress. >drd, Kajja, s. native cake made with oil, honey and flour, pi. 5df ;f kajju; also a cashew niit. 5dfd'c, Kajjala, s. cloud; lamp black, used by the natives as a coUyrium, being applied upon the eye brows and eyelashes either as an orna- ment or medicine. ^, Kaju, s. cashew nut tree, Anacardium occi- dentale ; (Anaciordiaceoe). ^9aC> Kajupuhulama, s. cashew apple, pi. 5^ggC^ kajupuhulam. 8. unicorn. >3, Katta, a. steps cut in wood or stone; detach- ed piece of wood or stone, notch. ^S0^5(^, Kattakumanchal, s. frankincense. 5c G53W, Katta-gaha, s. brittle tree. o30@(qScf3, Kattahvddhiyd, s. person who mis- conceives, whose thoughts are crude, shallow fellow. 5QOco3, Kattayd, s. cheat, rogue; diminutive per- son. >Q03Sce3, Kattddiyd, s. sorcerer, enchanter, magi- cian, expeller of devils, devil priest or dancer. ssiOdoQo, Kattdwd, s. kind of sea fish, pi. a3Q^^'3^^J kattdwo. >S8, Kattt, feminine of 5o53 kattayd. OSes, Katttya, 8. portion of work; pi. )Q katti. 5Sg8, Kattuwa, a. bundle, parcel; crowd. "ssiQ, Kata, s. fuel, throat, corpse; thin piece of wood; plank; mouth. 585ca, Katakaya, 1 s. fourth sign of tSiQssi c;<5320cs, Kataka-lagnaya, /the Indian zo- diac. Cancer, or the crab. 50S)(3ce3, Katakaliyawa, a^ bit. 53e33g -253C03, Katakahc-nayd, a. a kind of snake. ssiDsiQQo, Katakaluwd, a. a kind of snake. ffi53>5353(3a5, KatakoUya, a. spitting vessel. 50<5>^c53, Katagandayd, s. man with stinking breath. 50(559, Katagamuwa, ad. up to the mouth. Qo^ed, Katapadan, ad. to the mouth, as far as the mouth. )9s3cs3cs, Katapayddiya, s. a mode of calculation in which figures are represented by letters, thus: 12845678 9 ffij, a, (55, M, a, s, f, ^, ^, 3(5ca3, Katabahakdrayd, a, talkative per- son. 05)c)S)c35, Katamhard, 8. medicinal plant, cucumis maderaspatanua. esQWiOe, Katamina, a. neck-jewel. >Q^, Katamin, see fflSSiof katamen, 58iC3)a), Katametakama, a. imperious lan- guage; egotism. CjQSierf, Katamen, s. neck gem of Vishnu; neck- gem in general, (esso )0i-3w, Katawaha, a. evil tongue. 538383Qca3, Katawdchdlayd, a. talkative person. 3esj, Katahanda, a. sound of the mouth, used ^ to express a good or sweet voice. 83, Katd, a. elephant's cheek. )'c)3^, Katdkaha, a. leer, glance, side look. 5Q3(5S), Katdrama, a. vase of stone, or any manu- facture of carved stone, caldron, cistern, pi. o33<5^ katdram, d83JS), Katdha, a. vessel; shallow vessel for hold- ing oil, butter, &c, turtle shell; hell, infernal regions. SiB, Rati, a. hip, buttocks; Joins. 39s^qo3o(533, Katigongd, a. a fish. 53iS)25^ cc383, Katinbadin yanawd, v. to be attacked as with the cholera, (vulgar.) Ss?, Katina, a. difficult; sharp to the taste. tsi^isi^'i, Katinawd, v. to spin as thread: pret. 5i903 kettd. ^533'9^^s^, Katine, a. offering of cloth for a robe made to Buddha or to his priests in the course of a single day and night. >gs^(^<5^, Katipradesa, a. waist. 59a5, Kattya, see > kati. SdC!>> Katilld, a. a small river fish. esiQQ3(^Q, Katiwdyuwa, a. pain in the loins, lumbago. 5, Katu, a. pungent; envious; fierce, impetuous; hot; displeasing, disagreeable; thorny. jg f^isi^d, Katio-andara, a. tree, acacia leucoph- Icea (Legum.) ; also called k> ^si^<5 maha- andara. ) <3SS, Katu-ikirt, a, plant, Hygrophila apinoaa (Acanthaceae), 5Q Katvr-tmbula, a. thorny tree, believed to be in hell. C^' Katvruna, a, spiny bamboo, bambusa ajii'nosa (Graminece), ffijg fTiScjC) Katu-embilla, a. plant, elceagnua lati- folia (Elceagnaceae). 3is), Katuka, a. bitter, sharp to the taste, acrid; a. plant, the bark and seed of which have an acrid and bitter taste, and used in medicine for worms and dysentery; echites antidysenterica ; mustard; medicinal compound of three pungent substances, viz. black pepper, long pepper and dried ginger. 5))'5g, Katukarandu, a. plant, barleria prionitia (Acanthacece). ss>^is.6<^i, Katukaranda, a. gray bonduc, plant. )Qi53c5e3Ci5, Katukarasaya, a. bitter taste, sharp taste. ^55^5^<:Si^3^, Katukarohim, a. medicinal plant, used as a sedative and laxative, see >!S^dii?<^ katurohini, s.53(33Q, Katukdldbu, a. bitter gourd. 453S.J5(^, Katu-kttul, a. tree, Oncoaperma faaci- culata (Palmes). D 6)Sf , Katu-kirindi, a. tree, atrychnoa recurva. > 59-S3, Katu-kina, a. plant, zanthoxylum tetra- apermum (Eutacece). 4K) i0(5cs, Katu-kiriya, a. plant, alpinia calcarata (Scitaminece). i 55(5C5 Katu-kukulala, a, kind of yam, <:?io- co?'ea alata. 5 8^'g, Katiir-kurundu, a. prickly plant used for fences, acolopia crenata (Bixineoe). S>(5^5e5i^, Katukenda, a. see the last word; also name of a timber tree. >/. ' ssiLQsixCf Katu-ketakela, a. tree, hriedelia spinosa. 5S3J, Katugaha, a. thorn tree. ^KwE)3253i3, Katugdnawd, v. to blot out, to obli- terate, to erase: pret. )s?xS3 katugewd. ffi3c5Dit^i), Katugeama, a. illegible letters, erasure, split. esjg^ca, Katutraya, see 5(3^c5Ji5<3^ katurohim. ) tj)53G3, Katu-tampald, a. plant, amaranthua ajnnoaus (Amarantaceoe). sss^^ 99 s>)& 5 ^3^3(5, Katu-timhol, s. plant, plecospermum spinosum (Urticaceoe). fi)6cs<5, Katuniyada, s. plant, monetia barlerio- ides. > (5\>2536, Katu-nelu, s. plant, barleria buxifoUa (Acanthaceae). C53 o-q)5, Katu-patuh, s. plant, opuntia Dillenii (Cactaceoe). 5 t3g<5, Katu-pandu7'a, s. thicket of thorn bushes. ) o^cJt, Katu-pambu7-u, s. tree, scleropyron WalUchianum (Santalacece). :)c3)- Katupila, s. tree, celastrus emarginatus staff tree. i6(g53, Katupilikd, s. indurated ulcer arising ^ from a wound. 5s^a^, Katupeuda^ 8. plant, caulinia indica. ^C5iCidG> Katupelella, s. gate or screen made of thorns, pi. tSi^oiQQ katupelali. O^S^QoS), Katuboda, s. tree, wild durian, cullenia exceUa (Malvacece). )i)(^, Katumbard, see ffi)3S)05 katamhard. 55jgS:^e8), Kaf.umassd, s. sea and river fish. )aJi3, Katumeti, s. first clay coating of a wall. ^55m5J59<^j Katurohiniy s. medicinal plant, used as a sedative and laxative, black hellebore. 9dO> Katulla, s. sorrow, distress. :3i,es)iS), Katuleheba, see )og<5 katujjatidura. a39, Katuwa, s. thorn, any thing with a sharp point, bone, pi. )9 kafu. 5g8(^C'> Katuwalld, s. garter fish, pi. )9d ^q3 katuwallo. j(3, Katuwala, s. kind of yam, dioscorea penta- pkylla, >g93, Katuwd, 8. kind of worm. 5S)!)a^2DS3, Katuwdkanawd, v. to eat by the above named worm, producing leanness etc. ffi5s^Cs^, Katuwelanga, see s^S(3'^ welanga. jQ9tdQ, Katuwelbatu, s. plant, kind of night shade, used medicinally, Solanum jacquini (Solanaceoe). 40rfe3a, Katussd, s. chameleon; bloodsucker, pi. )diS^eaJ katussd; name of genus Calotes. 4Ks3<5 snQJsj, Katusara-bSga, s. all sorts of grain in general except rice. ^5^5^e3S8(^, Katuseicel, Is. plant, draxantium )9(3Ne3S8c> Katuseicela, } spinosum. )esi^Sc6, Katusemitiya, 8. (sjg thorn, eez,^ whip) scourge. 5^'es3S3^:if, Katenariwddan, s. bad words, abusive language, (vulgar.) S3!3>33(^, iTa/oZ, s. sorrow, distress. '^S3, Kathina, a. hard, solid; rude, rough. 2r), Kada, s. (from a-s^") khanda) piece, part, fragment; half moon, arrow; rag, bit of cloth; boutiques, pi. of a^Sco kadaya which see. ^kS^S), Kada-ima, s. limit, boundary of a country, frontier, pi. SiS^D kada-im. a5ei)^c3DS3, Kadakapanawd, v. to cut in pieces, to chip. 5e)a55(5-<3w03, Kadakaranawd, v. to disobey, to transgress; to trade in a boutique. a53S)3(5co3, Kadakdrayd, 8. shop keeper, market man, man who keeps a bazaar or shop. 39>x65o3, Kadaketta, 8. razor, pi. eSi9)S5ii& kadaketi. )Sg<5, Kadatura, 8. canopy. )S45058, Kadaturdwa, 8. cloth put before the face of those supposed to be possessed by the devil, during the ceremonies performed by an exorcist, screen. &S)q Kadada, 8. half, part. 3S^6i, Kadadat, a. possessing only one half of the original teeth, the rest having disappeared by age, etc. )Se,Sca, Kadaddsiya, 8. papei*. )S533, Kadanawd, v. to break; to part; to tear; to separate, pluck; to detach: pret. 3ig3 keduwd. 5a8c Kadapila^ s. small bazaar or shop, pi. 5S) ed kadapiL &"5S5cs3, Kadarmiriyd s. name of a sea fish, Russel's batlu, (horse mackerel tribe) trachonytis russeh'i, 3ad^S5, Kadamalkada, ragged cloth. *53Si)S, Kadamalu, a. ragged, torn; 8. old rags or clothes. ffi5S)i)3dc> Kadamdlla, s. rag, ragged or patched cloth. 5)Qc5, Kadaya, e. shop, bazaar, elevated place or terrace in front of a house, where articles are ^ exposed for sale, pi. e^i) kada. a53e)(3, Kadala, s, kind of small bean, usually call- ed gram, which is given to horses, cicer arietinum or pisum arvense. S)9s3, Kadawata, s. post or station, gi-avet. ^9}Q6, Kadawara, s. channel, ditch, gutter, 3S9e3, Kadaivasama, s. sketch, lineament, out- line, well proportioned shape. S)6)38) 100 sssisi&i S3-S3Q3, Kaddkanawd, v. to peck or nibble at, to tear as a bird of prey: pret. 3e)3)x83 kadd- kcwd. 5Sjot3D03, Kaddgannawd, v. to tear off or break off for one's self. )a)3^ 925003, Kadddamanawd, v. to pull down, to break down: pret. 4S)S)3^3 kadddemuim. )a)3S)3g, Kaddbddu, a. vagabond, scampish, va- grant. )S)3S)3g(SN>SD83, Kaddbddmoenawd, v. to beconae disappointed, to scatter. 5a)3<5, Kaddra, s. variegated colour, mixture of blue and yellow. 5S:f5S), Kadinkada, a. from place to place, scattered; dispersed; piecemeal; in detachments. ^sjS^sdS, Kadinam, a. quick, sharp, hasty. 5dg, Kadippuwa, s. drumstick. 5Sc63, Kadii/d, s. black ant. 5Scs3(3, Kadiydlama, s. bridle. ffi5(9*Sc55o, Kadiwegan, s. see ^ogs^^w kaduwe- gan. 563(5, Kadisara, . quick; diligent, active, smart. 5QJs;, Kadukkama, s. large earring, chiefly worn by the Chetty caste; small earing worn by native females, pi. -e5J>ssJ kadukkan. ^S)g5553(5co3, Kadukdrayd, s. swordsman, soldier armed with a sword. a3gSN53g, Kadukopuica, s. scabbard. 5gsj^9, Kaduttuwa, s. flux, diarrhoea. 5gs)3\(^, Kadutale, s. bla^e of a sword, pi. >g iSiQ kadutala. igdg8, KadupiMwa, see si^dg kadippuwa. sigoao'i, Kadxipahara, s. blow with a sword. 3gr53(5, Kadupdra, s. plant, cacalia or emilia sonchifoUa (Compositce). ^Ssd' Kadupul, s. species of lotus. 3i)'9>Scs, Kadumberiya, s. bastard ebony, dios- jyyros Gardneri (Ebenacec^). 5i), Kaduma, s. sign, mark. ^3, Kadumita, s. hilt or handle of sword. ^SdO) Kadulla, s. opening in a fence or enclo- sure, stile, pi. 3Ss kadulu. 3g9, Kaduwa, s. sword, sabre. ^Q^i^CTo, Kaduwegati, s. scorbutic eruption in the feet of children. SjgcScyj, Kadusilpa, s. ()Q and (cp an art) sword exercise. 45)gs3(5, Kaduharatnba, s. sword exercise. S5(S^S, Kade\ s. market place, bazaar, pi. )) kat^a. 5(3<83(^, Kadol, s. tree, mangrove tree, rhtzophora mucronata, ( Rhizophoracem) . 5(3\83(^C Kadolla, s. stile in a fence, see 3g(5e kadulla. esii^^Si, Kantaka, s. thorn; foe; rudeness; work- shop, manufactory; bamboo; fault; point of a pin or needle; sea monster. fSi<^i), Kantha, s. throat; sound, especially gut- tural sound; rope to tie round the neck of a horse; small tree, vangueria spinosa. 555-<:^ itching, <^ rd what makes) plant so called, bearing legumes with stinging hairs, the cowach, carpopogon pruriens. Si.<^, Kana, s. ear, species of attana, stramonium; drop of water; long pepper; a. blind; part. eating, pi. 3i kan. 5-g5<5-s63, Kanakaranawd, v. to blind. ^^S kav' tan. ^^^ 101 SSS\^iSs 5s5^ 5^5538, Kattirikdwa, s. two pieces of wood laid across. ^^, Katru, 8. nominative case in grammar, cause or agent; incorrectly for )?Sa kartri. S5c5 (3^9, Kat-lanuwa, s. string by which bundles are tied to the pingo, see iscJ kat. 5eJ(5c5, Katliya, | s. piece of wood shaped )c5 CidCi Kat-lella, j like a bow and laid across the shoulders to carry burdens, i. e. a pingo. 4K658i(3 Kativela, s. pingo-string, (>^ kada elastic stick, QiQ cord, trap.) ajsige^, Kat-husma, s. (sji^ kada porter's load, ^tS) breathing) the distance at which a cooly or carrier usually rests, generally reckoned one mQe English. >^gs5 katun. )S)(5, Katara, s. unfrequented and bad road. S5S3(5o&), Kataragama, s, (>S3(5 desert, es? vil- lage) village in the south East of Ceylon, cele- brated for a temple of Kdrtikeya. axDdssS i3^Y'S^cS3, Kataragama deviiio, s. ()S3i5 (55 and s^<5 god) name of Kartikeya the god of war, by which he is generally designated in Ceylon. 5S3jS5<5-(3o>(5, Katika, see 5S)c53 kathikayd, J^^38, Katikdwa, see *S3S5j8 kathikdwa. ^K^S)38<53, Katikdwata, s. regulations or rules, enactments for the Buddhist priests. ia^<5cn, Katiraya, s. two pieces of wood laid thus X. )2, Katu, Elu form of s)^a kartri. 55)^(5, Katura, s. scissors, pi. -eo^tii katuru. 5^s3l, Katuru, s, venom-curer, kind of stick, mode of describing. ssa^SiOtisSiSi^, Katurup^nnd, s. fish. 4S)^c5icJL03, Katuru-muruugdi e. tree, sesbania grandiflora (Legum.) species of mvirunga used medicinally. tais^'Sii^, Kadamba, Is. tree, nauclea cordijolia; ;^i)5, Kadambaka, j [Colloq s^csior^Q^o kolon] ; mustard seed plant, sinapis dichotoma; palol tree, hignonia; multitude, an assemblage, collec- tion. ^ ... SXjcsS, Kadarya, a. avaricious, miserly. ^(^j Kadali, s. plantain tree, miisa sapientum; [CoUoq. s^tsi'^t&(^ kesel]. 3q, Kadd, s. silicious earth used in the manufac- ture of glass, beads, bracelets, &c.; particle signi- fying, when, at what time. )e,8c3^, Kaddwalalu, s. (^ss^ and 8c^ ring) bracelet made from the earth called 3<^ kadd. Dc8, Kadimaya, |s. interjection of approval, <53^3, /tocZmoyj, jgoodi well I a. good, fine. ^^%,Kadubu, k. ray of light. 45)g, KaduTnbu, J aagc^,, Kaduru, s. tree, sometimes called the for- bidden tree on account of the poisonous nut it produces, generic name of several species of dogsbane (Apocynaceae) ; see s^(533a3g(5i go^a* kaduru, 5agcJl)i3c3 8i(^, Kadurukettya-vjfl, . plant, combretum opalifolium (LeguminoBce), )gid, Kadulu. see 5gd kaijdutu, ffiJS^q, Kado, s. light, reflection; fire-fly, 4as^ejS, Kadokimi, s. fire-fly. 102 3)^ 53N^3 cJ^g, Kadokimi-rupu, s. (ss^^ef^S^ and c5i.g enemy) sun. iSi<^$ 31, <^, Kado-peni, s. fire-fly; glow worm. J^, Kanda, s. stem or trunk of a tree; body of a man, shoulder; one of the names of Kartikeya, pi. ssi^?$5 kandan. S5 ^ 2 S cSl, Kandakum am, 1 s . Skanda or K ar- 2S)^-2go<5^3, Kandalumdrayd, J tikeya, the son of Siva and military deity of the Hindus, common- ly called i55C3D(5^'i (S^^Qs^oai kataragama deviyo. J55^(5>33C, Kandakola, s.- betel leaves which are not soft or smooth. )^^^gc5, Kaiidawura, i^^ ^^^^ kandayura. iSi^^'Si, Karjdawuru, J ;^s(5C^) Kandawelep, s. thicket. 5^)t0, Kaudaw^ta, s. railed fence, fence made of thicker wood than common fence sticks, pi. )^)xQ8(J kaiidaw^tawal. )^jo^, Kandahatu, 8. (>^ trunk of tree, cs)^ mushroom) kind of mushroom so called, fungus growing on decayed trees. 5g, Kanduy plural of 3e^ kanda, a)go3S53S^d KandiLpatdle, s. valley. 5gg, Kamlubu, see ^g kadubu. 5gc5^, Kanduru, \s. small stream descend- ^gdigos, Kandureliya, Jing from the hills. 4Kgg, Kaudulu, s. tears. ^g(3ig, Kandideli, s. shedding tears, flood of tears, weeping. S"-Ct^^> Kajidtdessa, s. plant, arosera indica. ^isSfs^^O, Kankatula, s. extreme suffering, great distress. Si^Sii), Kankalu, a. good, pleasing to the ear. 233aJ')3-S3, Kankdnama, s. officer in the Sinhalese militia of the rank of a corporal, petty headman, overseer. ^jisd^KDScc, Kankdriya, s. (^s5 and snScs, busi- ness) invocation of devUs, etc. easf^gs^", Kankun, s. plant, Ipomcea aquatica (Convolv.) esii^s^^iij, Kankundd, s. insect resembling the centipede, pi. ^isi^isS^SiS kankundd. aeieg^ vS239co3, Kankumbal kotiyd, s. tree, pygeum Zeylanicum (Rosaceoe), also called c5J(^ (^^^d gal-mora or (^osd ^3(5 golu-mora, Si^s^Oo, Kankutnbald, s. forest tree, Turpinia pomifera or T. nepalensis (Sapmdaceoe); also called i^Qf^8(^Q etakirilla ; twining plant, cynanchum paucijiorum (Asclepiadeae). 455'^5J(5^^5^^5s^^'^5^^^, Kankeudirigdnawd, v. to grum- ble; to beg earnestly. 5S)J(53iQca, Kangetaya, s. (sua kana ear, csstSca knot) lobe of the ear. SisiS) oe^eoSj, Kanda-paninawd, v. to snap or snatch (as a dog) : pret. >JS C3t:f 233 kanda pennd. ^sSiio(Xi^, Kanddyama, see Si0(3s)> Kannalawwa, s. supplication, earnest intreaty. 53C3S (5NC33C03, Kannddi-polaugd , s. snake. 5O03cs, Kannddiyu, s. spectacles; mirror; look- ing glass. ssiisS oQ, Kanpata, s, pendant part of the ear which has been much elongated by weighty ornaments, S5:J(3>03aJc3, Kanpotta, s. (3a kana ear (3>s33eio3 bark) outer part of the ear, pi. iSiS^^^^o?^, kan- potu. 55Sc Kanbibida, Is. drum or tympanum of 3JgC Kanbubula, J the ear ;} ssseii 103 sssdQ 455f(3, Kanmula, s. cheek, pi. sasS^r^ hanmul. iSiSiXO, Kanyd. 8. virgin; sign of the zodiac Virgo. a)S3a>)i), Kani/dkama, s. virginity. 533)aboi5^3, Kanydngandtoa, s. virgin, ^^x,% Kanydwa, 1 _ ^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^^^ 5253M99, Kanydvi, J ssi^Q^iSi, Kanwayina, s. pillow. Si&iQoi&'i, Kanwdyd, 8. small red insect or worm, said to cause death by entering the'ear. a5JSiC!, Kanivela, s. that by which a blind man is led: pendant ornaments of the ear. )58xc63, Kanwdyd, 8. earwig. 55555^635, Kausd, s. opium plant. ^srfstoOo^, Kansdrdti, see 5oe83<^^ kansdrdti. sjerfSgd, Kan8idura, s. ear hole. 4KJ9(^, Kanstl, s. auditory passage in the ear. fSi!^^^, Kanse, s. cheek, pi. ^aes^ss: see .Sio^ kansa. iSi?^'Siiiq, Kanhenda, s. (^S)-^ kana ear, (snisS^ spoon) ear-pick, pi. ^sjsJcsjz,^ kanhendi. 533, Kanaka, Is. gold, (not used in speak- a5e535, Kanakam, J ing.) )^a53S(3, Kanakdchala, s. (53) and c^Bq mountain) golden mountain, Mahameru, a>a3*)3!(^, Kanakokvila, 8. species of the hedge-hyssop, gratiola veronicifolia. 53>53S53, Kanakokd, s. pond-heron, ardeola grayi (order Herodiones.) j30533, Kanagdtu, a. vexatious, distressing, an- noying. 53(5)39, Kanagdtuwa, 8. (53 and cssienig ge- hetu teasing) vexation, sorrow, trouble, distress, >33S>(533o(5>3, Kanagongd, s. fish. 5253 >:!03fD, Kaua-gonua, s. small jak, arto- carpus lakoocha (Urticaceos). 5a3 (S)3<55, Kana-goraka, s: gamboge, garcinia morella (Guttiferoe), also called 3S5 gokatu. )'253cJ, Kanatta,s. elevated ground, hilly ground, ., field (with a little jimgle). 45)33 3^ef, Kanado, s. lightning. S)2rrfg9, Kanappuiva, s. wooden stand or small table, teapoy. 533389, Kanaptta, s. unprinted side of cloth; wrong side, aieaoi^'^j Kanapeddd. s. kind of fish. iO^DSa^^, Kanamagurd, 8. kind of river fish. 45>eo, Kanami, 8. nest or hive of honey flies. iS)3S)i^8c33, Kanaviediriyd, 8. fire-fly. 53CS3, Kanayd, 8. fish found in fields and ponds. )3S3, Kanawd, v. to eat; pret. 5x3 kSwd. )3, Kanavi, 8. spear. 538i:fg, Kanawendumi, . widow, pi. ^5)33 z,:fg^3^c5j kanawendumiyo. ^5)e3ede3g, Kanassalu, s. vexation, sorrow, teasing; a. vexatious, tedious, sorrowful. ^sesssod, Kanasara, 8. saint so called. )33, Kandtu, a. old and tall (applied to trees.) 55)333 scac5i, Kaneru, \ a)33trf, Kanes, s. peacock's tail. )rf, j^aj9, 8. pillar. 3d'5>>c5, Kapkelawara, s. termination of a Kalpa or age of the world, see j(y33 33005 kalpdntaya. )d.2gv5l, Kapturu, s. pelestial tree. SidoisS, Kappan, 8. tribute, tax. )dr5<5, Kappara, 8. ship, sloop. jSidcsdSc^gco, Kapparawalliya, 8. kind of mint, coleus aromaticus or mentha indica (Lahiatce). S5do35S)3i333, Kappdkanud, s. pimp. 5dc33g, Kappddu, a. castrated, emasculated. 55)ds33 SJ^^Ss, Kappddu-karanawd, v. to cas- trate, to emasculate. ^Sido^gSs, Kappdduwd, s. (-^dcasg with the nom. of. 3) eunuch, capon, gelding, castrated ani- mal &c. 53d 3, Kappi, s. grit, bran; last remains of any powdered grain. 5S3d83i), Kappibhdndha, see 555d8c33S) kappiya- bhdndha. 5S)d8c5, Kappiya, 8. pulley. stsfiQ 104 J^ 5rf8(5, Kapptl, s. an ornamented pillar; the eyes in a peacock's tail. tSi6 (Sissi, Kap-ruka, s. kalpa tree; fabulous tree which yields to the possessor every thing he desires; sometimes written fijrf-agd kaptura. 5rf59S833, Kap-hituwanawd, v. (^ad pillar, cB 9^083 hituioanawd to fix) to worship Pattini etc.; a pillar is set up, and the votaries move round muttering invocations, beating drums etc. ; to recite a kind of poetical incanta- tion for the cure of the sick, or to procure prosperity, to make a vow to a demon, by setting a stick on the ground, to perform a cere- mony as the fulfilment of a vow 50, Kapa, s. see s^gp Tcalpa. 3o3, Kapata, s. fraud, deceit, cheating, circum- vention; a. fraudulent, deceitful, roguish. 5s95 2), Kapatikama, s. fraud, roguery, pi. 5oS 5 kapatakam; see esi'oz) kapata. Gi:2t^, Kapat, s. crab. ^o^Qi, Kapanawa, v. to cut, to chop: pret. 5i,gSa kepuwd. 5C3(^'?<5, Kapaldara, s. (5C3C kapala skull, ij<5 who has) name of Siva, who wears a necklace of skulls; beggar. ^^dC' Kapalla. s. an opening in a fence. 303C. Kapala, s. skull, kind of leprosy; cut, break in a dam; gap; head. 5:33C3asJ, Kapdlahhrit, s. (5S33(3 skull, togsJ bhrit who bears) name of Siva, alluding to his necklace of human skulls. ^556, Kapt, s. ape or monkey. ssi&^, Kapim, 8. female monkey. 58c> Kapila, s. name of a celebrated saint, founder of the SMkhya philosophy; female elephant of the south east; fabulous car much celebrated in the Purdnas; a. tawny coloured. 58c light) name of Siirya or the sun. iSi&QQsS C3%c5, Kapilawan-peya, s. anything of ' a tawny colour. )6(5^(33?S3, Kajnioha, s. brass. 45588 ffi5g, Kapiwaktra, s. name of Narada, saint and friend of Krishna. 38c@, KapisirsTia, s. upper part or coping of a wall. 5358 S33, Kapitana, s. tree, spondias mangifera. ^S)8ag, Kapindra, s. (4558 and (g indra chief) monkey-chief; Hanuman. 5rf8ce33, Kaj)piyabhdndha, s. things proper to be offered to a Buddhist priest. 5g, Kapu, s. silk cotton tree; cotton. 5g9d3e^ee, Kajmkimssa, s. annual hairy plant, hibiscus angulosus or h. abelmoschis (Malvaceae). 5gG)3, Kaputd, s. crow, pi. sjgs^SJ kaputo. see 53J53 kdkkd. .-s^ggQcsD Kaputubayd, s. bird, Ceylonese Drongo, dissemurus lophorinus, (order Passer es;) also called ^SDgSj katvudd. )g(3^S)J, Kaputubo, see 5gg^Q-f kawudubo. 5g93, Kaputuwd, s. crow, pi. :^<^%(S^Qikaputuw6. see 53J3i kdkkd. >g 8g, Kapvr-pili, s. cotton cloth. 55g 6O) Kapu-phala, s. unwrought cotton, fruit of the cotton tree. ^a<^C5 Kapurdla, see fisgSs kapuwd. ^a^^j Kapuru, s. camphor; goniothalamm tvalkeri (Anonacece) ; gaultheria fragrantissima (Eri- cacece). 3g)3, Kapuwd, s. barber; demon priest, pi. ^ng s^8J kapuwd. ffi>g!S3ie:J3ti*^, Kapuhenneddd, s. kind of fish. ^s>03), Kapota, \ , TT- , ? dove or pigeon. 5'5^33S55, Kajiotaku, S 3Sci3S3 o3@53, Kapota-pdUkd, s. dove-cot or aviary. 453S^:2^e, Kapola, ) , , , ^ ., , . x^ /, V s. cheek, pi. fi5(3^c330 A;ao/. 53>S3acc5. Kapolaya, J ^ x- SiSNcJ^d, Kapole, s. cancer, imposthume. 56, Kapha, s. phlegm, one of the three humors of the body. )S), Kabba, s. phosphorescent light seen in waves at night, in the sea, salt water lakes etc. 5S), Kaba, s. gum of the eye. 4)g, Kabandu, \ s. headless trunk, especially 3S)3), Kabandha, j retaining the power of action; water; name of Rahu. 5S)<5, Kabara, s. scrofulous or cutaneous disease, white scab. 3S)<5s^(5)^cs^, Kabaragoyd, "i s. large spotted lizard .S55S)<5, Kabard, J or iguana, hydrosaurus salvator (order Sauria), pi. 5(5(3n2D3S kabara- goyi. .5)S)5, Kabari, s. woman suffering with scrofula; spreading shrub used in tattooing, eclipta j)'>'os- trata or verbesina scandens. ;?'3v(^d'e3, Kabarossa, s. creeping plant resembl- ing sarsapariUa, the genus Smilax (Liliaceoe). ssisd^ 105 ^^ss^ )S)^ a5<5(^C3 Kabal-kdralld, s. sea fish. ^53S)(^)C35, Kahal-mdrd, s. tree, ulbizzia stipulat<' (Leg a 111.) 5a^(3x3, Kahallewd, s. five-fingered pangolin. ant eater, manis i^entadacti/la, .SiSi^s^SeaSa, Kabalivenmrd, v. to decay, tS3C5, Kabdya, s. coat. )'5^S)j(^C) KaboUa, $. dry incrustation of a sore. )8(^, KambapiU s. peacock's tail. fflScs, Kambaija, 8. large rope, pi. 455 kamba. SJ(3cC3, Ka/nbiltyd, s. incorrectly for ^^SiQiZJ Kambilii/d, >(5^^e)^, Kamburcmawd, v. to serve as a menial or slave. ^^(, Kamburd, s, brazier, smith ; from as^jcj karmdra. S3^, Kamburii, a. variegated. SSi^SiQsS oxcs, Ka/nburunxm-pet/a, s. variegated colour. >>5i ee, Kamburu-sama^ s (:05 and esS^hide) bellows. / ^^, /va/H, .?. water; de-;ire: Elu form of S5'i^ k irina. SiJi^B^Qs, Kamkarund^ s. servant, bond servajit, one skilled in manufacture. S5^S<^' J^amkiltya, s. menial servant, female servant of the lowest order. ^Wq-q, Kam-dada, s. name of ^s^^ anauga or 5553 kdma, Indian god of love; shark. ^2531^, Kamneti, a. useless, needless, having no occasion for. 5i>320, Kampana, a. trembling, unsteady, shaken, agitated, iSiWziti^ Kampas, a. obedient, manageable. 355;3e^5d-<^)3, Kamjxis-karanatrd, r, to punish severely. ^r3:ji, Kainpd, -s. shaking, tre:nbling, agitation. A'3^;538, Kampdiva, .. compassion, ^S)^i33<9>S<3D9i, Kamjmcenmd, v, to shake, to be agitated, to be sorry. 455S)e53, Kampita, p)art. shaken, agitated, alarmed. 455^6(^(3, Kamptlla, l.. plant used in dyeing 5i)a^cs, Kampilii/a, J and as a perfume; sort of crtnum. ^sD'S^ijisis)), Kdinpottd, .<. plant, aporosa latifolia (Eupli ] -buicecej . 55c5, Kainbaya, s. board covering an 61a book. S5Qc5, Kambara, s. variegated (colour). S)S)C3, Ka/nbala, s. blanket. 5SS)eJ, Kambas, see SiBad kampas. 55i)a)fd55-<S kambi. 5S-ScS3, Kambiyd, s, kind of worm which breeds in rotten trees or wood. S(3, Kambili, see )Dt(3 Kammeli. SiDSgcc, Kambiliya, s. kind of hair cloth or car- pet, blanket, pi. 5i>^S kambiU. 5i>.^6c53, Kambiliyd, s. idle person, see ^i)t@ C63 kammeliyd. Si%%, Kainbu, s. gold; conch, shell; bracelet, ring; neck; vein; a. speckled, variegated. Sj'^S ^0-), Kambii^grm'd, s. neck marked with three lines like a shell, and considered to be in- dicative of exalted fortune ; sign of great beauty. 3i)Q, Kammafama, s. smith's shop, smithery. 455 C Kammala, s. smith's shop, forge, pi. 22 3> %;^ kammal. 455 i^, Kammutu, part, finished, ended, done. 455S^455<5'SS5S3, Kaminutukaranaivd, v. to finisli, to end, to complete. ^gg-^3\253, KammiUuU'enaivd, v, to be finished. .S5i)|j ':;, Kammula, s. cheek, pi. 4k(^ kammul. 4S5li6, Kammeli, a. lazy, indolent, idle. J55i6-2S5, Kammeltkama, s. laziness, indolence, idleness. 455i)x(ScS3, Kammeliyd, s. lazy person. 5DcJLg, Kam-rupu, e. (5i) god of love, Cupid, i^g enemy) name of Siva. &5DC. Kamhala, s. work shop, manufactory. 455, Kama, s. business, deed, act, matter; need, necesaity, occasion, pi. ts^^ kam, ^^d^^^^ lutmakin'ti, a. useless, unnecessary, s:455>e3^, Kamakne, ind, never mind; there is no need of it, S)i)& 106 ssi %tsi Si^Qsi&i, Kamatahan, s. abstract meditations for the purpose of subjugating the passions of which tliere are fortj' varieties. 5e:c5, h'a/mindala, J a-, earthen or wooden vessel ^s)&o, Kaimnuhi, jout of which an ascetic eats liis food. ^S5S), Kainata, ,. tlireshiug floor, pi. ^.^jj kamat. ^a-eo, Kamaaa, a. libidinous; desirous. a"5'2Qc5, A'amanii/a, a. pleasing, beautiful, desir- able. 5-2(^, Kamal, s. blue lotus, lotus in general. 3d ^C) Kamal-ala, s. the edible part of the lotus. 5S)(^ 453(^5 Kamal-kal, s. name of Vishnu and also wife of Vishnu. iSi'i>(S Kamal-dahi, see s^iiQ,i^QssiS3 kdyasthd. 38 Sc8S35)3, Kayi-kiyanawd. r. to chant songs: pret. S5^ 6S8j kuyi-kiivivd. S535^3, Kayittdiva, s. unprofitable conversation, pi. SJiyfioeaj kayittd. S5<3<330C2^j Kayitdlania., s. cymbal. 52dg, Kayippu^ s. astringent mixture chewed with betel; plant, Knoxia corymbosa, ssiSiS, Koyiyit, .s. kind of song or chant, sung by a band of labourers. S)S!3\cO(3c8, Kayiyeliya, s. cloth with coloUfed border worn by the natives. S3-sJ5f^c5, Karnnaya, j sovereign of Aiigadesa; plant, kind of swallow wort; another plant caseia jistiUa [Colloq. '^wt ehela]- ^55 ^?^, Kartrt, j scissors. S5^3 Kartri s. nominative case in grammar, cause or agent: avithor, editor. ^^i), Kardama, s. mud, mire, clay. [Colloq. inuiht], ssi^'^d, Karda-maja, s. (iSi^^ and d born) lotus. ^sjSjss, Karpdsa, s, cotton. ^sjSjso (Kj3^, Karpdsa-sdtaka, s. cotton cloth. ssi^^<^, Karpura, s, camphor. S3, Karma, Is. merit or demerit of actions ^^, Kaiinma, ) performed in a previous state of existence, act, action, object of action; subject of action in grammar; moral duty, religious ac- tion or sacrifices to secure a future recompense. i2a^^0, Juirmalshamit, a. cotnpetent to act. ^MiiS^a, Karmakshaya, s. (5 merit, ^cs cuu sumption) extinction of karma. tsi^ssi 107 tf<$D )55, Karmal-ara, s. hired labourer, servant,; name of Yama, regent of the dead; slave. 535, Karmakdra, s. hired servant; blacksmith. ^9d, Karmaja, a. resulting from human actions, principally from those supposed to have been performed in a prior state of existence; s. kali- yuga, the fourth or present age of the Hindus; age of sin. ffl)^ 6(3, Karma-phala, s. pain or pleasure con- sidered as the fruit of human actions in a pre- vious state of existence. a> 83 S5M08, Kai'ma-wdhjaya, s. religious discourse, formula prescribed for ecclesiastical proceedings among the priests of Buddha in ordination, deposition, acts of discipline, &c., rubric. 5 9c335co, Karma-vipdkaya, see sjS 6c lorvm phala. S)^ (9(3, Karma-sila, a. assiduous, laborious; i. one who perseveres in his duty without looking forward to its reward. as5eiS3 2S3, Karmasthdna, s. instruction necessary to 1)6 received prior to the student entering upon abstract meditation for the subjugation of the passions. 5i55<5. Karmdkdra, see )S5)c5 karmakdra. 53S303, Kartmnta, s. (5S and Cf 2oe3 anta end) tilled or cultivated land; trade, calling, work. /S>3d, Karmdra, s. brazier. 435^3(5 g<5, Karmdra-putra, s. people of the brazier employment. ^5, Karsha, s. weight of gold or silver; karsha is equal to KJ mashas or about "280 grains troy; ploughing, husbandry, &^-^, Karshana, s. ploughing, attracting. SS)<5, Kwa, s. hand, arm; neck; shoulder; palm of the hand; one of the dances wliich people per- form in religious observances; one of the eight castes in dancing; ray of light, sun or moon beam; toll, tax, impost; elephant's trunk; thorny shrub, mnthium parv(flnrum (Ruhutcefe). ^;5S)a393, Karo-ambanaird, r. to geld, the act of crushing the testicles of young bullocks between two pieces of wo.id to produce the effects of castration. 555(5 ^5^S^i^c5, Karahicfh'fia, .6 '^Q'i, Karakaranawd, i\ to roast too much. 455'53^-S33, Karakawanawd, v. to turn round as a wheel: pret. S5^>t99i karakewwd. 3(5s>3(5 S)a393, Karakdra handinaivd, r. to marry. S3(5.2S)3(5 Qt^i), Karakdra hendima, s. {ssi''^ handi (5)^6 same, Qi^S tying) marriage. 5<59>s>icco, Karakolaya, s. raw talipot leaf for writing. 555(5 5)i(^0) Karakevtlla, s. dizziness in the head, giddiness; turning, revolution. 555<5s5xS0393, Karakewenaicd, r. tD go round as a wheel, to turn, to revolve: pret. )(53i33 karakewund. S5c5<92S), Karagraha, s. (ssi hand, cgsj taking) marriage; one part of the ceremony being the placing the right hand of the bride, with the palm uppermost, in the right hand of the bride- groom. 0)(5(532s5, Karagan, s. name of Ganesa, Hindu god of wisdom. 5<5is?c Karagala, s. hone, whetstone, pi. a><5w(^ karagal. 3S)6'S^(si, Karage, s. hair-cutter's .shop, place where the hair of a person is cut who is to become a Buddhist priest. 20i5(53iS9, Karagcte, s. hard excrescence or indu- ration of the palm of the hand caused by over- work or unusual work. )<5<55i(563(;, Karatala, s. palm of the hand. ^Si6fSi^9>(*, Karatdle, s. act of beating time to mii- sic by clapping the hands; musical instrument. md^d, Karadara, a. teasing, plaguing; s. trouble?. 35i6^tsi, Karadin. s. nails on the fingers &c. )(5^ca, Karadiija. s. sea water, salt water. )tfg, Karadu, s. plant, dracontium. OSid^, Karanda, s. plant, gaUdupa arhorea. 5d33i9x^oe3, Karanewemiyd, s. barber. tSi6^otsif Karappan, . cutaneous disease. 4dc}Scs, Karapatiya, .?. collar, neckband of any kind. )(5 O^, Kara-patra, s. saw; splashing the water about when bathing. >5o3, Karapata, s. saw. >5c3(^, Kara-pala, s. root of the lotus. )5c33(5, Karapdla, s. sword, scymitar. o5c33(3i, Karapdh'kd, .. cudgel, wooden sword. a)588, Karapincha, .<5}'3'C?>f)j5 karakgediya . )<5S, Karaha, see )c55o Karahha. >5Q, Kara-batu, s. sort of night-shade, soJaniiw sodomeum. C55dS)5(55-^ <5S^25?93, Karahdgona innaird, r. to bo silent, to liang down the head. odS))^^, Karabdna, a. silent, sitting in silence with the head hanging down; neck-rope. 5sS0, Kara-btma, s. unfruitful ground. 5(5'5\S)f)cs, Karabembiyn, see S3(5S8 karapincha. ^6(i, Karahha, s. young camel or elepliant; youn;.' of any animal; metacarpus; hand from the wri-t to the root of the finsrers. SSi6, Karamba, s. tree, of which there are two species Sw )(5 maha-karamba, cari'sm caran- das; cQ'id" 5<5S) htn-karamba, carissa spinarinn (Apocynacece). a) 5^, Karamarda, *) ^62^^^, Karamardaka, | see the preceding word. 'Si69iQ, Karamala, s. crest of a cock; gills of a ^ fish, pi. >5'2)(^ karamal. iodgsOT, Karamukta, s. missile weapon to be thrown by the hand, dart, javelin. 5D<5^', Kara?nwra, a. sharp, as a razor. ssida^, Karaya, .s razor. / ss^6Sjss, Kararrm,s, (as5(5 strong, dJ^ssray) the sun. ^^d'^^^) Karal iringn, s. plant, holcus sorghum. asi^c^ 03c5(^ 03(33, Karal tald, s. plant, ocymum polys- tachymum. 35d^!S-i'3\S)J, KarahehS, s. plant, achyranthes as- pera. 3)<5(5. Karala, s. ear of corn; pod or seed of any kind; plant, paspalum kora; pi. SS)6(^ karal. ^(5(^, Karalabn, n. species of gourd. 35(59, Karan', s. plant, phyllanfhus indicus (Eu- j)hoi'b.) 3S(59s3(33, Karau'tald, s. species of basil. 3)(599iS5, Karawafamdna, ., Karamkhd, s. (255 5 hand, C553 5)3 branch) finger. S5!5es3, Karasd, s. finger. asJ093 109 JC6 5(5:6T3, Karasdkn, see 5 5<53iQ9 karasdkhd. 5c53\w3, Karaho, f d&, Karalv, a. hard; . new cloth. S5(^, A'arrf, ar/. near, proximate; 8. sun; taxes; articles subject to taxation. SSi<^ g33, Kard-laputd, s. kind of crow. >^SX5D, Kardnta, s. {Gi6 lara hand, tfesXD Ofn 5^(53025283, Karugdnawd , v. (c?(5l9 larmra har- row, (5532s?9j to rub) to harrow. saS,^, Karuna, s. goods, things, effects; event, reason, cause, circumstance, pi. ss^c^iS^ karunui see tSio6-:^ l-drand. iSiS.^, Karund, Is. mercy, tenderness, com- ssiSi<^Q, Karundwa, (passion: feeling or senti- ment. a>(5i^9^5>s?, Karundicanta, a. merciful, kind, compassionate. 5<5l2;c5, Karumaya, s. merit or demerit of actions, performed in a previous state of existence : com- monly used as signifying fate, misfortune, see s> lav ma. 5Jl)3 333305, Karum'intai/ci. .*. labour, work, occu- ]iation, employment, see .85) 33353 karmdnta. iSi-Sc), Karuirn, s. mould, matrix: share: half: quarter; prop, support, harrow. ^'SiQi, Kariiwd, .s. artificer. i5)^c5-s^, Karenu, s. female elephant. tSi^<^'si, Karon. ,. plant, Tnnrne/ortui argentca (Boraginece). S5rJ, Kal, a. beautiful, pleasant to the sight: plural of -25(3 kala time: .*. goodness; husband: owner: woman. 3CJ, Kalka, s. levigated powder. l_ 5C05, Kalkaya, s. sediment, any unctuous sub- stance; dirt, filth, ordure, wax of the ear; collec- tion of medicinal drugs, pi. )cs> kalka. iSit^ss^d^Qo, Kalkaranau'd, v. to live, to pass time. 5(^c8co, Kalgiija, a. old, ancient; postponed. 4i5>(^g, Kalduma, s. tree, myrobalans. 85>(^f3^^<5D, Kaldc'rama, f>. caldron, )(33, Kalpa, s. in the mythology of the Hindus a kalpa comprehends a day and night of Brahma equal to a period of 482,000,000 years of men, measuring the duration of the world, and as many, the interval of its annihilation. It means also one of six Vedanga=, or sacred works of the Brahmins, namelv the one which contains the description of religious -rites. A resolve, a pur- pose or act of determination. cy3Sv^' Kalpadruma, s. (iQp purpose, g^S tree) one of the fabulous trees of Indra's heaven ; a tree which yields whatever may be desired. (y3S3), Kalpandwa, s. thought, reflection, con- sideration, opinion, pi. )(^2533 kaJpartd, ssirysa, Kalpaya, see &cp kalpa. S)i^:j<535, Kalpalatd, see ffijgp^^ kalpadruma. j(53i33S3, Kal/xinta. s. (CC3 kalpa period, pa3S3 j anta end) end of the Kalpa or the four ages of its existence, iiamely the destruction of the world (commonly used to signify a long time) ; see ssi^p kalpa. aa.3P33S3 939, Kalpdnta warshdiva, s, (osieo and ) rain) according to native mythology the world is to be destroyed three times, the first by rain, 4KiC^3^i?en &3; second by wind, sSiiy^it >fys> QofSicz kaljxinta icdtaya; third by fire, 45)Ci33K3 S)coi6ca kalpdnta wahntya. sa^'S)^, Kalbanda, s. woman. 0S3(^i)^, Kalmasa, s. sin; kind of hell, division in the internal regions; a. dirty, foul. 53r3i)3^, Kalmdsha, s. variegated cohmr, mixture of black and white; demon or goblin. 5(^cs)''9i, Kalyawanawd, v. to pass away, to I pass the time, used also metaphorically for the / mode or manner of life. C3(^(3, Kalla, a. deaf; healthy, recovered from sickness; triekish. cunning; s. person in health; mud, clay. 555(^(3 15 9 )c), KaUikuttd. see ^(^^cc) kalliyd. ^dS S^ssgct, Katli-keliya, s. sort of game; game with sticks. - '^ro^ip >d6 no ss>cd ei(^QcA\ KalUyn, s. sticks used in playing the aforementioned game. ts>QA, Kah/a, s. health, freedom from sickness; dexterity, cleverness, good fortune, prosperity, happiness, luck. iS)CtD. good fortune, happiness, prosperity; beantA', mark of beauty; odj. pros- perous fortunate, virtuous; happy, well, right. SiQ-cao^, /uili/f'iMa, .. see Sigogo?) kalifinga. O-^cdCf Knllola, .. surge, billow; joy, happi- ness, pleasure. 45)<^8('5(5, Kahvahnre, s. seasonable rain. a>(^5)5, Kalhnrn, 1 s. white water lily, white lo- S5(^eo'<5, KaJhf'ira, ) tus. C Kala, s time, period; dancing girl; threshing floor; vinegar; good; kind of bird, Indian cuckoo; low or soft tone as chirping or buzzing; digit or one sixteenth of the moon's diameter; division of time equal to thirty kashhtas or about eight seconds; part or portion; menstrual discharge; bo:it: fraud, deceit: goodness; dex- terity; semen virile; Yamn, the regent of death; crab; woman; poison; mould, matrix. )(3^i Kalanka, s. sign, spot, mark; rust of iron; abuse. GiQ^ssi, KaJnndaha, .9. squirrel. >e5 2^. Kalahama, s. misfortune, unlucky event, pi. >v3>^ halakam. a>0>G. Kalakala, 8. confused noise of a crowd, tumult, loud murmuring. S5G98ca, Kalakiriya, s. death. 353G93, Kalakiri, s. anger. a)(34S^'5Gc95l<^ kalaUrund, 2S>CS?C5 Kalakula, s. war, battle. -c3, Kalati, s. tree, Poh/althea suberosa (An- onaceae) ; a. unripe, half ripe. 2DGSJ.5, Kalafit/a, s. plant, Pithecolohium gemina- tum, (Legum.) ; half ripe cocoa-nut. ssiQ^, Kalana, s. spot, stain, offence, fault, defect; a. good, fortunate. ssiQ^, Kalat, s. kind of small bean or gram. 23>(^3Js52S39), Kalattanawd, v. to agitate, to stir about as water: pret. ts>x(^,n^ts^Q'i kelettuwd. G^> Kalatra, s. wife; hip, loins; royal citadel, strong hold or fastness. j(^C3253&), Knlatanaird, see ?(3e5fD2S383 kalatta- nawd. >(34g(5j., Kalaturu, Elu form of SiQt^ kalatra. ssiQq, Kalada, s. squirrel. ssiQt^s^, Kalado, s. silver. 53J(3^, Kalanda, s. kind of jeweller's weight, twenty masha seeds or one twelfth of an ounce; squirrel, pi. esiQ-si kalan. ffi)C5>Q')S>, KaJadliauta, s. gold; silver. S5(3e^a5>, Kdlandaka, see c<^ kalada. S)C5^o-5, Kalan-padiya, s. weight equal to a >o^ kalanda which see. ^QS^C,, Kalanda, s. small kind of fish, the smelt, whiting. ssi^^d, JKalap, s. multitude, assemblage, bundle, see )(=;3C3 kaldpa, sometimes written 0(*S) kalaba. iSiQCi6f5i^'^Q'i, Kalaparandelld, s. bird called the Rufus Babbler, malaco-cercus rufescens f'order Passeres); also called <5^ iS^q^QBQi ratu-demalichchd, o6?s'iq(^ s^Si(^(y parandal kurulld, or o^c^dic^Q-i pandarelld. SJCi^Q, Kalapuwa, s. lake which communicates with the sea, salt water lake. aaCS <5St(^(3^>j)), Kalafmwa-karawelkokd, s. grey heron, ardea cinerea (Herodiones); also called 353 indurukokd. S)C^Q, Kalaba, s. ()C black, ep aba cloud) rainy cloud. SJ^QinsJu^Q, Kalabegeni, a. confused, hurried. SJCjSiCTx^ -251 5-ic9^J krlamhuwd. 35(j*i)s\a, Kalampe, s. back cross plank of a door or of window shutters. >(3gDc Kalnmadala, . Kalarawa, s. Indian cuckoo; dove, pigeon. ssiCd)^, K ilarcw)!, s. Elu form of the foregoing. ^Qdi^Q.^, K(il((rricnlap, s, wood pecker. CC^i Kahi', a. dirt, mud; time immediately following conception prior to the foetus being- formed. scd 111 ssi^&i 25>C<^ (55S)), Kalal-gaduwa, s. bubo. fioOC* J^"t, KalaivanLaraiiawd, v. to mix. 453(303, Kalawa, plural of fiJ^S kalawa. ^"5(3i), Kalavita, s. threshing floor, place where the paddy is trodden out of the ear by the bul- locks. SiQQi4<^, Kalawcddd, s. wild cat, golden musang, (mungoose family) Paradoxurus zeylanicus. ^C^tdi Kalawel, s. creeping plant, Derris Scan- dens (Legmmnoace). asQ, Kalasa, \ s. earthen water pot; it fre- ssiG^, Kalasa, S-quently means a water pot s>eM'C' Kalasdla, ) containing a quantity of the flowers of the cocoanut tree and placed before the door of a house on festival occasions. 5C, Kalaha, g. tumult, quarrel; war, battle, strife, dissension; water pot; tree, Ficm infec- toria. 2))CW Kalahaea, .y. (asj^ black, eoea goose) goose with black feet and bill; swan. ssiQi, Kald, s. art, digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter. &\-^^3^>, Kaldnge, s. bag or basket made of the leaf of the areca tree. 5C39<^> Kaldtura, ad. perhaps, sometime or other, uncertain period. e^^'^SJ, Kaldturaldn, ad. at times, now and then. C^SC^j Kaldjiiluru. s. bulbous plant or grass used medicinally {cyperns rotundus), wax of the ear; sort of fly. >C3^, Kaldni, Elu form of the following word. )C3^Si Kaldnidhi. s. moon. >e30, Kaldpa, s, ornament in general; zone; string of bells worn by women round the waist; peacock's tail; assemblnge, multitude; quiver; moon; clever and intelligent man; volume, part. C'C> Kaldla, s. kind of carpet or mat. 5C3, Kalusha, s. sin; [Colloq. o3;:3c8 pdpuya.^ adj. turbid, foul, wicked. 3'S*(^S)<5, Kale'bara, 1 s. body (chieily applied to a )3^(^<5, Kalewara, J dead body). S>f5^Q3iiQo6<^c^, Kaloswdianiya, s. plant, justicia gendurmsa ( Acanthaceae ) . j9, Kaw, s. poem. , Kawa, 8. circle, a. circular. )S39, Kawttktttuwa, s. pair of compasses. 38<5DB)33, Kawagahanawd, s. to describe a circle. >9, Kawacha, .. armour; mail; drum used in battle, kettle-drum; amulet, charm. 5)S0og, Kawachaputra, s. (cStSe) and og leaf) pieces of the bark of the tree called bhurjapatra, inscribed with mystical verses and worn as charms and amulets. iSiQzi!Si%ss)6<&Qy, Kawatakamkaranaivd, v. to joke. )9S3, Kawatakama, s. jest, ridicule, banter. 2S)8ca3, Kawatayd, s, jocose person, wag. a>Scc3, Kawadiyd, s. small shell commonly called cowri, and used in Bengal as money. )^, Kawada, s. armour. ^Qg,^, Kuumddda, ad, on what day, when. aSvjSaJ, Kawuddwat, ad. ever, at any time. )^, Kawanda, s. headless trunk. ):fqi, Kawandan, s, yoke of a bullock. . 1 sss^&i 112 ^&33fi9 a-38aS), Kawundha, s. headless trunk. &->0363, Kaa-anawd, v. to feed, to cause to eat: pret. 4iaij83 keicim. \ ^jiS'jQos, Kaicaniya, s. muslin. ^EtQcc, Kaivaya, s, circle. )<$, Kawara, s. braid or fillet of hair; plant, mimosa octandru, leaf of the assafoetida tree; ad. which? when? Avhat? 3C Kaivala, s. mouthful; kind of tish, lacerta scincus. tS)QQsSssi6<^Q^, Ivaivalankarancuvd, v. to mix. see ^oQcdsx^'SSoSj kalaicankaranawd. &)'iQ,^, Kaicalama, s. intermixture, pi. 5Q,d kaicalan. )e;3ofc5, Kau'dtaya, s. opening in a house for the purpose of letting in light, etc., air hole, \vindo^^. a^eJad, Kawdla, s. kind of grass., Setaria glama, (Gramineas). i&'j, Kavt, s. poetry, song, etc.; covetousness ; the planet Venus; also Sukra, the regent of thai planet and preceptor of the demons; learned or wise person. &)^&', Kavika, s, bit of a bridle. ^)Si36(^'), Kavikdrayd, s. poet, writer of songs, ballads, etc. a)idS3, Kadjana, s. learned man, wise man. siSqe:), Kavidana, s. (caiS poem, ^^ea man) poet. 555?Jcs, Kaviya, *, poem, song, verse; pi. 4^6 kavi. Si^&6, Kaohvara, s. {s>6 and QC) best, most ex- cellent) head or chief of the poets. Si^9)i, Kaivudd, *. crow; see >-^^)j kaicudmvd. Si^'^ssif^d, Kawudiokckiri, s. plant, bryonia um- betlata. ^sggo^'SsJsSftja, KaivudupanikkiydiS. (^ crow, oi^J^coJ master) small bird remarkable for its enmity to the crow; see ?g^3 kamidmcd . 3ggi^^J, Kawitdubo, s. tree, Ammotina. >^^0D, Kawuduivd, s. crow; Ceylonese white bellied drongo, buchunga leucojrygialts, also called SJ^Qc^esJ 6)0:3, kawudujyamkktyd; Cey- lonese crested drongo, dissemuriis lophorinm, also called ^TjggScea kajmtubayd ; {order Pas- seres.) 5^, Kmvuda, pron. who? )|^cJi^, Katvurun^ the plural of &^^ kawiida, a5gfi^^(5, Kaimladora, s. window frame or place. ^5:^63, Kaivtduioa, s. window, pi. )d kuindn.. ) yh'b, liaae'lto, s. plant, see <:. 3 5>5J^ kdkoH. ,$^S^2?^ KaiL'Oshna, . ^^sliglit warmth; ^C53<5 d:)i^kastdna. eac^-sacs^, Kasturya, \ o. . , 1 7' . J-^se ^^d kasturi. ajes^^o, Kasturi, J ^ Gid^^ S^^efei, Kasturi-dehi, s. species of lime, limo- nia trifoliata. 3e^2g(Sg93, Kasturi-muu-d. s. civet cat. )S9Jg, Kasturi, s. musk. ^55C(5^/(3, Kasmala, s. fainting, syncope. ^se, Kasya, \ , . , "^ Ks. s,QQ ss^'iop^Tbe kansyan. 4Kes3S53, Kasyan, J S)32, Kasa, s. touch stone; cocoanut; Avhip. 5Sisia53, Kasagaha, s. tree, casuarina equisttt/olia. S5sg), Kasata, a. astringent, acrid, harsh. ^5335c)3c, Kasutagasa, s. saffron tree. ^553s3axC5, Kasatpeya, s. yellow, safEron colour. S)a3<>;3, Kasanaivd, v. to itch, to scratch: pret. )tgS3 kesuwd. 353S23d, Kasajxlra, s. stroke or lash of tlio whip.' 5S5ggc5'K3S3, Kasaptipurawanaicd, v. to crack or smack a whip. )so:3i^, Kasapen, s. young, unripe cocoanuts, such as are taken to drink the milk, [Colloq. gcJiSS)j kurumbd.j 5S0(3c3, Kasambiliya, see ffiJOD^gcc kakambiliya. ss^r-Q, Kasala, s. excrement, dung, foeces S5ecc55, Kasalamaga, s. anus. a509, Kasaic, s. gold lace, gold fruige. 58', Kasd, s. turmeric, saffron, see ffi)2o kaha; shrub, ixora coccinea; [Colloquial: dcoS)Q3 ratambald']. 555e33^)333:', Kasdkkupdna, see ^tsi tfa^&tiSOia kaha-akkapdna . ^i.3ijS)33C)3, Kasddahnjdinaud, t\ to marrVi -J5^e8i<^ca, Kaeddaya, -s. marriage. ^jK3>U5, Kasdyn, s, decoction, see ^rsiio* kashdys. 8)&3363 113 SSi^C >5e3co, Kasdyavuastra, s. yellow robe of the Buddhist priest. 5S3, Kasina, a. all, whole, entire. ffijS <5Q, Kasi-rata, s. Benares. iS)^e^S3^, Kasistana, s. kind of grass. )Qe5c:f, Kasisan, s. pewter. S)gJ, ZasMTi, s. gold, [CoUoq. <5s5(5:J m Kaha-kuruUd, s. bird called black headed oriole, oriolus melanocephalus; black headed bulbul, rubtgiUa melanictera, (order Passer es) . 5S5S3 5> 5333(5 (3c53, Kaha-koraliyd, s. kind of river fish. 555B3!3^5^(3^e3g, Kahakoloudu, s. tree, chrysanthe- mum indicum. 5S5S3 5S3xe Kaha-kela, s. tree, Diospyros Toposia (Ebenaceoe) 555ts3(53a, Kahagada, s. tender husk of the cocoanut. 533B3 (53E58ed, Kaha-gasmms, s. pepper plant, cas- picum frutescens. 555S3 (3^c533e3(SN5533(3, Kaha-gonakola, s. creeping plant Adenosma camphoratum ( Scrophulariacece). 555253 5i<5cfl3, Kaha-gerandiyd, s. snake. 555K)3, Kahata, a. bitter, acrid, astringent; s. tree, Patana oak, Careya arborea (Myrtacew). 5S5S39 o!35Scs3, Kahata-paratiya, s. kind of fish. 55353 tSiK^'^iSi'iQ,' Kaha-telkola, s. plant, Ipomoea chryseides, (Convolvulacece). 5S553383, Kahanaivd, v. to scratch: pret. 553i.g3 kehuicd, see 555ee3S3 kasanawd. 553253 3 5, Kahapan, see 55553c3i5 kasapen. ssitsi 2330, Kaha-pdta, s. yellow colour, saffron colour. 553W <5to3:J, Kaha-petan, s. shrub, Bauhinia to- mentosa (Leguminosce). esitsi (S^os^^DC Kaha-penela, s. tree, Sapindus lau- ri/olius, (Sapindacece.) 555 03 S)aJ, Kaha-bat, s. (5535) yellow, J boiled rice) rice boiled with a small quantity of tur- meric. ^S5S(3(a3, Kahambiliyd, s. nettle, see(f553eo(g(a3 wal-kahambiliyd and (53d?555e3S(3(3 gas-kaham- bileyd. 55355 (^<35, Kaha-magurd, s. kind of fish. 5S553i)(5^i^, Kahamade, s. yolk of an egg. 53553 3 8c3, Kaha-mdptld, s. snake, dipsas Forsenii (Ophidia.) 55353 %8d, Kaha-miris. s. saffron and chilly. '^255538el(53e> Kahamirisgaltt, 8. turmeric stone; grinding stone. '555(5i''2so, Kaharamna, s. sort of paddy. 55553(3S^(533Q, Kahalagoda, s. dung-hill. ^53C3c8c8 Kahalamdrgaya, s. anus. 55353(3, Kahali, s. cheating at play, fraud in gambl- ing. 5S3539 5^C> Kalu-handala, s. plant, arum colocast'a. 555d ag5^5cc, Kalu-ladumheriya, 8. tree, dios- pyros oocarpa ( Ebenncece ) . "(Siii ssits5t5^%8zsi, Kalu-hanmeriya, s. plant, species of night shade, solanum nigrum. 45>6 5<5S(33, Kalu-Jcarmvald, s. kind of snake. ssiS> QSiS, Kalu-Jcihiri, s, tree, species of santalum. >d^5D, Kaluhumd, s. turkey fowl. s>ib gg, Kalvr-huhumbi, s. small black ant. ss>i) *es)3iS53, Kalu-kokd, s. black bittern; see ^6 Qi(^ S^533 harawel-hohd. ssi& (^?3, Kalu-dandidend, s. black hill- squirrel, Sciurus Tennentii. !Sibt^03(^(33S3, Kalu-pollichchd, s. black robin, thamnobia fulicata, (order Passeres.) is>b s^oDQSKiD, Kalu-polangd, s. black viper. ^6 sdc* Kalw-badulla, s. species of the mark- ing nut plant, semecarpus obovatum. 5idS)^2o83, Kalumadtnawd, v. to blacken the letters written on olas: pret. iS)bi4^ halumeddd. Sib Sge^, Kalu-masun, s. kind of black fish. G>b 9a, Kalu-mimd, s. black buffalo, Bubalus ami. ssib 9oB3. Kalvr-miyd, s. black rat. Mm rattus. tSib 03, Kalu-muwd, s. (tab black, 03 deer, or mouth) dark kind of deer; monkey. 5di^Sc5, Kalumediriya, s. tree, diospyros op- positifolia (Ebenacece); commonly called cala- mander wood. iSib6fSi, Kalu-rata,'\s. (5d black, <5s3 red) tSib d-sg, Kalu-ratu, } mixture of black and red, purple. ssib 0553S@c83, Kalu-rdjdliyd, 8. black kite eagle, neopus malayensis, (order Accipitres.) Sib dcg, Kalu-rdbu, s. black radish. SibSza, Kaluriya, 8. death, [Colloquial: S(5-<5S>e3Jo5, Kaluwara-depoya, 8. two dark quarters of the moon. ssib (^Qowe, Kalvr-walgahala, s. plant. ^55^ gQiSca, Kalu-wawuletiya, s. bonduc or nicker tree, guHandina bonduc. SibQ^, Kaluwd, ")s. tuberous plant, kind of SibQ'iQ,, Kaluivdla, J turmeric; alpinia galanga (Scitamineoe) great galangal : medicinal root. Sib^Qb, Kaluwelu, s. venom, poison. Sib QiQs'Syib, Kalu-iveiakolu, 8. plant, momordica cylindrica. Sib id^ce, Kalunweraniya, s. plant, justicia gen- durassa. SibQx(i, Kaluwel, 8. odoriferous creeper. Sib 5oS)<5c Kalu-habarala, 8. species of the wake robin; bulbous plant with very broad leaves. Sib eoQdgos, Kalvr-habaraliya, s. tree, maba buxi- folia (Ebenacece). j6c5J<5, Kaluhara, see SibQd kaluwara, SibSeiQQtoo, Kaluhis walasd, s. (Sib black, Sto hisu head, qi33 bear) hyena. )(?(^, Kale, s. water pot, pi. 5S kala. Sio, Kd, pron. who; s. heaven; head; body; crow; ^ vessel, water. Si'io&a, Kdnsiya, s. lonesomeness, tedium. S)3o8 115 SSM^Q )3oSs^^o8a, Kdnstwenawd, v. to become sorrow- ful, to be distressed. >3oe3, Kdnsya, s. goblet, drinking vessel. )3oeQJSo, Kdnsyan, s. white copper, queen's metal; any amalgam of ^inc and copper; sort of musical instrument or gong made of bell metal and struck with a stick. 535)3, Kdkkd, s, black crow, corone macrorhynea f'order Passeres); also called otdSot 53esJ>3 goyigama-kdkhd, 535, Kdka, s. crow, see 03JS3 kdkkd; cripple; measure; heaven; head; body; plant, ardisia solanacea. 3350gf3, Kdkagunjd, s. kind of plant, species of the t^dj which see. 53)d, Kdkajambu, s. plant, ardisia solanacea. 53>-?5^S53, Kdkatujidikd, see c^d gwija. >3a503B, Kdkapaksha, s. locks left at the tonsure. S53C504eS, Kdkapaksht, s. crow. )35g), Kdkajpuihta, s. ()3) crow, gaO nour- ished) Indian cuckoo, name which it has in consequence of leaving its eggs in the nests of crowa or other birds, as the same bird in Eng- land, for the purpose of being hatched and the ^ young ones brought up by them, aJ3ffi)ee(5, Kdkaswara, s. (^as^a crow, esDd voice) hoarse or harsh voice. 3i38, Kdkdri, . owl. 53)3C> Kdkdla, s. raven. 53<9, Kdki, s. female crow. }35, Kdku, s. change of the voice in fear, grief, etc. 33S^;JsJ^C5 Kdkotphala, s. kind of lotus. 53(s>33<5(5, Kdkodara, s. snake. 53(3^53C> Kdkola, s, raven; snake; boar. a:3(3*)j(3, Kdkoli, s. plant from which is produced a poisonous drug. 53S^QO, Kdge, pron. whose. fi53Sca, Kdchaya, s. disease of the eyes, affection of the optic nerve or gutta serena; kind of siliceous clay or earth from which glass is made. a)3.23, Kdnchana, s. gold; turmeric; name of several plants and trees which they bear in con- sequence of the yellow colour of their flower as the champacB, etc.; a. golden. 4533, Kdiichi, s. woman's girdle; one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus: name of a plant, ubrus pHcaioriuSt /i5533. Kdnchika, s. soui* gtuel, see >3S kadi. s. loud-stone. >38, Kdtuwa, s. chaff. ?Si'3Gii^?^^(,'i, Kddakkudayd,'\8. vagabond: ad- )3e)cs3, Kddayd, J venturer. 33, Kadi, Is. vinegar; toddy or boiled 3S cfl, Kddidiya, J rice water in a state of spon- taneous fermentation, used in the preparation of medicine. )33^^, Kddeti, s. pin or nail driven into the wall to suspend any thing upon. 53XD, Kdnta, a. pleasing, agreeable, beautiful. 533e?c53C Kdntagala, "I 533C3S33ee3?, Kdutapdsdna, J /a>3S53, Kdntd, s. wife, mistress, any beloved object. >3M33<5, Kdntdra, s. bad or difficult road: wood or f(^)rest; wilderness, desert; hole or cavity. as)33ff)o0, Kdntdiva, s. woman: [CoUoq. es^ strij )3dScs, Kdntiya, s. beauty, splendor, light; lustre, effulgence; wish, desire. 53e5X03 Kdntah, s. moon; name of Krishna; iron; gem; husband. ^353eG, Kdminlya, s. sandal wood; perfume said to be brought from Kampila. sjoSsnQJc^, Kdmboja, s. country so called, situated in the north east of Bengal ; name of plant, sort of white mimosa. 4553, Kama, s. Hindu cupid or deity of love; wish, desire; lust; semen virile; particle of assent; also, of assertion, as truly, verily; a. lustful, 505i(g, Kdmakeli, s. (>3 and ^^Q V^^j) copulation. 53^,2s^c8, Kdmachchhandaya, s. lechery, libidi- nousness. 5D oiass^D, Kdma-trishndwa, s. (esias) lust, s3aj^o8 the same) lechery, sensual desire. 53g^, Kdmaduti, s. female demon so called. 2^3 S)3-2g, Kdma-dhdtu, s. (4550 and 83^ source) semen virile. S53S533C Kdma^xila, s. one of the names of Bala- rdma the brother of Krishna. 5De3, Kdmabhawa, s. (53 passion, fioS being) one of the three states of existence, that which includes men and gods. iS53<3so93(5c6, Kdma-mithjdchdraya, s. adultery, fornication. a>3a5, Kdmaya, s. lust, desire of corporeal enjoy- ment. )Dc53, Kdmayd, s. greedy person. i553<5u53, Kdmaraugd, s. tree, kind of bilimbi, averrhoa carambola, (Geraniacece). 53(5c6, Kdmaraya, s. cTiamber. (Portuguese.) S33c Kamala, s. disease, jaundice. Si3S^G3'8Si, Kdmaloka, s. the world in which bodi- ly pains or pleasures are experienced, including the hells, the world, and the six heavens. 55535S53'5, Kdmavikdra, a. (5J lust, )D(5 ges- ^ ture) wanton gesture. 533-g<5c53, Kdmdtwayd, s, lecher, libidinous man. 53380(5, Kdmdwachara, a. (^33 and fp9<5 awachara going) sensual, subject to passion. a53S38S(5 ^(5^C^S), Kdmdwachara divyaloha, s. (S533S0c5 and ^33S^(335 heaven) highest or last of the heavens. S533g Kdmdsraioa, s. sexual pollution. 4553, Kdmt, s. libidinous man, lecher, 5S)3a3, Kdmuha, a. desirous, cupidinous, lustful, . libidinous. ^3cc, Kdya, s, body; multitude, assembly; natural temperament; house, habitation. ^3caS)3a)2S3, Kdyabhandana, s. ()3co body, sS)^ tying) girdle, zone. J3C6, Kdyama. s. dregs of an infusion, a broth or decoction of spices, as pepper etc. S)3c5ee6, Kdyastha, s. one of the castes among the Hindus, the writer caste; name of Brahma the Hindu Supreme Being. es>3633, Kdyika, a. belonging to the body. 55538^55:, Kdrtika, s. the month ^(^ il (October and November) when the moon is full near the Pleiades. ^3^59(3^^dc8, Kdrtikeya, s. Indian god of war, generally called in Ceylon Kataragama deviyo, answering to the Grecian Mars. 536-0(ji% Kdrya, Is. cause, origin, motive, object, 5553cs23, Kdryd, J affair, business. D3cSi)S, Kdrsmari, s. tree, gmelina arborea. ^S535, Kdrshaka, s. husbandman. 5533je3<^, Kdrshdpana, s. weight or measure of silver equal to sixteen panas or cowries; weight of copper equal to eighty retis; weight of shells equal to the same number of cowries. es33(5, Kara, s. kUling, slaughter; certainty; effort, exertion, religious austerity; tax, toll, royal re- venue; master, lord. 53(5), Kd7'aka, s. act, deed, agent especially in grammar; that part of grammar comprising all nouns which imply the agent, object, instrument &c. or any thing except the radical idea; it also includes the application of all the cases; the hal tree, shorea robusta. ssi'i6^ssi, Kdrakakama, s. instrumentality. 2D3<5^3)co, Kdrakaya, s. horn to put in pHls etc. 53(5es3x Kdralld, s. small kind of fish. 53(59, Kdi-awa, s. crow. 5S)3<58(^<3, KdraivalU, s. plant, kind of gourd, ?no- mordica charantia. 5553(5 53i53, Kdravi kdkkd, s. common grey crow, corone splendens, ^order Passeres.) ^ss>36^, Kdravi, s. kind of paddy or unhusked rice. 5^(5l3^(^(^, Kdrawelli, see 5a(50(^(3 kdrawalU. SJ3S, ^an, 5. action, act, agency, artist. 4S)38s53, Kdrikd, s. kind of actress, dancing girl; action, agency; explanatory verse; art, profes- sion; sharp pain. iSioSa, Kdrti/a, s. matter, afEair, circumstance, thing. 53c5l, Kdru, s. artist, artificer, agent, maker, doer; name of Viswakarma, the architect of tho gods. 53c3l(5-<^93, Kdlakriyd-karmiQwd, t\ to die. a53(3S5, Kdlaka, s. freckle, mark; water-snake; liver. )3C^*3e^S5'^^cs3, Kdlakanniyd, s. miserable person. 553Q^9, Kdlakuta, s. {ssijQ Yama, ^Q to destroy) kind of poison said to be so powerful that it even destroys Yama the regent of death. ssiocssmi, Kdlakrit, "ts. {ssiOQ time, 43?acj who ^n^c^o^, Kdlakrata, } makes) he who makes or measures time, the sim. -}.. liver. ajs^ad'e?, Kdlakhanjana, 33Qa-3CS), Kdlamukha, s. (53C5 black, 3 mouth) monkey. [Colloquial: Sgflo wandurd or 8(383 ^ rilawd'\ . /53(3cc, Kdlaya, s. time, see 553C kdla. 53C C^'^j Kdla-lawana, s. factitious and purga- tive salt. 33C C3*) Kdla-loha, s. (esiOQ and coisi metal) iron. 530-aS', Kdlawarna, s. black (colour), 53(3j8, Kdlavydpi, a. constant, perpetual, eter- nal. 53cSos), Kdlasinha, s. (53Q and 80S) lion) beai*^ [CoUoq. (jeeo walasd"^. e353(3ggcc, Kdlasutraya, s. one of the twenty-one hells mentioned ia Hindu mythology; one of the eight principal hells of the Buddhists. 433GS302S, Kdlaha^sa, s. black swan. a)3(33C53c3^, Kdldgaru, s. black kind of aloe wood or agallochum. ^OQoasi, Kdldyas, s. iron. "^533(3, Kdlt, s. name of Durga the wife of iva. 4533(35, Kdlika, s. curlew; black kind of sandal; multitude of clouds; dark cloud threatening rain; fog or mist; goddess Gauri; form of Chandi or Durga; female singer of swarga; blackness; black colour; fault or flaw La gold, etc.; black scorpion; spikenard; line of hair extending to the navel; female crow; ink; in proper time. . (SioQiSs, Kdliuga, s. country so called; elephant; jsnake; species of cucumber, cucumts utilattssi- mus; blue dovci 33(3<^e8, Kdliddsa, s. celebrated poet, who was one of the nine poets or gems of Viki'amaditya's court and is supposed by some to have flourished ^ In the century preceding the Christian era. &:)cfi3, Kdli-nayd, s. snake. j(3 >03CC33, Kdlt-polaugd, s. snake. a3&s 118 ^ 4553, Kdvya, s. name of Sikura, preceptor of the demons; poetical composition, poem; intelligence, understanding. C)dS33 fis^a Kdvya-lcartri, s. (53S poem, 5Sa who makes) poet. >3c5, Kdwat, s. sun. [Colloq. 36, Kdwalu, 8. species of panic grass, panicum glaucum. )3)3, Kdwd, s. moth. ffi>333o63, Kdivdtiyd, s. oyster. 53cs, Kdviyama, s. poem, poetry, pi. :3Sco hdviyam. <03gd, Kdimilu, s. kind of grass, 2^<^ntcum glaucum. >3C33a;3, Kdsyapa, Is. name of Aruna charioteer esiocanB, Kdsyapt, J of the sun; name of Garuda the bird of Vishnu, both of whom were sons of Kasyapa. )33^), Kdshtaka, a. dry. 53aOa), Kdshtatalcsha, 8. (>3aO wood, cs^sa to cut or pare) carpenter. [Colloq. gQs ti'at/MM^a.] )39i&, Kdshtha, s. wood. 33aS9, Kdshthd, s. quarter or region of the world, space, tract; place, site; limit, boundary; measure of time, the 30th part of a kald or eighteen twinklings of the eye; excellency, superiority; plant, curcuma zanthorhiza. 3)3(5ad, Kdsm,{ra, s. noted city or country in the north west of India, Cashmere; plant with a tuberous root, a sort of costus, costus speciosus. 53iK(5^, Kdsmiraja, Is. (^3csS<5 and s)33SJC> Kdhala, s. sound in general; kind of large drum or torn torn. ^o. Kin, see km. !&o^6, Kit}kara, s. servant. sSiog^^iSi, Kinkinika^ Is. girdle of small bells or 55o9<^, Kinkini, J any tinkling ornaments. /Sod(35, Kinjalka, s. anther of the lotus. 3ocg, Kinsuka, s. tree bearing beautiful red blossoms, almost every part of which is medici- nal, butea frondosa. [Colloq. &ixG kela.'\ 35 ^ss>(^'^G3 kidalia-kello. S3)3(5<55, Kiddran, s. plant, amorphophallus cam- panulatm (Aracea'J. ^c5, Kidiya, s, danciiig; dancing girl. ^^c5(5, Kidiyara, s, conjuror, Elu form of ^eDs S53(5 kriddkdra, <9, Kidu, see 63) Uda, ^g 119 ^e\tfco S8 S, Ktdu-bima, a. dancing school or assembly room. 9S)ii^e55(3 Kideheheli, see SS)e)SN>@ Jcidaha heli. 3 from )-:f, Kittan, s. marline; tow, hemp. Sc5^, iTzV^z, s. Pali form of iS4JS kirti which see. 6i33?5(5>, Kttayuga, s. golden age. 3s3c Kitala, 8. sort of plantain, mwsa saptentum. <9o(33, Kitala, 8. water cock, gallicrex cincrea. also called (S^S^SSJ walikukuld; Indian blue- coat, 'porphyrio polliocephalus, (order Gralloe.) ^sj9, Kitawa, 8. gamester, gambler; cheat, cheat- ing, fraudulent; thorn apple, datura stramonium, S^)e33, Kitikawanaivd, v. to tickle. 9^(4, Kitul, s. tree from which jaggory is obtain- ed; the pith of old trees resembles sago, caryota urens (Pahnae). <9g, Kidit, 8. pepper. ^^.Kinda, "Is. marsh, bog. ^^gcc, Kindaliya, j 9^a33, Kindanawd, v. to sink: pret. 9g33 kiudund. 0^D3, Kindawanawd, v. to cause to sink, to immerse: pret. 9s^3 kindeiowd. <9, Kindi, s. pepper, plant, the tulsi ocymum sanctum; also tinospora cordifolia; see <55& galuchi. [CoUoq. g(5iC3 maduru-tald or des f^^^Kindu, s, order, arrangement; branch; pepper. ^gdo, Kindurd, s. kind of fabulous being the upper part said to resemble a man, the lower part a bird; merman; in Hindu mythology it means a kind of demi-god attached to the service of Kuw^ra chief of the devils; celestial musician; pi. 46g^(5J kindurd. 3g5, Kinduri,8. mermaid, pi. tSgSs^coJ kinduriyo. 3g5g, Kinduritidu, s. (3g05 kindurd demigod or satyr, (gg indu chief) Kuvera. 9g^, Kinduru, see iSg^ kindurd. 9i3H^-203, Kindenawd, v. to sink: pret. tSg-asas h'ndund. <6J^^>, Kinkinika, see fSiitAtSi,Kinitta, s. end of a bunch, cluster; tender branch, twig, pi. S<69 kiniti. 3i6g(^3 Kinituld, 8. dog louse, tick, pi. B^tB KiniM, 8. (46^6 sore, cd ha which removes) tree said to be good for wounds which it removes by cicatrizing them, achyranthes aspera. [Colloq. fi)<5(^as>tS) ka7'alheba.~\ ^iQs^^, Kinire, s. anvil, pi. ^^<5 kim'ra. 9-Q, Kinu, Elu form of 58i^ krishna black. ^^ Kinutu, see ^i6 kinitu. ^.9^1), Kinudam, s. ornamental chain for the neck. ^"SSdj Kinupul, 8. species of the nymphea, bltie lotus. S^^<5?, Kinumaga, s. (tQ^ black resembling charcoal, oo way) fire. ^ Kibuld, s. bird, see 9<5C3 kirald. 9(3, Kimhili, s. kind of sprat, clupea cultrata. SS-238d, Kimbisinawd, ^v. to sneeze, pret. ^5^5300, Kimhihinawd, } j^^des^i kimbtssd. i>^&(^, Ktmbthtlla, s. sneezing. 9{;^, Ivimbid, s. plant, jyhimbago rosea, lead wort; tawny colour. ^d) Kimbidmuwa, s. name of a carriage wheel. !S)^(^Q?5S, Kimbulwan, s. tawny colour. S(^0is:^3, Kimbulwenna, s. generic name of Polygonum. '^^(S g3^^5 Kimbul-hund, s. kind of lizard. iSgC^j Kimhuld, s. crocodile, alligator, pi. 9^(^^cJ Icimbulo. 9, ^m, ind. part, signifying, what, how; either, or, a particle of doubt or interrogation, also a rel. pron. what, who, which, expressing doubt, interrogation, disdain, reproach ; as, in English, Who are you, etc. ^5, Kimda, interrog. pron. what? what of that.'' ^^Si)g(5L, Kimpurusha, see {Sg(35 kindurd. S, Kima, interrog. pron. why, wherefore, which, what ? see the preceding. 9, Kimi, s. small monkey, worms, see %'^ krimi. i9D8j, Kimidinawd, v. to dive: pret. Q4^ kimiddd. 9(SJ<:j, Kimekda, see 3i>5 kimda. ^cs<33, Kiyata, s. saw, pi. 9a5sJ ^-z^a^ ^co3d83, Kiyanawd, v. to speak, to say, to tell: pret, ^3d kiwwd. ^cs, Kiyambu, s. hair of the head; hair platted and tucked up behind the head. 6cs>S393, Kiyawanawd, v. to read, to cause to say: pret. sS(3^cs83 kiyewwd. Sce^, Kiyalu, s. publishing, informing. 6c53, /i7'?/a, s. bullock's hump; ^jar. having said. 9ce3'3^:?-S3S3, Kiyddenawd, v. to inform, to com- municate, to expound; to confess, to acknow- ledge, to dictate, to teach: pret. So53gj'eD3 kiyddunnd . 9g, Kiyu, s. speech. ?8ga^, Kiyulu, s. information, announcement. V* f^6, Kira, parrot; [CoUoq. S6Qo girawd.'] milk. ^<5(3d Kira-ul, s. properly 9i5g(^ kiriwul which see. ^dg, Kirangu, s. elk, [CoUoq. s>)J^533 gdnd.'] c9(5-3 355^(3 iksMra-kdkoli. ^8 (5530-25383, Kiri-kotanawd, v. to chum, pret. gj8 (^^^55Q8J kiri-ketuwd. ^S (3N5S)J:f, Kiri-kon, s. tree, ivalsura piscidia, (Meliaceoe); the bark is stated to be thrown into ponds to kill the fish without rendering them unwholesome. e9Seo9, Kirigaduwa, s. little boil, bubo. eSSsJcSl, Kirigarunda, s. sort of white substance which when pulverized is used in medicine, species of alabaster. c9S(5nk)39, Kirigotuwa, s. milk strainer made of wicker work. ^Sig, Kiringu, see eSdeg kirangu. ?6Sce, Kirichchaya, s. poniard, dagger. S03S383, Kiri-ijowanawd, v. suckle. SSai(^r^, Iuripella,s. tree, ^cts Tsjakela (Urti- cacecej. SSQcJ, Ktrtbat, s. rice boiled with the milk of the cocoa-nut. ^d'a)e^, Kiribadu, s. plant, Ipomoea digitata (Con- volvulacece ) . ^5g(^C. Kiribadidla, s tree, species of the marking nut plant, semecarpus latifolium. 68s^J3 ^:5^93, Kiribona-daruwd, s. suckling. Q8s*a)3e?S3, Kiribonawd, v. to drink milk. 495 Se? 6, Kiri-makulu, 8. small tree, (juice poiso- nous, seeds used for intoxicating fish,) sapium indicmn^ (Euphorbiacece). S8)3 Kiri-maduwd, s. sea fish. S5 a;c5eo3- Kiriwalld, s. tree, Holarrhena mitis (Apocynacece), S89C3, Kiriwawld, s. small bat, pi. 4S5(S^e^ *^5d I^Mwul, 6. body. /. weights for scales. 988x(^, Kiriwel, s. creeping plant, Morinda um- hellata (RubiacecB); also Ichnocarpus frtitescens ( Apocynacece). 68fig, Kirisidu, s. (9(S and Qg sea) sea of milk. sSSwjgd, Kirihaugulu, s. plant, marsdenia asth- ma tica. tSSjSScs, Kirihiriya, s. plant, exacum zeylanicum (Gentianacece) ; also called iJzncZwri*; see Z,m- hembiliya. ^8s3iisSq, Kirihenda, s. plant, Celocia argentea ( Amarantacece ) . 498k)i(3co, Kirihembiliya, s. tree, Dichopsis grandis (Sapotacece); also called Kirildriya, and Mihiriya. S3, Kirita, s. crown, diadem. 9SS), Kirima, verbal noun of 3(5-<:^3 kiratiawd or )(5-S.?si6, Kinmbara, S<3t,S)c5, Kirumbara 9c5^, Kirula, s. crown, diadem. i&'Si'b^-^, Kirulumina, s. precious stone on the top of a crown. 9s^dJi5- A7//a, s. menstrual flux, impurity, see <9(3 ^^d^^C^s^^) Killote, s. small box containing the chunam which is eaten by the natives with the betel leaf, pi. iSx^s^Q^Q^ killotd. ^G, Kila, s. small house or cottage, fSQ?s5, Kilan, s. butter milk. *SCC Kilala, s. plant, sonneratia acida Ceylon cork tree: [CoUoq. 98dG kirilla"]' ScS, Kilasi, s. ailment, slight pain. 9C353, Kildsa, s. itch, blotch, scab. Sg, Kili, s. menstrual flux ; small house or hut. ^(3, Kiliti, see 2Sg kilutu. ^@dC3> Kilidilld, s. kind of fish. ;6(gs^c33?3, Kilijwlanaicd, v. to shiver, to stiir- tle: pret. S(g3>c363 kilipeluwd. ^iQoiC Kilipcla, s. kind of small hut connected with the residence of families in which females are forced to reside during the flow of the men- ses, pi. 8(gc3td ^iUpel. 48(Se)3S^d Kilimdle, s. bloody issue; 9(3d> ^^^ih edible part of the stem of cocoa-nut tree, cocoanut cabbage^ ^eg 122 es^fsis^ 9g, Kilutu, a. dirty, impure, filthy, defiled, polluted, Elu form of ssiQ'&) klishta. ^9, Kiw, s. speech, speaking; j)<^'''t- said, men- ^ tioned. S9, Kivi, s. planet Venus; poet; professor of learning; monkey of the black kind. 9?, Kividina, s. Friday. 9Sg, Kivindu, s. name of Venus. ScO(5, Kiviyara, e. poet. 9g(5, Kiioul, a. wanting salt, i. e. provisions which are deficient in salt; but when used of water, brackish. 9e^, Kis, 2'>i'on. all, anything, whatever; s. for egrf kus which see. 4Se^53)D, Kislcanawd, v. to smart, (as when whipped): pret. 9ef)x83 kishewd. ^Sjrfcjdi, Kisdas, s. beggar, mendicant, [Colloquial: ?8cDC3S33 htngannd.'] Se^(9e,i, Kisdowun, s. last born, youngest bro- ther. sSid-^, Ktsnd, Elu form of sja^s^ Krishna. iSes, Kisa, Elu form of 5ac33S kritya which see. 9e3^, Kisauda, s. dwelling house. ^esSg^grf, Kisapitukus, s. man living at another's expense. See(^, Ktsala, s. sprout, shoot; extremity of a shoot bearing new leaves. <98, Kist, a. any, some; some thing, any thing. tSSsiQeaQj, Kisikawanaivd, v. to smack a whip. S8oJ, Ktsit, a. any, some, anything, whatever. ^S-Q, Kistnu, s. practice of austerities for the purpose of destroying the passions. 4w(5 Khadira-dehalt, where )(5 is equal to ^?68 A'i'AeV/, Mimosa catechu^ and (3>^cs)^ the threshold of a door, an image of the deity having, they say, been made of iStSd kihiri wood. 99dC> Kihilla, s. armpit, pi. tSsBg kihili. 9, Kz, prefix to words signifying number or quan- tity: part, said, spoken. ^ssic^, Kikaru, a. obedient, docile, tractable. a93(5l83, Kikaruwd, s. obedient person. :Qssidis\Q'S:>Qo, Ktkaruwenawd, v. to become obe- dient. iSiSSf oe, Kikirindiya, s. shrub, medicinal plant, eclipta erecta (Compositce). 99, Kzta, s. general name for worms. aSeo, Ktna, s. tree, calophyllum tomentosa and c. Walkeri; (GuttiferceJ; there are about seven or eight other species in Ceylon. So, Kipa, ad. many, much, some, several. 9c38<55, Kipawarak, ad. many times, often, fre- quently. iS, Kima, s. saying, pi. iS kim\ verbal noun of Sco303 kiyanawd. 9csij, Kiyada, ad. how much? how many? what o'clock is it ? S-^, Kirna, a. covered, secreted, hidden; scatter- ed, thrown, cast; injured. ^9^253, Kirtana, s. speech, words. i9?9?9, Kirti, \6. fame, renown, glory, repu- 3s. play, sport, amusement. i9(go, Kilita, J 5, Ku, s. earth; indeclinable particle of depreca- tion, implying sin, guilt; reproach, contempt, meanness; diminution, littleness; prevention, hin- derance. igoeg, Kunkuma, s. saffron, crocus sativus. i5o)eso3^, Kunchandda, s. roaring of an elephant. go33 Kunchikd, s. plant bearing seeds which are used as weights, abrus precatorivs ; [CoUoq. S)(g^St(^ oli7i,da-wer\\ branch or shoot of a bamboo; key. e5o53:t'g, Kunchikdchchhidra, s. (go)3 key, Sg, hole) keyhole. gIb3, Kukkd, e. young dog, pup) whelp, ig>g8, Kukkuta, s. gallinaceous fowl, cock, wild cock. Q5g9, Kukkuti, s. feminine of the preceding word. s^i^'^, Kukkura, 8. dog, [Colloq. ^C' baltd^. is^tsiss^ 123 3 Kulshi, s. belly, [Colloq. S) bada]. <58CJi3s:f, Kukurumdn, Is. thorny shrub, eg^gcSif^So, Kukurumuwan, } randia dumetorum (Rubiacece.) i58(^, Kulul, s. hair gathered into a bunch at the top or behind the head; a. relating to fowls, hard, rough. i^Q(^s>a^6, Kukul-pora, s. ("';."lgee*grfeDZ;iarfma. grf935, Kujawdra, j sgjjS, Kuja, see is^d kuja. i^dd, Kunjara, 8. (g earth, d6 which presses) elephant; (in composition) pre-eminent. 2gQco, Kuttiya, s. lump, piece, slip. egS, Kuti, 6. house; tree; body. g3)D<55, Kutikdraka, 8. (g3 and 53(5J doer) house builder. .^9c, Kutiya, see egQ kuti. 4580, Kutila, a. crooked, bent; metaphorically, deceitful. ig3(3ca3, Kutilayd, s. deceitful fellow, idle fellow. ^@, Kutumba, 8. family, race; name; kinsman; relation by the mother's side by marriage; off- spring, progeny, kindred. gSKJ, Kutumbin, s. (giJS) kutumba kindred, ^ tni possessive affix.) householder, pater- familias. gSS^9, Kutumbini, 8. wife of a house-holder and mother of a family, matron. 4!gS, Kuda, 8. umbrella, any pulverized substance, dust. igQdoD, Kudappd, s. uncle, father's brother; step father, pi. e^QdooQj, kudappdld. ig003, Kudammd, s. aunt, mother's sister; step mother, pi. ^ig3So(^D kudammdld. 2gS^e33, Kudamassd, s. fish, general name for river fish, pi. ^5S)rfs^S3J kudamassd. agS)s}S'S53(^(33> Kudaha-kolld, s. lad, low or very familiar word. g3, Kudd, a. small, little, diminutive, short. (5o93, Kuddkaranawd, v. to make small or less. 8a3 s>3(^c!i, Kudd-kolld, see egQw edge3> kudukedukam. eg aszjSS, Kudur-kekiri, s. plant, zehneria hoo- keriana, (Cucurbitacece.) g33e)393, Kudugahanawd, v. to winnow. gg(533o3, Kudugdnawd, v. to grate, to reduce to powder. g;fd, Kududawulu, s. plant, litsea zeylanica (Lauracece.) e2grfg3. Kuduppuwd, s. fish, egg C333, Kudu-pdta, s. brown colour, egg, Kudupuiva, s. food or cake made of the refuse of grain. eg S\c33(303, Kudu-polangd, s. snake. eg8;^, Kudvr-miris, s. plant, loddalia scopoUa or aculeata. ^@\^ 124 ig'?", Kude, 3. umbrella. i^^sf^C, Kundala, 1. earring; 5<^(5itt5(5-83 to cut) to hough, to hamstring. 25, Kuditu, s. (Q bad, from 03C^3. Kunupolangd, s. viperine snake. 25 ^ aod^C'' Kunumi-karawald, s. colubrine snake. ^5-^^ (5>c33eKi3, Kunumi-polangd, s. viperme snake. !?'S^dC3, Kunumelld, s. snail. ^5-gs^8a^3, Kunuwenawd, v. to putrefy, to be- come filthy. ^do>i)^6c5, Kuppameniya, s. plant, acalypha ^ indica (EuphorbiacecB). e5d8ce, Kuppiya, s. vial; calyx of a flower, agcsca, Kupaya; see i^ocs kupaya. 5g8), Kupita, a. angry, wrathful, enraged. ge<3Dffl)c5<83, Kupitakaranawd, v. to enrage, to agitate. agSH, iTMiji'fl, s. hump-backed man, crooked man, one who stoops in walking. '^gg^^ioSa, Kuhuddanawd, v. to cause to awake, to arouse: pret. Si^^e^Q'i kibidduwd. eg^^saSD, Kubiulinaivd, v. to awake: pret. 6Sg e33 kibidund. 5g, Kubudu, s. half blown flower; shame. ^gs^S)d;e^, Kuberes, s. tree with fragrant flowers, bignonia suave-olens. ^g, Kumba, s. pot, mast of a ship. 8S(53S), Kumhagaha. s. mast of a ship, pi. bSotc^ egSc^ ee3, Kumbal-saka, s. potter's wheel. 2^d 125 S^^(& 5(^3, Kumhala, s. potter; kind of winged insect, pi. ?<^S kumballu. ce3:f, Kumbuyon, see C55S?9 Agasti. 55, Kumbura,8. paddy field, pi. sg^ciiX-MwiwrM. 5^5i.8T(^, Kumburu-wel. s. plant, ccesalpinia bond tic, ( Leguminosce ) . 8sJ, Kumbuwat, s. variegated colour. 5^9c5i, Kumbuwaru, s. the bonduc or sucker tree. 2g, Kumbe, see 25 kumba. 5Sg Kumbili, see 25^:8 ^ kumbhila. gi)e55, Kumbha, s. frontal globe on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant; there are two of these projections which swell in the rutting season; jar, water pot, earthen cooking vessel: mast of a ship; sign of the zodiac (Aquarius): name of a noted demon, nephew of Rdvana; fragrant resin, or the plant which bears it; bdellium. <539(5, KumbhaTcdra, s. (g2n pot, )3(5 who makes) potter. 5Kis^cao^6, Kumbha-yoni, s. (i^Sco jar, s^csd^S womb) one of the names of Agasti, alluding to the fable of his being produced from a water jar; name of Vasishtha and of Drona military preceptor of the Kurus and Pdndus. gK)<35{Scs Kumbha-rdsiya, 8. sign of the zodiac Aquarius. gste6c<^ Kumbhastalaya, s. hollow on the top of an elephant's head, between the frontals. is^!tSi:)<^,Kumbhdnda, s. (^ztsikumbha water- jar, Si9s8(J(^ weni- wella. eg 0553, Kumana, s. what. KSgS5, Kumara, s. little child, see s^'i6 kumdra. 5i^, Kumard, s. prince, pi. ^5Ss^dJ kumaro, see e?3<5 kumdra. ^5co, Kumariya, 1 5. princess, pi. 255^c:^, see SQ?, Kumari, j .a53S kumdri. 85c3i, Kumaru, s. Kataragama deviyo, a chUd, prince. 55(5i93, Kumaruwd, s. child, infant, prince. 253(5, Kumdra, s. son or male chUd, boy under five years of age; prince, heir, and who is asso- ciated to the empire; name of Kartik^ya or Kataragama deviyo; parrot; tree, tapia cratceva; name of the river Indus or Sindhu. '25Dc5i55, Kumdraka, s. boy, lad. 25 3 '5 (5^48s3393, Kumdra-dewatdwd, s. devil nox- ious to women. 5g3c5csa, Kumdrayd, s. prince, sg35, Kumdri, s. princess; girl from ten to twelve years old, virgin; name of Durga the wife of Siva; according to Hindu geography the central part of the universe, usually called Jambu- dwipa, India proper; the most southern part of the peninsula of India, whence comes the name cape Comorin or Kumdri; name of a river flow- ing from the mountain Saktiman; plant, clitorin ternatea, [Colloq. 26(^ ^a9c35d nil-katarolu;'\ double jasmine; aloe tree, aloes perfoliata. /g3S5S53, Kumdrikd, s. girl from ten to twelve years of age, or generally a virgin, princess. /5, Kumu, 8. unblossomed flower. ay55, Kumuku, s. areca tree; [Colloq. g8J(53853 puivak-gaha.'] 2525if>, Kumukulu, s. cock; half blown flower. '^9> Kumutu, s. swallowing; diving, sinking. '5y^, Kumuda, s. white esculent water lily, nym- phea esculenta, red lotus, nymphea rubra; silver; elephant of the south west quarter; ddnava or infernal deity; camphor. 55<^8e3', Kumudawanawd, v. to rinse the mouth. 25e Kumuda, s. aquatic plant, pistia stratiotes, [Colloquial: ^cacdSc' diyaparandnld']; tree, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. (!^cJ5^^Q et-demafa'], 55, Kumudu, see 5^ kumuda. 55e,8?9, Kumuduwatt, s. place abounding in water lilies. i^ds^iSi?^, Kurakkan, s. sort of grain, sometimes called nachchini, millet, eleusine coracana (Gra- minece). 3tf9 126 5d 8<5c5i3eo3, Kuragdnawd, v. to walk as quadrupeds, principally used in speaking of hoofed animals . 5g(5o, Kuranga, s. sort of deer, antelope. 5(53, Kurata, s. p4ant, gmelina, of which there are three species in Ceylon. s^6-d^Si, Kwandaka, s. plant, barleria prionites, [Colloq. 45595<5g hatu-harandu] ; and also jas- minum indicum spinosum. g<5co, Kuraya, s. hoof of animals. ag(5(5, Kurara, s. fish-hawk, sort of eagle. s^d(4, Rural, s. ear of corn, paddy. g(5g(3\535(^(53, Kuravi-kevilld, s. Indian cuckoo. egc58ei^), Kuravindaha, see egcJl^a^ kuruvinda. g(533, Kuravika, s. Indian cuckoo. 5<5s325j, Kurahan, see ^gd^J^a^s:? kurakkan. g(5{5js:f 3C^> KuraTian-talapa, s. kanji or por- ridge made of millet. ^05, Kurd, s. dwarf, pigmy, any male animal stinted in its growth; ant, pi. ^5'5^<5^ ku7'6. ^^c^Cco, Kui'dlaya, s. stage or high altar used in demon ceremonies; bier. e^Si^e^o, Kurinnan, s. creeper, gymnema lacti- Jerum (Asclepiadacece). ts^86(Ai, Kurirayd, s. the following word with the nominal affix coo, a cruel man etc. s^8di, Kuri7'u, a. harsh, cruel, severe, austere; bad, noxious. 458(^^53, Kurirukama, s. cruelty, pi. i^Sc^Gi kurirukam. s^($i, Kuru, s. bud, tender leaves; bow; tortoise; according to Indian geography Kuru or Uttara Kuru is the northern of the four maha-dwipas or principal divisions of the known world; it evidently means the country beyond the most northern range of mountains and extending to the frozen ocean; a. small; cruel; short; a prince so called. i^cJi,oc5), Kurunga-miga, see igdis? kuranga. 5<5i(S5303, Kurutugdnawd, v. to rasp, to scribble. 5g<5i<^c5, Kuruniya, s. measure, one eighth of a bushel; five of which make one par rah. !gJi.^5, Kurutuudu, see e5<35 turd. 5CJl,g, KurwQdu, s. cinnamon, cinnamomum zeyla- nicum (Lauracece.) sg-^goid' Kurujulu-gal, s. cinnamon stone, a sort of hyacinth. ^gcJi.sJ', Kurun, plural of agdo kurd or e^cJi kuruma which see. ^5c5ii^ (S^S)^'5^^6^ca^, Kurunda-kobeyiyd. s. purple wood-pigeon, alsocomus puntceus, f'order Colum- hoe). 5g(55.:f53o, Kurundanawd, v. to scrape the ground with the hoof, as a bull when enraged. Qc5i.ef, Kurup, s. tortoise. ag-iloD, Kurupdwa, s. post, an oblique or upright supporter of a beam or wall plate. ^(Si^Q, Kurubili, s. sally-port. gdiS)38, Kurumbdwa, s. young cocoa-nut. ^, Kurumdnam, s. aim when shooting. 2c5L32S3i) S)e'S33, Kurumdnam-balanawd, v. to aim. egcJi^iS -sgcJLc^CSj Kurumini-kundld, s. blue-tailed bee eater, merop)s j>hilUj)ensis; green bee eater, m. viridis; chesnut-headed bee eater, m. sicin- hoii, (^order Picarice). 5c5i^cS3, Kuruminiyd, s. black kind of beetle with an extremely hard snout, by which it per- forates wood as if bored with an instrument; it lodges chiefly in the tops of cocoar-nuts and often destroys the tree by its boring to get at the cabbage. gc5l<5e3, Kurumurald, s. kind of fish. i^di^Qo, Kurulld, s. the general name for bird. 55Ld, Kurulu, s. young children; a. young, in- fantine. e5c3i6(3^(553c63, Kurulugoyd, s. bird; marsh harrier, circus aeruginosus ; pied harrier, c. melano- leucus; Montagu's harrier, c. ctneraceus, also called 05^(3c63 rdjdliyd; pale harrier, c. macru- 7'us ; Indian buzzard, buteo p)lumipes ; common kestrel, cerchneis tinnunculus, two last also caE ed <55e^JS3 ukussd, (^order Accipitres); pi. gc5i,d SMK3S kurulugoyi. SCJlCx< Kurulewa, s. pimple, 5CJiS, Kuruviti, a. round, globular. ^c^SisSq, Kuruvinda, s. fragrant grass, cyperiis rotundus ; ruby. -85c3l(^C> Kuruvilla, s. ruby. i^^Qssi6-^Qti, Kurusikaranawd, v. to peep. ^^(JiScc, Kurusiya, s. the cross, gibbet consisting of two pieces of timber placed across each other ^ either in form of a T or an X- e^6^6, Kurura, corruption of t^^6 krura, cruel, harsh, severe, wicked, bad, vicious. g>6, Kurd, s. hoof of animals. (^f^6i, Kurd, s. kind of ant; pi. of egOo kurd. 3d 127 'SgOd ^5(^i)65, Kulmat, s. surprise, wonder; joy ecstasy: a, lofty, haughty. eg(^oJs^e33, Kulmatwenawd, v. to be astonish- ed, to be surprised or high-minded. SSC*> Kulya, s. bone; kind of measure; winnow- ing basket; flesh: a. of a good family, well bom; of high rank; of high descent. SSC^C) Kulla, s. winnowing fan or basket; hawk or kite. 55c Kula, s. pungent taste; large rock; plunder, things stolen; disgrace; family, race, tribe or caste; herd or flock etc. of animals of the same species; inhabited country; house, abode; body. igCoa3, Kulangana, s. (sgc 3^d ^OS'SO an^ana Woman) woman of rank, woman of high descent or caste; chaste woman. ^5(5^, Kulaja, s. (^?C race, d born) well born, of good family. ^5ClS^/asftSc5^, Kulajyeshthayd, s, head of a family. fi5e^cJi.3, Kuladaruwd, s. (egC family, ^(5iD child) legitimate child; man of a good family. 22 Qg, Kuladu, s. woman of a good family, chaste woman. 2Se<^^' Kuladetu, Elu form of 5<3>d'38^c03 kxdajyeshthayd head of a family. ?C S), Kula-dharma, s. (se family, S) virtue) practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or caste; peculiar duty of caste or race. igQC^g, Kulappuwa, s. agitation, confusion, tu- mult. Kula-peU e. woman with one husband. 2CC) Kidamala, s, depreciation; abuse of a per- son's rank. ^gC^* Kulaya, s, race, tribe, caste; disgrace. *SCd' Kulal^ s> kind of wind instrument, sort of horn; plural of the following word. *2CC> Kulala, s. neck; scar. 5C4^^^^* Kulmvaddanawd, v. to cause to entei* into the caste, to name, to give the family name and title or privUeges* s^GQ^, Kulawami, s. (25c and i woman) chaste woman, woman of rank. igOes^, Kulastri, s. woman of rank, chaste woman 55C'abD33, KiddAgandwa, s. C8C ^'^'^<* ^^^ epS)QD3D angandwa woman) woman of good family, woman of rank. egCJ, Kuldwa, s. vessel, jug, can. g(g, KuHchchama, s. bolster. g^, Kuh, s. hire, wages, fare, rent. S<353(5c63, KuUkdrayd, s. (^s^Q wages, 53dcfl3 doer) hired servant, cooly. 2g(3'20, KuUna, a. of good family. ?:^S6 , Kidira, s. crab; [CoU. ij)g63 kaJculuwd.'] 2SSd) Kulundul, s. first born. 5SOC9, Kulupaga, s. (2C kula and qo upa near, (S3 going) faithful friend, familiar acquaintance. g(S(^, Ktde, s. caste, rank, race, family, disgrace, s^Q6, Kuwara, s. an astringent taste; Elu form of egS^^ kuivera which see. a5{^3S3, Kuvidtnawd, see 503 kubudinawd. ^5?^, Kuvinda, s. weaver. 2SNi9, Kmve'ni, s. noted female demon, who forms a very prominent character in the mytho- logy of Ceylon; she is the same that was changed into the form of a bitch when Vijaya Raja first arrived in Ceylon. ^^B6, Kuivera, s. (^g bad, evil, e><5 body) the Indian Plutus, god of wealth ; the name of this deity alludes to his deformity, he being re- presented as having three legs and only eight teeth; his most common name is 9>Q&i^<^ 6d wesamuni-raja which see. gs>9^e^, Kuweres. s. Casalpinia Bonduc, [Colloq. 5(5ii,G kumburuwela.')^ 5S>a3cBcs, Kusesaya, 8. lotus in general. i^atSeasQ, Ktishthaghnt, s. (igesiS leprosy, w20 ghna what destroys) medicinal plant used in the cure of leprosy. fig^, Kmhtha, 8. plant, kind of costus; cutaneous disorder; leprosy; kind of poison. geft5s>(5J, Kusapotta, s. omentum, caul. ^^eeC) Kusala, s. merit, power or virtue of good works, pi. e^tz<^ kusal. 5eeC3'53, Kusaldna, s. cup, drinking vessel, pi. s^iSQossS kiisaldn, 253305, Kusindrd, s. city in the district of Malla- wa, celebrated among the Buddhists as the death place of Gautama Buddha. k-agS^, Kusida, s. laziness, usury. i5gj^, Ktcsumdada, s. (gg D flowers, qq ensign) name of e"o^c;D anangayd. 25g Kusumdala, s. see (^ati6 mal-peni. '8SS'Q' Kusumdunu, s. name of ^DuC5dcs3 anan- gayd, the Indian cupid. gg Kusuma, s. flower in general; menstrual dis- charge; disease of the eyes, ophthalmia; fruit, pi. 55 g Kusum. ^^g^C Kusula, s. g-ranary, cupboard, place or vessel in which grain is kept. e^ts)^, Kichaha, $. juggling, deception, sleight of hand; hypocrite, cheat, rogue. ^gao^, Kuhana, Is. small earthen vessel; rat; eg ^501, Kuhana, /snake; hypocrisy; false preten- sions to sanctity or religion. 2gcB3, Kuhumbiyd, 1 55gg93, Kuhumhuwd, J *" 5g(^, Kuhid, s. doubt, deceit, uncertainty. ^g^o, Kuld, a. wild, disobedient, unmanageable. ?5^$>, Kulu, a. , stubborn, disobedient, wUd, unruly, ungovernable; hard; s. peak of a rock; un- blossomed flower. 4gd(5)25:fS:?83, Kuluganwanawd, v. (8^ top, sum- mit, (K:f8s383 causal of (SisimQi gannaivd to take) to place or set on the summit, literally or metaphorically. 25iis>cK)co, Kulugediya, s. sledge-hammer. 58 )^, Kulumi, s. mercy, kindness; one of the eight tastes as an object of poetry or composi- tion. agifi^-isiSo, Kulutuna, s. medicament consisting of three spices, pepper, ginger and tippili. 55)(5\<*di, Kuludes, s. false witness. ^633, Kuluna, s. column, cap of a pillar. ^gdoes, Kulupasa, s. (agd spice, oes five) com- pound of five spices, viz. ginger, pepper, tippili, cinnamon and cardamoms. eg6S)S), Kiilubadu, s. pungent substances, such as, dry ginger, pepper, etc. gdc0(5, Kuluyara, s. basket maker, worker in straw, ratans etc. g)dt-c, Kulurena, see 5^55(3^<^^-s^ katiikaro- him. ^^Q6, Kttluwara, see *g^c0(5 kuluyara. egiSs^SeaSo, Kuluwenawd, v. to become disobe- dient, or unmanageable. e8(',x3, Kuleti, a. wild, unruly, unmanageable, ungovernable. g53, Kuttama, s. pair, set of any thing, pi. ^90 kuttam. ^53, Kuttu, a. together, with, joined, united. ^^, Kuta, s. upper part of the frame of a circular roof; house, dwelling; peak or summit of a mountain; multitude, assemblage; firmness; uni- form and elementary substance; illusion by feats of jugglers; water jar; ham; mallet, large hammer; plough-share; body of a plough; trap for catching deer; fraud, deceit, untruth, false- hood, lie; a. counterfeit, untrue. iq3ssi, Kiltaka, a. hot. ^^S(S>a5J, Ktitake, 8. heat. ^8 653C5eacc3, Kufa^tdpasayd. s. (^0 fraud, 5jc3 fi8C69 ascetic) fraudulent priest, counterfeit her- mit. ^Q^fid 129 \8)&@ ^^Sco, Kutaya, see ^8 kuta. ^^S ca 253^05, Kuta-yantrayor^ s. trap, snare for deer, birds, etc. egSraDcSg, Kutasdlmali, s. species of the simul or silk cotton tree. ^Q3OT0<5, Kutagcira, s. (^^S Z;2<['?<(/'. a^altc^C^, Kudelld, s, leech, pi. ^^Sid'S^C^ ^^''- 5<2^c83, Kiiniyd, Is. very small kind of shrimp, ^^s^e^esj, Knvisftd, j pi. ^<2^ Z'w???", ^<^diS^eeJ /..wnzsso. t^^q^Qo, Kuddanawd, v. to awake: pret. 9.^g83 ^so, Kunama, s. palanquin with a crooked bam- boo, pi. ^gS'D hunam. gc3, jSrz, Kupaka, s. mast of a vessel; stake to which a boat is moored; leathern oil vessel; hollow below the loins; funeral pile. 5sJ<55, Kupodaka, s. (-e^cj kupa well, (3^5 udaka water) well-water. 5^'5, Ktibara, s. nave of a wheel, pole of a car- riage or wood to which the yoke is fixed. ^cao, Kumbiyd, see egg^css kidiumhiyd. j, Kumbu, s. elephant; water pot: the proboscis of an elephant; unfruitfulness; more properly "^^5^ kumbu. i5)S9cS@, Kurchasirsha, s. drug, commonly called ji'vaka, one of the eight principal medicaments. ^, Kurma, s. tortoise, turtle. i^<^6, Kurmardja, s. (.e^ turtle, t^d king) king of turtles, in the mythology of the Hindus; it is the tortoise on the back of which the world is supposed to rest. gS^SJ<5<5, Kurmodara, s. (e^ kurma tortoise, ^ (5<^<5 udara belly) disease, induration of the mesenteric glands. ^^(5, Kura, s. boiled rice; hair pin, skewer, pi. ii^<5l hiru. ^^doDescD, Kuratampald, see 03oC3 tampald. ^i5s38o5, Kurapayiya, s, wallet, pocket, large kind of purse. e^cJScas, Kurayiyd, a. general name for a fish. 5(5c3, Kurald, s. name of a fish. sqScao, Kuriyd, see 5(58ca3 Tcurayiyd, ^(5lc533383, Kunigdnawd, v. to stir up with a pin or wire: pret. ^5<5i(53^3 kurugetvd. e^d^Sao, Kuretiya, s. plant, memecylon rostratum, ( MelastomacecB ) . 5C38, Kulya, see 2?e* kulya. iS^Q, Kula, s. shore, bank; heap, mound; pond, pool. is^Qd, Kuwara, see ^^(5 kuhara. 55^3, Kushmdnda, see ss^'S.^<^ kushmdnda, (3^iSietSi6'<^Q'3, Kenkaranawd, v. to use a kind of magic. (3^4^os^5^^ 8xd)(^C> Kenkok-werella, s. plant, botrychtum zeylanicum, or moon wort. (S5oa3x95, Kenkekiri, s. plant, bryonia grandts. 13^555081(5, Kenwela, see i5i)Sic kemwela. (3^S5J), Kekka, s. stick with a hooked end for gathering fruit, pi. S59 keki. >555S59cs, Kekatiya, 1 . aquatic plant, Aponogeton (35555?9cs, Kekatiya, j Crispum ( Naiadacece ) . S^455S5<5ct3383, Kekaragdnaivd, v. to chuck as a hen, when about to lay: pret. s^SJ^adoo^Ss ^e- S 555 5533, Kekd, *555i353c35c5, Kekdrdtvaya, >s. cry of a peacock. (S^^555^d) '3>>i9, Kekz, s. female crane. (3^S555, Kehu, s. plant, Bocagea coriacea (Anona- cece). (5^i58, Kenchi, s. fun, sport, ridicule; o. lean, niggard. s>i55B55d-fi)3(3 kctavili. _ 'ekd, "^ ic5, Kekdrdtvaya, >i ), Kekdrew, j @\SS)@ 130 &>8SiQtSi S^53, Keti, a. short (not tall). (^^5S^, Kef/mn, 8. poundino:; digging. iS^^55 Dc3<33, Kefmnpata, s. rongh copy, rough draft of a writing, pi. (3\^s5DocJ letumpat. S^5ii, Ketnma, ft. act of making an incision, of digging, cutting, or beating. -s^^jS^Q ?, lu'teri, > ., sort of axe with a lono; ^^3^95:?, Ketjriya, (handle, nsed by Sanvi'i.sis or mendicant priests. iS^SJ'SvScsJ^g, Kedettu, a. wearied, fatigued, lean, tired; thin. 'S<5S5-iSi'<^S)o lendd. (S\iS5<*f^5S, Kendikdwa, 1 s. pitcher or jug with S^^a^s^^cs, Kendiya, j a lip or spout. ^ssi^'S'^, Kende., s. calf of the leg, pi. '^^sj^^S^d l-endd. 5^S5'S>-e3, Kenerangana, ) ^ ^a555v4i3)as5a)c8, Kendaya, see :^^2K<5^Scs kendiya. l5^^D^5:f'9'S), Kende, see (3^555<5tcc kendaya. f^ssiisi^, Kenda, s. wire, small thread, fibre. ])I. s^isif kendi. !3>^sd'<:j55, Kendagam, s. sulphur, brimstone. (3\i352s5a!3t^^, Kenhendo, .?. plant, cler^dendrum serratum ( Verbenacea> ) . (avaneD, Kenam, s. some one, certain one, what. (^^^53(^^^5^'^d, Kenek, pron. on6, one person. (^^45>'5^^^E^e3, Kenessa, s. water ladle. '3^555d::3, Keppa, >. S^aado Qj5>cJ, Keppa-u'dte, I s. disease of the 6^^S5do 83 3c5, Keppa-ivd^iiya, Twomb. ^)dc5 )3qS, Keppa-wdyuwa, J (Sinc33-s?o, Kepamana, ad. how inuch, how many. (5\aS)g, Kebandu, ad. how, in what manner. *), Ke7n, pi. of s>5 kema; in Elu, plant ^ bryonia grandis; feast, happiness. s^-SiSSd, Kemioara, s. capuism, worship of the gods, demons, etc. (9)iC Kemwela, s. creeping plant, which bears a fruit of the gourd species, Bryonia grandis. S*5, Kema, s. sort of magic, exercised to avert mischief. i^iSiSs^, Kemana, s. sort of long basket used for catching fish in very shallow water. S^ssi^, Kemi, s. the pedicle or part of the flower when the leaves are fallen off. <3va)^c5, Kemiya, s. spout of a vessel of any kind; pedicle, pi. s^^^ kemi. (g\S3^ej:f, Kemen, "I g. Elu form of ^5)^c;e:J kra- -jv^sjSnSsj, Kemena, j mayen; basket used for catch- ing fish. s>i(3, Kemeli, s. froth of the sea. (9>2558csi, Keyiyd, s. generic name of wild pines, Pandanus. SN5g5<5, Keyura, see Jg(5 keyx'ira. ^555(5, Kera, s. lame woman, or any lame female animal, feminine of sS53C35 kord, lame person. cs*:<59(^C Keratilla, s. sprig, small branch, top of a tree, pi. (S^S)6QQ keratili. ^iSi6Q, Kerala, see (3v3(5c ke'rala. -s^^sdSc Kerawala, s. extremity, point, or end, termination, pi. (S^a)(59(f{ keraival. f^iSi'^, Keri, s. lame woman. S>ffl?S, Kerima, "> verbal noun of ssi^^Qn kara- '3\.SSi^, Keruma, ) natvd, to do, pi. ^S)i% kerim. '3i55^<5-<^3, Kerenawd, v. it is being done: pret. SN3CJi-a^ kei-nnd. 3NC3S>(5s5, Keren, affix from. ^Siit: pret. SNC<55ig3 kelagehuicd. ^esiQiQ, Kelatolu, s. stammering, speaking as an idiot. (S^esiQsss^Qo, Kelasanaivd, ly. to defile; to defame, (tnS5CK)'233, Kelahanawd, j to spoil, to dirty : pret. e>SiGs;iiBQo kelahewwd. e\ssiS 131 &9S)^^ (g-S33, Kelinawd, v. to play, to sport as chil- dren: pret. S)gco3 heliyd. gvaagaad, Kelmalu, s. dancing, sportj play, plea- sure, pastime. (S^aaQQgQ, Kelibaduwa. s. toy, pi. '3\5(g heli- badu. S^55>(3g(^C! Kelimadulla, s, dancing room. (S^sjgco, Keliya, s. play, sport, verbal noun of (S^SiQ-zsiQo kelinawd, pi. )(g(^C> Kelilla, s. knee. (;>S5(g8i5^, Keliwede, s. toy, plaything. |3^^S^(3^^, Kelena, a. playing, sporting. <5'^'5^G^-> K^l^s, s. nose; excrement (used for se- men); filth; evil in the thoughts, desires, or affections; mountain so called: see >5C'33 haildsa. 5SCf^ i9s8e^, Keles-niwes, s. (^'?^^.(S>cM rock so caUed, ^Qs^Se^ residence) name of Siva so called from the rock on which he is supposed to reside. S^^S5S^CS3, KcUsa, ad. how, m what manner. (3^^3>(3Q, Kelesima, verbal noun of s^^QeeeoQa lelasanaivd. ^^^C^ed, Kelesun, 1,^^ ^^^^^ ,,,i,,^ (3>53*Cg, Kelesuma, j S^SJvQ, Kevita, s. goad, pi. s^ffi5S keviti. (S^S5SScs9<5, Kevitiya-ktra, s. plant, Meniecylon exalata (Melastomacece). (S^^5is3, Kevinna, s. part of a ring where the stone is set, pi. eali^ kevini. >5(^(3, KevilU,\s. feminine of s^siagCD kowtc- s^aaSg, Kevili, } Id Indian cuckoo, multitude, flock, heap. 3i^|jfj, Keicul, a. relating to water, o^>gC3, Keivuld, s. fisherman, pi. *5)C^ kewulun. 'S'^'i^S, KewuU, s. fern, of the above, pi. >gg S^ai keividtyd, s>53^. Keivuh', a, known, understood. (5*555 s^J3, Keicenna, 5. handle of a plough, pi. (S'i^^BS kaicem. 5>-S5(9\S'S3Si3, Kewenaivd, v. to paiii, a;^ the eye, when auj' thing has fallen into it, as dust or dirt ; pret. Si^gesj kewund, S^5as<<6, Keweni, ad. how, in what manner. sd?3'^, Kesinadane, j up the hair. <3>S3e3, Kesa, s. hair; urine, pi. S'iSiiS kes. 3.S5ac!S(5c3, Kesakiliya, s. (sv35c urine, B(gco house) privy. 5>55GS3, Kesaga, s. hair, single hair of the head, tip of the hair. Sv5se3p3, Kesanga, Elu form of s>avS33Sto krisdt'uja, poor, lean. 3*^563(5, Kesara, s. stamina of flowers; mane; hair on the body, pi. (S^&eod^kesaru. '5va5SS(5 QiCj Kesara-bevila, see i0 brvila. ^s>3s8g, Kesarindu, s. lion; [Colloq. fiosocoj ?'//- hayd.'\ S^esJK^J^,, Kesaru, s. tree, mimusops elengi; lion. 5*5S5S3ai iSc Jyesaru-beltla, see 9t^C5 bevila. (3>538g, Kesimudu, s. key. ?i555QC, Kesivida, s. key hole. 3>;5^.5^,, Kestiru, s. the pollen of flowers; dust. !S^5^^S3(^, Kesel, 8. banana or plantain, of which there are according to Mr. Moon about fifty- three species and A^arieties in Ceylon; for their names and arrangement, reference must be had to his valuable work. '5*53e5(^gS', Keselmmva, s. flower of the plantain. PiSiS^tSCf, Kese'da. particle of interrogation, how? in what manner? it is used also as a particle of introduction to a subject under relation; as, that is to say, namely, in the following manner. ^^SsS^di'S:, Kese'nam, I particle of introduction to (^^^5>S^e^g, Keseuu, J a chapter or section, or a subject Tinder relation, namely, that is, etc., also in this manner, thus, so, as etc. 3^5S\ffi), Kehe, s. hair, single hair. (3*es5S*es)^, Kehetu, see (S*.esJ^ ke'lu. (S^^s>!3*S)(^, Kehel, s. plantains, bananas, see >s:s>ea(^ ^ kesel. tS^Si^iSiQ, Keheli, s. flags, or trophies of victory, banner. 4S)^<3gti, Kehelidum, 8, fire. ^ /ve/rt, s. spittle, saliva; end; numeral of 100 lakhs; bud, sprout. '9>iS3f, Kelak, s, 100, lakha. S^452c5, Kelawara, s. end, utmost, final, teilmna- tion, extremity. \S)^ 132 e^fsi^^ is^ssi^^, Kelinda, s. medicinal nut or seed, from the tree, neriwn antidysentericum; it is used in cases of diarrhasa, dysentery, etc. (3-edcD4S, Ketahii jttsstmus. [CoUoq. g^(^^38co^ dunukei/tyd.^ ^lo3s>(^, Ke'tale, s. kettle, pi. >Joe ke'tala. j^-esf^, Ketu, s. in Indian astronomy the ninth of the planets; the dragon's tail or descending node, see also c^g rdktr, in their mythology a noted demon; banner, flag; mark, sign, symbol; comet; falling star; enemy. 3^<5J^S)3(330, Ke'tumdldwa, s. one of the nine great divisions of the known world, the western part of Jambu-dwipa, or India proper. 3i^3o3S>, Kenipdta, s. (5 ka water, ^oDsa who goes or faUs) oar; helm; rudder, large oar used as a rudder. S^-esJgc^, Kei/ura, s. bracelet woi'u on the upper part of the arm. >5J(3, Kerala, s. large fish, one of the whale tribe? with the addition of N<^e3 desa it is an appellation of a country, the modern Malabar. Ov-esJcJg Kerali, s. an aatronomical science; period of time, about an hour, ^i^5, Ken, s. cocoa-nut tree, [Colloq[. >03(5c^C5) pol-gaha.l^ s^^5Joi) ^;5S333, Kelam-kiyanawd, v. to slander, to backbite, to traduce: pret. (S^Jc^ cS03 kelam-kiwwd. ^Q%, Kelama, s. slander, backbiting, pi. <3^e^ (S\I(3i)3 Ke'lamd, s. slanderous, backbiting man, pi. <3>5oi)|j kelanmm. S^-esJSt^j Kewala, ad. one, only, alone, by itself; all, entire, whole; one of the names of Nirwana; absolute, certain; an envious or selfish man; a kind of . knowledge, probably of the unity of God. (3^JS(3 Sc53555(5-<^, Kewala-vaiydkaratia, s. (si80 only, G8oS335-8(^555<5-5sJe5S5C3::}cs. Kesakaldpaya, s. well dressed head of hair. (9vJesS)3^0, Ke'mdhdtuica, s. hair of Buddha pre- served in one of the temples or dagebas, and ever treated as an object of worship. ^Je303e3, Kesapdsa, s. much or ornamented hair. (s^^sJescssS. Ke'sapdst, s, lock of hair on the top of the head. (5^^t&6,Kesara,8. iron wood tree, mesiixi ferrea; assafoetida plant; tree bearing a white strong smelling flower mimtisops elengi, [Colloq. j202)(^ muna-mal.'\ (3\^3sc5iD, Kesardga, s. ((S^sSes hair, i^asJ adhesion) kind of unctuous substance used by natives as a perfume for the head and to make the hair grow. S^J^SJ, Kesarin, s. lion; horse; citron tree. (5>Jia5, Kesari, s. lion; plant, kind of ginger. s^nAxS :iQ, Ke'sarmdra, s. name of Vishnu, lordly lion, (3\5538, Ke'sawa, s. name of Vishnu or Krisna, alluding to his fime hair. e\isSe\B 133 @\S3)3Q^ (^5e3'3^08, Kesuwesa, s. (, Kairdtika, a. deceitful, fraudulent, (55C3e3, Kaildsa, s. name of a mountain, stated in the Hindu mythology to be the residence of Kuvera, the Indian Plutus, and a favourite resort of Siva; it is generally considered to be among the Himalayan mountains, <^ts^S58^, Kaiwarta, s. fisherman, waterman. (3\^oo45>c5-)355 koku. (5^a53-ed52505Sc?, Kokkanam-payii/a, Is. sort of > 55)3 is> 253, Kokkanama, J wallet or bag vised by pilgrims or sanysisis, which they hang upon the arm. S'SiO'SA^, Kokkti, pi. of (S^5S)3.2S)3 kokd. (5a>jJ33 o<5Sc5), Koknd-pKtkshiyd, s. (s^^a5 fork, 25DD bill, C3-2S bird) bird, turdus gingianus. S^^oa^sJ-aoa , Koknd-muwa., s. (5553J33 and 8 deer) wolf. (;^33J^i)33) Kohnota^ s. plant, pipe wort, erio- caidon qmnquangulare (Eriocaulonew). i35e62d, Koksan, s. violent laughter. (S^5o^ds3SC'2533, Kokhaudalanawd, v. to call workmen or labourers together by a certain kind of whoop, to shout out in laughter: pret. s^^sa-ed S)SCx5^!> kokhandalewd. /i3>53^}5, Koka, s. wolf. S^535553cs, Kokatiya, s. tree, garcinia temophylla (Gutttferce). (3^S535(5-^.25dS)3, Kokadenaivd, v. to hallo or shout, to huzza. S53>'5:^, Kokanada, s, red lotus, red water lily. ^a)353^ (^^^^^9, Kokanada, ice'ndwa, s. sort of fiddle given by Sakra to Buddha when he was Kusa Raja, made of wood which resembled the red lotus. S>ffl3)3^tC Kokanadawela, s. red lotus. S^S53^3, Kokd, 8. crane or heron, of which there are many species in Ceylon ; some are named as follows Q(s'SSi3Sii beli-kokd muscle coloured, ggs^eajiao smJu-kokd white, 5eK>oiS>tS, Kokis, s. kind of food or bread made of rice flour. S^iOJago, Koktin, s. saffron; tree, swietenia febri- fiigia. <^s^3^g9l3^c3^^g, Kokunpotn, s. tree, kokuna zeyla- nica (Celastracece); also called 8253c33-9 tvana- potu. 5S)38e3 S)S)C Kochcht-batala, s. species of bind weed convolv'uhts batatas. S^^55^o5^, Kochchiyd, s. kind of fish, a man of Cochin. (3>ffi>380, Kotta, a. dry, dried; s. pillow, bolster, S^2553S3 <5'Sn5, Kotta-ure, s. pillow case, pi. >3380 q6 kotta-icra. (S^&oBQo, Kaftan, see (3v3380i) kottam. s^539So s^coSca, Kottan-gediya, s. medicinal nut, used also in mar king cloth. (3>539Q, Kottam, s. plant, costus speciosus ; [Colloq. S^S)g tebu.'] i3>^ji)3, Kottambd, s. Indian almond tree, ter~ minalia catappa (Combretacea;). S^53SQ3e3ce, Koftdsaya, s. part, portion, division, section, pi. >)3903es kottdsa. 539s^9, Koite, s. cushion, pillow, pi. s^393 kotta. >45i39s^8^c5i83, Kottormvd, s. bird, brown-headed barbet, megalcema zeylanica; yellow-pointed bar- bet, m. favifrons; crimson-breasted barbet. xantholcema hoimacephala, also called (^ <3^iS539 (3^SJc$i,83 mal-kottoruwd; (^order Picarice). (5^^5533, Kota, a. short; little, abridged, curtailed; also, p)^Kf' P<^^f- of 5(5-39f eosJco, Kotan-hatta, s. fungus which groAVs on the trunks of trees* e^SSi3Q&^ 134 &.ssa^ SS)3333, Kofanaivd, v. to dig with a spade; to bruise, or beat as paddy, when separating the husk from the grain; to fight, as cocks only; to cut as with an axe: pret. (5>S)03 kepuwd. v:33c8i.(^, Kotala-wel, s. creeping plant, Torenia asiattca ( Sa'ojihulariacecc) . '5^^53^^^5^8^, Kotawanawd, v. to set on, to insti- gate a quarrel; to chop, to dig: pret. s^sjs^OSSs ketewwd. (S^SJoOee, Kotasa, s. part, portion. S533wd, Kotahalu, s. present given by a young woman to her dhoby on her puberty. (^sjdO^s^^-sd, Kotaludena, s. she ass, pi. S>333^ *^^'S kotaltidennu. SN^S53c)dS3, Kotaluwd, s. ass, jackass. (S^ss>o!z)'3, Kotd, s. short man, pi. S^^SJsSQ kottu; perf. part, of (3>5S533eS3 kotanawd, see above. (9>53S^5)o tgG> Kotikai}-belila, ) s. medicinal 'i^'lSio'Sii^Q, KotikaJi-bevila, J fibrous plant, sida rhombifoUa (Malvaceae). *53953, Kotikd, s. dried arecanut. Si^aDSs^^ao, Kotidena, s. tigress, pi. ^isnQiS^^^'^ kotidennu. (3>J3Sc53, Kotiyd, s. Ceylon tiger or leopard, Jelis pardus; pi. ss)oQ koti. (3^3^, Kopu, a. surrounded, fenced in. S\5533(;psJs>, Kotu-atta, s. path, by-way. S>^553g 033 ds^d, Kotu-tdppe. s. rampart, pi. S^^sg S33do kotu tdppa. (S^5553c)oOT, Kotupata, s. see (5^^S)32|^Js3 kotto-atta. (^^5^953g<5, Kotupawura, . walls of a fortress etc. pi. >5a33-5L kotujMwuru. SvSJsg, Kotuiva, s. enclosure; fortress, castle, pi. >S53 kotu. (3^&-233\D, /lo/e, s. short thing, stump, pi. &^:iQ kota. ^^^5)o, ) Kotfhaka, s. mner apartment; gran- (3^^3c^5, J ary; fort. 3C3, {j{QftJidsa, see (9^D)SiJisc3 koitdsaya, 5*.S53a)co3, Kodayd, s. black ant, pismire. 3^A'S))i5, ilToc??, ^5/{tr. of i3^33c2 kodiya. 3>.3553<2n3(5c53, Kodikdvayd, s. standard bearer. iS'^jO^ ^'^i^-i^Q, Kodttiiwakkuwa, s. sort of gun used by the Kandians, and placed when fired on a portable tripod; grasshopper gun, jingal. (^^^^I3:5, Kodiya, s. colour, standard, flag, banner. S^tSJ^J^so, Kodivina, s. magical incantations of a mischievous tendency: any other acts doue with a view to produce mischief. L 'S^)^, Konda, s, fruit; pig; socket of the arm where it joins the shoulder; huge hog. 'ffi>3(3g, Kondaltndu, s. king, [Colloq. 6 d raja"], (3^<5S53(9^3(^, Kondol, s. snakes; goats; ear orna- ments. ?5^2a3v3(2, Kondola, s. kind of yam, pi. Sv)3iS*s)3(^ kondol. (3>43(S>)3Q3, Kondola, s. earrings, plant, kind of yam. '5^^^3S^33sJ^j)id(^C3, Kot-kerella, s. spiral lines or wreaths winding round the ornaments on the top of a house. S53cJo3, Kottama, s. kind of jacket worn by the Sinhalese; kind of waistcoat, pi. (3>>3cJs) kottam. (S>53i5Jc3(^(g, Kottamalli, s. coriander, conandrum sativum. ^53sJ^S)(5<^83, Kottukaranawd, v. to prick or pierce with a small puncture. (S^ssiO^'Bq, Kot-7nala, see (^Q kot-ke- rella. iS^^3cJ(3558, Kotvilakkuwa, s. standing lamp of copper etc. S'^S3S3, Kota, .. spire or other ornament, at the top of a buUding, pi. (3^,2S336J kot. (aa)305'S3, Kotana, ad. where? in, or to, or at what place? (S>^3SD, Kotatnbu, s. neck gem of Vishnu. ^ssidSiQa, Kotalaya, s. vessel with a spout for drinking out of. S\5'j3aD3oqiQ, Kotdyucla, s. spear, lance; name of Kan da; see ^^^^e) :k kandakuinani. ^sa3.^, Kotu, s. laughter. i3>.Si3^S5(5533S>^S, Kodewwa, 1 SNa53(3Ni^0, Kodewuwa, j <53^, Konda, s. white esculent water lily, nym- pJioea esculenta. 53ej5t5(d, Konda-heladu, s. plant, species of jasmin ; another plant, species of the nymphoea or water lily. S*a33^e5i(5, Kondasera, s. bow of flowers; garland. (Sv)3g, Kondu, 8. things made of goats hair. (5^55)3g C3C53, Koudu-palasct . s. exceedingly fine cloth, made of goats hair. i9^53g<5S, Kojidurana, a. whispering, murmuring S^3^g<5iw^, Konduranawd, v. to whisper, to mur- mur, to grumble, to complain: pret. (?455gcJi3 Jcenduniwd. (S^Si'JisS, Kon, plur. of 33 lona. (SN^sioesf )<5<3s583, Konlaranawd, v. to put aside or apart. (Si5>3ff:!'Si>^i-<^S3, Koncham-laranmcd, \v. to *53^Ss5<5'S33:f3, Konda. s. kind of binder or girdle used for tucking up the haii-, pi. 3>J35:fsvS konde. a53255e) fiSt^c^C'j Konda-kuridld, s. small bird, called Madras bulbul, pi/cnonotiis hfemotThois, ('order Passeres). (3>S33:J83^4553S)j, Konda-kohi, s. pied-crested cuc- koo, coccystes'jacobinus; red-winged crested cuckoo, c. coromandus ('order Picaria;). ^S)3255S)tgJ, Kondakewun, ) s. kind of cake, (3^532s5a)as>t, Kondakeivum, fin shape resemb- ling the 5^533 s:f(333es:re)3 konda or '5^^55J^5:JS) konda. (9>532003, Konfa, s. kind of spear or lance, rosary. <3^)33eD32^Qc2, Kontdyudhaya, s. spear, or lance; Indian god of war, see 5^g3^cfi3 kanda- kumdrayd. '^S5i^?si'5^fsi, Kontc, s. stick forming one part of a tripod, with a large iron hook at the top, two of which are used for supporting a palanquin when not in motion, and to prevent it from touching the ground. fiD3:f(S^'2533, Konwenaivd, v. to go aside, to step out of the way. 5a5>3.33, Kon a, s. end, corner, angle; comer of a room, pi. (5*53>3ed kon. 9^>32S35S5, Konaka, ad. apart, aside. (5^S53353e33, Kouahanawd, 1 v. to pinch, to nip: 'S^ .SiOi^sS ea^Qo, Komssanaivd, J pret. ^ssass^Q^ ke- nahuwd; e^^si^d'gSa kentssuwd. ^Si'idod, Koppara, s. kernel of the cocoanut cut in pieces and dried in the sun, from which oil is extracted. 'S^53rfc3^, Koppard, s. sort of large sea fish. (?5s>30-(!se, Kopamana. ojd, how much, what num- ber. '3^^55^8(^, Kopil, s. cheek, [CoUoq. -aa^ge kam- jmda']. '^Sio^, Kopu, s. well, [CoUoq. @^ linda^. '3ffi33g(^ ^5, Kopul-ata, s. cheek. ?>-S53gc Kopida, s. cheek, jaw, pi. )3g(^ koptd. 5^^55^g9, Kopuwa, s. sheath, scabbard, pi. ^roog kopu. (^^^^)^(3^o, Kope, s. anger, see oJeco kopaya. 9v>3'5>03C, Kopola, 8. cheek S\53^^, Kobbe, 8. tree, allophylus cohbe (Sapin- dacec). 3^^^^S), Koba, ad. where. s^3S)^C Kobam'la, 1 8. tree, mountain ebony, S^53S)((3, Kobalila, } bauhinia purpurea. S^3(S^S)8oo3, Kobeyiyd, s. common Indian dove, turtur risorius; spotted dove, t. suratensis, also called cp6(553>ScS3 alu-kobeyiyd ; ('order Co- lumbce). (S^^E^(S^S)J'?'(5^Sc<^C Kobogedi-walaUa, 8. pigeon house. (S>>3>S)J<3^c59(3g, Kobogedi-walalu, s. projecting ends of beams in houses etc. often ornamen'od. '?539^J eacas, Kobo-nayd, s. snake. 3>53S*J r^, Kobo-mal, s. tree, Eugenia oper- ctdata (Myrtaceos) ; also called Ss^s.'^ bata- domba. s^^533S^S)J8.2s5ffi)3, Kobikvakkd, s. plant, ventilago maderaspatana. <5>s>3, Kombtiwa, ) .53g, Komandu, s. gourd, cucurbita citrulla; [Colloq. csJ ^iSi'i^^yak-homadu.'] (5>53:Js^^, Komande, s. troop, detachment, pi. s^^^^5J^ komanda. ^SioQ, Komala, a. soft, flexible; s. things pro- ducing love or affection, any thing soft. (^^^55^S)C2^^fi)3i)3S5S53, Komdrihd, see iS^5J355553 Mmdrilcd. (S^ffi33, Komu, s. fine cloth made of goats hair. s^>38, Komwpidu, s. kind of cake or bread made of rice flower. (S^538(3, Komupili, see (3>3|j homu. (3<-as533^55, Koyaka, ad. which ? (S^538, Koyi, ad. where? which? >55>3S'S^ Koyinda, ad. whence, from whence. 4K3(5, Korandu, s. abridgment, conciseness. (^^03<5<3^e3^^5^s^, Korapotta, s. scale of fish; scab, pi. >>3(5f3vc33^ korapotu. Sv^3(5s>c33(^ s^co^CiS, Korapol-gediya, s. cocoa-nut for fighting; at pestilential times the natives have a ceremony of throwing cocoa-nuts one against the other, to remove sickness, but at other times for sport, sometimes and more pro- perly Avritten (5>o^c5(^^c^^(^'5^c55cs porapolgediya. (5>ffl53(5(5i93, Koratnburuwd, s. fish, char. >)3<5(^, Koral, s. coral. S^^3(5c J'^orala, s. scaliness. (S'53(5c^. Koralan, .iS53(5s3 korasa. >53<52S3x, Korahedi, see e^ostfesrS korasedi. (3^>3d5, Kord, s. lame man, any male lame animal, pi. ?35i, koru. <^^^S53(5l, Koru, s. jackal, [Colloq. ^sdScss wa?7)/a]j. se553(S^(^e^, Koros, a. cruel, barbarous, hard heart- ed; plant, see the following word. ^.a5>3(Si<^ea StQ, Korosa-wela, s. creeper, deUma sarmentosa (DiUeniacew). '3>S53'5N^e3 SN^soQ, Korosa-koJa, s. pi. leaves of a creeper, used to clean furniture. ^!S)~)(^C^^Qo, Kollakanaivd, v. to rob, to plvmder. to pillage. '5*53(^C<^<3^'3C Kollankola, s. plant, kind of mint. (S'SSiOi^Qsi 09, Kollan-gaha, s. tree, garcinia or xanthocymus pictorius, [Colloq. <5c)(3>(5>3c5) rata- goraka\. (9>es)3(^(^cc, Kollaya., s. plunder, pillage, things taken by theft. ^4553(^(35 Kolld, s. young lad, youngster, (a low word), pi. iS53(^g, Kollu, s. horse gram, Madras gram, dolichos biflorus (Leguminosa;). (9^^553(^(^x0, KoUeiva, s. outrigger of a fishing canoe. r (3> 4553 (3^5 (5, Kolakura, s. bud, young shoots of the leaves. (3^4553C455i3cs, Kola-ketiya, s. heap or stack of com. '3>-S53(3^, KoJatii, s. branches. sS53(3^<5, Kolatu7-a, s, tree. (3^5553(3 ^c53, Kola-diviyd, s. (a>3(3(3sJ kola pat. (3^^3(;^c;<5^8c53, Kola-pardtiyd, s. kind of fish. '3>-S53C cssS'? Kola-pdta, s. green (literally leafy colour). (9>ffl53(2;g9, Kolapu'ra, s. spathe of the flower of the cocoa-nut tree, s^assjf^ 3CS5 137 ^ssiim ^"' I arf. how much, how many. (^^>^esJCcs, Kolahalaya, a. tumultuous noise; noise, uproar, quarrel. S53C?9d' Kola-himbul, s. sort of silk cotton, from i^3, Koliha, s. extreme point of a tree. S^4553g, Kohl, 1 J J IT c. , , > see (5>a50(3C3 a;o< to. e>)3g83, Koluwa, ) S^^^5^<^, ^o/e, s. leaf, branch; herbs; raiment; rat snake, Garunda; ferry, pi. ^SSi')Q Tcola. <^>3S^C3^cs, Kolomhiya, s. species of mango tree. (S'!S'.'i'5''Q>,'if^Q, Kolombmva, s. wooden stool, log of wood to sit upon. 'sN3iJa3>3, Koivakkd, s. plant, bryonia grandis i5>3)S<5, Kovichara^ (S^5^s^(5, Kovitara '5>^3(^e5. Kowulld, 8. kokila or Indian cuckoo. SNi553e, Koivula, s. decayed or rotten tree, pi. s^oogc^ lowuL <5^ss)-fS, Kos, s. lack tree, artocarpus integrifolia ( Urticacece ) . s^S3ie^ ffcJoD, Kos-atta, 8. plant, Blachia umbellata (Eupho7'biacece). >)3f^'!fiQ c;3, Koseta-miyd, s. common Indian mouse, 7nu8 urbanus. i^fSi-itS^^ 8C3 Koaeta-wawld, . Coromandel bat, Scotophihis coromandelianus. '3^^^=^ ^^'^de^j Kos-hurulld, s. bird called little minivet, pericrocotus peregrtnus ^order Pas8eres). '553Ef 2sm8c;3, Koskctiyd, 8. sort of tree. s>3!^6D Kos-bada, s. tree, ieVsm tomentosa (Lauracece). S^33f^gs8<3^cs3, Koslihiniyd, s. curlew. s^^35^rfi^, Kossa, s. brush, broom, fibre; matter in a boil, pi. '5^S53S5 ^oAtt. (S4?3e^e33, Kossd, s. kind of sea fish or fly. (5^5353, Kosamba: see ';^5^s^eK)^ kohomba. (^^)^a^S isnosc^' Kosamba-polangd. s. snake. s^53!S3e. Kohala, s. secret things, hidden property; umbrella. '5^33533, KoM, 8. Indian plaintive cuckoo, cuculm passerinus (^order Ptcarice). >53i^C, Kohila, s. plant, (both leaves and root edible); Laaia sptnosa (Aracece). (S^^Dg, /foA?/, s. sort of paddy, on/za aattra; fibre of the cocoa-nut husk. <5>a53g , Kohvr-amba, 8. species of mango, man- go/era indica. '5^a53g <9S(^C> Kohu-hinlla, s. plant, microco8 j)aniculata. 'S>a)3g aa. where, m what place. ?>>3^tr3i5>833^, Kohomada, f ner? ';*S53S*S33(^, Kohol, 8. shame facedness, shyness; covered or concealed place, rod, stick. 3^^S5^S^K)^(^C^ Koholle, s. gum of the jack tree. '?^3S>asJ39e, Kohovila, s. plant, dracontium spino- 8um. is*53S*3, Kolom, 8. tree, ac?ma cordifolia or nauclea (Rubiacece). ?>^5^J, -So, t?. where; . anger. '^ss'iiSi, Koka, ad. which; 8. wolf, see (S>a)35 ^o^a. -s^^oifcBcso, Kokiyd. s. cook. ^SjJiBGcoa. -S'oHZaya, . black Indian cuckoo; this bird has a pleasing and affecting note, and ac- cording to Indian poets produces strong emotions in the heart, and makes a prominent figure in ^ their poetry. (S^sjJSScs, Kottaya, 8. fort. "i^-SRJS, Koti, 1 number, 100 lacs or ten S>,55:Jc, Kotiya, j millions; end, termination; edge of a sword; end of a bow; point, edge, corner, angle; eminence, excellence; plant medicago es- culenta. *5ia9, Kotuwa, small stick, pi. (S^^3^ kotu. "^ciJ^, Kodrawa, Is. species of grain eaten (S^Sii^Q^, Kodraivaka, f by the common people paspalum 8crobicuIatum, [Colloq. ? amu]. (S^Siic^i^, Kodanda, 1 iS'SS^is^G,^, Kodona, J ^>Je<^S)3, Konduruwdf s. eye fly; gnat. (S^iSii?^, Kon, s. tree, Ceylon oak, producing a pleasant acid fruit, schleichera trijuga (Sapin- dacece). s^^J^^, Kona, s. general name for the three divi- sions of the year. 18 ,8. bow; the eye brow. e^sssi&^D 138 ^ssii-^^ (SiS5cf s>, Konama, s. general name for cloth, bath- ing cloth, hence, rag, poor man's cloth. S>Jc3, Kopa, a. angry, wrathful, passionate. 'S^ssii'O'ji, Kopaya, s. anger, wrath, passion, sorrow, indignation. ';^^s>J9, Kopi, s. cofPee, coffea arabica. (^553^89 -rf3 9c53, KSphvatta-miyd, s. bush or cofEee rat, golunda ellioti. '5'SiSz>o8ss:'i, Komdrikd, s. kind of medicinal plant, aloe, aloe vulgaris. J(5(5 Mrala. (^ssi5($ 7, Kordla, s. the chief of a K6ral^, 'S^^S);JC Kola, s. fruit of the jujube tree; kind of pepper, 2yiper chavya, [Colloq. SScs siviya] ; hog; raft, float; haunch, hip or flank; embrace; planet Saturn; kind of plumbago p)l'^fnbago zeylanica ; a country, Kali^ga, including the sea coast from Kuttack to Madras; kind of weapon, ^tSii'^iS), Kolaka, s. kind of pepper, piper longum; perfume. ^^35T(5SS)a>, Kolambaka, s. body of a lute, whole of it except the strings; large water jar. (S^^Sq, Kolama, s. masked dance in which both human and supernatural characters are introdu- ced, masquerade, show, pi. '3^>J(^i) kolam. (3^Jg8(^(, Kolawalli, s. long pepper. (^sjJc efoSsJ^Qcs, Kola-sanniya, s. excess of phlegm in the throat so as to cause suffocation; cholera morbus. t^iSiJcy^Q, Koldruwa, s. want, need, necessity. '5^&'5J(30S3(3, Xoldhala, s. tumult, uproar, loud and confused noise, riot. cf^, Kovida, a. wise, learned. S^s>ff3c,<5, Koviddra, s. species of ebony, bauhinia variegata. J (^ kdvil. (S>G)3^Q, Kowe, see (^^a5J8 kowa. <^iSii(s&. Kosa, s. egg; gold; shoe, sandal. (^^>Jc5^(3, Kosala, see (^^3ssq kosala. a^^aJ^, Koshtha, s. granary, place in which grain is kept; apartment; stomach. ^'Ss>5'^Je330D), Kosdtaka, see ts^ssijis^Sisa koshdtaka. (s^iK^ssaocS Kosdtaki, see (5QJ, Kaudu-bo, s. tree, Ficus arnottiana (Urticacece); also called ^KgQ's^QJ kapntu-bd or 555^1^ J^J kaivudu-bo. (^^)J>s^^5D, Kaundinya, s. thirteenth lunar as- terism designated by a hand containing five stars, one of which is seven or eight Corvi; tree horago zeylanica? '^ai-Q^SS) 139 SSii^^ Ss), Kauntika, s. spearman, lancer, soldier, armed with a spear. (5v^aTS*95, Kauberi, s. name of Kuvera or Wesa- muni-raja chief of the demon race; the North ' quarter of which he is regent. <3^3')^<5, Kaumada, s. white lotus, from its resem- blance to moonlight, or from the circumstance of its always opening in the moonlight. (S'^')zi^( ^^1 Kaumada-bandhu, s. moonlight. s^ 255=1 ^<^, Kaumitda, s. month Kartik (October and November). (S\cs))g, Kaumudi, s. moonlight; Hindu festival in ^honour of Kartikeya (commonly called Katara- gama deviyo) held on the full moon of the month Kartik; day of the full moon in the months Aswiui and Kartik. (3>S5T^ a^s, Kaumudi-wriksha, s. (iS^^m^^ light? 8a .^ tree) lamp stand. (3>2S)")(5e), Kaurawa, s. descendant of Kuru; see agcJi kuru. iS^iSi'^Q, Kaula, s. one of a good family, well born. (J^^-kSsj, Kaultna, s. high birth, family, descent; rumour, report; combat of animals birds, snakes etc., cock lighting; privity, privy part; improper act; the son of a female beggar. G^cs)'^3^(^a:.S), Kaule'yaka, a. of good family, of good parentage. ^^5))*8as3, Kaustubha, s. jewel of Krishna sus- pended on his breast. S^4aTe3C;59, Kausalya, s. good fortune, well being; mother of Riima. (3^5=)Q^S5, Kausika, s. name of Indra; fragrant substance, bdellium; owl; snake catcher; ichneu- mon; title of Wiswamitra; one skilled in dic- tionaries; dictionary compiler; love, passion; marrow; a river in Bahar, the Kosi or Koosa; name of the goddess Durga, S>a5i3e^cC, Kameya, . silken, of sUk. ifiiid, K^k, 8. sorrow, -sat'SsIeg, Kekkuma, s. pain, ache. 5t^C Kekala, s. tree, Cyatliocalyx zeylanicum, (Anonaceoi); also called (i?oxc5a3 ipetta. 53JiS(5, Kekira^ s. generic name for cucumber, pi. 5S>t^8 kekiri. 5x38<^, Kekiri-ward, s. name of Schumacheria castanecefolta (Dillenacece) and of axinandra zeylanica (Lythracece), both plants peculiar to Ceylon. 5n9(^0, Kektlla, s. small thicket, fern, Gleicha- nia linearis (FilicesJ. Siis^^, Kekuna, s. tree, canarium zeylanicum (Burseracece), peculiar to Ceylon. 5t.5gC, Kekula, s. flower bud; adj. hard, pi. 2S5i 556 kekulu. ^'i-^'d, Kekulu, s. strong glare; hardness. 355ii3x(3^c5-, Kedapana^ s. letter addressed to a king, embassy. 3iSi), Kedhia, s. act of breaking, pi. iOtSi) kedim. ai 140 ssiv^iisS ssix^o, Kedun, 1 verbal noun of >a)e393 Icadana- SiD, Kedum, jivd, to break or cut. ^i<3>eiss, Kedena, part, breaking. >i>a)2s30D. Kedenawd, Vi to break (neut*) pret. ffiStQeo) kedund. tcJ, ^e^, a. of noble birth, royal. ssiii^ '^^(^(2, Ket-embilla, s. plant, aberia gard- neri, (Bixinice), peculiar to Ceylon. 5ic5a3xJ, Ketkat, Is, ()tcJ royal, )s5 woman) )i55.as>c;, Ketkala^ J queen. >i6j BG, Ket-Tcula, s. (>tsJ and ego family, race or ojffspring) royalty, of royal descent. )zcJ5, Ketta, s. bill, large sort of crooked knife, biU hook, chopping knife, pi. ;t?9 keti. Mc5(gca, Ket-Uya^ s. {asm^ and Qca woman) queen. )i,cJc3, Ket-waga, s. (aJtsJ royal, Sco or 8cS warga sort, kind or race) royalty, of royal descent. usixtsi, Keta, a. disgusting, filthy, base, vile, mean, ugly; s. dirt, filth* iSii), Keti, plural of ^StsJsJ ketta, iSit^ S3i3^^, Keti-tale, s* iron part or blade of the bill hook, pi. >i?9c5C5 keti-tala. )i^(^e5 Keti-malla, s. ()i,5s3 ketta knife, dc l>ag) toddy drawer's knife case. 5i Kedella, s. nest, lump (as of flesh) ; con- fused assemblage (as of worms or any thing like them), pi. Mx:fx^8e383 kejidawa- nawd. Jt:f^8-2S389, Kendawanawd, v. to call, to cause to call, to invite, to send for by another. )tJ(^ca6333, Kendd-yanawd, v. go along with (a bride). tSii&S^W3<, Kenme'nya, 1 s. night shade; solarium csitsSs^BScSi, Kenweriya, y nigrum. ^lisSfsiiisSq, Kenhenda, s, plant, clerodendrum serratum ( Verbenacece) . 3ieD, Kena, s. assembly, multitude; bimch of fruit; past participle of )^6383 kaninawd, pi. sixsi ken. i5)i>SD, Kenatu, s. betel, [CoUoq. Qc^J iw/ai]. nieoi{(^3, Kenahild, s. jackal, fox, pi. ffiJteaiitJg kenahillu, [Colloq. eaScsa wan'^aj. 3t253isJj, Kenetta, s. cluster, bunch, (as og )x ^i(^?si pajju^kenetta heart, liver and lungs), pli 5i3igf) kepum. iSii'&i6Q0, Kebarald, s, red woodpecker, brachyp- ternus ceylonus (Ficidce order Picarice.) )iS)(3, Kebali, plural of 5i(3nS)^c; kebella. eai(g'2ac5-S)(^C> Kebella, s. piece, bit, slice, pi. tsu'SiQ kebali. 3t,<3>S) Kebella, see 5iS^(3C hebella. 5xD, ^fw, see s<5o8xe kenwela. 4S5x^5 Kemati, a, contented, pleased, willing. 3i^3^8-2539j, Kfmatiwenawd, v. to be willing or contented; to consent. a)x^, ^eme, s. writer. sSi-i^, Kemi, S. row, arrangement, ordei"; doer, worker from ss)^ karmi. 3i2)tsJQ3, Kemetta, s. contentment, will, wiUiug- ness, consent; tSii^ 141 aic38 fflJxd, Kera, s. bunch of flowers growing together; nosegay. !)i<5s^c33eJs33, Kerapottd, s. sort of small house cricket, cockroach, pi. &ii6t<5(^C Keralla, see Jid<(^C kerella. sS)i6Q, Kerali, s. heap, bundle; assembly, multi- tude, union or association; mob or company of people assembled for riotous purposes. 5t(5(3racoe3S3, Keraligahanawd, v. to rebel, to as- semble for riotous purposes. )i,>S, Kere, see 5i<^cB keraya. 5i^dC' Kerella, s. assembly, multitude, crowd; riotous company; army, company of soldiers or men ready to fight; bimdle, skein, pi. tS)i6Q kerali. )tdt'3^ffi535, Kerekoku, s. fern, acrosticum aureum (Filices), iSii(^, Kel, s. light; morning. )iC. Kela, s. multitude; wood, jungle etc. in the latter sense written )tS^(^ kele. eaxC^i^'cs, Kelaniya, s. name of a village and river; aromatic plant, alpinia alughas ( Scita- minece); also called p6(S)df alu-gas. iSixQiSi,Kelata,s. dregs, lees, sediment, confusion; a. muddy, thick, not clear, not peUucid. ^iQ.&, Kelati, s. troubling; sediment, lees. ^i(3S\a)e33, Kelatenaivd, v. to become muddy as when a liquor containing a sediment is shaken; to be agitated: pret. iSiiQ^^'^ kelatund. 5tC^> Klarnbima, verbal noun of the following word. iSiiQ^^s^^h Kelambenawd, v. to trouble, to stir. i,(3, Kelama, ad. whoUy, totally, ^xQiS, Kelaya, s. jungle, thicket, wood, pi. ^xQx kele. xCd> Klal, plural of the following. 5xCG> Kelala^ 8. cicatrice; mark, scar, blemish, wound. esiiQf Kelt, s. unblo^vn flower, derived from Sanskrit SiQ kali. 5i@)33(3, Keli-kasala, s. filth, or dirt swept away. iSnQoSi, Kelipana, s. shadow, sign. 4ixgcs, Krliya, s. black (the colour) ; plant, greioia microcos ( TiUacea') . ^igi), Keliun, s. gladuetis uf heart, cheerfulness; brightness, resplendency t solar heat or rays, ef- fulseuce. tS^(5) Kele, see SiiQ,cS) kelaya, a5iS>(^ (^^^S)^s:Ja)c5^, Kele-kondayd, s. black bulbul, hypsipetes ganeesa (Brachypodidce order Pas- seres). iSixQx^, Kelewa, s. a wood, wild uncultivated spot, jungle. 3x89, Kevita, s. goad, pi. 3i?9 keviti. sai^dC) Kevilla, s. food, anything that can be eaten, pi. iSii^Q kevili. esiS^, Kevili, s. sweet meats, cakes, acxg, Keivu, a, rubbed, smeared. 5iS3, Kewuta, s. liver, pi. 5xg4g kewutu. assxgi), Kewuma, s. sort of cake, made of rice flour honey and cocoa-nut oil, pi. 5t3i) kewum or )xJ kewun. isyt^Qi^^^i Kewulehiyd, s. gormandizer, glutton. )i<38'253)j, Kewenatvd, v. to smart, to pain (in the eye): pret. ixg-s:3 kewund. 3xd?c33c3.g, Kespd-potu, s. shell of a sea tortoise. iOxE^Sj, Kesbd Is. Indian edible turtle, cho~ )xf^S)x3, Kesbeiod, } Ionia virgata. 5tedx (3^cdC> Kesbe-lella, see )ielo3 S^oo-eg kespd-potu. 5xe^S33, Keswatuwd, s. common snipe, galli- nago scolopacina; pin-taUed snipe, g. stenura ( Scolopacidce order Gralloe). 3xe^sc, Kessa, s. cough. S)xe3, Kesa, s. arm pit, thicket. >x6C33, Kesapata, s. clothes tucked up, (a>as83 kakshd girdle, o3 pata cloth) end of the lower garment, which after the cloth ia carried round the body is brought up behind and tucked into the waist band. )i%o3o53esj3393, Kesapata-gahanawd, v. to gird up the garments for a journey or work. >xS, Kesi, plural of ^xcSts kessa. ss)xQ3eSs3?5i, Kesipissan, s. plant, Cyclea Burmanni (Menispermacece) . >xQi), Kesima, s. itching, or scratching, verbal noun of tSi^^Qi kahinawd, S>xgrf, Kesup, '\ 45>xg, Kesubu, > mbu,} Mg, Kesuma, verbal noun of ^eaeaSa hasana- li'd or iS525393 kakanawd. )x^, Keki, pL of fiJxftJes kessa. ;i588o5a2rf, Kehipittan, see (SiSBiSiz^ keei- pissan. s. turtle, tortoise. [Colloquial: , ^^^, , . ^^j^g)3 kesbd."] csii^i^, Kesumbu, J -^ 8S)iCB@\^ 142 ^c ^Sx'^sJsio, Kedettd, Is. bird with a peculiarly aax^s5o33, Kendattd, J plaintive or begging cry; 40xS>p)(^C5j Kehibelld, s. Ceylonese jay, cissa ornata (Corvidce order Passeres), )ig, Kehuma, see tg lesuma. a3ziSic30.5iK)D83, Kehepcitcigahanawd, see )it3C3S oesjaaSo kesapatagahanawd. fSiXi Ke, p. eaten, joas^ ^ja?-^. of jsj^oSd kanawd. 5x<3^i5)J(53K)>soQ3, Kekogahatiawd, v. to make a noise or uproar. 5x(535s)S393, KegaJiauawd, "If. to cry out, to bawl, >i<533e383, Kegdnawd, J to squall. 3xidg<5, Keppura, s, camphor. [CoUoq. -ssjg^ ka- puru."] iS)(;383, Kembaldwd, see ssix^6a>'3 hedarayd. ?x, Kema, s. food, victuals, eatables, provi- sions. Ox ^8<^83, Kema-arinawd, v, to lay food on tables, to have food ready to be eaten, to serve ^ up meat. asJxdc') Kerala, s. general name of the woodpecker, viz: Layard's woodpecker, chrysolapttes strick- landi; black-backed woodpecker, c. Jestious; Madras rufous woodpecker, nucropternus gulans; red woodpecker, (see ^tS)<5g3 Jcebarald); Southern golden-backed woodpecker, brachyp- ternus punettcollts ; {iamilj Picidce, order Ptca- 7'ice). pi. 5x(5(^Q kerallu. 5xS, Kerima, s. coughing, slight exertion of the lungs to clear away expectoration; hawk. 45)xde^e30, Keressd, s. cricket, pi. ss)xd)tS^is3 ke- resso. ^xdC' Kella, s, piece, bit, scrap, crumb, pi. ^xQ keli. 5xc Kela, s, tree bearing beautiful red blossoms, butea Jrondosa, [Colloq. csitS&ixc^ gas kela'\. ^x(3) Kilama, adv. alone, only. ^%Qj Kfli, see 5x(^C5 kella, ^o^'fio, Krandana, $. weeping, lamenting, sobbing ; crying out, callmg; mutual daring or defiance, challenging. 5^S3, Ki-andtta, a. lamented, bewailed, challeng ed; defied; called. ^3), Krama, s. order, method, degree; power, strength; overcoming, subduing; surpassing; sa- cred precept, religious practice; fort. <34B), Kramaka, s. (^ to go or, order, ^ nomi- nal aflix) one who goes through a regular course of study; one who goes methodically, student. /^^(SNccixf, Kramakramayen, ad. by degrees, gradually. g^, Kramana, Is. foot, [Colloq. 52C 2j<^c3, Kramanaya, y kakula"]. .'gcs, Kramaya, see ^2) krama. ^'diSi, Ki-amika, a. regular, according to order, proceeding by rule. ^, Kramu, s. areca nut tree, [Colloq. g9sJ puwak^. ^), Kramuka, s. areca or betel nut tree; another tree, red species of the tree, bark of which is used in dyeing, symplocos racemosa; kind of mulberry tree, morus indica; fruit of the cotton tree. 5i/3(3, Kramumdla, s. tree, cathartocar pus fistula. 'g(^^ Krame, see ) krama, '^|3^(3), Kramelaka, s. (^ krama order, js, Kritya, ") kind of affix in grammar, .255aoDJSc3, Krityaya, (forming verbal nouns with an active or passive sense; motive, cause. ^3 53a), Krityd, s. act, action. ^ax33, Kritsana, a. all, whole, entire, complete. ^3 53, Krita, s. according to the mythology of the Hindus the first of the four ages of the world, satyar-yuga; consequence; fruit; pai't. done, made, finished. fc/ifi353 53^55, KHtaka, s. that which is artificial; a. fac- titious; made, not produced spontaneously. 5353 03^550, Kritakan, s. artificial salt, produced by boiling and evaporating from saline soils; pai-t. done, made, performed. fflaa33, Kritakarma, s. skill, dexterity, expert- ness, cleverness, 3a 333253, Kritaghna, s. (5S3 done, a93 destroy ing) ingratitude, ungrateful, not acknowledging former good offices. aS3(a^, Kritajna, s. (a53> and a^ who knows) one who remembers former aid or favors, pro- perly one that is grateful for kindness. a35ao3ga333a303, Krttdnta, s. (^oao done, act, tpeaos anta end) name of Ydma, the regent of death* alluding to his office of deciding on the final states of departed spirits according to their deeds in this life, answering to the Grecian Pluto; death personified; fate, destiny; sinful or inauspicious actions. )as33xs3de:>3, Kritdnta-janaka, s. (-25530333333 Yama, t^eas) progenitor) father of Yama, a name of the sun. 5ac33>3i:, Kritdwakdsa, s. leisure, rest from labour. 5533^, Kriti, s. act, action, doing etc. injuring, hurt- ing, hurt. ^53a5^^53Jo^5^^<5, Kritopakdra, s. (ffisass krita done, (5^*S53(5 ujmkdra favor) act of kindness or generosity, but used chiefly to express a sense of kindness, received from another; gratitude, thankfulness. 5as^ S3 Jo 4533(5 e5i(^5^, Kritopakdra-selakima, s. gratitude. ^3a-833-gi^, Krimisatru, s. ()a and C53^ enemy) kind of grass, Panicus antidotale (Graminece). 5af, Krimin, pi. of . krimi. 3a33, Krisa, a. small, little, thin, minute ; ^ spare, lean, emaciated. Sii, Krtsdrigaya, s. (ss^i(ss krisa thin, cpStocs a'Agaya body) thin or well shaped person. ffiiaso^ Krisdnu, s. name of fire; plant plumbago zeylanica; [CoUoq. ^Q^^(i ela-netufj. aaa^, Krishta, a. ploughed, furrowed, tilled, as a field etc. 533J5, Krishna, s. in Hindu mythology Krishna is considered the most celebrated form of Vishnu or rather Vishnu himself; in that form he is however distinct from the ten avatars or incarna- tions of Vishnu, being always identified with the deity himself; one of the names of Arjuna the charioteer of the sun; kokila or Indian cuckoo; crow; kind of fruit, carissa carandas; [Colloq ^tS)Si6^ maha-haramha^, black or dark blue; black pepper; blue vitriol; iron; sin. gs?5 5, Krishna-lcarma, s. (53S6 black, ffi) action) guUt, sin, criminality. aja^isJS 53-2a, Krishna-hdTca, s. raven. ^ssi9'-^'iSi')e5XS3, Krishna-kdnta, s. black (colour) or dark blue. i533'3^ 4550 ?i eS/3cf , Krishna-kdmboji, s. blue lotus. 53'3S5 5? (5^55, Krishna-jtraka, s. (3^55 and tS'dssi cummin seed) plant having a small black seed which is used for medical and culinary purposes, ^ nigella indica, [Colloq. )<5i kahiduru]. sai'Si^ a?5S, Krishna-paksha, s. (45>3'sJS and oa half) dark half of a lunar month, fifteen days ^ during which the moon is in the wane. 555a:as^^?, Krishna-bumi, 1 5. 5553 355 black, )a'5^ ^, Krishna-bhumi, /earth) country with a dark soil, one of mould, blue clay etc. isia'ss^^eo^, Krishna-bhedi, s. (>a^?) dirt, excre- ment, sveo what breaks) medicinal plant. ssii'^s^ d5, Krishna-manjari, s, kind of tree, the wood of which, is usually called calamander wood diospi/ros qucesita; [Colloq. ^KdSi^'Scn kalumediriya'\ . 53^ (S>J9435, Krishna-mochaka, s. species of the banana or plantain tree. iSiifni^dotS , Krishna-rdji, s. black species of the coriander seed. ')3'3J5 83a3Si3, Krishna-wrintd, s. trumpet flower, datura suave-olens; [Colloq. 6Q ^sJs?^ rata- attana"]. 53e^, Krishnd, s, name of Draupadi, wife of the Pdnddvas; indigo plant; long pepper; kind of grape; sort of drug, nigella indica; black mus- tard; this name is applied to several other vege- table substances, in consequence of ^their black colour. cnss-iSSyc Krishndchala, s. mountain so called; it is part of the western portion of the Vindhya chain, it is also one of the nine principal moun- tains, that separate the same divisions or Varshas of the world inhabited by living beings, 33S;-5^iJ), Krishnika, s. black mustard. 5553^, Krishaka, s. plough share; husbandman, cultivator, thin or spare man. .255fl8, Krishi, s. husbandry, agriculture; ploughing, cultivating the soil. ^^<5, Krura, a. evil, bad; vicious, cruel, pitiless, harsh; hard, solid; hot; mischievous, destructive; formidable, terrible. gjC5s*cJs)55, Kruralochana, s. (^x<5 evU, <3>(3:J8d eye) of an evil or inauspicious aspect, name of the planet Saturn. ^^<^53^, Krurdkriti, s. (^xd and tpasa^ form) name of Ravana. ^^^JQcs, Krodhaya, s. anger, wrath, passion, choler, 2S(335K), Kldnta, a. weak, faint, fatigued, wearied, aa^Q, Kliba, ~| s. eunuch. [Colloq. eagooa^s^osj ffix^S, KUwa, y napunsakayd~\. s^asagGS, Klesa. s. pain; affliction or distress; pain from disease, anguish; worldly occupation, care, trouble; wrath, anger; lust, passion, evil, pollu- tion, defilement; the sinful corruption of all the senses and spiritual faculties of man; according to the doctrines of Buddhism klesa is the source of all the miseries to which existence in any stage is subject; and so long as it exists in any degree either in man or any sentient being it binds him to existence which is considered a calamity; the destruction of klesa is therefore the sole object of a Buddhist's religious life; hence without any reference to a supreme being, all the laws, precepts, rites and ceremonies of S3^^ 145 Buddhism have a regard only to the entire des- truction of klesa; this object accomplished, the soul or sentient faculty in man or any higher order of being escapes from existence and ob- tains Nirvana or annihilation. , Kshana, s. moment; measure of time equal to four minutes; leisure, opportunity; certain day of the fortnight, as the full moon, change etc. 25'reC)353, Kshanakdsa, s. asthma. S5, Kshdraka, s. juice, essence; blossom, new blown flower, [Colloq. es)-iS^Q, kekula"]; cage, basket; washerman. 35a3(5^, Kshdradru, s. tree with flowers bell shap- ed, hignonia indica. [CoUoq. C3S^3(^ palol."] aa3(5G), Kshdra-wadha, s. (i3o6 salt, Q inflic- tion) punishment inflicted on malefactors, cut- ting the flesh and introducing salt etc. into the wound. 5^3^585$, Kehdrdchchha, s. (383(5 kshdra and tfQt$ achchha clear, pure) sea salt. 3B3SN05ij), Kshdrodaka, a. (JSBsd kshdra salt, ^^ tSivdaka, water) salt, or brackish water; exceed- ingly hot or boiling water, which forms the means of punishment in the hell called e3Sv(35^ SSi m6tSi kshdrodaka-naraka. ^^3(3D, Kshdlana, s. washing, sprinkling, cleaning with water. 3o>sf ^, Kshityaditi, s. (4eS^ kshiti earth, ^^^ aditi mother of the gods) mother of Kfishna, the terrestrial parent of the gods. 4^^, Kshiti, s. the earth; abode, dwelling, house} loss, destruction; wane; period of the destruc- tion of the universe; kind of perfume i - ~^ ^ . r 146 ^J8SSSOS& ^55, Kshipta, past part, thrown, sent, dismissed, Se3a>3, Kshipta, s. night, [Colloq. <^^c8 rdtrii/a']. 4^g, Kshtpra, a. qiiick. [Colloq. Je5j ikman']. 4So, Kshtpa, s. art of throwing or casting; one who throws. 4^o), Kshipaha, s. warrior, fighter. -2^C5 kantha throat) infant, young child. 4^(5s33^ batadomba']. Sd>c3, KshirawalU, ) s. sort of medicinal 4^(5^d, KsUraviddn, /creeper, convolvulus 2)aniculatus. ^683 as, Kshira-ivriksha, s. species of fig tree, Jims glomerata; [Colloq. cp9SJ)3 a^e^M]. ^(5s3d, Kshirasara, s. cream. ^6 C83(55<5cs, Kshira-sdgaraya, s. sea of milk, one of the seven seas surrounding as many worlds. ^(5s33c5, KsMrasdra, 8. butter, [Qolloq. s^SSdi ^ iveudaru\, ^S, KsTim, 8. tree, species of mmusops; name of several plants, which yield a milky or juicy sap upon expression or incision, the name being formed from ^d milk with ig^Q ini afiix. esgtsJ, KsJiut, s. sneezing, the act of sneezing; hun- ger. isgci 8c33S33, Kshut-jnpdsd, s. (^^sJ hunger, 603533 thirst) hunger and thirst. 23g, Kshudra, a. small, little; mean, low; niggard- ly, avaricious; cruel; poor, indigent, aggss-*?^^, Kshudra-parnni, s. medicinal plant, [CoUoq. o8-i5esD munwenna], ag5e^ Kshudrabald, s. medicinal plant, [Colloq. ^d S)t@(3 sidu-belila"\. agos3, Kshudramdga, s. medicinal plant, drymo- glossum heterophyllum, [Colloq. ed)i,5D mas- wenna~\ . ag (5\(5Jc53, Kshndra-roga, s. minor disease. agg8@3, Kshiidra-warshdbhu, s. medicinal plant, [Colloq. ec)(5o saram]. gg3?93?9<^, Kshvdrawdrtdkini, s. medicinal plant, Solanim indicum, [Colloq. ^S) tib- batu] . sg5, Kshudrd, s. woman maimed or crippled, wanting a limb etc., dancing girl; harlot; fly, bee, wasp; gnat; prickly nightshade; egg plant; kmd of sorrel; solanum Jacgnint, [Colloq. > td katuwelbatu]. 45ga3, Kshudhd, s. hunger, [Colloq. 'S)8)e3i<8o Khagga-visdna, s. rhinoceros. Qot, Khaga, s. (Q sky, ea who goes) bird; arrow; sun; planet; deity; air, wind; grasshopper. as^c^cs)<5, Khageswara, s. (Qoo and ^css)<5 t'swara king) king of birds, garuda the bird of Vishnu. Qs^Kiac? Khagola, s. vault of the heavens. Qd^6, Khajjura, s. silver; date tree. Q(SNC^3S3, Khajjota, s. fire fly, [Colloq. ffi><^z8 ca3 lcandmediriyd~\. Qef, Khanja, a. lame, limping, crippled. S)d253, Khanjana, s. small bird, kind of wagtail. o)dSz), Khanjarita. s. bird, wagtail. S)c^3, Khanjd, s. species of metre, stanza of two lines, one of thirty-two, the other of thirty feet. a03, Khatwd, s. bed, couch, [Colloq. ^^ enda']. aSsj, Kliadga, s. rhinoceros, rhinoceros' horn; sword; kind of large sacrificial knife; arrow; bird. a, Khanda, s. flaw in a jewel; treacle or molasses, piece, part, fragment, portion; chapter, section; sugar. awM;a^-]; fragrant grass, cyperus pertenms; garlic. a-^, Khamani, s. (9 sky, <5(^aoz karalheba]. a)ds^e^i)5, Kharaloman, s. (Qd ass, s^C'*^ hair of the body) one having the skin of an ass, that is one of the chiefs of the serpent race inhabit- ing Pat^a or the world of serpents. QdeaaaaeD, Kharaskandha, s. date tree, [Colloq. (f CSJBJ indi-gaha], Qdoocg, Khardnsu, s. ()<5 hot, <;pocg ansu ray) sun, [Colloq. g8a!3 suriyd']- Q<35o393, Khardswd, s. plant, celosia cristata, a8rf gammiri8'\. 3(3 3, Khalina, 8, bit of a bridle. 3(3^, Khalim, s. thieves, gang of robbers; multi- ^ tude of threshing floors. 3^eD, Khalina, see Q(33 khalina. a{S>(33S^, Khalokti, s. low or wicked language, formed of Qq khala and qs& ukti. S)e8i, Khaad, s. mother of the imps or goblins. Qat^iSi, Khdjika, 8. fried grain. 0)303, Khdta, 8. large square or oblong pond exca- vation. S)3lj, Khddya, 8. what is to be or may be eaten, edible; solid or dry food. Q3<;253, Khddana, s. eating, food, victuals. a)3^o, Khddita, part: eaten. Qo'^J^ce, Khandaya, s. part, section, portion, Qs^d, Khdni, s. mine. [Colloq. pffi)<5aJ, dkaraya^. 33^>, Khdnika, s. hole or breach in a wall; mine. ai'i^Q, Khdnila, s. house-breaker. QS'Q, Khdnu, s. trunk of a lopped tree; pillar, post Q)3d, Khar a, s. salt ground, salt; blossom; measure of three bushels; a. saltish. Q)305:3S>t5'3, Khdrdpatachchhika, s. punishment inflicted by sawing the flesh of the culprit in the first instance and then applying a mixture of salt and chillies to the wounds. QsS, Khdri, s. measure of grain containing 16 dronas, or about three bushels; scar, wound. asSffl), Khdrika, s. a field sown with three bushels of grain. 3 3, Khiddd, s. Pali form of ^93 kridd. 3s3S3S^5B) Khinna-de'ha, s. (Scoco suffering, cjco body) one who is tired or wearied. S3o, Khi])pan, a. quick, Pali form of 4^g kshipra. 3(^, Khila, s. unploughed or waste land; a. empty, vacant. 3Q in heaven or atmosphere, Q<5 who goes) name of Siva; kind of demigods; magical pUls, by putting one of which into the mouth a person has the power of flying to heaven; sun; wind; moon; general name for a planet, star; arrow; bird; perspiration; cloud. vQ9, Kheta, s. grass; hunting, chase; a. vile, bad, low; armed with weapons; shield; village; suburb: phlegm, phlegmatic, or watery humour; club of BalarAma. (S>QcI3, Khetta, Pali form of Q03, Kheld, J ment. [Colloquial s^ai(^(3 sellama] . S^)(g, Kheli, 8 song, hymn; arrow; siin; bird; animal. ^S)S(33, Khe'lo, s. spittle, saliva. S^QdS), Khoda, a. lame, or limping. S>S)3d, Khora, a. lame. (S^Qo^, Khola, a. lame, limping. [Colloq: (553<5g korawu'] . S^Q^QSSi, Kholaka, s. shield, armour for the head; pot, sauce pan; ant hUl; shell of a betel nut. aa)S3, Khydta, a. famous, renowned, celebrated. S))?9, Khydti, s. fame, celebrity. C55 The third consonant of the Sinhalese alpha- bet, corresponding to the letter G; it is always pronounced hard. s>3(^G^'3^53(3, Gan-koUankola, 8. plant, Pogostemon Heyneanm (Labiatce) ; it is from a variety of this plant, viz. ^j. patchouli, that the patchouli leaves of commerce are procured. Gno<5)i51t, Gangaru, s. shrimps or prawns, [Colloq, (gc^s^eaJ isso^. >o(SJ3a)<5, Gungddhara, see otkoq)^ gangddhara. os)o<5)30, Gangdwa, 8. river, more properly written coaooJ gangdwa or in Pali <5)o30 gangdwa, pi. 053(533 gangd or c53id3 gangd. v5)oQ\OTC0, Gangeyya, see <5)Socc Gangeyya. OTo'5^o^<5, Gantera, s. bank or border of a river; ferry. 55oOdC Ganpalla, s. bottom of a river. 53oQS, Ganbada, 8. border or edge of a river. 530 g, Gan-mi, 8. tree peculiar to Ceylon, basaia nerifolia ( Sapotacece). c!Oo9^6. Ganwatura, s. flood, high-water, river- water. 3Jo)^'5 <55e^3, Ganwatura-galanawd, v. to over- flow, to inundate with river water, joda53S^^9, Gangd-devi, s. name of the goddess Parvati wife of Siva as the personification of the Ganges, see eoeos gangd. fl8C03G) 150 \e)3C cn{D3Q5, Gangddhara, s. (aotsio Ganges, )5 who holds or receives) ocean ; name of Siva, alluding to the legend that the Ganges in its descent first alighted on the head of Siva and continued for some period entangled in his hair, CjijoDgQjS), Gangdpraivdha, s. overflowing of a river, flood, [CoUoq. 82g<5(S5i(^ waturagelma]. (y)03), Gangdwa, see sjosjj gangdwa. eocgc* Gangula. s- rapid, small water fall in a brook, pi. (Si!^(^ gang id. Cj9^ffi306, gangeyya, a. belonging to the Ganges: s. kind of elephant. co'9occ3S^(^, Gangeyya-hule, s. of the Gangeyya tribe. (SiQ6, Gachchha, s. tree, small tree, shrub. (syd, Gaja, s. elephant; [Colloq. <3cs3 altyd.'] mea- sure of length, yard, two cubits; mound of earth sloping on both sides, on which a house may be erected. (S)d f c5, Gaja-at, s. {(Sid and qfci hand) elephant's trunk. (SidSi'i^, Gajakand, s, long-pepper, piper longum ; [Colloq. issd^adQQ gajatippiW]. oi^-agSffiJ, Gajakumbka, s. forehead of an elephant. cr>dS3J, Gajatd, s. multitude or herd of elephants. (Sid&d&Q, Gaja-tippiU, s. particular species of long-pepper; see (Sid&-if^ gajakand. (Sidc^f^, Gaja-dat, ls.(desSssi6, Gajanlcara, &ee (S)d e^ti gnja-at. OTd33, Gajandwa, s. breech of a gun. csidoi^ssi, Gajapardka, s leguminous plant bearing red seeds with black mark; Abrus pyi'^(^'^torius, [Colloq. (3^ ^3 olinda-eta']. OTe^8, Gajapitu, s. top of the shoulders of ele- phant. , Gajapotaka, s. (end' and ^oisi^ cub) young elephant. CTdco, Gajapriya, s. gum olibanum tree, boswellia serrata; plantain or banana tree. OTd(^3, Gajabald, s. lion; plant, species of the stda: [Colloq: St^Q bevila.'l (Sid^q, Gaja-mada, s. semen of an elephant. (5)d'3 9c Gajamdchala, s. (cod elephant, 3 fortune c which shakes) destroyer of the elephant, lion. C55d(3v333, Gajamdtana, s, (ood and Q muta to cause to run away) lion. [CoUoq. So5)c33 sinhayd~\ . (5)dc63, Gajayd, s. big fellow, one like an elephant. Gada-viyala, s. sort of boil or pustules on the skin. (53S)o(3^(5>, Gaddgedi, s. general name for fruit as oranges, pines etc. oSss^iQcB, Gadddehi, s. sort of rough skinned lime or lemon, sometimes called a Cdffre lime. (53, Gadu, 8. hump on the back, also pi. of ejQ gaduwa. )Cj Gadula, a. (<5) hump, q aflix) crooked, hump-backed. <5)g, Gaduiva, s. boil or pustule of any sort, abscess; blister. GoS>S, Gade, see 008 gada. gos^SsCj Gadola, 8. brick or fliat tile, used for pav- ing houses, pi. eos83(^ gadol (SX$dS 151 CO (53 ^sS^, GantM, s. knot; snare; joint in a bamboo. o^jSc, Ganda, s. culture; cheek, whole side of the face including the temples; blister, boil, pimple; mark or spot; hero; rhinoceros; tenth yoga, or one of the twentyseven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic; astronomical period; knot or joint; v. infinitive of the verb to take. eO'dc, Gandaka, s. rhinoceros; mode of reckon- ing; obstacle or impediment; disjunction, separa- tion; science of astrology; name of a river in the north of India. <5)53S)(3g kobalila. (53(33g5i kaldnduru']. oa^siwSi, Ganaka, 8. astrologer, calculator of nativ- ities. (Si'^i^Q, Ganakula^ s. fabulous mountain Kailasa, supposed to be the residence of the Kumara yakshayas, and other classes of demons and subordinate deities, sometimes written eoeaagc". r/anaktda, ^^s^^Bs^aS, Ganadevif/o^s, (c55<9E multitude, k?o3(3s73 sepdlikd.^ tree, premna spinosa ; [Colloq. kS?si%^ sihin-midi.'] counting, enumerating. (53<^S), Ganita, a. numbered, counted, reckoned, calculated. cocqa{33^, Gatayuttak-, s. that which is proper . to be taken. C5S5St)-2s38), Gatawenawd, v. to pass away, to be transitory or fleeting. eds?, GfiH, Si mode; mailll61*j custom; tnafch; pro- cession; species bf birth; any of the several iliode-^ of obtaining existence according to the tenets of Buddha; establishment, support; end, termina- tion; inclination; wisdom, knowledge; habitation, residence, dwelling; journey, road, way, path; period of life, as youth, age, &c ; expedient, means of success; sinus, fistular sore; worldly vanity, wickedness; course of events, fate, for- tune; slave. I' sj^co, Gatiya, s. nature, disposition, temper; quality, state C53.?2, Gatu^ s. evil speech, slander. (53-tg>3(5cS3, Gatuhdrayd, s. informant, a com- plainant. SJ-eg^ScsaaQo, Gatukiyanawd, s to inform against, ^ to slander. (53^, Gada, s. disease, sickness; speech; weapon; the younger brother of Krishna; womb. G53^?C^j Gandavilawun, s. perfumes, unguents consisting of sandalwood &c. used for anointing the body, (55^633(5, Gandasdra, s. sandal wood, a sense of perfume. GSj^tcJ, Gandet, s. musk elephant. ff:i^55i53, Ganliikuld, s. the domestic cock, pi. ron, curcuma OT25a):3(3, Gandhapali, j longa ; [Colloq- ^55253 kaha], (53a3lO(33(, Gandhap(ddsi, s. a plant, Kaempferia Galanga [Colloq. eSigcJiScsg hingnrupiyali.^ 55255) ISO e33-(S^, Gandhapdsdno, .. (33) and oosca^^ stone) sulphur. [Colloq. 'a^iS)SsS^S3 ruk-anguna^ also of several aromatic plants; kind of fragrant offering consisting of flower and sandal presented at the time of worship. (53iS)6C) Gandhaj)hala, 8. gum olibanum tree hosiveUia serruta; flowers or blossoms of the champaca tree; Michaelia champaca ; [Colloq. eog sapu.'\ (53aa)S), Gandhabba, Pali form of <53a)S gandha- rwa which see. i53aS)3:j20, Gandhamddana, s. name of a mountain said to be in the Himalaya range; one of the monkey chiefs, so called ; sulphur ; large black bee. (533ai(2, Gandhamula, s. (c532a) and c root) plant with a fragrant and tuberous root, alpinia galanga. [Colloq. 56SoG kaluwdla.'] (53aS)c>, Gandhamidaka, s. sort of curcuma', sandal wood; plant hemidesmus indicus, [Colloq. (5^ iramusuJ] r55eS)g833, Gandhamushikd, s. musk shrew sorex moschata. f53aa)a<53, Gandhamriga, s. (ooaS) and as) deer, musk deer; civet-cat. [Coll: (^cJlOxS^ urulewd.'] 2oeia)g555, Gandhayukta, a. fragrant, perfumed. 053a)8, Gandharica, s. choristers or musicians that inhabit Indra's heaven or the celestial regions; at all the principal banquets of the gods they compose the orchestra; horse, kind of deer; the soul after death and previous to its being born again, a being somewhat like the western notion of a ghost; a singer in general; the kokila or Indian cuckoo. s3aa)Swteea, Gandharwahasta, s. (c53aa)S deer, SDtoo hand) plant, the leaves of which are compared to the foot of the deer; ricinus communis or castor oil plant, [Colloq. <53^)c5i rataendaru.'] (53s)(5e3, Gandharasa, s. (cjaa) and dts essence) myrrh. (53s)fi5d, Gandhardja, s. sandal; any sweet smell- ing flower. i5525a)05, Gandhaward, s. (cDa) and Q6 wara excellence) highest degree of fragrance; camphor. [Colloq. SjgcJi kapmru.'] 20 ~" (3) 154 (S)^@ 63a(3giD, Gandhawalltkd, s. (sjea) and cS>3 creeper) species of jasmin. (55)9s>, Gandhawnha, s. (esza) fragrance, what conveys) air, wind ; nose. (55a)93s>, Gandhaivdha, s. (derived as weaSs) gandhawaha) Avind; musk deer; nose. (552)es5(5, Gandhasdra, s. (csjaa) perfume, taid essence) essence of perfume, sandal wood. [Coll. S3g:f Jumhtn.'] I'OT^aJwtadS, Gandhahasti, s. musk elephant. (532S)K)3(5>3, Gandhahdrakd, s. female artisan working in another person's house. C5)2sS)jQ, Gandhdkhu, s. (cjaD gandha and ^g ai'^M rat) musk rat. [CoUoq. tSed^cSD hikmlyd.'] (5)aa)3<5, Gandhdra, s. country so called; sound like the cry of a goat. (53235)3(S25:?, Gandlidsman, s. ((nea) gandha and qpoeJ axman stone) sulphur. [CoUoq. i5^a>s^ej (5Ja)D8, Gandhdri, see C5>2a)3c5 gandhdra, c55aS5 Gandhtka, s. sulphur. (ns>2a)3S>aj3, Gandhottamd, s. cjaeD gandha smell, ^SDS uttama highest or hest) any spirituous liquor; toddy, the liquid extracted from the cocoa-nut tree. [Colloq. <^ m.] (55(^^^a)J(3, GandhoU, s. kind of cucumber; eagle; jaw. (5>S^^3(5, GandhoU, s. wasp; fragrant grass c?//)e- rM rotundus. [Colloq. J(33g5i. kaldndiiru]. (5>2s5e3S3, Gannawd, v. to take; to assume, pret. C5355s33 gattd. 0532s^C<^^. Ganladdd, s. (ck ^awa and Q^q who has received) the grantee of lands or villages from the king, and who exercises an authority over the tenants similar to that of a lord of the manor. (SisSQ^Qo, Ganwanawd, v. to cause to take or ^ receive; pret. cJiids^aaSSs gennewwd. <53<53^55&),' Ganahada, a. extremely thick, .9. thick cloth. coeo.S3, Ganakama, s. thickness. (53S3ai(^, Ganakal, s. rainy season. OTsaego, Ganakula, s. a cloud. (SiSiS^d, Ganakulu, s. line of clouds. oo^s3S55)393, Ganagahanawd, v. to twist. coeasJi^D, Ganagejum, s. thunder; [Colloq. cpaoes ^K)!53 ahasagerawima'] ; modern, csjeato, Gananga, s. (ct^ thick, ffD a]iga hody) name of Gauesa, Hindu god of wisdom. e3eo^(5, Ganadara, see (syS3^6 ganandara. I- . . S53^?^e3)3 gassdvima which see. isjSjS), Gabba, Pali form of (s?S garwa. ^oS5, Gabbha, Pali form of (Si^ garbha. S5)e9.23, Gabbhim, s. pregnant woman. ^25352020, Gabbhydna, s. any complaint or disease in the bowels or womb. otS), Gaba, s. belly; womb; inside, or inner part of any thing. 3S)a3>j<5cf3, Gabaddkdrayd. s. storekeeper. 5) 5)33, Gabaddwa, s. store room; pantry; magazine. (53S)9(^, Gabamala, s. child dead in the Avomb; abortion. 53036865, Gabhastt, $ ray of light, sun or moon beam; light, splendour. sscosKSSJii, Gabhastimat, s. (o558ot3e9 and cJposs. affix) sun, [Colloq. gc3?c33 suryayd.'] 53, Gam, ])hir. of s> gama, S39de^0csi, Gamjestayd, s. corruptly, for (E)3 (5>d'e(los3 grdmajyeshthayd , which see. 33^333, Gamtota, for otoS^cddS gantota s. ferry. 53i)3^e?93, Gamdetuwd, Elu form of CTi)(5^de^0ca^ gamjestayd . 5)i)'9^<^d, Gamdora, s. gate or entrance into a village. cs)8(g, Gampili, s. plant, galega purpurea. Q53S)38, Gambdri, see CT')eoi8 gambhdri. 53a533(5, Gambhdra, s. mantra, or magical incan- tation, written in prose; lotus; citron. 33^teo38, Gambhdri, s. name of a tree, commonly called by the same name Gambhdri, Gmelina arborea [Colloq. fficds^.^ etdemata.'] (53^ (5, Gambhira, a. deep, as water, but applied metaphorically to sound, intellect &c. (53 2)2, Gammalu, s. resinons timber tree, ptei-ocar- pus marsupium (Leguminosce.) 553S^2d', Gamitidne, s. cultivated country; inha- bited country in the neighbourhood of a village, pi. (533i5:f gammdn. c53^^Se^, Gammiris, s. black pepper. (5>^^ 155 coJ^ (S)SiS^8i(4, Gnmmirisivrl s. black pepper plant, }nper nigrum ( Pvperaceie ) . C'oi).7(3ce3, Gammudaliyd, a. the chief of a village. e338, Gamya, a. attainable, accessible; perceptible. e^SSaScco. Gamwdsiyd, 1 . ^ o ^ } villager. coa))iScs3, Gamwestya, J (55, Gama, s. village; going, moving, marching, journeying, journey, road; kind of game, back- gammon; pi. csji) gam. (Si3)d, Gamatha, s. road; traveller. *"^ . . . . , enSsD, Gamana, s. journey; gait; going m general, march; march of an assailant, pi. 53D asana victuals), provisions for a journey. (53 29, Gamani, s. traveller. (53^, Gamabima, s. landed property, pi. (5)i)3i), gambim. (53 Gamaradala,^ s. 05(3, Gam,ardla, j 053'; (Si^ss), Gamika, s. traveller; going, marching. csj^gcJi, Gamtsuru, s. {p^ gama and ^cSl isuru chief) chief or head man of a village. (5)0, Gaya, s. kind of ox; name of a royal or military saint; verse or stanza. csjcSx^^cJ^, Gayanukitta, s. the symbol i as used in the word (?ics3')(58e5)(53^(E)3 jjdta falliug) red kind of murunga, supposed to produce abortion. oo^Kjg^Scgco^aSccs, Garbbhapratigrahanaya, s. for- mation of the fcjjtus, conception. (53Ss)g^8aS32!3(a, Garbbhaj^'atishthdnaya^ s. pre- vention of miscarriage. !53^(a5:3o9, Garbbhasayydwa, s. uterus. s3S30(ajK9<3, Garbbhasdnttya, s. period between the birth of a child and conception. ?3^go9, Garbhasrdwa, s. (eaCB womb, 936 expulsion) abortion, miscarriage; the afterbirth. S83CS33(5, Garbhdgdra, s. lying-in chamber. oflSsaiea, Garbhddhdna, 8. conception, ceremony performed prior to conception. (?3%)38^D3Sce, Grabbhdivakrdntiya, s. conception ; formation of the f(3etus in womb. (S}'SfB<^, Garbhim, s. pregnant woman; twining plant Avith milky gum and large flowers see <5 aC03 ninddkaranawd.'\ 63(5, Gara, s. sickness, disease; poison; house; antidote; sprinkling, wetting. (53<5co3, Garaudiyd, s. rat-snake, pi. (53(5 garandt, p)tyas mucosus (Colubridoe order Ophidia.) (53<5'=c3, Garanawd, s. to cleanse the grain, or separate it from the dirt, to sift. (0^^ 156 <3>^4S5j <55d^, Garada, s. ((Si6 poison, q who gives) poisoner, poison; a. unwholesome. (Si6^, Garab, 1 5. rat snake; phmt ichnocar- (53(5s^S)J, Garubo, ) pus frutescens, [Colloq, 68 Qi(^ Iciriioel.'] <55^C> Garala, s. venom of a snake, venom in general, [CoUoq. QBQ s^oirac7tcha7idvi. ^ihundle of hay or grass; measure in general. eodSoQcsJ, Garawdsiyd, s. (c53(5 house, oS icdsi who lives) the inhabitant of a house, house holder, pi. caCQ^Q gm-aivdsi, incorrectly for sad Q3Q gharcacdsi . (55(5 *5(^, Garavil, s. rat snake; commonly called co(5cs3 garandiyd. (53dQ Garavila, see odc garala. ul>JOS3(S, Garukdpatti, n. (csJCJiaj garuka serious, {poS38 dpattt guilt) any great crime, but parti- cularly the thirteen sins which are to be avoided by the priests of Buddha, (SiSiiSiod, Garukdra, s. respect, honour, veneration. (SJ^LS, Garuda, s. bird and vehicle of Vishnu; this is generally represented as being something between a man and a bird and is considered as sovereign of the feathered kind; he is the son of Kasyapa and Vinata and younger brother of Aruna; alabaster, sometimes written dc3i58(^(3(a, Galkajyptarawalliya, s. plant, AnisQchihts carnosus (Labiato'). <0(^>(5^, Galkaranda, s. plant, Humboldtia laurifoUa (Legumitiosce); small tree, Canthium didymum (Utibtacece), also called (3^e33<53d5 poraiva-mdrd. , Galkema, s. tank hewn in a rock. 20(^^510)00, Galkefaya, s. stone, piece of stone. (55(^CT3'25:J-SD3, Galgdnnd, s. lapidary, cutter of pre- cious stones, pi. OT(j633(3'3er5j galgdnnd. >-^ddCxdC Gallella, s. slab or flat piece of stone, slate; pi. Gallena^ s, cave in a rock, natural cave. ^^25333, Galwanawd, s. to dye, to daub, to rub or smear on the body ; to put, to apply one thing to another; to cause to sink; to cause to swallow, pret. CTxc^S^c^' gellewwd, 5(^SS) Galwalu, s. see coGS galaioalu. (5j^-3\8<5d, Galweralu, s. tree, pecxdiar to Ceylon; Elceocarpus subvillosus (Tilliacece). (K)(^S\8(3\(5dg, Galwei'eppuwa, s. kind of cancer. Galatala,s. (ooc stone, c^o plane) surface of a stone. GOCOJDoc^O, Galatdnguwa, s. recovery from going to fall. 5C"2535> Galanawd, v. to flow, to overflow, to dip pret. <53ig3 geluwd. coccseaSo Galapanawd, v. to unite, to join, to knot. pret. cs?x(3g3 gelapuwd. OTGdc3eJ^5(53 go earth, ^^3 aksha to spread) sort of cucumber cucumis madras- jmtanus, [CoUoq. ^(Si')?d:^i^8 gonkekiri;'] plant clitoria ternatea, [CoUoq. c6(^59!5^<^) nil-kata rolu.] <533q'S3, Gawddana, s. pasture or meadow grass. co33<^ffi), Gawodaka, s. cow's urine. CTd', Gas, pi. of ooes gasa. siiScsiQc Gaskayila, s. plant, breynia rhamnoides ( Eaphorbiacea' ) . c53E^3(5(^S3t, Gas-karal-heba, s. weed, achyran- thes aspera ( Amarantaceoe ) . <53c55S3gc03, Gas-kahambiUyd, s. kind of nettle, girardinia Zeylanica (Urticacece). (55C^)id88cC3, Gas-keppitiyd, s. plant croton lacci- ferum (Euphorbiacea^); also called, ^ld(53S gasgemadi,poly- pedates maculatus forder Batrachia Salientia.) <55^gC*, Gas-dul, s. plant, debregeasia velntina, (Urticacece). Qfitii^^e^^o), Gas-nidikumba, s. plant, biophytum nervifolia (Geraniaceoe); aquatic plant neptunia oleracea or mimosa nutans (Leguminosce). (55ed^6S^, Gas-niviti, s. esculent plant, malabar night shade. roe^fS^ejQc^, Gas-netul, s. plant, ^ars gibbosa (Urti- cacece). (S)tS3BQ, Gas-j)ichcha, s. plant, Coffea travancor- ensis (Rubiacece). S3)03, Gahanaiod, i\ to beat, to strike, to knock, to thump, to flog, pret. ratgSa gehuwd, (5)S3C3?9, Gahapati, 8. householder, head of a family ; cultivator. C55), GaJiamaga, s. see (S)Si!s5(Si gahanmaga. ^si<<^, Gahamini, s. (otsj constellation, %")<5^, Gaharada, s. (cosj planet, 6^ king) moon [Colloq. S3^ haTula']. (Sitae Gahala, s. plant, a yam, colocasia anti- quorum (Aracece). C5sa(;^s3'i)a)cs3, Gahala-gambadayd, s, scavenger, outcaste who cleans the streets, inters corp- ses etc. (53(3C03, Gahalayd, person of the caste so called. &, Galuchi, s. holy basil, ocimum sanctum; [Colloq. gcJls3(;,3 madurutald, also cJestS^ 1-asakinda;^ timber tree, terminalia citrina. *553, Gd, s. song, singing; bullock; part^ having smeared rubbed or played on a lute; from C5JJ-3383 gdnawd s>3 5to3cs^, Gdngdyani, 1 name of Krishna; also, cji^SIbos, Gdiige'i/a, J name of Kartakeya; in the first name it is the river Ganges personi- fied as the wife of Santanu, and mother of that celebrated hero; in the latter sense, as the recei- ver of Kartik^ya, the son of Siva from Agni, the god of fire;, kind of fish, clupia alosa; gold; fragrant grass ci/perus rotundus. [Colloq. ^SjQDgc^ Kaldnduru]. c553S>ate)8, GdAgeri s. fragrant grass, q/perus rotun diis; species of the marsebd. s53Q2d93, Gdtanawd, s. to waddle; pret. (S3i,Q3 getuwd. (5338, Gddt, s. respectful term for a sncSc:3 Bodiyd (533, Gdndi, s. bow of Arjuna; carriage drawn by oxen. (53')<5, Gdndt'ra, .9. long pepper plant pijyer longum [Colloq. &dBQ tippili\. (533?i63c!, Gdndiheya, a. golden, made of gold or the quality of gold. e3j8553, Gdndtrika, 1 ^ , 7' 00 ^.' 7/ ., ' rsee c53J-dhana; see also es3a)3<5 gandhdra. (533^53, Gdna, s. song, singing in general, sound. C099&)3 160 ;S^^ (S33383, Gonawd, v, to daub, to smear, to plaster, to rub: pret. cJxQa gewd. G5J3S)d5<5, Gdmbhira, a, deep, as water, sound &c. profound; proud, lofty, haughty, ostentatious. (53305, Gdya, s. pain, suffering; strength of body. (?3Dc3ffi?c33, Gdyalcayd, s. singer. (553csi@, Gdyatri, s. stanza of twenty four syllables, or four lines of six syllables each ; another measure in prosody containing six feet; in the mythology of the Hindus a gdyatri means a sacred verse from the Vedas, to be recited only mentally; this is usually personified and considered a goddess, the metaphorical mother of the three first classes of the Hindus in their capacity of twice born, investiture with the Brahminical cord, their sacred and distinguishing string, being considered as a new brith. CT3ce255, Gdyana, s. singing, singer, chorister: chatterer. cj3cS'250o Si6-^Qo, Gdyand-haranaivd , v. to sing, to chant; to perform on a musical instrument. osjoSg, Gdrpuwa, s. fork. c553v5lo), Gdruda, s. charm against poison; emer- ald, gold. SJJCJic^ej, Gdrutmat, s. emerald; this gem is supposed to be generated from the voided phlegm of Garuda the bird of Vishnu. (Sii^^, Gdla, s, enclosure for elephants or cattle; thicket, pi. (533(5 5"^'^* (533C3S^coJQ9o, Gdldgotttya, s. tumultuous noise. (533, Gdwa, s. border, brim, edge. (53303, Gdivd, j)ar. near, next, proximate. (53325330, Gdwiudwa, s, pain, labour, trouble, tra- vail, affliction. <533e^, Gdstmoa, s. (Port.) fees. (533^825383, Gdhmawd, v. to shed, to pour out. SS8, Gigiri s. thunder; rings put on the hands of tom-tom beaters to increase the sound when in the act of beating; bells and rings on the feet of dancers and dancing girls. -s0c:, Ginikona, s. south-east quarter, pi. ^ Si^(S^ss>o?^ ginikon. c6^6^(j39, Ginijdldwa, s. (ifie^ fire, c35(;^3 stream) flame of fire. ifieQ^csesSs, Ginitiyanaird, v. to set fire. S^q 161 SSssa cSiBijoSc, Ginidanda, s. stick used in produc- ing fire by friction, pi. Si^^% ginidandu. S^(^, Ginidewol, s. place where offerings are made to Agnidevi. 3(^C, Ginipenella, s. fire brand, pi, cS^S (S^s3<^^>^5:>(3 ginipeneli. cS^63c, Ginimala, 8. large flame, flake of fire; spark. cBi9f, Ginimu, s. 1 plant plumbago zeylanica', cS9|l8, Ginimuwa, ) [CoUoq. ^cs^aag^^ ela- netul.'] another plant gloriosa superba; [CoUoq. iBcS'JOCs niyangald']. (Si6svoc'S3') Ginimolawanawd, i\ to make fire blaze, to blow the fire. ii3i97(*o5, Ginimelaya, 8. large flame, flake of fire, bonfire. c9^fll^ea, Ginimessa, s. fire grate; spit; fire kind- led in the night on a kind of raised wicker work or platform, by those who watch the corn in the fields, for the purpose of warming them- selves and keeping off the elephants, &c. pi. cS^6ttS ginimehi or c8^63r8 ginimesi. (S^^cs, Giniyama, s. heat, pi. cS23c5 giniyam. c8.26(?i^2d, Giniron, s. spark of fire. cSe^dOes, Giniresa, s. beam, ray cS'S^qcdcO), Ginilannd, s. incendiary, pi. Si^ (3(3S3oJ ginilannd. Si^Q^Qi, Ginilanawd, v. to set on fire. Si^&i>, Ginisilu, s. root of the plant leadwort plumbago rosea; plant gloriosa superba: see (Sefl 9 ginimnwa. Si^tsi^, Ginisera, s. power of fire; fireworks. cS^^sjCj Ginihala, s. fire place, room where a fire is kindled. (S^cSSca, Ginihii'iya, s. small plant chinoriamyxa. S^'^Q, Ginihula, s. torch. cS^85^s05, Ginihord, s. bird with a long tail, pi. (S^6s^3(5r ginihoru, 'paradise flycatcher tersiphone paradisi (Muscicapidce order Pas seres); also called s^cJJ^s^sjd^ redihord. c8, Gim, a. hot. [Colloq. ^5 gn'shma']. ^^(3^. Gim-^tu, s. 1 (cS heat, (j^ season) hot cSi).S5(^, Gimhal, J season. ^%d)i$. Gimres, s. (SB fire or heat, diiS ray) sun [Colloq. gSc83 suriyd'] giraw, (genus jmloeornis order Psittaci) <9<5, Gird, s. vomiting; parrot; colour blue; speech. cSdo (&8 mountain, d3 a meas- ure) that which resembles a mountain in bulk, a large and powerful elephant. (BSSdC') Girimdlaka, s. Coraiya tree; also, ca- thartocarpus fistula. [CoUoq. <^ca esala'] Girimekhala, s. (formed from the same primitives as (^CCTad'3r)3, Gile'gannawd, v. to swallow with difficulty, to be suffocated, to stop in the throat. (BQ, Giiv, Elu form of (Q griwa which see. cSSe^es-SDQj, Givissanawd, v. to promise, to con- vince, to prove: pret. cSr^g3 gtvissuwd. ^53, Givtsa, iJart. promised, having agreed. (S9ea(S)S303, Givisagannawd, v. to promise, to contract. c898, Givisi, a. promised, agreed. (SSQesSs, Givisinawd, v. to promise, to agree, to make a contract: pret. c6Sg)3 givisund. <8S, Givisima, Is. agreement, promise, con- cS^iga), Gtvisuma, J tract, compact, pi. <6g givtstim. <6gg, Giindu, s. wood apple, feronia elephantum, [CoUoq. (^ diicul^. (SS, Gihi, a. not in the priesthood; s. householder as opposed to a Buddhist monk. cS^BsNcsJ, Giliige^ s. household, family. (BSi^, Gihini, a. inherent, possessed of. Gudapala, s. tree, careya arborea, [CoUoq. 3i3 kahata]. cgSoeo, Gxidapald, s. tree, commonly called lovi lovi, Jlacourtia inermis. cgS^c Gudaphala, see cgSoC gudapala. (^88a^^, Gudawrihsha, s. (fcje) sugar, Sa^s^ tree) sugar cane. [Colloq. ^Je3W ukgaha.'] cgsDa, Gudd, s. plant called milk hedge, euphorbia tirucalU; [Colloq. eaSco-fi^ waim/mnc??'], see c^Qo guld; powder, any pounded substance. (;5e)^!^^J(5^, Guddke'sa, s. (cglDo plant euphorbia, i), Gtinawantakama, s. humanity, amenity, benevolence, pi. cg^S^sxo^a gutia- wantakam. cg-QSSi pin or boll) piles. C855:J, Gui/kastdne, J ^' ^(5- Gurulla, s. shrub, Leea sambucina (Am- jwltdece); also called gcJi(JG bundla. C2CJl(SN(^J^8, Gurule'ttmca, s. goglet, goblet, cgc5LdcSD, Guruwarayd, s. teacher, school-master. (^(SiQj, Giiruivd, s. juggler, sleight of hand man ; name of a sea fish. c^vJisS^, Guruhini, s. deficiency. qq, Gurulvdada, s. name of Vishnu; it is the Elu form of <5)-5icD9d garudadhwaja. C5C?9, Gulpha, s. ankle. [CoUoq. es><^ walalu- kai'a']. c^e, Grulma, s. spleen; division of an army; body of troops consisting of nine platoons, or nine elephants, nine chariots, twentyseven horse, and fortyfive foot; shrub, bush, clump of grass, etc. fort, intrenchment; disciplining an army, keep- ing it in a posture of defence; wharf or stairs; disease, chronic enlargement of the spleen, or an induration of the mesenteric glands so as to be perceived externally; according to others an en- largement of the intestines by worms. Gulmamula, s. ginger. ^d Gulmi, s. tent; plant, emblic myrobalan or phyllanthus emblica, [Colloq. ($>^(^Q nelH']; small sort of cardamons, [Colloq. 65e93(^ en- sdl']; cluster or clump of trees; multitude of thickets. cge^> Gulmint, s. spreading creeper, any creep- ing plant. cgC*> Gulya, s. sweetness, saccharine taste. c^dc^! Guild, s. very small insect which perforates timber, rice-worm, pi. (^(^iS^Q,^ guild. cgc> Gida, s. food; juice of the sugarcane; raw, or unrefined sugar; vent, small cavity; hole; pi. c^QS-i^a, Gidapindaya, s. ball of jaggery or country raw sugar. cgC9'^*3 Gtdaptishpa, s. Indian tree (not found in Ceylon); its sweet flowers are eaten under the name of mahwa, bassia latijolia. cgC') Guld, s. plant, eujihorbia tirucalli: [Colloq, eoSaoed'^ nawahandt]. cgCoSa, Guldmd, s. dirty mean fellow, sloven, pi. s. sky, firmament, visible f^QsSiiifi, Guicanmaga, V heavens. [Colloq. ^wes cgS^D, Gutvana, j ahasai"] I i^Qosss 166 ^(SiSf^i C5o>, Gtncdka, s. areca nut tree, [CoUoq. gSJ puwalc^ . ogK>5, Guhi/aka, s, kind of demon or demigod attendant upon Kuvera the deity of wealtli, and guardian of his treasures. cgcs)5^^s5o?0(5, Guhyakeswara, s. name of Kuvera the Indian Plutus. cgS), Guha, s. name of Kartikcya or, as he is called in Ceylon, Kataragama deviyo. c^aoD, Guild, s. plant, hedysarum lagojwdioides. [Colloq. asiQxisS'iSi paswenna^. ^cs3D(5c5, GuMraya, 1 . any large cavity, cave, cgoo, Guhdica, J natural cave in a rock, place of concealment; cavern, hole, pit, vault. C5K))3S^c5i, Guhdsayo, s. (cgsjo cave, tpraca dsaya asylum) lion, [Colloq. SoS)c83 sinhayd'\. eg, Gu, s. dung, fajces. <&, Gudha, a, hidden, concealed, secret. ^^d, Gudhaja, s. (cgdb hidden or secret, d born) son of a concealed birth; a, born privately of a woman whose husband is absent and the real father unknown. <2^03<^, Gudhapdd, s. (ogib and oo^ 2)dda foot) snake. [CoUoq. eeScsi saipayd^. <5>5l^, Gudha-jmriisha, s. (cgfi& and gX man) ^ spy, secret emissary. (6, Gutha, s. dung, fjeces, ordure. (^6 ^ocs, GutJia-kupaya, s. cess-pool, water- closet. C2<3 ead^cc, Gutha-narakaya, s. hell of ordure. (53, Guna, a. voided as ordure. (^6(53'0^33 genichchd. s^(55^ca^o^, Geniyanawd, v. to carry, to convey. S^(53(3\'<^3o, Genenawd, v. to bring: pret. >(55ed -^3 gennuwd. s^(53eJ<3Da>(5<^D, Gettamkaranaivd, v. to sew, to stitch, to patch, to embroider. (S>OT^ga3, Getuna, p. woven, knotted. S^(53^, Getuma, s. any thing knotted, twisted or platted; twisting. s^s^^d, Gedarn, s. house with the premises, home. ^(53<^d -2D, Gedora-nama, s. house name, family name. (avcoScgS^, Gediguvil, s. a large and long pond near a house <3V(55^, Genda, s. vegetable used in making curry; purslane, jjortidaca oleracea (Portuculaceoe) ; lean, thin. (a^cDsi, Gen, a particle or termination, sign of the ablative case, as 3(3*(5>5 mdgen, from me. S^cj'SrfSeaQD, Genivanawa, v. to cause to brmg: pret. (S^55crf (9^-253 3 gennewwd. S^csDoe. Gep)ala, s. area or site of a house, pi. >C55C!(^ gejml. (3>rc)8if5^, Gejnliwela, s. row of houses. S>co, Gehima, see (5>roc3C gepala. (5N{553, Gembd, -\ s. frog, general name for (5^c3DcJc33, Gemadittd, vfrog or toad, the most S\c53cS3. Gemadiyd, J common species found under flower pots, bufo melanostictus (order Batrachia salientia). <5\C53, Gemaw, s. {(S^csi ge house, SD mother) matron. (S^co^, Gemt'na, "is. (js^<^ ge and ^-(s^ gem, >ra.g^, Gemitura, ) ^6 sun) lamp. [Colloq. OS3S3 jjaAana.] (3NK)g(5i, Gemiyuru, s. (^csf gre and 03c5i peacock) tame or domestic peacock. S^<3csjs, Geyya, s. {S gi to sing, to chant, ^ca f^/j/a aff.) one of the nine divisions of sacred science, that which is in gathas or verses. <953ca, Geya, s. house, dwelling place; song, singing ^ a song, chant; couple. (5)8 3, Geyi-nama, see (S^C53^<5 es gedara- nama. s^(5Jf5, Geyuma, s. exertion, attrition. S^cj?, G^cn, s. sort of pismire or black ant; also pi. of (Si8 (fiQ, Geri-fta, 8. bones of cattle. svoS'fi (S3ti, Gerieta-gas, s. shrub, Linociera purpurea:sQQ (5>^5(^ ^tS gherieta-gas. 167 ^^S) ^ >(Si8i^-<^, Gerikuna, s. carcass, pi. S\s3Ss^a)3S50, Gerikokd, s. bird called cattle-egret, hahulcus coromandus (Ardeidce, order Hero- diones). c3Sc63, Geriyd, s. bull, ox; buffalo; middle sized black ant, beef eater, pi. s^e^S. (9>C53(^, Gel, s. beating. S^<5JC) Gela, s. neck, throat. ^?i9ic-S9. Gelemutu, s. necklace of pearls. S^cwS^eaSa, Gewadt'nawd, v. to enter a new house, ceremony of considerable importance among the Sinhalese: pret. S^c539g^^ geivadund. (S>ctS'5333, Gewanawd, v. to pay, to discharge a debt; to rub, to polish, to waste by rubbing, to pass as time: pret. (3>cs)98) gewwd. (5^(559d-crf egc^idco ge-kundld. S^SD^d 4(5j93, Gevima, s. payment, reckoning; verbal noun of (3*539-2093 gewanawd, which see. S*(53-253, Gewuna, p. worn, paid; preterite of ^eoS^S S393 gewenawd. (^^s^gca^5^, Gewuyana, s- ((S>(si ge house, (*coeD uyana garden) grove, garden near a house. (S>oos*e33, Gewenawd, v. to be paid, or spent as time; to wear away, to consume, to fritter. S^OTN, Geha, s. house, dwelling. (3\23c6^, Gehimi, s. boundary of a house. (9>533^S)c83, Gehediyd, s. sort of hornet. s^(si, Ge, Elu form of the Sanskrit, O^aJsj ge'ha house, dwelling; termination or sign of the geni- tive case in grammar. s^od55C5i(333, Gekuruiki, s sparrow, literally house bird, passer domesticus (Fn'ngilltda'J; Loten's sun bird, cynnyris loteniii!^ ; also called 6si g9J33 ran-sutikkd and 5^^^^5(5 gSesJ^s modare-sutiJckd ; purple sun bird, c. asiaticus: (CynnyndcB order Passeres); also called s^twSd ^^dC gewal-kurulld. s^od 3, Ge-nama, 8. house-name, family name. (3\ejJ303, Ge'nawd, v. to bring: pret. (S^sjassQo ge- ndwd, ^(d(S(5ts, Gesarasa, s, (o^csJ and csdes lake) pond close to a house. s^csJk), Ge'ha, s. house, dwelling; name of Ganesa the Hindu god of wisdom who is usually invok- ed on laying the foundation of a house. SNcdK)gc5, Gehasura, s. (csifsj and ^6 hero) cot- quean, house hero, slothful and trifling man who is unfit for any thing beyond the concerns of a house S\cds332020cs, Ge'hdnganaya, s. veranda or terrace of a house; court or yard of a house. S*cd?ScS3, Ge'himtyd, s. (^cs5 and jSi Jmni lord) landlord, head of a house, pater familias. (S^SiSssi, Gairika, s. red chalk; red orpiment; \C6]lo(i. QQo(^(5>-)o39de3. Go?ikatilld, s. kind of fish. S>C33J 3^^533(3, Gokkola, s. young shoots of the cocoa-nut leaves which are used for tying the olas when covering houses, constructing bun- galows; they are used also in ornamenting the triumphal arches and festooning houses on fes- tival occasions. (S>)32jg<5, Gokshura, s. ((5>C533 cow, 2^6 hoof) plant, the leaves of which resemble the hoofs of a cow, ruellia longifolia, [Colloq. 'S^isi'USi^ gokatu], *(S33JS3, Gokatu, s. thistles, name of several thorny plants; Gamboge tree, garcinia morella (Gutti- feroi); also called 3.2S3S^e33<53 kanagoraka. S^c5J^^<:^^fiS3, Gokantaka, s. thistle; goraka tree, garcinia cambogia. (3>c533453'jS', Gokarna, s. object of sense; span from the tip of the thumb to that of the little finger; kind of deer; mule; class of demigods; snake. (5^c533.2o5<^, Gokarni, $. ('9(533 cow, 36^ ear) plant, the leaves of which are said to resemble the ears of a cow, sanseviera zeylanica, [Colloq. <^cs^ niyamla']. ^fiojiSe 168 e(S)3^^ (S>(5)3<9c Gokila, "| , , ,, V . plougn; pestle. s^(S5^^9e. Gohla, J (?(533gc5, Gohura, s. cow's hoof. >(5)32C> Gokula, s. ((S^otd and ^go assemblage) multitude of cows; cow house or station, fold for kine. ^C33(5J(5539<5, Gochara, s. object of sense; shape; sound; colour, country, district; food, feeding, prov- ender. (S^csjid^Qj, Gojabbd, s. plant, Hygroriza aristata ( Graminece ) . ^(SiodQ, Gojala, s. cow's urine. (5*003 535c5j83, Gojdgarika, a. happy, fortunate, aus- picious. S(S33C?393, Gojihiod, s. ((3^(533 COW, cfffijQo tongue) kind of wild pot herb, the leaves of which are compared to the tongues of cattle, trojyhis aspera. *<533^<5, Gojura, s. food, feeding, provender, pi. (3^(S53^(:5i gojuru. see io>ot3c5 godura. (9(33, G^o/m, s. cup, any thing made in the resem- blance of a cup; tree, gmelina asiatica, [Colloq. >ijQ demata], (S(S33g'5^a53(j^, Gotukola, s. herb, generic name of Hydrocotyle, see Ssj wia^a and tSsJ" (3> coo (? 5553 C Mn-gotukola, 3^<533a) <5s5s3, Goda-itta, s. plant, Ileptapleurum (or Hedera) exaltahim, (Araliacece). (3\oo3e) s>s<3i, Goda-kaduru, s. tree, Strychnos nux vomica (Loganiaceoe). S>(553a) ^8(^c> Godor-kirilla, s. timber tree, Ceylon elm, Holoptelea (or ulmus) integrifolia (Urti- cacece). (S><5)333(53'<^83, Godanaganawd, v. to erect, to raise, to build. (5is33S)2S3c8d9o, Godanaginawd, v. to ascend, to mount, to come to land. (3<<553Sc3<5, Godapara, s. timber tree, dtUenia retusa, (DtUeneacece). (?>3533Q)2S3S3, Godabdnawd, v. to land. 5^(S33SQ3^5?^, Godabdnawd, v. to unship, to un- load, to discharge; to land, to disembark: pret. (3^(5)3ST.3 godabewd. SCT3S K)'3^^^<^, Goda-mahanel, ") s. bulbous stem- Jle^ S^raaS) 3i^(^, Goda-7ndml, J less plant, C?V- WMm zeylanicum or C. ornatum, or Amaryllis zeylanica ( Amaryllidece ) . Seo3e)'5\i)Sce3, Godameriyd, s. shrub, barleria cris- tata. 13^05538)053, Godayd, s. kind of fish; rustic, clown. (3^(5333 6g(;;xScs, Goda-wawuletiya, s. plant, Mezo- neurum enneaphyllum ( Leguminosw ) . (3^(5333^egc5, Godahingura, s. tree, acacia pennata. <5>(553^^3, Godigald, s. bungler, blockhead, pi. (9^S33(53(^g godigallu. (?><533i,(^(3, Godella, s. hill; mound, rising ground, ^(S33K)3<*c, Gond, s. bull, ox, bullock. iS^OTsesJ, Got, s. Elu form of <^^c^^g _9o^?'a which see. (J'OTag, Gotra, s. family, race, tribe, lineage, kin; name, appellation; forest; field; umbrella; road; knowledge of futurity; kind of inspiration; genus, class, species; increase, wealth, mountain. '5>E)3gd, Gdtraja, s. (s^sjsg family, d born) rela- tion; in law among the Hindus the term is nearly equivalent to the Gentile of Roman law, and is applied to kindred of the same general family who are connected by offerings of food and water, and stands opposed to the bandhu or cognate kin who do not partake in the offerings made to the common ancestors. s*<5i3gfi3cJ, Gotrabhit, "^s. ('3^0533^ mountain, tSi^ ^c533^t8^, Gdtrabhid, j who splits) name of Indra alluding to his splitting mountains with his thun- derbolt. (31(573 ^CgC3, Gdtrabhuta, see <3*<533^d gotraja. (3>c33^3, Gotrd, s. earth; herd of kine. 5^(53323, Gota, a, inarticulate, indistinct in speech, stammering. Sv(553S3'S33, Gotauawd, V. to knot, to plait, to knit, to contrive, to fetter, to weave a net: pret. (3^>s ^03 getuwd. (3^(203 esD, Gdtama, s. one of the Gotama family, epithet of the last Buddha. s33S3, Gotami, see 3(533(5<^ gorada. i3'C533<^e3Q3, Godanta, s. (-9^333 cow, S(5, Oodura. s. food; prey, plunder, Elu form of (5)J3(5 gochara. s^cjDgcJi, Goduru, s. five senses; food, victuals, see the preceding. eS'fSifCCii s^93J), Godurvr-bohka, s. stomach. S*GO02sJ, Gon, plur. of (Jgjd-^ gond. (5JJS^5g:5i, Gon-haduru, s. tree, Cerbera odollum (ApocynacecB). 0553 sd"^, Gonhama, s. stupidity. e*Q035s:r4s8S3, Gonkawadd '\ s. Ceylonese S^<5>^^5:?3^8^, Gonkawadichchd, vmyna, acri- (a>eo3''d')cfl3, Gonkawadiyd, j dotheres me- lanosternus, (Sturmdce order Passeres). i!&8, Gonkekm, s. kind of cucumber, Cucumis pubescens (Cucurbitacece). S^os^^^5^(5J^, Gongd, s. large cowrie. (5i<5)35:fs><5)cs, Gongeya, s. (<5)33s:f'?C5>J8c5, Gongoriya, s. bullock's hump. 'S>(5332s:Js^S)(^C3 Gonbelld, s. snail, sometimes writ- ten s\c53ds^S)(^(33 gombelld, helix. ss33:f'S\(3 s^4K)353, Gonbeli-kokd, s. bird called shell ibis, anastomus oscttans (Plataleidce order Herodiones). >e5533jg(5, Gonang S^CT^^5^, Gonatu, s. benches placed at the distance of a mile from each other, on the high road side, for travellers to rest upon. iS^cjDsrf ^8c8, Gop-etaya, 8. ankle. S^(ra5rf 63, Gop-masa, s. calf of the leg. (5^(533 3 (;o(55D, Gopalangd, s. plant, Corallocarpus epigcea (Cucurbitacece). s^>30(?3, Gopald. s. cow-herd, or cow-keeper, pl eo3a(^e gopallu. >(S)'io^e^isi, Gopasandun, s. white kind of sandal wood, syrium myrtifolium. S'cs^jg, Gopu, s. poison, iS'CO) 5^03(^(33, Gopolld, s. cowherd. s>(533S)g, Gobadu, a. tender, (as tender cocoa-nut). >33)S)cs, Gobaya. s. topmost shoot of a plant, bud. '3vc5>j(3\Q)(^(^, Gobolla, s. tender cocoa-nut. 9(5331), Gom, s. rock, stone, sun-beam; keeper, guard, preserver, protector. lagul, 1 uangul,}'' ^ack faced monkey. <3>OT3, Goma, s. cow dung. S>C533(;^, Gomandala, s. enclosure for cattle, [CoUoq. (5)3 gala']. (5^(5)3 ^(^G3, Gomatilld, s. kind of fish. -s^OToSoi, Gomatemba, s. heap of cow dung, cow clap. !3>sD3589, Gomaritta, s. moss growing on heaps of cow dung, pi. 6^(533 69 gomariti. s^eo3x(59, Gomawerati, s. dried cow dung, used in some parts of India as fuel. !3<533Ss)cJD, Gomahatta, s. mushroom, (i-fSiO^, Gomu, s. cow's urine. 5>(533g, Gomudu, s. stall, place for keeping cattle. T^oo39, Gomuwa, s. small room at the end of a house formed by the roof being continued, small outer verandah; thicket. 5^(533(38 3s33, Goyam-kapanawd, v. to reap. 3>s33cs, Goyama, s. corn, grain in general, harvest, pi. (3^(53)051) goyam. S^(533ca3, Goya, s. land lizard, viz. iguana, varanus dracoena, [Colloquial: 63(3\(5)3cs3 talagoyd"] and hydrosaurus salvator, [Colloq. jS)d(3c5)3cc3 ka- baragoyd"] ; ('order Sauna). '9C533S, Goyi, plur. of e^cp38cc3 goyiyd, '3^c5)^8^a3wDcs, Goyi-karmdntaya, s. husbandry, cultivation of the ground. sk)3Sct, Goyigama, s. caste so called, velldla, husbandmen. 9^(5338(53 iS33J5S33, Goyigama-kdkkd, s. another name for the black crow, commonly called )3J>3 kdkkd, cor one macrorhynea (Corvidoe ^ order Passeres). s^(5)3lS^^^53, Goyitena, s. cultivation. 3^(S3o8c3(3, Goyipala, s. cultivated or arable ground, field. ^s)389, Goyibima, s. cultivated ground as corn or paddy fields. '3\c5338c63, Goyiyd, s. husbandman, cultivator of the ground. (3^(S338s^coJ, Goyiyd, s. a term used in friendly con- versation in second person singular vocative case. |^^C5^^8 ea, Goyi-wasama, s. occupation of a culti- vator, agricultural tribe. s^S3)S^^(^, Goyiwel, s. plant, Flagellaria indica (Flagellariacece). '^^s^^cq, Goyu, s. freckle; slave. I?' 053399, Goyum, a. descended from Gotama. ^c3)gs^(5)3 5J, Goyumgot, s. (s^ssagqD Gotama, (3^0533 55 race or caste) family or race from which Gautama Buddha was descended. 22 G\3tf 170 toJy S>(5J3c5, Oora, a. white, [CoUoq. gg smcZm]; causing fear. s^(S)D(5as, Goraha, s. acid fruit used in making curries, tree, garcinia camhogia ( Guttiferce ) . S^S)J(5}053, Gorakayd^ s. child, infant. (S^(533(56)(5, Goratara, a. very dreadful, terrible. (Sv(533d^, Gorada, s. bezoar stone found in the stomach of cattle; wild fellow; crocodile. (S(533(5S)3, GorabdyS. pigeon, [CoUoq. C3c5cs3 joara- viyd"]. (3\<593 gerewwd. S(5)3S\d5es!, Goroh, s. old person; affliction; any hard or heavy substance, assistance; garcinia cambogia. >co3(^C) Golla, s. party, relations, grove. S^(5)^e, Gola, s. blow; distress; a. short. eo3(3aox(3, Golahela, s. deep hole, full of mud. (9^(533(33, G^oZa, "I -1 A 7- '5'(53^Q(3^S)(^(3^, Golubelld, f ' ' s^<533(3N(238, Golowa, s. glass globe, globe lamp. ^ (Eng.) (5^(5)3903, Gowwd, s. keeper of cattle, watcher, protector. ^(5338(533S^S33g, GoJiodu, a. miry, muddy. (SM3533K33c5i, GoJioru, s. mire, muddy place or hole. S^<5)3d, (to/m, a. dumb, shallow. (5M5)3i6<5, Golvr-muda, s. the sea not far from the land, the shallow sea. ^QD3^(Sv3(5, Gohimora, s. plant peculiar to Ceylon, Pygeum Wightiana (Rosacece); also called tsi^ 5(^ (3>S539co3 kankumbal-Jcotiyd. 5^(533683, Goluwd, s. dumb man. (S^(Si5 cpo. G6-an, s. bullock's horn. S^QoJ3e^, Gokana, s. bull, ox, bullock. I S^aoJSScfl. Gottiya, s. noise. Qocf 33c8, Gotaviya, s. helm of a ship or any vessel. s^caJ(53;J<3^cs, Goniya, s. sack, cloth bag. >(53:fe^'S3, Goddna, s. presents distributed by the surviving relations of a person at his death, for the benefit of his soul; namely to procure free- dom from all liability to be born again; the most valuable gift is that of a cow, from which the word is formed. is^(Si3G,6-(^, Goddrana^ s. ((S^oJ earth, (^(5K)cfa3, Godhana, s. (S3 wealth) herd of cattle. (3(5)JoD3, Godhd, s. iguana, see (^(533ce3 goyd; leather fence worn by archers on the left arm to prevent its being injured by the bow-string; alligator. ^s)J, Godhuma, s. wheat. (3^(53cfgS, Godhuma, s. wheat, orange; name of a drug (3^<5)J3>, Gonaka, s. kind of fleecy counterpane. s^eocf'253S^S53(^, Gona-kola, s. generic name of ade- nosma, see ) (3*)J3(3>^353C kaha-gonakola and 29^ (S>(55Je:(Sa53(3 nil-gonakola. (5)J'2S3C> Gonala, s. esculent root, sort of yam or country potatoe. (5N(55J39-i(^, Gdna-wel, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon Ancistrocladus Vahlii (Ancistrocladece). ^(Siiis:^^, Gonasa, s. viper, [Colloq. s>e33CKi3 po- langd"]. (3^s)J33, Gond, s. elk, rusa aristotelis, pi. s^gssJkJ g9 gonnu. i5>e?3JD3e3, Gondsa, s. ((S>K)3 ox, -s^oes nose) large snake, considered by some the boa constrictor from its nose resembling that of an ox. (3\(S)J^^, Gonun, ace. plur. of :;v.-iJs33 gond. <^^e5^J^t^so^, Gonussd, s. scorpion, Scolopendra. (5N<5}J-S3ze^, Gones, s. rafter. (S^eoJa, Gdpa, s. herdsman; head of a cowpen; cow- herd; milk man; superintendent of a district; king; myrrh. 'wJo-'^i^, Gopakshma^ s. one of the thirty-two personal beauties of Buddha, namely the beauty of his eyelashes. @\i'yss 171 CRl&a!f <3^c5)cfa5, Gopaka, s. myrrh; herdsman, cow-herd; superintendent of a district. (S^ 053^0^, Gopati, 8. (js^c53Jo3, Gopd, s. nulk-woman, female cowherd. (^^(53Jc3^^SDS, Gopduasi, s. wood of a thatch roof, rafter. svcsjJiajSa), Gopdyita, a, preserved, guarded, saved. (5^(5)^33(3, Gopdla, s. king, sovereign, cowherd. (5^<5);Je33(^ca3, Gopdlayd, 8. (is^osii earth, C33(3 /)<^/a who protects) king; sovereign; cow-herd; name ^ of Krishna. s^eoJS, Gopi, s. plant, echites frutescens, cowherd's wife; protectoress; nature, natural disposition or property. S\(oJg<5, Gopura, s. door, town gate, ornamented gateway of a temple; gate in general; kind of grass, cyperus rotundus. s^oJg^, Gopurisha, s. cowdung. s^K)Js^o, G6p)endra, s. {(Si36ci gorada. S^<5dJcp, Gomaya, s. cow-dung; natiire or property of a cow. (S>(S)!J(5, Gomara, s. yellow spot on the skin, spot, freckle, or any cutaneous mark. (3ic55J(5 egg3, Gomara-pilihuduwd, s. red king- fisher, Ceryle rudis ( Alcedinidce order Picarii), also called ag<5'^93 waturanuwd, (5)J eye, e^^ to anoint) gem of a yellow colour; topaz? kind of poison, (see 5^3<3^^ mole.'] (jieaJdo^g, Goranku, s. water fowl; prisoner; naked man; mendicant etc. wandering about naked. s>K)J<5^B3, Gorakshd, s. {@^(53J3, Gowd, s. cabbage, brassica oleracea. (5^<53J9, G6vit,s. cow dung, [CoUoq. (553 g'owia]. (s^<55J<3^, Govinda, 8. one who has the principal charge of cattle; one of the most usual appella- tions of Krishna or of Vishnu in that form; name of Vrihaspati or Jupiter. (5>(SiS^d, Gowraja, e. station for cattlei <3>(5)Jaei^, Govrtnda, s. property in cattle; herd of cattle. ecssfcgs 172 &iiQss 0^(55 J;S@, Gostrsha, s. kind of sandal of the colour of brass and of great fragrance. csjJeftS, Goshtha, s, cowpen; fold for cattle; station of cowherds. GfoJesS, Goshthi, s. school; assembly, meeting; con- versation. ctJsiJ, Goshd, s. corruptly for k35S3 gJioshd, sound, noise, tumult, uproar. >csjJfOS)S3, Gostana, s. udder of a cow, garland consisting of four or thirty-four strings; cluster of blossoms; nosegay. (53Jels>s3, Gosmesa, s. kind of bird of the gull tribe, larus ('order Gavice). <5>co)^S58, Gaunawsawa, s. poison, one of the fixed kinds, mineral or vegetable. (3^(S5i(5, Gaura, s. colour white, yellow, pale, red; [Colloquial: j66co(^ hiriyal]', filament of lotus; gold; saffron; tree, grislea tomentosa; a. clean, cleansed, pure. !5^Y3)c58, Gauraiva, s, honour; respect, veneration; consequence or weight. (5^<53^c5S^s5^g^, Gaurawa-hatayutu, a. reverend, honourable. (3>c53t58s5(5c55t5859co, Gaurawam'ya, see ^CT)5, Gaun, J young girl, eight years old; any young girl prior to menstruation, maid, virgin ; name of a river; wife of the deity Varuna; earth; turmeric; yellow dye; plant, see 6^(^029 roc^a we ; plant bearing fragrant seed, see Qa^o^ priyaAgu; white kind of durva or bent grass; Arabian jas- ^ mine; sacred basil. ^^(S5)(3^5)^, Gaulikd, s. lizard; name of plant, .^o?*- tulaca oleracea: purslane. >C53'), Gauwya, s. (corruptly for k) gawya) curds; butter. (^^o^, Gauwa, s. (corruptly for jBQ gaw wo) distance of 5600 yards. (S3i^&5, Gejun, ^ Elu form of oSfe^D garjandwa, CTi^S, Gejum, J which see. siiQa, Getaya, s, knot; joint in a reed or bamboo, etc. pi. GJx0 geta. >, Geta oluwa, s. plant, GUnogyne virgata ( Scitamineoe). CTtQ):3d'03, Geta-kapannd, s. pick pocket. v55i33<5C3) Geta-karawald, s. kind of snake. csiiQs^iSi, Geta-kina, s. sort of tree, calophyUum calaba. 03Jd, Geta-tora, s. sort of pepper, pipe7' betle. oalQdSgiJ, Geta-nitul, s. small tree, Streblus asper or trophis aspera (Urticacece). 25xe^(^, Getanimul, s. ornament. K)t3 ijc5i, Geta-dan, s. plant, calyptranthes caryO' phyllata. ctiOd^co, Getapadaya, s. explanation of difficult terms; glossary. (Sii^o 173 cOiC^^ (SiiQoisi, Geta-pan, s. species of club rush, sctrpus lateralis. ' Gefaldnawd, see 63i0(53S32o83 fi'f/a- (531 08, Getawatu, s. kind of button or loop in tbe priest's robes, button. C53i08<5co3, Getawarayd, s. young man, youth. ef^i,08O5, Getaward, s. young fruit. (53x0 sn898ic Geta-weniwela, s creeper plant, cissampelos convolvulus^ o?3i8g, Getasu, s. thief, robber. (?3i0g, Getahu, s. (s3x0 knot or lump, g thread) knotted thread. r O0i8c6, Getiya, s. brim, edge, rim; plant, jsj maha or (53tc5 bugetiya, Hugonia mystax (Linacece). (53iSrfQ, Getissi, s. young girl not arrived at pu- berty. <53x,(S^9 x(30393, Gete-wetenawd, v. to miscarry. (53tS)o ^3, G^da-paiiutod, s. kind of long worm, ground worm. ootS)^, Gedarnbu, see C53ig gedumbu. <5?te)g, G^dalu, s. red worm. (53iS)3, Gedavt, s. bow of Arjuna. <53ie)(33, Gedavild, s. kind of ground worm. C5)t, Gedu, "Is. tree, Trema orientalis (Ur- (53ig, Gedumbu, } ttcaceoe), (Sit^i Gfna, ad, concerning, respecting, about, etc. s, fire. (Sii<^z), Genma, s. act of taking, act of counting; verb, noun of C3:f33 gannawd, to take. (53tcJc3j, Gettdf \ 5. servant. 33x^:03, Gettyd,j cot 9, Cei, plural of <53t geba; s. inside of the squares that compose a priest's robe. Q5Ji^3355Ja3D, Gebgaunuwd, v. to conceive. o-nxQ, G^eSa, s. water pot; wooden fork; womb, belly, pi. c53iS geb. 'OxQg'Q, Gebadunu, s. conception. sjz'S)!^, Gebam, see Gelawumkdrayd, v. Saviour, (SiiC^s^Q^Qi, Gelawenawd, v. to escape, to be de- livered; to be saved. IS 174 ^3i)S C33, Gelenawd, v. to sink: pret. eoid3a gelund. eoiS^GD, Geloma, s. gallon, (Eng.) pi. otxS^c^^ gelom. CTiQfi, Gewasi'ma, s. verbal noun of (53i8sNe3o8D gewasenawd. OTies2s38o, Gewasenawd, v. to be covered or overspread, to frequent: pret. (55t8|933 gewa- sund. sjigcJi, Gewuru, s. affection, esteem, honour. (joirf, Gesma, s. tremulous motion, shivering, shaking, wavering. s)tel8'D, Gessima, s. drawing the trigger of a gun, striking against, act of starting. (iE^iS^e3e383, Gessenawd, v, to shake, to quiver, to be affected by a tremulous motion, to strike against or to knock involuntarily: pret. ootc^^sjo gessund. iSiQo gdnawd. (53x(S^383, Gewenawd, v. to be smeared, to be daubed, to have applied any unctuous substance, to come in contact, co^g, Gehum, s. thunder. QQd^, Grajana, s. muruigga. ^^, Gmntha, s. knot, tying or stringing; book or any composition in verse; poetical stanza; metre or measure of thirty-two syllables; wealth, property. (Q^enod, Granthakdra, s. author of a book. iQ^^da, Granthadhuraya, s. (^5 and <5 dhura office) instruction of pupils in temples or houses by priests, not in deserts or as ascetics. cgdeDcJ)d' Granthi-muld, s. plant, hemedesmus in diem. [Colloq. <6^f^ iramu8u.'\ <9^(S^(33^> Granthilomaka, see s^sjJ^^cJ go Umi. (^eSeeSa-so, Granthisthdna, s. very difficult passage of a book. .,&}, Graha, s. taking by acceptance or seizure ; eclipse of the sun or moon, see (^3 Rdhu; planet; name of Rahu or the ascending node; imp, goblin; effort in battle; tenacity; perseverance; favour, patronage. <96J-35n, Graham, s. taking, seizure; receiving, acceptance; assent; agreement; respect; hand; eclipse of the sun or moon, which is fabled to result from the Asura Rahu seizing and at- tempting to swallow the sun or moon; compre- hension, taking or receiving instruction. ''@SJ3a*(53^@>3, Grthagolikd, s. (raaes house, s^(s>iQ^ lizard) small house lizard, [Colloq. ^33 hund']. cs^acDg^, Grihadruma, s tree, cordia myxa, [Coll: (5?aC53, Griha-dhuma, s. (waw house, Q smoke) house smoke. OTaW'fJjosasj, Chrihandsana, s. (raaw and >2S33C533 what destroys or defaces) common house pigeon, so called in consequence of its defacing the house where it builds its nest, [Colloq. C3(3^<59cs3 pareviyd^. eoas3C3^cs3, Grihapatiyd, s. ((saw house, a& patt chief) head or lord of a family; householder; householder of particular merit, giving alms and performing all the prescribed duties of religion; virtue, especially of a householder, hospitality; sun, (derived from opato planet, o^ lord.) 53a330^<56r3, Grihapati-ratna, s. (roawcs^S and <5o3S3 gem) one of the seven gems of a universal emperor; viz. a man who possesses the faculty of discovering hid treasures. ?5as>S)2a)3c:, Grihahandhanaya, s. (cnaw house, 6)5^253 bound) family tie, household life. OTas3 ghata and ^^ odana boiled rice) food, victuals prepared from boiled rice and ghee or clarified butter. ^3, Ghana, a. thick, gross, coarse, solid, without interstices; material, auspicious, fortunate; per- manent, eternal; s. thickness; cloud; iron club; cymbal; bell; gong; any brazen or composite metallic instrument which is struck as a clock etc., iron; skin, rind, bark; body; hardness, solidity, substance, matter; fragrant grass, cype- rus rotundus. 8920S55S, Ghanakapha, s. (^sa cloud, aJsS phlegm) hail. 693>S, Ghanakama, s, thickness, ^s:3S53(^, Ghanakdla, s. (ssea cloud, 5553(3 time or season) rainy season; wet cloudy weather. ^3?g?^, Ghanajyrajd, s. tree, bassia latifolia; liq- uorice, [Colloq. 8i(^ welmi'\. K20c5, Ghanapriya, s. (asea wet or moist weather, c5 what delights) swallow, [CoUoq. ic8(g;8<^ C63 whi-Uhiniyd~\ . 883(3, Ghanamula, s. cube root. 99es3(S-8553, GhanamuUkd, s. tree, celastrus emar- ginatus. 8S3de3, Ghanarasa, s. camphor; water; extract, de- coction etc., thick juice; plant, sanseviera zeyla- nica, [CoUoq. eflco^ niyanda']. aaa3eo3(5, Ghanasdra, s. camphor, [Colloq. ffisgcJi kapuru"]; mercury; water. K23)<5, Ghandkara. s. (asea ghana rain, epead dkara mine) rainy season. KS^5;J;8, Ghanodadhi, s. (k3 ghana large, ^^^ udadhi ocean) division of hell. ^i<5, Gharghara, s. door; gate; owl; laughter, mirth; river so called, the Gogra. KiicS, Gharghard, s. one of the tones or notes in music; kind of lute. 89Ss53, Ghargharikd, s. river so called; musical instrument; small bells; fried grain. 68^5, Gharghan, s. girdle of small bells or any tinkling ornaments worn by women. 63, Gharma, s. heat; warmth, hot season; sun- shine; sweat, perspiration. 83S3ocg, Gharmdnsu, s. (ea gharma and qpoeg ansu ray) sun. ffiij^33e3!33, Gharmdbhitapta, a. (as gharma and (fStS3f5is> abhitapta oppressed or fatigued) op- pressed with heat, fainting from heat. ^z^esi, Gharmika, a. (as gharma heat, (gsj ika affix) hot. ^S^co, Gharshanaya,s. grinding, poimding; strik- ing. ^@<^, Gharsham, s. turmeric, [Colloq. iS3 itaAa], 835, Ghara, s. house, [Colloq. ^csf ge'J. ^c5, Ghotaka, s. horse, [Colloquial: tpsjQcsa aswa7/(c]. &e&i^, Ghond, s. nose, [Colloq. <^s^^<3^ttJ waAe] ; nose or nostrils of a horse. iS>e9Je3e5, Ghonasa, s. polanga or viper; according to others (s^m for >(553 g'o cow, eaea nose) boa constrictor. ^ssid, Ghora, s. name of Siva, alluding to the terror which he inspires into the mind; horror, fear, horribleness; a. terrific. (S>esJ(5?^33, GhSradarsana, a. (js^fsid and ^c^s^ sight) frightful, horrible, terrific. S^8s^d<533:jc8, Ghoi'anddaya, s. roaring or growling sound, as of wild beasts etc, is^kJ(35, Ghord, s. night. SNasJ, Ghosha, s. village of herdsmen; kind of bell metal, [Colloq. is)isX53^3(S)(sS tuttandgan] ; sound; low thunder, gnat, musquito. ^^itsisi, GhoshaJca, s. kind of creeping plant, so called, bearing white or yellow flowers. [Colloq, ^sJca Q-iQ(S^Sio6 titta-wetalcolu]. S^wdft^^, Ghoshana, a. loud sounding, speaking loud, thimdering, crying out as a public pro- claimer, >asJa3, Ghosha, s. kind of fennel, anethum sowa; noise, loud sound, high speaking, proclamation. ^fs3^^?3s6a, Ghoshdksharaya, s. (s^ascfaj ghosha and (^?3s6 akshara letter) sonant letter, ^(sJe33, Ghosd, see s^asJes ghosha. I3<^, Ghrdna, s. nose; smell, sense of smelling, ^9^^<5Jor), Ghrdna-roga, s. catarrh. M3<^, Ghrina, s. reproach, blame, censure; kind- ness, compassion, tenderness. K3<^, Ghrini, s. ray, beam of the sun or moon; sun. Ma S3, Ghrita, s. ghee, clarified butter, butter; water. 9sas3-(SJ^, Ghritamanda, s. (esso ghee, s!ice) scum) medicinal plant, so called from the scum of its iufusion resembling ghee; it is described as sweet and cooling, allaying fever, removing phlegm etc. 823 e, Ghrishti, 8. grinding, pounding; emulation, contest; plant, lycopodium imbricatum. \ wassScj, Ghrishtika, a. grinding, pounding. The sixth consonant of the alphabet, and first of the second or palatal class of consonants; it has the sound of ch in champion; it is also a particle and conjunction, copulative or disjunctive, corresponding to and, also, more- over, but. So'^, Chankrama, s. walking, pacing, going; place for walking, kind of covered walk. 8o^, Chakka, Pali form of ^ chakra which see, 9.S5S5(5o3io, Chakkaratana, Pali form of 8^ <5c32S3c3 chakraratnaya which see, waaSesxS, Ghakkawatti, see ^^?9 chakra- warti. 9cg, Chakkhu, s. TSli form of Sag chakshu, eye, [Colloq. t^ts esa] ; omniscience of Buddha, or the faculty of knowing three things, viz. impermanency of matter, existence of sorrow in all things, annihilation of the spirit; mental perception, that perception of truth which leads to the sowan-marga; eye of the mind. ec5, Chakkundriya, s. sight of the eye, pupil of the eye, 5)^, Chakra, s. wheel, wheel of a carriage; circle; mark or sign; religious code; discus, worn as a punishment in one of the infernal regions (^c5 ^303 -253(540 urachakramdld-naraka) ; this appears to the victim like a splendid necklace, but as soon as he puts it on, it cuts him to pieces by its circular motion; four acts, namely, walk- ing, standing, sitting, reposing; complete pros- perity; success; the movable palace of Chakrar- warti-raja, made of precious stones; region or tract of country; assembly; army, forces; potter's wheel; order, edict; weapon in form of a discus having the outward edge exceedingly sharp ; alms giving; heap or multitude; astronomical or mys- tical figure; anatomical division or portion of the body; six of these are enumerated, viz, pubis, navel, pit of the stomach, root of the nose, hol- low between the frontal sinuses, and the union of the frontal and coronal sutures; cycle of years, 23 ~ " 178 )Jtf [^sg<5, Chahrakubara, s, pole of a carriage. S)4i9^3<3^, Chakrapdm, s. (^^^ discus, oo'^s hand) name of Vishnu. ^'ggS, Chakra-purwa, s. tree, eugenia operculata, [CoUoq. i5^4553<53rf hobu-gas]- 8^e^, Ghahra-bija, see 255g^<^e^e3 Icapuhinissa. 8^5)tsiS6 t6ra~\. 9^!i(53, Chakra-mdld, s. (^ wheel, ic^ neck- lace) discus or sharp circular weapon which is used as an instrument of punishment in one of the hells: see .^ chakra. 8^Q, Chakra-mukha, s. (-^ discus, 'S) face or snout) hog, [Colloq. (5)^ urd']. ^csoaa, Chakrai/dna, s. wheeled carriage. 8^!5?s?S3cs, Chakraratnaya, s. (^region, empire <5s>*3 ratna excellence) carriage of Chakravarti- raja. QiQQ^S<^, Chakralakshana, s. twining plant, ttnospora cordifolia, fCoUoq. (5e39^ rasakinda']- lines on the soles of the feet of Buddha which betokened his becoming a Chakrawarti-raja and also a Buddha. ^^^, Chakrawarti, s. (^ region, SaS3 writa to abide) emperor, sovereign of the world, universal monarch whose authority is supposed to extend over the large continents situated to the east, west, north and south of Mahdmeru; Europe, Asia and Africa forming the southern continent or Jambudvipa. ^3555, Chakrawdka, s. ruddy goose, commonly called in India the brahmany goose or brah- many kite. ^3005, Chakrawdtaya, ") s. (^ region, 8 ^3(3, Chakraivdla, ) wata to encompass) range of mountains supposed to encircle the Sakwala or system comprising the hells, the four large continents, the visible heavens and the worlds of gods and Brahmans; boundaries of the world; limit of light and darkness; sensible horizon, 9^ Chakshvr-phala, s. (9^5g and 6c, fruit, profit, gain) beautiful sight, that which is ex- ceedingly agreeable to the eye; missile weapon, kind of discus, fruit of eye-sight. 25g(^, Chakshurd, s. kind of fig tree, [Colloq. ?d dimbuT]. 9-'^cg, Chakshusrawa, see ^sgs^Se^ chahshuh- srawas. 9'5^:a, Chakshushya, s. coUyrium or application to the eyes extracted from the amomum an- thorhiza; agreeable for the eyes. 922g3ca, Ghakshusaya, s. eye, [Colloq. '^ts)i ehe']. 925g8ig9e^, Ghakshuh-srawas, s. (25^8 eye, gSrf ear) one whose eyes are ears; snake. 9^55, Ghakita, a. fearful, timid; amazed, terrified. (3>s>Jc5, Ghakora, s bartavelle or Greek partridge perdix rufa, [Colloq. e^S^g^g^s ettkukuld']; this bird delights in coolness, and is frequently seen and heard on moonlight evenings; hence it is fabulously reported that it lives on the moonbeams. )^e) 179 ^tf 0*5^(^, Chanchala, s. tremor, agitation; telegrapli plant, Desmodium gyrans (Leguminosce) ; a. trembling, shaking, moving, unsteady, fickle. 8^(3S5, Chanchalakama, s. tremor, agitation, instability. 825^(33^9-2083, Ckanchalawenawd, v, to be agitat- ed or shaken. 825^(^3, CAa?kAaZa,s. lightning; name of Lakshmi. 38>, Chataka, s. sparrow, [Colloq. (s^(si Qdi(^Qo ge-kurullci^. i8343, Chatakd, s. hen sparrow; root o the long pepper plant. 8G, Chatula, a. trembling, tremulous; beautiful. 89G3, Chatuld, s. woman; lightning. Q^SSei, Chanda, s. tamarind tree; messenger of Yama, the Indian Pluto; demon, daitya; a mis- chievous, furious, unruly man, a demon like man; heat, warmth; a, hard, severe, furious, violent. Q'sf^ziSits^ Ckanda-parusha, a. furious, violent, cruel. 8<^cS)i)3^0co, Chandamdrutayay s. hurricane, strong wind. 3, Chatushpddaka, a. (Q^gi^ chatur and aD<5a5 foot) fourfooted. e).egJ0Mo(gs)8eKg8, Chatussangraha loastuica, s. four chief moral virtues, viz. alms giving, affa- bility, promoting the prosperity of others and loving others as ourselves. 5).2gcsS)j9, Chatussatya, s. (Qt^^ chatur and e3S3 truth) the four chief truths connected with religion; viz. 1, that sorrow is connected with existence in every state : 2, that men are attached to existence only by sensual desires: 8, the means conducing to the complete subjugation of the passions: 4, the state preparatory to Nirvana, in which the passions are subjected, and every attachment to a continuance of existence destroyed. Qes^so, Chandana, s. sandal, santalum album; it implies either the tree, wood or the unctuous preparations of the wood, held in high esteem as perfumes, [Colloq. eegsJ sandun] ; red sandal wood, p)terocarpus santalinus. Qei^eoraS^D, Chandana-ghatikdwa, s. knot in sandal wood. 3e^D35)C) Chandandchala, s. (e^20 chandana and fp9c ^chala hill or mountain) sandal moun Cains, or the hills producing sandal; name of the Malaya mountain, part of the southern range of the Ghats where sandal is produced in abim- dance. Qe^es, Chandasa, s. science of prosody, corruptly for d'e^es ckhandasa. 3 splendid) fabulous gem, supposed to be formed of the congelation of the moon's rays, crystal. e)'C333S, Chandrakdnti, corruptly for 82)3x53 chandrakdnta, which see; moonbeam. !^ <^ * / ^cgsj-i^co, Chandragrahanaya, s. (S'fi^ moon, (QSi<^ grahana seizure) fabulous seizure of the moon, used to signify eclipse of the moon; see Goffi^ Bdhu. ^^^lgs^(s^JC) Chandragola, s. ofb or sphere of the moon. )3g^(5, Chandraddra, s, (8"4g and ^6 wife) twenty seven daughters of Daksha who were married to the moon and who in Indian astronomy re- present the twenty-seven lunar mansions. S^ggeoj, Chandraprahhd, s. moon beam. a)ega)3(33, Chandrabdld, see t95e33(^ ensdl. 8'^3<^Qco, Chandra-mandalaya, s. circle round the moon in wet weather; lunar sphere. 181 )^) B^s^bQo, Chandrare'khd, ^ ^^ ^j^-^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^S, Ckandramancht, } dra-kdnta. 0^(3, s. shade* shadow, corruptly for 5^30539 chhdi/diva; [Colloq. (5\)83t(^(3 heica- nella']. 8, Charma, s. skin; bark; [Colloq. w hama"]; hide; shield; hide used by Hiadu students and ascetics as their seat and bed, usually the skin of a tiger or antelope. 8)5S3, Charma-kashd, s. medicinal plant, [Coll: ^0 lunuvtla^, herpestis monniera. 805)3d, Charmakdra, s. (8 skin, S53d who does or makes) worker in leather, currier; shoe- maker. 8(^49(3, Charma-kila, s. (8 and ^c pin) severe kind of piles. 8tK33, Charmaghdta, s. leather cutter; shoe- maker. 8d^53cs, Charmachhe'danaya, s. circumcision. B^oi^j, Charma-pat}'d,s. (8 skia, of^ l>aira wing) bat, small house-bat, [Colloq. SS 8(23 kin-wawuld^. 8l)g3^e^^553, Charma-prasevikd, s. bellows. 8cs, Charmaya, see 8) charma. 83gco, Charmdgraya, s. foreskin. 8^ 2d, Charmin, s. shield bearer, soldier armed with a shield. 8cflicfl, Chary ay a, 1 s. due and regular observance 800&, Charydwa, j oi all religious rites and cere- monies; perseverance in the practice of religious austerities. 8Sa), Charvita, a. eaten. 8(5, Chara, s. spy, secret emissary or agent; planet Mars; game similar to back-gammon; wag-tail. 8(5 S), Charaka, s. spy or secret emissary; name of a treatise upon medicine, as well as the name of the author. ^6 0^053, Ghdtaka-pakshiyd, s. kind of bird usually called &x^xsSsi3 kendettd. 33^<^<53, Ghdtuddast, s. new moon. 03.a2^ao3d55?4S>, Ghdturmahdrdjiha, s. (9 egS eha- tur four, Sao maha great, 6d raja to shine, ^^ ika aff.) the first or lowest of the six worlds of the gods, so named from the four great chiefs who preside over it, see eo<53<53:5^ sS33(53S3 nd-gaha'\. 03 i)6, Chdmara, 8. sort of large fan made from the root of a fragrant grass and used to fan kings or great men; kind of whisk or brush made from the tail of the Indian Yak, bos grun- niens, and used to whisk off the flies; species of fire work. jSdg'x;, Ghdmara-pushpa, s. areca nut tree. [Colloq. ^Qd^ puwak'\\ mango tree, [Colloq. q. amba~\\ sort of grass saccharum cylindricum ; screw pine, pandanus odoratissimus, [Colloq. e,<3^33c83 mudukeytydj, =O3a;c303c3ce, Ghdmara-wdladhiya, s. tail of the Indian yak, bos grunniens. 039\(5, Ghdmare, see 3(^ chdmara, i)35(5, Ghdmikara, s. gold, variety of gold. ^3003, Chdydwa, s. shade, shadow, see d3c03 chhdydwa, sSsaa, Ghdrwdka, s. (3(^ chdru beautiful, 3> discourse) one who enchants or deludes by his beautiful or enticing speeches; sceptic in matters of religion; sophist, philosopher. 3<5, Ghdra, 8. going, motion; spy, secret agent or emissary; fetter; prison; tree, buchannania lati- folia; wandering :ibout, travelling; morality. 03^S)tc, Chdrakaya, s. groom, horseman, cavalier; binding, fetter; associate, companion. J3:5^3, C/idri/cdwa, 8. wandering, going about, moving, travelling. 0j(3^co, Chdritrai/a, s. practice, observance; cus- tom, peculiarity of custom or condition, fit or proper action. 3^, Chdru, 8. name of Vrihaspati regent of Jupiter and preceptor of the gods; prepared oblation for the gods; gold; a. beautiful, pleas- ing, delightful. Ji j^ijiSeo, Chdrudarsana, s. {QoSi beautiful, ^(Szi sight) any beautiful object or pleasing sight; tree QQc^'si pulila-gaha; long pepper. J .^5 sss, Chdrudraksha, s. kind of tree, buchan-' nania latifolia. J<^Zv 183 a^d 351 ;^,, Chdrndru, s "banyan tree^ ficua bengalensis, [Colloq. !SJ'3S5 maha-miga\. e)3CJi.cJC=;9, Chdrupald, see QoS^^c^ cMruphald. 835ig^, Chdrupushpt, s trumpet flower. 83CJl6c3, Chdruphald, s. (QoSi beautiful, 6c phala fruit) grape; name of a tree, hignonia grandts. 03<^'i|foi^iD, CMru-brahndka, 8. kind of tree, bark of which is medicinal, smetenia febrifugia. S3<5l?S>, Chdrurtaka, s. blue vitriol; sulphate of copper, especially considered as medicinal; colly- rium extracted from the amomum zanthoirhiza. 3c5l(5>C^Q"2S3, Chdrulochana, s. (03(51. and S^qJ^' eye) deer; epithet for a woman, considered as the highest mark of beauty. 33c5lc9(3'> Chdrustld, s. (3^1 and ^qo stone) gem, any precious stone. 83(3e3, Chdlana, s. sieve, strainer, [Colloq. &o e^esJsvS peneW] ; causing to move. 93(^> Chdlttra, 1 corruption of QiSfs^ca chdrt- sgeeg, Chdlistra, }traya. SogsJ, Chinchin, s. tamarind, fColloq. Scec^ 8iyarnbald~\ ; a. sour, acid. ^6036353), Chikitsaka. s. physician, practitioner in medicine. 3s3e339, Chikitsdwa, s. practice of medicine, healing, curing, administering or applying re- ^ medies. S(7;, Chiktia, s, mud, mire, [Colloq. S)a) mada], i5<5, Chikura, s. hair; mountain; snake; musk rat; kind of bird; a. rashly criminal, inconsid- erately guilty; punishing or injuring others without consideration. 3d, Chichchttd, s. sound, sharp or shrill noise; sound like the dropping of water. 5^3, ChincM, s. tamarind tree, [Colloq. 8c5(33 styambald']. C3i, Chitichitd, see 393 chichchttd. cJ, Chit, s. intellect, understanding; collection, multitude, heap; affix to words giving them an indefinite signification. WsaSi, Chitta, s. mind or faculty of reasoning, heart considered as the seat of intellect ; thought, conception. l3s)S)53c, GMttardhiya, s. (l-a5eD thought, esaSco riddhiya supernatural power) faculty of produc- ,^ ing anything or event by mere thought. ^eDassajoDjej, Chitta-santdna, s. train of thought. 0035, Chittd, s. due of the lunar constellations; star in the virgin's spike. SD3S>eo3c55, Chittdhhoga, 8. consciousness, percep- ^ tion, sensibility. ^s?, Chttya,8. memento, monument, remembran- cer, mark of the site of a funeral pile. ^, Chttra, 8. wonder, surprise; painting; delinea^ tion, writing etc., sky, heaven; circular orna- ment; sectarial mark on the forehead of a Hindu; white or spotted leprosy; medicinal plant, [Coll: , Chita, a. covered, veiled, concealed, closed, pressed together. Sc355, Chitaka, 8. heap of food, funeral pile. 3a)^(03, Chitatigulitd, s. fingers so closely pressed together that no opening is seen, one of the beauties of Buddha's hand. 33, Chita, see S3^S5 chitaka. ^, Chiti, 8. funeral pile; heap, quantity. X03, Chintd, s. reflection, consideration, thought, meditation, contemplation. XD3S)3<^)36co, Chintdmdnikyaya, 8. (3033 thought, 3<:^a> mdnikya gem) fabulous gem, supposed to give its possessor every thing desired, 9>53a, Chinnd, s. kind of grain, [CoUoq. ^ amu], >5eco, Chine'laya, s. slipper. (Port.) ), Chibuka, s. chin, [CoUoq. j9)3 nikata']. (5, Chira, a. ancient, long, protracted, much. S<5)3(3, Chirakdla, s. (@d long, )3(3 time) long period. Sd^^S, Chiranjivi, s. tree, oroxylum indicum, [Colloq. SNCD3S(3 totila']. dx53D, Chirantana, a. old, very ancient, anti- quated, [Colloq. , Chirapdka, a. very old, exceedmgly ripe. (5<^g, Chirardtra, s, (<5 long, <35 rdtri night) period of very many nights, long period; great bear. <5sJ, Chiras, a. ancient, of long continuance, anti- quated. <5te638, Chirasthdyt, a, long enduring. ScioJ, Chirdt, s. long period, long time; name of Garuda. <:S65:3(3co, Chirdt-kdlaya, s. long period. SS, Chiri, s. parrot, [Colloq. (8(503 girawd}. SScScS, Chirihilwa, s. tree, dalbergia arborea, ^ [Colloq. ffi5<5^ karanda']. ^03. Chilla, s. Bengal kite falco cheela; bleared or sore eyes; cricket; cutaneous disease, 6. Chilichima, s. kind of sprat, clupea cull- rata; kind of prawn. ^iK)2S3, Chihna, s. mark, spot, sign. e3, Ghi, par. fy ! shame ! Seaa, CMtta, s. (Port.) chintz. Sea, China, 8. country so called. Cochin China; the native geographers divide this country into two parts' Cochin China, Sea china, and SesUea maha china, that is Great China or Proper; kind of deer; sort of banner (made of deer skins); sort of cloth; thread; sort of panic grass, panicum miliaceum; tin. S33, CMnaka, 8. panicum miliaceum. S25D4S5g, Ckina-kapu, s. brown cotton plant, gossy- pium reliqiosum. t)j5^^<^, China-gundu, 8. species of firework. S)(^, China-mul, 8. medicinal root, cacalia ca- thartica. c5, Chira, s. cloth, clothes, [CoUoq. (S^<5 redi"} ; rag, old torn cloth; bark, rind; crest; kind of garland; lead; line; stroke; writing; dress of the priests. S(55S3fi5, Chirakawdsika, s. punishment, pour- ing boiling lead down the throat. S5)3, Chirikd, s. cricket, [CoUoquial: (S^sjxacos reheyiyd~\. 3, Chiri, s. eye cloth, veil, covering for the eyes; cricket: ends or hem of a garment. QQssii, Chilikd, see i553 chirikd. BQ6(, Chiwaraya, s. dress of the Buddhist priests. gog, Chunchu, 8. musk rat or shrew. ^5, Chunchuri, s. game, kind of hazard played with tamarind seeds instead of dice. r i5 185 e\@\^^ ), Chuhra, s, sourness, acid seasoning; sorrel; tamarind tree; a. sour, acid. g^aSC. Chulcrdmla, s. tamarind tree, tamarindus indica, [Colloq. 808 QJ siyamhald']. g^>, Chukrika,^ s. wood sorrel, oxalis mona- g^ffiJD, Chukrikd, >delphta; another plant, variety 49, Chukrikt,) of tlie marcilea coromande- lina ? , Chuchchu, 1 s. nipple, [Colloq.c5aDg8 ^5, Chuchchuka, ) tanapuduwa]. 5q5, Chuchchundari, s. musk rat, sorex ccerulescens, [CoUoq. c8Ja53 hikmiyd']. g|5, Chuchuka, see gSgfflJ chuchchuka. S), CAw^a, s. anus; mango; that which has fallen; murder, killing, death. gssS, Chutavtma, s. death, dying; exit from one state of existence to another. c^(S^8^38^, Chutawenawd, v. to die, to depart. "'^ewX3e6, Chutuppatti, s. (^tsichuta dead, ^tax9 Xipjmtti birth) new or fresh birth, transmigration. i6)>, Chumbaka, s. one who kisses; lecher; rogue, cheat; loadstone; general scholar, one who knows parts in a variety of books; upper part of middle of a balance. @5)ffi53oeaoe53, Chumbakapdsdna, s. magnet. eS, Chumbata, s. (Pali form of gge simbula). giSesa, Chumbana, part. a. (from the root chubi to kiss) kissing, [Colloq. 8SS stmbi'ma']. Q(^, Churd, s. theft, stealing, [Colloq, (3^JS33(55 ho7'akaina]. 03) Chulla, s. blear eye; cutaneous disease; oven; a. little, small, diminutive, [Colloq. gg stdu]. C6, CAmZ/?, Is. chimney; fire place; funeral ^CS, ChidU, j pile. ggs), Chuluka, s. mud, mire; small vessel or pot, gallipot etc., the hand hollowed to hold water; rinsing the mouth with water held in the palm of the hand. 03, Chudd, s. single lock of hair on the crown of the head; crest, plume, diadem; peacock's crest; top, summit; upper room, one on the top of a house. Q^9)33, Churnikd, s. toasts proposed at feasts. Bqo, Chuld, s. upper room, one on the top of the house; lock of hair left on the crown of the head, [Colloquial: 5^c8 tec?MOT%a]; crest, diadem; peacock's crest. @3, Chulikd, s. root of an elephant's ear; drama, inferior personages of a drama collectively, 9, Che'tt\ s. female servant or slave, [Colloq ^S ddsQ. (^^s^, Cheta, see (3^S55d Chetana. 5>e3a>, Chetaka, s. dog trained to the chase (3>8s>4S, Chetaki, s. yellow myrobalan, terminalia chebula, [Colloq. fpdd aralu"]. (3\9s)3, Chetana, 8. mind or faculty of reason; un- derstanding, intelligence; wisdom; reflection; soul. s^<5^<5^^, Chetandwa, s. animal or existent being; rational or sentient being; mind as the seat of thought and reason; understanding. 5>93df, Chetas, 1 s. mind, intellect, faculty of ^03a, Chetasa, J reasoning or understanding. s^S)3, Che'td, see s^Soj'Sa chetana. (S^8c^ Chela, s. dress, clothes, raiment, cloth, [Colloq. ^d^ redi] ; a. vUe, bad, wicked. (?>9(33, Cheldwa, s. weapon, missile weapon. tsi8o33S, Chaitya, s. place of sacrifice or religious worship; as a temple, tree, shed or any place where offerings are made and the deity propi- tiated; Buddhist dagaba; monument, tomb or column erected in memory of some deceased person. , Ckaitasika, s. thought, reflection, in- tellect. (5n3J3, Ch6cha,s, bark, rind, [Colloq. oa^^o?it];; skin; cassia bark; cinnamon, [Colloq. ^gcJlg kw'UTidu]; half eaten fruit; fruit of the palm; banana or plantain, [Colloq. (3N^55(5e3(^ kesel"} ; cocoa-nut, [Colloq. c3a(^ j^o/]. (5^9J8), Choehaka, s. bark, rind. (5>8J, Choda, s. tank, pond, reservoir, [Colloq. (^o:iSSQ-^ pokuna] e>Sifj'S33S, Chodancma, s. precept, sacred ordi- nance; sending, commanding, directing; fault, flaw. i3^9J^'953, Chodanikd, s. plant, species of the sida, white leaved. ^<03, Chodttci, a. published, made known, pro- claimed; guilty. S'QSd, Chora, 8. thief, robber; kind of tree from which a resinous substance is extracted and in some parts of India a perfume is made from it, dipterocarpus turbinatus, see ^isiodsai hora-gas. <^^8J<5o, Choraka, s. aromatic plant, kempferia galanga, [Colloq. ^ <%cs, Chorakarmaya, s. theft, robbery. (3>8J(5D3(3s53, Chorandlikd, s. creeping plant, bind weed ipomoea turpethum, [Colloq. ^03)3g trastawdlu], <5N8cfdga, Chorapushpa, s. kind of grass, andro- pogan aciculatum ; flowering shrub, crotularia laburntfolia, [Colloq. (:Z'S^(S^^8cs yakbe'riya']; see (3^Scf<5S) choraka. (3^0df(3, Chola, s. short jacket, kind of bodice, stays, (worn by females), [Colloq. <5^Q3Q.cs ch6liya~\ ; name of a country, the modern Tanjore. (Sv8Jc^, Cholaka, s. breast plate; cuirass; bark, rind. v9J(3c8, Choliya, see <3^t)iQ, chola. 8)co^, Chaurya, s. theft, robbing. (5^9)d, Chaura, s. thief, robber, pilferer, [Colloq. ^es)3<5 hord^; planet, see >QJ(5g'Ju chora- pushpa. S>9')(3, Chaula, s. beard; tonsure; single tuft of hair left on the crown of the head after the rest has been shaven. (3^Qie^ Ghaida-karma, s. ceremony of cutting off the hair from the head of a Hindu child at three years old. 88, Chah, part, iy, shame ! 8Ss>, Chyuta, part, dropped, fallen, lost, departed. Qj?9, C%M<2, s. departure, ^oss. The preceding consonant aspirated; it is ex- pressed by chha. 33c5oJ(^@ kotta- mallt~\', anise; mushroom. t^t^issi, Chhatraka, s. mushroom; plant, mimosa octandra. ?f^oc9, Chhatra ki, s. plant, mimosa octandra. , Chhatrdu-ha, s. kind of plant, leucas zeyla- nica, [Colloq. (5310-eg gctatwnba]. 187 e^^dQ, Chhatrdsi, s. sort of creeper, commonly called &d)iit6 kiressa; see d^sSsJ) chhatra- parvikd. t^^^sx), Chhaddanta, s. kind of elephant; large lake in the Himalaya mountains. e^ij, Chhadma, s. fraud, deceit, trick; disguise, masquerade, E^ij, Chhada, s. leaf; wing; plant; bark, rind, if^ea, Chhadana, s. leaf; wing; roof; covering; sheath, scabbard. di^, Chhadi, s. roof; covering, shade. d^, Chhanda, 1 s. meaning, intention, pur- di^oo, Chhandaya, J port, opinion; subjection; poison; wish, desire. d'fi^^sjco, Chhandardgaya, s. vehement desire, ar- dent wish. Efo^w, Chhandasa, s. prosody; poetical metre; peculiar kind of metre such as that of the book Vrittodaya; meaning, purport; object; inten- tion; wish, desire; independence or uncontrolled desire. ^SS), Chhandd, s. wish, desire; a. solitary, private, secret. tfs^^ejSg^^, Chhandovichiti, s. one of the Vedan- gas, prosody. dSXS^, Chhanna, s, ordinance, precept; a. fit, pro- per, convenient; private, secret; concealed, cover- ed; solitary; clothed, accoutred. d^, Chharda, s. vomiting, sickness, retching, [Colloq. QS(S^5J(5^i558a) wamanekenma\. d^3, Chhardana, s. nimb tree, also called bead tree and Indian Lilac; melta azedarach; de- mon. d^, Chhardi, l s. vomiting, retching, sick- 'dqssi, Chhardika, J ness at the stomach. tQ, Chhawa, a. dead; low, vile. dQsi, Chhmvaka, s. dead body, corpse; mean, low, vile person. d'Sa)3)>, Chhawaddhaka, s. he whose business or place it is to prepare the funeral pile, and burn dead bodies. dB, Ghhavi, s. moonlight; beauty, splendour, effulgence, brilliance, light, lustre. eI^3(j5isScs, Chhavi-kalydnaya, s. one of the five personal beauties, beauty of the skin, parti- cularly the lips. e^(3(g, Chhalli, s. rind, bark; skin. dQ, Chhala, s. cunning, stumbling; wickedness, fraud, circumvention, stratagem. ddsi, Ghhdga, s. goat, [CoUoq. 6dS3 eluwd']. d^(SiSi-^, Chhdgakarna, s. (doc) and ^SJO" ear) tree, terminalia alata. d'o'sjco^ss*, Chhdga-bhakshya, s. kind of hemp or flax. sf3S)(5vJ^5D3, Chhedana, s. that which cuts; breaker. (3>df J^03, Chhedtta, p. part, cut, divided. d The third letter of the second class of con- sonants and the twenty-first in the alphabet; it sounds like ja in jam: s. name of Siva, and of Vishriu; birth, production; parent, progenitor; a. born. e^oea, Jangama, properly dOssi^jangama, which see. doe^o, Janghd, s. calf of the leg. do^iQ, Janghdla, s. traveller, joumeyer, pedes- trian, runner, racer, quick marcher, rapid walker. dodiQ, Janjdla, s. error, mistake, injury. di3^, Jalcshna, 1 s. consumption, phthisis, d^sBa)5, Jakshman, J [CoUoq. .^^C8S^(5J)C5 kshaya rogaya']. dfsi^i Jagat, s. world, universe, earth; people, mankind; air, wind; a. opulent, renowned, cele- brated. ds33gcc, Jagattraya, 8, three worlds; heaven, earth and hell. d(S3Sio&, Jagatpati, s, king, deity. ^(535g3-ro, Jagat-prdna, s. (dssed and go^gS life) air, wind, [CoUoq. ^Qio hulanga'\. d(S3fd es34^, Jagat-sdkshi, s, (dcjsJ earth, 633^ ^ ^witness) sun, [Colloq. <6 ?Va]. dS533^C5' kotadmbuld'], do, Jatakdrikd, s. {dQ clotted hair, >385 kdrika doer) one who has long clotted hair brought over the head, so as to project like a horn from the forehead. dQ6, Jatara, s. stomach, fjcorruptly for d^6 jathara. dSs, Jatd, s. turban; entangled matted or clotted hair; clotted hair of ascetics; matted hair as worn by Siva as the regent of the clouds and the giver of rain; cluster of bamboos; entanglement; wish, desire; concupiscence; spikenard. d3S)<5, Jatddhara, s. (d3 entangled hair, Q6 who bears) name of Siva; an ascetic. dQ388, Jatdmakuta, s. kind of spikenard. d'033oss, Jatdindnsa, s. Indian spikenard. d832)3(338, Jatdmdldiva, s. tuft of hair on the crown of the head. dSocg, Jatdyu, s. bdellium, [Colloq. c^cgc^ guguQ* ddoQO, Jatdld, s. spikenard. dQ, Jati, see dQjati. dc J(''t^^(^i * lion; ascetic or religious penitent with clotted hair. d^QiO, Jatild, s. Indian spikenard; long pepper; orris root. d, Jatz, 8. kind of fig tree, the waved-leaf fig tree, ficus venosa, [CoUoq. ^Qo puUla~\ . d^6, Jathara, s. belly, stomach, [Colloq. S) bada^; a. hard, firm, bound, tied. ^(Sc^ffi3iSco, Jathardgniya, s, {d ^6 jathara stomach, ;p(53i3 agni fire) fire of the stomach, that is, the bile or digestive faculty, da), Jada, a. frosty, cold, frigid, chilly; dull, sluggish in mind or body, stupid, idiotic, apathetic; mean, vile; dumb; hard. d^ssi 189 g^Q dQsi, Jadakama, 8. meanness, vileness. dS)o5D, Jadayd, s. paltry pitiful man, mean fellow, low vile contemptible person, blockhead, mean vile fellow. d^o, Jadd, s. cowach. [Colloq. SgCJlSx loanduru- me'\. di^,Jatu,s, lac, red dye, [Colloq. QOSi^ Idkadd]. or animal pigment, analogous to cochineal. d-jg), Jatuka,s. bat; see also dcQJatw, asafaetida, [ CoUoq. (^^ c3 c5lo455aco D perunkdyam] . d^, Jatru, s. coUar bone, clavicle. d3e?, Jantu, s. any animal, sentient being, any being endowed with animal life; it is however, more usually applied to beings of the lowest organization. e^Kg3, Jantuka, s. animal, animal in general; animated being. disx^^Q, Jantwphala, s. (disxs) animal (worm), 6(3 fruit or leaf) kind of fig tree, Jims glomera- ta, the leaves of which swarm with insects, [Colloq. ^98^5^2553 attikkd']. e^3, Janma,s. nature; birth; nation, race, tribe, lineage; a. bom, d^sx)s5, Janman, s. birth, production. de3eo36e*> Janmasdphalya, s. attainment of the object of existence. d33W3<5, Janmdntara, s. (d^sx) janma birth, ^)CD<5 awtora other) other world, regeneration, another birth. d;332sa), Janmdndha, s. blind from birth. deDJS, Janya, s. father; friend, attendant or com- panion of a bridegroom; war, combat; rumovir, report; market, fair; portent, one occurring at a birth. d-SDoao, Janyd, s. mother; friend of a mother; bridesmaid; pleasure, happiness. dD, Jana, s. man, individually or collectively; mankind, sentient being; festival; birth, produc- tion. de33, Janaka, s. father, progenitor. d-2ocos3^53, Janagahana, s. (dec people, eaeo-aa pressure) crowd of people, multitude. d3S)a, Janatd, s, mankind, number of men. d3S3, Janana^ 8. birth, production; family, race, lineage. idsi^, Janam, s. mother; tenderness, compassion; Arabian jasmine, [Colloq. S^Qog^ij bolidda], de3i3<5co, Janapadaya^ s. (diSi man, o^pada going) an inhabited country; mankind. da3oS)G, Jambala, s. shaddock: see dB(S^'S)SGjam- bola. d^sihc, Jambala, s. mud, clay, mire, [Colloq. e) mada] . d^<5, Jambira, s. lemon; citron; common lime; it may be applied to several species of lime; sort of basil. d, Jambu, s. fruit tree, rose apple, Jambosa vulgaris; fruit of the same. dSf^>, Jambuka, s. jackal, [Colloq. eaScoa narii/d']. dSgScaca, Jambudwipaya, s. (e^S rose apple tree, oc6 Island) country so called from its produc- ing that fruit in abundance; according to the geography of the Hindus the name of the central division of the universe or the known world; but according to the Buddhists it is the continent of India or more strictly India proper, or India within the Ganges, it being generally reckoned by them as the scene of the labours of Buddha. d^^^, Jambunada, 8. for e3520^ jdmb'dnada which see. d^C Jambula, s. rose apple, see dt^ jambu. e^i)>S)J(3, Jambola, s. tree, shaddock or pumelow, citrus decumatia. d^^6, JambMra, 8. lime or citron, see d^6 jam- bira. di)(5)^co, Jammagatiya, s. nature, natural dis' position. e^a)(jO, Jammaya, s. nature, birth; nation, caste, see disx>janma. c^33(5o, Jamandran, 8. mandarin orange. [Colloq. ^ w 2533^0 maha-ndran]. dee, Jaya, s. victory, conquest, triumph; name of Yudhishthira in allusion to hia warlike character and the victories he obtained, particularly over the Kurus in the beginning of the fourth age. dats^aiis^Q, Jayaketuwa, 1 g (dc8 victory, (3>J^ dce^53Sc8, Jayakodiya, jke'tu banner) military flag or banner, banner of victory. d(X)'3^&iJf!Xrjai, Jayakontaya, s. flag; banner; ensign; royal sceptre. d'cscoOK)93, Jayagannaivd, v. to conquer, to over- come. , e^cc(53x^, Jayagemma, s. conquest, victory, pi. dca(S3i<^ jayagem'm: verbal noun of c^ccotcxtj 3 jayagannaivd. e^c6303, Jayanta, s. hero and demigod, son of Indra; name of Siva; moon. dcais^nS, Jayantt, s. name of the goddess Durga; flag, banner; plant, ceschynomene sesban. dcaooQ, Jayapdla, s. (dec victory, C33C who nour- ishes) king, sovereign; it is an appellation of several celebrated Hindu princes; plant, croton tiglium (EuphorbiaceceJ. sometimes written ?55 V ^"O jdpdla. e^coce3, Jayasriydwa, Is. pride or exultation of e^cs85ce, Jayasiriya, J victory, dceeefi), Jayasaka, s, land of horn or large chank blown on festive occasions, bugle. dcao, Jayd, s. name of the goddess Parvati the wife of iva; the third, eighth, and thirteenth lunar day of either half of the moon; yellow myro- balan plant, [Colloq. (f6& aralu"]. d&6, Jarjara, s. emblem or banner of Sakra; aquatic plant, vallisneria ; a. old, infirm. d6fS>, Jarjarika, a. torn, ragged; perforated, full of holes; old, decayed. d6, Jara, ^a. old, advanced in years; rotten, d6ei. Jar at, J decayed, hard, solid; cruel, harsh; infirm; decrepit, d6-<^, Jarana, s. cummin seed; plant, yielding a pungent seed, nigella indica; sort of salt, bit lobon; old, decayed; old age, infirmity from decrepitude, asafretida. d^, Jard, s. decay; old age; infirmity (from old age) decrepitude; tree, mtmusops kauki; noted female demon. d<^d^, Jard-jambu, s, plant, see Q^qi^i baludan. d^s>^03>33, Jardpretawenawd, v. to become disfigured. d<^, Jardyu, s. womb, uterus; foetus. d^Q, Jardvoa, see d^jard. d(yiO^, Jalpdka, s. singer, chanter; chatterer, prattler, babbler, dQ, Jala, s. water, [Colloq. ^<5 watura'} ; kind of perfume, [Colloq. -gSsvSSconwen'ya]; uterus of a cow; a. dull, stupid, idiotic; apathetic; cold, frigid. w i^QSSi 191 8^C5 dQtSi^tsiisjQ, Jalakadiittuiva, s. strangury. dc-fisiS, Jalakapi, s. {dQ water, fisS ape) Gange- tic porpoise. dcS5<^o5, Jalakaranka, 8. (do and x^o> cup) cocoanut; shell, conch; lotus. dciqS, Jalahupi, s. whirlpool; pond; spring, well. e^e^aoS, Jalalcriddwa, s. bathing for amusement. s^CSC) Jalagulma, s. whirlpool, d(^8SS3^, Jalaghnadruma, s. tree, cassia aurt- cidata, fCoUoq. 6<^S^ ranaward'\. dQ^6, Jalachara, s. (dQ water, S<5 what goes) fish; a. aquatic. dQd, Jalaja, s. (dc and d born) fish; shell; lotus; a water-born. dodisxsi, Jalajanhi, s. {dQ and d5 animal) fish or any marine, aquatic, or amphibious animal. dQd), Jalajanma, s. (dc and disS) bom) lotus. dQit6^, Jalajdsana,8. (dQd jalaja lotus, {pessa dsana seat) name of Brahma alluding to his being born from or resting upon the lotus which sprung from Vishnu's navel. dQSic, Jalatala, s. (dQ water, fS3Q plain) surface of water; face of the deep. dQSiQoQ, Jalataldwa, s. (dQ and 3e90 surface) place overspread with water; marsh; surface of water; sheet of water. dQtsyoQ, Jalatala, s. hilsa or sable fish, clupea alora. d'ccsa Jalamuch, s. cloud, [Colloquial: C'*? waldkula"] . dQza, Jalaya, s. water. dQ co3gc6, Jala-yantraya, s. (dQ and coogce machine) water work, machine for raising water, watercan for gardens. dQ6o(S), Jalaranka, "I s. dQ water, 6otSi greedy) dQ6oi^, Jalaranku, /bird feeding on fish and therefore frequenting lakes and swamps, kind of crane; gallinule. dQQtaQ, Jalawydla, s. watersnake. dQQss), Jalawaka, s. fourth day of the lunar month. dcegiSxS, Jalasukti, s. (dQ and cg&"x9 oyster) bivalve shell. dQassi, Jalasuka, s. aquatic plant, valUsneria. d(3t0S)i)sj, Jalastambha, s. (dQ and ed5))QD pillar) waterspout. dQGs^ssi, Jalasambuka: see dQCs^iS^ jalasukti. d(3ee3)j, Jalasdtikd, s. cloth used to tie round the waist when bathing, [CoUoq. {^oos^d^^ diya- redda]. I dQ^Ois^, Jaldtana, s. heron, genus ardea. dc3 102 dS^@3 dcoSiQ, Jaldtam, s. {dQJala and tfQsi atana ^ who goes) leech; fish. dQ^^d, Jaldbuja, a. bom from the womb, vivi- parous. dQO'^Qa, Jaldrnawaya, s. rainy season; sea of fresh water. dQoQS, Jaldwarta, s. eddy, whirlpool. dQiSscs, Jaldsaya, s. (dQ Jala and epcracs dsaya abode) pond, tank, lake, reservoir, or any piece of water; sea, ocean; fragrant grass, cuscus, andropogon muricatus, [Colloq. cszte^<^ sewen- dard'\. dQ^o, Jalukd, s. leech, [CoUoq. -KgSiOSO kudelld'). t^g!59, Jalukd, s. leech (water). dis^i^, Jale, s. water. ds^^(^^, Jaleruha, s. (dis^(^ in water, c5ls) grow- ing) lotus ; any water flower. dtS'QiiSii, Jalokd, s. (dQ jala and i5) oka house) whose house is water, leech. d's^(JJ8d9^e^, Jalochchhicdsa, s. drain or channel made on purpose for carrying ofE water, or such a channel made naturally by the overflow of water. ds^C)^^, Jalawkd, see d(S^Q^&i3 jalokd. dQ, Jaiva, s. speed, velocity; racer, runner; ex- press. dQ^, Jawana, s. speed, velocity; courser, fleet horse; name of a country; a. swift, expeditious, , see coQ'Sa yawana. dSeDsansa, Jawana-hansa, s. kind of swift moving swans. d)^n6o, Jawandran, s. mandarin orange, variety of citrus aurantium, dQo(5^533, Jdgaruka, s. one who sleeps little, watcher c35ate)C> Jdngala, s. flesh; painted partridge, fran- coltnus jnctus (order Gal lince) ; wood, jungle; i(Sitx>%T, Jdgaryd, 1 s. wakefulness, vigilance, wak- 35otc5, Jdgara, J ing; mail, armour. a. wild, rural, picturesque, diversified with hill and dale, wood and water (country) ; barbarous, savage. 5f6S]to wetakolu or ^d8i0 (3*fflo^ ddra-wetakolu~\. e35es5:6, Jdtya, a. (j^&jdti birth, cat^ yat aff) well born, of good family; best, excellent; pleasing, beautiful. 35Q3a6e)cs3, Jdtyandhayd, s. (t^& jdti birth, ^sa) andha blind) one born blind. dJ!S3, Jdta, s. chUd, offspring; kind, class, species, sort; description; multitude, collection; indivi- duality; specific condition; birth, production; a. born, produced, engendered, generated. e^siS5, Jdtaka, s. birth, production; that which has been born; astrological calculation of a nativity; a. born, produced. c^S35 ^C3^S), Jdtaka-pota, s. (ef^cs birth, s^cjaos book) work of great celebrity among the Bud- dhists; it is usually reckoned a history of the five hundred and fifty births of Buddha, or more properly of Bodhisatwa while a candidate for that high and sacred character; the work how- ever only comprehends a narrative of some one principal event or action in the life of Bodhi- satwa ra each of the births and is recorded to illustrate his wisdom and the benevolence of his character, and at the same time to impress upon mankind moral and religious sentiments; this book is so sacred among the Buddhists that they , will offer to it and worship it. oScD^aaS, Jdtakavima, s. being generated. c^S35)og, Jdtamdtra, s. (d5c3 birth, 3^ moment) moment of the birth of a child; time from which the nativity is cast. Cdfi)69 193 ti&C d53co, Jdtaya^ s. generation, race, sort, tribe, see e^s> jdta. 3Sco<^C3, Jdtarupa, s. (e35 produced, <5tc3 form) gold, silver; any precious metal; coined gold; a. embodied, assuming shape or form. a5s)S>?, Jdta-we'da, s. (csSta born, ^Bq vedas) fire; gold; name of Agni the Hindu god of fire, alluding to a certain legend among them that the Vedas issued from his mouth. ?35o333S3a3, Jdtdpatyd, s. woman who has had chil- dren. t^, Jdtt, 8. plant, emblic myrohalan, [Colloq. ^0(^(3 nelli] ; great flowered jasmin, [CoUoq. 53i88Q samanpichcha]', mace; nutmeg; birth, kiud. d)& S)S9, Jdti-goluwd, s, man born dumb. d5S a)c, Jdti-dharmaya, s. duty of caste; speci- fic or generic property. caSSog, Jdti-patra, s. (d5^ jasmin, ag leaf) leaf of the great flowered jasmine; mace, [Colloq. e333Q wasdwdsi]. e35^c3C> Jdtipala, ">. (d>^ mace, 6q fruit) e35^6Cj Jdtiphala, J nutmeg. 535^c5, Jdtmat, a. (aS^ race, family, c5 poss. aff.) honourable, high born, of good family. d5^c6, Jdtiya, s. birth, production; reunion of the soul with some other body; kind, sort, class, species; nation; lineage, race, family, tribe; poetical metre; rhetorical ornament, pi. ti&jdtt. 536^9<5a)Qo, Jdtiratiga, 8. kind of gem usually called d^ranga. a5?9 9^cs, Jdti-wadaya, 8. (d5^ and ^ wada af- fliction) transmigration. 535^ 83S)Jaa, Jdt6ksha,s. (tfSijdta bom, ^m uksha ox) bullock, [Colloq. s^mo-^ gond']. e35<25D25D, Jdnana, s. knowledge, information. d52S33S)Ja36 paramour, d born) bastard, child bom of a woman by her gallant, adulterine. 35(5cs, Jdraya, s. yard or two cubits. (Port.) aSe, Jdlma, 8. low man, one of a mean or de- graded caste; a. cruel, rash. die, Jdla, 8. net, [Colloq. (^3, Jimhald, s. earthquake, or the subterra- nious rumbling which accompanies an earth- quake, [Colloq. 'S'aoG^QSssiOfSo?) polokampdwa']^ tfStos, Jiivhd, 8. tongue, [Colloq. ^0 c?m]. tfSssscs, Jiwhdpa, s. (??to3 and C33 pd who drinks) dog; cat; tiger; leopard, hunting leopard; bear. ef g(^, Jiwul. s. elephant or wood apple tree, feronia elephantum, sometimes called f (^ diwul. ^d QiQcsS, Jiwul-meliyam, " s. gum or resinous ^SdC^S) Jtwul-ldtu, j substance which oozes from the foregoing tree, more properly c8g(^ giwul. sfa^, Jishnu, s. name of Vishnu or Indra. cJk3, Jihma, a. crooked, slow; tortuous. c?K2n, Jihmaga, 8. (efjs and e? which goes) serpent, snake, from its going tortuously; Saturn; plant, [Colloq. 0(33ze>es3 waldwenna']. ?K!93, Jihwd, 8. tongue. ?^es)3, Jijukd, s. plant, abru8 precatorhi8, wild liquorice, [Colloq. g^ oltnda']. c?-SD, Jma, a. old, [Colloq. -2553^ ndkt], ?s>, Jzmuta, 8. cloud; mountain; elephant; k6kLla or Indian cuckoo; tree; sort of ebony; plant or grass, andropogon serratum; sort of fragrant grass, cyperus rotundus, [Colloq. 5C3^ kaldn- dwu]; name of Indra; nourisher; musk. c?^, Jirna, s. cumin seed; a, old, ancient, di- gested. cf ^e^(5c6, Jirnajjwarayat s. {^^ old, ^6 jwara fever) fever of some continuance and diminished intensity. ?o^(^^.s^9^, Jirnawenawdf v. to digest, or be digested, to decay. tS6, Jira, 8. cumin seed; sacrificial knife; sword, scimitar; sort of panic seed. 6^SSi 195 ^^ e?<5ffi5, Jiral-a, s. cumin seed, [CoUoq. )fiecJi. kaluduru]. 5?S, Jiwa, s. life, existence; sentient soul; that which is incorporated with the animal body and gives it life, motion and sensation; livelihood, profession, occupation; Vrihaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter; Brahma as the soul of the world E?85, Jiwaka, s. animal, living being; servant, one who gets his livelihood by his service; snake catcher, mendicant or one who lives by begging; one whose life is prolonged by blessings; any medicinal plant; tree, pentaptera tomentosa; medical practitioner; a. living, existing, endow- ed with life. t^Qsxs^Q^, Jhvan-jtwaha, s. (?? jiwa life, e?Sa:5 who lives) one that is long lived, name of a bird and supposed to be a pheasant; Greek partridge, [CoUoq (fi555(g,3 etikukuld']. E?s5, Jiwat, a. living, having life, existing. 5?}3, Jiwatvima, s. living, existence. ?SsJ<3>833, Juvatwenawd, v. to live. tSQ>Si, Jiwati, s. plant, holy basU, ocimum sanctum, [CoUoq. gcJis3G3 madurutald']. dQd, Jiwatha, s. life, existence; virtue, piety. ???, Jiwada, s. (s? life, Q from c, da who gives) physician, medical practitioner, [CoUoq. S\2o, Jtwana, s. life, existence, living sentient being; water; butter; marrow; plant, odina ivodter; [CoUoq. sS^ hiky, another plant, celtts orientalis. efSeDcs, Jiwanaya, s. life, see tSQ^jiwana. 5?eo3, Jiwand, s. plant, see s?5D59 jiwanti. sfS-eoagi^, Jz'wandlim, s. plant, dregea volubilis or hoya viridijlora, [CoUoq. ^SScpcgea kiri- auguna"]. ?9, Jiwam, s. jasmine, [CoUoq. S^e) pichcha']. ?53cfl, Jiwamya^s, water, [CoUoq. ^c5M?ac55Scs, Jul-gediya, s. wood apple. (S\doD3, e/efa, s. conqueror, victor, [Colloq. dc& CO 53333 jayaganna] . (3>dc8, Je^a, a. conquerable, fit to be conquered. (i>d3, Jaina, s, follower of the principles of Jina a noted heretic from Brahminism, and who taught a number of heterodox notions, the chief of which are the supremacy of certain religious pontiffs over the gods of the Hindus, a denial of the divine authority of the Vedas, and a disregard of the distinction of caste. @>dQ3S3a5, Jaiwdtrika, s. moon; drug; medica- ment; a. long lived, thin, spare. (3NdJos3S5, Jongaka, s. aloe wood, [Colloq. qp ika aff.) capital punishment, Wrapping the culprit in cloth saturated with oil, etc. and setting him on fire. SvdJ^c63, Jotiyd, s. astronomer, astrologer. da as), Jrimbha, s. gaping, yawning, expansion, stretching, swelling. dae)w^, Jrimbhana, s. yawning, gaping; blowing. e^aa)50C5, Jrimbhita, see d 9^^ jrimbha. dxo, Jyd, s. bowstring, chord of an arc. S>d36^, Jye'shtha, a. best, most excellent, pre-emi- nent, first, highest (in rank) ; s. month so called (May-Jime), [Colloq. (3>a3i3\33J es poson- masa']. (S\g^j6i5ftSc63, Jyeshthaydi . chief, leader; person of eminence; elder, one very far advanced in life, man of age; elder born. (3^dj86fti833^ Jyeshtha-wdsa, s. name of akra allud- ing to his residence on Mahdm^ru* S^d'iftS3, Jyeshthd, s. one of the asterisms, con- sidered as lunar mansions; the eighteenth, com- prising three stars of which one is ''' Scorpionis figured by a ring or earring; the middle finger; misfortune; small house lizard. (5>d>3Joxss33, Jyotsnd, s. moonlight, moonlight night; creeper, trichosanthes cucumiriana, [Colloq. g x(33 dummella']. ^^jsJa:e32533co, Jydtsndpriya, s. bird called the chakora or common coucal or Ceylonese coucal, centropus rujipennis, and c. chlorohyncus, (Cu- culidce order Picarice). [Colloq. ^S54ig9 f/^- s^e^jsisxseQ, Jyotsm, s. kind of perfume; plant, luffa acutangula, [Colloq. 8tQ(S^^3^ wetakolu and CidSiQs^^sjad ddra-wetakolu]. (S\d'J^^-2SDco, Jyotirjndnaya, s. ((^^d*J^ star, ab'253 jndna knowledge) knowledge of the planetary system. l^^dM;J^i)cJ, Jyotimat, a. light, effulgent; shining, glittering. (^^d38J<9^, Jyotirvidyd, s, science of computation, from arithmetic to astronomy and astrology. svdJ^8S)3D, Jyotmiiga, s. fire-fly, [Colloq. -20 i^^Scoo kanamediriyd']. (S^dT^&sssdr^Oi, Jyotissdstraya, s. astronomy, as- trology. S^dxi &{3S), Jyotishka, s. planetary or heavenly body; generic term for the sun, moon, planet, asterism, star; plant, plumbago zeylanica, [Coll: ^QiS^^Sd ela-netut]. <3^d-&i&^i2, Jyotishmati, s. heart pea, cardiosper- mtim haltcacabum, [Colloq. (S^oi5^S3QQt(^ penela- wel']. S^dJ^3, Jyotisha, s. science of astronomy and astrology. vdjs^^S, Jyotishi, s. star, planet, asterism, [Colloq. SJod^noS tdi'akdwa']. (3>d3sJ^rii, Jyotis, s. light; star; pupil of the eye; fire, god of fire. (3\d56j?9s<533^ca, Jyotihsdstraya, s. science of astro- nomy, S^dJ9(5<3, Jyoti-ratha, s. polestar. cSE)<5cs, Jwaraya, s. fever, intermitting or continued, [Colloq. (^-(SSS una"] . C^<35^(5c03, Jwa7'dturayd, s. one sick of a fever. 5^(3, Jwala, 8. flame, blaze, light, jealousy. a(^3, Jwalana,8. agni or fire, [Coll: ^6^tnt]; fervency, zeal; inflammation; blazing, burning. I i)S 197 ^ a(Sa>, Jwalita, 8. jealousy, burning, blazing, flam- ing, shining; zeal; a. jealous, burning. 0S3c Jwdla, s. flame, blaze. The ninth consonant of the alphabet; aspirate of the proceeding letter; it is usually expressed by jha. 2)o^Dc5, Jhanhdra, s. tinkling sound; sound as of the voice of birds etc. ^39, Jhatd, s, plant, flacourtia cataphracta, [CoUoq. (53 ^(^d^efes rata-uguressa]. ^03, Jhampd, s. jumping, springing, plunging; hoping, expecting. ^d^<5, Jahrjhara, s. kind of tom-tom or native drum; cymbals; Kaliyuga, or the present age of the world; name of a river. aSi6, Jhara, s. cascade, water fall. 4siS, Jhan, s. river, [CoUoq. ooio ganga'] ; cascade, water fall, [Colloq. fido fUa^- 4 03, Jhalla, s. prize fighter, cudgel player. ^C33S3, Jhallaka, s. cymbals. ^Q3, Jhald, s. daughter; sunshine; splendour, brilliancy, light. ^12, Jhasha, s. fish, one of the signs of the zodiac, Pisces; heat, warmth; forest, thicket. sSif&'ifJhashd, s. pulas tree, butea frondosa, [Coll: <5)c^5x6< gas-keliya}. ^oQ, Jhdta, s. arbour, bower, place over grown with creepers; wood, thicket; jasmine. 48i)333c JTidtdla, s. kind of flower, trumpet floWer, bignonia indica. i)33, Jhdna, s. contemplation, reflection, medita- tion. (Pali.) ^3g>, Jhdwuka, s. tree, StercuUa balanghas, [Colloq. 8^o pichula or ^jQow^ ndwd-gas']. aate)3a>, Jhifigdka, Is. sort of cucumber, luffa 5^qJS^, Jhttigim, j acutangula, [Colloq. QxQ S<)3d wetakolu]. ^^^iQ, Jhintim, s. indigo plant, [Colloq. efQSa awariya\, 4^-.sSe3, JUnti^ 8. plant, barleria prionitis, [Colloq. >>d katukaraudu], ^S53, Jhirikd, Is, cricket, [Colloq. dS)iac63 Jhin, y reJieyiyd']. Jhirikd, \ s, cricket; light of sunshine, ^(5l3-), Jhirukd, V [Colloq. tfBQ awwa] ; strong s^qQ^j, JhiUtkd, J light, splendour; dirt taken off the body in rubbing it with perfumes; wick of a lamp ; cloth or rag for applying ungents to the body; cricket's cry. ^Q&> Jhilli, s, cricket, light, wick of a lamp; cymbals. <^ The second nasal of the Sinhalese and Pali alphabet and is usually expressed by na. N. B: In Sanskrit words, this does not occur as an initial but only as a mute letter joined to a con- sonant, as Qes^Q chanchala. ^isy&, jVdttt, s. announcement, declaration. ^^0, J^atwd, part, having known. ^- Jndta, s. known. B3^, Jndti, s. kinsman, relation, [Colloq. <253xcfl3 nei/d2' jsabe?, Jndn6, s. wisdom, knowledge in general; specific and religious knowledge, s,3<53i), Jndnagamya, a. (uSj-zsa wisdom, e?* attainable) attainable by knowledge. SjS3<5)f'S33, Jndna-garjand, s. (a)-253 and C55f33 sound) praise or fame of wisdom or knowledge. cb3CjcS2S3, Jndna-darsana, s. insight by knowledge. S33^S3, Jndna-dipa, s. lamp of knowledge. iSb^saSexo, Jndnawania, a. wise, knowing; prudent, cautious. >'2539S33, Jndna-vtjndna, s. sacred and profane knowledge. csB^iQ, Jndm, s. wise or learned man, a literary character; sage, but particularly one skilled in astronomy and the powers of the planetary sys- tem over the afEairs and destinies of men; astro- loger; fortune-teller, man prescient of future events. <3(5^25^>2^ce, Jfklnendriya, s. organ of perception. <2B)C3$9, Jndpti, ") , . , . p . -r~ > fS making known, mionmng. ebS3^> Jnapana, J SM3Jc5i9, 'Pahaporuwa, s. a piece of board hung up on a tree to scare away birds, squerrels etc. from orchards and fruit trees by pulling it, when it makes the sound tak, tak, hence the name, Q5 (^^sJc5i8 which literally means the "tak-board." Sot (5, fagara, s. borax; play, sport; confusion of mind; an object of sense; a. squint-eyed, [Coll: 8oc5 wapara], QSlffl, Tanka, s. species of the elephant or wood apple, [Colloquial: -6(^ g(^ nil-diwut]', borax; spade or hoe; stone-cutter's chisel, [CoUoq. e7(^ o3 >J3<^ galpalana penuma]; hatchet; sword; sacrificial knife; scabbard, sheath; anger, wrath; pride, arrogance. 0iB5S5, TaTikaka, s. stamped coin. SStoo^, Ta/ikapati, s. master of a mint. ^ShiezoQO, Taiika-sdld, s. mint. j)lj5M, Taiikd, s. edge or side of a mountain. dBsi, Tatiga, s. spade, axe, borax. 0Do rajejQa, Tdn-gdnawd, v. to make the sound ta^. SaStod, Tddkara, s. (Qoo tdn oath, d<5 who makes) blackguard; lecher, libertine. o o woeaSj, Tin tin gdnawd, v. to make the sound ti^ tini. Q&>, fika, a. little, small in quantity, few. 3s55, Tikak, s. little, small quantity. 33<95d, fikakin, ad. in a little while, by and ^ bye, shortly. SaS5dfS5, fikin-tika, adv. little by little, gradu- . aUy. 3Soxi5^3, J^ikiri-penchd, s. little boy. 8^Sce3, Tikiriyd, s. little boy (a term used only in the Kandian Province.) QcSe6, ^Tigini, s. eyelid, eyeball. SSSoD^, Tittibhaka, s. kind of bird, parra jacana or goensis. S53, ^kd, s. commentary. <)>, funtuka, 8. tree, bignonia indica or spa- thodea indica, [CoUoq. s^ojdQc totila^; name of a bird, sylvia sutoria. (3v3355, fokka, s. blow on the head with the fist, pi. (3N33g toku. 0x9, feba, s. water-pot. QiS), ^emba, s. pillar, stone pillar, pi. Qt tern. e> The aspirate of the preceding letter; its sound is expressed by th. (Sc5i^cs, Thapamya, s. what should be placed, or set aside. ^s-s?, fhdna, s. place, situation; stay or continu- ance; post, rank. &333302<5cs, ^hdndntaraya, s. employment, high oflice, oflice of responsibility. 6) 199 ^^ O) The third letter of the cerebral class of con- sonants having the sound of d with the tip of the tongue thrown back on the palate, as in the word dance; it is also a substitute for the Q ta of the infinitive mood. S)S)(5, Dabara, s. quarrel, affray, conflict without weapons, tumult, riot, kind of skirmishing war- fare; fight. QS)^, Daharctwa, s. large spoon made of the shell of a cocoanut or gourd and used by ascetics for the double purpose of straining and conveying water. Q, Dabu, Is. delay, procrastination; conceal- 9^, JDambu, J ment; plunder. (5, Damara., s. sound of the S)c5i damaru. c5t., Damaru, s. kind of small tom-tom or native drum shaped like an hour glass and held in one hand and beaten by the other; it is chiefly used by the Hindu mendicants. Qcaea Dayana, s. palanquin or doli, flying in the air. 9(3 SJ, Dalaka, s. sling; basket; presents of fruit, sweetmeats etc. QSoeI, Dawa-gas, s. tree, lythrum fructicosum., iD5Q, Davim, s. female imp. BJ^co, Dahadiya, s. sweat, perspiration. ss-sdQj, Dahanaivd, v. to bite: pret. 9tg3 dehuwd. e)g, Dahu, s. bread fruit tree, artocarpus incisa, [CoUoq. (5^<3^^J(^ ratadet]. 3, Dd, s. kind of female imp or goblin, [Colloq. c862d'9 ?/aHnn/]; basket carried by a sling; perspiration. S)3S^6, Ddkini, s. kind of female demon, imp or evil being, [Colloq. csaS'Jsiaa yaJdnna']. 8dc8, Dddiya, s. (Qo sweat, cfi moisture) perspi- ration, moisture from perspiration. 932083, Ddnawd, v. to bite, to seize by the mouth. 93<5, Damara, s. affray, conflict with weapons, uproar. 93(g, Ddlima, s. pomegranate, [Colloq. is^q, Dindiramodaha, 8. garlic, [Colloq. gg^^qg siididunu]. iS), Dimba, s. affray, quarrel, fight, assavilt, de- fiance, sound or noise occasioned by terror; egg; bladder; spleen; uterus; fear, terror; young animal. ?), Dimbha, s. young animal; fool, idiot block- head. ^<:^ssi, Dunduka, s. tree, spathodea indica. 'S\<^tsi, Dundubha, s. water snake, cerberus rhynchops, [Colloq. ceS)Sca3 diyabariyd~\. s^9Q<5, Debara, s. tree, ztzyphus jujuba, [Colloq. es:f masan']. s>9S)c^, Debard, 8. corruptly for s:j<35 debard, wasp, bee. (3>9Jc3. Dold, s. palanquin, corruptly for e^QO dold, which see. s^9Jc3 ^Gi Dold-phala, s. tree, bassia longifolia [Colloq. mi~\. 9xJSc5, Dekkiya, 8. kind of tom-tom or native drum; it is beat only on one end and is chiefly used by the Kapuwas. 9ieoieos:f-SD83, Dehegannawd, v. to bite, to seize with the mouth, or bill. SiSOifoiesif, Dehegenma, verbal noun of the pre- ceding word. 9x<5)255e393, Degannawd, see 9icoi(5?2sJ383 dehe- gannawd. The preceding letter aspirated. ^J), Dhakka, s. city or district; concealment, covering; disappearance. ^J53, Dhakkd, s. large drum, see 9iJJ to, as in csSsj tasita, thy mind. C3}>, TakJcada, s. shrub, common by the sea side, sccevola hoenigii, (Goodenoviaceoe). s>5s5555S, Tahhadihama, s. villany, roguery, knavery. S3J^5)5ca3, TaTckadiyd,s. rogue, rascal, vUe fellow, knave. CJ';^ e55(55J(^, TakJcola, s. (P41i) bdellium; sort of perfume made from the berry of the kakkola plant. Sinhalese fSiis^(^ takul. 3^, Takra, s. butter-milk mixed with water, [CoUoq. !S)8 i3vJc5i, kiri-moru]. 03^^S5, Takshaka, s. carpenter, [CoUoq. SgSo waduwdl. fSi?53-^, Takshana, s. chipper, peeler; carpenter; name of Viswakarma the architect of the gods. o^^cSqd, Taksha-sild, s. name of a city, the Taxi- la of Ptolemy, a renowned university town, /05^c5i)3, Takatiruwd, s. stupid man, blackguard. S343)383, Takanawd, v. to esteem, to regard, to reverence: pret. SDiagSo tekuwd. S35, Taku, Elu form of 3^ tarka, which see. S3sd> Takul, s. nut of the annual hairy plant, S5g iSiSsSta kapukinssa. ^s%Q, Takula, s. plant, hibiscus abelmoschus. [CoUoq. ^5>g9^6e^s9 kapukinissaj. e3ge3S), Takusata, see CJ^jcsaassg tarkasdstra. 33(5) ^S, Tagana, s, poetical foot having the two first syllables long and the third short. 0(5)(5, Tagara, s. tree, taberncemontana coronaria, [CoUoq. -2gdC3 tuwarald']; myrrh; waves. 5C5, Tagu, s. delay, loitering; slow travelling. S38c35, Tachapanchaka, s. five parts of the human body, viz. hair of the head, hair of the body, naUs, teeth, and skin, s>93, Tatta, a. bald. 0389 ^di<35, Tatta-serd, s. Indian whistling teal, dendrocygna javanica, (Anatidoe order Anseres); also called s^c^c^ sera. e39, Tattu, s. knocking, tapping, slight knock; shelves, layers; ceiling; deck of a ship. Q39^33(5-isS5S3, Tattukaranawd, v. to knock. S38S, Tattuwa, s. ceiling of a house; deck of a ship; coating (as of dirt on the body). C339g^9383, Tattuwenawd, v. to hit. 033 Tata, the dative of nosJ to thou; s. shore, bank of a river. 3335, Tataka, s. shore, bank of a river. 333o33, Tatatata, s. tremour, shaking; trembling; sound. 333383, Tatamanawd, v. to strain when evac- uating by stool; to make a strong attempt, to essay: pret. 03t3S)3 tetamuwd. 33 03 S3 CO, Tatdkaya, s. pond, deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants, tank, [CoUoq. s^a^^53^S)3, Tatu-kokd, s. black headed white ibis. Ibis melanocephala (Plataleidce, order Herodio- nes). S39, Tatuwa, s. brazen vessel for eating; wing of a bird; ofEering made to a demon, pi. 3 tatu. eoS), Tada, s. burden carried by two people on a ^ pole. a3aJ, Tadit, s. lightning. 33S)3e383, Tadibdnawd, v. to cudgel: pret. 03S 103 tadibewd. S305, Tadiya, s. pole used in carrying burdens. 33^053, Tadiyd, s. fat or corpulent man; anyj f at animal, louse. S3df9a:, Tadissiya, s. small swelling. 03e5S(3^8'25393, Tadissiwenawd, v. to sweU. sjgaJ^gS), Taduttuwa, s. obstruction, impediment; stopping of the breath, panting. 03-<6(^^D3, Tandal-damanawd, s. to place an additional pair of animals in front of a vehicle to carry a heavy load. a3- Tana-kabala, s. (3-3So grass, 5c mouthful) mouthful of grass. ^^(S^s^sjsc Tanakola, s. blades of grass, gi-ass. cDC) Tat-lcabala, s. vessel painted red. osis)e383, Tathawanawd , v. to tighten the string of an instrument; to stretch a bow: pret. S3s5 5i3 tatkeiowd. cisyS), Tattica, s. (ojcj that (divine being), o twan thou, art) name of the Hindu Supreme Being or Brahma which is expressive of his real and essential nature and existence; essential nature, the human soul considered as one and the same with the divine spirit animating the universe; nature, state; truth, reality; substance as opposed to illusion, first principle, elementary property. ^Giz^'iSr,^, Tattwajndna, s. knowledge of divine truth, or the essence of any thing. S3s5^8, Tattuwa, s. manner, mode. S5J(3^C53, Tatte, s. thirst. 03C", Tatra, adv. there, therein, [CoUoq. <95B ehi']. C30X3c5, Tatpara,s. one thirtieth part of the time of the twinkling of the eye: a. diligent, attached ^ to; careful; addicted to. 03053(5is, Tatpurusha, s. that person; species of compound words usually consisting of two nouns, the first of which was in any case except the Nominative or Vocative; sometimes the case in- flexion is retained. 05, Tatwa, see 353 tattwa. <5)si Cj30eo3, Tat-swabhdwa, s. its own peculiar nature. sDsfeo, Tatsama, see Des tasama. S33, Tata, s. string of a violin or lute; sound of the lute: a. spread, diffused, expanded. ^03253, Tatana, s. sickness, disease, disorder, suffer- ing (bodUy); shaking. ?D03'25Da33, Tatanauawd, v. to rave, to storm when in a passion; to shake; to thunder: pret. 63xSD^ 3 tetanuwd. !S)^, Tatu, s. cord, string; nature, disposition, mode, manner; fact, state. ^(33, Tathd, adv, so, thus, in like manner. e3d3i53C5, Tathdgata, s. (sdSo thus, epcass dgata who came) name or epithet of Buddha, given him in allusion to his having come to or obtained the rank of Buddha in the same way as his predeces- sors. 3^, Tad, adjective pronoun, that. s3<^eo9, Tadbhawa, see 5S)9 tabawa. !S)q, Tada, a. hard, obdurate, firm, strong; great, excessive; resolute; vehement; severe, harsh. e355, Tadakama, s. severity, hardness. s3^555(525^3, Tadawenawd, v. to be tightened or pressed. S5Se3, Taddhita, s. term applied to derivative nouns, as patronymics or derivatives of various kinds. SDj^cgE^, Tangus, s. sort of weed used in fishing. S3d'S(^, Tandal, s. master of a dhoni. c3ds3S3, Tantawd, see ^S)<53 berawd. C3:f^8c30, Tantiripata, s. kind of musical instru- ment. ojessD, Tantu, s. thread; offspring, race, descend- ants. ?a3253CB, Tantuwdya, s. weaver, spider. O320gcs, Tantraya, s. treatise which teaches the nature and powers of the mantras, a sort of mys- tical or magical formula much used by astrolo- gers and magicians in their intercourse with demons; medicament, drug, or charm considered 26 &i&i( 202 DU^ as such, much used by natives of every class; thread, cord; cord of a lute; service; dependence; trial, ordeal; oath; heap, multitude; wealth; house; loom; happiness, felicity. S55^, Tantri, s. string, rope; wire, or string of a lute; any vessel of the body; plant, menisjiei'mum glahrum, [CoUoq. (5e39^ rasalcinda\\ stalk of a bunch of plantains; musician. c525:J^(5D^D(5c63, Tandiramkdrayd, s. artful man, sharper. 03^Jf(5, Tandtrama, s. perfidy. s^agj, Tandrd, "is. drowsiness, lassitude, exhaus- SD^^, Tandri, Jtion, weariness; sluggishness; syn- cope. !Si?sSQxQ, Tanwesi, s. one using speech fit for the occasion: a. skilled, refined. S3sis33, Tanhd, 1 . , , J c^ m J. ' f see e3-4wS3 tanha. S3edJ5338, lanhawa, J C35JeB, Tanhi, adv. there, therein. OT'Ss, Tana, s. breast; longing; avarice; cocoa-nut tree: a. fine, thin; shaking, trembling; it fre- quently occurs as a corruption of o-iS^a tanhd. C5S09S, Tana-kiri, s. woman's milk. )5539iK>, Tanakiha, s. under part of the breast. 6Da3o, Tananga, s. nipple or teat. DS3-?g(5, Tanatura, s. office, service, appointment, employment, pi. essD-egcJl tanaturu. co33<53S3, Tananawd, v. to make, to do, to build, to construct, to educate, to rear, to bring up; to shake: pret. 03ig383 tenuwd. S3303, Tanapd, s. (3253 breast, C33 who drinks) sucking child; breast-milk. 33g8, Tana-puduwa, see S33Q and S)s) middle) waist. 55^(51 K), Tanuruha, s. hair (of the body); wing of a bird; son. sS'^Qto, Tanuwanga, s. (^-SQ fine, soft, ^to anga body) woman, [Colloq. t3 strQ. ?DS^J, Tane', s. sternum or breast, see S 7'atran^ ; a. to be heated. iSiQd 203 3@ cDce^, l^apas, s. religious austerity, penance, mor- tification, practice of mental or personal self denial ; world, region inhabited by saints or devo- tees after death; virtue, moral merit, duty; among the Hindus the special observance of cer- tain things; thus, tapas of a Brahman is sacred learning; of a Kshatriya, the protection of sub- jects; of a Vaisya, almsgiving to Brahmans; of a Sudra, the service of the same tribe; and of a rishi or saint, feeding upon herbs and roots; name of a month magha (January-February) ; cold dewy season; hot season. 03aee56, Tapasya, s. February-March. S30Gito, Tapasya, s. devout austerity, religious penance. SDoe^^sS-iSscSo, Tapas-rakinawd, v. to become an ascetic, to perform the duties of an ascetic. S3r>:^0'5cc3, Tapasioarayd, s. hermit, ascetic. 3s3ci825J, Tapasvin, s. ascetic, hermit, one given up to religious and devout penance; mendicant, pauper. S33es3i9, Tapasvtni, s. female devotee; spikenard. 33S8, Tapasa, s. ascetic life. sjoeasis, Tapasatiga, s. {fSioti tapas and cpato anga religious ordinance) ordinance to be ob- served by an ascetic; there are thirteen of these. ssagesJ, Tapasun, corrupt form of 5D)g:f tawasun, which see. 383S3, Tapinawd, v. to warm one's self near the fire or under the sun: pret. ODidoo tej)pd. S)S^cJg)s3, Tapodhana, s. (saoe^ tapas religious austerity, S)-so wealthj devotee, ascetic; one abounding in devout religious penance. s^s^oJ0^, Tapoicata, s. (s)c3e^ tapas and 3 what surrounds) country so called; part of central India remarkable for the piety of its inhabitants. osvaJSs:, Tapowana, s. sacred grove; place fre- quented by ascetics. sss^oJSaod?, Tapovritti, s. practices of an ascetic, mode or manner of life of an ascetic. S)C3xC Tapela, s. post, post mail, also Siio%Q tepela. 3383, Tabanawd, v. to put, to place, to fix; to preserve, to keep not to use: pret. cJigSo tebitwd or ^SSo tibbd. S)), Tabciwd, s, (s3 that, ^) being derived) term in Elu grammar designating the vocables formed from the Sanskrit or mediately from the Piili by the mutation and elision of letters. D3, Tabd, ])ar. used in the sense of having put, placed; besides, in addition to, except, instead; 'setting aside' putting out of the question' 'not to speak of,' e. g. <3Ne33<555i3vi)s9 s;a35 e;^ 53 (33d :) He has suffered for his thievish act in this world, not to speak of (his suffering in) the future life. (Saddharmalankara.) ?, Tamba, s. copper; kind of copper colour; dewlap of a bullock; red colour. oJ), Tambahka, s. pinchbeck. e3Sgd(^, Tambadulul, s. name of Iswara or iva. 3S)253 3cS3, Tambanakhayd, s. (sj copper, eaQ finger nail, cs3 pers. aff.) one having copper co- loured finger nails. cDc;3, Tambapata, s. copper-plate. S3S8(J, Tamba-pil, s. cocoa-nut tree, [Colloq. <3^e3D(^(53W pol-gaha^. 33^, Tambara, s. red (colour) ; red water lily, ^ [Colloq. (SNeafi nelum]. SD5d, Tambanlu, s. multitude of lotuses; also thocymus pictoris; see ^a<5^ karanda; bark of the bamboo. odSo, Tambala, s. kind of root, colocasia anti- quorum. S3(20S3, Tambalayd, s. kind of fish. S3 S-jgd, Tamba-watura, 8. river water during the time of a fiood. S3Q25J, Tambawan, s. (s3 copper, J colour) copper colour; dark or coppery red. sdSSCJd, Tambawald, see S^s^Jess? gond. ?o8d, Tambawalu, s. bullock, [Colloq. i<5)D<^ gond^ . 3Se3(^(3cs, Tambasalliya, s, one eighth of a penny, (literally) a copper challi. D9^, Tambasilu, s. cock, [Colloq. e5583 kuku- /a] ; gallinule. ^^3J5, Tambdkka, see 3SJ5 tambakka, D(5;, Tamburu, s. generic name of the nymph^ or water lily, lotus, [Colloq. (J>2odi) nelum]. )C3C3, Tampald, s. kind of gxeens, rhubarb; plant, nothosoerua brachiata (Amarantacece). 3i)33, Tampa, s. cow, [Colloq. 6c^^J eladena"]. 3SS)d93, Tambanawd, v. to boil as meat: pret. 3xl)83 tcmbuivd. e3SS)c3 tammet- tam. 63, Tama, pron. he himself; s. darkness; dark- ness considered metaphorically, as ignorance; quality of darkness incident to humanity; tran- quillity of mind; state of an ascetic having sub- dued passions; error; name of Eahu. 3S35, Tamataman, pron. one with another, applied to persons. <5 Tarahald, s. goldsmith, [Colloq. S)e)3C3 baddld^, s^<5^l3^)'5^J, Tarahawenawd, v. to become angry. S3^, Tard, s. sunbeam, ray of light, [Colloq. ded resmil. 33(^^(5, Tardtirama, s. rank, station, pi. cj^ ^d> tardtiram. ejfiofco, Tarddiya, s. scales, small pair of scales, balance. C35, Tan, s. crossing, way over a river; boat, float, raft. S35g, Tarindti, s. (5(5 tara star, ^g indti lord) moon, [Colloq. w^ handa]. 3c3i, Taru, 8. tree; stars. 3c5i ^@cs, Tarnr-eliya, s. star-light. !Si(Si^, Taruna, s. young man, youth, one of virile age; castor oil plant; a. young, youthful, ju- venile; new, fresh. 3d^<3^, Taruni, s. young woman, pi. tsi(Si'i^(S^a5 taruniyo; aloe tree, aloe vulgaris, [Colloq. is^s^i 355J homdrilcd'], 3<5l53C, Tal-kola, s. palmyra leaf used for writ- ing on and making baskets. S3(^ci53sj, Tal-gaha, s. palmyra tree: see O^ tal. e3(5ca3, Tal-diviyd, s. enraged tiger. en(^oo3, Talpata, s. letter written on the leaf of the palmyra tree. ?S3(^ o<^<3(^, Tal-pardle, s. palmyra rafter. S3(^S), Tabnaha, s. whale. S3(^ ^, Tal-rd, s. toddy or liquor extracted from the palmyra tree. S5(^C? Talla, s. roof of the mouth, palate; part under the tongue; reservoir, large tank or pond. e3(4(3<5 Tula, 8. plain, surface; shelf or layer; bottom or support of any thing; place or firm spot, the ground; essential nature; depth, bottom; infe- riority of position, place under the earth; sole of the foot; palm of the hand; quiver; leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm; palmyra tree; span; hole, hollow; sea shore; blades; sesamum, sesamum indicum; talipot tree, cory- pha umbraculifera (Palmce). S3Q {^(5^9, Tala-ete, s. sesamum seed, forming the smallest of the doctor's weights, it is about one ninth of a gr. troy. SDCJiS59Q, Talakkattu, 8. top. s3(^Q8cis33, Talakmttd, s. francoline or painted partridge, francolinus pictus ( Tetrocindoe order Gallince). C3(3$>(^, Tala-tet, s. sesamum oil, gingely oil. 3C^, Talan, s. beam, rafter; ^Q^ 206 ^a^ CD(;^9, Talani, s. kind of cloth manufactured from the bark of trees. 0(30, Talapa, s. kind of porridge. oes3C3, Talapata, s. leaf of the palmyra tree, used as a screen for the head against the sun or rain, pi. 63(30 6J talapat. s>0^^5 Talapata, s. sword fish, pi, 3e!3sJ^ talapattu. fOQS^ooQ, Talapota, s. plant, hibiscus abelmoschus ; shrub, cassia awriculata, [Colloq. 6i^Q<^ rana- tvard or c5SS)(5gc5 diyaberaliya~\. 5ee Tala-mala, s. flower of the taKpot tree, or of the sesamum plant, OC^'^SQj Tala-muruwata, s, dregs or refuse of the sesamum grain after the oil has been ex- pressed, used as food when mixed with jaggery. e5(;cs, Talaya, s. the blade of any instrument, see C3(3 tala, S3qQ^, Tala-wadi, s. spirit of arrack. 0(39, Talawwa, s. meadow, plain, [Colloq. 683 dies 2)iUanii/a] ; part of the road frequently gone over by cart-bullocks, wheels etc. O^D, Tald, s. high ground, hUl; plant, basil, of which according to Sii^halese botany there are twenty-two species and varieties; see Mr. Moon's work; Dr. Trimen gives six species of the genus ocimum as belonging to Ceylon, see eSsissgo hintald and i)g<5i3C' madurutald; Roxburgh includes thirteen species in the Flora Indica;- large pond covered with flowers ; any large sheet of water; tree, cathartocarpus fistida. S5C3'3*^3C? Taldkola, s. leaf of the holy basil which is used medicinally; see ^(SiS3Q0 maduru- tald. ^&^Ci Taldtala, s. one of the seven divisions of the infernal regions. 53C3^, Taldrida, \s. beam, not to support the roof moving irida, \ an, J fSiQ^fsi, Taldn, J but to keep the pillars from 3, Tahanama, s. attachment of goods; prohi- bition, obstruction, impediment. S3S5jg(5l, Tahawuru, a. firm, hard, strong. d(55S338o, Talugasanawd, v. to taste; to move the jaws; to smack the lips. co(5<^93, Talumaranawd, s. smack the lips. 033, Td, pron. thee. S33J, Tdk, a particle or termination answering to untU, unto, to that time, till then &c. &c. 333 esJ^^, Tdkkmva, s. mitigation or abatement as applied to disease. S)3(3NCEf, Tdge, pron. your, thine or thy. S3Dca, Tdchchiya, s. large earthen vessel, frying pan. ojDeOofi), Tddanka, s. (oS tada shine, cpSto aAka aff.) ornament for the ear. odQot, Tddana, s. beating, whipping, [Colloq. Oig teltma']. e339cc, Tddamya, f. p. to be beaten, punishable. e335j tantra which see. OTJerJsa^oedio, Tdnnamdnna, s. presents and dis- tinctions conferred by the king or Government. s^o?^(S^64^, Tdnredda, s. new unbleached cloth, S333, Tana, s. tune; expanse, extension; object of sense; protection, refuge, deliverance, salvation. S33'2SD, Tdnama, s. tune or kind of chant repeated to the beat of the tom-tom. S33'2SD3353(5c3, Tdndntaraya, s. high office, office of state, any great or important employment or avocation, corrupt form of toSj^sDa^ocDdco sthd- ndntaraya. C3333o^c83, Tdndpattyd, s. ambassador. 2D0S3jco9, Tdndyama, s. rest house, place of ac- commodation for travellers. sD3<5>si, Tdne, s. place, spot. eroda'^'SJc Tdppamola, s. large wooden hammer for beating or levelling the ground. S33rfs^a, Tdppe, s. wall of a garden, stone or clay fence, pi. C3)do tdppa. S33C3, Tdpa, s. heat, burning; splendour (reflection of the sun) ; pain of mind, sorrow, distress of heart. ^io2s?cfl, Tdpanaya, s. act of heating or burning, inflaming; sun; arrows of Kama, the Indian god of love. C330^c8, Tdpaniya, a. to be heated, glowing as gold. SJDOco, Tdpaya, s. name of one of the hells, that in which the punishment consists of burning; see C3)C3 tdpa. S33oee, Tdpasa, see oivtS tapas. S3DOCQC53, Tdpasayd, s, ascetic, religious devotee; hermit, one living in the practice of devout reli- gious penance. tS3i6Scf^, Tdpinja, 1 s. tamdla tree, xanthocy- (Sii&ts^^, Tdpinjana, ) mus pictorius, [Colloq. 3^g6D, Tdmrachuda, s. (e33) and S) crest) cock. C3)oQ0, Tdmrapatta, s. copper plate, such as Hindu grants of land, etc. are frequently inscribed on. S>3C3^, Tdmra-pati'a, s. copper plate. (Si'i'^o^, Tdmraparna, see (5>53(^S kollu. 03o-(^^, Tdmra-parnm, s. (s33 and c3(3ds) Tdmra-loha, s. copper, [Colloq. sS tatnba'] . ?a3S-^, Tdmra-warna, s. (oDsg and ^^ff colour) copper colour. )3g8-.^(5N(53(3 stone) substance made from the calx of brass, or from the amomum anthorrhiza and used as a collyrium or medical application to the eyes, [Colloq. (Sess^s^^eo rasdnjana']; red sandal. e33 5Si55, Tdrkika,s. logician; philosopher, sophist. 0335, Tdra, s. skeleton; silver, [Colloq. 8^ ridQ; crossing or passing over; star; planet, asterism; high note or tone in music; peai'l; beauty or elegance of a pearl; pupil of the eye; kind of pitch; a. radiant, shining, clean, clear; good; wellflavoured ; resplendent. 033dj53, Tdraka, s. star in general; crossing, act of passing over; float, raft; eye, pupil of the eye, pilot; helmsman, steersman; name of a noted demon destroyed by Kdrtikeya or Kataragama deviyo; protector, preserver. c<0)(533c3, Tdrakddhipa, s. (c3o6^. tdraka star etc. cpSc3 adhipa ruler) moon, [Colloq, so^ ha'Bda'\. 033c5s)3, Tdrakdwa, s. star, planet, asterism, con- stellation. e336^5s?85, Tdrake'swara, s. (o33(5) tdraka and d(sQ6 iswara chief) moon. e33<5-D (g^S)3, Tdrukd-ibbd, s. starred tortoise, tes tudo elegans (Chelonia). >3<5i>D8, Tdrukdwa, corruptly for S33(5)3) tdra- Miva. 33C5l- TdlajJatra, s. (s33C palmyra, ats) leaf) leaf of the palmyra tree, much used in writing; kind of ear-ring made of pieces of the leaf of this tree, being rolled up in an ornamental way and used as a substitute for the following, viz. a hollow cylinder of gold, with or without a ring attached to it, thrust through the lobe of the ear and worn chiefly by the Hindus and higher classes of Malabar women as an ornament, )3Ci3^S)3, Tdlapatrikd, s. leaf of the palmyra tree, much used in writing native books, C33(^e3-2a5Scc, Tdlapantiya, s. row of palmjrra trees. Q33Q^d, Tdla-Uja, s. (s53G palmyra, d seed) seed of the palmyra. Q30QoQ, Tdlampai , s. sort of cymbal peculiar to the Tamils; accouipaniment of the tambourine with dancing* S33CQ') Tdlama, s. teatiag time in music; kind of measured chant which is repeated when beating the tom-tom, and dancing. ^3C6'2553, Tdlamulikd, 1 s. tuberous stemless ^3C6) TdlamuU, J plant with yellow flowers, curculigo orchioidea, [Colloq. ^^ J SD(^ Mn-bintaiy iSioQOi, Tdlaya, see 03C tdlama, 033G8a5^, Tdla-vriksha, s. palmyra tree, borassus flabellijormis, [Colloq. 3(5 tal"]. S33c983e3, Tdla-vrinta, s. (fSiOQ palm of the hand, SaaooD root or stalk) fan, alluding to its shape which when made from the young leaf of the palmyra expands from the hand like a leaf from its stem. s)3(33Sto, TdldAka, s. name of Balabhadra or Balarama elder brother of Krishna. S33(33]te)5?c5 TdldAkajit, s. (c53(3393sd and t^si who conquers) name of Kartikeya, or as he is called in Ceylon Kataragama deviyo, in allusion to his conquering Balabhadra, being born for that purpose. S33@, Tdli, s. sort of key or pin; species of the mountain palm, corypha taliera, or talipot c. iLmbraculifera, [Colloq, SJg tala^ ; thorny tree, jlacourtia catap>hracta, [Colloq. 6z) ^(^d/tSea rata-uguressa']; fragrant kind of earth; spi- rituous juice of the palm; common toddy ex- tracted from the cocoa-nut tree, D3(3co, Tdliya, s. large pot or vessel either earthen or metallic, but chiefly the latter; kind of tablet or collar made of gold and worn on the neck of the Moor and Malabar women, [Colloq. OtQS tella^. ^iS, Tdlif s. talipot tree, [Colloq. ssc^cos) tala- gaha"] ; see )3(g tdli. 5a(3sso^o, TdUsa-patran, s. kind of medical plant or its lea,i, Jlacourtia cataphracta, see S39g tdli. SD3S^S)3, Tdlukd, s. palate, C33Se^^^<5, Tdlujdkshara, s. any palatal letter. S)3S)3g:, Tdwakdlika, s. time of the day in which it is lawful for the priests of Buddha to eat, viz. at any hour before twelve o'clock or mid-day S538.oe3c5, Tdwatinsaya, s. name of Sakraya's heaven on the summit of Mahameru : see sag^ees co8ocfl taivutisdbhawanaya. 6339(5, Tdwara, s. things without life; plant, a?7t/ macrorhizon; bow-string; a. firm, immoveable, the Elu form of ceQ38(5 sthdwara. Q33^a3 Tdvikd, s. Indian taUor bird, orthotomus sutoriits (Timaliidw order Passeres). ^303g 210 ^{S^^3 OJesgco, Tdsapriya, s. tree, nepheltum longana, [Colloq. (3v35 7nora or 295:3 qdS) Iciripalw- gaha\. &, Ti, s. three, [Colloq. ^g tuna']. ^o^e65, Tintriniha, s. corrupt form of &f5y&siss) tintidika. ^J, TeX^ s. spot, freckle, mark, spots on tigers or deer; powerful rays of the sun. ^W3, Tikta, s. bitterness, bitter taste; medical plant, echites antidi/senterica, [Colloq. fS^ssiS^ kelinda]; tree, capparis Roxburghii; another medical plant, mollugo pentaphylla; a. bitter, sharp, pungent, tart, keen. &iSfSiSSi, Tihtaka, s. sort of gourd, [CoUoq. g iQ3 dummella]; kind of gentian; dark kind of mimosa catechu. i<55W3(5J2a)3, TiJda-gandhd, s. (^25X55 bitter, csisa) fragrance) plant, lycopodium imbricatum. ^5S)OTGCD, Tihta-dugdhd, s. medicinal species of moon-plant. i^5S38cg53)3, Tiktawallikd, s. plant, sanseviera zeylanica, [Colloq. sQcc^ niyanda']. ^33DC5335, Tiktasdka, s. (^^S5SD bitter, C335 vege- table) kind of mimosa; another plant, capparis Roxburghii. 49>K)es33(5, Tiktahdra, s. plant, species of the mi- mosa. ^5S33, Tiktd, s. febrile medicament, compounded of three pungent substances, viz. black pepper, long pepper, and dried ginger; medicinal plant, iSi^^ Tikula, s. mountain with three peaks. 4^256, Tikulu, s. (^ three, 25 pungent) medicine compoimded of ginger, black and long pepper. ^Qsa, Tigma, s. heat, that peculiar kind of heat existing in spices and aromatic plants; a. pun- gent; sharp, keen, bitter, acrid. ^(sQooeg, Tigmansu, s. ('SS53 niyan-ioetakolu. ?Ss56> 8i(^, Titta-wel, s. plant, anamirta pani- cidata, (Menisjyermacece). ^sis) S3(^, Titta-hal, s. tree, variety of vateria indica. ^sJs3 (S^e3S)(3, Titta-hondala, s. climbing plant, the root said to be poisonous, trichosanthes pal- mata (Cucwbitacece). ^x8(5, Tittira, 1 s. spotted snipe, [CoUoq. ^sJ ^xS5, re^rn, J 83 tit-watuwd']. <3^c33e53, Tit-polangd, s. deadly viper, daboia russellii (Ophidia). ^SsJ 38c3) Tit-mdpild, s. snake, variety of dipsaa forstenii. ^^{ 211 f&^&i ^si 3, Ttt-muwd, s. spotted deer, axis maculatiis. ^c5 83, Tit-ivatuwd, s. (^d spotted, gSa snipe) spotted quail or snipe. So, Tita, s. speck, freckle, spot, mark; mole, spots upon a tiger, deer etc.; mark in pimctuation. ^^, Titi, Elu form of ?98 tithi, which see. ^'3i33'i, Titikshd, s. patience, resignation, suffer- ance, endurance; pardon, forgiving. ^6^:^, Titikshu, a. patient, resigned. ?9^c3, Titiya, s. Elu form of ^S tithi or ^8cs tithiya. ^S, Tithi, Is. lunar day; one-thirtieth of a jSSgo, Tithiya, } whole lunation. Si^i^, Tidas, s. a god, ?9ije^a?9, Tidaspati, see ^^Sg tidasindu. &qd^6, Tidaspura,s. name of Swarga or cag^seo eoSsDiS tawutisd-bhawanaya, which see. ."a5, Tinduka, ) a, kind of resin is obtained, iised in India as pitch for caulking vessels, etc., diospyros embryopteris, [Colloq. ?98 timbiri']. ^S-ag^S, Tindukt,s. fruit of the last mentioned tree. ?9e53(^(g nelli, which are used in almost every native medicinal preparation ; see the words in their proper places. ^0(^ 3e33cs, Tipal-kasdya, s. (^C3(^ and ^Jfisoce purge) purgative decoction made from the above mentioned nuts. ^^3303, Tipdsa, a. thirsty, see Boots pijMsa. ^^3^303, Tipdsaya, s. thirst, (corrupt form of 8c33e33 pipdsd^. ^g'i)3, Tiputd, see gS3 triputd. ^go3, Tipusa, s. plant, species of the sphceranthus. ?9^S), Tibbatu, s. spiny shrub, kind of nightshade, solanum indicum ( Solanacece ) . ^SSQsaSs, Tibbanawd, v. to cause to place: pret. ?SS(5^S)S83 tibbewwd. ^S)eo83, Tihanawd, v. to put, to place, to reserve: pret. ^^3 tibbd or ^03 tibuwd: see ^z&^Qo tiyanawd. ^'^(g, Tibili, see ^(g tivili. ^^, Tibima, verbal noun of ^QeaSs tibanawd. ?9(?v383, Tibenawd, v. to be, (applied only to things): pret. ^^$33 tibund: see ^s^coesDSs tiyenawd. ?9S), Timba, s. measure equal to four kurunies or four fifths of a parrah. ?9SS, Timbiri, s. tree from which exudes a glu- tinous substance resembling glue which is much used in the country for the seams of boats; from its exceeding acidity, it is not liable to be attack- ed by ants, worms or insects of any kind, the unripe fruit contains much tannin used to pre- serve fishing nets, diospyros embryopteris (Ebe- nacecej: see ^S-^g^S) tinduka. ^S'S^csJ Timbirige, see ^Ss^cd timirige. ^Q, Timbili, see ^(3 tivili. ?9, Timi, s. hole, cavity; fainting. ?9o(53C Timingala, see -^S^ca timiya. ^o, Timita, a. wet. moist, damp; steady, fixed, unmoved, unshaken. ^^63 212 sSiStQ 29c6, Tmit/a, s. ocean, [CoUoq. ggij muhuda] ; fabulous fish of an enormous size, said to be five hundred yoduns in length; there are five kinds, all of the same size, ^o^q timingala, ?9(56o(!D(3 timira-pi7igala, ^e^3(3^(5Jaoco ajjdro- haya, ^ca timiya; oj?Sico maha-timiya; name for any large fish, as the whale, etc. &'^6, Timira, s. darkness, blindness, either physi- cally or morally; gutta serena, arising from an affection of the optic nerve; [Colloquial: ^g<5 andura], i&^d 455(58(33, Timira-karawald, s. snake, genus bungarus. ^f c58o(55C Timirapi7igala, see ^cs timiya. ^g(5 (^^c3^e:K)^, Timira-polangd, s. viperine snake, ^(5Sg, Timira-ripuy Is. (^if (5 darkness, Sg en- ^i^S, Timirdri, J emy) sun; moon. ?9^S<3\csf, Timiri-ge, s. small house or apartment, attached to a dwelling house for woman to be confined in; lying in-room, &^Q,Timuwa, s. leech, [CoUoq. iq^iQ^oHdeUd']: a. having three faces. 9c8, Tiya, Elu form of ^ tri three. iSiciiisi, Tiyan, s. corrupt form of ^cs tiyam, which see. Sxxi^Qo, Tiyanawd, v. to put, to place, (applied only to things): pret. .^SSSa tihhd, ^g03 tibuivd: see ^^o0d tibanawd. ^cs<^, Tiyambard, s. sort of cucumber. iScsi), Tiyam, Is. (^9 three, coS going or watch) ^05, Tiyamu, j" three watches or a period of time equal to twelve of our hours; the Sinhalese divide the day and night into sixty peyas or hours, six yaraas or watches, and two tiyams or twelve of our hours, either the day or the night. ^csc, Tiyala, s. sort of prepared dish of food, the chief ingredient in which is fish, ^c88>, Tiyawaha, s. the third day after the new or full moon. ^cS3, Tiyd, part, of ^c833 tiyanawd, has an idiomatic use: e. g. 8tS^S c3e^<3^<:J Tiyugi, s. kind of poetical panegyric. ^Sg-s^i Tiyunu, a. sharp, piercing, pungent; pep- pery; clever, discerning. ^8g^)<5, Tiyunukara, s. (-693^ and ^6 ray) sun, powerful rays of the sun,' see 8^ja0cs3 wandibhattayd . ^S9^'SQ^. Tiyunu-nuwana, s. keen penetration, discernment, intelligence; wit. ^5, Tiyu7n, s. satisfaction, joy, gladness. ^>cee33, Tiyenawd, v. to be (applied to things inanimate): pret. ?S33 tibund-, part. 29r5 tibi. ^ceS?, Tiryah, ad. across, horizontal. 43caS3K03cs, Tiryagagtaya, s. (^cogJ tiryak and ejOT gata what goes) any animal; quadruped. ^6, Tira, Elu form of ed<5 sthira, firmness etc. which see; screen, wall of cloth for surrounding a place; curtain, veil, hanging: a. certain, fixed. ^(585^323, Tirachchhdna, s. quadruped; general name for an animal, [Colloq, -eSSeseos tirisand']. ^<58d33 >csJi3c5, Tirachchhdna-yoniya, s. me- tempsychosis under the form of an animal; ani- mals, including every species except man. ^dco, Tiraya, s. curtain, veil; see &6 tira-, also, ^28^5538 jawanikdwa. ^(5gca3, Tiraliyd, s. kind of fish. ^dc533ca3, Tiraschinayd, s. animal, see ^dSs^sa^ tirachchhdna. &diS, Tiras, ad. secretly, covertly; horizontally. &6ia3Si8<^, Tiraskarim, s. (^deS secret, ^8<^ making) outer tent, wall or screen of cloth surrounding the principal tent: see 59c5toQ)S3g tii^astawdlu. &6&!X5iQoQ, Tirastawdlu, s. creeping plant, havmg stems with three or four angles and large white flowers; the root is a powerful purgative, ipomcea turpethum; sometimes written ^e^c^Ssg trasta- ivdlii. &i6^6, Tirasara, la. true, certain; firm, unmov- ^<5e33(5, l^irasdra, ) ed. 366, Tiralu, s. ram, [Colloq, i8)83 betaluwd']. ^<^53C TirdkoJa, s. leaves of a plant used as a vegetable. 35S(&, Tiringiya,s. tie, binding; any thing firmly bound. ^Scg, Tiringu, s. Avheat. ^Ssisj, Tirittama, s. good manner, proper con- duct, respectable and well behaved demeanour. ^Seasi ff C33CS, Tirisan-apdya,s. place of punishment for sin committed. in a former state of existence; punishment by birth under an animal form. s&Sta 213 s&^e ^8ee>S3D, Tirisand, s. brute animal, beast, irrational being, see ^dSdoea tirachchhdna. sSSQis, Tm'taka, s. bark of a tree worn by asce- tics; bark, rind, [Colloq. SSg^r5 riti-sumbula, &(^, Tiru, a. firm, strong, fixed. ^(SlQo, Tiruwd, s. fool, simpleton, [Colloq. ^^5s)cto m6dayd'\. ^(5t35^, Tiruwdkana, 8. pan or touch-hole of a gun or cannon, pi. ^5iS35^ tiruwdkan. ^c5i,S3e3<53C Tiruwdna-gala, s. white stone, quartz. ^(S^6<5JQ3^, Tirodhdna, s. (S)'5tS tiras secret, Qosa holding) covering, concealment; sheath; veil; cloth or cloak; any thing which withholds an other from sight; disappearance, act of disap- pearing. ^<3N<5J59, Tirohita, a. concealed, hidden, escaping privately, absconding. ^(38, Tilwa, I5. medicinal tree, excoecaria ^(38^55, Tilwaka, } agallocha, [Colloq. (5^C3(;^96c tela-h'rii/a]; symplocus racemosa, [Colloq. <5>S)C s^C^sJ hela-lot]. &Q, Tila, 8. plant bearing an oily seed, the oil and seed being both much used in oriental cooking, Sesamum indicum, [Colloq. e>(3 tala\ ; mole or spot compared to the seed of the sesamum, [Colloq. ^e3<5:fc53co tipan-lapaya]. ^CS5, Tilaka, s. mark or marks made with colour- ed earth or unguents and sometimes a composi tion of ashes and sandal wood, made upon the forehead and between the eye-brows of the Hin- dus either as an ornamental or sectarial distinc- tion; freckle, mole, natural mark on the person; title, especially in composition, implying pre- eminence, as 03)4^(3 ^QiSi sdkyakula-tilaka, the chief or head of the race of Sdkya, one of the names or epithets of Buddha; the bladder; black salt, [Colloq. esibQ Ti-lahunu, s. (^ three, QS^ Tilat, see occJ talat. '^Q^<^Qssi, Tilatandulaka, s. (&Q sesamum, G3<^Q grain and ^S5 affix, that which is as agreeable as rice mixed with sesamum) an em- brace, embracing. TilapusJqmh, s. flower of the sesamum plant. ^(3^s^c3, Tila-bijaya, s. sesamum seed. ^C^des, Tilarasa, s, (jS>Q and dea what is extract- ed) sesamum oil. t9(3a:ie9, Tilitsa, s. snake, [Colloq. ^ts^Qiaipolangd, or 8^ jnmbiird']. ^Q?^, Tilin, par. from that, from this, abl. of '?s^^c tele. ^(3^53, Tilina, s. present, gift, [Colloq. 3xJs5 teg- ga^ ; kindness, mercy, pity, [Colloq. 5(5L-^8 karundwa]. ^s^CoQ, Tilowa, 8. (^ three, (S^(3^ world) three worlds. V ^s>cJc^c5^, TiUguru, 8. {& three, S'C^ world, cgc^ teacher) title of Buddha as teacher of three worlds, viz. brahmas, gods, and men; procum- bent hairy plant, ptolygala glaucoides. ^gS and 33 from eD3c65 ndyaka chief) name or title of Buddha as chief of three worlds, viz. brahmas, gods, and men. ^83, Tiwata, s. name of Viswakarma, the arch- itect of the gods, who constructed Sakra's palace ; name of Brahma. ^S3, Tiwana, s. parrot, [Colloq. S6Q3 girawd"]. ^a), Tividha, a. {& three, SQ sort) of three kinds, of three forms, three fold. &^Q, Tivili, 8. person with three dents in his belly (from fatness). ^ 214 s^fSb <9g, Tiivu, s. praise, eulogium, panegyric, ^3(5, Tiwukara, a. class of persons whose busi- ness it is to panegyrize, and who are employed by others for that purpose. ^>5L, TiuniJcaru, s. panegyrist, eulogist. ^053, Thvutd, s. creeping plant, ipomcea turpet- hum, [Colloquial: ^cOSiQ3g ^mstoti'aZtt]; small cardamums, [CoUoq ficBssJ Osd'd30(^ 8ihin-en8dr\. ^'^'SS^) Tiwunu-nnivana, s. penetration, keen perception, see ^aa'a^3.tukdkshm. ^cg, Tungu, see .aSltK) tuTiga. . 4985(5, Tungutaray a. very lofty Qu.high. .egcDao, TwAga, s. mountain; highest, point of a planet's ring; top: a. high, elevated,.' lofty ; chief, principal; passionate, hot. ^Stog^,, Tuiigadrima, s. (.^Ste) agd ^S tree) Northern monkeyfaced tree, yieldijig red dye, mallotus philippinensis or rottteiia, tinctoria, [Colloq. sjDoSog Aay;an7/a]; kjad of basil, ocimum gratissimum, see ^sgaJQ tw^gii sort of turmeric; cocoa-nut tree, [Oolloq:^aa(^)^oZ- gaha'\. ^ , _ _ a2alaa'333853, Tunga-ndsikd, s^. (^Sto and 3j9)3 nose) high or prominent nose. .egateJD, Tungd, s. bambu manna, [CoUoq. Q<^e^ 6 unamakulu]: see .jg^sJ tuk. ^SS Tungi, s. kind of hdi^, ocimum graiissimum, [Colloq. <3^C3()e^ weld-gas\. . , .^3cS, -Tuchchha, a. void, empty; unimportant, trivial; shallow, idiotic; small, little; abandoned, deserted; meqfl, low, vile; filthy. ?5^^esi6-^Qj, Tuchchhakaranawd, v. to calum- niate, to disparage. .egSt^g^, Tuchchhadru, s. castor-oil plant, [CoUoq. 6c3 erandu^. ^SdQjaosS), Tuchchha-dfyiriycika, s. straw. ij'S3S)3, Tududenawd, v. to show the head, speaking of worms in a sore. .2gg8, Tuduwa, s. cape, promontory. .age) 1(^(30, Tudelld, s. kind of fish. ^(flj, Tunda, s. bill, beak; mouth; face. .ag-S5SSt(^, kemwela. ^(^Ws^^Si Tundikeri, s. cotton plant, [CoUoq. >gc53rf kapu-gas^; sort of gourd, momordica monadelpha or bryonia grandis. (.eg^s^^C Tundila, s. one of a prominent or elevat- ed navel; one speaking harshly or severely; parrot. Tundi, s. beak or bill, mouth, face. .ag^<5 door) three sources or modes of karma, merit or de- merit, viz. personal, verbal, and mental. ^sj's^^es, Tundosa, s. (-eged^ and (3^^e3 humour) three humours of the human body, bile, phlegm, and wind (literally the three disorders). ^063 3C5, Tunnawdya, s. seamster, tailor. ^sSoti is^di^, Tunpat-kiirundu, s. species of the cinnamon plant; see ^953 sJ g:3ig tmnpat ku- ruudu, ^25^:2 c5 S3C, Tunpat-tala, s. species of the sesa- mum plant, gingely, sesamum indicum, [Colloq. >5(^ S50 tel-tala\r ^:Jc;5 )Scs, Ttmpada-kaviya, s. triplet, egsrfajcs, Tun-pdya, s. (-egsi three, oaco palace) 8. belly, navel. a house with three rooms or upper stories, so constructed as to embrace the advantages of the three seasons; such a one as was occupied by Buddha when living in the palace of his father Suddhodana, as prince Siddhdrta Kumara; three storied house. sgesJeS^nco, Ttin-pitakaya, s. (Qisi and 8Q^ jyifa- ka basket) used here metaphorically for a recep- tacle or depository; name of the Buddhist Scrip- tures in three divisions viz. Vinaya, Siitra, Abhidharmma, containing the sermons and ordi- nances of Buddha addressed to three classes of beings; see 8Q&a pifakaya. ^^g6C' Tunpulila, s. trumpet flower, stereos- permum sttave-olens or bignonia grandiflora. ^s-Jts^Scf, Tunbo, see ^cJosa attana. sgedcoScs, Tun-bhawaya, s, (-egsJ and oQ bhawa being) three states of existence through which all beings have to pass previous to their obtain- ing Nirwana; the first is KAma bhawa, a state la which beings are subject to the influence of the passions, and includes both men and gods; the second is the Kupa bhawa, a state in which the passions have been destroyed by a previous course of religious austerities, and nothing re- mains but a refined spiritual body which how- ever is free from the influence of the passions; this state includes the ten Brahma lokas; the third is the Arupa bhawa, in which nothing remains but a pure etherial spirit totally invisible; it is the next state to Nirwana or entire annihilation, which forms the ultimate object at which the pious Buddhist aims. ^^^%^Q, Tun-mandulla, s. {^&S three, gdC what surrounds) robe of a priest of Buddha which covers and ornaments three parts of the body; namely, the waist and right arm, the neck and breast, and the legs. ^ede).^, Tun-mada, s. (i^&S and ^ humour) ele- phant, [Colloq. tfQi&o aliyd'j ; elephant in rut, alluding to the three humours which exude from him in the rutting season, namely, from his temples, his eyes, and penis. gs5 SaQcs, Tun-mdlaya, see ^sfssact tunpdya. ^J<5ee3o6, Tun-ratnaya,e. (^isS and 6^isiratna gem, or treasure) three inestimable gems which have been bestowed on mankind: namely, Bud- dha, his doctrines and his priests. ^i6^C^ 217 ^^^ C^&i >(3J5c5, Tun-lokaya, s. three lower or inferior worlds the inhabitants of which are under the influence of the unsubdued passions; namely, world of gods, world of men, and pdtala or the lower regions inhabited by demons and asurs. ^tsiQd^si, Tun-warak, ^^32sJ, Tun-vitak. ^sJ^9, Tunweni, a. third. ad. thrice. ^2s::r 9*8^^9, Tunweniwa, ^25:f 9^8'Q9, Tunwenuw ad. thirdly. ig^d'esd^, Tim-sarana, s. three helps, viz. Buddha, ^ his doctrines, and priests. ^edgcrf, Tun-hidas, a. three sided. ^D, Tuna, s. number three, sometimes written ^ Tunuvila, s. lake-like body. ^^^S^j Tunusapuwa, s. bodily health or vigour. ^^tQc^, Tunuhiru, see -sg^gSsa tunuwana. S)do!9j3, Tuppahikama, s. interpretation from one language to another. .2gdot9co3, Tuppahiyd, s. interpreter. Burgher (in contempt) . egd s^odSScs. Tuppottiya, s. waist cloth. 4g, T%d)u, 8. tail, taU of any animal, [Colloq. JiS^csJ wdlgf\\ anything of a trifling or un- important nature. ^%^, Tuhuni, s. plantation, act of planting trees, labours in a nursery. egQ, Tubu, s. p. p. placed, been. ^, Tumba, s. long gourd, momordica; back-part of a cocoa-nut; lead. ^S) 3c5C3, Tumba-karavila, s. tuberous plant, the fruit used for curries, momordica dioika (Cucurbitacece). 22^^, Tumbani, see -CgQ^B tubuni, ^Sea, Tumbasa, s. hUls or mounds raised by the white ants, pi. ^gS)cd tumbas. ^S::3 6j^gcJLg, Tumpat-kurundii, s. shrub, Limonia alata (Rutacece). ^iS), Tumba, 1 , , %- /vs. long gourd. ^fiS, Tumbi, 3 ^S5, Tumbtm,'\s. coriander seed, conanrfrwrn <5sf)^5 Tumburu, y sativum. ^^33;^, Tumbyaja, see -egSS) tumba. ^2/3, Tumd, s. exalted man, one possessing great authority and honour, (contracted form of (3^3 utumd). 2g, Tumu, suffix denoting Nominative Plural. ^|jg, Tumutu, s. speed, velocity, rapidity; style of a flower; joy. jgg-sgg, Tumutuimt, another form of 03o?55^ tamataman which see. ^^C Tumida, s. power, strength; mingled or tumultuous combat; uproar, tumult, tumultuous noise; plant, beleric pyrobalan, [Colloq. 6 bithi]: bulk, magnitude: a. great, vast, big. ^, Tumu, see ?5^% tumu. ^(5, Tura, s. tree, [Colloq. (Si^ gasa']; o. quick, speedy, expeditious. 5<5(5J, 2'uraga, 1 s. (5g<5 speedy, ct which goes) egdcD, Turanga, J horse, [Colloq. ^k0cS3 am-aya] ; mind, considered as the seat of feeling as well as intellect; heart; attendants of Kuvera. e^tfts) 218 ^tf ^2<5D Q^'ia, Twang a-wadana, s. (sj6iS) horse, Qqsi face) class of beings inhabiting Swarga or the region of the gods; described as having the bodies of men, and heads of horses; thej are the celestial choristers, see also, csjaeDS gandharwa and 3DS3d5 kinnard. S9<5a)ao(532s)3, Turaiiga-gandM, s. name of a med- icinal plant, alyssicarj)us vaginalis. 4gi5Ste)2), TuraAgaina, see eg^ao turanga. ^(5ei9, Turaiigi, s. plant, withania somnifera, [Colloq. (5o53S3D83, Tundkaragannaivd, v. to clasp, to embrace. ^c5l(f^d-^S3, Turulkaranawdy v. to bring within the embrace. ^^(SCf Turidla, s. embrace, embracing; bosom; lap, pi. 4g:Jid turulu. ?2-^(3<^5 Turuliya, s. (^^ tree, Qcz creeper) any parasitic plant, or trees and creepers. i^di'3^, Turushka, s. incense; a very fragrant oil, one of the four perfumes used by kings. ^^cSitS, Turns, s. debt, [Colloq. eocs naya']. ^(^, Tul, s. PjIu form of -250* ttilya which see; a. big. ^C*> Tulya, a. like, resembling, similar, equal or analogous. ^^.jsu)^?, Tulyapdna, a. (-^gC* ^^^ oo3 drink- ing) drinking together. ^Co^fic^, Tuldrdsiya, ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ tulddUra. 9(^, Tida, a. great, big, of great magnitude or dimensions; equal, similar, analogous. sgC^C' Tidakala, s. ornament of the feet. ^C?<^j Tuladara, s. gold and silversmith, sun, trader, string of a balance. ^CS> Tulasi, Is. small shrub held in high ^(^^Sce, Ttdasiya, j veneration by the Hindus, holy basil, ocimim sanctum, [Colloquial: ^<5 10(33 madui'u-tald'l. 45C3, Tula, 8. weight of hundred palams or about hundred and fifty ounces troy; balance or gold- smith's scales; sign of the zodiac (Libra); resem- blance, likeness, equality, similarity; main beam by which the roof of a house is supported. eg(j^3(3^as)39, Tuldkoti, s. ring or ornament of the feet or toes; weight; a number, one hundred mil- lions; one end of a scale or balance. ^20333-5, Tulddhdra, s. (-egc' ^^^ ^^'^ holding) sign of the zodiac (Libra); string of a balance; trader, trafficker, dealer. 1/ ^(33 2553(5 ct, Tiddbhdi^aya, s. gift of valuables equal to the weight of the donor. dsiya, 1 ^Qodiis, Tiddresa, J egCs C^'^'Sj Tuld-lagnaya, s. rising of the sign Libra. ^(^3, Tuldwa, s. balance, or scale; see egC' tuld. ^(33c5i, Tuldwai-u, s. (-egc^ balance, 8<5i for ><5i karu who uses) goldsmith, [CoUoq. JC' baddld']. ^(3, TuU^ Is. fibrous stick or brush, used by eg '3, Tul I, j weavers for cleaning the threads of the woof; painter's brush, fibrous stick used for that purpose. S}<3'S>, Tidika, a. painter's brush; small bird said to resemble the wagtail: see i3^eoJi)633 gomaritd. ^g, Tidu, ace. case of >e3(5>c tele.=^!Si'i oka that one, that fellow. ^}.25 .ffi53'^S, T'uwakku-kdnuwa, s. gun-barrel. cgS^esJ^g, Tuicakkuwa, s. gun, musket, fowling piece. ^-esleg Q(SC- Tuicakhi-icalla, s. breech or lower end of a gun. ^80, Tuivatuiva, s. stalk; footstalk of a leaf or fruit, f Colloq, 3iS3 ntta~\. ^9(5, Tuwara, s. astringent taste; frankincense tree; species of cassia, see S^csdJ5 tor a: a. astrin- gent, acrid; beardless. ^tf 219 e^&i(sissi djai/a, 1 fs. towel, napkin. ^g9<5s5, Tuwai-ala, s. fragrant earth; kind of lentil, cytisus cajan. 5g'5(3i, Tuwarald, s. frankincense, incense, [Coll: 5g93d'c5, Tibivdjaya, jg83cs, Tiixody 4^930, Tuwdla, s. lameness, defect arising from an injury or accident; wound. ^3(^^53 (5 '3283, Tuwdlakaranawd, v. to wound. ^aO, Tushta, a. pleased, satisfied, glad, joyful, delighted. ^^9<5c:, Tmhtawaraya. s. (^aO joyful, 8c5cs request) boon, boon that is greatly to be desired, request of the highest value. aaod'o^ bhojapatra. sgc^, Tvs, Elu form of -jg^ tushta, which see. ^t3, Tusa, s. husk of rice, or any grain chaff. 2g23<5, Tusara, see ^Gad tushdra. i^ss6si6, Tusarakara, s. (^5<5 dew, ^6 what makes) moon, [Colloq. 8-agoo) chandrayd']. ^es3(5 7'usdra, see -sgaad tushdra. ^Qc3, Tustta, s. (^33 3, Tushnika, s. silent man, one given to taciturnity: a. silent, taciturn. e^a^S, Tushmm, a. silent, taciturn, [Colloq. j^aasQi^g mssebdawu]. Cg'4<5^S^S3, Tushnimbhuta, a. {^t<^^ silent, ^o being) silent, taciturn. ^2S^l3ga)3, Tushnimbhutarima, s. being silent. Cp5S<3^i)c8C> Tushmmsila, see ^!S<^Bt^KS3 ttishnm- bhuta. G^fSi, Te,a. three, [Colloq. i^-afa tuna']. S^a)5, Tek, ad. till, until, as far as. ^S35(35d, Tekardja, s. shrub, medicinal plant used in tattooing, eclipta ei-ecta, [Colloq. iS^SSf ktkirindi']; see S)^^Q brah?namuU. ^S3SSiQ, Tekala, s. ((S^C3 three, S5C time) the past, present and future time; applicable either to the omniscience of Buddha or to the three tenses in grammar. f^^s^8^55^ioce, Techiwarikdngaya, see S^cJSSS ^KJiK) techiwarikd/iga. (^^^5^s5, Tet, a. wet, moist, damp; cold, frigid. (3^C3c5455'S33, Tetkanawd, r. to soak, to steep, to become moist; to mould. ^^^ 220 }s. moisture, dampness, wet. ^5cJ^caJ ^cs383, Tettiyan-tiyanawd, v. to set the teeth of a saw-erect. S^e3c5?g, Tettu, s. small child, pet; disobedience (3^03C3, Teta, S>S5O303, Tetamana s^o^4, TecZrt, Elu form of (s^sieie^ ^e}'as. s^SD^ces), Tediyata, s. (snoj three, ^css? world) the three worlds. ^S)si\^s^(^^8^, Ten-helinawd, v. to skip, to jump, to frisk. S^s^^D, Tena, s. son; place, situation, locality. (^^c5^s^, Tenut, s. theft, robbery. iS3(3\eD, T'^we, s. son, [Colloq. gs)3 ^?m?]. (S^OjS^-sosJ, Tenet, s. (s^o three, ^coci eye) name of Siva, alluding to his having three eyep, similar to the Grecian Jupiter, one of which is in his forehead. (^Siti, Tep, s. large kind of spear used for spearing elephants; any large wooden spear, stake, point- ed stick; pers. pron. ye or you. (S^^d <^&iis:>, Tejj-inna, s. stake, pointed stick, s^sjd (3C) Tep-ula, see \ODdgc teppula. (S^s^dc:3, Teppama, s. raft. !?>s3dg(3, Teppula, s. spike,=^S)d ^G tep)-ula. SvQDcsg, Tepalu, see s^?5DgG tepula. ^336, Te2n. pers. pron. ye, you. ^9C' Tepula, s. word, speech; conversation; composition of the medicine for the eye, pi. ^Sd tepul. (5>a3, Teba, s. large wooden dart or spear; see s^osd tep. S\S3, Tebu, s. plant with spirally arranged leaves, costus speciosus (Scitaminece). (3>S3i), Tern, s. wetting, soaking. (5\?33@e3(^^^(5S3^33, Temanawd, v. to wet, to moisten, to make damp: pret. S\e393 temuwd. \S3, Temima, verbal noun of the preceding ^ word, wetting, moistening. ^%%, Temum, s. praise, eulogium, panegyrism; wettins; etc. SNOJgS), Temuwa, s, leech, [Colloq. -e^aJTC^c^ ^'*- delld']. -9sdi5S39d, Temenawd, v. n. to become wet, damp or moist: pret. <9'OD33 tamund. (?^<3^'3^, Teme, 1 suffix indicating nominative '5^s^'^^i)^, r^^ttiema, / singular. (^^a)cqi), Teyum, see (5^03g^ tesum. '3^3^<5, Tera, s. bank or border of a river, [ Colloq. OTo5gc5 gan-iwura']; priest who has been twenty years in the priesthood and has attained to the rank of (^cesSo^ upasampa-dd, which see. (avSDdoaaQa,, Terapanawd, v. to press, to throng: pret. (3^S3<5g03 terapuwd. 3^S)5, Teri, s. female priest of Buddha. S^CDSg, Terindu, s. ((5^S3(5 tera and DCJl^j'^o^^d's^d', Terunndnse, s. elderly Buddhist priest. (F^o:^(^, Tel, s. oil, see (S^coq tela. s^aD(^ s, Tel-olu, s. species of the lotus, nymjihcea Lotus. (5^S3(^ ^55(58^3, Tel-karaivald, s. snake, variety of bangarus ceylonicus. (3*a3(^33, Telkd, s. sediment of oil, iS>(^ 52S) Tel-kulmmbi, s. very small kind of ant. aD(^ (3\^333 9^833, Tel-lohomba, s. bead tree, Indian lilac, 7nelia azidaracta. (5>C53(5 ^i,.5e3, Tel-kekuna, s. candle nut tree, aleu- rites trilboa (Euphoi'btaceceJ . 5'S)(5 S5xdS)x3, Tel-kesbeicd, s. thin skinned tur- tle, see c,<5 3ie^x3 ddra-kesbeiod . (order chelonia). oNS3(^ 33(3, Tel-tala, s. sesamum, gingely, sesamitm indicuin (Pedaliacem), 3\C33(;^ s^^, Tel-domba, s. a tree from the fruit of which an oil is extracted, calo2)hyllum inophyl- liun: see S^c, domba. V '?>03(3 o^'S), Tel-nuga, s. tree, ficiis Trimeni (Urti- cacecv). (5*S3(j (3^;3^o^') Tel-polangd, s. snake. <5\0D(^ , Tel-mi, s. tree, bassia longifolia, [Colloq. (S^^(^Q, Telia, see (s^sjg^gd telikura. S^SJ^eSScs, Tdhiriya, s. tree, colubrina asiatica (HhamnaceceJ* ^Si(^, Tela, s. oil, grease, fat; any imctuous sub- stance; pron, i^used only in books)==S)ca oya. \SiQssi^ 221 @\^C^^ leather. (5\C3(2>3-S303, Telahdnta, s. mango tree, [Colloq. <{!SotS3 amba-gaha], ^s)C-S5i'S3C33, Telakdntd, s. oil woman, female oil vendor. <5\tSiQ:^8ci, Telahirhja, s. tree with acrid juice, excoecaria agallocJia ( Euphorbiacece ) . (S>S3C, Telambu, s. large timber tree with edible seeds, yielding oil, Stercidia fcetida, ( Sterculia- cece). iS>eD(3s>3C3C3 Telikd-pald, s. plant, molhigo penta- phylla. S^a^(5^5gd, Telikura, s. fibrous stick used by pain- ters, kind of painting brush or pencil. (?C3@^, Telijja, s. sweet toddy. (S^SiQao, Telii/d, s. fish resembling a snake in ap- pearance, the electric eel, river fish. s3^s)3>i)::r-^9, Testame'ntuica, s. Testament. (English). (3>s3e3 55, Tesat, Elu form of i^osxSoo trisaktiya, which see. ssKd-csjE, Tesarana, s. (^) three, eocJ^sS help or favour) three religious helps, viz. Buddha, his doctrines, and his priests. <3^03g, Tesu, s, words, speech; others, the rest: a remaining. SvsJ^, Teaum, $. theft, robbery, [Colloq. S^wad 5 horakama]. (S*6^3^eo^^(^^^e^S3, Tehettuwenawd, v. to be wea- ried, to be fatigued, to be tired. (S>S3>c^, Teles, a. thirteen (used in writing). S>S3s*digo33C3, Telesdhutdnga, s. (s^s^<(S,dl and gS3 dhuta shaken, ^ei anga religious ordi- nance) thirteen religious ordinances which are to be observed by the Buddhist priests; they are the following viz. c!og;?ggs5eDco Fansukulikan- gaya, (3nc5S5S53c;cs Te'cMwartkdngaya, e<5)Sa c33?Ss33e^gca3D telesdhutdnga. ^f^d, Teja, s. power, energy; honour, dignity; splendour, enlightening; effulgence; fire; pun- gency; heat. s^t^d^o, Tejakd, e. febrile medical compound, the aggregate of three spices, black pepper, long pepper, and dried ginger. (S^t^dfSiS^, Tejakisinu, s. (js^t^d fire, SS^ reli- gious austerity) the power which Buddha pos- sessed of emitting from his body a fiery splen- dour and glory so as to be able, without the aid of the sim, to illuminate at any hour a space around him of several yoduns; this supernatural faculty has its name from the mode in which it was acquired by Buddha, viz. the practice, to an infinite extent, of devout religious austerities. S^cJdso, Tejana, s. bambu, [Colloq. (^sjj^Mwa- ^as]; bow, arrow: a, enlightening; making splendid, illuminating; polishing, sharpening. G\tSi^&iJ 222 ^^3@633 s^oid'5533, Tejand, s. medical compound of three pungent substances, namely, black pepper, long pepper, and ginger, prescribed in cases of fever. '6Jd'i6, Tejani, s. plant, sansiviera zeylanica or aletris hyacinthoides, [Colloq. i9co^ wzya2K?a], (3>c5e^S?9, Tejawatt, s. aromatic plant, pothos offi- cinale. V (S>cie^s5, Tejasa, s. splendour, efEulgence, light, lus- tre, dazzling; dignity, honour; fame, glory, renown; heat; sunbeams; consequence, strength, power, influence; impatience; gold; bile; marrow; brains; sharpness; brightness; energy, might, authority; metallic pungency, pi. S>s5d'e^ tejas. (S^c5c35a)3, Tejdivhd, see (5>.65s^dJ^?9 tejSioati. 5(9>d, Tepe', s. name of the banyan tree, Jicits bengalensis, [Colloq. e^ocne) nuga-gaha"]. '3^cJ(59(^(3, Teravilla, s. explication, interpretation; enigma, riddle, puzzle, pi. '5>s5'5@ teaavili. iS^diS, Ten, s. priestess. s}s>(5<^93, Terenawd, v. to be understood; to be singled out or withdrawn for some fault or im- perfection: pret. <3s5'3i.<^ terund. >s5Ses>d-3>C Taila, s. oil, oil expressed from the cocoa- nut tree, etc. name of a plant, barleria pinonitis, [Colloq. 33<$ katuharajidii]; storax; gum benzoin, incense; see also the following word. <5t9^S3(3^S5, Tailaha, s. plant, musa rosacea; small quantity of oil. a>(3ao35, Tailakdra, s. oil-manufacturer. >^C^'*^^'25>, Tailajmimnika, s. white sandal- wood, santalutn album, [Colloq. ggaogcs^ sudu haudun^. 3, TailajKiyikd, } 5S53 who drinks) cockroach, [Colloq. i^(5(3^c336^^^ kerapottd~\. S3C38-ODG 6q, Taila-phala, s. (s>e3c sesamum, &C fruit) sesamum seed from which the sesamum oil is expressed. (S^S^s^e, Tailama, s. oil possessing medicinal pro- perties; of these medical oils the native practi- tioners have a very large variety, extracted from various plants, roots, barks, leaves and seeds; they are much used as emollients to sores, brui- ses, and wounds, and as unguents to parts affect- ed by local or acute pains; opium, pi. >(^^a^C tailam, 5s3cce, Tailaya, s. oil, see (^^S^S5e tayila. S^S^CDQessSiS&iQ, Tailaedwarthani, s. gold; any of the precious metals. C53J^g, Tokkuwa, s. place, situation, site, [Colloq. te633ce sthdnaya]. (^^^5^^^55, Toka, s. bark of a tree, [Colloq. (S^oscJs) 2yotta']. (S^SJDOOTC Tongala, s. end, point. (5^s^^^, Tata, s. ford, ferry; dative of >S3J to thou. S^sJoQ^cS, TotakuU, s. (*C333 ferry, s^% hire) fare, ferriage. (S>e333oC Totapala, see ^e^J^oc totupala. S\C5338cS(^C5 Totapiyalla, s. small shreds of cloth beat off in the act of washing linen and which are used in certain medical prescriptions and as charms in magical incantations; clothes which have been left at a religious bathing place after the ablutions have been performed. S^SD33|j>253cs, Totamunaya, s. sea-port; place for landing, site of a ferry, quay; district, province. s^333Scc3, Toiiyd, s. man that steers or rows a ferry boat. \S53S<^ 223 ^f69^ s>0D3(^C Totilla, s. child's cot or swinging cradle; swing; tree, spathodea indica; another tree, big- nonia indica. D3i3^8)3-5i^8, Todottuwa, s. rope or rein by which a bullock is guided, passing through the cartilage of the nostrils; stop or hindrance. (^033<:^S), Totiduwa, s. snare or noose for catching birds, deer, etc. s^033eJ.sgS, Tottuwa, s. kiss. s^OD3Q3^, Totani, s. sheet of water, basin for water: a. round; the root of a tree. iS^e33d8tf, Toppiaga, s. hat, bonnet, cap. (Port.) (?03C3, Topa, per. pron. you, in the accusative: see (S^oJ to. SvoJJOS^oJ, Tojyage, genitive case of the preceding. (S>S33S, Topi, j)er. pron. ye, or you. (5>O330, Toma, s. clump or spot of growing corn, wheat or barley. (3^03S>J, To7n6, pr. feminine of s^sjS tema, which see. S^e^3i5(^)d(^^8^, Toyil-karanawd, v. to perform demon ceremonies, see (a^C33(^555<5-S33<5s33, Torakirima, s. removing, separating. (9*33^^<5, Toratura, s. afEair; matter; circumstance, concern, news, intelligence, pi. S^sjad^egcJi tora- tuni. >C33i5isstc, Torana, s. arch erected on festival occa- sions and decorated with the young shoots of the cocoa-nut leaves, ferns, flags etc. pandal; outer door, porch; hairy shrub, canthium jmrviflorum, ["Colloq. ?Si6 kara], S^o?3d^t-jg9, Toranetuxm, ad. always, continually, unceasingly. 9^C33i5c3G^sJ, To7-apane, s. gimlet, bow-wimble. (?>033dsSeo)3, Torawenawd, v. to fail, to be sep- arated from. (?>o)3c, Tola, s. lip, pi. S^S33(^ toL '5^CD3(3S>J, Tolabo, s. bulbous plant with umbels of large white flowers, crinum Asiaticum (A- mai-yllideoe). (S^)3(325D3(3, Tolindtka, see (S^GiiS'Ss^od toUndtha. (3^C33(5>C3(^, Tolol, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, Trichadenia zeylanica (Bixinice); also called {psJcDDsje^ dttd-gas. 333d(533e33, Tolugdnaivd, v. to crop, to graze as cattle, (literally to rub on the lip). (3iC3J, To, j^ron. thou, applied, in modern usage, to persons of great inferiority and of low and de- graded caste, or as a term of abuse. s>03jo. Ton, s. fee charged by one who keeps a gambling house. , Toka, a, less, short, deficient. iS^S)Jai^c8, Tonchiya, s. ceasing, [Colloq. eDi89 newatzma^. \C3jg8, Toduwa, s. Malabar ear-ring or ornament, hollow cylinder of gold thrust through the lobe of the ear. (^^c^J^, TStra, s. hook used for guiding an ele- phant; goad or pike for driving cattle. (3^^J<5'^5;^, Todana, s. goad; pain; anguish, torture, uneasiness. s^oJsrT-sgS, Tontmva, s. giddiness. (3\e3jg, Tombwwa, s. register. ^tSii6, Tomara, s. iron crow; elephant hook; any weapon for piercing, spear; instrument for per- forating, javelin. SNoJca, Toya, Is. water, [Colloq. 4g<5 iva- (S^^ica&i, Toyaka, ^tura~\. S^ojJco^, Toyada, s. (S^^jJcs water, <:; which gives) cloud; kind of fragrant grass, cy perns rotundus, [Colloq. 455C3gcJi kaldnduru], S^oJcoe,, Toyada, s. tree, eloeagnus latifolia, [Coll: t(^ ^(^C wel-embilla or ) ioJco and geao ^3 cleansing) clearing nut plant, strychnos pota- torum, [Colloquial: oS^ I'lI^inQ; the seeds of which being rubbed on the inside of a jar or water pot, cause the precipitation of the impuri- ties of water. (?>C3;Jc)(3(3, Toyawalli, s. kind of gourd, momordica charantia, [Colloq. ^55c5c Ji:o.ravila\. S^QiSd, Tora, s. cassia plant of which there are many species in Ceylon ; for an account of which see Moon's Catalogue of the plants of Ceylon, and Trimen's Systematic Catalogue 257. <5eJJi3 termed. S3J(53(3Q, Toramalli, s. general name for the cornelian. SNoJt^, I'ord, s. seer fish, most valuable fish in these seas; it may be termed the salmon of Ceylon, cybium (or scomber) guttatum, pi. S^oJ^L toru. <^^i(^^^i), Tolkakama, s. interpretation. 3^C3J(3, Toll, s. sign of the zodiac (Libra); name of Sukra. 2s33(3, ToUndtha, s. Sukra the regent of the planet Venus. S>03i8x(^, To-wel, s. creeping plant with numerous small greenish purple flowers; Vitts erioclada or V. indica (Ampelidece), (3>Dics^, Taurya, s. harmony, see -^cal turya. (S^S3=ics?.-ss5, Tauryatrika, s. ('S^O'JcsS and ^^ three) the triple or threefold melody, viz. the union of song, dance and instrumental music; symphony. (5^Q3T(3, Tauli, s. balance; sign of the zodiac (Libra); see .egc^ tidd. s^C3T(33, TauUna, s. balance; one of the signs of the zodiac (Libra); planet Venus. (S^C5DT(3s3oS, Taidi'-ndtha, s. (s^sj^k^ and eaad chief or lord) name of Sukra, regent of the planet Venus. 5t^sJ, I'ek, s. whey. e3i3, Tcft, s. kind of brazen dish, charger; por- ringer. 'S3iS)t(^Q3, Tcdelld, s. kind of fish. S3i,Js5383, Tetkawanawd, v. to string an instru- ment; to string a bow, to bend a bow; to strive. 453 iD, Teta, s. string of a vinti or native violin; the wire-string of any instrument; labour, en- deavour, pains. S)i)3, Tetana, s. thunder, [Colloq. s^)^s^ hena']. S3ie5'^, Tetanuma, s. thunder; roaring, bellowing. C3t^, Teti, s. fear, tremour or trembling from fear. ct^^DOeD9D, Tetigannawd, v. to be afraid. S3t^(53JS-2D9a, Tetiganwanawd, v. to frighten, alarm. 23-4^(^(3, Tetilla, s. spoon or head of a working implement, as a spade, hoe, iron part of a spade or hoe, pi. iSix&Q tetili. CDi^, Tedi, s. bond, covenant. C3i,5s:f, Ten, plur. of Otea tena: also any sharp cutting instrument, i/S3t^t3J5(5<^83, Tenpatkaranawd, v. to bury, to inter. S3te3, Tena, s. place, spot, site, situation. SDi2!3sJ8aoed'(3e^, Tenanwahanse, s. eminent per- son. SDi,esD-253, Tenana, s. thunder, [Colloq. (3>35ao /5S33, Telumkanawd, v. to be beaten or flogged. Dt>, Teluma, s. blow, stroke, bruising, beating. S5ii3^-S3)3, Telenawd, v. to be crushed or bruised: pret. C3idesa3 telund. e^icdsj, Tegga, s. gift, donation, present, pi. e3x<6 tegi. S5xc8^i<5cs, Tegtkeraya, s. deed of gift. S5^^d'(^^^, Tende, s. bedstead. S5soc5>, Tydga, s. gift, donation; abandonment, de- serting; separation, parting from. ?j)aDc8S3e3, Tydgiwanta, a. disposed to give, gene- rous, liberal. S3a3, Trasta, a. timid, fearful. ^6^05830, Trastawdlu, s. creeping plant with large white flowers and medicinal root, bind-weed, Ipomcea turpethum, (Convolvulaceoi). ^esd, Trasara, s. weaving; shuttle. ^5-2D, Tripariwritta, s. (^ three, o8 sev- erally, Sa^esjai being) three objects of pursuit, viz. desire of wealth, sensuous pleasure, contin- ual existence, which are to be rejected by the Buddhist ascetic. ^83555ca, Trijntakaya, see is^^BQiSid tunpitakaya. ^g3, Triptita, s. (.^ and g8 skin) pease of three kinds; pulse; bank or shore; cubit; kind of vetch, deer arietinum; a hairy plant, ruellia longifolia. ^gQj, TriputdyS. sort of creeping plant, bind-weed, ipomcea Turpethum, [Colloq. ^di a7'alu, Qd buhi, (3*2(^Q nellij^. ^(<^ 227 i^^Sid ^^<:^, Tribhandt, s. (^ and ttD-eoc5, Trivtdharatnaya, s. (^ and So) sort, dc3S3 ratna gems) the three precious gems which have been given to the world, viz. Buddha, his bana i. e, sermons and doctrines, and his priests. ^9S(3, Trividha-sikshdwa, s. f^SlQdavsa tnvidharatna implied and cS^^d sikshd command or ordinance) devout and religious obedience to the trividharatna or Buddha, his doctrines and priests. ft)3K9, Trtvidhdgni, s. (^ and 8Q vidha man- ner, ^05je3 agni fire) metaphorically the three destructive passions or circumstances of nature, to which mankind are subject, viz. lust or ar- dent desire, hatred, and ignorance. ^8acJ, Triwrit, s. plant of valuable purgative pro perties, commonly called Teori, and distinguish- ed into white and black, convolvuhts turpethuin or ipomcea turpethum, [Colloq. ^e^sjQog trasta- ivdlu^. ^(2SxS, Trisakti, s. (< three, c3jS power or ability) the three prerogatives of royalty, viz. the power to inflict pimishment, great personal energy, and command of council. ^cG, Trisula, s. trident or three pointed spear, borne in the hand of Kataragama deviyo as the emblem of his character, he being the god of war. ^ede330, Trisndn-a^ s. desire, wish, anxious long- ing, lust, corrupt form of ODaa<^ trishndtva. ^s 228 ^ssB ^gis)a), Trisugandha, Is. (^ and gsjzsS) fra- ^gc55eS, Trisagandhi, J grance) the aggregate of three vegetable perfumes, viz. cinnamon, mint, and cardamums. S3a- TriloLya, see ^geJta^Qi^acs tun-lokaya. ^esJ, Twak, s. skin; bark, rind, peel. <)Ev-5:<2a), Tivaggandha, s. orange. ^3^(^>ef, Timg-d6sha,s. (^cs5 skin, S^efcs rheum) any purulent matter exuding from the skin in cutaneous disorders and affections; pus; leprosy; cutaneous disease. 6a)i93aS?, Twagdkshm, s, manna of the bambu tree, [Colloq. ^-^^es^b una7nakulu]. 3, Twacha, s. skiu; bark, rind, peel, [Colloq. g^ surnbulu] ; plant, species of the cassia, [Coll: 5C5ig'5N;:33^ kurunduiwtu^. <2)i35, Tivard, s. haste, speed. ^Sc), Twarita, a. quick, swift, [Colloq. ^^JSei ikmari]. a The seventeenth consonant of the alphabet and second of the class of dentals; it is the aspi- rate of the preceding; and is expressed by tha. 6^, Thaddha, a. firm, hard, stubborn. 6c> Thala, s. land, ground; place, firm spot. d^d, Thalaja, s. (pQ ground, d born) land-born, any thing produced from the earth, the opposite of dQd jalaja, aquatic. (S^i35, The'ri, s. female priest, senior Buddhist nun. (S^6s^6S, Thero^ 8. senior Buddhist priest. The third letter of the dental claSSj aiid the eighteenth consonant, it sounds nearly like 'Hh " in that; it is also an affix to words and has the power of a copulative conjunction; it is the sign of an interrogation. <^o<3^5Dc3, Dangediya, s. log of wood used for the purpose of cutting fish, meat etc. <5o(K, Datisa, s. gadfly; tooth; stinging, biting; sting of a serpent; armour, mail. ^ocsae?, Dansana, a. biting, stinging. (^oago, Danshti-d, s. large tooth, tusk of an elephant, wild boar, eye tooth. '^^J^K'SoSo, Dakkanawd, v. to drive, to force along by goading: pret. <5,J^93 d^kkuwd. q'Sj^<0o, Dakkhma, Pali form of <54S^ dakshiiia. S5S3 dekkeivwd. ^J3, Dakwd, ad. until, till, unto, as far as, to the extent of. q?s^, Daksha,a. dextrous, clever, conversant with; able : s. in the mythology of the Hindus a noted deity, who was a son of Brahma, born from the thumb of his right hand for the purpose of assisting in peopling the world; this Daksha had sixty daughters; of whom twenty-seven are the nymphs who were married to the moon and form the twenty-seven lunar asterisms; one of his daughters was Sati or Durga the wife of Siva, and thirteen were married to Kasyapa; see )36, Dangara, s. the wanton gestures of a lewd woman when walking: a. coiled; spiral. <^oc5^(53co, Dangai-a-lcarawald, s. snake, variety of bwigarus Ceylonicus. ^03(555(S)3Sd, Dangaragahanawd, v. to coil: pret. ^0'5ffi5igD (langaragehuim. ^c?dS>03CS33, Dangara-polangd, s. kind of viper. 5D(^39j, Dangalanawd, v. to struggle, to writhe, ^ to flutter, to flounder. ^9, Dada, s. fine, forfeit; wilderness, [CoUoq. 825DjSDeD(5cs MJanattfaraya] ; belly: a. tame, obe- dient. ija) 6cJi, Dada-endaru, s. wild castor oil plant. ija)cj)|^cJ, Dadakalat, s. sort of gram or bean which grows wild in the jungle. qei^S), Dada-laha, s. plant, curcuma aromatica ( Scitaminece] : also called 8(^J353 ival-kaha. ^e)S8(^Ci Dadakirilla, s. Ceylon elm, Holop- telea (or iilmus) integrifolia; also called (3^c5^^a) ^^dC goda-Tcirilla. q^^SiSji, Dada-hiriya, s, generic name of Euphor- bia. ^S^JS5^S)(^, Dada-kehel, s. plant, rap)hidophora decursiva (Aracece). Danduwalld, s. kind of sea fish. ^%QQ'S)xca, Danduwalubeya, s. kind of hive. ij8t0, Dandu-weta, s, fence of sticks or any kind of wood; candle-stick; large kind of flambean. ^St(ixc, Danduwelbeya, see <^g8sxco dan- duwalubeya. ijgsj, Danduhama, corruptly for 3 dandakd, the peninsula of India from between the Narmada and Godtivari rivers. cE)3a)i)329(;^ goda-77idniQ ; medici- nal plant, [Coll: ^esiSi^oSiSii komdrikd']. ^<5^3j33cc, Danddsanaya, s. small or low kind of table or stool on which the natives lay the book they are copying. ^JSDK)S3, Danddhata, s. butter-milk, [Colloq. <^'^5Si m67'u'\. <5tCi8a, Datketiyd, s. plant peculiar to Ceylon, xylopia champonii (Anonacece) ; plant with long leaves and many flowered corymbs, oj)hiorrhiza mungos (Eubtacece). ^(sieScoSaaQ), Dat-niyawanawd,v. to grin, to make grimaces. <^c55<5383, Datmiti-kanawd, v. to gnash the teeth from pain or anguish. <5J9SCj Dat-yuwala, s. pair of teeth, two tusks of an elephant. 5c5c^g, Datrmluy 1 s. lion, [CoUoq. Sowoeo sinha- ^d:5j.g, Datrupu, /?/]. ^o, Z)a^a, s. tooth. <^S)e6c8393, Datantyawanawd, see ^'d^flcaS'SjSa dat-niyawanawd . <5S3S3J, Datamand, 1 s. that which ought to be ;503q^, Datayutu, J known, that which is proper to be known. r-q, Dada, s. star; fool; leprosy; plant, (costus) bird; parts of generation; male organ of genera- tion; tooth; flag, banner; wicked or low man; Brahmin; ring worm; cutaneous disorder, kind of scurvy. V* ^^6-<^ what covers) lip, [Colloq. (5^033(3 tolal- qc,^, Dadru, s. cutaneous and herpetic eruptions. e?gj^88S3, Dadrughna, s. species of cassia, cassia tora, [Colloq. sjjd tora"]. :j5j)i(3 dam- wela. qsiia(^, Dansala, s. {^&5 gift, S3(^ hall) public place for distributing alms, alms house. ^^, Dana, s. knee; riches, wealth, property, possessions; people, mankind; birth, origin: pi. q'sS dan. ^S3fi3, Dana-isa, s. cap of the knee. <5.20^^2S)9, Danautukatuica, s. bone of the knee, cap of the knee. ^33K)S3.sd93, Danagahanaicd, v. to kneel. <^-e35, Danada, s. (^sss wealth, q who gives) name of Wesamuni-raja or Kuvera; Indian Plutus. (^esaerf, Danan, s. people. ^mea, Danana, s. birth, production; conquest, vic- tory. ^^Dsjagcs, Dana-ndliya, s. knee, knee bone. c^?s:ioS>, Danapati,s. (^20 wealth, o& chief) name of Kuvera or Wesamuni-raja, the Indian Plutus; (poetically) wealthy man, one very rich or possessing great property. ^Sioq, Danapada, see d^tsq janapada. <533^r^, Danambtd, s. mountain, hill; vinegar; water in which rice has been washed. i233&c Danamandala, s. (g3 bow, QSfa sign) /:J^g9, Danuwa, /sign of the Zodiac, (Sagit- tarius). c^o, Dapa. Elu form of <;S darpa, pride, arrogance; copulation, cohabitation. (5\^ea25D83, Damdesanawd, v. (^i) bana, ^i^eseo 3 to proclaim) to read the bana, to expound the sermons of Buddha; to preach, to address a sermon to a congregation: pret, <^i)(3<^e83 dam- desuwd. q%oit^, Dampatihu, s. husband and wife, [CoUoq. cp e3i,<5vc6J ambu semiyo]. .^SaaS, Dam-pdta, s. (q^ fruit, csdS colour) purple. q'i)6d, Damraja, see S<^d dharmardja, q^<5q, Dam-rada, Elu form of S(^d dharmardja. q%QxCj, Damwda, s. chain, fetter, pi. q)i(^ damwel. qoioQ^, Daydwanta, ) co^^P^ssionate. ^cs392ocs350, Daydtvantakama, s.- kindness, tender- ness. q^e^<5, Dardura, s. frog. qbG,^,Dardru,s. ring- worm, kind of scurvy, [Coll: qq dada'}. q8, Darpa, see qo dapa. ~30 ' ~ <^&^ 234 ^Ci ^8^5), Daiyaka, s. name of Kiunadeva the Indian god of love. I q&<^cii, Darpanaya, s. mirror, looking glass; eye; kindling, inflaming. q$^, Darbi, s. ladle, spoon, [Colloq. ii5 hen- da^ ; expanded hood of the cobra de capello. qe8, Darbha, s. kusa-tana or sacrificial grass; kind of reed, saccharum spontaneum. ijS, Darvi, s. spoon, [Colloq. sai^q hendct], qE^, Darvika, s. ladle, spoon. ^(, Darsa, s. sight; seeing; day of the new moon, when she rises invisible; sacrifice made on that day. q^iSi, Darsaka,s. door-keeper; warder; exhibiter; skilful man; one conversant with any art or science. <^cSe53cfi, Darsanaya, s. sight, seeing, looking; eye: mirror; dream, vision; virtue, moral merit: knowledge, especially religious illumination; in- tellect; sect of philosophy. ij(9cs, Darsaniya, a. beautiful, handsome, agree- able; fit to see, proper to be seen. ^6, Dara, s, dried wood, firewood; the sharp edge of any cutting instrument; hole in the ground; cavern, grotto; the earth; Elu form of dc6 daru-garbhaya, qc^ii^, Darunu, a. rough, harsh, boisterous, austere, severe, hard, obdurate. ^c5iS)<5, Dand)ara, s, child bearing. ^c5lS)d5eD, Darabara-kata, s, (ijc3^ and Q(5 weight, ^03 woman) mother; woman having a large family of children. qo, Daruma, s, (c^^ child, 3 mother) mother, [CoUoq. S maiv]. q(Siv(sii(^Q, Daru-mehelli, s, woman who has children in her old age, ^c5l)3, Daruwd, s, child, infant, pi. qcSiiS qcStS, Dala-res, J collection) sea, ocean, [Coll: '^q ?nuda]. qC^6, Dalasara, s. (qQ and 3(5 which moves) fish in general, [CoUoq. gf masun] ; water- fowl, any fowl or bird going or residing in water; fish. qC^3, Dalasd, s. (^(3 fire, Kd branch) flame, [Coll: (Si^qiiQ ginidaluwa']. qO.'i, Dald, s. kind of fish. qQ'i^ssi, Dalddhaka, s, sesamum; an aquatic plant jnstia stratiotes, [CoUoq. ^c&od^Qo diya-para- nald']', iron wood tree, mesua ferrea, [Colloq. <2533 na]; flowering tree, mimosa sirissa; red chalk; cuttle fish bone; moat, ditch; species of jasmine, jasminum j^ubescens; elephant's ear; hurricane. qQ, Dali, s. clod of clay or mould; bud, young shoot of the leaf; sort of small house cricket, cockroach. qQssi, Dalika, s. timber, wood, [Colloq. S IQ. qQ, Dalii, s. bow; the bud or young shoots of leaves. qQ^, Daluk, s. tree, euphorbia antiquorum, (Eu- phorbiacece); the thorns on this tree are so large and piercing that the branches are used for making fences against elephants, wild buffaloes etc. it has "a grotesque appearance with a prickly cactus-like stem without leaves." (Morris.) qQ<^^-)^Q, Dalukotuwa, s. betel plantation. ^"SC^ Dalu-bidat, s. species of the betel leaf. qQ^d, Dalumura, s. betel leaf, [Colloq. C^ bidaQ. qQ^6 S)dg^S5!5-, Daivare, s. period of time, sixty of the Siij- halese hours, making a day and night. qQ(Si Daical, s. day-time. ^e 236 ^03 qQc> Daivala, s. white (the colour), [CoUoq. ^^ sudu^. qQQ, Dawalu, a. white, pure. ^Qj^s^ffisSi), Dawaskerima, s. mode of life, living, conduct. qe^::3eD3, Datvas^yatd, ad. daily. CfQtS^i-^, Dawas-mena, ls.(i^Se^ days, I'S^ gem, qe^cB, Daivas-himi, ) eSif lord) sun, [Colloq. gcsScoa suryayd"]. ^8es, Dawasa, s. day. Dawula, s. drum stick with which the native drum is beaten at both ends, pi. ^d dawul. ij organ of sense) the ten organs of sense and action, viz. skin, eye, tongue, nose, ear, speech, hand, foot, arm and pudendum. <^^, Dashfa, s. biting, as by the teeth; stinging as a snake etc. qtx)s)6^So, Dashtakaranawd, v. to sting as a serpent, bite with a venomous fang. c^e^. Das, s. slave; skill, ability; sight, seeing. ^55, Dasra, s. either of the twin sons of Asvini and physicians of Swarga. ^g(3>^03, Dasra-dewatd, s. (^g and (3\^Q?3 god) lunar constellation of Asvini, he being the ruling genius of the asterism. qsB, Dasa, s. number ten; quarter, side; male slave. ^ed ^ 237 ^{S3 <^ee ^igeecij Dasa-akusala, see g^eo, Dasanvdasa, s. four quarters of the com- pass, with their four intermediate points. ^eeoji^^oj, Dasapdramitdwa, 1 see oad^OJJ ijec(3>:2C5l2s5, Dasaiieruman, ) pdramitdwa. ^ea^G, Dasabala, I . epithet of Buddha allud- umbrella) white umbrella, used by kings and men of high rank. <:^GS)c Dalamadala, s. hair matted and tied in the form of a circle on the crown of the head, as worn by Siva, and by ascetics. ^S^^* Dalamutu, s. (qQ snout (of hog), g-e^ pearl) fabulous pearl said to grow in the snout of the hog. ^(g'5\8eD3, Dalawenawd, v. to increase, to enlarge. ^53^, Dalasanda, s. name of Iswara or Siva, i/^. Da, s. day, (used in composition, as efi^dic, anttdd, the day after tomorrow, 555^ kaivadd, what day); relic. ^^3C5&, Ddkshdyini-pati, s. (c^^oB-^ and o?9 chief) moon, [Colloq. k)^ handa"]. e,^- from s?^ garbha, womb) ,cs?x, Ddgeba, J a large solid building in the form of a cone, raised close to the Buddhist tem- ples and an object of the highest veneration; the erection of these dagabas had its origin in the fable that after the death of Buddha his body, according to the custom of the country where he lived, was burnt; after the conflagration had ceased certain portions of his bones had survived the operation of the fire; these were carefully collected and deposited with great pomp and solemnity by the priests in a building of this kind, raised for the purpose; afterwards, these sacred relics were divided and sent over the world for the purpose of religious veneration; every temple has its dagaba, and every ddgaba has a portion of these bones; so that at this rate of calculation Buddha must have had tolerably large bones ! i^tSo, Ddthd, s. (Pali) canine tooth, tusk, fang. <^3i Dddima, s. pomegranate tree, [Colloq. (S^qb% ^ deluTn] . C^'^>Q'^SQ^, Dddima-pushpaka, s. species of the erythrina or coral tree, [Colloq. ^6'S)e^e7'abadu]. ,GS, Dddiya, s. sweat, perspiration. e,3a-'^, Dddi-vriksha, s. tree, [Colloq. (^^^S5^<^^^ kolorn] . C^^o, Dddhd, s. large tooth, tusk. ^S^3, Dddhikd, s. beard, [Colloq. <^g rewula], e,03SK), Ddtyuha, s. bird with a black neck, galli- nule, [Coll: ^^^So ddtuduwd^', sort of cuckoo: see )x^xsJe3) kendettd. ^^, Ddtra, s. sort of sickle. c,s), Ddta, a. divided, separated, severed, rent. e,S3i9, Ddtaki, s. tree, corruptly for 6D3C39 dhdtaki, which see. ^^, Ddtu, corruptly for a)D^ dhdtu. ^5g3, Ddhiduwd, s. gallinule, pelican-ibis, tan- talus leiicocephalus ( Plataleidce, order Hero dtones): also called ^?, Dana, s. gift; giving, donation; present, spec- ial gift; fluid which flows from the temples of an elephant in the rutting season; nourishing, cherishing; purification; cutting, dividing; beat- ing; striking. e,e30^, Ddnapatt, s. (e^ea giving, o& chief) lib- eral and munificent man. ^3 o8<53a)^c3, Ddna-paritydgaya, s. (e,e3 gift, aSfSxas) j)(^'>^^tyd9a freely giving) the act of pre- senting a religious offering without any reserve of feeling, offering freely and with all the heart. <^2DS33(5f 030, Ddnajxiramitdtva, see 03<5S33 pdra?mtdwa and q^?^E^^9 ddnasetuiva. e,3g3K)c5, Bdnapraiodliaya, s. (q^ and g3S3 prawdha flood) overflow of religious offerings; such as is brought to the temple on the great festival days. >^Dco, Ddnaya, see ^d ddna. <^3, Ddnaiva, s. demon, titan; giant, Asura. ^e:cgcJi, Ddnawaguru, s. (^S3 asura, c^cJ^ tea- cher) name of Sukra or Sikura, regent of the planet Venus, and preceptor of the demons or Asuras. (^33c53i<^, Ddnasaunda, a. liberal, generous, munificent, [Colloq. sssacSS^ocs tydgiwanta']. C,39c> Ddnasila, a. liberal, munificent, but espe- cially much addicted to make religious offerings. ^SDS^rf-eg, Ddna-setmva, s. (e,o offerings, s^iS^ setu bridge) metaphorically the road to Nirwana; religious offerings and almsgiving constitute one of the essential principles of Buddhism; no duties contribute more to the final emancipation of the soul; it is fabled of Buddha that while a candi- date for the Buddhaship, in the character of Bodhisat, he gave more flesh from his own body to feed the poor than the bulk of this earth, aiid blood more than there is water in the sea. ,20 K)3(f , Ddna-hdl, s. sort oi rice. ^e33iff eoe3, Ddndm'sansa, s. (^zs? ddna and ep^Qssoso dnisansa reward) that nierit which is the reward of religious offerings and charity. ^D356, Ddndrha, s. (<^e:5 ddna and aeS arha who is worthy) one worthy of receiving religious of- ferings; priest of Buddha or religious preceptor. ^^ 240 ^S^ (^-g, Ddnu, s. donor, victor. ^(S^'Siizii^d'^, Ddnopakarana, 8. any thing used in the preparation of religious offerings, as rice, ghee etc. as5g393, Ddm-kelmawd, v. to play at chess. '^o^C^.x^QoSe3e><53 wesuTigana']. C,5o, Ddrtta, a. torn, divided, separated; rent, split, cloven. e,8550, Ddridrakama, s. poverty, indigence. , 1 ^^ 241 ^253d ela-netuV] : a. horrible. e,c5leas?3, Ddruntsd, s. (e,cJL wood, ^C53a turmeric) plant, curcuma zanthorrhiza. C,(51j9(5, Ddrum'ra, s. banyan tree, Jicus benga- lensis, [Colloq. csj-Qcsj maha-niiga]. C,art. of c,s>e383 ddwenawd. C,253, Ddwana, s. tree, [Colloq. fS,S8 Icihiri]. t^Qc^, Ddicam, s. plant, ali/ssicarjMS bupleurifolius, [Colloq. ^e^i,ed"3 aswenna'\. C,8d, Ddwal, s. day time, period from the rismg to the setting of the sun. ^dO' Ddwalla, s. border of a garment, selvage mark in a piece of cloth. S,S, Ddwalu, pilur. of the foregoing, s. clothes. C.o^SaaSo, Ddwenawd, v. to be engendered, to be begotten, qe^, Dds, s. thousand. e,e^s^o?9, Dds-pett, "l s. (^^ and s^oS corolla of e,E^is)C Dds-mala, ) a flower) marigold; general name for flowers of the class Compositse, given in consequence of the great number of florets with which they abound. ^333, Ddsya, s. (^es ddsa slave) slavery, servitude, dependence, bond service. e,es, Ddsa, s. slave, servant. qeeSJ, Ddsa-karma, s. (c,ta slave, 3 work) slavery ; menial service ; any low or servile work, ^ss^, Ddsatwa. s. slavery, servitude, i^ss^o, Ddsa-bhuta, s. (CjSS and ^S) being) slavery, bond-service, any low or menial state; one who is a servant: a, enslaved. ^-xcoo, Dnsityd, s. slave, bond servant. e,8>3, Ddsikd, s. female servant, female slave. ^biQii33, Ddsi-vriksha, s. fragrant plant, common- ly called s^^a^dG^5J(S>^5)^(3 kollankola; it is said to be one of the 4^(53) trisugandha, a sort of mint. e,S, Ddsi, 8. female servant or slave, pi. i^ScoJ ddsiyo. (2(5\dica, Ddseya, "J , p ^ T^. ' fs. servant, slave. ^'5eeo, Dasera, J C^^,Ddha,s. thousand; heat, warmth, animal heat; perspiration. ^csjc53^c5, Ddha-gattya, s. (^es> heat, warmth, C5)?S cs state, being) animal heat; state of perspira- tion. S,ao33cS9, Ddhandstm, see (S^eJc^D hela-dam. qcs3co, Ddhaya, see ^ ddha. e,es3S>s3J6K^, Ddha-sophaghni, s. sUk cotton tree. C,S)S5'5, Ddhasara, s. (^S3 burning, ts6 to go) place where dead bodies are burnt. C,K)SJ(5, Ddhahara, s. white sandal wood, santahim album, [Colloq. ^gge:r siidu-handun], Ci&oesjd^s^, Ddha-harana, s. (^sj heat, Si6-<^ re- moving) the root of a fragrant grass, cuscus grass, andropogon muricatus, [CoUoq. soxie:f:j(^ sewendard'] ; this root is woven into screens, and kept for the purpose of excluding or tempering the hot winds. ^J, Dik, s. length; extent; side; any one of the four quarters or of the intermediate points and the Zenith and Nadir. ^2s55<5-8oS3, Digdwenaivd, ?', to lie down. ^cg, Digu, s. direction, space, quarter: a. long, stretched, extended. ^cgffi)'5-3id'J^^53, Dinen-dina, s. day by day. o, Dipa, s. elephant, [Colloq. <^C33 cta\. ^oc}, Dijyada, s. man: a. biped. oS3 uttama chief ) epithet of Buddha, allud- ing to his being chief of the bipeds or men. ^S), Dibba, s. a god, a deity. (Pali.) ^(^, Dimbul,s. corrupt form of fd (^i^'^'^h ele- phant or wood apple; also a species of the Jicus, f. glomerata, [Colloquial: ^3SJ)3 attiklxt], c53, Dimiyd, s. red ant. ^5, Dtmutu, a. enlightened, illuminated, splendid, shining. co, Dipa, s. water; world; conquest, victory; bow- string; pepper plant, pipei^ betel, [Colloq. C^ 9i(^ bidat-ivel'] : also, give me, used in speaking to servants of low grade, imperative singular of (S^^s:>Qo denaicd. f CO ^(S)Q, Diya-agala, s. wet ditch, moat. 05 fp, Diya-amba, s. kind of mango tree, magni- fera indica. cfl tfbz), Diya-aluwa, s. (co water, pd pitcher) bucket, baling vessel. ca (5^t5c8, Diya-iularaya, s. (J^co and C^<5c6 belly) dropsy. co ^(^ (ft(3cs, Diya-emhul-emhiliya, s. creeping plant on the borders of water, Marsilea quadri- Jolia (Rhizocarpeoe). ^cz 5Sc3, Diya-kachchiya, s. bathing dress; small piece of cloth worn round the waist by the cin- namon peelers and cultivators of the ground. ^cc)gS3, Diya-kaputuwd, s. (5^c8 water, fijggSa crow) kind of cormorant: see ^co ^5)383 dtya- kdivd. ^(&^6-^Bo, Diyakaranawd, v. to melt, to dissolve in water. f ooffl)C*s Diya-kalandd, s. kind of river fish. ^05 >3Q3, Dtya-kdwd, s. bird called the little cor- morant, phalacrocorax pygmceus ; bird called the darter, plotus melanogaster (Pelecanidce, order Steganopodes), co 9(5C3) Diya-kirald, s, (ca water, eScJcs lap- wing) kind of water bird. cs ^5^t(^, Diya-kirijidi-ivpl, s. climbing shrub, with greenish yellow fiowors, hippoa-atera ob- tusifoUa, (Celastracece). !^ca 35(;5C) Diya-kirilla, s. creeping plant, growing in marshy ground, with blue flowers, hydrolea zeylanica , ( Hydrophyllaceoe ) . cs ci^Sd, Diya-kudalu, s. plant, kydrocera trijlora (Geraniaceoe). c5 ^s)t(^Q'i, Diya-kudelld, s. water leech. Sc5Sa"^33e5, Diyakonta, s. flag of victory, banner. c3 (5>S53a;g, Diya-komadu, s. water gourd, cucurbtta citridla. S^c3 (5NiS53g(5(23, Diya-kowulld, s. water crane. ^cs (5^5Je:, Diya-konama, s. kind of dress worn by men when bathing. c5o, Diyanga, s. saffron, [Colloq. > kaha\. ^a55j3(5-^6Sit(i, DhjajmrandeU^s. aquatic plant, re- ^(,o6<&Q'3, Diyaparnald, J sembling half grown lettuce with pale yellow flowers, j)istia stratiotes (Aracece). ^csoasaS, Diyapdnasi, s. duck weed, lemna pauci ^ costata or l. minor. ^csegggSa, Diya-pilihuduivd, s. little Indian king- fisher, alcedo bengalensis ; also called (^ 8(Sg 8d mal-pilihuduwd (Alcedinoe, order Picaria;). i^a s^ooiqQ, Dtya-polawa, s. world of water; one of the three bases upon which this universe is supposed to rest; the first or lowest is air, the second water, and the third or highest is earth. f ccS)c5, Diyabat, s. rice mixed with water, and eaten by the poorer classes. co^, Diyabanda, s. , (c5 world, S)^ from af) bandhu relation) name of Vishnu, alluding to his incarnations in this world: see cJ-2), Diyabetma, s. division, especially of a water-course, into channels or branches. ^cS(S^S)<5(^c^, Diyaberaliya, s. plant, growing in marshy places, with broad leaves and blue flow- ers: see cSK)^(5(3 diyahabarala. ^css^^cJi, Diyaberu, s. tree, agrostistachys or sar- coclinium Hookeri ( Euphorbiacew ) ; also called sjs^^cJi, maha-beru. ^csD!S, Diyamanti, s. diamond. ^csi)s33, Diyamahd, s. kind of snake, f ce<^, Diyamini, s. (fee world, !j(5(3, Diyamidella, s. timber tree, with large leaves and pink flowers, barringtonia racesmosa (Myrtacew), ^cs^(S\C5::fSc5, Diyarneneriyd, s. plant, with spathe and blue flowers, commelina benghalensis (Com- melinacece). f cflSc$@c, Diyamei-aliya, see coS^Q(5(3ce diya- beraliya. csc5, Diyara, s. water. i^atds^tso, Diyamkusd,s. fabulous demon said to live in water. cs (5id, Diya-ratmal, see fee dc3e3 diya- ratambald. ^cs<5ci(5i5d', Diya-ratran, s. substance resembling gold; pyrites. ca (5oS)(j53, Diya-ratambald, s. Asoka tree, with beautiful flowers and foliage, saraca indtca or jonesia asoka, (Leguminosa?). f co(5^(5^^, Diyaredda, s. cloth worn when bathing. ce(?>(!^05, Diya-rerd, see a5^c^(^ diya-serd. 05(333, Diyalld, imp. pi. of fcflci diyan. ^(,Q-%z), Diyalanuwa, s. belt, string or girdle tied round the loins next the skin, to which a cloth is fastened when bathing. fcoc^^S), Diyalabba, s. bottle gourd, lagenaria vidgaris (Cucurbitacece), pi. fcocQ diyalabu. i^ca(958<^ca3, Diya-liJiiniyd, s. swallow. fcaSQeo d^c?', Diyawadana-nilame, s. principal lay officer of the palace of the tooth-relic, Kandy. cod, Diyawara, a. watery. ^cQ^(^i^QcRO,Diyawawul-etiyd, Is. thorny tree, cog(3i,8cs, Diyawawuletiya, J with yellow fra- grant flowers, Ccesalpinia niiga or C. paniculata, (Leguminosce). cs83(5c5, Diya-icdraya, s. time for each range of fields to receive water from an ela or canal which irrigates fields in rotation. i^ca(9vSo83, Diyawenawd, v. to melt (intransitive). cs8rc638, Diyaivediydwa, s. a disease, eneuresis, incontinency of urine. ^csSiC) Diyawela, s. swell occasioned by the re- bounding of the surf on the sea-shore; water course. c6S3C3i]'S>, Diyasaldmuka, s. whirlpool, vortex; circular openings on the surface of the water in the eddies of a river. fcseagaS, Diyasaldwa, s. eddy in a river. cs8c5e3) Diya-siyarnbald, s. plant, a'schynomene indica or hedysarum neli-tali (Leguminosce). c62c35, Diyasirdwa, s. humidity, moisture. c6S^e3(3^9(f , Diyasewel, s. stemless, grasslike, diee- cious, aquatic plant, growing in stagnant water, vallisneria octandra, 8co(S*J<5, Diya-serd, s, bird called little grebo, podiceps fluviatalis ('order Pygopodes)^ fynisi 246 ^)9 c6C!o9<5(3, Diya-habarala, s. plant, growing on marshy places, with radical leaves and racemes of blue flowers, monorchia hastcefoUa or ponte- deria hastata ( PontederiacecB ) . coK)S5cf, Diya-hawariya, s. (c6 water, lock of hair) aquatic plant, Blyxa Roxburghii or valUsnena octandra, (Hydrocharidece): see co G\es^(^ diyasewel. c6g'^^S5(^0, Diya-hunuhirilla, s. plant, phyl- lanthus stellatus: see t^^tSiS^Q hunukirilla. ^ceadS), Diydluicd, s. maker of conduits for irrigat- ing rice fields. ??5<^> Diyunu, s. increasing, prosperity, success: a. twofold, twice, [CoDoq. (^^^c^fo deguna"]; prospered, successful. ggaf3ss)tS, Diyokas, s. (c6 diya water, )rf okas ^ house) leech. <5d, Dtraja, s. elephant, [Colloq. pret. ^6g33 dUtsund, f 253c5 eye used metaphorically for knowledge) divine knowledge i. e. that supernatural knowledge which is sup- posed to be possessed by the gods and pre-emi- nently holy men. ^5)3 246 ^&3 8(3\3^D, Diwa-bojuna, s. food of the gods, ambrosia. 8i3D, Diwayina, s. island, continent, pi. 88255 diwayin. 8cg.5l, Diwayuru, s. the sun, [Colloq. gco^ceo sur- yayd~\. ^Q(S^caosi, Diwayon, s. (f god, (?>c6ds5 womb) a god, demi-god, etc. 88e^, Diwawas, s. (8 and Qd residence) para- dise, [Colloq. 85^cJ^cs diwyalokaya]. 8t^, Dtwas, s. divine eye. ^Qti (^Cf Diwas-ula, s. wood or stake used for the purpose of impaling criminals, f 8d? 3coe538D, Diwas-hiyanawd, v. to divine. 8e^o^, Diwas-pati, s. (5^8e3 diwasa day, o& lord) sun; name of Indra, Indian Jove. ^Qtc, Diwasa, s. day; divination; divine knowledge. 8aoa33OTca, Diwasahhdgaya, s. (8s5 day, esjcsjco part) day, day time, from sunrise to sunset. 8e3(5, Diicasara, s, goddess, female deity, [CoUoq. g(5a338 surangandwa]. ^eS, Diwasiri, s. (J^Q god, Q5 glory) divine happiness. 5^8csio, Diwasepa, s. divine happiness. ^Qo,Diwd,s. day, day time, [CoUoq. qQ(^ dawaQ. ^QosS)6, Diwdkara, s. (8j and s)<5 who makes) the sun, [CoUocl. gosScoo suryayd']. 839^S29, Diwd-kirti, s. owl; barber; man of ex- ceedingly low or base caste: see S-g33 kaputd']. }^83K)3CTos, Diwdbhd^aya,s. (83 day, e533(K)cs part) day, day time. 83e9o3, Diivd-bhita, s. (83 and sBsa afraid) owl; nocturnal thief, robber, house-breaker. 83<2)-!S&, Diwd-mani, s. (83 and <^ jewel) the sun,. [Colloq. go5ic53 suryayd"]. 830a, Diwd-maddhya, s. (83 and a) middle) mid-day, noon. 8333, Diwdmdna, s. equation of time by the adoption of sidereal days, agreeable to the prac- tice of oriental astronomy. 83<^^, Diwd-rdtri, s. day and night, [Colloq, dt ^, ^8(^ re-dawal']. , Divi, s. life; tiger; leopard; a god, deity; oath, vow; kind of bird, the blue jay; Swarga or the heaven of the gods. ^^ i^^ijt, Divi-adiya, s. twining hairy plant, with white or pink flowers, ipomcxa pes-tigridis (Con- volvulacece); also called c3^^ divipahuru. SJ^cJi, Divi-kaduru, s. small tree, commonly called forbidden fruit, taberncemontana dicho- toma ( Apocynacece ) . S(3>^S3, Dividena, s. tigress. (3\(^e^, Dividos, s. evil effects supposed to follow false swearing. Se3^^, Dwipasuru, 1 s. creeping plant, ipomcea ru, 1 ru, J 33CJi, Divipahuru, J^jes-fz'g'ncZz's ( Convolvula- ceoe): see g e3cJ diwa-net. C9, Disya, a. situated, lying in a particular quar- ter or direction, ^, Diehta, s. fate, destiny: a. shown; seen. e^, Des, see e6 c/jsa. (^3g5, Disnaya, s. light, brightness, radi-mce, gleam, glimpse. 3, Disa, s. the four cardinal and the four interme- diate points; region, quarter, sjsace, part. ^m^ 247 ^^i ^sz^jQ, Dtsdwa, 8. region, quarter; part, side; one of the cardinal points; direction; Government Agent, chief of a province or tract of land. ^ssoQs^isJ, Dtsdwane, s. province of a Disawa. S, Dm, a. bright, lustrous, illuminated; similar; appearing. M38, Dthdwa, s. direction: see S33 disawa. 5^^^, Dilindd, 8. poor man, pi. i^^?sS(S^e^ dilindo. S^^g, Dilindu, a. poor, indigent, needy. if, Di, an affix and termination, sign of the locative case in grammar, at, in, on, upon; milk coag- ulated by means of an acid; p. having given. ^S3, DiksJid, 8. sacrificing, offering, oblations; en- gaging in a certain course of religious austerities. -^S3, Dihshita, s. acid juice of the plant, as- clejnas actda, (Sanskrit (3, Diptaka, s. gold, [CoUoq. 6f5i6sS ratran]. ^eD cfsjQa, Dijna-jihwd, 8. (^eo3 fiery, ?S33 tongue) fox, [Colloq. S3Sc83 narii/d']. ^eOT(S^c;J8e3, Dipta-ldchana, s. (^asi and (S^qSQ ^ 3 eye) cat, [Colloq. c^ balald]. ^ea33^, Di'ptdksha, s. (wo dipta and cf^s eye) cat; peacock, [Colloq. (^^^^(^ monard']. ^0^,D{pti,8. splendour; light; lustre; (figurat- ively) beauty. ^S?d, Diptimat, a. luminous, radiant, splendid; glowing, blazing. ^o?Ss5555, Diptimatkama, s. lustre, effulgence. ^a, Dtpya, s. plant, cock's comb, celosia cristata; aromatic seed, ligusticum ajwaen, [Colloq. Cfoo ^^3q(S)o asamodagan"]. ^c33S^, Dipnjaka, 8. black cummin seed, [Colloq. 3'Sgc5j, kaludunC] ^o, Dqm, 8. lamp; island; light; (metaphorically) mental illumination. ^Oossi6, Dipankara, s. (^oo lamp, mental illumi- nation, -as5c5 who does) name or epithet of Bud- dha, in allusion to his enlightening the world by his doctrines. ^c3S5, Dipaka, s. aromatic seed, ligusticum ajwaen; small cummin; cock's comb, celosia cristata; saffron ; lamp ; falcon ; name of Kama the Indian Cupid ; a dog trained to the chase ; name of Nir- wana; rhetorical beauty, certain elegance of construction; illuminator, enlightener; any thing beautiful: a. inflaming, kindling, exciting moral- ly or physically; tonic. ^ooBd, Dipaddhwaja, s. (^o lamp, CBd symbol) lamp-black, condensed smoke or soot of a lamp. ^oz^i, Dipan, v. imperative singular of >^e33 denawd, give (to a third person). ^o-SJ, Dipana,s. saffron; cock's comb, celosia cris- tata; species of cassia, cassia tora [Colloq. C3ie6 S^s^J(5 peni-t6ra~\ ; tonic, appetite produced by stimulants: a. enlightening, inflaming, exciting. ^:34^, Dipani, s. aromatic -seed, ligusticum ajwaen', tree, bignonia indica. ^:3gt, Dipa-pushpa, s. champaka tree, michelia cTiampaca, which bears a light yellow flower, exceedingly fragrant, and is offered in the tem- ples every morning, [Colloq, esg sap%C\. ^o3(33, Dipamdld, s- row of lamps. oc Dipamula, s. (J^o and gQ root or bottom) bottom or foot of a lamp stand; tree, celastnis emarginatus. ^369 248 fisS) ^C3c5, Dipaya, s. island. ^OQQD, Dipalld, -plur. of ^C5SJ dtpan. o 8s^(5^'253co, Dtpa-vilokanaya, s. (^o island, 9(3^CJ.e3>2sDca view) one of the five prospective glances taken by Buddha, whUe he was Bodhisat in the Tusitalokaya respecting his future assump- tion of the Buddhaship, viz. in what island (or continent) he would suffer himself to be born. ^C3aa, Dipa-vrtksha, s. (^o and 8a s tree) lamp-stand; sort of chandeKer or a cluster of lights fixed on a supporter resembling a tree. ^9, Dipt, s. tiger, [Colloq. 9co3 cZmV/a] ; car covered with the skins of beasts. e^, Dlpini, s. tigress, [Colloq. i^(3^c3dgc5, Dtperalidiya, s. water strained oE from curdled milk, whey. ^sf, Di-bat, s. boiled rice mixed with curdled milk. ^, Dima, s. (from s^ Di'rgha-ktla, s. tree, alangium hexapetalum, [Colloq. c5i.S)g33 rukanguna\. ^S(S>555;JcSi3)3, Dirghakosikd, 1 , , if^iS5JS53, Dirgha-koshika, j ^i^, Dirgha-griwa, Is. {^% long, ^Q-i griwd ^^do^, Dirgha-jangha, jneck, dom'i janghd leg) camel, [Colloq. 8d otuwd'] ; crane, [Colloq. <5i335S)3 kohd"]. ^^SDcSi, Dirghataru, s. palmyra tree: see 05(^ tal. ^^ , Dirgha-darsana, a. (derived as the fol- lowing) seeing; provident; wise; prudent. i sG(^ kesel"];' shrub, imperata arundtnacece, [Colloq. OSJ ihik]. ^^at^ss), Dirgha-patraka, a. {^^ and o^ja leaf) thorny plant, capparis aphylla; tree, growing in marshy places, bassia longifolia, [Colloq. mi'] ; garlic, allium sativum; also, allium nicum. ^^ a^^o, Dirgha-jyatrikd, s. plant of the genus hoy a, [Colloquial: t5l)Cg3 rukanguna']; herb, [Colloq. esD(5^ sdrana]-^ garlic, [Colloq. ggg-Q stulu-lunu]. ^^o-aS", Dirgha~p>arna, a. long-leaved. S oO'ij, Dtrgha-pdda, s. (^S and t335 foot) heron. ^^ 6c> Dirgha-j)hala, s. tree, cassia fistula, [Coll: ^ )3:Jls), Dirgha-mdruta, s. (ifS and SocJi wind or breath) elephant, [Colloq. efQaio aliyd']. ^^G) Dirgha-mula, s. sort of sensitive plant; kind of bilwa or wood-apple : a. having a long root. ?^ C3) Dh-gha-muld, s. creeping plant, echites frutescens ; another plant, hedysarum gangeti- cum; small tree, with hard wood, dichrostachys cinerea, [Colloq. ^J^<5 anda7-a'] ; herb, alyssi- carpus bupleurif alius, [Colloq. i^dQxi^si as- wenan], ^& (3, Dirgha-muU, s. (^^ and C mula root) plant, hedysarum alhagi. ^^ (5e3, Dirgha-rata, ^ s. (^ and <5s) copulation I 6q, Dir(, i*^ <5<5, Dirgha-rada , \s. ( tooth) hog, [Colloq. ^^ <5 53-253, Di'rgha-rasana, s. (^^ and c^eseoJ rasand tongue) snake, [Colloq. S5Sce3 sarp)ayd']. ^> s^^SJSsJ, Dirgha-roman, s. (^^ and s^dJi)i hair) bear, [Colloq. QQfsi'i walahd']. S 3^^, Dlrgha-vriksha, s. cocoa-nut tree, cocus nucifera ; sal or hal tree, vateria acuminata. ^Q7tfsxS), Dtrgha-vrinta, s. plant, bignonia in- dica; another tree, oroxylum (or spathodea) indicum, [Colloq. s^sssSq totila~\. ^ii ^g, Dirgha-sutra, a. lazy, slow, tedious, dila- , tory. ^^3Qi^g, Dirghdnguli, s. (^S dirgha and ^9:^(3 anguli finger) epithet of Buddha, expressive of one of his personal beauties, it alludes to the j^ length and beauty of his fingers. ^^)3, Dirghikd, s. large and oblong pond. g, Du, Elu form of the prefix gS dur, which see. gsQ, Duhkha, s. pain, sorrow, trouble: see g3 gsS)c8, Duhkhakshaya, s. (gQ sorroAv, ^cs what destroys) name of Nirwuna or final emanci- pation: see the following. fis^ 249 ^^\SSil g8Q6s^<5Ja)e3S3, Duhkhanirodhasatya, s. (g'Q and -65x5^3 destruction, cecjaa truth) one of the four chief truths of Buddhism: see 9-{g(^c3^eee358 chaturdryasatya ; name of Nirwana alluding to its being the state of the final emancipation of the soul from all existence, before which period sorrow cannot be destroyed, it being inherent in every state of existence: see S^asQsa kle'sa, gsQo, Duhkhaya, see g2S5 duka. gsQesCTa, Duhkha-satya, s. (gsQ and esosas truth) first of the four chief principles or truths in Buddhism, viz. sorrow exists in all things and in all states of existence: see g8S)e6(?><5Ja)essDM duh- kha-nirodkasatya, ^SSQcss kle'sa, Q^cScsSessD* chaturdryasatya. ggQssg^os, Duhkha-samudaya, s. (gsS) sorrow re- ferring here to esQsscsa duhkhasatya, which see, e3<^ca birth or production) one of the four chief truths of Buddhism, that which produces all the sorrow which is inherent in every state of exis- tence, viz. desire or wish: see 0^C5csSe35D cha- turdryasatya. 58C3, Duhkhtta, a. sorrowful, mournful, melan- choly, suffering pain, miserable; poor, indigent. gsc^C Duhsila, a. ill-behaved. gsesoS)*, Duhsddhya, a. incurable or difficult of cure, not easily accomplished. gesJ, Duk, plur. of g5 duka. g), Duhkha, s. sorrow, distress: see gj duka. gffiJc3sJ, Dukpat, a. distressed, sorrowful; poor, in- digent, needy. t^S3S, Duksha, corrupt form of g) dukkha. go, Duka, s. sorrow, pain, unhappiness, misery, distress, affliction; world, pi. gJ duk. g3C5, Dukata, Elu form of g305 dushkrtta, which see. g^g, Dukula, misdeed, from the Pali gC5Mia3 duk- kata. g^C> Dukula, s. woven silk, very fine cloth or raiment, [Colloq. ig8(g kapu-pilf]. c^(sm&, Duggati, s. (g sad, (si& state) hell, [CoUoq. J55(5c5 nii^aya']. g(sx5325), Duggandha, s. stench, Pili form of g8a) diirgandha, which see. gcs^v53ed'3 e6(3<3^, Dugganna-nilame, s. personal attendant on the king. gcd(55552o s>dc^, Dugganna-peruwa, s. class from which personal attendants on the king were se- lected. g^ 33 denawd; see geJsjw dun-gaha. g:Jgd5, Dun-kaumluwd, s. bird called Indian roller, Coracias indica ('order Picarice). g^sf^gg. Dun-kudu, s. snuff. g5s>53(^, Dun-kola, s. tobacco, nicotianum taia- cum. 32 firfffl 250 g:f<53K), Dun-gaha, s. large timber tree, resinous, peculiar to Ceylon, doona zeylanica (Diptero- carpacecs). gf'3^C5(^, Duntel, s. butter, buffalo ghee. gcg5S, Dundubhi, s. sort of tom-tom or native drum; it is the one used in war, the kettle drum. g-fiD<5, Dtmdumdra, s. smoke of a house. gesJ'ZO, Dunna, s. bow, pi. g^ dunu. g:fD3, Dunnd, v. gave: pret. of s-i^-sdSd denawd. g5svcs555:f, Dunyon, s. (gJ for g dum smoke, s^ceaed' source, origin) fire; line of clouds; dense fog resembling clouds. g-S3, Duna, s. birth, origin, production. e^^^fSi, Dunasuta, s. daughter, [Colloq. g diiwa']. g-^^, Dunu, s. bows; birth, origin; victory, conquest; sharpness. g^SG3, Dunumadald, 1 s. tree of which there g-^^SQOD, Dunumandald, J are three species in Ceylon, see Moon's catalogue. g-^gsDog), Dunumuddloa, s. point of a bow, the notch upon which the string is fastened. S'Q^C'^5 Dunumuldiva, s. quiver. g-^SsJ, Dunuwat, s. rag, old or rotten cloth. g^Q3cs, Dunuwdya, s. archer, one skilled in the use of the bow, bowyer. g'Q^Sca, Ikmuhtya, s. bow and arrow. gtMsJ, Duppat, s. poor, indigent, go, Diipa, s. incense: see -:3 dhi'ipa. gS)(3, Dubala, Elu form of g^c durbala^ which see. g^-555, Diimbiik, a. nearly ripe, not matured. g|]Q, Dumbutu, 1 s. purple, compound of red and gi5i, Dumburu, /black. g^, Dumbid, s. smoke; soot, grime on the walls of a cook-house; cobweb; aged person, person infirm from age. g^C^'SaSeaSD, Dumbid kaicanatcd. v. to smoke, to smoke any thing by holding it over the fire. gg^StQ, Dumbul-mefi, s. clay on the walls of a cook-house or in the chimney which is so mixed with soot as to resemble it. g(^des, Dumbul-rasa, s. smoky taste, taste of water that has been boiled in a smoky vessel Sd^<^. Dumbul-watura, s. water boiled in a smoky vessel. gg, Dumbidxi, see g(^ dumbul. g, Dicm, s. smoke, steam; Elu form of gj_ dru ma, a tree. y gDS5gi>9, Dum-kawulmva, s. (gD smoke, ^68 outlet) chimney. g5>)>isj(g, Dum-kehelt, s. (g^ and s^s><3^CJ(3 banner) fire. gi)5^533C Dumkola, see g:fs^4553(5 dunkola. ^BcaSi^Qj, Dum-gahanaicd, ')v. to smoke, to as- gi)25:5(6es3S3, Dum-naginawd, J cend as smoke. gS)i)(^, Dummala, s. kind of resin; a tree, yielding resin. gi)e)i.(^C> Dummella, ) s. creeper, trichosanthes gxdC> Dummella, j cucumerina (Cucurbita- ceoe). gi>c0'25383, Dum-yanatvd, v. to smoke, to rise as smoke. G^^a^'iisS, Dumyon, s. (g smoke, s^tfljes:? place of birth) fire, [Colloq. SisSiaginna] ; line of clouds. gi)8:J, Dumwan, s. smoke colour; purple. gSSd, Dumsilu, s. flame and smoke emitted from a torch: a, inaccessible, impervious, impenetra- ble; bad, wicked, depraved; unfortunate, vm- lucky. g, Duma, s. smoke, steam; a loft or shelf in the kitchen used for keeping chatties etc. pi. gS dum. gf53, Dumaga, Elu form of g3o8 durmdi'ga, which see; also of gj^3(g drumdgra. gj', Duman, plur. of the foregoing, corruptly for go duman, wicked mind, depraved heart. gSeo, Dumana, s. bad or depraved heart, vicious mind. ge^, Dumas, s. (g bad, Se^ flesh) fleshy excres- cence on the sole of the foot. g3(5, Dumdra, s. smoke, large smoke rising from a fire of rubbish or brushwood, when clearing the ground. gg, Dumtndic, s. (g duma free, og trulu chief) bo tree, Jicus religiosa; tree in Indra's heaven which yields the possessor every thing he desires. g5, Diir, s. prefix to words implying bad, vicious, vile, contemptible, difficult; ill; painful. gcS, Durga, s. (g5 difficult, Durbala, a. weak, feeble. \ : g^KJoa, Durbbhaga, s. (gd bad, coot fortune, luck) unfortunate, unlucky, inauspicious, destitute of any religious merit. gSsjoSo, Durbhdsita, s. abuse, bad word, low lan- guage, scurrility: a. foul mouthed. g^5^, Durbbhiksha, s. (g6 bad, tSJ bktkshd food) famine, time of great scarcity of provi- sions. gi^45>, Durmatika, s. (g5 and ^) sentient be- ing) fool, ignorant man, simpleton, idiotic fel- low, dolt, [Colloq. S^SJQcs) modayd^. g.s?j, Durmand, s. (gd and 3rf manas mind) evil minded man. g3(S, Durmdrga, s. (gS difficult, 3(S road) bad or difficult road, impassable path. gSgQ, Durmitkha, s. (gS evil, foul, 9 counte- nance, mouth) displeasure, indignation manifest- ed by the looks, frowns; blackguard; horse; one of the monkey chiefs; one of the nagas or ser- pent race inhabiting patala: a. foul mouthed, scurrilous. g(S8co, Durlabdhiya, s. (g6 evil, false, oSSco religious sect) heresy. g(3D, Durlabha, s. (g5 bad, Q^ receiving) failure, disappointment; difficult to obtain, hard to ac- quire. g^gcD, Durlalita, s. (g6 and e6^ beauty) ugly, deformed. gS3, DurivacJia, s (gS and 88 words) evil speech: a. disobedient, unruly, unmanageable; speaking ill. gS<^, Dmncarna, s. (gS foul, bad, 8^ colour) discolouration, bad or imperfect colour, disagree- able colour; (g6 bad, S-*^ species) silver; this name it bears in consequence of its being of an inferior species of metal to gold; brass; sort of perfume. gSc> Durwala, properly gG durbala, a. (g5 im- plying diminution, Q strength) feeble, weak, impotent; thin, emaciated. gSc^S), Durwalakama, s. weakness, feebleness, imbecility, pi. gSc-2552) durivalakam. gSo, Durwd, s, kind of grass, [Colloq. (S^tSiQ (S'tSi-<^ Jiela-itana~\. e^^oi^,Diirivdk,s, (gS bad, 83 J speech) ill speak- er; abuse, bad language, scurrility; scurrilous, foul mouthed fellow, blackguard. gS)0, Durwdcha, s. (g6 and 383 wdclid word) abuse; bad language, scurrility. fi)3tf 252 ^So(5s^Sk, Durwdra-me'gha, s. (gS bad, Qo6 day, S>M cloud) rainy day, cloudy dark damp day. gSs^a^cs, Durvijneya, s, (g5 and Ss^o^cs know- ledge) fool, stupid ignorant man; idiotic fellow, [CoUoq. s^SJa)co3 modaT/d^. gQ, Durvtdha, a (giJ and a) manner) poor, in- digent; wicked, malevolent; foolish, stupid. gaSa^co, Durhridaya^ a. bad hearted. g(5. Dura, s. distance: a. far, distant, off, remote. gd^es), Duradiga, s, due consideration. g(53(55, Duradhigama, a, difficult to be studied or overcome. g<5'9S)JcO, Duranubodha, s. (g6 dur bad or diffi- cult, <^'^s^^JQ anubodha comprehension) hard to be comprehended, abstruse. g<5c83, Durayd, s. chief of the Paduwas, a caste whose business is to carry palanquins and provide grass for elephants. gdg, Duralu, a. removed from, put away from, put at a distance. g(5els)(5, Durastara, a. far, distant. g^^s), Durdruha, see S)f)(Sca3 kahambiliydy, species of prickly night-shade, solanum jacquini: a. difficult of attainment. gd503, Durdwd, s, man of the chando or toddy drawer caste. iTgdoQos^i^, Durdwdre, s. at distant intervals, now and then; occasionally. gScj, Durita, s. moral demerit; misfortune, but particularly applied to persons labouring under any deformity or misfortune, in consequence of misdeeds in a former state of existence, and con- sidered as retributive inflictions, [Colloq. tpegscC akusalS3<5, Durukatara, s. unfrequented and diih- cult road. g<5ia55(5- done) wicked action, vile deed; moral demerit, the result of wicked action. gaQ, Dushta, s, plant, species of costus: a. low, vile, wicked, depraved, bad, vicious. g^3S3, Dushtdtma, s. (gs8 dushta evil, malicious, ^SD dtma individual self) evil spirit, demon, devil. g{^305i)d, Dushtdtmaja, s. (gCSO dushta bad, tspfsS) d dtmaja son) undutif ul child, wicked disobedi- ent son, g^, Dushti, s. Wanton woman, harlot, [Colloq. 8ssa9> wesaugana']. fisesi 253 fi<^ gag(5c5, Dashpuraya, s. (gS dur difficult, ^6 jnira full, complete) any thing difficult to fill; meta- phorically, a little or mean contemptible under- standing; weak mind, shallow intellect; orien- talists use such words when speaking of the intellect of a woman or child. gegg^iseoCT, DtisJqn-atijmnna, s. (^5 dur evil, g^ C36D0 observant of religious ordinances) neglect of religious ordinances; one who pretends to re- ligion, but disregards its laws, and ordinances; false pretender to religion; hireling priest. gsg^S^SS, Dushpratiwedha, a. (gS dur difficult, g^S^Sa understanding) difficult to be compre- hended, hard to be understood; misunderstood, misapprehended. g5eg, Duskrita, corrupt form of gasaw du^h- krtta, which see. gsfeec32ocB, Dusswapnaya, s. (gS dur bad, ae>20 cc dream) horrid or frightful dream, nightmare. g53Moee&33, -Dwssa^s^Mna, Is. (geJ evil, esoeafiaao gfisesoedSoj, Dussansthtta, J construction) misfor- mation; deformity, ugliness: a. ill constructed; misshapen. gK^G, Dussila, a. (gd? bad, 3(3 religious rite or ordinance) irreligious, not performing religious duties, regardless of religious ordinances. g8(3c6D, Dusstlayd, 8. vicious, irreligious person. georif, Dusas, s. (g bad, tsiS grain) bad harvest, one in which the grain is blasted or mildewed. gSos, Dusita, a. (g and Ss5 mind) evil minded, ill disposed, bad. gQS, Dusiri, Is. (g with Q8 and a53 mode, g638c3, Dusirita, J manner) sin, evil; ill conduct, bad ways, wicked practices. gsjij, Duhada, s. (g and esaij heart) bad disposition, unfeeling heart, hard heart. g5B<^, Duhini, Elu form of S^g;J^9<3^ drohini, which see. geScj, Duhita, 8. woman who hurts or is malicious: a. wicked minded, malevolent. g59s>a, Duhitri, s. daughter, from gw duha, to milk. gg, Duhu, 8. enemy, [Colloq. so^Co saturd']. ggg, Duhudu, s. oil so called; climbing shrub, celastrus pantcidata (Celastracece). gQ(^, Duhul,s. wove silk; fine thin cloth; cobweb. 6, Dulu, see go dula. gi6(^, Dulul, 8. jata or clotted hair of the follower of Siva, [Colloq. d^:)Q jatdwa^. gdg, Dululu, 8. ascetic wearing clotted hair. g, Du, 8. daughter; kind of game or play, dice, pi. gC3 di'dd, gScJt duivaru, daughters. gS>)(gco, Dukeliya, 8. game of dice, [Colloq. ^g (5^^55(goo dddukeltya']. gCD, Diita, 8. dispatching, sending by an express; messenger, courier, express. gacoj, Dutayd, s. messenger, envoy; one carrying news; angel. g3G-jw,Z)MS3(^, Duutel, s. ghee, or clarified butter: see g:Js^5(^ duntel. g3, Duna, a. sufEering from pain or fatigue; going, moving; shaken, agitated. goto, Dupata, s. islet. g<5. Dura, a. far, distant, remote* g<5, Duraga^ a. going far, remote* gdiJcS^, Duradarsaka, a. far-seeing. gdqcSsD, Duradarsana, s. vulture, nei^hrofi gin- ginianuB (Falcones, order Accipitres): a. far- seeing, long-sighted. 6<^^ 254 ^^^i ecJiji^, Duradarsi, a. (g<5 distant, ^c who sees) long sighted, far seeing, literally or metaphori- cally: 5. learned man, pandit; vulture; distant view. g(53 Q(S^6sS dekata waren. (S<^)9<5Di^, Dekatama-neti, a. neutral, belong- ing to neither party; worthless fellow. (5>iJ3e), Dekama, ad. both, applied to things. SN^-eSJeso, Dekasd, s. (^(S'^5J, Dekema, ad. of or in both. ^q^ssi'i^, Dekona, s. two corners, the two ends. ^?(Sce3, Degidiyd, a. wavering, undecided bet- ween two things. ^S, Dedima, s. conversation, talk, speech; ver- bal noun of se,e)es383 dodanawd, to speak. S^^QS), Deduba, see coS), Dediya, s. {<^q two, ca water) mixed wa- ter, salt and fresh water united. <3>?^, Dediwib, 8. ('3^<5 and g tongue) serpent, snake, alluding to its having a forked tongue, [Colloq. ec8c63 sarpayd"] : a. double tongued. ^^fiJ 255 @^^^4Q (3<:jg), Dedumdwa, s. the twin-fruit. S^ijgcJi, Deduru, s. (s*^ both, c^(Sl cummin seed) black and white cummin seed, the two species in most common use, ^sidgcJl halvduru and ^gg'^ sudttdurii', frog, [Colloq. sJxSiCD mediyd~\. (3^^sd')3, Dennd, s. the two persons. s^ijea, Dena, s. bier; person; cow; the female of any animal: part, giving. ^qsoQo, Denawd, v. to give, to bestow, to impart: pret. ej:fe5D3 diinnd. (q33, Dend, s. cow; the female of any animal. <5><^'Q, Denu, V. n. of s^qs^Qj denawd, act of giving. S^qaO, Depata, a. double, two-fold. (3><5C3s53ca3, Depat-nayd, s. red and yellow spot- ted short tailed snake, Gylindrophis maculatus {Toi'tricidre); name of genera rhinophis and uropellis (Uropeltidce order Ophidia). ^^'^^^'^^^7' Is. the two feet. 'qQ'3, Depd, J s^^03 Depd-wella, s. dam on each side of a water-course in a field. <3>qQQ, Depila, s. both parties. s>ij(5>o^cs, Depoya, s. two quarters of a lunar month: see S^oJc? jwya. ^q^xQi Depela, s. two p^las or twenty kurunies of grain. (S<^(5c5, Debaraya, s. nest of the hornet; it is usually buUt of clay and attached to the branches of trees, and as large as a common basket or beehive ; the sting of the hornet is so exceedingly poisonous, that the natives will sooner forfeit the fruit of a tree where this nest is built than at- tempt to destroy it; see the following word. 3^^S)<35, Debard, s. a large species of the wasp or hornet, its sting is exceedingly poisonous, spex ferruginea (order Hymenoptera.), pi. (3^S)c5i debaru. S(q(3cc, Debaliya, s. that part of the trunk of a tree, where it parts in two. (S^(^, Debale, s. any thing with a double prong, fork, scissors. e><5i, Debema, s. the two eye-brows. I '. ^q'Sif, Debe, s. two halves, two brothers; division into two. svqc(^(?e^, DemahalU, s. (js>q two, 0(f s^^^J old ones or those who have attained maturity) husband and wife, couple. (5^<5S), Demala, a. Tamil. i3^^S3, Demala, s. Tamil man, native of the Coromandel coast. (3>^^gc5, Demunuburd, s. great grandson. q(Ji, Deya, s. thing, article of any kind: see gSa di'awya. S^^d-isS, Derana, s. earth, ground, patala, the naga loka or world of serpents; an earring. (S^.q<5-cJgo(^^s^^s5, Devana-teue, s. (js^q6^ ground, S^SJS^ssJ son) regent of the planet Mars; the name alludes to his terrene birth, being turned up from the earth by a plough; in astronomy he is identified with the planet. (3^(^(5 <2^g, Deranindv,, ") s. {383, Delehenawd, v. to blush, to be des- parate; to hesitate: pret. s^(S(5g33 delehund. ^q(S^C^Q, Delowa, s. the two worlds. fS^qB, Dew, s. cloud; rain; king; in mythology a god, deity, divinity. ^qBsiQ, Dewtala, s. any high mountain; sky, visible heavens. '^qB^6, Dewtura, "is. {s^qBdevi god, i^6 or ^cJL qBi^'^, Dewturu, /tree) fabulous tree of Swarga or paradise said to yield every thing that is desired: see 5Qp as kalpa-vrikaha, and @)^^^ 256 @^^@6^ 005j^ kalpa-druma; plant yielding a fragrant resin, bdellium; tree, alstonia scholaris, [CoUoq. cJiJ qpcJsDesa ruk-attana^; bo tree, Jlctis reli- giosa. s^<^9^Js^, Dewdat, see (S^qB^t^ devidat. <3><^g'3, Dewdunu, see <5^i^Qc5i8, Deioaruwa, s. the forenoon and after- noon; two portions of the day. *<50CcoJ, Deivalayak, s. two coils of a rope; doubt, (literally two minds). (S'qQQca, Dewaliya, s. two days. G^qB, Devi, s. a god, deity, divinity, pi. <5^qBs>a:,i deviyo. ^q'^iSid, Devi-kiri, s. (js^qB past part of '5^(^8^8^ dowanawd, sSS milk) milk drawn out. <^gd'^53 de'dunna']. (S^qB^, Devindu, s. (^<3^qB and sS,Deviyan,s. a god, deity, divine being; this word, although in the accusative plural, is universally used in the singular number as a , respectful mode of expressing that character. s^^ScseiQaoerfs^e^, Deviyanwahanse , s. {'S'qBcisS deity), respectfully; see last word (s^ed(?^df honorific) God, Deity, Supreme Being as reveal- ed in the Christian scriptures; the word is seldom or never met with in this form in heathen authors; Buddhism rejects the doctrine of a Supreme Being as understood by Christians; the words (S^qt) devi, ^qWcai deviyd, (^^^^c^J deri- yan, ^qB<^g, Deviwu, a. divine, possessing the attributes of deity. s\<^ ^es(3^>2o, Devi-senevi, properly (5>^9 s^e3G>'^5^ dew-senevi, which see. s3(^co33, Dewol-yakd, s. foreign devil who is supposed to infest Ceyloji ; he excites great fear among the natives and is frequently offered to and worshipped. s^^(5>83G, Dewola, s. temple where offerings and worship are made to a Hindu god. /iS'^ti, Des, s. land, country; "place, direction; side; curse, imprecation. S>jc^9 033303, DeS'kiyanaivd, 1 v. to curse, to im- (3^^t^^S)383, Des-tibanawd, / precate. ><;5S dehi. ^<^es, Desa, s. country, in the direction of. '5>:js3S3(5, Desatara, s. twice four. ^^Jesgsi, Desandun, s. the two species of sandal wood, red and white. >ije3D83, Desanawd, v. to preach, to declare: see (3*4s32533'S55<^^Scs, Desiya, s. two hundred. (3qfa e33 desanawd. S^^Boo, Desiya, s. two hundred. 'S^^^Qo, Desuwd, pret. of S^<^e3a33 desanawd. ^q^, Desu, past part, of s5aD3 desanawd, !5<:js8i55C333, DeJii-kapauawd, v. to perform the ceremony of " cutting lime " to avert the evil effects of the evil eye or evil tongue. '?^qtB -^(53, Dehi-nuga, s. species of fig tree, ficus. benjamina. s^cjdD, Delum, s. pomegranate tree, punica grana- tum. ts>4, De, s. things, articles, goods, property, furni- ture : see drawya. ^^^?^^, Dedunna, s. rain-bow, pi. S^^S'Q dedunu, S^^cs, Deya, s. that which is proper to be given, what is fit to be offered, any thing suitable for an offering or charitable donation. l3^(^c3S), Deya-dharma, s. offerings; gifts; charity, [Colloq. ^eDcs ddnaya"]. k^<^8, De'wa, s. deity, a god, divine being; organ of sense ; cloud ; king. (3>4538ftS, De'wakdshtha, s. (s(^ divine, )3eftS wood) tree, sort of pine, pimis de'vaddru. (3^49, Dewaki, s. goddess, daughter of Dewaka, wife of Vasudeva and mother of Krishna. (S^^QS 25oe^3, Dewaki-nandana, s. (^^S and eae^aa son) son of Devaki, name of Krishna: see the foregoing word. M^S-agg, De'wa-kusuma, s. ((S^^ ^^^i^y, ag^ flower) cloves, [CoUoq. 5d5 kardbuj. v' ^i^S)3e3i53, Dewa-khdtaka, s. (sn^ deity, Q3C3 dug, iSiisi kan aff.) cave or hollow in mountains supposed to have been dug by divine hands; one dug in honour of a god: natural cavern, grotto; according to another authority (sn^Q cloud, rain, Q3S3 dug) lake or pond made by the rain; natural pond or tank. (S>^<5)aS)3, Dewa-gandhikd, 8. kind of resin, sandarac. (S<^938S5, Dewa-chdrika, s. (s^^ and 83S3 who moves or walks) inhabitant of Swarga the paradise of the gods. (5\^c?, Dewa-jtwa, s. (s^^ and 5? who lives) officiating priest in a Hindu temple, 38 ~'" ~" @^4^S)3 258 @\4^e3 8^^0033, De'watd, s. a god, a deity, any divine per- son; divinity. '?<^8cdd8, Deivatdda, s. ((?^8 deity, oS tada tor- ment) Rdhu, the personified ascending mode; fire; kind of grass, andropogon serratum. (9*i^C333, Dewatdwd, s. deity. ^^'^esffi, Dewadatta, s. proper name, the cousin of Buddha, who was his enemy and rival: see S^^S^aJ devidat', the conch of Arjuna; one of the five vital airs, that which is inhaled in yawn- ing: a. given by the gods. ^^<^(5, Dewaddra, "Xs. ((^^4^ and e,<5 from ^(^9^9, Dewa-ddsi, s. (><^8 and c,S female ser- vant) courtezan, harlot, one of the strumpets of Swarga or the residence of the gods. s^i^Sg'SgtS, Deiva-dunduhhi, s. ((S^^Q and e^'i^fB drum) tom-tom or drum used by the Gandhar- was or choristers of Swarga. ^gc5^, Dewa-duru, s. ((3^^Q and gcSl cumin) large species of cumin seed. <3><^gc3, Dewa-dupa, incorrectly for Sn^SQo de'wa- dhup)a, which see. S^(S<4 Dewadewa, s. the god of gods, name of Brahma, and of Siva; name of Buddha, allud- ing to his being the chief of the rahats who are sometimes stiled Devata, i. e. beings of a divine or supernatural nature. iS^^Qi^j^, Dewadru, see ^(2P8^ kalpa-vriksha. (3^^Q(Si&St5, dewayanwahansa, respectful form used by Kandyans and other Buddhists in speaking of or to their King. (3<4Q'^d, Dewardja, s. ((^^^^9 and (^d king) name of Indra alluding to his being the chief of the gods. s^<^8 CC33, Diiva-latd, s. double jasmine, [CoUoq. C53i368 geta-piehcha], 3>4^cJ5, Dewaloka, s. Swarga or heaven, habi- tation of the gods: see 6Q friend) tree used in dyeing red, rottleria tinc- toria, [Colloq. aSesD *c,i) kma-domba']. '9i(^a2^, Dewa-vriksha, s. tree, alstonia schola- ris, [Colloq. c5iJ cp^eoSjeD ruk-attana'\; the tree of Swarga, see 5j2Paa^ kalpa-tmksha, and ^Si kalpa-druma; according to some, the Jicus religiosa, or bo tree; tree yielding a fra- grant resin, bdellium. (3>(^S cSqO, Deiva-silpi, s. (ff'^ and Sqp silpa an art, d' { aff.) the celestial artizan, name of Viswakarma the architect and artizan of the gods. s^|^^Q^, Dewasriita, s. ((S^<^ divine, g(^C3 heard) any sacred treatise; any part of the sacred writ- ings of the heathens; any divine or supernatural revelation. (S^^Scofioeacs, Dewa&thdnaya, s. Church, divine residence, place of divine worship. (3^^653 K>3, Dewa-sabhd, s. (s*4 ^^^ ^^^ assembly) assembly of the gods. o^^SesKD, Dewasahd, s. small shrub bearing a beautiful flower, crinum zeylanicum or amaryllis zeylanica, [CoUoq. s*(55D83i9(^ goda-mdnil']. @\4^@)S^ 259 @^.^^sg 5><^8(3^f^'203o^, De'wa-se'ndpatt, s. (<3^<^ celestial, (SNe^^SDD army, o& chief) name of Skandakumara or as he is commonly called Kataragama-deviyo alluding to his being the commander in chief of the troops of Swarga or the armies of the gods; he is the Indian Mars and is figured in the temples as having twelve hands in each of which he holds a warlike weapon. (3^4^!SJ^^^55, De'wdgnika, s. (^^Q dewa and ef4 dewa and {p4333) De'ivdivdsa, s. (<5^4 dewa and {fD3ee dwdsa dwelling) residence of a god, temple; the bo tree, supposed to be particularly the dwelling of the gods. -^9dg?, Dewdswa, s. ((S4 dewa and (f aswa horse) the horse of Indra, metaphorically, the wind. s^4^> Devi, \s. goddess, queen; fern, of ><^ dewa, >43, Devi, J which see; plant, marsdenia tenna- cissima, [Colloq. c5i.5 muruwd^.' s^^Sed^DDe^svE^, Devinndnse, s. queen, [Clolloq. @s3g25:f'25D3s:f(3>e^ bisaivunndnse^. SN^3(3S33, De'vi'latd, s. plant, trigonella corniculata, [CoUoq. 6as5 (j 'pih-mal']. (3^f(S\eg, Dewendra, s. ((^^4 dewa and igeg tndra ruler) name of akra or Indra as ruler of the gods. N(!fee, De'sa, s. country, region whether inhabited or uninhabited. S^^ess), De'saka, s. (l5^4s5 to command, esi aflix) ruler, governor; (<^^46^ to preach, C5> nom. alf.) preacher. >4s34s3'^3S53(5ce3, De'sandkdraya, s. preacher. '5>(^eo33, Desandiva, s. sermon, address, exhorta- tion. T-^escs, Dhaya, s. country: see ^^es de'sa. >42s ^(S^Q^ssi ?$:)(>, De'sa-vilokanaya, s. (<3>^e3 coun- try, S(3*C!J)3cs seeing) one of the five prospec- tive glances which Buddha took when living in the heaven called .e5S3Co3 tusitahJiawana, respecting his future assumption of the Buddha- ship, viz. a look of enquiry as to what country or region would be the most suitable in which to suffer himself to be incarnated. >46333C3<5, Desdntara, s. (s^^es de'sa and p3nd antara intermediate, intervening) in astronomy the distance east or west of La^kd or Ceylon which forms the first meridian of longitude on the earth's surface, and from which all astro- nomical calculations are made; longitude; a fo- reign country. (SNifQ^j Desika, s. traveller; stranger; sojourner. Sv<*cs}, De'ha, s. body, [CoUoq, S<5c6 san'raya']. s^^^^cc, De'hakshaya, s. (4^ ^^^ *08 wasting) sickness, disease. s>455S3)C53, De'hatydga, s. voluntary death; 'death in general. ^4^Qo6^, De'ha-dhdraka, s. (^^w body, QodiS) sustainer) bone. <3M^K3C03g3, Deha-ydtrd, s. (^i^cj and o53^3 going) death, dying, exit, [CoUoq. diSwco maranaya^. jS3g(53, Daitya-yuga, s. an age of the demons, consisting of twelve thousand divine years or the sum of the four yugas or ages of men equal to 4,320,000 year.s. \t^-S):S)& 260 ^03)S, Daitydin, s. ((?tcjS3 daitya and epS an foe) enemy of the daityas or demons, name of Vislanu; a deity, a god, so called on account of the gods being the avowed and implacable en- emies of the Asuras. ^253, 'i^mw^/a, s. meanness; covetousness ; pover- ty; humbleness. ^56, Dairghya, s. length. G^Q^c3, Daiwadipa, s. (s^^S de'wa organ of sense, ^o lamp) the eye, considered as the brightest of the sentient organs. ^s)o, Dodai}, corruptly for <3>^e)i) dodam, (^s^Qisi^tsi, Dodan-kaha, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, memecylon fuscescens; another plant, m. capitellatum (Melastomacece), the latter, also called QiQiasa weli-kaha. (3N^):'"a33, Dodan-pand, s. plant, glycosmis pentaphylla (Rutacece). O^^aesJQxed'ej, Dodanwenna, s. small tree, meme- cylon grande or edule (Melastomacece). (3^iD^5383, Dodanawd,v. to speak, to talk, to prate: pret. (3:?93 deduwd. G^^e), Dodama, s. orange, citrus 'auranthim, pi. S^^e) dodam, or more commonly s\e,a)o dodan. (3^S,a)i), Dodamalu, a. talkative. (s^CiSQ'SsdSio, Dodawanawd, v. to jabber, to prate, to talk foolishly: pret. <;(5*a)93 dedewwd. (5*^, Domba, s. timber tree, called Alexandrian laurel, from the seeds of which lamp oil, (poon seed oil) is obtained; calophyllum inophyllum, ( GuttifercB ) ; there are several species in Ceylon, as (3^a)(^(3v^ tel-domba and 0(3*^ bata-domha : water flower. (?^<5,aS2o, Doinba-kina, s. tree, calophyllum spec- tabile ( Guttiferce ) . (ax^D^oe^, Domnas, a. sorrowful, depressed in mind, low spirited, gloomy, melancholy. i5>^De5, Domnasa, s. sorrow, i3>^8-2g, Doyituwa, s. quarter of a farthing. <3n<^Sc3d83, Doyiyanawd, v. to sleep, chiefly used of the repose of infants: pret. s-^ScosQaSJeas doyiydgattd. S^<^Sc^5(5-OT(^, Dorana-tel, s. oil used in the com- position of paint, wood oil. (5>e^<5C) Dorala, s. tree, (peculiar to Ceylon,) which yields an oil used in the preparation of paint; it is a large tree, with leaves changing from yellow to red and black, and gives a balsamic oil, dipterocarpus glandulosus (Dipterocarpacece). (^^e,(58as3'^s^8^, Dora-ivahanawd, v. to lock up the door. (?>^C> Dola, s. offering to demons or to any depart- ed spirit or manes; covetousness; desire, wish, longing, whim; rill, small brook, streamlet which has its source in a mountain. (^C)QQOS3, Dola-ujJata, \s. longing of a pregnant i3>^C!g^55, Doladuka, J woman. S^ii^GSNCSaSa, Dola-denawd, v. to ofEer to devils, to ofEer to demons, (^SiC-soSs, Dolanawd, v. to become fat or stout; to desire, to wish: pret. vj^gSa deluwd. (^^^(^C3^|5, Doldpdra, s. rill, small brook etc., pro- ceeding from a hill. (^^(^(^S^, Dola-mana, a. covetous, longing, ardent- ly desiring. v^s^c^o, Dole, s. sorrow, affliction, distress, grief. ^983 dewiod. ^f^c5Q'2S33, Dos-tabanawd, v. to impute crime, to criminate, to impeach. S\(^tee)(5, Dostara. s. medical man, (corruption of doctor.) s^^ss, Dosa, s. transgression, fault, crime, guilt, siu, oflBence; defect, blemish; the humours of the body or the functions of bile, phlegm, cir- culation or wind; sickness, disease; misfortune, mishap, fate, ill-luck, pi. S^^e^ dos. (^^^<^^B3^S5, Dokota, S, ((3N^fiSJ3 for (3n^SNW3D, Dohona, see >efs)3 dohana. SN^S3, Dolasa, s. number twelve. S^S8s5, Dolasat, s. ((3^^(g,e3 twelve, (f^ at hand) name of Skandakumara or the Kataragamadeviyo the Indian god of war, alluding to his twelve hands; he is figured in the temples as having twelve hands, in each of which he holds a war- like instrument. e,(,eD, Dolaha, s. number twelve. >^d8^c5, Doluwaraya, s. country so called; not ascertained. 3=3, Dolosa, s. number twelve. S<^, Do, s. stai", [CoUoq. ?D3<5fi338 tdrakdwa'] : also an affix expressing doubt, uncertainty. (a^efo33(5cs, Donkdraya, s. an echo. >ef<3^, Doni, s. boat, (Tamil.) (5efC3, Dota, s. the two hands. S>^S)S, Dotalu, 8. tree peculiar to Ceylon: it pro- duces a very small species of areca nut, loxo- coccus rupicola, (Palmce). S'CjeaQj, Donawd, v. to milk: see s^^S^D^ dovi- ^^^, Ddni^/ande, | ^_ ^^ughter. iS>cocf, Doniyo, J ^CfSsaeses, Domanassa, s. (g du bad, 3^ manas mind) sorrow, distress of mind, melancholy, [Colloq. s^eeJfiJca sokaya'], S^eJi6q, D6-rada, s. (s^ej star, <5<5 king) moon. (S^^G^, Z)o7d, s. indigo plant, [Colloq. (fQS awari']. ssefc^Q* Doldwa, Is. swing, swinging cot or ham- SNef<3, Doli, J mock for travelling or diver- sion; dooly, lighter sort of palanquin usually made of canvas, pi. s>eje' dold. efQ, Dowa, s, field or place between rising grounds, and into which water flows during rain. s>ef, Dosha, s. wrath, anger; fault, crime, guilt, offence, sin; blemish, defect: see (S^C^tadosa. (5\efss8Q, Doshajna, s. (s^efss fault, defect, disease, 8Q who knows) pundit, learned maUj teacher, sage; physician. <3^efa)3<5Je3-?=iSC35es), Daurwalyaka, s. creeping plant, bear- ing fruit used as vegetable, momordica charantia, [Colloq. )S0 karivila']. S^<5)aS3^, Daiirhrida, see (S^^sj*? dohada. i3>3, Dekkd, v. saw, pret. of ^iQiSiQo dakinawd, to see; also 83 dutuwd. (^, Deda-kekel, s. plant, draconthm pinnatifoUa. <5., Z)ec?z, s. bulk; growth: a. hard, strong, firm; resolute. ^^tS)6^Q'3, Dedikaranaivd, v. to harden; to bring up as a child. 8aD83, Dediwenawd, v. to grow, to increase (in bulk, strength etc.); to coagulate; to become hard, firm etc. g^-S)S), Delta, 8. tooth of a saw or any cutting in- strument, pi. ^^ detii tree, called cj3^Qo, Deti-kiinbuld, s. sort of alligator. ^^(^^5)^i^co^, Detigoyiyd, s. instrument used for removing staw or raking up the stalks of paddy on the threshing floor, ^?9 Q6, D^ti-pira, s. large file, rasp. <2,^i3\eJc5, Deti-mord, s. the saw fish. <|^^9(3, Detivila, s. hedge hyssop, gratiola ciliaia: see (j^'I^Scs demitiriya, ^gcJi, Dqdxiru, s. frog, [Colloq. tScsd mediyd']; splitting, crack, act of splitting or cleaving, [Colloq. oz, pelima'] ; rumbling noise as of distant thunder, [Colloq. (ScgcJl giguruma']; noise of any thing splitting or cleaving. ^SiJ, Dfn, ad, now, at this present time. ^^sia), Denma, ad. immediately, even now, at this instant. 5.ai033e8, Den-wandhi, adv, now, 833!6 being a mere expletive. ^:f3, Denvz'ma, s. information: v. noun of q&S eoSo danwanawd, to inform or to cause to know. 'S.^5(3) Den-wukali, ad. now, at this time, at the present period. 5.o, Dena, p. part, of i^sS'aaQo dannaivd to know. ^3<536J33, Denagattd, pret. of ^i^csiisS^Qo dena- gannawd, to know, to ascertain, find out. <^3<5Jx:f, Denagenma, s. knowledge; v. noun of the preceding. e3'25383, Denenawd, v. to feel, to know by the touch, to perceive: pret. ^'3d3 denund, ^a, Depa, J), part, of S3, Depane, e. inablity to move as if under the influence of magic or spell-bound. ^8, Depi, s. name of Ananga the Indian Cupid; pride, haughtiness, arrogance, [Colloq. ^9S)<5c8 ddambaraya^l muttering as prayers: see ^joeaSo dapanaivd. Depunu, s. mirror, [Colloq. &xe)osi keda- pata"]. ^3, Demmd, pret. of ^2530) damanaim, to put or place, corruptly for ^3 demuwd. <5_, Demitii, a. charitable; good natured; Elu form of a)^S dharmmishtha, which see. ^^^Scs, Demitiriya, s. small creeping plant, with blue flowers, hedge hyssop, gratiola monnieria: see C3@, Del-peli, s. buoys used to keep nets, afloat, or on the surface pf the water. ^03, Delia, s. flame of fire, spark, wick of a lamp or candle. "ttOO^j Delld, s. kind of sea fish. <5^C Dela, s. net; company, congregation, multi- tude, pi. <5,d del. ^Q, Deli, 8. beard, [Colloq. (^g rewula']] root; charcoal; net; root of the lotus; half moon; bud, germ, young sprout: a. black, charcoal colour. ^(gs53, Delikd, see d^QesiJ jdltkd. ^S^^i Delikunu, s. filth or dirt of soot, grime. "5.(3 '^C> Deli-niila, s. (, charcoal, -QC thread) carpenter's marking thread, pi. ^S<^(S dcli-nul. 5_(38^ca, Delipihiya, s. razor. ^g(3\c33c53, Delipotta, s. shell of a fish called ^(^ Qfl delld. <5^gcSD, Deliyd, s. moth that lodges in books, kitch- ens, etc. young cockroach. e3*(5, Deli-semera, s. {^Q black, es!3^6 whisk) kind of whisk or brush, made from the tail of the Indian Yak, bos grunniens, and used to whisk off the flies etc.; there are two sorts, the black and white; this is the black one. q^Q, Deli, s. bud, germ, young sprout or shoot of a leaf or flower. q,GitS, Deles, s. (q^Q dela net, tfi^ es eye) meshes or interstices of a net. <5^, Dewa, s. trunk of a felled tree; timber, wood. ^9 C399, Dewa-tattuwa, s. wooden floor; floor of a second story. 5^S3<5?wom]. e^>oo^(^, Dridhapddapa, s. plant, corhdana la- burnifolia. (^d&Saes^, Dridhavrinda, s, nutmeg tree, myristica fragrans, [CoUoq. C33j>j sddikkd], <^&3o^5, Dridhdnghrika, s. tree, acacia of which there are several species and varieties in Ceylon, [Colloq. S^^cs siniya, (5sJaS^S rat-kihiri']. (^c5, Dris, see ^J drik. c^c9, Drisya, a. appearing, visible. <:^c53>s3OT, Drisyamdna, p. being seen, apparent, visible. ^C3^, Drisad, s. stone, rock, [Colloq. sjq gala"]. <^<533, Drisd, see <^J drik. <^ea3, Drishta, part, seen, visible, apparent. j^esS^^Q, Drishta-kuta, s. riddle, enigma, c^&)3<3:c Drumotjmla, s. rock-rose plant, cistus labatus; also cochlospermum gossypium, [Colloq. {Si<^tS8a kinihiriyoj. C-!S3- \. ^^ Ks. name or Brahma. G,^S<^, Dvuhina, J svg^aeaa-i!^, DrekJcdtia, s. regent of one-third of a planetary sign, the Decaniis of European astro- logy. /S^5J^!^, Drona, s. corn measure, containing about seven pounds eleven ovmces avoirdupois; proper name, military preceptor of the Pandawas; raven, carrion crow; scorpion; any oval vessel made of wood, stone, etc., in the shape of a boat, and used for holding or pouring out water; bathing tub, bathing vessel; basket; watering pot, etc.; a trough or rack for feeding cattle; country so called; river so called; name of a noted warrior, the enemy of Vishnu. -^gj^g^e, Drona-pushpi, 8. plant, leiicas zeyla- nica, [Colloq. (531845 geta-tumba]. 5^^J-^, Drdnikd, s. indigo plant, [Colloq. ^86 aivan"] . ^gJw, Dr6ha,s. mischief, malice; trespass, injury; treachery. s^gJcj .?!X5:>253, Droha-chintana, s. ('S^gcfw and ^-sxDea thinking) injurious design, malice pre- pense. t^,i(8, DroM, a. malicious, rebellious, hurting, ungrateful. S'd^, Dioandwa, " 5. pair, brace, couple of an- s^, Dwanda, J imals, male and female ; union of the sexes or coupling; strife, dispute; secret; form of grammatical combination, uniting two or more words in the same case; sign of the zo- diac Gemini; sort of disease, complication of two disorders. 9cs, Dwaya, s. pair, couple, two. 3, Dwd, ad. two, [Colloq. (5>^) deka"]. 03ffl)i<5, Dwdkdra, a. double, twofold, in a two- fold manner. 03^o(KsJ, Dwdtrinsat, ad. thirtytwo, [Colloq. ^ed S^^ffi) tisdeka'\. o^ca, Dwddasa, a. twelve, [Colloq. ^^w dola- ha'j. 93q)3cJ ^(iQ kottamallf\: a. twice born, oviparous, born first in the shell and in the second instance produced from the shell. ^08, Dwijapriya, s. creeping plant, sarcostemma Brunonianum, [Colloq. 9ag5Sc3 muwakniya]. 8d3oesco, Dwijamdnsaya, s. (pd tooth, OcK'CC flesh) gums. ^dQ^tss, Dwija-vrihsha, s. tree: see SStxC kl(f- e^c^cssQ, Dwijihwa, s. ( two, e?S59 tongue) ser- pent, snake in general, [Colloq. kScod sarpayd']; slanderer, backbiter; informer, whisperer, [Coll: (3^5(33DScas303 Jce'ldmkiyannd']. 8-ffi)(5K,c3, Dwitwa-rupa. s. In Sandhi doubling final letter instead of initial vowel of next word. ^cs, Dwitiya, a. second, secondary, [Colloq. (S^^ s^Se6 deweni'\. sScsQffliSDcs, Dwitiyadhydnaya, s. (S?9ca second, Qto&'i dhydna devout meditation) the second of the four degrees or stages into which dhydna is divided as practised by religious devotees with the view of obtaining Nirvana or the final eman- cipation of the soul: according to the principles laid down for the performance of this stage of dhyana, the devotee having fully accomplished the ^d'dQxoSi jyrathama-dhydna, or first dhyana, and remaining still in a state of abstract and un- disturbed meditation, with the single object of his consideration, namely Nirvana, fully in view, and being freed from all mental discussions on the natnre and qualities of things and all doubt respecting their real or relative properties, and having so far subdued the passions as to be free from wish and desire, the mind must be filled with calm undisturbed tranquillity and joy at the certain prospect of Nirvana or final emanci- pation. 89cfi35;6ca, Dwitiya-wdhyaya, s. Deuteronomy. SQ3, Dwidhd, ad. of two kinds; in two ways, e;Q3K)^, Dwidhdgati, s. (o)d and ongoing) croc- odile, [Colloq. S^(33 kimbuld'] ; any amphibious animal. e3c3, Dwipa, s. ( two, o who drinks) elephant, so called in allusion to his manner of drinking, viz. imbibing fluids in the first instance by his trunk, and thence conveying them to his mouth, [Colloq. ^oa etd'\ ; iron-wood tree, mesua ferrea, [Colloq. 533OTS3 nd-gaha]. 353^, Divtpddottama, s. (So3(5, Diviradakara, s. {^6q elephant, iSi6 arm) elephant's trunk, [Colloq. ^a^^(9^csJ ^K)3 etdge Jionda] . e3(5e3a33, Dairasand, s. (B two, <5e3-233 tongue) snake, serpent, alluding to its having a double or forked tongue. i3i3^<56, Dwirepha, s. large black bee, apis terrestris, [Colloq. 'S)(^ bama7-d~\. e3a), Dwividha, see g53<5 diciprakdra . ^S) (S(3, Dwividha-sila, s. (3 two sorts, Sq religious ordinance) the two divisions of religious ordinances, viz. t)o8^X5} chdritta and 838'a)eo ivd- ritta: see c8r sila. @si 267 e)^4^ (S5, Dwisirshaka, s. (S two, &% head, iSi pers. aff .) a god or deity in general, name of Agni the god of fire, who is supposed to have two faces or mouths, viz. that of the priest and that of fire, by which the sacrifices are consumed. aic5, Dwtshat, s. enemy, [Colloq. 35 ^05 saturd]: a. hostile, inimical, hating, detesting. escsjgo^^, Divtsahasrdksha, s. (esog two thou- sand, e^^ eye) name of Sakra or Indra the regent of the skies or visible heavens, or this deity considered as a personification of the firma- ment or region of the stars; or the name ma}' allude to the fable of his being covered by obscene marks, in consequence of a curse from Gautama a noted ascetic, but the saint relenting, they were subsequently changed to eyes; name of Anantaya king of Naga-loka and regent of the serpent race. 305, Dmjmya, s. island, any land surrounded by water; the word is hence applied to the seven grand divisions of the terrestrial world, each of these being separated from the rest by a peculiar and circumambient ocean ; the seven dwipas, reck- oning from the centre one, are Jambu, Kusa, Plaksha, Sdlmall, Krauncha, Saka and Push- kara; the central dwipa or the known continent is again portioned into ten divisions likewise termed dwipas, viz. Kuru, Chandra, Varuna, Saumya, Naga, Kumarika, Gabhastiman, Tdmra- parni, Kaseru and Indra; tiger's skin. 6o3-gi_, Dwtpi-satru, s. creeping plant, asparagus Jalcatus^ [Colloq. )3(5)335cs hdtdwdriya']. 8, Dwijn, s. islander, tiger, panther. ^(55^, Dwegati, s, ( dwt two, (Si& who goes) any amphibious animal; crocodile, [Colloq. 9g Q3 ktmbuld']. S\5S, Dice'sha, s. hate, enmity; impatience at another's success, envy. >SB5D<5 <3S3455d'!S, Divaidhikarana, s. making two, sep- arating. a The foregoing letter aspirated; it is generally- expressed by dh. . S)d, Dhaja, see S^dcs dhajayn. ae^c5S^^^^c^, Dhajapatdkaya, s. flag, banner, wea- ther cock. aid'ca, Dhajaya, 8. flag, banner, colour, standard, [Colloq. (9>53cs kodiya']. Qi), Dhata, s. pair of scales, balance; sign of Zodiac (Libra) . cD3, Dhati, s. piece of old cloth worn round the middle. S) 25358, Dhanya, a. fortunate, lucky, good; virtuous, well fated. a)53), Dhanya, 1 s. plant, emblic myrobalan, d, 1 t dka, } j 2)20333455, Dhanydka, ^ phyllanthus emhlica, [Colloq. >Si(^Q nellf\', coriander, coriandrum sativmn, [Colloq. (5vffi)DcJo3(^@ kottamallQ; nurse. Q^z), Dhamca, s. bow, [Colloq. gsi^D dunna']. Q-)g58d3, Dhanwayawdsa, 1 s. twining plant, a)^c338, Dhanwaydsa, J tragia involucrata, [Colloq. 8x(5s)K)gcoj ivel-kahambiliyd']. SJsd'S, Dhanvi, s. name of Arjuna alluding to his use of the bow; archer, bow-man, man armed with a bow. S)3, Dhana, s. property of any description, thing, substance, wealth; a term of endearment. S)25355), Dhanaka, see (fS(^ agil. a20<3^5(S, Dhanakeli, s. (cD3 wealth, >3(3 who sports) name of Kuvera the Indian Plutus. Q20S3S0, Dhanagarvita, a. purse-proud. a)-20^co, Dhananjaya, s. (Qeo and dajaya vic- tory) fire; deity of fire; name of Arjuna; one of the nagas or serpents of Patdla; one of the five vital airs, that which is supposed to fatten; tree, pentaptera arjuna; according to others termina- lia glabra, [Colloq. ^J kum,buk'\ ; plant, screw T^ine, pandanue fascicularis, [Colloq. ggiS^SiScaa mudukeyiyd'] . 3253^, Dhanada, s, (a)253 and ij dd to give) bene- ficent liberal person, one who gives much in charity; name of Kuvera the Indian Plutus or god of wealth. S20 i5'S:fcv05 dhaneswara. Qji-siffiP^^J, Dhanesadik, s. (Qsa dhana and S^os ^sa chief or lord, i^^sJ quarter or region) north; the name alludes to this quarter being under the government of Kuvera the Indian Plutus. QS, Dhamma, Pali form of S) dharma. S 308533, Dhamma-sabhd, s. (o) bana, e3S33 as- sembly) assembly in which the bana^ is read, a bana maduwa. S(33, Dhammilla, s. braided hair. 2eG4d, Dhamsak, corrupt form of q^^zd damsak, which see. a iso<553, Dham-senevi, s. corrupt form of ^S (S^es^eoS dam-senevi, priest, but the word chiefly refers to the priest who accompanied Buddha and was always on his right hand. ft)i)eD, Dhamanya, s. coral tree, erythrina indica, [Colloq. 6i5g erabadii]', vein, artery. aSea, Dhamana, s. reed, arundo tibialis; blowing (a wind instrument); one who blows a bellows, trumpet etc.: a: cruel, harsh, aSi^, Dhamani, s. any tubular vessel of the body, as a vein, nerve, etc.; neck; turmeric; sort of perfume. a, Dharma, Is. righteousness; justice, equity; a, Dharmma, j virtue, moral and religious me- rit; fitness, propriety; nature, proper or natural state or disposition; innocence, innoxiousness; any peculiar or prescribed practice or duty, thus giving alms etc. is the dharma of a house holder, administering justice the dharma of a king, at- tention to the study and practice of religion, is the dharma of a priest; bana including all the instructions, sermons and addresses of Buddha whether addressed to gods, Brahmas, or men; name of Yama, regent of the dead; virtue per- sonified; bull of iva as a personification of vir- tue. a 5 and s^^cs ioa discourse) sermons delivered by Buddha to gods, Brahmas, and men. S)29d, Dharmadhioaja, s. (Q piety, 6)d em- blem) one having every mark of oriental piety, viz. the practices of an ascetic; a religious hypo- crite or impostor, one who makes a livelihood by assumed devotion. Q^cjCKS'ZO, Dharma-pattana, s. pepper, [CoUoq. (S)^8si gammiris^', name of an Indian district, celebrated for the growth of pepper. g)co, Dharmaya, see plural a) dharma. )(5e3eoc, Dharmaratnaya, s. (S) sacred, (5c55o ratna gem) the bana or sermons of Buddha which he delivered to gods, Brahmas, and men; the word applies to them in their collective form and is synonymous with the term scripture. a)cSe^, Dhannardja, s. (S) justice, equity, ^d king) name of Yama, regent of the dead and the final judge of the actions of men; deified saint; king in general; name of Buddha, as the author and fulfiller of the bana. o32S3co, Dharma-vinaya, s. doctrinal portions of the Tripitaka and rules of discipline for the priesthood. Q(K3:egcc, Dharma-sdstraya, s. (Q and cssoesgcc treatise) code of laws; study of the bana so as to be able to read and expound it. Q (533^30, DJiarma-sdldiva, s, (a) and (533(339 hall) court of justice; tribunal; bana maduwa, place where the bana is read and expounded. Q &Q,, Dharma-sila, a. (a) and cSq sila attach- ed to) virtuous, just, pious. S@8-S- dishonest or unchaste wo- man. S)d8o, Dharshtta, s, cohabitation. S)(5S'2)3, Dharshitd, s. unchaste woman. &)c5-(35c, Dharana, a. bearing, upholding, sustaining, possessing. ft)(5-3, Dharam'-sutd, s. (Qd-a^ and |QS)3 daughter) the earth-born, name of Sita the wife of Kama, alluding to her being turned up from the soil by a plough as Janaka was ploughing a spot to prepare it for a sacrifice. c)<^ 270 C)3^ Qfic, Dhard, s. earth; mountain. acSoo:^, Dhardtmaja, 8. (S)fl5 earth, epc3i)d <7Wrt- jn son) planet Mars or its regent. 2^2(5, DharddharUf see Qi5'S^S)c5 dharanidhara. aJc^^'^^, Dhard-stinu, s. (Q<35 and g-Q son) name of the regent of the planet Mars, alluding to hiy being turned up fi-om the earth by a plough, aSig, Dharitn, s. the earth, [Colloq. S>c33(g, polaiva\ . S)(5i,, Dhaioala, s. white, [Colloq. ^ij suda] ; conch shell; white pepper: a. white, handsome, beauti- ful. aSgSdgco, Dhawalachchhatraya, s. (a)e)C white, Sd^co umbrella) white umbrella used only by kings and the sacredotal order. &)8(ja, Dhawald, s. white cow. aC53S3c;^c5, Dhaivaldta-patraya, see a)8e^^<^ dhawalachchhatraya* ajSDiS, Dhdtaki, s. tree, [Colloq. SSc mayila'] : see a)9 dhawa^ a)3SD3, Dhdtd, s. name of Brahma; bearer, carrier. S)3^g, Dhdtu,s. Budhistical relic; grammatical root; principle or humour of the body, as phlegm wind and bile; any constituent part of the body, as blood, flesh etc. ; primary or elementary sub- stance, viz. earth, water, fire, air and akasa or atmosphere; the property of a primary element, as odour, colour, flavour, touch, and sound; an organ of sense; a mineral or fossil; metal. S)3-^455, Dhdtuka, s. mineral, fossil, metal. S)3-g53cS53, Dhdtukdsisa, s. (a)3^ mineral )3cS(53 green sulphate) red sulphate of iron. Qj^csdcS, Dhdtu-garbha, see ^ooi ddgeba. Qj-^o, Dhdtupa, 8. (Qseg essential constituent of the body, o what nourishes) the elementary juice or chyle* c))gga8jn3, Dhdtu-pushpikd, s, tree, [Colloq. 8o , mayila"] : see 839 dhawa. o)3^, Dhdtri, 8. mother, foster mother; tree, emblic myrobalan, [Colloq. S^eac^cS nelli] : a, fostering, nourishing; having, containing, possessing. 5)3S)8, Dhdtri, s. name of Brahma; title of Vishnu; father, parent. a)33, Dhdnya, s. corn in general, but especially rice, oryza sativa, of which an endless variety is cultivated in India; coriander. g)3S35S5, Dhdnyaka, s. coriander, coriandrum sati- vum, [Colloq. s^^55^5s^(^@ kottamalli]. oDaesDjs *^s>JatS^, Dhdnya-koshthaka, 8. granary, [Colloq. qpS atuwa], o)3-SD Qoa), Dhdnya-gandha, s. coriander seed, [Colloq. (3^^553c5s>(;^(3 kottamalli], a)3e3J333cs, Dhdnyamdya, s. (Sb^soM corn, 3 tnd to measure) corn seller or merchant. )3338ii!3, Dhdnyamdsha, s. plant yielding beans, dolichos or vigna catjang, [Colloq. Q^x h'tne]. a)3eD23c@S^S5, Dhdnya-sirshaka, s. (a)3e338 corn c8S ^5> top or head) ear or spike of corn. aiois:i-DQ, Dhdnydmla, s. sour gruel made of the fermentation of rice water. Qi-SJa, Dhdnd, s. fried barley or rice, [CoUoq. 6)t cs8 bedi-yawa] ; coriander, coriandrum sativum, [Colloq. >53Jo3(^(3 kottamalli] ; grain fried or reduced to powder. 33^53, Dhdni, s. coriander; granary, receptacle; site of a habitation; what has or contains, as ^d S)Di^ rdjadhdni, royal capital, having the king's presence. a)3, Dhdma, . body; house, dwelling; dignity, consequence; light; ray of light. a)3e6S, Dhdma-nidhi, s. (83 ray of light, ^3 what contains, treasure) sun, [Colloq. fgcoScsa suryaya] . a)33cS8, Dkdmdrgawa, s. common weed, achyran- thes as^iera, [Colloq. cse^ S5(5(^)i gas-karal- heba] ; plant, kind of Ghosa with white flowers, [Colloq. 8i0<3vi36 wetakolu]. S}3ccca3, Dhdyyd, s. a magical invocation to be re- peated when lighting a fire. cDsos^, Dhdrya, part, borne, upheld or contained. 653-5, Dhdra, s. sort of stone; debt; slight sprink- ling rain; frost; end, bound, line or limit; deep place, depth. a)3d'3?:^o kokun]', green sulphate of iron: a. wise, sensible, learned; firm, steady, consistent; determined, headstrong, self willed; uncontrollable; lazy, dull, slow; strong, powerful; courageous. 3d, DMratwa, s. firmness, fortitude; feminine property of suppressing an excess of jealousy. 3Sd, Dhiwara, s. fisherman, [Colloq. %?s5 tf(4 Qts5s:)0 masun allannd']. 388, DM wan, s. fisherman's wife; sort of harpoon for catching fish with. 3e58, DMsachiwa, s, (3 and e38 friend) coun- sellor, minister; friendly or prudent adviser. gS5^<5, Duttura, s. plant, datura fastuosa. [Colloq. psJs3253 attana']. g<33, Dhuta, a. abandoned, left, deserted, forsaken; shaken, agitated (as leaves by wind). gs3o:53, Dhutanga, see (S^sss^^dfgosis:; telesdhu- tdnga. a)a3cg- r^ n , -I gee^^. Dhustura, y-^'^^'"^' ^^^^ ""^- Qs3, Dhuta, a. shaken, agitated; reproached, revil- ed; abandoned, deserted; judged, discriminated. g3S3o, Dhutanan, s. shaking, trembling, agitation, [Colloq. (S^QBS wewUma']. Slc3, Dhupa, s. incense. go 83^^, Dhupa-vriksha, s. species of pine, jnnus longifolia. gSso, Dhumyd, s. (Q dhtima smoke, cc ya imply- ing aggregation) quantity of smoke. gSaaS, Dhumydta, s. bronze-winged dove, [Colloq. 9(^(5^553<3^S)2cc3 nilakobeyiyd']. g, Dhuma, s. smoke, [Colloq. g dum\ gS(5*5e3>, Dhuma-ketana, s. ( and <3edo>3 symbol) fire or its deity; K^tu personified des- cendiner node. ^^@\9Si 212 9. QSff'^d-eg, DMima-hetu, s. (gS) and (S^^59 symbol) comet or falling star; personified descending node. g0Qc^, Dhumadhwaja, s'. (g and SBd symbol) fire, [Colloq. (6d3 gtnt']. gg33, Dhumaprabhd, s. (Q and gea3 what shines) division of hell, hell of smoke. ge69, Dhuma-malmhi, s. (Q smoke, eSS buffalo) fog, mist. g|(3\csi'26, Dhuma-yoni, s. (g and *csJ9 womb) what is engendered from smoke or vapour, cloud, [Colloq. ^325 waldhula]. Q(^, Dhumala, s. (g and Q what is) purple, colour compounded of black and red. QSu)^3, Dhainuka, s. herd of milch cows. (3^5>a)ce2, Dhatrya, s. steadiness, firmness; strength; courage, boldness, intrepidity; nutmeg. S^s^S)o, Dhaiivata, s. sixth note of the Indian gamut. s^)Jq3, Dhota, a. washed, cleansed, purified. (3a)J(5QJ9.S3ca)<5-33S3, Dhowanaya-karanawd, v. to wash, to cleanse. S>3Te3^255T3^c53cs, Dhauta-kmiseya, s. ((?^a)^co wash- ed, (^^^5))<^^c5dC5 silken) bleached or wild silk. ^S)tSc3S3, Dhauritaka, s. horse's trot. s^Qisvdcfl, Dhaureya, s. beast of burden, carrier, any bearer of burdens. q)iS, Dherima, s. bearing, supporting, pos.sessing, corruptly for q_Sz) denma; verbal noun of 2c5-&5ti)s^i)8co Jcalu-kemmeriya']. .S3 The twentieth consonant of the Sinhalese al- phabet; it corresponds in sound to the letter n; it is also a negative and privative particle an- swering to our, no, not, particle of prohibition. -zcocS, Nangi, s. younger sister. 3c)393, Nanwanawd, v. to cause to elevate, to raise, to cause to hoist up: pret. e^iocgSa nen- guwd. es^Dcr, Nahta, s. night,- [Colloq. <^ re']. ea^OTSi, NaUaka, s. dirty or ragged cloth; towel, wiper, handkerchief, etc. 3OTS^e5Je^3, Naktabhojana, s. (^5d3E) by night, (3^Je^S3a)3C' Naktamdla, s. (^^xsiB naktam by night, ^C '' to ornament) tree, pongamia glabra, [CoUoq (^(^^6^ magul-karanda']. e3OT93(5, Naktau-dra, s. (otsjot night, Qo6 day) day and night, [Colloq. dL qQ^ re-clawal']. 3^, Nakra, s. (3 not, ^i) krama to go) upper timber of a door-frame; nose; string of bees or wasps; crocodile, alligator. 3S), Nakshatra, s. astrology, astronomy; star in general; asterism in the moon's path, lunar mansion, of which twenty-eight, distinct in name, figure and number of stars, are enumerated. -203gS5'^ca3, Nakshatrakdrayd, s. astronomer; astrologer. ^s^ ^SjS, Nakshatra-kriddwa, see Di3)e5^5 (g nakatkeli. ^^t^ (S<^l<^a, Nakshatra-ghoshanaya, s. an- nouncement of the appearance of a planet which is to be celebrated by great festivity. "ia^^g ocaS, Nakshatra-mdldwa, s. (>^^ constellation, 30^ i^dU garland) necklace con- taining twenty-seven pearls; table of the twenty- eight asterisms in the moon's path, exhibiting their names, positions and the "signs by which they are figured. 2S335S^ -SNCcJoco, Nakshatra-yogaya, a. art of con- sulting stars or planets for astrological purposes, such as finding lucky days, etc.; leading star of a lunar mansion, conjunction of stars. ^:)^^'5^^<5^, Nakshatresa, s. (3^g nakshatra star, 3^C5S tsa lord) moon, [Colloq. w^ handa~\. 3v<3^{5cfs), Nakshamdroha, s, date tree, Phcenix zeylanica, [Colloq. '^^cosj indi-gaha], eaesJ, Naka, s. nail of the finger or toe. SiCSiz.^, Nakat,s. star, planet; asterism, lunar man- sion. 3)cit^35^^c5, Nakat-keliya, s. (353)6J asterism, (3>3gc8 play, sport) festival, chiefly celebrated among the Hindus, when the moon is full near the Pleiades in the month ^(^ e3 tl-masa, (O ctober-No vember) . ^3^s>^)i coaNcp, Nakat-grihaya, s. (es^JsJ star, onaoo ca house, mansion) asterism, lunar mansion; of which, according to Sinhalese astronomy, there are twenty-eight in the moon's path: see 3^ nakshatra. 2!3^53c5o53, Nakattd, s. astronomer. -so^g, Naku, s. crocodile, alligator, [Colloq. SC' kimbuld'] ; ichneumon. ^5^^g^, Nakuta, s. nose; tail. ^2C Nakula, s. Bengal mungoose, viverra ichneii- mon, [Colloq. gsjScoD mugatiyd']; fourth of the five Pandu princes: a. rejected from a family, outcast. 32g, Nakuli, s. (3 not, 8C race or heap with feminine aflix <} i) silk cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosum, [CoUoq. ogd mbuT]; Indian spikenard; sort of perfume. aa^gSv^JsOo, Nakuleshtd, s. (32C nakula ichneu- mon, 2o nakedness, 6d what conquers) cotton tree, in allusion to clothes being made from its produce, gossypium indtcum, [CoUoq. >g kajm']. e^s^ocoa, Nagnayci, Is, (ds3 naked, {p3 ata who easKooS, Nagndta, j goes) naked man, especially a kind of Hindu religious mendicant who wan- ders about without clothes. 3<53i9s53, Nagnikd, s. naked woman; young girl before menstruation or about ten years old. 3(5J, Naga, s. (ea not, o gomg) mountain; tree; fixed star; stone, rock. ejOTcf, Nagaja, s. (3C53 mountain, d born) elephant, [Colloq. ^gcco altyd] ; mountaineer, ^(SiiSi^di, Nagnanclini, s. (eos) wa^a and ea*^^ daughter) name of Durgd, the wife of Siva, ^aaS, Nata, s. dancer, actor; tree, oroxylum indi alluding to her being in one of her characters the daughter of Himalaya the snowy Imaus personifi- ed, and hence also frequently called Parwati. eDtsJeoQo, Naganawd, v. to raise, to lift up; to build, translate: pret. eDiog03 neguwd. 2033^6, Nagani, s. younger sister, (a word of en- dearment,) pi, eosie^s^cocf naganiyd. eaoosvej, Nagane, s. sty. eoraes^, Nagapati, s. (esaoo mountain, c^ lord) the personified range of snowy mountains divid- ing India from Tartary, usually termed the Himalayan range. esDSjtf, Kagara, s. town, city, fColloq, ^Q6 nu- wara 1 . 3(55(5k3S), Nagai'aghdta, s. {^;s)6 city, ko?e who destroys or subverts) elephant; invading army, S3(53d3, Nagaramd, s. man of a low caste, 3CC)i5co, Nagaraya, see :ot(5 nagara. >S3(53<5c6), Nagarayd, s. kind of fish. ^(S)<^, Nagard, s. citizen. 553(5)?, Nagari, see iSi(Si6 nagara. ^s^05^s^d;J:3^ 55333, Nagaropdnta, s. suburb, skirts of the town. 3(53^(5t8, Nagarau8hadhi,s. (?s:icp) 6 nagara and la 3 medicament) plantain, banana, [Colloq. (s^5(5^s)(^ kehel], 3CS)(^, Nagal, s, tail, ]Colloq. (^5^c5^ walge'^. 253253(3, Nagala, s. plough. 3.'D3, iVa^a, s. younger sister. e30DDO3, Nagdtana, s. (ejcsj na^a mountain, a/a to go) monkey. e53(533o^, Nagddhipati, s. (3cs? na^a and ^e^ chief) Himalaya mountain: see ?s^(S)o^ nagaimti . 3K)3ec03, Nagdpiyd, p. having vomited. ^c838j, Naginawd, v. to mount, to rise, to ascend: pret. 5s3Tog33 negund. 33cg3, Naguta, s. tail, [Colloq, Q(i<^i^ ivalge']. ?5^c^^, Nagun, ace. plur. of 2i3S)3 nagd. 253(5<5, Nagura, a. (25:>neg. endlong) short, [Colloq, 33Q kota'\. ^c?d. iVa^2/w\ of ejicijQ nagula; also a tail, tail of any animal. 33cg(2, Nagula, s. plough. socSCJS?, Nagulat, s. name of Balabhadra the elder brother of Krishna. -S3egQso, Nagulisa, s. head of a plough. 33S, Nachcha, s. dance, dancing, pantomime. S33Scfi, Nattiya, s. knee CMm, [Colloq. s^o^(3 totila']; tree, saraca mfiz'ca or jonesia asoca, [Colloq. ^c5 dG3Q0 diya-ratamhald']; precipice; destroyed, Elu form of eaaQ nashta. ^-253, Natana, s. art or act of dancing, panto- mime, a3S383, Natanawd, v. to dance, to dance as an actor, to perform as a dramatist; to bubble as boiling water: pret. .253ic)3 nctuivd. 2530 ^j Natanu, s. dance, dancing, pantomime, dra- matical exhibitions. 2533:f, Natabun, a. {^Q destroyed, sJ broken) desolate, destroyed, demolished, waste, devastat- ed. 30e:r.'55'5-lur. of eDsDc nadalama. ^>253a)c> Nadalama, s. vexation, teasing, plaguing; confusion, foolery. eoSjS, Naddwa, s. weaver's shuttle. esS, Nadi, a. large, stout, bulky, fat. eoScoa, Nadiyd, s. (eaS stout, coj mas. aff.) large bulky man, or male animal. esQ, Nadu, plur. of 39 naduwa. 3Q {f KieoQo, Nadu-ahanawd, v. to investigate judicially. e?5S30<5cs3, Nadukdrayd, s. (zwQ justice, >3(5 doer, CC3 aff.) judge, magistrate. 3gi9cs3S3, Nadu-Myanawd, v. institute a law- suit. caQoasaeDQo, Nadu-tananawd, v. to make or get up a case at law, to judge: pret. -sog OTi^So nadu-tenuwd. 3g^^9, Nadutinduwa, s. (eo and ^^8 finish- ing) sentence, judicial decree. 3<55, Nadumaga, 1 e. law, course of law, 3i)3^co, Nadumdrgaya, J legal practice. 3 caa33, Nadvr-yanawd, v. to go to law. .sogQ, Naduwa, s. justice, equity; lawsuit; deci- sion or judgment of a court of justice. Dg93>s:)i^, Naduivata-neti, a. lawless, illegal. eoggSsd^JSoQs, Nadu-vichdranawd, v. to sit in judgment, to investigate a matter judicially. 3gS32533ea ananta- ndga, see the foregoing. 33Q333Q>, Natandsika, s. (-2003 bent, 2S33S5 nose) one having a flat nose, -sscsd, Natara, s. casual support or livelihood; support, prop. -25305(5)(5'2S32sJs3d-Sa, Nankaranaivd, v. to erect, to con- struct, to build. ^^, Nanda, s. any one of the nine inestimable gems or treasures of Kuv^ra, the god of wealth; cowherd Nanda, who was the foster-father of Krishna; happiness, joy, pleasure. SDd^^so, Nandana, s. twenty-fifth year of the In- dian cycle of sixty; joy, gladness, pleasure, delight; son; pleasure ground of Indra in Swarga, the elysium of the gods. esD^i^'esDJ, Nandana, s. daughter. 'S^'Cs^^j Nandani, s. daughter, only used in letters of invitation, [Colloq. g duwa"]. De^(9*e53Jc^'S3S33 Nanda, s, tank of Sakra, in the garden of Swarga or the region of the gods, in which that god is accustomed to bathe. 3^, Nandii s. gambling; sloth, drowsiness, list- lesaness; joy, happiness, pleasure; the speaker of the prelude or prologue to a drama. 2sd neg. goe35 male) eunuch; neuter gender in grammar. SDgd, Napura, s. wickedness, vice, mischief. SDg<35, Napura, s. wicked man. ^ogS, Napuri, s. wicked woman. eag^Jj., Napuru. a. wicked, bad, vile, evil; mis- chievous. 33S)cc, Nabaya, la. (3 neg. ce fear) fearless, e3c5, Nabiya, J courageous, bold, intrepid. eaao, Nabha, s. ether; atmosphere, sky, [Colloq. ^S3S3 ahasa'] ; month Nikini, (July- August.) 253tK)e5, Nabhas, s. month Nikini, (July- August) ; cloud; rains; smell; fibres of the lotus; bird; grey headed man. ^^ts^Q, Nabhastala, s. (eoaoeJ heaven, q plane) visible heavens, firmament. 6355363, Nabhasa, s. sky, [Colloq. cpsjes ahasa"] ; at- mosphere; ether; visible heavens. saaaeaate), Nabha-saAgama, s. (eoaoes heaven, d what goes) bird in general, [Colloq. ss^c^cSO^ kurulld]. a3(?>^J S)<3ScS}(;^, Nabh6-7nandala, s. (ejftsel nabhas cloud, -so nambuwa, which see. -23, Nam, an affix implying possibility, as if, though, etc., also, of certainty, that is, etc.; the plural of 2S3a) nama. -S3a5)(5-a3, Namaratna, s. (eo nine, <5)eo gem) the nine principal gems peculiar to Ceylon ; name of a celebrated treatise in verse, on Ethics and moral subjects, comprehending nine slokas or stanzas; corrupt form of >2S39<5q>S3 nawaratna. <253c6, Namaya, see d8cs nawaya. >25323, Namawaka, s. (-so and 8) lunar day) ninth day of the new or full moon, which is considered imlucky. DS>8^, Namaweni, ad. ninthly. e3e6aa35, Namashdra, s. (^saSd worship, ssjdcj doing) reverence, respect, salutation; adoration, worship, veneration; address. eaSeeaasd )<5-SDC6>S3359, Nayandyvdha, s. (-aoco^) nayana and if3gS) dyudha weapon) name or epithet of Yama the Indian Pluto, alluding to his terrific aspect which is said by one glance to drive the soul out of the body. ^saces^SDTsS, Nayanawshadha, s. (sace-SD nayana and "oaS) aushadha medicament) any specific for the eyes; coUyrium; green sulphate of iron or the salt in a state of partial decomposition by exposure to the atmosphere. <253oo3, Nayd, s. cobra capella, deadly snake with spectacle marks on hood, naga tripudians, (Elapidce order ophidia). 3cs323, Naydsa, corruptly for eDMoss nydsa, which see. a33)3ic63, Nayihdrayd, s. snake charmer. e3Ss3(3, Nayi-gala, s. (socos nayd cobra capella, (55(3 stone) gem fabled to be produced in the throat of the cobra capella, ruby? stone used to cure the bite of serpents by rubbing the part wounded. 385<^, Nayide, s. workman, artificer, tradesman; term applied to certain labourers who held land in lieu of services rendered to government. D8o883:f3), Nayi-natatcnnd, s. snake charmen eaSo'SSesJiScco, Nayi-panikkiyd, s. snake catcher* 33>e3SJ, Nayi-pene, s. hood of a cobra capella* 33i 278 &i^\Q'i ^B^Sei, Nayimiris, s. (euccj nai/d and 5ed chili) small sort of chili, exceedingly pungent, called bird-pepper, capsicum fastigiatum (Solanacece). DSc5i^, Nayiruti, s. demon, fiend, [CoUoq. 6q esstJ 7-akusan] ; south-west quarter. S3cs3 nayd and g3 ant hill) white-ant hill taken possession of by a cobra capella. 253(5, JVara, s. man, individually or generally; grey hair; according to the Brahminical system of theology the anima mundi or the spirit pervad- ing the universe: a. grey (as to hair). 3(5 gi5c, Naraka-jmraya, s. (eo(5es) bad ^6 pura city) city of Yama the regent of death and judge of the infernal regions. >253<5>g!33Ci5, Naralca-j)rapdta, s. (>SD<5) hell, goo 05 precipice) tartarus: abyss, chasm or pit of im- mense depth. <20(5> g, Naraka-ripui s. (20<5^ demon, Sg en- emy) name of Vishnu, alluding to his subduing the demon Naraka. ^s3<5)3C53ifl, Narakdgni, s. (^^6ss> naraka and ef agni fire) hell-fire: see -250(5 ) cSsdcj naraka- ginna. SDdsJD^cs, Narakddiya, s. hell, more correctly 25D(5 S) naraka etc. i. e. hell and other states of suf- fering, such as irrational animals, hobgoblins, Asuras etc. >23(5>3o3, Narakdmaya, s. (^^6iSi naraka hell, cp- cs dmaya sickness) soul after death. >S3<55o)38co, Narakdwdtaya, s. hole formed at the root of a decayed tree. -25D<5(3^4S)e^, Narakenda, . (5(5 grey^ ^^-i^ wire) grey hair, hair become grey through old oge. '^5^5(3^^Ke^, Nara-kes, s. (js^6 and s^5e^ hairs) hair become grey by age. 23(5 io, Naranga, s. pimples on the face; name of Kama, gode of love; penis. D(5os\eoJ, Narangano, s. female of the human species. is:)6dQ, Nara-jala, s. (>sd(5 man, dQ water) urine. is:)6<^, Narand, see -eD<52SD3 narand. ?s:>6?s^Si, Naraturu, ad. (>kj negative, fp2g(5i aturu interval, with 6 ra argument) unceasingly, conti- nually, always: a. coarse, gross, without inters- tices; Elu form of 2^(5 3e; (5 nirantara. ^6^1 Narada, s. plough, [Colloq. s:i^Q naguld] ; arrow, [Colloq. ^ot83 z'gaha]. >SD(55D, Naradam, s. (>23c5 man, ^ to be subju- gated) men whose passions have to be quelled; slough of a snake. 3<5SDC5(3*<5, Naradetu, s, monarch, king. ^6-S3, Narayahana, J hide) name of Wesamu- ni or Kuvera the god of riches. 253<5co3, Narayd, s, (-S3(5 and cs3 masculine affix) man, [Colloq. ^^&50 minihd']. -253<5(S^C3) Nara-loiva, s. (-33(5 man, (S^c^Q world) the world of men, in contradistinction to the worlds of gods and demons. 9^& 279 ^g^ Si6Q6, Narawara, 8. (jsi6 mankind, d pre-emi- nent) king, sovereign, prince; name of Buddha, as chief of the human race. ead 0, Nara-wala, see 325D(5-2g^ naraturu. Dd5Si), Narddhama, s. (ead nara and ^QS) adha- ma low) low or vile man, wretch, eDi^Qac^, Narddhdrd, s. (^6 nara man, tpQo6 ddhdra receptacle) earth, [Colloq. s^oog, po- lawa'\ . esDc^Sc^, Narddhipa, s. {^6 nara and ^3:3 adhipa lord or chief) king, sovereign, monarch. -SDCS, Nardwala, s. abyss; deep pit; large deep hole in the ground occasioned by the decay of the roots of a large tree. eaS, Nan, plur. of ^oScsa nariyd. eaSsseos^, Naritantu, s. thread, fibre. 3S333^, Narindtaka, s. fatuity; conceit. 3Sce3, Nariyd, s. jackal, fox, canis aureus. >25D(5l, Naruwa, s. fold of the waist cloth of the natives which is used as a pocket; plaits or folds of cloth, pi. ^Si naru. 3(S>5'2^S55J(K)36, Narendrabhogya, s. species of sandal wood, sfintalum, album, [Colloq. eeg'SsJ sandun']. ^S^K^5c3^, Narendrayd, s. (>2S3(5 nara and (g^ indra chief) king, anointed sovereign. x25De>SKd, Nareswara, see -eos^dJ'fig narendra. D(3, Xala, 8. delay; dancing girl; life; crab; tube, or the aperture of a tube; bamboo cane, bambusa vulgaris, fColloq. q-<^ una'] ; reed, Phragmites Roxburghii, see -253(3 ioe^ nala-gas; reed in general; wind; fire; fiftieth year of the Indian cycle of sixty; hindrance. SDCoCg* Nalanguwa, 8. sorrow, trouble, dejection of mind. e3(3o^(5\D3, Nalanguwenawd, v. to be dejected. e3(35-5^>., Nalalcaru, s. tat-maker: see ^^^^b% nelmn]. 23C^'^<^' Nala-kuwe'ra, s. son of Kuwera. DC(53c^, Nala-gas, s. reed, Phragmites Roxburghii (Graminece). ^Q(S^(S3oe^Si, Nalagoduru, s. bear, [Colloq. ewa walahd]. eDC-prawn, [Colloq. e3J -esjc^ea, Nalamina, J i8so\; crab, sort of sprat, clupea cultrata. -25D(3c:, Nalaya, s. claw of a crab, head of a shrimp, tube, reed. -soCces, Nalayd, s. one of a tribe of palanquin bearers so called; crab. e3(39'e393, Nalaivanaivd, v. to appease, to pacify, to lull, to soothe, to quell: pret. S3t^(33 ne- lewwd. -253(^^8(5, Nalawara, 8. piper, one that plays on a reed or flute. >S3C<^5 Nalawaru, s. makers of mats from bam- boos and reeds. eoQeos?, Nalasaha, s. fire, [Colloq. <6e6 gini"]. -S3C5) Nald, plur. of eDQO naldwa. s:)Qj(SiSi, Nald-gaha, s. panic grass, panicum ar- borescens ; and see er^cwe^ nala-gas. 23(33 S3-63n3 rijjdcharana-sampanno, versed in all science and wisdom, ^(53(3033 sugato, righteous and amiable in conduct, \(;9)g lokavidu, acquainted with all worlds and every state of being, qp-^.S>S3(5^<35 g8es^SeaD'58 anuttaro-punsadammasdratht, he who subjects men and controls their morals by his irrefutable wisdom, es?^3 S^^Q^'^isca^^o satthd-dewamanussdnan, the teacher of gods and men, (9^3)3 buddho, the wise one, cjqsjSo bha- gawd, blessed, fortunate or happy one: for more particular explanations see the words in their proper place. '^5^8s^^5^S^, Nawatwanawd, v. to stop, to hinder; to cause to leave off: pret. "SaiStsJiSiSiSSa newettewwd: causal form of eDQ^esoSo nawa- tinawd. 3053, Nawata, s. elephant's painted or variegated housings; small watercourse cut for the purpose of letting off the water in paddy fields. >2o8o3eoe)j, Nawatanawd, v. to stop, to put a stop to, to hinder: pret. sd8 nine, 6^^<5 door, S383<5, Nawadwdra, J inlet) the nine openings of the human body, viz. eyes, ears, nostrUs, mouth, anus, and the urinary passage. ssiQisS, Nawan, s. number nine, [Colloq. >e38co na~ waya^', any new thing, novelty. e38e5:J5:f'SD3, Nawandannd, s. man of the gold or silversmith caste. -2532d'e3, Nawan-masa, s. month so called, elev- enth of the Sinhalese year, (February March), some times written eD sc naivam-masa. >25333, Nawanawd, v. to bend, to curve, to dou- ble, to fold: pret. 25Dij newwd. >209c3, Naivanita, s. fresh butter, [Colloq. ^g>55 s^8c5i alut-wendaru']. -25359(3 5c5i.(^(33, Nawanila-hurulld, s. bird called the Ceylon Trogon, Harpactes fasdatus {'order Picarice); also called c5^8sJ s^SJj-sJcScss ran- ican-lcondayd, cS^^^gcS^ogs gini-kurulld. 25D3t^(3ca, Nawanebiliya, s. plant, agyreia bacci- forma or phyllanthus urinaria, [Colloq, 6SJ ^5>3 2ntawakhd'\. -23^^ -"sS, Nawabhushana, s. new ornaments, fresh dress or accoutrements. 253, Naivama, a. ninth, >S38(^(g53, Nawamallikd, "I s. jasmine: see 3 eo(3, Nawamali, ) S^oQsa nawamdltkd, -20J53(^, Nawamahal, s. house having nine floors or stories. eD3Q, Nawamdla, s. house with nine stories, one having nine floors. -SD3g5S)3, Naivamdlikd, s. Arabian jasmine, jas- minum zambac, [Colloq. BBB 2nchcha or ^esSeJ desa7nan'\. -SD|], Nawamu, s. any thing fresh or new, novelty >53ca, Nawaya, s. number nine. >SD(3^cs'')^o, Nawayauivana, s. (53 and (5>c6t8'S3 youth) youth, puberty. e53(3coiD3, Nawayauwand, s. young woman. ^5Ddo>S3, Nawaratna, s. name^f a moral treatise; nine principal gems, i, e. ruby, pearl, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire, and a yellow stone called gomMa. -250 cJ, Nawawat, Elu form of -20sog naiva- wastra. -25388-23, Nawawana, s. (-20 new, nine, 8-253 being) new: ad. ninth. -2538863^, Nawa-wastra, s. (es3 and QtOQ cloth) new cloth. sl)e3 281 3d eaSes^ Wawasanda, s. new moon, [CoUoq. fpS 38e3<5, Nawasdru, s. (-253 and esocJ essence) muriate of ammonia or sal ammoniac. 388, Nawasi, s. variety of cocoa-nut, cocos nuci- fera, the husk of which is edihle. es?8Scfi, Nawasiya, s. nine hundred. eaSco^^, Nawahandi, s. (eoS and ta^ joints) plant, called mUkhedge, euphorbia TirucalU ( Euphorhiacece ) . eoSa, Nawd, s. rest: ^ar^ having bent, corrupt form of -2533 namd. -S383oQocK30S)a, Nawdnga-sdstri, s. (e38 now^a nine, tfocs) tt^gra limb, member, C5?30S)3 religious teacher) name or epithet of Buddha, alluding to his being the founder of a religion consisting of nine Angas, or divisions of sacred science, viz. gS5S3 sutta, (9>c5>c5:6 geyya, (?9cfla)(5-25DaQ lost, ee(5 voice} loss of voice by disease or any other cause. 3^, Nas, 8. nose, [Colloq. eosscs nahaya], -sadi^o, Nfisna, 8. any medicine inhaled by the nostrils, sternutatory. '2oe^e3)<5-3 blowing) calm. 3S)co, Nahaya, a. nose. eacadcs, Naharaya, s, vein, nerve, tendon, pi. easi (5 nahara. iSiSiS, Naha)n,s. zedoary, curcuma zedoaria; plant, kaempferia galanga, [Colloq. ?8gc5i.6c@ hin- gurupiyalf\. 253K)8D3, Nahawanawd, v. to bathe another, to wash: pret. -20x383 neivwd. 2as3edi, NahaSy s. rubbin^, 2535oe^^s33!:}3'(!3K, Nahamdpdna, "I s. (escne^ess 253CS)e^503C3oe33iij, Nakasndpdsdna, J rubbing, 03', Nalalkela, s. the temples. 3(^03C<^, Nalaltulaya, s. {^Q^ and OQcs sur- face) forehead, temples. 8G ~~" 3^d 282 93(i^ 2O(5o0ce, Nalalpataya, s. {^C<3 ^^^ ^ J9a/a cloth) cloth for the head, turban, one of a superior kind, that worn by kings etc. ss^SCj Nalala, s. forehead. sod, Nalu, s. dancer, pantomime, an actor. >S36(55'S3d'S33Q3, Nalundtaka, s. dancing, acting, panto- mime. ^od(gco, Naluliya, s. actress; dancing girl. -S3d3, Naluwd, s. actor, dancer, dramatic perfor- mer; mime. 33, Nd, s. snake, cobra capella, see 3c53 nayd-, chief, ruler; sound; elephant; iron-wood tree: see 35OTS) nd-gaha: ad. no, not. 3J ^d> Nd-imbul. s. small tree with small yellow flowers, Harpullia eupanoides (Sapindacem). N. B. HarpuUi is the vernacular name at Chitta- gong of which this tree is a native. 3335, NdTca, s. Swarga, the region of the gods, [Colloq. f858i(^J^co diwya-l6kaya\\ sky, at- mosphere, ether, [Colloq. p53escs dhdsaya]. eao^, Ndki, a. old, (advanced in years). e535Bc63, Ndkiyd, s. (eD33 and coo pers. afE.) old man. -333g(3, Ndkula, s. ichneumon, mungoose, [Colloq. Qo9c83 mugattyd']. i^as^S, NdhuU, s. ichne-imon plant, herb supposed to furnish the mungoose with an antidote when bitten in a conflict with a snake, rauwolfia or ophiaxylon serpentinum; it is also used by native practitioners for the bite of serpents, [Colloq. <5^3^3S^Sc^ ekdweriya or qpdsJs) aratta]. 33S^2S5^<5i, Ndkesuru, see eD3(^ s^5^ ndmal- renu, -2533(53, Ndga, s. hooded snake or cobra capella, [Colloq. 3ce3 wa?/a] ; serpent in general; ele- phant; demigod so called, having a human face and the tail of a serpent; this class of beings inhabits Pdtdla or the infernal regions; Rahu or the ascending node; cloud; pin, nail in the wall for hanging things upon; lead, black lead, [Colloq. 4s6i?cB kalu-zyam']; tin; iron- wood tree, mesua ferrea, [Colloq. -asDicsjsj nd-gaha'\ ; betel; one of the airs of the human body, that which is expelled by belching. 333(5) 9efC> Ndga-kinjalka, Is. iron- wood tree, 33C55SJse<5, Ndga-kesara, J bearing a white fragrant flower, mesiia Jerrea, [Colloq. ^jocsjw nd-gaha] ; the stamina of its flowers, [Colloq. 2n3(^'3iJ<<^ ndmal-renu], used medicinally in coughs, catarrhs, etc. ^3(5)>aa), Ndga-gandha, s. (>2533C55 and <53s) scent) fragrance of the flower of the nd-gaha or iron- wood tree. S33C53?S393, Ndga-jifiwd, s. (33C3 snake, tS^o tongue) plant, the leaves of which resemble the tongue of a snake, hemidesmus indicus or ascle- pias pseudosara, [CoUoq. <^6% iramasu]. 333(F5C3, Ndgata, s. Rdhu, the ascending node, [Colloq. SN)(S>j^ kehetu]. 2S33(5)C33^93, Ndgatdrtawd, s. young girl, one that has not menstruated. eo3(53?- tooth) tooth of an elephant; ivory; wooden pin in the Avail for hanging things upon. DaCT25330 snake, ^Q8isi island) island near Ceylon. 33(53j^, Ndga-dru, s. (33ot and c,^ tree) iron-wood tree, mesua ferrea: see -saooca nd-gaha. 25D3(5;:f-SD)3, Ndgannaivd, v. to bathe one's self, to wash. 33(S30<5, Ndga-parshada, s. (33ot snake, C3 ndga. e33QO(5, Ndgara, s. form of writing, Dewa^-nagara alphabet; citizen, resident in a city; dried ginger, [CoUoq. (S>BQBB '2^ welichcha-inguru']', sort of grass, cyperus pertenuis'. a. clever, know- ing; town-born or bred; bad, vile. SD3<53(55, Ndgaraka, s. orange. e:>3C5><5alto, Ndgaranga, s. sort of orange; mandarin orange, citrus nobih's, [Colloq. Se^Zi^disS la'n- ndran^; another variety of the citnis auran- tiiim. 33S3fi5d'c63, Ndgardjayd, s, (S33S3 and fiod king, C63 pers, aff.) name of Ananta king of Patala and regent of the serpent race, which, according to Buddhism, possessed of superhuman powers, can assume the human form and intermarry with mankind; their serpentine form is that of a cobra capella. 33K>S'2ri, Ndgarika, s> citizen, one resident in a city, [CoUoq. ^Q6 Q'ifuc&tSid-^ nmvara-wdsaya- harana\. 53<53CJi.irf, Ndga-ruh, s, (^Ojo and dlJ tree) iron- wood, tree, meeuct . ferrea, [Colloq. is:>i3(57S>d^c65, N^dgareyaka^ see is:o, Ndgdutttka, s. (esasoo ndga snake, 3333), Ndtaka, s. dancer, actor; mime; play, dra- matic exhibition. -2O33>c03, Ndtakayd, s. (^t^^^Si play, csj pers. aff.) dancer, dramatic performer; mimic. -is^oQesi i^, Ndtaka-stn, Is. {^oQ^ and es wo- asDaSsjj Ndtikd, /man) actress, female dancer. e53D5)(5J, Nddagama, s. native comedy or farce. ^533^, Nddi, s. the stalk or culm of any plant; pulse; any tubular vessel of the body, as a vein, artery, intestine, etc; any pipe or tube; minute. syit^'isa, Nddikd, s. stalk or culm of any plant, ,^ hollow stock of plarts; Indian hour, or twenty- four minutes. >253jS8-sCc5, Ndf oanaya, Is. ()dS artery etc. gS3J and <5335eQ science) branch of pathology, that which relates to the arteries etc. e33S5(5-S33, Ndduwenaicd, v. to roar, to threaten violently. -25D36, Ndtha, s. master, chief, lord; name of Bud- dha. D3Ojd master, 9s5 poss. aff.) dependent, subject; subservient. S33q, Ndda, s. sound in general; tone, voice. <2O3(5->!^03, Ndda-karanawd, v. to sound, to make melody, to roar. S33 elephant, <; tooth) tusk of an elephant, [Colloq. e^cJ^as etdata']. .2SD3S>^, Ndde, s, sound, tune, pi. -eoacj ndda. eoa(3^4oS) Nddeya, s. sea salt, [Colloq. (^^<3^e3a)9 Q^ saindhawa-lunu]: a. ocean or river born, aquatic. >2533(5^4S, Nddeyi^ s, sort of reed usually growing in watery places, calamvs fasciculatus ; plant, premna herbacea; tree, oeschynomene sesban, [Colloq. G5<^ diya-damba"]', orange. 33^'eD55, Nddetta, s. wooden pin, bracket. eojgeosz'Ss, JVdndiinanaivd, v. (&) neg. c?g-25D3 3 andunanawd to know) not to know, to be un- ucquainted with. eo3e353S(5*6, Ndna-kdmare, 1 . ,,- , , t s. bathinsr room. 333Sc, Jyana-ge, J " &03D^cfi, Ndnativaya, a. (^^5D^^^^ nana various, twa affix denoting essense or quality) variety. e)0333, Ndnawd, v. to bathe: pret. -S3x3 newd. 33a3683, Ndnaluwd, s. (sd3 naga, -aodSs dancer) dancer of Patala. ^03203, Ndnd, ad. various, several, many, manifold, [Colloq. (3^-25335^coJ noyek~\\ 2^. bathing. >2)33D3.3^(sJ, Ndnd-ge, s. bath, bathing house. 33a339)3<5, Ndndp'akdra, a. various, several; of several kinds, of different sorts. e33e5D3c5x,, Ndnd-riipa, a. (eas^DS many, dxr) form) multiform, various. D32533953<5 ndndpra- kdra. e33'|3, Ndnu, s. perfumed powder scattered on the guests at feasts etc. ; kind of ointment for anoint- ing the heads of kings on great feast days; com- position for cleansing the hair. 03S)d-9(5cs3 iswarayd'] . D3, Ndbi, s. navel: see -e33^ ndbhi. ^^3^ -eo3?9203e3, Ndbhindld, s. (>25D39 and ^OQO string) umbilical cord. ^38 -flSaD(3, Ndhht-ma^(^ala, s. (>S33^ and 4fiS)C circle) hollow round the navel. es33?9cc, Ndbhiya, s. navel. 33cSe 286 sioS^^ e33iflc, Ndbhila, s. prominent or ruptured navel; hollow of the navel. 33(5, Ndmbara, a. half ripe, partly matured. 'e533S)3, Ndmbd, s. young bull, one of three or four years and ready for castrating; half grown an- imal. eDD, Ndma, s. name, appellation; (in grammar) a noun, substantive. 3(^, Nd-maU s. (-eoi mesua ferrea, (^ flower) flower of the iron-wood tree, very fragrant white flower, which is ofEered in the Buddhist tem- ples. is^os)(i'S^!S<^, Ndmal-re'nu, s. (33(^ and ^b-i^ dust) stamina of the flower of the iron-wood tree, which is taken in medicinal preparations ^or catarrhs, etc. es33 S3-S3, Ndma-wachana, s. substantive, noun. j ^D3c5^55, Ndyalca, a. chief, principal, head, pie- eminent; guiding, directing. 33c8>cca, Ndyakayd, s. chief, leader, commander, person of eminence, guide. Zi0(zsi, Ndyan, s. annual plant, vernonia antJiel- mintica (CompositcB), also called easd'<^eD3cod sannindyan. e33c6C3:f, Nd-yahan, s. ()3 naga, cowoJ couch) name of Vishnu. ^3<5, Ndra, s. water, [CoUoq. Qi^d ivatura], 33<5c, Ndran, s. mandarin orange. 33tfoCios3, Ndran-gaha, s. (eD3<5o and cow tree) mandarin orange tree, citrus nobilis. ^:)6s}, Ndraka, s, hell, infernal regions: a. hellish, infernal. 33<5;:95, Ndrakiha, s. (D3(5es) ndrakU hell, 9) aff.) inhabitant of hell. 333(3S)ao, Ndra?iga, s. juice of the pepper plant; animal, but one of twins; catamite; orange tree. ^i6d, Nd-raja, Elu form of -2s333fi5dca? ndga- rdjayd. ^9(59(3, Ndraftya, Is. fibres of the branches of 33d9, Ndratuwa, the cocoanut tree. >2533<5- 233(5^, Ndrada, s. in Hindu mythology Narada the son of Brahma, and one of the original Rishis or Munis, he was the inventor of the vind or Indian lute. iSi'i 6 zsiasi^, Ndran-gaha, see !m6o:^^ ndran-gaha. D3c58ofis), Ndrasitiha, s. name of Vishnu, in his character of Narasi^ha or the man lion: see tree) iron-wood tree, mesvxi ferrea, pi. easJl^sJ nd-ruk. -eD3c3ig, Nd-rupu, s. ^3 snake, cJ^g enemy) Garuda or bird of Vishnu so called on account of his destroying and feeding on serpents; ichneumon, mungoose, [Colloq. 3ccj mugaityd']. ^oss^OoeJ, Nd-ron, s. (S33 tree nagaha, s^cSoesJ dust) pollen of the flower of the iron-wood, which is taken in catarrhs, coughs etc. D3C, Ndla, 8. hoUow or tubular stalk; the stalk of the water lily; yellow orpiment; tube, pipe. -233000, Ndlaya, see -2533(3 ndla. -233(33(85, Ndldgiri, s. elephant so called, sent by Ajasat-raja to destroy Buddha. <233g, Ndli, s. any tubular vessel of the body, as a vein, artery, intestine etc.; stalk of a water lily; measure. &03g), Ndlika, s. bufEalo; lotus. <533^53, Ndlikd, s. tubular stalk of plants; stalk of a lotus; any tubular stalk; instrument for piercing elephant's ear; plant, hibiscus cannabi- mis. -2533^$>J(5, Ndlikera, $. cocoa-ntit tree, [Colloq. <9>03(^>2? pol-gaha"]. ^3ge3 286 ^S)3^ ss^oQcB, Ndliya, s. female elephant; betel, [Colloq. C^SiC bulat-wela\. ^iQiSi, NdUka, 8. arrow; dart, javelin, pike; lotus. -S33(3C3> Ndlowa, see 33OTtt583 ndga-bhawana. S338, Ndwya, a. navigable, belonging to ships. -203, Ndwa, see -253D03 ndivd. )3Q33, Ndwanawd, v. to wash another, the causal form of <203-sd83 ndnawd, to bathe, to wash: pret. eax^Qs newivd']. e333, Ndwd, s. ship, [Colloq. S3x8 we i^a] ; tree with small flowers in pendulous panicles and edible seeds, sterculia Balanghas (Sterculiacece) >203, I^dvi, s. root of a plant, gloriosa superba, which is reckoned a very subtile poison, [Colloq 9c6oc3 niyangald']. '203S5, Ndvika, s- rower or steersman of a vessel, helmsman, pilot. >203g53, Ndwukd corruptly for Ne^iaas nawukd, which see. S33x8, Ndwesi, s. (>2533 elephant, i8 who dwells) elephant keeper, [Colloquial: ^i>G5MgS3 et- gowuwd']. ?sD3es59, Ndsti, s. non-existence, annihilation; des- truction, loss, ruin: ind. particle implj^ing not, is not. -eootssS 45538, Ndstikya, s. atheism. S33tsSiS>, Ndstika, s. atheist, one who denies the divine authority of the Vedfas. ismsSs)SX>, Ndsti-katdjS. term used by the Hindus to designate the Buddhistical hefesy, atheism. 3389iS)^-, Ndhe, s. nose. ^6, Ni, s. a river in general, [Colloq. c!JoC5)j8 ga?i- gdwa~\: ind. prefix to words, implying negation, privation, etc. 298^e3C3, Nihkshipta, a. rejected, abandoned; fore- gone, given or thrown away. 268'5>3S^3, Nihkshepa, s. pledge, deposit; rejecting, leaving, forsaking, abandoning. 26 J, Nik, s. goldsmith's weight. ^^Q^&iS3, Nikkujjita, s. upsetting, overturning: a. upset, turned over. ^6Ji), Nikma, part, going out, departing, proceed- ing from; Elu form of ^6s^i)38 nishkramya. 35i)c63, Nikmaydma, s. departure,- Exodus. e^^g-(g6, Nikmuna, part, gene, departed, left. 2fl)(5N'^S3, Nikmenawd, v. to depart, to leave, to proceed from, to set out: pret. -26^-So nik- mund. 35, Nika, \s. tree, species of the vitex; i9ffi3K)S> Nika-gaha, /medicinal shrub so called: weight of 15 kalandas, or 2 oz. 13 dwt. 20 gr. troy. S'^.Q, Nikata, s. chin: a. neai*, proximate, [Coll: (3o langal. isissiisS, Nikan, corruptly for -26 en nikam. ^3, Nikam, a. (9 neg. Si% work etc.) useless, unemployed; empty, nothing; simple, mere. ^Q^f) 8e393, Nikutwenawd, v. to depart, to go away, to set off. 6 4!g^)G0, Nikumbha, s. son of Kumbhakarna, the brother of Rdwana; medicinal plant, croton polyandrum, [Colloq. ^tsfsi delta}, and describ- ed as a gentle stimulant. i6(3^J3, Niketa, 1 . house, habitation, dwell- ^9f?iJs32a, Niketana, fing, residence, [Colloquial: oeaecfio^occ wdsasthdnaya]. ^)as3, Niknta, past. part, tricked, cheated, de- ceived; dishonest; removed; dismissed. 29a?9, Nikriti, s. rejection, abuse, dishonesty. ^5aa3 Nikrishta, a. low, mean, despised, vile, outcast, degraded. eflSC) Nikhila, pron. all, entire, complete, whole. i^cgw, Nigraha, s. scorn, mockery, insult, derision; aversion, disfavour; discouragement; dislike; de- viation from rectitude, impropriety; binding, confinement. 3g8a3<5<3SS3, Nigrahakaranaivd, v. to scorn, to mock, to deride; to treat with contempt. 6(5C'>535^, Nigos, s. sound in chorus, echo; weeping, moaning, lamenting ; cry of birds etc. 26^20, Nighna, a. menial, dependent. e653- Nitala, s. forehead, [Colloq. )C nalala"}. iQcJ3, Nitta, ) a. unceasing, continual, perpetual, d3s), Nitya, J constant, [Colloq. -jQsxJ o^> nitara-pawatina\ . dis3iS, Nitya-gati, s. (i6s3 constant, Nitala, s. (^ not, 3(3 place or bottom) one of the seven divisions of hell, tartarus or the bottomless pit. <0<9, Ntti, ad. continually, constantly, without ceasing, endless. S&i^isiq, Nitininda, a. alone, single, sole, [Coll: C5i6co3 taniyama'\. !6?9:2033, Nitijiatd, ad. always, ever, unceasingly, perpetually, [CoUoq. i6o5(53 nitarama~\. jds^vDOc^, Nitora, see e6D(5 nitara. <9s3z^cJ, Nitetin, ad. easily, with facility, with- out trouble or difficulty. jQg, Nidrawa, s. dryness, want of moisture. <6c Nidrd, Is. sleep, sleeping, drowsiness, <95, Nidrdwa, ) IColloq. 26<^(53t5i) niddgenma] ; sloth, indolence, [CoUoq. 5i)t@^ Jcammeli- kama'\. dis^G,3oiQ^:jti(ft.(^^,Bdla-mipat-ebi, S. kind of hill paddy. iC Sod 3, Bdla-mlpat-vi, a. kind of paddy. '^^(^^^fSi"), Bdla-mushikd, s. (Qso small, g@ffi)3 rat) small rat or mouse, mus musculus, ^order Rodentia) ; small kind of bat, variety of scoto- philus coromandelicus, forder Cheiroptera), 3(3Ss>5S, Bdla-meneri, s. kind of panic grass, variety of panicum miliare or p. psilopodium. 3(=^c03, Bdlayd, s. (3(5 young, ignorant, c03 mas. aff.) child, youth, minor; stupid fellow, dolt, fool, 3Q C6cdffi53<5c63, Bdlu-waijaskdrayd, s. minor. JC coes, Bdla-wayasa, s. childhood, young age. icQsese^, Bdla-wdsas, s. (OQ hair, of cows, goats etc. oese^ vesture) woollen cloth or garments. 3(^^^-253, Bdlasudana, see eg<^e53 balasudana. 3C3, Bdld, s. woman, female; small cardamoms: see 3(3^55 bdlaka; aloes; coconut tree, [CoUoq. (5\e33 (4 (53 S3 poZ-^aAa]; turmeric, curcuma longa, [Colloq, >S3 kaha']] sort of jasmine: see 3(3 gsB'fias bdla-pushpikd; flower, hibiscus tortuosus: a. pure, clean, free from blemish or defilement, fit to be offered; ignorant, unwise, uninstructed; infantine, young, chUdish. 3(333523, Bdldtapa, s. (3(3 bdJa young, eposo d- tapa ray of the sun) cool of the morning; heat of the sun in the morning. 'S)3QoSi'<^t- netul'\; swietenia febrifugia. 3B), Bdha, s. (3) to endeavour) arm. 35806, Bdhittha, s. frontal of an elephant. 35803, Bdhita, a, placed or driven out, outward, external. 356<5, Bdhira, a. outer; outward; external, out- side. r 35S<35, Bdhira, a. outside, outward; put out; dis- graced, despised. 35800455, Bdhirdkama, s. defamation, disgrace, meanness. 3?8d5jc5'3S53, Bdhtrdlaranawd, v. to defame, to disgrace, to insult, to ridicule. 3?6d58, Bdhirdiva, see 3581^455 bdhirdkama. 3Q, Baku, s> ai'm; hand, [Colloq. ^03 a^aj; side of any angular geometrical figure: a. many, much. jg^^, Bdhuja, s. (ig and d born) man of the kshatriya or warrior caste, alluding to the fable of that caste being bom from the arm of Brah- ma; parrot; sesamum plant, sesamum indtcnm, [Colloq. (^^o^(^ S3G tel-tala']. 3g^<55Sc6, Bdhiirdandiya, s. bracelet. 3g^33, Bdhu-bhushd, s. (3g and ^553 orna- ment) armlet, ornament worn round the upper arm. 3gG) Bdhu-mula, s. (3g and (3 root) armpit, [Colloq. ^58 (^c kihilla']. 3g5(S!e)(a, Bdhiir-yugmaya, s. (3g and ^(sByiig- ma couple) both arms. 3i2^^cc, Bdhu-yuddhaya, s. (3Q arm, g^ yuddha war) close fight, personal struggle, con- flict, boxing, wrestling. 3gQ, Bdhulya, s. plenty, abundance, large quantity. 3S5C) Bdhida, s. (gC bahula fire, with q><*J an aff.) much, many, various; plural; grammatical term implying various or irregular formation; fire ; Agni the regent of fire ; black (the colour) ; month Kartika (October-November). 3g(5^(^co, Bdhuleya, s. (^(33 bahuld Pleiades) name of Kartikeya or Kataragama deviyo, the Indian god of war; month (October-November). 3g9, Bdhuwa, 8. arm;. hand, [Colloq. cp) ata"]. 3gS(33, Bdhu-walli, 8. creeping plant, momordica charantia, [Colloq. siSSc karivila']. 3g3cof^, Bdhuviiya, s. personal prowess. 3S3, Bdhya, ind. out, outer, outside, without, extraneous. ^5^, Bik, s. house adjoining a temple where the priest usually resides; religious mendicant; asce- tic; priest of Buddha; begging, asking, soliciting or demanding alms: see 5 bika. j:.-3^a^, Biktiya, s. wall of a building; corruptly for t8<33SSc5 bhittiya. %ssi, Bika, s. any one of the natural segments or carpels of an orange or any similar fruit. S, Binga, ) s. wasp, large black bee, [Colloq. ^zg, Bingu, J (^ bambard'} ; plant, low spread- ing creeper or shrub possessing medicinal quali- ties, eclipta or verbesina prostrata, [Colloq. iS sSiS^i:^ kikirijidiya']', according to another au- thority, verbesina scandens. i)^2'^) Bitigudiya, s, (^ig wasp, ^ce bow-string) Anaiiga whose bow is strung with wasps o. bees. @JQ& 422 @^23 cgSoe, Bingtipiya, s. (eg bee, 8co loved) mace, spice, [Colloq. esoSoQ wasdwdsil. c}C line or g(6, Bingumulu, j g) multitude) swarm or hive of bees. Sco, Bichchiya, more properly written tBoeSco bhittiya, ^exSco ^z7%a and ^sxSca biktiya, which see. c^, -S(;}a, s. egg; pi. tJ^ ^z;'m: corrupt form of ^9 bijuwa. ^e^cJl, Bijjtiru, see ^c5l ie/wrw. dg(5, Bijapura, s. common citron, czYrMS medica, [Colloq. ocJ^adei Za/)am?i]. ^^, Biju, 8. cause, origin in general; seed; seed of any animal; semen virile; testicles; egg; seed of plants etc; receptacle, place of deposit or pre- partion; marrow. g'os, Bijuta, s. wall, [Colloq. jSco biktiya]. ^d9:)83, Btjur-rakinawdfV. (^^ egg, d^-soSa preserve) to sit, to hatch eggs as a hen. ^^*5i, Bijuru, 8. (a)^ seed, (5L to grow) corn, wheat. ^^Q, Bijuwa, 1 ^,.. =1 ^'^^ T... , /-see ajCf btm. ^0, Bijuivata, J * "^ S, 5z/i, s. water melon, citrullus vulgaris [Colloq. *5S)3g komadu\. S), Bida, 8. factitious salt, salt produced from boiling thfe soil found near the sea shore or any earth impregnated with saline particles; parti- cular kind of salt used as a tonic aperient, com- monly called black salt or bit loben, prepared by fusing rock salt with a small portion of emblic myrobalan, the produce of which is muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur and oxide of iron. ^Soco, Bidanga, s. main part of coconut branch. 3(5, Biddla, s. cat, [Colloq. Qd balald"]. ^S)oGS5, Biddlaka, s. yellow orpiment, application of ointment to the external part of the eye, es- pecially to the eye-lids of which the lashes have fallen ofE or been ulcerated. S)xdc> Bid^lla, s. sod. S)tG> Bidela, see ^3^ biddla. <^, Bim'ma, s. talk, speech; scolding, abuse. ^i Binuy Is. speech, saying, speaking. [Coll: ^n^Qi, Bin lima, J jnda X-aiAawa], ciS30ce, Bittataya, s. seed; seed corn, seed of plants etc. ^ic3(5, Bittara, s. seed, seed corn; egg. t^exScs, Bittiya, s. wall. S, Bita, s. wall; wall of a house: pi. eJ bit: see ^^ biju. ScD^sJ^a-sS, Bitakkana, s. end or top of a wall, ^^g, Bitu, see S3 bita. ^^2533, Bifid enaifd, v. to break, to break of it self, to crack, to part asunder, to separate: pret. @g33 biudund. %isi, Bin, 8. ground, spot, site, place; the earth, corruptly for 'S)^ biin; eating (of priests). ^esS ^g, Bin-amu, s. grain, variety of paspalum scrobiculatum. ed" ^(5, Bin-awari, s. plant, indigo/era ennea- pkylla. J epi^5Q3ae3, Bin-etirilla-pald, s. plant, not ascertained. sJ (fioCj Bin-epala, s. plant, variety of trium- fetta. ^is5 y)b, Bin-olu, s. plant, Litnnanthemum pafvi- folium ( Gentianaceoi ) . ^i &i6(^S3(si, Btn-ge, s. (^isS and (S^csJ house) cave, cavern, subterraneous apartment, natural or arti- ficial. :Js)(5i, Bintamburu. s. bindweed, bearing a red flower, i])omoea Beladamboe or i. rugosa (Con- volvulacece). ^ts5 C3^, Bin-tal, 8. name of two species of cwxu- ligo: see s3Jq3(5 maha-bin-tal and c9J@aJ 0(5 hm-bin-tal. 5 S)c, Bin-tala, s. general name for river fish. 5^549Scs, Bin-dadahnya, s. spurge with branches pressing flat on the earth, euphorbia thymifolia, ( Euphorbiacece ) '. see ^C eZa-g bu- and g 555S6co mudu-dadakiriya. ed<5<5, Bin-dara, s. herb with violet flowers, pe- culiar to Ceylon, exacum zeylanicum (Gentia- naceoe): also called ^SSsSSca kirihiriya. ^5 ^^(^, Bin-diwul, s. variety of /eronm elephan- tum or wood apple. 5^, Bindima, s. hemorrhage. ^>i, Bindu, 8. drop, spot or speck; sign o which is the nasal mark used in connection with the miscellaneous letters. '*^C'855j Btndujdlaka, s. (' marks, ^Qjdla multitude) coloured spots or freckles on an ele- phant. ^isS S15Cj Btn-dummala, s. (S:f ground, gc resin) resinous oil, prepared by boiling and evaporation from earth mixed with bitumen or petroleum. ^'fie9, Binduwa, see bindu. 25J33'Q, Bin-ndnu, s. plant, not ascertained, Sed^Q, Binnimba, s. (9 bim ground, ^ nimba) plant, according to Sinhalese authority the kirdta or gentiana cherayta, but named by Mr. Moon melia pumila; the name alludes to its bitter taste; munronia jmmila, \Qo\[o(\. ^osn^od Ses)3S) bin-kohomba^. '^si'SQQS), Bin-migay s. Indian ipecacuanha, tylo- phora asthmatica (AsclepidtaceceJ. cJ Bin-vila, s. hedge hyssop, gratiola parvi- folia. '^isitsQisi, Bin-sawan, s. species of the hedge hys- sop, gratiola juncea. SJ Qc8C3, Bin-siyambald, a. plant, ceschynomene p)umila. erJ C33(33, Bin-hakambald, s. plant, begonia tenera. ^J SJi,S)cS3, Bin-hedayd, a. club moss, lycopodium repena. 205 See, Binara-maaa, a. month so called (Sep- tember-October) . jBess, Biniad, a. opium plant, papaver aomnifera, [CoUoq. 5:fs33 kanad^. (3, Bibila, a. bubble; pimple, pustule. ^^QfBibula, a. bubble; blister, pustule; fountain, spring or place where water oozes. , Bimbu, a. ( bimba halo etc. q u aff.) the orb of the sun or moon; plant, bryonia grandia'. see ^S bimba. ^cJi, Bimburu, a. image, picture; statue, [Colloq. c^ocs rupaya'^: see S^o^ss pena. ^0, Bimbula, a. bubble; spring, fountain; pimple, pustule, boil, blister: pi. a(;j bimbul. , Bim, plur. of bima, landed property, ground. a (5)CS, Bim-urd, a. (^ and ^^ hog) sort of large grasshopper or locust. 3C') Bim-pald, a. vegetable, plant in general; greens, vegetables etc. ^D gg(^, Bim-puhul, a. medicinal creeping plant, not ascertained. ^D (5vc33(^, Bim-pol, a. small medicinal plant, the root of which is taken in powders, trichopua zeylanicus ( Dioacoreacece ) . ^(3NC33C^S5D t^ ]cemwel'\ : see the preceding word. ^SS)(5, Biiubara, s. multitude, [CoUoq. eogeoco samuhaya'] . aDS)e3K3, Bim-bassd, s. bird called Kelaart's night jar, caprimulgus Kalaartii ; jungle nightjar, c. atripennis, also called dtS)i3533 re-bassd and (5 53133 bamara-bassd; common Indian night- jar, c. asiaticus, also called dtScaas re-bassd: (Caprimulgidce, order Picarim). ^iS)3, Bimbd, s. queen Yasodhara and wife of Buddha. @SS)3<^3, Bimbddaka, s. tree, /em sambucina; marking nut plant, semecarpus anacardium. S3, Bimbikd, 1 s. creeping plant, bryonia S, Bimhi, ) grandis, or momordica mona- delpha [Colloq. (;^S)Si(^ Z:is32!3c8, Bimbohanaya, s. piUow, mattress, bolster. g igN3 revenue; fragments: pi. @ bili. ^(iC'> Billd, s. kidnapper, ghost talked of to fighten children: pi. W(^ Bila, s. cave, natural or artificial hollow in a rock; fissure, rent, perforation; a term used by elephant keepers for lifting up the leg of ele- ^ phant. ea^ BilaAga, s. sour gruel; vinegar. (38ia63(35), BilaAgathdlika, s. punishment in- flicted by taking off the scalp of the person, and pouring boiling gruel upon the head. (33(3, Bildla, s. (q^Q^G biddla with the lingual changed into the semivowel c) cat, the Pali form of Qsc biddla. [Colloq. C^ balaW] ; a facti- tious salt, bit loben: see S bida. ^Q, Bili, s. thing sacrificed; value. g(9s59, Bilikatuwa, s. (S and 59 hook) fish-hook. gg^, Bilindd, 8. child, male infant: pi. ^Q^^ bilindo. (gKf, Bilin, s. country gooseberry, blimbing or bilimbi with acid fruit used in preserves etc-; averrhoa bilimbi (Geraniacece). @6@ 425 ^^(Si g8toea, Bilipitta, s. fishing or angling rod. @gg, Bilipiitu, s. (^Q fragments of food, or what is offered to demons, g who is nourished) crow, so called in allusion to its eating or feeding on the offerings or the remains of the sacrifices made to demons, [Colloq. 5g33 Jcaputa]. Sgga5Q, Bili-pujdwa, s. sacrifice to demons: see ^C^e billa. ^gce, tUi/a, s. fish-hook; large species of earth worm. 5i(gca, Biliyama, s. plummet, or mason's lead; ceremony of making offerings to propitiate pla- nets or demons. 6 C^' Bilt-lanuwa, s. (^Q bait, CQ li^ie) ^ fishing line. ^S, Bill, see (f C billa. l5(3S)3iSD3, Bth'-bdnawd, v. {^S bait, S)3303 to cast) to angle, to fish. (5e^, BiU-mas, s. red kind of fish, cyprinus denticulatus: (Malacopterygii). S*^, Bile, s. hollow in a trunk. ^(^oca, Bilesaya, s. snake, serpent; ndga or in- habitant of NAga-loka or Pat^la. v^tSsa, Bissa, s. large oval basket for holding corn or grain of any kind; mat or bundle of straw placed at the door for wiping the feet; clod thick- ly overgrown with grass. ^63, Bisa, s. film or fibres attached to the stalk of ^ the lotus or the water lily; stalk of the lotus, e3S5 e^ 5 ^e39. Bisawa, ?-abhiseka royal ^ooge5:fs33sJ(S^e^, Bisavmnndnse, J unction, drop- ping the initial vowel, and changing the aspirate into its corresponding soft letter) queen, one who has been anointed and crowned, ^fi, Bisi, s. ascetic's seat. 2^, Bisim, s. tank or pond producing the lotus; assemblage of lotus flowers. <5J bihiro. i8, Bihiri, s. deaf woman: a. deaf, Elu form of S)3'5 badhira. 563, Bihivt'ma, s. birth, bringing forth, produc- ing. ^tSs^QstiQo, Bihiivenawd, v. to be born, to be brought forth, [Colloq. (*C33S3 upadinawd"]. eSee, Bihisa, a. good, best, excellent, virtuous. eSg, Bihisii, a. good, auspicious, virtuous, ex- cellent, best, preeminent. eSgs^co(^ eta- keheQ . "^d^ssiSsd, Byakosa, s. (^d seed, (s>5Jee purse) scrotum; pericarp or seed vessel of the lotus; ^ capsule of flowers. ^dsid, Btjatara, s. (^d and C3<5 much) pom- egranate, punica granatum, fCoU. '5^^^ fZeZwTw]. ^dgao, Bija-pushpa, s. (^d and gao flower) common citron; thorny plant, vangueria spinosa. 5dg<5, Bijajjura, s. {^d seed, g<5 what is full) common citron, citrvis medica, [Colloq. Qdsi:i6e lapndran"]; pomegranate, punica granatum, [Colloq. ^q6^ delum]. ^d^6 Si, Btjapuraka, s. (^d and g(5 full, ) aff.) pomegranate: see d'o3(5 bijatara. ^d^Q, Bija-phala, s. {^d and 6c fruit) long pepper plant, pipier longum, [Colloq. ^dQQ tipping, ^d(S*i)oQ, Bijamocha, s. species of plantain, mma sapientum. ^da, Bijaya, see ^d bija. c3S55)ac3, Btjdkrita, a. (^d bija seed, ;83 krita prepared, with p d added to the first) ploughed, the ground prepared for receiving the seed. oScsS, Bijdhwa, s. (d bija and fccs)83 dhwd name, appellation) common citron: see ^dQ6 bijapura; citron gourd. - __ @ 426 g^S)) ScD, Bita, 8. fear, terror, alarm, fright. S33a5, Bitdksha, s. tree, terminalia, belertca, [Coll: %6 buhi]. as5X3, Bibhatsa, s. (S ia^/m to bind, to hate) disgust produced on the mind by the actions and performances of dancing women ; abhorrence. S), Bima, s. drink, drinking, draught, beverage. ScJ, Bimat, a. ( drinking, d intoxicated) drunk, intoxicated with spirituous liquor. i)2555, Bhnatkama, s. drunkenness, intoxication. ^6-<^ssiO^, Biranakdla, s. (<5<^ hirana and !SiiQ time) foggy weather; dark and obscure weather. ^6-^a, Biranat/a, s. fog, mist, [Colloq. g ini- dtima] ; darkness proceeding from the sun being overcast. (560, Biraluwa, s. bobbin for making lace. f3d5. Bird, see ^^c^ bihird. @d5e6, Bi'rdm, a. cloudy, foggy. 5, Bm, 8. deaf woman: see 58 S bihiri. SSsjScjS, Biritattuwa, s. deafness occasioned by a loud noise. 1/ 8, Btrima, 1 i^'-\ T>' I ^- gloomy, misty weather. SJcSi, Biruma, J -^ -^ go), Butiha, 8. castor oil plant, iHcinus comunis, [Colloq. c5s5 ^c5i, raf-c2?t?arM] . g5a), Bukka, s. heart; goat. oa>S3, Bukkana, s. barking (as a dog), gc^jfiaad, Bukkdra, s, (>2n bukka to bark, Qod aj'a aff.) roaring or barking of a lion. gi3x53c5, Buktii/a, s. possession, an inheritance. g^03C53 Bukula, s. blow from the fist on the side. ^d, Buja, 8. hand, arm, [Colloq. (fsi ata] ; snake. rfc3, Bujanga, s. serpent, [Colloq. ee6co3 sarpayd'] ; gamester, [Colloq. 5gg53<5c83 SM<^w^aVa?/a]. ^>c6, Bujangaya, 8. tree, moringa pterygosperma, [Colloq. ^ Bujamul, 8. (gd arm, (^ root) arm-pit, [Colloq. ^5B(^c kihilla]. QSS)oS3, Buddayd^ 8. stupid man. QJ, ^Mi, s. for g budu Buddha, as sJsa(54S iwf- sarana refuge in Buddha, or the feet of Buddha. C3{Sce, Buttiya, s, possession. Q6)t9f 3D, Buttivindinaim, v. to enjoy, to pos- sess, to occupy; to eat. cJe3(5'S^, Butsarana, s. plant called Indian shot, carina indica (Scitaminece) ; refuge in Buddha, or Buddha's feet. 4<^Cca, Budddlaya, s. (^5 bvdda corrupt form of gs) buddha, Buddha, tpQca dlaya residence, hall, saloon) temple of Buddha. g^!j, Budbuda, 8. (^ imitative sound, god doing; doer, esi aff .) making one a Buddha, i. e. (actions) necessary for the attainment of the Buddha- hood. )\fi3)i 427 gcf S)(S5!f(333oc Bucldka-koldhala, s. (a) and <^iSii CoKiG noise, rejoicing) the festive rejoicings at the birth of Buddha. QSs^ssJgs, Bvddhaghdsha, s. (2) and ga ghusha to proclaim) name of a celebrated Buddhist sage and saint, the author of the Artha-kathas or per- petual comments on the orations of Buddha; these, as the author was a rahat possessed of sixperhuman endowments, are of equal authority with the text; he came from the continent of India and is supposed to have flourished early in the fifth century A. D. ^co, Baddhatwaya, s. Buddhaship. ^Sx^d isicaaa, Biiddhardja-kalkai/a, s. medicinal drug; levigated powder, so called. DsDcSSd cgQiS, BuddJiardja-guliya, s. medicinal pill, so called. gS)(Se^ G 33(300, Bvddhardja-iailaya, s. name of a medicinal oil. gaSS Buddka-icarsha, s. (S) and @ year) the era of Buddha, commencing about 543 years before Christ. ga)DOT, Buddhdgama, s. Buddhist religion. e)3)s5<5c5, Buddhddkuraya, s. (^s) buddha and pSbigc5 atikura bud or young shoot) embryo Buddha, candidate for the Buddhaship. a)3xn<5, Buddhdntara, s. (^a)biiddha and p3e3D (5 between, intervening) time which elapses bet- ween the death of one Buddha and the birth of ^ another. QaJo-^aoaS, Bnddhdnubhdwa, s. (a) buddha and ^-^85338 power, dignity etc.) dignity or the supreme power and authority of Buddha. ga)j53D, Buddhdsana, s, ()S) bwldha and epeseo dsana sitting, a seat) Buddha's seat or throne. , Buddhi, s. (o) budha to know) wisdom, intellect, understanding. ScJ, Buddhimat, la. (S understanding, c5 QS355, Bvddhimdn, J poss. aff.) wise, learned, skilled; famed, known; humble, docile. S<8oe3, Biiddhiwantay a. (S and 8xs3 poss. aE.) learned, wise, well informed; sensible, clever. aca, Buddhtndriya, s, (8 and 9^c8 organ) organ of intellect, as the mind, eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. ^sJ, Buri) a. eaten; opened, blo^fv^n, expanded, as a flower; broken, fractured, torn, rent. Je3, Bunna, s. that which is eaten or broken. g<5:i'g|d, Bunhulu, s. expansion, as of flowers etc, eo. Buna, a. crooked, bent, tortuous. gag, Bupatvu, see ^og bicpawu. Qoi^, Bupel, see %ozQ Bupela. ggfjedf, Bubuin, s. root of a tree or plant of any kind. ^^Q, Bubula, s. bubble; blister, pustule; spring of water for purposes of irrigation: pi, ^ bubul. Qe^e3- ably used for an elder S33eflc6's:f, Buhunantyan, } sister. Qgi, Buhuman, s. (g much, si from 5350 mdna to honor) love, affection, attachment, re- gard, great esteem, respect, reverence. gcd'3(5-S3;Js Bu-anodd, s. plant, variety of abutilon asiaticum. ffQ8, Bu-awari, e. species of indigo, indigofera hirsuta. g ^(^C, Bu-embilla, 8, small tree, antideema ghcesembilla or a. paniculatum (Eupkorbiaceoe)', see c92s5 !fic^e hin-embilla. CS^'^Sj Bu-undupiyali, s. plant, variety of c/es modium (or hedysarum) heterophyllum. D 503(5, Bu-kadupdra, s. plant, cacalia sonchi folia. a35cn^, Bu-katuganda, Is. hound's tongue, fij^joie^, 5M-^aiM^enc?a, j cynoglossum fiirca- tum (Boraginece). g 3C3<5l63e3, Bur-kaparutald, 8. wild mint, mentlia sylvestris. 5(5g, Bu-karawu, 8. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, scleria hirsuta. ^ 583Sj, Bu-kawanawd, v, to slouch. D Q^, Bu-kijida, 8. plant, tinospora malabarica (Menispermacece): also called (^S^ ?m^-H2K?of. 9^^(5, Bu-kinitul, s. plant, not identified. ig^ ^SSco, Bu-kiriya, 8. plant, amomum echinatum. (^^^5^^ca^, Buketiyd, 8. creeper, g s^53^5)x, Bu-kobbe, 8. plant, variety of a/Zo- phyllu8 (or 8chmidelia or ornithrope) cobbe. g ie^, Bu-k^nda, s. plant, Mallotus albus or Rottlera tetracocca (jEuphorbiacece). % S)x(9co, Bu-keliya, s. plant, variety of greivia Microcos. gcoDeaSs, Biigdnawd, v. to shave the head, g (S6^S(33, Bu-giritilla, s. plant, variety of argyreia p)opulipolia or ?7'i7ea zeylariica, ^ (5JiQ(5*'fi533C> Bu-getakola, s. plant, variety of hedyotis auricularia. ^(S3i8cfi3, Bugetiyd, s. plant, hugonia Mystax (Li- nacece); also called (9J(53iSc63 hm-getiyd. Ds3c03, Butayd, see ^SD bhuta. g codoS, 5M-faraa, s. plant, variety of webera corymbosa. g ^cJ^S, Bu-tuttiriy s. variety of grass, chryso- pogon aciculatus. Q S^sjJd, Bu-tora, 8. species of cassia or senna, cassea aisMs (Legumitio8ceJ. g s>i(^s>53e Bu-telkolttt 8. bind weed, convolvu^ his obscurus. ^qq^Sca, Bii-dadah'riyct, 8. spurge, hairy plant, euphorbia hirta (Euphorbiacece): see ^c ^^tt 2s5 im g ^5^s3(^, Bundale, \ furniture, broom. (Dutch,) ^eo^Qceed", Bunaniyan, s. sister, elder sister. alluding to his character as ruler or chief of the world. 6}53, Bunikkd,s. doll, pi. ^^!A<5^!Siibunikk6; more commonly s^S)J^^5J^s5^ bonikkd. ^ ^'S), Bu-nuga, s. species of fig tree, ficus mysor- ensis (Urtiacece). ^S^D^. Bd-nelu, s. jimgle tree, stenosiphonium Rmsellianiim (Acanthaceoe): see eod nelu. gc396)3 ^oc Bupattd-epala, s. plant, variety of urena lobata. ^C3^, Bupati, s. (^ earth, C3^ chief) name of Siva; king, monarch, sovereign, emperor. ^ C3g, Bu-pawu, 8. (^ and og mountain) eastern mountain, from behind which the sun is suppos- ed to rise, [Colloq. ^cjcccSS oScoco vdayagiri- panvataya\, C33, Bupd, 8. king, protector of the world, g 8S, Bu-pichcha, 8. (^ earth, 63 jasmine) species of jasmine, jasmtnum pubescen8. g 6(2, Bu-jnla, 8. goat's rue, tephrosia villosa (Le- gumino8ce). g eaxC, Bu-pela, s. (g demon, OiQ hut or shed) small temple appropriated to the worship of de- mons. Q<^(^G> Bu-batadella, s. panic grass> pantcum hir8Utum> D B)% Bu-batu, s, thorny plant, solanum ferox, also called c9 malabatu. ^ds3-<^, Bu-balutana, s. bent grass, agrostis penicea. ^ eJa)(a>ii*J, Bu-meneri, s. variety of panicum miliure or pi psilopodium. (S\o8, Bu-mottu, s. winter cherry, physalis pubesceus. ^ x, Bu-me, 8. kidney bean, phaseolus max, [Colloq. ^c dambala]. ^ <53c6}snSSco, Bu-rata-yakbe'riya, s. plant, cro- tularia capensi8. ^(5^03, Buruwd, s. ass; name of a playing card, knave (from Dutch boer). ^ Bu-rewula, s, young beard, (gco, Buliya, s. large earthen vessel, stone bottle. 8, Buwa, 8. down on leaves, fruits, or insects; the texture of leaves or fruits; the soft sting of some leaves. ^Q(^(fc^^, Bu-wal-ajiguna, 8. plant, echttesfra- grans. )(5S)sv55, Bu-wal-meneri, s. variety of panic grass, panicum miliare. 9(335 Buwalla, s. dried coconut flower. Q8q33, Buwalld, s. kind of small sea fish. g 8(58x(5f , Bu-walwftmidi, s. plant, assMS w7- losa. ^QQ^iQd, Buwalu-netta, 8. culm of coconut flower. ^ Se3)^(^(3^^5^^c, Bu-wasatelkola, 8. bindwort, con- volvulus malabaricus. ^325330, Busandwa, 8. extirpation, destruction. ge6a33>a383, Bmandwenawd, v, to be extirpated, to be destroyed, a63co, Busiya, s. wadding used Si charging guns. gdeoS, Bii-sulunayi, s. plant, rungia longifolia, ^s*e(5i, Buse'ru, 8. tree with small greenish yellow flower, premna tomentosa (Verbenaceae). ^ w5e' Bu-Jiakambaid, 8. plant, bignonia rupee tns. 8)256, Bu-hakulu, s. plant, marsdenia asthmatica. D w5, Bu-hawari, s. plant, variety of convolvulus. ^ S^95o3, Bu-hunukirilla, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, Phyllanthus pubescens (Euphorbiacem). ^ svwsd, Bu-hora, s. wood-oil tree, peculiar to Cey- lon, dipterocarpus hispidus (Dipterocarpacece), )), jBe^a, s. frogj Jm/o melanostictu^, (order Batrachia salientia), [Colloq. (5^c3Soo3 geriia- diyd']. >S)3S, 5e.^/a, s. dung, ordure, the dung of animals and birds etc: pi. (3^^9 Se/e'i \9, Beti, 8, lake, pond; any small round sub- stance; ball, lump, ball of dUng etc.: a. round, plump. \Q)@a9 430 ^S^ to dung, as an (S>Q9(53eD383, Betigahanawd, v animal. sv99, Betuwa, s. neck, throat, [Colloq. s^Qqo bella]. S\5>383, Betuwa-mirihanawd, v. (iS^S)3 throat, @5ffl)303 to squeeze) to throttle, to seize by the neck. (3S8c Benduivala, s. razor used by the priests of Buddha for shaving the head; spear. (S><5383, Bedanawd, v. to separate, to divide, to part, to apportion, to distribute: pret. S'QgQo beduwd. S>S)^(SJ, Bene, s. hole, hollow in a tree etc: pi. (3vS)<20 bena. SS)c8^, Beyada, s. rock. sv<55^, Bera-kanda, s. ((S<5 tom-tom, )^ trunk) wooden frame of a tom-tom. S>dffi53<5oD3, Berakdrayd, s. ((s<5 and ssiid who does, C63 aif .) tom-tom beater, drummer. ^'Si6tsimQ'3,Beragahanawd, v. to beat the tom-tom. S^Sd'itfo, Berana, 1 s. second lunar mansion or (S>^^, Berani, J constellation in the moon's path: see tsi6d>cs, Beraya, s. tom-tom, drum; corn measure; parrah containing twenty-four neliyas, | of a bushel: pi. 5, Beri, s. roaring or growling of wild beasts: o. overdone, overcooked, over ripe. (S^Q8$^^2tBere-ben\ s. disease: see tSSrS beri- hen, Ss389, Beriwenawd, v. to be overcooked as rice, to be ripened to excess as fruits. 9i8tsiisS(^ii^Q3,Berihandenawd, v, to roar as a lion. /evcJi, Beru, a. mellow, ripe, mature. SNc5l,<5)e>, Beru-gaha, Is. panic grass, panicum 9*^(^fS3-^, Beru-tana, j elatius ; fragrant grass, mdfopogon muricaius, [Coll: e8i8xJ^(35 e^tven- dardj. <3^>dJ, Bere, see ^(5o6 beraya. de'> Belld, s. oyster, shell fish in general: pi. <5^d^C!J bello. (3>c Bela, s. wood apple tree, cegle marmelos; power, strength, force, might; dignity, authority. S^CSd> Belasul, s. slime, mucus; saliva, spittle. C?93> BelaMna, a. ((5^C strength, {93 aban- doned) exhausted, weak, powerless, infirm; frail. ec9DC33, Belahinatd, s. (<5^e{9^^ exhausted, 333 aE.) prostration of strength, exhaustion. (5>(g, Belt, s. the plur. of (^'Qi(^Q bella, neck; tree nearly every part of which is used medicinally, the fruit, a kind of wood apple, is called bel, marmel or Bengal quince and is a remedy for dysentery, cegle marmelos (Rutacece); oysters: a. belonging to. >(9ffl), Belikatu, s. (Q and - shell) shell of the muscle or oyster. S^gSc^J(5, Belitora, s. plant, not ascertained. (;n@c3983, Beli-pattd, s. shrub found on the bor- ders of brooks or running water; the inner bark is used for cordage, hibiscus tiliacus (Malvaceae). ^c} behet. (3>>W!3i, Beheru, s. species of the night shade, of which there are twenty four species and varieties in Ceylon, [Colloq. batu]. v(?>(^, Bele', s. warrior, soldier, S, Be', s. part, division, distinction. ^(53C Be'gala, . lying, falsehood, prevarication, (vulgar) ; small silver or gold box hung at the side aa an ornament; the end or bent part of a cart spring: pi. S^Sood ^e'gal. s^S^, Be'da, s, (tS^ bhida to separate) distinction, disagreement, disunion; opposition; kind, sort. 3>Sg<5, Be'udura, s. the thin cutting part of a tool. S^Sgc5^, Be'uduru, s. large leaved parasitical plant, polypodium, foUstaiissimuSt e^^B4 431 e^^e^ SN^^^, Be'baddd,^ 1 _ drunkard, tippler, sot. (S^^'Sie^Qd, Be'baduwd, J S^^6-<^Qo, Be'ranaivd, v. to filter, to sift; to sift out, to inquire into, to scrutinize, to settle a dispute, to sort, to release: pret. >ScJL3 beruwd. S^5a5, Beriya, s. small tree growing in salt marshes, timber durable, lumnitzera racemosa (Combre- tacecp). iS>ScJi, Bern, 8. plant, agrostiatachys indica (Eu- phorbiacece ) . 3^)cJl^coi6(^C> Be'rudiyantUa, s. water plant, jus- sicsa repens (OnagracecB). e> Bokala, s. pericarp of a plant; paroquet. (3NS)D>e"zC Bokala-wela, s. creeping plant, dal- bergia filiformis. (^3^5, Boku, 8. secret, mystery; hand bent as if to receive water; piece of cloth or any thing that is pliable, as a leaf or piece of paper, bent into a hollow shape, e.g. a sugar paper; intestines: a. oval, hollow. >S)35(30S)393, Bokugahanaivd, v. to bend or fold into a hollow shape: see the foregoing. (S^S)^^2^, Bokuta, s. curl, lock of hair. S\S)j4ig iScoeo, Boku-niyana, s. curved chisel. S\)g!5, Bokura, s. plant, ochna sqarrosa, S^Qot^&Sko, Bojjhadga, see 9>iSiTiSiSi bddhya^ga. S>S)3^e3, Bojuna, s. food, provisions, victuals, prov- ender: pi. (SN3^^ bojun. S\S)39, Botuwa, s. neck; gullet, throat, [CoUoq. ^dC bella. 3cJo?), Bottama, s. button. (Eng.) (S^S)3C3S^(^cJl3, Botaleruwd, s. butler. (Eng.) S\S)3<5'20, Bodana, s. food, victuals, provisions, Elu form of 9'K)3d!r} bhojana; knowledge, planet Mercury, Elu form of (S^QJQes bodhana. S^3g, Bodu, s. boiled or cooked rice. (SQ3g^, Bodun, s. food, victuals, eatables. (S>S))gcJo), Bodunpd, s. cup, basin, bowl, dish for eating out of. 3g, Boduma, see >6)J bocluma. 2S3, Bona-badana, s. drinking-vessel. S3203, Bonaivd, v. to drink: pret. J03 biwd. (j^QsDSgcas, Bombiliyd, s. small sea fish, bombay duck. 'S^^6, Bora, s. mud, clay, mire; sediment, dregs, lees; dross, refuse. '3>S)3(5^, Boralu, s. gravel, pebbles, a gravelly or gritty soil; chaff. g\Q3(56^c5ca3, Borukdrayd, s. (s^9<5i and a)3<5 who does, C63 aff .) liar, utterer of falsehoods. (3>S)3<5iBcO'2533, Borukiyanawd, v. to lie, to utter falsehoods. !3^35L99, Boruktma, 8. lying, falsehood, prevari- cation. ^3c5lo:J, Borupan, s. kind of sedge used for weaving mats; club-rush, Heleocharis planta- ginea (Cyperacece). s^S)3c5I.occ, Borupaya, 1 s. (s3(5i, false, ooo or (?iS)3(5ic339, Borupdwa, J C33 pd foot) wooden leg; stilt. S3c5t9, Boruwa, s. lie, falsehood, untruth. (Sv3(5l, , Borvr-wala, 8. (s^ShcJi false, hole) pit-fall, trap for catching animals, made by dig-f ging a deep hole in the bottom of which sharji pointed instruments are planted, the hole being covered with sticks and earth. (^i(^, Bol, s. chaff: a. thick or solid. (SQ3(^s^03, Bolpolawa, s. (s^So^ solid, 03 world or earth) third or highest of the three strata of this earth, the first or lowest is air, the second water, the third the division we inhabit. <5>3(^C> Bolla, 8. skull; shell, oowri. 3(^Ct9'> Bellewd, s. man with long and large teeth and projecting gums. >S))C^CxS) Bollevi, s. feminine form of the above. S^Q3(^9c> Bolvila, plant, not ascertained. SSb(^?B^, Bolhtuda, 8. spiderwort, tradescantia cristata. (S'3(3, Bola, 8. thickness, grossness; name or epithet used in calling to persons of low caste, as coolies, slaves; as s^3(3 c33^S)c03 ioZa j^drfa- dayd, you vagabond. S^QscQ, Bolata, s. ancle. SN3(3^, Bolauda, 8. child, [Colloq. (3c;c5i3 lada- ruwd'\, male child or infant: a. childish, puerile. S^Qsc^* Bolaudakama, e. puerility, childish- ness. s^S)3C^ >63 speech, discourse) infantine discourse or e^^^ORf 432 \^JSe2, the repetition of a story in a manner suited to the capacity of children ; it is used also of friend- ly and agreeable conversation. s^'SiiQisS, Bolan, a. term used in a friendly way in addressing any one. S<'QiQ6^3, Bolarasd, s. the dross of iron which falls while in the act of being forged. (3>S)3(g<^5, JBolidda, s. plant, oleander. (S\S)3!3N(2J, Bold, s. familiar term of address: see (503(3 bola. >3di>CT8cc, Bosgediya, s. hub or nave, central part of a wheel in which spokes are fixed. S^S)3di(S>O33S>05esJs^}, Bostorokke, s. stays. (Dutch.) <5>S)3S^S3J, Boso, corruptly for (^^^^(3^5>J boho. S>3S^S)jS3, Bohondd, s. chameleon, [CoUoq. ^e^ eo3 katussct], genus calotes, sub order Agamidce. SnQoS'CsjJ, Boho, 1 a. many, much, abounding, S)o(5^a3Ji), Bohoma, J excessive, various. S3S>Js^e38J, Bohoseyin, ad. exceedingly. (S^Qsd, Bolu, s. male calf. S\)^o2cs, Bolu-payiya, s. purse used by astrono- mers to keep their counting shells in. 9^'Sii, Bo, s. tree, Jicus religiosa, see s^QJjoeo bo- gaha: a. many, much, abounding, excessive. 5^S)J559, Bohkmva, s. arch. (Dutch.) (SQij55<5-isj, Boga, 8. grain, corn, grain in general; pleasure, enjoyment: see s^floJsj bhoga. (5NJ(53CS), B6-gaka, s. sacred fig tree, which is held in the highest veneration by the Buddhists, who believe that the day on which Buddha attained his sacred character he went and seated himself on a miraculous throne which had in- stantly sprung up for him under this tree, fictis religiosa (Urticacece); the Indian pi'pul. S^S)Jrf3, Bojana, s. food, eating; victuals, provi- sions, (corruptly for s^eiJd-so bhojana.) (SJs?i, Bonchi, s. French or kidney bean, phase- olus vidgaris. (Dutch.) s^J9, Bottmca, s. boat. (Eng.) SsQJo3(3\(4, Botale, s. bottle. (Dutch.) >J^, Boda, s. awakening, rousing; properly writ- ten (3^JS) bodha. S^JQJ^ and ssi6 making) opening, expanding, blowing as a flower; awaken- ing, rousing. sJ^, Bodd, 8. (Dutch,) auctioneer: pi. s>S)J^8cJj, bddawaru. eJ?, B6di, see eJS bodhi. ^'a)3^ ^0, Bodi-eta, s, plant, vernonia or serratula anthelmintica. S^a)JSa, Bodirimawu, s. female elf. (9\Jg, Boduma, s. tree, Jicus religiosa: see sn3 (5353 bo-gaha. s^cf2aSte3, BodhyaAga, s. ((S^J bodhi knowledge, {pSfcs anga requisite) the seven requisites for attaining the supreme knowledge of a Buddha, viz. e9^cs smritiya intense thought, S)S)cs dharmavichaya, investigation of the truth, 9ca^ j vt'iya, effort, perseverance, ^c5 pri'tiya, joy, gi^JiS 2)rasrabdhi, mental tranquillity, esSjQ samddhi, complete command of the passions, (,(50553 upekshd, equanimity. SJa), Bodha, e. wisdom, intellect; waking, rous- ing. (3>J)5S>, Bodhaka, s. teacher, instructor; spy, in- former. (S^Ja3(5, Bodha-kara, s. ((svQJS) rousing, 5(5 who does) awakener, sort of minstrel who awakens the prince or chief in the morning by his music. (S^'aiiQiSi, Bodhana, s. teaching, instructing; awaken- ing, arousing; planet Mercury; knowledge, information; act of burning incense. (FJa39cfi, Bodhaniya, s. (3 bvdha to know, ^9 ccS aniyar aff.) kind of turmeric, [CoUoq. > kaha\ : a. to be explained, or expounded, to be rendered intelligible. (3\Ja)(5\3cfl39, Bodhaneyya, a. studious, acquiring knowledge, attentive to the particular study of the sacred knowledge of Buddhism. S^JS)(, Bodhaya, see is^QdS) bodha. (3>J, Bodhi, s. knowledge, intellect, understand- ing; omniscience, the state of being a Buddha; particular kind of holy study, that which must be attended to by the followers of Buddha; sa- cred precept, religious ordinance; holy fig tree, ficus religiosa: see (SvQJotco bo-gaha. (3^d3ia)253, Bodhijndna, s. ('S^:J3 Buddha, cSj-sd knowledge) knowledge necessary to be acquired in order to the attainment of the character of Buddha; omniscience; hence one of the most common epithets of Buddha is esSaQ Sanoajna, all-wise, the omniscient one. \^JS) 433 S)i\0 SNi3s)cJl, Bodhitaru, 1 . holy fig tree: see s^S)J (3^S)5gj^, Bodhidruma, J eosj bo-gaha. (3\S)Jocfl^S)2S>, Bodhiparya'ATca, 8. (s>S);J3 and c3co-Sto seat) diamond throne which sprung up at the foot of the Bo-tree when the Brahmin threw down eight handfuls of Kusa grass, for Buddha to sit on, the day he became Buddha. 5)J, Bvdhisatto, see (3^S)J35S^S^coJ bodht- satwayS. (a^QcTSes >Q3Ccs, Bodhisatwa-tailaya, s. sort of medicinal oil. (SS)ig8Qe)!?o8^, Bodhisatwayo, s. (snS)J3 intellect, 63 sattva being) one who discovers the truth, or one who uses every lawful and prescribed means for the acquirement of all sacred know- ledge; it is usually applied to Buddha in his various states of existence previous to his attain- ing the Buddhaship. SJ3e3S(!03<5, Bodhi-sambhdra, s. (^^^5 and e3i)s553 6 elements, materials) works necessary to be done for the acquirement of the Buddhaship. (S^J:fc5d, Bon-hara, s. neck pole of a hackery. S^iJ@cs, Bonh'ya, s, shaft of a hackery or wag- ^ gon. S^l^, Bobiju, s. pomegranate tree, punka gra- natum, [CoUoq. s^SN, Bombe, s. bomb, fire-work. (^Eng.) J, B67m, s. tree, Litsea sebifera or Tetrantkera Roxburghii, (Lauracece). snQJco, Boya, s. buoy. (Eng.) vJ(5t53CSj3S3, Boragahanaicd, v. to bore stones. (Eng.) <3^^dC3> Bolld, s. kind of sea fish. 'a)iQ3Sic^^, Bowdkal, s. (<3^S)J many, 3 years, )(^ period) term of many years, meaning long life. e^SJSScoj, Bovtiiyd, s. plant with purplish flowers, bearing a black edible fruit, Osbeckia aspera, (Melastomacea'): see SJS^Qi^Scoi maha-bovitiyd and c8edf.3>S)JS9c63 hm-bovitiyd . '5i)c^, Betalu-enderd, s. (x& sheep, <5 (^^S)^ keeper) shepherd. iQd 33iS)3, Betalu-ndmbd, 8. lamb. S)i0d93, Betaluwd, s. sheep. S)iB393, Benagannawd, v. to abuse each other. S)i-^c5)iz^z), Benduma, s. bond, tie, obligation: pi. tgD bendum. S)t'5^^383, Bendenawd, v. to become united or bound together; passive form of S)fa383 baudi- nawd. t33, Benawuma, s, calling, addressing. 1^65, Bebah'ma, s. light, shining, glittering. Qx^S^C^' Bebilena, a. bright, lucid, transparent. x^s\C'25383, Bebilenawd, v. to shine, to glitter: pret. iQs-^^ bebulund. ^2,^0 434 Q)i63) ti), Bemma, s. binding, ligament; building, structure. Qz, Bema, s. eye-brow. iS^g2o, Bema-binduna, s, (tS and geo mov- ing) act of lifting the eye-brows; sign, indication of sentiment by the eye. 'S)i%t, Bema-madulu, s. (S)t and g^ circle) circle formed by the eye-brows, or the region of the eye-brows. ico, Bemaya, s. eye-brow. S)i,ecK>Q, Bema-sangala,s. (Qi and i^iSiQ pair) the two eye-brows. t5S5c5, Bemasiriya, s. plant, species of hedge ^ hyssop, herpestis or gratiola monniera. i^-ss^, Bernini, s. wife of a Brahman, a woman of the Brahman caste. Qj?95cf, Bemitiriya, see S)x8Sca bemasiriya. S)t, Bemima, s. whirling round, [Colloq. iSi6 iSii^ii karahevima~\. S)z(5, Bera, a. heavy, weighty, gross. ,<5:32d', Berapan, s. charges or fees for copying a Buddhist book. S)t5, Bert, s. inability, incapability, impossibility: a. impossible, impracticable. i?<)^, Berini, s. pregnant woman, [Colloq. (55 -^ <^ garbhini'] . S)iSx9, Beriberi, s. (derived from x heii ex- pressive of debility, or from Malay word signify- ing sheep) a disease, ancemia, of which there are two forms: (1) that resulting from malarial poisoning; (2) that caused by parasite worms (mainly anckylostoma duodendale) in the intesti- nes; in the latter form the disease is called an- chylostomiasis. QtS(^^^:s^^, Beriwenawd, v. to be unable. S)i^Q, Bermva, a. ill; being unable. ridt^, Berendi, s. hoarseness, loss of voice. ^idi^.l), Bererum, a. proud, haughty, ambitious; disrespectful. QidbSii), Bereruma, s. responsibility; importance. ^t(^, Belma, s. look: see S)i@ helima. Qtd6 Belli, s. bitch. Qi(35^rac5, Belagediya, s. coconut friiit which a plucker gets for his hire. 'SiiQ'Si-^, Belatana, s. (S)tC es) work) hired service, work done for wages. S)tC'^'5^2s>5(5-(5)39@ ^0 godali-bima']. 'Q)i^Q,Bewuh', s. dancing girl, [Colloq. 3ii>iK>3S nefumkd7'i~\. xdfes, Bessa, s. descended, gone down. les, Besa, s. past part, of QeoSj basinawd. tS, Besima, s. descent, the act of alighting, des- cending, coming down. xSvK)S33, Behenaivd, v, to subside as water or disease, to grow down as the root of yams etc. ifiOT, Behe, par. impossible, as tcoi mata behe, I cannot: see tSim. zK)iQ, Beheti,s, young woman, [Colloq. S^coi 49 yauwam']. tK)t Belali, s. cat (female one). X, i?e, s. brother, [Coll: fs 5> w J^ c5 c03 saAo'rfa?'aya]. ^x?3. Bend, 8. nephew, sister's son, son in law, T,, Bema, s. descent, alighting, letting down. tcs, Beya, s. half, equal share or part, [Colloq. 3GOC0 bdgaya^. vC63, Beyd, see ^33 bend. r ^x^ssi 435 gCS53) S)x(5J, Berah, s. what place, polite form of putting a question as to where one is going. a^g, Bewuma, s. descent, slope, declivity. S)x83, Bewuwd, v. caused to recline. xS^S-s^Ss, Beivenawd, v. to lie down (involun- tarily). xessjos, Besanaya,- s. corrupt form of asseoco vyasanaya, pain, anguish, sujffering, affliction, [CoUoq. 8S38 j9?Wazt'a]; custom, habit, usage, [Colloq . gcJi^^ purudda] . f), Byanjana, see S2^^s3 vyanjana. 9o, Branga, s. kind of large black bee, humble bee; wasp; bird, the fork-tailed shrike; plant, ecUpta prostrata, more properly written SDaSto bhringa. ga35s53, Brangarikd, s. (gcd beej ^5 ar? enemy) corrupt form of (Sii?iS)'i8^:ibhringdnkd, cricket, [Colloq. d>iS)iQcio reheyiydl. ^^,Bramana,s. turning, whirling, going round; perambulating, corruptly for tg<^ bhramana. K, Brahma, s. (aco vrtha or ajo 5nAa to in- crease [mankind]) according to the VMas and doctrines of the Hindus, the divine cause and essence of the world, from which all created things are supposed to emanate and to which they return, the unknown God; a celebrated Hindu deity; Brahma is generally reckoned the chief of the gods and ranks first in the Hindu triad, and is the operative creator of the world; hence he is frequently styled the grandfather of both gods and men; he is represented in their temples as having four faces of a golden colour, dressed in white garments, and riding on a goose ; in one hand he holds a stick, and in the other a patra or alms dish; a Brahman or man of the sacerdotal or first Hindu tribe. 9k)3c83, Brahmacharyd, s. (gs Vdda, Scsga observance) religious observance of the Hindu V^das; the state or condition of a Hindu student. 9kS3S, Brahmachdri, s. (gts and Q6 chara to go or follow) kind of religious ascetic, one whose chief virtue is the observance of continence. gsiSaJc, Brahmajdla, s. (gs Brahman, t^c net) name of one of the Sutras of Buddha, and the first of that class of books; this Siitra professes to be an exposure of the weakness and falsehood of the Brahminical system. 9s, Brahmatwa, s. . (gs: and brahmaloka. cni) 436 taoo 9K3&a, Brahma-vriksha, 8. (^(s and a tree) Pulas tree, butea frondosa, [Colloq. (sifS 5xC gas-l-elal ; glomerous fig-tree, ficus glo- merata, [Colloq. (fBQt^^j attikka]. 9KMS)?e, Brahmastdla, 1 see ^rsB^QitSi brah- QccSeeSoc, Brahmastltdla, j ma loka. Ke338ad', Brahmasdyujyay s. (gts and taogqd* intimate union) identification with Brahma, or essential union with the supreme being. 9^, Brahmasii, s. (gjs and gj the son) name of Kamadeva the Indian god of love; also, Ani- ruddha the son of Kama. gts ee85, Brahma-swara, s. mellifluous voice: see !S32S33^ brahma-ndda. gcs), Brahma, s. -the divine cause and essence of the world, from which all created things are supposed to emanate and to which they return. 9!)-sJSoB, Brahmdndaya, s. (gcs brahma and tp*!^ egg) the globe, the world, so called from its being compared to an egg. 9k3^, Brahmddya, s. cow's urine, [Colloq. QSe lunuvtla'\. 9(5>KJax3S5^cs, Brahmotpattiya, s. (ge Brahma, (sao^DSS utpatti birth) birth into the Brahmin tribe. gas, Brahma, s. (gs brahma and ef<^ an afE.) part of the hand under the root of the thumb; mode of marriage, the presentation of the bride elegantly adorned by the father to the bride- groom whom he has invited; name of Narada the sage and son of Brahma. 38^, Brdhmana, s. man of the first Hindu tribe, or the sacredotal caste, Brahmin. 93S<5Jt8<^ rohim; frog; yellow coloured ant; plant, alternanthera triandra, [Colloq. ^c^^s^QtisS^ 7nugumiwenna']. Qaocj^, Brinhana, a. nutritious, fat, stout, lusty. QaosSo, Brinhita, p. cherished, increased. 5)3-6^, Brinda, s. multitude, assembly, collection. ^Q3e,(5s), Brinddraka, s. a god, deity; chief, ruler: a. pleasing, agreeable. SawcJ, Brthat, a. (Qass to increase) large, great, bulky, vast. S)a^S53, Brihatikd, s. upper garment, cloak, gown; small sort of egg-plant. ^i^^, Brihati, s. plant, species of night-shade, solanum xanthocarpum, [Colloq^. 6Q'S)^elabatu]. S)ace^:3^, Brihaspati, s. (QaeoeJ brthat great, illus- trious, as the deities, o^ master) regent of the planet Jupiter and preceptor of the gods, identi- fied astronomically with the planet. eDawe^a^SocJi, Brihaspati-taruica, s. (acae^esjfi and e34^C/5 de'tva- ddra"]. eogo^, Bhadrapada, s. month so called (Septem- ber-October), also called 3(5 binara. aago^, Bhadrapadd, s. name given to the twenty- sixth and twenty-seventh lunar asterisms. 63go-8'3, Bhadraparnd, s. shrub, pcederiafcetida. tt3go^(5 kara to make) fearful, formidable,- frightful ; terrible, horrible, sjcfigj^o, Bhayadruta, s. (ocn and g^3 flown, fled) routed, put to flight; terrified, frightened. &3c8C3J, Bhayapat, a. (ffijoo fear, oeJ come etc.) afraid, dismayed. 5Jcoo3i5>, Bhaydnaka, a. (fB bhi to fear, ^33 dnaka aff.) fearful, alarming, formidable. j^3, Bhartd, s. husband; lord, master, owner; cherisher, supporter, one who sustains or up- ^ holds. eo{5, Bhara, a. (soa bhri to cherish) who or what cherishes, upholds, supports, etc. heavy; much, excessive. a55<5'SS e50, Bhaivya, a. happy, auspicious, prosperous; well, proper, fit, right; true; to be or become, what is to be; being, what is or exists; small fruit, averrhoa carambola, [Colloq. )3c^o(S50 Mmarangd'] ; name of Uma or Durgd the wife of Siva; large sort of pepper; bone; fruit; result; being, existence. w8, Bhawa, s. ((^ bhu to be, to exist) being, exist- ing, the self-support of something already pro- duced; birth; obtaining, acquiring; world; name of Iswara or Siva; excellence, superiority; wel- fare, prosperity; place, means or state of being; deity, a god; being or becoming possessed of any thing, as family, cattle etc. !65533K3<5ca, BJiawa-Jcdntdraya, s. (co8 being, 53eoe5Dd l-dntdra bad road or forest) transmi- gration; in this form the word has a figurative meaning, alluding to the dangers and difficulties attending transmigration or the miseries that persons are doomed to endure in that state. tSiQ(S3&(ji, Bhaivagatti/a, s. (kj existence, ori^ gati going, state) transmigration, continued existence. aoSsS, Bhawat, s. (coo bhd to shine) being, existing: in Sanskrit, pron. thou, but used as a respectful term of address, as Sir, or Lord. S5gc, Bhawatraya, s. (>9 existence, ^co three) the three states of existence through which living beings have to pass previous to obtaining Nirwa- na or final emancipation: see ^edcoSco tun- bhawaya. aDS)<^j, Bkawa-tanhdwa, s. (fio and s3<:Sfej tanhd wish, desire) wish for existence, the oppo- site of {o903XD3(J hhaiva-kdntdra: the first, according to Buddhists, is the feeling of a fool, the latter of a wise man. e5jgi)cc, Bhawa-diikkhaya, s. (co and t^isQ duk- kha sorrow) transmigration, the misery of exis- tence, in opposition lo Nirwaiia. S52s:', Bhawana, Is. existence; visibility; the e55esDC8, Bhawanaya, J place of abiding or being, house, dwelling, site, field, spot; nature, quality; bow. n0i3c5, Bhawam'ya, a. (eg bhu to be, (fi&atb ani'yar aff.) been or become, what is or ought to be. C3(5^{nJ.5?, Bhwa-bhoga, s. (5>9 existence, s^coJsi enjoyment) worldly goods, riches, wealth; vain pleasure or enjoyment. toScc, Bhaivaya, see oat) hhaiva. (SiQs^caiiQ, Bhawa-yoni, s. ( and (S^3i^ birth) state of existence, still subject to transmigration. aod5OT, Bhawardga, s. (cj and <35 dla- ya desire) adherence to life; state of existence in this world: a. subject to transmigration; liable to be born etc. sjSsj, Bhavika, s. prosperity, welfare; festival, an auspicious or festival occasion: a. prosperous, happy, faring well. 5S5CT, Bhavita, a. been, become. tsi^^-Atsi, Bhavtshyat, s. (iqbhu to he, with oasss satri aflE. and esjs sya augment) what is to be, what will be, that which is future. S5583, Bhastrd, 1 s. bellows, large hide with valves coesg, Bhastri, J and a clay nozzle, which is used for this purpose. ffi3630, Bhasma,s. (coee hhasa to shine) ashes, [Coll: cpd ahi]. S3 esS (5) 2^^353, Bhasmagaudhikd, Is. (eoesi) ashes, Dac(533^, Bhasmagandhini, jcfoaa) g and ha smell, igeQ ini aff.) kind of perfume and drug: see S>d3c9, Bhdgi, s. co-heir; a, who or what shares; having parts. 8533(9(59, Bhdgirathi, s. (iSi(Si6d bhagh'atha king so called, ^-j^a aff.) the river Ganges in Bengal, so called in allusion to the fable, that this river first descended from heaven in answer to the prayers and intercessions of tsi&6b bhagiratha. tuids^, Bhdjana, "1 . (eod' hhaja to serve or eo3e^2s:co, Bhdjanaya, /share) any vessel, as a pot or cup; plate etc: a. clever, capable, fit. eo335, Bhdtalca, s. wages, hire, price, etc. e5333(5ca, Bhdnddraya, more correctly 33'<^f3!5cs bhdnddraya, contracted form of e33's>S3(5>3c5cs bhdnddgdraya, which see. Q5J3<*?a;, Bhdnda, ., Bhdndaka, see isi'3<^tsi bhdndika. !j33'^o3S03 5c8, BTidnddgdraya, s. (f33'3is)ika aff.) store keeper, a man who has charge of a treasury, etc. C5J3<:^, Bhdndi, s. shrub bearing the mdra seed, albizzia Lebbelc: see 3!^qos> mdrd-gaha. 03, Bhdnubhaktd, s. (D3-9 ray of light, C5>xo bhakta which eats) medicinal plant, bryonia umbellata, or cephalandra indtca, [Colloq. >53 i3^J8J53 koboioakkd or (SNiBJ8J33 kowakkd']. e533-gc}, Bhdnumat, s. (ws-^ light, aj poss. aff.) sun, [Colloq. <6 ?ra]: a. luminous, resplendent; handsome, beautiful. 5533, Bhdma, s. (33 bhd to shine, or cds to be passionate) passion, wrath, anger, [CoUoq. ,^q 8363 tidahasa]\ light, lustre, [Coll: tSgcs eliya], )3:J, BMmin, a, (k>3 bhdma passion, ^6 ini aff.) passionate, wrathful, angry. C5339, Bhdmini, s. wrathful or passionate woman. e533cS9, Bhdrgawa, s. name of Parasurama; name of Sukra or Sikurd regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the Titans or Asurs; an archer; elephant. ffij3c89, Bhdrgavz, s. name of the goddess Parwati wife of Siva; name of the goddess Lakshmi wife of Vishnu; bent grass, panicum dactylon or agrostis linearis, [Colloq. s^ d'fSi88(3 hainpirila\. i aoaSsrJ, Bhdrin, s. (aosd bhdra burden, cj^rf aff.) I porter, bearer of burdens. I 333(3, Bhdla, s. forehead; light; lustre; excellence, j worth. ' C5339, Bhdwa, s. (^ bhu to be) state or condition of being; natural state of being, innate property, disposition, nature; state or affection of mind, emotion or passion; birth; thing, substance; being, living thing; the place of birth or puden- dum muliebre; abstract idea conveyed by any I word; the simple idea derived from the root. I K)3-eo, Bhdwana, 1 s. (ts^hhti to be, in the causal aD333, jB/ia'icana, J form) mental perception, recollection, tlie present consciousness of past ideas or perceptions; religious and abstract medi- tation; thinking, reflecting, mental investigation; looking about, (literally or figuratively), observ- ing, investigating; abstract meditation. ffi33cs, Bhdwaya, s. state or condition, state of ex- istence: see C633S bhdwa. K)35, Bhdvika, see aa^^a bhavika. eojSsj, Bhdvita, a. (^^bhu to be, in the causative passive form) accustomed to, practised, habitu- ated, used to; mixed with any thing as an ingredient, as sesamum and other fragrant sub- stances with curry, etc. ; obtained, got. 2533 0)3, Bhdvttdwa, s. custom, practice, use: pi. C33ca3 bhdvitd. 033 g 555, Bhdicuka, s. happiness, auspiciousness; festival, joyous or auspicious occasion: a. happy, well, right; actually, being or disposed to be; (in composition with other noizns), becoming what it was not before. aassss, Bhdshya, s, commentary, but pai'ticularly the explanation and application of a technical siitra or aphorism ; hence applied to many of the annotations on the grammatical aphorisms of Ptinini, to comments on the Vedas, etc. iSJi^o, BhdsJut, s. language, speech; name of Saras- wati the goddess of speech. S33333cScs, Bhdshd-mdrgaya, s. the analogy or idiom of language. 0533oS^co, Bhdshd-n'ttya, s. (k)33 language, 5^ i^'tt custom, ixsage) the (established) usage or idiom of language. ^533233, Bhdshuioa, s. speech, language: see qod^d bhdshd. K358s3, Bhdshtta, s. (sdj^ bhdsha to speak, iSiSi kta aff.) speech: a. spoken, said, uttered. eoDcJ, Bhds, s. light, ray of light; wish, desire. 333K)(5, Bhdskara, s. (tsioeS and 3(5 what makes) sun; fire; hero; name of a celebrated astronomer; ^, gold. K)3Sk)cJ, Bhdswat,8. {tsyid and sJ poss. aff.) sun; light; hero: a. shining, resplendent, brilliant. *^ , 33365, Bhdsa, s. (essaeo to shine) light, lustre, shin- ing; vulture; sort of bird described as a water fowl. 553363 a/3cS, BJidsa-mdi'ga, s. (333 light, 3cS path) sky, atmosphere, [Colloq. CfsHQ ahasaj. 0533683, Bhdsdiva, s. language, speech. -_ iSidQGi 442 e6i)0) 0D3Qc3, Bhdstta, s. (cooes to shiue or to speak, 3K) kta aff.) light, lustre, shining; speech, language, written composition : a, shining, bright, splendid ; spoken, said, uttered. ?9o53(5, Bhmhdra, s. (tBo imitative sound, 53C5 what makes) golden vase, [CoUoq. <5:f^J55<:^co 7'an-kendii/a]. tB5J), Bhiklhu, PAli form of t825g bhihshu. cBat^?, Bhikti, s. wall of earth or stone; wall of a house as opposed to a mere wall or enclosure; incorrectly for tBsisS bhitti. t9<^3, Bhikshd, s. (?9^^ bhiksha to beg) service; hire, wages; begging, asking; thing obtained by begging, alms; mouthful or handful of food given as alms. t9^'^38(5, BhiksMchara, s. (eB^^s food, B6 to go) mendicant, beggar, Buddhist priest. tS^^3)j(5, Bhikshdchdra, s. (B'a3 and (^Q'i6 dcJidra going) begging, asking alms, practice of a mendicant Buddhist priest, going about to ask alms for his support. tS-Jas33D(5(3^c^) BhiksMcMra-%veld, s. (tB^^^oSsd alms begging, (3^^(2^ time) forepart of the day, before meridian when it is lawful for the priests to beg their food. 933-20c;, BhiksMtanaya, s. (9^3 alms, q!33 I atana going about for) begging, mendicancy: see fB^jQjd bhikshdchdra. ?S'35S3K)D^253ce, Bhtkshd-bhdjanai/a, s. alms-bowl. t3^^38, Bhikshdwa, see tS^s bhikshd. ' ' ^^, Bhikshu, s. (i$S3 bhiksha to beg, with an aff.) beggar, mendicant, Buddhist priest who supports himself by begging, being the way in which he must procure a livelihood according to the established ordinances of the priesthood: pi. tBs^tsS bhikshun or sB^^g^ bhikshuhu. d^55g), Bhikshuka, s. beggar, religious mendicant; tree, Woodfordia floribunda or grislea tomentosa, \ CoUoq. (go malita'] ; tree, bauhinia raremosa, [CoUoq. i?C mayila']. 9ag<2^, Bhikshum, s. priestess, woman who has entered the Buddhist priesthood: see eBg bhik- shu. tSgeo39, Bhikskubhdiva, s. (Bg and taoQ being) mendicancy, alms begging. tSaDdOS, Bhingd, s. heart-pea, cardiospermum halica- cabum, [Coll. qQi(^ penela-ioel'\; shrub, celastrus paniculata, [CoUoq. gg dudu]. 59<$@83(2, Bhindiwdla, s. kind of weapon, short arrow thrown from the hand or shot through a tube. 'BisxS3, Bhitta, s. (jBq bhida to divide, 33D kta aff.) part, portion, share, [Colloq. oo(^Q pangutva']. tSa^eS, Bhitti 's. (tSij bhida to divide) wall of earth or masonry; thing broken or divided; rent, fis- sure; fragment, bit, broken piece or part; break- ing, rending, t9^, Bhid, "I s. (eBiTj bhida to divide or break) kind, iq, Bhida, j sort, difference; breaking, dividing. fB^, Bhida, s. tearing, rending; coriander. Sa^c}3(3, Bhindapdla, see eB<^03(3 bhindiivdla. tBsoeo, Bhinna, s. (Sq bhida to break) flaw in a jewel, bit, fraction: a. split, broken, rent, torn; divided, distinguished; other, different; blown, budded, opened; connected, joined, t825DS3og<^D, Bhinna-gunana, s. multiplication of fractions. ^B^5^e^8s>^5^, Bhinna-ghana, s. cube of a fraction. Ssys:i?5Sq6, Bhinnandai'a, s. plant, cyperus rotun- dus, [Colloq. e55(2Dg^5i. kalamhiru']. t6sDff38c^, Bhinna-ivarga, s. square of a fraction. i?5^s:i 33S455C'253, Bhinna-wyaiixikaJana, s. sub- traction of fractions. tB:^crf?S3, Bhishagjita, s. (^<(sf physician, tfs) subdued (by which) overcoming) tulasi plant, holy basil, ocimum sanctum, [Colloq. gc3lQ3(33 maduru-tald']', drug, medicament. ^'3^, Bhishaj, s. physician, [Colloq. <3^ wedd']. tBsaesSs, Bhissatd, s. scorched rice, [Colloq. qBe^o) damkuda or ^S)s5 dambu-bat']. 5B53S33, Bhissd, s. boiled rice, [Colloq. S)6i batj. t3a3J, Bhisak, see sBirfT bhishaj. Se35S3S)3, Bhisakmdtd, s. medicinal plant, adha- . toda Vasica ov justicia adhatoda, [Colloq. terrific, s^e^c^ eye) name of Iswara or Siva, alluding to the terror inspired by the large circular eye in his fore- head. (Bz)d, BMmri, 8. ( 6 to fear etc.) name of Durga, wife of Siva; whip; sort of perfume. fl>5l, BJuru, s. (sB to fear etc.) woman, name expressive of her natural timidity, a quality much admired by orientals; tree, gmelina arbo- rea, [Colloq. (^(^(S^c/i)Q et-demata]; creeping plant, asparagus falcatus, [Colloq. SJosSD^aScs hdtdwdriyn'] : a. fearful, timid. f^SiiSi, Bhlrnka, s, wood, forest; owl; bear: a. fearful, timid. d3^C3a<:j:5, Bhiru-hridaya, v. (?SJl timid, ^zc^at heart) deer, [Colloq'. |l)3 inuwd~\. Q!, Bhishma, a. {i to fear etc.) timid, fearful. tB"S<^, Bhishana, Is. horror, dread, terror; any eSssea, BJu'sana, J thing that excites horror or terrific ideas; name of Siva; see the next: a. terrific, horrible. {Be62S3333, Bhisandga, s. gum olibanura tree, bos- wellia tkurifera, [Colloq. ss)Si?si3:5 bhukta eaten, ff'^3^SJ<^ao3 anumodand thanks) expression of thanks or praise after a meal. sjS56i, B/iukti, s. (ti^d bhuja to eat, isvijed kttn aff .) eating; possession, fruition, usufruct. ^sxSg38j, Bhuktivindinawd, v. to possess, to enjoy. t!252o, Bhugna, a. (tjd bhuja to curve) bent, crook- ed, curved. fs^d, Bhuja, s. (sje^ to bend) hand; arm; bending, curve; arm of a geometrical figure, as a square or triangle. t%d(SiidoiS) bhoja- patra, which see. ^2^3, Bhutta, a. eaten, enjoyed. c^9^D, Bhuwana, s. (^ bht'i to be) world; water; heaven; man, mankind. (q, Bhtl, s. (sg to be) earth, [Colloq. (3>a38 polam ica]; place, site, place of being or abiding; sacri- ficial fire; seventh hell. qja-^Swj, Bhukampd, s. (^ and ^fS3 trembling) earthquake: see a^^^^'iQ bhumikampdica. ^SvisJoB, Bhukesa, s. (^ and S^Jc53 hair) aquatic plant, biyxa Rozburghii or valUsneria octandra; the Indian fig or banyan tree, Jicus bengalensis, [Colloq. sj'^po maha-nugaj ; plant, with com- posite flowers vernonia or serratula anthelmin- tica, [Colloq. S30 Bhiigolaya, s. the terrestrial globe, the earth. ^(5>?DJ(3C553=Jc53, Bhutakesa, s. (eg^ spirit, s^^(5^ hair) root of sweet flag, acorus calamus, [Colloq. 8id(Q, Bhutahesi, s. tree, I'itex negundo, [Coll: e65s^s} nika-gaha~\ : see 9(^e^o nil-nika and gge^ffij sudvr-nika. cs)c5)aa)3, B/iutagandhd, s. (i^aa goblin, ooaa) gan- dha perfume) kind of perfume or resin, used, perhaps, in the ceremonies with which those beings are worshipped and propitiated. (Q{S)68^ 444 ^O^Q <^03M3, Bhiitaghnn, s. (^SD sprite, kS3 what des- troys or removes) camel, [CoUoq. S)3 otuiva] ; garlic, allium sativum, [CoUoq. ggg'^ sudu- lunii\. i^aK29, Bhutaghu, s. plant, Muudiri; holy basil, ocimum sanctum, [Colloq. e;CJls3c3 7naduru- tald^, ^03d&3, Bhutajata, s. (" goblin, dQo clustered locks) Indian spikenard, Valeriana jatamansi, [Colloq. d'33oo3 Jafe?nasa]. ^SjQOo, Bhiitadhard, s. (^as living being, 0)6 dha- ra what bears) the earth, [Colloq. ^o^0 j)0- lawa], (s^^^^b, Bhutandtha, s. (^C3 spirit or element, esiod lord) name of Siva; see the next. ^s^-SJicss?, Bhutandyalca, s. (^ot spirit, or goblin 33cs^ leader) name of Siva; also of Wesamuni- raja or Kuvera the prince of demons. ^03233(5333, Bhuta-ndsana, s. marking nut plant, semicarpiis anacardium, [Colloq, S S)g(^e Iciri-hadidla'] ; mustard, brassica juncea or sinapis alba, [Colloq. ^Q aba"] ; the seed of the wild olive, elaocarpus cuneatus, [Colloq. (SOD33c totila']. ^S3if, Bhuta-priya, s. (^O and C8 agreeable) offerings and sacrifices to demons. gSDc52Q, Bhutayajna, s. (tqsi and cstS(3>3(5 geta-nehd"] ', tree, bignonia indica: see also egsj gaa bhtUa-pushpa and cgsiSoeo bhuta-wdsa, ^3o&3e53, Bhutasthdna, see ^csesoSsd bhuta-san- chdra. ^S353oS)3d, Bhuta-sanchdrat s. (egos goblin, es so? witli, S<5 cAfO'rt to go) possession by evil spirits. ^a3e3o,8, Bhuta-sanjndwa, s. apparition. ^033(3c5, Bhutdlaya, s. (sgo iAztia demon or sprite, qrj(3ca r//(72/a residence) any place supposed to be the residence of demons, as a tree, mountain, etc ; i place haunted by a ghost or sprite ; dewala or j demon temple. ^S)3ac), Bhutdvishta, a. (tq^iSibhuta goblin, ef:.a0 dvishta entered) occupied or possessed by a devil. egs33S^I/cs, Bhutdivesa, s. (ego bhuta sprite, ep/S^S dice'sa entrance) demoniacal possession. ^QJsSaaJS), Bhutdvritta, s. superhuman power, the power of performing miracles by the influence of demons. i%'Si, Bhuti, s. superhuman power, attainable by the performance of austere and magical rites; production; state of being. 1^^235, Bhutika, s. plant, yielding tonic and febri- fuge, genfiana cherayta; fragrant grass, andro- pogon schoenanthus; plant, ligusticum ajwaen. iq&i^SidS3, Bhnti-nid lidna, s. (eg^ prosperity, ^9 Qj<53 receptacle) twenty fourth lunar mansion, Dhanishtha. ^^S5, Bhkika, see dg^^si hhutika. ^3>f5(S), Bhute'sa, Is. name of Siva as lord of all g5c5ae, Bhutesa, j created beings; name of Kuve- ra or Wesamuni-raja, the chief of the demon race and god of wealth. (^^(5, Bhuddra, s. {tq earth. !J3 dri to tear) hog, [Colloq. (53t35 lira']. ^><^9, Bhudewa, s. {ts> and >^B divinity) Brah- man ; any terrestrial god or demon. ^a)(5, Bhudhara, s. (t% and Q16 to support) moun- tain, [Colloq. ssi-ss^ ]canda~\, ^S)3i, BMdhdtn, s. plant, phyllanthus niruri, [ Colloq. 60 J^a3 pitaivaJckd'] . ^i^SS), Bhunimba, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, munronia piimila, [Colloq. @os\53(3^e5>3i) bin^ hohomba']. i%o^, Bhupadi, e. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, wrightia zeylanica, [Colloq. (^^qidda"]. gc3S, Bhu-paridhi, s. (tq and oS circle) cir- cumference of the earth. tqooQ, BhiqKila, s. (&2 earth, C33(^ who preserves) king, sovereign, [Colloq. 6d raja']. 2?g^ 445 ^jgcdoa ^gg, Bhii-putra, s. (fq and gg son) regent of the planet IVIars, who is said to have been turned up out of the ground by a plough. ^9* Bhu-putri, s. {f% and g^ daughter) name of Sita the wife of Rama. ^33a30D5, Bhumyantara, s. t%% bhum earth, ^303 6 antara midst or interval) kind of demon or imaginary being, supposed to dwell in the air and sometimes to alight on the highest mountains where they are worshipped: a. earthly, terres- trial, produced in; relating or belonging to the earth. t^^t>?^xiiSss>, Bhumyantarika, a. (^SaaocDd and (55 ika aff.) terrestrial; produced in or belong- ing to the earth. (2)-^C^) Bhumandalaya, s. surface of the earth. ^^3, Bhumaddna, see ^Sios3 bhwnadhdna. <5(^eD^<5<^3, Bhiimaddna-kaj'anaivd, v. to bury, to inter. gSj3, Bhilmadhdna, s. (^ corruptly for tq% earth, Qi-sa inclosing) burying, interment. t^Sco, Bhumaya, a. made or consisting of earth, earthly. ^, Bhi'imi, s. earth; land, place, site in general. ^!^^, Bhiimika, a. (tq^ and 5 aflp.) terrestrial, earthly, belonging to the earth. eg^^ae^o, Bhumi-kandaka, s. (ts^ and OxS^^a root) yam, potato, any edible root. ^i55s3J, Bhumi-kampdwa, s. (i^ earth, )S>3 kampa shaking) earthquake. ^^5S)3, Bhumi-guhd, s. (t% and cqsjj cave) cavern, cave natural or artificial, one used as a house. ^8tt^, Bhumi-champaka, s. (^ and Q>SS) michelia) plant, kaempferia rotunda, [Colloq. ceSs^sie^ yawakenda]. t^d, Bhumija, s. (^f and d born) regent of the planet Mars: see ^ gg bhii-putra. a^ dSg, Bhumi-jamhu, s. (eg and e^S eugenia) plant with small flowers in corymbs, premna herbacea. <5f COB, Bhumitalaya, s. (^? and fS3Q tala site) surface or region of the earth. ^^<^8, Bhumidewa, s. (^ and (3n<^8 divinity) a Brahman; any terrestrial god or demon. <5333(525:J hhi-ndran^. iq^a, Bhta s. (egD and ooq who pre- ^03C B/iumtpdla, ^serves) timipa, i >dla, ) serves) king, sovereign, [Colloq. 6d raja']. <^8(S339, Bhumi-pisdcha, s. (cg and B(SdoB goblin) palmyra tree, borassiis JlabeUiformis, [Colloq. s3(^:o) tal-gahd], ^S)(33> Bhumibald, s. jjlant, variety of sida humi- lis, [Colloq. ji)S)iQ bini-bevtlaj. (q% i), Bhw'loka, s. (egs b/nch earth, s^Q^ssi loka world) earth, residence of mortals, [Colloq. S^CJ^scc I6kaya~\. egS, Bhuri, a. much, many. sg5(3^0C hm-gotukola]. (^tsiCQ, Bhedya, a. to be broken, rent, divided, etc. 3>sJij, Blieda, s. (jSiq bhida to divide) dividing, separating; tearing, rending, breaking etc; dis- tinction, kind, sort, species, difference; disunion, disagreement; sowing dissension, breaking the unanimity of confederates, one of the means of success against an opponent. (^^^^^J)<5S5D, Bhe'da-chitta, a. (iF'trfij breaking, C5es mind) broken-hearted, penitent, contrite. (S^i^q^, Bhedana, s. dividing, separating, (literally or figuratively,) tearing, breaking; specifying, discriminating. (?>af<5 go35, Bheda-pratyaya, s. (^^t^^ difference, gs)c6 faith) dissent from the established re- ligion, heterodoxy; belief in the reality of the multiform appearances of the world, in opposi- tion to the doctrine that every thing is God. s^tefJcc, Bhedaya, s. dispute, disagreement. S^Kf^oJ, BJie'dita, a. {!^ bhida to break, ^^ Ida aff.) divided, separated: see (^^esJ^ bheda. ^tsi3, Bheri, s. drum, tom-tom; kettle drum. (S^f^dfSiQ, Bheritala, s. (^J8 drum, 63(5 surface) end or flat part of the tom-tom which is struck when beating. (3vf5<5D3c55j(f3 snake, isi3da?3, Bhoja-patra, s. tree, Adam's needle, yucca gloriosa. S^&35e3535(35o8, Bhojd-jdneya, s. (is^soJd bhoja Pat- na, ept55s^:fco ajdne'ya horse of a good breed) horse of a particular breed; horse bred in Bhoja or Patna, and said to be exceedingly swift. 65)?9-2K(, Bhautika, a. (^63 bhuta plant, sprite, tf<^ an aff.) botanical; relating or pertaining to evil spirits, etc. <3^e^^^a5> csoieg, Bhautika-sdstra, s, ((3^)^5 and oaoeeg science) botany. (3^tt^^2), Bhauma, s. (< bhumi earth, ^<^ an aff.) name of the regent of the planet Mars, in allu- sion to the fable of his being turned up from the earth by the plough of a husbandman. issm^ 447 (a^3 isixoz) gjoa, Bhydma-prabhd ., a. halo or lustre which extended for a fathom (Sjao vydma) around Buddha; corrupt form of JSoSqeoo vydma- prabhd. (Qossiod, Bhrankdra, s. (^o imitative sound, Sio6 making) sound, noise; hum, buzz, (goca, Bhransa, s. (tQoisa to fall) falling, declining from height or propriety. ^, Bhrama, s. {fQz> to go round etc.) whirling, going round ; error, ignorance, mistake, misappre- hension; eddy, whirlpool; roaming, wandering; lathe, potter's wheel. ig-^, Brumana, s. (tQ^ bhrama to go round etc.) whirling, going round; wandering, walking about. ^ce, Bhrdtrfya, s. (s^ocDa blirdtri brother, ^ chha aff.) brother's son: a. fraternal, belonging or re- lating to a brother. ^02003, Bhrdnta, a. (05 bhrama to go round, 53? kta afp.) whirled, revolved; blundering, mistaken. ^oeosJS^QaDSo, Bhrdntawenaivd, v. to be alarmed.- ^3i53i9ca, Bhrdntiya, s. whirling, going round, revolving; error, mistake; unsteadiness, locomo- tion; wandering, roaming. anaog Bhrigu, s. in Hindu mythology, name of a celebrated Muni and one of the ten Brahmadikas or Prajapatis, the sons of Brahma and first created of beings; name of Siva. CJacgd, Bhriguja, s. (coac^ and d bom) name of Sukra, regent of the planet Venus, son of Bhri- gu, and preceptor of the demons. eoiiSls), Bhringa, 8. large black bee, humble bee, [Colloq. S)05 bambard^ ; wasp, common kind or vesjya solitaria; fork tailed shrike, lantus coerul- escens ; libertine; plant, ecltpta 2)7-ost7'ata: see Cf5aS)Qoc35e^ bhriiiga-rdja; woody cassia, litsea zeylanica, [Colloq. - tica, [Colloq. S<^o baludati]. 6:)a3boc5d', Bhriiiga-rdja, s. (anaato bee, d to shine) spreading shrub, eclipta prostrata or erec- ta, [Colloq. a995cs kikirindiyaj, or verbesina scandens; bird called Malabar shrike, lunius malabaricus; humble bee. ^iSisiod, Bhringdra, s. (tsi^?^ bhringa bee, i^8 ari enemy, or cs53 to contain, water etc. f;<5e5 aron afifix, and cgJ gick augment) golden vase, es- pecially used at royal ceremonials; shrub, see coasDtocSod bhrtigardja: cloves, [Colloq. 455^^ kardbu^ ; gold. soaak)3 8, Bhriiigdri, Is. (siaaisj bhri'Aga and io3abs)a553, Bhringdrikd, J fpS ari enemy) cricket, [Colloq djSixQui:) reheyiyd']. ^aa)tioD(3, Bhringdwali, s. (sjaSto bhriAga and tp S dwali, multitude) swarm or flight of bees. eoaK)33, Bhritya, s. (toa bhri to nourish, with iasd kyap aff.) servant, slave. soaoDa), Bhrityd, s. hire, wages, money paid for work performed. ^9Si,Bhrita,a. (339 to nourish, isxsikta aff.) hired, paid, maintained; endowed with, having. &iiS3CS),Bhritakd, s. (s5a(5 )3, Makara-kata, s. (%ssi6 and ^3 mouth) entrance of the hell called Avichi-maha-naraka. )(5^-esJsDS3, Makara-ke'tana, s. (5<5 and ^^6^ C53 banner) name of Kama the Hindu Cupid. i)^<5s^s^^<5s33 6c5 and Sm^ do to des- troy) nectar or honey of a flower, [Colloq. (4 Ox^ mal-peni^ ; kokila or Indian cuckoo, said to surpass the banner of Kama as an incentive to love, cuculus mt'cropterus; fragrant kind of man- go; plant, jasminum puhescevs; filament of a lotus. 5(5<^Scfi, Makara-rdsiga, "I s. {f>)^6 and <^8cc SJddes, Makara-resa, /or d>si sign of the zodiac) Capricorn. S5r5c;:o53c;, makara-ktgnaga, *. (ffi55 and Qcsxa lagna sign of the zodiac) sign of the zodiac, Capricorn. ass- 6, Ma k are, s. imaginary whirlpool in the ocean cf)nnected with hell. 'siO, Afakd, past. part, of 4K20&3 makanaicd. ^, Maku,s. defacing, obliterating; calumniating. g3, Maktita, s. ('i 7nakt to adorn) crown, head dress, tiara, [Colloq. c5De3 o/.?2na]: parsley, petroselinum sativum, [Colloq, fpes^iiii^sjo asa- mudagai]'\. sg-e^, Makund, s. spider; bug: pi. ^5S^ Makul, s. spider; monkey, ape; sort of white siliceous earth used by the natives for paint, sort of pipe clay. S^C> Malcula,s. (S maki to adorn) tree, miimi- sops elengt, [CoUoq. 3e munamalci] ; open- ing bud. ^5^>, Mal-ushfaka, s. (9 malt to adorn sQas) to impede) kind of kidney beau, wild variety perhaps of the jjAo^eo/ws mungo, [CoUoq. |jo'^3 muneta]. 556, Makulic, s. monkey, [Colloq. 88j rilawd'] ; kind of white pipe clay: see -^d makul; plant peculiar to Ceylon, hydnocarpus venenata (Bixi- nece). s^6qc, Makuludela, see.;g Cv0d iswara lord or king) name of Bimbisara king of Magadha at the time of Buddha's ap- pearance on earth. (5:iS^S)J^, Magadhodhhawa, s. (Se^Q magadha and (^9!K)9 udbhawa birth) native of Magadha; birth in Magadha. <53S\c35:feDo, Maga-penii-annd, s. leader, guide. (5?:ca3 65o, Maga-yana-ekd, s. ((5> way, c&3 going, t9)3 person) (terra of compassion), poor fellow. <55ce<5, Maga-viyadama, s. (So way or jour- ney, Scacj spending) travelling expenses. c8:Jc5)3, Maginmagata, s. from path to path. <9, Magics, {^^maga way, <^i$Sin aff.) traveller, journeyer; travelling, going, journeying. cS Q<^', Magi'-])un(ska, s. ((9 and gcJlcs man) traveller, pilgrim, one who travels into distant countries for the purpose of visiting holy places ^ or offering to some particular idol or demon. c^<3), Magurd, s. river fish. ^d Magid, plur. of ^c '>nagida\ name of planet Mars, [Colloq. ^ik>sjc518d angaharuiod~\ : a. auspicious, happy, fortunate. cgd ^&3-25393, Magid-ahanawd, v. (Scgd marriage, cpS3 2S33 to request) to ask in marriage, to solicit. csd ^^') Magid-etd, s. (cgd auspicious, ftS33 tusked elephant) royal elephant appropriated to the king's use on festival occasions. c^d455e)jd, Magul-kaddmal, s. ((^(d ^^^ ^^^ d crown of flowers) garlands and head dress made of flowers, with which the bride and bride- groom are adorned by their relations and fi'iends on the day of marriage. ^dS9, Magid-kaduica, s. (Scgd ^^^ ^9^) sword) royal sword, sword worn by the king on state occasions. cg(d45)g3, Magid-kapuwd, s. (cgd ^^^ ^92)3 barber) one who dresses the hair and beard of a king; messenger sent about to invite to a marri- age; match-maker. Scgd <^^) Magul-karanda, s. (Scgd auspicious, ^6^ genus galedupa) tree, formerly called galedupa indica or dalbergia arbo7-ea, now pongamia glabra (Leguminosce). ^(^iS-oJ JI9, Magtdpoj-uica, s. (cgd ^^^ 6rs. pron. gen. of mama, my, mine. S^oJScaa, Magodiyd, s. contemptuous term equi- valent to sweep, scamp. oc Mangala, see alaoQ muTigala. 8S3, Maghd, s. tenth lunar asterism, containing five stars figured by a house, apparently Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, Eta, and Nu, leonis; sort of grain. StsC'^) MaTigalya, s. (Sates C5 inaiigala and OifSyat aff.) bo tree, Jicus religiosa, [Colloq. s^QJotk) bo-gaha']; bael tree, cegle marmelos, [Colloq. S*S)(3 beli'\ : a. auspicious, propitious, conferring happiness, prosperity, etc; beautiful, agreeable, pleasing; pure, pious. S]K5(352o, Maiigalyd, s. bezoar stone found in the stomachs of cattle, [Colloq. NcnJs'dJQeo goro- chana^; small plant, evolvulus alsinoides, [Colloq. s^'^i'253S vishnukrdnti^ ; species of agallochum with the fragrance of jasmin flowers, [Colloq. esSes:^ 2)(^ s^crf gS^ t^& (f^S saman- mal wage stiivanda-eti agir\. ato(3, MaAgala, s. (cS magi to go) feast, ban- quet, marriage, marriage feast; happiness, good fortune; name of the planet Mars; name of Umd the wife of Siva; bent grass with white blossoms, panicum dactylon; white lotus, nelum- bium speciosum, [Colloq. ^Q(^^& ela-nelum']; caution, prudence: a. lucky, fortunate, etc. ate3C' Mafigald, s. bent grass, panicum dactylon, with white blossoms. sDt2D(3, MatigaU, s. bulbous stemless plant, Cr?"- num zeylanicum or C. ornatum, or Amaryllis zeylanica, [Colloq. Manjida, s. water-course; arbour, bower: a. beautiful, agreeable, pleasing. Sias^ao, Manjushd, \s. box, basket, purse; collec- ^S^is,'3, Manjusd, Jtion, list (of words); stone; plant, chay-root, oldefilandia (or hedyotis) um- bellata, [Colloq. escs D(^ saya-mul, ass^iSe,, Manna, s. god-mother, (Dutch.) as4(3^^J-5)^, Mannokkd, s. plant, cassava yam, manihot cassava. 93, Malta, s. round ornament for the ear: a. shining, glittering. i)QQi^2Si6-^Qo, Mattankaranawd, v. to smooth, edsNoJcJi, Mattan-poruwa, s. (93 matta- ma smooth, s^ocfi^S board) carpenter's or brick- layer's level. 9c)5co656>, Mattan-yatla, s. carpenters' smooth- ing plane, 03d 451 <^ B2i5SQT_(^C, Mattan-lella, see 9Q2d(5*c3J(3i9 mattan-poj'uwa. 93, Mattama, s. level: a. polished, shining, bright. 999, Matti, s. cockle, shell fish in general. 85(5- Madalaga, see -QZ^co, Mandalati'tti/a, s. (^^(j region, egcc three) three parts of the body covered by the priestly robe, breast, privities and the knees. i)S3K)3c5, Mattabhdwaya, s. ()20 drunk, eojSos state) drunkenness, intoxication; lust, passion; lewdness. eacsjcasS, Maita-hasti, s. (3S) furious, es)to63 elephant) furious elephant, one in rut. sJotjc, Mattdlama, s. large kind of tom-tom or long drum beaten at both ends: pi. cJ3D(;9 mattdlam. e5^5553, Mattikd, s. clay, earth. o'snojjS, Mattehi, |s. on the head or top of: s5s^s}, Matte, } ad, in future, in the time to come, hence. cJ(^^55 53e)OD drug) soporific. 658, Matioa, part, being drunk, intoxicated (with liquor, pride, passion etc.) 5s^92SD3, Matwenawd, v. to be intoxicated, to be drunk; to be in a state of stupor, either as the effects of drunkenness or want of sleep, to be under the powerful excitement of pride, lust etc: pret. s5g-S33 matiound. 036536, Matsya, s. fish in general; name of Vishnu in his avatara under the character of a fish, SDe538c53e)j, Matsyagandhd, s. (?33 and coaa) gandha smell) stemless plant, Tiydrolea zeylanica, [Colloq. ^Q&sBdQ^ diya-kirilla']; creeping three- leaved plant, commelina clavata or c. saltstfoUa, [Colloq. 5eDa>S5, Mataka-bhatta, s. (S3j55 dead, de- ceased, aoSJSQ boiled rice, food) funeral obsequies, rites in honour of the dead; offerings of food to the manes of deceased ancestors. S35 Matumdla, J upper room, room in an upper story. ^<5-(3, Mada-kala, a. speaking inarticulately. 32sd83, Madawetenawd, v. to lust, to be in- flamed with desire. ^ce6c> Madasthala,'\s.{^ei intoxication, ce&c S^eeSosa, Madasthdna, j eeSoeD place) tavern, ar- rack shop, dram shop, [Colloq. eatQxcii tebe- ruma\. ^aof3, Madahasa, s. (ij little, wes laughter) smile, smiling. D5(5-<5^^5, Madirodaka, s. ((5 madira and ^^5 udaka water) name of a sea, so called from its being supposed to be an ocean of spirituous or intoxicating liquor. , Madu, 8. eatable creeper, ipomcea ob8Cura; rope for seizing cattle, etc. g5dC5 Madii-karawald, s. kind of small veno- mous snake, bungarus. g<5i, Maduru, Is. name of Maha M^ru; t^4 Made, see cjco madaya. S(5>e,e^, Mados, s. a sort of box or chest, trunk. S)39, J/arfA?/a, s. middle, centre; waist; west; mean or common time in music: a. middle, interme- diate. SDs'S^^oce, Madhya-desaya, s. (Sasand s^^ca de'sa country) the middle region; according to Hindu authorities a part of India, bounded by Kuruk- shetra, Allahabad, the Himalaya mountains, and the Vindhya mountains, comprising there- fore the modern provinces of Allahabad, Agra, Delhi, Oude, etc. but according to the Buddhists, south Behar: see x <^cS)qcc madhya-man- dalaya. @cdx 456 @^Q3 5), Madhyama, s. the waist; middle of the body; the middle country: see SQ^ssm^ssco madhya- desaya; girl arrived at piiberty, or one in whom menstruation has commenced; middle finger; form of metre, verse of four lines or of three syllables each: a. middle, centrical, intervening. ^Q-a'^i-^SlQa, Madhya-7nandalaya, s. (a and gcie, Madhukapriya, s. (a55 honey, c what pleases or delights) bee, [Colloq. ttajo mi- messd']. g3<5, Madhukara, s. (g sweet, ssid what makes) bee; lover; plant, achyranthes aspera, [Colloq. (5 madlmkara. 2?s}, ]\fadhujit, s. ( demon, dsi who con- quered) name of Vishnu or Krishna. Qi33s^, Madhu-trina, s. ( sweet, 033^ grass) sugar cane, saccJiarum officinarum, [Colloq. ^di CTS3 uk-gaha'\. gj^, Madhu-druma, s. (S| and c,^ tree) bassia latifolia, from the blossoms of which a ^ spirituous liquor is distilled: see 5 madhuka. g@, Madhu-dhuli, s. ( and 5 dust) molas- ses, sugar before it is quite purified. S)o, Madhupa, s. (g honey, u who drinks) bee, ^, honey bee, [Colloq. icaeso rm'-messd']. o^5, Madhupatraka, see c3-3ScJi meru. ^(^C3, Madhtdeha, s. ( and (33 liha to lick) honey bee, [Colloq. ^iit^ess ?/?/-7nm]. g0e53, Madhu-wana, s. (g and 0eD Avho sounds or cries) the kokila or Indian cuckoo, cucidus micropterus. 2;aS), Madhu-ivrata, s. (g honey, go observ- ance) bee, [Colloq. itxso m{-messd\. gc3^(^, Madhu-sarkard , s. (g and cs^Sc^ sugar) sort of sugar, congealed honey used as such. gc5?3Q, Mculhusdka, s. tree, bassia latifolia. gc8g<^, Madhusre'ni, s. (g and (3\ig<5^ row or line) plant, bowstring hemp, sanseviera zeylanica, [CoUoq. c5i) murutfd, 9c;^ niyanda'j. gfSc Madhushthila, s. (g spirit, eSS shtMwa to eject) tree, bassia longifolia, [Colloq: ^fculh'dala, 1 s. (g honey or spirit, qo ggenj, Madhulikd, J Za to be or get) hassia lati- folia, growing in watery and mountanous sites in India; plant, sanseviera zeylanica, [Colloq. <9ce^ m'l/anda]; sweetness; plant, marsdenia tenadssima [Colloq. 3i)3g^ muruwd-dur\. ^!si, Man, s. heart; pride, haughtiness, from :i^ mdna; road. 5g, Mantra, s. mystical verse or incantation; formula sacred to any individual deity; secret consultation, private advice; among the Hindus, a division of the Vedas, including hymns and prayers, addressed to particular deities, and used at peculiar sacrifices. 2Oig>3<5c03, Mantrakdrayd, s. one who performs incantation. eoganatsJ, Mantralrit, s. (Sig advice, d2J, Manne, s. toddy drawer's knife. 2)^f , Manbindima, s. (:J mind, ^f break- ing) subduing, humbling; conquering, taming. ,3e)(S, Manmatha, s. (2sJ mind, d to agitate) name of Kama, the Hindu Cupid; elephant or wood apple, feronia elephantum, [Cblloq. ^^Gj Manakala, s. woman, wife, [CoUoq. 63^ sir*]; that which is good: o. good, pleasing, [Colloq. atsio^ yahapat']. 3^, Jlaiia-dima, s. (a3 and ^ giving) assent, agreeing to any proposition. es3iS^^C> Manadola, s. (S^o and >e,G wish) wish, desire, hope, [Colloq. t^^^oB dsdirn']. 325:fe33, 3fanand, s. a low caste man, employed by respectable Kandyans to be in charge of paddy. S3D, Manana, s. (so to know) minding, under- standing. 350ij, Mananada, a. good, pleasing to the mind, [Colloq. oiSOGci yahapat']. Dtf, Manabendi, a. attached, [Colloq. S53 xg?3g sita-bendundicu'\. 2O3Oc035 Manamdlayd, s. bridegroom, lover. 2SD3g, Manamdli, s. bride. 5)3(3^ce3:J, Manayon, s. (3 mind, iS^cC3^ place of production) name of Anaiigaya the Indian Cupid. e5D(5, Manaram, a. (3 mind, d to sport or please) beautiful, pleasant, agreeable, delight- ful. S3S)e5303, Manaii'adanawd, v. to raise the pas- sions, to excite affection, to fall in love. ^?5:ide5ii6,Manaskdra,s. (Ss^e^ mind, 53<5 opera- tion) attention of the mind to its own sensations, consciousness of pleasure or pain. e30S>3C3, Manastdpa, s. (3e^ and 03c burning) grief, sorrow, vexation. eDe3, Manasa, s. mind: see a3 mana. 2s3e83, Manasd, s. goddess of the serpent race and the particular protectress against their venom; hence the name, object of love. SsoQssd, Manasikara, s. (dS in the mind, esi6 operation) thought, reflection, meditation: see 253seaj3(5 manaskdra. 3S)(5, Manahara, a. pleasing, agreeable, delight- ful; lovely. 33, Mana, a, good, excellent; delightful, pleas- ing. aD03, Mandpa, a, (3 mana mind, epo dpa to go or attract) pleasing, beautiful, agreeable; con- tented, willing, satisfied or inclined. 3)OC5, Mandpaya, s. wish, inclination, propensity. e533C3'3\8e33, Mandpawenawd, v. to wish, to con- sent. sieaa, Mandwa, s. a measure, fortieth part of a parrah, or as much as can be held in the open hand with the fingers joined and hollowed a little: adv. well, correctly. 3DDg, Mandwn, a. good, pleasing, [Colloq. coo osig yaha2)ativu]. ^^ 460 @)9 J6, Mani, s. pliint with many jointed stems and small rose coloured flowers, justicia jjrocumbens ( Acanthaceiv ) . ^25dJ^S, Manojawa, s. (3e^ manas and dQ speed, quickness) quickness of thought or appre- hension : a. parental, fatherly ; quick in thought. |3^^53J^Q, Mnnojna, a. (eoe^ manas and 2)rajrkkvanta~\. s^^5^Jao8, Manobhaica, s, (-53e^ manas and d being) name of KAma god of love. 3^^Jcs, Mandmaya^ a. (orf manas and c aff.) produced or originating in the mind. S>S3jc: asa^cc, 3fan6maya-riddhiya, s. ((3^'SdJc6 mental 533 riddhi superhuman power) faculty of doing whatsoever is desired by the mere ex- ertion of thoiight. (3^3^;Jc& C55<^3ca, Mandmaya-gamtaya, s. mental arithmetic, or calculation. (S2sdJ(5<3, Mandratha, s. (^5dc^ manas and <5d vehicle) wish, desire. (5^3i(533, JSLandramya, \ a. (^d manas mind, la. J(5i (3^e53Jd, Mandrama, J (5 to sport or delight) beautiful, pleasing, agreeable, delightful. (^^a:c^<5^, Mandrama, s. shrub with rose coloured flowers, ardisea humilis or a. elliptica, [Colloq. 'S)i)^i$i baludan']. (3\eDJS(3, Mandsila, s. red arsenic. (3\253Jffi3, Mandhai-ma, s. sort of orange, citrus nobilis, [Colloq. a925:f33(5o hinndran]. (3\^Jk)(5, Mandhara, s. (2S3e^ manas mind or heart, aoc5 to take, to steal) moon, [Colloq. w^ ^ handa'] : a. beautiful, lovely, agreeable, pleasing. (^^^^Je35, Mandhari, s. (^5J)(5 mandhara love- ly, (^ I aff.) beautiful woman. %'^, Mamma, pi'on. I myself. , Mama, pron. I. o4a3(5, Mamankdra, s. ( 7nama and ^36 do- ing) pride, haughtiness, [Colloquial: (f:SQ(5c8 ^, Mamatwa, l . ( of me, ^ and S)o affixes S33, Mamatd, J of the abstract quality) pride, arrogance, self sufficiency; interest or affection entertained for other objects from considering them as belonging to or connected with one's self. R- ^5a gandharwa; deer. 5(^, Mayurd, s. peacock, pavo cristatus: pi. g ><5J mayuro^ [Colloq. S''i -i^<^ monard']. SggdSe^, Mayurdja, s. (a| and <^d king) name of Kuvera, he having the kinnaras attached to his court and capital: see 6g<35 Itndurd, g(5l?53-(5(^5)x6^ gas-karalheba^. (^6esi, Mayuraka, s. plant, achyranthes aspera; see the last; also, blue vitriol; flower, celosia cristata. g<5<5DC< Mayuror-gala, s. (g<^ peacock, e8(5, Martawdlu-keseJ , s. kind of plan- tain, 7misa sapientiim. ^ 3)3J (3*5^e3(^, Martumdn-kesel, s. kind of plan- tain. ^S3, Mardana, s. (a^ mrida to rub or grind) rubbing, grinding, pounding; squeezing, crush- ing, pressing; rubbing the body. , Marma, s. joint, articulation of the body, [Colloq. W'SsJ^cs handiya']', vital member or organ, secret meaning or purpose, any thing hidden or recondite. '5, Marmakrama, s. articulation of the joints of the human body. 5, Marmara, s. sort of pine, pinus de'vaddru; gentle wind; rustling of cloth or dry leaves. db^^, Mannasthdna, s. ((8 joint, toS3D place) articulation of the joints of body. %JG), Maryddd, s. boundary, limit; steadiness, rectitude; bank, shore, [Colloq. Q^oQ smdica']. ^, Marakata, s. emerald, [Colloq. C33 pac- hcha, <3^d'S'6Si& pej'osa^- <5, Maragdta, J struggles of a dying person, agonies of death. e(5K)3S35(5-'<5, Mara, s. emerald, [Colloq. aBB pacJicha, (3\d(3^dJ63^)eVosa]: . green. ^^<5^, Mardmiiii, s, (c5 and -s:^ gem) emerald. (^C Mardla, s. (< ?wn to die, t^Q^ dlach aff.) lamp-black; rogue: a. soft, mild. <358df, Mardioan, s. (05 and 5 colour) em- erald colour, green ; according to another author- ity, blue. 8, Maricha, s. (a 7nrt to die, venom, ^8 icha aff.) pepper, considered as an antidote. SS, Marichif see d marichi. i)d^%i^S , Mariclii-manjari, s. (8 ray, ^a^^'S collection) corona, circle of light surrounding the heads of celestial beings, ^8(^1530 <:^, Maritondi, s. shrub or small tree, called tree Mignonette, (Persian henna) Laivso- nia alba or inermis Laicsonia. (Tamil.) SeB), Marindd, s. small sea fish. 8c83<^, Mariydddiva, s. good conduct or beha- viour; limit, boundary. 989, Maricha, s. (a 7nrt to die) black pepper, piper nigrian, [Colloq. cs3i)8ed' gammiris~\. 813, Marichi, s, ray of light; mirage, or sultry vapour which, in hot and sandy countries es- pecially, appears at a distance like a sheet of water; niggard, miser; name of one of the Praja- patis; flower, ivrightia zeylanica, [Colloq. g^ij idda].' 8^a3, Marichikd, s. (3 and 5si lat aff. im- plying resemblance) mirage : see the last. di, Maru, s. (a mri to die, ^ u aff.) region or soil destitute of water, sandy desert etc.; name of Anaiiga the Indian Cupid, name of the god of wind; the north-west. c5i5S5d, Mai'ulcatara, s. ((^ and ^S)S5d wild) region destitute of water, desert, wilderness: see c5i^ maru-bima. c5i,c5, Marut, s. wind, air, or its deified personi- fication; deity, an immortal; plant, trigonella corniculata, [Colloq. 6^s5(^ jnk-inat]. dlcJ^ad, Marutkara, s. (cJieJ wind, eructation, is^6 making) sort of bean, dolichos catjang, [Colloq. (3x Ume'\. disio<3, Marutpatha, s. (>^cJ and ob way) at- mosphere, sky, heaven, [Colloq. ^coss ahasa']. dtsotssf, Maruten, see dK>^ mara-handi. 9c^^5d9o, Manulbhaicd, s. plant, sanseviera zeyla- nica, [Colloq. ^9cs^ niyanda~\. ^e33C35 Marun-mdld, s. (dlsJ marut and 3(33 necklace) plant, trigonella corniculata: see cJlsJ marut. c5ic3S3d, Maru-jiahara, s. fatal blow. di,(5^o<^^<^a^^, Maru-penenaim, v. to be in deadly terror. cJlgce, Marupriya, s. (di sandy soil, 05 fond of) camel, [Colloq. S.3 ofuwd']. c5l, Maru-bima, s. desert, wilderness, region destitute of water, [Colloq. 33033dc5 kdntd- raya], cJigQca, 2larumuk/iaya, s. the mouth of death. dii5>, Maruwaka, s. (^^ sandy soil, 3 ivd to grow) large thorny shrub, vangiieria spinosa; species of basil, ocimutn, with small leaves and red <03 463 d3i flowers; variety of the citron or lime, said to be a thorny plant bearing a small fruit; plant, arte- misia vulgaris, [Colloq. 8(5(5^53S(3oc:Jg ival- kolondu]; ascending node; tiger; crane. c5i,S3, Maruwd, s. death personified; see also 3<5 003 mar ay a. (^, Mai, plur. of (5 mala, flower; in Elu, brother, younger brother; rock, row; little child; carpet; plate; Vedd/is or savages; drink- ing cup. (^^i)3, Mal-ammd, s. flower woman. (4 (^s\9J(5s3<3cf.5i3, Mal-kottoruwd, s. little Ceylon barbet, xantholcema rubricapilla; crimson breast- ed barbet, a-, hmnacephala ( Capitonidoe order Picarii). (5^4325J^, Malkonda, s. anther of a flower: pi. (4(3\j3g malkondu. (^)i^253, Mal-kekuna, s. tree, canarium halsa- miniferum. (^S5t5g(3, Malkehula, s. unblown flower, flower bud: pi. ^ssyii^Qmal-kekulu. (^ssizSi, Malkena, s. flower stalk, compound pedicel; bunch of flowers: pi. (^iSM^ mal- ken. C=*5x^)333, Mal-kendattd , s. a bird called red faced malkoha, phcmicophaes pyrrhocephalvs; also green-billed malkoha, zanclostomus viridi- rostris (Oaculidce, order Picarice). (55x<5, Malkera, s. small tree with fragrant flowers, ochna squarrosa (OchnacewJ. ^ssixd(^f, Mal-kerald, s. the pigmy woodpecker, yungipicus gymnopJithalmm (Picidce, order Picarice). 't)(^Sci, Malgiya, s. plant, oleander; according to another authority, species of jasmine. (^s^OTD, Malgom, s. florist, one who sells flowers etc. (^(?sj3g, Malgomu, 8. bed of flowers, large collec- tion of flowers, flower bush. (^Ss?383, Malgowii'd, s. ((^ and (3>3j883 kee- per) florist, flower gardener. (53-i.<5ce3, Mal-gerandiyd, s. rat snake, variety of ptyas mucosus. (^a9, Mal-tumba, s. plant, species of momordica. (^(3\S3(Qdie53, Maltelissd, s. small species of the viper, hypnale nepa. S(^C5x6, Malteluma, s. heavy piece of wood with which the flowers of the coconut tree are bruised before extracting toddy. (^S3t63, Malteluma, s. kind of fish. (^q, Maldama, s. ((j flowers, ^ chain) string of flowers, garland, wreath or necklace of flow- ers. (^<:j5, Maldara, s. paddy, rice in the husk. (^, Maldiwa, 8. (t,(^ or (3 mala vedda, for- rester, 5| island) the Maldive islands, so called, according to Sinhalese authorities, from their being inhabited by a race of savages or an un- civilized people living by the bow; but according to Hindu authorities the word is derived from (^.at^o malayadwipa or the Malaya islands: see (3c8 malaya; both refer to the same group lying to the westward of Ceylon, and the Malabar coast. (^o)c5 Maklhard, see (^^d maldara. (^8^gg83, Mal-pilihuduwd, s. little Indian king- fisher, alcedo bengal ensis (Alcedinidoi order Pi- caria); also calkd i^a^d^^^Qo diya-pilihudtmd. (4(Snc355c3, Malpetta, s. corolla or inner covering of a flower: pi. ^^o& malpeti. (^(3^233 gO', Mal-pokura, s. bunch or cluster of flowers, nosegay. (^S^C33(3, Malpola, s. cataract of the eye. (^(3^C33(303, Mal-polangd, s. kind of viper, variety of trimeresurus or hypnale. (^c3i'2^, Mal-peni, s. nectar or honey of a flower. (^i3i'3^03C Mal-pepola, s. variety of the papaw, carica papaya. d^^C? Mal-pela, s. flower plants; shed used for offering flowers. <^ai 464 c^ ^SxC63, Malbeyd, s. brother, [Colloq. 53(?^K)J^ 5cS3 sah6darai/d^. 'a)(^(^6q,Mahada, (flowers) honey or nectar of flowers, so called from its resting on the flowers in small drops resembling the pollen, dC> Malla, s. sack, bag made of any thing but cloth; war, fighting; wrestler, boxer; cup, vessel; cheek and temples, hemicranium. 03 Mallawa, s. boxer, wrestler, fighter. dc s^<^v53cs, Mcdlawa-desaya, s. country so call- ed, modern Malwa, large province of Hindustan ; to the north bounded by Ajmeer and Agra, on the south by Kandesha and Berar, to the east it has Allahabad and Gunduwana, on the west Ajmeer and Guzerat; it was in Kusinara a city of this district that Buddha died or attained Nirvana: see agSeoado kusinara. (^C053, Mallaioayd, see (^(38 mallaiva. d(3) Main, s. younger brother; Arabian jasmin, jasminum sambac, [Colloq. 688 jnchcha']. dd^) Malliha, s. bird, said to be a sort of goose with brown legs and bill; shuttle; month nawam (February-March) . ^OQfSi'i, Mallihd, s. Arabian jasmine, see dS malli; plant, the flowers of which are offered in temples, wrightia zeylanica, [Colloq. <^^q ulda'] ; vessel made of the shell of a coconut for holding oil, etc.; goblet, cup, drinking vessel, [Colloq. hopjmya']. egoaS, MalUgandhi, s, (gS jasmine, 02^ smelling) fragrant aloe wood. d<3^^) Me^c^, Mal-serd, s. green-backed goose-teal, nettapus coromandelianus (Anatidce order Anse- res), (^asxij, Malseda, s. coverlet, stuffed with flowers '(^631(5, j\falsci'a, see (^ssd malsara. S(^C0, Malht, s. monkey: see also, (i^6 malsara. (3, Mala, s. according to Elu authorities, vedda, forester, one who lives by his bow ; bow ; net or noose; flower; (according to Sanskrit authorities it is derived from (3 to hold or contain, in the body) any excretion of the body, as serum, semen, blood, marrow, urine, foeces, ear wax, nails, phlegm, tears, rheum, and sweat; sin; dirt, filth; dreg sediment; rust: a. miserly, niggardly; dead, in this sense more correctly written mala. QS^S), Malakada, s. rust, any concretion formed on metals : see the preceding. C^d> Malagal, s. Himalayan range of mountains, formed from cSSoQca himdlaya by dropping the initial. G3e5, Mala-gas, see o^*sJ malaruk. (3<5>S3S38o, Malagahanawd, v. to burn a bon-fire. Malabatu, s. small hairy species of night shade, solanum ferox (Solanacece). eS)^, Malabaddha, s. (c foeces, S)<^ bound) constipation, costiveness. Q Q^e??, Maki-bandinawd, v. (c rust, f 33 to bind) to rust, to become rusty. CC^ Mala-bidat, s. kind of betel. (3>S)3, Malaboda, s. species of nutmeg tree, peculiar to Ceylon, myristica Jaurifolia (Myris- taceas). Q^'^(^Q, Malamadidla, \s. (C an archer, gc^ 0Q9, Alalamadima, j C a district or country) site of a vedda village, country inhabited by foresters. (33d^ CD kotadimbuldl. q6z), Mala-rata, s. (q and 6D inhabited coun- try) country so called; country that lies along the Malaya range of mountains on the west coast of the peninsula of India usually called Malabar: see c^ malaya. (3c5iJ, Mala-ridc, s. worm, worm in general, [Colloq o<53S) impediment) constipation. GC> 3fala-labtc, s. species of pepper, ptjier sub- peltamim (Piperacece). (3'?S383, Malawanawd, v. to stir about when cooking, to cook herbs for curry or medicine: pret. i!5^c3 melewivd. (33Scs 9, Malaivdriya-iH, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. (3c8, Malaviya, s. ((^ mal flower, Cp9 at'i wea- pon, CS3 ?/a personal aff.) one whose shafts are tipped with flowers; name of Anadgaya, the Hindu Cupid. QcaeD, Malasana, s. ((^ mal flowers, tftoe^ seat) table or altar in the temples of Buddha on which the flowers are placed when offered to his image; plate, small chatty, cover or lid made of clay for cooking utensils. (303D, Malasd, s. small cardamoms, elettaria carda- momum (minor), [Colloq. &^?si 6si^:i(^ sihin- ensdt], CgJ, Malasun, s. ((^ mal flower, ecg:J asiin seat) altar on which flowers are offered. e3, Mala, s. noose, snare; plate, lid: pret. of i (5^(5, Malitta, s. very small species of parrot, paroquet, 2)al(:eornis. (3o3, Malita, s. beautiful flowering shrub with permanent red calyx, Woodfordia floribiinda or grislea tomentosa, (Lythracea;), [CoUoq. 8c mayila']. (g^, Maliti, see (ga5o malitta. (3), Malina, s. (c ^cila dirt, filth etc. 33^ inach aff.) fault, defect; borax: a. dirty, filthy, foul; black; vile, bad; (figuratively) soiled with crime or vice, sinful, depraved. _ ___ g^ 466 @9SS) (33<2), Malinatwa, s. ((3<53 black etc. aff. of the abstract) blackness etc.; filthiness, dirtiness; foulness; depravity. S'SsgQ, Malinamukha, s. ((93 and 3 count- enance) name of Agni, the god of fire; fire; ghost, goblin; black faced monkey: a. cruel, fierce, savage. Qis:>3^, Maltndmhu, s. ((33 dirty, qfSg Avater) ink; foul or impure water in which any thing has been washed. ^QcStit, Malissdy s. small kind of fresh water shrimps. (3i)cs, Mahmasa, s. iron; green vitriol: a. dirty, . foul: wicked. 'gg, Malupu, s. cluster of blossoms, nosegay. (S^^, Male, s. hole, opening, perforation, perfora- tion or eye of a needle, [Colloq. jSq hila\. '<3>C^C^> Malolamhu, s, ((^ mal flowers, (^ labi to sound) shaking or tremulous motion of an unplucked flower. 9, Maw, s. mother, [Colloq, <^33 amma']. )3^<5, Mawtanatura, s. woman supplying the place of mother in a family. 5)e5555, Mawhatkama, s. ( and wci^sj af- fection) maternal affection, regard felt by a mother for her young. 89, Mawa, s. mother. 33, Mawanawd, v. to make, to form, to create: pret. i83 mewwd. SooosaSa, Mawdpdnawd, v. to bring into exist- ence. 05, Mavita, a. strung, tied; wonderful, surpris- ing; astonished. 03cs, Mavitaya, s. wonder, prodigy; surprise, astonishment. g 03(5*9 e33, Mavttawenaiod, v, to be astonished or amazed. gc^, Mawul, s. crown. (3N^6), Mawenikama, see sicJ^a mawhat- kama. ssai, Masaka, s. gnat, musquito. a9i3), Mashtaka, \ ^ \. ^ ' * , > * fish m general. ^45)cso, Mashtakayd, j i)di, Mas, s. fish; flesh; small stone, pebble; beard; plant, species of the Jlemmgia, [Colloq. (^g undu] ; part, portion: a. blind. Q)tief6'd, Mas-aralu, s. tree, variety of terminalia ^ chebula. e^59, Maskatuwa, s. fork; prong; fish bone. d? 5(3>S, Mas-kade, s. butcher's shop. ^toesid, Maskara, s. bamboo, bambusa vulgaris, [Colloq. (5- Maslombuiva, s. a block of wood on which meat is cut. c^S(3(3>c53sJoD3, Maswalapottd, s. small sea fish. dis, Maswalu, s. bundle or burden carried in the hand. Se^9T, Maswedima, s. proud flesh. df9x5si3, Maswenna, s. fern, drymoglossum he- terophyllum (Filices). ise3, Massa, s. coin, anciently nineteen pice or six pence three farthings, or about eight pence: pi. g masu. i^O'i^S,Massapdduwa, s. rape. *tS&iS33, Massind, s. cousin, cognate cousin; bro- ther in law. ea, Masa, s. a fish; month. 63^, Masaka, s. species of amaranth, amaranthus cruentus, [Colloquial: <5i5c5)c3C3 rat-tampaW]; gnat, [Colloq. 3gcSi,93 maduruiod']. 0^^ 467 es)s Ses^tT, Masan, s. tree, bearing a yellow edible fruit like a cherry, zizyphus jujuba (RhamnacecB); also called S;K)<5>QQ<5 maha-debara. 63-25383, Masanawd, v. to sew, to fetter, to enchain : pret. SxgQj mesuwd. i)e33, Masd, s. fish. 033(5, Masdra, s. emerald, [CoUoq. a)3 matsyagan- dhd. g-ed, Masun, pilur. of g 7nasw, which see. g(5, Masura, s. sort of lentil or pulse, ervum hir- g(5sJ, iUfcwwraw, s. (g and desi gold) gold coin (not now extant) ; sing, ^6zi masurama: see t3K massa. 99(5, Mastcrd, s. courtesan; covetous man, "miser. g<5i, Masuru, a. covetous, avaricious; stingy. g:5i(3, Masurumala, s. covetousness, extreme avarice. g<58Qi(^ kiri- I0f\, g853, Masurikd, s. (^(35 masurd courtesan, tSisS kan aff.) bawd, procuress; small pox. g3, Masun, s. small-pox. e5ie3, Masesa, 8. (e5 mas flesh, ^C3 esa eye) eye of the body, in opposition to ^Qiia diwesa or divine perception; worldliness, sensuality. W, Maha, s. (w to increase, to worship) fish; festival: light, lustre; buffalo; sacrifice, oblation: a. great, large, big, bulky; harvest. es)^Ji.(^(3, Maha-akmella, s. plant, sptlanthus acmella; also called cpJ 1(^(3 akmella. 50 fp'*^(5, Maha-andat-a, s. tree, acacia leucophlaa ( Leguminosce ) ; also called S5 cpe^(5 katu- andara. K) 9S^.253J(^, Maha-anodd, s. plant, sec^a ^^ojom/z- folia^ or abutilon asiaticum. 053 ^88, Maha-awari, s. variety of the indigo plant, indigofera tinctoria. K);pM(3NJ<5(53, Maha-asamodagam, s. variety of pimjnnella Heyneana. CO ^e5cp(3, Maha-etadiya, s. plant, variety of elephanto]ms scaher. S) f^gdi, Maha-eduru, s. (S) great, '-^^^(^ teach- er) head of a company of artists. K) (^0(3, Maha-epala, s. plant, hibiscus retifolius, or species of urena. K) (^Cj Maha-embala, s. buck bean, menyanthes indica. ^K) <^Si^, Maha-ingini, s. large variety of the clearing nut plant, strychnos potatorum. ao Maha-itta-ivela, ivy creeper, hedera terebinthinacea, or species of heptapleurum. ) 9^, Maha-indi, s. variety of date-palm tree, 2)h(enix sylvestris. w g(5l, Maha-induru, s. plant, variety of susum anthelminticum. S) Maha-ketala-ala, s. plar^t, variety of lagenandra toxicaria. K)S^Jo3(3, JIaha-ketala, s. plant, caladium ora- tum. Q^ ^^sm!^'3^Z'0^, JfaJia-kohnoia, s. ].lant, variety of eriocaulon quinquangulare. S3 4553^0, Maha-kohila, s. thorny plant, Lasia spinosa (Aracece); also called S^asiJ^Sc kohila. SJifo^Qc^c Maha-kebella, s. plant, species of aporosa or agyreia obliqua. foa53id), Maha-kerew. s. plant, schleria elata ^ (Cyperacece). S) (53, Maha-gama, s. (S3 large, 3 village) large village. S3 3(^ij)do(5c9c5, Maha-galkapparawalUya, s. catmint, variety of anisocliilus carnosus or nepeta indica. SJ oo(f 5<5, Maha-galkura, 8. plant, melochia con- catenata. 50^3500, Maha-gahala, 8, plant, variety of co/o- casia antiquorum. J53 cS, Maha-gim, s. (S3 gr6at, cS warmth) heat; sultry weather. S3 cScSocJ) Maha-girdpald, s. plant, variety of commelina clavata. S3 s^otS^^O, Maha-geneta, s. variety of tree pe- culiar to Ceylon, Unociera puiywea, S3 ^c533aa8, Maha-gokatu, s. tree, species of garcinia. S3 s^0533s^53(3, Mako-gotukola, s. creeping plant, pennywort, hydrocotyle javanica ( UmbeUifero! ) . S3 >(533555t98, Maha-gonkekiri, 8. kind of cu- cumber, large variety of the cucumis pubescens. S3(3^i?38t(^, Maha-goyiwel, s. -plant, Jlagellarta indicn: see (3^(533Si^ goyi-wel. S3 s^r533dSce, Malia-goradiya, s. plant, cylista es- culenta. 5o (531055^, Mnha-getakvlu, s. plant, gardenia Jragrans, S3 ootQo2s5, Maha-getapan, 8. club rush, 8cirpu8 articulatus (Cyperacece). S3(S3t9&53, Maha-getiyd, 8. plant, hugonia mystax (Linaceoi); also called 3xSc63 bugetiyd. 3cg, Mahagu, a. very precious, [Colloq. ^eoS s3)E^<:j, Mahacchhada, s. tree, alstonia scholaris, the wood of which is very light and porous and much used in making the images of Buddha, [Colloq. (5lJepcic3>253 rukattana]. S3e^3ce3, Maha-janayd, s. (S3 great, ^30B0 men) the public, multitude, crowd, collection of peo- ple. 8D (9^a)S)d, Maha-debara, s. jujiibc tree yielding good dessert fruit, zizyphus jujxiba (Rhumnacea'); also called eeo masan. h ^<^ 469 0fiS34 co-9e5393, Makanaivenaivd, v. to become a Buddhist priest. S3.^i5ii^'its5!3id, Makanunndnse, s. Buddhist priest. oocJ, Afahat, a. (S5 tnaha to increase) large, great, bulky; best, excellent, illustrious. ii)S)6i:d5aSc3, Maha-takkdiyd, s. great vagabond. 6><5-^, Maha-taranUf s. plant, ivebera corym- bosa: see s3(5-s>^, Maha^tera, s. (s) and (3^C3(5 priest) chief priest or priest of rank. Ss) >53(3^, Maha-tetambit, s. silk cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosum, [Colloq. o^^ imbul~\ ; tree, variety of stercuUa fcetida. S) (?ve3(3S)3C3(j^3, Maha-telikd-pald, s. pellitary, ^mrietaria indica. csi'?^si3Q'S^'S>i, Maha-tolabS, 8. plant, variety of crinum asiaticum: see S'e33C<3"J tolubo. w 'S^o^J^(^c Maha-towclla, s. climbing plant, variety of vitts erioclada. K) cOtSgcs, Maha-tembiliya, s. tree, variety of etigenia bracteata. C5e3(^, Maha-ddrakesel, s. kind of plan- tain, variety of musa sajnentum. ) c5E558oe, Maha-diya-jdwdla, s. plant, variety of burmannia disticha, [Colloq. zS5cS5^3C mediya-jdwdla'\ . K) ^ccgc^, Maha-diyadul, 8. nettle, Boehmeria malabarica (Urticacece). iK) ^c58caC3, Maha-diyasiyambaldy s. floating spongy plant, (vschynomene aspera (Legumino- Siv). 153^9, Mahadiw, s, any one of the four continents which are situated in front of the four faces of (sN^dl me'ru. 53 f fSco, Mahor-divtadiya, s. plant, variety of ipomcea pes-tigi'idis. es3 gi'x<^c Maha-dummella, s. plant, variety of the snake gourd, trichosanthes anguina, [Colloq. is^tSiiQ patola']. ) gg, Maha-dumud^i, s. plant, argyreia ejieciosa ( Convolvulacew). CK)9>^S, Maha-devi, s. (ziea great, (S><59 god) name of Siva; Elu form of wa*^ mahd-de'ica. 5J SH^025^e333, Maha-dodanpand, s, tree, glycos- mis longifolia. C535>^, Maha-domba, see (S^^ domba. 5j)(5^e,<5, Mahordora, s. palace, residence of a kmg. tt3s:Js3ca, Mahantatwaya, s. (5oacD great, ^ hin-ndinritta. i) ^36sS, Maha-ndran, s. shaddock or pumelow tree, citncs decitmana. i/Sj^Q^agSS), Maha-nidikmnba, s, species of the sensitive plant, mimosa pudica. sjeSco^, Maha-niyanda, s. plant, from the fibres of which bow strings are made, sanseviera zeyla- nica: see e6co^ niyanda. K> 26(^, Muha-niU s. (K) and 6(^ blue) sapphire. S3 iQ(3(5>s)icfl3, Maha-nilagoyd, s. Imperial green pigeon, carpophaga cenea, (Treronidce, order Columhce); also called ^s^(5^^co^ batagoyd. S3 -3(53, Malia-nuga, s. banyan tree, Jicus bengalen- sis (Urticacece). S3(3>3(^, Mahanel, s. blue lotus, water lily: see )<5^sd5 we/rt; trees of genus, stro- belanthes; plant, justicia bycalyculata. es3dc33, Mahappd, s, (as3 great, t^doo app)d father) uncle, father's elder brother. 5DC39 a53(3 getakola. ao >^(5i, Maha-be'ru, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, agrostistachys Hooheri (Euphorbiacea^); also called f ces^(5l diya-beru. as3 (SN6>)3(5Le3S:f, Maha-borupan, s. club-rush, variety of heleocaris plantaginea. eo(SJ, Maha-bo, see (3nS)Js3S3 bo-gaha. as3 (5^J3(j83, Maha-bovitiyd, s. plant with hand- some purplish flowers, melastoma malabatJiricum (Melastomacece). S3 ^t(SC5 Maha-belila, see S)t(3 bevila. S3tt33<5s3, Maha-bhdrata, s. (S3 great, S33d3 poem so called) name of the great epic poem so much celebrated among the Hindus, so called in allusion to the fable of the rishis putting it in a scale and weighing it against the four Vedas, when it was found to outweigh them. aj)i)3, Mahammd, s. (ffi3 and cp3 ammd mo- ther) aunt, mother's elder sister, father's elder brother's wife. S3 gd, Maha-mahulu, see ^gd mahulu. {53 g, Maha-madu, e, sort of bind-weed, Jpomwa ohscura (Convolvulacece)^ e333!3, Mahamdyd, s. (S3 greatj ocea Maya) mother of Buddha: see 3(X3 mdyd. QR^ 471 &^ S)3C8J (S'fSi^&S, Mahamdyd-tene, . (S)dcc3 and s^cis^ei son) name of Buddha as the son of 3CS3; which see, [CoUoq. 5 bndun'\. S)jS3, Mahamdwata, see eacsod mahapdra. CO 39, Maha-mdvt, s. (Sao and 3^ paddy) large kind of paddy or rice in the husk, variety of nryza sativa: see f5 vt. CO ^5^, Maha-midi, s. small tree, premna latifolia ^^ (Verbenacece). &j ^S)s>3, 3faha-miidamahana, s. plant with small white flowers growing in watery places, sphenoclea zeylanica. K) 5J53ie^3, Maha-muttes-vi, s. kind of paddy, 07'1/za sativa. js) g3-<53{?2sJ^5^, Maha-rata-asamodagam, s. plant, celery, ajnum graveolens. as3 (53333S9S, Maha-ratatdmatti, s. species of night shade, solarium copersicum, ej <53s*<^^, Maha-ratadehi, s. species of citron, citrus medica. M (5SS), Maha-ratabatu, see O) <53a3 maha-ratatdmatti. E_ S) dci(^, Maha-ratmal, s. shrub, rhododendron arbor eum: see 3<5ffiJ(^ md-ratmal. so (5S)C5. Maha-ratambald, s. small tree, taioro parvijlora (Rubiaceoe). CO desDdgCj Maha-rawana-1'ewida, s. plant, spinifex sqarrosus (Graminece). S3 <5jsJ, Maha-rahat, s. one of the chiefs of the rahats: see 6sif^ rahat. S)5, Mahari, j s. shrub, adenanthera bjScJi^, Mahari-ruka, } 2>o,vonina, bearing a red berry, used as a jeweller's weight, averaging one and 5-16 grs. troy, [Colloq. ^co madatiya]; tree, alhizzia Lebbek; a. odoratissima, [Colloq. 3d5 mdrd and gSc63!^ sw-iya-mdrd^. cocJi, Maharu, a. good, best, excellent; precious, [Colloq. c(S3C3i yahapat, cp(5*csf ft.^ age'-ett']. aocJlJ, Maharuk, s. (gj eminent, c5i.J tree) coconut tree, [Colloq. ^ C33(^(3e), Mdha-leda, s. (cs) and ^qQ disease) small-pox. eos(^, Mahale, ")s. menses; bloody Ss3^^(^(^5Js)c8, Mahalc'-rogaya, J flux: see 9g3 s^(i kilimdle. K)S)o53, Mahawaga, s. class of books so called, the fourth of the grand divisions of Vinaya the third of the three Pitakas: see Bdispitaka. ao 03, Maha-watuwd, s. bird called common red shank, totarns calidris (Scolopacidce, order Grallce). co9xJ, Mahawat, s. () great, si face) an owl, [Colloq. S)e^ee3 iassa, '^iSi^^'i bakamund']: see the next. 639q3, Mahawata, s. main road, high way; also written 3o) mdwata. K) gc35, Maha-wandurd, s. large grey monkey with black face and white beard presbytes ursimis. ^ts>Qsi'JS, Maha-wanassa, s. plant, variety of lycopodium cernuum. 03 (^s^33(5s, Maha-vialkollu, s. plant, variety of atylosia rugosa. !Si^d 472 ^CS)3S^ 93eec Mahatodsala, s. (030 great, QoesQ gate) king's audience chamber, which is generally at the entrance of the royal residence or palace; king. ao8(3(?CTJC6J, Mahavilagoya , s. Ceylon wood pigeon, palumbus Torringtonia (Columbce). S3 9, Mdha-vi, s. ( and S paddy) large sort of paddy, oryza sntiva : see 9 vi. )8a5, Maha-vfthiya, s. main street. ^SifS^Qc^, Mahawelanga, s. tree, variety of ptero- spermum suberifolhim: see iS'Qc' welanga. Sisj^^S, Mahawe, s. high road, main way. CS3 f^BQiCiy Maha-we'wela, s. calamus rudentum; also called S3Sv9t(3 mdicewela and ^geDd^^ s^^ 1(3 tudarana-wewela. w 8lO(3^^55^^, Maha-wetaholu, s, creeping plant, hearing a kind of pumpkin, variety of luffa acutangula. e3o^cS3, Mahasanghayd, see the following. C308K, Mahasanga, 8. (ts> illustrious, esto com- pany) assembly of the priests of Buddha; asso- ciation of priests, possessing the power to control and direct the affairs of the priesthood. SwescJ, Mahasat, see ^QJSsc;^ bodhisatwa. <5)es(^, Mahasal, s. (Ski great, Je(^ house or sal tree) palace, mansion, residence of a nobleman; name of a tree, vateria acuminata or v. indica: C0(^ hal. BJ e3D<5-gs:f, Mahasim, s. (SJ and ^g5 asun seat) chair of state, throne. S)gd, Mahasup, see wds>3C3>3C3 Makdkdsyapa. K>(3^e6e^, Maha-sen, s. (k> and vessJ army) name of Kataragama deviyo or Skanda kumara, allud- ing to his character as god of war, and leader of the celestial hosts. es)(3>e5c5i, Mahaseru, s. tree, webera lanceolata. S/25J )5S5(33. Maha-hakambald, s. plant with pink- ish fragrant flowers, begonia malabarica (Bego- niacece). s) K)Q3c^e3Q3, Maha-habarossa, 8. thorny plant, similax ovalifolia, (Liliacece). co (5385, Maha-hawari, s, plant, ipomcea. !S)jSg, Maha-himbutu, s. creeper, salacia dian- dra: see ?Sg)i(^ himbutu-wel. (S3 (3>asjd^co, Alaha-heraUya, s. plant, see ^cj S>S3(5(3cc et-heraliya. tsi^is}3i:i, Maha-hedayd, 8. club-moss, lycopodium ph legmaria (Lycopodiacece). cs> ^lOiQss), 3Iaha-hedaivaka, 8. tree, variety of chcetocarpus castanocarpus, C53i6, Mahalu, s. curry or compound of various species: a. old, aged, advanced in years. 3, Mahd, a. great, large; best, excellent. S533^<55iifi'n, MaMkanJia, s. (5533 great, S)4!^o blackness, crime) name of a Jataka (or birth- story) of Gautama, in the character of Bodhisat and under the form of Indra; so called from the universal depravity which prevailed during that incarnation. iK3 a'ja^, Mahd-kanda, s. (65533 great, ^*^ root) red onion, allium cepa, [Colloq. d^g ^,-3 7'atu- lumi] ; very large esculent root, sort of yam ; hairy plant growing in moist places with com- posite flowers, hingtsha repens; garlic, allium sativum, [Colloq. ^fi^ sudu-lunu']. 533-2a8?^, Mahdkapittha, s. (C533 and 5538^ wood apple) tree, a^gle marmelos, [Colloq. (s^Qg beli^. C533 453X3^(308, Maha-kasdmbtliya, 8. large species oijleiirya or girardinia: see (^ wal and (53:5 iSi3, MahddurdlabM, s. large species of Jieiuya or girardinia: see i)ss) owS^oso maJia- lahamhiliyd. -/Saa^^-^Si, Mahddera, s. (oaoo and (5^^S god) name of Siva, ^K)0SN<^3, Mahddein, s. (i)K)35^4^ mahddera Siva, d^ / t'em. aff.) Durgii the wife of Siva. es>)5j_, Mahddruma, s. (3 and 5^ tree) bo tree, Jicus religiosa, [CoUoq. (S^J;oK) bd-gaha]. 5oja<50, Jfahddhana, s. (K)j and Sea wealth) any thing costly or precious; gold; incense; cost- ly raiment: a. rich, opulent; costly. (S33^c3J, Mahd-nayd, s. variety of cobra, ndga tripudians. ))e^^, Mahdntmha, s. ()3 and ^ffSS) nimba) large kind of nimlia tree, azadirachta indica, [C'olloq. i3>5i>33S) i-oAom^a]; oroxylum indicum [Colloq. (S^e53G totiUt]. K)3i3(3, Mahdmla, s. (isi3 and diQ blue) em- erald, [Colloq. oB t)(SiQ j)achcha-gala']', plant, native of uncultivated places with straggling stem, revbesina scandens; medicinal plant, eclipta erecta, [Colloq. 93Sc: kikirindiya]. Ssis-g^SioS, Mahdnubhdwa, s. ((S)3 and ^355339 anubhdwa dignity or disposition) power, author- ity: a. magnanimous, liberal. ^tsi'iof^, Mahdpatra, s. (S33 and o^ leaf) pot herb. fi03O^3, Mahdpatrd, s. tree, kind of eugenia. %tsiyod, Muhdpatha, s. (es)3 great, c6 path) prmcipal path or entrance to a town or house, etc.; main road, high way; end of life, wav of aU flesh. 2S33g!3, Mahd-pushpd, s. (33 and Q'ja pushpa flower) flowering plant, clitoria ternatea, [Colloq. e6(^ )3sM^6 nil-katarolu], wsgoca, Mahd-pralaya, s. ()3 great, QQia des- truction) destruction of the world; annihilation of the universe, including every class of beings, both gods and men; according to the mythology of the Hindus, a destruction of the world takes place at the expiration of each day of Brahma, or 4,320,000,000 years; he then reposes anight, which is a period of the same duration ; at the expiration of 100 of his years, himself with the whole universe, is annihilated. K)3088ce, Mahd-prithiviya, s. earth, world. S)o6q, MaJid-phala, s. (C533 and 6q fruit) fruit tree, (cgle marmelos, [Colloq. (5^(^ belt'] ; also, eugenia jambolana, [Colloq, 333 and g Jl man) name of Buddha, alluding to his height, wliich is said to have been four of 'his own cul)its, measured from the tip of his middle finger to his elbow, and equal to twelve cubits of common measure; besides which, a Ketu or flame of glory emanated from his head to the height of six cu- bits, which is also reckoned, making him eighteen cubits high; great man. hhadra-kalpa. SJSK)^,, Mahdbhadrd, s. name of the river Ganges. 533i9j Mahdbhijhd, see (f&nse^ Qbhtjnd. a33t9e9a^<^, Alahdbhinishkramaiia, s. (3 great, {ft9 ablii emphatic, ^s^^ departure) forsaking the world, sacrificing every earthly pleasure and comfort, the means used to destroy the sensual passions; it is applied particularly to Buddha: see 25dk^ naishkramya and o3(5 60 ~~ &)}SS^ 474 CS)3^ j<^C3, Mahd-bhuta, s. (os33 principal, <^>S3 ele- ment) primary element, as air, fire, water, earth, and Akasa or ether. 35>D(5cnJsj, Mahdbhoga,s. great wealth, abiandance of riches. !Si-i(y^, J\fahd)nalb', s. ( mo great, ^cS jasmine) variety of Arabian jasmine, jasminum samhac, [CoUoq. 8S ptchcha']. )C530J28, Mahdmdsha, 1 s. (Seoj and 35S or jeo K)33x, ]\fa7idmdsa, J grain) kidney bean or green gram, phaseolus mungo radiatus; red gram, (loUchos catjang or phosenlus erectus. S3JS), Mahd-mukha, s. (S33 and S) mouth) crocodile, alligator, crocndilus palustris or c. jwrosus, [Colloq, ^C' h'mbuld'j. K)3|je6, Mahdmuni, s. (oK)d and g^sQ saint) name of Buddha; name of the saint Agastya; coriander. K)5St5ij5), 3fahd-maitri, s. (&ffi)3 and @>^ friend- liness or benevolence) name of Buddha. S33a'>57, Mahd-mriga, s. (S33 and ssj animal) elephant, [Colloq. f^gccs aliyd'\. S33gsj, Mahdyuga, s. (SJ3 and 95(53 age) a great yuga, aggregate of the four ages, or a period of 4,320,000 years. esj)^, Mahdrgha, a. (k)J and cp^ argha cost) costly, precious, of great value. S))(5d^, Mahdrajata, s. (S33 and ddsi silver) gold, [Colloq. dsfdsd' ratran). K)3i:^SD, Malidrajana, s. gold; safflower, [Colloq. S33(5s3, Mahdrasa, s. (a5)3 great, <5e3 juice) date tree, pluemx si/lvestris, [Colloq. f iTuli^ ; species of club rush, scirpiis Jcysoor; gruel, made from the fermentation of rice water; sugar cane, [Colloq. ^i^s>t^ uk-gas~\. S33^d, Malidrdja, s. (K)3 and <^d king) em- peror, sovereign. eo3:^S), Mahdrdtra, s. (S33 and c^^ night) mid- night. Sc33:^'S, Mahdrdshtra, s. (S33 and c^Sig country) country, usually called Mahratta; although this country is distinctly noted in ancient geographi- cal works, it has not been minutely defined hy the modern writers of India; the Buddhist au- thorities place it in the western and north western parts of Jambudvipa, and bound it on the north by Guzarat, and the Nerbudda river. K>3c;cfl, Mahdlaya, s. (eo3 and cpQca dlaya asy- lum) place of refuge, asylum, sanctuary; temple; according to the Brahminical system, God, the Supreme Being; place of pilgrimage; tree etc., sacred to a deity; the loka or world of Brahma. C339oc5?, 3Tahdwansa, s. (k)3 and ocs race, line- age) high rank, race of nobility; celebrated historical work, giving the chronology and dy- nasties of the kings of Lanka. s3393?S3j9<^3, Mahdwdrtdkini, s. brinjal, solanum melongena, [Colloq. DQg wambatu']. K)35c, Mahdvila, s. (S)3 great, (5 chasm) sky, atmosphere; cave, hole. {03g8, Mahdvishuwa, s. (S33 and g equi- nox) the sankranti or moment of the sun's enter- ing Aries; vernal equinox, but varying several days from the European computation, ffi33S3S):5, Mahd-vtstra, s. (coj great or much, Sca3>(5 spreading) extreme prolixity, great exten- tion or diffusion. ao3c3l, Maluhnrya, s. ()) great, 3co^ exertion) name of Brahma; strenuous or continued en- deavour, fortitude, firmness, resolute determina- tion; quicksilver, [Colloq. dsj^co rahadiya^. SsjiStsSs, Mahdviryd, s. name of Sajna wife of the sun; wild cotton. S333c5, Mahd-vira, s. (aa3 and 9<5 hero) name of Bodhisat, alluding to his performing the Paramitawas with a view to acquiring the Bud- dhaship: ?,ee ^^6ts>iQ jidramitdwa; hero; reli- gious ascetic, one performing the Paramitawas. K)3'?>9c53, Mahdicega, s, (J533 and (5^ea speed) monkey; rapidity, velocity. SasjiQeSis^, Mahdici'atin, s. (ffiJ3 and QiSi vrata religious penance or observance, (^^6 ini aff.) name of Siva; devotee, ascetic. S339i5^, Mahd-wrtksha, s. (203 and ar tree) name of several species of eupliorbia, [Colloq. iJS5(532^ daluk-gas\. S3333i3, Mahdsydmd, s. (S33 great, <5?a) black) creeping hedge plant, echites frutescens. ^3S^cs)03, Mahdswetd, s. (ffi33 much, s^coiDo swe'ta white) name of Saraswati; a white variety of the tpomcea digitata or batatas panicidata, [Colloq. 9SS) kt7-ibadu'\; clayed or candied sugar; sort of clitoria with white flowers. iS33'g3 great, illustri- ous, ^c^ Buddhist ascetic) appellation of Buddha, alluding to his being the chief of the Sramanas or relimous ascet'ics. CS536^ 475 8@\C5)3 ^!S)iiQS3i?Si, MahdskdndlM, s. tree, eugenia jambola- na, [CoUoq. jsjcjo mahadan] ; camel. S3De8S(5, Mahasthavha, s. (k)3 great, coSSd of long continnance) epithet applied to any of the elderly priests of Buddha. sjiesi), Mahdsommata, s. (Sjoo great, univer- sal, ec^SjS) consent, agreement) name of the first sovereign of the Siirya race, M'ho according to Sinihalese tradition was elected by the general consent of the people. s>3e3gc5, Mahdsamudraya, s. (S33 and eegg samudra sea) sea, ocean. 'sjDesDd, Mahdsdra, s. (K)3 and e3D<5 wealth) epithet used to express the wealth of the three highest castes of tha Hindus; the Mahasiira of the royal or military caste, at the lowest rate, is one hundred kotis of kahapanas, which, if of gold, is equal, according to the ancient mode of reckoning, to about 1,181,200,000; the mahasara of the sacerdotal order or caste is one half of the above, or 590,600,000; the mahfisara of the vellala or cultivator caste is one half of the last mentioned, or 295,300,000. S53gOTaa), M^ahd-sugandha, s. (0S53 and gcsjza) perfume) sandal wood, santalum alburn^ [Colloq. t3^'si saijdun or 6t^iS>S8 rat-kihiriyci]. )^S^e^-^5^, Mahdsena, s. (no and s^ec-SD an army) name of Kartikeya, or Kataragama deviyo the Indian Mars; general, the commander of a large force, 59, Main, s. the cartli. j953, JirahiM, s. fog, mist, vapour; frovst. 5003, Mahtta, s. (sj niaha to worship, 45jS? kta aff.) trident of Siva: a. proper, fit, right; wor- shipped, reverenced. 5B?5538, Mahimatdwa, s. (ieS greatness, S33 td aff. of the abstract) glory, greatness, majesty; ^ magnificence, grandeur. Sz3, MahimdfS. (SasjsJ maJiat great, sjS^gma- nkh afF.) magnitude, as one of Siva's attributes, illimitability; greatness in general, literal or fi- gurative. !Scc3, Mahiyd, s. the earth personified. C^d, Jfahira, s. sun, [Colloq. <6 n-a]. c6(33, Mahild, s. woman ; plant, bearing a fragrant seed, commonly, ^izSli^ imi/a?igu, fColloq. gSqi puwanguj. 28CJ3iS3it3, Mahildtrhayd, s. plant: seecoSl^j^/7- yangu. 0(2, Mahisha, s. (S) maha to worship or be worshipped) buffalo, huhalus buffelus, [Colloq. 3 mimd'\ ; emblem aiid vehicle of Yama; the name of an Asura or demon slain by Durga. s68, Mahishi, s. female buffalo, [Colloq. eJs^^-eo midena] ; wife of a king, but especially the one who has been consecrated or crowned, a queen. sSm, Mahisa, 1 ^ ^jD 7ir 7- ' ( see ^&^ mahisha. S3S33, Manisa, j !Bgo, Mahisuta, s. (tS earth, gS3 son) the re- gent of the planet Mars, alluding to the fable that he sprang from the soil, near Oujein, which was sprinkled with the perspiration from Siva's body. cS, Mahl, s. the earth, [Colloq. ^039 ^>o/a'a]; black faced monkey, 'presbytes cephalopterus, [Colloq. 8g5i wandicrd^; river rising in the province of Malwa and falling into the gulf of Cambay; cow, [Colloq. 6cS'3id9 nelvm']. ^is)5^'Si, Mahodadhi, s. (S30 mahd and (5aoJesa), Mahosadha, s. dry ginger, Pali form of the next. 20)ss5ti, Mahaushadha, s. (S)3 mahd great, S)^ u) attshadha drug) garlic, [Colloq. ggg^ stidu- h.'mu'] ; plant, betida; long pepper, [Colloq. ^d 8@ tip)piU\\ dry ginger, [CoUoq. iSNg8 fcgc5l iveltchcha-tnguruj; pot herb, hingtsha repens; it is also applicable to many other plants and medicinal substances. fiS5^, Malakanda, s. ( dead, ^^ trunk) corpse, dead body. 5g-, Maluiva, J the outer part of an- cient building) yard, fold, enclosure; shed, tent. 3, Md, the ace. of the pron. mama; in Pali a prohibitive and negative particle; moon; name of Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty and wife of Vishnu; fraud, trick, delusion; see 3CS3 vidyd: a. great, large etc: see )3 mahd. 3 {^(^a, Md-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. 3, Mdima, s. limit, boundary: pi. 3^ mdi?)u 3(^(S><^, Md-udd, s. morning before dawn. 3(^,e^e63, Md-msd, s. nettle, Laportea crenulata ( Urticacea' ) . 3odfssQ, Mdnjishthn, .. (os^^^o mdnjishfhd mad- der, used as a red dye) red, the colour: a. red, of a red colour. 3o:3, Mdnsa, s. flesh; time; worm. 3o3 ^, Mdnsa-chalcshuwa, s. (3oe2 flesh, body, Qz^Q eye) eye of the body, in contradistinc- tion to the Sa& Qs^ dtvya-chakshu, which see. 3oss es3(5, Mdnsa-sdra, s. (3oe3 flesh, esid essence) adeps, fat, serum of the flesh. 3eeo3!3-(5^, ]\rdkaru, s. (3 trick, 5Kv5i who does) jug- gler, sorcerer; mime, actor. 0iS5C5l8j, Mdkaruwd, s. small sea fish. 3(5dQ, Mdgadha, s. bard, minstrel, whose duty it is to sing the praises of sovereigns, their genealogy, and the deeds of their ancestors, in their pre- sence; country in which Buddha was born, and the birth place of his religion, in modern geo- graphy called South Behar; ancient name of the Pali or the sacred language of the Buddhists: see C33(3 pdW; an inhabitant of Magadha. 0(S>'S, Mdgadhi, s. Pali language: see acjQ wa- gadha: jasmin, jasminvm auricnlatum ; long pepper, piper Jnngum, [Colloq. &itiQQ tippiW] ; cardamoms, eJettai-ia cai'damomxim, [Colloq. ^?^ ec9(^ ensdl'\ ; refined sugar. :)(5s:'*3ca, Mdnikya-ratnaya, s. (3<^533 and <5s>83 ratna jewel or treasure) one of the seven treasures possessed by a Chakrawarti, viz. the gem or precious stone as large as a pumpkin goUrd, and which emits light and effulgence to the distance of four miles on every side ; by its power he could visit any world. 33, Mdtrtkdtra, s. alphabet; signature, au- tograph; simple sound, note, vowel; heading, motto; subject of a discourse. 3SDa6o3a, Mdtri-pitri, s. (3S)3 mother, 8oa father) parents, mother and father. 3CD&SS), Mdtri-wadha, s. (3S>a mother, 8Q to kill) matricide, [Coll: g @iS maivn-mrrima']. 3c>oe3cs^, Mdtsarya, s. covetousness, envy, impa- tience of anothers' success. )3!jX&6, Matsara, a. (cc62(5 envy, fpesf rm iift'j. envious, impatient of another's success. 3nigii. 303, Mdtd, s. mother, female progenitor. 3503es3i), Mdtd-pitri, s. mother and father. 3e33&), Mdtdmaha, s. (3S33 mother etc.) mater- nal grand-father. S3333cS, Mdtd-mahi, s. maternal grand mother. 3^, Mdtu, s. mother, [Colloq. S tnaw']. 342 M'lttda, s. (,333;, mutri mother etc.) father- iu-la\v; maternal uncle; thorn apple, datura stramonium, [Colloq. ^255o3d attana']; variegat- ed snake. ^'i^CQ'^^, Mi'tula-putrala, s. 325c and g^ imtra son) son of a maternal uncle; fruit of the datura, [Colloq. qfsiCTe^(^^,v) attana-gedi']. S)3^C3 Mdttdd, s. wife of a maternal uncle; hemp, cannabis sattva. [Colloq. s52aoseD mat- kafisd']; san hemp, crotolaria juncea, [Colloq. ^^ hana']; generic name for pulas trees of various kinds, especially hutea frondosa [Colloq. (weJ^xC gas-kelcf\. 355^(53^, Mdtiddhi, s. (eJa^e mdtida and qeS ahi snake) variegated snake. 3^S?l2D, Mdtulunga, Is, common citron, ^os^Q^ss), Mdtidungaka^ ) citrus medica, [Coll- (3d-203<5o lapndran~\. 3^5 S(3'C;Ji553, Mdtu-viJokana, s. (3^ mother, S<5>(3Jffi)eo looking for) one of the five prospec- tive views taken by Buddha, previous to his appearance in the world, viz. the mother in y whose womb he would be born. Boc^; Mddan, s. tree bearing a small fruit, calyj)" tranthes cumini, a^ mddeL 3S)S, Mddhawa, s. ( madhu honey etc. (^D-e5553(5c53, Mdnnahkdrayd, s. respected man; man who lives an honorable life. ^O^0^s^ 23538, MdnnalMri, s. respected woman; woman who etc. ^^5::f^^(3^^Jacs, Mdnna-krodhaya, s. caste jealousy. 3^5j'l5^S3, Mdnne, s. honor. 3D, Many a, a. (<53 mana to worship etc.) ven- erable, respectable; proud, ambitious, tenacious. JStfS'Ss^SD, Mdnivenaim, v. to split, to burst. 32!3, Mdna, s. (3 to measure or 3 mana to revere oneself) pride, haughtiness, arrogance; tenacity; measure in general, whether of weight, length, or capacity; means, way. 3oe383, Mdnanaivd, v. to point, as a gun, to aim at: pret. x-^^^ menuwd. 3dS)(5S383, Mdna-balanaicd, v. to spy, to aim at. 3S05ak), MdnahhaTiga. s. (3e3 pride, sosjta what breaks or destroys) humility, lowliness; humilia- tion. 3efDC8, Mdnaya, see 33 7ndna. 3<538, Mdnayi, s. plant, jicsticia pn'ocumbens: see 56 mani, 3S39, Mdnawa, s. (-ap 7?ianu progenitor of man- kind, cp-^ an aff. of descent) boy, youth not more than sixteen; man. 3D^, Mdnawaka, s, boy, lad not arrived at puberty. 3.S353, Mdnavikd, s. young girl, one not more than sixteen years of age. 355323, Mdnasa, s. (^es manasa mind, ^^35^ an aff.) mind, seat or faculty of reasoning and feel- ing; the lake Man nsart'i vara in the Himalayan mountains: a. mental. ^^^^^s&'^S562, Mdnasaukasa, s. (ioz:)^ mdnasa lake so called, ^e^ okas dwelling) wild swan or goose, it being supposed to migrate yearly from Hindustan to the banks of the lake Manasa. 3-25D3, Mdnd, s. lake called Manasarowara ; hair crested stork, leptoptilus javanicus ( Ciconiidce order Herodiones); long aromatic grass, andro^ pogon nardus or a. martini so called, from General Martin who collected the seeds during the war with Tippu Sultan (Graminew)', a cultivated variety is citronella grass called c3is6S3ed peugiri^mdn. 35036(5205, Mdndnsuya, s, large bird of the stork tribe, usually called the adjutant bil-d or the giant heroni see es^cg 4S5i53z(^^53ffi33 kalapu- iva-karawelkokd and ^^(^(S^ssiO'USi^ indundcokd. 03^^ 479 3g 3^6c*, Mdnil, 8. lotus, nymphoea stellata: see ^'3^^s^(^ mdnel. 3-g 53, Mdnuga, s. (3 great, -^ot fig-tree) banyan tree, Jicus bengalensis: see J^3 maha-mcga. D^i3, Mdnushya, s. (-^g^ manusha man e93s* skijan aff.) manhood, manliness; the state or quality of a man. iSa^Q'^, Manusha, s. man, mankind: a, human. Sj-qgS, Mdnushi, s. (Sd^ss mdnusha man, <5Jf ? aff.) woman. So'QSffiJ, Mdnusila, s. (Si'gBss mdnusa man, 95 zVv-a aff.) belonging or relating to man, human. 3S>s.''(5, Mdnel, s. lotus, water lily; Indian species with small blue flowers, nymphea stellata (Nym- ^ pheaceoi). ^S^a^J|^f^S5?, Mandjnaka, s. (3>33J(3^ manojna agreeable) beauty, comeliness, agreeableness, [Colloq. C?^ lakshana']. 325?i5cJ, Md-neL-at, s. () and Mdpata-cngiUa,s. (3C3 and fie8(^ (T; finger) thumb or great toe. 30oJ ^2>255, Mdpat-anguna, s. plant, swallow wort or mudar, calotropis (or asclepias) gigantea^ 3C3cJ {fic^S, Mdpat-elvi, s. kind of paddy, or?/^a 3055 ^Q6sico, Mdpat-ela-ratambald, s. plant, variety of Knoxia zeylanica or <9^ <5cJ(^ e/a 3065 igcJig, Mdpat-kurtindu, s. laurel, variety of laurus cinnamomum. 3:3c5>i.Q33Cj Mdpat-ketakdla, s. tree, brydelia retusa. 3065)iiS^S)(^C Mdpat-kebella, s. tree peculiar to Ceylon, apnrosa latifolia (Euj^horbiacea;); also called oi Big CO ;;e;;z7z?/a and 5i)3N03Jo3j /.-???- 3C3c5^s5x(Sc5, Mdpatkeliya, s. small tree, greaia tiUoefolia, [Colloq. ^^e6c damintya]. 306} ) . 3es5e?(^, Md-bintal, s. plant, curculigo Finlayso- niana (Amai'yllidoe). a), Mdmd, s. maternal uncle; father-in-law; father's sister's husband. 3^>5i, Mdmeru, s. pepper, piper betel, [Colloq. (3sJ bxdatYi also see (5^%4^ queen) mother of Buddha and wife of Sud- dhodana king of Kapila who is said to have been the Chakrawarti or the lord paramount of India. 3ca3(3^49C>, Mdyd-devisuta, s. (3CS3(3\4 and ^03 son) name of Gautama, in allusion to his being the son of Mayadevi: see the preceding. 3C53, Mdydwa, s. illusion, idealism; deception, trick: see 3cS3 mdyd. 3C03 9sJ, Mdydvit, .?. (3csj and ^r^ or Q^vid who knows) juggler, conjuror; mime, actor. 3ca3g03, Mdydsuta, see )cC33t^gS3 mdyddevi- suta. 3c53eo3S, Mdydhdri, s. (3ccj and sjdS who prac- tises) juggler, actor etc.: see )ce36J mdydvit. 33s5, Mdyika, "is. (3caj mdyd and ^5 ika aff.) 33e:r, Mdyin, J juggler, conjurer: a. illusory, deceptive. sS, Mdyima, s. boundary, limit: pi. jSiji) md- yim.. sScei 3/(77//?/a, s. old woman; wife, (disrespectful). 3g, Mdyu, s. ( mi to scatter or diffuse) bile, the bilious humour. 3gtf 480 ^9^9(3) 5g<5, Mdi/iira, s. flock of peacocks, [Colloq. (S^Sd a(5<5ogS ?o?2am-?'a^c/ii("a]: a. belonging to a peacock. S)3<, Mdrhaioa, s. plant, kind of swallow wort, calotropis (ox asclepias) gigantea, [Colloq. (^ want] ; medicinal plant, eclipta erecta, [Colloq. iSeSSi^cc kik-irindiija~\. 'i<^, Mdrga, s. (a5 ?nV7 to enquire, or a deer, (fs^ an aff.) road, path, way; way to Nirwiina used metaphorically of the four states prepara- tory to Nirwi'uia: see ^^:><& ninvdna; musk; month (5g8ei unduwap (November -December); search, seeking, enquiring; constellation SacsD ^6t mriga-siras. Sd^cSj^'^j ^fdrgajndna, s. (3cS and ijSjesD know- ledge) knowledge of the four states preparatory to Nirwiina: see i^^3<^ ninvdna. iJScs, Mdrgaya, see 3i8 mdrga. '3S>avonina, [Colloq. <:jos madatiya^. )^&) 481 Dg^S) jdSo, Mdrdivd, s. bird called the Ceylonese azure flycatcher, Hypothymus Ceylonensts; whitefront- ed ferntail rhipidura albifrontata ; blue red- breast, siphia ticlceUice, ( Muscicapidce order Passeres). 38s5, Mdrita, a. killed, slaughtered, slain. SoScojS, Mdriydiva, s. waves. jSss, Mdnsha, s. friendly term of address, auspi- cious one, etc.; venerable person; potherb, ama- rantuft ganf/ettctis or a. oleracetis, [Colloq. gfi js^d stilu-kiira, also, ggosDcse^ sudu-tampald']. 3c5l5, Mdruk, s. (3 chief, d[esi tree) coconut tree, cocos nucifera, [Colloq. (3^;3^(^'CTffi3 poJ- gahci]; tree, caryota vrens, [Colloq. ^^(^H/w/- gaha'\. -):^ssi6<^^4'^, Mdridrtrana-mudda, * wedding- ring. 3SiSi6^Bo, Mdrukaranawd, v. to change, to ex- change, to barter. %iSiS^, Mdrulu, s. panic grass, paniciim staginiim. SocJisJ, Mdruta, s. air, wind; vital air, one of the three humours of the body. 3CJi0, Mdrutca, s. expedient, means, remedy; arti- fice, trick; changing, substituting, exchanging, bartering. 3c5i58s393, Mdruwenawd, s. to be changed: pret. oc5i.a33 indnucund. V 3(3, Jfdli/a, s. flower, garland, wreath; chaplet, garland for the forehead; perfumed chaplet: a. fit for a garland. 3Qa), Mdlyd, 1 s. potherb, trigonella cornicu- ^iQta^, Mdlydwa, ) lata. 3333, }[dUd, s. old man or animal. 3(^, Mdlli, s. (J(33 mdJla and ^ i aff.) old woman or animal. 3(3, Mdla, plur. of ^'S^(;^ mdle, which see. i)3C^, Mdlaka, s. ()OJ maid garland, (f^ aka aff.) flower; nimba tree, azadirachta indira^ [Colloq. (3^SD33>C5))S) kohoinba'] ; flower, hibiscus mutabilis. 3(2.25)3, Mdlakd, s. garland. i)3(3?9, Mdlati, s. great flowered jasmine, [Colloq. ^eaSazf desainan'j; bud. blossom; moon light; river; flower, stereospermn,m {ov bignonia) suare- olens, [Coll(Xj[. os^ 2,3(^ ;>a/o/] ; shrub, echites caryophyllata; iveightia zeylanica, [Colloq. c^q idda'\ . 3Cd5 tQ6, Mdlati-tira, s. {z>')qS and &6 bor- der) bank of a river. 3(3^ &6d, Mdlatt-tiraja, s. {%'iC&&6 and d produced) borax, used as a flux, [Colloq. gseaocJ puskara']. 93(3^^C) Mdlah'-phala, s. nutmeg tree, mynstica fragrans, [Colloq. fi33J53 sddikhd']. DCco, Mdlaya, s. ornamental chain; story of a building. esoj, Mdld, s. garland, string or wreath of flowers; chaplet of flowers; necklace, bracelet; string of beads, rosary; line, row; declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs. S)C'^3<^) Mdldkdra, s. (Sac^ garland, iSio6 who makes) flower seller, florist ; man who makes and sells garlands; gardener. DGsC,, Mdldddma, s. garland of flowers. 303, Mdldwa, s. string or wreath of flowers; chain, necklace, bracelet. ^oQt^ 2s5, Mdldsrak, s. wreath, chaplet of flowers. agiS", MdJika, s. (3(^3 mdld and (^, Male, s. an ornamental chain; menses, in wliicli sense, it is another form of ao6^(^ mahale. 3S\(4c6j, Mdle/jd, s. large cardamoms. 3ScJ, Mdwat, s. (3 great, si face) owl; seethe next. i)35>, 3fdwata, s. (from 3ao3 mahd chief, 06 pa- tha road) high way, road, path; owl, [Colloq. Qsif^eoa bahamdnd'\ . ^oQ<5, Mdwara, s. horizontal sticks of a fence. 3 8(^D, Md-wawuld, s. large bat. 3?, Mdvi, s. (33 and 3 grain) large kmd of paddy or rice, ori/za sativa. 3gC3j Mdivuld, 8. pillow, bolster. ^oBQ-i(i, Mdwewel, s. rattan growing to a great leno-th, calamus rudentum (Palin'e); also called ^95^(3^'t'i.C^ tiidarana-weivel. 3ic3, 3Idiretii/d, s. kind of sea fish. 38i(3, Mdweli, s. (3 and QiQ sand) gravel, gravelly or sandy soil. 3S, Mdsha, s. sort of kidney bean, variety of phaseolus mungo, [Colloquial: ||of^0 /rtii-e/a]; jeweller's weight, the seed of the abrus preca- tortus, [Colloq. ^QqQz(^ olinda-ioel], weighing about seventeen grains troy; cutaneous disease; red gram, plant yielding beans, dolichos or vigna catjang, [Colloq. S^^ Ume']. ^'i^O'^fMashapama, s. (oes kidney bean, cs-^iS' leaf) leguminous shrub, glycine debilis. ^o&o-e^'^, Aldsha-parnm, Is. medicinal plant, 3:3^, Mdsha-patri, } drymoglossum hetero- pihyllum, [Colloq. ti?^x?sisfimaswenna~\. 3e^ C) Mds-kala, s. seasons in months. 330, Mdsa, s. (S3 masa to measure), (the year by it) month; there are two kinds of months, chandra masa or the lunar month, reckoned from one new moon or from one full moon to another, and by which all religious festivals and cere- monies are governed ; the other is the siirya-masa or solar month, being equal to the sun's passage through a sign of the zodiac, all reckonings in the common affairs of life are calculated by this month: see also 33 mdsha. 323 255^553, Mdsalckd, s. medicinal plant. 33S<5, Mdsara, s, scum of boiled rice, [Colloq. S)^^5i(^^o<51(, esii^ batm-perif.-kenda']. 38^35, Mdsika, a. (3S3 mdsa month, i^isi ila aff.) monthly, relating or belonging to a month. ss^c^, Mdse, see 3e3 mdsa. 3S>df3, Mdsevi'ma, s. menstrual flux. os'ssj^d, Mdson, s. kind of boys' play. 3K), Mdha, s. one of the two harvests; the larger or that in which the most grain is cultivated; the seed is sown in August, and the corn cut in January. "i'^tsScB, Mdhe'ya, s, (j9 maht earth, <^3z^, Mdhengi, a. ( 3 great, ffi^ engi for e^cS egi value) costly, precious, invaluable; Elu form of S33^ mahdrgha. 3^^?c33, MdluJacriyd, s. fish of any kind. 3(iq)3^, Mdludhdna, s. variegated snake; a scare crow. 3^8^, Mdliipini, s. curry: see 3g mdlu. 36^^, Mdlu-biju, 5. ()i! fish, ^^ egg) roe of a fish. 3^9, Mdluwa, s. curry, compound of various spices. 3683, Mdliiivd, s. fish. 3&<5, Mdhira, s. fruit tree, csgle marmelos, [Coll: (3^(3 beii\ ^(53, Miga, s. deer, antelope; animal in general; Pali form of ' animal, 83 wd to injure, to kill) hunting, deerstalkmg, the chase. ^c8g, Migindu, s. {^^ miga animal, f g indu chief, lord) lion: see ^m^Q6 7niga-paivara. ^Sdi, Migini, s. pupil of tlie eye; sterile or imper- fectly matured seed of jack fruit. 3d30S, MichchMditthi, s. Pali form of ^&-ea ^S@ mithyddrishti. 9)3, Mittd, s. short or low man, dwarf, '^q), Mita, s. fist, closed hand; handful, as much as can be held in the fist; laandle of any instrument; Elu form of '^ mushti: pi. f mitt. 0'3^3(28e38i, Mitamolaioanaiod , v. to clench the fist, to double the fist. @3 483 Bdmigi 8, Jfitt, s. heart: a. short, dwarfish; low, deep; also plur. of ^Scc mitiya and mita. cc, Mitiya, s. hammer; bundle, number of things ^ tied together: pi. 9 mitt. ^f Soso, Mitiya, s. dwarf. ^Scca, 3fitiydica, Is. low place, any low ^8caa)s3, Mifiyaicata, j ground, valley. ^, il/z7?, s. the fist. a)o(^5S5c5Scs minigediya']. W<^, Mini, s. crown, gem; imitative sound: plur. of -iSS5 mina. f <^ >!&<^, Mini-Jcikini, s. (^ts^ and SS 2^ bell) girdle of small bells or tinkling ornaments set with gems. %<^.tts3, Mini-resa, s. (%, Mitra-samhandha, J imion) friendship. ^S3, Mita, a. (3 md to measure) measured, liter- ally or figuratively; known, understood. ^33C38, 3fitampacha, s. (^03 measured, o9 who cooks) beggar, mendicant; miser: a. miserly, niggardly. 1^, Miti, a. measuring, measure, etc. f^c^, Miturd, $. friend; ally: see ^ mitra. 1^5^, Mituru, s. sun, [Colloq. <6 ]; see also ^ mitra. ^51^, Miturukama, s. friendship, sociability. 'd-^,3fithyd,ad. falsely, untruly: a. false, untrue, erroneous. %dxa(Q^ci, Mithyd-grahaya, s. (^dto and cs)^ gra ha seizure) reception of heretical or sceptical ideas of religion. (SajSod, Mithydchdra, s. (^d-o and Q06 conduct) adultery, fornication; sensixality; acting falsely. iSx^5s8, Mithyddrishti. s. (^dxo falsely, ^^ vision, knowledge) scepticism in religion, heresy, paganism. ^(3a3<^5Sci50, Mithyddrishtiyd, s. (^xoi^cs and cso pers. aff.) sceptic in religion, heretic, gentile, one who professes a false religion. (SjtBs3oe3-25D, Mithydbhisansana, s. (^dto false, ep(ffc53oea3 ahhisansana accusing) false accusa- tion; filth, foulness, impurity. ^dxQ& 484 @^nQ 6x0, Mtthi/dica, s. falsehood, error, delusion or scepticism. S(33, jift'thilfi, s. city which gives name to a king- dom, lying N. E. of Bengal: see 3^^fiS) videha. ^3, Mitlmna, s. {%d mitha to unite) couple, pair, brace, male and female; copulation; union, junction; sign of the zodiac, Gemini. @^e3<35Qc, Mithuna-rdsiya, ") s. (^3 and ^fidella, s. name of certain trees of the genus, Barringtonia, namely ^c5S>^(^C diya- midella, B. racemosa and ^c^'^"?dC ela-midella B. acutangula: and see ^(^C inudilla. sd", Min,s. wisdom, knowledge; light, effulgence; lamp; fish, from 3 mi'na; sort of gem, said to be found in the throat of the cobra capella; star; measure; word; heart; multitude, assem- blage; ship. 2j5{3NS5(3S)(g, Min-heheU. \ s. {i$S fish, (?>es)(S^K)(g ^isiq^i Min-dada, for ^(:z, Minita-sdstraya, s. incorrectly for ^sj^raoasgcs menum-sdstraya, science of mea- suring, surveying; geometry. i93i5, Minipiri, ^ m -t>8, Minibiri, S '' Sr^^'^-^^^'S^^ev. c9c5, Miniya, s. dead carcase, corpse; gong or bell; gem. ^dei, Miniran, s. talc; plumbago. ^a5c^, Minis, s. (^s manushya man) man: a. human, belonging or relating to man; manly, manlike. ^e$3?^C56ce, Minis pathaya, s. (^6e^ and od j)atha way, road) inhabited country, place frequented by man. ^i^iiBcs, Minispnya, s. inhabited country; human- ity; manhood. $^iSiti Scaes, ]\finis-p)iyasa, s. (ifSed man, 6c5S3 from gs^^f(5^ pradesa district) inhabited country. eSdfs^C^, Minis-Ioiva, s. (^^^ and S^qo world) world of men, residence of mortals, as distin- guished from (?^(5(338 deiv-lowa, heaven, the world of gods etc. ^di?i^, Minissu, s. men. i^es, Minisa, \s. (^as manushya man) man, e^ee3, Minisd, j Elu form of . , Minima, s. measure, measuring. ci5, Miya, s. the earth; mouth: part, having died, become extinct. %(&SiQ-), Miyanawd, v. to die, to expire: pret. 33 miwund or icJL, Milinay . corruptly for ^Q^ malina, filthy, dirty, foul; corrupting, defiling. %S^, Milimbi, s. act of eating, applied to the priests. WQq, Milila, s. the chaste tree from which is ob- tained a valuable and durable timber for buil- dings, vitex altissima ( Verbenaceoe); also called ^dC milla, esg ^Qg sajm-milila, and Dtpo Qq mian-milila. %QtS, Milis, s. savage, barbarian, mountaineer, Elu form of s^Sc^ mlechchha. '^QtSQeS, Mtltswas, s. {QcS savage, 9cd residence) wilderness, forest; country of barbarians. %QQao-!Q, Milisiydnu, s. excellent gold; this is sometimes called SSuO'^ mirisiydnu and ggS css"!^ wHisiydnu. gsjes, Milihasa, s. (f <3 and wcs goose) brown ^, goose. s^(^0<53Js3S3, Mtleta-gannaicd, i\ to buy. >(^0 (3>^33, Mileta-denawd, v. to sell. S-?a, Miwana, 8. species of fern: see 0d*S53C 7)ihvanakoIa. ^, Mitvii, e. buffalo: see ss ndsu. @E)fid 486 )ssi^ gcocJ, Miwuyat, s. Yama the Indian Pluto, [Coll: CO 6d yama-raja]. (Q, Misra, s. mixing; honorific affix to proper names: a. mixed, blended, mingled. ^(g3c5<3ro8D, Misra-karanmvd, v. to mix, to join, to blend, to combine. %(S-^, Misraiia, s. mixing, uniting. ^ ' ' ' @3OTa)s>, Misragandhaka, s. yellow orpiment. igo, Misrita, a. mixed, blended, mingled. g, Misra, corruptly for ^g misra. rffl6(3^J(3, Missake'st, s. goddess, [CoUoq. ^soato 2SDo9 diivycbigandiva]. fw, Misa, s. buffalo, [Colloq. sjcJfiS'o miharakd'y. a. false, erroneous, untrue: ad. unless, except. %t&^^, Misaditu, Is. (eo false, or g sight, 2g, Mi sad lit u, J knowledge) heresy; heathen- ism. eo<5'cs, Misaraya, -s. Egypt. ^S, Misi, 1 . plant resembling fennel, anethum ^Q, J\[isi, ) panmori, and a. sowa, [Colloq. cs3S3 gtso satapuslipa']; s^WiQnstxdi, Valeriana jataman- si, [Colloq. d'333o3 jatdmdnsa'] ; sort of lovage ligusticum ajowaii; common anise, pimjnneUa anisum; these are sometimes written, S mishi ^ S miski, cS misi cS mist. ^58, Mihi, s. the earth, [Colloq. >O30 polawa'] ; honey; lotus; any aquatic flower; semen virile; juice that exudes from the temple of an elephant in the rutting season. %'Sis)r^^Mihikat, s. (sB and 565 woman) female personification of the earth, Elu form of c8 53axsD3S mahikdntdwa, which see. 5B53, Mihikd, s. (w miha to sprinkle, 5 ka aff .) frost; dew. 5S<^s>S, Mihikenma, s. maturing, ripening. sScg, Mihingu, s. tree from the blossoms or flow- ers of which a spirit is distilled, bassia longifolia, [Colloq. C5)SJ rm'-gaha'j. sScg ^<5J5, Ilihingur-beraya, s. sort of tabour or drum chiefly used by the Malabars; the drum which is in the Sakra-bhawana or paradise of Indra, and is only beaten at the end of every antah kalpa. cSw, Mihita, s. laughter, laughing. j9s3(2cc, Mihitalaya, s. (e9 earth, SiQ tala plane) the earth, world, plane or surface of the earth. ^?9g, Mihidum, s. (^ and g@ smoke) fog, mist, vapour. 5Sg(5i, 3Iihiduru, s. rock, [CoUoq. sj-fi^ kanda]. ^d> ^'ifihidid,s. stone, stone in general, [Colloq. (53(3 gala']. ^g, Mihindu, s. (WS and g indu lord) king, monarch; name of Sakraya. 59c3, 3fihipa, Is. (S and o(^ who preserves) ^So(^,Mi/iipal, j king, sovereign, [Colloq. 6d raja']. ^So3, Mihipd, s. (S honey, 03 who drinks) bee, [Colloq, tdiss3 mi7nessd]. SgsJ, Mihi-piit, s. (^e9 earth, gsJ son) name of the planet Mars, [Coll: e;pffiDK)C5l03 angaharuwd]. ^S<5, Mihira, s. softness, delicacy; delight, plea- sure, agreeableness ; sun; sage; cloud; air, wind; moon. fleSS, Mihiri, a. soft, sweet, harmonious; sweet literally or figuratively. ^SS ^a, Mihiii-diya, s. (^586 and ce water) fresh water. f%S8a, Mihiriya, s. name of Ganesa, the Indian god of wisdom; sweetness in sound, flavour, or disposition. ^S@\Qj(^, Mihilol, "I s. (50 honey, (S^Cfl(^ desir f eSSNSae^, Mihilos, J ing) bee, honey bee: see c8 03 mihipd. ^^Si(^, Mihi-hal, s. sea, ocean, [Colloq. ^i^ muda]. Q, Mi, s. from 9 ?)iaM, the earth; pollen, toddy, spirituous liquor; honey; rat; buffalo; death: see (5363 mi-ga$a. 3 {fo, Mi-an, s. the horn of the buffalos. 3^o 'Siq6, Mian-badara, s. tree, not ascertained, ^^o 3<^, Mhn-mdrd, s. tree, species of albizzia. g^o %Qq, Mian-milila, s. valuable timber tree, vitex altissima: see gc tnilila. g^o 8tc Mian-wela, s. persicaria or buck wheat, ])olygonum chinense. ^ ^S), Mi-amba, s. small species of mango very sweet. fp<59c53S3, Miaratu-gaha, s. tree, not ascertained. S ^m, Mi-dchchi, I ^_ g^^^^ g^^^^ ^^^j^g^^ pcJo33, Mi-dttd, J fS, Mi-iti, s. bees wax. ^33, Mi-kata, see eSasicJ mihikat. 55?^-es33Si,G, Mikaudand-wela^ s. creeping plant, not ascertained. ^Si^z2Qo, Mikan-pald, s. medicinal plant or shrub, alternanthera triandra or a. sessile, [Colloq. g5g Mi-kapaU s. (8 honey, 50(^ depository) honey comb. 5(^, Mi-kal, s. bee hive. S8, Mi-kivi, s. (g bufFalo, aS milk) buffalo's milk. @i455(g3(5^(339, Ah'kelina-we'ldwa, s. (and (^S) ,gS3 sport, (S^9C38 time) evening, the time when the bees collect together, preparatory to their returning to the hive. OTSS, Mi'-gasa, s. wild sapota tree, the wood of which is used for timber, and the seeds yield the oil, called i5(3^03(^ rm-tel, bassia longifoUa (Sa- potacece). \(55D-^, Mi-gond, s. male buffalo. s^c553^d^s)58o9, Migon-karapincha,, s. tree, clau- sena indica. 3, MUa, ad. to this (time); to or for this. ^, Mldha, a. passed as urine. S^CD(^, ( and s^cDi^ oil) oil made from the seeds of the bassia longifolia; ghee. g, Miduma, s. ( earth g0 smoke) mist, fog. vapour. S^^-SD, Mtdena, s. ( buffalo, <53 cow) female buffalo. D, Mma, s. fish; sign of the zodiac, Pisces. I)3^^, Mtnaksha, s. shrub called tabernce montana dichotoma, or forbidden fruit, [Colloq. ^5gc5l divikaduru] . 33Svids33, Mina-ketana, s. (20 fish, <5^Ia5e? banner) name of AnaAgaya or Kama the Indian Cupid. ^6, Mtnara, s. marine monster, sometimes appli- ed to the shark and alligator: see ss)6 makara. i5a3<359cs, Mina-rdsiya, ") s. (20 and <35Qca or dOss Dd)83, Mina-resa, (sign of the zodiac) sign, Pisces. saS'C^^? Mtnalochana, s. (3 fish, is^QiQ^ eye) plant, with a fiower resembling the eye of a fish, illecebrum sessile: see sjedoQo viikan- ^ paid. 3(53, Mi-nuga, s. medicinal plant, Jtoi/a hirsuta. r), AIipa,s. ( earth, o who nourishes, or hon- ey, a who drinks) king; honey bee; see gd im'-pup. ^^?^ f{.(^^, }fipat-elri, s. kind of paddy, oryza satira. ocJ3, Mipatin, s. kind of paddy, o^, Mipati, s. ( and o^ chief) king, sovereign, [Colloq. (5d ?Tyc/]. C3(^, Mip>al, see !9o(^ mihipal. C3C, Mi-pala, s. ( and oc fruit) fruit of the bassia longifolia. C33, 3/})a, s. ( and 03 who nourishes or honey, C33 who drinks) king; honey bee. 8g, Mi-pidu, s. ( honey, 8 ball) honeycomb, honey in the comb. ge^, Mipup. s. flower or blossoms of the bassia longifolia, from which a spirituous liquor is dis- tilled. 'S>rf, Mlpe, s. salt. CJteQ, Mi-peni, s. ( and C3ie6 juice) honey, liquid honey. g S)f eaSj, Mi-bandinaivd, v. to make honey, to collect honey, to construct the hive. c. Mi-mala, s. ( and c flower) flower of the bassia longifolia. e^S)5 (S^qS), Mimasmara-leda, s. falling sickness, epilepsy. 63, M/'-masa, s. ( and Ses month) vernal month (April-May). i, Jfimd, s. buffalo. s:f2rrD, Miminnd, s. Indian moose deer, moschus miminna. ^^fli35, Miminibiri, s. great grand daughter. 56S!(35, Miminiburd, s. great grandson. ^3d5, Mimini-mdrd, s. plant, pithecolobium subcoriaceum ( Leguminosce ) . gs5s, Mz'muttd, s. great grand father. ^<5iS8, Mimuruwata, s. medicine prepared from the refuse of the seeds of the bassia longifolia, after the oil has been expressed. tc^e63, Mi-messd, s. ( honey, ie^5C3 fly) honey bee. C6, Miya, s. beehive. cfi5, Miyan, plur. of coo miyd. ccao^d, Mi-yahan, s. ( rat; buffalo, c5J vehi- cle) name of Ganesa, the Indian god of wisdom, who is usually figured sitting on a rat, [Colloq. (S)<0i'5^Ci^^cii ganadeviyo]; name of Yama re- gent and judge of the dead, alluding to his riding on a buffalo. ^ccj, Miyd, s. rat, general name for the whole rat tribe. (5, Afira, s. sea, ocean, [ColLiq. g ^lillat see ^Qq milila. (^a^, MWia, s. ordure, fajces. e253, Milana, s. twinkling, blinking, winking. 35(3?S5, Mih'ta, s. indirect allusion or description, (in rhetoric): a. twinkled, partly opened as a young bud, etc. ^<3^e'd' Mi^oJ.s. honey bee, [Coll: QScJliamar?*]. 9.?, Mi-wada, Is. ( honey, 05 receptacle) ^5(s^4' Mi-wade, ) honeycomb; sweet cakes. ^0253, Miaxina, s. grove of mi trees. 0e-3Sv. "5^3(3. Mhuana-kola, s. fern called spleenwort, diplazium (ov aspleniumj esculentwn (Filices). 8e^ee3, Mi-imssd, s. calf of a buffalo: pi. 9e^ S^ssJ mhcasso. 5)3, .lfm, s. buffalo; worm of the intestines, ascarides. Ses^aoD, Mirinnd, s. jungle or field rat: pi. ^2d st^Sii mirinno. xScS3, Mla-etiyd, s, fish, long nosed sea bream, ^ lethrinus rostatus. 0iedr253, Miwenna, s. plant, polyalthia (or gua- teria) tiorinti. ^tSio,Mi-han,s. buffalo's skin; also, buffalo's horn. I5s5(5s53, Mtharakd, s, buffalo. 50 Sob, Mihtnya,s. large tree seeds of which yield oil similar to ^Si(^mi-tel, dichopsis (ov ison- andra) grandis ( Sapotaceo'); also called iSS !Sii^Qji Idrihembiliya and iSid^^fJt kirihiriya. go, Mun, \ s. sort of small green grain o (^i, Muu-efa, j used for food, green peas, 2)/ta- seolus mungo ( Leguminosce). go aacSc, Mun-karala, s. the pod of the above gTain, phaselous mungo. goSiig, Man-kmnuna, s. cake make of pulse. ^o 6j;(g, Mun-piyali, s. (o and Sosg division) two , lobes of the muu grain, go^isd'ao, Mumrenna, s, kind of kidney bean, phaseolus trilobns: see Sa^S^ bin-me. J, 3fH/% s. demon: rt, dumb. Ja>3, Mukkamds 1 s. one who has a disfigur- asJdcS3, Mukkarayd^ j ed nose, one who speaks with the nose, one who has no nose. J3(3, Mukkdla, s. three fourths of any thing. (Tamil.) 555S5, Mukta, s. (^9 mucha to set free, sxft kta aff.) the spirit released from mundane existence, and exempted from further transmigration, Nir- wana: a. released, liberated, loosed, let go; li- berated from corporeal existence, finally happy; discharged, loosed as a weapon. 5CJ35, Muktaka, s. (25533 loosed, (fSi aka aff.) any missile weapon; stanza or sentence complet- ing the sense of a passage. 52(33 2530 5S5, Muktci-kanchuka, s. (55533 and aooQ ssi the slough of a snake) serpent that has cast his slough. 533S5<5-^93, Midda-karariawd, v. to dart, to emit, to shoot as an arrow, to send out. >336(3, Mukta-phahi, see 55X5336c muktd-phala. 55533 ^dicsi, Jfukta-i^oga, s. one cured of his disease. 5535^3, Muktd, s. pearl, fColloq. ^ rmitu] ; see also 25533 mukta. 5S33ffij(33o, Mutd-kaldpa, s. (g5333 and ^sjqso ornament, assemblage) pearl necklace, string of pearls. 5S53>3(533d, Muktdgdra, s. (555333 and i^.(^-)6 dgdra abode) pearl oyster. 55xr3"9^^, Mvktd-phala, s. (555333 and 60 fruit) pearl, [Colloq. %!2^ mutu]', camphor; custard apple, being comparable to a pearl in whiteness. 555333 55X33, Muktdmukta, a. (55553 mukta loosed, 5, .^fukafdgakan, see i30^3(5 mukhd- la'Akdra. 55335 (3533, Muktdlatd, I s. (5533 and G033 cree- 5s339(g, Muktdwali, (per or cpSg divali a line J 489 @8* ^ssiBe)'^, Mukawadama, s. (5 and SS) cover- ing) cloth tied over the mouth of the porson who carries victuals to the king, to prevent his breathing upon them. S>389o5D, Mukawetvjd, s. secretary, clerk, writer, office of writer, rCoUoq. Qc&i^Sio liyanna]. <5- and 6 aff. of depreciation) having an impediment in the speech ; foul-mouth- ed, speaking scurrilously or harshly. 3s>raJaD, Mukha-sodhana, s. (3 and s^caJQe: washing) pungency, sharp or pungent flavour; washing or rincing the mouth. 3s^6s:Jsj, Mukhasne'ha, s. cinnamon bark, cinna- momum zeylanicum, [Colloq. t^^^is^ooe^kurun- du-potu]. 1)390 5)55)3(5, Mukhdla/ikdra, s, (3 mukha and c^qS)3S)o6 alaiikdra ornament) betel, quantity of betel leaf, areca nut, and chunam or caustic lime, eaten together; the constant use of these gives the mouth of the natives a blood-like ^ colour, hence its name. 0!, Mugdha, s. () muha to be foolish, ^xsikta aff.) idiot, fool, stupid fellow: a. stupid, foolish, ignorant; lovely, beautiful. (n8c83, Mugatiyd, s. ichneumon or mungoose, kind of weasel, herpestes grisens. )(5)QJ, Mugalan, s. one of the two chief priests that attended Gautama Buddha in his personal ministrations. gc6ocfl, Muginchiya, s. decree, decision, award; judicial sentence. |cg3K5e2, Mtiguna-gasa, s. tree, mimusops elengi, producing a very fragrant flower, [Colloq. 3 (5 muna-mal] : see %s^6 mukura. cg"S^^'^^) Miigimuwenna, s. creeper bearing a flower resembling the eye of a fish, illecebrum sessile: see Dsjerfo^o mt'kan-pald. %(^d, Mugura, "l s. club, heart of the top of any llcgj^i, Muguru, j tree, crow-bar, mallet, mace; car- penter's hammer; Elu form of %^y6 mndgara. 5^e33, Miichchhand , s. tone or semitone as placed in its scale, seventh part of a grama or scale. 9(3e^, Muchalinda, s. name of a snake; tree, [Colloq. S^?(5(3 mtdella']. 9Sco, Muttiya, s. earthen cooking pot with a small mouth. 9Q0, Muttuwa, s. arrear, deficiency, necessity. (TamH.) gQcjcJ, Mutagat, 1 s. mirage, sultry vapour, va- 33cJ, Mutatat, j pour floating over sands and deserts, and when acted upon by the sun's rays appearing at a distance like water or undulating waves. 0^, Mutada, s. arrow. 9, Muda, see Mutpala, t s. blue lotus, nymphoea stella ^t^^Q, Miitphala, } ta, [CoUoq. 3S>3(^ mdnel]. 03, Mutya, s. pearl, [CoUoq. .?g m?i5zf]. gsjgcJ, Mutamut, a. (0 loosened, ^fjisJ awttf not loosened) loosened and not loosened, applied to weapons which may be hurled or wielded, as a club, javelin; Elu form of g5SDoffixsD muktd- mukta. 55, Mutu, s. pearl. -QS5xG Mutukela, s. (23 and esiic multitude) collection or ass.emblage of pearls, pearl bank. 59<:j, Mutu-dam, s. (||^ and <;i> chain) pearl necklace, string of pearls, i^'adj Mutudel, s. assemblage or net-work of pearls. ^J, Mutun, ' "i s. forefathers, ^^sigeJsvQDJ, Mutunmutto, J ancestors. gsgS'Qc^eo, Mutu-bellan, s. (g^ and ^(^(jo oyster) pearl oyster, margaritifera fugata. 5581,(5, Mutu-wela, s. (^ and QxQ row) string of pearls, pearl necklace. D^S<2^) Mutu-sunu, s. (^ pearl, g^^ powder) pearl reduced to a state of calcination, said to be eaten by eastern monarchs with their betel, instead of chunam a kind of caustic lime. '^^isi6,Mutuhara, see ^<5 mutudam. <^, Mudga, s. kind of kidney bean, phaseolus mungo, [Colloq, mun]. |j^;3g, Mudgapat7'a, s. plant, cordia myxa, [Colloq. (a^C^S Zo7]. '^^o-^^, Miulgapaimni, s. (^ and O'^jyarna leaf) sort of kidney bean, ])Iiaseolus trilobiis, [Colloq. go8xerJe3 Tnunwentia']. ^gs8, Mudga-puslipii s. tree, euphorbia anti- quorum, [Colloq. <^s?(y>S5 daluk-gaha"]. ^^d, Mudgara, s. mallet, carpenter's hammer; sort of club, staff armed with iron for breaking clods of earth. i^<5, Mudda, s. ring: pi. S mudu. ^^qd(X', Muddaraya, Is. stamp: pi. D4"Q<^ mud- i^<5(S^5, Muddare, jdara. ^^^ddoQ^, Muddir appal am, s. grapes. g3a5a55<5-Si(3 Mudrika-wela, s. vine creeper, vitis vinifera, corruptly for 3<^>8z,c mridvika- wela, g33, Mudrika, s. ( mudra seal, ssi&S kan aff.) sealed or signed paper; stamp. S5 491 J^^'SrJ S), Mudrita, s. (^ mvdrd seal, (^sjQitnch aflf.) stamped, sealed, printed. cjiK!, Afudanr/a, s. tabor, small drum; Pali form of a M^tidangilla, s. ring-finger: pi. %^SQ mudangili. gc^sa^^o, Mudanawd, i\ to release, to set free, to loose; to untie, to unlock; to set at liberty, to manumit, to emancipate: pret. 3 midmvd. |jij(5L9(5e3, MiJidaru-kirald, s. black-bellied marsh tern, HydrocTielida hyhrida (Laridce, order Gavire); also called g^-a^caD lihiniyd or (g-s^cco Imiyd. <5(5, 3fuda/a, s.. m^ney, coin, price: pi. ^(^ inn- dal. |j^(3, Mudali, s. (<^G mudala money, i^isSm aff.) treasurer, cash keeper, relating to Mudaliyars. <^(3g, Mudah'ndu, s. (^C mtidala and 6<^Qo, Mudunkaranawd, v, to heap up. gedoc5, Mudunpat, a. (g'SJ and C3si arrived) arrived at the head, literally or metaphorically, attained the highest branches of learning, ob- tained the highest place in office, etc. g5os5^ mudga; in which sense it is more correctly written mun: pronoun these (persons), con- traction of 5^^^d' mowun. ^sS^QOto, Munfulayd, s. ancestor. 553, 3funa, s. end, top, extremity, tip, point. |3S)f5S5.2SD8o, Afunagehenawd, v. to come in con- tact. 1^6, Mtini, s. (SD 7nana to reverence) holy sage, pious and learned person endowed with more or less of a divine nature or having attained it by rigid abstraction and mortification; devotee, ascetic; name of a Buddha; also a Rabat or highest order of Buddhist saint; name of the Agastya; tree, butea frond osa, [Colloq. (SitB?s>xQ gas-kela] ; another tree, buchanania latifolia; heart, as the seat of reason. gcfl^jS), Munidruma, s. tree, asschynomene grandi- fora; another tree, sesbania grandiflora, [Colloq. iK ^5i.cSios5D katuru-muru77gd~\ . ^ffe, Munindu, s. (26 and g indu chief) gen- eric name of a Buddha; sage, wise and holy man. 56^6?>Sdi, Muni-nives, s. (^6 saint, eQs^Sdl residence) wihara. c3co, Muni-priya, see esjS mahari. ^c53Dq), Muni-sdkha, see ge^g^^ muni-druma. ^di^,B, Munisaw, s. (^ Buddha, teB disciple) disciple' of Buddha. ^i^Q ^^"^t^, Muni-si dd hi krtt,'s. plant, Indian shot, canna indica, [Colloq. gc53s<5<<^ butsarana]^. ^^9^, Munindra, (geft and <> indra chief) gen- eric title of a Buddha g^gcS, Mimupurd, D-jc3o, Munidiurd (3^2jf, Mune, s. point of any sharp instrument; tip point; front. 0, ) . J randson. g9 492 \Q^ e3, Mumana, s. thunder; tremour, shaking, tremulous motion. gc5, Muya, s. mouth; Elu form of 3 muhha. *^S^3, Murchchhd s. fainting, loss of conscious- ness or perception, *DS^3C Mtirchchhdla, a. fainted, insensible. *'^'SS3Q, Murchchhdim, s. famting, loss of con- sciousness. * ^'B^35S>3k!is3S) l-os-gaha']. g<5<3^, Mwandu, a. obstinate, stubborn, gdi^^a, Muranduhama, s. obstinacy. (5e3(3, Murapala, s. {^6 guarding, oq place) watch post, sentinel's post. c58, Mura-maduwa, s. {%6 and 8 house) watch house, guard room. (5c3, Muraya, s. season of plucking as of coconuts : pi. gd 7nu7^a. (5(5(33, Muralld, s. kind of sea fish. (5^9so8d, Mura-hitinaivd, v. to keep watch. gj^, Muru, s. a god, deity, an immortal; also see (3i83 muruwata. <5io(5)3, Murungd, s. horse radish tree, moringa 2^terygo^perma (Moringece). gjc^o(S, Murungi, s. variety of the above, [Colloq. t(5 gcSiocsja ivel-murungd~j. c5lOcg^K)s^^, Murungu-swetd, s. (cJi,oc^ and S^G) CD3 white) white species of murunga gjc5l5.a5, MurifJcku, s. kind of native sweetmeat. gc5^fsJ52 8i<5>9a393, Murukku-wetenawd, v. to twist as in a string. (Tamil.) c3i3ic038, Muruttdwa, s. epilepsy swoon. c5la3, Afuruta, s. timber tree, bearing a beautiful flower, lager sti-wmia Jios-regince ( Lythracece ) . (5lo (5, Muruta-mal, s. (c5lco and (5 flower) flower of the lagerstrannia regina; ruby. * In these words g mu is corruptly written for mu. ^ muraya. (5, Mul, s. cause, root, orgiu: a. first, chief, primary; essential: see also gQ /nw^a. d ^(ie'25383! Mul-allanawd, v. to take root. (5&-)3(5c83, Mulkdrayd, s. chief mover in an un- dertaking, an originator. (5s^3^g, Mulkondu, s. pangolin, ^(^^^^^ Mul-pufuiva, s. seat of Chairman at a meeting. (5S23, Mulbaffd, s. kind of fish. (5^^, Mul-hiju, s. the quantity of seed to be sown in a field. (^(5, MuUa, s, corner, angle. <^(53, Mulld, s. kind of sea fish. (^8, Mulwa, a. being chief, or principal. (3, Mula, s. root of a tree or any plant; origin; commencement; nineteenth lunar asterism. (33E)38cC3, Muldchdriyd, s. {%<^mul and spSoScss blacksmith) head or chief of the blacksmith caste; chief teacher. (53^^^ca3, Mulddeniyd, s. chief, headman. C'C Muldla, s. edible root of the lotus. S?5^ Mulusun, a. ((5 mul and (jg'SJi usun utterly destroyed) completely destroyed, ruined, extripated. 8, Muwa, s. deer, axis maculata\ Elu form of a (53 mriga; mouth from 3 mukha; bow; cover- ing, shutting. 8f Seg, Mmca-iringu, s. Indian corn or maize, sea mays. 9^Sca8iG, Muwakiriya-welals. creeping plant, 83253J, Abiwanaivan, s. principal jewel in a crown or mitre. gS^oi, Muwaneba, s. ( deer, 2S3iS) navel) musk, musk being contained in a bag near the navel of the animal, [Colloq. 5ee^5 kasturQ. ^Soqi) Muwapiyum, see g9o5S)<5 muwatamhara, g(?a3(^C' Mitica-polla, s. (g and (5c53(f c young animal) young deer, one not full grown, [Colloq. gc3t393 muwa-j)efau'd'\. 3x383, Muwa-pctawd, see the preceding. ^, Miiwa-mas, s. ( and iidi flesh) venison. 90305, Muwa-mdyam, s. ( and 3:6 decep- tion) animal instinct, but applied particularly to the deer, which is remarkable for its cunning in eluding its pursuers. H(5, Mwcara, s. shark. 8(5^, Muwa-rada, s. (g animal, <5C3g<^ kaldnduru]. rf.3D Miisna, s. broom, brush. gtxc, Mussa, s. erection of the hairs of the body considered as a mark of exquisite pleasure or pain. %tS^i-i^, Mvsscnda, s. plant, one calyx lobe of which developes into a white leaf, musscenda frondosa, (Subtacew); also called 7(^sia<5'a, Muhudu-sem, s. (Dgg and s^esi) phlegm) surf or foam of the sea. ^25^, Muhun, s. leaven; compound, mixture. gg3, Muhuna, s, face, countenance: pi. |lg-g muhunu. ggxSDoadi, Muhuna-gas, s. tree, yielding a very fragrant yellow flower, mimusops elengi, [Colloq. geoe)(^ munamar\. ^^^t^, Muhunat, s. (^^ miJnma face, epoJ at hand or end) name of Ganesa, the Indian god of wisdom, alluding to his face which is that of an elephant; tip, point, surface. -3, Muhunu, s. face, countenance. |lg^Q(5, Muhunuwara, 8. features, cast of the face. ggC Muhida, s. hair of the head, lock of hair; crest, diadem; hair tied on the top of the head and ornamented. cg(^, Mu/ndasa, s. lock of hair; crest. |g), Muhulu, s. bond, fetter; hair of the head; tree, see the next. gg(S(^, Muhulu-mal, see ^ge^s)";! muhuna-gas and eo(^ muna-maJ. ^gifi-?^, Muhtdu-mmi, s. (5 and -s^ gem) crest, jewel, diadem. '5^^, Muhurta, s. division of time, the thirtieth part of a day and night, or an hour of forty -eight minutes; astrologer; moment, instant. ^-aNffijoS^na, Mihhotikd, s. plant, solanum jacqxdni, [Colloq. is^Q8t(^Q katiiwelhatu'], ^30, Muldwa 3. error, delusion, infatuation; straying, wandering; want, need, necessity, exi- gence, expediency. |e,39 082003, Muldwa-yanawd, 1 v. to go astray, |3(3>92S33, Mnldwenawd J to fall into error. ^sSca, Muldsiya, see 3 muldiva. |d, Midu, s. angle, corner, extremity of a room; boiled rice; multitude: a. all, whole, entire. ^ii (^cJi, Muhi-iru, s. day, [Colloq. ^^es dawasa'], |ds)td', Muluten, s. cook house, kitchen; royal kitchen, [Colloq. jjje^Sca knssiyal. |d, Muludiica, s. name of Venus; day-time, [Colloq. ^3C daiodla'j, |d(S>253, Mulumanemma, ad. wholly, totally; altogether, entirely. ^^6c,Mululla,^^^ whole. |dd, Mululu, } |), 3Iu, s. urine, Elu form of g mutra; binding, tying: ^won. he, it, this one, spoken of animals or inferiors. as5, Muka, s. dumb man: a. dumb. g55 Mukala-kapu, s. kind of cotton, gossy^ jnum. g) 5tf 25J2fi, Mukala-kurakkan, s. sort of grain, variety of eletmne. 53> (^^5^, Mukala-kori, s. sort of cabbage, bra- sica oleracea. 5i)3, Miikalatnd, s. calf between one and two years old, weaned calf: pi. ? mukalammii. ) 3, Mukala-vi, s, kind of paddy, oryza sativa. i(S> 496 SS 335 3 25?, Mukaldna, s. large jungle, forest: pi. gingsi muhalan. S^5DC::f, Mukolan, s. plant bearing grain, eleu- sine coracana. [Colloq. s^disSsisS kurakkan]. 9^(5-t9S kektri']. ^^eeaho, Mutra-saAga, s. urinary obstruction. gsjDCBce, Mutrdsaya, s. bladder. gs3, Muta, a. (g to bind, d kta aff.) bound, tied, fastened, secured. MMu-uM, 8. the dugong (supposed ori- ginal of the mermiad) halicor dugong (Mam- malia). |S503<5, Mudv^kadupdra, s. plant, cacalia mari- tima. is ^S'^' Mudu-kaduru, s. shrub, ochrosia borbo- nica (Apocynacew). i ^C3e^<^,Mudu-kaldnduru, 8. plant, cyperus are- narias (Cypei'acecs). gs^32cso, Mudukeyiyd, s. screw-pine, pandanus Jascicularis or ^9. odoratissimus (Pandanacete). g (^^S5^^S)^, Mudu-kobbe, s. medicinal plant with astringent root, allophyllus for ornithrope) ser- rata. g 5ie^, Mudu-kenda, s. plant, variety of wotca- ranga tomentosa. g <55i)c335, Mudu-gamj)dlu, s. plant, not ascer- tained, g (5?(^o3S, Mudu-galpdsi, s. moss, not ascertained. g C5)(^S;2^, Mudu-galpenda, s. moss, not ascer- tained. gg >s33iQ>3, Mudu-gonikd, s. plant, not ascertain- ed. gg05?t3(35s3C5, Mudu-getakola, s. stemless plant with small pinkish flowers, hydroj>hylax maritima (EubiaceceJ. gg(53i.3o25:J, Mudu-getapan, s. species of club rush, scirpus supinus. |jg:j<^i9Sc5, Miidu-dadakiriya, s. spurge, euphorbia rosea ( Euphorbiacea? ) . g (5^C33, Mudu-pena, s. (gg and (S^^iaeo froth) the froth or foam of the sea; also, bone of the cuttle fish, which is supposed to be produced from the froth of the sea. g :fs3^c5i., Mudu-bintamburu, s. sort of bind- weed with creeping stem and large red-purple flowers,. ij)omea2a biloba or i. pes capi-os (Con- voloidacece). gg a)s5^n, Mudu-binnuga, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, tylophora Jlai^a (Asdepiadece); see ^si ^^ bin-nuga. gg S)x^Sc3, Mudu-bemitiriya, s. plant or shrub, hedyotis maritima. gg gcJios^a, Mudu-mu7-ungd, s. shrub with racemes of bright yellow flowers, sepihora tomentosa (Leguminosoe). g x, Mudvr-me, s. sort of kidney bean, phaseolus caracalla. y g 0d5, Mudu-ivard, s. plant, variety of calatropis gigantea: see 005 wdrd. gS3^, Mudu-hatu, s. sea sponge. gg S3Dc3c;3, Mudur-hampald, s. plant, verbesina biflora. Sfi<3 496 @^@e) <5 W3(5c3f, Mudii-hdlpan, s. sort of club rush, Jimbristylis miliacea (Cyperacem). 5 !95{^(^9, MMu-hiriel-vi, 8. kind of hill paddy. ^!9Sc55(2fc33S, Mudu-hirigal-^tdsi, s, species of moss, ^aa, Mima, s. face, countenance. ^3cJ, Munat, see D:^3cJ muhmat, ^e3o5o3eoS)9, Mimat-tahaduwa, s. metallic mouth of a key hole, 25383, Miinata, s. (gaa face, ^C3 ata top) top, point, upper extremity. 36(*, Jlli'ma-phaJa, s. jack tree, artocarpus inte- grifolia, [Colloq. (S^ss>'3ti Icos |. ^33(^, MunamnI, s. timber tree, producing a very fragrant yellow or white flower, mimusops eJengi (Sapotocece). ga^Sx, ^funam(}, s. kidney bean, phaseolus mungo, [Colloq, 0-^9 mim-eta']. r; red gram, doh'chos or tn'gna catjavg, [Colloq, /^S^ Uine'\\ sort of cucumber, [Colloq, ?9ccS)<5 tiyamhard']: see @5 muhka. ^C^j6- Mi'da-pald, s. ((^ root, Z3Qo vegetable) any edible root. e^C Mula-phala, s. jack tree, [Colloq. (5>)3C^ S)(53 kos-gaha"]. e^. Mula-hija, s. (gc and ^d seed) any plant ^ growing from the root as the lotus, etc, '^Q(^6is), Afula-rdga, s. (e rectum, ^63, Mulau-dyiya,ls. fgc anus, sQco or (53393, MuJaivdyv, j 392 wind) fistula in ano. ge^x^cs, Mida-icediya, s. (c and Qx^fa disease) piles, e e33Q3, Mida-sddhana, s. medicinal drug, com- monly called s^osSc^i, pondaru. (), Mulika, a. (0 mula chief, 9) tVja aff.) chief, primary, principal, radical, literally or figuratively. (3)ca3, Mulilcayd, s. chief, commencer, originator. principal, .chairman. (5, Mull, s. ((3 mi'da root, ige9 I'rai aff.) tree in general, [Colloq. gosj gaha']. 5S, Musha, s. crucible, [Colloq. zZa aff.) rat, mouse; tree, mimosa sirisha; crucible. ^B^Si-iSS, Mushika-karna, s. (@)rat, )-sJ, Met, s. friendliness, benevolence; Elu form of ^ maitn. s^3^ocs, Mettaya, s. pillow, cushion. (Tamil.) S>e}^c^e3, Mettissa, s. (corrupt form of the Portu guese word Mestiso), of mixed European and Indian birth; a term applied to one sprung from a European father and Indian mother; one who adopts the female costume of a Mestiso, viz. a jacket and skirt with the native comb and hair- pin, and a pair of slippers. s^^g), Metreka, s. kind of measure; firkin. (o^Scoea, Metana, s. this place. S^S-egS^sJ, Metuwak, ad. so long, so much, so many. '?>^9.2sJ 455(^, Metuwak-kal, s. so long time. s^3>03. Mete, see , Metema, s. this person (nom. sing.). 3^S3<5, Meter a, s. this side of a river or sea; rock in general; mirage. s*c3'Cio melaka. Q?^ ana, Melan-katu, s. tools or instruments of a gold or silversmith. <9^(3-<, Melana, see (?f)c3 melana. !S^(3M)9, Melahakata, s. by this time. (S>C3, Meld, see <3'(53 ?;ie7rt. <9>(g, Melt, a. rich, wealthy. <3^(5>c}, Melek, a. soft, fine, bland, literally or figuratively, not hard. >(3'C'^^<^'^S3, Melek-karanawd, v. to soften. S^(3^CM, Melesa, ad. thus, so, in this manner. <3^a, Meaicd, s. corruptly for S^S^ mewd, these. S\e5j, Mewan, s. (s^ cloud, ed colour) indigo plant, indigo/era tinctoria, [CoUoq. i^(^(fQ8 nil- awari'] : see <^^i)a3^Q5, Mewiin, s. pair, couple; copulation; Elu form of ^es3 maiVmna. (5vg^ij, Mewundam, s. cohabitation. (3^^d Mewul, s. zone, girdle; sword belt; neck gem or chain; Elu form of Mewul-dam, s. ('9"d ^^^ ^ chain) woman's ornamented girdle, zone; sword belt. <3 C) Mewula, s. neckchain, girdle. __ 498 \0 ^C'> Meunild, s. cover, sheath. ^-9^9i^, Meiveni, 1 u. of this form, like this, (S\ie6, Meweni, j such like. (?e3^, ^fesnnda, 1 S^esc, Afesamaya, ' ^^ P^^^^^*' ^* ^^^' *^^^- S^'^gc3i, Mesindw'u, s. ('5n0 cloud, 8g:5l elephant) name of Sakra or Indra, who has a cloud for his elephant . (S\^<5i, Mesuru, s. covetousness, avarice. s^i)^v5i.e5K>, Mesuru-saha, s. (s^S^cJt and ceisj who has) Kuv^ra the Indian god of riches. s^Sa^e^, Mese, ad. so, thus. S^e)a>^, Mehd, s. respectable term for pronoun you: pi. (S^lsaoQo mehdld: ad. here, this side or place. S^s9, Mehi, ad. here, in this place. S^s^, Mehe, s. work, service: ad. here, hither. SS^S3235dK)ffi)i55,S3, Mehekaruwd, s. (s^Ss^sj work, 5<5iS3 who does) servant; artificer, workman. S^(3^S5s^aocs3o, Meheyanawd, v. to appoint, to por- . tion, to send, to employ. *(3>K)@, Meheli, s. old woman. >(a>C55S5D83, Mehewadauawd, v. to eat, used only of a king. >:5\K)8<5, Mehewara, s. work, trade, business; service, employ. (5^s^sjS, Mehest, s. queen, one of the wives of a king, but especially the one who has been anoint- ed or crowned: pi. (3^s^K)gsJ mehesun. (3>5>S)g^, Mehesuru, s. name of Iswara or Siva; Elu form of (3trf:^d mahcswara. G^B.Me',s. Elu form of i)S5, Meka, s. this thing; treasure. iS^^^aC) M^JcaUi, s. (i5> this, ^C tin^e or <3> rain, SHQ time) this time; present; rainy season fColloq. Q^) ssijQci warshd-kdlai/a]; mountain in the Vindhya range, where the Nermadd river has its source. <3^55^Q 455253332550, Mekala-kan/jakd, s. (iS^i)5(3 and 42S5S33iS50 daughter) Nermadii riA'er, having its source in the Mekala mountain; name of Agni the god of fire. e^^^Q s^BiSiCo, Mekala, corruptly for s^ac^ Mekhald. {3^4550, Mekd, pron. mas. this fellow, this animal, this one. (3^46, Meki, pron. fern, this (female) one; applied only to female servants and slaves or women of the lowest classes: pi. *9(23 mekiJd. (S>^gC> Afe'kula, Elu form of '5^3^ kifta peak) condensed cloud heavily charged with rain and portending a storm. (Snk c8cg, Megha-gigum, s. roaring of thunder, [Colloq. tfSisa (3^c55'53 ahasa-geravima']. s^l'as esxoasj, Me'gha-chtntaka, s. (^as and ^ao S3 who thinks) Indian cuckoo, cuculus melano- leucus; the name alludes to its being supposed to drink nothing but rain and therefore natur- ally anxious for cloudy and rainy -weather. (S^Wns i)<^j5, Megha-dluvaniya, s. (89 cloud, 3 e^cs sound) thunder; rumbling of clouds. (3^83^5^3<^, Meghandda, s. ((?-s3 and aDi*^ sound) noise or rumbling of a cloud; tree, butea fron- f/osrt, [Colloq. (55.^)iO g'as-^e/a]; plant, ama- rantus polygonoides, [Colloq. i^t>i;q6 sulukura or ^c5a^a^^^ kura-tampald^. S^Uaag'JO, Megha-pushpa, s. ('S-Sas and gao flow- er) drop of rain, rain; river water; hail. S^93C3, Meghaya, see sn^ megha. S^Dsai', Megha-rdwa, s. (S^m and c^ sound) thunder. S'^siQ-d^, Meghawartia, s. (3>i)89 and Q<3^ colour) indigo plant, indigofera tinctoria, i^(^ ^8 nil- aivarf] ; shrub, ardisia humilis, or a. elliptica, [Colloq. 9S!, Me(Jhra, .. f^^si inihd to urine) slieap; goat; penis. ^^t^a5i,iB, Med/ira-sriii;//', s. milky plant, the fruit of which is crooked and therefore compared to a ram's horn, d(xmia extensa, [Colloq. iS 5zg medahangic], ^S).*ScS)S5, Mendaha, s. ('? milia to urine) goat, ram, [Colloq. -cSdSj eluwd']. (3N^, Medi/a, see SijS5, Me'daJca, s. dregs or sediment of toddy, spirituous liquor extracted from the coconut tree; vinous or spirituous liquor for distillation. 3 medini. (SnD?^, Medas, s. marrow, or more properly the serous secretion that spreads amongst the mus- cular fibres, and which is considered as per- forming the same functions to the flesh that the marrow of the bones does to them. S>^, Me'dd, s. drug, drug described as a sort of root resembling ginger; it is one of the eight principal medicaments and is said to be of cooling and emollient properties, and of particular use in fever and consumption. S^, Medini, s. earth, [Colloq. (S^-^^qQ polawa], >g<5, Me'dura, a. (<^ mida to be unctuous) smooth, soft, bland, unctuous. S^SQas, Medhja, a. pure, purified, duly prepared or made fit to be offered. s>S2 I a), Medhya-mukha^ -s. musk, [Colloq. 5ee^ 8 kasturi\> S)3, Medhyd, s kind of orris root. (3i)S, Medha, s. sacrifice, offerings oblation; com- I prehension, understanding. 490 ^^e^3 ^'^Qsi, Medhaffa, s. ('S'^Sio me'dhd wisdom, (sj ga who goes or possesses) wise man, one who has perceived or understands the advantages of religion. 3'^Sio, Medhd, s. -msiom, knowledge; apprehension understanding, [Colloq. g93 nmva7ia']. S\i)35d's33, Medhd-janani, s. medicinal plant, lierpestis monniera, [Colloq. g^Sc lunum'la]. (9^ 3, Medhi, s. post in the centre of a threshing floor to which the cattle are attached when they turn round to tread out the corn. SvScsei, Meyan, s. (s^D cloud, cosrf vehicle) name of Indra or Sakra. ^5l, Meru, )s. sacred moun- (5\^(5ic38cs, Meru-parwataya, jtain M^ru in the centre of the four great continents, compared by the Sinhalese to the tabor, and encircled by the seven seas called Sidantas, which are separated from each other by seven circular rocks, the residences of various demigods, demons, sprites, Gurulas, etc. and are under the sway of the four waran deviyo or regents of the four points of the compass; the height of M^ru is said to be 168,000 yoduns or yojanas 84,000 of which are below the surface of the earth; on its top Sakra holds his court surrounded by the gods of Swar- ga and underneath its base is the residence of ^ the Asuras. S^Dq, Mela, s. meeting, union, assemblage. s^Deffij, Melaka, s. meeting, assemblage. s^S(3>ao, Melana, s. union, assemblage, meeting. (3\9(3D, Meld, s. ink; antimony or any ccjlyrium. !5^9^(^, Me'le' s. loft or garret: pi. (S^^Qmela. !S^9a)3S3, Me'ivadanaivd, v. to eat, used only of kings. (3^1)3<5, Me'ivara, s. message; work, service, time allotted for work; variegated colour. ^83, Me'ivd, pron. these. (?v9ig, Mewedxvma, s. verbal noun of ieDe5 a Mewadanawd (SN^s, Mesha, s. ram, [Colloq; QiQiSSd betaimvd^ ; sign of the zodiac, Aries. >^oaate), Mesha-srmga, s. (^3 andcsosto horn) ram's horn, [Colloq. 'SiiQ'd tfo befalu-an'] : sort poison, commonly )9333 wachchandvi . 5\KC3sa)!S, Mesha-sringi, s. plant, gomphocarpus volubilis; plant, calotropis gigantia, [Colloq. 8<35 waixi] ; creeping plant, doemia extensa, [Colloq. ilDeoeg medahangu]' ^^^3SS!f 500 35S5(sa^, Meshdkshi, s. {^%(3 me'sha ram, q^ aksha eye) sort of cassia, the flower of which resembles the eye of a ram, [Colloq ^!Si66 tora'j. s^^kJ, Me's, s. stockings. (Port.) S^Seocs, Mesaya, s. table, sign Aries. (S^Dsco, Mesa, a. so much, like this. s^i)(3^dl, Mese, s. table: pi. ^'ea mesa. (^^i)^, Me'ha, s. (w miha to urine) urinary disease, especially inflammatory affection of the urethra, including gonorrhea, etc. v5og, Me'ha-ripu, s. tree, cassia auriculata, [Colloq. d-S) anure-nekuta ; the name of next Buddha: a. friendly, amicable. iS)c> Maitn-hala, s. (<3^ and (3 strength) name of Buddha, alluding to his gentle or paci- fic character. Si^ 'S^j Maitri-budun, s. name of the next Buddha. G)(5\gcs, Maitreya, s. (^ mitra friend, ^cs eya af.) name of Maitri Buddha. (j*(4, Maila-mal, s. flower of the ^o malita: corruptly for So (^ maila-mal. S^3J, Mok, s. freedom from transmigration, eter- nal emancipation, Nirwana; Elu form of (^^J@ moksha: a. high, honorable, best; chief, pre- eminent, from Q36 mukhya. (^^3i^, Moksha, see (^^J^ moksha. s^Soas), Moka, 1 ^,^^, Mokak, i^'^^- ^^^*' ^'^i^- (3>350, Mokata, ind. what for. s3^ij, Mokada, ind. an interrogative, what .'' how? S\S35gcSi, Mokaduru, s. (s^3^ 7nok final emanci- pation, fftgcSl eduru teacher) name of Buddha, alluding to his character as the instructor in the doctrine of Nirwana; spiritual preceptor. (^^3Si8sJ, Mokawat, s. something, any thing. (s^3CJgo^3Q33, Moggalluna, s. name of one of Bud- dha's two chief Srawakas or disciples, commonly called Mugalan, and who was famed for his riddhi-bala or supernatural powers, acquired by the most intense performance of devout medita- tion; but particularly of the dhyana, he being the only person that ever performed the paiicha dhyana. S\333, Motta, s. blunt, not sharp. '5^30i)c53, Mottayd, s. bald headed man; idiot; blunt fellow. 3cB3, Motiyd, s. shoot of a plantain tree. (3\0iaS<5<53-(sg?, Monaragana, s. ('5^o-(S^d peacock, CD-s?^ assemblage) flock of peacocks. S^33'325f3253<5e5^i)cs, Monara-kudimbiya, s. small plant with purple flowers, vernonia ('or serratula) cinerea, (Compositce); the feathers on the head of peacock. S^J3(5 ciGiisS, Monara-patan, s. plant with pani- cles of small pale flowers, dianella ensifolia (Liliacew). (5^3-23c5ogcSi, Monara-pahuru, s, plant. (5\3aod (^, Monara-mal, s. peacock flower, poin- ciana pulcherrima. (3\3e53(5 csJ^, Monara-yantra, s. (^3e3(5 and C85^ machine) sort of balloon or flying ap- paratus; also called ^^^^-^D!5 cs.a^^cs daudu- mo n a ra-yant > -aya- s>"i^:'d)is:3, Monaressa, s. plant, iirticularia reti- culata: see e6(^ s^Sje^d^tas nil-monaressa. \^3!2/3e!3S3, Monawd, \s. what (things): plur. of (S^^j^Qoq, Monaivdda, j e*oss)^ mokada. (3^^3>'^s?^^, ^fonolvaia, ad. another form of <^z)) mid monaivata, which see. iS'3(5, Mora, s. tree, producing fruit of sweet or subacid Howers, nephelium longanum (Sapin- daceoej. S^^odOTweaSa, Moragahanawd, v. to cry out, to shout. (3^2/3(5(5)iS', Moragesima, s. noise, the noise of tumult, loud cry or scream. v3(5c), Morata, see (3^M morata. S>J(533, Moratd, see is^36i)o morata. <5^3<^dC3. Moralld, s. kind of fish. S^3(S^d2c3, s. shoot of a tree, etc.: see o^SaScsa ^S3d6<* Molliya, s. hump on the back of the Indian bullock. S^SjC' -^/o^ arrow; brains; marrow. S^^'iQSSi^^, Mola-katuwa, s. ((S^3(3 brains, SjQS) shell) skull. s^S3C?5>> Mola-gaha, s. tree, not ascertained. (3\3(3xC53K>, Molabe^gaha, s. tree, not ascertained. (3GS, Molaya, see '3^3S^d wo/e. 3(38383, iJ/oZatanaM?a, r. to blow the fire; to clinch the hand or fist: pret. (S^3^c983 me- lewwd. 5\3(5\(4, Mole, s. brain. (S\3(S*(33}, Molok, a. soft, tender, delicate; supple, flexible; smooth, unctuous. >3Sg, Moiohu^ pron. these persons: noni. plur. of s^i> me, this. (S^3g, Mowiidu, s. feast, festival. (3^3J, Mowun, pron. they, these, speaking of persons present. >3g2sJs^(rf, Mowtinge, pron. of these. >3g, Mohu, sing, of s^3g^J mowun. S3<3)), Moho, s. (553 ?MAa to be foolish) error, ignorance, folly; seeing every thing through a false medium; fainting. ^3S'S)39Q3(3, Mohattdla, s. Kandian officer so called. 33^a5)3?33, Mohota, s. division of time, the thirtieth part of a day and night, or an hour of forty-eight minutes; moment, instant. ^3Ses33c5i,, Mohoru, s. mat for wiping the feci. (S\3co3(5, Mohol, see <^^iQ mola. v3(S>e5)3(3, Mohola, s. pestle for cleaning the husk from the rice; Elu form of %'Q, mushala. ON J, Mo, s. mother (not respectful), this woman; ignorance. SJ^^sSjea, Moksha-jndna, s. (>J<^ emancipa tion of the soul, c&^z^ knowledge) knowledge of tlie means for the attainment of Nirwana as revealed by Buddha: see the next. \J^'g3co, Mokshaya, s. (^J^^ moksha to free, to discharge, to let go) Nirwana or final emancipa- tion; final and eternal happiness; liberation of the soul from the body and its exemption from farther transmigration; death, liberation, free- dom. >JiS>'S^Jc33;a, Mokshopdya, s. ( muha to be foolish trumpet flower: a. vain, foolish, fruitless, useless; left, abandoned. (S^3w Q<^'icto, Mogha-pttrushayd, s. ((^Jk and gc^Lsco) man) vain empty person, useless man; term of reproof, the strongest ever used by Buddha in addressing man. (5^J3, Mocha, s. tree, moringa pterygosperma^ [CoUoq. cJi,oOTj murutigd']. S^JS3, Mochaka, s. devotee, ascetic freed from all passion; anthelmintic shrub, serratula or conyza anthelmtntica [CoUoq. (jaoeead ti^cilan- gasdl"]; tree, see s^J^ mo'c^o; plantain tree; silk cotton tree. (5^JQDa:, Mochanaya, s. remission. (S>i3<5e3, Mocha-rasa, s. gum of the silk cotton tree, [CoUoq. f^d C3 irnbul-ldhi\. (S5S3, Mocha, 8, silk cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosum or bombax heptaphyllum, [CoUoq. <%(i t'mbtd']; jack tree, artocarpus integrifolia, [CoUoq. S^iZ)3f^ kos] ; plantain tree, musa sapien- ti'ujn, [CoUoq. (5^)(S^s3d keseQ. (S>J8D), Modakama, s. foolishness, stupidity. (S>Ja)co3, Modayd, s. blockhead, ignorant fellow, fool. (5^JS, Modi, s. foolish woman. (S^J<5, Moda, 8. (^ 7mida to rejoice) joy, delight, happiness. (?J5>, Modaka, s. a sort of sweet meat, [CoUoq. ff, Modana, 8. pleasing, delighting, causing joy or happiness. ^2)i^tf 502 is^iS)^ (S>e)J^<5, Modara, s. mouth of a river, place where a river disembogues. s\iJ^^co3, Modimiyd, s. sacrificor, applied to a Moorish priest. s^SJg'S^SJeDQD, Moduwenaiod, v. to come up, to shoot out. S^Jce, Moya, s. mouth of a river. (?J(53, Morata^s. sort of cassia, cassia articulata; root of the sugar cane. (3\;Jc50o, Moratd, s. creeping plant, sanseviera zey- lanica, [Colloq. i6o5^ niyanda']. S^J(5-!S^83, Mdi-anau'd, v, to ripen, to become ripe or mature: pret. (^Qi meruwd. S*J(^, Mord, s. shark, generic name for any fish of the shark tribe as rliinodon typicus; also a peacock: pi. (3>^i>Si moru, (?>Jdt, Moru, s. whey. 6^z.S(^Je^S3(S\(5, Mostare, s. (Portuguese Mostra), pat- tern. ^%i^<:z, Mohaya. s. (s mulia to be foolish) igno- rance, folly, foolishness; fainting, loss of cons- ciousness or sense; stupidity: pi. Jffi3 moha. j5o;s3, Mohana, s. arrow of Kamadeva; tempta- tion, seduction, the overpowering of reason and reflection by worldly or sensual allurements; thorn apple, datura stramonium, [Colloq. q;cJ 0^53 attana]; fascinating; stupefying, depriving of sense or understanding. (SJ58, Mohi, a. ((3>Js3 moha ignorance, ged in aff.) illusive, beguiling. >Jc9^^, Mohini, s. ('i3 mauna and (55 in aff.) ascetic, hermit, religious sage. 5\)g, Maurvi, s. (|^3 murwd sanseviera zeyla- nica, etc. cp dunudiya'\. '5^'0(^, Mauli, s. lock of hair on the crown of the head; hair ornamented and braided round head; diadem, tiara; head; the earth. 5ig^^, Mauhurta, s. (3^ muhurta hour, fp-t^ an aff.) astrologer, [Colloq. 253^g5S)D(5cC3 nak- shatrakdrayd~\ . ^)^^S^<53, Mauhurttika, s. (^^ muhurta and <5esJ //^a/j aff.) astrologer. x, if, . juggling, practising the tricks of a jug- gler. tS>cJi, Mekaru, s. (t juggling, isxSi who does) juggler, one who practises sleight of hand. ii9(3c3, Mekiliya, s. plant, sajuum indicum, [Colloq. SS^5iS kiri-makuhi]; the top piece of a wimble. tDc5, Mekura, ) . , ' J.S. juggler, t2g^, Mekuru, J t^93, Mekuwd, v. wiped off, blotted. l(3^^35^5D^, Mekenawd, v. to become effaced or blotted; neuter form of the verb 3aj8) maka- nawd. ic^, Megu, past part, of oo wa^rt, to see. tC5, Meguma, s. perceiving, looking, beholding; sight, seeing: pi. icg megum. t), Metta, s. clay. iS, 3/c/e, s. clay, mould, earth. -i,^c5i, Metikaru, s. (t clay, SiCJt who works) potter, [Colloq. S)eDK>i,(3ca3 badahelayd']. tS^53<595S53, Meti-korawakd, s. eastern little bittern, ardetta sinensis; chesnut bittern, ai'- deirella cinnamonea, (Arcleidce order Hero- diones). i,9, Meda, s. ram, goat, from Si>^ me'dhra; rubbing, grinding, from ^3 mardana. t)c39s59-5D33, Medapawativanawd, v. to humble, to subdue, to bring into subjection. iS)i:^, Medaviru, u, conquered, subdued, reduced under subjection. iS6, Mednrilu, .. small lake, pond, tank. e)@ 603 l9g i)i93S), Medavima, s. preparation of a paddy field, by driving buffaloes to loosen the mud; verbal noun of S)8a3So madawanawd. tSssjjg, Medahangu, s. creeping plant, dcemia extensa (AsclejnadeceJ. SiS, Aledi, a. crushed, squeezed: see also StScso mediyd. io>C'> Medi-tald, s. plant, not ascertained. tSc8, Medh/a, s. tree with small white flowers, Ilunteria corymbosa (ApocinaceopJ. S)tca tiSoc Mediya-jdwdla, s. plant with sword- shaped leaves and pale blue flowers on spike, buimannia disticha ( Burmanniacece ) . iScct(^, Mediya-wel, s. climbing plant with tendrils and white berries, I'itis (ov cissus) pedata ( Ampelidece ) . SiSooa, Mediyd, s. frog, iS(^C> Medilla, s. jungle, thicket; ring, circle; disc of the sun or moon; Elu form of -t^(3 mandala. i^dC3 Medilld, s. serpent, the eye snake. i(3oS3, MediUpata, s. basket or any article made of leaves, bark, etc. serving that purpose. i^^^, jMedi-sunu, s. (tS squeezed, QC3(^59, ged'eso^d^g polkudu, punnakku'\. i3, Medima, s. crushing, squeezing. f<^,Mena,s. gem, jewel; Elu form of ^<^mani. t<^J, Menik, see i<^^ menika. t<^5s5c)9, Metiik-katuwa, s. wrist. i, Medaugillci, s. (t^ middle, <^9^C5 engilla finger) middle finger, large finger. KSjis^i^ee, Meda-desa, s. middle of the body, waist: see S)58o<5 who does) judge; umpire, arbitrator, mediator. t, Medi, a. middle. i^s5^3, Medindina, Is. month so called (March, i3, Medina, J April), the last of the Sinhalese year. x, Medima, s. neighbourhood. t5^<5, Medira, s. cat; birdcage, aviary; house; temple; Elu form of -c<5 mandira. t5^Soe, Meriya, s. tree; house; cage, temple, i^Scse?, Medi-u-ayasa,s. (t^ middle, ccse time of life) middle age, manhood, prime of life. t^9, Mediinma, s. interfering. ^<^^8e^;^, Mediwenawd, v. to be surrounded or encircled; to meddle, to interfere. i5*, Medima, s. extracting of toddy, smoothing. Sig, Medum, a. middle, centrical, intervening, tgi) s^s^c^C1 Medum-poUa, s. small piece of wood used by the toddy drawers, men who extract the liquor from the coconut tree, to beat the flower and make the liquor exude more freely: see also (^s?td malteluma. SzeSseifics, Mediim-sangiya, s. (ie and ss^cs collection or compilation) second of the five divi- sions of Siitra-pitaka, comprizing fifteen books or 152 Sutras, t^(5, Medura, s. house, dwelling; birdcage: pi. x,^ meduru. ^^53^S)J(5, MendSra, s. timber tree, vatica Rox- burghiana or v. ckinensis ( LHpterocarpacece). 1-2539, Menawa, \ ad. affix to verbs generally used Menilla, see ie9S menima. t9i), Menima, s. measuring, surveying. i<5^33, Meno, see SisaS menawa. i6, Mera, s. ray of light, sunbeam; fence, limit, boundary: a. stubborn, hard-bearted. i<5.J55, Merakama, s. stubbornness, roughness. i6ato, Merai/d, s. rough fellow, rowdy. t8, Merima, s. killing. ei(3(5- Mella, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, olax zeylanica, (Olacineoe). xda, Melli, 1 , . _ . v younger brother. Stdgcso, Mellyd, f ^ ^ ids Melluma, s. dry curry made of minced leaves or fruit mixed with coconut kernel; also, embrocation: pi. Qz(^Q^ mellum, iC> Mela, s. maternal uncle. ^e^> Melaki, a. soft, liquid; supple. iCOToeoQo, Melagahanaiod, v. to gather bonfires, to gather sticks to set fire to. tC>it9, Melagehima, s. burning of a thicket, conflagration of a forest. iQc:, Alelaya, s. large fire, conflagration. BiQ^Qs3)o, Melawenawd, v. to wither, to droop, to die as a flower. 1(38, Melasi, s. young unripe fruit: a, soft, ten- der, delicate. tC!> Meld, s. laziness, indolence; antimony; also, younger brother. St(3, Melt, a. lazy, indolent. iQss)d-^^o, MeJikaranawd, v. to become lazy, to neglect, to be reluctant. tgcc, Meliyam, s. gum, glue, any glutinous substance exuding from trees or plants on inci- sion. %Ctsia, Melessa, s. tender fruit. Tr^(3, Mevilla, s. creature, created being or substance. i9, Mevima, s. creation, verbal noun of G-eo 3 mawanawd. tg'l>53c5cc3, Mewumkdrayd, s. (i, weivvma and 533'5 who does) Creator. t2), Mewuma, s. creation, creating. iS>Q25D8a, Mewenawd, v. to be created, passive form of 383 mawanawd. Strfes, Mesaa, s. small erection made of sticks; place to sit or sleep upon ; raised floor or platform in the rice fields, on which a person is stationed to watch the grain; water stand made of sticks; hurdle; hen coop made of wicker work, etc; pi. iS mehi. lE^eaj, Messd, s. fly, fly in general: pi. irfj-esJ messo: a. of flies. tS, Mest, s. anger; bed; also the plural of is^ea 7nessa. SiSiS^CTos, Mesi-geya, s. tower, [Colloq. (fQQoQca ' attdlaya"]. i,S^, Meside, s. mineral substance of a dark colour, used medicinally, it is apparently the common pyritic iron ore. SiQSqSs, Mest-pilawd, s. small or young fly. 'i)iQ8, Mesiri, 1 s. species of stone or iSSoto, Mesin-gala, J cat's eye, [Colloq. 8 (5* (5 J ivaytrddi']. i8(5(^, Mesilla, s. stitching, sewing, any thing to be stitched. iS(^(3, Mesh'tlla, s. complaint, prayer in afflic- tion or sorrow, asking for a blessing after a misfortune. iSoo3S5, Mesi-samdgama, s. (t8 and eaDs3 assemblage) swarm of bees. j8^<5:^, Mest'-simu, see t^ meside. SiSs^ed, Mesise, s. palm of the hand; platform. i2, Mesima, see iv9 mehi'ma. t(^^e3-s^^, Mesenaicd^ v. to be stitched; to be closed or shut; metaphorically, to be unable to answer. te9 ^S9, Mehi-tusa, s. a string. iS g^o^c^, Meht-podiya, s. swarm of flies or bees. t^dC> Mehilla, s. stitch. i^, Mehima, s. stitching, sewing. tg4553c5cc3, Mehumkdrayd, s. (tgi> sewing, 5353 5 kdra who does) tailor, seamster. 9tg, Mehuma, s. stitching, sewing, work to be sewed. tSJxiSccesJ, Melieniyan, ^r^-it^^xi , Meheniyo, iWi-dC) Mehella, 1 s. old woman, a matron or zfSiiQ, Meheli, /elderly woman, from si^j Qo mahalld, masc. x, Me, s. general name for beans or pulse; mother: pron. this (woman), used only of inferiors. e!%5dCj Mekarala, s. bean pod: pi. x)<5(^ mr- karal. s. mother. t3r 505 aS) T,s5, Met, see xS3 weVa. xsJaad^Sj, Metlaranaivd, v. to bring near. xsJ(5^S>383, Metwenawd, v. to approach, jut out. xCD, 3/e'fa, . this side; this way; recent time. z>xSi^, Metadi, s. lately. is9ce:f, Meniyan, ^ Sx56c:f<^, Meniyande, >s. mother. x^fl(3c5j, Meniyo, J x-^3, Menuwd, v. set a trap, from 3325D?^o mdnanawd, to aim at, as with a gun. aOT, Mriga, s. deer; antelope; animal in general; research, inquiry, investigation; asking, solicit- ing, begging; the fifth lunar constellation: see 3(5J c8c5e^ mriga-siras ; month in which the moon is full in mriga-siras; musk; hunting, chase. ac5D5, Mrigakama, s. brutality. g(55d5^, Mriga-jdti, s. animal kind. a3C33ce<^, Mriga-trishnd, see a(53 ce mriga- priya. 3C55 s^S9), Mriga-dhenuwa, s. hind. 3S3 3Dt9, Mriga-ndbhi, Is. (5C5d deer, -esjatS a<53 253356:^, Mriga-ndbhija, j navel, d born) musk, it being formed in a bag attached to the belly of the animal about the navel. [Colloq. ffises-^S ka8turf\ . asjs^si^, Mriga-netri, s. (aK and sJg ne'tra eye, 9 i aff. fem.) epithet applied to women ex- pressive of beauty, deer-eyed one. a(5J o&, Mriga-pati, s. (aeo animal, 0^ cliief) lion, [CoUoq. 63oic63 siiihayd']. 3(55 C3@^, Mriga-parshada, s. (ao deer, csSi^ as- semblage) flock of deer. a en c8, Mriga-priya, s. (aco deer, goo what de- lights) sultry vapour which floats over lands and deserts in the hot seasons and has the appearance of water and waves; by it the deer are deceived when in search of water. a(53 ^, Mriga-mada, s. (a<53 and ^ secretion) musk: see 3(5j 33S mriga-ndbhi. 3055 Soca, Mriga-mdyam, s. (aeo and 3co de- ception) animal instinct, but particularly applied to the deer which is remarkable for its cun- ning in eluding its pursuers. asices, Mrigayd, s. animal, beast: see aoo mriga. acs5 Ood, Mriga-rdja, s. (ac5? animal, Ood king) lion: see i deer, cSdtJ or a5c8, Mriga-strsha, ) ^^ head) the fifth lunar mansion containing Delta stars, one of which is Lambda Orionis and figured by an antelope's head. asjD^, Mrigdlshi, s. (asj mriga deer, cp4^ aJcshi eye) bitter apple, cucumis coloquintida; see 3C33 S539cc3 kotiyd^. aCT3<;ji9, Mrigddam, s. (aw mriga and (f^^ ada- na eating) plant, colocynth, citrullus colocynthus, [Colloq. cs^s^^35^f^ yaJc-komadu']. a(K)38, Mrigdri, s. (acD mriga deer, ep<5 an enemy) lion, [Colloq, Sosjcfis sinhayd']. a(533, JMrigdi'idh, s. (acn ^n/vV/a and SsQ ?*?/a- c/Aa to destroy with ^ prefix) hunter, deer killer. a5^c5:f^, Mrigendra, s. (a? wn(7a animal, f^asg mr/ra lord, master) lion, [CoW: Qo^(,:> sinhaya]. 5d5, Mrijd, s. act of cleaning the body by wash- ing and anointing it with ashes of sandal wood, etc. aS), Mrida, s. (aS to be pleased) name of Siva. aS)j^, Mriddni, s. the wife of Siva. a^3, Mridhd, s. kind of cucumber, cucumis pubes- cens, [Colloq. ssi^(S)y?^S5ii!S>8maha-gonkekiri']. 3sSoc, Mrindla, s. film or fibres attached to the stalk of the lotus; root of a fragrant grass, androjjogon muricatus, [Colloq. esxSxSJ'ijcS se- wendard'\. 3, Mrita-hdntaka, s. (3S) and 533?o: 3 fond of) jackal, [Colloq. d8cC3 nariytV]. a03C33D, Mrita-latd,s. plant, called tulasi or holy basil, ocimum sanctum, [CoUoq. ^cS^ssgd ?rta- duru-tald~\. a^53d3, Mrid-bhdjana, s. (qesJ ?rz7 clay, SDod 33 vessel) any earthen vessel. a^3, Mridvi, s. brown grape. a-^Saai, Mridvikd, s. vine, e^zYi's vinifera, [Colloq. ^StC midi-wela]. 3<5alQO, IlridaAga, s. tomtom or native drum, tabor; sounds noise, a^abo S)3, Mridanga-dhwani, s. sound of the tabor. ag, Mridu, a. soft; blunt, not sharp; gentle, mild. 3g3<3^53, Mridu-Jcantaka, s. plant, barleria pri onites, [Colloq. 533i5 katukarandu], Sags), Mrklukama, s. gentleness, meekness. agSi)9, Mridut-wacha, s. (ag soft, ^3 skin) the bhoja-patra tree, the bark of which peels off like that of the birch and is used in makin hooka snakes, etc.; kind of resin, [Colloq. gc dummala^ . 3gao, 3ridu-pushpa, s. (ag and gao flower) the sirisha tree, mimosa sirisha. age* Mridula, s. water: a. soft. ag s^c^^) Mridu-loha, s. black lead, [Colloq. iS)i> <^csB kalu-iyam'\. ag SsN^S^Q, Mridu-virechani, s. small thorny tree, euphorbia neriifoUa, [Colloq. a^5J patuk'\. ag^^^JsJ, Mridukatwak, s. the bhoja-patra tree. a5X3(3, Mridutpala, s. (ag mridu and QSy^c ut2)ala lotus) blue lotus, nymphcea cyanea or ??-. stellata, [Colloq. 3S^253(;^ ?ncme/]. SaaO, Mrishta, a. cleaned, cleansed. a::s3, Mrishd, ind. falsely; uselessly, in vain. as3a), Mrishdrthaka, s. (a^3 falsely, ^a ar- tha meaning) impossibility, absurdity, (in speech or composition). 3aj383^, Mrishdwdda, s. (a3 and 3<:j speech, praise) irony, ironical praise; speaking falsely, lying. as3383^, Mrishdwddi, s. (at*3 false, o who speaks) speaking falsely, lying; liar, false ac- cuser, one who brings forward an unjust accusa- tion. C33S3, Mldna, a. ((S^Sn(3 mlai to be languid) weary, languid. ^^6, Mlechchha, s. (Q?)e$535K^, Mlechchha-kanda, s. garlic, allium sativum, [Colloq. ^e^Q^sudulunu']. f^C&'t5i, Mlechchhita, s. ((^Qt$ mlechha to speak incorrectly, etc.) barbarous language. C3 The twenty sixth consonant of the Sinhalese alphabet; it is the first of the miscellaneous class of letters and may be considered a semivowel, expressed by ya in yarn. cs, Ya,s. iron, [Colloq. a>;^Q)yakada']\ also, union. ceo, Yan, properly csi> yam. cs5. Yak, s. demigod, demon, devil. ca-esJ -^dSg, Yak-erabadu,,s. tree with prickles and red flowers, erythrina ovafolia (Leguminoscs). cfi^d a^^i^aa, Yak-katussd, s. lizard with five toes on the hind legs (common near Galle), Otocryp- tis bivittata (AgamidxB order Sauria). cs-ad ^B3, Yak-kaha, s. kind of saffron, species of ctu'cuma. csJ (3^^S5^, Yak-komadti, s. plant, colocynth, citrullus colocynthes (Cucurbitaceoi). ^^ diq, Yak-rada, s. (c83 devil, 6q king) name of Kuvera or Wesamuni, regent of the North and king of the demon race, [Colloq. (3*Ss5<^ wesamuni^. ces3Sos3B3, Yak-wanassa, s. plant, anisomeles ovata ( Labiatce). cs^^^, Yashman, s. pulmonary consumption. a)a)(2, Yakada-mala, s. (ce>S and q)Q excres- cence) rust which collects on iron, -s3(3>, Yakade, s, iron: pi. coaiS yakada. cassi&,d}, Yakadurd, s. (csfi> demon, fftg<35 edurd teacher) person skilled in the invocation and worship of demons; exorcist, expeUer of de- mons. c35g:Jiffi), Yakadurukama, s. devil ceremony. w3^35K)6, Yakahalu, s. forest tree, doona trajiezi- folia (DipterocarpacecB), co53, Yakd, s. devil, Elu form of cc^'S yaksha, which see: pi. ceJ45 yakku. casaSif 8t(3, Yakdbendi-ivela, 8. plant, not ascer- tained. iSiSi<^, Yakini, s. female devil: see ^ vMa) one of the four Vedas of the Hindus; it is divid- ed into two parts, the black and the white; both portions of this Veda are chiefly on religious rites, and the prayers peculiar to it are chiefly in measured and poetical prose. c3^c5, Yajus, s. (csd yaja to worship), see the last. csia^, Yajna, s. { fit) that which is fit to be offered, prepared by purification, etc.; species of fig tree, ficus glomerata, [CoUoq, SfQQisi&o attikka]. cBcajsto, Yajndnga, s. (csa^ y/ find cpato aiiga member) glomerous fig, see the preceding ; plant, stphonanthus indica; part of any sacrifice. C50, Yata, ad. under, below, beneath. co3^5)c5-s5, Yatahat, see csSsJ yatat. cc3, Yati, s. any creeping plant; staff, stick; Elu form of i^t^ yashti\ also=-=:o0 ?// under. c59-ag<5i, Yatikuru, a. turned downwards. caSoegG, Yati-patula^ s. (ooS and oi^Q sole of the foot) sole of the foot. csS)e), Yati-bada, s. (coS and a) belly) abdomen. co3gc^ Yati-hulanga, s. (coQ under, gC^ wind) leeward. cosJ^SJ, Frt^ta, s. carpenter's plane: pi. cs^ ?/a^M, C3CS520, Yatna, s. effort, exertion, perseverance, en- ergy. c65i5cJ, Yatyat, s. passing, going, as time rolls on: a. any whatever. cas^c;) Yatalaba, s. whatever is received, csQJS^sjocJ, Yatahot, ind. particle equivalent to if, if so, that is to say, if it be asked why. ce?9, Yati^ \s. (a^yama to restrain or afSiyata caiSsi, Yattn, J to endeavour, (si in aff.) ascetic, one whose passions are completely under sub- mda, 1 etaya, j s. carpenter's plane. -hole. jection; religious mendicant; Buddhist ascetic, a priest; restraining, controlling; stopping, ceas- ing, rest, term; pause in poetry or metre; stop, a rest. cc?Siq, Yatindu, 1 ce^g^, Yattndun, T' ^^^^^<^ P^^^^* ^ ^^^^^ic. cs?9, Yatindra, s. (ce^ yati ascetic, priest, (505 indra chief) chief or high priest; tree yielding resin, vateria indica, [CoUoq. K)(^ hal'l. 05^, Yatu, s. going, journey; planing, smoothing; plur. of c&e5s3 yatta cs^iS)?^, Yatu-kanda, co.eg5i0cs, Yatuketay cs^er)53S3, Yatugdnawd, v. to smooth, to plane. cs^?n(^^(^, Yatu-tale, Is. chisel or steel part of cs^^6c8-S3, Yatu-niyana, J a plane, co^d, Yatura, s. key; lock; machine, instrument in general: pi. cosgcSl yaturu; Elu form of css^y yantra. ca^<5, Yatura, s. going, journey, voyage; way, road, path, from csd^o ?/a^ra. cs-egcSi, CJQ, Yaturu-kata, 1 ^dx5'3*c3i(^C> Yaturu-kapolla, j cfl^cSi, ODc5)8, Yaturu-tahaduwa, s. lock. co^:>l 25:Ja3, Yaturu-dunna, s. (co^g^ ^^<1 g5do bow) spring of a lock. ce^c5i5, Yaturu-mudiiwa, s. key. cs^^s;<^> Yaturusara, s. elephant keeper; path, road, frequented path. xdo, Yathd, ind. as, according to, correlative to C3d3 tathd so. c36j^ca, Yathdkramaya, s. order, method, degree, [Colloq. 8gs>S piliwela']. co3<^e3 anu- rupa fit) suitable, proper, consistent, fit. 05638, Yathdpi, ad. somehow. ca(33S)c> Yathd-bala, ad. according to ability. (xdotqiSi, Yathdbhuta, a. (ca63 as, oga) being) exact, true, real; like, resembling; so, in that manner. cafisaS, Yathdrha, ad. (cafSa as, paS arha properly) properly, suitably. atdjss&S), Yathd-sakti, ad. (ca^j as, (SSSjS) strength) extent of capability; as much as possible. ca63a^(5<,r3, Yathu-swarupa, ad. (ce63 as, see/CHO form) properly, consistently, according to form or natul-e. i GSdDeS 509 63^S) co^^ee^os5^^55^S)^o, Yathd-santatihdnga, s. (csfij as, e330D^.a5) santatika spread, fpato aiiga ordinance) ordinance of the Buddhist priesthood enjoining it upon the priests never to change or alter the mat or bed which they first spread out to repose upon, as it is first laid down so it must remain: see ^sas^ge^go^oatejco telesdhutdrigaya. cos^Scfa555, Yatkokta, a. (czdj yathd as, Q^ssi uhta said) as mentioned or said (above). c6^(S^<5e^e30 Yaddessd, s. a long-limbed insect: see also, at^S'^^tSsai 1/aMessd. (^^(sSeS, Yadanda, s. (co iron, ^'ai36 dross) scoria 053^93(5, Yabora, j of iron, iron rust. cs, Ya7n, particle or prefix, signifying some, any, it is variously written; as, ato yan, czisS yan, etc. csD S8, Yam-kisi, pron. (cs any, 9Q the same) aught, any (thing), some. C3CD3}, Yamtdl; ad. so much, how long, etc. c3D<3E^, Yamse', ad. in any manner. ;^3^)C3Srf, Yamheyakin, ad. by any cause or means. cs, Yama, s. regent of death and the final judge of the actions of men; he corresponds in many p irticulars with the Grecian god Pluto, and the judge of hell Minos; he holds his court in patala but decides only on doubtful characters; for ac- cording to the Buddhist system, evil and virtue reward themselves, so that a decidedly vicious character at the hour of death goes direct to narakadi and a virtuous one to Swarga, without any reference to Yama, his office being only to determine the fate of cases where both vice and virtue have prevailed; name of the planet Saturn; the performance of religious rites for the purposes of purification, religious restraint; forbearance, restraint, cessation, stop, conclusion; lot us go i 1 speaking to a low person, csS ya- niaw, in speaking to many. C5^, Yamak, adv. something, any thing, aught. GsSca, Yamaka, s. religious obligation or observ- ance; alliteration; rhyme; repetition of similar sounds, either in the course of a sentence or line or at the end of two corresponding stanzas; repetition of a line; pair; twins; one of a pair, twin. C53 g3^S)3C02^, Yumakar-j)rdtihdrya, s. (csa two, couple, gs^ 55305^ wonder, feat) miracle said to have been performed by Buddha, for the pur- pose of confounding the Niganthayas or naked religious mendicants, and of exhibiting to them a proof that he possessed the power of perform- ing supernatural acts; the alleged miracle per- formed on this occasion consisted in his causing two streams one as of fire, and the other as of water, to issue at the same moment from his eyes, his ears, and his nostrils,; this supernatural 690^ 510 G3&^ power was the result of his having performed the (S^tsis^d^ te'jo and tpia^oJ ^?8e53 dpo-l-asina: see JQe? kasina. csS}(53, Yama-diga, s. (cs and J^wo quarter) south, [Colloq. ?5QJ yamajmllo. csc5, Yama-priya, n. (c Yama, gc; beloved) banyan or Indian fig tree, ficus bengaUnsis or : f. indica. cscsD, Yamayd, s. imaginary being supposed to decide on the punishments to be inflicted in a future state of being, tormentor in hell; judge of the infernal regions. (jt'/6d, Yamaraja, see (Ji<^d yamardja. cs<5(3, Yama-ratha, s. (c and dd car) buffalo, [Colloq. e53(5>3 iniharakd~\. t8(5^, Yamarada, Elu form of the following. tsc^e^, Yama-rdja, s. (cc and J, Yamek, p7'on. any one, someone (used only of persons). caS, Yayt, ind. a continuative particle generally connecting two or more subordinate propositions dependent on ther principal verb. C3C, Yala, s. one of the Sinhalese harvests, the lesser one iu September; time, as in ^edcoo^d tun-yalak, three times: ad. again, moreover, furthermore. c&ceS, Yalahi, ad. again, moreover, csg, Yali, csgcJ cs, Yaio, adv. as far as, e. g. cs ^ yaw-diw, to the end of life, for life. ceScpJ, Yaw-amat, ind. (cs as many as, ^j invited) as many as have been invited. csSjs, Yaivya, a. fit for barley, sown Avith barley. cs3, Yawla, see cogc yawula. 060, Yatva, s. barley, hordeum hexastichon; water; tree, oi'oxylum indicum or bignonia indica, [Colloq. s^sjoSc totila^', speed, velocity; corian- der, coriandrum sativum. - 'l sd* ^f' c5eBB3c5, YawaksMra, '\ s. (cs9 barley, sss'i ca8>3<5, Yawakdra, Vd ashes or salt) c3S33<52^, YawakdrOr-lunu, J salt petre, nitre, nitrate of potash, prepared from burnt barley, the potash being thus procured. c68(5^5^^, Yawakenda, s. plant with tuberous . root and spikes of beautiful and fragrant flowers, Kaempferia rotunda (ScitaminecuJ. cs9og, Yawagu, see aQocQ yawdgu. cs8^)53, Yawa-tikta, s. (cs and ^5 bitter) sort of barley: seez&Qyawa; sort of paddy, oiyza sativa. cS))e535S5S), Yaiva-dhdnyaka, s. parsley, petroseli- num sativum, [CoUoq. tp8o>J.?c!oi) asa7?zoWa^a?]. cs3, Yawanya, s. black cumin seed, nigella indica, [Colloq. 5iSc5i kaludurif]. csQ-SD, Yawana, s. country, most probably Bactria, or it may be extended from that colony to Ionia (to which word it bears some resemblance), or still further to Greece; by late Hindu writers, it is most commonly applied to Arabia; speed, velo- city; a swift horse; a Yawana, Greek; a term applied to Mohammedan and European Invaders of India; foreigner. 6d&^ 511 69CS)^ cffl03gao, Yawana-pushpa, s. (c695 and g-jt.' flower) fragrant gum or incense brought from the country of the Yawanas. csQesD!, Yairanawd, v, (c&SiQj panawd in the cau- sal form) to send, to dismiss, to dispatch: pret. c5t3 yewwd. csS^aoSocsS, Yawandchnrya, s. (c32o i/aivana ya- wana, sp)?)3ce dchdrya teacher) astronomical writer, often quoted by Hindu astronomers; per- haps Ptolemy or the Greek astronomers collec- tively. ca9i653, Yaivantkd, s. outer tent, screen of cloth svirrounding a tent: see dQ^ssiO jawanikd. csSsNed'aQ, Yawaneshta, s. (osSesa yawana barbari- an, (^^ishta wished, desired) lead; garlic, allium sativum, [Colloq, g^g-S svdu-lunu] ; species of onion, allium cepa; margosa tree, azadirachta indica, [CoUoq. (3c3c5s3, Yawa-petta, s. (ce barley, la^ocJ slice) piece of barley bread. cs g9<5, Yawa-jyraicara, s. (cs and g<5 best) a fine species of barley. ^6c, Yaica-phala, s. (ca and 6q fruit) bam- boo, bambusa vulgaris, [Colloq. ^-^s^i^una- gas^ ; Indian spikenard ; medicinal plant, wrigJitea antidysenterica; onion, allium cepa. c5Qe, Yaivabadu, s. nut or seed of the wrightea antidysentrica used in cases of diarrhoea, dysen- tery, etc. G5cfl, Yawamaya, a. (co barley, co9 mayat afF.) made of or from barley. ^ S'^^j Yawa-lunu, s. (cs and q<^ salt) salt petre, nitre: see iZiQ^Sod yawaJcsMra. c5 3, Yawa-vi, s. (&? and 3 rice) barley. cscf iS), Yawa-suka, s. (cs barley, c255 beard of com) nitre, saltpetre, [CoUoq. <:zQssi<5Q, Yuhapatkama, 1 8. goodness, benev- CSB3C30, Yahapata, jolence. cs(3, Yahala, s. forge, fire place in a smith's shop, [Colloq. 5(3A'aw2a/a]. c5C3(5cgcSi, Yahalanguru, s. (^ASiQ and ef cg^ anguru charcoal) charcoal in a smith's forge. c!wg4K, Yahaluhama, s. friendship. cswqSd, Yahalutcd, s. friend, companion, associate. caffi)^^^o^, Yahalmcenawd , v. to contract friend- ship. csg.o*3, Ydchakayd, faff.) beggar, mendicant, one who asks or solicits alms, [Colloq. jQcoeJeDD hingannd^. cssQao, Ydchana,s. begging, soliciting, asking alms, etc. CS39253S5, Ydchanaka, s. beggar, mendicant. 0630333, Ydchand, s. asking, begging. of3c3, Ydchita, a. asked, begged, solicited. c&od, Ydja, a. boiled rice or food generally. o53d'), Ydjala, 8. ofliciating priest, one who con- ducts any part of a sacrifice; royal elephant, furious elephant. cs3!^), Ydjnika, s. (osQ yq/m sacrifice, <^!Si ika aff.) sacrificer, institutor of a sacrifice; officiating priest; kusa or sacrificial grass; tree, butea fron- dosa, [Colloquial: Q5>Edaax(3 <7as-A;e7a]; mimosa catechu. JSJd^os, Ydjniya, a. fit to be offered or sacrificed. cflDS^a^cs, Ydjneya, s. kusa-tana or sacrificial grass: see ge3S3-el: pret. C0a3 yewd. 693^^3 513 (g<3)) C53e39355>, Ycina-wdhana, s. (cso^o and 3S)> vehicle) travelling carriage, vehicles of various kinds. ocdc^dS, Ydndwa, s. vehicle, conveyance. C53^^, Yam, s. (a'is:) i/dna vehicle etc. <^($S in aff.) rider, one conveyed in any vehicle. c)rfgS, Ydppuiva, s. entreaty; submission; con- ciliatory speech. vxoos, Ydpya, a. low, vile, contemptible; to be passed or spent (as time); in medicine, uncertain as to cure, possil>ly curable; to be alleviated or relieved, though not cured. ccjoesj, Ydpana, s. (cs) to go, causal form) spend- ing or passing away time; abiding, staying, being, rejection, ejection, expulsion; sufficiency, enough, adequate quantity; allaying pain or sickness. csiO'Q, Ydpanu, \s. fowl, cock, fCoUoq. 25^^3 cj)03'^, Ydpdnu, ) kukiild~\. ct)g<5, Ydpm-a, s. medicinal plant, not ascertained. ct), Ydha, s. wax, [Colloq. (jifis^S Idlada']. ce)S5S, Ydmya, s. sandal; name of the saint Agastya. ce)5j, Ydmya-druma, s. silk cotton tree, n-i'o- dendron anfractvosum, [Colloq. |?(^ imhul']. c)7, Ydmyd, K. {(Jtyama Yama, <^.^d) ve3i, Ydmyddiga, } nyat aff.) the south, Avhich is sacred to or governed by that deity; night; the lunar asterism Bharani, commonly berane, containing three stars (musca). CS30, Ydma, s. (cs3 to go, esJ man aff.) sixth part of a day and night, or a watch of ten Sinhalese hours, equal to four English ; forbearance; cessa- tion, term. c3-)!3N<:;, Ydmadewy see c; yoma. C5)>J(3, Ydmandli, s, metal plate on which the hours are struck, or a drum used for that pur- pose. c;3c5, Ydmaya, s. one of the worlds of the gods, the third heaven, in which a day is equal to two hundred years of mortals. 053 (3, Ydmala, s. (c5(5 yamala couple, tp-ssof ow pleonastic affix) pair, couple, brace. C53^c6, Ydmini, s. (c23 ydma watch, ijefl ini aff.) night. cS3a3, Yamuna, s. antimony or rather the sul- phuret of antimony, generally used as an application to darken the eye-lashes and strength- en the eyes, [Colloq. e^isir^^ssi hoyanditn], .:^oct, Ydya, s. open champaign country. c535c5, Ydraya, s. measure of a yard, or three feet. (English.) CS3C. Ydla, 8. measure of capacity, cart-load; twenty amunams of grain ; twenty head of cattle. cs3(3t053, Ydla-mediyd, 8. kind of frog. c33g, Ydlu, s. friend, acquaintance, companion. c53gJ, Ydlukama, s. friendship. 053 q83, Ydluwd, s. friend, acquaintance. c33g'5>833, Ydluwenawd, v. to make friends with. C33,' Ydwa, s. (:553, Yuktd, J aff.) right, fit, proper; joined, combined, united, identified; possessing, endowed with, as virtues, qualities, etc. intent on, attached to, as a study or pursuit. ojSSxS, Yukti, 1 s. (<^d yuja to join, etc. xS kti giSxScs, FM^-%a> j aff.) propriety, fitness; union, connection, joining; usage, custom; civil right, complaint in law; inference, supplying an ellipsis. ojcsS), Yugma, s. (^d yuja to join) pair, brace, couple; mixing, uniting; couple of verses. cgacSog, Yugma-jmtra, s. tree, alstonia scholarts, [Colloq. cJl^sJ^cioDeD ruk-attana~\ ; also mountain ebony, [Colloq. (3^i553S)(3c kobalila']. cgOTS, Yugya, s. {, Yuga, s. {(^d yiija to join) pair, couple, brace; yoke; age of the world, as the Kaitr, Tretd, Dwupara and Kali; measure of four cubits wysjcj, 1 uyat gj.ne?, Yugata ~G5 ''I see 03(K>3-2OK ytigdnta. ^CSi&i 614 goDSJcS^Q, Yngata-gini, s. (ocifi age, 3c5, Yuga-pat, s. mountain ebony, bauliinia purpurea: see the next. gs3C3^5S5, Yuga-pat)'dka, s. (o9es> pair, ots) patra leaf) mountain ebony, bauldnia purpurea or variegata, \ Colloq. ^iSt'i'^QQ, Jcobalila] ; tree, alstonia scholaris, [Colloq cJi.^d qpsJs3e3 rulc- attana], g(5)C3^^553, Yiiga-patrild, s. (gra and o^ patra leaf, <^455j il'd aff.) sisu. tree, dalbergia sisu. q(533^ f^cSaace, Yugamdtra-darmnaya, s. (o^v-o yoke, 3^ mdtra as much as, q^iSiOi sight) an ordinance of the Buddhist priesthood, Mhic:h enjoins it upon the priests not to look beyond the length of a yoke when travelling or in public. 9)cs, Ytigaya, see ego yuga. gooS^cjJ^, Yugayotra, s. rope that ties the yoke to the bullock. ^S5(3, Yugala, s. (ojot pair, q afF.) pair, couple, brace, f Colloq. 53 kta aff.) war, battle, conflict, contest. o9e3(3^e^33, Yuddha-sendica, s. (s9<^ war, S^dfDO army) army. cg<^, Yuda, s. fighting, contest, war: see ^e^ yud- dha. (^Q(s^6, Yudhtstht7-a,s. fcgS in Avar or battle, 5*S<5 for ed3<5 sthira who stands firm) eldest of the five Pandawa princes and leader in the great war between them and the Kurus, in the beginning of the fourth age; the nominal son of Pandu, whom he succeeded in the sovereignty of India, but according to the legend, begotten on Kunti by the deity Yama. ogc^, Yuru, s. resemblance, likeness, similarity, [Colloq. es32sD5S5 samdnaJcama'\. eg, Yuwa, see (^Q?^ yuwan, cg0?9, Yuwati, s. young woman from sixteen to thirty. a52d, Yuwan, a. young, youthful; best, excellent; endowed with native or natural strength. ^Q6d, Yuica-raja,'ys. (5 young, 6d or <^d j^Q(d Yuwa-rdja, j king) young prince, espe- cially the heir apparent, associated to the throne; sub-king. ig(2, Yuivala, s. (^^(Si(^^ yugala having the guttural softened into the semi vowel) brace, couple, pair, two. ig(30sJ, Yuwala-pat, s. (9q0 P^i^*) ^^ leaves) tree, hauhinia purpurea: see .fs^iSi yuga- jmtraka. a9(jx53, Yuwalem, s. the two eyes, [Colloq. cfic^ <^qsi es-deha']. a; 30)153, Yuwddhdta, s. ninth year of the Indian cycle. Qq-:^i(53S)^, Yus/i7nat-sabda, s. word expressing the second personal pronoun, thou, you, etc. gaE^Qs*, Yushmadwdchya , s. (in gra.mmar) se- cond person. o^es, Yusa, s. juice; essence, sap; plant, cocculus orbicidatus; mulberry tree, morus indica; pease soup, pease porridge. 95g, Yuhu, s. haste, speed, quickness, celerity. o^s^, Yuhuwa, ad. hastily, speedily, etc. ogggs, Yuhusutn, a. hasty. o55, Yuha, s. loiise, [Colloq. q.^-^ uhou'i']. g?9, Yi'iti, s. joining, mixing. 515 \63icS)S) g<3, Yiitha, s. multitude, assemblage, [Oolloq. es SJC3 samuhnya]. {g<3 -2036, Yutha-ncitha, s. (<^d multitude, of el- ephants, 25336 lord) large elephant, leader of a wild herd. ^S'SD), Yuthiku, \ s. twining species of jasmine, gS, Yutlu\ \ jasminum auriculatum, [Colloq. SN3(g^^e,(5t dewaddru; sacrificial post; see the foregoing word. vo;^, Yedima, s. contrivance, invention, applica- tion, mixture; verbal noun of (3>cs3ij3S3 i/oda- naicd. S^c5^-2SD, Yednna, p. p. of (3^c33cS(3, Yela, s. one and a half, [Colloq. 6s)K>S3<5 ekahatndra^, as in c5(2 8c5o5J yela-siyayal:=^ 150. S^csS, Yehi, ind, in grammar, an affix forming the p)o)3'5 ddhdra or locative case singular, as 3cS (^^G5t9 mdrgayehi^ in the way. s^c^(^^K)^55, Yeheka, ) ind, it is good, well, excellent, s^cs(^^s^9, Yekcki, $ [Colloq. S^K)^^S hondayi]. (3^c3(3^S)^5:f, Yeheii, ad. safely, prosperously, well [Colloq. ^S^e5 8Uivase'\. Sc3S>(, Yekembi, s. young woman, [Colloq. (F^c^^ iS yawuwdnQ. <3^c;c5jc5 yo^ S^cso-S^Siei-so, Yotuwcima, .9. plant, not ascertained. Sc53.^eo, Yodana, see s^atJ^^ yoduna: a. contriv- ing, mixing. (S^c5^^J^^^, Yodanaxrd, v. (ggd' ytija to unite, com- bine) to make, to concert, to construct, to form; to combine, to unite: pret. s^csgSo yediiwn. 'S*c33<^'S3, Yoduna, s. measure of distance, equal to four gaws or about fifteen miles English : pi. (S^c53ged yodun; some make it equal to thirteen and others to nine miles. (S'Co(3^4, Yode, s. cream of mUk: pi. S^coij yoda. 'S'CZiSi, Yon, s. vulva; place of birth, nature, state of existence ; origin ; Elu form of <^^, Yon-dehi, s. (^s^izosi and ^qtS lime) species of lime, citrus, supposed to have been brought originally from Arabia. ^c53S^gd, Yon-pup, see&53i6, Yoni, see (S^i^idi yoni. ScS3^e3, Yobbana, Pali form of SNcsiQ-eo yaw- wana. vcssS), Yobala, s. warrior, hero. S^ctoSi'S), Yom-maga, incorrectly for S^cesisiSesj yon-mnga, which see. S^GSogffiid^^Ss, Yomukaranaicd, v. to appoint, to allot, determine, to resolve; to direct, to com- mence. Sc53g^, Yomul, s. time immediately following con- ception and prior to the formation of the foetus. (?c;3(5, Yora, adv. constantly, repeatedly. s^cesgc;, Yoliya, see s^caJgcs yoliya. i5^c;)S:J, Yoivuft, s. youth. 3^053 3'S33^Sxe Yohombu-ivela, s. ((S^cS3(5>eoo and 1(3 creeper) creeper, borago zeylanica, [Colloq. (S^ofiisS ?s^ yon-tumba']', twining species of jas- mine, jasminum auriculatum, [CoUoq. S^Sd^^*? boUdda~\. 's^'-jtS, Y6, s. warrior, union. SNcsJos, Yogya, s. calculator of expedients; vehicle or any conveyance; sandal: a. suitable, fit, pro- per, becoming. ctJ3x, Yogyd, s. military exercise; medical prac- tice. \63i'( 516 \ca:f853 S^csJ/o, yo{/a,s. junction, joining, union; combina- tion, association, meeting, conflux; religious and abstract meditation, refraining the mind from external objects aud, fixing it in profound ab- sorption; fitness, propriety; lucky conjuncture; in astronomy, the twenty-seventh part of 360" of a great circle measured on the plane of the ecliijtic and iised. in calculating the longitudes of the sun and moon; each Yoga has a distinct name; astrologers also enumerate twenty-eight yogas differently named from the foregoing, and corresponding with the twenty-eight Nakshatras or the divisions of the moon's path, but varying according to the day of the week; consequence, result; drug, medicament; profit; magic, or the acquisition of supernatural powers by the mysti- cal and magical worship of Siva, Durga and Kartikeya, etc.; conveyance, carriage; joining, literally or figuratively. (?csJo5;(S^.25)S), Yogahkliema, ^ s. (s^cacfes? religious NsJOT(5>a^9, Yognks/ie'ma, j meditation, profit, (5\a) or (3>as^i) safety, patience) Nirwana, state of final emancipation obtained by devout and abstract meditation; charge of property for another; insurance or charge for secure convey- ance of goods, and the profit on their sale; national prosperity. S^c5J(5Jc^, Yogaya, see is>c&3.?) yoga. O^csJeoSjesrf, Yogawdn, s. (s^csJsj meditation, 8d5 poss. aff.) devotee, ascetic practising devout me- ditation; rock moss. ^csJsoSo^, Yogawdhi, s. (snc&Iot joining of metals, jsS conveyer; effecting) alkali, TColloq. cs9^s5C5 Q'^yawakara-lunu']', quicksilver, [CoUoq. (5s3 ^03 rasadiya] ; menstruum or medium for mixing medicines. iS\c5J(533)(5, Yogdwachara, s. ((S^c^Ss^ydga religious meditation, {fQQ6 dwachara who performs) one who abaiadons worldly pursuits for the purpose of giving up his mind to religious and abstract meditation. (^^c^ic&JdD39, Yojandwa, s. preparation, provision, scheme; proposal, resolution; composition of medicine, etc. : pi. (5>csJde33 yojana. s^csj'd'ei333<5-^^c5.esJ yodha-samuhayak]. (3^cflJ<^cs3, Yodayd, see i^csJQcso yddhayd. (3>c5j^, Yodi, s, female giant, dexterous woman: pi. iS^ccJ^S^ccJ yodiyo. (?>csJa)(j:3, Yodhayd, s. warrior, soldier, combatant; giant, one of unusual strength: pi. S^ceJais^ceJ yofl/iayo. (^ct5'S)Q, Yobala, s. warrior, hero, skilful and brave soldier; army. (5NctJa3S:J, Ydnan, plural of ^cs325d'/o;2. (3^ctJ<53, Yoni, s. vulva; mine; cause, origin; water; place or site of birth or production in general. S^csJ^6 3cSc3, Yoni-mdrgaya, s. vulva. S^csJcsJ'a6(5^e3cf, Y6nis6,ad. sensibly, prudently; wisely. iS^c3j59(3^fieJeiDe&55)3dof, Yonisomanashdraya, s. care- ful consideration, close attention. (a^csJe^, Ydm, s. young woman, [Colloq. t3^cs)Si>3 yaiiwani'}. s^csJgcfi, Yoh'ya, s. woman, wife. 'S^csJss, Ydshd, fi. woman; maid, damsel. 09^c5J@65, Yoshtt, Is. woman in general, [Colloq. !5^csJSo53, Yosldtd, ) t^ stri"]. @\631^ S^cci(5)a)<5, Yaugandhara, s. ((gcjaSd yugandhara mountain, e^-i^ an afE.) mountain Yugandhara. ^cs^aajK, Yautaka, s. nuptial gift, [Colloq. <^8t<^^ dewedda~\ . (5>cS")9-20, Yauwana, s. youth, manhood; assemblage of young women. >G5)9?c53, Yauwanayd, s. young man. (5*cs")9^, Yauwani, s. young woman. csiSca, Yetiya, s. stick, walking stick; Elu form of csaS yasliti. c3i, Yedima, verbal noun of oi33 yadinawd, pray in 7, cursing. C8i9, Teyewa, verba] noun of c?8e33ya?mnatt"a, causing to go, sending. The twenty seventh consonant of the Siijha- lese alphabet, corresponding to the letter E. do, Ran, incorrectly for 6t^ ran, which see. <5sJ, Hak, s. preservation; red arsenic, c5s)3, Rakkhd, Pali form of <5<^3 rakshd. (5)3<5-53>, Raktaka, s. plant inhabiting wet rice fields and bearing a red blossom, jientapetes p7ia?tiicea, (Sinhalese 5)g? bandiiivada)', flowering shrub resembling the <5s3i)c3 ratambald, ixora ban- dliuca; red variety of globe-amaranth, gom- phrcena globosa; red garments or cloth; man affected with passion or fondness; gamboUer, player, sporter; safilower; kind of pulse, dolichos bijlorus, commonly called horse gram or Indian gram, [Colloq. (S^^j(^g kolhi], dis:^ ssi^Q, Rakta-kambala, s. (d^s^ red, ^nSSc woollen cloth) red woollen cloth. 517 tfsssSJ 6is^ SiQ, Rakta-kamala, s. , (dssxsi and fflSc lotus) red lotus, nymphcea rubra, [CoUoq. (5s5 s^esii rat-nelum]. (5OT ??, Rakta-kumuda, s, red lotus, (Sinhalese (5q3ic rtembula). 6?sai 5gSi, Rakta-kusuma, s. pomegranate tree, punica granatum, [Colloq. s^5<&i) deluin\, 6isssi s^jseac^^, Rakta-kesaru, s. flower of the iron- wood tree, mesua ferrea, [Colloq. eo3(^ nd-maV]. <555>35 455(50, Rakta-kairaiva, see d5K) 5<; rakta-kumuda. diss^ c^C) Rakta-gulma, s. ((5^S5 and cgc disease) enlargement of the intestines by worms, accompanied with the voiding of blood : see c^e gulma; hard lump in the abdomen of a female after conception; clot of blood. <545W5 s^GoJs*^, Rakta-gome'da, s. ((53 and s^ssJ >S^ gem so called) gem of a blood red colour; ruby; garnet. (5X55 a^53, Rakta-chandana, s, (<5J05 red, Qe^^) sandal) red wood, either red sandal, jHerocaipus santalinus or sappan wood, ccesalpinia sappan; saffron, curcuma longa, [Colloq. )5o kaha"]. diSfSi 8ei^33, Rakta-chandand, s. species of madder, nibia manjttha, [Colloq. x(^ia'&^ rat-nelum^]. dssxsioo, Raktajm, s. leech; female goblin* (55c33^, Rakta-pdda, s. (ds^ and zi'^qpdda foot) parrot, 2^Cf^<^ornis, [Coll: SdQo girawd^; pigeon, [Colloq. s^5s>3S^S)8ttj kobeyiyd']: a. red-footed. <53C33, Raktapddi, s. plant, [CoUoq. (joQxs:?^) icaldwenna']. (5^533 C33a3<^, Rakta-pdshdfia, s. (^dssxsi and c33gb3iss5 stone) red arsenic, [CoUoq. QQoi^di stivafigurii']. <55SD8eo5D, Rakta-pitta, s. (d^sOT red, or blood, 8a5e3 bile) plethora, spontaneous haemorrhages from the mouth, nose, rectum and cuticle, ac- companied with fever and headache, vomiting, purging, etc.; the word alludes to the bile being of a red colour or to its being supposed to be an affection of both fluids or humours. ^ssi&i .518 tfsaS53 d^zOT g'Jy, Rakta-jMspa, s. ((5^5533 red, gao flower) red variety of nerium odoimm, [CoUoq. (fQ8d alari-ga.s']; small tree, cinder sonia rohitaca; silk cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosxim, [Colloq. *s'd w*^w^]; trumpet flower, stereo sj)ermum "(^or bignonia) suave-olens; the name may be applied to any plant bearing red blossoms. (5xn gau, Rakta-pushpaka, s. (<5>OTg'-se3 and 3 afE.) Palas tree, butea frondosa, [Colloq. (Sii&tSixQ, gas-kela^; small tree, andersonia rohitaca; red flower, ta'ora bhanduca or penta2)etes phcenicea; silk cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosum, [Coll: f d iwbul] ; tree from wbicli a red dye is pre- pared mallotus j^hilippensis or rottleria tinctoria. 6isss^ ^tiQss)^, Rakta-pushpnkd, s. (6is:siQtS2 rakta- puspa and ^5 ika aff.) species of sensitive plant, mimosa pudica; species of lycop>odium; also, silk cotton, eriodendron anfractuosum, [Colloq. 9^<^ inibur\, dssysi g8, Rakta-pushpi, s. coral tree, erythrina indica, [Colloq. t9(5S)g erabadu]; also, trumpet flower, stereosper7num suaveolens, [Coll: 03(g,3(^ paloQ. <553D g<^>j Rakta-puraka, s. tamarmd tree, tama- rindus indica, [Colloq. ScsS(23 sz^awiaZa]. (5axs5 6C) Rakta-phala, s. (dxsD red, 6c fruit) species of banyan or Indian fig tree, Jicics altissi- ma, [Colloq. 'Qco nuga^. d55)S5 6c3> Rakta-phald, s. creeping plant, momor- dica monadelpka or bryonia grandie, (Sinbalese >ffi>8i(3 kemwla), [Colloq. (3*iS5JJ)a ^'o- d533 5D(353j Rakta-phalikd, s. plant, a^?-ws preca- torius, [Colloq. S)(3^ olinda'j. "5^5533 'i, Rakta-bindu, s. (<5&xs^ red, ^ drop) red spot forming flaw in a gem. d^sxsi^d, Rakta-bija, s. tree, adenanthera pavo- nina, [Colloq. (^Scatae^ madafiya-gas^^ <53 2s^S, Rakta-manjari, s. (d^ss? and S^^e/S pedicle) plant, barringtonia acittangula, [Colloq. ^3 (5>^(4q ela-midella']; medicinal plant, spzV- antkes acmella, [Colloq. efJi,(^c ot/i-WfZ/a]. (5555333(3, Raktamdli, e, species of jasmine, jasmin- num nyctanthes arbor-tristis, [Colloq. s^dojQssiO sepdlikd~\. (5^55a^ca, Raktaya, see <5J33 rakta. <5S3S3(3mS5<2^, Rakta-re')m, s. (dS) red, (?>S^ dust) red lead, [Colloq, Sei^dft smc/m/y<;/3 ; blossom of the Palas, butea frondosa, [Colloq. ^xQ ^d kfki-mal]; sort of cloth. d&-533 (^^e^s^, Rakta-loha, s. (dss^ and (S^c^^ metal) copper, [Colloq, o famja] ; minium. 6^xs)QQ, Raktaicati, s. {6?s::S> and 3 pustule) small pox. (5es5OT 8^, Rakta-wariia, s. ((5533 and ^ colour) earth worm; red (the colour): a. red, of a red colour. d'SSiCD SSs3, Rakta-icardhana, s. eggplant, solamim, [Colloq. ^a/w]. <5.S533c59, Raktawarati, see d^xs^QS raktawati. 6iSfS) 83eg5rj, Rakta-tmstuka, s. species of am- aranth, amaranthus cruentus, [Colloq. <5c5 03 0(33 rat-tampaUi]. d<5sys3 '^, Rakta-vindu, s. drop of blood, red flaw in a gem. <5XJ3 S'figQd^, Rakta-vinduchchhadd, s. medicinal plant, ipomcea sepiaria, [Colloq. <563C3t(^ ?'asa- (5xs3 8a>S3, Rakta-wrintaka, s. pot herb, marsilea quadrifolia, [Colloq. ^cs ^(^ ft@cs diya-em- bul-embilia^l medicinal plant, hog-weed, boer- haavia diffusa alata, [Colloq. e33(58gcsS, Rakta-waidurya, s. lapis lazuli. [Colloq. 88(9'dJ wayir6di'\, 6is^ esoSi^fiSjJ, Rakta-sankocha, s. tree, kokoona zeylanica, [Colloq. 83(9>a3-e9 ioana-2)otu and (3>S)325 s^034g kokum-potu'\, 6?s:fSi eo235)j3o553, Rakta-sandhydka, s. (d^SJO and SGa)a) twilight, >s:'' ytaji aff. of comparison) red lotus, nympha>a rubra. (3.S3rae33t5, Rakta-sdra, . red sandal wood, ptero- carpus santalinus, [Coll: 6t^^^^ rat-handun'] 6&xs}0, Raktd, s. creeper, gloriosa superba, [Colloq^ gc3es3D(33 liyanangalcl or ^cacscs niyangalci^; plant, abrus precatoriiie^ [Colloq. Q^ oliuda"] ; Bengal madder, rubia manjith, [Colloq. i^ <^8 welmadaki]. <5.235CS33e^, Raktdksha, Is. (d'Ssxn red, qsss or ep^ <5D3^, Raktdkehi, J eye) ^buffalo; pigeon; de- mon, sprite, ogre; barbarous or savage man; Greek partridge; the fifty-eighth year of the Indian cycle: a. red eyed. d^sD3Q)20 Raktdtiga^ s, ((5^s^35 and ^ala body) planet Mars; plant, species of crinum; bug; coral; saffron. 5.sxs)3ei0, Raktdngi,B. tree, trema orientalis, fColl: csi-L%^ gedumhn']\ also, Bengal madder, ruUa manjitk, [Colloq. t(^^3 ivdmadafa']. ^SSHSM 619 tfd^) <5D3aS)<5, Eaktdmbara, s. (6^S) red, ?pSS)5 aw- ba7'a verture) any vagrant devotee wearing red garments: a. dressed in red. d^xnidsad", Eaktdrsas, s. (<5a3 rakta and efb^ssd arsas pile) bleeding piles. d^SfSi, Rakti, s. ((5ec/ ranja to be affected, 4S/5 i-f? aff.) affection, attachment. (5iSxSs53, Rahtikd, .. plant, the ganja, aAr^s preca- torius, [Colloq. (3f?8t(^ olmrla-wel'\, the seed of which is used as a weight, and weighs about 1 and 5-16 grains troy. (5(S^, Rakshdkaranaiod, v. to preserve, to support, to sustain, to protect, to maintain. <5^!^3S^d-3a5>, Rakshdpekshaka, s. (d^^'i preserv- ing, ^C3 apa before, S"^ iksha to see and > ka aff.) door keeper; guard of the women's apart- ments; catamite; actor, mime. <5^^)S), Rakshdwa, s. support, maintenance, liveli- hood; protection, preservation, deience. 6?33'Q6-^, Rakshdwarana, s. (<5-:5^3 protecting, s^Q6-^ dwarana enclosure) fortified place, en- trenchment. (5^S3, Rakshita, a, ((5 raksha to preserve, axr> kta aff.) preserved, protected, defended. d(S>^^d'6S2n, Rakshoghna, s. (<5^c^ rakshas goblin, 9SW ghna what destroys) marking nut tree, \_Colloq^. 'S)e^(^Qbad^^Ua'], sour gruel, made from the fermentation of rice wa-ter; assaf^tida, [Colloq. (3v:5(5i5)3c3i) jjenm-kdyani^. (5, Raka, v. to protect. 6ss)-^, Rakana, s. preservation, protection, from 6ssi raka, to protect. dcK), Rakawala, s. guard, watch, protection. d<9-SD03, Rakinawd, v. to watch, to guard, to pro- tect; to sit (as a hen upon eggs): pret. d*J53 rekkd. degdf, Rakus, s. demon, fiend, hobgoblin, sprite, evil spirit, imp or ogre haunting cemeteries, animating dead bodies, and ensnaring and de- vouring human beings; Titan, who may be con- sidered the relentless and powerful enemy of the gods. d^^dieaa, Rakussd, Is. harsh or morose man, de- d^gesD, Rakusd, j mon, fiend, sprite, hobgoblin, vampire, digS, Rakusi, s. female demon: pi. 6sQiiQ<3<:td rakussiyo. degg, Rakusu, see d-ageea rakusd. <5b, Raghu, s. name of a sovereign of Oude, the great grand father of Rama Chandra; the family or descendant of Raghu. dg ocacs, Raghu-ivansaya, s. (dg Raghu, oaa wansa race) race or family of Raghu, hence also the name of a celebrated poem by Kalidasa, which treats of the ancestors of Rdma, the great Indian warrior, who invaded Lanka or Ceylon, for the purpose of destroying Rdwana; one half of this poem relates to Raghu, and as much to that of Rama. d jQ rangamaduhi. date), Ranga, s. tin, white lead, [Colloq. gg S^csf) sudu-iya7n^. dato f^'^, Ranga-bhumi , s. field of battle; theatre. dSlS^s^, Rangini, s. (datea ranga colour, ird aff.) plant, asparagus racemosus, [Colloq. W3S33 SaScs hdtdwdriya'\ ; tree, Jicus glomerata, [Colloq. (^QQi^^'i attikkd']: a. colouring, dyeing; im- passioned, having propensity or passion. 6Q?Si'i, Rachand, s. (d9 to make, etc.) discourse, spoken narrative or relation; literary composi- tion either in verse or prose; oration; military array; decorating with flowers, chaplets, etc. (SB^ 520 desqjS <59s3, Rachita, a. made, written, composed. dey, Rajju, 8. rope, cord. (5ay:Ji.SNSJ, Rajjuruwo, s. king, sovereign, reigning prince: pi. ddScJL rajawaru. 6d, Raja, s. (tf^^a" i-anja to colour) dust; pollen of flowers; menstrual excretion; passion, that which produces sensual desire; also (from <$d ro/a,) king; moon; ray of the sua; lime, row; water; name of Vishnu; eminent person. ddcsi, Rnjaka, s. {6if^J ranja to colour clothes, Si aff.) washerman, man of the washer caste, [Colloq. dij! radawd']. 6d(^ rajana. 6diQ, Rajani, s. night; indigo plant, indigofera tinctotia, [Colloq. .jQ^qiSS nil-awart^ ; turmeric, curcuma longa, [Colloq. ffijasj haha"]', lac. 6di^iSi6, Rajamkara, s. moon, [Colloquial. C3^ hatida^. dd^^Bd, Rajamchara, s. (6d, Raja-pirisa, s. (6d king, 68f? attendants) royal attendants; royal guard or escort. <5d'g^, Raja-putra, s. (6d king, moon, gg son) king's son, prince; soldier, man of the military caste; planet Mercury. dd '3>a<5s)'5, Raja-perahara, s. (6d and s^o^sjcS suite) attendants of a king; royal procession. 6d s^aiS^ssi:)^^, Raja-pohoffn, s. globe amaranth, gomp)hrana globosa. 6d ts3Qia(ji, Raja-bhawanaya, s. {6d and eoSeo bhawana residence) palace, royal residence. dd tg<5, Raja-medura, see the preceding. dd dd. Raja-raja, s. (dd king, dd king) name of Kuwera; name of Yama, the regent of the in- fernal world and judge of the final destinies of men; emperor, universal monarch or king of kings. dd iSlH^, Raja-ruk, s. (dd and Ji5 tree) tree, cassia Jishda, [Colloq. ^K)t ehrla']. ddQa, Raja-h'ya, s. queen, [Colloq. ^mQ bisawa']. dd 0(53, Raja-wansa, see cSid op? rdja-wattsa. dd 8353C, Raja-iodsala, s. (6d and aec^ gate) king's gate, hence palace, royal residence. dd^(^, Raja-vil, s. play at chess. (Namawali.) ddeS, Rajas, s. (d Rata-embilla, s. tree, species of an.??"- desma. (53 e^gcJi, Rata-enduru, s. plant, not ascertained. (53 ^cgcJl., Rata-inguru, s. ginger, species of ginger zingiber. (53 Rata-elamal, s. flowering plant, variety of kedychium coronarium. (53 ^ag, Rata-Jcapu, s. silk cotton tree, variety of eriodendron anfractrwsum. (53 a5(56o9, Rata-karapincha, s. tree, variety of bergera koenigii. (53 fij, Rata-kaha, s. saffron, turmeric, curcuma longa. (53 9-e9(^, Rata-kitul, s. palm tree, variety of caryota urens. (53 ^^S^, Rata-kudalu, s. plant, species of m/?a- 60 (a^s5S>csj(^, Rata-kehel, s. foreign kind of plan tain, banana, musa sapientum. (53 s^^S5^3^^(^, Rata-kondol, s. cultivated variety of yam, colocasia antiquoruin. (53 s^)3i), Rata-komadu, s. foreign water melon, citrullus vulgaris. (53 (9N553(;S33, Rata-kohomba^ s. foreign margosa tree, azadirachta indica. (53 ^!Sii^o-si^, Rata-koppa-gaha, s. plant, not ascertained. (53 -s^^aJe, Rata-kopi, s. foreign coffee, coffea arabica. (535t9S, Rata-kekiri, s. kind of cucumber, cu- cumis sativus. (53 3tag3, Rata-kekuna, s. tree, variety of caa- ?-m7 zeylaniciim. (53 (?> (533(5 5, Rata-goraka, s. tree, Cochin goraka, garcinia or xanthocymus pictoria; also called ^'2553(3325^(5)) kollan-gaka. (53 (S^(53J^, Rata-goivd, s. plant, species of cabbage, bryophyllum calycinum (Crassulacece) ; also call- ed cpJ 03-253 akkapdna. (53 ^@^, Rata-jambu, s. rose apple, variety of eugenia or jambosa. <53 C3-^, Rata-tana, s. Guinea grass, panicum maximum or 79. jumentorum, (Graminea?). (53 C5Di)3G3i Rata-tampald, s. plant, species of (53 ^^S, Rata-tibbatu, s. species of solanum. (53 sg3*5, Rata-tuwara, s. plant, cultivated for its leguminous seeds, cytisus cajan. (53 (^tsii6, Rata-tora, s. pigeon pea, cajanus indi- cus; plant, cassia alata ( Leguminosce ) : see the last. (53 ^5, Rata-dan, s. tree, species of eugenia. (53 s^.^(^,, Rata-del, s. (-53 foreign, s-c^cj bread fruit) species of the bread fruit tree, said to be introduced into Ceylon from the Maldives, arto- carpus incisa (TJrticacece). (53 s^iJ^8, Rata-dehi, s. lime, variety of citrus li- metta. (53 ^D3(53C(5 Rata-neUi, s. tree, variety of jihi/Uan- thu8 embh'ca. 6Q cs, Rata-pamba, s. species of fern, hjgodiiim. (59 g9i Rata-pimal; s. variety of areca-nut palm, areca catechu (Falm(e). 6Q S), Rata-batu, a. potato-tree, solaniim macran- tJium. 6Q oJe3(5- Rata-rafkeltya, s. tree, species of litsea. <59 c) Rata-labu, s. pumpkin, cucurbita moschata ( Cncurbitacece ) . (59 S'^, Rata-Iunu, s. plant, species of onio7i allium. d9 <5(^, Rata-wadamal, s. shoe flower, hibiscus rosa sinensis. d93, Rata-vi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. <5Q 8i9(S^>3d, Rata-wetakolu, s. plant, species of pepo or gourd, luffa. dQ tcj(^, Rata-welmal, s. species of the betel creeper: see 6Q ^QsiQi(^rata-bulatwel. '^ 60 Qihizzo, Rata-xvesiyd, s. inhabitant of the coun- try, native. 6Q esg, Rata-sapu, s. tree, species of champaca, michelia. 6Q ejsJ^desJS, Rata-handiran-vi, s. kind of paddy, 07'yza sativa. (50?B2gc5i, Rata-hinguru, s. lantana, lantana mixta or /. camara (Verbenacea;); also called csD^oasa gandapdna. 6Q^Qo^5i), Rata-hulankiriya, s. plant, variety of phrynium zeylanicum. 60 (3NS33-255<58Di)^55S^e3(^, Rata-honarawdlu-kesel , s. variety of plantain, banana, viusa sapientum. (5g, Raduwa, s. chaff, [Colloq. (^^^ J bol, ^5>3 063 dahayiyd^. (54S)3(5\3S), Rat-kohomba, s. margosa tree. i5cJ3x(3c, Ratheliya, s. tree, litsea longifolia (Lauracem). dcJ 0De^S5(5(^e3tS^S)J, Rat-gas-karalsebo, s. plant, variety of achyranthes aspera. (5cJ (^^^^255, Rat-gokatu, s. variety of the gamboge tree, garcinia morella. 6?sxSi 5?3S5, Ratta-jivha, s. (dsjea red, t^eto ton- gue) lion, [CoUoq. QocaXi sinhayd^. <5c5s) f^c^^, Rattatu-elvt, s. kind of paddy, ory- za sativa. c565s3-<^, Rattana, s, (<5a5 and S5 Rat-tampald, see <5.^ C3S3(33 ratu- tamp)ald. 6t^Si<5sS, Rattaran, s, gold; corruptly for 6i^6isi ratran, which see. doJ S)C3, Rat-tald, s, plant, species of ocimum. dc5a53, Rattd, s. red ant. <5cJ ^S5, Rat-timbiri, s. variety of the gab tree, diospyros embryopteris. (5J (^^<^S), Rat-domba, s. timber tree, variety of calophyllum inophyllum. <5S33 <55^, Ratna-garbbha, s. (<5o>3 jewel, k)^ embryo) god of wealth, Kuvera; the earth; ocean. <5c>S3gca, Ratnatraya, see ^^Qdcjejcs trividha- ratnaya. c5o33 s^so, Ratna-manjushd, s, (<3s>2o gem, i)^D basket) casket of gems. <56>2oc5, Ratnamaya, a. gemmed, full or made of ^ gems. doeo S), R&tna-mukhya, s, (dtSiSo and Q chief) diamond, [Colloq. ^caS^aiS diyamanti'j. <5C3*3C3, Ratnaya, s. jewel, gem, any thing fig- uratively the best of its species, [Colloq. t<5^ &) inemka^j, 1^33*:. si, Ridndwad, s. (6tSih gem, ^ei -fl^ poiS. aff.) the earth, [Colloq. sno33 iw/afa]. 6i^is^B'ib<3'SSi^t&(^, Ratnawdlvr-kesel, s. plantain, variety of musa sapientum. 5c>S33a5(5, Ratndkara, s. (doso ?-atna jewel, {pjd o^-rtm mine) ocean, [Colloq. ggij mw^z^a]; jewel mine. c5s>203C55d-2sd rafna gem, f&&)d/?33d, Rat-nelu. s. small tree, species of sfro- bilanthes. dc5(3^3:i, Rat-nelum, s. red lotus, nymphcBa rubra. <5cioe5^(^9, Ratpat-elvi, s. kind of paddy, ory^a <5c5 C3C Rat-jmla, s. fig tree: see 'gsjnMO'fl. (5a5 ^Qfis, Rat-palasa, s. scarlet cloth. <55 o(?3(^, Rat-palol, s. tree, variety of stereos- permum suaveolens. 6fA^->,Ratpd,s. (doJ blood, 03 who drinks) leech, [Colloq. -e^at(^C3 hudelld']\ horse leech; goblin, sprite, ogre. (5j 8Q553, Rat-pitawakkd, s. plant, eaten by cattle, phyllanthus itrinarea; another plant, Sebastiana (ox mycrostachys) chamoelea; both (Etiphoi'biacece) . dsJ 8a), Rat-pita, see <5^sot e^jsj rakta-pitta. 6ti 8^i), Rat~piyum, s. red lotus, nympha^a rubra, [Colloq. c5si<3>'S3i rat-nelum\. dtsioic^, Rat-mal, s. shrub, ixora coccinea ; also called <5s)S)(33 ratambald. <5c5 &'3!3'e3(^, Rat-mahanel, s, red lotus, nymphoea stellata. <5cJ<35^, Rat-mini, s. (<5J red, <^ gem) ruby, red topaz. dC333als3, Ratyanga, s. (d<9 ra/e and epabo ara^rt member) male or female organ. dcJdeJ, Ratran, s. gold; wrought gold. 5sJ 8(^5936, Rat-ioal-kawdlu, s, kind of grass, variety of setaria glauca. d5 Cj Rcit-vila, s, plant, variety of bonnaya ueronicoefolia, dcJeagsf, Rat-Sciudun, s. (deJ red, seges^ sandal) red sandal wood, pterocarpus santulinus, <5d 85c*(^, Rat-sinyal, s. (deJ and 86^3(^ arsenic) red arsenic. tf^esi 524 ^^e^'Si <3'e5 S3z(3^S)J, Rat-seho, s. (<5eJ red) plant, variety of achyranthes aspera, [CoUoq. csjt^ ^s5(5(^BS5t (/as- haralheba]. deJ !9Sc(^, Rat-hiriyal, see <5sJ8Sca(5 rat-sirhjal. dcitSScs, Rathiriya, s. sandal wood tree: see ssgd' sandun, and dciesg^d 7'at-samlim. <53 K)i(^, Rat-hel, s. (dsJred, 20i(^ rice or paddy) sort of rice sown on dry ground. <5a), Rata, s. (<5 ?? to sport) coition; desire, lust, longing; blood, the vital humour; redness, red colour; red hot iron, from (55OT raJda. 6is3ts>, Rutanga, s. (<5sJ rat red, ^o aijga limb) name of the planet Mars: see dx5?3ate5 ?/-- tdnga. d)eD, Ratana, s, jewel, gem: see (5s>sdc3 ratnaya; cubit, measured from the elbow to the closed hand. (5o3-e3 g^*^? Ratana-sutraya, s. name of one of the discourses of Buddha. (5o33S5<5, Ratandkara, s. ((53), Rati-kridd, /sport) copulation. !5^g, Ratindu, s. {6& and <5g mdu lord or chief) name of Anaiigaya the Indian Cupid. (5^g3^CT3 Ratindugow, Is. species of red c5?Sgs>si3 993, Ratindu-gowivd, J beetle. 6^o&, Ratipatt, see '^^Sg ratindu. 6'&% ^'a/^a. '5^5 ^^(^Qi^iSi, Ratu-kimbulwenna, s. persicarum or buck wheat, polygonum barbatum (Polygona- ce(v). 6^ iSS^ca, Ratu-kirindiya, s. tares, variety of coix lacryma. 6is^ .:^5g'S)<5(^, Ratu-kukulukaramal, s. cock's comb, celosia cristata. do KgSg, Ratu-kudalu, s, balsam, variety of im- patiens latifoUa; also called ^Sg(^ kudalu- mal, d-sg '5^ffi5(9^3(^, Ratu-kehel, s. plailtain, variety of musa sapientum. d^ -SN^sS^, Ratu-kochchi, s. plant, jniisa rosacea. d^ (5^555330 iS)3, Ratu-kottambd, s. tree, variety of terminalia catappa. d-jg wea. 6?s^ s^)^{^>C^> Ratu-kolondu, s. plant, cJirysanthe- mum indicum. d^ s>i55J, Ratu-kovi, s. variety of cabbage, brasi- ca oleracea. d^^S5tOc5, Ratuketaya, s. ruby. 6?si act^s^SSco, Ratu-kemmeriya, s. night shade, species of solanum; also called sssis^SScs ^-an- d.^(s)(^, Ratu-gal, see d^5tScs, raiiikfiayat 6^ (s-)t^8tS, Ratu~gas-miris, s. plant, capsicum frutescens or c. rubra, d^ s^c55^!5^)3C) Ratu-gendakola, s. variety of purs- lane, ptortidaca oleracea: see S>o^ genda. ^ei^@^cs)3 525 <;d:8 6i^(^csi36^, liatu-go7'aka, s. (c5^ red) variety of the goraka tree, garcinia cambogia. <5^ (^MKJ8^(^^^55^c Batu-gowdkola, s. red cabbage, hrassica rubra. 6?5^ J^SS), Ratu-jambu, s. rose apple, Jambosa vul- garis. <54g dSs^Q^Q, Batu-jambola, s. kind of pumelow, citrus decumana. 6?5^ sjDoc^) Ratu-tampald, s. species of amaranth, amaranthus cruentus. d-eg -egcJ^S, Ratu-tuttiri, s. love grass, variety of chrysopngon aciculatus. 6is^ (3^SD(^ Sd, Ratu-tel-olu, s. variety of water lily, ni/mph(^a lotus. 6i^ c3t(S, Ratu-tembili, s. variety of coconut ttee, cocos nucifera. 6^ ej3S3cJi., Ratu-dadinnaru, s. four-sided bristly plant, buchnera euphrasioides. 6is^ , Ratu-nelum, s. sort of lotus, nelumbium spectosum. d^ c3S3e9, Ratu-patangi, s. variety of brasiletto or sappan tree, ccesalpinta sappan. 6tsi ^ Ratu-batala, s, bind-weed with edible tuberous root, variety of ipomcea batatas. 6^ S)^<3^G*6*^^ Rcttu-bciloliya,, s, many-stemmed leguminous plant, variety of hedysarum trique-^ trum: see oS^eDgcs bdloUya, 6^ %isi!5i%<^, Ratu-bintambuni, s. floating plant \nth edible leaves, variety of iporticea aquatica or convolvulus repens. (5^5 S)eif3(5-5cg, Ratu-muwairingu, s, plant, variety of zt'Ci mays. 6?s^ S^SoeodSi^, Ratu-monaramal, s. shrub, pea- cock tree, poinciana ptdckerrima. d^ jsesJSeorcKJ, Ratu-yakwanassa, s. plant, variety of anisomeles ovata. 6^ dSigzgcJi, Ratu-rata-iuguru, s. sort of ginger, zingiber rubens. <5^ <5Sc3, Ratii-rata-painba, s. fern, species of lygodium. 6is^ (500^S(^, Ratu-rata-wadamal, s. shoe flower, variety of hibiscus rosa sinensis. d-eg 6s>(^^o, Ratu-ratambald, s. shrub, ixora coc- cinea: see c5o3S(33 ratainbald. (5^ <5^(3cs, Ratu-radaliya, s. tree, variety of can- narus monocarpus: see d^gcs radaltychjc^- C>t j <5^ <^e^^c33(3>3)3Q9, Ratu-7-dja-pohottu, s. globe amaranth, gomp)hrcena globosa. (5^ c^, Ratu-rdbu, s. radish, raphanus sativug. d-eg Q-^, Ratu-lunu, s. species of garlic or onion, allium ascalohicum. d-sg 9^(^, Ratur-ivadamal, s. shoe flower, hibiscus rosa sinensis. d-sg 8(^<28-^ Ratu-wal-iBguru, s. sort of ginger, zingiber officinale. d-2g83, Ratuicd, s. tree, with leaflets in from ten to twenty pairs, pink flowers, cassia marginata or c. Roxburghii, (Leguminosoe). d.g(3^'S383, Ratuwenawd, v. to become red. dsj fa^sasdi^S^sSasso, Ratu-sendirikkd, $. plant, mira litis jalapa. .coestCb d^g G>SQgS5S)(^, Ratu-seivmvandimal, s, the rose, rosa semjyerjlorens: see s^e^g8^55^(^ sewuwandi- mal. 6is^ s)elT, Ratu-hamaeme, s. sort of kidney bean^ red variety of dolichos sesquijyedalis. d^g sj3?S3@3, Ratu-hdtali-vi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. d^g 'S?^(S^'Q)3^Qaio,Ratu-hmb6vitiyd, 5. plant, Yari-i ety of osbeckia octandra, , 6 Si id, Ratfs, 8, (dj rat red, ptrf'f5 eye) pig60n) buffalo, [CoUoq. ts)6Si') m^harakdli Indian cuckoo: see QiSiS^Q^^ kokilayd, '< 6d, Rathya, s. car or carriage horse; tfltiltittiAe of cars; high street; main or carriage road; placQ where several roads meet; wheel. d^ 526 ^^(Sii 6^, Ratha, s. car, war chariot; carriage in general, bandy, any vehicle or mode of conveyance; limb, member; body; foot; sort of cane, calamus rotang, ddSiQxo, Eathakatydy s. (6b car, ffl)3 katyach affix of multitude) multitude of cars 6biSi6, JRathakara, 1 s. (^6d and Si6 or esio6 who <5S53<5, liathakdra, j makes) carpenter; coach maker, one by profession a car maker. <5<3e33<5455, Rathakdraka, s, one of the seven lakes in the Himalaya range. <5(3^3X5:d, Rathakrdntd, s. plant, evolvulus alsi- noides, [Colloq. S2^)32rc9 vishnuki'dnti^, (5d8^, Ratha-chakra, s. wheel of a carriage. dfScSdigS, Rathattharana, see 6bTiC^6-^ rathds- tarana. d^gj^, Rathadru, s. (6d car, s,^ tree) timber tree, dalbergia ouget'nensts, the wood being used for wheels, [Colloq. s^)^Qo5)c^ kobu-gas~\. 6d oeDjScs, Ratha-pantiya, s. (66 car, oxSc3 row) row of carriages, procession of vehicles; carriage house. ddo-J, Rathaya, see 6d ratha. 6d, Ratha-saka, e. wheel of a carriage. <5(S3S)t20, RathdAga, s. (66 ratha and tfcDtJo anga limb) wheel, any part of a carriage; the ruddy goose, anas casarca. 66jQo6JeDeo, Rathottama, s. (66 ratha and jjsiS) uttama chief, highest) king, [Colloq. 6d raja"]. 6q, Rada, s. (6q to tear) tooth; king, sovereign, hotn<^drdja; pain; ache; dust; blood; cord, line, rope; tearing, splitting, dividing. tf^g, Rada^dUi s. (6q king, g daughter) princess, [Colloq. agSiSsioS ku7ndrikdwa2' 6 radaw. 6q^, Radavi, s. laundress. (5^, Radd, a. belonging to a man or woman of the washer caste. (5 (^{^(^9, Radd-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. <5^(?vS33Q, Radd-tota, s. place in a river or lake where clothes are washed, laundry. (5g, Radu, s. king, Elu form of <35d 7-dja. dg. Radii, s. (6<^ rada king, g daughter) princess; the inferior wives or concubines of a king; string. (5^3, Randana, s. painting, dyeing, colouring, staying, being, remaining, fixed; Elu form of tf ^as^ea ranjana, which see. (5^-2093, Eaudanawd, v. to tarry, to stay, to remain, to rest; to dye, to paint, to colour, to break a fall: pret. dig8) rejuluwd. <5:J, Ran, s. gold. 6isS cp'Sgss, Ran-akusa, s. golden hook used to guide an elephant. 6id <^, Ran-avi, s. golden weapon. 6isi ^(9, Ran-ovili, s. golden swiag. dd'cJi3, Rankaruwd, s. goldsmith, [Colloq. S)a)3 Q'i baddla~\, 6isSfB8, Rankiri, s. first milk given to an infant in which gold is rubbed. 5Ja9Sca, Rankiriya, s. shrub with beautiful flow- ers, (bracts white, petals pink) alpenia nutans (Scitaminece). 6is54a<:SSca ran- kendiya. 6&S&iiQ, Ranketa, s. gold mirroh mii'ror of polish- ed gold* c5:f(S5, Rangiri, Si mountain Maha Meru, [Colloq. S3S^(5 mahamera~\i dedeoiS), Rangeba, s. (6&S gold, oi womb) name of Brahma; gold mine. tf^HO) 527 tfg di^Ci(Si, Han-taru, 8. (6isi and (3i star) artificial stars of gold used as ornaments. (5J(5\cDjg, Ran-todu., a. gold earings. 6&iiS3t^Q, Ran-tembili, 8. variety of the coconut tree, cocos nuci/era. da, Bandhra, s. hole, fissure, cavity, chasm, [CoUoq. 8c,6 sidural; fault, defect. c5cJe3c I^cin-nala, s. (disS gold, ea^ tube) golden ewer. <525:f2533, JRannd, s. kind of fish. 6i^ ggd Ran-puhul, s. sort of pumpkin gourd, of the genus, benincasa or cucurbita. 6isi (jioos^d Jg, Ran-porodu, s. golden trappings or girth. (5:f 1,9(3' Ran-bevila, s. plant of the genus sida. desf e6f^e2, Ranmantssa, s. plant with pale pink petals and blue stamens, considered a cure for ringworm, xyi-ts indtca (Xyridece): also called (5e5(3^o ranmotu. 6i5i (?o9c53, Ran-mugatiyd, s. golden spotted mun- goose, herpestes nipalensis (Carnivrra). 6isSdg katu- karandu. 6siQisi 9Sf , Ranwan-kirindi, s. sort of tares, variety of cotx lacryma. 6?siQ?5i Si^S^, Ranican-kikirindi, s. hairy plant with yellow flowers, wedelia (or verbisina) calen- dulacea) (Compositce). dtslQisi 3 modara-sutikkd and (3^C55(^ 5^dG5 gewal-kurulld. 6ei@^ta5c Ran-sola, Is. ((5:f gold, (S^iaiQ or <5sS (S^ssSqQ, Ran-sohuva, ^ (5>S26qQ stick) gold mace or club. dQa)S, Rabhada, a. light red. dQsd (3dJ<^cs, Raban-rodaya, s, wooden frame of a timbrel. dSiesD, Rabdna, s. tambourine, timbrel: pi. d'Si&S raban. /d, Ramba, s. plantain or banana: see dW3 ram- bhd, [Colloq. (5>5(^^e^(^ keseQ. dS)Ji3, Rambakena, a. bunch or cluster of plan- tains. dgesJ, Rarnbuk, a. cane resembling but more el- egant than the sugar cane, saccharum procerum (Graminece). dc355j, Rambutan, a. tree, native of the Malay inlands; it bears a red fruit with acidulous pulp, nephelium lapjmceum. d. Ram, a. name of Balabhadraya, brother of Vishnu; agreeableness. d<5S, Ramdam, s, (d3 for dsd 7'an and^ l) chain) gold chain. dDffiDO, Rambhd, s. plantain, [Colloq. (3>ss>(S^sS(^ ke- scZ]; one of the apsaras or courtezans of Swarga; harlot; lowing, as of a cow. d5^e^o, Rammanissa, see di^^Ei^tStarrmmaniaaa. d, Ramya, a. champaca tree, michelta champaca, [Colloq. eeg sapuj ; root of a species of cucum- ber; semen virile: a. pleasing, delightful, agree- able, charming. dS), Rama, a. (d to please) husband, lover; name of Kama the Indian Cupid: a. dear, beloved; delighting, charming. dis5S, Ramana, s. name of Kama the Indian Cupid; coition; sporting, playing; dalliance. dc5>32s:f3 kanagonna'] ; kind of basil, ocimum gratissimum; plant, gynandropsis penta- p)hylla, [Colloq. vgc^ tv7]; name of Edwana ancient king of Ceylon. (5g(3 Rfiwula, s. beard; name of Rdwana: see <^Q "SS rdwana. <5d, Raivulu, 8. beard. 6S3(5 gitel^. 6ei, Ras, s. sun beam, ray of the sun, ray of light. (5e^2DJ5, Rasnaya, see dsSi^zi rasne. 6ti^, Rasni, s. plant, lobelia excelsa (Campanu- lucece). c5e^2d, Rasne, s. solar or animal heat. (5c3, Rasa, s. (<5e3 to taste, to love, etc.) flavour, taste, as sweet, salt, pungent, bitter, sour and astringent; taste, sentiment, emotion, as an object of poetry or composition, nine such are usually enumerated; affection of the miad, passion; juice, exudation; liquid, fluid or liquefied sub- stance; semen virile; water; the primary or essential juice or fluid of the body, whence blood, serum, sweat, etc. are supposed to be engendered; it corresponds best with chyle, but is probably of an fanciful nature; gum myrrh; quicksilver, from its being a semi-fluid metal; mineral or metallic salt, as sulphur, borax, talc, blue or green vitriol. (5esCfE?oS', Rasa-ajirna, s. (dea sweetness, Cf^-dS indigestion) indigestion caused by eating any saccharine substance. (533 S5gc5i, Rasa-kajmru, Is. (<5e5 mercury, 5g (5e33dg(5, Rasor-karjmra, J v5lor -SiSgdcamphor) medicine or drug so called from its resemblance to mercury; it is a white sublimate or a muriate of mercury, made in close vessels with sulphur, mercury, and common salt; the crystals formed in the first operation are sublimed a second time. (5e35S53(55S5, Rasakdraka, s. (6s3 taste, flavour, 53(5 who makes, 3 aff.) cook, [Colloq. .(5Ocf46c03 koktyd']. ^tn^\j\ cstote';} 9f>a mtuli.l (5oe9^, Rasakinda, s. climbing pfetit 'vd^th "waited bark and small yellow flowers, tinospora coi'di- folia (Menispermacece)', holy basil, ocimum sanc- tum, [Colloq. ^Sl(S3qo modurutald']. (5ea sieS), Rasa-gandha, s. gum myrrh, [Colloq. (532sa)(5ee gandha-rasa']. 6ta(S)^, Rasa-garbha, s. ((5es quicksilver, (53C8 embryo) native antimony or a preparation of antimony used as a stibium, [Colloq. (5s33 what knows) tongue, [Colloq. 9 diwa'l', see the last. -m tfes^i 529 ^^^i&9 dao3i(^(S^j(5, Rasatelkola, 1 a. sort of bind-weed 6xsii(^Q, Kasatella, /with twining stem, large pointed leaves, and pale rose-coloured flow- ers, tpomcea sepiaria (Convolvulaceoe). do8c5, Rasadiya, 8. (das mercury, ^C5 water) quick- silver. <5m^), Rasa-diva, s. uvula. doeffli^, Rasa-dhdtu, s. (dss juice, or liquefied substance of the body, Qij^ metal) one of the primary or essential juices of the body, seven of which are enumerated; from the rasa dhatu blood, serum, etc, are engendered; also, quick- silver, desSic^, Rasa-ilhdrd, see (5e53S)j<5 rasddhdra. dieisiSxC, Rasanwela, .s. girdle, zone, chain Avorn round the loins. 6oi&^, Rasana, s. (deo to sound or taste) tasting, taste; sound, noise, deseao, Rasand, s. woman's girdle, chain worn round the loins; rare plant with twining, pink flowers, and root used as an emetic, paederta foetid a. do5)Dd, Rasandtha, 8. (6ea juice, fluid, end chief) quicksilver, [Colloq. da^ca rasadiya]. 6tss:o^, Rasandddma, 8. des33 girdle, <^ string) zone, girdle worn round the loins. dea(3383, Rasabalanaxvd, v. to taste: pret. dsa S)tg&3 rasabeluiid. deB, Rasabhawa, s. (des chyle, eo produced) blood, [Colloq. (3^(^ le^. dees*Dd, Rasa-mora, s. tree, dimocarpua pupilla, or species of nephelium. de8o5, Raaawat, a. (dse taste, eJ poss. aff.) tasty, sapid, savoury. d56tr^, Rasa-wel, s. rings, etc. used by dancers. doEKc*, Rasa-saya, s. (des and eecs six) the six fla- vours, sweet, sour, salt, bitter, pungent, astrin- gent. 6te.tS)6, Rasahara, a. vein, nerve, tendon, f Colloq. eosjd^ naharaya^. draesc*, Raaahal, a. Patala or the Nagaloka: see d533S0^=; raadtala; alligator, f Colloq. :S>^Q,okim- buld^. ds2). Rasa, s. the eaith, [Colloq. '^^jqQ polaiva]', tongue, [Colloq. Jj 9 r/'a]; twining plant with flowers in compound umbels, cissampeloa hexaJi- dra or atephania rotunda; ciaaampeloa pareira, [Colloq. iJ(j5'ic5D diyamitta'\; millet, setaria or jMxnicumitalica, [Colloq. (X)-<^(s)-)(^ tanahdQ; the frankincense tree, boawellia ihurifera or cana^ rium odoriferum; grape; drug: see C3D3>C53g kd- kdli. 6cBjS^^, Rasdnjana, . (das rasa juice, etc. (f^Bs^ D anjana collyrium) sort of coUyrium prepared with the calx of brass or with the amomum anthorrhiza. 6tBJ^, Raadna, a. ghee, or clarified butter, [Colloq. S(^ts3(^ gitel]. dj8305c> Rasdtala, a. (dea3 earth, tsiQ below, under- neath) name of Patala, the infernal regions, and the residence of the Nagas, Asuras, Daityas, and other races of monstrous and demoniacal beings; this is not to be confounded with naraka or tar- tarus, the proper hell or abode of guilty mortals after death. d3S)3d, Raaddkdra, s. (dss raaa water, jpoJjd d- dhdra receptacle) sun, [Colloq. fd ira']. deoocreo, Rasdyana, a. (dee raaa juice, quicksilver, tpct253 ay ana road, going) medicine preventing old age and prolonging life, the elixir vitae of the alchy mists; butter milk; alchymy, chem- istry; anthelmintic drug, [Colloquial: (;KiD-s>, Rasonaka, J [Colloq. ^!CC^S'9 ^^la- luhutiu or ^e^^.^sudu-lunul. 67 ^^ 630 ^6036^ <5s), Eaha, s. solitariness, privacy; sweetness; taste, flavour; toddy; spirituous liquor. dc5)cJ, Rahat, s. Elu form of ^^s5 arJicit, order of Buddhistical saints, such as have so far suibdued kl^sa or passion, as to be delivered from further transmigration: see <33S3C. ^^H<^' venerable respected, fit or worthy of being worshipped. (5ffi)6Jcg sita cold, cpoeS) asma stone) moon-stone; crystal. S^tsioQ, Sittbhdwa, s. ((8s) stta and flO30 nature) coolness, composure. (SQ, ^I'dhu, s. ((S to sleep, g aff.) rum, distilled from molasses. cSgcja, Stdhugandha, s. plant, mimusops elengi, [Colloq. ^^^(^ muna-mal"]. (9ge, Sulhu-pushjn, s. (<9g rum, gw pushpa flower, <^s^ in aff.) plant, mimusops elengi, [Colloq. S3(^ muna-maQ. cS6c, Sulhu-phala, s. ((8 and 6c fruit) emblic myrobalan, [Colloq. S^er-cS ^6^^0 ; see c@03 sita. iS@, ii'sha, s. head: see cS(5e3 sirasa, (S@5, Sirshaka,s. (c9@ and ioed^aw afE.) helmet; skull. (8@-3<^i Suklakdna, s. (ogajQ and J5>333S3, Suka-ndsa,s. (eg>and eaaeo nose) plant^ oroxylum indicum, [CoUoq. (3*3dc totila']', small tree, (Bschynomene 8esba?i. og)&S3, Suka-priyd, s. rose apple, jambosa vul- garis, [Colloq. dgg jambu]. cg, Suchi, s. (eg to purify, rJ in aff.) colour white; moon; purification by ablution, etc.; mental purity, virtue, goodness; accuracy, cor- rectness; month May- June, or June-July; hot season: a. white, pure, clean. eg^ ka aff.) rock salt: a. pure, purified, clean, cleansed; faultless, correct; white. ^^3365, ^uddhdnta, s. (eg suddha pure, (^3X0 anta end, limit) seraglio, harem; private or women's apartment in the palace of a prince. eg^cs, Siiddhiya, s. (cgS) suddha to be or make pure, ax9 kti aff.) cleaning, cleansing; purity, purification; correction, correctness. cg3, Sunya, s. cypher; number of dogs: see c 55339 sunya. cg3, Suna, ^ s. (eg to hear, to obey, 3 and cgsjs), Sunaka, > esiisS kan aff.) dog, [Colloquial: ege6, Suni, J dc^ balld]. cg^, Suni, s. bitch, [Colloq. k^Q belli]. C5^ 636 e^, Subhra, s. (^tsi subha to shine, 6 1'a aflp.) white sandal, santalum album, [Colloq. g^sjgsf sudu-handun'\\ talc; silver, [Colloq. 5^ nrf/]; green vitriol: a. white; shining. e^33?5i, Sub?irakrit, s. (cf^ white, 53sJ making) thirty-sixth year of the Indian cycle. eg^(^^jao3 2s5, Subhra-dehabhrit, s. (c^tg and S^i^es body, 553 ci who supports) name of Balarama; Indian crane, cg^i, Subhra, s. crystal; bambu manna. egajDocg, Sicbhrdnsu, s. (eg^ subhra and {f oeg ansu ray) moon; camphor: see cS oooog s7(iwsM, egtg, Subhri, s. (eg so subha to be auspicious, 6 r/ aff.) name of Brahma, cgoas), Sulka, s. toll, custom, tribute in general. cgc9, Sulwa, s. copper, [Colloq. 63 tamba'\. eg255, Sushka, a. (egs susha to dry, 5s> aff.) dry, dried; groundless, cgeero >K)Jc6, Sushlca-gomaya, s. dried cow dung, [Colloq. >c553i)t(59 gomaweratt]. egssffl c3C8e^, ushka-pai/as, s. foam of the sea, [Colloq. g(3Nae3 7WMa aff.) hole, vacuity, chasm; wind instrument: a. per- forated, bored, full of holes. cqssi, Suka, s. awn of barley. cffi)3, Sukd, s. cowach. c5j)<5, ukara, s. (c) awn, bristle, 6 aff. or c imitative sound, asid what makes) hog; sort of deer, hog deer. c|o5), ^ukarika, s. (c><5 sw^-ara pig, > eX-a aff.) one who kills and vends the flesh of pigs, butcher. ci8, Sukari, s. sow, [Colloq. <^8 ^r/]. c-255(@iS)3, (Swl-asmSa, 1 s. cowach, carpopogon c-25)(SiS, ^ukasimbi, } prnriens, [Colloq. g<^ x waudurume'j. egg, Sudra, s, man of the fourth or servile tribe, said to have sprung from the feet of Brahma. cD2&, Sunya, s. heaven, sky, sether; cypher; vacuum: a. empty, void, lonely, desert. c5o53, Sunyakd, s. annual plant, borago zeyla- nica, [Colloq. (3^cs32d-sg yontumba'], cgesDso, Sunyd, s. hollow reed; prickly pear, ojmntia diUenii, [Colloq. ^sjQo-eg^sJ katu-patuk'\. cf 8, Surpa, s. winnowing basket; measure of two Dronas. c6-^, Surparna, s. species of bean, ^>AaseoZws trilobus, [Colloq. ansS^x binme'^, cd. Sura, s. (c|<5 to brave, ^ a aff.) hero; lion; bear; sun: a. brave, valiant, powerful; clever, skilful. (^6<^, Suratia, s. (c|(5 ^wra to hurt,) plant with edible root, amorphophallu campanulatus, [Coll: Sa)3d'25i kiddran^', tree, oroxylum indicum, [Colloq. ira, [Colloq, 3<5(f e3^(3^J haralsebo^. >c53e3, aitya, a. (cSs5 ska cold, fp, Sairiha, s. {'^6 sira plough, (^-^an and 553 ika affixs) plougli-mau, plough-ox. ^coScs, Sairtya, \ s. plant, barleria prionitis, 6\3??csi55, Smri'i/aka, ) [Colloq. 2S5ffi)<5 Jcatu- ^(5^c Saila, s. (cSc' ?^^'^ rock, stone, ff-'^ an aflF.) mountain; bitumen; storax; collyrium prepared with the calx of brass or the ammomum anthorhizon; rock moss, [Colloq. (5>(^s^e3(5^9(^ gal-seweV]'. a. mountainous, mountaineer; stony, rocky. 139(343), Sailaka, s. (C5?c and ss) pleonasm) storax or benzoin. Si33Qd, Sailaja, s. (&<^8c saiwala vallis- neria, ^S ini aff.) i*iver in general, [Colloq. C50 ganga']. i338e3c5, Saiwa-samaya, s. (^{ra8 and eeSca religion) worship or sect of Siva. issSog, ^aiwdla, s. (cS si to sleep on the water, QoQ^ wdlan aff.) aquatic plant, blyxa or vallis- neria octandra, [Colloq. S>g3>8(^ sewer\. 1CBC538, ^aisawa, s. (cSeg sisu child, ^, 6J:a, s. (g8 sucha to regret, <5sxd kta aff.) sorrow, grief. 53cs, Sokdgniya, s. (s^<5^J^5) s, ^onaka, s. flowering plant, oryxilum in licum, [Colloq. SiS)3G totila"]. vcacf, Sdna-ratna, s. (qc5?J-5d, 6tha, s. swelling, intumescence, [Colloq. g'':r!gS) idimutna']. SM53:Jde326, Sothaghni, s. hogweed. o?J3253, Sodhana, s. (cgQ siidka to be or make pure, -(SkM nya aff.) cleaning, cleansing, purify- ing, refusing of metals; correcting, freeing from faults or errors; faeces, ordure; lime: a. cleaning, purifying, that which cleanses or purifies. s*(5sJ5)26, Sodhani, s. (^oJcDea sodhana and 3^ i aft".) broom, [Colloq. ^J3ede3 kossa']. S>cb:J32Qc5, Sodhaniya, a. to be corrected, cleaned or refined. SNC3J3, 6dhita, a. corrected, cleaned, purified, discharged (as a debt). C3'o3<5, Sautira, s. (s^csiS .saw/a to be proud, ^ <5J t'ran aff.) hero; ascetic, one who abandons the world: a. proud, haughty. S^sai-!^, Saunda, a, (e^'tsjscQa sundd spirituous liquor, t^ -e^ an aff.) drunk, intoxicated. S^cKT^s^caf, Saundari/a, s. pride, arrogance, [Coll: (3^,(5 i) tiddrama']. (S??tCS' CB)), ^ydwa, e. colour brown. SXS3625, yeta, s. hawk, falcon, [Colloq. ^^geseso ukusad, (^d5(3c3a ra;aZ^a] : a. white, of a white colour, [Colloq. ^ siulu]. gc5, /fra<, ind. particle and" prefix, implying belief or reverence. @Si3, Sraddhd, s. (gcJ ?rat implying belief, etc. S)j dhd to have or hold, ^S) a'^ and Sod tdp aff.) respect, reverence; faith, belief; wish, desire; purity. ^ ^'^'l" "^ ; g8i)o8Ss3c&, S'rdaand-chantaya, s. (gs)3 and S^os charita conduct) piety, religiousness. gSDaS, Sraddhdwa, s. (sssJ sa^ particle implying reverence, Qo dhd to hold, to have) trust, con- fidence, faith, religious belief; respect, reverence; purity. gS)303S3, Srddhdwanta, a. ((gS)3 and 03O3 poss. aff.) pious, religious, faithful; pure, holy. g3Q, Sraddhdlu, a. ( Srdddha-dewa, s. (go funeral cere- mony, (9^4 deity) Yama, judge and monarch of the dead. ^36}, Srdnta, 8. (g srama to- be tranquil or wearied, esxn kta aff.) ascetic, one with subdued passions: . calm, tranquil; wearied, fatigued. ao(?>^(5, Srdmanera, s. (c^S asatic, Q^-^6 aff.) pupil of a Buddhist priest, novice. g33<3f, Sramdnya, s. asceticism; mendicity. goes, Srdya, s. (< *?7 to serve) refuge, reliance, shelter or protection. g39s5, Srdwaka, s. (^ sru to hear, religious dis- courses, aff.) pupil or follower of Buddha, Buddhist. g393^, Srdwantt, s. a city: see s3iicJ me^ , Sn'^a, a. ( to serve, OT kta aff.) cherished, protected; served, honored, worshipped. CS353 2S339, Sriydhdntdica, see (g>3?ro38 sn- ^cSD, Srii/dwa, s. noble appearance, beauty. flcS330>ct3, Sriydwantayd , s. person of a beauti- ful countenance. (9, Sri, s. (^ to serve, to worship, and the vowel made long) goddess Lakshmi, the deity of plenty and prosperity; fortune, prosperity, success, thriving; beauty, splendour, lustre ; state, para- phernalia; elevation, consequence; fame, glory; wealth; ptnus longifolia; also, beli tree: a. famous, splendid, illustrious, etc. ^iSi6, Srikara, s. (^ fortune, etc. ffi)d who makes or confers) Vishnu: red lotus, nymphcea rubra, [CoUoq. (5a5s^^^^i) rat-nelum] ; also, blue lotus, nymphoea stellata, [CoUoq. !9(^ S3S^^^>(^ nil- mdnel']; plant, plectranthus zeylanicus, [Colloq. gSs^SScemwmj/a]: a. conferring prosperity. ^iS)^, Srikari, s. betel pepper, piper betle, fColloq, QecJ bulat]. (gi5)3?rr3), Srikdntdwa, s. (^ and ffi533033 kdntd mistress^ name of Lakshmi. ^q)<(S belt]. '^Qd, Sridhara, s. (^ the goddess, etc. q)6 who has) name of Vishnu; plant, species of basil, [Colloq. 5(33 tald']. i^56?>5Jq3, Srznike'ta, Is. Vishnu; red lotus, c^^6s^5a33, Srinike'tana, ) nymphoea rubra, [Coll: c55i*3fiD rat-nelurn]. ;giSS(^-^3, Sri-nirgunti, s. tree, nyctanthes arbor tristis, [Colloq. iSi^aQo kalutald']. ^^98353, Sinniwdsa, s. Vishnu. <^o&, Srfpati, s. Vishnu. :C3<>^, Sri-par7ia, .. (^ beauty, o^ leaf) shrub, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. e^-sis^^SS etdemata']', silk cotton tree; aquatic plant, pistia stratiotes, [Colloq. C5C2<5^(33 diyaparanald']. (C36<^, Sri-parni, s. tree, premna spinosa, [Coll: S ?9 ?s5^ ^ sihin-midi'} . (g3^<^45>3, Sn'-parnikd, s, aromatic plant, the leaves of which are used in making curry, murraya Koenigii, [Colloq. 455(58o=) karapiiicha"]. ^t^b-^, Sri-parni, s. shrub, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. (^sJs^ij3 et-demata'\; tree, prenma spenosa, [Colloq. fi!Bed' sihin-midi']. (^03^, Sripdda, s. (< fame, aoe^ foof* foot or feet of Buddha; the epithet refers to the 216 auspi- cious marks or signs on the soles of his feet, indicative of his character and dignity; mountain in the interior of Cejdon, commonly called Adam's Peak, the name Sripada alludes to the fable of there being an impression of Buddha's foot on its summit. (ggao, Sri-pushpa, 8. clove tree, caiyophylltis aromaticus, [Colloq. )c5 kardbu]. igsfiCj Sn'-phala, s. (^ beauty, 6c fruit) bael fruit tree, cegle marmelos, [Colloq. (S^QQ beli"]. 6(3, Sn'-phali, 8. emblic myrobalan, phyllanthus embltca, [CoUoq. >2S3c3 nelW]; indigo plant, indigofera tinctoria, [Colloq. 55, Sri-yukta,a. ((^ prosperity, g^3D possess- ing) famous, illustrious; fortunate, wealthy. ^6s5, Sj-i-rasa, s. (^ pine tree, des jiiice) turpen- tine. (^(3o) oc5, Srilankddwvpaya, s. ((^ famous, qo a53 and o dwtpa island) name of Ceylon. (c5, Sn'watsa, s, ("( Lakshmi, odbs dear to) name of Vishnu; particular mark, usually said to be a curl of hair on the breast of Vishnu or Krishna. (o:e83)s5), Srmatsdiika, s. (tgSexs sriwatsa and f SbB aiika mark) Vishnu, see the last. ;3e3, Sriwdsa, s. (^ pine, etc. 3S3 abode) tur- pentine; lotus; Vishnu. :a^, Sri-wrtksha, s. (( auspecious, QiSss tree) bo tree, ^ficus religiosa, [Colloq. s-QivSicj bogaha], ^S^SaQ, Sriweshta, see ^6^ srirasa. :^(s'93Qs5, Sri-weshtaka, s. plant, amyrus agaJJo- cha, [Colloq. (^cg(^ guguQ- (gcjcssS^, Sri-hasttm, s. (< Lakshmi, weas) hasta hand, 3(5, Srigdin, } ssiOQisS kdlan affix or oaSto sringa horn, a neg. c^ ^<^* ^ have) jackal, [Colloq. e:)8c23 nariyd^j ; coward, poltroon; rogue, cheat. >aaSK(3, Srinkhala, s. belt or chain worn round a man's body; fetter in general. vSa5bJgs3, SriAkhalita, a. (cas^Bc srinkhala chain, 0S3 ita aff.) bound, chained, fettered, captive. iSaSte), Sringa, .s. horn; mark, sign; the top of a mountain; sovereignty; dignity, etc.; very sharp; minutely fine. 53aStos-d, Sirifiga-ioera, s. ginger, [Colloq. f c^cJi ingurii]. cBaStosS), Sritigdta, Is. (oaSlbo sri?iga horn, a3a9i!0335, Sringdtaka, ) |p5 ata to go or be) place where four roads meet; aquatic plant, trajm bispinosa, [Colloq. 96iQcs ikih'i/a']; shrub, ruellia or barleria longifolia. S33ste)3<5, ^ritigdra, s. (csaates sri?iga eminence, ssa rt to go or obtain) love, the passion or sentiment as an object of poetical description or dramatic representation; coition; cloves; fragrant perfume for the person. 098ate)3(5i^3c5(5^c5j^, Srifigdra-yoni, s. (osastesd and S^csJ^ origin) Kama the deity of love. (5339jto3?, Sri'Agdri, s. betel nut tree, areca catechu, [Colloq. ^z)?^ puwak~\', dress; decoration. aaaeJS, Sri?igi, s. sort of sheat fish, sitrus pungen- tissimus; gold for ornaments. csaaSXS^SJ, Sririgika, s. sort of poison; plant, betula. csaaXS^j^, Sri^gina, s. (tssaSto sringa horn, ^jSDma afF.) ram, [Colloq. iQifi) betaluwd']. c5?a'B)sJ, Sringin, s. (cJaeXo sriAga horn, <^di ini poss. aff.) elephant; mountain; tree: a. horned; crested, peaked. s3a2XQs*6Q(Ji pe'h'ya']; company, comporation. (3^(g3, Sredhl, s. arithmetical progression. S^^cse^, Sreyas, s. virtue, moral merit; final happi- ness or emancipation; good fortune, auspicious- ness, prosperity: a. best, most excellent. (s^^cfS, Sreyasi, s, plant, resembling pepper, piper longum, [Colloq d Sid8Q gaja-tippili']', yellow or chelubic myrobalan, terminalia chebula,[Qo\l: t^6b ai-alii j ; creeping plant, cissampelos pareira, [Colloq. ^^Q>3) diyamitta\ (o^geftib, Sre'shtha, a. best, excellent, most excellent; oldest, senior. 641 @\(Sd&S) @eftS9, Sre'shthd, s, tree, terminalia chehula, [Colloq. f^6b aralu] ; also, the three myrobalans, [Colloq. &OC ttpala]. >(S5^3Sa5)<5-^, Sreshthddhiharana, s. supreme court of justice. (S)iEX3^^i Sleshmaka, 8. tree, huchanania latifolta, [Colloq. iQ8oi> kiripalu]. (5>es(3i^8S2r5, SleshmagJina, a. removing phlegm. SC5V3^5S2S33, Sleskmaghnd, s. Arabian jasmine; plant, odorati88imus pandanus, [Colloq. SiQiS^^s} wetake'\. >(SX35k)6c Sle'shma-phala, s. plant, cordia myxa, [Colloq. (F^c^S lolu] : a. phlegmatic, abounding or affected with phlegm. >KX3^3) SlesJand, s. (cB@!5 sUsha to embrace, adhere to, the body, ^^ manin aff.) phlegmat- ic humour, one of the three chief humours of the body. (S\(5\2(^3C5^, Sh'shmdtaJca, s. plant, cordia myxa, [Colloq. s^c^g lolu]. G^s^^, Sle'sha, s. (g3@^3 slisha to embrace, adhere to, ^na aff.) union, junction; adhering, cling- ing to; figure of rhetoric, choice or connection of words so as to admit of a double interpretation, species of paronomasia or pun. S^c5^(3J^5), Sloka, 8. ((3>aacJaa to compose, as verses, f9 ach aff.) verse, stanza; fame, celebrity. (5?35 gokatii]. (s)is^, Swan, s. dog, [Colloq. 'q)(^q'3 halld']. :} an aff.) man of a degraded and cntcast tribe, living on the refuse of the other tribes and only employed in the meanest capacitiei^, as public executioners, etc. C3e)s5, Swahhra, s. hole, gap, chasm. (5^^, Swai'hJ>d,s. tree, bauhinia purpurea, rCoU: G^^i'S)Qq kobalila']. C5e)iacx8, Swan-ritti, s. (:i, Swastya, 3 tynl aff.) future, what will be to-morrow, etc. cS3e)esej, Swasada, s. borax, [Colloq. grifs5<5 pus- hara], cse)e30, Swasana, s. (csQia to breathe, q^Q lyutsJS:.) air, wind; })reathing, breath; sighing; plant, thorny shrub, randia^ dumetorum, [Colloq. 55(5i 9o huhurumuwan'\ . csSoaa, Swdna, s. dog, [Colloq. (^co balld']. sQoss, Swdsa, s. ((s)2 swasa to breathe, --^ wa aff.) breath, breathing; air, wind; sighing, sigh. (sSoea goK^oes, Swdsa-prdswdsa, 8. (kQdss inspira- tion, g3tS303S3 expiration) respiration, breathing. sS33^(5, Swe'ta-khadira, s. (sncsQ and a)^6 mimosa) white sort of acacia suma or a. catechu. (S^c-?3-^ and d^ eugenia) white species of eugenia, [Colloq . 3^es) ^% hela-dani], S^(!BQc^ 00455 , Sweta-pushpaka. \ s. (s^0!c3 white, (3\csS)gaaa, Sweta-pushpd, Vg-^ flower) the <5*Kogs8. Swe'ta-pushpi, } white variety of the nerium odorum. (3^JK)s3gg'S3^, Sweta-prasunaJca, s. tree, iaj?a? (3^(s;e)Q3{S3D)o, Smta-bhandd, s. flower, clitoria ternatea, [Colloq. ^6(^5558s><356 nil-katarolu]. (Sv(sSo3(^, Sweta-madhurd,s. variety of murunga, [Colloq. 9i(^ dio(553 w(?Z-?nMr?m^a]. S\csQo3s@, Swe'ta-mushti, s. tree, not ascertained, [Colloq. s^53?)?53SS3, Swe'ta-wachd,s. (s^csSsj and 803 orris root) white orris root. s .^cnS^jS', Swe'ta-warna, s. (s^csQs) and 8-^ colour) colour white, [Colloq. gg:333 sudii- pdta~\. '3(SJ0s)83SJ, Swe'tawdha, s. tree, terminalia glabra, [Colloq. agJ kxmbuh']. - 3?9s33, Siveta-vishd, s. medicinal drug, lagen- andra lancifolia, [Colloq. q?^8c52rjr ativida- yan"]. (3isOs)G3c3, Sweta-sarshapa, s. white mustard, [Colloq. G*50ep hela-aba']. 5^ i25?9 33833(5, Swe'tasdra, s. (>(k)o white, es3<5 pith or essence) tree, acacia suma or a. catechu. 'i^ejQiaSes, Sive'ta-sisa, s. (skc3 and 9s5 lead) white lead, [Colloq. ^gc?ca sudu-iyarn]. 3 j^S3^(5s3, Sweta-surasd, s. (^(sBs3 and ^^dsis rasan) white variety of the nyctanthes arbor tristis, [Colloq. s^e^e3^Q sepdia and s^e^33(353 ?o;e)S3ffi3oac, Swe'ta-hansa, s. white swan. S^Kc33e365, Swe'ta-hasti, s. (v(S3 and S3eS elephant) Indra's elephant; white elephant, [Colloq. e^g e^cjo eli-etd']. ^c!29)3, Swe'td, s. ((SS3 sWto and ^S ar^a swallow wort) gigantic swallow wort or mudar, calotropis gigantea, with white blossoms, [Colloq. G^as)8!:5 hela-ward~\. The thirty-first consonant of the Sinhalese alphabet, the second of the sibilants, and ex- pressed by sh. e>9, Shat, a. six, see ^ shash. s9s5, Shatka, a. six, six-fold. s9.D?, Shatpada, s. (ss9 six, 0.5 foot) bee, [Colloq. i,53B33 mtmessdl; louse, [Colloquial: (5 ?)-^ uktind'] . ^^ii 643 3oS5i^ s9c325DD(^(3^S^ ndmal-renu]. jsOaS^^ac), Shatpadeshta, s. tree, adina or nai/- clea cordifolia, [CoUoq. (S^-^^')(3^e^ kolorn], 5sS(5cp thought) voli- tion, will, resolve, mental determination. $3S)9 644 3ed C30 3D3, Sankd, s. doubt, uucertaiuty; fear, terror, apprehension. e3o5>53(5 ^^co, Sanhara-hhdmiya, s. dungbill. cso>3s, Sankdsa, a. in composition; like, similar, near, proximate. e3o98, Sankichc/i", s. name of Buddha in one of his incarnations. Soj9, Sankhandbha, s. perfume: see es-esJajiS) sakneba. esoQIlS), Sankha-mukha, s. (esoQ conch, ) face) alligator, [Colloq. f^^Qo ktmbuld^. isoS), Sangrdlia, s. the grip of a shield; seizing, gripping; clenching the fist. esoeoacSoj, Sangrihita, a. compiled, collectedj abridged, abbreviated. 63089, Sangha, s. multitude, number, collection; Buddhist priesthood, a convocation of priests, five of whom constitute a saijgha. e3o839'53, Sanghattana, s. (sso with k9Q ghatta to strike) meeting, encountering; the shock or encounter of rams, bulls, etc. eoo^So, Sanghatita, a. encountered, met; united, joined. SS08SCS3, Sanghayd, see esoas sangha. 3o 645 soe) ssoisdoeo, Sangha-ratna, s. (eeo^ and doso gem) one of the three gems of Buddhism, viz. the priesthood: see -2(5020 trividharatna. ssoKoS), Sa?ighdta, s. assemblage, multitude; kill- ing, striking, hurting. e3oM^S^c^s^, Sanghddtsesa, s, the second class of sins which are legislated for in the sacred code of the priesthood; there are thirteen crimes specified under this class in the Pratimoksha to which the priests are liable; when any of them is committed it must be confessed in the presence of a sanghaya, or a secret convocation of not less than five priests who after the confession have the power to adjudge the punishment. 650^3^652)8 ?9, Sanghdniismriti, s. (eso^ sa^gha, ep^eo^^ anusmriti reflection) respect or ven- eration for the priesthood, esoSd, Sanchara, s. (sso with Q6 to go) way, road, [Colloq. 533(5 para"] ; going, walking, proceeding. 8eo(5-(flScs, Sa^charanat/a, s. going, walking, pro- ceeding. esoSC) Sanchala, s. (eso and Qq to shake) moving, shaking, motion. e3o8(3, Sanchdraka, s. (sso and Q6 char a to go, S5 aff.) traveller, wanderer, pilgrim, [CoUoq. 6*^33S)3(5(a3 wandandkdrayd~\. eso83(5<5-, Sanyukta, a. (eso and %d yuja to join) joined with, connected, attached; endowed with, possessed of. esoygeo, Sanynga, s. (eeo and gtf yuja to join) war, battle; union, mixture, ss<>a3ci^9a5?3co, Satiyut-nikdya, "J s. (esojgo sanyuta ssoggcJes^cB, Sanyut-sangiya, J and es^ca compila- tion) thii-d of the five Sangis or books of the Sutra Pitaka: see eseSca sangiya. escogo, Sanyuta, a, connected, joined; mixed, blended; attached to. 3so(3\csJes3, Sanyoga, s. union, association, conjunc- tion. esoS\csdfc^^D, Sanyojana^s. (eso with (^d yuja to join) ordering, arranging, disposing, compounding. 6eoi5^}wega, s. (eso intensitive, ^d vija to agitate) hurry, flurry, haste proceeding from fear; emotion, agitation. C6ov^, Sanweda, s, (sso and Qq vida to know) perception, consciousness; intellect, understand- ing. esoSa'SSSD, Sanwritta, a. (eso and 09S) writa to screen) hidden, concealed; possessed of, endowed. eso8a^, Sa?iwritt, see esoQ^cs sanwartaya. seooi3(5, Sanslesha, s. (eso before, (ssQ^ slisha to unite) embrace, union, contact. C6OG305, Sansaya, s. uncertainty, doubt. ssoeg^, Sansvddhi, 1 s. (eso before, cgQ sudJia seo(S\e3Ja)3, Sansodhana, J to be or make pure) cleaning, correcting, purifying; paying, dis- charging. C8oga3, Sansraddhd, s. (eso and gSo religious belief) firm belief and strict performance of religious duties. esogcs, Sansraya, s. protection, safety, refuge. ssocesiad, Sanskdra, a. (eso implying perfection, ^aa hri to make, (^<^an affix with ^8 sut augment) apprehension, conception, completiag, perfect- ing, accomplishing, finishing; embellishment, decoration, faculty; purificatory rite or cer- emony. 5o5^5, Sanskrita,s^ (eeo excellence or perfection, &"ia S5 krita done) classical and sacred language of the Hindus: a, wrought, made; artificially produced; decorated, ornamented; cooked, dress- ed; best, excellent. esoeaod, Samtara, s. (eso and tesja stri to spread) bed, couch, bed of leaves. esocoS, Sanstha,s. (eso and tefiD siM to stay) dweller, an inhabitant: a. staying, stopping, fixed, sta- tionary; staying with, associated, domesticated; lucky, fortunate. esoceSo, Sansthd, s. state or condition oi" beiag ; stop, stay, end, completion. esoeoQjSD, Sansthdna, s. (eso and ee^o sthd to be) form, figure, shape; fabrication, construction; mark, spot, sign. esoEdSoD, Sansthita, a. firm, remaining, stationary; established, fixed. esog^d-^sS, Sansmarana, s. (eso intensitive, ed-^83 saiisindewwd. seoQs^^-eoSa, Ssansindenawd, v. to be appeased, to be made calm or tranquil: pret. esoQigesD sa;^- sindund. i&o^^ji, Sanswddhiya, s. (eoo completely, g sud- dhi purification) purity, sanctity, holiness, entire purification of the affections and passions. i>o(5^qd, Sanse'daja, 1 s. (eso and tiSQ se'wa to serve) waiting on, serving; connection, contact, intimacy. 3So(5^8sJa ioce, Sansodhanaya, s. (s^o and s^sGcfQ^a sodhana purifying) cleaning, cleansing, purify- ing, literally or metaphorically. s;offi3S3, Saiihata, a. joined, attached or approx- imated to; struck, hurt, wounded, killed. eeo{03<5, SatiMra, 8. destruction, loss; abridgement; collection ; restraining. 28656 o, Sanhita, a. attached, joined; collected, assembled. s5ocSc33, Sanhita, s. a compilation, digest, code, junction, saiidhi, proximity. CJ, Sak, 8. conch shell perforated at the spiral end and used as a musical instrument; chank from e^oQ sanJcha; wheel, circle, from 8^ chakra; eye, from Sasg*^ chakshus; multitude, collection; Sakra, from is?^^ sah-a; hiding, con- cealment; antimony: see also, ssed 3(3^6^033 sakwdlihiniyd. s3Jc?, Sak-avi,8. poet, bard, panegyrist; weapon of Sakra or Indra, thunderbolt, [Colloq. >K)e3 hena']. ^iS^iS), SakJca, 8. jaw; Pali form of Sakra; man of the Sakya race; province inhabited by the descendants of the Sdkyarace: a. clever, skilful, able. S3id53(5, Sakhdra, 8. charity, hospitality, entertain- ment of strangers. s3:Qg03, Sakkhalita, a. stumbled; fettered, ob- structed, hindered, impeded, opposed. 33id(3*racs, Sakgediya, s. (taisi and (3>C3 gedt any globular substance) conch shell, chank. essJs-.ijg, Sak-dew, s. (es^J and s^qQ a god) Sakra or Indra: see o^ sakra. ?3Je6cs, Sakniya, s. drug. s3J3iS), Sakneba, 8. (e3^s5 shell, S3iS) navel) perfume, according to some a dried substance made from a shell-fish and said to resemble the conch or chank shell; according to others a vegetable perfume. c3Je3- Sakwala-gala, 8. (se^ and or; rock) range of mountains supposed to encircle the universe, and to form its boundaries ; see the last. 63a5J9(5)xS), Sakwala-geba, s. (e3JC and cm womb) interior of the universe, or the space included within the mountainous range encircl- ing the universe. C3!f93 648 82553(^ geta-netul] ; demon slain by Krishna. S3)3&)<5, Sakatadhura, s. (ss^aQ and g(5 yoke) yoke of a cart, ox or bullock; cart, conveyance; leader of a multitude of carts. es)35g, Sakata-ripu, s. (s353 demon, Sg enemy) name of Vishnu, from his slaying the demon Sakata. S353'3^CJ33, Sakatalochana, s. plant, aymrus agallocha, [Colloq. cgogc^ gugul'\. e3S;g'3, Sakadimu, s. (S3> Indra, -^ bow) rain- bow, [Colloq. s^^gerfea de'dunnal. esisgcn., Sakaduru, s. date tree, phceniiv zeylanica, [Colloq. ^f indil^. esaad, Sakap, a. sorrowful, beautiful, comely, fortunate, happy, auspicious. es(3>oJc5i8, Saka-poruwa, s. potter's Avheel. e3i5><3S', Sakarna, s. (es with SSi<& ear) hearing, listening, attending, regarding. es), Sakarmaka, a. (in grammar) relating 10 the transitive verb. S355>(5, Sakara, s. raw sugar, from (S?S)<^ mrkara. ssoc Sakala, a. all, whole, entire. C33)(5(9qcs, Sakalajneya, a. (ecs>e all, (^^(a^c^ know- ledge) omniscient; all wise. ss53(35E), Sakalamukta, a. (s33c entire, ^S5C5 released) Nirwana, final emancipation, annihila- tion. tsssiQo^Qct, Sakaldsrawaya, s, (S555(5 sakala all, fp^0 dsrawa transgression) the four sources of sin, viz. passion, existen(?e, religious belief, and ignorance. s3S5g538, Sakalikdwa, s. (c3 with a55(55D kalikd unblown flower) unblown flower, [Colloq. (^ ssiz-^Q mal-kekula'] . tQSSi^, Sakas, a. well, good, excellent, [Colloq. cesi of^ yahapatl; fit, proper; pure, purified, conse- crated; prepared, compounded, etc.; Elu form of saoeeaagsD sanskrita. s3S5ed^55a)c5, Sakaskadaya, s. name of a book written in Pali containing a sketch of the life of Buddha. 53ffi)e^c5-8(iQ ge'-kinllQ. 8355<5, Sahurd, s. {^i^3C;<5)3 6(^ce, Sakriddgdmi-phalaya, s. (se)a; coD^ and 6c phala fruit, reward) enjoyments of the state of Sakridagmi: see the last, 3^5>a^<533^ 3 saha with uoSe^ going) fellow-traveller, companion, [Colloquial: ffiJt (E>5iS)525^eD3 ketuwa gamankarannd']. escovs^, Sagana, a. (es sa. iR'^^ class) poetical Toot S3 sa', consisting of three syllables; the two lirst being short, and the last, long, Anapajst. 63(5)053, Sagayd, s. celestial being, deity; young man, lad, [Colloq. (3^ffi5^(^C^ kolld^. 3(53(5, Sagara, s. celebrated Hindu sovereign. 3(5)8i8, Sagawesi, s. (es(5) Swarga, QxQ who dwells) a god, deity. ssc^<^, Saguna, a. (es for sees saya six, with cg-<^ part) six-fold. e3K)(5, Sangara, s. ointment, unction; abridgment. ^iSid, Savgairtm, s. war, [Coll: ogeSca y?/c?c?Aaya]. 33c:5^6, Sangardiva, s. compilation and abridg- ment, from e2o(g)!5) sangraha. 33eocJi.83. Sangaruivana, see sso^cJosj sangha- ratna. -cscoQ, Snngala, s. pair, couple, two, [Colloq. 55 8 kuttama~\. 33g)(5Sgc5, Sangala-siwura, s. (sscog and Sg(5 robe) double robe worn by the Upasampad^, or highest order of priest. sss3839), Sangaioanawd, v. to cause to be hidden or concealed: pret. e8zS\ie^983 sengewwd: causal form of e3o(3)2a83 sanga7iawd. 3S39i(3, Sanga-vjrla, s. (esK) priests, 0i(3 row or line) row of priests. ssSot, Sangiya, s. (^osan with, together, (Si^gama to go, (^si in aff.) compilation, collection, but particularly the five sangis or divisions of the teachings of Buddha, viz. dik, medum, sanyut, angottara, and kudugot; these are accompanied with commentaries and glosses called atuwd or arthakath/i, which are further explained in tikas or supplementary commentaries, and the most difficult passages are collected and explain- ed in separate works, hence called ganthi pada. e653c5, Sangara, s. war, battle, [Colloq. cgeacs yuddhayai; misfortune, calamity; promise, i^sent, agreement; bribe; friendship; power; | heap, multitude. flame; mixing, confound- 650 3c)e taiQ&, SaAgz'ti, s. (esosan together, csagd to sign) science of music and dancing; exhibition of song and music at public entertainments: see ssooto^' -2338 sangdyandwa. e6St9^53(5>, Scuigitil-draka^ s. (ess)^ and Siz6 who does, ssi aff,) musician, public exhibitor of song and music on festival occasions; priest of Buddha, public reader and expounder of the ban a. esS) 1 ' > Sachcha, Pali form of e30> satya. 6389, J tsSs^csJcB, )Sachcha-y6gi, s. (ss and (S^csJcB e38S'3\c5;JcS, j ascetic) sincere devotee. tee)e^J, Sajjo, s. tree, vateria acuminata, [Colloq. S)(^ hal]. 535126^, Sajdti, a. (c3 for essj saha similar, with ?36?S kind) of the same sort or species, of the same tribe. 63555^05, Sajdtzya, s. of the same tribe or species, see?, Sajtwa, a. (es for esss saha with c?8 life) alive, living. e5>dJa3, Sajota, a. (ee for ess) saAa with, having, ^?9 jutt light) shining, glittering, brilliant. esa^cr, Sanchaya, s. (cso ^oij' before, r//^' ti collect) heap, quantity; multitude. 83i85^(5, Sanchara, s. difficult passage; road, route; course. s5Js'(52S3, Sanchalana, s. (eso san and 8(5 c^a/a to shake) trembling, shaking. s&iffiBe)3(5, Sanchdra, see e3?s)<5 sanchara. ^i'-^.f, Sanja, s. (^^o san before, ds^jana to be born or created by whom) name of ]>rahma, as creator, also of Siva; the name of an opponent of Buddha. S3^,S3. Sanjdta, a. born, produced. S3^jf^>, Sannaka, s. name applied to half of Anuswara or bindu sign "o" attached to a consonant. S3 hatha to use violence) fight, conriict, contest, \v:n\ battle: pi. ssS^ safari. esSs^^ <2?c32539), Sutahan-kapanaivd, /% to write on letters as practised by natives when begin- ning to write on olas. ^Q(sy 651 8^S esOjoao, Satahana, s. fss before, &3 thd to be, to stay) mark, sign, sketch, outline; memorandum: pi. isSoestf satahan. S33, Sati, "I .*. zedoary, kccmpferia galanga, [Coll: esQ, Sati, ^^is^c^QitQ hingurupiyaW]. 335, Sattka, a. (es with 353 ttkd commentary) accompanied or explained by a commentary. S)ocg.S3c5<68j, Sadangukarariaiod , v. to quarrel. - ssSocgS, Sadanguwa, s. quarrel, broil, fray, tumult. e3^ocg^8^^0^, Sadangw-wenawd, v. to fall out; to quarrel. ssgeo^, Sadu-ganda, s. stink, musty smell. e88, Saduwa, s. chaff, [Colloq. s^C(^ ^/') S^S3^^ potu^. ^^Si, Sanda, s. eunuch, [Colloq. sssgossocoo na- punsakayd']; bull at liberty; multitude of lotus flowers; wood, forest. 3idoS3escs, Sanddsaya, s. pair of large pincers; smith's vice, [Colloq. 3^, Satkdra, s. (saci and )3d doing) hospital- ity, entertainment of strangers; practice of pres- cribed duties to elders, superiors, etc; proper conduct, virtue. e3c5c55<5^83, Satkara-karanawd^ v. to treat, to entertain. fiseJe^GoS, Satkula-paw, see esec^^^OejSss sapta- kiifa-parwata, fi85aa^, Sathriti, s. (e3c5 good, SJa^ doing) doing good, acting properly, virtue, morality. esQS), Satta, Pali form of escJSJ sapta. 8sc5s>a3, Sattaka, 8, certainty: a. true, certain, sure. e3?55aD5n.23(5iOw03, Sattaka-karanawd, v. to assure, to aflfiirm, to certify, to confirm by oath or ordeal. 33a3e)v'!gQ :2S)S)s5, Sattakuta-pabbata, seeesessso^Q OS'S saptakuta-parivata. ;2'S)S3<5^'fiS5, Satta-bkumika, a. (esajCD seven, ^@ ground, <^Si ika aff.) seven-storied, as a house. cseoESj, Sattama, a. (sscJ good, tsi^d tamas aff.) best, excellent, eminent; respectable, venerable; seventh. seoeoj, Sattd, a. (essi being, 033 aff.) being, exist- ence; goodness, exceDence, merit. eS'Sjeoo, Sattdha, s. (ssoea satta seven, cpsa aha day) week, [Colloq. gSoS^ssi sunidne]. 33s542, Sattutu, s. man professing to cure the bite of serpents by charms and incantations. S3i5J-2g<5o, Sat-turanga, 8. (escJ seven, eg(5o horse) sun, alluding to his chariot being drawn by seven horses, [Colloq. <(5 ira']. escS, Sattha, s. company of traders, caravan, from e33iS& sdrtha. esedSsaoo, Sattha-wdhaka. s. (eesS and SssiO who carries) trader, travelling merchant, head of a caravan. seQ^j, Satthd, s. name of Buddha; Pali form of (5338Q)3 sdstri. saaJ^C? Satdala, s. tree, alstonia ^or echites) scholaris, [Colloq. (5iJcp6Je33 rtt^--aWawa]. e66J^aos)3, Satdahatald, s. corruptly for es^oJ 33^3 sadattald, which see. ec5c3c5, Sat-pat, s. (esci seven, otsJ leaf) tree, alstonia scholaris, having six and seven leaves on a stalk, [CoUoq, c5lJ{f sJo^j ruk-attanfi]. s3ois^, Sat-patra, s. (esaJ good, c^ leaf) new leaf of a water lily. e3sx:c5lai, Satpurusha, a. (e55 good, gc5l.e man) good, virtuous, moral; excellent, best. s35Xic5i,!S4is, Satpurushakama, s. virtue. ess^ciiaices, Satpurushayd, s. virtuous man, good man. S3c5s^o^ ^esSef, Satpeti-desaman, s. double jas- mine. e3c56c Sat-phala, s. (escJ good, 6o fruit) pome- granate, jmnica granatum, [Colloq. (S>, Satyaka, s. attestation or asseveration; ratification of a bargain. eacas-sgcSD, Satya-hiydwa, s. (sscoa truth, oath, ^caa kriyd act, doing) asseveration, invoking a deity, etc. to witness to the truth. e3S3Ja^, Satyaknti, s. (53033 certain, as>3^ doing) ratification of a bargain. e203a3s>es3ca, Satya-jndnaya, s. (es^oa truth, b (3\@J^ welendd'\. sacJes^, Satsanda, see ss^Jss^ saksanda. sssJesd, Satsara, s. way, road, path, [Colloq. 006 pdra"] ; the seven lakes in the Himalaya mount- ain; name of Buddha. eseJi^, Sathu, plural of e^cJ sat. esa), Sata, s. seven; umbrella, from -d^ chhafra; weapon, instrument, tool: see g3^ santra. S36Dc5, Satat. s. name of Brahma, as the alJ ])ei- vading spirit. 3C3w, Satata, a. eternal, continual. S3S3C3C^(5cs, Satatajwaraya, s. (esaaoj continual, ^6 jwara iever) synochus or continued fever. esoQj, Satadhd, s. (sss3 hundred, blossoms, S)j tn have) bent grass, panicum dactylon: . in a hundred ways, a hundred fold. eso3o33(5, Satadhdra, s. (s203 hundred, Qo^ dhdrd edge) thunderbolt, [Colloq. SMoaa Jiena]: a, flowing in many streams, sacoesi, Satan, s. ace. or gen. plural of S3c5 saf, living creature; also, mind, heart. eaO55(3^s3s5, Satan-set, s. (sso35d beings, sacJ who tranquilises) name of Buddha. ess3dc3-S33, Satappawanawd, v. to cause to sleep: pret, e3i3xs5g3 seteppuwd; the causal form of 3ta)(3>c333 setapenawd. eaoasJ, Satapat, s. bird, [Colloq. s^d!i(^C3 ^'urtd- Za]; lotus, nelumbium speciosum, [Colloq. (S>'2o6 nelurn] . tsQi-ziS), Satapati, s. (s&OD hundred, o45 chief) centurion, commander of a hundred. S8S)C33, Satapd, s. centipede, [CoUoq. osJooxcsa patteyd\ e9^Q9 653 e35g es23e33iD, Satapdka, a. (eso hundred, a35 boiled) hundred times boiled, as oil, etc. taajg'jcj, Satapushpa, see eaesgaeaD satapushpd. asssd, Satara, s. the number four; science, scrip- ture, etc: see ckoc^ sdstra; name of Buddha: and of Vishnu. S3035 *7^OT^cfl, Satara-agattya, s. (ecsad four, fpsj^ nf^a^z injustice) four causes of regal injustice or oppression, viz. lust, anger, fear, and ignorance. 3(5 {^'Q^oo, Satara-anudiga, s. the four interme- iliate points of the compass. :- ,^(5 qpc33c5, Satara-apdya, s. (eeO(5 and ?po3C3 hell) i'oiiT states of existence regarded as retributive ; >unishments, viz. hell, birth as an irrational being, the condition of a preta or hobgoblin, and of an asura or titan. - z-id pcs!5ec3, Satara-dryaphalaya, see S^dcsf ^Qce chaturdrya-palaya. ,.S)6 pc523SS)c3, Satara-nryasatyaya, see S^gdcsi .3S3MC5 ckaturdrya-satyaya. _3(5 (gScaSS, Satara-iriyawwa, s. (s3S)(5 and (gS .;8 being) the four states of being, viz. sitting, standing, walking, and sleeping. :.v.3(5(303cs, Satara-updya, s. (esod and (^csace oxpedient) the four resorts of kings against an enemy, viz. sowing dissension, punishment, re- conciliation, gifts. :.^6 soaSoD^, Satara-riddhipdda, s. (eseadssaS and oD^ foot, or foundation) devout abstract medita- tion: see QxDia dhydna. SSC3 5 ioa^cs, Satartt-riddhiya, s. (30(5 and aea^S riddhi superhuman power) four sorts of riddhi or the supernatural power possessed by the Rahats of flying through the air. esod^ad, Satarakara, s. name of Vishnu. sas3<5(53^co, Satara-gatiya, see ssoi^ cp 03cs satara- apdya. ee63(58(5> Satarangul, s. (esasd four, cpcgc^ a^^w/ finger) tree, cassia fistula, [Colloq. e^eoi ehe- Za]; four fingers; four inches. ee35(5 , Satara-dam, s. doctrines of Buddha. fies3(5^o, Satara-diga, s. (eassd and ^eo quarter) the four cardinal points. eesjd O305?)38, Satara-pdrdjikdwa, s. (ssod and a3<^^)3 pdrdjikd crime) the four great crimes which cause the expulsion of a priest, and the loss of all his privileges, viz. sexual intercourse, tkeft, murder or being accessory to it, and false assumption of the character of Kahat. esQ3<5 o-i^SXSi, Satara-petta, see ssod^eo sataradtga. 62e3<5 g?9es2S:a, Satara-pratisandhiya, s. (esod and g^escS pratisandhi production) the four modes in which living beings are engendered, viz. oviparous, viviparous, vermiparous, and opapatika or supernatural birth, as the sudden appearance of the gods. S3S)<5 ^Sqcs, Satara-phalaya, s. enjoyment of bliss in the four paths, viz, Sowan, Sakridagami, Anagami, and Arhat, which see in their proper places. es(5cj, Satara-maga^ s. the four paths or stages of sanctification which one must arrive at before he could attain Nirwana. tata'S ^sii^QQ S3, Satara-mahadtwaina, Is. (sS3d ea3^ e)eooco, Sataror-mahadvipaya, J and eo 9S3 or So dvipa continent) the four conti- nents or grand divisions of the universe, situated ou the outside of the seven ranges of rocks surrounding Mahameru, at the cardinal points, and named aa follows, Piirwavideha, the eastern continent; Aparagoyana, the western; Jambu- dvipa, the southern; and Uturukuru, the nor- thern. 530c5 a53iQa)32S3, Sataramahu-nidhdna, s. (esod and 80^6 5)3 'S3 treasure) four great treasures possesed by a universal emperor. e3S3<5 <5i) s^^^S^oaJ, Satara-ivaram-deviyo, s. (ssod and 8(5 chief, s^^Ss^csJ gods) the four regents of the cardinal points, and guardian deities of their several quarters, each being chief of a class of demons, viz. Dhritarashtra chief of the Gandharwas, on the east; Viriidha, chief of the Kumbhandas, on the south; Virupaksha, chief of the Nagas, on the west; and Kuwera, chief of the Yakshas, on the north, S8e^, Satares, a. (ssod satara four, 3es, Satalosu, ind. (soo seven, qssdasa ten, Q la substituted for q da) seventeen, [CoUoq. <;s}s>03 dahahata^. 303, Satd, s. existent creature, any living being; animal, reptile: pi. 3cJ^ sattu. eaojg, Satdsu, ind. (esw sata seven, ^g asu eighty) eighty-seven, [Colloq. qpgcao asuhata]. es^, Sati, s. (ssd sara to go, 6i aff .) mind, intellect, understanding; end, destruction; gift, giving. fs^ssiiz, Satikai/a, s. (t&Sisata seven, days, (.S)ika aff.) week, [Colloq. g^s^^5i sumdne^. fi3^c30E>3-253, Satipatthdna, s. (es^S understanding, oOSossD fixing) name of a sutra or oral declara- tion of Buddha, inculcating a system of abstract meditation for subduing the passions and attain- ing beatitude. es^cs, Satiya, s. (ssss sata seven, days, < i afB.) week; understanding, reason: see e3?9 sati. ss^5333S3 santosa. e3)xl(^co, Satewuliya, s. repentance, sorrow. 68^^, Sadda, s. sound, noise; voice. m^qssi6 ; // ' * ' / M* iaith: see @e)3 sraddka. 33S3, Saddhd, J i3<^i^Q3, Sadbhuta, a. (escd sat good, ^5 been) true, certain; good, virtuous. 33^09, Sadrisa, a. (ss for ee sama same, ^ to see) like, similar, resembling; fit, proper, right. 33(^(53cs, Sadrisaya, s. resemblance, comparison. 33^, Sada, s. assembly; sound, noise, from css'S^ sabda. ssij{s33, Sadattald, s. one of the seven lakes said to be on the Himalayan mountains; com- monly called d(55 3dodc chhaddanta-vila. . S3^es3, Sadana, s, (e3^ sada to go) house; water: part, of e3i5e!383 sadanawd ; conquering, over- coming, subduing; restraining, taming. 33^383, Sadanawd, v. to make, to form, to construct: pret. S3ig83 seduwd. ^^dC Sadalla, s. elevated terrace surrounding a house, piazza, [Colloq. ^gSwc^OQts udumahal- talaya'\ . S3^g, Sadalu, s heart, [Colloq. eSea hita^: see the last. 3*58^383, Sadawanawd, v. to cause to make or form; causal form of ss^aaSo sadanawd: pret, e3x(3N^83 sedewwd. esqdi, Sadas, s. {^q sada to go) assembly, meeting; the eyes in peacock's tail. S3<;e^8(^, Sadas-pil, "1 s. (es^e^ and 8(^ or QQ S3^rf8(3, Sadas-pili, J feather) eye in a peacock's tail. e33C Saddkdla, s. (s3i^ always, SiOQ time) continual duration, for ever. ise^^jS, Saddgati,Si (esq always, (5)?9 going, dura- tion) sun, [Colloq. d ?m] ; air, wind, [Colloq, gigo hu}anga^. iSi^a)-253, Saddtana, s. name of Vishnu : a. eternal, everlasting. 8^S 655 S eee,ga:8, Saddpushpi, s. plant, calotropis gigantea, [Colloq. c35 warci]. e33 attikka]; wood apple tree, oegle marmelos, [Colloq S^sDg beW]', plant, phyllanthus niruri, [CoDoq. QQQiSssi'i pitawakkdi]. es^5, Sadd-bhadrd, 8. (taG, always, tng bhadra good) shrub, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. (S^ijS es^cs, Sadiya, s. plot, trick, artifice, treachery. S3<5o, Sadiranga, s. ? game at chess. e3(s^e^-55c5, Sadiwya-lokaya, see es(5^ 8^(338 e3S3, Sadisa, a. like, resembling, similar, from ess^css sadrisa. 63^, ^a<:/', s. food, eating. esgCt Sadula, s. arrow-grass, heteropopogon hirtus, [Colloq. d^as^So eVawa], e3^<^9s^c^, Sadew-lowa, s. (es six, s>^9 a god, (3>(3oS world) the six divine worlds or the res- idences of six classes of gods, viz. Chaturmaha- riijika or the four regents of the cardinal points; Tawatiosa or Indra's heaven; Yama; Nirm^na ratiya; and Paranirmita-wasawarti. eas^qta, Sadesa, a. (se with sx^ea country) near, proximate ; of the same country or place. tss^G)CC, Sadola-mala, s. resinous substance which exudes from the sal tree, shorea robusta or vateria acuminata, and from which an oil is prepared for blacking the native manuscript books. e3(S>e,e, Sados, a. guilty, faulty. ss(5>e,6, Sadosi, a. (ea with sv^se dosa wrath, <^ t afB.) wrathful, angry; vicious, depraved; vitiated, morbid. ee^e^, Sades, s. eye in a peacock's tail. 53^, Sanda, s. moon; north; joint; evening; eye in the peacock's tail; woman, female; time; scent, odour; sorrow, distress; doubt, uncertainty; desire; dew; mind: a. noble, high, eminent; best, excellent. e3q>3, Sandakata, "1 s. (es^ moon, S58 or ao es^aaei), >S'anfZaA-a(/a, J ornament) name of Iswara. C3^>S) ossn^, Sandakada-pahana, s. (s3^ and 455i) part, os3<^ stone) flight of steps in the shape of a crescent. 63^5a5, Sanda-kat, s. (es^ and ascJ ray) moon- beam; peacock; the woman-evening. ce^acss, Sandakata, s. (so^ and )0> gem) sort of gem: see aganosoo) chandrakdnta. s^3gi^, Sanda-ktndurd,s. (ee^ and a9gc35 kindu- ra) class of imaginary beings inhabiting hills and forests, with the head and neck of a woman and the body and legs of a goat; satyr. ae^)x2s:J, Sandaken, s. peacock, [Colloq. ^3253 son) planet Mercury or its regent. 53^00, Sandapata, s. piece of cloth; sheet, [Colloq. t^&^(^Q etirilla\, 33^:3333, Sandapdna, s. (es^ and oaeo light) moon- light, (literally moon -lamp). es^Qd'*^, Sanda-barana, s. (es^ and ^Qd^SS aba- rana ornament) name of Siva; peacock. ^^S^Q,\SandaTnadida,8. (ee^ and (; orb) disc of the moon. e3^gg, Sandamidulii, s. (339 joint, @gg marrow) marrow of the joints. ^^^^&, Sanda-muhulUfS. (8^ moon, ggifi crest) name of Siva. 63^05;^, Sandardja, s. plant, St. John's wort, hy- pertcum campestre. w^djii, Sandares, s. (es^ and djiS ray) moon-beam. 33^(^(3, Sandalla, see S3:J)d, SadhdtuJca, a. (ss with Qo?^ dhdtu con- stituent part of the body, 4 aff.) having a tooth or bone of Buddha, as a dagaba, etc. without which it is not considered duly consecrated. iatsi, San, s. sign, mark, token; hint, signal; Elu form of esuSj sajndwa; hiding, concealment; sound, song, singing; cook. S3:f>c)9, San-katuwa, s. spur. e3s5^d^83, SanJcaranaivd, ?'. to make signs, to express anything by gesture, to beckon ; to spur. asisi.^-*f^ (fi(^Q, Sanhunda-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. e33a), Santa, a. (ta0 sama to tranquilize, S3:J tan aff.) calm, tranquil, pacified; true, virtuous, good; worshipped, praised, adored; existing; the hands joined and opened, eaes3C52S), Santaka, a. belonging to, possessing, having, dependent upon. sg305'2S):3825383, Santoshaivenaivd, v, to rejoice, to be glad. . eserfs^sjies, Santosa, a. joyful: see e3Js^c^J5S so//- es-eoges, Santrasa, Is. (es saw intensive, ^es or 32 aagses, AS'miimsa, 3^3 53 to fear) fear, drend, alarm, terror. e-260, Santhawa, s. acquaintance, intimacy, friendship; proximity. 3 2^353<5cs, Santhdgdraya, s. (es^sSS santhawa and p:CT3(5 <7'/'ra house) council chamber, plnoe of meeting, place of public resort, hall or room where friends associate, esa^o, Sandansa, s. (ce sam with c^otsi to bite) pair of tongs or nippers. iS^a^cScs, Sandarhhaya, s. (es s? together, ^ti8 (/urhha gathering) weaving garlands, collecting flowers into a wreath or fillet. 9^ 657 9^^ eaesgcSaacs, Sandarsanaya, s. (se sam intensely, cjcSaa darmna seeing) looking intensely, exam- ining, inspection, tessi^esid-^Q'i, Sandikaranawd, v. to join, as two pieces of wood. czsS^cs, Sandiya, s. joint; union, etc: see eoesS xaridhi; time, occasion, opportunity. ee^^cx), Sandtshta, s. (ee sam with C53 dim to shew) news, tidings, information: . told, com- municated, related; promised, agreed, assented. :.-i^o^., Sandipalca, a. (eoD sam with ^oiSi shining) illuminating, irradiating; manifesting, illustrating. ;5d's^^.2D3, Sandettaivd, v. to give a signal, to make a sigii. eoais^i^aaca, Sandesaya, s. epistle, message, news, tidings, information. es555^<^S5, Sande'ha, s. fear, apprehension; doubt, uncertainty. ecesTfs^efs), Sandoha, s. multitude, assemblage. K25i^^, Sandrishta, a. (es saw and c^ac) seen) seen, beheld; foreseen, anticipated. 633, Sandhi, s. (esi) som together, Qd t//io to have) union, junction, connection, combination; joint, articulation of the body; peace, pacification; hole, chasm, hole made in or underneath a wall for hostile or felonious purposes, breach, mine; union of letters either at the end and beginning of different words or in the middle of compound terms, to avoid dissonance or hiatus; conception, production, quitting one body by death and at the same instant becoming united to a foetus at that instant conceived. 3ssS(3nSJ<5, Sandhi-chora, Is. (easS breach, (3>0J e2^s\8")5, Sandhi-chaura, ) 6 or (3^3 'od thief) liouse-breaker. ae^^sj, Sandldta, a. tied, bound, strung, fastened together; allied, reconciled, united. ae2Sj3^8c!>! Sandhiweld,s. (e325S union, 5*8^3 time) ]")articular period, which connects the part of the day or fortnight, as morning, noon, and evening, new moon, the first, or thirteenth day of the fortnight, and full moon. 2C2S)3, iSandhyd, s. (iStSi snndhi joint, catiyat ;i{F.) twilight, either morning or evening; a period of time, forenoon, afternoon, or midday, but parti- cularly tlie afternoon; boundary, limit; joining, union. tst^xosaoQ, Sandhyd-hdla, s. twilight, evening. esaiSso (S^c''Q Sandhyd-ive'ldwa, s. (eGa)a) and S^Bqo weld time) twilight; afternoon, afterpart of the day, [Colloq. esSw saivasa], 23a) ssScs, Sandhyd-samaya, s. (s3aa)a) and ssSca time) evening, twilight. s5sS^Side33 end.um-mahannd']. esed^oScflo, Sanndsiyd, s. devotee, Hindu ascetic. S325i33s>c3, Sanndhaya, s. (ss sam before, 3S3 naha to bind) armour, mail, either of iron or thick quilted cotton. ^sSSs^i^, Sannikarsha, s. (es sam together, ^ before ^aas krtsJia to attract) proximity, near- ness. 5e5e^^553aQ, Sannikrishta, a. (ce sam and efl be- fore ^a^ krisha to attract, -sjra kta aff.) near, proximate. S3s:f^a, Sannidha, s. (ea sam together, ^ before g)d dhd to have) proximity, vicinity. 335^a32D, Sannidhdna, s. proximity, nearness, appearance, perceptibility, presence. sss^^QS, Sannidhi, s. (es sam and 9 before Qo dhd to have) proximity, approximation ; percep- tibility, presence, appearance; storing, hoarding. 5525ii633cs:f, Sannindyau, s. plant, vernonia anthelmintica (Compositce); also called eascssrf ndyan. isisS^o'S)^, Sannipatita, a. (ee-l* sam and e9 be- fore OS) pata to go, 9 ita aff.) assembled, collected; mixed, blended. S3sf 56C33C3, Sannipdta, s. (es sam and i^ before OS) ^;/a to go) collection, assemblage, multi- tude; mixture, miscellaneous multitude; morbid state of the three humours. soeieSasj, Sannibha, a. like, resembling, similar. eo255<6cs, Sanniya, s. fit, cholera, convulsion aris- ing from a morbid state of the three humours. -_ . cS'CrJ^ 658 63Q) fScSiSi^S3, Sannisrita, s. joined with, cherished, served, honored; having, possessing. esecfiosocs, Sannydsa, s. (eai) sam and i9 ?ii before Sfis asa to throw, to cast off) abandonment of all worldly affections and possessions; Indian spike- nard. S3 45:^553033 9, Sanm/ast, s. (esKfea^Mes mnnydsa aban- donment of the world, 2? { a.ff.) ascetic, devotee, religious mendicant entirely devoted to the practice of religious duties. ec:Js^20, Sanne, s. translation, version, paraphrase. 535:J320, Sanmdna, s. (eseJso^ good, d3 respect) respect for the good. e3e5:J3(^, Sanmdrga, s. (essJ sat good, oc8 way) good or virtuous conduct. esidOt^, Sanweti, s. end of a Yuga or a period of the world. e3sisad, Sansalu, s. (j3 sama skin, ssd cloth, dress) name of Siva, Avho is habited in an ele- phant's skin. esMssodji, Sansdrai/a, s. transmigration: see sooe0(5 sansdra. eafirJSgSeoSa, Sansinduwanawd, v. to allay, to soothe, to appease: see esoGgSsoOa sa?jsindu- wanawd. i&si^si, Sansun, a. (t&^sam completely, ^sS from S<3>^ 25303 fiindenaim to be tranquil) tranquil, calm, pacified; quiet, unruffled, e62d(?e^C3, Sanse'pa, s. brevity, abridgment, con- ciseness; properly eso(^?aio sankshe'pa, which see. eBi^(S'eio(S'aisi, Sansepayen, ad. briefly. e8:fas>?9cs, Sanhatiya, s. more correctly e3oS)?9 safihati, assemblage, union, combination. esedsS^, Snnhindima, s. allayment; verbal noun of es:f^(?^-253S3 sanhindenawd. e32s5v9\^393, Sanhindenawd, v. to cut, to rescind, to destroy; to be allayed, appeased, or soothed: pret. 632sic8ga35 sanJundnnd. iSi^^isi, Sanhun, a. tranquil, calm: see esedgs^ sansun. es3, Sana, s. mark, sign : see 3s5 san; sea. ocean : hemp, cannabis satiim; flux; instant, moment, also, estOT sena; flapping of an elephant's ears. esss^cJ, Sanat, s. name of Brahma: ind, alwavs. perpetually. eaesjc^Sd, Sanardmara, a. (es for esso saha with cp25339 kalpandwa']; mark, token. eoiSd'i5)d, Sapta-dasa, ind. (ssko and ^03 ten) seventeen, [Colloq. S)3i38, Sapta-dhdtuwa, s. (esec? and a))-jg dhdtu element) seven constituent parts of the body, viz. chyle, blood, flesh, adops, marrow, bone, and semen. 3cc5a6<^, Sapta-prakarana, s. (sscct and g^s- (5- seven, leaves, etc. q^ to have) jasmine, [Colloq. S^tio^Q sepdla'j ; trum- pet flower, stereospermum suaveolens, [Colloq. o83S3, SapiKiyati-ivenawd, v. to take food, (used respectfully). eadgSea, Sappurisa, Pali form of ess^cils; saf- esd<5 cursing; abuse, scurrility; chewing, mastication: Elu form of esS mrpa snakei serpfent* S5a, Sapaksha, s. (es for eaSjeo samdna same, ofsa party) partizan, follower, adherent. iot^, Sapat, s. wealth: a. arrived at, come to, attained. esescJeJD, Sapattd, s. enemy, [Colloquial: eoi^Co .<^aturd'\. 33cisi^ ^90, Sajmttu-kuttama, s. pair of shoes. S3:3 5i^ Q, Sapattu-mala, s. Chinese rose or shoe flower, hibiscus rosa sinensis. so6}-cg8, Sapattuwa, s. shoe; pi. eocJsJ-sg sapattu. (Portuguese.) 53C3S>dD, Sa])atna, s. enemy, adversary. 530S3, Sapata, s. sea, ocean, [Colloq. c muda]. CC^(S^?55<5i8^, Sapate'ruwd, s. shoemaker. e3C3<3, Sapaiha.s. (esa to swear, t^datha aff.) oath, asseveration; imprecation, cursing, wishing ill to. S3s^, Sapada, s, (es six, 04 foot) bee, [Colloq. Si53e33 mimessd], 5!35oc53, Sapadansa, s. (eso and s^oss tooth) teeth of serpents in which the venomous fluid is depo- sited ; horse-radish tree, moringa pterygosperma, [Colloq. <5i.oco3 murwigd], eso^esJ, Sapadan, s. (es for caw saha and c3^63 paddna gift) Dative case. e3C3^3, Sapaddna, s. gift or alms. SO^338>3S)ts, Sapaddna-chdrikdnga, 8. (ea and o^fiO gifts, alms, 83S5 chdrika who goes, ^Sbo a^^a religious ordinance) ordinance of the Buddhist priesthood, enjoining it upon the priests to procure a subsistence as mendicants asking alms from house to house: see (S^c^(3^ed^^eD telesdhutdnga. ssosJ, Sapan, a. clever, skilled in. 353 >20, Sapana, s. oath, ordeal; abuse, malediction: a. rich, opulent, powerful; able, skilful, clever. 5533383, Sapanaivd, v. to bite, to seize by the teeth; to cheAV, to eat, to masticate: pret. estgSa sepuwd. 3oa33, Sapand^ s. rich or clever man: pi. S5i35sJ Sapala. s. prosperity, improvement: see es^S Q saphala. msi 660 3 tec3D, Sapd, s. serpent, snake, from tsS sarpa; bee, from ceQsij shatpada; also, past, pai't. of es:^? 8) sapanawd. e63j4S5S383, Sapdhanawd, v. to bite. esSs^csJ, Sapiyo, s. union, association, conjunction; war, conflict, contest, battle. 38 S, Sapiri, a. whole, entire; complete, [CoUoq. esSg-eJS" sampiirna^. esSSSd, Sapiriwara, see escsSQod sapariwdra. esg, Sapu, s. cbampaca tree, which produces a very fragrant flower of a light yellow hue and useful timber, michelia champaca (Magnoliacecv); snake, serpent, from esS sarpa; pleasure, happi- ness, enjoyment, ceg {p383d ^5>e5(^, Sajm-dnawdlu-kesel, s. kind of plantain, miisa sapientum. eog c Sapu-mala, s. flower of the champaca: see eeg sapu. sg^(3C) Sapur-miUla, s. chaste tree, producing valuable timber, vttex altissima (Verbenacece); also called <^C inilla, ^Qq milila and epo g(3 mian-milila. eagSes, Sapurisa, s. (es for wcJ sai good, gSea man) harmonious and eloquent language: a. good, excellent, best, virtuous. e3iiJ<^, Sapemini, a. arrived at; attained, come to. eatSd, Saphara, see es^c^ saphara. easSCi Saphala, a. (es for esKi ^aAa with 6(3 fruit) productive, fruitful, bearing fruit, yielding profit. 36(3a5, Saphalakama, s. fruitfulness, prosperity. iQ^Q^6<&Qo, Saphalalcdranawd, v. to improve, to prosper. a6cj(3^8383, Saphalawenawd, v. to be improved, to be prosperous: pret. ca^cgeoD saphalawund. a*39, Sabba, Pali form of 65^ sarwa. e3^S)33^s^, Sabbannu, s. Buddha; Pali form of ssSo^ sarwajna. aSS^e^S, Sabbadassi, Pali form of aSc33c53 petiyd^ ; timber tree, barriiuj- tonia racemosa, [Colloquial: c5 >^(^(3 diya- midella]. 3;5C) Sabarala, s. plant, alocasia macrorhizon: see S)d(3 habarala. esQS, Sabari, s. medicinal plant, hoya hirsuta, [Colloq. -^(55 mi-nnga]. t5S)o, Sabala, s. variegated colour; water. 6), Sabd, s. assembly, convocation, from estoj sabhd, e3S)o3C) Sabd-sala, s. (3S)j and ^q hall) place of assembly. 3S)@3:5l2d, Sabramsarmi, Elu form of the next. 39 K 93 3, Sabrahmachdri, s. {& for 3) .sa^a with gs:)S33 religious student) fellow student, one engaged in the same studies, and observing the same austerities. e3&)38, Sabhya, s. (essij sabhd and co ?/ aft'.) person of honourable parentage, an assistant at an assembly: a. relating to an assembly. 3^33, Sabhd, see s3SD39 sabhdwa, 3?S33s:>, Sabhdga, a. (es for g33 samdna like, tsD CO part, sort) like, similar, of the same tribe or sort, especially animals which have no natural antipathy. 3503, Sabhdwa, s. (3 for ssss ^uha together, S33 bhd to shine) assembly, meeting; house or place in which an assembly is met, court of justice, etc. 3Sc5i, Sabhi'ru, a. (3 for essj saha with d3c5i fear) afraid, terrified. iQ, Sam, plural of 3 saw, skin: eW. particle and prefix implying union, with, together; beauty or perfection, intensity; as a prefix, it corresponds to con, co, com, etc. 3S5CJi, Samharu, s. (ts sama skin, isxSi who does) shoemaker; tanner. s^, Samditu, s. (es correct, sight) correct religious views; Elu form of 3SJ';2C^(3s), Sampajjalita, a. (03^ and d before, dQ^jaJtfa shining) glittering, brilliant, res- plendent. 3l^ 661 3) ts^odiis}, Sampajdna, s. (es and o before, -ffie, nd to know) knowledge, acquaintance. esDocdi, Sampat, see ssDacJ^os sumpattiya. eDsa5s)3do33, Sampatkdrayd, s. wealthy man, 3c3C3?9c5, Sampatiii/a, \ s. (es implying, per- esi)c}^, Sampad, / fection, o^ pacZ to go, sxa /i,'38c3, SampuTnabhdioaya, s. perfection, completion, accomplishment. esi!g^ ^D, Sampiirna-mimma, s. complete mea- sure of any kind. e3i)g-sS'cs, Samjmimaya, a. perfection, completion, fulness, pleasure, joy. ^3i)^^(^^8^D^^, Sampurna-wenawd, v. to be ac- complished or fulfilled. saDgqea, Sampraddna, s. (ssS and g before C, dd to give) gift, giving ; dative case in grammar. tsSg^gs), Sampraddhfa, a. (esi) and g before qQ data to pierce, break) cleft, rent. esDgg^sxsD, Samprayukta, a. (ssD and g before (^d yvja to join, ^gSiktasiS.) joined, connected, associated. esSgs^csJco, Sampraydga, s. (43 and g before (^d ynja to join) connection, relation, mutual pro- portion; order, natural and connected series or arrangement. e3i)g6S3(5-3<5, Samprahdra, s. (ssa) and g before CJ<5 hca-a to take) war, battle; striking, wounding, killing. 6si>g3exn, Samprdpta, a. (es and goeo obtained) attained, obtained, gotten; effected, accomplish- ed; arrived, approached. esSgscjJOS^SeaSs, Sam2)rdpta-wenawd, v. to ap- proach, to ai'rive, to come to. esDsS, Sampha, tnd. a particle signifying vain, unmeaning. esD^gcso, Samphapraldpa, s. (e36 vain, gc^o speech) vain or trifling talk, idle chat, nonsense. esD^^S), Samplmtaka, see esDgS samputa. esi'^dCs Samphulla, a. (esS completely, ^^C blown) blown, blossomed, opened as a flower. 5S)253<5S, Sambakerima^ s. accumulation, gain. esi>S)<^, Sambaddha, a. (ea with Qaa) bandha to bind, axD kta aff.) connected with, endowed with, possessing as a predicate or property; bound, tied, attached. esS)aa), Sambandha, s. (a with a) to bind) connection, natural or essential connection, as of a property with a substance: a. adjunct, annex- ed or connected, inherent; fit, proper. cs^ed 662 ^^3 s. bivalve shell; conch shell. e9Q)acD)<5j^D, Sambdndha-karariawd, v. to join, to connect. eaSSd, Sambara, s. (esi samha to accumulate) water, [Colloq. egd watum'\; restraint, for- bearance, self control; also, esoSd sanwara; name of a demon or daitya. e3sS)05S, Sambardri, s. (ss^6 sambara daitya, ^S ari foe) name of K.ima, the Indian deity of love. esS)(3 ''^ctmbala, s. (-csi) to go, to collect, ifQ ala aff.) provender for a journey, stock for travelling accommodation. esDSs^SeD), Sambatvenaivd, v. to meet, to en- counter; to find: pret. ssSSg33 sambawund. es3S), Sambddha, s. (es before, KjS) to impede) fear, dread; opposition, impediment: a. narrow, contracted, impassable. 3)3Q-s?, Sambddhana, . (est) and oa) bddha to impede) gate, barrier; obstructing, opposing. e5S35o3G5, Sambdhanai/a, s. (0 before, Scsj waha to obtain, pleasure or ease) rubbing the body, kneading the limbs, shampoouag. S3, Sambii, ) e3a>, Sambuka, J S4'^' Sambvddtya, s. one's own accord, self- will. e3^, Sambuddha, a, (es implying perfection or intensity, Q<^ wise) all-wise, possessed of perfect knowledge or wisdom; epithet of Buddha. e8s^dfa, Sambodha, s. (es completely, o3 bud/ia to know, causal form) explaining, instructing, informing. S6i)>JScs, Sambodhiya^ s. (esSS sambuddha and (f-^ an aff.) Buddhaship, character of Buddha. 8ao)a3, Sambkakta, a. (ea intensitive, isid bhaja to serve, 5S5 kta aff.) attached or devoted to, served, worshipped. 8Sk)5J)<5-C6i3<5, Sambhdray a. (es before, saa bhri to maintain) multitude, number, quantity, heap, assemblage; maintaining, supporting. S3t>a33, Sambhdwand, s. worship, honor; pos- sibility ; sense of the Potential Mood. e8cs>3SS553, Sambhdsana, s. ycs^ together, is-jjis^? talking) conversation, discourse. ssDcj, Sambhu, s. (es auspicious particle, tq bhu to be) name of Siva, and Brahma ; sage, ven- erable person; parent, progenitor, 3sS^03, Sambhuta, a. (es and fq to lie, ^:^ kta aff.) born, produced. :3^a3?c3, Samhkutanaya. s. (esD^j '*?iva, s^e^jcs son) name of Kiirtikeya or Kataragama-deviyo ; and of Ganesii. 53i)>S53js3, Sambhoga, s, (ss with s-mJk) enjoy- ment) enjoyment, pleasure, delight; coition, sensuality; use, employment. eaSigS, Sambhrama, s. (ea before, sjS/ to revolve) haste, hurry, confusion. ss^SSSc^, Sammattiya, s, whip, scounre, [Colloq. ssiiaii kasaya"]. esSScjcs, Sammataya, s. (sa Avith Seo mawa to think, s> ^a aff.) agreement, assent, similarity of opinion: a. elected or appointed by general consent, as the first kings of the Surya race. ss^, Sammati, s. order, command; see the last. 33 i)^, Sammada, s. (s3 with 5 to delight) happiness, joy, pleasure. 3^, Sammarda, s. (es together, 8^ mrida to trample) Avar, battle, [Colloq. <^^ai yiiddhaya']. ea-i)Stsg?c!, Sammarshanaya, s, (es intensitive, aa mrisha to see) investigation, discrimina- tion. ts3, Sammxi, ind. true, right; accurate, coiTect. aa3 {pc?, Sammd-djiwa, 6\ (es3 right, cf)^8 livelihood) suitable profession, livelihood obtain- ed in a proper manner, Avithout destroying life, or contracting any other impurity. S33 4335S3S3, Sammd-karmdnta^ see S3aJ i5)330D eamyak-karmdnta. S3j>(3:3 thought) purity of intention. 58ig, Sammisra, a. (ceS together, ^^ mixed) mixed, mingled, blended. S3ga, Samrmtlha, s. (es with 3 face) encoun- tering, facing, in front of. 3S)s82d9d, Sammukha-ioenmrn, r. to meet, to encounter. scDg^cs, Siimmutiya, s. assembly for consultation; consent: pi. csS)^^ sammuti. esB, Sammwlha, a. (es entirely, |jCJ muha to be foolisli) ignorant, senseless. |)9:^3, Sammurchchhana, s. (es })efore, S^ murchchha to faint) fainting, insensibility; per meation, pervading. e3(SS3, Sammiflha, see esSg^ sammudha. e5(S>J^, Sammdda, s. (ss intensitive, ^ WJtwZa to be happy) pleasure, delight. e3s5, Samyak, a. good, holy, true, right; ac- curate, correct. e3S)J5!fD?Tcr, Samyak-harmdnta, s. (ssased and )3 3>E) action) correct conduct, upright or holy life. S3}(^aSw?, Samyak-drishtiya, s. (ee38J true, ^eS drishti sight) correct religious opinions, orthodoxy, restricted by the Buddhists to those of their own sect. eoJ3-?53 g?9:3'55^c5, Samyak-pratipattiya, s. (eaSjaesJ and g?9c3c5^^)raf?/>aW? conduct) due observance of religious duties, especially the particular observances of the priesthood. e2si c^ Samyak-labdhi, see etSaesJ :^s8c3 samyak-drishtiya. ss3;^, Samrdja, s. (ss sam all, ^ being) like- ness, similarity. e3i55<5, Samaga, ivd. particle signifying association, with, together witli. S5(5icSs3, Samagandfiikn, . fragrant grass, andro- pogon mtiricatus, \X!(>1\ to know) name, appellation; fame, reputation. s8- complete, ^e^ thirty, s^csdl virtue) thirty perfections, or extraordinary virtues practised by Buddha. 33^6:J, Samatun, s. clever person. 33Otc^, Samates, s. (e333 scmiata universal, f^ef es eye) name of Buddha, [Colloq. ^e^^ biulun']. S3^oc53sJ, Sama-trinsat, a. ("esi) complete, ^osssJ thirty) thirty, consisting of or having thirty. 35^os3cJ aod^asa, Sama-triiimt-pdramitd, see C33 C5333 pdramitd. S3d, Samatha, s. (es to be tranquil. 6 aff .) calm, tranquillity. S3S<^cS, S, Samadhigama, s. fcs ,9a/n and <; orf^? before csjg) <7am to go) arriving, obtaining, ac- quiring. esSsjJ, Saman, s. generic name of jasmine, jasmi- num sambac, i[Colloq. e3 pichcha']; Buddha; union, association. 3J <^(^9, Saman-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. e3S30>, Samanta, Is. (ssD .sa??z with c,doj csaDC5n, Samantaka, } anta end) limit, term, boundary. es303^3ci, Samantakutava, s. name of Adam's Peak. S.sxDS25g, Saman ta-chakshu, s. (ssS^ojd and Sag eye) name of Buddha: see ^^Siifi samates. 8305S^S>i, Samantato, ind. (s236D and o, Samanndgata, a. (53 mm and -] a???/ following, with ffo a and <5i|| gamu to go, 03 afP.) being possessed of, endowed with. e3e:f8, Saman-pichcha, .. jasmine, jasminum sambac, [Colloq. 81)8 pichcha']. 53SKJ9gc5i, Saman-ba.du.ru, s. name of Buddha; Elu form of S2oss5cE5cg sa manta-bhadra . 3es::J03s?e3, Samanwdgata, see ssS3-s:53S3S) ,sa- manndgata. S;d'03, Samanrita, a. (e;S> sawz intensitive, cfsd 05 /)// endowed with) possessed of, endowed Avith, possessing, affected with, full of. 33^53:f, Samanan, s. husband; master, lord, [Colloq. ie3^c53 sivdmiyd\ ssSeac SamanaJa, s. mountain called Adam's ]3eak. esa:cc53. Samanalajid, s. butterfly: pi. S3e3(3 (3>csJ samunalayo. S35f)ac5), Samnbhdga, a. (e: same, sjscd part) of the same size, measure, oi- weight. es, Samam, ind. with, together. ac5, Samaya, s. multitude, assemblage; profit, gain; religious belief ; obligation or observance, established moral or ceremonial custom; time; oath, affirmation; leisure, interval, opportunity; season, tit or proper time. S3c3e:<, Samayan, s. proper season for the perfor- mance of the ceremonies of demon-worship, as morning twilight, midday, and evening twilight. e3iSb, Samarttha, a. (es sam with cpa artha to ask) strong, powerful; able, adequate to, capable; clever, skilful. esSi^an, Samartthakam.a, s. cleverness, ability. 3iS3c33, Samartthayd, s. clever man, skilful man, powerful man. es(5. Samara, 1 s. name of Kama, the deity of e3:5i, Samaru, j love; recollection, from e3<5 sa- mara; war, battle, contest, conflict. ssScJiesJ, Samarim, s. thought, recollection; from esSd xamaru: also see esiiJ'J samdra. e3c, Samala, ,s. (es for essi saha with (3 dirt) fcBces:'-. dirty, muddy, filthy. e3(3^S3'03, Somalajikrita, a. (ee sam and f^Qo alan implying excellence, -s>ssD done) adorned, ornamented, decorated. esSSei, Samairat, Elu form of es3C3?d^cs samd- pattiya. S5929-)^, SamaicaU'rna, a. {si^^ mm with (^B awa below, 0,1 ^/7 to cross, ciri^ //c5<6S3, Samdkaranawd, v. to cause to for- give, ssSoisjSJ, Samdgata, a. (es sowi and epsDCS (/(/ to come) arrived, approached, met, encountered; united, joined, e3ejeoffli3<5c33, Samdgamkdrayd, s. member of any society, companion. ssSjeoD c30ciS'3383, Samdgam-pawatwanawd, v. to associate. e3(5}, Samdgama, s. (te saw together, cpsj dgama coming) company, assembly, especially performing like duties; union, junction: pi. -c3 ctD samdgavi. ee393(5, Samdchdra, s. (es saw and {|393(5 dclidra salutation) respectful salutation, civility, polite- ness. , Samdjnd, s. (ea sam and ep a p?'e;>. ce, to know) fame, reputation, [CoUoq. iS^^ce l-irt- tiya], 8o^5 satana^. 56 33, Samita, a. (s3 sama to tranquillize, a) near, contiguous, proximate, at hand. C3<5, Samira, s. (3 sawia all sides, S'6 ira to go) air, wind, [Colloq. g(g,o hulanga'\. esfSd-a^, Samtrana, s, air, wind; speed, celerity, haste; journeyer, traveller; white variety of calotropis gigantea, [Colloquial: (3^C53S05^c/a- ward~\ . S3, Samu, s. leave, permission. esgSQcs, Samuchchaya, s. (es sam together, (jej ut before, S chi to collect) assemblage, collec- tion; conjunction of words or sentences; the power of the article ' and ' or ' also.' ta^tSsxa, Samuchchhinna, a. (es sam complete- ly, (5^5 ut before, d^ chhida to cut, 5 hta aff.) destroyed, cut off, extirpated. i&%^^ci, Samuchchheda, s. destroying, destruction. !fiQ^^>> Samuchchhrita, a. high, elevated, lofty. 33C(Q3, Samujwaltta, a. (es sam intensitive, (^sJ ut and :)@C3 shining) splendid, brilliant, radiant, [Colloq. ^C3SsJg diptimatwii']. S30i3e3a5, Samutthdnaya, s. (s2 sam and (^^ ^^^^ before, (Ji3 /Aa to stand) rising, getting up. ssgeJ^, Samutkrama, s, (s3sa?? and ^^ud up, above, .^ to go) rise, ascent, going up, [Colloq . -2S3ic9 negima"]. 35s633, Samutthdna, s. (s3 sam intensitive, ("^ ud up, e^3 si7i to be) rising, getting up; effort, industry; growth, increase; healing a wound or sore. S3s:&s5, Samutthita, a. arisen, got up, increased; derived; cured. S3SX3253S3, Samutpanna, a. (es sa^n and q^ ud up, oqpada to go, 555 kta aff.) born, produced. e3|^3X33<:j, Samutpdda, s. birth, production. 63<^C53, Samudga, ") s. (s3 sar and q^ ud and esgi^Ga-a, Samudgaka, j en ^a??ja to go) casket, covered box. ts^^csiGi, Samudgata, a. (p% sam and ^^ud w^, S5 (7a2a to go, a>5) ^-ta aff.) risen, ascended. 3^^(353, Samudgama, s. rising, ascent. eegi^eDce, Samudgaya, see tsgi^csj samudga. S3<^S3, Samuddkata, a. proud, haughty, arrogant; ill-mannered, behaving ill or improperly; raised, drawn-up. S3^d-, Samudraga, s. (es^g sea, go who goes) trader by sea; seaman: a. ocean-going, sea-faring. e3||g(3^6aD, Samudraphena, s. (esgg and s^^ea froth or foam) cuttle fish bone; the froth or foam of the sea, [Colloq. ggSNoesa mndn-j)cna']. esggcs, Samxidraya, see esgg samudra. S3g(28-<^, Samudra-laivana, s. (53g sea, c'*?? salt) sea salt, [Colloq. ggS-?:^ muda-lunu]. 33>sxs3, Samudrdnta, s. (esgg samudra and f3C? a;?^a end, boundary) sea shore; nutmeg, myristi- ca fragrans, [Colloq. e334s5^5^3 V?zl-M]. e5g9,2!XOj, Sammlrdntd, s. cotton plant, erioden- dron anfractuoswn, [Colloq. 5g5<5>e3 kapu-gasa'j : 8ife 667 3S9] twining plant, tragia itivolucrata, [Colloq. )i(^ 4KS3 Qo; ) wel-hahamhiliy(f\ . eag^cSi,, Saviudrdru, s. (s35 samudra sea, 53a ri to go) shark, [Colloquial: s^df<5 mora] ; large fabulous fish, perhaps intending the whale, hyperbolically described. ss^cs, Samudriya, a. marine, oceanic, maritime. e5^a335, Samudakta, a. (es sam intensitive, ^4 ad up, ^ ancha to go, .sxn hta aff.) drawn, raised, lifted or thrown up from a deep place. ssgejcs, Sammlaya, s. (es sam and (^^ ud up, & i to go) birth, production; multitude, number, ' heap, quantity; ascent, rise; effort, exertion. e3qcss3S)33, Samudaya-satya, s. (esgi^ca and ssssas truth) according to Buddhism, one of the four truths connected with existence, viz. production. esgi^cs, Samuddya, s. war, battle, [Colloq. cg(^c3 ytiddhaya] . e3^8, Samuddwa, s. multitude, assemblage; host, army. 53^, Samudtma, s. (esg and 9 giving) grant- ing permission. esggd, Samudura, s. sea, ocean, [Colloq. <^ muda]. es(?>^>83, Samu-denawd, v. to grant permission. ssgsDK), Samunna, a. (eef) sam and QisS^ undi to be wet or moist) wet, moiSt, moistened, [Colloq. SNS^g-Q temumi]. ess>S30, Samunnata, a. (es sam and (^ Md before, 3 narwa to bow, ssss) Ida aff.) high, lofty, elevated, exalted, dignified; proud, arro- gant. 3eD0<^, Samunnaddha, a. conceited of learning; proud, arrogant; produced, born. fisda3<:j, Samwppdda^ see e3|)S3:33^ samiitpdda. S8>ds3, Samupeta, a. {^%sam with (^,C3 upa near, (^ i to go O aff.) possessed of, endowed with, inherent. e3|, Samusu, a. (es for sseo sfif^a with ^ mixed) compounded, blended, mingled. esgw, Samiiha, s. (esS sam together, (^eo wAa to reason) assemblage, aggregate in general, heap, number, multitude, quantity. e8(S, Sameta, a. (ee sam and 9 ita gone) near; approximated, approached. 3'2)s(^, Samriddha, a. filled, completed; grown, increased, augmented; happy, prosperous, thriv- ing. e33i^~, Samriddhiya, s. thriving, increase; pros- perity, success; power, supremacy, sway. 3cs, Saya, s. (Q si to sleep) sleep, sleeping; bed, couch; hunger, drying up, waste: ind. number six, also, CS3CS haya. escsc, Sayan, ind. own, self. 3SCS2S3, Sayana, ^s. (Qsi to sleep) sleep, sleep- e3C32oc5, Sayanaya, J ing; reposing, reclining; bed, couch. 65C3S3c5)c5-c53, Sarpakuta-'nayd^ b, kind of venomous snake. esSsaag, Sarpandli, s. plant, amorphophallus cam- panulatus, [Colloq. tS3D<5i kiddranli. ^Sd 668 3i)^C5J' s8 ^(^d, Surpa-plianaja, s. (esS and 6-cs^ hood, td bom) Hiiake-stone, gem or pearl said to resemble iii form tbe berry of the ahrus preca- torius, [Colloq. g^ oUnda], and to be found in the head of the snake. esSt^d, Sarpabhuj, s. (eaS and t'jc^ hhuja to eat) peacock; crane, tsS<^, Sarjia-mcmi^ see sS6-i(3>B ^S3^s^K)^i) kohomba'\. e5)(s>S3jK>C Sarivatobhadrd, s. timber tree, gmeli- na arborea, [Colloq, ff\.ci^d, Sarwa-lokandtha, s. (csS and s^eJ > world, eostS lord) name of Buddha. ca^ss 669 C3<^3 ssBcfjo(s):)6esi, Sa7-wa-safi?>draka, s. (esS all, esi) sa?n and e.)3(5 Arw-a what takes) compounded of all perfumes, precious oil. 85^8^, Sarwa-siddhi, s. (eeS and 6^ completion) bael tree, cegle marmelos, [Colloq. s^QQ belt], ssSoStecs, Sarwdngaya, s. (ssS sarwa all, cf'Ste) a%a limL) whole body. s333e2?S, Sarwdmd>huti, s. bind-weed, ipomcva turpethum, [Colloq. ^tesjSag trastawdhi]. ^tirSbssi, Sarwdrtaka, s. (ssS sanva and tf^ arttha wealth, 25> afE.) fabulous gem which bestows every thing desired by its possessor. ssSoi^Si^, Sarwdrtha-siddha, s. (s3 sarwa and ^^ artha meaning, wealth, etc. Q<^ who com- pletes; name of Buddlia. 3S39s3<5, Sarwdwasara, s. (esS sarwa and j^Sesd awasara cessation) midnight, [Colloq. 4^ '^ js^c^<5, Sarwe'swara , s. (ea) sarwa and C?(s)d mvara lord) name of Siva. e3S>SJ:38, Sarwopadhi, s. (ssD sarwa all, ^50 Mj!)a near, S)3 (/Aa to have) all the incidents or cir- cumstances of exxistence, as passion, ignorance, ^ etc. ssSo. Sarshapa, s. variety of mustard, sinapis dichotoma, 8c3 S^S3(3, Sarshapa-taila, s. (es^ca and )c oil) mustai'd oil, [Colloq. <^'S)(a^fS3(^ aba-teQ, 65(5, Sara, s. lake, pool, [Colloq. ts^ooe^-s^ pokuna or (35 w7a] ; arrow, [Colloq. S^oea t-gaha'] ; water, [Colloq. )^c5 i^afwra]; sort of reed or grass, sacchariim sara; lotus or its edible root nelumbium speciosum ; pith, sap, from e33<5 sdra; woman; going, proceediBg. e3<5J, SaraJc, s. cattle, oxen in general. ead^^g, SaraJc kit, s. drug, medicament; camp, intrenchment. ssds), Saraka, s. spirituous liquor; drinking vessel. e3<5)3, Saraka, see S3(5s)3 harakd. 8<5(53, Saragd, s. deer, [Colloq. |)3 ??i?M<;a]. C3(5s58, Saragati, s. war, conflict, battle, [Colloq. ^^cs yuddhaya ov caO^ satoa], e3(5a3, Saraiiga, .<. elephant, [Colloq. t^sDJ f^]; deer, [Colloq. 3 muwd']; species of cuckoo, Cuculus pdsserinus, [Colloq. S^33S>3 koJut], or hornbill. tuchis gingalensis, [Colloq. ^x^sios kendattd\\ tree; parasol; flamingo, phoenicoptertis rnseus: see S33(^a)aD saraiiga. Gsddei, Sarajas, s. (ee for ess) aAa with 6dt menses) woman during menstruation. 63(50, Sarafa,'^s. lizard, [Colloq. gD3 Aw/ia]; ssdOs, Saratd, J chameleon, [Colloq. 353e33 ka~ ttissd~\; guana, [Colloq. GiQS^tsi'iai talagoyd^; safflower, plant. e3<59, Saraft, s. (esa sri to go, p9 a/z aff.) elephant keeper, [Colloq. {^cis^sssSSa ffg'owMJa]; air, wind; cloud: see 68(59 sarata. 63(5<3to), Saranda, s. bird in general; rogue, cheat; chameleon; libertine, lecher. 6s<5^s^, Sarana, s. (ss(5 sara to go) preservation, protection, defence; that which protects or pre- serves; foot; going, proceeding; village, town. sa6<^o, Sarana/i, s. name of Nirwana. ss<5^sgoi33S), Saranagata, a. gone for refuge. S3(5<^C3393(53555>S53, Sarana-pdwdgannawd, v. to marry. e3<5-i^e3j03S>^aD33, Sarana-pdwddenawd, v. to give in marriage, e3(5<3S 05^003, Sarana-yanawd, v. to contract mar- riage, to take refuge in, to trust. S3(5^^, Sa7'anavi, s. (ts68383, Saranawenawd, v. to help, to assist, to marry. es<5-3^0iC Sarana-wela, s. (e3(5<3 and ic ^i^g) ruigs for the ankles. esd^Sgcs, Sarana-silaya, s. (es(5 sarahha. es(5, Sarabu, s. sort of lizard. 53(5^, Sarabhu, s. (esd the grass, ^ boi-n) name of Kartikeya, or Kataragama-deviyo who was rear- ed in a thicket of that grass. S3C5!3 S^cs), Sarampa-leda, s. measles. sed^ed, Saramin, part, going. S3(5c3, Saraya, s. coagulum of curd or milk: see tad sara, e3(5s>c53si, Sarayon, s. (eed the grass, (3>cS32df place of production) Kartikeya: see esd^ sarabhu. ssdSg, Sara-ripu, s. enemy, adversary, [CoUoq. e3-?gc^ sa??(ro], opponent, [CoUoq. (5L^i3)^ct3 5S<5c Sarala, s. tree, species of pine, pimis longi- folia; hare, [Colloq, 65303 hdwa\: a. honest, upright, sincere. esc5(3gj^S, Sarala-di'uma^ s. (3(5(3 ^'^^ St *^6e) species of pine, pinus longifolia. es(5c3> Sarald, s. bind-weed, ipomoia turpethum, [Colloq. gesajSog trastawdlu]. esde^, Saras, s. large pond or lake; water: see cedes sarasa. ssdddS, Saraswati, s. (eo for ^S) saha with des rasa taste, flavour, 8sJ i/^ai aff .) wife of Brahma, the goddess of speech and the arts, etc. ; speech, the faculty or its exercise; river, the Sarsuti which rises in the mountains on the North East of the province of Delhi. is6ddo, Saraswd, s. (esde^ water, 3cJ wdt poss. afE.) ocean, [Colloq. ^^ muda']. csdee, Sarasa^ s, pool, pond, [Colloq. s>035g'Qg8 kalapuwa"]', year, [Colloq. ^9i5i<^<:j awurudda]; name of Kama the Indian Cupid ; autumn, sultry season, from ssdcj sarada : a. full, complete, perfect. es!^^a(5, Sardkal, s. (escS and S5(^ time) autumn. 5(5k3C53, Sardghdta, s. (esd sa?-a arrow, ^k3S3 dghdta striking) shooting with a bow. 3C^?5, Sardjika,a. (es for ez^saha with cSdraj'a to desire, to shine, f3 ?^-a afE.) having the pas- sions unsubdued, sensual, etc.; shining, bright, resplendent. esc^ea, Sardna, s. quiver ? esc^ssj^eoss, Sardbhydsa, s. (ssd 5(7?'a arrow, abhjdsa exercise) archery, practice with the bow and arrow. ^ac6(^^dJa, Sardropa, s. (esd sara and fo(?>dJe3 d- ropa receptacle) bow, [Colloq. gedea dunna'^. es(358, Sardwa, s. lid, cover; shallow cup or vessel. sscS^, Sardwati, see esdssSjQ saraswati. ssCoes^, Sard-sanda, s. (eec35 autumn, ee^ moon) autumnal moon. SatSsseo, Sardsana, s. (esd sam arrow, ^63 asa to throw) bow, [Colloq. gsJ-eo dunna], ea^escs, Sardsaya, s. kind of coloured cloth worn chiefly by a Chetty woman. esS, A^an, s. resemblance, likeness, similarity; pro- curing, obtaining: a. right, accurate, correct, similar, proper, fit; just, equitable. e38c5, Sarit, s. (eea sri to go, <& iti aff.) river in general; woman, wife. esSaio^, Saritpati, s. (caSci river, o^ lord) ocean, [Colloq. g(^, Sarungale, s. paper kite. e3c5i.8, Sarufi, s. elephant keeper, [Colloq. e^ci S3(5i,rf, Samp, a. proper, fit, suitable, right, just. ee(5i,oca, Sorwpaya, s. word: pi. s3c5io sarupa. e3CJie33<5, Sarusdra, s, fertility, productiveness. e3c5xC3, Sarupa, s. (es for es3 33 samdna like, d^c form) natural state or condition, nature: a. like, resembling. e3S^(5cs2s5, Sareyan, s. Sergeant. is^c^d, Saroja, s. (S3(5e^ saras pond, c^ produced) lotus, [Colloq. 05, Saroma, s. native dress made of cloth the ends of which are joined together: pi. S63"<35^ sarom. 6S^dJc5i.c, Sardruha, s. (e5 5e^ saras pond, (5ls> produced) lotus, nelumbium speciosum, [Colloq. 55361) nelurn]. 53(5, '^'^'^' * ^^1 tree, rateria acuminata; earthen vessel, chatty; mountain, from ^8(3 saila; market, fair, bazaar; time; riches, wealth, pro- perty. 53(^(5353, Sal-gasa, s. hal tree, vateria acuminata. S0(^6(3, Salnila, s. shop, elevated bank or terrace in front of a house used as such, bazaar. e3Q3, Salla. s. dart, javelin; peg, pin; porcupineV quill; hal tree, vateria acuminata. SQQgasQisg^, Sallahthana, see esC'^^ salakshana. esQgiS, SaltaJa, s. (esc ^'^^^ to go) porcupine. hystrix leucurus, [Colloq, gsJoJiSo ittewd'\x gum olibanum tree, boswellia thurifera. S3CCca> SalJaya, see SSQS //a. 63(33 8cs, Salla-vidhiya, s. (eegg dart, 3 vidhi rule) surgery, practice of surgery. C3(^(;3S33c5, Salldgdra, s. (es(^Q salla and epsjad agdra house) porcupine, [Colloq. os5)i83 I'f^f- ee(2g3C3, Salldpa, s. (es for eesj a7S'a/a, s. house or hall; rock, a rocky mountain, place for devotees ; hal tree, vateria acuminata ; pebble; hare; delay, loitering; chatty, earthen vessel; shaking, moving; quill of a porcupine; arrow; dart, spear. es(3^<^, Salakshana, s. (s3 for eoeo saha with Q?^^ mark) regarding, considering; distinct, possessing marks or tokens. e3(355-3s583, Salakanawd, v. (es for eo with QiSi mark, sora- kama"]. S3(3a), Saladambu, s. hindrance, impediment, [Colloq. 01(3589 tvelahi'ma'j. esc^e. Saladala, s. (esc shaking, ^q leaf) the sacred b(j-tree, Jicus religiosa, [Colloq. s^QJsjCj bd-yaha^ . S3C^ Salanrla, s. hindrance, obstacle, impediment. iSQ-ySosi, Salanpata, s, fan: pi. iSQsiziri salan- pat. 8C5 672 SS) e3(3<2S38a, Salanawd, v. to move, to stir, to shake as a sieve, to riddle, to throw on the ground: pret, e3ii)3 seluwd, eecocJ, Salapat, s. (esc moving, oc5 leaf) bo-tree, Jicus religiosa, [Colloq. 5\S)J(KK) bo-gaha] ; priest's fan, [Colloq. 83ooS3 ?/7a/rtjoata]. e3C<5^^^<^2), Sala-poriaoa, s. moving board or plank. 63(3, Salamba, s. rings or bracelets of a dancer; see the next. y 33(365, Salahha, s. (esc to go, fpeo rti/^a aff.) grass- hopper, locust, [Colloq. S'Ooct^zciczo polangeft- ijcq. tSQtSsa, Salasna, s. (co(^ sal and epe^^D asna seat) throne of Indra on the summit of Meru; stone seat or bench. C3(3e^9 25503, Salaswanawd, v. to cause, to make: pret. 3i(3xe^^S)3 selessuwd. e3(33s3i, Salasanawd, v. to cause, to make, to do: pret. S3z(3g83 selaKuwd. 65(33, Said, s. stones, pebbles; eddy, whirlpool. e3(33S53, Saldkd, s. (e3(3 sake to go, Jpass a/ja afF.) javelin, dart; arrow; porcupine; fibrous stick used as a brush or pencil; rib of an umbrella, etc.; rod, peg, pin. probe, etc. slip of bamboo. e3(^35a3<^e3cs, Saldhd-ddnaya, s. (e3(33S53 bit of wood, <^253 ddna alms) bestowing religious dona- tions on the priests, of cloth, rice, etc. by lot, in which the names written on bits of wood are deposited in a vessel, and the person whose name is first drawn out receives the donation. S3(33, Saldtii, a. unripe, immature, [Colloq. Salila, s. (tsQ sala to go, ^(3 ila aff.) water, [Colloq. 9^<5 ivatura'\ : a. cold, frigid. ^Sc 53^S)(3, Salila-huntala, s. (e3(3(3 and s^sS 3(3 hair) aquatic plant, vallisneria octandra. ssgC^, Salilaja, s. {^Qc and ^ born) lotus; fish. S3(gcS)3<5, Salila-dhdra, s. (^sQq water, Qsd what has) sea, ocean, [Colloq. ^q muda']. ts9>QQ, Saleli, s. young woman. 6SS>(3g, Salelu, s. youth, young man. e3S^(3JtS, Salobhi, s. (eo for easj saha with ^q5^ lobha covetousness) -^isi in aff.) miser, niggard. es, Saw, s. Elu form of es sanva, all; scholar, from ^30^55 srdwaka. 63S>a:f, Sawne, s. every thing that can be known. s3(^^^d^JC^, Sawnedat, a. one acquainted with every thing that can be known, or is fit to be known. 5, Sawma, s. planet Mercury, [Colloq. ^g budahu^ . S303S, Saimja, a. left, left hand; south; southern; reverse, contrary, backward. 33, Sawwd, s. scholar, disciple, from Sg, Sawatindu, s. (saS^? sawata and <^e, indu lord) Kataragama-deviyo, leader of the celestial hosts. 63055::^, Sawan, see 630^0 sawana. 33sd'<*, Sawandima, s. giving ear, listening. 6303, Sawana, 1 s. (ss all, 'SD who knows) S3e6c5, ^a^{7?^^?/fl, j name of Buddha, saci-ifice, any ceremony in which offerings and obLitions are presented; the ear; Elu form of es^ii^ sar- wajna. S3iQc5, Sawamya, a. what is fit or possibh' to be heard, audible: see. the last. 630-^, Sawar?ia, a. (es for es3eD samdna like, Q-^ colour, tribe) like, resembling; of the same tribe, class, or kind, homogeneous. S30(5, Sawara, s. barbarian: see ssQ(5 sabara; water. 830(3, Sawala, see 65(3 Sabala. 63063, Sawasa, s. after part of the day, afternoon, evening. 6963320, Sawasdna, s. (ea corpse, 823250 repose) cemetery, [Colloq. I3^88056cs mini-pit.faniyci\. e3, Savi, s. strength, force, muscular power; prowess, intrepidity. 63455(5- saha with S)i53 sensation, sz aff.) sentient, possessing the powers of feeling; animate. 63eiC33, Savitri, s. sun. C38s>46, Savtfarka, a. (ea for ee with S3ig) rea- soning) rational, possessing or employing the reasoning faculty. e3^, Savitu, s. sun. escJQ, Savidha, a. (s2 for C933 samcina same. 3 manner, sort) near, proximate; of the same kind, homogeneous. 58J^9, Savindaiva, s. rock salt: corrupt form of -5615333) saindhawa. ed<:jc3j, Savindaivayd, s. mule, for (5iKia)ic23 mindliarayd ; a Sindh horse (a breed much prized). C8p5c3, Saviya, s. strength: see e3 sain. S39xi6, Sariwpni, s. last day of a Kalpa, 23933, Savislin, see ?p^95Dc5:f attrt'flayan. e3F^(S)e^, Sawukmda, s. plant, Inempferia rotunda, also called csSs^oe^ yawakenda. L,^(S>^SNe(^, Sawudodol, s. kind of sweet meat. j ^2533(5, iSau/idl, s. sago, s9?a<( /rpjVs. 335^8^9, Saweni, tnd. sixth, sixthly. ' esQt^Q, ^aweni, s. name of Buddha^ssSa? sar/vaj- iia, all-wise. 0Bd^5, Sasrika, a. (ea for ess) saha with ( plenty, ) aff.) pi'osperous, flourishing, thriving, e6^255S3S, Sasnkakama, s. flourishing condilion, prosperity, thriving, cac^, Sas. Elu form of raesos sasya. 33eJ455'5, Saskara, s. (ettS harvest, 3<5 who does) husbandman, fCoUoq, ^^(Sio^QSiO gomyd']. 036359, Sasti, s. side-look, leer, ese^so, Sasna, see ssgsd' sasun. sae^Q^si, Sas-iradnn, .<>. (sssT truth, ^sj speech) Tiipasa or religious ascetic. S3^}3S5, SasH'dmika, a. (sera .? afF.) having an owner or husband, married. .^cj, Snsa, s. hare, [CoUoq. saoQj hdwd^, or rabbit; iruth, verity, from z^Si^satya; carpenter, wlieel- wright; tree, symplocos racemosa ; spots on the moon supposed to resemble a hare. 5soffi>, Sasanka, s. (esse sasa hare, foCEi (tnka mark) moon, [Colloq, eo^ handa^. esc8J, Sasak, s. sandal wood, santalum album, [Colloq, es)ge5:f handuTi]', moon, [Colloq, co^ handa^ asescD, Sasaiiga, s. union, association, conjunction: a. associated, wiscid ," Sasadara, s. (eees hare, q6 what has) moon, [Colloq, K)^ Aowrfa], the spots on her disc having a fancied resemblance to a hare, fisssea, Sasana, s. immolation, offering living victims. ee83<5, Sasara, s. the world, habitation of mortals, mundane existence as opposed to Nirwana or annihilation, e5e3(^, Sasal, s. shaking, motion; the eye. 3S3C Sasala, s. thunder, [Colloq. cpeoss ^s)<5 ahasa-geravima~\; rumbling of the clouds; shak- ing, moving. C3e3C^C> Sasaladala, s. (sssse shaking, bo- gaha"]. esess^C^, Sasale, ., Sahakdraka, a. (S3C0 with >(5 kara to do, > aff.) assisting, working together. e553>3CJcs3, Sahakdrayd, s. companion, friend, eswcsjo, Sahagata, s. (esw with otsj gone) accom- panying, going or associating with. ssao^D, Sahagum, .c^;jc5, Sahasdat, s. (estsycS and ^cJ tooth) sort of sheat fish. assot/i^'easJ, Sahasnet, s. name of Indra: see eso 593^^ sahasrdksha. eciJOE^cci, jSahaspat, s. (eswe^ and 35J leaf) lotus: Elu form of 63S3MC3^ sahasra-patra. C3)K, Sahasya, s. month Pausha, (December January), [Colloq. gcSlcJcj durutta]. m^^d)'^, Sahasres, -s. (esoe^ and dra-hirana, s. (tsaog; and ^<53]. e3S3M 9^253, Sahasra-tvadana, s. (e2'53g3ocg, Sa/iasi-dusu, see tswesdc-^ sahasra- rasm. 335J^7a, Sahasrdksha, s. (ess)^ thousand, fe^ aksha eye) name of Indra, who in consequence of the curse of Gautama was covered over with marks resembling the female organ, which were subsequently changed to eyes by the relenting saint. sswesegcJi, Sahasatura, s. snake, serpent. assess, Sahasd, ind. quickly, precipitately, incon- siderately. essjssic^, Sahas fs, s. (esBje^ sahas thousand, f^sS es eye) Indra, Elu form of sss^^iiss sahasi-dksha, which see. "53231 e^es^cJ^, Sahases-safuru, s. (esaseste^ and 3 ^c5i enemy) Titan. escoii, Sahalu, s. likeness, similarity, resemblance, [Colloq. eo3eDS3^ samdnakama']. I wscm^fts 675 33CO^ esDc5, Sahdt/a, s. help, assistauce; companion, associate, follower; ruddy goose, tadorua casarca, (Anatida\ order Auseres). esajocecis), Snhdyatwa, s. (tssjjca and e:f-ig, >Sahetuka, a. (es for e&eo saha with s^Jsf^ cause, oj) aff.) fortunate, lucky, prosperous; meritorious, virtuous; having a cause or origin. e6S*S!032J^c8, Sahoktiya, s. (essa saha with ^ss& ukti speech) figure of rhetoric ; either the em- ployment of a word in a double meaning, or connecting different circumstances in one sentence by the use of the term esis saha, with, along with. e6S^sjJ<:j(5, Sahddara, Is. (esea saha with ,^^6 e3(9^iJ<;(^c3), Sahudarayd, j udara belly) brother of whole blood, one by the same father and mother. SS>wJ53, Sahodari, s. sister. t3ics, Sdkaya, s. small tree, cratceva Roxhurghii or c. reltgwsa, [Colloq. g(3 sakala all, whole, S3)C* > Sdkalyaka, j cscs^ yon aff.) the whole, the entire. e3)B3, Sdkd, s. vegetable in general. S33j3, Sdkhya, s. (63 saI7' friend, c^ yare aff.) friendship, [Colloq. ^i^sss) initrakaina^. 33j33, Sdkhd, s. branch, branch of a tree, [Colloq. e^-iia atta]; any subdivision. 6;3a)33G53<5, Sdkhd-tiagara, s. (e33S)3 subdivision, eacod city) suburb. a3Q)3@co, Sdkhd-miga, s. (esaQs branch, an animal) monkey, ape, [Colloq. SgOo wandurd, S83 rilawd']. 33S)d, Sdkhdwa, s. branch, the branch of a tree: subdivision: pi. es3Q3 sdkhd. s33o5, Sdkhi, s. (es3a fli-7a and aD(S8 ^rjo/awa], e33dco, Sdgnraya, see 633(53(5 sdgara. S3{53(^(3cs, Sdgardlaya, s. (ee3<53<5 sdgara sea, cpccs fl'/aya abode) name of Varuna the deity of water. 33cS25jeo, Sdginna, s. (eso hunger, e3 vehicle) name of the sovereign Salivahana: see (sajQQo^'Sss sdliwdhana. 83S3303S(;3, Sdtdwdriya, s. asparagus: see S33S3393 Scfl hdtdwdriya. e33?9, Sdti, s. (>^3 sho to reduce or diminish, 55x9 ktt att".) destruction; end, cessation. 63)^33, Sdddhya, s. matter in debate, subject of a proposition: a. to be perfected or accomplished; to be inferred or concluded, (in logic); to be cured or curable, (in medicine). 33^, Sdda,s. mud; yoimg grass; purity, cleanness; lassitude, exhaustion; perishing, decay. 83^?, Sddana, s. (tsi^ sada to go) house, dwelling; dispelling, destroying, wearying, exhausting. K3^38j, Sddanawd, v. to make, to construct, U) form, to raaiiufacture: pret. es^gSs seduwd. e63C,S3255a:)83, Sdddgaiinauxi, v. to make for one's , self. 33S^ad^553, Sddikkd, s. nutmeg tree, myristica fra- grans. ea3i^(io(Si, Sddilingam, s. vermilliou. e33<^'^, Sddrisya, s. (se^c3 sadrisa resemblance, cs a^ yan afi^.) resemblance, similarity, [Colloq. 5i)3'S355 samd/iakajna]. essuDes, SddMoasa, s. fear, tei-ror, {"('olloq. aocs bhaya^. 33Qd, Sddhvi, s. virtuous wife. 330)33, Sddhana, s. (esoQ sddha to complete) ac- complishing, effecting; thing, substjmce; wealth; ii\strument, agent. 330) , Sddharma, s. (33 for ees) saha with a) duty, etc.) common or universal duty, as humanity, justice, etc. e33a))c5c5a. esjoc^a), Sdparddha, a. (e33 for sejs) saha with qpc3 cSia aparddha crime) criminal, guilty. S638o33, Sdpipdsa, -s. (esa hunger, Sodss thirst) hunger and thirst. ses^c*, Sdphalya, s. (es^c saphala fruitful, pi^ an pleonasm, cosi //ai aff.) fruitfulness, produc- tiveness, profitableness. 53)1)005255), Sdmpardyiha, s. (aDacSocs samjmrdya and ci-i^an and ^55) 2/;a affs.) war, battle, [Colloquial: cg^cs yuddUaya or esOea sa/ana]; futurity. ea)QS, Sdmhuwa, s. whole piece of cloth contain- ing many separate ones as a dozen of hand- kerchiefs in one piece. esaS*, Sdmya, s. (ta sama same, c5i yut aff.) equality, sameness, likeness, similarity. e33(g, Sdmyagri, s, entireness, wholeness, the whole; train, retinue; implements, instruments; stock, effects, S33a!S&, Sdmyartha, s. (s53 sdmi master, tf-^ art- tlia meaning) possession, the sense of the genitive case in grammar. e533d, Sdinrdjya, s. (is^3^ sarnrdj emperor, with (Tiis^ shyan aff.) imperial rule, empire. C33d, Sdmandulu, s. (es) branch, s)gd area) shade formed by the extended branches of a tree used as a place to recline in. e83ia)s>o c-SES^smcs, Sdmudrikd-lakshanaya, s. signs on the human body which indicate good or bad fortune. C33gl9, Sdmuwa, s. (s83 branch, animal) monkey, [Colloq. g<35 wandurd, 83 rtlawd']; Elu form of oaQsSao sdklidmriga. S33ce, Sdya, s. petticoat; hunger, famine, scarcity or privation of food. e33aos)3(3, Sdyatikdla, s. (esscso evening, -saac time) even tide, evening, [Colloq. esSss sawasa]. 33C5S), Sdyaka, s. ((3^3 sho to destroy, & aff.) sword; arrow. esscsf), Sdyam, ind. evening. e33csi)0<5-23a) smell) sandal-wood, sanialum album, [CoUoq. 3gJ sandtin and ds$S!85c2 rathihiriya']. ss3(5k, Sdragha, s. honey; bees wax. es3(5gi)to, Sdraiiga, s. the Chataka, cucubis melano- leucos, [Colloq. sjx^zisisjo kendettd'] ; the kokila or Indian cuckoo, [Colloq. (S^<2S)3(33 l-oioidd'] ; deer, [Colloq. 3 muwd'\. 63(5d', Sdraja, s. (a3(5 cream, d produced) fresh butter. e33(5-Sc, Sdrana, s. (es(5 sara to go, etc.) potherb, marsilia quadnfolia, [Colloq. ^ca traveller, 83253 who kills) robber, highwayman. 33^e)(5i, Sdrataru, s. (33(5 sap, S5c5t tree) plantain tree, which has no timber in the stem, musa sapientum, [Colloq. (S^siS^es^oow kesel-gaha"]. 83^8, Sdrathi, s, (fisa sri to go, causal form cpSesrf ai/tm aff.) coachman, charioteer. 33<5<2,, Sdradd, s. (s33(5 essence, of ^visdom and eloquence, ^ who gives) name of Saraswati, the goddess of speech and eloquence, and wife of Brahma; name of Durga, the wife of Siva. 33(5^, Sdradi, s. medicinal plant, cassia auriculata, [Colloquial: <5''i3sf wdne']. 33dc5, Sdrawat, a. fruitful, productive. es)d(55c5l, Sdravirataru, s. tree, dichrostachys cinerea, [Colloq. fpe^cS" andara']. C83(55v393, Sdrawenawd, v. to succeed, to become fertile. 33c5(S>tga6, Sdrasre'shtha, s. tree, adenanthera pa- vonina, [Colloq. ?s)S mahari or S^Qcs mada- tiya'] . S33<53, Sdrasa, s. (csde^ saras pond, etc. qf3 sdrikd. 633S8s5, Sdririka, a. (3S<5 sarira body, ?- Salanguru, s. lighted or burning charcoal, embers. e33(3gjcs, ^dla-di'umaya, s. {saoQ and c,^^ druma tree) hal tree: see (SiiQsdla. e3ie^'^^323. Sdln-nirydsa, ft. resinous exudation of the hal troe: see csjQiQcs^oes sdla-nirydsa. es3C^^'^> '^dla-parm, a. medicinal plant: see oaDQoS^/ sdla-parni. e33c^gi, Sdla-piishpa, s. (esse and gtao flower) shrub, htht'scus mntabilis. e33(3c5, Sdlai/a, s. drawing room; hall. e33Cc53, Sdlayd, s. kind of sea fish, essedes, Sdlarasa, see (533(2 ^Qca?33 sdlayiirydsa. 33(3 a.JSs, >idla-wriksha, see es9(3 ^j^Scs s/a- drmnaya. es3ce63:5, Sdla-sdra, s. assafjetida, [Colloq. s^O(5io 5553csi5 perirnkdyarn] . 58303'!^. Sdldki, s. (03(23^3 saluhd probe, etc. ^ 2' aff.) surgeon; barber, spearman, etc. 33(330, Sdhipa, s. (ee3 sAa with tf&c^o dW/)a word) conversation. 633(33, Sdldwa, 8. house; hall, largest or principal room in a house : pi. 663^9 sdld. s239a5, Sdld-wrilca, s. (033(33 and Qiss wolf) jackal, [Colloq. aaScss nariyd']; dog, [Colloq. (^C3 ^o//']. 33(353, Sdlikd, s. (e33S) sdrika and g Zz" substi- tuted for 5 77) small bird, turdus: see (533St3 sdrihd; weaver; shrub, desmodium gangeticum. eojgee, Sdlti^a, ind. number fort}"-, [Colloq. eeo^es satalisa ] . S3 gC5, SdlnJca, s. root of the water-lily. 533g(5, Sdli'ra, s. (toQ sala to go, q6 ura aff.) frog, [Cclloq. s^eocs^ gemadiyd']. ^^C^^'253-^. Sdlddydnaya, s. (e33(3 so/a tree, shorea robusta, (^^20 udydna garden) forest of sal trees, vateria acuminata. e3)9, Sdiva, s. (sa sawa dead body, fp<^ a?2 aff.) tawny, the colour; young of any animal: a. tawny; relating to a dead body. e339>, Sdwaka, 8. young of any animal: a. gen- erative, productive, obstetric, parturient; Pdli form of c^j?)s> srdicaka, hearer, disciple. S)8^, Sdwadya, a. (e33 for ts^ saha with Qt^ crime) guilty, criminal. 033 S3, Sdwana, s. month of thirty solar days: a. natural, (in Astronomy) as c6383eo sdwana- dina, a natural day, from sun rise to sun rise. C339<5, Sdivara, s. fault, offence; sin, wickedness; tree, symplocos racemosa; wet or damp ground. 638s^cd5*, Sdivasesha, a. (m3 for esao saha with ^8(^^ds awase'sha remainder) remaining, in- complete. SS383, Sdwd, s. hare, also called 383 hdwd. e33g, Sdvitra, s. sun, [Colloq. d ?m]; name of Siva. S3w8c:S, Sdhachrya, s. (3eo8(5 sahachara com- panion, K-^ an aff.) association, company, society. 6332363, Sdhasa, 8. (SK)63 stthasu strength, fp-sgf an aff.) perpetration of any act of violence or rapine; oppression, cruelty; rape, ravishment. e33sS5, Sdhasika, s. (esswes sdhasa violence, (^iSi ika aff.) robber, freebooter: a. violent, feloni- ous, rapaciovis; brutal, cruel. 633:00333, Sdhitya, s. (ee^Ss) sahita with, together, t^^ an aff.) society, association, connection, combination, poetry, belles-lettres. 533i8, Sdluwa, s. shawl: pi. essd sdlit. (Port.) Q, St, 8. top of a tree. Qoswd, Ssngdrama, s. drum or tabour; any musical instrument: pi. &o(sio6^ singdram. QocScioj, Singitta, s. little, bit, small portion, [Colloq. a} tikak]. QoK3S3a3, Singhdtana, s. rust of iron, [Colloq. c!r)3(5 yabora^. 8oK3S3, Singhdna, 1 s. (Q& sight to smell, p 3ow)^6ffi>3, Singhdnikd, \ -iSiss:, dnaka aff.) mucus of the nose, [Colloq. s>e63 sotu\. Qo^^, Singhini, s. (88 sight and ^fl i?ii aff.) nose, [Colloq. esajsMsJ ndhe^. S0553, Sinha, s. lion; leo, the sign of the zodiac; in composition, pre-eminent, 9o5D3NaJc5a<5, Sinha-kesara, s. (Qosj lion, (3^5(^?d mane, etc.) plant, mimusops elengi, [Colloq. ? (^ WMwa-ma/] ; lion's mane. SoS) -5)S'S338, Sinha-garjandica, s. (Qosj and gsjS 33 garjand thunder) roaring of a lion. 8o!3^<5^^, Sinha-dena, s. a lioness. QofloaDs^, Sinhandda, s. (Qo-a and c36<^, Sinha-parni, s. (SJ and C3^ parna leaf) small tree, adhatoda vasica or jusHcia adhenatoda, [Colloq. tf(Si(^cpc,6 affal-dddra]. SosjgS^, Sinlia-puchchhi, s. (8oS5 and gSd pihch- chha tail) plant, hedysarum lagopod lodes, \Vo\\'. ge^Sx&ia3 puswenna']. 8o!S)S, St'nha-rmikhr, .. medicinal plant, justicia adheuatoda. [Colloq. cf(5?dcp^'5<^ agal-dddra\. 3oSjc33, Smhayd, see Soao sinha. Sos>c53>S3a, Sinha-ydnd, \ s. {&o^ lion, c3-2d ?/aa Qoa^dcSo Sinha-rathd, / or <5 6 ra^A vehicle) name of Durga, being mounted on a lion. 9o(3, Sinhala, s. (SoS) and (ja Id to have or get) Ceylon, which was peopled by the descendants of c^cs Vijaya son of feowSag Sinhahdhu who, according to fable, was begotten by a lion: a. belonging to Ceylon, native of Ceylon. SoK(5 fpesfs^SJ^CTts:?, Stnhala-asamodagam, s. saxi- frage, pimpineUa am'sum or p. heyneana: sec 9(^ t^f.2s52Q3, Sinhmnnnd, s. fern, drymoglossum heterophyltum, [Colloq. ee^8x5d'3 mas^ven7ta]. Qosi (3is3csxo8, Sinha-seyydwa, s. (Sosa lion, (S^scx-xa seyyd reclining) sleeping attitude of a lion. 8oS)3<35, Stnhdna, s. rust of iron, mucus of the nose. 3o!S33eaM, Stnhdsya, s. (Sosj sinha lion, {pesos dsya face) small tree, adhatoda vasica, [Colloq. ^^(^ {pi, (5 agal-dddra'], the flowers of wbicb are compared to the face of the lion. SowDeseocs, Sinhdsanaya, s. (SoK) sinha and {px-SD dsana seat) throne being supported by lions, etc: pi. 8oK3e3S3 sinhdsana. fioa5>3es203dx^, Sinhdsandrudha, a. ascended the throne. Qo^iSii, Sinhilcd, s. (&ot8 lioness, <55 ka sSW of comparison) mother of Kahu the personified ascending node; medicinal plant, jusficia adhcnatoda, [Colloq. o 3<<^|^ monard'\', fire, [Colloq. S-ss^p gindara^; flag, banner, [Colloq. (3>53Sc2 kodiya'\, Elu form of cS sikM. Q^c3K)sJ, Siki-yahan, s. (SS peacock, csaaes^ vehicle) name of Kartikeya or Kataragama- deviyo, the Indian god of war. 83<^C' Sikidala, s, flame, [Colloq. Si^^iiQ gini- daluwa-] . Bss^dsiQzQ, Sikuratawesi, s. Titan, Asur. 82gC5, Sikurd, s. planet A-^enus or its regent: see c^^ siikra. Qs^(^Q Sikurddd, s. (8^05 and c, day) Friday. (Q^<^, Sikuru, s. intoxicating liquor, [Colloq. q'd^Jag arakku']', whiteness, [Colloq. g^swr/a]: see 8-^ do sikurd. 825(^6cS(3, Sikurupiyali, see Bi^S.Q<^^Q singnru- piyali. 8Q3, Sikhdwa, ^. flame, [Colloq. (Q<^i^(j,Q gini- della']'. see ^5)3 sikhd. 8)(^, Sigal, s. jackal: see c3tiS)3C srigdla. 8c5, Sigu, s. horn, etc: see rasabo .sringa; haste, speed: see cSg sighra. So^ 681 S)3 Q'&sSisio, Singannd, s. beggar, mendicant: pi. 3o:J'S^2S3j singanno. SiK)cs333, Siuganawd, v. to beg, to solicit alms or charity; also called 59(^, Singal, s. jackal. S03-2D, Singdna, s. agricultural instrument, sort of hoe. fi6>3<5><5-(^ ^ p0S3 sitewim. 939, Sitavima, s. planting, fixing, placing. Qz)'3'3^-Sii, Sttdno, s. ((5^S3^ setthi noble) noble- man. fi32S593, Stttnawd, v. (csdj sthd to be or stay) to be, to remain, to stay. S8c83, Sitiyd, past tense of the above; stood. S3, Sitj'nm, verbal noun of SSeaSo sitinaivd. Q, SitUy s. nobleman: see Bdors^zsJ sitdno. figoe^^d, Situ- tan uttira, .. (9 and oiss3^6 an ^ ofilce) nobility, dignity of a nobleman. fi93S3, Sttuwanaicd, v. (causal form of 9383 sitinaivd. to be, to stay) to fix, to place, to es- tablish; to set, to plant, as trees: prct. S-s^SSQs siteu'wd. ScJ, Sit, see So sita. 96J e^'Sve^^Sa, Sit-elenawd, v. (8o sita the mind, c^S^CSsSa to adhere) to wish, to desire, to covet. Qfsi^ts>L^, Sit-otent, a. (So3 sz'm mhid, Saj^ift feeble) disheartened, discouraged, abject. 9cJ-25)C' Sitkahi, a. delightful, pleasing, agreeable, attractive. 9aJe555s:f-S33, Sitgannawd, y. (8s> sita mind, ot5 eo93 to take) to please, to gratify. 9c}s3d5, Sittard, .9. painter, colourer, limner: pi. 9a5c3(5L sittaru. 9a})C Sit-vikala, a. (Qzn sita the mind, B^q confused) troubled, perplexed, perturbed. 9sJj5)ci Sit-vikalamma, s. perplexity, per- turbation. 9s), Sita, 8. the mind, reasoning faculty, from Seoeacs chittaya; fourth lunar aaterism, from ^g chitra'; white; planet Venus; silver; sandal wood; white arsenic. 9c3^5e Sitaktilaka, s. medicinal plant, sida cordifolia, [Colloq. g<58i(Sc sulu-belila'\. 9sj9d<3, Sitachchhatra, s. (Qe3 white, 6tg um- brella) white umbrella, o}ie of the emblems of royalty. 8s)c^^, Sitachchhatri, s, sort of fennel, anethum sowa. 9s3g-, Sitadru, s. plant, commonly called s>3dQ9 morafd. 9o{3>^J^, Sitadrona, s. borago, borago zeylanica, [Colloq. s^c^^^s:^^g yon-tumba]. 9y)a)3-^, Sifadhdtu, s. (Soa white, Qs^g mineral) chalk. 9s3'2S3S)3, Sitanawd, v, to think, to reflect, to con- sider: pret. 9^03 situivd. 9c3C3^, Sitapaksha, s. (9s5 white, o^s feather, half) goose; light fortnight of the moon. 9c3gt3C, Sita-pushjm, s. (fia and gtatj flower) fragrant grass, cypenis rottndus, [Colloq. cag (5i ta/anr/wrw] ; another grass, saccharum spon- taneum. 9o3gao3, Sitapushpd, <5b kataroluj. QtS3ocs>, Sitdnka, s. (Sea sita and 3, Sitdndikd, s. plant, trianthera decan- dra, [Colloq. 3sj i-)6-^ maha-sdrana and gd 233(5 -"S^ sulu-sdra?f(Jii^. 83(^ 682 fifi .^ ^^^iad^sSSia, Siddaharanawd, v. to cause, to oc- casion, to effect. S>^<^9, Siddavima, s. event, occurrence. I 9<^ij(3\9<2s383, Siddawenawd,v. to happen, to occi pret. 8(^<5g20D siddawund. Q), ISkldha, s. (BQsidha to effect, ^xsikta aft.) fioM^, Sitdbkra, s. {Qsi sita and ff^abhra cloud) camphor, [CoUoq. 855g<^ kajniru]. QC33iS)(5, Sttdmbara, s. (&6) sita white, piS)(5 ambara vesture) ascetic wearing white garments. QooSgd, Sitdmbuja, s. (8C3 sita white, ffS^ ambuja lotus) white lotus. Q63jS>, Sitdrjaka, s. (9s> sz3(5c33, Situwakkdrayd, s. obstinate or stubborn man. Q>Gi^Qo, Sitenawd, v. thought occurs; it is thought: pret. S^eos sitund. 8s>D-J^<5, Sitodara, s. (8c3 sita white, ^^6 udara belly) name of Kuv^ra who is whitened by a leprous taint. character; sort of demigod; sage, seer; twent\- first of the astronomical Yogas; adept, magician: a. accomplished, effected, completed; happened; demonstrated, proved; decided, valid in law. 9^S5(5-^3, Siddkakaranaii'd, v. to effect, to ac- complish, to bring about, to fulfil, to attain. 8(^s><^9, Siddha-dewa, s. name of Siva. B^Qj^, Siddha-dhdtu, 1 s. (96) adept, (in al- 9<^(5e3, Siddha-rasa, fchemy), 5)3 5) or 6fs mineral) quicksilver, [Colloq. (5e3cs rasadiya], 6&D3xn, SiddMnta, s. (8 siddha completed, qp3CSD anta end, conclusion) demonstrated or established conclusion, as the concurrent doc- trines of all the authorities on a subject similarly interpreted. 8(.^33C5esocgs)cs, Siddhdnta-sangrahaya, s. (883 eao and eto^sj sangraha compilation) grammar of the Elu or ancient language of Ceylon. Qep^rS^i, Siddhdrttha,8. (&e) siddha complete, f3& arttha meaning, wealth) name of Gautama; white mustard; banyan tree; fifty-third year of the Indian cycle. 8^, Siddhi, s. (8S) sidha to accomplish, Sf<5 kti aff.) fulfilment, accomplishment, the entire com- pletion of any undertaking, or attainment of any object; final emancipation from existence, Nirwana or annihilation; prosperity, success. 8<^egcJi, Siddhinguru, s. dried ginger. 8^, Sida,a. Siddha or divine personage; Elu form of 8<^ siddha. Qqtsi, Sidat, Elu form of 8^3aeJ siddhdnta. 8^6Je5a)3e;J /oZaftd and S^codS) odi(^ goda-mdnil; plant, woodfordia fioribunda, [Colloq. go malita]. {Bug), Sindhu, s. ocean, sea; river Indus; country along the Indus or Sindhu; elephant; small tree, vitex negundo: see the next; river in general. 8aDffi>, Sindhuka, s. small tree, vitex negundo, [Colloq. gg^i sudu-nika'] : see Q^Q6 siduwara. fiD 55)6, Sindhu-kapha, s. (8ag sea, 56 phlegm) cuttle fifih bone. Seg:^, Sindhuja, s. (Sag!) and d bom) rock-salt, [Colloq. s5B^g '', , ' ^ rN 4 ^*35 sinasuna. 833S^S)'S383, 3 859^23, Sinidasa, s. love, affection, kindness. 8i6g, Sinidu, a. smooth, oily, unctuous, greasy; thin, fine; amiable, kind, affectionate; Elu form of es?Qca&) snigdha. 8e6S)(33, Sinibald, s. tamarind: see ScsSca siyam- hald. 8i93S) Jcaha^ ; root of the water lily. 86D)e!5, Sipkdkanda, s. (860 and 55^ root) root of a water lily. 863C5l), Siphdruha, s. (863 fibrous root, cSicj what grows) banyan tree, [Colloq. sj-gsj maha ^ nuga\ 8(g, Simbali, s. silk cotton tree, from eso^&Q sdlmali. 885083, Simbinawdf v. to kiss, to smell: pret. 8 3 simbd. 8, Simbima, s. smelling, kissing; verbal noun of 8303 stmbinawd. 8, *S??n, s. boundary, a limit, from Q3 simd. 8i, Simba, s. large shrub, cassia alata, [Colloq. (5cS^S5ji5 rata-tora']; legume, pod. SiS)\ Simbd, s. legume, pod; see the last. 8, Simbi, s. kind of kidney bean, phaseolm trilobus, [Colloq. 'goQz,JD 7nunwe7ina2. as, Simi, Is. master, lord; Elu form of te3 8f C51, Simiyd, jswdmi. 8(3>'?3^, Simenti, s. cement. (Eng.) Scs, Stya, s. relation, kindred, [Colloq, 3x>c6j net/o"]; roof; hundred: adj. own, individual, self: see also 8csc3 siyaya, Qcsti^Cf^^, Siyakdahasa, s. one hundred thousand. 8j52Gcs, Siyakulaya, s. one's own caste or family. 8c5S^5S3, Siyakela, s. Indra's thunderbolt. QaqtsS, Siyadan, 8cscj), Siyadam 8csef, Siyan, s. kinsmen; plural of fioo siya. , ScseJ ^, Siyan-dumbulu, s. soot. ScsosJ, Styapat, s. (8g5 hundred, ocJ leaf) lotus, nelumbium speciosum, [Colloq. G^ss3^ neluml, or nymphcea lotus, [Colloq. Sg o7m], from csso og sata-patra. &<>oq, Siya-pada, s. (Scs and o*? foot) centipede, [Colloq. 53SJS3xC33 p^?/a]. 8caC3, Siyambald, s. tamarind tree, tamarindus in dica ( Legumin osiej . Scacfi, Siyaya, s. hundred, the number. ' >s. legitimate h3 son. 9csd^, Siyarii, s. (8cs own, 6h. state ) one's own form; natural or peculiar state or disposition. 8csc^g, Siyareli, a. (Sco hundred, d>Q wave, flash) forked as lightning. 8cBd, Siyal, |,. ^^^ ,he whole. 63c3(jG> Siyalla, J &c5c;a, Siyalanga, s. (fec8(^ si^ya/ nil, c;pio aw^o limb) whole body, Scag, Siyalu, a. all, whole. 8c32>3, Siyaha, ind. continually, perpetually; Elu form of easJCJ satata. Qoits^^isi, Siyahutan, s. name of Indra; fire, or Agni the deity of fire. So^ed, Siyun, i a. sharp, piercing, cutting; fine, 8gi>, Siyum, J delicate, minute. 8gj(5i, Siyuru, s. bartavelle or Greek partridge, perdix rufa, [Colloq. e^Sig&2(,3 etikukuldl^; Elu form of Qs^aaJd chakora. Sg^^sji&'g, Siyuru-hendalima, s. act of whis- tling. as>c53, Siyo, s. union, junction, association; relation, kindred. 8sc33o5, Siyot, s. bird in general; Ceylon hornbill, tockus gingalinsis, [Colloq. aox^oicas kendattd^; Elu form of 83345> chdtaka. 8(3>c3)sJ Bs^c&tS, Siyot-j)iyes, s. heavens, sky, at- mosphere, [Colloq. cp5o63 ahasa^. Qc536} siyot. 8(9'C33(3D, Siyolanga, see 8csoo siyalanga. 8(5, c3C3, Sirageya, s. prison, gaol: see ?9(5> Sinwedi-beltla, \s. plant, accor- 888i, xC Siriwedi-bevila, J ding to one au- thority, sida cordifedia, according to another hibiscus rigidus. 8S8ica, Siriw^dtya, see the last. 8Se3^, Sirisanda, s. (88 prosperity, ea^ pre-em- inence) name of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, etc. 88^, Sirihimi, s. (88 Lakshmi, ?9f lord) name of Vishnu. Q(Si, SirUy s. cricket, one which destroys the core of trees, [Colloq. 3cg(3 nagula^. Q^6, Sirura, ) , , ^^ r-. ^ ^ rs. r*' body, from caoo sarira. ScJi.^, SirurUy J 8c5l:Jl29s6, Sirurukisa, s, (8:JlJl body, iSss action) any natural evacuation; washing the body, ablution; personal decoration, etc. 8^, Sil, s. hole, perforation; moral observance or obligation, prescribed duty, etc: see Qq sila, 8(^S3<5K)83, Sil-rakinawd, v. to observe the pre- cepts of Buddha. 8(^8c}, Silwat, a. (Q(^ and 8cJ poss. aE.) obser- vant of moral and religious duties, pious, 8(^8s33, Silwatd, s. pious man. 8(3, Sila, s, hole, perforation; also Sq hila. 8(3i)8, Silambuwa, s, rings or bangles worn on the ankles by dancers. QQBssid'S^Oi, Silawkara?iawd, v. to balance an account: see &q^'<) hila^mu. 686 SQe3 6(3'5>58, Stlawkerima, s. balancing any ac- count, liquidation. fle^Q) Silaivwa, s. substitution: see SqBQ htlawwa. 8(29, Sila-watuwd, s. bird called the wood sand-piper, totarns glareola (Scolopacida;, order Gralloe). a@, Sili, s. fruit. S(3S) Silimuwa, see c(3a sih'mukha. &Q(^ySiHl,s. water, [Colloq 8^(5 watura]; drug and perfume: see 8c5 irmeriya. 6d?^' Silildan, s. the lotus, [Colloq. aadi) nelum^. Sd^> Silildd, s. (S(gd water, q what gives) cloud, rainy cloud, [Colloq. Qq^o^q waldkula'\. S(3de3D, Sililnd, s. (Sgd ^^^ "^^ lord) name of Varuna, the deity who presides over all waters. S@C Silila, s. water, [Colloq. ^(5 watura] ; cold, [Colloq. Se3C sitala']. SQC*?. Sililadd, see Sg^^ silildd. QQQ,:i6 ^ Silildra, 8 . sea, ocean, [Colloq. gejmzkZa]; stream of water, drain, etc. agg, Silili, see SQc st7j7a. 8@(g^, Sililidd, see S(gd<5 silildd. S' Silutu, a. smooth, polished; clinging, adher- ing to. figD9ca> Siluchcliaya, s. rat snake, [Colloq. CTt<5 CS3 ^pra2?.c?jyaj ; mountain: see c8s^cJ8cs s7ocA- cAa?/a. QB, Siw, adj. four, consisting of four, [Colloq. e3c5 Aatara]. Q cpc5, Siiv-at, s. (8 four, ^ci hands) name of i Vishnu. SSeJS)-"^, Siw-gahana, s. (a four, enJO'<^ nose) one having four noses, epithet of s)39cs3i)cS3 mahd-brahmayd. fiS^g, SiwdiwUf see fisS3<5s)as) Soco sataramaka- dvipaya. fiS^geS, SiwdiwuUmi, s. (QB four, con- tinent, ?S lord) universal monarch, universal emperor. SS^ssD, Siw-diadwa, s. the four quarters. SSS'^c^, Siw-des, s. {QB and ^^iS quarter) four cardinal points; ray, sun-beam. 8^(SJ^, Siwde-ganda, s. (BB four, <^ sort^ <5)^ perfume) class of four perfumes, viz. saffron, frankincense, gum benjamin or olibanum, and Yavana, a sort of incense said to be produced in the country of the Yavanas. Qc3i!jc5, Sitvpadaya, s. (S&) and oc} pada foot) verse, metre of stanzas consisting of four lines. S^osscfl, Siivpasaya, s. (QB and aes pasa ne- cessary or utensil) the four requisites of a priest, viz. the yellow robe, alms, a residence, and sick diet. 89o33, Siwpdwd, s. (8 and C33 foot, 3 aff.) quadruped: pi. 89c33(3SJ siwpdwd. Q98^Sc63S, Siwpilisirnbiydwa, s. (S four, 8^ intensitive prefix, 8Sc23 sirnbiyd discrimination) four attainments peculiar to the highest order of Rahats, viz. a knowledge of ethics, of dharma or religious doctrines, of the grammatical com- ments and expositions of the dharma, and a supernatural discrimination. 8S)(5'5*'255< Siwbalakeli. s. game of chess. 8S)3, Siwbd, s. (88 and S)3 arm) name of Vishnu. 8i^c5, Siwmedura, s. window, an air hole, [Colloq. ddres Mressa: a. quadrangular, four cor- nered; square, four sided. ag-, Siwwata, J Brahma: see BBSeS siw-his. 99(5i), Siw-waram^ s. (BB and d best) regents of the four cardinal points. 3<5i) ^<;e>c5J, JSiwwaram-deviyo, s. four guard- ian gods of the cardinal points. ae^, Siwwas, s. name of Vishnu. BBStS, Siw-hist s. (BB four, Sd head) name of Brahma, who is represented with four heads. ao^cJi, Siwanguru, s. red chalk. BQqo, Siwald, s. jackal: pi. 8dg siwaUu. \ as 687 BfSiJ S9, Sivi, a. ray, sun-beam; skin, skin of any- animal: see fics siviya; king so named. 8ffi33, Stvtkd, s. (S9 8tva pleasure, > ika aff.) palanquin, litter. 9(S^C5Jcs, Shngeya, s. (9 and (S3cs house) howdah, palanquin carried on the back of an elephant, litter. Scs, Siviya, s. lamina, coat, tegument, tunicle; skin; rind, bark, or integuments of fruit, etc.; bladder; piper chavi/a, Elu form of 0SaD chawyd. Sc:s9t(^, Siviya-wel, s. species of pepper plant, piper chavya (Piperaceoe). S9<5, Sivira, s. camp; royal camp or residence. 8c5s3, Sivirata, see Se^(3^(5>ca sivigeya. 8gc, Siu'iuJu, s. hole, perforation. Qti, Sis, s, head, from -^^sirsha: a. empty, void, vain, unimportant. 8e5s39, Siskama, s. emptiness, vanity, vacuum. &eSoQ3, Sisjmld, s. bird in general. Btsod-^Qo, Sisdravawd, v. to circumambulate, to perambulate; to move circulary: pret. 8e3x(5i8o sisemwd. Sesa, Sisdla, part, moved round, [Colloq. (5s3i g lcarahewu\. S8, Sisi, s. moon, [Colloq. S)^ handa]. 888cs, Sisipiya, s. (88 moon, 6cs beloved) blue lotus, nymphcea stellata, [Colloq. d-Sv^dc^ md ner\\ slso, jasminum mulltflorum or pubescens. 88gc}, Sisiput, s. (88 moon, gs5 son) the planet Mercury, [Colloq. e3a3^05 senasurd^: lighted wick. Sd-N!Je^, Sitdmbhoja, / S)s ^'^'w]- 8033^455, Sitdrjaka, s. plant, species of the ocimnm, [Colloq. cpg 03(33 anchif.ald,']. B^isS, Si'dan, s. flux tinged with blood, indicating the emptiness of the bowels. 0<5xs5, Sidantn, 1 s. (ts^ sada to 8^a3C3S3C5Jc5co, Sidanta-sdgaraya, (be congealed, ;p303 anta aff.) the seven seas surrounding Mahd Meru, so called from the intense cold and unruffled state of the water. So^, Sidhu, s. spirit distilled from molasses. S^, Sin, see 9eSa5 sihin. Qssi (^i^, St'n-tdda, s. fS*:? thin, ^(^^ wrightea) plant, probably a species of oleander. a2s:fdS)(5i, Sm-endaru, s. species of castor oil plant, ricinus communis. QisS iBeSts3(^, Sin-ensdU s. (63edf and 6a5:fe33(^ car- damums) elettaria cardamomnm (minor), small cardamums. ^si S99(5, Sin-debara, s. small species of jujube, variety of zizyphus jujuba. Sed g^Q, Sm-dumuda, s. sort of bind-weed, con- volmdus (ov lettsomia) nervosus. QsS 3o(5e55, St'n-ndran, s. small variety of the mandarin orange, citrus nobilis. &s1 . Stn-midi, s. species of the premna spinosa. S&^ o, Sin-mun, s. variety of the kidney bean, phaseolus vulgaris. SJ StQracg, Sin-medahangu, s. plant, variety of dcemia extensa. QsS d>sfa3, Sin-retta, s. plant, variety of mimosa octandra. S), Sina, 8. fool, blockhead; large snake. 9D^de5)3<5o, Sz'nakkdran, s. alum. 92De)93, Sznachchafti, s. metal of which bullets, and pans are made, cast iron, 93CB, Smaya, s. dream, from ^C563 swapna. 9^0, Stni, s. sugar. 9^005, Siniya, s. bell; thorny shrub, acacia farni- siana (Leguminosce). 9'^5, Smuk, s. milk hedge plant, euphorbia tortilis ( Euphorbiacece ) . S'^Q, Sinuwa, s. bell: pi. 9^ sinu. 9^, Sipada, g. stanza of four lines: see 99c^ giwpada; also the elephantiasis, Pdli form of C53(3w<5 sUpada. 9593{g33, Siphdlikd, see e^^sgajo seplidlikd. 9a3e3, Smanta, s. (93 .9ma limit, epxD awfa end) separation of the hair on each side, so as to leave a distinct line on the top of the head. 936^i9, Simantini, s. (93303 simanta separation of the hair, oeQ ini aff.) woman in general, [Colloq. e3@ stri']. 9e)38, Simdica, s. boundary, limit, landmark, etc. bank, shore; rectitude, observance of due bounds in morals: pi. a)3 simd. ai.g<5, Simedura, s. window, [Colloq. ds^isiQia janelaya~\ . 9cs, Siya, s. hundred: see SjiMya. B6q, Si'rada, s. (9 and d Swala, 1 5, (9 to sleep, on the water, Qq 98 ir*, Sioela, j aff.) aquatic plant, rallisneria; benzoin or storax. 9-03, Sisa, ) s. (9 to bind, 5* kti aff.) lead, Btzszi, Sisaka, / [Collcq. si'nha, lion. Sffijsfaj, Sihanna, s. sense, recollection. 8sjoa3?o, Siha-papnta, s. (Qua lion, oaj prec- ipice) one of the seven lakes in the Himalaya so named. Qesi^, Sihala, see Sosjq Sinhala. Sg<0, Sihunda, 1 s. milk hedge plant, euphorbia 9g<:^, St'hundi, ) antiquorum, [Colloq. ^gi^ g, Su, ind. a particle and prefix analogous to good, well; also implying reverence, worship, honour: increase, prosperity; excess, exceeding. 19 o, Sun, see ^i sun. 903}. Suugama, s. toll, tribute, custom, etc: pi. goK) simgaw. ^oc^3, Sungd, .v, .-^ort of sheat fish, silurus pungen- tissimus. gocoa, Sungddama, s. rudder, helm: pi. goiwo aS) sungddam, [Colloq. g5es533 sukkdnama']. goK)3e) S)(Si.Q. Sungddam-ornwa, s. (gocsjD sun- gddama helm, S)(^ boat) large boat, dhoney. g5)3D, Sukkdnama, s. rudder, helm: pi. ^iA 032S3 sukkdnam. IQffiO, Sukata, s. merit, power or virtue of good Avorks, [Colloq. 4!?esc kusala"]. gs>^, Sukanda, .s. (g good, Si'Ss^ root) onion, allium cepa, [Colloq. q^ Imiu']; yam, [Colloq. <|PC a/aj ; sort of grass, scirpus kyssoor; esculent root, amorphophalhift campanulatus, [CoUoq. tSi))c5tsS kiddran']. I fg(5, Sukara, a. (g pleasure, S3?c5 to make or confer) easy, practicable, attainable. gs>S(33S5, Suka-wallabha, s. (g4S) parrot, S(3ps5 beloved) pomegranate, punica granatum, [Coll : (5>^i6 delum]. g583S3, Sukawdha, s. (g^ and sco who is borne) name of Kamadewa, the Indian Cupid, g)3^)3, Sukdkridd, s. shrub, adenanthera pavo- nina, [Colloquial: Si<;r5c5 mo<7a/??/a]: see a^S mdhari. ^S53^3, Sukddana, 8. (g> suka parrot, ?f33(3 kollan-kola. g^53^, Sukumdra, s. double jasmine; great flowered jasmine; plantain, [Colloq. S(5^S3(^ kesel']. g&33ca, Sukrita, s. (g well, ^Eass made or done) virtue, moral merit; fortune, auspiciousness: a. virtuous, pious; befriended, assisted, etc. gffliaosj, Sukrita-karma, s. (5^85> and sr:^ act) act of virtue, moral action. s?a^, Sukriti, s. virtue, well doing; the practice of religious austerities: see g^rao sukrita. gQ, SukTia, s. (g good, Q organ of sense) happi- ness, pleasure, delight; heaven, paradise: a. happy, joyful, delighted, ^a^, Sukhadd, s. (fga) pleasure, C, who or what gives) woman; courtezan of Indra's heaven: a. conferring or affording pleasure. ^Q8i, Sukha-warchaka, see f^Q%^ smcarchasa. gaQsseeo, Sukha-wdsana, s. (gQ pleasure, 3cs? perfume) perfume for the mouth. ^aoS, Sukkdwaha, a. (gS) sukha and c^ d prer. to convey) conferring pleasure, delighting, pleasing. g3o, Sukhita, a. (gQ sukha and oS3 afE.) joyful, delighted, happy, pleased, g 3 33(23, Sukhitayd, s. one who is at ease and happy. g3, Sukh'i, s. (gQ sukha pleasure, ^ed m aif.) religious ascetic. gg, Sukhuma, Pali form of ^^^^ snkshma. Q3, Sukhumdla, a. (eg very, 3 for s^^-)6 kumdra soft) at ease, enjoying, happy; tender, soft, delicate, gcjiri, Sugat, 1 .s. (g well, excellent, wo' or e3S3 s^OTCJ, Sugata, J gone) name of Buddha, alluding to his attainment of Nirvana or final emancipa- tion. gocDjcsj, Sugatdgama, s. (gcoos sugata and ejceo dgama religion) Buddhist religion. - - oaoD, Sugandha, s. (^ good, csjSoD smell) blue lotus, nymphoea stellata, [CoUoq. o>3(^ md- nel~\\ small cummin seed; sandal wood tree, santalum album, [Coll : SGgs5 sandun'] ; sulphur, [Colloq. (3>(53a^c53 i/enc^a^aw?]; fragrance, odour; tree, S<2^sS^c3 kinihiriya, commonly Kaniyar, pterospermum acenfolium; also, a3e5)|^(3, Sugandha-mula, see gcsjsSgc siigandhi- mula. ^Ki55a)(^i, Sugandha-miild, s. sarsaparilla, /*<'????- desmus indicus, [Colloq. <|?(5^ i7'a7nasu'\. geoaSji, Siigandhaya, see ^esi^sa) sugandha. f^csa^d, Sugandha, s. ichneumon plant, mimosa octandra, [Colloq. fpdsJS) a7'atta~\ ; zedoary, c?5J kta aff.) seized, caught; held fast or firmly seized: taken or applied properly or auspiciously. g, Sunga, s. quantity, collection; considerable quantity; Indian fig tree, Jlcus bengalensis, [Colloq. 3^5> maJia-nuga']; hog plum, spo/i- dias mangifera, [Colloq. e^SSidiQg rmba7'eUa~\: a. small. gosJ, Sungat, a. small, gcg, Sungu, s. horn, from oaaate) srifiga; assafgetida, [Colloq. !5>c3dioisJcsD perunkdyam'\. i^Bss^i, Suchakshus, s. learned or wise man; glomerous fig tree, Jicus ghmerata, [Colloq. qQ 4^4553 attikkd^. gSoC. Suchapala, a. (g thoroughly, 9oc trem- ulous, etc.) very rash or inconsiderate; shaking, tremulous; violently agitated, alarmed. g95.^3, Sucharitrd, s. (g good, SS^ charitra custom) virtuous wife. gSS^, Sucha7'ita, ls.(ggood, 88 ^zi8, St'jana, s. (g good, d^o person) Indra's charioteer: a. virtuous, good, respectable. gc?)3, Sujiwana, see g^c^cge^ suchirdyus. K|d-55Jc3i83 g Simu-gala, s. (g^ chunam, (SiQ stone) limestone. tQ^B^<5 ^^ lif^) tree from the fruit of which necklaces are made of sup- posed prolific efficacy, nagelia putranjiva or put- ranjtva Euxburghti ; plant, Indian shot, carina indica, [Colloq. jc5e8d-<^ butsarana']. 03^, Sutanu, s. (g good, excellent, OJ-g body or thin, delicate) woman, [Colloq. t3^ stn]: a. very thin. gsssse^, Sutapas, s. (g very profoundly, ooe^ religious austerity or 30 tajHi to heat, t^Q ad afE.) hermit, ascetic; the sun. g?ad, Sutaram, iiid. (g good, 3<5 afE.) more excellently. g3G>ig>s5^, Sutasreni, s. (gC3 son or offspring, e^g ^ line) floating plant, salvinia cucullata; medicinal plant, hoya hirsuta, [Colloq. ^sj im-nugay gjOD, Sutd, s, (g to bear, etc. &ssj kta aff.) daughter, [Colloq. gS c/zfw-a]; plant, hedysarum alliagi. g^5>, SutiktakUf s. (g very, ?9533 bitter, S5J ia^i aff.) kind of gentian used as febrifuge, gentiana cherayta; coral tree, erythrina indica, [Colloq. ^dg erabadu}. g?9ici&3^, Sutikshna, s. (g exceedingly, ^sai^ sharp) tree, moringa pterygosperma, [Colloq. :^o(55D murungd^: a. very sharp, very pungent; acutely painful. gg, Sutu, s. shell fish in general. Q^abo, SutwAga, s. (g very, ^9l tall) coconut tree, cocos micifera, . [Colloq. s>03(^(5) pol- gaha^ . ^2gc5i, Suturu, s. thread, Elu form of gg sutra. g(3^o>33, Sutota, s. name of Vishnu. g^<;, Sttdda, see eg^ suddha. ^ ' ' i Suddhakama, s. purity, holiness. g<56Jj5)(5-goS3, Siiddhakaranawd, v. to clean, to purify, g^do^j, Suddhajanghd, s. axe, [Colloq, s^^id g<^8eD03C33, Suddhawantayd, s. Saint. g<^3(^(S)3, Sttddha-wallikd, s. (|gs) pure, (^(^ pedicle, e53:f /taJi aff.) plant, tinospora cordifolia or menispermum glabrum. g^QC Suddha-sila, s. (gS pure, faultless, fie observance) undeviating performance of relig- ious duties. g^j?8>, SuddJidjiwa, s. (gs) suddha pure, {ps?9 ajwa livelihood) subsistence procured by lawful means, without destroying life, etc. ^(^Soeacs, Suddhdwdsaya, s. (^S) suddha and {pSjss diodsa residence) class of six Brahma- lokas so called, which are the next previous stage to Nirwana. g(3><^cf<^'S3, Suddhodana, s. father of Gautama Buddha in his last incarnation. gS^^JijeagSJ, Suddhddana-suta, s. (gS^eOJ^CD and ^S) son) a patronymic of Gautama the founder of Buddhism. g^, Suda, s. the colour white; purity, cleanness; resemblance, likeness, similarity. ^qsfid Siida-at, s. (g^^sJo3e3, tSudu-attana, s. (gg white) thorn apple, datura stramonium. gg 6, Sudu-innara, s. hooded milfoil, urti- cularia nivea. ggeScg, S udii-iringu, s. Indian corn or maize, rea mays. gg (^isJ.'oe^, Sicdu-ukgas, s. sugar-cane, saccharum officinarum. 3| ggS)ge, Sud(t-olinda. s. (^g white) liquorice, or j a plant the root of wliich is used as such, {(hrun precatorius. \ ^CjiSiQ(S^<^&, Sudn-kafarolu, s. plant, varietv of I cUtoria tertiatea. ' gg iE:3-e5J, Sudu-l'utupatuk, .*>. pliiut, variety opuntia Dillenii. Kg 55J^c5l'|jc5i0 5:5, Sadu-katurii-wiirmign. <<. ]il:iiii.! variety of sesbania grandiflora . gg^S3^C) Sudu-handala, s. esculent i-oot, van-icty of colocasia antiquorum. gg as>^S3\ room, ^g ^K^5J^5^^d'(5^'S^J^, Sudu-kannannonc, s. kind of plantain, miisa sapientum. ^g*a;c5-(grc3, Sudukaranaivd, v. to make white. gg 88, Stcdii-kdpiri, s. endive, cichoriuin en- divia. gg a9(^8t5D, Sudti-kirnbulweiina, s. persicaria or buckbean, polygonum tomcntosum (Polygo- nacecB). gg 2S8^(^S, Sudu-kirielvi, s. kind of paddy, 07-yza sativa. ^g ^Sf , Sudu-hirindi, s. plant, ecUpta prostrata. gg igDd&i, Sudu-kumdravi. ,v. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. ggs^s^^^55^, Sudu-kokd, s. little egret, herodius garzetta, (ardeidce, order Herodiones). gg(?50Q!H)3, Sudu-kottambd^ s. plant, variety of terminalta catappa. ggS^^5^^cJC^' Sudu-kotvilavi, s, kind of paddy, oryza sativa. gg s^^^3^c^, Sudu-kotald, s. sort of myrtle, jnyr- tus tomentosa, or variety of torenia asiatica. Kg (^^5^Sl6e) Sudu-kobalila, s. shrub, bauhinia acuminata. ffio >)3(^g, Sudu-kollii, s. plant, glycine villosa or variety of dolichos biflora. eag (3^533^c^^S> Sudu-kolondu. s. plant, chrysan- themum indicum. gg N33S^{^39, Sudvr-koeetavi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. ^g S5ii98, Sudu-kekiri, s. bitter gourd, colocynth, citrullus colocynthis, [Colloq. cs5s^4K3 y^'- ^g a-3^g(5l5, ;Sudu-gaspuruk, e. plant, not ascer- tained. g cs3o, iSudu-gahala, s. plant, variety of oo/o- casia antiquorum. gS\(53^S^S53(2, Sudu-gendakola, s. (^g white) purslane, variety of portulacea oleracea, gg G>i5)3S))<5, Stu/u-godabindara, s. plant, habe- naria undulata. gg (3^(5533>)3C> Sudu-gonakola, s, plant, stemodia camphorata or species of adenosma. ^g S^G03(55, Sudu-goraka, s. mangosteen, garcinia inangostana, gg K>x<5c53, Svdu-gerandiyd, s. kind of snake, gg dQ(3, Sndu-jambala, s. vaidety of citron, shaddock, citrus decumana. gg S3ac3> Sudu-tampald, s. plant, the leaves of which are eaten as a vegetable, amaranthus gangpticus or a, oleraceus, ( Amarantacece ) . gig 05q3, Svxlu-tald, s. white basil, ocimum album. gg ^S), Sudii-tumba, s. plant, leucas marrubioides (Labiatce), ^g S\a)(^s, Sudu-telolu, s. species of the water lily, nymphoea lotus. gg^^cs, Sududdaya, s. the invisible, epithet of ^Sj&"5S^e3(^, Sudu-nawari-kesel, s. plantain, variety of mwsa sapientum. gg.jSffi>, Sudu-nika, s. flowering shrub, white variety of I'itex negundo (VerbenaceceJ: see ^^(^ ^9> nil-uika, gg i^S^, Sudu-niviti, s. pot-herb, basella alba. gg s^^^, /Sudu-nelum, s. species of lotus, nelum- bium speciosum. gg oJ39, Siulu-pannativi, s. kmd of paddy, o/'^^a satwa. gg oSN(58cc3(^, Sudu^pareyiyd-mal, s. parasitic plant, dendrobium crumenatum (Orchidece), ggc330, Sudic-pdta, s. colour white. |gg c3Dfi63a3, Sudu-pdsdnam, s. white arsenic. ^e^Q'dQd^&i'i, Sudu-pitawakkd, s. plant, variety of phyllanthus, gg Q iSudu-jnttala^ s. (gg white, 8cJDC brass) compound metal, sort of bell metal. ^g g^J, Sudu-piiruk, s. (gg white) flowering shrub, justicia Betonica ( Acanthacece). gg (3>o^^^(2, Sudu-petidambala, s. plant, produc- ing beans, doltcJios, variety of d. lablab. gg (S;r>^6cQ, Sudu-petipiyum, s. kind of lotus. gg trf;5, Sudu-pera, s. variety of guava, psidium guyava. gg 3o5- Swlu-batala, s. variety of sweet potato, ipomcea batatas. gg 3S Sudullabha, Pali form of gg^K) sudur- labha. gg @c3s5, Sudvr-liyan, s. tree, phyllanthus cyanos- permus (Euphorbiacea;). SS S"^ Stidu-lunu, s. (gg white, g-^ onion) garlic, allium sativum. %^QB, Sttdu-wafa, s. radish, raphanus sativus, [Colloq. (S rdbu]. gg 0^:^S, Sudu-ioatu-jambu, s. tree, Jambosa alba. gg i^Sc^, Sudu-wadamal, s. species of shoe flower, hibiscus syriacus. gg ), Sudu-ioambafu, s. variety of brinjal, solanum melongena. gg 05, Stidu-ward, s, periwinkle, vinca rosea. !SS ^' Sudu-wal, s. plant, colocasta antiquorum: see K)eoc gcthala. gg S, Siuhc-vt, s. kind of paddy, or^za sativa. gg@\(^(2oc8Sc, Stidu-wella/igiriya,s. plant, vari- ety of capparis horrida or of paramignya mono- phylla. gg i(3i5s5-SD, Sudu-welitven/ia, s. cock's comb, celosia corymbosa, or variety of dimorphocalyx glabellus. ggs8(5, Suduschara, s. (g very, goaSd difficult) very arduous or painful, gg esgerf, Sudu-sandim, s. (gg white, ssged sandal) white sandal wood, santalum album. gg Sg, iSudu-siridu, s. (gg and fig horse) white horse, ggg, Siidusu, a. fit, proper. ; cog s^3SJ^8J)3, Sudu-eendirikhd, s. Marvel of I Peru, variety of mirabilis jalapa. ggg\4aSe5i^(4, Sudu-sewwandt-vial, s. species of rose, rosa bankiai. gg oedfi^esiS, Sudu-Jiandiranvi, s. kind of paddy, ory^a sativa. gg eoQi^Cj Sudu-habarala, s. plant, with an escu- lent root, alocasia macrorhiza. gg2^ nawahandi^; tree, euphorbia antiquorum, [Colloq. ^gesJ daluk^; plant, aletris hyacinthoides ; juice; honey or nectar of flowers; emblic myrobalan, phyllanthus emblica, [Colloq. S-eacg nelli]. gjajocg, Sudhdnsu, i s. (gQo nectar, tpog ansu gQo><5, Sudhdkara, S ray of light or ^isi6 dkara mine) moon, supposed to be the repository of the beverage of the gods. gS)3aC, Sudhd-dhawala, a. (gQa moi-tar, a(3 white) white with plaster or mortar. gQaS^ttjideo, Sudhdbhojana, s. fabled food of the gods, ambrosia. goiaSS, Sudhdwarsha, s. shower of ambrosia. ga)Q5Sd, Sudhd-warshin, s. (g5)3 nectar, dSed who rains) name or epithet of Buddha. g^, Sudhiti, s. (g well, Q) dhd to hold, isxS kti aff.) axe, [Colloq. G>o3iSv<^9 porowa'l^ g3, SudM, 1 s. (g and GQ tZ%aj to think, g3(5, Sudkira, J 55xS /i;a)J<:^S39, Sudhodbhawa, s. (gS)3 sudhd nectar, ^^^S udbhawa produced) Dhanwantari the physician of Swarga. gs^ciJ^a39^, Sudhodbhawd, s. chebulic myrobalan, terminalia chebula, [Colloq. 20og, Sunangu, a. late, slow. ^a3oc^5(5-<^':)), Sunangukaranaiod, v. to delay; to keep long. ge53cgs^83383, Sunanguwenawd, v. to get late; to lose time. g3acc3, Sunakhai/d, s. dog, [Colloq. c^C' balld] : pi. goa9>c5j sunakhayo. geao, Sunata, a. (j^isi sun emptiness, t^tsi ata hand) empty handed, poor, destitute, geaei^, Sunanda, s. club of Balardma. g32d(^, Sunanda, s. ( well, aa? nadt to please, tf a aff.) goddess Uma; woman; plant, aristolo- chia indica, [Colloquial: ssdes^ sapsanda~\: a. pleasing, delighting, gaasa, Sunana, s. dimbul tree, ficus glomerata; also called ^SSsJa^i attikkd. g33C3>, Simayana, s, (g excellent, beautiful, aacs a? eye) a deer, [Colloq. 9j muim'\. |gS3caes33, Sunayand, s. gascs-sn sunayana with the fem. aff. added) woman, [Colloq. esg s^n ]. g 20386, Sundsira, s. (g good, 2333(5 the van of an army) name of Indra, chief of the inferior gods. ero, Sunikshipta, a. (g and ^9 prefixed to, ca3 thrown) cast, sent, thrown; dismissed, 1 deserted, abandoned. g<6te Sunirmala, a. perfectly pure. g6^S), Sunirmmita, a. (g weU, ^3Sc5 formed) well formed or executed. geiJSta^SdJ-*^, Sunirwethana, s. (g and ^ prefixed to s^ScS^S twisting) confusing, involving, inter- twining. g9rf , Sunil, Elu form of g^c^ sum'la. ge6 3'ae9, Suni-wai^tra, a. (g and iS prefixed to 8 5^ dress) well clothed, ornamented, accoutred, decorated. ge3o*s^, Sunishanna, 1,9. (g well, ^ and ^Srs -^"^ ssi, Sum'shannaka, ) zq shada to go or iftts^^ sitting, reclining, on the ground, 45X55 kta aff.) pot-herb, species of Polygonum, [Colloq. ^di^^ kimbulwenna']. g^Qia *<^ fi> a^*S5, Sunishannaka-patraka, s. me- dicinal plant, marsilea quadrifolia, [Colloq. <:^(3iS5(gcs ernbulembiliya']. geflc32s:faD>, Sunisannaka, Pali form of the last. giflSsJ, Sunisita, a. (g and ^6 prefixed to SSJ sharp) sharp, keen. giQ, ^^'un/, s. bitch, [Colloq. 'S)t(_iS beUi'\. gjQca, Sunita, a. (g and 5^ to gain, iS^ kta aff.) tamed, docile; well-behaved, modest. g?3^, Sumti, s. (g good. i*345 manners) propriety of behaviour, good manners, decorum. g^(3, Sunitha, a. (g well, i^ to obtaia, delum]; root of the andropogon murica- tus, [Colloq. S3i i)i<3^c35 sewendard'\: a. very black or blue, dark. gi9i-j;5, Sum'laka, .s. (g^J^C ^"^d arJ kan added) emerald or sapphire; blue shrike. g-^, Snnu, s. dust: sharpness; hearing; offspring, progeny, a son, etc; destroying: powder, pul- verized substance: chunam or caustic lime: see ^erJaa sunna. g^Sed, Sunuwan, Klu form of gaacaaa ?mayana, which see. giS^eoQ, Suneta, s, name of Vishnu. g*S3<5, Sunera, -v g(S^253(5cSd, Suneragira, v .'?. name of Maha Meru. gS>S3 5i, Suneru, } g'5>S333, Sunota, see g9>-a5:>3 suneta. gr5, Supta, s. (39c3 shwapa to sleep, /l7a aff.) sleep, deep or sound sleep: rt. sleeping, 696 g^s)a ^nS<, Silptt, s. (eeQc3 stvapa and Sf^ hti aff.) sleep, sleeping; numbness, Insensibility, paralysis; drowsiness, sleepiness, ^g65eftS, Supratishtha, .. tree, eitgenia jamholana, rColloq. 3^ madam]. 9SC5^fi3, Supratishtha, s. (^ and g^ intensitives, teSo ffthfi to stay or be, {?<5^ a, afp.) form of metre, stanza of fonr lines containing!: five syl- lables each. 5|q?9r?Ss5, SvpratishtJu'ta, a. faq and q?9 inten- sitives. teQa fifhd to stay, ss^ kta aff.) fixed, established; firm, solid, immoveable; consecrated: celebrated, ttg^, Supratika, s. (^ handsome, q?9ffi) form) elephant of the north east quarter; name of Kama: a. well-made, handsome. gqc35<^, Snpra-parni, a. kidney bean, phaseolus trilobus, [Colloq. ^oQxi5Sis:> munwenna'j. gqso, Suprahha, a. feg excellent or exce^tsive, gK> light, lustre) splendid, brilliant, glorious. ?aq9S53^, Suprayukta, a. (^ well, qgajsi joined) joined, attached, closely connected, in contact. Kqcoc, Supraldpa, s. (es and qCDO speaking) eloquence, eloquent discourse. V gcS'SS), Supahva, s. (g well, thoroughly, oiS) ripe) mango or a variety of it, mangifera indica, fColloq. ifSomia]: a. ripe, gC3^, Supatra, s. (g good, 3^ leaf) leaf of the cinnamon tree, cinnamomum zeylanicum [Colloq. 55ie(3>ffi>ac hurunda-hoJa'\\ white lotus, nelnm- binm speciosum, [Colloquial: SNSSg'j^-eadi) hela- nchim']. g:D<3, Supatha, s. (g good, od road) good road; good conduct. ^0^3, Supadnm, s. orris root?, g::?^, Suparnn, s. (^ handsome, o^^ leaf or feather) being of a superhuman character, as garuda and other birds of an equally fanciful description; tree, cassia fistula; a cock. gc3-S'>. Suparnaka,s. (gcs-^i^ and s;si kan added) tree, cassia fistula, [Colloq. e^^wi ehelal; another tree, alstonia scholaris, [Colloq, c5t.} , ^ajosa ruk-attana: see the last. goSesi, Supanvan, s. ( good or mvich, cSi knot or joint) a god, deity; arrow; bambu, [Colloq. ^^<(0(s>^ unagaha]', lunar day on Avhich religiotis ceremonies are particularly performed, aa the new moon, etc. go5e<^. Suparisuddha, a. (g well, csScgaQ clean) completely or thoroughly pure, holy, sacred, g:334K, Supdka, s. plant: see xc^ig wel-tumba. ^:332i3, Supdna, s. (9 and aosn to drink) drinking well, easily, or deeply. ^8s3, Supina, s. dream, dreaming. [Colloq, c9s;cs Inna)/a~j; sleep, (Pali.) g89, Supipi, a. (^ well, 86 blown) blown, ex- panded, as a flower. g8S9g, Supirisidn, a. perfectly holy. gg, Siipu, s. sleeping, sleep, repose, ggJ, Supun, a. (g and geJ full) full, complete, whole, perfect. S?ad' Supul, a. (^ well, g(5 opening) well ex- panded, as a flower. ^55150, Supushpa, s. (^ excellent, gao flower) coral tree, erythrina indica, [Colloq. ^6'S)e^ara- badtc]; sirisha tree, mimosa sirisha; cloves, [Colloq. ><^ kardbu'\. ^g^S5, Supushpita, a. blown, expanded. ^gaS, Supushpi, s. plantain, musa sapientum, [Colloq. s>;(?-e3(^ keseQ ; sort of fennel, anethum soica and pammorium; flower, clitoria ternatea, [Colloq. J6(^53<3>c5d nil-kataroluj. gg<5, Supura, s. (g well, g<5 full, of seeds) sort of lime or citron. gc3i2, Supetvm, s. good hope. g6(3, Suphala, s. (g good, 9c fruit) wood apple, feronia elephantum, [Colloq. 8(^ diwul]; pom- egranate, pimica granatum, fColloq. S^^d r/^- lum]; jujube, zizi/phus jtijuha, [Colloq. 03ef:f 1 inasan]', sort of bean, phaseolus mungo, [Co]]i"|. 0(^9 mun-eta'j. , ^, Suba, s. prosperity, success; good fortune, j luck, auspiciousness : a. prosperous, lucky, fdrtu- 1 nate: see g subha. gjQ'si, Subat, s. (g good, sJ boiled rice, fo, abundance, plenty. ^80, Subha, s. (gfisi to shine, to be beautiful ih- handsome, 3 ka aff.) good fortune, auspicious ness. happiness; one of the astronomical Yog; 1; a. happy, well, right: handsome, beautiful : splendid, shining, goioind, Suhhankara, s. (gtn subha ha})piu('s~. Sf^ to make) propitious, auspicious, confoniii:| happiness or fortune. '^(SiS^iGi, Siibha-krita, a. (geo handsome, er :"' done) adorned, ornamented, decorated. \ sgonco 697 Sioi gOTSJ, Subkaga, 8. (g good, eocj fortune, etc.) borax; asoka tree, saraca tndica, [Colloq. C5 6fSiQ')diya-ratamhala, SNoJod hopalu]-^ cham- paca tree, michelia champaca, [Colloq. eeg sapuji a. pleasing to the eye; grateful to the sight; beloved, liked; fortunate, auspicious. ^Sig, Subhadra, s. (g exceeding, tog auspicious") name of Vishnu: a. propitious, auspicious, fortu- nate. g63g), Szibhadraka, s. (gwg and aairJ kan add- ed) care of the gods; bael tree, cegle marmelos, [Colloq. s^g beiq. gcjCj, Subhadra, s. creeper, ichnocarpus fnites- cejis, [Colloq. sQ8Qi^htn-ioel'\. gei i6j>eD, Subha-nimitta, 8. (g good, ^Q'i^SKS mark) good feature, mark of beauty: auspicious omen, etc. gw03e33, Subha-wdsana, s. (gesj auspicious, Sass 53 perfuming) perfume for the mouth. fgeaS^S, Subhasiddhavi'ma, s. prosperity, wel- fare. QM3, Subhd, s. sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. S)6sSsi!Si hara?iJcaha']- gM3^eo, Subhdnjana, s. tree, moringa pterygos- perma, [Colloq. c5Los>3 muningd'j: see s^ssj aoDtS&ixQ gas-kela]. gSes, Sumbasa, s. elevations of earth raised by the white ant, white ant hill: pi. grf suTtihas. g6, Sumbulu, s. tegument, tunicle, covering; bark or rind of trees; dress. g^'3(S, Stunbulu-mdrd, s. tree, not ascertained. go, Sumafj, s. good road. go(5>(3, Snmangala, a. (g very, Sorog auspicious) very fortunate or auspicious. S^d Sumagul, Elu form of the last. g3, Sumata, a. (g well, 63 Twa/m to mind, ^55 kta aff.) friendly, well or kindly disposed. gfi, Sumati, s. (g good, ?9 understanding) friendship, kindness; iatelligence, good capacity, gSQd, Sumadhura, a. (g very, <5 sweet) pleasant, gentle, soothing; sweet, saccharine. gSeossSc Sumanah-phala, s. citron, citrus medi- ca, [Colloq. Qdiyi36&i lapfidran'] ; elephant or wood apple, feronia elephantum, [Colloq. (5 dtwuQ. gS:JgQ, Sumanduwa, s. difficulty, distress, troixb- le, disturbance. gSea, Sumana, s. wheat; thorn apple, datura stramonium; shoe flower, hibiscus rosa-sinensis, [Colloq. 8^(^ zac?a-7na/]; nutmeg, myristica fragrans, [Colloq. es33 sddikkd']: a. hand- some, beautiful. gSeDi^S, Sumanahita, s. (g3 and i^O peak) Adam's Peak. ga3oe55, Sumana-pat, s. mace, [Colloq. QessQaS wasdwdsi"]. geodi, Stimanas, s. (g well, excellent, 3e5 the mind) a god, an immortal; pandit, learned man or teacher; plant, ccesalpinia bonduc, [Colloq. i5(5iz(^ kumburtavel]', wheat; nimba tree, azadirachta indica, [Colloquial: S^)3(j>eo3i) kohomba^. ^iS3e3, Sumanasa, s. flower in general: seethe last. g33, Sumand, s. great flowered jasmine, jasmi- num grandifiorum, [Colloq. 5^esfis:J dsaman'\. g(5\oJ(5rfrf, Sumano-rajas, s. (gSisjea sumanasa and 6doS dust) pollen of a flower. g60>, Sumardita, a. (g well, acJi Meru) sacred mountain Meru. gcs3ca, Suydmaya, s. a god so called, chief of one of the divine worlds. gd, Sura, s. (^6 to shine, to be radiant) a god, deity; sun; sage, learned man. 5g(5 efdd, Sura-ajara, s. (g<5 god, cpc^d teacher) Brihaspati teacher of gods; Elu form of the ^(SSacsi surdchdrya. ^6 ^^<^, Sura-isuru, s. (^6 and see eao533 surakta. ^6iSX5i, Suratta, J eg(5c3, Surata, s. (99 well, <5 rama to sport or play, ssxs) kta aff.) coition; right hand: a. com- passionate, tender. ^d)(5, Suratal, s. childishness, infant sport or talk, conversing or sporting with children: a. puerile, docile. ^6si(^iSi6-^Q'i, Suratalkaranawd, v. to play with a child, to sport, to fondle a child. ^(5S33, Suratd, s. (^<5 god, oo aff. of the abstract) godhead, divinity, sgd^d, Suratura, s. (g<5 and ^6 tree) celestial tree, tree of plenty in Indra's heaven ; the pinus devadaru. gd^di, Suraddru, s. (g(5 and (^(^ wood) sort of pine, pinus devadaru. ^6^6q, Suradirada, s. (gd and ^6q elephant) Indra's elephant: see g<5c} suradvipa; Indra's city. g<5gD, Suradum, s. celestial tree: see ^6^6 sura- tura. 29dgS3::3D, Suradutayd, s. angel, messenger of th gods. ^6(S^qQ, Suradeta, Elu form of ^6^d-&^ sura- jyeshtha. e<5(3^qQ deity) name of Brahma, the supreme being, the god of gods. g(53, Sura-dvipa, s. (gd and o elephant) elephant of the gods, either that of Indra or of either of the other rulers of the different quarters. ^dQ^eS, Sura-dhanus, s. (g(5 and Q^e^ bow) rainbow, or bow of Indra, [Colloq. >^g2DS3 dedunna'] . g<5ga, Sura-dhupa, s. (g(5 and Qo incense) resin; turpentine. ^d3^, Sura-nadi, see egdOTto sura-ganga. '^6^, Surani, s. goddess. gdo^, Surapati, s. (gd and oS master) Indra, ruler of Swarga, and chief of the inferior gods. -gdafi, Sura-patha, s. (gd deity, od patha) sky, visible heavens, [Colloq. cpoea ahasa], gda-^4553, Sura-parnakd, s. (gd a god, o-sjS' loaf, &isS kail aff.) tree, mallotus philippensis or rottleria tinctoria, [Colloq. tsi%Q8(^Q, ham- pirilla'\ . i 699 9<^C gc5sD, Surapd, s. (^5 deity, oo tree) divine tree: ^6^6 suratura. ^6es3i, Sura-pitri, s. (g<5 a god, 8s)3 father) name of Brahma. ^(5ga)SDJt5), Sura-punndga, s. tree, calophjlhm spectabile, [Colloq. (3^c,S)^9^ domba-Una\. gdg<5, Surapura, s. divine city; heaven. g(5(S^Q3^5, Surabojun, Is. (g<5 and s^^^^i or ^6(S^Q)ocsi, Surabodtm, J s*3J food) ambrosia, food of the immortals. %6S, Surabht, s. (^ well, 6tB to begin) fragrance, perfume, sweet-smelling substance; michelia champaca, [Colloq. sag sapu] ; nutmeg, myristi- cafragrans, [Colloq. S33J53 sddtkkd'] ; spring; resin; gum olibanum tree; cow of plenty, grant- ing every wish; holy basil; jasmine of several sorts; gold; sulphur: a. fragrant, sweet-smelling; pleasing, beloved; celebrated, famous, g<5^QdS3^, Sura-mantn', s. (g(5 and 3^ who counsels) name of Brihaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter, and preceptor of the gods. gd 6d, Sura-raja, "> . (gcJ a god, 6d or <5q king) ^6 6^, Surorrada, S namQ oi akra; teacher of the gods. g<5e, Snrala, s. kind of drum beaten with the fingers: pi. ^6^ sural. ^(5(?eJ) Suralo, Is. (g<5 deity, &Q6i5i world) g(5(5^cJ5, SuraUka, J Swarga, the paradise of the gods. g68<5, Surawara, s. name of Indra. g<5, Suravi, s. (^<5 a god, surukkam. (Tamil.) g(5l>, Surukama,s. skill, ability, cleverness: see gcJi, suru. ^c^isls. Snrmiga, s. raurunga tree, moringa ptery- gosperma. gi^istoa, Surufigd, s. (g well, 6d rarija to be intent on) hole made through the walls of a building for military or felonious purposes, mine, breach. ^5i, Surusuru, ind. imitative soimd, crackling of anything burning, or the hissing of boiling water. |9<^o, Suruiia, s. (g own or well, 6%o image) form, image, likeness, resemblance: a. hsindsome, well-formed; wise, learned. g.3NS^, Surejya, s. (g<5 sura deity, od^itjya pre- ceptor) name of Brihaspati, teacher of the gods. ^^2, Surendra, s. (^6 sura a god, ^eg indra chief) name of Indra, chief of the gods inhabit- ing Swarga. g(5^53 e3, Sure'ndra-mantri, s. (ss^^^lg and S3i counsellor) Brihaspati, preceptor o the gods. 3(9'6g!Q<5, Sureswcmt. s. (t^6 sura and ^(sSi6 h u-ara lord) name or personification of Siva, ^SmS^, Sureshta, s. (gd sura and otaQ ishfa wished) tree, vateria acuminatu, [Colloq. es)(i hal~\ ; small tree with edible legumes, ceschyno- mene grandijiora. gS><5J-S5e3, Surottama, s. (g(5 sura deity, (5)S3ei uttama best) sun, [C()lk)q. i^d ira], %d)!S). Surrki, a. well-guarded, defended; preserv- ed, protected; Elu form of g(5.2Sco surakhita. g^, Sul, s. stake, pillar: a. little, thin, small: see the next. ^(;*, Sula, s. torch, flambeau, chool. ?)C^ Sulanga, s. air, wind, breeze; god of the wind: pi. gQo mlan. ^C^dC' Sulangilla, s. (%/^ sul little, spitSdC evgilla finger) little finger: pi. ^qSQ sulangiU, gG, Sulaba, I a. (g very, q(s> acquiring) cany, ^Qtsi, Sulabha, /feasible, attainable. gCo, Suld, s. friend, companion, [Colloq. ^iS3 mitrayd~^. |g(3co, Suliya, s. curve or groove of a screw, etc.; mischief, wickedness, imposture, deceit; spiral curve of a conch, the eddy in a river: pi. suit. gg, Sulu, a. little, small, short; insignificant, gg (S>(5'i)g, Sulu-iramasu, s. plant, variety of the Indian sarsaparilla, hemidesmus indicus. gg), Sulukama, s. smallness. j ^Qi^^^ssS, Sulu-kumbuk, s. tree, variety of thej terminalia alata, or of t. glabra. SS ^'^1 Sulu-kura, s. sort of amaranth, amarantus polygamus, [Colloq. SgSc3C3 walu-tampald . ' SC ^xC Sulu-kcla, 6. small sort of butea J'ron- dosa. gg ca, Sulu-diyay s. urine. gg >2oS, Sulu-nayi^ s. small creeping plant, adha- ioda repens. ggs^^s^S, Suluneyi, s. plant, rungia longijolia (Acanthacece). ^gdg, Suluppuwa, . sloop: pi. ggdg smZw^v?w. gggcJiij, Sulu-buruda, s. sort of hog-weed, io*/- /myeot diffusa, [Colloq. 60gg oc' pitasudu- pald^. J gg tC Sulu-belila, s. plant, perhaps a variet; of the sida cordifolia. gg8, Suluwa, B. trifling matter. ggS(S3, Stduwaga, s. class of books so called, di third of the winaya pitaka: see BQd pitaka. gS^cdO^o, Salochana, s. (g excellent, ($>Q^^i eye) deer: a. fiue-eyed. Q^C^e) 701 ^3^ <3^(3J933, Sulochand, s. handsome woman. g^cJeofiJ, Sulohaka, s. (g and *(3;Jco iron, &"> aff.) brass, [Colloq. B^asc pittala]. gS(2J?9?o, Suloliita, ?, (g very, S^cJ^S red) one of the seven tongues of Agni the god of fire: a. very red, blood colour. g0, Suwa, s. (from gS) sukha joy) enjoyment, pleasure, happmesd; health; Nirwana or final emancipation; the }Oung of any animal; parrot; mimosa sirisha from g) suka; in composition implying own, self, from tdd swa. ^Qsid-^Qi, Suwakaranawd, v. to cure, to heal, to restore. gQ^sjcs, Sawakdya, !. (9 own, )jcs body) per- sonal identity. ^?)^^Q, Suioachchala, see ^QtiQ'3 suwarchald; natron. ^89, Smoacha, a. (g well, 9 word, speech) obedient, attentive, docile; speaking much and eloquently. g895, Suwachakaina, s. obedience, atteutiou. g99e3, Suwachana, s. ( well, 9 to speak, as>e5^, Suwanda-keselt s. variety of plan- tain, mma eapientwn. 59^ >c' Smvauda-tald, s. (59^ fragrant, ca basil) plant, ocimum basilicum, g9^e3, Suwandald, s. (g^ and go exudation, gum) incense, gum benjamin; perfume in gen- eral. g^ 9, Suwanda-m, s. kind of paddy, oi'i/za sativa. gj^ sag, Sicwanda-sapu, s. (g? and eag chara- paka) variety of charapaka, michelia grat'eolens, or m. champaka. g^S\3c), Suivandahota, s. plant having a very fragrant root, andropogon muricatus, [Colloq. esiSt^a^Oo scwendard], gj8^t(5, Suwandel, s, variety of plantain, musa sapientum. gei, Suwan, s. sound, noise, from 3a3 swdna; gold; dog; name of Garuda; ochre, etc. see g9-S' suioarna. ^e^.S5(5i, Suwankaru, s. goldsmith, [Colloq. Sj s^Qid^, Suwa)ina, s. gold, [Colloq. deided ra<- raw]: see g<3S^ suwarna. ge:fi, Suwanbe, s. dawn, daybreak, mom, [Colloq. ;33s5<5(5 pdndara"] ; charioteer of the sun. g9e:f csNoJ, Suwun-yahan, s. (gJ garuda, ; QosJ vehicle) name of Vishnu. ge:f^, Suwanwan, s, (:f gold, 8d colour) bright yellow, gold colour. g^, Sawana, s. 6'uu, [Colloq. <^6 iraj; fire, [CoUoq. (Se^d jrznc/ara]; moon, [Colloq. S3<; ga55, Suwapat, a. (g health, cacJ attained) healthy, convalescent; joyful, happy, delighted. gSawes, Suwa-pahasa, s. (g and owea contact, enjoyment, 3(S sparsa) health, enjoyment of health. g9x, Suwabe, see g5S)x stucanbe. gc5, Suwaya^ s. cure, restoration to health, health. g)), Suivarchaka, s. (g well, to shine, &") aff.) natron; alkali or impure carbonate of soda, [Colloq. ^Qi3Q Suwalli, s. (g excellent, dQ stalk) shrub, vernonia or serratula anthelmtnttca, [Colloq. (F^S)Jf efiQ bodt-eta]. gSes, Suwasa, Elu form of gia> szmarckaka. i^QiQQ^!^, Suwasa-lunu, s, (5ges and Qed, Suwase, ind. (^ health, etc. ^e5 aff.) happily, comfortably, joyfully; prosperously in health. |9S>e^ ^J)3, Suwase-innawd, v. to live in health. gS), Suwaha, s. (g well, oo to bear) patient, enduring; bearing or conveying well or pleas- antly. gScoe^, Suwahas, ind. numeral, lak, hundred thousand. gfis33, Suwahd, s. flower, nyctanthes arbor-tristis, [Colloq. '3^rilCl^(g3^ se'pdlikd']; shrub, mimosa octandra; gum olibanum tree; Indian lute. g33, Suwdsa, 8. (g well, 3S0 abode) pleasant or reputable dwelling; agreeable perfume. g3g^e3^sJ, Suwdsudahasak, s.(t^Qsuwa for 8 siw eighty, <5K)e35 thousand) eighty-four thou- sand. gSs^e^cs, Suvijneya, s. (^ very, , Stivimta, a. (^ very, S93?, Suvibhakta, a. (g vory, Sessaxo divided) well-divided, allotted, apportioned. ^0630, Suvisdla, s. very large or extensive, gd, Suvira, s. (% excellent, <5 power, efficacy) courage, bravery, intrepidity, valour; collyrium prepared from an infusion of the amomum an- tliorizon. ^gs3, Suwrata, s. (^ well, S3 vow) a religious donation: a. virtuous, strict, rigidly observing any religious vow or obligation. ^^S3, Susruta, s. a medical work so called: a; well-heard. ^c^6), SusiksTiita, a. (g well, (S4Bio3 tamed) obedient, attentive, docile; trained, disciplined. ^eg53, Susukla, a. (^ very, cgas white) very white, [Colloq. igcsagS itd-sudu]. gg, Sushthu, ind. much, very much; well, ex- cellent. ga9, Sushavi, s. sort of pungent seed, eithei black species of cummin seed or the nigellc indica, [Colloq. a?ig(5L kalndtiru]; creeping plant, momordica charantia, [Colloq. sad^Q karavilal. g9gc3?S, Sushupti, s. (g well, ec3 shwapa to sleep SS& kti aff.) deep sleep, profound repose, entiw insensibility. I9(3>^3<^, Suhrida, a. good-hearted, kind, friendly. ssfSi, Sukta, s. (gtt well, ^xo ukta said) hymn in the Rig Veda. fssS), Sukshma, s. (g3 sucha to inform or make known, ci sma aff.) an atom; ingenuity, sub- tlety, discietion, fraud, cheating: a. little, small, minute, atomic; fine, delicate; ingenious, subtle. saSog, Sukshma-patra, s. (g3^ fine, o^ leaf) coriander seed, coriandrwn sativum; wild kind of cummin, nigella indica; gum Arabic tree. gSa)c3^3, Sukshma-patrd, s. climbing plant, tinos- pora cordifolia, [Colloq. (5e3j9^ rasakindar\. ^ssS>!DSi3, Sukshma -patrikd, s. plant, mollugo cerviana, [Colloq. ocJooacn patpddagam]. gao^, Sukshma-patri, s. creeping plant, aspa- ragus falcatus, [Colloq. tsiitsyoQoSa hdtdwdrii/a']. g.riaSa, Sukshma, s. species of jasmine, jasmimm auriculatum, [Colloq. G^Q^Q^^ bdlidda']; small cardaraums, elettaria cardamomtm (minor), [Colloq. d3<9s^e33(5 rata-ensdl']. ^(^ffla(33, Sukshmaild, s. small cardamums, elet- taria cardamomum, [Colloquial: QiSeS ^esStao(^ sihin-ensdVj. ^5349, Sukakita, s. (g^sJ awn, tQQ insect) cat- erpillar, [Colloq. 3ijd g^53 modara-sutikkd, and (^^Ses5^3 mal-svtikkd. ^Scaj, Sudayd, s. small sea fish, anchovy. agip, Sutra, s. (8 ya to sew, g aff. and <^ i changed to ^ or g su to hear, etc.) a thread in general; rule, precept in morals or science, short, obscure, and technical sentence, enjoining some observance' in law or religion, or intimating some rule in grammar, logic, etc.; oral declara- tion of Buddha. ^a?83s), Sutra-pitaka, s. (g^ and 8^^ basket) first of the three pitakas or collections of the writings and doctrines of Buddha, containing the orations delivered by Buddha tritm voce, and ^^^ 704 tgcsS^} collected and arranged in their present form after his death; it consists of five books, called eseS mnpi, viz. ^J dik, tg mrdum, esogaJ sanyut, s>3s5 Imdugot. S^ a'^853, Sutra-pmhpikd, s. cotton tree, ^'o^s;/- ^wm indicwn, g. herhaceum, g. barbadease, [CoUoq. >g5e3 hapu-gam']. ffl^C3> Sutrald, s. ("g^^ thread, (53 to have or get) spindle or distaff. ggoSesJ, Sutrdman, s. (g su well, (5^ /ro; to preserve, Sie6:f manin aff.) name of Indra. |g, Sutri, s. (eg^ ?/ira thread, igiQ tm aff.) crow, [Colloq. ^agQa kaputd']. 50, ^Sw^a, s. (g to bring forth, W5 iVa aff.) quick- silver, f Colloq. dss^cs rasadtya]; charioteer; carpenter: a. bom, engendered; sent, dispatched. goi, Sutaha, s. quicksilver; birth, production; impurity from child-birth or miscarriage. qj9, Suti, s. (^ and SsS) kti aff.) birth, production; delivery, parturition ; offspring, progeny, sewing. ag^50, Sutikd, s. woman recently delivered. %^>3(5>3S3, Sutikd-gnha, } s. (^'Sssis and coass ;S(53a5o, Suti-griha, f house) part of a house appropriated to the women, or to a lying-in woman especially, g^, Suda, s. cook; sauce, seasoning; made dish, any thing seasoned, igejcaa, Sudayd, s. (g3D, Siipdnga, s. (go 87ipa and ^ato aAga member) assafietida, [Colloq. oc5;.ecf)3ci6 pe- rirnkdyani] . g, Suma, s. sky, heaven, [Colloq, cpwes aJiasa] gf, Suman, s. bo-tree, ficm religiosa, [Colloq. S^S)J:3 suydma. gcaS, Siirya, s. (ssa .m to go, fi5 %a aff.) sun; solar light; tulip tree, thespesia populnea (Mai- vacece): a, solar. gcs^253330D, Stiryukdnta, s. (goaS sun, 33xd gem) gem, sometimes applied to crystal, but usually to a stone of fabulous existence and properties; shrub, hibiscus phceniceus. gcsSs5320i9, Snryakdnti, s. (jgco^ and 43.^s3iS lustre) sunflower, helianthus annuus; flower of t' ~ sesamum; sunshine. gc3^5)3 3, St'iryakdri, s. creeper, borago, hn, zeylanica: see c|eo sunyakd. 705 \3^d gcs2(E)B), Si'mjagraha, s. (|gc5% sun, (gw planet, or to seize) sun; eclipse of the sun; the personified ascending and descending node, or Ketu and liahu. gco?(gS3-<^, Suryagrahana, s. (gcsl and Sjtrya-latd, s. (^csS aud es53 creeper) plant, cleonie viscosa, [Colloq. S(^ qp ical-aba'\: see e^c338^ surydxvarta. |gcs?3, Surya, s. wife of the sun; drug, bitter gourd. gcs^o^, Surydwarta, s. (^cs^ S7/r/a and tpQS dwarta revolving) flower, cleome viscosa; sun- flower, helianthus indictis; plant, gynandropsis pentaphylla, [Colloq. (33 weld'\; headache supposed to be produced by the sun. |gcsl3530, Stirydhwa, s. (19^5^ siirya and ^s;3 dhwd appellation) gigantic swallow wort or mudar, calotropis gigantea, [Colloq. 8c36 ward']. g3^Gs2J<^)S)'20, Snryodgamana, Is. (gc3^ surya gS^csSJijcs, Stiryodaya, j sun, (^^ooSea wrf- gamana or (5S3, Se, s. colour white, from (jvcc^o siveta; sun- shine: see s^c^ se. (3ve5o(S\e5)393, Senhottam, s. marking nut: see (3^o tebu, (3>e3J559, SeTckuwa, 8. chekkoo: pi. seadegseMw. (Tamil) <3^e39s5, ASe/oiY, s. deer, [Colloq. 3 mimd']. (^^es^, Sehha, Pali form of 6X5^c53^^ saiksha. (S^e39te)3S^(^, Sedgamdle, s. a disease in which the body assumes a yellow colour, the jaundice: pi. >eeSfcoi)3(j; seAgamdla. (S>ee9cS3, Settiyd, 8. Chetty: pi. e889 setti. (^esQSo, Setthan, Pali form of (S^g^ sreshtha. S^S30, iSe/a, s. to-morrow: a. noble, eminent, from (3>@^ sreshtha. (3*e3, aS'^.^m, a. eminent, noble, [Colloq, (J^fg utumwu']. (3Ne3<^03d9, Senduwdluwa, s. yard, court yard. <3^e3c5, /S'e^, 1 s. tranquillity of mind, internal peace (3^S3C3, Seta, j or abstraction; peace, tranquillity, calmness; ease, happiness; name of Nirwana; auspiciousness, fortune, good luck. G^es-ag, Setu, s, tree, cratceva Roxburghii, [Colloq. S^Sd-"!^ lunuwaranct]. S\e3^, Seda, ind. quickly, soon. iS^3q(^, Sedal, ind. speed, haste, celerity. , 1 8. crs , } sdrdi/ ^e3s3<^cnx, Sedegemi, see cs^na^cCTof sahriddgdmi. S^esei, Sen, s. multitude, host, army, from s^e^eao send; kite, the bird, aquilince order accipitres, [Colloq. c^e^gcso rdjdliyd or g^e^esa 2iZ;?/ssa]. (3^e3d'ffi)S>(^, Senkale, s. knuckle, shin, shank: pi. (53ei^55(3 senhala. (Dutch). G>3^dS^sJ^5)^, Sendirikhd, s. plant, Marvel of Peru, commonly called four o'clock flower, mirabilis jalapa (Nyctagince). (aveeed'oa, Senpd, s. ((9^S3^:J army, oo who preserves) general. (^^e3^^, >S'ewa, s. thunderbolt or the electrical fluid; reclining, repose; falling, dropping, descending. (3^e3<533, Senanga, s. host, army, multitude, crowd, mob. S^eseaSa, Senawd, v. to fall, to laugh, to smile. S'sseogc^, Senasurd, s. planet Saturn, ssesgc^e,, Senasicrddd, s. (s^essD^c^ Saturn, q, day) Saturday. (3^fi33^(5j.5S8c3, Senasuru-dishtiya, s. evil influence of Saturn. S^esesasj, Senahanda, s. (i^^s8a^ thunderbolt, ao sound) thunder. (^^sse3^s^^o^Q, SendJcola, s. senna leaves. (3^S3D, Senevi, s. general, leader of an army. S^S3(3e3(5^, Senevirada, s. (e3S^eD and c5<5 king) commander of the forces, generally the king's first minister. (3^e3(3^SDS3S3, Senehasa, s. oil; affection. (^^3(^^^53(^^S), Senehe, S, oil, [CoUoq. (3^S3(^ fc?]. (3vs3daS?^8, Seppadi-vijjdwa, s. deceit, trickery; juggling, sleight of hand. s\sedD, Seppama, s. health, ease, enjoyment: pi. S\e3ds3i) seppam. SNSsdgS, Seppuwa, s. casket, small box, especially the betel box: pi. (Siesdg seppu. (3Ne3Q(S3, Sebald, s. soldier, warrior, hero. (^^es, Sem, s. phlegm, etc. see >S3 sema. (S hemhulu. (^^e3g6i3^)^, Sempratisydwa, s. (s^ea phlegm, g?Sc53i2oQ cold) catarrh. (5\e3^20S><5o, Semhunerenchi, s. prostrate plant, common among grass, tribulus terrestris (Zygo- phyllacece). (S^S3, Semhuwa, s, copper pot: pi. S^e3i) sembu. (5\S3S3, Semha, Pali form of s3^d', Semin, ind. slowly, gently; calmly, peace- ably. 3^e3S^, /SV^we, s. time in general, from ts^cssamaya. S^e3(5^(5, Semera, s. see (3iS3(5 semara, above; also a fan made of the tail of the bos-grunniens to whisk ofi: flies, etc, ^S3CS53, Seyya, a. best, excellent, most excellent, Pali form of s^gcse^ sreyas. ^S3c3:eo9, Seyydwa, s. reclining, repose, [Colloq. e6e,(S5i'<3^ niddgenima^. a^ssS^i, Seyin, ind. particle aflRxed to some words adverbially, as (a-'Qo-S^SjJ (a^ss^sd boho-seyin, abundantly, sometimes incorrectly used to signify for, because, etc. '5^38c) Seyilama, s. Ceylon. (Eng.) (j^aed, Se7'a, feminine form of (S\33(5 sord, thief. s^esS, Seri, see s^e^S se'ri. (s^sss^ddgSi, Sereppuica, s. one of a pair of slippers, or sandals: pi. (3v63^<5dg sereppu. 5*53d)E^, Seres, s. (^eo white, dLe^ ray) moon, [Colloq. ^^-haTida^. ^^(SfSel, 8. unf ruitf ulness ; chaff; rock, stone, mountain, from isirac saila. (5^63(^(55(5, Selaara, ^es(^(S)i(5, Selgdra <3^23(^C Sella, s. spear, lance, pike, dart. 8o83, Selwenawd, v. to move, to shake, to be agitated: pret. (^^s^(^g^;^^ selwund. (3^sa(3, Sela, s. hill, mountain, [Colloq. ssi^ssq kanda']. (^^ssQ (3^93303, Selawenawd, v. to shake, to tremble: pret. i3^e3(2g-25D3 selawund. fS^ssSs, Sewya, see !^^e^0J3 sewya. ^S39^S5, Sewaka, see s^e^S^ sewaka. s^ssSed", Sewan, s. service: see s>e^8-253 se'wana. S^e38^s^, Sewana, s. shade, shelter, shady or secluded place, separation, wilderness; bucket, baling vessel. iS639D5S)(5-s. twi ^ J twme. ^e5^ 707 @\S^^n33 S*ss8i6c3, Sewaniya, s. coolness, shade: see (^^ss(^^^^ seweni. SS3eoi,(^(3, Sewanella, s. shadow, shelter: pi. s^es Q^iQ seiraneli: see s^esS^o seioana. (a^eaS, Sev/'ma, s. search, enquu-y; verbal noun of ^ssocssaS) soyanaivd. v3g, Sewuma, verbal noun of s^esocsesD} soyana- wd: pi. s^ssgD sewum. S^ss^Q?^^, Sewuivandi, s, rose, rosa semperflorens, [CoUoq. sm5Jss(^ rosa-mal]. (eas^S-soSo, Sewenaivd, v. to be thick or imper- vious, to be extended as branches, to be sought after. <3>e3(5v8^Q, Seweni, s. shade, shade or sequestered place, thicket; roof. S\sssn9(^, Sewel, s. moss; aquatic plant, vallisneria octandra; Elu form of ^(5383(3 saiwdla. ss(3^8C' Sewela, s. slime: pi. >ess^8(^ sewel. SNCsdes, Sessa, s. remainder, remnant. S^csg, Sesu, adj. remaining, left over, from >d^ sesha. is>ss(3\a5)3, Sehett, s. young woman, maid. S^es^, Seln, 1 s. nakedness, nudity; falco tribe: (S^tadQ, Sehiiva, f see (S^tiit selu. Q\ta&e^3 sprinkling, 03^ vessel) bucket, baling vessel. S^e^^S)<5, Se'kara, s. (e^tS white, S)6 ray) moon, ^ [CoUoq. S)^ handa']. '9>tS'Si6, Se'khara, s. (& sikhi to go, if6&S aran aff .) garland of flowers worn on the crown of the head; crest; root of the moringa pterygosperma, [CoUoq. c5i,oQn3 murungd']. (S^eSQiSi, Sechaka, s. (SQ sicha to sprinkle, J aff.) cloud: a. sprinkling, aspergent. S\e8>, Sechana, s. (S9 sicha and 3g komadu]', sort of cucumber, cucumis madraspatanus . >c^ P^ss, defile; small tree, cratceva Roxburghii, [CoUoq. gE^^3aa), Se'tubandha, s. ('S^e^.eg bridge, aa) bind- ing) ridge of rocks extending from the south extremity of the Coromandel coast towards the island of Ceylon, supposed to have been formed by Hanumdn by command of Rama, as a bridge for the passage of his forces, when going against Rawana; any dyke or dam, etc. d-E^2555(5\5S, Se'ndukenma, s. balancing any ac- count. s^^^^d'^^^s^^3, Senduwenawd, v. to arrive at. >e^33, Sena, s. reclining, reposing; also see s^esTe: he'na. Sed-2S33, Se'nd, s. (Q si to bind, )5 nak aff.) army; host, multitude. lS^e^^5^^sil^S), Sendnga, s. (s>edes33 army, |pS)tK) anga limb or member) component part or member of an army as elephants, cavalry, infantry, or chariots. (3>^33<^, Sendm, s. ((3^l'^s^^ army, *^ to lead) general, commander of an army; name of Karti- keya, the leader of the celestial hosts, lS^e^'S3^o6ics^, Senddhipatiyd, s. ((3l33 and ^S Q^ adhipati chief) general, leader of an army: pi. ^dla^^8e^^ se'nddhipati. @\ed^3y 708 \@\C3eC0 (3^rf>30^cS3, Sendpatiyd, s. (s^rfesja and o& pati master) general: see the last. *e5sD3c5^^, Sendraksha, s. (Edo3C) Sepdla, )s. plant producing very drc33g33, Sepdlikd, J fragrant flowers, nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Oleacece): see s^^63g^D3 sephd- likd. edc5i seru. ^i8, Serif a. uncontrolled, self-willed; Pali form of tsie^S swairi, which see. S^e^S03S339, Serichdrihdwa, s. (js^dS and 3Sa>3 chdrikd going, etc.) freedom, the power of going anywhere. ' ^tiS8Qo-^d, Seriwdmja, s. ((S^tiS and Qo^<^ seru. ^t&Q<), Se'laya, s. cloth, dress, a whole piece of cloth, also a lon.g piece of cloth presented at a marriage ceremony to the bride's mother by the bridegroom: pi. s^c^c se'la: see also, S^^sJ(^^e he'le. S^t^g, Se'lu, s. tree, cordia myxa, [CoUoq. ^Qib Ulu] . (3d?8, Sewya, s. (s^e^ sewa to serve, czdiyat aff.) root of the ''andropogon muricatus, [CoUoq. esx ffi^cS setoendard^i plant, barringtonia acutan- gula, [Colloq. -^Q '^^^^Q ela-midella]: a. to be served, or obeyed, to be worshipped or honoured. (S^c^Qo, Se'traka, s. (s^d? to serve, 5 aff,) slave, servant, attendant: a. servile, dependant. (9^e^8a3ca^, Sewakayd, s. slave, servant, meoial: pi. !?i^Q)c8J se'wakai/d. s*e^sJ, Se'tvat, s. woman that would not forsake her husband. i3e^3, Se'wadhi, s. (s^e^ happiness or s^ciQose'wd service, Qa dhd to have, S ki aff.) treasure as belonging to Kuvera, a nidhi or substance of extraordinary rarity and value, possessed only by the god of wealth. (3^edeDcs, Se'wanaya, s. (s^e^ to serve or Q siwa to sew, <^x, nya aff.) serving, service; sewing, darning, stitching; sack. (3ve^9.S3uj)(5e^ D3 sendwa^. (3ved3cs3, Se'wdyd, s. (e^3 and aa aff.) soldier, lascoreen; pi. 3dco^, Sevisikdrayd, see s>?6:fi3s53(5Ga3 Z^-'- S^diessj, Sesata,s. (s>e^ white, 3S3 umbrella) wln'o umbrella, one of the insignia of royalty; Elu form of 5339, Sotti, a. lifeless (applied only to the hand when lifeless) . (3^e33Sc23, Sottiyd, s. cripple, deformed man, some- times written s^esjcS^caa sottiyd: pi. e33c Soridala, s. plant having a bulbous root, modecca palmata. S^S3365^coa, Sottiyd, see (S^GSoBQao sattiyd. >es3^, Sonda, a. good, excellent, delightful, pleas- ing, agreeable. (S^e33g<5, Sondura, s. a wife, a mistress; term of endearment, from ge^S sundan. ^s3^gc5i, Sonduru. s. woman, wife: a. pleasing, agreeable, delightful. S^essQ-eo, Sobana, a. pleasing, agreeable; beautiful, elegant; shining, brilliant; fit, proper, becoming. >e33^-S383, Sobinawd, v. to be fit, proper: see the last. s^essD, Som, s. mildness, gentleness, placidity, from veo)3e saumya; joy, pleasure, happiness, from S>esi5ia saumanasya. s^egaS^c^, Somkai-u^ s, barber, [Colloq. o9JSok) panikkiyd'} i s>e83Ss3t^, Somnas, \s. joy, pleasure, delight, s^easSeaes, Somnasa, } from SNesiSaaes* saumanas- ya, [Oolloq. esidsNCOjtscs santoshaya']. s^ssD, Somma, see s^esT* saumya. g\e833d, Sommdra, Is. one who works in (3S53i)3^L, Sommdru, J leather. S>es3, Somi, s. moon, from esJ soma; Buddha, regent of Mercury, from Sufis')* saumya; north: a. mUd, gentle, placid. (^^es^l^, Somidd, s. (s^eea^ and ^ element) semen virile. <3>es3^^'2S3, Somidina, s. Monday, [Colloq. esge, sarfMc?a]; also, Wednesday. (5^S53cgc5i, Somiyitru, s. likeness of the moon. S\e233, Somipa, s. corruption of e3o samipa. S^o33, Somu, s. smoothness. ^^8^^S3<5ffi33(5 Aom. SNe33c5es3CJi soru. S^e33<^9, Sorowwa, s. drain, gutter, common sewer, etc. (3^es^(^, Sol, a. improfitable, useless. G^es3(^5<5ca, Soldaraya, ) s. upstair: pi. (3^e3^^^<5 S^3(^5, Soldare, j soldara. s^ssa^-^gSa, Solddduwd, s. soldier, (English.) : pi. s^53(^^gs*8J solddduwd. S^s53(3:3, Solpa, corruption of seQ^p swalpa. (3^s33(Je55 9, Solman-auda, 1 s. any ominous >s3(^2S3, Solmana, J sound, sound heard in the dead of the night, supposed to be the roaming of demons or hobgoblins ; cry of the screech owl or devil-bird, syrnium indrani; signal, watchword or cry oi lovers. \C33^^ 710 ^^issssa e53(S^(;3c3, Solochchiya, s. hook and eye, clasp: pi. (?e33S^(33 solochchi. (3\e53S>cdf0, Solowa, s. poetical stanza: see s>3^Js5 sloka- S^esoS, Sowa, s. singing, [Colloq. (S^S gtki'ma] ; agreeableness, [Colloq. ^^<^ssi ekangalcama] ; shame, [Colloq. q?^8 lajjawa]; fragrance, [Colloq. gS^ suwanda\. G^ssoSjeJ, Sowdn, see s3dfS32d' sowdn. ^tsoiaodis), Sosdnika, a. (gssoaa susdna cemetery, ^s55j are aff. of relation, (ssi ilea aff.) belonging to a burying ground or cemetery, etc. (S^e33es3eS>Da)K), Sosdnikdiiga, s. ((?eoje33d3> sosd- nika and f?Sho awgra ordinance) ordinance of the Buddhist priesthood, enjoining it upon the priests to repair to some burying ground or cemetery in the middle of the night for the purpose of devout religious meditation: see(^^S3(^^e^gs^^S]t10 telesdhutdnga. S^e33(9>S33rfc3C) Sohonjjala, s. graveyard. S^esas^sjsed'i^^ce, Sohonbhumii/a, s. burying ground, cemetery. (5^e33(3^S3350, Sohona, s. tomb, sepulchre, cemetery, from cbSssj^d smasdna: pi. s\S33S>s)3:f soho?i. >33(^^K>^gc^, Sohowurd, Is. uterine brother, Elu >fi03(SNS)3c5i, ASoAoMJwrw, J form of sss^oJijd saAo- dara; name of Yama. (3\e33(3*s33gc5ie5J(^, Sohowurukal, s. name of Yama, the deity who sits in judgment on the dead; and distributes rewards and punishments. S^e3De3, Solasa, ind. sixteen, the nnmber, [Colloq. ijsjescs dahasat/a], (S^e33>3e^iC3> Soloskald, s. ('e3^(^^^e3 solosa and mC^ digit) sixteen digits of the moon. ^e3^(^^^e3, Solosa, see sessges solasa. S^esJ, So, 8. swelling, tumour, from (S\esJ6 sdpha; sorrow, grief, distress, affliction, from ^esJas) soka; ear, [Colloq. Si-<^ kana] ; rapid, stream, current of a river, from (9>gJ5e^ srotas: ind^ own, self, peculiar, from e^ swa, (S^miiSi, Soka, s. sorrow. s^8D93, Sokawenawd, r. to be grieved or sorrowful. (S^esJerjdi, Sdgat, s. Buddhist, Elu form of *S35(5)S3 saugata. s^eeJeoeSin, Sogandhika, Pali form of (^^e3^(5)^^5^ saugandhika, which see. (3>S3J8s3, S6chana,s. (egS s?3J(S, Sotha, s. (g& swiAa to be prevented or stopped) fool, blockhead; rogue, cheat. ^ss3S)ts, Sodasa, ind. number sixteen, [Colloq, ijKjsscs dahasaya']. (?'e5Jca, Sodiya, s. the alphabet. (^^e3J<^s^s^Jo0, Sdnito-pala, s. ((3^si5<^S3 sonita blood, deep red, ^oq upala stone) ruby. (9vsaJ5s5'S8Js>, Sota, Pali form of (5ed srotas. (5^5Js33dS528, Sotdpatti, See (S'^S G3oosy& srotdpatti. s^ssJ^kjS, Sotkaghm, s, hogweed, boerhaavia diffu- sa, [Colloq. 68ggoc' pitasudiir-pald^ ; potherb, marsilia quadrifolia, [Colloq. esod^^ 8drana~\. (3>63j<5383, Sodanawd, v. to wash, to cleanse, to purify, from s^ssJQ'So sodhana: pret. (3^^g83 6erfM?t'a. S^e3d'35, Sodisikenma, s. examination, in- vestigation. (5>eeJ8ca, Sddisiya, s. investigation or enquiry: pi. >e3J8 sodisi. (^^e3Jsj'^eeJoc(39, Sopaplawa, s. (c3 sa with (jocaQ M^m- plawa portent, eclipse) sun or moon in eclipse. (5>e3^c3c5, Sopaya, s. swelling: pi. s^esJa sopa. G^t^ioossi, Sopdka, s. man of chandala caste: see eeSoos) sivapdJca. S>ssJc332S3, Sopdna, s. (es 5a with (50 w^^a above, up, ^3 ftwa to go) stairs, steps or a staitcase. g^estJoo, Sopdwa, s. sofa. (Eng.) S\s;J8, /S'o'p?', ,ee;J6K23, Sophaghm, s. ((S'ts56 swelling, ksQ what destroys) hogweed, boerhaavia diffusa, [CoUoq. QQ^fPQ'i pitasudu-pald^; plant, trianthema decandra, [Colloq. S3e3(5-3Jeos3D, Sobhatd, s. (K) subJia to shine, C33 aff.) beauty, elegance, etc. (5>e3^K)3^c3, Sobhanatwaya, see the last. S^sJs)3csJa3, Sdmapd, a. (esJ and 03 who drinks) sacrificer who drinks the juice of the acid asclepias. <3>ecfQag, Sdma-bandhu, s. (s^oscf moon, sg friend) white esculent water lily which expands at night. se8:ifo5Dcf s:^, Somaydjin, see (S^e6cf03 sdmapd. (?e3:JSNcsJeQ, Sdma-yoni, s. ('5^e3J and &e3jSa5^ sdwa- 5^5sJ<255?, Somardji, s. plant, vernonia or serratula anthelmintica. [Colloq. s^:J (fi bodi-eta']. 3>S3jcs33, Somalatd, s. (<5*esJ and c' creeper) moon plant, or acid, asclepias. iS^S3JS9(^s>, Somawalka, s. ((S^S3J and 0c3 bark) plant, acacia suma or a. catechu, seed tonic, sappan or cossalpinia bondiicella, [Colloq. e&d oesrf sappan or as3(fi joaton^r?]; also ^5^S^d SNS3J8og<2553, Somawallikd, s. ((5^e3J moon, 8e6 waZZi' creeper) twining plant, menispermum gla- brum; medicinal plant, vernonia anthelmintica: see saJd55f ed' sdmardjin ; moon-plant. (3\S3j9o3, Somawalli, s.*plant, alternanthera tri- andra, [CoUoq. ^<5gi:f3 mukunuwenna']; climbing plant, tinospora cordifolia, [Colloq. (533S^ rasafaWa]; creeping plant, sarcostema Brunonianum, [Colloq. 38cs muwakiriya]. (3>e3jS3(5, Sdma-wdra, s. (s^esJ moon, Q06 day) Monday, [Colloq. ssge, sandudd']. S^esJSSa^^, Soma-ivriksha, s. (s^esJ and Sa tree) medicinal plant: see (a>esJc^5?255 sdmardjin. 3Je3g, Somastri, s. resin, [Colloq. gc f^^wi- ^e3Js3Q, Somasajna, s. (s^eeJ moon, cs?, sq/m appellation) camphor, [Colloq. 5gcJi /jo/JMnt]. D Sollu-Uya, s. (<3^e3J(^g carved, Qa stick) walking-stick, [Colloq. J53t<5Sc5 herami- tiya], <3e3jg5(5-e3j(S,s3, Solasa, ind. number sixteen; also (?e3Ja)s3 sodasa, [Colloq. ijeoescs dakasaya]. Se3iffi)cs, Saukai'ya, s. easy and extempore com- position, or preparation of food or medicine; hoggishness. (9*e3iffl)d, Sauhara, a. (^tsi6 suJcara hog, ^^ an affix of relation) hoggish, swinish, etc. *e3i>83, Sauharika, s. (fjffijd sukara and ^an ika aff.) hunter, [Colloq. 87, <|^ iveddd^. S^esiQs, Saukhya, s. (^Q sukha happiness, cpW'aw pleonasm) pleasure, happiness. S^es'jsjSD, Saugata, 1 .a lotus, [Colloq. s o7m]; dealer in perfumes; fragrant grass; ruby. S3i8, Saucha, s. (g siicht purity, G'<<^ an afiF.) purification by ablution, cleaning, cleansing; state or property of freedom from defilement, purity. sS5T, Sauchi, 1 s. (^ suchi needle, e3"og32!3?S5, Sautrdntika, a. (s^sei^ sautra and ^S30 anfa within, ^o, Saubhdnjana, s. murunga tree: see Sv(sJK)3:?5?t^a3 sobhdnjana. 5Ne3"):6, Saumya, s. (la^esJ soma moon, etc. cssJ ?/a^ aff.) Buddha, regent of the planet Mercury and son of Soma or the moon; forty-third year of the Indian cycle; red chalk, red orpiment: a. handsome, pleasing; mild, gentle, placid. s^esiS^ai, Sanmyakama, s. mildness, placidity. ^e3)c5S3]so, Saumyd, s. plant, ally ssicar pus bupleuri- folius, [Colloq. f^fiQx^si^s:) asivenna']. i^iss-os^^Ssi, Saume'dhika, s. (% su excellent, (S>S)3 7nedhd apprehension, fffi) ika aff.) sage, seer, one possessing supernatural knowledge ot- power. (3S3)S^i) J't^, Saumeruka, s. (^iS>{5i siimeni mouufl tain, pcS'0(35e sanrdshtra and Si?s5 kan aff.) sort of poison: see (5>S6:f(::S6jS3 sordshtrika. G65)S, Sauri, s. name of Saturn, {] Colloq. e^izz^^di senasu7-d^. iS~3)S), Saurika, s. (g<5 sura deity, <^ssi ika aff.) heaven, paradise, [Colloq. e36df3co sivargayal. S^sstSSS^, Sauwarchaka, 1 ^. (gSSS^ suwar- S^ss'oSdJQc Sauwarchala, J cAa/a district, ^-ssof a?z aff.) sochal salt; natron, alkali, [Colloq. gSss (S'esiSessB, Sauwastika, s. (aKieaeS swasti a term of salutation, vSed /Aa/i- aff.) a family Brahman or priest: a. salutatory, benedictory. S^es^Sd, Sauvira, s. (9cJ sucira country so called, cp'Sof an aff. of derivation) fruit of the jujube, zizyphus jujuba, [Colloq. sx? S)S)(5 maha-debara and 83:f 7asn]; antimony, [Sinhalese, s^siocs gsi hoyandun~\; sour gruel; district, in the west of India, connected with the country along the Indus. S\ee")9(5), Sauviraka, s. vinegar, [Colloq. 4553^ kdflQ. (3^{S)aQ9, SausJitaica, s. (gc^ sushtu excellent, etc. f^^ an aft'.) excess, exceedingness, much; excellence. 3^e8)K)3^, Sauhdrda, s. (gsjs^ suhn'd friend, {fe)3^ e3ioS\(5j.3 sankd: a. doubtful. esi^as^SeaQs, Sekawenawd, p. to be doubtful. S3iS, /Sekt, adj. (es-edis sakka strength) possible, able; more commonly written )iS heki. C3iS(^(3, Sekilla, s. articulation of the bones; skeleton; chain, fetter, eaiiS, Sekz, imrt. having entertained doubts. 331^56, Sekulii, a. hard, solid, strong. ssi(S^-255:r, Sekevin, ad. briefly. 3xD(^(3, Sengavilla, s. act of hiding, conceal- ment, a secret: pi. S3i,o(3 sengarili. e3iC5i, Sengavhna, s. the act of hiding. ssi55ge), Sengaii'uma, s. concealment, disappear- ance, invisibility: pi. esiiog scngawtmi. sSfCDSvQejSo, Sengawenawd, v. to abscond, to hide one's-self : pret. esieogeoD sengawund. e3x93c:, Settaya, s. jacket or petticoat worn by women: pi. e3t93 setta. 2i0. Seta, ind. number sixty, Elu form of s?eQ shashti. esxD^ ^^, Sefadd-el, s. (cSxO sixty, e, day, <^(^ rice) species of grains. e3x, /S'f/?', ^. form, manner, nature. e3x8(^, SettmaJ, s. chatty. i,S, Setiri, s. archer, bowyer; wild man, savage, [Colloq. 8t^^ weddd']. 3ie), Seda, s. thief; ascending: a. strong, hard; cruel, rough; Elu form of Q-^5 chanda. S3iQc38253, Sedapawana, s. {^iS) and oSej wind) gale: pi. ssiSoSerf sedapaivan. esiSoftjd, Sedajmhara, s. (ssi) strong, osicJ course) stream of a river, torrent, rapid. 3iS)od, Sedapalu, s. tress or clump of hair, hair clotted, lock of hair. tsiSiditS, Sedares, s. (esta) powerful, dtsS ray) sun, [Colloq. ^6 rra]. 3tS) Q^6, Seda-watura, see C3te)c3)<5 sedapaliara. eaxSa^^SiS, Sedidemalu, s. captives settled by king Dutugemunu. S3t6>9D(^, Sedol, s. man of a servile tribe, or one following degraded profession; Elu form of Q->^c5 fes- tival) festival celebrated in the Sinhalese month d ^^ (October -November), when the moon is full near the Pleiades; any public rejoicing, festivity. i&%t^y Set, s. weapon, from C5353Q .sos^m; know- ledge, science, etc.: see 0353^ sdstra: pi, of tsic,- sella. csicJes, Setta,8. multitude, collection, heap; collec- tion of flowers, nosegay, pond covered with flowers. esicJsJx, Settewa, ind. number seventy. e3xcJ33i<5^8'2^, Settrweni, a. seventieth. e3t03, Seta, s. weapon, Elu form of csse^ mstra. 831638, Setapma, s. reposing, reclining; verbal noun of e3ie3S^C33e)3 setapenaim. sstssgi), Setapum, s. ease, repose. e3tOJS>c2e393, Setapenawd, v. to sleep, to repose, (used respectfully), to recline: pret. ssi^g25D3 setapund. csi^, Seti, s. the mind, from fiOSoaaoa swdnta; also plural of C3tjo5 setta; cluster of flowers. S3t^5, Setiri, s. female adversary or opponent. sstCJid, Setepma, s. (53tC3>3'e33 setapenawd to repose) the distance at which a cooly rests, a mile. S3i03t@, Seteivuli, s. grief, sorrow, cf)ntrition, from 3503330 santdpa, [CoUoq, s^esJescasJ/w^/a]. fiOiC,(^, Sedol, s. small tiger, [Colloq. SSlSj divi- yd] ; cheetah. ^"^ '' ' f g_ peacock's tail. fi3i^d6(^, Sedespil, \ t&i^tsii, SedeJia, s. faith, religious belief, Elu form of @S3 sraddhd. 63i<5^es)id, Sedehpnat, a. (ssi^Wi, faith, esJ pcis:-. aff.) pious, religious, faithful. e3i^(S3i, Sedegnni, see (59S53^(553'f snlrid.dgdmi. 231 , Sendi, plural of ssi'^s^ senda. 3i^t, Sende, s. latter part of the day, afternoon, evening, from ^zSitsi sandhyd. 03i5^, Senda, s, spoon, ladle: pi. ^i^arndi: seethe next. C2i:f^, Sendetoa, s. afternoon, evoning, from S3}a) sandhyd. esi,2539(^C SenastUa, s. comfort, consolation, from eecocsesaQo sanasanaird . 3i,sdS, Senasma, s. comfort, consol.ition; verbal noun of 53S3sses383 sanasanaird. 83f29^'S3, Senidina, s. Saturday. [( ViUo'j. {S-ss^rigc^e, sefiasurddd \. e3z-<3^'S3t9J, Senel'in, s. in an instant. e2it>, Sepa, s. joy, happiness, pleasure, enjoyment; oath, from S3C3 sa])a, sst3i5, Septet, s. coming, approaching; wealth, possessions, property. esioa), Sepata, s. pleasure, enjoyment; wealth, substance, from ssDosi sampat. 3tO^, Sepatim, s. agreement, engagement, con- dition, promise, [Colloq. !^^c}^S'C^'^ poronduwa\ ssiLJOSjg, Sepapahasu, s. (tsi:^ and ossg the same) health, enjoyment of health, i,sio^SD sarasanawd. -i5tc5gj, tSeirisuma, s, dressing, decoration. sstSssd, Sertsara, s. motion, going, proceeding, [Colloq. &i''is:> gairumaj. estSescJ^Sa, Serisarcmaivd, v. to walk ab9ut, to traverse; to walk for pleasure or amusement, to transmigrate: pret. eaiSssK^lSo seriseruwd, estSd, Serira, s, the body, animal frame, for esSd sarira. estcSl, Serum, see isi8ts6 serisara. C5i(^, Sfl, s. delay, neglect, procrastination; cold, frigidity; rice; also see ssiq sela. csi,(^S, Seldiri, s. celery. (Dutch.) fiSie Sela, s. delay; large earthen vessel, jar, water pot; stone, rock; publicity, manifestation; shaking, moving, also written esQ sala. e8t(3S5<5 andropogon muricatus teiSted-SD, Sewenna, ) (Graminece). s5te^e5D, Sessd, past tense of esSeaSasosjwaioa, to chip. eszea, Sesa, s. hare, from sacs sasa, [Colloq. 63393 hdwd^. esiesd^, Sesalum,s. thunder, [Colloq. e^fi^Sihena']. 3tQ, Sesi, s. name of Gaiitama; moon. esiSca, Sesiya, s. session. (Eng.) 3xK>xJ, Sehen, s. evening; also written t&x^^ sende, etc. e3i,63i|e6, Sehemuni, s. (ssiat for ea^ se Sakya, i6 muni) name of Gautama. sstSJxog^JL, Seheyuru, s. mango, [Colloq. qpSamfia]. e3r5-)t(^S, Sehellu, a, light, not heavy; easy, facile. 5tS)t(^g)(5<<*S3, Sehellukaranawd, v. to lighten, to relieve. csiS3x(^gS^5S@, Sehellukerma, verbal noun of the above. esKsgjQ^css, Selalihiniyd. s, bird, called the southern black maina, gracula religiosa ^order Passeres). esx, aSV', s. Sakya race: see ssxcs aeya. esx^gCs Sekula, s. the Sakya race. e3x55ge6 mlyamimi . eSxcS) Seya, s. heap of wood, funeral pile, from C33 chitaka. esxg, Sehuma, verbal noun of the next. sax<3>a)-S)3 lcahata~\: a. falling or hanging down, pendulous, depending. gSsJ, Srawat, a. oozing, flowing, dropping. g3?9, Srawanti, s. river in general, [Colloq. ka head, Qo dhd to hold, 3 sa initial augment, ) ha aff.) shoulder, head of the humerus; body; truok of a tree; multi- tude, quantity; army; five objects of sense, viz. form, taste, smell, seeing, touch; book, section, chapter. e2r)55)(3^(53, Skandha-dem, s. (eaaaaa) shoulder, (S4 part) withers of an elephant, or the part where the rider sits. eosaaa) 6(3, Hkandha-phala, s. (eaanea) trunk, 6(3 fruit) glomerous fig-tree, ^cm glomerata^ [Colloq. ep3Jcw3 a//?7cH]; bael tree, cegle marmelos, [Colloq G^'S) belt']; coconut tree, cocos niicifera, [Colloq. 5^03(^(5)20 2^^^~S'^^^(^\ ee>ee)D8D(5, Skaiidhdwdra, s. (eesaaa) skandha army, {pa before, 9a wri to screen, or guard, (f<^ an aff,) camp, fortified entrenchment. eeeaaS, Skandhi, s. (sessaa) skandha trunk, (^ 'aff.) tree in general, [Colloq. sjsj gaha^, (S^tGdSiido'JZ, Skoppaya, s. name of a playing card; spades: pi. S^tSffl3J^f^ skojypa. (Dutch.) (3^e^3^J(3cs, Skolaya, s. school: pi. (^^ee3aJ(3 skola. ^ (English.) iaS)s?j3, Stanya. s. (tasaeo stana breast, csc5 yat aff.) milk, [Colloq. 95 kiri], teas?, Stana, s. (ecoesa to sound, dQ t03)S, Stawa, s. (5S shfti to praise, , Sttitt'-pdthaka, s. (efQ.^ and c}3 reader) bard, one who accompanies a chief or an army to recite the titles and praises of the one. and to inspire the other by chaunting martial exploits, etc. fct^z), Stupa, s. (ee!po to heap, to pile) heap, pile of earth, [Colloq. s-coJa) goda^- (5^eoa)3, Stena, s. ((a^tosjsj to steal, f( a aff.) thief, [Colloq. s^K)3(5 ho?-d^; thieving, stealing. (^^cOS):fS5, Stoka, s. bird called chataka, ciicidus melano leiicos: a. little, small, [Colloq. go ptifichfj, tea)5g, Stotra, s. (k shtu to praise, ^ aff.) praise, eulogium. S^eocai, Stoma, s. heap, number, multitude; praise, eulogium; the head. ^, Stri, s. woman or female in general: pi. ^ (^^coJ striyn. e^sJaace, Strikkaya, s. iron used by washerman in smoothing clothes: pi. e30Jo strikka. e3^es)33, Striguhya, s. (esQ and c^esja privity) female organ of generation. ts^tSs}, Sti'ijita, s. hen-pecked husband. esga, Stri-dharma, s. (s30 woman, Q peculiar property) diety of a woman, menstrual ex- cretion. ^6dsi, Stri-ranjana, s. (esQ and <5d3 delight- ing) betel, or the mixture of betel leaf, areca nut, caustic lime, etc. eaten by the Sinhalese, and by women especially. es^gos), Stri-linga, s. (es^ and Qocs) mark) puden- dum muliebre; feminine gender in grammar. (5^5^e9^5^3^a5, Strekke, f>. tie (Dutch.) 86, Stha, a. staying, abiding, what or who is or stays. C0633, Sthaga, a. fraudulent, dishonest, roguish, [Colloq. )o8ag wafichdwu]. tib<^Q, Sthandila, 8. level square piece of ground, prepared for a sacrifice; boundary, limit, land- mark. ceSo^, Stliajyati, s. (db who is or stays, o& lord) sovereign, chief; architect, master-carpenter or builder; wheel-wright; charioteer. ee6C' Sthala, s. (eoSc to be firm, e^ Icanda] : a. fixed, stationary, stable, immoveable; regular, established. CB&3(5, Sthdvira, s. old age, anility, [Colloq. 50^ O mahalukama\. edSo, Sthita, a. (afij s7i//a to be or stay, S3S3 Z-7a aff.) steady, firm, immoveable; agreed, engaged; risen, gotten up; stayed, stopped; determined, resolved, established. tt8<9, Sthiti, 8. staying, being fixed or stationary; limit, boundary; cessation, pause; determination, etc. 61^6, Sthira^ s. (aS3 shthd to stay or be, !S>6 kira aff.) deity; mountain; final emancipation: a. firm, fixed, steady, immoveable; permanent, durable, lasting; constant, faithful. dS<5ffi5(^3wSj, Sthirakaranawd, v. to confirm, make firm. d<5sas)Sa), Sthirakerima, s, confirmation. edS(5cDaa), Sthiragandha, s. (cdSd lasting, craaS) smell) champaka tree, michelia champaca, [Colloq. sg sapu\. e8S(5>a)3, Sthiragmidhd, s. (c8(5 and enaa) gandha smell) screw-pine, j9anc?aws fascicularis, [Coll: gS>455ScS3 mudukeyii/d']; trumpet flower: see ceda(3 sthdli. ejQdtf C5, Sthirajihwa, s. (edS<5 immoveable, t^sJ^D jihwd tongue) fish in general. eeSdgj^e), Sthiradrwna, s. tree, bassia longifolia, [Colloq. <5Joe mi-gasa\. teSdgao, Sthira-pushpa, s. (csd lasting, gao flower) champaka tree: see ecSdoao) sthira-gan- dha; tree, mimusops elengi, [Colloq. a3(^ edSd <5a]B)3, Sthtra-rangd, s. (kS(5 and dai raw^a colour) indigo plant, [Colloquial: (fQ8 awari']; species of curcuma. edSCo, Sthird, s. earth, [Colloq. s^c3^8 polawa] ; plant, alyssicarpvs bitpleurifolius, [Colloq. cfc^ .edd589, Sthirdyu, s. (tS6 sthira long, pg ^m life)* silk cotton tree, bombax heptaphylla ; long life longevity. ^^8e6co, Sthe'ya, s. (fs&o shthd to stand, C5J ?/a< aff.) judge, arbitrator; domestic priest: a. to be fixed or determined, etc. s^eoQcae^, Sthe'yas, a. (eeSd sthira and csged iyasun aff.) firm, stable, fixed, eternal, permanent, [Colloq. ce8(5 sf^t'ra]. eeeocsesa, Snapana, s. (?as^j s/iwd to bathe or purify by bathing, causal form -"S^js nya aff.) ablution; washing; sprinkling, wetting. 6253833, Snasd, s. (eeenes snasa to eject, (fBach alV.) tendon, muscle. eej333, Sndna, s. (cas^o s/, Sne'/tn, .. (6s sh?nha to bo unctuous, cfc.) lovo, affection, kindness; oil, unguent, grease, any greasy or unctuous substance. I esasieo'^d, Sneha-bija, s. ((^cesrfsj oil, ^d seed, grain) gingely, sesamum indicum, [Colloq. '5^S)(^ iSiQ tel-tala], 'C3si'3:)S3e3, Snehawanta, a. (Qtee^ta and 82033 poss. aff . ) beloved, dear, (S^eeerjK)S)?C3.?3, S/iehatrantai/d, .9. beloved one. S^tssiis)'^d, Snehavi'ja, s. plant, Jioi/a, [Colloq. cJi5 g253 rulanguna'\. S*eerj5Ss3, Snelnta, a. ((S^tssi^ sneha affection, ^s) ita aff.) kind, affectionate; beloved, ee8rf?9, Svi'lu, s. (s^ceeisj sne'ha and i? z' aff.) friend: a. affectionate, etc. ^:(iS, Sjtarm, s. touch, contact; air, wind. ;s cSe'^^j Sparsa-lajjd, s. (essi^ touch, c^^ ashamed) sensitive plant, mimosa pudica,\VioWi), Sphata, s. (es^ sphuta to unfold, to swell, ff a aff,) snake's expanded neck or hood. ttfeSffl), Sphatika, s. (^^0 sphuta to expand, oe5 j kat aff,) crystal, |' Colloq. zi^iQ palingu i. lMfe84a3oS'i55, Sphatika-mdnikya, see the last. efl63-3S)3QC' Sphatikdchala, s. (caScJ^ sphatika crystal, fSc <^<^hala mountain) mount Kailasa, the favourite haunt of Siva, iea6d<^, Spharana, s. (iet6 to move, c^Q lyut aff.) throbbing, trembling, [Colloq. Qo^Qchanchala], eafcaQ^s?, Sphatika, see 3&35 sphatika. g63?9, Sphdti. s. increase, growth; swelling, in- tumescence. eafiod, Sphdra, 1 . (ee^d sphura to move, p a eafiud-siw, /S'/j/ir/'rawa, /substituted for the radical vowel) throbbing, quivering: a. great, large.| 83^3, Sphuta, a. (es^Q to blow, blossom, rend, tear, etc. Si ka aff.) blown, opened, expanded; ap- parent, manifest, evident; burst, broken, rent, lorn, 3363253, Sphutana, s, rending, tearing, etc, 66^30, Sphutd, s. (ta^Q s/>huta to expand, (pd aff,) expanded hood of a snake, S^3, Sphuti, s. kibe, swelling of the feet; sort of melon, cucumis momordica. es^03, Sphtctita, a. blown, expanded, etc. ee^^>, Sphurjaka, s ("ec^^ spihurja to sound, as thunder) sort of ebony, diospyros glutinosa. 66^(5, Sphura, s. (ee^d to tremble) throbbing, trembling, 036<5-<55>arf, Sicapna-krit, s. (seStsej sleep, s>aa5 making) potherb of narcotic properties, marsilea qiiadrifolta, [Colloq. co fi(3 <^(3c5 f%a- einbtd-embtltya'] . aec>S33x5:, Swapnnnta, a. (tit (3^ swapna dream, x cfK^o within) dreaming, in a dream; sleep- ing, asleep. s^KJj, Swabhdwa, s. (cjk) own, eooS property) ^^, nature, natural state, property or disposition. edb^, Swabht'u s. (M self, <5 born) name of Brahma and of Vishnu. fiQ^o, Su-am/pa, corruptly for ss^-o samipa. e-ocg333, Sicaya/jguptd, s. (mScs swayam self, cgwo gupta defended) carpopogon pruriens: see idsJcqtusio sivaguptd. (20 ta&<^9 !j8e)cjcd5s>, Sivayafijdta, s. (asScsS swayam self, oSo produced) fabulous sort of rice which springs up spontaneously for the use of Chakra- wartis, and other eminent personages. sec.^, Swayothu, s. swelling, intumescence. ajQcsD, Sioayam, ind. self, spontaneously, of - own self or own accord. ssScsSq, Swayambhu, s. (eaScs and i e^c^, Swargya, a. (teScS tiwarga heaven, cot"^ aff.) celestial, heavenly, paradisaical. saBcS, Swarga, , (g sh. happiness, jcac^ rya t or obtain) paradise of Indra on the top of Mjtha Meru, and the residence of deified mortals i"' the gods, heaven (in the Christian sense). a;c8s>J..^, S war g amok si) a, s. (s^cS and (5^%^^ release) final happinest^, release or bliss in heaven. a)cc9c5, Snorggiya, see ddJis swargya. tdS-dS', Swarna, s. f g su excellent, sa-<^ nVia to go, qp a aff.) gold, [Colloq. ^cJ(5e5 ro/j-an]: sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. (Si6z.i. hnrankaha\ ^dSsi:i6 , ASwarnakdra, s. (fisQ-^ and Sij6 ma , worker) goldsmith, [Colloq. S3(33 baduld \. ^^), [Colloq. i^ss^Q'i kukuld]. teS-sj^g'jo, Swartia-pushpa, s. (ea.^ and gl flower) tree, cassia fistula, [Colloq. ?pi,K)i (^ ' /rt|; champaka tree, michelia champaca, fCn. e^^flS^gjsS, Swarna-pttshpi, s. medicinal sort vi moon -plant. 'X)-^df Swama-bija, s. white water lily, nel bium speciosum, [Colloq. s> (S^ead /. nelum']. ie-4553, Swarna-sh'ikt'i, s. (so-^ gold, (6^9 litter) golden litter, one constructed of or orna- mented with gold. ;-^3'5, SwarTidri, s. (cSQ-o^ sumrna and ^3 an hostile) sulphur, fColhxi. s^fi)ei^cn kendagamj. es^^ 721 ta&)3^ eeScQ^, SwarnacU, s. the celestial river, sometimes written dd, Swarloka, s. (e^5 and eJ5 world) heaven. m6<5, Sirca-a, s. (ea6<5 to sound, CfS at7 ai?.) accent; vowel ; sound in general ; tune, voice ; air breathed through the nostrils, snoring. 5K}d>, Swarata, s. species of hoya, [Culloq. de3, Swai-asa, s. (eaQ own, <5ea taste) natural f)r peculiar flavour or taste ; expressed or extracted iuice. t!i8rsi, Swarita, s. {^6 swara note, accent, <5S3 itach aff.) accented; articulated; sounded as a note, pitched. i^SS, Simruchi, a, (caQ own, (5L inclination) wilful, self-willed, uncontrolled, [Colloq. ssjo ^ }|j<^Sl nohikmundwu]. seSc^s, Sicarupa, s. () own, dn-cs form) natural state or condition, nature; form, likeness. cqS^33, Swalpa, a. (g su very, epQp a/^)a little or few) very small, very few. s)(33C3, Swalpai/a, s. a little. (sStaeS, Swasti, ind^ (g sm well, qpes asa to be, ^ aff.) particle of benediction; auspicious particle, etc. e6t3s^ kan aff.) any lucky or auspicious object; meeting of four roads; temple of a particular form with a portico in front; mystical figure in the form of ^ 5K)ccfii, Swastha, a. (aaS self, eefi staying) confident, resolute, firm, relying upon one's self; well at ease, in health. eeSiosa, Sicasrt, s. sister, [Colloq. t&esS'5^'20!?'(5o8 sembu-nerenchi']. t^3ga5e^, Swddu-kanda, s. (cK>a^ and ss^-esq root) carrot, daucas carota; kind of yam, ipoma'a digi- tata, [Colloq. ^SS)g kiribadii], 53SDg^a>35S), Swddu-fiktaka, s. creeper bearing edible gourd, tricliosanthes cucnmerina, [Colloq. gDx(^(3 dummrlla']. s^oggaa, Sioddih-pushpa, s. (eaSog agreeable, gao flower) flower or blossom of the bael tree, a>gle mai-melos, [Colloq. Sg beW] ; tree, hassia Jongi- folia, [Colloq. k)3 mt'ga-^a']. c:}3e,gs8, Sivddu-pushpt', see S8(3 mayila. tx)3g6(2, Swadu-phala, s. (a/3i^ and 6(3 fruit) fruit of the jujube, zizyphus jujuba, [Colloq. <5>SS)c5 debara or Ss5^ ?na^S5 ^-/o aff.) mind, faculty of thought and feeling, [Colloq. jSco/^Va]; cave, cavern: ^Ja?7. sounded. 69333, Swdna, s. sound, noise. ^tiiSitS saBoqc SwdnajihwddaJu, s. small thorny tree, eup)horbia neriifolia, [Colloq. c3^aJ^)af?3@ seDtofi>, Swdsthja, s. (e3ca3 swastha and ef)9>:2, Halgediya, s. conch shell: pi. csisJts^^'^ S hakgedi. K)5'S^<5J hakuro. i^egS, Hakuri, s. Avoman of the jaggery caste: pi. w^gSs^csJ hakuriyu. SiS^^, Ilaktiru, s. jaggery, coarse kind of hard native sugar: see ss^gcii sakuru, K)25CJtSc3(3D, irakuru-siyambald, s. plant, related, to the tamarind. 2a^(22o93, Hakidanawd. v. to fold, to double: pret. JSJiaggQa hehuluwd: see (fagc^^ '^^'''' lanawd. S5cSk.^Ss39o, Ilagisioanawd, v. to convince, to co] vict, to confront accusing parties: pret. SizStS 3 hegisit'uwd. S)its3, Hanga, s. horn: see qfo an^a. K)G3(3, Hangala, see {Ts3(3 angaJa. ai3K:9393, Hangawanawd, v. to cause to be known; to disclose, to reveal; to publish, to declare, causal form of caiS^cJsaSa hf'ngenniru: pret. OiS^ssSSa hengeawd. 4jg-33<*o, llangn-tana, s. kind of grass. SJCg-Q, Ilangunu, see cf g253 anguna. &)2gd, Hangulu, s. double boat, two canoes tied together: see p^C angida. C5)9c5, Hattiya, s. earthen cooking vessel: pi. 2o9 8 hatti, SOQ 723 K)8e:)CJ'e33, Hatagannawd, v. to be produced, to spring up, to grow, to originate. ffl9253, Hatann, see csSod satana. S3(S, Hatha, s. (jsib to treat with violence, re a atf.) violence, rapine; aquatic plant, pistia stratiotes, [CoUoq. ^csad^s^C' cliyaparanald'\. S36385c5 diya-liaxoa- riya']. aeJs), Hadika, s. sweeper, servant of the meanest function. 53'e), Handa, s. sound, noise; thunder; voice: see cp anda. 0)S<5je3?8D, Handagasanawd, v. to call out: pret. oScni^Sa handagrsuwd. 6)S<2o)3, Handanaicd, v. to sound, to make a noise; to cry, to weep: pret, SDigSa hrndiuvd, 53s)3, Ilandd, part, having wept. tsi^,I7'ina,s. san or sann hemp, crotalaria juncea (Leguminosce). s)-^S(;^c:J satarawaram-deviyo. 05 si(9^<5 sJaocgQ, Hataren-pa?iguwa, s. quarter, fourth part. Q>:)d':s?, Hatarrs, a. square. K)gf^(3^e6, Hatalisweni, a. fortieth. c^^5S3, Hataliha, s. forty: see essj^ss satalisn. SI 29 {^(^3, Hati-clvi, s. kind of paddy, or_yca ^^^^SiSo, Hatidamanaica, v. to pant. co?S)c;, Hatiya, s. panting, loss of breath: pi. fSi& hati. S3^, Hatu, plural of wsJcs hatta. CJ^do, Hatiird, s. enemy, or adversary: pi. e3^5>dJ haturo: see ee^Co saturd. cn^S, Haturi, s. female enemy: pi. sj^Ss^caJ/tafii- S)-SDi5;59fi5<5'sS93, Haturukamkaranawd , i\ to do an unfriendly act; to act like an enemy. isiisSiSSiz^, Haturiikama, s. enmity: pi. ej^<5i,5 haturukam. 3^J^520, Haddinna, s. the Pleiades. 00^^, Hada, s. heart, seat of thought, etc. from S)s^ hrida; affection, love; mist or appearance of water in sandy deserts, mirage. ^5, Hadan, s. privity, male or female; mark, spot, sign, token, signal. eo^5S3)3, Hadanaicd, v. to make, to form; to con- struct, to buUd; to prepare, from 33.5:83 sddanawd: pret. SJigSs hrduird. ^qSiS, Hadamas, Is. (53^ heart, e^ flesh or 863 sj^Scs:, Hadatvata, j substance) mind, breast, site of the heart. SiCjO^Qi, Hadawanawd, v. to cause to make: ] rot. ejtS^ Ilampilla, s. flowering shrub, fieminyia strobilifera (Leguminosce). (K)9455!5'3dS3, Ilambaivenawd, v. to meet, to be found; pret, eaSSgeaa hambawund. i))255^3<5cS3, Ilambdnhdrayd, s. (s)i)S)33 ham- i'dna boat, Sio6 kdra who does) boatman, one who voyages in a dhoney, coast Moorman. 633D, Ilambdna, s. large boat, Malabar vessel, dhoney: pi. wSi^sei hambdn. sjDgO'SsiJ, Hambwpan, s. plant, reed mace, f^/>/ia angustij'olia (Typhacecc). cs)fi03, Ilambhd, s. lowing of kiue. eo s^s5^?>(5dg9, Hamsereppnwa, s. leathern slip- per, sandals. es), Kama, s. skin, leather: pi. w /iaw: see 6 S3S(53B3393, Hamagcihanaiod, v. to flay, to skin. eoS-reaSs, Ilatnadinawd, v. to cleanse, to sweep: pret. S3i,g83 hrinaduwd. 02)33^5383, Ilamananawd, v. to equalize, to assim- ilate: pret. i-q83 hemanuivd. tSi^SiQato,Hamanalayd, s. butterfly: see63Ct3 sa7nanalai/d . 85025383, Ilamanawd, v. to blow as the wind: pret. 63t83 hemiucd. S3C> Hamala, s. collection, aggregation, assem- blage. 63e^ 55<5aJa35, Ilamas-hurakkan, s, sort of grain, eleusine coracana. S)rfx, llamasme, s. (S) six, S3 masa month, % bean) sort of bean, doltchos sesquipedalis. w3, Hamd, s. a person decrepit, infirm and feeble through age. )3<5, Ifamdra, s, half, conclusion. co3(5as<582383, Ilamdraivenawd, v. to conclude, to be finished, to end. CjSsesci, Hamdsaya, s. six months. cog, JIatnu, ind. particle, signifying presence, before, in presence of: see tfH amu. , Hamidu, see e)G liamala. 33^8, Hamuwa, ad. before, in presence or front of. oca, llaya, s. (sdcs or eS 7u' to go, ca3<53 hayamdraka. 6D3<55<5'c5 to take, steal, > aff.) nanae of Siva; rogue, cheat; taker, conveyer, seizer. aoi55, Ilarakama, s. hardness, strength. Si6si($, Hara/cal, s. (?K)<5 Siva, 3(^ wife) name of Durga. ffi)(5)), Harakd, s. ox, bull, bullock: pi. W(5J harak. 53(5 8s)^ Jiari- kam. aoSffi5(5\gS83, Harikaranawd, v. to procure; lo earn. Sofoe^ 8355383, Harigassanawd, v. to correct. 10 rectify; to adapt, to fit: pret. e3S(33f8i9, Harinaluchani, s. {^d<& deer, ^Aa^/a]. wSsJS), Haritaka, s. (^8ci green, 5 aff.) potherb. wScna, Haritd, s. bent grass; turmeric, [Colloq. S)8s3)c Haritdla, s. (C5)8a3 harita green, ^(3 o/a to posses, f^<^ an aff.) yellow orpiment, [Colloq. e88o5(5 hirtyal]. a5)Sa3c), Haritdlaka, s, (sjScsae and ^sisd' /^ctJi aff.) green pigeon, carpophaga amea, [Colloq. QQ(3^(533cS3 batagoyd^ ; theatrical decoration, paint- ing the person, etc. )8a33(3, Haritdlt, s. bent grass, jmnicum dactylon, eoS^gdStJO, Hartturafiga, s. name of Saki-u cr Indra. SjSa,, Haridrd, s, (5)5 green, g^ 8s5 harit green, e3, Haripriyd, s. (wSgos haripriya and ^ a fem. afp.) name of Lakshmi, sacred basil, ocimum sanctum, [Colloq. gc5lc5e3 madurutald^; the earth, [Colloq. ^ooqQ polawa']. ^8'^d, Haribija, s. (jaS and ^d semen) yellow orpiment, [Colloq. cS;5c;rj hiriyal]. taS^is:f8, Ilarmanjari, s. plant, acalypha indica, [Colloq. igdof?^^^:? kuppamejiiya']. (s:dl^<56, JIarimantha, s. (sj5 fire, or horse, ^ to agitate) tree, premna longifolia; chick pea. ^j2 a?-a/?5<*^5, Ilarenuka, s. creeping plant, [Colloq. 0(4co38e5 ivalgd-miris']. sj(^, Hal, 8. hal tree, peculiar to Ceylon, Valeria acuminata or v. indica ( Dipterocarpacea;); mark over a consonant indicating the suppression of the vowel. K>(^(5vQc?, Tlalhe'mbiya, s. small flowered bead tree: see sjsqSxScs hdlbembiya. SJd^SC' Halmilila, 1 s. valuable timber tree, 20(^^(^(3, Halmilla, (called Trincomalee wood, Berryn ammomlla ( Tiliacea ) . eoC^g-^Sr, Ilalahma, s. a mark. S3C'2S'^^'^<^S3, Ralaki(md-arannicd, v. to make a mark. S3(3g, Haladu, s. turmeric, cnrcinna longa, [Colloq. ^ta kaha'\. csicS^6 cs, Ilaladhara-priyn, see S3(3cs halipriya. SiQ?s5i^, Halandd, .. tree snake, dendropkis picta, (Ophidia). tsiCSiQ'i, Ilalanawd, r. to throw down, to shake, to winnow, to sift: pi. siigSs heluivd: see C3co 83 salanaicd. 50(2, Ilalamba, s. devil dancer's rings filled with tinkling metal, tlie feetlet or armlet sacred to the gods. S5CC' Halala, s. the fire-fly, [Colloq. esiQii^Saio kaldviediriyd'\. S3CC^^^' Ilalalanaivd, v. to toss, to stir, to move, to agitate: pret. JOiCj^.gSs holaluwd. SJCgcBi, Ilalaluyd, s. hallelujah. (Eng.) cocoes, Halaviya, s. (s)C Ji plough, ^c3 aveya weapon) name of Balabhadra. ^QS3, Halalia, .?. measure of capacity, six lahas. SJCSJC' Halahala, see S3(3DS3C haldhala. S)C3> Hald, s. fire-fly, [Colloq. >cd3i5c83 i-aZa- mediriyd^ ; whirlpool, female friend. SiQO(j^S>, Ilaldyi(dha, $. (s:y(^Jiala and (^(^Sidyudha weapon) Balarama. S)C353C Haldhala, s. sort of poison; kind of snake, sjg, fla/z, s. (c3C ^'^'^* t'^ plow, <^?si in aff.) furrow; agriculture. S3(35, Halidra, s. disease or affection of the urine: g3^s^ prameha. ogc,, Halidrd, see csiSc, haridrd. sjg^Q, Halini, s. plant, gloriosa superba, [Colloq. <6csS5(33 niyaiigaldj. S3(3C5, Halipriya, s. (sjg Balanima, gcs beloved) tree, anthocephalus or nauclea cadamba, [Colloq. (3>ia3S^(23^>53ef kolom-gas']. SiQ, Hall, s. {is^chaJa plough, i?^'aff.) Baladeva; ploughman, cultivator, [Colloq. 'S^ctjScso <70fzy<]. /, Haw, see esS saic. )9, Hawya, s. offering to the gods, i9a93S3, Haivyawdha, s. (siSs and Soao who bears) fire, [Colloq. cSs^<5 gindara], sjQfflcs, IJaivyasn, s. (^^-aJiaioya and cfss .?a who eats) fire. ^t)Si^q, flawrwlda, see ^gcJi^ij awurudda. eo^C^S^) IJnu'lanawd, see epggsaSa aim/Ianawd. SiQ, Ilaiva, s. (^ ha to sacrifice, qp a aff.) sacrifice, oblation; also call, calling. ia8^, ITawadiya, s. metal waist chain: pi, 2o9S hawadi. e)93, Hawana, s. (^ / and q^Q /?/?./ aff.) sacri- fice, oblation. Sj03j, JIawanawd, v. to curse, to utter impreca- tions against: see fp8sD8o aivanawd. 2o85g, Ilawari-madu, s. (s)9Sc5 hawariya tress, g convolvulus) sort of bindweed, ipoma'a tri- dentata (Convolvidacece): also called c9s^ g C395c3, Hawariya, s. tress of false hair worn by- women, the tuft of a bullock's tail: pi. s)85 hawari. v./ S)8e3, Hawasa, s. evening: see esSes saivasa. es>, //ay, 5. mountain, hill, [Colloq. ^^ kanda~\ : see S5e^ havis. K)c5, Haviya, see S3 sa2/7, S3e^, Havis, s. (g Az^ to offer, ^Bisi aff.) clarified butter, ghee, [Colloq. ^(3*a3(^ (/z'fe/] ; article to be offered as an oblation, usually ghee. S)(^, Hawiiru, s. wall of earth, etc. cast up before a city as a defence. 5ag(^^S53<5c5o, Hawulhdrayd, s. partner. )(^d;fs) drdha who mounts) elephant rider or driver. csjtKa, Hasta, s. hand, [Colloq, f?93, Has-tabd, s. (sjaJ seal, eaQs having placed) having put the seal (on it, etc.) ^3^g52! Hasta-mudrd, s. (sjteO) and ^ simi) beckoning, indication of sentiment by the fingers. S)63S>C5 S535S3, Hastamtuhd-bJuisJid, see the last. K)f3eaSs33<5, Hasta-vilcdra, s. (ateo) and S53d gesture) signs, beckoning, etc. siea3eo>, Hastdmalaka, s. (sDtsa hasta and cf.3 Q dmala gem so called) fabulous gem, described as of a white colour, transparent and very brilliant, perhaps a species of crystal is intended. S3C359, Hasti, s. (ffiiC3S> luista trunk, <^^ ini atV.) elephant, [Colloq. e^033 etd']. Siss6issi, Hastika, s. (cjeaeS elephant, aff.) mulh- tude of elephants. Siesd^SJ-^, Hastikarna, s. (oesd? and ^-d^ eai'j plant with large flaggy leaves, alocasia macros r- hiza, [Colloq. isi'S>6Qhabarala~\\ castor oil plant, ^ e!563?ft (20 (Si:ifSi& ricinus communis^ fColloquial: ^s^(Si endarii]; ornamental tree, butea frondosu^ [Colloq. (S)d tC gas-kela]. C}ea63s)3, IJastikd, s. (sjeos) hasta hand, ^53 ihd aff.) blow with the hand or fist, cuff, box. wcseS^eosD, Ilnstt'kunta, s. iron hook used in ''aiding an elephant, [Colloq. s^^*1<3J9 henduwa']. iafsSi^s^i'), ][astihimhha,s. (:ioc365 and ss^z^t^ fore- head) temples and forehead of an elephant, whence the juice exudes during rut. S)'v3633^^J(3 Hasti-kola, j^ee sitocS 6sc3 hasti- pippali. e)S363<:j3D03, Hastidanta, s. (cs?5365 and <:j2oE) tooth) radish, raphaniis S'ltivus; ivory, [Colloq. qn.C3s'5 etdat]; pin or bracket projecting from a wall to hang anything on. Si'-ssS^, Hastin, see )f3cS Jiasti. e9'.-i65253S), Hasti-nakha, s. (ffi)C365 and zsai nail) -i)rt of covered way, raised place of earth or masonry covering the access to the gate of a city or fort. K)f3?9i53, Ilastini, s. (atsiS*^ hasttn and Cj" t fem. aff.) female elephant, [Colloq. 'fi^si<^ ettnm'^ SifinBz), Hastipa, s. (osadj and oo pa to cherish, S5 ka aff.) elephant rider or driver, [Colloq, dD, Hasti-ratna, s. (aDE3?9 and <5c?d gem) royal elephant, one of the gems or treasures of kings. atseSegtJ^c.o, Ilasti-sundd, s. (sjeseS and cg<:S3 trunk) elephant's trunk; flower, heliotropium indtcum. enescS, Hast/, s. elephant, [Colloq, cftOT) fto'J. S)S^KC)5a<5 5T335J3, IlasaicdJiana, s. name of Brahma. cdSod, Ilasita, s. smiling, laughter; also, the bow of Kama. oges:^, Hasun, s. message, an epistle, from caDeseD sdsana. Kj'^s^Ssj?)), Ilasuwenatvd, see pg<3*8383 asinve- naivd, eocS 25303, Hahinawd, v. to cut with an adze or knife, to hoe, to chip, to smooth the sides of a bank or dam: pret. s>ie^^3 liessd. 20 2, Hala, participle (of C55-c53, Ilaluge, s. people of the washer caste. S3 39, Haluwa, s. cloth, shawl: see tsiiQ saluwa, )6s)(^03, Halidialld, s. tulip tree, Uriodendron liliifera. S)3, Hd, tnd. a connective particle, and, with; also, a prohibitive particle which may be rendered by, hold, stay, do not do it, in which case the in is generally repeated. S3353s:J, Hdkan, s. (^3383 hdwd hare, isasi ear) hairy plant with spikes of purple and white flowers, justicia echioides, S333<5'^3, Ildkaranawd, v. to join, to unite. S33i^(^(3, Hdngilla, s, (eoc& haya six, (^S(^c rngtlla finger) species of bindweed, ipomcea digitata, [Colloq. S8S)s kiribadii]: a. six fingered. S)33i53, Ildtaka, s. (sjG liata to shine, 5 aff.) gold, [Colloq. 6^6si ratran\ : a. golden, of gold. S3 3 a OSS, Hdtpasa, ind. particle signifying circumja- cency, around, about; completion, entirely, completely. 2553^ 730 C3^i)j 633^, Hdtra, s. hire, wages, [Colloq. i^Q huli or C3 pa(li'\. OD03o>3s5c3S tottuwa^. e)3e:fs^d<^i(, Hdnredda, s. swaddling cloth. Ci.3325j'8g, Ildnsi-jmftnva, s. easy chair. s^^:fS(^^9^^S^, Ildnsiwcnawd, v. to lean or recline: pret. eD3e:fSg'S3) Mnsiivund. e)33, Ildna, s. (^oi to leave, CS^ ^i/^'/ f^^O aban- doning, relinquishing. 335303, Hdnawd, v. to plough: pret. eo^S^ /rW. S33i^cjS, Hdniya, s. (jas to leave, etc. eS afE.) famine, destruction, loss, privation, abandonment, relin- quishment; decreasing, wane: pi. ^i:Je3 hdmineld. S33, Ildmu, s. lord, master; respectful term ap- plied to children of Mudaliyars, from ';a3^ steam?. S33|l(5g3, Hikmunu, jyast part, of the next. ^S^5^(^^^^S^, Hikmenawd, v. to become tame or docile, etc: pret. e93-2533 hikmund. c9)-2s?(33, Hikanald, s. ground lizard or skink, eupreims rufescens or tiliqua carinata (Scincidce, order Sauria). cSot, Higa, s. deficiency, defalcation, wanting to make up a sum; remainder, balance: a. scarce, deficient. cScg, Higu, a. wanting, deficient, quick, /58iK)533, Hingatmd, s. beggar: pi. Siss^s^^S hiugMino. 5Sc3a32)3, Hinganawd, v. to beg: pret. eSc^Ss hin- guiod: see 8ffi333 singanawd. ^^^?5^, Hingajna?ia, s. charity, mendicity, alms: pi. 58o25:f hingaman. SSi^, Hingini, s. tree bearing the clearing nut, strychnos potatorum; also written (^$3 ingini. ^q), Hingu, s. speed, haste. sScgcss) e^d^> Hingupat-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. vSc5<5, Hingurala, s. kind of yam. S^S., Hinguni, .v, ginger, properly written ^i^ck inguru, zingiber officinalis; climbing pricldy plant with saponaceous legumes, acacia coticinna ( Leguminosce ) . 5Sg(3lc3933, Hingiiru-patid, s. climbing medicinal plant: see the last. 59egcJi8c8g, Hingurupiyali, s, small aromatic plant: see BiQ^ScaQ singiirupiyali. SiQ^, Hingul, 8. plant, amooa Eohituka (Melia- cece) ; vermillion, [Colloquial : sssf gooD sddilin- cSa^, Hingu, s, assafastida, [Colloq. ocJLe^s3c jyenrnkdyarn]. cB^ '32 cSgs) c89^5S:c?3S3, Hingu-nirydsa, s. (^Q^ and e6&i^ass exudation) assaftptida (gum) ; nimb or mavgosa tree, azadirachta indica, [Colloq. (5^X)0(3^ce)3S) kohomba~\. i'^ o^5j, Hiiigu-patrth-d, s. (cSS^ and o^patra leaf, <) //c-a aff.) plant, monochoria hastcvj'olia, [Colloq. Sfcc e3S)(5 diija-habarala], 'SoqiOig, Hinqu-patri, s. leaf and drug, perhaps the leaf of the assafa}tida plant. ^SilQQ, m?igida, Is. Vermillion, [Colloq. ssd^ go ^^Sy Hmgtdt, Jo sddilingain]. :Sa^ge533, HinguUkd, s. sort of prickly night shade, sola7iim jacqicini, [Colloq. ^.^Qx(^^katuirrl- batiC\ . 5SQ^(3, Hingidi, s. species of egg plant or brinjal, solarium xanthocarpum, [Colloq, -c3c ^^(^' batiij. ^^Q, Hirigidu, s. vermillion. ?9c^, Hijja, Is. plant, barringtonia acutan- t9c^C Hijjala, j gula, [Colloq. <9c^G^^dC ela- mideUa\. jSQ, Hita, par. beginning from, iz)o?5i, Hitapan, second person singular imperfect mood of eSSsoQa httinawd. 5S)583, Hitawanawd, v. to cause to stand, to plant: pret. ^8s^^8^ hitewwd. ^33(3>3dJ, Hitdno, s. very wealthy man. ^ca'm?Z?{-;?tfa]; eggplant, solamim melongena, [Colloq. Q^lSg wambatit]. t6<3S, Hina!, s. stairs, ladder; lap, waist: see (^(sSo j8<^, J/mt, s. ladder, pair of stairs. ^^(si, Hinimaga, s. (^^j^ and cbJ Way) ladder: pi. ^<^o Idijiman. 2Bc), ^2^, plural of eSo 77a. )^2;3 !:8o'(fiS^C2S3S3, Hit-rlenaivd, v. to adhere with affection. cBsJ 3s).,<^3, lUt-otcni, sec Sj55)c3ti6 sit-otrni. ^c5ii255^).i, Hit-gannawd, see -2c56@ ajs/*?' who seeks) wishing well to. 'S!^tS)5a(^^s5, Httdpadesa, "| s. (SsD /'to and (^o e9(5is>Jos^i^s3, Hitopadesa, J (Jni^ss upade'sa advice) friendly or proper advice; proverbs. Sq, Hida, s. mind, heart as the faculty of reason: see ^iqhrida; natural pond, collection of water; a term used to direct elephants. &c^d, Hidas, s. hole, perforation, peep-hole. ^25>g, Hidihatuwa, s. (c6f hiBdi from Sf sindi cutting, piercing, )9 thorn) needle: see 2S)39 idikatuwa. S^, Hinda, participle (of ^^383 hindinawd which see), having plucked, or expressed, having sat: pass j^art. of eS^eDSj hiTidinawd. ^^C32d383, HiQdagannawd, v. to sit down: pret. c9^c5c5<333 hindagattd. cSf -25303, Hiudinaicd, v. to sit; to evaporate by boiling; to pluck off (as feather); to express (as oil). sBf Qqfc Hindola, s. (c8 particle, C to shake) swing, [Colloq. ^o^ogoC) tmchilldwii]. eScieoo, Hinnd, s. very minute ant; also, wart: pi. ^kJs^soJ hinno. tSzii^jQo, Hinndwd, s. wicker worker, weaver of mats; washer for the Chaliya caste. efieoSfi, Ht'naicalu, s. tree, not ascertained. t6:c5, Hinalia, s. laughter, laughing. ^ao^Dai'SsoSa, Hinahawenawd, "1 v. to laugh: pret. e9s33(3^S2D63, Hindwenaicd, J^03g^:>3 hind- wund. jfiiig, Hibili, s. mode of fishing; basket used for fishing in shallow water. cB38i(5, Hibutuwrl, 1 s. creeping plant, sa/aa 59Sl8t(^, Hitnbutuwel, j reticulata (Celastracea;). ?6i). Him, s. boundary, limit, also written S sm and (jDm. ?SS, Hima, s. frost, cold; dew, snow, thicket, jungle, snowy season; moon, camphor, f Colloq, ^g<5i kapiim^; sandal wood tree, santalum album, [Colloquial: Sg2s5 mwc/jm] ; Himalaya mountains; boundary: see 6Sd simd. iss)Q, Himakala, s. snowy season. c6coe8, Hima-garbha, s. (sSi) snow, eosS recep- tacle) condensed cloud. ^Ei wnr^K^j ^SsDCD, Himawanta, > possessive aff.) Himalaya ES9a2d, Himaivdn, ) mountain. cS83S^K3, Hima-wdhdcd, s. (sS and 83g)3 sand) camphor, [Colloq. <55g<5l kaj)urii7\. cSc5i(5a(3, Hima-saila, s. (c6 and .^(j rock) Himalaya mountains. ^(3^es(^, Himasel, Elu form of c8<33S(3 Ana- eBS^ssS, Himaseiv, s. (tS and (^^3S crest) peacock, [Colloq. 3-<^(^ monard\. ^3, Himd, s. small cardamoms, [Colloq. fisSed <525:fs33(^ sihin-ensdQ', fragrant grass, cyperus rotufidus, [Colloq. ^Qoe^^ Laldnduruj. 583oea, Himdnsu, s, (^Sihima and t^oi^atisu ray) moon, [Colloq. sj^ handa']; camphor, [Colloq. 45)g:Jl kapiirii]. ^3e3, Himdgama, s. (^ /n'ma frost snow, ps) dgama arrival) cold season, winter. iS3, Himddri, see eS3Cc3 himdlaya. S^j5, Himdri, s. (sS 7]. c83(3C3Sa3, Himdla-parwata, \ s. (cS /c33(5, Hiyora, see ^csg(5 Jut/mvura, SiZ>x6'55, Hiraheri'ma, s. act of confining in pris- on ; blocking up. 'Sid^sn^^Bi'S^zJ^B'i, Htra-gahiwetenaivd, v. to set, to descend, as the sun. S6&(S)'Jt, Iftraffeya,ls. (iSd and (s'CTCS house) cS(53^(Ki, Hirage, /prison, jail. ^d(?'crf-iSJs33, Hiranya-retd, s. (^doSa gold, s*6 oc^ re'tos semen) fire, [Colloq. S^6 gindara']. sBd^, Hira-bima, s. (c8<5 and ground) stfait or confined place; place of confinement. e8(5c> Hiramandala, s, (tSd and Qq disc) sun's disc. 56d-^c3, Hiramanaya, s. coconut scraper: pi/ ^d ^ hiramand. fSd<^ eDS>(^, Hiramand-tale, s. blade of the coconut scraper. 58(5<^^653, Hiramaiid-detta, s. (sS>5--o^, Hiramane, see c9<5'Sdc5 hiramanaya. S6Q6-6<^ awa- rana defending, screening) umbrella, [Colloq. 5gs>'iD h%bde~\. ^c5^^^^5^^, Hirawenawd, r. to be confined, to be' straitened through want of room: pret. ^dgejD hirawund. S8, Hiri, s. line, stroke; partial palsy, numbness^ or sleep of a limb; shame, confusion: a. benumbed. e68fog93, Hiri-anhuttd, s. kind of fish. ^S^5Jl3^^5J8, Hirikkeduiva, s. weariness, fatigue, lassitude. SSiSi'S), Hirilcada, s. spray. eS5S53c53S3>S33, Hirikada-gaJianawd, v. to fall in. spray. ^8^^, Hirikita, s. unpleasant feeling caused by dirt or filth in any place one has to walk over. eSSsj^cs, Hirigatiya, s. numbness. c68(S3(^, Hiri-gal, s. coral or lime stone. ^(5s3(3, Hiritala, s. {^8t^ liirit and cpQ ala root) species of yam, produced in the jungle, dioscorea opjyositifolia ( Dioscoracem ) . eSl5(^^S)^!^, Hiribena, see ^^zi6 Jmicera. ;88Cj Hirimala, s- unripe or tender, applied to certain fruits and vegetables, as 5S5^j98C kaju hirimala, tender cashew nut, <3>)<5 hriwera. sS8i,S^'25D3, Hiriwetenawd, v. (S8 numbness, etc. xS^S-soSo to fall) to fall asleep, to become numb, as a limb; to be on edge, as the teeth. tS8s3t6, Hirihera, s. wrong, oppression, tyranny, annoyance: a. troublesome, tedious. 5S(5s3i(5s)(5eJ, Hirutene, s. (Sd[ and ^^i&f son) planet Saturn, [Colloq. (S^is^^cSi sendsiird^t SdiBS, Hiru-pit, s. (d5c^ and 8e5 son) uanlQ of Yama, [Colloq. ()'^6d yama-raja"]. jSo^gsJ, Hirti-put, see Sdx.(S>5555, Hiskerirna, verbal noun of >'Se^S'5^8j hiskaranawd. StSBQ, His-pidu, s. temples or frontals of an elephant. ^f^^, Hisbiju, see 933 battd. iSsa, Hisa, s. head, from (@S sirsha; also, written (ges isn. ?9s3(5i,a5S, Hisa-rvjdioa, s. (Sts and d[di rvjd ache) disease or pain of the head, head-ache. SjS, Hihi, s. height, altitude, [Colloq. ^jese^s: usaskama'\. t0. Hi, s. arrow: iiid. being able: see eoi^S heki. '35 e8i<^ cSs^oog, H{-ko}mwa, s. case or sheath for arrows. cSsies, Hi'gasa, \ n. -TT' r k s. arrow, also, acnes iqasa. OTSJK), Higaha, i ^ c9q5, ^/ta, s. cold season (winter) coldness: see Qs3 sita. ;9s35 ^sJ^Scs, Hin-etadiija, s. plant, elgtraria lyrata. Sisi t^OQ, Hin-epala, 8. hairy plant, the bark yielding fibre, m'e;2rt simiata (Malvaceo'). Sssi (fiC Hhi-embala, s. buckwheat, menyan- thes cristata. :92s:J(^(^(3, Hin-embilla, s. small tree, peculiar to Ceylon, a?ittdesma alexitena (EupJiorbiacece). i5s5 J^^e^^Qcs, Hm-cmbidcmbiliya, s. wood sorrel, oxalis coimictdata (Geraiiiacece). 3si !^e^Si, Hin-enduru, s. dill, anethum grai^eo- lens- cSed (giSS, Hin-ikiri, s. plant, variety of accanthus iUcifolius. &?si ^sJoSiC Hin-ittawela, s. sort of ivy, plant . peculiar to Ceylon, hcptapleurum or hedera emarginatmn. Sisi 0<^ij, Hin-idda, s. plant, species of wrightia. S?!i f , Hin-indi. ?. (^:J small, s^^ date) species of the date palm tree, almost stemles?, pha"nix farinifera. cQed'igdSg, Hin-iramasu, s. variety of Indian sarsaparilla, hemidesmus indicus. ^si d'Soi, Hin-iriya, s. species of nutmeg, myris- tica salisifolia. ^^ (5g8c3i3, Hin-umhipiyaii, s. creeping plant with ternate leaves and jointed legumes, desmo- dium tnfiorum (Leguminosce). (33^e 736 c6rfS5 c9eJ <5?^S3t(^, Hi'n-ensdl, s. small cardamoms, elet- taria CM'damomum. ^isi ^6^<>^Jt,'i, Hin-eraminiyd, s. thorny shrub with minute flowers, zizyphus cenoplia (Itliam- nacea'J. Ss^-6q S)(^C5S)3(;^, Hi'n-hadol, s. small tree growing near the sea. (vgiceris ma jus (Mijrsinem). . tBisS SH^Si, Hin-l-apur>i.. s. (jSed small, fijgcSi camplior) species of \alorian, Valeriana villosa. tBs^ ^'e^ldeSt^, H/n-kaba7-assa, s. flowering plant, smilax zeylanica (Liliacea'). Ss^ssid-^Qi, Htnkaranaivd, v. to make thin, fine, or small. cS:f S5dS), Hin-karamba, s. shrub producing berries, cai-issa spinarum (Apocytiacere). ^^ csiqQk^, Hin-lalawel, s. creeping plant, variety of derris scandens. :Bed ^-Coe^Si, Hin-laldndurii, s. jilant, variety of cyperus rotundus. Ssi ssiQ^dQ, Hm-kaluicdla, s. plant, variety of alpinia galanga. &?si ajgali^fj, H in-l-aivududala, s. plant, oldeti- lendta bi flora ^25^ 5?K)(3cs3, Hin-laliambiliyd, s. plant, species oijiiierya or girardinia. SisS :6i%, Hin-ldmbu, s. plant, cotula minima. S?sS ;6Sf , Hln-ldrindi, s. plant, species of rourea or coix. cSsrf SdQic, Hln-ldria-ela, s. plant, variety of ichnocarpus frutescens. jSed yt99, Hin-hudumetta, s, plant, ischa^num aristatum. tQssS ^c5i6s3<^, Hin-kurulutana, s. mullet grass, milium ramosum. &is5 cgSg, Hin-kudalu, s. plant, species of imjm- tiens. jBs^ (3^.5580:3, IL'n-keyiyd, s. species of screw pine, pandanus pumila. &e5iS53S3C33, IL'n-kotaJd, s. plant, variety of torenia asiatica. SzS ^^it^dto^zic^,, JTin-konte'ru, s. plant, digitmid longifoUa. l95dr'.S53C 55i3(^, [[t'n-gendakola, s. sort of purslane, portulaca qnadrifida (Portuculacew). 'Sisi -s^-sid^z), Ilin-gerieta, s. plant, variety of Uuo- ciera purpurea, (Ssis^c5)3iJ), Hin-gokatu, see !S'(Siiis:i^gokatu. ^a:f s^<55.S^&":^(2, Hin-gotukola, s. pennywort, ////- drocotyle asiatica (UmbelU/era>). (Sii ^.co3Sz(^, llin-goyiwel, s. creeper, variety of flagellar ia indica. 'Sti s>(5)3d^, Hln-goradiya, s. twining plant, ^\it]i legumes and yellow flowers, cylista tomemtosa. c9si<5Jt3s*S53C Htn-getukola, s. plant, variety of hedyotis auricularia, 'SiS'i iS)tQzii^, Htn-getapan, s. sort of club rii>li, scirpms atro pur parens. c925f)tcs3, Ilingrtiyd, see ^cr>i9wt3 bugetiyd. SzS Sisi^s), JJin-takkada, s. shrub withwliite one-petalled flowers, sca'vola Lobelia (Govle- noviaceoe). '3?:>5 Gi^Q,, Ilin-tambala, 8. shrub or small xvoo, with white flowers and red berries, ehretia bu.ri- foUa (Boraginea'). tBe^ 03l)0C53, llln-tamjmld, s. (tSss^ small, caDc2C3 amaranth) plant, A^ariety of nothosa^rua hm- chiala. 'SsS 03(33, Ilin-tald, s. species of basil, ocitmun canum (Labiatcc). SsS^iC Hintdla, see c5s:fc53c hintdla. tBsi 45S5, TItn-timbin, s. species of diospyros. 50^ ;^C5553^C' Illn-tcJih'i-pald^ ,s. annual plant, pharnaceum mollugo. SsS (S>SiiQ<^Q5, Hin-tolabo, s. plant, variety of rrinum asiaticum. Siii 3^oJ0i(5C' Hin-toH-eUa, 8. creeper or clasp- ing plant, vitis or cissus rcpnnda. S^ 'S^i^-Sa, Hin-tetnbtlii/rt, f>. plant, variety of eiigenia bracteata. S^ Hin-nilwella, s. plant, not ascer- tained. cSe:f s^S3d, lUn-nelu, s. plant, species of strobilan- thes. c6's5 (^^^!^fi|}, Hin-nelum, s. species of lotus, nelum- bium. cSe:f oS33<^3C Ilin-patki-epala, s. plant, variety of urena lobata. sQcd'ojrfegdig, Ilin-patkurundu, s. species of cin- namon, cinnamomum. ^'^i^ ot^^-^'i, Ilin-patmayd, s. plant, not ascer- tained. cSad osaoij^cja), Hin-panddetta, s. plant, not ascer- tained. C^^^S!(@^(^^ tSerJo, Ilin-pamba, s. (tS'si small) fern, lygodium Jfexuosum (FiJices). ii?5iQ^'Si53C. Hin-potulcola, s. kind of rush, variety of scleria oryzoides. i3f (9aJ9x, Hm-j)6te, s. creeping plant, species of pothos scandens. SisS'S)e^(^Q, Hin-badulla, s. tree, peculiar to Cey- lon, semicarpus parvifolia (Anacardiacem). ^sS S!o(S\2553(Sv33, Hin-binkohomba, s. plant, an- drographis paniculata (Acanthacece). :j9si 55:Js3(^, Hin-bintal, s. plant, with yellow flowers, curculigo orchioides (Amaryllideas). tSisS ^QjiSiOisS, Hm-borupan, s. club-rush, variety of heleocharis plantaginea. Si'sS ^'S)6^Qc^d, Hin-b6?'itiyd, s. flowering plant, osbecHa octandra (Melastomacece). tQisS igd, Ilm-makulu, s. plant, variety of hydno- carpus venenata. c8:f g, Hin-madu, s. annual plant, with sagittate three-toothed leaves, ipomrea tridentata (Con- volvulacece); also called s3Q8e^7iawarimadu. SsS 3<^, Hin-mdrd, s. tree, variety of albizzia lebek. oBasJ3Sc2, Hin-mdriya, s. tree, not ascertained. c9J 3<5iag, Hin-mdruku, s. sort of grass. c9:J f?, Hin-midi, s. (cSssif small, f premna) tree, variety of premna serratifolia. :Qs58iS, Hm-miris, s. species of chillies, ca;w2- cum. c9s5 8OfSis5, Hin-monarapetan, s. plant, variety of dianella ensifolia, 93 c8S^i ?38 &e^^^ aSerJ x, Hhi-me, s. (iQsi small) sort of bean, species of dolichos or phaseolus. &i^ a^Qs^eSso, Ilin-yakwanassa, $. variety of anisomeles ovata. ;9rJ wt3^9ii2o, Iliii-yotuwenna, s. the violet, viola enneasperma. Sci (536e(^, Hin-rata-elamuU s. plant, variety of hedychium gracile. ^SsJdQo, Ilm-rafapamba, s. species of fern, lyg odium. jBigi6Q'S)% Iltn-ratabatu, s. plant, species of solanum. c9J 6i3 8(^<3gc5i, Ilin-rahi-waliriguru, s, variety of ginger, zingiber cylindricum. ^5:J (53<^C Hin-rawanarewula, s. plant, species of spinifex. SsS 8(^Cf Hin-rilla, s. plant, not ascertained. Sd (f 3(5, Htn-ivalkoUu, s. sort of gram or pea, variety of atylosia rugosa. SisS 8^3<5i5, Jlin-walmdrubu, s. sort of panic grass, 2Mnicum Jlavidum. j8d (^e535'^, Jlm-vilndnu, s. plant, not ascer- tained. {SsJc Hin-vila, s. plant, variety of bonnaya veronicoefolia. 9sJs^(^ ^cJffi5C'g<^i., Iltn-wel-etkalduduru, s. variety of cyperus, cyp>erus pygmoeus, or of c. hjllingaoides. &isi (S*Q(^Si3i&, llln-ivelhdwulu, s. variety of balsam, impatiens oppositifolia. c9255(9'0xc H'ln-wewelaj s. (c9s:J small, ^^BQxQ cane) the rattan or cane, variety of calamus Box burghii. cSed Qi(^csiiQoi^, Hin-welgetapan, s. species of club rush, scirpus squarrosus. ?95i0Kg?o, Hln-welidan, s. plant, variety of eugenia caryophyllcea. {SkJ 8i(3o^, Hin-ioelihatu, s. sort of mushroom eSesissad^, Hin-sdrana, s. plant, trianthema mo- nogyna (Ficoideoe). tQ^sS s^E^cJl, Hm-seru, s. plant, webera internodis. SssS cjQdgcs, Hin-habaraliya, s. plant, species of colocasia. tQisS tSiQ8, Ilm-Jtawari, v. plant, perhaps species of i2wmcea. :Q?si ts)0(^oi^, Hin~hdlpan, s. club rush, species of Jimbristylis. Si^ ^gg8t(^, Hin-Jiimbutiiwel, s. {Si^ h'n small) creeping plant, salncia pri'noides ( Cclasfracea:)). ^is5 E)ie)i53, Ilin-hedayd, s. plant, variety of lyco- podium liookeri. &i^ S5ta)9535, Hln-hedawaka, s. tree, species of cha'tocarpms. cSea, Hina, a. ((-do ////' to quit, isfs^ kta aff.) deficient, defective; })lameable, bad, vile: left, abandoned, quitted: wasted, worn, decayed. c9 33^55(5 -is^cSs, Ilinnkaranawd, r, to make deficient. c93D(5^55383, Ilinawenawd, v. to become deficient, to decline. Ss3d)&c^, nmajdtiya,s. ({9eo vile, d5?9j7t caste) outcast, vile or degraded class or tribe. c93, Ilinati, s. (sBeJ liin small, (fiQ eta grain) species of fine paddy, variety of oryza sativa. c9:> fft(^, Hmati-ehn, s. kind of hill paddy, oryza sativa. cSs^ijcS-eoSa H/'na-dakinawd, v. to dream. cBeacs, Hfnaya, s. dream: pi. t93 A/wrc see 9!S3 s/'na. c9383^, n/nawddf, a. ({Bs^ left, defective, 83'^83, Ilina-sewdy s. association with low persons. c933ato, Hi'ndnga, a. crippled, maimed, defec- tive, tSe^ofssQZ, Hindsaya, s. (Sis^ hina vile, efoesacs fl'.'^/'" ' purpose) sordidness, baseness. cB, Hima, s. tree, yielding light wood used lur catamarans, gyrocarpus jacquini (Combretacea ). c993C3g'5, Himdpawura, s. stone fence or boimdary, wall surrounding a field. tS38, Himdwa, s. limit, boundary: see 93 shii<(. ^ca, Hlya, s. arrow; plough, ploughing. S6, Hira, Is. (si'5 hara to take, <5^sfea siwressa. j8(^, llil, see i^c hila. c9(^di, lUl-bat, s. (9(^ cold, SeJ boiled rice, food) rice prepared over-night and eaten cold, morning food. (8(3, Uila, s. cold, coldness, frigidity: pi. cS^ hil. Sqx, Hile, a. tame, docile. ;9(2xS5<5-s5d, Hissdken'ma, s. tormenting, troubl- ing, teasing. c93333 Hihdnawd^ v. to plough. go(5)3, Hunad, s. small sort of prickly fish found in rivers: pi. gos^coi hwigo. giffij, Huuga, . much, many, abundance, consider- able quantity, collection; also written go suuga. gtD^si, Hungak, s, a great deal, a considerable quantity. gg, Huugu, ind. particle or adverb signifying haste, speedily, rapidly. fg ^^SQ&, HunamaJculu, s, (g-^^o bamboo, ^g^ manna) an earthy concretion of a milkwhite colour formed in the tube of the bamboo, called bamboo manna. Q^, //mw, 8. lime, chunam: a. fallen; see also g-g sunu. ^So(^C Hunukirilla, s. plant, i^hyllanthns zeylanicus ( Euphorbiacece ) . g53 kta aff.) sacrifice, [Colloq. CS3CTC5 ydgaya] : a. offered with fire, burnt as an oblation. gcDfij^, Hutabhuj, s. (^S) oblation, ^tJi who eats) Agni, the god of fire. ig5t^, Hutas, see qsd3G3, hutdsa. gS35seo, Hutasana, see gssoesaj hutdmna. gCJDcsa, Hutdsa, s. (gC3 hida and fc3 am who eats) fire or its deity. ge33C533, Rutdsana, s. (go /6c62) tatiiya7na'] . gif, Hudi, 1$. virtuous or excellent man, g^35c5, Hxulisat, J [Colloq. 5C3g Ilurulla, s. two palmsful o betel, offered to a superior: pi. t^(Si<^hurulv,. Q<5i(^C3, Ilurulld, s. kind of sea fish, similar to the herring: y>1. ^(S\.qiS>q3 hurulld, g(^, Hul, s. chief of a degraded tribe; omen, portent; air, wind, breeze: see q(^ ul. gC Hula, s. pike, dart, iron piu or spit, pi. ^(^ hul: see go aula. SC ^^?' Hulan-iddn, s. plant, perhaps variety of Wrightea zeylanica. QQoaS-Sco, Hulankmya, s. plant, species of arrow- root, peculiar to Ceylon, phrynium zeylanicum or maranta spicata ( Scitaminece ) . ggosjsjesQa, Ilulangahanawd, v. to blow as the wind. SC^Cj Ilulatitald, s. goat weed or white weed, ageratum conyzoides (Compositce). QCo 3<35, Hulan-mdrd, s. tree, albizzia stipulata (Leguminosoi); also called ^i3(33c^ ^-aiaZwam. ^Qo^i^^, Hulansere, s. force of the wind. gCo?^J, Hulanhtk, 8. tree producing fine timber, chickrassia tabularis (MeliacecB). gCo, llulanga, s. wind. SC^SdC) Ilulangilla, s. the little finger. geSa^csj, Ihdawdliyd, s. headman of the Rodiyas. M(2es3, Hulalia, s. point, extremity, edge: pi. gc^ hulas: a. aside, out of the way. gigc^, Hulijja, s. urine. gg^S^^a'SsJs), HuUjja-bohka, s. the bladder. ^8i3CJi, Hmvamdru, s. barter, exchange, traffic. g83i5ia3(^- Hidudel, s. sparks flying from torch-light. gd203, Hulund, s. thief, robber, [CoUoq. (s^K)oc^ hord'\, g6c^, Hulumas, s. (g /aS39S(^C' Hettirdla, see the last. ^53 ^3, Heftkd, iiid. underneath, beneath. (>as), Heta, s. to-mo^^o^v. s^sx^DS, Henduwa, s. iron hook used in guiding an elephant. e\s:i& 741 ^555^^5 (S>co^, Heti, V. they are able; they fall, S^s)^, Hetu, s. plant, species of the marsilea, fColloq. ffiCtS'^ cmbulemhiliya]. S\jo^, Heda, see s^es^ seaa. S^S35d's^g35s~<5J, Hentrokke, s. kind of jacket worn by native men. ^ioisSS,ii&o, Hendrikkd, 8. plant, Marvel of Peru, see (?iS85<^SJ^3 sendirikhd. Se3, Hena, a. pouring out; lightning; falling. (S>S)S3iS)^cs3, Henakandayd, s. green whip snake, passerita mycterizans (Dryoj^hidoe, order Ophi- dia); also called eptajigf^^a ehetulld. S\2SDC5)aoe3S3, Henagahanawd, v. to be struck by lightning. SvMescgQco, Henaguliya, s. thunderbolt. ^s)S33, Henaicd, v. to fall, to drop. S^cod, Hej), s. spear, large iroii headed pike, peculiar to the Veddas who use it for spearing wild beasts; natural pond. SNSjdg, Hepjiitwa, s, small metal box: see s^csrfg 8 seppuica. weadSc Hepvila, s. natural pond, [Colloq. SC338 <^ pokuna^. S^C3 s5, He pat, s. swan. S^cii, Heba, s. natural pond. (S^B)(?icd", Hebiye, s. one who is beautiful, shining, comely. S>K), Hebima, verbal noun of ^S33')co03 hoba- nawd. >, Hern, Elu form of s^cJa) Ae'mo, gold; cold; snow; frost, from 8 7/a. S^oDegG, Hemkula, s. rock Mahameru. S^eo^egd, Hemkulu,s. (s^sj gold, ^g6 peak) name of the Yugandhara rock which surrounds Mount Meru. S^esjiigSe^esoe), Hembirisedwa, see s^c3g^<)) senipratisydwa. fisao^Sd, Hemmalu, see >Joc hopala. S8oa)as), Hema-galia, s. tree, gyrotarpus jacquini or asiaticus: see cS /w'ma. laoScS, Hemalamba, s. thirtieth year of the Indian cycle. io^^ci, Hemin, ad. softly, slowly: see csisi " semm. S^sj^cSS, Hemihita, ad. softly, slowly: see sno3^255 5>cos^oiso'^, Ueinonam, v. if we are able. &!Siai, Heya, s. bridge, [Colloq. osq /j/ma]; causeway, mound in a paddy field, from s^rf^eg se'tii; cause, from s^csf-eg /le'ti'. (3K)S, Heyi. v. he falls; he is able. 3>5S)Se:f, Heyin, s. (auxiliary case of S^esJ he,^ by reason of, because of. (3^)(5, Hera, s. female thief. G^wd^jS, Her ana, s. novice, Buddhist priest of the Samanera order. (^^.^^<5gs^os3v^, Heraligedtya, \s. jack fruit, arto- S^SJ<56C5, Heraliya, J carpus integrijolia. S^S)S^dK)(^^, Hel-biju, s. Ceylon cardamoms, elettaria cardamomum (major), [Colloquial: Oei'esa^ ensdV] . (3\S3(^ig, Helmeli, s. white esculent water lily, nymphcea lotus. >S3(^(5^(3S2S3, Hellenawd, v. to shake: pret. S^oa^ QD3 hellund. S^ejC^'S^C^, Helle, s. lance, spear: pi.- (3^s^(^c /le/Za. (S>es)Cj -?/e/a, s. whiteness; hillock, declivity; tree, cordia myca, [Colloq. S^C^S Zo7]; carpet, rug. (S>c ^' Hela-aba, s. (sn(3 white, q^Q mustard) white mustard, variety of brassica juncea or cleome viscosa. ^SiQ i?o(3^)<^. Hela-endaru, s. {(S^&q and <5<5i castor oil) variety of the castor oil plant, commu- nis ricinm, S^oc -sjia^^ssJ^, Hela-hatie'ru, s. (>wc 3-^*^ iocKi)03Sd^ swe'tachchhutra , \CS5g(S ?42 @^C5^^g (5aocS)(^ oil) butter. SB)C sjSd, Hcla-tamhara, s. white lotus. es)(3 (S>S33QC' Hela-totila, s. plant, variety o //a.:)(3 26a>, Hela-nika, s. white variety of ^vfea; s^wc 'a'^C^j Hela-nelambu, ") s. white water lily, <3^tsiQ sag, Hela-nelum, J variety of nehim- bium speciosum. (Sy^QO Hela-bintamburu, s. (>)C pale, ^oc3i convolvulus) variety of ipomcea bala- damboe. we^C Helambula, s, (S3(3 and <^^C '!Bbida the same) white water lily, or variety of nymphcea lotus. S*ei3C S)<5^^(^5 Hela-mahanel, s. ((S>e>c ^^^ ^^^ S3(^ nymphffia) variety of nymphcea stellata. C S"^' Hela-lunu, s. ((?>S3G white, g^ onion) garlic, allium sativum', also called ggg'^ sudu- lunu. ^SS3Q ^, Hela-lot, s. {^^q and s^c^a} sym- plocos recemosa) pale variety of the lodh tree, symplocos racemosa, S^s>c Q Ilela-sandun, s. white variety of sandal wood, santalum album; also called gg sjgcJ s^oe tSsstsS, Hela-Mtana^ see e^e5>(5 d^o<3 AeZa- s^ao, Hewa, past part, of (SnwdQd3 howanawd. S5)}, Hewat, ind. particle of alternative or option, either, or. vao96?, Ilewana, s. shade, shelter: see s^esSej s^SiQ^^d <^Qo,I{eivanaka7-anawd, v. to shelter or screen from light and heat, to shade. (a^CjQiflcs, Hewaniya, s. shade, shelter, preservation: see (S^e3^i5 sewaniya. (3>ooe:i(^(3, Hewanella, s. shadow: see S3di(^ C sewanella. \K)S>e539j, Hewenawd, v. to be sheltered: see (3^s3Se33 sewenawd. <3^S3(S, ^e/a, 5. (9k) sihala; 8 s//a, >es se/aj s^W(g, 7ie/rt) the ancient name of Ceylon, general-i ly followed by f diw island. ! (3^S)33, Helanawd, v. to throw, to cast, to drop, to cause to fall: pret. 6^536 j heluwd. S^sj3S)3 (S^^e)2533, Heldtald-dodatiawd, v. to speak contemptuously. >S)3^3'S3J, Helddakinaivd, v. to speak dispar- agingly, to contemn, to slight: pret. (S>35,5}53 S^sjd, Helu, s. nudity. (?iS)dfi8, Helubasa, Elu or ancient language oi Ceylon. (5*S)dSt(^C> Helubella, s. nakedness. /^, He, 8. tameness, docility; cause: see S^JCf^ hetu; see also s^ejcs 7^e^a. (^^^sJ^sJ^55^, He'kkd, s. hiccough, [Colloq. KfaJg he'ttu. (S^esfsJ^S, Hettuvima, s. leaning. s^^sJ6J^'^5^^, Ile'ttuwenaivd, v. to lean or reclinfl upon or against: pret. (S>tfsJ-2gg33 hettuwund. ^t^i, He'ti, s. (58 hi to go or S33 hana to kill, 5S ^< aff.) weapon; ray of the sun; flame. eJ^, Hetu, s. (S hi to go, ^ aff.) cause, orig: motive; moral merit, the cause of happiness oi prosperity; reason or argument for an inference or deduction. (SKf3 gss8s)3, Hema-pushptkd, 8. (s-cfSgao he'ma piishpa and (5e3, JTema-rasa, s. (is^tsi's) gold, dea flavour) plant, stalagmitis cambogoides. SNcsfSc, Hemala, s. (S^cJ and qo Id to have or take, S5 ka aff.) goldsmith, fColloquial: S)S3CJ haddld~\; cliaraeleon, calotes, [Colloq. iJ):^e30 katiissd'\; lizard, hemidactyJiis maculatus or peripia peronii, [Colloq. si3J hund~\. (S^jdS33, Hemawata, a. inferior chief of the Yakshas or devils so called, and subordinate to Kuvera. Sj<;j3?D83,//ertaiw/, s. white-tailed Indian porcupine, I (5>trfs3QeK, //ipW-sajHai'a, 8. (s^tsf gold, sscSj Hiistriyx leucurus. /tsf, Hema, s. gold, [Colloq. 6^6i>i ratran]. S>JS535, He'makdra, s. ((itsi and Sio6 who works) goldsmith, [Colloq. S3(^3 baddld~\. e>cf3s3c5i,, Hemataru, s. thorn apple, datura fastu- osof, [Colloq. s:fs520 attana']. 9>tie,Kf gesepd, Hema-dhustura, 8. wood-apple tree, feronia elephantum, [Colloq. 5^^ diwuV]. rd^!s5, Heman, s. gold, [Colloq. 6(^6?^ ratran'\. e^^esS^d '^Q'i, He'inankaranawd, z?. to calm one's fears; to soothe; to cause to lean; to unite. e>Kf003, He'manta, s. (s320 hana to hurt, etc.) cold season; winter, the two months, psf3303 53(3cs, He'manta-kdlaya, j season, cold season. Kfgau, Hema-pushpa, 1 s. (sKf golden, e*Kfg'JUS>, Hema-}mshpaka, j gj flower) asoka tree, saraca indica or jonesia asoca, [Colloq. ^i& c5o3i)c3 diya-ratambald or cs <5c5<^ diya- ratmal'\', champaka tree, michelia champaca, [Colloq. esg sapu'] ; 16dh tree, symplocos race- mom. mjnd appellation, > aff.) iron-wood tree, mestia feri-ea, [Colloq. 3JWffl]. ^Kf3, Hemd, s. planet Mercury, [Colloq. ^g budahu^; an apsara or courtezan of Swarga; winter: see sef2oe3 he'manta. (5>c:f3alQO, Tlemdnga, s. (J83D5<5 iS^e^fSocsa, Hewdyd, s. soldier, Avarrior. '3>Kf8jc35(2, Hewdrdla^.s. lascoreen. ^tciSoSta, Hru'dwasama, .s. military service. S^s:f8323s2,8, Jlewdsammldiva, s. (g^Jsf 3j and 23 q 8 multitude) army, one on actual service. <3^Kf553, Tfeshd, ") s. (<5>ff}ss hesha to neigh, I va, J ; (;KfaD(5, Ileshdrawa, / to bray) neighing as a horse, or braying as an ass. 9'^%?s5, Ileshin, s. (sKfsa he'shd and <^^ mi aff.) horse, [CoUoq. (f(^xo a.swayd']. S^Kft33, Ilesd, see s^lff-f 3 he'shd. G^S5, Raima, s. (S hima cold, or is^isi A^wo gold, qpsf a?? aff.) hoar frost: a. cold, frigid, freezing; golden. <5ts^K))03, Haimanta, s. winter season: see S^tdS-sxc hemanta: a. wintry, cold, suitable to the winter. e33sJ, Ilokka, s. part of the cheek alongside the jaws. S333, Rota, s. bill of a bird: see (5>S33 sofa. '5^W33)d(3^isa455i, Rotahalu-lohd, s. plumed egret, herodins intermedia ('order Herodiones). <53j3d, Rotalu, s. small house, cottage. (5>sy>Qai, Roiiya, see s^essQcs sotiya. (S^SJiQ, Rotu, s. snot: see s^esi^ sotu. <^ta^Qx, Hote, a. sn;aller than the usual size, applied to coconuts, etc, as opposed to qQ luwa, bulky, large, fully developed as fruits, nuts, etc. ^&5^S53&)C' Rondala, s. clasping plant, passion flower, modecca palmata (Passijloracece) ; also called ffia3 ^3^203 potii-honda. '?533te, Rondawela, see JcaDs) sonda. S^Kierf, Rot, a. reclined, reposed, from ^s^sj^f^saS h/mawd; affix answering to " if." ^cnsisJojg, Ilotti'iirt'i, a. who or which was lyinj down. <3ca3(^i^. Rodda, s. soup, grav}'', condiment. S^csji^, Honda, .s. good, welfare, benefit: a. good virtuoiis. (5^333^S52), Rondakama, s. goodness: pi. g^sji^s)! hojidakam. '5* SI 3^^35(5-^83, Rondalrtrannwd , v. to do good, tc heal, to make good. (5^sj3^3*33i), Rondakerima, s. act of doing good, healing, making good. 5>a^^^s^^s^^(^^s^)^, Ronda-nohonda, s. good and evil, '?^S)3p S^(5(3c?, Ronda-beralii/a, s. tree, peculiar to Ceylon, doona macrophylla (Dipterocarpacea;). G^sii^^S, Rondayi, ind, it is good, Avell. S^s33^>9,sd83, Rondaioenawd , v, to become goodj to reform, to recover : pret. (a S33^g33 hondawund, c5^K)33<583C 9, Ronaratodla-7-i,, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. <5>S532D<583S ^^S5(3>e3(^, Ronaraivdlu-l-esel, s. kind of plantain, variety of mnsa sapientnm. f^isi'iOQ, Ropalu, see ^S)Soq hnpaln, s-sjoQ-eo, Robana, see (aissjQ-ssD sobana. !3>)32S383, Robanawd, r. to press down: pret. S^csi 83 hebuwd: see (?e33S)383 sobanaivd. sS33c5e> Royala, s. sandy bank or plain, island oi alluvial formation. (3si3<5s)S3(5-<^83, Horakamkaranaicd, r. to stea (3^B33d>, Rorakama, s. theft, trick: pi. S^e33<5s)i (?i533(5s5<5-<3^83, RorakaraHawd , v. to be restivt unwilling to move, as an animal tied to a car to act unfairly, s^cjodcaesj, Rora-gaha, see s^esac^sjjsj sora-gaha. liniM @\es)3tf-^t 745 ^lUSiSSi (?5)3(5-B}3(5 g(5ico3, ITora-purushayo, s. (i5cs)36 thief, gc^55 jmrusha husband) paramour. 5\5i3d<3'03e3, Horapold. s. kind of sea fish, >5)35(3Q, Horaledn, .9. feigned sickness. s^MjCJs^QatiSa, Ho?'awen.mcd, r. to become obstinate ill refusing to go right on, as a draft-horse, or flraft-ox; to lose one's credit, or trust-worthiness: piet. ^)3(5|ja33 horawund. S>eo3d5, Ilord, s. thief, fogue: pi. S^aiacJJ. horu. ^w3CSeo93, Ilordkanaivd, v. to eat or graze, etc. unperceived. ^isio8, ITori, s. cutaneous eruption, itch. ^S)o8ss)^Q, Horikabala, s. (s^woS and )S)(3 piece) scalj, scales formed by itch. <5*K)38(9>toSgs, Horigediya, see (3>S)38 Aon'. ^-)3C5;, Horn, s. boat, canoe, also written ;5i. ore/. (5>iy>i{?'C^9, Horounva, see fl*S33<<59) snrmnra. (5*si3ric*3S' IToUanau'd, r. to shake viriletit.ly: pret. (S>S3^g&3 helluwd. (5>K)j0>sd93, Howanawd, i\ to put to sleep, causal of C3^a3J393 honaivd. S^SioQo'^csi ^, Howdgena, part, having caused to sleep or lie down. s*W3e393, Hovinawd, v. to sleep, to reat, to repose. (S>^:>V(^Q,Hovilla,8. palanquin, litter, etc. [Colloq. s^efe38 ddkhvaj; swing; acute or shooting pain, as colic, etc. (S^&->3(3, Havili, s. palanquin, [Colloq. (S^efC doldiva']. S\S33e^es, Hossa, s. snout, mouth. Sa>i3S)g93, Hohaputmod, s. small sort of mosquito. S>cj3g, Ilohum, s. thunder, f Colloquial: sjaj hena]. 9SiS, H6, ind. particle and affix of alternative or option, either, or; prefix implying depreciation, bad, inferior: see 'aD3cs hoya: ind. interjection I of calling out or challenging. l?eoJca, ITodiya, s. alphabet. i?3dfg, Hdtra, s. (g hu to sacrifice, ^ aff.) burnt offering, oblation with fire; article intended or fit for such oblation, generally ghee, or clarified butter. ^QoJsjJa^c5i, Hoturu, see (S^eoJ^ hotra. s^wJ^e303, Ilddanawd, v, to wash: sop s^e6J<5-S3, Hddisikaranawd, v. to enquire, '^ijaJ^Sca, Hodisiya, s. enquiry, examination. s^SiS&S, Hon, see s^esss^sjscJ sohon. '^sa^e$S::iQ, Ifdnpala, s. burying ground: see S" 03 iS'WDen sohona. 3^53Je3S3, TIdtiawd, v. to sleep, to repose. s^eoJac Ildpala, 1 s. ((^^SJJ implying depreciation, (o^sjJog, Hopalu, ) og raimusops hexandra) tree, saraca indica or jonesia asoca, [Colloq. c(5o)S QO dt'ya-ratamhald or cs dc5(^ diya-ratmat] ; tree, dalbergia oujeiniensis, [Colloq. s^Ojg kobxi]; the rattan or common cane, calamus Roxburghii or c. rotang, [Colloquial: (S^9i(^ ioewe}'\ ; tree, mimosa sirisha ; tree, hibiscus mutabilis. (^SiJ, Iloma, s. (j^.liu to sacrifice, cf man aff.) burnt offering, casting of clarified butter, etc., into the sacred fire. 'S^e5df3<5?*3c3, Homdgniya, s. sacrificial fire. <5>S);Jf , Homi, s. (g hu and ^ aff.) clarified butter; fire; water. S>iS)dfJ^, Homidi, s. ((;^J aquatic, ^ premna serratifolia) species of 2)7'emna. aoJ(53S>, Homi-gaha, s. tree, species o bassia. JeoJ^Qc^, Homuwagu, s. sort of cane or rattan, calamus rotang. cs>J bad, <5s) red) plant, za;ora cocchtnea [Colloq. 6fSiS)Q0 ratambald^. (3Nffi5J(35, Hard, s. (s^oJS AoWa to go, to proceed, 6 ra substituted for &) da) rising of a sign of the zodiac; part of the duration of a sign, twenty- fourth part of a day, an hour. (?>):J(^g5c5-coJ implying depreciation, 0zC ripe jak) rotten jak fruit; bank of a river. s^sjJk), Hohama, s. outer skin. sjtoc^a), Henguma, verbal noim of the next. a3 3 sengawenawd. sji^s?, Heka, s. doubt: see S3ia5 seka. es)io5<5o603, Hekakaranawd, v. to doubt. -_ (^sgiS 746 e55itf'^ SiiiSi3(^Q, Helarilla, sr species of night-shade, soJamtm verhasdfolium ( Solanacecv ) . tsixSSid>(^Q'3, Hekarelld, s, ringed creature with many short feet, millepede, julus ater or julus carnifex. ji3S^8383, Hekaioenawd, v. to be afraid, to be discouraged, to be suspicious: pret. S)i3^33 hekawund. et<9, Held, see e3x3 sehi. ^1^6, Helcira, s. sand bank or sandy soil. S3xB(^e> HehiUa, s, fetter, chain. (b-yx^Q,IIeliih'ma,8, shrinking, withering: verbal noun of eo 55(52083 hahiJanaii'd. S3iB'e'S33, Ilclihnaiod, v. to close, to shrink and wither as a flower, from a-isgcjesSo lialnln- nawd: pret. tsjx^^geas hehdnnd. OiagS, Hekuluma, s. alarm, sudden fear; do^ibt, uncertainty: pi. sitgg hekxilum. SJtg9, Ilenguma, verbal noun of the next. 6)i>ra^83, Ilengenaivd, v. to know, to apprehend. to be sensible of; to feel, to pei-ceive: pret. ;-)ici} 33 hengund. 63x9005, JTettaya^ see ssxSQcs seltaya. C53i8Scs, Hettiya, s. earthen cooking vessel: see 3i99cs settiya. {53x9, Heta, s. sixty: see estS seta, syiQCj ^6 idsiisS,Hetadd-ktirakkan, s. sort of grain, variety of eleustne indica or of e. coracana. !SixQe,^, Iletadd-vl, s. kind of rice of quick growth, oryza sattva. S5i8c5, Hetiya, s. manner: see S3x3c5 sefiya. S3tQ, Heda, s. form, person, appearance; seo C3x9 seda. S5xS)o33, Heda-kamd, s. kind of opium plant, variety of papaver somniferum. ejxe)s3es3>2SD3, Hedagahanawd, v. to turn from a direct line, to incline, to slant. 63tS)c3^C> Hedapalla, s. clotted hair, lock of hair: pi. 3ta)ag hedapalu. ss3xe)!33<5, Hedapd.ra, s. stream, strong current. ej)i,s)c53, Hedayd, s. club-moss, variety of lycojm- dium Hookeri: see ^gSscssiSow buddhedayd. e>x883, Hedawaka, 1 s. timber tree, chcptornrpva eotS^QJasJ, Hedoka, j castanocarpus (Euphor- biacece). es3x, Hendima, s. weeping; verbal noun of sie) eaBa handanawd. S)i5, Het, plural of ffiJt^ Aer/rt. - a mile. sjiciss, Iletta, s. herd, flock, litter, brood, crowd: see estsJ s^^ia. KJtcion, Hetteiva, s. seventy. S3tsJo3x^9^fl, Hetteiveni, a. seventieth. 3)t 3315^53^333, ITetapenaiod, see eoxC5'3^o33 seta- j)enawd. 20t6i, i/ie^z, s. panting: see eisss) hatta: also pi. of S3xdi? hetta; cluster of flowers. K)i^5S)i55S, Hetikekktima, s. shortness nf breath, panting. S3x?85, Iletiri, see sst?95 sefi'r/, 9S5iS3i2s5, Hetekma, 1 3xS3x^, Hftepma, j S3'xfoo339j, Ilendtgdnawd, v. to stir with a spoon : j pret. S3tf OT^Qo hcndigevd. 33tf (5C3 HendiUd, s. kind of sea fish. enx25id<^83, Herenawd, v. to turn, to change place to change opinion or sentiments: pret. S3iCJi-Si heriind, j i \ ^id 747 (Sii4^ B)t(^, Hel, s. cold, frigidity; winter, one of the six seasons of the year, (December-January) ; rice growing on hilly ground, from e83(g salt; house. wt(^*S)e33S(3cs, Hel-kasdmbiliya, s. armed shrub, hedysaruni alhagi or species of Jleuriya or gira- diniya. wt(^a, Helpata^ s. rice field overflowed with water, swamp, bog: see JStO hela. es)t(;^, Helma^ s. trot. OiG, Hela, s. swamp, marshy land, bog. iC<3 Helali, pret. of eocC^^Qa halalanawd, to agitate, to stir, [Colloq. )te kelambl']. SiiQ, Heli, a. white, of a white colour, also written ^ig eli, [Colloq g stubi]. coigc3S3 Hevilenawd, see tfvSs^OeaSa evih- inawd. {OxS, Uevima, see the last; also written iS^> Hesunu, a. crowded, impassable, narrow; thickj congealed, consistent, as liquids. sat, Hela, see taiQ hela. Coi <&(2J, Hela-kimbuld, s* crocodile common in tanks near Jaffna, Crocodilus paluatris ('order >iauria). eoi, Helamba, s. large timber tree, stephegyne (ov nauclea) parviflora, (liubiacece). 5)t((3c9, Hradarogaya, s. disease of the heai't, liver complaint, consumption; corrupt form of 2aa'^(3M5J<5) hridroga or S)3<^c3(3>(5J(53 hridaya- roga. ^^3, Ilradinl, s. river in general; lightning. ^@?a, Hrashita, a. (aoaai hrisha to be pleased, isxs) kta aff.) corruptly for saaSo hrishita. 60, Hraswa, a, short, dwarfish, low in stature, [Colloq. 3 m7] ; short, as a vowel. s^gt, Hraswa-pushpa, s. (gs^ short, gjso flower) liquorice creeper, abrus j^^'^^^^^^^^^^i [Colloq. g^t(^ oHndawel'\. k)3, Hraswa, s. plant, grewia laevigata, [Colloq. coe^^xQcs gas-keliyct]. ^e9(5, Hrive'ra, see 6(3>S<5 hrivera. ^, fl"?'?', ) s. (^ tobe ashamed) shame, bash- !Si3,Hrikd, J fulness, [Colloq. c^^Q Zq?}aztfa]. !*8scs, Hridmmisaya, see sjasjcsSeeegS hridaya- ivastuwa. eoaSk^J, Hridmdha, s. (sja^ and s^SJw over- powering) one of eighty morbid airs, which is the cause of insensibility: see eoa^a hridmaya. C03^, Hridya, s. (wa^ M'^^^ heart, etc. coed yat aff.) mantra or incantation for effecting any one's subjection or fascination; also cassia bark: a. dear, beloved, cherished, desired; grateful, pleasant, agreeable; affectionate; kind: produced in or from the heart. eoa^Kjea), Hridyagandha, s. (a^ grateful, CTa) smell) bael tree, cegle marmelos, [CoUoq. s>S)(g beli"]; small cardamoms, elettaria cardamomums, (minor), [CoUoq. ^i^iB^ssoc^ hin-ensdt] ; sochal salt. 65a^, Akshabha, s. natron; alkali, impure car- bonate of soda, [Colloq. ^Q&iQ^si suwasa-lunu']. * (f^^, AJcshana, s. (vide cp^g^seS ai-wwo) the [ electric fluid, lightning. {^i3s6 Socoiaes, Akshara-viparydsa, s. change of letters. 9-^ eaSQaS), Ahsha-sambandha, s. axile (in hot). <;p^), Ahshika, s. sea salt, [Colloq. g-), Akarmaka, a. grammatical term applied to verbs which do not pass ovr to an object; Intransitive or Neuter. c^)(S@, Akarmasili, a. idle; indolent. * ^3<5, Akara. s. mine: see p)5<5co dkaraya. (f^QSSi, Akalka,a. (tf neg ^Qas) dirt) pure, clean, free from dirt. p^s0, Akaivafu, see iaiesoc) kesapata> (fiSiod, Akdra, the letter

ratnelum']. ^C5J<0?6^3, Agni-jihivd, s. flame of fire; medicinal plant, gloriosa superba, [Colloquial: ^qd m'yangald^ . {((SnQ 33cs, Agni-dipanaya, s. appetite, strength- ening of the digestive faculty. ^(SJiSgw, Agni-pushpa,s, creeping plant, Sarcos- temma Brunonianum, [Colloq. Q95g5 muwa- kirtyu] . S)c, Anguru-kabala, s. pan or potsherd containing live coals. fjfcgdxSS, Angureli-vi, s. kind of paddy, or^^a ^Ste5333 kottam, or SwQ tebii]. {pe^caaaiQ, Ajasringi, s. creeping plant, d(7nii extensa, [Colloq. iSeocg 7nedahangu~\. ^^sjCJieSsaa, Ajahataswdrthd, s. (cf neg. dwc j/'a7ai leaving, &)3a sicdi-tha its own sense) figun of speech, metonymy, one name being put fo: another, as ' the spears enter ' for the spearmen pdi?, Ajdji,' s. black and white cummin seed [Colloq. ^^^s33.ge, Atandkula, s. (^Q eight, 03 elephant, 50 tribe) eight classes of elephants. ^QSs3!3^sJ, Atamassak, s. eight massas, a massa being equal to about eightpence or thirty-three cents. ^&<^ 751 <^D6, Atara, s. eighteen, [Colloq. qs)(fzi daha-ata], q:S<^, Afariisha, s. plant, justicia adhatoda, [Colloq. ^p^^s^03Ja)^ dddtoda]. iJ, Atare, s, tree, alhphylus cobbe, [Colloq. a53Sa)x(5)e3 kobbe-gam'], .<^<05B<5^.^, Atalos-akshauhiniya, s. eighteen Akshauhinis, an Akshauhini being a complete army consisting of 109,350 foot, 65,610 horse, 21,870 chariots, and 21,870 elephants. (fQ^^C^eSisitsi o^6, Ataloshat-pawtira, s. wall of eighteen cubits, ^9d;::Jdc3, Adapparaya, see Ch-SJCrfssa ekansdwa. ce, Anaberaya, see JfS'JiSdco andaberaya. 'va, s. ocean, [Colloq. g^ muhuda]. jpssjfi^ gSi, Atendi-putwca, s. arm chair. \tfisi(^(Si2)S^e3Je3, Attanomata, s. one's owm opinion. qf^e;, Atdutii, a. known by experience; known to be efficacious, as a medicine. s^t^oia (S^(si, Atpa.'!r(-ge\ ,<>. privy, [Colloq. 8i86(gc;5 tvestkiliya], csJ>, Atyanta-yoga, s. grammatical term used to express duration of time or continuity of space. cpciSiii^, Atwenuma, s, self-praise, self-exulta- tion. {?c5ej^(3e?Q3, Athaddbalanaicd , v. to make an experiment; to give a trial. cp55^c5ll), Atah'ira-vi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. <^c365cg'7^S^^as>, Atichchhatraka, s. plant, leucas zeyla- nica, [Colloq. otiS^ geta-tumba']. qF^c35s3, Attjdta, a. high bom; applied to a son who excels his father in virtuous qualities, etc. {fi'j>Sis^, Atipatana, s. destruction, [Colloq. 59 03CS vindsaya'], ^^^Ssjoesa, Attparihdsya, s. object of great ridicule. ep^QQo, Atibald, s. medicinal plant, sida kumth's, [Colloq. K)S)iSc maha-hevila']. ep43S3?, Attmanda, s. plant, lead-wort, plumbago rosea, [Colloq. dc5(3^2o(^ ratnetid~\. <}i^>5^, Atimukta, s. creeper, borago zeylanica, [Colloq. s\cs3e:f ^5 yon-tumba'\ ; sort of jasmine, jasminum sambac, [Colloquial. C53i9 689 geta- pichcha~\. ?p29535), Atmuktaka, s. tree, dalbergia ovjei- niensis, [Colloq. s^03 kobu]. ^^S^S-s, Atire'ka, a. much, excessive. ef&3^5ssi^t^(0, Atireka-patraya, s. supplement or ' Extra-ordinary ' issued e. g. in connection^ with a newspaper. pp^css^cadTsJ^, Aatisayokti, s. ((^ <|^,s. mirror, [Colloq. 4S)zSc3D ^frfa/)ata]. p^e^>, Adasna, s. mustard, [Colloq. ?pS) aha']. ;5^s>(5<3^, Adikarani, s. anvil, [Colloq. 9e9(3N6 fQ5, Aditan, s. firm resolution; Elu form of ifSafia^o adhishthdna. Cp^2s53, Adinna, a, not given, (Piili.) ^J^(5o5, ykZmo^,=f!S3^J^^, Adhmdksha, s. steadfastness, determination, certainty, con- fidence. {f^6^, Adiran, s. quicksilver, [Colloq, dca^co rasa- diya~\. qp5^(5^, Adirashta, s, fried grain, parched corn, [Colloq. 9(3^ vilanda']. jS^eeedS)8, Adisanbawa, s. foam of the sea, [( 'olloq. I ^g9^c-SD mudu-pena']. I epgSo, Adushita, a. not contaminated, not polluted, not calumniated, not violated or blamed. ^S^C^eJ, ^t/os,==^Sv'i Adwe'sha, s. freedom from hatred or enmity. '52 tf&iiassa ef^S33, Andaitd, a. painting, anointing, putting on as a garment. <;pgd<5, Andunkula,=^^^SiS)lQ Arljanah'ita, which see. ^S>^J, Ando, int. Alas ! Fy ! (fS^^i^o, Andond, s. weeping, lamentation, com- plaint. e^Qca, Adwaya, a. without a second. 3 dnppatd]. ^a933, Adharmachdri, s. one who is immoral irreligious, one who does not practise virtue. qpQdcJQg, Adharapallawa, a. {(fQ6 lip, 0(338 sprout, shoot, tender leaves) tender leaves -like lips. :f:5xS, Adhimukti, s. release, confidence, faith. tfQts^Q, Adh'ta-phala, s. tree, phyllanthus embli- ca, [Colloq. <^^-s^(3(3 nelli\. fjpsJ fC?d, An-alap,=^SitsiQ'io, Anydldpa, which see. Cfisi&di, Ankaru, s. (in gram.) third person. (f^, Antima-kritya, s. (cpessS lust , )3S3 duties) what is done to a dead body; funeral duties. {p9OT0DJS3, Antd-simd, s. within the boundary. ?-S)a3)3D, Andubandhana, s. fetters, [I'olloq. S(_ (^ vilanguj. qpaSuS^, Andhayashii, s. blind man's staff or rod. cpesJeOxcs, Anneya, s. injustice. eesjM 3533(5 ), Anyakdraka,=(ftfSiSi ita gone) joined, connected with, possessed of, possessing. qpe3oe3o, Ananmanan^ s. nonsensical talk. {j-eooJ, Anat, s. injustice, disadvantage: a. endless. tf!S3^8:20, Anatiripd,=^^^iS3Si<,% csaocs, Anan- tarya-pdpaya, s. sin visited with immediate pimishment in the next state of existence. , Anantala, s. timber tree, calophylhm tnophyllnm, [Colloq. e^^ domba"]. tfzmxs>6(5cfax53, Anantarohta, a. (^d3555(5 anan- tara and QSSfSi ukta) mentioned immediately after. <|?K)go53 wel-]cah,ambiliyd'\;?.&rs^Tp2ir]X\&, hemtdesmus indi- CAis, [Golloq. fjdSg fVamasw]; grass, variety of heterepogon htrtus, [Colloq. wg c?3<^ hela- ttana]. ipe3303 3 050333, Anatitdparimdna, a. endless and immeasurable. ^eO'^^SdSap, Ananuckchhavika, a. unfit, improper, [Colloq. >g9ggg nusudu8u\. ?3?S83^cs, Anabhiivriddhiya, s. (?pJ an and ffiB Qsi^co abhiwriddhiya prosperity) injury; harm; evil. :f3a)<53(55, Anamatagga, a, ( Analaawuye, s. one who is diligent; one who is not idle, [Colloq. epeess^eosQ alasa- nowi'i], ^aaScflS, Anawasthita, s. (tf neg. ^0ed3o awas- thita steady) unsteady, unstable, inconstant, violating moral and legal restraint. 93Wo53(J, Anahankdra, s. freedom from pride or arrogance. <^203, J.na,=ep33K)3 Andgata, a, future. fp33<5jDB)3o6, AndgatajMnaya, a. knowledge of the future. cpsasS-sasfig, Andthandthaivu, a. (53id ndtha master, lord or protector) protector of those who have no protector, helper of the helpless, refuge of the distressed. qp-333^S3o:Q, Anddyantaivu, a. having neither beginning nor end. cfisyica^^ssxsi, Andrya-U'kta, s. plant, peculiar to Ceylon, munronia pumila, [Colloq. s:r(3S)3tS)3 bin-kohomba']. (fSS, Aniki, 8. the other one, feminine form of ^9>3 anikd, )P6^4a60, Animitta, a. (<;p negative, Qdfi5), Anuchchhainka, .?. suitable, fit, proper, j Colloq. gSS sudtisttj. Cp<^6), Anuchita, a. (tfsi an neg. (jSo uchtta proper) improper, wrong, [Colloq. ^gsg mtsu- ^o(3^^8dl, Anupadises, see <|p'Qc33s^e^S3 anupddi- sesa. p^c33S53<5, Amipdkdra, s. (qp>^ inferior, secondary, 03)3(5 wall, rampart) second wall or rampart. ff-^gSg, Anu-puttuwa, s. incorrectly for S3'^^3 8 hanu-puttuwa, lock-jaw. fp^^cj, Anubhuta, s. (^-Q and ^33 been) unders- tood, apprehended, resulted, foUoAved as a conse- quence, perceiving, understanding. {f^^cs, Anumitiya, s. inference, deduction. ^^SncS3:J, Anuyon, s. (K'3 and s^ossed origin, place of birth) secondary origin or place of birth. ^^^s5, Anu7'ut, s. ((f^ awi-}-epc5lcJ and sense): see efiS)8 anwartha. ^^ggSssej, Amdlatighana, s. (qp-j-sJ-j-^ggSlssSD xdla'Aghana) non-transgression , cp^Sd E^e^es, Anushtup-chhandasa, s. (qf'^sjQd metre so called and sl'e^es poetical metre) mea- sure of verse, the stanza consisting of four lines of eight syllables each. The fifth syllable of each line being short, the sixth long, and the seventh alternately long and short, whilst the first four syllables and the eighth are arbitrary. fp-g^eaSssj, AnushtMna, s. fixing, establishing, doing or engaging in anything, commencement, or course of proceeding. qp-QSQ83c5, Anuswdra, s. nasal letter (o) or dot placed after a vowel, commonly called 'e8 hinduwa. * ^^e3c5, Anusara, s. (f'^ after, ts6 to go) con- formity, following. ^(^^^cfs^c3, Anotapa, s. absence of fear of sinning, recklessness. q:g<33^?9s3, Apranihita, a. (if negative, g^c9s3 placed) not fixed or placed, not entrusted or acknowledged, not obtained, imprudent, unwary, not careful, not determined. cpgsD382^ ^0530, Apratyalcsha-hriydwa, see ffo^nA aSSce apasahhirhja ^g^Q3, Apratimalla, a. (^neg. g?903 rival) unrivalled, matchless. q!g3, Aprdnika, a. (^ neg. g3<2^5 living) not living, not possessed of life. ^cs esg^o5J(5>, Apriya-samprayoga, s. (cp neg. C6 beloved, e3Dg(?>coJ(5) tmion) association with those who are not agreeable. J qp3^-ssiS pahaker{7na'\. qo&S3, Apamta, a. (cfo from, 9 ni to take taken away, removed, paid, discharged, [Collo( 53KJ535 pahakala]. cpac^SeD, Ajyarddhtna, a. (ff neg. o 6 para othe cp83 adJn'na dependent) not dependent or others, independent. q;c55-2^3SD3<5, Aparikshdkdra, s. (ep neg. o8; examination, >3<5 doer) one who acts inconsid erately, rashly. ^o86i9, Apawatvt'ma, see ^osJ9 apatvima. fpc3Sd-ss5, Apawaraka, s. inner apartment, lying in-chamber; room, [Colloq. 5533 (5cs kdmaraya'] qpc3C53S)5, Apasabda, s. (^o low, oSt? sound) 1 low word, incorrect speech, ungrammatica language. 5e3e3J48Sc3, Apasakkiriya, s. act not percepiiM by the senses. (fO0cz(Si^^, Apdyagdmi, a. (peases hell, (533 going going to hell. qpc33cs33<5J, Apdyabhdg, s. one suffering th torments of hell. cpC33i&, Apdrttha, s. (<^a apa before ^^ arftJia incoherence in meaning, contradictory sense inconsistence: a. unmeaning, useless. cps33(5, Apd7'a, s. (Ss)6, Abdhikapha, 1 s. (tf^ sea, ffi>6 foam or ^ ^^, Abdhija, j e^ that which is produced) loam of the sea, [CoUoq. ^e^(S*^ si mudu-pena\. qpSQ, Abba, s. talc, plumbago, [Colloq. ^iflded' <|pSS, J.iaiia,=pss58M abhaicya, which see. a7-alu]. ip{Be3oa3, Abhighdta, s. (^tS before sjsa /ia?za to strike) striking, wounding, pain, torture, removal, contact. ^tSoBjea, Abijndna, s. ((f& before, tssojnd to know) mark, spot, sign, token, ascertaining. BSce, Abhidheya, s. that which is named in contradistinction to ^tBQoaD abhidJidna, the name given. f8s>808, Abhinndwa, a, unbroken, [Colloq. SNeoo ^^nobtndi']. ft{S^3gS, Abhutapurwcti a. hot been before. )(3>iriweriya']\ cloud. <;pSggs33^?9 cZeA?']. ^aag, Amantri, s. (tf neg. eo councillor) one who has no counsellor. cpe>:JiSN:fco, Amanneya, v. blows, shall, or, will blow. ^8, Amayi, t\ blows, spreads, diffuses. ^(5gc5, Amarapura, s. (cpi)<5 god, gd city) city of the gods, heaven, [Colloq, f 8(3Jc3cs divya- lokaya^. qps)(5g(5 S3S3C5J, Amarapura-samdgama, s. (^(5g<5 capital of Burma, t33CO society) the Amara- pura sect of Buddhists in Ceylon who are in communion with the priests of Burma. This sect was introduced into Ceylon, about 1800 A. D. by Ambagahapitiye, a priest of the Chiiliya caste. i 3'oaao8, Amrita-ausha- dhaya, s. medicine conferring immortality, nectareous medicine. 33 ^aa drinking) beverage of immortality. p3a)3, Amritd, s. tree, terminnlia chebula, [Colloq. cpdd araluj ; climbing plant, tinospora cordifolia, [Colloq. (5e39^ msa7j2nc/a3. qiSaojoESsids), Amritdbhislieka, s. sprinkling with nectar. ^SaSNSjJ^^^'Jj Amritodbhaii'd, s. heart pea, car- diospermum halicacabum, used in Ceylon for culinary and medicinal purposes, [Colloq. gg ^(3N3, -^Twefa, l=>^S30a9,awafya, 5. minister, <]p{3\S)^08, Ametiya, J counsellor. <|^s\J3j AmogM, s. tree, stereo spermum suav^o- lens, [Colloq. C}(9>9(5 paloV] ; climbing anthel- mintic shrub, erycibe panicnlata, [Colloq. 8o 39(^ walajigasdll. ^C8^3t, Ayakemi, 8, one who keeps an account of income or receipts, accountant. , Arjaka, s. medicinal plant, spilanthes ac- mella, [Colloq. tf'i^)i(^Qakmella']. ff&iSS, Arjani, s. Ceylon cardamoms, elettaria car- damomum, [Colloq. ^is5(ao(^ ensdl']. * ^Ifeo, Arjuna, s. tree, terminalia glabra, [Colloq. ^g^id kumbuk~\. {f(3^5563, ArtJiakathd, s, (if8 meaning, a63 dis- course) commentary, exposition of meaning, generally applied to commentaries on the text of the Tri-pitaka or the three depositories of the doctrines of Buddha. (fS ^ca3, Artha-kriyd, e. verbal appellative, if$ 8cci3, Artha-charyd, s. (cp^ good, benefit, Sco^a conduct) beneficial conduct, beneficence. ^(<9cJi^Ji^co, Arthaniruktiya, s, explanation of words. ^^gs33S)9, Artha-prasddhani, a. bulbous stemlcss plant, crmum zeylamcum, [Colloq. (3\esj9939^ goda-mdnil']. ^>JQfi)c63, Arthabodhakayd, s. one who ex- pounds the meaning; expositor. ^aSaoQaisa, Artha-ivydhhydna, s. paraphrase. e^Bos^S), Arthdnvita, a, (^a artha metvning or wealth, ^is3 anvita possessed of) significant, rich. ^53'Sa 757 tjpSoeao, Arthdnaitha, .. (cf artha good, f3 anartha evil) good uud evil, advantage and dis- advantage, [CoUoq. 8ie) ^SiQ weda-aweda]. ^SD'S3es3<5oB, Arthdnusdraya, s. conformity, to the meaning. cpS, ^riA2', s, one who asks or seeks, servant, follower. <|pS(3^c53;Jgca, Ardha-gotraya, s. (tf^ half, S^oJg ^rJ^ra caste or tribe) half-caste, half-tribe. {f^S>(J(3co, Ardha-golaya, s. ( globe) hemisphere. ef^BsS^, Ardha-chandrd, s. heart-seed, cardios- permum haliacacabam, [Colloq. Qi(^ <3c^S^e5c wel-penela] . e5^ Artdvtlom, a. contrary to the sense conveyed by the root from which a word is apparently derived. tf(^ts3Si6, Aruskkara, s. marking nut tree, semicar- pus gardneri, [CoUoq. g03 badulla]* qp(^38a, Alpamdrisha, s. sort of amaranth, amarantus polygamus, [Colloq. ^^^6 sulukura or QqcjSoc^ walutampald}. ^(3^^gg^ns^caJ, Alpdyushkayo, s. (63^iiSi, Alankdroktiya. s. rhetorical ex- pression; ornaments of speech. ^(50^, Alagarda, s. water-snake, [Colloq. c8e3CC3 diya-nayd], aralu], qpQjscocsSXj, Awyaya-sabda, indeclinable word, particle. efQaaaaaS), Aivydkrita, s. (tf neg. SaaSJaa) separat- ed) elementary substance from which all things were created: a. undecomposed, simple. <5p8ga>eD, Aivyutpannay a, ignorant, unlearned. CfQs^o-^, Awakshepa?ia, s. throwing down, 98s^J<, Aivake'si, a, barren. qp8<5)3dcs, Awagdraya, s. auger. tfQ^^, Aivadere, v. having torn or divided. p8o)33, Awadhdna, s. attention, care, [Colloq. ^)03 ekanga"]. ^8g>ao3, Aivadhunana, s. shaking, trembling, trampling on, causing to shake, [Colloq. S^esQ S8 selavima'jt ^88e)3, Avjapzdana, s. sternutatory, a drug which produces sneezing. 333 nokala]. {fScsl, Avirya, a. dispirited, disheartened, qpgf^d, Aumdin, = ^sJ, j&t'e*, i>ari. having come. <;pg(5t, ^itfMT-M, s. embankment, ^g^otd, Awulpat, s. cakes and other sweet things eaten after a meal. qp(3i8d, Awaira, s. absence of hatred. (fdS^d, Asmaja, s. red chalk; iron. ^ca??cJ, Asmajit) \ e. knot-grass, asambhdwa- niya, which see, qiesSDjs, Asabhya, a. unsuitable for an assembly, vulgar, low, qfe3i)s?323c2, Asambhdwamya, a. inconceivable, incomprehensible. fpeeDffiJsS^Qcs ^oo3, Asamhhdwaniya-lcriyd, [in Grammar] conditional or subjunctive mood. ^esd53, Asambhtta, a. undaunted, [CoUoq. sjob ^i& bhayaneti . ^3i)(5v{s?J(5>, Asamhhoqa, s. non-enjoyment. qjesSssSg, Asamasamawii, a. unrivalled, having no equal, matchless. epeidi ukgas], fgde^coceJ, Asuravtjayalat, a. who obtained victory over the Asuras or titans. q^gi^S3cS, Asurdchdrya, s. teacher of the Asuras or titans, epithet of Sukra, regent of Venus. (f^(3>GiQKi,Asukelak,8. eighty k6ti3==800,000,000 millions. eps^esJ, As6,=(fsjQ^, Asawal, s. such a one, such and such. ^Siossijis^diiSf&ci, Ahankdrokttya, s. egotism; speaking highly of one's-self, qpC34553(3>0O3, AJiakdweld, s. after having done, or finished. (Vulgar,) * fftadi^isiiSiO, Aharakukkd, s. snake, tropodono- tus stolatus (Colubridce, order Ophidtce). ^asjSsSco, Ahawdtiya, s. margin, border, edge, fpoe^^cc, Ahas-dtya, s. rain-water. <^53e5S*(53(59, Ahasageravtma, 8. thunder. ^8o58c8, Ahirdwaya, s. sound made by a snake, [CoUoq. ssS sarpa-handa]. (fSSasi, Ahirika, a. shameless, impudent, [CoUoq. (^cSyjSDi^ lajjdnetQ . {^jS85S)8, Aliirikabawa, s. state of being lost to shame. ^S^sJ^^a g^eeisS, Ahetuka-pratisandhi, s. mis- erable conception, entering a miserable state of existence in a future world. epS'J8(gs3^, Ahepilisanda, see the last, qpgitsf, Ahema, s. distress. ^S), Alaha, v. they gave. q!ds5<58c3, Alukaraivald, s snake: see ^E(58c^ karawald. * ^6s^45>3>Sc83, Alukobeyiyd, s, spotted dove, turtiir suratensis, (order Columbce); also caUed SN^353?^S)Sc53 kobeyiyd. ^ficSdSs, Alugirawd, s. Layard's parrakeet, palcv- ornis culthropcB (order Psittaci). (p6e)s)(58c3, Alumt-karawald, s. snake: see is>6Q Q3 karawald. p45a55^2S3, Akufichana, s. contraction, [Colloq. t^^Q elilima]. p8)J5)e3, Akofana, s. beating down. ^'^ssiSQsi, Akotita, a. beaten down. pQc33'33553(5c3, Agantuka-satkdraya, s. hos- pitality. fponsSs), Agdrika, a. belonging to a house. t^<3^^C(, Achchheda, s. cutting off, excision; plunder, robbery. JpSago^ceftsS, Achandrdrkasthdyi, s. lasting as long as the moon and sun endure. ^^^^1 Achamana,s. rinsing the mouth, gargling the throat, etc. efr83{5a)3^j;^, Achdra-dharmai/ehi, s. in -duties of courtesy, acts of civility, customary duties. ^3, Atma-guptd, s. cowach, carpopogon prurt'ens, [Colloq. 9g(5lx wandurumc'\. p63i)?0^cs, Atma-jiwaniya, s. milk, [Colloq. ^QS kii'Q . cpC2i)S)3aa)S, Atmabdndhawa, s. one's own kinsman, first cousin. pc3o^a;:oe), Atma-warnanda-a, s. self-praise; self-gloriiication ; self-exultation. I ^9a^^a?,cso), Akinchanndyatana, s. name of I 53j^, Atodya, s. musical instrument. p<^o)3^8, Adyadhdtuim, s. protoplast. ^.?(5^cs, Adaraniya, a. venerable, respectable, lovely. p^S33 sxi-i^So, Add/iana-kcimnaivdy v. to cremate. p^iS^S53, Adikota, part, taking as the first, com- mencing with, et-cetera, [Colloq. c^s^5^^ palamukota'}. cp^sJasSo:^, AdttyawalU, s. plant, ventilago made- raspatana, [Colloq. r3^^^38, Adhdrddhe'yabhdwa, s. influence or action of the support or recipient upon the thing received or supported, p5, Adhikya, s. excess. cpSoojs, Adhipatya, s. supremacy, power, sov- ereignty. ?pe6>, Adhunika, s. young student, beginner. ^(a^Scs, Adhe'ya, a. to be placed, received, deposited. fp'KfiS^ej'e, Andola, 1 s. swinging, swing, oscil- pe:J>efe"20? Andolana, J lation. 4pJ^ej'(Sa3, AndoUta, a. swung, shaken. qneasa^, Anancha, s. infinity, immensity, bound- lessness, (Pali.) ep33cs2i55, Anantarya-karma, s. five sinful deeds which will be visited with immediate punishment, i. e. in the next birth, viz. matricide, parricide, the murder of a Rabat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, and schism. fpidis^d, Appe,s. cake made of a rioe-flour, hop])er: pi. epodo dppa. p83, Apina, s. udder, well: a. stout, fat. {^9<^, Abaddka, p. a. fastened, joined, united. pK!3M(5, Abhassara, s. world of the radiant gods, a Brahma world so called, jjofioaoe, Abhdsha, s. introduction. ^^o) 761 ^^69 ^e9Q^5, Abhidharmmika, s. connected with or versed in Abhidhamma or the Buddhist Meta- physics. ^&6, Abhira, s. cow-herd, [Colloquial: cs^, Ayati, s. length, future time. pcs?9K)S, Ayatibhawa, s, future state of existence. cpcaes, Ayasa, s. iron, weapon : a. made of iron. tfocsjQ^oa, Aydchand, s. petition, prayer, [Colloq. <5d<3 ilh'ma]. ^cs3S), Aydta, a. come, [Colloq. p)3 divdwii]. {pcgsxs, Ayukta, s. agent, deputy, minister. {pggSaSs), Ayurwdchaka, a. expressing, "age." pgl<^S\(5J(53a, Ayurdrogya, s. long life and health. pgsoeM5)3<5, Ayusanskdra, s. term of life. 5QfS3, Ai-ewata, s. medicinal tree, cassia fi,stula, [Colloq. t^Wt ehelal. ^j^(^^<5d'e3JS I333Q3, Arogya-sdldwa'^ s. hospital. {ps^dJSeacs, Arochanaya, s. making known, an- nouncement, declaring. (Pdli). ps^(5Js325), Aro/iaka, s, rider; one who mounts. tf)Q6^^syi) attendant, keeper. p8^S?Ss), Awarttita, a. turned round, revolved. ^a), Avishta, a. entered, possessed (as by a demon, etc.) engrossed (by any sentiment or feeling). (pS>B^Si, Awethana, s. entwining, surrounding, enclosing. p0as3, Awrita, a. enclosed, surrounded, covered, abounding with. * ^gis, Asraya, s. (in common usage) companion- ship, association, intercouyse. "96 ^^63 762 Cpgc3^s5d-!63, A^raya-karanawd, v. to associate with; to hold intercourse with. ^(gc3,^5nsS93, v. to bless, etc. {ptsoaoj, Astrita, a. covered, strewn, [Colloq. ft^ 6x fturu or ^42 atula']. fD(5>ea&JQ3, Asphotana, s. blowing, expanding; contracting, closing; slapping. p(3e3if03, Asphotd, s. plant, [Colloq. ^S)S(^^cSd) katarolu"], which see. ^es, Asa,=^(fS)& ahasa, s. sky. cpsaO, Asakti, s. attachment, desire; intimate union, meeting, junction. (5sv3sj35, Ahara-bokka, s. receptacle of food, stomach. ^j3co^33, Ahdryamdna,a. taken; brought, ^^o, Ahita, a. placed, deposited, made, done; containing. , /, prefix implying intensity, e. g. >QaQi3J iboho, very much ; <0SJ^ iwahal, very helpful. J, Ikma, part, having gone beyond, trespassed, transgressed, passed. gc5)aa), Ik8}iugandha,s. plant: see Bi^tdioeluk, agOT2a)3, Ikshugandhd, s. plant, barleria j^rionitis, [Colloq. (59S ?^m or 5i3d katukarandu'\\ plant, tribulus terrestris, [Colloq. s^essQs^'Sas^^^oS sembunerenchi\. 3, Indurukokd, s. grey hteron: see 55>0 g9 ffi5(5Qtd>'a53333 kalapuwa-ka, "awelkokd. iggc5l^Jo^, Indurudikpati, s. regei it of the east, ruler of Swarga or paradise, [(.Colloq. B^c53 5g(^gd, Iridurujmraf s, city of Indra,^ Amardvati, capital of Indra. 763 C^3C8 fcJ, /w,=^S:f Eyin, from it, from them. ^e?^, Indadt,=<^isS(S'^4^ Indeddt, wliUst being. Indropala, see ^ag^C indramla. <^^sica6, Inniyara, s. limitary dam or ridge of a field, (^sd-^, Inmatu, adv. after that. <5-sdc5^5)c5S)cf= (5*3(3^sjJ boho many) very many. fiS3^2-sJ^, Ibhakand, s. climbing plant: see ^eJSoD 9(^ etwagapul. %%(S C' Imbul-ldtu, 8. gum of the eilk cotton tree. 833, Issarawenawd, v. to get the start of, to go ahead. <5ia33)d8c?, Issdmachchhariya, s. envy and av- aric, [Colloq. (5?es3 zrshydwa, gcJi) masu- rukama~\ . Afe'-andame\ of this nature, such as this. 5" 08 33, Ipsita, a. desired, wished. C^de3^ Unchilldwa, s. swing. (533cs?6}, Ukdgat, a. taken up, raised, lifted up. c^^ f64 C^asi '(^agJ^esJ, Ukussd, s. pale harrier, circus macrurus; crested goshawk, astur trivirgatits; Indian gos- hawk, a. badius, also called egcJidsvcnoccD kuruhi- goyd; jungle sparrow hawk, accipiter virgatus; black shouldered kite, elanus caeruleus; common peregrine, falco peregrinus; Indian peregrine, p. peregrinator; common kestrel cerchneis tin- nunculur, also called ^5(5l6s^c57^co^ kuriilugoyd f'order Accipitres). (3gOTJsS) Udahala, s. plant, hedyotis nitida, [Colloq. BQ^^oQO pitanudu-pald']. (3gc5l, Uduhuru, a. looking upwards, with the face turned up. ^gsjoa, TJduganga, s. upper part of the river; towards the source of the river. (5'aS Ududeli s. mustache. (g2S)(^Gco, Udumahaltalaya, s. upper story of a palace. ^g(5<555cr, Uduho, s. upper part of a river. ^<^StB, UnMsa,s. crown, turban; curly hair with which a Buddha is born. ^^S^C'^. Umdom, see (^'xaS's^dJ urnaroma. ^(5032^e3<^3255, UthsJiepaniyakarma, s. excom- munication of a Buddhist priest for a grave offence. (jcJeaQ, Utkata, s. cinnamon bark, cinnamomum zeylanicum, [Colloq. ^gcJigs^oo^ kurundupotti]. QS553oes, Uttansa, s. earring; crest. gS)a)3, Uttamd, s. medicine compounded of the three noted mjrobalans or medicinal nuts, (f6i> aralu, 6 bulu, eacg nelli: see ^3(^ tipal. QiZSidSisD, UttaraTiga, s. wooden arch surmount- ing a door frame: a, flooded, inundated. (^GXSid o-sascB, Uttarapakshaya, s. second part of an argument, reply, refutation; minor proposi- tion in a syllogism; latter half of a lunar month, (3eDac583<55eSca, Uttarawrittiya, s. (in Logic) the consequent clause in a conditional sentence; apodosis. (2S005o(Kco, Uttardnsaya, s. symbol "t e" "^ f'"' attached to a consonant as in Six he, &% he. (2S5ea<35^ca, Uttardgraya, s. north pole. (^,eoe55Q3<5, Uttaritara, s. superior, better, more eminent, higher. (3^s>S533e3^, Uttdnapatra, s. castor oil plant, rici- nus communis, [Colloq. dc5l endaru']. (^cdSs), Utthita, s. risen, born, produced, happened, occurring. (3Cc93> Utpalawana, s. jumping, springinsf upon. ^<3X3(2 Utphidla, a. expanded, blown, as a flower; risen as bread, leavened, [Colloq. 8Qis:> pipuna]. (5^c5l>2sJ ^Qto, Uturukan-hidanga, s. wind from the northern point of the Compass. ;5^c5;.{^^, Udgirna, v. vomited, thrown out, [Colloq. 8x(5x wemeru]. O^^Cj Udddla, s. low tree with edible roots, cordia myxa, [Colloq. c3q Zo'Zm]. Q^6<^, Uddharana, s. raising or lifting any thing, eradicating, vomiting. Q^S3 attana']. (jaaSd, Unambara. s. heretical or unorthodox ascetic. ^^&:J, Unun, ^ron.=Qsiun-\-(*,iun one another, each other, mutually. ^ossid'), Upakathd, s. anecdote. ^,025og>3, ITpaJcunchikd, s. black cummin seed, nigella indica, [Colloq. )igcSi kalvduru]. O^^C^^o, Upakulyd, . long pepper, piper longum, [CoUoq. &6eQ ttpptW]. ^c3(K)C33, UpagandJuJcd, s. kind of basU, ocimum gratissimum, [Colloq. sn03 weld']. (30ca, Upachaya, s. heap, accumulation, eleva- tion, prosperity. (^oS^o, Upachitrd, s. medicinal plant, croton polyandrum, [Colloq. <5^03D detta^ ; plant, hoya htrsuta, [Colloq. Qao mi'miga]. QOS^Q 6Ss3, Ujjadrawa-rahita, a. free from danger, safe. * QoqisS,. Upadan, s. taking, restraining, cause, motive; material cause; proximate cause. (*t>s^^s^ <5o3(, Upadesa-ratnaya, 8. jewel of advice, precious piece of advice. (0(3^^G^ 833ce, Upadesa-wdhjaya, s. instruction in morality; moral maxims. (^a-QosJ, Upanupan, a. born and bom, viz. in various births. (^oQQss), Upajridaka, a, inflicting pain. QO@39oco, Upamdvishaya, s. range of similitude or comparison. (^C3S>i>co, Upame'ya, s. (in gram.) that to which a similitude is exhibited as opposed to Qaz)3 upa- md or ^9 uwam that from which the com- parison is drawn; object compared. (^odd, Upa-raja, s. viceroy: see (^Q6d yuwa-raja and QO<^d upa-rdja. Qo8, Upari, prep, above, higer up, upwards, over, above the head, [Colloq. gS) uda'\. (3o533a>, Uparigamana, s. going upwards, pass- ing over. (^csSsJjcs), Uparibhdga, s. upper part. (^OQOO^, Upaldlana, s. soothing, conciliating, lulling, [Colloq. 3t(39 nelavima']. (23SSc53D, Upawe'sana, s. sitting, resting; voiding by stool. (^OkSsj, ZTpasthtta, a. approaclied, staying near to, arrived. ,5C3e3c3^, Upasapan,==Qosat3f}x:i, Upa-sampan- na, a. having priest's orders, ordained. QO'jQtO'S}, UjMkhydnayS. anecdote; tale, narrative. i*03e9S3, Updgata, a. approached, arrived; oc- curred. (joSJagg, Updnga-sutra, s. secondary or sub- sidiary rules. ^03c3 3xns3, Updya-chintana, s. devising means to an end. (a)caQ, Updyajna, a. one skilled in contriving means or expedients. (2g33S^co<3w, Uputdgena, v. having extracted or compiled from. QS'Oi^^o, Upodikd, s. Malabar nightshade, plant with leaves resembling spinage, basella alba, [Colloq. ^^iQt(^ niviti-weV]. (jS^oJesd, Uposatha, s. quarters of the moon observed sacred by the Buddhist, [Colloq. (3>oJoo poya']. (^Se^, Ubabas, see ^tac5e33ai3 ubhayabhdshd. Q)(S^S)6Si3Qs), Ubhatokotika, s. dilemma, an argument conclusive both ways. ^cjcoeoasij, Ubhaya-bkdshd, s. dialogue, (in Ehet.) c^^ 766 ssaScs (jtocesNeJan, Zfhhaya-loha, s, two worlds, this and the next life. ^S)G4i5>9, Umbalahada, s. Maldive fish. ^s3, Ummatta, P^i form of ^ed>S) un- matta. ^o^, Umanddwa, s. book so called, the birth story of Buddha giving an account of his (5(S3 umaga an underground passage. (o(5^^<^, Umandora, s. the entrance to the ((S) umaga. ^S)^9ji(3\el, Umatuwanse, s. as insane persons. ^ScJ, Uyit, pron. and he. (^dio, Uranga, s. snake, serpent, one who creeps. i^dts^GcB, Urastalaya, s. the chest, breast, ^di'^ssi, Urubuka, s. castor oil plant, ricinus com- munis, [Colloq. <5)c5l endaru']. (*(5>c5Je55s3, Urojdta, see C<5e, uradd. ^<^SJS)De5393, Uruluwanbdnawd, ) ^ f whistl (^cJ^Cx^^^' Urule-pimbinawd, ] (-ggS^SDco ^S5(5- Ulamd, s. brown wood owl, syrnium indi^ani, ^order Accipitres). ^8, Uwatu,s. servant; attendant: see ^3t^3cc5 063 upasthdyakayd. (^QqisS, Uwadan,==QO^^, Upaddna, present to a king or a great man, [Colloq. esajd pandura'\. (5, Uwam, see (o3 upamd, ^SN, Uwame, see qo(S^c5 upameya. ^x^aso, Uwamenawa, v. be pleased to be or become. i5i8, Uivesi, see (303S355 updsaka. (^(Sd, Usira, s. fragrant grass, cmdrop>ogon muri- catus, [Colloq. e3xi-5555S), Undtireka, s. deficiency and excess (5)aD(53s:), tlrdhwagata, a. gone upwards. (5)^s^Ccf, Urdhwalcma, s, kind of reed, imperaU arundinacea, [Colloq. sJ iluk']. (^^SN^sjco, (Jrmiwegaya, s. force of the waves. Q)d(^s^393, lli^alwenawd, v. to stick in fast, t* be penetrated. (3)<5ig, tirupu, 1 s. castor oil plant, ricinus com- (3)c3i, Urubu, j munis, [Colloq.' t9(5l cwc^a?'^]. ' (3)c5i,^(5)(3c8, Uruyugalaya, s. two thighs. ^T(5ie35>eo, urustambha, s. paralysis of the lowe: extremities; rheumatism of the thigh. Cd) ^^ ^" spring of water; fountain, [Colloq (5(^3c ulpata']. (3=)Ss53:f^, Usikdndam, s. [Tamil.] magnet loadstone. csa5, Riksha, s. plant, oroxylum indicum, [Colloq. (3ns>dQ(3 /o,<27a]; star; bear. esa'^osjeoDs, Riksha-gandhd, s. sort of plant, witha- nia somnifera, [Colloq. ^J^<^aOT%^^am]. esacds^Si^, Rigweda, s. earliest of the four Vedas consisting of hymns; addressed to the great powers of nature, to Indra, to Fire, to the Sun, to the Moon, etc.: see >5 weda. c53^s^J- ! endowed with aa^eaDo:? 53, Riddisampanna, Jsupethuman power. ssa^sfiS 767 de93 e3a5558s5S3J, Rtsliyagatci, s. creeping plant, asparagus falcatus, [Colloq. oosjoSdSco hdtdwdriya'\. e68t3(5325)j, RisJiya-gandhd, 1 s. medicinal plant, 'andhd, 1 ; I xa5S(3^rf533, Rishya-proJctd, s. cowach, carpopo- gon pruriens, [Colloq. 8g(5ix wandurume']; creeping plant, asparagus falcatus, [Colloq. 0303383808 hdtdwdrtyal; sida. ssaS, Rishi, s. screw-pine, pandanus fascicularis or J), odoratissimus [Colloq. 8i0s<)2co3 weta- keyiyd"]. ^i!Ss^z3^8^,Ekpeti-piyum, s. variety of nympTioea stellata, [Colloq. s^esiQ 3S^D(^ hcla-mdnet]. 9JSsJs03!6, JEkbitteht,=(?si'^i^(S^C3tB IJcbittehi, afterwards. 09S(S, EkdshthiU, s. creeping plant, cissampelos Pareira, [Colloq, ^()%zS^ diyamitta'\. <9^e3 9e3^, Ekuna-visati, one minus twenty, nineteen. (Pali.) tSsv^sJe? oG3^, Ekona-vinsati, one minus twenty, nineteen. (Sanskrit.) <9s(545)3(5<3w8!), Enderakam-karanawdi v, to tend cattle, da), 't?^a, 1 5, fuel, firewood, [Colloquial: <;d dae^, Edhas, J dara], <525Je36545J(5- Eranda-phald, s. medicinal plant, Croton polyandrtim, [Colloq. ^cJsD (SitS detta- gas']. <^^isi, Erdshtaka, s. unpropitious aspect of a planet. ^ *r8c5a3^, Eriyakanda, s, pole of a double bullock bandy to which the yoke is fastened. tSfcJls^SesSj, ilniwenawd, v. to be offended, to scold. r<^, il, s. small cardamoms; ripe-fruit of bassia latifolia. 6^035:3^, ^Id-patra, s. one of the chiefs of the Nagas or serpent race. ^SocSs^cd, Ewangiye, s. at that time, then, there- upon. tfesj, E sd,=^ is^ois), J^-samdna, like that, such. ^Bssii 768 ^1^\C0 fS53tsS)i)o, JEsikdstambha, s. pillar in front of a city gate; also a threshold. * s^6<^8o), Airdwata, s. small variety of the man- darin orange, citrics nobilis, [CoUoq. tQis5^'i6o hm-ndran]. 4SDE^, OJcdwas,=^^S3Qos^Qo!S5 Ikshimku-wansa, the race of Ikshwiiku the first prince of the Solar dynasty who reigned at Ayodhya. 38iC kemwela']. S)83B3Sg33, Ossawatuwd, s. grey partridge ortygorais pondiceriana (order Gallince). *g, Ohu, pron, his, him. , 0, ^row. she. S), Oc7?'a, s. northern part of Orissa; Chinese rose. ^^3, Oddta, a. white. 33, Ond, part, cramming, falling. qSQSj, Olawatuwd, s. bird called long-toed stint, tringa subminuta (order Grallce), ^aS), Oldrika, a. large, gross, coarse, material. (Pali.) ^ ^C) ulu-ala, s. root of d, esculent water lily. S)igSS)(5cSS, Audumbaragiri, s. name of a Buddhist temple, better known by its Sinhalese equivalent ^G3S)C ScJiX^co dimbuldgala-vihdraya. *^J, Ekma, p. p. of f^,^(5^-^o8^ ekmenawd, to walk or tread upon. ^ ' "^ y ' > s. three oxen yoked together. * (^Q^e^Qo, JEtikukuld, s. common coucal centro- pus rufipennis; Ceylonese coucal, c. chlororhjn- ctis, (order Pifiarice). f^SsDMD, Etissd, s. kind of fish. ffi-5S9, Enavima, s. giving orders, [Colloq, ^-(SS fi-3^cs, Eniya, s. array of troops, fore-part of a ship, prow: a. small, trifling. e^cJcoc Ettala, s. elephant stall. {^cJi^aJ 8i,Qs^33>, Etdat-wetaholu, see 9, Endigam-vi, s. kind of paddy, or^^a e^eS3JsD3, f!ndum-mahannd, s. tailor. i^S)e9s>caJ, ^mbaniyo, s. wife, [Colloq. as33C638 ^C ^d^> JEmbala-elvi, s, kind of paddy, or_y^a {^g(^ S^sss^escS, Embul-kesel, s, plantain tree, musa sapientum. t^%(^ (a'SJcJi, Embid-moru, s. vinegar. ptS^S)eSs^csJ, Embeniyo, s. wife. ^2S3 1^08, Emmuna-menawa, v. be pleased to have patience, to wait or forbear. epic5eD-<^d, Evini-dora, s. door of a shop or boutique. scrf Se>339, Kaka-kakaye'-8indsi, = siisi 5Jeo3(33 :6^!^JS^^(3^ Kak-kakgdld-hindweld, s. laughing with the sound, iss-esJiS^^J kak-kak. flB^^Go, Kakubha, s. tree, terminalia glabra, [Coll: 8i kumbuk']. m) adss) a556gg, Kakulvsujigu, see >^Ss)aS kar- kataka-sringi. a)(5>0c3, Kagataya, s. creeping plant, ipomcea pes- tigridis, [CoUoq. ogc5i, divipahunt]. (5^(^^S8&5, Kagaliceriya, s. plant, wild liquorice, abrus precatorius. fOoUoq. 3g^Si(^ olijida-wel']. ^StexSo, Karikana, s. bracelet, armlet, rings used for ornamenting the arms and ankles, [Colloq. CdC walalla']. iSiS^SiasicS, Kankelli, ] j. '"*^ 1 8. tree, jonesta asoca. iSiS'^Q^, KaTikelim, j ssi?t^!^, KaAgum, 8. sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. Si6isissitsi h,arankah.a~\; also, sort of panic seed. ^5>^(^^o^^9, Kachchipdta-vi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. s:if$, Kachchha, s. marshy ground, morass, ground bordering water; hem of a garment tucked into a waistband. )t^e8?Q, Kachchhughni, s. medicinal plant, sphce- ranthus indicus, [Colloquial: e)Ss-ift^^OD, Kanjiku, s. plant, siphonanthus indica. 5Si)<5S, Katfumaram, s. raft used in fishing, 23586(3, Katphala, s. plant, murraya Koenigii, [Colloq. ffijdOo karapincha'\ ; timber tree with yellow flowers, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. ffid S^qi)Q etdemata~\] tree, adenanthera pavonina, [Colloq. (^Qcs madatiyd]. saBQSiSi, Katwanga, s. plant, oroxylum indicum, [Colloq. s^e3^c totila]. )83, Katvi, see ;^(5J{6, Kataka, s. bangles as in a>35 >8iS) kanaka-kataka, gold bangles, ("Ummagga- jataka). ffijQsjdS, Kataka-ravi, s. the sun in the Sign Cancer, (corruptly for >95(5 karkataka- ravi.) oQShBS'QS, Ktadkateri, s. creeper, cosctnium fenestratum, [Colloq. G^QiSiQi(^ iveniwel']. ssi^Q "0 ssidi^&i fi)Q9(Sc5, Katatiyemi, == D(54^ cjiSicJs^oj karanu-kcmettemi, T wish to do. ^Q&, Katahhi, s. heart pea, cardiospermum Jialica- cahum, used in Ceylon for culinary and medicinal purposes, [Colloq. ge dudu, or (5^a'9'^Q,z)i(^ pe7iela-ivel']. 5QS)eDc5, Katambharn, s. medicinal plant, [Colloq, 3OS^c5Je32o katuharosana] ; also sort of bind- weed, ipomcca trtdentata, [Colloquial: cpc3g dpasu-madu]. isQs^OiSCD, Katahelana, s. putting in the mouth. ^5>8acs, Katikaya, see >^S35C3aSi6 karkataha- sringi. >9esC&333, Katisajjand, see sg(^^ mewuldam. 5cp(5, Catu-ala, s. edible root of a prickly creeper, commonly called 5g9(3 katuwala. C:5>(5Je6SD, Katukaronana, see jK.23i5^dJ58<^ katukarohim. )(5Nas)J(^, Katukol. s. breaches, [Colloq. 533iS^i) g^ krclvm-binduvi], ^g(3i55>Js3535S, Katukosdtaki, s. creeping plant, ^ewM.9 luffa, [Colloq. ?9s5c3 8i,3s*j3& fz'ito icetakolu] . ^aQsjeSs), Katugandhika, s. tree, alstonia (or echites) scholaris, [Colloq, cJ^,^5J f^psioea ?7C Katupulle, s. police stafE of a Disawa. ^5?6(j, Katuphala, s. kind of perfume, [Colloq. 03ag^ takul, or 5gt9e6E!E3 kapuktnissaj. >S<53'(5, Kathinjara, see tfgoaQO andutald. 5S(33S3, Kathillaka, s. creeping plant, the fruit of which is used in making curry, momordica charantia, [Colloq. SiS^Q karivila]. Si&(3Q0, Kathilld, s. hog-weed, [Colloq. 33(5'^ sdrana\ . )ai)t, Kadakema, s. articles of food prepared in a boutique, hoppers, etc. )3i>), Kadambt, s, Malabar nightshade, basella alba, [Colloq. e6^9i(^ niviti-wel'\. )S)2)(3C5, Kadamalaya, s. trap to seize animals. S59csd:3S:f, Kadayappan, s. hoppers sold in boutiques. ffl>i)(3*<5<^^, Kadaredda, 8. dirty or tattered cloth; piece of cloth. fi5'.See<55?2g, Kadasarakku, s. curry stuff, such as coriander, parsley, carroway seed, etc. aaScs, Kadiya, s. piece of cloth used between the legs for the purpose of tucking up the lower garments, [Colloq. fp9cc amudaya']. 23><3^ 5353 3, Kantakdri, s. species of egg plant, solamim trilobatum, [Colloq. 8t(^^SS)8 jvrl- ttbhatu]. esi-e^ss)93a'3, Kantakdrikd, s. plant, kind of night shade, used medicinally, solanum jacqnini, [Colloq. 5!)i(^ katuwelbatu], 235 ;4S33(3, KantakdU, s. cotton tree, eriodendron anfractuosum, [Colloq. S53e^ kos]. S5S33oJ, Kanahunahot, v. if it falls in the ear. S5-^3, Kandiighn, s. root of the long pepper, piper longum, [Colloq. SrfSggc^ tippili-vml'\ 235^ffi53, Kanikd, s. tree, premna spinosa or longi- folia, [Colloq. QeBsi sihin-midi']. fflJ<#253D, Kaninaivd, see 535eQs33 kamnarvd. 555<5^3, Kanisama, s. size, extent, about. 555S><^c3^, Kaneru, s. kind of tree, jylumeria acimn- nata, [Colloq. (fdQa ai-altya^. ^55^55(^^5S^S5(^, Katkehcl, s. kind of plantain. e35?55^@C^(3cfi, Kattumalliya, s. mortise. 2350ffi5, Kataka, s. tree bearing the clearing nut. strychnos potatorum, [Colloq. oS^fi^ ingini- eta']. iSido csaSdco, Kathd-sariraya, s. subject of th( narrative. Sid3'3>(4(3Joi556sD, Kathopa-lathana, 8. dialogue. S5^iS)gG9, I\adamba-pushpi, s. medicinal plant, sphccranthns indicus, [Colloq. K)) (33 ive'ld^, 5e,5353, Kanddrtshtd, s. plant, greicia losvigata, rColloq. eoe^SJKgco gas-keliya]. Siisi'iSisi^^i'Si, Kannannoru, s. kind of plantain. fijaDSfflo, Kam/akd, ) s. socotrine aloe, [Colloq. 533, Kani/d, j ^ssi5o3si3 komdrikrQ. )2d33, Kanwayitia, s. pillow. )Js^98o3, Kanweriya, s. night shade, species of solanum. e)i>is)Q?$id, Kanhawanta, s. tree bearing the trumpet flower, stereospermum suaveolens, [Coll: c3(s>3(^ paloQ. estis^si^'sz, Kanaka-pushpa, s, tree, cochlospennvm gossypium, [Colloq. 9^dSScs kinihiriya]. )3aagao, Kanaka-pushpaka., s. tree, michelia champaca: see esg sa;>w. OS3S53, Kanaka, s. cassia plant: see S^03J(5 tora. )3ea3N9, Kanakdhiva, s. iron- wood tree, mesua fcrrea, [Colloq. eo3!53d nd-gas'\. DS?9, Kanakiti, s. species of night shade, sola- num Xanthocarpum, [Colloq. ^cS) elabatii]. joeoegQ, Kanatula, s. sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. S3<525^S)ea ^q harankaha-alaj. , Kananga, see tBessweo bhisandga. iS3^, Kanabiju, s. long pepper, jw^xjr longum, [Colloq. ^dSg tippilQ; shrub, the leaves of which are used as tea and bark as a buE dye. 771 ^S)d cassia auriculata, [Colloq. <5iper longum, [Colloq. ?9d8(3(^ tip>pili-mul\ ffl)20^eeQ2, ^awasaZ/a, . distress, sorrow, sadness, trouble. ;55CX338, Kappdst, s. silk cotton, [Colloq. 3g ^o^jw]. (Pali.) S5d8?5ic3), Kappittd, s. Captain. (Eng.) S5d8(35d'w^(^(S, Kapiwalli, s. elephant or wood apple; clunbiug plant with an aromatic .seed something of the nature of pepper, pothos officinalis, [Coll: <^ d 8 C5:> g (^ etivagajnd] . cas^aJcoSeiss, Kapckawankd, s. plant, ?>eiitilago maderaspatana, [Colloq. {^^^553<^^S)J^^d^D^ kobo- ivakkd^. s>6o, Kap>1id, s. sort of bind- weed with twining stem, large pointed leaves, and pale rose-coloured flowers, ipomcea sepiariu, [Colloq. (5eea3t(5 ''sa- tel}. sy)3, Kabandd, s. cow-dung. * >:5, Kabara, s. medicinal plant, [Colloq. oiQ ^c5 jwpiliya or o^^z:)^e)(Si'^ jmtpddagam']. ssiQi6s*^(^, Kabara-tel, s. oil prepared from ffl5(5 SM553C53 kabaragoyd, which see, * S)QOo, Kabard, s. kind of sea fish. i^QjagCacJ^S, Kabdkuruttuuia, s, female jacket. sjSS, Kambuta, participle of )^G3@cC) Kamaldliya, see ao9(^)(^ kamalhal. iSi^^ti, Kamase, ind. according to pleasure; as one likes. ss)%tsi, Kamuka, s. areca-nut, areca catechu, [Coll: gQisJ puivak']. (Pali.) S>iB3c5i, Kayiwdru, s. congratulation, boasting. ^Qaaca3, Karkataka-priyd, s. Malabar night- shade, basella alba, [Colloq. ^S8tc^ ntviti- vielJi. S59>3, Karkatikd, s. tree, zizyphus jujuba, [Colloq. (S^6D(5 debara or caKf masaw]. 5^, Karkati, s. name of cucumber, [Colloq. asd&S, Karkari, see Sv^^^S dewaddli. an^ScsSdij, Karkasachchhada, s. small tree, /S^re- 5to aspera or tropliis aspera, [Colloq. c53iQ6 9d gf'tanitid~\. ^4J3S, Karkotaki, >[Colloq. x(5^S) weZ )(S^^iJ, Karkott, ) tumba']. )6<5), KarcMraka, s. small aromatic plant, kaempferia galanga, [Colloq. ^Q hingu- ntpiyali]. fSi^ovss, Kamapdsa, s. earring, [Colloq. aa&iQt (3 kanwela']. 4S^gC5, Karnapura, s. blue lotus, nymphcea stellata, [Colloq. e6(^ 3S>S3(^ m7-ma6^]: see (S^S)ioQ hopalu. ^55oS<5e33co3, Karnarasdyana, a. sweet to the ear, euphonious. )oS38o3oC53, Karndicatanm, s. ear-ornaments, [Colloq. S>03J todu], es)b<^^id, Karmkdra, s. tree, cochlospermum gossypium, [Colloq, 6<2^cB8c5 kinihmya^' )^aD, Kartana, s. cutting, [Colloquial: )i8 kepima~\, S5^8, Kartavya, a. what ought to be done, duty, [Colloq. ffi)9gsJo3 katayutta^. iS)&6, Karpara, s. blue vitriol, [Colloq. jg)SDl) tuttaTn]. ssi^Q-)6ci, Karmadhdraya, s. grammatical term, one of the Samasas or compound words. 33c5, Karmdra, s. bamboo tree, bambusa vulgaris, [Colloq. (^^(SitS unagasj. >?^ico, Karmendriya, s. (^S karma-j-'^^aa in- driyoL) organ of action. S)@S5, Karshaka, s. pigeon pea, cajanus t?idica, [Colloq. dQ'S'SiSd rata-t6ra'\. 56c, Karsha-phala, s. tree, terminalia belerica, [Colloq. d bulu"]. Si6si, Karaka, s. pomegranate tree, punica grana- tum, [Colloq. s^^dD delum], Si6ssi^, Karakanda, s. date tree, phoenix zeylanica, [Colloq. 3Sc totila]. tSi8Qtx>Q^KaripippaU, see e^oJScsjgc^ etwagajnWj. SiS, Kan, s. tree with acrid juice, excwcaria agallocha, [Colloq. (S^iSQ^Soi telakiriya]. 3(5, Kanra, s. temple tree, plumena acuU/olia, I [Colloq. (fcSa alariyci]. \ eaSoB, Karisha, s. dried cow-dung, [Colloq. (Sxsjd ; 8x<5Q ^oma-ze7'a.(3^8a^^, Kalpa-wriksha, s. wish-conferring tree. i5)eS3 Kalptta, a. made, put in order, prepared, arranged- )(3ffi), Kalyaka, s. small aromatic plant, kaemp- feria galanga, [Colloquial: ^c^ckQaQ singuru- piyali\. S)Qta, Kalyd, s. coriander, coriandrum sativum, [Colloq. S^5DS^03(^6 kottamalW]; sort of tur- meric, curcuma zerurtibet, [Colloq. 63(5e:f;co harankaha~\ >e*<*5, Kalydna, s. gold, [Colloq. <5oJ(5e5 rat- iSiQi^^ c03Q83^, Kalydni'sdhhawfikshaha, s. hal tree, mteria acuminata, [Colloq. (^(53es hal- gasa^. sc93, Kalakinma, s. discouragement, a dis- heartening. S5(3g^. Kalanduru, s. same as 3SiCo^<^ kalduduru; also a species of worms. *5J)C. Kalaba, [from Sanskrit, 3e3=3 ^aM/Ja]; an assemblage, bundle: (^3C malkalaba nosegay: see ss^QtS kalap, (2}, Kalambak, s. bundle, cluster. 5(3ca3, Kalamiyd, s. kind of sea fish. CK)33(5S2s:f, Kalahakdrayin, s. those who quarrel, rioters. )Qo8i^, Kaldjnni, s. plant, species of night shade, solanum nigrum, [Colloq. 3d^5Mi)9>8ce ^a/w- kemmeriya\ tSiQ'SiSi^, Kaliiigaka, s. medicinal nut or seed, from the tree, nerium antidysentericum, [Colloq. (35S5(g^cfiQ kelinda-eta']. 0(3$j^, Kalidruma, 8. tree, terminalia belerica, [Colloq. Qd(S5C^ bulu-gas\ iogSed', Kaliman, s. desire, wish; avarice. ssiQo6^, Kalimdraka, s. medicinal plant, [Colloq. Q8q sirila']. a>(3, Kali, ind. expletive particle=9D3{0 wandfu. SiQQaid, Kawadayd, s. kind of sea fish. >8, Kawari, s. kind of basil, ocimum gratissimum, [Colloq. (3^G30E^ iveld-gas'\. )2S338, Kavimmanya, s. one who fancies him- self a poet or learned man. 5>8s>'25J(53, Kavisike'sa, s. curly hair. 5S)SScS3, Kavisiyd, s. Kaffir. ffi>S^, Kavindra, s. (aj kavi-\-<^^ indra) an eminent poet. ) ^(^9, Kawudu-elvi, s. kind of paddy, oryza sativa. jC!aSeJ, Kaschit, pron. some-body, some-one, a certain one. * )a3, Kashta, a. suffering pain, impervious, impenetrable. * SiSea, Kasina, (eo30)3 bJidwand, etc.) 4sg^ac5, Ka8impaya,=es)oas^^ ojfg kdfichana^ pdtra, s. golden bowl or vessel. 3K)C3^ Kahldra, s. white esculent water lily, [Colloq. K)(ji(3 helmeW]. aos) fi<^S, Kaha-elvi, s. kind of paddy. * )es> 8c5L^C3) Kaha-kurulld, s. common^ bush bulbul, iora tiphia. )ffi)9 e^d^, Kahata-elDi, s. kind of paddy. 43)S33 9, Kahata-vi, s. kind of paddy. iSisjQ 'e^<5s:J9, Kahata-handiranvi, s, kind of paddy. SSi^iS^ 774 3)3gtf Offi>i53c03, Kaha-nayd, s. yellow cobra: see eoo^a nayd. 5oaJ^(^9, Kahapat-elvi, s. kiud of paddy. 0!S) 39, Kaha-mdvi, s. kind of paddy. oeo^gC KaTia-milila, s. timber tree: see ^Qq mi It la. 5eosJ, Kahamun, s, seed of the cassia auriculata, [CoUoq. <5-S33, Kaha-Jmnd, s. yellow lizard ( Geckotida; order Sauria). asd^cB, Kalu-hjam, s. (sjfi black, ^(,% lead) black lead. Sjdt^C^S, Kalu-elvi, s. kind of paddy, o?7/^a ajfi s>6J(3>55M3^!S5(^, Kalu-katJcehel , s. kind of plan- tain. fi)6 S5^^osd'(^^^^Jc5i, Kalu-kannannoru, s. kind of plantain. &i iSi6, s. kind of paddy. 36s5z(3^i>Sc:, Kalukemmeriya, see d2d(5i)6 c3 kalu-kanmeriya. tSiti geaeaSog, Kalu-trastawdlu, s. plant, black species of teori, ipomcea turpethum. oi)s^^(S^^(^, Kalti-dodol, s. kind of sweetmeat of black colour. 06 cdSS (9^s)(S^e5(^, Kalu-nawari-kesel, s* kind of plantain. 56 a6B, Kalu-jmraic, s. kind of sea fish. 36d, Kalumas, s. fresh water fish, so called, ophiocephalus striattis, [Colloq. qqo luld"]. )ii3, Kalu-mdvi, s. kind of paddy, 07'i/za sativa. Si&, Kdnda-tiktaka, s. plant peculiar to Ceylon, munronia pumila, [Colloq. sds>)3iS)) bin-kohomba']. S533kQo^, Kdnta-dhdtu, s. red chalk, [Colloq. feSoog^ siicanguru']. * ajj33033, Kdntd, s. woman; sugar cane, [Colloq. S53Des33C5, Kdnanddhipa, s. mango tree, mangi- fera indica or m. zeylanica, [Colloq. feSaw^rt]. aJsrfgS), Kdppuwa, s. bracelet: pi. ssiod^ kdpjni. S)3(^, Kdmadd, s. plant, ipomcea digitata, [Colloq. ?SSS)g kiribadu'] ; fabulous cow, cow of plenty. S)3c3Sto, Kdmapanka, s. (53 lust, pSto mire, mud) mud of lust. S53s^e5j<9, Kdmabhogi, s. one enjoying sensual pleasures, a lustful man. S53<35c53, Kdmardga, s. sensual desire. ffi535Bcs, Kdmavishaya, s. object of sensual grati- fication. )33, Kama, s. species of croton, croton lacciferum, [Colloq. aJtd88c3 keppitiyd'\. i3jDQ3(5, Kdmdchdra, s. acting according to one's wish or pleasure. iS)3as59, Kdmukd, s. medicinal plant, spilanthes acmella, [Colloq. f^i(^c<^^""*?^^<^]' es>3<53<5, Kdrdgdra, s. prison, [Colloq. t8d(5^cd ktrage^. ffi>3C>S-Q5S3, Kdlahapitta, s. medicinal plant, spi- lanthes acmella, [Colloq. cpJtde akmella']. SiOC-Si^oQ, Kdlakabhdua, s. state of being black or dark coloured. JBOc-e^S? Kdiakutaha, see SSQeaaS wachcha- ndvi. tSi'iQ66tSi, Kdla-jiraka, s. black cummin seed, nigella indica, [Colloq. ia6g<3l halvduru'\. * iT'OC, Kdlama, s. trumpet. )3(3j(3, Kdlamdla, s. medicinal plant, spUanthus acmella, [Colloq. q!Jt^C aJcmellal. S)D(7>.(3>9, Kdlamesht, s. plant, vernonia or serra- tula anthelmintica, [Colloq. iSiQJ^t^Q ioVZe-e/a], ffi53CSi)3, KdlameshiLd, s. heart-seed, cardios- permum haltacacabiim, [Colloq. i(5 S^os^SDC tcel-penela'\. * )3Ccc, Kdlaya, s. species of bean, vigna (or dolichos) catiang, [Colloq. Q^x lt'me'\ : see >G3 )3(3(S^cd5S, Kdla-visesha, s. special time. >3(3teaBaa), Kdlashandha, s. tree, diospyros em- bryopteris, [Colloq. ^DS fmien] ; see S53(^(3o (53KJ kollan-gaha. SiiQS'tici, Kdlaseya, s. whey, [Colloq. eJ(5i. m6r'u~\. iSiOQo, Kdld, s. indigo plant: see 2J3e ivel- penela'\. SJS-s^C^cao, Kdleyaka, s. creeper, coscinium Jenes- tratum, [Colloq. SN9eQSi(^ iceniu'el'^. )3(S^cJ3(3, Kdldpala, s. magnet, loadstone, [Coll: GiiSSq kdndaTn\. 53C*A Kdwya-lakshya, s. examples from poetry. )3Q8, Kdviya, s. buoy in net. 53S>6, Kdveri, s. river in the Deccan, the Ka,veri. ^o^co^, Kdsmarya, "I s. timber tree with yellow 33oaB)S, Kdsman, (flowers, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. 3aiS3ts3e3, Kdshthawdhana, s. wood-vehicle. 4S33!bSc3 Kdshthild, s. plantain, [Colloq. S^^KS^ee^ keseV]. *s>3KC Kdhala,='5'Siod'i0Dx) horanewa, s. trum- pet; or horn, either a cow horn, or an instrument of that shape. 9o:^(30>, Kwjalka, s. plant, costus speciosus, [Colloq. (^>330i) kottam or snoQ fe&w] ; filament of a lotus; flower of the mesuafen-ea. 69, Kiki, s. blue jay: see ^<5c' kirald. S90, Kitta, s. excrement, rust of iron dust. 99c3, Kitipa, s. blue vitriol, sulphate of copper, see 525>53^ tattam, Qa)3<5&'J ^Cj Kiddran-aht, s. medicinal root, amor- phophallus campamdatus. ^<^S>E)3d5, Kinigawrd, s. brinjal plant, prickly night-shade, solanum, [Colloq. @ batu^. 4S<^c9, Kmihi, s. spiny shrub, kind of night-shade, solanum indicum, [Colloq. ?9 tibbatii^ : plant, achyranthes aspera, [Colloq. 45J'5(^S3i karalheba~\ . ^GiSi, Kt'taka, (Pi'ili.) for 5a^cd ifgSsiiS'cd SxiSs^iSJ 6c033>2Oj , Kiri-ruka, s. tree, buchanania latifolia, [Colloq. tSSesd kiripalu]. 23c3 ^27a, s. thorny shrub, carissa carandas, { [Colloq. K)5)d wiaA-Z;a?'aTO5a]. 9(S9cx3, Kilikippa, 1 s. shrub with yellow flowers, I aS^ S(g, Kilikili, \ crotalaria laburnifolia, j [Colloq. csJf3>^5c5 3/^im?/]. . :j9(3, Kilima, s. sort of pine, pinus devadaru, [Colloq. (3<^S^d dewaddra']. I 2SgQ5, Kilutukama, s. pollution, filthiness. 2S9, Kiiva,=!^Q'i<:s kiwdya, she said; also=S9 (S^^5)^s5 kiwahot or 4S5>83s5 Jci'wot, if one should say. :, Kiwada, v. although he said. Sd3^^gi(^, Kisdowunmal , same as aSdi(3>e,g:J Se3Cj Kisalan, s. medicinal plant, eclipta erecta, [Colloq. !S)^8^cs>kikirindiya'\\ sprout. 9^, kasina-2yarikamma, process by means of which mystic meditation may be induced. 6'Se3coc665, Kiseyayat,=3, Kitamdrikd, s. kind of medicinal plant, [Colloq. QQoQizi'Sss waldwenna], 298dc33, Kitavijayd, s. tree, terminalia glabra, [Colloq. 5J kumbuk. aS3s>^, Kmadomba, see (5^9(3ges3 de'wa-wal- labha. ScS)'^9, Kilabaddhawa, a. tied to a post or pillar. i93, 7ir2W,=Sc6ag e><^ kiydpu-de, s. that which was said, e. g. s^c^^a 993 5(5 mama topa kiwd karami, I (will) do that which was said by you. S)^ob<^, Kisaparni, s. plant, achyranthes asjwra, [Colloq. ^S)(5(^s3ts^J kai'alsebd]. ,, | 5gogdg, Kunkumappu, s. saffron. 1 ^oe^5, Kunjan, s. large creeper with large leaves and white flowers, turning to yellow, bauhinia racemosa, [Colloq. Sc mayila']. e^odc Kunjala, s. water lily. .,fcM ^2s5^5S3-5SS), Kxikkutdnda, s. eggs. 2gJgc^(533(5c6, Kukkurdgdraya, s. house when dogs are confined. a54^cC) Kukshisula, s. pain in the belly [Colloq ?)S<5ie359 i C3gi^ kaldnduru]. ^88, Kuticha, s. Ceylon cardamoms, elettaria cardamomum, [Colloq. (Serfessc^ ensdl]. agSd, KvMra, s. hut, cottage. 5g(3533<3^^55, Kutilakantaka, s. tree, acacia cate- chu, also called, a. SM7a and a. sundra, [Colloq. (QS8 kihiri]. 5?^C'C<^ Kutildlaya, s. sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. S)6sis)^ harankaha']. .3^QS)s32Sii30253ca, Kutumbor-santhdpanaya, s. sup- porting a family. .^i, Kutha, s. tree, [Colloq. jk) .^A]. agS3(S9Sco keteriya\. ss^^ 111 ag^^i agSSC) Kutmala, s. new bud, [Colloq. &ns^Q lelcula]. ggN(S<53, Kutheraka, s. plant, species of the octmum, [Colloq. o, Ktindikd, see s^)<:^cs kendiya. .8?^S5)S5, Kutumbaka, s. plant, leticas zeylanica, . [Colloq. OTiQ^S) .9f.<^M^^]- 5^<3,C, Kudddla, s. tree, mountain ebony, Jaw/it- ni a purpurea, [Colloq. SJoQgC kobabla], g4<5^e;, Kuddd, s. kind of sea fish. e5di5>3ic53, Kudirakdrayd, s. groom. <55xg(5, Kudumedura, s. (^gg small, tg(5= e)^(5ca mandiraya house) cottage. 5gc5i, Kundunc, s. earth, terra firma. 5a3S55cs, Kuntaya, s. dart, lance, [Colloq. s^mqqcs 7i(?/Za?/aj. 55!De3e6cs, Kuntdniya, s. pick-axe. s^^d, Kundara, s. shrub, Lamonia alata, [Colloq. ^iiacJigcJlg tumpat-kttrundu']; sort of grass. eg2SD9, Kunati, s. coriander, red arsenic. egesD^, Kimatu, s. creeping plant bearing a pungent leaf, called betel pepper, piper betle, [Colloq, %C^ hulat]. g33c53^, Kundsaka, s. twining plant with stinging hairs, tragta involucrata, [Colloq. i(^a33Sco3 wel-kahambtUyd^ . 5ac33, Kuppawd=^S5)3os)6Q'i kopakarawd, part. having provoked or made angry. 5ac33c3<, Kuppdyama, s. village or habitation of a Rodiya. iggSe^, Kupuris, s. mean, contemptible man; coward, wretch. t^^do5<^?Si'i, Kuhja-parnikd, s. creepius' plant, dmnia extensa, [Colloq. re)es)8 medahangu']. 5SnS)(5S^, Kuhera-hiju, 8. medicinal nut, msal- i jtinia bonduc, [Colloq. sgc^fiQ kwnburu-eta']. egSw, Kumbaha, 8. wooden pipe placed under ground through which water is conveyed from one division of a field into another. ^5^, Kumbu, same as e^^ka kumbha, q. v. gceB3, Kumbussa, see egSsj kumbaha. 1^'^^ OQ, Kumbika-pala, s. fruit of the Patana oak, careya arborea, [Colloq. JS3^S^(5)^ kahata gedf\ . agStejffi), Kumbhaka, s. plumbago, [Colloq. ^ 6isS miniran\. igDcB, Kumbhu 8. timber tree, gmelina arborea, [Colloq. ^eJ(?>3'e33S bin- kohomba]; small tree, cratosva Eoxburghii or c. religiosa, [Colloq. s'j9C3 Jcoxmda\, gc5i9g, Kuruvili, s kind of sea fish. gcJi9, Kuru-tn, s, kind of paddy. 5!5i,e!, Kurusa, s. broken rice. g(5itsr Kwuh, s, tree, [Colloq. oes ^asa]. 8c5i (5*)c5(5, Kuru-herali, s, kind of small jack. g<5id^3, Kurulutudu-vi, s, kind of paddy. gG5, Kulaha, s. medicinal plant, Croton poli/an- drum, [Colloq. q^iSXSi detta], 5C9(^(5, Kidahiddra, s. grey pelican, pelicanus jyhillipinensis (order Steganopodes). 8g(^, Kulachchi, s. alum, [Colloq. QsiiAssiodo StnakkdranJ. gce5J, Kulajd, s, plant, not ascertained. 5e8a, Kulatd, s, sort of plant, withania somnifera [Colloq. cpgJ5<35 amuhlcard], 5(33, Kulatd, s. red-arsenic. g(3^, Kulattha, s. kind of pulse, grain, [Colloq. 'ds kollu], egCg^-isScs, Kidadushanaya, s. bringing disgrace on a family. ge(5><^03, Kulade'watd, s. tutelary deity, parti- cular god of one's family. *?Cd Kulalbata, s. kind of reed, arundu tibialis. 5C3S3, Kuldkshaka, s, species of garlic or onion, allium ascalohicum, [Colloq. <33S'Q ratulunu], ^C'C Kuldla, s. potter, [Colloq. S)3s)iCQ89 badakelayd'\ ; wild cock. ^Q9C ^^-^f^, Kuldla-bhdnda, s, pottery, [Colloq. QCJ walani, figg, Kulisa, \s diamond, [Colloq. cs9ess9 gQe3, Kulisa, } diyamanti'\\ Indra's thunderbolt. ^SCi Kulundula,=^9)os3 ada-pata, s, half a pint. egCx, Kuleti, a. wild, disobedient, unmanageable. g8(2, Kuwala, s. tree, zizyphus jujuba, [Colloq. e35 7nasa] ; water lily, [Colloq. iS)S^3(^ g8(3a-&, Kuwalakarna, s, variety of the nym- phoea stellata, species of water lily, [Colloq. <9(^3(S^e3(^ nil-mdnel'], gQi3, Kusa, s. kind of reed, imperata arundinacea, [Colloq. gdcii/M/j]. 5C3C99S3, Kumla-prama, s, enquiry after one's health or welfare. * ageaS^jQ, Kushthaghni, s. species of nightshade, solamim nigrum, [Colloq. >6a)is\(Sca kaki- kemineriya'\m igeeegS^c^, Kustumburu, s, coriander, coriandrum sativum, [Colloq. ^ssi->?5XSi9>Q,'^kottamaUi']. s^^^isi, Kusakan, s, dried saffron, curcuma longa, [CoUoq. 9cS(g 3cj riyali-kaha'], 55500^1, Kusa-patrd, s, species of the sensitive plant, mimosa pudica, [Colloq. <6i5Q nidi- kumba], * gS?, Kusida, a, idle, slothful. 4?59eo, Kusumbha, s, plant, the Marvel of Peru, called also the four o'clock flower, mirahlis jalapa, [Colloq. ]d wanup or s>{K)csf, Kuldra-ge,=>iq^36 &20eSco, Kutdgdra-kukshiya, s. inside ai room on the top of a house. 859, Kudam, s. shed, rest-house, inn, [Colk)([. 033253306 tdndyama']. .q^esi^ Q^Q, Kunam-maduwa, s. establishment of palanquin bearers of the kings of Kandy. ^C33<^, Kupa-manduka, s, frog in a well, one ignorant of the world; one who never leaves hisi home. ^(^8, Kuruwa, s. the elephant department. (?>, Ke, pron, who, what, [Colloq. 8'S^(5^sI! kawarek], ^55o3, Kempd, s, plant, acalypha indica, [Coll()([. a5ac3><6ca kuppameniya^, (3*^53^^, Kembiju, 8, plant, cephalandra indica or coccinea, [Colloq. >5Ji)3 ^otra^i'd]. 779 \{S)3^3 ^s>(^ce, Kemliya, s same as S>0tC }cem(vela, which see. sos^aj, ^55C*3dC3) Kelatolld, s. idiot; driveller. S^^aS'CE^'S'^' Kelesgtrt,=(SQ\iSiQJS6 oSoica kaildsa- parwataya, s, mountain Kailasa, fabulous res- idence of Kuvera, and the favourite haunt of Siva. S^&s^QtS S)^Ss^e^, KeUs-berise , s. (s^ffl)3(^ ejidarii-tel^t >s)e33, Kesd, piarticle, what manner. S^aaQ Sg<^ Kesi-sidura, s- key-hole. lS^^os^W(^3^c5^ScB, Kekelgedtya, s. plantain fruit. S>)c3t-a^, Kelapemini, a. attained to perfection, arrived at the end. >05(3^Jc Kelamola, s. rice-pounder without the iron ring at the end. 9^SiQ(^^QtsS, Kelillefi, s. sitting on the hams; in a squatting posture. ^J)3dco, Kekdraioaya, s. cry of a peacock. S^^sJ^6, Kejideri, a, slender or unhealthy as a plant. 6^J^a)3C'C^3^' Ketumdldlankdra, s. ((3^J^ (lag, 3C' a vow, cp(3oa(5 alankdra an orna- ment) the rays proceeding from Buddha's head resembling a banner. >Jd, AVra, s. coconut, cocos nucifera, [Colloq. (3>OD^i>oZ]; plumbago, [Colloq. %<^6i5i mini- S>J(55^, Keramajja, s. stalk of a coconut branch, [Colloq. <3*ao^Q& polpitf\ S^5ci), Kesika, s. having fine or luxuriant hair, relating to the hair. >a55'<^&eS, Kaindarya, s. aromatic plant, rmirraya Koenigii, [Colloq. 3(58o8 karapincha~\. (36iJ55S>C3J8, Kaipottu, s. that which is put on the hand as an ornament or for defence. ^)83(5i, Kaiwdru, s. flattery, self-praise, boast- ing, bragging, (sometimes written oSQodi kayi- wdru) S>)3J333, Kokndwd, s. wolf. * s^53>, Koka, s, tree, cochlospermum gossypium, 3<5^t66c6 kiniktriya'], 3>)35>e3(^, Kokavisal, s. tree, alstonia scholaris, [Colloq. CJI5 33<5c8, Kotdraya, s. granary, treasury, store. s^5)^^a^s^ s)gco, Kotikan-wawuld, s. margin-eared bat. ffi5D25:f, Kotm,=^ssi3Q kota, v. having done. s^^asS, Kofi, s. sort of jasmine, _;'a7mnzfm sambaCt [Colloq. OTi9888 geta-pichcha'], 3oacJi,, Kotamburu, s. coriander, coriandrum sativum, [CoUoq. s^530aD(^(g kottamalli~\, (3^J3b^ kawareda, v. who. s^S)3^9, Kodiw, see sn)3S^tSi^tSii^Q kotenata, v, to what place. sv553<5s)D, Korahana, s. place where there are stones in river beds. S>a53(33xS3c5, Kolle-gas, s smaU thorny tree, eu- phorbia neriifolia, [Colloq. ^is^nA jjatuk']. S\a3JC> Kola, vocative particle, expression of con- tempt or disrespect=Sv3(3 bola, qps^S ade. (3>)3(3<35 (5(5Jotg3, Kolara-rogaya, s cholera. (3^5)3Gi^^, Kolaweddd, s. golden Paradoxitre. S*iSi3S^Q3io,.Kolopj)ama, s. row, stir: pi. s>>!> <3v(33doi) koloppam* (S>)O0e3C^, Kolos, s. the gum of the cdnarium zeylanicum, [Colloq. )ig kotvulld. e\sss^dtfi 780 ^a@^ (S^e^;^8g(5ica, Koseta-burumaya, s. gimlet. S^S5^^o^^(^ Kostdpal, s. Constable. (Eng.) ^iS)3iiQoQSss)3Q% kolam, s. antics, mimicry. (5>53(?3i)g(5c6, Kolompuraya, s. city of Colombo. *ffi)J9(3D^, Kokildksha, s. plant, harleria prio- nitis, [Colloq. 095 ikiri or 3^55d Xa/i- karandu^, eii5(3ii, Kogini, s. fire of anger. SN>J0($, Kdtara, s. hollow of a tree, [Colloq. oeJ s5JQ, Koduwa, s. first visit to a place. S\a)j5J(59, Korangi, s- small cardamoms, elettaria cardamomum, [Colloq. 9J65e33(^ sin-ensdQ. (S*SS}56<^, Koranda, s. plant, harleria prionitis, [Colloq. ffi)5<5 katukarandii^. e>3JC3co Kolaya, s, small grain or seed used by natives to put into their curries, sort of grass, trigonella fcenugracum, [Colloq. (^ 1683 uluwci]. oiS35, Kowdri, s. sarsaparilla, hemidesmus indi- CU8, [Colloq. 3i5cor karmdntakdrayan\. 5i(5S)9, Kdibawa, s. blackness, [Colloq. is>t>Q kaluwa~\. S5t(2x*^J Kelekordla, s. oflScer in charge of forests. i.Kit8, Keheta, Is. thin, lean, [Colloq. >&-5D, i)i, Kehetu, j ketiu^. 3x ^(43Sco, Kemd-almdriya, s, meat safe. isix^^, Kema-btma, s. food and drink. 3x 33C3> Kema-sdldwa, s. dining hall. ^J05So303, Krdntipdta, s. nodes of the ecliptic, equinoctial points. ^5J5D^9, Krtttrima, s. incense; adopted son; com- mon bit noben, [Colloq. osoegg^j^^a^sif-ZMMif]: a. made, artificial. * ^aC35S5, Kritaka, s. nitre, saltpetre, [Colloq. (J ga^^53M3, Kriskna-kdnta, s. loadstone, [Cell: is>oi^qB kdndamj. 45)3!^^CS, Krishia-tulasi, s. tree, nyctanthes arbor tristis, [Colloq. 3fis)C5 kalu-tald']. ssii&^S^^,Krtshna-nimbaka, 8. aromatic plant, murraya koenigii, [Colloq. esy6QeQ karapiticha'], 5as^e33as)59(3, Krishna-pdkaphala, 8. tree: see ^5> d karamba. )a^^6c9, Krishna-phald, s. plant, vernonia or serratnla anthelmintica, [Colloq, sS)Jas6 Krishna-mandalaya, s. pupil of the eye. iSi^^)i^62:^iSi'3y Kriahna-raktikd, \s. plant, wild 535Sa8SS^Qes), Krishna-sisaka, s. black lead, [Colloq. a5i)^ca kalu-zyarn]. 5a'a^33bO'2S33, Krishndiigand, s. black woman, fflaas^j^, Krtshndrjaka, s. medicinal plant, spilanthes acmella, [Colloq. tft:At(^Q akmella^. OaSao, Krishikarma, s, agriculture, ploughing. ssiQfSiiSi, Klitaka, s. liquorice plant, glycirrhiza glabrum, [Colloq. Qt(^ welmt^. is>^S3t&S)3, Klitakikd, s. indigo plant, [Colloq. F8c5 awariya']. SSQ, Klama, s. fatigue, weariness, [Colloq, s^S (3^55308 wehesa~\. -(j3wS^;5, Kshana-bhajigura, a. liable to break in an instant. aS<^g, Kshindsrawa, s. one who has overcome sinful passions. ^'Sid, Kshitija, s. Mars: a. earth-born. ^^dSc(?, Kshiti-mandala, e. earth, globe. *-(5Sa^, KsMra-wriksha, s. holy fig tree, j^icms reltgiosa, [Colloq. (^^S)JK)e5 bo-gas'j. ^c^-^Q, Kshirdrnawa, s, (4e3(5 ksMra milk, ^oS" arnawa ocean) the milky ocean. ^SS53, Kshirikd, s. tree, buchanania latifolia, [Colloq. 3(5ofi kirijjalu^. sMd^sxsij, KsMribhaktd, s. plant, ventilago made- raspatana, [Colloq. S^>3(3*S)J9Ji553 ^oSoit'a/fcyfca]. <2gg^cs, Kshudra-buddhiya^ s. little understand- ing: a. silly, ignorant, ^sggess), Kshudrasaha, s, medicinal plant: see go 2^e3, Kskupat s. small tree, bush, shrub. 2^dffi, Kahuraka, 8. tree, adenanthera pavonina, [Colloq. cj9c;(5)rf madaiiya-gas']. Svasia^, Kshe'ndra, s. wheat, [Colloq. ^3g <7'ra^?<]. |9^^S^55, Kshe'maka, s. small aromatic plant, kaemp- feria galanga, [Colloq. Qg(5i6c0(g singtiruptya- IQ ; sort of turmeric, curcuma zerumbet, [Colloq. jK)<55d')Sj ^araw/caAa]. !3^a55^3)egca, Kshema-bhumiya, } ._;!-N ft T^ I ' .1 ' fS' place of safety. !^^35@S{o^^^s^, Kshemasthana, J "^ q)3ScSs33C$, Khandahdra, s. whey, [CoUoq. s>JcJi a9d, Khanija, s, that which is produced from a mine, Q)(5s^C^>4a, Kharalohaka, s. brass, [Colloq. Sajea (3 pittala'\. ac5, Khalwa, s. horse gram, Madras gram, rfoZi- cAos biflorus, [Colloq. (3^)^(5s ^"o^^w], S)(g, Khali, s. kind of porridge, [Colloq. SiQO talapa"]. Qss^eaJ^S), Khdnodaka, s. coconut, cocos nucifera, [Colloq. S>33(j JiOl']. 32DD, Khinna, s. fatigued, wearied, <53o epes, Gan-asa, s, bank of a river, side of a river. sjo )a3&83, Gan-kanayd, s. kind of river fish. c5)oQ533S)3<5cB, Gaugddhdraya, s. river bed. eoodej, Ganjana, s. garlic, allium sativum, [Colloq. ^e^Q4!^ sudulunu^. (5)0 ODsSca, Gan-bittiya, s. bank of a river, [CoUoq. C30(3\CJ, Gangalo, s. climbing plant, tinospora cordifolia, [CoUoq. dea^S^ rasakinda']. (53g(^S5t@, Gangulheli,s. rapids, waterfalls, [Coll: ?tdC ella]. (5j(SJ^e55, Gangodaka, s. (ejeDooj g'a^^'a+O^' udaka) river-water. csid^, Gaja-chakra, s. (C3Jd tt67'a], (5)3, Gaduwd, s. roguish cat, [CoUoq. s^w^<5 QC^ hora-balald"]. <5)<5kS3xo, Ganddnta, s. ((5)-<, Ganapuraka, s. completing a chapter of priests. Gamidenu, s. dealings, receiving and giving. 3<5-Q5(5-<(5cfi3, Gattarayd, s. descendant of captives, or condemned thieves, etc.: pi. oooJoJcJi gattaru. ooDffi)(5-!sJ, Gammahe, s. a village headman, head- man of Veddas. (5) C3%"2Sc03, Gam-mulddeniyd, s, village head- man. <(5, Gamwara, s, gift of villages. <5)9e3, Gamwasam, a, belonging to a village* larana, 1 , , . . , , vs. robbmg villages. lenma, J C0@3 783 (S^e9 ooDess^, Gamsabe, s. a village council. 3592s:f^E<55:fcae:feo3, Gamanyannd, s. traveller, wayfarer. c55eo3S35)'S3, Gamandgamana, a. going and coming. iSjSejJ, Gayin, s. with a stanza. osScsafie^, Garbhapdtim, s. creeping plant, with handsome flowers, gloriosa suj)erba, [Colloq. e6coo(3D niyangald'\. (5>e83fli305, Garbhdsaya, s. womb, receptacle of the fcBtus. eocStQ, Garddi-weta, s. (cndo^ and x9 fence) rails. )(35cOffi53, Gardyakd, s. house-demon. (5)(35tS^Q2S393, Gardwetenawd, v. to fall down as by a flood, etc. (53<5;ffi)3c3C3S9, Gurukdpatti, 8. (ocJiaa garulca and jpofflS dpatti crime) a heavy crime for which a Buddhist priest is liable to be expelled from the priesthood. (5):Ji.S)3e3o, Garuddsana, s. one whose vehicle is Garuda king of the feathered tribes, epithet of Vishnu. Gal-anguru, s. coal. (53(^f4e*^, Gal-addo, s. workers in precious stones, lapidaries. (S)(;i {p2S3D6 s>5S*e3(^, Gul-dnawdlu-kesel, s. kind of plantain. (55(^3S3ce3, Gall-dsayd, s. villainous character, rogue, scamp. (5>d S^S53dac53, Gal-koraliyd,^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ po(^ in3C^e33, Gal-kossd, ) CD(^c55j33eo25icSSo63, Galgdnd-haugidiyd, s. chief of stone cutters under the Kandyan kings. cs3(^^S)c03, Gal-Utmbayd, s. kind of sea fish. (5)(^c3a3 s^cj^S), Galpalana-penuma, s. wedge used in splitting stones. (5)(^(3*O3cJ03, Galpotta, s. range or surface of rocks. (K)(^03S, Galpdsi, s. rock-moss. cn(^a ^d^> Galhada-elvi, s. kind of paddy. 053(^9(3, Gal-mala, s. coral flower. de' ^^^ common terminations of names of places, as efrdsis:)(;^eJ) Gallat-gama, s. a species of villages much in the nature of a ninda gama village and sometimes bearing that name. (S)(^(3c63, Galliyd, s. kind of sea fish. (5>d, Galwala, s. quarry, pit from which stones are cut or dig out. (55dte^ee, Gal-wessa, s. hail. TSiQo, Galati, 8. ginger, [Colloq. O^cJi inguru\. <53(3>, Galana, a. flowing, dropping, oozing. iSiQ-s^d, Gairakshrra, 8, cow-milk. S3(58S, Gawarapiri,a. full of gayals, bos gavceus: C553g gawdluka. s53S^9i533, Gawedhuld, 8. plant, grewia laevigata, [Colloq. (5>rft,(3cs(7ai"e7?>/a]; red chalk, [Coll: Q9o<5c5i 8twanguru]. (SitS(^SiOQsS, Gaskolan, s. trees and leaves, trees in general. sjrf^CcOj Gas-hilaya, 8. hole in a tree. (53t5?^6)es3:s, Gasbenaya, 8. cleft or hole in a tree. (SitS^isic,, Gasmandd, 8. a term for a Rodiya. cCTweag, Gahanaivu, a. thick, impervious, abound- ing in. <5553C> Gahamula, s. foot or root of a tree. (53(5>JSjJe9, Gahont, s. ornamental covers made of cloth to throw over a pingo-load of presents. (5)dc!gd)o, Galuguhiwd, see i5>^203. Gigumdenawd, v. to roar, to thunder. cSi^d, Gindara, | ^_ g^^^ Seoeo, Ginna, J (SsDS39o63, Ginnatiyd, s. kind of sea fish. s. impaspable places on <68gcS, Giridiirga, frocks. ^(3, Giltma, s. act of swallowing, act of sinking in water. (S^sSes, Gihildsa, s. duties of a householder or layman. cSjBSiS, Gihiwesi, s. layman. (9^fia3S>c5'5g583, Gitikdkaranawd, v. to sing. c^Q^cJi,, Gudaddru, "l 5. sugar cane, [CoUoq. (od S)3Q, Gundropanayakota, part, having attributed certain virtues; having given credit for the possession of certain virtuous qualities. (^^33, Gunita, a. multiplied (arithmetically), collected. <5

!)S^)d933C> Maha-mohottdlu, s. chief sec- retary. S3<5, Mahard, 8. kind of tree; same as QsiSc^ss mahari-ruka', fermented toddy. wgc3i, Mahalupevidt, s. ordination as a Bud- dhist monk of the superior order. S3^ C3D^(5, Mahale'-tanatura, s. officer of chief Secretary. S)gC) Mahawula, s. pillow. C03O3ce, Mahdkdya, 8. the great body. Sfioj^e^o, Mahddbhiita, a. very wonderful or un- common. K3e3^, Mah'd-patra, s. red variety of the castor oil plant, recinus communis, [Colloq. dcJt&c5i rat~e'!idaru~\. SwDsS, Mahdrha, a. costly, valuable; very worthy. * 85J3es3<5, Mahdsdra, 8. tree, species of santalum, [Colloq. >dS^6 kalu-kthirQ. K)3S33S^, Mahdsdivadya, a. very wrong, faulty, 56a5, Mahimaya, 8. glory, power, dignity honour, greatness, grandeur. ^C33C Mahipdla, s. protector of the earth; king. (3^es)d3ss8, Mahotsawa, s. great festival or occa- sion of public rejoicings. 5gd, Malakura, s. (+q!^gc5 akura) term applied to mute consonants, ?'. e, consonants without the inherent vowel sound attached to them, e. g. -ed k, kh, isS g, etc. [Colloq, ^^ 1^93^6 al-akura], So5, Malapata, s, ( dead-f C3a leaf, writing) letter announcing the death of any person; obituary. 3ffi3<5(5, Mdkadara, s. garlic, allium sativum, [Colloq. gSg Mdtali, s. plant, jiisticia adhatoda, [Colloq. pe)3^5DJa)3 dddtodd"]. 3-a9^Qj' 814 |g@^^ 3-59>oJ4B>, Mdtuposhaha, s. one wlio supports own mother, 3SNa3(g^, Mdtelijjd, s. kind of sea fish. 3a)(3033, Mddhavi-latd, s. creeping plant, liquo- rice, [Colloq. i(^ welmt], D:fs>S383, Mdnwenawd, v. to split in two, as the head (vulgar). j-^gaaSoojsco, Mdnushddhipatyaya, s. supremacy over men. 3>Qe8, Mdnusa, Pali form for man. i)3S^3(5 ^Cj Mdnel-ala, s. root of the white esculent water lily, nymphcea stellata. Saoes, Mdpasa, s. my side. 90D, Mdpd, s. a rank, prime minister or viceroy; also, a form of swearing by one's self. 9^, Aldmada, s. plant, acorus calamus^ [Colloq. 85)ao wadakaha]. 3gg:5j.ffi>, Mdyuruka, s. wood apple, feronia ele- phantum, [Colloq. (^ diwuV]. 3<5laj, Mdrut, s. plant, euphorbia entiquorum, [Colloq. ^Jg-esJ daluhl; ^^^^ ^^ beautiful flower, rosa sempierjlorens, [Colloq. esgQed^sewMi^aw- di, or dJea r6sa\. _ 3des, Mdresa, s. beams of the moon, 3C5)j<5c63, MdlaJckdrayd, s, flower seller. 3C*S339S3, Mdlagowwd, s. flower keeper, gar- dener, 3@, il/aZi, see 9CJicJ mdrut. 93(33 cezogco, Mdlimd-yantraya, s. mariner's compass. 36^^325^50, MdsTcanna, s. crop for the co TwaAa season of paddy harvest. 3c63J)doS33, Mitiyanharanawd, v. to clinch a nail. ^3^53S^9e, Mmikondola, s, ear-ringa set with gems. <^>g(^, Mmimewul, s. girdle set with gems. <3^{6S I, Minihiri-ioewa, s. tank Minihiri, commonly called is\e5:J8co minneriya. 6j2oK)3S-oJ^5>, MithydUkay s. false light. 6DSef4g, Mithyd-he'tu, s. false cause. innambu, 1 co&)(5i^e^, Mtyandurusitsma^ 8. deep sigh. I fully. iSed^D^, Mininnambu, 1 s. midwife, [Colloquial: z^ meweni, s\i) p)3(5 me- dkdra. go0ccs, M{-p)atalaya, s. honey-comb; bee hive. 3C6, Mipaya, same as 9 a 3 wzjoa. (avQssa, Mibona, s. drinking honey. 9i^(^C> Mi-wedella, s. bee hive; honey-comb, go3, Munmd, s. deceit. goSss^s)!, Mufimdkota, s. having deceived. gocgea, Munyusa, s. pease porridge, pease soup; water in which pkaseolus mungo has been boiled. o:f, Munwan, a. having the colour of go rmin, phaseolus mungo, or green gram. gcsxotfcB, Muggaraya, s, club: see <5j^, Muwa-nosehenase , s. unspeak- ably, words being insufficient to express. ^S>^, Muwen, s. with the mouth. 3ee)S), Mustaha, s. fragrant grass, ci/pertis rotun- dus, [Colloq. S)(33gc5l kaldndwu], Jee^, Musal, see gese micshala, gC> Muhula, s. hair: see also, e53(^ mi'ina- mal. jgod(533D3e^, Mudujyaragdndse, adv. like the roaring of the sea. I^QeJgsj, Mudubatiouha, v. they became a prey to the sea, i. e. they were drowned in the sea. ^gg4^, Mudu-lunu, s, sea salt. ^5>Qi^siia, Mulochchhtnna, a. utterly destroyed, altogether cut ofF. >^9, Metuta, s, peacock. ^SeC5^^^e6e^^^, Meheni-sasna, s. nunnery, college of priestesses or nuns. >SS)c3i), Meheyam, v. to command, to direct, to drive, to dispatch. <^eri3^8}, Me-enneioah, . phrase meaning ' what a bore or nuisance is this " ! " this is very annoying." ^Dc5^, Mekaru, s. servant, cook. ^9)93, Me-nimawanawd, v. to take meals, to eat (used respectfully). !>(^, Mel, s. clerk, writer. Moliotti-nile, s. post of Clerk. s>SDSxeo3tf, Mohora, s. (eo maha-\-^6 urd) great rampart==eojg3>3<5co mahd-prdkdraya, SnSJ, Mochi, 8. medicine prepared from the refuse of the seeds of the bassia longifolia, after the oil has been expressed, [Colloq. cJi mi~ muruwata']. {3\SJsS3j<^i^?D, Mohodbhuta, a. caused by ignorance. '3N)aoS ocsa, Maurya-wansa, 8. Mayurya race. tJ, Meduwan, 8. straw. t Yama-hala, s. (ca Yama, regent of the death, and siQ house) house or abode of Yama, Indian Pluto. 05, Yawata, s. (ca iron, Q ball) ball of iron, [Colloq. c6ffl)a) c^Qcz yakada-gidtya], cs8^^, Yawaddni, see zaQQo^TiSi yawadkdnyaka. co35<5-c8^, Yemi, v. I say; I go. C0(3C33(3J, Yelaydlak, s. one and a half cooQ ydla or thirty Amunams of grain. >c036Js>, Yotta, s, wooden trough for baling water with a long handle. Scs3d'9f, Yonhindi, see (S^zziisi <^^ yon-indi. (Svce3(5>sjD^, Yohombu, s. species of jasmine, jasmi- num sambac, [Colloq. 83^ pichchamal']. (5do3cs, Rajatamaya, a. made of silver, silvery. 6dqi^, Eajadat, .s. ujjper and foue-tooth, applied to the two middle ones. (59, Rattu, s. foreigners, outsiders, strangers. <5-jd, Ratandgdra, s. house where gems are deposited. dor^C' Rcitembula, s. species of water lily, nym- phcea lotus. 6s3iti^6, Ratesdara, s. one who has red eyes, devil in general. <5ag(53(3>S, Randhragaweshi, s. one who hunts for the faults of others. <52d's3x55, Ranset, s. golden caparison. <5S3, Rambd, s. plantain, one of the apsaras or courtezans of Swarga. <59cSD, Rawhina, s. god, planet Mercury, [Colloq, Q<5g3 budahuj. dBiSiis^i^xfg^, Ravikinne, s. violin, (Portuguese or Dutch). deegesi, Rasandun, s. sort of collyrium, prepare( either with the calx of brass, or with th( amonium anthorrhiza. de53ee0j^, Rasdswdda, s. enjoyment of taste, [Coll <5e3^i) rasavindtma^. c^^9, Rdlcshasi, s. female demon, female imp. c5c53e6^C3, Rdga-fiisrita, a. calculated to excitj sensual desire. ^e^ge^Mcs, Rdja-pujyaya, a. worthy of bein| honored by kings. c^e^(5)3<5, Rdjdgdra, s. royal mansion. (Sdidi, Rdjdrdma, s, royal garden or park. c^g, Rdmadidu, s. place where toddy is sold tavern. c^Q^o, Rdmasuta, s. assafsetida, [Colloq. ^odi ) 3 c j>erM%^'?/a7n]] . c^gQ, Rdmuwa, s. frame of wooden work. (^1)03, Rdmuwd, s. kind of large sea fish. <^8o8, Rdwayu, s. soxind, noise. <^9(5ca, Rdwaraya, s. moisture. (^c csj-rt^eD, Rdsi-ganana, s. proportion. 5^ted33e33(338, Rikwest-nadusdldwa, s. Cour of Requests. ,, I * 6c5, Rediperedi, s. clothes, (3>5Q3 <53<^0333e3@cfl, Re'khd-ganitusdsti'aya , s Geometry. |^^5cg0, Beguwa, s. custom-house. , Lawaga, s. forest on fire, conflagration of a forest; wood on fire. (;*9-^8, Ldkirt, see qdsoS) Idkada, (=3253c5, Ldnaya, s. ((53 to take) act of taking, [Colloq. >3<3 Liyakomala, a, soft like a creeper. 3^(3e:J<^<^, Len-em, part, having run through the heart, as a weapon used by an enemy. S>(^^i?^, Leken, s> large quantity of blood. S(^Qe3 9, Lekhana-charma, s. skin on which to write, [Colloq. Q^s^oss Ityana-harn]. ?(^S)e33<533dc3, Le'khandgdraya, s. oflice where one writes. ;>C39aD3, Lotatana, s. tender paps. ^Q:ici(S)io, Lot gn-oa. see (3*C'^^C lotsumbida. S'C'S'Qf^o, Lowturd, a, eminent in the world, epithet of Buddha, as opposed to oGdrs:f Pase Budun, a secondary or inferior Buddha. S^e^>co3, Lokayd, 8. the world, meaning tho inhabitants of the world, people iii general. *C^^^*^) Lokumbu-nire, s. a hell so called. '?>Ci(S^Jc38<5, Loke'swara, 8. (s^C^aa l6ka-\-d'<:^6 iswara') chief of the world, 9Q6'^is^S^Q<^,Ldkddbhawaya, s. origin of the world. s>cio<333, Lopalld, 8. king, sovereign, [Colloq. 6d raja"]. Cx5, Lemada, s. bosom, breast. (2i, Levi, 8. archer, bowman. ) 9o>3ed, Wanko8, s. very young jack fruit, com- monly called (S^zi09^Q3tS polos* >K, Waktawya, adj. fit to be said, [Colloq, aBcBggcJo kiyayuttal^. 9W38, Waktri, 8. speaker. r(F>e3>3, Wakagasanawd, v, to bend, to make crooked; to gather up the limbs, [Colloq. 89 )(5<3Sf93 wakutukaranawd^, 9(5)3455<5-a3J, Wanapot, s. committing to memory. S>ccJs>(;^T'^, Wayokalydna^ s. one of the five perfections of a woman, perpetual or unfading youth, appearing as if she had borne only one child, although mother of ten children. ds 818 ^ (BQaeOas, Wargabandhana, s. coming together as a ilock of birds, etc. S<556<5, Warahamihira, s. a philosopher so called. 8(^(3, Walliba, s. a kind of pumpkin. 8C<5), Walata, s. skirts of a forest or jungle, rCoUoq. Qes3m3S>d(Jiwandntarai/a'], S(3<5, Walada, s. a spot. 8(;^csS)<5 Waldpardtiyd, 8. kind of sea fish. 8c)8ca, Waldpiya, v. evaded. Sesajoesjg, Wasantabhadra, s. Indian cuckoo or kokila. * es, Wasama, s. division of a district over which a headman is placed. )e3S^3J, Wasawenawd, r. to turn out to be a poison. e33(35c^)3, Wasdi'djikd, see esas^do^ wasdroda. g3S Wasuchchhidrd, s. common bamboo, bambusa vulgaris, [Colloq. Q-^syeS unagas~\. 8^e56c8253, Wasun-piyana s. lid placed over pots containing a pingo-load of rice. C32d<5t, VFa^awrfe',=cs>eJs*5(53, wahanseld, s. an honorific mode of addressing Buddhist priests. e5)(5s)ts> Wahal-habaya, s. king's court. 8:8 Sa^, Wahirwriddha, s. growing from without, exogenous. 8Dij5ge5<<5Jt5, Wdkya-prasangaya, s. connected language or discourse, connected reasoning or argument. Sa^aas^ccJdeao, Wdkya-yojand, s. construction of a sentence. 83eoa)S)<5ca, Wdgdambaraya, s. graceful or el- oquent language. SDesjij-s^escfi, Wdgdan^anaya, s. reproof, re- primand; restraint or control of speech. 3crfs^4'^' Wdgdeioatdwd, s. the god of lan- guage, Vrihaspati. 8jsco4^> Wdgdevi, . name of Saraswati, goddess of speech. DGoiog, Wdg-mdtpa, s. mere speech, words alone. 3(5)8S3C5cs, Wdgwyawahdraya, s. use of words. DvS^Qsooad, Wdgwydpdra, s. manner, style or habit of speaking, customary phraseology. QdS(sS)6, Wdgiswara, s. orator, learned man. ae?, Wdji, s. a sort of plant, (physalis fioxuosa)\ Withania somnifera, [Colloq. 3D, Vitdna, \ s. one of the four villag Ss33>S3(35c, Vitdnardla, > headmen under th 96)3<5-ts:J-33cS3, Viddna-hmayd, s, headman of th Washer caste in the Kandyan country. ^f- @^3 819 (SdiQe\fSii oeo, Vinna, s, grove (Skt. 8a3 wanya), as in (3>53rfSS3SD hosvinna, eoDS-arjca ndvinna, names of villages, so called probably from the large number of jack, or iron wood trees, etc. found iu them. Sgc^Wj Vipralambha, s. disappointing or deceiv- ing by a false affirmative or by not keeping a promise; separation, especially of lovers; dis- union, quarrel. 8c6J, Vibhawdnurupayen, adv. ac- cording to one's wealth or ability. Sifleseso, Vibhisana, s. brother of Ravana. 9(S>!j5D(3>(^, Viyole, s. violin, fiddle. (Dutch.) ^(S'S?*^^^* Vilikun-kadali, s. ripe plantain. Ss^C'C' Vilola, a. shaking, tremulous, unsteady. gj(a3(33, Visrdma-sdldwa, s. rest-house, inn, caravansera. (^^cs^(5a, Vislesha, s. separation of lovers, dis- union; disjunction. ScjQoes (38a)a<5^co, Viswdsa-uchchdranaya, s. the Creed. S(3^K33, Viswesa, Is. lord of the world, s^cf^^(5^)(5, Visweswara, J [CoUoq. s^QSsi eoJcos) loka-ndyaka"]. 333(30, Visdldf s. city Oujein; kind of cucumber, large variety of the cucumis pubescens, [Colloq. ws^fioaesisJitSS maha-gonkekirt'\. 8(S'S', Visi'rna, a. dried up, withered, wasted, impaired, decayed. eg^ qQS, Visvddha-lawana, 8. very pure salt. 3>oda>3^co, Vise'shdrthaya, s. special meaning, peculiar sense. GsSffiJ3ooc6, Vtsamabhdgaya, s. improper fraction. Bdi^-s^^, Viskrinna, s. small biscuits. i5<^G3, Visadrisa, a. unlike, dissimilar. SScJos, Visitta, 8. visit. (Eng.) Sc5c5s))32)cac83, Visitte-yanawd, v. to go on a visit. SoeDoo, Vtla?iga, s. climbing anthelmintic shrub, erycibe paniculata^ [Colloq. ctoesac^ walanga- sdV^. 8S)gp(58, Vibadvrdrachchi, s. an Arachchi attached to the paddy-tax department. SS)gd> Vtbadu-le'kama, 8. a ^vriter of the paddy wattoru. S^g, Weda-jnawu, see oj^cse wan-^pala. S*)qs)^, Wedahal, s. medical hall, hospital. 8>s54a', Wenkata, a, Sri, wife of Vishnu, [Colloq. ^)3xn38 srikdntdwa]. ^S3^, Wenadd, adv. on other days, usually. i^8(;^gdc63, Weldurayd, s. Irrigation headman of the low caste. e>8(5, Welmuda, see eo5, Wel-vtddne, s. Irrigation headman. S'Q^fsJ^Sicao, Wedasdkshikayd, s. Martyr. s>S(5i)es330c8, We'rambha-wdtaya, 8. wind blowing one yoduna above, or blowing from the four quarters. S\9Qgl, We'lavtma, s. causing to dry up. (3^^C3i*, Waitulyaioddi, 8. Buddhist schis- matics, who held heterodox opinions. Sts30B^, ^abddnusdrayen, s. in conformity with or in accordance with the sound, dJ03, ^tro-vtrechana, s cleansing and cooling the head by medicinal applications. (9C533(5, ^ishydnusiahya-parampa- rdioa, s. succession from pupil to pupil of a Buddhist priest, pupillary succession. egScSi^eoSjeocc, Suddhaginisthdnaya, s. purgatory. (K. C.) eg 13^533, Sushkd, s. foam of the sea [CoUoq. gg s^O'SJ mildu-pena'\ cS3i'^<5, SunydksJiara, s. empty letters, letters which are mere cyphers or useless. g8-gscco-S5(5-^siQ reskala], e3^a5, Sannata, a. checked, restrained, controlled, bound, (Pali form of Sanskrit esococj sanyata). 3daa)3C633, Sajjhdyand, s. reading, recital, (Pdli). es3ffi5, Satawaka, which is sometimes written esiS aa setawaka, s. sixth day of a lunar fortnight. esc5i3305, Satkarmaya, s. Sacrament. es6Jg333:), Santdnawenawd, 2^. to make peace with, e32s5i6s3S) (f^Jso, Sanmpdta-una, s. Typhoid fever. 63^9 o Q%^^, Sanipa-putuwa, s. easy chair. i&tssi'S^'S>')^'iS}csi'S^^at,Saptabauddhdnga-dharmaya, s. (KKiO seven, s>'si)')cp^ baiiddha Buddhist, cpocj anga qualification or attainment, Si^ dharma duty or religious practice) viz. 1. e833 samddhi, 2. S3^ satt, S. Q& prt'tt, 4. oQ^ jmnchaddhi, 5, SScc viriya, 6. aSSco dhamma-vichaya^ 7. Q'^oisSii ujyekkhd. e5e;s3S&)<5o3e3ca, Saptavidha-ratnaya, s. the seven gems or treasures of a Chakrawarti king, viz4 chariot wheel, wife, jewel, elephant, horse, son,; prime minister, ae3a33s]to, Saptdnga, s. the seven attributes or requisites of a kingdom, viz. the king, the minister, an ally, treasure, territory, fortress, and an army. 668^9, Sapint, s, sort of bindweed, ipomcea triden- tata, [Colloq. pc3^g dpasu-madu]. 65^, Sambukkuwa, s. whip. S2^dis:i ^^3Q3CiS^og8, Sarwopadrawa, a. all misfortunes, all afflictions. ee(S>)Jo5cee>, Sarwoparistha, a. (esS sarwa all, (^08 apart over, cc6 stha standing) standing over all supreme being. esc5, Saradi, s. tree, alstonia (or eckitis) scholartSf [Colloq. c5iJ cp>20253 rM^-aana]. 'esdcCKf, Sarayan, s. sergeant. e3(^^, Sardgi, s, one subject to lust, sensual, lascivious. e3(5l8a5, Saruwat, s. sherbet. ss(S^6iQ6, Sarowara, s, noble lake. eoc. Salasma, s. small tree, cartceva Roxburghii, or c. religiosa, [Colloq. g Saldgama. s. another term for people of the Chaliya caste. fiaC3> Saldm, s. a salutation. tsQuSiS, Saldris, 8. commission allowed at a Fiscal's sale. esSoS, Sawdri, e, drive as in a carriage. cs(^8df, Sawodi, s. toast. es9<0J^g<5-^ upadesa advice) counsels about health, a book so called. _ ; gs55o3, Sujdta, a. well born. g(5eflo8c3, Supn'm-usdviya, s. Supreme Court. 5969, Sumbuluwa, s. coil or roll of cloth used as a padding by the carrier of any load or weight, [Colloq. ^<5^katuwelbaiu']', plant, alyssi- carpus bupleurifolius, [Colloq. c^rf9xi3 aswen- na] ; knot-grass, wrua lanata or illecebrum lana- tum^ [Colloq^, S^ao^OQ^ poljyald^; plant, trebulus languinosus, [Colloq. S^(55^) gokatv^. g9s*rfes45)S^ccJ, Suvisesakayo, s. Evangelists. g9srfc3c3, Suvtse'saya, s. Gospel. (R. C.) SSd Suhumbul, a, growing luxuriantly. ggdiQg, Suhurubadu, s> brother-in-law, [Colloq. e^Qes33 massind^, gcaSoaesa, Sdrya-tdpaya, s. heat of the sun. gaS3e3c6, Surya-mdsaya, s. solar month. g<5c53, Stirayd, s. a shrewd man, a cunning man. gear, Suseta, s. sixty four. ves^ojSrf, Sekratdris, s. Secretary. (Eng.) see3g:f, Senasun^ s. dwelling, residence, etc. SNe3e)g, Sebadu, s. pea-hen, [Colloq. (9>)e), Sokade, s. clappers of bambu tied around the necks of cattle. S, Spardhdkarana, a, rivalling, vying, surpassing. SGQeg, Sprituwa, s. Spirit. C69^ee3es5^, Spntu-sdntu, s. Holy Spirit. (R. C.) ee<5^)Strfe3, Smarandrthaka-chihna, s mark for the sake of remembrance, memento. eee52o38c5, Swechchlidwen, adv. of one's own free-will. GO SD^aoSs, Hanginawd, v. to think, to suppose. KoD;5SoS32d^oB, Hataraman-handiya, 8, place where four roads meet. ^5iJg, Hatt-kekkuma, s. shortness of breath, panting. e^ 823 <* 8j^)2s:fi(3, ffaudakan-beb'ma, 8. inspection of horoscopes. *^, Han, part, of cnf 2S33 hatultnawd,=tsi^e3:i (5^ handandlada, or ^f 33c<5 ajidindlada, worn, put on as a garment. 5jc:f<5, Handd, particle, same as taisSq^ sandd, on account of. 5)j^g<5i, Handuni, s. caste so called, Vellala: see >(5)j9c5 goyigama, ^od^tfoQa, Habakaranawd, v, to quarrel. (5>*&33, Habawenawd, v. dispute arises. 5D9)9a, Hambdwd, s. flying squirrel. SjcoSg, Hayartpu, see 50csc5ig haya-rupu. (<5Jc553C> Harak-gdla, s. cow-pen, fold for cattle. K><5ca, Haraya, 8. (in arithmetic) divisor, denomin- ator of a fraction. <5e^D>3, Haraswund, v. came across. eaSjr, Hariya, s. extent. fo8(Si%'SiiSi63Js3C6, Halpatdhkaya, s. outer verandah. 8j^ e3, Hal-pittu, s. kind of cake prepared from the fruit of the hal tree, vateria acuminata. 8j(^gi)C Hal-dummala, s. resin of the hal tree. fOQCiozq, Halatsada, s. Elu form of tOQ^tsxi tsaS)^ halanta-sabda, which see below. iC*50D (sa'S)^, Halanta-sabda, 8. (aoc* hal-\-tfcys) anta and csQi^) in grammar, a noun that has its base ending in a consonant: as, Qti jmt, son; S^s)9s5 gon, ox, 9, ZTaw, s. Elu form of tt330co bhdwaya, which see. bSjSSco, Hawktrtya,='Si3t)i^ai'3Q bhdwa-kriydwa, word expressive of a state or the abstract idea, verbal noun. S)(^0(5i, Hawaswaruiva, s. afternoon. eaScf s^Seo}, Hawaswenawd, v. evening comes on. iSidssi6, Haskara, part, having stamped, [Colloq. ^^i}6si6Q'3 muddarakarald^. );'aac> Hastatala, s. the palm. assegcJi, Ha8akuru, s. grammatical term applied to the thirty-four consonants of the Siiihalese Alphabet commencing from ka and ending with CO ha 5063, Hasala, p. part* learnt, instructed, familiar with. eogc5ia393, Hasttruwanawd, v. regulate; cause to act or move, eog^iesaa, Hasurusana, s. snapping the fingers. aojiSiSjd^jSSa, Hdnikaranawd, v. to destroy. (B3(^o:J Qg' Ildlpan-piduma, s. sprouting of the rice-rush (or club rush) applied to a paddy disease, a blight which affects the young paddy plants, due to the prolonged rains. From want of sun the young plant fails to mature the ear and a shoot of grass appears in its stead. KJ3e8c^3ass, Hd8yajanaka, 1 . ridiculous, cal- wDS'eaajaJoacjao, Hdsyotpddaka, j culated 'to raise laughter, [Colloq. ?9>3 (5C3S, Hinsere, adv. slowly, ;9a3irfc33, Hinessd, s. tall, thin person. ^escSgoB, Hlpagiliya, s, quiver, [Colloq. (?S^>3g9 ikopuwa], (9g(5, Hiwura, see c9csg<5 hiyawura. c9(^>i)gc8, Hi-lekam-mitiya, 8. Register of ploughed lands. According to some authorities it is a corrupt form of ?92d '?(^399:s ^/n- le'kam-mittya, Minor or Supplementary Register. g<*effi)g5i, Huna-kapuru, s. same as ((S^aJegd una-makulu, which see. _ ^^5 .2g<3>a3Je>3, hudak e 8alruk-deka matunoweyi,=S3iSiiSi6 'S os^otc^ s^^^5^ o^fd 824 ^a^S) 33(5>S3 tanihara e saigas deha pamanak nowe- yi, not only those two trees to the exclusion of others. gorfeo, Hunasna, s. {^tsS hun been, sJ, //(?', pron. that: same as (ff e. vtsf 9ce, Hetwawayawa, "> s. term in Logic to t5J2?sJ<5-tsf3, Hemd, see >tsf 33 hemayi. S*tsfS, He'insi, s. tom-tom beating. iS>tsf99e55Caa39i, Hevisi-gahanawd, v, to beat tom- tom as in a procession or occasion of a religious festival, (3^5533=) S)Sc03, Hotabariyd, s. pig. 15)3^ eo3^ f!3, Honda-ammd, s. feminine of above. seoJe>3, Hotambxtwd, s. reddish mungoose, SeoJ3ce3, Hoyiyd, interj. hurrah (expressive of triumph), sjz^, Heda, see C3ttSI(S5, Hembili-haiuwa, s. needle used in stitching a betel-bag, 5jl^, Hemaddma, adv, every day. ; wt{J, Hemadima, 1 s. sweeping, as with a S)ig, Hemadwna, /broom, [CoUoq, ^^ssx atugema], Sit^Q, Ilella, s. cold, coldness, [CoUoq, cSocg-sSSce sita-gunaya, QsiQ sitalay, also, eddy or rapids. WiCO, Helapa, s. kind of food prepared from millet, asji,8d, Hesiravi'ma, 8. regulating. K>xdC Hella, s. [CoUoq,] ''rigmarole,": pi. mxQ hell. enaije8jg3Egi 2 2. * FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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