PALMER & REV SPECIMEN BOOK SAM FRANCISCO* Los ANGELES; & TYPE FOUNDERS PRINTERS' ARMS. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Los ANGELES, CAL. PORTLAND, OREGON. 46 TRIBUNE BUILDING. NEW YORK. .JSAN FRANCISCO; NEWSPAPER UNION. PALMER & REVS THIRD REVISED SPECIMEN BOOK .. PRICE LIST PRINTING MATERIAL 1887 FOUNDRY AND WAREHOUSE, 405 SANSOME STREET SAX FRANCISCO. CAL. PLEASE NOTICED QUOTATIONS throughout this book are subject to ^ change from time to time, and every party requir- ing material should communicate with us, and secure an estimate at the lowest prices at time of purchase. Yours truly, PALMER & REY. TO THE TRADE, (N presenting to the trade a new edition nf nur SpecimEn Book, we invite attention tn its nnnipleteness in every detail, enabling the printer to select a complete outfit in every department of his business, WB show not only the styles and faces manufactured at our own foundry, but the choicest selections from tha leading foundries of the United States, All the new ideas of the day will be shown regularly an the PACIFIC PRINTER which will serve us as a sup- plement to our specimen book, Please avoid the mutilation of this book by cutting, Send us the full title of any size and style of type or number of cut, and we will guarantee correct filling of order, Any article shown in this book "will be promptly supplied on order, Grateful far the patronage of the past, we hope to merit Its continuance through strict devotion to the varied interests of the craft in all its branches, PALMER & KEY. PROPERTY PALMER&HBf. INDEX A Business Talk 17-20 Acadian 115 Acadian No. 2 115 Aldine 51 Amalgamated Script 123 Antique Extended No. 3 57 Antique Extended No. 1 57 Antique Title 57 Antique Condensed No. 4 59 Antique Pointed 60 Antique Extended No. 4 65 Aquatint 155 Arabesque 61 Arboret No. 2 149 Architectural Combination 217 Athenian 104 Auroral .154 Auxiliaries, Series 3 15)0 Auxiliaries, Scries 2 H>1 Auxiliaries 224 Banner Border No. 2 213 Belle Script 121 Belle Script No. 2 121 Black Star Letter Combination 218 Black Ornamented No. 3 168 Black Condensed No. 3 1(58 Boston Script . . . 124 Boldface Celtic 69 P.raxs Rule 225 to 239 Celtic No. 4 102 ( '< ipperplate ..... 150 Campaign 151 Crayon 152 Chinese 164 Card Backs, Signs, Tints, Etc 216 Combination Border No. 1 L'12 Combination Border No. 2 212 Combination Border No. 3 212 Combination Border No. 4 212 Coi ul lination Border No. 5 212 Combination Border No. 6 212 Combination Border No. 89 216 Combination Border No. 24 214 Combination Border, Series 91 189 Combination Series, No. 3 192 Combination Ornaments, Series 5. . 183 Combination Ornaments, Series 8. . . .182 Combination Ornaments, Series 9. ... 184 Comb. Orient Border, Series 90 188 Card Ornaments, Series 1 186 Card Ornaments, Series 2 186 Card Ornaments, Series 3 187 Card Ornaments 180 Chicago Script 129 ( 'ircular Gothic 95 ( Mrrous 141 Clarendon 61 Clarendon Compressed 62 Clarendon Compressed 63 Clarendon Extended 57 Cleveland Script 121 Concave 67 Circular Italic 27 Combination Gothic No. 1 78 Combination Gothic No. 2 78 Combination Gothic No. 3 78 Combination Gothic No. 4 78 ( 'ombination Gothic No. 5 78 ( '( Midensed No. 1 53 Condensed No. 4 50 Condensed No. 5 50 ( 'ondensed Antique No. 2 58 Condensed Antique No. 4 58 Condensed Antique No. 5. . 58 ( 'ondensed Antique No. 6 58 Condensed Aldine. . 54 ('ondensed Aldine 55 Condensed Athenian 105 Concave Condensed 66 Condensed Geometric 107 ( 'ameo Shaded. 146 ( 'opperplate Italic Ill ( 'urved Antique 73 Daisy Border 196 Daisy Border No. 2 197 Daisy Border No. 3 197 Diagonal Card Black 14(5 Doric 60 Doric Shaded 156 Double Scored Gothic 96 Eastlake 114 Elzevir 26 Extra Condensed 53 Extra Condensed No. 3 51 Egyptian Extra Condensed 77 Klbcron 157 Estimate for Job Office . 12 Explanation of the Interchangeable System of Bodies 13-15 Eisfs 224 Four-line Pica Ornamental No. 1.. . . 168 French Ionic . . 75 INDEX. French Antique 70 Logotypes 224 French Clarendon 70 Logotypes 240 French Clarendon Extended 77 Latin Antique 74 Gladiate 113 Lightfaee Celtic 101 Grecian 59 Lightfaee Condensed Celtic 99 Geometric 100 Lightfaee Extended 56 Geometric Italic 107 Ladies' Hand Script 122 Geometric Gothic IK) Law Italic 109 Gothic No. 2 80 Latin Italic 110 Gothic No. 2 87 Lightfaee Runic 08 Gothic No. 4 79 Light-face Roman No. 2 47 Gothic No. 5 82 Light-face Roman No. 3 47 Gothic No. 7 81-5 Light-face Roman No. 4 47 Gothic No. 9 80 Light-face Roman No. 5 47 Gothic No. 9 81 Lakeside Script 127 Gothic No. 10 84 Logotypes, Series 1 . . 198 Gothic No. 11 85 .Manhattan 73 Gothic No. 12 90 Modoc 142 Gothic ( 'ondensed No. 2 92 Moxon 159 Gothic Condensed No. 3 92 Motto 145 Gothic ( 'ondensed No. 4 93 Mentor 100 Gothic Condensed No. 6 94 Mexzotint 1(57 Gothic Condensed No. 7 91 Modern Antique 70 Gothic Condensed No. 8 91 Modern Antique Wide 71 Gothic Extra Condensed No. 1 94 Modern Antique Condensed 72 Gothic Extra Condensed No. 2 93 Mezzotint Condensed 107 Gothic Italic No. 3 94 Maltese Crosses 224 Gothic Italic No. 4 94 Mother Hubbard 160 Gothic Italic No. 4 98 Mother Hubbard 101 Graphic Text 137 Media-val Initials, Series 100 222 Heavy Poster Roman No. 2 48 Medi;eval Initials, Series 101 223 Heavy Poster Roman No. 3 48 Manuscript No. 1 126 Heading Script No. 1 125 Manuscript No. 2 126 Heading Script No. 2 125 Normandy K53 Heading Script No. 3 125 Newspaper Cuts . . 175 Horizontal Shade 153 Newspaper Cuts 170 Holly Wood Type 200 Norman Condensed 102 " Border 288 Newspaper Estimates . 11 Price-list 265 Newspaper Headings 169 Ionic (54 Newspaper Headings 170 Ionic No. 2 04 Newspaper Headings 171 Ivy 141 Newspaper Headings 172 Illyrian 139 Newspaper Headings 173 Ideal 144 Newspaper Headings 174 Inclined Antique 108 New Metal Flourishes 194 Inclined Boldface 108 Obelisk . . 158 Intial Black 133 < )xonian 103 Imprint Celtic. 102 Octic 88 Interline Flourishes 193 Octic 89 Initials, Series 32 220 Old Style Antique 1 IS Initials, Series :;.'! 220 Old Style Bold 120 Initials, Series 34 220 Original Borders 200 Initials, Series 35 220 Original Borders 201 Initials, Series 30 220 Original Borders 202 Initials, Series 37 220 Original Borders 203 Initials, Series 38 221 Original Borders 204 Initials, Series 39 221 Original Borders 205 Initials, Series 40 221 Original Borders 206 Initials, Series 41 221 Original Borders 207 Initials, Series 42 221 < >riginal Borders 208 Initials, Series 43 221 Original Borders 209 Index to Wood Type back of book. Original Borders 210 Karnac ..14;} Octagon Inclined . .162 INDEX. Old Style Condensed No. 3 117 Old Styles Faces 23, 24, 25 Old Style Italic, No. 3 2<> Old Style, No. 3 28 Old Style, No. 14 30 Old Style Italic, No. 14 31 Old Stvle Two-line 32 Old Style Condensed No. 2 33 Old Style Extended 34 Pencraft 148 Program 100 Pencilings 102 Pencilings No. 2 162 Picturesque Comb. Border No. 24 . .215 Price List of Roman Type 10 Pay son Script 123 Pin, Screw and Nail Heads 179 Pen Text 132 Pen Text No. 2 131 Pic:i Unique Border, No. 322 190 Pica Unique Border, No. 319 191 Pica Unique Border, No. 323 192 Price-list Printing Material 289 Queen Anne Text 13(5 Rembrandt 154 Renaissance 150 Roman Faces 33-43 Recipe Marks 224 Rubens Series 117 Signet 138 Stars 224 Stylus 140 Skeleton Antique No. 2 59 Sectional Gothic No. 1 97 Sectional Gothic No. 2 . . 97 Sectional Graphic 97 Stencil Gothic 14S Screw and Pin Heads 224 Signet Shade 139 Spinner Script 128 Templar 145 Tinted 147 Typographic Combination 1(55 Typographic Combination Ornaments 165 Typographic Charms 181 Two-line Eng. Ornamental No. 16. .168 Two-line Eng. Ornamental, No. 18. . .168 Two-line Eng. Ornamental No. 26 .. .168 Three-line Pica Border No. 217 197 Title Extended No. 3 56 Typographic Flourishes 195 Telescopic Gothic Italic 98 Title No. 1 49 Title No. 4 49 Title No. 3 49 Title Italic No. 2. . 53 Two-line No. 5 52 Two-line No. 6 52 Two-line No. 7 52 Two-line Nonp. Ornamental No. 4. . ..168 Two-line Nonp. Ornamental No. 39. ..168 Two-line Nonp. Ornamental No. 26. ..168 Two-line Nonp. Ornamental No. 16. ..168 Three-line Nonpareil Border, No. 2. ..196 Two-line Old Style Antique 119 Title Text Open 134 Title Text Open No. 3 135 Two-line S. P. Ornamental No. 11. . . 168 Two-line Pica Ornamental No. 16. .. .168 Two-line Pica Ornamental No. 1(5 168 Two-line Pica Ornamental No. 21 .... 168 Two-line Pica Ornamental No. 30 168 Two-line Pica Ornamental No. 33. .. .168 Type Writer 116 Unique Borders 112 Utility Script 109 Venetian No. 1 112 Venetian No. 2 210 Wide Black 130 Word Ornaments 178 Word Ornaments No. 2 178 Word Ornaments No. 3 179 White Star Letter Combination 219 Word Scrolls 199 Word Scrolls 198 Wood Tyi>e Pages 241 " Borders " 253 " Dashes " 254 " Catch Words 257 " Rule Page's. 258 " Stars " 261 " Corners " 262 " Fists " 264 Zigzag Comb. Border, Series 89 185 PRICE LIST OF ROMAN TYPE. AMERICAN AND SCOTCH. A B C SECOND SIZES. Fonts of Fonts 25 tbs. and of less than SORTS. CLASS. over. 25 Jbs. THIRD CLASS. Brilliant, 3 points $5 00 $5.00 1 50 $2.50 $3.20 1.80 2.80 1.44 2.40 1.16 2.00 1.00 1.80 90 1.60 80 1 44 74 1.30 70 1.22 .66 1.16 .62 1.12 .60 1.06 .60 1.00 60 .94 r><> .90 .56 .90 .56 .86 56 .82 .54 78 54 72 .52 .64 .52 64 5" 64 Diamond 4^> points I' 1 50 Pearl, 5 points 1 08 1.80 $1.40 1.44 .90 1.1(5 .76 1.00 .(iS 90 (14 .80 .60 74 56 70 54 .66 .52 62 .52 .60 .52 .60 .52 .60 52 .56 .50 .56 .50 .56 50 .56 50 .56 .50 .54 50 54 .48 54 4S 54 48 Agate, 5M points 1 68 Nonpareil, 6 points , 58 Minion, 7 points ' 52 Brevier, 8 points. > 48 Bourgeois, 9 points ' 44 Long Primer, 10 points ] 42 Small Pica, 11 points 40 Pica, 12 points 38 English, 14 points . i 38 Columbian, 16 points ' 38 Great Primer, 18 points , .38 Paragon, 20 points 38 Double Small Pica, 22 points. . .38 Double Pica, 24 points ... 38 Double English, 28 points .38 Double Columbian, 32 points. .38 Double Great Primer, 36 points . 38 Double Paragon, 40 points. ... 38 Canon, 44 points 38 Four-line Pica, 48 points . . . ' 38 Five-line Pica. (iO points . .38 PIECE ACCENTS. Diamond, 7 oz. font, $1.10. Nonpareil, 9 oz. font, $0.65. Bre- vier, 12 oz. font, $0.70. Long Primer, 14 oz. font, $0.65. Pica, 1ft. 2oz. font, $0.75. MATHEMATICAL SIGNS. Pearl, 1ft. 6 ox. font, $2.50. Agate, 1ft.. 8 oz. font, $2. 15. Nonpareil, 1 ft. 10 oz. font, $1 .90. Minion, 1 ft. 12 oz. font, $1 .75. Brevier, 1ft. 15 oz. font, $1.75. Bourgeois, 2ft. 3 oz. font, $1.75. Long Primer, 2ft. 7 oz. font, $1.80. Small Pica, 2tt,. 12 oz. $1 .95. Pica, 3ft. 2 oz. font, $2.05. SUPERIOR LETTERS. Pearl, lit.. 4 oz. font, $3.50. Agate, 1ft. 9 oz. font, $3.75. Nonpareil, 1ft. 12 oz. font, $3 .50. Minion, 2ft. font, $3.60. Brevier, 2ft. 4 oz. font, $3.60. Bourgeois, 2ft. 8 oz. font, $3.60. Long Primer, 2ft. 13 oz. font, $3.65. Small Pica, 3ft. 3 oz. font, $3.85. Pica, 3ft. 9 oz. font, $4.15. PIECE FRACTIONS. Brevier, (half Brevier body) 2ft. 4 oz. font, $8 . 10. Bourgeois, (Diamond body) 2ft. 9 oz. font, $8.20. Long Primer, (Pearl body) 2ft. 14 oz. font, $8.05. Small Pica, (Agate body) 3ft. 4 oz. font, $7.80. Pica, (Nonpareil body) 3ft. 10 oz. font, $7.25. MUSIC. Excelsior, 26ft. font, $93 .00. Diamond, 30ft. font, $96.00. Agate, 30ft. font, $72.00. Nonpariel, 30ft. font, $60.00. fS~ Customers will please be particular to designate, in ordering body letter, whether any Accents, Italic or extra Sorts are required. tS" When ordered at the same time with Roman founts, Italic, Accents and sorts will be furnished at same rate as the fuut. If ordered separately, Italic and Accents are charged at the B rate, and Sorts at the C rate. (10) HAND PRESS NEWSPAPER ESTIMATES FOR COUNTRY PAPERS, With Circulation of less than 1,000 Weekly. 6-col. Folio. 7-col. Folio. 8-col. Folio. A RTK ILES. Size of paper Size of paper Size of paper 22x30. 24x36. 26x40. 9-col. Folio. Size of papsr 30x44. 4-col. Quarto Size of paper 24x36. 5-col. Quarto Size of paper 26x40. Washington Hand Press .... I . . $220 S225 00 20 00 ....8250 00 .. 22 50 ....8275 00 25 00 ....$250 00 .... 22 50 .... 16 50 .... 5 00 .... 2 75 .... 27 00 (4) 8 00 (4) 3 00 (4) 7 00 (10) 15 00 (2) 15 00 2 50 ....$250 00 .... 22 50 .... 15 80 .... 6 25 .... 3 50 .... 32 00 (8) 16 00 (6) 4 50 (6) 10 50 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 14 00 .... 16 00 5 00 3 50 .... 32 00 (8) 16 00 (5) 3 75 (6) 10 50 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 1 00 18 00 5 25 .... 4 00 38 00 (10) 20 00 (6) 4 50 (7) 12 25 (14) 21 00 (4) 28 00 2 50 Steel Side and Foot Sticks ... 4 00 .... 4 30 .... 3 00 .... 27 (X) (6) 12 00 (4) 3 00 (5) 8 75 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 1 00 Roller, cast 2 50 Imposing Stone with Table .... 27 00 (4) 8 00 (4) 3 00 (4) 7 00 (ID) 15 00 (2) 15 00 .... 2 50 1 00 Pairs of < lases .lob and Triple Oases Stands with Racks (1 Job) Mallet, Planer, Sh'ng Stick, Quoins 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 .... 12 90 (100) 4 00 (20) 1 20 (100) 6 00 40 tbs. 8 00 (4) 1 00 200 tbs. 88 00 1(X) tbs. 52 00 ... 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 .... 4 00 .... 12 00 Column and Head Rules, one side. Advertisement Rules .... 8 00 (75) 3 00 (15) 90 (50) 3 00 251bs. 5 00 (3) 75 150 tt)S. 66 00 50 Its. 26 00 . . 3 50 (1) 4 (H) (1) 3 55 .... 9 30 (75) 3 00 (20) 1 20 (75) 4 50 301t.s. 6 00 (4) 1 00 175 tbs. 77 00 75 Jb8. 39 00 :{ .MI (2) 8 IX) (2) 7 10 (1| 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 (Xt (1) 4 (X) (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 2 50 (1) :i 50 4 00 .... 11 30 (100) 4 00 (20) 1 20 (100) 6 00 40 Ibs. 8 00 . (4) 1 (X) 200 Ibs. 88 00 100 tbs. 52 00 3 50 (2) ^ on (2) 7 Id (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) > 7S (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 (X) (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 .... 4 00 .... 12 00 .... 14 30 (125) 4 50 (20) 1 20 (125) 7 50 50 tbs. 10 0(1 (5) 1 25 225 tbs. 99 00 125 Ibs. 65 00 .... 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) -1 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 4 00 12 00 .... 10 30 (75) 3 00 (15) 90 (75) 4 50 25 Ibs. 5 00 (3) 75 150 Ibs. 66 00 50 tbs. 26 00 .... 3 50 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 55 Paragraph Rules Single Dash Rules. Composing Rules Head to Paper Minion Title Bourgeois Italic Title No Q Brevier Antique Kxtended No. 3.. Two-line Minion No. 7 (1) > 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 (X) (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 .... 2 50 .... 10 00 Great Primer Condensed No. 4.. . . Great Primer Aldine Pica Gothic Condensed No. 3 Great Primei Gothic Coml. No. 3 . Two-line Kng. Gothic Cond. No. 3. Ubl Paragon Gothic Cond. No. 3. . (1) > :>ll (1) 3 50 > 50 Long Primer Clarendon Kxtended . Boxing and Shipping 10 ixi 10 00 $507 30 4 50 (25) 1 25 50 Ibs. !> (X) 25 Ibs. 13 00 (1) 1 75 $406 90 4 (50 (50) 2 50 50 Ibs. 22 00 25 Ibs. 13 00 (2) 3 50 $655 60 5 50 (50) 2 50 75 tbs. 33 00 50 Ibs. 26 00 (2) 3 50 $738 30 7 00 (50) 2 50 100 tbs. 44 00 50 tbs. 26 00 (3) 5 50 $518 85 2 50 (25) 1 25 50 tbs. 22 00 25 tbs. 13 00 (1) 1 25 $662 60 3 00 (.50) 2 50 100 tbs. 44 00 50 tbs. 26 00 (3) 5 25 To print entire Paper, add : Col. and Head Rules for one page . Advertisement Rules. ... Bourgeois Minion. . TOTAL TO PKIXT WHOLE PAPEK $549 30 $477 50 $725 10 $88 516 $559 35 $743 35 In case a different size is used, the price only needs to be changed, the quantity remains the same. Prices net cash in San Francisco, and subject to constant changes. PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (11) JOB OFFICE ESTIMATES. ESTIMATE FOR A SMALL JOB OFFICE. i Eighth-medium Old Reliable Gordon Press, size ( 8x12 inches inside chase,) $200 oo 3 Rollers, cast I 5 i Elm City Card and Paper Cutter, will cut full sheet 12 oo 1 Little Giant Lead and Rule Cutter 8 50 2 doz. wire Gauge-pins, Megill's 5 I 1t>. Job Black Ink 75 ^lh. Fine Red Ink i oo I 26x44 in. Imposing Stone, in coffin 19 oo I Job Stand, to hold 34 cases 8 50 3 pairs News Cases, (2. oo per pair) 600 a Job Cases, full length 2 70 I Quad and Space Case i 25 I Labor-saving Rule Case 175 ta Two-third ( 'alifornia Cases 12 oo Mullet, soc ; Planer, 500 ; Shooting Stick, 7$c ; and 50 quoins, soc 2 25 3 Improved two-third Cases 3 73 112 in. Patent Composing Stick i 70 i 8 in. " " i Job Galley 8^x13 in., brass lined i doz. Hempel's Quoins and Key to II >s. Long Leads, 6 to pica I font Labor-saving Wood Furniture, with rack i Bodkin i pair Tweezers i font Dotted Labor-saving Rule, No. 71 t " Single " " i Brass Dashes, Ornaments, &c 50 lt>s. Brevier No. 14, Roman 50 Ibs Nonpariel " " 50 Itis. Pica '' " i font Nonpariel Gothic No. 9 I " Long 1'rimer " ' I " Great Primer " " I ' Brevier " No. 12 I " Pica " " I " Nonpariel Celtic No. 4 i " Brevier " " i " Pica " " i " Pica Norman Condensed i " Paragon " " i " Double Pica " i " Nonpariel Title No. i i " Pica " " I " Brevier Lightface Extended i " Pica " " I " Great Primer Wide Black I " Egyptian shaded i " " Condensed shaded.... I "' Double English " "... I '' Double Pica Franklin Shaded i " Primer Law Italic I " Great Primer Manuscript I " Double Pica Boston Script i " Auxiliaries, Series 2 x ' Screw and Pin Heads I " Cincinnati Card Ornaments a " Nonpariel Borders, ($2.60 per font ) X " Long Primer Quads and Spaces X " Great Primer " " " X " Paragon * " I " Double Pica " " " i " Double English ' ' " Boxing ir.i Cartage , ESTIMATE FOR A MEDIUM JOB OFFICE. Quarto-medium Old Reliable Gordon Press, size (7O.V/5 inches inside chase,) 3 R oilers, cast i Paragon Lever Paper Cutter 14 in. 1 Little Giant Lead and Rule Cutter 2 doz. wire ( lauge-pins, Megill's i Hi. Job Black Ink '/otti. Fine Red Ink 1 26x44 in. Imposing Stone, in coffin 2 Job Stands, to hold 34 cases each 5 pairs News Cases, (^2.00 per pair) 4 J ob Cases, full length 2 Quad and Space Cases i Labor-saving Rule Case 12 Two third ( 'alifornia Cases Mallet, soc ; Planer, soc; Shooting Stick, 7;c; and 50 quoins, soc 6 I mproved two-third Cases i 20 in. Patent Composing Stick 1 30 2 75 3 oo 1 80 II 00 r 5 25 6 oo 6 oo a oo 24 oo 29 oo 19 oo 3 oo 3 3 4 4 2 15 2 30 1 6 5 2 30 2 40 3 20 4 oo 4 25 3 So 3 80 3 3 3 30 3 4 6 oo 4 25 5 60 4 75 3 60 6 oo 8 oo 2 50 5 3 75 5 20 60 I oo I oo I OO 5 oo $500 oo i 8 in. ' i Job G lley 8^x13 in., brass lined i 12 x i3 ' i doz. Hempel's Quoins and Key 10 Itis. Long Leads, 6 to pica i Lead Rack i font Labor-saving Wood Furniture, with rack i Bodkin i pair Tweezers i font Dotted Labor-saving Rule, Xo. 71 i " Single i Brass I >ashes, Ornaments, &c 100 Itis. Brevier X o. 14, Roman 50 tbs Nonpariel " too tlis. Pica '' " i font Nonpareil Gothic No. 9 i " Long Primer " " i " Great Primer " ' i " Brevier Xo. 12 i " Pica " i " Nonpareil Celtic Xo. 4 i " Brevier " " z " Pica " " i " Pica Norman Condensed i ' Paragon " " i " Double Pica " i " Nonpareil Title Xo. i i " Pica ' i " Brev ; er Lightface Extended i ' ' Pica i " Great Primer Wide Black i " Egyptian shaded .... i " " Condensed shaded.... i " I >ouble Knavish " i " Double Pica Franklin Shaded i " Long Primer La.v Italic i " < Ireat Primer Manuscript i " 1 >ouble Pica Boston Script i " Auxiliaries, Series 2 i " Screw and Pin Heads 1 " Cincinnati Card Ornaments 2 " Xonpareil Borders, 0*2. 60 per font) Assortment of Wood Type Rule and Reglet i font Long Primer Quads and Spaces i " Great Primer ' ... i ' ' Paragon ' i " Double Pica " " " i " I )ouble English " ' .... Boxing and Cartage $275 oo 2 40 60 oo 8 50 50 75 1 oo IJ OO 17 oo 10 oo 5 40 2 50 1 75 12 00 2 25 7 50 2 50 I 70 1 30 2 75 3 75 3 oo i 80 8 oo 1 OO 15 25 6 oo 6 oo 2 oo 48 oo : ) OO 38 oo 3 60 3 30 4 40 2 15 2 30 1 65 2 30 2 40 3 20 4 oo 4 25 3 So 3 80 3 30 3 30 3 40 6 oo 4 25 5 60 4 75 3 60 6 oo 8 oo 2 50 50 3 75 20 40 oo 35 65 60 I OO I OO I 00 1 00 IO OO $750 oo EXPLANATION OF THE FOR TYPES, f^ULES AND bEADS. American. (1) This is the unit of measurement, ami is one-twelfth of Pica, or one- seventy-second of an inch. It is, of course, too small for a type body, but is used in leads and rules. Some series of letter require the American lead in lining the faces, where two or more sixes are used together in the same line; although its double, the Saxon lead, will accomplish this in most cases. German (I 1 .,,) is ' 8 of Pica, and '., of Nonpareil. Saxon (2) is J6 of Pica, and L 3 of Nonpareil. It is the most useful of the lead and rule bodies. Four Saxons are equal to a Brevier; five are equal to a Long Primer; six are equal to a Pica. Norse ('J'^.) is '. t of Long Primer. Brilliant (.'!) is '.; of Pica, and '., of Nonpareil. Ruby (:>'._>) is '._, of Minion, and l .\ of English. Excelsior (4) is 1 3 'of Pica, and l e of Brevier. Diamond (4'.,) is '., of Bourgeois, and 1 4 ' of Great Primer Pearl (5) is '._, of Long Primer, and ' 4 of Paragon. Agate (.">!.,) is '._, of Small Pica. Nonparie! (0) is '., of Pica, and ^ of (rreat Primer. Twelve Nonpareils make one inch exactly. (13) Minion (7) is J of English. Brevier (8) is '., of Columbian, and -;. of Pica. Bourgeois (9) is '._. of Great Primer, and 3 3 ' of Pica. It is exactly l g of an inch. Long Primer (10) is '._,' of Paragon. Small Pica (11) is '., of Double Small Pica. PICA (12) is >4of an inch. English (14) is 2-lines Minion; a Nonpareil and a Brevier; an Excelsior and a Long Primer. A Pica and a Saxon lead justify with it. Columbian (ll>) is 2-lines Brevier; a Nonpareil ami a Long Primer; an Excelsior and a Pica : etc. Great Primer (18) is 2-lines Bourgeois ; o-lines Nonpareil ; a Brevier and a Long Primer. A Great Primer o-em space is the same as a Nonpareil :!-em quad. Great Primer is exactly * 4 of an inch. Paragon (20) is 2-lines Long Primer; a Brevier and a Pica; a Nonpareil and an English ; etc. Double Small Pica (22) is 2-lines Small Pica ; a Long Primer and a Pica ; a Non- pareil and a Columbian. A Great Primer and two Saxon leads justify with it. Double Pica (24) is 2-lines Pica; 4-lines Nonpareil; .'Mines Brevier; a Nonpareil and a Great Primer; a Long Primer and an English : etc. It is exactly 1 3 of an inch. (14) Double English (28) is 2-lines English ; u Long Primer and a Great Primer; a Pica Hilda Colombian; etc. Double Columbian (:->2) is 2-lines Columbian; an English find a Great Primer; a Brevier and a Double Pica; etc. Double Great Primer (:!<>) is 2-lines Great Primer; :Mines Pica; 6-lines Nonpareil; 4-lines Bourgeois; etc. It is exactly l ._, an inch. Double Paragon (40) is 2-lines Paragon; 4-lines Long Primer; o-lines Brevier; S-lines Pearl ; etc. Canon (44) is 2-lines Double Small Pica ; 4-lines Small Pica ; etc. Four-line Pica (48) is 4-lines Pica: 2-lines Double Pica: .'Mines Columbian; O-lines Brevier; 8-lines Nonpareil ; etc. It is exactly - ;! of an inch. BUSIJMESS T/VLK. E following pages contain more elaborate answers to questions often asked than we can conveniently write to each correspondent. It is intended to be an assist- ant and improvement to that part of our daily business. ACCOUNTS. We do not wish to open accounts for small purchases. If a man rarely orders goods of us, has no account with us, no matter how responsible or well known he is, he should send the money with the order. If the nature of the case is such that he cannot tell the exact price, let him guess at it. If he sends too much money, the change will be returned with the article. The cases are very numerous where persons order by telegraph or postal card, " Send by mail, cut so and so." It seems trifling to refuse, yet our books are full of such charges. The postage and book-keeping cost as much as the goods, and well, some very good men never pay small bills. If the money is sent, a little order will have as prompt and careful attention as if it were a thousand times as large ; if you do not send the money, you may be asked to do so before the article is sent, and lose time, if not your job. BARTER. From the generality of letters which come to us asking trade for old material, it looks as though we were expected to fix value without regard to size; make, age, dam- age, QT previous condition. To do yourself justice, give a fair description of the article you want to trade us a description which will be borne out by the article itself when we get it. If an old press is found on its arrival here to be damaged when it was said to be perfect, parts missing when it was said to be complete, of smaller size than it was described to us, we will surely go back on the trade. It must also be borne in mind that the trade offers made by us on old goods are not standing offers, but must be accepted at once to hold us, for they are made in view of present demand and cir- cumstances. CASH. The definition of casli is money here with the order or on shipment, so that the goods can be charged directly to cash. If you want our price for goods sent C. O. D., or at thirty days, so state in your application. C. O. D. To all parties not having an open account with us, small orders are sent by express, with bill collectable on delivery, unless otherwise agreed. Parties unknown to us, to secure prompt attention to their orders and avoid delays, should send a remittance with the order to cover express charges both ways. It should not be thought to reflect on a man's credit to have goods sent him C. O. I). It is simply one of the cheapest and safest ways of doing business. CORRESPONDENCE. Attention cannot be called too often to the habit of many patrons to seek general where they want special information. A great deal of delay would be avoided if they wrote to the point. Do not ask for our list of second-hand goods, but write what yon 3 (17) want to buy. Do not ask what discount \ve will make for cash, but state the goods wanted, and ask cash price for them. Do not ask on what general terms we will sell, but state what you want to buy and the terms you want. If you ask more than we can give, we can, at least, tell what modification of your offer we will accept. If you are a stranger to us, do not say, ''If you want references, we can furnish them/' but send them right along first thing. Come right to the point, and you will be apt to get prompt satisfaction. CREDIT. There is probably no subject on which so much has been written in our constant correspondence as credit. Men write hourly to ask if we will sell on time, without say- ing what they want to buy, or what are their references, or on what security, or how much time they want. To the established printer, who owns his office and has a reputation for prompt pay at home, there is usually no difficulty, on making proper representations, in obtaining as much business accommodation for his wants as can be had by men similarly situated in any other profession. Credit will not be given to men of whom we know nothing. We must be assured, from some source, that a name is credit-worthy before we enter it on our books. When we agree to give over thirty days, we always understand we are to have notes, not be- cause they are more safe than open accounts, but because they require less attention. Our account book has to take its monthly raking, and he who has an open account with us is always subject to a sight draft. COMPLAINTS. We earnestly request our patrons to report to us at the earliest moment all cases of dissatisfaction, either regarding the quality of articles sold them, the charges for same, or the manner in which they are served. It is impossible, in a business as ex- tensive as ours, for the proprietors to attend personally to every minute detail. Many abuses may creep in and remain unknown to us, unless promptly reported by the abused. Where a cause of complaint exists, be it ever so small, we are anxious to heal te tuus eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigils, nihil timor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? pa- tere tua consilia non sends'.' constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbi- traris? O tempora, o mores ! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt : hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! imo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedem un-jmquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublica: videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, due! jussu con- sules, jampridem opportebat: in te conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir am- plissimus Publius Scipio, pontifex maximus, Tiberiom Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum reipublica;, pri- ABCDKFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ AIICDKKCH1JKI.MN 1234567890 OPO.RSTL 1 VWX VZ Qiiaiistjue taniifm ahuti're, Catilina, patientia nostrai quanuiiu >'t>s etiaw furor iste tints clitdt't? qiiein atifinan sex,' effrettttta jactabit aiitiacia f ni/iilin- if noctitrnuiu pnrsitiinm palatii, niliil urlns vigiltr, nihil timor popnlii . !/!(. /)/:/(;// IJK A.)/ I2345(rj8<)o XOPQRSTl'l'U'XY/. tandem abutere, Catilina, ])aticntia nostra ? quanuliu nos otiani furor iste tuus eludet? quern ad fineni sese effrenata jactaliit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum prassidium palatii, nihil urbis vigila;, nihil timor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus haliendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia, non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora, O mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etianr in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedem unumquemque nostrum, Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublicre videmur si istius furorm ac tela Yitemus. Ad mortem te CDEFINOLRT ABCDKl-XilllJKI.MN 1234567890 < >I\)K.VIT VWXYX ()tt,i/<*i///e tandem abutere, Catilina, f>atienttJ fin em sfse effrcHatii jaffafait atidat'iaf iiiliihic te noftttrtiitnt pnesidium palatii, iii/til ttrbis vigilee, ABCDI-'.1'C,IJR-LM\ /2jtf6 7 &) BREVIER A Font of Type is an assortment of letters and characters, of the same style and body. A font may be large or small ; and it may contain more or less kinds of characters. A complete font of Roman letter is composed of the following sorts: CAPITALS, SMALL CAPITALS, lower- case, figures, fractions, points, commercial marks, references, accented letters, quads and spaces. Other sorts may be added, when required, according to the nature of the work : as, for instance, mathematical and medical signs. Roman, or Body Letter, as founders call it, is cast and put up to schemes prepared for the purpose, which represent the proper proportions for usual require- ments. Job letter fonts vary in proportion, according to size, style and special use. BDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUYWXYZ BCDEFGHIJKLMX 1234567890 PQSTUVWXYX. Italic is put up in' smaller proportionate fonts to Roman than was customary fifty years ago. The old rule was one-tentli ; while a five-pound font is now considered sufficient for 200 pounds ABCDEFGHIJKLM 1234567890 NOPQRSTUVWXYZ OLE) STYbES.-Series 2. ALL CAST ON THK IXTKRCHAXGKABLK SVSTKM OF TVI'K liODIKS. BOURGEOIS. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum pras- sidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilite, nihil timor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sends ? constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjura- tionem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore, nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora, o mores ! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt : hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! imo vero etiam ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEKdHIJKr.M 1234567890 NOPQRSTUVWXVZ Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra / quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia / nihilne te noctnrnitm prep- ABCDEFGH r 234567 890 JLMNOPQRS LONG PRIMER. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamcliu etiam furor nos iste tuus eludet? quem ad finem sese effr nata jactabit audacia? nihilne te noctur num presidium, palatii, nihil urbis vigilire, nihil timor populi, nihil consensus bono rum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vul tusque moverunt? | atere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium cons ientia t neri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi .ueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora, o mores ! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ AliCDKKC.HIJKLM 1234567890 XOl'ORS Tf\ \\X\Z QuoiiS(]i(e tandem abutere, Catilina, patcntia nostra .' (/namdiit nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet DIRECT ROUTES 38 Mineral and Timber Sections 56 GREAT EASTERN RAILROADS 4A, 5A, 8a. TWO-LINK KNQLISII. $4.80 BUSTED BROKERS Stock Market Greatly Excited 48 CON VIRGINIA 50 4A, 4A, 7a. TWO-LINK UKKAT PKI.MKK. jfT>.KS FINE DESIGN Dramatic Entertainment 36 OPEN LETTER 24 MOMENT European 98 Court 4A, 6a. TWO-LINK CARAOON. $5.35 36 RATS 83 Manhattan Bonds PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (30) OLD STYLE ITALIC No. 14. (JA, lUa. TWO-LINK PICA. $3.35 LABOR MUST WIN Timidi Nunquam Statuerunt Tropaenm , Ida. TWO-LINK r.NUMSM. MISSING LINKS Things H^orthy of Remembrance 4A, f>:u TWO-LINK PAKAOUN. BOOK PRESS Early Printed Bookwork 4A > 8a - TWO-LINK GHKAT rulMH.. $4.60 DESIGNS Bern Meritos Honora 3A, 5a. DELIGHT PALMER & REY SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (31) OLD STYLE Two IOINE. 32 A. NoNi'ARKiL OLD STYLK TWO-LINK. ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. 24A. KIIKVIKK OLD STYLK TWO-LINK. S2.15 THE ENTRANCING SCENES OE THE YOSEMITE VALLEY. ISA. TWO-LINK I'KAKL OLD STYLE TWO-LINK. sl.!X> BLOWER'S TRIP FROM PORTLAND TO BUMTOWN 16 A. TWO-LINK XONI-AKKIL OLD STYLK TWO-LINK. sioo WOODWARD'S GARDENS MNRIAE AQUARIUM 12 A. Two- LINK MINION OLD STYLE TWO-LINK. RAMBLES IN GOLDEN GATE PARK 7 TWO-LINK BormtKois OLD SIYI.K TWO-LINK. SEAL ROCK VOWEL SOUND 4 8 A. TWO-LINK SMALL PICA OLD STYLK TWO-LINK 1156 A LAND OF HEATHER 6 A. Two. LINK KNOLISII OLD STYLK TWO-LINK. *-l.->F> THE CAMPBELLS OLD STYLE CONDENSED. TWO-LINK PEARL OLD STYLE CONDENSED. TWO-LINK SMALL PICA OLD STYLE COND. 24 A. $1.80 10 A. $:>.70 SUDDENLY COLLAPSED IN 79 PTIP \f ISH INP 7 TWO-LINK NONPAREIL OLD STYLE COND. 18 A. $1.80 m^OTT TM A nr\T TO DAT Tr"\ r o TWO-LINE KNOLISH OLD STYLE COND. 'ESTIFEROUS POLICi 3 SA - HUMPING 8 STREET MANNERED 2 TWO-LINK BKEVIER OLD STYLE COND. 16 A. $2.00 KOI:R-LINK BKKVIKK OLD STYLE CONI>. li A. TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS OLD STYLK COND. 16 A. s-2.80 ~T~^ TT" / ^ ~y " " ARABIAN KNIGHT Hoh PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (32) ObD STYLE ONQENSED J^o. 2. Lo\-o PRIMER O. S. COND. No. 2. 20 A, 40 a. $2.40 PLEASANT SKY ROMANCING Mars Sending Loving Epistles to Venus 456 Via the Moon 789 PICA OLD STYLE COND. No. 2. 16 A, 32 a. $2.40 MOUNTAINOUS REGION Enchanting Scenes in Virginia, Cumberland 245 10 A, 20 a. Gx. PRIMER OLD STYLE C'OND. No. 2. 13.25 7 PER CENT GOVERNMENTS 5 The United States Treasurer and Our Bondholders 8 A, 16 a. PARAGON OLD STYLE CONDENSED No. 2, $4.10 CHEEK OR CHIN, KNUCKLE OR Knee? Where Shall the Baby's Dimple Be? C A, 12 a. DBL. PICA OLD STYLE CONDENSED No. 2. $3.70 FOREIGN COMMERCE Commission and Produce Merchants 4\ Ss. FOUR-LIN BREVIKR OLD STYLE CONDENSED No. 2. $4.50 FINE SPECIMENS Plain and Ornamental. 68 3A, 6a. TIIRKE-LINK PICA OLD STYLE CONDENSED No. 2. $4.10 Useful Condensed Series 3A, 5a. DOUBLE PARAGON OLD STYLK CONDENSED No. 2 ?5.50 Secure Constitutions 44, SB. FOUR-LINE PICA OLD STYLE CONDENSED. No. 2. $7.00 Burdensome Ideas PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (.33) OLD JS RXTRNt)RD. NONPAREIL OLD STYLE EXT. 24A, :iOa, $'2.75 KHKVIKK OLD STYLK KXT. atiA, ]I:A, HOa, $4.00 Concert Proirivimmes (jr I-CXTI^l-v ^Il-CL,ODY VIOLINCELLO coiVtF-ojsiTiONS DATSTCKS OK STRAUSS 12 I Loxis vigihe, nihil tinior populi, nihil consensus bouoruni omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? i>atere tua consilia non seutis? coustrictaui jam omnium ho- rum conscieutia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid su]>eriore uocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos couvocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quein nostrum ignorare arhitraris? O tempora, o mores! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt : hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! iino vero etiam in senatum veiiit : fit public! consilii particeps: notat et designat oculis ad c:edem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes satisfacere reipublica: videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina duel jussu consules jampridem op- portetvat in conferri i>estem istam, quam tu in nos omues jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimus vero Publius Scipio, pontifex inaxiuiiu, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter laliefactantem statum reipublica!, privatis interfecit. Catilinam, orbem terne cieile atque in- ceudiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferenmsy nam ilia nimis antiqua pra'tereo, quod Q. Servilius Ahala. Sp. Melium, novis rebus studentem, maim HIM occidit. Fuit, fuit ista quondam, in hac reipublica, virtus, ut viri fortes suppliciis civem periciosum AECDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHUKLMNOP^RSTrVVVXYZ * 1-2S4.%78<)0 quoitiuiiie taiHlrm abutrre, Cittiliim. /,nf;,-i,r;,i ,,;*tr,i .,ii,t,ini;if .. tintn furor istc tuui rludet I 'iiifin ad fine m sese rffivm Ri'BY NONPAREIL. Ciuousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra ?_f[uanuliu uos etiam furor iste tuus eludet? queni ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? "nihilne te iiocturnum prsesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigiUe, nihil tinior populi, nihil con- sensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horuni ora vultusque moYerunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam omnium lioruni conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid pro* ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXVZ 1234567890 tundfiu iilmln-i-, I'litilimi. />nti>iit.-i rti/!, nihil consen- NdNI'AKKIL. (^iiousque tandem abutere, Catilina, jtatientia nostra? quaindiu nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet? quein ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil tinior pop- uli, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides ? quid proximo, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis. quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O tempora, o mores ! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt : hie tamen vivit, Vivit! iino vero etiam in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedam unum- quemi|ue nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes satisfacere reipublicsB videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, duel jussu consules, jampridem opportebat in conferri pcstem istam, quam tu in nos omnes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPyRSTUVWXYZfc ABCDKKonorum omnium, nihil hie niunitissinms habeudi seiiatus locus, nihil horum ora rnltnaqne ivioverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam omnium horum conscieiitia teneri ooiijuratiouem tiiam 11011 vides? quid prox- ima, quid superiore iiocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis quern nos- trum ignorare arbitraris. tempora, o mores ! Xenatus hoc intelligit : consul videt, hie tamen vivit Vivit ! imo vero etiam in seiiatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps : notat et desig- nat oculis ad credem uiiumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublicse ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ* ABCDKFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTCVWXY/ $ 1234567890 Quotisqiie ti ahiifrre, (Jatilinti, />nti<-tifin iioxtrn? I/IHI nidin non etiam furor ixh- tun* I'ltnlft? quern ml tin?n> xcxi' fffrenata jactabii miilm-in f nih>ln<' >< iini-tnritinn prteeidium />n/atere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam omnium horum conscieiitia teneri con jurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, (iuiit nirliirin? Hihttiw te inx-tiirnnni presidium palafi I,ON(i I'KIMKK. Quousque tandem almtere, Catilina, patientia nostra.i quamdiu nos etiani furor iste tuus eludet 1 quern ad rinein sese effreuata jactabit audacia] nihilne te noctur- num presidium palatii, nihil urbis vi^ilia-, nihil timor populi, iiihil consensus bono- rum omnium, nihil hie niuniti.ssimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moveruiit 1 ? patere tua consilia, non sentis? constrictam jam omnium horum conscieiitia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides] quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quern nos- trum ignorare arbitraris] O tempora, o mores! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt: hie tamen vivit. Vivit! imo vero etiam in seiiatum venit: tit publici consilii particeps: notat et designat oculis ad csedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ s 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos elndet? quern ad finem sese effrcnnto jartabit udEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,t ABCDEFGHUKIJCNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1284567890 Quoitsque tandem abutere, CatH/na, /> entu locus. nihil hnrum or vullu.|iir mcn-rrutit ! |.al.T. . 1,1* . i.n-ilia i...i. with I constrict am im omnium horum coiucientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides f quid proximo, quid superiore norte egerin, uni t'ueris. quo* conYix-im-ris, quid .-i.nsilii ceperis quern IIOK- trum, igrn.rare arbitrary O tempora, more*! .S-i 1; tM.- I,,., i,,i,-lli^ii. .-..M-nI vi,l,-t : ),' t*m,.., vivit. Vivil r init. -.IT; rtiitm in svnuuin veiiii : til [,nMi,-i ...... -ilii niirti.-.-|: notat et ABODEF(illlJKLMXciPyKSTL'VWXVX.4 123IM7S90 DIAMOND (Juousijiif tandem aim ten 1 , Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu inn* t-tiain furor i*tv tun.-* eludet ': quern ad titiem sese ertrenata javtaliit aii-lncia r nihilnc te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urhis vimliae, niliil tiraor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimua habendi senatug lurus. nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis exinstrictam pnniina. iiuiii ^urMTiorc n<-tr <-_ r i-ris. ubi I'IUTIS. qiios convot-avfriw. ijuid c.iTi.ilii i-t-jMTis <|ii'in nostrum ijrnorare arbitraris? Mmpora, o mores ! Senatus ho,.- intrlli^t. c.-onsul \iilct : IMC tmiifii vivit. Vivit: imo veni etiain in ncnatiitii vrnit : tit nuWioi .-..usilii iirti.-.-pa : notat et designat oculis a mores! Senaius hoe intelligit, consul videt : hie tanivn vivit. Vivit! ABCDKKOHIJKI-MS()PQRSTl'VWXY/..EKK(JHlJKI.MNor(JKSTCV\VXYZ*.K(E $ 12JM567890 l &?&*}&'&'% Quougijue tandem abutere, Gutllinu, jxMentla nostraf ijiinniiliii t/iiini furnr ix/i tuns mix ilmlct,! ijuem (id flnem tese fffrenata jactabtt aiitliirin ? ni/iilm It inK-hii-ninii jird-xitliinii j>/(i7S!Hi %yiysAKy%yy (^iiiiii.i I '<{ /,'N 77 ' 1 " 1 1 "A" 1 "/,. E effrenata jactabit audaeia? nihilne te nocturnuin pra- sidiuni, palatii, nihil urbis vij:ila>, nihil timor populi, nihiH-oiiHeiiHUH bonorum omniuin, nihil hie munitiBsimus habendi senatus locus, nihil hornin ora vultusque moverunt? in senatum venit: fit publici consilii particeps: notat et desit ! <[iii'ni ft Jim' in xi'xi' effrenata jacttlbii (indnridf nihilnf te iKictiifiunn /ifu'xidiiiin /ml BOURGEOIS Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostia? quamdiu etiain furor iste tuns nos eludet ? (jueni ad finem sese cHVenata jactabit audaeia? nihilne te noc- tuniuni ]r:esidiiun ]>alatii, nihil urbis vigilsv, niliil timor populi, niliil consensus bonoruni omnium, nihil lii<' nuinitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vnltus(iue moverunt ? patera tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri eonjurationem tuani non vides ? quid proxima quid superiore iiocte ejjeris, ubi fueris, (juos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum it?norare? () tempora, o mores! Senatus hoc iutelligit, consul videt, hie. tamen vivit. Vivit! imo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit publici cousilii ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&^CE A.BCDBFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZjBti furor ixle tint* nox (>Ii}?t? qnem ad finrnt xe*e effrenata jactabit audaeia f nihilne te noctnrnnm . I KCnEFUHIJk'LM \OPQRS TUVWX Y7.E(E ROMAN FACES. Series 14. ALL CAST ON THE INTERCHANGEABLE SYSTEM OK TYPE BODIES. LOiS'G PKIMEK Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigila?, nihil tinior populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie inunitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horimi ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua coiisilia non sentis ? eoiistrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjura- tionem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore noete egeris, ubi ABCDEFCfHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZ&^OE $ 1234567890 AB^DEFOHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZA^BCE Quoxque tandem abuterie, Catilina, patientia nostra f quamdiu nos etiam, furor iste tuus eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihilne A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TU V WXYZ 1234567890 SMALL PICA Quousque tandem abutere, datilina, patientiu nostra? quamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilaj, nihil tinior populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie muni- tissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil, horum ora vultusque mover- unt ? patere tua coiisilia non sentis ? constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides ? quid proxima ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ8STUVWXYZ&JE(E t l'2o4r)(57.Sll() AI'.CDKKCiHI.IKLMNOlHiKSTUVW jli-rls^^l ^ Qium.MjHi' tandem, tilxiti'rc, CatiliiHi. jtafientia nnxfra ? quamdiu etiam furor ixfe tu-ttx nos eludct * qne) r>7 be kept in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. However important the informations we receive from particular authors might be, and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy/. abcdefgb LONG PIIIMKK No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However important the informations received from particular authors might be, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcde SMALL PICA No. 14. Solid. TJIK mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in construct- ing a system of academical edu- cation. However important my abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc PICA No. 14. Solid. TIIK mere communications of a knowledge are not the only ohjects to keep in our mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However abcdefghijklmnopqi'stuvwxyz NONPAREIL No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing good system of academical education. However important the information we receive from any author may be, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicating it by a minute examination, it should be observed that MINION No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information derived from some authors might be, and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by an examination, it BREVIER No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds in constructing a good system of academical education. However important might be the information received from particular authors, and whatever improvements are BOURGEOIS No. 14. leaded. THK mere communication of. a knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. However important the informations we receive from particular authors might be, and Lxo PRIMER No. 14. Leaded. TIIK mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic; education. However important the informations received from particular authors may be, and SMALL PICA No. 14. Leaded. THK mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to keej) in our minds in construct- ing a system of academical edu- cation. However important, my PICA No. 14. Leaded. THK mere communications of a knowledge are not the only ohjects to keep in our mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However (43) f^OMAN f ACES.-Series 17. ALL CAST ON THK INTKKCHANGKABI.K SYSTK.M OK TYI J K IIODIKS. AGATE iuousque tandem atmtere. Catilina, patientia nostra'.' qnamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuns eludet '.' quein ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? niliilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis visilie, niliil tinior populi, niliil consensus honorum omnium, niliil hit- munitissimus habendi senatus locus, niliil liortim ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia lion sentis? const rictam jam omnium horum eonscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore node egeris, uhi t'ueris, tempora, o mores : Senatus hoc intelligit. consul videt: hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! irno vero etiam in senatum venit : tit public! consilii particeps: notat et desitjiiat ocnlis ail ca?dem unum(|iiemque nostrum. Xos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublieie videmur. si istius furorem ac tela vitimus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, duci jussu consules jam pridem oportehat: in te conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu macliinaris. An vero vir amplissimus vero I'uhlius Scipio, pontif'ex maximus. Tiherium Gracclium. mediocriter labefaetantem statum reipuhlicie, privatis intert'ecit : Catilinam, orhem terne cwde atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus? nant ilia nimis antiqua ABCDEFOHrJKLSCHOPQRSTUVWXYZAvBCE A ISCDKKUHIJKI.MNOI'UHSTl' V\VX YX.A-.KIE $ 12:i45iiT8!Ki 1 , il , 1 . 1 . ; ; . ; '; ; :; :: - i 7 , ; nliltii, niliil nrliix rif/i/ir. iiiliH ti/intr /i/m/i, A IK '!> KP< ' II /./ A'/, .l/.VO ftj /,'.V Tl T I ' 1 1 "A" VXlt . Katirnt!;i nostra ? iinannliu nos etiam furor ixte tuns eludet ? quern aeris. qiiein nostrum inorare ? () tempora, o mi>res ! 8en_atUH hoc intelli^it. consul videt. hie tamen vivit. Vivit! imo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps: notat et desi^nat oculis ad caedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipubhcw videmur. si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te. ( 'atilina. duci jussu consules jam- pridem oportebat : in te conferri pestem istam. quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu macliinaris. An vero vir amplissimus vero Pnhlius. Si'ipio. i>ontifex maximus, Tiberinm (iracchum. mediocriter. labefactantem statum reipbulicip. privatis interfecit. Catilinam. orl>em. terra' raedestqoe incendiis vastare capientem ABl'DEFGHIJKLMNOPQHSTUVWXYZA-.^fK .VBCDEFOHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXY/.&^EIE qiic tinidi'in tilttitere, Ciltili nil , i>i-7890 X xiiiii- tumli'iH alnttere, Cutilinit, /tufii-ntin misfrit :' ((iianulitt not ctiam furor iste tuusehtdetf ml Jinent eff~renu> t>- tiitcfuniiiHi itr(iti< j ntia nostra 1 qiiaindin nos etiam furor ixte tuti.s i'l inlet ! i/iiein ad Jincni sew effrenata jocttibltaudac HI ! niliibie ABCDEFGHLJKLMNOPyRSTUVWXYZ&MCE LONG PRIMER Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, })atientia nostra ? quamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuus eludet'? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii. nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi. nihil consensus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ? patera tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjura- tionein tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris. quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare? O tempora, o mores ! Senatus hoc intelligit, consul videt hie : tamen vivit, A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQKSTU V WXYZ&vECE $ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZ^ECE M t(tii(l<'t (thiitcrc, C(diUna, jxifioitid nostra ? r//ww(/m diam furor ixle tuns nos eliulct? f)iictn ad Jinan cffrenata jacfnbit audacia ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVVWXYZ&JECE $ 1234567890 C45) f^OMAN f A(BES.-Series 17. ALL CAST ON THE INTERCHANGEABLE SYSTEM OF TYPE BODIES. SMALL PICA Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra * quamdiu nos etiam furor iste tuos elndit '( quern ad fineiu sese eft'renata jactabit audacia '( nihilne te uocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigihe, niliil timor populi, nihil consensus bonorum omnium, niliil hie iiiunitissiinus hab endi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt "( patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem tuain non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiors nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, * titittm Quowtque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia noxfrn .' /!t . PRINTING HOUSES Lithographers and Engravers I>OUBFKS Ancient Monarch KoCK-LlXK 1'K'A. NOTICE Continental (48) TlTbES. TITLE NO. 1. TITLE NO. 4. AGATE TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $2.75 THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Temperance and Social Improvement Society NONPAREIL TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.50 PRODUCE AND PROVISION STORE Liberal Advances oil Consignments MINION TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $4.00 MOUNTAINOUS COUNTRIES. I :n< h;i n i i ni: Scenes in America, BREVIER TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 WHOLESALE PAPER STORE Paper, Memorandums, Pencils BOURGEOIS TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 BROWN COUNTY DEMOCRAT Interesting Democratic Journal LONG PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 50 a. $4.70 MENTAL, PHILOSOPHY. Ancient and Modern Idea SMALL PICA TITLE No. 1. 20 A, 30 a. $2.80 FIELDS AND GARDENS The Farmer's Companion AGATE TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.75 EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM Advertisements Inserted at Lowest Rates NONPAREIL TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.85 OFFICE OF THE LEBANON TRIBUNE Every Description of Fine Job Printing. MINION TITLE. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.30 LETTER OF PERMANENT VALUE And. of Long Established Reputation BREVIER TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 GLENN'S FAMILY JOURNAL Great Inducements to Farmers. BOURGEOIS TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.40 RUSTIC AND GILT FRAMES American, French, and German LONG PRIMER TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 50 a. $3.90 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Medicines and Perfumery. PICA TITLE No. 1. 15 A, 30 a. $3.80 DOMESTIC BREED Animal Mechanism GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 10 A, 20 a. $4.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. PATENT OIL, Family Grocery PARAGON TITLE No. 1. 10 A, 20 a. $4.50 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Diamond Crown DOUBLE PICA TITLE No. 1. 8 A, 16 a. $5.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Pine Timber DOUBLE GT. PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. $6.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Romans PICA TITLE No 4. 22 A, 32 a. $3.85 BALTIMORE TIMES. Independent Journal TITLE NO. 3. GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $3.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Model Establishment PARAGON TITLE No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $5.00 50 Ibs. Jit 38 cts. per Ib. Grand Selection DOUBLE ENGLISH TITLE No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $6.80 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Manuscripts DHL. GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 3. 4 A, 8 a. $6.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Mountain FOUR-LINE PICA TITLE No. 3. 4 A, 4 a. $7.00 50 Ibs. at 43 cts. per Ib. Bounds PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (40) 6OJMDENSE9. NONPAREIL CONDENSED No. 4. 30A, 60 a. $2.40 UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT Merchants and Manufacturers' Life Insurance BREVIER CONDENSED No. 4. 30 A. 60 a. $3.00 STANDARD HISTORY OF GERMANY Select Reading's from Standard Works LG. PRIMER CONDENSED No. 4. 18 A. 40 a. $2.50 THE PRINTERS INSTRUCTOR Productions of Modern Genius 2 PICA CONDENSED No. 4. 15 A, 30a. $2.50 THE FEEMONT REGISTER Herald Publishing Company ENGLISH CONDENSED No. 4. lo A, 30 a. $3.00 MORNING CHRONICLE Devoted to General News HANDSOME DESIGNS Numerous Delineations. Tn n^TmTnv MOEIING ED T ON American Kevolution DBL. ENGLISH COND. No. 4. 10A, 16a. $5.00 HURON TIMES Latest Specimen DBL. GT. PRIMER COND. No. 4. 8 A, 12 a. $7.00 -m "TP1 /^ ""T I "I^T^T/NrN MECHANICS J_JLXJ. YJ \/J- LCI) L_L WJ-AO . No. 4 5 A, NONPAREIL CONDENSED No. 5. 36 A. $1.7& EMINENT MECHANICS OF GREAT BRITAIN BIOGRAPHIES OF DISTINGUISHED POETS BREVIER CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $1.50 THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY IMPROVED PRINTING MACHINES TWO-LINE PEARL CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $1.50 GEORGIA MONTHLY RECORD DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE TWO-LINE AGATE CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $2.00 HUNTINGTON SENTINEL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE TWO-LINE NONP. CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $2.40 TREMOUNT REGISTER MORNING EDITIONS TWO-LINE BREVIER COND. No. 5. ISA. $2.20 COMMERCIAL NEWS FOREIGN ITEMS TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS COND. No. 5. 16 A. $2.20 SUPEEIOE COUETS Two-LiSE Loso PRIMER CO.ND. No. 5. 12 A. $2.50 CAMDEN POST TWO-LINE ENGLISH COND. No. 5. 10 A. $3.20 OEDINANCE TWO-LINE GT. PRIMER COND. No. 5. 6 A. $3.00 TWO-LINE PARAGON COND. No. 5. 5 A. $3.50 Insurance TEMPEST PALMER & REV. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (50) /fLDINE AND EXTR/r COJNDENSE9 JMo. 3. Nonpareil and Pearl Aldines line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. HISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE AMERICA* REVOLUTIONS XAHRATIVE OK PERSONAL ADVENTURES AND TRAVELS Southern Cominlsulim and Forwarding Merchant*' Exchange PEARL ALDINE on Nonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. |2.00 AUTHENTIC BIOURAPH E8 OF EMINENT FRENCH WRITER Extensive Amortment of Handsome Combination Border* $4O NONPAREIL ALDINE. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Memoir* of American and European Mechanics 5 BREVIER ALDINE. 30 A, 60 a. $3.55 CENTRAL TEAM PRINTING HOUSE Publishers of Journals and Periodicals LONG PRIMER ALDINE. ISA, 40 a. $2.45 SPECIMENS AND ESTIMATES North American Trade Reporter PICA ALDINE. ISA, 30 a. $2.85 MADISON REPUBLICAN Best Advertising Medium PICA. EXTRA CONDENSED No. 3. 16 A, 32 a. $3.06 OUTLINES AND SKELETONS Longshanks Spindlefellow, Editor and Publisher ENGLISH EXTRA COND. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.25 SOCIETY OF EXCLUSIVES Autumnal Reception at Delacmne Mansion GT. PRIM. EXTRA COND. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.85 GREAT PIUMER ALDINE. 12 A, 24 a. $4.00 IRON MERCHANTS Insurance Companies PARAGON ALDINK. 12 A, 24 a. $4.60 MONROE TIMES Printer's Manual. DBL. ENGLISH ALDINE. 10 A, 16 a. $7.00 Improvement DBL. GREAT PRIMER ALDINE. 8 A, 12 a. $9.00 Mountains DOUBLB PARAGON ALDINK. 6 A, 10 a. 8.30 Company FOUR-LINE PICA ALDIXE. 6 A, 10 a. 11.50 Eastern Warrant and Certificate of Indebtedness PARAGON EXTRA COND. No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $4.35 WMNd MFFMX Jj I Lil 111 U illJjJjlil U U Immoral and Profane Association DBL. PICA EXTRA COND. No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $5.50 GT PRIM Ex CoNJ) No ^ 5 A> 12 a. $6.35 DBL. PARAGON Ex. COND. No. 3. 5 A, 10 a. $5.70 FouR-L. PICA Ex. COND. No. 3. 4 A, 8 a. $6.58 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (51) TWO-LINE, Jslo. 5. TWO-LINE DIAMOND No. 5. 20 A. $1.20 i TWO-LINE BREVIER No. 5. 18 A. $2.65 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS MFRTON TTMFS TWO-LINE PEARL No. 5. 20 A. $1.30 AMERICAN INSTITUTES TWO-LINE AGATE No. 5. 20 A. $1.30 SIDNEY INDEPENDENT TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 5. 20 A. $1.65 WESTERN FARMER TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 6. 20 A. $1.80 FIRESIDE FRIEND TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS No. 5. 15 A. $2.65 INSTRUCTION TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER No. 5. 10 A. $2.40 ORNAMENTS TWO-LINE SMAL PICA No. 5. 10 A. $2.30 SPECIMENS TWO-LINK MINION No. 5. JO A. $2.2.5 MOUNT VERNON TWO-LINE PICA No. 5. 8 A. $2.30 DIRECTOR 8 A. TWO-LINE ENGLISH No. 5. 83.10 3 REMINISCENCE 5 6 A. TWO-LIXE GKKAT PKI.MKK No. 5. $3.80 9 HISTORICAL 8 6 A. T*'o-LiXE PARAGON No. 5. 4.65 3 MODERN 2 Foi'R-LixE PICA No. 5. 8 MIDGET 3 TWO-blNE JNJO. 7. Two- LINE PEARL No. 7. 24 A. $2.25 MERCURY 3,140 MILES TWO-LINE AGATE No. 7. 20 A. $2.20 WESTERN SCENES TWO-LINE MINION No. 7. ISA. $2.75 HOME RECORD TWO-LINE BREVIER No. 7. ISA. $2.85 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 7. 20 A. $2.20 ROMAN EMPIRE TRANSCRIPT PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (52) CONDENSED AND ITALIC TITLES. TITLE ITALIC NO. 2. NONPAKEIL TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 30 A. 60a. 12.85 CHROMATIC CYLINDER PRINTING. Various Colors Printed at one Impression BREVIER TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 30 A, 60 a. $3.55 MILNER'S PRICE CURRENT Authentic Reports of Inventions. BOURGEOIS TITLE ITALIC No. 2. . 20 A, 30 a. $3.55 LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Foreign and Domestic Exchange Lo. PRIMER TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $2.70 WESTERN FINANCIER National and County Bonds PICA TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 15 A, 30 a. $3.05 RULING MACHINE Pencil Manufacturer GREAT PRIMER TITLE ITALIC. 10 A, 20 a. $2.80 GOLD BRONZES. Superior Colored Inks CONDENSED NO. 1. TWO-LINE ENGLISH COND. No. 1. 6 A. $2.50 TWO-LINE GT. PRIMER COND. No. 1. 6 A. $3.65 MITRES TWO-LINE PARAGON COND. No. 1. 4 A. $3.00 ROMAN FOUR-LINE PICA COND. No. 1. 4 A. $3.95 TIMES EXTRA CONDENSED. TWO-LINE BREVIER EXTRA COND. 15 A. $1.10 GOVERNMENT PRIMING HOUSE GREAT PRIMER EXTRA COND. 15 A. $1.50 AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE PARAGON TITLE ITALIC. 8 A, 16 a. $3.00 TWO-LINE PICA EXTRA COND. 15 A. $2.00 REFERENCE Patent Medicine DEL. ENGLISH TITLE ITALIC. 7 A, 12 a. $5.10 BELMONT Amusements DHL. GT. PRIMER TITLE ITALIC. 4 A, 8 a. $4.25 MODEL Ornament 2-LiNE GREAT PRIM. EXTRA COND. 10 A. $2.85 CANON EXTRA COND. 8 A. $4.00 FOUR-LINE PICA EXTRA COND. 6 A. $2.65 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (53) CONDENSED ALDINE. 40A, 50a. NONPAREIL CONDENSED ALDIXE. $2.20 I MOW, I MOW WHERE BLOSSOMS BLOW THE EARLIEST OF THE YEAR ; Where the Passion-Flower, with a Mystie Power, its Thorny Crown doth Rear Where Crocus Breathes, and Fragrant Wreaths, Like a Censer Fill the fiale Where Cowslips Burst to Beauty First, and the Lily of the Vale ; 40A, 50a. BREVIER CONDENSED ALDINE. 82.50 AMD SNOWDROPS WHITE, AND PANSIES BRIGHT As Joseph's Colored Vest; and Laurel-Tod from the Woods of Cod, where the Wild Bird Builds her lest. I Know, I Know where Blossoms Blow the Earliest of the Year. 40A, 50a. BOURGEOIS CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.65 THEY TELL OF A BOATMAN, COLD AND PALE, WHO WAITS ON THE SHORE Of a Fathomless River, with a Noiseless Oar and a White-Winged Sail, and He Wafts the Soul to the Dim Forever. Oh! where is the Boatman Pallid and Slow, 30A, 40a. 'LONG PRIMBR CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.45 AND WHERE DOES THE WHITE-WINGED VESSEL CO? We have Named Him Death, who with Ruthless Grasp each Tie of our Hearts will Snap And Sever, but whence is the Source of His Icy Clasp, 30A, 40a. PICA CONDENSED ALDINE. $3.10 m WHERE IS THE DISTANT, DIM FOREVER? When the Pulse is Stilled and the Eyes are Dim, where goeth the Soul that goes Out with Him the Boatman Cold and Pale? 20A, 30 a. ENGLISH CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.55 SHOE THE HORSE MD SHOE THE MARE ; Never let the Hoof go bare: Trotting over Flinty Stones Wears away The Hardest Bones. 20A, 25. GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED ALDINE. $3.30 LIFE HAS MANY A STONY STREET Even to the Toughest Feet : Men the Sturdiest Find it So Ere through Half of Life they go. Shoe the Horse. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (54) CONDENSED ALDM. 15A, 20a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA CONDENSED ALDIXE. $3.56 SPLITTING THE DIFFERENCE ! Levying Half and Half on Producer and Consumer Middlemen's Exchange. 10A, 15a. DOUBLE ENGLISH CONDENSED ALDINE. $4.30 OBJECTS OF MEREST Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear ! Onr Exhausted Pocfcetbook. IDA, 15 a. DOITBLB PARAGON CONDENSED ALDINE. $6.60 ore Mining <;A, 10 a. FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED ALDINE. $6.10 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (55) EXTENDED ROMANS. LIGHTFACE EXTENDED. AGATE LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 30 A, 60 a. $3.40 MERCANTILE JOB PRINTING Cards, 3? rogram lines, and. Invitations NONP. LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 30 A, 60 a. $3.75 TYPE IT- O TIN DRY OFFICE Estimates sent on Application BREVIER LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. 24 A, 30 A. $3.30 FOREIGN PRODUCTS Immense Transportation LG. PRIM. LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. ISA, 24 a. $3.30 FRENCH [POEMS Commercial Monitor PICA LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. 12 A, 18 a. $3.30 TITLE EXTENDED NO. 3. NONP. TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 35 A, 40 a. $3.65 BO1113ER Printing: Material BREVIER TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 30 A, 30 a. $3.60 IIXSTJJR^JVCE AG-E1VTS < 'H 4-LiNE PICA ANT. COND. No. 2. 5 A. 8 a. $8.50 ^^ ^^ * 1 * DBL. GT. PRIM. ANTIQUE No. 6. 7 A, 12 a. $7.40 President Americans PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (58) ANTIQUE, SKELETOfJ AND GRECIAJXI. SKELETON ANTIQUE. BREVIER SKKL. ANTIQUE No. 2. 36 A, 70 a. $2.50 PICTURESQUE AND ANIMATED DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA Most Admirable Collection of Anecdotes and Illustrations Lo. PRIMER SKEL. ANT. No. 2. HO A, 60 a. $3.30 LITERATIM! AND GENERAL INFORMATION Beantifnl Productions of Distinguished Artists PICA SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 20 A. 40 a. $2.50 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES German Porcelain ant Enameled Ware GT. PRIMER SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 15 A, 30 a. $3.00 PARISIAN PAPER HANGINGS Cflrtiiini Colours fill Elepce PAKAOON SKELKTON ANTIQUE No. 2. 15 A, 30 a. $5.50 DBL. ENGLISH SKEL. ANT. No. 2. V1X, 24 a. $.V_M DHL. PARAGON SKKL. ANT. No. 2. 8 A. 16 a. $6.60 4-LiNE PICA SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 6 A. 12 a. $6.85 ANTIQUE COND. NO. 4. BREVIER ANT. COND. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.40 MANUFACTURE OF PRINTING MACHINES Cylinder Distribution Nonpareil Presses LONG PRIMER ANT. COND. No. 4. 24 A, 50a. $2.60 MEMOIRS OF EMINENT ARTISTS Narrative of Personal Adventures PICA ANT. COND. No. 4. 20 A, 28a. $2.75 IMPORTERS AND EXPORTER Foreign and Domestic Liqnors ENGLISH ANT. COND. No. 4. ISA, 36a. $3.00 UNION COUNTY TRIBUNAL Washington Correspondence GT. PRIMER ANT. CONK. No. 4. ISA, 24a. $3.60 INSURANCE AGENCIES Home Mutual Insurance PARAGON ANT. COND. No. 4. 12A, 18a. $3.30 TRADE REPORTER American Grocers DBL. ENO. ANT. COND. No. 4. 10A, 16a. $5.50 IRON FOUNDER Fine Specimens ^>*3fo- GRECIAN. TWO-LINE PICA GRECIAN. 8 A. $1.30 FOUR-LINE PICA GRECIAN. 4 A. $3.00 GRECIAN PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (59) DOf^lC ANB ANTIQUE fOINTED. DORIC. ANTIQUE POINTED. PEARL DORIC, on Xonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. $3.10 ' PICA ANTIQUE POINTED. 10 A, iOa. $3.65 ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS TfTT T^K VF* 2 T\I "F* * *S American, French and German Design ___ Long Bow Series. NON PA KEIL DORIC. 30 A, 50a. $3.SO LATEST IMPROVED MACHINES GREAT PRIMER ANTIQUE POISTKD. 8 A, 16a. Manufacturers of Sewing Machines ^^ ___ -T ^1^ -.-L -- -* Encyclopcaxa INSURANCE COMPANY Tenth. A.HHIia.1 Statement. DOUBLE SMALL PICA ANT. POINTED. 6A,12a. $5.80 LONG PRIMER DORIC. 20A,30a. $3.30 CHOICE SELECTION Domestic Productions. PICA DORIC. l.sA.-ita. *:{.: D,,,- BLE ENGLISH Axngi-E POIXTKI.. 5A, 10a. S6.40 NOVEL READING Historical Romance COLUMBIAN DORIC. 12 A, 12ft. Jf::.sii ?^^^ T^l^f^y^ fl f^T^ DHL. GRKAT PRIMER AsTigfE POINTKD. 4A,8a. $8.15 AMUSEMENT ^_^ _ _ ^_^ 9 Reduced Price PARAGON DORIC. !OA,rJa. fV>o TRIBUNAL Tailors Calcedonian. * aiAOrS DOUBLE PARAGON ANTIQUE POINTED. 3 A, Ca. $8.90 DBL. ENGLISH DORIC. OA.lOn. $6.30 Premises JOHN DHL. GREAT PRIMER DORIC. 6 A, 10a. $7.70 ^jjj^m H m j^g Medium Smith. FOUR-LINE PICA ANTIQUE POINTED. 3 A, 6 a, 11.10 DBL. PA i: AGON DORIC. 4 A, 6 a. $9.00 Recent MET FOUR-LINE PICA DORIC. A A. fia. $10.00 Tame Barn PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (00) GLARENDON. NONPAREIL CLARENDON. 24 A, 48 a. $2.95 GREAT PRIMER CLARENDON. 10 A, 20 a. $4.55 COMPARE DUE PRICE LIST WITH OTHERS T^'D "FTP TTT And You will Find Value for the Time Spent. ' .EvJllJ. \J.I1. X Railroad Companies BREVIER CLARENDON. 24 A, 48 a. |3.45 CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION _,,.,-.. . ..TV PARAGON CLARENDON. 8 A, 16 a. $4.65 Published from Ancient Documents. LONG PRIMER CLARENDON. 18 A, 36 a. !|3. 2"i INDUCEMENTS MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Southern Trader Commercial Correspondent 5 DEL. ENGLISH CLARENDON. 8 A, 10 a. |4.85 ^^TILE ^ SPECIMENS Permanent Investment ITlar 10H 1 111168 5 A, 8 a. DOI-BLE PARAGON CLARENDON. $5.50 2 ARTICLES 5 Guarantee Salesmen 6 A, 10 a. FoiR-LiXE PICA CLAKENDON. 14.00 7 MALE 4 Fashion Resort ARABESQUE. LONG PRIMER ARABESQUE. ISA, 30 a. $2.00 (ii-.EAT PKIMER ARABESQUE. 10 A, 20 a. $2.40 Irip 20 A, 40 a. PICA AKABKSIJI E. ificloi^i field Sooli of tye ' tioos b() Jeri ^id ^eocii of ii^e JisfoHj, Si _ , lie^ oy PALMES & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (61) LAREJSIDON DM PRESSED. w 30A, 20A, 50a. NONPAREIL CLARENDON COMPKKSSED. $2.00 'TWAS FUN TO SEE OUR DEVIL RUSH LIKE A SCHOOL BOY OUT OF SCHOOL, And Lather Himself with the old Ley Brush, and Shave with a Column Rale. With an Unctious Grin He Scrapes His CHIN. FOR IT TICKLES THE LITTLE FOOL. 30A, 20A, 50a. BREVIER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.00 THY NEIGHBOR? IT IS HE WHOM THOU Hast Power to Aid and Bless ; Whose Aching Heart or Burning Brow Thy Soothing Hand May PRESS. THY NEIGHBOR? 'Tis THE PAINTING POOR, WHOSE 25A ; 15A, 40a. Loso PRIMER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.35 EYE WITH WANT IS DIM, WHOM HUNGER Sends from Door to Door : Go Thou and Succour Him ! Thy Neighbor ? 'Tis THAT WEARY MAN, WHOSE YEARS ARE AT THEIR BRIM, 15A, 10A, 25a. PICA CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $2.80 BENT LOW WITH SICKNESS, Care and Pain: Go Thou and Comfort Him! Thy Neighbor? 'Tis THE HEART BEREFT OP EVERY EARTHLY GEM ; 15A, 25x GREAT PRIMKH CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.80 WIDOW AND ORPHAN, HELPLESS Left: Go Thou and Shelter Them! Thy Neighbor? 10A, 20a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA CLARENDON COMPRKSSKD. $3.90 YONDER TOILING SLAVE, Fettered in Thought and Limb, Whose 8A, 15a. DOUBLE ENGLISH CLARENDON- COMPRESSED. S4.70 HOPES AEE ALL BEYOND The Grave: Go and Ransom Him! PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (62) (gOMfRESSED. 8 A, 15 a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CLARENDON COMPRKSSED $7.30 Inexhaustable America's Golden Wealth 38 CALIFORNIA 47 8 A, 12 a. DOUBLE PARAGON CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $8.90 Good Old Days Memoirs and Letters 4 FORTY-NINE 9 6 A, 10 a. FOUR-LINE PICA CLARENDON COMPRESSED $10.15 Richness Monntlovers Mine 2 GOLD ORE 3 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. IOJMICS. NONPAREIL IONIC. 30 A, 60 a. $3.30 MAGNIFICENT WOOD ENGRAVING- Superior Productions of Eminent Artists BREVIER IONIC. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY San Francisco and Australian Lines. LONG PRIMER IONIC 20 A, 38 a. $2.50 STEAM ENGINE BUILDER Safe, Durable and Economical PICA IONIC. 20 A, 38 a. $3.50 PRINTING- MACHINES Design and Arrangement ENGLISH IONIC. 15 A, 20 a. $2.85 SOUTHERN TRADE Democratic Meetings GREAT PRIMER IONIC. 10 A, 16 a. $::.) CAMDEN TIMES Liberal Principles. PAHAGON IONIC. Id A. If, a. $4.10 FORMATIONS Moderate Terms DOUBLE PICA IONIC. 10 A, 12 a. |5.50 ARGUMENT French China DBL. GREAT PRIMER IONIC. 6 A, 8 a. $6.60 CHIMES Garment CANON IONIC. 6 A, 8 a. $10.00 SHINE Frames PEARL IONIC No. 2, Nonp. body. 24A, 48a. $3.10 NATIONAL STEAM PRINTING COMPANY. Engraving, Lithographing, and Steam Printing NONPAREIL IONIC No. 2. 24 A, 48 a. $3.10 IMPROVED NONPAREIL JOB PRESS Excellent Machines for Color Printing-. BREVIER IONIC No. 2. 24 A, 48 a. $3.40 UNITED STATES PATENT LAWS The Protection of American Citizens. LONG PRIMER IONIC No. 2. 18 A, 36 a. $3.00 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Regular Candidates for Office PICA IONIC No. Ifi A, 32 a. $3.20 LUMBER MERCHANT Fine Building Material GREAT PRIMER IONIC No. 2. 1A, 20a. $4.40 SPRING ROSES Foreign Products PARAGON IONIC No. 2. 10 A 20 a. $5.75 CONTINENT Hudson Bank DEL. ENGLISH IONIC No. 2. 6 A. 12 n. $r>.00 HUNTERS Companion DHL. GT. PRIMER IONIC No. 2. $6.25 PLANTS Summers CANON IONIC, No. 2, 3 A, 6 a. 88.3f> Queer ! FOUR-LINE PICA IONIC. 4 A, 6 a. $9.50 Dime PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (04) ANTIQUE EXTENDED, No. 4 T 18A,36a NONPAREIL. $3.50 16A,32a BREVTEB. $3.75 TIS NOT IN :MO:R,TAI_I FOTJOHT AT ,TJ Oom.rxia.nd sxiooess tou.t Tliey ^3S/t/tleS O"V@I* again LH.CL no-w deserve it 43 Tlirioe ciid 43 10A,20a LONG PRIMER. $3.50 10A,20a PICA. $4.55 KZISTD simple sure 3 n_or BleioiL 25 8A,16a COLUMBIAN. $5.50 to ttLem 'tis IDeatli to 345 t'.A.Uiu DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $5.60 tlie order of 9 4A,8a DOUBLE ENGLISH. $7.05 3A,6a DOUBLE PARAGON. $10.60 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (65) CONCAVE CONDENSED. 24A TWO-LINE NONPAREIL. $1.75 -NTO*LEARN*MDCH*WEM- HDST LEARN BUT LITTLE AT ONCE 2 1UA Two-LiNE PICA. $3.65 24A TWO-LINE BREVIER. $2.45 WAS THE FLOW OF ISER 18A TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER. $2.70 THEM IN SCORN 8 HAUNTS OF MANKIND 4 10A 8A 6A 5A 4A TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN. TWO-LINE PARAGON. FOUR-LINE PICA. FIVE-LINE PICA. SIX-LINE PICA. THE DIFFERENT SIZES OF THIS SERIES JUSTIFY BY SIXTHS OF PICA AND LINE AT THE BOTTOM. $4.00 $5.15 $5.45 $6.00 $7-45 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (66) CONCAVE. 32A NONPAREIL. 81.55 >SMALL*LATIN*AND*LESS*GREEK< EVEN*THE*TENDEREST*HEARTS*NEXT*OUR 13 * OWN KNOWS HALF * 24 24A TWO-LINE PEARL. $1.90 *EXISTENCE*SAW*HIWK* SPURN*HER*BOUNDED*REIGN 38 * FAST TIME * 25 24A BREVIER. $1.75 *MMMODEST*WORDS*ADMITS NO*DEFENCE*WANT*OF*DECENCY*IS 46 * WANT OF SENSE * 75 18A TWO-LINE NONPAREIL. $1.85 ^IMAGINATIONS^ OF*THE*SKEPTIC*ARE 3 * GREATER * 8 TWO-LINE BREVIER. $2.90 *HX)NVINCING*THOUGHTS^ IS HONOR BUT EMPTY BUBBLES 12A TWO-LINE LONO PRIMER. $3.55 WILL COMMAND RESPECT 10A TWO-LINE PICA. $4.00 8A 6A 4A TWO-LINE ENGLISH. Two-LiNE COLUMBIAN. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER. ALL SIZES HAVE FIGURES AND JUSTIFY AND LINE AT THE BOTTOM. $4.30 $4.25 $5.00 PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (67) LlGHTFACE F^UNIC. 25 A, 40a. Loso PR. LIGHTFACE RUNIC. $3.90 20 A, 30a. PICA LIOHTFACK RUNIC. $4.35 Made Beautiful by Nature's Touch Enlivening" and Refreshing" 15 AUTUMN SCENES 73 97 RAINFALLS 42 15 A, 25 a. ENGLISH LiGimACE RUNIC. 84.75 12 A, 20 a. GREAT PRIMER LIGHTKACK RL-.NIC. *5.35 14 MUSICAL 59 15 FRENCH 84 Persons of Observation Helena of Killdare 10 A, 15 a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA LIOHTFACK RUNIC. $5.85 35 ORIGINALITY 68 French and American Colonization 6A, lOa. DOUBLE KV.UHI LIOHTKACK Urxic. 4A, 8a. DOUBLE PARAGON I.IGIITFACK Rrxic. *7. '?."> 18 SIR CT 76 Preservation of Health 4 A, 6a. FouR-I-i.NK PICA LIOIIIKACE Ruxic. 8. -40 8 SHADY 5 Seaside Reveries 3 A, 5 a. FIVE-LINE PICA LIGHT-FACE RUNIC. #9.4"> NeeFomaneer PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND ((58) BOLDFACE GEL-TIC. 30 A, 50 a. Noxr. BOLDFACE CELTIC. *3.tX) 30 A, 50 a. BREV. BOLDFACE CELTIC. 19 TOURIST ROUTES 2O 13 DIPLOMACY 54 Travellers' Guide and Reference. General Sherman's Charge 25 A, 40 a. Loxo PR. BOLDFACE CELTIC. *3.75 15 A, 25 a. PICA BOLDFACE CELTIC. $2.05 18 COMMON 75 13 p OE MS 75 French Commentaries __ Nubia and Arabia 8 A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA BOLDTACE CELTIC. 4.35 ^^TTF Ti JT T T "1^ "1 f^ 10 A. 15 a. GREAT PR. BOLDFACE CELTIC. $3.30 67 MUD 13 18 FAIR 29 Built Houses Earth and Skies 6A, 10a. UoruLE EXOLIWII BOLDFACE CELTIC. 5.40 15 ETHICS 29 Politics for America \ 4A, 6a. DOUBLE (iREAT I'KIMEK BOLDFACE CELTIC. $5.55 13 TRUE 58 German Warrior 4A,6a. DOUBLE PAKACJOX BOLDFACK CELTIC. #7.40 8 SON 6 Moral Health PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. '(.9) MODERN ANTIQUE. LONG PRIMER MODERN ANTIQUE. 24 A, 50 a. 3.00 ORNAMENTAL CARVINGS Prize Composition by Harrison CURIOSITY PICA MODERN ANTIQUE. 20 A, 40 a. ^3.00 MODERN PRINTING Numerous Improvements 1 Sl Par Excellence PARAGON MODERN ANTIQUE. 12 A, 20 a. 84.50 3-LisE NOSP. MODERN ANTIQUE. 16 A, 24 a. $3.90 CONSTRUCTION Natural History I Domestic Productions Museum 7 Handsome 25 10 A, 16 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH MODERN ANTIQUE. $6.40 SECOND REUNION Lake Huron Excursions 31 8 A, 12 a. TiiRKK-LiNE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE. $8.50 EMBROIDERIES Commission Broker, 6 6 A, 10 a. DOUBLE PARAGON MODERN ANTIQUE. $8.90> CONDUCTORS Summer Resort 25 5A, 8 a. FOUR-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE $10.90 HISTORIES Reminiscence 4 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (70) JVI09ERN ANTIQUE W|DE. PICA MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE. $3.65 DISTINGUISHED NEIGHBORS North American Fire Insurance Company Annual Conventions 123 10 A, 16 a. THREE-LINE NONPAREIL MODERN ANTIQUE WIDB. $3.75 HUNTINGTON BRIDGE Pleasant Steamboat Excursions. River Enjoyments 45 10 A, 16 a. PARAGON MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE. 84.85 ELEGANT DESIGNS Handsomest Adornments 17 6 A, 8 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE. $5.60 PRODUCTION Domestic Wines 89 4 A, 6a. TiiREK-LixB PICA MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE. 87.00 THRONES German Count 1 3A, 4a. FOUR-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE. 88.90 BUNCH Remnant 4 PALMER & REV, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (71) MODEM ANTIQUE CONDENSED. LG. PRIMER MODERN ANTIQUE COND. 24 A, 48 a. $3.60 SUMMER RAMBLE IN SOUTHERN LANDS Through New-Built Villages of Joyous Homes 5 THREE-LINE NONP. MODERN ANTIQUE COND. ISA, 36 a. $4.40 WESTERN HUNTING CLUB Eleventh Annual Reunion 1884 DBL. ENGLISH MODERN ANTIQUE COND. 8 A, 16 a. S6.05 MACHINISTS Standard Engine 8 PICA MODERN ANTIQUE COND. 18 A, 36 a. 3.00 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Thrilling Events of the Revolution 1776 TWO-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE COND. 12 A, 24 a. 14.60 ELEGANT DESIGNS Commercial Reporter 21 THREE-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE COND. 6 A, 12 a. $5.50 ROMANCER Grand Chorus 6 5 A, 10 a. FOUR-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE CONDENSED. $6.90 AMERICAN PRODUCE Household Decorations 4 A, 8 a. FIVE-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE CONDENSED. $9.90 Prominent Merchant 1 4 A, 8 a. SIX-LINE PICA MODERN ANTIQUE CONDENSED. $11.85 MANHATTAN AND CURVED ANTIQUE. 8A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA MANHATTAN. $3.85 Terrified Crown Heads! I NIHILISM RAMPANT 10A, 15a. GREAT PRIMER MANHATTAN. $2.75 Political Sweeping Assertions! DDST FOR THE PUBLIC 6A, lOa. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER MANHATTAN. $5.15 Limited Premium Corset Pressure 2 NARROW CONTRACTION 3 10A, 15a. GREAT PRIMER CURVED ANTIQUE. $3.50 Continuous Steel-Rail Line to all Points in the East 18 CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. 71 8A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA CUPVKD ANTIQUE. $4.75 Bobby Link & Jay Bird, Concerteers ! 3 GROVE LANE, CHERRY VALE 6A, lOa. DOUBLE GRKAT PRIMER CURVED ANTIQUE. $6.20 Ancient Moorish Architecture 4 CURVED CORNICES S 4A, 6a. FOUR-LINE PICA CURVED ANTIQUE. (7.75- The Merrie Maskers 3 BALLROOM 5 10 (73) AMERICAN SYCTU.1 OF H ,,, TERCHflUGEABLE TYPE BODIES. LATIN ANTIQUE if 24A,48a NONPAREIL. $2.95 -+WHEN+WINTER+WINDS+ARE4- Piercing+Chill+and+througrh+the+hawthorn Blows the Gale with solemn 1 23456789O 18A,36a LONG PRIMER. $3.30 -*AN D+TH E+M ASTER*- With+Gesture + of +Command Waved his hand and loud 1234567890 24A,48a BREVIER. -fWHAT+GLORY+DOTH** The+world+put+on+for+him+who+with Fervent heart goes forth 1 2345678OO 12A,84a PICA. $2.05 In+the+Marvellous + Heart Of Man that an Army 1 23356780O 10A,20a GREAT PRIMER. $4.25 ^DOWN+TH E+BROAD+VALE4- Of Tears afar the Spectral camp is fled 8A,16a DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $4.90 VTHEN+COMES+THE-^ Summer day bidding the man 6A,12a DOUBLE ENGLISH. $6.15 ^Our+BLESSED+Dead-^ 4A,8a DOUBLE GUEAT PUIMER. $7.15 USEFUL+Series*- 3A,5a FOUR-LINE PICA. $8.95 -j-Man+DIED-K ALL FONTS COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. SPACES AND QUADS WITH ALL SIZES EXCEPT PICA, PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (74) FRENCH IONIC. LONG PRIMER FRENCH IONIC. 20 A, 40 a. $2 75 PICA FRENCH IONIC. ?OA, 38 a. $3 65 FIRE INSURANCE FRENCH POEM American National Banks. Second Grand Concert. Government Bond Entertainment 10 A, 20 a. PARAGON FRENCH IONIC. $475 FREIGHT AGENT Michigan Central Railroad Direct Route 5 ENGLISH FRENCH IONIC. 15 A, 20 a. $3 25 SPRING TIME Foreign Commerce. Manufacture 3-LiNE NOSP. FRENCH IONIC. 10 A, 16 a. $325 MOUNTAIN Lumber Regions. Premium 6 A, 12 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH FRENCH IONIC. $630 MOITRNINQ Granite Monuments 6 A, 10 a. DOUBLE PARAGON FRENCH IONIC. $9 65 PRINTING North American 4 A, 6 a. FOUR-LINE PICA FRENCH IONIC. $12 50 MINER Commander PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (75) fRENCH ANTIQUE AND fRENCH eLAF^ENDON. BREVIER FRENCH ANTIQUE. :M>A, tlOa. $3.oo XONP. FRENCH CLARENDON. :M)A, 60 a. $-2.20 GEEMAN CHROMO-LITHOG-RAPH. ELEMENTS or MATHEMATICS FOB YOUN& PEOPLE Landscapes, Portraits, and Diplomas Brown's Elementary Practical and Commercial Arithmetic LG. PRIMER FRENCH ANTIQUE. -JO A.:* a. $2.75 BREVIER FRENCH CLARENDON. 30 A, 60 a. $2.80 FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS DEALERS IN OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Bohemian Enameled Glassware. Manufact of Astronomical instruments LG. PRIM. FRENCH CLARENDON. 30 A, 50 a. $3.30 PICA FRENCH ANTIQUE. 20 A, 38 a. $3.55 CT _ T.7r> o r iTi3i2,'S" CO^^^'^.^T-Z' for ^ra.ctLca.1 rr5.33.ters 3-LiNK NOSP. FRENCH CLAR. Exi. 12A, 14a. *5.50 BREVIER FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 20 A, 36 a. $3.30 PARAGON FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 7 A, lOa. $5.70 LG. PRIM. FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 22 A, 32a.. $3.75 DEL. PICA FCH. CLAR. EXT. 5 A, 7 a. $5.70 of PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (77) JSIONPA^EIL COMBINATION OTJHIC. All the Gothics shown in this pa^e are cast on Nonpareil body, and line with each other at the bottom, and are displayed in the center in combination. 50 A. NO. 1. 50 A. NO. 2. CONTINUATION OF THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE ACROSS THE ATLANTIC MESSAGES SENT TO THE BRITISH ISLES WITHOUT DELAY BY CABLE 5678 SUCCESSFULLY LA'D BY WEALTHY AND ENTERPRISING MEN RAPID TRANSMISSION OF NEWS THE GRAND ACHIEVEMENT Price of Complete Series, as shown in ronibinution, (Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive) $6.00 STEREOTYPED. PALMER & REY, EL tCT .OTYP S . TYPE FOUNDERS A NJ PRINTING PRESS MANUFACTURERS, SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTHEPN PACIFIC NEWSPAPER UNION AND PACIFIC STATE;? ADVERTISING BUREAU, NOS. 4O5 AND 4O7 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 40 A. NO. 3. > 1 - 50 CANDIDATES PLANNING TO RELIEVE THE OVERBURDENED TREASURY LEGISLATIVE MEASURES FOR LENGTHENING THE TERM OF DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENCY TO 23456 CENTURIES GRAND MILITARY DISPLAY AND PYROTECHNICS 40 A. No. 4. N-so SUMMER SOJOURN AMONG THE CYPRESSES OF MONTEREY DEFENDING TERROR STRICKEN INHABITANTS FROM THE RAVAGES OF 13458 BALD-HEADED BUMMERS EXPERIENCES OF A BEER-K^G TAPPER 4(. A. NO. 5. MAGNETIC INFLUENCE OF FLOWERY SPEAKERS SYSTEM OF INTERCHANGEABLE 23456 TYPE BODIES UNIVERSALLY ADOPTED DELUSIVE MEASURES SELDOM EFFECTIVE PALMER * REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (78; 32A,64a NONPAREIL. $2.56 YES THE YEAR IS GROWING OLD AND HIS EYE IS PALE AND BLEARED DEATH WITH FROSTY Hand and cold Plucks the old man by the beard Sorely, sorely. The leaves are falling, falling Solemnly and slow; Caw! Caw! the 3257 Rooks are calling it is a sound of woe A Sound of Woe, unutterable woe 3238 34A,48a BREVIER. $3.00 TO THE CRIMSON WOODS HE SAITH TO THE VOICE GENTLE AND LOW OF The soft air like a Daughter's breath Pray do not mock me so do not laugh at me and now the day is Dead 489 When the warm Sun that Brings Seed-time and harvest 523 20A,40a LONG PRIMER. $3.05 DARK CLOAK OF ROEBUCKS SKIN COVERED THE WARRIOR And within its Heavy folds the weapons made for the Hard Toils of war were laid Beside 574 The Broad Belt of Shells and Beads in the Year 865 18A,36a PICA 82.00 SIR OLUF HE RIDETH OVER THE PRAIRIE FULL SEVEN Miles broad and Seven miles wide but never, ah never can meet with the man 27 A tilt with him dare ride He wore upon him 48 12A,24a GREAT PRIMER. $3.75 SAIL FORTH INTO THE SEA OF Life gentle loving trusting wife and safe from all 42 adversity upon the 36 8A,16a DOUBLE PICA. $6.20 BY THE PRICKING OF My thumbs Something wicked 89 this way comes 54 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (75)) JMo. 9. 3 A, 30 A, 60 a. NOSPARKIL GOTHIC No. 9. 13.60 COMPLETE CATALOGUES OF ANCIENT AND MODERN WRITINGS Assortment of Handsome American, French, and German Chromo-Lithographs and Engraving Beautiful Landscapes, Portraits, and Oil Paintings, $376 ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECLARATION OF NORTH AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, 5426. 30A, 30A, 60a. BREVIER GOTHIC No. 9. $4.15 LONDON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES Manufacturers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Extensive Assortment of French Brandies, 5982 SOUTHERN COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, 264 20A, 20 A, 30a. LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 9. $3.30 IMPROVED CYLINDER PRINTING MACHINES Estimates and Specimens Furnished Job Printers on Application. Great Variety of Handsome Letter 8623 BORDERS, FLOURISHES, ORNAMENTS AND RULES 15 A, 15 A, 20 a. PICA GOTHIC No. 9. $3.55 UNITED STATES PATENT AGENCY Agricultural and Mineral Regions of the Northwest. Western Grain-growing States 37 GREAT LUMBER DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. 12 A, 12 A, 20a. TIIKKK-|.INK NONPAREIL GOTHIC No. 9. $4.40 MODERN IMPROVEMENTS United States Educational Institutions. Annual Examinations, 62 BIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONS 78 PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (80) JMo. 9. 8 A 8 A, 12 a. PARAGON GOTHIC No. 9. $5.75 PRINTERS' EMPORIUM Manufacturers Departments, 79 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, eo 6A,6A, 8 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 9. $7.00 CONSTRUCTION American Inventions 13 GOVERNMENTS 87 4 A, 4 A, 6 a. THRRE-LINE PICA GOTHIC No. 9. 88.50. MONUMENT Roman General 2 ENGINEER 34 4 A, 4 A, 6 a. DOUBLE PARAGON GOTHIC No. 9. $10.50 SERMONS Ceremonies, 5 FOUNDERS 5 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (81) O-OTHIIG 3STO. 5. 32A,64a NONPAREIL. $2.90 HIS HAT WAS OFF HIS VEST APART TO Catch Heaven's Blessed Breeze for a Burning Thought was in his brow and his bosom ill at ease 1 25 _. Though lost to sight, to memory dear 29 24A,48a LONG PRIMER. $3.30 MAKING NIGHT HIDEOUS Might shake the Saintship of an anchorite More in sorrow than in Anger 75 16A,32a ENGLISH. $3.30 ROSE OVER THE CITY 24A,48a BREVIER. $2.80 PUT MONEY IN THY PURSE She Moves a Goddess, and She Looks a Queen 18A,36a PICA. $3.15 STOOD ON THE BRIDGE At midnight, the clocks were striking the hour and the moon 23 12A,24a GREAT PRIMER. $4.45 NOTHING SO Behind the Dark Church 3234 | Hard but searching 8 10A,20a DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $4.90 She that asks Her DEAR FRIENDS 9 8A,16a DOUBLE ENGLISH. $6.10 7 SET THE TABLE on the mat 6A,12a DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER. Money INFLUENCES 4 4A,8a CANON. S8.00 7 SUMMER Ducks 4A,8a FOUR-LINE PICA. $11.05 Fresh CRABS 3 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (82) O-OTHIIO INTO. 7. 48A EXCELSIOR. (On Nonpareil.) $1.30 42A DIAMOND. (On Nonpareil) $1.45 HOW FADING ARE THE JOYS WE DOTE UPON LIKE APPARITIONS MOST EXQUISITE AND STRONG LIKE ANGEL'S SEEN AND GONE BUT THOSE WHICH SOONEST TAKE THEIR FLIGHT ARE 33 VISITS SHORT AND BRIGHT MORTALITY'S TOO WEAK TO BEAR 2 36A PEARL. (On Nonpareil.) $1.60 36A NONPAREIL. $2.05 HEAR A VOICE YOU CANNOT HEAR WHICH HOW MIRTH CAN INTO FOLLY SAYS I MUST NOT STAY, I SEE A HAND YOU 682 GLIDE AND FOLLY GLIDE INTO SIN 364 32A BREVIER. 82.40 24A TWO-LINE PEABL. $2.35 MAN HER INNOCENCE A CHILD 8 SOFT GENTLE AND LOW 4 ISA TWO-LINE NONPAREIL. $200 BEARS HIS BLUSHING HONOURS THICK 58 16A TWO-LINE BREVIER. $2.35 73 DRINK TO HER THAT EACH LOVES 12A TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS. $2.55 EVERY MAN MUST WORK AND 24 10A TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER. $2.96 4 HIS DOGS BARK AND BITE 8A TWO-LINE PICA. $3.35 THE STRANGLERS OF 23 6A TWO-LINK ENGLISH. $3 30 98 CLAM CHOWDERS 5A TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN $3.65 GOOD DREAMER 4 4A TWO-LINE PARAGON. $4.35 2 Palmer & Key, S*n Francisco And Portland. (83) OTHIC JJo. 10. BREVIER GOTHIC No. 10. 20 A, 20 A. $3.00 ; LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 10. 18 A, 18 A. $3.25 UNITED STATES BANK TYPE FOUNDER MONUMENT $25 ^ONPAREIL 16 10 A, 10 A. GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 10. $4.00 STEALING ONWARD JVIODERJM ARTIST PRINTED 53 JVIINE^ALS 26 PICA GOTHIC No. 10. 1"> A, 15 A. $3.50 TWO-LINE BREV. GOTHIC No. 10. 12 A, 12 A. $3.75 MERCHANTS PRODUCER HOJVIE IJMSUf^AfJeE. fOF^EKSN f f^UIT. NORTHERN 3 jAMERIGAN 8A, 8A. PARAGON GOTHIC No. 10. $4.25 USEFUL ARTS 3 HOME-MADE 8 5 A, 5 A. 2-LiNE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 10. $4.75 NORTWEST jVIEXICAJsl JVIINIJM 5 MILLIN 8 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (84) GOTHIC NO. 11. BREVIER GOTHIC No. 11. 30 A. $1.90 SECURE INVESTMENT ECLIPSE BUILDING SOCIETY. 100 SHARES, $512 LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 11. 24 A. $1.90 SELECT EDITION EXPERIENCED WRITER $52 VOLUMES 16 A. GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 11. $3.25 PICTURE FRAMES NEAT PARLOR ORNAMENTS OIL PAINTINGS 190 PICA GOTHIC No. 11. 20 A. $2.00 MONUMENTS ORIENTAL GRANITE CEMETERY 34 TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC No. 11. ISA. $2.60 MONITORS HARPERS FERRY OCEAN 67 10 A. TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 11. $3.30 DENSE FORES1 RICH L_UMBE:R REGION PINE TREE 24 8 A. TWO-LINE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 11. $4.00 DOCUMENT COURT RECORDS PROBATE 56 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (85) GOTHIC NO. 2. PEARL GOTH. No. 2 (Nonp. body). 30 A, 60a. $3.10 CYLINDER PRINTING MACHINES Improved Nonpareil Job Printing Presses. NONPAREIL GOTHIC No. 2. L 30A, 60 a. $3.10 HANDSOME ENGRAVINGS Attractive and Valuable Premiums Patent Receding Bed, $225. Choice Selection. SI.5O Pearl and Nonpareil Gothics line, and can be used as caps and small caps. SELECT EDITIONS FOR ENGINEERS AND MECHANICS PERSONAL HISTORY AND EXPERIENCE OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS. PRACTICAL GUIDE BOOK, 1725 PACES. BREVIER GOTHIC No. 2. 30 A, 20 a. $3.85 OPERA COMPANIES Dramatical Entertainment. Admission $I.5O COLUMBIAN GOTHIC No. 2. 15 A, 20 a. $3.25 MERCHANT American Grocer Produce 2 LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $3.25 HURON TRIBUNE Farmers Home Journal $2 per Annum PICA GOTHIC No. 2. 15 A, 20 a. $3.00 MONUMENTS Granite and Marble Cemetery 52 8 A. 12 a. PARAGON GOTHIC No. 2. $3.55 MOUNTAIN REGION Mineral and Timber Sections Fine Material 43 8 A, 12 a. DOUBLE PICA GOTHIC No. 2. $5.50 DIRECT ROUTE Creat Eastern Railroad Train No. 38 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (86) GOTHIC No. 2. 6 A, 8 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 2. $6.20 COMMERCE European Countries Government 6 5 A, 8 a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMEE GOTHIC No. 2. $8.25 MOUNDS North American Homes 28 5 A, 6 a. DOUBLE PARAGON GOTHIC No. 2. $8.80 THRONE Ancient Ruins German 6 4 A, 6 a. FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC No. 2. $ 11.50 BENCH Commands Palmar & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (87) OCTIC SERIES. (Patented.) NONPAREIL OCTIC. 30 A. $1.C5 GORGEOUS SPRING DOORS MOROCCO BOUND ORDER BOOKS POISONOUS DRUGS, $93.58 BREVIER OCTIC. 30 A. $2.20 ROSSBURG COURIER OUR SUSPENSION BRIDGE DISCOURSER $5390 15 A. TWO-LINE BREVIER OCTIC. $2.20 SPURIOUS COUPONS NUMEROUS CORRUPT BOARDS QUORUMS $58,602 LONG PRIMER OCTIC. 20 A. $1.60 PICA OCTIC. CROCUS SHRUBS 20 A. $2.20 DRUM CORPS CURIOUS ROSE BUDS. COURSE BORDER. BOUQUETS, $2.50 $352,680 8 A. TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER OCTIC. $2.50 JURIES' REPORTS SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE RECORDS $352 8 A. TWO-LINE PICA OCTIC. $3.30 SUCCESSORS SUPERB BOURBON LIQUORS 28 Palmer & Rey, Sa,n Francisco &nd Portland. (881 (Patented.) 6 A. DBL. ENGLISH OCTIC. $3.30 PRODUCERS ROUGH GROUNDS BIRDS $63 5 A. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER OCTIC. $4. 85 GROCERS ROOS & BROS. $25,O68 4 A. TWO-LINE PARAGON OCTIC. J4.85 COURSE SOUR DROP $68930 4 A. FOUR-LINE PICA OCTIC. $7.00 SUBURBS $36.25 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. 12 (89) JMo. 12. PEARL GOTHIC No. 12. (No.Ni-. BODY.) 30 A. $1.40 NONPAREIL GOTHIC No. 12. 30A. SI. 75 REGULAR MORNING EXERCISES DOMINION GOVERNMENT THE CALIFORNIA GYMNASIUM BUILDING UNITED COLONIES OF AMERICA SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS, 436 ARCTIC REGIONS 289 Pearl and Nonpareil Gothics line, and can be used as Cops and Small Caps. BREVILR GOTHIC No. 12 30A. $2.15 LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 12. OA. .*2.20 FOREIGN KINGDOMS REFRESHMENTS CHINESE (MIGRATION $15 CHOICE BOURBON 53 AMERICAN SHORE SELECT WINES PICA GOTHIC No. 12. 20 A. $2.20 TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC No. 12. 15 A. 2.65 JURISDICTION BURNISHER COURT HOUSE 90 ADORNMENT 14 12 A. GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 12. 2.45 REVENUE COMMISSIONER, 25 8 A. PARAGON GOTHIC No. 12. $2.65 MODERN RESIDENCES 79 8A. TWO-LINE PICA GOTHIC No. 12. 33.25 SENIOR MEMBERS, 84 6A. TWO-LINE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 12. 3.30 FOREIGN SHORE 13 5 A. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 12. $4.30 CONFERENCE^ 4 A. Two-I.iNE PARAGON GOTHIC No. 12. $4.65 DESIGNERS 7 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (90) (BONDENSED GBoTJHICS. GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7. GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 8. PEARL-NONPAREIL GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 58 A. 1.60 PEARL-\OXPAREIL GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 56 A. $1.85 AS YOU PENETRATE INTO THE LABYRINTHIAN RECESSES OF SOME OUR LITTLE POLLY 'S DEAD AND THE FEATHERS ON HER NONPAREIL GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 43 A. $1.60 NONPARML GOTHIC COSD. No. 8. 48 A. $2.00 FOSSILIZED PRINTING OFFICES NOT SITUATED IN SOUTHERN HEAD WILL NEVER FLUTTER UP ABOVE THE DOOR. BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 42 A. 81.90 BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 42 A. $2.20 AFRICA, NO WHITEWASH BUSINESS OF ANY KIND FOR THE BLACK HEN BELTED HER WITH TWO-LINE PEARL GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 36 A. 82.10 TWO-LINE PEARL GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 36A. $2.25 LIGHTENS THE SCENE, BUT THE MIDNIGHT HER LITTLE CROOKED SPUR, & POLL TWO-LINE NONP. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 32 A. 82.70 TWO-LINE NONP. GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 32 A. $3.00 FEATURES OF THE OFFICE TOWEL WANTS A CRACKER NO MORE TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 24 A. 82.75 TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 24 A. $2.90 SIERRA MADRE MOUNTAINS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. TWO-LINE BOVRG. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. ISA. 2.85 TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS GOTHIC COND. No. 8. ISA. $3.00 EL MONTE LIME HEDGES OLD OCEAN'S PEARLS TWO-LINE LONO PR. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 16 A. $2.85 TWO-LINE LONG PR. GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 16 A. j$.20 SULTANA SEEDLESS! ROLLING STONES TWO-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 12 A. *3.00 TWO-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 12 A. $3.35 GRAPE CUTTINGS! CATCH NO MOSS TWO-LINE ENGLISH GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 10 A. 83.30 TWO-LINE ENGLISH GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 10 A. $3.95 BUDDED FRUITS COLUMBIADS TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 8 A. 83.80 TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 8 A. 4.6:) ORANGE TREE TASTELESS TWO-LINE PARAGON GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 5 A. 3.70 TWO-LINE PARAGON GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 5 A. $4.10 BERCAMOT! SMEARED FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 4 A. $3.55 FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 4 A. $4 2O MISSIONS BANANA PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (91) CONDENSED (aOTjHICS. PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 2. 15 A, 50 a. |2.20 j NONP. GOTHIC COND. No. 3. 35 A, 70 a. $2.75 IRON MERCHANTS AND TRADER VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR COLOR PRINTINGS Luminous and Prominent Colors and Delicate Tints Metropolitan Banking Companies GT. PRIM. GOTHIC COND. No. 2. a,A 18.6 3 $3.30 PUBLISHING COMPANIES BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 3. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS AND PLANS Forming a Complete Manual for Builders nf Fminpnt Mpn LG -PRIM - GOTHIC COND - No - 3> 30A50a $32 EXCURSION TO THE MOUNTAINS Delineations of Mountain Scenery. PARAGON GOTHIC COND. No. 2. 12 A, 24 a. $3.75 PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 3. 20 A, 38 a. $3.00 Important Information LI " ESTO " E COU " TV SIG " AL DEL. PICA GOTH. COND. No. 2. 12 A, 24 a. $5.00 ENGLISH GOTHIC COND. No. 3. 20 A, 38 a. $3.00 JOURNAL OF HEALTH Democratic County Convention MOUNTAIN SCENE JOURNAL AND MESSENGER Emigration Trains New Rules and Regulations GT. PRIM. GOTHIC COND. No. 3. 18 A, 24 a. $4.00 DEL. GT. PRIM. GOTH. CON. No. 2. 10 A, 16 a. $6.20 FURNITURE TRIMMING Carriage Manufacturer FRENCH POET Prose Writers DEL. PARA. GOTH. CON. No. 2. 8 A, 12 a. $7.15 PARAGON GOTH. CON. No. 3. ISA, 24 a. $4.55 BOILER BUILDERS Perforating Machine DEL. ENGLISH GOTH. CON. No. 3. 14 A, 18 a. $5.50 Banner House MODERN TIMES 4-LINE PICA GOTH. CON. No. 2. 6 A, 10 a. $7.75 LcllCSt HI 1^611X1011 ^ '' ^ Jf l| Iml 1 &&. 1U m DEL. GT. PR. GOTH. CON. No. 3. 6 A, 10 a. $4.75 rmnitKd AMERICANS Manufacturer Hey, San Francisco and Portland. (92) ONDEJMSED (aOT^ICS. PICA GOTHIC Ex. COND. No. 2. 36 A. 52 a. $3.00 Lo. PRIM. GOTHIC COND. No. 4. ISA, 24 a, ?3.3o ELEMENTS OP RHETORIC AND LITERARY CRITICISMS USEFUL CONDENSED GOTHICS, fctraied Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy Comprehensive Guides for Printers PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 4. 20 A, 38 a. $3.30 GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. in no two M " ERCHANTS DEPAR ENT North American Journal of Agriculture Handsome Gothic Monument DOUBLE PICA GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. 18 A, 32 a. $6.20 [OSDCfOUS, DOUBLE ENGLISH GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. 14 A, 20 a. $5.50 GT. PRIM. GOTHIC COND. No. 4. ISA, 24 a. $3.30 STEAM FIRE ENGINES FLORISTS Practical Improvements rJirmPrO DEL. SMALL PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 4. 12 A, 24 a. $5.75 SELTZER SPRINGS Exhilerating Drinks! ill n I PI I " lu " ' NI ' UMI GOTHIC ( 'i ).\i>. No. 4. 8 A, ICa. $6,45 Haodsome Uo Ornaments SHARON'S MAID Beats Goldsmith DOUBLE COLUMB. GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. 14 A, 20 a. $6.50 DEL. GT. PRIMER GOTHIC COND. No. 4. 6 A, 12 a. $7.55 Instructions in Grammar CIRCUS JOYS Nosiest Boys DHL. GT. PR. GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. 8 A, 14 a. $5.40 CANON GOTHIC COND. No. 4. 4 A, 8 a. $7.00 Landscape Painters, EXCELSIOR Alpine Hero DBL. PARAOJX GOTHIC EXTRA COND. No. 2. 7 A, 10 a, $7.25 Insurance FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND No. 4. 4 A, 8 a. $8.40 Harvester Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. OTJHIC CONDEJMSED-eOTjHIC ITALI6. GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 6. LG. PKIMER GOTH. COND. No. 6. 30 A, 50 a. $3.00 THE CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILROADS. Large Transportations to Southern Towns PICA GOTH. COND. No. 6. 24 A, 36 a. $3.25 FOREIGN AND NATIVE PRODUCTIONS Dealer in French Wines and Liquors. GT. PRIM. GOTH. COND. No. 6. 18 A, 24 a. $3.46 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Meetings of Trustees Directors DBL. PICA GOTH. CON. No. 6. 12A,20a. $4.45 THE EXPOSITION BUILDINGS Cotton Growers' Exhibition GOTHIC EXTRA CONDENSED NO. 1. 2-LiNE PICA GOTHIC Ex. CON. No. 1. 10 A. $1.65 TYPE FOUNDRY COMPANY FIVE-LINE PICA GOTHIC Ex. COND. 6 A. $5.00 GOTHIC ITALIC. Pearl and Nonpareil Gothic Italic No. 4 line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. THE FRENCH AND GERMAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED STATESMEN. PEARL GOTHIC ITALIC No. 4 on Nonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Personal Narrating and Results of Trauels Through Europe NONP. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 MERCHANTS AND TRADERS BANKING ASSOCIATION Authentic Biographies of Eminent American Writers NONP. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 30 A, 60 a. $2.65 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL NEWS LETTERS The Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street BREVIER GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 36 A, 52 a. $2.85 AUTHENTIC REPORT OF NEW INVENTIONS Manufacturer of Latest Improved Machinery LG. PRIM. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 30 A, 42 a. $2.85 WINE-GROWING CENTER OF EUROPE Imported French Wines and Brandies PICA GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 22 A, 38 a. $2.7.' SOUTHERN PRINTING COMPANY Programmes, Statements, Posters GT. PRIM. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 18 A. 25 a. $3.10 DAYTON TRADE JOURNAL Printers' International Union PARAGON GOTHIC ITAL. No. 3. 18 A, 24 a. $4.00 FLOUR MERCHANTS National Government. DBL. ENG. GOTH. ITAL. No. 3. 10 A, 14 a. $5.00 COR HER PIECE Card Ornaments PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (94) GOTJHIC. 24 A, 48 a. BREVIER CIRCULAR GOTHIC. $3.26 BREATHED BY TUE LIPS OF SLANDER, MAY Destroy a noble reputation, ttaue a care of what you say, and more of wr/at you do, for 12845 Great effects from little causes spring. 67890 24 A, 48 a. LONG PRIMER CIRCULAR GOTHIC. $3.75 OH SLEEP TUftJ KNOWEST NOT CARE That hnowest not pain. Come, gently breathing, sorrow charming king, uai'J 24680 from his eyes this light Come, healing power 13579 18 A. 36 a. PICA CIRCULAR GOTHIC. $3.06 HEMEN MS NO LOVE LIKE WIRED Turned, nor ttell hath no Fury Like unto a Woman Scorned 789 Lord of himself though not of Lands- 456 1-2 A, 24 a. COLUMBIAN CIRCULAR GOTHIC. $3.70 SOME ARE BORN GREAT Some achieue greatness, and some haue greatness 9873 thrust uporj then]. 5432 10 A, 20 a. PARAGON CIRCULAR GOTHIC. $4.40 WONDROUS BEAUTIES Flowers Blooming, Birds Singing, all Nature 2345 Luxuriant l/eoetation 6789 right*SCintillations Skeletons Shadow the Trees in their OF WlT, GENIALITY AND OF SYMPATHY 12687 -3Wie=- 4. 4 -*s- 93450 , -^il^-^^^r 1884 ft * 24A,18A,48a LONG PRIMER. 85.95 UNSOPHISTICATED * CUBS * TR AHSFORMED -^N GENTILITY IN APPAREL S^- And Swagger Awkward Rehearsals of Slang and Dubious Wit Pupils * become * Adepts * to * Simpleton 12346678 **^-^Nts-^^T^!l^^** 12345678 18A,12A,36a PICA. 85.15 UNBOUKDED*CAPACITY*EVER*FILLIHG WONDERFUL BRAIH Showing the True Pathway to Virtue and Happiness Written* Hundreds* of *Years* Ago 123456 ^ V-T -^ii^ ft ** ^f 12345 l^A,8A,24a COLUMBIAN 85.70 SWEET The Friend of Sorrow and of Woe, and it is the *Happy*who*called #Thee * so o Q ^ k. &.-.*, --^^l \-^=. ^V ;:: ^. 1 i-^ 1 Jf. si/ ^ i^- XI P\ ^iO "v v^ ^F * ^^"l i-<: is*\ ^\ i^^~- 1 TF ^7 v^ ^tv_J Palmer & Key, San JTrancisco and PortZaBd. (100) OZELTIO- 24A,48a . NOXPAKIEL. $3.00 IN THE MARKET PLACE OF BRUGES STANDS THE BELFRY Old and brown ; thrice Consumed and thrice Rebuilded, still it "Watches o'er the Town THE SUMMER MORN WAS BREAKING AS ON the tower I stood, the World threw off the Darkness as weeds of "Widowhood 24A,48a BBEVIEK. 83-80 IN THE VALLEY OF THE PEGNITZ, ACROSS Broad meadow Lands, rise the blue Franconian mountains, Nuremberg THE ANCIENT STANDS, QUAINT Old town of Toil and traffic, Quaint old Town of art and Song 18A,36a LONG PRIMER. $3.35 BREATHED BY THE LIPS OF SLANDER May spoil a Noble reputation, Have a Care of what you Say 246 and More of what You do 1 35 16A,32a PICA. $3.70 WITH WHAT A LEADEN AND Retarding weight does Expectation and Anticipation 136 Load the wings of Time 246 8A,16a GREAT PRIMER. $3.70 KIND HEARTS ARE More than Coronets and simple Faith 35 than Norman blood 79 6A,13a DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $5-00 HE MUST NEEDS Go that the Devil drives 46 Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (101) EbTIC ^0.4. JMORMAJM ONDE^ISED. GREAT PRIMER CELTIC No. 4. 10 A, 10 A. $3.30 TELEGRAPH FOREIGN ITEMS IMfRlfJT 6ELTIC. 30A. PEARL IMPRINT CELTic,(on Nonp. body.) $1.75 30A. AOATE IMPRINT CELTIC, (on Nonp. body.) $1.50 HE SITS AROUND WITH ASPECT MEEK, UNTIL THE DOUBLE PICA CELTIC No. 4. 8 A, 8 A. $4.60 30 A, 30 A. NONPAREIL IMPRINT CELTIC. AND THEN HE SOBERLY DOTH WINK, AND <3ELTI(B JMo. 4. - REPORTS MONUMENT NONPAREIL CELTIC No. 4. 35 A. $1.65 GRAND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS DOUBLE ENGLISH CELTIC No. 4. 6 A, 6 A. $5.80 GIVEN BY THE HARMONIC SOCIETY. MINION CELTIC No. 4. 20 A, 20 A. $1.90 ELEGANT STEEL ENGRAVING SOUTHERN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BREVIER CELTIC No. 4. 20 A, 20 A. $2.30 UNITED STATES COURT ! TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER CELTIC No. 4. 5A.5A. 87.50 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ROUND .MPIRES LONG PRIMER CELTIC No. 4. 18 A, 18 A. $2.40 INSURANCE AGENCY RICH MINING REGION GLOUD TWO-LINE PARAGON CELTIC No. 4. 4A, 4A. $10.50 PICA CELTIC No. 4. 14 A, 14 A. $2.40 GRAND EDITION TREMONT COURIER NANl JMORMAN COJN9ENSED. LONG PRIMER NORMAN COND. 20 A, 32 A. $3.00 PICA NORMAN COND. 12 A, 20 A. $3.20 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD UNITED STATES MINTS FRE.GHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS GREAT PRIMER NORMAN COND. 10 A, 16 A. $3.40 _...__,-._,,.,, T ^._. T _.__ . T PARAGON NORMAN COND. 8 A, 12 A. $4.00 FOREIGN JOURNAL TRTRTTMV I RIBUNE DEL. GT. PRIMER NORMAN COXD. 4 A. 6 A. $5.00 DEL. PICA NORMAN COND. 5 A, 8 A. $4.2.> MERCHANTS XPOSITION IRON FOUNDER 1 ~^r" ~ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (102) OXONIAN. 14A, 20A. NONPAREIL OXONIAN. $2.15 FIGMENES OP IjEACTHEH fflYCTHOllOSY. BliISSPUL fflEANDE^INGS OF SUNNING SlIPID pMONG CTHE LtUSGIOUS lifiSSES OP SONSaiflNTINOPliE. $ 123466Z89O 12A, 20A. BREVIER OXONIAN. $2.30 SOCIAL (sUsmoMs IN ^NGIENHT SALIMYI^A. flUXILIA^Y fflEGHANIGAL J3PPLIANGES OP JTHB GGYPmiAM BYI^AMID BUILDEF^S $ 1235S6?:800 e 10A, 20A. LONG PRIMER OXONIAN. $2.50 LlIYIMG INPINITISIMAL ^A^ASIIIIG I^EAIlUl^ES. BEAUTIES I^EYEALED BY (DEANS OP OIGI^OSGOPIG INYESTIGAJPIONS. $ 1234i6Z890 10A, ISA. PICA OXONIAN. $3.05 liAI^GE l^EWAI^D TO FINDER. fl I^EPUTAJFION POF? SOBI^IEITY AND INDUSTRY STAYED. 8A, ISA. GREAT PRIMER OXONIAN. $3.70 fflUMiIJPUDINOUS (QlNOI^ITIES. HE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF BOLITIGIANS. 7A, 12A. TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER OXONIAN. $3.95 QUOTATIONS MISQUOTED. YGLOPEDIA OF LlUDIGI^OUS 5A, 10A. TWO-LINE PICA. $4.25 , SHOVEL GXGAVATTING FOI^ I^OMAN $ 123^7890 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (103) ATHENIAN:. 25A, 30a. NONPAREIL ATHENIAN. $3.00 UNQUESTIONABLE ANTIMONIACAL PROPOSITIONS. Ornamental Type, like Bonbons and Ginberbread, may Occasionally Serve a Good Pur- pose; but a Neat Plain Letter is as Welcome as Bread and Butter. 25A, 30a. BREVIER ATHENIAN. $3.80 THIS IS A SELF-EVIDENT PROPOSITION To all Who are Gifted with, that Admirable Felicity of Taste which Discovers Beauty in Simplicty. 20A, 25a. LONG PRIMER ATHENIAN. 83.90 DECIDEDLY NEAT BUT NOT GAUDY As the Darwinian Progenitor of the Genus Homo remarked After Decorating his Narrative 15A, 20a. PICA ATHENIAN. $4.10 STRAIGHT THE PATH OF DUTY Curved the Line of Beauty : Follow the First and The Other will Follow Thee. 10A, 15a. GREAT PRIMER ATHENIAN. $4.50 ATHENIAN BEAUTY'S Robust Slenderness Ensures Her Grecian Lover's Tenderness. 8A, 12a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA ATHENIAN. $5.40 STOLEN KISSES Compressed Tunnel Sweetness ! Railroad Sparks. Palmer & Rey, San Francisco and Portland. (104) ATHENIAN. 30A. 50a. NONPAREIL CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $2.75 THE SOT HAD PUT HIS HISHT-CAP 01, ML COYEEED O'ER HIS HEAD, When Countless Stars Appearei Amii the Curtains round his Bei The Moon Arose, most Motherly, to take a gulet peep hoar all The Stars Behave! while he her Sovereign was Asleep. 30A, 2:u, 50a. BREVIER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $4.40 SHE SAW THEM WINK THEIR SILVERY EYES, AS IF IN ROGUISH FLAY; Though Silent all, to her they Seemed as if they'd mush to Say. So, Lest their Frolics Should DISTURB THE SLEEPING Kiss OF LISHT, 25A, 15A, 40a. LONG PRIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $4.65 SHE ROSE SO HIGH THAT HER MILD EYE Could Keep them all in Sight The Stars, Abash'd, Stole Softly Back, and Looked DEMURE AND PRIM; UNTIL THE MOON BEGAN TO NOD, 10A, IOA, 20a, PICA CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $3.50 HER EYES BECOMING DIM. THEN SLEEPILY She Sought her Home, that's Somewhere: Who Knows WHERE? BUT AS SHE WENT, THE PLAYFUL STARS 8A, SA, 15 a. GREAT PKIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $4.50 COMMENCED THEIR TWIHKLIIG Glare. And when the Moon was fairly Gone, THE IMPS WITH SILVERY EYES 6A, OA, Ida. DOUBLE PICA CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $6.85 HAD SO MUCH FUN It Woke the Sun, and he Began To RISE. HE ROSE IH GLORY I 4A, 4A, 8a DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $7.00 FROM HIS EYES Sprang Forth a lew- Born DAY; BEFORE WHOS: 14 (105) GEOMETRIC SPECIMENS, 1GA, 16A, 60a. PEAHL, GEOMETBIC, ON NOXI'AREIL BODY. $3.50 BEAUTIFUL. SUNSETS APPEARING TD AN ENRAPTURED OBSERVER DF NATURE NOW THE HUSH DF TWILIGHT FALLS GENTLY DN THE GREEN AND SLOPING MEAUDU/S All Tremulous the Aspens Stand by the Waywcrn Zephyrs Fanned 150 Great Charms of Evening EEPARTURE DF THE SUNLIGHT Splendors of a Dying Eay 16A, SOa. NONPAREIL GEOMETRIC. $2.75 RESULT DF THE APPLICATION DF A NEW PRINCIPLE IN TYPE DESIGNING Handsome Series far Neat, Tasty and Elegant Printing Extremely Useful in Almost Every Style r.f Artistic Typography 343 16A, 46a. UKEVIEK GEOMETRIC. $3.50 GRACEFUL FORMS DF SQUARES AND PARALLELOGRAMS Letters Composed of Straight Lines and Angles BC Beautiful Effect Produced Without Using the Line of Beauty 13A, 40a. LON<; PRIMER GEOMETRIC. $3.50 TREATISES DN THE PRINCIPLES DF GEOMETRY Mathematical MeasuremEnt 3BD Attributes and Relations nf Magnitude Found 12A, 34a. TlCA GEOMETRIC'. $4.00 ARITHMETICAL QUESTIONS DISCUSSEE Many Intricate Computations B4 Investigating the Mysteries of Calculation 10A, 24a. GREAT PRIMER GEOMETRIC. $4.50 STRANGE THEOREMS PRDVEE CnmEring HIE Rnnnd Ddd Tricks nf NnnibErs 125 10A, 15a. Dot'BLE PICA GEOMETRIC. $5.00 CIRCE: Trying Pro"blEnr Puzzles for Scliolars PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (106) (aEOJVIETRIC IT/cLIC. 16 A, 50 a. NONTARIEL GEOMETRIC ITALIC. 82.75 j 16 A, 46 a. BREVIER GEOMETRIC ITALIC. $3.50 THE BEAUTY ACROSS THE UlfiY FURTHER DESCRIPTION, She hved upon the shady side of that old-fashioned \ Twn branching Apple trees o' erspead a uuuutrg street; a spreading Chestnut greenly tried \ rickety old garden seat; RD RpplES WBTB to screen the door of her retreat; a tiny garden, trim e'er SO red, OF SIRCE have tasted half SO and square, a snnu/ij night nf steps above, ^ sweet SWBBt: Earliest Thoughts nf LaVB, 13A, 40a. LONG PRIMER GEOMETRIC ITALIC $3.50 12A, 34a. PICA GEOMETRIC ITALIC. 4.00 DELIGHTFUL VISION, SIGHING LDIIER In Memnry's snchantsd land I Thp flppfinn hrmrc TTrh'rh -L lie J.J. c LJ LI. tJ. I I J.J.LJ LJ.J. ^ [A/ J.J.J. LJ 1 L see the laughing maiden yst, with j watering-pot in mittened hand, gaw ; n ' ' ET rsturn a ^ leaVB Onl ^ prnudly at her mignnnettE. \ U/Bary days nf pain 3E5 10A, 24a. GREAT PRIMER GEOMETRIC ITALIC. 84.50 ORE RMS OF HAPPINESS Youthful Illusions Dispelled by Experience Demolishing Castles in the Rir 19 10A, 15a. DOUBLE PICA GEOMETR.C ITALIC. *5.00 PLEASING SCENES . Taking Retro spentivE Glances Reviewing Past Days 3D : EOJVIETRie. PICA CONDENSED GEOMETRIC 22 A. 30 a. $3.75 GT. PRIMER COND. GEOMETRIC. 22 A, 30 a. $4.25 -SNPi{ETEpaus*FRiNCiPALmES^ ^ -.LitllE Adorns Beyond the Seas 123, DEL. CJT PRIM. COND. GEOMETRIC. 9 A, 12 a. $5.45 UANY SLAM DEL. PICA COND. GEOMETRIC. 12 A, 16 a. $4.00 TT F bL PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (107) INCLINED BOLDFACE AND INCLINED ANTIQUE. 30A, 50a. NONPAREIL INCLINED BOLDFACE. $2.60 I LAY ME DOWX JtUT CANNOT SLEEP; My Thoughts Unwilling Vigils keep: I Turn in Weariness and Pain, and /.' I Hear the Sentry's Strain: Twelve and all is Well! 30A, 50a. BREVIER INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.45 THE AIR WITH NOISE NO LONGER STIRS; Still as the Place of Sepulchres the Sleeping City is, save when the Sentry's Voice is heard Again: "One, and all is Well!" 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMER INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.45 WE BORE HIM TO THE GHA FE While yet 'twas Morn, the Winter Sunlight Shining on his Coffin : The Weight of Grief was Heavy to be Borne, 20A, 30a. PICA INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.95 AND THE SALT TEARS Rose in onr Eyelids Often. We Slowly Walked In Mutely Sad Procession; a) 30A, 50a. NONPAREIL INCLINED ANTIQUE. $3.00 THE PITYING PEOPLE FREELY MADE US WAY; And the Blest Child, yet Guileless of Transgression, we Softly placed Between the Walls of Clay. We Sang a Hymn We Bowed our Heads to Pray. 30A, 50a. BREVIER INCLINED ANTIQUE S3. 45 AND GOD WHO HAD OUR BITTER Grief Appointed, Sent also Strengthening Grace by Lips Anointed, Ere we Sore Him to His Grave 25A, 40a, LONG PRIMER INCLINED ANTIQUE. f3.7C THE OLD CLOCK IN THE HALL Is Slowly Ticking; and Hour by Hour it Tolls a Fu- neral Chime: Its Ever-going 20A, 30a. PICA INCLINED ANTIQUE. AND UNHURRIED CLICKING Denotes the Speed of the old Traveler Time. It is a Solemn Voice. (108) LoAW ITAbie. 24A, 80a. BREVIER LAW ITALIC. $3.45 EXTRA LOWERCASE TO ORDER. FOR Circular and Blank Printing, Law and Copperplate Italic have served the purpose best of any type yet designed. In fact, they have become a necessity in every office where this class of work is done to any extent. Brass Leaders to match in 3 Ib. founts $1.60 per Ib. 20 A, 70a. LONG PRIMER LAW ITALIC. $3?60 EXTRA LOWERCASE TO ORDER. TO facilitate the composition of Blank Work, Brass Leaders are made for' each size of both Law Italic and Copperplate Italic, and kept in stock. In ordering, be careful to state the face and body to be matched, as the "line" of Law Italic is different from that of Copperplate. Brass Leaders. to jnatch^.Slb. founts $1.50 per Ib. ISA, 40 a. PICA LAW ITALIC. 13.10 EXTRA LOWERCASE TO ORDER. WE make Brass Leaders, also, on special order, to line with any type. When ordering, always be careful to enclose a letter out of the fount to be matched: a Cap H, or a lowercase m will answer. Brass Leaders 3 Ib. founts $1J$ per Ib. .^^ UTILITY SCRIPT. 8 A, 45 a. PICA UTILITY SCRIPT. $3.15 &htA e&eeecfonafy handy Uttie &clifot hob 6-een weM that we have piven it Sufficient ifoace to- bhotv itb d&wbttebb it ^vitt> ^eceiv-e fil&fcet, keco-pnitio-n lo-m the fob @/foce n&ecfo juht bwcfa a veMatite tettel a!> the & ext'ia,o'idvnci,ltj> faebnAj it ib de&tined to- ^veaA, ; ' and it id aA> eaA-ily bet and dibtlibuted ok Saw Static. 8 A, 4fia. GREAT PRIMEU UTILITY SCRIPT. $5.75 t/fae tSUMb o ^od q/lind ^/lincl eweeediri(f all. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (109) LATIN ITALIC. 30A, 50a NONPAREIL LATIN ITALIC. $2.60 THERE WAS AN OLD FELLOW, WHOSE NAME WAS DICK, Used to Come into the Office and Pick up a Stick, and Swear any Comp. in the place he could Lick At Setting m Type he could make 'em Sick, with his Clickety, Clickety, Bobbing and Bobbing, 30A, 50a. BREVIKR LATIX ITALIC. 82.75 HE COULD SET UP A THOUSAND AN HOUR. In Appearance this Chap was not Genteel. He'd a large red Nose and was out at the Heel His Face seemed to say he could go a Square Meal. From his general Style 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMKII LATIN ITALIC. $2.65 YOU WOULD HARDLY FEEL, WITH HIS CLICKETY, Clickety, Bobbing and Bobbing, He could Set up a Thousand an Hour. This Tramp would Sail in and Fill up his Case 20A 30a. PICA LATIN ITALIC. $2.90 WITH SUCH WOND'ROUS SPEED, HE ALWAYS Would Race, that You'd fancy the Matter Ejected from Space, The Type dropped so Fast, each in its Place, ISA, 200. CiRKAT 1'KIMKR LATIN ITALIC. $3.45 WITH HIS CLICKETY, CLICKETY, Bobbing and Bobbing, He Distributed a Thousand An Hour; yes, he Did! lOA, 15a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA LATIN ITALIC. $3.60 MORAL: SO ALL YOUNG MEN Both Great and Small when Setting Type Don't Bob at all Nor Click PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (110) COPPERPLATE |T/rbie. 30 A, 60 a. LONG PRIMER COPPERPLATE ITALIC. $3.00 MdlDEX! WITH THE MEEK, BROWN EYES, In whose Orbs a Shadow lies, Like the ( Dusk in Evening Skies! Thou whose Locks outshine the Sun, Golden Tresses wreathed in one, 3Ls the Braided Streamlets run! Standing, with reluctant feet, Where llie Brook and 'River meet, Womanhood and Childhood fleet ! Brass Leaders, $1 .50 per Ib. lf> A, 42 a. PICA COPPERPLATE ITALIC. $3.20 SPErtK! SE*RESORTS * 26 89 18 A, 12 A. PICA GLADIATK. $2.87 -^DIRECTOR * 8795 * MEETING*- SUPERIOR ABIMTIKS ACQUIRED BY LONG APPLICATION 65 # LATEST*PARISIAN*NOYELTIES * 87 8 A, 12 A. GRKAT I'RIMEK OLADIATE. 83.24 MERCANTILE*PRINTINQ AGRICULTURALIST IMPLEMENT 5 A, TA . Two-I.iXK 1'ic.v STYLE BOLD. SO. 50 A, 6 a. FOUR-LINK PICA OLD STYLK BOLD. $15.00 PALMER & REY> SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (120) BELLE SCRIPT. 4A, 24a. TWO-LINE PICA BKI,I,K SCRIPT. $7.00 3tia Lower Case, extra, 5.00 t-o- ' ' // / tsC.ft. &tvi. a^s^f^f^ta^C 3^t. Jf , 4A, 24a. Two-LiNE PICA. BKLLE SCRIPT No. 2. $7.50 Sia Lower Case, extra, 5.00 -y / / -y ^f^-^f- -to- iM-l^t' / z/nstZ' w / -et^n^ct- CLEVELAND SCRIPT. 8A, 32a. TWO-LINK PICA CLEVKLANU SCRIPT. $8.50 Ix)wer Case, extra, 5.50 -^V. o -^.^. AYSO^I SCRIPT. 3A, 12a. GREAT PRIMER PAYBOX SCRIPT. 2.50 3A, 12a. DOVBLE PICA PAYSOX SCRIIT. / ^^ $3.50 4 A, 8a. Doi'BLK GREAT PRIMER PAYSOX SCRIPT. $5.50 3 A, 8 a. 10A, 25a. DOUBLE PARAOOX PAYSON SCRIPT. /rMAb@AMATED SCRIPT. PICA AMALOAMAIED SCRIIT. d^roduct-3 of the ffle2~berr* Jjand of ^ grandeur and ^lagnificenae of the ^lai-ivs (palifornian gowering *ardmarka !#(i.OO ij!4.60 8A, 20a. GREAT PRIMER AMALGAMATED SCRIIT. 86.00 8A, 15a. ft art- h and Sky with a f)f gleaming fiolors 268 DOUBLE SMALL PICA AMALGAMATED SCRIPT. cross ihe Searching fo Eureka $7.00 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (123) Sa spaces and quads $5.00 *10.00 (^fa/fawsti^ ( -^f^n^ 4A, caps, points and figures, $6.00. CANON BOSTON SCRIIT. SI 2. 00 loa, I'case, spaces and quads, sti.on PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (124) JHEA9IN6 3 A, 8 a. IOUBLK PARAGON HKADINO SCRI1>T, No. 1. $9.50 3A, 8a. DOIIBLK PARAWOX HKAUINU SCHIPI, No. 2. loi KI.K I'AKAOON HKAIHSK Som'T, No. 3. / 3 A, 8a. 3 A, 8 a. 3 A, 8 a. FlVK-LINK HKADIMi SfKIIT, No. 1. KIVK-UNK HKADIXO SI-KMT, No. 2. FIVK-LIXK HKADINK SCRIIT, No. 3. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (125) #14.50 S14.50 10A, 40a. GREAT PRIMER MANUSCRIPT No. 1. L-c^-t-e^t- vj-isCL o-- C^t-fr-t'-L' &-cL ^M^t-e^c-cCi- es^c-et- ^c^^w--cz_-tC'<3^?{^c^c^i^ cut C/'t'e^-L- -c^/C' o--tt^ t^*c- i^-o-'U^ {>& a i .00 10A, 40a. GREAT PKIMKR MAXI'SCRIIT No. 2. $6.00 6A, 24a. DOUBLE PICA MANUSCRIPT No. 1. 8700 r / . . * > 'I li*--KX- -, -\Oo-^VL^e^ LL^'L/ "to- "&KS^- .u -i^C- T^Ct-tX^U' L- TF u f 6 A, 2-2 a DOUBLE PICA MANCSCRIPT No. :!. S7.00 c/ vL s '\&' U jf v* IJ (126) LAKESIDE SCRIPT. 8A, 40a. PICA LAKESIDE SCRIPT. 5.25 V x tvo/i* vvu&wvUl' VwW,; QycftWO to- yvU&WC' v^v to- uo-Vv tor VvVOW i>O- UMJjj 6A, 30a. GREAT PKI.MEK LAKKSIDK SCRIIT. $5.50 vl/ \mwLv vfv 8A, 40 a. * 11.50. DOUBLE PICA LAKESIDE SCRIPT. 4 A, 20 a. IA.72 V/v \ \ ^vlV^A^XXV^ oJX PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (127) Job Fonts,, 15A, Til, $8.00. SPINNER SCRIPT. PICA. w . . ... ^ ........ NM-' v'C *C Card Fonts, 6A, 25a, $3.25. Job Fonts, 12A, 60a, flfl.OO. a GREAT PKIMEK. O\M;/ Card Fonts, 6A, 16a, $4.35. Job Fonts, SA, 50a, $12.50. y vca ytovwovv DOUBLE PICA. w, Card Fonts, 4A, 12a, $4.75. Job Fonts, 5A,25a, $11.75. DOUBL?: COLUMBIAN. w Card Fonts, 3A, 8a, $4.80. o/N^ v SWEDISH, GERMAN AND SPANISH ACCENTS ABE CAST WITH ALL SIZES OF THIS SERIES AND ARE FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. PALMER & REV, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (128) CHICAGO SCRIPT. Card Font, 6A, 16a, $4.70 GRKAT I'UIMKR CHICAGO SCRIPT. ol $H\ m Job Font, T2A, 4a, 10.20 u p/rv, q \u\wo SW $v /- '4 Car cr en ol&xt e. 2. LON<; PIUMKII PEN TEXT No. 2. 16 A, 50a. $2.90 cTfic, eftcpcits cf tfic Standing Soniniitkc, (zcinmciciaf 3feai SnJiny Sltazcli /, ISSs KN<;I.ISII PEN TEXT No. 2. 8 A, 25 a. $3.10 Snytacci and J?it/icatai?hct PICA PEN TEXT No. 2. 12 A, 36 a. |3.00 ) in ctcteiijii ana Qcinotic lide* Winet ant Jiytwi*, 47 3-LiXENoNP. PEN TEXTNO. 2. 8 A, 25 a. $3.90 &cnign cWko&Wflfee Sxpcik cf fflcm and ForR-LixE PICA PEN TEXT No. 2. Walt . $5 on SIX-LINE PICA PEX TEX No. 2. 5 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (131) BREVIER PEN TEXT. 20 A, 60 a. $3.60 1876, itv pccifieJ>, ^i^ ocmtjeij cc^tai-iv t fattils, of lutiicfv tfve fatvfcs fietciMci LONG PRIMER PEN TEXT. 8 A, 8 A, 50 n. |4 20 Sfvippco, w\, aooo cvt/bc t "~* 4 A, 4 A, 25 a. TllKKK-LlNE NOXPARKIL PKN TEXT. $5.00 PICA PEN TEXT. 6 A, 6 A, 36 a. ?4.a r > ENGLISH PEN TEXT. 4 A, 4 A, 25 a. $4. 70 of icitcb ivi- i'-u-cvto*. 3 A, 3 A, 20 a. c o/K-b PARAGON I'KX TKXT. *2.50 3 A. 3 A, 20 a. .K KNGI.ISII PEN TEXT. $8.40 3 A, 3 A, 10 a. iRKE-LixE PICA PEN TEXT. o> PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (132) $9.00 INITIAL BLACK. 20 A, 50 a LONG PKIMKK INITIAL BLACK. $3.25 |Ua$tratrti Catalogues for ttye ^ultbation of Careen flants. <$xtcnsiue |lssortnunt of firautiful tijjtraniums. flousrljolfc journal for |apmers anb (fartenm 67890 |omestic fruits and fegetabUs '$12345 10 A, >:> a. ENOLIHII INITIAL BLACK. $3.00 Jeminisccnccs of |eleb?ateb Jmeincan generals. Historical Juents of tljc Rebellion. (Branb J?m^ of tlje Complete ^istoFy 3 |olumcs. S A, -20 a. TiiRKK-I.isK Xoxi-AKKiL INITIAL BLACK. $3.90 fhe latest fall anb Mintcr fashions, ( 5-> ) (9-. <3-> ^i-'' -5-> ) Most leautiful lesiqns in % allies' ani Ihilten's tir> GST J 2345 eu) as ani ibbons, 6789 A, 14 a, POUBLK PICA INITIAL BLACK. $4.65 f Femrams Jtwbrt f cntestants. Rational Inbustrial Exposition at jftero I jo <9* (y-i \ \y^ t-t 54 i.xttnsiue luilMnos, 89 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (133) TITLE TEXT OPEN. 6A, 14 a. 1 TWO-I.IXK PICA TITLK TKXT OPKK. 4.85 6A, 14a. TWO-LINK KNGUSU TITI.K Tuxr OPKX. $5.75 ."A, loa. ;^> t TWO-LINK GHKAT ]'I:IMKH TITLK Tr.xr OPEN. t * A * ,- .K 1'AKAoos TITLK TKXT OI-KX. |5.80 Korit-LixK PICA TIILK TKXT OI-KN. iiaiiiti i tal iltstn w PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. TITLE TEXT OPEN, No. 3. 6A, 14a. T\vo-I.ixK I'u'A TITLK TEXT OI-EX, Xo. 3. w the ^i| Islldoc | ) ulciidc ^- ^*~, llleddiuii \fcleli ration^ ^Ti t3 ^r I>01 BLK 1'ARAGOX TlTLK TKXT Ol'ES, Xo. 3. J- 4- real ^ectat ~ T ^ L- ^(uf 4 J V^ J PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (136) $4.85 iton "JTaccS Ueal ^fudia ^ihairlH ^ I . A V. )L \? * " ' T f /.^ i Vf + ) f ^ f 11 1 "\ r'n i-.. ^: $5.80 5.30 onuao lUEEN- NNE I EXT, ITH THREE SETS OF CffPITHLS-BLHCK, SHflDED flND OPEN. 12A (of each style), 20 a. TWO-LIVE BRKVIKR QFEKX-ANXE TKXT. $4.60 When M^edal Jmoanded (on gallant Conduct on the J&ic "jpnoceedings of the National ^ociety of "}f)ou$eu>iDes (on Regulating the pnice of J)OCtpfat *L A. if. Waddens up which Illustnious jj^en haoe Climbed to BLACK SHADED OPEN TWO-LINE PICA SIZE ALSO MADE. 6 A (of each style), 5 a. THREE-LINE PICA QI-KEN-ANNB TEXT. $7.35 cmdates o Oil ncil o{ {fauces at |{e=urjion u bilk BLACK OPEN ALL COMPLETE WITH FIGURES PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (136) RAPHIC TEXT. A, 14 a. TiiREK-I.ixF. NONPAREIL GRAPHIC TEXT.!!. ia, 10 a Two- LINK I'ICA GRAPHIC TKXT. lid sun $3.95. nni U N tuss TIIRKK-LIXK PICA GRAPHIC TKXT. mm. fiii $4.55. 18 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (137) SIGNET. 12A, Ii4a. THRKK-LINK KXCKLSIOII SIGNET. 8-.10 Quads and Spaces, 30c. 24a Lower Case, (extra) 1.1 a S^e Sriunpplp of Greatioip, tl^e Pr'i^e cf eVerv] Naitoip IE npiglpt^ Maip a sljaft of aipinpateS gas -npaoe of tl^e elenpeipts of gcass aipS garoeip sass A.9^ Ipis life is bat tlpe tWirpl^liipg of aip evje i^eceiVe^ of Slpe Roberts & Paoeip Mi7ii^g GorTppa^v), $24675 10A,-20a. PICA SIONKT. 82.70 2ii:i Lower Case, (extra) 1.30 's Patent Miipiipg Drill A. Sure ai^6 lixpe^itious J ipstrunpeipt for r eipetratii^g aip fixcaVatioO 234 Micaceous Auriferous Slpale S7S 8A, 16a. 'I'n KKK- LINK XONPAKBIL SIGNET. $3.85 Quads and Spaces, 38c. l>;i Lower Case, (extra) 1.85 bvj tlpe 016 Gar^ei^ Gate e i riipciples $23485 Yioei^tl^ ?\ov|altv| XT -\? r V^> - 6A,12a. TWO-I.IM: I'ICA SIOXKT. $4.40 tl^e JSes o[ Yei^tare 5574 I/otl^ii^g j\obert Bari^s Xc Go, " V 4A, !?a. THRKK-LINK PICA SKJSKT. Quads and Spaces, 50c. Capital Stoc uooo ; / leasare, oase, istc. $23456759 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (1S8) ;? DOUB1.K-[ J ICA SlCNKT SHAKE $5.00 4 A, 8 a. 9 ap \jm u I f l!0,a.t. AboV' THRKK-LINK PICA SICNKT SHADE. ) b a 6 o Vv 5 V e r Streams * f 1234567 IN COMBINATION. 6 A, 14 a. ILLYRI/cN. THKKK-LINK NONPARKII. II.I.VRIAN. $2.80 Q, a glnriniia f ame is the f ama of the frag oefnr the Banner nf |tars and nf |tripfia: gut PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND STYLUS 12A, 32a. THREE-LINE EXCELSIOR STYLUS. $2.70 Dictionary of Orthographical Ambiguities. (Compiled for the benefit of phrenologists, Spiritual Tfflediums, (Elainoaants, Visionaries, Apolitical Candidates and &oqaaat6vs Gvssifiers. Useful for jlhatlcw- flated pedantic pedagogues. $ 123)]. 12A, 32a. PICA STYLUS. $3.90 Volcanic ffire (Concentrated and Utilized. jjittna (Sooting for ^Europe, ^opocatapekl Driving Columbia's $>ndus- trial 1?[%ac joinery . ffiocfoa Becomes Asia's {Friend. SA, 20a. THREE-LINK NONPAREIL STTLI-S. $5. OS l^eputaiioqs Scientifically over fife's r[nMy ^urface. Tbm al fiterfornjance. < 6A,14a. TWO-LINE PICA STYLUS. $5.60 pnomama. (no of Qouri^ru for Grandma s ^lakkers. ^ l f e $ PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (140) 8 A, 16 a. THREE-LINE NONPAREIL CIRROUS. Future is a Ser-ieus .Malt-ep, and 1284567896 *4-5 6 A, 12 a. TWO-LINE PICA CIRROUS. H0ek aid Seda $5.45 4 A, 8 a. THREE-LINE PICA CIRROUS. fivepy Spinier- ^ $6. 7 c 10 A, 52 a. PICA IVY. y (pjai IVY. $4-85 s Ipretty Better 1 ijyerTjS r|ot ttie^efore lB:i?eaV3 riot, 'i^enlai? ~W"OJ?IY a tf pooci for all 10 A, 52 a. PICA IVY, Xo. 2. $4.90 .QUO dear to my Heart Ire the eocenes of (Bhildhood, 3 ond Recollections of luy angled "^Tildusoods. TfTseful and Beautiful "ij'ype on Standard Pica IBodu no T i T ^ 'erned Betters to Bother the )perator and ^reak and l^uin the ^ount. 4^11 (Bomplete. $1SS4567890 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (141) MODOC. 12 A, 'J4 a. PICA MODOC. par from the madding Qrowd they stand apart, the A, 16 a. ( JURAT I'RIMKR MODOC. $3.40 * IM eIOUS * And none might fell from sight alone 73 A, 12 a. DOI'KI.K PICA Monoc. S3.80 otham /Aillion fair to see^lhe ;philabdphia 4 A, 8 a, TWO-LINK GRKAI. PRIMKR MODOC. S6.30 Boston * /Aaid of aecire blae 6 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (142) KARNAC. GRKAT PRIMER KARNAC. $3.40 [igt fiabsfg and ZiJrappe:rg]h'- Ilefodieg Two-I.iNK GRKAT PRIMKR KAKNAC. 84.90 gfisate** r>A, 10 a. l>nri:i.K SMALI, PICA KAKNAC. $3.75 4 A, 8 a. T\vo-LixK ENGLISH KARNAC. $4.9l PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (143) 10 A. 7 A. 5 A. THREE-!, INK NONPAREIL II>P:AI.. I fill I.iN'K PICA IDKAI.. d" 1 / 1 1J M.^IteT I/ A. JL. f ^^Tm ^~^^ JL ^A A. .^. ^. / /A ** /-A THREE-LINE PICA IDEAL. $3.00 M ^HHI^A PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (144) 12A, 18a. PICA TEMPLAR. njjisoijic; : iii College Closes tlje 25d of October-^ $3.00 9A, 13a. GREAT PRIMER TEMPLAR. $3.25 P^OEQPl REPORTS J$E EXPECTED Sunday Evening* 3 O'clock 7A, 10a. DOI'BLE SMALL PICA TEMPLAR. $3.50 BUBBLE : * tickets 56 Cents Eacl]-<- 5A, 7a. KNULIMII TKMPLAK. EQEETIR6 Qo. 65 Revere Place 3A, 5a. PAKACHIN TKMPLAR. 85.CX) MOTTO. 16A. Dot'BLK PICA MOTTO. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER MOTTO. $3.50 MECHANIC ALlH INSTITUTES SIGHERS 53D EDITlllf)) 19 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (145) 8A,20a 5A,10a DIAGONAL CARD BLACK. PICA. $3.50 6A,10a GREAT PRIMER. DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $4.50 $5.25 4A,8a DOUBLE ENGLISH. $5.75 6A,12a CAMEO SHADED. COLUMBIAN. $4.15 A,12a GREAT PRIMER. $4.50 4A,8a DOUBLE SMALL PICA. $4.50 3A,6a DOUBLE ENGLISH. MH Jig imp S5.50 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (146) TINTED PICA TIXTKD. 82.15 8 A. TllllKK-IjNK XOXPAKKII, TlXTEI). 13 033 Hi L1 I JJ13 $2.85 7 A. Txvo-LixK ]'n A TINTED. FlVK-LlXK, NoM'AKKllj TlXTKIi. n | if 4 A. TlIKKK-LlXK I'K'A TlXTKD. .4.6(1 JJ_ PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (147) PENCRAFT. THREE-LINE NONPAREIL PENCRAFT, WITH THREE-LINE PICA INITIALS. 4 A, 12 a, complete, with 3 A Initials, $6.80 12 a, extra lower case, - - - 82.00 4 A, 12 a, without Initials - - - 3.50 3 A, Initials, (separate) - - . 3.00 Silver D/Cming (Lompany jVjortised Mljpes, a very Jseful Ucvelty (apital Stock, $1 23,456,789 00 STENCIL GOTH 1C. 16 A. PICA STENCIL-GOTHIC. $1.80 CHAMPAGNE MIT OYSTERS POODLE DOG- WITH SALLY LUND THREE 123 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. 4-59 PICA STENCIL-GOTHIC, No. 2. $1.95 NIGHT DREW HER SABLE CURTAIN ROBBD AND PINNED II 1234-5 WITH A STAR. 6789O 9 A. THRKR-LINK NONPARKIL STKXCIL-GOTHIC. $2.65 RBRAIe. FEklGITO UNDER THE BEECH TREES MOONLIGHT RAMBLES (H8) 10 A 8 A /cRBORET, JMo. 2. I'ICA ARBORKT, No. 2. 98.80 TllRKE-LiXE NOXPARKIL ARBORKT, No. 2. $4.90 TWO-LINE PICA ARBORKT No. 2. $5.50 CHARACTERS THE SAME IN EACH FONT. ts T xt (Hi)) COPPERPLATE. LONG PKI.MKK COIM-EKPLATK. mUSTAKG 16 A. PICA C'ori'KKI'LATK. OTIS LEAD 3DISTBIEUTIK & ALLEY 12 A. GRKAT I'KI.MKK < ' 8 A. TWO-LINK PICA COITKIU>LATK. 7 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (150) 6AJVIRAIQJSI. fi A. 10 a. THREE-LINK NONPAREIL CAMPAIGN. a Patriot, a Hero. an 5 A, 8 a. I )III:I;I.K-| > II A ( 'AMPAIGN. $4-5 4 A, 6 a. THREE-LINE PICA CAMPAIGN. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (151) CRAYON. 5 A, 12 a. THREE-LINK NONPAREIL CRAYON. $4.05 5 A, 10 a. K PICA CRAYON. 85.1.-. 3 A, 5 a. THREE-LINK PICA CRAYON. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (152) JHoRizoNTAL SHADE. 8 A, 12 a. GRKAT PRIMER HORIZONTAL SHADK. $3.75 Jourists Adventures on the Continent and Scenes in the Swiss <*f j^j $ 1234567890 6 A, 8 a. DomuK PICA HORIZONTAL SHADK. |4.75 DELIGHTS Olympian Stars on jlorizontal Bars 36 perpendicular SP ars 4 A, 6 A. Ttto-I.IXI! (JRKAT I'RIMKR H(RI7.OXTAL SlIU'K. $5.25 - 6 1 T 1 Twpr ^BI v U >a^. jj ^B&>EMtai^^ -^ -* 5A, 5a. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER AQUATINT. $7.20 BKIGAN.TINESJ relighted 2 PALMER &. REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. f!65) 10 A, 15a. 8A, l'2a. (iA, 10 a. 5 A, 8 a. RENAISSANCE.. GREAT PRIMER RENAISSANCE. DUCBLK SMALL PICA RENAISSANCE. DOI'BLE EXOLISH KENAI8SANCK. . 8A, 12 a. DOIBLE PARADOX REXAISSAXCE. GREAT PRIMER DORIC SHADED. $4.00 of Krane@ ? #6.45 8. 00 6 A, 10 a. 5 A, 8 a. Doi BLK PICA DORIC SHADED. Doi'BLE GREAT PRIMER DORIC SHADED. S !).()() 17 PBIZS @4 Ff^mM @aftn PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (156) 1C A, PlCA El.BERON. $2.2 JTT COTTAGE DOWN BV THE SJID SEfl WflVE I23456789O. 8 A. THREE-LINK NONPAREIL KLBHRON. $3.15 THE LAMENTED PASSED QUIETLY I23456789O. 6 A. Two-LiNE PICA KI.HERON. HIS DflYS ON TI^IS 4 A. THREE-LINK PICA ELBERON. N^ITIOI) MOURNS HIM ! PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (157) OBELISK. 10A, 14;i. TWO-LINE BREV/KK OHKI.ISK. Upl ACCOUNTABLE ^OflTAplEOU^ [!01V[BUgTIOp[ Leaded Digcouw on tfolcanjc pjJPotecljnieg and Aptm Bofealig Lightning FFeal^ and Electrical Vagarieg $ 1234567890 8A, loa. TWO-LINE PICA OBELISK. $3.20 Daylight VieW^ of Ruined Temple^ and Tombg Fifteen [loui 1 ^ at tje $ 1234567890 8A, 7a. TIIREK-LIXE PICA OBELISK. HI^TO^IGAL gamble? Anpig Cruigbliiig l(uii]? B|onumeqt? of flineVejj f 1234567B90 PALMER & REY. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. H58) JVI OXON. 16 A. TWO-LINK NONPAREIL Moxox. $1.54 CiELEGANT * IMPORTATIONS :> PRINTING GQADE EASY * ISSUE OF .NEW F/ICES CCDODERN 2346 * PRODUCTIONS^ 14 A. TWO-LINE MINION MOXOM. $1.58 NATIONAL* INTECDPERANCE* LAST DROP MAKE-S THE- CUP RUN OVER f 23 COMMONWEALTH 45 ** 10 A. TWO-LINK LONH PRIMER MOXON. $1.88 * CDANUF/ICTUPUNG * CO. STANDARD 89 4* TWO-LIXK I'u A MOXON. $1.98 DRESSMAKER 73 * COCQPANY * 42 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND f!59) JVlOTHER JHUBBARD. 14 A. PICA MOTHER HUBBAKD. 2.13 PRINTERNOTlNOfrRDS' PRAT?GED HOPPERS 36 IN CHARACTER 59 SILENCE IS A CHEAP^VIRTaE 24 6 A. TWO-LINK PICA MOTHER HcBBAiti). $3.20 475 CONGLOMERATE 10 A. GREAT PRIMKR MOTHKR HrBKARD. $2.60 RESERVEBTlGKErS 59 HIER06l2YPHIG> MtiRPHY & G9 AMERICAN RFR/AEB The Patent Flourish may be used over Caps A, E, E, H, K, M, X, P, 11, 1', V, >V, Y, and not with round 'etters, or initials and final caps. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (160) JVIOTHER JHUBBARD. 4 A TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER MOTHER HUBBARD. 13.90 HARC5A 24 SQhVL PRIM0 SHINE SA. CANON MOTHER. HUBBARD. THC 3 KINS 5 The Paent Flourishes may be used over Caps A, B, E, H, K, M, N, P, R, U, V, W, Y, and not with round letters, or initials and final caps. 21 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (161) PENCILINGS. 8 a, SO A. LONG PRIMER PENCILINGS. $3.70 1357 Dr-fay-thy-rnngic^ov/^r-J^lDDni-tii^v^irig, 2468 8 A, 24 a. PARAGON PENCILINGS $6 65 ^67,890 W\\r\\r\ (162) 8 A, 24 a. PARAGON PENCILINGS, No. 2. $5.8S Cor|aort^ fraternity f -TH Jk Rr ^ In rniafur^ fo ifi^ J 5ing li(t ifi^ ^ni^m^ f if ifi^ cri on^ \\\ \\\K\\(\ \ OCTAGON INCLINED. 10 A, 20 A. PICA OCTAGON INCLINED. $4.00 8 A, 16 A. GREAT PRIMER OCTAGON INCLINED $6.50 6 A, 12 a. l)i irBLE PICA OCTAGON INCLINED. f6 80 NORMANDY I2A,24a PICA. 98.60 find h@n8 KS9 hi8Y8s and Ya|i?ants gii Rlealis a tha iimeniaea; fiem Magus 8A,16a COLUMBIAN. $4.30 [EJP- and ths Ha and the H@ay@n ai A,12a Wins PARAGON. $4.60 ths leuth that $F0 bq ths fesautiful Riyg? S QJ YER A,12a DOCBLB PICA. that 10Ysd net wisely but 5A,10a DOUBLE ENGLISH. $6.10 m@n 4A,8a DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER. $6.95 m ORNAMENTS ARE CAST WITH ALL SIZES. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (163) 12 A. THREE-LINE EXCELSIOR CHINESE. 81.20 MOSQUITO, FOX THY WC&RY WWGS, CROSS THY XCGS UPOK THY BRC&ST; PUT UP THY Bill & HOftKS, 10 A. PICA CHINESE. MOR 8 A THREE-LINE NONPAREIL CHINESE, TO CT UP JIKD GO. 'T YOU THWK SO? 6 A, TWO-LINK PICA CHINESE. $3.40 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (164) A Supograpblc *O i^fe*- Combination. SQUARE BODY 20 i 21 t No. 0, 4A, with Periods and Commas only $1 25 No. 1, 8A, with Figures and Points 2 40 No. 2, 4A, no Figures or Points 1 15 No. 3, 4A, with Figures and Points 1 70 No. 4, 4A, Periods and Commas only 1 15 Mo. 5, 4A, no Figures or Points 1 15 No. 6, 4A, no Figures or Points 1 25 Ornaments 3 00 Quads and Spaces 2 00 Complete Series, Including Quads and Spaces, $14.1 Ml On the shoulder of each letter is cast its appropriate number, thus avoiding confusion in distribution. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (165) MENTOR. 6 ISA BREVIER. $3.1O -:GR A CE * w&s * IN*HER * STEPS * HE &YENV IN HEB EYE, HER VOICE SOFT AND OW &KTD DXGNXTTT 24 v AKT3D OVE J IKT J EVERT J GESTURE : 36 16A TWO-LINE PEARL. $3.10 ARTS, THE GLOHIOtJS STHENGTK TH3.T 1T0IJTBC 78 > IMPARTS IN* 9 UF'S STAG 12A TWO-LINE KONPAKEIL. $3.35 -JNOT * EVEN THE * MOST> HEABT If TO OUR 8A TWO-LINE BREVIER. $3.75 oJTHE * HEAD * AND*- THE FRONT OF KIT OFFENSE 6A TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER. $4.40 5A TWO-LINE ENGLISH. $5.35 ALL FONTS COMPLETE WITH FIGURFS. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (166) JVIEZZOTIJMTS. 6A, $5.25 7= eXs~ DOUBLF. PICA MK/./.OTIJJT. 3 A, $2.75 A, 98.00 UOUBLK GREAT PRIMER MKXZOTINT. (JKKAT I'KIMF.a MEZZOTINT CONDKNHRD. 3 A, iW.50 93.50 :;A^^;;,:LiM^T : E. $ DOI'BLK PirA MKZZOTIST COXUKNSKII. 6 A. *4.50 CHIM GREAT PRIMKK MKZ/.OTIXT (JONDKNSKD. $6.00 (167j O^NAMENT/VL. TWO-LINE NONPAREIL OKNA. No. 4. 10 A. $1.50 BLACK ORNAMENTED NO. 3. PICA BLACK ORNA. No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $1.40 j TWO-LINK NONPAREIL ORNA. No. 39. 8 A. $1.50 EXPOSITION BUILDING TWO-LINE NONP. ORNA. No. 26. 10 A. $1.50 GT. PRIM. BLACK ORNA. No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $1.65 PARAGON BLACK ORNA. No. 3. 6 A, 15 a. $2.00 DHL. ENG. BLACK ORNA. No. 3. 4 A, 6 a. $2.10 TWO-LINE NONP. ORNA. No. 16. 10 A. $1.50 ARCTIC EXPEDITION TWO-LINE SMALL PICA ORNA. No. 11. 8 A. $2.00 FOREST SCI TWO-LINE PICA ORNA. No. 21. 4 A. $2.00 DEL. GT. PRIM. BLK ORNA. No. 3. 4 A, 6 a. $2.50 BLACK CONDENSED NO. 3. PICA BLACK COND. No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $1.40 GT. PRIM. BLACK COND. No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $1.65 itf' wme f PARAGON BLACK COND. No. 3. 6 A, 15 a. $2.00 DEL. ENG. BLACK COND. No. 3. 4 A, 6 a. $2.10 JL TWO-LINK PICA ORNA. No. 30. 6 A. $2.50 TWO-LINE PICA ORNA. No. 33. 6 A. $2.00 TWO-LINE PICA ORNA. No. 16. 6 A. $2.00 TWO-LINE ENGLISH ORNA. No. 16. 4 A. $2.50 TWO-LINE ENGLISH ORNA. No. 26. 4 A, 6 a. $4.00 TWO-LINE ENGLISH ORNA. No. is. 4 A. $2.5O DEL. GT. PRIM. BLK COND. No. 3. 4 A. 6 a. $3.00 FOUR-LINE PICA ORNA. No. 1. f^USSk /fif w 4 A. $3.5O (168) Newspaper Headings. Koi'K-LiNK PICA No. 1. CANON CONDENSED LIGHT-FACE No. 2. AMADOR LEDGER FofK-LiNE PICA CONDI NSKD LIGIIT-FACK No. '2. FIVE-LINK PICA CONDENSED LIGHT FACE No. '2. MODOC TIMES FOTK-LINE PICA CONDENSED No. 1. UNION RECORD FIVE LINE PICA CONDENSED No. 1. ALMA TIMES FOIK-LINK PICA ORNAMENTED. I fl PALMER & REY SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. 2-2 CUM)) Newspaper Headings. FOUR-LINE PICA No. 3. SELMA GUIDE FOUR-LINE PICA LIGHT-FACE No. 2. HOME NEWS FIVE-LINE PICA No. 1. SIX-LINE PICA LIGHT-FACE No. 2. TRIBUNE SIX-LINE PICA No. 1. BUGLE NINE-LINE PICA LIGHT FACE No. 2. TIMES PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (170) Newspaper Headings. FOUK-LINE PICA OLD STYLE. THE MONITOR FOUR-LINE PICA OLD STYLE WITH FIVE-LINE PICA INITIALS. HURON NEWS FIVE-LINE PICA OLD STYLE. REPORTER Home Journal FIVE-LINE PICA OLD STYLE WITH SIX-LINE PICA INITIALS. MORNING SIX-LINE PICA OLD STYLE. EDITION Peoria Item Special engraved heads made to order at prices according to style and size, from $15.00 to $100.00 (171) Newspaper Headings. FIVE-LINK PICA MODERN TEXT. m 4 25 2ti 27 28 29 W .51 S "Z X t ~ ^=*v-r se ,(K 2i *The Characters line either in the center or at the side with our Brass Rule, No. 203, isix-to-pica.) Beiiu cast on the s:ime plan as our Series Nos. 1 and 2 they can be use2 X- 07 18 C8 26 30 28 -12 H~ (181) ELECTROTYPING SERIES 8 /t> u/ STEREOTYPING I*'': w [ Presses ; * ;; k Cutters ^ * % * * >" Qj A -& \ ? WOOD: TYPE I PALMER & REY & TYPE FOUNDERS (182) RIGHT i AND i MIGHT ^ -^V-f^t/^^Y-^ ; J "li^W * A , Series 5 f P RESS ANDSWOR D -f CHARACTERS. -#- 9 4 . 10 1 1 14 18 19 25 24 29 30 V& r n 2CJ 28 33 :U 1. dTo (i and Nonpareil Borf/es. Price per fou/if, - -x OREGON BRANCH: 112-14 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. OT/C >I/rZ? FOUNDRY, 405-407 SANSOUE STREET. TtM FOUSDEBS. 4^ Characters cast on Pica and Nonpareil Bodii Globe Manufacturing (' I'n-rl'-ss, fli/iper, and Jev. I'ei-rlau / Cult ^ ^COMBINATION!! ^ Characters cast on Nonpareil and Pica Bodies. U Price per Fount, *i> -'.">. \PHLMER ^ REV-- f - : ;\ SMSOME ST. r-^ry vTV' "^Ti inir"* r-^i/A^r -ff 112-14 Front St. < PALMER & REY, 24 (185) Sew Francisco and Portland. CARD -SKRIKS l. ORNANIKNTS -SKRIKS 2. PALMER & KEY, f!86) 5a/7 Francisco and Portland. Carb rnaments, Series 3, Characters cast on Nonpareil and Pica Bodies. PALMER & REY, (1ST) San Francisco and Portland. COMBINATION ORIENT BORDER fiaiactet> ca*\ on ?tonarcif atiji "?ica o6obie Price per Fount, $7.25. PALMER & REY, (188) San Francisco and Portland. COMBIMTION BORDER, ii 5icc cini cci 3 .rr>. %^C, J o". ^'/^ o-r, o". v^ v^ ^ ^ PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND DRAMATIC FESTIVAL MECHANICS INSTITUTE. H. LOVE, PRES. PRODUCE MERCHANTS CONCERT PBOQBAMME. J\x^ ^FP 1 PUBLICATIONS Specimen Sheets >MAGAZINES-i- FOP Practical Printers. Ill (11)8) Specimen Books { WO R D # SCROLLS 29 25 23 11 12 24 26 30 38 19 27 43 44 28 20 The Rules shown below work and line with the Word Scrolls, and arc mid as ordered, either in Labor-Saving Fonts or two feet strips. 12 TO PICA NO. o. 10 TO PICA NO. 2. 8 TO PICA NO, 3. 8 TO PICA NO. 7. 9 FEET STRIPS, EACH, IOC. LABOR-SAVING FONT, I.Sn. 2 FEET STRIPS, EACH, I6C. LABOR-SAVING FONT, SQ.OO. **TYPE* FOUNDRY SAN FRANCISCO, GAL. ORIGINAL BORDERS. HALF NONP. BORDKP. No. 1. 10 feet, |--'.i r > HALF NONP. BORDER No. . i->. HALF NONP. BORHKR No. 2T>. p. --_--_ -----41 10 feet, *2.i'>. HALF NONP. BORDER No. 1">. I L 10 feet, f2.i r ,. J HALF NONI-. BOIEDKI: No. -4. 10 feet, ?2.i">. HALF NONP. HORDKI: No. >.:;. 10 feet, if'J.J"). PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (200) ORIGINAL BORDERS. HALF NONP. BOKDEK No. :'>2. 10 feet, $2.2.'). |r 1=7=31 II H-^H^T^Jl^^c^^^-^ . * HALF NONP. BOKDKU No. :i5. ^c^-jc^T^^r^^- r="=T IS 10 feet, $2.25. HALF NONP. BOUDF.U No. :M. 10 feet, $2.25. XTTTTTTTTTTTT HALF NONP. BOKDKR No. :!:'.. 1 10 feet, |2.2.-). HALF NONP. BORDF.R No. 19. 10 feet, *2.2.->. l?2IIITII [jTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTIIIITIIIIITlIIllllttlllTTTTTTI M HALF NONP. BOEDER No. :;i. grrrri TTTIIIITIITITITI im. rr 10 feet, $2.25. H HALF NONP. UOKDKP. No. D>. 10 feet, *2.2.-). HALF NONP. T><>I:I>KK No. L'S. Tl I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I HALF NONP. BOKHKK No. 21. 10 feet, fJ.2.->. Bill I III I III I III I I HALF NONP. BORDKR No. 21. 4 y ; J 10 feet, !f2.2.-.. irww-w ji mm mi IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.' HALF NONP. BOKDEK No. 20. E Jllllll Illlllllllllllllllll Mill 10 feet, |2.25. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniir HALF NONP. BORDEU No. 2d. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND 26 (201) ORIGINAL BORDERS. ai!lllil!!illllllll!lllll!l!l!l|]l!l!llll!!!l!i!!!;l!l!!!!lll!!l!!ll!!!!!!!lil!l!!!]ill]|||lli!!i!:!ilii| NONP. BORDER No. 206. = 10 feet, $2.60. Illlllllllllllllilllli!llll]i!illl!i!!!i;: .JllllllilllSllliliililllfi 1111 NONP. BORDER No. 207. 10 feet, $2.i>0. NOXP. BORDKR No. 223. s> I 10 feet. $2.60. | ^ ffi) f ^ NONP. BOKDKB No. 222. 10 feet, |2.60. NONP. BORDER No. 2:>7. .^^.^ 10 feet, $2.H(. jJ NONP. BORDER No. 219. 10 feet, $2.60. NONP. BORDER No. 221. 10 feet, 12.60. NOXP. BORDER No. 215. / *m \ \ \ \ / 10 feet, $2.00. / /\\\\\\\\\ NONP. BORDER No. 217. c 10 feet, $2.r>0. PALMER & REV, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (202) ORIGINAL BORDERS. s y / f y f f s s / NONP. BORDER No. 233. 10 feet, $2.60. / jdftiu XONP. BORDER No. 213. 3M' -"O"- -***j-y^~ jyiiit. JOK 3iy|ni "]Hrj|itr 10 feet. $2.60. f I \P I Noxp. BORDER No. 224. ml 10 feet, $2.60. ;,"' k A. X A A A ' A ' A ' A ' A ' A ' A ' A A'A- [ ! < NONP. BORDER No. _'::.">. ) I r*..A*AyAAy 10 feet, $2.60. j | r- 3 ( > "n r AW j wi^*wWW JWJV NONP. BORDER No. 214. ^^M W " i 8F Wj 10 feet, $2.60. k ^ > > > > 4 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (203) ORIGINAL BORDERS. .VVVXVVVVVV.'VV XOXP. BORDER No. 236. vxs^rvvv'vvvxv- w 10 foul, !;'J.t>0. XONP. BORDER No. 21G. 10 feet, $2.60. Nosr. BORDER No. 211. J^ ^^^^ ) 10 feet, $2.60. -^/-.^ / ! j XONP. BORDER Xo. 203. ! > 10 feet, $2.60. * 3 I I a (( X>/N/V> 1 . BORDER Xo. 2(rJ. 10 feet. !f'J.r,0. XoM'. BORDEII Xo. 2 10 feet, $2.C>0. XONP. BORDER Xo. 22t>. 10 feet, $2.60. ES f=l=T=I=T7 XoXP. BouDF.i: Xo. 22!). 10 feet, $2.60. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (204) HALF NONPAREIL BORDER No. 3<>. Q SP 000 OOOOOOGQQOQO OGO Q X (jj 10 feet, $2.25. HALF NONPAREIL BORDER No. 40. 10 feet, $2.2'>. HALF NONPAREIL BORDER No. :!7 S jiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii 1 1(( feet, $2.2.'.. ; ~i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i" HAI.K NONPAREIL BORDER No. :w. in feet. $2.2 '.MOuA NONI'AKKII. UoKKICH No. Jill. liifct-t. Jf'J.liK ^ / ^ NONPAREIL BORDER No. 241. ** 10 feet, $2.60. ' J I I Illl! 1111! Illl! II I Illl! S L _ = NONPAREIL BORDER No. 2-13. | piiiilllii: in in HE in in 1 10 feet, $2.60. S ^ H! |1 nil III ill III III III II! Ill III III III Ifr NONPAREIL AND ONE-HALF BORDER No. 5. 10 feet, $3.00. .niii!^iiil!>Mi Outside Bonier NONPAREIL AND ONE-HALF BORDER No. 6. 10 feet, $3.00. (2 Jo) ORIGINAL BORDERS. NONPAREIL AND ONE-HALF BORDER No. 1. 10 feet, $3.00. NOXPAKEIL AND ONE-HALF BORDER No. I 10 feet. |3.00. (206) ^v ^ -v -v v -v v -v -v ^^Ofo) ORIGINAL BORDERS. 'I- PICA Boisiir.ii No. 202. 10 feet, $::.oo. 1 (^07) /^V2?^> j-yir'MA^ir'M t-> i & Br-^-T ORIGINAL BORDERS. PICA BORDER No. 208. HII mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi ini 10 PICA BORDER No. 203. 10 foi-t, |3.00. (208) ORIGINAL BORDERS. mj 51 m (209) ORIGINAL BORDERS. :^.f?p I j L?n.^>'.r^ i I en. ^ .ira 1 1. Til i!KK- I.1NK NoM'AKKIl, KoKUKK No. 1. in feet, .~4.!>."i vr^:1 1 fjiiiililife TTTTTTTVyTTtTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT PALMER & REY, SAN FrtANCisco AND PORTLAND. (210) UNIQUE BORDERS. Put up in fonts of five feet each, all on pica bodies. Price per font, $1.50. /t Y.t Y t Y -t V/f Y/f .Y/f ,Y,t Y;t Y,t Y t Combination Border, No. 2 (PICA.) Fonts of 214 Ibs., $1.95, 5 B)s., $3.70 1 ',' 5 3 4 Combination Border, No. 1 (NONPAREIL.) Fonts of 14 B>8., $2.00, 3 ft>8., $3.90 312 54 o oooo 3 MBINTI Fonts of 4>i Ibs., $2.95 3 4 COMBINATION BORDER, No. 5. Fonts of 2 fts., $1.45, 4flw., $2.65. COMBINATION BORDER, No. 4. Fonts of l s g fts., $1.35,2% Ibs. , $2.50 PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (212) PRICE, PER FONT, $5.25, CHARACTERS 3 ~ 5 L ^ - ttU BORDER PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (213) $7SHE designs en this and ^V the following page are made from our Combina- tion Borders, Nos. 23 to 52 combined. -with Dbl. Pica and Four-line Pica Typo- graphical Ornaments. &E3 rs $ f??RINTERS purchasing Cc any or all of Bsrders, Kos. 23 to 32, can in- crease the usefulness of their fonts at a small ad- ditional expenditure for Typograph. Ornaments, 53 and 54. IN HOC SIGNO VINCES ^5i5i5@S^\^^ Ll = fSMl 1 "" V V'VsV^ ""MiiMiiiiiiiUi miuiiiTajs uiiii Mllll Mill HUM! II II 1 1 lutir luiM HUM lUt IJUllI inn MUU niiij .uiut mil; Mini Mlll 8 ! 16 17 18 19 20 88 u 5* m 37 38 39 40 S j H mm IIIMJ lUll! I1I1IJ II11M 1 1 111 I Mll.ll PALMER & REV. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (214) 12345 li 10 11 I'.' 13 14 l.' 55 56 60 61 6'^ M B H 08 t>9 70 PALMER & REY, S^N FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (215) CARD-BACKS, SIGNS, TINTS, ETC Card-Backs (round or square corners) made from any of Tints Nos. 1 to 24, Fifty Cents each. Tints for Book Linings, Paper Box Linine* and Decorative Papers, any size 3x6 or oyor, Six Cents per square inch, under that size charged at Jobbing Rates. Specimens sent on application. Characters Nos. 1 to 5 Five Cents each. Per set, Twenty Cents. Electrotypes furnished of full Characters Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9, Fifteen Cents each. size cards at Fifty Cents each. PALMER & REV. SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND ARCHITECTURAL COMBINATION. # Price, including Brass Rule, $5.85. 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 The San Francisco Newspaper Union. --**! BLACK * STAR * LETTER * COMBINATION Price of 3/6. fonts, with quads and spaces, $3.50. ****** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ****** ****** ** * ** ** ** ** ***** ** * * *** ******* * *** ***** *** ***** * * ***** * *** ***** * *** * **** * * ** * ***** **** * **** *** ** ****** *** ***** *** ** ** ****** *** ** * ****** ******* **** *** *** **** *** *** * ***** ** ** ** * **** w *** * ***** ***** **** * ******** *** * ****** *** **** **** **** *** *** *****JL. * . . . + k^ lj90000^J< >J< 0010 0*0^0 000 0^< * *********** o k T A T. rrvrl ***** ***** *********** JO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O>J ***** ***** ** ** ** ** *; ** ** ** ** * t ****** ****** ** * ** ** ** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** *** *****^. * *+ * f ***** * * * * *** * *** * * * * * *** **** * * * * **** * * * * ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** t- ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** > ** ** ** ** *********** o oooooooooooooooo oooooooooo c<^ ***** ***** *********** Iflf ***** ***** * 4-0 000 O^-i >3jO O O O < # >fio o o o o^o^o o o o o^* & ^ E^ *!&* > ****** *** * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * *** *** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ****** *** *** *** ****** *** ***** *** *** *** ***** * ***** * * **** * * ***** * * **** ** * ***** *** *** ****** ****** ******** ******* ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** ******* ******* ******** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********** * * * * Designed especially for attractive display lines in newspaper advertising. Capable of an unlimited variety of combinations- all pleasing and attractive. Equally as serviceable to the Job Printer as the Newspaper. But ONE CHARACTBR to the font. We will furnish extra stars, to any amount, at $1.28 per Ib. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (218) WHITE STAR LETTER COMBINATION. Price of 3 Ib. font, with quads and spaces, $3.50. ftftftftft ft ft ft ftft ft ftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ftftftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft T*T *r ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ftftftftft ftft ft ftftftftft ftftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftftft ftft ftft ftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft fc * j. ft ft . ftftftft ft ft ft ft * ft * ft ft * ftftftft * ftftftft if ft ft * ft ft * ftft ft ft ft ft ftftftft *** o 00*000 0*0 ftft o ftftft o ftft ft 9 if 9 ftftftftifftftftft o * o ft ftft o ftftft o ftft 0*0 o e 0*000 *** ftftftftft ftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ftft ft * * ft ft * ft ft if if ft ftft if if ftft ft ft ft ft if ft ft * ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftft ftft&ftft ********************************************* kftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftir kftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftif *******************#***************************** kftftftftftftftifftftftifftftirftftftftirftftifftftftirftftirftftftftirftftifftftftftifftftftftftft* k+ifftftftftftftft+ftftftitftftitftftftftirftftirftftftirftftirftftftftftftftifftft-kftftftftftftftftiririr irftftftftftftftftft+iriririrftftifftftftftirftftifftftftirftftitifirifirirftftififirifftftftftftftftftftftif ++*ftftftftftftftiiftftftirftftirftftftftirftftifftftftirftftftftftftftifftft+ftftifftftftftftftftftirkif ifftftftftftftftifftftftifftftifftftftftitftftirftftftirftftirftftftftirftftifftftftftirftftftftftftir ir**ifftftft*i(*fti(ir+ft+++*++ftft*+++itftftirifir+it*ft+iritifirif*ftftftftifirir ifftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftir ifftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftir ********************************************* BLACK AND WHITE STARS IN COMBINATION. ftftft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftftft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftftft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftftft ftftft ft ft ftftft ftftft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft% ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft J(, ,, ,/C _ W V ., W ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft&ft ft vww ftft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ftft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft vy * * . 5 ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ftftftft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftft ft ft ftftft ftftftft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ftftft ftft ftft ftftft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ftftft ft ftftft ftftft ft ft ftftft ft ft ftftft ftftft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftft ft ftftft ftftft ftftftftftftft ftftftftftftft ftftftftftftft ftftft ftft ftftft ftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ftftftftftft ftftftft ftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ftftft ftftft ftftftftftftft ftftft ftft ftftftftftftft ftftft ftftft ft ftftftftftftft ftft This page was set with one font of the White Star Letter Combination. The variety of combinations of which this is susceptible is practically unlimited. But one character to the font made on the interchangeable body nonpareil em. I N ITI/rLS. Series Single Letter, 20 cents; per set of 25 Letters, .$1.00. - C )T*> tJ '-T~'\ sr^ y^ 1 "- HI Vj Series Single Letter, 25 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $1.25. -^ Series 36. Single Letter, 30 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $2.00. Series 3 Single Letter, 25 cents; per set of 2<> Letters, $1.2." el cy Series 3S. Single Letter, 40 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $4.00. Series 33. Single Letter, 50 cents ; per set of 2t> Letters, $5.00. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (220) 8 A. 6 A. JEC INITIALS. SERIES NO. 38. TWO-LINE BREVIER. $2.75 SERIES NO. 39. TWO-LINE PICA. $4.00. J> ( H CD I O B SERIES NO. 40. Per set of 26 Letters, $1.00. SERIES NO. 41. Per set of 26 Letters, X SERIES NO. 42. Per set of 26 Letters, $2.00. 1 =tft I SERIES NO. 43. Per set of 2 Letters, *3.50. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (221) JVIEDI/tVAL INITIALS, SERIES NO. 100. V/" V # M. Per set of 27 characters, electrotyped on solid bodies, $5.00. Single letters, 30 cts. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (222) JVIEDI/EVAb INITIALS. SERIES NO. 101. n J> e 3? ^^TlC^^"% ^^^^ ^^"^^^^ Per set of 27 characters, electrotyped on solid bodies, $6.00. Single letters, 35 cts. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (228) INDISPE^ISABLES Auxiliaries, ]>or set, si. in. Recipe Marks, per set, 0.50. I *! 45S 456 4.-.!) Nos. from 446 to 453, 5 cents each ; Nos. from 454 to 457, 8 cents each ; Nos. from 458 to 467, 1 2 cents each ; Nos. 468 and 469 015 cents each ; Nos. 470 and 471, 25 cents each. A Fonts containing one of each no. , 1.60. V * * * * SCREW AND PIN HEADS. Per Font, SO.WI. LOGOTYPES. ,.,^ Per set, 7 characters, $0.50. Ribbon Ends, per set of four characters, so.-J.'i. C224) BRASS RULK * PRICE LIST PLAIN RULES, Or Straight faces are sold at the following uniform rate per foot, in strips of two feet each. . Kxtra lengths made to order. <*> x r ORNAMENTAL RULES, Such as Waved, Scolloped, Shaded, etc., are rated higher, the price varying according to the work on them. We sell the faces shown in this book as follows: German, Saxon, Brilliant, Excelsior, Pearl . . . American, or 12-to-pica #0 06 06 06 08 10 14 18 22 Agate 24 Nonpareil 28 Minion 30 Brevier 34 Bourgeois 38 Long Primer 40 Small Pica 45 Pica ... . 55 Saxon, or 6-to-pica, Xos. 71, 137 and 72 10 " " " 73, 74, 75, 77 and 166 12 5 " " 86 . 14 Excelsior, " 3 " " 18 90 Pearl " 14 . 22 " " 102, 105 and 144 ... . 30 Nonpareil " 14, 15 and Hi . 30 " " 142 and 108 34 Minion " 14 . 34 " " 146 36 Brevier " 14 . 38 " " 143 and 147 . 40 Nonpareil-ami -a-half... " 14, 15 and 16 . 45 Long Primer " 14 . 50 Pica " 14, 15, 16 and 17... . 60 Labor-Saving Rule in fonts, or Border Rules in set, from any face in book except those marked, at following prices. Saxon $2 50 Excelsior $1 (50 Nonpareil $1 50 We can furnish, on special order, any face of Rule not shown in this Bool', at price quoted by the foundry making it. DASHES, CIRCLES, OVALS (225) Series O. Pica No. o. Series 1. Pica No. i. Series 2. Pica No. 2. Long Primer No. O. Long Primer No. i. Long Primer No. 2. ^BHMH^H^^HHHHHH Brevier No. o. Brevier No. i. Brevier No. 2. HJHMBMHHHI^HHMIHHHH Minion No. o. Minion No. i . Minion No. 2. M^HiMHHHMHMBBMHH^^K Nonpareil No. o. Nonpareil No. i. Nonpareil No. 2. Pearl No. o. Pearl No. i. Pearl No. 2. 3 to Pica No. o. 3 to Pica No. i. 3 to Pica No. 2. 4 to Pica No. o. 4 to Pica No. i. 4 to Pica No. 2. 5 to Pica No. o. 5 to Pica No. i. S to Pica No. 2. 6 to Pica No. o. 6 to Pica No. i. 6 to Pica No. 2. 8 to Pica No. o. 8 to Pica No. i. S to Pica No. 2. 10 to Pica No. o. 10 to Pica No. i. 10 to Pica No. 2. Series 3. Pica No. 3. Series 4. Pica No. 4. Series 5. Pica No. 5. Long Primer No. 3. Long Primer No. 4. Long Primer No. 5. Brevier No. 3. Brevier No. 4. Brevier No. 5. Minion No. 3. Minion No. 4. Minion No. 5. Nonpareil No. 3. Nonpareil No. 4. Nonpareil No. 5. Pearl No. 3. Pearl No. 4. Pearl No. 5. 3 to Pica No. 3. 3 to Pica No. 4. 3 to Pica No. 5. 4 to Pica No. 3. 4 to Pica No. 4. 4 to Pica No. 5. Series 16. Pica No. 16. Miscellaneous. Pica No. 17. Miscellaneous. Brevier No. 143 -J- Nonpareil and one-half No. 16. Nonpareil and one-half No. 15. Nonpareil No. 142 ( Nonpareil No. 16. Nonpareil No. 15. Pearl No. 1027- (226) Series 6. Pica No. 6. Series 7. Pica No. 7. Series 8. Pica No. 8. Long- Primer No. 6. Long Primer No. 7. Long Primer No. 8. Brevier No. 6. Brevier No. 7. Brevier No. 8. Minion No. 6. Minion No. 7. Minion No. 8. Nonpareil No. 6. Nonpareil No. 7. Nonpareil No. 8. Pearl No. 6. Pearl No. 7. Pearl No. S. 3 to Pica No. 6. 3 to Pica No. 7. 3 to Pica No. 8. 4 to Pica No. 6. 4 to Pica No. 7. 4 to Pica No. 8. Series 12. Pica No. 12. Series 13. Pica No. 13. Series 14. Pica No. 14. Long Primer No. 12. Long- Primer No. 13. Long Primer No. 14. Brevier No. 12. Brevier No. 13. Nonpareil and one-half No. 14. Minion No. 12. Minion No. 13. Brevier No. 14. Nonpareil No. 12. Nonpareil No. 13. Minion No. 14. Pearl No. 12. Pearl No. 13. Nonpareil No. 14. 3 to Pica No. 12. 3 to Pica No. 13. Pearl No. 14. 4 to Pica No. 12. 4 to Pica No. 13. 3 to Pica No. 18. 6 to Pica No. 71. Miscellaneous Rules. 6 to Pica No. 168. 5 to Pica No. 86 f 6 to Pica No. 137. 6 to Pica No. 169. Pearl No. 105 f 6 to Pica No. 72 f 6 to Pica No. 158. Minion No. 1467 6 to Pica No. 73 f 6 to Pica No. 74 -j- 6 to Pica No. 75 f 6 to Pica No. 77 -j- 6 to Pica No. 159. Pearl No. 144 f 6 to Pica No. 5. Nonpareil No. io8-j- 6 to Pica No. 7. Brevier No. 147^ 6 to Pica No. i66f All Rules except those thus (f) designated can be made in labor-saving fonts to order. Waved and Scolloped Rules have been imitated in Borders, for which see another page. (227) LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE. SAXON, No. 71. LB. FONTS - $6.00 SAXON No. I. 3 LB. FONTS - *6.00 LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE Single, Dotted, Parallel and Double, for Tabular and Job Work, carefully cut from any of the faces shown and graduated to en and em of pica. Put up in fonts with a due proportion of inhered corners in each. EXCELSIOR No. 2. 3lb. fonts, $4.80 EXCELSIOR No. 3 Ib. fonts, $4.80 Palmer ^ tRey, San Francisco, Cal. and Portland, Or. (228) BOR9ER RULES-lN SETS. Ih ^7 1 II [ BORDER RULES Out from anv rule in this book to any measure, even ems on the outside. : PRICES : Per u>.~ Saxon and under $2 00 Brilliant to Excelsior 1 60 Pearl and larger i 50 On all orders for less than one-half pound Of rule at one time the cor- ners will be charged extra at the rate of l.">c. the s et of four. i . .. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (229) NEW BRASS DASHES. 524. lOc. 503. l()c. -* *- 504. lOc. 508. K)P. 509. lOe. 510. lOc. * * 511. lOc. 530. lOc. - *^-- 513. lOo. - O PALMER & REY SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (230) 516. lOc. 532. A">c. 518. lOc. 520. lOc. 521. lOo. 522. IOC. 542. 50c. 543. 50c. 301. 25c. 302. 25c. 303. 25c. 304. 25c. 305. 25c. 306. 25c. 307. 25c. 308. 26c. BRASS DASHES, tt 300. 20c. 310. 25c. ^ 312. 25c. 313. 25c. 314. 25c. -> -4 315. 25c. 316. 25c. 317. 25c. 320. 25c. 321. 25c. 322. 25c. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (231) METAb CORNERS. Per set of four corners. Corner No. 300. Per set, 20e. 4 to pica rule No. 7. Corner No. 301. Per set, 20c. 4 to pica rule No. 7. Corner No. 302. Per sot, 25c.' Corner No. 303. Pur set, 2'.e. v f 4 to pica rule No. 7. C 4 to pica rule No. 7. Corner No. 304. Per set, 40c. Corner No. 30.1. Per set, 20c. 4 to pica rule No. 7. 4 to pica rule No. 7. Corner No. 3<>7. C'orner No. 306. Per set, 2r.c. t * Per set, 2c, S to pica rule, Ni>. o. 8 to pica rule No. 0. Comer No. 3<>. per set, 40c. M"' 8 to pica rule No. 0. M-' C'orner No. 310. Per set, 2.">c. Corner No. 311. r Nonpareil rule No. 4. Corner No. 312. Per set, 30c. Comer No. 313. Pearl rule No. 3. Per set, 2.~>c. V Per set, 30c. Pearl rule No. 4. Pearl nile No. 3. Corner No. 314. Per set, 40c. Corner No. 31.'.. Per set, 4. ic. Pearl rule No. 3. Pearl rule No. 4. Corner No. 31& Per set, 50c. Pearl rule No. 3. Comer No. 318. Per set, 30c. Brevier rule No. 3. Corner No. 320. II Per set, Sic. n Brevier rule No. 3. Corner No. 317. u S- ' u Per set, 5;)c. ^^ -* Brevier rule No. 3. Corner No. 319. Per bet, r>i'i>c. Pica rule, No. 14. PALMER & KEY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (232) Four-to-Pica Labor-saving Rule No. 7. Fonts of 10 feet, I Ib. 8 oz., $2.40. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.80. y < BRASS RULES. Ten-to-Pica Labor-saving- Rule No. 0. Fonts of 10 feet, 10 oz., $i.5o. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.60. < METAL CORNERS. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND 30 (233) METAL CORNERS Pearl Labor-saving 1 Rule No. 8. Fonts of 10 feet, 2 Ibs. 402., $3.60. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $ DISPLAY PAGES. . c J L -\ Brevier Labor-saving Rule No. 3. Fonts of 10 feet, 4 Ibs., $6.40. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $8.76. i u Nonpareil Labor-Saving Rule, No. 4. Fonts of 10 feet, 3 Ibs., $4.80. Fonts of 10 feet with two sets of each Corner- piece, $7.00. (234) 1 Nonpareil Labor-Saving Rule, No. 14. Fonts of 10 feet, 3 Ibs., $4.80. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $6.5o. r -\ & '; -|' : |g 1 ^y rt ~ ' 3 1[ 1 4 r Sa u_ Pica Labor-Saving Rule, No. 14. Fonts of 10 feet, 6 Ibs., $9.00. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $io.5o. F ^ =j ', J ^ i pa *] -1 3 % nr j Vrt \ [ x d 1 L _"*" - -."*" i n _ro; |i. / ^ ( \ T ) \* ^ 4 >> j " J ^ , J J LABEL BONDERS. 1 r ^ - Eight-to-Pica Labor-saving Rule No. 0. Fonts of 10 feet, 12 oz., $i.5o. Fonts of 10 feet, including two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.00. j f i r i fc_cfc_ . ,_ rl 1-j I f \ ^~ 'H|r ^ii-5 1 T T ^J "V \ ) ^' (235) NONPAREIL COMBINATIONS. ,; U fe -t 1 . .1 M 3* f\ i r * J < r i A 4< tlJvi a A n ^ o-A-A iAkJ f Full Fonts, $1O; Half, $5.OO. 1 t A T I T T * With a Full Font of these Combinational any Design on this page can be made. H;ilf Fonts contain Nos. $ 1 to 47, except Nos. lit, 21 and 24, and are 4 complete for small work T NONPAREIL LABOR-SAVING QUADS AND SLUGS. < > +> We are putting up 3 and 6 ft). Fonts of Nonpareil Labor-Saving Quads and Slugs for use with the 85 and $10 Fonts of Combinations. They will be found more convenient for use and are cheaper than Quads. Price, $i :ind $2 per Font, extra. " , - -*- ^ 1 = ~ = * C==D - D O + *- +- ^ >-*-* ^^< *-O- *" -^ " 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 28 29 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 -*. ~~- .. -. .t - iw - 25 26 27 30 32 33 34 36 35 37 31 88 3'J 41 42 43 45 44 46 40 47 48 49 50 51 1 4 U 52 53 Lyv. ^H r 4 ^ 3>-Q- cts. each; Nos. 28-32, 30 cts. each ; Nos. 33-38, 12 cts. each. Brass a.n.d. Oircles. Prices of Ovals, Nos. 1 to f>, $0.90 each ; Xos. 7 to 12, $1.00 each ; Nos. 13 to 15, $1.25 each. " " Circles, Nos. 1 to 5, $0.60 each ; Nos. 7 to 11, $0.75 each. Larger Ovals and Circles furnished to order. (238) BRASS CURYES AXD CLAMPS. Fonts of 17O pieces. Trice, $8.OO. as jP SZ: jrrK^^;;;;;v;;;7;.j::!:-i iForRTvUosro- ! .v.-.vf in SPS/ r r iOO; i?\ We here exhibit the complete construction of a form containing straight and bent lines. It is intended to illustrate the use of our NEW IMPROVED PATENT BRASS CTRVES AND CLAMPS. They are indicated by hyphen rule, and are made to hold lines of any shape and body firmly. The Clamps match nonpareil, brevier, long primer, pica, great primer, double small pica, double pica, double english, double great primer, double paragon, and four-line pica, and are marked to designate body. All intermediate sizes, for instance, bourgeois can be clamped with long primer clamps in connection with a thin lead in order to make up for smaller body. They can be used in connection with 6-to-pica leads, enabling the printer to produce every possible variation of curved or straight lines. Lines clamped in this way occupy scarcely any additional space, can never be thrown off their feet, and save a great amount of justification. All the reglets and quads required to lock up those ten lines in our little job are shown in print in order to prove these facts. J Price per pound. Six-to-pica Three-to-pica Nonpareil Price per pound. Brevier Long Primer. . Pica .fl GO . 1 50 . 1 50 A very important item in blank work, having the face of fine dotted rule on bodies from six to-pica upward. They are made to line with any face, and are cut in labor-saving lengths from one to eighteen ems pica. ,.,.> {)) ANDY LOGOTYPES OR SINGLY. 548. 20c. 549. 25c. 567. 25c. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (240) ype made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type PALMES & BET Aeents, 405 !s 407 Sansome St.. San Francisco Twelve Line No 151. Border No. 174. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown Woodi Type made any size desired, by The Wm H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMES ft BAT Agents, 405 ft 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Five Line No. 143. Ten Line No. 143 Fifteen Line No. 143. Border No. 276. 50 cte. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Type made any size desired, of The Wm. fl. Page Wood Tvpe Co PALMES it BEY Agents, 405 &'407 Sansome St., San Francisco. Gal Thirty -six Line No. 143. 23 cents per letter. Border No. 262 1-2. 50 cts. foot. Made only as shown Wood Type made any size desirpd, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co. PALMEE & BET Agents, 405 Sc 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Six Line Antique Tuscan XX Coiul No. 1 7 cents. Ten Line Antique Tuscan XX Cond. No. I. lie -nrs. Twelve Line Antique Tuscan XX Cond. No. I. l.i cts. IM^ Q Border No. 169. 50 cts. per foot Made only as shown. "d $ G O 8 8 8 8 8 5*5 M M Wood TyDe made.anyii8ize desired, bySThe Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co PALMES & BEY Agents 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Fourteen Line Antique Tus. XX Cond. No. 1. If) "cts. Twenty-four Line Ant. Tus. XX Cond. JS'o. i J cts. Border No. 173. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Tyop made any size desired, bv The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo. r PALMES ft REY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Six Line Antique Tuscan X Condensed. 7 cents. TENDER Eight Line Antique Tuscan X Condensed. 9 cents. SHOPS Sixteen Line Antique Tuscan X Condensed. 17 cts. Border No. 228. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Tpe made any siae lesired bVThe Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMES & BET Agents 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Four Line Columbian. 6 cents per letter. Hives 73 Six Line Columbian. 6 cents. Eight Line Columbian. 8 cents Twelve Line Columbian. 12 cents. Border No. 186. 60 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. mly as shown. I y tT^BOr^^VMK*^"^^ lOIOIOIOiOIOIQIQIOIOIOIOIQIOiOIOIQIOI 101 Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type do. PALMER & BET Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Two Line Antique Tuscan Extended. tf ots. p T Letter. T\v and One-half Line Ant. Tus. Extended. Three Line Antique Tuscan Extended. 6 cents. Four Line Antique Tuscan Extended. 6 cents. Two Line Clarendon Extended. 6 cents. IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI California 4 Three Line Clarendon Extended. 6 cents. CREAM Four Line Clarendon Extended. 6 cents. PENT Five Line Clarendon Extended. 7 cents Six Line Clarendon Extended. 8 cents. Border No. 193. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. QQQQQOOQQQOOOQOOOO OQQOQ 1 O' Wood.Type made any size desired, oy Thei;Wm. H. Page! Wood .Type Co. PALMER & BEY Agents, 405 & 407 Sanscme St., San Francisco, Gal Five Line Gothic Double Extra Condensed. 5 cents. Six Line Gothic Double Extra Condensed. 5 cents. UNTO Ten Line Gothic Double Extra Condensed. 9 cents. Twelve Line Gothic Double Extra Condensed. 10 cts. Border No. 183. 50 cts per foot. Made only as shown. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi loigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigioi 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 igi 101 igi igi igi 101 101 101 igi igi 101 IOI 101 IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI Wood Type made any size desired, by The Win. H. Page Wood Type do. PALMER is BEY Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St , San Francisco, Gal. Fifteen Line Gothic X X Condensed. 12 cents. Twenty -live Line Gothic X X Condensed. 18 cents. Border No. 292. 50 cts per foot. Made only as shown. IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI loigioioioioioioioigioioioioioioioioioioi -^^ J I I I I I I I ij I I I I I I I I I Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co. PALMEK & BET Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal, Five Line Gothic Condensed No. 3. 5 cents. CHANCES Blanks 58 Six Line Gothic Condensed No. 3. 6 cents. POSTER Ten Line Gothic Condensed No. 3. 10 cents. Twelve Line Gothic Condensed No. 3. 12 cents. Border No. 249, 40 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMEB & SET Agents, 405 & 107 Sansome St , San Francisco, Gal. Six Line Egyptian Ornamented. 7 cents. Eight Line Egyptian Ornamented. 9 cents. Ten Line Egyptian Ornamented. 11 cents. Twelve Line Egyptian Ornamented. 13 cents. Border No. 299, 40 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Tyoe made any size desired by The Wm. H. Page Wood Tppe Oo. PALMER & BET Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Twenty Line Egyptian Ornamented. 19 cents. Eight Line No. 149 Twelve Line No. 149. Border No. 279. 50 cts. per foot Made only as shown Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co. PALMEE & BET Agents, 406 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. These Borders 75 cte. pel foot. Made only as shown. No. 282. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 285 301 m/mvm 302 303 305 Border No. 196. 40 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. AAAAAAAA i i j i i :t x x Wood Tyoe made any size desired by The Wm. H. Page Wood Tppe do, PALMER is REY Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, CaL These Borders made only in the sizes shown. No. 240. $1 00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^<^t^^^^<^$^'i^^t^^$>^ ^V#V*V#V*V*VVVV/oV^^1^V#V#V*"V*V*V*'V' ' <* '* '*- < 283. $1.00. 284. $1.00. vvvwvwwvw 274. 75 cents. ^^^^B^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^E^^k ^^^^^E^^k ^^^^^^^^^. ^^^^^^^^^i ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ 280. 75 cents. illlilllilllllllllllllllllllHIIIlllllHlilllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 281. 75 cents. IIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Border No. 191. 50 cts. per foot Made only as shown. t Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMEE & BET Agents, 405 it 407 Saasome St., San Francisco, Cal. Six Line Corners, $1.25 per set. No. 32. Combination Dashes, 5 cents each, Extension lines 15 cents per foot. Cut any size desired. One Line. One and one-half Line. No. 1. 2 45 7 11 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 MI4ft 4+ Two Line. *^i Border No. 168. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Wood Tyue made any size desired by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co. PALMER is BEY Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Catch Words, cut any size desired. Five Line, 15 cts. No. I. 2 6 4 10 12 37 8 11 14 18 43 18 f 24 Eight Line, 18 cents each. 26 28 29 27 Border No. 209. 40 cts. per foot Made only as shown. Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page,Wood.;Type Co. PALMES & EEY.'Agents,iriQ5 & 107 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Wood Rule, 12 cts. per yard, end wood 15 cts. per foot. ' No. 36. 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 Border No. '377. 5o cts. per foot Made only as shown. ^ X .^^.^S^^X^^^S^ X X .^1!^. X .!!- * -^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j f ^* / XJ >. x .< ' >* .. X . x . x size desired by The Wm. H. Page Wood Tppe Oo. PALMER & BE7 Agents, 105 107 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Wood Rule, jy cts/per yard, end wood 15 cts. per foot. No. 31. 41 40 47 53 Border No. 184. 60 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. >X< >:*:< # .# Xj . x . 4 x< x Wood Type made any size desired. /by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo, PALMES ft BET Agents, 105 it 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. STAR RULE, 20 cts. per foot, comers 25 cte. per set. Border No. 308. 50 cts. per foot. Made only as shown Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo, PALMER & BET Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St , San Francisco, Gal Eight Line STARS. Cut any size desired. No. 1. 8 cts 11. 8 cts. 10. 18 cts. 9. 18 els. 8. 18 cts. 4. 18 cts. 4 Line Space Ornaments, 3u cts. per pair. Made any size. No. 1. 8 7 Border. No. 210. 40 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. Wood Type made any size desired, by The Wm. fl. Page Wood Type Go PALMER & EEY Agents, 105 & 107 Santome St., San Francisco. Gal, Eight Line CORNERS. Cut from 4 to 30 Lines Pica Price per SET of 4 each. No. 1. $1.75. 27. $1.2:). 38, $1.25. 22. $1.00. Star Corner. $1.75 Border No. 197. 40 cts per foot. Made only as shown. *.: *.: :: *.: Wood Type made any size desired, b? The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMES it SET Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St , San Francisco, Gal Bight Line CORNERS. Out from 4 to 30 Lines Pica. Price $1.75, per set of 4 each. No. 17. 6 18 15 13 16 37 SSL 19 14 Border No. 296. 40 cte. per foot. Made only as shown. "**Ht i I \ \ \ \ I Wood Typejnade any size desired, by TheTWm, H. Page Wood Type Oo. PALMEE St BET Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. INDEXES, Cut from four to fifty lines pica. Five Line No. 1. $1.00 per pair. No. 2. No. 4 Nine Line No. 3. 1.20. Border No. 196. 40 cts. per foot. Made only as shown. REVISED PRICE LIST - OF - 1 I I Dp G I e I I HOLLY WOOD TYPE PALMER & KEY, TYPE FOUNDERS AND PRINTING PRESS MANUFACTURERS, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. LINES CLASS A CLASS B CLASS C CLASS D CLASS E CLASS F CLASS G PICA. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. Cents per Letter. 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 8 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 10 5 6 6 5 7 7 5 12 6 ti 6 6 9 9 16 14 6 7 7 6 9 9 6 15 7 8 7 7 10 10 8 16 8 8 8 7 10 10 8 18 20 8 9 10 11 10 11 7 9 11 12 11 12 9 10 24 10 J5 14 9 16 16 12 25 11 15 14 9 16 16 12 30 13 17 16 13 19 19 15 36 15 20 17 15 22 21 18 40 18 22 20 16 25 25 21 45 21 25 21 20 29 29 22 50 . . 22 25 22 22 31 31 22 60 . .. 26 31 29 25 26 72 31 37 35 31 31 inn : J ,7 44 44 37 R7 SCALE OF FONTS. 3 A 3 a 4 A 4a 5 A 5 a CAPITALS, LOWE I CASE CAPITALS LOWERCASE CAPITALS LOWERCASE 73 65 1O2 90 116 1O4 LEITE.IS. LETTEKS. LETTERS. LETTERS. LETTERS. LETTERS. 26 Figures in each font. HOLLY 'WOOD TYPE. and Portland. Class A. No. 24. 5-line. 4 cts. Class A. No. 24. 5-line. 4 cts. Class A. No. 24. 6-line. 4 cts. Class A. No. 24. 8-line. 5 cts. Class A. No. 24. 15-line. 7 cts. Class B. No. 23. 3-line. 3 cts. MEND Class B. No. 23. 4-line. 3 cts. Bum2 Class B. No. 23. 5-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 23. 6-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 23. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 23. 10-line. 6 cts. ALL STYLES MADX ANY SIZE DESIRED. Palmer & Rey, TTOT T "V Type founders, -L-L\-/J-JA^ i Class B. No. 52. 3-line. 3 cts. HOBINE Class B. No. 52. 4-line. 3 cts. MINE Class B. No. 52. 5-line. 4 cts. ON Class B. No. 52. 6-line. 4 cts. Sun Francisco and Portland. IN Class B. No. 52. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 52. 10-line. 6 cts. Class C. No. 51. 4-line. 3 cts. DOE Class C. No. 51. 5-line. 4 cts. Class C. No. 51. 5-line. 4 cts. Class C. No. 51. 6-line. 4 cts. Class C. No. 51. 8-line. 5 cts. Class C. No. 51. 10-line. 6 cts. ALL STYLES-MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. Palmer & Key, HOLLY AATOOD TYPE. **** F ncisco Type Founders, Class A. No. 50. 4-line. and Portland^ 3 cts. DROME 6 Class A. No. 50. 8-line. 5 cts. BEDI Class A. No. 45. 4-line. Sets. ROUND Class A. No. 45. 5-line. 4 cts BORN Class A. No. 45. 6-line. 4 cts. ROID Class A. No. 45. 8-line. 5 cts. Class A. No. 81. 6-line. 4 cts.. Class A. No. 81. 8-line. 5 cts.. Class A. No. 81. 10-line. 5 cts_ Class A. No. 81. 15-line. 7 cts.. ALL STYLES MALE ANY SIZE DESIRED. falmer & Rey, Type Founders, HOLLY WOOD TYPE. San Francisco and Portland. Class B. No. 98. 4-line. 3 cts. BORN Class B. No. 98. 6-line. 4 cts. ROD Class B. No. 98. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 99. 4-line. 3 cts. HORN Class B. No. 99. 6-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 99. 8-line. 5 cts. Class A. No. 6. 6-line. 4 cts. HOURS Class A. No. 6. 8-line. 5 cts. BORN Class A. No. 6. 12-line. 6 cts. DUE Class B. No. 29. 5-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 29. 6-line. 4 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. P&lmer A Key, Typefounders, WOOD S*n Francisro Class A. No. 91. 5-line. 4 cts. Class D. No. 55. 6-line. 5 cts Class A. No. 91. 6-line. 4 cts. Class A. No. 91. 8-line. 5 cts. Class A. No. 91. 20-line. 9 cts. Class D. No. 55. 12-line. 6 cts. Class D. No. 55. 24-line. 9 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. f aimer & Key, TTfYT T V Type Founders. JlVALrflj I TTVID'C 1 s&n Francisco 1 Y ** &. &nd Port2lind , Class F. No. 76. 2-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 76. 2^-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 76. 3-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 76. 4-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 76. 5-line. 4 cts. Class F. No. 76. 6-line. 5 cts. Class F. No. 76. 8-line. 6 cts. Class F. No. 77. 2-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 77. 2%-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 77. 3-line. Class F. No. 77. 4-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 7 . 5-line. Class F. No. 15. 3-line. Class F. No. 15. 4-line. Class F. No. 15. 5-line. Class F. No. 15. 6-line. 5 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. *"?&** HOLLY WOOD TYPE. Class D. No. 95. 6-line. 5 cts. Class D. No. 95. 10-line. 5 cts. Class D. No. 95. 24-line. 9 cts. Class B. No. 10. 4-line. 3 cts land 4 Class B. No. 10. 5-line. 4 cts. BIND Class B. No. 10. 6-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 10. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 10. 14-line. 7 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. Palmer & Key, Type Founders, San Francisco afld Class F. No. 96. 2-line. 3 cts. IVIE1V Class F. No. 96. 2>-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 96. 3-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 96. 4-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 96. 5-line. 4 cts. Class F. No. 44. 4-line. 3 cts. Class F. No. 44. 5-line. 4 cts. DO Class F. No. 44. 6-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 21. 4-line. 3 cts. Bad 2 Class B. No. 21. 5-line. 4 cts. REM Class B. No. 21. 6-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 94. 4-line. 3 cts. ROM Class B. No. 94. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 94. 10-line. 6 cts. M ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. HOLLY "WOOD TYPE. San Francisco and Poitland. Class B. No. 60. 4-line. 3 cts. BOID Class B. No. 60. 5-line. 4 cts. Class A. No. 93. 10-line. 5 cts. Die5 Class B. No. 60. 6-line. 4 cts. BID Class B. No. 60. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 60. 15-line. 8 cts. Class A. No. 93. 5-line. 4 cts. 1UNKE Rot4 Class A. No. 93. 12-line. 6 cts. Class A. No. 93. 15-line. 7 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. P&lmer & Rey, "WOT T V Type Founders, XAV-f AJAJ i WOOD TYPE. San and Portland. Class B. No. 62. 4-line. 3 cts. Batl Class B. No. 62. 5-line. 4 cts. ICE Class B. No. 62. 6-line. 4 cts. BE Class B. No. 62. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 62. 12-line. 6 cts. Class B. No. 22. 5-line. 4 cts. BONE Dusti Class B. No. 22. 6-line. 4 cts. HUN Class B. No. 22. 8-line. 5 cts. DIE Class B. No. 22. 14-line. 7 cts. ALL STYLES"MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. Palmer & Rey, Type Founders, WOOD TYPE. s " Francisco and Portland. Class D. No. 97. 6-line. 5 cts. Class D. No. 97. 12-line. 6 cts. Class G. No. 26. 5-line. 4 cts. Class G. No. 26. 6-line. 4 cts. Boim2 Class G. No. 26. 8-line. 5 cts. ROSE Class A. No. 48. 6-line. 4 cts. COM Class A. No. 69. 6-line. 4 cts. Hadon Class A. No. 69. 8-line. 5 cts. HOE Class D. No. 17. 8-line. 5 eta. Class D. No. 17. 10-line. 5 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. Type Founders, HOLLY WOOD TYPE. San Francisco &nd Portland. Class D. No. 56. 8-line. 5 cts. n ill Class D. No. 56. 12-line. 6 cts. Class D. No. 56. 24-line. 9 cts. Class G. No. 59. 6-line. 4 cts. KentG ( lass G. No. 59. 12-line. Gets. Class G. No. 59. 24-line. 12 cts. Al.I. STYLUS MADE ANY 8IZK DESIRED. Palmer & Rey, HOLLY "WXDOD TYPE. *" F ncisco Type Founders. and Portland. Class B. No. 20. 4-line. 3 cts. SHOD Class B. No. 20. 5-line. 4 cts. Dirks Cla^s B. No. 20. 6-line. 4 cts. HOE lass B. No. 20. 8-line. 5 cts Class B. No. 20. 12-line. 6 cts. Class B. No. 25. 4-line. 3 cts. Boal Class B. No. 25. 5-line. 4 cts. ZUCr Class B. No. 25. 6-line. 4 cts. Class B. No. 25. 8-line. 5 cts. Class B. No. 25. 12-line. 6 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIREH. Palmer & Rey, Type Founders, Class B. No. 37. 15-line. San Francisco and Portland. 8 cts. Class I). No. 55. 30-line. 13 cts. Class 15. No. 23. 15-line. Sets. Class A. No. 24. 30-line. 13 cts. ALL STYLES MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED. Palmer & Rey, TTOTjTYV 'WOOD TVPTT] San Francisco Type Founders, AlV-rj-LLJ A VV \J\JJ A A JTAH. and Portland. Border No. 76. 50 cts. per foot. Corners same price as border per foot. ^"X^, HOLLY WOOD TYPE. s * Border No. 48. 50 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. P*lmer A Rey, HOLLY ^ATOOD TYPE. *** Fr&ncisco Type Founders, and Portland* Class A. Ho. 45. 20-TIne. 9cts. Class B. No. 23. 20-line. 11 cts. Border No. 49. 50 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. Palmer & Key, Type Founders, TVOT3 1 S&n Fmncisco 1 Y F 'Jb. Md Portland. Border No. 84. 40 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. ""SSfc*. HOLLY WOOD TYPE. Clas- B. No. 62. 18-line. 10 cts. Clai-s A. No. 81. 25-line. 11 cts. Border No. 49. 40 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. Palmer & Key, Type Founders, rT1~W"pT^ San Francisco *- ^ fJZl an d Portland. Class F. Class G. No. 77. 8-line. No. 26. 30-line. lo cts. Border No. 83. 50 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. P&lmer&Rey, Typefounders, TVPT7! San A A JTXL4. Francisco Border No. 43. 40 cts. per foot. Corners same price as body per foot. f aimer & Key, HOLLY WXDOD Type Founders, -TAWA-rfAJ A \V\~r\SU SaB Ff&ncisco . and Portland. Border No. 63. 50 ctfl. per foot. Cornel s same price as body per foot. Palmer & Rey, MTT!\A7' AA/'OOTl Tyve Founders. X* J2rf W W UUU Type Founders, No. 95. 60 cts. per foot. San Francisco afld PoFtl&nd _ No. 93. 60 cts. per foot. No. 92. 85 cts. per foot. No. 91. 50 cts. per foot. No. 87. 50 cts. per foot. No. 86. 85 cts. per foot. No. 90. 60 cts. per foot. No. 89. 60 cts. per foot. BODKINS AND TWEEZERS. Our assortment of these indispensable articles is the best in the country. See illustrations and prices below. No. i. Wood Handle Bodkin s^.i? No. 2. Wood Handle Bodkin $0.15 Patent Spring Bodkin 80.50 Patent (.'losing Spring Bodkin ?i o-75 Pocket Case Bodkin, 2% inches long when closed $0.75 TWEEZERS. No. 3. Twee/en.. .*,,...., No. 2. Twee/en- No. 4. Twee/ .$0.25 MALLETS AND SHOOTING STICKS. Hickory Mallets, small. " large. Shooting Sticks, Style A $0.90 Lignum Vita; Mallets $0.75 Iron Bound Mallets i.oo Shooting Sticks, Style B $1.23 PALMER & R E Y , Manufacturers and Importers of every description ot Printing Material, <0 50 ' " with leather on top 075 Proof J'laner 1 00 LYE BRUSH, (style A.) No 1 lx4J . . . . .SO 40 2 3Jx5 50 :{ 3|xlO : o 75 LYE BRUSH. (Style B.) No. 1 -3JxlO 80 75 1 extra wide . . . 1 15 LABEL HOLDER FOR CASES Per dozen, 40ets. Per 100, s:j oo. PATENT TYPE GAGE Brass. I'KICK, each, $1.50 ST. JOHN PAPER KNIFE. PRICK, 65cts. COMPOSING RULES. Steel. To 15 ems, 25ets. With Initials, 50cts Make up rules, 50cts. PRINTERS' KNIFE, SI. 50 OIL CANS. Tin Copper or Brass $023 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PALMER O6 REY, PORTLAND, OREGON. BRACKETS^ ROLLER BRACKETS, For holding 6 Rollers, 2 inches or less in diain- j eter. Price, per pair, 5Oc. PATENT GALLEY RACKS, With removable brackets, that allow of the galley being placed on the stone, or hung on the frame in front of the case for correcting. PATENT CASE BRACKET, WITH GALLEY EXTENSION. This cut shows the Case Bracket with an Attachment for holding the galley while it is being corrected. The attachment may be put on all stands, and will prove a convenience to book and news printers specially. When no in use, the extension may be pushed in out of the way. PRICK, - - per pair, 76c. EUREKA GALLEY BRACKET. They are designed to support the galley before the case, without covering the same, making correcting easier, and enabling the compositor to stand before his own case to correct, without covering up the next case. They fit any ordi- nary stand by pushing the lower case up to admit the hook of the Brackets between the case and the front of the stand. They avoid foul cases and damage to type from sliding the galley over the full boxes. They will be found especially useful in book and newspaper offices and in job offices. They save steps, take no time for adjusting, and are removed in a mo- ment when not in use. They are made of cast iron and are well finished. PRICE, in box - - per pair, SI.OO DOUBLE CASE BRACKET. Price, $1.50 per pair. Single Case, Price $0.80 per pair. GOLDINQ'S GALLEY BRACKET, Price, per pair, *0.50 bAMP PKICK, 75 C each. PALMER & REY, Type Founders and Manufacturers of Presses and Printing Material, 4O5-7 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. ^JVIISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES^ s*% {*} MI (c\ 3^-f^ . i** Jj A \2~^ IMPROVED HEMfEL'S f ATEJVJT STEEL QUOIJMS. ECONOMICAL, SIMI'LE, SAFK. These quoins are made of the best cast steel, and are put up in pairs. Only straight furniture is used with these quoins, and they therefore possess unequalled good qualities for printers who desire to do quick locking up, with as little inconvenience as possible, and do it well. No. 1 Quoins, per dozen pairs $2 50 No. 2 " " " 3 00 Plain Keys, either size, each, 50 f ROOF EbM CITY COU^ITEF(. It counts to 100,000, and repeats automatically. It is the lowest priced counter now sold which will indicate correctly, and wear well. Is only 5J inches long. It can be attached to any kind of a machine by simply inserting two screws, and connecting the lever to any movable part of the machine by wire or chain, where a different horizontal or vertical move- ment is to be obtained. On examination this 1'roof Roller will be found to resemble the ordinary braver roller, with this difference- it operates on wheels. The wheels, together with a spiral leverage, raise the india rubber impression cylinder a little over the proper height for taking the impression from a galley, which is sup- posed to be lying flat upon an imposing stone or an ordinary table. The spiral springs yield to the pressure as the roller passes over the type, and a perfectly legible proof is taken. A pair of thumb-screws make allowance for the difference in thickness between a brass or wooden galley, or no galley at all. It is equally applicable to a job locked up in a chase or tied with a string. Price, (9 inches between wheels) $5.00. Price, - $10.00. MITERING MACHINE. HOES PATKXT ri'RIGIIT. Will miter brass or metal rule. It is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and does the work with the greatest facility! Price, - $16.00. IJMK FOUJMTAI^. The Hinged Well Ink Fountain for the "Peerless" is by far the simplest and best- working fountain ever attached to a disc press, and when used properly, will give an even color for any length of time. It can be raised or lowered so as to give more or less contact with the distributing roller, by the use of the large thumb-screw. The knife may be adjusted to feed the quantity of ink desired. Price, - - $27.50. Fountains of anv other make or stvle furnished to order. MANUFACTURERS ^pAlsMER & f^EY^a AND IMPORTERS, SAN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND. (4) MEGILL'S PATENTED REGISTERING APPARATUS, FOR ALL JOB PRINTING PRESSES. NEW PATENT WIRE GAUGE PINS. Insert, the points into the platen-paper at the desired place and force home the pin. The bend at the lower corner prevents the sheets from catching, and the pin from working out. One dozen, and one size only, in a box. All sizes 25 cts. per dozen. ADJUSTABLE STEEL GAUGE PINS.-FOUR SIZES. Xo. 1-Pica. Xo. 2 Medium. Adjustable to the finest degree, and when adjusted to the exact posi- tion are secured firmly in place by forcing the two small teeth into the platen paper. ADJUSTABLE SPRING TONGUE GAUGE PINS. Xo. 3 Great Primer. Xo. 4 Pica, short lip. Price, GO cts. per doz. < 'Mr duy.cii in a box. Assorted when required. IMPROVED EXTENSION FEED GUIDES. Left Hand Extension Feed Guide in position, ready fi>r work. one size, - $1 20 per dozen. Particularly designed for printing large sheets that require a gauge beyond the lower edge of the platen. Price, $I.OOperset. Including extra pair of short guides and tongues. 40 cts. per set. RADIATING SHEET SUPPORTERS. Fig. 1. Before bending. A Holder. D D Legs of Holder. B Pivoted section. C Sliding section. E Tongue. I" Guide Head. G Large Screw. II Small Screw. Fig. B. After Bending. The above cut represents a complete set of Hadiatir.g Sheet Supporters in position on the platen, the Holders having 1>een bent on and forced down with the bail, the bottom and side Supporters adjusted to the sheet, the screws tightened and the tongues turned around over the margin. ,S/ze> 2i 3 3i 4 4J J'l-ices, 82.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 For the 6x9 7x11 8x12 9x13 10x15 Diagram of a few of the positions in which they may placed. They never prevent the use of the griper. 6j inches. 2.80 per Set. 14x22 Press. 2.50 2.63 2.70 11x17 12xlS 13x10 When ordering state name of Press and size inside the chase. LIGHTNING SHEET ADJUSTERS. Tbey are similar to the Radiating Sheet Supporters, but are made with- out tongues or screws, and the guide-heads consist of points, which are quickly set on the platen-paper in any position. STICKS SCREW COMPOSING STICK. C ch, 2 inc 6 12-i ch, ch, 2i ch, 2 ch, 2 ch. 2 Every additioi lies deep .so 75 ?5 85 95 1 15 . 1 30 al t \vo inches . 15 ALBION COMPOSING STICK. inch 1 20 nickel plated 1 50 " German silver ... 1 50 YANKEE COMPOSING STICK. (Prices same as the Grover.) FRANKLIN COMPOSING STICK. (Prices same as the Grover.) COMPOSING STICK CLAMP. This ('lamp prevents springing the knee during spacing. Price, 20cts. each. CROVER COMPOSING STICK. Grover's Patent, 6-inch 8-inch 10-inch 12-inch $1 20 ........'...;.'.' 1 30 1 50 1 70 14-inch ................ . .............. 1 90 16-incli ............................. 210 18-inch ............... ............... 2 30 20-inch ---- . 2 50 Colding's Standard Composing Stick. This stick is especially designed for newspaper work. When it is once correctly set to measure, a reliable standard is ob- tained, for there is no reason for changing it as it cannot be set to half measure. Both ends of the adjustable knee arc held firmly by screws, so that it is impossible to spring it by tight spacing. No. 1 is adjustable from 2 to 2} inches long; No. 2 from 2J to 2J inches long. 2 in. wide. 21 in. 2Jin. No. 1, 12 to 13i ems pica $0 85 $0 90 $ 1 00 No. 2, 13Atol5 " " 085 090 100 Colding's News Composing Sticks. The braced knee and beveled end are now used on all these sticks, making them both lighter and stronger. All these sticks are made of steel, and are polished and finished in a superior manner. 2 in. wide. 2V in. wide. 5-inch 75 $0 85 6-inch 80 90 8-inch . . 90 . . 1 00 20 inches. 24 " . 28 " MAHOGANY JOB STICK. .. $1 15 32 inches.. . 1 30 1 40 36 40 $1 50 1 60 1 7ft ^PALMER & Pacific Coast Advertising Bureau and San Francisco Newspaper Union, DEALERS IN PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, 405 and 4O7 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. TAKE SLUGS THE ST. JOHN TAKE SLUG. speaks for itself more eloquently tha Cut to any measure, 30c. each. BRASS INDENTED TAKE SLUG. VII STYLE "A." STYLE "X." This slug is made of solid brass, and is almost indestructible. The figures are plainly indented in the face of the slug, and the line to measure from is unmistakable. They are cheaper than the ordinary electrotyped slug, and preferable in every resnect. Cut to any measure, 25c. each. ELECTROTYPED TAKE SLUGS. respect. ONE 10 Made from any figure or letter selected, not over Great Primer Body, at 25c. each. ANNEX TYPE Box. Showing box attached to case. The Annex Type Boxes can be readily attached to any of ;he full or half compartments of the lower case, and the type placed in them can be taken as easily and quickly as any of the lower case letters. They are so constructed that when attached to the case the type in the lower case is fully as accessible as before. The capital letters commonly used, or most frequently used in special work may be placed in these type boxes and attached to the several compartments containing the lower case of the same letters, thereby saving much time and labor. These boxes are made scoop-shaped so that the type may be easily taken from them by the compositor. Price, 30c. each. $3.25 per dozen. PAlsMER & REY, TYfE fOUJMDEKXS, fRESS JvlANUf ACTUf^ERS /cND 405 and 407 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. And 114 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. HAND ROLLERS. Style A. 6-inch and 8-inch Rollers. No. Style B. Two handles. Rollers from 12 inches up. Length ot Roller. 6 inches. Style B. One handle. 6, 8. 10 and 12-inch Roller*. Roller Frame and Core. $1.50 1-75 2.00 ",25 2.50 2-75 3.00 3-25 3-So 3-75 Cofe or Stock only. Complete with Frame, Core and cast Roller. Style A, 2 in. diam Style H, 3'^ in. diaia -5o 82 co $2.50 50 .70 .70 .85 .85 I. oo 1.00 *-5 25 I. 3.00 3-25 3-5o 4.00 4.40 4- 75 5-25 5-75 6.25 ft JOB AND CYLINDER PRESS ROLLERS. JOB PRKSS ROLLERS. CYLINDER PRESS ROLLERS. Sizes. Cores. Casting on Core, Roller Complete. Prices for Casting only.) Smaller than J gm. $0.50 Eighth-medium, .75 $0.50 .50 $1.00 1.25 LENGTH. 2-inch. DIAMETER. 3-inch. 3^-inch. _ large. Quarter-medium, .80 .85 73 .80 1.50 1.65 36 inches, 40 " 2.00 $2.25 2. so &-7S large, Half-medium, .90 x.oo 85 1-75 45 ' 2.25 2.75 3-25 " i .90 1.9O 5 2.50 3 .00 3.50 larye, 1.15 1.00 2-15 55 " 2-75 3-25 3-75 HAND PRESS ROLLERS. HAND PRESS ROLLERS. (3'4 in. diameter.) Cores. Casting. $1.25 $2.50 1.40 1. 60 2.OO 2. 5 3-oo 3-5 4.00 4.50 5 '.oo Complete $3-75 4.40 5-10 5.8o 6.50 DOUBLE ROLLER FRAME. The advantages of the Double Roller Frame will suggest themselves to the intelligent printer at once. Instead of one roller 3^ inches in diam- eter, the Double Frame carries two rollers, each 2% inches in diameter, giving fully one-third more distribution than with the single roller, and in- creasing the weight but little. Price for Frame and Cores, $4 .00 With cast rollers, . . .... 8.00 How to Order a Roller. Make a diagram like the one below, and give the following particulars : Length of Roller from A to B inches. Diameter of cast roller, A to I ), Spindles, C C, ' Spindles, Much delay will be saved by attending to these points in first order. inches. PALMER & REY, 405-7 Sansome Street, S. F. ROLLER COMPOSITION Put up in 5 or 10 IV). packages, distinctly marked, with full directions for use. PRICES. Improved per Ib. 30 cts. Improved Standard ..... " 40 ' Golden Gate. . " 50 ' COMPOSITION KETTLES. One gallon $5 50 Two gallons 7 Oi) Three gallons 8 50 jE Made from heavy tin, with copper bottom. PRICES. Fidelity per 11). 30 cts. I X L " 40 " Handv . . " 50 " GLUE POTS. One pint $1 00 One quart 1 25 Two quarts 1 50 Slay be used for composition for small rollers. .Ill .7f>r. f'ompoaition will remrlt. ROLLER MOLDS f CABINETS. PRICES FOR BRASS MOLDS. FOR CYLINDER PRESSES. No. 24 Length. 24 in. Diameter. 30 36 40 44 48 52 30 ' 36 " 40 " 44 " 48 - : 52 ' Price. $9 60 12 00 14 40 16 00 17 60 lit 20 20 SO FOR TKEAUI.E 1'KESSKS. OS <0 -> 03 CO PQ Eighth medium ."> (),) " " large 3 50 Quarto " 4 00 " " large 4 .">o Half 5 00 " large. These J'rirr* inrlwlf J{.-- ami Star. INK AND ROLLER CABINET. No. 1 will hold 6 cans of ink, 1 hand roller and 12 machine roll- ers 6 eighth and 6 quarter-medium $6 50 A space is left at the bot- tom of each for a pan of water or wet sawdust. In this low-priced cabinet we bring within the reach of every printer an article that should be in all print- ing offices. Its saving in ink and rollers will soon cover the cost. 405-407 Sansome St. PALMER & REY, No. 2 will hold 18 cans of ink, 4 hand rollers and 18 machine roll- ers six eighth, six quarter and six half- medium 10 00 Thousands of dollars are lost to job printers, an- nually, through lack of a proper place to keep their inks and rollers. With no particular place to put them they are left lying around (the inks often with the covers off), so that they soon become worthless. San Francisco, Cal. Half, or Twin Chases. REGULAR POLIO NEWSPAPER CHASES WROUGHT IRON. Half, or Twin Chases, with Bars. No. 1.. 2 3'! 5.. 7.. Size of pair over all Size of Paper. 5 col. folio.. 21%x29%. 6 " . .24 x33%. Size inside each half, Price per pair. x!9V $10 00 x21% 12 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 No 1 . REGULAR QUARTO NEWSPAPER CHASES. WROUGHT IRON. Size of Size of pair Size of each Paper. over all inside. .4 col. 4to. .24 x33%..15 .5 " . . 28%x42% . . 19 V 4 -x26 . < i . . 30>x49}4 . . 22)|x28 FOR COTTKKLL PRESS. .7 " ..31 Price per pair. .$16 50 . 17 50 . 19 00 . 20 00 Book, or Shifting-Bar Chases. WROUGHT IRON. News Chases. WITH MOVAKLK BAR WROUGHT IRON. No. 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 10 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Size over all 17x21 20x25 . 24x30 . 25x35 Size inside. ... 15 x!9 . . . 18 x23 . . . 22 x28 23 x32 1 .. . 1 'rice. $ 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 Price $6 00 6 50 7 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 14 00 15 00 No. Size over all. Size inside. 1 ... 17x21 . . 15 x!9 . Price. $7 00 8 00 8 50 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 16 50 17 00 2 20x25 18 x23 3 24x30 ... 22 x28 4 25x35 .... 23 x32>.< .... 29x42 . . . 26^x39'., . . . . . 2931x43'.,, . . . 5 '^9x4"' ^6^<>x39^o ii 32x40 .... 29>Ix43i| 32x46 34x50 7 34x50 .... 31, 1 4'x47 1 x. . . . ,s 36x52 .... 33 x49 .... !> . 40x54 37 x51 . . . 10 . . 42x60 39 x57 36x52 40x54 ... 33 x49 . . . 37 x51 42xliO . . . :;< x57 ^mmH B|M|||| ^liffiTK 1 i _ i Heading- Chases, with Crossbai No. Size over all. Size inside. 1 8Kxl9>., .... 6x17 .... 2 10)2x23 V., 8x21 1 Price. $6 50 7 00 9 00 $2 25 2 50 3 00 Skeleton, or Poster Chases. WROUGHT IRON. Size over all. Size inside. 17x21 15 x19 3 10V?x30 l 4 8x28 Also made with short crossbar on special order. Gordon and Peerless Chases. 20x25 ... 18 x23 ... ... 22 x28 ... 24x30 25x35 23 x32i/ ..'.'. 26)^x39 v!.'' 9O1' -i- 1" 1 Quarto . 29x42 Halt- ''' Q/trn ... 31^*47 J... . ... 33 x49 ... . . . . 37 x51 . . . . . . . 39 x57 ... 36x52 Cast Iron Chases, Finished Inside, - - - 16c per Ib. 40x54 42x60 Chases of any .size /;<;)./< to order on short in. , :tt initportionu.te rates. Nos. 4O5-7 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. PALMER & REY, 114 Front Street, Portland, Or. (10) BRASS-LINED GALLEY. NEWSPAPER GALLEYS. Dttom, brass-lined $2 00 ; The same unlined, 25 cents less. Brass, Mailing, brass-lined, G l ^x21^4 ins. 3 00 I 10x21 * " 4 50 " Reglets for same, nonpareil, each 35 Metal " " " " 15 JOB GALLEYS. Job, G xlO inches inside $2 00 " 8%xl3 " " 2 75 " 10 xlG " ' 3 25 " 12 x!8 " " 3 75 " 14 x20 " 4 25 " 15 x22 " .4 75 WOOD GALLEY. Common wood, (cherry) 5 x!5 5)^x18 .$0 30 . 40 G x20 50 Slice, wood, medium, 10x1(> 2 75 " " royal, 12x18 3 00 1'a-jriiijj;, brass-lined 90 Sl'KCfAT, SI/.KS AND STYLKH TO ORDK1!. IMPERIAL GALLEY CABINET. The full size cabinet, made as shown in cut, will hold 150 galleys, ami can be arranged for either single or double galleys, or both. Price, for cabinet holding 150 galleys $40 OO " " " 100 " 27 50 PALMER & REY, 405-7 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, 112-114 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. (11) ^f PINTERS' All our cases are made from thoroughly seasoned cherry, with white-wood bottoms, and are guaranteed of superior quality. -U' CASK. Price, per pair, 1.75. LOWKR CASK. 4 ITALIC CASE, M.1S. TRIPLK CASE, $1.25. LAHOII-SAVIXO RVLS CASE, Ql'AD AND Sl'ACK CASK, 81.2:". LABOR SAVING LEAD CASK, S1.2S. FIGURE CASE, $1.25. BLANK CASE, $0.85. CALMER & f^EY TYPE FOUNDERS, ELECTROTYPERS, STEREOTYPERS AND PRINTERS' MACHINISTS. (12) TWO-THIRD NEWS CASKS, per pair, $1.50. TWO-THIRD RULE CASE, $1.40. TWO-THIRD YANKEE CASK. Price, $ .90 IMPROVED Two-TiiiRD CASE. Price, $1. LT). Will hold complete font of caps, small caps and lower case. CALIFORNIA TWO-THIRD CASK. Trice, $ .90. The best two-third job case made. t t il IT S4 i i 1 i I 5 1 1 M % X $ * 2 in 3m 4m 3 in A 11 K I u V c i> i, K M T U V N o A H 1} i C K 1) L S J n M 1- N G K r \ K / I .1 V [ ] W ( ) 1> X Q Y 11 Z T U V fll W & C 0. OVER-RUN GALLEY CASE, $1.40. These Cases are furnished only on Special Order. MANUFACTURERS & REY.5? AND IMPORTERS, SAN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND. (13) CA B I JM E T S IMPROVED CABINET For Caps, Small Caps and Lower Case. 12 % cases ,$26 00 16 " 32 00 20 36 00 With Galley Top. IULBJULJLJM. [III IN III! Mil iiiiiii ('ASK. KITIIER CASE SAME I' KICK. GRAINED CABINET. Made without front cross-liars, with cherry case fronts, paneled sides, and neatly painted and grained. Though made of less expensive wood than the others they will be found to answer all the requirements of every day use. YANKKK CASK. tfA t // At . . iii-Tl.m Two-third case Cabinets with either style case. GRAINED. 12 prases $20 00 I 16 i 20 All with Galley Top and Drawer. 25 00 32 00 NAPANOCH. 16 % cases 37 00 20 " 46 00 \Vith <:allcy Top and Drawer. THE "NAPANOCH." This cabinet is made of variegated ash, with black walnut veneered panels, front cross-bars, black walnut drawer fronts, and bronzed pulls. This is the handsomest Cabinet in the market. 16 20 \ JOB CASE. GRAINED. job cases ..................... $23 00 " ..................... 3000 With Galley Top and Drawer. NAPANOCH. 16 & job cases 39 00 20 " 47 00 With Galley Top and Drawer. p>ALMER & F^EY TYPE FOUNDERS, ELECTROTYPERS, STEREOTYPERS AND PRINTERS' MACHINISTS, 4O5 AND 4O7 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. (14) .,10.. These cabinets are made of the best seasoned cherry, and the cases are ornamented with bronze handles. They are neat, compact and handy. PRICES : 6 (rases j.j sizc> $10 00 10 " " " 15 00 15 " < " 19 00 Other sizes furnished to order. Boxing extra. BOOKBINDERS' CABINET. The larger size Cabinets are not initially earned in stock, but will he promptly fiirni-iliefl on special order, without extra cost. BRACKET CABINET. PRICE, 18 % cases, cherry $45 00 ' 18% " " 50 00 h UJ Z < CD K 1 LU M c Q. 1 ^- ^ : 1- i QQ o 5 ^^ M * O III ^ ! Z EAGLE CABINET. The Eagle Cabinet contains 16 Italic or Job Cases, 18 % cases, any style, with 2 pair of News Cages on top of Cabinet. PRICK, (J rained $80 00 Cherry . 100 00 O O5 tC O a- ^ o " I CB 00 Vi * CO o o to SAN FRANCISCO, ( X PALMER & REY, (15) PORTLAND, OREGON. /JOB STANDS. JMEWS STAND. HAS KACKS you FIGHT CASKS AND T\vo I'AIKH OF CASES ON Tor. PRICE, $6.50. JOB STAND. HOLDING FIFTEEN Fri.L AKJ> FIFTEEN TWO-THIRD CASKS, WITH CASES l r r, THIRTY-KOFI! CASKS i.v ALL. PRICE, $8.50. "OUR OWN" BOOK STAND. For thirty-four full sized casos. Will set close to wall, or back to back with another stand, without waste of space. Lower case slides easily back to allow of access to galley tray beneath. Up- per case set several inches nearer the hand than in any other stand. Com- positor can easily reach the upper boxes while sitting. PRICE, $11.00. PALMER & REY, 405-7 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, M2-II4 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. LEAD /RULE -RACKS* e^LEAD RACK. Arranged for Leads and Slugs, from 6 to 50 picas in length, and will hold over half a ton, when filled. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. PRICE, $8.00. EUREK/V loEj/VD RACK. For leads running from 2 to 25 ems in length. PRICE, - - $4.00. fURNITURE RACK. For Labor-saving Wood Furniture. Made from 2 to 12 picas wide by 10 to 50 picas in length. The sizes are stamped on end of each piece. Varnished pine case. 560 pieces. PRICE, $11.00. BBlfflfflil! CALMER & REY RULE RACK, No. 2. Nothing equal to this has ever been presented to the craft. It is absolutely perfect, and a necessity in every job office. PRICE, - $18.00. Nos. 4O5-7 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. A RPY OC f\ C. I , 114 Front Street, Portland, Or. JOB OFFICE SPECIALTIES QUOTATION FURNITURE RACK. Only perfect arrangement ever invented. Will hold a hundred pound font each size by itself. See full description in Pacific Printer for March 1885. PRICE, - $4.50 JOB COMPOSITOR'S MAKE-UP STAND FITTED TO THE WINDOW. One of the handiest inventions ever put in a job printing office See full description in Pacific, Printer for March, 1885, or send for our new illustrated descriptive pamphlet, " Printing for Profit." Price according to work in fitting. Re-let, Furniture, etc. Indispensable. PRICE, - OUR NEW LEAD DISTRIBUTING GALLEY, WITH GLASS BOTTOM. Worth .$100 a year to any office for quickly and easily distributing Leads, Rules, $1.50 each. PALMER & REY, Type Founders and Printing Press Manufacturers, 4O5 and 4O7 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. (18) JOB OFFICE SPECIALTIES NEW CH/VSE F(ACK We keep in stock Hacks of this style for all sizes of treadle presses, and make to order for larger sizes. No matter how the form is put in the rack, not even the most careless handling can by any possibility injure the face of the type. It is pos- itively an absolute protection to the form. Price - $2.5O In ordering please give length of chase. It is sent " knocked down " for convenience of ship- ping, and can be put together with a dozen six- penny nails. -WOOD TYPE SHELVES; Will hold a full font of any size type, from four line to 100 line. As handy as a lower case. Keeps the type always standing on end, and prevents warping or twisting. It is the first really practical idea for keeping wood type handy, where it can be easily and quickly set and dis- tributed, ever invented. Special prices on large orders. PriCQ, - - $3.5O ADJUSTABLE RUNNERS FOR JOB STANDS. They make an ordinary Job Stand into a, dust-tight Cabinet. .iiiinii'iiiiniii liiir RUNNERS FOR END OF STAND. Price, per pair, $3.5O SHOWING RUNNERS IN POSITION, FORMING A GALLEY CABINET 4O5-7 Sansome Street, San Francisco. PALMER & f^EY, (19) 112-14 Front Street, Portland, Or. -^IMPOSING STONES. 2 *- Italian Marble IMPOSING STONES, | Firmly Cemented in Coffin. IRON Imposing Surfaces, Perfectly Accurate and Reliable and will Last Forever. No. Size in inches. ^"' 1 '-i^es. Size of Paper. Marble Stone with Table. Marble Stone in Coffin. Iron Bed and Table. Iron Bed in Coffin. 1.. 20x44 2 7 col. folio. 27.00 19.00 35.00 27.50 2.... 28x50 2 S 3200 24.00 40.00 32.00 3 .... 30x60 2 <) ' 38.00 30.00 48.00 38.00 4.... 26x72 4 7 45.00 37.00 55.00 45.00 5. 28x80 4 S 47.00 39.00 57.00 47.00 6 30x90 4 9 ' 50.00 40.00 60.00 5000 7... 36x60 4 (I <-ol. quarto. 47.00 38.00 57.00 47.00 Made from Seasoned Wood, Firmly bolted together. Strong, and du- rable. Drawers in ends or side, as ordered. Sizes not on list furnished to order on short notice. OUR REGULAR NEWSPAPER IMPOSING STONE, WITH TABLE. THE BEST arrangement for Stone and Furniture Rack ever invented. Arranged for Chase Rack be- hind Furniture on opposite side of Stone. THE PERFECT JOB IMPOSING STONE, WITH QUOIX BOXES AND FURNITURE RACKS, [For full description see article in "Pacific Printer," April, ISMn.] Estimates for complete Stone, Table, Boxes, Furniture Rack, Furniture, and Chase Racks, on application. PALMER & REY, 405-7 Sansome Street, 112-114 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND. OR. JVIAILING JVIATERIAL COMPLETE MAILING OUTFIT FOR A LIST OF FROM 750 TO 1000 NAMES. PRICE $47.OO ONLY. STYLE OF LIST. | Gr L Waterman J F Murphy! a Martin Kramer Frank Talbott | Jane Pomeroy DENVER Col ^9 LOCOS, ^ 5* M . * a? a. 2 g Z -^ PRICES &~ MAILING MACHINE.'!-- Piner's Mustang: MAILING GALLKYB MAILING RKGLETS $ M. MAILING TYPE Long 1'riiuer with abbreviations.. $ Ib. $11 00 50 , 2 00 , 50 STYLE OF LIST. C W Smith| , | Katie King VIRGINIA CITY Nev E Harding Salem, Or. | 2 i| = Mary Johnson, DenverCol|5| | M Stivers, Mary8viUe,Cal|i| DIRECTIONS FOR MAILING LIST.- 1. Bring into alphabetical order the Post Offices found in the mailing books by taking twenty-six slips of paper, about three inches wide, each headed with a letter of the alphabet. On these slips classify all Post Offices. 2. Prepare Post Office list for compositor by commencing with the first Post Office in A ; turning to its list of names on the mailing book, write them all on a slip of paper, and after each name write the precise date up to which each has paid for the paper. As fast as the lists are thus written out, they can be passed to the compositor and set up. 3. Adjust to ten ems pica, which affords room for name, date, or number on which subscription terminates, and all the private marks requisite in book-keeping. Commence each name flush, omit points, never space the date, and if neces- sary, omit spacing name. If additional lines are used to complete an address, indent respectively one and two ems, if possible. The name of the Post Office is nlaced at the bottom in black type, as shown above. By this arrangement the Post Office address falls systematically from the dispatch machine on its appropriate bundle of papers, which is then ready to be wrapped, corded and mailed, leaving the address exposed on thft white manrin. unless the Post Offices are set up in order a second time, with figures or symbols annexed, indicating the size of wrapper required to be 'used in each case, so as to have all the wrappers addressed before going to press. The setting up of the subscription list being completed, arrange the whole according to mail routes ana pose onices in aipnabetical order in chases or galleys. All this done take two impressions from the type. The first enclose in an envelope and deposit in a fire-proof safe or vault ; fasten the second in the accountant's book. As papers going singly to the Post Office must be sep- arately wrapped, these wrappers can be addressed by the machine before the paper goes to press, by keeping the singles in columns by themselves. PALMER & TYPE FOUNDERS, ELECTROTYPERS, STEREOTYPERS AND PRINTERS' MACHINISTS, 4O5 AND 4O7 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. (21) M ETAL F U I R N I T U R E SIZES: 4-6-8-10-15-20-25-50 ems Long. 2-3-4-6-8-10 ems Wide. 50-ems omitted in Smaller Fonts. Order "METAL FURNITURE" when you want This Style Founts of 12 lt>s, $3.00 Founts of 25 His, 6.25 PRICES Founts of 50 tbs, $12.50 Founts of 100 Itis, 25.00 -^QUOTATION FURNITURE.4- SIZES : 4-8-12-16-20 ems Long. 2-3-4 ems Wida. Designate all orders for This Style as "QUOTATION FURNITURE." Price, 25c. per Ib. ^QUOTATIONS SIZES: 2-4, 3x4, 4X4. Price, 25c. per Ib. Put up in 10 11). Fonts, @ $2.50, or sold Separate in any Quantity. 405-7 Sansome Street, T YPE if FOUNDERS, San Francisco Front Street, rt r j -* r-\ r> T^t 7"^ T 7" "* rront street, /I / / y r\ C^f f\ h Y PR ESS + BUILDERS, J.*A 1 ^IV \^S JVl^ A , Portland. (22) LEADS'-SkUGS* All our leads and slugs are cast in lengths of 18 inches, planed by the most improved process and guaranteed perfect. PRICES : 10 to pica per Ib. .50 8 " " .30 6 " and thicker. . '' .17 Improved Corner Quads {} Labor-Saving Slugs. The above cut represents our improved Corner Quads, Quads and Spaces, and Labor-Saving Slugs, cast with a recess to receive the naging cord, thus enabling the form tied up with these improved quads, to be Locked up without Removing the Cord. In book work, and jobs that are to be left standing, they are invaluable. The saving of time and the absence of pi, will very soon repay the outlay, their cost being no more than the ordinary quad, spaces, labor- saving slugs, etc. The recess occupies the place of the nick in the ordinary quad, and does not interfere in the least in any and all places where the common quads and labor-saving slugs are required. These Quads and Spaces are cast on Pica and Nonpareil Bodies and put up in fonts of 10, 25, 50 and 100 pounds. PRICES: Pica, 35c. per Ib. Nonpareil, 45c. per Ib. LABOR-SAVING FONTS zf- Kegular fonts of Leads or Slugs are put up, cut in graduated lengths from 4 to 25 ems pica, in fonts of 12 Ibs., 25 Ibs., or 50 Ibs., at 25 cents per pound. ODD SIZES TO ORDER IN ANY QUANTITIES. FOOT SLUGS- 13 ems measure Metal, Great Primer body. 13 " " Brass . . 4 cents each. ..20 " " PALMER & REY, Type Founders, Electrotypers, Printing Press Manufacturers Dealers in Printers' Supplies and Bookbinders' Specialties, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. und PORTLAND, OR. (23) ^BRASS L>EADERS> v* H^lii* ^^c) LABOR-SAVING BRASS LEADERS. BODY. PACK, 137. FACE, 72. FACE, 99. Sox. Nonpareil Brevier Long Primer Pica Leader Rule furnished to match any face of type made and on any body. Face No. 72 is furnished with all Law Italic fonts, unless otherwise ordered. When ordering be particular to state the style of Leader by number, as well as the face of the type with which the Leaders are to be used. A. specimen letter must, in all cases, accompany the order. PUICES t Nonpareil, per Ib. $1 60 Brevier, " 1 60 Long Primer " - 1 50 Pica, " - 1 40 . PERFORATING RULE.: BRASS, per foot, ir>c. STEEL, per foot, 75c. CARRUTH'S PATENT GRIPPER PERFORATOR. o a i V to O Q 3 a O cr O cr CD c Cfl o 2;'. 50 30 00 DASHES AND CROSS RULES. Alisere Dashes, 5c. each. Local Dashes, 5c. each. Editorial Dashes, 7a. each. Double Cross Rules, 6<-. each. I'arallel Cross Rules, 6c. each. Fancy Dashes, lOc. eacli. Waved Cross Rules, ~c. each. Advertisinjjf Rules, 4c. each. Desfiffnate face by number of the strip rule in Specimen Book. fALMER & Type Founders, Manufacturers of Printing Presses, Brass Rule, Dashes, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. and PORTLAND, OR. (25) RASS-WO R K I N G TOO LS. LITTLE GIANT Lead and Rule Cutter - - $8 50 GOLDING'S CURVING MACHINE. No. 1, curves \ to 4 ins. - - $12 50 No. 2, " V 8 " - - - 19 00 GOLDING'S CUTTING AND MITERING MACHINE. Price, Twenty-Five Dollars. ^f) V Q if PRINTERS' VICE. "2 i 4) Q) Price, $3.00 *s y This is a convenient tool for filing rule at 1| either angle of 45, 67| or 90. The surfaces -" controlling the angles ara hardened so that r. ^ -g file will not scrctch them. The rule is helil ^ % by a screw clamp, and the length in controlled o by a reversible gage extendirg 11 inches. 2 5 ^-_ __ I! ALMER & REY, *i Type Founders and Printers' Machinists, 405-7 Sansome St., San Francisco, CaL UNIVERSAL RULE MITERING MACHINE. Price, $25.00. (26) IMPROVED TABbET f RESS FOR PRINTERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS. PAPKR IN PRESS. APPLYING THE CEMKNT. This press i used for forming into tablets or blocks, bill-heads, letter-heads, note-heads, statements, orders, memorandums, blanks, etc. The only practical press made for the purpose. It is so simple in operation an ordinary boy can work it. The first illustration shows the machine when closed and packed with paper. The paper is inserted edgewise on two boards set at right angle, to which the bottom edges of the paper are easily gathered, so that the edges when reversed for gluing are uniformly even and smooth. When the paper is in position it is pressed by turning the crank handle at one end of the press, which operates a screw bearing against a movable iron clamp. The clamps are held in a hinged frame, so that the paper, when properly secured, can be thrown over, as shown in the second illustration, bringing the lower and smooth edges uppermost, ready for gluing. Every press is provided with two sizes of clamping boards for each end, to protect the paper from indentations from the iron clamps. A thumb-screw is used to raise or lower the clamping frame, whereby a central pressure can be obtained on any size paper from 2x2 inches, up to the full capacity of the press. If paper is used for finishing the edges after gluing, the block can be thrown back on the boards and pressed by its own weight. The blocks can be made any thick- ness, and separated easily by vising a thin, sharp knife. SIZES AND fRICES, No. 1 will hold 2,000 sheets, any size up to 6x12 inches, - - $10 00 No. 2 " 5,000 " " " 8x16 " - - - 15 OO For Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders. This Composition is for making a FLEXIBLE or ELASTIC binding, and can be used, without paper, for finishing, in making pads, tablets, or blocks of paper. One pound of Composition is enough for 50,000 sheets, note size. DIRECTIONS. Cut into pieces about one inch square, and put it with a little water into a glue pot kept hot in a water-bath. When thoroughly melted it is ready for use, and should be applied to the paper as hot as possible. Avoid putting it on too thickly. If one thin coat does not prove effective in holding sheets apply it thinly a second time. Water may be added if the Compo. becomes too thick to spread smoothly. The blocks si sharp knife. Elastic Compo., red or blue, per pound, - - $O.4O should be cut apart with a thin, PALMER & REY, Type Founders and Manufacturers of Presses and Printing Material, 4O5-7 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. (27) f ROOF f RESSES f^EADY F^ObbER f ROOF f RESS No. 1. With Covered Holler without Table. 8x24 inches, inside bearers $20 00 15x28 " " " 35 00 I^EADY ROLLER f ROOF f RESS Xo. 2. With all-iron table, and black Avalnut closet for holding paper, ink, water, and ink brayer. 8x24 inches inside bearers. . 15x28 " . . $25 (10 4.") 00 READY ROLLER PROOF PRESS No. 2. For Prices see next column. PIONEER PRESS4- SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1. For <> column paper size 14x20 ins., f. o. b. in San Francisco $70 00 No. 2. " 7 " " " 10^x22% " " 9500 This Press resembles the modern hand press in having Ways, Bed, Tynipan, and Frisket. In place of a platen and levers it has a cylinder, by the rotation of which the bed is moved and the impression given at each motion, back and forth The tympan is covered with the best gum cloth. The frisket is covered with paper, same as other hand presses. The form is inked by hand. The impression is adjusted by screws under the bearings of the cylinder. The sheet is worked folded and Nos. 405-407 Sansome St. PALMER & REY, (28) San Francisco, Gal. THE PIONEER PRESS HHHIS Press resembles the modern common hand press in having Ways, Bed, Tynipjui and -"" Frisket. In place of a platen and levers it has a cylinder, by the rotation of which the bed is moved and the impression given at each motion, back or forth. The tympan is covered with the best trum cloth. The frisket is covered with paper, same as other hand presses. The form is inked by hand. The impression is adjusted by screws under the hearings of the cylin- der. The sheet is worked folded and turned, taking fonr impressions to complete each paper. The pressman can work from 200 to 300 impressions per hour and do good newspaper work. There is nothing wonderful about this kind of newspaper work, except the cheapness of the outfit for it. Where it is desirable to start on a very economical scale, commencing with a small circulation, this outfit does admirably. The Pioneer Press is furnished with two chases, six Hempel patent quoins, roller-frame and cast roller, oiler and wrench. OUTFIT ESTIMATES FOR SIX- COLUMN PAPER. Pioneer Press, 14x20 inches, with roller $70 00 1 Single Galley 2 00 1 Double Galley 2 50 2 Composing Sticks 1 50 3 pairs News Cases 6 00 6 Job and 1 Triple Cases 9 60 1 each Mallet, Planer, Bodkin and Brush 1 90 10 Ibs. News Ink 2 50 1 Autocrat Stand and Galley Rack 10 00 2 Composing and 1 Make-up Rules 1 00 1 set Column and Head Rules, 2 pp 7 20 30 Single and 10 Double and Parallel Cross Rules. . . 1 80 10 Editorial and 20 Local Dash Rules. 1 90 15 Ibs. Leads and Slugs, 13 ems 3 00 100 Ibs. Long Primer No. 14, with Italic '. . . 42 00 50 Ibs. Brevier No. 14, with Italic 24 00 1 Heading, electrotyjxjd 3 00 1 fount 8 Title No. 4 3 85 1 do 8 Antique Extended No. 3 275 1 do 10 Aldine 245 1 do 12 Gothic No. 9 315 1 do 16, No. 5 2 65 1 do 22 Clarendon Compressed 3 90 1 do 28 Gothic Condensed No. 7 3 30 1 do each, 12, 16, 22, Spaces and Quads 250 6 yards Sidesticks and 50 Quoins 1 f FOR SEVEN-COLUMN PAPER. Pioneer Press, 10Jx22] inches, with roller $95 2 Single Galltvs.. . . .4 1 Double Gal'ey 2 2 Composing Sticks 1 3 pairs News Cases 7 Job and 1 Triple Cases 10 1 each Mallet, Planer, Bodkin and Brush 1 10 Ibs. News Ink 2 1 Autocrat Stand and Galley Rack 10 2 Composing and ] Make-up Rules 1 1 set Column and Head Rules, 2 pp 8 40 Single and 10 Double and Parallel Cross Rules 2 15 Editorial and 80 Local Dashes 2 20 Ibs. Leads and Slugs, 13 ems 4 125 Ibs. Long Primer No. 14, with Italic 52 60 Ibs. Brevier No. 14, with Italic 28 1 Heading, electrotyped 3 6 yards Sidesticks and 50 Quoins 1 2 fount S Title No. 4 ... Boxing and cartage extra. AGENTS PACIFIC COAST, $215 4:"> T~C 1 do 8 Antique Extended No. 3 2 1 do 10 Aldine 2 1 do 10 Gothic Italic No. 3 2 1 do 12 Gothic No. 9 3 1 do 16 No. 5 2 1 do 22 Clarendon Compressed- 3 1 do 2S (iothic Condensed No. 7 3 1 do each 12, 16, 22, Spaces and Quads 2 $269 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JHAND PRESSES DIMENSIONS AND PRICES. The celebrity the Washington hand presses have ob- tained during the past forty years renders any remarks upon their superiority unnecessary. They are elegant in appearance, simple, quick and powerful in operation, and combine every facility for the production of superior printing. No. Size paper printed. Bed. No. 2 6 col. folio 26x34. 3.. .. 7 " .... 27x39. j>.. .. 8 " . 283^x43. Platen. 22x30 23x35. Price. .$225 00 225 00 f* 4 'x39. . . 250 00 31x47.. 325 00 Price includes two pairs of points, one wrench, one pair of bearers, and one extra frisket. INKING APPARATUS FOR HAND PKKSS. No. 2, for 6 column folio $20 00 3, 7 " " 20 00 5, 8 " " 22.50 7, !) " " 25 00 Including two cylinders, roller handle, and two roller cores complete. CASTING ROLLERS. 36 ins $3 00 40 ins 3 50 44 ins 4 00 48 ins. . 4 50 INK KNIVES. 6 inch blade. . $0 60 7 " " 75 9 " " 1 25 12 *' " 2 00 Pressmans' Friend," 7 inch blade. It It o it " " 9 " . 10 $1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 PALMER & REY, TYPE f OUNDERS / f RESS JVIANUFACTURERS, 405 and 407 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. (80) "PEERLESS" POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE. 'r A. SIZES AND PRICES : Eighth-Medium, 8x12 in. inside chase $225 Oo 9x13 ' " 25000 (Quarter-Medium, 10 x 15 " " 30000 " 11x16" " 35000 Half-Medium, 13 x 19 in. inside chase 400 00 ' 14x20 " " 45000 Half-Super-Royal, 14x22 " 50000 Boxing, S6, $7 and 10. Steam Fixtures, extra, $15. Ink Fountain, $25. ts> Freight from Factory to be added/!-* OLD RELIABLE GORDON PRESSES. PRICES IN SAN FRANCISCO. Small Eighth-Medium 7x11 ins $175 00 Large " 8x12 200 00 Quarto-Medium, 10x15 275 00 The Sizes quoted are inside of All the above presses have a throw-off. BALTIMORE JOBBER. PRICE IN SAN FRANCISCO. MCKEL AND BRIGHT FINISH, WITH THROW-OFF, ROLLER-MOLD, THREE CHASES, AND ONE EXTRA SET OF ROLLER CORES. NO. 4, (('has.' (iS,xt l - 2 inches inside,) $125. OO PALMER & REY, Largest Printers' Supply House on the Pacific Coast, SAN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND. (31) f APER eUTTERSK- THE JEWEL. It is almost noiseless, and for strength, durability, power and simplicity of operation, it far surpasses any- thing we have ever seen. We can cheerfully recommend the "JEWEL" Cutter. THE BEST CHEAP CUTTER EVER MADE. PRICES ix SAN FRANCISCO: Wood bed, cuts 23 ins Iron " " 23 " . $'.5 oo 120 00 Boxing, $5.00. PEERLESS Ff^ONT LEVER. The FRONT LEVER "PEERLESS " CUTTER has a long and powerful lever, which swings down to the left, in front of the table, giving the requisite power for the heaviest cuts through the toughest materials. It is supplied with back and side gages, rules and cross lines, and the invaluable "PEERLESS" PARALLEL GAGE, for cutting labels and narrow margins. PRICE IN SAN FRANCISCO: Cuts 30 inches, square, $200.00 Boxing, $(5.00. fEERLESS END LEVER. The "PEERLESS" END LEVER CUTTER is an elegant machine. The power is given by a lever attached by a sliding connection directly to the knife- bar, and nmvos with it, producing, with the least possible friction, an equally distributed and powerful leverage from the beginning to the end of the cut. Attached to it is the invaluable " PEERLESS " PARAL- LEL GAGE, for cutting labels and narrow margins. PRICE IN SAN FRANCISCO : Cuts 30 inches, square, $225 00 Boxing, $(}.00. 405-407 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PALMER & REY, 114 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OR- *f APER CUTTER The 14-Inch Lever PARAGON CUTTER. Cuts 2^ Inches Thickness of Paper. Squares 14 Inches. PRICE, - Weight, 2OO Jbs. - 6O.OO Boxing, $1.OO This handy little Cutter will be found very useful in all Job Printing Offices. It will effect a great saving of time and labor in the cutting of small work, such us labels, bands, circulars, cards, etc. Avoid the trouble and expense of having the knife of your larger cutter ground so often because of the little space in the middle of its cutting edge getting dull from use on small jobs. A very desirable feature is the ability to gage and cut accurately very narrow jobs. It is a well built and substantial machine, made entirely of iron and steel, and will sustain the well- earned reputation of the Paragon. PAPER-CUTTER KNIFE GRINDER and SHARPENER. Horizontal Grinder. For Grinding and Sharpening PAPER-CUTTER KNIVES Without Removing Blade from Cutter. (Including enough Stones to grind and sharpen) SIOR" VERTICAL ENGINE. The following advantages are presented by the "Excelsior." It will do more work with a given amount of fuel than any other engine. It will run at a cost of TEX CENTS per DAY per horse power. It is made in San Francisco, and any part can he duplicated at any time. It is recommended by all who have used it. PRICES: Engine and boiler complete, boxed on Hoard cars at San Francisco. Four horse power, 4x(> cylinder $:>,75 00 Five " " oxd * 450 00 Eight " " 7x8 " 60000 LAWSON GAS ENGINE. This engine has fewer working parts, is positive in its action, has no springs to be carefully adjusted, has less friction, requires less attention and cleaning; and last but not least, is offered at a much lower price than any engine in the market. It is started by simply applying a match, and will develop full power instantly. Price, One horse power, Two " ...$375 00 . 550 00 One horse power will easily run a country cylinder and jobber. Two horse power will run one or two cylin- ders with job presses. Counter Shafts, Counter Hangers, Cone Pulleys, Drop Hangers, Pulleys, Post Hangers, Shaftings, Couplings, Belting, &c. We are ready to supply, on a moment's notice, the necessary Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers for running- Printing Machiir ery ; and as we make a specialty of handling all Fixtures connected with a Printing Office, manufacturing all such machinery in our own shops and guaranteeing whatever we turn out, we hope our customers will give us an opportunity to estimate when they wish Steam Fixtures for their offices. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PALMER & REY, (34) PORTLAND, OREGON- STITCHED BROWN'S WIRE STAPLING MACHINE. PATENTED OCT. 1878 , JUNE 1879 , PAT. PENDING. From 2 sheets to 3-8 of an inch. This is the simplest machine made for the purpose it is intended for, can be easily understood by any smart boy, a little common sense only being necessary. PRICE, $30.00 Staples/ - 25c per 1000. HAWKINS' To PRINTERS, ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND OWNERS OF ALT, KINDS OF MACHINES UPON WHICH COUNTERS AKE I'SKD. PALMER & REY, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. This machine is the simplest, most desirable and reliable, and the cheapest instrument in the market, for indicating correctly the number of movements of any machine to which it may be attached. PRICE, 12.00 & DEALERS IN PRINTERS' AND BINDERS' SPECIALTIES, SAN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND, (35) THE ELM CITY CARD CUTTER. The Best Card Cutter for the money ever made. PRICE, - $11.00 ENGRAVING TOOLS-PRINTERS' SET. Consisting of 3 tint tools, 1 lozenge, 1 gouge and 1 chisel, handled and sharpened ready for use. Very handy in a printing office. PRICE $2.50 PRICE, SCHUTE BOARD. This article will be found invaluable in a printing office, and comes in constant use. Mado of hard wood and fitted with iron hand plane. $5.50 SPONGE HOLDER. Used by newspaper compositors for resting the type-laden left hand in distributing. It consists of a spiral wire basket, made to clasp on the front of the lower case, and hold a sponge. A simple arrangement, easily attached and removed. PRICE, (with sponge) 50c. PEERLESS" PARALLEL GAUGF- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PALMER & REY. For Cutting Narrow Measures on Paper- Cu tters. PRICE, - $8.00. PORTLAND, OREGON. -^SCROLL CIRCULAR SAWS*- SCROLL SAW, No. 7. This machine is designed for practical service, and warranted to be well made and of good material. The table and arms are of hard maple. The frame is of cast iron, strong, yet light. The balance wheel runs on a steel arbor. The swing around the blade, under the arm is 24 ins. The length of the blade is 7 inches. The machine weighs 55 Ibs. PRICE, - - $22.5O One do/en blades free with each machine. COMBINED SCROLL and CIRCULAR SAW. Invaluable in a Poster Printing Office. Costs no more than two fonts of large size wood type, and will make half the wood type and ornaments used in a Poster Printing Office. PRICE, - - $47.5O 2 circular and 12 assorted scroll saws furnished with each machine. VELOCIPEDE SCROLL SAW, No. 2. WITH BORING ATTACHMENT. It has about same capacity as the No. 7 Saw, above, but is preferred by many on account of the velocipede foot power. Weight, 90 Ibs. A printer can make all his large wood type and ornaments with this saw. PRICE, $30. An ingenious printer can save the price of either of these machines several times over during the year, and give much better satisfaction to his customers. WOOD. \Ve furnish wood to order for making large wood type, with instructions for iising, at an average price of T2c. per square foot. When made according to our instructions the letters will not warp. PALMEK & HEY, Street, Saii l^i-aiu-isc-o, C'al. (37) PRINTING INKS. We Deal in Everything in the Line of Printing and Lithographing Inks, Varnishes, Bronzes, Etc., Etc. >LIST OF PRICES.^ Black, Extra news, $* tt> 20 " Job, It) ft 75c, lOOaud 150 Card or Extra Job.^lb 1 00, 1 50, 2 00 and 5 00 Pictorial Cnt, $ft. . 25, 30, 40, 50, 75c and 1 00 Colored Inks, Per I'ound. Crimson Lake :! 00, 5 00 and 10 00 Lake 3 00, 5 00 and 10 00 Fine Red 1 50, '2 00, 2 50, X 00, 5 00 and 10 00 Scarlet Red 1 50, 2 00, 3 00 and 4 00 Vermilion 2 00 and 2 50 Cardinal Carmine 5 00, 7 50, 10 00 and 12 00 Red for Posters 50e, 75c, and 1 00 Ultramarine Blue, poster 50c, 75c, and 1 00 Ultramarine Blue, fine, 1 50, 2 50 and 3 00 Special Pale Blue 1 50 Light Blue 1 00 and 2 00 Bronze Blue .200 and 250 Dark Blue 1 00 and 1 50 Light Green, for posters 50c and 75 Light Green, flue 1 00, 1 50 and 2 00 Emerald Green - 00 Carmine, V 07. 1 00 and 200 Varnish Nos. aud 1 per pound o 50 Varnish, Copal Flock, per pound 1 50 Lithographic Black, per lb., 2 00, 2 50, 3,50 and 4 00 Black, Wood Cut, fMI>. ... 1 00, 1 50, 3 00, 3 50 and 5 00 Book, ^tt) 30,40, 50 and 075 Diagram, ^K> 75c, 1 00, 2 00, 3 00 aud 500 An excellent News Ink, in :>">- lt> kegs, Colored Inks, Per Pound. Dark Green, for posters 50c and 75 Dark Green, fine 1 on. i 50, 2 00 and 2 50 Lemon Yellow, for posters 50c and 75 Lemon Yellow, fine 1 00, 1 50 and 2 00 Orange Yellow, for posters 50c and 75 Orange Yellow, fine 1 00, 1 50 and 2 00 Medium Yellow 1 50 White 50c. 75c and 1 00 White Size 100 Leaf Gold White Si/e 1 50 Gold Size 1 Oil. 1 50 and 2 00 Orange Gold Si/c 2 50 Brown and Sienna 1 00, 1 50 and 2 00 Purple 8 00 Crimson Carmine 2400 1'urplc, '-[* <>/ 50c, 1 CO and 1 50 Lithographic Colored at fair prices. Lithographic Varnish, per pound, 60 to 80 Ink of any manufacture furnished on special order QUADS AND SPACES, For Job Fonts. Put up in Uniform Packages of from One to Two Pounds Each. IVr Font. Nonpareil 75 Minion 70 Brevier 65 Bourgeois 60 Long Primer 55 Small Pica 55 Pica 55 English 100 Columbian.. . .140 Great Primer 1 00 Paragon 1 00 Double Small Pica 1 00 Double Pica 1 00 Double English 1 00 Double Columbian 1 00 Double Great Primer i 00 Double Paragon 1 00 Canon 1 00 Four Line Pica. . . 1 00 PALMER & REY, TYPE-FOUNDERS AND DEALERS IN PRINTING INKS, VARNISHES, ETC. (38) MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. BLANKETS, FELT. 6 00 PAGE CORD. Per Bale 40 Felt Blanket' 44 inches, per yard . . . , Felt Blanket, 48 inches, per yard Hhiul-Press Blanket, 7-colnmn linnd-Press Blanket, 8-eoluniu 7 50 .... S 50 4 00 . . 5 00 POINTS FOR HAND-PRESS. Six inch, with springs, per pair . . Eight inch, with springs, per pair 50 75 BLANKETS, RUBBER. Rubber Blanket, 3-plv, 36 inehes, per yard 8 75 Rubber Blanket, 3-ply, 44 inches, per yard 11 50 QUOINS. 1 00 fl() BELTING. 25 Hickorv, per hundred ROLLER FELT. Roller Felt, 2% inches, per roll 5 50 35 4 inches wide, per foot Estimates for odd sixes. 50 BRONZES. We import Bronzes direct from the best European Manufacturers. All Shades Rich Gold, Pale Gold, Green Gold, Lemon, Fire, and Copper, in grades as follows: No 1000 per oz ''0 SIDE AND FOOT-STICKS. Taper, per inch Square, per inch M 05 STEREOTYPE OUTFITS.-Hughes'. No. 1, casts 13x23 mches No. 2, casts 11x18 inches No. 3, casts 7V^xl2 inches No. 1. casts 4'^xl2 inches . . . 185 00 145 00 100 00 80 00 No 2000 per oz . .. 25 No. 3000 per oz No 4000 per oz 30 .... 35 No. 5000 per ox No 6000 per oz 40 50 No 7000 per oz 75 TAPES. Power Press, :! H inch wide, per roll Power Pre : 1 50 250 275 3 00 French Bronze Brilliant 85 BOOKS. American Printer . 2 25 Power Press, ?? inch wide, per roll. Power Press, /I inch wide, per roll Power Press, i inch wide, per roll Wilson's Punctuation Kumalley's Price-List 2 25 1 25 TYPE-WASH AND LYE. Champion, 1-poimd cans, each 2oc, per doz (Put up in 1, 2, and 3-pound cans.) Concentrated, same prices. 2 50 BENZINE CANS. Patent, quarts 75 GUTTING STICKS. Any Cutter, square i~> TYPE MEASURES. 150 25 1 50 ELEGTROTYPING In all its Branches. Estimates on Ails., itc., furnished on application Bookwork, Standard, with foot rule Brass, picas . ... WOOD FURNITURE AND REGLET. Cherrv 2 tc 5 line, pervard 05 07 OS 08 03 05 ELECTROTYPE CUTS. Largest Assortment in the Country. New book on application. Cherry 6to 8 line, per yard Cherry 8 to 12 line, per yard .. Cherry side sticks, per yard Pine under 2 line, per yard . . INK SLABS. 1 75 (Eastern Made ) WOOD TYPE. Page & Co.'s, at their list prices. Holly-Wood. Send for Book. Morgan & Wilcox Manufacturing Co. Send for Book. 1 *^"> LEAD MOULDS. Kach . .... . 5 00 LACING. \ inch wide per 100 feet . . 1 00 WRENCHES. Impression, to order ... 50 125 1 50 % inch wide, per 100 feet 2 00 Monkey 405-7 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. The Camobell Country Power Press. PALMER & REY, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND (40) (gjhe ^mproved (Country Campbell Power Press. OVER 2,000 IN USE. 1 Simplicity, Absolute Register, Accuracy, Durability, Perfect Distribution. ARE COMBINED IN THE CAMPHEU. COUNTRY. They always give Complete Satisfaction. // is the Easiest Press to run by Hand Power. It Requires Less Attention than other makes. BUY A FIRST-CLASS CYLINDER, IF YOU BUY AT ALL. SIZES AND PKICES. N. K. UUULU. No. Bed Form Holl- ers Speed per hour by hand Price E fi rst cost. You will lose in the long run. Get a press in h* >- beginning which will last you a lifetime, and which sells on its i 32x50 28^X46 750 # ,300 " merits not because it is cheap. Printers will do well to give us 2 32X48 28^X44 2 750 ,200 ; a call before purchasing. We have presses covering every 3 31X46 27^X42 2 800 ,000 ; speed and price, some of which cannot fail to suit the require- " 4 26X41 23 X27 800 ,300 5 25X31 21 X27 4 1,000 ,200 ments. 6 23X28 lS^2 X24 4 1,400 900 : The Country Press is very simple in construction, and has a 7 20X25 l6 X2I 3 1,400 800 ; world-wide reputation for durability, good distribution and 8 TTTTT 83X37 10/2 A 34 rTTTTTTYTYTTTTTTTTTTTT 2 1,400 950 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT j accuracy of register. Screw Vibrator Distributor, $100 extra. Steam Fixtures, $50 extra. Freight to be added from Factory. Campbell Press Manufacturing Co., New York. PALMER & REY, Sole Agents for Pacific Coast, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. and PORTLAND, OR. (41) COTTRELL'S ?-- , Portland, Or. (42) IJElLf SOMETHING EVEF^Y fRIJMTER JMEEDS. ri^HE picas are determined by a notched strip attached to the back. The stick is set by means .A. of a small ;< dog " which projects from the back of the knee. The dog is operated by means of a pin, the head of which projects a little above the upper surface of the knee at A. The pin and dog are held by means of a concealed spring. By a slight pressure upon the pin the " dog " is crowded down into the longitudinal slot below the notches, so that the knee can be slipped along in either direction. In setting the stick, release the clamp, and throw it over far enough so that the lip on the end of the clamp presses down upon the pin and disengages the dog. The numbers at the outeredge of the stick facilitate its adjustment. When the right point is reached release the pin, press the clamp down, and the stick is set. Please observe that this device not only fixes the gauge of the stick to a pica standard, but it supplements the clamp as a means of securing the knee perfectly in position so effectively that the slightest endwise motion is impossible. Drop the stick upon the floor, play foot-ball with it, fire it at a tramp, put it to any use you please which does not tear it in pieces; it turns up smil- ing, and cannot be put out of countenance. The gauge of these sticks is made accurate with Johnson's standard, with the thickness of a sheet of paper added. Reasons why the Pica Standard Stick is indispensable to every thorough Printer. 1. Because it can be accurately set without a standard. Every stick is warranted to agree with the uniform standard (Johnson) recently adopted by all the leading type-founders of thi.s country. 2. Because when once set it cannot be changed in the slightest degree by too tight justification, by being dropped upon the floor, or by any other accident. 3. Because of the facility with which the measure may be changed, without the trouble of hunting up a standard or setting up a line of quads. 4. Because by the nse of this stick a vast amount of vexation and expense arising from variations in sticks will be saved. This item alone will pay for an outfit of these sticks in any office the first six months of their use. 5. Because as a job stick it will save time enough to pay for itself in a month in any office that has job work enough to keep a stick in use. THIS STICK CAN BE SET TO BASTARD MEASURES. If you want to give yourself a real luxury, treit yourself to something that will make you happy every time you look at it, will make the rest of the boys envious, and will keep the foreman in the best of humor, buy one of these sticks. Our sticks and cutters are handled by all the leading printers' supply houses. 6 inch, 2 8 " PRICES FOR PICA STANDARD STICKS. Vo inches deep, $2.25 2.50 10 inches, 2V inches deep, -i o ll <(~ II (l $3.75 3.00 Nickle plated, 25 to 50 cents extra, according to size. PALMER & KEY, f Type Founders and Manufacturers of Presses and Printing Material, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. (4:-!) 44 OLD RELIABLE." PALMBR & RKY, 4-05 and 407 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. PRICE : Delivered on board cars or in San Francisco. Size With Inside Chase. Throw-off. Box'ng. Size With Inside Chase. Throw-off. Boxing Eighth Medium. .8 x 12. ..$200.00. .$5 00 | Quarter Medium. .10x15. .$3OO.OO $6.00 Steam Fixtures, overhead, $15. Three Chases, Wrenches, Roller Mold, Brayer and two sets of Roller Stocks, will be furnished with each press. CAUTION Be sure and get the PALMER & REY " Old Reliable," and take none other. (44) THE "FAVORITE." This Paper Cutter is intended for a good low-priced machine, and is suited for all ordinary cutting. It is strong, heavy, substantial ; works accurately and with ease. Is all iron and steel. The hand-lever swings to the left in front of the table. It has lines on the table, front and back, also extra gauges. Cuts 30 inches. PRICE, j delivered on board cars I in San Francisco, Boxing, $5.OO extra. $175.OO Manufactured by PALMER & REY, San Francisco, Cal. (45) A TRIAL OF THE Baltimore Jobber Will Clearly Substantiate SIX Especial Points of Excellence : First \\~ is THE EASIEST RUNNING PRESS MAI>K: Second IT is AS STRONG AS ANY PRESS MADE ; Third IT is THE MOST DURABLE PRESS MADE ; Fourth IT WILL DO AS GOOD WORK AS ANY PRESS MADE; Fifth IT WILL TAKE LESS TO KEEP IT IN REPAIR THAN ANY PRESS MADE; Sixth (LAST BUT NOT LEAST) IT COSTS LESS THAN ANY OTHER FIRST-CLASS PRESS MADE All Size Presses, Type and Printers' Supplies. CATALOGUE FREE. / -F. W. DORM AN, 21 German Street, BALTIMORE, MD. SOLE AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST, 405-7 Sansome St., PAT 1\/T "FT P &7 P T^ V H-" 14 Front yt -> San Francisco, Cal. 1 ^rLlwlVl ULIV (X IV LL, I , Portland, Or. Excelsior Vertical Engine 8 * w D H H H r* cr n> P " p. . t ^ x'' rt 8 OQ d P (T rc re ro x m 2 s. rc o 1 3 .5* E 1 FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES ARE PRESENTED nv THE "EXCELSIOR" OVER ALL OTHERS IN THE MARKET: The "Excelsior" will do more work with a given amount of fuel than any other engine. The "Excelsior" will run at a cost of TEN CENTS PER DAY PER HORSE POWER. The " Excelsior" is made in San Francisco, and any part can be duplicated at anytime. The " Excelsior " is recommended by all who have used it. READ THIS. IT IS UNNECESSARY to argue with that portion of the public interested in the use of steam power, that the more simple a small engine is made, the better it will answer the purpose for being attended to by parties who are not engineers or machinists. Most of the small engines in the market are built so that it is an impossibility for any one that is not an engineer to run them. In some cases, it requires more than one engineer to keep them together and working. This is not the case with the " Excelsior " Engine. Every engine is guaranteed for the term of one year. They are furnished with wrought-iron Cranks and patent Judson Governor. PRICES, 011 board cars in San Francisco: Foui -horse power, 4x6 cylinder, engine and boiler, complete, boxed $375 Five- " 5x6 " " 450 Eight- " " 7x8" " " " ' " 600 The " Excelsior " is the Best and Cheapest Engine in the Market PALMER & REY, Sole Agents for Pacific Coast, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. and PORTLAND, OR. (47) INDEX TO PRI6E bIST. Annex Type Boxes 7 Back Saws 2 Bellows 2 Belting 39 Benzine Brushes 2 " Cans 39 Blankets, Rubber 39 Felt 39 Blocking Press 27 Bodkins 1 Book Stands IB Bookbinders' Cabinets 15 Books 39 Brackets 3 Bracket Cabinet 15 Brass Galleys 11 Brass Rules 25 Brass Take Slugs 7 Brass Leaders 24 Bronzes 39 Bronzing Pads 2 Brushes 2 Cabinets 14 15 Campbell Presses 40 41 Card Cutters 36 Cases 12 13 ( 'use Brackets 3 ( 'ast Iron Chases 10 Chases 10 Racks 19 ( 'ircular Saws 37 Closing Spring Bodkin 1 Composition, Elastic 27 Composition Kettles 9 Composing Rules 2 Composing Sticks 6 " " Standard 43 Cornel Quads 23 Cottrell Presses 42 Counter Shafts 34 Counting Machines 4 35 Cross Rules 25 Cutting Sticks 39 Curving Machine 26 Cutting & Mitering Machine 26 Cutters, Card 36 Paper 32 Dashes, Brass 25 Eagle Cabinets 15 Elastic Composition 27 Electro Take Slug 7 Electrotype Cuts 39 Electrotyping 39 Elm City Card Cutter 36 Engines 34 Engraving Tools 36 Eureka Galley Bracket .... 3 Excelsior Engines 34 Feed Guides 5 Figured Slugs 7 Foot Slugs 23 Furniture Racks 17 " " Quotation. . 18 Galleys 11 Galley Cabinets 11 " Brackets 3 " Lead Distributing. .. 18 Galley Racks 3 Gas Engines 34 Gauge, Parallel Peerless. ... 36 " Pins 5 Gauge Buttons 2 Gordon Job Press 31 Grinder, Paper Cutter Knife 33 Hand Presses 30 Hand Press Rollers 8 Hempel's Quoins 4 How to lay a pair of cases. . 13 How to order a Roller 8 Imposing Stones 20 " " with table . 20 Inks, printing 38 " lithographic 38 Ink Knives 30 " Fountain 4 " and Roller Cabinets. ... 9 " Slabs 3!) Inking apparatus 30 Iron Brackets 3 Jewel Cutter 32 Job Office Specialties 18 19 Job Presses 31 Baltimore Jobber 31 " Gordon 31 Peerless 31 Job Stands . 1(5 Knives 2 Label Holders 2 Lacing 39 Lamp Holder 3 Lawson Gas Engine 34 Labor-Saving Slugs 23 Lead Distributing Galley. . 18 Lead and Rule Cutter 26 Leads and Slugs, labor sav- ing fonts Lead Racks Lithographic Inks Little Giant Lead and Rule Cutter 26 Lye Brushes 2 Mahogany Job Sticks 6 Make-up Rules 2 Mailing Material 21 Make-up Stands 18 Mallets 1 Metal Furniture 22 Miscellaneous articles 39 Mitering Machine. ...... 4 26 Mustang Mailer 21 News Stands 16 Office Estimate 29 OilCans 2 Old Reliable Gordon Job Press 31 Outfit Estimates. 29 Page Cord 39 Paper Cutter, Jewel 32 " Paragon 33 " " Favorite 45 " " Knife Sharpener 33 " Knife 2 Parallel Gauge Peerless ... 36 Peerless Cutters 32 " Ink Fountain 4 " Job Press 31 Perforating Rule 24 Perforator, Carruth's 24 Pioneer Press 29 Planers 2 Pocket Case Bodkins 1 Points for Hand Presses .... 39 Presses Baltimore Jobber. 31 Campbell. 41 Gordon 31 Old Reliable 44 Pioneer 28 Peerless 31 (48) Pressman's Friend 30 Printers' Cases 12 Printers' Knife 2 Vice 26 Printing-inks 38 Proof Planer ... 2 " Presses 28 " Roller 4 Quotation Furniture Rack. . 18 Quoins 39 Quads and Spaces 38 Racks, Rule 17 " Furniture 17 " Quotation 18 Lead 17 " Chase 19 Reglet 39 Registering Apparatus 5 Rollers 8 Roller Brackets 3 Roller Composition 9 Molds 9 Felts 39 Rules, Brass 25 " Column 25 " Head 25 " Dash 25 " Cross 25 Runners for job stands, ad- justable 19 Saws 2 " Circular 37 " Scroll 37 Schute Board 36 Sheet Supporters 5 Shafting, etc 34 Shelves for wood type 19 Shooting Sticks 1 Side and Foot Sticks 39 Slugs, Foot 23 Spaces and Quads 23 " Labor-saving 23 Sponge Holder 36 Specialties, Job Office 19 Spring Bodkins 1 Stands Job Compositors' . . 16 " Make up 18 News 16 Stapling Machine 35 Steam Fixtures 34 ' ' Engines 34 Steel Quoins 4 Stereotype Outfits 39 Sticks, Composing 6 " Standard 43 St. John Take Slugs 7 Stones, Imposing 20 " " with table 20 Tablet Presses 27 Take Slugs 7 Tapes 39 Two-third Cases 13 Tweezers 1 Type Gauge 2 " Measures 39 " Wash and Lye 39 Washington Hand Press . . 30 Wire Stitcher 35 Wood Composing Sticks .... 6 " Galleys 11 " Furniture 39 Wood Type 39 " Cabinet 15 Shelves 19