THE ^XEMENTS OF LOGIC. BY T^ K. ABBOTT, B.D, FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. SECOND EDITION. DUBLIN : HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO., GRAFTON-STREET. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 1885. BCic f\3 DUBLIN : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY PONSONBY AND WELDRICK. 3 S^^^3 rn TO THE READER. In the following treatise I have endeavoured to unite conciseness and scientific accuracy, while adhering, as far as possible, to the traditional lines of the Aristotelian Logic. Critical discus- sions have been avoided, as out of place in a purely Elementary Treatise, but the student who desires to pursue the subject further will have nothing to unlearn. A few things have been in- cluded which could not with propriety have been omitted, even in an Elementary Treatise, but which may be passed over by the student who only seeks a minimum of knowledge of Logic. The paragraphs containing these are printed with close lines, and are (with insignificant exceptions) further distinguished in the Table of Contents by a prefixed [f]. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CONTENTS. N.B. Paragraphs printed closely^ and marked [f] in this Table, may be passed over by the beginner. PART FIRST. OF TERMS. PAGE Preliminary, . . 3 Of Terms in General, 3 Abstract of Concrete Terms, . . . . . . 4 Common, Singular, and Collective Terms, .... 5 Of Denotation and Connotation, 5 Of Abstraction and of Genus and Species, . . . . 7 ^ [t] Remarks on Concepts, 8 Non-connotative Terms, 8 Contradictory and Contrary Terms, 10 Clearness and Distinctness, 10 Of Definition, 11 Of Division, , , , , , , , . .12 viii CONTENTS. PART SECOND. OF SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS. PAGE Preliminary Definitions, 14 The Copula, 15 Quality of Propositions, 16 Quantity of Propositions, 16 Distribution of Terms, 18 [t] Quantification of the Predicate, 20 Of the Import of Propositions, 21 Verbal and Real, or Analytical and Synthetical Proposi- tions, 23 Copulative Propositions, 24 Modal Propositions, 25 APPENDIX TO PART II. [tj Of the Predicables, 26 [t] Of the Ten Categories, 27 PART THIRD. OF INFERENCES. CHAPTER I. 0/ Immediate Inferences, Subalternation, 29 Opposition, 30 Conversion, ......... 34 Contraposition, 36 Remarks on Conversion, 38 Of the Principle of Substitution, . . . . -39 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER 11. 0/ Mediate Reasoning, o?' Syllogism. PAGE Of Mediate Reasoning Generally, 40 General Rules of Syllogism, 42 [t] Inferences from premisses with Undistributed Middle, . 44 K: Of the Four Figures, 44 Special Rules of the Four Figures, 47 [t] Remark on the Special use of each Figure, ... 50 OfMoods, 51 [t] Remark on the Validity of the Moods enumerated, . . 53 Of Aristotle' s Dictum, 55 OfReduction, 57 [t] Of Reductio ad Impossibile, 61 Of the Unfigured Syllogism, 62 Of the Enthymeme, 63 Of Sorites, . 63 CHAPTER HI. Of Complex Propositions and Syllogisms. Of Complex Propositions, . . . . . . 65 Of Complex Syllogisms, . 66 Conditional Syllogisms, . 67 Disjunctive Syllogisms, . 68 Of the Dilemma, . 69 Of the Reduction of Complex Syllogisms, . • 70 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. 0/ Probable Reasoning. Of Chains of Probability, .... Of Cumulative Probabilities, [ t] Of Inductive Reasoning, .... [t] Of the Logical Basis of Induction, [t] Mr. Mill's View of the Type of Reasoning, Of Analogy, PART FOURTH. CHAPTER I. Of Fallacies, Of Fallacies in General, Of Logical Fallacies, . Illicit Process, Undistributed Middle, . Two Middle Terms, Fallacies in Complex Syllogisms, Of Semi-logical Fallacies, . Ambiguous Terms, Composition and Division. Fallacy of Accident, Of Material Fallacies, . Ignoratio Elenchi, Petitio Principii, . Arguing in a Circle, A non causa pro causa, Fallacy of Many Questions, Fallacy of False Analogy, Argumentum ad Hominem, CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER II. Of Methods of Proof and of Exposition. PAGE Analytic and Synthetic Exposition, . . • • • '90 A priori and A posteriori Proof, 9^ Of Explanations and Deduction, ^^ ^ APPENDIX. Exercises, ^^ .101 Index, CORRIGENDA. Page 5., line 3 -^y^- Premisses ^ I E O, however, is illegitimate, for the , ^ term IS particular m its premiss and universal in the co Page 52, line 3. --/^?r twelve r y / Subcontrariety O Of Conversion. 135. Conversion is the transposition of the subject and predicate, so that the subject becomes predicate and the predicate becomes subject. The original is called the Convertend. The derived is called the Converse. 136. Conversion is Logical when the Converse follows from the Convertend. 137. Conversion is of three kinds ; simple, per accidens, and by Contraposition. 138. Conversion is simple when the quantity of the Con- verse is the same as the quantity of the Convertend, as : Some men are black (I) ; Some black things are men (I). 139. Conversion is per accidens when the Convertend is universal and the Converse is particular, as : All m.en are mortal (A) ; Some mortal things are men (I). PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 35 140. I is converted simply (into I) : From the proposition, ' Some lawyers are historians/ we may infer, ' Some historians are lawyers/ * Some As are B ' is converted to ^ Some Bs are A/ Both statements are equivalent to, * Some things are both A and B (or are AB'). 141. E is also converted simply (into E) : From the proposition, 'No savages are philosophers/ we may infer, * No philosophers are savages.' * No A is B' is converted to * No B is A.' Both statements express the same thing, viz.: 'Nothing is at once A and B (or is AB'), or the extension of A and that of B are mutually exclusive. 142. A cannot be converted simply, but is converted per accidens into I : From the proposition, * Every man is mortal/ we cannot infer, * Every mortal thing is a man.' 143. It has already been shown that the predicate of an affirmative proposition is particular ; thus, in the proposi- tion, * All men are mortal,' * mortal ' is taken in part of its extension ; * Men are amongst mortal things.' Hence when 'mortal' becomes the~iubject it is still particular, other- wise we should be reasoning from the particular to the universal, and therefore the proposition of which it is the subject is particular, ' Some mortal things are men.' 144. If we regard the mark of quantity, 'every,' 'all,' ' some,' as belonging to the subject, as it really does, we shall see that it is the subject of the original proposition that in becoming predicate loses its universality, and that, because we do not express the quantity of the predicate. 145. If we adopt the view that the predicate of an affir- 36 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. mative proposition may be quantified, we shall be able to convert A simply. ' All men are mortal ' becomes ' Some mortal things are all men,' or, in common language, ' Only mortal things are men.'* 146. O cannot be converted while it retains its quality, for its subject is particular ; and if made the predicate of the converse (which would be negative), it must needs be universal. We should thus be reasoning from part of the extension of a term to the whole {a particulari ad univer- sale), which is invalid. Thus, from * Some men are not learned ' we cannot infer * Some learned beings are not men,' nor any other proposition of which ' some learned ' is the subject. For nothing whatever has been asserted about learned beings.f 147. In order to convert O, we must therefore treat it as I, which we have seen we can always do by attaching the negative particle to the predicate (62). We then con- vert it by Contraposition. Of Contraposition, 148, Contraposition or Conversion by Contraposition consists in substituting for predicate and copula their contradictories and then converting. * It would usefully simplify the doctrine of conversion and connected processes if quantification of the predicate were admitted in this case at least, in which the Convertend logically leads to a universal predi- cate in the Converse. t Logicians who adopt the * quantification of the predicate ' convert O thus : ''Some As are not B ' is converted to ' No B is some A'; ex, gr, ' Some men are not learned ' is converted to ' No learned beings are some men.' PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 37 149. A may be contraposed simply, for its equipollent is E. Every A is B is equipollent with No A is not B ; and this is converted to No not-B is A = Whatever is not B is not A. 150 O may also be contraposed simply, since it is equi- pollent with I. Some As are not B is converted into Some things not B are A. Thus: Some men of genius are not learned becomes Some unlearned men are men of genius. 151. E by equipollence is A, and therefore is only con- traposed per accidens. No A is B becomes Some things not B are A. Thus: No idler is successful becomes Some of the unsuccessful are idlers. 152. I by equipollence becomes O, and therefore is not contraposed. 38 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. Remarks on Conversion. 153. {a) A universal affirmation sometimes seems as if it were convertible simply (A to A). All equilateral triangles are equiangular, and, All equiangular triangles are equila- teral. But the latter proposition is not inferred from the form of the first, but from the matter, i, e. from something we know, but which is not expressed. 154. There are, however, some cases, as shown above (86), in which the predicate is expressly made universal by the words * only,' 'alone,' etc. ; also where the proposition takes one of the forms that express identity (89), as : A is equal to B. 155. {b) In the case of propositions indicating depen- dence of one attribute on another (93), the meaning of the Convertend and that of the Converse are not identical; * Virtue is happiness' is not the same as * Happiness is virtue '; * Whatever is right is alone expedient' (or, * All the right is all the expedient') is different from 'Whatever is expedient is alone right ; (or, ' All the expedient is all the right ') ; or, * Whatever is not expedient is not right.' All these propositions affirm that right and expediency go together ; but the question is, by which quality are we to determine the presence of the other. One proposition states that expediency is the test of right, the other (the first) states that right is the test of expediency. No error arises from this difference, because it is usually clear which of the two attributes is supposed to be most easily recog- nized. 156. {c) 'Converse' and 'conversely' are often used with reference to two propositions in which, instead of PART. III.] OF INFERENCES. 39 the Copula we have a word (or words) expressing a more complex relation, and this word remains while the related terms change places ; ex. gr. ^ The truth of either contra- dictory follows from the falsity of the other, and con- versely, the falsity of either follows from the truth of the other.' The student must guard against confounding this with logical conversion. It would be more correct in such cases to use the term * vice versd.^ Of the Principle of Substitution. 157. There are some immediate inferences which, al- though obviously valid, and of frequent occurrence, pre- sent some difficulty when we try to bring them under any of the preceding heads. For example : * A negro is a man ; therefore, a sick negro is a sick man.* Or, again: ^ A horse is a sensitive animal ; therefore, he who tortures a horse tortures a sensitive animal.' 158. The principle which is employed in these cases is an extension of the principle of Subalternation. It is this : For any term used universally {i,e. distributively) less may substituted. Thus, wherever the name of the genus is used universally the name of the species may be substituted. This is obviously implied by the distribution of the term. What- ever is true of '• every' is true of each. 159. Accordingly, in the identical proposition, *A sick man is a sick man,' we may substitute for * man ' in the subject, * negro,' which is part of its extension. Similarly, in the identical proposition, ' He who tortures a sensitive 40 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. animal tortures a sensitive animal/ we substitute for * sen- sitive animal ' in the subject, where it is distributed, the term ' horse,' which is part of its extension. 1 60. On the other hand, it is a principle that — * For any term used particularly we may substitute a term of wider extension.' For it is clear that whatever is part of the less extension is part of the greater, 161. In both cases of substitution it is of course as- sumed that the words employed have a definite significa- tion, which is the same whatever the connexion in which they occur. This is not the case with words implying comparison. Thus : from * a cottage is a house ' we can- not infer * a huge cottage is a huge house ' ; or, again : from ' a tailor is a man ' we cannot infer that * the best of tailors is the best of men.' CHAPTER II. Of Mediate Reasonings or Syllogism, 162. Mediate Reasoning is the deduction of one propo- sition from two or more. All mediate reasoning may be reduced to Syllogism, which is the inference of one pro- position from two, in which, taken together, it is by the mere form of expression necessarily involved. Ex. gr. : Logic is a Science ; ^ All Sciencels are worthy of study ; therefore, Logic is worthy of study. PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 41 Here the reasoning does not depend on the meaning of the words, but is equally valid if we substitute sym- bols: 5^ ^ ly^-^^ • ^ ^S is M, Every M is P; therefore, S is P. 163. The conclusion before it is proved is called the duestion. The propositions from which it is deduced are the Premisses {propositiones praemissae). The Subject of the Conclusion is called the Minor Term. Its predicate is the Major Term. Both are called Extremes. 164. Syllogisms are either simple or complex. Simple syllogisms (otherwise called categorical) consist of simple propositions, i. e, such as assert absolutely, that is, without a condition. 165. In simple syllogisms, the coincidence or non- coincidence of the extremes is ascertained by comparing them with a third term, which is called the Middle Term. 166. The premiss in which the major term occurs is called the Major Premiss ; that in which the minor term occurs is the Minor Premiss. The order of the premisses is of no consequence ; but logicians commonly state the major first. 167. In representing syllogisms symbolically it is usual to employ S. (the initial of Subject) for the minor term, which is Subject of the conclusion ; P for the major term, which is Predicate of the conclusion, and M for the Middle. The conclusion, therefore, always appears as SP. The symbol .*. is used for * therefore ' (*.• is some- times used for * because '). 42 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. General Rules of Syllogism, 1 68. The general rules are those which are applicable to all syllogisms : — (i.) The middle term must be at least once universal; in other words, it must be distributed. For if it were undistributed (/. e. not taken universally), it might be taken in two different parts of its extension, and there would be really two middle terms. Thus in : All men are animals ; All horses are animals : the parts of the extension of ' animals * are different, and therefore we can deduce nothing as to the relation between *men' and * horses.' If this rule is violated, we have the fallacy of * Un dis-_ tribute d Middle.' 169. (2) An extreme must not be taken more universally in the conclusion than in the premisses ; in other words, if a term is universal in the conclusion, it must have been universal in the premisses. For otherwise we should be arguing from the part to the whole, or as it is called, a particidari ad imiversale. The violation of this rule is called Illicit Process, which may be either of the major or the minor. 170. Cor, Hence and from the preceding rule it appears that there must be at least one more universal term in the premisses than in the conclusion. For any term which is universal in the conclusion must have been universal in the premisses, and the middle term, in addition, must be once universal. 171. (3) From two negative premisses nothing follows. For if nothing is asserted in the premisses except that PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 43 the extremes are both excluded from the middle term, nothing has been implied as to their relation to each other. 172. (4) From two affirmative premisses a negative con- clusion cannot follow. For if what we assert of each of the extremes is either that it contains or is contained by the same middle (and therefore partially coincides with it), it is not thereby im- plied that either extreme excludes the other. 173. (5) If either premiss is negative, the conclusion is negative. For when what is asserted is only that one extreme either contains or is contained by the middle, which is excluded from the other extreme, it is not thereby implied that either extreme contains the other ; hence an affirma- tive conclusion cannot follow. 174. (6) From two particulars nothing follows. They must be either II or 01 or 10. In II all the terms are particular ; therefore the middle is undistributed, con- trary to the first rule. In 01 or 10 there is only one universal term, viz. the predicate of O, which must be the middle term ; there- fore there is no universal term in the conclusion. But as one premiss is negative, the conclusion, if any, would be negative, and therefore the major term in it universal. The major term, therefore would be particular in the pre- miss and universal in the conclusion, contrary to the second rule. '"""^75- (7) If either premiss is particular, the conclusion is particular. First Case : If both premisses are affirmative, they are A and I. Here there is only one universal term, viz. the 44 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC. [part hi. subject of A. This must be the middle term ; therefore there can be no universal term in the conclusion, which must be I. Second Case : One premiss is negative. In this case there are only two universal terms, viz. the predicate of the negative and the subject of the universal ; therefore there is but one in the conclusion (Ct?;'.). But as the con- clusion must be negative, its predicate will be universal and its subject particular, and this makes the conclusion particular. 176. This rule and the fifth are sometimes expressed together, thus : The conclusion follows the weaker part, the negative being considered weaker than the affirmative, and the particular weaker than the universal. ^ — 177. Although we cannot draw any conclusion in exten- sion from premisses with undistributed middle, yet we may sometimes draw an inference in Attribution. An example will show what this means : * Men have eyes ; insects have eyes ; therefore men have some attributes in common with insects.' Here we reason not about the classes men and insects having or not having individuals in common, but about the groups of attributes. The argument may be brought into the usual form by making the attribute the subject of both propositions, thus : To have eyes is an attri- bute of men ; to have eyes is an attribute of insects ; there- . fore some attribute of men is an attribute of insects. Of the Four Figures, I 178. The Figure of Syllogism is the disposition of the middle term in the premisses. 179. In the first figure the middle is subject of the major premiss, and predicate of the minor. In this case the ex- PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 45 tremes have the same position in the conclusion as in the premisses, S is M ; M is P ; /. S is P. Ex, gr, Lo3ic is a Science ; ^ All Sci6iices are worthy of study ; .*. Logic is worthy of study. S 7D 180. The principle of this figure is: Whatever is uni- versally predicated (affirmatively or negatively) of a com- mon term may be similarly (J.e, affirmatively or negatively) predicated of anything contained under that term. It may be expressed otherwise, thus : Whatever comes under the condition of a rule comes under the rule. Every M is P (or not P) ; S is M V V ^ .-.Sis P (or not P). * 1 8 1 . In the second figure the middle is predicate of both premisses. In this case the major term is differently placed in the premiss and in the conclusion : No fish breaj^he in air ; Whiles breathe in air ; .'.Whales are not fish. All fish breathe in water ; Whales do not breathe in water ; .-.Whales are not fish. 182. The principle of this figure is : If an attribute is Or, 46 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. predicated affirmatively or negatively of every member of a class, then any subject of which it cannot be so predicated does not belong to that class : Every P is M (or not M) ; S is not M (or is M) ; .-.S is not P. 183. In the third figure, the middle term is subject of both premisses. In this case the minor term occupies a different place in the premiss and in the conclusion ; ex. gr, : .Bats fly ; HBats are not birds ; C.'.Some things that fly are not birds. s ^ 184. The principle of this figure is: If anything which belongs to a certain class possesses a certain attribute (positive or negative), then that attribute is not incompa- tible with the attributes of that class : MisS; M is P (or not P) .'.Some S is P (or not P). (This represents M as singular ; if it is a common term, of course, in one premiss we must have 'Every M.') 185. In the fourth figure the middle term is predicate of the major premiss, and subject of the minor. In this case both extremes are differently placed in the premisses and in the conclusions ; ex. gr. : Every P is M ; No M is S ; .'.Seme S is Hot P. PART III.] OF INFFjRFNCES. 47 1 86. The diagrams of the four figures are : Fir^t. Second. Third. Fourth. ib*< Mgr^; , . PM^ls^^W^T^E. PM ,j^^' SM fcv^oc-^^SM-m^^'; "Us'' MS >r..- sF^^-r^-v^-SP ^ SP Special Rules of the Four Figures, 187. Special Rules are those which are applicable only to particular figures. 188. The Special Rules of the First Figure are: Q / . (i) The minor_must be affirmative. X^' - (2) The liiajor must be universal. ' 189. (i) The minor must be affirmative. For if it were negative, the major must be affirmative and its predicate particular ; and the conclusion would be negative and its predicate universal ; but the predicate of the major pre- miss and the predicate of the conclusion are the same, viz. the major term, which would thus be particular in the premiss and universal in the conclusion, contrary to the second general rule. 190. (2) The major must be universal. For, since the minor is affirmative, its predicate, which is the middle term, is particular; it must, therefore, be universal in the major premiss, where it is the subject, and makes that proposition universal. 191. Note. — These rules are manifest at once from the diagram : MP SM sp" 48 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. If P is universal in the conclusion, it must have been universal in the premiss, i, e. if the conclusion is negative, it was the major premiss that was negative. The second rule is seen at once from the position of M. In this figure the major is the general principle, and the minor brings a case under the condition of the rule. 192. The Special Rules of the Second Figure are : ( 1 ) One of the premisses (and therefore the con- clusion) must be negative. (2) The major premiss must be universal. '93- (0 One of the premisses must be negative. For the middle term is predicate of both ; and if both were affirmative, the middle would be undistributed. 194. (2) The major must be universal. For, since one conclusion is negative its predicate is universal ; there- fore, it must have been universal in the major premiss, where it is subject, and makes that premiss universal. 195. Note. — These rules are manifest from the dia- gram : PM SM SP 196. The Special Rules of the Third Figure are : (i) The minor must be affirmative. (2) The conclusion must be particular. 197. (i) The minor must be affirmative. This is proved as in the first figure, the position of the major term being the same in these two figures. 198. (2) The conclusion is particular. For the minor PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 49 being affirmative, its predicate, which is the minor- term, is particular ; it is therefore particular in the conclusion, of which it is subject, and therefore the conclusion is par- ticular. Note. — These rules will be seen at once from the dia- gram: MP MS sF 200. The Special Rules of the Fourth Figure are : (i) Wlien the major is affirmative, the minor is universal. (2) When the minor is affirmative, the conclusion is particular. (3) In negative moods (?*. e. when the conclusion is negative), the major is universal. 201. (i) When the major is affirmative the minor is uni- versal. For if the major is affirmative, its predicate, which ,is the middle term, is particular; therefore it must be,^ universal in the minor premiss, where it is subject, and makes that premiss universal. 202. (2) When the minor is affirmative the conclusion is particular. For the predicate of the minor premiss is subject of the conclusion, and if particular in the premiss {i. e, if the minor is affirmative), it is particular in the con- clusion (/. e, the conclusion is particular). 2*^3- (3) ^^ negative moods the major must be uni- versal. For if the conclusion is negative, its predicate, the major term, is universal ; therefore it must have been universal in the premiss, where it is subject, and there- fore that premiss is universal. D so THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iii. 204. The diagram makes these rules manifest : MP MS SP Note. — These rules are all hypothetical ; because each term being once subject and once predicate, we are com- pelled to argue from quality to quantity, or vice versa. Of course the rules might be converted, and we might say, ex,gr. If the minor is particular the major must be nega- tive, &c. Remark, 205. It will be observed that the first figure is the only one in which the conclusion A can be drawn. In the second figure the conclusion must be negative ; in the third, par- ticular, in the fourth, either negative or particular. We may prove this directly as follows: 206. If the conclusion is A the premisses must be A A (by the general rules). The only universal terms here are the two subjects. Now as the minor is universal in the conclusion A, it must have been universal in the minor premiss ; therefore it is its subject, and the predicate which is particular is the middle term; this term must therefore be universal in the major premiss, and is there- fore its subject. The syllogism then is in the first figure. 207. This is not of itself a reason for regarding the first figure as preferable to the others. If our premisses justify only a negative or particular conclusion, then to prefer the first figure, because with other premisses it would give a conclusion A, is like choosing to walk on the high road when it is not the nearest way, because it is wide enough for a coach and four. 208. On the other hand, if we have a premiss O we cannot use the first figure (except by taking instead of O its equipollent I). 209. In fact each of the three first figures has its ap- propriate use. The first must be used when we have to PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 5 1 establish an A conclusion, and in general when we refer a case or class of cases to a general rule. 210. The second figure is used when we wish to prove that certain things do not belong to a certain class, be- cause they differ from that class either by the possession or the want of some attribute. The name of this attribute is naturally predicated of both extremes. 211. The third figure is useful when we wish to disprove a proposition alleged or assumed to be universal. This we do by establishing an exception to it. In such argu- ments the middle is likely to be either a singular term or the name of a definite class, and as a singular or definite term can only be subject of a proposition, the argument falls naturally into the third figure. 212. The fourth figure alone has no appropriate use, being in fact a perverse mode of expressing reasoning which falls naturally into another figure. Of Moods. 213. Mood is the determination of the propositions of the syllogism as to quantity and quality. 214. As each of the three propositions, if considered by itself, may have four varieties, A, E, I, O, the number of arrangements arithmetically possible is 4 x 4 x 4 = 64. But most of these are logically impossible as violating the general rules. The number of legitimate moods may be ascertained logically as follows : 215. If the major is A the minor may be A, E, I, O. ]S^ the major is E the minor must be A or I. If the major is I the minor must be A or E. jf the major is O the minor must be A. Hence we have nine possible sets of pre- misses. Now as to the conclusion : if the premisses are universal (AA, AE, EA), the conclusion may be either D2 52 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. particular or universal ; in all other cases the quantity and quality of the conclusion are determined by those of the premisses. ^ We have, therefore, ^Iwelve legitimate moods ; but only eleven of these are useful, for the mood AEO is always useless (when legitimate), since as the minor term is universal in the minor premiss, whether it be subject or predicate, the conclusion may be E. The mood EAO is useless in the first and second figures, as the minor term is subject of its premiss, and therefore the conclusion may be E. Lastly AAI is useless in the first figure, where the premisses AA justify a conclusion A. 216. Now% let us test these moods by the special rules, in order to see which of them are admissible in each figure. The first figure can have as major only A or E, and as minor A or I. Hence we have the fourmoods, AAA, ^ftTEAE, ElO.^^^J^f^*^ 217. The second figure may have A or E as major. If major be A the minor is E or O, and the conclusion E or O accordingly. If major be E, minor may be A with con- clusion E, or I with conclusion O. Hence we have as moods of the second figure i." ,rr^v.t,. , v^ y- , 218. In the third figure the minor is A or I. The major is unrestricted, but the conclusion is particular. Hence the moods are AAI, All, EAO, EIO, lAI, OAp.Wr^^<^^ 219. In the fourth figure the major may be A, E, or I. With major A the minor is A or E (first special rule). With minor A conclusion is I (second special rule) ; and with minor E conclusion is E (O being useless). PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 53 With major E minor is A or I; and in either case the conclusion is O (second rule). With major I minor is A (third rule) and conclusion I. Hence we have in the fourth figure AAI, AEE, EAO, EIO, lAI. mr -hj^^ i-**^ 220. These moods all have settled names which are contained in the following mnemonic lines : Barbara^ Celarent^ Darn, Fen'oque prioris Cesarey CamestreSy FestinOy Baroko secundae : Tertia Daraptiy Disamis, Datisi, Felapton, Bokardo, Ferison, habet ; quarta insuper addit Bramantipy Camenes, Dimaris, Fesapo, Fresison, The vowels of these names indicate the nature of the pro- positions ; some of the consonants have a signification which will appear presently. Remark, 221. Strictly speaking we have only proved that these moods do not contradict any of the rules. But that they are also all conclusive in their proper figures appears at once from a comparison with the rules of the figures. 222. In the first figure something is in the major predi- cated universally of a class (A or E) ; in the minor some- thing is asserted to belong to that class (A or I), and hence in the conclusion we may predicate of it what we have predicated of the class, the quality of the conclusion being the same as of the major premiss, its quantity that of the minor. 223. In the second figure we assert in the minor that something possesses universally or particularly (A or I) an attribute which a certain class lacks (E), or else that it lacks (E or O) an attribute which the class possesses (A). Hence we may conclude that the thing spoken of is excluded from that class, universally or particularly, according to the quantity of the minor. 54 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part ni. 224. In the third figure we assert in the major that cer- tain things possess a certain attribute, positive or negative (A, E, I, or O), and in the minor that they belong (A or I) to a certain class. (The distribution of the middle insures that we speak of the same things.) Hence we may infer that some members of this class possess the given attribute, positive or negative (I or O). 225. In the fourth figure the moods Bramantip, Camenes, Dimaris, are the same respectively as Barbara, Celarent, and Darii of the first figure, only that the conclusion, in- stead of being the direct conclusion of the first figure, is its converse. The remaining moods of the fourth figure, Fesapo and Fresison, are really the same as Felapton and Ferison, respectively, in the third figure, only that instead of the real major its simple converse is used. These five moods then are valid. Examples of ■ the Moods, 9 226. Examples of these moods follow : 227. First Figure. Every M is P Bar Every M is P Da Every S is M ba Some S is M xi .• . Every S is P ra .-. Some S is P i No M is P Ce No M is P Fe Every S is M la Some S is M ri .* . No S is P rent .-. Some S is not P 228. Second figure. NoPisM* ^ Ce Every P is M 0am \ Every % is M r*; sa No S is M es .* . No S is P - re .-.NoSisP tres No P is M Fes Every P is M" Ba Some S is M ti Some S is not M ro . Some S is not P no .*. Some S is not P ko PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 5S A 229. Third Figure . Every M is P Every M is S .-. Some S is IV Da rap ti Every M is P Some M is S .*. Some S is P Da tis i A .t No M is P \ Fe f I No M is P Fe £ " Every M is S lap ' .•. Some S is not P ton , yy Some M is S .-. Some S is not P ris on 1 Some M is P Dis: Some M is not P Bok Every M is S .% Some S is P am / is T Every M is S .-. Some S is not P ar do A 230. Fourth Figure. . Every P is M Bram Some P is M . Dim Every M is S ,*. Some S is P an tip Every M is S .-.Some Sis P ar is / Every P is M Cam No -S is M e ••• No S is I * nes i NoPisM Fes No P is M Fres , ' '. Every M is S ap \\ Some S is not P Some M is S .-. Some Sis notP is on Of Aristotle' s Dictum. 231. Aristotle (and after him other logicians) sought to bring all mediate reasoning under a single principle, to show, in fact, that the process is in every case essentially one and the same. 232. According to this view all reasoning consists in applying a general rule to a particular case or group of cases. The. general rule is the universal major; the 56 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. affirmative minor brings the particular case under the con- dition of the rule, and in the conclusion it is inferred that it comes under the rule itself. This, as will be seen pre- sently, is not limited to simple syllogisms. 233. As applied to these, the formal principle of the reasoning may be stated thus : Whatever belongs to an attribute of a thing belongs to the thing itself. ' » Or as it is stated by Aristotle — Whatever is said of the predicate shall be said also of the subject.''^ 234 From this can be deduced the ordinary form of the Dictum de Omni et de Nullo, ' Whatever belongs to or contradicts the class belongs to or contradicts all the objects contained under the class.' For the meaning of the class name is the group of attributes belonging to the class.f 235. This principle is directly applicable to the first figure only; and in order to show that it applies to the other figures we must reduce them to the first figure. 236. The problem of reduction in any given case is : given. premisses and a conclusion, which, as they stand, are not in the first figure, to deduce" from the given pre- ^ misses the required conclusion by a syllogism in the first figure. The mood to be reduced is the reducend ; that to wiiich it is reduced is the reduct. * "Oca Korra. rov KaT7iyopovjj.4uov Xeyerai Trdvra Koi Kara rod v'jroK€i- jxeyov ^7]dr}a'€Tai. t The Dictum is given by Aristotle as a definition of kutol iravrhs KarriyopeLffdai* PART III.] OF INFERENCES. . C^lJFO^^'*^ Of Reduction. 237. Reduction is ostensive when the conclusion obtained in the first figure is either the same as that required or yields it by conversion. 238. Any mood which has not O as a premiss may be readily brought into the first figure by Ostensive reduction. > If O is a premiss it must be treated as I. / 239. In the second figure (PM, SM, SP), the premisses do not of themselves show which term is predicate and which subject of the conclusion. If the given minor is affirmative, we have only to convert the major simply (it being always universal and in this case negative). This applies to Ce^are and Festino ; the s indicates simple con- version of the preceding E, and the initials show that the moods are reduced to Celarent and Ferio respectively. Thus : No P isM Ex. gr. No fish breathe in air : .*•. No M is P .'. Nothing breathing in air is a fish : S (some or all) is M Whales breathe in air : .*. S (some or all) is not P. .*. Whales are not fish. (N. B. — In this and other examples the propositions which do not belong to the first figure are in italics.) ^240. If the given minor is E it cannot be a minor in the first figure; it must, therefore, be treated as major and converted simply. The conclusion, which will be E, will have to be converted, in order to give the required con- clusion. This applies to Camestres. In this name, m indi- cates the interchange of premisses (* metathesis ') ; ^ in the premisses the conversion (simple) of the preceding E ; s after the conclusion, the conversion not of this conclusion ^3 58 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. but of that obtained in the first figure. The reduct mood is Celarent. Thus : Every P is M Ex. gr. All fish breathe in water : No S is M No whales breathe in water : ,\ No M is S .*. Nothing breathing in water is a whale : ,•. No P is S .'. No fish is a whale : ,', No S is P, .'. No whale is a fish, 241. This might be reduced by converting the major by contraposition. Thus : Every P is M All fish "breathe in water : ,\ No not-M is P .*. Nothing that does not breathe in water is a fish : Every S is not-M Whales do not breathe in water: .*. No S is P. .'. Whales are not fish. 242. If the given minor is O, it cannot stand in the first figure either as major or minor. We must, therefore, treat it as I, and convert the major by contraposition. Thus : All poets are men of genius : .', No man not a man of genius is a poet : Some rhymesters are not men of genius : .\ Some rhymesters are not poets. All P is M .-. No not-M is P Some S is not M .'. Some S is not P. The reduct is in Ferio ; and if c were used to indicate con- version by contraposition, and y to indicate the change of O to its equipolent I, the name might be Facoyro. This corresponds to the second mode of reducing Camestres. PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 59 243. In the third figure (MP, MS, SP), as in the second, the premisses do not determine which is the subject and which the predicate of the conclusion. If the major is universal, we have only to convert the minor, which is always affirmative. This is the case in Darapti, Datisi Felapton, and Ferison. The s in Datisi and Ferison indi- cates simple conversion of the I minor ; p in Darapti and Felapton indicates conversion of the A minor per acci- dens. 244. If the major is particular, it cannot stand as such in the first figure ; it must be treated as a minor, and, as in the preceding case, converted ; if I, simply ; if O, by contraposition ; and the conclusion will give by conversion the conclusion of the proposed syllogism. This is the case in Disamis and Bokardo. In order that the name of the latter should indicate this mode of reduction it should be Docamos, using c, as before, to indicate conversion by contraposition. In this case the conclusion obtained in the first figure is I, and has to be simply converted ; and the negative, which will then be in the predicate, must be attached to the copula, but this involves no change in expression. Thus : Every M is P (or not P) All ants ire invertebrate (or not vertebrate) : M {all or some) is S Ants {all or some) are sagacious : .*. Some S is M .*. Some sagacious things are ants : .*. Some S is P (or not P). .*. Some sagacious things are inver- tebrate (or not vertebrate). 245. This example represents Darapti, Datisi, Felapton, and Ferison. If the conclusion were, * Some invertebrates are sagacious,' it would be Disamis. 6o THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. The following represents Disamis and Bokardo : Some M is P Some histories are amusing : .*. Some P is M .*. Some amusing books are histories : Every M is S All histories are instructive ; .'. Some P is S .*. Some amusing books are instructive : .*. Some S is P. .*. Some instructive hooks are amusing. By reading * not P ' for ' P,' we have Bokardo : Some M is not P Some histories are not amusing : .'. Some not-P is M .*. Some books not amusing are histories :• Every M is S All histories are instructive : .-. Some not-P is S .*. Some books not amusing are instructive : .*. Some S is not P, .'. Some instructive books are not amusing. The process is obviously the same in substance in all the moods. ^ 246. When the middle term is singular, or the name of a definite group, the reduction of the third figure is awk- ward and unnatural ; ex, gr, : X is a recent poet : X is a poet of the first rank ; .*. Some recent poet is of the first rank. In order to reduce this we must convert the minor into, One recent poet is X. ^^' ^ The awkwardness appears in the first of the previous examples. We really predicate of ants that they are sagacious, not of sagacious things that they are ants. 247 In the fourth figure (PM, MS, SP), if the major is affirmative and the minor consequently universal, they must be treated as minor and major respectively, i. e. we make the conclusion PS, which may be then converted into SP (for it will not be O ; since in negative moods the given PART III.] OF INFERENCES, 6i major is universal, and therefore P may be universal in the conclusion). This is the case in Bramantip, Camenes, and Dimaris. The/ in Bramantip means that the con- clusion A obtained in Barbara (to which this mood is reduced) is converted per accidens. 248. If the major is negative (E) it cannot be minor in the first figure ; in this case, therefore, both premisses are converted. This is the case of Fesapo and Fresison. 249. It will have been observed that the initial letter of the mood of the reducend is the same as that of the reduct ; that s shows that the premiss preceding is to be converted simply ; p that it is to be converted per accidens ; m that the premisses have to be transposed, or rather that they change names, since the order is indiff*erent. In the con- clusion s and p refer to the conclusion in the first figure, which has to be converted to give the required conclusion. Of Redudio ad Impossilile, 250. The names of Baroko and Bokardo indicate a different and more complex mode of reduction, viz. : the contradictory of the conclusion is substituted for the O premiss, and from this and the retained premiss A we deduce in the first figure and mode Barbara a conclusion, A, which contradicts the given O premiss. Since this conclusion contradicts a premiss which is given true, it must be false, therefore one of the premisses from which we inferred it is false ; and, as one was given true, the falsity must be in the substituted premiss, which contra- dicts the required conclusion. Therefore this conclusion is true. This reduction is called Reductio ad impossibile. 251. Stated more shortly the reasoning would stand thus : Baroko : Every P is M : Some S is not M : /. Some S is not P. 62 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. This is reduced to, Every P is M. Therefore, if Every S is P, then (by Barbara), Every S is M. But this is false, for Some S is not M ; .*. it is false that Every S is P, i. e, it is true that Some S is not P. 252. This is unsatisfactory, for we have here got a con- ditional syllogism, the reduction of which to a categorical form would give us back the original syllogism. 0/ the Unfigtired Syllogism, 253. Those logicians who adopt the principle of quan- tifying the predicate escape the complexity of the figures. For, as already shown, every proposition is on that view an equation or a statement of inequality. These logicians consequently found syllogism on the following axioms : — Terms which coincide as to their extension with a third term coincide with each other. Terms of which one coincides "with, and the other is excluded from, the extension of the same third term are excluded from each other. If two terms are both excluded from one and the same third term, we can infer nothing as to their relation to each other. ^ 254. On this doctrine all categorical syllogisms are of the type, A is equal to B : B is equal to C : .*. A is equal to C. PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 63 Or for negatives — A is equal to B. B is not equal to C : .*. A is not equal to C. The order of the terms in each premiss is indifferent, and consequently there is no distinction between major and minor. 255. It should be observed that whatever opinion is adopted about the quantification of the predicate in gene- ral, this is the form of the syllogism -in mathematical reasoning, and in other cases where the premisses are propositions in identity. Of the Enthymeme. 256. An Enthymeme is a syllogism of which one premiss is suppressed, as : A is B .*. A is C. The expressed premiss is called the Antecedent, and the conclusion is called the Consequent. If the subject of the consequent appears in the antecedent, this is the minor, and the major is sup- pressed ; if the predicate of the consequent appears in the antecedent, this is the major, and the minor is suppressed. Note. — This is the commonly accepted meaning of ' enthymeme,' but it seems to have originated in a false etymology, as if the word were derived from Iv Ov/jlw, from one premiss being in the mind. It is really derived from the verb iv6vfjL€(o. Aristotle used it to mean an argument from signs and likelihoods. Of Sorites. 257. A Sorites is a chain of reasoning consisting of a series of syllogisms in which each intermediate conclusion is not expressed, but is assumed as a premiss of the suc- ceeding syllogism. 64 ^ THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iii. Usually the syllogisms are in the first figure, and then the predicate of each premiss is the subject of the next, and the predicate of the last is in the conclusion predi- cated of the first subject. Ex, gr. : (Suppressed conclusions used as minor premisses.) AisB Every B is C .-. A is C Every C is D .-. A is D. Every D is E A is E. 258. The Sorites in the first figure has two Special Bules. The first premiss alone can be particular. The last premiss alone can be negative. 259. The first alone can be particular. When the So- rites is resolved into syllogisms, the first premiss is the minor of the first syllogism, but the minor of every other is the (suppressed) conclusion of the preceding; for the subject of the first premiss is the subject of every conclu- sion. All the expressed premisses after the first, being therefore majors in the first figure, must be universal. 260. The last alone can be negative. For if any pre- miss were negative, the conclusion of the syllogism would be negative; but it is the minor of the succeeding one, and therefore must be afiirmative. PART III.] OF INFERENCES. * 65 CHAPTER III. Of Complex Propositions, 261. Complex Propositions are those which combine two or more simple propositions in such a way that the truth or falsity of one is said to depend on the truth or falsity of the other or others. They are divided into Conditional (or Hypothetical) and Disjunctive. 262. A Conditional Proposition is one which asserts that the truth of one proposition depends on the truth of another. If A is B, it is C: If A is B,*C isD: If A is B, either C is D or E is F. The dependent proposition is called the Consequent, that on which it depends is the Antecedent. 263. The truth of a Conditional proposition does not depend on the truth of the separate propositions; it only requires that the consequent follow from the antecedent. 264. The antecedent may be related to the consequent," as Reason to Consequence or as Cause to Effect. Ex. gr, : If there is dust in the air, a beam of light passing through it is visible (Relation of Cause to Effect). If a beam of light is visible, there is dust in the air (Relation of Reason and Consequence). 265. A conditional which has only three terms may often (if these are common terms) be reduced to a simple pro- 66 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC [part hi. position. * If A is B it is C ' cannot express a consequence formally conclusive unless * Every AB is AC Thus, the first of the preceding propositions is equivalent to, * Dusty air makes light visible ' ; and the second to, * Dusty air alone makes light visible*. The converse by contraposition of 'Every AB is AC is * Whatever is not AC is not AB', equivalent to, * If A is not C it is not B'. This may, therefore, be called the con- verse of the original conditional. 266. In a DisJTinctive Proposition the truth of one of the component propositions depends on the falsity of the other (or others) ; ex, gr, : A is either B, or C, or D : Either A is B, or C is D, or E is F. .267. Disjunctives may be reduced to conditionals, thus : * A is either B or C ' is equivalent to two conditionals, viz., ' If A is not B it is C,' and ' If A is not C it is B'; the latter of which is the converse of the former. 268. It is generally held by logicians that in a disjunc- tive not only does the truth of one member depend on the falsity of the other, but also the falsity of all but one de- pends on the truth of that one ; so that, * A is either B or C ' would include, besides the two propositions given above, these two : * If A is B it is not C\ and its converse, af Ais C it is not B\ 0/ Complex Syllogisms. 269. A Complex Syllogism is one in which one or more complex propositions occur. As complex propositions are of two kinds. Conditional and Disjunctive, so complex syllogisms will be of two PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 67 kinds, conditional and disjunctive. If one premiss only is complex, it is called the major, and the simple premiss is the minor. If one premiss is conditional and the other disjunctive, the conditional premiss is called the major. Of Conditional Syllogisms. 270. The most usual form of a conditional syllogism is where one premiss only (called the major) is conditional, the minor being simple. There are then two legitimate forms of reasoning. From the position, /. e, assertion, of the antecedent to the position, i. e. assertion, of the conse- quent ; and, From the remotion, i, e, denial, of the conse- quent, to the remotion, 2*. e. denial, of the antecedent. Thus, if the major is : If A is B, C is D, we may reason thus : AisB; .-.C isD. Or, C is not D ; .'.A is not B. Ex. gr, : If a man is shot through the heart he dies ; X is shot through the heart, therefore he dies. Or, X did not die, therefore he was not shot through the heart. 271. It would be illegitimate to reason from the asser- tion of the consequent to the assertion of the antecedent, as : X died, therefore he was shot through the heart. It is also illegitimate to reason from the denial of the antecedent to the denial of the consequent, as : X was not shot through the heart, therefore he will not die. 68 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part hi. For it is not asserted that the consequent may not follow from other antecedents also. 272. If both premisses are conditional, the conclusion will be conditional. Ex, gr, : IfAisB, CisD: If C isD, E is F: .-.IfAisB, Eis F. Of Disjunctive Syllogisms, 273. A Disjunctive Syllogism is one which has a dis- junctive major and a simple minor. Ex, gr, : Either A is B or C is D : But A is not B; .-.C is D. If the disjunctive premiss has only two members, we may reason from the denial of either to the assertion of the others. If there are several members, we may reason from the denial of all but one to the assertion of that one, or from the denial of all but two or more to the assertion of these disjunctively. Ex, gr, : * A successful man must have talents, industry, or good fortune \ * So-and-so, who is successful, has neither talents nor industry; therefore he has good fortune'. Or, * So-and-so has not talents ; there- fore he has either industry or good fortune '. 274. Logicians generally assume, as already stated, that the members of a disjunctive proposition are mutually exclusive, so that no two can be together asserted of the subject. If this is the case, we have a second valid form of reasoning, namely, from the assertion of one member to the denial of the rest. It follows, on this view, that if PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 69 we do not intend to exclude the possibility of two or more of the suppositions being true together, we must enume- rate in the disjunctive all the possible combinations. * A is either B (only) or C (only), or both B and C\ With three suppositions, as in the example above given, w*e should have seven members. ^ 275. This view, however, does not agree wil^b nary use of language ; and in the cases in whi infer from the assertion of one member the den| rest, it is not from the form of the expression the terms are opposed), but from our knowledge of the matter. t Of the Dilemma. 276. A Dilemma is defined as a syllogism which has a conditional major premiss, with more than one antecedent, and a disjunctive minor. Ex. gr, : If either A is B or C is D, X is Y : But either A is B or C is D : ' .-.JCisY. If AisB, C is D; and ifEis F, X is Y: ^--^ But either A is B or E is F : '-V%^^w^5x5'' 125" 125' This is the case of what is called Cumulative evidence or testimony. When probabilities have to be balanced, i,e, when there are reasons or evidence on both sides, the calculation is more difficult. PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 75 291. It deserves to be remarked that a conditional pro- position, which expresses only a probable consequence, cannot be converted. From If A is B, it is probably D, we cannot infer, If A is not D, it is probably not B. For the latter is, as has been shown, the converse by con- traposition of the former. But if the former is only pro- bable it becomes, when put into a categorical form, I (' Some or Most B is D'), and I cannot be converted by contraposition. Even if it takes the form, * Most B is D ', we could not infer that there were amongst the not-D's any things that were not B. From * Most University students are not honormen ' we cannot infer that there are any honormen who are not University students. Of Inductive Reasoning, 292. Induction proceeds from particulars to particulars, or from particulars to generals. It assumes two principles: First — Whatever begins to exist has a cause. Second— Whenever the same circumstances occur the same result will occur, i, e. the same causes always pro- duce the same effects, ' cause ' being understood as in- cluding everything that may influence the effect. 293. This latter principle is the principle of Uniformity of Nature, and is the principle on which we act every time that we take food, or use any object, or in fact perform an action for any purpose whatever. The converse of this principle is obviously not true, since difl'erent causes may produce the same effect. E2 76 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iit. 294. A special case of the principle of Uniformity of Nature is the principle of Continuity, viz., that when a certain relation is found to exist between the variations of the cause and those of the effect in several instances, the same relation, or one including it, exists in all the inter- mediate instances. 295. The following example illustrates the process of inductive reasoning : — Having read certain works of a novelist, and finding them witty and brilliant, we expect to find the same qualities in other works of the same author. In this inference we pass through an intermediate stage. Thus we first conclude that the author of these works possesses wit and talents, and then we infer from this, that his other works will display the same characters. That is to say, we reason first from the effects to the cause, and then from the cause to the effects. 296. So again, from the past mortality of all men we infer the mortality of men now living. Why .? First, the mortality of men in all circumstances justifies us in con- cluding that it is the effect of something not peculiar to this or that man, place or circumstance, but belonging to human nature ; and hence again we are justified in infer- ring that wherever human nature is found mortality be- longs to it. This conclusion is further confirmed by other considerations ; for example, similar experience in other animals, which enables us to say that the * something ' is not even peculiar to human nature, and again, the obser- vation that death is only the climax of a series of changes always going on. 297. So also Newton, in establishing the law of gravita- tion, first ascended to the cause of the moon's revolution round the earth, i. e. the attractive force of the earth. He found, deductively, the law of this force. He then argued (from continuity) that a force which operates all through the moon's orbit at varying distances from the earth, according to a certain ratio, probably operates at other distances also, according to the same ratio, down even to the surface of the earth. It was easy to calculate what its amount at the surface would be, and this proved PART III.] OF INFERENCES. 77 to be exactly equal to the force which actually exists there, and which is, like the former, directed to the earth's centre. This coincidence was sufficient to prove the continuity of the law of attraction, at least to a high degree of proba- bility. And this probability became certainty when it was found that the same law prevailed in other parts of space. Of the Logical Basts of Induction. 298. The principles on which Induction rests are not themselves capable of proof, strictly so called. The prin- ciple of Uniformity of Nature makes a general statement as to the Unknown, viz., that in certain respects it resem- bles the Known ; and this statement cannot be proved by either logic or experience, without taking for granted the very principle itself. 299. It is a question amongst logicians whether Induc- tion can be brought under Deduction or not. If it is so, it must be by taking as a major premiss some form of the principle of Uniformity just stated. It comes to the same thing if we enumerate certain cases, and then assert that these are all the cases ; ex. gr., Mars, Jupiter, Venus, etc., revolve round the sun in ellipses. These are (= constitute) all the planets ; .*. All planets revolve round the sun in ellipses. In most cases we cannot enumerate all the in- stances ; and the statement, ^ These are all ', means that for the purpose of the present argument these may be taken as representing all ; u e. that all the others may be , supposed to resemble these. This involves the principle of Uniformity. The question, what condition must be ful- filled in order that this reasoning may be valid, does not belong to Formal but to Applied Logic. Mr. MiWs View of the Type of Reasoning, 300. Mr. Mill considers that the true type of reasoning is that which proceeds from particulars to particulars, and, consequently, is not conclusive from the form of the ex- 78 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iii. pression. The universal proposition interposed as a major is, according to his view, not really a stage in the inference, but merely a convenient memorandum of past inferences, and a short formula for making more. When we say ^ All men are mortal ; Jones is a man ; .'.Jones is mortal', we do not infer the mortality of Jones from that of * All men (including Jones'), but from the observed mortality of all men hitherto. The major, ' All men are mortal ', means that we are justified in inferring from our past experience that any given man is mortal. Hence Mr. Mill regards syllogism as a process of interpretation (of our major), not as a process of inference. It is useful, therefore, as a test of the correctness of the reasoning by which we established the major. 301. This view may be applied to syllogisms in which the reasoning consists in bringing a particular case or group of cases under a general rule, 2*. e, to syllogisms which fall naturally into the first figure. It does not apply to syllogisms in the third figure with a definite middle. Of Analogy. 302. Analogy is an argument in which from the resem- blance of two things in certain respects we infer their resemblance in others ; ex. gr. : if from the fact that Mars has many points of resemblance to the Earth we conclude that it is probably inhabited. It is from analogy we con- clude that vertebrate animals (or even that other persons) feel pain as we do. Or the things compared may not be objects, but relations of objects. In this sense analogy is the resemblance of relations. 303. The term Analogy is, however, frequently used to signify imperfect induction, and by older writers to signify complete induction. ( 79 ) PART FOURTH CHAPTER I. Of Fallacies. 304. A fallacy is an unsound argument. The unsound- ness maybe either — (i). In the reasoning considered in itself without regard to anything outside it; or, (2). In the reasoning considered in relation to a definite ques- tion proposed — as, for instance, the refutation of a given opinion. 305. The first class includes the fallacies in Expression. The second includes fallacies in the Matter. 306. The former class is again subdivided into fallacies which, in the form of the expression, violate the rules of logic, and fallacies which covertly violate them ; that is to say, in which the violation appears only where the mean- ing of the terms is explained. These are called respec- tively Logical and Semi-logical fallacies. The latter are also called fallacies in dictione, i, e, in the wording. Of Logical Fallacies, 307. Of strictly logical fallacies (otherwise called para- logisms) there might be as many species as there are 80 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. general rules of syllogism, which may be separately vio- lated. There are, however, only three that deserve special enumeration here, viz., Illicit Process (taking a term more universally in the conclusion than in the premisses), Un- distributed Middle, and Two Middle Terms. 308. Illicit Process may be either of the Major or of the Minor. Of the major^ as : ^^^ Men of genius are (generally) eccentric : Xts not eccentric i^Hf , Therefore he is not a man of genius. Even although the major should be given as probable (as in this case), we could not infer that the conclusion is probable. In order to ascertain whether this is so or not, we should know the proportion of not-eccentric persons who are men of genius, and this is not stated. 309. Illicit Process of the Minor, as : A, B, and C, are polite : A, B, and C, are Frenchmen : .*. All Frenghmen are polite. This is the fallacy in induction from an insufficient number of instances. 310. An example of Undistributed Middle is: All profound works are obscure : This is obscure : .*. It is profound. 311. The fallacy of Two Middle Terms escapes notice PART iv] OF FALL A CIES. 8 1 most readily when a verb is treated as if it were the copula, as : ■ - Pf ^ A :^3 ' ^^ ^ A resembles B : c' // ;d - (^ B resembles C : -^^ /\ -z. C .*. A resembles C. 5 A syllogism which is exactly the same in form as A is different from B : B is different from C : .•. A is different from. C. Fallacies in Complex Syllogisms, 312. Under the head of logical fallacies are to be reckoned the two fallacious forms of inference from a conditional proposition, viz. from the assertion (position) of the consequent to the assertion of the antecedent, and from the denial (remotion) of the antecedent to the denial of the consequent. 313. A common instance of the former fallacy is, infer- ring the truth of the premisses, or the legitimacy of the reasoning, from the truth of the conclusion.. It is often owing to a tacit inference of this kind that inconclusive arguments are brought forward by persons little likely to be deceived by a fallacy. They repeat an argument with- out examination, because they are firmly convinced of the truth of the conclusion. 314. They injure their cause by exposing it to the in- fluence of the counter fallacy, which consists in inferring the falsehood of the conclusion from the falsehood of the premisses or the logical defect of the argument. This is 82 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. inferring the denial of the consequent from the denial of the. antecedent. Even when good and bad arguments are mixed, there is a tendency to regard the bad as to a cer- tain extent counterbalancing the good, instead of letting them go for nothing. An unfair disputant will of course attack the weak points only ; and, when he has exposed these, will assume that he has refuted the conclusion. In any particular syllogism these fallacies would resolve themselves into illicit process, undistributed middle, or two negative premisses. Of Semi'logical Fallacies^ or Fallacies in Dictione — Fallacy of Ambiguous Terms, 315. Of Semi-logical Fallacies the most important is that of Ambiguous Terms, called the Fallacy of Equivo- cation. The term most commonly ambiguous is the mid- dle term, but either of the extremes may be ambiguous likewise. An example of ambiguous middle is : The old are more likely to be right in their judgment than the young : The men who wrote a thousancj years ago are old writers : .-. They are more likely to be right in their judgment than those of our own day. Here the word * old ' is used in two sensQS — in the major, for those who have lived longer, and so have had more experience ; and in the minor, for those who lived a long time ago, when the world was younger.* * * Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi'. PART IV. OF FALLACIES. 83 316. An important case of ambiguity is where a term is taken in one place collectively, and in another distribu- tively. When we reason from the distributive sense to the collective, it is called the fallacy of Composition ; when we reason from the collective to the distributive, it is the fallacy of Division. Overrating the probability of an infe- rence from probable premisses comes under the former head. If the premisses are probably true (taken together), the conclusion is probably true : the premisses are pro- bably true (each separately) ; .*. the conclusion is probably true. Underrating the probability of an inference based on cumulative evidence comes under the head of the fal- lacy of division ; as in the case of circumstantial evidence, where it is argued that this point and that point, and the third, etc., are not conclusive, 2*. e. separately, and it is inferred that they are not conclusive when taken to- gether. 317. These two fallacies sometimes arise from the am- biguity of the words * all,' * some '. * All ' means either " * every ' (distributively), or ' all together ' (collectively). *Some' has a somewhat similar ambiguity; sometimes meaning one or other, as when we say, * Something must be done', * You will meet some personfr-onTthe way'; and at other times, * Some definite^ 318. Ambiguity may arise from a term being taken in one place in an abstract sense and in another in a con- crete ; ex, gr.y .'. ; "P ■ Books are a solace to the weary : Every book is either bouna or unbound : Therefore either bound books are a solace, or unbound books are so. 84 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part. iv. Again — Food is necessary to life : All food is either animal or vegetable : .*. Either animal food is necessary, or vegetable food is necessary. 319. The Fallacy of Accident (Fallacia Accidentis), or a dido sivipliciter ad dictum secundum quid, consists in rea- soning from a term stated without qualification to the same term with a qualification, as : You eat to-day what you bought in the market yesterday : What you bought was raw meat : Therefore you eat raw meat to day. Here the term ' what you bought ' is used in the first pre- miss of the substance only, but in the second of the sub- stance in a particular state. If the first premiss had been stated with exactness, the^e would be palpably two middle terms. 320. The counter fallacy is called a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter, and consists in arguing from a state- ment with a particular qualification to a statement without the qualification, as : Opium is a poison Physicians give their patients opium : Therefore they give their patients poison. 321. There is an important ambiguity in words and expressions implying 'Sameness' which deserves notice in a treatise on Logic, because sameness is sometimes that which is implied by the form of the proposition. PART IV.] OF FALLACIES. 85 322 Strictly speaking, a thing cannot be the same with anything but itself. This sameness is for the sake of exact- ness sometimes called * numerical identity/ i. e. there is only * one ' thing. When we speak of attributes, this meaning is modified. We call these the same when they are precisely similar, so that the same name applies to them. We speak of the same colour, sound, etc., mean- ing that the impressions produced on us are precisely similar. Similarly, when we say that two persons have the same disease, the same symptoms, etc., what we assert is similarity, sometimes including such similarity of origin as belongs to plants or animals which we say are of the *same * species. We say, for instance, that one plant is the * same ' as another, meaning that the similarity is such as exists between plants produced from the seed of one identical plant. When we say that one man has the same organs as another, or as certain animals, what we predicate is precise simiharity of function, etc. 323. There is a still further extension of the notion when we speak of the skull as a modified vertebra, meaning that certain parts which we regard as essential to our concep- tion of the plan of skull and vertebra may be described in the same terms. Still further, an organ is sometimes said to be a modification, development, survival, etc., of some- thing which existed in an ancestor of the plant or animal. There is, of course, no one thing which has passed through the changes spoken of; but the plant or animal is treated as if it were one and the same with its own ancestors, and its parts numerically identical with the more or less similar parts in them, the only real unity being in the mind's con- ception of them. The discussion of this belongs rather to metaphysics than to logic, and it is only referred to here because relations of this kind are often disguised under the form of the simple proposition A is B. 86 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. Of Material Fallacies^ or Fallacies extra Dictionem, 324. Of Material Fallacies, the first to be noted is Igno- ratio Elenchi, i. e. irrelevant conclusion, or proving what is not the question. Elenchus means the refutation of an argument, and ignoratio elenchi strictly means ignoring the proper contradictory of the proposition to be refuted. This would include proving a particular, instead of a univer- sal {i.e. proving a subcontrary instead of a contradictory), and proving an irrelevant conclusion, ex. gr. arguing that a thing is legally right, when the question is whether it is morally right; or, on the other hand, that it is either desirable or equitable, when the question is whether it is legal. 325. A third case comes under the definition, but can hardly be called a fallacy, viz. attempting to prove a universal when the proposition we wish to refute is uni- versal (i. e. mistaking the contrary for the contradictory). This is not a fallacy, since the contrary includes the con- tradictory ; but it exposes us to the risk of being refuted by the proof of a particular, and is therefore a serious fault in reasoning. 326. Petitio Principii, or Begging the Question, con- sists in taking as a premiss, without proof, a proposition which is equivalent to, or virtually involves, the conclusion ; ex, gr. the ancient argument to prove that the earth is the centre of the universe. The point towards which all heavy bodies tend is the centre of the universe ; but the point to which all heavy bodies tend is the centre of the earth ; therefore the centre of the earth is the centre of the universe. Or again, the proof that a certain work >vas not written by its reputed author, since it contains allu- . UNIVEESIT^S )) PART IV.] OF FALLACIF^^C4ijO%^.^,^ %^Jj sions to a theory which (we assume) was not known in his day. 327. This fallacy is not limited to the cases in which the conclusion is logically contained in a single premiss. It must be remembered, that if one premiss of a syllogism, or all but one in a train of reasoning, be admitted, the truth of the conclusion turns on that of the remaining premiss. The fallacy consists in taking this for granted without attempt at proof. Inasmuch as in a legitimate syllogism the conclusion is contained in the premisses (taken together), the question may be asked. How does a legitimate syllogism diifer from a petitio principii ? The answer is, that in legitimate reasoning the premisses are either admitted or have been proved, whereas in the •fallacy in question the very premiss which would be denied by those who reject the conclusion is taken for granted. But the actual syllogism is logically valid, the fallacy being in the matter, viz. in the assumption that the conclusion has been proved from admitted prin- ciples. 328. In disjunctive reasoning petitio principii very easily occurs, by the enumeration of alternatives in the disjunctive premiss being incomplete. Indeed, we can hardly ever be sure that it is complete unless the members are contradictory, and they may even appear to be contra- dictory when they are only contrary, as in the old dilemma to prove motion impossible. If a body moves, it moves either in the place where it is, or in the place where it is not; but both these are impossible, .'.motion is impos- sible. By * place where it is,' is meant the actual space it ocoapies. But then, * in the place where it is ' is not con- tradictory of * in a place where it is not', both being sub- 88 TBE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. divisions of *in a place', which in the sense in which the word is taken is contradictory of motion. The alternative omitted, namely, ' from the place where it is to the place where it is not', is the only possible one.* 329. The question may be begged by a single word; for instance, if we speak of an opinion we are attacking as * foolish', * heretical', * audacious', etc. These have been called 'question-begging epithets', since they connote the very thing to be proved. 330. Arguing in a circle may be regarded as a species of petitio principii. It consists in using the conclusion to prove the disputed premiss, from which again the con- clusion is inferred. For instance, in the example above given : * This work is not the production of the reputed author, since it contains allusions to a theory not known in his time ' ; if we are challenged to prove the assump- tion, and attempt to do so by saying, * It is not referred to in any genuine work of that age', we now assume that the^ work in question is not genuine. This fallacy is likely to be committed when we attempt to prove a principle which is incapable of strict proof, only because it is above proof. For example, an attempt is sometimes made to prove from experience the principle used in induction, viz. that in like circumstances like results follow. Thus : We have hitherto found that in like circumstances like results have followed; therefore we are justified {a) in concluding that in like circumstances like results will always be found. Here we already assume at {a) the very principle which we profess * The alternative, * partly in one place, and partly in the other*, is inadmissible. A part of a body cannot any more than the whol«^be in two places at once. * PART IV.] OF FALL A CIES. 89 to prove in the conclusion, viz. that we can argue from the known to the unknown. 331. The fallacy called a non causa pro causa consists in inferring a certain effect from something which is not really a cause of it ; ex. gr. : -fiz^aX^A^a^ There will be war, for a comet has appeared. There will be a change in the weather, for there has just been a change in the moon. A common case of this fallacy is the assumption that one thing is the effect of another, merely because it has followed it ; for instance, that an increase or decrease in the prosperity of a nation is the effect of some particular measure, or that rain takes the cold out of the air. This form of the fallacy is called the fallacy of reasoning, Post hoc ergo propter hoc. 332. Another common case is, inferring that one thing is the effect of another, because it has often followed it, without regarding the instances in which it has not fol- lowed it. It is thus that prophetic dreams, &c., which appear to come to pass, are carefully noted, while those which fail are forgotten. 333. The fallacy of Many Questions (^plurium interroga- iionum) consists in combining two or more questions in one, and insisting on a simple answer. A traditional example is : Have you left off beating your father ? 334. The fallacy of False Analogy consists in inferring from a resemblance of relations a resemblance of the things themselves in other relations. This is often aided by the metaphorical use of language. Thus a nation or a city is spoken of as feminine, and depicted in the form of a woman, solely because it is conceived as giving birth 90 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. to its * sons ' ; but the figure has been used as if a nation resembled a woman in feebleness and helplessness. 335. The Argumentum ad hominem is an argument founded on premisses not supposed to be universally admitted, but admitted by a particular opponent. The inference then is not absolute, that the conclusion is true, but conditional — that the person who accepts the premisses must accept the conclusion. It becomes a fallacy only when this conditional conclusion is assumed to be absolute or categorical. 3 /V' I CHAPTER 11. 0/ Methods of Proof and Exposition, ' 336. The order of Exposition of a system of knowledge may be either Analytic or Synthetic. 337. The Analytic method proceeds from the complex Z' ^' i to the simple ; from results to principles. Thus in Logic the analytic method would commence with chains of rea- v- , soning, and proceed through syllogisms and propositions / to terms. Or, in Astronomy, again, it would start from the apparent motions of the planets, and proceed to the fact of their revolution round the sun, arriving, as a last result, at the law of gravitation. 338. The Synthetic method proceeds from the simple y to the complex ; from principles to results. Such is, in Y Logic, the method usually adopted, which commences ^ with Terms and ends with complex reasonings ; and in ,(y Astronomy, the method which begins with the law of PART. IV.] OF FALLLACIES. 91 gravitation and deduces from it the apparent motions of the planets. The Analytic method is suited to Discovery ; the Synthetic is suited to Instruction. 339. Methods of Proof are either a priori or a pos- teriori. The a prjioi^i proof is drawn from that which is logically first, viz., from the cjiise or the general law. The a posteriori from the effect or the actual observa- tion of facts. Thus the difference in the rate of vibration of pendulums of different lengths is proved a priori when it is deduced from mechanical principles, and a posteriori when proved by actual experiment. 340. Explanation consists in referring a particular phe- nomenon to a general law. Thus we are said to explain the fall of a stone when we show that it is a consequence of the general law of gravitation. By 'consequence' is here meant logical consequence. The law of gravitation is not the cause of the stone falling. Gravitation may be called the cause, but is really only a general name for a large class of similar facts. 341. It is clear that there is a limit to explanation. We at last reach the most general principle — one which is incapable of explanation. This does not mean that it is more mysterious than other facts, but that it is more general, and that we know none more general. Isolated facts are sometimes called mysterious when we are not able to bring them under any law, and yet, as there is no isolated fact in nature, we believe that there is some law in the case. 342. Explanation is Analytic : Deduction is Synthetic. The fewer the general principles which we require to assume, the more perfect in form is our science. 92 THE ELEMENTS OF LOGIC, [part iv. 343. But it is clear, as was said of explanation, that there must be some limit. There must be some princi- ples in every science or subject which are incapable of proof ; just as a chain cannot hang unsupported. Thus, the principles already referred to, of Universal Causation, and of the Uniformity of Nature, cannot be logically proved. Yet it would be an error to suppose that they rest on a weaker foundation than other familiar laws of nature, which we consider as proved, for the latter ultimately depend on these and other unproved principles, and the inference cannot be more certain than the principle from which it is inferred. APPENDIX. EXERCISES. In stating a proposition in strictly logical form, whether for the purpose of immediate inference or of syllogism, the student must 'bear in mind — ( I ). That when the predicate is a verb it must be resolved so that the copula shall be simply * is ' or * is not.' (2). That the grammatical subject is not always the real or logical subject ; ex, gr.^ * There was no decisive result from this experiment \ or, * No inference can be drawn from this experiment \ Here the real subject is, ' This experiment \ of which it is asserted that it had no decisive result. In order to ascertain what the real subject and predicate are, consider what it is that an assertion is made about, and what it is that is asserted. (3). When any proposition is compound (copulative, adversative, etc.) it must be resolved. (4). Some of the arguments in the following exercises are valid, and some invalid. Having brought the reason- ing into apparently syllogistic form, then, if this is cate- gorical, the student should examine — {a) whether there are more than three terms (really and not merely in ap- pearance) ; {b) whether the middle term is distributed ; {c) whether any extreme which is distributed in the con- clusion has been distributed in the premisses. If there is a disjunctive major, care must be taken that the enumeration 94 APPENDIX. of alternatives is complete. Of course the other rules of cor- rect reasoning must not be overlooked, but these are the points most likely to escape notice. Propositions. State the following propositions in strictly logical form, stating, in the case of simple categorical propositions, what is the subject, what the predicate, and what the quantity and quality of the proposition ; and, in the case of complex propositions, whether they are conditional or disjunctive : — 1 . Troja fuit. 2. Humanum est errare. 3. Much study is a weariness to the flesh. 4. All is not gold that glitters. 5. Many a little makes a mickle. 6. Sapientis est providere. 7. Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 8. All is not truth that is confidently asserted. 9. The most honest statesmen are not always the most popular. 10. Scholarship is not what it was. 11. Poeta nascitur, non fit. 12. A little learning is a dangerous thing. 13. * Books are not absolutely dead'. (Milton) (wrongly resolved by Mr. Jevons into * Some books are living \) 14. That may be legal, but it is not equitable. 15. Things equal to the same are equal to each other. (Observe that in this proposition we could not substitute * every thing ' for * things ' in the subject.) 16. It was Newton that discovered the law of gravita- tion. 17. It was not Newton that discovered the orbits of the planets. 18. Whales are not the only marine mammalia. 19. All these duties are too much for me. 20. Few know how little they know. APPENDIX, 95 21.' God did not make men barely two-legged creatures, and leave it to Aristotle to make them rational' (Locke). 22. To be or not to be, that is the question '. 23. * On earth there is nothing great but man ; In man there is nothing great but mind '. 24. 'Non tali auxilio nee defensoribus illis Tempus eget\ 25. There is something unreasonable in most men. 26. Truth is stranger than fiction. 27. Such liberty is only licence. 28. Gold is the monetary standard of Great Britain. (We cannot assert either of * all gold' or of *some gold' that it is the standard.) 29. Hops are the staple produce of Kent. 30. No man is wholly bad. 31. * An honest man's the noblest work of God '. 32. * Adsum qui feci '. 33. After all, a promise is a promise. (How would you contradict this ?) 34. The wisest of men sometimes errs. 35. Books are a source both of instruction and amuse- ment. Conversion, Convert the following propositions : — 1 . A is father of B. 2. Cain killed Abel. 3. Jones struck Smith. 4. All cats have been kittens. 5. All water contains air! 6. It rains. (Incorrectly converted by Jevons thus: Something that is letting rain fall is the atmosphere. Test this by converting the following proposition, which is similar.) 7. It is freezing. (N.B. — These must be regarded as propositions expressing Real Existence.) 8. To be righteous is to be happy. 9. Boys will be boys. 96 APPENDIX, 10. Judges ought to be impartial. 1 1 . Life all men hold dear. Related Propositions. Assign the logical relation between the propositions in each of the following groups : — Every A is B. No A is B. Some Bs are not A. Some As are not B. Some things not A are not B. Some Bs are A. Some things not A are not B. Every B is A. Nothing not-A is B. 2. All birds are bipeds. Some things not birds are bipeds. Some things not bipeds are birds. Some bipeds are not birds. No birds are quadrupeds. No birds are not bipeds. Bipeds alone are birds. 3. I believe this story: I disbelieve this story. 4. I ought to do this : I ought not to do this. 5. The Tories are always right : The Tories are always wrong. 6. Is either of the following propositions true, and if so, which .? — All Englishmen who do not take snufF are to be found among Europeans who do not use to- bacco. All Englishmen who do not use tobacco are to be found among Europeans who do not take snufF (De Morgan). APPENDIX 97 Immediate Inferences. Examine the following immediate inferences : if they are correct, state the logical principle under which they come ; if incorrect, point out the fallacy : — 1. Every old man has been a boy ; .'.Some boys will be old men. 2. No animals are self-made = All animals are not self- made ; .'.All self-made things are not animals ; .y Sapie things not animals are self-made. 3. No persons of the male sex are winged; .*. No winged persons are of the male sex ; .*. Some winged per- sons are not of the male sex ; .*. Some persons not of the male sex are winged. 4. A man is an animal ; .-.The head of a man is the head of an animal. 5. Truth always triumphs; .'.Whatever opinion has triumphed is true. On the Moods, 1. Show that if we substitute the conclusion for the major premiss in Barbara or Celarent we obtain legitimate premisses in the third figure, giving as a conclusion the subalterna of the original major. 2. If in Bramantip we substitute the conclusion for the minor premiss we obtain premisses which in the first figure give a conclusion, the converse per accidens of the original minor, or in the fourth figure would give a conclusion the subalterna of the original minor. 3. If in Cesare we substitute the conclusion for the major, we can draw in the third figure and mood Felapton, a conclusion which is the subalterna of the converse of the original major. 4. If in Camenes we substitute the conclusion for the minor, we obtain premisses which will give in the fourth figure and mood Fesapo a conclusion, the subalterna of the original minor. 5. If in Camestres we substitute the conclusion for the minor premiss, we obtain premisses which in the fouilh 98 APPENDIX. figure and mood Fesapo lead to a conclusion, the subal- terna of the converse of the original minor. 6. Show that in no other case will the substitution of the conclusion for a premiss furnish a legitimate pair of premisses. 7. Show that in the third figure we may with the same minor premiss have contradictory major premisses, and that the conclusions will be subcontrary. 8. Show that the same is true of the fourth figure. 9. Show that in no other case can any conclusion be drawn from one premiss and the contradictory of the other. Miscellaneous Examples of Arguments. Reduce the following reasonings to strict logical form, if possible : if the syllogism is simple, find mood and figure ; if complex, find to what species of complex reasoning it belongs. If the reasoning is invalid, show where the fallacy lies: — 1. None but whites are civilized : the ancient Germans were whites ; .*. they were civilized. 2. None but whites are civilized : the Hindoos are not whites ; .*. they are not civilized. 3. None but civilized people are whites : the Gauls were whites ; .*. they were civilized. 4. This disease is not infectious ; for A and B were ex- posed to it, and did not take it. 5. All moral precepts are binding on every man: some of the precepts of Confucius are moral ; .*. the precepts of Confucius are, to a certain extent, binding on every man. 6. Some vertebrates are bipeds : some bipeds are birds ; .'. some birds are vertebrates. 7. Whales are not true fishes, for they cannot breathe in water, and, besides, they suckle their young. 8. Food is necessary to life : whatever is necessary to life must exist in all inhabited countries; .*. there are cer- tain kinds of food that exist in all inhabited countries. 9. Every B is A : only C is A ; .*. only C is B. APPENDIX, 99 10. Snow is white: white is a colour; .'.Snow is a colour. 11. The sun is insensible : the Persians worship the sun ; .-.the Persians worship a thing insensible (Port Royal Logic). 12. That which does not consist of parts cannot perish by the dissolution of its parts: the soul has no parts; .*. the soul cannot perish by the dissolution of its parts. (There seem to be two negative premisses ; is this really the case .?) (Port Royal Logic.) 13. He who believes himself to be always right in his opinion lays claim to infallibility : you always believe your- self to be in the right in your opinion (else it would not be your opinion) ; .*. you lay claim to infallibility. (Whately). 14. If benevolence were the whole of virtue, we should not approve of benefits done to one more than to another, as we actually do, inasmuch as we approve of gratitude and acts of friendship. (Butler.) 15. Our notion of man includes a certain figure, as well as rationality, for if a parrot talked rationally we should not call it a man. (Locke.) 1 6. If the germination called spontaneous did not depend on external germs, it would occur in perfectly pure air ; but it does not. (The conclusion is suppressed.) (Try to reduce the reasoning to a categorical form.) 17. If the planets shone by their own light, Venus would not show phases. (The conclusion and one premiss are suppressed.) 18. If the Claimant were the person he pretended to be he would not have forgotten his Virgil so completely. 19. If education alone made men moral, the Redpaths and Robsons would not have been guilty of forgery. (More than one syllogism is implied.) 20. A historian ought to be impartial: in order to be impartial it is necessary to know what has been said on both sides ; .*. a historian ought to know what has been said on both sides. 21. Every good book is worth reading more than once : few books are worth reading more than once ; .-. few books are good books. (This seems to be valid reasoning, and too APPENDIX. yet it seems to be a syllogism in the second figure with both premisses affirmative.) 22. No evil should be allowed that good may come of it: punishment is an evil; .'.punishment should not be allowed that good may come of it. (Whately.) 23. If, as you say, every student ought to read this book, it would probably sell well ; but it does not, therefore some students at least ought not to read it. 24. Unless some one else has locked the door, I must lock it ; I find some one has done so ; therefore I must not. 25. Vaccination is no protection whatever against small- pox ; for A, B, and C were vaccinated, and yet have taken smallpox. 26. Exposure to cold is good for children, for all the grown people who have been exposed to cold as children are strong. 27. No soldiers should be brought into the field who are not well qualified to perform their parts: none but veterans are well qualified to perform their parts ; therefore none but veterans should be brought into the field. 28. Truth always triumphs : the present theory has triumphed; .-. it is true. 29. Truth always triumphs over persecution : this doc- trine has not triumphed over persecution (never having been persecuted) ; .'.it is not true. 30. No X is Y : no Z is X ; .*. some things not Y are notZ. 31. No judge is infallible; no judge is unskilled in law; .'. some persons skilled in law are infallible. 32. If competitive examinations do not tend to the selec- tion of the best men they ought to be abolished; if they do so tend they should be applied to every appointment ; therefore either competitive examinations should be abolished, orthey should be applied to every appointment. 33. 'The essences of the species of things are nothing else but abstract ideas. For the having the essence of any species being that which makes anything to be of that species, and the conformity to the idea to which the name is annexed being that which gives a right to that name, the having the essence and the having that conformity APPENDIX i©i must needs be the same thing ; since to be of any species and to have a right to the name of that species is all one.' (Locke.) 34. The perfection of virtue consists in perfect harmony with right, so that right is done without a struggle, and the nearer a man approaches to this, the more perfect his virtue is ; .-. the greater the virtue, the less the self-denial. 35. The stronger the temptations and the inclination to wrong-doing, the greater is the virtue which, in spite of these, adheres to the right ; .-.the greater the self-denial the greater the virtue. 36. ' If there be no difference between inward principles but that of strength, we can make no distinction between the murder of a father and an act of filial duty ; . . . but in our coolest moments must approve or disapprove them equally : than which nothing can be reduced to a greater absurdity.' (Butler.) 37. Men in some ages have thought usury a vice ; men in other ages have not; .*. the standards of virtue and vice are not invariable. Exercises on Prohahility* I. An urn contains 1000 balls, numbered i to looo, from which one is drawn. A witness, whose average credibility = p, testifies that a particular number, say 926, has been drawn. What is the credibility of this particular assertion ? We must make some assumption as to the witness's knowledge of the number of balls in the urn. Let us, then, assume that he knows the number. Then in the case given there are two possible hypotheses : — First Hypothesis — 926 has been drawn. Here two things coincide. No. 926 is drawn ; the chance of this being; , and the witness speaks truth, the chance of this ^ 1000 ^ being p. Hence the chance of the coincidence is proportional to the product, . 1000 Second Hypothesis — 926 has not been drawn. Here three things coincide. No. 926 not drawn ; the chance of 999 this is ; the witness speaks falsely : the chance of which 1000 ^ ^ :?: I — p, and thirdly, out of the 999 balls not drawn, he names J02 APPENDIX. this particular number ; the chance of his doing so being — . The chance of the coincidence is proportional to the product of these three, /. e. to -. Therefore the chances in favour of lOOO his evidence being true are to those against as p to i — p. The resulting probability is therefore p, that is to say, the same as the witness's average credibility. 2. Suppose the witness not to know the number of balls. 3. An urn contains I black, 99 red, and 900 white balls. One is drawn, and a witness, whose average credibility = p, announces that black has been drawn. What is the degree of credibility of his state- ment } The data are insufficient . We must be told what is the number 01 possible false assertions, that is, in this case, how many different colours the witness is liable to mention falsely, whether by mistake or otherwise. Let us first assume that he has the choice of 13 in all. First Hypothesis — Black is drawn, The witness speaks truly, _ I ~ 1000* p. Product, = -^ 1000 Second Hypothesis— Black was not drawn, = -??? . lOOO The witness speaks falsely, = i - p. Of the twelve colours not drawn, he specifies black, = -. Product, = 999 (I -P) .; 12000 Here the chances in favour of his truthfulness are to those against as I2p to 999 (i — p). The probabiHty may therefore be stated as —, •. Had he announced white, the probability would I2p+ 99(i-p) ^ ^ , 9 io8p io8p nave been io8p + (I _ p) I07P + i' 4. An event whose antecedent probability is v is announced by a witness whose average credibility is p. Let the antecedent probability of his announcing this event falsely be x. What are the chances that his statement is true } INDEX The nmnhers refer to the Paragraphs. Abstraction, 19 Abstract Terms, 9. Accident, Fallacy of, 319. Analogy, 302. False, 334. Analytical Propositions, 96. Analytic Method, 336. A posteriori Proof, 339. A priori Proof, 339. Argumentum ad hominem, 335. Aristotle's Dictum, 231. Begging the question, 326. Categories, iii. Categorical, 164. Circle, arguing in, 330. Clearness, 35. Common Terms, 12. Complex Propositions, 261. Syllogisms, 269. Comprehension, 16. Concepts, 25. Concrete Terms, 9. Conditional Propositions, 262. Syllogisms, 270. Conjunctive Propositions ; the name given by some logicians to Conditional Propositions. Connotation, 16. Continuity, Law of, 294. Contradiction, Law of, 31. Contradictory Propositions, 120. Contraposition, 148. Contrary Terms, 33. Propositions, 126. Conversion, 135. 'Converse,' incorrect use of, 150. Copula, 56. Copulative Propositions, 100. Cumulative Probabilities, 288. Definition, 38. Denotation, 16. Dilemma, 276. Disjunctive Propositions, 266. Syllogisms, 273. Fallacies in, 328. Distinctness, 35. Distribution, 73. Division, 47. Enthymeme, 256. Equipollent, 62. Excluded Middle, Law of, 32. Explanation, 340. I Extension, 16. 104 INDEX. Fallacies, 304. Figure, 178. Figu-es, Uses of, 209. Form, 2. Genus, 20. — '■ Summum, 24. Higher Notions, 22. Hypothetical Propositions, 262. Ignoratio Elenchi, 324. Illicit process, 169. Induction, 292. Inverse : ' Every A is B ' is called the inverse of ' Ever)' B is A.' Matter, 2. Mill's view of Syllogism, 300. Modal Propositions, 104. Moods, 213. Non-connotative Terms, 27. Obverse : the same as ' equipol- lent ' : see 62. Obversion : the change of a pro- position into its equipollent ; by some logicians called Per- mutation. Opposition, 119. Paralogism, 307. Permutation : see Obversion. Petitio principii, 326. Post hoc, Ergo propter hoc, 331. Predicables,. 107* Predicament = * Category' . * Pre- dicamentum ' was formed by Latin logicians in imitation of the Greek KaTTjyopla. Probable Reasoning, 284. Property, 109. , Propositions, Import of, 88. Quality, 60. Quantity, 60. Quantified, 70. Quantification of Predicate, 82. Real Propositions, 96. Reduction, 236. of Complex Syllo- gisms, 278. Reductio ad Impossibile, 250. * Same,' ambiguity of, 321. Semi-logical fallacies, 306, 315. Singular Terms, 12. Sorites, 257. Species, 20. infima, 24. Subaltemation, 116. Subcontrariety, 130. Substitution, Principle of, 157. Syllogism, 162. Synthetical, Propositions, 96. — '■ Method, 336. Term, 7. Unfigured Syllogism, 253. Uniformity of Nature, Law of, 293. Verbal Propositions, 96. END. > /O 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stam|>ed below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. r^ '~" *^ t — 1 lllf 1 n 'k7 -'^ Di 11 JUL lu Of ' t rl l\ LOAN DEPT. APR 1 1 ZUUO LD 21A-60m-2.'e7 (H241slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley YA 03U2\ 3 ?^P 3 A *^ 1 '' 1 %) 1/ . ''' ' 5 1 , ^ '. I." V /,!•;] .; 1' , t 'j<}'. *