GIFT OF GIFT SVP SI 19'5 CATALOGUE OF CATHOLIC AND OTHER SELECT AUTHORS IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1915 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE OF Catholic and Other Select Authors IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Vj-^rV 19 15 FOREWORD A catalogue of this kind has long been needed by the Catholics of Washington. In many other places similar lists of readable books have been compiled for Catholic patrons of the public libraries. This compilation should meet with a welcome in Catholic schools and homes. The editors of this catalogue have not confined their recommendation to books by Catholic authors, but have endeavored to place in the hands of Catholic patrons of our Public Library a liberal list of books which may be read without danger, in accordance with the high standard of morality inculcated by their Church. In making this list of books, the editors have consulted those who may be regarded as authorities in their special branches of learn- ing. They do not, however, pretend to speak with authority either in the selection or the rejection of books for this catalogue. They are to be highly commended for the pains- taking labor they have expended on the work and the creditable manner in which it has been done. It is proposed to distribute these catalogues through the schools of the District. Though the expense has been large, it is hoped that ^the gQod .to ^.bje :accomplished will amply compensate for the labor anil Hire cost. The Catholic pub^iic|H4y,l^el'a8stur^d that* every courtesy "X will be accorded them by the Chief Librarian, Doctor George i F. Bowerman, who has already given special facilities to the schools to obtain books which are required for their pupils. WM. T. RUSSELL. PUBLIC LIBRARY The two editions of this catalogue have been compiled and seen through the press by Miss Julia Hardey Laskey, head cataloger of the Public Library. The library has had no definite part, officially, in the enterprise. None the less, from the start I urged its doing as a desirable thing and have had satisfaction in the fact that two editions have been required to meet demands. From the point of view of the Public Library, it is highly desirable to have Catholic readers know that the library contains a considerable body of literature that is approved for general reading by their own spiritual teachers. As librarian I wish to utilize this opportunity to assure the Catholic clergy and laity of the desire of the manage- ment of the library to provide as comprehensive a collec- tion as possible of books and magazines that will appeal to Catholic readers, A public library, of course, has very distinct limitations. The first and most insistent of these is the smallness of funds, compelling rigid selection in purchases and the ne- cessity for meeting the most urgent demands. Another limitation is the fact that a public library is impersonal and therefore has no opinions, certainly no disputable religious opinions. The Public Library already numbers among its constant readers a large number of the Catholic clergy and laity. The publication of two editions of this list indicates that this number is constantly increasing. I desire to extend a cordial invitation to all Catholics of Washington not only to use the present resources of the library, but also to recom- mend for purchase other books not now in the library that might appropriately be found here. Within the limits of our funds, all such requests will have hospitable con- sideration. GEORGE F. BOWERMAN, Chief Librarian. 311486 ". •>*■ INTRODUCTION The object of this Catalogue is to afford the Catholics of Washington a means of becoming better acquainted with the Catholic literature to be found in the Public Library of the District of Columbia. It comprises about 2,000 works (in English) by Catholic and other select authors. The library numbers are added to facilitate drawing books from the library. The compiler is under great obligations to the Catholic Writers' Guild for aid received from their Catholic Reading List of the Chicago Public Library, and has followed the admirable subject arrangement of that catalogue in the pres- ent list. Acknowledgment is also made of assistance ob- tained from the Catholic Who's Who, the Catholic World, America and the Catholic Encyclopedia. Grateful recog- nition of valuable advice and assistance is tendered Rev- erend H. J. Shandelle, S. J., Librarian of Georgetown Uni- versity, and Rt. Reverend Monsignor William T. Russell, D.D. Thanks are extended also to the Chief Librarian, the Assistant Librarian, and members of the staff of the Public Library for their kind and helpful interest, and to Miss Pauline Wilcox for her co-operation in preparing the Catalogue. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE LIBRARY. All persons who are permanent or temporary residents of the District of Columbia are entitled to draw books from the library. Those whose names appear in the District Directory, telephone book, etc., may obtain readers' cards upon their first visit to the library. Books may be retained two weeks, with privilege of renewal (except those labeled ''Seven-day Book"). A charge of two cents a day is made for each book retained beyond the specified period. Catalogue of Catholic and Other Select Authors in the Public Library of the District of Columbia-- 1915 FICTION (Fiction has no Call Number, but is shelved Alphabeti- cally by Authors in the Open Shelf Room.) ARROM DE AYALA See Caballero, pseud. AYSCOUGH, JOHN Dromina. Marotz. San Celestino. AZARIAS, BROTHER See Mullany, Patrick Francis. BARRY, W. F. The New Antigone. The Two Standards. BAZIN, RENE Autumn Glory. The Barrier. The Children of Alsace. Coming Harvest. Davidee Birot. This My Son. The Ink Stain. The Marriage of Mile. Gimel. The Penitent. The Nun. Redemption. BELLOC, HILAIRE Emmanuel Burden. BENSON, ROBERT HUGH An Average Man. By What Authority? Come Rack. Come Rope. The Conventionalists. The Coward. Initiation. King's Achievement. Lord of the World. Oddsfish. Queen's Tragedy. The Senimtentalists. A Winnowing. BEST STORIES by the Foremost Catholic Authors ; with introd. by M. F. Egan. lo Vols. BLUNDELL, Mrs. FRANCIS See Francis, M. E. pseud. BOURGET, PAUL The Disciple. A Divorce. Monica, and Other Stories. Outre Mer. Weight of the Name. CABALLERO, FERNAN, pseud. La Gaviota (The Sea-Gull). CARMICHAEL, MONTGOMERY Life of John William Walshe. (Fictitious.) CASTLE, A. and E. The Bath Comedy. Diamonds Cut Paste. Flower o' the Orange, and Other Tales of Bygone Days. Heart of Lady Anne. House of Romance. If Youth but Knew. Incomparable Bellairs. My Merry Rockhurst. Pride of Jennico. The Star Dreamer. 7 CELIERE, PAUL Startling Exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies. CERVANTES, S. M., de. Don Quixote de la Mancha; tr. by Jarvis. 2 vols. Same ; tr. by Motteux. 4 vols. Same ; retold by Judge Parry ; illus. by Walter Crane. Exemplary Novels ; tr. by Babbe. 2 vols. CHATEAUBRIAND, F. A. R., Vicomte de. Stories. The Martyrs. CHESTERTON, G. K. Ball and the Cross. Club of Queer Trades. The Flying Inn. The Man Who Was Thursday. Napoleon of Notting Hill. Wisdom of Father Brown. CHOPIN, Mrs. KATE O'FLAHERTY Bayou Folks. COLOMA, LUIS Currita, Countess of Albornoz. CONRAD, JOSEPH Chance. Children of the Sea. Falk. Lord Jim. Mirror of the Sea. Nostromo ; a tale of the seaboard. Point of Honor. Romance. Twixt Land and Sea. Typhoon and Other Stories. Under Western Eyes. Youth. CONSCIENCE, HENDRICK Flemish Life. Lion of Flanders. The Rivals. 8 CONSCIENCE, HENDRICK— Continued. Ten Tales. Tales for Christmas and Other Seasons. Merchant of Antwerp. COTTIN, Mme. SOPHIE RISTAUD Elizabeth; or, The Exiles of Siberia. CRAIGIE, Mrs. PEARL R. See Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION Arethusa. An American Politician. Adam Johnstone's Son. Casa Braccio. Cecelia. Children of the King. Cigarette-maker's Romance. Corleone. Diva's Ruby. Doctor Claudius. Don Orsino. Fair Margaret. Greifenstein. Heart of Rome. In the Palace of the King. Katherine Lauderdale. Khaled. Lady of Rome. Little City of Hope. Love in Idleness. Man Overboard. Marietta. Marion Darche. Marzio's Crucifix. Mr. Isaacs. Paul Patoff. Pietro Ghisleri. Primadonna. Ralstons. Roman Singer. Rose of Yesterday. Sant' Ilario. CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION— Continued. Saracinesca. Stradella. Tale of a Lonely Parish. Taquisara. Three Fates. To Leeward. Undesirable Governess. Upper Berth. Via Crucis. Wandering Ghosts. White Sister. Whosoever Shall Oifend. With the Immortals. Witch of Prague. Zoroaster. CROWLEY, M. C. In Treaty with Honor. CURRIER, Rev. CHARLES WARREN Dimitrios and Irene ; or, the Conquest of Constantinople. Rose of Alhama. DANIEL, MARY SAMUEL Choice. De La PASTURE, Mrs. H. Adam Grigson. Catherine of Calais. Catherine's Child. Deborah of Tod's. Grey Knight. Lonely Lady of Grosvenor Square. Man From America. Michael. Peter's Mother. The Tyrant. The Unlucky Family. DOOLEY, Mr. See DUNNE, F. P. DORSEY, Mrs. ANNA HANSON Ada's Trust. 10 DORSEY, Mrs. ANNA HANSON— Continued. Adrift. 'Beth's Promise. The Fate of the Dane, and Other Stories. The Heiress of Carrigmona. The Old House at Glenaran. Palms. Two Ways. Warp and Woof. Zoe's Daughter. DOR-SEY, ELLA LORAINE Pickle and Pepper. DOWSON, ERNEST Dilemmas, Stories and Studies in Sentiment. EGAN, M. F. Ivy Hedge. Watsons of the Country. Wiles of Sexton Maginnis. ESCRICH, ENRIQUE P. See Perez-Escrich. FENELON, F. de S. de la M. Archbishop. Adventures of Telemachus Y39F-F353.E FERGUSON, Sir SAMUEL Hibernian Night's Entertainments. 3 vols. FRANCIS, M. E. pseud. Manor Farm. Pastorals of Dorset. Simple Annals. Wild Wheat. ERASER, Mrs. M. C. The Brown Ambassador. In the Shadow of the Lord. Looms of Time. Palladia. Stolen Emperor. ERASER, Mrs. M. C. and STAHLMANN, J. I. The Golden Rose. II GERARD, DOROTHEA The Million. HALEVY, L. Abbe Constantin. Parisian Points of View. HARLAND, HENRY Mrs. Peixada. As It Was Written. Cardinal's Snuff Box. Gray Roses. Lady Paramount. Mademoiselle Miss, and Other Stories. My Friend Prospero. The Royal End. HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER Balaam and his Master, and Other Stories. The Bishop and the Buggerman. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. Free Joe, and other Georgian Sketches. Gabriel Tolliver. The Making of a Statesman, and Other Stories. Mingo, and Other Sketches in Black and White. On the Wing of Occasions. Plantation Pageants. Shadow Between the Shoulder Blades. Sister Jane, her Friends and Acquaintances. Tales of the Home Folks. Told by Uncle Remus. Uncle Remus, his Songs and his Sayings. Story of Aaron, the Son of Ben Ali. HARRIS, Mrs. M. C. Rutledge. Tents of Wickedness. HARRISON, Mrs. M. K. See Malet, Lucas, pseud. HINKSON, Mrs. KATHARINE See Tynan, Katharine. 12 HOBBES, J. O. pseud. The Dream and the Business. Flute of Pan. Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. Herb Moon. Love and the Soul Hunters. Robert Orange. School for Saints. Serious Wooing. Sinners Comedy. Some Emotions and a Moral. Tales About Temperaments. The Vineyard. HUYSMANS, J. K. The Cathedral. En Route. INCHBALD, Mrs. ELIZABETH Simple Story. JOHNSTON, R. M. Dukesborough Tales ; Chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. Little Ike Templin and Other Stories. Mr. Absalom Billingslea and Other Georgia Folk. Mr. Billy Downs and His Likes. Old Mark Langston. Old Times in Middle Georgia. The Primes and Their Neighbors. Widow Guthrie. JORDAN, E. G. Tales of the Cloister. May Iverson, Her Book. Many Kingdoms. KAVANAUGH, J. Madeline. KEARY, A. M. Castle Daly; Story of an Irish Home. Doubting Heart. Janet's Home. 13 KERNAHAN, Mrs. C. Captain Shannon. KNOWLES, R. B. S. Glencoonoge. LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE de Fior d'Aliza. Graziella. Raphael. LATMOTTE-FOUQUE, F. H. K. Sintram and His Companions. Thiodolf the Icelander. Udine. LANZA, Marquise CLARA Dweller on the Borderland. LATHROP, G. P. Afterglow. LAWLESS, EMILY Grania. LAWSON, ELSWORTH Euphrosyne and Her Golden Book. LILY, W. S. A Year of Life. LUSKA, SIDNEY, pseud. See Harland, Henry. McCarthy, justin The Dictator. McMANUS, ANNA In the Celtic Past. McMANUS, SEUMAS The Bewitched Fiddle. Lad of the O'Friels. Red Poacher. Through the Turf Smoke. Yourself and the Neighbors. H MALET, LUCAS, pseud. Colonel Enderby's Wife. Counsel of Perfection. The Golden Galleon. Far Horizon. Gateless Barrier. The Score. MANNIX, M. E. Fortunes of a Little Emigrant. MANZONI, ALESSANDRO The Bethrothed. MAYO, JOSEPH Woodbourne. NEWMAN, J. H., Cardinal Callista. Loss and Gain. NORRIS, KATHLEEN Mother. The Rich Mrs. Burgoyne. Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby. Saturday's Child. The Treasure. OLD CELTIC ROMANCES ; f r. the Gaelic by P. W. Joyce. OLDMEADOW, ERNEST Antonio. Virginia. O'REILLEY, J. B. Moondyne (convict life in Australia.) PARR, O. K. Redhanded Saint. Voice of the River. PEMBERTON, MAX The House Under the Sea. Beatrice of Venice. Diamond Ship. 15 PEMBERTON, MAX— Continued. The Hundred Days. The Little Huguenot. My Sword for Lafayette. Pro Patria. A Puritan's Wife. Sir Richard Escombe. PEREZ, ESCRICH, E. Martyr of Golgotha. REID, CHRISTIAN, pseud. Light of the Vision. Picture of Las Cruces. Princess Nadine. Wargrave Trust. ROCHE, J. J. Her Majesty the King. Sorrows of Sap'ed. ROUND TABLE of the Representative American Catholic Novelists. ROUND TABLE of the Representative French Catholic Novelists. ROUND TABLE of the Representative German Catholic Novelists. ROUND TABLE of the Representative Irish and English Catholic Novelists. SAINT PIERRE, J. H. B. de Paul and Virginia. SAINTINE, J. X. B. Picciola. SANDEAU, JULES Madeleine; Story of French Love. SEAWELL, M. E. Chateau of Montplaisir. Fortunes of Fifi. Francezka. i6 SEA WELL, M. E.— Continued. History of Lady Betty Stair. House of Egremont. Loves of Lady Arabella. Marriage of Theodora. Papa Bouchard. Paul Jones. Rock of the Lion. Secret of Toni. Sprightly Romance of Marsac. The Victory. Virginia Cavalier. SERGEANT, ADELINE Story of a Penitent Soul. SHEEHAN, Rev. P. A. The Blindness of Dr. Gray. Geoffrey Austin. Glenanaar, a Story of Irish Life. The Intellectuals. Lisheen ; or, The Test of Spirits. Luke Delmege. Miriam Lucas. My New Curate. The Queen's Fillet. A Spoiled Priest and Other Stories. Triumph of Failure. (Sequel to Geoffrey Austin.) SIENKIEWICZ, HENRY K. After Bread. (Also tr. under title. For Daily Bread.) The Deluge, 2 vols. (Sequel to. With Fire and Sword.) For Daily Bread, and Other Stories. (Also tr. under title. After Bread.) Hania. In Desert and Wilderness. In Vain. Lillian Morris, and Other Stories. On the Field of Glory. Pan Michael. (Sequel to, The Deluge.) Quo Vadis. 17 SIExNKIEWICZ, HENRY K.— Continued. Whirlpool. With Fire and Sword. Without Dogma. SKINNER, HENRIETTA DANA Faith Brandon. SMITH, JOHN TALBOT The Black Cardinal. SPEARMAN, FRANK H. Daughter of a Magnate. Held for Orders. Stories of Railroad Life. Merrile Dawes. Nerve of Foley, and Other Railroad Stories. Robert Kimberly. Whispering Smith. STODDARD, C. W. South-Sea Idylls. TIERNAN, Mrs. FRANCES CHRISTINE FISHER See, Reid, Christian, pseud. TYNAN, KATHARINE Dick Pentreath. For Maisie. Freda. Her Ladyship, Isle in the Water. A Mesalliance. O, What a Plague is Love. Paradise Farm. Peggy the Daughter. Princess Katherine. Rose of the Garden. Story of Bawn. Story of Cecilia. VERNE, JULES Around the World in Eighty Days. Dr. Ox's Experiment, and Other Stories. Five Weeks in a Balloon. From the Earth to the Moon. i8 VERNE, JULES— Continued. Michael Strogoff. Mysterious Island. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. WAGGAMAN, Mrs. M. T. Strong Arm of Avalon. WARD, Mrs. WILFRID Great Possessions. Horace Blake. Job Secretary. Light Behind. One Poor Scruple. Out of Due Time. WISEMAN, CARDINAL Fabiola. CHURCH HISTORY. ALLARD, PAUL Ten Lectures on the Martyrs. 1907 DP-AI52E ALLIES, THOMAS W. The Formation of Christendom. 1903. 3 vols. D-Al543f ALZOG, Rev. JOHANN B. Uniersal Church History. 1903. 3 vols D-AI964E AMHERST, Rev. WILLIAM J., S. J. History of Catholic Emancipation in the British Isles, 1 771-1820. 1886. 2 vols DG-Am452 ARTAUD de MONTOR, ALEXIS F. The Lives and Times of the Popes. Lateran Edi- tion. 10 vols. 1910-11 DGA-Ar75 BARRY, WILLIAM F., D. D. The Papal Monarchy (590-1303). 1902 DGA-B279 The Papacy and Modern Times; a Political Sketch, . 1303-1870. 191 1 .DGA-B279P 19 BAUMGARTEN, Mgr. PAUL MARIA Henry Charles Lea's Historical Writings ; a Critical Inquiry into their Method and Merit. 1909. .DD-B328 BEDE, VENERABILIS Ecclesiastical History of England. 1894. . . .DD45-B393 Same. Revised translation, with introd., life and notes by A. M. Sellar. 1907 DD45-B393a BERTRIN, GEORGES Lourdes ; a History of its Apparitions and Cures ; tr. by Mrs. P. Gibbs. 1908 DQ-B467E BOISSARIE, Dr. PROSPER GUSTAVE Heaven's Recent Wonders ; or, The Work of Lourdes. 2d ed. 1912 DQ-B634E BOYLE, Rev. PATRICK St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentians in Ireland, Scotland and England, 1638-1909 DM-B698S BRODHEAD, J. N. The Religious Persecution in France. 1900-1906. 1907 CPAC-B78r BROOKLAND, D. C. Mt. St. Sepulchre. Guide to the Franciscan Monastery with a few Facts about the Order of St. Francis. 19 14 DMFR-B79 BURTIN, EDWARD Apostolic Fathers. (First Century.) 1909. . .CCF-B956 BUTLER, CHARLES Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics since the Reformation. 1822. 4 vols. DG-B973 CAMPBELL, Rev. THOMAS J., S. J. Pioneer Priests of North America, 1642-1710. 3 vols. 1908-11 E-9C156P CASSIDY, PATRICK J. The Unchangeable Church. 1908. 2 vols. . . .DG-C277U 20 CLARKE, RICHARD H., Editor. History of the Catholic Church in the United States with Biographical Sketches of the Living Bish- ops. 1891 DG-C55h CONWAY, JOS. P. The Question of the Llour; Survey of the Position and Influence of the Catholic Church in the United States. 1909 DG-C767q CONWAY, KATHERINE E. In the Footprints of the Good Shepherd. New York, 1857-1907 DM-C768i COPPENS, Rev. CHARLES, S. J. Who are the Jesuits ? 191 1 DM JE-C797 CURRIER, Rt. Rev. CHARLES W. Church and Saints. 1897 DZSA-C935 History of Religious Orders. 1896 DM-C938 DEVITT, E. I. Propaganda Documents ; Appointment of the First Bishop of Baltimore; DG83-D49 DOLAN, Rev. T. S. The Papacy and the First Councils of the Church. 1910 DN-D686 DOLLINGER, J. Von. The First Age of Christianity and the Church ; trans- lated by H. N. Oxenham. 4th Edition. 1906. DG-D694 DONOHOE, THOMAS The Iroquois and the Jesuits. 1895 DS83-D716 ENGELHARDT, CHARLES ANTHONY The Missions and Missionaries of California. 1908- 1912. Vols. I and II DS94i-En35m ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIUS See Engelhardt, Charles Anthony. EPISODES of Catliolic History. 1900 DG-Ep45 21 EUSEBIUS Ecclesiastical History; Translated by C. F. Cruse. 1903 DA-EU763 EVAGRIUS History of the Church, 431-594. 1846 DG-EV147E FARLEY, Cardinal JOHN M. History of St. Patrick's Cathedral of New York City. 1908 DG851N-F22 FEVAL, PAUL The -Jesuits. 1878 DMJE-F436E GASQUET, Rev. AIDEN., O. S. B. English Monastic Life. 4th Edition. 1910. . .DM-G217 The Eve of the Reformation. 1901 DJ45-G212 Henry HI and the Church. 1905 DG45-G2i7h Henry VHI and the English Monasteries. 1899. DM45-G217 HARRIS, WILLIAM RICHARD Pioneers of the Cross in Canada. 1912 DS-H244P HARTING, JOHANNA H. Catholic London Missions from the Reformation to 1850. 1903 DS45L-H256 HEALY, Rev. PATRICK J. The Valerian Persecution. 1905 DP-H342V HEFELE, Right Rev. C. J. History of the Councils of the Church. 1883-96. 5 vols DN-H364 HERGENROETHER, CONSTANTINE, Compiler. Primitive Christianity and the Catholic Church; comp. fr. G. Ott's and De Rossi's Works on the Catacombs DG-H426P HILDRUP, J. S. The Missions of California, 1907. By a non-Catholic but sympathetic author DS94i-H54m 22 HUC, Abbe EVARISTE Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 1857. 2 vols CC-H863 INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY Documentary Exposition of the Rupture of Diplo- matic Relations between the Holy See and the French Government. 1904 DG-In837d IRELAND, Most Rev. JOHN The Church and Modern Society. 1896 CC-Ir2 JESUIT RELATIONS AND ALLIED DOCUMENTS ; Translated and Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 1896- 1901. 73 vols DSJ-T426 LATHROP, GEORGE P. (and ROSE H.) A story of Courage ; Annals of the Georgetown Con- vent of the Visitation. 1894 DM859-L344S LEE, FREDERICK G. The Church under Queen Elizabeth. 1892. . . .DD45-L51 LINGARD, JOHN History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 1845. 2 vols DG45-L644 MARSHALL, THOMAS W. M. Christian Missions. Their Agents and Their Re- sults. 1901. 2 vols DS-M354 MARTIN, Rev. MICHAEL, S. J. The Roman Curia as It Now Exists. 1913 . .CPCU-M364 MILEY, JOHN Rome as it was under Paganism, and as it became under the Popes. 1863. 2 vols DD36-M594 MONTALEMBERT, Comte de. Monks of the West. 1896. 6 Vols DM-M762 NEWMAN, J. H., Cardinal. The Arians of the Fourth Century. 1908 DG-N467 23 NOETHEN, Rev. THEODORE Compendium of the History of the Catholic Church. 1870 DG-N68 O'GORMAN, Right Rev. THOMAS History of the Catholic Church in the United States. 1895 DD-Am35 ORDERICUS, VITALIS. Abbot. Ecclesiastical History of England and Norway. 1853 4 vols DD45-Or277E PASTOR, Dr. LUDWIG The History of the Popes. 1894-1910. 10 vols. DGA-P268 RUSSELL, Right Rev. WILLIAM T. Maryland; the Land of Sanctuary. 1907. . .DG857-R91 SHAHAN, Right Rev. T. J. Beginnings of Christianity. 1903 DA-Shi42 SHEA, JOHN G. History of the Catholic Church in the United States. 1886-92. 4 vols DG83-Sh32h History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States. 1896 DS-Sh32 SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME, NAMUR, Comp. Brief History of the Catholic Church in the United States, comp. for use in Catholic Schools. 19 10. DG-Si88 Note. — Bound with their Compendium of Church History. Compenclium of Church History, comp. for use in Catholic Schools. 1911 DG-Si88 SLADEN, DOUGLAS The Secrets of the Vatican. 1907 DG-Si 13s SOCRATES, SCHOLASTICUS Ecclesiastical History. (A. D. 305-445.) 1897. DA-S0157 SOZOMENUS Ecclesiastical History. (A. D. 324-440.) DA-S0996 24 SPENCE-JONES, HENRY O. M. Early Christians in Rome. 1910 DA-Sp362c STONE, JEAN M. Reformation and Renaissance. 1904 DA-St73 TAUNTON, Rev. ETHELRED L. History of the Jesuits in England. 1580-1773. 1901. DS45-T192 The Law of the Church ; Cyclopedia of Canon Law for English Speaking Countries. 1906 DD-5T196 THEODORET, BISHOP OF CYRUS History of the Church. 1854 DA-T346 TOSTI, LUIGI, Conte. History of Pope Boniface VHI, and his Times, with Notes and Documentary Evidence in six books. 191 1 DGA-B644t VACANDARD, ELPHEGE The Inquisition ; translated from the 2nd Edition by B. L. Conway, C. S. P. 1908 DI-Vi3i WALSH, Dr. JAMES J. The Popes and Science. 1908 DGA-Wi66p WARD, Rt. Rev. BERNARD The Dawn of the Catholic Revival in England, 1781- 1803. 1909. 2 vols DG45-W21 Eve of Catholic Emancipation. 3 vols. 1911-12. DG45-W21C WARD WILFRID The Oxford Movement. 1913 DD45-W210 WELDON, Dom. BENNETT, O. S. B. Pax; Chronological Notes containing, the Rise, Growth and Present State of the Order of St. Benedict. 1881 DMBEN-W456P WISEMAN, N. Cardinal. Recollections of the Last Four Popes and of Rome in their Times. 1858 DGA-W753 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. Religion in New Netherland; 1623-1664. 1910. DD83-Z94 25 SECULAR HISTORY— General. ACTON, J. E. E. DALBERG-ACTON, First Baron. Historical Essays and Studies. 1907 F-Ac86he The History of Freedom and Other Essays. . . .F-Ac86hf Lecture on the Study of History. T896 FA-AC84 Lectures on Modern History. 1906 .FO7-AC866I BELLOC, Mme. BESSIE P. Peoples of the World. 3d Edition PY-B41 DESMOND, HUMPHREY J. Mooted Questions of History. 190T FB-D465 DEWE, JOSEPH ADELBERT Medieval and Modern History. 1907. .... .F03-D5i3m DuCHAILLU, PAUL B. The Viking Age. 1889. 2 vols FF-D85 FREDET, Rev. Dr. PETER Modern History; rev. by C. H. McCarthy, Ph.D. 1910 FO3-F873 FROISSART, Sir JOHN Chronicles. 1874. 2 vols FO4-F92 Same. 1891. Abridged Edition. GUGGENBERGER, Rev. A., S. J. General History of the Christian Era. 1899-1901. 3 vols. Vol. I. — Papacy and the Empire. Vol. II. — Protestant Revolution. Vol. III. — Social Revolution F30-G936 KERNEY, MARTIN J. Compendium of History, Ancient and Modern ; rev. by C. H. McCarthy, Ph.D. 1909 F-K456 SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH Von. Course of Lectures on Modern History. Translated by Lyndsey Purcell and R. H. Whitelock. 1849. F03-Sch363E 26 SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH Von.— Continued. Philosophy of History. Translated by J. B. Robert- son. 1893 FD-Sch385p SHAHAN, Rev. THOMAS JOSEPH The Middle Ages. 1904 ^ F04-Shi4m WALSH, Dr. JAMES J. Modern Progress and History. 1912 FE-Wi67m The Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries. 1907. F04-Wi67t See Collective Biography. AMERICA. BIART, LUCIEN The Aztecs, Their History, Manners and Customs. 1900 F951-B47 BOTTA, CARLO G. History of the War of Independence. 1842. 2 vols. F832-B655E BOURKE, JOHN G. On the Border with Crook. 1892 G93-B663 Snake Dance of the Moquis of Arizona. 1884. G938-B667S BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Seces- sion. 1862 F8341-B8164S CARRINGTON, HENRY B. Battles of the American Revolution. 1888 F832-C2 CHARLEVOIX, PIERRE F., S. J. History and General Description of New France. 1900. 6 vols F82-C387 CLINCH, BRYAN J. California and Its Missions. 1904. 2 vols.. .F941-C616 CONNER, PHILIP S. P. Home Squadron Under Commodore Conner in the War with Mexico. 1896 F8337-C76 27 CRIMMINS, JOHN D. Irish-American Historical Miscellany. 1905. F8399i-C866i DeCOSTA, BENJAMIN F. The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen with Translations from the Icelandic Sagas. 3d Edition. 1901 G801-D356P DOYLE, JOHN A. English Colonies in America. 1889-1907. 5 vols. F83i-D775e History of the United States. 1876 F83-D77 FLINN, JOHN J. Chicago, A History, Encyclopedia and Guide. 1893. G896C-F646 FORMAN, SAMUEL EAGLE Advanced American History. 1914 F83-F766a Advanced Civics. 1908 JT83-F766 American Republic; A Text in Civics. 191 1. JT83-F766am Essentials in Civic Government. 1909 JT83-F766C First Lessons in Civics. 1898 jJT83-F766f FORTIER, ALCEE, and FICKLEN, J. R. Central America and Mexico. 1907. (In History of North America. Vol. 9.) F81-H627 GAYARRE, CHARLES E. History of Louisiana. 1903. 4 vols F876-G252h Louisiana, Its History as a French Colony. 1852. F876-G252 HALTIGAN, JAMES The Irish in the American Revolution. 1908. F832-H167 HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER Stories of Georgia. 1896 F867-H422 JESUIT RELATIONS. See Page McCABE, JAMES D. Centennial History of the United States. 1874. F83-M129 28 McGEE, THOMAS d'ARCY History of the IrisTi Settlers in North America. 1852 F83-M173 McSHERRY, JAMES History of Maryland, from 1634-1848. 1849. Same edited and continued by B. B. James. 1904. F857-M246 MARQUETTE LEAGUE Indian Tribal Funds, The Case for the Catholic Indians Stated F8o9-M348i MOLINA, Rev. J. I., S. J. The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili. 1808. 2 vols G996-M73 MADAILLAC, Marquis de. Pre-Historic America. 1893 PWA-Ni22p O'CALLAGHAN, EDMUND B. Documentary History of the State of New York. •1849-55. 4 vols F85i-0'ci55 O'CONNELL, JEFFREY C. The Irish in the Revolution and the Civil War. 1903 F8399i-0'c56 O'HANLON, JOHN C. Irish-American History of the United States. 1903. F83-Ohi65 PARIS, Comte de. Battle of Gettysburg. 1886 F8347-P215 History of the Civil War in America. Vol 1-4. 1875-88 F834-P2i5hE READ, BENJAMIN M. Popular Elementary History of New Mexico. 1914. F937-R223 RUSSELL, Rt. Rev. WILLIAM T. Maryland, the Land of Sanctuary. 1907. . . .DG857-R91 SCHARF, JOHN T. Chronicles of Baltimore. 1874 F857B-Schi2 History of Maryland. 1879. 3 vols F857-Schi27 History of the Confederate States Navy. 1887. US-Schi27 29 SEMMES, Admiral RAPHAEL Campaign of General Scott in the Valley of Mexico. 1852 F8337-Se553 Service Afloat. 1903 F834i-Se55 SHEA, JOHN G. Fallen Brave. 1861 F8340-Sh32 TAYLOR, HANNIS The Origin and Growth of the American Consti- tution. 191 1 JT83-T2150 TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS de. Democracy in America. 2 vols. 1900. . . . JT83-T567dEr Republic of the United States of America and its Political Institutions Reviewed and Examined. JT83-t567dE VESPUCCI, AMERIGO Account of his First Voyage. (Old South Leaflets, General Series No. 34.) Vol. 2 F83-OL14 Account of his Third Voyage. (O. S. L. No. 90.) Vol. 4 F83-OL14 WALWORTH, Mrs. ELLEN H. Battles of Saratoga. 1777. 1891 F832-W178 GREAT BRITAIN. A'BECKETT, GILBERT A. Comic History of England. 1853. 2 vols. . .YW-Ab23ce BELLOC, HILAIRE Battle of Blenheim. 191 1 F4557-B415 Warfare in England. 1912 U45-B415 BELLOC, HILAIRE, & CHESTERTON, CECIL Party System. 191 1 JU45-B415 DAVEY, RICHARD P. B. The Pageant of London. 1906 F45L-D273P GIRALDUS, CAMBRENSIS Historical Works. 1863 F42-G447 30 INGULF, ABBOTT of CROYLAND Chronicles of the Abbey of Croyland, 655-1486. 1893. F45i3-In485 JUSSERAND, JEAN J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. 1905. FF45-J985 LINGARD, Rev. JOHN History of England, Abridged and Brought Down to the Accession of Edward VH. by H. N. Birt, 1903 F45-L64bi History of England from the Invasion by the Ro- mans to 1688. 1902. 10 vols F45-L64 McCarthy, justin Epoch of Reform. 1830-1880. 1882 F4566-Mi27e History of Our Own Times. 1837-1901. 1899-1905. 7 vols F4566-Mi27h Same, 1897. 3 vols History of the Four Georges and of William IV. 1901. 4 vols F456-Mi26f Modern England. 1899. 2 vols F45-Mi28m Reign of Queen Anne. 1902. 2 vols F4557-M126 A Short History of Our Own Times, from the Ac- cession of Queen Victoria to the Accession of Ed- ward VII. 1908 F4566-M127S Story of the People of England in the 19th Century. 1899. 2 vols F456-M125 MACDONAGH, MICHAEL Book of Parliament. 1897 K45H-Mi46b Parliament, Its Romance, Its Comedy, Its Pathos. 1902 K45H-M146 MOLLOY, JOSEPH F. Court Life Below Stairs ; or, London Under the First Georges. 1897. 2 vols F456-M735 Royalty Restored; or, London under Charles II. , 1897- F4554-M735 O'CONNOR, THOMAS P. Gladstone's House of Commons. 1885 K45G-OC56 Parnell Movement, with Sketch of Irish Parties from 1843. 1891 JU42-OC566P 31 TAYLOR, HANNIS Origin and Growth of the English Constitution. 2 vols. 19CXD JT45-T214 WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Earliest Period to the Reign of King Stephen. 1904. F45-W676 WINDLE, BERTRAM C. A. Chester, an Historical and Topographical Account of the City. 1904 F45Ch-W723c Life in Early Britain. 1897. F451-W721 IRELAND. D'ALTON, Rev. E. A. History of Ireland. 6 vols. 191 1 F42-D176 DAUNT, W. J. O'N. Eighty-Five years of Irish History, 1800-1885. 1888. F42-D267 DAVITT, MICHAEL The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland. 1904 F42-D298 DUFFY, Sir C G. Young Ireland; Fragments of Irish History. 1881. F42-D874 FINERTY, J. F. Ireland ; the People's History of Ireland. 2 vols. 1905 • • .F42-F493 GIRALDUS, CAMBRENSIS Historical Works. 1894 F42-G447 JOYCE, P. W. Origin and History of Irish Names and Places. 1902-1910. 2 vols XDCG-J85 Reading Book in Irish History. 1901 F42-J85 A Short History of Ireland from the Earliest Times to 1608. 1895 F42-J85S Social History of Ancient Ireland. 2 vols. 1903. F429-J853 The Story of Ancient Irish Civilization. 1907. FE42-J853S 32 KEATING, GEOFFREY History of Ireland. 3 vols. 1902- 1908. (Irish Text Soc. Publications, v. 4, 8-9.) Irish and English on opposite pages F42-K224 LAWLESS, EMILY Story of Ireland. (Story of the Nations.) 1896. F42-L42 McCarthy, justin Outline of Irish History. 1883 F42-M1280 Ireland and Her Story. 1903 F42-M128 McGEE, Thomas D'ARCY Popular History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Cotholics. 2 vols. F42-M171 McGEOGHEGAN, Rev. JAMES History of Ireland F42-M173 McGRATH, THOMAS F. History of the Ancient Order of Hibernians to 1898, with Biography of Bishop McFaul, of Tren- ton KY-M 162 MORRIS, W. O'CONNOR Ireland. 1499-1868. 1898 F42-M834 Present Irish Questions. 1901 HX-M834 O'BRIEN, R. B. A Hundred Years of Irish History. 191 1 . . . .F425-Ob64 Two Centuries of Irish History. 1691-1870. .F42-Ob643t O'BRIEN, WILLIAM An Olive Branch in Ireland and Its History. 1910. JU42-Ob64 O'CONNELL, Dr. J. C. The Irish in the Revolution and Civil War. Rev. Ed. 1903 F83991-OC56 REDMOND, JOHN Home Rule ; ed. by R. Barry O'Brien. 1910. . JU42-R247 SULLIVAN, ALEXANDER M. New Ireland. 1878 F42-Su544n WAKEMAN, WILLIAM F. Handbook of Irish Antiquities. 1903 FF42-W136 33 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. A'BECKETT, GILBERT A. Comic History of Rome YW-Ab23Cy ACTON, J. E. E. DALBERG-ACTON, First Baron. Lectures on the French Revolution. 1910 F393-AC86 BELLOC, HILAIRE The French Revolution. 1911 F393-B415 Waterloo. 1912 , . F3944-B415 BURTON, Sir RICHARD F. Etruscan Bologna. 1876 FF35-B95 CARETTE, Mme. Eve of an Empire's Fall F395-C187 CRAWFORD, F. MARION Rulers of the South; Sicily, Calabria, Malta. 1900. 2 vols : F35-C85 Salve Venetia. 1905. 2 vols F35V-C854S DAyiTT, MICHAEL Within the Pale; True Story of Anti-Semitic Per- secution in Russia. 1903 F61ZR-D298 DIMNET, Abbe ERNEST France Herself Again. 1914 JU39-D596 DOLLINGER, J. J. I. Von. Studies in European History. 1890 F30-D694 DUFFY, BELLA Tuscan Republics. Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca, with Genoa. 1893 .F35-D873 FORTIER, ALCEE, ed. Napoleon; Extracts from Henri Martin, Victor Duruy, and others. 1898 F39442-F748 GIBBS, PHILIP H. Men and Women of the French Revolution. 1906. F393-G35 34 GARDNER,' EDMUND G. Story of Florence. (Mediaeval Towns.) 1908. G35F-G17 Story of Siena and San Gimignano (Mediaeval Towns.) 1904 F35Si-Gi73 HOOKE, NATHANIEL Roman History. 1770-71. 4 vols F36-H76 KENNY, THOMAS JOSEPH Glimpses of Latin Europe. 1913 G30-K395g JANSSEN, Rev. JOHANNES History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages. 1896-1909. 14 vols F47-J267E LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE History of the French Revolution of 1848. 1888. F393-Li62he History of the Girondists. 1848. 3 vols F393-L162E History of the Restoration of the Monarchy in France. 1891. 4 vols F3945-L162E LANCIANI, RODOLFO The Roman Forum. 1910 FF36-L22ro LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL The New France. 1913 F393-L625n MALLESON, GEORGE B. Refounding of the German Empire. 1848-71. F47-M294 MOLLOY, JOSEPH F. The Romance of Royalty. 1904. 2 vols FB-M735r Russian Court in the i8th Century. 1905. 2 vols. F545-M735r MORRIS, W. O'CONNOR Campaign of 1815. 1900 F3944-M934 French Revolution and First Empire. 1891 . .F393-M834 Napoleon, Warrior and Ruler. 1901 F39442-M83 O'MEARA, BARRY E. Napoleon in Exile. 1822 F39442-Om24 PETRE, FRANCIS L. Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia. 1907 F3944-P44n 35 SAINT AMAND, IMBERT DE Citizeness Bonaparte. 1896 E-J776SE Court of the Empress Josephine. J901 E-J776SCE Court of Louis XIV. 1893 F3924-Sa23E Court of Louis XV. 1900 l\3926-Sa262cE Court of the Second Empire. 1898 i'395-Sa23c.E Duchess of Angouleme and the Two Restorations. 1902 E-An465sdE Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X. 1892. E-B457SCE Duchess of Berry and the Court of Louis XVIII. 1892 E-B4575S1E Duchess of Berry and the Revolution of 1830. 1893 E-B457srE France and Italy. 1899 F395-Sa23fe Happy Days of the Empress Marie Louise. 1890. E-M335shE Last Years of Louis XV. 1902 F3926-Sa262iE Louis Napoleon and Mile de Montijo. 1899. F395i-Sa262iE Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty. 1895 E-M3348Sa Ema Marie Antoinette and the End of the Old Regime. 1896 E-M3348saEp Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1897. .E-M 3348sEm Marie Louise and the Decadence of the Empire. 1890 E-M335sdE Marie Louise and the Invasion of 181 4. 1900. E-M3335siE Marie Louise, The Island of Elba and the 100 Days. 1899 E-M33SsiiE Napoleon III and His Court. 1898. . . . F395i-Sa262nE Napoleon III at the Height of His Power. 1900. F395i-Sa262naE Revolution of 1848. 1895 'F3949-Sa268 Wife of the First Consul. 1894 E-j776sfE Women of the Valois Court. 1898 E-9Sa267fE Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme. 1898. .E-An465sjE SMITH, ERNEST GILLIAT The Storv of Brussels. (Mediaeval Towns.) 1901. G468B-Sm54 The Storv of Bruges. (Mediaeval Towns.) 1901. G468B-Sm54 36 TOQUE VILLE, ALEXIS DE The Old Regime and the Revolution. 1856. .F393-T567 OTHER COUNTRIES. BLUNT, WILFRID S. Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt. 1907 F71-B628S CURTIN, JEREMIAH The Mongols ; A History. 1908 F6666-C94m Mongols in Russia. 1908 F6666-C94mr FITZPATRICK, Sir JAMES P. Transvaal from Within. A Private Record of Pri- vate Affairs. 1899 F743-F585 LYNCH, GEORGE War of Civilizations : With the Allies in China. 1901 F66-L99 MALLESON, GEORGE B. History of Afghanistan. 1878 F639-M295h Indian Mutiny of 1857. 1898 F6962-M295 OHRWALDER, Father JOSEPH Ten Years' Captivity in The Mahdi's Camp, 1882-1892. 1895 F77-Oh682t COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. ALEXANDER, Mrs. FRANCIS, Comp. II Libro d'Oro of those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life DZS-A127 ASHTON, JOHN i8th Century Waifs. 1887 E-9AS386 BURKE, Sir JOHN B. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage and Baronetage. 191 1 E-5B91 History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland. 1904. E-5B9ig 37 BUTLER, Rev. ALBAN Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Saints. 1885. Same. 1846. 12 vols, in four DZS-B973 Lives of the Saints with reflections for every day in the year. 1913 DZS-B973I BYRNE, Mrs. JULIA Gossip of the Century. 1892-98. 4 vols in three. E-9B995 CAMPBELL, Rev. THOMAS J., S. J. Pioneer Priests of North America, 1642-1710. 3 vols E-9C156P CARETTE, MME. Recollections of the Court of the Tuileries. 1890. E-C188E CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH Varied Types. 1905 E-9C428 COOPER, THOMPSON Biographical Dictionary. 1892. 2 vols E-5C786 COTHONAY, M. B. Lives of the Four Martyrs of Tonkin, Who Belonged to the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary in the Philippine Islands. 191 1 DP-C82 DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS The Legends of the Saints; Translated by Mrs. V. M. Crawford. 1907 DZS-D37 FITZGERALD, PERCY H. The Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George III. 1882. 2 vols F4563-FS74 HOWITT, Mrs. MARY Queens of England from the Norman Conquest to Victoria. 1901 * E-9H843 KAVANAGH, JULIA Woman in France During the i8th Century. 1893. 2 vols E-9K17W Women of Christianity. 1852 E-9K17WO LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. 3 vols E-9L163 38 LILLY, WILLIAM S. Renaissance Types. 1901 E-9L625 LIVES OF THE SAINTS from Ancient Books of De- votion. 1869 DZS-L756 McCarthy, justin British Political Portraits. 1903 E-9M128 Portraits of the Sixties. 1903 E-9M128P MERRICK, D. A. Saints of the Society of Jesus. 1891 DMJE-M554 MORRIS, J. Makers of Japan. 1906 E-9M834m MURRAY, JOHN O'KANE Catholic Pioneers of America. 1882 E-9M96 NEWMAN, CARDINAL (Ed.) Lives of the British Saints. 1901. 6 vols. . . .DZS-N467 O'BRIEN, SOPHIE (Raffalovich) Unseen Friends. 1912 E9ob64 OLDMEADOW, ERNEST Great Musicians. 1908 VW10-9OI15 O'REILLY, MICHAEL F. (and WALSH, J. J.) Makers of Electricity. 1909 E-90r345 PEACOCK, VIRGINIA TATNALL Famous American Belles of the 19th Century. 1901. • E-9P312 POTAMIAN, Brother See O'Reilly, Michael F. REUSS, FRANCIS X. Biographical Cyclopedia of the Catholic Heirarchy of the U. S. 1898 C1CA-5R318 ROMAN MARTYROLOGY. Rev. Ed. with the im- primatur of Card. Gibbons. 1907 DZS-R662 SALA, Mrs. GEORGE AUGUSTUS Famous People I Have Met. 1892 E-9Sa322 39 SEAWELL, M. E. ' Twelve Naval Captains. 1900 jE-9Sei6 SHEA, JOHN G. Lives of the Saints, with Reflections for Every Day in the Year. 1902 DZS-Sh32 TAGGART, JOSEPH Biographical Sketches of Charles Carroll, of Carroll- ton; Roger Brooke Taney and others; William Starke Rosecrans; John Barry; Philip Henry Sheridan, and a Sketch of the Early History of Maryland. 1907 E-9T128 WALSH, Dr. JAMES J. Catholic Churchmen in Science. 1906 E-9Wi67e Makers of Modern Medicine. 1907 E-9W167 Old Time Makers of Medicine. 191 1 E-9W 1670 WARD, WILFRID P. Ten Personal Studies. 1908 E-9W217 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. A'BECKETT, A. W. A'Becketts of Punch ; Memoirs of Father and Sons. 1903 E-9Ab34 ACTON. Lord Acton and his Circle. Edited by F. A. Gasquet. 1906 E-Ac866g Letters to Mary Gladstone. ( 1879-86. ) 1904. . . E-Ac866 AKBAR, Emperor of India. Akbar and the Rise of the Mughal Empire. By G. B. Malleson. 1903. (Rulers of India.) . . . .E-Ak227m ALFRED. Life of King Alfred. By John Asser, Bishop of Sherborne ; edited by Stevenson. 1904. F4514-AS737 AMBROSE. St. Ambrose ; by the Due de Broglie. Translated by 40 AMBROSE.— Continued. Margaret Maitland. 1899. (The Saints.) DZS-Ami76brE ANDERSON, MARY A Few Memories. 1896 E-An253 ANGELICO. Era Angelico. By G. C. Williamson. 1904. (Bell's Miniature Series of Painters.) Wio-An43\v ANTHONY OE PADUA. Saint Anthony of Padua and the 20th Century. By the Rev. Erancis Dent. 1900 DZS-An857d Wonder Worker of Padua. By Stoddard. 1896. DZS-An857s ARIOSTO. The King of Court Poets ; study of the Work, Life and Times of Ludovico Ariosto. By E. G. Gard- ner. 1906 E-Ar467g ARNOLD. Passages in a Wandering Life. By Thomas Arnold. 1900 , E-Ar667 AUGUSTINE. Saint Augustine. By Adolphe Hatzfeld. 1903. (The Saints.) DZS-Au487he BALZAC. Honore de Balzac. By F. Brunetiere. 1906. ZY39A-B27brE BANCROFT. Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft On and Off the Stage. 1888. 2 vols E-B2214 BARRY. Commodore John Barry. By M. L J. Griffin. 1903. . . . E-B279g Story of Commodore John Barry; Father of the American Navy. By M. L J. Griffin. 1908. .E-B279gs BASTIEN-LEPAGE. Jules Bastien-Lepage. By Julia Cartwright. 1894. W10-B298C 41 BELLINI. Giovanni Bellini. By Everard Meynell. 1905. (Newnes' Art Library.) Wio-B4i2m BERNADETTE. Life of Bernadette. By Henri Lasserre. 1885. E-B4562L BERNARDINE OF SIENA. Saint Bernardine of Siena. By Paul Thureau- Dangin; Translated by Baroness G. von Hugel. 1906 DZS-B458tE BLESSINGTON. Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington. By G. F. Molloy. (Beaux and Belles of England.) E-B6i7mo BOSWELL. Life of James Boswell. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1891. 2 vols E-B654f BOTTICELLI. Botticelli. By Richard Davey. 1905. (Newnes' Art Library.) '. Wio-B655d Sandro Botticelli. By Julia Cartwright. 1903. W10-B655C BRIGHT. John Bright. By R. Barry O'Brien. 1910 E-B7640 BROGLIE, Due A. L. V. de. Personal Recollections; 1785- 1820. Translated bv R. L. de Beaufort. 1887. 2 vols E-B7798 BROOKFIELD. Mrs. Brookfield and her Circle. By Charles and Frances Brookfield. 1906. 2 vols E-9B792m Random Reminiscences. By Chas. H. E. Brookfield. 1902 E-B7914 BROWNING. Robert Browning. By G. K. Chesterton. 1903. (Eng. men of letters.) E-B82ch BURNAND. Records and Reminiscences, Personal and General. 1904. 2 vols E-B927 42 BURTON, Sir R. F. Life of Sir Richard Burton. By Isabel Burton. 1893. 2 Vols E-B953bu BUTLER, Sir WILLIAM FRANCIS Autobiography. 191 1 E-B975 CAMPION. Edmund Campion. By Richard Simpson. New Edition. 1896 E-C155S CARLYLE. Conversations with Carlyle. By Sir C. G. Duffy. 1892 E-Ci94d CARROLL. Life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, with his cor- respondence ancl Public Papers. By K. M. Row- land. 1898. 2 vols E-C2343r CATHERINE of SIENA. Saint Catherine of Siena. A Study in the Religion, Literature, and History of the 14th Century. By E. G. Gardner. 1907 E-C285g CELLINI. Chisel, Pen, and Poignard; or, Benevenuto Cellini, His Times and His Contemporaries. By Thomas Longueville. 1899 W10-C33L CHARLEMAGNE. Life of the Emperor Charlemagne. By Eginhard. F39i5-Ei642 CHARLOTTE SOPHIA. Good Queen Charlotte. By P. H. Fitzgerald. 1899. E-C386f CHOPIN. Life of Chopin. By Abbe F. Liszt. 1877. .VW10-C454L CHRIST. Life of Christ. By Mgr. Emile Le Camus. 1906. 3 vols CGQ-L496 Christ the Son of GOD. By Abbe Constant Fouard. Translated from the 5th Edition by Rev. G. F. X. Griffith. 1891. 2 vols CGQ-F825 43 CHRIST.— Continued. Life, Doctrine, and Sufferings of Our Blessed Lord. By Henry Rutter. 1844 CGQ-R935 A Life of Christ for Children. By the Comtesse de Segur. Translated by M. V. Merrick. 1909. JCGQ-Se37 The Life of Christ. By M. V. Merrick. 1909. CGQ-M554 A Life of Christ for Children. Prefaced by Cardi- nal Gibbons. 1910 JCGQ-L625 Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST; by Saint Bonaventura; to which are added The Devotion of The Three Hours Agony, and the Life of St. Joseph. 1868 CGQ-B642 JESUS CHRIST. By Pere Didon. 1891. 2 vols. CGQ-B564 JESUS CHRIST; GOD; GOD AND MAN. By Pere Lacordaire. 1907 CICA-L115 CHRISTINA, Queen of SWEDEN. Christina of Sweden. By I. A. Taylor. 1909. F5227-T21 CLARE. Life of Saint Clare; ascribed to Fr. Thomas of Ce- lano, Translated by Fr. P. Robinson. 1910. . .E-C543t Same; tr. by Charlotte Balfour. 1910 E-C543th CLIVE. Life of Mrs. Catherine Clive. By P. H. Fitzgerald. 1888 E-C6i47f Lord Clive and the Establishment of the English in India. By G. B: Malleson. 1890 E-C6i5mi COLUMBA. Life of St. Columba. By Adamnan. 1895. DZS-C726adEh COLUMBUS, C. The Life of Christopher Columbus. By Francesco Tarducci. 1891 E-C72tE Old and New Lights on Columbus. By R. C. Clarke, LL.D. 1893 E-C72CI 44 COROT. Corot and His Friends. By Everard Meynell. 1908. Wio-C8i4m CORRIGAN. Memorial of the Most Rev. M. A. Corrigan. 1902. E-C817 CUTHBERT. Life and Miracles of St. Cuthbert. (In Bede. Ec- clesiastical History of England. Everyman's ser.) DD45-B393ai DAHLGREN. Memoir of John A. Dahlgren. By Mrs. M. V. Dahl- gren. 1891 E-D13 DAHLGREN. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. By Mrs. M. V. Dahl- gren. 1872 E-D132 DAMIEN. Damien of Molokai. By May Quinlan. 1909. .E-DT83q Father Damien ; an Open Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Honolulu. By Robert Louis Stevenson, with a statement by Mrs. Stevenson E-D183S The Lepers of Molokai. By Charles Warren Stod- dard. New ed DSi6i6-St DANTE. Dante. By E. G. Gardner. 1900 ZY35-D237f Dante and Giovanni del Virgilio. By P. S. Wick- steed and E. G. Gardner. 1902 Y35-D23iwi The Divine Commedia; its Scope and Value. By Rev. F. Hettinger. 1887 .ZY35-D237he Life and Works of Dante. By Rev. J. F. Hogan. 1899 ZY35-D237ho DANTON. Danton, a Study. By Hilaire Belloc. 1902. . . .E-D238b DAVITT. Michael Davitt. By F. Sheehy-Skeffington. 1909. E-D298S 45 DeCOSTA. From Canterbury to Rome, Showing Steps Taken in Passing Out the Protestant Communion into the Catholic Church. By B. F. De Costa. 1902. E-D357 DELACROIX. Delacroix. By P. G. Konody. (Masterpieces in color.) W10-D372K DELANY, JOHN BERNARD. The Life and Writings of the Rt. Rev. John Bernard Delany. By G. C. Delany. 191 1 E-D371 DeVERE. A Memoir of Aubrey de Vere. By Wilfrid Ward. 1904 E-D493W Recollections of Aubrey de Vere. 1897 E-D493 DICKENS. Charles Dickens. By G. K. Chesterton. 1906. . .E-D55C Life of Charles Dickens as Revealed in His Writings. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1905. 2 vols E-D55fi DIGBY. The Life of Sir Kenelm Digby. By Thomas Longue- ville. 1896 E-D566L DISRAELI. Benjamin Disraeli. By Wilfrid Meynell. 1903. E-D63me Lord Beaconsfield. By T. P. O'Connor. 1905..E-D630 DOMINIC. Saint Dominic. By Jean Guiraud. 1901. (The Saints.) DZS-D7i4ge DRUMMOND. Life and Letters of Thomas Drummond. By R. B. O'Brien. 1889 E-D8450 DUFFY, Sir CHARLES G. My Life in Two Hemispheres. 1898. 2 vols . . . . E-D873 DUMAS. Life of Alexander Dumas. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1873. 2 vols E-D892f 46 DUPLEIX. Dupleix and The Struggle for India by the Euro- pean Nations. By C. B. Malleson. 1899. (Rulers of India.) E-D926m EDGEWORTH. Maria Edgeworth. By Hon. Emily Lawless. 1904. E-Ed29L EDMUND. St. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury ; His Life as told by Old English Writers. Arranged by Ber- nard Ward. 1903 E-Ed558w ELIZABETH. Madame EHzabeth de France. 1 764-1 794. By Hon. Mrs. M. Scott. 1908 E-Ei47i8m ESTE. Beatrice Este. By Julia Cartwright. 1899. . . .E-M589C ESTE. Isabella Este, Marchioness of Mantua. By Julia Cartwright. 1903. 2 vols E-M319C EUGENIE. My Mistress, the Empress Eugenie. By Mme. Car- ette E-Eu436cE FABER. Life and Letters of Frederick William Faber. By Rev. J. E. Bowden. 1869 . .E-Fii2b FALKLAND. Life of Elizabeth, Ladv Falkland. By Lady G. Ful- lerton. 1883 \ E-F188 FENELON, Abp. Life. By A. de Lamartine. 1853 E-F35L FITZGERALD. Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. By I. A. Taylor. 1903 E-F5729t FLANDRIN. Christian Painter of the 19th Century. Hippolyte Flandrin. By Mrs. H. L. F. Lear. 1875. .W10-F614L 47 FOOTE. Samuel Foote. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1910 E-Fy^yi FRANCIA. Francesco Raibolini, called Francia. By G. C. Wil- liamson. 1901. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) W10-F848W Mantegna and Francia. By Julia Carwtright. 1896. (Great Artists.) Wio-M3i5ca FRANCIS of Assisi. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. By Father Cuth- bert. 1914 • E-F846CU Everybody's St. Francis. By Maurice F. Egan. 1912 DZS-F84e Saint Francis of Assisi, Social Reformer. By Leo L. Dubois, S. M. 1904 E-F846d ERASER, MARY CRAWFORD. Diplomatist's Wife in Many Lands. 2 vols E-F866 Reminiscences. 1912 E-F866a Reminiscences of a Diplomatist's Wife; further Rem- iniscences of a Diplomatist's Wife in Many Lands. 1912 E-F866a FROUDE. Hurrell Froude ; Memoranda and Comments. By L. Q. Guiney. 1904 E-F934g GARFIELD. Our Martyred President. By J. D. McCabe. 1881. E-Fi8m GEORGE IV. Life of George IV. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1881. E-4564-F574 GIBBONS, JAMES. Life of James Cardinal Gibbons. By Allen S. Will. 1911- E-G353W Passing Events in the Life of Cardinal Gibbons. By J. T. Reily DG83-R27 GLADSTONE. The Story of Gladstone's Life. By Justin McCarthy. 1897 E-G45m 48 GONZAGA. Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. By J. F. X. O'Con- nor. 1891 E-G5880 GORDON. Charles George Gordon. By Sir Wm. F. Butler. 1 901. (Englishmen of Action) E-G65bu GREGORY I. Life of St. Gregory the Great. By Right Rev. J. B. Snow. 1892 DGA-G865sn GOUNOD, C. F. Memoirs of an Artist : An Autobiography. 1895. .E-G74 GREY, LADY JANE. Nine Days' Queen : Lady Jane Grey and Her Times. By Richard Davey. 1909 E-G868d GUERIN. Journal of Eugenie de Guerin. Edited by G. S. Tre- butein. 1893. 2 vols E-G93JE Letters of Eugenie de Guerin. 1902 E-Gr93l HANNIBAL. Hannibal. By W. O'C. Morris. 1897. (Heroes of the Nations.) E-Hi95m HARDEY. Mary Aloysia Hardey, Religious of the Sacred Heart. • 1 809- 1 886 ; with introd. By Rev. Thomas J. Camp- bell, S. J. 1910 E-H215 HAWTHORNE. Memoirs of Hawthorne. By his Daughter, R. H. Lathrop. 1897 E-H318I Study of Nathaniel Haw4;horne. By G. P. Lathrop. 1899 E-H3i81a HEALY, G. P. A. Reminiscences of a Portrait Painter. 1894 E-H347 HECKER. Life of Father Hecker. By H. D. Sedgwick, Jr. 1900 E-H356S 49 HENRIETTA MARIA. The Life of Queen Henrietta Maria. By I. A. Tay- lor. 1905 E-H3889t HOBBES. Life of John OHver Hobbes told in her correspon- dence. 191 1 E-H6522 HORTENSE. Queen Hortense and Her Friends. 1783- 1837. ^7 I. A. Taylor. 1907. 2 vols E-H785t HOWITT. Mary Howitt: An Autobiography. 1889. 2 vols. E-H848 HUGHES. Most Rev. John Hughes, First Archbishop of New York. By Rev. H. A. Brann. 1891 E-H875b IGNATIUS. Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Edited by J. F. X. O'Connor. 1900 E-Ig53 Ignatius of Loyola and the Educational System of The Jesuits. By Rev. T. A. Hughes, S. J. 1901. E-Ig53h Saint Ignatius of Loyola. By Henri Joly. 1906. (The Saints.) DZS-Ig528jE Saint Ignatius Loyola. By Francis Thompson. 1910. DZS-Ig528t IRVING. Life of Henry Irving. By Austin Brereton. 1908. 2 vols E-Ir728b The Lyceum and Henry Irving. By Austin Brereton. 1903 VU45-B757 Sir rienry Irving. By P. H. Fitzgerald. 1895 . .E-Ir798f ISABELLA. Isabella of Castile. By E. A. Starr. 1889 F40-St27 JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Life and Writings of Thomas Jefferson. By S. E. Forman. 1900 E-J356f 50 JOAN of ARC. Blessed Joan of Arc; Complete Story of Her Life, Death, Rehabilitation and Beatification. By E. A. Ford. 1910 E-j57fo Jeanne d'Arc. By Alphonse de Lamartine. 1891. E-J57la Maid of France: Life and Death of Jeanne d'Arc. By Andrew Lang E-J57ian JOHN. Saint John and the Close of the Apostolic Age. By Abbe C. H. Fouard. 1905 CBT-F828SE JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Samuel Johnson. By Alice Meynell. 191 1 . .ZYA-J637m JOHNSTON, RICHARD MALCOLM. Autobiography. 1901 E-J656 JOINVILLE, PRINCE de. Memoirs. 1895 E-J667 JOSEPHINE. Josephine, Empress and Queen. By Frederic Mas- son. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. i899..E-j776m KEAN. Life and Adventures of Edward Kean. By J. F. Molloy. 1888. 2 vols 'E-Ki92m KEMBLE. The Kembles. By Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols. . .E-9F574k KENRICK. The Two Kenricks. By J. J. O'Shea. 1904. . .E-K4150 KRASINSKA. Journal of Countess Francoise Krasinska. Great- Grandmother of Victor Emmanuel. 1899. .E-K868E LAMARTINE. Life of Alphonse de Lamartine. By Lady M. Dom- vile. 1888 E-Li634d Twenty-Five Years of My Life. 1872. 2 vols. .E-L1634 51 LaSALLE. Blessed J. B. LaSalle. By Armand Ravelet. 1890. E-L33ir Life and Work of J. B. LaSalle. Founder of the Institute of the Christian Schools. By F. C. N. 1883 E-L331 LEE. Popular Life of Gen. Rol^crt E. Lee. By E. V. Mason. 1872 E-Lsima LEO XIIL Life and Labors of Pope Leo XIIL By Charles de T'Serclaes. Edited by F. M. Egan. 1903. DGA-L553-ts Life of Leo XIIL By Mgr. Bern. O'Reilly. 1895. DGA-L5530 Pope Leo XIIL By Justin McCarthy. 1899. DGA-L553m LESPINASSE. Julie de Lespinasse. By Marquis de Segur. 1907. E-L566SE LEVER. Life and Letters of Charles Lever. By Edmund Downey. 1906. 2 vols E-L576d LIFE of an Enclosed Nun. By a Mother Superior. 191 1 E-L625 LINCOLN. Lincoln Memorial. Edited by J. G. Shea. i865..E-L63sh LINGARD. Life and Letters of John Lingard. By Martin Haile and E. Bonney E-L644h LIPPI. Filippino Lippi. By P. G. Konody. 1905. (Newne's Art Library.) "! . . .Wio-L666ko LOUIS. Life of St. Louis. King of France. Bv Sire de Join- ville. 1892 ' F39168-J66S 52 LOUISE. Life of Mme. Louise de France. By Mrs. H. L. F. Lear. 1884 E-L936I LUINL Bernardino Luini. By G. C. Williamson. 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) W10-L963W LUTHER. Luther. By Rev. Hartmann Grisar, S. J. v. 1-2. 1913 • E-L977gr LYON. Matthew Lyon. By J. F. McLaughlin. 1900. .E-L9964m McCarthy, justin. Irish Recollections. 1912 E-Mi28ai An Irishman's Story. 1904 .E-M128 Reminiscences. 1900. 2 vols E-Mi28a Our Book of Memories : Letters to Mrs. Campbell. Praed. 1912 E-M12822 MANNING. Cardinal Manning. By J. R. Gasquet. 2d ed. 1896. E-M3 1 7g Cardinal Manning. By A. W. Hutton. 1892. .E-M3i7h Life of Cardinal Manning. By E. S. Purcell. 1895. 2 vols. . .E-M317PU Purcell's "Manning" Refuted. By F. De Pressense. 1897 E-M317P The Cardinal Democrat. By I. A. Taylor. 1908. E-M3i7t MANTEGNA. Mantegna and Francia. By Julia Cartwright. 1896. (Great Artists.) Wio-M3i5ca MARIE ANTOINETTE. Marie Antoinette. By Hilaire Belloc. 1909. .E-M3348b The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Chil- dren. By M. C. Bishop. 1894 E-M3348bk Private Life of Marie Antoinette. By J. L. H. Campan. 1890. E-M3348CE 53 MARIE-CLOTILDE de FRANCE. A Sister of Louis XVI. : Marie Clotilde de France. By L. L. d'Artemont. 191 1 E-M33463 MARGARET of CORTONA. The Tuscan Penitent : Life and Legend of St. Mar- garet of Cortona. By Father Cuthbert. 1907. DZS-M33t MARLBOROUGH. The Queen's Comrade; Sarah, Duchess of Marlbor- ough. By F. MoUoy. 1901. 2 vols E-M3434m MARQUETTE. Father Marquette. By R. G. Thwaites. (Editor of Jesuit Relations.) 1902 E-M345t MARY, THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Mary in The Gospels: Lectures on the History of Our Blessed Lady as Recorded by the Evangelists. By Very Rev. J. S. Northcote. 1906 CBT-N818 Marie Corona. By Rev. P. A. Sheehan CBT-Sh34m MARY I. The History of Mary I., Queen of England. By J. M. Stone. 1901 F4548-St735 MARY STUART. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. (A Reply to Froude.) By Jas. F. Meline. 1871 F433-M483 MATILDA. • Matilda, Countess of Tuscany. By Mrs. M. E. Hud- dy. 1905 E-M428h MEMLING. Hans Memling. By W. H. J. Weale. 1901. (Great Masters of Painting and Sculpture.) ... .W10-M514W METTERNICH. Life of Prince Metternich. By Col. G. B. Malle- son. 1888. (International Statesmen Series.) E-M568m MILLET. Jean Francois Millet, His Life and Letters. By Julia Cartwright. 1902 W10-M615C 54 MILTON. Milton. By G. C. Williamson. 1905 E-M645W MOHL. Mme. Mohl: Her Salon and Her Friends. By Kathleen O'Meara. 1886 E-M7260 MOLTKE. Moltke, a Biographical and Critical Study. By W. O'C. Morris. 1894 E-M736m MORE. Sir Thomas More. By H. Bremond. 1904. .E-M8i3bE Sir Thomas More. By W. H. Hutton. 1900. .E-M8i3h Mirrour of Vertiie in Worldly Greatness; or The Life of Sir Thomas More. By William Roper. 1903 E-M8i3r MURILLO. Murillo. By G. C. Williamson. 1902. (Bell's Min- iature Series of Painters.) W10-M945W NAPIER. Life of Sir C. Napier. By Sir Wm. Francis Butler. 1890. (EngHshmen of Action.) E-Ni6b NAPOLEON. Boy Life of Napoleon. By Mme. Eugenie Foa. 1895 JF39442-F682 Napoleon in Exile. By B. E. O'Meara. 1822. 2 vols, in one F39442-Om24 Napoleon ; Warrior and Ruler. By W. O'C. Morris. 1893. (Heroes of the Nations.) F39442-M83 NAVARRO, MARY ANDERSON. See ANDERSON, MARY. NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, Cardinal. Apologia Pro Vita Sua. New Edition. 1902. . . .E-N46 Same ; (Oxford ed.) 1913 E-46ai John Henry, Cardinal Newman. By A. R. Waller and G. H. S. Barrow. 1901 E-N46W Letters and Correspondence during His Life in the English Church; ed. by Anne Mozley. 1891. 2 vols E-N46a 55 NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY— Continued. Life of Cardinal Newman. By William Barry. 1904 E-N46b Life of John Henry, Cardinal Newman. By Sir Wil- frid. P. Ward. 1912. 2 vols E-N46wa O'CONNELL, DANIEL. Correspondence. 1888. 2 vols E-Oc54f Daniel O'Connell: His Early Life and Journal. 1 795-1802. Edited by Arthur Houston. 1906. .E-OC54 O'CONNOR. Life and Letters of M. P. O'Connor; by his Daughter. 1892 E-OC5470 O'REILLY. John Boyle O'Reilly. By J. J. Roche. 1891 . . . .E-Or35r OZANAM. Frederic Ozanam. By Kathleen O'Meara. 191 1. E-OZ1620 PARNELL. Life of Charles S. Parnell. By R. B. O'Brien. 1898. 2 vols, in one E-P240 PASTEUR. Life of Louis Pasteur. By V. Radot. 1902. 2 vols E-P263VE Same, 1906, i vol. Same, 1886. i vol. PATMORE, COVENTRY. Memoirs and Correspondence. By Basil Champneys. 2 vols. 1900 E-P267C PATRICK. Saint Patrick in History. By Very Rev. T. J. Shahan. 1904 * DZS-P275sh PAUL. The Last Years of Saint Paul. By Abbe Constant Fouard. Translated by Rev. G. F. X. Griffith. 1901 CBT-F828E Saint Paul and His Missions. By Abbe Constant Fouard. 1903 DA-F822E 56 PAUL, C. KEGAN. Memoirs. 1899 E-P285 PELLICO, SILVO. My Prisons. 1885 ..E-P36E PETER. Saint Peter and the First Years of Christianity. By Abbe Constant Fouard. Translated by Rev. G. F. X. Griffith. 1907 DA-F822spe St. Peter, Bishop of Rome. By Rev. T. Livius. 1888. DGA-P443L Saint Peter in Rome. By A. S. Barnes. 1903. CBT-B267 PHILIP 11. Life of Philip II. of Spain. By C. A. Gayarre. 1866 F404-G252P PHILLIPS. Life and Letters of Ambrose Phillips de Lisle. By E. S. Purcell. 1900. 2 vols E-P538P PIUS X. Life of Pope Pius X. By Anton de Waal. Trans- lated from the 2d German Edition by I. W. Berg. 1904 \ .DGA-P688wE POCAHONTAS. Pocahontas. By E. L. Dorsey. 1906 E-P452d PERUGINO. Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino. By G. C. Wil- liamson. 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) Wio-P437wi RALEIGH. Sir Walter Raleigh. By I. A. Ashworth. 1903 . .E-Ri34ta RAPHAEL. Early Work of Raphael. By Julia Cartwright. 1905. Wio-Ri8c Raphael. By P. G. Konody. 1908. (Masterpieces in Colour.) Wio-Ri8ko Raphael. By Julia Cartwright Wio-Ri8ca Raphael in Rome. By Julia Cartwright. 1907. Wio-Ri8car 57 RENAN. Ernest Renan. By W. F. Barry. 1905 E-R29b REYNOLDS. Sir Joshua Reynolds. By E. d'Esterre Keeling. 1902. (Makers of British Art.) Wio-R334k Sir Joshua Reynolds and His Circle. By J. F. Mol- loy. 1906. 2 vols Wio-R334m RICHARDS. A Loyal Life : Henry Livingston Richards. By Jos. H. Richards, S. J. 1913 E-R3935r ROBESPIERRE. A Study. By Hilaire Belloc. 1901 E-R548b ROCHEJAQUELIN. Life of Mme. de la Rochejaquelin. By Hon. Mrs M. M. Maxwell-Scott. 191 1 E-L326m ROLAND. Madame Roland. By Mme. Carette. 1903 E-R642C ROSMINI-SERBATI. Life of Father Antonio Rosmini Serbati. Bv Rev. Wm. Lockhart. 1886. 2 vols ..'... E-R716I RUSKIN. John Ruskin. By Alice Meynell. 1900 E-R89me SALA. The Life and Adventures of George Augustus Sala. 1895. 2 vols E-Sa32 SALAMON, Mgr. de (Inter-Nuncio.) Unpublished Memoirs during the Revolution. 1790- 1801. 1895 E-Sa326 SALES. Life of Saint Francis de Sales. By Robert Ornsby. i860 E-F8470 SANTLEY. Reminiscences of Charles Santley. 1909. .VWio-Sas8a Student and Singer: Reminiscences of Charles Sant- lev. T892 VWTO-Sa58 58 SAVONAROLA. Fra. Girolamo Savonarola: A Biographical Study- Based on Contemporary Documents. By Rev. Herbert Lucas, S. J E-Sagl Was Savonarola Really Excommunicated? By J. L. O'Neil. 1900 CQZ-On245 SEVIGNE. Best Letters. Edited by Anderson. 1904 E-Se875aE Letters of Mme. de Sevigne. Edited by S. J. Hale. 1889 E-Se875Eh Madame de Sevigne. By Gaston Boissier. 1889. E-Se875b SHERIDAN. The Lives of the Sheridans. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1886. 2 vols E-9F574I Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Edited by Thomas Moore. 1853. 2 vols E-Sh534m SHERIDAN, GENERAL P. Personal Memoirs. 1888. 2 vols E-Sh58p SHIELDS. Life of Maj. Gen. James Shields. By W. H. Con- don. 1900 E-Sh635c RUSSELL, LORD. The Life of Lord Russell of Killowen. By R. B. O'Brien. 1902 E-R9130 SMET, Rev. P. J. de. Life, Letters and Travels. Edited by Chittenden and Richardson. 1905. 4 vols E-Sm38 STANISLAUS. Life of St. Stanislaus Kostka from the French. 1850 E-St2638 STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. Life. By R. M. Johnston and W. H. Browne. 1878. E-St39Jo STERNE. The Life of Lawrence Sterne. By Percy Fitzgerald. 1896. 2 vols. (Same 1906, i vol.) E-St436f 59 STEVENSON. Robert Louis Stevenson. By G. K. Chesterton (and W. R. Nicoll). 1906. . . . : E-St45ch SWETCHINE, Mme. Life and Letters of Mme. Swetchine. By A. F. P. de Falloux. Translated by H. W. Preston. 1867. E-Sw35f TERESA, SAINT. St. Teresa of Jesus. Ed. by John J. Burke, C. S. P. 1911 DZS-T273 Saint Teresa. By Henri Joly. 1903 DZS-T273JE TERESA OF THE INFANT JESUS. Cause of the Beatification of the Little Flower of Jesus. By Mgr. R. de Teil. 1913 E-T273t TERRY. Ellen Terry. By Clement Scott. 1900 .E-T275S THOMPSON The Life of Francis Thompson. By Everard Mey- nell. 1913 E-T375m TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS de. Correspondence and Conversations with N. W. Sen- ior. 1872. 2 vols E-T567 TURENNE. Marechal Turenne. By Thomas Longueville. 1907. E-T843I VAN EYCK. The Brothers Van Eyck. By P. G. Konody. 1907. (Bell's Miniature Series of Painters.) WioEy25k Van Eyck. By J. C. M. Weale. 1912 Wio-Ey25we VAUGHAN. Life of Cardinal Vaughan. By J. G. Snead-Cox. 1910. 2 vols E-V465S VELASQUEZ. Velasquez. By G. C. Williamson. 1901. (Bell's Miniature Series of Painters.) W10-V54W 6o VENARD, The Venerable. A Modern Martyr. Theophane Venard. Tr. from the French by Lady Herbert. 4th ed. 1906 E-V553 VILLIERS. Romance of George Villiers. By P. H. Gibbs. 1908. E-B8538g VINCENT de PAUL. History of St. Vincent de Paul. By Right Rev. Mgr. Boitgaud. 1899. 2 vols DZS-V724bE St. Vincent de Paul. By the Due de Broglie. Trans- lated by Mildred Partridge. 1906. (The Saints.) DZS-V742brE VINCL Life of Leonardo da Vinci. By Vasari. 1903. Wio-V732vEh WALTER. Memorial Tribute to Rev. J. A. Walter. By Jos. M. Walter. 1895 E-W172W WATTS. George F. Watts. By G. K. Chesterton. 1906, (Popular Library of Art.) Wio-W344ch WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM. Correspondence. 1846. 2 vols E-W647 The Life of William Wilberforce. By His Sons. 1841. 2 vols E-W647W WILLIAM IV. . The Life and Times of William IV. By Percy Fitz- gerald. 1884. 2 vols F4565-F574I Sailor King William IV., His Court and His Sub- jects. By J. F. MoUoy. 1903. 2 vols. . . .F4565-M294 WISEMAN. The Life and Times of Cardinal Wiseman. By Wil- frid Ward. 1900. 2 vols E-W753W WOFFINGTON. ■ Life and Adventures of Peg Woffington. By J. F. Molloy. 1892. 2 vols E-W824 6i WOLSEY. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By George Cavendish. 1885 E-W836cam Thomas Wolsey, Legate and Reformer. By Rev. E. L. Taunton. 1902 E-W836t DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. A'BECKETT, ARTHUR W. London at the End of the Century. 1909. .G45L-Ab342 Our Holidays in the Scottish Highlands G43-Ab342 ABRUZZI, LUIGI, Duke d' On the 'Tolar Star" in the Arctic Sea. 1903. 2 vols G14-L964E AYSCOUGH,*JOHN Saints and Places. 1912 G35-Ay83s BARRETT, JOHN Latin America, The Land of Opportunity. 1909. G96-B2731 BARRETT, MICHAEL Rambles in Catholic Lands. 1914 G30-B273r BARTHELEMY, Abbe J. J. Travels of Anarcharsis the Younger in Greece. Abridged. 1830 G32-B28 BAZIN, RENE • The Italians of Today. 1897 G35-B348Em BEGBIE, HAROLD The Happy Irish. 1914 G42-B394h BELLOC, HILAIRE Esto Perpetua; Algerian Studies and Impressions. 1906 G795-B4i5e The Historic Thames. 1907 .G45T-B4i5h Path to Rome. 1902 G30B413 The Pyrenees. 1909 G39P99-B415 BLAKE, MARY E. Summer Holiday in Europe. 1891 G30-B58 62 BLUNT, LADY ANNE Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. 1896 G633-B628 BOURGET, PAUL Outre Mer ; Impressions of America. 1896. . G83-B660UE BURTON, Sir RICHARD F. Jew, Gypsy and El Islam. 1898 PX-B956 Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al Madinah and Meccah. 1898. 2 vols G62-B953 Wanderings in Three Continents. 1901 G131-B95 BUTE, Marquis of; (Translator) Bikelas' Seven Essays on Christian Greece. 1890. G32-B487S BUTLER, Lady ELIZABETH From Sketch-Book and Diary. 1909 * . . . .G28-B975 Letters from the Holy Land. 1903 G61-B975 BUTLER, Sir WILLIAM FRANCIS Wild Northland. (British America.) 1903.. .G817-B975 The Great Lone Land ; Travel and Adventure in the North- West of America. 1910 G822-B975 BYRNE, Mrs. JULIA Pictures of Hungarian Life. 1869 G57-B995 CARMICHAEL, MONTGOMERY In Tuscany. 1902 G35T-C213 CHAMBERLAIN, BASIL H. Things Japanese. 1902 G67-C3659 CHAMBERLAIN, BASIL H. (and MASON, W. B.) Handbook for Travellers in Japan. 1903 G67-C366 CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL de. The Voyages and Explorations of Champlain, Nar- rated by Himself; Translated by A. N. Bourne. 1906. 2 vols G8i-C857Eb Same; Edited by W. L. Grant. 1907 G8i-C857Eg CHANDLERY, Rev. P. J., S. J. Pilgrim Walks in Rome. 1903 G36-C363 63 CHATEAUBRIAND, VICOMTE de Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land through Egypt. 1835. 2 vols G61-C393E CHIROL, VALENTINE The Far Eastern Question. 1896 G66-C447f The Middle Eastern Question. 1903 JU60-C447 Twixt Greek and Turk; or, Jottings during a Jour- ney through Thessalv, Macedonia and Epirus, in 1880. 1881 .' G29-C447 CLIFFORD, HUGH C. Further India^ 1904 G69-C613 In Court and Kampong; Native lyife in the Malay Peninsula. 1903 G684-C613 COGHLAN, TIMOTHY A. (and EWING, T. T.) Progress of Australia in the 19th Century. 1903. F21-C656 COGHLAN, TIMOTHY A. A Statistical Account of tlie Seven Colonies of Australia HB21-C65 Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. 1890-91. HB216-C658 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER Letter on the Discovery of America; Facsimile of the Pictorial Ed. with new and literal transla- tions, and a complete reprint of the oldest four editions in Latin. 1892 G803-C7281 Writings, edited by P. L. Ford. 1892 G803-C726 CONWAY, KATHERINE E. New Footsteps in Well-trodden Ways. 1899. .G30-C768 CRAWFORD, F. MARION Ave Roma Immortalis. 1902 G36-C85av Constantinople. 1895 G59C-C858 CREVECOEUR, HECTOR ST. JOHN de. Letters from an American Farmer. 1904 G83-C868 CURRIER, CHARLES WARREN Lands of the Southern Cross. 191 1 G98-C936 64 DAHLGREN, MADELEINE V. South Sea Sketches. 1881 G98-D13 A Washington Winter. 1883 G859W-D138W DAVEY, RICHARD The Sultan and His Subjects. 1897. 2 vols. . . G59C-D274 De COSTA, BENJAMIN F. Rambles in Mount Desert. 1871 G841-D35 De VERE, AUBREY T. Picturesque Sketches in Greece and Turkey. 1850. G34-D493 DE CHAILLU, PAUL B. Adventures in the Great Forests of Equatorial Af- rica. Abridged Edition. 1890 G73-D852 Country of the Dwarfs. 1905 G73-D85C Journey to Ashango-Land. 1867 G73-D852J Land of the Midnight Sun. 1882. 2 vols G48-D855 My Apingi Kingdom. 1904 G73-D85m EUSTACE, Rev. JOHN C Classical Tour through Italy. 2 vols, in one. . . G35-EU75 FITZGERALD, PERCY H. London City Suburbs as they are Today. 1893. G45L-F574 Picturesque London. 1890 G45L-F574P Roman Candles. 1861 G36-F576 FITZPATRICK Sir JAMES P. Jock of the Bushveld. 1908. (Transvaal Descr.) G74-F587 FLETCHER, MARGARET Sketches of Life and Character in Hungary. 1892. G56-F638 FORTIER, ALCEE Acadians of Louisiana. (In Johnston, M. A. Comp. In Acadia. 1893.) G876-J656i ERASER, Mrs. MARY C. Diplomatist's Wife in Japan. 1899. 2 vols. Pub- lished also under title, Letters from Japan. . . G67-F866d Italian Yesterdays. 1914 G35-F867i 65 GERARD, EMILY The Land Beyond the Forest. (Austro-Hungary) 1888 G56-G31 GIBBS, PHILIP H. Australasia, the Britains of the South. 1903. .G21-G352 India, Our Eastern Empire. 1903 G69-G352 HARRIS, Mrs. MIRIAM C. Corner of Spain. 1898 G40-H242 HARRIS, WALTER B. From Batum to Bagdad. 1896 G635-H243 A Journey through the Yemen. 1893 G62-H243 Tafilet ; The Atlas Mountains and Northwest Sahara. 1895 G796-H242 HERBERT, Lady Cradle Lands.' 1869 G29-H418 HUBNER, JOSEPH A., Baron von Rambles Around the World. 1871. Trans, by Lady Herbert. 1878 G13-H863 HUC, Abbe . Journey through the Chinese Empire. 1859. 2 vols. G66-H866 Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China. 1900. 2 vols, in one G66-H866tE JERNINGHAM, Sir H. E. H. Life in a French Chateau. 1867 G39-J486 KLEIN, FELIX, Abbe America of Tomorrow. 191 1 G83-K674a.E An American Student in France. 1908 G39-K674 • In the Land of the Strenuous Life. 1905. . . .G83-K674E KONODY PAUL GEORGE Through the Alps to the Apennines. 1911 . . .G35-K836t LATHROP, GEORGE PARSONS Spanish Vistas. 1883 G40-L34 LILLY, WILLIAM S. India and its Problems. 1902 G69-L627 66 LUMMIS, CHARLES F. Spanish Pioneers. 1899 G801-L976S LYNCH, GEORGE Path of Empire. 1903 G60-L992 McCABE JAMES D. . New York by Sunlight and Gaslight. 1882 . .G851N-M129 Pathways of the Holy Land ; or, Palestine and Syria. 1875 • G61-M129 MACDONAGH, MICHAEL Irish Life and Character. 1907 G42-Mi46i McMAHON WILLIAM Journey with the Sun around the World. 1900. G13-M223 MALLESON, GEORGE B. Captain Musafir's Rambles in x\lpine Lands. 1887. G37-M295 MANDEVILLE, Sir JOHN Marvellous Adventures. 1895 G25-M315 Voyages and Travels. 1898. (World's Great Books.) vol. II Y-9W893 MATHEW, FRANK Ireland, painted by Francis S. Walker. 1905. G42-M423i MELINE, JAMES F. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. 1868. . . .G89-M484 MORELL, JOHN R. Scientific Guide to Switzerland. 1867 G38-M813 MURPHY, Lady BLANCHE (and others) On the Rhine and Other Sketches. 1881 G30-M954 NIXON-ROULET, MARY F. See Roulet. Mary F. Nixon. O'CONNOR, VINCENT C. S. Travels in the Pyrennes. 1913 G39P99.OC5 O'DONOVAN, EDMUND The Merv. Oasis; Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian. 1879-81. 2 vols. 1882 G646-Od566m 67 O'REILLY, E. BOYLE Heroic Spain. 1910 G40-Or34 ORLEANS, PRINCE D. From Tonkin to India. 1895-6. 1898 G689-Or532 O'SHEA, HENRY N. Guide to Spain and Portugal. 1899 G40-OS432 O'SHEA, JOHN A. Romantic Spain. 1887. 2 vols G4b-Os43 PARDO-BAZAN, EMILIA Russia; Its People and Its Literature; Translated from the Spanish by F. H. Gardiner. 1901 . .G54-P213 PETRE FRANCIS L. The Republic of Columbia. 1906 G982-P447r POLO, MARCO Book of Marco Polo concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East; Translated and Edited, with notes by Col. H. Yule. 1871. 2 vols G6o-P766Ey Travels ; Translated by Marsden. 1818 G6o-P766Em Same; Edited by T. Wright. 1901. Same; Edited for Boys and Girls by Knox. 1901. JG28-P767K RUEMONT, ALFRED von. Naples under Spanish Dominion. 1853 F35N-R318E RYAN, SARA AGNES Florence in Poetry, History and Art. 1913 . . . G35F-R956 SALA, GEORGE A. Paris Herself Again in 1878-9. 1880. 2 vols. G39P-Sa3i2 SANGERMANO, VINCENTIUS Burmese Empire, a Hundred Years Ago. 1893. G689-Sa543 STODDARD, CHARLES W. Cruise under the Credent from Suez to San Marco. 1898 G63-St633 In the Footprints of the Padres. 1902 G94i-St66 Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska. 1899 G83-St63 The Lepers of Molokai. New ed. enl DSi6i6-St 68 STOKES, MARGARET Three Months in the Forests of France in Search of Vestiges of the Irish Saints. 1895 DZS-St673 THEURIET, ANDRE Rustic Life in France. 1896. 2 vols G39-T348E TISSOT, VICTOR Russians and Germans. 1882 G54-T527E Unknown Switzerland. 1901 G38-T525 VAUGHAN, HERBERT Naples Riviera. 1907 G27-V46 VAY de VAYA, ADAM Graf. Inner Life of the United States. 1908 G83-V478E VERNE, JULES Famous Travels and Travellers. 1892 G-V596PE Great Navigators of the i8th Century. 1901 . .G-V596hE Great Explorers of the 19th Century. 1904. . .G-V596VE WILLIAMSON, GEORGE C. and ALLEN, GRANT. Cities of Northern Italy. 1906. 2 vols G35-W676C WINDLE, BERTRAM C. A. Wessex of Thomas Hardy. 1902 G45We-W723 WRIGHT THOMAS Early Travels in Palestine. 1848 G61-W934 PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY. BALMES, Rev. JAMES Criterion; or, How to Detect Error and Arrive at Truth. 1875 B-B216C BELLOC, HILAIRE . The Servile State. 1912 HC45-B415S BOEDDER, Rev. BERNARD, S. J. Natural Theology. 1899. (Stonyhurst series. )..BS-B632 69 BOULGER, GEORGE S. Wood; A Manual of the Timbers of Commerce. 1902 SCG-B663 BOWKER, RICHARD R. Arts of Life, of Politics. 1901 J-B674 Economics for the People. 1902 MC-B674e BRENNAN, Rev. MARTIN S. Popular Exposition of Electricity. 1893 TEA-B756 BRITTEN JAMES European Ferns ND-B778e BROWNSON, HENRY F. Truth and Science. 1895 BS-B825 CAREY, HENRY C. Manual of Social Science. 1888 H-Ci8m Past, The Present and the Future. 1848 H-Ci8p Principles of Social Science. 1858-59. 3 vols.. .HC-C18 Unity of Law. 1872 H-Ci8u CATHREIN, Rev. VICTOR, S. J. Socialism. 1904 JH-C287E CHAMBRUN, A., COMTE DE Executive Power in the United States. 1874. . JT83-C3 CHESTERTON, GILBERT K. What's Wrong With the World ? 1910 H-C423W CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY, WASH., D. C. Annual Reports, i890-i9i4t. 1890 IAS-C464 CLARKE, RICHARD F., S. I. Logic (Stonyhurst Series). 1901 BH-C55 CLERKE, AGNES MARY Modern Cosmogonies. 1905 LQY-C696m Popular History of Astronomy. 1902 LR-C597 Problems in Astrophysics. 1903 LR-C597pr The System of the Stars. T905 LT-C596 Astronomy. 1898 1'R-C5973 70 COPPENS, Rev. CHARLES, S. J. A Brief History of Philosophy. 1909 B-4C796 CRAWFORD, VIRGINIA M. Ideals of Charity. 1908 IAS-C857i DEVAS, CHARLES S. Groundwork of Economics. 1883 HC-D49g Political Economy. (Stonyhurst Series.) 1901. HC-D49P DIGBY, Sir KENELM E. Introduction to the History of the Law of Real Property. 1892 KI-D568i DILLON, JOHN B. Notes on Historical Evidence in reference to Adverse Theories of the Origin and Nature of the Govern- ment of the United States. 1871. JT83-D586n DONNELL, EZEKIEL J. Outlines of a New Science. 1889 HV-D715 Chronological and Statistical History of Cotton. 1872 HEC-D716 DONOHOE, THOMAS Popular Progress. 1898 HE-D715 DUBRAY, CHARLES ALBERT Introductory Philosophy; a Text-book for Colleges and High Schools. 1912 B-D853i DWIGHT, THOMAS Thoughts of a Catholic Anatomist. 1911 . . . .BS-D964t GERARD, Rev. JOHN, S. J. Old Riddle and the Newest Answer. 1904. . . .MW-G312 FORMAN, SAMUEL EAGLE Stories of Useful Inventions. 191 1 RAI-F766S GOLDSTEIN, DAVID and AVERY, M. M. Socialism: The Nation of Fatherless Children. 1911 JH-G578 GROSS, CHARLES The Gild Merchant. 2 vols. 1890 HG45-G11 GRUENDER, Rev. HUBERT, S. J. Psychology without a Soul. 1912 BSS-G923 HILLQUIT, MORRIS and RYAN, Rev. JOHN A. Socialism; Promise or Menace? 1914 JH-H557SP HOLAIND, Rev. RENE I., S. J. Natural Law and the Legal Practice. 1899. . .KL-H688n HOUCK, Rev. FREDERICK A. Our Palace Wonderful; or, Man's Place in Visible Creation. 1915 BS-H8130 HUSSLEIN, Rev. JOSEPH, S. J. The Church and Social Problems. 1912 JH-H967 KANE, Rev. ROBERT, S. J. The Plain Gold Ring; Lectures on Home. 1910. BP-KI34P KELLY, ALOYSIUS O. J. The Practice of Medicine. 1910 .QF-K298 KLEIN, ABBE FELIX Mathematical Theory of the Top. 1897 LI-K674 LAMBERT, Rev. LOUIS A. Christian Science before the Bar of Reason. 1908. QDWU-L176 LAPPONI, GUISEPPE Hypnotism and Spiritism. 1907 BXS-L316SE LILLY, WILLIAM S. First Principles in Politics. 1899 J-L625 McSHERRY, RICHARD Health and How to Promote It. 1879 QH-M24 MACSWINEY, Madam MARGARET Rudolph Euken and the Spiritual Life. 1914. BE47-Eu25im MAHER, MICHAEL Psychology, Empirical and Rational. (Stonyhurst Ser.) 1900 BI-M275 72 HEADER, JOHN RICHARD Your Pay Envelope. 1914 JH.M463y METLAKE, GEORGE Christian Social Reform ; program outlined by its pio- neer, William Emmanuel, Baron von Ketteler, Bishop of Mainz ; pref . by His Eminence Cardinal O'Connell. 1912 JHC-M568 MING, Rev. JOHN J., S. J. Morality of Modern Socialism. 1909 JH-M664m MIVART, ST. GEORGE The Cat. 1900 PS-M698 Contemporary Evolution. 1876 1-M698 The Helpful Science. 1895 B-M697h On the Genesis of Species. 1871 MW-M6970 Types of Animal Life. 1894 P-M698 MORE, Sir THOMAS Utopia, rendered into Modern English, by Valerian Paget. 1909 JBA-M813P Same; ed. by J .C. Collins. 1904 JBA-M813 Same; with Life of Sir Thomas More, by William Roper. 1 89 1. Utopia with the "Dialogue of Comfort." (Every- man's Lib.) JBA-M8130 MORRIS, Hon. MARTIN F. An Introduction to the History of the Development of Law. 1909 KL-M834i MOZANS, H. J., pseud. Woman in Science. 1913 KW-M879W MULHALL, MICHAEL G. Dictionary of Statistics. 1899 HB-5M893 History of Prices Since the Year 1850. 1885 • • HMP-M89 Industries and Wealth of Nations. 1896 HC-M914 NADAILLAC, MARQUIS DE Prehistoric Americans. 1896 PWA-N 122 73 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES Reports of the Biennial Meetings of the National Conference of Catholic Charities at the Catho- lic University of America, Wash., D. C, 1910, 1912, 1914 IG-8N216 NITTI, FRANCESCO S. Catholic Socialism. 1895 JHC-N635 PEMBERTON, MAX Amateur Motorist. 1908 SUZ-P367 QUATREFAGES de BREAN, ARMAND The Human Species. 1903 PW-Q22h Natural History of Man. 1875 PW-Q2 Pygmies. (Anthropological ser.) PY-Q23 QUIN, GEORGE EDWARD Boy-savers' Guide ; Societv Work for Lads in Their Teens. 1908 ' CXY-Q46 RENDU, LOUIS, Bp. Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy. 1874. . . ! . . MK-R293E RICKABY, Rev. JOHN, S. J. First Principles of Knowledge. (Stonyhurst ser.) 1901 BGX-R423 General Metaphysics. (Stonyhurst ser.) 1902. BG-R423 Moral Philosophy; or. Ethics and Natural Law. 1901. (Stonyhurst Ser.) BM-R423 ROSMINI-SERBATI, ANTONIO Psychology. 1884-8. 3 vols BI-R736^ ROTHER, Rev. ALOYSIUS, S. J. Being, a Study in Metaphysics. 191 1 BGA-R744 RYAN, Rev. JOHN A. Alleged Socialism of the Church Fathers. 1913. JH-R956 Living Wage. 1906 HFS-R9561 74 SEAWELL, MOLLIE ELLIOTT . - The Ladies' Battle. 191 1 KWZ-Sei83 SIHLER, E. G. Testimonium Animae ; or, Greek and Roman before Jesus Christ. 1908 BB-Si26 SLOANE, THOMAS O'CONOR Arithmetic of Electricity. 1901 TEA-S152 Electric Toymaking for Amateurs. 1901. . . .THY-S152C Electrician's Hand Book. 1908 TDZ-6S15 Electricity Simplified. 191 1 JTDZ-S152 Elementary Electrical Calculations. 1909. . .TEA-Si52el Home Experiments in Science for Old and Young. 1903 , jLA-Si526h Liquid Air and the Liquefaction of Gases. 1900. LN-S152 Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rub- ber. 1900 TO-S1526 How to Become a Successful Electrician. i8th ed. rev. 1913 TDZ-Si52h Standard Electrical Dictionary. 1892. (Reference) TDZ-5S15 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, PARTICU- LAR COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA Reports flG-^Soi SODERINI, EDUARDO Socialism and Catholicism. 1896 JHC-S015S SPALDING, Rt. Rev. J. L. Socialism and Labor. 1902 H-Spi5 •SPEARMAN, FRANK H. The Strategy of Great Railroads. 1904 .... SV83-SP327S STANG, Rt. Rev. WILLIAM Socialism and Christianity. 1905 JH-Sti64s TAYLOR, HANNIS The Science of Jurisprudence. 1908 KL-T215S Treatise on International Public Law. 1901 . . JX-T215 75 THOMAS AQUINAS, ST. Aquinas Ethicus. A Translation of the Principal Portions of the 2nd part of the "Summa Theolog- ica," with notes. By Joseph Rickaby, S. J. 2 vols CCN-T36 TOKE, LESLIE ALEX. ST. LAWRENCE The Housing Problem. 1912. (Catholic Studies in Social Reform. A Series of Manuals ed. by the Catholic Social Guild. III.) HFZ-T575 TSCHOLL, Rev. JOHN War on the White Plague. 1910. QFCR-T787 TURNER, WILLIAM, S. T. D. History of Philosophy. 1903 B-T856 VAUGHAN, Rev. BERNARD, S. J. Socialism from the Christian Standpoint. 19 12. JH-V464S VAUGHAN, ROGER BEDE, Abp. Science and Religion. 1879 BS-V46 WALKER, LESLIE J. Theories of Knowledge. 1910 BGX-W153 WASMAN, ERIC. Instinct and Intelligence in the Animal Kingdom. 1903 OC-W276 WISEMAN, CARDINAL Twelve Lectures on the Connection between Science and Revealed Religion. 1853. 2 vols BS-W753 ZAHM, Very Rev. J. A. Bible, Science and Faith. 1894 BS-Zi46b Science and the Church. 1896 BS-Z146S Sound and Music. 1900 VBW-Z146S 76 EDUCATION. BARRY, WILLIAM FRANCIS Hygiene of the Schoolroom. 1904 IRP-B279h BEESAU, AMABLE, Abbe. The Spirit of Education. 1881 IK-B393 BURNS, JAMES ALOYSIUS, S. J. The CathoHc School System in the United States. 1908 IKR-B937 Growth and Development of the Catholic School Sys- tem in the United States. 1912 IKR-B937g CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Proceedings and Addresses. 1904-06 IKR-8C284 CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL REVIEW Pub. by the Catholic University of America. 1911-14.! CECILIA, Madame. The Training of Children and of Girls in Their Teens. 191 1 BPP-C323 COLER, BIRD S. Two and Two make Four. 1912 IKR-C673t DOYLE, Mary E. Standard Catholic Readers; second reader. 19 12. jXR-D776b Standard Catholic Readers; third Reader. 191 1. JXR-D776C EASBY-SMITH, J. S. Georgetown University in the District of Columbia, 1789-1907. 2 vols. 1907 IX83Ge-Ea7 FENELON, Archbishop. Fragments Concerning Education. 1902 IK-F352f Treatise on the Education of Daughters. 1805. KWE-F363E GEORGETOWN COLLEGE Memorial. 1891 IX83Ge-Sh32m 17 McCarthy, sister MARY KATHARINE Some Motives in Pagan Education Compared with the Christian Ideal; a Dissertation. 1914..IK-M 127 McLaughlin, j. f. College Days at Georgetown. 1899 IX83Ge-M222 MAGEVNEY, EUGENE Christian Education in the First Centuries. 1900. IK-M273ef Christian Education in the Dark Ages. 1900. .IK-M273C Systems and Counter Systems of Education. 1648- 1800 IK-M273S The Reformation and Education. 1 520-1648. .IK-M273r The Jesuits as Educators. 1900 IK-M273J MORRIS, MARTIN F. Address at the Centennial Celebration of Georgetown College. Feb. 21, 1889 IX83Ge-M834ad NEWMAN, CARDINAL Idea of a University. 1887 IX-N468 PACE, EDWARD A., and SPIIELDS, T. E. Catholic Education Series; third reader. 1910. jXR-Pii4t Religion; ist to 3d readers. 1908-10. 3 vols. jXR-Pii4r ROSMINI-SERBATI, ANTONIO Ruling Principles of Method applied to Education. 1889 IP-R736 SCHWICKERATH, ROBERT, S. J. Jesuit Education. 1904 IK-Sch943 SHIELDS, T. E. Making and the Unmaking of a Dullard. 1909. IZF-Sh63 SPALDING, Rt. Rev. J. L. Education and the Higher Life. 1907 IK-Spi4 Means and Ends of Education. 1901 BR-Spi4m Religion, Agnosticism and Education. 1902. .BR-Spi5r Things of the Mind. 1905 IK-Spi4th Thoughts and Theories of Life and Education. 1901. IK-Spi4t Opportunity and Other Essays IK-Spi4o 78 SHERAN, W. H. A Textbook of English Literature for Catholic Schools. 1911 ZY-Sh52t STUART, JANET ERSKINE Education of Catholic Girls. 191 1 IK-St927 WALSH, JAMES J., M. D., Ph. D. Education, how Old the New. 1910 IK11-W165 DOCTRINAL, CONTROVERSIAL, APOLOGETIC WORKS. ADDIS, Rev. WILLIAM E., (and Rev. THOS. ARNOLD) The Catholic Dictionary. 1903 CICA-5Ad247 Hebrew Religion to the Establishment of Judaism under Ezra. 1906 CA-Ad24 AIKEN, CHARLES F. Dhamma of Gotama The Buddha and the Gospel of Christ. 1900 BZDZ-Ai43 ALLIES, THOMAS W. The See of Peter. 1896 CICA-A154S AUGUSTINE, SAINT The City of God. 1892. 2 vols CC-Au4 BENSON, Mgr. ROBERT HUGH Christ In the Church. 191 1 CICA-B447 Confessions of a Convert. 1913 .E-B446 Non-Catholic Denominations. 1910 CI-B446 Papers of a Pariah. 1907 CICA-B447P Paradoxes of Catholicism. 1913 CZ-B447P Religion of the Plain Man. 1910 CICA-B447r BERINGTON, Rev. JOSEPH & KIRK, JOHN, Comp. The Faith of Catholics. 4th ed. rev. 3 vols. 1910. CICA-B457 BERNAD, P. M. Practical Guide to Indulgences. 1898 CSU-B457 79 BOLD, PHILIP Catholic Doctrine and Discipline Simply Explained ; rev. by Father Eyre, S. J. 1896 CICA-B633 BOUDREAUX, F. J. God Our Father. 2nd ed. Revised. 1873. .BSG-B663 BOUGAUD, ABBE EMILE Divinity of Christ. 1901 CGB-B663 BRUNEAU, Rev. JOSEPH Our Priesthood. 1911 CXI-B83 CASEY, PATRICK H. Notes on a History of Auricular Confession. 1899. CSR-C263 CATHOLIC CHURCH Dogmatic Canons and Decrees ; authorized transla- tions of the dogmatic decrees of the Council of Trent, the decree on the Immaculate Conception, the Syllabus of. Pope Pius IX., and the decree of the Vatican Council. 1912 DN-C284 CATHOLIC CHURCH From Within. 1901. . . .DG-C284 CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Constitution, Doctrine, etc., of the Catholic Church. 15 vols, and Index DG-5C284 CHAPTERS IN CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 191 1. CICA-C367 CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. No. 3. 191 1 CJCA-C284 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catechisms. Catechism of the Council of Trent; tr. by Rev. J. Donovan. 1829 CJCA-C284a CHESTERTON, G. K. Orthodoxy. 1909 CE-C4280 COCIIEM, Rev. MARTIN V, Exninnation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 1896. CSH-C643 8o CONCERNING JESUITS 1902 DMJE-C742 COXON, H. B. Roman Catholicism; an exposition of Catholic be- lief taken from official sources ; with pref . by Mgr. R. H. Benson. 1912 CICA-C83 CURTIS, GEORGINA PELL, ed. Some Roads to Rome in America; being personal records of conversions to the Catholic Church. 1909 DZ-C944 DEVIVIER, W. (S. J.) Christian Apologetics; A Defense of the Catholic Faith. 1903 CICA-D494 DE ZULUETA, FRANCIS M., S. J. Early Steps in the Fold; Instructions for Converts and Enquirers. 1910 CICA-D538 DIDON, Rev. HENRI, O. P. Belief in the Divinity of Jesus Christ. 1894. .CGB-D567 DRISCOLL, Rev. JOHN T. Christian Philosophy: God. 1904 BSG-D837 DUCHESNE, L. Christian Worship. 1903 CR-D852 FEASEY, HENRY J. Monasticism: What is it? 1898 DM-F313 • FOLEY, JOHN THADDEUS With King James' Bible as Exclusive Authority, can the Protestant question the Eucharist ? 1908. . CSE-F69 GEIERMANN, Rev. PETER Manual of Theology for the Laity. 1906 CICA-G277 GIBBONS, JAMES, Cardinal. Ambassador of Christ. 1896 .CX-G354 Faith of Our Fathers. 1878 CI-G35f Our Christian Heritage. 1889 CE-G35 8[ HAPLIN, Rev. PATRICK A. Apologetica. 1905 CE-H166 HAYES, ALICE JEANNETTE Convert's Reason Why. 191 1 CICA-H328 HECKER, Rev. ISAAC T. Aspirations of Nature. 1857 CE-H35 HENRY VIIL, King of England. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum ; or, Defence of the Seven Sacraments; ed. by Rev. Louis O'Donovan. 1908 CS-H397 HUGHES, Rev. HENRY G. Essentials and Non-essentials of the Catholic Re- ligion. 1908 CICA-H875 LAFORET, NICHOLAS J. The Causes and Cure of Unbelief; ed. by Cardinal Gibbons, with chap, by Most Rev. P. J. Ryan. 1909 CICA-L136 LAMBERT, Rev. LOUIS A. Notes on Ingersoll. 1887 CE-Li7m Tactics of Infidels. 1887 CE-Li7t LEO XIII., POPE The Great Encyclicals of Leo XIIL 1903. . . .DGA-L553 LEPIN, MARIUS Christ and the Gospel ; or, Jesus the Messiah and Son of God. Authorized Eng. version. 1910. CE-L557 LILLY, WILLIAM S. The Claims of Christianity. 2d ed. 1897 CC-L625 LUCAS, GEORGE J. Agnosticism and Religion. 1895 BRA-L962 McGLOIN, FRANK The Light of Faith. 1905 CNFA-M1751 McGRADY, THOMAS The Mistakes of Ingersoll. 1898 CE-Mi 77 82 MacLAUGHLIN, Rev. JOHN Indifferentism ; or, Is one Religion as Good as An- other ? 1902 CICA-M223 MANNING, CARDINAL The Blessed Sacrament. 1878 CSE-M317 Confidence in God. i860 CK-M317 Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. 1875. .CGR-M3i6i The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost ; or, Reason and Revelation. 1901 CGR-M3i6t MARTIN, Rev. CHARLES A. Catholic Religion; Statement of Christian Teaching and History. 1910 .DG-M364 MATURIN, Rev. BASIL WILLIAM The Price of Unity. 1912 CPAB-M439 MILNER, JOHN End of Religious Controversy CI-M63 My Clerical Friends and their Relations to Modern Thought. 1873 CE-M99 MUSSER, BENJAMIN FRANCIS Outside the Walls; Tributes to Roman Catholicism from our Friends Fuori le Mura. 1914. . . .DG-M9770 NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, Cardinal Church of the Fathers. 1900 CCF-N465 The Via Media of the Anglican Church. 1901-08. 2 vols CF-N467V NITTI, FRANCESCO S. Catholic Socialism. 1895 JHC-N635 NOLL, Rev. JOHN F. When Informed Protestants Speak their Convictions. 5th ed. . : DG-N72 O'BRIEN, T. J. Advanced Catechism of Catholic Faith and Practice. 1901. CICA-Ob64 O'CONNOR, JOSEPH V. Hints in Preaching. 1894 CY-Oc5 83 O'DONOGHUE, Rev. MARTIN Gospel Plea for Christian Unity. 1907 CICA-Od56 OXENHAM, HENRY N. Short Studies, Ethical and Religious. 1885 B-Ox 23 PASCAL, BLAISE Provincial Letters. 1887 DM-P26pE Thoughts; tr. from the text of Molinier, by C. K. Paul. 1895 CD-P26EP PENDARVIS, G. H. Living Witness; a lawyer's brief for Christianity. 1912 CICA-P37 PENNY, W. G. Exercise of Faith impossible except in the Catholic Church. 1846 .CI-P38 PICARD, Abbe LOUIS Christianity or Agnosticism? 1899 CE-P582 PIUS X., Pope The New Legislation on Engagements and Marriage ; Commentary on the Decree "Ne Temere." 1908. KWM-C28 RENOUF, PETER Le PAGE Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt. 1879 BZWA-R296 POHLE, Rev. JOSEPH Divine Trinity, a Dogmatic Treatise. Authorized Eng. Version, with some abridgment and numer- ous additional references, by Arthur Preuss. 19 12. CGB-P754 God: His Knowability, Essence and Attributes. 1911 BSG-P754 Soteriology ; a Dogmatic Treatise on the Redemption. Authorized Eng. Version, based on the 5th Germ, ed. with some abridgment and added references, by Arthur Preuss. 1914 CGB-P754 RICKABY, Rev. JOSEPH, S. J. Scholasticism. 1908 BCS-R42 84 RICARDS, J. D. Aletheia, an Exposition of the Catholic Rule of Faith. 1885 CI-R35 RIVINGTON, Rev. LUKE Authority; or, A Plain Reason for Joining the Church of Rome. 1888 CI-R52 RONAYNE, MAURICE God Knowable and Known. 1888. . CGA-R666g RUSSELL, Rt. Rev. WILLIAM T. The Catholic is the Most Tolerant of American Citi- zens. (Pamphlet) Who were the Founders of Religious Liberty in America ? ( Pamphlet ) RUVILLE, ALBERT Von. Back to Holy Church. 191 1 CICA-R946 SALAS y GILA VERT, A de Influence of Catholicism on the Sciences and Arts. 1900 •. DG-Sai32 What is Liberalism? CICA-Sa732Ep SATOLLI, FRANCIS, Cardinal. Loyalty to Church and State. 1895 CPAC-Sa865i SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO Triumph of the Cross. 1901 CF-Sa94E SCHANZ, PAUL, D. D. A Christian Apology. 1907. 3 vols DS-Schi6 SHEA, JOHN G. Defenders of our Faith. 1893 CICA-Sh3i2 SMITH, Rev. JOHN T. Training of a Priest. 1899 CXE-Sm55 THEIN, JOHN Ecclesiastical Dictionary. 1900. Reference .. BR-5T342 TIXERONT, J. History of Dogmas ; tr. fr. the 5th Fr. ed. by H. L. B. 1910. Vol. I CFB-T547 85 TRENT, COUNCIL OF Catechism, tr. by Rev. J. Donovan CJTR-T725 VAUGHAN, Rt. Rev. JOHN S. Thoughts for all Times. 1910 CICA-V464t WALSH, Rt. Rev. JOHN Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church. 1909. CHS.W i68m WOODS, PATRICK Guide to True Religion. 1898 CICA-W867 WRAY, WINIFRIDE Catholic Teaching for Children. 1899 CICA-W929 YORKE, Rev. P. C. The Ghosts of Bigotry. 2d ed. 1913 DG-Y87 BIBLE STUDY. ADDIS, WILLIAM E. Documents of the Hexateuch. 1893 CBJ-Ad247E BARRY, WILLIAM F. Tradition of Scripture. 1906 CBCE-B279t BATIFFOL, Mgr. PIERRE Credibility of the Gospel ; tr. by Rev. G. C. H. Pollen, S. J. 1912 CBRE-B314C CASEY, PATRICK H. Bible and Its Interpreter. 1900 CFC-C26 GIGOT, Rev. FRANCIS E. C. Christ's Teaching Concerning Divorce in the New Testament ; an exegetical study. 191 2. ...KWS-G364C General Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scrip- tures. (Abridged Edition.) 1904 CBBI-G364 Special Introduction to the Study of the Old Testa- ment. 1901-1906. 2 vols CBGI-G363 Outlines of New Testament History. 1898. .CBQ-G3560 GRAHAM, Rev. HENRY GREY Where We Got the Bible. 191 1 CBBI-G762 86 HOLY BIBLE Douay Version. 1899 CBAN-1899 Same ; Latin. 1901 CB-L34-1901 Same; French. 1867 CBAX-F88 Same ; Spanish. 1828 CBAX-SP247S Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures; arr. especially for use in Preaching by Rev. T. D. Wil- liams. 1908 CBA-W676 REUSS, EDWARD W. E. History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testa- • ment. 1884 CBQ-R316E SEISENBERGER, MICHAEL Practical Handbook for the Study of the Bible and of Bible Literature. 191 1 CBCX-Se4 SLOAN, PATRICK J. Sunday School Director's Guide to Success. 1909. CXS-Si 52sd Sunday School Teacher's Guide to Success. 1908. CXS-Si 52st WILLIAMS, ISAAC Apocalypse, with Notes and Reflections. 1889. CBX-W67 WILLIAMSON, GEORGE C. Money of the Bible. 1894. (By-Paths of Bible Knowledge, v. 20.) CBEA-W674 DEVOTIONAL AND LITURGICAL WORKS. ADAMS, H. A. Larger Life. 1893 CZ-Adi2 ANDRIES, J. L. Christian at Mass. 1896 CSH-An267 AUGUSTINE, ST. Confessions; tr. and ed. by Rev. W. H. Hutchings. 1890 CK-AU487C BERNARD of Clairvaux, St. Some Letters ; sel. by F. A. Gasquet. 1904. . . .DZS-B456 87 BENSON, Rev. ROBERT HUGH The Friendship of Christ. 1912 CZ-B^yi BONOMELLI, GEREMIA New Series of Homilies for the Whole Year ; tr. by Right Rev. T. S. Byrne. 6 vol. 1909-12 CZ-B646 BOSSUET, Mgr. Sermon on the Mount. 1900 CBUM-B655^ BOURDALOUE, Rev. LOUIS', S. J. Eight Sermons for Holy Week and Easter. 1884. CZ-B667e BUCKLER, Fr. HENRY REGINALD Spiritual Considerations. 191 1 CK-B855S BURKE, Rev. THOMAS Lectures and Sermons. 1878 CZ-B892 CARMICHAEL, MONTGOMERY Lady Poverty. 1902 CKF-C213 CHARITY, the Origin of Every Blessing; or, The Heavenly Secret; tr. from the Italian. 1896. BNC.C375 COLERIDGE, Rev. H. J., S. J. The Baptism of the King. 1886 CGQP-C673b Mother of the King, Mary during the Life of Our Lord. 1886 CBT-C673m DURAND, Abbe. Catholic Ceremonies and the Explanation of the Ec- clesiastical Year. 1896 CICA-D932 ELLIOTT, Rev. WALTER Jesus Crucified. 1906 CGQP-E155 FABER, Rev. F. W. All for Jesus. 1854 CK-Fi i2ai Foot of the Cross. 1900 CBT-Fii2f Growth in Holiness CK-Fii2g Kindness. 1907 CK-Fii2k Spiritual Conferences. 1858 CK-Fii2s 88 FENELON, Abp. Counsels to Those Who are Living in the World. 1885 CK-F353C.E Golden Thoughts. 1911 CK-F353g.E Spiritual Letters: Letters to Men. 1903. . .CK-F353.E Spiritual Letters: Letters to Women. 1902. CK-F3531.E FITZGERALD, P. H. Jewels of the Mass CSH-F FRANCIS of Assisi, St. Franciscan Days. 1906 DZS-F84ho Little Flowers of St. Francis. 1887 DZS-F84f .E "Little Flowers" and the Life of St. Francis with the "Mirror of Perfection." (Everyman's Library.) DZS-F84f.Eo Writings; tr. by Rev. Paschal Robinson, 1906. CU-F842.Er FRANCIS de SALES, St. Introduction to the Devout Life. 1905. . . .CK-F842.E Selection from his Spiritual Letters. 1907 . . DZS-F842 . E FRANCO, Rev. S., S. J. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1874. .CU-F845 GABRINI, Rev. FRANCIS, S. J. Mediations on the Blessed Virgin; New Ed. 191 1. CBT-G113 GIBBONS, JAMES, Cardinal. Beacon Lights ; maxims of Card. Gibbons . . CK-G352m Discourses and Sermons for Every Sunday and the Principal Festivals of the Year. 1908 CZ-G352 True Manhood. 1907 CK-G352t Words of Wisdom to the People. 191 1. . . .CK-G352W GOLDEN SANDS : A Collection of Little Councils for Daily Life. From the French by Ella Mc- Mahon. 1883 CK-M22 GROU, Rev. J. G. How to Pray. 1909 CTP-G918 GUEVARA, ANTONIO de Mysteries of Mount Calvary. 1868 CK-G933 89 GUIBERT, J. On the Threshold of Life. 1901 CK-G942 HEUSER, Rev. H. J. Harmony of the Religious Life. 1902 CK-H486 HURTER, HEINRICH von. The Beauty and Truth of the Catholic Church: Sermons from the German. 191 1. 2 vols. . . .CZ-H947 IGNATIUS, Saint Manresa; or, Spiritual Exercises. 1906 CK-Ig52 IMITATION of the Blessed Virgin. 1897 CK-Im482 JOLI, HENRI Psychology of the Saints. 1902 BI-J686 KEANE, Rt. Rev. J. J. Onward and Upward. 1902 CD-K253 KLARMANN, ANDREW F. Life in the Shadow of Death; the Art and Purpose of Living. 1910 CK-K667I LANSLOTS, D. I. Illustrated Explanation of the Prayers of the Mass. 1897 CSH-L297 LASANCE, F. X. Mass Devotions and Readings on the Mass. 1901. CSH-L332 Prayer-book for Religious. Rev. ed. 1914. . .CU-L332P LEAR, Mrs. H. L. F. Weariness. 1887 CK-L475 LEO of Assisi Mirror of Perfection. 1903 DZS-L55.Es LOYOLA, Mother MARY Heavenwards. 1910 CK-L958 Home for Good. 1907 CK-L958h LUMMIS, ELIZA O'BRIEN Daughters of the Faith. 1905 CK-L976d 90 McCONNELL, FRANCIS JOHN The Increase of Faith; Some Present Day Aids to Belief. (Merrick Lectures 1911-12.) CZ-H947 McSORLEY, Rev. JOSEPH The Sacrament of Duty. 1909. . ." CK-M246S MATURIN, Rev. BASIL WILLIAM Laws of the Spiritual Life. 1909 CBUM-M438I Self -Knowledge and Self-Discipline. 1905. . .CK-M438S MEAGHER, Rev. J. L. Tragedy of Calvary. 1905 CGQP-M46 MERMILLOD, Mgr. The Supernatural Life. 1874 CI-M54 MESCHLER, MORITZ Three Fundamental Principles of the Spiritual Life. 1911 CK-M564t MONTEFELTRO, AGOSTINO da Selections from Sermons. 2d ser. 1889 CZ-M745 MOROZZO, Mgr. C J. Treatise of Spiritual Life. 1901 CK-M827 MULLANY, K. F. Miriam of Magdala. 1906 CKF-M368m NEPVEU, Rev. FRANCOIS, S. J. Meditations for Every Day in the Month; tr. by F. A. Ryan. 1911 CK-N358r NEWMAN, Cardinal Brilliants, sel. from his Writings. 1892 CK-N468 Parochial and Plain Sermons. 8 vols. 1875. . .CZ-N465 Second Spring. 191 1 CZ-N465S Sermon Notes. 1849-1878, ed. by Fathers of the Birmingham Oratory. 1913 CZ-N465se O'BRIEN, Rev. JOHN History of the Mass and its Ceremonies in the East- ern and Western Church. 1879 CSH-Ob64 91 OTTEN, BERNARD JOHN, S. J. The Business of Salvation. 191 1 CK-Ot83 PALAU, Rev. GABRIEL, S. J. The Practical Catholic ; Maxims Suited to the Catho- lics of the Day. 191 1 CK-P176P RODRIGUEZ, ALPHONSUS Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection. 3 vols. 1903 CUCA-R6177P SEGNERI, PAUL Manna of the Soul. 2 vols. 1892 CUCA-Se363m SEMERIA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Eucharistic Liturgy in the Roman Rite. 191 1. CSH-Se537 SHEA, J. G. Catholic Treasury of Useful Information Concerning the Most Important Rites and Ceremonies of the Church CICA-Sh3i2c SHEEDY, Rev. M. M. Briefs for Our Times. 1906 CK-Sh333 SHEEHAN, Rev. PATRICK A. Marie Corona CBT-Sh34m SPALDING, Rt. Rev. J. L. Lectures and Discourses CZ-Spi STANG, Rt. Rev. WILLIAM Spiritual Pepper and Salt. 1902 CICA-St26 SUTTON, Rev. XAVIER Crumbs of Comfort for Young Women Living in the World. 1898 CK-Su868 TAULER, JOHANNES Sermons and Conferences. First Complete Eng. Translation by Very Rev. Walter Elliott, C. S. P. 1910 CZ-T195 TERESA, Saint Way of Perfection. 1901 CK-T273 92 THOMAS a KEMPIS Imitation of Christ. 1890 CK-T36 Same; with English and Latin Text. 1892. .CK-T36of THURSTON, Rev. HERBERT, S. J. Lent and Holy Week. 1904 CRF-T4271 VAUGHAN, BERNARD, S. J. Sins of Society. 1906 CZ-V464S Society, Sin and the Saviour. 1908 CGQP-V46 VIGNAT, LOUIS In Thy Courts. 1907 CK-V686 WALSH, WILLIAM J. The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen in Legend, Poetry and History. 1904. 4 vols CBT-Wi65ap WHITE, THOMAS Sermons for the Sundays and Some of the Festi- vals of the Year. 191 1 CZ-W58S WISEMAN, Cardinal Sermons on Our Lord and on His Blessed Mother. 1889 CZ-W753 POETRY AND DRAMA. ADAM of St. Victor. Liturgical Poetry. 3 vols. 1881. (Latin and Eng. Text.) CW-Adi67 ALEXANDER, FRANCESCA The Hidden Servants, and Other Very Old Stories. 1907 .'YP-AI282 ALFIERI, VITTORIO Tragedies; ed. by E. A. Bowring. 2 vols. 1876. Y35D-A124.E BARROW, Sir J. C. Seven Cities of the Dead, and Other Poems. 1893. YP-B276S 93 BENSON, Rt. Rev. ROBERT HUGH Maid of Orleans. 191 1 YD-B447m BIGOT, Mme. M. H. The Home Theatre. 1872 YD-B486 BLAKE, M. E. Poems. 1882 YP-B585 BROWN, M. J. Comp. Historical Ballad Poetry of Ireland. 1912. . .Y42P-9B81 BURTON, Sir R. F. Kasidah, Couplets of Haji Abdu Al-Yazdi; a lay of the higher law. 1900 YP-B956k CALDERON, de la BARCA, PEDRO Eight Dramas; tr. by Edward Fitzgerald. 1906. Y4oD-Ci25d.Ef Select Plays; ed. by Norman MacColl. 1888. Y40D-C125S CAMOENS, LOUIS de Lusiads; or. Discovery of India. 1892. . .Y41P-C1461.E CATHOLIC THEATRE MOVEMENT Bulletins and White List. 19 14. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY Poetical Works; ed. by Bell. 4 vols. 1892. .YP-C39a2 Same ; ed. by Gilman. 3 vols. 1880 YP-C39ai Same ; with illus. notes by Wright YP-C39 Student's Chaucer; ed. by Skeat. 1897 YP-C39S Riches of Chaucer : with notes, etc., by Clarke. 1896. YP-C39r Legende of Good Women ; ed. by Corson. 1864. YP-C39I Canterbury Tales ; with illus. of Eng. Life in Chau- cer's Time; ed. by Saunders. 1904 YP-C39CS Same ; ed. by Pollard. 2 vols. 1905 YP-C39P Same; ed. by Tyrwhitt. 3 vols, i860 YP-C39cg Same; modern rendering into prose by Mackaye. 1904 JYP-C39C Works. 1907 Y-C398ai Complete Works; ed. by Skeat. 7 vols. 1894-1900. Y-C398 Same. 1901 ¥-€3983 94 CHESTERTON, G. K. Magic, a Fantastic Comedy. 1914 YD-C428m CLARKE, JOSEPH I. C. The Fighting Race, and Other Stories. 191 1 . .YP-C552f Robert Emmett; a Tragedy of Irish History. 1888. YD-C553 COLUM, PADRAIC Wild Earth. 1909 YP-C727W CONNELL, Rev. FRANCIS M., S. J. Text-book for the Study of Poetry. 1913. .ZYP-C766t COOKE, JOHN (ed.) The Dublin Book of Irish Verse. 1 728-1909. 1909. Y42P-9C77 CRAIGIE, Mrs. P. R. See HOBBES, J. O., pseud. COUCH, Sir ARTHUR T. QUILLER Oxford Book of Ballads. 1910. YP-9C833 CRASHAW, RICHARD Poetical Works. 1857 YP-C857 DALY, THOMAS A. Carmina. 1909 YP-Di78ca Madrigali. 1912 YP-Di78m DANTE, ALIGHIERI Convivio; tr. by W. W. Jackson. 1909. . . .Y35-D23C.EJ De Monarchia; tr. by Aurelia Henry. 1904. Y35-D23de Divine Comedy; tr. by Gary. 1910 Y35-D23d.Eca Same; tr. by Longfellow. 3 vols. 1893. .Y35-D23D.E1 Same; tr. by C. E. Norton. 3 vols. 1903. .Y35-D23D.En Same; tr. by Tozer. 1904 Y35-D23D.Et Same ; tr. by Wright. 1891 Y35-D23D.EW Inferno; tr. by Butler. 1892 Y35-D23Dh.Eb Same ; tr. by Carlyle. 1899 Y35-D23D.Ec New Life ; tr. by Norton. 1895 Y35-D23v.En Same ; tr. by Rosetti. 1901 Y35-D23n Paradise ; tr. by Butler. 1885 Y35-D23Dp.Eb 95 DANT£, ALIGHIERI— Continued. The Ptirgatorio; tr. by A. L. Money. 1910. Y35-D23Dpu.Em Same ; tr. by Butler. 1880 Y35-D23DPU .Kb Treatise "De Vulgari Eloquentia;" tr. by Howell. 1890 ZY35-D23d DE VERE, AUBREY Selections; ed. by G. E. Woodberry. 1894. . . YP-D493 DOWSON, ERNEST Poems. 1905 YP-D767 DRYDEN, JOHN Poetical Works. 5 vols, in 2. 1880 YP-D848a Same; with Life by G. Gilfillan. 2 vols. 1855. YP-D848ai FABER, Rev. F. W. Hymns. 1888 CW-F112 FERGUSON, Sir SAMUEL Congal, a Poem in Five Books. 1907. Y42P-F38C Lays of the Red Branch. 1897 Y42P-F38ia Lays of the Western Gael and other Poems. 1897. Y42P-F381 FINN, Sister MARY PAULINA Alma Mater; or. The Georgetown Centennial and Other Dramas. 1913 YD-F496 FITZGERALD, PERCY H. Art of Acting. 1892 VUL-F57 New History of the English Stage. 1660-1845. 2 vols. 1882 VU45-F575 Romance of the English Stage. 1875 VT-F573 GARDNER, E. G. Dante's Ten Heavens, a Study of the Paradiso. 1898 ZY35-D237ga GUGGENBERGER, A. Lindolf : Historical Drama. 1899 YD-G934 96 GUINEY, LOUISE IMOGEN Happy Ending. 1909 YP-G946h Songs at the Start. 1884 YP-G946S White Sail and Other Poems. 1887. . . . . . .YP-G946W HOBBES, J. O. pseud. The Ambassador; a Comedy. 1898 YD-H652 HOWITT, Mrs. MARY. Ballads. 1854 YP-H839 HYDE, DOUGLAS, ed. Love Songs of Connacht. 1909 Y42P-H99a JOHNSON, LIONEL Some Poems with introd. by Louise Imogen Guiney. 1912 YP-J6265 JOYCE, R. D. Ballads of Irish Chivalry. 1908 Y42P-J853 Blandid. 1879 YP-J85 Deirdre. 1876 YP-J85d LEO XIII., Pope. Poems, Charades, Inscriptions ; with tr. and notes by H. J. Henry. 1902 Y36-L35 LUMMTS, ELIZA O'BRIEN The Dear Saint Elizabeth. 1913 YD-L974d McCarthy, denis a. Voices from Erin. Rev. ed. 1910 YP-M127V MacMANUS, ANNA Four Winds of Eirinn. 1905 YP-M227 MacMANUS, SEUMAS Ballads of a Country Boy. 1905 YP-M226b MANGAN, J. C. Poems. 1894 YP-M315 MEYNELL, ALICE Poems. 1913 YP-Ms67a Later Poems. 1902 YP-M576 Seventeenth Century Anthology YP-9M579 97 MICHAEL ANGELO Sonnets ; tr. into English verse, by S. E. Hall. 1905. Y35P-M582s.Eh Same; tr. by J. A. Symonds. 1904 Y35P-M582S MILES, G. H. Said the Rose, and other Lyrics YP-M594S Review of Hamlet. New ed. 1907 YD-S71 mi MILLIGAN, ALICE Hero Lays. 1908 YP-M624h MOLIERE, J. B. P. Dramatic Works ; tr. by C. H. Wall. 3 vols. 1900- 1904 Y39D-M7.EW Same; tr. by H. van Laun. 3 vols, in 2 Y39D-M7.E The Plays in French; with Eng. tr. and notes by A. R. Waller. 8 vols. 1907 Y39D-M7a4 MOLLOY, J. F. Romance of the Irish Stage, with Pictures of the Irish Capital in the i8th Century. 2 vols. 1897. VU42-M734 MOORE, THOMAS Lalla Rookh. 1880 YP-M781 Prose and Verse. 1878 Y-M784 MORE, Sir THOMAS Utopia and Poems. 1906 Y-M8155UP NEWMAN, Cardinal. Dream of Gerontius. 1904 YP-N466d Hymns. 1892 CW-N468 Poems. 190- ? YP-N466 O'BRIEN, Abp. CORNELIUS Aminta. 1890 YP-Ob643am O'DONOGHUE, DAVID JAMES The Poets of Ireland ; biog. and bibliographical dic- tionary of Irish writers of English verse. 191 2. Reference ZWY-Od56 O'REILLY, JOHN BOYLE Selected Poems. 1907 YP-Or345 98 O'SULLIVAN, SEUMAS Verses, Sacred and Profane. 1908 YP-OS85 PATMORE, COVENTRY Angel in the House ; Victories of Love YP-P276an Children's Garland from the Best Poets. 1905. JYP-9P276C Poems. 1905 YP-P276 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO On the Death of Madonna Laura. 1906. . .Y35P-P4470 Sonnets, Triumphs, and other Poems. 1893 Y35P-P447.E POPE, ALEXANDER Poetical Works; ed. by Carruthers. 2 vols. 1891. YP-P814 Poetical Works ; 2 vols. 1856 YP-P8i4a Poetical Works by Pope and Collins. 4 vols in 2. 1880 YP-P8i4ai Complete Poetical Works. 1903 YP-P8i4a2 Poetical Works ; with Life by Alex. Dyce. 3 vols. 1856 YP-P8i4a3 PROCTOR, ADELAIDE Complete Works. 1905 YP-P94a Poems. 1903 YP-P94 Legends and Lyrics YP-P941 RANDALL, J. R. Maryland, My Maryland, and other Poems. 1908. YP-Ri53m REPPLIER, AGNES, Comp. Book of Famous Verse. 1892 YP-9R297 RUFFIN, Mrs. M. E. H. John Gildart. 1901. YP-R836J RYAN, Rev. A. J. Poems, Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous. 1905. YP-R956 SCOTT, CLEMENT Drama of Yesterday and Today. 2 vols. 1899. VU-SC086 Drawing-room Plays and Parlour Pantomimes. 1870. VUP-SC088 99 SHEEHAN, Rev. P. A. Cithara Mea ; Poems. J900 YP-Sh35c Lost Angel of a Ruined Paradise YD-Sh34i SHIPLEY, ORBY (Comp.) Carmina Mariana, an Eng. Anthology in Verse in Re- lation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1894 YP-9Sh66 SIMPSON, J. P. Scrap of Paper. 1889 VUP-Sis; SPALDING, Rt. Rev. J. L. Songs, Chiefly from the German. 1896 YP-9SP153 STARR, E. A. Songs of a Life-time. 1887 YP-St227s TABB, Rev. J. B. Later Lyrics. 1902 YP-Ti 12 i Poems. 1903 YP-T112 Rosary in Rhyme. 1904 YP-Tii2r Selections from Verses; by Alice Meynell. 1907. YP-TII2S Later Poems. 1910 YP-Tii2ip TASSO, TORQUATO Amyntas ; tr. by Leigh Hunt. 1820 Y35D-Ti87am.E Jerusalem Delivered; tr. by Wiffen. 1891. Y35P-Ti8j.ew Same; tr. by Sir J. K. James. 1884 Y35P-T18J .Ej Same ; tr. by Hoole. 1797 Y35P-T18J .Eh Godfrey of Bulloigne ; or, Jerusalem Delivered ; tr. by Fairfax. 1846 Y35P-Ti8g THOMPSON, FRANCIS Selected Poems. 1909 YP-T376S Works. 3 vols. 1913 Y-T372 TYNAN, KATHARINE Ballads and Lyrics. 1891. YP-T972b Irish Love Songs. 1892 YP-9T973 Lover's Breast Knot. 1896 YP-T972 i Poems. 1901 YP-T972 WALSH, THOMAS The Pri.s'on Ships and Other Poems. 1909. . .YP-W167P lOO ESSAYS AND MISCELLANY. A'BECKETT, A. W. Modern Adam. 1899 Y-Ab355m A'BECKETT, G. A. Comic Blackstone; illus. by George Cruikshank. 1869 YW-Ab23 ADAMS, H. A. Orations. 1903 Y-Adi67 ALFRED the Great Works. 2 vols. 1858 Y-AI247 ARNOLD, MATTHEW On the Study of Celtic Literature and on Translating Homer. 1907 ZY-Ar666o ARNOLD, THOMAS Manual of English Literature. 1873 ZY-Ar667m AZARIAS, Brother See MULLANY, P. F. BAUTAIN, Abbe M. Art of Extempore Speaking. 1869 XY-B32 BELLOC, B. R. In a Walled Garden. 1895 Y-B4158 BELLOC, HILAIRE Avril; Essays on the Poetry of the French Renais- sance. 1904 ZY39-B415 Aftermath ZA-B414 Hills and the Sea. 1906 ZY-B4159 On Everything. 1910. . Y-B41590 On Something. 1910 Y-B4i59on This and That and the Other. 1912 Y-B4i59t BENSON, Rt. Rev. R. H. ; :Light Invisible. 1906 Y-B4481 lOI BENZIGER BROTHERS, New York. Catalogue of all Catholic Books in English. 1912. ZL-B449 BERDOE, EDWARD Browning Cyclopaedia. 1902. Reference ZY-B824 BERINGTON, Rev. JOSEPH Literary History of the Middle Ages. 1814 ZY-B45 BETTEN, F. S., S. J. The Roman Index of Forbidden Books briefly ex- plained, with a summary of the Index. 1909. ZUD-B467 BOETHIUS. Consolation of Philosophy. 1902 Y-B633C King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of De Conso- latione Philosophiae. 1901 Y-B633f King Alfred's Version of the Consolations ; done into Modern English by W. J. Sedgefield. 1904. . . .Y-B633 BOTTA, Mrs. A. C. L. Handbook of Universal Literature. 1902 ZY-B658 BROTHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS First Steps in Bookkeeping. 1912 HKB-B798f BROWN, Rev. STEPHEN J., S. J. A Guide to Books on Ireland. Vol. i. Reference. ZW42-B81 A Reader's Guide to Irish Fiction. 1910. . . .ZWY42-B81 • BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND Essays in French Literature. 1898 Y39-B833e.E Manual of the History of French Literature. 1898. ZY39-B83m.E BUGG, L. H. Little Book of Wisdom. 1897 AQ-B864 BURNAND, Sir F. C. Quite at Home. 1890 YW-B898 BUSK, R. H. Romand Legends. 1877 BU36-B965 102 BUTLER, Sir WILLIAM F. Light of the West. 1910 Y-B9771 CASTLE, MARIE LOUISE EGERTON Italian Literature. 191 1 ZY35-C277 CHESTERTON, G. K. Alarms and Discursions. 1910 Y-C423al All Things Considered. 1908 Y-C423 Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens. 191 1 ZYA-D55ch The Defendant. 1902 Y-C423d George Bernard Shaw. 1910 ZYA-Sh27c Heretics. 1906 Y-C423h Orthodoxy. 1909 CE-C4280 Tremendous Trifles. 1909 Y-C423tr Twelve Types. 1902 Y-C423t Varied Types. 1905 E-9C428 Victorian Age in Literature. 1913 .Zy-C427v What's Wrong with the World? 1910 H-C423W CLERKE, A. M. Familiar Studies in Homer. 1892 Y32-H8.YC CONRAD, JOSEPH A Personal Record. 1912 Y-C77P COPPEE, FRANCOIS Happy Suffering. 1900 Y39-C796b.E Romance of Youth. 1908 Y-C796ro CRAWFORD, F. M. The Novel, What It Is. 1893 ZY-C853 Studies in Foreign Literature. 1899 ZY-C856 CROKER, THOMAS CROFTON Fairy Legends and Traditions. 1906 BU42-C87f CURLE, RICHARD Joseph Conrad, a Study. 1914 ZYA-C767C 103 CURTIN, JEREMIAH Creation Myths of Primitive America. 1898. BU81-C944 Hero Tales of Ireland. 1894 BZU-C944 DAVEY, RICHARD A History of Mourning. 1890 FF-D273h DELAUMOSNE, Abbe (and ARNAUD, Mme. ANGELIQUE) Delsarte System of Oratory. 1887 . .XY-D377 DIGBY, K. H. Evenings on the Thames. 2 vols. 1864 Y-D568e DIMNET, ERNEST Paul Bourget. 1913 ZY39A-B66d DONNELLY, E. C. (ed.) Girlhood's Handbook of Woman. 1898 KW-D716 DOWLING, RICHARD Ignorant Essays. 1888 Y-D758i DOWNEY, EDMUND Twenty Years Ago ; illus. Literary Life in London. 1905 ZY-D755 DORSEY, Mrs. A. H. Two Ways. 1891 Y-D736t DRYDEN, JOHN Essays. 2 vols. 1900 Y-D847e DUNNE, F. P. (Mr. Dooley) Mr. Dooley in Peace and War. 1899 YW-D925 Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of his Countrymen. 1899. YW-D95mi Mr. Dooley Says. 1910 YW-D925ms Mr. Dooley's Opinions. 1901 YW-D925mo Mr. Dooley's Philosophy. 1900 YW-D925mp Dissertations by Mr. Dooley. 1906 YW-D925d Observations by Mr. Dooley. 1902 YW-D9250 104 EGAN, M. F. Ghost in Hamlet, and other Essays. 1906 Y-Eg i6g Introduction to English Literature. 1901 ZY-Eg i6i FITZGERALD, P. H. Bozland, Dickens' Places and People. 1895. .ZY-D556fi The Garrick Club. 1904 KYC45L-F574 History of Pickwick. 1891 ZY-D556f FITZMAURICE-KELLY, JAMES Chapters on Spanish Literature. 1908 ZY40-F58C History of Spanish Literature. 1900 ZY40-F58 FLETCHER, MARGARET School of the Heart. 1904 KWM-F638 FORTIER, ALCEE Louisiana Folk- tales. 1895. (Amer. Folklore Soc. Memoirs, v. 2) BU83-F773 FRANCILLON, R. E. Gods and Heroes. 1904 BZQ-F8426 GILBERT, K. CHESTERTON; A Criticism. 1909- ZY-C427 GILES, HENRY Illustrations of Genius. 1854 Y-G394 Lectures and Essays. 2 vols. 1851 Y-G3941' GRIFFIN, GERALD The Collegians. 1898. (World's Great Books, v. 28) Y-9W893 Works. 10 vols Y-G872 GUINEY, L. I. Patrins. 1897 Y-G946P HARDY, G. E. Five Hundred Books for the Young. 1892. . . .ZX-H228 HARTING, J. E. The Birds of Shakespeare. 1871 YD-S74ha 105 IRISH LITERATURE ; Justin McCarthy. Editor-in- Chief. 10 vols. 1904 Y42-Ir47 JENKINS, Rev. O. L. American and British Literature; Student's Hand- book. 1903 ZY-J426S Student's Handbook of English Literautre; with se- lections from the v^rritings of the most distin- guished authors. 22d rev. ed. 1912 ZY-J426st JOHNSON, LIONEL Post Liminium. 1912 ZY-J63P JOHNSTON, R. M. Studies, Literary and Social. Vol. i. 1891 Y-J647 Lectures in Literature. 1897 ZY-J651 JOHNSTON, R. M. (and BROWNE, W. H.) English Literature. 1873 ZY-J652 JOYCE, P. W. A Grammar of the Irish Language. 1906. . .X42G-J853g JUSSERAND, J. J. English Essays from a French Pen. 1895 Y-J987e English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. 1903. ZY-J985 Literary History of the English People. 1895- 1909. ZY-J9851 Shakespeare in France under the Ancient regime. 1899 YD-S6J LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, Due F. D. Maxims and Moral Reflections. 1897. (Trans, ac- companied by orig. text) BQT-L32m.E Same ; 1903 BQT-L32m.E Same ; (Eng. text only) BQT-L32ma.E LA.WLESS, EMILY Garden Diary. 1901 Y-L426g MADDEN, R. R. Phantasmata. 2 vols. 1857 BK-M263 io6 MAHONEY, Rev. F. (Front.) Reliques of Father Front. 1901 Y-M276 MEYNELL, Mrs. ALICE Cere's Runaway, and other Essays. 1910 Y-M576C Childhood. 1913 Y-M576chi The Children. 1897 Y-M576ch The Colour of Life, and other Essays. 1897. . .Y-M576C0 Essays. 1914 Y-M576 Rhymthtti of Life, and other Essays. 1896 Y-M576r Samuel Johnson. 191 1 ZYA-J637m MIVART, ST. GEORGE Essays and Criticisms. 2 vols. 1892 Y-M698 MONTEIRO, MARIANO Legends of the Basque Feople. 1891 YL-M757 MOONEY, M. S. Foundation Studies in Literature. 1900 ZY-M776 MULLANY, F. F. Books and Reading. 1896 ZY-M9i3b Development of English Literature. 1879. . . .ZY-M9i3d Essay Contributing to a Fhilosophy of Literature. 1879 .^.ZY-M9i3e MURRAY, LINDLEY Kerney's Abridgement of Murray's English Gram- mar, rev. by C. H. McCarthy. 191 1 XG-M962 NEWMAN, Cardinal Characteristics from his Writings; arr. by W. S. Lilly. 1876 Y-N467CI Definition of a Gentleman. 1901 BQ-N465 Essays, Critical and Historical. 1877. 2 vols. .Y-N467e Literature ; a Lecture ; ed. with notes and studies, by Rev. G. J. Garraghan, S. J. 1912 Y-N467I Selections from his Prose Writings, for the use of . schools. 1906 Y-N467se O'CONNELL, DANIEL Speeches. 2 vols. 1875 YS-OC566 107 O'CONNOR (and HAYES) English-Esperanto Dictionary. 1907. Reference. XDW-OC5662 O'CONOR, Rev. J. F. X., S. J. Facts about Bookworms. 1898 OT-Oc5 Reading and the Mind. 1903 ZX-OC566 O'DONOGHUE, D. J. The Humor of Ireland. 1894 YW-Od566 O'NEIL, Rev. J. L. Why, When, How and What We Ought to Read. 1901 ZX-On245 OZANAM, FREDERIC Dante and Catholic Philosophy in the Thirteenth Century. 1897 ZY35-D2370Z FALLEN, C. B. Epochs of Literature. 1898 ZY-Pi 77 Philosophy of Literature. 1897 ZY-P177P REPPLIER, AGNES Americans and Others. 1912 Y-R29am Books and Men. 1893. . ,, Y-R29b Compromises. 1905 Y-R29C Essays in Idleness. 1901 Y-R29e Essays in Miniature. 1899 Y-R29es Fireside Sphinx. 1902 Y-R29f For Remembrance. 1901 DM-R294 Happy Half-Century and other Essays. 1908. . . .Y-R29h In Our Convent Days. 1906 Y-R29i In the Dozy Hours, and other Papers. 1^9. . . .Y-R29in Points of View. i8qi Y-R29P Varia. 1898 ' Y-R29V ROBINSON, Rev. PASCHAL Short Introduction to Franciscan Literature. 1907. Reference ZWY-R56S ROUX, Abbe J. Mediations of a Parish Priest. 1886 Y-R76 SALA, G. A. Echoes of the Year. 1883 Y-Sa32e io8 SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH von Lectures on the History of Literature. 1889. .ZY-Sch34i Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Language. 1847 BM-Sch SHAHAN, Rt. Rev. T. J. The House of God, and other Addresses and Studies. 1905 Y-Shi42h SHEEHAN, Rev. PATRICK A. "Cedar Chips," comp. by a Sister of Mercy. 1913. Y-Sh334c Early Essays and Lectures. New ed. 1912. . . .Y-Sh334e Parerga ; companion vol. to Under the Cedars and the Stars. 1910 Y-Sh334p Under the Cedars and the Stars. 1904 Y-Sh334y SOUVESTRE, EMILE An Attic Philosopher in Paris. 1892. The Same. 1908 Y-So88at SPALDING, Rt. Rev. J. L. Aphorisms and Reflections. 1901 BQT-Spi6 Glimpses of Truth. 1903 BQS-Spi53 Religion and Art. 1905 Y-Spi53 See Education page STODDARD, C. W. Exits and Entrances. 1903 Y-St633e THOMPSON, FRANCIS A Renegade Poet, and other Essays. 1910 Y-T372r Shelley. 1909 ZYA-Sh45t WALSH, R. Didactics, Social, Literary and Political. 2 vols. 1836 Y-Wi68d McCarthy, sister MARY KATHARINE Some Motives in Pagan Education Compared with the Christian Ideal: a Dissertation. 1914. . .IK-M 127 WARD, WILFRID Men and Matters. 1914 Y-W2i2m Problems and Persons. 1903 Y-W212 109 FINE ARTS AND MUSIC. For Lives of Individual Artists see Biography. ADY, Mrs. Henry See CARTWRIGHT, JULIA. BRYAN, MICHAEL Dictionary of Painters and Engravers; ed. by G. C. Williamson. 5 vols. 1903-05. Reference. . .W10-5B842 CARTWRIGHT, JULIA Christ and His Mother in Italian Art. 1897. Refer- ence W144-C248C The Painters of Florence. 1906 W10-9C24P COERNE, L. A. Evolution of Modern Orchestration. 1908. . . .VVI-C657 CONWAY, KATHERINE E. (ed.) Handbook of Christian Symbols. 1886 Wi44-C592g DIDRON, A. N. Christian Iconography. 2 vols. 1851-91 . .W144-D567.E DIEHL, Mrs. A. M. Musical Memories. 1897 VV-D565m DONAHOE, DANIEL JOSEPH, ed. and tr. Early Christian Hymns. 2 vols. 1908-11 CW-D714 FERGUSON, JAMES History of Architecture in all Countries. 3d ed. 1893. WF-F388a FITZGERALD, P. H. Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan Described. 1894. VV10-F57 Savoy Opera and the Savoyards. 1897. . . . VU45L-F574 FLOOD, W. H. G. A History of Irish Music. 1905 VVI-F656 no GOODYEAR, W. H. Grammar of the Lotus. 1891 WS-G638 History of Art 2 vols. 1896 W11-G632 Renaissance and Modern Art. 1906 W13-G6 Roman and Mediaeval Art. 1906 Wii-G6r GASQUET, Abbot FRANCIS A. The Greater Abbeys of England, with illus. in colour. 1908 WGK-G2i7g HAIG, ELIZABETH The Floral Symbolism of the Great Masters. 191 3. W144-H125 HURLEY, E. G. Gregorian Chant. 1907 VXVC-H935 JAMESON, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts. 1866 W146-J23 Legends of the Monastic Orders as Represented in the Fine Arts. 1866 W14-J23 Memoirs of the Early Italian Painters. 1895. WP35-j237m Our Lord in Art. 2 vols. 1872 Wi4.S-j2372h Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols. 1886-87. .W14-J23S Sketches of Art, Literature and Character. 1886. .Y-J23S Note — '^Mrs. Jameson was not a Catholic. Her zvorks, however, are Catholic in tone and indispensihle to the Catholic S indent f' Chicago Catholic Reading List. JENNER, Mrs. KATHARINE L. R. Christian SymboHsm. 1910 W144-J436 JOYCE, P. W. Old Irish Folk Music and Songs. 1909 VY42-J850 KONODY, P. G. The Art of Walter Crane. 1902. Reference. Wio-C853k Chardin. 1909. (Masterpieces in colour.) .. .Wio-C374k KONODY, P. G. (and others) The National Gallery: 100 plates in color. 2 vols. 1909. Reference WC45-K835 Ill LaFARGE, JOHN One Hundred Masterpieces of Painting. 1912. Refer- ence WP-L1320 LANZI, ARBATE History of Painting in Italy. 3 vols. 1847. •WP35-L299 Luminaries of Painting. 1848 W10-L29 MARIST BROTHERS American Catholic Hymnal, with music. 1913. VYRH-M335 American Catholic Hymnal. 1913 CW-M335 MASON, REDFERN Song Lore of Ireland. 1910 W42-M38 MEYNELL, ALICE Children of the Old Masters. (Italian School.) 1903. Reference W10-9M579 O'NEILL, FRANCIS Irish Folk Music. 1910 VV42-On24i PATMORE, COVENTRY Principle in Art. 1898 Y-P276 T^UGIN, A. C Gothic Furniture. 184- {2y plates, no text.) . .WW-P964 SALTER, EMMA G. Franciscan Legends in Italian Art. 1905 Wi47-Sa38 SANTLEY, Sir CHARLES The Art of Singing and Vocal Declamation. 1908. VXV-Sa58 SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH von. Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works. 1900. .... .W-Sch3 SLADEN, D. B. W. How to See the Vatican. 1914 WC36-SI 13 SPRINGER, MAX The Art of Accompanying Plain Chant ; tr. from the Germ. l)y the Benedictine Fathers. 1908. .VXVC-Sp86 112 TAUNTON, Rev. E. L. History and Growth of Church Music VV1R-T196 TERRY, R. R. Catholic Church Music. 1907 VV1R-T27 VASARI, GIORGIO Stories of the Itahan Artists. 1906 W10-9V442v.Es Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects. 5 vols. 1876 W10-9V442I Vasari on Technique. 1907 W-V442.E VINCI, LEONARDO da Treatise on Painting. 1901 WP-V74 WARD, Mrs. J. B. C. (and PERKINS, E. W.) Music, First Year. (Catholic Educ. ser.) . . VXVA-W21 WILLIAMSON, G. C. (ed.) Anonimo: Notes on Pictures and Works of Art in Italy. Made by an Anon. Writer in the Sixteenth Century. 1903 W35-W676 How to Identify Portrait Miniatures. 1905. WPW-W677h PERIODICALS. AMERICA. Catholic Review of the Week. I909-I9i4.t Vol. I-IO.f AMERICAN CATHOLIC QUARTERLY REVIEW. 1906-1914.1 DG-7Am3 ANNALS of the PROPAGATION of the FAITH. 1913-1914.-1- CATHOLIC BOOK NEWS. 1906-1914.1 AMERICAN CATHOLIC WHO'S WHO. Ed. by G. P. Curtis. 1914 E-5Am37 113 CATHOLIC DIRECTORY Official Catholic Directory and Clergy List. 1914. DG-6C284 CATHOLIC DIRECTORY. Ecclesiastical Register and Almanac. 1912. .DG-6C2842 CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL REVIEW. Pub. by the Catholic University of America. 1911-1914.! CATHOLIC MISSIONS. Pub. by Soc. for the Propagation of the Faith. 1915.! CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. 1895-1914.! DG-7C283 CATHOLIC WHO'S WHO. Year Book. 1914 E-5C284 CATHOLIC WORLD MAGAZINE. 1865-1914.! Vol. 1-98.1- DG-7C284 THE HELPER. 1910. (Teacher's Edition of the ''Sunday Companion.") THE SUNDAY COMPANION. 1910. Juvenile. TRINITY College Record, 1907-10. THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA. 15 Vols, and Index DG-5C284 This monumental work includes articles on all subjects mentioned or suggested in this catalog, by the best ac- credited experts, bringing information and criticism up to date. It should be consulted in all research. 114 GUIDES TO CATHOLIC LITERATURE. BALTIMORE.— Enoch Pratt Free Library. Catalog of Catholic and Other Select Authors. Comp. by E. Codd. 1913 ZT-En65 BENZIGER BROTHERS, New York. Catalog of all Catholic Books in English. 1912 . .ZL-B449 CHICAGO.— Public Library. Catholic Reading List; a Catalog of books (in Eng.) by Catholic Authors in the Chicago Public Library. 1908 ZT-C43 CLEVELAND.— Public Library. Books by Catholic Authors in the Cleveland Public Library. 191 1 ZT-C597b NEW BEDFORD.— Free Public Library. Books by Catholic Authors in the Library ; comp. bv J. E. Gardner. 1913 ZT-N4 PITTSBURG.— Carnegie Library. Books by Catholic Authors in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburg. 1911 ZT-P668bc SEATTLE.— Public Library. Subject List of Catholic Books in the Seattle Public Library. 1909 ZT-Sei8s WATERBURY, CONN.— Silas Bronson Library. Books by Catholic Authors in the Library. 1912. ZT-W294 115 JUVENILE BOOKS. BEARNE, Rev. DAVID Charlie Chittywick. Barnaby Bright. 2 vols. Francis Apricot. Hero Haunted. Lance and His Friends. Melor of the Silver Hand. Our Lady's Lutenist. Romance of the Silver Shoon. BERTHOLD, THEODOR Lives of the Saints for Children JDZS-B467 BRYSON, Rev. THOMAS H. Juniors of St. Bede's. CANAVAN, MICHAEL JOSEPH Ben Comee. CANTER, CAESAR Child Stories of Italian Life. CERVANTES, SAAVEDRA MIGUEL, de Stories from Don Quixote; retold by H. L. Havell. COLUM, PADRAIC A Boy in Eireen. COPUS, Rev. J. E. "As Gold in the Furnace." Harry Russell. Saint Cuthbert's. Shadows Lifted. (Sequel to Saint Cuthbert's.) Tom Losely: Boy. COX, JOHN HARRINGTON Knighthood in Germ and Flower JVL-H45C0 DORSEY, ELLA LORATNE Pickle and Pepper. ii6 DU CHAILLU, PAUL B. Ivar the Viking. Journey to Ashango Land JG73-D852J King Mombo. Land of the Long Night JG14-D856 Lost in the Jungle. Stories of the Gorilla Country JG73-D85S Wild Life Under the Equator JG70-D854 World of the Great Forest JO-D852W FIGYELMESSY, Mrs. E. H. Two Boys in the Tropics jG96-F467t FINN, Rev. F. J. Ada Merton. The Best Foot Forward; and Other Stories. But Thy Love and Thy Grace. Claude Lightfoot. Ethelred Preston. Fairy of the Snows. Harry Dee. His First and Last Appearance. Mostly Boys. My Strange Friend. New Faces and Old. Percy Wynn; That Foot-ball Game and What Came of It. Tom Playfair. FOA, EUGENIE Boy Life of Napoleon . JF39442-F682 FRANCILLON, ROBERT EDWARD Gods and Heroes JBZQ-F8426 FROISSART, Sir JOHN The Boy's Froissart JF04-F92L Chronicles, Condensed for Young Readers. . . .JF04-F92S Stories from Froissart. By Henry Newbolt. . .jFo4-F92n GARROLD, Rev. R. P. Freddy Carr and His Friends. Freddy Carr's Adventures. (Sequel to "Freddy Carr and His Friends.") 117 GOSS, WARREN L. Boys' Life of General Sheridan jE-Sh53g GYWNN, Mrs. STEPHEN Stories from Irish History JF42-G998 HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Night with Uncle Remus. Story of Aaron, the Son of Ben-Ali. The Tar-baby, and Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus YP-H243 Uncle Remus and His Friends. Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. Wally Wanderoom and His Story-telling Machine. HEADLEY, PHINEAS CAMP Fighting Phil ; the Life and Military Career of Philip Henry Sheridan jE-Sh53h HOLLAND, Rev. CORNELIUS J. The Divine Story; a Short Life of Our Blessed Lord, for Young People JCGQ-H718 JUVENILE ROUND TABLE: A Collection of Original Stories by the Best Writers. KEARY, A. M. and ELIZA Heroes of Asgard j YL-K219 KEILEY, M. C. OLIVIA Christ Child jCgQ-K266 KELMAN, JANET HARVEY Stories from Chaucer JYP-C39K LILLIE, Mrs. L. C. W. Colonel's Money. False Witness. Helen Glenn. Household of Glen Holly. Jo's Opportunity. Mildred's Margain and Other Stories. ii8 LILLIE, Mrs. L. C. W.— Continued Nan. Phil and the Baby. Rolf House. Story of Music and Musicians for Young Readers jV'V-L628 McKEE, JOSEPH VINCENT and ROEMER, L. S. The Period of Discovery. (American Historical Readers) JG801-M194 MALONE, PAUL BERNARD West Point Lieutenant. PASSANO, LEONARD MAGRUDER Maryland ; Stories of Her People and of Her History ]FSS7-'P26ym POMEROY, SARAH GERTRUDE Christmas in Spain. PORTUONDO, Mrs. JOSEPHINE True Historical Stories for Catholic Children. .JE-9P838 MacMANUS, SEUMAS Donegal Fairy Stories. ROBERTS, CHARLES G. D. Kings in Exile JO-R547K ROULET, M. F. NIXON Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales JBU67-R75J Our Little Alaskan Cousin J^945-R755 Our Little Australian Cousin JG21-R755 Our Little Brazilian Cousin JG99-R755 Our Little Grecian Cousin JC32-R75^ Our Little Hungarian Cousin JG57-R755 Our Little Spanish Cousin JG40-R7550 The Spaniard at Home G40-R7!55s Seven Little Marshalls. ROUND THE WORLD ; Series of Articles on a Great Variety of Subjects. 6 vols JAE-R765 119 SADLIER, AGNES Heroes of History .jF-SaT35 SCANNEL, F. and E. Dulce's Promise. Jean Noel. Lischen and the Fairy. SEAWELL, M. E. Chateau of Montplaisir. Decatur of Somers. The Great Scoop. Imprisoned Midshipmen. Little Jarvis. Lively Adventures of Gavin Hamilton. Midshipman Paulding. SEGUR, SOPHIE R. Comtesse de Adventures of a Donkey. Fairy Tales. Sophie's Troubles. Acts of the Apostles for Children, as told by a Grandmother, adapted from the French of Mme. la Comtesse de Segur, by Mary Virginia Mer- rick jCVP-Se37 SPALDING, Rev. HENRY STANISLAUS Cave by the Beech Fork. Old Mill on the Withrose. Sheriff of the Beech Fork. STARR, LAURA B. Filippo, the Italian Boy. STORY OF OUR LORD'S LIFE; by a Carmelite Nun jCGO-St775 TABB, Rev. JOHN BANISTER Child Verse jYP-Tii2c TAGGART, MARION AMES Betty Gaston, the Seventh Girl. The Daughters of the Little Grey House. 120 TAGGART, MARION AMES— Continued. Doctor's 'Little Girl. Friendly Little House and Other Stories. Her Daughter Jean. Little Aunt. Little Grey House. Loyal Blue and Loyal Scarlet. Nancy, the Doctor's Little Partner. Nut Brown Joan. Pussy-Cat Town. Six Girls and Bob. Six Girls and the Seventh One. Sweet Girls and the Tea Room. Sweet Nancy ; or, More About the Doctor's Little Girl. Wyndham Girls. TYNAN, KATHARINE Ireland. (Peeps at Many Lands.) JG42-T976 WAGGAMAN, Mrs. M. T. Queen's Promise. Shipmates. WALLACE, CATHRYN Folk-lore of Ireland JBU42-W156 One Christmas Eve at Roxbury Crossing. WILLIAMS, Rev. T. D. Half Hour with God's Heroes ; or, Stories from the Sacred Books jCBG-W676h '■^ "^r^rtxr 79 '""^ 0"W UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY