

f, S . 
 >l . (31572) 

 U fc 
 General provisions 1 
 Revised Statutes 1 
 Laws prior to Revised Statutes still in force 11 
 Act February 11, 1847 11 
 Act May 27, 1848 13 
 Joint resolution June 16, 1848., 14 
 Act July 10, 1848 14 
 Joint resolution August 10, 1848 14 
 An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of 
 Government for the year ending the 30th of June, 1850, and for other 
 purposes 15 
 Disloyalty 16 
 Revised statutes 16 
 An act to repeal in part and to limit section 3480 of the Revised Statutes of 
 the United States 16 
 Execution of papers ; 17 
 An act in relation to oaths in pension and other cases 17 
 Joint resolution amending and construing the act approved July 1, 1890, in 
 relation to oaths in pension and other cases 17 
 Offenses 18 
 An act to amend section 4746 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. . 18 
 An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States. . 19 
 Agents and attorneys 21 
 Revised Statutes 21 
 An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pen- 
 sions of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and 
 for other purposes 21 
 Rules of practice in pension and bounty-land appeals 24 
 Rules of practice before the Bureau of Pensions 28 
 Regulations and instructions relating to bounty -land claims 35 
 Index 45 
 REVISED STATUTES. ,.; ;.:.., 
 SEC. 441. The Secretary of the Interior is charged with 
 the supervision of public business relating to the follow- of 
 ing subjects: 
 Fourth. Pensions and bounty lands. 
 SEC. 471. The Commissioner of Pensions shall per- 
 form, under the direction of the Secretary of the Inte- Slons< 
 rior, such duties in the execution of the various pension 
 and bounty-land laws as may be prescribed by the Presi- 
 SEC. 473. The Commissioner of Pensions is authorized, 
 with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to ap- clTes to 
 point a person to sign the name of the Commissioner to warrants 7 " land 
 certificates or warrants for bounty-lands ; and certificates (if s* L.f i?.'' 1856 
 or warrants so signed shall be as valid as if signed by the 
 SEC. 4748. That the Commissioner of Pensions, on Jj^Ssg 1 prhSSd 
 application being made to him in person, or by letter, by {SdtS^ 0118 free 
 any claimant or applicant for pension, bounty-land, or M ^- jjjj 80 ^* 
 other allowance required by law to be adjusted or paid by ^ii^yfisS 
 the Pension-Office, shall furnish such person, free of all (12 S- L>> ^ 
 expense, all such printed instructions and forms as may 
 be necessary in establishing and obtaining said claim ; and 
 on the issuing of a certificate of pension or of a bounty- . 
 land warrant, he shall forthwith notify the claimant or 
 applicant, and also the agent or attorney in the case, if 
 there be one, that such certificate has been issued, or 
 allowance made, and the date and amount thereof. 
 SEC. 2414 - AH warr ants for military bounty-lands which 
 signabfe ations ^ have been or may hereafter be issued under any law of 
 L 18 !)!^ 6 United States, and all valid locations of the same 
 s. 18 ifj which have been or may hereafter be made, are declared 
 3 lee ordinance ^ ^ e assignable by deed or instrument of writing, made 
 ^seeactit 5 Apr. an ^ executed according to such form and pursuant to 
 numerous rate^ sucn regulations as may be prescribed by the Commis- 
 aS?2SL t !r378)! sioner ^ tne General Land-Office, so as to vest the assignee 
 with all the rights of the original owner of the warrant or 
 warrants lo- SEC. 2415. The warrants which have been or may here- 
 SM paid'lncaSi" after b^ issued in pursuance of law may be located accord- 
 sec 2 ! (8s'. i^fi)' in S to the legal subdivisions of the public lands in one 
 2c S Mir f < ireS" lflt body upon any lands of the United States subject to pri- 
 i80MeraA 5 anS r 2| vate entry at the time of such location at the minimum 
 suSquen?^o3S price. When such warrant is located on lands which are 
 tl S 1 tct1f"May, subject to entry at a greater minimum than one dollar 
 i8i2,sec.3(2S.L., an( j twenty-five cents per acre, the locator shall pay to 
 the United States in cash the difference between the value 
 of such warrants at one dollar and twenty-five cents per 
 acre and the tract of land located on. But where such 
 tract is rated at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, 
 and does not exceed the area specified in the warrant, it 
 must be taken in full satisfaction thereof. 
 ia L nd a wants' SEC - 24 16. In a11 cases of warrants for bounty-lands, 
 o? U c^rtaUi vi Ss i gsue< ^ ^J virtue of an act approved July twenty-seven, 
 n& 2Ju?y 1864, sec. one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and of two 
 i (13 s. L., 378). ac t s approved January twenty-seven, one thousand eight 
 hundred and thirty-five, therein and thereby revised, and 
 of two acts to the same intent, respectively, approved 
 June twenty- six, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and 
 February eight, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, for mili- 
 tary services in the revolutionary war, or in the war of 
 eighteen hundred and twelve with Great Britain, which 
 remained unsatisfied on the second day of July, eighteen 
 hundred and sixty- four, it is lawful for the person in 
 whose name such warrant issued, his heirs or legal repre- 
 sentatives, to enter in quarter-sections, at the proper local 
 land office in any of the States or Territories, the quantity 
 of the public lands subject to private entry which he is 
 entitled to under such warrant. 
 f ai juiv ubi< i864 ^ EC * 2417. All warrants for bounty-lands referred to in 
 379) 2 (i ^ S ' L '' t ne preceding section may be located at any time, in con- 
 formity with the general laws in force at the time of such 
 NOTE. No blank forms for bounty-land warrants have been pre- 
 pared since the adoption of the Revised Statutes. All warrants 
 are therefore issued under the original laws, to wit, the acts of 
 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, and it is so recited in the body of the 
 warrant, which does not indicate that the issue is made under any 
 provision of the Revised Statutes. 
 SEC. 2418. Each of the surviving, or the widow 
 minor children of deceased commissioned and non-com- r?od s va qf u |erv?c e e 
 missioned officers, musicians, or privates, whether of m ^ er sept.7 a i85o, 
 regulars, volunteers, rangers, or militia, who performed ^n 1 Feb'.^''S,' 
 military service in any regiment, company, or detach- flej 9 (9 S ' L " 125> 
 ment, in the service of the United States, in the war with Sguiar Army: 
 Great Britain, declared on the eighteenth day of June, isiifsec. 2 ! (SMS! 
 eighteen hundred and twelve, or in any of the Indian L 'sSt iuan., 
 wars since seventeen hundred and ninety, and prior to s 81 &., 672). 12 
 the third of March, eighteen hundred and fifty, and each isi3,%ec! ? cfs! 
 of the comissioned officers who was engaged in the 'volunteers: 
 military service of the United States in the war withisfl, 6 t2. 6 6 Feb (2 
 Mexico, shall be entitled to lands as follows: Those who Regular Army: 
 engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and Beeact 10 Dec 7 ' 
 actually served nine months, shall receive one hundred (3 s! i.?^ 
 i , i it -i Soldiers pro- 
 and sixty acres, and those who engaged to serve six moted entitled: 
 months, and actually served four months, shall receive isie, 6 'sec! 6 3 pr (s 
 eighty acres, and those who engaged to serve for any or 'see act 27 May, 
 J a v J J xi i n 1848 sec - 2 (9 
 an indefinite period, and actually served one month, shall s. L., 233). 
 receive forty acres ; but wherever any officer or soldier was 
 honorably discharged in consequence of disability con- 
 tracted in the service, before the expiration of his period 
 of service, he shall receive the amount to which he would 
 have been entitled if he had served the full period for 
 which he had engaged to serve. All the persons enumer- . ForendofMex- 
 ican War see res. 
 ated in this section who enlisted in the regular army, or | 6 ^ une u 1848 (9 
 were mustered in any volunteer company for a period of 
 not less than twelve months, and who served in the War 
 with Mexico and received an honorable discharge, or who d ^g-J t arge s f 
 were killed or died of wounds received or sickness in- S A 24 %; 1848 
 __ , ^" B* JU*j Oo4J. 
 curred in the course of such service, or were discharged 
 before the expiration of the term of service in conse- 
 quence of wounds received or sickness incurred in the 
 course of such* service, shall be entitled to receive a cer- 
 tificate or warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of 
 11367 11 - 2 
 grantiS/ boint? l an( * 5 or at option Treasury scrip for one hundred dollars 
 an^brothereand bearing interest at six per cent, per annum, payable 
 than rs eniisu e d sem ^ annua ^y' at ^ e pl easure f tne Government. In 
 SeSico W is r new ^ e even ^ ^ the death of any one of the persons men- 
 la For brothers tioned in this section during service, or after his dis- 
 act d 27 S Ma e y S 1848 c ^ ar ^ 6 ' an( ^ ^ e ^ ore * ne issuing of a certificate or warrant, 
 gc.^ i (9 ft. L., the warrant or scrip shall be issued in favor of his 
 family or relatives; first, to the widow and his children; 
 second, his father ; third, his mother ; fourth, his brothers 
 and sisters. 
 NOTE. It is supposed that the preceding section was intended to 
 embody the provisions of the bounty-lands acts of February 11, 
 1847, and September 28, 1850. The former act, as amended, 
 granted bounty land to the enlisted men of the Mexican war, their 
 widows and children, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters. The 
 latter act made similar grants to the commissioned officers of that 
 war, and to the officers and enlisted men of other wars from 
 1790 to the date of the act, and to the widows and minor children 
 of such officers and enlisted men. In the attempt to combine 
 these two acts in section 2418 above, and by the peculiar con- 
 struction of that section, those who were actually provided for in 
 the act of 1847, viz, the enlisted men and their heirs, were entirely 
 omitted, while on the other hand the benefits of the act of 1850 
 were extended to a class of heirs to wit, fathers, mothers, broth- 
 ers, and sisters who were not previously provided for in that 
 act or in any other bounty-land law except in the act of 1847 and 
 amendment. The questions raised by these diversities in the law 
 have, however, been settled by the Department. It is held : 
 1. That the provisions of the act of 1847 are kept in force by sec- 
 tion 5597, Revised Statutes, notwithstanding the provisions of 
 repeal contained in section 5596, Revised Statutes. 2. That the 
 new law incorporated in section 2418 must be given its full force 
 and intent. See (3) paragraph 15, and (4) paragraph 47, title 
 Bounty Land, Digest of Pension Laws, 1885. 
 SEC - 2419. The persons enumerated in the preceding 
 sections received into service after the commencement of 
 forty SSf" 1 t< the war with Mexico, for less than twelve months, and 
 sec! 9 F (9''s. 18 L,!| who served such term, or were honorably discharged are 
 entitled to receive a certificate or warrant for forty acres, 1 
 or scrip for twenty-five dollars, if preferred, and in the 
 event of the death of such person during service, or after 
 honorable discharge before the eleventh of February, 
 eighteen hundred and forty-seven, the warrant or scrip 
 shall issue to the wife, child, or children, if there be any, 
 and if none, to the father, and if no father, to the mother 
 of such soldier. 
 1 Obsolete. 
 SEC. 2420. Where the militia, or volunteers, or State 
 troops of any State or Territory, subsequent to the eight- m2. ^ 
 eenth day of June, eighteen hundred and twelve, and sec - 4 < 10 s' L-, 4)' 
 prior to March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and 
 fifty-two, were called into service, the officers and soldiers 
 thereof shall be entitled to all the benefits of section two 
 thousand four hundred and eighteen upon proof of length 
 of service as therein required. 
 SEC. 2421. No person shall take any benefit under the 
 provisions of the three preceding sections if he has re- 
 ceived, or is entitled to receive, any military land-bounty JJJj x (9 * L - 
 under any act of Congress passed prior to the twenty- M ar ls i852 a sec ? 
 second March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. Jj" ^ < l6 s - '*"'* 
 Ruling of Commissioner of Pensions, No. 28. Section 2421 should 
 be read and interpreted in the same sense as if the word " other " 
 stood between the words " any " and " act " in the third line of 
 the section, and such will be the construction of this Bureau. 
 SEC. 2422. The period during which any officer or soldier ti ^ ri added ca fo 
 remained in captivity with the enemy shall be estimated ^^sTT^'sso 
 and added to the period of actual service, and the person go. 2 (9 's. L.', 
 so retained in captivity shall receive land under the provi- 
 sions of sections twenty- four hundred and eighteen and 
 twenty- four hundred and twenty, in the same manner 
 that he would be entitled in case he had entered the serv- 
 ice for the whole term made up by the addition of the 
 time of his captivity, and had served during such term. 
 SEC. 2423. Every person for whom provision is made by warrant and 
 f , i i patent to issue, 
 sections twenty-four hundred and eighteen and twenty- wh en. 
 four hundred and twenty shall receive a warrant from the 85, sec. 3 fe s. Lj 
 Department of the Interior for the quantity of land to see ordinance 
 i'ii' A-n -i -i * 20 May, 1785. 
 which he is entitled; and, upon the return of such war- see act is Apr., 
 .,! T j. ., , . ., . 1806, sees. 1 and 
 rant with evidence of the location thereof having been 2 > and numerous 
 legally made, to the General Land-Office, a patent shall be (2 s. L~%fr. 
 TIT i* 066 set 6 aLoiy^ 
 issued therefor. 1312, sec. 3 (2 s. 
 SEC. 2424. In the event of the death of any person, for 'widows of per- 
 , . . . T . , sons entitled. 
 whom provision is made by sections twenty- four hundred 2 $ Sept., isso, 
 and eighteen and twenty-four hundred and twenty, and 520). 
 who did not receive bounty-land for his services, a like 
 warrant shall issue in favor of his widow, who shall be 
 entitled to one hundred and sixty acres of land in case 
 her husband was killed in battle ; nor shall a subsequent 
 marriage impair the right of any widow to such warrant, 
 if she be a widow at the time of making her application. 
 SEC. 2425. Each of the surviving persons specified in 
 3 Mar 1855, " ie c l asses enumerated in the following section, who has 
 TO? 702) (1 S ' L '' serve d for a period of not less than fourteen days, in any 
 of the wars in which the United States have been engaged 
 since the year seventeen hundred and ninety, and prior to 
 the third day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, 
 shall be entitled to receive a warrant from the Depart- 
 lanVto make n i60 men ^ ^ ^ ne Interior, for one hundred and sixty acres of 
 land ; and, where any person so entitled has, prior to the 
 third day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, re- 
 ceived a warrant for any number of acres less than one 
 hundred and sixty, he shall be allowed a warrant for such 
 quantity of land only as will make, in the whole, with 
 what he may have received prior to that date, one hundred 
 and sixty acres, 
 classes under SEC. 2426. The classes of persons embraced as beneficia- 
 last section speci- . . 
 fled. ries under the preceding section, are as follows, namely : 
 sec. i (io's. L.) First. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers, 
 musicians, and privates, whether of the regulars, volun- 
 teers, rangers, or militia, who were regularly mustered 
 into the service of the United States. 
 3 Mar., 1855, Second. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers, 
 seamen, ordinary seamen, flotilla-men, marines, clerks, 
 and landsmen in the Navy. 
 3 Mar., 1855, Third. Militia, volunteers, and State troops of any State 
 or Territory, called into military service, and regularly 
 mustered therein, and whose services have been paid by 
 the United States. 
 3 Mar., 1855, Fourth. Wagon-masters and teamsters who have been 
 sec. 1, 2d proviso. ... 
 employed under the direction of competent authority, in 
 time of war, in the transportation of military stores and 
 3 Mar., 1855, Fifth. Officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war, 
 14 'Matisse, and marines, seamen, and other persons in the naval serv- 
 ice of the United States during that war. 
 3 Mar., 1855, Sixth. Chaplains who served with the Army. 
 14 May, 1856, Seventh. Volunteers who served with the armed forces 
 of the United States in any of the wars mentioned, sub- 
 ject to military orders, whether regularly mustered into 
 the service of the United States or not. 
 what classes SEC. 2427. The following 1 class of persons are included 
 of persons enti- %' * i i i i 
 tied under sec- as beneficiaries under section twenty-four hundred and 
 tion 2425, with- 
 out regard to twenty-five, without regard to the length of service 
 length of service. _ J , 
 3 Mar., 1855, rendered. 
 sec. 3 (10 S. L., 
 First. Any of the classes of persons mentioned in sec- 
 tion twenty-four hundred and twenty-six who have been 
 actually engaged in any battle in any of the wars in 
 which this country has been engaged since seventeen hun- 
 dred and ninety, and prior to March third, eighteen hun- 
 dred and fifty -five. 
 Second. Those volunteers who served at the invasion of se j 9 Mar -> 1855 
 Plattsburgh, in September, eighteen hundred and fourteen. 
 Third. The volunteers who served at the battle ofJ! 9 Mar - 1855 
 King's Mountain, in the revolutionary war. 
 Fourth. The volunteers who served at the battle of se ^ 9 Mar -' 1855 
 Nickojack against the confederate savages of the South. 
 Fifth. The volunteers who served at the attack on J! 
 Lewistown, in Delaware, by the British fleet, in the war 702) - 
 of eighteen hundred and twelve. 
 SEC. 2428. In the event of the death of any person who widows and 
 . J J children of per- 
 w r ould be entitled to a warrant, as provided in section 5, ons entitled un- 
 der section 2425. 
 twenty-four hundred and twenty-five, leaving a widow. 3 ^ar., isss, 
 /* '-I'-ii i sec. 2 (10 S. L., 
 or, if no widow, a minor child, such widow or such" minor 702 )- 
 child shall receive a warrant for the same quantity of 
 land that the decedent would be entitled to receive, if Also u May, 
 living on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and L-, 9) Sec ' 
 SEC. 2429. A subsequent marriage shall not impair the subsequent 
 right of any widow, under the preceding section, if she widow. 8 
 O \fo * 1 QKC A/* 
 be a widow at the time of her application. 2(ios.''L., 702).' 
 SEC. 2430. Persons within the age of twenty-one years Minors' under 
 on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-^Mar^issXsec. 
 t* i n i ! i ,! ,1 2 (10 S. L.,702). 
 five, shall be considered minors within the intent of sec- 
 tion twenty-four hundred and twenty-eight. 
 SEC. 2431. Where no record evidence of the service for lce Proof of serv - 
 which a warrant is claimed exists, parol evidence may be se J 4 3 M ( ! u' g 1 ^L 5 > 
 admitted to prove the service performed, under such reg- 8) - 
 illations as the Commissioner of Pensions may prescribe. 
 SEC. 2432. Where a certificate or warrant for bounty- 
 land for any less quantity than one hundred and sixty 
 acres has been issued to any officer or soldier, or to the > 
 widow or minor child of any officer or soldier, the evi- g - 1 (n s - L - 
 dence upon which such certificate or warrant was issued 
 shall be received to establish the service of such officer or 
 soldier in the application of himself, or of his widow or 
 minor child, for a warrant for so much land as may be 
 required to make up the full sum of one hundred and 
 sixty acres, to which he may be entitled under the preced- 
 ing section, on proof of the identity of such officer or 
 soldier, or, in case of his death, of the marriage and 
 identity of his widow, or, in case of her death, of the 
 identity of his minor child. But if, upon a review of 
 such evidence, the Commissioner of Pensions is not satis- 
 fied that the former warrant was properly granted, he 
 may require additional evidence, as well of the term as 
 of the fact of service. 
 EC - 2433< Wh en any company, battalion, or regiment, 
 an or g an i ze d form, marched more than twenty miles 
 dis ~ to ^ e pl ace where they were mustered into the service of 
 United States, or were discharged more than twenty 
 fr m the place where such company, battalion, or 
 regiment was organized, in all such cases, in computing 
 the length of service of the officers and soldiers of any 
 such company, battalion, or regiment, there shall be 
 allowed one day for every twenty miles from the place 
 where the company, battalion, or regiment was organized 
 to the place where the same was mustered into the service 
 of the United States, and one day for- every twenty miles 
 from the place where such company, battalion, or regi- 
 ment was discharged, to the place where it was organized, 
 and from whence it marched to enter the service, provided 
 that such march was in obedience to the command or 
 direction of the President, or some general officer of the 
 United States, commanding an army or department, or 
 the chief executive officer of the State or Territory by 
 which such company, battalion, or regiment was called 
 into service. 
 eluded/ ans in ~ SEC. 2434 - Tne provisions of all the bounty-land laws 
 sec 7^(10 s^Lf' sna U b 6 extended to Indians, in the same manner and to 
 the same extent as to white persons. 
 Former evi- SEC. 2435. Where a pension has been granted to any 
 dence of right to fc J 
 a pension to be officer or soldier, the evidence upon which such pension 
 received in cer- ' 
 tain cases on ap- was granted shall be received to establish the service of 
 plication for fe . 
 i4 nt &a and 'i856 sucn ffi cer or soldier in his application for bounty land ; 
 sec. 2 (ii S!L., 8)! an d upon proof of his identity as such pensioner, a war- 
 rant may be issued to him for the quantity of land to 
 which he is entitled; and in case of the death of such 
 pensioned officer or soldier, his widow shall be entitled 
 to a warrant for the same quantity of land to which her 
 husband would have been entitled, if living, upon proof 
 that she is such widow ; and in case of the death of such 
 officer or soldier, leaving a minor child and no widow, or 
 where the widow may have deceased before the issuing of 
 any warrant, such minor child shall be entitled to a war- 
 rant for the same quantity of land as the father would 
 have been entitled to receive if living, upon proof of the 
 decease of father and mother. But if, upon a review of 
 such evidence, the Commissioner of Pensions is not satis- 
 fied that the pension was properly granted, he may re- 
 quire additional evidence, as well of the term as of the 
 fact of service. 
 SEC. 2436. All sales, mortgages, letters of attorney, or 
 other instruments of writing, going to affect the title O1> 
 claim to any warrant issued, or to be issued, or any land 
 granted, or to be granted, under the preceding provisions 
 of this chapter, made or executed prior to the issue f 18 f 7 ls ec V' Feb ' 
 such warrant, shall be null and void to all intents M ^ x ^ y <** 
 purposes whatsoever; nor shall such warrant, or the land 
 obtained thereby, be in anywise affected by, or charged 
 with, or subject to, the payment of any debt or claim 18 f^ s ^^ May ' 
 incurred by any officer or soldier, prior to the issuing of 
 the patent. 
 SEC. 2437. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of ^ttd^ b of 
 the General Land-Office, under such regulations as may S?f s s f b n e C r Tf 
 be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, to cause La >S d s?^ c , e 'i85o; 
 to be located, free of expense, any warrant which the|^). 4 
 holder may transmit to the General Land-Office for that 20 S M& 7 ?u* nce 
 purpose, in such State or land-district as the holder or 18 ^ tecs. 5 1^2, 
 warrantee may designate, and upon good farming-land, ttouin! n a?ts C $ 
 so far as the same can be ascertained from the maps, plats, s '^ j^b May, 
 and field-notes of the surveyor, or from any other inf or- Jf 1 !.' L S t?29) 2 ' 3 
 mation in the possession of the local office, and, upon the 
 location being made, the Secretary shall cause a patent 
 to be transmitted to such warrantee or holder. 
 SEC. 2438. No person who has been in the military serv- .,33*1? boon! 
 ice of the United States shall, in any case, receive a ty ^ an g- t> 1850> 
 bounty-land warrant if it appears by the muster-rolls of ^^Sar.^''^^ 
 his regiment or corps that he deserted or was dishonor- f^ 1 (1 s * L -' 
 ably discharged from service. sec 9; 24 Dec ? mi> sec s^othS actf 7 ' 
 SEC. 2439. When a soldier of the Regular Army, who Lost warrants 
 has obtained a military land-warrant, loses the same, &B v *>jZ?*isu 
 such warrant is destroyed by accident, he shall, upon f^ l & ' s - L -> 
 proof thereof to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the 
 Interior, be entitled to a patent in like manner as if the 
 warrant was produced. 
 SEC. 2440. In all cases of discharge from the military ^ioi ar f!id 
 service of the United States of any soldier of the Regular }JJ S of ' provided 
 Army, when it appears to the satisfaction of the Secre- S( J 7 2 A |? 3 r -> g isie, 
 tary of War that a certificate of faithful services has been 317) - 
 omitted by the neglect of the discharging officer, by mis- 
 construction of the law. or by any other neglect or casu- 
 alty, such omission shall not prevent the issuing of the 
 warrant and patent as in other cases. And when it is 
 proved that any soldier of the Eegular Army has lost his 
 discharge and certificate of faithful service, the Secretary 
 of War shall cause such papers to be furnished such sol- 
 dier as will entitle him to his land-warrant and patent, 
 provided such measure is justified by the time of his en- 
 listment, the period of service, and the report of some 
 officer of the corps to which he was attached. 
 issue? inTeu^of ^ EC * ^441. Whenever it appears that any certificate or 
 Io w june nt 'i86o warran tj issued in pursuance of any law granting bounty- 
 sec. i (12 's. inland, has been lost or destroyed, whether the same has 
 (ifs i^iii) 1874 k een s ld and assigned by the warrantee or not, the Sec- 
 retary of the Interior is required to cause a new certificate 
 or warrant of like tenor to be issued in lieu thereof; 
 which new certificate or warrant may be assigned, located, 
 and patented in like manner as other certificates or war- 
 rants for bounty-land are now authorized by law to be 
 assigned, located, and patented; and in all cases where 
 warrants have been, or may be, re-issued, the original 
 warrant, in whoseever hands it may be, shall be deemed 
 and held to be null and void, and the assignment thereof, 
 if any there be, fraudulent ; and no patent shall ever issue 
 for any land located therewith, unless such presumption 
 of fraud in the assignment be removed by the proof that 
 the same was executed by the warrantee in good faith 
 and for a valuable consideration. 
 by R sJ^toy n of SEC - 2442 ' The Secretary of the Interior is required to 
 In 23 ri june 1860 P rescr ibe sucn regulations for carrying the preceding sec- 
 sec. 2 (12 s. L., tion into effect as he may deem necessary and proper in 
 (188. L^h) 1874 order to protect the Government against imposition and 
 fraud by persons claiming the benefit thereof; and all 
 laws and parts of laws for the punishment of frauds 
 against the United States are made applicable to frauds 
 under that section. 
 inf p e atents iss S SEC. 2443 ' * n a ^ cases where an officer or soldier of the 
 s?ns h lSitied pe to revolutionary war, or a soldier of the war of eighteen 
 b T 1 Sar nds i843 hundred and twelve, was entitled to bounty-land, has died 
 if'eso?' ? (5 S ' before obtaining a patent for the land, and where applica- 
 tion is made by a part only of the heirs of such deceased 
 officer or soldier for such bounty-land, it shall be the duty 
 of the Secretary of the Interior to issue the patent in the 
 name of the heirs of such deceased officer or soldier, with- 
 out specifying each ; and the patent so issued in the name 
 of the heirs, generally, shall inure to the benefit of the 
 whole, in such portions as they are severally entitled to by 
 the laws of descent in the State or Territory where the 
 officer or soldier belonged at the time of his death. 
 SEC. 2444. When proof has been or hereafter is filed in 
 the Pension-Office, during the life-time of a claimant, uswn 
 establishing, to the satisfaction of that office, his right to 
 a warrant for military services, and such warrant has not may complete. 
 . ' / i June, looo, 
 been, or may not be, issued until after the death of the ^ i (n s. L., 
 claimant, and all such warrants as have been heretofore 18 f7 e sec n 9(9 f e - ' 
 issued subsequent to the death of the claimant, the title i 2 |)J e ^ gept ' 
 to such warrants shall vest in his widow, if there be one, i85o,sec.3os.L.| 
 and if there be no widow, then in the heirs or legatees 
 of the claimant; and all military bounty-land warrants 
 issued pursuant to law shall be treated as personal chat- 
 tels, and may be conveyed by assignment of such widow, 
 heirs, or legatees, or by the legal representatives of the 
 deceased claimant, for the use of such heirs or legatees 
 SEC. 2445. The legal representatives of a deceased JJ \ e e Sjg ^ 
 claimant for a bounty-land warrant, whose claim was}.^. re P resenta - 
 filed prior to his death, may file the proofs necessary to g. 3 ^^). 869 (15 
 perfect such claim. 
 SEC. 2446. Where an actual settler on the public lands fcgJJg^JXat^ 
 has sought, or hereafter attempts, to locate the land set- ^J^* 8 m 
 tied on and improved by him, with a military bounty- S( J ***e., s **g' 
 land warrant, and where, from any cause, an error has 256 )- 
 occurred in making such location, he is authorized to 
 relinquish the land so erroneously located, and to locate 
 such warrant upon the land so settled upon and improved 
 by him, if the same then be vacant, and if not, upon any 
 other vacant land, on making proof of those facts to the 
 satisfaction of the land-officers, according to such rules 
 and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commis- 
 sioner of the General Land-Office, and subject to his final 
 Act February 11, 1847. 
 SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That each non-com- 18 ^ c * 9 g u L ; 
 missioned officer, musician, or private, enlisted or to be 1 
 enlisted in the regular army, or regularly mustered in 
 any volunteer company for a period of not less than 
 11367 11- - 3 
 as or 
 twelve months, who has served or may serve during the 
 Honorably dis- present war with Mexico, and who shall receive an honor- 
 charged, killed, x 
 ice dfed fa serv " a ^ e discharge, or who shall have been killed, or died of 
 wounds received or sickness incurred in the course of such 
 service, or who shall have been discharged before the 
 expiration of his term of service in consequence of wounds 
 received or sickness incurred in the course of such service, 
 shall be entitled to receive a certificate or warrant from 
 ^ ne war department for the quantity of one hundred and 
 sixty acres, and which may be located by the warrantee, 
 or his heirs at law at any land office of the United States, 
 in one body, and in conformity to the legal subdivisions 
 of the public lands, upon any of the public lands in such 
 district then subject to private entry; and upon the re- 
 turn of such certificate or warrant, with evidence of the 
 location thereof having been legally made, to the Gen- 
 eral Land Office, a patent shall be issued therefor. That 
 in the event of the death of any such non-commissioned 
 officer, musician, or private, during service, or after his 
 discharge, and before the issuing of a certificate or war- 
 dies h bSore S is d sue ran ^ as a ^ oresa i ( i? the said certificate or warrant shall 
 SesSTto 'the ^ e ^ ssue ^ ^ n f avor ? and inure to the benefit, of his family 
 dren w fa8ier ch or or re ^ at i ves ? according to the following rules : first to the 
 mother. widow and to his children ; second, his father ; third, his 
 mother. And in the event of his children being minors, 
 then the legally-constituted guardian of such minor chil- 
 dren shall, in conjunction with such of the children, if 
 any, as may be of full age, upon being duly author- 
 ized by the orphans' or other court having probate 
 jurisdiction, have power to sell and dispose of such 
 certificate or warrant for the benefit of those interested. 
 And all sales, mortgages, powers, or other instruments 
 of writing, going to affect the title or claim to any such 
 bounty right, made or executed prior to the issue of such 
 warrant or certificate, shall be null and void to all intents 
 and purposes whatsoever, nor shall such claim to bounty 
 right be in any wise affected by, or charged with, or sub- 
 ject to, the payment of any debt or claim incurred by the 
 soldier prior to the issuing of such certificate or warrant : 
 Provided, that no land warrant issued under the pro- 
 visions of this act shall be laid upon any lands of the 
 United States to which there shall be a preemption right, 
 or upon which there shall be an actual settlement and 
 cultivation : Provided, further, That every such non-com- 
 missioned officer, musician, and private, who may be en- ^t^to Deceive 
 titled, under the provisions of this act, to receive a cer- jy r o e * 
 tificate or warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of ^ t a e r r ^ 6percent 
 land, shall be allowed the option to receive such certificate 
 or warrant, or a treasury scrip for one hundred dollars; 
 and such scrip, whenever it is preferred, shall be issued 
 by the Secretary of the Treasury to such person or per- 
 sons as would be authorized to receive such certificates or 
 warrants for lands; said scrip to bear an interest of six 
 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, redeemable 
 at the pleasure of the government. And that each pri- 
 vate, non-commissioned officer and musician, who shall 
 have been received into the service of the United States, 
 since the commencement of the war with Mexico, for less 
 than twelve months, and shall have served for such term 
 or until honorably discharged, shall be entitled to receive 
 a warrant for forty acres of land, which may be subject. Forty acres ai- 
 J ' . J lowedonac- 
 to private entry, or twenty-five dollars in scrip, if pre- jjjj* ^^tnTeSt 
 ferred ; and in the event of the death of such volunteer Jj^jjg than 12 
 during his term of service, or after an honorable dis- 
 charge, but before the passage of this act, then the war- 
 rant for such land or scrip, shall issue to the wife, child, 
 or children, if there be any, and, if none, then to the 
 father, and, if there be no father, then to the mother of 
 such deceased volunteer: Provided, 1 That nothing con- 
 tained in this section shall be construed to give bounty 
 land to such volunteers as were accepted into service, and 
 discharged without being marched to the seat of war. 
 Act May 27, 1848. 
 Be it enacted, etc., That the term " relatives," as used in Ac * 
 the ninth section of the act entitled "An Act to raise, forgs^ 
 a limited time, an additional military force, and for other 
 purposes," approved eleventh February, eighteen hun- 
 dred and forty-seven, shall be considered as extending to 
 the brothers and sisters of those persons whose services, 
 under that act, may have entitled them to the land therein 
 provided: the order or priority of right, however, shall 
 remain as declared in that act; and those failing, the 
 right shall accrue, fourthly, to the brother or sister, or in 
 equal proportions to the brothers and sisters of the de- 
 ceased, as the case may be. 
 1 The act of March 22, 1852, section 4 (10 S. L., 4), repeals the last 
 proviso of the ninth section of this act. 
 SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the benefits of 
 the said act of eleventh February, eighteen hundred and 
 forty-seven, shall not be construed as forfeited by the pri- 
 vates and non-commissioned officers who have been, or 
 Promotion of may be, promoted to the grade of commissioned officer 
 commkmedof- during their service in Mexico, and who shall have sub- 
 flcersdo >ar sequently fulfilled the condition of their engagements: 
 Provided, Such promotion shall have been made subse- 
 quent to the original organization of the company, corps, 
 or regiment to which such privates and non-commissioned 
 officers may have belonged. 
 Joint Resolution June 16, 1848. 
 1848^9 s.^fsS)! Resolved, etc., That on the restoration of peace with 
 in^tion^the Mexico, by a treaty of peace duly ratified and proclaimed, 
 tion S and r distil the military forces of the United States, whether vol- 
 unteers, regulars, or the marine corps, who by law, or the 
 se* oMthe terms of their engagement, are to be discharged at the 
 warwithMexico. close o f fa Q waTj s h a ii ? un der the direction of the Presi- 
 dent of the United States, be transported or marched, with 
 the least practicable delay, to such posts or places in the 
 United States as may be least expensive and most con- 
 venient to the troops and at such places they shall be 
 discharged from the service of the United States; and 
 that until they shall respectively reach such places and be 
 discharged, the officers and men shall be considered, paid, 
 and treated as in the service of the United States, in the 
 same manner as if the war had not closed. 
 Act July 10, 1848. 
 Act 10 July, SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That those enlisted 
 1848(9S.L.,246). ,, , ' . , 
 Bounty lands men of the ordnance department who have served, or may 
 Eted e menof the serve, in Mexico during the war with that country, shall 
 pitmen? who be entitled to, and shall receive, the same bounty in land 
 served in the war . , ,, -, , , , , , 
 with Mexico. as is or may be allowed by law to other regular troops in 
 the service of the United States, and under like limitations 
 and restrictions. 
 Joint Resolution August 10, 1848. 
 j. Res. 10 Aug., Resolved, etc., That the officers, non-commissioned offi- 
 joint resolution' cers, privates, and musicians of the marine corps, who 
 taSi Ce SStfons Ce of ha ve served with the army in the war with Mexico, and 
 ordnance corps also the artificers and laborers of the ordnance corps serv- 
 who have served . -, i -i -i n i 
 with the Army ing in said war, be placed, in all respects as to bounty 
 in the war with . & , , ,. ,. . -,-,, -, 
 Mexico. land and other remuneration, in addition to ordinary pay, 
 on a footing with the officers, non-commissioned officers, 
 privates, and musicians of the army : Provided, That this 
 remuneration shall be in lieu of prize money and all other 
 extra allowances. 
 An Act Making Appropriations for the Civil and Diplomatic Act 3 Jgr., 1849 
 \\y O. J^.jOUOj. 
 Expenses of government for the Year Ending the 30th of Redemption of 
 June, 1850, and for Other Purposes. Treasury scrip is- 
 sued under the 
 * * * * A a . ct to rai ? e for a 
 limited time an 
 additional mili- 
 For the redemption of the treasury scrip heretofore tary fo 
 issued for the satisfaction of the bounties promised to the 
 non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, by the 
 ninth section of the act of the eleventh of February, 
 eighteen hundred and forty-seven, to raise for a limited 
 time an additional military force, and for other purposes, 
 and for the satisfaction in money of such bounties due 
 under said section of said act as those to whom they are 
 due may elect to receive in money instead of land, three 
 hundred thousand dollars. 'And the Secretary of the 
 Treasury is hereby directed, immediately after the pas- 
 sage of this act to give notice, by publication for sixty 
 days, in at least one of the principal papers in Washing- 
 ton city, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, 
 and in such other papers as he may deem expedient, that 
 the principal and interest of such scrip as has been or may 
 be issued prior to the first of July, A. D., eighteen hun- 
 dred and forty-nine, will be paid on that day on pres- 
 entation at the Treasury of the United States, and that 
 the interest on such scrip will cease on that day. And 
 the said Secretary is further directed not to issue scrip 
 for said bounty after that day, but to pay the same in 
 money out of this appropriation in all cases when the 
 person entitled to the bounty in land shall elect to receive 
 money in lieu thereof. * * * 
 NOTE. The compilers of the Revised Statutes seem to have 
 overlooked the above-quoted provision of the act of March 3, 1849 
 (an appropriation act), which repealed so much of the act of 
 February 11, 1847, as provided for the issue of scrip in lieu of 
 bounty in land, and said provision of the act of February 11, 
 1847, has been re-enacted in sections 2418 and 2419, Revised Stat- 
 utes. It is, however, of little importance in this case whether 
 the said re-enactment, in such a codification of old laws as the 
 Revised Statutes purports to be, of a repealed law reinstates that 
 law upon the statute books, for no one is likely to ask for the 
 issue of a scrip certificate for $100 in lieu of a bounty-land war- 
 rant whose market value is not less than $175. It appears from 
 the records of this Bureau and those of the Treasury Department 
 that the last scrip certificate was issued June 28, 1849; that all 
 such certificates matured on the 1st of July, 1849, when interest 
 thereon ceased. The reports of the Treasury Department show 
 that all of said certificates have been redeemed except a small 
 number, amounting in value to $3,175. After the repeal of the 
 scrip provision of the act of 1847, the Pension Bureau issued, 
 under the act of 1849, a certificate for $100 in money in lieu of a 
 warrant for 160 acres of land, and $25 in money in lieu of a war- 
 rant for 40 acres. The last certificate of this kind issued from this 
 Bureau was dated July 29, 1869. These money certificates bore 
 no interest ; they were simply so much money paid the party enti- 
 tled to the warrant in lieu thereof. 
 Sec. 3480, R. S. REVISED STATUTES. 
 Claims barred 
 by disloyalty. 
 Joint resolution ,i.r/v T, -, n i i j i j? rn 
 2 Mar. 1867 (H SEC. 3480. It shall be unlawful for any officer to pay 
 "Bar removed any account, claim, or demand against the United States 
 11, 1898, follow- which accrued or existed prior to the thirteenth day of 
 April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in favor of any 
 person who promoted, encouraged, or in any manner sus- 
 tained the late rebellion, or in favor of any person who 
 during such rebellion was not known to be opposed there- 
 to, and distinctly in favor of its suppression; and no 
 pardon heretofore granted, or hereafter to be granted, 
 shall authorize the payment of such account, claim, or 
 demand, until this section is modified or repealed. But 
 this section shall not be construed to prohibit the pay- 
 ment of claims founded upon contracts made by any of 
 the Departments, where such claims were assigned or 
 contracted to be assigned prior to the first day of April, 
 eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the creditors of such 
 contractors, loyal citizens- of loyal States, in payment 
 of debts incurred prior to the first day of March, eighteen 
 hundred and sixty-one. 
 Proof of loyalty 
 t^ebemon^- Be ^ enacted, etc., That section thirty-four hundred 
 pensedwith. an( j eighty of the Eevised Statutes of the United States 
 be, and the same is hereby, so far and no further, modi- 
 fied and repealed as to dispense with proof of loyalty 
 during the late war of the rebellion as a prerequisite in 
 any application for bounty land where the proof shows 
 that the applicant is entitled thereto. 
 Approved, March 11, 1898. 
 OTHER CASES. Exectuion o f 
 declarations and 
 affidavits in 
 Be it enacted, etc., That any and all affidavits and dec- bounty-land 
 larations to be hereafter made or used in any pension or sec. 4714, U.S., 
 bounty cases, or in claims against the Government ^ or se ^! 1 3 /j r g 18 L 3 ' 
 back pay or arrears or increase of pension, or for quar-573). 
 terly vouchers, may be taken by any officer authorized to 
 administer oaths for general purposes in the State, City, 
 or county where said officer resides. If such officer has a 
 seal and uses it upon such paper, no certificate of a county 
 clerk, or prothonotary, or clerk of a court shall be neces- 
 sar'r : but when no seal is used by the officer taking such thentication by 
 " ,' ., , , , - , J seal, certificate 
 affidavit, then a clerk of a court of record, or a county or of officiai.charac- 
 city clerk, shall affix his official seal thereto, and shall cer- 
 tify to the signature and official character of said officer. 
 Approved, July 1, 1890. 
 AND OTHER CASES. Juy, 1890. 
 amended and 
 Resolved, etc., That the act approved July first, eight- 00 
 een hundred and ninety, entitled "An act in relation to 
 oaths in pension and other cases," be and the same is 
 hereby, amended and construed to mean that when decla- 
 rations, affidavits, and other papers are verified by jus- 
 tices of the peace and other officers duly authorized by 
 law to administer oaths for general persons, but not re- 
 quired by law to have seals, the official character, signa- 
 ture, and term of service of such justice or other officer 
 shall be certified by the clerk of the county or court of 
 record or other proper officer, under the seal of such 
 county or court or public officer, in the department or 
 bureau in which such papers are to be used ; and one such 
 certificate duly filed in such department or bureau, or 
 with any pension agent, shall be sufficient as to all veri- 
 fications of snch officer during his official term, and all 
 papers heretobefore or hereafter filed shall be subject to 
 this rule. 
 Approved, September 1, 1890. 
 NOTE. Prior to the passage of the act of July 1, 1890, it does 
 not appear that there was any law providing, in letter, for the 
 execution of declarations in bounty land claims but the laws gov- 
 erning the execution of declarations in pension claims were con- 
 strued by the Department and this Bureau as covering this class 
 of cases. 
 amended. UNITED STATES. 
 Be it enacted, etc., That section forty-seven hundred 
 and forty-six of the Revised Statutes of the United States 
 is hereby amended to read as follows : 
 MaT 5 ' lira (nV " That every person who knowingly or willfully makes 
 L., 575). or a i(J s? or assists in the making, or in any wise procures 
 the making or presentation of any false or fraudulent 
 affidavit, declaration, certificate, voucher, or paper or 
 writing purporting to be such, concerning any claim for 
 fabe e affidavft ete r P ens ^ on OI> P avmen t thereof, or pertaining to any other 
 matter within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of 
 Pensions or of the Secretary of the Interior, or who 
 knowingly or willfully makes or causes to be made, or 
 aids or assists in the making, or presents or causes to be 
 presented at any pension agency any power of attorney 
 or other paper required as a voucher in drawing a pen- 
 sion, which paper bears a date subsequent to that upon 
 which it was actually signed or acknowledged by the 
 pensioner, and every person before whom any declaration, 
 affidavit, voucher, or other paper or writing to be used in 
 aid of the prosecution of any claim for pension or bounty 
 land or payment thereof purports to have been executed 
 who shall knowingly certify that the declarant, affiant, or 
 witness named in such declaration, affidavit, voucher, or 
 other paper or writing personally appeared before him 
 and was sworn thereto, or- acknowledged the execution 
 thereof, when, in fact, such declarant, affiant, or witness 
 did not personally appear before him or was not sworn 
 thereto, or did not acknowledge the execution thereof, 
 shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred 
 dollars, or by imprisonment for a term of not more than 
 five years. 
 Approved, July 7, 1898. 
 SEC. 29. Whoever shall falsely make, alter, forge, or^ ; > crim - 
 counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, po ^j** f d a ^: 
 altered, forged, or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist ney > etc - 
 in the false making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting, 
 any deed, power of attorney, order, certificate, receipt, Seo - 5421 > R - s - 
 contract, or other writing, for the purpose of obtaining 
 or receiving, or of enabling any other person, either di- 
 rectly or indirectly, to obtain or receive from the United 
 States, or any of their officers or agents, any sum of 
 money ; or whoever shall utter or publish as true, or cause 
 to be uttered or published as true, any such false, forged, 
 altered, or counterfeited deed, power of attorney, order, 
 certificate, receipt, contract, or other writing, with intent 
 to defraud the United States, knowing the same to be 
 false, altered, forged, or counterfeited; or whoever shall 
 transmit to, or present at, or cause or procure to be trans- 
 mitted to, or presented at, any office or officer of the Gov- 
 ernment of the United States, any deed, power of attor- 
 ney, order, certificate, receipt, contract, or other writing, 
 in support of, or in relation to, any account or claim, 
 with intent to defraud the United States, knowing the 
 same to be false, altered, forged, or counterfeited, shall 
 be fined not more than one thousand dollars and impris- 
 oned not more than ten years. 
 # * * * * 
 SEC. 73. Whoever shall falsely make, alter, forge, or^^f- 73, crim. 
 counterfeit any military bounty-land warrant, or military te f y or t^ 
 bounty-land warrant certificate, issued or purporting to warrant, etc. 
 have been issued by the Commissioner of Pensions under R - s -' s< 542 * 
 any law of Congress, or any certificate or duplicate cer- 
 tificate of location of any military bounty-land warrant, 
 or military bounty-land warrant certificate upon any of 
 the lands of the United States, or any certificate or dupli- 
 cate certificate of the purchase of any of the lands of the 
 United States, or any receipt or duplicate receipt for the 
 purchase money of any of the lands of the United States, 
 11367 11 1 
 issued or purporting to have been issued by the register 
 and receiver at any land office of the United States or by 
 either of them; or whoever shall utter, publish, or pass 
 as true, any such false, forged, or counterfeited military 
 bounty-land warrant, military bounty-land warrant cer- 
 tificate, certificate or duplicate certificate of location, cer- 
 tificate or duplicate certificate of purchase, receipt or du- 
 plicate receipt for the purchase money of any of the lands 
 of the United States, knowing the same to be false, 
 forged, or counterfeited, shall be imprisoned not more 
 than ten years. 
 * * * * * 
 C(xf e c> 109 ' Crim ' SEC. 109. Whoever, being an officer of the United 
 beterest^d to States, or a person holding any place of trust or profit, 
 the'united^tSS or discharging any official function under, or in connec- 
 tion with, any Executive Department of the Government 
 3ec.5498,R.s. of the United s ta t e s, or under the Senate or House of 
 ^Representatives of the United States, shall act as an agent 
 or attorney for prosecuting any claim against the United 
 States, or in any manner, or by any means, otherwise than 
 in discharge of his proper official duties, shall aid or 
 assist in the prosecution or support of any such claim, or 
 receive any gratuity, or any share of or interest in any 
 claim from any claimant against the United States, with 
 intent to aid or assist, or in consideration of having aided 
 or assisted, in the prosecution of such claim, shall be fined 
 not more than five thousand dollars, or imprisoned not 
 more than one year, or both. 
 code' 113 ' Crim ' SEC. -^' Whoever, being elected or appointed a Sen- 
 gr^sTa^to 0f com- a ^ or ' Member of or Delegate to Congress, or a Resident 
 ter^to^hfehthe ^ omm ^ ss ^ oner ' sn all, after his election or appointment 
 U artfes States are an( ^ e ither before or after he has qualified, and during his 
 continuance in office, or being the head of a department, 
 or other officer or clerk in the employ of the United 
 sec. 1782, R. s. States, shall, directly or indirectly, receive, or agree to 
 receive, any compensation whatever for any services ren- 
 dered or to be rendered to any person, either by himself 
 or another, in relation to any proceeding, contract, claim, 
 controversy, charge, accusation, arrest, or other matter or 
 thing in which the United States is a party or directly or 
 indirectly interested, before any department, court-mar- 
 tial, bureau, officer, or any civil, military, or naval com- 
 mission whatever, shall be fined not more than ten thou- 
 sand dollars and imprisoned not more than two years; 
 and shall, moreover, thereafter be incapable of holding 
 any office of honor, trust, or profit under the Government 
 of *the United States. 
 NOTE. For law penalizing the demanding or receiving of an ille- 
 gal fee by an agent or attorney, see last paragraph, section 4, act 
 July 4, 1884, page 23. 
 SEC. 190. It shall not be lawful for any person ap- f^'so 1 ^ R 'for- 
 pointed after the first day of June, one thousand eight ^me^not^o 
 hundred and seventy-two, as an officer, clerk, or employe {S te daims 
 in any of the Departments, to act as counsel, attorney or iw$ c \}j V^ 
 agent for prosecuting any claim against the United States 202) - 
 which was pending in either of said Departments while 
 he was such officer, clerk, or employe, nor in any manner, 
 nor by any means, to aid in the prosecution of any such 
 claim, within two years next after he shall have ceased to 
 be such officer, clerk, or employe. 
 SEC. 3478. Any person prosecuting claims, either as at- oTt'n^by^r- 
 torney or on his own account, before any of the Depart- claims? 86011 * 1118 
 ments or Bureaus of the United States, shall be required i 8 ^ ct (i2 7 s. Ju i^ 
 to take the oath of allegiance, and to support the Consti- 610) * 
 tution of the United States, as required of persons in the 
 civil service. 1 
 SEC. 3479. The oath provided for in the preceding sec- who^may 11 ^ 
 tion may be taken before any justice of the peace, notary m Act ter i? at Juiy, 
 public, or other person who is legally authorized to ad-J^ 2 , (12 s> L *' 
 minister an oath in the State or district where the same 
 may be administered. 
 SEC. 3. That section forty-seven hundred and eighty- 
 five of the Revised Statutes is hereby re-enacted and 
 amended so as to read as follows: 
 It , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support 
 and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, 
 foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the 
 same ; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reserva- 
 tion or purpose of evasion ; and that I will well and faithfully discharge 
 the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. 
 ney1o s r proScSl " SEC. 4785. No agent or attorney or other person shall 
 demand or receive any other compensation for his services 
 in prosecuting a claim for pension or bounty land than 
 such as the Commissioner of Pensions shall direct to be 
 paid to him, not exceeding twenty-five dollars ; nor shall 
 such agent, attorney or other person demand or receive 
 such compensation, in whole or in part, until such pension 
 or bounty-land claim shall be allowed : Provided, That in 
 all claims allowed since June twentieth eighteen hundred 
 and seventy-eight where it shall appear to the satisfac- 
 m^rta!? cases tion of the Commissioner of Pensions that the fee of ten 
 from b ^eiSon. cted dollars, or any part thereof, has not been paid, he shall 
 cause the same to be deducted from the pension, and the 
 pension agent to pay the same to the recognized attorney." 
 ' S '' SEC. 4. That section forty-seven hundred and eighty- 
 six of the Ke vised Statutes is hereby amended so as to 
 read as follows: 
 to " SEC ' 4786< The a ent or attorney of record in the 
 be med. prosecution of the case may cause to be filed with the 
 Commissioner of Pensions, duplicate articles of agree- 
 ment, without additional cost to the claimant, setting 
 forth the fee agreed upon by the parties, which agree- 
 ment shall be executed in the presence of and certified by 
 some officer competent to administer oaths. In all cases 
 where application is made for pension or bounty land, 
 ra F iTu^e e tffife f an ^ no a g re ement is filed with the Commissioner as herein 
 agreement. provided, the fee shall be ten dollars and no more. And 
 agreement, e etc, fsuc ^ ar> ticles of agreement as may hereafter be filed with 
 SS^iafms^nTy" the Commissioner of Pensions are not authorized, nor 
 will they be recognized except in claims for original pen- 
 sions, claims for increase of pension on account of a new 
 disability, in claims for restoration where a pensioner's 
 name has been or may hereafter be dropped from the pen- 
 sion rolls on testimony taken by a special examiner, show- 
 ing that the disability or cause of death, on account of 
 which the pension was allowed, did not originate in the 
 line of duty, and in cases of dependent relatives whose 
 names have been or may hereafter be, dropped from the 
 rolls on like testimony, upon the ground of non-depend- 
 ence, and in such other cases of difficulty and trouble as 
 the Commissioner of Pensions may see fit to recognize 
 them: Provided, That no greater fee than ten dollars 
 shall be demanded, received, or allowed in any claim 
 land? etc. bounty " ^ or pension or bounty land granted by special act of 
 Congress, nor in any claim for increase of pension on 
 account of the increase of the disability for which the 
 pension had been allowed : And provided further. That N <> fee allowed 
 *^ tor srrG&rs 01 
 no fee shall be demanded, received, or allowed in any pensions, etc. 
 claim for arrears of pension or arrears of increase of 
 pension allowed by any act of Congress passed subsequent 
 to the date of the allowance of the original claims in 
 which such arrears of pension, or of increase of pension, 
 may be allowed." 
 The articles of agreement herein provided for shall be 
 in substance as follows, to wit : * * * l 
 And if in the adjudication of any claim for pension in 
 which such articles of agreement have been, or may here- 
 after be, filed, it shall appear that the claimant had, prior for faUure - 
 to the execution thereof, paid to the attorney any sum for 
 his services in such claim, and the amount so paid is not 
 stipulated therein, then every such claim shall be adjudi- 
 cated in the same manner as though no articles of agree- 
 ment had been filed, deducting from the fee of ten dollars 
 allowed by law such sum as claimant shall show that he 
 has paid to his said attorney. 
 Any agent or attorney or other person instrumental 
 prosecuting any claim for pension or bounty land, w 
 shall directly or indirectly contract for, demand or receive 
 or retain any greater compensation for his services or in- 
 strumentality in prosecuting a claim for pension or 
 bounty land than is herein provided, or for payment 
 thereof at any other time or in any other manner than is 
 herein provided, or who shall wrongfully withhold from 
 a pensioner or claimant the whole or any part of the pen- 
 sion or claim allowed and due such pensioner or claim- 
 ant, or the land warrant issued to any such claimant, shall 
 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction 
 thereof shall for every such offense be fined not exceeding 
 five hundred dollars, or imprisoned at hard labor not ex- 
 ceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. 
 SEC. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior may pre- 
 scribe rules and regulations governing the recognition 
 agents, attorneys, or other persons representing claimants JJjj^ 
 before his Department, and may require of such persons, claims, 
 agents, and attorneys, before being recognized as repre- 
 sentatives of claimants, that they shall show that they are 
 of good moral character and in good repute, possessed of 
 the necessary qualifications to enable them to render such 
 1 The approved form of articles of agreement will be found on page 30. 
 claimants valuable service, and otherwise competent to 
 advise and assist such claimants in the presentation of 
 their claims and such Secretary may, after notice and op- 
 portunity for a hearing, suspend or exclude from further 
 practice before his department any such person, agent or 
 attorney shown to be incompetent, disreputable, or who 
 refuses to comply with the said rules and regulations, or 
 who shall with intent to defraud in any manner deceive, 
 mislead, or threaten any claimant, or prospective claim- 
 ant, by word, circular, letter, or by advertisement. 
 commissioner SEC. 6. The Commissioner shall have power, subject to 
 of Pensions may 
 reject contracts re view by the Secretary, to reject or refuse to recognize 
 any contract for fees, herein provided for, whenever it 
 shall be made to appear that any undue advantage has 
 been taken of the claimant in respect to such contract. 
 Approved, July 4, 1884. 
 Appeals. RULE I. Except as herein otherwise provided, an 
 appeal may be taken to the Secretary of the Interior from 
 the final action or order of the Commissioner of Pensions 
 in all matters relating to pensions or bounty land, and a 
 separate appeal must be filed in each claim. 
 rued with com- RULE II. Appeals must be filed with the Commissioner 
 missioner of Pen- _ f _, . .,, ,, . , . 
 sions; to be acted of Pensions. The Commissioner will thereupon, within 
 on within 30 days; -, i i 
 if action be ad- thirty days from the filing of said appeal, consider and 
 hered to, the ap- , ,- . 1-1,1 
 determine whether the action or order from which the 
 be sent Depart- appeal is taken shall be adhered to; and if he shall de- 
 Docketing. termine not to recede therefrom, he shall, within said 
 period of thirty days, forward said appeal, together with 
 the record in the case and a report stating his reasons for 
 the action or order complained of, to the Department ; and 
 said appeal shall thereupon be entered upon a docket kept 
 ^ or ^ a ^ purpose. Upon the perfection of such appeal, 
 by transmission and docketing aforesaid, the jurisdiction 
 of the Commissioner shall cease and determine, and the 
 case will be decided by the Secretary on the record. The 
 decision of the Secretary shall be in duplicate and the 
 same shall be transmitted with said record to the Com- 
 missioner of Pensions for action in accordance therewith. 
 copy of deci- One copy of the decision shall be transmitted by the Com- 
 sion to be sent to " J t i j 
 appellant or his missioner to the appellant or his duly accredited attorney. 
 Limitation as RULE III. No appeal will be entertained unless filed 
 wdthin one year from the date of notice of final action or 
 order of which complaint is made. 
 RULE IV. No appeal will be entertained from the r j no 
 refusal of the Commissioner of Pensions to recognize 
 attorneys or agents in prosecuting claims for pension or prohibits fee. 
 bounty land under any law wherein the payment of a fee 
 for such service is prohibited. 
 RULE V. In each appeal, the name and service of the ^^^ s to 
 soldier, on account of whose service the claim is based, see Rule xi. 
 must be stated, together with the number of claim, the 
 law under which the claim is prosecuted, and the date and 
 substance of the action from which the appeal is taken. 
 RULE VI. An appeal by an attorney will not be enter- 
 tained unless he has filed a duly executed power of attor- 
 ney for this purpose from the appellant, or is entitled 
 under the rules to recognition. 
 RULE VII. An appeal taken on behalf of a claimant 
 by or through a suspended or disbarred attorney will not 
 be entertained. tained. 
 RULE VIII. No appeal pertaining to the allowance of re fundment of. 
 a fee when the refundment has been called for will be 
 entertained unless refundment as required shall have been 
 RULE IX. The Commissioner of Pensions shall return 
 to the appellant any appeal not in conformity with the JgJJJJ 
 provisions of Rules III to VIII, inclusive, stating wherein lant - 
 the appeal is defective. 
 RULE X. In procedings before the Commissioner in 
 which he shall decide that a party has no right to appeal 
 to the Secretary or that said appeal may not be enter- 
 tained under the provisions of the foregoing rules such 
 party may apply to the Secretary for an order directing cSJJ 
 the Commissioner to certify said action together with the 
 record in the case to the Department; and such applica- right to appeal< 
 tion shall be in writing, under oath, and shall fully and 
 specifically set forth the grounds upon which the same is 
 RULE XI. Each appeal must contain specific assign- co gg; al 
 ments of the alleged mistake or error of law or of fact in 
 the adjudication of said claim by the Commissioner 
 Pensions ; and any appeal insufficient in this respect may v>) 
 be dismissed by the Secretary. 
 RULE XII. A motion for reconsideration of any de- 
 partmental decision may be filed with and entertained 
 by the Secretary, in his discretion, if filed within s ix tations - 
 months from the date when such decision was rendered. 
 It must be shown in said motion that some material fea- 
 ture of the case has not been considered in said decision, 
 or that there was error of law or of fact. 
 sio^lStTaH; RuLE XIII. Upon the adjudication of a claim for 
 ffiitoS. ctlce; division of pension under the act of March 3, 1899, in the 
 Bureau of Pensions, both parties will be promptly noti- 
 fied by the bureau, by registered letter, of the action 
 taken. Each party will, in the absence of waiver, be 
 allowed thirty days from receipt of said notice to appeal 
 from said action, the appeal to be accompanied by due 
 proof of service of a copy thereof upon the appellee, as 
 required by rule 14. Unless such bureau action is ap- 
 pealed from within thirty days from receipt of said 
 notice, the bureau action shall be deemed to be final to 
 the extent that all payments of divisions of pension in 
 accordance with such bureau action will not, in the ab- 
 sence of fraud or mistake of fact, be disturbed: Pro- 
 vided, The unexplained failure of a pensioner to ap- 
 pear, answer, or in any way plead to the claimant's 
 application, after due notice thereof by the bureau, will 
 be deemed a waiver of his right to appeal to the extent 
 that, if the claim be allowed, final orders for division of 
 pension may issue at once. 
 First, second, RULE XIV. Appeals from bureau action in cases under 
 and third pro- * 
 visos of act Mar. the first, second, and third provisos of the act of March 3, 
 3, 1899; proof of 
 service of notice 1899, should be accompanied by due proof of service of a 
 on appellee pre- n * - 
 requisite. copy or the appeal upon the appellee or his or her attorney 
 of record. 
 Proof of service must be such as will satisfy the Com- 
 missioner of Pensions that the appellee has been informed 
 of the appeal and the contents thereof, and may consist 
 of, first, a written acceptance of service by the appellee or 
 his or her attorney of record ; or, second, a postal registry 
 return receipt card, signed by appellee or attorney of 
 record, accompanied by an affidavit, showing that on a 
 certain date a copy of the appeal was mailed in a regis- 
 tered letter, postpaid, to the appellee or the attorney of 
 record, addressed to a certain post office (naming it), that 
 the card was returned in acknowledgment of the receipt 
 of such letter; or, third, an affidavit showing that on a 
 certain day and at a certain place a copy of the appeal 
 was personally delivered to the appellee or his or her 
 attorney of record. 
 Appeals in this class of cases unaccompanied by due 
 proof of service, or a satisfactory reason why personal 
 service can not be made, will not be filed or considered, 
 but will be promptly returned to the appellant, or his or 
 her attorney of record for compliance with this rule. 
 RULE XV. Appeals from Bureau action in cases nnder de 5 c ^ rI ^ ap ^j 
 the first, second and third provisos of the act of March 3, g*[ f me ? * ^? e n 
 1899, when accompanied by due proof of service of a copy Sn^topS 
 'thereof upon the appellee/will be filed, and the appellant for fiUn e answer - 
 and appellee promptly notified thereof. The appeal will 
 operate to suspend further payment of the one-half pen- 
 sion in controversy until a decision shall have been ren- 
 dered therein by the Department, and the appellee will be 
 allowed thirty days from the date of filing the appeal in 
 which to file an answer, brief or argument, in opposition 
 to the appeal or in support of the bureau action appealed 
 RULE XVI. Appeals from the Bureau action in cases 
 under the first, second, or third provisos of the act of 
 March 3, 1899, should be confined to cases under that act, der other laws, 
 and not joined with an appeal from action in an invalid 
 claim or claims under other acts of Congress, and when 
 perfected by due proof of service of a copy of the appeal 
 upon the appellee, as required by rule 14, should be ad- 
 dressed to the Commissioner of Pensions. This appeal 
 should state the post-office address of the appellant and 
 appellee, and the certificate number and the service (com- 
 pany and regiment, etc.) of the pensioner, and should 
 briefty, but specifically, state the error of law or fact com- 
 plained of and the grounds relied upon for reversing or 
 modifying the bureau action appealed from. 
 No additional evidence upon the merits of the claim Evidence, 
 should be filed by either appellant or appellee, or consid- 
 ered on appeal. 
 RULE XVII. Motions for review of departmental de- 
 cisions in cases for division of pension under the act of 
 March 3, 1899, should be addressed to the Secretary of 
 Interior and refer to the docket number of appeal, stating 
 the names of the parties. The motion should briefly , service 
 but specifically, state the error of law or of fact in the 
 decision sought to be reversed or modified and clearly in- 
 dicate the grounds relied upon for reversing or modify- 
 ing the decision, and may be accompanied by brief or 
 argument in support thereof. The motion should be ac- 
 companied with due proof of service of a copy of the 
 motion upon the opposite party, or his or her attorney, as 
 indicated in rule 14 of practice. 
 to L ffig at answer! The PP s ite party will be allowed thirty days in which 
 etc - to reply to said motion, if desired, by answer, brief, or ar- 
 gument, and thereupon the motion will be promptly con- 
 sidered by the department, and a copy of the departmental 
 decision or order, on the motion for review, will be duly 
 forwarded to the parties or their attorneys by the Bureau 
 of Pensions. 
 paymenfoniy at ^ m tion for review of a departmental decision under 
 rSoS ment ' s ^ sa *d act s ^ a ^ P erate to suspend payment of one-half the 
 pension in controversy unless expressly directed by this 
 The requirements of rules 14 and 16 of practice, as to 
 appeals, are applicable to motions for review under said 
 aoove rules, governing the practice in appealed 
 claims before the department, relating to pensions and 
 bounty lands, shall become effective on and after Septem- 
 ber 1, 1911, and all rules and orders heretofore promul- 
 gated inconsistent with the foregoing are hereby abro- 
 Assistant Secretary. 
 AUGUST 15, 1911. 
 prosecute* Satas ^ ULE * ^ person appearing of record in the Bureau of 
 Pensions as having complied with the regulations pre- 
 scribed by the Secretary of the Interior for the recogni- 
 tion of agents or attorneys before the Department of the 
 Interior will be held authorized to prosecute any claim 
 for pension or bounty land, in w r hich the law does not 
 prohibit the payment of an attorney's fee, on filing a 
 power of attorney from the claimant : Provided, however, 
 That the Commissioner of Pensions, in his discretion, 
 may recognize such person without compensation in any 
 claim for pension or bounty land heretofore filed, or 
 that may hereafter be filed, in which the law prohibits 
 the payment of such fee. 
 Transfers of at- EULE 2. Transfers of attorneyship will be governed by 
 torneyship. ,,*,,., J 
 the following rules : 
 (a) Transfers of attorneyship must be acknowledged 
 before some officer authorized to administer oaths for 
 general purposes in the presence of two witnesses who 
 must sign their names to the instrument of transfer. 
 (b) In all transfers of attorneyship a separate slip 
 must be filed for each claim transferred, showing its 
 number, the name of the claimant, the name of the soldier 
 or sailor, the service on which the claim is based, the 
 name and address of the transferee, and an acknowledg- 
 ment by the transferee of the transfer. 
 (c) A transfer not general in character, but of a lim- 
 ited number of claims, from one agent, attorney, or firm 
 to another, must be accompanied also by a schedule, 
 alphabetically arranged, showing for each claim the data 
 required on said slips. 
 (d) A transfer made by the legal representative of a 
 deceased or incompetent agent or attorney must be accom- 
 panied by a duly authenticated certificate of an officer of 
 the court having jurisdiction, showing the authority of 
 such representative. 
 (e) The written consent of the claimant is necessary 
 to entitle a transferee to recognition in an incomplete 
 claim, the transfer of attorneyship in all such cases being 
 subject to protest. 
 RULE 3. No agent or attorney shall have power to make^ 00 ^ 1 ^ to - 
 a valid assignment of any claim in which he has been 
 recognized, even with the written consent of claimant, 
 unless he is at the time of such assignment and of such 
 consent in good standing before the Bureau of Pensions. 
 RULE 4. No power of attorney purporting to be exe- Power of attor- 
 , T i -, . .,, , . , , ney; execution. 
 cuted by a claimant will be recognized as good and valid 
 unless the same is signed in the presence of two witnesses 
 and acknowledged before an officer duly authorized to 
 administer oaths for general purposes, whose official sig- 
 nature is certified under seal. 
 RULE 5. No articles of agreement filed under the act of ^^e a g n^e- 
 July 4, 1884, will be recognized as valid, and no fee will f^uns; execu- 
 be paid thereunder, unless the claimant's signature thereto 
 is witnessed by two attesting witnesses and acknowledged 
 before some officer authorized to administer oaths for 
 general purposes, whose official signature is certified 
 under seal. 
 The attorney's acceptance of such agreement must also 
 be executed before some officer duly authorized to admin- 
 ister oaths for general purposes, whose official signature 
 is certified under seal. 
 mentVp g ens e ion RULE 6. Articles of agreement, to be recognized as 
 valid by the Commissioner of Pensions, must be in dupli- 
 cate and in the form prescribed by order of July 8, 1884, 1 
 and have printed upon the reverse: "Notice to Claim- 
 ant," " This Agreement is permissible under the law, but 
 not compulsory," and a copy of the act of July 4, 1884. 
 1 The following is the form of fee agreement prescribed by the Com- 
 missioner of Pensions and approved by the Secretary of the Interior July 
 8, 1884, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 4, 
 [To be executed in duplicate without additional cost to claimant.] 
 Whereas I, , late a - - in company - - of the 
 - Regiment of Volunteers, war of , having made 
 application for pension under the laws of the United States : 
 Now this agreement witnesseth : That for and in consideration of serv- 
 ices done and to be done in the premises, I hereby agree to allow my 
 agent, , of , a fee of dollars, which shall 
 include all amounts to be paid for any services in the furtherance of said 
 claim ; and said fee shall not be demanded by or payable to my said agent, 
 in whole or in part, except in case of the granting of my pension by the 
 Commissioner of Pensions ; and that the same shall be paid to , 
 in accordance with the provisions of sections 4768 and 4769 of the 
 Revised Statutes United States. 
 [Signature of claimant.] 
 [Post-office address.] 
 [Signatures of two witnesses.] 
 STATE OF , County of > 88: 
 Be it known that on this the day of , A. D. 1 , person- 
 ally appeared , the above named, who, after having had 
 read over to , in the hearing and presence of the two attesting 
 witnesses, the contents of the foregoing articles of agreement, voluntarily 
 signed and acknowledged the same to be free act and deed. 
 [L.S.] . 
 [Official signature.] 
 And now, to wit, this day of , A. D. 1 , accept the 
 provisions contained in the foregoing articles of agreement, and will, to 
 the best of ability, endeavor faithfully to represent the interest of 
 the claimant in the premises. hereby certify that have 
 received from the claimant above named the sum of 'dollars, and 
 no more ; dollars being for fee, and the sum of dollars 
 being for postage and other expenses. And that these agreements have 
 been executed in duplicate, without additional cost to the claimant, as 
 required by law, in excess of the fee above named, the said agent making 
 no charge therefor. 
 Witness hand the year and day above written. 
 [Signature of agent.] 
 STATE OF , County of , ss: 
 Personally came - , whom I know to be the person 
 - represents - to be, and who, having signed above accept- 
 ance of agreement, acknowledged the same to be free act and deed. 
 [L. s.] . 
 [Official signature.] 
 Approved for dollars, and payable to , of , 
 the recognized attorney. 
 Commissioner of Pensions. 
 RULE 7. When a claim for bounty land has been al- 
 lowed and the warrant issued, one approved copy of the land caims - 
 articles of agreement will be forwarded to the agent or 
 attorney of record and the other preserved in the files of 
 the claim. The bounty-land warrant will be forwarded 
 direct to the party entitled to the possession thereof. 
 RULE 8. An agent or attorney may request and receive Postage. 
 from a claimant a sum not exceeding fifty cents for post- 
 age in the prosecution of any one claim, original or in- 
 crease, but compliance with such request of the agent or 
 attorney is optional with the claimant. 
 Agents and attorneys are not allowed to demand a 
 sum for postage as a right, or to refuse to prosecute a 
 claim where the request for postage is not complied with. 
 RULE 9. When in the adjudication of any claim for 
 pension or bounty land in which articles of agreement 
 have been or may hereafter be filed, it shall appear that ed - 
 the claimant, prior to the execution thereof, had paid to 
 the agent or attorney any money for fee, postage (other 
 than as allowed by rule 8) , or expenses in connection with 
 the prosecution of the claim, and the amount so paid is 
 not stated in the acceptance of agreement by the agent 
 or attorney, then every such claim shall be adjudicated as 
 if the articles of agreement contained no stipulation as 
 to a fee, and from the fee of ten dollars allowed by law 
 such sums as are shown to have been paid to the agent or 
 attorney shall be deducted. 
 RULE 10. No power of attorney or articles of agree- 
 inent will be accepted as valid wherein the claimant's witness. attestmg 
 acknowledgment is taken before an officer who is the 
 agent or attorney named therein, or where the agent or 
 attorney acts as one of the attesting witnesses to claim- 
 ant's signature to such instrument. 
 A declaration, affidavit, or any paper, requiring execu- 
 tion, or acknowledgment, in connection with a claim for 
 pension, or bounty land, must be executed or acknowl- 
 edged before an officer duly authorized to administer 
 oaths for general purposes, who is not interested in the 
 prosecution of the claim to which said paper pertains, 
 and the jurat must so show. 
 An agent or attorney who shall file any paper contain- 
 ing in the jurat a false statement that the officer before 
 Avhom such paper was executed, or acknowledged, is not 
 interested in the prosecution of the claim, or any state- 
 ment equivalent thereto, when in truth and in fact, such 
 agent or attorney has entered into a contract, agreement, 
 or understanding, with such officer, by virtue of which 
 said officer is to receive compensation, or a commission, 
 from such agent or attorney, in the event of the allowance 
 of the claim, will subject himself to suspension or disbar- 
 ment from practice before the Bureau of Pensions. 
 daVeo?fiiiBg ion; RULE H- All articles of agreement in claims for pen- 
 sion or bounty land that conform to the requirements of 
 the law and regulations will be accepted if filed prior to 
 the date of the issue of the certificate or of the bounty- 
 land warrant. 
 RULE 12. No request of an agent or attorney for con- 
 sideration of his title to a fee will be entertained unless 
 the same is filed in the Bureau of Pensions within three 
 years from the date of issue of the certificate upon which 
 such fee is claimed. 
 RULE 13. If an agent or attorney is disbarred pending 
 ment of fee. the adjudication of a claim, and if, while such disbarment 
 is in force, the claim is adjudicated and the certificate 
 issued without certification of a fee by reason of such dis- 
 barment, and if thereafter said agent or attorney is re- 
 stored to practice, and if claimant has not, by reason of 
 such disbarment, canceled or revoked the authority there- 
 tofore existing, upon such restoration as aforesaid the 
 lawful fee will be certified and paid to such agent or 
 same; estoppel. R ULE 14. When a claimant during the disbarment of 
 his agent or attorney of record employs another, who 
 prosecutes the claim to final adjudication, no fee will be 
 certified the disbarred agent or attorney upon his restora- 
 tion to practice, but his disbarment will operate by way 
 of estoppel to bar any claim for fee. 
 NO fee to guard- RULE 15. No fee will be allowed to a guardian who 
 prosecutes the claim of his ward, nor to a firm of attor- 
 neys of which the guardian is a member. 
 Failure to fur- RULE 16. When an agent or attorney is called upon by 
 nish evidence; . . fe / . J 
 estopped. the Commissioner of Pensions to furnish evidence in any 
 claim, he will be allowed ninety days within which to 
 furnish same or to give reasons why he fails to do so: 
 Provided always, That before such agent or attorney is 
 dropped or another recognized, at any time within one 
 year, he shall be given thirty days' notice to show cause 
 why he is not guilty of laches. In the event that such 
 answer be not filed within thirty days from the mailing 
 of such notice, or that the answer thereto be held by the 
 Commissioner of Pensions to be insufficient, claimant 
 shall be notified of such failure and may file the same, 
 either by himself or by such other attorney as he may 
 elect; and upon the recognition of such other attorney, 
 the former agent or attorney will be estopped from claim- 
 ing any fee. 
 KULE 17. To call up a case will not be held of itself a can sups, 
 substantial compliance with any specific requirement of 
 the Commissioner of Pensions. 
 KULE 18. An agent* or attorney will be required to lec ^ flect of neg * 
 exercise due diligence in all cases in which he is recog- 
 nized. Neglect to prosecute a claim for one year will be 
 held, in default of cause shown, conclusive evidence of 
 the abandonment of a claim by the agent or attorney, and 
 claimant will be so advised. 
 RULE 19. Upon the rejection of a claim for pension 
 bounty land the agent or attorney of record will be noti- P eal - 
 fied of such rejection and the reason therefor, and will be 
 allowed ninety days from the date of such notice within 
 which to file a motion for reconsideration, supported by 
 material evidence, or within which to enter an appeal to 
 the Secretary of the Interior; and on his failure to do 
 either he will be held to have abandoned the case, and the 
 claimant may employ any other duly qualified agent or 
 attorney further to prosecute the claim. 
 RULE 20. No claim pending in the Bureau of Pension s 
 will be considered out of its regular order upon the re- 
 quest of an agent or attorney, or any other person whom- 
 soever, except for good cause shown and upon the order 
 of the Commissioner of Pensions. 
 RULE 21. Every agent, attorney, or other person recog- t f 
 nized by the Department of the Interior as entitled to Approved by 
 " A Commissioner oe- 
 practice before the Bureau of Pensions, shall submit to foreuse - 
 the Commissioner of Pensions copies of all proposed 
 advertising matter framed and intended to solicit busi- 
 ness before the Bureau of Pensions, and if the same be 
 not disapproved by the Commissioner of Pensions and the 
 agent or attorney so notified within ten days from the 
 date of filing them, they will be held, prima facie, ap- 
 Advertising matter may contain clear, correct, and 
 explicit statements of the law, the name and address of 
 the attorney, and the information that he prosecutes 
 claims for pension and bounty land. 
 The use by an agent or attorney of the characters 
 "U. S.," or the words, "United States," as a part of his 
 title or of the title of his business is misleading and will 
 not be permitted. 
 increase claims EULE 22. A claim for increase of pension will not be 
 not in prohibited . , . . . 
 class. considered or held as a claim pending within the pro- 
 hibition of Section 190, Revised Statutes of the United 
 solicitation of RULE 23. Every agent, attorney, or other person, who 
 services of U. S. J to J ' 
 ' directly or indirectly, request of any member of 
 pronib- either House of Congress, or of any United States Gov- 
 ernment official or representative (other than one whose 
 duty it is under the law to supervise and administer the 
 laws, rules and regulations governing the granting of 
 pensions and bounty land) aid or assistance in the prose- 
 cution of a pension or bounty-land claim, or who shall, 
 directly or indirectly request or advise a claimant to seek 
 such aid in the prosecution of a pension or bounty-land 
 claim, will be held to have abandoned the claim as agent 
 or attorney and will thereby forfeit his agency or attor- 
 neyship in such claim. 
 laSg abJve r rul RULE 24. Every agent, attorney or other person recog- 
 nized by the Department of the Interior as entitled to 
 practice before the Bureau of Pensions who shall violate 
 the provisions of Rule 23, above, will be held thereafter 
 incompetent to prosecute claims before said Bureau with- 
 in the meaning of section 5, of the Act of July 4, 1884, 
 and will thereby subject himself to suspension or disbar- 
 ment from practice before the Bureau of Pensions, 
 counts* ^l R ULE 25. Where an agent, attorney, or other person 
 Before ^emandJ i ncurs anv expense in the prosecution of a claim before 
 Bureau of Pensions, he must file a sworn itemized 
 account of such expense with the Commissioner of Pen- 
 sions and secure the approval thereof, before demanding 
 or receiving reimbursement from the claimant or pen- 
 R * 26. In a claim under the act of March 2, 1895, 
 for the accrued pension due in an admitted case from the 
 date of last payment to pensioner's death, the agent or 
 attorney of record is permitted, upon the allowance of the 
 claim, to receive as a fee, direct from the claimant or 
 beneficiary, ten per centum of the amount of the accrued 
 pension paid ; but in no event will such agent or attorney 
 be permitted to demand, receive, or retain a fee in excess 
 of ten dollars in any one claim. 
 KULE 27. Where, through a mistake of fact, or fraud w^ffiMSS 
 on the part of an agent or attorney, a fee to which he is ousl yp aid - 
 not entitled has been paid to him he will be required to 
 refund the same on demand by the Commissioner of Pen- 
 sions; and his failure or refusal to refund, after such 
 demand, will render him liable to suspension or disbar- 
 ment from practice before the Bureau of Pensions. 
 RULE 28. When in an invalid claim for increase the increaseciaims; 
 neglect to furnish 
 Commissioner of Pensions issues a call for evidence to f^. ld |J2t of called 
 show that claimant's disability has increased, as a pre- 
 requisite to a medical examination, and no evidence is 
 filed in response to such call within ninety days, or there- 
 after before there is presented on behalf of claimant 
 another declaration for increase, then the claim in which 
 said call was issued is to be held rejected without order- 
 ing a medical examination, unless there was on file in the 
 claim at the time of the issue of said call, medical evidence 
 which has not been considered, tending to show that the 
 claimant's disability had increased. 
 Any declaration for increase filed within ninety days 
 from date of a call, under a prior declaration, for evidence 
 to show increase of disability, will be held a duplicate of 
 such prior declaration. 
 RULE 29. All rules and orders inconsistent with the Repeal, 
 foregoing are hereby abrogated. 
 Commissioner of Pensions. 
 Approved : 
 Assistant Secretary. 
 July 12, 1911. 
 1. Applications. An application for bounty-land war- 
 rant may be made by anyone entitled under the law to 
 such a warrant. The party entitled should execute the 
 application personally unless he be legally incompetent, 
 in which event his duly appointed guardian may make 
 the claim. When an application is signed by a guardian 
 and filed in the Bureau of Pensions, it should be accom- 
 panied by a certified copy of the letters of guardianship. 
 When several minors, or brothers and sisters, are jointly 
 entitled, the application may be made by any one of them 
 in behalf of all, for which authority in proper and legal 
 form, duly witnessed and executed under oath, must be 
 given by the other children, and such authority must be 
 filed in the Bureau of Pensions. The warrant will be 
 issued to all jointly. 
 Blank forms of application will be furnished claimants 
 upon request therefor. They will not be sent to agents 
 or attorneys in bulk but sample forms will be furnished 
 on application. 
 2. Applications and affidavits, execution of. All appli- 
 cations for bounty-land warrants, and affidavits filed in 
 support thereof, must be made before a court of record, 
 or some officer of such court having custody of its seal, or 
 before some officer who, under the laws of the United 
 States or of his State, city, or county, has authority to 
 administer oaths for general purposes. 
 Where an application or affidavit is executed before an 
 officer authorized as above but not required by law to have 
 and use a seal to authenticate his official acts, he shall 
 file in the Bureau of Pensions a certificate of his official 
 character, showing his official signature and term of 
 office, certified by a clerk of a court of record or other 
 proper officer of the State as to the genuineness thereof ; 
 and when said certificate has been filed in the Bureau of 
 Pensions his own certificate will be recognized during his 
 term of office. 
 Applications and other papers of claimants residing in 
 foreign countries may be made before a United States 
 minister or % consul or other consular officer, or before 
 some officer of the country duly authorized to administer 
 oaths for general purposes, whose official character and 
 signature shall be duly authenticated by the certificate of 
 a United States minister or consul or other consular 
 The officer before whom an application or affidavit is 
 executed must certify in his own handwriting as to his 
 knowledge of the credibility of the witnesses. If they 
 sign by mark the signatures must be attested by two wit- 
 nesses who can write, and the officer must certify that the 
 contents of their depositions or affidavits were read over 
 to them before he administered the oath. 
 An application for bounty-land executed before an 
 officer who is claimant's attorney is accepted by the 
 Bureau of Pensions as good and valid, but under the 
 practice such magisterial act vacates any rights which 
 may be conferred upon him by the power of attorney 
 therein embodied. 
 Evidence executed before an officer who is claimant's 
 attorney, or before any person who has a manifest in- 
 terest therein, will not be considered. It is held by the 
 Secretary of the Interior, however, that evidence so exe- 
 cuted, wherein the certificate of such officer contains a 
 clause setting forth that " he is in no wise interested in 
 the claim nor concerned in its prosecution," is good and 
 valid, but the rights such officer may have had in the case 
 are thereby abandoned. All certificates of executing offi- 
 cers should certify that they have no interest in the 
 It is desirable that affidavits should be free from 
 erasures and interlineations. When an alteration is 
 made in an affidavit, or an addition is made thereto, it 
 must appear by the certificate of the officer who admin- 
 istered the oath that such alteration or addition was made 
 with the knowledge and sworn consent of the affiant. 
 The official certificates of judicial officers using a seal, 
 or of commissioned officers of the Army or Navy in 
 actual service, will be accepted without being sworn to; 
 all other witnesses must testify under oath. 
 3. Evidence, character of. Every fact required to be 
 proved should be shown by the best evidence obtainable. 
 Wherever it is indicated in these regulations and in- 
 structions that a fact may be proved by more than one 
 kind of evidence, the classes of evidence are named in the 
 order of their value. Evidence of a lower class will not 
 be accepted unless it be shown that none of a higher class 
 can be obtained. Copies of records should be certified 
 by the officer having custody thereof; and if he has no 
 seal by which to authenticate his signature, the certifica- 
 tion should be under oath. 
 4. Evidence from> prior claims, or records. Any evi- 
 dence already on file in the Bureau of Pensions or in any 
 other office of the Government of the United States may 
 be made available in a claim for bounty-land if a par- 
 ticular and definite description of the matter in which 
 it has already been used be furnished the Bureau of 
 5. Witnesses. Witnesses should not merely confirm the 
 statements of other parties, but should give a detailed 
 statement of the facts known to them in regard to the 
 matter concerning which they testify, and should state 
 how they obtained a knowledge of such facts. 
 It is desirable that the facts required to be proved in 
 the adjudication of a bounty-land claim should be shown, 
 if possible, by the testimony of persons other than near 
 relatives of the claimant. 
 Every witness should state his age, whether he has any 
 interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of the 
 claim in which he may testify, and should give his post- 
 office address, with street and number, or rural free deliv- 
 ery route, if any. A claimant should promptly notify 
 the Bureau of Pensions of any change of residence dur- 
 ing the pendency of his claim. 
 6. Service. Service, to give title to bounty-land, must 
 have been rendered prior to March 3, 1855, for a period 
 of at least fourteen days, or in a battle ; and if in the Reg- 
 ular Army or Navy, must have been in some war in which 
 the United States were engaged. 
 Where no record evidence of the service for which a 
 bounty-land warrant is claimed exists, parole evidence 
 may be admitted to prove the service performed, but in 
 no case will parole evidence be admitted to vary or dis- 
 credit the length of any service shown by the rolls. 
 Where service was rendered by a substitute, he is the 
 person entitled to bounty-land, and not his employer, un- 
 less the latter also served the requisite period to give title 
 to bounty-land and then furnished a substitute, in which 
 event if both employer and substitute served the length 
 of time required by law each might be entitled for his 
 respective term of actual service. 
 7. Identity. In all cases the identity of the claimant as 
 the person, or the heir of the person, who rendered the 
 service must be shown by the best obtainable evidence. 
 8. Evidence in widows' claims. Claims by widows 
 must be supported by satisfactory proof of the marriage 
 of the claimant to the soldier on account of whose service 
 her claim is made, of his death, and of her widowhood 
 that is, that she is unmarried at the time of making 
 Marriage. The marriage of the claimant to the person 
 on account of whose service and death the application is 
 made should be shown 
 (a) By a duly verified copy of a public or church rec- 
 ord; or 
 (b) By the affidavit of the clergyman or magistrate 
 who officiated; or 
 (c) By the testimony of two or more eyewitnesses to 
 the ceremony; or 
 (d) By a duly verified copy of the church record of 
 baptism of the children; or 
 (e) By the testimony of two or more witnesses who 
 know that the parties lived together as husband and wife, 
 and were recognized as such, and who shall state how 
 long, within their knowledge, such cohabitation continued. 
 The widowhood of the claimant at the time of making 
 application must be shown by the testimony of credible 
 witnesses who have personal knowledge of the fact. 
 9. Evidence in minors' claims. In addition to the 
 proof required in widows' claims, applications in behalf 
 of minors must be supported by proof that they are the 
 legitimate children of the person on account of whose 
 service the claim is made, that the widow is dead, and 
 that they are the only surviving children of such person 
 who were under the age of twenty-one years on March 3, 
 1855, or were born subsequent to that date. 1 
 To establish the legitimacy of the children, the mar- 
 riage of the mother to their father and the births of such 
 children must be proved. 
 The dates of birth of children should be proved 
 (a) By a duly verified copy of the public record of 
 births, or the church record of baptisms; or 
 (b) By the affidavit of the physician who attended the 
 mother; or 
 (c) By the testimony of persons who were present at 
 the births, who should state how they are now able to fix 
 the precise dates. 
 10. Evidence in claims of fatliers, mothers, brothers, 
 and sisters. In a claim by a father, mother, or brothers 
 and sisters, the relationship to the person on account of 
 whose service the claim is made must be clearly estab- 
 lished, and the death of all persons who would, under the 
 law, have a prior title to the bounty-land, must be proved. 
 11. Evidence to complete claims of deceased persons. 
 In completing the claim of a deceased person leaving no 
 1 Ruling of Commissioner of Pensions as to birth subsequent to March 
 3, 1855. 
 successor to whom the title would descend under the 
 bounty-land laws, the legal representatives must furnish 
 proof of the death of the claimant; and if he died in- 
 testate, proof of heirship will be required, which proof 
 must show the name, age, and post-office address of each 
 of his heirs at law, and their relationship to the deceased ; 
 and where a will is left a duly certified copy of it, with 
 letters of probate, must be presented ; and in either case 
 full authority must be given by the heirs or devisees, if 
 adults, or by their guardians, if minors, for the delivery 
 of the warrant to some designated person. If an execu- 
 tor has been designated by will, the claim should be com- 
 pleted by him. If there be no executor, a duly appointed 
 administrator of the estate of the deceased may be recog- 
 nized to complete the claim. 
 12. Duplicate warrants, rules governing the issue of. 
 First. Whenever a warrant has failed to reach the hands 
 of the party entitled to receive it and to whom it was 
 sent, or has been lost or destroyed after having been re- 
 ceived, in order to prevent the issuing of a patent to a 
 fraudulent holder of the same the actual owner must at 
 once file in the General Land Office a caveat in the form 
 of an affidavit, duly authenticated, setting forth the na- 
 ture of his title to the warrant and the particulars as to 
 its loss or destruction, and giving his post-office address; 
 and these facts must be established by satisfactory evi- 
 dence filed in the Bureau of Pensions. 
 Second. He must give public notice of the facts in the 
 case at least once a week for six successive weeks in some 
 newspaper of general circulation published at or near- 
 est the place to which the warrant was directed, or where 
 the loss occurred. In such publication (a copy of which 
 must be furnished to the Bureau of Pensions with the 
 affidavit of the publisher as to its due appearance) the 
 intention must also be expressed of applying to the Com- 
 missioner of Pensions for a reissue of the lost warrant, 
 which must be minutely described. 1 
 Third. The filing of the caveat in the General Land 
 Office and the advertisement of the loss being only pre- 
 liminary steps toward the observance of the regulations, 
 Notice is hereby given that I, , am the legal owner of 
 bounty-land warrant No. , for acres, issued under the act of 
 , in the name of , and that said warrant hav- 
 ing been lost (or destroyed), I intend to make (or have made) application 
 to the Commissioner of Pensions for a duplicate. 
 the owner of the lost warrant must file in the Bureau 
 of Pensions, as soon after the discovery of the loss as 
 practicable, his declaration, under oath, duly authenti- 
 cated, setting forth fully and distinctly the time, place, 
 and circumstances of the loss, and that he never sold, 
 assigned, nor voluntarily parted with his right to the 
 warrant in question. 
 Fourth. In cases where a reissue of a warrant is sought 
 on the ground of the nonreception of the original war- 
 rant, the agent or person to whom it was sent must unite 
 with the warrantee or make a separate affidavit as to its 
 Fifth. If the applicant for the reissue is not the per- 
 son to whom the warrant was issued, but claims to be the 
 owner thereof by purchase for a valuable consideration, 
 he must give the name and residence of the warrantee, 
 the name and residence of the person of whom he bought 
 it, and, as far as he may know or can ascertain, the names 
 and residences of each of the several parties through 
 whom the title of the warrant descended to him from the 
 warrantee, and adduce satisfactory evidence in proof of 
 each and all his statements in reference thereto. 
 Sixth. The identity of the applicant must be satisfac- 
 torily established,' and the credibility of each and every 
 affiant must be duly certified by the magistrate adminis- 
 tering the oaths, and his official character and signature 
 must be duly authenticated as hereinbefore indicated. 
 No warrant will be reissued under these regulations until 
 after the expiration of three months from the date of the 
 filing of the petition in the Bureau of Pensions, and not- 
 then if it shall appear that the original warrant is in 
 The foregoing regulations will be strictly enforced in 
 every instance. 
 13. Inquiries and additional evidence. All inquiries 
 addressed to the Bureau of Pensions and all additional 
 evidence filed therein should contain a description of the 
 particular claim concerning which the inquiry may be 
 made or in which the additional evidence is to be used, 
 viz.: the number of the claim, the name, residence, and 
 post-office address of the claimant, and the name of the 
 person on account of whose services the claim is made 
 together with his company, regiment, and the State from 
 which he enlisted, 
 14. Records, information from-. Information will not 
 be furnished from the records relative to service in cases 
 where a title to bounty-land is supposed to exist. The 
 law will be explained, upon inquiry, but no opinion can 
 be given as to title of individuals to bounty-land until 
 their claims are properly before the Bureau of Pensions. 
 Parties in making application for bounty-land war- 
 rants should state as fully as possible all the facts known 
 to them relative to the service of the person through 
 whom the claimant derives title, giving the personal de- 
 scription of such person and his places of residence at 
 the time of service and since ; the Bureau of Pensions will 
 then apply any evidence found in any Department of the 
 Government of the United States to the settlement of 
 the claim. 
 15. Originals or copies of papers. All papers or ex- 
 hibits filed as evidence in a bounty-land claim become a 
 part of the record. Neither the original nor a copy, duly 
 certified, of any essential paper, except a certificate of 
 discharge from the military or naval service of the 
 United States, filed in a claim before the Bureau of Pen- 
 sions, will be furnished except upon the call of a court or 
 a department wherein the same is to be used as evidence ; 
 and if for use in a court upon the following conditions: 
 The Bureau of Pensions should be advised of the 
 nature of the suit, the name of the parties thereto, and in 
 what court the action is pending. 
 The party who desires to use the certified copy or copies 
 should state what he expects to prove by the same, and 
 make oath in due form that this evidence is material to 
 his cause; that the object of its use can not be attained 
 by the substitution of any other evidence; that without 
 it he may suffer irreparable injury, and that the United 
 States are not involved as parties to the action nor inter- 
 ested in the result thereof. 
 With such affidavit he should file a request from the 
 judge of the court in which the action is pending for the 
 production of the certified copy or copies. 
 The papers of which copies are desired should be 
 clearly specified, and the name of the person on whose 
 service the claim was based, the designation of the organ- 
 ization in which he served, and, if possible, the number 
 of the claim or of the bounty-land warrant should be 
 stated, in order that the case may be identified and un- 
 necessary delay avoided. 
 16. Discharge certificates, copies of. Certified copies 
 of original discharge certificates on file in the Bureau of 
 Pensions will be furnished upon the application of the 
 person to whom the same was issued, or to his widow or 
 descendants. Such an application should be made in the 
 form of an affidavit setting forth a full description of the 
 person to whom the certificate of discharge was issued, 
 viz., his age at time of enlistment, his occupation, birth- 
 place, height, color of hair, eyes, and complexion; and 
 giving the date and place of his enlistment or muster into 
 the service, and the date and place of discharge. 
 17. Assignment and location of warrants. Inquiries 
 relative to the assignment and location of bounty-land 
 warrants should be addressed to the Commissioner of the 
 General Land Office, Washington, D. C. 
 18. Soldiers' and sailors'* homestead rights. All com- 
 munications in regard to the homestead rights granted by 
 law to the officers, soldiers, seamen, and marines, who 
 served during the civil war, the war with Spain, or in the 
 Philippine insurrection, should be addressed to the Com- 
 missioner of the General Land Office, Washington, D. C. 
 19. Bounty in money. Communications relative to 
 back pay, extra pay, and bounty in money, for army serv- 
 ice, should be addressed to the Auditor for the War De- 
 partment, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. ; and 
 for extra pay, prize money, etc., for naval service, to the 
 Auditor for the Navy Department, Treasury Department, 
 Washington, D. C. 
 Act Feb. 11, 1847, section 9. Bounty land; 12 months or less service in 
 the War with Mexico 11 
 Act May 27, 1848, amending act February 11, 1847. Succession of rights to 
 bounty land ; title not barred by promotion 13 
 Joint resolution June 16, 1848. Date of termination of service, Mexican 
 War; bounty-land claims 14 
 Act July 10, 1848, section 2. Bounty lands granted to enlisted men of the 
 Ordnance Department who served in War with Mexico 14 
 Joint resolution August 10, 1848. Officers, etc., who served in War with 
 Mexico entitled to bounty land 14 
 Act March 3, 1849, part. Redemption of Treasury scrip, bounty land 15 
 Act July 4, 1884, sections 3, 4, 5, 6. Agents and attorneys; fees; rules and 
 regulations 21 
 Taking illegal fees; penalty 23 
 Act July 1, 1890. Declarations and affidavits in bounty-land cases; how 
 executed 17 
 Joint resolution September 1, 1890, amending act July 1, 1890. Oaths in 
 bounty-land cases 17 
 Act March 11, 1898, repealing section 3480, Revised Statutes. Applications 
 for bounty land; proof of loyalty during War of the Rebellion dispensed 
 with 16 
 Act July 7, 1898, amending section 4746, Revised Statutes. Penalty for 
 false affidavit, etc. 18 
 Act March 4, 1909, Criminal Code, section 29. Forging deeds, powers of 
 attorney, etc. ; penalty 19 
 Section 73. Forging military bounty-land warrant, etc.; penalty 19 
 Section 109. Officer not to be interested in claims against the United 
 States ; penalty 20 
 Section 113. Member of Congress taking compensation in matters to 
 which the United States are parties ; penalty 20 
 Execution of; bounty -land claims. Act July 1, 1890, and joint resolution 
 September 1, 1890 17 
 Execution of ; rules and regulations governing 36 
 False and fraudulent, penalty for making. Act July 7, 1898, amending 
 section 4746, Revised Statutes 18 
 Application or affidavit 
 Execution before, effect on attorneyship rights 31, 37 
46 INDEX. 
 Articles of agreement 
 Before whom executed 22, 29 
 Fee, amount of, to be stipulated 22 
 Fee, amount of, allowable, if none filed 23 
 Form and requirements as to 30 
 May be rejected by Commissioner of Pensions, when 24 
 One of, approved, to be sent to agent or attorney on allowance of 
 bounty-land warrant 31 
 Should be filed in duplicate 22, 30 
 Amount allowed. Act July 4, 1884 22, 23 
 By whom paid 22, 23 
 To be taken by. Section 3478, Revised Statutes 21 
 Form of 21 
 Penalty for violating law relating to fees. Act July 4, 1884 23 
 Postage to, limited 31 
 Prohibition against certain persons acting as. Section 190, Revised Stat- 
 utes 21 
 Rules of practice 
 Before the Bureau of Pensions 28 
 Before the Secretary of the Interior in appeal cases 24 
 Secretary of the Interior to prescribe rules and regulations governing. Act 
 July 4, 1884 23 
 To the Secretary of the Interior, rules and regulations 24 
 Blank forms of, furnished by Commissioner of Pensions on request 1, 36 
 Execution of, regulations as to 35 
 Officers in actual service, certificate of, accepted without being sworn to. . 37 
 Officers and men; title to bounty land 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14 
 ATTORNEYS. (See Agents and attorneys, supra.) 
 Of printed forms, etc. Section 4748, Revised Statutes 1 
 Applications for, execution of. Act July 1, 1890, and joint resolution 
 September 1, 1890 17 
 Additional grants. Section 2435, Revised Statutes 8 
 Attorney's fee in claims for 22, 23 
 Clerk to sign name of Commissioner of Pensions to warrant; provision for. 
 Section 473, Revised Statutes 1 
 Commissioner of Pensions to furnish printed instructions and forms free of 
 charge. Section 4748, Revised Statutes 1 
 Deserters not entitled. Section 2438, Revised Statutes 9 
 Discharge certificate; certain omissions in, not to deprive soldier of right 
 to. Section 2440, Revised Statutes 9 
 Disloyalty, bar to. Section 3480, Revised Statutes 16 
 Disloyalty, bar removed. Act March 11, 1898 16 
 Evidence to establish claim may be filed by legal representative. Section 
 2445, Revised Statutes 11 
 Evidence, requisite to give title. Sections 2432 and 2435, Revised Stat- 
 utes... 7,8 
INDEX. 47 
 BOUNTY LAND Continued. Page. 
 False affidavits, penalty for filing. Act July 7, 1898, amending section 
 4746, Revised Statutes 18 
 Forging, etc., bounty-land warrants. Section 73, act March 4, 1909 
 Criminal Code 19 
 Forging power of attorney, etc.; penalty. Section 29, act March 4, 1909 
 Criminal Code 19 
 Indians, provisions of law extended to. Section 2434, Revised Statutes. . 8 
 Instructions and regulations relative to 35 
 Lost warrant 
 Advertisement for, form of 40 
 Patent to be issued, when. Section 2439, Revised Statutes 9 
 Militia, volunteers, etc., serving between 1812 and 1852. Section 2420, 
 Revised Statutes 5 
 Minors, who considered such. Section 2430, Revised Statutes 7 
 Not subject to payment of any debt, etc. Section 2436, Revised Statutes. 9 
 Relocation by settler, in case of error. Section 2446, Revised Statutes 11 
 Sales, etc., made before issue of warrant, void. Section 2436, Revised 
 Statutes..... 9 
 In War of 1812, various Indian wars, and War with Mexico. Sections 
 2418 and 2419, Revised Statutes 3, 4 
 Proof of, how made. Section 2431 , Revised Statutes 7 
 Termination and discharge, War with Mexico. Joint resolution June 
 16, 1848 14 
 Time in captivity added to actual. Section 2422 Revised Statutes. . . 5 
 Time for travel from home to place of muster or discharge, counted in 
 period of. Section 2433 Revised Statutes 8 
 Subsequent marriage of widow; effect on title. Section 2429, Revised 
 Statutes . 7 
 In whom vested 
 Under sections 2425, 2426, and 2427, Revised Statutes 6 
 Regulars or volunteers; 12 months' service, etc., in War with 
 Mexico. Section 9, act February 11, 1847 11 
 Persons in the Marine or Ordnance Corps, War with Mexico. 
 Resolution August 10, 1848 14 
 Heirs of soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the war of 1812. 
 Section 2443, Revised Statutes 10 
 In whom not vested. Section 2421, Revised Statutes 5 
 Line of succession 
 Under sections 2418 and 2419, Revised States 3, 4 
 Under section 2428, Revised Statutes 7 
 Under act February 11, 1847 11 
 Of privates, etc., not barred by promotion. Act May 27, 1848 13 
 Term "relatives " defined. Act May 27, 1848 13 
 When claimant dies after filing proof and before issue of warrant; who 
 entitled. Section 2444, Revised Statutes 11 
 And patent, when to issue. Section 2423, Revised Statutes 5 
 For, to be located by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 
 Section 2437, Revised Statutes 9 
 Located at $1.25 per acre, excess paid in cash. Section 2415, Revised 
 Statutes... 2 
48 INDEX. 
 BOUNTY-LAND Continued. Page. 
 Warrant Continued. 
 Location of, for service in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. 
 Sections 2416 and 2417, Revised Statutes 2 
 Locations assignable. Section 2414, Revised Statutes 2 
 May be signed by person appointed by the Commissioner of Pensions. 
 Section 473, Revised Statutes 1 
 Lost, new to be issued in lieu of. Sections 2441 and 2442, Revised 
 Statutes 10 
 Lost, regulations relative thereto 40 
 Widows, etc., when entitled. Sections 2424 and 2428, Revised Statutes. . 5, 7 
 Widows, etc., regulations and instructions as to proof required in claims of. 38 
 Certain omissions in, not to deprive soldiers of right to bounty land. 
 Section 2440, Revised Statutes 9 
 To locate warrants for bounty land. Section 2437, Revised Statutes 9 
 Duties of. Section 471, Revised Statutes 1 
 Clerk to sign name of, to bounty-land warrants. Section 473, Revised 
 Statutes 1 
 To furnish printed forms, etc., free of charge. Section 4748, Revised' 
 Statutes 1 
 Not to take compensation in matters to which the United States are parties. 
 Section 113, act March 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Papers may be executed before 36 
 Regulations and instructions relative to furnishing 42 
 Forging, counterfeiting, etc., bounty-land warrants; penalty. Section 
 73, act March 4, 1909 Criminal Code 19 
 Demanding, etc., illegal fee. Act July 4, 1884 23 
 Forging deed, power of attorney, etc. Section 29, act March 4, 1909 
 Criminal Code 19 
 Forging, counterfeiting, etc., bounty-land warrants. Section 73, act 
 Mar. 4, 1909 Criminal Code 19 
 Making or presenting false or fraudulent affidavits. Act July 7 r 1898, 
 amending section 4746, Revised Statutes 18 
 Prohibition against officers and employees of the Government of the United 
 States acting as attorneys. Section 109, act March 4, 1909 Criminal Code. 20 
 Senators, Representatives, etc., not to take fee in claims against the United 
 States. Section 113, act March 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Officers and employees 
 Not to prosecute claims against the United States. Section 109, act 
 March 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Not to take fees in claims against the United States. Section 113, act 
 March 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Former, not to act as attorneys in certain cases. Section 190, Revised 
 Statutes... 21 
INDEX. 49 
 Bars title to bounty land. Section 2438, Revised Statutes 9 
 Certain omissions in, no bar to bounty-land rights. Section 2440, Revised 
 Statutes 9 
 Bar as to bounty land. Section 3480, Revised Statutes 16 
 Bar removed. Act March 11, 1898 16 
 Execution of papers. Act July 1, 1890, and joint resolution September 1, 
 1890 17 
 Execution of papers; regulations relative to 36 
 Execution of papers in foreign countries 36 
 Execution of papers before officer who is also attorney of record; effect of. . 31, 37 
 May be filed by legal representative, when. Section 2445, Revised Statutes. 11 
 To establish bounty-land claims. Sections 2432 and 2435, Revised Statutes. 7, 8 
 Title given 
 Section 2418, Revised Statutes 3 
 Section 2419, Revised Statutes 4 
 Act February 11, 1847 11 
 Evidence required in claims of 39 
 Allowed by law. Act July 4, 1884 . 22 
 Paid to agent or attorney by claimant 22, 23 
 (See also Agents and Attorneys.) 
 Articles of agreement 
 Before whom executed 22, 29 
 Fee, amount of to be stipulated 22 
 Fee, amount of, if no contract be filed 22, 23 
 Form of, and requirements as to 30 
 May be rejected by Commissioner of Pensions, when 24 
 One of, approved, to be sent to agent or attorney on allowance of 
 bounty-land warrant 31 
 Should be filed in duplicate 22, 30 
 Execution of declarations, etc , . 36 
 To be furnished by Commissioner of Pensions. Section 4748, Revised 
 Statutes 1 
 Of articles of agreement as to fee 30 
 Of attorney's oath 21 
 Of advertisement for lost warrant 40 
 Officers and employees 
 Not to act as attorneys in claims against the United States. Section 109, 
 act Mar. 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Not to take fee in claims wherein the United States are parties. Sec- 
 tion 113, act Mar. 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Former not to act as attorneys in certain cases. Section 190, Revised 
 Statutes 21 
 Should file evidence of appointment 35 
50 INDEX. 
 HEIRS: Page. 
 And legal representatives of deceased soldiers and sailors; title of. Sec- 
 tions 2443 and 2445, Revised Statutes 10,11 
 Title to bounty land . Section 2434, Revised Statutes 8 
 Rules of practice before, in appeal cases 24 
 Relating to bounty-land claims 35 
 How established 39 
 New, how obtained. Sections 2441 and 2442, Revised Statutes 10 
 Provisions for issue of patent. Section 2439, Revised Statutes 9 
 Regulations relative to securing new issue of 40 
 How proven 38 
 Subsequent, not to affect widow's title if she be a widow at time of making 
 application. Section 2429, Revised Statutes 7 
 Not to take fee in claims against the United States. Section 113, act March 
 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Bounty land, when entitled to. Sections 2418, 2419, 2425, and 2428, 
 Revised Statutes; act February 11, 1847 3, 4, 6, 7, 11 
 Guardian of, may prosecute claim for 35 
 Legitimacy of, how established 39 
 Regulations and instructions relative to claims filed by 39 
 Word ' ' minors " defined . Section 2430, Revised Statutes 7 
 Title given 
 Sections 2418 and 2419, Revised Statutes 3, 4 
 Act February 11, 1847 11 
 Evidence required in claims of 39 
 In execution of applications and other papers; before whom taken. Act 
 July 1, 1890, and joint resolution September 1, 1890 17 
 Of allegiance, to be taken by persons prosecuting claims, either as attorney 
 or on their own account. Section 3478, Revised Statutes 21 
 Of allegiance, before whom to be taken. Section 3479, Revised Statutes. . 21 
 Of allegiance, form of. Section 1757, Revised Statutes 21 
 Former, not to act as attorney in certain cases. Section 190, Revised 
 Statutes 21 
 Not to prosecute claims against the United States. Section 109, act March 
 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Not to take fees in claims wherein United States are parties. Section 113, 
 act Mar. 4, 1909 Criminal Code 20 
 Regulations relative to securing copies of, etc 42 
 Issue of, when bounty-land warrant is lost. Section 2439, Revised Stat- 
 utes... 9 
INDEX. 51 
 With whom claims for, filed 43 
 To be furnished by the Commissioner of Pensions free of charge. Section 
 4748, Revised Statutes 1 
 Title to bounty land. Section 2426, Revised Statutes 6 
 As to 
 Applications and affidavits 35, 36 
 Character of evidence 37 
 Completing claim of deceased person 39 
 Duplicate warrants 40 
 Extra and back pay, etc 43 
 Father's, mother's, brother's, and sister's claims 39 
 Homestead rights granted certain soldiers and sailors 43 
 Identity, proof of 38 
 Inquiries made of Bureau of Pensions relative to status of claims 41 
 Legitimacy, proof of 39 
 Marriage, proof of 38 
 Minors' claims 39 
 Original papers, securing copies of 42 
 Records, information from 42 
 Assignment and location of 43 
 Lost or destroyed, procedure to secure new 40 
 Widows' claims 38 
 Witnesses 38 
 Term defined. Act May 27, 1848 13 
 190. Persons formerly in the departments not to prosecute claims in them. . . 21 
 441. Secretary of the Interior; duties of 1 
 471. Commissioner of Pensions; duties of 1 
 473. Commissioner of Pensions authorized to appoint person to sign his name 
 to bounty-land warrants 1 
 2414. Military bounty-land warrants and locations assignable 2 
 2415. Warrants located at $1.25; excess paid in cash 2 
 2416. Location of land warrants issued in virtue of certain acts 2 
 2417. Time when above may be located 2 
 2418. Granting bounty-land warrants for various periods of service in the War 
 of 1812, certain Indian wars, and the War with Mexico 3 
 2419. Certain classes of persons in the Mexican War, their widows, etc., enti- 
 tled to 40 acres 4 
 2420. Certain militia and volunteers entitled to benefits of section 2418 5 
 2421. Persons not entitled under preceding sections 5 
 2422. Period of captivity to be added to actual service 5 
 2423. Warrant and patent to issue, when 5 
 2424. Widows of persons entitled 5 
 2425. Additional bounty lands, etc 6 
 2426. Classes entitled under last section specified 6 
 2427. What classes of persons entitled under section 2425 without regard to 
 length of service 6 
52 INDEX. 
 2428. Widows and children of persons entitled under section 2425 7 
 2429. Subsequent marriage of widow; effect of * 7 
 2430. Who are minors under section 2428 7 
 2431. Proof of service 7 
 2432. Former evidence of right to bounty land to be received in certain cases. 7 
 2433. Allowance of time of service for distance from home to place of muster or 
 discharge 8 
 2434. Indians included 8 
 2435. Former evidence of right to a pension to be received in certain cases on 
 application for bounty land 8 
 2436. Sales, mortgages, letters of attorney, etc., made before issue of warrant, 
 void 9 
 2437. Warrants to be located, free of expense, by Commissioner of the General 
 Land Office, etc 9 
 2438. Deserters not entitled to bounty land 9 
 2439. Lost warrants, provision for 9 
 2440. Discharges, omissions and loss of, provided for 9 
 2441. New warrant issued in lieu of lost warrant 10 
 2442. Regulations by Secretary of Interior 10 
 2443. Mode of issuing patents to the heirs of persons entitled to bounty lands. . 10 
 2444. Death of claimant after establishing right and before issue of warrant, title, 
 where vested ! 11 
 2445. WTien proofs may be filed by legal representatives 11 
 2446. Relocation of military bounty-land warrants in cases of error 11 
 3478. Oaths to be taken by persons prosecuting claims 21 
 3479. WTio may administer oath 21 
 3480. Claims barred by disloyalty 16 
 4748. Commissioner to furnish printed forms and instructions free of charge. . 1 
 Title to bounty land of soldiers' widows, etc. Sections 2418 and 2419, Re- 
 vised Statutes 3, 4 
 Title of heirs of soldiers, etc., in bounty-land cases. Section 2443, Revised 
 Statutes 10 
 Before the Commissioner of Pensions 28 
 Before the Secretary of the Interior 24 
 Period of, how computed. Section 2433, Revised Statutes 7 
 Period of soldier's captivity added to actual. Section 2422, Revised Stat- 
 utes 5 
 Proof of. Section 2431, Revised Statutes 7 
 Entitled to bounty land, when 48 
 In bounty-land claims. Sections 2418, 2428 and 2444, Revised Statutes, 
 and act February 11, 1847 3, 7, 11 
 Officers and men entitled to bounty land. Sections 2420 and 2426, Re- 
 vised Statutes 4, 6 
 Time consumed in, when counted as service. Section 2433, Revised 
 Statutes. . 8 
INDEX. 53 
 Title to bounty land. Sections 2420 and 2426, Revised Statutes, and act 
 February 11, 1847 5, 6, 11 
 Title to bounty land. Section 2426, Revised Statutes 6 
 When to issue. Section 2423, Revised Statutes 5 
 Located by Commissioner of the General Land Office. Section 2437, Re- 
 vised Statutes 9 
 Located at $1.25 per acre, excess paid in cash. Section 2415, Revised 
 Statutes 2 
 Location of, for service in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. 
 Sections 2416 and 2417, Revised Statutes 2 
 Locations assignable. Section 2414, Revised Statutes 2 
 Lost, new to be issued in lieu of. Sections 2441 and 2442, Revised Statutes 10 
 Lost, regulations relative to 40 
 May be signed by person appointed by Commissioner of Pensions. Sec- 
 tion 473, Revised Statutes 1 
 Title given. Sections 2418, 2419, 2424, and 2428, Revised Statutes 3, 4, 5, 7 
 Title, how affected by subsequent marriage. Section 2429, Revised Stat- 
 utes 7 
 Regulations and instructions as to proof in claims filed by 38 
 Regulations and instructions relative to affidavits by 38 
 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the 
 date to which renewed. 
 Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 
 LD 21-100m-l,'54(1887sl6)476 
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