THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 0. ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. COPIOUS EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE UNDER THE RULES OF ECLECTIC SHORTHAND, BY J. G. CROSS, M. A. ELEVENTH THOUSAND. CHICAGO: SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY. 378 WABASH AVE. 1902. COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY. CONTENTS. *AGE. INDEX, .... v-vi INTRODUCTORY, ... vii v> t* PART I: EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE UNDER THE SEVERAL RULES OF ECLECTIC SHORT- MJ HAND, WITH SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, - I-8O i , PART II: POETIC QUOTATIONS, CONTAINING g)r > ILLUSTRATIVE WORDS ARRANGED WITH * REFERENCE TO THE CONTRACTIONS, - 8l-II3 y PART III: PROSE SELECTIONS, DIVIDED INTO 5 GROUPS OF ONE HUNDRED WORDS FOR CONVENIENCE IN TIMING STUDENTS IN RAPID DRILL, - II4-I20 ; , INDEX. A, an, am, 4, 109; as by a or z t 79- A True Woman, 116. Bl, 89; Ely final, 14. Blsh, blch distinguished from initial ch, 12. Blr distinguished from ch, 13. Bn, 23, 108; Br circle, 26; Bst, 59- C, k and g hook, 9; Ch, 37; Cl, 88; Circle h, 36; Circles, 35; Cz, 56. Dis, 15; Dn, dm, 109; Ds loop, 17, 54; Dsl, 54; Dw, 105, En, em, no; E shaded for he, 73- Fl, 91 ; final hooks, 35. G soft, 6; Gl, 93. I, for I am, 17; In, im, 109; Ing, 2. J, for jestion, 14. Ld, In, 14; L coalescent, 12, 88; Lth, 41; Lstrn, 19. Mis and miscon, 58. Night, 80; Now, a phrase word, 79; Nt for not, 17; Nth, 18; Nn, nm, 109. One, by o or wn, 79. Part I, 1-80; Part II, 81-113; Part III, 114-120. P, backward, 27; Phrase writ- ing, 63-69. PI, 94; Pr circle, 26; Prefixes, 52; Proper names, 9. R coalescent, 9; R circle, 36; Rela, 60; reli, 27, Re, 60; Rly final, 14; Rule I, i; Rule II, 3; Rule III, 5; Rule IV, 7; Rule V, 9; Rule VI, 16, 81; Rule VII, 18, 85; Rule VIII, 20, 108; Rule IX, 23; Rule X,25; Rule X (a), 25; (b), 26; (c),26; (e), 27; (f), 28; (g),2 9 ; W. 3o; (j), 30; (k), 31; (1), 32; (m), 33; Rule XI, 33; Rule XII, 38, 41, 50. Sewing on a Button, 114. S coalescent, 13, 98-105; S final, i; S initial, i; S straight, i; Sc, 98; Sc final, 3; Scl loop lengthened, 25; Sh, 37; 81,97; Sir distinguished from sh, 12; Sp, 100; Squ, 100; St, 103; Sw, vi INDEX. 106; Shortened characters, no. Terminals joined, 38; Termin- als detached, 41; Terminals written across, 50; Terminals in the plural, 43; Trn, 29; Thn, thm, 109, Thw, 106; Tw, 105; The Gentleman, 116. The Dignity of Labor, 118. Un, no; Unite, 46. Vowel dot, 8-9; Vowel sounds, 8; vile, terminal, 39. W coalescent, 15, 105-107; Wh, 37; Wh enlarged for which; 38. Y, final, 5. Z, final, I. INTRODUCTORY. The following exercises are intended to be used in a practical application of the several rules of Eclectic Shorthand and are arranged in the same order in which these rules are given in the text-book. A large number of short sentences embracing various words illustrating the application of each rule are given. Throughout the book the words are spelled as they are to be written, and in Part I they are also so hyphenated as to indicate what letters of a word are to be represented by each written Shorthand character; e. g. the word deafen is spelled de-fn, indicat- ing that de is to be written by one character, viz: d on e position to express de, and/n also by one character; viz: / lengthened to express fn. Thus the student has the greatest possible simplification of the work before him. Having thoroughly studied a rule of the text-book, and practiced its lists of illustrative words, the student may very profitably practice the sentences herein given in illustration of the same rule. The object of the book is two-fold: first, to aid in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the art of Ec- lectic Shorthand, by supplying, for careful practice, Vlll INTRODUCTORY. copious sentences illustrative of the various rules; and, second, to furnish exercises to be used as a speed drill in securing rapidity in writing. To ac- complish these results the sentences should be re- peatedly and rapidly written. They are generally short and the pupil will easily retain them in mind, whether practicing alone or from dictation in classes. The necessity of presenting in each sentence as many illustrative words as possible, is such, that in Part I no attempt is made at literary character or merit. In Part II the sentences each comprise merely an illustrative word or two, and are mostly gems of thought. Part III comprises a few pages of choice literature, divided into sections of one hundred words each, to facilitate the speed drill exercise. The students' work should be carefully criticised and corrected, not only by himself with the aid of the Text-book, but also by some competent teacher or advanced student of the system. A thorough use of this book, either in classes or in private study, will prove a great aid to the student, and will be found to greatly accelerate his thorough and rapid acquisition of the art. July, 1891. THE AUTHOR. PART I. EXERCISES UNDER RULE I. (Text Book, p. 42.) I. Se me do thi-s. 2. Do you no-t se thi-s? 3. Wi-1 yu be the-r whe-n we ge-t the-r? 4. Wi-1 yu se hi-m fo-r me? [Remark. In words beginning with s, except si and st, use horizontal s; as in say, same, sat, etc] 5. Wi-1 yu no-t ta-c thi-s pe-n? 6. He ma no-t be the-r. 7. He se-d he wu-d be the-r by the ti-m we ge-t the-r. 8. He wi-1 wa-t fo-r yu to cu-m. 9. He du-z no-t wa-n-t me thi-s ti-m. [Remark. The final s or z are both represented by the straight s ; as in thus, thez this, thoz, etc.] io. He di-d no-t se yu to da di-d he? ii. Do yu fe-1 li-c wa-t-ng fo-r me? 12. Do no-t go ne-r the wa-t-r to da, John (Jo-n). 13. Do se how soo-n yu ca-n re-t-r-n. 14. Do yu ne-d me now? 15. Do yu wa-n-t mo-r wa-t-r? 16. Do se how fa-r yu ca-n keep (ce-p) fro-m the po-n-d. 17. Do no-t go to ne-r fo-r fe-r yu wi-1 fa-1. 18. He ca-n no-t go to da fo-r hi-z shu-z ne-d re-p-r-ng. 19. Bra-c, bra-c O se! 20. The ca-r-z wi-1 soo-n be fu-1. 21. The tra-n wi-1 soo-n be the-r. 22. Few me-n ma-c mu-n-y. 23. Wi-1 yu fi-x thi-s gu-n fo-r me? 24. I wi-1 no-t wa-t fo-r the gu-n to be fi-x-t. i 2 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 25. Why wi-1 yu no-t go tu? 26. Why do yu no-t si-t dovv-n? 27. Why wi-1 yu no-t si-t dow-n? 28. Why the ti-m pa-s-d so soo-n, I do no-t no. 29. Whe-r do yu li-v? 30. Whe-n wi-1 yu go ho-m? 31. Whe-n we-r yu the-r la-s-t? 32. Whe-n wi-1 yu vva-n-t thi-s ni-f? 33. Whe-n ca-n yu pa yu-r no-t? 34. I wi-1 pa my no-t whe-n du. 35. Who (hoo) ha-z my pe-n ni-f? 36. Why do yu choo-z to go to ni-t? 37. Why do yu fe-1 so, yu ca-n no-t ma-c the ma-t-r be-t-r by si-ing? [Remark. Use a dot at the end of any word to represent ing see (k) pages 73 and 78.] Do no-t fe-r to do ri-t now. 39. So tha said (se-d) to me, go to wo-r-c now fo-r we ne-d yu. 40. Let me sa to yu, thi-s wi-1 ne-v-r do, yu mu-s-t sto-p now. 41. How few know (no) how to li-v we-1. 42. Ce-p the ro-d to the ri-t, go to the ne-x-t tu-r-n, the-n ta-c the le-f-t ha-n-d ro-d to the fo-r-th hou-s. 43. To da we mu-s-t wo-r-c, fo-r to-m-r-o ma no-t cu-m. 44. Do no-t fe-r wh-a-t ma-n ma do to yu, ra-th-r fe-r Go-d. 45. Lu-v yu-r cou-n-t-ry, ce-p the law-z, do goo-d, ma-c mu-n-y to do gu-d wi-th, be generous (je-n-r-s), be civil (si-v-1), be no-bl, be tru to yourself (yur-s-1), to yu-r na-b-r, to yu-r Go-d. 46. The wa to we-l-th ma be " pla-n li-c the ro-d to ma-r-c-t," bu-t the-n mo-s-t me-n mu-s-t be bli-n-d. 47. Few me-n no wha-t mun-y ma be wo-r-th. 48. My boy lif! How de-r to me now se-m tho-z fo-n-d da-z lo-ng si-n-s go-n by, to re-t-r-n no mo-r to me. Le-t EXERCISES UNDER RULE II. 3 me ca-1 the-m ba-c! Cu-m to me now, ye bri-t da-z whe-n I sa-t by my mu-th-r-z ne to he-r he-r lu-v-d so-ng, whe-n I we-n-t wi-th my fa-th-r to hi-z da-z wo-r-c, whe-n I tu di-d my ta-sk [Remark. For final sc or sk see p. 83.] vvi-th fo-n-d ha-n-d-z, whe-n I sa-ng wi-th li-t ha-r-t, whe-n I ra-n wi-th quick (qi-c) foo-t, whe-n my laugh (la-f) the ga so-ng bi-r-d-z le-r-n-d to lo-ng fo-r; whe-n the ga spri-ng, the wa-r-m su-n, the ha-z-y fa-1, the co-l-d wi-n-t-r we-r fi-l-d wi-th che-r, wi-th la-f-t-r, wi-th so-ng. O ye spri-ng bu-dz, ye flow-r-z, ye fru-t-s, ye nu-t-s, ye bi-r-d-z, ye be-z, ye do-g-z, ye ho-r-s-z, ye she-p, ye cow-z, ye bri-t la-n-z, ye sha-d-y gro-v-z, ye lu-v-ly fe-l-d-z, ye so-l-m woo-d-z, ye fi-sh-ng cre-k-s, ye twi-s-t-d broo-c-s, ye li-m-p-d po-n-d-z, ye lu-v-ly la-c-s, ye gla-ry sca-t-ing fe-l-d-z, ye ce-n sca-t-s, ye li-t-s, ye sha-d-z, ye boy-z, ye gi-r-l-z, ye pi-z, ye dough-nuts, (do-n-t-s), ye fa-th-r, ye mo-th-r, ye bru-th-rz, ye si-st-r; how my fo-n-d ha-rt lo-v-z to li-n-g-r wi-th yu, tho the pe-r-sp-c-t-v be re-v-r-s-d. EXERCISES UNDER RULE II. (Text Book, p. 48.) I. Az if an ox (oc-s), an ass (as), an ap, as we-1 as an an-t, we-r al az wi-z az a ma-n. 2. Am I an oc-s tha-t I am ov no mo-r us to you? 3. Do yu as-c ov me an ap-1, an as-t-r, an eg; yu as-c in va-n, I am no-t ab-1 to gi-v yu ev-n an ap-1. 4. An oc-s 4 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. iz ov gra-t us to a ma-n. 5. An ap-1 iz li-c an eg, in tha-t it wi-1 bri-ng mo-r ap-l-z, az an eg wi-1 bri-ng mo-r eg-z. 6. An ac-r-n iz the fru-t ov an oc tre. 7. An ap-1 iz the fru-t ov an ap-1 tre. 8. Az of-n az yu do thi-s, do it fo-r me. 9. An honest (on-s-t), ac-t iz of-n ov gra-t us. 10. Ev-ry ov-r-t ac-t shu-d be ov us. 11. Bo-th the eg-z and ap-l-z se-m to be ov no us. 12. Wi-1 yu uz an ac-s to cu-t of an oc tre? 13. Iz an ac-s ov any (en-y) us to yu in an ef-r-t ov thi-s ci-n-d? 14. Yu mu-s-t pu-t on an ap-r-n ov-r your (ur) dre-s. 15. An ac-t ov thi-s ci-n-d iz an op-n me-n-a-s to us. 16. Uz az me-n-y ov the-m az yu ma hav [see shading for //] us fo-r. 17. Hav yu no hop ov hiz ev-r be-ing en-y be-t-r? 18. I as-c-d hi-m to op-n the do-r. 19. Iz an as-p-n tre az fi-n az an oc tre? 20. Ma-c the-m equal (ec-1) if po-s-bl [see coalescent bl, p. 30]. 21. I am of-n ov-r the-r, bu-t I am af-r-d I ma no-t ha-v ti-m to as-c an-d ge-t hi-z op-n-y-n ov the ma-t-r. 22. Yu ac-t az if an ap ha-z no fe-l-ing. 23. Wi-1 yu ha-v hi-m cu-m horn az soo-n az hi-z haf ov the wo-r-c iz du-n? 24. I hop to se him az soo-n az hiz ti-m wi-1 pe-r-m-t. 25. It iz no-t an ap-1 no-r an eg bu-t a plu-m. [Remark. The words an and a are written alike; in reading, the word written will always be determined by the initial letter of the word following it; if this be a vowel, the word is an; as, an ape, an ox ; and if the following initial letter be a consonant, the word is a; as, a man, a dog.} 26. It iz no-t EXERCISES UNDER RULE III. 5 az it ot to be, no-r iz it az it wi-1 be whe-n it iz du-n. 27. An ap-1, a nu-t, an oc-s, a boy, an ap-r-n, an ov-1, a pi-p, a boo-c. 28. I am of-n as-c-d if an ac-t iz az ba-d az it se-m-z to be. 29. Hiz hop iz ov no av-1. 30. Iz an eg ov-1? 31. Iz an ac-t ev-1 if no-t du-n fo-r an ev-1 pu-r-p-s? 32. He iz an ez-y ri-t-r. [Remark. Use minute y ior final y when it has the sound of short i ; az in easy, many, ready, etc] 33. He iz a gOO-d re-d-r. 34. I am ov the op-n-y-n tha-t he iz no-t ov az goo-d sto-c az he se-z he iz. 35. I hav no-t haf a cha-n-s, an-d I am af-r-d I am ov no us to yu in thi-s wo-r-c. 36. She ma-d an af-g-n fo-r my au-nt (an-t). 37. It iz an honor (on-r) to us. 38. Hav-ing pu-t on hi-z un-f-r-m he ac-t-d we-1 hi-z pa-r-t. 39. Ple-z ge-t up fro-m of thi-z hep [see initial h, p. 80] ov ap-l-z. 40. If he iz no-t up az soo-n az I am, I am shu-r I mu-s-t go an-d se him. 41. Hev him ov-r ag-n he iz ov no us to us now. 42. How lo-ng ag-o iz it si-n-s he haz ac-t-d thu-s? 43. Hiz hop iz van. 44. He iz ap-t to am to hi. 45. Hiz am iz not hi en-f. 46. Haz he hiz boo-c in hiz ha-n-d? 47. A hin-t to the wi-z iz en-f. 48. As-c him if hiz ac-s iz at hiz sho-p. EXERCISES UNDER RULE III. (Text Book. p. 50.) I. Ar al ol-d me-n to ad hi-z cau-z? 2. Ar tha al aw-a fro-m horn, or ar tha al at horn? 3. I O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. ad-m-t it ought (aut or ot) to be. 4. Iz it al az it aut to be? 5. Iz it an ol-d or a young (un-g) one (on)? 6. Wi-1 it ad anything (en-y-ing) to the ez ov le-r-n-ing the ar-t to no whe-r to ri-t the vow-l-z? 7. Give (gi) us ech on mo-r eg az the-z ar al et-n up. 8. Ah in-d-d hav yu al le-r-n-d thi-s wa ov et-ing it? 9. Ar we al on han-d? 10. Ye-s we ar al here (her) ech at hiz oar (or). 11. Az it iz al ov-r now, it iz az wel to talk (ta-c) ov it. 12. If it iz al az it haz bi-n it wi-1 do to ad to it. 13. It aut to aid (ad) him in hiz ol-d age (aj). 14. It wi-1 no-t do to ad to it at thi-s ti-m. 15. Tha al loo-c-t at ech oth-r at once (on-s). 16. Tha ar al at it ag-n. 17. Tha ar al ar-m-d wi bo-z an-d ar-o-z. 18. Wi-1 it, or wi-1 it no-t ad him in an efr-t to le-r-n the ar-t? 19. Ar yu aware (aw-r) tha-t the ar ov thi-s roo-m aut to be cha-n-j-d? [Remark. Use angularly joined g for j or soft g in cases similar to this.] 20. At wha-t do yu sa ah my de-r? 21. It wi-1 be at it-s be-s-t al da lo-ng. 22. We-r yu at the oth-r ej ov it at en-y ti-m af-t-r thi-s? 23. Ar the-r no oth-r-z bu-t the-z? 24. We-r yu at eth-r ov the oth-r-z? 25. It iz goo-d fo-r al ad-l-ts, and aut to be of-n uz-d. 26. It iz my op-n-y-n tha-t it aut to ad to it-s va-l-u mo-r tha-n it-s co-s-t. 27. Az soo-n az it iz al in, it wi-1 be we-1 to as-c him ag-n if it iz no-t hiz idea (id-a) tha-t he aut to ad mo-r to it? 28. Ar al the ol-d pe-pl aw-c? 29. Tha ar al by the EXERCISES UNDER RULE IV. 7 er-z at the oth-r hou-s. 30. The cau-z ov ol-d Ir-l-n-d iz rou-z-ing the in-t-r-s-t ov al lo-v-r-z ov the ra-s. 31. Ar yu al fo-n-d ov ot-s? 32. If it et-s al it aut to it wi-1 soo-n be ovr it-s il-n-s. 33. It iz al ve-ry el-g-n-t. 34. Tha ar al ar-a-d in goo-d or-d-r. 35. The or-g-n iz ol-d and al out ov or-d-r. 36. Al er-z ar op-n to her it-s aj. 37. If yu ar not aw-r tha-t it iz ov no us at al to ar-g-u it, oth-r-z ar we-1 aw-r ov it, and yu wi-1 soo-n aw-c to the fa-c-t. 38. Ar yu no-t aw-r tha-t pe-pl ar aw-c-n-ing to an in-t-r-s-t in it al ovr the earth (er-th or ur-th). EXERCISES UNDER RULE IV. (Text Book, p. 54.) I. We ar out ov oil. Al our outposts (out-p-s-t-s) ar in im-n-n-t da-n-j-r. 2. We mu-st loo-c out fo-r it at th-e ve-ry out-s-t. 3. The aut-cr-t of the bre-c-f-st ta-bl jz al out ov so-r-t-s. 4. The out-l-c fo-r the oys-t-r cro-p iz ve-ry [shade minute y for ry\ poo-r. 5. Iz thi-s our ca-k ov oin-t-mn-t? Ye-s it iz our-z. 6. It iz an ev-n-t ov aw-f-1 im-p-r-t. 7. The out-l-c iz fi-n. 8. Thi-s wi-1 out-1-s-t the oth-r. 9. Yu ma if yu wi-1 op-n the out-r do-r. 10. An oun-s ov pre-v-n-sh-n iz be-t-r tha-n a pou-n-d ov cu-r. 11. It iz an out-r-t in-j-s-t-s and out-r-j. 12. He wi-1 no-t be out-w-t-d no-r out-s-1-d. He iz a pe-r-f-c-t out-l-aw. 13. The out-l-a iz us-l-s. 14. It iz a me-r out-l-n ov it, an-d it aut to be our am to pe-r-f-c-t 8 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. it at the ve-ry out-s-t. 15. In one (on) sho-r-t our al our out-p-t haz bi-n ous-t-d. 16. The our-z ov our youth (uth) wi-1 soo-n al hav out-r-n us. 17. Le-t us so uz the-m tha-t the out-l-c ma be che-r-ing to our fre-n-d-z an-d as-ur-ing to our-s-1-v-z. 18. She ra-n up an aw-fl bi-1. 19. I bo-t it at an auc-sh-n. 20. He iz an aus-t-r man. 11. It iz al ve-ry awk-w-r-d. 22. How men-y oun-s-z in a pou-n-d? 23. The oil iz al ooz-ing out ov the oil ca-n. 25. It iz the co-r-t of oy-r an-d te-r-mn-r. 25. Wha-t iz our auth-r-t-y fo-r our ac-t. 26. He iz fa-r-ly out-w-t-d. 27. We we-r quite (qi-t) out ov oil, an-d so to-l-d him at the out-s-t bu-t he we-n-t out wi-ou-t it, ve-ry mu-ch pu-t out ab-ou-t it. 28. He wi-1 out-r-n al the oth-r z. EXERCISES UNDER VOWEL SOUNDS. (Text Book, p. 43.) I. I sa I saw him fal. 2. I feel (fe-1) ez-y en-f. 3. It iz fate (fa-t) tha-t mo-v-z me. 4. I do no-t now know (no). 5. Not now. No-t no. 6. He iz na-m-d Sau-1. 7, Sha-1 I fill (fi-1) this? 8. Sha-1 I file (fi-1) thi-s? 9. Sha-1 we fi-t thi-s? 10. Sha-1 we fight (fi-t) thi-s? ii. Wha-t iz on thi-s new pa-n? 12. Pa him hiz fee (fe). 13. Gi-v him a few. 14. Wha-t a si-n. 15. Wha-t a sign (si-n). 16. Iz thi-s the note (no-t)? 17. Iz thi-s the knot (no-t)? 18. On tha-t. One (on) that. [Remark. Place the dot for EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT R, RULE V. Q the long vowel close at the left of a vowel a, i, or o and v, c, and iv, and close above the vowels e, u, and the consonants b, x and z\ and place the diphthong dot on the opposite side in each case]. 19. On ti-m. One (on) ti-m. 20. I ca-m fo-r my own (on) sake (sac). I ca-m fo-r my on sack (sa-c). 21. Iz thi-s my ca-p? Iz thi-s my cape (ca-p)? 22. How about (ab-t) thi-s suit (su-t)? How ab-t thi-s thi-s soo-t? 23. Her na-m iz Mau-d. [Remark. If proper names are capitalized the use of the diacritical dots to mark them will seldom be necessary.] 24. He str-u-c a snake (sna-c). He str-u-c a sna-g. 25. Iz it a sna-c or sna-g? [Remark. The hook for c or k and g are alike. See text book, p. 83"]. 26. You ar a sni-p. You ar a snipe (sni-p). 27. Han-d me tha-t sna-1 she-1. Hand me tha-t sma-1 she-1. 28. Wi-1 yu sell (se-1) thi-s? Wi-1 yu seal (se-1) thi-s? 29. How di-d he fail (fa-1)? How di-d he fall (fa-1)? 30. Wi-1 it spill (spi-1)? Wi-1 it spoil (spi-1)? 31. Wake (wa-c) up. Walk (wa-c) up. 32. I aim (am) at it. I am at it. EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT R, RULE V. (Text Book, p. 57.) I. The sea (se) bro-c oer (or) the fa-t-d ba-r-c. 2. The wa-t-r iz bra-c-sh, bu-t bra-s-ing. 3. Bru-sh of tho-z bu-r-z. 4. Thi-s bre-z iz fre-sh. 5. Thi-s fre fi-r is ki-n-d-1-d by the goo-d fri-r. It iz fre to da, an-d I fe-r it wi-1 ne-v-r be fre-r. 7. Pre-v-s to thi-s no on wa-z pe-r-m-t-d to po-r ov-r its fra-gr-n-t s IO ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. pa-j-z. 8. The-r we-r thre fre tra-z ov fre-sh an-d dri-d fru-t-s, fro-m al pa-r-t-s ov the wo-r-l-d, fre fo-r al. 9. I am ti-r-d ov try-ing to tri-m the tre-z, se-d he, an-d am fre to sa tha-t I fe-r no fu-r-thr tre tri-m-ing wi-1 be du-n by thi-s pe-r-sn thi-s ye-r. 10. He pre-f-r-z to pe-r-f-r-m thi-s pri-t-y pe-s ov cri-m-p-ing fo-r her pe-r-sn-1 us. n. The cru-1 bear (ba-r) cru-sh-d it-s cri-n-j-ing fo-r-m whi-1 the poo-r cre-t-r ut-r-d no-t a cry ov te-r-r, bu-t bra-v-ly tri-d to ta-r the thr-o-t ov the te-r-bl mon-st-r. 12. Fre-sh cu-r-j thri-l-d ev-ry hart, [see rule 7, p. 63 and 64], az al pre-zn-t herd how fre-ly the fre-sh wa-t-r cla-m-z had cli-m-d to the sho-r. 13. He wa-z cle-r-ly se-t fre from al fo-r-m-r cla-m-z. 14. The bru-s-c fa-r-mr wa-z in a pri-t-y ba-d fram ov min-d whe-n the pla clo-z-d. 15. Ovr the bu-t-fl fe-l-d-z, bu-r-d-n-d wit-h (wi) fre-sh mon gra-s, the bri-t bi-r-d-z flew fre. 16. The di-r-t-y ca-r wa-z crow-d-d, cram-d wi the poo-r cre-t-r-z. 17. The cle-f-t clou-d-z slo-ly pa-r-t-d an-d the bri-t ra-z bri-1-n-t-ly li-t-d the mi-d-1 fo-r-gr-n-d, tha-t gle-m-d li-c a glo-r-f-d cam-e-o on the blu bla-c hor-zn. 18. Bri-t gre-n gra-s fla-m-ing wi go-l-d-n flow-r-z su-r-n-d-d us. 19. She bru-sh-d aw-a her bri-m-ing te-r-z, bu-t tri-d in van to dry her bu-r-st-ing hart. 20. She shra-n-c shre-c-ing from it-s fe-r-s gla-r-ing iz. 21. Shri-v me, shri-v me, she cri-d. 22. Rou-n-d the co-r-n-r she cre-pt, cry-ing, cu-r-s-ing, pra-ing, EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT R, RULE V. II shre-c-ing, te-r-f-y-ing al hart-s by her fren-z-d man-r. 23. The co-r-n crop iz ve-ry poo-r thru al thi-s pra-ry re-j-n. 24. The stre-m iz mo-r croo-c-d from thi-s tu-r-n thru it-s hoi [minute h, see rule 9] co-r-s. 25. The fra-gr-n-s ov the-z flow-r-z iz ve-ry re-fr-sh-ing. 26. The fre-sh-n-s ov tha-r fru-t iz frequently (fre-c-n-t-ly) re-m-r-c-d. 27. Te-r-f-d by the te-r-f-c sto-r-m she stru-gl-d thru the da-r-c ro-d stru-n wi bra-n-ch-z ov tre-z, thru-st-ing her wa thru, wi fi-r-m tre-d, un-t-1 she tri-pd [see rule 7], gra-t-fl in-t her fa-th-r-z brow-n co-t-j. 28. The ol-d cron [see rule 6] gru re-d and [see rule 8] gren [see rule 6J by tu-r-n-z, because (be-cz) [see rule 10, (1,) pages 74 and 78] we thre had [see rule 7] so thoroughly (thu-rly) [see rule 9] ri-dd her ov her crem; az tho it we-r a crim to li-c fre-sh crem. 29. He pre-fr-z to pe-r-frm thi-s tri-c wi tri-pl ba-r-z ov tri-d bra-s. 30. The tre-m-bl-ing, te-r-fl to-nz [see (j) rule 10, pages 73 and 77], un-str-ing on-z ev-ry ne-r-v. 31. Cor-c-t pra-c-t-s wi-1 pe-r-f-c-t her ev-ry gra-s. 32. If yu da-r, wi-1 yu no-t ple-z draw me sum pu-r wa-tr, fo-r I am dre-d-fly dry. 33. To drown [see (b) rule 8] ur tru-bl in drem-z or drin-c we-r pu-r fo-ly; twe-r be-t-r fa-r to tru-st ur pow-r to bre-st, to tre-d upn, to ri-z su-pr-m [see (b) pages 71 and 76], to fre ur min-d from ca-r and tru-bl, than thu-s by drin-c-ing grat-r tru-bl crow-d ur hart [see rule 7], wi bu-r-d-nz un-br-bl. 34. A lit-i fi-r ma cu-r a sma-1 bu-r-n, bu-t do no-t 12 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. drin-c fi-r be-cz, per-ch-ns, yu ma hav bu-r-n-d ur frizzes (fri-zz). EXERCISES UNDER COALESGENT L. (Text Book, p. 58.) I. Wi-1 it ple-z the plow boy to pla ba-1 fo-r glo-ry? 2. Ple-z go slo-ly [see st page 34, and slowly page 60] ur che-cs glo to mu-ch now. 3. Ple-z go slower (slo-r). [Remark. Turn the r circle on the right side of si to distinguish it from sh, which always has the circle on the left, except when followed by / or c\. 4. Hav yu so-ld [see rule 7] ur sle-d? 5. Let us get the sle-d and ta-c a sli-d down hil. 6. Yu mu-st [see (a) pages 71 and 75] not pla wi tha-t pa-1. 7. Fi-1 the flu fu-1 ov flow-r-z. 8. Di-d yu se how he fe-lt whe-n he fle-d? 9. He tri-d but fa-Id to fly. 10. The floo-d had fi-ld al the flu-m. 11. Tha fle-d wi fle-t ste-p-s. 12. The edge (e-j) waz [see rule 10, (1.) 74], flu-sh wi the flange (fla-nj). 13. Do you fe-1 li-c pla-ing the flu-t? 14. The fla-m-z flu from pla-s to pla-s, unt-1 the hoi blo-c waz a she-t ov fla-m and glo-ing em-br-z. 15. He fe-1 fu-1 length (le-n-th) int the floo-d. 16. Wi-1 yu ple-z hand me that [see (a) rule 8] blu bo-1 fu-1 ov mi-l-c? 17. The win-d blu ma-d-ly. 18. What a bloo-m-ing blu-sh. [Remark. Join the enlarged circle for sh and ch, to bl angularly, to distinguish the combination from the enlarged initial ch.] 19. If one (on) could (cu) ble-ch out tho-z blo-ch-z her fa-s wu be quite (qit) beut-fl. 20. The ro-s-y blu-sh ov morn apr-z. 21. EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT L. 13 With (wi) ble-r-d iz. [Remark. The r circle after bl should be turned on the upper side to distinguish blr from ch in which the circle turns on the under side]. 22. He loo-c-d on me wi bier iz. 23. The thun-d-r-z bla-r. The bla-r ov tru-m-pt-s. 24. The can-dl had bur-n-d to the mi-dl. 25. Tha we-r al in the sa-dl. 26. It wen-t wa-dl-ing, fla-p-ing, fly-ing. 27. The fla-g waz fly-ing at haf ma-st. 28. The-r stu-d [rule 7, b] the flo-c in the mi-dl ov the stre-m, whil the fla-m-z le-pd clo-s to them. 29. Az a cla-s tha ar cle-n and pla-s-id, but az slo and glu-m az owl-z. 30. Hiz ad-r-s iz ple-z-ing, hiz manr gle-fl, hiz language (la-ng) cla-s-cl, hiz hoi ar iz cla-d in the bloo-m ov fre-sh verdure (ve-r-d-r); an our wi him le-vz [see (1) pages 74 and 78] a mem-ry az ov the blo-sm and fra-grn-s ov flow-rz. 31. Whe-n he ca-l-z hiz cla-s, clo-z the do-r and bli-ndz [see (j) pages 73, 77] cli-m the la-d-r and bio out that fli-c-r-ing lit. 31. He sly-ly sli-pt a slu-g int the mu-zl ov hiz gun and bla-z-d aw-a, and aw-a flew the hoi flo-c, flu-t-r-ing and fla-p-ing tha-r wi-ngz in ve-ry gle. 33. The ble-s-d be-l-z, how tha cla-ng, cla-ng, cla-ng! 34. Slo-ly and sly-ly the sle-d sli-d down the sli-p-ry, sli-my, slu-s, az sli-c az a cla-m sli-d-z int its shal-o shel. EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT S. (Text Book, p. 60.) I. It iz a grat ske-m. She iz a ske-m-ing, 14 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. sc-o-ld-ing, scre-ch-ing, squa-1-ing, scraw-ny, [ (b) rule 8] scru-by, spe-smn ov the genus (je-n-s) ho-m-o. 2. I shal si-t sti-1 unt-1 the stu-f iz al spre-d out. 3. The squa-r del-ing clo-th-ing hou-s iz clo-z-d. 4. He iz so spry yu can afrd [ (a) rule 8] to spa-r him. 5. Take (ta-c) a si-p ov thi-s spi-s-d te. 6. Wi al the seepage (se-p-j) from thi-s spo-n-j soi-1 we can-nt hop to get cle-r, pu-r spri-ng wa-tr. 7. Spri-ng iz spre-d-ing its so-f-t gren car-pt ovr al thi-s fa-r la-p ov ur-th. 8. Se the dainty (dan-t) [see ty page 98] pu-r-pl ste-1-ing slo-ly thru that clu-m-p ov cra-b tre-z; that sti-1 dan-tr gra spre-d-ing it-s ma-j-cl fi-lm [see rule 6] ovr that ta-ngl ov vin-z and haz-l-z, that ineffably (in-f-bly) [use bl for bly\ te-nd-r ye-l-o ov wi-l-oz [see (1) pages 74 and 78] win-d-ing thru that je-m spa-ngl-d me-d-o and spre-d agn-st that pe-rly [minute r for rly\ gra sky. g. O swe-t, swe-t hevn [rules ir and 8] how lo-v-ly thy pa-nt-ing! could (cu) on but ske-ch what on can se, and spre-d on can-vs one (on) immortal (im-r-tl) in-ch ov the lo-v-ly-ns [for ns see (j) pages 73 and 77] ov spri-ng. 10. That but-fl spo-r-t ov a bi-r-ch, fi-ld wi the spi-r-t ov spri-ng, spre-d-z it-s gra-s-fl spra-z to the bre-z, whil it-s go-l-dn [lengthen / for Id and extend it for n] ca-t-c-ns swe-1 wi prid, and glo wi beu-t. II. Stu-nt-d in groth, stri-pd ov it-s nat-rl beu-t, the-r it stud, a sa-d su-g-j [write / under sg for jestion see terminal, page 97] ov what wi mo-r EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT W. 1$ je-n-rs cu-lt-r it mi-t hav bin. 12. Stre-ch-d on a pa-It ov straw, stri-cn wi diz-ez [write e on z position, prefixing dis loop, see dis page 112 and writings, page 114 first column] in squa-l-d po-v-r-t, sco-r-nd by the world and spu-r-nd by fre-n-dz, la thi-s re-ch-d spe-smn. ov sla-nt hum-n-t. 13. Cho-p-r spa-r that tre, stri-c no-t ur stu-r-dy blo-z, spre-d fo-r us it-z le-f-y la-dn bow-z. 14. Ple-z do the squa-r thing (squa-r-thing) now. 15. Sta-nd up, sta-nd up fo-r man-h-d. 16. It mu-st be spa-r-d from cho-pr-z waz, and hav a pe-s-fl end. 17. The smoo-th spa-r-cl-ing snow spre-d it-s i-s-y man-tl, stre-ch-ing mi-1 on tni-1 whe-r-vr the eg-l-z eye cu sca-n; not a sta-r ra spru-ng from the le-dn sky; at la-st a pu-r-pl li-n ski-m-d the rio-r-th-r-n hor-zn, and soon it stre-ch-d from est to we-st, spre-d-ing around (arn-d) us a wid, smoo-th be-lt; stu-nt-d tre-z dru ne-r us her and the-r in sca-t-r-d gru-p-z; slo-ly the so-lm fo-r-st stre-ch-d it-s scra-gy arm-z arn-d us and drew us int the si-ln-t gra-ri-d-r ov it-s sple-n-dd boo-sm, and as-urd our aw stri-cn spi-r-t-s in it-s wa-r-m em-br-s. EXERCISES UNDER COALESCENT W. (Text Book, p. 61.) I. Twi-s hav I swe-pt thi-s dwe-1-ing. 2. Dwa-r-f no-t ur swe-t so-1 by twi-rl-ing ur fon-d hart in ev-ry ma-r-c-t. 3. Twi-s hav yu thwa-r-td me, twi-s l6 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. hav yu twi-td me, twi-s hav yu swi-chd me, twi-s hav yu twi-s-td me, twi-s hav yu twe-c-d me, t\vi-s hav yu thvva-c-d me; and fo-r thi-s swa-r-m ov swe-1-ing il-z, I hav swo-r-n yu shal swi-ng on thi-s twi-rl-ing twi-n, unt-1 ur dwa-r-f-d twi-t-r-ing sol shal hav dwi-nd-ld to the siz and va-l-u ov a twe-dl-de. 4. Twi-1 no-t an-s-r to uz that twi-n, 'twi-1 twi-rl and twi-rl unt-1 'ti-z al un-tw-s-td. 5. The-r he waz swi-ng-ing, swe-1-ing, swe-t-ing, swa-r-ing ti-1 hiz swi-ng-ing so-1 swi-sh-d out, and he swa-pd wo-rld-z. 6. Twi-s twe-l-v ar twe-n-t fo-r, twi-s twe-l-v ti-mz twe-n-t fo-r ar twi-s twe-n-t fo-r ti-mz twe-l-v. 7. I swa-r 'twa-z no-t my purp-s [see (e) pages 72, 76] to thwa-r-t ur swe-t wil. EXERCISES UNDER RULE VI. (Text Book, p, 62.) I. Whil al men hav or-gn-z fo-r sin-g-ing, and mo-st men can sin-g, but few men ar bo-rn di-vn sin-gr-z. 2. So men-y yerz [see (1) pages 74, 78] ov con-st-nt pan-s-t-c-ing, fun-d-mn-tl, tra-n-ing, mu-st be gi-vn to the art, that but few men be-cm fin sin-gr-z, and not on man ov a mil-l-yn be-cm-z a fam-s sin-gr. 3. Ov the men-y un-g men and wimn hoo be-gn a co-l-g co-r-s, few be-cm ju-n-r-z, and mo-st ov them sin-c from si-t before (fro) [see before, page 117] tha re-ch the sen-y-r cla-s. 4. Men-y ov the men hoo cum from Fran-s drin-c win. EXERCISES UNDER RULE VI. 17 5. The men hoo ar sti-1 confi-nd [see (con) pages 112, 113] in the win-tr qa-r-tr-z wan-t to be (to-b) [Remark. The word be may often be attached to a preceding word.] sen-t ovr the moun-t-nz and ar won-d-r-ing how soon the sumn-z wil cum from tha-r coma-nd-r to joi-n tha-r compa-nnz. 6. I am [Remark. Upward 7 across the line makes ir and is used as a sign for I ant] so-ry to-b ob-l-j-d to in-f-rm yu that the old man iz ve-ry in-frm, and it iz the sen-s of hiz fren-dz [Remark. Use ds loop, or enlarged ns sign for nds] that hiz fam-ly shud-b at on-s in-f-r-m-d ov hiz condi-shn, and that, if yu can coma-nd the mun-y, yu shud at on-s sen-d it fo-r him to-b ta-cn horn. 7. The win-tr haz to the pre-sn-t ti-m, bi-n un-cmn-ly fin, and nun but an in-sn man wu compla-n ov it. 8. I waz in the coun-tr thi-s morn-ing and saw the sun riz-ing from the gran-d-st hor-zn ov in-cmpr-bl won-dr-z, ov gra and pur-pl, and crim-zn and go-Id, that waz ever seen by mo-r-tl man. 9. We sen-d yu thi-s morn-ing a consin-mnt ov un-cmn-ly fin win-tr ap-l-z. 10. She iz no-t on-ly quen ov son-g, but her manr-z ar in-cmpr-bly win-ing, swe-t and womn-ly. 11. It iz a won-dr-fl in-vn-shn, and can-nt but fi-n-d a fre-nd in ev-ry re-fn-d man and womn. 12. The ung men wi-1 hav fin fun, az ma-b sen from the pro-grm. 13. I saw sum se-vn seamen (semn) ta-c-ing salmon (samn). 14. Did yu sa fremn or fomn? 15. It iz-nt. [Remark. Nt for the word not may be frequently united to a 18 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. preceding word]. 16. It iz not un-cmn to fi-nd grown men and wimn worn to ski-n and bon by thi-s intr-mn-bl famn. 17. Tha sumnd ev-ry fremn, ev-ry ad-It man and womn, to conve-n on the comn. 18. I hav sen men-y men van ov thar pe-r-sn-1, men-y fin lu-c-ing men, men-y handsome (han-sm) wimn, men-y gran-d spe-smn-z ov the hum-n fo-rm di-vn, but thi-s calm (cam) sum-r morn-ing, stud before (fro) me the gran-d-st po-s-bl spe-smn ov a pe-r-f-ct physical (fi-s-cl) hum-n in the fo-rm ov a wild ind-yn. 19. The gran iz sti-1 gren but haz ma-d a gran-d groth. 20. He haz gon wi hiz gun to the pin woo-dz [see (a) pages 71, 75], hop-ing that by gun-ing am-ng the pin od-r-z he ma re-gn hiz stre-nth, [ shortened for adding tK\. 21. The prin-s-pl gran gron iz gren pe-z. 22. The prin-s-pl part ov the pri-nt-ing dun by the pri-ntr-z ov pin run iz prin-td wi poo-r in-c. 23. Men-y men ov men-y min-dz, men-y bi-r-d-z ov men-y cin-dz, men-y fish-z in the se, men-y men that don-t agr-e. EXERCISES UNDER RULE VII. (Text Book, p. 63.) I. He had a grat hat. 2. The hat waz to he-v-y for hiz head (hed). 3. The hard hat hurt hiz hed. 4. Whe-r did yu get that hat? 5. Whe-n had yu nerd he had lo-st hi-z hat? 6. I had hiz hat on my hed, but he got it and put it on hiz on hed, and EXERCISES UNDER RULE VII. IQ then hid the hat wher I cu hard-ly fi-nd it. 7, He hatd me whe-n I had dun him no har-m. 8. What shud-be dun to het the shot? 9. He had sold us a hard lot ov whit whet, and whe-n he ca-ld fo-r the hard ca-sh [see sh and ch, p. 19], we fe-lt lie let-ing him wat. 10. He had a lit hart and a lit hed, and hiz fin-gr-z be-cm lit. n. Let ur lit shi-n. 12. We fe-lt the co-Id shad mo-r than the grat het. 13. He had got-n hiz ha-n-sm swe-t-hrt a prit-y sun-shad. 14. Had he no-t chetd me I shud hav pad him lo-ng ag-o. 15. He had hetd it to a whit het and stood chat-ing wi Hat-y, hiz swet-hrt, whe-n we herd a grat re-port, [see (re) pages 112, 115] 16. Put on ur hat and let us go and get sum ov tho-z prit-y lit-1 whit daisies (da-zz). 17. He sold the wi-ld colt and fe-lt great-ly rel-v-d [make r minute for re I.} 1 8. We had hard-ly got-n thru the wild sen, whe-n he ca-ld lou-d-ly, re-petd-ly and vau-ltd thru the so-l-id wa-1 ov fi-r; in van I should, lit-n ur lo-d he fo-ldd it clo-sr and wi-ld-ly spra-ng int the grat cau-ldrn. [Lengthen and shade the /, and carry it across the c to add .] 19. The solid (so-ld) me-tl waz soon me-ltd and the mo-ltn ma-s boi-ld in the cau-ldrn lie a go-ldn li-cr. 20. If the wo-rld we-r fi-ld wi the cu-rl-d, na-rl-d, sou-r, wi-ld cra-bz, it wu also (al-s) 'be fil-d wi the spri-ng pu-r-pl and the fra-gr-nt and beu-t-fl blo-sm. 21. In the wo-rld-z brod fe-ld ov ba-tl. 22. The grat bald eg-1 un-f-rl-d hiz un-s-ld 2O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. win-g and sa-ld co-ld-ly ovr al the de-s-lt fe-ld. 23. He fa-ltrd not but ca-ld lou-d-ly wi so-ld vois; hoo ki-ld Walter Waldo (wa-ltr wa-ld-o.) EXERCISES UNDER RULE VIII. (Text Book, p. 65.) I. That iz no-t a bad thot, but the bred iz to old to b uzd in that wa, and in the end wu-b r-uined (rund). 2. I did-nt int-nd to intr-fr abt tht, but, in the end, I did. 3. He iz from the est end and no-t apt to act bad abt it. 4. I am afrd that aft-r that act he wi-1 dred the debate (de-bt). 5. It wi-1 ned to-b drid, but it mu-st no-t be hetd. 6. It iz both broad (brod) and brit, and the bet-r but no-t the brit-r fo-r be-ing bit-r. 7. He had but a me-r bit ov bred and but-r. 8. That iz but a bad bit ov nud art, and in-dd aut nt to-b al-owd to-b exhibited (xi-ptd). 9. But it aprd that at that dat, he waz-nt out ov det, and did-nt int-nd to pa the det-s he owed (od). 10. Hiz act-s ind-c-t hiz apt-ns and int-n-shn, but he can-nt afrd to so act az to of-nd the art clu-b. n. He wi-1 aw-at hiz ant-s and int-ndz to fi-nd the pla-s ov as-nt. 12. Go ahead (ahd), I wi-1 aw-at yu abt the est end ov the old bot la-nd-ing. 13. If yu ned to lu-c into (int) it and ar apt to ned anth-r par ov boot-s befor (fro) I get ba-c, hand that ord r to my old aj-nt, and he wi-1 let yu hav what yu ned. 14. That iz a ve-ry EXERCISES UNDER RULE VIII. 21 brut-1 thret and yu aut no-t-b al-owd to hint at su-ch dred-fl act-s. 15. I hav-nt herd a hint abt hiz hand-ling it, and I am afrd he can-nt afrd to hand-1 it. 1 6. I can-nt afrd to le-nd my be-st bot, and I had hopd thi-s wu end it, but it sem-z not to hav op-nd hiz iz. 17. He wi-1 bet abt the bu-sh, and I thin-c that to end it at thi-s poi-nt wi-1-nt-b a bad id-a. 1 8. He thret-nd that if it waz obt-nd, he wu-nt gi hiz as-nt to it-s be-ing uzd. 19. Waz-nt the end-ing ov the thi-r-d act at the old thet-r la-st [see (c) pages 71, 76] nit de-lt-fl? 20. Did yu (did-y) sa yu did-nt ned to hav uzd the rou-nd end ov that old bot hoo-c? 21. I hopd yu wu hunt rou-nd and fi-nd out al abt it, and fo-r that re-zn I did-nt hint at it. 22. Tha uzd but on pou-nd and did-nt ned to uz mo-r. 23. He thret-nd that he and And-r-u, hiz bruth-r, wu undr-tc to entr at the est end, and I acrd-ingly tri-d to cep the gat at the est end clo-z-d. 24. We had, at that dat, an intr-st in that old sto-c, and on the te-nth ov Oct. the sto-r waz so-ld and al that old sto-c tu-r-nd ovr to the old cre-dt-r-z. 25. The thred that tha uzd waz att-gthr to britl. (b) i. At noon tha se-t out agn, ben-t at al evn-t-s upn fi-nd-ing tha-r arm-z. 2. In that evn-t it wi-1 soon be known (non) and the te-n-dn can agn-b fou-nd. 3. It iz a we-1 non itm foun-dd upn fa-ct. 4. Ma-c out thi-s bi-1 in itm-z, no-t in amn-t, 22 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. I wan-t to se-tl the acn-t. 5. I did-nt ac-spt, and on no acn t wi-1 I ac-spt the evn amn-t. 6. Tha did-nt evn apn-t an acn-t-nt to itm-iz [sec (1) pages 74, 78] the acn-ts and it waz soon sen that the amn-t waz ro-ng. 7. It-iz [see (e) pages 74, 78] a me-r itm am-ng the oth-r itm-z and iz alon (aln) ov no acn-t. 8. Cum arn-d thi-s evn-ing, and bri-ng Jo-n aln-g, and we wi-1 act upn the ca-s and apn-t the ti-m ov the next (ne-x) me-t-ing. 9. The arm-y we-r re-st-ing upn tha-r arm-z. 10. In the evn-t of the apn-t-mn-t ov an acn-t-nt, by the apn-t-ing of-sr, we wi-1 se that he at on-s lu-c-s up al the im-prt-nt itm-z. n. We rel-i upn the lo-j-c ov fu-t-r evn-t-s to elm-n-t the-z itm-z from the to-tl amn-t and co-r-c-t the acn-t. 12. Not al loo-c upn su-ch evn-t-s az the ben-v-1-ns ov hevn. 13. The nin then cam down agn to the din-ing roo-m, and hav-ing etn din-r, wen-t out agn upn the bal-cn-y and be-gn drum-ing upn the dran pip-s, [see (e) pages 72, 76], whe-n the cler-c aprd upn the sen, and dem-n-dd to no why tha wer drum-ing on the dran pip-s. 14. Tha to-l-d him he mu-st-b drem ing, den-id that tha had bin drum-ing on the dran pip-s, and then dem-n-dd why he had thron tha-r din-r ba-g down from the win-d-o. 15. The cler-c then fi-r-st den-id thro-ing down tha-r din-r, and then to-ld them to min-d tha-r on biz-ns, cum down and pa tha-r bil-z and then thin out. 16. I thin-c he thin-c-s yu thin-c that he iz ve-ry un-thn-c-fl. EXERCISES UNDER RULE IX. 23 17. Then down he thum-pd nin thim-bl-z ov them, and nun ov them sma-lr than a nin pin. 18. I thin-c it waz dun in hiz nam, and nun ov them cu hav dun it bet-r. 19. Hav nun ov them bin her? 20. Do yu blo-ng to this ba-nd? 21. Bou-nd wi ba-nd-z ov stel. [Remark. In the combinations band, bend, bind, bent, etc., it is better not to diminish the b but to write both b and n, shortening the n to express the following d or /.] 22. This ba-nd shu-d-b mor ti-t-ly bou-nd. 23. Ta-c the ba-nd-j from hiz iz. EXERCISES UNDER RULE IX. (Text Book p. 68.) i. The chil-d shal pla in the hal; let her ta-c her whcl and pla, that she ma no-t get chily whil wat-ing for Flo-r-a. 2. It iz pla-n-ly evd-nt that Ne-ly iz fo-nd ov Bi-ly, and I am prep-r-d to sto-p the fo-ly. 3. The si-ly chil-d iz re-d-ly drawn int any (en) fo-ly in pla that wi-1 fi-1 her wi gle. 4. I to-l-d him pla-n-ly that I shud shurly hol-d him to acn-t fo-r the hoi plo-t. 5. Hiz pie waz ba-sd pu-rly on the flimsy (fli-m-s) [see sy, p. 98], stat-mn-t ov Gla-sn-r, that a glu pot iz good fo-r the too gli-b tu-ng. 6. Swi-f-ly we gli-dd thru the gloo-my hol-oz twi-x-t the pu-r-pl hil-z, hol-d-ing to the hil-t-z ov our swo-r-dz, az we rol-d gla-d-ly int the glo-r-s-ly sun gli-nt-d fe-ld-z. 7. Gla-d-ly the hoi pop-l-s flo-c-d from the gloo-m-y hol-oz to the 24 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. hil-n-dz, fly-ing from the ru-sh-ing flu-d-z. 8 Hol--d-ing hard to the hel-m, wi hiz ne on the sta-n-ch-n, the old whel-zmn clu-ng to the pla-s whil the hoi cru bes-id fle-d at the proch ov the cu-rling fla-m-z. 9. Sim-ply dro-p a sin-gl gli-tr-ing ni-cl int the lit-1 slo-t and pla-f-ly ur gle-m-ing fo-r-t-n wi-1 gli-d nim-bly fo-r-th. 10. Squa-rly, fu-ly, pla-n-ly, but gla-d-ly and gli-b-ly, shal I ple-d the cla-m-z ov thi-s cla-s. ii. That glo-rs gle clu-b cla-m-z mo-r than I shal-b ple-zd to pla-s to tha-r cre-dt. 12. If he iz flu-sh I shal pre-s my cla-m and shal-b grat-ly ple-z-d to clo-z it out. Wi-out sum clu we ca-not pla-s the cla-m, nor clo-z out the del. 13. Sed he, " Shal I hav the onr ov sca-1-ing the hil and pla-nt-ing the glo-rs fla-g, whil the shel-z ar fly-ing, the gun-z fla-m-ing, the sa-b-r-z fla-sh-ing, and the ba-o-nts gle-m-ing?" 14. It waz thu-rly and ca-rfly pla-nd, but fe-r-fly and dred-fly bu-n-gl-d. 15. The fli-c-ring fla-m fla-sh-d, and he gli-dd from the shel-f, and whil we we-r clo-s to him, plu-n-jd int the cle-r, cold stre-m, and the fla-sh-ing floo-d clo-z-d ovr him. 16. Hiz sli-p-ing waz pu-rly a pe-s ov fla-gr-nt ca-rl-s-ns. 17. Whe-n tha fin-ly ar-v-d at the fun-rl it waz pla-n-ly sen that tha we-r thu-rly and sin-s-rly intr-std. 18. It iz ov the mo-st beut-fl pe-rly gra. 19. It iz me-rly bad-ly dun. 20. It iz beut-fly dun. 21. She sin-g-z swet-ly. 22. She waz ser-n-ly beut-fl. 23. It waz ve-ry fin-ly and fel-ingly EXERCISES UNDER RULE X. 2 rend-r-d. 24. She haz a ma-tr-n-ly ar. 25. He iz ve-ry fa-th-rly. 26. We we-r wa-r-m-ly re-se-vd. 27. It waz a ma-str-ly efrt. 28. Tha wer su-dn-ly, fu-ly, cru-Iy xte-r-mn-td. EXERCISES UNDER RULE X. (Text Book, p. 71.) (a) i. He said (sed) he sowed (sod) the se-dz on the so-dz. 2. The win-dz ar si-ing thru the le-f-l-s woo-dz. 3. Lit-1 de-dz ov kin-d-ns, lit-1 wo-rdz of lu-v. 4. A man ov wo-rdz and not ov de-dz iz li-c a ga-r-dn fu-1 ov we-dz. 5. He ne-dz a du-zn ca-rdz. 6. Kin-d wo-rdz ar li-c go-ldn co-rdz. 7. What cau-zd the ma-dz to go to the woo-dz? 8. The ki-dz hav fu-zd the si-dz ov the di-sh, and now, if ne-dz-b, it wi-1 hol-d the su-dz. 9. Hoo cau-zd that su-ch de-dz ov dar-c-ns mu-st ne-dz-b dun in tho-z de-p woo-dz? 10. It mu-st-b that he dre-dz the re-zu-lt on him-sl ov de-dz whi-ch hav cau-zd su-ch consi-d-r-bl and in-cr-sd consta-nt mi-z-ry. II. He thru-st-s hiz fi-st-s agn-st the po-st-s and sti-1 in-ss-t-s he sez the go-st-s. 12. What cau-zd it to-b bru-zd? 13. The in-cr-sd co-st ov the se-dz mu-st-b con-sdrd. [Remark. Lengthen and shade the sd loop for sdrd.] 14. It mu-st-b sen that the mo-st ov them we-r bru-zd, and, that the in-cr-sd dam-j cau-zd the de-cr-sd pro-f-ts. 15. The pie iz ba-sd on the evd-ns that the accused (ac-zd) mu-st hav cro-sd the we-st 26 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. s ; -d ov the two (tu) fe-ld-z whe-n the de-ss-t had al-ms-t re-ch-d the fe-st. 16. Yu mu-st no-t uz so mu-ch mu-strd. 17. He mu-st hav ma-strd the fi-r^t part-s ov the art. 18. This xau-st pip mu-st hav co-st a va-st de-1 too mu-ch. 19. The-r waz a va-st wa-st, mo-st ov whi-ch se-sd when the xau-st pip waz fi-rst fi-x-t. 20. How lon-g wi-1 it ta-c the de-cr-st wa-st to sav az mu-ch az the xau-st pip co-st? 21. She waz dre-st fo-r the fe-st in her co-st-ly-est ro-bz. Mule X. (b) i. He xpre-st the id-a that the num-br-z mu-st not-b su-pr-sd. 2. He se-d hiz na-br waz ne-vr so-br aft-r su-pr, and waz ne-vr so na-brly az then. 3. I fe-lt de-pr-s-d in ev-ry fi-br. 4. Our xpor-t-s ar les than our im-prt-s. 5. Al pre-zn-t we-r grat-ly de-pr-st at the sen-t-mn-t xpre-st. 6. He ma-d num-brl-s xper-mn-ts xpre-s-ly to su-prt [enlarge pr circle for pri\ the na-brly [minute^ circle for brly\ fe-l-ing, but the num-br ov neighborhood (na-brd) feuds (fu-dz) we-r the ra~thr in-cr-st the-r-b. 7. We uz eth-r Fa-br, Di-xn or Eg-1, num-br tu. 8. Hoo can re-mem-br the num-br-z ov such grat num-br-z ov mem-br-z? 9. Du-z it ocr in Sept-m-br or Oct-o-br or No-vm-br? 10. He iz a sim-pr-ing xtem-pr-iz-ing sophist (so-f-st). Rule X (c}. i. Tha-r il-str-s ge-st although (al-th) dre-st in the gran-ds-t sty-1, waz co-vrd wi du-st and gre-zd from hed to foo-t. 2. The ne-st waz fu-1 EXERCISES UNDER RULE X. 27 o'v du-st. 3. It iz de-st-nd to ar-st the no-ts ov al. 4. It in-st-nt-ly ar-st-d my not-s, and I thru-st it thru. 5. At la-st I ge-st it. 6. She waz dre-st in the lat-st sty-1. 7. A gu-st ov win-d swe-pt it aw-a and it waz lo-st. 8. I did not no-ts the le-st intr-st in hiz man-r. Rule X (e). i. I too-c a sly pep at the pap-r on whi-ch he waz en-gjd, whe-n he too-c hiz pip from hiz te-th, cru-shd the pap-r in hiz hand; and wi no oth-r rebu-c tu-r-nd to hiz pupl-z. 2. Hiz pupl-z al be-l-ng to the popular (poplr) part-y. 3. Govern-mnt [see govern, page 112] by the pepl, fo-r the pepl, and ov the pepl. 4. It iz no-t probl [backward minute p] that hiz prop-r-ty wi-l-b publ-c-ly so-ld. 5. It waz no-t a popl-r me-zhr, and hiz pepl publ-c-ly prep-r-d to en-gj agn-st it. 6. The re-publ-c and a re-publ-cn fo-rm of govern-mnt mu-st-b man-t-nd. 7. We mu-st prep-r the prop-r me-zhr-z to pre-zr-v our prop-r-t. 8. It iz qit probl that he wi-1 prep-r to en-gj in the re-publ-cn cam-pn. 9. He iz the prop on whi-ch the publ-c rel-i [minute > on e position followed by z] and the pepl wi-1 ral-y arn-d him. 10. He iz prep-r-ing to la before the pepl in a prop-r man-r a bi-1 to sus-t-n a de-f-nt num-br ov pupl-z at the publ-c xpe-ns. n. Mercy (mer-s) iz the mo-st intr-st-ing prop-r-t ov the Di-vn be-ing. 12. He iz in-c-p-bl ov te-ch-ing un-g pupl-z. 13. The papl po-l-s du-z no-t ple-z the pepl. 28 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 14. The new-z-ppr and publ-c pro-g-r-s ar in-s-pr-bl. Rule X (/). i. It iz un-s-f to su-fr him to mo-v. 2. The we-vr wi hiz wi-f and tha-r wa-r-p and woo-f at tha-r we-v-ing wa-vr no-t, but the we-vr, he, wi hiz wi-f, fo-r-vr we-v the we-b tha hav wo-vn si-ns to-gth-r tha hav clo-vn. 3. It wi-1 ne-vr do to un-c-vr the rese-vr. [see re pages 112 and 114]. 4. Ur fa-vr ov the fi-f-th wi ur pre-sd-ing fa-vr-z rese-vd. 5. The new co-vr haz bin rese-vd wi un-vrs-1 fa-vr. 6. I do no-t ca-vl at nor di-fr wi the prin-s-pl-z ov the mo-vr, and tru-st he wi-1 ne-vr wa-vr nor swe-rv, unt-1 the-z se-vrl, no-vl, fe-vr-sh, mo-v-mn-ts ov the de-vl, ag-nst which he haz un-c-vrd hiz gun-z, ar al un-vl-d, and for-vr se-vrd from the gran-d mo-v-mnt pro-v-dd fo-r in the se-vrl articles (art-gl-z) ov thi-s mar-vl-s bi-1. 7. I can-n-t fa-vr, I hav-nt fa-vrd, and, I shal ne-vr fa-vr the un-vr-s-1 mo-v-mnt ov the dre-g-z ov the so-vr-n-ts ov the old wo-rld to-r-d the-z fa-vrd shor-z. 8. I wu for-vr se-vr what-vr ma sa-vr ov di-vr-st ov sen-t-mnt from thi-s bi-1, which mu-st be a un-it, ne-vrth-1-s I shal ne-vr refu-z to un-c-vr the de-f-nt phases (fa-zz) ov thi-s in-vl-d me-shr. 9. I wi-1 ad-vrt to the-z ev-nts in the in-v-rs ordr ov tha-r ocr-ns. 10. If yu ar the in-v-n-tr ov thi-s I wu ad-vz yu to gi ur at-n-shn to in-vn-shn (or at-tn to in-vn). 11. I ad-v-z yu to re-d the ad-vrt-zmnt and in-v-s-t. 12. O thou in-v-z-bl EXERCISES UNDER RULE X. 2Q pre-zr-vr ov the fa-th-fl, pre-z-rv thou us. 13. Man moo-vd by a di-vn in-fl-n-s can-nt but be pre-z-rvd by di-vn pow-r. Rule X (/). i. If aunt (ant) pleases (ple-zz) we wi-1 sto-p at di-fr-nt pla-sz and gathr po-zz ov di-fr-nt cla-sz and si-zz to pre-sn-t to her ple-zn-t ne-sz. 2. He sez he ge-sz the hou-zz ar co-vrd vvi mo-sz and ro-zz of al sizz. 3. If to nit (to-nt) it fre-zz, the lo-v-ly ro-zz and al the oth-r beut-fl po-zz wi-1 avrt tha-r swe-t fa-sz and loo-z one (on) haf tha-r gra-sz. O! the thot my bran haf cra-zz. 4. Al the nu-r-sz we-r in bla-c dre-sz wi-out la-sz. 5. Let al the pepl in al pla-sz cha-nt hiz pra-zz. 6. The mo-r on pau-zz and mu-zz on al the sple-n-dd gra-sz in which it ple-zz the authr of nat-r to ti-nt and sha-p the dre-sz of the ro-zz and oth-r po-zz, the mo-r the-r ri-zz, evr ri-zz, swe-t sur-pr-zz, that he ple-zz to de-vt the-z xqi-st gra-sz to evn the beut-fl ro-zz in su-ch hum-bl pla-sz. 7. This Je-zs whom (hoom) ye slew and hangd on a tre. 8. Hav yu fin-shd ur the-sz on the fo-r-sz ov the gra-sz. 9. He sez hiz sis-tm [make the horizontal / minute for tni] can-nt agn sus-tn the stra-n ov su-ch a se-vr sez-n az the la-st sez-n waz. If Suz-n ple-zz she ma hand sis-tr the sizr-z. 10. My sis-tr Suz-n ra-zz ve-ry beu-t-fl ro-zz and pan-zz ov al co-lr-z and siz-z. He groo-p-s the mu-zz in thre-z, and pla-sz the mu-zz befor the gra-sz. II. She so enthuzez (en-th) [see 3O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. thuses, page 96] her pupl-z wi the men-tl fo-r-sz that she ra-zz them to the hi-st pla-sz. 12. He iz to de-l-vr ad-r-sz on Je-zs, the Mu-zz, the Gra-sz and the men-tl fo-r-sz. 13. Hiz man-r ov gi-v-ing the pri-zz waz one ov the grat-st sur-pr-zz. Mule X (/). i. If it fre-zz it wi-1 ki-1 al the pech-z. 2. Hiz clo-th-z we-r co-vrd wi pach-z. 3. Jo-n parch-z co-r-n ni-s-ly. 4. He iz one ov the grat-st ov prech-r-z. 5. Hiz prech-ing approachs (proch-z) that ov sum ov the no-td Fren-ch prech-rz. 6. He is a push-r, what-vr he tri-z he push-z. 7. He aut to-b im-pchd (pech-d). 8. It can-nt-b proch-d. 9. The cot nedz pach-ing. 10. He did-nt se the tra-n proch-ing. n. The our ov prech-ing proch-z, and I se the prech-r proch-ing. 12. The int-ns het sa-d-ly parch-z the smal fru-t-s. 13. The si-ln-t proch-z ov nit mu-st-b evd-nt to the bi-r-dz whi-ch qui-t-ly se-c tha-r perch-z. 14. The prech-r so-f-ly proch-d the so-lm owl mu-z-ing on hiz perch. Rule X (/). i. Evr si-ns I hav sen tho-z char-m-ing se-nz I hav wi-shd my so-nz mi-t al-s se them. 2. It se-mz that si-ns the su-nz ra-z do not hel-p him sum oth-r me-nz mu-st-b tri-d. 3. The si-nz ov hiz uth hav ovr-t-cn him. 4. The si-nz ov the ti-mz ind-c [see cate, page 94] a fa-r grat-r ad-v-ns in ma-nz fu-tr his-tr. 5. Si-ns the ef-ct ov the moo-nz ra-z on gro-ing pla-nts se-mz no-t to-b fu-ly EXERCISES UNDER RULE X. 3! non, it op-nz a fe-ld fo-r si-e-ns to ev-ns her re-d-ns to try al me-nz fo-r ma-nz ben-f-t. 6. He now fi-ndz that hiz fre-ndz wi-l-nt pro-v-d the me-nz fo-r him to go on wi hiz stud-y ov the si-e-nsz. 7. She dem-ndz ov her su-nz, duz si-e-ns, that tha shal ev-ns thar int-ns lo-v ov her, by al pa-nz ta-c-ing me-nz. 8. The ca-rfl tra-n-ing ov the se-nsz gives (gi-z) im-ns gan-z. g. I thin-c ur fre-ndz wi-1 fi-nd no pan-z no gan-z. 10. Good pen-z, good pen-sl-z and good pap-r ar am-ng the best me-nz ov ma-k-ing the si-nz lej-bl. II. The pupl hoo wi-nz wi-1 ke-p hiz pen-z and pen-sl-z shar-p. 12. The pupl hoo haz bra-nz wi-1 no-t-b a du-ns, and da-ns aw-a ti-m and me-nz which aut to-b uzd to ad-v-ns hiz knowledge (no-lj) and ski-1. 13. The us or mis-us whi-ch one ma-c-s ov the ti-mz, me-nz and ev-nts whi-ch en-v-r-n him, ev-ns his good se-ns or wan-t ov it. 14, Do-nt mis-pl-s tho-z bo-ndz. 15. The dro-nz hoo spe-nd tha-r ti-m in dre-mz, thu-s bi-nd tha-r mi-ndz wi ba-ndz from whi-ch no ev-nts can dis-en-th-rl them. 16. He se-mz to-b mis-n-frm-d as to the se-ns ov the bo-ndz. 17. Su-ch to-nz and sou-ndz ca-ld tu-nz ar cri-mz agn-st comn se-ns. 18. It is a se-nsls mis-stt-mn-t ov ev-n]ts, int whi-ch no one wi nol-j ov the fa-ct-s aut to hav bin mis-Id. 19. The bo-nz ov her so-nz fa-ln in the grat stru-gl fo-r ind-p-nd-ns now li min-gl-d wi the soil ov ev-ry stat. Mule X (k). i. Few sa-ingz ar so fu-1 ov men-ing. 32 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 2. Few sa-ingz hav aw-cn-d su-ch intr-st. 3. Not no-ing the-z-ingz he waz un-w-1-ing to ad-m-t the pre-vl-ing op-n-yn (or op-nn). 4. He iz wi-out fe-l-ing. 5. Our ma-l-ing fa-s-lt-z ar ve-ry poo-r. 6. I do-nt thin-c of se-l-ing out my intr-st in the mi-l-ing biz-ns. 7. He iz-nt wi-l-ing to fo-l-o hiz ca-l-ing. He spo-c to me fe-1-ingly. 8. She iz a ve-ry, swe-t sin-gr. 9. The sin-g-ing waz just (ju) the-thing. 10. Si-ing, and wi an ac-ing hart she la-mn-td the proch-ing we-d-ing, eyeing (i-ing) him clo-s-ly du-r-ing the entire (entr) evn-ing. Rule X (/). i. He waz in no-wz az wiz az waz hiz fa-thr. 2. Hiz vois waz no-t at it-s best. 3. The Lord lo-vz a cher-ful gi-vr. 4. Livz ov grat men al remin-d us we can ma-c our li-vz su-bl-m. 5. The wa-vz co-vrd the fa-l-ing levz. 6. Ar-iz let us go hen-s. 7. He al-wz ar-az him-s-1 agn-st al good me-zhr-z. 8. He that xalt-th him-s-1 shal-b ab-asd. 9. Can we-nt de-vz sum bet-r me-thd? 10. I had no pre-vs me-nz ov knowledge (no-1). n. The-r ar vars waz ov as-ss-t-ing us. 12. The gra-vz ov our fo-r-f-thr-z. 13. How did (how-dd) he am-as hiz we-lth? 14. I hop you wi-1 no-t ta-c thi-s am-is. 15. Av-ant fa-l-s wiz-r-d be-gn! 16. Ar-iz, my so-1, ar-iz. 17. It ta-cs no wiz man to se thi-s. Yes, he thin-cs so. 18. No, he wi-l-nt, be-cz he thin-cs it iz-nt the best-thing to do. 19. The wirz we-r al down. 20. Du-r-ing the vars pre-sd-ing warz, the EXERCISES UNDER RULE XI. 33 em-bl-m ov the cros had bin ra-zd. 21. Hiz vois ec-oz thru al yon pe-cs. Rule X (n). Cr and other Initial Hooks. I. The cro-s haz bin the xcu-s fo-r men-y cri-m-z agn-st re-zn. 2. The spa-s tvve-n the ur-th an-d sky waz crow-dd wi cro-z and ki-t-s. 3. Clo-s-ly pre-s-t he cro-s-d the ski-r-t-ing spa-s in the short-st po-s-bl ti-m. 4. That, cri-ed he, iz the cra-c ov doom. 5. He sped to the end ov the bow (bo) at the ej ov the sky, to fi-nd the cro-c ov gold. 6. He prech-d, and, spre-d-ing hiz hand-z to-r-d the ski-z, he cri-d, Q, cro-s ov the Cru-s-f-d! what cri-m-z ov bloo-d hav cri-d from ur-th to the sky be-nth thi-s em-bl-m ov pe-s. 7. The gran-d clou-d, cle-f-t by the cli-f, soon re-chd the sky and spre-d ovr the ent-r hor-zn. 8. Cle-v-ing the sta-f from hiz hand he crow-dd him ovr the whar-f, whe-r he san-c li-c a sto-n. 9. In squa-1-id po-vr-t, the dy-ing squa-tr sem-d try-ing to sque-z hiz slo-ly eb-ing lif, crow-dd wi cri-m int the ned-l-z i ov the fu-tr. EXERCISES UNDER RULE XI. (Text Book, p. 80.) I. He haz hi hop-z that he haz fou-nd a horn fo-r hiz bet-r haf. 2. Haz hiz hand bin hurt az bad-ly az hiz hed? 3. Hav yu herd the hap-y rezu-lt ov hiz hev-y in-v-smn-t in horn securities (se-crt-z)? 4. I hopd hiz hird hand-z wu hav hel-pd him horn, 34 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. but he had no he-lp. 5. He hung down hiz hed li-c a hang do-g. 6. He sed he had herd not a hint ov ur hav-ing bin at horn. 7. Hiz his-tr haz not bin haf rit-n; hiz hi-est efrt-s hav-ing bin to hand down the hom-ly fa-ct-s. 8. Hav yu evr herd ov a hiv ov bez hav-ing swa-r-md and hung on a han-sm la-d-z hand? 9. Thoz hap-y daz whe-n I hav rol-d the hoop (hup) whe-n hart and hand and hop we-r one, hav gon, and now I hav a heavier (hev-y-r) hart, and hard-r hand, and my hoop iz lo-st in hop. 10. Hol-d hard the hel-m, the hil-nd-z hev in vu. n. I can-nt haf tel yu how hap-y yu hav ma-d me by ur hop-fl, hart-y wo-rdz. 12. Hiz hap-y horn iz her, haf hid-n by the-z hil-z. 13. We hel-d on our wa, and we-r haul-d up the hev-y hil-z, our hor-sz sca-rs hal-t-ing to the ve-ry top. 14. Hel-o! Har-y, what hav yu herd from horn? 15. Her I hav hal-td hum-bly hop-ing that hiz hand wi-1 hol-d me. 16. Ev-ry hum-n hart haz hiz on his-tr, hiz on hel-ps, hiz on hin-dr-nsz, hiz on hop-s, hiz on hum-r-z and hiz on hap-ns. 17. He had long held a hi pla-s in the hum-n min-d, rou-z-ing hum-n hop, and hel-p-ing hum-n hap-y-ns. 18. Hol-d honesty (on-es-t) of hart in hi est-m, that yu ma hol-d ur hed hi, but no-t haut-i-ly, am-ng men. 19. Hoo that haz herd the hir re-j-strz ov that won-d-r-fl vois haz not had hiz hart thri-ld az by the hil-nd hunt-rz hor-n? EXERCISES IN FINAL HOOKS AND CIRCLES. 35 EXERCISES UNDER INITIAL HOOKS. I. Scu-d-ing aln-g undr the shor wi clo-s re-f-d sa-l-z, we cro-s-t the li-n ov the cri-m-zn ti-d. 2. Cre-s-t fa-ln at hiz supposed (spo-zd) fa-l-y-r he clu-ng to the spa-d and spre-d him-sl to clo-z out the jo-b. 3. Sca-r-s-ly had the sun cro-s-t the ve-r-n-1 equi-nox (ek-n-x) when spri-ng, cla-d in her lo-v-ly-st ga-r-b, spra-ng fu-1 blo-n int the la-p ov win-tr. 4. In tho-z da-z prech-r-z li-c tha-r her-r-z we-r cla-d in horn spu-n, and a clo-th su-t ov brown waz a-thing ov beu-t. 5. He proch-d slo-ly, and crow-dd clo-s-ly to the spe-c-r-z sta-nd, and, in the ve-ry mi-d-st ov the spe-ch, whe-n the spe-c-r had rech-d a mo-st el-o-q cli-m-x, the stran-jr spra-ng up and cri-d loud-ly, spa-r the sca-p-got, crow-d the li-f bot, the cra-c ov doo-m iz cum. 6. Hav-ing cre-dt him-sl he tru-bl-d no-t abt the cre-dt ov oth-r-z. 7. Gr-ef hath cra-z-d hiz wi-t-s. 8. What crac-r iz thi-s sam that de-f-s our er-z. 9. The cra-b iz no-t a fi-sh. lO.The-z caks ar cri-sp. 11. A ra-vn ev-r croc-s at my sid. EXERCISES IN FINAL HOOKS AND CIRCLES. (Text Book, p. 82.) I. He iz inclined (in-gl-nd) to ma-c a mo-c ov al sa-crd-ingz. 2. For the sa-c ov su-c-ss, I be-g yu to ma-c grat efrt. 3. I am se-c-ing for the do-ctr fo-r a si-c man. 4. Hiz do-g du-g thru the mu-c and 36 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. ce-pt up a grat howl-ing. 5. He fel and bro-c hiz nee. 6. The fa-ct iz he iz too si-c to ma-c the se-c-nd efrt. 7. Wi-1 yu ma-c me a ma-p ov the se-c-nd pre-sn-ct? 8. This iz mu-ch to thi-c to ma-c a good boo-c mar-c. 9. Nick (ni-c) bro-c the boo-c ca-s lo-c. 10. What a fre-c; yu mu-st se-c in ev-ry noo-c. ii. He fe-1 a mi-1 or mo-r and bro-c hiz ba-c. 12. The mon-c-s san-g a di-r-j li-c son-g. 13. I cu not man-j to se-cr a sin-gl son-g bi-r-d. 14. The poo-r mon-c san-g a sim-pl son-g and san-c to riz and sin-g no mor. 15. He waz ve-ry fran-c in hiz remar-cs and min-gld fre-ly wi the fre-nd-ly mon-c-s, ma-c-ing men-y fre-ndz am-g them. 16. He wi-1 ma-c a sin-gl, sim-pl, sam-pl, ov the ni-cl bu-cl. 17. How soon can yu man-j to bri-ng ba-c the ba-nk boo-c? EXERCISES IN THE CIRCLE H. AND R. (Text Book, p. 84.) I. He hid her hat in a hoi at the foot ov the hil. 2. She haz not fou-nd her hat, but her bro-thr fou-nd it and had it on hiz hed. 3. Hoo li-v-z in thi-s sma-1 hut? 4. Did the het hurt her? 5. Her how he hurlz ep-tht-s at her. 6. The hi-st hil-z re-soun-dd wi the ek-oz ov her vois. 7. Har-c to the ec-oz how tha pla, Or hil and da-1 fa-r fa-r aw-a. 8. He wi-1 hol-d yu in the hol-o ov hiz hand. 9. He herd that she had bin hir-d to hol-d the re-st ov the EXERCISES IN THE DIGRAPHS CH, SH, WH. 37 hil-z agn-st him. 10. He haz had no re-zn to hir her. ii. Her how he howl-z. 12. Hoo haz had a hard-r ti-m than he haz? 13. Her how hart-ly he duz la-f ha! ha! ha! hiz hoi hart se-mz to-b in ev-ry ha! ha! ha! 14. He hit the hel-v a hard bio. 15. The ro-cs wer co-vrd wi roo-c-s. 16. The ri-v-r-z ru-n ra-pd-ly to the se. 17. He haz neth-r ri-m nor re-zn. 18. Her oer (or) the ur-th az a stra-njr I ro-m, Her iz no re-st, her iz no re-st. EXERCISES IN THE DIGRAPHS CH, SH, WH. (Text Book, p. 18.) I. Why she did. so, whe-n she had her-s-1 cho-zn wher she wu go, I do-nt no. 2. What el-s shud she do, whil she waz tha-r wi her whel? 3. She shud not-b too mu-ch in the shad, but shud-b wher the su-nz ra-z cu fre-ly shi-n on her. 4. I shud li-c to no at what pri-s whit whet iz so-ld. 5. Whi-z-ing shel-z we-r whirl-ing wher-vr the eye cu whel. 6. What cu-b dun to vvhi-p the whi-g-z int lin? 7. What shud she choo-z whe-n she had-nt herd hiz choi-s? 8. Why do yu choo-z to whi-n whil the oth-r chil-drn ar shout-ing in grat gle? 9. I can tel bet-r whe-thr I wi-1, whe-n yu shal hav cho-zn. Wher-fr shud I, whil yu hav-nt? 10. Re-ch hi-thr thy hand, ii. The-z ar my wo-rdz which I spa-c unt yu whil I waz ye-t wi yu. 12. Whe-n the cher-ing had hol-y ses-d. 13. He re-d cha-ptr aft-r cha-ptr. 14. For 38 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. what amnt did he ma-c hiz che-c? 15. What ar the che-f char-j-z agn-st her? 16. The chur-ch haz long cher-shd it am-ng her che-f ten-et-s. EXERCISES UNDER JOINED SUFFIXES. (Text Book, Lesson xxii.) Rule XII (a), list page 90. I. He gave (ga) us a sin-gl, sim-pl beut-fl sym-bl. How can yu man-j it? 2. He iz a good man-jr. 3. He man-j-z wel. 4. He iz an xel-nt man-jr. 5. The at-ms-fr iz fu-1 ov mi-azm. 6. Let us ap-l-i a ca-t-pl-azm. 7. Ple-n-azm iz the us ov to men-y wo-rdz. 8. He ma-d a ve-ry fe-bl atm-pt. 9. He waz ov hum-bl bir-th. 10. He iz-nt li-bl fo-r it. II. Ar the-z ve-gt-blz ed-bl? 12. Uth-fl, ign-o-bl, 'he waz un-pr-prd fo-r lo-f-t po-z [see page 97] to which [Remark. For which enlarge wh on i position, the enlarging to suggest the final ch which is enlarged h~\ he had been (had-bn) [minute b~\ elevated (el-v) [page 97]. 12. Hiz comu-n-c [see prefixed com, page 112, and suffix cation, page 97] waz il-j-bl and he waz ineligble (in-1-j-bl) to the position (po-z). 13. He iz ve-ry af-bl. 14. What a romn-t-c drem. 15. The nu-m-t-c tube (tu-b) iz ve-ry us-fl. 16. He iz thu-rly rad-cl in hiz vuz. 17. He waz a grat ra-s-cl. 18. It iz an act ov the mo-st pro-nn-st ras-cl-t. 19. It iz a ve-ry ra-s-cly act. 20. It iz im-pr-c-t-cl. 21. It mu-st-b con-f-st the mar-ct iz grat-ly de-pr-st. 22. Ir-n ra-n and le-dn hal. 23. . EXERCISES UNDER JOINED SUFFIXES. 39 It-s ded-n-ing in-fl-ns iz wid-ly fe-lt. 24. The-z we-r ta-cn at ra-n-drn. 25. It iz a grat ba-r-gn. 26. Thi-cn it wi sta-r-ch. 27. I hop tha wi-l-nt we-cn. 28. What a fo-r-m-d-bl we-p-n. 29. The sto-r-m waz mo-st te-r-f-c. 30. The ef-c-t wi-l-b somnific (somn-f-c). 31. Iz thi-s pla-nt flo-r-f-r-s? 32. Thi-s tre iz ba-c-fr-s. 33. The-z bi-r-dz ar no-t ba-c-vr-s. 34. The ca-lr-fr-s prop-r-tz ov the sun. 35. She iz-nt ve-ry ca-rfl. 37. Hiz me-thd-z ar pe-s-fL 37. He gave (ga) me a mer han-fl. 38. Su-ch prin-s-pl-z ar har-m-fl. 39. What shal it prof-t a man if he shal gan the hoi wo-rld and loo-z hiz on so-1? 40. Tha mu-st pa a fo-r-f-t fo-r tha-r ra-sh-ns. 41. Wi-1 yu certify (ser-t-f) thi-s? 42. Iz thi-s ur ser-t-f-ct? 43. I can-nt testify (te-s-t-f). 44. The fa-ct-s mo-d-f it. 45. Min-gl them in equal (ec-1) part-s. 46. No-t a sin-gl itm. 47. It iz-nt le-gl. It iz il-l-gl. 48. Thot-fl uth augurizes (aug-r-iz-s) a nobl manhood (man-hd). 49. Nor li-f-td up hiz vois in servile (ser-vl) [minute retracing for vile] shout-s at sit ov that grat ru-fn. 50. It iz a puerile (pu-rl) ar-g-mn-t. 51. Such ju-vn-1 thot-s ar unsuited (un-s-td) to man-hd. 52. Yu mu-st ap-l-i to the mer-cn-t-1 aj-nt. 53. Su-ch rel-izm shud hav no pla-s in spi-r-tl tru-th. 54. A no-bl and lo-f-t patrt-izm. 55. Te-chr-z ov Ju-d-izm. 56. Her vois iz fu-1 ov fe-l-ing. 57. Hiz thot-s ar ve-ry fe-1-ing-ly xpre-sd. 58. He ev-nsz a wi-1-ingns to ad us. 59. Yu, I fe-r, do-nt rel-iz the im-prt-ns 4O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. ov it. 60. If he rel-izd it he wu cha-nj hiz co-rs. 61. I do-nt rel-sh it. 62. What iz hiz al-mn-t? 63. One ov the best ov aliments (al-mn-ts). 64. It iz ve-ry or-n-mnt-1. 65. Ar yu in a ve-ry grat hu-ry? 66. Al in a flu-ry. 67. Lo-ng li-v the me-ry, me-ry hart. 68. Such fu-1-sh-ns iz un-x-p-c-td. 69. He iz too ca-rls. 70. Ov co-rs it iz the re-z-lt ov thot-1-s-ns. 71. It iz the re-z-lt ov thot-fl-ns. 72. Let us av-oid it. 73. He waz grat-ly an-oid. 74. It iz al-owd in the bi-1. 75. She iz ve-ry jel-s. 76. Av-oid that fu-rs do-g. 77. I fe-r hiz min-d iz ca-l-s to al goo-d in-fl-nsz. 78. He iz-nt wi-out hop. 79. Did yu cum wi-out her? 80. What ab-out it? Si. It can-nt-b al-oud. 82. Thru-out the ent-r his-tr. 83. Do-nt re-d al-oud. 84. No-t one pe-ny. 85. It iz ve-ry fu-ny. 86. In sum snu-g noo-c. 87. It ra-nd from morn-ing unt-1 nit. 88. Iz she re-zin-d? 89. He waz grat-ly ma-1-in-d. 90. He re-zn-d ov tem-pr-ns, ri-ch-s-ns and ju-j-mn-t. 91. He ma-d an im-prt-u-nt ap-1 to them. 92. The we-thr (dr) [see (o) page 75] iz qit un-pl-zn-t. 93. At what our wi-1 yu be pre-zn-t? 94. Iz thi-s ur im-pr-nt? 95. He wi-1 su-r-mn-t al di-f-cl-tz. 96. What iz the in-fr-ns? 97. He iz too ez-ly in-fl-ns-d. 98. It-s resonance (re-z-nn-s) iz re-ma-r-c-bl. 99. Grat re-cm-p-ns ov re-w-rd. 100. The de-c-d-ns ov mon-r-c-y. 101. He waz in im-nn-t pe-rl. 102. She iz a ve-ry em-nn-t pe-an-s-t, EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 4! 103. Thi-s wi-1 se-rv to aug-mn-t her gre-f. 104. Hiz man-r iz ve-ry pe-r-mp-tr (tory). 105. We-r-d wi hiz consta-nt both-r she prep-r-d to di-s-ms him. 106. Tru fren-ship re-qui-rz three things (thre-ingz), virt-u, society, (sos-i-t) and pro-f-t. 107. Fren-shp iz one ov the mo-st beut-fl fel-ingz. 108. Wo-rsh-p on-ly God. 109. Hor-smn-sh-p iz a no-bl art. no. Be ca-rfl no-t to men-shn what-vr iz no-t in good ta-s-t. in. Iz it ur int-n-shn to ap-l-i fora pen-shn? 212. The pa-shn ov ang-r iz hurt-fl to al mi-ndz, and al pa-shnz shud-b tem-prd wi wiz-dm. 113. That waz han-sm-ly dun. 114. What a loth-sm [enlarge /for lth\ be-ing. 115. Av-oid be-ing qua-rl-sm. 116. She iz ve-ry lo-n-sm. 117. Th-is iz not wholesome (hol-sm) foo-d. 1 1 8. Let us wa-k fa-str. 119. Wi-1 yu wear (war) ur du-str? 120. Hiz no-shnz ar sin-str. 121. He iz ve-ry ac-tv. 122. What iz ur mo-tv? 123. Ta-c thi-s az a se-d-tv. 124. Le-s than a mi-l-yn. 125. He iz a civilian (si-vl-yn). 126. He iz a ju-st hist-r-yn. EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. Ride XII (b), pages 88,9310 97. I. Iz it ur purps to en-a new mezhrz? 2. Hav yu alrdy en-a, or ar yu now en-a such mezhrz? 3. We ar now try-ing to seer thar en-a. 4. Wil it-nt re-a agnst yu? 5. Iz this ad-a to ur purps? 6. We ar now ad-a it. 7. We ar try-ing to ef-c its ad-a. 8. He haz grat 42 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. ad-a facility (fa-sl-t). 9. Hiz rcmarcs wer very in-a. 10. Do yu thin-c yu wil-b abl to el-e him? ii. A plurl-ty wil el-e him. 12. We ar now el-e him. 13. Tomro wil ocr the el-e. 14. The indpndnt us ov tha-r el-e franchiz. 15. Hav yu pre-e a clam to the secshn? 16. We shal soon pre-e one. 17. We shal mac a pre-e clam. 18. We ar now pre-e it. 19. This iz ve-ry provoking (pro-v-o). 20. I am gratly prov-o at it. 21. What cauz ov prov-o had yu? 22. Wil yu ad-o the pl-an? 23. We hav alrdy ad-o it. 24. Why did yu ad-o it? 25. I did not wish its ad-o. 26. When do yu predict (pred-i) hiz retrn? 27. I can mac no pred-i. 28. Do yu thine the stricrz wil be evicted (ev-i)? 29. No, ev-i wil only mac matrz wo-rs. 30. Iz this a prod-u ov that climt? 31. No, but it haz simlr prod-u. 32. Plez do-nt intr-u me. 33. I do-nt wish to intr-u yu. 34. Yu hav alrdy intr-u me. 35. I am sory for the intr-u. 36. When wil yu rev-ew thi-s? 37. I am now rev-ew it. 38. Dont an-oy him. 39. I dont wish to an-oy him. 40. I dont wish to-b an an-oy to him. 41. Can yu not al-ow me this clam? 42. It haz-bn al-ow. 43. In al-ow it I do-nt admt it to-b just. 44. What a megr al-ow yu hav ma-d. 45. A larj clam iz-nt al-ow. 46. Haz the Jonez' wil bin pro-b? 47. It haz bin submtd for pro-b. 48. Iz he am-b? 49. Yes, fu-1 ov amb. 50. When wil he EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 43 dis-tri-b them. 51. Tha hav bin distri-b. 52. Tha ar on hand now for distri-b. 53. Do-nt up-br me. 54. I am-nt up-br yu. 55. I hav-nt up-br yu. 56. I do-nt up-br yu. 57. What duz that ind-c? 58. It ind-c nuth-ing. 59. It iz-nt ind-c ov en-thing 60. What iz the ind-c? 61. What ar the ind-c? [Remark. Write the c close at the right, instead of under the ind, thus placing it higher, and indicating a following s.] 6l. Wil he pros-c us? 62. He haz pros-c me alrdy. 63. He iz now pros-c us. 64. How can he pros-c us? 65. I do-nt fer hiz pros-c. 66. Yu shud-nt des-cr the da. 67. I do-nt des-cr it. 68. I can-nt des-cr it. 69. I am-nt des-cr it. 70. I hav-nt des-cr it. 71. I do-nt aprv ov its des-cr. 72. This iz very inds-cr. 73. He acts inds-cr. 74, What an inds-cr act. 75. What inds-cr. 76. Waz he se-cl in hiz habts? 77. Yes, he sot comple-t se-cl. 78. Iz the act con-cl? 79. It iz now be-ing con-cl. 80. It iz ner its con-cl. 81. Iz the evdns con-cl? 82. It iz now ner-ly con-cl. 83. It iz con-cl. 84. Yes, it iz nerly con-cl. 85. The mischf iz in-clc. 86. Wil it do to in-clc su-ch prinsplz? 87. Tha shud-nt-b in-clc. 88. Iz not hiz manr very se-d? 89. Yes, he movz very se-d. 90. Wil this mezhr xpe-dt the matr? 91. I hop yu wil-b mor xpe-d in the futr. 92. I wil try to do it xpe-d. 93. I wil try to do it wi xpe-d. 94. Wil yu try to intr-d the bil? 95. I wil intr-d it. 96. I am intr-d it. 44 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 97. I wil seer its intr-d. 98. I wil se that it iz intr-d. 99. How mu-ch wil yu de-dct from the amn-t? 100. I can de-dct nuth-ing. 101. I hav al-rdy de-dct fiv poundz. 102. I cu mac no de-dct. 103. Why did yu hav him in-dt? 104. I did-nt hav him in-dt. 105. But I had the in-dt red. 106. What did he con-f? 107. He con-f nuth-ing. 108. He wil-nt con-f. 109. He wil mac no con-f. no. Why wil he not con-f in yu? in. He duz con-f in me. 112. He con-f in me daly. 113. He con-f in no one els. 114. Iz this su-f? 115. Yes, it iz su-f. 116. Iz he-nt very of-f? 117. Yes, he iz very of-f. 118. Yes, he iz of-f inclnd. 119. He iz inclnd tob of-f. 120. Did yu con-f hiz prop-z? 121. Yes, we con-f both ov hiz prop-z. 122. We hop to accom-plsh it-s con-f. 123. Did he af-fl wi them? 124. No, tha did-nt af-fl. 125. Tha hav alwz af-fl. 126. Yes, ther iz a very pleznt stat ov af-fl xist-ing twen them. 127. Can yu in-fl the bal? 128. No, it can-nt-b in-fl. 129. Ar yu not in-fl it now? 130. Yes, I am try-ing to se-cr its in-fl. 131. Why duz glas re-frc the raz ov lit? 132. I do-nt undrstnd re-frc. 133. What iz the cauz ov the re-frc ov the ra? 134. Wil the intr-sts ov the two (tu) institutions (in-st-t or in-st) con-flc? 135. No, I thine ther wil-b no con-flc ov intrsts. 136. Do yu se the re-flc ov thoz trez in the watr? 137. Yes, it iz a most beutfl re-flc. 138. The anglz ov insdns and ov reflc ar EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 45 opzt and eel. 139. Ar yu <3ne ov the del-g? 140. Yes, I am a del-g. 141. What ar yu del-g to do? 142. The del-g hav-nt bin in-str. 143. When wil the del-g met? 144. Wil the parts co-h? 145. Yes co-h haz al-rdy be-gn. 146. What iz the di-fr-ns twen co-h and ad-h? 147. Rip's sol domestic (dom-e) ad-h waz hiz dog Wolf, hoo waz az much henpct az waz hiz mastr. 148. How much ov the estt did he in-hrt? 149. He in-hrt one-frth ov the in-hrt. 150. He thincs the argmnt wil an-hl hiz opnnts. 151. Do yu thine thar an-hl iz posbl? 152. No, it iz impsbl to an-hl them. 153. Why do yu ob-j to this? 154. I do-nt ob-j to it. 155. Why did yu mac ob-j? 156. I did-nt mac ob-j. 157. .Ar yu-nt now ob-j? 158. No, I do-nt ob-j. 159. What iz the sub-j undr dis-c? 160. Ther iz no sub-j be-ing dis-c. 161. Iz the pupl permntly di-1? 162. No, it iz-nt di-1. 163. What cauzz the pupl to di-1? 164. Thar ar vars cauzz for its di-1. 165. When did the tranz col-1? 166. What tranz hav col-1? 167. I hav not herd ov a col-1; wher did the col-1 ocr? 168. I hav-nt herd wher the col-1 did tac plas. 169. The entr body ar de-1. 170. What haz de-1 them? 171. The de-1 argmnts ov thar ledrz. 172. I supposed (spo-z-d) them incpbl ov de-1. 173. Hav yu est-m the cost? 174. I hav mad no est-m. Hoo wil est-m it? 175. I hav had no int-m az to hoo wil est-m 46 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. it. 176. Duz he xpect rjro-m? 177. He haz alrdy bin pro-m. 178. What waz the cauz ov hiz pro-m? 179. He iz very emotional (e-m). 180. His wordz and manr stir the e-m. 181. I hop the sentns wil be com-m. 182. It haz bin com-m. 183. What waz the rezn for its com-m? 184. Wu it-nt-b wel to apli an emollient (e-ml)? 185. What emolument (e-ml) iz ofrd him? 186. How much wil yu do-n? 187. I wil-nt do-n en-thing. 188. I hav alrdy do-n al I cu. 189. I shal mac my do-n persnly. 190. I do-nt blev in public do-n ov this carctr. 191. Iz-nt the evnt sig-nf? 192. Sig-nf ov what? 193. What duz it sig-nf? 194. It sig-nf nuth-ing. 395. It-s sig-nf iz-nt obvious (ob-v). 196. Wil the parts soon agn u-n? [Dot on u position with n under it.] 197. Tha hav u-n. 188. Tha ar u-n. 199. Tha ar redy to u-n. 200. What iz the def-n? 201. Thar tech-ingz ar very per-n. 202. Do yu thine this pross wil-b saf to comminute (com-n) this? 203. Yes, it iz plan-ly be-5ng com-n now. 204. I thine it wil accom-plsh its com-n very soon. 205. Shal yu part-p in the xerszz? 206. I did ants-p parts-p in them. 207. He semz to-b very im-p ov restrnt. 208. This room iz-nt su-f ca-p to accom-dt so meny. 209. The deznz ar not very ap-pr. 210. Do yu thine tha sem ap-pr? 211. The room waz very ap-pr arnjd. 212. Do yu thine the ap-pr wil-b mad? 213. Let us com-p it. 214. I hav com-p it. 215. It ha? EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 47 bin com-p. 216. We can-nt mak a cor-e com-p. 217. We can-nt cor-e com-p it. 218. What iz ur oc-p? 219. How can God contm-pl the humn famly in eny degr ov sats-fc? 220. How do we no that God iz capbl ov contm-pl? 221. He must-b a contm-pl be-ing. 222. Iz the wore now com-pl? 223. Yes, it iz nerly com-pl. 224. He iz now com-pl it. 225. I implore (im-plr) yu to her me. 226. Your im-plr iz van. 227. He iz very im-pl. 228. Yes, hiz act waz im-pl. 229. If fath iz the rezlt ov a divn im-pl it iz the act ov God and not ov man. 230. Hiz im-pl iz quit evdnt. 231. The arnjmnts (ar-nj) wer quit inad-q. 232. Yes, thar inad-q waz evdnt. 233. Hiz intgr-t iz unquestioned (un-q). 234. Yes, it iz un-q tru. 235. This iz un-q the best thing to do. 236. Iz it an ant-q muzm? 237. Instructed (in-str) by the ant-q Timz, He must, he iz, he can-nt but be wiz. 238. Do-nt deride (de-r) us. 239. The Pharises (far-sz) als de-r him. 240. Hiz parsit waz wont de-r to advz him. 241. I waz a de-r to al my pepl. 242. De-r taunts wer spred from gest to gest. 243. The sudn apa-r ov the fo. 244. Let us intro-g the grat apa-r that shinz so pesfly arnd us. 245. A fe-r look. 246. Thar curi-o waz litl short ov fe-r. 247. And ecn fe-r fetr grim wi ooz. 248. Christianity (xan-t) haz abated (a-b) the fe-r ov war. 249. The ung ardnt sol that entrz on this world with vo-r insit wil fin-d it a mad on. 250. Cretrz by thar vo-r per-n hav 48 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. comnly fewr ung wunz. 251. How can yu compn-s for this act? 252. Al the welth and trezhr ov the Indies (in-dz) can nevr compn-s to a man for the los ov hiz lif. 253. Lie that silkn compn-s that bloomz out ov the cacts. 254. The compn-s ov the old drama. 255. Al the compn-s forsz ov ar and watr. 256. Wher shal I in-scr my nam? 257. Am I in-scr hiz heir (ar) for sertn? 258. O! let thy wuns lovd frend in-scr thy ston. 259. She left this ostentatious (os-tn) in-scr. 260. Did he pre-scr for yu? 261, Yes, he ga me this pre-scr. 262. It vvaz the most con-sp fact. 263. Tha stand out con-sp abv al. 264. Thar rit-ingz atrct mor redrz by the authrz con-sp. 265. To initiate (in-sh) iz to begin or entr upn. 266. Then and thar in-sh the party. 267. Yu ar-nt au-d enf to in-sh yourself (ursl). 268. I waz-nt in-sh int eny rudmnts untl nerly for yerz ov aj. 269. The king himsl in-sh to the powr. . 270. Silns iz the firs-thing that iz taut us at our in-sh. 171. Baptzm iz a consta-nt in-sh of the church. 272. That the in-st and re-st ov the world mit-b both raut wi wun hand. 273. The camlz form an in-st of India (inda). 274. Do yu blong to this in-st? 275. It iz-nt to-b found in the con-st. 276. Ther waz grat de-st thruout the land. 277. Enf to ob-str hiz purps. 278. He waz an ob-str. 279. An asmbly fre from ob-str. 280. He haz wel ernd the rep-t ov ob-str. 281. We wu per-svv our feloz to this or that. EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 49 Anthr self within (w-in) our iz di-sw him. 282. My vois dis-sw. 283. But for the di-sw of two iz, that mac wi him foul wethr or fin da. 284. He prezntd a harty di-sw from it. 285. Infrm ech part and aj-t the hoi. 286. The ladies (ladiz) si and aj-t thar fanz. 286. The mind ov man iz aj-t by vars pashnz. 288. It waz hotly aj-t. 289. She burst out at last in an aj-t ton. 290. In a stat ov conti-nyl aj-t. 291. Went awa in grat aj-t. 292. The rich advantage (advn-t or ad-vn) of good xersz. 293. What iz a man ad-vn if he gan the hoi world and looz him-sl or be cast awa. 294. It iz obzrvd ov wolvz that when tha go to the fold for pra, tha wil-b shur to ad-vn themselvz ov the wind. 295. It waz ad-vn situated (sit-w). 296. When tha ar ad-vn sit-w in lif. 297. He had a star to il-str hiz birth. 298. Jursts turnd statsmn hav il-str evry part ov our histry. 299. Ech new fact il-str mor clerly 300. Analogy (an-a) [see alogy, page 98] howvr iz-r proof, but il-str. 301. Can yu il-str this? 302. I hav il-str it. 303. It nedz no furthr il-str, for it iz alrdy perfctly il-str. 304. And an enthusiast (en-th) in poetry. 305. The noblest en-th cu not help it. 306. A ung man ov a visionary (vi-zhn) and en-th carctr. 307. I becm en-th fond ov a quit lif. 308. How can we el-v ourslvz but by the el-v ov the rezn? 309. The compe-tn-s ov man to el-v and to-b el-v iz varsly regrdd. 310. He iz spo-zd to-b a litl $6 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. cl-v and nobdy hedz him. 311. The el-v ov the land iz cauzd by what? 312. If he evade (e-v) us. 313. He iz anxious (anshs) to e-v it. 314. Baflz hiz nolj and e-v hiz powrz. 215. Jher can be no e-v ov this point. 316. Hiz ansrz wer very e-v and ambiguous (am-bg). 317. I ansrd e-v. 318. That must not divert (di-vr) the cors ov justs. 319. I hav bin vastly di-vr wi the story. 320. The litl plaz wer very di-vr to me. 321. Mer di-vr from the propr ob-j. 322. Duz this devolve (de-vl) on me? 323. In what di-rc duz the urth re-vl? 324. By a mor or les in-vl pross ov rezn-ing. 325. It iz in-vl in mi-stry. 326. It iz a grat in-vn. 327. He iz ov an in-vn turn ov mind. 328. Gratly to hiz ad-vn. 329. It iz very ad-vn. 330. Much to hiz disd-vn. 331. The town iz beutfly sit-w. 332. Beut-fl for sit-w iz Zion (zin). 333. Let it-b perpt-w. 334. It iz very ve-x. Yu must tak a litl rel-x. Rule XII (c), page 98. I. This iz a mi-t city (si-t) ov grat beu-t. 2. Hiz spech waz very wi-t and hiz argmnts wa-t. 3. Tha striv mi-t but et and drinc az frendz. 4. And he cried mi-t wi a loud vois, Babln the grat si-t iz fain. 5. Wil it plez ur mi-t to wash ur handz? 6. How soon mi-t mets mizery. 7. Ther is naut mor mi-t than man. 8. Iz this hiz na-t land? 9. Yes, this iz the land ov hiz na-t. 10. The wethr iz very win-tr. II, The plezher iz but momn-tr. 12. He emrjd from the monas-tr. 13. He stood on a hi EXERCISES UNDER DETACHED TERMINALS. 5! promn-tr. 14. It was ner the cloz ov the last century (sen-tr). 15. Thez shelz vver found in the es-t ov the Sant Lavvrns rivr. 16. What ma-s pilz ar her. 17. Hiz language (lang) waz evasive (ev-s). 18. Evry pashn iz a short fren-z. 19. The pepl fren-z by a sen-try ov op-pr. 20. Thez mezhrz wer very op-pr. 21. It iz op-pr hot. 22. The morn-ing waz very fro-st. 23. The fro-st atmsfr persd us to the bon. 24. Grat iz the mi-str ov Godlins. 25. God movz in a mi-str wa hiz wondrz to perfrm. 26. He shooc hiz hed mi-str. 27. He told us wi an ar ov much mi-str, to wat and se. 29. What iz hiz li-b for? 29. What iz the amnt ov hiz li-b? 30. What ar the itmz ov hiz li-b? 31. He duz not reliz hiz in-b. 32. Herz iz a charm-ing af-b. 33. Hiz am-b iz obvs to al. 34. Ther iz an analogy (an-a) twen-thingz, and won-thing haz an-a to or wi anthr; az, an an-a twen iern-ing and lit, lern-ing be-ing to the mind what lit iz to the eye. 35. The ef-e of histr-cl red-ing iz in meny respcts an-a to that prodsd by travl. 36. A word cor-sp wi anthr iz an an-a term. 37. A prins iz an-a styld a pilt, be-ing to the stat az a pilt iz to the vesl. 38. Man iz an an-a and stndz re-1 in al ob-j. 39. The siens which trets ov the proprtz ov the minrl speshz iz cald minr-a. 40. The xact minr-a hav re-j it. 41. Iz this a minr-a tabl? 42. Biology (bi-o) iz the siens ov lif and liv-ing-thingz. 43. One scild in the siens iz a bi-o. $2 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 44. To mesmriz iz to bi-o and won hoo practsz mesmr-izm iz a bi-o. 45. Natrl the-o iz the nol ov God de-r from hiz works. 46. He hoo iz versd in the-o iz a the-o. 47. The art ov rapd rit-ing iz cald sten-o; won hoo practsz the art iz cald a sten-o; and whatvr pertnz to the art iz cald sten-o. 48. What distncshn do yu mac twen theology (the-o) and theosophy (the-o) in rit-ing thez wordz? 49. Ther ar mor-thingz in hevn and urth, Horasho, than ar dremd ov in our fil-o. 50. One hoo specu-1 on the natr ov-thingz iz cald a fil-o, and such spec-1 iz cald fil-o. 51. Did yu sa geography (je-o) or geology (je-o); and what difrns do yu mac in riting thez termz? 52. Men hoo can her the decl-r and fel no self reproch. 53. We send yu our cat-1. 54. Hiz wel non pi-i. 55. Ar yu a member ov the com-i? 56. Blast-ing the long quiet ov my brest, wi anml het and dir insn-i. 57. The er shud nevr-b clozd to the cal of humn-i. EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. (Text Book, p. m, 112.) I. Can yu accomodate (ac-dt) me wi a statmnt ov my acnt? 2. Iz he ac-bl for hiz acts? 3. The awfl ida ov ac-blt. 4. Wil yu rendr me a statmnt "ov ac-crnt? 5. It waz cler that the new ad-trshn waz to hav strong op-z from the first. 6. For this ad-trshn. 7. Hoo iz the apntd ad-trtr? 8. Iz she apntd EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. 53 ad-trx? 9. A divr hoo by long habt waz almst gron am-bs. 10. Armd wi the curvd rib ov sum big am-bn tha ar pla-ing bal and bat. 11. The erlst am-thtrz wer mad ov wood. 12. Natr iz prolfc and am-dxtrs. 13. Shufl-ing and am-dxtrs del-ingz. 14. Ignrnt az I waz ov the humn fram, and ov its latnt powrz, az regardd sped, fors, and am-dxtrty. 15. By what au-ty dost thou thez-thingz and hoo ga thee this au-ty? 16. Thevz for thar rob-ing hav au-ty. 17. An act which congrs aln iz compe-tnt to au-iz. 1 8. The au-zshn ov lawz. 19. The law ov du-t remanz au-tv, but itz au-ty semz scarsly az awfl az formrly. 20. He specs az on hav-ing au-ty. 21. He specs au-tvly. 22. Few men no how to coma-nd [dot on a position for coma]. 23. We come-nd yu to the cindns ov hiz gras. 24. How cud yu comi-t so grat a brech ov good manrz? 25. Why shud yu two coni-v togthr to do thus? 26. What duz this conta-n? 27. Its conte-nts ar unnn. 28. Why did yu contri-v this on this contra-ctd plan? 29. It iz contra-ry to the prinsplz in al simlr contri-vnsz. 30. Wil yu contri-bt to hiz conser-v-try ? 31. I do-nt fuly compre-hnd hiz contri-vns. 32. Why du yu compla-n? 33. What cauz hav yu for compla-nt? 34. I hav mad no compla-nt. 35. I hav-nt compla-nd, but do-nt considr that I hav bin compli-mntd in the contra-ct. 36. Duz this confl-ct wi yur constru-cshn? 37. It iz be-ynd my compre-hnshn. 38. It iz 54 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. contra-ry to the consti-tshn. 39. If yu can-nt confor-m to the cred how can yu xpect to be confir-md? 40. Waz this a larg congre-gshn? 41. Hav yu the last copy ov the congre-shnl glob? 42. Under what circumstances (circum-stnsz) can yu contri-bt? 43. The circum-ambnt ar. A circum-amb-1. 44. Tha that wer ov the circum-szhn conte-ndd wi him. 45. The brod circum-frns. 46. We spend tim in a van circumfr-ns. 47. A fas al circum-fsd wi lit. 48. A larg xtent ov circum-jsnt coun-tr. 49. We hav lost tim by circml-cshn. 50. The circum-scrpshn iz much defasd. 51. A concomitant (c-tnt) plezhr. 52. Desn-s iz c-tnt to virtue (viru). 53. He mad him the chef c-tnt ov hiz heir (ar) aprnt. 54. The othr c-tnt iz hard hartd-ns. 55. Let us-b dismissed (ds-mist). 56. Tha wer ds-mmbrd. 57. The dz-mal swamp. 58. It shud-nt-b ds-sevrd. 59. I hop it-wil-nt cauz ds-cord. 60. An xelnt ds-cors. 61. When did yu mac the ds-covry? 62. He semz to-b wel ds-pozd. 63. In grat ds-tres. 64. Very grat disli-c. [Remark. Enlarge ds for disl placing it on / position for disli and add c.] 65. Hoom the electric (el-e) shoe disli-ncd wi shrecs and laftr. 66. Tha shud-b dislo-jd. 67. He waz very ds-curts. 68. It wil-nt do to dsr-grd it. [Remark. Shade ds loop for disr.] 69. From discontent (d-tnt) groz trezn. 70. When d-tnt sits hevy at my hart. 71. He waz a d-tnt; a dizezd body and a d-tntd mind. 72. She nuthing sed, no wordz ov EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. 55 d-tntment did from her lips ariz. 73. The ef-e ov this waz to work a d-tinns. 74. A d-tnus path. 75. Thez warz dran and d-md the king. 76. A statut very d-mds. 77. Becz ov the d-dsns ov the plas. 78. Yu go abt wiout d-md-t. 79. I am xtremly d-pzd when I her scandl. 80. A perplxt d-pshn. 81. Grat d-pzhr ov mind. 82. Gratly d-srtd. 83. Utr d-frmty. 84. Nuth-ing but wekns, d-ncshn and confu-shn. 85. One morn a Peri at the gat, Ov Edn stud d-slt. 86. The pepl ar dissatisfied (dst-fd). 87. Standing arnd in dst-fd silns. 88. The dst-fd fashnz. 89. One unfrm rul wu probly hav bin dst-fctry. 90. He must-b sensbl ov thar dst-fcshn. 91. Joind to this equability (ec-blt) ov carctr. 92. The bord ov ecl-zshn. 93. Good tempr or ec-nmty. 94. The sentr standz an ec-dstnt plas. 95. An ec-ltrl bivalve (bivlv). 96. Thris the ec-ncshl lin he crost. 97. Our chnjfl ec-nxsz. 98. The ec-pmnt ov the flet waz comple-t. 99. I find the reznz nerly ec-pndrnt. 100. Yes, quit ec-pndrs. 101. Ec-ptnshl planz and ec-ptnshl linz. 102. Sho-ing the ec-blns ov the-thing. 103. It iz ec-vlnt to a coma-nd. 104. For thez reznz he haz cut but an ec-cl figr. 105. The fals-t ov ec-cshn. 106. Hiz first encomium (en-um) iz that the sun loocs not upn a bravr. 107. Looc how my ring en-psth thy fingr. 108. By this en-psmnt and drift ov question. 109. Lev this ken en-tr ov our wits, no. X)l thez en-trz. in. Trid to encourage 56 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. (enr-j) him. 112. VVi good enr-jmnt. 113. The encourager (enr-jr) ov artz. 114. Tha pushd on enr-jingly. 115. Ar governable (g-bl) by humn menz. 116. Undr the anjlz g-ans benign (benn). 117. The g-es ov a hous. nS. VJhy haz g-mnt bin in-st at al? 119. Ther iz no pos-b ov g-mntl ad. 120. Pardnd by the g-or. 121. The g-or jenrl ov India (inda). 122. He iz a hypochondriac (hi-cndrc) iz he-nt? 123. Yes, he iz af-c wi hi-cndry. 124. Far hi-crt yu sec to chet in van. 125. And the hi-crt's hop shal persh. 126. Hi-crtcl pro-f. 127. A hi-fsft iz a salt obtnd by combi-ning hi-fsfrc asid wi a bas. 128. Hi-fsft iz a compou-nd ov hi-fsfrs and a bas. 129. Hi-fsfrs iz fosfrs and ocsjn. 130. Hi-slft iz a compou-nd ov hi-slfrs asid and a salfibl bas. 131. Hi-slfrs iz a compou-nd ov sulfr and ocsjn. 132. The longst sid ov a rit angld triangl iz cald the hi-nus. 133. Raz what yu can on thar valu by hi-cshn. 134. When sum hi-ss absrd and van. 135. Must ov-crs-b in-a grat degr hi-thtcl. 136. When my inaccessible (inc-ssbl) handz shal fal on thee. 137. Thar inc-tv condi-shn had brot it upn them. 138. Tha ar inc-crdnt. 139. Not merly a few instnsz ov inc-rsy, but he iz ofn inc-rt in hiz statmnts. 140. I nevr saw en-thing so wee and inc-tv. 141. Thez indiscernible (is-zrnbl) condishnz. 142. Dul natr, stupd and is-plnbl. 143. Nuth-ing can-b to us a law which iz by us is-cvrbl. 144. Do-nt spec is-crtly. EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. 57 145. My frendz rash is-crshn. 146. The ida ov blind or is-crmnt forgvns. 147. The victimz ov an is-crmnting spirit. 148. The pro-tc ov g-mnt iz is-pnsbl. 149. It mad him rathr is-pozd than sic. 150. A jenrl is-po-z tord blev-ing. 151. He is-trsly conse-ld hiz nam. 152. An is-trl xi-b. 153. That which can-nt be consu-md by fir iz incombustible (in-bstbl). 154. Numbrz hav-ing no comn divizr xept un-i ar sed to-b in-mshrbl. 155. Menz in-mnshrt to our wants. 156. We ar in-mdd by want ov room. 157. Undrstnd-ing iz in-mncbl. 158. The Chinez ar an in-mncbl nashn. 159. Her wordz do sho her wit in-prbl. 160. Newtn waz in-prbly the gratst fil-o. 161. We ar too ful ov in-pashn. 162. Yu ar in-ptbl to liv wi-al. 163. In-ptbl wi hiz wee and insnt natr. 164. By in-ptnt menz. 165. In-ptnt az he waz. 166. It iz very in-plt. 167. In spas in-prhnsbl. 168. Tha ar in-prsbl. 169. Such a cors iz in-svbl. 170. The histry ov siens temz wi in-svbltz. 171. Hiz argmnt waz in-clsv. 172. Obstntly in-frmbl. 173. What pleznt in-grtz ar thez. 174. Mad up ov in-grs parts in in-sdrbi numbrz. 175. Very in-sdrt. 176. Men ar ofn in-sdrt. 177. The fool liz hid in in-sstnsz. 187. Wi in-slbl distrs she grevd. 179. That .which iz not ezly sen iz in-spcs. 180. O! swar not by the moon, the in-stnt moon. 181. The humn hand iz an in-tstbl proof ov a De-i. 182. I wil in-tnntly drown mysl. 183. 58 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. Abslut in-trlbl powr. 184. That which can-nt-b contro-ld iz in-trlbl. 185. One grat in-vnns ov humn lif. 186. To atan the gratst numbr ov ad-vn wi the fewst in-vnnsz. 187. One metl iz in-vrtbl in anthr. 188. To mix or blend iz to in-prt. 189. The act ov in-prshn or the stat ov being in-prt. 190. Yu thine the pes iz in-rct? 191. An in-jbl druncrd. 192. Our bodz shal-b changd int in-rptbl and immtrl substn-sz. 193. This corrptbl shal put on in-rpshn. 194. To mov the incmbnt (in-bnt) lod tha try, and fly in-bnt on the dusty ar. 195. Enything that impdz moshn or acshn iz an in-brns. 196. Not capbl ov being recognizd iz irrecognizable (ir-nzbl). 197. It iz ir-slbl. 198. That ir-slbl sizm ov per-d and apstsy. 199. Such an ir-slmnt tween God and mamn. 200. How ir-slmnt wi our brethrn voidz al our adrs to God. 201. Far mor magnanimous (m-ms) than to assume (asum). 202. The respns ov m-mty in evry aj. 203. Dic-t by m-mty. 204. A m-ms pol-s. 205. In a m-ms manr iz m-mty (or m-m-t). 206. And yet yu do missek. 207. A misshpd figr. 208. Misstat a question (Q). 209. Adam misthot ov her so der. 2IO. Tha hav misconsvd (mscon-svd). [Remark. The sign for miscon is the same as for mis, but is written across instead of being connected, as is the sigji for mis.] 211. Grat errz rezlt from miscon-spshn ov the namz ov-thingz. 212. Let wizdom be by past miscon-dct lernd. 213. What a miscon-svr 'tiz. 214. Who had miscon-dctd himsl. EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. 5Q 215. I hop tha wil cor-e our miscon-jctrz. 216. To stric at me upn hiz miscon-strcshn. 217. And misin-frmd the wil. 218. He iz a misin-frmr. 219. He waz misin-strctd. 220. By which noncombatnts (n-btnts) ar mad to fel the stres ov war. 221. He iz a n-mshnd ofsr. 222. She iz n-mtl. 223. In its stat ov n-plshn. 224. A n-dct-ing subst-ns [write b upright for bs, and shorten if to add /, making bst.~\ 22$. It iz a n-dctr. 226. Whoso (hooso) wd-b a man must-b a n-frmst. 227. The grat pilr and butrs ov n-frm-t. 228. He iz a n-tnt. 229. The omniform (o-frm) esns ov God. 230. The caos ov o-frs atmz. 231. That which prodsz al cindz iz o-fars. 232. In virtue (viru) ov its o-frm-t. 233. He iz o-shnt. 234. Wil o-ptns neglct to se? 235. Hiz o-przns filz. 236. The sol ov man iz not o-prznt. 237. The Divin o-shns. 238. An o-ors redr. 239. An o-gnt anml. 240. Because (becz) [downward c to add z] the eye haz preconceived (p-svd) it shortr than the truth. 241. The act ov p-spshm iz p-sv-ing. 242. By p-svd acshn. 243. The p-srtdns ov the seem. 244. Tha wer p-dmd. 245. Hiz p-dm-n. 246. To be p-frmd to hiz wil. 247. Tha wer p-stttd. 248. It waz p-trvd and p-trctd, and p-strctd. 249. It iz a quadrennial (q-rnl) gathr-ing. 250. It iz q-dsml. 251, It iz q-dnttd. 252. It iz als q-fars. 253. The clovr iz q^folt. 254. That tre iz q-frctd. 255. A q-ltrl figr. 256. It iz q-mmbrl. 257. A-thing subdvdd int for 6d ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. parts iz q-scshn. 258. The word iz q-slbl. 259. It iz q-mns, and q-pdl. 260. A q-pd, an anml having four feet. 261. To re-anmt [r written on irregular side of a for re], drow-z sensz. 262. It must-b re-anxt. 263. When wil it re-apr? 264. By what cors did tha re-aprch? 265. When did tha mac the re-atmt? 266. He doth re-bat and blunt hiz natrl edge (ej). 267. How cu my hand r-bel agnst my hart? 268. Why bar ye thez re-bucs? 269. The defndnt (def) ma re-but. 270. 'Tiz past re-cal. 271. I am rong and I wil re-cant. 272. The re-sed-ing tidz. 273. She had a re-set to mac whit her blac har. 274. Yur favr just re-svd. 275. And re-sevd us evry one. 276. To re-clam mancnd. 277. Re-clind her dy-ing hed upn hiz brest. 278. Evl on itself (itsl) shal bac re-coil. 279. It iz past re-covry. 280. The win in my botl wil re-covr him. 281. Her cheks gru the britr, re-cruting thar coir. 282. Then he ma re-dem it, if it iz re-dembl. 283. Dubly re-dubld stroks upn the fo. 284. Wil he be re-col-e? 285. To engj agn iz to re-engj. 286. In suts it iz good to re-fer to sum frend. 287. And az it re-mnz, re-finz. 288. The re-flex [shade they? for refi\ imj iz sen. 289. Feed and re-gard him not. 290. Tha re-gardd him wi cindns. 291. An inds-tnct re-gard. 292. Saw nuth-ing to re-gret. 293. When wil he-b re-insttd? 294. Wil tha-b re-infrsd? 295. Hiz nez rela-x [make the r minute to add I on a position for rela and add x] wi toil. 296. He haz EXERCISES UNDER PREFIXES. 6l bin rele-sd. 297. And thus wil persh rele-ntls. 298. Iz he reli-bl? 299. Religious (reli-js) [minute re on / position js\ in my err. 300. Relu-ctant now I tuch the the tremblng string. 301. What did yu re-marc? 312. It iz-nt re-medl. 303. Hoosovr sinz yu re-mit tha ar re-mitd unt them. 304. The last grat aj re-nuz its finshd cors. 305. This world I do re-nouns. 306. For joy to her me so re-nown hiz son. 307. How did yu re-obtn it? 308. To re-orgniz the army. 309. I'll re-par the mischf. 310. He re-petd sum linz ov Virjl. 311. Tha re-peld ech othr. 312. I do re-pent it. 313. The book waz re-plasd. 314. The goodz ar re-plevnd. 315. What I shal re-pli? 316, Re-prov my al-g if yu can. 317. I wil re-infrm her at yur re-qest. 318. Shal I sa to him what yu re-qir? 319. Can yu re-sel them? 320. And nevr doth re-tir hiz goldn ra. 321. And tha re-tort that het agn. 322. Thy xubrnt parts re-trench. 323. And re-trev my fal. 324. Iz no re-turn du? 325. Wu-nt re-vel the woond. 326. In tac-ing re-venj a man iz but evn wi hiz enmy. 327. Re-vers the doom ov deth. 328. Tha shal-b re-unitd. 329. Tha wer ezly recognized (r-nzd). 330. That r-nzns and plej ov luv. 331. Be-ing r-mndd by the brethren unt the gras ov God. 332. By a r-mn-d ov hiz viruz. 333. He can-nt r-pns me betr. 334. Can be decmpzd but not r-pozd. 335. The difrnt atmts ar r-slbl. 336. Frenshp and r-slashn. 337. When wil the.bil be r-sdrd? 338. Hoi rejmnts 62 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. hav bin r-strctd. 339. When do yu xpct the senat wil be r-vnd? 340. The act ov r-va-ing iz a r-vans. 341. It iz a selfacting (s-act-ing) press (pres). 342. One s-aprv-ing our hoi yerz outwa. 343. The erth s-sntrd and unmvd. 344. He iz very s-fdnt. 345. S-lv, that spring ov moshn. 346. The utmst s-stsfcshn (or s-fcshn). 347. He iz very s-sh. He iz very selfcontained, (s-tnd) s-shs, s-fdnt and s-std. 348. The charmn apntd a sub-committee (sb-m-t). 349. He iz a sp-trctr. 350. It iz sp-prst. 351. A sp-trary prop-z. 352. It iz a very substantial (su-shl) structr. 353. The ranbo aprz lie a su-shl arch in the sci. 354. The sol iz a stranjr to such su-shlty. 355. It iz su-shly tru. 356. To su-sht the clam. 357. The detlz ov the transaction (t-ashn). 358. Lits in the hevnz t-nd-ing the rejn ov the cloudz. 359. Clothd wi t-nt britns. 360. He iz a t-ndntlst hoo blevz in t-dntlzm. 361. Lov ma t-frm me to an oystr. 362. Be ye t-frmd by the renew-ing ov yur mind. 363. What a dltfl t-frmshn. 264. Forgv thy pepl al thar t-grshnz wherewith (wherw) tha hav t-grsd agnst thee. 365. He wi t-ishn swet new spech rezumz. 366. Thar solz ma t-mgrt int ech othr. 367. The stat ov be-ing unacceptable (unc-sptbl) iz unc-sptblns. 368. In an inc-sptbl manr iz unc-sptbly. 369. The goodz ar unc-sptbl. 370. She iz very unc-plshd. 371. Hiz acshnz ar unc-sptbl. 372. He acts unc-sptbly. 373. And the unc-qntd lit EXERCISES IN PHRASE WRITING FIRST METHOD. 63 begn to fer. 374. Raw and undisciplined (us-plnd) troops. 375. Thar us-plnd mindz. 376. He acts very us-crtly. 377. Hiz us-crshn iz the mor remrcbl. 378. Yu ar us-ptbly cor-e. 379. Az us-tnctv Deth wil cum on da, Slep cumz now. 380. An uncommon (un-n) pro-dc. 381. The most un-frtbl tim ov the yer. 382. An un-frtbl set. 383. It iz un-nly rar. 384. The un-ns ov it. 385. He iz very un-mncbl, or un-mnc-t. 386. It waz un-pnd wi eny othr sin. 387. An un-prmzing surndr. 388. It waz un-svbly stupd. 389. He iz quit un-srnd abt it. 390. Mori evl iz an acshn un-frmbl to the rul ov our du-t. 391. Want ov conform-ty iz un-frm-t. 392. it iz un-st-t. 393. He iz utrly un-trlbl. 394. The un-vrtd man. 395. Tha ar unreconciled (unr-sld) to thar po-z. 396. Tha ar unr-slbl nabrz. 397. Tha ar unr-slbl prop-z. 398. Tha ar unr-slbly opzd to ech othr. 399. She waz unsatisfied (un-fd) wi it. 400. This iz very un-fctry. 401. It waz very un-fctrly prezntd. 402. Thar waz evdnt un-fcshn. 403. Libl-t ov being excommunicated (x-mnctd) iz to-b x-mncbl, and hav-ing bin x-mnctd on bcmz an x-mncnt. 404. Thou shalt stand curst and x-ct. 405. The x-tr pronnst upn him x-cshn. EXERCISES IN PHRASE WRITING FIRST METHOD. (Text Book, pages 126, 131.) ^ I. Al-the da long; al-a man wantz; al-I thine; al-I 64 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. no; al-yu wish; al-yu ar; al-the betr; al-the whil; al-yu can; al-the nit; al-the morn-ing; al-the wa; al-the mor; al-the tim. 2. Aftr-an our; aftr-a litl; aftr-a whil; aftr-the wore iz dun; aftr-the cloz of servs; aftr-I cum; aftr-I go; aftr-yu ar redy. 3. And-I wil cum; and-I shal hav tim; and-I fer the rezlt; and-yu must cum too; and-the mor the betr; and-the les the betr; and-a few mor; and-the next tim. 4. Thar ar-a few mor; wher ar-the boyz? when ar-the men to be her? and ar-yu going too? when ar-yu to cum aftr-the booc? 5. Az-a help; az-the men cum in; az-yu thine best; az-I hav tim; az-I go by; az-I blev; az-the best remdy; az-a menz ov redres; at-a meeting ov the ofsrz; at-the beging; at-the end; at-the top; at-an opn-ing; who waz at-the met-ing? looc at-the matr; went at-the wore; point at-yu; sner at-yu; laf at-yu. 6. Befor an-our; befor-a grat whil; befor-the tim cumz; went befor-the met-ing clozed; befor-the da endz; befor-the sun rizz; befor-I-cum; befor-a jury. 7. But-a litl whil; but-a mint; but-I thine so; but-yu must; but-yu shud; al but-the last; when but-a litl mor than; ask but-a litl; hav but-a momnt; cam but-to se yu; asc but-the lest. 8. Not by a grat del; cam by-the tran; waz it sent EXERCISES IN PHRASE WRITING FIRST METHOD. 65 by-yu? sent by-the mal; bot by-the car lod; lost by-yu. 9. How can-a man do so? can-the nif be uzd? can-yu cum too? yu can-too. 10. Do-a grat del; do-the best yu can; when do-yu start? I wil do-the mor; how do-yu get them? how do-yu lie it? nuth-ing do-I fer; why do-yu go so soon? I wil do-a litl mor. 11. It haz dun-yu good; he haz dun the best he cu; when he haz dun-a litl mor; he haz dun-a few-thingz; when yu hav dun-the wore; why don't-yu go? don't-yu no? don't-yu ask it? 12. It iz for-the best; for-a few timz; for-a litl whil; for yu both; for-yu too; for-the cauz; for-the church; for-the good ov al; for-a few daz; for-yu uz it; for-yu hav; for-yu can. 13. From-the begn-ing; iz this from-yu? get it from-the west; took it from-yu; sent it from-the stor; from-the lest to-the gratst; from-an idal point ov vu; cam from-the met-ing; cam from-the est. 14. Get-a few mor; get-a litl mor; wil yu get-the boocs? when wil yu get-the muny? when did-yu get-the seedz? az-yu get-a litl betr; don't-yu get-an othr. 15. I wil giv-yu the list; I wil giv-the matr sum thot; I wil giv-a dolr; giv-the boy sum; giv-the cor-e tim. 16. How-yu can be so thotls; how-the-thing cam 66 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. out; I do-nt se how-a persn can; and se how-the wore goz on; I do not no how-to get thru; tech me how-to sav, az wel az how-to giv. 17. If I had-an ax; if I had-the menz; had-I the tim; had-yu not betr; had-yu non it soonr; he had-a bad tim; he had-a rong ida. 18. Wil yu hav-an apl? I hav-the menz to do it; hav-yu bin thar? hav-yu sen him? hav-yu the vas? I wu hav-the boyz in school; how hav-yu dun this? I wil hav-a few ov them. 19. In-a few daz; in-a litl whil; in-the men tim; in-the morning; in-a mint; in-the begin-ing; in-the evning; in-the sum-ing up; in-the pero-r; in-the intr-dc; in-the intrm; in-an our; in-the opnn ov. 20. This iz-an open-ing for-yu; wher iz-the end ov it? it iz-to bad; it iz-a grat fars; it iz-a cler cas; it iz-a valubl ad-d; it iz-a trifl to smal; it iz-the rit-thing; wher iz-the met-ing to-be held? it iz-a good plas for-the met-ing to be held; ther iz-a demnd for-a few ov them. 21. Just-a minute; in just-a few minutes; not just-the-thing; just-the least degre to smal; just-a litl mor; it iz just-to eat; just-an our; just-an itm; just-the difrns; just-yu aln; in just-the rig; I am just-a trifl anshs. 22. He wil know (no)-a litl mor then; I do not know-an opn-ing; I know-yu wil; yu know-the betr now; I know-the pepl; I know-the les; I know-the EXERCISES IN PHRASE WRITING FIRST METHOD. 6/ plas wel; yu know-a few-thingz; I know-to much abt it; know-yu betr. 23. Nor-an othr; nor-an ofr ov les; nor-an our mor; nethr yu nor-I; nor-the latr; nor-the formr; nor-yu both; nor-a da les; nor-an our les; nor-the betr; nor-the mor; nor-I shal. 24. Not-a litl; not-the mor; not-the les; not-the betr; not-a mint; not-an our; not-an item; not-the best; not-the least-thing; not-yu both; not-the-thing; not-an open-ing; not-a contra-dcshn. 25. Al ov-the; nun ov-the; sum ov-the; much ov-the; out ov-the; les ov-the; what ov-the; one ov-the man-thingz; al ov-an our; al ov-the tim; the sum ov-the matr iz; asc ov-the pepl; asc ov-yu. 26. On-the spur ov-the momnt; on-an opn-ing being mad; on-a mild da; on-an xpla-n ov-the; on-the moro; on-the moov; on-yu al; on-yu rests; on-yu shal the blam rest. 27. Or-an our; or-a month; or-a year; one or-the othr; or-the latr; or-the com-i; or-the les; in one or-the othr; or-yu hav; or-yu thine; or-yu plez to; or-yu wish to. 28. Ovr-an our; ovr-a month; ovr-a comu-n-t; ovr-the top; ovr-the veto; ovr-the moshn; ovr-to yu; ovr to-the com-i; ovr-to-the pepl; ovr-yu al; ovr-yu both. 29. Hav yu pad-the not? not pad-a dolr; I pad-the det; if I had pad-yu; I hav pad-yu al I o 68 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. yu; I shud hav pad-the det; I pad-to yur bruthr; he wu hav pad-the det. 30. That-the tim iz up; that-yu no; that-I no ov; that-I blev to-b; that-I hav sen; that-I cu; that-I thot best; al that-I cu; not that-I thot; al that-an onst man cu do; sed that-a persn; thot that-a. 31. Gon-to a met-ing; gon-a litl furthr; gon-a yer to long; gon-the hoi lenth; gon-the hoi figr; gon-to se him abt it. 32. Of to-the warz; gav it to-the church; giv to-the cauz; sent to-yu; tak to yu now; cum to-the met-ing; cum to-a conclu-shn; cum to-an agrmnt; pad to-yu for-the cauz; looc to-yu for it. 33. What-a smal itm; what-an opn-ing; what-an opnn; what-the end wil be; what-the cauz iz; what-yu thine; what-I no; what-I can; what-I do; what-I wish; what-to do. 34. When-a-thing iz to-be dun; when-a man; when-the pepl wish it; when-I hav tim; when-I am abl; when-to get it; when-yu ar redy; when-yu want it; when-yu sa so; when-yu thine best. 35. If-a cauz nedz it; if-an opn-ing can be found; what if-the pepl; then if-yu; so if-yu; that if-yu; for if-the. EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE SECOND METHOD. I. They cam in one-by-one. 2. We gav it to them day-by-day. 3. We cald on them day-by-day. EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE SECOND METHOD. 69 4. Day-after-day we saut her. 5. We went ovr-and-ovr it. 6. For evr-and-evr. 7. By-the-by, yu had betr se to it. 8. We shal cal on yu by-and-by. 9. It wil gro betr-and-betr. 10. The sci looct britr-and-britr. n. The horzn gru brodr-and-brodr. 12. The watr roz hir-and hir. 13. It drew nerr-and-nerr. 14. Prisz wer derr-and-derr. 15. The pal moon gru les-and-les. 16. He shod mor-and-mor the efct ov hiz confin-mnt. 17. Al-in-al it waz the very best. 18. Tha wer joind ech-to-ech. 19. It waz an out-and-out falyr (or fair). 20. The mercry sane lor-and-lor. 21. He tliretnd me agn-and-agn. 22. We countd it itm-by-itm. 23. We saut its valu atm-by-atm. 24. We looct at it ovr-and-ovr. 25. It waz testd ovr-and-ovr. 26. It flew farthr-and-farthr awa. 27. It waz revud from tim-to-tim. 28. It gru gratr-and-gratr. 29. It incrsd mor-and-mor. EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD. i. We bawt a new one (we-bt-a-n-o). 2. He xpird wi a gron (he-xprd-w-a-grn). 3. Just a momnt (ju-a-mmnt). 4. Just az wel az (ju-az-1-az). 5. Not az good az (not-az-gd-az). 6. Al at ons (al-at-ons). 7. Not at first (not-at-frst). 8. What are you about (what-r-u-at)? [halved a downwards.] 9. Just got about (ju-gt-at). 10. Now and then ( now-an-thn ). n. He went and got it (he-wnt-nd-gt-it). 12. Tak anothr (tac-athr). 7O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. [shorten a and add r for another.] 13. Bawt anothr (bawt-athr). 14. Tha hav gon abroad (tha-v-gn-ard). 15. I am not afrad (I-am-nt-ard). 16. What ar yu aftr (what-a-u-atr?) 17. Let it be az it waz (let-it-b-azt-wz). 18. In the secnd act (int-scnd-agt). 19. How much do yu asc (how-mch-d-y-asg)? 20. Ther iz no action (ther-iz-n-agshn). 21. To be or not to be (to-b-r-nt-to-b)? 22. When did he go by (when-dd-h-g-b)? 23. How much did yu buy (how-mch-dd-y-b)? 24. It iz too bad (it-iz-t-bd). 25. Ther wer but thre ther (ther-wr-bt-thr-thr). 26. He sent but thre (he-snt-bt-thr). 27. He bawt me but thre (he-bt-m-bt-thr). 28. Hiz arm waz bar ( hiz-arm-wz-br ). 29. It waz a hevy bar (it-wz-a-hevy-br). 30. He waz a heavy buyer ( he-wz-a-hevy-br ). 31. He iz a grat bor (he-iz-a-grt-br). 32. He iz very bright (he-iz-vr-brt). 33. He haz just brawt it (he-ha [shaded a] -j-brt-it). 34. It iz for the best (it-iz-fr-th-bst), [upright shortened b for best]. 35. How hard the wind duz bio (how hard the-wn-dz-bl). 36. I hav bin (I-v-bn). 37. I have not bin (I-v-nt-bn). 38. A good bizns (a-gd-b) [heavy b for business], 39. How cu he do so (how-c-h-d-s)? 40. With great care (wi-grt-cr). 41. Run out that car (run-out-tht-cr). 42. When wil he cal ( when-1-he-cl)? 43. How did he cil it ( how-dd-h-cl-it ) ? 44. When did he come (when-dd-h-cm)? 45. He came to da (he-cm-t-d). EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD. Jl 46. When can he come (when-cn-h-cm)? 47. It iz a grat crim (it-iz-a-grt-crm). 48. Giv me the crem (gi-m-th-crm). 49. Wil he cum to da (wil-h-cm-t-d)? 50. When did he di (when-dd-h-d)? 51. When iz it due ( when-iz-it-d )? 52. Wil tha go to da ( wil-th-g-t-d ) ? 53. Wil yu go wi the men (wil-yu-g-w-th-mn)? 54. When tha cum horn I wil go (when-th-cm-hom i-l-g). 55. Art thou a frend (art-th-a-frnd)? 56. When did he mac this det ( when-dd-h-mc-ths-dt)? 57. Iz he not ded ( iz-h-nt-dd)? 58. When wil tha be dun (when-1 th-b-dn)? 59. And then (and-thn). 60. Give them to me (gi-thm-t-m). 61. When did he draw hiz salary (when-dd-h-dr-hz-slry)? 62. It iz too dry (it-iz-t-dr). 53. How did he draw it (how-dd-h-dr-it)? 64. How dar yu do so (how-dr-y-d-s)? 65. My der sir (my-dr-sr). 66. It waz a dir rezlt (it-wz-a-dr-rzlt). 67. When wil he dran this (when-1-h-drn-ths)? 68. When waz this drawn (when-wz-ths-drn)? 69. Iz he yur detr (iz-h-ur-dtr)? 70. In a few daz (in-a-f-dz). 71. Now a daz ( now-a-dz ). 72. Some daz (sum-dz). 73. When it duz run (when-it-dz-rn). 74. With grat ez (wi-grt-ez.) 75. Give one to ech (gi-o-to-e). 76. Give me one to eat (gi-m-o-to-et). 77. The sun rizz in the est (the-sn-rzz-in-t-est). 78. We ar now evn (we-r-n-en). 79. Waz ther evr (waz-thr-er)? 80. Tha wer ethr ov them betr (tha-wr-ethr-o-thm-btr). Si. What if (what-f)? 82. 72 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. Not a few (nt-a-f). 83. Wer yu ther befor (wer-y-thr-fr)? 84. How far from this (how-fr-frm-ths)? 85. We had good fare (we-had-gd-fr). 86. We had a far da (we-hd-a-fr-d). 87. Do not fer (do-nt-fr). 88. What a grat fir (what-a-grt-fr). 89. What did yu do this for (what-dd-y-d-ths-fr)? 90. Man lovz fam (man-lvz-fm). 91. It iz a fin da (it-iz-a-fn-d). 92. We hav had fin fun (we-v-hd-fn-fn). 93. Did he forgv you (did-h-frg-u)? 94. Yes, he forgv me (yes-h-frg-m). 95. Wher iz he from (wher-iz-h-frm)? 96. Whoz iz the fram (hooz-iz-the-frm)? 97. This iz much finr (this-iz-mch-fnr). 98. Wil he fil the bil (wil-h-fl-th-bl)? 99. It iz too ful (it-iz-t-fl). 100. How did it fal (how-dd-it-fl). 101. It fel for want ov car (it-fl-fr-wnt-o-cr). 102. How duz he fel now (how-duz-h-fl-n)? 103. It iz fact (it-iz-fct). 104. It iz a factr (it-iz-a-fctr). 105. It iz too fat (it-iz-t-ft). 106. It iz two fet long (it-iz-t-ft-lng). 107. In the thicst ov the fit (ine-thcst oe-ft). 108. He fawt a good fit (he-ft-a-gd-ft). 109. Raz it one foot (raz-it-o-ft). no. How much can yu gi (how-mch-cn-y-g)? in. Tha gav a good sum (tha-g-a-gd-sm). 112. Wher did yu go (wher-dd-y-g)? 113. Wher did this gro (wher-dd-ths-gr)? 114. It gru ner my farm (it-gr-nr-m-frm). 115. Wil yu get me sum good boocs (wil-y-gt-m-sm-gd-bcs)? ,[Make c downwards for cs\ Ii6. God iz good (God-iz-gd.) 117. God iz grat (God-iz-grt). 118. Grat and good EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD. 73 (grt-nd-gd). 119. Ther iz no gan in it (ther-iz-n-gn-in-it). 120. Did yu se eny gam (did-yu-s-e-gm )? 121. No, the gam iz gon ( no-th-gm-iz-gn ). 122. The gran iz so gren ( the-grn-iz-s-grn ). 123. How haz it gron (how-haz-it-gron)? 124. So he iz (so-h-iz). 125. So he did (so-h-dd). 126. Se how I (se-h-i). 127. It iz so hi (it-iz-s-h). 128. Thoz hoo must be (thoz-h-mst-b). 129. He haz not (h-haz-nt). 130. Ar yu hapy (ar-y-hap). 131. Se how he (se-h-he). [Shaded e for he]. 132. In hiz nam (in-hiz-nm.) 133. Wer yu wi him (wer-yu-w-him)? 134. Wil yu go horn wi me (wil-y-g-ho-w-m)? 135. Tha hop so (tha-ho-s). 136. We had not (we-hd-nt.) 137. It wil fit hiz hed (itl-ft-hi-hd). 138. How did yu hit it (how-dd-y-ht-it). 139. It iz so hot (it-iz-s-ht.) 140. Did yu her (did-yu-hr). 141. It iz hir (it-iz-hr). 142. Wil yu cum her (wil-y-cm-hr)? 143. Waz he wi yu (waz-h-w-y)? 144. It iz hard (it-iz-hrd). 145. Hav yu herd (hav-y-hrd)? 146. Iz he yur hird man (iz-h-yr-hrd-mn). 147. Let us al cum to the hal (let-us-al-cm-t-th-hl). 148. How hard it did hal (how hard-it-dd-hl). 149. Yes, he'l cum too (yes-hl-cm-t). 150. Our Fathr hoo art in Hevn (our-fthr-hoort-in-hen). 151. Dar I go (dar-i-g)? 152. Yes, I dar (yes-I-dr.) 153. So it iz (so-it-iz). 154. He went in (he-wnt-in.) 155. What iz it (what-iz-it). 156. Iz it just (iz-it-j)? 157. Ar yu a 74 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. good juj (ar-y-a-gd-j)? 158. Gentlemen ov the jury (j-jr). [Omit ov Me]. 159. So wil we al (so-l-w-1). 160. Iz it so lat (iz-t-s-lt)? 161. Wil yu let it b (wil-y-lt-it-b)? 162. Giv us mor lit (gi-us-mr-lit). 163. It iz just my let (it-iz-j-m-lt). 164. Wher waz it lad (wher-wz-it-ld)? 165. It waz lad out (it-wz-ld-out). 166. Let me led (let-m-ld). 167. Wil yu led it (wil-y-ld-it)? 168. He ma cum then (he-m-cm-thn). 169. Give me tim (gi-m-tm). 170. In my da (in-m-d). 171. Wil yu mac it (wil-y-mc-it)? 172. A mer sham (a-mr-shm). 173. Al the mor (al-th-mr). 174. My der Mr. George (my-dr-mr-jrj). 175. Iz he the man (iz-h-th-mn)? 176. Ar thez the men (ar-thz-th-mn)? 177. Iz it not min (iz-it-nt-mn)? 178. In the sam manr (ine-sm-mnr). 179. Iz he not a minor (iz-h-nt-a-mnr)? 180. It waz a menr act (it-wz-a-mnr-agt). 181. It iz in motion (it-iz-in-mshn). 182. Do yu not no (dou-nt-n)? 183. In no cas (in-n-cs) [c made downwards for cs]. 184. No, not now (no-nt-n) [place the dot under now when a phrase word sign]. 185. I do not no (i-d-nt-n). 186. I do not now (i-d-nt-n). 187. I can not (i-cn-nt). 188. I can't (I-cnt). 189. Iz it ner ther (iz-it-nr-thr)? 190. Nethr yu nor I (nethr-y-nr-i). 191. No, sir (nor). 192. Ov my on nolej (ov-m-o-nl). 193. What iz ur nam (what-iz-ur-nm)? 194. Iz ther nun (iz-thr-nn)? 195. It iz not non (it-iz-nt-nn). 196. Ther nevr waz ( ther-nvr-wz ). 197. Ther waz no on ner EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD- 75 (ther-wz-n-o-nr). 198. So one da (so-o-d). 199. Cum one, cum al (cum-o-cm-1.) 200. It iz my own (it-iz-m-o). 201. Wher did he get of (wher-dd-h-gt-o)? 202. How much ov this (how-mch-o-ths) ? 203. How much do yu ofr (how-mch-d-y-or)? 204. When wil yu cum over (when-1-y-cm-or)? 205. No othr (no-or). 206. Go out (go-out). 207. Not yet out (not-yt-out). 208. In our tim (in-our-tm). 209. Not our own ( not-our-o ). 210. How soon can yu go ( how-sn-cn-y-g )? 211. Thar stoc iz at par (thar-stc-iz-at-pr). 212. Wil por yu out a blesing (wil-pr-u-out-a-bls-ing). 213. In a pet (ina-pt). 214. When wil it be pad (when-1-it-b-pd) ? 215. Giv it fre pla (gi-it-fr-pl). 216. What waz hiz pie (what-wz-hiz-pl)? 217. It wil give no pan (it-1-g-n-pn). 218. Mak use ov the pen (mac-us-ov-th-pen). 219. Ther iz no question (ther-iz-no-q). 220. The question (th-q). 221. Iz it not queer (iz-it-nt-qr)? 222. By the quire (be-qr). 223. Ther ar no mor (ther-r-nomr). 224. Wil yu se her (wil-y-s-hr)? 225. Not our own (not-our-o). 226. One or mor (on-r-mr). 227. What did he sa (what-dd-h-s)? 228. I wil se (il-s). 229. Iz it not so (iz-it-nt-s)? 230. We must sue it (we-mst-s-it). 231. If she can (if-sh-cn). 232. A poor sho (a-pr-sh). 233. In the shad (ine-shd). 234. It wil shed (it-1 shd). 235. We shud not (we-shd-nt). 236. We shal not (we-shl-nt). 237. In the shel (ine-shl). 238. In shoal watr (in-shl-wtr). 76 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 239. Ech one a shar (ech-o-a-shr). 240. Ner the shor (nr-th-shr). 241. Not so sur (not-s-shr). 242. Tho he sla me (tho-h-sl-m). 243. Bawt the sla (baut-th-sl). 244. Tha wer too sly (tha-wr-t-sl). 245. He waz so slo (he-wz-s-sl). 246. The sol rit (the-sl-rt). 247. I wil sel (il-sl). 248. Just the sam (ju-th-sm). 249. It did not sem (it-dd-nt-sm). 250. Ther ar sum (ther-ar-sm). 251. A smal sum (a-sml-sm). 252. Lit ov the sun (lit ov-th-sun). 253. Iz he yur son (iz-h-ur-sn)? 254. Not so soon (not-s-sn). 255. It iz seen (it-iz-sn). 256. A grat sinr (a-grt-snr). 257. The sumr iz past (the-smr-iz-pst). 258. It iz a grat snar (it-iz-a-grt-snr). 259. He iz tacing a good snor (he-iz-tc-ing-a-gd-snr). 260. My dear sir (my-dr-sr). 261. Yes, sir (yesr). No, sir (nor). 262. It waz very sor (it-wz-vr-sr). 263. Tha presd him sor (tha-prsd-him-sr). 264. So tha sed (so-th-sd) [sd loop]. 265. By my side (by-m-sd). 266. It must be sued (it-mst-b-sd). 267. Not good sed (not-gd-sd). 268. Let me stay (let-m-st). 269. This iz stal (this-iz-stl). 270. Let him that stol stel no mor (let-him-tht-stl-stel-nmr). 271. A soft, stil nit (a-sft-stl-nit). 272. It stood in the sam stat (it-std ine-sm-stt). 273. He iz very stout (he-iz-vr-stt). 274. At statd ourz (at-sttd-ourz). 275. Tha go astra from birth (tha-g-astra-frm-brth). 276. It shon lie a star (it-shn-lc-a-str). 277. Can he ster \vel (can-h-str-wl)? 278. It iz very strat EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD. 77 (it-iz-ver-strt.) 279. He crosd the stret (he-crsd-th-strt). 280. Se him strut (se-him-strt.) 281. Wil the two go too to the far (wil-th-t-g-tte-fr)? 282. He wil try to he tru (hel-tr-to-b-tr). 283. Up a tre (up-a-tr). 284. He shed not a ter (he-shd-nt-a-tr.) 285. It wil tir yu out (it-1-tr-y-out). 286. Tak a tur ov obsr-v (tac-a-tr-o-ozr-v). 287. Not the best (not-th-bst). 288. Not tho the hevnz fal (not-th-th-henz-fl. 289. Wil tha go (wil-th-go)? 290. Not in thy da ( not-in-th-d. ) 291. O! thou that rulst abv ( o-th-tht-rlstabv). 292. How meny wer ther ( how-mny-wr-thr )? 293. He mad no thret (he-md-n-thrt). 294. I am nevr vviout a nedl and thred (Im-nvr-w-out-a-ndl-nd-thrd). 295. Mad a pas at hiz throt (mad-a-ps-at-hiz-thrt). 296. Mor than that (mor-thn-tht). 297. And then we wil se them ( and-thn-we-wl-se-thm ). 298. It iz too thin (it-iz-t-thn). 299. What do yu thine about it ( what-d-y-thnc-at-it ) ? 300. Yes, thane yu (yes-thnc-y). 301. I thine wel ov it (I thinc-1-o-it). 302. Iz this yur pen (iz-ths-ur-pn)? 303. Yes, thez ar my penz (yes-thz-r-m-pnz). 304. And ar thez yur penslz (and-r-thz-ur-pnslz)? 305. Yes, this, thez and thoz ar al min (yes-ths-thz-nd-thz-ar-1-mn). 305. He sed he thot that yu drew it (he sed-h-tht-tht-y-dr-it). 307. Iz that so (iz-tht-s)? 308. Yes, it iz tru (yes-it-iz-tr). 309. Let us looc it up (let-us-lc-it-u). 310. Get up anothr (get-u-athr). 311. What yu hav 78 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. (vvhat-u-v). 312. Wher yu ar (wher-u-r). 313. Which yu can (which-u-cn). 314. This yu can (this-u-cn). 315. I wil go wi yu (il-g-w-y). 316. Iz this yur booc (iz-ths-ur-bc)? 317. In yur tim (in-ur-tm). 318. Yu ar on the rol (yu-r-o-th-rl). 319. Yu ar not forgtn (yu-r-nt-frgtn). 320. Let us be ther (let-us-b-thr). 321. Let us not fal (let-us-nt-fl). ' 322. We can mac us ov it (vve-cn-mc-us-o-it). 323. Let us uz it (let-us-uz-it). 324. Se how I uz it (se-h-I-uz-it). 325. What us iz this (what-us-iz-ths)? 326. It iz upwrd, evr upvvrd (it-iz-uprd-evr-uprd). 327. I hav to hav sum mor (I-v-t-v-sm-mr). 328. Can yu hav tim (cn-y-v-tim)? 329. So hav yu (so-v-y). 330. How hav yu (how-v-y)? 331. Ther hav bin (ther-v-bn). 332. A grat sum (a-grt-sm). 333. Delvr us from evl (delvr-us-frm-vl). 334. Sum evl (sm-vl). 335. It iz evl (it-iz-vl). 336. It iz van (it-iz-vn). 337. Not van (not-vn). 338. Not in van (not-in-vn). 339. Tha ar van (tha-r-vn). 340. Hand me that vas (hand-m-that-vs). 341. Ar thez ur vewz (ar-thz-ur-vz)? 342. My vois iz stil for war ( my-vs-iz-stl-fr-wr ). 343. Haunts ov vis ( hants-o-vs). 344. This vis awt to be remvd (this-vs-aut-t-b-rmvd). 345. We wu nt (we-w-nt). 346. I wu not thine so (I-w-nt-thnc-s). 347. Go wi me ( go-w-m ). 348. Waz it sent wi yu (waz-it-snt-wi-y)? 349. In the wa (ine-w). 350. The rit wa (the rt-w). 351. Shal we not hav them EXERCISES IN PHRASES OF THE THIRD METHOD. 79 (shal-w-nt-v-dm)? 352. Wer we not (wer-w-nt)? 353. Not within (not-w-in). 354. Iz within (iz-w-in). 355. We shal win (we-shl-wn). 356. She looks wan (she Ics-wn). 357. She haz a wen (she-ha-a-wn). 358. In one da (in-o-d). [Remark. Either the downward o or the lengthened w expressing tvn may be used for the word one \ 359- It iz too warm (it-iz-t-wrm). 360. It iz not so warm (it-iz-nt-s-wrm). 361. It iz worn out (it-iz-wrn-out). 362. A mer worm (a-mr-wrm). 363. When ye pra sa (when-y-pr-s). 364. Let us pry into this (let-us-pr-int-ths). 365. I pra yu hav me xcuzd (I-pr-u-v-m-xczd). 366. It waz not wiz (it-wz-nt-wz). 367. He waz very wiz (he-wz-vry wz). 368. He waz (he-wz). 369. How waz (how-wz). 370. So waz (so-wz). 371. Ther waz (ther-wz). 372. The waz ov life (the-wz-o-lf). 373. I wish (I-wsh). 374. I do not wish (I-d-nt-wsh). 375. Tha wish (tha-wsh). 376. Who wish (hoo-wsh). 377. Let us xamine this ( let-us-xmn-ths ). 378. Ar yu the xaminr ( ar-y-th-xmnr )? 379. Wil yu xamin this (wil-y-xmn-ths)? 380. He sed yes (he-sd-ys). 381.0! yes (o-ys). 382. In thez yerz (in-thz-yrz). 383. Manz yerz ar(manz-yrz-r). 384. Later yerz (latr-yrz). 385. Iz this yourz (iz-ths-urz)? 386. Send yourz (send-urz). 387. Not yourz (not urz). 388. Yes, sir (yes-r). 389. Not az wel (not-as-1). 390. Just az wel (j-z-1). [Remark. Use either downward a or z for as, whichever makes the better joining]. 391. Az soon az (az-sn-a). 392. Az fin az 8O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. (az-fin-a). 393. Az much az (az-mch-z). 394. Az far az (az-fr-a). 395. Az good az (az-gd-a). 396. It iz az (it-iz-z). 397. Late az (lt-z). 398. Little az (litl-z). NIGHT. * Nit iz the astrnmrz acsptd tim; he goz to hiz delitfl labrz when the bizy world goz to its rest. A dare pal spredz ovr the rezrtz ov actv lif ; terstrl ob-j, hil and valy, and roc and strem, and the abdz ov men dis-apr; but the curtn iz drawn up which consld the hevnly hosts. Ther tha shin and ther tha mov az tha movd and shon when the morn-ing starz sang together and al the sonz ov God shoutd for joy. * * * Al haz chanjd on erth but the hevnz reman unchnjd. The plow pasz ovr the sit ov mity sitz, the homz ov powrfl nashnz ar deslt; the langjz tha spoc ar forgtn; but the starz that shon for them ar shining for us; the sam eclpsz run thar stedy sicl, the sam ecwnxz cal out the flowrz ov spring, and send the huzbndmn to the harvst; the sun pauzz at ethr trope az he did when hiz cors begn; and sun and moon, and planet and satlit, and star and conste-lshn and galxy, stil bar witns to the powr, the wizdm and the lov which plasd them in the hevnz and uphld them thar. EDWARD EVERETT. *Let the student practice the foregoing 200 words until he can write them in from one to three minutes. PART II. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. In the following quotations the words united by hyphens are to be phrased: Rule VI. i. A rapid cantr in-the Timz ovr-al-the-topcs ov-the-da. 2. The daz when-he-waz-a cantr and-a rebl. 3. The feldz wher-thou art famd. 4. To-hav raut-sch-wondrz. 5. Be-thou-famlyr, but by-no-menz-vulgr. 6. Calm az-the breth that-fans our estrn grovz. 7. To fit-ur-fansz to-ur-fathrz-wil. 8. Then-this land waz-famsly enrchd. 9. Yu-ar al-rezlvd rathr-to-di than-to-famsh. 10. Henry the Fifth, too fams to liv-long. 11. Sins I-am-a-dog, bewr-my-fangz. 12. Evry-one shal shar in-the ganz. 13. But what-thingz wer gan-to-me thoz I-countd los for-Christ (Crist). 14. For fam wi toil-we-gan but looz-wi-ez. 15. If-he shal her-thee thou hast gand thy-brothr. 16. For-the-main, or in-the-mn, for-the-mst-prt, in-the gratst part. 17. Wherfr-dd-God grant-me my-requst. 81 82 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 18. Grant-me-the plas-ov this-threshing flor. 19. The grandiose (grandos) red tulps, which gro-wild. 20. Nor-doth-the grandyr-and majstc sho-ov-luxry alur (air) min eyes (iz). 21. And lucy manz mac pepl wiz. 22. Our-man intrst iz-to-be az hapy az-we can, and az long az we can. 23. Welth macth-meny-frendz. 24. Hew-ye down-trez and-cast a-mound agnst Jeruslm. 25. The fir-ov-trez-and houzz mounts-on-hi. 26. And-ther-waz-mounting in hot hast. 27. Shal-we-mount agn the rurl thron? 28. I shud-hav-bin-a mountn-ov mumy. 29. Hiz mornrz wer two hosts, hiz-frendz and foz. 30. Nor funrl ritz, nor man in-mornfl-wedz. 31. Such iz-the-wecns and ezy credl-t-ov-men, that-a mountbnc or cunning womn iz-prefrd-befor-an abl-physician (f-z). 32. Az idl az-a pantd ship Upn a pantd oshn. 33. Jezbl pantd her-fas and tird her hed. 34. Nun shal prezm to fly on-pan-ov-deth. 35. The sam wi panz we-gan, but looz-with-ez. 36. I-am pand at my-very-hart. 37. Evlz-hav-bin mor-panfl to-us in-the prospct than in-the actual preshr. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 83 38. This panting wherin-yu-se-me-smerd. 39. Thou-art the sam, and-thy-yerz shal-hav-no end. 40. Thou-art-not what-thou-semst. 41. Al-semd wel-plezd, al-semd but-wer-not-al Seemz, madam! Na, it-iz. I know not seemz. 42. Giv-semly ansr to-such persnz. 43. And-tha-sing-the-song-ov Mozs, the-servant-ov- God, and-the-song of-the Lamb. 44. I-am-a man mor-sind agnst-than-sining. 45. Grat-iz-song, uzd to good endz. 46. How-iz-it that-ye-ar-cum-so-soon? 47. Al sects al ajz smac-ov-this-vis. 48. O most-smal fault, how-ugly! 49. Se the charmz that smit the simpl hart. 50. We-hav ofn litl-snacs ov-sunshn. 51. I-can-be contnt to-be-a litl-snerd-at. 52. Sum sensls Phillis (filis) in-a brocn not, Snufling at noz. 53. Li-snug and-her what critcs-sa. 54. He wheld in ar and strechd hiz vanz in-van; Hiz-vanz no-longr-cud hiz flit-sustn. 55. Go, vansh int ar; awa! 56. Al-thez-dantz wil-vansh. 57. Sin wi-van-i haz-fild the worcs-ov-man. 58. Tha-vanqushd the reblz in-al encntrz. 59. O! hapy-vantj ov-a neling ne. 60. An awfl pil! standz venrbly-grat. 84 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 61. To-me belngth venjns-and-recmpns. 62. Woundz do bled at-meny-vents. 63. The-quen-ov-hevn did thus her-fury-vent. 64. I, in-this-ventyr dubl-ganz pursu. 65. Iz thin aln the sed that-struz-the-plan? The birdz-ov-hevn shal vind-c thar-gran. 66. I-am vin-dc enf to repl fors-by-fors. 67. Why-so pal and-wan far luvr. 68. Tha wandrd abt in shep-scnz and got-scnz. 69. O! let-me-not-wandr from-thy comandmnts. 70. Waning-moonz thar setld periods kep. 71. Yu saw but soro in-its waning-form. 72. Tha-that want onsty want-enything. 73. No-tim shal find me wanting to-my-truth. 74. He new the divrs went-ov mortl waz. 75. And-the rib which the Lord-God had tacn> from-man-mad-he-a-womn. 76. Unsptd fath, and cumly-womnhd. 77. We ses to-wondr at what-we undrstnd. 78. I-wil praz thee for-I-am ferfly-and-wondrfly mad. 79. Al-the-comn sits tha vu Thar-wondrmnt engj. 80. Sylfs, yet mindfl ov-thar anshnt ras, Ar, az wimn, wondrs fond ov plas. 8 1. A Yerly solm fest she-wont to-mac. 82. She-waz wontd to-the-plas and wu-not-remv. 83. He stood lo at-the xam-n. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 85 84. Hang him! he'l-be mad an-xampl. 85. I ma xampl-my di-gr by-sum mi-t presdnt. 86. From-meanness (menns) first this Yatike roz, And-stil to-menns al-hiz condct floz. 87. The lazy, yawning dron. 88. And whil abv he spendz hiz breth, The yawning audns nod benth. 89. 'Tis-now the-very wiching tim-ov nit, When church-yardz yawn. 90. One person yawning in company wil produs a spon-t yawn in-al preznt. 91. Ur-muthrz hart yernz-tord-yu. 92. It yernz me not if-men my garmnts war. 93. Red thy lot in-yon selstyl sin. 94. Yondr-men ar too-meny for-an emb-s. 95. An embrdrd zon surndz her-waist. 96. Loos wer her tresz sen, her zon unbnd. 97. Az when hiz bemz at noon Culm-n from-the equatr (ekwtr). 98. He from thic film shal purj the vizul ra. 99. Hooz filmy cord shud bind the strugling fly. 100. I hav a salt and suln rheum (reum) ofndz me. 101. Ther rand a solm silns ovr-al. 102. I-do-solmly asur the redr. Rule VII. i. Snuf or-the fan suplz ech pauz ov chat. 2. To tarn a shrew, and charm her chatring tung. 86 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 3. The jay macs ansr, az-the magpi chatrz. 4. Wi chatring teth and bristling bar uprt. 5. My mothr, Who haz a chartr to xtol her blood, When she duz praz-me, grevz-me. 6. Specu-1 respcting the suf-f ov-chartrd rits. 7. The proud he tamd, the pentnt he cherd. 8. Wherfr the pepl did chid wi Mozz. 9. To hagl lic-a cheting houswf. 10. Blev-me, credt nun; for in-this-city (sit-y), No dwelrz ar but chetrz and chetez. 11. This chit-chat iz to yourself (ursl) only, and must only be red to Sally, and not spocn ov to eny-body-els (enbdls). 12. The comn chit-chat ov-the town. 13. I chitr, chirp-and-sing. 14. Our idaz-ov -xtenshn and numbr, do-tha-not contan a secrt re-1 ov-the-parts? 15. Al-the parts wer formd in-hiz-mind int-one harmonious (harmns) hoi. 16. Al parts rezound wi tumlts, plaints (plants) and ferz. 17. Let-me-bar My-part-ov-danjr wi an ekl shar. 18. Acuz not natr; she hath-dun her part; Do-thou but-thin. 19. Tha partd my ramnt amng-them, and for-my vestyr did tha cast-lots. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 87 20. Celia (selya) for-thy-sak I part Wi al that gru-so-ner-my-hart. 21. And-ther-wer-sudn partingz, such-az-pres The lif-from-out ung harts. 22. Led-in-ur ladies (ladiz) evry-one; swet-partm . 23. I must-not yet-forsak (forsk) yu. 24. To prat and-talk for-lif and onr. 25. To-mac a-fool prezm to prat ov-luv 26. Mer-pratl wiout-practs, Iz-al hiz soldrshp. 27. Poor pratlr, how-thou talkst! 28. The old pratl-bx mad but-a short pauz to recvr breth. 29. The childsh pratlmnt ov pastrl compo-zshn. 30. If God forsez evnts he-must-hav predtrmnd them. 31. Yu-can-not-predicate (pred-c) rits when-yu- can-nt-pred-c duty. 32. Prid hath-no glas To sho itsl but prid; for supl nez, Feed arogance (argns) and ar the proud manz fez. 33. But sit besid (besd) my bed muthr, and-put-ur hand in-min. 34. Liz abd Sundy morning, and gets up lat to putr-wi-the furns. 35. Tiz in-my-brest she shethz her-dagr-now. 88 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 36. Wild ots ar apt to shed-most az tha li, and blac az-tha-stand. 37. The star shot flew from-the welkn blu, Az it fel from-the shetd sky. 38. Tha shoutd thris; what waz-the last shout-for? 39. Shal tha be shut to-man which to-the beast (best) iz opn? 40. What-iz-man that-thou-art mindfl ov-him? 41. What-manr-ov-man iz-this that evn the windz and-the se oba him? 42. What-a pes ov-work iz-man! 43. What parshl jujz ar our luv-and-hat! 44. What! cu-yu-not-wach wi-me one-our? 45. Or whispring wi whit lips, the fo, tha-cum! tha cum! 46. Whit az-thy fam, and az-thy onr cler. 47. No whitr paj than Adisn'z remanz. 48. 'Twaz I won the wajr tho-yu hit the whit. 49. He had cept The whitns ov-hiz sol, and-thus men o'r-him wept. 50. But whethr thus thez-thingz, or whethr not; Whethr the sun, predmnnt in hevn, Riz on-the erth, or whethr the erth riz on-the- sun. Initial Coalescent l-Cl. i. We-herd Mr. Hodsn'z whip clacing on-the sholdrz ov-the poor litl rechz. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 89 2. Yu set ech gosp's clac a-going. 3. I clam the proms for her hevnly pictr. 4. Doth he la clam to-thin inheritns? 5. The pepl wi-a shout Riftd the ar, clamring thar god-wi-praz. 6. Tha clangd-thar sounding armz. 7. But-not in chanz to pin, Hiz spirt withrd wi-thar clanc. 8. Then lic-a bird it-sits-and-singz, And whets and clasps its silvr-wingz. 9. Waz-evr mach clapd up so-sudnly? 10. Howvr sum-ov-hiz intrsts wil clash wi thoz ov-the chef colny. 11. He claspd the hero'z nez and prad. 12. It at ons razd-him to-the ranc ov-a lejtmt Englsh clasc. 13. Az gude a-man az-evr ye-herd clavr in-a pulpt. 14. I also am-formd out-ov-the cla. 15. Great in-me a-clen-hart, O God! 16. Clenz the stufd boozm ov-that perls stuf Which-waz upn the hart. 17. The strem iz-so transprnt, pur and cler. 18. He sweps the sky and clerz the cloudy north. Bl. i. That can-not hold-hiz pes and blabing tung. 2. Blac iz-the baj-ov-hell, the hu-ov-dunjnz. 3. Tha-hav thar teth blacd, both-men and-wimn, 9O ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. for tha-sa a-dog hath hiz-teth whit, therfr tha-wil blac-tharz. 4. Whil the long funrlz blacn al the wa. 5. How-meny worthy prinsz' bludz wer-shed, To cep-hiz bed-ov blacns unlad ope! 6. Az swet-a-plant, az far-a-flowr, iz fadd, Az-evr in-the muzz gardn bladd. 7. Bochz and blanz must al hiz flesh embos. 8. Books-wil spec-plan when counslrz blanch. 9. Let-me stil-reman the tru blanc ov-thin eye. 10. Nor-hevn peep-thru-the blanct ov-the-dark To cry, hold! hold! 11. Yu-do blasfm the good in-mocing me. 12. For what-iz glory but-the blaz ov-fam? 13. Imrtl librty, hooz looc sublm, Hath blechd the tyrnts chek in-evry varying clim. 14. She loocd az-pal and-az blec az-one lad-out ded. 15. The bonz-ov-men In-sum-forgtn batl slan And blechd by drifting wind-and-ran. 16. To-mac hiz blec windz cis my parchd lips, 17. To-hiz blerd and ofndd-sens, Ther semz a hideus fault blazd in-the objct. 1 8. Haf-blind he perd at-me thru-hiz bler-iz. 19. Oh! giv-me-bac my natv hilz, If blec or blery, grim or gra. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. QI 20. Blending the grand, the beutfl, the ga. 21. Hapy the isle (il) wi-such a hero-blest. 22. But strong to blit and blast. 23. Not-a blinc ov lit waz-ther. 24. Sum bludy pashn shoes ur-very-fram. 25. A betr cuntry bloomz to vu, Benth a britr scy. 26. Hiz blooming fas that-semz a purpl flowr. 27. To giv thar blochd and blistrd bodiz ez. 28. Blac-browd and bluf, lie Homr'z Juptr. 29. Az for thoz hoo clenz blurz wi blotd fingrz, tha mac-it-wors. 30. He bloth and blustrth out hiz abmnbi blasfmy. Fl. i. The pleshrz ov-the town begn to flag. 2. The bedl'z lash stil flagrnt on-thar-bac. 3. Bloody crosz on-hiz flag-stafs riz. 4. Mold the round hal or flak the flesy sno. 5. And flacy darkns braes within (wi-in) tne est. 6. We met conjnyl mingling flam wi-flam. 7. A scor Ov flagrnt felnz, wi-hiz flogingz sor. 8. In stary flak and pelicl, Al da the hory meterz fel. 9. That jewel ov-the purest flam. 10. Yu-do-but flatr; thar iz angr-yet, Flamz in-ur iz. 11. Al-the windz-did-flam 92 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. Wi autm. 12. Az it-had-bin a flak ov litning. 13. Mountnz hav arisn sins Wi si-tz on-thar flancs. 14. When windoz flap and chimny rorz, And-al-iz dizml out-ov-dorz. 15. Yet let-me flap this bug wi-gildd-wingz. 16. I can-nt sta Flaring in sunshn al-the-da. 17. Why flash thoz sparcs-ov-fury from-ur eye? 18. What ruinz kingdmz and laz sitiz flat. 19. I fel my jenyl spirits droop, my hopz al flat. 20. I rit to-yu by-wa-ov-flapr, to-put-yu-in-mind-ov ursl. 21. A flash-ov coir, lic-a flam, pasd ovr-her-fas. 22. Sin iz flat opst to-the Almity. 23. When I tel-them he hats flatry. 24. One flaunts in ragz, one flutrz in brocad. 25. Flatry iz-the food-ov foolz. 26. Ung jentlmn floc-to-him, and flet the tim carlsly. 27. He-iz-our brothr and-our flesh. 28. The sol-ov-hiz-foot iz fleshy. 29. Wimn-ar-soft, mild, pitifl and flexbl. 30. The sun begnz to fling Hiz flaring bemz. 31. To strech thar-plumj and flot upn-the-wind. 32. One flirt ov-the spred fan, and al-the-vizhn fliz. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 93 33. 'Tiz fat that flingz the dis; and-az-she-flingz, Ov kingz macs peznts, and-ov peznts kingz. 34. Se the proud tulips flaunting cup That flamz in beuty for-an-our. 35. Tha sat flesing thoz floes which-tha-nevr-fed. 36. So fletly did she stir, The flowr she tuchd-on dipt-and roz, And turnd to looc-at-her. 37. She-waz farest-ov-al-flesh on-urth. 38. Supl-and flexbl az Indyn corn. 39. Flits ov anjlz sing-the to-thy-rest. 40. Giv-me my fling and let-me sa-my-sa. 41. The orz wer-silvr Which to the tun ov fluts cept-stroc. 42. Quic flew the shutl from her arm-ov sno. 43. Whit salz flying on-the yelo-se. Gl. i. A wiz-son macth-a glad-fathr. 2. Glad ov-a quarl, strat I clap-the dor. 3. Glad-evning and glad-morn crownd the forth-da. 4. A secrt plezhr gladnd al-that saw-him. 5. The-comn-pepl herd-him gladly. 6. For lif-and luv that-haz-bin I-am-glad. 7. Then rivl flamz wi ekl glory riz. 8. To glans a gladns round our harth. 9. The cla walz glisn lie gold in-the slanting raz. 10. We-ma-se-our-futr in-the glas-ov-our-past histry. 94 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 11. Hiz-men at arm-z wi glov and sper, Braut up the batlz glitring rer. 12. The furo oft the stubrn gleb hath broc. 13. Content to glen what we can from-xpermnt. 14. And wi indntd glidz did slip awa. 15. Soroz i, glazd wi blinding terz. 16. Fertl ov corn the gleb, ov oil-and-win. 17. And wooz the widoz dautr ov-the-glen. 18. Hiz-luv-iz glibry, ther-iz-no hold-on-it. 19. The rivr glidth at-hiz on swet-wil. 20. Al-that glitrz iz-not gold. 21. Spredz-hiz glory thru-al cun-trz wid. 22. Gloz in-the starz and blosmz in-the trez. 23. This cold conjld blud That gluz my lips, and-wil-not let-me-spec. 24. A glut ov-thoz taints which raz men to emnns. 25. Trad iz-the goldn girdl ov-the glob. 26. She her casmnt curtnz by And glansd athwrt the glooming flats. 27. Hiz glistring armz mad A litl, glooming lit, much lik a shad. 28. The druncrd and-the-glutn shal cum-to povrty. PI. i. Men in grat plas ar thris servnts. 2. Do-yu ur ofs, or-giv-up ur plas. 3. Giv-me-lev-to-be plan wi-yu. 4. Yet'the most plantv dity haz imprtd a-fulr joy to-its compozr. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 9$ 5. Trust not to rotn plane, Tac a planc-ov sturdy oc. 6. He plad famlyr wi-hiz hory Iocs. 7. How evry fool can-pla upn-the-world. 8. Gref stil tredz upn-the helz ov-plezhr. 9. The unltrd cristyn plodz on to-hevn. 10. The plowmn homwrd plodz-hiz wery wa. 11. It-iz ezy enf, aftr-the ramprts ar card, to-find men to-plant the flag-on-the hist towr. 12. Se plastc natr worcing to-this end. 13. I-wil nethr pled-my aj or-sicns in-xcus-ov-faults. 14. I acspt her, And her, to plej-my vow, I giv-my-hand. 15. Planting ov orchrdz iz-sd to-be very profitbl az-wel-az-plezhrbl. 1 6. O! sir, yu-ar-very plezhrbl. 17. My-counsl shal-stand and-I wil-do-al-my-plezhr. 18. So fair a pledr eny-cauz ma-gan. 19. The wil waz-then ductl-and-plint to-rit-rezn. 20. He-wu dwel in perl-ov lic-panfl plit. 21. Lord-ov cretrz-al Thou-plasr-ov plants both humbl-and-tal. 22. A plag upn-the-pepl-fel A-famn-aftr lad-them lo. 23. He had-a wif waz-the pleg o' hiz-daz. 24. Al pladd and plumd in-thar tartn ara. 25. I-am az-yu-no me-al, a-plan, blunt man, That luv-my-frend. 96 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 26. Expatiate (xpasht) fre-o'r-al this-sen ov-man, A-mity maz, but-not wiout-a-plan. 27. The plantv wav az-it-broc on-the shor, Semd si-ing for rest forvr-mor. 28. Man-only marz kind natrz plan, And turnz the fers pursut on-man. 29. The very fact ov-a-plan impliz a lojcl prosdyr. 30. La squar the blocs upn-the slip, And-folo-me, this-plan ov-min. 31. Sins I saw-yu I-hav-bin planet-struc. 32. The buct plashing in-the cool, swet-wel. 33. The tal grov-ov hemlcs, wi mos on-thar-stemz, lie plashz ov-sunlt. 34. The shelz serv az plazmz or moldz to-this-sand. 35. The one spirits plastc stres. 36. Sweping thru-the dul, dens world. 37. Squadrnz and squarz ov-men in brazn plats. 38. Wi-grat adm-r and plauz-b ov-the-pepl rising plentfly on-al-sidz. 39. But soon the plezhrz past; at noon-ov-da The sun wi-sultry bemz begn to pla. 40. I-hav-a-wil, I-am shur, how'er my-hart Ma pla the cowrd. 41. I fling-my-hart into-ur lap, Wiout-a word-ov pleding. 42. And-so her-fathr plejd-hiz-word And-so hiz proms plit. 43. The cauz iz-mad a plenry-cauz. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 97 44. When labrz-ar-plenty thar wajz wil-be-too. 45. Hiz plint-sol gav-wa-to al thingz has, He-new no-sham, he-dredd-no disgras. 46. Hav-we-not plitd ech our holy oth, That-one shud-be the comn-good-ov-both? 47. This kingly sel And plitr ov hi harts. 48. Smal hav continyl plodrz evr-won, Sav bas authrty from othrz'-books. 49. Pluc up thy spirits; looc cherfly upn-me. 50. Be-firm! one constant elmnt in-luc Iz jenyn, solid, old Tutnc pluc. 51. Thou setr up and plucr down ov-kingz. 52. He-did-nt atmt to plum hiz intlct. 53. A treshr richr-far Than what-iz plundrd in-the raj-ov war. 54. Betr hav-nun Than plurl fath, which-iz too-much by-one. 55. I-hav-bin alwz plying yu to-walk and-red. SI. i. Mac-the gruel thic and slab. 2. Tha presnt-yu wi-a cup, and-yu-must drinc ov-a siaoy stuf. 3. Whens thez rajing-firz Wil slacn, if-hiz breth stir-not thar flamz. 4. Wei plezd tha slac thar-cors. 5. It-wu-nt slac min ir nor-ez my-hart. 6. Slandr, that worst ov poiznz, evr-findz Q8 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. An ezy entrns to ignbl mindz. 7. O! do-nt slandr him for he-iz kind, 8. Ur casl iz-surprzd; ur-wif-and babz Savjly slautrd. 9. The slavrz hand waz on-the lash, He-semd in hast to go. 10. We slep ovr-our happiness (hapns). 11. How swet the moonlt sleps upn-this bane! 12. She wil giv-yu slepy drafts. 13. Them als which slep in Jezs wil God bring wi-him. 14. Mity harts ar held in slendr chanz. 15. Tha both in-sumr and in-wintr slid. 16. Ajz shal slid awa wiout persving. 17. Sum firmly embras doctrinz upn slit groundz. 18. Slimy-thingz did crawl wi-legz Upn-this slimy-se. 19. Thris the fliting shado slipt awa. 20. The slipry god wil try to loos hiz hold. 21. The shivring urchn, bending az he goz Wi slipshd-helz. 22. Tha'l slivr thee lic-a turnp. 23. Tha-lafd and stud themslvz arnd. 24. And oft hoi shets desnd ov slusy ran. 25. Sluts ar good enf to-mac-a sluvnz porj. Initial Coalescent SSc, Sk. I. Nor in-thy scabrd sheth that-fams blad. , V>. /**** S ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 99 2. Hiz vers iz scabrs and hobling. 3. Min-on thez-do scald lie moltn led. 4. Her the blu flamz ov scalding brimstn fal. 5. Long-tin in evn seal The batl hung. 6. The scalz-ar-turnd; her kindns waz-no-mor now than-my-vouz. 7. Oft hav-I-scald the cragy-tre. 8. Wil seal it a litl-rnor. 9. By-the bar scalp ov Robn Hood'z fat friar. 10. This felo wer-a king for-our wild-facshn. 11. My non virtu iz from scandl fre. 12. Now scantir limts the proud arch confin. 13. Sloly he scalz, and scarsly stemz the tid. 14. Praz oz its-valu to its scarsty. 15. A scarcro set to fritn foolz awa. 16. Ther-ar-sum strocs ov calmty that-scath and scorch the sol. 17. Tech the glad-ourz to scatr az-tha fly, Soft quit, jentl luv, and endls joy. 18. He formz the wel consertd scemz ov mischf. 19. He'z jentl, nevr schoold (scoold) yet lernd. 20. Wi scofs and scornz and contumlys taunts. 21. Not-so when swift Camila scourz the plan Fliz o'r the unbndng corn, and-scimz alng the man 22. Tha-nevr met but-therz-a scirmsh-ov wit. 23. Opn scy, scy wi no intrvning sheltr. IOO ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. Squ. i. On-her larj squab yu find-her spred. 2. The egl dropd the tortus squab upn-a-roc. 3. Just-met, and, clozing stood in squadrn joind. 4. The short, thic sob, loud screm, and shrilr squal. 5. Tha ofn squandrd but tha nevr gav. 6. Our squandrd troops he raliz. 7. I-hav-not-cept-my squar. 8. Squar-my tril To-my proprshnd strenth. 9. Ar-yu-such-foolz To squar for-this. 10. Iz-ther-no squarer her? 11. My fal waz stopd by-a terbl squash. 12. Him-ther-tha-found, Squat lic-a-tod, clos at-the er-ov Ev. 13. Hiz muz iz rustc, and, perhaps (praps) too-plan, The men-ov squemsh tast to entrtn. 14. Lampoonz, lie squibz ma-mac-a-presnt blaz. Sp. i. Pur spas iz-capbl nethr-ov rezstns nor- moshn. 2. To-cal-a spad a-spad, to-be plan-spocn. 3. Lif's but-a-span; Fl evry inch enjoy. 4. The rivrz wer spand by archz ov solid-masnry. 5. What starz do-spangl hevn wi-such-beuty. 6. Thou thy Fathr'z thundr didst-not spar. 7. I-cu-hav betr spard a betr-man. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 101 8. Hoo at sum-timz spend, at othrz spar. Dividd twen carlsns and car. g. He-waz spar but discrt-ov spech. 10. O, giv-me ur spar-men, and spar-me the-grat- onz. n. Man-iz born unt trubl az-the spares fly uprd. 12. I dar-not spit upn him whil I-sa-he liz. 13. She-iz-az spry az-a-crict. 14. The finst spares and clenst boz. 15. I-se brit onr sparcl thru-ur-iz. 16. He-that doth the ravnz fed, Ya, provdntly catrz for the sparo, Be comfrt to-my aj! 17. Thez ordrz hav spawnd much sins-our-last-sivl warz. 18. Why-must he sputr, spawl and slavr it? 19. The spawnr and the miltr ov-the barbl covr-thar spawn. 20. No-othr specr ov-my living acshnz. 21. A speshl ida iz-cald by-the scoolz a "speshz." 22. Reprt specs-yu a bonny monc. 23. To-this speshl evl an imprvmnt-ov styl wu apli a speshl redrs. 24. Spec, Lord, for thy servant herth. 25. Many brit specs bubl-up alng the blu Ejen. 26. Thou hast no-specu-1 in thoz-iz. 27. The acts-ov-God to humn erz Can-nt wiout pross-ov spech be-told, 102 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 28. Spechls wi-wondr and haf ded-wi-fer. 29. I wil wish her spedy strenth. 30. Begn, begn; the mystc spel prepr. 31. Heps ov spent aroz fal and spred the ground. 32. Butr spent az-if it cam from the richr soil. 33. The spidrz tuch, how xkiztly fin! Felz at-ech thred and livz alng the lin. 34. By-one dela aftr-anthr tha-spin out thar hoi livz. 35. Ther-iz a spirit in-man, and-the insp-r ov-the Almity givth them undrstnding. 36. A-man-so fant, so spirtls, So-dul, so-ded-in looc. 37. The mind-ov-man iz-ov that spirtus, stiring natur, that it-iz perptly at wore. 38. This-iz-a dedly spit that angrz. 39. Yu humr-me when-I-am sic; Why-not when-I-am splentc? 40. Ech had a gravty wu-mac-yu split. 41. Spirtl prid spoilz meny grasz. 42. He shal-be-thy spocsmn unt-the-pepl. 43. Agnst hoom do ye sport urslvz? 44. Down he alitz amng the sportfl herd. 45. Al-the glitring hil Iz brit wi spouting rilz. 46. Her the Rhone (ron) Hath spred himsl a couch. 47. Plants if-tha spred much ar-seldm-tal. 48. No flowr haz-that-spred ov-the-woodbin. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. IOJ 49. The spritly Sylvia trips alng the gren. 50. He-iz-so sprus that-he-nevr-can-be-jentel. 51. Lov vvil-not-be spurd to what it lothz. 52. Sum bold men by spuring on refn themslvz. St. i. He spcs poinyrdz, and evry word stabz. 2. In-this rejn ov-van-t wher-nuthing iz stabl. 3. The boy waz-the-very staf-ov-my aj. 4. The gloomy slumbr ov-the stagnnt sol. 5. I'i stac yon lam that-ner-the-fountn-plaz. 6. Wi-manly strid he stalkd (stacd) alng the ground. 7. Far man he-waz and wiz, stalwrt and bold. 8. He frets, he fumz, he-starz, he-stamps the ground. 9. In poltcs I her-yur stanch. 10. On thoz far-planz thar-standrdz tha displa. 11. I-sinc-in-dep-mir, wher-ther-iz-no-standing. 12. Her-iz-a statly styl indd. 13. A rar statswmn; I admr her baring. 14. The gratr part hav-cept-thar-stashn. 15. The hoi man becmz as-if statud int ston and erth. 16. Thar carctrz ar mostly statusk. 17. Forin-men ov-mity statur-cam. 1 8. So-meny waryrz, and so-stout, Az-he had-dun, and-stavd it-out. 19. Hoom rezst stedfst in-the-fath. 20. Stedyns iz-a-point-ov-prudns az-wel-az ov curj. 104 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 21. Do-good by-stelth and blush to-find it fam. 22. Sta I comand-yu, sta-and-her-me-first. 23. The smalest act-ov-charty shal-stand us in grat sted. 24. The vesl stemd-out ov port. 25. Arnd hiz shop the steely sparclz flew. 26. In part shed down thar stelr virtu. 27. Horn the swan retrts Hiz-floc befor him-steping to-the-fold. 28. Thez obstclz hiz-jenys had turnd int steping- stonz. 29. I-hav sternns in-my sol enf. 30. Ther-iz-a-frend that-sticth closr than-a-bruthr. 31. Stifn the sinewz, sumn up-the blood. 32. Natr wizly stints our aptit. 33. Al our-fathrz worshpd stocs and stonz. 34. The-hol-world standz stoc-stil. 35. At-last az marbl roc he standth stil. Ston cold wiout, wi'n burnt wi luvz flam. 36. Amdst the storm tha sang, And the starz herd, and the se. 37. In evry vesl ther-iz stoaj for imns trezhrz. 38. The wolf spid a stragling cid. 39. And stratwa the damzl aroz. 40. Thar hevnly harps a lor stran-begn. 41. Thoz oft ar stratjmz which errz sem. 42. God-iz our-refj-and-strenth. 43. Groz wi-hiz groth, and strenthnz wi-hiz-strenth. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 10$ 44. It shal-be stil in-strictst-mezhr. 45. Strip ur sord stark nacd. 46. My spirt shal-not alwz striv wi-man. 47. Study thysl; what ranc or what-degr, Thy wiz Creatr haz ordnd for-thee. 48. Tim iz-the stuf which lif-iz-mad-ov. 49. How bowd the woodz benth-thar sturdy stroc. Coalescent W, Dw. I. Brooding ovr-a singl ida wil dwarf the soundst-mind. 2. Dwarf a-man to-the mer stump ov what he ot-to-be, and-he wil stil put-out gren-levz. 3. And virtu can-nt dwel wi slavz. 4. Wery sev'n nitz, nin-timz-nin, Shal he dwindl, pek and pin. Tw. i. When old wintr splits the rocs in-twan. 2. He-haz-a twang in-hiz discors. 3. Lusty ung feloz hoom he had twedld int-the- servs. 4. I shal laf-at-this a twelvmnth hens. 5. He twis esad to-cast hiz son in gold. 6. O'er the twilit grovz and duscy cavz. 7. Let rethz ov trimf now my templz twin. 8. Frendz now-fast-sworn hoo twin in-luv. 9. A twinj for-my-on-sin. 10. The owl fel-a moping and-a-twincling. 11. The westrn scy twincld wi-starz. 12. I saw-the wench that twird and-twincld at-the. 106 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 13. Sum taut wi dextrs hand to-twirl the whel. 14. Twist-it int-a serpntn-form. 15. Waz-it-not to-this end That-thou begnst to-twist so fin-a-story. 16. The twan that in-twining, befor in-the-twin, Az twinz wer intwstd, he-now doth untwn; Twixt the twan intrtwsting a twin mor betwen, He, twirling hiz-twistr, macz a-twist ov-the twin. 17. Thris tha twichd the dimnd in-her-er. 18. The swalo twitring from-hiz straw-bilt shed. Thw. i. Wi-meny-a stif thwac, meny a bang. 2. Swift az-a shooting star, In autm thwarts the nit. 3. The prop-z ov-the-one nevr thwartd-the-othr. Sw. i. A blunt squab swad but lor than usl. 2. Tha swadld me in-my nit gown. 3. Tha-put-me in-bed in-al-my-swadlz. 4. What-a plezhr it-iz to swagr at-the bar. 5. To-be-grat iz-not to swagr at our-footmn. 6. It-wer-a hapy-lif To-be no-betr than-a-swan. 7. The nesry pro-v ov-lif swaloz the gratr part- ov-tim. 8. Homer haz swalod-up the onr-ov thoz hoo sucsdd him 9. The swan on stil Sant Mariz' lac ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 107 Plot dubl, swan and shado. 10. In crowdz arnd the swarming-pepl-join. 11. Thar swarthy hosts wu darcn al our planz. 12. Mile and a swathe (swath) at-first hiz hol- demnd. 13. She-cu-not swa her hous. 14. The bains swaz on-our-part. 15. Prosed in-the swa ov-ur on-wil. 16. I swar by-al-the Romn godz. 17. For him the rich Araba swets her gumz. 18. Wak int vois ech silnt string And swep the sounding lyr. 19. The branchz bend befor-thar swepy swa. 20. Canst-thou bind the swet inflns ov-the Pleadz 21. Yur ekl mind yet swelz-not int stat. 22. Muse aroz wi-its volpts-swel. 23. It-waz so-rar a-pes ov-fun, To-se the sweltrd catl-run. 24. I swerv-not from thy comandmnts. 25. Let evry-man be swift to-her; slo to-spec; slo to-rath. 26. A hovring mist cam swiming o'r hiz sit. 27. Sudn the dichz swel, the medoz swim. 28. Yu swinjd-me for-my-luv. 29. The rivr swirld alng, glasy no-mor, but dinjy gra. 30. The most in-yerz swoond first awa for-pan. IO8 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. RULE VIII. (&), Bn. i. The mity wolf iz banfl to-the fold, Stormz to-the whet, to budz the bitr-cold. 2. Baning hiz boistrs and unruly best. 3. Tel-me, waz-he arstd on-a band? Not on-a band but on-a strongr-thing. 4. And wi-a belt hiz gown abt him band. 5. Bansh bizns, bansh soro, To-the godz blongz-tomro. 6. Tha cast-up-a bane agnst the city (si-t). 7. Ye banes and braz o' bony Doon. 8. We cast of-al-car ov al-futr-thrift becz-we-ar alrdy-bancrptd. 9. Round-the-wid-world in-banshmnt we-rom. 10. Banshd from-Rom? What's-banshd JDut-set-f re ? From daly contact wi-the-things I loth. 11. The mind shal-banqut tho-the-body-pin. 12. Tha-wer-banqtd by-the-wa. 13. Sum li-benth-the churchyrd ston And-sum befor (fro) the-specr. 14. To bend hiz mind to eny public bizns. 15. He-waz-so-far-from-benfting trad that-he-did- it a grat-injry. 16. Thou-good old-man, benvlnt az wiz. 17. O-that-men shud-put-an enmy in-thar-mouthz to-stel awa-thar-branz. 18. Assembld bin, a senat grav-and stott. ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. I(X) 19. My-son Edgr! had-he-a-hand to-rit-this, a hart- and-bran-to brew it-in? 20. 'Tiz stil a-drem, or els such-stuf az-madmn Tung-and bran-not. Nn, ITm. i. What's in-a-nam? that-thing which-we cal-a-roz, By-eny othr-nam wu-smel-az swet. 2. What-men ov-nam resort to-him. 3. One ov-the-few, the imrtl namz That wer-not-born-to-di. 4. Now in-the-nam ov-al-the-godz at ons. 5. The holy tim iz quiet az-a-nun Brethls wi ado-r. 6. And oft-at-dawn, depr-noon, or faling ev. Dn, Dm. I. In-the end ov-the-Sabth, az-it-begn- to-dawn tord the first-da ov-the wee. 2. The shapls bar hiz-den forsks. 3. And rechz hang that jurmn ma din. 27m, Thin. I. A-gratr-than Solmn iz-her. 2. Yu-ar-a-girl az-much betr than he, Az-he-iz-a-poet sublmr-than-me. 3. I-thanc-yu for-ur onst-car. 4. Go-ye-to-them-that-sel, and-by-for-urslvz. 5. Now-then, let al thy waty carz awa. 6. Awomnz-resn: I-thinchim so becz I-thinc-him-so. Am, An. I. Apnt-not hevnly disp-s fathr. HO ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 2. It resvd the asnt if-not-the apr-b ov-the-prins. 3. Let-us comput; how-much wil-this amnt to? 4. A begrly acnt-ov emty boxz. 5. Giv-an acnt-ov-thi-stewrdshp. 6. A lambnt flam arnd-hiz-browz. 7. Alone (aln), aln, al, al, aln, Aln on-the wid, wid-se. 8. God, by hooz powr aln we al-liv. 9. The quarl tuchth nun but us aln. 10. The murdrr fel, and blud atnd for-blud. 11. It-must-be reptd agn-and-agn wi-closest atnshn. 12. Hiz hand-wil-be agnst evry-man. 13. Alng the heth and-ner hiz-favrt tre. Em, En. I. Dare douts twen the proms and evnt. 2. Thee, chantrs, oft the woodz amng, I woo, to her thy evn-song. 3. Her terz-fel wi-the dewz at evn. 4. Smooth and evn az-an ivry bal. 5. Let-him tel whethr-the-numbr ov-the-starz iz evn or od. 6. For-the daz shal cum upn-the, that thin enmz shal la the evn wi-the-ground. In, Im. i. I-hav itmd it in-my memry. Un. i. Az-I did stand waching upn-the-hil. (a), Characters shortened to add t, d, tli. I. Tomro.and-tomro, and-tomro, Creps in-this pety pas from da-to-da, ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. Ill Til the last-sylbl ov-recordd-tim. 2. And do-yu-now put on-ur best-atr, And do-yu-now cul-out-a holy-da (holdy), And do-yu-now strew flovverz in-hiz-wa, That cumz-in trimf-ovr Pompy'z blud? 3. She-brot to-him her beuty and-truth, But and-brod erldmz thre. 4. Shur hiz onsty Brot him smal ganz, but shamls flatry, And filthy bevrj; and unsmly shift, And boro bas, and-sum-gud lad'z gift. 5. How apt the poor ar-to-be-proud. 6. Al that wer-strong-and apt-for-war. 7. I must-be-abt my-fathrz-bizns. 8. Abt hiz-nec she-cast her trembling handz. 9. The wind tha long had-wishd had-cum-abt. 10. The pantr iz-not apt to tac-so-much-panz abt- the-drapry az-abt-the fas. 11. Act-wel ur-part, thar al the onr liz. 12. Self-lv the spring-ov-moshn acts the sol. 13. Act, act in-the living preznt. 14. Man acting on-man by-wat-ov opnn. 15. Blest wi-ech gras ov-natr and-ov art. 16. Mor-matr wi-les art. 17. Madm, i swar I uzd no art at-al. 18. Let. al-good-thingz awt, Him hoo-carz-not to-be-grat. 19. O, Ev, sum farthr chanj awts-us-ni. 112 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. 20. Cal, if-yu-wil, bad riming a dizez. 21. Hoo bid yu welcm to-thez shatrd lejnz. 22. Lord, if-it-be-thou, bid-me-to-cum-to-thee on- the-watr. 23. But-this I red, that, but-if remdy Thou-her-afrd, ful shortly I her-ded shal-se. 24. That but-for-this our solz wer-fre, And but-for-this our-livz wer-blest. 25. Ur son, my-lord, haz-pad-a soldr'z-det. 26. He-iz detr to-the hoi law. 27. Thine ov-thy-lif-and end and-cal-for mer-s. 28. He looct out ov-the vvindo for-tvvo-ourz on end. 29. One gat ther-only waz and-that looct est. 30. Her liz the est; did-not-the-da-brac-her? 31. I-wil-no-ur-bizns that I-wil. 32. The womn waz-mad-hol from-that-our. 33. Ech-momnt-thretnz lif-or-deth. 34. God haz set Labr-and-rest, az-da-and nit, to-men, Sucssv. 35. Natr-and natrz-worcs la hid-in-nit. 36. Pur az-the language (lang) wil afrd; net, but- not fiord. 37. And furus evry chargr nad, To-join the dredfl revlry. 38. Prid ov-al-othrz the most danjrs fait, Prsdz from-want-ov-sens or-want-ov-thot. 39. Why do-yu cep aln, ILLUSTRATIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REVIEW. 113 Using thoz thots which shud-hav-did Wi-them tha-thinc on? 40. Al-thar-thots ar agnst-me for evl. 41. Be-gathrd-now ye-watrz undr hevn, Int-one-plas. 42. Baring burdnz and sor bloz For sinking undr-them. 43. I-cep undr-my body and-bring it int-sub-j. PART III. SEWING ON A BUTTON. It \7. bad enf to se a bachlr so on a butn, but he iz the embdmnt ov gras alngsd ov a mard man. Ness-t haz compld xperns in the cas ov the formr, but the latr haz alwz depndd upn sum-o els for this servs, and fortntly, for the sac ov sosi-t, it iz rarly he iz obljd to rezrt to the nedl himsl. Sumtms the pashnt wif scaldz her rit hand, or runz a slivr undr the nal ov the indx fingr ov that hand, and it iz then the man cluchz the (100) nedl arnd the neck, and, by forgting to tie a not in the thred, comensz to put on the butn. It iz alwz in the morning, and from fiv to twen-t mints aftr he iz xpectd to be down stret. He laz the butn xactly on the sit ov its predssr, and pushz the nedl thru on i, and carfly drawz the thred aftr, leving about thre inchz ov it sticing up for lewa. He sez to himsl, "Well, if wimn don't hav the ezst tim I evr se." Then he cumz bac the othr wa, and getz the nedl (200) thru the cloth wel enf, and laz himsl out to find the i, but in spit ov a grat del ov pashnt jabing, the nedl point perzsts in bucing agnst the solid parts ov that butn, and EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE. 115 finly, when he loozz pashns, hiz fingrz each the thred, and that thre inchz he had left to hold the butn slips thru the i in a twincling, and the butn rolz lezhrly (sh) acrs the flor. He pics it up vviout a singl remrc, out ov respct to hiz childrn, and macs anthr atmt to fasn it. This tim, when coming bac with (300) the nedl, he ceps both the thred and the butn from sliping by covring them with hiz thum, and it iz out ov regard for that part ov him that he felz arnd for the i in a very carfl and judshs manr; but evntly loozing hiz filsfy, az the serch becmz mor and mor hopls, he falz to jabing abt in a loos and savj manr, and it iz jus then the nedl findz the opning, and cumz up thru the butn and part wa thru hiz thum with a selr-t that no humn injn-t can gard agnst. Then he (400) laz down the thingz, with a few famlr quo-t, and presz the injrd hand twen hiz nez, and then holdz it undr the othr arm, and finly jamz it int hiz mouth, and al the whil he pransz abt the flor and calz upn hevn and urth to witns that thar haz nevr bin enthing lie it sins the world waz creatd, and howlz, and whislz, and monz, and sobz, and siz. Aftr awhl he cumz down, and puts on hiz pants, and fasnz them togthr with a stic, and goz down to hiz bizns a chanjd and reflcting man. (500) J. M. BAILEY. Il6 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. THE GENTLEMAN. When-y-v found a-mn, yu-v-nt-fr-t-g to-fnd-a-j. Yu-cn-nt-mc-a-gld-rng-out-o-brs. Yu-cn-nt-chnj a Cap Ma cristl to-a dimnd. Yu-cn-nt-mc-a-j til-u-v-frst-a-mn. To-b-a-j, it-1-nt-b su-f to-v-hd-a-grnfthr. To-b-a-j duz-nt-dpnd upn-th talr or-th toilt. Blud-1-djnrt. Gud cloz-r-nt gud-hbts. A-j iz jus-a-j; no-mr no-Is; a-dmnd-plshd, (100) tht-wz-frst-a-dmnd in-e ruf. A-j iz-jntl. A-j-iz-mdst. A-j-iz-crts. A-j-iz-jnrs. A-j-iz slo to tak ofns, az-bing on-tht-nvr gis-it. A-j goz armd only-in conshsns-ov-rt. A-j sub-j hiz aptts. A-j refnz-hiz tasts. A-j subdz hiz felingz. A-j-dmz evry-othr betr-thn himsl. Sir Filp Sidny waz-nvr-s- mch-a-j, mirr tho-h-wz-o England's (inglndz) nithd (200) az-whn, upn-th-fld-o Zutphen (zutfn), az-h la-in-hiz-on-bld, he wavd-th draft-o-cld-sprng-wtr, tht-wz-brt-t quench-hiz-mrtl thrst, in-fvr-o-a diing-sldr. St. Paul de-scr a-j when-h-xrtd-th Phillipian (filpn) Cristnz. "Whatsvr-ingz ar just, whatsvr-ingz ar pur, whatsvr-ingz ar-lovly, whatsvr-ingz ar-o-gd-rprt, if-thr-b en-vrtu, and-f-thr-b-c-pras, thinc-o-thez-ingz. (280) GEORGE W. DOANE. A TRUE WOMAN. Giv er far dautr-o-lv, to-the in-str-o prudns, and let the prespts-o-trth sinc-dp-in thy-hrt; so-shl-th- chrmz ov-th-mnd ad-lstr to-the elgns-o-th-frm; and-th-bty, lic-th-roz it resmblth, shal retn its-swtns EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE. 117 when its-blm-iz-wthrd. In-th-sprng-o-th-yth, in-the- mrning-o-th-dz, when-th iz-o-mn-gz-o-th-w-dlt, and natr whisprth in-thn-er the-mning-o-thr-lcs; ah! her-w-caushn thos sedsing-wrdz; gard-wel-th-( 100)hrt, nor lisn-t-thr-sft-pr-sw. Remmbr-tht thou art mad man'z reznbl compann, not-th slav-o-hiz-pshn; the end-o thy-bing iz-nt-mrly-t gratfy hiz loos dezr, bt-t-asst him in-the toilz-o-lf, to sooth-him-w-th-tndrns, and recmpns-hiz-cr wi-sft endrmnts. Hoo-iz-sh-tht winth-th-hrt-o-mn, that subdth him-t lov, and-rnth-in- hiz-brst? Lo! yonr she wacth in madn-swtns, wi inosns in-hr-mnd and mods-t on-hr-chk. Her hand secth emplmnt, her foot delitth-nt (200) in gading abrd. She-iz clothd-w-ntns, she-iz-fd-w-tmprns, huml-t-nd mecns-r-az-a-crn-o-glry sercling-hr hd. On-hr tung-dwlth muse, the swetns-o huny floth-frm-hr lips. Desn-s iz-in al-hr-wrdz, in-hr ansrz ar mildns-nd-trth, Sub-m and obdns ar-the-lsnz-o-hr lif, and pes-nd hapns ar-hr rewrd. Befr her steps wacth prudns, and-vrtu atndth at-hr rit hand. Her i specth softns-nd-lv; but-dscrshn wi-a septr sitth-o-hr brow. The tung of-the-lsnshs iz-(300)-dm in-hr-przns the aw ov-hr-vrtu cepth-him silnt. When scandl-iz- bzy, and-th-fam-o-hr-nbr iz-tst-frm-tng-to-tng; if char-t and-gd-ntr opn-nt-hr-mth the fingr-o silns resth on-hr lips. Her-brst iz-th-mnshn-o-gdns; and-thrfr she suspctth no-vl in-othrz. Hapy wer-th-mn that-shd-mc her-hiz-wf; hapy the child that-shd-cl-hr-mthr. She Il8 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. prezidth in-tha hous and-thr-iz-ps; she comandth wi-jjmnt and-iz obad. She arizth in-the-mrning, she (400) considrz her afrz, and apntth to-ery-o thar propr-bizns. The car-o-hr-fmly-iz-hr-hl-dlit, to-tht aln she aplith her study; and elgns-w-frgl-t iz-sn-in-hr-mnshnz. The prudns-o-hr-mnjmnt-iz-an onr to-hr huzbnd, and-he herth her praz wi-a secrt-dlit. She infrmth-th-mndz ov-hr childrn-w- wzdm; she fashnth thar-mnrz from-the-xmpl-o-hr-on- gdns. The word-o-hr-mth iz-the law-o-thr-yth; the moshn-o-hr-i comandth obdns. She specth, and-hr- srvnts fli; (500) she pointh and-the-thing-iz-dn; for-the law-o-lv-iz-in-thr hartz and-hr-cndns adth wingz to-thr-ft. In prosprt she-iz-nt-pfd-u; in advrst she helth-the-wndz-o fortn-w-pshns. The trublz-o-hr husbnd ar ale-v by-hr-cnslz-nd-swtnd-b-hr endrmnts; he putth-hiz-hrt in-hr boozm, and-rsvth-cmfrt. Hapy-iz-th-mn-tht-hth-md-hr-hiz-wf; hap-th-chld-tht- clth her-mthr. (583) ROBERT DODSLEY. THE DIGNITY OF LABOR. Thar-iz-a-dgn-t in toil in-tl of-the-hnd-az-wl-az-tl- o-th-hd, in toil to-prvd for-the bodly-wnts ov-an indvdl lif az-l-az in-tl to-prmt-sm entrprz ov-wrld- wd-fm. Al-lbr-tht-tendz-t supli-mn'z-wnts, to-incrs- mn'z hapns, to elvt-mn'z-ctr, in-a-wrd, al-lbr-tht-iz onst, iz onrbl-t. Labr clrz-th forest, and dranz-the EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE. moras, and-mcs-th-wldrns-rjs-nd-blsm-az-th-rz. Labr- drvz-th-plow, and convertz it-int-brd, the staf-o-lf. I.abr, tending-th pastrz and-swping-th-wtrz az-l-az- clt-v-th soil, provdz w-dly sustnns the nin hundrd mlnz ov-th-fmly-o-mn. Labr gathrz-th gosmr-wb-o- th catplr, the cotn from-th-fld and-th fles from-th-flc, and wevz-it int ramnt soft-nd-wrm-nd-btfl, the purpl rob-o-th prins and-th gra gown-o-th-pznt being ale its hndwrc. Labr n^ldz-th-brc, and splits the slat, and quarz-(200) th ston, and snaps the colm, and rerz not only-th humbl cotj, but-th gorjs pals, and th tapring spir, and-th statly dom. Labr, diving dep int-th sold urth, bringz-u its long hidn storz-o col to-fd ten-thsnd furnsz, and in milnz-o homz to defi-th wintr'z cold. Labr, lafing-at-dfcltz, spanz-mjstc-rvrz, carz vidcts ovr-mrshy swamps, suspndz brijz ovr-dp-rvnz, persz the solid mountn wi-its-drc-tnl, blasting rocs and filing holoz, and whil lincing togthr wi-its irn but loving grasp al nashnz ov-th urth, verfing (300) in-a litrl sens the anshnt prof-s, "Evry valy shal-b xaltd, and evry mountn and hil shal-b brot lo." Labr drawz- forth its delct irn thred, and streching it from si-t to si-t, from provns-t-provns, thru-mntnz-nd benth- th-se, relizz-mr-thn-fnsy evr fabld, whil-it constructs a chariot on which spech-m outstrp th-wnd, and compet-w-th litning, for-th telgrm fliz-az rpdly az thot itsl. 120 ECLECTIC SHORTHAND LESSONS. I abr, a mi-t majshn, wacs-frth int-a rejn unnhbtd and wast; he loocs ernstly at-th-sn, so quit in-its des-1; then (400) waving-hiz-wndr-wrcing-wnd, thoz drery valyz smil-w-gldn harvsts; thoz barn mountn slops ar clothd-w folj; the furns blazz; the anvl-rngz; the bi-s whel whirlz-rnd, the town aprz; the mart-o comers, the hal-o siens, the templ-o reljn, rer hi thar-lf-t-frnts; a forst-o-msts, ga-w vard pennts, rizz-frm-th-hrbr; reprsntvz-o far^f rejnz mac-it thar rezrt; siens enlsts-th elmnts-o urth-nd-hen-in-its-srvs; art, awcning, clothz its strenth-w beu-t; sivl-z smilz; libr-t iz-gld; humn-t rejsz; pie-t xults; for-th vois-o (500) inds-tr-nd-gldns-iz-hrd on evry-sid. Worcing-mn, wac wrthy-o-yr vo-c! Yu-v-a nobl escchn; disgras-it-nt. Ther-iz-nthing-rly-mn and lo but sin. Stoop-nt-frm-ur-lf-t-thrn to-dfl-urslvz by contm-n wi intmprns, lisnshsns, or eny form-o-vl. Labr, alid wi virtu, ma-lc up to-hen and-nt-blsh; whil al lordly digntz, prost-t to vis, wil lev-thr onr-wout-a cornr ov-the unvrs in-whch to hid-hiz-shm. Yu-l-mst sucssfly prov-th onr ov toil by ilstrting in-ur on- (600) prsns its alins-w-a-sobr, richs-nd-gdly lif. Be ye-shr-o-ths, that-th-mn-o toil, hoo-wrcs in-a spirt-o obdnt, loving omj to God, duz no-Is than cherubm and serfm in-thr-lftst flits and holst-sngz. (645) NEWMAN HALL. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles ThisbcK T >UEo- '