THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SERIES M. W. WOOD nua ,1 Raserre Storagt Collection THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SERIES DICTIONARY OF V O L A P U K VOLAPUK-ENGLISH ENGLISH-VOLAPUK BY M. W. WOOD, M. D. Captain and Assistant Surgeon Unit Volaptikatidel e cif. NEW YORK: CHARLES E. SPRAGUE THE OFFICE PUBLISHING COMPANY LONDON; TRUBNER & co. 1889 COPYRIGHT, 1888, BY M. W. WOOD TRUNK BROS., PRINTERS, NEW YORK. P R K K AC H. IN THE following pages will be found an exposition of the now con- siderable vocabulary of Volapiik, which will aid English-speaking people in acquiring a practical familiarity with this international language, even though they may be unacquainted with any of the foreign languages in which dictionaries of VolapQk have previously been published. It is hoped that this little book may prove to be an aid in the propagation of this, the first, attempt at the introduction of a common language which has met with any noteworthy degree of success. For Volaptlk has obtained a footing of its own among the speakers of twenty -one different tongues, and its adherents are numbered by hundreds of thousands. The number of persons who now count Volapiik among their acquirements has in- creased rapidly, in response to the felt want for some means of inter- national communication which could be easily acquired, and which would express the same idea to the Swede and the African, to the German and the Chinese, to the American and the Turk, which should be free from figures of speech, and which should be logically accurate; and all this is claimed for Volapiik. The propagation of this language has recently received an impetus, due to the report to the Philological Society of London by Alexander J. Ellis, Vice-president of the Society, to whom had been referred a propo- sition for an international philological congress for the purpose of perfect- ing a universal language. He reports against such a congress, for the reason that " there already exists a universal language, Volapiik, which has a large number of adherents in all countries of the world, and which is completely elaborated in grammar and vocabulary." In another part of the same report he says : " All those who desire the insubstantiation of that ' phantom of a universal language ' which has flitted before so many minds from the days of the Tower of Babel, should, I think, add their voices to the many thousands who are ready to exclaim lifomos volapuk long live Volaptik." It is generally held that human language was, in its infancy, a Divine gift to man, and that the languages of any period are evolutions from these gifts to supply the necessities of human thought at that period, and hence that the language of a people is not only independent of the will of man, but that it is a mere expression of his necessities, and thus an indica- tion of the progress of the mental development of the people. Volapiik, however, in apparent refutation of this dictum, has evidently taken its place among the languages of the earth. 1470570 IV The materials from which this work has been compiled are the diction- ariesin German (latest edition) of the inventor JOHANN MARTIN SCHLEYER; in French of Prof. Kerckhoffs; in Spanish of Dr. Iparraguirre; The published writings of the makers ot text-books of the language, and the highways and byways of the literature, have also been laid under con- tribution, so that there is herein offered, beside the words which an: already included in other dictionaries, a number of words which have not previously appeared in any printed vocabulary. It is believed that every root-word in use in the language is presented, and from these can be easily made any desired number of words, if such are necessary at any time. It was ascertained by a person who made the necessary cal- culation that 504,440 word-forms might be made from a single active in- finitive. The inventor announced that the new language was devised for edu- cated people, and the plan which he followed was to adopt a list of those monosyllabic root-words which were known to the greatest number of civilized persons, and then, by the use of a system of prefixes and suffixes not in use by any people to meet the prejudices of any nation or class, to denationalize the language, and provide a highly inflectional cosmopolitan language with a great wealth of root-words; a language so easily acquired that the necessary attention for this purpose becomes a pastime instead of drudgery, a language which should be systematic and capable of express- ing in unmistakable terms any shade of meaning of which the human mind is capable. English-speaking people are quite ungrateful when they voice a note of disparagement or of harsh criticism of Volaplik, for it is not only nearly as much to their interest to have this language adopted generally as it would be to have the English language occupy that place, but it is much better for the whole world than English could be. Before me lies an article in Volaptik "On the necessity of isolating sick persons," written by the Director of a large General Hospital in Vienna. This article proves beyond the peradventure of a doubt the adaptability of the lan- guage to scientific as well as commercial purposes, and completely refutes (he criticisms of those who have alleged that it was not so adaptable. It all the irregularities of the English language could be represented by a diagram which would show the relative departures from the central idea or norm of the language, Volapiik, if superposed, would be fouijd to occupy a position very near the mean or norm, and the great contrast between its regularities and the irregularities of the English would be apparent at a glance. But English-speaking people are more numerous than those using any other language of civilization, and thus we find that the language was originally constructed with an especial reference to their needs, and that it is becoming more and more assimilated to the English so far as new roots are concerned. That the appearance of the lan- guage reminds a linguist of the German is due to the fact that Father Schleyer is a German, and has most frequently given us the equivalent of German word-forms. In illustration of the fact that, whether consciously or not, the language has been built up in deference to the millions of English-speaking people, it is sufficient to say that when such famili- arity with the grammatical forms has been acquired as to enable one to readily isolate the root-syllable or syllables, most of the words met with would be recognized by an educated English-speaking person, either by -the appearance ot the word, or by the sound of the root, correctly pro- nounced. The plan of this dictionary is somewhat different from any of those which have preceded it, and the changes were made with a view to in- creasing its utility. The idea of placing corresponding portions of the two vocabularies on the same page was obtained from the French-English dictionary of Bellows. While it is not intended that this work shall take the place of a -manual of the language, it was thought best to provide the tables of the appendix in a form in which they might be carefully studied by themselves, to facilitate recognition at a glance of new words, and also to facilitate employment of properly constructed words. A number of ex- pressions have been rendered into English and given in these pages which to many might appear superfluous in a work of this character, but they are as frequently used in some languages as many of our americanisms are used by ourselves, and they will be met with frequently in foreign corres- pondence. In some few instances two forms of a word are given without comment, as one was the form known and recognized for some time and the other one of recent adoption. It has frequently been the practice of the inventor to use, as a derivative, an arbitrary word-form obtained by the elision of one or more letters, sometimes of a characteristic syllable, from a regularly formed word, and it is open to question whether this should be encouraged, as in this manner Volapuk is deprived of one of its greatest beauties, viz., that of regular simplicity of construction. Volapuk is not a crudity a toy it provides a vocabulary sufficient for the necessities of most people. It is held that this language is a better medium than any other for the expression of human thought. The almost incredible precision of the language, the great variety of its word-forms and their unequivocal signification furnish the tools with which the mind may feshion sentences which shall not only be intelligible to the immediate auditors, but be as distinctly and unmistakably intelligible to a person in the uttermost parts of the earth, by whose intellection the logogram would be interpreted in accordance with their intellectual development. This boon to mankind is the unselfish production of one who it is hoped may live to feel the gratitude graven on the hearts of those who are to profit by his labors and see it in the beautiful inscription in the "Golden Book" of humanity, upon whose pages he has richly earned a place by his free-gift to the world of this great victory of peace, forging a bond to link the hearts of the sons of men into a grand chain of union. This work bid fair to Decome the handmaid of science, and bear from one worker to an- other the partly-completed work until the perfect ashlar is ready for its place in the wall of the new Tower upon which many may climb to the infinity. No one could be more conscious of the short-comings of this work than the author, to whom all errors should be ascribed, for, though several kind friends have lent their aid in the difficult task of tracing through four lan- guages and often through obscure expressions even these few words, the conversion of this flexible inflectional language into a comparatively inflex- ible language of particles has been done in the main by the author. To all these friends the author desires here to tender his heart- felt acknowledg- ments, but most of all to Col. Chas. E. Sprague, Professor and Academi- cian, representative of the United States in the International Academy of Volapiik, for his great kindness in personally supervising these sheets as they have passed through the press, and for his intelligently critical touches to the manuscript. The author will be truly grateful for voluntary criticisms and notes of errors which may be sent him in care of the pub- lisher. M. W. WOOD. FORT RANDALL, DAKOTA, December 5th, 1888. VII ALPHABET. Aa Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo 60 Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz PRONUNCIATION. VOWELS, a as in father ; a as in hair ; e as in thn. I Component: kosietadil. Compose, to : kosiadon ; lautOn : notttfOn. ' Composure : ladataked. [adel. Composer: penotel: notilfel; si- Composite : pekosiadik. Composition: kosiet; kosiad(am/; ! Compositor: siadel. [siad. Compound : mig. Comprehend, to: ninOfOn ; sue- mOn; zisumOn; kapalOn. (49) Copbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Cbtbfbn. Copbn : to dig; to grub up. Cbpb'n: to cut; to give a blow; to chop; to hew. Cbtifbf: accountability; liability. Cbtifbn : to account for; to answer for. Cbtbf : responsibility. Cbtbfbn : to assume responsibility. Comprehensible. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Conduction. Comprehensible: kapalnik; sue- Comprehensibly : suemiko. [mik. Comprehension : kapaliib; suemal; suemam. Compress, to: kobopedOn; pedOn. Compression : pedam. Comprise, to: ninofOn. Compromise : balam. Comptroller: boxamel; poslogel. Compulsion: mlit; mekadam. Computability : numlof. Computable : numlik. Compute, to: kalon; numOn. Comrade: kamadel; lepul. Comradeship : kamad. Concave : kokavik. Concavity : kokav. Conceal, to : klanOfon; savon. Concealable : savik. Concealed : savugik; pesavol. Concealment : sav(am) ; savug ; slap. Concede, to : bevilon ; dalOn ; ge- Conceited: lufekik. [vOn. Conceivable: datikik ; suemik; tikik. Conceive, to: datikOn; suemOn. Concentrate, to : kezenodOn ; ko- zenodOn; soltldOn. Concentrated : kozenodik; soludik. Concentration : kezenodam ; ko- zenodam; soltldam. Concentrator: soltldiel. Concentric : kezenodik. Concept: suemad. Conception : leget; suemad; tik. Concern : kudadin. Concern, to : tefOn. Concerning: (prep.} dO. Concert : konzed. Concert, to give : konzedon. Concession: bevilam; gev ; let; plivilegam. Conciliate, to : lekosilOn. Conciliator : lekosilel. Conciliatory: yumik. Concise : blefik. Concisely : blefo. Conciseness : blef. Conclude, to : demekOn ; finOn ; jOtOn; kludOn; sludOn. Concluding : kludam. Conclusion : jot ; fin(am) ; finod ; klud; slud; kludot. Conclusion, in : fino; joto. Conclusive: kludik ; levOladlik ; dejOtik. Conclusively: levoladliko; dejoti- ko. Conclusiveness : levoladlof. Concord : balad ; balif ; koboton ; Concussion : lemuf^am). [yum. Condemn, to : kodemon ; fecOda- Condemnable: kodemik. [ton. Condemnation : kodem(am). Condensation: kosum; soltidam. Condense, to: soltldOn. Condensed: soludik. Condenser : soliidiel. Condescending : benalik; yilik. Condescension : yilof. Condition: stad; stip; veiid. Condition, to: stipOn. Condition, to be in : stadon. Conditional : stipabid. Conditional: stipik. Conditionally: stipo. Conditioned : stadik. Condole with, to: pidOn. Condolence: pid; lalied. Condor : gilor. Conduce, to: tienon. Conduct: kodot; tag. Conduct, to : dilekon ; dugOn ; loveblinOn ; desdugOn. Conduct, to one's self: tagfln. Conduct, to over : lovedugOn. Conducting: kib(am). Conduction: desdug(am) ; dug(am) ; duk. (50) Conductor. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Conserve. Conductor : desdugel ; desdugiel ; dilekel; dukel; dugel ; cifel ; jafan; lekopanel. Conductor, lightning : lelitadukab. Conductor, musical : konzcdal. Cone : skud. Confectioner: juegel; konfedel. Confectionery : konfed. Confederacy: fed; fetanog; leklub. Confederate : fedel ; pefedan ; fe- dakopanal. Confederating : fedam. Confederation: lanafetanog ; yula- Confess, to : koefOn. [kppanef. Confesser: koefel. Confession : koef. Confessional: koefastul. Confessor: pliedal; koefal. Confidant: leflen; konfida!. Confide, to in: konfidamOn ; leklOddn ; lenkonfidOn ; k-konti- dOn ; lUkonfidOn. Confidence: konfid; boled; telod. Confidence, to have in : kon- Confident : pleitik. [fidon. Confidential : konfidamik ; kon- Confiding: konfidam. ffidlik. Confiding: konfidik; telodik. Confidingness : telodof. Confine, to: ninfantlbon. Confirm, to: fimon; beyulon; len- ptikGn ; snilttn ; velatOn ; ze- pOn. [velatam. Confirmation : fimam; zep; fimed; Confirmer : zepal; zepel. Confiscation : sum(am). Conflagration: filed; defiled(am); Conflict : komip. [lefiled. Conformable : lesilmik. Conformity: lesiim. Conformity, in withrkanii; klu: Confound, to : fecenftn. [ma. Confrere : keblod. Confuse, to : bejemon ; kofudOn ; pemttn. [fudik. Confused: kofudik; pemik; peko- Confusedness: kofudal. Confuser: pemel. Confusion : bejemam ; fecen ; ko- fud(am); pern; pekofudug". Congeal, to: flotOn; gladOn. Congelation : flot. Congest, to : slimOn. Congestion: kumip; slimam. Congratulate, to : benovipOn. Congratulator : benovipel. Congratulation : benovip. Congregate, to : lasamSn. Congregation : komot ; lasani ; pelasamans. Congress: kongefjkonsalet; lasani. Conical: skudik. Conjectural : niludik. Conjecture : nilud. Conjointly: tog(o). Conjugal: matik. Conjugation : konyug(am). Conjunction : konyun. Conjunctiva : tanaskin. Conjuration : lutikalen. Connect, to : yllnicMi; fetanOn. Connected, to be : kolaguti. Connecting: kolagam. Connection: fetan; kolag; yiim(am). Connoisseur: sevel. [vikodOn. Conquer, to : bevikodCn ; dalupOn ; Conquered : pevikodel. Conquering : bevikodam; dalOpam. Conqueror : dalCpel ; bevikodel ; lemutel. Conquest : dalOp(am). Conscience: konsien. Conscientious : konsien ik. Conscientiousness : konsienOf. Conscious : notlugik. Consciousness : nololof; notlug. Consecrate, to : kosekOn ; santt- Consecrating : kosekam. [kon. Consecration : kosek(am) ; letile- dam. Consent: zepam; sisag(am). Consent, to: zepOn; sisagOn. Consequence: kind; sek; sukad; kludot; sukot. [nia; kludu. Consequence, in of: kid; tontt; Consequence, to be a : pakludun. Consequence, to be of: vedtOn. Consequences : sukem. Consequent : kludik. Consequently: ato; klu; kludo; seguno; sikod(o). Conservatism : tonal; tonalim. Conservative : tOnalik. [dem. Conservatory, musical : musika- Conserve : konsef. Conserve, to : konsefOn. (SO Consider. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Contortionist. Consider, to: cedOn; konsidOn'; lenlogedOn; stienOn; tefodOn. Consider, to thoroughly : duti- kon. Considerable : nepillik. Consideration : beladam ; konsid ; spal(am); tefam; teibd(am). Consideration, in of: leniogfl; konsid tl. Consignor : bonedel; komital; ko- Consolation : tlod. [mitel. Consolatary: tlodik. Console, to : tlodon. Consoled: patlodik. Consoler: tlodel. Consolidate, to : soliidon. Consolidation: fimam; soliidam. Consonance: leigaton. Consonant : kosonat; koton. Consort: matel. Conspicuous: klatik; sekik. Conspicuous, to render: siitovOn. Conspiracy: koyulam. Conspirator: koyulel ; pekoyulan. Conspire, to : koyulon. Constable : cOdefadiinan. Constancy: laidof; stanal. Constant: levelik; stanalik. Constantly : ai. Constellation kostelam;stelamag. Consternation : lestum. Constituent: deputel; dalamel. Constitution : glulonadokttm ; ko- Constraint: mut. [siet. Construct, to : koflikon ; konsia- don; stukon. Constructed: pekoftikol. Construction : koftlkam ; stuk ; vodaplad(am); vodatopam; vO- dayumam; lenbum. Constructor : mekel ; stukel. Consul : konsal. Consular: konsalik. Consulate : konsalOp. Consult, to about: besakOn. Consultation : bekonsalam. Consume, to : fegebOn ; fevobon; kOsumOn. Consume, to by fire : defiledfln. Consume, to by grief : deleglifOn. Consumed : pedekttsumOl. Consummate, to : lefulon. Consummation : lefulam. Consumption: blotip; fegeb; kOs- um(am); luegip; luip; ftisip. Consumptive: blOtipik; luegipik. Contact : bemuf. Contagion : lupak. Contagious : lupakik. Contagium : lupakin. Contain, to: ninlabon ; iiiiiOtoii ; ninOn. Contaminate, to : badofOn. Contemn, to : nestimGn. Contemplate, to: lenlogedOn. Contemplation : lenloged. Contemporaries : kolifans. Contemporary: ketiman. Contempt : nestim. Contemptible: nestimik; nestumlik. Contemptuous : nesttimik. Contend, to : feitOn; komipOn. Contending: fcitik. Content: koten. Content, to : kotenamOn. Contented : kotenik. Contented, to be: kotenOn. Contentedness : satlof. Contention : zan. Contentious: zanik; dikodik. Contentiousness : dikodill. Contentment : koten ; siitlof. Contents : lined; nin ; ninalised ; oinOC. Contest: befeit; depUk; feit; koinip. Contest, to : befeiton ; defeitOn ; Contestant : komipel. [depttkOn. Contestable : befeitik. Contiguity: bemuf. Contiguous, to be : bemufOn. Continent: fimaii; taladil. Contingent: baik. Continual: laik; levelik. Continually: ai; levelo. Continuance : laidun ; levelof : nezedof. Continuation: fov; laidun; fovot. Continue, to : aiOfOn; fovOn; lai- dunon; laikOn; leblibun; leve- Continuing : laikttl; mofik. [Ion. Continuity : nezeduf. Continuous: aiofik; laik; monk; nezedik. Continuously: lai; laiko. Contortion : zer(am). Contortionist : zerel. (52) Contour. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Cork. Contour: senelien. Contraband : smugik. Contractor: bliinel. [taptikon. Contradict, to : depttkon ; nesiOn ; Contradiction: depiik; tapuk(am); tasiamOf. Contradictory : tasiamik. Contralto : tatelidavog. Contrariety: taOf. Contrariwise : tadilo. Contrary : taik. Contrary : kos(o). Contrary, on the : abu ; tadilo ; tatos(o). Contrary, to act : taclunon. Contrary, to .the of: kostt. Contrast: kolmag; tadil; tatop(am). Contrast, to : tatopOn. Contravene, to : tadunOn. Contribute, to : lapolon. Contribute, to to : kovobon. Contribution : lapol. Contributor: kevobel; lapolel. Contrite : lepOnitik; ponitik. Contrition: leponit; ponit. Contrivance : bliim. Control: poslogam; boxam. Control, to : maselOn; poslogOn. Controversialness : taal. Controversy : dikod. Controvert, to : befeiton. Controvertible : befeitik. Contuse, to : Wilton. Contusion : blttt. Conundrum : rat. Convalesce, to : saunOn. Convalescence: denusaun; saun- Convallaria : rnayulaf. [am. Convene, to : bevokOn ; kobovokon ; Convenience: koven. [kokomOn. Convenience, at the of : potti. Convenient: kovenik; pOtik. Conveniently : pOto. Convent: kleud; vomakleud. Convention: balam; kokom. Conventual : kleudik. Conversation : musam ; pukot ; kosadapiik. Converse, to : musamon; pttkon; Conversely: votafleko. [piikotOn. Conversion : ceinam; tikalavotam; vot(am); tikivotam. Convert, to : ceinon. Convertibility : fecenof. Convertible : fecenik. Convex : kovexik. Convexity: kOvexet. Convey, to : lovedukon. Conveyance: deduk; lovedukam; vegot; spidivegot. Convict, to : suadOn . Conviction : suad(am). Convince, to : suadon. Convoke, to : kobovokon. Convulsion : spam. Convulsive : spamik. Coo, to : tipamudOn. Cook : kiikel. Cook, to: kukon; kukon. Cookable : kuklik. Cooked : pekiikik. Cooked, to be : kttkttn. Cookery : kuken. Cook-stove : kukafilOp. Cooking-range : kukafilOp. Cooking- utensils : pliem. Cool: lukalodik. Cool, to : lukalodon; kalodOn. Coolness : kalod; kalodal; lukalod; smakalod. Coop : nimalOd; nimOp. Cooper: tubel; tubel. Cooperage : ttiben. Coopershop : tttbop. Coot : vatajigok. Co-partner: kopanOmel. Copious : vodagik. Copper: koped; kupin. Copper : kopedik. Copperas: lelavitin; vitin. Copper-smith : cafel. I Copper-ware: kopedem. Coppers : kopedem. Coproprietor : kelabel. Copse: bujad; fotil. Copulation : laslip(am). Copy: depenad ; koip ; samad ; sepenod. [koipOn. Copy, to : depenOn ; nalpenOn ; Copyist: koipel; sepenodel. Cord : lefad; jaun (v. ster). Cordage : lejainem. Cordial: ladalik; ladlik; leladik. Cordiality : ladal; lelad. Core : ker. Cork: koeg; koegin. (53) Cork. ENGLISH-V0LAPUK. Court-yard. Cork, to : koegOn. Corn, Indian : klen. Cornea: honaskin. Corner: gul; luspad; smaspad. Cornflower: glenaf. Cornucopia : dttd. Coronet : klon. Corporal: korpan; *kompal. Corporate : kltibik. Corporation : kliib; komot; kopef; Corporeal: kopik. [tedem. Corps: kopef. Corpse: fun. Corpulence : pien. Corpulent: pienik. Correct: gitik; nepOkik ; velatik ; kuladik. Correct, to : menodOn; velatOn. Correction: menod(am); velatam. Correctly : gito; velato. Correctness : velat. Corrector : menodel. Correlation: kotefam. Correlative : vOd kotefamik. Correspond, to: spodOn. Correspond, to to: pOtOn. Correspondence: spod; penedUg; potadin; penesetok. Correspondent: spodel. Corridor: galif; legolOp. Corrigible : menodik. Corroborate, to : lepttkOn; velatttn. Corruption : rtlbtlb. Corypheus : dukal. [am. Cosmography: valav; volabepen- Cosmology: volav. Cosmopolitan :kosmopolel; volasif. Cosmopolitan: kosmopolik. Cosmopolitanism: kosmopolim. Cosmos : val. Cost: delid; kost; vOlad. Cost, to : kostOn; vOladOn. Costly: delidik; kostik; vOladik. Cottage: ludom; feisniadom. Cotton : kotin. Cotton-plant : kotismabim. Cotton-seed : kotinasid. Cotton-seed oil : kotisiletil. Cotton thread : kotinasvil. Cotton wadding : kotivodin. Cotton-yarn : kotinayan. Couch : nedutabed. Cough: kOg. Cough, whooping : lekOg. Cough, to : kOgon. Council : cam ; konsalef. Council chamber : konsalOp. Councillor: carnal; konsalal. Counsel : konsal. Counsel, to: bekonsaltfn; kon^'ilnn. Count : gab. Count, to : numBn. Count out, to : xonumOn. Countenance: logod. Counteract, to : tadunOn. Counterbalance, to : suvattikOn. Counterfeit: nadunik; nevelatik. Counterfeit, to : nadunOn. Counterfeiter: nadunel; nevelatel. Counterfeiting: nadun. Countermand: tabtid. Countermand, to : tablidOn. Countermanding: debonedam. Counterpart: kolmag; tadil. Countersign : vddamal. Counterpoise, to : leivatOn. Counter-poison : tavenod. Counting: numam. Counting-room: konod. Countless : nenumik. Countlessness : nenumOf. Country : laned. Country- man : lanedan. County : gaban. Couple: pal; telel; teliel. Couple, to : matokon; palOn. Coupled: atelik; palnik. Coupling : palam. Courage: lanim; manuf. Courageous : lanimik. Courier: killel; segonel; spidel. Course: fegon; kill; mogol; rona- kul; vegamaveg; palkul. Course of exchange: canaktilod. Course of instruction : tidiip. Course to : rOnOn; yagOn. Court: cOdef; ditacOdef; kut; y;ul. Court, to : staifOn. Court, to hold: ditacOdOn. Courteous: plutik. Courteous, to be : plUtOn. Courteously: pldtiko. Courteousy: plttt. Courtier : kutan ; kutab. Courting : staif. Court-yard : yad. (54) Cousin. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Cross-bar. Cousin : kOsel; jikOsel. Cousinly: kOselik. Cousinship : koselef. Cover : kOv ; kOvad ; teg ; tegad ; tegOp; tegamaned; tegot; veat. Cover, to: kuvOn; tegun; lovesei- Covering : teg(am). [tun; veatun. Covet, to : desidOn. Covetous : desidamik ; labasiikik ; ledesidik; labistikik. Covetousness : labasiik; labisuk. Covey : kuv. Cow : jixol; kun. Cow, to : feflapOn. Coward : temipab. Coward, to be : temiptfn. Cowardice: nelanim; temip. Cowardliness : temipal. Cowardly: nelanimik; temipik. Cowl : kapuzin. Crab : klaf. Crabbedness : ziidal. Crack : blek; glak. Crack : Pu ! Crack, to: glakOn; slitOn. Crack open, to : maislitOn. Cracked: glakik; slitik. Cradle: kled. Cradle, to rock : kled on. Craft: feb; kaf; lekaf. Craftily: kafiko. Crafty: kafik. Crag : klif. Craggy : klifik. Cram, to: lufulOn; lelufulOn. Cramp: spam; kaifip. Crane : glulit. Cranium: kapabom. Crape : veot. Cravat : ndked ; klavat. Crave, to : patiton. Craving: desidam. Craving: desidamik. Crawfish: klaf. Crawl, to: vumttn; glugolon. Crayon: magelacab; panelastib. Crayon, colored : kolastib. Cream : miligapin. Creamy: miligapinik. Crease : plif. Create, to : jafttn ; lemekOn. Creating: jafam. Creation : jaf(am); lemekam; jafot. Creative: jafik; lemekik. Creator: Jafel; Jafal; Lemekal. Creature : jafad. Creature : jafadik. Creature, sublunary: talel. Credence: klodat. Credible : klodlik. Credit: klodat; van. Credit, to : kl&daton ; klod5n ; gudopenOn. Credit, to the of : klodattl. Creditor: klodel; lugivel. Credulity: klcdnOf. Credulous: klodik; klodnik. Credulousness : klodal. Creed : klod. Creep, to : glugolon. Crescent : munafoldil. Cress : kred. Crest: belabak. Cretaceous : taimik. Crevice : slit. Crew : tlupan. Crib : rip. Crier: notamel; luvokel; sevokel; Cries : luvokem. [notan. Crime: klim; lesin. [lesinOn. Crime, to commit : klimadunOn Criminal: klimadunel; lesinel Criminal: klimadunik. Criminality: pOnOf. Cringe, to : glugolon. Cripple : dOfan. Crisis : klit. Critic : blamel; blemel; kriltel. Critical 1 : krtitik. [blam; blem. Criticism: krilt; krttten; lukrUt; Criticise, to : blamttn; krUWn. Croak : koak. Croaker : badlikel. Crochet-hook: nugonanad. Crochetting: snobam. Crockery : stonagef. Crocodile: klokod; neilaf. Crony: keolel; ziel. Crook : nug. Crooked : klugik. Crookedness: klug; slobal. Crop: klop. Cross : kluzif. Cross of honor : stimakluzif. Cross, to: dugolOn; kluzifon. Cross-bar, to: tlelOn. (55) Cud. VOLAPliK-ENGLISH. Cukamilig- CUD : hatchet. Ciidik: hatchet; hatchet-like. Cudbn: to hack; to hew; to chop. CUG : cheek; side of face; zygoma- tic portion of the cheek. Cugabalib : side whiskers. Cugasebil : dimple. Cligatut : molar tooth. CUK: ass; donkey. Cukamilig: asses' milk. Cross-beam. KNGLISH-VOLAPUK. Current. Cross-beam : tanakluzif. Cross-examine, to: xamelon. Crossing: lovegoled. Cross-road : felaveg. Cross-tree : tanakluzif. Cross-way : kluzifaveg. Croup: doferip; klupip. Crowd : lemod. Crowd, to : fumon. Crowd into : nlicllanon. Crowding : nUdlanam. Crown: klon; klonab; kapiin. Crown, to: klonon; lorOn. Crown -prince : klonaleson. Crucifix : kluztif. Crucify, to : kluztlfon. Cruel: lejekik; lejekofik. Cruelty : lejekof. Cruet, oil : lettlab. Cruise, to : kluzifon. Cruiser : kluzinaf. Crumb : fidedil. Crumble, to: fidedilon. Crush, to: bltiton; dapedon. Crushing : bltitam. Crust : lujal. Crust, bread: bodaskin. Crustacea: jalaf. Cry : luvok; vok. Cry, to: dlenon; luvokon. Cry aloud, to : seluvokon. Cry out, to: sevokon. Cryptogram: jiif. Cryptography: jufav. Crystal: kristadik. Crystalize, to : kristadon. Crystalloid : kristadlik. Cube : ktib. Cube, to: kubon. Cubic: kiibik. Cuckoo : kuklit. Cucumber: ktig. Cudgel: lustaf. Cue, billiard : biliastaf. Cuff: lilaflap. Cuirass : kiirad. Cuirassier : kuradel. Culinary : kukik. Culling : sevalam. Culls : sevalem ; sesamot. Culpability: lesinof; sinof. Culpable : sinik. Culprit: klimadunel. Cultivate, to: kulivOn; lanedOn; Cultivated : bekulivol. [sekulivon. Cultivation : kuliv(am). Culture : tonal. Cultured : pekulivol. Cumin : komep. Cuneiform : sagitik. Cunning: kaf; lekaf; luvisedug. Cunning : kafik : luvisedik ; vola- visedik. Cup bovil; kop; glekOp; kup. Cupboard : bog. Cupola: klopanuf. Cuprum: kupin. Curacy : kurat. Curate : padel. Curative: sananamik; sansik. Curd : kvak. Cure: sanam; kalam stabik. Cure, to: saumekon. Curable : posanol. Curio : seledot. [silkal. Curiosity: nulal; seled; seledot; Curious : makabik ; nulalik ; sele- dik; stikalik. Curiously : nulaliko. Curl : lehel; spek. Curls : helem. Currant : levinabal. Currency : ktilod. Current: kill; leflum. Current: golik. Current, electric : lefliim. (56) Cuken. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ciiton. Cuken: doltishness; asinine beha- viour; asinine conduct. Cukik : asinine; doltish; ass-like. Ciilod : circulation of exchange. GUN : fasting. CUN : chin. Ciinacig: chaps ; mental portion of cheek. Cunadel : fast-day. Cunal : abstinence ; temperance ; sobriety. Cunatim: fast-time; lent. Cunazib : lenten-food. Cunbn: to fast; to abstain from food. Cuniip : fast-time. CUT : cheat ; fraud ; deception ; trickery; imposture. Ciitel : trickster; cheat; deceiver; imposter. Ciitik: deceitful; fraudulent. Ciiton : to cheat; to defraud; to de- ceive; to impose upon. Curriculum. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Czar. Curriculum: tidakul. Currier : skitel. Curry-comb : jevakef. Curse: nelabiid. Curse, to : nelabad5n. Curtail, to : lublefon. Curtain : bifoin. Curvature : klug. Curve : klugalien. Curve, to : flagOn; klugOn. Curved: bobik; klugik. Cushion : kujab; lekujab. Custom: kOsom; sudod. Customary : geblik ; ko?0mik ; plftgik; stidodik. Customer: aibonedel. Custom-free : netoladik. Custom-house : toladop. Customs : tolad. Cut : cop ; dekOt ; sukot ; koted ; kotot; sekotot. Cut, to : copon ; dekotOn ; destagdn ; kodon: koton; sekOtOn; suko- ton; fekotOn. Cut open, to : maik5ton. Cut out, to : secopdn. Cutlass : sab. Cutler : neifel. Cutlery: neifem. Cutlet: koet. Cutter: kotel; dekotiel; nifavab. Cutting: kotam; sekOt; koten. Cutting : kotik. [zUot. Cylinder: zilin; glOpaboad; rolin; Cylindrical: riitik; zilinik; rolinik. Cymbal : basiniif. Cypress : zUbim. Czar : zar. (57) Da. D. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Daifik. DA: through; by. Dabal: single thing; detail. Dabalik : single; individual. Dabalikos: details; particulars. Dabalo: singly; individually. Dabalod: singleness; individuality. Dabalbn : to detail ; to separate. Dabegbn : to supplicate; to beg for. Da'blin : offering. Dablinbn : to offer; to offer up. Dabumalik : edifying. Dabumb'n : to build; to erect. Dadlembn : to tremble; to shud- der; to shiver. Daduk: education. Dadukab : pupil. Dadukav : pedagogics ; pedagogy. Dadukavik : pedagogic. Dadukeb : normal school. Dadukel : teacher; pedagogue; tu- tor; educator. Dadukik : educational. Dadukbn : to educate. Dadukbp : boarding-school ; semi- nary; educational institution. Daeg: darkness. Da'egam: obscuration. Daegik: dark. Daegbn : to darken; to grow dark. Da'egbn: to obscure; to darken. Daegot : obscuration ; eclipse. DAEM : rampart; wall. Daemik : walled ; like a rampart ; castellated. Daemon : to surround with a ram- DAET: date (fruit). [part. Daf : badger (Nat. Hist.) Dafadog: terrier; dachshund. Dafin(am) : settlement. Dafinbn : to settle ; to wind up ; to terminate. Daflapbn : to knock clown ; to smite. Daflodbn : to freeze (active). Dafombn : to bring up; to educate; to train up. Dafulbn : to fulfil. DAG: duskiness; obscurity; dark - DAG: dagger; poniard. [ness. Daga'l : mysteriousness. Dagalbn : to awake; to arouse. Daget(am) : attainment ; acquisi- Dagetbn : to attain; to obtain. [tion. Dagik: obscure; dusk; dark; dim. Dagleip: seizure; apprehension. Dagleipbn : to seize; to apprehend. Daglofbn : to grow up. Dagbn : to darken ; to obscure. Da'gbn : to stab with a dagger; to poniard. Dagug: darkness; obscurity. DAIF : fondness for sweet things ; Daifik: dainty. [daintiness. D. Dagger. ENGLISH-VOLAPliK. Damaging. Dagger: dag. Daily: delik; vadelik. Daily: a del; delo; vadelo. Daintiness : daif ; nibof. Dainty: liged; nib; daifin. Dainty : daifik ; ligedik ; nibik ; Dainty, to be : nibon. [smafOnik. Dairy: teten; tetOp. Dairy-man : miligel. Daisy : maraf ; ganaf. Dale : nebel. Dalliance : lofob; vanot. Dallier : vanotan. Dally, to : vanotan. Dam : dam. Dam, to: damon; dedamdn. Dam in, to : nindamOn. Damage : dam. Damage, to: damon; rtlbOn. Damaging: damik. (58) Daifin. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Danam Daifin: delicacy; a dainty. Daifdn : to lick ; to lick up ; to indulge in dainties. Dajutbn : to shoot (active). Dakik : opening unlocking. Dakikel : unlocker; turnkey. Dakikbn : to open; to unlock. Dakodbn : to examine thoroughly ; to exhaust. Dakupbn : to scoop up ; to dip up. DAL: license; permission; leave; permit. Dalam : plenipotency; proxy. Da'lamel: proxy-giver; constituent. Dalapenad: permit; written permit. DALEB : indigence; poverty; neediness; penury. Dalebegbn : to implore; to beseech. Dalebik: indigent; poor; needy. Dalebbn : to be needy; to be poor; to be in want. Daledbn : to redden; to blush. Dalemuf on : to shake. Dalestif: numbness. Dalestif on : to benumb. [don. Dalet: remission; indulgence; par- Daletik : venial; pardonable. Daletbn : to remit; to pardon; to forgive. Daletot: dispensation; indulgence. Daliedbn : to suffer; to undergo. Dalif on : to experience. Dalilel : one who grants, who hears. Dalilbn: to grant; to hear. Dalit(am) : illumination. Dalital: Highness; Serene Highness. Dalital ol: Your Serene Highness. Dalital : clearheadedness. Dalitbn: to elighten; to illumine. Daliv : deliverance; salvation. Dalival : our Savior. Dalivel: deliverer; savior. Dalo : allowably; with permission. Dalb ! with your permission ! Dalof on : to present; to offer. Dalogam: discovery; perception; seeing. Dalogik : visible; perceptible. Dalogiko: visibly; preceptibly. Dalogbn : to perceive; to discover; to see. Dalbn : to be allowed; to dare ; to have permission ; may; can. Dalbn : to allow; to permit; to con- cede; to let. Dalbp : conquest. Dalbpam : conquest; conquering. Dalbpel : conqueror. [success. Dalbpbn : to conquer ; to achieve Dalii : with permission of. D'alug : permission. Dalugivbn : to borrow. DAM : dam; obstruction of water; p _ dike; levee. DAM: damage; injury; loss; dis- advantage; detriment. Damagiiv : indemnity. Damagiivbn : to indemnify. Damanifbn : to open ; to inaug- urate. Damat : drama. Damatan : actor. Damatanam : theatrical perform- ance; representation; acting. Damatanbn : to act; to perform; to represent; to exhibit. Damatbn : to dramatize. Damepled : checker-board. Da'mik : damaging; injurious; det- rimental; pernicious. Damo'f : perniciousness; hurtfulness. Damon : to dam ; to obstruct water. Damon : to damage ; to injure ; to hurt. Damii : to the detriment of. Damutam : extortion ; enforcement. Damiiten : extortion. Damiitbn : to extort; to obtain by DAN: thanks. [force. Danam : giving thanks. Damask-silk. ENGLISH-VOLAPDK. Dance. Damask-silk: glesatin. Damn, to: kodemOn. Damnable : kodemik. Damnation: kodem; kodemtib. Damp : vatofik. j Dampen, to : vatofOn. i Dampness : vatof. ' Dance: danfld; dantidil; ledanud. (59) Danapena'd. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dau. Danapena'd : letter of thanks. Danasag : thanks-giving. Danasagbn : to give thanks for; to thank for. [appointment. Danem(am) : nomination to office; Danemon : to nominate to office; to appoint. Danemot appointment. Danigik: deserving of thanks ; thankworthy. [grateful. Danik : thankful ; appreciative ; Daniko : gratefully. [thank. Danisagon : to give thanks to; to Danb ! Thanks ! Much obliged ! Dan of : thankfulness; appreciation; gratitude. [grateful for. Danofb'n : to appreciate ; to be Danbn : to thank; to return thanks to. [guish. Danb'sb'n : to obliterate; to extin- Danot: inquiry; inquest. Danotik : searchable ; open ; not hidden. [about. Danotb'n: to inquire about; to ask Danii :. thanks to . DANUD: dance; dancing. Danudajuk: dancing shoe; pump. Daniidakan : art of dancing. Daniidal : dancing-master. Daniidatidel : dancing-teacher. Daniidel: dancer. Daniidil : an informal dance; hop. Daniidon to dance. Daniidbp : dancing-hall; ball-room. Dapedbn : to crush. DAS: that. DAS : thereby. Dasa'k(am) : successful inquiry. Dasa'kik : inquirable; searchable. Dasakbn : to find on inquiry. Daseistbn : to lie (under). Daso ! Oh, that ! Dasb! Oh, that unto thee ! Daspalbn: to economize; to save. Dasta'g : buck, of the fallow deer. Dasuf on : to suffer ; to bear (active). Dasumbn : to seize ; to grasp; to lay hold of; to take. DAT : in order that; in order to; DAT: date; the time. [that. Datikik : conceivable ; imaginable. Datikbn : to conceive; to imagine; to devise. Da'tbn : to date; to write a date. Datov(am) : elevation. [vates. Datovel: elevator ; one who ele- Datoviel: elevator (apparatus). Datovokbn : to rise; to arise. Datovbn : to elevate; to raise. Datuv(am) : invention. Datuv(am) : discovery. Datuval: inventive genius. Datuval: genius for discovery. Datuvel : inventor. Datiivel: discoverer. Datuvbn : to invent. Datuvbn : to discover. Daii : throughout. Dance. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dauber. Dance, to: danudOn. Dancer: danudel. Dancing : daniid. Dancing-hall : danlidop. Dancing-master: daniidal. Dancing-shoe : danttdajuk. Dancing-teacher : daniidatidel. Danger : pOlig. Dangerous : poligik. ['todo'n. Dare, to: dal6n; kinOn; telodokOn; Dark: daegik; dagik. Dark, to become: daegtfn; dagon; glumon; neiton. Dark blue : doyulibik. Dark brown : doblonik. Dark green: dogltinik. Dark red : doledik. Dark yellow : doyelibik. Darken, to: daegon. Darkness : dagug ; daeg ; dag ; gllini. Darling: lofab. Darling: lOfabik. J Dastardliness : nelanim. i Dastardly: nelanimik. Date: daet; dat. Date, to: datOn. Dated: pedatol. Dative : kimefal. Daub, to : smivon; lupanon. Dauber : smivel. (60) Davestig(am). YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dedalebbn. Davestig, am) : research; investiga- tion exploration [er; explorer. Davestigel: investigator; research- Davestigbn : to make research ; to investigate; to explore. Daxanbn : to ascend, mount, scale. Daxenbn : to climb; to scramble up. DE : from : of; out of; by. DEB: debt. Debalbn : to pick berries. Debapena'd: debenture. Debatbn : to entice away. Debazbt: bond; note; certificate of indebtedness. Debeg: apology. Debegbn : to apologize. Debel : debtor. Debid: mongrel. [orate. Debidbn: to degenerate; to deteri- Debik: indebted; owing; due. Debledbn : to strip off leaves. Deblek : demolition. [down. Deblekam : abruption ; breaking Deblekamo : abruptly. [down. Deblekbn : to demolish; to break Deblinbn : to bring hither. Debliinam : delivery. Debliinel : deliverer. Debliinb'n : to deliver; to hand to. Debbf : duty ; obligation ; indebt- edness, [be indebted . Debbn : to owe; to be obliged; to Debonedam : countermanding (an order for ) . Debonedbn : to countermand . Debu'k : reprint; printed copy; im- pression, [copy; to impress. Debiikbn : to reprint ; to print a Debunbn : to jump off. Decit : undeception ; freeing from deception. [to undeceive. Decitbn : to free from deception ; Decopbn : to hew off; to strike off. Decbpbn : to chop off ; to chop down. [deny one's self. Dedalebbn : to stint one's self : to Daubing. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Debility. Daubing: smiven. Daughter: jison. Daughter-in-law: jillison. Dauntless: kinik: nedledik. Dauntlessness : kin. Dawn: gol; lulit. Dawn, at: golo. Dawn, to : delon; luliton Day: del. Day, by : delo. Day, by the : a del; delso. Day, on the of: delu. Day-break: delabegin. Day-labor: delavob. Day-laborer : delamesedan. Day's-wages: delamesed. Day's-work: delavobad. Dazzle, to: febleinon; bleinon. Deacon : diakel. Dead: edeilol; petunol. Dead : dumik ; ienelifik : nelifik ; Dead, to be: pefunon. [pefunik. Dead-lock : lukikot. Deadly : funlik. Dead-wall: filamOn. Deaf: sudik. Deaf and dumb : sudomuedik. Deafen, to: sudon. Deafening : sudam. Deafmute : sudomuedik. Deafmuteness : sudomued. Deafness . sud. Deal: flul. Dealer: canel; letedel; tedel. Dean : dekan. Deanery: dekanastilk. Dear: delidik; lofik. Dearth: delidod. Death: dedeil; deil. Death, apparent : jinadeil. Death, day of: deiladel. Debate: bepiik; depiik. Debate, to: bepQkon. Debase, to : bapon. Debasement: bapam. Debauchee : gliban. Debauchery: glib; filuxain. Debenture: bligat; debapenad. Debilitate, to : fibOn; sanamOn. Debilitated: fibik; nenamik. Debilitation: sanam(am). Debility: fib; fibug; nenam. (61) Dedamam. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Def. Dedamam: embankment ; dam- ming out. Dedambn : to dam up; to dam out. Dedeil: decease; death. Dedeilon : to die off. Dedibik : steep; precipitous. Dedil(am) : part; section; division; portion ; department. Dediliel: divisor. Dedilot: remainder; remnant. Dedilon : to divide; to part; to dis- tribute. Dedit: separation; partition. Deditiel : partition. Deditik: separable. Deditlik: dismissible; repudiable. Deditbf: separability. Deditbn : to separate ; to part ; to sever. Dedlanbn : to extort; to wring; to force. Dediif on : to harden; to inure. Dedugbn : to lead off; to divert; to conduct (lightning). Deduk : removal; conveyance. Dedukam : evacuation ; purgation ; leading away. Dedukbn : to purge; to evacuate; to discharge; to lead away. DEF: deficiency; want; lack. Debit. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Deed. Debit, to : boladon. Debit, to the of: boladtl. Debris : lemanots. Debt: deb; laideb. Debtor : debel. Decagon : balsagul. Decagramme : balsaglam. Decaliter : balsaliat. Decameter: balsamet. Decapitate, to : kapon. Decastere: balsaster. Decay: deilafam; disafal; fofal. Decay, to : deilafon ; disafalon ; Decease: dedeil; deil. [fofalon. Deceased: edeilol. Deceit: cit; nevelat. [mudanamik. Deceitful : ctitik ; neveladik; pal- Deceive, to : citon; cuton. Deceiver: cutel. December: batul;balsetelul; dekul. Decency: pudof. Decennium : yelbalstip. Decent: lepotik. Deception: citam; cut; bleinem. Decide, to : devogon ; gitOn ; slu- Decided: pecodatttl. [don. Dec.llion: balsion. [dilik. Decimal-fraction : dilanum balse- Decipher, to : raton; saratOn. Decipherable: liladik; ratlik. Decision : codat ; seplikad ; slud- (am); sludot; sludug. Deck : nafateg. Declaim, to: deklamon. Declamation : deklam. Declaration: sag; sepiikad. Declare, to : lenunon ; liicodaton Declension: deklin. Declinable : deklinik. Decline: ban; dongol. [flakon. Decline, to : deklinon ; denesion : Declivity: deslopOf; kliv; slop. Declivitous : klivik. Decoct, to: dekugon; sekiikon. Decoctible : kuklik. Decoction : dekug. Decolorize, to : dekolon. Decompose, to : dilimon. Decomposition : dilimam Decorate, to : dekon. Decorated : pedekol. Decoration: dek; dekat; dekot. Decorator : dekamapanel. Decorum : pliitav. Decoy, to : baton. Decoying: batam. Decrease: luam; lunam. Decrease, to: palunon; lunon. Decree, to: lebtidon; lonon. Decrepit: edelif(ol)(ik) ; ulbiik-dik; Decrepitude : baledtip. [baledupik. Dedicate, to: kosekon. Dedicating: kOsekam. Dedication : kOsek. Deduce, to: kludon. Deduct, to : dekalon. Deduction: dekalam; klud; kludot. Deed: dun. (62) Defal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Degebel. Defal : waste; refuse. Defalam : falling off; emaciation; wasting. Defalin : waste ; refuse ; shaving ; clipping. [waste. Defalbn : to fall off; to emaciate ; to Defanbn : to catch. Defeitbn: to contest; to dispute. Defik: defective; deficient; imper- fect, [flagration. Defiled(arn) : conflagration ; de- Defiledel : burner (person). Defilediel : burner (thing.) Defiledbn : to burn down ; to burn up; to consume by fire. Defilbn : to fire off; to discharge. Deflagbn : to demand; to recall. Deflano : aside; apart; off. Deflanii: off from; aside from. Deflapel : batter. Deflapiel: bat. Deflapbn : to beat off; to strike off. Deflekbnok : to turn one's self away. Deflum: drainage; draining. Deflumot : drain; gutter; sewer. Deflumbn : to flow off; to flow away; to drain. Defo : imperfectly; defectively. Defbn : to want; to be wanting; to be absent; to be lacking. Defii: in default of; for want of. Degeb(am) : wear and tear; usu- Degebel: usufructuary. [fruct. Deed. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Delegate. Deed, evil : badod. Deem, to : cedon. Deep: dibalik; dibik. Deepen, to : dibon. Deepened: pedibol. Deeply: dibo. Deer: stag. Deface, to : lublefon; sadekOn. Defamation : slan(am). Defame, to : slanon. Defamer: slanel. Default, in of: defti. Default, in : defo ; tao. Defeat, to : bevikodOn. Defeating: bevikodam. Defecation : plivodam. Defect: dOf; gledof; netug. Defective: defik; dofik. Defectively: defo. Defectiveness : dofof. Defend, to: jalOn; tasteifOn. Defendant : pekusadan. Defender: jalel; pjovodel. Defense : jal(am); plovOd; tasteif- Defenseless: nevafik. [am). Defenselessness: nevafof. Defensive, on the: pekusadelo. Deferent: lestimik. Defiance : tod. Deficiency: def; dottf. Deficient: defik; dofik. Defile : loveg; gur. Defile, to : bestenon ; jemodfln ; Defiled : bestenik. [stenOn. Defilement: stenam, Define, to : lonOn. Definite: ftimik. Definiteness : film. Definition : lonam. Definitive: fiimik; dejotik. Definitively: dejotiko. Deflagration : defiled(am). Deform, to : sadekOn. Deformed : emiglofol. Deformation : sajOnam. Deforming: nefomam. Defraud, to: cutOn. Defy, to : todOn. Degenerate, to:badumOn ;debidOn. Degeneration : badumam. Degeneration, fatty : pinip. Deglutinate, to : deklebOn. Degradation : badumam ; bapam. Degrade, to : badumOn; bapOn. Degree : Itien ; slep. Deification : lugodam. Deify, to : godOn. Deity: Godug. Dejected : glumalik. Dejection : glumal. Delay: fezog; zog. Delay, legal : lonup. Delay, to : zogOn. Delegate: deputal. (63) Degebbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Deklinbn. Degebon : to wear out ; to wear Degif: cast; mould. [away. Degifam: casting; filling a mould. Degif tin : to cast; to mould. Degivam : delivering over. Degivik: deliverable. Degivbn : to deliver over. Degol: departure; going away. Degolod : the way hither. Degolodbn : to go hither; to walk hither. Degolbn : to depart; to go away. Degonbn : to run off; to run away. DEIG: wagon; tongue; pole; thill. DEIL: death; decease. Deijeval : wheel-horse. Deiladel : day of death. Deila'f : fading ; wilting. ; decay ; withering (of flowers). Deilafik : perishable; liable to decay. Deila'fon : to fade; to wither; to Deilik : mortal. [decay. Deilikan: mortal. Deilbf : mortality. Deilbn: to die; to depart this life; DEIM : rejection. [to expire. Deimik: rejectable; objectionable. Deimiko : objectionably. Dein: sword-blade. Dejaf on : to abrogate; to annul; to repeal. Dejalel : parer; sheller (person). Dejaliel : parer; sheller (thing). Dejalbn : to peel off; to pare. Dejedbn : to throw away. Dejekbn : to frighten ; to intimi- date; to deter. Dejokbn : to repel ; to push off ; to Dejbnbn : to disfigure, [shove off. Dejbt: end; termination; finale. Dejotik : definitive; conclusive. Dejbtiko: definitively; conclusively. Dejbtbn : to end; to terminate. DEK : ornament ; decoration ; finery. Dekadin : objects of adornment ; of decoration ; ornament. Dekal(am) : deduction (accounts). Dekalbn : to deduct; to balance ac- Dekam : ornamentation, [counts. Dekamapanel: decorator; orna- mental painter. Dekan : dean of a cathedral (Prot. Epis.) Dekanastiik : deanery. Dekanitel : singer; chanter; chor- ister, [recite to music. Dekanitbn : to chant; to sing; to Dekapen : plume ; feather orna- ment. Deka't: ornament; decoration. Dekefdn : to brush off ; to brush away. [elegant. Dekik : neat ; nice ; tidy ; pretty ; Dekikbn : to lock; to close; to turn the key. Dekin : dextrine. Deklam : declamation; recitation. Deklambn : to declaim ; to recite. Deklebbn : to deglutinate; to un- Deklienik : disinclined. . [glue. Deklienug : disinclination. Deklin : declension ; inflection (grammar). Deklinafal : case (grammar). Deklinik : declinable. Deklinbf : declinability. Deklinbn : to decline (grammar). Delegate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Delineation Delegate, to : lesedon. Delegation : lesed . Delf: basin. Deliberation: sludam;.tikam; stle- nam; bekonsalam. Delicacy: feinal; liged; zad; daifin. Delicate: feinik ; ligedik; miidik; zadik; zadlik. Delicately: zadiko. Delicious : ligedik. Delight : von ; yof. Delight, to : galon. Delighted: pelegalik; pelegalr/. Delighted, to be: galokon. Delightful: vonik; galsik. Delightfully: galsiko. Delineate, to : bepenon ; fomOn magon. Delineator: bepenel. Delineation : deslit. (64) Deklivon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Delogon. Deklivbn : to incline; to slope. Deklop(am) : rounding off. Dekbdutel : tenant; lesser. Dekbduton : to take on lease; to lease from. [ness; elegance. Dekbf : neatness ; tidiness ; pretti- Dekofukbn: to finish; to complete; to despatch. Dekblbn : to decolorize. Dekbmab : descendant; offspring. Dekbm(bf ) : descent. Dekbmbn : to spring from; to de- scend from. Dekbn : to decorate ; to ornament, to adorn. Dekonsalbn : to dissuade to ad- vise against. Dekbsbmbn : to disaccustom ; to wean from; to break off. Dekot: decoration. Dekbt: section; segment; cut. Dekbtiel : cutter. Dekbtbn : to cut off; to amputate. Dekbtot : segment. Dekratbn : to scratch off; to scrape off; to grate. Dekug : decoction. Dekugbn : to decoct; to boil. Dekukam : boiling. Dekul : December. DEL : day. Delabegin: day-break. Delabled : daily paper; daily news- paper, [from; to depend. Delagbn : to hang down ; to hang Delamesed : day's wages. Delamesedan : day laborer. Delanimam : discouragement ; despondency. [dishearten. Delanimbn : to discourage ; to Delapab: butterfly. Delavobad : day's work. Deleglifbn : to consume by grief; to pine away. Delemam. : purchasing; shopping; marketing. Delembn : to buy; to purchase. Delemufiel: shaker (thing) Delemufbn : to shake off. Delet : remission ; forgiveness. Deletbn : to remit; to forgive; to D elfin : dolphin. [pardon. Delid: cost; expense ; expensiveness. Delidam: increase in price; ad- vance in price. Delidik: costly; dear; expensive. Delidod : famine ; dearth ; hard times. Delidbn : to increase in price. Delids : expenses. Delik: daily; diurnal. Deliladbn : to read off. Delilbn : to hear ; to interrogate ; Delio : all day. [to examine. Deliv(am) : redemption ; separation. Delival : Redeemer ; Savior. Delivel : separator (person). Deliviel : separator (thing). Delivbn : to redeem. [daily. Delo : by day; during the day-time; Delodbn : to unload; to discharge (freight). Delogon : to look away from ; to turn away from. Deliver. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Demolisher. Deliver, to : blimOn ; deblttnon ; degivOn ; desegivon ; lovegivon ; liinamon; savon; libon; nttbltt- Deliverable : degivik. [non. Deliverance : daliv; livam; savam. Deliverer : dalivel; savel; deblunel. Delivery: plikGnamod; blun(am); desegivam ; segivam ; deblunam. Deluding : bleinam. Deluge: tuvat; vataneban. Deluge, to : tuvaton. Delusion : jinavobad. Demagogue : sulevel. Demand: deman ; lesak; lensak; Demand, to : demanon; deflagon; flagOn; lesakon. Demarcation : miadam. Demean, to one's self: tagon. Demeanor: kosit; tag. Demented : lefopik. Dementia : lefopug. Democracy : popasoliig. Demolish, to : deblekon; distukon. Demolisher: distukel. (65) Dese. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Destagiel. Dese : out. Desedb'n: to send off; to despatch. Desegiv: publication. Desegivam : delivery ; publication ; giving out; edition. Desegivel: publisher; giver out. Desegivbn : to publish; to deliver; to give out. Deseistik : remote; out of reach. Deseistug: remoteness; seclusion. Deseitbn : to take off; to lay off; to strip. [incubation. Desekuvbn : to hatch out; to cease Desepedbn : to squeeze out; to ex- Desepbn : to exhume. [tort. Deset : paragraph; section; break. Desetuvbn: to find out. [terrace. Desiad : heel (shoe or boot); offset; Desiadbn : to offset; to set off. DESID: eagerness; desire. Desidam: coveting; craving. Desidik : desirous; eager. Desidbn : to desire; to covet; to wish for. DESIN : design; intention. Desinik : intentional; designed. Desino : intentionally; designedly; purposely. Desinbn : to intend; to resolve. Deskbm : scum; dross; refuse. Deskbman : skimmer (person). Deskbrniel: skimmer (thing ). Deskbmbn : to skim. [tion. Deslepam : gradation ; modifica- Deslepbn : to grade; to modify. Deslif on : to slip off; to slide off. Deslit: sketch; delineation; plan. Deslitbn : to tear off; to sketch ; to plan. Deslopal : inclination (mental). Deslopik : sloping; inclined. Deslbpik : depending; dependent. Deslopbf : slope; declivity. Deslbpbn : to depend ; to be de- pendent, [seal of. Desnilbn: to unseal; to break the Desnobbn : to untie ; to unknot ; to loosen. [on. Desnu : henceforth; from this time Despad : clearing; clear space. Despadbn : to clear off; to clear away. Despanbn : to unhitch. [tions. Despinam: cutting off by perfora- Destagel : mower. Destagiel: mowing machine. Desert. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Despondency. Desert: melid. Desert, to: IttvOn. Deserted: (parti.) pellivol Deserter : liivel. Desertion : Itiv. Deserve, to : melidon. Deserved : lemelidlik. Deserved: (parti.) lepemeiidOl. Desiccate, to : sigon; xosigOn. Desiccated : sigik. Desiccation : sigam. Deserving: melidlik; lemelidlik. Design: desan; desin; disin. Design, to : bisumOn ;, disinon ; magon. Designate, to: bemal5n. Designated, to be : penemOn. Designation : bemal(am) ; nemam ; malod. Designed: desinik; disinik. Designedly: desano. Designer: magel. Desirable: vipadigik; viplik. Desire: desid; vip. [vipon. Desire, to: desidOn; magon; vilOn; Desired: vipik; pevipol. Desirous: desidik; slopik. Desist, to: destanon; zedon. Desisting : zedam. Desolation : lusoalOp. Despair : dev. Despair, to: devon. Despatch, to : dekofiikon ; dese- don; sedanon. Desperado : devan. Desperate : devik. Desperate, to become : devon. Desperation: dev. Despicable : nestimik. Despise, to: nestimtin. Despite: (prep.} to. Despondency : delanimam. (68) Destagbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Devatbn. Destagbn : to mow off; to cut off. Destanbn : to stand off; to desist. Destegbn : to unpin; to stake out; to mark out. [capture. Desum(am) : taking away; seizing; Desumambn : to seize; to arrest. Desumel : taker; customer. Desumbn : to take; to take away. Desved : hitherward. Desvedo : in this direction ; hither- ward, [road hither. Desveg : the way hither ; the Desvipbn : to sweep off. DET: right; right hand. Detanbn : to unbind; to unfasten; to untie. . Detedbn : to bargain; to trade; to conclude a bargain. Detegel: uncoverer. Detegbn : to uncover. Detenbn : to draw off; to pull off. Detik : right (direction). [side. Detiko : to the right ; on the right Detlepbn : to distress; to fret; to torment, to terrorize. [of. Detlid: withdrawing; stepping out Detlidbn : to yield; to withdraw; to recede. Deto : on the right. Detlonbn : to dethrone ; to dis- crown, [to exert ones' self. Detbbbn : to take great pains ; Detoi : toward the right. Detopbn : to put down ; to set down; to lay down. Detovbn : to lift off; to take off. Detii : to the right of. Detiil : individual; detail; retail. Detiilo : singly ; separately ; in detail; at retail. Dettilbn : to separate; to detail; to retail ; to sell at retail. Detum : by the hundred. Detuvbn : to satisfy; to settle with; to pay off; to commute. Deii : away from ; from. Deiil: ruin; loss; fall. Deiilbn : to perish ; to fall. Deutapiik : the German language. Deuto : in German manner. Deutbn : to speak German ; to Germanize. DEV : despair; desperation. Devaf on : to disarm. Devan : despairer; desperado. Devatbn : to weigh out. Despot. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Devilish. Despot: monosOlel; vutel. Despotism: soasOlttg. Despotism, military : sabaregam. Dessert: bostab. Destination : diseinam ; diseina- mop; diseinop; setezeilop. Destined : pediseinamOl. Destiny: fat; Par. Destitution : nelab. Destroy, to : distukon; ruinon. Destroyer : distukel. Destruction: distuk(am); nosam. Destructive : distukik. Desuetude : negeblof. Detach, to : livamekOn; livimekon. Detail: dabal; dettil; kulad. Detail, to: dabalfin; detiilon. Detailed kuladik ; pedetiilol Details : debalikos. Detect, to : lelogedon. Deter, to : dejekon. Deteriorate, to: badumon; debidon. Deterioration : badumam ; rub. Determinate : fumik. Determination : lonam. Determine, to : lonon; sludon. Determined : sludik. Detest, to : heton; naudon. Detestable: hetlik; naudlik. Dethrone, to : detlonOn; satlonOn. Dethronement : satlonam. Detour : ziveg. Detriment: dam. Detrimental : damik. Devastate, to : leriibon. Devastation : lerQbam. Develop, to : setenon. Development : seten(am). Device: devied; valaptlked. Devil : devel. Deviltry: develen. Devilish : develik. (69) Devatukbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Diamet. Devatukbn : to wash out; to wash away. Deveadbn : to unwrap; to uncover. Deveg: by-way; by-road. Devegam : emigration; going off. Devegambn : to depart; to go off. Devegon : to emigrate; to go ofi; to depart. Devel: Satan; the devil. Develen : deviltry. Develik: devilish ; diabolical ; fiendish; Satanic. Develil : imp. Develb ! Go to the devil ! Devied : device; emblem; motto. Devobbn : to work off; to wear out. DEVOD : devotion ; divine service. Devodam: exercise of devotion. Devodaplag: practice of devotion; devotion. Devoded: consecrated thing; ob- ject of devotion. Devodik: devout; pious. Devodbp : devotional ; place set apart for devotion. Devbgodam : deciding; voting by division. Devbgbn : to decide by a vote; to vote by division. Devokbn : to call off; to recall. Devon : to despair; to become des- perate. Devot : modification; variation. Devotlik : changeable; remediable, variable. Devotlbf: mutability; variability. Devotbn : to change; to remedy; to modify. Dexan : descent; descending. Dexanbn : to dismount; to get off. Deyebbn : to graze off. Deyuf(arn) : redress; remedy. Deyuf on : to redress; to remedy. Deyulbn : to swear off; to forswear. Deyiilbn : to win by betting ; to win a wager. Dezibbn : to eat off; to clear off by eating. Dezug(am) : abstraction. Dezugbn : to deduct; to abstract. Diakel : deacon. DIALEG: dialect. Diamesuam : average price. DIAMET: diameter; average. Devise. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dictate. Devise, to : datikon. Devolve upon, to : lonvedon. Devote, to : kosekon. Devoted: divodik; ledivodik. Devoted, to be : divodon. Devotedness : divod. Devotee: plekel. [vodaplag. Devotion : devod; divod(am) ; de- Devotion, false: ludevod. Devotional : devodOp. Devour, to : lufidOn. Devouring: lufid. Devout: devodik; reladik. Devout, to be: relOn. Devoutness : relad. Dew: tof. Dew-drop: t6f. Dewy, to become : toft)n. Dexterity: skill. Dextrine : dekin; *dexin. Dextrous : skiilik. Diabolical : develik. Diadem: klon; flomatan. Diagnosis : maladanem. Diagonally: tavelo. Dialect : dialeg. Dialogue : pukot; telaplikot. Diameter: diamet; dumaf. Diametrical : diametik. Diametrically : diameto. Diamond : diamin. Diamond : diaminik. Diaper: donaluklof. Diaphanous : nidoklilik. Diarrhea : diar; rur. Diary: delabuk; dojenabuk. Diastase : malevuliil. Diatheses, scrofulous : skofat. Dice, to throw : klibadOn. Dicephalous : telakapik. Dichotomous : teldilik. Dictate: dikat. (70) Diametik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dilam. Diametik: diametric; diametrical; average. [average. Diameto : diametrically ; on an Diamin : diamond; adamant. Diaminik: diamond; adamantine. DIAR: diarrhea. Diaran : one suffering with diar- DlXT: diet; regimen. [rhea. DIB: depth; profundity. Dibacav: abyss. [marine). Dibag: draught (of a vessel Dibal : profoundness; penetration. Dibailik: profound ; deep ; thoughtful. Dibalbf: profundity ; thoughtful - ness. Dibatonbn : to roar; to bellow; to growl; to grumble. Dibik: deep; profound. Diblegam : incurvation. Diblegbn : to incurvate. Diblekam : breaking. Diblekbn : to break; to shatter. Dibo : in the depths; deeply. Dibbn : to deepen. Dibii : to the depth of; at a depth of. Didedilbn : to break into small pieces; to crumble. Didilam : mutilation; maiming. Didilbn : to mutilate; to maim. Didin : didymium, D. (chem.) Dido: indeed; by all means; cer- Diep : endive. [tainly. Diesbn : to submeige; to sink. DIP: difference. Difalam : disintegration. Difatbn : to disintegrate. Diferip : diphtheria. Difik: different. Difdn : to differ. DIG: dignity; worth; worthiness. Digal : consciousness of worth. Diged : etiquette. Digik : dignified; worthy. DIK: dictation. Dikat: dictate. [versy; quarrel. DIKOD : discord ; strife ; contro- Dikodal : contentiousness. Dikodik : discordant; contentious; litigious. Dikodbf: dissension; difference. Dikbn : to dictate. [carve. Dikbtbn : to cut out; to cut up; to DIL : part; fraction; fragment. Dilam : division ; parting ; piece. Dictate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dim. Dictate, to : dikOn. Dictation : dik. Dictatorial : budik. Diction : piikOnamod; sagam; sttil. Dictionary: vOdabuk; vodasbuk. Didactics : tidav. Didymium: didin. Die: kubad. Die, to: deilo"n; dedeilOn; sedeilOn. Die away, to : xodeilOn. Diet: cliat; niiliid. Dieting : zibam. Differ, to : difOn. Difference: dif; distin. Different: difik. Differently : votiko. Difficult : fikulik. Difficult, to render : fikulon. Difficultly: fikulo. Difficulty: fikul. Difficulty, with : fikulo. Diffusion : pak(am). Dig, to : copo n ; Dig through, to : dusOpOn. Digest, to : stomagOn. Digestion: stomagam. Digestive : stomagik. Digit : numat. Dignified: dinitik; digik. Dignitary : dinital. [dinit; stlimOf. Dignity: dig; dinit; ledinit; cala- Dignity, imperial : limepub. Dike : dam. Dilatation: tenam; veitam. Dilate, to: setenOn; veitOn. Dilator : seteniel. Dilatoriness : zogOf. Dilatory: zogik. Diligence : dut. Diligent: dttnik; dutlik; vobik. Diligent, to be : duton. Dilemma : zestldil. Dilettante : sevel. Dim. : dagik. Dilamafluk. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dipedel. Dilamafluk: quotient. Dilanum: fraction. [tion. Dilanum balsedilik : decimal frac- Dilanumik: fractional. [tions. Dilanumbn : to divide into frac- Dilapel : partial payment ; instal- Dilapelo: in instalments. [ment. Dilapelbn : to pay in instalments. Dilasuam : instalment ; partial payment. Diled: fragment; piece; part. DILEK : directorate ; directory ; administration ; management. Dilekal: director (official). Dilekel: director; conductor. Dilekef : direction ; board of direc- Dileket : directorship. [tors. Dilekbn: to direct; to manage; to Dilel : divider; sharer. [conduct. Dilid : participation ; partaking ; sharing. [sharer. Dilidan : participant ; partner ; Dilidik : participant; sharing. Dilidbn : to participate; to share. Diliel: divisor (arith.) Dilil: particle. Dilik : divisible. Dilim: solution; dissolution. Dilimam : analysis; division; dis- memberment; decomposition. Dilimambn : to analyze. Dilimik: soluble; dissoluble. Dilimbn : to dissect; to dismember; to decompose. Dilo : partly ; partially ; in part. Diloab: partial payment; payment on account. Diloabbn : to pay on account. Dilodot : share; part; quota. Dilodbn : to participate ; to take part in ; to share. [ment. Diloik : on account; in part pay- Dilbn : to divide ; to part. Dilsuma'l : sympathy. Dilsumalik : sympathetic. Dilsumel : sympathizer; partaker; participant. [participation. Dilsumod: manifest; sympathy ; Dilsumbn : to sympathize; to take the part of; to partake of. Dim(a'l) : hebetude ; imbecility ; spiritless. DimSlik : imbecile; simple. Dimaloglik : weak-sighted ; pur- blind. Dimidam : laceration ; mutilation. Dimidbn : to lacerate (flesh). Dimik: imbecile; of feeble mind; dull. DIN : thing; object; matter; affair; concern. Dina'd: circumstance; relative cir- cumstances; relation. Dinamaf: proportion. Dinamafik : proportional; propor- tionate; proportionable. Dinamafo : proportionally. Dinamaf on : to proportion. Dinadii : in proportion to; in its relation to. Dinasfegonam : way of the world. Dinik : objective. DINIT: rank; dignity. Dinital : consciousness of dignity. Dinitasuk : ambition ; desire lor Dinital: dignitary. [rank. Dinitik: dignified. Dinii : in the matter of. Dion: to pull; to drag; to tear (des- tructively). Dip(av) : diplomacy. Dipal : diplomat. Diped : diploma. Dipedel : one granting a diploma. Dimension. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dip up. Dimension : maf. Diminish, to : lunon ; palunOn ; smalon. [smalam; nemodam. Diminution : luam; lubam; lunam; Diminutive : negeilik; smalik. Diminutiveness : negeil. Dimple : cUgasebil. Dining-hall : zibasalun. Dining-room : zibasalun. Dining-table : fidatab. Dinner : zendelafid. Diocese : bijopastuk. Dip, to : kupOn. Dip up, to : dakupOn. (72) Dipel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH Di slit am. Dipel: diplomatist; one skilled in diplomacy. Dipik : diplomatic. Diplod : explosion. Diplodb'n : to explode. DIS: under; beneath; below. Disablit : drawers (article of cloth- Disafal: downfall; decay. [ing. Disafalbn : to fall into decay. Disakonsal : vice-consul. Disatalik : subterranean. Disbed : under-bed; trundle-bed. Disbovil: saucer. [ture. Disbum : underpinning; substruc- Disaklot: under-clothing. Disagol : descent; going down. Disagolbn : to descend ; to go down. Disakanzal : vice-chancellor. Disa'n : lowland ; lower country. Disareg: viceroy. Disarekel : vice-rector. Disastof : lining. DISEIN : intention; purpose. Diseinabid : supine (conjugation, gram.) Diseinik : suitable ; judicious ; to the purpose. Diseinof: fitness; expediency. Diseinbn : to aim at ; to have in view; to purpose. Diseinbp : proposed location ; des- tination. Disgun : petticoat; under-coat. Disgun : side-arms; sword. Disi : down. Disik: lower; neither. [maxilla. Disimaxiil : lower jaw ; inferior DISIN: design; intention; purpose; plan; project. Disinik : intentional; designed. Disinbn : to design; to purpose; to plan ; to project. Disip(am) : dissipation; scattering. Disipik : scattered ; dispersed. Disipbn : to dissipate; to scatter; to Disislif on: to slide down, [disperse Disived : downward. Disivedii : downward from below. Diskoap : abdomen; lower belly. Dislit : rent; tear. Dislitam : rending; laceration. Bipartite. ENGUSH-VOLAFUK. Dispute. Bipartite: teldilik. Diphtheria : diferip. Diphthong: palvokal. Diphthongal : palvokalik. Diploma : diped. Diplomacy: dip; dipav. Diplomat : dipal. Diplomatic : dipik. Diplomatist: dipedal; dipel. Dipped: pedibdl. Dipper : kup. Dipsomania : dlinisuk. Direct : nemedamik. Direct, to : bfidon; cifon; dilekon; dugftn; jon6n; ladeton; lenleo- don; Itiodon; plogon. Direction: bud ; geid ; jon ; len- leodam; dug; btiacl. Direction, by of: biiadii. Direction, in the of: al ; lu ; Directions : plog. [Itiodu. Directly: stedo; nemedamo. Director : cif; cifel; dilekel; dilekal. Directorate : dilek. Directors, board of : dilekef. Dirt : miot; sten. Dirty : miotik ; stenik. Dirty, to : miotOn. Dispensing : ditibam. Disperse, to : disipon. Dispersed: disipik. Display : seseit(am). Display, to : seseiton; saplifOn. Display, to make: lumagifOn ; magifon; paradOn. Displease, to : miplidOn. Displeasing : miplidik. Displeasure: miplid; migalod. Disposed : meugik. Disposed, to be : klienon. Disposition : meug ; tikad ; yumam. Dispossess, to : mofon. Disprovable : tablofik. Disprove, to : tablOfOn. Disputable : befeitik. Dispute : disput; feit; zan. (73) Dislitbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ditibel. Dislitbn : to tear; to rend; to lace- rate. Dismit: dismissal; discharge. Dismitbn : to dismiss; to discharge. Dism.iit: furlough ; leave of ab- sence. Dismiitbn : to grant a furlough ; to grant a leave of absence. Disnik: nether; lower. Disc: below; under; underneath. Disod: setting; going down. Disofizir : under-officer; non-com- missioned officer. Disoi : downwards. Disojal: saucer. Disojedbn : to subject ; to throw under. Disojit: undershirt. Disb'n : to sink; to go down. Disopen : subscription ; signature. Disopenad: signature ; subscrip- tion. Disopenam: signing; subscription. Disopen on : to sign; to subscribe. Disostof: lining (of garments). Disostofdn: to line; to put lining in garments. Disput : dispute. DISTIN : distinction; difference. Distinam : distinguishing. Distinamik : distinguishable ; dis- cernable ; distinct. [ous. Distinik: distinguished; conspicu- Distinon: to distinguish ; to discern. Distuk(am) : destruction; demoli- tion. Distukel: destroyer; demolisher. Distukik : destructive. Distukbn : to destroy; to demolish. Disii : below; in the lower part of. Dislinadin : lowest thing; lowest. Disvol: lower world; infernal re- gions, [divorce. Dit(am) : separation ; parting ; Ditacbdel: arbitrator; arbiter; re- feree; umpire. Ditacbden : arbitration. Ditacbdbn : to hold a court of ar- bitration; to arbitrate. Ditavat : water of separation ; ni- tric acid. DITIB: distribution. Ditibam: distributing; dispensing. Ditibel: distributer; dispenser. Dispute. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Distinctness. Dispute, to : defeitOn ; disputOn ; Disquiet : muif. [teitOn. Disregard: mistum; nekonsid. Disregard, to : mistum&n. Disrespectful : nestimik. Disreputable : nestimik. Dissatisfaction : nekoten. Dissatisfied : nekotenik. Dissatisfy, to : nekotenOn. Dissect, to : maikOtttn ; dilimdn ; sukOtOn. Dissecting-room : maikotOp. Dissemble, to : simulOn. Disseminate, to: pakOn. Dissemination : pak(am). Dissension : dikodttf; neptid; tei- Dissent : nezep. [lal; telif. Dissertation : ptikat. Dissimilar: nestimik; neleifomik. Dissimilarity : nestlm. Dissimulation : glodal; simul. Dissipate, to : disipfln. Dissipation: disip(am); nestCn. Dissoluble: dilimik; teilik. Dissolute : glibik. Dissolution : dilim. [nedOn. Dissuade, to: dekonsalOn; demo- Dissuasion : dekonsalam. Distance: fag; veit. Distance, at a of: fagti. Distant: fagik. Distant from : fagti. Distasteful : tuik. Distend, to: tenOn; sefulOn. Distill, to: steilttn. Distillate : steilat; steilot. Distillation : steil(am). Distiller: steilel. Distillery: fileden; steilOp. Distinct: kleilik ; lovelogik ; dis- tinamik. Distinction: cad; distin; sik(am). Distinctive : lOnik. Distinctness : kleil. (74) Ditibon. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dlinamel Ditibon : to distribute; to dispense. Ditbn : to separate. DIV : treasure; hoard. Divided : dividend. Divik : treasured ; appreciated ; precious; cherished; esteemed. Divisan : division (military). Divlik : appreciable, [attachment. Divod(am : devotion; devotedness; Divodik: devoted; attached. Divoddn : to be devoted; to be ad- dicted to. Divoduno : most devotedly. Divof : estimability; estimableness. Divbn : to prize; to esteem; to ap- preciate; to value. Dl. (dokel): Dr.; doctor. DLAK : dragon. Dlakafunel : dragon-slayer. DLAN : urgency; pressure. Dlanik: urgent; pressing; crowd- ing, [crowd; to shove. Dlanb'n : to urge ; to press ; to Dlanu'b : urgency ; pressure. DLAT: wire. Dlatajain : wire-rope. Dlatasib : wire sieve. Dlatatlel: wiie; grate; trellis. Dlatavivot : woven -wire. Dlatazap : wire-pliers; pincers. Dlatitenel : wire-drawer. DLED: dread; fear. Dledal : pusillanimity. '. Diedik : timorous ; pusillanimous ; afraid; timid; fearful. Dledlik: frightful; terrible; dread- ful, [ness. ] Dlekbf : timidity ; pusillanimous- Dlekbn: to fear; to dread. Dlef on : to hit; to strike; to reach. DLEM : tremor. Dlemam: trembling. Dlembn : to tremble. DLEN : tear. Dlenbn : to weep ; to shed tears. DLIM : dream. Dlimal: dreaminess; pensiveness. Dlirnel : dreamer. Dlimik : dreamy; pensive. Dlimbn : to dream; to muse. DLIN : drink; beverage. Dlinab : pitcher; mug; jug. Dlina'd: draught; drink; gulp. Dlinadik : drunken. Dlinadbn : to give drink to ; to water (cattle). [imals. Dlinadbp : watering place (for an- Dlinam : watering; giving drink to. Dlinamam : drunkenness. Dlinamel : drunkard. Distinguish. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Divert. Distinguish, to: distindn ; lesevOn ; sikOn. Distinguishable: distinamik. Distinguished: cadik; distinik: si- kik; stimafulik. Distinguishing : distinam. Distort, to : mizugOn; zerttn. Distortion : zer(am). Distress: zesudil; plOnOf; yam. Distress, to : detlepCn. Distressing : tomik. Distribute, to: dedilOn; ditibOn; sedilfln; segivOn. Distributer : sediliel; segiviel. Distributing : ditibam. [giv(am). Distribution: ditib; sedil(am); se- Distributor : sedilel; segivel. District : lanOp ; kanWp ; stuk ; District : zilakik. [zilak. Distrust : mikonfid. Distrust, to : mikonfidOn. Distrustful: mikonfidik. Disturb, to : mufOn; tupOn. Disturbance : neleodam; tup; muif- Disturber : pemel ; tupan ; pttditu- Disunion : nebalad; satelam. [pel. Disunite, to : satelOn. Disunited : no baladik. Ditch: sop. Ditch off, to: sOpOn. Ditty : kanitemil. Diurnal: delik. Diverse: manifodik; teldik. Diversify, to : manifodOn. Diversion : galodam ; musam ; spot. Diversity : manifod. Divert, to : dedugOn ; galodOn ; musamOn. (75) Dislitbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ditibel. Dislitbn : to tear; to rend; to lace- rate. Dismit: dismissal; discharge. Dismitbn : to dismiss; to discharge. Dismlit: furlough ; leave of ab- sence. Dismutbn : to grant a furlough ; to grant a leave of absence. Disnik: nether; lower. Diso : below; under; underneath. Disod: setting; going down. Disofizir: under-officer; non-com- missioned officer. Disoi : downwards. Disojal: saucer. Disojedbn : to subject ; to throw under. Disojit: undershirt. Disbn : to sink; to go down. Disopen : subscription ; signature. Disopenad: signature ; subscrip- tion. Disopenam: signing; subscription. Disopen on: to sign; to subscribe. Disostof: lining (of garments). Disostofdn: to line; to put lining in garments. Disput : dispute. DISTIN : distinction; difference. Distinam: distinguishing. Distinamik : distinguishable ; dis- cernable ; distinct. [ous. Distinik: distinguished; conspicu- Distinbn: to distinguish; to discern. Distuk(am) : destruction ; demoli- tion. Distukel: destroyer; demolisher. Distukik : destructive. Distukbn : to destroy; to demolish. Disii: below; in the lower part of. Disiinadin : lowest thing; lowest. Disvol : lower world; infernal re- gions, [divorce. Dit(am) : separation ; parting ; Ditacbdel: arbitrator; arbiter; re- feree; umpire. Ditacbden : arbitration. Ditacbdbn : to hold a court of ar- bitration; to arbitrate. Ditavat : water of separation ; ni- tric acid. DITIB: distribution. Ditibam: distributing; dispensing. Ditibel: distributer; dispenser. Dispute. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Distinctness. Dispute, to: defeitOn; disputon; Disquiet : muif. [ieiton. Disregard: misttim; nekonsid. Disregard, to : misttlmOn. Disrespectful : nestimik. Disreputable : nestimik. Dissatisfaction : nekoten. Dissatisfied : nekotenik. Dissatisfy, to : nekotenon. Dissect, to : maikOtOn ; dilimOn ; sukOtOn. Dissecting-room : maikotop. Dissemble, to : simulon. Disseminate, to: pak5n. Dissemination : pak(am). Dissension : dikod&f; nepQd; tei- Dissent : nezep. [lal; te ^^- Dissertation : pilkat. Dissimilar: nestimik; neleifomik. Dissimilarity : nestlm. Dissimulation : glodal; simul. Dissipate, to : disipOn. Dissipation: disip(am); nestOn. Dissoluble: dilimik; teilik. Dissolute : glibik. Dissolution : dilim. [nedtin. Dissuade, to: dekonsalOn; demo- Dissuasion : dekonsalam. Distance: fag; veit. Distance, at a of: fagti. Distant: fagik. Distant from : fagti. Distasteful : tuik. Distend, to: tenon; sefulOn. Distill, to: steilfln. Distillate : steilat; steilot. Distillation: steil(am). Distiller: steilel. Distillery: fileden; steilOp. Distinct : kleilik ; lovelogik : dis- tinamik. i Distinction: cad; distin; sik(am). Distinctive: lOnik. Distinctness : kleil. (74) Ditibbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dlinamel. Ditibbn : to distribute; to dispense. Ditbn : to separate. DIV : treasure; hoard. Divided: dividend. Divik : treasured ; appreciated ; precious; cherished; esteemed. Divisan : division (military). Divlik : appreciable, [attachment. Divod(amj: devotion; devotedness; Divodik: devoted; attached. Divodbn : to be devoted; to be ad- dicted to. Divodiino : most devotedly. Divbf : estimability; estimableness. Divbn: to prize; to esteem; to ap- preciate; to value. Dl. (dokel) : Dr. ; doctor. DLAK : dragon. Dlakafunel : dragon-slayer. DLAN : urgency; pressure. Dlanik: urgent; pressing; crowd- ing, [crowd; to shove. Dlanbn : to urge ; to press ; to Dlanu'b : urgency ; pressure. DLAT: wire. Dlatajain : wire-rope. Dlatasib : wire sieve. Dlatatlel: wiie; grate; trellis. Dlatavivot : woven-wire. Dlatazap : wire-pliers; pincers. Dlatitenel : wire-drawer. DLED: dread; fear. Dledal: pusillanimity. Diedik : timorous ; pusillanimous ; afraid; timid; fearful. Dledlik : frightful; terrible; dread- ful, [ness. Dlekbf : timidity ; pusillanimous- Dlekbn: to fear; to dread. Dlef on : to hit; to strike; to reach. DLEM : tremor. Dlemam: trembling. Dlembn : to tremble. DLEN : tear. Dlenbn : to weep ; to shed tears. DLIM : dream. Dlimail: dreaminess; pensiveness. Dlimel: dreamer. Dlimik : dreamy; pensive. Dlimbn : to dream; to muse. DLIN : drink; beverage. Dlinab : pitcher; mug; jug. Dlina'd: draught; drink; gulp. Dlinadik : drunken. Dlinadbn : to give drink to ; to water (cattle). [imals. Dlinadbp : watering place (for an- Dlinam : watering; giving drink to. Dlinamam : drunkenness. Dlinamel: drunkard. Distinguish. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Divert. Distinguish, to: distinon; lesevon; sikon. Distinguishable: distinamik. Distinguished: cadik; distinik: si- kik; stimafulik. Distinguishing: distinam. Distort, to : mizugon; zeron. Distortion : zer(am). Distress: zesudil; plonof; yam. Distress, to : detlepon. Distressing : tomik. Distribute, to: dedilOn; ditibOn; sedilOn; segivOn. Distributer: sediliel; segiviel. Distributing : ditibam. [giv(am). Distribution: ditib; sedil(am); se- Distributor : sedilel; segivel. District: lanop ; kantop ; stlik ; District: zilakik. [zilak. Distrust : mikonfid. Distrust, to : mikonfidon. Distrustful : mikonfidik. Disturb, to : mufon; tupon. Disturbance : neleodam; tup; muif- Disturber : pemel ; tupan ; ptiditu- Disunion : nebalad; satelam. [pel. Disunite, to : satelon. Disunited : no baladik. Ditch: sop. Ditch off, to: sOpOn. Ditty : kanitemil. Diurnal : delik. Diverse: manifodik; teldik. Diversify, to : manifodOn. Diversion: galodam;musam; spot. Diversity : manifod. Divert, to : dedugOn ; galodon ; musamOn. (75) Dlinamik. VOLAPUK- ENGLISH. Ddfik. Dlinamik drunk; intoxicated. Dlinamof : drunkenness. Dlinamon : drink-money ; gratuity ; fee (to servants). Dlinamon : to become intoxicated. Dlinapet: toast, [person's health. Dlinapetb'n: to toast; to propose a Dlinatab : saloon table ; bar-room Dlinan : drinker. [table; bar. Dlinel : drinker. Dlinik : drinkable; potable. Dlinislik: dipsomania; inebrity. Dlinbn : to drink; to imbibe. Dlinot: draught. Dlinotik: drunk; intoxicated; ine- Dlogel: druggist. [briated. Dlogbp: drug store. DLOP: dropsy. Dlopik : dropsical. Dlotam : training; breaking in. Dlotel: trainer. DO : though; although. DO: in regard to ; concerning ; about; on; of. Do atos : about it or that; concern- ing it or that; over it or that. Doab : dollar; $. Doabbn : to pay with dollars. DOB : falsity ; insincerity ; duplicity. DOB: falsity; incorrectness. Dobel : forger; falsifier. Dobik: false; insincere. Dbbik : false; incorrect; wrong. Dbbiko: falsely; incorrectly. Dobo : insincerely; falsely. Dbbo : incorrectly. Dobbn : to be insincere; to be false. Dbbon : to be false ; to be wrong; to be incorrect. DOD : hesitation; scruple; doubt. Dbdel: Thursday (luludel). Dbdelik : Thursdays; on Thursdays. Dodbn: to have scruples; to hesi- D9_eg: bull-dog. [tate. DO' F : defect ; blemish ; imperfec- tion ; fault. Dbfan : cripple. [defective. Dbfik : deficient; faulty; imperfect; Divest. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dome. Divest, to : nildon. Divide : (Amer.) vataditOp. [dilon. Divide, to : dedilon ; dilanumOn ; Dividend: podiliel; divided. Divider : dilel. Divine : godavel. Divine : godik. Divine, to : raton. Divine service : godediln. Diving: blun. Divinity: godikug; godug; godav. Divisible : dilik. Division : dedil(am) ; dilam ; dili- mam; divisan; slitam; tabled; tabledam. [el. Divisor: diliel; dediliel; numadili- Divorce: dit(am); matadit; sate- Divorce, to : satelon. [lam. Divorced: peditol. Divorced, to be : mataditon. Divulge, to : manifofon. Do, to : dunOn; lendunon. Docile: tidik; sukalik. Docility: sukal. Dock-yard: nafibumop. Doctor: dokel; dl.; sanel; medinel. Doctorate : dok. Doctrine : klodaset. Document : dokiim. Documentary: dokttmik. Documents: penediig. Documents, legal : codOpenads ; lepenads. [lepenads. Documents, public : tatalepOps ; Dodecagon : balsetelagul. Doe : jistag. Doer: dunel; jenel. Dog: dog. Doggish : doglik. Dogma: klodaset; tidaset. Dogmatic : klodasetik. Dogmatism : klodasetim; lugiten. Doing: dunam; mek. Doll: pup. Dollar: doab. Dolphin : delfin. Doltish : cukik. Doltishness : cuken. Domain : doman. Dome : klopanuf. (76) Dbfof. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Domamot. Dbfbf: defectiveness ; deficiency. Dbfbn : to want; to lack; to need. DOG: dog. DOG: mammary gland ; breast. Dogal: doggishness; currishness. Dogalep: baboon: dog-faced mon- Dogasnulut: dog breeding, [key. Dogasnuluten : breeding kennel, i.e., dog-breeding business. Dbgazenod: nipple; teat. Dogedik : dark gray. Dogik : dog; dog's; canine. Doglik : doggish; dog-like; servile; Dogliinik: dark green, [cringing. Dogbn : to whelp; to pup. Doje(na)buk: journal; diary. DOK : doctorate. DOK : duck. Dokal : lecturer (docent). Dokel (Dl.): doctor, Dr. Dokelbn : to confer a doctorate. DOKUM : document; manuscript. Dokiimam : authentication. Doktimik : documentary. : voucher. Dokiimon : to authenticate; to ver- ify by documents. DOL: pain; ache. DOL : idea. Doledik : dark red. Dolik: painful; aching. Db'lik: ideal. Dblodik : imaginary ideal. Dblodim : idealism. Dolbn : to pain ; to ache. Dblbn : to idealize. Dolso : with pains; anxiously. DOM : house. [mestic. Domadiinel : house servant ; do- Domakip : domestic economy. Domakipam : house-keeping. Domakipel : housekeeper ; house- holder; steward. Domakipbn : to keep house. Domal : thriftiness; economy Domamot: housewife. Domestic. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Downward. Domestic: diinan; dunefel; doma- Domestic: domik; lomlik. [dunel. Domestic animals : domanim. Domestic economy: domikib ; domakip; domikibav. Domesticated: nefoetik. Domesticated, to become : lomon. Domestics : dunef. Domicile : lodop. Domination : solam. Domineering: sOlik; biidelik. Dominion: domau. Donate, to : legivon. Donation : legiv(am) ; legivot ; Done : pekiikik. [nilgivam. Donkey : cuk. Donor: benodel; legivel. Door: yan. Door-keeper : yanel. Dormer-window : nufalitop. Dose : givot. Dot : pttnil. Dotage : lupiikot; lupukotal. Dotage, to be in : lupukoton. Dote, to : lupOkoton. Double, to : telun; telukOn. Doubled: telik. Double-edged: telkotik. Double-headed : telakapik. Double-meaning: palsiamik. Double-tongued : palmudanamik. Double-tack: palrut. Double-tree : leigiel. Doubling: telam. Doubt : dod; dot. Doubt, to: bedoton; dotOn. Doubtful: dotik. Doubtfulness : dotof. Doubtless (adv.) bo. Douche : dujet. Douche, to : dujetOn. Dough : meilevat. Dove: pejin. Dove-cote : pejilitop. Dower : jigamegiv. Down : miiepen. Down : (adv.) isbapo ; disi ; don ; Down, logo: dison. [6ni. Down, to let : donleton. Downfall: disafal; tomet. Downward: (adv.) disoi ; disived; don; doni. (77) Doman. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dragan. DomSn : domain; dominion. Domanim: domestic animals. Domibumbn : to build a house. Domik : domestic. [house. Domavom: landlady; lady of the Domikib : domestic economy. Domikibam : house-keeping. Domikibav: domestic economy. Domikibal : house-keeper. Domikibbn : to keep house. DOMIT: training; breaking in. Domitbn : to train; to break in. Domo : in the house; at home. Domoi : homeward ; toward home. Domb'm : household utensils; house- hold furniture. Domb'n : to house; to provide with a house ; to shelter. Dombp: habitation. Domot : case; shell; cage. Domii : in the house of ; at the house of. [the speaker). I DON: down; downwards (toward j DON : dung; manure. Dbnafok : dung-fork. Dbnaluklbf : breech -clout ; diaper. Dbnasal: stercorine. Dongol: decline; downward course. Doni: downwards; in a downward direction. Doniblegbn : to bend down. Donicbpbn : to chop down. Donidisbn : to sink down. Donifalbn : to fall down. Donijedbn : to throw down. Donijokbn : to push down ; to shove down. Donirbnbn : to run down. Donislitbn : to tear down. Donletbn : to let down. Dono: below; underneath. Dbnbn : to manure (agriculture). Donii : at the foot of. Dos (contraction of li do atos" q.v.) DOT: doubt. Dotal: skepticism. Dotik: doubtful; dubious. Dotilbn : to shrug the shoulders. Dotbf : doubtfulness; dubiousness. Dotbn : to doubt. Dbtum : per cent, %; by the hun- Dragan : dragoon. [dred. Downward. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dream. Downward from : disivedti. Downy : fulik. Dowry: blim; matagiv; jigamegiv; Drab : zenakolik. [matalab. Draft: cek; tlat. Drag : baeg. Drag, to: luzugon; dion. Drag away, to : mozugOn. Dragon : dlak. Dragon-slayer : dlakafunel. Dragoon: dragan. Drain ; kloakop ; deflumot ; vata- Drain, to : deflumon. [golOp. Drainage : deflum. Drake : omdok. Drama : damat. Dramatize, to : damatOn. Dram-drinker: filavinel; kopel. Drape, to : tapon. Draper : tapel. Drapery : tap. Draught : lutazug ; dlinot ; dibag ; dlinad; lutablad; zug; zugalut. Draughts : boedapled. Draughtsman : fomel. Draughty : zugik. Draw, to : lenzugon; penaton; zu- Draw away, to: mozugOn. [gOn. Draw incorrectly, to: lumagOn. Draw off, to : detenon. Draw out, to : sribaton. Draw through, to : duzugon. Draw up, to : suizugOn; sumalekOn. Draw upon, to : sumagttn. Drawback : rabat. Drawbridge: tulapon. Drawer: layet. Drawers: disablit. Drawing: magav; loteram ; pena- Drawing-room : salun. [tarn. Drawing up : susizug. Dray : fledavab. Dread: died; lejek. Dread, to : dled6n. Dreadful : lejekik; lejeklik;dledlik. Dream : dlim. (78) Drogel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dugonbn. Drogel : druggist. DROL: drollness; drollery. Drolik : droll. DU : during; while. DU : whilst; in doing so. Du atos : moreover ; besides ; fur- thermore, [means of; by. Dub : through ; by way of ; by Dub atos: by this means; by so doing; hereby. Dublek: perforation; boring. Dublekon : to open a passage. Dud: paper bag; paper cornet. Dudlan : penetration; permeation. Dudlanik: penetrable; permeable. Dudlanbf: penetrability ; permea- bility, [meate. Dudlanbn : to penetrate ; to per- DUF : hardness; temper (of metals). Dufal : falling through. Duf al : hardheartedness. D iif a'lik : hard -hearted . Diifaston : granite. Diifastonacan : granite ware. Diifastonik : granitic; granite. Diiferip : membranous croup. Dunk: hard. Duflitbn : to fly through. Duflumbn : to flow through. Dufombn : to form thoroughly. Duf on : to harden ; to temper. Diifug: obstinacy; stubbornness. Diifugik: obstinate; stubborn. DUG: guidance; direction; con- duction. Dugam: conduction; guiding. Dugik : tractable; guidable. Dugimbn : to bore a hole; to per- forate; to pierce. Dugolam: transit; passing through. Dugolbn : to cross; to transverse. Dugbn : to guide; to conduct; to direct. Dugonon : to run through. Dream. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Droves. Dream, to : dlimOn. Dreamer: dlimel; fanel. Dreaminess : dlimal. Dreamy: diimik. Dredge : stemabaeg. Dregs : glusiadot. Dress : gun. Dress, to: kloton; lakloton; vota- Dress-coat : tipagun. [kloton. Dresser: klotan; senedel. Dressing: finiam; klotam; taiif. Dressing-room : lucem ; saklota- Dressings: tattfom. [cem. Dress-goods : stof; klof. Dress-maker: moladel. Dried: sigik. Dried up, to be : paneluimOn; pa- xosigOn. Drill: gim; kligelam. Drill, to: gimon; kligelon; manO- Drilling: kilin. [von. Drink: dlin; dlinad. Drink, to: dlinon; kOpOn. Drink liquor, to: lufilavinOn. Drinkable : dlinik. Drinker: dlinel. Drinking: kopen. Drink-money: dlinamon; legivot. Drinks : lufilavin. Drip, to: totOn. Drive: sevegam. Drive, to : kOcanOn ; suflapon ; suyagon; vegoton. Drive around, to : zuvegon. Drive out, to : sevegon. Drive up, to : susimofOn. Drive off, to : demofon. Driver : vegotan ; stigel ; kOcan ; mofel; vabel. Driving-horse : vabajeval. Droll: bofik; drolik. Drollness : bofof; drol. Dromedary: kamel. Drop: tof. Drop off, to : mofalon. Dropped : tofik. Dropping: tofam. Drops, in : tof(ik)o. Dropsical: dlopik; vatipik. Dropsy : dlop; vatip; gOtOpadlop. Dross : deskOm. Drouth : neluim. Drove : jep. Droves, by : jepik(o). (79) Diigum VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dunakod. Diigum : India rubber; caoutchouc. Duin(am) : performance ; execu- tion; efficiency; rendering. Duina'l capability. Duinik : capable of performing. Duinon : to perform ; to execute ; to render. [shower-bath. Dujet : douche ; douch-bath ; Dujetbn : to douch ; to take a shower-bath. [duction. DUK : guidance; leadership; con- DUK : duke. Dukab : ducat (coin). Dukal: corypheus; leader of chorus. Dukal: arch-duke. Diikalik : arch-ducal. Dukam: leading; management; Du'ka'n : duchy. [guiding. Dukaton : key-note (music). Dukel: leader; guide; conductor. Dukiel : guide-book. Diikik : ducal. Dukod : escort ; attendance ; train. Dukodbn : to escort; to accompany. Dukbn : to lead; to guide; to con- Dukbt : bisection. [duct. Dukbt(am) : section; transection; cutting through. Dukbtik : mean ; average. Dukbtbn : to make a transection ; to bisect. DUL : duration; continuance. DUL : idyl; short pastoral poem. Dulafom : continuing form (gram.) aorist. [solidity of character. Dula'l : staunchness of character ; Dulik: enduring; durable. Diilik : idyllic. Duliladbn : to read through ; to Dulin : steel. [peruse. Diiiinadufik: steely; of steely hard- ness. Dulinam: steeling; tempering. Diilinapen : steel pen. Dulinbn : to steel ; to temper. Duliyulibik : steel-blue. Dulbf: durability. Dulog(am)bf: transparency. Dulogik : transparent. Dulogbn: to glance through; to look through; to see through. Dulbn : to last; to endure. DUM: dullness; hollowness; flat- ness (sound). Dumaf: diameter; thickness. Dumafiel : calipers. Dumapukel : ventriloquist. Dumik : dull ; hollow ; flat; dead (sound). [macerate. Dumuedbn: to soften through; to DUN : deed; action; act. DUN : service. Dunafom : active form (gram . ) Diinal: minister; public official. Dunail: mental activity; vivacity. Dunakod : motive. Drown. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Duel. Drown, to: vatadeilon; vatafunon; vatadeilon. Drug: medinin; dlogin. Drug-clerk: potekadunel. Druggist: dlogel; drogel; potekan. Drug-store : dlogop; potek. Drum : tonaskin. Drum-head: tonaskin. Drummer: tonaskinan. [vinOl. Drunk: dlinamik; dlinotik; pelu- Drunkard: dlinamel; lufilavinal. Drunken: dlinadik. Drunkeness : dlinamam; dlinamof. Dry: neluimik; sigik. Dry, to : neluimon; sigOn. Dry up, to: deneluimOn; xosigon; neflumon. Dryness: neluim; sig. Dry-rot : luspog. Dual : dual; palnum. Duality : telug. Dually : telugo. Dubious: dotik; luniludik. Ducal : dtikik. Ducat : dukab. Duchess: jidtlk; jilediik. Duchy : dlikan. Duck: dok. Ductile : tonik; tenik. Due : dlit. Due : gidik. Due : (parti.} pOpelol. Due, to be to : lelOnon. Duel: telkomip; telekomip. (80) Dunalat. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Dut. Dunalat: ministerial department; cabinet office; secretariat. Diinalef: ministry; minister-. Dunalik : ministerial. Dunam: doing; action; activity. Diinam : serving; domestic service. Diinamesed: wages; hire. Diinambn : to serve any one. Dunan : agent. Diinan : servant; functionary; vas- sal; feudatory; domestic. Dunanat : agency. Dunanefagik: invalid. Diina't: ministry. Diinavilik : obliging ; willing to Dunavbd : verb. [serve. Diinazil : sedulousness. Dunazilik : sedulous. Dtinef: servants; domestics. Diinefel: servant; domestic. Duneitbn : to pass the night. Dunel: doer; actor. Diinel: servant; menial. Dunelef : servants ; corps of ser- Dunelik: menial; slavish, [vants. Dunelbn : to do menial service; to slave. Duneliig : slavery; servitude. Dunik: active; busy. Dunik: serviceable ; subservient ; diligent. Dunlik : possible ; feasible. Dunlikiino : as much as possible. Dunlbf : possibility ; feasibility; practicability. Dunbf: activity. Dunbn : to do; to act. Dim on : to serve. Dunbn galbn : to awaken ; to arouse. Dunbp : elbow-room; play; scope. Dubn : to pull; to tug. DTJP: hour. Diip foldilik : quarter hour. Diipik : of an hour; lasting an hour. Diiplik : hour; every hour. Diiplum : plumbago. Diipo : by the hour. Diipbn: to divide into hours; to fix the time. Diis : by this means; by so doing. Diisaplum: plummet; plumb. Dusaplumbn : to plumb; to level with a plumb. Dusik : soft. Dusb! softly! Diisbn : to let down; to lower. Dusbpbn : to dig through. DUSTOD : industry. Dustodik: industrial. Dustodim : industrialism. Dusiikam : review; muster (milit.) Dusulbn : to filter; to stain ; to percolate. [cation. DUT : diligence; industry ; appli- Duet. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Duty. Duet: telttm. Duke : duk. Dull: dumik; glumik ; lonediipik; plumlik; netipalik; netipik. Dull, to: denetipOn; netipOn. Dullness: dum; lonedup. Duly : gidiko. Dumb: muedik. Dumb, to become : muedOn. Dumbness : netonOf; mued. Dunce: luyunan. Dung : don. Dung-fork : dOnafok. Dungeon : lufanilb. Duplicate, to : telOn; telukfln. Duplication : telam. Duplicity : dob. Durability : dulof. Durable : dulik. Duration : aiof; dul. Duress : mut. During: (conj. and prep.} du; tinu. Dusk: dagik. Duskiness : dag. Dust: puf. Dust, to: depufon; ptifon. Dusted : pepufol. Duster : depufiel. Dusty: pUnk; peptifOl. Dutiable: taifik: toladik. Dutiableness : taifof. Dutiably : taifo. Dutiful: lobedik. [sugiv; inotolad. Duty: blig; debOf; dlit; sOt; tolad; Diit. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Duvon. DUT: fee; duty; due. Duta'v : passage; perambulation. Duta'vel : passenger. Dutavbn : to pass through ; to travel through. Dutikam: meditation; reflection. Dutikon : to meditate upon ; to consider; thoroughly; to pon- der over. Dutlik : industrious; diligent. Dutb'n : to be diligent; to be indus- trious. Diitb'n : to belong to; to be due to; to pertain to. DUV : appraisal; estimate. Diival : appraiser. Diivbn : to appraise ; to estimate ; to value; to rate. Duty-free. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Dysentery. Duty-free : netoladik. Duty, to pay : toladon. Dwarf: smaman; smamen. Dwell at, to : lodon. Dweller: ninlodel. Dwelling : lod. Dye: kolastof. Dye, to : kolon. Dye-house : kolOp. Dyeing: kolen. Dyer : kolel. Dyer's weed : yulibep. Dye-stuff: kolonastof. Dye-wood: kolaboad. Dynamite : lepur. Dynamometer : namamafiel. Dysentery : rur. (82, E. E. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Edegonbl. E : and (before consonants). Eat: that one; that one there. Ebaledb'l : aged ; antiquated; su- perannuated. Eb(o) : just; exactly; precisely; (no Ed: and (before vowels). [other. Edegonbl : run off; run down ; run out; expired. E. Each. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Edifice. Each : a; alik. Each one : alim. Each time : alina; alttpo. Eager: desidik; ledesidik. Eagerness: desid; ledesid. Eagle: gil. Eagle-eye : gilalog. Ear : lil; huk; spig. Ear-ache : liladol. Eared: hukik. Earl : gab. Earldom : gaban ; gabop. Earlier : sunumik. Earlier: biifumo; sunumo. Earliest: sunlino. Early : godelik; golik; lesunik. Early : legodelo. Early fruit : sunopom. Earn, to : meliton; vobOn. Earnest : fefik. Earnest, in : fefo. Earnest, to be : fefon. Earnest-money : bometamon. Earnestness : fef. Earning : melit. Earth : tal; tail; talakop. Earth, on : talo. Earthen : talnik. Earthen-ware : stonagef. Earthly: talik. Earthquake : taladlem. Earthy : tailbik; talnik; talsik. Ease: nefikul; liviip. Ease, to: leiton; nefikulOn. East : leftld. Easter : lestista(na)zal; lezal. Eastern: lefudik. Eastwardly : lefiivedo. Easy : nefikulik. Eat, to : fidon. Eatable: fidadin; fidacan. Eatable: fidik. Eating: fid. Ebb : ban. Ebony : baad. Eccentric : rigalik. Ecchymosis : yulibasvel; blucopot. Ecchymotic : yulibasvelik. Ecclesiastic : glligan. Ecclesiastical: glugik. Echo : lek. Echo, to : Iek5n. Eclipse : daegot. Eclipse, solar : soladaeg. Ecliptic: klipit. Economical: konOmik, spalik. Economically : spaliko. Economist: konOmel; spalel. Economize, to : spalon. Economiser: spalel. [spaliid. Economy : domal ; konom ; spa^; Economy, domestic : domakip. Ecstasy : legal; von; stiliblesen. Ecstatic: legalik; pelegalik; vonik. Eddy : vir. Eddy, to : viron. Edelweiss : noviet. Eden : palad. Edge: kot; jap; metalafad; siem. Edged: kotik. Edging : lesim ; ninsimot. Edible : fidik. Edict: lobiid. Edifice : bumot. (83) Edeilbl. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ek. Edeilbl: dead; deceased. Edeilbn : to have died. Edelifbl: decrepit; used up; blase. Edelo: on day before yesterday. Edo: in combination; according to combination. Edii: in combination with. Efe : in fact; indeed ; and at the same time. Efegolbl: passed; past. Efinbl : terminated; expired; end- ed; run out. Egeblibel : survivor. Egeblibbl: survived. *Egef(o) : somewhere ; in some place (sembpo). Egelo : always; at all times; con- stantly; ever. [instant. Egeliino : every moment ; every Eglofik : Eit : that very one; just that one. Ejenbl : happened. EK : someone; somebody. Edifying. ENGLISH-VOLAPiJK. Electrization. Edifying : dabumalik. Edit, to : redakon. Editing : redak(am). Edition : desegivam ; piibam ; se- givam ; segivot. Editor : redakel. Editors : redakelef. Educate, to: dadukOn; kulivon. Educated: estudik; nolelik. Educated: (parti.} estudol; peda- dukol. [liv; sekulivam. Education: blikuliv; daduk ; ku- Education, self: itostud. Educational: dadukik. Educator: dadukel. Eel : snekafit. i Eel-pout : larupaf. Efface, to: fekluinon; mosuipon; Effect : vobadam. [xonoson. Effect, to : bevobadOn; vobadon. Effecting : mek. Effective : vobadik. Effectively : vobadiko. Effectiveness : vobadof. Effects: 'sukem; ledins. Effectual : vobadik. Effectually: vobadiko. Effeminacy : vomOf; vomOfal. Effeminate luvomik; zadlik ; ne- Efficacy : vobadof. [manik. Efficiency: duin; vobadof. Effluvium: smel; badosmel. Effort : steif; tob; top. Effort, to make : topon. Effrontery: nejem. Effulgence : nid. Effulgent : nidik. Egg : nog. Egg, white of: vienog. Egg, yolk of: yenog. Egg-shaped: nogik. Egg-shell : nogajal. Eggs, to lay: nogOn. Ego, the: obel; obau. Egotism: itasiik; lonilof; taisuk. Egotist: taisukan; itastlkel. Egotistic : itastlkik ; lonilofik ; ta- isttkik. Egress: setlid; segol. Eider-down : lemtiepen. Eider-duck: lemtiegan. Eight: jol. Eighteen : balsejol. Either: uf. Either or : uf ud Elastic: lastinik. Elasticity : lastin. Elbow : lamafleg. Elbow-joint : fleg lamafleka. Elbow-room : dunop. Elect: palesevalan. Elect: peviilol.. Elect, to: lesevalon; val6n. Elected : peviilol. Election: seviil(am); valani. Elector: vftlel; sevalel; viilaplin. Electoral college : sevillef. Electorate : valaplinub. Electric : lektinik. Electric bell : lektinaglok. Electrify, to : lektindn Electrician : lektinel. Electricity: lektin; leflum. Electrization : lektinam. (84) Eko. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Emotol. Eko : There ! Here ! Look ! Be- Eko : See there ! Look at it ! [hold ! Eku : Look at ! Ekuso : See there ! Look there ! E.I.: (contraction of "f Umiinikos" q.v.) El : the (defi.arti.;"on\y used when absolutely necessary." Scfil.) E lemanikos : etc.: &c.; and so forth. Eliladbl mb'dikosi : well-read. Elsik : former ; other. Elso : formerly; otherwise; else. Emiglofdl : deformed (during growth. Emik : all and every; all together. Em(o) : together; all together; tak- ing together ; jointly ; collec- tively. Emotol: post-partum. Electro-chemistry. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Empiric. Electro-chemistry: lektinakiemav. Electrotype : biikaplat. Electrize, to: lektinon. Elegance: dedof; smajOn. Elegant: dekik. Element: lOmin; kosietadil. Elemental : lominik. Elementary : beginelik ; lominik ; Elephant: nelfan. [stofik. Elevate, to: datovOn; geilOn; to- vSn; sutovOn. Elevated: geilik; legeilik. Elevation : datov(am) ; geilam ; tovam; sutovam. Elevator: datovel; datoviel. Eleven: balsebal. Eligible: valik; valafagik. Ellipse : liped. Elliptic: | ,. ,., Elliptical :[l'Piik. Elocution: ptikofav. Elongate, to: lonedOn. Eloquence : piikOf. Eloquent : piikofik. Else: elso; votiko. Elsewhere: votaved(O); votivedo ; votopo; votikd; votiko. Elucidate, to : kleilOn. Emaciate, to: defalon; luipon. Emaciated : pedekosumol. Emaciation : defalam. Emanation : vap. Emancipate, to : libOn. Emancipation : liv. Embank, to : nindamOn. Embankment: dedamam. Embark, to : ninafon; nUnafon. Embarked, to be : paninafon. Embarrassment : x.estidil. [dan. Embassador: icLjatel; ntinel; pase- Embassies : legatem. Embassy : legat; legatef; legatOp. Embattle, to : krenOn. Embellish, to : jOnon ; ladunOn. Embellisher: jOnel. Embellishment: jOnain. Ember-fast: foltimacun. Emblem: dcmal; devied; siamag. Embody, to : kopOn. Embonpoint : pien. Embrace, to: zisumOn; lamOn. Embracing: lamam. Embrasure : kren. Embrocation : ninrObam. Embroider, to : stikon. Embroider upon, to : sustikon. Embroidery : stik ; stikalekan ; stiken; stikot. Embryo : smanim. Emerge, to : setlidOn. Emery : smif. Emery-cloth : smifaklOf. Emetic: luspumed. Emigrant : esetevel; setevel. Emigrate, to : devegOn; setevOn. Emigration : devegam ; setev. Eminence : cad ; sik ; klatug ; Eminent : sikik. [smageil. Emission : sesedot. Emit an odor, to : smelon ; vapOn. Emit vapor, to : vapon. Emotion : mufal. Emotion, to cause : mufalOn. Emperor : limep. Emphasis: beton. Emphasize, to : betonOn. Emphasizing : betonam. Emphatic : betonik. Empire: kinan: limepan. Empiric : plakik. (85) Emu. VOLAPUK-ENGUSH. Eplakbl. Emii: together with. En : thereof ; therewith ; thereby ; therefore; thereto. Eneito : night before last. Enepalol : orphaned. Eplakbl: experienced; expert. Empirical. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Enjoyment. Empirical : plakik. Employ, to : gebfln; givOn vobi. Employe : pecalan. Employed : pejafik. [dam. Employment : cal(am) ; geb ; pla- Emporium : seidop. Empower, to : begitOn ; gitOn ; Empowered : pegitol. [ledalon. Empress : jilimep. Emptier : vagel. Emptiness : vag. Empty : vagik. Empty, to: segifOn; vagon; sejut- Empty out, to : sevagOn. [On. Emulation: jalud; zilal. Enable, to : fagOn. Enabled, to be : kan5n. Enablement : fagam. Enact, to : lonon. Enamel : matil. Enamel, to : matilon. Enamored, to be : lOfnOnok. Encamp, to: seitopon. Encampment: seitop. Encase, to : veadon ; veatBn. Enchant, to : legalon; bemagUgOn. Enchanting: bemagtlgOn. Encircle, to : ztimOn. Encircled: peztlmfll. Enclose, to : btidon ; lestafOn ; Enclosed : ko at. [ninkikOn. Enclosed: ninkikik. Enclosure: ztim; bud. Encomium: lob. Encompassed : peztlmol. Encourage, to : lanimOn. Encouragement : lanimam ; le- puk(am). Encyclopedia: valemanol. Encyclopedic : valemanolik. End: fin;dej5t; lat; zeil. End, to: finOn; dejotOn; jotOn. Endanger, to : pOligOn. Endeavor : steifam. Ended : efinOl. Endemic: netamlik. Endive : diep. Endlessly : nefino. Endorse, to: supenOn. Endorsement : supenad. Endorser : supenel. Endow, to: ftin6n; begivOn. Endowed : pebegivOl. Endower: blimel; fjlnel. Endowing: blimam; ftlnam. Endowment : blim; ftin(am); fllna- mapenad; legivot. Endurable ; suflik. Endure, to: dulon; ledulon; sufon. Enduring: dulik; laik. Enemy: neflen; leneflen. Enemy, sworn : leneflen. Energetic : namik. Energy: nam. Enervate, to : sanev(5n. Enfeeble, to: sanamon. Enforce, to : ninjapalOn. Enforcement: damutam. Enfranchise, to : sifon. Enfranchisement : libam. Engagement : bligam. Engine : cin. Engine, fire : filaskut. Engine, steam : stemacin. Engineer : nUgenel. Engineer, mining : meindgenel. Engineering: nilgam; niigen; vata- bumav. Engineering, mining : meiniv. Engineering, military : jien. Engrave, to : gavOn. Engraver : gavel. Engraver, wood : xttlogafel. Engraving: gav;gavot; xiilogafot. Engross, to : sepenodun ; klinope- non. Engulf, to: feslugOn. Enhance, to : xan union. Enhancement : plaltienod; xanum- Enigma:rat. (am.) Enigmatic : ratik. Enjoy, to : juitOn. Enjoyable: juitik; juitlik. [galod. Enjoyment: juit; lejuit; gal(am); (86) Enlarge. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Equator. Enlarge, to : gleton ; veiton ; se- veitOn. Enlargement : modam ; vidam. Enlighten, to: daliton. Enlightened : peklillalik. Enlist, to : siiakOn. Enlistment : siiak(am). Enmity : neflenug. Enmity, to bear : neflenon. Ennoble, to: baonOn; nobOn. Ennui: lonedUp. Enormous: legletik. Enormously : legleto. Enough : satik. Enough : sato. Enough, to be: satttn. Enraged: levutik; vutafilik. Enrapture, to: betikalon; legalon. Enraptured : betikalik ; pelegalik. Enrich, to : guedon; 2iegOn. Enriched : peguedol. Enriched, to be : paliegttn. Enriching: liegam. Enroll, to: lisedOn; siiakdn. Ensign: lestan; stanan. Enslave, to : slafOn. Enslaving: slafen. Ensnare, to : tlapon. Ensue, to: sekon; zitOn. Entangle, to : kompligOn: kofttdon. Entangled: pekofildik; pekofiidul. Entanglement: komplig. Enter, to: lentistepon ; ningolon; nlistanfln; niltlidOn; ntistepOn. Enter into, to : nindlanOn ; lenu- stepOn. Enter upon, to : begolon. Enteralgia : gCtflpadol. Enterprise: beginam; kinam. Entertain, to : lezibon ; lotanOn ; musamOn; staudOn. Entertainer : lotan. Entertainment: Jotanam; musam. Enthroned, to be : tlonon. Enthusiasm : betikal(am). Enthusiastic: betikalik; pelanimik. Entice, to: baton. Entice out, to: sabaton. Enticement: bat. Entire: lefulnik; lolik; valik. Entirely: loliko; to. Entirety : lol. Entitle, to : tiadOn. Entitled : petiadOl. Entomb, to : sepon. Entomologist : sokavel. Entomology : sOkav. Entr'-acte : vUstif. Entrails: gOtem. Entrance : ningolop ; nintlid ; le- yan; ningol(am); nutlid; lenti- Entrance : ntitlidik. [step. Entrap, to : tlapon. Entreat, to: begOn; lebegon. Entreaty: beg; lebeg. Entree: biifid. Entremet: lafid. Entry : lenUstep; ningol; ntistan; Enumerable : numlik. [ningolop. Enumerate, to : numon ; numa- Enumeration : numam. [mon. Enunciation : septtk(am). Enunciator: septikel. Envelop, to : veadon. Envelope: vead. Envenom, to : venodOn. Envious : glotik. Environ, to : ztimon. Environs: ztlm; zUmOp. Envoy: nunel; pasedan. Envy: glot; jaludOf. Envy, to: gloton. Epicure : nibel. Epicurean: nibik. Epidemic : poplik. Epilepsy: falip. Epiphany: kilrezal. Epiphora: logatofen. Episcopacy: bijopef. Episcopal: bijopik. Epistle: pened. Epistolary: penedik. Epitaph: sepapenad. Epizootic: nimilupak. Epoch : timag. Epsom salts : biedasal. Equal: leigik. Equal, to : leigOn. Equality : leig. Equalization : leigam; seleigam. Equalize, to: leigOn; seleigOn. Equalizer : leigiel. Equally: leigabidiko; leigo. Equanimity: takedal. Equation : leigam. Equator : leigab. E.s. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Estunik. E.s. (e siimikos) : and the like, and such like. Eseglofdl : deformed ; malformed; asymmetrical. Esetevel: emigrant. Es(o) : for the benefit; for the pur- pose. Estudik: j studied ; educated; Estudol : j learned. Estunik: astonished. Equatorial. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Etch. Equatorial: leigabik. Equestrian : monitel. Equestrianism : monitakan. Equilateral: leigatigik; leiflanik. Equilibrate, to : Iei(ga)vat0n ; pa- Equilibrium : leigavat. [Ion. Equip, to: blimon; plepadon; pie- Equipage: plam;melitom. [palon. Equipment: blim; plepad. Equipper: blimel. Equipping : blimam. Equivalence : valut. Equivocal : moseplanik; palsiamik; teloseplanik. Equivocalness : teloseplan; telo- seplanOt. Equitable: gidik; gitik. Equitably : gidiko. Equity: gid. Era: timag. Eradicate, to : sevulon ; savulon ; senoison. Erase, to : sekraton. Erbium: lobin. Ere : (coni.) bufo. Erect: sultlodik. Erect, to: dabumon ; leblimon ; sultiodon; bumOn. Erection: leblim(am); sulttod. Erector : susilUodiel. Ermine : visaf; visafot. Err, to: polon. Errand : komitat. Errand-boy : segonel. Erratum: btikapok. Erroneous: polik; polubik. Erroneousness : dobof. Error: pol; polub; blikapok. Eructation : beljad(en). Erudite: sevafulik; petidol. Erudition : petidolat. Eruption, cutaneous : rap. Eruptive: rupik. Escape: mosltip. Escape, to: mogonon; mokomon; moslupon ; safugon ; sagolon; sakOmOn; saslupon ; seslupon; Escort: dukod. [saronon. Escort, to : dukodOn. Escutcheon: skot; skotajul. Esparcet : spasep. Especial: nemlik; patik; sesumik. Especially : lepatiko; patiko; pato. Espouse, to: maton. Esquimaux : leskiman. Esquire : vafel. Essay: bltif; penot. Essay to : bltlfon. Essayist: penotel. Essence : binin. Essential : lezesiidikos. Essential: binelik; lezesttdik. Establish, to : bekodon; Ieblim6n; stabOn ; stitamon ; stitOn ; fe- stabon. Established: ploglik; sledik. Establisher: bekodel; blimel; sta- Establishing : stitam. [bel; stitel. Establishment : bekod(am) ; stit. Estate : gued. Estate, hereditary : gelti;,'ued . Esteem: lestim; lediv; L'siinniin; stim; stiim; *festim. Esteem, to: bestimon; divon; le- divttn; lestimOn; stimC n ; stii- mon. Esteemed: divik; ledivik; lestim- Esteemed: pelestimol. lik. Esthetic: senalik; jonavik. Esthetics : jonav. Estimability : divof; stimadig. Estimable: stttmik. Estimate: monabled; dUv; beco- Estimate, to : diivon. [dat. Estimate, visual : logamaf. Estimation : lediv. Etc (etcetera) : e lemftnikos. Etch, to: radon; filudon. (88) Esii. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Evelo. Esii : for the good of. Et: that; those. Eteflanik : opposite. Eteflano : on the other side; on that side; opposite. Eteflandp : place on the other side; the other world ; the world to come; the hereafter. Eteflanii : on the other side of. Etna : that time. Evelo : ever; at any time. ' Etching. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Exceedingly. Etching : rad(am). Eternal : tenupik. Eternally: teiittpo. Eternalize, to : tentlpon. Eternity: tenup; nefintlp. Ether: latin; silalut. Ethics : sttdav. Ethologist : stidavel. Ethnology : netav. Etiquette: plutav; diged. Etymology: fomatid; licin. Eucharist: godabod; vendelalefid. Eucharistic : godabodik. Eulogium: pliedam. Eulogize, to : pliedOn. Eulogy: lob; plied. Euphony: benoton. Evacuant : vagiel. [vagOn. Evacuate, to: dedukon ; spadOn; Evacuation : dedukam; vagam. Evacuator : vagel. Evade, to: moslupOn; sagolOn. Evangelical: gospelik; gospelnik. Evangelist: gospelel. Evaporate, to : mOstomon; stomon. Evaporation : mOstomam; stomam. Evasion : moslUp; sekusad. Even: kamik; plenik. Even : go; sago. Even as: asliko. Even if: \conj.) soif. Even, to : kamon. Even, to make : platon. Evener : leigiel. Evening : vendel. Evening- : vendelik. Evening star : vendelastel. Event: jen; zid; zit. Eventful: zidik. Events, at all : aliko. Eventual: zaik; zidol. Eventually: eventuo; zidolo. [timo. Ever: (adv.) ai; aiplu; egelo; va- Ever beloved : pailofol. Ever new : ainulik. L Everlasting : levelik. Evermore: aiplu; levelo. Every : alik ; valik. Everybody : ) u Everyone: f al Everything : valikos. Every time: alina; valikna. Everywhere : valOpo; valOpi; va- topi; vatopo. Everywhere, from : vatopa. Evidence: blof; sejon; noeltid. Evident : sejonik. Evident, to be : kltiliikon. Evil : bad. Evil : badik. Evolve, to : seletikon. Ewe : jijip. Exact: kuladik; velatik; voik. Exact, to : flag5n ; geflagOn. Exactly: velato. Exactness: kulad; kuladof; velat. Exaggerate, to : nemafon ; tudu- nOn ; tuvemOn. Exaggerated : nemafik. Exaggeration : nemafam ; taal ; Exalt, to : geilon. [tudun(am). Exaltation : geilam. Exalted : geilik. Examine, to : samon ; delilOn ; lelogOn ; xamon ; xamOn ; da- kodOn. Examiner: xamel; xamal. Examination: lelogam; xam(am). Example : sam. Example, for (e.g.): samo; samod; Exanthem: rup. [as sam; a. s. Exasperation : biedal. Excavate, to : seninvagon. Excavation: ninvagam; ptir; seb. Exceed, to : nemafukon; lovOn. Exceedingly: goven(o); levemo. (89) Eventuo. Ex(o). Eventuo : eventually. Ex(o) : all over with ; undone; ru- ined. Excel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Exotic. Excel, to : vtikodon. Excellence: bizug; klat. Excellency, (title) : klatal. Excellent: bizugik; gudiktln; le- Except: (con/.) plasif. [gudik. Except : sesumli; sumti. Except, to : btlkipon; sesumon. Excepting: (prep.} plo; sesumU; sumil. Exception : biikip; sesum; taptikil. Exception, with the of: bukipu; sesumli; sumti. Exceptional : sesumik. Excess: plumaf. Excessive: plumafik; tuvemik. Excessively: tu; tuvemo. Exchange : can; canapened; fecen; kiilod; lebob; setok; soalacan; ciilod; telapened; tok; canajaf. Exchange, to : nintokon; token; canon; setokon; votatokon. Exchange broker: canabrokel. Exchangeable : fecenik. Excise : tatemon. Excitant: mekiel. Excite, to : susitupOn; suvenudOn. Exciter: mufel. Exclaim, to : sevokon. Exclamation : sevok. Exclamation-point: lintelemal. Exclude, to : sekikon; sesumon. Exclusion : sekikam. Exclusive: sekikik. Exclusively: sekiko; xekiko. Excommunicate, to : lemiiton. Excommunication: lemfit(am). Excoriate, to : skaton. Excoriated: skatik. Excoriation : skat. Excrement: miot. Excrescence : seglof. Exculpate, to : sekusadon. Excursion : spatavegam ; galoda- mevegam. Excusable: sekusadik. Excuse: sekusad. Excuse, to: sekusadon. Execute, to : befulon ; bevolekOn ; duinOn; lefulnon; lakOn. Execution : duin(am) ; fol(am) ; mek ; nelefulam; cOdadeil. Executioner : lakel. Exemplary : samik. Exemption : flan ; netoladug. Exercise : kligelam ; lenadadil ; plag; sugiv(am). Exercise, to : kligelon ; plftgon. Exercising: plagam. Exert one's self, to : detobOn. Exertion : jalep; steif; top. Exertion, over : letdp. Exfoliate, to: bledon. Exhalation : vap. fbladon. Exhale, to : senatemOn; vapOn; se- Exhaust, to : fenon ; dakodOn ; sanamOn. Exhausted: fenik. Exhaustion: fen; sanamam. Exhibit, to: plOsenOn; setopOn. Exhibiter: plosenel. Exhibition : plOsenam ; setopam ; sutov(am); setopOp; sutopam. Exhibitor: setopel. Exhilarate, to : galOn. Exhort, to : monedOn. Exhortation : moned(am). Exhorter : monedel. Exhumation : sesep(am). Exhume, to : sesepOn ; clesepon. Exigency: zesud; demanub. Exile : pexilan; xil. Exile, to : xilOn. Exist, to: binon; kositon; sibinttn. Existence : bin ; binug ; kosit ; nedeil; sibin(am). Existing: binelik; jtinuik; sibinik. Exit: segolam; setlid; segolot. Exorbitant: tuvemik; nemafik. Exorcise, to: lemtlton. Exerciser: lemtitel. Exorcism: lemutam. Exotic : selanik. (90) Exoglofbl. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Eyulef. Exoglofdl : outgrown. Eyulef: jury. Expand. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Extirpation. Expand, to : saplifon ; setenOn ; Expanded : pesetenol. [veiton. Expander : seteniel. [veitam. Expansion : tenam ; seten(am) ; Expansiveness : pesetenug. Expect, to : valadon. Expectant : valadik. Expectation-: spel; valad. Expectorate, to: sputon. Expedient: seveg. Expediency : diseinflf. Expedite, to: sunon; vifon; sadon. Expedition : sad; militazug. Expel, to : fejokon; semofon; mo- mofon. Expeller: semofel; semofiel. Expend, to : fegebOn; segivGn. Expenditure: fegeb; gebam; kOs- uniam; segiv. Expense: delid; polamon. Expenses : delids. Expensive: delidik; kostik. Expensively : kostiko. Expensiveness : delid. Experience: plag; plak. Experience, to : plagon ; plakOn; Experienced: eplakol. [dalifOn. Experiment: blut. Experiment, to : bllifOn. Experimental: plakik. Expert : sevel. Expert : eplakol. Expiate, to : ponadon. Expiation : ponad. Expiatory: ponadik. Expiration: fin; senatemam. Expire, to : deilon ; senatemSn. Expired: edegonol; efinOl. Explain, to: kleilon; planon; se- Explainer: seplanel. [planon. Explaining: kleilam; seplanam. Explanation : plan(am) ; kleilam ; Explicable: planik. [seplan(am). Explicit: sttilik; kleilik. Explicitly: stilliko. Explode, to: diplodon. Exploration : davestig. Explore, to : davestigOn. Explorer : davestigel. Explosion : dipod; slid. Export: sed(am); sedot; sesedot. Export, to : sesedon. Export-duty: motolad. Exportable : sedik. Exportation: sed; sesed(am). Exporter: sesedal; sedan. Expose, to: seseiton; setopon. Exposition : setopop ; plosenam ; Expositor : manifofel. [setopam. Exposure : seseit(am). Expound, to : planon; seplanon. Expounder: planel; seplanel. Express : nemlik. Express train : vifalezug. Express, to : sepedon ; sepeton ; Expressible : sagik. [sesagon. Expression: sepet; stiilam; sesag; sesagot; piikonabid; sag(am). Expressive: betonik; sepetik. Expressly: lepleso; pleso. Expulsion: fejok(am); semofam. Expulsive : semofiel. Extend, to : setenon; tenOn; vidon. Extended: pesetenol; pelonedol. Extensible : tenik. Extension : lonedam ; seten(am) ; spanam; ten (am). Extensive : ninofik; vidik; veitofik. Extensively: ninofo. Extensiveness : pesetenug; veitof. Extent : ninof; vid. Exterior: sened; seneflan. Exterior : senedik. Exteriorly : seved(o). Exterminate, to : nOson; noesOn. Extermination : noes(am). Extern : senedel. External : senedik. Externally: senedo. [xodeilon. Extinct, to become : sedeilon ; Extinction : nosam; nOsam. Extinguish, to: danosOn; noson. Extinguisher: n5sel; nosiel. Extinguishment : nosam. Extirpate, to : sevulOn ; noeson ; Extirpation: noes. [senoeson. Eyulel. VOLAPUK-HNGLISH. Eyulbl. Eyulel : juror. Eyulbl : sworn. Extol. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Eye-tooth. Extol, to: pliedon. [desepedon. Extort, to : damtiton ; dedlanOn ; Extortion: damutam; damtiten. Extract: seztik. [sekiikon. Extract, to : sezugon ; sezukon ; Extract, to make : seztikon. Extraction : sezug. Extra-judicial: ployusitik. Extraordinariness : ploleodof. Extraordinary : nekOsOmik ; pla- leodik; levemik; ploleodik. Extraordinarily: levemo. Extravagance: liixam; plumaf. Extravagant : luxamik; niludalik; plumafik. Extravagant, to be : luxamOn. Extreme: plakiin. Extremely : govem(o) ; levemo plaktino. Extrude, to: momofon. Exude, to : suetOn. Exult, to: yubon. Exultation : yub. Exulting: yubik. Eye : log. Eye-ball : logaglop. Eye-brow: logabob. Eye-glasses: llin; logaglat. Eye -lash : logahel. Eye-lid : logasim. Eye-sight : logad. Eye-tooth: logatut. Fa. F. VOLAPUK-KXGLISH. Fagbn. FA: by; through; of; by means of. Fa : Go on I Proceed ! FAB: fable. Fabal: fabulist. Fabal : romancing disposition. Fabel: fabler; story-teller. Fabik :_fabulous; incredible. FABLUD : factory; manufactory. Fabliidalabel : owner of a factory; manufactory. [turing. Fabltidam : fabrication; manufac- Fabliidasbl : superintendent; man- ager of a manufacturing busi- Fabliidel: manufacturer. [ness. Fabllidik: factory; factory-like. Fabliidon : to manufacture. FablUdot : manufacture; the thing manufactured. Fabbn : to fable; to tell stories FAD: thread. FAD: accident; casualty; chance. Fadasup : noodle-soup. Fa'dik : accidental; fortuitous. Fa'diko: accidentally. Fadb'f : accidentalness ; fortuitous- ness; contingency. Fadbn : to thread ; to thread a needle. FAG: distance; remoteness. FAG: capacity; capability; apti- tude; faculty. Fagaglat : telescope j field- glass ; Faga'l: prescience. [spy-glass. Fa'ga'l : mental aptitude. Fagalogam : far-sightedness ; hy- permetropia. [metropic. Fagalogamik : far-sighted; hyper- Fagam : separation; removal; with- drawing, [qualification. Fagam: authorization ; enablement; Fagik: distant; remote; far. Fa'gik : able; capable; apt. Fagiko: distantly; remotely. Fa'giko : ably; capably; aptly. Fago : in the distance. Fagolelit: heat-lightning. Fagbm: bassoon. Fagbn : to remove to a distance. F. Fable. KNGLISII-VOLAPiiK. Fair. Fable : fab; lusag. Fable, to: fabon. Fabler: fabel. Fabric, textile : vivot. Fabricated: pekoftikol. Fabrication: fabliidam; kofttkam. Fabulist : fabal. Fabulous: fabik. Fagade : foaflan. Face: flan; logod; fbaflan. Face, in the of: (prep.} lo. Facet: plenil. Facetious : fasedik. Facetious, to be : fasedon. Facetiousness : fased. Facile : nefikulik. Facilitate, to : nefikulon. Facility: nefikul. Fact : jen. Fact, in : jeno. Faction : palet. Factious : paletik; volutik. Factor : jafan. Factory: fablttd; faktfp. Facts : volekavs. Faculty : plofedef; fag. Fade, to: deilafon. Fading: deilafam. Fading : golenik. Fail, to (in business) : falimrtn. Failure : falim. Faint-hearted: temipik. Faintheartedness : temipug. Fair: maltit; nimamalit. (93) Fagbn. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fased. Fagbn: to enable; to authorize; to capacitate; to qualify. [from. Fagu : at a distance of ; distant Fajueg: brown sugar. Fajup: Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Fakbp: factory (agency). [Gras. FAL: fall; falling; case (gram.) Falam: overthrow ; throwing down ; Falyan: trap-door, [precipitation. Falik : rickety ; shaky ; tottering ; dilapidated. [ruptcy. Falim: failure; insolvency; bank- Falimel: bankrupt; insolvent per- son. Falimbn: to fail; to be a bankrupt. Falip : epilepsy ; falling sickness. *Falo : further (fovo). Faldn : to fall; to fall down. Falb'n : to overthrow ; to throw down; to cause to fall; to over- turn; to fell. FAM : fame; glory; renown. Famafulik: famous; renowned. Famik : laudable ; commendable ; Famiko : laudably, [praiseworthy. Fambn : to glorify ; to extol ; to exalt by praise. FAMtiL : family. Famiilat: familiarity. Famillatik : familiar. Famiilik : family; of the family. FAN : catch; capture; haul; take. FAN : phantasy; fancy; fantasy. Fananug: fish-hook. [for. Fananugb'n: to angle for; to fish Fa'nel: dreamer; visionary. Fanelik : phantastic ; visionary ; fantastic ; fanciful. Fanik : imprisoned ; captive. Fanik: imaginary; fancied. Fanbn : to catch; to capture ; to take captive. Fanbn : to have idle fancies; to in- dulge in visions. Fanot : booty ; prize; catch. Faniib : jail; prison; prison-house. Faniibam : imprisonment. Faniiban : prisoner. Faniibbn : to imprison; to confine. Faon : falcon. Faon : hawk. FAR : beacon ; light-house. FARM : farming. Farmel: farmer. Farmot : farm. FASED : witticism ; facetiousness. Fair. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fanciful. Fair: gitalik; jonik; blonik. Fair fame : voak. Fairhairedness : blon. Fairmindedness : codal. Fairy : feof. Faith : telod; kl5d. Faithful: fiedik. Faithful, to be : fiedon. Faithfully: fiediko. Falcon : faon . Fall: fal; flukatim; lefal; dettl. Fall, to: falOn; lefalon; deiilOn. Fall down, to: donifalon. Fall in, to: ninlefalon. Fall in love, to : lofnOnok. Fall off, to : mofalon. Fall out, to : sefalon. Fall to, to : lonvedon. Fall upon, to : sufalon. Falling : fal. Falling in : ninlefal. Falling out: sefalam. Falling through : dufa Fallow : nepesovik. False: dobik; dObik ; neveladelik; nevelatik. False, to be: dobon; dobon. Falsehood: nevelad. Falsely : dob(ik)o. Falsifier: dobel; nevelatel. Falsity : dob; dob; nevelat; novelat. Fame: fam; lobum ; makab ; ma- Familiar: famtilatik. [kabug. Familiarity: famiilat; keol. Family: famUl. Famish, to : xopottiton. Famished : efepottitol. Famous: famafulik; makabik. Fan: lulutom; lutom. Fan, to: lulutomon; lutomon. Fancied: fanik. Fanciful: ianelik. (94) Fasedal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fatbn. Fasedal : wittiness. Fasedel : wit; joker; wag; jester. Fasedik : witty; waggish; joking; Fasedbf: wittiness. [facetious. Fasediko : facetiously. Fasedbn : to be humorous ; to Fasit : pheasant. [crack jokes. Fasitbp : pheasant preserve. FAT : father. FAT: fate; destiny. Fatablod : paternal uncle. Fatal: church. father ; one ot the old fathers of the church. Fatam : procreation ; begetting ; generation. Fatamel : begetter ; procreator ; generator. [country. Fatan : fatherland ; one's native Fatanal: patriotism; love of one's Fatanan : patriot. [country. Fatananik : patriotic. Fatanik : native; home ; of one's own country; national. [try. Fatanilbf : patriotism; love of coun- Fatasked : genealogical tree; gene- alogy. Fatel : paternal grandfather. Fatik : fatherly ; paternal. Fa'tik : fatal ; pregnant with fatal ; Fatil : papa. [fateful. Fati labbn : to fare; to befall. Fatimblod : parricide. [Prayer. Fatobas : Paternoster ; Lord's Fatbn : to become a father; to be- get children ; to procreate ; to generate. Fancy. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fatty degeneration. Fancy: fan. Fancy, to indulge in: fanon. Fancy goods : galanacan. Fanning-mill : ttteb. Fantastic: fanelik. Fantasy : fan. Far: fagik; veitik. Far, as ( conj.) so veito as. Far, by : modo. Farcical : bofik. Fare: nulud; vegasuam. Fare, to: labon fati; stadon. Farewell: ladyul. Farewell! Adyo! Ladulyo. Farewell, to bid : ladyulon. Farinaceous : meilik. Farm: meyelop; feigued; farmop. Farmer: feilan; meyel; lanedan; Farm-horse: feijeval. [farmel. Farming: meyen; farm. Farm-laborer: feilan. Farsighted : fagalogamik. Farsightedness : fagalogam. Farther: ovoik. Farther :fovo; ovo; falo; veitikumo. Farther-away : mofumo. Farther than : (prep.) ovi. Farthing : fenig. Fascicular: tufik. Fashion: fOm; molad. Fashion, to : fomon. Fashionable : moladik; numoladik. Fashionable, to make : moladOn. Fast: cun. Fast : vifik. Fast, to : cunon. Fast, to be : bisespidon. Fast day : cunadel. Fast time : cunatim. Fasten, to : fimon; tanOn. Fastened : petanOl. Fastening: fimam. Fastidious : nibik ; valalik. Fastidious, to be : nibon. Fastidiousness : valal. Fasting: cun. Fat : pin; pirn. Fat: pienik; pinik. Fatal: fatik; funlik. Fate : fat; par. Father : fat; ombupal. Father, to become : faton. Fatherland : fatan. Fatherly: fatik. Fatigue : fen ; t5b. Fatigue, to : fenon. Fatigued : fertik. Fatiguing: fen am. Fatness: pien; pin5f. Fatten, to : pinon. Fatty : pinik. Fatty degeneration : pinip. (95) Fav. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Feigued. FAV : chagrin; vexation. Favbn: to vex; to mortify. Fe : indeed; certainly; it is true. FEB: industry; business; trade; craft; profession; occupation. Feba'l: assiduity. Febik; industrial. Febleinb'n : to dazzle; to blind. Febludbn: to bleed to exhaustion. Febul: February (telul). Febumon : to wall in ; to obstruct by building. [confusion. Fecen : exchange ; transference ; Fecenam: exchanging; permuta- tion, [ible. Fecenik : exchangeable ; convert- Fecenbf: changeability ; converti- bility, (things). Fecenbn : to change; to confound Fecbdatbn : to condemn; to sen- tence, [league. FED : confederacy; pact; alliance; Fedakopanel: confederate; ally. Fedarn : confederating; alliance. Fedebbn : to involve in debt. Fedel : confederate; ally. Fedik: Federal. Fedbn : to join in a confederacy; Fediib : alliance ; league, [to ally. Fediif on : to indurate; to render obdurate. Fedugam: misleading; seduction. Fedugel : seducer; tempter. Feiugbn : to mislead; to seduce. FEF : earnestness; gravity ; serious- ness. Fefik: earnest; serious; grave. Fefiledbn: to burn; scorch; singe. Feflapbn : to cow by overbeating. Feflitbn : to fly away. I Feflolbn : to cease blooming. Fefo : seriously ; in earnest. Fefbn : to be earnest; to be serious. Fefopik: infatuated. FEG : fencing; skill in fencing. Fegajul: fencing school. Fegeb : consumption; expenditure. Fegebbn : to consume; to expend. Fegel: fencer; swordsman. Fegeliitbn : to bequeath; to leave. Fegiv : remission ; forgiveness. Fegivam: remitting; forgiving. Fegivbn : to remit; to forgive. Fegolbn : to perish; to sink; to go to ruin; to pass away. [past. Fegolug: past; times past ; things FegolUp : past time ; the past Fegon : course; orbit. (gram.) Fegbn : to fence. Fegonam : revolution; circulation. Fegbp : fencing-room. FEIF: fife; pipe; whistle. Feifam : whistling; piping. Feif on : to whistle. Feifod : whistling sound. Feigued: farm. Faucet. ENGLISH-VOUPUK. February. Faucet: tubog. Fault: dof; netug; pok. Fault-finder: blamel; lukrtitel. Fault-finding: blem; lukrtitam. Faultless: nepokik; nepolik. Faulty: blamik; dofik; pokik. Faun : fotadevel. Favor: gon; ben; leben; gonug. Favor, in of : gonu. Favor, to: benon; bonon; gonOn. Favorable: benik; gonik. Favorer: gonel. Favorite: lofab. Favorite: lofabik. Fawn upon, to: flaton. Fear: died; tlep. Fear, to : dledon. Fearful: tlepafulik; jekik; dledik. Fearless : nedledik. Fearlessness : nedledug. Feasible: lefulamik; dunlik. Feasibility: dunlof; lefulamof. Feast, to : lezibon. Feast-day: zal. Feather: pen; bodapen. Feathered : penik. Feathers, bed : bedapens. Feathers, hens' : gokapens. Features: logod. Febrifuge : fifamed. Febrile : fink. February: telul; febul. (96) Feijeval. VOLAPiJK-ENGLISH. Femin. Feijeval : farm-horse. Feijipul : country-girl. FEIL: soil under cultivation; field. Feilad : furrow. Feiladbn : to furrow; to make fur- rows; to plow. Feilaned : agricultural land ; ara- Feilan: farm laborer. [ble land. Feilel: agriculturist; farmer: tiller of the soil. [bandry. Feilanik : rustic; pertaining to hus- Feilelef : farmers (class). Feilik : arable. Feilbm : agricultural implements. Feilbn : to till the soil. Feilot : furrow. Feilotb'n : to furrow; to plow. FEIN : fineness. Feinal: delicacy of feeling; refine- Feinarn : refining. [ment. Feinik: fine; refined; delicate. Feinbn : to make fine; to refine. Feismadom : peasant's cottage. FEIT: fight; quarrel; contest; dis- Feitik : contending. [pute. Feitbn : to contend ; to fight ; to quarrel; to dispute. Fejok(am): expulsion; rejection. Fejokbn : to reject; to expel; to turn out. faway. Fejutbn: to shoot away ; to fire Fejiitbn : to spill; to shed; to slab- ber. FEK : affection; feeling; sentiment. Fekam : affection; perception; sen- sation; impression. Fekamik : sentimental ; sensible ; feeling; impressionable. Fekluf on : to nail up. | Fekbn : to affect; to make an im- pression upon, [out; to efface. Fekluinon : to wipe away ; to blot Fekbtbn : to cut ; to castrate ; to FEL: field. [spay; to geld. Felaflol: wild flower; field flower. Felagenal: general; field-marshal. Felamajal : lieutenant-general , field -marshal. Felamug: field mouse. Felaveg : cross road; field road. Feleig: comparison. Feleigam : comparing; comparison. Feleigik : comparable. Feleigbn : to compare. Feleigii : in comparison with. Felenadbn : to unlearn. Felit : partridge. [to miss. Felogbn : to overlook; to mistake; Feluklotbn : to mask ; to disguise. Fematbn : to give in marriage. FEM : fermentation. Femin : ferment. Fecundate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fencing. Fecundate, to : beflukon; flukon: Fecundation : flukam. [lesidOn. Fecundity: flukof. Federal: fedik. [namon. Fee: stimamon; dut; legivot; dli- Fee, admission : niitlidamon. Feeble: nefimik; nenamik; fibik. Feeblemindedness : fibal. Feebleness: nefim; nenam. Feed : lunultid. Feed, to : lunuludon ; nullidon ; Feed upon, to: lufidOn. [zibon. Feed, ground : lunumeil. Feeding : zibam. Feel, to : senon. Feeling: fek; senal. Feeling : fekamik. Feign, to: simulon. Feigned : simulik. Felicitate, to : benovipon. Felicitation : benovip. Felicity: beat; labad; lelab. Feline : katik. Fell, to : falon. Felloe : luub. Fellow: kopanel; lepul. Fello.v-man: kemen; komen. Fellowship: kamad. Felt: fill; fulin. Female : jil. Female : jilik. Feminine: jilik; jimanik; vomik. Fence : bud. Fence, to: budOn; fegon. Fencer : fegel. Fencing : feg. (97) Femofbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Festun. Femofbn : to disperse ; to drive Femon : to ferment. [away. Fembnbn: to wall in; to wall up. FEN : lassitude ; exhaustion ; fa- tigue; weariness. Fenaf on : to ship; to send by water. Fenam : fatiguing; wearying. Fendunbn : to do often; to repeat. Fenesiam : denial; disclaimer; dis- avowel. [nouncer. Fenesiel : denier ; disclaimer ; re- Fenesibn : to deny ; to disclaim ; to renounce. Fenibbn : to spend in dainties. Fenig: farthing; pfennig. Fenik : exhausted ; tired-out ; fati- gued; weary. Fenbn : to exhaust; to tire out; to fatigue; to weary. Fenonbn : to deny; to disown. Fenu'l : fennel. [ing. Fenvisit : frequent visit; frequent- Feof: fairy; nymph. Fepanbn : to mortgage ; to put in Fepenam : prescription, [pledge. Fepenbn: to prescribe. Fepledbn : to lose at play ; to lose a game. Fepblbn: to miss one's way. Fepuodbn : to rot; to putrefy. Fesabbn : to sand; to cover with Fesalbn : to salt too much. [sand. Fesed: shipping; forwarding. Feseitbn : to mislay ; to misplace. Feslipbn : to sleep away; to sleep off. [gulf. Feslugbn : to swallow up; to en- Fesmekbn: to taste; to sample. Fesmilbn : to laugh at; to deride. Fesmokbn: to smoke (up); to con- sume by smoking. Festim: esteem; veneration; ador- Festonam : petrifaction. [ation. Festonbn : to petrify. Festonot: petrifaction. Festun : festoon; wreath; garland. Fencing-school. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fidelity. Fencing-school : fegajul. Fender: tlel. Fennel : fentil. Ferment : femin. Ferment, to : femOn. Fermentation : fern. Ferocious : molodalik. Ferocity: lejekof. Ferruginous : lelnik. Ferruginousness : lelnOf. Ferrule: rif. Ferrum : lelin. Ferry: veged. Ferry-man : vegedan. Fertile: fetik; flukik. Fertility: fet; flukof. Fertilize, to : beflukon. Fervent: zilik. Festal: zalik. Festival: zal; zaladel. Festival, to keep : zalon. Festive: zalik; yofik. Festive garb : magiifaklot. Festivity: magtif; zalof. Festoon: festun; flolafestun. Festoon, to : fe'stunOn. Fetor: badosmel. Fetter: Jan. Fetter, to : janOn. Fetus : flukap. Feudatory: dttnan. Fever: fif. Fever, eruptive : ruip. Fever, intermittent : cenafif. Fever, spotted : tiifip rupik. Fever, typhus : ttifip. Fever, to have : fifon. Fever heat : fifahit. Feverish : fifik. Feverishness : fifof. Feverless: nefifik. Few: ans; nemOdikans. Few: nemOdik. Few, just a: anik. Fewer: (adj.) hi. Fibre : stun. Fibrillary: stUnik. Fibrin : sttinin. Fibrous: stttnik. Fickle: luvimik; yilalik. Fickleness: votlof, yilal. Fidelity: fied. (98) Festunbn. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fil. Festunbn : to festoon; to wreathe; to adorn with garlands. FET : fertility; productiveness. Fetan : union; connection; bond. Fetanam : binding; uniting; com- Fetanamal : hyphen. [bination. Fetanod : band; bond; bandage. Fetanog : union ; confederacy; alliance. [join; to connect. Fetanb'n : to unite ; to bind ; to Fetik : fertile; productive.' [away. Fetb'kbn : to barter away ; to swap Fetopb'n : to remove, [by working. Fevobdn : to work up; to consume Fevbdb'n : to renounce, forswear. Fevbnbn : to grow old; to become obsolete; to become antiquated. Fezog : delay. [ment. Fezogam: postponement; adjourn- Fezogon : to retard ; to postpone. Fi! fie! Fiam : firm; name of a firm; style. FIB : weakness ; debility. Fibab : weakling. Fibaf : amphibium ; amphibian. Fibafav : amphibiology. Fibafik : amphibious, [mindedness. Fibal : weakheadedness ; feeble- Fibik : weak; debilitated; feeble. Fibbn : to weaken; to debilitate. Fibug : weakness; debility. FID: eating; food. [groceries. Fidacans : provisions ; eatables ; Fidadin : eatable; comestible; food. Fidaplan : cabbage. Fidasal: dining hall; dining room. Fidaspun : tablespoon. Fidatab : dining table. Fidedil : crumb. Fidik: eatable; edible. Fidbn : to eat. Fidot : victuals; food. Fidiip : meal-time. FIED: fidelity; loyalty. Fiedal : ingenuousness. Fiedik : faithful; true; loyal. Fiediko: faithfully; loyally. Fiedon : to be faithful; to be true. Fiedii : in fidelity to; faithful to. FIEN : interest; revenue; rent. Fienal : avarice. Fienel : interest payer; rent payer. Fienik: interest bearing; tributary. Fienbn : to pay interest ; to pay rent. Fienii : at the rate of. FIF: fever. Fifahit : fever-heat. Fifamed : febrifuge; antipyretic. Fink : feverish; febrile. Fifbf: feverishness. Fif on : to have fever. FIG : fig. Figabim: fig-tree. Figabled: fig-leaf. Fikar : vicar. FIKUL: difficulty; hardness. Fikulam : aggravating ; making worse; rendering more difficult. Fikulik : difficult ; arduous; hard. Fikulo: difficultly; with difficulty; hardly. Fikulbn : to render difficult; to ag- FIL : fire. [gravate. Fidelity. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Figure. Fidelity, in to : fiedtl. Field: feil; fel. Field-flower: felaflol. Field-glass : fagaglat. Field-marshal: felagenal; felama- jal; kligamajal. Field-mouse: felamug. Fiendish: holik; develik. Fierce : vutik. Fiery: filik. Fiery-red : leledik. Fife: feif. Fifteen : balselul. Fifty: luls. Fig : fig. Fight: feit; flapen; komip. Fight, to : feiton; komipOn. Fighter: komipel. Fig-leaf: figabled. Fig-tree : figabim. Figurative: fdgik; maglik; nevoik. Figuratively: fiigiko. Figure: fOm; fug; numat. Figure, to : fflgOn. (99) Filab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Filiixambn. Filab: match; lucifer match. Filabel: volcano. Fila'ban : lighter; lamp-lighter. Filabelik: volcanic; plutonic. Filabelim : volcanism. fize. Filabelbn : to vulcanize; to sulphur - Filaboad : fuel; fire- wood. Filabbn: to kindle; to set on fire; to ignite. Filabbset: fire-alarm. Filabbsetiel : fire-alarm. Fila'can J com bustible goods. | inflammable goods. FILAD : net. Filadaskin : retina (eye). Filafbsef: fire insurance. Filaleiil : lamp-oil. Filamal : signal fire, [dead-wall. Filambn : party-wall ; fire-wall ; Filanug : fire-hook. Filaskut : fire-engine. Filaskutel: fireman; member of a Filaston : flint. [fire-company. Filataik: fire-proof. Filatop : hearth; fire-place. Filavin : brandy; ardent spirits ; distilled liquor; whiskey. Filavinan: dram-drinker; tippler. Filavinel: distiller. Filavinen: dram-shop; business. Filavin glbnik : rye whiskey. Filavinbn : to tipple; to drink liq- Filavobad: fire-works. [uor. Filazap : fire-tongs. Fileboad : fire-wood; stove-wood. Filed: combustion; conflagration; fire. [flash-point. Filedapiin: focus; burning-point; Fileden: distillery business. Filedin : combustible material. Filedbn : to burn. | Filedup : stinging-nettle; nettle. Filef: firemen. Fileglat : burning-glass; sun-glass. Filelel: cautery; branding-iron. Filelok: concave mirror. Filem : fire-works. Filemalbn : to brand. Filestbf : combustible material. Filik: fiery; glowing; ardent. Filiop: branch establishment. Filibpan : branch manager. Filb! Fire! *Filod : awe; veneration (dlestim). Filbn : to fire; to set on fire. Filbp : place of fire ; location of fire; furnace; fire-place; stove. Filosop : philosophy (sapav). Filosopel : philosopher. Pilot: fuel. Filudbn : to etch (metal). Filukaliziid : caustic potash. Filumed : caustic. Filunatiim : caustic soda. Filiixam : revelry; debauchery; riotous living. Filiixambn : to waste money in riotous living. File. ENGLISH-VOLAPliK. Findable. File: rap; ked. File, to : rapon. File-cutter : rapel. Filer: rapan. Filial: sonik. Filiation: cilad. Filinas: kratcm. Fill, to: fulon ; lefulOn ; befulon; Fill out, to : sefulon. [fledon. Filled out: pesefulol. Fillet : flomatan. Filter : sul; suliel. Filter, to: dusulon; sulOn. Filterer: sulel. Filth : miot. Filthy : miotik. Filthy, to be: gagCn. Final : funk; latiknalik. Finale: dejot; fintim. [tikna. Finally : fino ; joto; latiktino; la- Finance: finan; finanav. Finances : finaniv. Financial : finanik. Financier: finanavel; finanel. Financiering: finan. Finch: flin; tiflin. Find: tuvot. Find, to: dasakon; tuvOn. Find out, to: desetuvon; sftraton. Findable: tuvik. (100) Fim(of). YOLAPilK-ENGLISH. Finona. Fimfof ): firmness; solidity; power of resistance ; stability. Firnam. : fastening ; fortification ; consolidation ; confirmation. Fimal: firmness of mind. Fiman: main-land; continent: ter- ra firma. Fimed confirmation (church). Fimik: solid; firm; stable. Fimod: fortress. Fimbn : to fasten ; to strengthen ; to fortify; to confirm. FIN: finis; end; conclusion. . Finam : termination ; conclusion ; expiration. Finan : financiering ; finance. Finanav: finance; cameralistics. Finanavel: financier ; cameralist; one skilled in finance. Finanel : financier; one who con- ducts financial operations. Finanik : financial. Finaniv : finances. Finap : toe. Finasek : final result; result. Fined: finger. Finedahat : thimble. Finedalin : finger-ring; ring. Finedam : touching ; fingering ; handling; palpation. Finedil : little finger. Fineddn: to touch; to finger; to handle; to palpate. Finediin : finger-tip. Finedup : digitalis; fox-glove. Finiam : finish; dressing. Finisagam : warning; notice. Finisagbn : to warn ; to give notice. Finik : final. Fino : finally; in conclusion ; at last. Finod : termination ; conclusion . Finon : to end ; to finish ; to ter- minate; to conclude. Finona: once at last. Finder. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. First-born. Finder : tuvel. Finding : tuv. Fine: monapon: ponamon. Fine: feinik ; jOnik ; zadik. Fine, to : monaponon. Fine arts : jonavs; lekan. Fineness: fein; zad. Finery : dek; vomadek. Finger: fined. Finger, index: Jonafined. Finger, little : finedil. Finger, middle: lefined. Finger- ring: linafined. Finger, to : finedon. Finger-nail: kliif. Finger-tip : finedUn. Finis: fin. Finish: finiam. [fulon; sekulivftn. Finish, to : finon ; dekofttkon ; le- Finished : pefinik; pefinol. Finishing: lelulam. Fir : fir. Fir: firik. Fir-cone: firuk. Fire : fil. Fire! Filo! Fire, to : filon. Fire away, to : fejuton. Fire off, to: defilon. Fire alarm: filabOset; filabosetiel. Fire-arm : gtin. Fire-engine : filaskut. Fire -hook : filanug. Fire insurance : filafosef. Fireman: filaskutel; fOnan. Firemen : filef. Fire -ordeal : lexam. Fire place : cim; filatop. Fire-proof: filataik. Fire-tongs: filazap. Fire-wall: filamon. Fire-wood : filaboad ; fileboad. Fire-works: filavobad; filem. Firkin : tubil. Firk'n, butter: milegatub. Firm : Ham. Firm: fimik; stanik; stanOfik; ste- Firm, to be: stanofOn. [ntidalik. Firmament: silabob. Firmness : fim ; ftimof ; stanof ; pe- First: balid. [cOdatug. First : balumik. First of all : balUdo. First-born : pemotol balido. (101) Finu. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Flabiliet. Finii: at the close of; at the end of. Finiim: finale (music). Finiip: quitting-time; conclusion. Fipaf: viper. Fir : fir. Firik: fir. Firuk : fir-cone. Fistel : fixed star. Fisumbn : to arrest. Fit: fish. Fitablaed : swimming-bladder. Fitabom : fishbone. Fitaf : pisces; the class of fishes. Fitafilad: fishing-net; seine. Fitagil : heron. Fitaglud : isinglass; fish-glue. Fitagub : float; buoy. Fitakipbp : fish-weir ; fish-warren; Fitakuv : fry. [fish preserve. Fitalakil : fish-pond. Fitam : fishing. Fitat: pisciculture. Fitav: ichthyology. Fitan : fisherman; angler. Fiten: fishing; angling. Fitil: small-fish; minnow. Fitod : otter. Fitbg : whale-bone. Fitbn : to fish. Fiv : pool; slough; puddle. Fizir : military officer. Flab : lobe. Flabil : lobule. [tary ticket. Flabiliet: free ticket; complimen- First-future. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Flexion. First-future: pottip. Firstling: balidab. Firstly: balido; ballido; blio. Fish: fit; fitaf. Fish, to: fiton. Fish-bone : fitabom. Fisherman: fitan. Fish-glue: fitaglud. Fish-hook: fananug. Fishing: fitam; fiten. Fishing-net: fitafilad. Fish-pond : fitalakil. Fish-preserve :(<-.,. . Fish-weir: [ "takipop Fissured : slitik. Fist: pun. Fistular: rutik. Fit: potofik. Fit, to: potofon; pOton. [po'u^. Fitness : diseinof ; plepal ; potof ; Fitting, to be: lepotOn; poton. Five : lul. Fix, to: lonOn. Fixedness : ftimof. Fixture : nemob. Flag: lestan. Flag manufacturer : stanel. Flag-ship : lestananaf. Flail : cepaboad. Flake: flog. Flame : flam. Flame, to : flamon. Flank : flan. Flannel : lainin. Flare, to : flamoton. Flare up, to : suflamon. Flash, to: flamon. Flash through, to : duflamOn. Flash-point : filedaptin. Flask: flad. Flat: plat; plen. [sipidik; dumik. Flat : lUgiotonik ; platik ; plenik ; Flat-iron: smufiel; smufalel. Flatness: dum; sipid. Flatten, to : platOn. Flatter, to : flaton. Flatterer: flatel. Flattery: flat. Flax: liab; flag. Flaxen : flagik. Flax comb : hak. Flay, to : junon; skinOn. Flayer: skinan. Flea: flib. Flee, to : fugon ; mogonon. Fleet: nafem; skad. Fleet : vifik. Fleeting: fugik. Flesh: mid. Fleshy: midik; mitik. Flex, to : blegon; flegon; flakOn. Flexible : flakik. Flexibility : blegof. Flexion : flak. (102) Flad. VOLAPUK-ENGL1SH. Flidel. Flad: bottle; flask. Fladil: vial. FLAG : requirement ; claim ; de- FLAG: flax. [mand. Flagacan : flax goods. Flagam : requiring; claiming. Flagaset: postulate; assumption. Flagavivot: flax-cloth. Flagayan : flax-yarn. Flagik: flaxen, [exact; to claim. Flagon : to require; to demand; to Flagot : demand; claim. FLAK: flexion; inflection. Fla'kik: flexible; inflective. Flakbn : to bend; to curve; to in- flect; to decline (gram.) FLAM : flame. [blaze. Flamo'n : to flame; to flash; to Flamon : to inflame; to kindle. Flamot: torch. Flamotbn: to flare; to flicker. FLAN : side; flank; aspect; page. FLAN : freedom ; immunity ; ex- emption, [postage. Fla'nam : franking; prepayment of Flanamak : postage stamp; frank- ing stamp. Flanik: side; lateral. Flanik : prepaid ; postpaid ; franked. Flaniko : laterally. [laterally. Flanived(o) : sidewise ; sideways ; Flano : aside; on one side. Flanbn : to put aside ; to do away with; to lay aside. Flanbn : to prepay postage. Flanii : on the side of ; from the side of. FLAP : blow ; beat ; hit ; knock ; FLAP; apoplexy. [stroke. Flapalik: ready-witted. Flapalbfr repartee; ready-wit. Flapel : beater ; duellist ; combat- ant; striker. Flapen : fight; rough and tumble. Flapik: in fighting trim; ready to fight. Flapbn : to beat; to beat black and blue; to knock; to strike. FLAT: flattery. Fla'tel: flatterer. Flatbn : to flatter; to fawn upon. FLED: freight; cargo. Fledapened : bill of lading. Fledavab : dray ; freight wa^on ; freight car. Fledbn : to load; to lade; to fill. FLEG: joint; articulation; knuckle. Flegik : jointed; articulated. Fleg lamaflega : elbow-joint. Flegbn : to bend; to flex. FLEK :turn; turn about; rotation. Flekam: rotation; turning about. Flekbn : to rotate; to turn-, to turn about. FLEM : frame; picture frame. Flernam: framing. Flembn : to frame. FLEN : friend. Flena'l: friendliness. Flenik : friendly ; pleasant ; amic- able; amiable; kind. Flenbf : friendliness ; affability ; Flenbn : to befriend, [amiability. Flentan : Frenchman. Flentim: Gallicism. Flenii : out of friendship for Flenlig : friendship. Fleniigafed : friendly alliance. FLEP : time ; rhythm ; measure (music). Flepafiimik: rhythmic; rhythmical. Flepafumbf: rhythmicalness. Flepik : in time; regular; in cadence. Flepbn : to lead music; to conduct Flib: flea. [music; to beat time. Flidel : Friday (maludel). Flexure. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Flock. Flexure: blegam; flakam. Flicker, to : flamotOn. Flight: flit(am); fug. Fling: jed. Fling, to : jedon. Flint: filaston. | Flint-glass : fliglat. Flirt, to : midalOn. Flirtation: lofbb. Float: fitagub; flumin. Flock : jep. Flock, to: tlupOn. Flidelik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fluken. Flidelik: Friday; on Fridays. FLIP : freshness. Flif al : freshness of mind. Flifam : refreshment; refreshing. Flifik: fresh. Flifb! Cheer up! Flif on: to freshen; to refresh. Fligat : frigate. Fliglat : flint-glass. Flin: finch (Ornith.) FLIT: flight. Flitag: wing; pinion. Flitaf : fly (Entom.) Flitafapbp: fly-paper. Flitam : flight; flying. Flitamug: bat. Flito: on the wing; inflight. Flito ! Be quick ! Hurry up ! Flitbn : to fly. Flobaset : flower-basket. Flobeb : flower-bulb; bulb. Flobet : flower-bed. FLOD: frost ; coldness; frigidity. Flodal : frigidity of manner. Flodbn : to freeze ; to shiver ; to feel cold. FLOG : flake ; snow-flake. Flogad: flower-garden. FLOK : braid; plait; basket-work; hurdle-work. Flbkavilod: osier; water-willow. Flbkel : braider ; plaiter. Flbkbn: to braid; to plait. FLOL: flower. Flolafestun : wreath of flowers. Flolag(ot) : garlands of flowers. Flolatim: spring; spring-time. Flolatimik: vernal; spring. Floled : blossom. [escence. Flolediip : flowering season ; flor- Flolem : bouquet; nosegay. Flolemil : buttonhole-bouquet. Flolik: flowery; blooming; floral. Flol lekanik : artificial flower. Flolbn : to blossom ; to bloom . Flolsik: flowery ; florid. FLOM: forehead; brow. Flomatan : fillet; diadem. Flon : florin (about half-a-dollar). Flot : congelation; freezing; con- FlopUf j pollen. [gealing. Flopu'k : language of flowers. Floskal : flower -pot. Flotapun: freezing-point. Flotbn : to freeze; to congeal. FLUB: lawn; meadow. FLUB : hall-way; vestibule; lobby. Fludiilin : molten-steel. Fluin : fluorine, Fl. (chem.) Fluk: fruit. Flukabim: fruit-tree. Flukad : produce; product. Flukam: fructification; fecundation. Flukap : fcetus. Flukated: fruit-trade. Flukatim: harvest; autumn; fall. Flukatim latik : late autumn. Fluken: fruit-trade; fruit business. Flocks. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fluidity. Flocks, by : jepik. Flood: neban;tuvat; vataneban. Flood, to : nebanon; tuvaton. Flood-tide : nebantip. Floor : flul; futop; stok. Floor, to : flulon. Floral: flolik. Florescence : floledup. Florin : flon. Flotilla: nafem; skad. Flotsam : sejedot. Flour: meil; vuimeil. Flour-dealer: meilel. Flourish, to: plobon. Flow, to : flumOn; leflumon. Flow away, to : seflumon ; deflu- m6n. Flow through, to: duflumon. 1 Flower, artificial : flol lekanik. Flower, wild : felaflol. Flower-basket : flolabaset. Flower-bed: flobet. Flower-garden : flogad. Flower-pot : floskal ; jeb. Flowers, language of: flopUk. Flowery: flolik; moflolsubik; flol- Fluency: flumiil; ptikof. [sik. Fluent: fllumalik; ptikofik. Fluid: flumlik. Fluidity: flumOf. (104) Flukik. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fbabumot. Flukik: fruitful; productive; fer- tile. Flukb'f: fruiifulness ; productive- ness ; fertility ; fecundity. Flukbn : to fructify; to impregnate; to fertilize; to fecundate. Flukb'p: granary; barn. Fluks pekonsef bl : preserved fruits. FLUL : deal; board; plank; floor- ing ; floor. Flulbn : to floor ; to lay a floor. FLUM: river; stream. Flumabed : river-bed. Flumal : fluency; loquacity. Flumalik : fluent; loquacious. Fluman : river-basin. Flumanaf : river-boat. Flumapbp : bibulous paper; blot- ting paper; filtering paper. Flumat : liquid. Flumik : river; fluviatile. Flumin : float; raft. Fluminel: raftsman. Flumlik: liquid; fluid. Flurnbf: liquidity; fluidity. Flumb(fa)maf: hydrometry. Flumbmafiel : hydrometer. Flumbn : to flow. Flu'mbn : to cause to flow. FLUN : influence. Fliin : fringe. Flunik: influential. Flunbn : to have influence ; to be Fluot: flux (for glass), [influential. Flut: flute. Flutan : flutist; one who plays the Flutel: flute-maker. [flute. Fluton : to play on the flute. Fo : before; previously. Fo : in advance; in front. Fba: from the front, [front building. Fbabumot : front of a building ; Fluorine. KXGLISH-YOLAPUK. Foot-print Fluorine : fluin. Flush, to : suyagon. Flute : flut. Flutist: flutan. Fluviatile : flumik. Flux: fluot. Fly : flitaf. [safugon. Fly, to : fliton ; fugOn ; moflitOn ; Fly away, to : feflitOn; seflitOn. Fly out, to : sefliton. Fly through, to : duflitOn. Fly-paper: flitafapdp. Flying: flitam. Foal : smajeval ; smacuk. Foam: skCm. Foam, to : skomOn. Focus : filedaptin. Focus of infection: lupakipOp. Fodder : lunulud. Fog : fog ; lutavat. Foggy : fogik; lutavatik. Fold: nimalOd; nimOp; plif; plief. Fold, to : kOyumon ; plifon ; plie - Fold together, to : koplifon. [fun. Folded: pekoseitOl. Folded: plifik. Folder : pliefel. Fo'd^r, paper: pliefalOg. Folding: koyum(am); pliefam. Foliage : bled em ; bimamag. Folio : lebuk. Folk : pop. [kOn; sek&n; slopOn. Follow, to : sukon ; folOn ; lasu- Follower : slopel; ztipel; ztlpelef. Following: fol(am); sukam; ziip. Following : sukol. Folly: fopen; lufased. Folly! B5! StupO! Fomites : lupakamastof. Fondle, to: ladon; lofobon. Food: fid; fidadin; lefid; lifamed; nulud; zib; fidot; mitazib. Foods : nuliidamed. Food : fop ; stupel. Foolish : fopik ; lufasedik ; stupik ; Foot: fut; fut. [lubalik. Foot, square : vafut. Foot, at the - - of: futtt. Foot, to: futon; lastogOn. Foot-bath : futiban. Foot-bridge : ponil. Foot-gear: futaklotam. Foot-hills : bibelem. Foot-man : futan. Foot-pad : snapel. Foot-print: veged. (105) Fbadil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fok. Fbadil: forepart. Fbafian: front; face; fa9ade. Fbafut: lore-foot. Foaglun : fore-ground. Foalam : fore-arm. FOAP: liver. Foapip : disease of the liver. Fbasail: foresail. Fbaset: premises; antecedent. Fbasied: front seat. Foa't : barbarism; savage state. Foa'tik: savage; barbaric. Foatbn : to become savage. FOD : promotion ; advancement ; furtherance. Fbdam. : promotion ; furthering. Fbdel : promoter; furtherer; helper. Fbdbn : to promote; to further; to help; to advance. Foet : game; flesh of game animals. Foetab : wild-stock; wilding; sav- age, [tion. Foetam: growing wild; barbariza- Foetan : savage; barbarian. Foetel : poacher. Foetik: wild; savage; barbarous. Foetbf : wildness; savageness; bar- barity, [to render wild. Foetbn : .to uncivilize; to run wild; Foetul: game; animals hunted for Fbfal: decay. [sport. Fbfalbn: to decay ; to fall into decay . Fofoldiflep : four-quarter (|) time. FOG: fog; mist. FOG: hammer. FOGET: forgetfulness; oblivion. Fbgetbf: forgetfulness. Fbgetbn : to forget. Fogik : foggy; misty. Fogin(an) : foreign country ; for- eign parts. Foginab: foreigner; stranger. Foginan: alien; stranger; foreign- Foginavod : foreign word. [er. Foginik: foreign; alien; strange. Fogmbn: to be foreign; to appear strange; to alienate. Foginbp : hospice ; place where strangers are entertained. FOGIV : forgiveness; pardon. Fbgivam: forgiving; pardoning. Fogivik: pardonable. Fbgivbn: to pardon; to forgive. Fbgon; to hammer; to strike with a hammer. [onward. Fbi : forward ; toward the front ; Fbik: preceding (locally) anterior. FOK : fork; pitch-fork. Foot-stool. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Forester. Foot-stool : futastulil. Foot-warmer : vamaston. For : (conj.J ibo. For: (prep.) pla; pie; plo. Forage : lunuliid. Forbearance: sufad; sufam; niv. Forbearing: sufadik; nivik. Forbearing, to be : sufaddn; nivon. Force : mckad; nam; stenud; valiid. Force, to : dedlanOn ; mekadon ; mtitOn. Force out, to : motnofon. Force upon, to : sumuton. Forceps: zap. Forcible: betdnik; namik. Forcipal: zapik. Fore-arm: foalam. Forebode, to : blesenon. Foreboding: blesen; bumalam. Forefathers: bipaels ; bulifels; tilfats. Forefoot: fOafut. Foreground: fOaglun. Forehead : flom. Foreign: foginik; selanik. Foreign, to be: foginon. Foreign affairs : selanadins. Foreigner : foginan ; foginab ; se- lanan. Foreknowledge: btisev; kenol. Foreman : lOman. Forenoon : buzendel; g5del. Forepart : fOadil. Forerunner: btigolel; btlgonel. Foresail : foasail. Foresee, to: bttlogOn. Foresight: bulogam; kaut. Foreskin: biskin. Forest: boadem; fot; fotem; fotot; Forest, to : foton. [lefot. Forester: fotan; fotel. (106) Fokagbled. VOLAPUK-ENGLISII. Fopal. Fokagbled : luncheon ; collation ; Fokik : forked; fork-shaped, [lunch. Fokil : small fork ; table-fork. Fbkbdutel : hirer out ; letter out. Fbkbdiitel : lessor (real estate), (personal property). Fbkbdutbn : to let; to hire out; to lease; to rent (pers. property.) Fbkbdutbn : to lease ; to rent (real estate). [first. Fokbmbn : to anticipate; to come Fokbmug : obligingness; complais- ance, [a fork. Fokbn : to fork ; to handle with Fol : four. Folaflan : quadrilateral figure. Fbl(am) : observance ; following; compliance; execution. Folagul : tetragon ; quadrangle ; rectangle; square. Folagulik : quadrangular. Folam : quadruplication. Folaspan: four-in-hand. Foldidiip : quarter hour. Foldil : quarter; fourth, [fourths. Foldilik: quartered ; divided into Foldilo: quarterly; by quarters. Foldinotuf : quarter-note (music). Folfutiel : four-legged ; four footed ; quadruped. Folidavbg : bass (music). Folidavbgan : bass singer; basso. Folidavbgbn : to sing bass. Folion : quadrillion. Folbn : to quadruplicate ; to multi- ply by four. Fblbn : to comply with; to observe; to execute; to follow. Foltimacun : ember-day fast. Foltuitik : four-pronged. Foliidel: Wednesday; fourth day. Folu'f: musical fourth. Folul: April; fourth month. Foliim : quartette. Folviolin : violincello. FOM : form; mode; mood. FOM : fashion ; figure ; shape ; Fbmad : cheese. [aspect. Fbmadel : cheese manufacturer. Fomaliegik : rich in forms. Fomalivik : formless ; shapeless. Fomam : forming; formation. Foma't : size; form and dimensions of a book. Fomatid: etymology. [sculptor. Fomel : moulder; draughtsman; Fomelavobad : mould ; model ; Fomem : statuary. [cast. Fomen : sculpture. Fomik : formal. Fbrnik: formed; shaped; moulded. Fomlik: ceremonious; punctilious; formal. Fomlbf: formality; punctilio. Fbmod : model ; mould Fombn : to form; to delineate; to put in shape. Fbmbn : to mould; to give shape to; to fashion; to shape. Fomot : formulary ; prescribed Fomii : in the form of. [form. Fomiil : formula. Fomiilbn : to formulate. FON : fountain; source; spring. FON : stove; oven; kiln; furnace. Fonad: spring of water; fountain of water; well of water. Fbnajul : fire-screen; screen for a Fonakred : water-cress. [stove. Fbnam : heating. Fonavat : spring-water. Fbnan : heater; stoker; fireman. Fonetav: phonetics. Fonetik: phonetic. Fbnik : hot; heated. [tus. Fonogafiel: phonograph (appara- Fonbn : to spring up ; to well up ; Fbnbn : to heat. [to bubble. Fop : fool. [edness. Fopal: foolheadedness; harebrain- Forestry. KXIiUSH-YOLAPUK. Forget. Forestry: fotajepam; fotiv. Foretell, to: busagOn; plofetOn. Forage: jof. Forge, to : nadunon; lelon. Forged: nadunik. Forger: dobel; lelel; nadunel. Forgery: nadun. Forget, to : fogetdn. (107) Fopbp. VOLAPiJK-ENGLISH. Fotahbn. Fopbp : insane asylum; mad-house; lunatic asylum. Fopel : keeper of a mad -house. Fopen : folly; foolery; tomfoolery. Fopik: foolish; deranged. Fopbf : folly; lunacy; madness. Fopbn : to make a fool of; to play the fool. Fopug: mental aberration. Fbsef: assurance. Fbsefam : assuring. Fbsefel: guarantor; assurer. Fbsef on : to guarantee; to assure; to warrant; to insure. Fosin : phosphorus, P. (chem). Fbsteniid : reinforcement. Fbsteniidam : strengthening ; re- inforcement. Fbsteniidbn : to reinforce. FOT: forest; wood. Fotacel : wild cherry. Fotaflol: wild-flower. Fotadevel : satyr; fawn. Fotahbn : bugle. Forgetful. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Fox-glove. Forgetful : fOgetik; nememik. Forgetfulness : foget; fogetof. Forget-me-not : nefOgetaf. Forgive, to : fegivOn; fogivon; da- letOn ; deleton. Forgiveness : delet; fogiv; fegiv. Forgiving : fogivam. Fork : fok ; fokil. Fork, table : fokil. Fork, to : Fokon. Forked : iokik. Form : fom. Form, to: fomon. Form, in the of: fomtl. Formal : fomik ; fomlik. Formality : fomlof. Formation: fomam; ved. Formative : plastldik. Formed : fOmik. Former: btifoik; elsik; vdnik; ble- Formerly: elso; von(o). [fobtlik. Formless: fomalivik; nefomik. Formula : fomtil. Formulary: fomot. Formulate, to : fomtilon. Forsake, to: laileton; lilvon. Forsaking: lUvam. Forswear, to : deyulon; fevOdOn. Fort : ledaem; kased. Forth : (adv.) stt. Forthwith : foviko. Fortification: fimam; fimod. Fortify, to: fimtfn; klifon; namon; Fortitude : steniidal. [stentidOn. Fortnight : telavig. Fortnightly : telavigik. Fortress: fimod; kased. Fortuitous : fadik. Fortuitousness : fadof. Fortunate: labik; labadik. Fortunately : labo. Fortune: labem; lab. Forward : balevisedik ; bolotik ; pletik; tuspidik. Forward: (adv.) bived; foi. Forward ! Bivedo ! Fovo ! Forward, to: liipotOn ; sedanon; sedodon. Forwarder: polal; sedan. Forwarding: sedodam; fesed ; se- danam; canisedam. Fossil : sepik. Foster-father : nuludamafat. Foul: miotik. Found: petuvOl. [bon; festabOn. Found, to: fiinon; leblimon; sta- Foundation : fUnod ; flinot ; stab ; stabin . Founder : bekodel ; ftinel ; gifel ; Founding: gif. [stabel. Foundling: tuvab; tuvacil. Foundry : gifop. Fountain: fon ; lefbn ; smafonad ; Four: fol. [fonad. Fourteen: balsefol. Fourth: (fraction) foldil. Fourth: (adj.) folid. Fowl : gok. Fowl, bantam : gokil. Fowl, Guinea: magabagok. Fowl, pea : paf. Fowler : bodan. Fox : foxaf. Fox-glove: finedup. (108) Fotajepam. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Fbzogbn. Fotajepam: forestry; protection of Fotal : head-forester. [torests. Fotalut : forest air ; air of the woods. Fotam : cultivation of forests; tree culture. [outang. Fotamen : chimpanzee ; orang- Fotan : upper forester ; forest- Fotel : forester. [keeper. Fotem: woodland; forests; woods. Fotik: woody; bearing trees. Fotil: copse; grove. Fotiv : forestry ; forest-matters. Fotofon : photophone. Fotogaf : photography (litamag). Fotogafot: photograph. Fotogafel : photographer. Fotogafen : business of photo- Fotogafik : photographic, [graph. Fotogaf on : to photograph ; to make photographs. Fotbn : to forest; to establish for- ests; to cultivate forests. Fotot : (a) wood; (a) forest. FOV : continuation; sequel. Foval : hastiness. Fovam: continuing; continuation. Fovik : rapid; swift; instantaneous; speedy; immediate. Foviko : immediately ; instantly ; at once; speedily; forthwith. Fovikb ! At once ! Without delay ! Fovipedam : steam-press ; power- press. Fovo : henceforth ; hereafter. ; Fovb ! Quick ! At once ! Fovoik: further; farther; ulterior. Fovdn: to continue; to proceed. I Fbvbn : to continue (trans.) FoYOt: sequel; continuation. Fovug : quickness ; swiftness ; Foxaf: fox. [briskness; velocity. I Foxa(fa)gbb: fox-tail; tail of a fox. ; Foxaf al : foxiness. Foxafik : foxy. Foxagbbep : fox-tail (grass). Foxaleskin : fox-skin. Fbyb ! To the front ! Forward ! Fbzogam : postponement; adjourn- Fbzogel : procrastinator. [ment. Fbzogbn : to postpone; to procras- tinate. Foxiness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Freight car. Foxiness : foxal. Foxtail: foxafagob; foxagobep. Foxy : foxafik. Fraction: dilanum; dil. Fractional : dilanumik. Fractuous : zanik. Fracture : blek(am). Fracture, to: blekOn. Fracture, longitudinal : xabablek. Fragile: blekik. Fragment: dil; blekadedil; bleka- dil; diled. Fragments : ruinils. Fragrance : benosmel; vap. Fragrant: vapik. Ftagrant, to be : benosmelOn ; va- Frame : flem. pon. Frame, to : flemOn. Framing : flemam; bemem. Franc : fran. Franchise : plivileg. Frank: kantidid ; niitik ; libolatii- Franking: flanam. [mik. Frankness: kantid; libolanim; nat. Frater: koblod. [dik; koblodik. Fraternal : blodik ; gemik ; keblo- Fraternity : blodef. Fraternization : blodam. Fraternize, to : blodon; keblodon; Fraud: cut. [koblodOn. Fraudulent: clitik; neveladik. Fray, to: sestunftn. Freckles : hitatimasten. Free: libik; livik; netoladik. Free, to : libon; livOn. Free from . libtt. Freedom: lib; flan. Free-hearted : givik. Freely: livo; nemuto. i Free-trade : libated. Free-trader : libatedel. Freeze, to: flodon; flotOn; gladon; Freezing : not. [deflodon. Freezing point : flotapQn. I Freight: fled. I Freight car : fledavab. (109) Fran. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Fulican. Fran: franc (about twenty cents). Frananan : Frank; Franconian. Fred: fresco. [rime. FROD : hoar-frost ; white-frost ; Frodbn : to frost ; to cover with FROG: frog. [frost. Fua: from before; from the begin- FUD : future; futurity. [ning. Fiido: in future; at some time. Fudamens : posterity. FUdatim : future time. Fudatimo : in future. Fiidik : future; that is to be. Fiidu'p : future time (gram.) Fudupik : future (gram.) FUF: witticism; wit. Funk : witty. FUG: flight; retreat. FUG: figure. Fuga'b : fugitive. Fugik : fugitive ; fleeting. Fiigik : figurative. Fiigiko : figuratively. Fugb'n : to flee; to fly; to retreat. Fu'gbn : to figure; to cut a figure. Fuin : veneer; inlay; marquetry. Fuinb'n: to veneer; to inlay. FUL, : fullness ; abundance ; plen- FUL: felt. [titude; plenty. Fulacan : felt goods. Freight charges. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fulfil. Freight charges : polamon. Freighter: polan. Freighting: polam. Freight train : canalezug. Freight wagon : fledavab. Frequenter : balelot. Frequenting : fenvisit; levisit. Frequently: (adv.) ofen. Fresco : fred. Fresh : flifik. Freshet: vataneban. Freshness : flif. Fret, to: detlepon; leglifon. Friar: kleudel. Friction : rob(am). Friday: flidel; maltidel. Friday: flidelik. Friend: flen; ladaflen; leflen. Friendliness: flenal; flenof; gOnug. Friendly: flenik. Friendship : flentig. Frigate: fligat. Fright: jek; tlep. Frighten, to: dejekon; jekon; tie- Frightening: jekam. [p6n. Frightful: dledlik; jekik. Frightfulness : jekof. Frigid : kalodik. Frigidity: flod; flodal. Fringe: fltin; simafad. Frisky: yoflik. Frit: glatastef. Frivolity: leital. Frivolous: leitalik. Frock : gunil. Frock-coat: tipagun. Frog : frog. From: (prep.) sis; de; des; se; deli. Front, in : (adv.) fo. Front, in of: lo. Frontier: mied. Front-seat : foasied. Frost : flod; frod. Frost, hoar : frod. Frost, to: frodOn. Frosted : pefrodol. Froth : skOm. Froth, to : sk5mOn. Frozen : peflodol. Fructification : flukam. Fructify, to: flukOn. Frugal: satlik; spalik. Frugally: spaliko. Frugality: spal; spallid. Fruit: fluk; pom. Fruit-business : fluken. Fruitful: flukik. Fruitfulness : flukof. Fruits, preserved: fluks pekonsefol. Fruit-trade: flukated. Fruit-tree: flukabim. Frustrate, to : vanon. Frustration : vanam. Fry fitakuv. Frying-pan : loetapef. Fuel: filaboad; filot. Fugitive: fugik. Fulfil, to: befulOn; dafulon. (no) Fiilahat. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Put. Fulahat : felt hat. Ftilajuk : felt shoe. Filial : miserliness. Fulatonbl: sonorous; full-toned. Fulik: full; replenished. FUlik : felt; downy; nappy; miser - Fiilin: felt. [ly; stingy. Fulnumik: complete. Fulnumiko : completely. Fulo : in plenty. Flilbf: miserliness; niggardliness. to fill; to make full; to re- ant; pismire. [plenish. certainty; positiveness; de- Fulbn FUM FUM Fumakum : ant-hill. [finiteness. Fumail: indefatigable industry. Fumanbg : ant-egg. Fiimat: solidity (commercial). Fumatik: solid (commercially). Fumik : certain; precise; positive; definitive ; definite ; determin- Fumin : formic acid. [ate. Fumlik : ant-like. Fumbf : fixedness; firmness; solid- ness; consistency. Furnbn : to swarm; to crowd; to Furnbp : ant-hill. [swarm with. FUN : corpse; cadaver; dead body. FUN : fund; endowment. Funafeil : cemetery. Fiinam : endowment; endowing. Funamapenad : letter of endow- ment, [institution. Fu'nat : foundation; establishment; Funavab : hearse. Funel : slayer. [tor. Fiinel: founder; endower; institu- Funik: cadaverous; deadly pale; corpse-like; cadaveric. Funlik : deadly; fatal; mortal. Fiinod : foundation (by endow- Funbn : to kill; to slay. [ment.) Fun on: to found; to endow; to in- stitute, (endowed). Fu'not: foundation; establishment; Fiisiid : physics ; natural philoso- phy (natavj. Fusudik: physical; philosophical. FUT : foot; part of the body; paw; hoof. Fulfilling. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Fustic. Fulfilling : befulam. Full: fulik; lefulnik. Fuller's earth: taim. Full-moon : lemun. Fullness: ful. Fumble, to : lugolon. Fume, to : smttkon. Fumigate, to : smokon; svefinon. Fumigated : pesmokol. Fumigation : smOkam. Function : cal. Functionary: calel; dtinan. Fund: fun. Fundamental: plisipik; stabik. Fundamentally: stabo. Funds : katad. Funeral : sepiib. Fungus : luspog. Funny: bonk. Fur: plad. Furious: vutafilik; vutik. Furiously: vutiko. Furlough : dismUt. Furlough, to grant : dismtlton. Furnace : fon. [bon. Furnish, to : blimon; bllinOn; mo- Furnished : pebltinol; pemobol. Furnisher : blimel. Furnishing : blimam. Furniture: domom; mob. Furriery: pladem. Furrow: feilad; feilot; plief. Furrow, to : feiladOn; feiloton. Furrowing : pliefam. Further : fovoik. Further : fovo. Further, to : fodfln. Furtherance : fod(am). Furthermore: (adv.) zu; du atos. Furuncle : bluluvun. Fury: tomal; vut; snekavom. Fuse: macad. Fuse, to: smeton; ntismetOn. Fusion : smet(am). (in) Put. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. FutU. PUT: foot; twelve inches. Futadisop : sole ; foot-sole. Futafleg : heel; ankle. Futaklot : foot-gear ; covering for the feet. Futaklotam : clothing the feet ; covering the feet. Futastulil: foot-stool. Futan : infantryman; foot-man; pe- Futanb'n : to go on foot, [destrian. Futastulil : foot-stool. Futiban : foot-bath. Futo : afoot; on foot. Futon : to foot; to tread. Futbp: floor. Futii : at the foot of. Futile. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Futurity. Futile, to make : vanon. Futility: nonof. Future: fiid; ftidiip. Future : fttdik; fiidtipik. Future : fiid(o). Futurity : ftidatim. (na) Ga! G. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Galik. Ga ! By all means! Indeed ! GAB : count; earl. Gab an : earldom; county; shire. Gabik : belonging to a count, earl, or countess. Gabbp : earldom (estates). GAD : garden. [duce. Gadaglof: vegetables; garden pro- Gadal: florist; horticulturist. Gadav : horticulture. Gadel : gardener. Gaden : gardening. Gadb'm : garden utensils; garden- Gadbn: to garden. [ing tools. Gaenbn : to cry (Ah !) aloud. Gaf(am) : management; cultivation (real estate). Gafb'n: to manage; to cultivate. GAG: ugliness; ill-favoredness. Gagal: vulgarity. [disgusting. Gagik : nasty ; ugly ; ill-favored ; Gagin : jet. [disgusting. Gagbn : to be nasty, filthy, dirty, GAL: watch; night-watch. GAL: joy; gladness; mirth; mer- riment, [house. Galadom: guard -house ; watch- Galafil : beacon; watch-fire. Galafotil : small pleasure grove ; shrubbery. Galal : commander of the guard. Galam: enjoyment; rejoicing. GALAN : gallantry. Galanacan : trinkets; fancy-goods. Galanik : gallant; polite. Galapa'rad : guard-mounting. Ga'lavokam : jubilation. Galaxiit : galaxy; milky way. Galan : guard; watchman; keeper. Galef : guard (military). Galefan : guardsman. Galem : guards. Galeman : guard; body-guard. Galemik : on guard. Galif : gallery. Galik: watchful; alert; vigilant. G. Gable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Gaper. Gable : nufun. Gadfly: spiflitab. Gaily : yofo. Gain : lepOfud ; vob. Gain, to: lepOftidon; vobOn. Gainer: lepofudel. Gait: gol. Gala : magtif. Galaxy : galaxiit. Gall: bilod. Gallant : bafolik; galanik. Gallant, to be : baftm. Gallantness : bafug. Gallantry : blavof ; galan . Gallantry, to display: blavofon. Gallery: gal if; susogltig. Gallic acid : galuztid. Gallicism : flentim. Gallinule : vatajigok. Gall-nut : galuk. Gallop : vifagon. Galop : vifadaniid. Galvanic : galvanik. Galvanism : galvan. Galvanize, to : galvan5n. Game: foet; foetul; pled; spot. Game, to finish : xopled5n. Game, to lose : fepledon. Gamester: pledel. Gamin : lustitapul; lupul. Gaming : pleden. Gander: omgan. Gang-plank : ponil. Gap : gap ; voad. Gape, to : lulogOn. Gaper : lulogel. Galik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Gasinik. Galik: glad; joyful; joyous. Galio : major (music). Galiobid: major tone (music). Galioton : major key. Galio tonik: major (music). Galiotono : in major key. Galit : nightingale. Galo : with pleasure; gladly ; joy- fully, [amusement. Ga'lod : pleasure ; enjoyment ; Galodab : pleasure seeker. Galodam: pleasure seeking ; amuse- ment; diversion. [sion. GaloJamavegam : pleasure excur- Galodasiikik : fond of pleasure or amusement. Galodik : pleasurable; pleasant. Ga'lodb'n : to amuse; to give plea- sure; to divert. Galb'f : watchfulness; vigilance. Galbf : joyfulness. Galokbn: to be glad; to rejoice; to Galon: to watch. [be delighted. Galon : to cheer ; to gladden ; to exhilarate; to delight. Ga'lsik: delightful; pleasing. Galsiko : delightfully. Galuk: gall-nut. Galuziid : gallic acid. Galvan(im) : galvanism. Galvanik: galvanic. Galvanbn : to galvanize. GAM: bridegroom; betrothed. Gamapal : bridal couple. GAN : goose. Ga'n : bankruptcy proceedings. Gana'f : daisy. Ganapen : goose-feather ; goose- Ganapim: goose-grease. [quill. Ganan : cackler; chatterer. Gap on : to cackle; to chatter. GAP: gap; chasm. Garan(if) : guarantee; guaranty. Garanbn : to guarantee ; to war- rant, [zette. Gased : newspaper ; journal ; ga- Gasedel: journalist ; newspaper writer; gazetteer. Gasedem : journalistic matters. Gaseden : journalism. Gasedik : journalistic. Gasin : gas. GasinafablUd: gas manufactory. Gasinik: gaseous. Gaping. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Gem. Gaping : lulog. Garb, festive : magiifaklot. Garden: gad; gliinedagad. Garden, botanic : planavagad. Garden, to: gadOn. Garden-plot : gad. Garden-produce : gadaglof. Gardener: gadel. Gardening : gaden ; tedagaden. Garden-utensils : gadOm. Gargle, to : gugOn. Garland: festun; flolag(ot). Garment: klot; klotad. Garnet: glanoin. Garret: nufalucem; nufasmacem. Garrison : fimodef; solatOp. Garrulity : luptik. Gas : gasin. Gaseous : gasinik. Gastric : stomagik. Gate : leyan ; yan. Gate-keeper: yariel. Gather: plif. Gather, to :. koblinOn ; konleton ; plifon; plokOn; tekon; niiklo- pOn ; sukonletOn. Gather, to fruit: pomon. Gather in, to : ninkonleton. Gather up, to: susikonletOn. Gathered : plifik. Gathering: plok; tekam; yumam. Gauze : gazin. Gavotte : gavod. Gay : yofik. Gayety : yofof. Gaze, to : lulogOn. Gaze upon, to : lenlogOn. Gazette: gased; timapenad. Gazetteer: gasedel. Gazing : lulog. Gelatine : lebigovaet. Geld, to : fekOtOn. Gelding : Omjeval. Gem : nobaston. ("4) Gatin. VOLAPUK-ENGUSH. Geilug. Gatin : agate. Gatinik: agate; oi agate. GAV : engraving (the art). Gavel : engraver. Gavod : gavotte; a dance. Gavbn : to engrave. Gavot : engraving; engraved plate. Gazin : gauze. GE : back; backward. GEB : use; employment. Gebam : application ; expenditure. Gebamik : applicable. Gebambn : to apply. Gebel : user. Gebik : useful. Geblibbn :to remain; to remain be- hind, [dinary. Geblik : usual ; customary ; or- Gebbf: usefulness; utility. Gebb'n : to apply ; to employ ; to use. GED : grayness. Gedik : gray. [gray. Gedbn : to become gray ; to turn Gedudukbn : to reconduct. GEF: vessel; a receptacle. Gefal : relapse; reversion. Gefalbn : to relapse; to revert. Geflagbn : to exact restitution. Geflan : back; posterior aspect. Geget : recovery ; regaining. Gegetazbt : return receipt. Gegetbn: to recover; to regain. Gegiv(am) : return; giving back; restitution. Gegivbn : to restore; to return. Gegol : return; going back. Gegolbn : to return ; to go back. Gei: backwards. Geicugik : chubby. GEID : leading ; direction ; guid- Geidel : leader; guide. [ance. Geidbn : to lead; to guide. GEIL : height; loftiness; altitude. Geilal : magnanimity; highminded- ness. fvation. Geilam : exhaltation ; raising ; ele- Geilel : one who raises; lifts; exalts. Geilik : high ; lofty ; exhalted ; ele- vated, [highest. Geilikiino : at most ; at best ; at Geilbn : to pile up; to elevate; to exalt; to raise. Geilu: at the height of. Geilug : highness. Gemsbok. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Gerund. Gemsbok: omcam. Gender: gen. Genealogy: fatasked. General : genal. General: valodik; valikodik; vale- General order : militabtid. [mik. Generalization : valod. Generalize, to : valodOn. [iko. Generally: genMlo; valemiko; val- Generate, to: bevobadon; faton. Generation : fatam; pal(am); ved. Generator : fatamel. Generic : genik. Generically : geniko. Generosity : givof; glelad. Generous: givik; givofik. Genial : yofik. Geniality : yofof. Genitals: genaps; koapafonils Genitive : kimafal. Genius: genial; letalen. Genius, odd : patab. Gentian : ziep. Gentility: nob. [fik. Gentle: baonik; molik; nobik; so- Gentleman: baonan; nobel; sol. Gentleness: liamal; mol; sof. Genuine: legik; lelegik. Genuineness: leg; leleg; teug. Genus : bid. Geographer: taledel. Geographic : taledik. Geography: taled. Geological : talavik. Geologist : talavel. Geology : talav. Geometer: geometel. Geometric : geometik. Geometrician: geometel; mafavel. Geometry : geomet; mafav. Germ, disease : lupakin. Germ, vegetable : vulul. Germinate, to : gelminon ; sugel- Gerund : mutabid. (minon. ("5) Gekipam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Getbn. Gekipam : retention ; keeping back. Gekipiel: breeching. Gkipbn : to keep back ; to hold Gekbm: return; coming again, [in. Gekb'mbn : to return ; to come again; to come back. GEL: organ (musical). Gelamek : organ manufacturing. Gelamekel : organ manufacturer. Gelan : organist. Gelaton : organ tone; sound of an Gelel : organ'maker. [organ. Gelem: repurchase; redemption. Gelembn : to repurchase ; to re- deem; to buy again, [behind. Gelet : legacy ; b .-quest ; leaving Geletbn : to bequeath ; to leave behind. Gelmin : scion ; off-shoot ; sprout. Gelminab: descendant, [germinate. Gelminbn : to sprout; to shoot; to Gelogbn : to look about one ; to look back. Gelbn : to play on the organ. Geltidilot: share; inheritance; pat- Geluleson : Prince-royal, [rimony. Geliigued : hereditary estate Geliit: heritage; inheritance. Gelutadil : legacy ; patrimony ; Gelutal : testator. [heritage. Gelutan : heir. Geliitbn : to inherit (property). Gelutot : heritage; inheritance. GEM(S) : brothers and sisters. Gemik : fraternal ; brotherly and GEN: sex; gender. [sisterly. Genal : general (military). *Genalo : universally; generally; throughout, (laidbfo.) Genaps: genitals; genital organs. Genial : genius. Genialik : ingenious; highly gifted. Genik: generic; sexual. Geniko: generically ; sexually. Geo : backward (of place). Geomet : geometry. Geometel : geometrician; geome- ter; land surveyor. Geometik: geometric. Gepelam : reimbursement. Gepu'k: answer; reply; response. Gepukbn : to answer; to reply; to Gepukii : in reply to. [respond. German: ancient German. Gesag(ot) : reply; answer (oral). Gesagel: replicant; replier. Gesagbn: to reply; to answer. Gesakbn: to reclaim; to ask again. Gesed: return; sending back. Gesedbn : to return; to send back. Gestalbn : to reflect light. Gestep : retrogression. Gesumb'n : to retake; to take again. Get: reception; receiving; getting. Getapenad : receipt ; written re- ceipt; voucher. Getavbn : to return (journey) ; to come back. Getazbt: receipt; quittance. Gitefamik : reflexive (grammar). Getel : receiver; recipient. Getbn :to get; to receive; to obtain. Gesticulation. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ginger-bread. Gesticulation : namamufam. Gesture : namamuf; vineg. Get, to : geton. Get away, to : mokdmon. Get from, to : sivOn. Get on well, to : gikomun. Get ready, to : liimokon. Get up, to : sustanOn; susikomon. Getting : get. Gherkin : kug; vinigakiig. Ghost : lutikal. Ghostly: lutikalik; tikalnik. Giant : gian. Giant : gianik. Giant powder : lepur. Giddy: leitalik. Gift: giv; legiv; legivot: talen. Gifted : talenik. Gigantic: gianik; legletik. Gild, to: golinon; goludon. Gilder : golinan ; goltidel. Gilding: goludot. Gill: blaiit. Gilt-edge: golukotam. Gilt-paper: gollipop. Gimlet: gim. Gin : yunepavin. Ginger-bread : mielakek. (116) Getonodbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Glad. Getonodon : to reverberate; to re- echo. GEV : grant; concession. Gevam : granting; affording. Geveg: way back; return road. Gevel : grantor. Gevok : recall. [to call again. Gevokbn : to recall; to callback; Gevbn : to grant; to concede. Gezugal : retired disposition; seclu- Gian : giant. [sion. Gianakbdap : Colossus ; colossal statue. Gianik : gigantic; colossal; giant. GIB : leech (animal). GID: equity; right; reasonable- Gida'l : reasonableness. [ness. Gidik : equitable ; due ; proper ; rightful; right; reasonable. Gidiko : equitably ; duly ; becom- ingly; properly ; rightly ; rea- sonably, [with reason. Gido : with equity ; rightfully ; GIF: pouring; casting; founding. Gifalel : cast iron. Gifalelik : cast-iron. Gifel : founder; caster. Gifen : foundry business; moulding. Gifiel : watering-pot. Gifbn : to cast; to pour. Gif op : foundry. GIG: gout. Gigik : gouty. GIL : eagle. Gikbmbn : to get on well; to thrive Gilalog : eagle-eye. [aright. Gilasmabed : eagle's-nest. Gilor : condor. GIM : gimlet; drill; auger. Gimekbn : to set to rights ; to put order; to arrange. Gimel : borer ; driller ; one who bores, who drills a hole Gimbn : to bore; to drill. Gimpit : bull-finch. [stan. GIN : reel; winch; windlass; cap- Ginbn : to reel; to raise or hoist with a windlass. GIT: right; law; title (to). Gitafeit: law-suit. Gital : rectitude; uprightness. Gitalik : lawful; fair; just; proper. Gitapiikat : pleading; plea; speech. Gitapiikbn : to plead. [law. Gitav: jurisprudence ; science of Gitik: lawful; right; correct; equit- able; just. Gitimbn : to prove; to turn out. Gitiplagel : legal practitioner. Gitlik : judicial ; legal ; lawful ; legitimate. Gitlbf : legitimacy; lawfulness. Gito : lawfully; correctly. Gitoklbd : orthodoxy. Gitoklbdik: orthodox. Gitomaf: lawfulness. Gitomafik: rightful; lawful. Gitbn : to authorize ; empower ; to decide in favor of. GIV: gift. Givel : giver. [erous. Givik : liberal ; free-hearted ; gen- Givb : out with it ! Givbf: liberality; generosity. Givbfal: liberal-mindedness ; liberal - heartedness. Givbfik : liberal; generous. Givbn : to give. Given vobi : to employ. [time. Givot: dose; quantity given at one Glab : pearled barley. GLAD: ice. Gird. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Glad. Gird, to : zOnon. Girding : zOnam. Girdle : zOn ; zOniil Girdle, to: zonOn. Girl : jipul. Girlish : jipulik. Girt: zon; gOtOpazon. Give, to : givOn; legivOn. i Give away, to : molegivOn. j Give up, to : loveletOn. gOtOpazOn ; Give rent to, to : seletOn. [zonot. Give way, to : seyilon. Giver: givel; leyivel. Glacial : gladabelik. Glacier : gladabel. Glad: galik. Gladabel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Gleipbp. Gladabel: iceberg; glacier. Gladabelik: glacial. Gladaber : polar bear. Gladabbd: halcyon; king-fisher. Gladajuk: skate. Gladajukan: skater. Gladajukbn: to skate. Gladamel: polar sea; polar ocean; Gladaseb : ice-house, [frozen ocean . Gladik: icy. Gladon : to cut ice. Gladbp : ice-house. GLAF: sword; sabre. GLAK: crack; split; crevice, [gy. Glakik: cracked; chapped; scrag - Glakbf: chappedness; scragginess. Glakbn : to crack. GLAM : gramme, about 15 -grains. GLAMAT: grammar. Glamatel : grammarian. Glamatik : grammatical. GLAN : gland. Glanik : glandular. Gla'nin : grenade (milit.) Glanoin : garnet (stone). Glasal : glauber's salt. GLAT: gratuity. GLAT : glass. Glatacan : glass goods. Glatakbp : glass mug. Glatamagab : glass bead. Glatan : glazier. Glatapan(en): glass-painting; en- caustic painting; glass-staining. Glataplat: glass plate; plate-glass. Glatariit: glass tube; glass tubing. Glatasmeten : glass smelting; glass founding. Gla'tasmetbp>: glass foundry. Glatastef: glass metal; irit. Glatat : free gift; gratuity. Glatatrofs: Prince Rupert's drops. Glatel : glass blower. Glatem: glass dishes; glass-ware. Gla'ten: glazing. Glatet: glazing (pottery). Glatetastef: glaze. Glatik : gratuitous; gratis. Glatik: glassy; glass; vitreous. Glat kamik : plate-glass. Glatlik : glassy; hyaline. Glato : gratuitously. GLAV : gravel; calculi. Gla'v : grits; groats. Glebizug : principal advantage. Glebbb : Banking-house ; Bank ; Clearing-house. Gledilo : in great part; principally. Gledin : main thing ; principal thing. Gledinad : principal relation. Gledinik : principal; chief; prime. Gledbf : principal defect; principal fault. Gledom : mansion; palace; capitol. Gledunanat: general agency; prin- cipal agency. Glefad : rope"; line; cable. Glefat : patriarch. Glefid : banquet. [friend. Gleflen : bosom friend ; intimate Glegalef: body-guard. GLEIN : grinding. Gleinel : grinder; whetter; polisher. Gleinen : grinding; polishing. Gleinbn : to grind; to polish. Gleinbp : grinding shop; polishing GLEIP: gripe; grasp. [shop. Gleipbn : to gripe; to grasp. Gleipbp: handle; hilt; grip. Glad. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Glass-metal. Glad, to be : galokon. Gladden, to : galon. Gladdened: pegalol. Gladly: viliko; galo; levilo. Gladness : gal. Glance: loged; lovelog. Glance, to : logedon. Glance, to through : dulogon. Gland : glan. Glandular: glanik. Glass : glat; vataglat. Glass: glatik. Glass, beer : bilaglat. Glass bead : glatamagab Glass-blower: glatel. Glass-dishes : glatem. Glass-foundry: glatasmetop. Glass-metal : glatastef. (118) Gleipbpik. VOLAPUK-EXGLISH. Glikan. Gleipbpik : pedicellate ; peduncu- late. Glekik : pass key ; general-key ; master-key. Glekop : chalice; communion-cup. Glelad: generosity; magnanimity; munificence. Gleladik : magnanimous. [Her. Glelitakip : candelabrum; chande- Glelon : fundamental law ; princi- pal law, Glelbnug : principal property. GLEM : grain (cereals). Glemal : prognostic; token; sign. Glemameil : ground grain. GLEN: grain; kernel. Glena'f : corn flower; blue bottle. Glenajal: bran. Glenam : principal force. Glenated : grain trade. Glenavead : chaff. Glenik : granular. Glenom : principal rule; main rule. Glenb'n : to granulate. Glenb'p: granary; loft. Glenbpbn: to store in a granary. Gleotik: leading idea; principal thought. Gleplisip : fundamental principle. Glepbp : pasteboard. Gleplin : principal point. Glesatin : damask silk. Glestab : fundamental cause; fun- damental principle. Glestan: standard; banner. Glesteniid : principal strength. Glestim : reverence; veneration. Glestimam: reverence; veneration (of saints). Glestimik : reverential; venerating. Glestimon : to venerate; to revere (saints). [highway. Glesiit : principal street ; main road; GLET: greatness; magnitude; size. Gletabid : grandeur; majesty. Gletabidik : grand ; majestic. Gletal : grandee; great man. Gletal : magnanimity. Gletav : mathematics. Gletavel : mathematician. Gletavik : mathematical. Gletidel: head master; principal. Gletik : great; large. *Gle-tik: leading idea; principal thought (gleotik). Gletikoso: in quantity; by whole- Gletikiino : at greatest. [sale. Gleto : greatly; largely. Gletobidik : grand; noble. Gletobidb ! Grand ! Magnificent ! Gletbn : to magnify ; to enlarge ; to increase. [microscope. Gletbnaglat : magnifying glass ; Gleviolin : bass-viol. Gleyubiip : diamond jubilee ; dia- mond wedding. Glezif : metropolis; principal city; capital; large city, [lewdness. GLIB: debauchery ; libertinism , Gliban : rake ; scape-grace ; liber- tine; debauchee. Glibik : dissolute; lewd. GLID: greeting; salute. Glidam : salutation ; greeting. Glidbn:to greet; to salute. GLIF : grief ; sorrow ; misery ; anxiety; trouble. Glifik : miserable; sorrowful. Glifbn : to grieve for ; to grieve Glikan : (a) Greek. [about. Glass-mug. EXGLISH-YOLAPUK. Glimmer. Glass-mug : glatakOp. Glass-plate : glataplat. Glassy: glatik; glatlik. Glass-tube : glatarUt. Glass-ware: glatacan; glatem. Glauber's salt: glasal. Glaze: glatetastef. Glazier: glatan. Glazing : glaten ; glatet. Glean, to : spigon. Gleaner: spigel. Gleaning : spigam. Glee: yof. Glide, to : slifon. Gliding : slif. Glimmer: lunid; smanid. ("9) Glikik. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Glulonadokiim. Glikik: Grecian; Greek. GLIV : graver; style; pencil; slate- pencil, [roughness. GLOB : coarseness ; grossness ; GLOB: ball; bullet (projectile). Global : churlishness. Globanik : unmannerly ; loutish ; clumsy; awkward. Globan : churl; clown; lout. Globik : coarse; gross; rough. GLOD : varnish. Glodal : hypocrisy; dissimulation. Glodon : to varnish. [vegetable. GLOF : vegetable growth ; plant ; Glofam: growth; growing ; increase. Glof on : to grow. Glofot : growth, a thing grown. Glofub : growth ; increase by GLOK : clock; watch. [growth. GLOK: bell. Glb'kagifel : bell founder. Glbkagifen: bell founding; manu- facture of bells. [glass. Glokaglat : watch-crystal ; watch- Glokajoniel : hands of a clock or watch. Glokakik : watch-key; clock-key. Glokal : bell-founder ; proprietor of a bell-foundry. Glb'kam : ringing of bells ; pealing of bells. Glokapeif : watch or clock spring. Glokapok : watch-pocket. Glokavead : watch-case. Glokel : clock-maker ; watch-mak- Glokan : bell-ringer; sexton, [er. Glokem : watch-works ; clock- works. Gloken: clock-making; watch-mak- Glbkil: hand-bell; call-bell, [ing. Glb'kbn: to ring; to peal. Glokbp : clock manufactory; watch manufactory. [magnificence. GLOL : glory; splendor; grandeur; Glolam : glorification. [cent. Glolik : glorious; grand; magniti- Glolb ! Glorious ! Magnificent ! Glolbn : to glorify. GLON : rye. GLOP: globe; sphere; ball. [en). Glbpaboad : roller; cylinder (wood- Glb(pa)boadbn : to turn (wood- lath-work. Glbpagon : (aj round (a course). Glbpam: rounding; making spher- Glbpik : spherical; round. [ical. Glbpnik : globose; globular; sphcr- Glbpbn : to round; to roll, [oidal. GLOT: envy; jealousy. Glbtel : envious person. Glb'tik: envious. Glbto : enviously. Glotbn : to envy. Glubucalel : register of deeds. Glubuk : land-register ; register of GLUD : glue. [real estate. Gludaskit : leather parings (for Gludbn : to glue. [size). GLtJG : church. Gliigacaf: aspersorium; receptacle for holy water. [astic. Gliigel : priest ; minister ; ecclesi- Glu'gik: ecclesiastical; canonical. Glu'gbf: canonicalness. Glugolbn : to cringe; to crawl; to Glu'gbm : church furniture, [creep. Glukbl : ground; foundation color. Glukolum : pedestal ; foundation pillar. [constitution. Glulonadoktim : Magna Charta ; Glimmer. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Glove. Glimmer, to : lunidon. Glisten, to: ) ., Glitter, to: \ md0n ' Globe : glop. Globe, celestial : valaglop. Globe, terrestrial : talaglop. Globose : | , ., Globular :[g lo P nik ' Gloom : glilm. Gloomy: glumalik; gltimik. Gloomy, to make : glumOn. Glorification: glolam; plied. Glorify, to: famon; glolOn. Glorious : glolik. Glorious ! Glolo ! Glory: fam; glol; lobum; lobtin. Gloss : smufet. Glove : namateg. (120) Glum. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Godavel. GLUM: turbidity; opacity ; cloud - .iness. [ness. GLUM: gloom; darkness; dismal- Glumal: sadness ; pensiveness ; melancholy; dejection. Glumalik : sad; gloomy; wretched; melancholy ; dejected ; taciturn ; pensive. Glumik : dull; cloudy; sombre. Glumik : dismal; sad; gloomy. Glumbn : to darken ; to make gloomy; to sadden. Glumud : snout; proboscis; trunk. GLUN : ground; soil; bottom. GLUN: greenness; viridity. Glunaspad : piece of ground; plot of ground. [herbs. Gliined : greens ; vegetables; pot- Glunedagad : vegetable garden ; kitchen garden. Gliinik : green. Glunim : vermin. Gliinlik : greenish. Glunb'n: to color green; to dye Glunbp : ground-floor. [green. G*LUP : group. Glupak : pestilence; plague. Glupb'n : to group. [grounds. Glusiadot : sediment; lees; dregs; Gliiskutiel : aspergillus ; holy-wa- ter sprinkler. Glusmb'kagef : censer. GLUT: glow; incandescence. Glutal : ardorj fervency. Glutik : glowing; incandescent. Glutbn : to glow; to be glowing; to be red-hot; to be incandes- Gllivat : holy-water. [cent. Gluvok: roaring; billowing. Glu'zin : glycerine. GNOB: button. Gnobel: button-maker. Gnobiel: buttoner; button-hook. Gnobik : button -like. Gnobbn: to button. Go: quite; even; to the very . Goablek : fracture (of leg). Goaklots : pantaloons; trousers. Goap : leg. [ment. GOB : administration ; manage- Gbb: tail; brush; queue. Gbbastel : comet. Gobav : economy; husbandry. GOD : God. Godabod: eucharist; communion; Lord's Supper ; sacramental bread; host. Godabodat : monstrance; pix. Godabodazal : feast of Corpus Godabodik : eucharistic. [Christi. Godadom : church. Godafeil: cemetery ; God's acre ; burying-ground. Godaleiil : sacrament of unction ; extreme unction. Godanonel : atheist. Godatevam : pilgrimage. Godatevatim : pilgrimage (time). Godatevel : pilgrim, [pilgrimage. Godateviig : pilgrimage ; earthly Godav : theology; divinity. Godavat : baptism. Godavatab : infant or person to be Godavatel: baptizer. [baptized. Godavatbn : to baptize. Godavel : theologian; divine. Glove-leather. KNGLISH-YOLAITK. Goat. Glove-leather : skit al namategs. Glow : glut. Glow, to : gluton. Glowing: filik; glutik. Glue: glud; kleb. Glue, to : gludOn; klebon. Glue factory : klebop. Gluey: klebik. Glutted: tusatik. Glutinous : klebik. Glutton : nesatan. i Gluttonous: nesatlik. Gluttony: nesatlof; nemafOf. Glycerine: gluzin. Gnaw, to : denfibon ; tueton ; be- Gnawer: tuetanim. [tuetOn. Gnawing: tuet. Gnome: talatikal. Go, to : golOn; mogolon. Goad, to : stigOn. Goader: stigel. Goat : golad. (121) Godavik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Gospel. Godavik: theological. Godediin : divine service; religious services. [forenoon. Gbdel : early morning; morning; Gbdelik : early morning. Gbdelo: in the early morning; in the morning. Godesiimal: Godlikeness. Godik: Godly; God-like; divine. Godikug : godliness; divinity. Godinonedim : atheism. Godinonel: atheist. Go do ! For God's sake ! Godbn : to deify. [divinity. Godug: deity; godhead; godship; GOF: gulf; bay. GOK : barn-yard fowl; domestic fowl; chicken. Gokapens : hens' feathers. GOL : going; walk; gait; pace. Gplam : going; movement; walk- GOL : morning-time; dawn, [ing. Golad: buck; male goat. Gbled : breakfast. Gbledbn : to breakfast. Golenik: fading; perishable; tran- sient; passing. [rent. Golik: passable; practicable; cur- Gblik : early. Golilbn: to trip; to step lightly. Golin : gold; Aurum, Au. (chem.) Golinan : gilder. Golinbn : to gild. Golitag: gold-litharge. Gblo: very early; at break of day; Gblog : oak. [at dawn. Gologafluk: acorn. Gblogik: oaken. Golbn : to go; to walk. Golbp : passage way. Goliid: gold. Goludal : goldsmith; jeweller. Goludan : worker in gold ; gold- smith. Goliidaskbm: gold-foil; tinsel. Goliidat: plate; gold-plate; articles which have been gilded. Goliidel: gilder. Goliiden : business of a goldsmith. Goliidik: golden; gold. Goliidnik : auriferous. Goliidbn : to gild. Goludot: (a) gilding. Goliikbtam : gilt-edge. Goliilaf: carrot. Goliipbp: gilt paper, [race; run. GON : course ; career ; current ; GON : favor; grace; good-will. Gbnef : patrons; well-wishers. Gonel: runner; racer; courser. Gbnel: favorer; patron; protector. Gbnik : favorable ; auspicious ; propitious; gracious. Gonbn : to run. Gbnbn : to favor. Gbnii : in favor of. Gbnug : favor; good-will; friendli- Gospel: gospel. [ness. Go-between. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Good. Go-between : vtlpolel. Goblet: vataglat. Goblin: talatikal. God: GOD. God-child: spOnab; sponacil. God-head: godug. God-like: godik. Godlikeness : godesumal. Godliness: godikug; relad. Godly: godik; reladik. God-parent : sponel; spOnef. God-parentship : spOnttg. Godship : godug. Going : gol(am). Gold : golin; gollid. Gold: golinik; goltidik. Golden : goludik. Gold-finch: tiflin. Gold-foil: blegoltid; goliidaskttm. Gold-leaf: blegollid. Gold-litharge : golitag. Gold-plate: goltidat. Goldsmith : goludal; goltidan. Gondola: smanaf; lunaf. Goniometer : gulamafiel. Good: gudik; legudik; baftm'k. Good: (adv.) beno. Good, the : gudikos. Good, to make : gudOn; gudikOn; Good, for the of: esii. [gtivftn. (122) Goepelel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Gbvem(o). Gospelel: evangelist. Gospelik : evangelical. Gospelnik : evangelical (protestant GOT: goth. [church). GOT: intestine; gut. Gotagig: ileus; intestinal gout. Gotastin : catgut; gut strings. Gotem : intestines; entrails; bowels. Gotik : gothic. Gotop: abdomen; belly. Gotopadlop : abdominal ; dropsy ; ascites. Gotopadol : enteralgia ; tormina ; Gotopazon : girdle; girth, [colic. Gbtbpik : abdominal. Gbtbpo : belly foremost. Goulbn : to saunter ; to loiter ; to lounge about. GOV: government; administration. Goval : governor. [dence. Govam: management; superinten- Govan : steward; manager. Govel : administrator; manager. Gbvern(o) : extremely ; exceedingly. Good. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Granite-ware. Good, very: gudikdn. Good Friday: leflidel; lUgaflidel. Good-humor: yofal. Good-nature : gudal. Good-natured : gudalik. Goodness : gud; gudof. Goodness, in : gudo. Good repute : voak. Goods : can. Goods, woven : vivot. Good-will : ben; gon; vilof; gOnug. Goose: gan; smufiel. Gooseberry: stigabal. Goose-grease : ganapim. Goose-quill: ganapen. Gorge : gur. Gorgeous: magifbtik. Goshawk: pejifaon. Gosling : smagan. Gospel : gospel. Gossip ; lepttk; leptikel; vodel. Gossip, to: leptikon. Goth: got. Gothic : gotik. Gourmand: gukayofab. Gourmandizing : gukayof. Gout : gig. Gouty : gigik. Govern, to: govOn; solOn. Government : gov. Governmental: solefik. Governor: goval; zilakacif. Gown : gun ; talar. Grace : venud; ben ; gon ; leben ; Grace, to: benon. [lontip. Graceful : lekeinik. Gracefulness: venud. Gracious: benalik; benik; gOnik; keinik; lebenik; lekeinik. Graciousness : benal; kein. Gradation : deslepam ; Ittenam ; plultienod. Grade: liien; slep. [non; slepOn. Grade, to: deslepon; Ittenon; pie- Graded: Itienik; slepik. [stepik. Gradual: liienik; pianik ; slepnik; Gradually: liieno; pianiko ; slepo. Graduate, to: lilenon; slepon. Graduated : liienik. Graduation : luenam. Grafting-wax : bimavak. Grain : glem ; glen ; sid. Grain -trade : glenated. Grammar: glamat. Grammatical: glamatik; ptikik. Grammatically: piiko. Gramme : glam. Granary: glenop; flukop. Grand: gletobidik; glolik; tatlik. Grand ! Gletobido ! Jo ! Grand-dam: jibupal. Grand-ducal: ledukik. Grand -duke : leduk. Grandee : gletal. Grandeur: gletabid; glol; magif. Grand-father: fatel; lefatel; lemo- tel; lufatal; motel. Grand-guard: militagalef. Grand-master: lemasel; masal. Grand-mother : jifatel ; jimotel ; Grand-son : sonlil. [jibupal. Granite : dtlfaston. Granite : dafastonik. Granite-ware : dtifastonacan. Go von. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Grikon. Go von : to govern; to administrate; Graf: catch; clasp. [to manage. GRIK: cricket. Grikon : to chirp. Grant. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Gross-weight. Grant: gev. Grant, to: bevilOn; dalilOn; gevOn. Granting: dalilam; gevam. Grantor : gevel. Granulate, to : glenOn. Granular : glenik. Grape: luf; vinabal. Grape-harvest :lufam; lufiskonlet. Grape-juice: liebavaet; nuvin. Grape-vine : lieb; lufalieb; liebimil. Graphic: maglik; penadamalik. Grasp: gleip. Grasp, to : dasumOn. Grass : yeb. Grass, to cut: yebfln. Grassy: yebik. Grate : tlel. Grate, to: dekraton; tlelOn. Grateful: danik. Grateful, to be : danOfon. Gratefully: daniko. Gratify, to : plidOn. Grating : tlel. Gratis: glatik. Gratitude: danOf. Gratuity : glat ; glatat ; legivot ; Gratuitous : glatik. [dlinamon. Gratuitously: glatiko; glato. Grave: sep; sepOp. Grave: fefik. Gravedo: snOfip. Gravel: glav; stonip. Graver : gliv. Gravitate, to : vetOn. Gravity: vet; fef. Gravity, center of: vetaptin. Gravity, specific : spevat. Gravy : vait. Gravy-ladle : lespun. Gray: gedik; zenakolik. Gray, to become: gedOn. Grayish : lugedik. Grayness : ged. Graze, to: yebOn; balatOn. Graze off, to: deyebon. Grease : smiv. Grease, to: smivftn. Greaser: smivel. Greasiness : pinOf . Greasing : smiven. Greasy: pinOfik; smivik. Great : gletik. Greater: (adv.) um(o). Greatest: (adv.) (in(o). Greatest, at : gletiktino. Great-grandson : lesonlil. Greatly : gleto. Greatness: glet. Grecian : glikik. Greediness : labasfik ; nesatlof : labistlk. Greedy: nesatlik; labistikik. Greek: glikan; glikik. Green: gliinik; no madik. Green, to color: glunOn. Greenisn: gltinlik; lugltinik. Greenness: glun.. Greens : gltined. Greet, to : beglidOn; glidOn. Greeting: beglidam; glid(am). Gregarious: jepik; kopanik. Grenade : glanin. Grief: glif; leglif; Ittg. Grieve, to: glifOn; leglifOn; IttgOn. Grind, to: gleinOn; mUlOn. Grinder: gleinel. Grinding: glein; gleinen. Grip : gleipOp; namot. Gripe: gleip. Gripe, to : gleipOn. Grits: glav; leglav. Groan : hag. Groan, to : hagOn. Groaning : hag. Sroats : glav; leglav. Groceries : spir; fidacans. Grocery : spir. Groom: jevadtlnel. Groove : plief. Grooving; pliefam. Grope, to: lugolOn. Gross: globik. Grossness : glob. Gross-weight : bltit. (124) Grinbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Guk. Grinbn : to grin. GUB : rudder; helm. Guban : steersman; helmsman. Gubbn: to row; to steer. GUD : goodness. Gudal : good-nature. Gudalik: good-natured. Gudarn : making good; compensa- tion; reimbursement; amends. Gudavilbf : readiness ; complais- Gudik: good. [ance. Gudiko : well. [make good. Gudikbn : to repair ; .to mend ; to Gudikos : good thing; the good. Gudikum : better. Gudikumam: bettering; improve- Gudikumo : better. [ment. Gudikumbn : to better; to improve. Gudikiin : best; very good ; excel- lent, [manner; very well. Gudikiino : at best ; in the best Gudlik : kind; benevolent; benign. Gudo : amicably ; in friendly spir- it; in kindness ; in goodness ; kindly. [tion it ! Gudb ! Good enough ! Don't men- Gudbf : goodness ; kindness ; be- nignity; benevolence. Gudbn : to make good; to make up. Gudopenbn: to credit; to place to one's credit. [gd. Gudiikbn : to compensate; to make Gudumam : improvement ; better Gudumel : improver. [i n g- Gudumbn : to improve; to make better. [the best. Gudunbn : to make best ; to do GUED: property; chattels; estate. Guedtugedik: common; common property. Guedan : tenant laborer; tenant. Guedilabel : land-holder; proprie- tor; landlord. Guedbn: to make wealthy; to en- GUF : archives. [rich. Giifakonsalel : master of the rolls ; master in chancery. Giifel : keeper of the archives ; recorder. GUfem : collection of archives. Giifik : pertaining to the archives. Gu'fbp : depository of archives. GUG: throat; gullet. Gugap : larynx. Gugapip : laryngitis. Gugbn : to gargle. Guin : guano. GUK: palate. Ground. ENGLISH- VOLAPUK. Guide. Ground : glun ; glunaspad ; kod ; Ground-floor: talastok. [stab. Groundlessness : nekod. Ground-nut : talanot. Grounds : glusiadot. Group : glup. Group, to: glupon; kopladon. Grouped : pekopladol. Grouping : tlupam. Grouse, red: belagok; biagok. Grove : fotil. Grow, to : glofon. Growl, to : dibatonon. Grown : eglofik. Growth: glof; glofub; glofot. Grub : meit; smacaf. Grub up, to : noison. Gruel : vatasup. Grumble, to : dibatonon; muron. Grumbling : mur. Grumbling: murik. Guano : guin. Guarantee: garan; spon. Guarantee, to : fosefon; garanOn; Guarantor: fosefel; sefel. [sponftn. Guaranty: garan; sefam. Guard: galef; galan. Guarded : pegalol. Guard-house : galadom. Guardian : ploktidel ; ttitel ; ttttef. Guardian angel : jelalanel. Guardianship : tut. Guard-mounting: galaparad. Guards : galem. Guardsman : galefan. Guess, to: ratOn. Guest: lot. Guidable : dugik. Guidance: dug(am); duk; geid. Guide : dukel; geidel. Gukayof. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Giivbn. Gukayof: gourmandizing. Gukayofa'b: gourmand. GUL : angle; corner. GtJL: surgery. Guladom : corner house. Gulalel: angle iron; corner iron. Gulalitb'p : corner window. Gulamafiel: goniometer. Gulaston : corner stone. Gu'lel: surgeon. Gulik: angular. Gulbn : to practise surgery. GUM : gum (vegetable secretion). GUM: caoutchouc; india rubber. Gumin : gutta-percha. Guminacan : gutta-percha goods. Gu'mnad: grammar-school ; high- school; gymnasium; college. GUN: coat; dress; gown. GUN: gun; fire-arm. Gunaglaf: bayonet. Gunaglob: bullet; rifle-bullet. Giinajut : gun-shot. Gunakikad: hammer (gun). Gunalb'p : collar. Giinapur : gunpowder. Gunariit: gun-barrel. Gunaston : gun -flint. Gunil : jacket; frock. GUP : gypsum; plaster of Paris; plaster. Gupadegif: plaster-cast. Giipel : plasterer. Giipen : plastering business. Gu'pbn : to plaster ; to cover with Giipbp : plaster quarry. [plaster. GUR: gorge ; ravine ; canon ; defile. Gurik: gorge-like; canon-like. Gustul: August (month) ( jblul ). GUT: taste; tasting. GUT: taste; artistic taste. Guton: to taste; to try. GUV : indemnification; restitution; reparation; separation. Guvamed : substitute; make-shift. Giivbn : to make good ; to restore ; to compensate. Guide. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Gypsy. Guide, to : dugon; dukon; geidon. Guide-book: dukiel. Guiding: dukam. Guidon : stan. Guild: klttb. Guild: klubik. Guileless : nedebalik. Guilelessness : nedebal. Guilt: sin. Guilty: sinik. Gulf: gof; melabug. Gullet : gug. Gulp : dlinad. Gum: gum; kleb; ron; tutamid. Gummy: ronik. Gun: gun. Gun-barrel: giinarut. Gun-flint: gUnaston. Gunner: kanel. Gunny: pakaliab. Gunpowder: pur; gtinapur. Gun-shot: giinajut; jut. Gun-shot wound : jutavun. Gunsmith : bligel ; lesmagtinel ; Gush out, to: safonon. [vafilelan. Gut: got; gotastin. Gutta-percha : gumin; guminacan. Gutter : seflumot. Gymnasium: gilmnad ; turop. Gymnast : turel. Gymnastic : turik. Gymnastics : tur. Gynecologist: vomavel. Gynecology: vomav. Gypsum : gttp. Gypsy: cipsan. (126) Hag(en). H. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Haot. Hag(en) : groan; groaning. Hagbn : to groan. HAK : hatchel; flax-comb. Ha'kon : to hatchel; to comb flax. Hamoniim : harmonium. HAN : Hanseatic League. Hanazif: Han se town. Hanik: Hanseatic. Hanson : to tease; to make sport. Haot : silk hat; high hat. H. Habit. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Happy- Habit: kosom; sudod. Habitable: lodik. Habitableness : lodof. Habitat: sibinamop. [mop. Habitation : lod ; sibinamop ; do- Habitual : kosomik ; plagik. Habitually: ai; kosumo. Habitually, to do : aidunon. Habituate, to : kosomon. Habitue : balelot; balelotef. Hack, to: ciidon. Hag: jidevel; snekavom. Hail: jod. Hail, to : jodon. Hair : hel. Hair, to dress : helanon. Hair-dresser: helan. Hair-line : slenoliun. Hair-work: helanobot. Hairy : helik. Halcyon : gladabod. Half: laf; teldil. Half: lafik. Half-breed : mestit. Half-moon : lafamun. Half-woolen : lafalainik. Hall: sal; yal; salabum. Hallo! Lii! Hallow, to : sanUkOn. Hallucination : bleinam. Hall-way : flub. Halt! Stopo! Halve, to : lafon. Halved : laflik. Ham: lam. Hamlet : lupag; pagil. Hammer: fog; lelafOg; giinakikad. Hammer, to : fogOn. Ham sandwich : lamabodil. Hamster : mam. Hand : nam. Hand of a clock : glokajoniel. Hand, to : namon. Hand over, to : Iflnamon. Hand, by the of: namli. Hand-bell: glokil. Hand-book : tidabuk. Handiwork : namat. Handicraft: namun. Handkerchief: nudod. Handle: namot; huk; gleipOp. Handle, to: finedon; namon. Handling : namam. Hand-mill: namamttl. Hand-organ : tulagel. Handwriting : penam. Hang, to : lagOn (intr.} ; lagon (trans.) lakon; belagOn. Hang about, to : zilagon. Hanging : lag(am). Hangings: tap; palot; bifoin. Hangman : lakel. Hang out, to : j , Hani up, to: j sela g n ' Hanseatic: hanik. Happen, to : jenon; zidOn; nUko- Happened : ejenOl. [mfln. Happily : labo. Happiness: beat; lab; lelab. Happy: labik; lelabik. (127) Hap. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Hel. HAP : harp. Hapan : harpist; harper. Hapbn : to play on the harp. Hat : hat. Hatafabliid: hat manufactory. Hataful: hat-felt. Ha'tel : hatter. Heban: Hebrew; Israelite; Jew. Hebik: Hebrew; Hebraic; Israel- itish; Jewish. Hekogaf : hektography. Hekogafab : hektograph. Hekogafel : hektographer. HEL: hair. Happy. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Head-dress. Happy, to make : belabOn ; lela- Harangue: lenptik. [bon. Harangue, to : lenpiikOn. Harbinger: notel. Harbor : labot. Harbor, to : laboton. Harborer : labotel. Harboring: labotam. [meiladik. Hard: diifik; fikulik ; ledtifik ; ne- Harden, to: dedafon; dtifOn. Hard-hearted: dtifalik. Hardheartedness : stonal; dttfal. Hardly: fikulo; tobo; no. Hardness: dtif; fikul; nemeilad. Hardship : mifat. Hardware : lelacan ; blefacan ; Hare : liev. [smalacan. Harlequin : bofel. Harmless : nedamik. [notonik. Harmonious : baladik; balifik; be- Harmonium : hamonfim. Harmonize, to: baladon; benoto- non ; benotonon. Harmonizing : benotonol. Harmony : balad; balif; benoton. Harness: plam. Harness, to : plamon. Harp : hap. Harper : hapan. Harpist : hapan ; lehapal. Harrow: tiob. Harsh: Ittdalik; nemolik. Harshly ; ItidalikO. Harshness: llidal; stut. Hart: stag. [tim; kloplip. Harvest : flukatim ; klop ; klopa- Harvest, to : klopon ; lutOn ; nU- klopon. [flukatim. Harvest- time : klopatim ; kloptip; Haste: spid; tuspid. Haste, in : spido; spidttno. Hasten, to : spidon ; vifOn . Hasten away, to : saspidon. Hastily: spido. Hastiness : foval. Hasty : spidik; tuspidik. Hasty, to be : tuspidon. Hat : hat; haot. Hat factory: hatafabltid. Hatch : nafalitam. Hatchel : hak. Hatchel, to: hakftn. Hatchet: cud. Hatching : kuvam. Hatch out, to : desekuvOn. Hatchway : nafalitam. Hate : het. Hate, to : hetOn. Hateful: hetik. Hatefulness: hetof. Hat-felt: hataftil. Hatred: het. Hatter : hatel. Haughtiness : pleid; pleital. Haughty : pleidik. Haughty, to be : pleidon. Haul : fan. Haunch : leun. Haunt, to: lutikalon. Have, to : labon. Hawk : faon. Hawk, sparrow : sper. Hawker : notan ; sevokel. Hawthorn : viespin. Hay : sigayeb. Hay- fork : sigayebafok. Hazard: polig; venud. Hazard, to : poligon ; ventidon. Hazardous : poligik; venudik. Hazel : mog. He : om. [lOpikap. Head : kap ; cif ; cifel ; kapit ; Head-ache : kapadol ; miganip. Head-dress : helat. (128) Helaposdunot. VOLAPliK-ENGLISH. Helotel. Helaposdunot : imitation hair. Helat : hair-dressing; head-dress; manner of wearing the hair ; coiffure. Helavobot : hair-work ; hair-orn- Helan : hair-dresser. [ament. Helanbn : to dress hair. Helem : braids; tresses; curls, etc. Helemakapil : little curly-head. Helembn : to braid or weave hair. Helik : hairy. Helbn : to cover with hair. Helot : wig. Helotel: wig-maker; hair-dresser. Heading. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Helpless. Heading: lovepenad. Headlong : kapo. Headman : kapel. Head-master : lopitidel. Head-piece : susiad. Head-quarters : zenodop. Head-stone : sepamal. Headway: lengon. Head-wind : tavien Heal, to : sanOn. Healing: posanol. Healing : sanam. Healing: benofik. Health : saun. Health ! SanO ! Health-officer: saunacalan. Health resort : kalamOp. Healthful: saunlik. Healthy : saunik. Heap : kum. Heap, to : kum6n. Hear, to: lilon; dalilon. Hearer : lilan; lilel. Hearing : dalilOn; lilot. Hearken, to: sulielOn. Hearse : funavab. Heart : lad; ker. Heart, change of: tikalavotam. Heart disease : ladip. Hearth : filatop. Heartiness : ladal; lelad. Hearty: ladlik; leladik, Heat : hit; vam. Heat, to : hitOn; vamftn; fOnOn. Heat, white : vieglut. Heat conductor : vamidugiel. Heated: fOnik; hitik. Heater: fonan; vamiei Heath : lufel. Heathen: pagef; pagan. Heathen : pagik. Heaihendom : pag. Heathenish : pagik. Heathenishness : pagal. Heating: fonam; hitam; vamam. Heaven : sttl; sil. Heavenly: lanelik; stllik; silik. Heavenly body : volakop. Heavy: boladik ; plumlik ; vatik; Hebdomadary : vigan. [vetik. Hebetude : dimal ; netipal ; neti- Hebraic : hebik. [palol. Hebrew: heban; yudan. Hebrew: hebik; yudik. Hectare : tular. Hectogramme : tuglam. Hectoliter : tuliat. Hectometer : tumet. Hedge: bud; put; zilbudot. Hedge-hog: stigasvin. Hedge-row : put. Hedge-sparrow : yebit. Hedging : ziibudam. Heel: taon; desiad; futafleg. Heifer-calf: smakun. Height : geil. Heinous : hetlik. Heir: gelutan. Heiress: jigeliitan. Hektograph: hekogafab. Hektography : hekogaf ; mttdape- Hell : hOl. [nad. Hellish : holik. Hello ! Lil5 ! Helm : gub. Helmet: lehat. Helmsman : guban. Help : yuf. Help, to: fodOn; yufOn. Help ! Yu ! YufO ! Help, with the of: yufli. Helper: fodel; yufel. Helpful: yufik. Helpless : nenyufik. (129) Helup. VOLAPtiK-ENGLISH. Hitatimik. Helup: pubescence; puberty. HEX: hate; hatred; odium. Hetik : hateful; odious. Hetiko: hatefully. Hetlik: detestable; heinous; ugly. Hetof : hatefulness. Hetbn : to hate; to detest. HIT : heat. Hital: hotheadedness. Hitam : heating. Hitan : (the) tropics. Hitatim : summer. Hitatimasten : freckles; heat-spots. Hitatimik : summer. Helplessness. ENGLISH-VOLAPtiK. Hiss. Helplessness : nenyufof. Help-mate: jiyufan. Help out, to : seyufon. Hem : sim. Hem, to: simon. Hemoptysis : blusput. Hemorrhage : bludip ; lebludip ; veibabluden. Hemorrhoid : lubludaflum. Hemp: Jan. Hempen: janik. Hemp-tow: lujan. Hen : jigok. Hence? Ibo? Hence : also; kludo; luki; sikod(o). Henceforth : desnu; fovo; sis adat. Hen-hawk: pejifaon. Heptagon : velagul. Her : ofik. Herald : notel; nunel. Heraldic: skotavik. Herb : keb; planil. Herd : jep. Herd, to : jepon. Herder : jepan. Herds, by : jepik. Here: isik. Here : (adv.) is; isit; iso. Hereabouts: ztts. Hereafter : fovo. Hereditary : noledik. Hereditary sin : noledasin. Herein: (adv.)m&\ isini. Hereto: (adv.) ali. Hereupon : tan(o). Herewith : atoso; ko at. Heritage : geliit; noled. Heritage: geltltadil; geltttot. Hero : jamep. Heroic : jamepik. Heroism: jamepal; kinal. Hermit: soalan. Heron : fitagil. Herring: run. Hesitate, to: dodon; zogon. Hesitation: dod; zog. Heterodoxy: polaklod. Heterodoxical : polaklodik. Hew, to: ctidon; Itipon. Hew off, to : decopon. Hew out, to : secopon. Hexagon : malagul. Hiatus: vobuvokal. Hidden: pesavol. Hide : skiin. Hide, to : klanofon; savon. Hide and seek : savopled. Hiding : savam. Hiding-place: sltlpop. High: geilik; legeilik. Highest, at: geilikttno. Highland : lopolaned. Highness : (title) dalital. Highness : geilug. High-priest : vitimal. High-school: julum. High-treason: letlat. Highway : slit; glestit. Highwayman: lapinel; snapel. Hill: smabel. Hilly: smabelik. Hilt: gleipop; namot. Himself: om. Hind : jistag. Hinder, to: neleton; viatOn. Hint: jon; Ittjon. TT 1 * nip : leun. Hippopotamus : leneilaf. Hire : kodut ; dUnamesed ; voba- Hire out, to : fokoduton. [mesed. Hirer : kodutan. Hiring: kodutam. His : omik. Hiss, to : zijoton. Hitik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Hon. Hitik: hot; heated. Hitip : inflammation. [inflamed. Hitipbn : to inflame ; to become Hitbn : to beat. Ho! Heyday! HOG : hole; orifice; perforation. Hogil: pore; spiracle. Hogilik : porous. Hogilb'f: porosity. Hogbn : to perforate; to pierce; to Hogiil: (v. hogil). [make holes in. HOL: league; an hour's walk. HOL : hell. Hblayul : perjury. Hblayulik : perjured. Hblayulbn : to swear falsely. Holik : distant one league. Hblik: hellish; fiendish; infernal. Holbn : to walk a league; to walk an hour. Hombpat: homeopathy. Hombpatel : homeopathist. Hombpatik : homeopathic. HON : horn (of horned animals). Hissing. EXGLISH-YOLAPUK. Hope. Hissing : zijot. Historian : jenavel. Historical: jenavik; volajenik. History : jenav ; volajen ; bujen ; Hit : cop; flap. [jenabuk. Hitching : bezugam. Hither: (adv.) ali; luk; lukim. Hitherto : sisik. [jtiadat. Hitherto: (adv.) jttk ; junu; siso; Hitherward: isi; desved(o). Hive : bienadom. Ho! Lilo! Hoar frost : frod. Hoard, to : sujQton. Hoarse : nokeballidik. Hoarseness : nokebalild. Hoe : cop. Hog : svin. Hoggish : svinik. Hogshead: pakatub; tub. Hoist, to: ginon; suizugon; susi- Hoisting : susizug. [zugon. Hold : lenkip. Hold, to: bikipon; kipon ; tonon. Holder: label. Holding : kipam. Hole: hog; seb; voad. Holiday: vakaniip; zal. Holiday, to have : vakanupOn. Holiday, to keep: zelon. Holiday dress : magtifaklot ; zala- Holiness : sanal. [klot. Hollands : yunepavin. Hollowness : dum; ninvagik. Holy : sanik. Holy, to make: sanikon. Holy Ghost: Santikal ; Tikalal; Tikal Sanik. Holy water : gliivat. Holy day: zal. Home : lorn. Home : (adj.) fatanik. Home : (adv.) lomoi. Home, at : lomo. Home, at the of: lomti. Home-like : lomlik. Homeopathic : homopatik. Homeopathy : homopat. Homeward : lomived ; domoi ; lo- Homogeneity : kolOnlOf. [moi. Homogeneous: kolonlofik. Honest: bafelik; ritik; snatik. Honest, to be : bafon. Honesty: bafet; rit; snat. Honey: miei; lemiel. Honey-comb : mielavalc. Honeyed: lesvidik; mielik. Honor : stim. Honor, to : stimon. Honor, in of: stimti. Honor, sense of: stimasen. Honorable: lestumik; stimik. Honorable mention : stimanomod. Honorableness : stimal. Honorarium: stimab; stimamon; Honored : pelestimOl. [stimasoled. Honored: lestOmik. Hood : kof. Hoof: fut; saf. Hook : lekluf; nug. Hook and eye : nug. Hook, to : nugon. Hoop : rif. Hop : danUdil. Hope : spel. Hope, to : spelon. (130 Hon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Huazoin. HON : horn; hunting horn (wind instrument). Hon lexola : buffalo-horn. Honacib : horn shaving. Honagnob : horn -button. Honaplat : horn-plate. Honaskin : callus ; callosity ; cor- HOP: hops. [nea(anat.) Horit : horizon; circle of vision. Horitlik: horizontal. Horitliko : horizontally. Huazoin : hyacinth (stone). Hoped for. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Humorous. Hoped for : spelik. Hoping : spelam. Hopple: Jan. Hopple, to : janOn. Hops : hop. Horizon : horit. Horizontal: horitlik; nependik. Horizontally : horitliko. Horn : hon; hon. Horn-button : honagnob. Horn-owl: leltil. Horrible : lejekik. Horror: lejek. Horse: jeval; vabajeval. Horse-hair : jevalahel. Horseman: jevalan; monitel. Horsemanship : monitakan. Horse-radish : leraf. Horse-shoe : safalel. Horses, to change : votospanon. Horticulture: gadat; kanagaden. Horticulturist: kanagadel; gadel. Hose : stog. Hospice : foginop. Hospitable: lotadik; lotik. Hospital: maliidop; lazet. Hospitality: lotad. Host: lotan; labotel; godabod. Hostelry : loted. [flenik. Hostile : leneflenik; neflenalik; ne- Hostility : neflenal ; neflenug ; le- Hostler : jevadtinel. [neflenof. Hot: fonik; levamik; hitik. Hot, white : vieglutik. Hotel: beloted; loted. Hotel-keeping : lotUg. Hot-headedness : hital. Hound : yagadog. Hour : dtip. Hourly : dtiplik. House: dom. House, to : niispadon. House, to keep : domikibon. House, bath : banop. Housing: saedaklof. Housekeeper : domikibel. Housekeeping: domikibam. House-rent : kodut. House-servant: domadunel. Hover, to: vebon. How ? Liko ? Lio ? Iko-li ? Kisiko ? Lik? Likik? However: ailiko; aliko. However: (conj.) ab; soil; ye(d). However much : ailimodik. Howitzer : smakan. How far ? Lifagik ? Howl, to: lukaniton. [Liveitik ? How large ? Ligletik ? Lio glctik ? How many? Limodik ? LiomOdik? How much ? Livem(o) ? Limodik ? How remote ? LifUdik ? How so ? Iko-li ? How soon ? Lisun(o) ? Howsoever : soif. Hug, to: ladOn; lamon. Hugeness : tuvemof. Hull : vead. Hum, to: lovatonon. Human : menik. Human being : men. Humane: humanistik; ineiuilik. Humanitarian: menadik Humanity :menad;men;il; menub. Humble : miegik. Humble, to : miegon. Humbug : jinavobad. Humid : luimik; vatofik. Humidity: luiin; vatftf. Humilitate, to : bapOn; miegOn. Humiliation: bapam; miegam. Humility : mieg. Humming-bird : smabodil. Hummock : smageil. Humor: cog; ladalod; rim. Humorous: cotjik. Hiigenav. VOLAPUK-ENGLISR Hiitik. Hiigenav : hygiene; sanitation. Hiigenavik : hygienic. Huit oyster. Huitabastet : oyster-pate. Huitajal oyster-shell. Huitasup : oyster-soup. Huitiip : oyster-season. HUK: handle; bail; ear. Hukik : provided with a handle; HUM: hymn. [a bail; an ear. Humanistil: : humane; pertaining Husan : hussar, [to the humanities. Hut : hysteria. Hiitik: hysterical. Hump. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Hysterical. Hump : lubak. Hump-back: lubak; lubakab. Humorous, to be : fasedOn. Hundred : turn. Hundred- weight : kuin. Hunger : pOtiit. Hunger, to: pottitOn. Hungry : potutik; zibadesidik. Hungry, to be : pOtiitOn. Hunt, to : yagon; suyagOn. Hunt forth : suyagon. Huntable: yagik. Hunter : yagel. Hunting: yagen; yag. Hunting dog: yagadog. Hunting-party: yagelef. Hurdy-gurdy: luliir; tulagel. Hurrah ! Yo ! Hurricane : letep. Hurry : spid. Hurry: Spido! Vifo! Hurry, to: spidGn. Hurry away, to : saspidOn. Hurt: visen. Hurt, to : visenfln. Husband: matel. Husbandman: lanedan. Husbandry : lanedat ; gobav. Husk : jal; vead. Hussar : husan. Hut: ludom ; ludomil; smadom. Huzza ! Yo ! Hyacinth: hiiazoin. Hyaline : glatlik. Hybrid : mestit; migab. Hydrargyrum : kegin. Hydraulics: vatabumav; vatav. Hydrology : vatav. Hydrometer: flumamafiel ; vati- Hydrometry : flumomamaf. [vated. Hydropathy: banakalam; vatoka- lam; vatosanOp. Hydrophobia : vataplafip. Hygiene: hugenav; saunav. Hygienic: htigenavik; saunavik. Hygienist : saunavel. Hygrometer : vatofimafiel. Hymn: hum. Hypermetropia : fagalogam. Hypermetropic : fagalogamik. Hypertrophy: svelam. Hyphen: fetanamal; tanamal. Hypochondriacal : spenapipik. Hypochondriasis : spenapip. Hypocrisy : luvelad ; ludevod ; glo- dal; lusanOf; simul; lurelOf. Hypocrite : simulel. Hypocritical: ludevodik; lusanik; Hysteria: hat. [simulik. Hysterical: htitik. (133) I. I. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. il. I: also; too (before consonants). Ibo : for; because. Ibb ? Then ? Hence ? Id: also; too (before vowels). Idelo : three days ago; on the day before day before yesterday. les : just here. let: just that (same); that very If: if. (same). Ifi : even if; although; though. Iko-li? How? How so? Why? II: a little; a little bit. I. I. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Image. I : ob (obel). Ibex : kapikor. Ice : glad. Ice, to cut : gladOn. Iceberg: gladabel. Ice-house : gladop. Ichthyology : fitav. Icosagon : telsagul. Icy : gladik. Id est ( i.e.) : os binos (o.b.) Idea: dol; tik. Ideal: dolod; lesamal. Ideal: dolod; dOlodik. Idealism : dolodim. Idealize, to : dolon. Identical: leleigik. Identical with : leleigfl. Identification : sejon. Identify, to : sejonon. Identify : leleig. Idiocy : netipalof. Idiom : lonlig. Idiot: lefop; platokap. Idiotic: lefopik; platokapik. Idle: nedunofik; nedutik. Idle, to be : neduton. Idleness: nedunof; nedut; keif. Idler : nediitan ; HvUpel. Idol : lugod. Idolater : lugolel. Idolatrize, to : lugodon. Idolatrous : lugodik. Idolatry : lugod en. Idolize, to : lugodon. Idyl : dill. Idyllic: dtllik. If: (cffty'.)if; va; plasif; tlf. If, even : ifi. Ignite, to : filabOn. Ignoble : nenobik. Ignoramus : nenolel. Ignorance : nenol; nenoltlg; nesev. Ignorant: nenolik; nenolol. Ignorant, to be : nenolon. Ileus : gotagig. Ill: maladofik; negudik. Ill-bred: luedik; nesUdik . Illegible : neliladik. Illegitimacy : negitlof. Illegitimate: negitlik; nelegik. Ill-humor: luvim; neyofam. Ill-humored: neyofik. Illiberality : nabaladof. Illiterate: nenolelik. Ill-mannered: nestidik. Ill-mannerliness : neplUet. Illness: maladof. [klulon. Illuminate, to: ledaliton; litpn; le- Illumination :dalitam; ledalit(am); Illumine, to: daliton; klilon. [lit. Illusion: cit; bleinem. Illustrate, to : kleilon ; maegOn ; planOn. Illustrated: maegik. Illustrating: kleilam. Illustration : blikamag; maeg. Illustrious: lemakabik; pliedlik. Illustrious, to make : lemakabon. Illustriousness : lemakab. Image: leigud; lemag; maglib. (134) Ilif. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ho. Ilif: the remote past of life. Ilo : within a little; almost. Imaginable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Imprecate. Imaginable: datikik; tikik; nilud- Imaginary: fanik. [lik. Imagination : nilud. Imagine, to: datikon; niludOn. Imbecile: platokap; stupel. Imbecile: dimik; dimalik. Imbecility : dimal. Imbibe, to: dlinon; ninsugon; su- Imitable : posdunik. fg n - Imitate, to : naldtinon ; napenon ; Imitation : posdunam. [posdunOn. Immaculacy : nebesten. Immaculate : nebestenik. Immaterial: nematerik; nevemik. Immature : no madik. Immediate : fovik ; nemedamik ; niliktin. [damiko; niliktlno. Immediately: foviko; lenu; neme- Immensely : legleto. Immensity : tuvemof. Immersed: pedibol. Immobile: nemufik. Immobility: nemuf. Immobilize, to : nemufon. Immoderate : nemafik. Immoderation : nemaf. Immodest: nepuedik; nemtikik. Immolate, to : vitimon. Immolation : vitimam; suvitimam. Immoral: nesUdlik. Immorality: nestidlof. Immortal: nedeilik. Immortality: nedeilof. Immortalization: tentlpam. Immortalize, to : tenupOn. Immovability : nemuf. Immovable : nemufik. Immovable property : nemob. Immunity: flan; netoladug. Immure, to : nimonon. Immutability : nedevotlik. Immutability : nedevotlof. Imp : develil. Impale, to: lestafOn; spedon. Impartial: nepaletik. Impartiality : nepaletof. Impassioned : liedodik. Impatience : nesufad. Impatient: nesufadik. Impecuniosity : nebemed. Impecunious : nebemedik. Impede, to : neleton. Impediment: nelet; stop. Impel, to : mofon. Impelling force : mofanam. Imperative: btldabid; lebtldabid. Imperative : btidik. Imperfect : pattip. Imperfect: defik; dflfik; nelefulik. Imperfection : dof; neleful. Imperfectly: defo. Imperial : limepik. Imperious: bttdik; solik; blidelik. Imperishable : negolenik. Impertinence : nepltiet. Impervious : vatisollidik. Impetus : mof. Implacable : nelekosilnik. Implant, to : niiplanon. Implement: stum. Implements : namunem. Implore, to: dalebegon; lebegOn. Imploring: lebegik. Impolite : nepltltik. Impoliteness: neplut. Impolitic: nevisedik. Import: ninsedot; ninsed^ Import, to : malon; ninsedOn; nu- blinOn; vetiton. Importance: malam; veiit. Important: kudadinik; vemik; ve. Importation : ninsed. Importer: ninsedel. Importune, to : sudlanon. Importunity : sudlanOf. Impose upon, to : ctttOn ; subola- Imposition : suseit (am). [don. Impossibility : nemog(of ). Impossible : nemOgik. Impostor: ciltel; neveladel. Imposture : ctit. Impotence : nevaltid. Impotent : nevaltidik. Impoverishment: oapofam. Impracticable : neiefulamik ; ne- Imprecate, to : nelabadon. [dunlik. (135) In. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ina. IN: in; in the; at ; to. Ina: from ; within ; out. Imprecation. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Incomprehensibility. Imprecation: nelabad. Impregnate, to: lesidOn; siodon. Impress: stap. Impress, to : miifalon ; ninpedon ; ninbtikOn. [btlk; fekam. Impression: ninped; debiik; lude- Impression, to make: fekon. Impression, to take : ludebttkOn. Impressionable : fekamik. Imprint : stap. Imprint, to: ninbukon. Imprison, to: ninfantibOn ; fanii- Imprisoned: fanik. [bon. Imprisonment : fanUbam. Improper : nediseinik ; negidik ; nepotik; nelepotik. Impropriety : negid. Improvable : lefulamik; menodik. Improve, to: gudumon; lefulson; jOnon; leiuliimon; menodOn. Improvement: gudumam;lefulsam ; lefulam; menod(am); gudumot. Improver : gudumel; jonel; lefulel; menodel; lefulsel. Imprudence : nekaut; nevised. Imprudent: nekautik; nevisedik. Impudence: bolot; nejem. Impudent: bolotik; nejemik. Impulse : mof; koded. Impure: midalik. Impute to, to : lucodatOn. In: (adv.)inu; lukiim; nis; ino. In: (prep.) in; ini. Inability : nesktil. Inaccuracy: nevelat. Inaccurate: nevelatik. Inactive : nedunofik. Inactivity: nedunof. Inadequacy: nesatug. Inadmissible : nelesumik ; nelule- Inappropriate : nepotik. [tik. Inattention : nesenit. Inattentive: nesenitik. [don. Inaugurate, to : daman ifOn ; stti- Inauguration : damanifam ; stud; ' Incalculable : nekalik. [calam. Incandescence glut. Incandescent: glutik. Incandescent, to be: glutOn. Incapability: nesktil. Incapable: nefagik; neplobik; ne- Incapacity: nefag. [skulik. Incarnation : menavedam. Incautious : nekautik. Incautiousness : nekaut. Incense: smokam. Incense, to burn : smokon. Incessant : nezedik. Incest : zestaklim. Incestuous : zestaklimik. Inch: tolad. Incise, to: koton; sukoton. Incision : kotam; sukOt; ninkotam. Incision, to make : ninkoton. Incisive : kotik. Incisor: kotatut. Incite, to : stigon; lestigon. Inciter: stigel. Inclination: klien; slop; slop; de- Incline : slob. [slopal. Incline, to : deklivOn; klivon. Incline to, to : klieriOn; slopOn. Incline toward, to: lUslopon. Inclined: deslopikjklienik; slobik; Inclined, to be : magon. [slopik. Inclined, to make : slobon. Inclined to, to be : klienon. Inclose, to : laseiton ; ninkikon ; Inclosed : ninkikik. [nUstObOn. Inclosed : ( adv.) ko at. Inclosed : pezisumol. Inclosure : bud. Include, to: ninOfon; zisumfin. Included : ninik. Inclusive : ninik. Inclusive of: ninikii; ninkikU. Inclusively: niniko; ninkiko. Incognito: nepeseviko. Incoherence: lupukot. Incoherent: nekolagik. Income : lemesed. Incommode, to: nekovenon. Incomparable: nefeleigik. Incomplete: nelefulnik. [nesuemik. Incomprehensible : nekapalnik ; Incomprehensibility : nekapalnof. (136) Inc. VOLAPUK-ENGUSE Incite. Ine : within. Ineito : three nights ago. Inconceivable. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Indorse. Inconceivable : nesuemik. Inconsequence : neklud. Inconsiderate : nesiienik. Inconsistency : tasiamOf. Inconsistent : tasiamik. Inconsolable': netlodlik. Inconstancy: nelaidof; votlof; yilal. Incontestible : nefeitik; nebefeitik. Inconstant: nelaidofik; yilalik. Incontinence : neston. Incontinent : nestonik. Incontinently: nestono. Incontestible: nefeitik; nebefeitik. Inconvenience : nekoven. Inconvenience, to: nekovenon. Inconvenient: nekovenik. Incorrect: dubik. Incorrect, to be : dObOn. Incorrectly : dOb(ik)o. Incorrectness : dob; dofof. Inconvenience: nekoven. Incorrigible : nemenodik. Increase : glofam ; glofub ; xanu- mam; mOdam; liigivot. Increase, to : modon; xanumo'n. Incredibility : neklodlttf. Incredible: fabik; neklodlik. Incredulity: neklod. Incredulous : neklodik. Incubate, to: kuvOn. Incubation : kuvam; kuven. Inculcate, to : ninjapalon. Incumbent: benodatan. Incurable: nesanamik; nepOsanOl. Incurvate, to : diblegon. Incurvation : diblegam. Indebted: debik. Indebted, to be : debOn. Indebtedness : debof. Indecency : skanof. Indecision : neslud. Indeclinability : nedeklinOf. Indeed : dido. Indeed: ( conj.} fe. Indeed ! Ga ! Jen6 ! Vo ! Vf) ! Indefatigable : nefenik. Indefinite : nefiimik. Indefiniteness : neftim. Indelible : nenosik. [mOn. Indemnify, to : damagiivOn ; sada- Indemnity : damagtiv; sadamab. Independence : itof; nedeslop. Independent: itik; nedeslopik; li- vavilik. Indescribable : nebepenik. Indestructibility: nedistuk. Indestructible : nedistukik. Index : ninalised. Indian : Nidian. Indian : Nidianik. India-rubber: diigum. Indicate, to : jonon ; sinifon. Indication: jon; mal; sinif. Indicative : jenabid. Indicator: jonel; joniel ; pladinu- Indifference : lindif. [niel. Indifferent : liudifik ; nelusenik. Indigence : daleb; nedOf; pOflof; Indigene: ninlanan. [nelab. Indigenous: lomlik; ninlanik. Indigent : dalebik; nedik; pOfik. Indigestible : nestomagik. Indignant : zunik. Indignant, to be : zunOn. Indignation : zun. Indirect : medamik; nestedik. Indirectly : medo. Indiscreet : nemiikik. Indiscretion : nesuenug. Indisposed : lusaunik; nesaunik. Indisposition: lusaun; nesaun. Indisputable : nebefeitik. Indissoluble : neteilik. Indistinct : nekleilik. Indistinctness : nekleil. Indium : nidin. Individual : sibinel. Individual: dabalik. Individuality: dabalod. Individually : dabalo. Indivisibility : nedilatof. Indocile : nebetidlik. Indo-Germanic : nidanogermanik. Indolent : nedutik. Indolent, to be: nedutOn. Indorse, to : supenOn. (137) Ini. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ino. Ini : into : in. Ino: therein; inside; within. Induct. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ingenuous. Induct, to: nindukon; ninduekOn. Indulge, to : zadon. Indulgence : dalet; zadam; zadlof; Indulgent : nivik. [daletot; niv. Indulgent, to be : nivOn. Indurate, to: fedtifOn. Industrial : dustodik; febik; sttltik. Industrialism : dustodim. Industrious: dutlik; vobik ; ledu- Industrious, to be : duton. [nik. Industry: dustod; dut; feb; fumal; vObOf; ledunOf. Inebriated : dlinotik. Inebriated, to become: luvinOn; Inebriation : luvinod. Inebriety : dlinistik; luvinam; dlin- Ineffable : nesagik. [amam. Inefficacy: nevodadOf. Inefficient: nevobadik. Inequality: neleig. Inestimable: nedivik. Inevitable : nevitik. Inexact: nevelatik. Inexactness : nevelat. Inexpensive : nedelidik. Inexpensively : nedelido. Inexpensiveness : nedelidOf. Inexperience : neplak. Inexperienced: neplakik. Inexpert: neplakik. Inexpertness: neplak. Inexplicable : neplanik. Inexpressible : nesepUkik. Inexpressibleness : nesepiikof. Inextinguishable : nenOsik. Infallibility : nepol. Infallible: nepOlik; neseblibik. Infallible, to be : nepolon. Infallibly : necito. Infamous: jemodik. Infamously: jemodiko. Infamy: jemod; jemodOf. Infancy: ciliip. Infant: cil; cilil. Infantry-man : futan. Infatuated: fefopik. Infeasible: nedunlik. Infect, to: lupakon. Infected : pelupakol. Infecting: lupakOl. Infection : lupak. Infection, focus of: lupakipOp. Infectious : lupakik. Infectious disease : lupakip. Infer, to : kludon. Inference: kludam; kludot. Inferior: onedan. Inferior: bapik; onedik. Inferior to : oned(U). Inferiority : bap ; lub. Infernal regions : disvol. Infidel : nefiedan. Infidel : nefiedik. Infidelity: nefied. Infinite : nefinik. Infinitely : nefino. Infinitive : subsatabid. Infinitive: nefinitik. Infinity: nefin; nenum ; nefinOp ; Infirm : maladofik. [nefindp. Infirmary : lazet; kalamadom. Infirmity : maladof. Inflame, to : hitipon ; niflamOn ; saflam&n; flamOn. Inflamed, to become : hitipOn. Inflammation : hitip. Inflate, to: subladOn. Inflated : pasubladol. Inflation : sublad(am). Inflect, to : flakon. Inflection : deklin ; flak. Inflective: flakik. Inflexible: neflakik; neblegik. Influence : flun. Influential : flunik. Influential, to be : flunOn. Inform, to : nunOn. Information: nun; nunam. Informing: lenunsik. Infuriated: vutik. Infuse, to: ningifOn; sugifOn. Infusion : ningifam ; sugif(ot). Ingenious : genialik ; letalenik ; betalenik; datuvalik. Ingenuity: letalen. Ingenuous: cilofik; nifalik. (138) Ino. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Inu. Ino ! Go in ! In with you ! Inu : within; in; within the bounds of. Ingenuousness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Insolvent. Ingenuousness : fiedal; nifal; ma- Ingot: bar. [nifal. Ingratitude: nedan. Ingredient : kosietadil. Inhabit, to : IddOn. [lodel. Inhabitant: lOdan; ninlanan ; nin- Inherit, to: noledon; geltiton. Inheritance : noled; geltit; geltitot. Inhuman: nemenik. Inimical: leneflenik; neflenalik. Inimitable: neposdunik. Inequity: sin; sinOf. Initial : begitonab. Inject, to: nuskuton. Injection: ntiskut(am); nuskutot. Injure, to : damon ; smadamon ; lenofon; rtibon. Injuring: damam. Injurious: damik; lenofik; nesan- lik; rlibik. [rUb. Injury : viodot ; dam ; lenof ; Injustice: necOd; negit. Ink : nig. Ink, India : Cinananig. Ink, printers' : bilkablag. Ink-powder : nigapuin. Inkstand: nigagef; nigOp. Inland: bttntllan; ninlan. Inland : ninlanik. Inlay : fuin ; ninsiadot. Inlay, to : fuinon. Inn : lotOp. Inn : lotopik. Inner : linedik. Inn-keeper : linkip; lotan. Inn-keeping: linkipam; lotug. Innocence: nedeb; nesinof ; cilal ; vietal; nifal. Innocent: nedebik; nesinik. Innocuous: nedamik. Innominate : nepenemik. Innovate, to : nulikamon. Innovation : nulikam. Innovations, to make : nulikamon. Innumerable : nenumik. Inoculate, to : ninmtlpOn. Inoculation : mtlpam. Inodorous: nesmelik. Inopportune : netimik. Inopportuneness : netimof. Inorganic : nenogotik. Inquest : danot. Inquirable : dasakik. Inquire, to: besakOn; lensakon. Inquire about, to : danotOn. Inquiry : danot; dasak(am); lensak. Inquisitive : nudalik. Inquisitiveness : nudal. Insalubrious : nesaunlik. Insalubrity : nesaunlof. Insane: lefopik. Insanity: lefopug; maladal; tika- Insatiable : nesatlik. [lip. Inscribe, to: ninpenadon ; ninpe- nOn. Inscription : lovepenad; ninpenad; zipenad. Insect: sok; lunim. Insect: sOkik. Insect-hunter : smalyagel. Insecure : nesefik. Insensibility : nesenOf. Insensible: nesenik; nelusenik. Inseparable : neteilik. Insert: ninsad; ninsiadot. Insert, to: ninsadOn; ninumOn. Insertion : ninsad. Inside : lined. Inside : ino. Inside : linedik. Insignia : demal. Insignificance: pill; piilof. [lofik. Insignificant : nevemik; pttlik; pa- Insincere : dobik. Insincere, to be : dobOn. Insincerity : dob. Insincerely : dobo. Insipid: sipidik, Insipidity : sipid. Insolence : bolot. Insolent: bolotik. Insolvency: falim; nefumat. Insolvent: falimel. Insolvent: nefumatik. (139) Insomnia. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Interregnum. Insomnia: neslip. [gon. Inspect, to : samon ; sulogon ; ninlo- Inspection : ninlogam; sulog(am). Inspector: sulogel; visital. Inspiration : ninatem; betikal. Inspire, to: ninatemon; betikalttn. Inspired: betikalik. Inspirit, to : lanon. Instability: votlOf; nelaidof. Instalment: dilapel; dilasnam. Instalments, in : dilapelo. Instalments, to pay in : dilapelOn. Instance : sam. Instance, for (e.g.): Samod ! as Instant: timil. [sam (a.s.) Instantaneous: fovik; timilik. Instantly : foviko; timilo; lesupito. Instead of : (prep.) pla. Instead of: (con/.) plas. Instigate, to: lestigon. Instigator: sulevel. Instill, to: ningifon. Instillation : ningifam. Institute: stid; linedat. Institute, to : flinon; stiton; sttidon. Instituted: pestitol. [stilt. Institution : funat; stid; stit; sttid; Institution, educational : tida- stid; stid. Institutor: ftlnel; stitel. Instruct, to: tidamOn; tidOn. Instructed: petidol. Instruction: bud; tid(am); kosita- Instruction, collegiate :letid. [bud. Instruction, course of: tidtip; ti- Instructive: tidagik. [daktil. Instructor: tidal; tidel; lapatidel. Instructress : jitidel. Instrument : stum. Instrument, wind : bladastum. Instrument case : stek. Insubordination : nepud. Insufficiency : nesat. Insufficient : nesatik. Insufficiently: nesato. Insular: nisulik. Insulate, to : soalon. Insult : blam(am). Insult, to : blamOn. Insurance: sefam. Insurance, fire : filafosef. Insurance, life : lifasefam. Insure, to: seion; fosefon. Insurer : sefal. Insurgent : sulevel. Insurpassable : neviikodik. Insurrection: sulev; volut. Insurrectionist: sulevel. Integrity : rit; lerit; snat. Integrity, of: leritik. Intellect : kapal. [noltlg. Intelligence : nun ; tikal ; kapal ; Intelligent: tikalik; kapalik. Intelligently: tikaliko. [palnof. Intelligibility: kleil ; suemof; ka- Intelligible : suemik; kapalnik. Intelligible, to make: kapMlnon. Intelligibly : suemiko. Intemperance: nemafof. Intend, to: desanon; desinOn. Intended : pediseinamOl. Intention : desan ; desin ; disein ; disin. [sinik. Intentional: desanik; desinik ; di- Intentionally : desano; desino. Intercalate, to: ninyumon. Intercede, to : bevotlidOn; medOn; plobegon; ploptlkon. [ploptikel. Intercession : medam ; plobeg ; Intercessor: medel; ploptikel. Intercourse: kosad. Intercourse, to have : kosadon. Interdict, to: nedalon. Interdiction : nedal; lemtttam. Interest : fien; nited. Interest, to : nitedon. Interest, to pay: fienon. Interest bearing : fienik. Interested : nitedlik. Interesting: lenitedik ; nitedik ; Interfere, to: bevotlidon. [noligik. Interior : lined. Interjection : lintelek. Interlude : bevtistif. Intermeddle, to : vtipolon. Intermeddler : vUpolel. Interment : sepam. Internal: linedik. International : bevtinetik. International law : netagit. Interpose, to : bevotlidOn. Interpret, to: vodalOn ; seplanOn; lovepolon. Interpretation: seplan(am). Interpreter: vodal. Interregnum : bevtip. (HO) Interrogate. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Iron-working. Interrogate, to : delilon ; lensakOn ; sakOn. Interrogation: lensak; sakabid. Interrogation point : sakamal. Interrogative : sakabid. Interrogatively : sakOlo. Interrogatory : sakabid. Interrupt, to : ropon. Interrupted: peropOl. Interruption: rop(am) ; stopam. Interspace: bevospad; viispad. Interstice : bevospad. Interval : bevospad ; bevlip ; bevii- tim; viispad. Intervene, to : bevotlidOn. Intestine: linedap; got. Intestines : g6tem. Intimacy : konfidlof. Intimate : konfidlik. Intimate, to : sinifon. Intimation : sinif. Intimidate, to : dejekOn. Into: (prep.) ini. Intolerance : nesuf. Intolerant : nesufik. Intonation: tonabid. Intoxicated : dlinamik ; dlinotik ; peluvinol. [luvinod. Intoxication : dlinamam; luvinam; Intractability : nedugof. Intractable : nedugik. Intransitive: nelovegolik. Intrenchment : ledaem. Intrepid: nedledik; netemipik. Intrepidity : tod; nedledug. Intricate : kompligik. Introduce, to : nindugOn ; nindu- kon; nttblinon; ninduekon. Introduction: bipiik; bivods; uin- dugam; ninduk(am). Intromission : mnduk(am). Introspection : itastud. Intrude, to: nudlanOn; sudlanttn. Intruder: sudlanel. Intrusion: niidlanOn; sudlanam. Intrusive: sudlanik. Inunction: letiledam; ninrobam. Inundate, to : tuvaton. Inundation: loveflum; tuvat. Inure, to : dediifOn. Inutility: nepofudof. Invade, to : nQgleipOn. Invalid: maladikan. Invalid : nevoladlik; diinaMefagik. Invalidity : nevOladlOf. Invaluable: nedivik. Invariability : nevotlOf. Invariable : nevotlik. Invasion : nugleip. Invent, to : datuvOn. Invention: datuv(am); tuv. Inventive genius : datuval. Inventor : datuvel. Inventory : ventem. Inventory, to : ventemon. Inversely: votafleko; vadiko. Inversion: torn; vad; votaflekam. Invert, to : vadOn; votaflekon. Inverted: vadik; votaflekik. Invest with, to: beklotOn. Investigate, to : davestigOn ; vesti- gOn; xamOn; sevestigOn. Investigation: sevestigam; dave- stig(am); siik(am); vesu'g(ain); xam(am). [xaniel. Investigator: davestigel; vestigel; Investiture : beklotam. Investments : katad. Invincible : nebevikodik. Inviolable : neviodik. Inviolate : nepeviodol. Invisibility : nelogOf. Invisible nelogik. Invitation: suvok; vtid(am). Invite, to : suvokon; vudon. Invocation: lenvok(am) ; vokam; susivok; susivokot. Invoice: noat. [vokGn; susivokOn. Invoke, to : lenvokOn ; suvokOn ; Involuntary: nevulik. Involuntarily : neviiliko. ; Involved : pekofudik. Involvement: pekofudug. Inward : linedik. Inwardness : linedal. Inwards: ( adv.) ninved. Iodine : yodin. Iridium: yidin. Iron : lei; leliri. Iron : lelik. Iron, to : smiifon. Iron-filings : lelarapacib. Iron-founding: lelagifen. Iron ore : lelamtin. Iron-ware: lelacan. Iron working : lelen. Is. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Itobid. IS : here. Isa: thither; from here. Isaet : that there. Isat : this here. Isbapo : down here. Iset : that here, [emigrated. Isetevel: emigrant; one who had Isi: hitherward; in this direction. Isida : through here. Isik: of this place; here. Isit : just here. Iso: here. Isb ! Look here ! Isii ! Hither ! Come here ! IT: self; self-same; the same. Ita'l : self-consciousness. Italik : self-conscious. Itastud: introspection. Itastik: egotism; selfishness. Itasiikel: egotist. Itasiikik : egotistic ; selfish. Itekonfid : self-confidence. Itik: independent; self-reliant; au- tonomic. Itil : own dear self. Itilesev : self-knowledge. Itimo : in olden time. Itisblam : self-command ; self-con- Itlik: selfish. [trol. Itliko : selfishly. Ito: of itself; of its own accord. Itodunik : spontaneous; self-acting; automatic. Itb'f: self-reliance; independence. Itostud: self-education. Itotid: self-instruction. Irrational. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ivy. Irrational : nelisalik. Irrationality : nelisal. Irreconcilable : nelekosilnik. Irrecoverable : nedenublinik ; ne- savik. Irrefragible : netablofik. Irrefutable : netablofik. Irregular : nenomOfik ; nenomoma- Irregularity : nenomof. [fik. Irreligion : nerel. Irreligious : nerelik. Irreparable : negtivik. Irreproachable: neblamik. Irresistable : netadunik. Irresolute : nesludik. Irresolution : neslud. Irresponsible : necotifik. Irretrievable: nedenublinik; nesa- Irretrievableness : nesavof. [vik. Irreverent : nelestimik. Irrigate, to: bevatOn. Irrigator : vatiel. Irritated : lezunik. Irritated, to be : lezunOn. Irritable: lezunlik. Irritation : lezun(am); zuen. Irruption: loveflum; nliblek. Isinglass : fitaglud. Islamism : Slam. Island : nisul. Islander : nisulan. Islet : lunisul. Isolate, to: depaton; soalon. Isolated: depatik; soalik; pedepa- Isolation : depatam; soal. [tol. Isolative : depatlik. Israelite: heban; yudan. Israelitish : hebik. [givot. Issue : sedil(am) ; segiv ; sek ; se- Issue, to: sedilOn; segivOn; segiv- Issuer: sedilel. [otOii. Isthmus : lananab; talanab. It: os. Italian: talan; talik. Item : laltig. Itinerary: vegadisin. Its : osik. Itself: Os. Ivory : nelfanog. Ivy: peup. (142) J. Jabin. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Jevalanef. Jabin : mushroom. Jabin: lint; charpie. Jabin pediibl : picked lint. JABLON : model; patron; mould. JAD: shade; shadow. *Jadet: see jadiel. Jadiel : parasol ; sun-shade ; sun- Jadik: shady; shaded, [umbrella. Jadb'n : to shade. JAF : creation. JAF : business. Jaf ad : creature. Jafal : the great Creator. Jaf al : creative genius. Jafam: creating; creation. Jafan: manager; agent; steward; administrator; factor; conduc- Jafan : business man. [tor. JEM : shame. [plan. Jerna'd: model; sketch; scheme; Jemadik : schematic; according to plan. [outline. Jemadbn : to sketch ; to plan ; to Jemik: shamefaced ; bashful; modest. Jernod: shame; disgrace; dishon- or; opprobrium; infamy. Jemodel : one who disgraces, dis- honors, defiles. Jemodik : shameful ; disgraceful ; infamous; approbrious. Jemodbf: tuipitude; shamefulness; infamy; disgrace. [to defile. Jemodbn: to dishonor; to disgrace; Jemb'f: shamefacedness ; bashful- ness; modesty. Jembn : to be ashamed. JEN : event; fact. Jenabid : indicative (gram.) Jenabuk : record of events; history; Jenav : history. [chronicle. Jenavel : historian. Jenavik: historical. Jenel : doer; actor; author. Jenik: true; real; actual. Jeno : in fact ; truly ; really ; act- Jenb ! Indeed ! Really ! [ually. Jenbf: reality. Jenbfo : in reality. Jenbf b! Agreed ! Jenbn : to happen; to come to pass; to take place; to occur. Jenosbd ! Amen ! So be it ! Let it happen ! JEP : flock ; herd ; drove. Jepam : herding; watching. Jepan : shepherd; herder. Jepik : gregarious ; by flocks ; by herds; by droves. [tect. Jepbn : to herd; to watch; to pro- Jevadiinel: hostler; groom. Jevakef: curry-comb; card. Jeval: horse; steed. Jevalahel: horse-hair. Jevalal : captain of horse; captain Jevalan : cavalry-man, [of cavalry. Jevalanef: cavalry. J- Jacket. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Jester. Jacket: gunil; yak. Jaconet : jakin. Jail: fanQb. January: balul; yanul. Jargon: pern; luvods. Jaundice : yelibip. Jaw: disimaxiil; lOmaxiil. Jaws: cav; lumud. Jealous : jaludik. Jealousy : glOt; jaludOf; jalud; vO- Jeer, to: bekofon. [baglot. Jelly : bigavaet; jelin. Jerkin : yak. Jest : cog. Jest, to : cogOn. Jester: fasedel; cogamekel. (H3) Jevalil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Jinik. Jevalil: small horse; pony. Jevalod : horse rail-road; tramway. Jevalbp: stable; stud. JI : (general sign of the feminine Jiab: shilling. [gender). Jiasetevel : emigrant (femi.); who Jiat : this (femi.) [has emigrated. Jibal: one (femi.) Jibaonan : baroness; noblewoman; honorable lady; lady. Jiblod: sister. Jiblodik: sisterly. Jiblonik: blonde (female). Jiboblod : sister-in-law. Jibbtel : waitress. Jibiiosagel : prophetess. Jibiipal : grand-mother ; grand- Jidamatan : actress. [dam. Jidaniidel:danseuse;femaledancer. Jidevel: witch; hag. Jidog : bitch; slut. Jidiikal : arch-duchess. Jiefs : rags; tatters. Jiel: the (defi. art., femi.) JIEN : military engineering. Jienan : military engineer. Jiet : that (femi.) JIF: sheaf; bundle of grain. Jifat: mother. Jifatel : paternal grandmother. Jifatik : motherly. Jifikopan : negress; female African. Jiflen : female friend. Jigam : bride. Jigamegiv: dower; dowry; portion Jigeliitan: heiress. (bridal). Jigok: hen. Jigolad : female goat. Jijeval : mare. Jijip : ewe. Jikat : female cat. Jikel : who; which ( rela. femi.} Jikimik ? \Vhatkind of? How con- ditioned? (femi.} Jikiom? which? (femi.) Jikleudan : nun. Jikosel : female cousin. Jil : female (of animals). Jiladal: sweet-heart ; loved one ; beloved (femi.} Jilafablot : step-sister; half-sister. Jilafason : step-daughter. Jilanagel: seamstress. Jilediik : grand -duchess ; arch- Jilein : lioness. [duchess. Jilep : female ape; female monkey. Jileson : princess. Jilik : feminine; female. Jilimep : empress. Jilbfabil: little darling (femi.} Jilbfal: beloved; loved one (femi.) Jilotan : landlady. Jilublod : step-sister. Jilumatel: mistress. Jiluson : step-daughter. Jiliison : daughter-in-law. Jilusvin : wild -sow. JIM : shears; scissors. Jimal: shearer. Jimam : shearing. Jiman : woman. Jimanik : womanly; feminine. Jimanbf: womanliness ; woman- hood. Jimatel: wife; married woman. Jimatiir : female martyr. Jimel : shears-maker. Jimasel: mistress; female master. Jimidalel : wanton ; strumpet ; prostitute. Jimiligan: dairy woman. Jimoladan : milliner; modiste. Jimbn : to shear. Jimotel : maternal grand-mother. JIN : semblance; appearance. Jinadeil : apparent death ; catalepsy . Jinagel : seamstress. Jinavobad : delusion; humbug. Jinef: niece. Jinik: apparent; seeming. Jet. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Job. Jet: gagin. Jetsam, Jettison : sejedot. Jew: heban; yudan. Jewel: nobaston. Jeweller: bijutel; goludel; noba- Jewelry: bijut. [stonan. Job : vobot; vobotadil. Job, to : brokOn. (144) Jinof. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Jonbn. Jinbf: seemingness; plausibility. Jinbk : aunt. Jinon : to seem ; to appear. Jinunel : female messenger. JIP: sheep. Jipadal : abbess. Jipalik: stupid; silly. : mutton. Jipapin : mutton tallow ; mutton Jipan : shepherd. [suet. Jipen : sheep, farming; sheep rais- Jipik: sheepish; rammish. [i n g- Jipbn: to bleat; to baa. Jipop : sheep-fold. Jipul : girl; lass; maiden. Jipulik : girlish; maiden; maidenly. Jireg: queen. Jisembal : some one (femi. } Jisbl : mistress ; lady; Mrs. ; madam. Jisblil : Miss. Jison : daughter. iista'g : doe; hind, isvin: sow. IT : shirt; chemise. Jitel : shirt-maker. Jitetan: milk-maid. Jitidel : instructress ; governess ; Jitik : shirt-like. Jiun : a; an (indefi. art., femi.) Jiut: the one (femi.) [who]. Jivatiikel : laundress. Jivigan : woman; working by the Jiviudan: widow. [week. Jixol : cow; female bovine (kun.) Jiyufan : help-mate (femi.} Jizesvipelil : scullion; drudge. Jb! Splendid! Grand! Job : shrub. Jbbik : shrubby; shrub-like. JOD: hail. Jodbn : to hail. JOF: forge; chimney. Jofasvipan : chimney-sweep. JOG: rush; bullrush. JOG: reed; reed-cane; reed stalk. Jbgik : reedy. JOK : shock; knock; thrust; push; concussion. Jokel : knocker; pusher; pounder. Jokik : butting; hooking; kicking. Jokliko : by fits and starts. Jokolad: chocolate. Jbkblik : fine-colored. Jokbn : to shock; to knock; to push; to thrust; to toss. JOL: shore; beech; coast; bank. JOL: eight; 8. Jblagul : octagon. Jblagulik: octagonal, Jolan : coast land ; land on the shore; on the coast. [trade. Jolanafam : coasting ; coasting Jolaplad : landing place; place on Jolbn : to land. [the shore. Jbliif : octave (music). Jbliil : August; eighth month. Jblum : octette (music). JON : indication; suggestion; hint; JON : beauty. [direction. Jonafined : index finger. Jbnam: beautifying ; embellish- ment; improvement. Jbnav: esthetics. Jbnavik : esthetic. Jbnavs : fine-arts. Jonel: indicator; pointer. Jbnel: beautifier; embellisher; im- Jbnev : belles-lettres. [prover. Joniel : dial ; indicator ; pointer (thing); hand of watch, [fair. Jbnik : beautiful ; pretty ; fine ; Jbniko : beautifully; prettily. Jonbn : to indicate ; to show ; to direct; to point out. Jobber. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Joke. Jobber : brokel. Jocular:) ik . Jocund: \ Join, to: koyumftn; yumOn. Joiner: boedan; tabel. Joining : yumam. Joint : fleg. Joint: tugedik. Joint, to : limon. Jointed : flegik. Jointly: em(o); kob(o); tugedo. Joint-sharer : kodilidel. Joke : cog. Joke, to : cogon. (MS) Jbnbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Julik. Jbnbn : to beautify ; to embellish ; to improve; to adorn. Jb'nopenik : calligraphic. JOP : arch; vault. Jopakik: key-stone. !opb'n : to arch, opbp : arch (place), opot : arch (a work). JOT : shoulder. JOT : conclusion. Jotabom : shoulder blade; scapula. Jbtam : conclusion ; termination ; ending. Jbtazel : concluding ceremony. Jbto : in conclusion ; finally. Jbtbn : to conclude ; to end ; to close; to terminate; to discon- Jbtii : at the conclusion of. [tinue. JOV: show; spectacle; sensation. Jovbn : to make a sensation. Jti : until; till; unto; as far as; to. Juada't: up to date; hitherto; until JUB: scale; squame. [now. JUD: stratum; layer. JUEG: sugar. Juegam : sweetening; sugaring. Juegarid : sugar-cane. Juegan: confectioner; candy-maker. Jueganen: candy-making; confec- tionery business. Juegatail : sugar-refiners' clay. Juegel : sugar-maker; sugar-refiner. Juegen : sugar-refinery. Juegenal : sugar-refiner. Juegenbp : sugar-refinery. Juegik: sugary; sugared. Juegil: bonbon; sweetmeats; candy. Juegip : diabetes mellitus. Juegbn : to sweeten; to sugar-coat; to candy. JUF: cipher; mark with a hidden meaning; cryptogram. Jiifav: cryptography. Jiifel: cipherer; one who uses a cipher. Juf bn : to write in cipher. JUfovo : to the continuation; to the sequel. JUIT : enjoyment. Juitagik: delightful; enjoyable. Juitamed : means of enjoyment. Juitik: enjoyable (furnishing en- joyment). Juitlik : enjoyable (may be enjoyed). Juitbn : to enjoy; to relish. JUK : shoe. Jiik: (adj.) hitherto. Jukel : shoe-maker. Juken : shoe-making. Jukbn : to make shoes; to work as a shoe-maker. [shop. Jukbp: shoe shop ; shoe-makers' JUL: school. JUL : screen; shelter; shield Juladom : school-house. Julapul : school-boy. Julatidel : school-teacher. Julan : pupil ; disciple ; alumnus; student; scholar. JUlel : protector; patron. Julanik : school-boyish ; disciple Julik : scholastic. [like. Joker. ENGLISH-VOLAPtiK. Judge. Joker : cogel; fasedel. Joking : fasedik. Jolly : yofik. Journal: gased; dojenabuk; tima- penad. Journalism : gaseden. Journalist: gasedel. Journalistic: gasedik. Journey : spatavegam. Journey-man: namunel. Jovial : yofik. Jovially: yofo. Joy: gal; yof; yub. Joyful: galik; yubik. Joyful, to make : yofon. Joyfully: galo. Joyfulness: galoi Joyous : galik. Jubilation: yub; galavokam. Jubilee: yubttp. Jubilee, centennial : tumyelazal. Jubilee, diamond : gleyubttp. Jubilee, golden : leyubUp. Judaism: yud. Judge : cod el; codan. Judge, to : cedto; codaton; codOn. (146) Julon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Jvadan. Julbn: to school; to train; to keep school. [shield. Ju'lbn : to screen ; to protect ; to Julum : high-school. Julian : academy. [i n g- }UN : offal; refuse (from slaughter - unb'n : to flay; to take off the skin. Jiinu : hitherto; until now. Junuik: existing; done hitherto. JUP: wether; castrated ram. Jus: until; until that. JUT: shot; shooting; gun-shot. JUT: rubbish; ruins. Jutam: shooting. [wound. Jutavun : gun-shot wound ; shot Jutel : shooter; archer; rifleman. Juten : shooting; target shooting. Jutbn : to shoot. Jutbn: to overturn; to upset, [ry. Jvadan: squadron; troop of caval- Judgment. HNGLISH-VOLAPUK. Juvenility. Judgment : ced ; ctfdat; leced ; lisal ; becodat; cOdatanam. Judicatory : codacal. Judicature : coden. Judicial: codelik; gitlik; yusitik. Judicious: lisalik. Jug : dlinab. Juggler: pokan. Juice: vaet. Juiciness : vaetOf. uicy : vaetik. uly : velul; yulul. Jumble: lumig. Jump : bun. Jump, to : bunon. Jump out, to: sabunon; sebunon. Jump up, to : susibunon. Jumper : bunel. Junction: koyum(am); yum. June : malul; yunul. Juniper-berry : yunepabal. Juridical : yusitanik. Juridication : yusit. Jurisconsult : yusitan. Jurisdiction : cttdof. Jurist : yusitan. Juror : eyulel. Jury : eyulef; yulacOdef. Jury-box: yulacodop. Jury-man: eyulel; peyulan. Just: codik; gitalik; ritik. Just: (adv.) letiemo. Just so : lealso. Justice : cod. Jute : yut. Juvenile: yunlik. Juvenility: yunal; yunlOf. (M7) K. Ka. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kalod. KA : than (after the comparative). KAL: calculation; statement; bill; Kab : cable. account. [attention. Kabatelegam : cablegram ; cable KA'L : care ; nursing ; watching ; KAD : card. [telegram. Kala'b : ward; patient; protege. KAD: treasury; safe; strongbox; Kalabuk : account book; book of Ka'dal: treasurer. [cash. KALAD : character. [accounts. Kadan : cashier. Kaladal : firmness of character. Kadem : academy. [guished. Kaladalik: staunch; of good prin- Kademal: academician (distin- ciples. Kademan : academician (ordinary). Kaladalbnug : trait (of character). Kademel : founder of an academy. Kaladik : characteristic. Kademik : academic. Kaladbn : to characterize. Kadet : cadet. Kalafizal : auditor. Kadetbp: military academy. Kalajbt: balance (accounts). Ka'dik: cash; in cash. Kalam : calculation; reckoning. Kadin : cadmium, Cd. (chem.) Ka'lam : nursing; treatment; care Kadinal : cardinal. of the sick. Kadb'n: to cash; to get cashed; to Kalamadom : infirmary. KAEDrmap. [receive in cash. Kalamav : science of nursing. Kaedakonlet: atlas; collection of Kalambn : to nurse ; to care for ; Kaef : caviare. [maps. to take care of. [place. KAEN : technics ; technical por- Kalambp : health resort; watering tion of a profession or handi- Ka'lam stabik : radical cure ; per- Kaenav: technology. [craft. Kaenavik : technologic ; technolo- manent cure, [culation. Kalav : arithmetic; science of cal- Kaenan : technician. [gi ca '- Kalavel: arithmetician. Kaenik: technical. Kalavik : arithmetic; arithmetical. Kaeniko : technically. Kaled: calendar; almanac. KAF : coffee. Kalel : accountant. KAF : craft; stratagem; cunning. Kalel: nurse; attendant. Kafabod : coffee-cake. Kalelef: nurses; attendants. KafamUl : coffee-mill. Kalem : accounts. Kafik: crafty; artful; cunning; sly. Kalembn : to render accounts. Kafiko: craftily; artfully. Kalep : yarrow. Kafbn : to outwit; to overreach. Kaf op : coffee-house. Kalidop : kaleidoscope. Kalif: caliph. KAIF: calf, of the leg. Kalik : calculable. [tassium. Kaifip : cramp in the leg. KALIN kalium, K. (chem.) po- KAK : cacao ; cocoa. Kakanb't : cocoa-nut. Kalidaxiid : potassa; potash. Kalod: coolness; cold; frigidity. K. Kaleidoscope. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Kalium. Kaleidoscope : kalidop. Kalium : kalin. (148) Kalodal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kapalub. Kalodal: coldbloodedness; frigidi- ty of manners; coolness; sang froid. Kalodik : cold; chilly; frigid. Kalodokbn : to take cold. Kalodbn : to cool; to become cold. Kalbn : to calculate; to compute; to reckon. [to wait upon. Kalon : to nurse ; to take care of; Kalot: (an) account. Kalotabuk : account-book. Kalii : on the account of; for ac- count of. [ing an account of. Kaliigam : accounting^ for; render - Kaliigbn : to account for; to ren- der an account of. Kalu'p : day of reckoning. Kalu't : carp. KAM : plain; level. Kamad: companionship; comrade- ship; fellowship, [companion. Kamadel : comrade; chum; mate; Kama'f : camellia (flower). Ka'mal : camel. Kamel: dromedary; camel. Kamerel: chamberlain. Kamfin : camphor. Kamfinik : camphor; of camphor. Kamik : plain; even ; level. Kamin : calcium, Ca. (chem.) Kambn : to even; to level; to plane. Kampoad: campeachy wood; log- KAN : ability; skill; art. [wood. KAN : cannon. KANAD : canal; channel. Kanadbn: to channel; to dig a channel. Kanagadal : horticulturalist. Kanagaden : horticulture. Kanal : artist; distinguished artist. Kanal : talent ; taste for the fine Kanalik : artistic. [arts. Kanaliko : artistically. [adin;:. Kanam : bombardment ; cannon- Kanan : cannoneer; artilleryman. Kanapiib : art publication; artistic publication; artists' proof. Kanastid : art institute; art insti- tution. Kanastiit : art establishment. Kanel: artist; artisan. Kanelik : artistic. Kaneliko : artistically. Ka'nem: artillery. Kanen: cannon founding; manu- facture of cannon. Kanerit : canary bird. Kanevem : canvas. Kaniban : cannibal. Kanibanik : cannibalistic. Kanibim : cannibalism. Kanik : able; competent. [ing. KANIT : song; vocal music; sing- Kanitaglid : serenade. Kanitel : singer; vocal musician. Kanitem : collection of songs. Kanitemil : little song; ditty; lay. Kanitbn : to sing. Kanitlim : song ; ballad (piece of vocal music). Kanbm : battery (milit.). Kanbn : to be able; to be enabled to; to have the power ; can. Kanbn : to cannonade; to bombard. Kan top: canton; district; quarter. Kantbpam : cantoning ; cantoniz- ing. [ity with; by. Kanii; by virtue of; in conform- KANUD : candor ; uprightness ; sincerity; frankness. Kanudik : candid ; upright; sin- cere; frank. Kan urn : aria; air; tune. Kanzal : chancellor. Kanzalet : chancellorship. Kanzalbp : chancellor's office. Kanzel : chancery clerk. Kanzen : chancery. KAP: head (part of the body). Kapabom : skull; cranium. Kapadol : headache. Kapaflan : temple; side of head. Kapel : head man ; chief. Kapal: understanding; intellect; in- telligence; common sense. Kapal ik : intelligent; rational; sen- sible; judicious. Kapalnik: intelligible; comprehen- sible; perspicuous. [ity. Kapalnbf: intelligibility; perspicu- Kapalnbfb! Be it understood ! Un- derstand ! [to explain. Kapalnbn : to make intelligible ; Kapalbn : to understand; to com- prehend ; to know. Kapalub : comprehension (H9) Kapam. VOLAPUK-ENGUSH. Kegin. Kapam: decapitation; beheading. Kapan: chieftain; chief; captain. Kapikor: ibex; wild goat, (milit.) Kapit: chapter; head; subject (of a book). Kapo: headlong; head foremost. Kapb'n : to behead; to decapitate. Kapotik: capotted; done for; bro- Kapiil : chapel. [ken up. Kapiilan : chaplain. Kapiin : vortex ; crown (of the head); parting of the hair. Kapunbn :to part the hair on one's Kapuzin : capuchin ; cowl . [head . Kapuzinan : capuchin friar ; ca- puchin monk. Kapuzinik : capuchin. Karam : caramel. Karavan : caravan. [vansera. Karavanbp : caravansary ; cara- Kas : than to ; in order to ; fcp (after the comparative). Kased : castle; fortress; stronghold ; Kase(da)cif : castellan. [fort. Kasedagab : burggrave. Kasbp : barrack. Kastbf : catastrophe. KAT : cat. Katad: capital; stock; funds; in- Katadel: capitalist. [vestments. Katafut: cat's-paw ;cat's-foot. Katan : captain (navy). Katan : chestnut. Katanabim : chestnut-tree. Katar : catarrh. Katek : catechism. Katekab: catechumen. Katekel : catechist; catechiser. Katekbn : to catechise. Katik : feline; cat-like. Katil: small cat; kitten. Katolel : Roman Catholic. Katolik : Roman Catholic. Katolim : Catholicism. Ka'tuk: chestnut. Kaulep : cauliflower. KAUT : caution; precaution; pru- dence; foresight. Kautal: Divine Providence. KAUT(AM): warning; caution. Kautamesiil : precaution ; measure of precaution. Kautik : cautious; prudent. Kauto : cautiously. Kautb ! Attention ! Pay attention ! Be careful ! Look out ! Kautbf: cautiousness. Kautbn : to be circumspect; to be cautious; to be provident; to be prudent. Kautbn : to warn; to caution. KAV : cellar. K&V : wharf; pier; levee. Kaven : cellarage. KAZET : accent. Kazetam : accentuation. Kazetik: accentable. Kazetbf: accentability. KE: with (before "o"); (before any other letter, ko). KEB : vegetable; plant; herb. Keblinbn : to bring with; to bring. Keblod: colleague; confrere. Keblodik : fraternally. Keblodbn : to fraternize. KED : row ; rank ; line ; file ; range; series. Kedilidan : participator; partaker; partner; shareholder. Kedlinbn : to drink with ; to take a drink with; to pledge. Kedbn : to string; to arrange in a KEF : brush, [row or file; to file. Kefiel : brush ; thing used as a brush. [brush. Kef on: to brush; to rub with a KEGIN: hydrargyrum; mercury; quicksilver, Hg. (chem.) Keep. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Key. Keep, to: bekipOn; kipon. Keep with, to : labekipon. Keeper : galan. Keeping: bekip; kipam; kib(am). Keg : smatub; tubil. Kernel: glen; ker; sid. Kernelly : kerik. Kettle : caf. Key: kik; kikuf; xabakluf. Key, skeleton : lukik. (ISO) Keginik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kilakblik. Keginik : mercurial. Keif: sweet idleness. KEIN : graciousness ; loveliness ; sweetness, [charming; lovely. Keinik: gracious; sweet; amiable; Kejafan : business competitor. KEK: cake. Kekel: pastry-cook. KEL : who; which ; that (rela. pron.) introducing a subord- inate clause. Kelabed: joint possession. Relabel : co-proprietor. Kelied : compassion ; pity. Keliedik : compassionate; pitying; charitable. [to pity. Keliedbn : to be compassionate ; Keloman : compatriot ; fellow- Kelbp : where. [countryman. Kelbpa: whence. Kelbpi: whither. Kelos : which; that. Kels: who; which (phir.) Keliip : when; at what time. [ture. Kemen : fellow-man ; fellow-crea- Remenalbf: charity; philanthropy; love for one's fellow creatures. KEN : can ; tankard ; mug ; pot; pitcher. [fore-knowledge. Kenol : privity; joint knowledge; Keol : familiarity ; theeing and thouing. [crony. Keolel : companion ; intimate ; ; Keolbn: to be intimate with a per- j son; to " thee" and " thou" a | KEP: cape; promontory, [person. KER: kernel; nucleus; heart; core. Kerik: nucleated; kernelly. Keril : nucleolus. Kerub : cherub. Kesedon r to send with. Kesif: fellow-citizen. Kesumbn : to take with. KET: chain. Ketiman : contemporary. Retbn : to chain; to link. KEUT: prevention. Keutbn : to prevent. Kevobel: collaborator ; contribu- tor ; fellow-laborer ; assistant ; co-laborer. Kezenodam: concentration. Kezenodik : concentric. Kezenodbn : to concentrate. Kib(am): keeping ; conducting ; managing; directing. Kibido ? How far ? In how far ? To what extent ? Jn what manner? Kibit : lapwing; peewit; plover. KID : kiss. Kidbn : to kiss. Kick : valve. KIEM : chemistry. Kiemav: chemical science; chemi- cal philosophy; chemistry. Kieman : chemist. Kiernik : chemical. Kiembn : to make cnemical experi- ments; to carry on chemical KIEN : knee. [operations. Kienastulil : small stool or cushion to keel upon. Kienbn : to kneel; to kneel down. Kif? Who? (femi.) KIK: key. Kikab : ) , , , , , Kiked I ' oc ^> door-lock. Kiked lenlaga : pad-lock. Kikel : locksmith. Kiken : locksmith business. Kikod? Why? What for? Where- fore ? For what reason ? Kikbn : to lock; to lock up; to shut; to close. Kiklif:key (music). KIL: three. Kila'b : one of three children born at the same time; a " triplet." Kilabled : trefoil; clover leaf. Kilagul : triangle. Kilagulik : triangular. Kilakblik : tricolor; tricolored. Key-note. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Kill. Key-note: dukaton. Key-stone : jopakik. Kick, to : seflapOn. Kidney: loin. Kidney, pelvis of: loinabasin. Kill, to : funOn. Kilamul. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kiom KUamul : quarter (of a year). Kilaluib: tricycle. Kilaspan: team of three animals hitched together. Kilbalod: Trinity; triuneness. Kildiim : trio (music). Kilev: ternary rhyme (poetry). Kilfut : tripod. (music). Kiladavog : tenor ; third voice Kiladavogan : tenor singer; tenor. Kilin: drilling; ticking. Kilion : trillion. Kiloflanik : trilateral. Kilolimik: trinomial. Kilolimbf : trinomiality. Kilbn: to treble; to triplicate. Kilrezal: Epiphany. Kils : thirty. Kilton : triphthong. Kiliidel: Tuesday; third day. Kiliif : musical third. Kilug: triad; Trinity. Kiliikbn: to triplicate; to triple; to multiply by three. Kilulr March; third month. Kiliim : trio ; song with three voices. Kilviolin : alto violin. Kilyesdel : three days ago. KIM ? Who? Which? Kimafal: genitive case; possessive case (gram.) [case. Kimafaldn : to put in the genitive Kimefal : dative case (gram.) Kimena? How many times? Kimenalik? Repeated how many times? Kimfal : nominative case (gram.) Kimfalon : to put in the nomina- Kimi ? Whom ? [tive case. Kimid ? Which of the number? The th? Kimidik : How many fold? [ways? Kimidiko ? In how many different Kimidna ? The th time ? Kimldnik? How many different kinds of? Of what kinds? Kimidno? The - th place? Kimifal: accusative case; objective case (gram.) [case. Kimifalbn : to put in the accusative Kimik? Which ? Which one ? What kind of? Kimiko ? In what way ? In what manner? Kimikos ? What kind of? Kimna ? How many times ? Kimofal: vocative case (gram.) Kimofalbn : to put in the vocative case. Kims ? Which men? Who? (plural). Kimufal: ablative case (gram.) Kimufalbn : to put in the ablative case. KIN: boldness; dauntlessness. Kina'b: daring fellow; dare-devil. Kinal : brave hero. Kinal : heroism. Kinam : bold undertaking; hazard- ous enterprise; risk; venture. Kinan : empire; kingdom; realm. Kinanalan : imperial territory; na- tional province. Kinsinalanik : territorial (of an em- pire or kingdom). Kina'nazh : imperial city; national city; metropolis. Kinanazink: metropolitan; of an imperial city. Kinaniki imperial; national. Kinik : bold; dauntless. Kinin : Kinlik: hazardous; venturesome. Kinbn : to dare; to venture; to pre- sume. Kio.< > Which? What kind of? Kiof? Which? (femi.) Kiofen? How often? How many Kiom? which? (masc.) [times? Kiln. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Kind. Kiln : fbn. Kilogramme : miglam. Kilolitre : ster. Kilometre : milmet. Kin : palef. Kin : palefik; paltigik. Kind : bid; sot. Kind: benodik; gudlik; flenik. (152) Kionik ? VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kleran. Kionik ? Of what kind or sort ? Kibp ? Where ? At which place ? Kibpa? Whence? Kibpi? Whither? Kios? What? (neitt.) KlP(am) : keeping; holding. Kiplad ? Where ? At what place ? Kiplada ? Whence ? From what place? Kipladi ? Whither ? To what place ? Kipbn : to keep; to hold (with the Kis? What? [hand. Kisik? What kind of? Kisiko ? In what manner ? How ? KIT: quittance; receipt. [ance. Kitam : release ; receipt ; acquit- Kitim ? At what time ? When ? Kitbn: to acquit; to release; to re- Kitot : receipt; release. [ceipt. Kiiip ? When ? At what time ? KLAD: class; category. Klaf: crab; craw-fish ; fresh-water Klafil : shrimp; prawn. [lobster. Klafip: carcinoma; cancer (disease). KLAM : clamp; clasp; parenthesis; KLAN : secret; mystery, [bracket. Klanafulik: mysterious; mystical; mystic. [medicine. Klanamed: secret medicine; patent Klaned : clarionet. Klanik : secret ; clandestine ; private. Kla'nbf: secrecy; privacy; clandes- tineness. [cret. Klanbfik: clandestine; private; se- Klanbf on : to hide; to conceal; to secrete; to disguise. Klap : madder. Klapin : alizarin. KLAT : excellence ; remarkable- ness; distinction. Klatal : Excellency (as a title). Klatel; classic. Klatelik : classical. Klatik: distinguished; remarkable; excellent; conspicuous. Klatug: eminence; superiority. Klaut : rail (railway); tramway. Klautarut: railway; tramway. Klautavab : car; railway car; tram Klautbn : to lay rails. [car. Klavat : cravat. KLEB : paste; size; glue; gum. Kleben : glue-making. [viscid. Klebik : glutinous; gluey; sticky ; Klebbn : to paste on ; to glue to; to Klebbp : glue factory. [stick. KLED : cradle. [birthday. Kledazal: birthday celebration ; Kledbn : to rock; to rock to sleep; to rock a cradle. KLEIL : clearness ; perspicuity ; intelligibility; distinctness. Kleilam : explaining ; illustrating; making clear; explanation. Kleilik : distinct; clear; loud; per- ceptible; explicit. Kleilb ! Louder ! Distinct ! Kleilbn : to explain ; to make clear; to illustrate; to elucidate. KLEM :relinquishment; renounce- ment; quit-claim. Klemam : renunciation ; abdica- tion; resignation. Klembn : to renounce ; to abdi- cate; to resign. KLEN : maize; Indian corn. KLER : clergy. [clergy. Kleral : one of the higher orders of Kleran : minister ; clergymen : priest. ENGLISII-VOLAPUK. Kite. Kindle, to : flam5n ; filabOn ; sii- flamon; susiflamOn. Kindly: gudo. Kindness : benod ; gudof. Kindness, in : gudo. Kindred : palef. King : reg. King, to be: regtfn. [nan. I Kingfisher : gladabOd. Kingly: regik. Kinsman: palefan; palugel. Kiss : kid. Kiss, to : kidOn. Kiss away, to : mokidfln. Kit : tubil. Kitchen : kuk. Kingdom: regan ; kinan ; regaki- Kite: popadlak. (153) Kleran nekleudik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Klon. Kleran nekleudik : secular priest. Kleud : cloister ; convent ; monas- tery; abbey. Kleudal: monasticism. Kleudan: monk; friar. Kleudik: conventual; monastic. Kleud vomik: nunnery. Klidunala't: war office. KLIEN : inclination; propensity. Klienik : inclined. Klienbn : to incline to; to be in- clined to; to be disposed to. KLIET : refreshment; restoration. Klietik: refreshing; reviving. Klietbn : to refresh ; to revive. KLIF : cliff ; rocky cliff ; crag ; Klif a'l : dauntless courage, [rock. Klifik : rocky; craggy. Klif on: to make fast; to fix; to make strong; to strengthen; to KLIG: war. [fortify. Kligal : martial spirit. Kli(ga)majal : field marshal. Kligan : warrior; soldier. (milit.) Kligelam: drill; exercise; training Kligelbn: to drill; to train; to ex- ercise. Kligik: martial; war-like. [war. Kligbn : to make war; to carry on KLIL : clearness; brightness; light. Klilam : clearing ; brightening ; lighting, [sound; vowel sound. Klilaton : clear sound ; distinct Klilik: clear; distinct; bright. Klilbn: to light up; to illumine; to clear up. KLIM : vice; crime. Klimadun: vicious act ; criminal deed; crime. Klimadunel: criminal; culprit. Klimadunik : criminal. Klimadun on : to commit a crime; to commit an offense. Klimajal : field-marshal. Klimal: propensity to vice; moral perversion. Klimik : vicious; wicked. Klimo : viciously; wickedly. Klimbn : to be addicted to vice. KLIN : cleanness ; purity ; pure- ness; neatness. Klinaflab: wiping cloth; cleaning cloth; wiper. Klinal : angelic disposition. Klinarn : cleaning; purification. Klinambp : purgatory ; place of purification. Klinik : clean; pure. Klinlik: cleanly; neat; tidy. Klinlbf: cleanliness; neatness; tidi- Klinbf: cleanness. [ness. Klinbn : to clean; to cleanse; to purify. [to engross. Klinopenbn : to make a fair copy; Klipit: ecliptic. KLIT : crisis. KLIV : declivity ; slope. Klivik : declivitous. Klivbn : to incline ; to lean ; to stoop; to bend. Kloakbp : sink; sewer; drain. KLOD: creed; belief; faith. Klbda'l : credulousness. Klbdaset: dogma; doctrine. Klbdasetik : dogmatic. Klbdasetim : dogmatism. Klbdat : credit; credence. Klbdatbn : to credit. Klbdatii : to the credit of. Klbdel: creditor; believer. Klbdik : credulous; believing. Klodin : collodion. Klbdlik: credible. Klbdlbn : to authenticate; to attest. Klbdnik : credulous. Klbdnbf: credulity. Klbdbn : to believe; to credit. Kloetbn : to trim; to decorate; to KLOF: cloth. [dress. Klokod : crocodile. Klolin: chlorine, Cl. (chem.) Klolinafom : chloroform. Klolinazem : chloride of lime. Klomin : chromium, Cr. (chem.) Klominik: chromic. KLON: crown; coronet; diadem. Kitten. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Kleptomania. Kitten : katil; smakat. Kleptomania: tifal ; tifalip. (154) Klonab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kluziifdn. Klonab : crown (coin). [royal. Klonaleson : crown -prince jprince- Klonalitakip : candelabra ; chan- Klonbn : to crown. [delier. KLOP: crop; harvest. KLOP: rotundity; roundness. Klbpaboad : wooden cylinder: rol- Klbpalel : iron -roller. [ler. Klbpanuf: cupola; dome. Klopatim: harvest-time; harvest; Klopazal : harvest-home, [autumn. Klbpik : rotund; round. Klbpin : dumpling; pudding. Klopbn : to harvest; to reap. Klbpbn: to round; to make round. Klopiip : autumn; harvest-time. KLOT: clothing; vestment; robe; garment. Klotad : clothing; garments. Klotam : clothing ; putting on clothes; dressing. Klotan : clother; dresser. Klotel : clothier; clothing-maker. Klotem: clothes; garments; dress. Klotbn : to clothe; to dress; to put on clothes. [pure. Klotbn: to consider genuine; real; KLU : therefore; consequently. KLU : because of; in consequence of; in conformity with. KLUB : club; union; society. KLUB: guild ; corporation ; trades- union. Klubal : party-spirit; public-spirit. Klubam : association. Kluban : member of a club. Kliibik: corporate. Klubbn : to unite as a society. Klubbp : place of meeting, of a club; club-house, [deduction. KLUD : conclusion; consequence; Kludam : conclusion; inference. Kludik : conclusive ; consequent; logical. [hence. Kludo : consequently; therefore; Kludbn : to conclude; to infer; to arrive at a conclusion; to de- duce, [elusion; consequence. Kludot: inference; deduction; con- Kludii : in consequence of. KLUF: naQ. KLUF: finger-nail. Klufel : nail-smith. [nails. Klufan : nailer ; one who drives Kluf on : to nail ; to fasten with nails. KLUG: curvature; crookedness. Klugalien : curved line; curve. Kluganud : aquiline nose. Klugik : bent; curved; crooked. Klugbn : to curve ; to bend ; to crook. KLU IN : rubber; sponge; wiper. Kliil: clearness. Klu'lal : clearheadedness. Kliilik : clear. Kliiliko : clearly. Kliilbn : to clear; to clarify; to make clear. [to be obvious. Kliiliikbn : to be clear; to be evident; KLUM : climate. Kliimik : climatic. Klub ! Well ! Now then ! Klupip : croup; spasmodic croup (disease of the throat). Kluzab: kreutzer (money). Kluzif : cross. Kluzifaveg : cross-way. Kluzif on : to cross; to cruise. Kluzinaf : cruiser (ship). Kluziif: crucifix. Kluziif on : to crucify. Knave. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Knock. Knave: japan; luman. Knavery: jap; mikaf. Knavish : japik; lumanik. Kneading trough : bakabov. Knee : kien. Kneel, to: kienon. Knife : neif. Knife, carving : leneif. Knight : montial. Knighthood: montialef; montialub. Knightly: montialik. Knit, to : stogon; snobon. Knit on, to : lastogon. Knitting: snobam. Knock: flap; jok. Knock, to: flapon; jokOn; nOkOn. (155) Ko. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Koef. Ko : with (except before " o," then Kb: where (rda.) [ke.) Kba : whence. [than limbs.) Koab : human body (trunk rather Koak : croak; croaking. Koap: body; animal body. Koapik: j. u-dilv Koapiko : f bodUy ' Koas : in order that; that, [jointly. Kob(o) : together; with each other; KOB: comb. Kbbeyan: worsted. Kbbel: comb-maker. Kobevok(am) : convocation. Kobin : cobalt, Co. (chem). Koblinbn: to assemble; to collect; to gather; to bring together. Koblod : colleague; frater; brother. Koblodik : fraternal. Koblodbn : to fraternize. Kbboad : logwood; dye-wood. Kbbbn : to comb. Kobopedbn : to compress. Koboton : accord; concord (music). Koboton veliifik : chord of a mu- sical seventh. Kobotonbn : to accord. Kobovokbn : to convoke ; to con- Kobii : together with. [vene. Kbcan : coachman; driver. Kbcanavab : coach. [coach. Kbcanbn : to drive a coach ; to KOD : cause ; reason ; motive ; ground. KOD : carving; sculpture. Kbdabakblum : sculptured column; ornamental column. Kbdakan : plastic art. Kodam : causation. Kbdavobad : carving; carved work. Koded : motive; occasion; impulse. Kodedbn : to occasion. Kodel: causer; author ; one who Kbdel : sculptor; carver, [causes. Kodem: damnation; condemna- tion, [nation. Kodemam : damning; condem Kodemik: damnable ; condemna- tion. Kodemiib : damnation; perdition. Kbden: sculpture. Kodilidel : partaker ; joint-sharer; partner. [son. Kodo : wherefore ; for this rea- Kodbf : causally. Kodbn : to cause; to originate. Kbdbn : to carve; to cut; to chip. Kodbt : behavior; conduct. Kbdot: statue. Kodbtbn : to behave. Kodii : by reason oi ; on account of; through; because of. Kbdut: rent; hire (buildings); house-rent (personal property ). Kbdiit: lease (real estate); ground- rent (real estate). Kbdutam: renting; hiring. Kbdutafien : rent (amount paid for rented property buildings). Kbdutafien : rent (amount paid for leased property real estate). Kbdutan: tenant; hirer. Kbdutan : tenant ; lodger (build- ings); occupant; lessee. Kbdutel : renter; hirer (proprietor). Kbdiitel : lessor; renter. Kbdutik : as per terms of hiring. Kbdutik : as per terms of lease. Kbdutbn : to hire; to rent (build- ings), [lease (real estate). Kbdutbn : to lease ; to take on Koef: confession; admission. Knock down. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Known. Knock down, to : daflapOn. Knock out, to : senokon . Knocking: nok. Knoll: smageil; smabel. Knot: snob; snal. Knot, to : snobon. Knotted : snobik. Knotty : snobik. Know, to : nolOn; sevOn. Knowing: nololik; tftvugik. Knowingly : nololo. Knowledge : nol; sev; noltig ; pe- tidof. Knowledge, joint : kenol. Known : pesevik. Known, to make: pesevon. (156) Koefal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kblbp. Koefal : father confessor. Koefastul : confessional ; stool of repentance. Koefel: penitent; confesser. Koefb'n : to confess; to admit ; to acknowledge. Koeg : cork; bark of the cork tree. Koegab : stopper; cork; plug. Koegbn : to cork; to stop. Koegin : stopper; tompion; cork. Koet: cutlet (meat). [ridicule. KOF : scoff; mockery ; derision ; Kbf: hood; cap (for women); bon- Kof al : derisiveness. [net. Kofel : scoffer ; mocker ; derider. Kofen : derision; mockery; scoffing. Kofik : derisive; mocking; sneering. Kofin: coffin; burial casket; bier. Kofinbn : to coffin; to put in a cof- tin. [izing. Koflik: teasing; provoking; tantal- Koflbn : to tease ; to provoke ; to tantalize. Kofbn : to scoff; to mock; to deride; to show mockery by derision. KOFUD: confusion; disorder. Kofudal: mental confusion ; con- fusedness; perplexity. Kofudam: confusing; confusion. Kofudik : confused; perplexed. Kofudbn : to confuse; to entangle; to perplex. Kofudbn : to tangle; to entangle. Kofiik(am) : fabrication ; prepar- ation; construction. Kofiikik: ready prepared. Kofukbn : to prepare; to make; to construct. Kofiikot : preparation; thing pre- KOG : cough. [pared. Kbgbn : to cough. Kbi : whither (relative). Koip : copy. Koipel : copyist. Koipbn : to copy. Kojafan : competitor ; business com- Kojenaf: cochineal. [petitor. Kojok : conflict; clashing. Kbkav : concavity. Kbkavik : concave. Kokbm : convention ; assembly ; meeting; gathering, [to meet. Kokbmbn : to assemble; to convene; Kol(ii): toward; to. KOL : color; tint. Kb(la)boad : dye-wood; log-wood. Kb(lajboed: palette. Kblabo^ : box of colors; paint-box. Kblacan : colors (for painting). Kolag : connection ; dependance. Kolagam : connecting; depending. Kblagik : colored. Kolagbn : to be connected ; to hang Kblametal: chrome. [together. Kolan : settler; pioneer. Kblan : dyer; colorer. Kolanam : colonization. Kolanel: compatriot; fellow coun- Kolanem : colonies. [tryman. Kolanen : colonizing. Kblastib : colored crayon ; pastel. Kblastbf : coloring matter ; dye ; Kolat : coal. [pigment. Kolataziid : carbonic acid. Kolatel : charcoal burner. Kolatelakum : charcoal pile. Kobalvoto : reciprocally. Koldiin : reciprocal service; recip- rocity, [turn; to reciprocate. Koldunbn : to return ; to do in re- Kolel : colonist. [turer. Kblel : dye-maker; color manufac- Kblen : dyeing; coloring (as a busi- Kolerip : cholera. [ness. Koleripelbp : cholera hospital. Kolied : compassion; mercy; pity. Koliedik: compassionate; merciful; tender-hearted, [compassion. Koliedbn : to have pity ; to have Kolifels : contemporaries. Kblik : colored; tinted. Kolin : carbon, C. (chem.) Kblin : coloring matter. Kolinaziid : carbonic acid. Kolkbm : meeting. [gether. Kolkbmam: meeting; coming to- Kolkbmbn : to meet with ; to come together. Kolmag: counterpart; contrast. Kblnik : chromatic. Kblbn : to color; to dye. Kblbnastbf : dye-stuff. Kblbmin : pigment; chlorophyll. Kolbnlbf: homogeneity. Kolbnlbfik : homogeneous. Kblbp : dye-house; dye-works. (157) Kolosbp. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Konlet. Kolosbp: coliseum; colosseum. Kolosbpik : colossal. Kblot: coloring; thing colored. Koliim: column (typography). Kblum: column; pillar (arch.) Kblumalbp : capital, of a column (arch). Koliimik : column (typo.); ko- lu'mik : having so many col- Kbllimik : columnar. [umns.) Kollimbn : to divide into columns Kolun : colony. (tyP-) Kolunal: colonizer. Kolunam : colonization. Kolun el: colonist; settler. Kolunik : colonial. Kolunbn : to colonize. KOM : before; in presence of. KOM : arrival; coming; advent. Kbma'd : command. Kbmadel : commander. Kbmadbn . to command. Komandit: silent partnership ; business interest in another's name. Komatbn: to wed; to marry; to unite with in marriage. KOMED: recommendation; com- mendation. Komedam : recommending ; re- commendation ;commendation . Komedapenod : written recom- mendation. Komedik: commendable, [mend. Komedbn : to recommend; to com- Komen: fellow-man; fellow-crea- ture. Komep: cumin; caraway. Komfed: trunk; chest; coffer. KOMIP : combat; contest; conflict; Komipaciid : battle-axe. Komipal: combativeness. Komipel : combatant; contestant. Komipik : combative; pugnacious. Komipbn: to combat; to fight; to contend. Komipbp : scene of conflict. KOM IT: commission; order. Komital: consignor; high commis- sioner, [sary; deputy. Komitan : commissioner; commis- Komitat: commission; charge: bus- iness; errand. Komitatel: commission merchant; agent; messenger. Komitatik: commission; order. Komitel : consignor; principal Komitef: commission; committee. Komitet : commissariat. Komitbn : to commission ; to au- thorize; to give a commission. Komitii: by the order of; at the request of. Kbmod: commode (furniture). Kbmbn : to come ; to arrive ; to attain to; to arrive at. Komot : community; parish; con- gregation; corporation. Komotakad : common treasury. Kompan : company of soldiers. Komplig : complication ; entangle- ment. Kompligik: complicated; intricate. Kompligbn : to complicate; to ren- der complicated ; to entangle. Komii : before ; in presence of. KOMUN: commonness. KOMUN : communion. Komunik: common; usual; vulgar. Komunbn : to commune; to com- municate (Sacraments). KON : tale; story; account; anec- KC)N : medal. ' [dote. Kbnab : coin. Konam : narration; relation; tell- Kbnav : numismatics. [ing- Koned : novel ; tale ; romance ; Konedil: anecdote. [story. Konel: narrator; story-teller; rela- Kbnel: coiner. [tor. Kbnem : numismatic collection. Konfed : confectionery. Konfedel : confectioner. KON FID : confidence; trust. Konfidal : confidant. Konfidam: confiding; confidence. Konfidamik : confidential, [trust. Konfidambn : to confide in ; to Konfidik: confiding; trustful. Konfidlik : confidential; intimate. Konfidlbf: confidence; intimacy. Konfidbn : to have confidence in. Kongef: congress. Kbnik: coin; of coin. Konil : short anecdote; short tale. KONLET: collection. Konletel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kosiad. Konletel : collector. Konletbn: to collect; to gather. KONOD : counting-room; office. Konodan : book-keeper ; employe in a counting-room. KONOM : economy; management Konbman : economist, [of affairs. Konbmik : economical. Konbn : to relate; to tell; to narrate. Kbnbri : to coin; to mint. Kbnbp : mint.' Konot: story; recital. Konbt : cocoa-nut. KONSAL: consul. KONSAL: counsel; advice. Konsalal : councillor. Konsa'lel: counsellor; adviser. Konsa'lef: council; congress; mem- bers of council. Konsalik : consular. Konsalik : advisable. Konsalbn : to advise; to counsel. Konsalbp : consulate. Konsalbp: council-house; council- chamber. Konsef: conserve; preserved fruit. Konsefs : preserved fruits ; pre- serves. Konsef on: to preserve; to conserve. KONSID: consideration; respect. Konsidbn : to consider; to respect. Konsidii : in consideration of. KONSIEN : conscience. Konsienik : conscientious. Konsienbf: conscientiousness. Konumbn : to add ; to add up. Konyug: conjugation (grammar). Konyugam: conjugating; conjuga- tion. Konyun : conjunction (grammar). Konzed : concert. Konzedal : musical conductor. Konzedbn : to give a concert. KOP: body; substance; mass. KOP : cup. Kopad : compass (magnetic). Kopadbf: binnacle. [libation. Kbpam : drinking; carousal; orgy; Kbpamakalot : reckoning ; drink- ing-score, [retinue. KOPAN : company ; attendance ; Kbpan : tippler ; toper ; dram- drinker; drinker. Kopanal: member; fellow -member; companion. [ons. Kopanalef : membership; compani- Kopanam : accompaniment. Kopanel : companion; fellow; part- ner; associate. Kopanik : companionable ; socia- ble; gregarious, [iness); Co. Kopanbm: company; society (bus- Kopanbmel: partner; co-partner. Kopanbmik: company; joint. Kopanbn : to associate ; to keep company with. Kopanuf : accompaniment (music). Kopanug: sociability. KOPED: copper. Kopedem : coppers; copper uten- Kopedik : copper; of copper, [sils. Kopef: corps; body; corporation. Kbpen: drinking; carousing. Kopik: bodily; corporeal. Kopiko : bodily. Kopin : substance; body (chem.) Kopladam : putting together ; grouping; collocation. Kopladel: grouper. Kopladbn : to group ; to put to- gether; to collocate. Koplif on : to fold together. Kopod: stew. Kopbn : to embody. Kbpbn : to carouse; to revel; to KOR: choir. [drink. Koral : chorister. Korpan : corporal. Koriim: anthem. [trary. KOS(o) : against; adverse ; con- KOSAD: intercourse; association. Kosadapiik: familiar conversation. Kosadik : sociable. Kosadbn : to have intercourse with; to associate with. KOSEK : consecration; ordination. KOSEK : dedication. Kosekasmok : incense ; smoke of Kosekavat : holy water, [incense. Kosekon : to consecrate; to ordain. Kosekbn : to dedicate; to devote to. KOSEL : cousin. Kbselef: cousinship; cousins. Kbselik : cousinly. Kosgolbn : to go to meet; to meet. Kosiad : composition. 059) Kosiadam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Koyumbn. Kosiadam : putting together; com- position; construction. Kosiadbn : to put together; to com- pose; to construct. Kosiadot : compound ; thing put together. [a thing consists. Kosiet : composition ; that of which Kosietadil: component part ; in- gredient; element. Kosietbn : to consist of. KOSIT : subsistency; subsistence; existence; permanence. KOSIT: behavior; deportment; demeanor. [be; to persist. Kositbn : to subsist ; to exist ; to Kbsitbn : to behave; to act. [itig. Koskbmbn : to come to the meet- Koslegivot : return present; recip- rocal present. [for. Koslogbn : to look for; to look out Kosmopolan : cosmopolitan (vo- lasif). Kosmopolik : cosmopolitan. Kosmopolim : cosmopolitanism. KOSOM: custom; habit. Kbsbmik : customary ; habitual ; usual; ordinary. [as a- habit. Kbsbmlo : as a common practice; Kbsbmo : customarily; ordinarily; usually; habitually. [ate. Kbsbmbn: to accustom; to habitu- Kosonat: consonant (grammar), (koton). KOST: cost; price. Kosteifal : rival; competitor. Kosteifik: rival; competing. Kosteitbf: rivalry; competition. Kosteifbn: to rival; to compete Kostelem: constellation. [with. Kostik : costly ; precious ; expen- sive. Kostiko : expensively; preciously. Kostbn: to cost; to be worth. Kosii : to the contrary of. . Kpsum : condensation ; resume, KOSUM : consumption. Kosumam : recapitulation; reduc- tion; condensation. Kosumam : expenditure; consump- Kbsumel: consumer. [tion. Kosumbn: to recapitulate; to give an abstract of. Kbsumbn : to consume. KOT: first cause; original cause; primitive cause. KOT: cutting edge; edge. Kbtam : cutting; incision. Kotancn : to bind together. Kbtatut : incisor tooth. Kbted : cut; piece; slice. Kotefam : correlation. Kotefamik: correlative. Kbtel: cutter. KOTEN : contentment; content. Kbten : cutting business; tailoring. Kotenambn : to content; to satisfy; to appease. Kotenik : contented. Kotenbf:contentedness;satisfaction. Kotenbn : to be contented; to be satisfied. [sharp. Kbtik : edged ; cutting ; incisive ; Kotin : cotton. Kotinacans : cotton goods. Kotinasid : cotton-seed. Kotinasvil : cotton-thread. Kotinayan: cotton-yarn. Kotinik : cotton. Kotisileul : cotton-seed oil. Kotismabim : cotton plant. Kotivoden : cotton -wadding. Koton : consonant. Kbtbn : to cut; to incise. Kotopam: placing together; com- parison, [compare. Kotopbn : to place together ; to Kbtot: cut. KOV : cover; envelope; wrapper. Kovad : cover ; case ; overcoat ; wrap. Kovadbn : to cover; to encase. KOVEN : convenience; comfort. Kovenik: convenient; comfortable; Kbvex : convexity, [commodious. Kbvexet : convexity. Kbvexik: convex. Kovob : collaboration, Kovobel : collaborator; assistant. Kovobbn : to co-operate; to work together. Koyulam: conspiring; conspiracy. Koyulel : conspirator. Koyulbn: to conspire. [joining. Koyum(am) : junction; folding; Koyumbn : to fold ; to fold together (hands); to join. (160) Kozenod(am). VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kulivon. Kozenod(am) : concentration. Kozenodik : concentrated. Kozenodbn : to concentrate. Kozid: coincidence. Kraton : to scratch ; to paw; to claw; to scrape. Kred : cress. [brasure. Kren : battlement ; pinnacle ; em- Krenb'n : to embattle. Kristad : j , Kristadik: I *&*** Kristus: Christ; Jesus Christ. KRIT: Christian. Kritabim : Christmas tree. Kritacil : child of Christ; Christian Kritanim : Christianity. [child. Kritef: Christians. Kritazal: Christmas. Kritik: Christian. Kritbn : to Christianize. Kritub : Christendom. KRUT : criticism ; review. Kriitel : critic. Kriiten : censorious criticism. Kriitik : critical. Kriitbn : to criticise; to review. Kii : when ; in the time when (rela) . KUAD: quartz. [um. Kuadakum: quartz deposit; strat- Kuadik: quartzy; quartz. Kuadilabbl : quartziferous ; quartz Kuadlik: quartzose. [containing. KUB : cube. Kliba'd : die: a small cube. Kiibadapled : game of dice. Kiiba'dapled : game at dice. Kiibadapledel : dicer; dice player. Kiibadbn : to play at dice; to throw Kiibik : cubic. [dice. Kiibbn : to cube. KUD : care; solicitude. [care. Kudadin : concern; affair ; object of Kudadinik: important; pressing. Kudalivik: free of care or anxiety. Kudik : solicitous ; anxious ; care- Kudbi: carefulness. [ful. Kudbn: to care; to be solicitous ; to Kudiib : solicitude. [care for. Kudiin : greatest care. Ku'g: cucumber; gherkin. KUG(am): boiling; refining. (In- trans.) ebullition. Kugiel : boiler, [iness.) Kugen: boiling; refining (as a bus- Kugbn : to boil; to seeth; to refine. Kiigbp: boilery; refinery. Kuig: boiling; refining (trans.) Kuigel: boiler; refiner. Kuin : hundred-weight; quintal. Kuinabolad: cental; centner; load of a hundred weight. Kuinik: of a hundred weight. Kuinlik : cental; quintal. Kuinliko: by centals; by quintals; by hundred weights. Kuit : quail; Bob- White. Kujab: cushion; pillow. KUK: kitchen. Kukafilbp : cook-stove ; cooking- Kukakan : culinary art. [range. Kiikel: cook. Kuken : cooking; culinary opera- Kukik: culinary. [tions. Kuklik : cookable; decoctible. Kuklit: cuckoo. [cooked. Kukbn : to cook ; to boil up ; to be Kukbn : to cook; to prepare food. KUL : path ; way ; orbit ; trajec- _ tory; track; road. KUL _:_ course; career; current. KULAD : detail; exactness; accur- acy; precision. Kuladik : detailed; exact; accurate; precise; punctual; correct. Kuladbf : punctuality ; exactness ; Kiileil : cubic mile. [preciseness. Kulel : pioneer; path-finder; road- Ku'lel : courier. [maker. Kuliel : road-breaker ; scraper ; snow-plow. Kulimet: cubic millimeter. KULIV : culture ; education ; cul- tivation; civilization. Kulivam : cultivation ; refinement. Kulivon: to cultivate; to educate; to refine. Knuckle. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Kreutzer. Knuckle: fleg. Kreutzer : kluzab. (161) Kulod. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Kvitik. Kulod: currency; exchange. Kulodazbt : exchange market re- port. Kulodbn : to circulate (money). Kulon : to make a road, a path, a way; to open a road. [volve. Kiilbn : to run; to circulate; to re- KUM : heap; pile; mass; agglom- KUM : swarm. [eration. Kumam: accumulation. Kutnamiel : accumulator (electric). Kiimet: cubic-meter (1.308 cubic yards). [in heaps. Kumik : accumulated ; heaped up Kumip : congestion (disease). Kumbn : to heap; to pile up. KUN : cow. KUN : top; very top. Kunapim : beef tallow. Ku'no: at the top; at the very top. Kunbn : to calve. Kunu: at the top of; upon. KUP: cup; dipper; ladle; scoop. KUP : mark; sign; brand. Kupamal: mark; sign; token. Kupenad: running hand (penman- ship), [per. Kupin : cuprum, Cu. (chem.) cop- Kupinik : cupric; copper. Kupiziid : verdigris. Kupbn : to dip up; to scoop up; to Kiipbn : to bear in mind. [ladle. Kura'd : cuirass. Kiiradel: cuirassier. KUSAD : accusation; complaint. Kusadam: accusation ; complain- ing, [plaintiff. Kusadeh accuser ; complainant ; Kusadik : litigious. [of. Kusadbn : to accuse ; to complain Kusadot : accusation; complaint. KUT : court (of royalty). Kutabliinel : purveyor to a court. Kutagadel : court gardener. Kutagaden : court gardening. Kutamajal : marshal of a court. KUV: brood; covey. [hen. Kuvajigok : setting-hen ; sitting- Kuvam : brooding ; hatching ; in- Kuven : incubation. [cubation. Kuvbn: to incubate; to brood on; to cover. Kuzemet : cubic centimeter Kva'gan : Quaker. KVAK: curd. KVAT: knot; tuft; tassel; mop. Kvatel : tassel-maker; lace-maker. KVIT : quince. Kvitabim: quince-tree. Kvitik: quince; of quince. (162) La. L. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ladataked. LA : by; near; beside; nigh. LAB: possessions; property. LAB : fortune ; luck ; happiness ; good fortune. La'ba'd: bliss; felicity. Labadam: blessing; benediction. Labadik: blessed; full of blessings; fortunate; blissful. Labadbn : to bless. Labal : proprietor. Labalvoto : beside each other. Labam: occupancy; occupation. Labasiik : covetous; greedy; avar- Labed : possession. [icious. Labedeb : assets and liabilities. Labedik: possessive. Labedb'n : to possess. Labekipbn: to retain; to keep with. Label : possessor; holder. Labem : fortune; property; wealth; chattels; possessions. [lent. Labemik: well-to-do; wealthy ; opu- Labik: in possession; possessed. La'bik : blessed ; fortunate ; happy ; lucky. Labisiik: greediness; covetousness. Labisiikik : greedy; covetous. Labled : supplement (newspaper). Lablekbn : to break into; to broach; to tap. Lablin : production ; marriage por- tion; separate personal estate. Lablinbn : to bring forward ; to produce. La b o : fortunately ; happily ; luckily. Labbn: to have; to possess. Labbn : to succeed; to prosper; to be successful. Labbn fati : to fare; to befall, [bor. Labot: lodging; shelter; inn; har- Labotam: lodging; sheltering; en- tertainment; harboring. Labotel : host; landlord; harborer. Labotbn : to lodge; to shelter; to entertain; to harbor. Labub : possession. Labun : album. LAD: heart. LAD : lady ; woman ; madam ; Ladaflen : bosom friend. [Mrs. Lad aha t : bonnet; lady's hat. Ladal: lover; sweetheart; beloved. Ladal : hearty love ; cordiality ; heartiness. Ladal : Virgin Mary; Our Lady. Ladalabid : disposition ; temper ; humor. [tender. Ladalik : good-natured ; cordial ; Ladalip : melancholia. [humor. Ladalod : frame of mind; temper; Lada'lbf : kindly disposition ; good Ladan : lover; sweetheart, [nature. Ladataked : composedness ; calm- ness of mind; composure. L. Label. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Lacking Label : zOtil; lesupenad. Label, to : bemalon. Labor : vob. Labor, to : vobOn. Laboratory : vobacem. Laborer: namel; vobel. Laborious: tobik; vobik. Laboriousness: vobof. Lace : j .. Lace, point: j Lacerate, to : dimiddn ; disliton ; Lacerated : slitik. [midOn. Laceration : dimidam ; dislitam ; Lack : def. [midam ; slitam. Lack, to : dofon. Lacking, to be : defon. (163) Ladel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lagiitaut. Ladel : lover; beloved. Ladet: address (letter). [ter). Ladetbn : to address; to direct (let- Ladetb'p : address (place of abode). Ladik: lovely; charming. Ladip : heart disease. [ate. Ladlik: hearty; cordial; affection - Ladbn : to embrace; to caress; to fondle; to hug; to show affec- tion for. Ladunbn : to add to; to embellish. Ladvelib : adverb. Ladvelibik: adverbial. Ladyek : adjective. Ladyekabid : participle. Ladyekabidik : participial. Ladyekbn : to form an adjective. La'dyul : farewell; adieu. Ladyulb ! Farewell ! Adieu ! Ladyulbn : to bid farewell ; to bid LAEB: alabaster. [adieu. Laebacans : alabaster goods. Laebagla't : alabaster glass. Laed : lath. LAP : half. LAF: turnip; beet. Lafab : alphabet; a b c. Lafabab : alphabet pupil; one of the infant class. Lafababbn : to learn the alphabet. Lafababuk : a b c book; primer. Lafaban : primer pupil; one of the infant class. Lafabik : alphabetical. Lafablod : half-brother; step bro- Lafabil : small beer. [ther. Lafacil: step-child. Lafafat : step-father. Lafakbdot : bust (statuary). Lafalainik : half-woolen ; cotton and wool; linsey-woolsey. Lafamag : half-length portrait. Lafamot : step-mother. Lafamulik : semi-monthly. Lafamuedik : semi-mute. Lafamun : half-moon; semi-cirde. Lafanepal : half-orphan. Lafanisul : peninsula. Lafavaet: beet- juice. Lafayel : half-year. Land : side-dish; entremet. Lank : half; semi. Lafin : alfenide (metallurgy.) Laflapam : striking ; striking against; posting up. Lafla(pa)zbt : bill posted up. Laflik: halved, [halves; to bisect. Lafon : to halve ; to divide into LAG .-pendant; hanging (intrans) . LAG(am) : hanging (trans.) Lagat : lizard. LAGEB : algebra. Lagebik : algebraic. La'giv: appendix; supplement. Lagivbn : to subjoin; to add. Lagleip(am) : assault; capture. Lagleipbn : to assault; to capture. Lagludot : agglutination. Lagludbn: to agglutinate; to fas- ten with glue. [to dangle. Lagbn : to hang; to be suspended; La'gbn : to hang; to suspend; to Lagot : (a) pendant. [hang up. Lagun : lagoon. Lagiit : salmon. Lagiitaut : salmon-trout. Lacquer. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lamentable. Lacquer: laig. Lacquer, to : laigon. Lacquering : laigam. Lad : pul; pulil. Ladder: xanabim. Lading: lodam. Lading, bill of: lodazOt. Ladle: kup; lespun. Ladle, to : kupon. Lady: jisol; Lad; nobalftd; Lager-beer: bil. jibaon- [an. Lagoon : lagun. Lake : lak. Lamb: Ham; smajip. Lame : stifik. Lame, to : stifOn. Lame, to become : stifOn. Lameness : stif. Lament: yam; plon. Lament, to : lugOn ; plonfln ; vilu- vokOn; yamOn; viOn. [madigik. Lamentable: pkmik; yamik; ya- (164) Lai. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lanamop. Lai: continuously; always; at all [ LAIB : loaf (bread, etc.) [times. Laibil : small loaf; roll. [debt. Laideb : funded debt ; standing Laido: continually; constantly. Laiddf: stability; constantly; per- petuity. Laidbfo : universally; generally. Laidun : continuance ; continua- tion; persistence. Laidunal : persistence. Laidunb'n : to continue ; to do habitually; to persist. Laig : lacquer; varnish. Laigam : lacquering; varnishing. Laigan : varnisher. Laigbn : to lacquer; to varnish. Laik : continuous; continual ; en- during; lasting; persistent. Laiko : continuously; uninterrupt- Laikbl : continuing. [edly. Laikblo : continuously ; con tin u- Laikbn : to continue. [i n gly- Lailetbn : to leave; to forsake; to Lain: wool. [abandon. Lainik: woolen. Lainin : flannel. Lainlik : woolly. Lajin: stripe; gusset. LAK: lake. Lakel : whereby; by which means. La'kel : hangman; executioner. Lakelb! The deuce! What the deuce ! LAKIF: share (stocks, funds, etc.) i Lakifakopanbm : stock company. Lakifel : shareholder; stockholder. Lakif on : to issue stock in shares. Lakik: lake; of a lake. Laklebbn : to paste; to paste to. Laklotbn : to dress ; to put on clothing. La'kbn : to hang; to execute. Lakov: alcove. Lakun : litmus. LAL : alley; avenue. Lalied : condolence. La'lbnbn : to pertain ; to belong. Laltig: article (gram.) Laltiig : article; item (newspaper). LAM : arm. LAM : ham. Lamabodil : ham sandwich. Lamafleg : elbow. Lamaful : armful. Lamalin : bracelet. Lamatan : bracelet; armlet. Lamatuk: almond. Lamavead : sleeve. [with. Lamigbn : to mix with; to alloy Lam on : to embrace; to hug. LAN: soul; mind. [country. LAN : land; the land; landscape; Lanafetanog : national union ; alliance; confederation. Lanagbn : to sew to. Lanakud: pastorship; care of souls. Lanal : archangel. La'nam : landing; debarking; allu- Lanambp : landing-place, [vium. Lananab : isthmus. [terminus. Lanamop : landing-place ; wharf; Lanav. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Language. Lanav : psychology. Lamentation : plon; viluvok; yam. Lamenter: viluvokel. Laming: stifam. Lamp : litapol. Lamp bracket : valalitakip. Lamp-lighter: filaban. Lamp-oil : fiialeul. Lamprey : ztilog. Lance: sped. Lanceolate : spedlik. Lancer : spedel. Lancet: spedil. Land: laned; Ian; glun. Land, arable : feilaned. Land, to: golOn; lanon; senafon. Land-holder : gaedilabel. Landing-place: jolapladjlanamOp. Landlady: jilotel; domavom. Landlord: labotel; lotedel; guedi- label; lotan. Landscape: Ian; laned; lanug. Lane: lusiit; stttil. Language: pUk; linek. Language : piikik. Language, international: volaplik. Lanavel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lasambn. Lanavel: psychologist. Lanavik: psychologic. LANED: real estate; agricultural land (not city property); coun- Laned : landscape. [try. Lanedal: agriculturist; farmer. Lanedal : rusticity. Lanedan: husbandman ; agricul- turist; farmer. Lanedapadan: country parson. Lanedat: agricultural; husbandry. Lanedatik: agricultural. Lanedik : rural country. Lanedbn : to cultivate the soil. Lanel : angel. [landing. Lanel: lander; one who effects a Lanelal: angelic disposition. Lanelalik: angelic; of angelic dis- position. Lanelik : angelic; heavenly. La'nem : appellation ; sobriquet ; pseudonym ; nickname ; sur- name. Lanemam : naming; nicknaming. Lanemon : to name; to give a sur- name ; to give a sobriquet, a Lanik : psychic. [surname. Lanilam : approach ; approxima- tion, [mate. Lanilbn : to approach; to approxi- LANIM : courage; spirit. Lanimal : bravery. Lanimalik : brave. Lanimam : encouragement. Lanimel : encourager. Lanimik: courageous; spirited. Lanimb ! Courage ! Cheer up ! Lanimbn : to encourage. Lanin : lantanum, La. (chem). Lanbn : to animate; to inspirit. Lanbn : to land, to effect alanding; to push on shore. La'nbp : district; province. La'not: report; announcement. Lanotel : announcer; notifier; re- porter. Lanotbn : to announce; to report. Lanotot : report; announcement. Lanugbn : to hook on. Lanu\j: landscape (painting). Laot: awl; bodkin. Lapak: alpaca (zool.) Lapakayan : alpaca yarn. Lapalan : Alpine country. Lapakbn : to pack to. Lapel: inhabitant of the Alpscoun- Lapik : Alpine. [try. LAPIN : rapine ; robbery; brigand - Lapinasiik : rapacity, [age; pillage. Lapinel : robber ; highwayman ; pirate; pillager. [piratical. Lapinik : rapacious ; predatory ; Lapinlit : bird of prey; predatory. Lapinlitik: predatory; rapacious. Lapinbn : to rob; to pillage; to plunder. Lapol: contribution; quota. Lapolbn : to contribute to. Lapolot: contribution. La'polotbn : to contribute; to pay a contribution. LAR : are (i-ioo hectare, 100 sq. Larupaf: burbot; eelpout. [metres. La's(o) : by present; thereby. Lasam : assemblage ; congrega- tion; meeting; congress. Lasamef: audience; congregation; assemblage. Lasamel : assembler. [gate. Lasamon: to assemble; to congre- Language. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Largely. Language, latin : latinapuk. Language, native : motaplik. Language teacher : pukatidel. Language, universal: pasilal(if); Language, world : volaplik. Languish for, to : leneltimon. Languishing: leneltim; leneltimen. Lank : nepienik. Lantanum: lanin. Lantern : litasav. Lap : vtim. Lapidary : diaminel. Lapwing: kibit. Larch : pain. Lard: svinapin; pim. Large: bigik; gletik. Largeheartedness : veital. Largely: gleto. (i 66) Lasbed. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Latinik. Lasbed : asbestus. Lasbedacan : asbestus goods. Lasbe(da)pbp : asbestus paper. Lasbe(da)vivot: asbestus woven goods. Laseistbn : to be inclosed; to lie with; to be placed with. La'seitbn : to inclose; to lay with; to place with. La'sen : presence. La'set : appositional clause. La'sev : approbation ; applause ; recognition; approval. Lasevam : acknowledgment; re- cognition; approval. La'sevamo : as is well recognized; as is well established, [prove. La'sevambn : to recognize; to ap- Lasevbn : to applaud; to approve. Lasiadbn : to put on ; to add. La'siavbd : apposition (grammar). Lasiavbdik : appositional. Lasiedel: assistant; coadjutor; de- puty; associate. [iness. Lasig: assignment; assigning (bus- Lasigel : assigner. Lasigbn : to assign. Laslafug : bondage; servitude. Laslip(am) : coition; copulation. La'slipel : bed-fellow. Lasmelbn : to smell of. Lasmilbn : to smile upon. La'sbn : to be present. Lasbno : in the presence. iii : in the presence of. Lastanam : station; stand. LASTIN : elasticity. Lastinik : elastic. Lastogbn : to knit on ; to foot. Lasukbn : to accompany ; to follow. Lasum : receiving; taking up; re- Lasumel : receiver. [ception. Lasumiel : receiver; receptacle. Lasumik : receivable. [accept. Lasumbn : to receive ; to take; to LAT(u'p) : lateness ; tardiness. LAT: end; last. Latab : altar. Latab : backward colt, lamb, etc. ; Latam : retardation. [late fruit. Latavil: will; last will and testa- LATEN : brass. [ment. Latenagif: brass-founding. Latenik : brass; of brass; brazen. Latik : late; tardy. La'tik : last; ultimate. Latikna : the last time; finally. Latiknalik : happening for the last time; final. Latikno : for the last time. Latiko : lately. Latiko : lastly; ultimately. Latikun: very last; last of all. La'tikiino : in the last place; finally. Latileul: ethereal oil. Latin : ether. Latinapuk: Latin language. Latinapiiko: in the Latin lan- Latinan : Latin scholar. [guage. Latinik : Latin. Largess. ENGLISII-YOLAPUK. Latterly. Largess : legivot. Lark : laud. Laryngitis : gugapip. Larynx : gugap. Lascivious : lenepuedik. Lass : jipul. Lassitude : fen. Last: latik; latikiln. Last, at : fino; lato; finona. Last, to : levelOn. Last time : latikna. Lasting : laik. Lastly: latiko. Late: latik; nesunik. Late, to be : laton. Lately: bletimo; latiko; nelonedo; Lateness: lat. [atimo. Later : latumo. Lateral : flanik. Laterally: flaniko; flanivedo. Latest, at : lattino. Lath : laed. Lathe: tunad; tunelabam. Lathe-work: tun; tunacan. Latin : Latinapuk. Latin : Latinik. Latinize, to : Latinon. Latterly : Uetimo. (167) Latinbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lebijopastiik. Latinbn : to Latinize. Latno : for the last time. Latinsik : ethereal ; containing Lato: late; tardily. [ether. La'to : at last; ultimately; finally. Latbn : to be late; to be belated. Latopam : apposition. Latumo : later. Latiino : at latest. Laud: lark. Lauk : lye. Laun : alum. LAUT: authorship; origin. Lautel : author; originator (lautel). Lauteldn : to be an author. Lautb'n : to compose; to write. LAV : lukewarmness. Lav(in) : lava. Lavik : lukewarm; tepid. La'vik: lava; of lava. Lavnik: lukewarmish. LAVOG : advocacy; profession of an advocate. [citor; lawyer. Lavogal: advocate; attorney; soli- Lavogik : legal (professional). Lavbn : to make tepid ; to make lukewarm. Layet : drawer, a sliding receptacle. Lazet : lazaretto; hospital; infirm- LE : more; more than; very. [ary. Leaf: leopard. Lealso : just so; quite so. Lebadik : very wicked. Lebalib : full-beard. Lebalid : first of all. Lebalik: alone ; only ; single ; unique; sole. Lebalikna: only once. Lebeatikun : beatified ; blessed ; saved (of the dead). Lebeg : supplication; entreaty. Lebegik : suppliant; imploring. Lebegbn : to supplicate; to implore; to entreat. Leben : grace; favor; benevolence. Lebenik: gracious; benevolent. Lebeno : quite well; well enough. Lebevokam : citation ; summon- ing, [pcena. Lebevokbn : to summon ; to sub- Lebevokat : summons, subpoena. Lebigovaet : gelatine. Lebijop : archbishop. Lebijopastiik: archbishopric. Lattice. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lead. Lattice: tlel. Laudable: lobik; pliedik. Laudably : lobiko. Laugh, to: lesmilon; smilon. Laugh at, to : fesmilon. Laughable : smilik. Laugher: smilel. Laughter : smil. Laundress: jivatUkel; vatttvom. Laundry: vattiken; viotop ; vatii- Laundry-man: vatukel. [dom. Laureate: pelorel. Laurel: lor. Lava : lav. Lava : lavik. Lavish: Ittxamik. Law: Ion; git. Law-book : lonabuk. Lawful: gitalik ; gitik ; gitlik; gi- tomafik; lonik. Lawfully : gito. Lawfulness : gitlof; gitomaf. Lawn : flub. Laws, to enact: lonon. Law-suit : gitafeit; pOzet. Lawyer : lavogal. Lax: muflik; nejalepik. Laxative : plivodamed. Lay: kanitemil. Lay, to: seiton; nogon. Lay against, to : lenseiton. Lay in, to : ninseiton. Lay near, to : niseiton. Lay off, to : deseitOn. Lay on, to: suseiton; suboladOn. Lay with, to: laseiton. Layer : padeseitel; jtld. Layman: netikalnan. Lazaretto: lazet. Laziness: nedut. Lazy: nedutlik. Lazy, to be: neduton. Lead (leed) : bugol. Lead (led): plum; plumin. (168) Lebijopik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ledivot. Lebijopik : archiepiscopal. Lebijopbp : archiepiscopal see. Lebinin : quintessence. Leblagik: coal black; raven black; jet black. Leblam: reproof; reproach. Leblamb'n : to reproach ; to re- prove, [continue; to persist. Leblibon : to abide; to remain; to Leblim(am): erection; setting up. Leblimbn: to set up; to erect; to found; to establish. Lebludik : bleeding. Lebludip: hemorrhage. Lebluk: torrent. Lebbb: bank exchange. Lebbbafiam : banking-house. Lebbbel: banker (-al). Lebbbastit: banking institution. Lebblakif: bank-stock. Lebiid: command; order; decree. Lebiidabid : form of imperative (potential with shall) jussive. Lebiidbn : to decree; to command. Lebuk . folio ; folio-volume. Lebumbn : to finish (a building). Lecal: high office; high-position. Leced : opinion; judgment (of an Leciid : ax. (expert. LED : redness; red color. Ledacigik: rosy-cheeked. Ledaem: redoubt; intrenchment; bulwark; fort. Ledaembn : to work at a redoubt, an intrenchment, a fort. Ledafif: scarlet fever. Ledaflin : bull-finch. Ledaklbf : scarlet (cloth). Ledalaf: beet. Ledalit(am) : illumination. Ledalitbn : to illuminate. Ledalbn : to authorize, empower. Ledaniid : ball; dance. Ledeb : sin; trespass. Ledek : robes; vestments. Ledesid: aridity; eagerness; lust. Ledesidik : greedy ; eager ; covet- Ledib : abyss ; precipice. [ous. Ledik : red ; scarlet. Ledilod : lot; prize. Ledinit: highest; dignity. Ledinitel: reverence (title). Ledinitik : right reverend. Ledin(s) : effects. [appreciation. Lediv : estimation ; high esteem ; Ledivik : esteemed highly ; respect- ed. Ledivodik: most obedient; most respectful ; wholly devoted. Ledivbn : to esteem; to appreciate; to esteem highly. Ledivot: treasure. Lead. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lease-holder. Lead : plumik. Lead, to : cifon ; dedugOn ; sedu- k5n; dukOn; geidOn. Lead, to (led : plumon. Lead around, to: votadugOn. Lead astray, to : polidukon. Lead music, to : flepon. Leaden : plumik; plumlik. Leader : cif ; dukel; geidel. Leadership : duk. Leading: cifam; dukam; geid. Lead-pencil : stib. Leaf: bimabled; bled. Leaf, to: bledon. Leaflet: smabled. League: fed; fedttb; leklub; hoi. Leak : voad. Leaky : voadik. Lean : nepinik. Lean, to: klivOn. Lean against, to : luyiimOn. Leaning: luyum(am). Leanness : nepin. Leap : bun. Leap, to : bunon. Leaper : bunel. Leap-year : malsemayel (yel delas kiltum malsemal). Learn, to : lenadon; xolenadOn. Learnable : lenadlik. Learned: estudik; sevafulik; peti- Learnedness: petidolat. [dol. Learning: lenad; nol. Lease : kodiit. Lease, to: dekoduton; fokoktiton; Lease-holder: kodutel. [kodtlton. (169) Ledlano. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lefudanbn. Ledlano : very urgently. Ledlik : reddish. Ledlinot: mordant. Ledom : palace; castle; mansion. Ledomal : lord of the castle. Ledoman : inhabitant of the castle. Ledb'n: to redden; to color red. Ledotik: scrupulous. Ledotiko : scrupulously. Ledotbf: scrupulousness. Ledu'fik : of stony hardness. Lediifugik: obdurate. Lediik: grand-duke. Lediikatad : stock in trade; stock. Ledul: perseverance; steadiness. Ledulik : persevering; persistent. Ledulbn : to persevere; to endure; to hold out. Ledunik: industrious. Ledunbf: industry. Ledunbn : to do eagerly; to be in- LEF : yeast. [tent on. Lefad: string; line; cord; twine. Lefad fananuga : fish-line; fishing- line. Lefadbn: to tie with string ; to put string around. Lefal: sudden fall; tumble; plunge. Lefalokbn: to precipitate one's self; to hurl one's self. Lefalbn: to fall; to be precipitated. Lef albn : to precipitate; to push over. [grand-sire (paternal). Lefatel : great grand -father; great Lend : .meal; food; repast. Lefidbn : to partake of a meal; to sit at table; to give a repast. Lefikulik : very difficult. Lefiled : conflagration. Lefined: middle finger. Leflen : intimate friend ; bosom friend; confidant. Leflidel : Good Friday. Leflum : current; stream. Leflum: electric current. [run. Leflumbn: to stream; to flow; to Lefba: anew ; afresh ; from the beginning. Lefoetik : ravenous; savage. Lefog: cloudiness; cloud. Lefogik : cloudy. Lefomam: finishing; perfecting. Lefombn : to finish; to perfect. Lefon : bubbling water ; bubble ; eddy; bubbling spring ; foun- Lefop : idiot ; lunatic. [tain. Lefopavut : raving madness; ma- nia, [cal. Lefopavutik: raving mad; mania- Lefopik : idiotic; demented; insane. Lefopbp : lunatic asylum ; mad- house, [insanity; dementia. Lefopug : madness ; distraction ; Lefot : forest of large trees. Lefoviko: quick as lightning; with lightning rapidity. Lefu'd : east; orient. Lefudanbn : to orientalize. Least. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Left. Least: luun; luntln; nemodikunos. Least : nemodiino. Least, at: leluuno. Least of all: leluno; leluostino. Least, in the: luntino. Leather: skit. Leather : skitik. Leather dealer: skitan. Leather manufacturer : skital. Leathery: skitlik. Leave: dal; dismttt. Leave, to: ItivOn ; geletOn ; la- ileton; fegeltiton. Leave, to grant : dismllton. Leaved : bledemik. Leaving : liivam. Leaves, to strip off: debledon. Lechery : lenepuedug. Lector: liladal. Lecture, to : bililadon. Lecture room : tidop. Lecturer: dokal; plivadokal. Leech : gib. Lees : glusiadot. Left : nedet. Left : nedetik ; peltivol. Left, at the : nedetiko. Left, from the : nedetoa. Left, on the : nedeto. Left, on the of: nedetii. (170) Lefiidan. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Leiflanik. Lefiidan: eastern man; inhabitant of the east; oriental. Lefiidik : eastern; oriental. Leful: perfection; perfectness; ac- complishment, [consummation. Lefulam : finishing ; completion ; Lefulamik: feasible; practicable. Lefulamb'f : feasibility ; practica- bility. Lefulel : perfecter ; improver. Lefulik : perfect; accomplished. Lefuliko: perfectly. Lefulnik : complete; full; entire. Lefulniko : completely. Lefulno : abundantly. Lefulnbf: completeness. Lefulnbn : to execute; to accom- plish; to complete. Lefulnot : completion. Lefulo : perfectly. Lefulbn : to finish; to complete; to perfect; to consummate. Lefulot : finishing; consummation. Lefulsam perfection ; improve- ment. Lefulsel : perfecter; improver. Lefulson : to perfect; to improve. Lefuved : eastward. Lefuvedo : eastwardly. LEG : genuineness ; authenticity ; Legad : park. [legitimacy. Legal: ecstasy; transport; rapture. Legalam: enchanting; ecstasy. Legalik : rapturous; transporting ; ecstatic. Legalbl : enchanting; charming. Legalblo : enchantingly; charming- & Legation: to enrapture; to trans- port; to enchant; to charm. LEGAT : embassy; mission. Legatef: legation; embassy (per- sons). Legatel : embassador; legate. ( Legatem : embassies; missions. Legatbp : office of legation ; em- bassy. Legeil : summit; top; highest point. Legeilik: elevated; high; lofty. 1 Legeilbn : to top ; to culminate. Leget: conception. Legidik: august; lofty; sublime. Legik : genuine ; authentic ; legit- Legion : legion. [imate. Legionan : legionary. Legiv(am) : donation; presenting. Legivel : donor; giver. Legivbn : to donate; to give. Legivot : drink-money ; fee ; tip ; gilt; gratuity (as to servants). Leglav : groats; grits; pearl-barley. Legleipbn : to assail ; to attack ; to assault. [mous. Legletik : colossal; gigantic; enor- Legleto : enormously; immensely. Leglif : grief; sorrow; affliction. Leglifik : sorrowful; afflicted, [fret. Leglif on : to grieve ; to sorrow ; to Legbdelo : in the early morning. Lego do! Great God ! Legolbp : corridor. Legudik : very good ; quite good ; excellent. [harper. Lehapal : skilful harpist; skilful Leha't : helmet. Lehel : ringlet; curl; lock. Lehelakapil: little curly head. Lehitiip : mid-summer. Leif : even if. Leiflanik : equilateral. Left. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK Legumes. Left, to the : nedetoi. Leg: k>g; goap. Legacy: gelet; gellitadjl. Legal: gitlik; lavogik; lonik. Legalization : lonikam. Legalize, to: lonikOn. Legate : legatel. Legation : legatef; legatflp. Legend: lusag; lekonil. Legendary : lusagik. Legible: liladik. Legibility: liladof. Legion: legion. Legionary: legionan. Legislate, to: lonOn. Legitimacy : gitkJf; leg. Legitimate: gitlik; legik. Legumes : veaduk. Leig. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Leklebbn. LEIG: equality; likeness. Leigab : equator. Leigabidiko : equally. Leigabazon : torrid zone. Leigabik : equatorial. Leigalien : parallelism; parallel. Leigalienik : parallel. Leigam : equalization; equation. Leigamaf: symmetry; proportion. Leigamafik : symmetrical ; uniform ; proportionate. Leigatigik : equilateral. Leigaton : unison ; consonance. Leigavat : equilibrium. Leigavatbn : to place in equilibri- um; to equilibrate; to counter- poise, [tree. Leigiel: evener; equalizer; double - Leigik : equal; similar; like. Leigo: likewise; also; too; equally. Leigbf : symmetry ; symmetrical- ness. Leigbn : to equalize ; to equal. Leigot : equation. Leigovat: equilibrium; equipoise. Leigiid : image ; parable ; simile ; comparison. Leigiip : simultaneity. Leigiipik: simultaneous. Leigiipo : simultaneously. Leik: such; like. Leiklot : uniform; like clothing. Leiklotam : uniforming. Leiklotik : uniform (clothing). Leiklotbn : to uniform. Leik(o) : likewise; as also. LEIL: mile. LEIN : lion. Leinik: leonine. Leinbn : to roar (as a lion). Leiplad : co-ordination ; conform- Leit: lightness. [ing. Leital: frivolity; levity. Leita'lik: frivolous; giddy. Leitam: lightening; alleviation. Leitik : light (not heavy). Leito : lightly. Leitbn : to lighten; to ease; to al- leviate, [terpoise. Leivatbn: to equilibrate; to coun- Leja'f : wholesale business. Lejain: ship's cable; cable; rope. Lejainem : rigging; cordage (ma- rine.) [advocacy. Lejalam : oral defense of another ; Lejedbn : to hurl. Lejek: borrow; shuddering; dread. Lejekik: horrible; dreadful; cruel. Lejeklik: awful; dreadful; horri- ble, [city- Lejekbf: cruelty; barbarity ; fero- Lejekbfik : cruel. Lejekbnok: to shudder; to shiver. Lejeval : stallion. Lejin : appearance; semblance. Lejonik: beautiful; picturesque; charming; magnificent; splen- did. Lejuit: high enjoyment; treat. Lejul: high school; academy. Lejiil : shield; screen; buckler. Lejiilaf: turtle; tortoise. LEK: echo. Lekaf: wiliness; cunning; craft. Lekalodik: icy-cold. Lekan : art; high art; fine art. Lekanajul : art school ; school of art. [arts. Lekanal: talent; taste for the fine Lekanapiib: art publication. Lekanapiik : technical language. Lekanastid : art institute. Lekanastiit : art establishment. Lekanel: artist. Lekanik : artistic. Lekanod : work of art. Lekans : fine arts. Lekeinik : gracious ; graceful ; charming; lovely. Lekek : cake (pastry). Lekikbn : to lock; to bar. Lekilidavbg: heroic tenor, [board. Lekleb : paste-board ; binders' Leklebbn : to bind in boards. Leisure. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lend. Leisure : livtip. Lemon : zied. Lemon : ziedik. Lend, to: lujyivOn; lugivotOn. (172) Leklbdon. VOLAPUK-MGLISH. Lelnbf. Leklbdon : to confide in; to trust; to rely upon. Leklub : confederacy ; league. Lekluf: hook; staple. LeklUlbn : to transfigure; to glorify ; to illumine. [sis. Lekbg : whooping cough ; pertus- Lekblum : pillar; pilaster; pier. Lekblumik: pillar-lik Lekonfidbn : to depend upon ; to confide in; to rely upon. Lekbn : to echo. Lekoned : romance. Lekonil: legend. Lekbpam : communion. Lekopanel : conductor. Lekosilam : reconciliation ; propi- tiation. Lekosilel : conciliator; propitiator; mediator; the Redeemer (theol.j Lekosilbn: to conciliate ; to ap- pease ; to reconcile ; to propi- Lektin : electricity. [tiate. Lektinaglbk : electric bell. Lektinakiemav : electro-chemistry. Lektinam : electrization. Lektinel : electrician. Lektinik : electric. Lektinbn: to electrify; to electrize. Lektinut : electrical machine. Lektoin : amber. Lektoinacan : amber goods. Lekujab: cushion; bolster; pad. Lekulbn : to open a highway; to LEL : iron. [break a road. Lelab : easy circumstances ; pros- perity. Lelab : felicity; bliss; happiness. Lelabik: well-to-do; prosperous. Lela'bik : blessed ; happy. Lelabog : safe; strong box. Lelabbn : to make happy; tobless. Lelacan : hardware; ironware. Lelad : heartiness ; cordiality. Leladefalin : iron refuse; old iron. Leladik: hearty; cordial ; magna- nimous. Leladlat: iron-wire. Leladbf : magnaminity; highimnd- Lelalbg : iron hammer. [edness. Lelagifen : iron founding. Lelaledlin : iron mordant. Lelamun : iron ore. Lelarapacib : iron filings. Lelatiin : sheet-tin; tinned-iron. Lelavitin : copperas; green vitriol. Lelaxiid: rust (iron). Lelaxlidik: rusty. Lelaxudbn: to rust; to oxidize. Leledik : blood-red; fiery-red. Leleg: genuineness; purity; solid- ity; real merit. [sterling. Lelegik : genuine ; pure ; solid ; Leleig: identity. Leleigik : identical. Leleig: identity. Leleigik: identical. Leleigo : identically. Leleigii : identical with. Lelel : smith; forger; blacksmith. Lelelen : blacksmithing. Lelelbp militik : portable forge ; military forge. Lelen : iron working. Lelet : cession; transfer. Leletbn : to cede ; to transfer. Leliedb! Alas! Unfortunately! Lelieg : superabundance; immense wealth. [R. R. line. Lelien : line ; line of railroad ; Lelik : iron. Lelilam : perception (audition). Lelilik : audible; perceptible. Lelilbn : to hear; to perceive. Lelin : ferrum, Fe. (chem.) Lelibtan : first lieutenant. Lelit : lightning. Lelitadukab : lightning conductor. Lelitadukam : lightning conduc- Lelitaflap : thunder-clap. [tion. Lelitastal : thunder-bolt ; flash of lightning. Lelito : quick as lightning. Lelitbn : to lighten (lightning). Lelnik : ferruginous. Lelnbf: ferruginousness. Lender. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lending. Lender : lugivel. Lending : lugiv. Lelod. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lemotel. Lelod: railroad; railway. Lelod : railroad-ticket. Lelodageb : railroading. Lelodaklaut : railroad-rail. Lelodalajin: switch. Lelodaluib: car-wheel. [0)- Lelbdam : billeting; quartering (up- Lelodan : brakeman; railroad em- ploye, [car. Lelodavab: railroad car; railway Lelbf: passionate love; passion. Leloflik : extremely lovely ; adora- ble, [adore. Lelbf on : to love passionately ; to Lelogam : observation; examina- tion, [to search out. Lelogedbn : to spy out; to detect; Lelogbn : to observe; to examine; to view. [of roses. Lelolem: rosary ;chaplet; garland Lelblo : in toto. Lelbn : to forge; to work as a smith. Lelbnedik : submissive. Lelbnediko : submissively. Lelbnedbf: submission; submissive- ness, [to; to pertain to. Lelbnbn : to belong to; to be due Leloted: grand hotel; large hotel. Lelufulbn : to stuff; to cram. Leliigik: poignant; bitter. Leliigiko: bitterly; poignantly. Lelu'l : horn-owl. Leluliino : least of all. Lelumot: unnatural mother. Leliin : magnifying glass ; micro- Leluosiino : least of all. [scope. Lelutavat : cloud ; watery vapor. Lelutavatbn: to cloud; to become cloudy. Leluuno : at the very least. LEM : purchase; buying. Lemacem: store; salesroom; shop. Lemaceman : clerk; salesman. Lemadik: ripe; in season; timely; mature. Lemag: image; exact image. Lemagik : exactly resembling. Lemagbf: close resemblance. Lema'kab : illustriousness ; emi- nence. Lemakabik : illustrious; eminent. Lemakabbn : to make illustrious. LEM AN : remainder; rest; rem- nant. Lemanik: remaining; left. Lemaniko : for the rest ; for what remains. Lemano : besides; moreover. Lemanbn : to leave ; to leave a remainder. Lema'nots : residue; debris. Lemasel : old master (art); grand master. [power. Lemek : omnipotence ; creative Lernekadik : omnipotent; all-pow- erful. [Creator. Lemekal :the Almighty; the Great Lemekam : creation. Lemekik : omnipotent ; almighty ; Lemekbn : to create. [creative. Lemel: buyer; purchaser. Lemelidlik : very deserving ; well deserved; well merited. Lemem : memory ; recollection ; remembrance. Lemembn : to remember ; to re- collect; to think of. Lemesed : salary; stipend; wages; pay; income. [etc. Lemesedbn : to pay salary, wages, Lemiel : virgin honey; pure, fresh honey. [venal. Lernik: merchantable; purchasable;" Lemlik : inclined to buy; desiring to buy. Lemlofbn : to offer for sale. Lernbd : mass; crowd; army; mul- titude. Lembdab : assets (pecuniary). Lembdik: massy; bulky; in mass- es; very numerous. Lembdikum : many more, [tlantly. Lembdikumo : much more; abun- Lemojedbn : to discard; to reject. Lemon : to buy; to purchase. Lemotel : maternal ancestor. Length. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lengthen. Length: loned. Lengthen, to : lonedOn. (174) Lemotbfazal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lenlogbn. Lemotbfazal: Christmas festivities. Lemiiegan : eider-duck. Lemiiepen : eider-down. Lemuf: concussion; shake. [gine. Lemiif : locomotive ; railroad en- Lemufam: concussion; shaking. Lemun : full-moon. [anathema. Lemiit : ban ; excommunication ; Lemlitam : excommunication; in- terdiction; exorcism. Lemiitel : exerciser; conqueror. Lemiitbn : to ' excommunicate ; to anathematize; to exorcise. LEN : at; on; toward; by; to. LENAD: learning; acquisition ; study. [student. Lenadab : apprentice ; pupil ; Lenadadil : lesson; task; exercise. Lenadamod : course of instruction ; curriculum. Lenadazilik : zealously studious. Lenadik : studious. Lenadlik : learnable; easily learned. Lenadbn : to learn ; to acquire knowledge. Lenaf: ark; Noah's ark. Lenakbm : Advent. Lenamateg : mitten. Lenatembn : to pant; to breathe audible. Lenaud: abomination. Lenblek(am) : opening. Lenblinbn : to bring in; to bring on; to place. [dition). Lenbum : construction (of an ad - Lendunbn : to do; to do ; to Lenefikulo : very easily. [cause. Leneflen : arch enemy ; sworn enemy. [malevolent. Leneflenik : hostile ; inimical ; Leneflenbf : hostility ; animosity ; malevolence. Leneif: carving-knife. Lenejelik : outlawed. Lenelabad : anathema. Lenelifik : stone dead. Leneliim(en) : longing ; languish- ing; panting; thirsting. Leneliimbn : to thirst for; to long for; to pant for ; to languish Lenembdo : in the least. [for. Lenepued : lubricity ; lewdness ; wantonness. Lenepuedik : wanton ; lascivious; salacious; lewd. Lenepuedug : lewdness ; lechery ; wantonness. Lenesiam : pure nonsense. Lengon: onset; start; run; head- way; charge. Lengonbn: to begin to run ; to take a run; to take a start; to run Lenevelo: nevermore. [toward. Lenevlik : nervous. Lenilikiin : next; nearest; closest. Lenilud : self-conceit; presumption. Lenitedik : highly interesting. Lenitib : lentil. Lenitibik: lenticular; lentil- shaped. Lenkalbn : to charge to (an ac- count. Lenked am) : stringing ; basting ; sewing on loosely; filing. Lenkedbn : to string; to baste; to sew on loosely; to file. Lenkedot : file. Lenkip : hold; support. [trust. Lenkonfidbn: to confide in; to Lenkbsbmbn : to accustom to; to inure to. Lenlag(ot): appendix; appendage. Lenlelbn : to forge on; to forge to. Lenleodam: disposition; arrange- ment; direction. Lenleodbn : to order; to arrange; to direct; to regulate, [ear to. Lenlilbn : to hearken to; to give Lenlog : view; prospect; sight. Lenlogam : looking on; gazing up- on; viewing. Lenloged : contemplation. Lenlogedik : visible. Lenlogedlik : apparent. Lenlogedbn : to contemplate ; to have in view; to consider. Lenlogbn : to view; to gaze upon. Lengthy. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lenity. Lengthy : lonedik. Lenity : mud. (175) Lenlogii. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lepenadan. Lenlogu : in view of; in consider- ation of. Lenlbn(am): appropriation. Lenlbnbn : to appropriate. Lenmaf on : to measure; to take a measure. [no, indeed. Leno: not at all; by no means; Lenof: injury. Lenofik : injurious. Lenof on : to injure. [ary rule. Lenom: fundamental rule; element- Lenonik : not one ; not a single one; no. [nothing. Lenos: nothing at all; absolutely Lenot : notification. Lenbt : walnut. Lenotbn : to notify. Lenotbn oki : to inscribe one's self. Lenpiik: address ; speech ; ha- rangue, [to harangue. Lenplikbn :to address; to speak to; Lensa'k : inquiry; demand; interro- gation, [to interrogate. Lensakbn : to inquire; to call for; Lenseitbn : to lay against ; to lay on; to put on. [adoption. Lensum : acceptance ; receipt ; Lensumat: acceptance (business). Lensumik : acceptible. [to adopt. Lensumbn: to accept; to receive; Lentikbn : to think about it. Lenton : initial sound. Lenu : immediately ; instantly ; at once; just now. Lenu : nearer to. Lenii : nearest to. Lenlidik : stark-naked. Lenum : nearer (toward). [ant. Lenumel : actuary ; expert account- Lenun : announcement; advertise- ment; advice. Lenunel: advertiser. Lenunod : report. Lenunodel : reporter; referee. Lenunodbn: to report; to make a report. Lenunbn: to announce; to de- clare; to state; to advertise. Lenunsik : informing; denouncing. Lenustep : entrance; entry. [to. Lenustepbn : to enter; to enter in- Lenvbdbn : to speak to; to address; to accost; to apostrophize. Lenvok : appeal; invocation. Lenvokam: calling to; invocation. Lenvokbn : to invoke ; to implore; to appeal to. Lenzugam : attraction. Lenzugiel: attractor; adductor. Lenzugik : attractable. Lenzugbn: to draw; to draw on; to draw toward one; to attract. Leo: by all means ; very much; throughout; entirely. LEOD : order; arrangement. Leodal : orderliness. Leodam : disposition; ordering. Leodel : regulator ; arranger ; or- derer. [ical: Leodik : orderly; regular; method - Leodiko: regularly; orderly, [late. Leodbn : to put in order; toregu- Leofen : very often. LEP : ape; monkey. Lepa'k : bale; pack. Lepan : aper; mimic. Lepanen: mimicry; aping. Lepatik : principal; particular. Lepatiko: especially; principally. Lepato : particularly ; principally ; very particularly. Leped : oppression. Lepedam : oppressing; oppression. Lepedel : oppressor. Lepedik : oppressive. Lepedbl : oppressing. Lepedbn : to oppress. Lepemelidbl : well merited ; well deserved. Lepenads : public documents; legal documents. Lepenadan : secretary general. Lent. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Leopard. Lent : cunatim. Lenticular: lenitibik. Lentil: lenitib. Leo : silein (astr.) Leonine: leinik. Leopard : leaf. (176) Lependik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lesmagiinel. Lependik : vertical. Lepet: maxim; apophthegm. Lepik: apish; monkey-like. Leplek: worship; adoration. Leplekel : adorer; worshipper. Leplekbn : to adore; to worship. Lepleso : very expressly ; very particularly. [t r y- Leplidik: well pleasing ; satisfac- Leplu : much more. Lepbfud : gain; winnings; profit. Lepbfudel : winner; gainer. Lepbfudik: profitable; lucrative. Lepbfudbn : to gain ; to win; to profit. Lepbmet : vow ; promise. Lepb'metb'n: to vow; to promise. Lepbn : to ape; to mimic. Lepbnit: contrition. Lepbnitik : contrite; broken-heart- Lepbp : parchment. [ed. Lepbtik : becoming; decent; suita- Lepbto: becomingly; suitably, [ble. Lepbtbn : to become; to be fitting; to be suitable. Lepiik : assurance; encouragement. Lepukam: assuring ; assurance ; encouragement. Lepuked: proverb; pithy sentence. Lepukbn : to assure ; to confirm; to corroborate. Lepul : fellow; comrade; chum. Lepur: dynamite; giant powder. Lerid : bamboo. Lerit : integrity; probity. Leritik: of strict integrity; of mark- ed probity. Leriibam : devastation; ravage. Lerlibbn : to devastate; to ravage. Lesag: assertion; assurance; assev- eration; profession. Lesagam : asserting ; assuring ; protestation. Lesagbn : to assert; to protest; to maintain; to profess. Lesak : claim; demand; challenge. Lesakbn : to claim; to demand; to Lesal : saltpeter. [challenge. Lesam. : sample; specimen; pattern. Lesamal : paragon ; model; ideal. Lesapik : very wise. Lesatin : satin. Lesatinbik: satiny. Lesav : reservation. Lesaivbn: to keep; to lay up; to reserve; to save. Lesed: mission; delegation, [sion. Lesedbn : to delegate ; to commis- Leselogbn : to pick out; .to choose; to select. [tomb. Lesep : vault ; funereal vault ; Lesepamal : mansoleum ; sepul- chral monument. [cognition. Lesev : knowledge ; perception ; Lesevalbn : to elect; to select; to choose. Lesevam : recognition ; perception. Lesevama'm : power of perception. Lesevik : discernible ; perceptible; cognizable. Lesevbf: perceptibility. Lesevbn : to perceive; to discern; to distinguish; to recognize. Lesi ! Yes ! Certainly ! Assuredly ! Lesiamik : positive. Lesiamim : positivism. Lesid : semen. Lesidbn : to impregnate; to fecun- Lesim : border; edging. [date. Lesin : misdemeanor ; intentional transgression; crime. Lesinel : transgressor ; offender ; criminal. [criminal. Lesinik : malicious ; mischievous ; Lesinbf : culpability. Lesinon : to commit a crime ; to trespass; to offend against. Leskiman : Esquimaux. Leskin: skin; hide; pelt. Lesmagiinel: gun-smith. Less. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lesson. Less: (adj.) lu. Less: luum; nemftdumo; smal(ik); Less and less : ailu. [um(o). Lessee: kodUtan; dekodtltel. Lessen, to : lunfln; smalOn; pulon. Lessening : luam; nemodam. Lesser : luanum; lun; luos. Lesser: (adj.) luum. Lesson: lenadil; sugiv; tidadup. Lesson, to give: sugivOn. Lesmelbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Letiemo. Lesmelbn: to scent; to scent out; to follow a scent. Lesmilb'n : to laugh aloud. Lesmufik : mirror-like; smooth. Lesnal : snare; noose. Lesnil : great seal; bull. Leso : quite so. Lesol : grand seignior; sultan. Leson : prince. Lesonlil : great-grandson. Lesot : first quality; prime quality; Lespid: urgency. [first-class. Lespidik: urgent. Lespit : alcohol. Lespug : truffle. Lespun : soup ladle; gravy ladle. Lestaf : stake; pale; post; picket. Lestafik: stake; picket; pale. Lestaf on : to pale; to enclose with pales or stakes; to impale. Lesta'n: standard; flag; ensign; banner. Lestananaf: flag-ship. Lestanbn : to hoist the colors. Lestedik : straight ; in a straight line. Lesteifbn : to struggle; to flounder. Lestif: stiffness; rigidity. Lestif al : obstinacy; stubbornness. Lestif alik : obstinate; stubborn. Lestifik : stiff; rigid. Lestigbn : to investigate ; to in- cite; to abet. [quiet. Lestilik : still as a mouse ; very Lestim : reverence ; esteem ; re- spect. Lestimam : veneration ; reverence. Lestimik : reverent; deferent ; re- spectful, [respected; venerable. Lestimlik : reverent ; esteemed ; Lestimbf: venerability; respectabil- ity, [to esteem; to respect. Lestimbn: to venerate; to revere ; LestUmik : honorable; honored. Lestiimiin : highest esteem. Lestun : consternation ; amazement. Lestunbn : to amaze; to dismay. Lestupik: very stupid; blockhead - Lesiim : conformity. [ed. Lesumik : acceptable ; agreeable ; attractive. Lesumik: conformable. Lesun : very soon; early. Lesunik : early ; precocious ; pre- mature. Lesuno : as soon as possible. Lesunbf : precocity. [endorsement. Lesupenad : label ; tag ; ticket ; Lesupito : instantaneously. Lesustan : resurrection. Lesustanazal: Easter. Lesvidik: honeyed; very sweet. LET : admission ; concession ; al- Letab : table. [lowance. Letablaklbf: table-cloth. Letabem: table-ware; table-plate. Letalen : genius; talent; ingenuity. Letalenik : talented; ingenious. Letam : admittance; allowing; ad- mission, [securely. Letanbn : to press close; to bind Leta'v : love of travel. Letavik : fond of travel. Leted : wholesale trade. Letedel : wholesale dealer; whole- sale merchant ; merchant prince (letedal). Letep : hurricane; great tempest. Letepik : very tempestuous; hurri- cane-like. Letid : collegiate instruction. Letidal : father, doctor or teacher of the church. Letidel: teacher; preceptor; master (who can take apprentices). Letiemo : just. Lessor. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Letter-carrier. Lessor: kodutel. Let, to: dalon; folcOdutOn; leton. Let down, to : dusOn. Let go, to: letOn. Let in, to: ninletOn. Let out, to : seletOn. Letter : tonab ; pened; penadamal; btikatonab. Letter, by : penedo. Letter-book : penediel. Letter-box : penedabog. Letter-carrier: penepolel; potan. Letim. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Levitimabuk. Letim : opportuneness. Letimik : timely; opportune; sea- Letimin : stibnite. [sonable. Letinrnbf } : timeliness; seasonable- Letlat : high-treason, [ness. Letlip : tribute. Letlipik: tributary. Letlipbn : to pay tribute. Letbn : to let; to let go. Letbp: over-exertion. Letuf : bolster; pad. Letufil : pledget. Letugik : very virtuous; exemplary. Letuig: twig; switch; sprig; wand; branch. Letuigaboad: brushwood. Letuigatuf: bundle of twigs; bun- dle of faggots. LEtiD : rice. LEUG: majority; plurality. Leiiglod: oil-varnish. Lelil : oil. Leiilab : oil-cruet. Leiilabim : olive tree. Leiilafluk : olive (fruit). Leulakbl : oil color. Leu'lam. : oiling; unction. Leiiled : ointment; salve; unguent. Leuledam: anointing; inunction; sacrament of unction; conse- cration. Leuledbn : to anoint; to consecrate. Leiilel : oiler. Leiilik: oily. Leiilnik : oleaginous. Leiilbn : to oil; to anoint. Leiilbp: oil manufactory; oil press. Leiiluk : olive (fruit of olive tree). LEUN : loin; hip; haunch. Levab : car; railroad -car. Levaliid : Almightmess; omnipo- Levaliidal : the Almighty, [tence. Levaliidik : almighty; omnipotent. Levamik : hot. L~vat : high water. Leva't: ballast. Levead: packing. Levelik : constant; continual; per- petual; everlasting. Levelo : always ; evermore ; con- tinually; forever. Levelbf: continuance ; perman- ence; perpetuity. Levelbn : to continue; to last; to be permanent. Levem : extremely; exceedingly; uncommonly ; extraordinarily. Levemik : extraordinary ; uncom- mon; immense. Levemo : extraordinarily ; extreme- ly; uncommon; very much. Levemiino : at most; at the ut- most; in the highest degree. Levemiinos : uttermost; utmost. Levesir: grand vizier. Leveiitik : very important. Levienbn : to bluster; to roar. Levig : Passion week. Levikod : triumph. Levikodal : triumpher; hero. Levikodik : triumphant; victorious. Levikodbn : to triumph; to triumph Levilo : very gladly. [over. Levim: whim; caprice; vagary. Levimik : whimsical ; capricious ; fanciful. Levinabal: currant. Levineg: warning; caution. Leviolin : violincello. Leviolinan : violincellist. Levip : longing; aspiration. Levipik: longing; ardent. Levipbn : to long for; to yearn for. Levisit : frequenting ; frequent visits. Levitim : mass (Rom. Cath. Ch.) Levitimabuk: missal; mass-book; prayer-book. Letter-paper. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Level. Letter-paper : penedapop. Letter, valuable: vttladapened. Letter-press : biikavOdem. Letters: penediig. Levee : kav. Level: kam; plen. Level: kamik. [seleigOn; smudOn. Level, to: kamon; platon; plenOn; (179) Levo. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Libalik. Levo: very truly; truly. Levobad: miracle. Levb'ladlik : conclusive; valid. Levbladliko : conclusively. [ty. Levbladlb'f : conclusiveness; valid i- Levot : radical change; revolution. Levotam: alteration; change. Levotbn : to alter; to change. Levut: rabidness; madness; mania. Levutik: rabid; mad; enraged. Lexam(am) : fire ordeal. Lexol: buffalo; aurochs. Leyan : portal; gate; entrance. Leyebaneif: scythe. Leyubiip : golden jubilee; golden celebration. Leyul: oath; vow. Lezal: Easter. Lezesudik: essential. Lezib : meal; dish; mess. [feast. Lezibb'n: to entertain guests; to Lezif: capital city; city. Lezil: emulation. Lezilbn : to emulate; to vie with. Lezbt : grand announcement; pos- ter. Leziid: tartness; acerbity; acidity; acrimony. [acrid. Lezlidik : tart; acid ; sour; acerb; Lezug: railroad train. Lezun : anger; irritation. Lezunam : angering; irritation. Lezunik : angry; irritated. Lezunlik : peevish; irritable. Lezunbn : to be angry; to be irri- tated. LI? li? Li ? If? Whether? (general interrogative). LIAB : flax; linen. Lia(ba)leul : linseed oil. Liabastof: linen cloth; linen. Liad : linden (tree). Liaf: lily. Llafik: lily; lilly- white. LIAM : lamb. Liamal : gentleness; meekness. LIAN : verse; stanza; line. Lianav : versification. Lia'nel : versifier; machine post. Lianbn : to versify. LIAT : liter; about a quart. LIB : liberty; freedom. Libagit: liberty; right of liberty. Liba'l : Catholicism ; liberality of sentiment. Libalel: a liberal-minded man ; liberal. Libalik: catholic; liberal-minded. Leveling. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lifelessness. Leveling: kamam; seleigam; smu- Lever: toviel. [dam; plenam. Levity : leital. [puedik. Lewd: glibik ; lenepuedik ; ne- Lewdness : glib ; lenepued ; lene- puedug; nepued. Liabilities and assets : labedeb. Liability: bligam; cotifof. Liar : neveladel. Libation: kopam. Liberal: givik; givofik. Liberality : givoi; giv6fal; libal. Liberate, to: libdn; livon. Liberation : libam. Liberator : libel. Libertine : gliban ; yofab. Libertinism : glib. Liberty : lib; libagit. Libra : sivatab. Librarian : bukakonletel. Library : bukakonlet. License : dal. Licentiousness : neston. Lichen : licep. Lickerish : nibik. Lid : tegot. Lie : nevelad. Lie, to: neveladOn; seistOn. Lie in, to : ninseiston. Lie near, to : niseiston. Lieutenant: liotan. Lieutenant, first : leliotan. Lieutenant-colonel : liotal. Lieutenant-general : felamajal ; Cnemilital. Life: lif; lifdp; nedeil; binug. Life, for : liflipo. Life-insurance : lifisefam ; lifase- Lifeless : nelifik. [fam. Lifelessness : nelifof. (180) Libam. VOLAPilK-ENGLISH. Likiton. Libam: enfranchisement; libera- Libated: free-trade. [tion. Libatedel: free-trader. Libavil : voluntariness. Libavilel : volunteer. Libavilik: voluntary; spontaneous. Libaviltet; spontaneity; voluntari- Libel : liberator. [ness. Libik: free. Libolanim : frankness; candor. Libolanimik : frank; candid. Libbn : to liberate; to free; to eman- cipate; to deliver. Libopiik : acquittal; absolution. Libopiikbn : to absolve; to acquit. Libii : free from. Licep : lichen (bot.) LICIN : descent; derivation ; ety- mology (gram.) Licinon : to descend from ; to come from; to be derived from. Licip : herpes; tetter; ringworm. Lieb : vine; grape-vine. Liebavaet : grape-juice. Lieban : vine-dresser. Liebelem : hilly or mountainous. grape-vine. [pain. LIED : suffering; sorrow; regret; Liedik: sorry; sorrowful; regretful. Liedb ! Alas ! Unfortunately ! Liedod : passion. Liedodik : impassioned ; passionate. Liedodiko : passionately. Liedbn: to suffer; to sorrow. Lieg: riches; wealth. Liegam: enriching. Liegik : rich; wealthy. Liegiko : richly; in a rich manner. Liegbf: richness ; plentifulness ; abundance; opulence. Liegbfik : rich; abundant; plentiful. Liegbn: to enrich. Liel : listening. Lielbn : to listen. LIEN : line. Lienasgul: angle (geometry.) Lienastum : ruler; rule. Lienbn : to draw a line. Lieplanam : vine-planting. LIEV : hare. LIF: life. Lifaf ag: viability. Lifaf a'gik : viable. Lifaf agon : to be viable. Lifagik ? How far ? Lifamed : food ; victuals ; provisions; means of subsistence. Lifanunod : biography. Lifanunodel : biographer. Lifanunodik: biographic. Lifasefam : life-assurance. Lifastip : condition of life. Lifatim: life-time; duration of life. Lifayel : age; year of life. Lifik : living; alive. Lifisefam : life-insurance. Liflik : vivacious; lively; sprightly; animated. Lif o ! Long live ! Vive ! Lifbf: vivacity; liveliness. Lifomod ! May live long ! Lif on : to live. Lifii : in the life of; at the age of. Liiudenik ? How far ? How re- mote? (future). Lifu'p : life-time; life. Lifupik: lite-long; life. Liftipo : for life; during life. LIG : liquor; strong liquor; liqueur. Liged : delicacy; dainty. Ligedik : delicate ; dainty ; delicious. Liglam : milligramme (about 1-60 Ligletik? How large? [grain. Lik ? How ? Why ? LIKAD : relic (Rom. Cath. Ch.) Likadbp: reliquary; shrine. Li-kapalnbfb? Do you understand perfectly ? Likik ? How is it ? How made ? Likitam : liquidation. Likiton : to liquidate. Life-long. EXGLISH-YOLAPUK. Lift up. Life-long: lifupik. Lite time: litatim; lifiip; meniip. Lift: tov. Lift, to : sutovdn; tovon. Lift off, to : detovon. Lift up, to : setovon. (181) Liko? VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Limunot. Liko? How? Likbf: quality. Likbfik: qualitative. LIL : ear. Lilad(am): reading. Liladal: lector; reader. Liladel: reader. Liladik: readable ; decipherable ; Liladbf: legibility. [legible. Lilan: hearer; auditor. Liladon : to read. Lilaflap : blow on the ear ; box ; cuff. Lilel : hearer; listener. Lilo! Hello! Ho! Heigh! Lilolbd! Listen! Lilon : to hear. Lilod: hearing; sense of hearing. Lim : limb; member. Limam : articulation ; organization. LIMEP : emperor. Limepan : imperial domain. Limepik : imperial. Limepb'n : to be emperor. Limepiib : imperial dignity; im- perial power; imperial govern- ment. Limet : millimetre (about 1-25 inch). Limbdik? How much? How many? Limbdikos : quota. Limb'dbf : quantity. Limbdbfik : quantitative. Limbn : to limb; to joint; to artic- ulate; to organize. Limpbn : to limp. LIMUN : alms. Limunel: almoner. Limunik : alms-giving. Limunbn : to give alms. Limunot : alms; gratuity. Lifting. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Linseed-oil. Lifting : tovam. Ligament: tanap. Light: lit; litil; klil. Light: leitik; Htik. Light, dim : litil. Light, to : liton. Light up, to : klilon. Lighten, to: leiton ; lelitOn; nefi- Lightening : leitam. [kulon. Lighter : filaban. Lighthouse : far. Lighting : klilam. Lightly : leito. Lightness : leit. Lightning: lelit. [kam. Lightning conduction : lelitadu- Lightning conductor : lelitadukab. Lightning flash : lelitastal. Lightning, heat: fagolelit. Ligneous: boadlik. Ligniform : boadnik. Lignite: blokolat. Like: sumik; leigik; leik. Like : (conjj as. Like, to: lofon; magon; vilon. Likelihood : luvelat; smavelat. Likely : luvelatik. Likeness: leig; magtib; sUm. Likewise : leigo; ieiko. Liking: mag; plud. Lily: liaf. Lily, water : vataflol. Lily-white: liafik. Limb : lim; bimalim. Limb, to : limon. Limbo : bihol. Lime: zem; ziuk. Lime, chloride of: klolinazem. Limekiln : zemafon. Limestone : zemazeit; zemaston. Limewater : zemavat. Limit: miad; mied. Limit, to: miedon; miadon; femi- Limy : zemik. [etOn. Linch-pin : xabakluf. Linden : liab. Line : glefad; lefad; fad; Han; lien; tonabalien; lelien; liun. Line, curved : klugalien. Line, to : disostofon. Line, to draw : lienon. Linen: liab; liabastof; vatttkeb. Lining : disostof; disastof. Lingering: lonedofik; nevifik. Lingual: linegik. Linguistic : plikavik. Linguistics : pukav; ptlkanolav. Linseed-oil; liabaleUl. (182) Lin. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Litakip. LIN : ring. Linabod : bretzel. Lina*ined: ring-finger. LINDIF : indifference. Lindifik : indifferent. Lindinko : indifferently. Lined: interior; inside. [ness. Linedal : subjectiveness; inward- Linedap: intestine; bowel; viscus. Linedapbn : to disembowel ; to eviscerate. [els. Linedaps : viscera; inwards; bow- Linedat: boarding school ; insti- tute, [inner. Linedik : inward; internal; inside; Linedo : within; in the interior. Linedii: within; in the interior of. LINEG: tongue. Linegik : loquacious ; talkative ; tonguey; lingual. Linegbf: loquacity; talkativeness. Linegbn : to tongue; to play with the tongue. [of speech. LINEK: speech; language; power Linik : annular; ring-shaped. LINKIP(am) : inn-keeping (lota- Linkipel : inn-keeper. [nam>. Linkipbn : to keep an inn; to keep a place of entertainment. Lino : about; around. Lintelek : interjection (gram.) Lintelemal: exclamation point (!) Linii: around; round. Linyelib : orange (color). Linyelibik : orange colored. Lio ? How ? Liofagik ? How far ? How far dis- Liofiidik ? How long before? [tant? Lio gletik ? How large ? Liombdik ? How much ? Liombdna? How many times ? Liosuni;o) ? How soon ? Liotal : lieutenant-colonel. Libtan: lieutenant. [calibre? Lioveitik ? How large ? Of what LIP: lip. LIPED : ellipse; oval. Lipedik : elliptical; elliptic. Lipbn : to sip. LIR: lute; lyre. Lisa! : ratiocination; reason. Lisalam : reasoning. Lisalik: rational; reasonable; sen- Lisalbn: to reason. [sible. *Lisan : reason; judgment (lisal). LISED : list; catalogue; register; roll; schedule. [er. Lisedel : registrar; register; record - Lisedbn : to list; to catalogue; to register; to enroll. Lisun(o)? How soon? LIT : light ; day-light ; illumina- Litag : litharge. [tion. Litakip : candlestick. Linsey-woolsey. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Litharge. Linsey-woolsey : lafalainik. Lint: jabin. Lint, picked : jabin pedtiOl. Lion : lein. Lioness: jilein. Lip : lip. Liquefaction : smot. Liquefy, to : smoton. Liqueur: lig. Liquid : flumlik. Liquidate, to : depelon ; likiton. Liquidation : likitam. Liquidity : flumOf. Liquor: lig. Liquor, spiritous : lufilavin. L iquor, to drink : lufilavinOn. Lisp, to : lovopUkon. Lisper: lovoptlkel. Lisping: lovopiiken. List : lised. List, to : lisedSn. Listen ! Lilolod ! LilO ! Listen, to : lielon. Listen to, to : liililon; sulilon. Listener: lilan. Listening : liel. Litany : litanen. Liter: liat. Literal : vodik; tonabik. Literally: vOdo; tonabo. Literary : literatik. Literary man : literatel. Literature : literat. Litharge.-litag. Litam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lo. Litam: illumination; lighting. Litamag: photography (fotogaf ). Litamagad : photograph. Litamagel : photographer. Litamagen : photographing busi- Litamagik: photographic, [ness. Li tarn agon : to photograph. Litanen : litany. Litapol : lamp. Litasav : lantern. Litastbf : luminous matter ; source Litav: optics. [of light. Litavel : optician. Litavik: optical. LITERAT: literature. Literatel: man of letters; literary Literatik: literary. [man. Litik: light; lit up; bright; lucid; luminous. Litil: dim light; small light. Litin : lithium, Li. (chem.) Litiplaf: photophobia. Litiplafik: photophobic. [light. Litbn : to illuminate; to shine; to Litbnastb'f : luminous matter ; source of illumination (litbnin). Litbp : window. Litbpaglat: window glass; pane of glass. [blind. Litbpajbt : window shutter; window Litbpil : transom; small window. Litot : candle; taper. LITUR : liturgy. Liturik : liturgic. [wood tree. Liiib : bast; inner bark of the bass - LIUN : stroke; streak; line. Liuniil : comma. LIV: solution; emancipation. Livaletbn : to allow to escape ; to set at liberty. Livam : setting free; manumis- sion; deliverance. Livamekon : to undo; to detach. Livapiik : absolution; acquital; re- lease. Livapiikam : acquitting; absolving. Livapiikbn: to absolve; to acquit; to release; to discharge. Livavilik: original; independent. Liveitik ? How large ? (i.e. How much space ?) Livem(o) ? How much ? LIVER : livery. Livik: free; loose; unconstrained. Livimekbn : to make loose; to un- tie; to disengage; to detach. Livlik : venial ; pardonable. Livo : freely. Livbn : to resolve; to free; to liber- ate; to separate. Liviip : leisure; spare time; ease. Liviipel: idler; lounger. LO: in the face of; in the presence of; in front of. Lithiasis. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Loafer. Lithiasis : stonip. Lithium : litin. Lithograph, to : stonabJikOn. Lithographer : stonabiikel. Lithographic : stonabtikik. Lithography : stonabttk. Litigant: pOzetel. Litigate, to: pozeton. Litigation: pdzet(am). Litigious: dikodik; kusadik. Litmus : lakun. Litter: polbed; lustol. Little: smalik; anik; nemodik. Little: nemodo; smalilo. Little, not a: nepUlik. Liturgic: liturik. Liturgy: littir. Live, to: lifon; lodOn. Liveliness: lifof; vtisedal. Lively: boledik; liflik; vtisedalik. Liver : foap. Liver, disease of: foapip. Livery: liver. Living : lifik. Lizard : lagat. Load : bolad ; lod ; lodot. Load, to: lodOn; bOladon; fledOn; veton; sulodon. Loadable : lodik. Loader: sulodel; lodel. Loaf: laib; laibil. Loafer: sutan. (184) Lb. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Loetbn. LO : superior to; above (not local - Lb'a : from on high. [ly. Load : alder. Load: aloe. [commendation. LOB: praise; encomium; eulogy; LOB: readiness; willingness. Lobadigik: praiseworthy. Lobed: obedience; submission. Lobedik : obedient; dutiful; sub missive. [to be obedient. Lobedbn : tp obey; to submit to; Lobik : laudable; commendable. Lobik: willing; ready. Lb'bin : erbium, E. (chem.) Loblik : commendable ; praise- worthy. Loblb'f: praiseworthiness. Loboad : pole; bar (wooden) perch. Lobbn : to praise; to commend. Lbbu'd : edict. Lbbu'g: readiness; willingness. Lobum : fame; glory; renown. Lobiin: high renown; glory. Lobyet : object (gram.) LOD: load; cargo; burden. LOD: lodging; residence; habita- tion; dwelling. Lodabalam : charter-party. Lbdadom : dwelling-house. Lodam : loading; lading. Lodazbt : bill of lading. Lodel : loader. [er. Lbdan: inhabitant; resident; lodg- Lbdicenbn : to move; to remove ; to change residence. Lodik: loadable. Lodik: habitable. Lodin: rhodium, Rh. (chem.) Lbdbf : habitableness; comfortable- ness. Lbdbl: resident; residing (at). Lodbn : to load; to burden. Lbdbn : to live in; to inhabit; to dwell at; to occupy. Lbdbp: domicile; abode; residence; place of abode; address. Lodot: load; cargo. Loeflekel: turn-spit. Loeflekiel : roasting-jack. Loegam : observation; study. Loegbn : to observe; to notice; to Loegbp: observatory. [study. Loesped : spit; skewer. LOET : roast ; roasting ; roast meat. [jack. Lbetab: roasting spit ; roasting Loe(ta)pef: frying-pan. Loeton : to roast (meat). Loam. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Logician. Loam : tail. Loan: lugiv; lugivot; bisemon. Loan association : bisemonaklub. Loan, to : bisemonOn; lugivOn; lugivotOn. Loaned : bisemonik. Leaner: lugivel. Loathing: naud. Loathsome : naudik. Lobe : flab. Lobby : flub. Lobster : loset; klaf. Lobule: flabil. Local: topik; opik. Locality: seit; spadop; top; topof. Locally: Opo; topo. Locate, to: pladon. Location: plad; topam; topOp. Location, proposed : diseinOp. Lock: kikab; kiked; lehel. Lock, to : dekikOn ; lekikOn ; kikOn. Locked: pekikOl. Locking: dekikam; kikam. Locksmith : kikel. Locksmith business: kiken. Locomotion: mtif. Locomotive: lemtif. Locution : piikonabid. Lodge : lojop. Lodge, to : laboton. Lodger: kodtitan; lodan. Lodging: labot(am); lOd. Lodging-house : lotOp. Loftiness : geil. Lofty : geilik ; legeilik ; subimik ; Logarithm : logarit. [legidik. Logic : tikav. Logical: tikavik; kludik. Logically: tikaviko. Logician : tikavel. Lof. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Loliko. LOF: offering; proffer; tender; offer; proposition; proposal. LOF: love; affection. Lofab: offering; thing offered. LbfSbik : } favorite ; darling; pet. Lbfadigik : amiable; lovely. Lbfafulik : loving. Lb'fal: beloved; loved one. Lofam : offer; offering; offertory. Lbfan : lover. Lbfelef: lovership; lovers. Lbfelbn : to caress; to fondle. Lbfeliig: lovership; predilection. Lofen : making proposals. Lofik: profferable. Lbflik: lovely; pleasing; amiable; Lbflbf: loveliness. [attractive. Lbfnik : amorous. Lbfniko : amorously. Lbfnbnok: to fall in love with; to be enamored of. Lbfbb: flirtation; dalliance. Lbfbbbn: to make love; to caress; Lbfok : self-love. [to fondle. Lbfbl : loving. Lbfblo: lovingly. Lbf bliino : most lovingly. Lof on : to offer; to proffer; to ten- der; to propose. Lbf on: to love; to like. Lofot: offer; proposal. Lbfii : for love of. LOG : eye. LOG : bone of the leg; bone; shin; Logabob : eye-brows. [leg. Logad: vision ; sight ; eyesight (sense of vision). Logaglat: eye-glass. Logaglbp : eyeball. Logahel: eye-lash. [vision. Logarn : seeing ; viewing ; sight ; Logamaf: visual; estimate. Logamagil : pupil (eye). Logamik: optical; visual. Logamikan : optician. Logamiko : optically; visually. Loganinvag: orbit; socket. Logarit : logarithm. Logasanel : oculist; ophthalmolo- Logasim : eyelid. [gist. Logaskiin : membrana nic titans. Logatof : tear; tear-drop. Logatofen : epiphora. Logatut: eye-tooth; upper canine Loged : look; glance. [tooth. Logedalbnug: feature. Logedel: spectator. Logedbn : to look at; to glance at; to look after. Logik : visible. Logim: mien; visage; aspect; air. Logimbn : to pose (as,i; to act (as); to carry one's self (as). [ties. Lbglet: wholesale; in large quanti- Lbgleto: by wholesale; in mass. Logod: face; countenance; visage; features. Logodbn : to look ; to look (like) Logbf: visibility. (intransi.) Logon: to see; to observe; to no- tice, [place. Logbp: platform; balcony, sightly Lbgbp: char nel house; ossuary. Lbgot : bones of the body ; skele- ton, [ward. Lbi: above (distinction from) up- Loin : kidney. Loinabasin : pelvis of the kidney. Lojbp : box; private box (theatre). LOK : mirror; looking-glass. Lokam : mirage; looming; reflec- tion. Lokbn : to mirror; to reflect. LOL : rose. LOL : totality; entire ; whole. Loliko: totally; altogether; entire- ly; completely; wholly. Logomachist. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Longing. Logomachist: lusilaban. Logwood: karnpoad; kOboad; laboad; yuliboad. Loin : leun. Loiter, to : goulOn. Long: lonedik. Long for, to : lenelumon; levipOn. Long ago : lonedo; lonedotimo. Long time : lonedotim. [levip. Longing: leneliim ; leneltimen ; (186) Lblo. VOUPUK-ENGLISH. Lbnbn. Lolo : on the whole; in general; generally; totally; quite. Lblbn : to complete; to make en- tire; to supplement. Lblot: complement; supplement. LOM : native place ; birth-place ; Lomad: return home. [home. Lbman : umpire; arbitrator; fore- man, [tration. Lbmanef: umpires; board of arbi- Lomapiik:. native tongue. Lbmaxiil: upper jaw. Lomazif: native town. LOMIB: rain; shower. *Lbmibad : umbrella (Ibmijiil). Lbmibik : rainy; showery. Lbmibbn: to rain; to shower. Lbmijul: umbrella. Lomik: native. Lbmin : element; chemical element; elementary substance. Lbminik : elementary; elemental. Lomived : homeward. Lomlik : homelike ; domestic ; in- digenous, [indigenous. Lomlukbn : to be at home; to be Lomo : at home; at one's native Lbmbb: rainbow. [place. Lbmbbakblik : rainbow-colored. Lomoi : home; homewards. Lombn : to become domesticated ; to become wonted. Lomii : at the house of ; in the LON : law. [home of. LON : property ; appurtenance. Lonabuk: law-book; book of law; code. [ownership. Lbnagit : right of possession ; Lonam : definition; determination; legislation. Lbnavil: self-will; willfulness. Lbna't: quality; property. LONED : length; longitude. Lonedal : forbearance. Lonedam : extension ; prolonga- tion; protraction. Lb'nedel : subject; citizen. Lbnedelagiv : tribute. Lbnedelagivik : tributary. Lonedik : long; lengthy. Lbnedik : subject (to). Lonedikiino : at the longest. Lonedlik: oblong; longish. Lonedo: long time; long ago. Lonedbf : lengthiness; wearisome- ness. [lo n g duration. Lonedbfik : chronic; lingering; of Lonedbn : to lengthen; to prolong; to elongate ; to protract. Lonedot : prolongation. Lonedotim : long time; long. Lonedotimo : long ago. Lonediip : tediousness ; ennui ; wearisomeness; dullness. Lonedlipik : tedious; dull. [tire. Lonediipbn : to bore; to weary; to Lbnef: qualification ; property ; at- tribute; quality; peculiarity. Lbnefik : qualified; formed. Lbnel : owner; proprietor. Lonet : slenderness ; slightness ; slimness. Lonetik : slender; slight; slim. Lonik : legal; lawful. Lb'nik : own; proper ; distinctive; Lonikam : legalization, [peculiar. Lonikbn : to legalize. Lbnikos : one's own . Lbnilob : self-praise. [love. Lbnilbf: egotism; self-conceit; self- Lbnilbfik : egotistic ; conceited ; self-complacent. Lbnisiik : selfishness. Lbnisiikik : selfish. [willed. Lbnivilik : willful; stubborn;, self- Lbnlik : pertaining to; belonging to. Lonbn : to fix; to define; to deter- mine; to decree; to legislate; to enact. Lbnbn : to belong to ; to be the property of; to appertain to. Longitude. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Look there. Longitude : loned. Look : loged. Look ! Eko ! Ek6 ! Eku ! Ekuso ! Look there ! Ekuso ! Lbnub. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lotan. Lbnub : property; possession. Lbnug : peculiarity ; property ; idiom. Lbniig : property; quality. Lonu'p : lawful time; lawful respite; grace; legal delay. Lbnvedbn : to devolve upon; to LOP: opera. [fall to. LOP : top; point; pinnacle; sum- Lbpal : superior. [init. Lbpakap : head-chief. Lbpan : highlands. Lbpanan : highlander. Lbpaplen : upper surface; superfi- cies. Lbpat : authority ; superiority. Lbpatidel: principal; chief instruc- Lbpef: authorities. [tor. Lbpefik: authoritative; official. Lbpibbtan : head- waiter; butler. Lbpifotan : head forester. Lopik : operatic. Lbpik: upper; above; superior. Lbpikap : head; chief. Lbpiko : at the upper part; at the top; above. Lbpiklin : uppermost. Lbpikiinan : colonel. Lopim : optimism. Lopimel : optimist. Lopimelik : optimistic. Lbpiskit : upper leather; upper. Lbpisiit : upper street. Lbpitidel: head master ; head teacher; principal. Lbpnik : above described ; above mentioned. Lbpo: above; on top. Lbpb ! Up ! On ! Lbpoa : from above. Lbpbf: authority. Lbpbfik : authoritative; official. Lbpoi : upward. Lbpolaned : table-land; highland. Lbpologam : bird's-eye view. Lopbp : opera house. Lbpii : above; on the top of. Lbpu'n : uppermost point. [top. Lbpu'no : uppermost ; on the very Lbplinii :on the very top of; above. LOR : laurel. Lorbn : to crown; to wreath (with LOSET : lobster. [laurel). Lososit : uncooked sausage; saus- age in skins. Lbstafasanel : medical director ; medical officer; surgeon gener- Lostit : ostrich. [al. LOT: guest; invited guest. Lotadbf: hospitality. Lotadbf: hospitability. Lotam : putting up at an inn; re- ception of guests. [lord. Lotan : host ; entertainer ; land- Look. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lots. Look, to: Ioged5n. Look about, to : ziilogedOn. Look at, to : belogedon; Itilogon. Look back, to : gelogon. Look for, to : koslogon ; stikOn. Look into, to : ninlogon. Look like, to : logodon. Look on, to: Itilogon. Looking-glass: lok. Loom: vivastul. Loop : snal. Loose: himuflik; livik; solutik. Loose, to be: lumuflon. Loose, to become : soluton. Loosely: solutiko. Loosen, to : stiisolutOn ; desnobOn; livimekon. [ton. Loosen up, to : susolutOn; suisolu- Loquacious : flumalik; linegik; pti- kotik. [pukotOf. Loquacity: lupukof; flumal; linegof; Lord: baonan; Solal. Lord's prayer: fatobas; solalaplek. Lose, to : boludon; poltidon; zogon; fepledon. Loser: boliidel. Loss: boliid; deiil; dam. Lot: ledilod; dilok; moot. Lots, in : mooto. Lots, to cast : loteron. (i 88) Lotanam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lovepolel. Lotanam : entertainment. Lotanbn : to entertain; to keep a Loted hotel; hostelry. [hotel. Lotedel : landlord. LOTER : lottery. Loteram: drawing lots; casting lots; drawing. Loteron : to draw lots; to cast lots. Lotik : hospitable. Lotogaf: orthography. Lotogafik : orthographic. Lotbn : to put up at a hotel; to turn in; to be entertained. Lotb'p : restaurant; eating-house; inn; lodging house. [inn. Lotbpik: restaurant; eating-house; Lotiig : hotel-keeping; inn-keep- ing, [keeping. Lotiigik: of hotel-keeping; of inn- Loud : arrowroot. Lovatonen : buzzing. Lovatondn : to buzz; to hum. Loveblimdn: to conduct; to trans- Loveblinel : deliverer. [mit. Loveblinbn : to deliver. Lovebliinam : transmission (oral); Loveblunot : tradition, [tradition. Lovedugbn : to conduct over. Lovedukam : transporting ; con- veyance. Lovedukik : transportable, [vey. Lovedukbn : to transport; to con- Loveflum : inundation; irruption. Loveflumbn : to overflow; to over- run. Loveg : mountain pass; defile. Loveg am) : surrender ; giving Lovegivik: relinquishable. [over. Lovegivbn: to remit; to transmit; to deliver; to surrender. Lovegivot : surrender. Lovegol : passage from one state to another. Lovegolam : transition. [ing- Lovegoled : transit; passage ;cross- Lovegolik : transitional ; transitive. Lovegolbn : to clear; to get over; to pass over. [owing. Lovej ad : adumbration; overshad- Lovejadbn: to overshadow. Lovegun : overcoat. Lovejuegbn : to sugar over ; to Lovejuk: over-shoe. [frost. Loveklbd: superstition. Loveklbdik : superstitious. Loveklot : overcoat ; wrap; outer clothing. [submit. Loveletbn : to leave; to give up; to Lovelif on : to outlive; to survive. Lovelof on : to outbid ; to offer more than . Lovelog : glance; survey. Lovelogik : distinct ; synoptical ; visible at a glance. [over. Lovelogbn : to survey ; to look Lovemelik: transmarine; colonial. Lovenaf on : to sail over. Lovenatik : supernatural. Lovepenad : superscription ; head- ing; inscription. Lovepenbn : to superscribe. Lovepladbn : to transplant ; to transpose. Lovepol : translation. Lovepolam : act of translation. Lovepolel : translator. Lottery. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lover. Lottery : loter. Loud : kleilik. Louder ! Kleilfl ! Lounge : sOf. Lounge about, to : goulon. Lounger: nedutan; livtipei. Louse: puf. Louse, to : pufon. Lousey: punk. Lout: globan. Loutish : globanik. Love : lof ; lelof. Love, for of: lofii. Love of splendor : magifilof. Love, maternal : motal. Love, parental : palal. Love, to: lofon. Love passionately, to : lelafon. Loveliness: loflot; kein. Lovely : loflik ; keinik ; ladik ; le- keinik; lelofik; lofadigik.flofel. Lover: ladal; ladan; lofal; lofan; (189) Lovepolot. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lucilik. Lovepolot : translation ; translated Lovepiikam : persuasion, [matter. Loveplikbn : to persuade. Loveseitbn : to cover all over; to lay over. Lovesiadbn : to transport to the other side; to set over. Lovesovbn : to sow. [span. Lovespanbn: to stretch over; to Lovesumbn : to undertake; to take charge of. Lovigolbn : to steal; to sneak; to Lovik : low; soft. [slink. Loviklbd: superstitious. Loviko : softly; noiselessly. Lovbn : to surmount; to surpass; to exceed; to outdo. Lovopiikel: lisper. Lovopiiken : lisping. Lovopiikbn : to lisp. [over. Loviigolbn : to overrun ; to run Loviilif on : to outlive; to survive. Loviimenik : super-human. Loviisienlik: transcendental; me- taphysical. Loviitalik: aerial; celestial. Lozin : ozone. Lozinik: ozonic. LU : less; smaller; fewer; worse. LU" : in the direction of. Lii! Hello! Hallo! Hey! Luam: diminution; decrease; les- sening; discount. Luambn : to discount. Luanum : minority; lesser number. Lub: inferiority; minority. Lubak: hump; hump-back. Lubakab : hunch-back. Luba'kbn : to bow ; to stoop. Lubal : pomace. Lubalik: simple; silly ; foolish. Lubam : diminution ; lowering. Lubeflunbn : to suborn; to corrupt. Lubeg : supplication of a mendi- cant. Lubegam: begging; mendication, mendicancy. Lubegel: beggar; mendicant. Lubegef : beggars; mendicants. Lubegen : mendicancy; begging. Lubegbn : to beg. Lubien : wasp. Lubienbp : wasp's nest. [abuse. Lublambn: to revile; to scold; to Lubleibn : to mutilate; to deface; to curtail. Lublod : half-brother. Lliblod : brother-in-law. Lubludaflum : hemorrhoid. Lubod : mould (on bread); mouldy Lubodik: mouldy. [bread. Lubodbn : to mould ; to become mouldy. Lubov: plate; small dish. Lubiik: waste paper; paper spoiled in printing. [teller. Lubiiosagel : fortune-teller ; fore- Lubiiosagbn : to tell fortunes. Lucem: small room ; dressing room ; cabinet; closet. Lucif: inferior chief; lesser chief. Lucil: childish person. Lucilal: childishness; puerility. Lucilik: childish; puerile. Lovership. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lucrative. Lovership: lofeltig ; lofelef. Loving: lofafulik. Lovingly: lofolo; lofoliino. Low: bapik; lovik; negeilik. Lower: disik; disnik. Lower, to: bapon; dtison. Lowering: bapam; lubam. Lowest : distinadin. Lowland : disan. Lowliness : bap. Lowness: bap; negeil. Loyal : fiedik. Loyally : fiediko. Loyalty: fied. Lubberliness : xolal. Lubricity : lenepued. Lucid: litik; stttlik. Lucidity : sttil. Lucidly : stuliko. Lucidly, to write : sttilon. Luck: lab. Luckily : labo. Lucky : labik. Lucrative: lepofiidik. (190) Lucbdat. YOI.APiJK-ENGLISH. Lufiskonlet. Lucbdat: prejudice; bias. Lucbdatik: prejudiced. Lucbdatbn: to prejudge; to as- cribe to; to impute to ; to at- tribute to. Lucbdatbn : to adjudge; toadjudi- _ cate; to declare. LUD : roughness; ruggedness; as- Llidal : harshness. [perity. Ludalik: harsh. Liidaliko: harshly. Ludanud : St. Vitus' dance; chorea. Ludas: supposing; in case that. Ludasam : supposition; presuming. Ludasbn : to suppose; to presume. Ludebuk: stereotype; impression. Ludebiikbn: to stereotype; to take an impression. Ludekbf: affectation; primness. Ludekbfik: affected; prim. Ludevod : bigotry; hypocritical de- votion; false devotion. Ludevodik: hypocritical; bigoted. Liidik: rough; rugged; austere. Ludlinel : immoderate drinker ; toper; sot. Ludlinbn : to drink immoderately. Ludog : wolf. Ludogik : wolfish. [house ; Ludom : hut ; cottage ; small Ludomil ; small hut; cabin. Ludug(am ): misleading; seduction. Ludugel: misleader; seducer. Ludugbn: to mislead; to seduce. Ludun : mischief; trick. [mit. Ludunbn : to perpetrate; to com- Lu'ed : rawness; roughness; rusti- city. Luedalik: brutal; rough. Luedik: raw; coarse; rough; un- polished; ill-bred. Lu'edin : raw material. LUEG : lung. Luegaveg: bronchus; air passage. Luegavegip : bronchitis. Luegip : lung disease ; consump- tion ; phthisis, [consumptive. Luegipik : having diseased lungs; Liien : grade; degree. Lu'enam : gradation; graduation. Luenik : graded; graduated; grad- Liieno : gradually. [ual. Liienbn : to graduate; to grade. LUF: bunch of grapes ; cluster of grapes; grape. Lufalieb: grape-vine. Lufalubal : pomace of grapes. Lufam: grape harvest; vintage. Lufanub: dungeon. Lufaped : wine press. Lufased: folly; nonsense; silliness. Lufasedik: silly; foolish ; nonsensi- Lufasedbf: silliness. [cal. Lufat : step-father. Lu'fat: father-in-law. Lufatal: ancestor; first parent. Lufatan : ancestor; great-great- grandfather, [father. Liifatel : ancestor ; great grand- Lufekik: affected; conceited. Lufekiko : affectedly. Lufel : heath; prairie; desert. Lufeilan : rustic; clown; boor. Lufeilanik : boorish ; clownish ; rustic. Lufenigan : miser; pinch-penny. Lufid : devouring; feeding upon. Lufidbn : to devour; to feed upon; to prey upon. [mose. Lufik: clustery ; racemous ; race- Lufilabbset : false alarm of fire. Lufilavin: spirituous liquor; ardent spirits ; intoxicating liquor ; drinks. Lufilavin an : toper; drunkard. Lufilavinbn : to drink spirituous liquors. [vest. Lufiskonlet: vintage; grape-har- Ludicrous. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lumber dealer. Ludicrous: bofik. Luggage : pakem. Lukewarm : lavik. Lukewarmish : lavnik. Lukewarmness : lav. Lull, to: luilon. Lumber: boed. Lumber dealer : boedatedel. (191) Luflag. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lukel. Luflag: tow; oakum. Luf on : to gather the vintage; to Lufonad: cistern. [harvest. Lufulb'n : to stuff; to cram. Lufuman : time-server. LUG: mourning; sadness; grief. Lugadodel : Maundy Thursday ; Holy Thursday. Lligaflidel : Good Friday. Liigapled : tragedy. Lugapledik : tragical. Liigik: mournful; woeful; sad. Lugil : vulture. Liigio : in a minor key (music). Liigioton : minor key (music). Lugiotonlik : flat (music). Liigit: overweight; over measure. Lugiten : dogmatism; positivism. Lugiv : loaning; lending; loan. Lugiv : surplus ; supplement ; ap- pendix; boot. Lugivel : creditor; loaner; lender. Lugivik : as a loan. Lugivbn : to loan; to lend. Lugivot : loan. Lugivot : surplus; boot; increase. Lugivotb'n : to loan; to lend. Luglol: boasting ; braggadocio ; ostentation. Luglolel: boaster; braggart. Luglolbn : to boast; to brag. Lugloplikel: braggart; bully. Luglopiikbn: to swagger; to bully. Luglosag : bombast. Lugliinik: greenish. Lugo : mournfully. Lugod: idol. Lugodam : deification ; apotheosis. Lugodav : mythology. Lugodavik : mythologic. Lugodel : idolator; idolizer. Lugoden : idolatry. Lugodik : idolatrous. Lugodbn : to idolatrize; to worship idols; to idolize. Lugodub : heathendom. Lugbf : mournfulness ; sadness ; melancholy. Lugolam : accession (to). Lugolik: clumsy; awkward. Lugoliko : clumsily; awkwardly. Lugolbn : to fumble ; to grope. Lugolbn : to accede to; to follow. Lug on: to mourn; to grieve; to sorrow; to lament; to be sad. Lugbt(ap) : coecum ; blind gut. Lugbtbp : belly; paunch. Luhat : cap. Luhelem: chignon; hair twisted LUIB: wheel. [into knots. Luibajuk: tire (of awheel); brake; wagon brake; brake-shoe. Luibbn : to provide with wheels. Luilbn : to lull. LUIM : wetness; moisture; humid- Luimel: moistener; wetter, [ity. Luimik: wet; moist; humid. Luimbn : to wet; to moisten. Luin : uranium, U. (chem.) Luip : consumption; emaciation. Luipbn : to emaciate ; to waste slowly. Lujafbn : to procure; to obtain. Lujal : crust. Lujamep : braggadocio. Liijan : hemp-tow. Lujeval: nag; sorry nag. Lujolbn : to strand ; to run aground ; to drift on shore. Liijon: hint; reference. Liijonbn : to point out; to refer to. LUK : hither. LUK : lurking; spying. Luka: therefrom ; from there ; Lukad : playing card. [thence. Lukadapled: game of cards. Lukalod: coolness. Lukalodam : refrigeration. Lukalodik : cool. Lukalodbn : to cool. Lukanelbn : to bestow much pains upon; to refine upon. Lukanitbn : to howl. Lukasagbn : to recite; to rehearse; Lukeb : weeds. [to repeat. Lukel: lurker; spy. Luminous. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Luminous matter. Luminous : litik. Luminous matter : litastof. (192) Luki. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lulogel. Luki : hence. Lukiblinbn: to bring hence; to procure; to raise. Lukida: through that. [against. Lukidlanbn : to crowd ; to press Lukidlanbn : to crowd ; to press forward. [to provide. Lukijafdn: to procure; to get in; Lukik : skeleton key; pick-lock. Lukiked : bolt; door-bar. Lukikedbn: to bolt; to bar. Lukikot : dead-lock. Lukilog : view ; prospect ; per- spective; vista. Lukilogam : viewing; gazing upon. Lukim : hither; here. [rashness. Lukin : temerity; foolhardiness; Lukinal : thitherward; toward. Lukinik : foolhardy; rash. Lukinove: over; across; beyond. Liikion : lyceum ; preparatory school. Lukis : to that (time). Lukise: beyond (time); out of it. Lukisus : up; upon. Lukived : thitherward. Lukiveg : the way thither. Luklanel: one who effects an air of mystery. Luklivat: swill; dish-water. Luklbf : ' rag. Luklot: disguise (clothing). Lukod : pretense. Lukodlam: pretext; allegation. Lukodlbn : to allege. Lukodbn : to pretend. Lukolat: coke. Lukomed : puff (newspaper). Lukomedam : puffing. Lukomip : skirmishing ; skirmish. Liikbmbn : to arrive at ; to reach. Liikbn : to lurk; to spy. Lukonel : raconteur ; story-teller. Liikonfidbn : to give one credit for; to confide in. Lukristus : antichrist. Lukrlit : carping criticism ; frivo- lous criticism. Lukrutal : censoriousness. Lukrlitel: fault-finder; caviller. Lukrliten : carping; fault-finding. Lukriitik: captious; subtle; acute. Lukriitbn : to censure ; to find fault with; to carp at. Lukiim : in; in here. Lukiimb ! Come in ! Lukiizugbn : to draw in. LUL : five. LUL : owl. Luladal: melancholy; sadness; sor- row, [rowful. Luladalik : melancholy ; sad ; sor- Lulagul : pentagon. Lulagulik : pentagonal. Lulak: swamp ; morass ; marsh ; Lulakil : pool; puddle. [pond. Luleplekik: idolizing ; adoring ; admiring, Lulet : negligence. Lillet : admission ; permission to enter; tolerance. Luletam : neglecting; neglect. Luletam: admitting; tolerating. Luletik : negligent. Liiletik: admissible; tolerable. Liiletbf: admissibility. [gent. Luletbn : to neglect; to be negli- Liiletbn : to admit ; to allow ; to tolerate. Lulieg : usury. Luliegal: avarice. Luliegel: usurer. Luliegbn : to practice usury. Luliev : rabbit. Liilik: owlish. Lulilbn: to hearken to; to listen to. Lulion: quintillion. Lulisal : sophism. Lulisalel: sophist. Lulisalen : subtlety. Lulisalbn : to reason too nicely. Lulit : twilight; dawn. Lulitbn : to dawn; to become twi- Lulobel : sycophant. [light. Lulog: staring; gaping; gazing. Lulogel : starer; gaper; gazer. Lunacy. Lunacy: fopof. HXCUSH-YOLAPUK. Lunar. Lunar : munik. (193) Lulogbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Luodu. Lulogbn : to stare ; to gape ; to gaze. Lulogbn : to look at; to look on at. Lulbn: to quintuplicate ; to mul- Luls : fifty. [tipty by five. Lulsan : man fifty years old. Luliidel : Thursday; fifth day. Luliif : musical fifth. Lulul : May; fifth month. Lulu'm: quintette. Luliir : hurdy-gurdy. Luliirbn: to play on the hurdy- Lulutbm: fan. [gurdy. Lulutbmbn : to fan. Lumagif: ostentation; pomp; pa- geant; pageantry. Lumagifik : ostentatious; pompous. Lumagif on : to make a display, a parade, a show; to pageant. Lumagbn : to draw incorrectly. Lumakab : notoriety. Luma'kabik: notorious. Luman: rascal; vagabond; knave; rogue. Lumanik : rascally; knavish. Lumed : quack-medicine. Lumekbn : to bungle; to botch. Lumekel: bungler; botcher. Lumekot : (a) preparation, a thing made. Lumen: vagrant; vagabond. Lumig : jumble ; heterogeneous mixture; hodge-podge. Lumilagnan : an odd fellow. Lumilagnik: odd; singular. Lu'min : aluminium, Al. (chem.) Luminacan : aluminium goods. Liimbk : preparation. Lumbkam : preparation; getting ready, [ready; to make ready. Lumbkbn : to prepare ; to get Lumbkot : preparation ; prepara- tion made. Lumot : step-mother. Liirnot: mother-in-law. Lumotik : step-motherly. Lumud: mouth (of animals); muz- zle; snout; maw; jaws, etc. Lumufiel : slide, as a sliding catch. Lumuflik : wabbling ; shaking ; rickety; loose. Lumuflbn : to wabble; to shake; to be loose. Lumuf on : to shove; to slide. Lumusigbn: to render music badly. Lun : lesser; smaller; worse; fewer. LUN : spectacles; eye-glasses. Lunaf : gondola; skiff; canoe (boat propelled by oars). Lunagbn : to patch; to piece; to mend (sewing). Lunam: diminution ; decrease ; reduction. Liinambn : to hand over ; to deliver by hand. Lunid : glimmer. Lunidbn : to glimmer. Lunilud : suspicion; doubt. Luniludik : suspicious ; doubtful ; dubious. Luniludbn : to suspect; to doubt. Lunim : insects; vermin. Lunisul : bar; islet (covered at high water.) Lunbn : to lessen; to diminish; to reduce. [ture; feed. Lunuliid: fodder ; forage ; pas- Lunuliidbn: to fodder; to feed; to pasture. [feed. Lunumeil : provender ; ground- Lunumbn: to add to; to annumer- Lunlin : the least. [ate. Lunu'no : in the least. Luo : in a less degree. Liiod: direction (toward). Luodbn : to direct toward; to di- rect one's self. Luodli : in the direction of. Lunatic. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lurker. Lunatic : lefop. &*, Lung: lueg. Lung, disease of: luegip. Lure : batazib. Lurk, to: Ittkon; delUkon. Lurker : Hlkel. (194) Luos. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Lusblan. Luos : the lesser ; the fewer; the worse. [less than. Luoslino : at the very least; not Luoyelik : minor; under age. Lupab : caterpillar. Lupag : miserable hamlet. Lupak : infection; contagion. Lupakamastbf : fomites; infectious material. Lupakik : infectious; contagious. Lupakin : cpntagium ; materies morbi. [tagious disease. Lupakip : infectious disease; con- Lupakipan : person sick with an infectious disease. Lupakipbp : focus of infection ; infected locality. Lupakb'n : to infect. Lupanbn : to daub ; to color ; to (white) wash. Luplan: stick; twig; rod. Luplan fananuga: fishing-rod. Luplek : lip service. Luplbfet: false prophet; pretender. Luplbfetam : false prophecy. Lupluo : so much the less. Lupoedel : rhymester; poetaster. Lupoeden : rhyming. Lupbfu'dbn: to overreach; to get the advantage of. Lupop : rabble; lower classes. Lupotbn : to forward ; to send ; to Lupug : skirmish. [remit. Lupiik: gossip; garrulity. Lupukel : gossip; babbler; garru- lous person; palaverer. Lupiiken: gossiping ; babbling ; palaver. [ m g- Lupuklam : stammering : stutter- Lupiiklel: stammerer; stutterer. Lupuklen : stammering. Lupuklbn : to stammer; to stutter. Lupiikbf: garrulity ; loquacity ; flippancy. Lupukbn : to gossip; to babble; to be garrulous. Lupiikot: twaddle ; tittle-tattle ; dotage; raving; incoherence; Lupiikotal : dotage. [palaver. Lupiikotik: nonsensical. Lupiikotbn : to dote; to talk inco- herently; to be in dotage. Lupul: urchin; a pert, rough boy; LURrlyre. [gamin. Lurelad : affected devoutness; hy- pocrisy, [cant. Lurelbf : affected piety ; hypocrisy ; Lurelb'n : to affect piety; to play the hypocrite; to cant. Lusag: legend; tale; fable; story. Lusagik : legendary; mythical. Lusagbn : to tell tales ; to tell fables. Lusanel : quack doctor; charlatan. Lusanen : quackery; charlatanary. Lusanik : sanctimonious ; phari- saic; hypocritical. Lusanbf : sanctimoniousness ; pharisaism; hypocrisy. Lusanukbn : to simulate; to be sanctimonious. Lusaun : indisposition; ill-health. Lusaunik : indisposed; unwell. Lusedan : shipping; sending. Liisedbn : to send; to ship. Lusenik : sensitive; susceptible. Lusenbf: sensitiveness; suscepti- bility, [contends about words. Lusilaban : logomachist; one who Lusilef: quicksilver; mercury. Lusilefik : mercurial. Liislopbn : to incline toward. Lusmalen : trifling ; sticking at trifles; pedantry. Lusoalbp : desolation; solitude. Lusog : rabble; mob; band. Lusogan : bandit. Lusblan: tyrant. Lurking. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lutheran. Lurking : luk. Lu&t : ledesid. Luster : nid. Lustful: yoflik. Lustiness: steniidOf. Lustrous : nidik. Lusty : stenfldik. Lut.e : lir. Lutheran : luteran. Lutheran : luterik. ('95) Lusblanam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Luvinod. Lusblanam : tyrannizing; tyranny. Lusblanen : tyranny. Lusblanik : tyrannical. Lusblanbn : to tyrannize; to act Luson : step-son. [the tyrant. Liison : son-in-law. Luspad : angle; corner. Luspog: mushroom; dry-rot, lun- Luspumed: emetic. [g us - Lusputam : vomiting. Lusputbn : to vomit. Lusputot: vomit; matter vomited. Lustaf: cudgel; club. Lustelav : astrology. Lustol: litter; bedding (straw). Lustolbn : to scatter ; to strew (bedding). [foul weather. Lustom : thunder-storm ; storm ; Lustombn: to thunder; to storm. Lusukon : to pursue; to chase; to Lusum: borrowing. [hunt. Lusumel : borrower. Lusurnbn : to borrow. Lusumbn : to accept; to receive. Luslit : lane; alley; small or nar- row street. Lusiitapul: gamin; street gamin. Lusvin : sow. Lusvinan : vulgar person. Lusvinen: swinishness; obscenity; vulgarity. Lusvinik .-obscene; vulgar; beastly. LUT : air. [of air. Lutablad : current of air; draught Lutakalbp : health resort noted for its pure air. Lutamufiel: air-motor. Lutanafad : airship; balloon. Lutanafam : aerial navigation ; bal- looning. Lutaspad : atmosphere. Lutavagik : vacuous. Lutavat: fog; mist. Lutavatik: foggy; misty. Lutazug : draught of air. Luterim : Lutheran ism. Lutik : airy; aerial. Lutikal : ghost; spectre; phantom; apparition. [cy. Lutikalen : conjuration ; necroman- Lutikalik: ghostly; spectral; ap- Lutikalbn : to haunt, [paritional. Lutlidbn : to stumble. Lutbf: mildew. Lutbm: fan. Lutbmbn : to fan. Lutbn : to air; to aerate. Lutbnbn : to hold in arrest. Lutbnbnabiid : warrant; order of arrest. Lutbp : atmosphere. Lutbpik : atmospheric. Luiib : felloe (wheel). Luum : less; lesser; worse. Luumo : in a less degree. Lutin : least; minimum. Luiino: at least. LUV : abandonment; desertion. Liivam : leaving; abandonment; forsaking. Luvaladbn : to watch for; to bide one's time; to lie in wait for. Luvat: urine. Luvatadug : catheter. Luvatadugap : ureter (anat.) Luvataglat: urinal. Luvatamafiel : urinometer. Luvatap: bladder; urinary bladder. Luvatarur : enuresis; diabetes in- sipidus. [tus. Luvatarur juedik : diabetes melli- Luvatbn: to urinate; to micturate. Luvelat: probability; likelihood. Luvelatik: probable; likely. Luvelatiko : probably. Luveiitel : one who assumes an air of importance. Luvim : ill-humor; caprice. Luvimik : capricious; fickle. Luvinam : intoxication ; inebria- tion, [toxication. Luvinod: (an) inebriation; in- Lutheranism. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Luxuriate. Lutheranism : luterim. Luxuriance: llixamlof. Luxuriant : lllxamlik. Luxuriate, to : IttxamOn. Luvinbn. V( H.APUK-ENGLISH. Luzugbn. Luvinbn : to become intoxicated ; to become inebriated. Luvisedik : cunning; astute; poli- tic; shrewd; sly. Luvisedug: cunning ; astuteness; policy; shrewdness; slyness. Luvobad : botch; bad work. Luvobot: botch; bad piece of work. Luvbds : words; balderdash; jar- gon; nonsense. Luvb'dam : verbosity ; verbiage. Luvok : cry ; scream ; shriek. Liivok: call; acclamation. Liivokam : calling out; acclama- Luvokel : crier. [tion. Luvokem : clamor; cries. Luvokbn : to cry; to cry out; to scream; to shriek. Luvokbn : to acclaim; to call out. Luvomik : effeminate. Liivbn : to abandon; to leave; to forsake; to give up; to quit; to Luvuit: buck-wheat. [desert. Luvun : ulcer; abscess; suppura- tion, [purulent. Luvunik : ulcerated; suppurating; Luvunbn : to suppurate. Luvunot : pus; discharge. Luxaf: lynx. LUX AM : luxury; extravagance. Luxamel : spendthrift; prodigal. Liixamet: prodigality. Liixamik: extravagant; prodigal; lavish. Luxamlik: luxuriant; voluptuous; luxurious. Lu'xamlbf: luxuriance; sybaritism. Luxambnrto live extravagantly; to live luxuriously; to luxuriate. Luyelibik : yellowish. Luyuf(am) : shift; spell; relief. Luyulibik: bluish. Luyum(am): leaning against. Liiyum: boot; surplus; addition. Luyiimbn : to lean against. Luyunan : dunce ; block-head ; stupid youth. I Luzadbn : to spoil by over-indul- gence; to pamper. | Luzin : wick. 1 Luzugon: to drag; to drag along. Luxurious. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Lyre. Luxurious : luxamlik. Luxuriously, to live : luxamon. Luxury : liixam. Lyceum: lukion. Lye : lauk; vatiilauk. Lying : neveladelik. Lying, to be : seiston. Lynx: luxaf. Lyre : lir; liir. (197) Ma. M. VOLAPU'K-ENGLISH. Magabalefad. MA: according to; in conformity with; in consequence of. Ma balam : according to agreement. MAB: marble. Mabik : marble. Mabbn : to marbleize. Ma'cad: slow match; fuse. MAD: maturity; ripeness. MAD: mattress. Mada'l : maturity of mind. Madik: mature; ripened; ripe. Maddn : to mature; to ripen. Madug: maturity; ripenedness. MAEG: illustration. Maegik: illustrated; pictorial. Maegb'n : to illustrate. MAF : measure; dimension. Mafam : mensuration; measuring. Mafav: geometry. Mafavel: geometrician. Mafavik : geometric. Mafel: measurer. Mafiel: meter; measure. Mafik: measured; moderate. Mafikb'n : to restrain; to check. Maflik : measurable; mensurable. Maflbf: mensurability. Mafod: moderation. [ation. Mafodam : moderating ; moder- Mafodik : moderate ; temperate ; within bounds. Mafodb'n: to be moderate; to keep within bounds. Mafo'f: temperance; sobriety. Mafdkbn : to keep within bound. Mafbn : to measure. Mafdnam ; measurement. Mafukbn : to moderate; to temper. MAG : image ; portrait ; picture ; mm representation. MAG : desire; inclination; liking. MAGAB: pearl. Magabafitel: pearl fisher. Magabafiten : pearl fishing. Magabagok : guinea fowl. Magabalefad : string of pearls. M. Macaroni. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Magnificent! Macaroni : makar. Macerate, to: dumttedOn. Machine : cin; cintifad. Machine, sewing : nagacin. Machinery : cinif. Machinist: cinan; cinel. Mad: lefopavutik; levutik. Madam : Jisol; Lad; Vom. Madder : klap. Made: pemekol; pevobol. Mad-house: fopop; lefopop. Madness : fopOf; lefopavut; lefo- Magazine : magad. [pug; levut. Maggot: meit. Magic : magtlg. Magical: magiigik. Magisterial : maselik. Magistracy: magitacal; magitef. Magistral : maselik. Magistrate : magit; pagacodel. Magistrate, chief: bisiedal. Magna Charta : Glulonadokiim. Magnanimity: geilal; geilad; lela- dof; gletal. Magnanimous : gleladik. Magnesia, sulphate of: biedasal. Magnesium: magin. Magnet : maget. Magnetic : magetik. Magnetize, to: mageWn. Magnificence: glol; magit. Magnificent: glolik; lejonik; ma- gifik; tatlik. [Magifo! Magnificent ! Gletobido ! Glolo ! (198) Magabafitan, VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Makabb. Magabafitan : pearl fisher; pearl diver. [bead. Magabbn : to pearl; to sparkle; to Magabuk : picture-book. [store. Magad(bp) : depot ; magazine ; Magadbn : to store ; to put in a store-house. Magaflem: picture-frame. Magarat : rebus. Magasgalif: picture gallery. Magav : art of drawing. Magel : designer; artist. Magelacab : crayon ; chalk-crayon. Magen : plastic art. Maget : magnet. Magetik : magnetic. Magetbn : to magnetize. Magif: magnificence; splendor; grandeur. Magifalbf: love of splendor. Magifik : magnificent ; superb ; splendid. Magifilbf : love of splendor. Magif b ! Magnificent ! Splendid ! Superb ! [make a show. Magif on : to make a display ; to Magifot: pomp; pageantry. Magifotik : gorgeous. [ful. Magik: pretty as a picture; beauti- Magin : magnesium, Mg. (chem.) MAGIT : magistrate. Magitacal : magistracy ; office of magistrate. Magitef: magistracy ; body of magistrates. [typical. Maglik : figurative ; graphical ; Maglb'f : typicalness ; figurativeness. Magbn : to design; to delineate; to portray. [to desire; would. Magbn: to like; to be inclined to; Magiib: image; likeness. Magiif: gala; festivity. Magiifaklot: holiday attire; festive garb. Magiig: magic; witchcraft. Magugik : magical. Magiigbn : to practice witchcraft. Maiblekbn : to break open; to open by force. Maidunbn : to open. Maignobbn : to unbutton. Maikbtbn : to cut open; to dissect. Maikbtbp : dissecting-room. Mail: mesh; stitch. Maimiiedbn : to open by softening; by soaking. Maislitbn : to split open ; to crack open; to rive. [open. Maislitbn : to tear open ; to pull Maispanbn : to stretch open; to pull apart. [by puncture. Maispinbn : to pick open ; to open Maj ! March ! Majal : marshal. Majb! March! MAK : mark (coin about 24 cents). MAK : mark; sign; token; stamp. Makab(bf) : remarkability ; curios- ity, [putation. Makab(ug) : celebrity; fame; re- Makabik: remarkable; curious. Makabik : celebrated ; famous ; noted. Makabb ! Remarkable ! Curious ! Magnifying. ENGLISII-VOLAPiiK. Make. Magnifying glass: leltin; gletOna- Magnitude: glet. Magpie : skadit. Maiden: vilgin; jipul. Maidenly : vilginik. Mail : pot; potapaked. Mail, to : poton. Mail, to after : pospoton. Mail carrier : potan. Mail matter: potadin. Mail order : potakomit. Mail package : potapaked. Maim, to : didilon. Maiming : didilam. Main-land : fiman. Maintain, to : lesagon; zibon. Maintenance: sibinam; yiif; zi- Maize : klen. [bam. Majestic: gletabidik; mayedik. Major: gletabid; mayed. Major : mayor. [galioton. Major (music) : galio; galiobid; Majority : modanum;modug; leug. Make, to : mekon; jafon. (99) MakabSn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Malit. Makabbn : to make celebrated ; to make renowned. Makabug : celebrity; fame. Makar : macaroni. Ma'kon : to mark. MAL : sign; indication. MAL : six. [marriage. Malabadbn : to marry ; to join in MALAD : malady; disease. Maladal : psychic disease ; mental disease; insanity. Maladam : sickening; falling ill. Maladamekiel : exciting cause of disease; disease germ. Maladanem : diagnosis; nomen- clature of disease. Maladik : sick; diseased. Malad(ik)an : sick person; inva- lid; patient. Maladnik: sickly; morbid. Mala'db ! Plague on it ! Maladod : falling ill; sickening. Maladodon : to sicken; to fall ill. Maladbf : infirmity ; sickness; dis- eased state; illness. Maladofik : infirm; ailing; ill; un- well; sickly. [ailing. Maladbf on: to be sickly; to be Maladbn : to sicken; to be taken Maladbp : hospital. [sick. Malagul : hexagon. Malagulik : hexagonal. Malam : signification; importance. Ma'lamul : half-year; six months. Malamulik : half-yearly ; semi- annual, [of six. Ma'laspan : six in hand ; team MALEK: march. Malekon : to march. Maleku'm : march (music). Malep : rosemary. Malepaleiil : oil of rosemary. MALET : malt. Maletbn : to make malt. Malevulul: malt germ; diastase. Malid : malevolence. Malin : marly; Scotch gauze; a sort of open-work canvas. Malion : sextillion. MALIT: market. Make good. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Manifest. Make good, to : gudtikon. Make love, to : lofobon. Make ready, to : lumokon. Maker: jafel; mekel. Making: mek. Make-shift : guvamed. Malady: ma lad. Male : manik. Malediction : nelabad. Malevolence : leneflenof; malid. Malevolent: badavilik; leneflenik; neflenofik. Malformed: eseglofol. Malice: badug. Malicious: badivilik; badugik; le- Malignity: venodal. [sinik. Malt : malet. Malt, to make : maleton. Mamma : mot. Mamma: blotazenod; dog. Mammal : nimaf. Mammoth : mamut. Man: man; men. Man, great: gletal. Man, old : baledan. Manage, to: biton; dilekOn; go- vOn; cifOn; gafon. Manageable : yumik. Management: bit; dilek; dukam; govam; tolat(am); gaf(am). Manager: cif; govan; govel; jafel; filiOpan; jafan. Managing: kib(am). Mandate: biid. Mane : nokebahel. Manoeuvre : manov. Manoeuvre, to : manovon. Manfulness : steifal. Manganesium : manin. Manger: rip. Mangle, to: midon. Mangling: midam. Mania : levut; lefopavut. Maniacal : lefopavutik. Manifest : manifik. Manifest, to : manifamOn. (200) Malitadom. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Masek. Malitadom : market house; market. Maliton : to market ; to purchase supplies. Malitop : market place. Malod : marking; designation. Malbn : to signify; to mean; to im- Mals: sixty. [port. Malsema'yel : leap-year. Ma'liidel : Friday; sixth day. Malu'f: musical sixth. Malul : June; sixth month. Maliim : sextette. Maliit: fair; market fair, [chuck. Mam : marmot ; hamster : wood- Mamut : mammoth; (fossil animal). MAN: man; male (human). Manadekat: full dress (men's). Manal : manliness. Manalik: manly. Ma nams : according to strength. Maned : cloak; mantle. Manif : openness; manifestness. Manifad : manifesto; announce- Manifa'del : promulgator. [ment. Manifa'l : openheartedness; ingenu- ousness, [tion. Manifam: manifesting; manifesta- Manifamam : revelation. Manifambn : to manifest; to reveal. Manifik: manifest; open. Manifod: (an) opening, [foldness. i Manifod: diversity; variety; mani- Manifodik : diverse; various; mani- fold. Manifoddn : to diversify; to vary. Manifof: publicity. [public. Manif b'fam : divulging ; making Manif bfel : publisher ; discloser ; expositor. [public. Manifbfik : public ; open to the Manif of on : to publish; to divulge; to make public. [sure. Manifbfot : publication ; disclo- Manifokbn: to open; to unclose; to uniold. Manif on: to open; to broach. Manik : masculine; male; virile. Manil: male (of animals). Manin: manganesium, Mn. (chem.) Manlik : manly; nubile; pubescent. Manbv : manoeuvre (Milit.) Manbvbn : to manoeuvre; to drill; to go through evolution (milit. ) Manuf : manly courage. MAP : portfolio. Ma pliid: at pleasure; at will. Mar : marten (mustela. ) MAR: fairy tale; marvelous tale. Mara'f: caster daisy; daisy. Marin : marl (earth.) Masai: grand-master. Masedbn : to requite; to recom- pense; to reward. Masek : mask. Manifestation. ENGLISH-VULAPUK. March in review. Manifestation : manifam. Manifestness : manif. Manifesto : manifad; notad. Manifold: manifodik; plulik. Mankind: menad; menub. Manliness: manal. Manly : manlik; manalik. Manner: mod. Manners: slid. Mansion : gledom; ledom. Mantel: muiil. Mantle: maned;talar; tegamaned. Manual : tidabuk. Manual: namik. Manufactory : fabliid. [bliidot. Manufacture (article) : namat; fa- Manufacture, to: fabllidon. Manufacturer: fablttdalabel ; fablti- dasOl; fabludel. Manumission : livam. Manure : dOn. Manure, to : donOn. Manuscript : dokiim; namapenad. Manuscript: namapenadik; penS- Many: modik. [dik. Many times : mOdikna. Map : kaed; volakaed. Marble : mab. Marble : mabik. Marbleize, to : mabon. [mazul. March : malek ; malektlm : kilul ; March ! Maj ! Majo ! March, to : malekon. March in review, to: beimalekOn. (201) Masekik. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Meb. Masekik : masked. Masel : master. Maselef : guild ot masters; com- pany of masters. [magistral. Maselik: masterly ; magisterial; Maselbn: to master; to rule; to control. MaselUg : mastery; pre-eminence. Masival: clumsiness ; awkward- ness. Masivalik : clumsy ; awkward. Masivik : massive. Mastig: mastich; mastic. Mastodaf: mastodon. Masuliim : mazourka (dance). MAT : matrimony ; marriage ; wedlock. [bed. Matabed : nuptial bed ; marriage Matabegel: suitor; wooer. Matabb'met : betrothal ; promise of marriage (*matapb'met). Matacal: state of matrimony. Matadit: divorce. Mataditbn : to be divorced. Matagiv : marriage portion ; dowry. Matalab : wedding dowry. Matam : marriage ceremony. Matamazai : wedding feast. Matapal: married couple. Matazal: nuptial feast; nuptial fes- tivities. Mated: wedding; nuptials. Matek: sacrament of marriage. Matan : j bridegroom; spouse; con- Matel ; J sort; husband. Matels : married men. Mater: matter ; elementary mat- ter. Materik : material. Materim : materialism. Materbn : to materialize. Ma'tet: armature; attachment. Matibegel : suitor. Matik: matrimonial; conjugal. Matokbn : to couple; to pair; to match. Matbn : to marry ; to espouse. Matrit : matrix; mould. Matu'rj ; wedding-day. MATUR : martyrdom. Matural : martyr. Maxu'l: maxilla; jaw-bone. MAYED : majesty. Mayedik : majestic. Mayor : major. Mayul : May (month); lulul. Mayulaf : lily of the valley ; con- vallaria; May-flower. Mazul: March (month); kilul. ME : by means of; through; by; with. [tion. MEB : reminiscence ; recollec- March off: ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Martial. March off, to: demalekon. March out, to: semalekon. March up, to : sumalekOn. [fajtip. MardiGras: neit cunabegina; Mare : jijeval. Marine: mOl. Marine: melik; molik. Mariner : melan ; melel. Marionette : pup. Maritime : melanik. Mark: ktip; kilpamal; mak ; zeil ; zeilaplm; mak. [penon. Mark, to : bemalOn ; makOn ; su- Marker : ptinel. Market: malit; malitadom; seidOp; Market, to. maliton. [lemOp. Market fair : malut. Market house : malitadom. Marketing: delemam. Marketplace: nialitop. Marking : bemalam; malod. Marl : marin. Marley: malin. Marmot : mam. Marquetry: fuin. Marriage: mat; matam; matek. Marriage-portion : matagiv. Marriage, promise of: matabOmet. Marriage, to give in : fematOn. Marrow : pif. Marry, to : komaton; maton; mala- Marsh : lulak. [bftdOn. Marshal : majal. Martin : mar. Martin-house : starOp. Martial : kligik. (202) Mebadigik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Medit. Mebadigik: memorable. Mebakbn : medal; memento. Mebalidavbg : mezzo-soprano (mu- sic), [ative); memorial. Mebamal : monument (commemor- Mebazbt : memorandum. Mebik: memorable ; commemora- ble. [to mind. Mebdn : to remind ; to recall MED : means; medium. Medal : mediator; intercessor. Medalik : mediatorial. Medamik: mediate; indirect. Medel: mediator; intercessor. Medelacal: mediatorship. Medelik : mediatorial; intercessive; interceding. Medin : medicine. Medinaglbpil: pill. Medinamed : medicine; therapeu- tic resource. Medinan : physician ; medical man ; doctor. Medinav : medical science; medi- cine. Medinik : medicinal; therapeutic. Medinan: medicine; drug. Mediniv : medication ; therapeutics. Medinb'n : to medicate; to give med- MEDIT : meditation. [icine. Martyr. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Meagerness. Martyr: mattlral; sufal. Martyrdom: matllr. Marvel: milag. Marvelous: milagik. Masculine: manik. Mask : masek. Mask, to : felukloton. Marked : masekik. Mason : monel. Masonry, to lay : mflnOn. Mass: kum; lemod; levitim; stef. Massive : masivik; vetik. Massy: lemodik. Mast : nafabim. Master: masel; letidel; sol; solil. Master, to: maselon. Master, grand: lemasel. Master, old: balemasel. Master-builder : bumamasel. Master-key: glekik. Masterly : maselik. Mastery : maseltig. Mastodon : mastodaf. Mastich: mastig. Match : filab. Match, slow: macad. Match, to: matokon. Matched: palnik. Mate: yufan; ziel; oneguban. Mate, to : palon. Mated : palnik; letelik. Material: stof; stof. Material: materik; stofik; stofik. Materialism: materim; stofim. Materialist: materel; stofavel. Materialistic : materelik ; stofavelik. Materialize, to : materOn. Maternal: motik. Maternity : motam. Mathematical : gletavik. Mathematical instruments : stums gletavik. Mathematician : gletavel. Mathematics : gletav. Mating: palam. Matrimonial : matik. Matrimony : mat; matacal. Matrix : matrit. Matter : din ; mater ; stof ; stOfin ; stef. Mattock : cop. Mattress : mad. Mature : lemadik; madik. Mature, to : madon. Maturity: mad; madal; mating. Maundy Thursday : liigadodel ; Iflgaluludel. Mausoleum: lesepamal; sepamal. Maw: cav; lumud. Maxim : lepet; pet; plisip; xiom. May: lulul; mayul. May: (verb) dalon; mogon. May-flower: mayulaf. Mayor : sifal. Mazourka : masultlm. Mead : mied. Meadow : flub; meid. Meagerness : nepin. (203) Meditbf. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Mekadbn. Meditbf: pensiveness ; reflection ; meditation. [reflective. Meditbfik : pensive ; thoughtful ; Meditbfo : pensively; reflectively. Mediton : to meditate; to reflect. Medo : indirectly; mediately. Medbn: to mediate; to intercede. Medol : (a) means. Megivbn : to give mediately. MEID : mead; meadow ; prairie; pasture land. MEIL: meal; flour. Meilad : mildness. Meiladal: tenderheartedness. Meiladik: mild; tender. Meiladon : to mitigate; to soften; to alleviate. Meilatedam : dealing in flour and feed. [flour. Meilan : flour dealer ; dealer in Meilevat: dough; batter. Meilevat milegik : pastry -dough ; puff-paste. Meilik : farinaceous; mealy. MEIN : mining. Meinel : miner. Meiniv: mining engineering; min- Meinbp : mine. [ing- Meiniigenel: mining engineer. Meit: mite; maggot; grub. Meitain : mineral tar; asphalt. MEK: making; doing; effecting; execution. Mekad : force; violence. Mekadal: man in power. Mekadam : use of force; of violence; compulsion. [petuous. Mekadik: violent; powerful; im- Mekado : with violence; violently.- Mekadbn : to force; to use violence. Meal. ENGLISH-VOLAPilK. Medicine. Meal: lend; lezib; meil. Meal-time: fidup. Mealy : meilik. Mean : zenodaveg. Mean: badik; bapik; smalnik Meander, to : snekon. Meandering: snekik. Meanderingly : sneko. Meanness : badof; bap; smalnof. Means : med; medot. Meanwhile : bevtino. Measles : rujip. Measurable : maflik. Measure : maf; meslil; mafiel. Measure, to: maion; lenmafon. Measure, to take : lenmafon. Measure, over : Itigit. Measure off, to : demafon. Measured : mafik; pelenmafol. Measurement : mafonam. Measurer : mafel. Measuring: mafam; demafam. Measureless nemafodik Meat : mit. Meat, to carve: ) ., Meat, to cut: f mit n ' Meat-extract: mitasezttk. Meats: mitacan. Meat-seller : mitan. Meaty : mitik. Mechanic: cintifel. Mechanical: cinufik. Mechanics: cinav; cinlif; mufav. Mechanism: cinufad; cinim; mu- fim; mufot. Medal; kon; mebakon. Medal of honor : stimakonad; sti- makluzif. Medal, bronze : miinakonad. Meddler: pemel. Mediate : medamik. Mediate, to: medon; plobegon. Mediately : medo. Mediately, to give: megivon. Mediation : medam; plobeg. Mediator: lekosilel; medeljptldal. Mediatorial : medelik. Mediatorship: medelacal. Medical : sanelik. Medical director : ) , , ,- ^ Medical officer: f 'Ostafasanel. Medicate, to: medinon. Medication : mediniv. Medicinal : medinik ; sananamik. Medicine: inedin ; medinav ; me- dinamed; medinim. Medicine, patent: klanamed. Medicine, to give '. medinOn. (204) Mekel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Menavik. Mekel : maker; constructor; build- er, [cause. Mekiel : excitant; exciter; moving Mekik : potent; mighty. Mekinbn : to dare; to venture. Mekbf: violence. Mekbfik: violent. Mekbfiko : violently; boisterously. Mekbf on : to become violent. Mekbn : to make ; to cause to be made. [en. Mekbn galdn : to arouse; to wak- Mekbn kbmbn : to cause to come. Mekbn ley ulbn : to swear; to out on oath. Mekbn pbfudik : to profit by. MEL : sea; ocean. Melabug : gulf; bay. Melajol: seashore. Melak: commerce; traffic; com- mercial relations. Melak : exchange; barter. Melakapan : sea captain. Melakbn : to have commerce ; traffic with ; to maintain com- mercial relations with. Melalein : sea-lion. Melan : mariner; navigator. Melanab : strait; narrows. Melanik : maritime. Melavat : sea-water, [ing by sea. Melavegam: sea-voyage; travel- Meled : omelet ; pan-cake. MELID: merit; desert. Melidik: meritorious. Melidlik : well-deserving. Melidbn : to merit; to deserve. Melik: marine; sea-faring; sea. MELIT: acquisition; earning. Melitbn : to acquire; to obtain; to MELOD : melody; tune. [earn. Melodeot: melodeon. Melodik: melodious. Melon : to marinate; to pickle. Melopan: American. Melopik : American. Melopbn : to Americanize. MEM : memory. Memanam : power of memory. Memik : remembered ;unforgotten. Membn : to remember; to be mind- ful of; to recollect. MEN : person; human being; man. Menabid: race. Menad : mankind ; genus homo ; humanity. Menadik : humanitarian; human. Menal: humanity; philanthropy. Menalik: humane; philanthropic. Menasot: race of men; race of people. Menav : anthropology. Menavel : anthropologist. Menavik: anthropological. Mediocre. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Memorable. Mediocre : nebizugofik. Mediocrity : nebizugof. Meditate, to: dutikon; mediton; tikOn; siamOn. Meditation: dutikam; medit; ti- kam; medito'f. Medium : med; zenodaveg; nogot. Meek: miegik; sofik. Meekness: liamal; meig; sol. Meet, to : kokOmon. Meeting: kokOm; kokOmam; la- sam; yum. Megrim : miganip. Melancholia: ladalip. [ladal. Melancholy: glumal; liigof; lu i Melancholy: luladitlik; glumalik. Mellifluous : mielik. Mellow : miiedik. Mellowness : miied. Melodeon : melodeot. Melodious : melodik. Melody: benoton; melod. Melon: meot. Melt, to : smeton; smotOn. Melt down, to : nlismeton. Melting : smOt. Member: kopanal; lim. Member, honorary : stimakopanal. Member, sworn: yulakopanel. Membership : kopanalef. Membrana tympani : tonaskin. Memoir : penot. Memorable : mebadigik- mebik; nefogetik. (205) Menavedam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Met. Menavedam : incarnation; becom- Menik : human. [ing human. Menod(am) : correction; improve- ment; amendment; rectifica- Menodablog : proof-sheet, [tion. Menodel : corrector; improver. Menodon : to correct; to improve; to amend; to rectify. Mens: people; human beings. Menub : mankind; humanity. Menum : better man ; more of a man. Meniin : best man; most of a man. Men up : lifetime; duration of life; years of man. Moot: melon. Merit: black -bird; ousel. MESED : remuneration ; pay ; wages; reward. Mesedam : recompense. Mesedbn : to remunerate ; to re- compense; to reward. Mesedot : wages; pay. Mesial: Messiah; Christ. Mestit: half-breed; hybrid. Mesiil : precautionary measure ; provision. [vide. Mesiilbn : to take measures; topro- MET : meter (measure of length 39.368 inches). Memorandum. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Meteorology. Memorandum : mebazot. Memorial : mebamal. Memorialist : penotel. Memory : mem ; memanam ; le- Menace : tad(am). [mem. Menace, to : tadOn. Menacer: tadel. Menacing: tadik. Mend, to : gudtikOn ; lunagOn ; selunagon ; xolunagOn. Mendicancy: Itibeg(am); lubegen. Mendicant: lubegel; lubegef. Mendication : lubegam. Menial: diinel. Menstruation: mulct. Mensurability: maflof. Mensurable : maflik. Mensuration : mafam. Mental aberration : fopug. Mental power : valtldal. Mention : nomod. Mention, to: nOmodOn. Mentioned: penemol; penOmodol. Menu: zibakad. Mercantile : tedelik . [kayeg. Merchandise: can; setokadin; tO- Merchandise, general : stofacan. Merchandizing : tedam. Merchant : canel; tedal; tedel. Merchant, wholesale : tedan ; letedel. Merchantable : canelik; lemik. Merchants : tedef. Merciful: koliedik; misaladik. Mercurial: keginik; lusilefik. Mercury: kegin; lusilef. Mercy: kolied; misalad. Mercy, to have : misaladOn. Mere : teik. Merely: (adv.) te; to\ Merit : melid. Merit, to : melidon. Merited: lemelidlik. Merited, well : lepemelidol. Meritorious: melidik. Merrily : yofo. Merriment : yofof. Merry: yofik. Mesh: mail. Mess: lezib; zibem. Message: depad; sedanun. Messenger: komitatel; nunel; pa- sedan; sedanunel; segonel. Messiah : Mesial. Messrs. : sols. Metal: metal. Metal, noble: nobametal. Metallic : metalik. Metallize, to: metalOn. Metallurgist: metalal. Metal-worker: metalan. Metamorphose, to: ceinon. Metamorphosis : ceinam. Metaphor : metafer. Metaphoric: nevoik; metaferik. Metaphysics : metafiisig. Meteorological : stomik. Meteorology: stomav. (206) Metafer. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Miadbn. Metafer : metaphor. Metaferik : metaphoric. Metafiisig: metaphysics. METAL : metal. Metalafad : wire edge (implements). Metalamig: alloy. Metalel : metallurgist. Metalan : metal-worker. Metalik : metallic. Metalbn : to metallize. MEUG: disposition; temperament. Meugik: disposed; affected. Meugbn : to be disposed. Meyel : farmer (leaseholder). Meyelbp: farm (leasehold). Meyen : farming, as a business (leaseholding). Mi: _perverse; wrong; not good. M I AD : boundary; limit; bound- ary line. Mia'dem : demarcation ; limiting. Miadbn : to limit; to bound. Meter. ENGLISH-VOLAFUK, Minister. Meter: met; mafiel. Meter, square: vamet. Method : mod. Metropolis : glezif; kinanazif. Metropolitan: bijopopik; kinana- zifik. Mezzo-soprano : mebalidavog. Microcephalus: smakap. Microphone : smafon. Microscope: lelun; gletonaglat. Mid-day : zendel. Middle : zenod. Middle : zenodik. Middle, in the : zenodo. Midnight : zeneit. Midst, in the of: zenodtl. Midsummer : lehitlip. Midway : zenodaveg. Midwife : yufavom. Might: valud. Mighty : mekik ; valiidik. Mighty, to be : valiidon. Migraine: miganip. Migrate, to : tevon. Migration : tev. Mild : meiladik ; molik ; mudik ; Mildew : lutof. [sofik. Mildness: meilad; mtid; mol; sof. Mile : leil. Mile, square : valiel. Military: militik. Military encampment : seitop. Military commander: militel. Military profession : vafam. Milk : milig. Milk, asses': cukamilig. Milk, to: miligon; tetOn. Milk, to give : miligOn. Milker: miligel; tetan. Milk-maid : jitetan. Milk-porridge : miligabttl. Milky : miligik. Milky way ; galaxtit. Mill: miil. Mill, to : mulon. Millennial: milyelik. Millenium : milyelup; yelmil. Miller : rntilan. Milligramme : liglam. Millimetre : limet. Milliner: jimoladel. Millinery: kliinacan. Million : balion. Millionaire : balional. Mill-stone: mulaston. Mimic : lepan. Mimic, to: lepon; naldunon. Mimicry : lepanen. Mind : Ian; tikal. Mine: meinop; munaseb; pur. Mine : obikan. Miner: piirel; meinel. Mineral : min ; talamtin. Mineral: minik; minavik. Mineralogical : minavik. Mineralogist: minavel. Mineralogy: minav. Mingle, to : migon. Mingled : migik. Miniature : smalttl. Miniature : smaliilik. Mining: mein; meiniv. Minister : dttnal; predel ; gltigel; kleran ; padal. (207) Mibelobum. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Milafutaf. Mibelobum : disapprobation. Mibelobbn: to disapprove; to cen- M ID : flesh ; muscle. [sure. Midadukon : to bring up badly; to spoil. Midal: carnalmindedness; sensual - Midal an : paramour, [ity. Midalik : carnalminded ; carnal ; impure; sensual; wanton. Midalbn : to flirt; to be wanton. Mid am : laceration of flesh; mang- ling. Midik : fleshy; brawny; carneous. Midbn: to lacerate flesh; to mangle. MIED : boundary; frontier; limit; border. Miedbn : to border; to limit. MIEG : humility; meekness. Miegam: humiliation. Miegik : humble; meek. Miegbn : to humble; to humiliate. MIEL : honey. Mielakek : gingerbread. Mielava'k : bee's wax; honey comb. Mielik : honeyed ; mellifluous. Mien : minium. Mienik : of minium. Miet: barrier; bar. Mifat: hardship; calamity; afflic- MIG: mixture; compound, [tion. Migab : mongrel; hybrid. Migalod: displeasure ; discontent; disgust. Migam : mixing; mixture. Miganip : migraine; megrim; hemi- crania; headache. Migeb : abuse; misuse. Migebik: abusive. Migebbn : to abuse; to use impro- perly; to misuse. Migik : mixed; mingled; blended. Miglam : kilogramme, Kg. (about 2j/( Ibs. avoir.) Migbn : to mix; to mingle. Migot : mixture. Migovbn : to misgovern. Mika'f : knavery; cunning. Mikapaliib: misunderstanding. Mikonfid : distrust; mistrust. Mikonfidal : suspiciousness. Mikonfidik : distrustful ; mistrust- ful, [trust. Mikonfidbn : to distrust ; to mis- MIL: thousand. Milafutaf: centipede; wood-louse; scolopendra. Ministerial. ENGLISH-VOLAPliK. Miss. Ministerial: dtinalik. Ministry : dtinalef; dunat. Minium: mein. Minnow: fitil; smafit. Minor : liigioton; yunan. Minor: llit(iotonik; luoyelik. Mint: konop. Mint, to : konon ; monon ; semonon. Minute : minut. Minutes : plotog. Minutes, to take : plotogon. Miracle: milag; levobad. Miraculous : milagik. Mirage: lokam. Mire : miot; slam. Mirror: lok; filelok. Mirror, to: delokOn; lokOn. Mirth : yofSf. Miscalculate, to : minumon. Miscalculation : minumam. Miscarry, to : neplopon. Mischief: badug; ludun. Mischievous : badugik ; lesinik ; nesanlik. Misdeed: nebenod. Misdemeanor: badod; lesin. Miser: lufenigan; monalan. Miserable: glifik; misalik ; misalo- fik; poflik. Misfortune : nelab; nelabazid. Misgovern, to:mi^ovOn; miregOn. Mishap: neliib; mizid; nelabazid. Mislay, to : feseitOn. Mislead, to: fedugon ; polidiikon; Misleader: ludugel. [ludugOn. Misleading: fedugam; ludug(;unK Misplace, to : feseitQn. Misprint : btlkapok. Mispronunciation : mipiik. Miss : jisolil; vomttl. Miss, to : felogon; netuvon;zugOn. Miss one's way, to : fepolon. (208) Milag. VOLAPUK-ENGUSH. Minumam. MILAG : miracle; marvel; wonder. Milagam: wonder; admiration. Milagik : miraculous ; marvelous ; wonderful; admirable. Milagnik : strange ; queer ; odd ; bizarre. Milagbn : to admire ; to be sur- prised; to wonder at. Milat : thousand (feet, pounds, etc.) MILEG: butter. Milegabod : .bread-and-butter. Milegaf : butter-cup (crowfoot). Milegatub : butter-tub; butter-fir- kin; churn. Milegbn : to churn; to make butter. Milemilig: butter-milk. MILIG: milk. Miligabul : milk-porridge. Miligamot : wet - nurse ; foster- mother. Miligapin : cream. Miligapinik: creamy. Miligavat : whey. Miligel: milker; dairy -man. Miligik: milky. Miligbn: to milk; to give milk. Milion : a number consisting of 1 and 6000 ciphers. I Milit : army; military force. Militabiid : army order; general order (military). Militaflad : canteen. Militagalef : picket; outpost; grand guard. [army. I Milital : commander-in-chief of an Milital : military spirit. Militamal : signal (military). Militapredel : chaplain (military). Militazug : expedition (military). Militik: military. (military). Militbm : equipage (C. & G. E. ;) Militbmal : quartermaster- general (military). Militbmel : quarter-master. Militbp : camp. Milmet: kilometer; 1000 meters. Milb ! Zounds ! Milyelik : millennial. MilyelUp : millennium. MIN : mineral. Minav : mineralogy. Minavel: mineralogist. Minavik : mineralogical. Mined : smelting works. Mmik : mineral. Minumam : miscalculation. Missal. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Model. Missal : levitimabuk. Missing: netuv. Mission : lesed. Missionary: pesedan. Missioning: lesedam. Missions : legatem. Misspeak, to : miptikon. Mist: fog; lutavat. Mistake: pttk; polub. Mistake, to : felogon. Mistake, to make: pOkOn. Mistaken: pOkik; pOlik; pOlubik. Mistaken, to be : polOn. Mistress: jimasel; jilumatel. Mistrust: mikonfid. Mistrust, to : mikonfido'n. Mistrustful: mikonfidik. Misty: fogik; lutavatik. Misunderstanding : mikapalub. Misuse : migeb. Misuse, to : migebOn. Miter: bijohat. Mite : meit. Mitigate, to: meiladOn; miidon. Mitigation : miidam. Mitten : lenamateg. Mix, to : migon. Mix with, to : lamigon. Mixed : migik; pemigol. Mixture: mig(am); migot. Moan, to: vion; yamOn. Mob : lusog. Mobile: mufik. Mock, to : kofon. Mocker: kofel. Mockery : kof; kofen. Mocking : kofik. Mode: fOm; mod; molad; moed. Model : jablon ; fomod ; jemad ; lesamal; fomelavobad. (209) Minumbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Mo. Minumbn : to miscalculate. MINUT: minute; moment; instant. Minutik: each minute; every min- ute. MIOT: dirt; filth; mud; mire. Mibt : offal; excrement. Miotik : dirty; filthy; unclean; foul. Miotbn : to soil; to dirty; to tar- Miplid: displeasure. [nish. Miplidik : displeasing. Miplidbn : to displease. Mipiik : mispronunciation ; mis- take in speaking. Mipiikbn : to misspeak; to make a mistake in speaking. Mir : myrtle. Mirafot : myrtle grove. Miregbn: to misgovern. MISAL : misery; calamity. Misalad : compassion; pity; chari- Misaladigik : pitiable, [ty; mercy. Misaladik: compassion; charitable; merciful. Misaladbn: to pity; to have com- passion on; to have mercy on. Misalik: miserable; wretched. Misalbf: misery; want. Misalbfik : miserable; needy. Mistom : stormy weather. Mistu'm : disesteem ; disregard ; slight. [gard. Mistiimbn: to disesteem; to disre- MIT : meat; flesh of animals. Mitacan : meats. Milan: meat-seller; butcher. Mitanbn : to butcher animals; to slaughter animals. Mitanbp : slaughter-house ; abat- toir. Mitasezuk : meat-extract. Mitasuep : meat broth. Mitazib : animal food. Miten : meat-market business. Mitik: fleshy; carneous; meaty. Mitlik: flesh-like. Mitbn : to cut meat; to carve meat. Mitbp : shambles. Mizid : mishap; accident; disaster. Mizugbn : to distort; to warp; to MO: away; out; of. [twist. Moderate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Monocephalous. Moderate: mafik; mafodik; satlik. Moderate, to : maftikOn. Moderate, to be : mafodOn. Moderation : mafod(am). Moderator : bisiedel. [dik. Modern: nebaledik; tudelik; mola- Modernize, to: moladon. [sudik. Modest : jemik ; mllkik ; plidik ; Modesty: Jem; jemOf ; mtlk; pu- dof; siklof. Modification: deslepam; devot. Modify, to: deslepon; devoton. Modist: moladan. Modiste: jimoladan. Mohammedan: slamik. Mohammedanism: slam. Moist: vatofik. Moisten, to : luimon; vatttfOn. Moistener : luimel. Moisture: luim; vatOf. Molar : ctigatut. Molding: mutil. Mole : moaf. Mollification : mtiedam. Mollify, to: mtiedon; sumiiedon. Molting: yuned. Molybdenum : molin. Moment: timil; mintit. Momentary: timilik. Monarch: monakal; monosOlel. Monarchic : monakik. Monarchical : monakik. Monarchist: monakel. Monarchy: monak. Monastery : kleud. Monastic: kleudik. Monasticism : kleudal. Monday: teludel; mundel. Monetary : monik. Money: mon; monapOp; pOpab. Money, in : mono. Money-changer: canan. Mongrel: debid; migab. Monk: kleudan; padan. Monkey : lep. Monocephalous: bakapik. (210) Mo! VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Mof. MO ! Away with you ! Take your- sell oft"! Away ! Moaf: mole (animal). MOB: motion; proposition; pro- posal, [niture. MOB: lurniture ; article of fur- Mbban : furniture manufacturer, Mobel: proposer; mover. Mbbimug : woodiness. Mobin : absence. Mobinel: absentee. Mobinik : absent. Mobinb'n: to be absent. Mobinvi : in the absence of. Moblibb'n : to remain away. Moblinbn : to bring away. Mobbn: to propose. Mbbbn : to furnish (with furniture). Mobudbn : to order away. MOD: manner; method; mode. MOD : quantity; number; amount; multitude. [ment; increase. Mbdam: augmentation ; enlargc- Mbdanum : majority. Mb'dapenad: hektography; poly- graphy. Modeblinbn : to bring away from. Model : to-morrow (odel). Model : augmenter; multiplier. Modelo : on to-morrow (odelo). Mbdik: many; much; numerous. Mbdikam : multiplication. Mbdikanik : multipotent. Mbdikna : many times; often. Mbdiko: in many ways; in divers Mbdikum : more. [ways. Mbdikun: most. Mbdikiino : mostly. Mbdlik : multiple. Mbdliko : in many ways. Mbdna : many times; often. Mbdnik : many different kinds of; multiple. Mbdnikiel : multiplier. Modo : in manner. Mbdo. by far; far; much. Mbdbn : to augment; to increase. Mbdii : after the manner of. Mbdug : multiplicity ; plurality ; majority. Modugbn : to lead away. Mbdiikam: reiteration; repetition; multiplication. Mbdiikel: repeater; multiplier. Mbdiikbn: to repeat; to reiterate; Mbdumik: several. [to multiply. Mbdiino : at most; at highest. Modunbn : to do away with; to put away. Moed: mood; mode (gram.) MOF: impetus; impulse; propul- Monocular. ENGLISH-VULAPUK. More. Monocular: balogik. Monogram : monogam. Monogrammatic : monogamik. Monograph : penot. Monolith : belig. Monologue: okopiikot; soapukot. Monopolist: monopel. Monopoly: monop. Monosyllabic: basilabik. Monotony: bafom. Monster: bestaf; tuvemaf; nenim. Monstrance : godabodat. Monstrosity: tuvemaf; tuvemOf. Monstrous : tuvemik. Month: mul; yelamul. Monthly : mulabled. Monthly: mulik; vamulik. Monthly : a mul; vamulo. Monument : mebamal; lesepamal; sepamal. Mood: fom; moed. Moon: mun. Moon, new: munafoldil. Moor : mor. Moorage: nakaglun. Moor-cock: biagok. Moorish : morik. Mop: kvat; viub. Mop, to : viubon. Moral science : slidlofav. Morality: siidaklin; siidlof. Morals :sud. Morass : lulak. Morbid : maladnik. More: (adj.) modikum ; iemOdi- More : um(o); plu; fovo. [kum. (211) Mofalon. VOLAPUK-BNGUSH. Monak. Mofalon : to fall off; to drop off ; to come off. Mofanam: impelling force. Mofel: driver; propeller. Mofib : omnibus. Mofidbn: to eat away. Monk: continuous; continuing. Moflanik: polyhedral; multilateral. Mbflanbf: mutilateralness. Moflekbn : to turn away. Moflitbn : to fly away. Mbflolsubik : very flowery; having many flowers. Mofo : outwards ; in an outward direction; away. Mof b ! Begone ! Away from here ! Mof on : to impel; to push out; to dispossess; to propel. Mof ii : aside from ; outside of ; beyond; without; away from. Mofumo : farther away. Mog : hazel. MOG: possibility. Mogabid : potential (gram). Mbgik: possible. Mbgiko : possibly. Mogivbn : to give away. Mbgbf: possible outcome; possible issue; possibility. Mogol : course (on departure). Mogolam : advancing; advance- ment; course. Mogolbn : to go away; to go off. Mbgbn : to be possible; may. Mogonbn : to run away; to run off; to flee; to escape. Mogul : polygon. Mbgulik : polygonal; multangular. Mojedbn : to throw away. Mojbp : mosque. Mojiitbn : to spill; to shed; to pour away ; to pour off. MOK : preparation. Mokidbn: to kiss away. Mokbmbn : to get out; to get away ; Mbkbn : to prepare. [to escape. Mbkot: preparation. MOL : mildness; gentleness. MOL : navy; marine. Mola'd: fashion; mode. Moladan : modist; dress-maker. Moladik: fashionable; modern. Moladbn: to modernize; to make fashionable. [present). Molegivbn : to give away, (as a Moletbn: to let go; to allow to go. Molik : mild; gentle; pleasant. Mblik: naval; marine. Molin: molybdenum, Mo. (chem.) MOLOD : murder; assassination. Mblodal : bloodthirstiness. Mblodalik : bloodthirsty; ferocious. M blodel : murder ; assassin . Mblodik : murderous. Mblodb ! Murder ! Mblodbn : to murder; assassinate. Molovigolbn : to steal away; to sneak away. Moltin : mortar; cement. Mbmat: polygamy, [to force out. Momofbn : to expel; to extrude; MQN : money. MON ; wall. [estimate. Monabled : estimate for funds ; Mbnabled : placard; bill; poster. Monabog: strongbox; sofa. Monadeb : scarcity of money; hard times. [to depart on a ship. Monafbn : to sail away; to set sail; Monak : monarchy. More ! ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Mortgage. More! FovO! More than : plu. More and more : aiumo. More or less : umo u luo. Moreover:; plas; zu. Morning: g6del; gOl. Morning : godelik. Morning, every : vagOdelo. Morning, in the: gOdelo. Morocco (leather): safin. M*orose : murik. Morsel : beitil; smail. Mortal : deilikan. Mortal : deilik; funlik. Mortality: deilOf. Mortar: moltin. Mortgage : bligat. Mortgage, to: fepanOn. (212) Monakal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Mopotbn. Monakal : monarch. Monakan : monarchist. Monakik : monarchical; monarchic. Monal: avarice; niggardliness. Monalan : miser; an avaricious person; niggard. Monalik : miserly; avaricious; nig- gardly; penurious; stingy. Monalbn : to be avaricious. Monam : coining; coinage. Monapbn : line; penalty. Monaponbn : to fine; to impose a Monapbp : paper money. [fine. Monayiif: subsidy. Monayufik: subsidiary. Monayiif on: to subsidize. MONED(am): admonition; ex- hortation; warning. Monedel: exhorter. [to warn. Monedbn : to exhort; to admonish; Mbnel : mason ; stone - mason ; brick -mason. Mbnelaspun : trowel. Moniak : ammonia. Moniakik: ammoniacal. [money. Monik : monetary ; pecuniary ; MONIT: horse-back ride; ride on horse-back. Monitajeval : saddle-horse. Monitakan : equestrianism; horse- manship. [Her; equestrian. Monitel : horseman; rider; cava- Monitelef: cavalry. Monitem: mounted party. Moniten : horseback riding. Monitbn : to ride on horseback. Mono : in money; in cash. Monogam: monogram. Monogamik : monogrammatic. Mbnolel : savant ; scholar ; poly- histor. Monbn : to coin money; to mint. Mbnbn : to lay masonry; to build MONOP: monopoly. [a wall. Monopel : monopolist. Monosblel: autocrat; despot; ab- solute; monarch. Montial: knight. Montial : chivalry. Montialef : knighthood; chivalry; (as a class). [chivalric. Montialik : chivalrous ; knightly ; Montialbf : chivalry ; gallantry ; valor. [stitution. Montialub : knighthood (as an in- Mdot : a certain quantity; a lot. Mboto : in lots; in (certain) quan- Mbotii : in lots of . [tides. Mopakbn : to pack away. [away. Mopladbn: to put away; to place Moplanbn : to transplant; to pro- Mbplen : polyhedron. [pagate. Mopolbn : to carry away. Mopotbn : to send away (by mail). Mortify. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Mournfully. Mortify, to : favon. Mosaic : musif. Mosque : mojop. Most: (adj.) modikiin. Most: plu; tin(o). Most, at: levemuno; modllno. Mostly: mOdiklino; pill. Mother: mot; jifat; vinalef. Mother, unnatural : lelumot. Mother-in-law: lumot. Motherly: motik; jifatik. Motion: mob; muf(am). Motive:kod; dunakod. Motor : mufel ; mufiel. Motto: valapuked; devied. Mould: degif; fomod; lubod; ma- trit; fomelavobad; jablon; tail. Mould, to : degifon ; f5m6n ; lubo- Moulded : fomik. [don. Moulder : fomel. Mouldy, to become: lubodon. Mound: smabel. Mount : bel. Mount, to : xanon; bexandn; daxS- Mount up, to : suixanon. [non. Mountain : bel; belam. Mountain-chain : belaked. Mountain-pass : belaloveg; loveg. Mountain -range : belem. Mountaineer : belan. Mountainous: belik; belemik. Mourn, to : liigon; yamon; beltt- Mournful : liigik. [gon. Mournfully : liigo. Mbpiikik. Y01.APUK-ENGLISH. Mudam. Mbpiikik : polyglot; polyglottic. Mor . Moor (native of Mauritania). Monk : moorish. Mbseplanik : ambiguous; equivocal. Mosiadbn : to set aside ; to put away. Mosliip evasion; escape. Mosliipbn : to evade; to escape. Mosltitbn : to tear away; to snatch away. Mospadbn : to clear away. Mospidon : to hasten away. Mostep : progress. Mostepal : progressive spirit. Mostepik : progressive. Mostepbn : to progress; to advance. Mostbmam : evaporation. Mosuipbn : to efface; to obliterate; to wipe away. [away. Mosum(am) : removal ; taking Mosumbn : to remove ; to take MOT : mother. [away. Mot : mamma. Motal : maternal love. Motam; maternity; bringing forth. Mota'n : mother country ; native Motap : uterus; womb. [land. Motapiik: mother tongue; native language. Mota'v : departure ; going away ; Motavel : traveler. [traveling. Motavbn : to travel; to go away. Motel: maternal grandfather. Motev : emigration. Motevbn : to emigrate. Motik: maternal; motherly. Motbf: nativity; child-birth. Motbfadel: birth-day. Motbfazal : Feast of the Nativity. Motbfik : natal; native. Motbfdp: birth-place. Motolad : export-duty. Motbn : to bring forth; to become a mother. Moveg: travel in a vehicle. Movegbn : to depart in a vehicle. Movii: beyond. Mbyelik: of many years. Mozugbn : to drag away; to trail __away; to draw away. MU : after the manner of. Mub : mulberry. Mubabim: mulberry tree. Muek: mule. MUD: mouth. MUD : mildness; lenity. Mudajainil : reins; bridle, [relief. Mudam : alleviation ; mitigation ; Mournfulness. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Multiple. Mournfulness: Itigof. Mourning : lug. Mouse : mug. Mouse, to : mugon. Mouth: mud; cav; lumud. Mouth, to : mudon. Movable : muflik. Move : pledamuf. [n6n. Move, to : muefon ; mufon ; lodice- Move into, to : ntispadon. Moved : pemufalol. Movement: mufot ; golam; Mover: mofel; mobel. [muf(am). Moving: mofam. Moving: mufik. Mow, to: yebon. Mow off, to: destagOn. Mower: destagel. Mowing-machine : destagiel. Mr.: Sol. Mrs.: Jisol; Lad; Vom. Much: modik. Much: modo; vem(o). Much more : leplu. Much, not: nemodik. Mucous : slimik. Mucus : slim. Mud : miot; slam; tain. Muddy: slamik; tainik. Mug: dlinSb; ken. Mug, beer: bilakop. Mulatto : mulat. Mulatto : mulatik. Mulberry: mub. Mule : mucuk. Multangular: mogulik. Multilateral : moflanik. Multiple: plulik; modnik; modlik. Mudanam. YOLAPUK-ENGLISII. Munacan. Mudanam : tongue. Mudik: oral; verbal. Miidik : mild; delicate; soft. Mudo : orally; verbally. Mudbf: oral nature; verbality. Mudbn : to be savory; to be palat- able; to mouth. Miidbn: to assuage; to allay; to alleviate; to mitigate, to calm; to relieve. MUED: muteness; mutism; dumb- __ ness. MUED : softness; mellowness ; tenderness. Mu'edab : tenderling; weakling. Muedadil: weakness; soft spot. Mueda'l : tenderheartedness. Muedam : loss of speech. Muedam : softening; mollification. Miiedap : flank; groin. Muedik : mute; dumb. Mtiedik : soft; mellow; tender. Muedbn to become dumb; to be deprived of speech. Muedbn: to soften; to mollify. Miiefbn : to move on ; to remove; to move. Muekuigik : soft boiled. Muepen : down (feathers). MUF: motion; movement. [ing. Muf: locomotion; power of mov- Mufa"! : emotion. Mufalbn : to cause emotion ; to im- press; to effect. Mufam : moving; emotion. Mufav : mechanics. Mufel : mover; exciter; motor. Mufiel : motor. Mufik : moving; changing; mobile. Mufim: mechanism. Muflik: lax; relaxed; movable. Muf on : to move; to disturb. Muf on : to stir up; to put in mo- tion; to stir. Mufot : mechanism; movement. MUG: mouse. Mugbn : to mouse; to catch mice. Muif : disquiet ; unquietness ; dis- turbance; alarm. Muif on: to disquiet; to alarm; to make uneasy. Muilbn : to sop; to steep. MUK: modesty. Mu'kik: modest. MUL: month. MUL : mill. Mulabled : monthly (periodical). Miilan : miller. Mtilaston : mill-stone. Mulat: mulatto. Mulatik : mulatto. Mulel : mill-builder. Mulet : menstruation. Mulik : monthly. Miilbn: to mill; to grind. Mum : mummy. Mumik: mummified; mummy-like. MUN : moon. MtJN : ore bronze. Munacan : bronze goods. Multiplication. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Music. Multiplication : modikam ; modii- kam. Multiplication table : balnabad. Multiplicity : modug. Multiplier: model; mOdtikel; mOd- nikiel. Multiply, to: modikon; modtikon. Multipotent: modikanik. Multitude: lemod; mod ; plumod: Mummified : mumik. [popamOd. Mummy : mum. Mundane: talik; volik. Municipal : zifik. Murder: mOlod. Murder ! MolodO ! Murder, to: mOlodOn. Murderer : mOlodel. Murderous : mOlodik. Murmur: mur; miir. Murmur, to : murOn; mtlrOn. Murrain: nimilupak. Muscle : mid. Muse : musof. Muse, to : dlimOn. Museum : musofOp; tek. Mushroom: luspog; jabin. Music : musig. Music, vocal : vOgamusig. Munafoldil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Muul. Munafoldil: quarter (moon) ; new moon; crescent. [bronze. Mtinakblbn : to bronze; to color Munakonad: bronze medal. MUnaseb : mine; ore diggings. Munastel : satellite. Mundel : Monday (teliidel). Munik : lunar. Munik: of ore; bronze; bronzed. M tin on : to bronze. MUP: vaccine. Milpam : vaccination; inoculation. Mu'pbn: to vaccinate; to inoculate. MUR : murmur ; muttering ; grumbling. Mur : murmur ; rumble; faint sound. Murik : morose; surly; grumbling. Murbn : to murmur; to mutter; to grumble. Murbn : to murmur; to make a rumbling sound. Musam : conversation ; colloquy ; amusement ; entertainment ; diversion. Musambn : to converse ; to talk ; to amuse; to entertain; to di- vert. Musif : mosaic. Musig: music. Musigadinan: music dealer; deal- er in musical sundries. Musigadins: musical merchandise ; musical goods. Musigan : musician. Musigef: orchestra. Musigik: musical; tuneful. Musigbn : to render music. Musikadem : academy of music. Musin : muslin. Musof : muse (one of the nine). Musofbp : museum. MUT: constraint; duress. Miit(am) : compulsion; coercion. Mutabid: gerund (gram). [coat. Mutayak : strait- jacket; strait-waist- Miitik : coercive; restrained. Mutin : mustard. Mutinik : mustard; of mustard. Mutbn : to be compelled; to be ob- liged; must. Mutbn : to compel; to force; to oblige. Muul: molding (arch); mantel. Musical. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Mythology. Musical : musigik. Musical goods : musigadins. Music-dealer: musigadinan. Musician : musigan. Muslin : musin. Must : nuvin. Must : (verb) mut5n. Mustard: mutin; sinab. Mustard: mutinik; sinabik. Muster : dusukam. Mutability : devotlof. Mute: muedik; netonik. Muteness : mued; nefonOf. Mutilate, to: dililon; sajonon; lu- blefon. [midam. Mutilation: didilam; sajOnam; di- Mutisrn : mued. Muttering: mur. Mutton : jipamit. Mutual : balvotik; tugedid; rezipik. Mutuality: rezipof. Mutually: balvoto; ceno; tugedo. Mutualness : balvotof; rezipof. Muzzle: lumud. My : obik; oba. My own : Obik. Myopia: smalogam; blelog(am)0f. Myopic : smalogamik; blelogamik. Myrtle: mir. Mysterious : klanafulik. Mysteriousness : dagal. Mystery : kliin. y*l ic \ \ klanafulik. Mystical : \ Mythical : lusagik. Mythologic : lugodavik. Mythology: lugodav. (216) Na. N. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nafan. Na: after (before consonants). NAB: narrowness. Nabaladbf : narrow-mindedness ; illiberality. Nabam : narrowing. Nabik: narrow. Nabbn : to narrow; to contract. NAD : needle. NAD : trees with acicular leaves; pine; pine timber ; pine lum- ber, etc. Nadbn : to use a needle; to sew. Nadun : counterfeiting; forgery. Nadunel: counterfeiter; forger. Nadunik : counterfeit; forged. Nadunbn : to counterfeit; to forge. Naed : time, with regard to a num- ber of times. Naedo bal : at once; at one time. NAF : ship; vessel. Nafabim : mast. Nafacem: cabin. Nafadistuk : shipwreck. Nafalitam : hatchway; hatch. Nafam : navigation. Nafan : pilot. N. Nag. ENGLISII-VOLAPUK. Nature. Nag : lujeval. Nail : kluf ; copakluf. Nail, to: klufon. Nail up, to : feklufon. Nailer : klufan. Nail-smith : klufel. Naive : natik. Naivety : nat. Naked: ntidik; lenudik. Nakedness: ntld; niidikug. Name : nem ; bionem ; poenem ; pOsodanem. Name, by : nemiko. Name, given : pOsodanem. Name, in the of: nemtl. Name, proper: nem lonik. Name, to: nemon; binemon; la- Named : nemik; penemOl. [nemon. Nameless : nenemik; nepenemik. Namelessness : nenemof. Namely: nemo; osbinos; o. b. Naming: lanemam, nemam. iTap : slipil. Nape : nap. Napoleon : napolab. Nr.ppy : fttlik. Narrate, to : konon. Narration : konam. Narrator : konel. Narrow: nabik; nevidik. Narrow, to: nabon. [baladof. Narrowmindedness : smalal; na- Narrowness : nab; nevid; nevidug. Narrows : melanab. Narwhal : naval. Nasal : nudik. Natal: motofik. Nation : net. National: fatanik; netik; popik. Nationality: netftt; popof. Nationalize, to : neton. Nations, law of: netagit. Native : ninlanan. Native : fatanik; ninlanik; motofik. Nativity: motof. Nativity, Feast of: Motofazal. Natrium natin. Natural: natik. Natural science : natav. Naturalist: natavestigel. Naturalize, to : naton; neton; sifon. Naturalness : natal. Nature : nat. Nature, by : nato. (217) Nafateg. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Namamufam. Nafateg : deck. Nafel : navigator; skipper; sailor. Nafem: fleet; flotilla. Nafemal : admiral; commodore. Nafemalat: admiralty. [tion. Nafen : sailing; shipping; naviga- Nafibumbp: navy-yard; ship-yard; Nafik : navigable. [dock-yard. Nafin : sail. Nafbf: navigability. Naf on : to sail; to navigate. NAG : after (before vowels). NAG: needle-work; sewing. Na'gab : lady's work - basket ; lady's work-box. Nagacin: sewing machine. Nagaf : Angora goat. Nagafaskiins : Angora skins. Nagafad : thread; sewing thread. Nagel: tailor; sewer. Na'gen : sewing, as a business. Nagbn : to sew; to stitch; to do needlework. Nagop : anvil. NAK : anchor. Nakaglun : anchorage; moorage. Nakaket : anchor chain. Nakam : anchoring ; coming to Nakan : anchorer. [anchor. Nakbm : advent; arrival. Nakomb'n : to arrive; to come. Nakb'n : to anchor; to cast anchor. Naldunbn: to imitate; to mimic; to copy. Nalpenbn : to copy; to transcribe. NAM: hand. [power. NAM : force; strength ; energy ; Namab : earnest-money; bounty. Namacin Namakid Namaklbf power machinery, kiss of the hand. towel. Namal : a power (person). Na'ma'l: mental power ; iorce of character. Namam : handling. Namamafiel : dynamometer. Namamuf: gesture. Namamufam : gesticulation. Naught. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Needle-work. Naught : nos. Nausea : naud. Nauseate, to : naudon. Nauseous : naudik. Naval : mOlik. Navigability: nafof. Navigable : nafik. Navigate, to : nafon. Navigation : nafam; nafen. Navigation, steam : stemabotad ; stemanafam. Navigator: melan; nafel. Navy : mol. Navy-yard : nafibumop. Near: nilik. Near: neb; nebti; nilu; nilii; la. Near, to : nilon. Nearer : lenu; lenum; nilumii. Nearest : (adj.) niliklin; leniliktin. Nearest to: nilttnU; lentl. Nearly : ti; ba; to; ze; nilo, Nearly : (prep.} za. Nearness : nil. Nearsighted : smalogamik. Neat: dekik; klinlik. Neat-cattle : bub. Neatness: dekof; klin; klinlof. Necessaries: nedads. Necessarily : zesiidofiko. Necessary : plivod. Necessary: zestidik; zesudttfik. Necessary, to be : zestidon. Necessity: ned; zestid; zestidikos; zestidof; demanub. Neck: nokeb. Neck-cloth : noked. Neck-scarf : nokebaklof. Neck-tie : noked. Necromancy : lutikalen. Nectar : sivin. Need: ned; zesiid. Need, to: dofon; nedOn. Needful: zestidik. Neediness : nedof. Needle : nad. Needle, to use: nadfln. Needle, crochet : nugOnanad. Needless : nezestidik. Needle-work: nag. Needle-work, to do : nagOn. (218) Namamufbn. VOLAPUK-EXGLISH. Nebemed. Namamuf on : to gesticulate. Namamiil: hand-mill. [writing. Namapenad: manuscript; hand- Nam ape na'dik : manuscript; writ- Namarap : hand-file, [ten. Namat : manufacture; handiwork. Namat: power; mechanical agent, as water-power, steam-power, Namateg : glove. [etc. Namel : laborer ; day-laborer ; workingman. Namik : manual; hand. Namik: vigorous; forcible; strong; energetic; powerful. Nambn : to handle; to wield; to hand; to touch. Nambn: to strengthen ; to fortify. Namot : handle; hilt; grip. Namii : by the hand of. Namii : by virtue of. Namun : handicraft; trade; calling. Namunel : artisan ; journeyman ; handicraft's man ; skilled la- borer, [artisans). Namunem : tools ; implements (of NAN (am) : recovery (from). NANAD : pine-apple. Nanam : reimbursement. Nanamb'n : to reimburse one's self. Nanbn : to recover (from). NAP : nucha; nape of the neck. Napenon : to imitate handwriting; to forge. [$3-87)- Napolab : napoleon (coin about NAT: nature. NAT : naivety; frankness. Natal : naturalness; unaffectedness. Natav : natural science; physics. Natavel : physicist; scientist. Natavestigel : naturalist (investi- gator). Natavik: physical; pertaining to the natural sciences. Nataviko : physically; of physics. Natavo: philosophically; of natural philosophy. Natem : breath. Natemam : respiration. Natemon : to respire; to breathe. Natik : natural. Natik: naive; frank. Natin : natrium, Na. ; sodium Nato : by nature. (chem.) Natbn : to naturalize. Nat urn : soda. NAUD: nausea; disgust; loathing; aversion. [loathsome. Naudik : nauseous; disgusting ; Naudlik: abominable; detestable. Naudb'n: to nauseate ; to disgust with; to abhor; to detest. Naval : narwhal. NEB: by; beside; near. Nebabled: supplement (periodical). Nebadin : secondary matter ; ac- cessory matter. [house. Nebadom : out - building ; out- Nebafug : subordinate figure. Nebaklub : branch association ; subordinate society. Nebalad: disunion. Nebaladam: disagreement. Nebaledik: modern. [faced. Nebalibik : beardless ; smooth- Nebalibbf : beardlessness. Neban: flood; high tide. Nebanafin : studding sail. Nebanbn : to flood; to rise (flood tide). [by high tide. Nebanbp : tide-land; land covered Nebaniip : flood-tide; high-water. Nebaset : subordinate clause (gram.) Nebasmek : tang; extraneous taste. Nebeatik : unsaved; unfortunate. Nebefeitik: incontestable; indisput- able. Nebel: valley; vale; dale. Nebelobam : disapprobation; dis- approval. Nebelobbn : to disapprove. Nebemed : impecuniosity. Needy. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Neglect. Needy : misalofik; nedik; pofik; yufanedik. [ned. Negation: denonam; nesiam; no- Negative: nesiamik; nonedik. Negative, the : nesiamikos. [letam. Neglect: nedun(am); zog(am); lu- Nebemedik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nedilinbf. Nebemedik : impecunious ; penni- less. Neben : disfavor; disgrace. Nebenik : ungracious; unfavorable. Nebenod: misdeed; evil deed. Nebepenik : indescribable. Nebesten : immaculacy ; purity ; spotlessness. Nebestenik: immaculate; unblem- ished; spotless. Nebetidlik : indocile; unteachable. Nebevikodik : unconquerable ; invincible. Nebin : non-existence. Nebinelik : non-essential; not of the nature of. Nebinik : non-existing. Nebinugik: unsubstantial; unreal. Nebinugbf : unreality. Nebizugbf: mediocrity. Nebizugofik: mediocre. [less. Neblamik: irreproachable; blame- Neblegik : inflexible; unbending. Nebo: besides; by the by; by the way. Nebo ! Give way ! Stand aside ! Nebolitik: non -political. Nebbsetik: silent; noiseless. Nebii : beside; by the side of; by; Nebuko: by heart. [near. Necito : infallibly; surely; certain - Necbd : injustice. [ly. Necbdik : unjust. Necotifik : irresponsible. NED: need; want; necessity. Nedad(s) : necessaries. Neda'l: interdiction; prohibition. Nedalamik : arbitrary. Neda'lamiko : arbitrarily. Nedalbn : to interdict; to prohibit; to forbid. Neda'mik: innocuous; harmless. Neda'mu : without prejudice to ; without damage to. Nedan : ingratitude. Nedanik : ungrateful. Nedanbf : ungratefulness ; ingrati- Nedeb : innocence. [tude. Nedebal: guilelessness. Nedebalik : innocent ; guileless. Nedebik : innocent. Nedegivik : undeliverable. Nedeil : life; existence. Nedeilik : immortal. Nedeilbf: immortality. Nedeldinbf: indeclinability. Nedelid : cheapness ; reasonable- ness. Nedelidik : cheap ; reasonable ; fair; inexpensive. Nedelido : cheaply ; reasonably ; fairly; inexpensively. Nedelidbf: cheapness; reasonable- ness; fairness; inexpensive- ness. Nedenublinik : irrecoverable; irre- trievable. Nedesanik : unintentional. Nedeslopik : independent. Nedet: left. Nedetal: awkwardness; clumsiness. Nedetalik: awkward; clumsy. Nedetik: left; left hand. Nedetiko : at the left. Nedeto : on the left. Nedetoa: from the left. Nedetii : on the left of. [able. Nedevotlik: immutable; unchange- Nedevotlbf : immutability ; un- changeability. [ficial. Nedibalik : shallow -brained; super- Nedibalbf : shallowness; super- ficialness (mental). Nedibbp: shoal; bar; shallow Nedig: unworthiness. [place. Nedigik : unworthy. Nedik: needy; indigent. Nedilin : atom; indivisible atom. Nedilinav : atomic theory. Nedilinavat : atomic weight. Nedilinik : atomic. Nedilinof: atomicity. Neglect. ENGUSH-VOLAPtJK. Negligent. Neglect, to: luletOn; nedunOn; zO- Neglected: nekudik. [?0'i. Negligence: lulet. Negligent: luletik. (220) Nedilof. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nefumat. Nedilof: indivisibility. Nedilsumel: non-participant. Nedin : non-entity; nothing. Nediseinik: unsuitable; improper. Nedisin: aimlessness ; want of purpose. Nedisinik : purposeless; aimless. Nedistuk : indestructibility. Nedistukik : indestructible. Nedivik: inestimable; invaluable. Nedledik : .intrepid ; dauntless ; fearless. Nedledug: intrepidity ; fearlessness. Nedodo: unhesitatingly. Nedbf: neediness; indigence. Nedb'n : to want; to need; to be in need. Nedotiko : undoubtedly. Nedugik: intractable; indocile. Nedugbf: intractability. Nedulik : temporary. Nedulogik : opaque. Nedulogbf: opacity. Nedun(am): omission; neglect. Nedunasin : sin of omission. Nedunlik : infeasible ; impracti- cable. Nedunbf: inactivity; idleness. Nedunbfik : inactive; idle. Nedunbn: to omit; to neglect. Nedut: sloth; idleness; laziness. Nedutabed : sofa; couch (of idle- ness). Nedutaf : sloth (zoology). Nedutan : idler; sluggard; lounger. Nedutik : slothful; idle; lazy; indo- lent. Nedutbn: to be indolent; to be NEF: nephew, [idle; to be lazy. Nefag: incapacity. Nefagik: incapable. Nefecenik : unchangeable ; incon- vertible. Nefeitik : incontestable. Nefeleigik: incomparable; peerless. Nefenik: indefatigable; untiring. Nefet: sterility; unproductiveness; barrenness. [ren. Nefetik : sterile; unproductive; bar- Nefied : infidelity; apostasy. Nefiedan : infidel; apostate. Nefiedik: unfaithful; infidel; apos- tate, [backslide. Nefiedbn : to be unfaithful ; to Nefifik: fever less; apyretic; free from fever. Nefik : nephew's. Nefikul : facility; ease. [cult. Nefikulik : facile; easy; not diffi- Nefikulbn: to facilitate; to ease; to lighten. Nefim : weakness; feebleness; ten- uity; want of solidity. Nefimik: weak; feeble; attenuated. Nefin : infinity. Nefinik: infinite; without end; un- ending. Nefinitik : infinitive (gram). Nefino : infinitely; endlessly. Nefinbp: infinity (boundless space). Nefiniip : infinity; eternity (time). Neflakik: inflexible. Neflen : enemy. Nefl$na'l : hostility; enmity. Neflenalik: hostile; inimical. Neflenik: hostile; unfriendly. Neflenbfik: unfriendly; malevolent. Neflenbn : to bear enmity. Nefleniig: enmity; hostility. Neflumbn : to dry up (water course). Nefoetik: tame; domesticated. Nefbgetaf: forget-me-not (flower). Nef bgetik : memorable; not to be forgotten. Nefbm : chaos. [ing. Nefbmam: disfiguration; deform - Nef bmik : chaotic ; formless ; shapeless. Nefu'm : vagueness; want of pre- cision ; indefiniteness. Nefiimat : insolvency. Negligent. EXGLISII-VOLAPUK. Negotiation. Negligent, to be : luleton. Negotiable : tivik. Negotiate, to: tivdn. Negotiation : tiv. (221) Nefumik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nekonsidii. Nefiimik : vague ; indefinite ; un- determined. Negebik: useless; unserviceable. Negeblik : obsolete; out of use. Negeblbf: desuetude. Negebbn : to suppress; to abolish; to omit. [height; lowness. Negeil : diminutiveness; want of Negeilik: diminutive; low. Negelo : never; never more. *Negeo : nowhere (nesembp). Negid: impropriety; unfairness. Negidik: improper; inequitable. Negidbf : unreasonableness ; un- fairness. Negit: wrong; injustice; harm. Negitik: unjust; wrong. Negitlik : unlawful; illegitimate. Negitlbf: illegitimacy; unlawful- ness. Negito: wrongly; unjustly. Negolenik : imperishable. Negbn : disfavor. Negbnik: unfavorable; unpropi- Negudik : ill (not good). [tious. Negudlik : unkindly ; unfriendly. Negiivik: irreparable. Nehatik : bare-headed. Nehelik : hairless; bald. NEIF: knife. Neifel: cutler. Neifem : cutlery. Neifen : cutlery business. NEIT : night. Neit cunabegina : fast-night ; Shrove Tuesday; Mardi Gras. Neitagalel: night-watchman. Neita'l : abtruseness; obscurity (of expression). Neitik : nocturnal ; nightly. Neito: at night; during the night. Neitbn : to darken ; to become night. Neitso : on nights (of ). Neitsii : on nights of. Neitu : on the night of. Nejalepik : passive; lax; slack. Nejem : effrontery; impudence. Nejemik: impudent; shameless. Nejembf: unchastity; shameless- ness. Nejbn : ugliness; unsightliness. Nejbnik: ugly; unsightly; ill-fav- ored. Nejbnbn : to become ugly ; to be disfigured. Nejuitik : unenjoyable. Nejukik : barefoot. NEK : no person; no one; nobody. Nekalik: incalculable. Nekamik : uneven; unequal. Nekapa'lnik: incomprehensible. Nekapalnbf : incomprehensibility. Nekaut: incautiousness ; impru- dence. Nekautik : imprudent; incautious. Nekeb : weed. Nekik: no one's; nobody's. Nekipik : untenable. Nekleil: indistinctness; obscurity; confusion. [fused. Nekleilik: indistinct; obscure ;con- Neklin : uncleanness; dirtiness. Neklinik: unclean; dirty. Neklbd: unbelief; incredulity. Neklbdik: incredulous ; unbeliev- Neklbdlik : incredible. [ m g- Neklbdlbf : incredibility. Neklud : inconsequence ; incon- sistency, [of clearness. Neklu'l: turbidity; turbidness; want Nekliilik : turbid; not clear; un- clarified. Nekod : groundlessness. Nekolagik : incoherent. Nekolik : uncolored; colorless. Nekblnik : achromatic. Nekbnsalik : unadvisable. Nekonsid : disregard. Nekonsido: regardlessly. Nekonsidii: without regard to; re- gardless of. Negress. ENGLISH-VOLAPDK. Neighborly. Negress: jiblagan; jifikopan. Neighbor: nilan; niliinan. Neighborhood: ztimOp: - M . Neighborly : nilanik. (222) Nekonsienik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nelisalon. Nekonsienik : unconscientious ; unconscionable. Nekopanik : unsociable. Nekbsbmik : unusual; extraordin- ary; uncommon. Nekoten : discontentment; discon- tent; dissatisfaction. [fied. Nekotenik : discontented; dissatis- Nekotenbn : to discontent; to dis- satisfy. Nekotenii : dissatisfied with. Nekoven : inconvenience ; un- comfortableness; discomfort. Nekovenik : inconvenient; uncom- fortable, [incommode. Nekovenbn : to inconvenience; to Nekudik: neglected; uncared for. Nekulivbp : desert; waste. Nekulivbp sabik : sandy desert. Nekulivbpem : waste places; de- serts, [tion; indigence. Nelab : want ; privation ; destitu- Nelab: misfortune ; mishap ; un- happiness. [malediction. Nelabad: imprecation ; curse ; Nelabadb ! Curse it ! Nelabadbn : to curse; to impre- cate, [mishap. Nelabazid : accident; misfortune; Nelabik: unfortunate; unhappy. Nelabo: unfortunately; unhappily. Nelabbn : to want ; to be destitute of. Nelabbn : to have an accident ; to perish by a mishap. [of. Nelabii : lor want of ; in default Nelaidbf : inconstancy; instability. Nelaidbfik : inconstant ; unstable'. Nelan : Utopia; no man's land. Nelanim: dastardliness; coward- ice. Nelanimik: dastardly; cowardly. Neled: pallor; paleness. Neledik: pale; pallid. Neledip : chlorosis. Neledug: anemia; pallor. Neleful : imperfection. Nelefulam : faulty execution. Nelefulamik: impracticable. Nelefulik: imperfect. Nelefulnik : incomplete. Nelegel : bastard. Nelegik: spurious ; illegitimate; adulterated. [trie. Neleifomik: dissimilar; asymme- Neleig(ug) : inequality ; unequal- ness. Neleigamafo : unequally. Neleigik : unequal. Nelekosilnik : irreconcilable; im- placable, [itous. Nelelabik : disastrous ; calam- Neleod: disorder. Neleodam : derangement; disturb- ance, [lar. Neleodik : disorderly ; irregu- Nelepbtik : unsuitable; improper; unseemly. Nelestimik : irreverent; undutiful. Neleodbn : to disarrange; to dis- order, [missible. Nelesumik : unacceptable ; inad- Nelesumbf: unacceptability; in- admissibility. Nelet: impediment; obstacle; check. Neletam ; hindrance; obstruction. Neletbn : to impede; to prevent: to hinder; to check; to obstruct. Neletii : in the way of. Neletub : hindrance; obstacle. Nelfan : elephant. Nelfanbg: ivory. Nelib: restraint; want of freedom. Nelibik: restrained. Neliedodik : passionless; apathetic. Nelifik: lifeless; dead. Nelifbf: lifelessness. Nelijim : anglicism. Neliladik : illegible. Nelisal: irrationality; nonsense. Nelisalik : irrational; nonsensical; unreasonable; senseless. Nelisalon: to talk nonsense; to talk in a rambling manner. Neither. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nephew. Neither : (conj.) ni. Nephew : nef. (223) Nelobed. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nendas. Nelobed: disobedience. Nelobedik : disobedient. Nelobedbn : to disobey. Nelobik: blamable; censurable. Neloegbn : to overlook; to be in- attentive. Nelbfbf : uncharitableness; un- Nelbfbl: unloving. [kindness. Nelogik : invisible. Nelogbf: invisibility. Neloned(ik)o : not long ago; re- cently; lately. Nelbtbm : barnacle (farriery). Nelovegolik : intransitive (gram). Neluim : aridity; dry ness; drouth. Neluimapbp : blotting paper. Neluimik : dry; arid. Neluimbn : to dry. Neluletik : inadmissible. Neliim : thirst. Nelumik: thirsty. Neliimbn : to thirst; to suffer thirst ; to be thirsty. Nelusenik : indifferent; insensible. NEM : name. Nemaf: immoderation. Nemafam: exaggeration. Nemafamik : open to correction. Nemafik : exaggerated; immoder- ate; exorbitant. Nemaflik : immeasurable; immense. Nemafodik : measureless; bound- less. Nemaf of : intemperance; gluttony. Nemaf on : to exaggerate. Nemafukbn : to exceed; to overdo; to carry too far. Nemam : designation; naming; mentioning. Nemanik : effeminate; unmanly. Nematerik : immaterial. Nemedamik : immediate; direct. Nemedamiko: immediately ; direct- ly, [severity. Nemeilad: hardness ; roughness ; Nemeila'dik : rough; hard; severe. Nemekbn : to omit to do; to neglect to do. Nememik: forgetful; unmindful. Nemen: barbarian; savage. Nemenik : inhuman. Nemenodik: incorrigible ; unim provable. Nemiedik: unbounded; limitless. Nemigik : unmixed. Nemik : named; called; nominal. Nemiko: by name. Nemlik: especial ; express. Nemlbnik; proper name. Nemo: namely; by name. Nembb : fixture; immovable. Nembd : paucity; bagatelle; trifle. Nembdam : lessening; diminution. Nembdik : few; trifling; little; not much. Nembdik(an)s : few (people). Nembdikiinos : (the) least. Nembdumo : less. Nembd Uno: at least; least. Nembg : impossibility. Nembgik : impossible. Nembgbf : impossibility. Nembgbn : to render impossible. Nemolik: ungentle; harsh; rude. Nembn : to name; to give a name. Nemli : in the name of. Nemufik: immovable; immobile. Nemufbn : to render immovable; to immobilize. Nemiikik: immodest; indiscreet. NemUtik: unconstrained. Nemiito : unconstrainedly; freely. Nemiitug : unconstraint. Nen : without. Nena: not once. Nenam: debility; weakness; want offeree; feebleness. Nenamik: debilitated ; weak ; feeble. Nenatemik: breathless. Nenatik: unnatural. Nendas: without (with verb) ; without ing. Nerve. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nest. Nerve : nev; nevamid. [nevamidik. Nervous: nevik; nevlik; lenevlik; Nervous tissue : nevamid. Nest : smabed. (224) Nenemik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nepinip, Nenemik: anonymous; nameless; unnamed. [ness. Nenembf : anonymity; nameless- Nenim : monster. Nenitedik : uninteresting. Nenitedlik: uninterested; disinter- ested. Nen mesedam : unrewarded. Nenogotik: inorganic. Nenobalik: vulgar-minded. Nenobik : ignoble. Nenol: ignorance. Nenolel: ignoramus. Nenolelik: illiterate; untaught. Nenolik : ignorant. Nenolo: unwittingly; ignorantly. Nenolbl: ignorant (of). Nenolbn : to be ignorant; not to Nenolug : ignorance. [know. Nenombf : irregularity ; abnor- mality; abnormity. Nenombfik: irregular; abnormal. Nenomomafik : irregular ; ano- malous, [delible. Nenbsik: inextinguishable; iti- Nens : without this; beside this; anyhow. [cedented. Nen sam : unexampled ; unpre- Nenum : infinite number; count- less number. [less. Nenumik : innumerable ; count- Nenumikna: innumerable times; countless times. Nenumb'f: innumerability; count- lessness. Nenyufik : helpless. Nenyufbf: helplessness. Neo: without; destitute of. Nepal(an) : orphan. Nepalasdom : orphan asylum. Nepaletik : impartial; unbiassed. Nepaletbf: impartiality. Nepebegbl : unasked. Nepebetonbl : unaccented. Nepebevokbl: uncalled for. Nepedadukol: uneducated. Nepedepatbl : non-isolated. Nepedambl : uninjured. Nepedbbbl : unadulterated. Nepefinedbl : untouched. 1 Nepegebbl : unused. Nepekbsbmbl : unaccustomed. Nepekulivik: j uncultivated ; Nepekulivbl: j waste. Nepekulbl: untrodden. Nepelbdbl : uninhabited. Nepematan : unmarried man. Nepematel : bachelor; celibate. Nepematbl: unmarried; single. Nepemelidbl: unmerited; unde- served; unearned. Nepemiedik : ) unlimited ; un- Nepemiedbl : f bounded. Nepemigbl: unmixed ; unmingled. Nependik : horizontal. N ep en eletdl : unimpeded; unhin- dered, [mous; innominate. Nepenemik : nameless ; anony- ; Nepeniludo : unexpectedly; una- wares, [drilled. Nepeplagbl : unpracticed ; un- Nepepbnbl : unpunished. Neperimbl : not rhymed ; blank (verse). Neperopo : uninterruptedly. Neperiibbl: undeteriorated ; unin- Nepesevik: unknown. [jured. Nepeseviko : incognito; unrecog- nizedly. [paired. Nepesmalbl: undiminished;unim- Nepesovik : fallow. Nepeviodbl : inviolate. Nepevotbl : unaltered; unchanged. Nepien : thinness; spareness. Nepienik: thin; lank; spare. Nepienbn: to become thin ; to fall away. Nepin : meagerness ; leanness ; want of adipose tissue. Nepinamit : lean meat. Nepinik : lean; not fat. Nepinip : atrophy. Nest. KXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Net. Nest, to : ) Nest, to build : f S bed0n. Net: filad. Net : netonedik. ( 22 5) Neplak. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nesembpa. Neplak: inexperience; inexpert- ness, [unpracticed. Neplakik; inexperienced; inexpert; Neplanik : inexplicable. Neplid : disagreeableness; unpleas- antness, [vexatious. Neplidik: disagreeable; unpleasant; Neplitik : uncomfortable; unpleas- ant. Neplobik : superficial; incapable. Neplbpon : to miscarry; not to succeed. [nerliness. Nepliiet(ug) : impertinence; illman- Nepllit: impoliteness; discourtesy; churlishness. [churlish. Neplutik: discourteous ; impolite; Nepoed : prose. [writer. Nepoedan: prose author; prose Nepoedik: in prose; prose. Nepoedlik: prosy; prosaic. Nepbfud: disadvantage. Nepbtudik : disadvantageous; un- profitable. Nepbfu'dbf: disadvantageousness; inutility; unprofitableness. Nepbkik: correct; faultless. Nepbl: infallibility. Nepblik: infallible; faultless. Nepblbn: toberight; in the right; infallible; not to be mistaken. Nepbnik : unpunished. Nepbsanbl: incurable. Neposdunik : inimitable. Nepbtik : improper; inappropriate. Nepbtlik: improper; unseemly. Nepud: insubordination; want of discipline. Neplid: dissension; discord. Nepudik : unruly; undisciplined ; untaught. [some. Nepudik: unpeaceable; quarrel- Nepued: unchastity; lewdness. Nepuedik : immodest ; unchaste ; Nepu'k : silence. [lewd . Nepiikik : silent; not speaking. Nepiikbn : to be silent; to say noth- ing. Nepulik : considerable; not a little. Nerel : irreligion. Nerelik : irreligious. Neritik: dishonest. Nerivik : unattainable. Nes : without; (with infinitive). Nesag: retraction; recantation. Nesagik: ineffable; unspeakable. Nesagbf : ineffability ; unutterable- ness. Nesagbn : to retract; to recant. Nesamik: unexampled. Nesan: disaster; calamity. Nesanamik: remediless; incurable. Nesanik: disastrous; calamitous; lamentable. Nesanlik : mischievous; injurious. Nesa't: insufficiency. Nesatik : insufficient; unsatisfac- tory. Nesatlan : glutton. Nesatlik: gluttonous; insatiable; greedy. Nesatlbf: gluttony; greediness. Nesato : insufficiently. Nesatug : insufficiency ; inade- Nesaun : indisposition. [quacy. Nesaunik : indisposed; unhealthy. Nesaunlik : insalubrious; unhealth- ful. [fulness. Nesaunlbf: insalubrity; unhealth- Nesavik : irretrievable ; irrecover- able; past help. Nesavbf : irretrievableness ; being past help. Neseblibik: certain; sure; infalli- ble (to occur). Nesefik : insecure; unsafe. Nesembp : nowhere; no place. Nesembpa: from nowhere; from no place. Net. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Neutralize. Net, to : snobon. Net gain : telepoftid. Nether : disnik. Nettle: filed up. Neuter : neud. Neutrality: neudat. Neutralization : neudam. Neutralize, to : neudOn. (226) Nesembpi. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Netelik. Nesembpi : in no direction; to no place; nowhere. Nesenik: insensible. Nesenit : inattention. Nesenitik : inattentive. Nesenbf : insensibility. Nesepiikik: inexpressible; unut- terable, [utterability. Nesepiikbf : inexpressibleness; un- Nesev : want of discernment; ig- norance, [cernible. Nesevik : unrecognizable ; undis- Nesevii : from ignorance of. Nesiam: negation; denial. Nesiam : absurdity; nonsense. Nesiamel : denier. Nesiamik: negative. Nesiamik: absurd; nonsensical. Nesiamikos : the negative. Nesiamo : negatively. Nesiel : denier. Nesielik: denying. Nesinbf: innocence. Nesinik: innocent; sinless. Nesidn: to deny; to disallow; to contradict; to negative; to re - Neskilik: unskillful. [fuse. Neskiil: incapability; inability. Neskiilik: incapable; unqualified; unable; untrained. Neslip : insomnia; sleeplessness. Neslud : indecision; irresolution. Nesludik : irresolute; undecided. Nesmelik: inodorous; odorless. Nesnatik: dishonest. Nestedik : indirect; oblique ; tor- tuous, [disrespect. Nestim : contempt; scorn; disdain; Nestimik : contemptible ; despica- ble; disreputable; disrespect- ful, [to disdain. Nestimbn : to despise; to contemn; Nestipik : unconditional. Nestipo: unconditionally. Nestomagik : indigestible. Nestbn: dissipation; licentiousness; incontinence. Nestbnik : incontinent. Nestbno : incontinently. Nestii: notwithstanding. Nestumik : contemptuous. Nestiimlik : contemptible. Nesiidik: ill-bred; ill-mannered. Nesiidlik : immoral. Nesiidlbf : immorality. Nesuemik : inconceivable; incom- prehensible. Nesiienik : inconsiderate; thought- less; hasty; rash. Nesiienug: rashness; indiscretion; thoughtlessness. Nesuf intolerance. Nesufad: impatience. Nesufadik: impatient. Nesufik: intolerant. Nesiim : dissimilarity; unlikeness. Nesiamik: dissimilar; unlike. Nesunik : late; tardy. Nesuno : tardily. NET: nation; people. Netablbfik: irrefutable; irrefraga- Netadunik : irresistible. [ble. Netagit : law of nations; interna- tional law. [national law. Netagitik: in accordance with inter- Netahum : national ode, anthem, hymn. Netakedik : restless. Netalenik: untalented. Netam: population; peopling. Netamlik : peculiar to a nation or people; endemic. Neta't : nationality. Netav : ethnology. Netefamik: absolute. Netefod(am)o : regardlessly. Neteilik: inseparable; indissoluble. Netelik: odd; uneven. Never. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Newsmonger. Never: negelo; nevelo. Nevermore : lenevelo; negelo. Nevertheless: (conj.) deno; tos; ye; yed. New: nulik. New, brand: lenulik. New-fashioned : numoladik. Newness : nul. News: not; nulof; nun. Newsmonger : nulofayagel. (227) Netemipik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nevlik. Netemipik : undaunted ; intrepid. Netik : national. Netikalnan : layman; profane. Netikik : unimaginable. Netim : unseasonable time. Netimlk: inopportune; untimely. Netimb'f: inopportuneness ; un- timeliness. Netip : obtuseness; bluntness. Netipal: stupidity; hebetude. Netipalik: stupid; obtuse; dull. Netipalbf: idiotism ; hebetude ; stupidity. Netipik dull; blunt; obtuse. Netipbn: to dull; to blunt. Netlodik : inconsolable. Netoladik: duty-free; toll-free; tax-lree; custom-free. Netoladug: immunity, exemption from duty, toll, tax, customs, etc. [ize. Netbn : to nationalize; to natural- Netonedik: net; without reduc- tion. Netonik: silent; mute; soundless. Netonbf : silence; muteness; dumb- ness. Netug: vice; fault; defect. Netupbl : undisturbed. Netuv : missing; felt absence. Netuvik ; missing; not to be found. Netuvbn : to miss; to note the ab- sence of. Neii: without. NEUD : neuter; neuter gender. Neudam: neutralization. Neudat: neutrality. Neudik : neutral; neuter. Neudbn: to neutralize. NEV: nerve. Nevafif : nervous fever ; typhus fever. Nevafik: unarmed; defenceless. Nevafbf : defenselessness. Nevaltid : impotence. Nevalu'dik : impotent. Nevamid : nervous tissue; nerve. Nevamidik: nervous (of nerve tissue). Nevelad: lie; falsehood; untruth. Neveladal : untruthfulness ; lying propensity. Neveladel : liar; imposter. Neveladelik: false; untrue; lying. Neveladik: fraudulent; deceitful. Neveladbf: untruthfulness; men- dacity. Neveladbn: to lie; to tell a lie. Nevelat : falsity; deceit; untruth. Nevelat : inaccuracy; exactness. Nevelatel : falsifier ; counterfeiter. Nevelatik : false; counterfeit; un- true. Nevelatik : inaccurate; inexact. Nevelo : never. Nevemik: insignificant; immater- ial. Neveutik : unimportant. Nevid: narrowness; straitness. Nevidik: narrow; close. Nevidug: narrowness. Nevif: sluggishness; slowness. Nevifik: sluggish; slow; lingering. Nevifiko : slowly; sluggishly. Nevif of: slowness; sluggishness. Nevif on: to retard; to slacken; to check the velocity of. Nevik : nervous; having irritable or weak nerves. Nevil(am) : refusal; denial. Nevilik: unwilling; reluctant. Neviliko: unwillingly; reluctantly. Nevilbn : to refuse; to deny. Neviodik : inviolable. Nevised : imprudence; impolicy. Nevisedik: imprudent; impolitic. Nevitik: unavoidable; inevitable. Nevlik . nervous; vigorous. Newspaper. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nice. Newspaper : gased ; bled ; delabled. New-year: nulayel. Next: (adj.) nilikiln; leniliktin. Next to : niliku. Nextly : niliino. Nibble, to: betueton;tueton; denti- Nibbler: tuetel. [bOn. Nice: dekik; smajOnik. (228) Nevobadik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nil. Nevobadik: inefficient; inefficaci- ous, [ciency. Nevobadbf: inefficacy ; ineffi- Nevoik : figurative; metaphorical. Nevbladik: valueless; worthless. Nevbladlik: null; void; invalid. Nevbladlb'f : nullity; invalidity. Nevotlik : invariable. Nevotlbf: invariability. Neviikodik: insurpassable. Nevu'lik: involuntary. Neviiliko : involuntarily. Neyofam: ill-humor. Neyofik: ill-humored. Nezadik: tough; sturdy; vigorous. Nezed : perpetuity. Nezedik : incessant ; perpetual ; continuous; unceasing. Nezedbf : continuance; continuity. Nezelad: uncertainty. Nezeladik: uncertain. Nezep : disapproval ; dissent; re- jection, [approval. Nezepatn : refusal to sanction; dis- Nezepbn : to disapprove ; to dis- allow; to refuse to sanction. Nezesiidik : superfluous; unneces- sary; needless. NI : neither; nor. Ni ni : neither nor Niad : aspen (popithts trcmttla) . NIB: tit-bit; dainty. Nibel : lickerish person; epicure. Nibik : lickerish; fastidious; epic- urean: dainty. Nibbf : daintiness ; lickerishness ; fastidiousness. Nibbn : to eat dainties, tid-bits; to be lickerish; to be fastidious; to be dainty. NID: splendor; brilliance; efful- gence; luster; radiance. [ic. Nidanogermanik : Indo-German- Nidian: ) T ,. Nidianik:[ Indian - Nidik: splendid ; brilliant ; efful- gent; resplendent ; lustrous ; radiant; shining. Nidin : indium, In. (chem.) Nidlanon : to permeate; to pene- trate; to pervade. Nidoklilik : pellucid; diaphanous. Nidbn: to glitter; to glisten; to sparkle; to shine. Nied: brightness. Niedik : bright. Nief : anise. Nieg: nickel. Niegin : nickel, Ni. (chem.) NIF : snow. Nifafal: fall of snow. Nifal : ingenuousness; candor; sin- cerity; whitesouledness. Nifalik : ingenuous; sincere; can- did; pure. Nif a'lbn : to purify; to refine. Nifatim : winter. Nifatimik : wintry. Nifatbm : avalanche. [ter. Nifavab : sleigh; sled; sledge; cut- Nifavabbn : to ride in a sleigh, sledge or cutter. j Nifik : snowy. i Niflambn : to inflame ; to kindle ; to set on fire. Niflapbn : to knock down ; to strike down. Nif on : to snow. Nifos: it snows. NIG: ink. Nigagef : ink-stand; receptacle for Nigapuin : ink-powder. [ink. Nigik: inky. Nigbm : writing utensils. Nigbp : ink-stand; place for ink. NIL: nearness ; proximity ; vicinity ; neighborhood. Nickel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Night. Nickel: nieg; niegin. Nickname: lanem. Nicotine : tabakavenod. Niggard : monalan. Niggardliness : monal; fiilof. Niggardly: mona'.ik. Nigh: (prep.} la; nilU. Night : neit. (229) Nilam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH Ninduk(am). Nilam: approximation; approach - Nilan : neighbor. [i n g- Nilanik : neighborly. Nilik : near; proximal; approxi- mate; close. Nilikli : next to; close to. Nilikiin : nearest; next; immediate. Nilikiino : immediately; shortly. Nilikbm : approach ; drawing near. Nilikb'mon : to approach; to draw Nilo : nearly ; in the vicinity, [near. Nilbn : to near ; to approach ; to approximate. Nilu : near; near by; close to. Nilii : in the vicinity of; near; nigh; not far from. NILUD : supposition ; surmise; conjecture; presumption; im- agination. Niludal: mental aberration; pre- occupation. Niludblik : visionary; extravagant. Niludam : supposition; opinion. Niludanam : force of imagination. Niludik : supposed ; presumable ; probable; conjectural, [ances. Niludiko : probably; to all appear- Niludlik: imaginable; supposable; apparent. Niludlo : apparently. Niludbn : to presume; to imagine; to suppose; to think. Nilumli: nearer; closer. Niliinan : nearest neighbor. Niluno: nextly. Niliinii : nearest to; next to. NIM: animal; (lower animals). Nimaf: mammal; mammalian. Nimaf on : to suckle (of animals). Nimafun : carcass; carrion; dead body of an animal. Nimajel : protection of animals; prevention of cruelty to ani- mals. Nimalbd : stable; fold; pen; coop. Nirnam: bestialization. Nimamalit: cattle market; fair: Nimasanel : veterinarian. Nimayad : cattle-yard; stock-yard ; Nimav : zoology. [barn-yard. Nimavik: zoologic; zoological. Nimem : collection of animals; menagerie; zoological collec- tion. Nimik: animal; bestial. Nimilupak : infectious diseases of animals ; anthrax, murrain, epizooty, etc. Nimil: animalcule. Nimbn: to brutalize; to bestialize. Nimbp : stable; fold; pen; coop. NIN : contents. Ninafbn: to embark; to ship. Ninal : acuteness of comprehension. Ninalised: table of contents; in- dex, [respiration. Ninatem : inspiration ; breathing; Ninatembn : to inspire; to breathe. Ninbiikbn: to imprint; to impress. Nindambn: to dam in; to embank. Nindilam : classification. Nindilbn : to classify. Nindlanbn : to press into; to pene- trate, [duce. Ninduekbn : to induct; to intro- Nindugam : introduction; preface; Nindugbn: to introduce, [proem. Ninduk(am) : admission ; intro- mission; introduction. Night. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nitrogen. Night, at : neito. Nightingale : galit. Nightly: neitik. Night-mare: blotapedam. Night watchman : neitagalel. Nihilist : nosel. Nine : ztil. Nine-pins : sktid. Nineteen: balseztil. Niobium : niobin. Nip, to : zapOn. Nippers: zap; beitazap. Nipple: dogazenod; seglofap. Nitric acid: ditavat; noginazud. Nitrogen : nogin. (230) Nindukon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ninoveg. Nindukbn: to admit; to introduce; to induce. Ninfadbn: to thread (a needle). Ninfanubbn : to imprison; to con- fine in prison. Ningif(am) : instillation ; infusion ; transfusion (pouring into). Ningifdn : to instill; to infuse; to transfuse; to pour into. Ningol : entrance; entry. Ningolam: entering ; entrance. Ningolbn : to enter; to go in. Ningolbp : entrance; entry. Ningonbn : to run in; to enter. Ninik : inclusive; included. Niniko: inclusively. Ninikil : inclusive of. Ninjap(al)bn : to inculcate; to en- force. Ninkikik : inclosed; enclosed. Ninkiko : inclusively. Ninkikbn : to enclose; to enclose securely ; to inclose. Ninkikii : inclusive of. Ninkonletbn: to gather in; to col- Ninkbtam : incision. [lect. Ninkbtbn : to make an incision. Ninkukbn : to boil down. Ninkusadbn: to sue; to bring a suit. Ninlabbn: to contain; to hold. Ninlan : inland ; interior of a country; not on the border. Ninlanan: native; indigene; in- habitant of the interior, [land. Ninlanik : indigenous; native; in- Ninlefal : falling in; collapse. Ninlefalbn: to fall in; to collapse. Ninlelaxiidbn : to rust; to rust in. Ninlem: acquisition by purchase; buying in. Ninlemel: purchaser; buyer. Ninlembn : to acquire; to purchase; to buy into. Ninlemot : (a) purchase. Ninlet(am) : letting in; admission. Ninletbn : to let in; to admit. Ninlbdel : inhabitant; dweller. Ninlogam : inspection. Ninlogbn : to inspect; to look into. Ninlumufbn : to shove on. Ninmagadbn : to store in a ware- house, [mure. Ninmbnbn : to wall in ; to im- Ninmupbn : to inoculate. Ninbf: extent; capacity; capaci- ousness; contents. Ninbfik : capacious ; extensive ; ample; spacious. Ninbfo : extensively. Ninbfbn: to comprise; to contain; to include; to comprehend. Ninovag: cavern; cave. Ninovagik : cavernous; hollow. Ninovagug : cavity; emptiness. Ninoveg : tunnel. Nitrogenized. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nomination. Nitrogenized : / . ., Nitrogenous : f n g mik - No : nonik; lenonik. No. (number) : num. No : leno; no. No further: 1 No longer: >-no fovo. No more : ) No one: nek. No way, in : nevego. Nobility : baonef ; nob : nobal ; nobalanim. Noble: baonan; nobel. Noble: baonik; gletobidik; nobik. Nobleman : baonan; nobel. Noblewoman: jibaonan; nobalad. Nobody : nek. Nobody's : nekik. Nocturnal : neitik. Nocturnally : neitiko. Nod : vineg. Nod, to : vinegOn. Noise : boset. Noise, to make : bOsetOn. Noiseless : nebOsetik. Noisy: bOsetik. Nomadism : nomad. Nominal : lenunlik; nemik. Nominate, to : danemOn. Nomination : danem(am). (230 Ninped. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. No. Ninped : impression. Ninpedon : to impress. Ninpelbn : to pay in. Ninpenad: inscription. Ninpenadb'n : to make an inscrip- tion; to inscribe. Ninpenbn: to inscribe. Ninpolbn : to carry in. Ninpiikbn : to speak to. Ninrbbam: embrocation ; inunc- tion. Ninsa'dfot) : insertion; insert. Ninsadam : inserting ; insertion ; advertisement. Ninsadbn : to insert; to advertise. Ninsed : importation; import. Ninsedel: importer. Ninsedbn : to import. Ninseistbn : to lie in; to lie within. Ninseit : inclosure. Ninseitbn : to lay in ; to lay within. Ninsiadbn : to set in; to lay in. Ninsiadot: inlay; insert. Ninsimbn : to border; to enclose with edging. Ninsimot : edging; border. Ninsovbn : to seed; t& sow in. Ninsugbn : to absorb ; to imbibe ; to suck in. Ninsum : receipt. Ninsumam: receiving. Ninsumbn : to receive. Nintan : book-binding; binding. Nintanel : book-binder. Nintanbn: to bind books. Nintbkbn : to exchange; to barter. Ninvag : cavern; cave. Ninvagam: excavation. Ninvagik : hollow. Ninvagug: hollow; hollowness. Ninved : inward. Ninvulbn: to root. Ninyumbn : to insert; to intercal- Ninzambn: to cement in. [ate. Nizunbn : to provoke; to anger. Niobin: niobium, Nb. (chem.) Nis: herein; within; in; therein. Niseistbn : to lie near; to be near. Niseitik : lying at hand; at hand. Niseitbn : to lay near ; to place near. Nistanbn : to stand near ; to be standing near. NISUL: island. Nisulan : islander. Nisulik: insular; island. NITED : interest. Nitedik : interesting. Nitedlik : interested. Nitedbn : to interest. Nitedii : in the interest of. Nitlid : entrance; walking in. NIV : forbearance; indulgence. NIVER: university. Niveradiinan : beadle (of a univer- NO: no; not; none. [sity). Nominative. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. North. Nominative : kimfal. Nonagon : zulagul. None: (adv.) no. None : nonik ; nonlik ; nonenik. Nonentity: nedin. Non-essential: nebinelik. Non-existence: nebin; non. Non-existing : nebinik. Non-isolated : nepedepatOl. Non -participant : nedilsumel. Non-political : nebolitik. Nonsense : nelisal ; nesiam; va- not- luvods; lenesiam; lufased. Nonsense : Bo ! Nonsense, to talk : nelisaltfn. Nonsensical: nelisalik; nesiamik; lufasedik; lupukotik. Noodle soup : fadasup. Nook : slupop. Noon : zendel. Noon, at : zendelo. Noose : lesnal. Nor : (conj.) ni. Norium : noin. Norm : nom. Normal: nomik. Normal-school : dadukeb. Normality: nomat. North : nolud. North : noludik. (232) No fovo. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nogotim. No fovo: no farther; no more; no longer. No nog: not yet. No lonedo : not long since. No plu : not any more; no more. No: scarcely; hardly; not quite. NOAT: invoice; bill. NO AT: bank note; check. Noaton: to invoice; to bill; to bill to. [a note. Noaton : to draw a check; to draw NOB: nobility; gentility. Nobal: nobility of character. Nobalad: lady; noblewoman. No baladik : disunited ; disagree- ing; at variance. Nobalanim: generosity; nobility. No balna : not once; not a single time. Nobametal : noble metal. Nobapul : page. Nobaston : precious stone. Nobaston: jewel; gem. Noba'stonan : jeweller. Nobastonb'n : to be a jeweller; to deal in jewelry. Nobel: nobleman; gentleman. Nobik: noble; gentle. Nobon : to ennoble. Noe , soi : not only , but . Noel: witness; evidence. Noelam : testifying ; attestation. Noelik : witness. Noelb'n: to testify; to give testi- mony; to attest. Noelud : deposition; affidavit; cer- tificate; evidence; testimony. ' Noes(am) : extermination; extir- pation, [pate. Noesbn : to exterminate; to exter- Noet : note; observation; remark. No estudbl : unstudied. Noetil : annotation. Noetb'n: to note; to observe. NOF : offense; affront. Nofam: offending; offense. Nofel : offender. Nofbn: to offend; to affront. No fovo : no further; no more. NOG: yet; still; again; as yet. NOG : egg. Nbgajal : egg-shell. Nbgakek : omelet. *Nogan: organ (nogot). Nogik : egg-shaped; oval; oviform. Nogin: nitrogen, N. (chem.) Noginazud: nitric acid. Noginik : nitrogenous ; nitrogen- Nbglik : ovoid. [ized. Nogna: once more; again; another time. Nogot: organ; medium. Nogotam : organization. Nogotik : organic. Nogotim : organism. North of. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Noted. North of, : nollidtl. North-atlantic : noluatlantik. North-east : noltilefiid. North-east: nolulefiidik. North-eastern : noluleftidik. No; them: noltidik. Northward : noluved. North-west: noltivesud. North-west : noliivesudik. North-western : noluvesudik. Nose: nud. Nose, aquiline: kluganud. Nosegay: flolem. Not: (adv.) no. Not at all : leno. Not even : (adv.} no. Not much : (adv.) nO. Not once: (adv.) nena; nonikna; no balna. Not one : lenonik. Not quite: nO. Not yet: (adv.) no nog. Notarial : notalik. Notary : notal. Notch : plief. Notching: pliefam. Note: biliet; noet; nottlf; penedil; tonab; noat; debazOt. Note, to: noetOn; notedOn. Noted : makabik. (233) Nogotbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nos. Nogotbn : to organize. Nogo: still; yet. Nb'gbn: to lay eggs; to oviposit. Noin: norium, No. (chem.) Noisbn : to grub up; to root out. NQK : knocking; percussion; rap- NOK : uncle. [ping. NOKEB: neck. Nbkebahel : mane. Nbkebaklbf: neck-scarf; shawl. Nbkebaltid : hoarseness. Nbkebaludik : hoarse. Nbkebanad: scarf-pin; breast-pin. Nbked: neck-cloth; neck-tie; cra- vat, [beat; to hit; to rap. Nokbn: to knock; to strike; to NOL:knowledge; learning; science. Nolav : science. Nolavik : scientific. NOLED : heritage; inheritance (of peculiarities hereditarily trans- mitted). Nbledadbf: hereditary defect. Nbledam : hereditary transmission. Nbledasin : hereditary vice; orig- inal sin. Nbledik : hereditary. Nbledbn : to inherit by lineal transmission. Nolel: scientist; scholar; savant. Nolelik: learned; educated. Noligik : interesting; worth know- Nolik: scientific. [ing. Nolo: scientifically; knowingly. Nolbf: philosophy; science. Nolblik : knowing. Nolblo : knowingly. Nolblbf : consciousness. Nolbn: to know. Noliiatlantik : North-Atlantic. Noliid: north. Noludik: northern; north; arctic. Noliidii: north of. Nolu'g: knowledge; intelligence. Nolulefud : northeast. Noliilefudik: northeastern; north- Noluved: northward. [east. Noluvesud: northwest. Noliivesiidik : northwestern : northwest. NOM : rule; standard; norm. NOMAD : nomadism ; pastoral Nomadan : nomad. [life. Nomam : regulation; ruling. Noma't: normality. Nomik : normal ; according to Nbmod : mention. [rule. Nbmodbn: to mention. Nomomaf: regularity. Nomomafik : regular. Nombn : to regulate; to arrange according to rule. Nomii : according to the rule of. NON: non-existence. Noned: negation; denial. Nonedel : denier. Noneden : disavowal. Nonedik : negative. Nonedlik : deniable. Nonel: denier; disowner. Nonelik : disclaiming; disowning. Nonenik: none of it; none. No , ni : not , nor Nonik : none; no. Nonikna: not once; not a single time. Nonlik: of no sort; none. Nonbf : nullity; futility. Nonbl: denying; refusing. Nonbn : to deny; to refuse; to say, Nos: nothing; naught. ["No." Note-paper. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Notorious. Note-paper : penedapOp. Nothing: nos; lenos; nedin. Notice: not; notam; noted; pese- vam; zot; finisagam; pladinu- niel. Notice, to: notedOn. Notice, to give : finisagOn. Notification : lanot; notad; pese- Notified: notlik. [vam. Notifier: lanotel. Notify, to : Ianoton;not0n; nunOn. Notions : smalacan; stofacan. Notoriety : lumakab. Notorious: lumakabik; isotik. (234) Nosam. YOI.AITK-ENGLISII. Nufam. Nosam : annulment; annihilation; destruction; extinction. Nbsam : extinguishment; extinc- Nosanum: zero; naught. [tion. Nosanumbn: to bring to naught; to nullify; to annul. Nosel : annihilator; nihilist. Nosel : extinguisher. Nbsiel: extinguisher; damper. Nosilaban: lack-land; penniless person. [nothing. Noslik : worthless ; good for Nosdn : to annihilate; to annul; to cashier. [ate; to put out. Nbsb'n : to extinguish; toextermin- NOT; notice; advice; news. NOT: nut. Nbtabim: nut-tree. Nota'd: notification; manifesto. Notal: notary. Notalam: notarial office. Notalik : notarial. Notam : noting; notice; n.b. Notamel: crier; one who makes announcements. Notan : crier; hawker; peddler. Noted: notice; observation; re- Notedam: annotation. [mark. Notedbn : to notice; to note ; to annotate. Notel: herald; harbinger. Notik: notorious; public. Nbtik: nutlike; nutty. Notlik: notified; informed; in- structed. Notlug : consciousness. Notlugik: conscious; with con- sciousness, [proclamation. Noted: announcement; report; Notodam : announcement ; an- nouncing, [to notify. Notbn : to announce ; to advise; Notiif : musical note; note. Notiifel : composer of music. Notiifelbn : to compose music. Notiif on : to transcribe music. Novego : in no wise; not at all; in no way. Noviet : edelweiss (bot.) Novo-li ? Is it not so ? | Novul : November (babul). NU : now; at present. NU : just now; just; precisely; ex- actly, [bites. Nub : nibbling ; taking small ; Nubladbn: to blow into. Niiblek: irruption; breaking in. Niiblinbn : to import; to introduce. Niiblimbn : to deliver. NUD: nose. NUD : nudity; nakedness. Nudahon : rhinoceros. Nudal: inquisitiveness. Nudalik : inquisitive. Nvidam : denudation. Nudaton: nasal tone. Nudik: nasal. Niidik : nude; naked; bare. Nlidikug: bareness; nakedness. Niidlanam : intrusion; crowding in. [in; to penetrate. Niidlanbn : to intrude; to crowd Nudlanbn : to force a way into; to pierce. Nudod : handkerchief ; pocket handkerchief. [scent. Nudbn : to snuffle; to smell; to Niidb'n : to bare; to strip; to un- clothe; to divest. NUF : roof; ceiling. Nufaglat: roofing glass. Nufalitbp : skylight ; dormer-win- dow. Nufalucem : garret; attic. Nufam : roofing. Nufaslet: roofing slate. Nufasmacem: garret; attic. Nufam: roofing. Notwithstanding. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Novel. Notwithstanding : (prep.} nestti; to. [soif; tos. Notwithstanding : (conj.) denp; Nought: nosanum; nos. Noun : subsat. Nourish, to: nulUdOn; zibon. Nourishment: nulttd; zib. Novel : koned. (235) Nufategel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Niim. Nufategel : roofer. Nufatein: roofing-tile. Niiflagbn: to call in; to collect. Niiflapb'n : to beat into. Nuflumbn : to empty into; to flow Nuf on : to roof. [into. Nufot: roof. Nufum : higher roof. Nufiin : highest roof ; point of the roof; gable. NUG: hook; crook ; hook and eye. Nuga'm : engineering (profession). Nugen : engineering (business). Nligenel : engineer. Niigil : apostrophe. Nugilbn : to apostrophize. Niigivam : donation; present. Nugleip : catching (into);invasion. Niigleipbn: to catch (into); to invade. Nugbn : to hook ; to fasten with hooks. Nugbnanad: crochet needle. Nuik : present; now; actual. Nukla'mbn : to parenthesize ; to enclose between brackets. Niikledbn : to rock asleep. Niiklopbn : to harvest; to gather. NUkbrnbn : to arrive; to happen. NUL : newness; novelty. Niil(am) : approximation ; nearing. Nulab : novice; beginner. Nuladins : novelties. Nulal: curiosity. Nulalik: curious. Nulam : renewal; renovation. Nulayel : new year. Nulik : new; novel; recent; first. Nulikam : innovation. Nulikambn: to innovate; to make innovations. Nulio : anew. Nulo: recently; lately. Nulbf: strangeness; oddness; news. Nulbfayagel : newsmonger. Nulbn: to renew; to renovate. Niilbn : to approximate. NULUD : nutriment ; aliment ; food; nourishment. NULUD: fare; board; diet. Nuludam: alimentation; nourish- ing; nurturing. Nuludama r at : foster-father. Nultidamed : foods; articles of diet. Nuliidat: boarding-school. Nuludik : alimentary ; nutritive ; nutritious. Nuludbf : nutritiveness; nutritious- ness. Nuliidbn : to nourish; to feed. Nuliidbp: boarding house; board- ing place. Nulut(am) : breeding ; rearing ; (of animals.) Nulutel : breeder (of animals). Nuluten : stock breeding; animal breeding (as a business). Nulutbn : to breed animals ; to rear animals. NUM : number. NUM : numeral; number. Novel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Number. Novel : nulik. Novelties : nuladins. Novelty : nul. November : babul ; balsebalul ; Novice : nulab. [novul. Now: nu; lenu; atim; attip; atttpo; adtipo. Now-a-days : nutimo. Nowhere: nesemOp; nesemopi. Nozzle : rut. Nubile : manlik. Nucha: nap. Nucleus : ker. Nucleolus: keril. Nude: nttdik. Nudge : ribajok. Nudity: ntid. Nuisance : (pers.) vexadel. Null : nevoladlik. Nullify, to : nosanumon. Nullity: nevoladlof; nonof. Number: mod; num; num. (236) Numadiliel. VOLAPl'K-ENGLISIL Niistbbbn. Numadiliel : divisor (arith.) Niimagadam : warehousing. Numal : accountant; actuary; tel- ler. Numam : enumeration; counting. Niimam : numeration. [count. Numamon : to enumerate ; to Numat : digit ; figure ; cipher ; arithmetical character. Numav : arithmetic. Numavel: arithmetician. Numavik: arithmetical. Numavbd: numeral. Numiel: numerator. Numik : numeral; number; No. Numlik : enumerable; computable. Numlbf: computability. Numoladik : new - fashioned ; fashionable. Numbn : to enumerate; to num- ber; to give a number to. Numli: in a number of. NUN : intelligence; news. NUN : communication ; informa- Nunafbn: to embark. [tion. Nunal : ambassador . Nuna'l: communicativeness. Nunam: information; giving intel- ligence. Nunapened: written advice; let- ter of advice. Nlinatemon : to expire; to breathe; to respire. Nunel : envoy; herald; messenger. Nu'nik: communicative. Nuno : officiously. Nunod: account; report. Nunodel : reporter. Nunodbn : to report; to give an account ot. [ously. Nunog : beforehand; still; previ- Nunbn: to notify; to advise; to inform; to announce. Niinb'n : to publish; to disclose; to communicate. Nunii : according to the report of. Nuplanbn: to implant. Niiskut(am): injection; injecting. Nuskutbn : to inject. Nuskutot : injection (material). NUslugbn : to swallow ; to swal- low up. Nusmetbn : to melt down ; to fuse. Nusmugbn: to smuggle in. Nuspadbn : to move into ; to house. [into; pre-emption. Niistan : entry upon ; entrance Nils tan on : to enter ; to enter upon; to pre-empt. Niistepbn : to step in; to enter. Niistbbbn : to circumscribe; to inclose. Number. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nutritious. Number, infinite: nenum. Number, to: niimOn. Numbness: dalestif. Numeral : num; rmmavOd. Numeral: numik. Numerate, to : numOn. Numeration: niimam. Numerator: numiel. Numerous: mOclik; lemOdik. Numismatic : konavik. Numismatic collections: kOnem. Numismatics: kOnav. Numismatist : konavel. Nun: jikleudan; sanjigam. Nunnery : vomakleud ; kleud Nuptial: inatik. [vomik. Nuptial bed : matabed. Nuptials: matazal; mate Nurse : kalel; kalelef. Nurse, wet: miligamot. Nurse, to: kalamon; kalon. Nursery : bimajul. Nursing: kal(am); kalamav. Nursing : pOkalOl. Nursling: sugab. Nurturing : nulttdam. Nut : nttt. Nut hatch : yupigit. Nut tree: notabim. Nut-like : notik. Nutriment: nultid. Nutritious : nulttdik. (237) Nutim. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Nuvin. Nutim : (the) present. Nutimo: at present. Nutlid: admission; entrance. Nutlidakad : card of admission; ticket. Nutlidamon : admission fee; en- trance money. Niitlidon : to be admitted; to en- ter, [grape- juice. Nuvin : must ; unfermented Nutritiousness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Nymph. Nutritiousness : nullidof. Nutritive : nultidik. Nutritiveness : nuliidof. Nutty : notik. Nymph : feof. (238) O! o. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. 01. O ! O ! Oh ! O ! Ahem ! Indeed ! Ah ! O.b. : i.e. ; that is. OB: I. Ob : even I. Qbik : my. Obik : my own. Obikan : mine. Qbo : as for me. Obo : I don't care ! Obs : we. Obs : even we. Obsik : our. Obsikan : ours. Odelo : to-morrow; on the morrow. OF: she (female). Of: even she. OPEN: often; ofttimes; frequently. Ofenik: frequent; repeated. Ofen penembl : oft-mentioned. Ofenumo: oftener; more frequent- ly. [ly. Ofeniino : oftenest; most frequent- Ofik : her. OK : (reflexive termination for all persons) self. Okanam : autograph. Okanamik : autographic. Okanamo : autographically. Okik : own. Oko: considered as such; by self; alone. Okopiikot : soliloquy; monologue. OL : thou; you (pers.pron., 2nd pers., sing.) OL : even thou. O. O! ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Obscure. O! O! Oak : golog. Oaken : gologik. Oakum : luflag. Oar: gub. Oarsman : guban. Oath: yul; leyul. Oatmeal, porridge : zababttl. Oats : zab. Obduracy: sudal. Obdurate : ledufugik. Obedience: lobed; sukal. Obedient : lobedik; sukalik. Obedient, to be: lobedon. Obelisk : belig. Obey, to: lobedon. Object: din; lobyet; yeg. Object, to : smataptikOn. Objection :smatapiik(am); taptikil; tapuk(am). Objectionable: deimik. Objectionably : deimiko. Objective : kimifal. Objective: dinik; yegik. Obligated: bligik. Obligated, to become: bligttn. Obligation: blig(am); debof. Obligatory : bligik. Obliged, to be : debon. Obliging : dtinavilik. Oblique: nestedik; slobik; tavelik. Obliquely : slobo; tavelo. Obliqueness : tavelikug. Obliquity: slob; tavelikug. Obliterate, to : danoson; xonoson. Oblivion : foget. Oblivious : fogetik. Oblong : lonedlik. Obscene: lusvinik. Obscenity: lusvinen. Obscuration : daegam; daegot. Obscure : dagik. (239) Olif. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. 6mjeval. Olif: the next life; the life to come; Olik : thy; your. [future life. Ols: ye; you (plur.) Olsik: your. OM : he. OM : himself. Ombupal: father; remote male an- cestor; first of a series. Omcam: gemsbok; male chamois. Omddk: drake; male duck. Omgan : gander; male goose. Omgok: cock; rooster. Omgok : capon. Omik : his. Omjeval : stallion. Omjeval : gelding. Obscure. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Offered. Obscure, to: daegOn; dagOn. Obscurity: dag; neital; dagug. Obsequies : septib. Observance: lol(am). Observant: senitik. Observantly: senitiko. Observatory : loegop. Observation : loegam; noet. Observe, to : logon; loegon; folOn; noeton; seniton. Obsolete: negeblik. Obsolete, to become: fevonon. Obstacle : nelet; nelettib; stop. Obstetrician : yufaman. Obstinacy: diifug; lestifal; todal. Obstinate : diifugik; lestifalik. Obstruct, to: stopon; neleton. Obstruction: stOpam; neletam. Obtain, to : geton; lujafon; meli- t5n; vobOn. Obtrude, to : sudlanon. Obtruder : sudlanel. Obtrusion : sudlanam. Obtrusiveness : sudlanof. Obtuse : nctipik; netipalik. Obtuseness : netip. Obviate, to : viton. Obviation : vitam. Occasion : pot; koded. Occasion, to: kodedon. Occasional : sotimik ; potik ; timsik. Occasionally: poto; sotimo. Occasioning : kodedam. Occident: vestidan. Occidental : vesiidanik. Occlusion : stOpam. Occupancy: labam. Occupant: kodtitan. Occupation: labam; feb; jafocl. Occur, to: jenon; zidon; zitOn. Occurrence : zid; zit. Ocean : niel; scan; talamel. Ocean, Arctic : Gladamel. Oceanic : seanik. Octagon : jolagul. Octagonal : jolagulik. Octave : jolttf. Octavo : spadajoltlf. Octette : joliim. October: balsul; otul. Oculist': logasanel. Odd: netelik; lumilagnik; seled- Oddity : selednof. [nik. Oddness : nulof. Ode : ziilakanit. Ode, national : netahttm. Odious : hetik. Odium : het. Odontology : tutav. Odor : smel. Odor, to detect : smelamon. Odor, to emit : smelon. Odor, offensive : badosmel. Of: (prep.) de; do; fa. Off: (prep,} de. Off: deflano; mo. Off from: deflanu. Offal : jun; miOt. Offend, to : nofOn. Offended, to be: paskanOn; ska- 11611. Offender : nofel. Offending : nofam. Offense: badod; nof(am); skan. Offensive : taik; skanik. Offensiveness: skanOf. Offer: lof; lofot. Offer, to : lofon. Offer up, to : dablinon. Offered: pelofol. (240) Omjip. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. 5nedu. Omjip : ram; male sheep. Omjip: wether. (udelo). Omodelo : day after to-morrow Omsvin: boar; male swine. Omsvin : barrow. Omulo: next month. ON: one; a person (indef. pers. pron.); people; they. Onecalan : underofficial. Onecbdef : inferior court. ON ED : subordination. - : [ subordinate ; inferior. Onedo : subordinately. Onedu: subordinate to; inferior to. Offering. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Open. Offering : dablin ; lofam ; lofot; Offertory : lofam. [vitim. Office: bur; cal; penadacem; ko- nod; lecal. Office-holder: calan; pecalan. Officer: fizir. Office-seeker: calasteifan. Official: calan; onecalan; pecalan. Official: calik; lOpofik; lopefik. Officiate, to : calon. Officiously : nuno. Offset : desiad. Offset, to : desiadon. Off-shoot: gelmin. Offspring: dekomab. Oft:ofenik. [leofen. Often: mOdikna ; modna; ofen; Often, as as : (con/.) alif. Often, to do : fendunOn. Oftener : ofenumo. Oftenest: ofeniino. Ofttimes: ofen. Oh ! A ! Ag ! O ! Oil : leal. Oil, to : lettlon. Oil, ethereal: latileiil. Oil, fish: blob. Oil, linseed : liabalettl. Oil, juniper : yunepalelil. Oil, olive: bimaletil. Oil, rose : lolaletil. Oil, train : blob. Oil-color: leiilakol. Oiler: leiilel. Oiling : letllam. Oil-press: leiilop. Oil- varnish : leulod. Oily : leUlik. Ointment : leUled. Old: baledik. Old, to grow : baledon ; fevonon. Old age : baledtip. Old-fashioned : vomoladik. Oleaginous : letilnik. Olive: leulafluk; lettluk. Omelet: meled; nogakek. Omen : btimal. Omission: nedun(am); zog(am). Omit, to: nedunOn; zogOn. Omnibus : mofib. Omnipotence : lemek; levalud ; vavalUd. Omnipotent : lemekik ; levallldik ; lemekadik; vavaliidik. Omniscient : vanolik. On: (prep.} do; su. On! Lopo! On hand : stokik. On this : su atos. Once: balna; von(o); finona. Once, at : balnaliko; naedo bal; slipito. Once again : denu. Once more: denu; nogna. One: bal; on; baliel. One-eyed : balogik. Oneness : balof; balug. One's : onik. Onion : beb. Only: lebalik; soelik. Only: (adv.) te; to. Only, once : soelikna ; lebalikna. Onward: bived;foi. Opacity : nedulogof. Opaque : nedulogik. [f6f. Open: danotik : manifik; pamani Open, to : sakikCn ; manifokon ; dakikon; damanifon; manifon; maidunOn; sSsnilOn. Open, to by force: maiblekon. (241) Oneguban. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Opo. Oneguban : under pilot; second Qnekiikan : assistant cook. [mate. Onemilital : lieutenant-general. Oneset: minor clause; subordin- ate clause. Oni : down. Onik: one's. Onu : at this time to-morrow. Opik : local. Opo: locally. Opened. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ordinance. Opened : pamanifol. Openheartedness : manifal. Opening : inanifod ; lenblekam ; dakik; damanifam; sakikam. Openness : manif. Opera : lop. Opera-house : lopateat. Operate, to: biton; vobadon. Operatic: lopik. Operative: vobadik. Operation : vobadam. Operator : vobel. Ophthalmologist : logasanel. Opinion : ced; leced; niludam. Opponent: tael; taelef. Opportune : letimik; pOtatimik. Opportuneness : letimof ; potati- mot. Opportunity: potatim; pot. Oppose, to : tapladon ; taptlkon. tadunOn; tasiadOn. Opposed : taik. Opposed : tatos(o). Opposed, to be : tabinon ; taelon ; tapladon. Opposed, mutually : tabalvoto. Opposed to : ta. Opposer: tadunel. Opposers: taelef. Opposite : tadil. Opposite: eteflanik; visoik. Opposite: eteflano; viso. Opposite to : visa. Opposition: tadun; taelam; taelef; taplik; tatop(am); taelof. Oppress, to : lepedon. Oppression : leped(am). Oppressive : lepedik. Oppressor : lepedel. Opprobrious : jemodik. Opprobrium : jemod. Optative : vipabid. Optical: litavik; logamik. Optically : logamiko. Optician: litavel; logamikan. Optics : litav. Optimism: lopim. Optimist: lopimel. Optimistic : lopimik. Option: val. Opulence : liegtff. Opulent: pegudol; bemedik; labe- Or: (conj.) u; ud; tl; ud. [mik. Or else : (conj.) u; ud; udu. Oral : mudik. Orally: sago; mudo. Orange: boan; boan. Orange color : linyelib. Orange colored : linyelibik. Orang-outang : fotamen. Oration : pttkat. Oration, to deliver: piikaton. Orator: plikatel; ptikal. Oratorical: pukelik. Oratory : plikof; plekasmacem. Orbicular : zilekik. Orbit : fegon; kul; zilak; zilek; ztim ; loganinvag. Orchard : bimagad. Orchestra: musigef. Ordain, to : kosekBn; bueddn. Order: blld; militabud ; boned; cek ; komitat ; lebiid ; leod ; plog; rod; rOd. Order, to: btidon; bonedon; plo- gOn. Order, to put in : leodon. Order, in that : (conj.} dat; adas. Order, by of: bttdtt. Order, in to : (prep.} al. Order, in to: (conj.) dat. Order, on the of: biidii. Order away, to: mobudOn. Orderliness: leodal. Orderly : leodik. Ordinance: plog; btiedot. (242) Os. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Otul. Os: it. Os : itself; even it. Os binos : id tst, i.e. ; that is. Osik : its. Ot : the same. Ot : the very same; one and the same; the sanie. Otik : the same. Otoleno : just as little. Otul : October (balsul). Ordinarily. ENGLISH-VOLAPilK. Outweigh. Ordinarily : kosomo. Ordinary : geblik; kftsOmik. Ordination: kosek(am); biied(am). Ore: miin; talamiin. Ore, iron : lelamun. Organ : nogot; gel. Organ - maker : gelel. Organ manufacture : gelamek. Organ manufacturer : gelamekel. Organ tone: gelaton. Organic : nogotik. Organism : nogotim. Organization: stitam; nogotani. Organize, to: nogotOn ; limOu; stitamOn. Organizer : stitamel. Orgy: kOpam. Orient: lefiid; lefiidan. Oriental: lefiidan. Oriental: lefudik. Orientalize, to : leftidanOn. Orifice: hog; voacl. Origin: laut; rig; rigelUg; ved. Original: rigad; rigal. Original: rigadik; rigik; tilmagik; livavilik; rigalik. Originator: lautel; rigel. Ornament: dek; dekadin; susiad; dekat. Ornament, to : dekon. Ornamentation: dekam. Ornaments: kltin. Ornithological : badavik. Ornithologist : bodavel. Ornithology : bOdav. Orphan: nepal. Orphaned : enepalttl. Orthodox: gitaklodik. Orthodoxy : gitaklod. Orthographic : lotogafik. Orthography : lotogaf. Osier : flokavilod. Osmium : somin. Ostentation: luglol; lumagif. Ostentatious : lumagifik. Ostrich : lostit. Other: votik; elsik. Other, the : votim. Other's, the : votimik. Otherwise : elso; votiko; voto. Otherwise: (conj.) udu. Ottar of roses : lolaletil. Otter: fitod. Our: obsik; obas. Ousel : merit. Out: (adv.] ina; lese; sti. Out of : (prep.} se; de; des. Outbid, to: lovelofOn. Outcry : sevok. Outdo, to : lovOn. Outer: senedik. Outfit: plepadot. Outfitter : plepadel. Outfitting : plepadem. Outgrown: exoglofol. Outgrowth : seglof. Outlawed: lenejelik. Outlet : seveg. Outline: ployegil; senelien. Outlive, to: lovelifOn; lovttlifon. Outlook: selogam. Outpost: militagalef. Outrage : blam. Outrage, to: blamOn. Outrider : bimonitel. Outset: fekin(am). Outside: seneflan. Outside: (adv.) seo; senedo. Outside : (prep.) sett. Outside of: mofti; pl5. Outstanding : rot. Outstanding : rfttik. Outward : sevedik. Outwardly : sevedo. Outwards : mofo. Outweigh, to: suvattikOn. ( 2 43) btiipo. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Oyelo. Otiipo: simultaneously; at the f same time. Ove : over; above (locally). Ovendelo : to-morrow evening. Ovi: beyond; farther than. Ovo : farther. Ovik : (the) farther. Ovii : beyond (in a direction from the speaker). Oyelo : next year. Outwit. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ozonic. Outwit, to : kafOn. Outworks : senedem. Oval: liped. Oval : nOgik. Over: (adv.) ove; lukinove. Over: (prep.} ove; sus. Over, to pass : lovegolon. Over-burden, to : tuvatOn; tubola- dOn. [dam. Over-burdening : tuvat ; tubola- Over-charging : tuvat. Overcoat: lovegun; loveklot. Over-do, to: tuvemon. O\er- estimate, to: tudiivon. Over-exertion: letOp; tutop. Over-feed, to : tulunultidon. Overflow, to : loveflumon. Overflowing : spil. Over-haste: tuspid. Over-hasten, to : tuspidOn. Over-hasty : tuspidik. Over-indulge, to : zadon. Over-indulgence : zadam. Overload, to : tuvaton; tulodOn. Over-loading : tulodam. Over-look, to : felogOn; neloegon. Over-measure : liigit. Over -rate, to : tudivon. Over-reach, to : lupoftidon ; kafOn. Over richness: tulieg. Over-ripe : tumadik. [on. Over-run, to : loveflumon; loviigol- Over-see, to : poslogon; sulogon. Overseer: poslogel; sulogel. Over-shadow, to : lovejadOn. Overshadowing: lovejad. Over-shoe : lovejuk. Over-sight : poslogam; sulog(am). Over-throw : tomet. Over- throw, to : tometon. Overture : beginum. Over-turn, to: jutOn; tometon. Over-turning : tOm. Over- value, to : tudivon; tudiivon. Over-weight: tuvetot; Itigit. Oviform : nogik. Oviposit, to : nogon. Ovoid : nOglik. Owe, to : debOn. Owing: debik; popelol. Owl ; Ittl; lelttl. Owlish : Itilik. Own : lonik; okik; soalik. Owner : lonel. Ownership : lOnagit. Ox : xol. Oxide : xtid. Oxidize, to : xtidon. Oxygen : ztidin. Oxygenate, to: ztidOn. Oxygenated : ziidinik. Oyster : huit. Oyster-bed: huitOp. Oyster-pate : huitabastet. Oyster-season : huittip. Oyster-shell : huitajal. Oyster-soup: huitasup. Ozocerite : talavak. Ozone : lozin. Ozonic : lozinik. (244) p. Pa! VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pak. Pa ! Alas ! Ah me ! PAB : butterfly. PAD : rectory; parsonage; parish. Padal: abbot. Pa'dal : rector; parson; clergyman; parish priest; curate; minister; pastor. Padalbp: abbey; priory. Pa'dan : parishioner. Padan : monk; prior. Padastuk : parish. Padeseitel : scion; layer. Padezugbn : to go away ; to go off. Padik : pastoral; parochial. Pa'dbn : to unite with a congrega- tion or church. Pael : parent; father or mother. PAF: peacock; pea-fowl. Paf b'zogik : postponed. PAG: village. PAG: heathendom; paganism. Pagacbdel : village magistrate. Pagagased : village newspaper. Pagagliig : village church. Pagajul: village school. Pagal: heathenism. Pagan : villager. Pagan: heathen; pagan. Pagapadal : country parson. Pa'gef: heathen; pagans. Pagik : heathenish; pagan. Pagil : hamlet; small village. Pailbfbl: ever-beloved. Pain : larch (tree). Paitiip: aorist. PAK(am) : propagation; dissemin- ation; circulation; diffusion; spread. PAK: bale; parcel; packet; pack- age ; pack. P. Pace. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Palaver. Pace : tlid; step. Pacific: piidik; takedik. Pacify, to : pttdOn. Pack: pak; lepak. Pack, to : Packu P ,to:fP ak5n - Package: pak; paked. Packer: pakel. Packet: paked; pak. Packing: pakam; paken. Pact : fed. Pad : lekujab. Pagan: pagan. Pagan : pagik. Paganism : pag. Page: nobapul; flan. Pageant : lumagif. Pageantry : magifot; lumagif. Pagoda : bagodOp. Pain: dol; lied; torn; visen. Pain, to: dolOn; tomOn; visenOn. Painful : dolik; plOnik; tomik. Painfully : dolo. Pains : Wb. Pains, to take : detObOn; tObon. Paint, to: depanftn; panOn. Paint-box : kolabog. Painter : panel. Painter, house : cemapanel. Painter, to be: panOn. Painting: pan; panen;panot. Pair: pal; telel; teliel. Pair, to : matokOn; palOn. Paired: palnik; telelik; atelik. Palace : gledom; ledom. Palatable, to be: mudon. Palate : guk. Palaver : vOden; luplikot; luptiken. (245) Pakaliab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Palet. Pakaliab : burlap; gunny-sacking. Pakam : packing. Pakat : packing; stuffing (material). Pakatub: hogshead; cask. Paked : packet ; package. Pakedil: small package; parcel. Pakedon : to bundle up; to do up. Pakel: propagator; circulator. Pa'kel: packer. Pa'kem : baggage; luggage. Pa'kemavab : baggage wagon. Pa'ken : packing ; packing busi- ness. Pakludbn : to be the result of; to be the consequence of. Pakb'n : to propagate; to circulate; to spread; to disseminate. Pakb'n : to pack; to pack up. PAL: ancestors; parents; couple; pair. [tion; procreation. PAL(am) : reproduction ; genera- Palad: Eden; Paradise. Paladetan : person addressed. Pala'l : parental love. Palam : pairing; mating; uniting in couples; coupling. Palbil : twice-brewed beer; double beer. Palef kindred; relatives; kin. Palefan : relative; kinsman. Palefik: related; kin. Palenlilb'n : to be listened to. Palesevalan : one of the elect. PALET : party; faction. Palaverer. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Paraffin. Palaverer : lupUkel. Pale : lestaf. Pale : neledik. Pale, to: lestafon. Paleness : neled. Palette: kolaboed. Palladium : palin. Pallid : neledik. Pallor: neled; neledug. Palm: pam. Palpable : senlik. Palpate, to : finedon. Palpation : finedam. Palsy: stief(am). Palsy, to : stiefon. Pamper, to : luzadon. Pamphlet : pam. Pamphlet, in : pamik. Panada: vatabttl. Pancake: meled. Pane: litopaglat. Pan -fish : bakafit. Pang: torn; visen. Pannier : tueb. Panorama: banoam. Pant, to: lenellimon; lenatemon. Pantaloons : blit; goaklots. Panting: lenellimen. Pap: bill; vatabul. Papa: fa til; pap. Papacy : papub. Papal : papik. Paper: pop. Paper, to: popSn; tapon. Paper-bag: dud. Paper, bibulous : flumapop. Paper coffin : | ,, Paper cornet :f dUd - Paper, filtering : flumapop. Paper goods : popacan. Paper-hanger: tapan. Paper-hanging : tap(am). Paper, letter : penedapop. Paper, note : penedapop. Paper, printing: btikapOp. Paper, sheet of: blog. Paper, spoiled : ) , Paper! waste: [ IubUk ' Papers : popem. Papers, state : tatalepops. Paper-weight penevetiel. Parable : leigUd. Parade: parad. Parade, to : lumagifon; paradon. Paradigm: paradim. Paradise : palad; vonagad. Paradisiacal : palaclik. Paraffin : rafin. (246) Paletik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISII. Paskanbn. Paletik : partial; factious. Paletiv : party affairs. Paletbf: partiality. Palgil : double eagle (heraldry). Palglin : double-barrelled gun. Palik: parental. Palin : palladium, Pd. (chem.) Palkul : double-track course. Palmudanamik : double-tongued; deceitful. Palnik : couple; paired ; mated ; Palnum: dual number, [matched. Palbfik : beloved. Palbn : to reproduce; to procreate; to generate. Palot: tapestry; hangings; church vestments. Palrut : double-track ; double-rut. Palseplanik: ambiguous; double meaning. Palsiam : double-meaning. Palsiamik : ambiguous; equivocal. Palsiambf : ambiguity. Palton : double sound. Paliib : product; produce. Paliig : relationship. Paliigik: related; kin. Palvokal : dipthong. Palvokalik : dipthongal. PAM : palm. PAM : pamphlet. Pamik : palm ; of palm . Pa'mik : in pamphlet form. Pambn : to make pamphlets ; to stitch books. Pamotbn : to be born. PAN : pawn ; pledge. PAN : painting (art). Pan an : pawnbroker. Panel: one pledging a pawn. Panel: painter; artist painter Panelastib : crayon; pastel. Paneluimbn : to wither; to parch; to be dried up. Pa'nen : painting (business). Paninafbn: to be embarked; to be on shipboard. Panbn : to pawn ; to pledge. Panbn : to be a painter; to paint (as an artist). [shop. Panbp : pawnshop; pawnbroker's Panot : pawn; pledge. Panot: (a) painting. Panunbn : to be informed; to be apprised. PAP: Pope. PAP: papa. Papik : papal. Papbfam : impoverishment. Papub : pontificate; papacy. PAR: fate; destiny ; one of the Parcce (mythol.) PAR AD : parade; ostentation. Paradik : parade; ostentatious. Paradim : paradigm. Paradbn : to parade; to make a display. Pasagb ! Speak ! Out with it ! Pasedan : envoy ; embassador ; messenger. Paseilb! Silence! Keep quiet! Pasevan : acquaintance. Pasevef : acquaintances. Pasigaf : pasigraphy (vapenav). Pasigafik : pasigraphic. Pasilal(if) : universal language ; pasilaly (va'puk). Paskanam: umbrage; pique; re- sentment. Paskanbn : to be offended. Paragon. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pardon. Paragon: lesamal; samal. Paragraph : bagaf; deset. Parallel : leigalien. Parallel : leigalienik. Parallelism : leigalien. Paralysis : stief(am). Paralytic: pestiefik; stiefik. Paralyze, to : stiefOn. Paralyzed : pestiefik. Paramour: midalan. Parasol : jadiel. Parcel : pak ; pakedil. Parch, to : paneluimOn. Parchment : lepOp. Pardon: fogiv; benam; dalet. (247) Pat. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Patab. PAT': PA\T: particularity ; patent. peculiarity ; [specialty. Patab : eccentric genius. character ; odd Pardon. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pastoral. Pardon, to : fogivon; benon; dale- ton; deleton. Pardonable: daletik; fogivik; liv- Pardoning : fogivam; benam. [lik; Pare, to : dejalon. Parent: pael; pal. Parental: palik. Parenthesis : klam ; vtlsiadam. Parenthesize : niiklamon. Parents : pal. Parer : dejalel. Parish: komot; pad; padasttik. Parishioner: padan. Park: legad. Parochial: padik. Parquet : baged. Parricide: fatimolod; fatimolodel. Parson : padel; predel. Parson, country : lanedapadel. Parsonage : pad. Parsimonious : spalnik. Parsimoniously : spalniko. Parsimony : spalnof. Parson : padal. Part : dil ; dedil ; dilod ; sugiv ; bosod. Part, to: dedilon; dediton; dilon; Part hair, to: kapUnOn. [teilon. Partaker: kedilidan; kodilidan. Partaking: dilid. Partial: paletik; porik. Partiality: bilof ; paletof. Partially : dilo. Participant: dilidan. Participant : dilidik. Participate, to : dilidon. Participation : dilid. Participator: kedilidan. Participial : ladyekabidik. Participle : ladyekabid. Particle : dilil. Particular: lepatik; patik. Particularity : pat. Particularize, to : patOn. Particularly : lepato; lepleso ; patiko; pato. Parting: dilam ; ditam ; kapttn. Partisan: slopel; zlipel. Partisan, to be : slopOn. Partition : dedit; teil(am); vol; Partly : dilo. [deditiel. Partner: dilidan; kedilidan; ko- dilidan; kopanomel. Partnership : tuged. Partnership, silent: komandit. Partridge : felit. Party: palet. Party-spirit : klubal. Party wall : filamOn. Pasigraphic: pasigafik. Pasigraphy: pasigaf. Pass, mountain : belaloveg. Pass away, to : fegolon. Pass over, to: lovegolon. Pass through, to : dutavon. Passable : golik. Passage: dutav; golat; puked. Passage, to open : dublekon. Passenger : tavel; dutavel. Passer by : beigolel. Passer out : segolel. Passing : golenik. Passion: zuen; liedod; lelof. Passionate : liedodik. Passionately : liedodiko. Passionless : neliedodik. Passive : sufafom. Passive : nejalepik; sufafomik. Pass-key: glekik. Paisport : tavapenod. Pass -word : vodamal. Past : atlif; fegolug; fegoltip. Past: efegolol. Past : (adv.) bei. Paste: kleb. Paste, to : klebon; laklebon. Paste-board : bigapop ; glepop ; lekleb. Paste-board box : bok. Pastel: kolastib; panelastib. Pastor : padan. Pastoral : dill. (248) Patakedb ! VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pebegivbl. Patakedb ! Rest ! Rest in peace ! Fatal : specialist. Patavegam : special journey; extra trip. [liar. Patik: especial; particular; pecu- Pa tik : patented . Patiko : especially; particularly. Patlodb ! Be of good cheer ! Pato : particularly; especially. Patbf : peculiarity ; particularness. Patbn : to specialize; to particular- ize; to specify. Patbn : to patent. Patiip: present (gram.) Pa'tiip : imperfect (gram. ) Patiipik: present; existing. PAUD : pause. [pause. Paudbn : to pause ; to make a PAUN : pound (weight). Paunab : pound sterling; . Pauno : by the pound; by pounds. Pavexadug : vexation. PEB : pulse. Pebaflep: pulsation ; pulse-beat; rhythmic pulsation. Pebalikbl : simplified. j Pebalbl : united. Pebegivbl : endowed. Pastoral. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Peal. Pastoral : padik. Pastorship : lanakud. Pastry : bakot; bastet. Pasty : smabastet. Pastry-cook: bastetel; kekel. Pastry-dough : meilevat milegik. Pasturage : balat. Pasture : balat; lunulfld; meid. Pasture, to: balaton; lunultidon. Patch, to: lunagon; selunagon. Patent: pat. Patent, to : paton. Patented : patik. Paternal: fatik; palik. Paternally: fatiko. Pater noster : fatobas. Path: kul; smaveg. Patience : sufad. Patience ! SufadO ! Patient: kalab; maladikan ; pOkalan ; posanan. Patient: sufadik. Patient, to be: sufadon. Patiently: sufado. Patriarch : glefat. Patrimony : gelutadil. Patriot: fatanan. Patriotic : fatJinanik. Patriotism: fatanal; fatanilof. Patron : bonel; gonel. Patronize, to: bonon. Patrons: bonedelef; gOnef. Pattern: lesam; jablon. Patty : smabastet. Paucity : nemod. Paunch : lugotOp. Pause : paud. Pause, to: paudOn. Pavilion : tened. Paw: fut; nimafut. Paw, to : kratOn. Pawn: pan; panot. Pawn, to : panOn. Pawnbroker: panan. Pawner : panel. Pawn-shop : pan op. Pay: mesed; lemesed; pel;mesedot. Pay, to : pelOn. Pay in, to : ninpelon. Pay off, to: depelon. Pay on account, to : diloabOn. Payable: pOpelfll. Payer: pelel. Paymaster: pelal. Payment : pel(am). Payment, partial : diloab. Pea: peil. Pea like : peilik. Peace: pud. Peace ! PiidO ! Peacemaker: plidal. Peacock: / , Peafowl : \ P 31 ' Peal, to: gl6k6n. (249) Pebeklinbl. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Pelel. Pebeklindl: cleaned; cleansed. Pebenodatan : beneficiary. Pebon : to pulsate. Pebiiedan : one ordained. Peca'lan: official; employe; office- holder. Pecbdatug: decision; firmness. Ped : pressure; press. Pedaklbf : press cloth; cheesecloth. Pedalaman : plenipotentiary ; proxy. Pedalik : allowed ; permitted. Pedalo : with permission. Peda'lii : with permission of. Pedam : compressing; pressing. Pedevelbl : possessed (by devils). Pedipedan : one furnished with a diploma. [with a diploma. Pedipedbl : diplomated; furnished Pediel: press. Pedik : pressing. Pedbn : to press; to compress; to squeeze. Pefanan : captive; prisoner. Pefaniig: captivity. Pefedan: confederate; ally. Pefinik: finished; complete. Peflitadbl : winged. Pefunik : : , . , Pefunbl : j kllled 5 , , dead - Peiboad: pine; pine wood. PEIL : pea. Peilik: pea-like. Pein : pine; white pine. Peinik : pine. Pejafik : busy; occupied; employed. Pejifaon : goshawk; pigeon-hawk; hen-hawk. Pejilitbp : dove-cote. Pejtn: pigeon; dove. Pejinbp : dove-cote; pigeon-house. Pekofudik : confused ; involved ; entangled. [ment. Pekofudug : confusion ; involve- Pekofukbl : prepared; constructed; fabricated; ready. Pekbnik : coined. Pekoseitbl : folded. Pekosiadik: /complicated ; com- Pekosiadbl : j posite. Pekoyulan : conspirator. Pekiikik : cooked; done; well-done. Pekulivbl: cultivated; cultured. Pekusadel : accused; defendant. Pekusadelo : on the defensive; for the defense. PEL: pay; payment. Peladetan : person addressed. Pelafag: solvency; ability to pay. Pelafagik: solvent; able to pay. Pelal : paymaster. Pelam : paying; payment. Pelanekanik : bankrupt ; unable to pay. [gation; audience. Pelasamans : assemblage; congre- Pela'sevblo : recognizedly; admit- tedly. Peledivbl: appreciated; prized. Pelefulbn : to be complete. Pelegalik: (enraptured; over -joy - Pelega'lbl : j ed; ecstatic; delighted. Pelel : payer. Pealing. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Peel. Peahng: glokam. Pea-nut: talanot. Pear: bun. Pearl: magab. Pearl, to : magabOn. Pearl-barley: leglav. Pearl-diver: ) .., c , Pearl-fisher: [ gabafitan. Pearls, string of: magabalefad. Peculiar: selednik; patik; lonik. Peculiarity : lOnug; pat; patof; selednOf. Peculiarly: pleso. Pecuniary: monik. Pedagogic: dadukavik. Pedagogics: dadukav. Pedagogue: dadukel. Pedagogy : dadukav. Pedantry: lusmalen. Pedestal : glukolum. Pedestrian: futel. Pedicellate : gleipopik. Pedunculate : gleipopik. Peel : jal. (250) Pelemojedik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Penad. Pelemojedik: thrown away; aban- doned. Pelenmaf bl : measured. Pelestimbl : esteemed; honored. Pelofik : beloved. Pelbn : to pay ; to pay off. Pelorel: laureate. Peliip: term; time (for payment). Pelupakbl: infected. PEM : jumble; confused medley; confusion ; jargon. [dler. Pemel: disturber; confuser; med- Pemidadukbl : spoiled (child). Pemik: confused; disorderly. Pembn : to confuse; to create con- fusion ; to meddle. Pemusigbl : rendered ; played (music). [feather. PEN : quill-pen ; pen ; quill ; Penaboad : slate ; blackboard ; drawing board. Penabbmet : written promise; sub- scription. Penabbmetbn : to promise in writ- ing. Penad : writing. Peel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Perfect. Peel, to: jalOn. Peerless : nefeleigik. Peevish : lezunlik. Pee-wit : kibit. Pelt : leskin ; skiin. Peltry : pladem. Pellucid : nidoklilik. Pen: pen; nimop; nimalod. Pen, writing : penadapen. Penal: pdnik. Penalty: monapon; pon; ponamon. Penance : ponad. Pencil : gliv; stib. Pencil, lead : stib. Pencil, slate : gliv. Pendant: lag; lagot. Pendulum : pendtil. Penetrab'ility : dudlanOf. Penetrable : dudlanik. Penetrate, to: dudlanOn; nidla- non; nlidlanon. Penetration: dibal; dudlan. Penicillate : pensitik. Peninsula : lafanisul. Penitent : panitik. Penman : penel. Pennant : vienastan. Penniless : nebemedik. Pension : baledamon. Pensive : meditofik; dlimik; glu- malik. Pensively: meditofo. [ditof. Pensiveness : dlimal; glumal; me- Pentagon : lulagul. Pentagonal : lulagulik. Pentecost : tikalazal. Penultimate : alatik. Penurious : monalik. Penury: daleb. People: mens; net; pop; popef. People, to : popon. Peopling: netam; popam. Pepper : pep. Pepper-bird : pepit. Peppery : pepik. Pepsin: pepsin. Peptone: peptin. Per: a. Per cent. : datum. Perceivable : suemik ; senitlik. Perceptibility : lesevof ; suemal ; senitlof. Perceptible : dalogik ; kleilik ; leli- lik; lesevik; senlik; senitlik. Perceptibly : dalogiko. Perception : lelilam; dalogam; fe- kam; lesev(am); suem(am). Perch: boloboad; loboad; rud. Perchance : (adv.) bo. Perceive, to : dalogon; leilOn; le- sevOn; senon; suemOn. Percolate, to: dusulOn. Percussion : nok. Perdition : kodemiib. Peregrination : tevam; tevtig. Perfect: petiip. Perfect: lefulik. [lefulon; lefulson. Perfect, to: lefomon; lefulamon; (251) Penadamalik. VOLAPtiK-ENGLISH. Penik. Penadamalik : graphic. Penadacem : study; office. Penadacin : writing machine; type- writer. Penadamal : character; letter. Penadan : secretary ; recorder. Penadapen : writing-pen; quill- pen, [author. Penadel : writer; man of letters; Penadik: written; manuscript. Penado : chirographically ; in Penaklot : plumage. [writing. Penal: registrar; actuary. Penam: writing ; hand-writing; penmanship; manner of writ- Penamik: chirographic. [ing- Penaspiil: quill (used) for writing. Penat : pen and ink drawing; pen and ink sketch. Penatam : drawing, sketching with pen and ink. Penatbn: to draw; to sketch with a pen. Pendik: perpendicular; vertical. Pendiko: perpendicularly; verti- cally, (active). Pendbn : to sink ; to submerge Pendiil: pendulum. Pendiilaglok : pendulum clock. Pened: letter; epistle. Penedabog : letter-box. Penedamak : postage stamp. Penedapb'p: letter-paper ; note- paper. Penediel : letter copying-book. Penedik : epistolary. Penedil: short letter; note. Penedo : by letter. Penediig : correspondence; letters; documents. Penel: writer; penman. Penepejin : carrier-pigeon. Penepolel : letter-carrier. Penesetbk: correspondence ; ex- change of letters. Penestul: epistolary style. Penevetiel : paper-weight. Penik: plumed; feathered. Perfector. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Permit. Perfector: lefulel; lefulsel. Perfectible : lefulamik. Perfecting: lefomam; lefulam; le- Perfection : leful. [fulsam. Perfectly : lefuliko; lefulo. Perfectness : leful. Perfidious: tlatik. Perfidy : tlat. Perforate, to: dublekon; dugimon; hogttn. Perforation: dubleg; hog. Perform, to : damatanon; duinon. Performance : befulam; duin(am). Performance, theatrical: damata- nam ; teatapled. Perfume: benosmel; smel. Perfume, to: benosmelon. Perfumery: smeladin. Perhaps: (adv.] ba; za; bo. Peril: pdlig. Perilous: poligik. Perimeter : senelien. Period: timag; ttip. Periodical: timapenad. Peripheral : sevedik. Peripherally : seved(o). Periphery : senelien. Perish, to: fegolon; detilon. Perishable : deilafik ; golenik ; Perishableness: van. [vanik. Perishing: vanik. Perjured: holayulik. Perjury : holayul. Perjury, to commit : holayulon. Permanence : aiof; blib ; kosit; leveldf. Permanent, to be : aiofon; levelon. Permeability : dudlanof. Permeable : dudlanik. Permeate, to : dudlanon;nidlanon. Permeation : dudlan. Permission: dal; dalug; Itilet. Permission, to have: dalon. Peimission, with: dalo; pedalo. Permission, with of: dalii; pe- dalu. Permit: dal; dalapenad. Permit, to : dalon. (252) Penod. VOLAPUK-ENGUSH. Pepit. Penod : writing ; written document; written communication. Penodbn : to communicate by let- ter; to write. Penbm : writing materials. Penbmodbl : mentioned. Penb'n : to write. Penot: essay; thesis; monograph, memoir; treatise. Penotel : essayist ; memorialist ; composer; author. Penotbn : to treat of; to discuss in writing. Pensit: small brush; hair pencil. Pensitik : penicillate. Penuf bl : roofed. PEP : pepper. Pepambl : stitched (like a pamph- Pepenbl : written. [let. Pepik : peppery ; piperaceous. Pepit: pepper-bird; chatterer; ce- dar bird. Permit. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Phantom. Permit, written : dalapenad. Permitted: peclalik. Permutation : fecenam. Pernicious: damik; riibik. Perniciousness : damOf. Perpendicular : pendik. Perpendicularly : pendiko. Perpetrate, to : ludunOn. Perpetual : aiofik ; levelik ; nezedik ; teniipik. Perpetually : teniipiko. Perpetuate, to: tenupOn. Perpetuation: tentipam. Perpetuity: laidOf; levelof; nezed; tenupam. Perplex, to : kofudOn. Perplexed : kofudik. Perplexity : kofudal. Perry: biinavin. Perseverance : ledul. Persevere, to : ledulOn. Persevering: ledulik. Persist, to : laidunOn ; leblibOn ; kositOn. Persistence: laidun; laidunal. Persistent: laik; ledulik. Person: pusod; men. Personage: pOsod. Personal : pOsodik. Personality : pOsodOf. Personify, to : pOsodOn. Personnel: posodef. Perspective : lukilog. Perspicuous ; kapalnik; sttilik. Perspicuity : kapalnOf; kleil; sttt- Perspiration : suet. [lam. Perspire, to: suetOn. Persuade, to: lovepukOn; suadon; sulupukOn. Persuaded: pesuadol. Persuasion: lovepukam; suad(am). Pert : boledik. Pertain, to: lalOnOn. Pertain to, to : diitOn ; lelonon ; Pertaining : lonlik. [tefOn. Pertness: boled. Perturbation : tup. Pertussis : lekOg. Peruse, to : duliladOn. Pervade, to : nidlanOn. Perverse : (adj.) mi; vadik. Perversion, moral : klimal. Perversity : slobal; vad. Perverseness : tavelal. Pervert, to: vadOn. Pessimist: badlikan. Pessimistic : badlikik. Pest-house : pogipelOp. Pestilence: glupak. Pet : lofab. Pet : Icfabik. Petal: flolabled. Petition : beg; begapenad. Petition, to : begon. Petitioner : begel. Petrifaction : festonam; festonot. Petrify, to : festonon. Petroleum: talaleul; Petrous : stonlik. Petticoat : disgun. Petty : pUlofik; ptilik. Pfennig : fenig. Phantasy : fan. Phantom : lutikal. (253) Pepbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plan. Pepbn : to pepper. Pepsin : pepsin. Peptin : peptone; albuminose. Peplivilegik : privileged. Pesacitbl : undeceived. Pesaklotbl: unclothed; stripped. Pesatelbl : apart; asunder; brok- en in two. Pesavik : safe; secure; saved. Pesedan : missionary. Peseselbl: sold out; out of print. Pesetenbl: extended; expanded; extensive. Pesetenug : extensiveness ; expan- siveness. [tion; notice. Pesevam : notification ; proclama- Pesevambn : to announce publicly; to announce by proclamation. Pesevan : acquaintance. Pesevef: acquaintance. Pesevik : known ; well-known (person). Pesevo : as is known. Pesevbn : to make known ; to make acquainted. Pesevot : proclamation. Peseviig : acquaintance ; familiar; knowledge. Pestiefik : paralyzed ; paralytic. PET: saying; proverb; maxim; adage. Petidb'f: scholarship; knowledge. Petidbl: taught; instructed; learn- ed; erudite. [learnedness. Petidblat : erudition; scholarship; Petiip : perfect (gram.) Peup : ivy. Pevafan : armed man. Pevaf bl : armed. Pevikodan : conquered person ; vanquished person. Pevibtbl : bleached. Pevipbl : wished ; desired; wished Pevobbl : wrought; made. [for. Pevunan : wounded man. Pevunik : wounded. Pexilan : exile. Peyulan : juryman; member of a PIAB : piastre. [J U1 T- PIAN : gradualness. Pharisaic. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Piano. Pharisaic : lusanik. Pharisaism: lusanOf. Pharmaceutical : pdtekik. Pharmacist: potekan. Pharmacy: po"tek; pOtekav. Pheasant : fasit. Phenomenon : selednab. Philanthropic : menalik. Philanthropy; menal; kemenalo'f. Philological: ptikavik. Philologically : ptlkaviko. Philologist : pukavan. Philology : ptikav. Philosopher : filosopel ; sapal ; sapavel. Philosophic: filosopik ; sapavik ; Philosophically: natavo. [flisudik. Philosophize, to: filosopOn; sapa- vOn. [volasap. Philosophy: filosop; nolttf; sapav; Philosophy, moral : siidav. Philosophy, natural: ftlsiid. Phonetic: fonetik; vOgik. Phonetics: fonetav; tonatid. Phonograph : fonogafad; fonoga- Phonography : fonogaf. [fiel. Phosphorus: fosin. Photograph : fotogafot. Photograph, to: litamagon; foto- gafOn. [magel. Photographer : fotogafel ; lita- Photographic : fotogafik ; lita- magik. Photographing : fotogafen. Photography : fotogaf; litamag; litamagen. Photophobia: litiplaf. Photophobic : litiplafik. i Photophone : fotofon. Phrase : set; pUked; piikttb. Phraseology : piiktlbav. Phthisis : luegip. Physical: fustidik; natavik. Physically : nataviko. Physician: medinan; sanel. Physics : fustid; natav. Physicist : natavel. Piano : pianofod; pianin. (254) Pianik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plagam. Pianik : gradual. Pianiko : gradually. Pianin : upright piano (music). Pianofod : piano-forte ; grand piano. Picin : resin ; pitch. Picinaflamot : pitch-torch. Picin on : to pitch; to apply pitch. PID : pity; commiseration; con- dolence; regret. Pidigik: pitiable; deplorable. Pidb'n : to pity; to commiserate; to regret; to condole with. PIEN: obesity; corpulence; embon- point; fatness ; portliness. Pienik : obese ; corpulent ; fat; portly. PIF : marrow. Pigit : wood-pecker. PIK : pike (ichthy.) PIM : melted fat, lard, tallow. PIN : fat; suet; tallow. Pinacan : chandlery ; chandler's Pinagbt : tripe. [goods. Pinamit : fat meat; pork; bacon, etc. Pin benovapik: pomatum; pom- ade; perfumed ointment. Pinik : fat; fatty. Pinip : fatty degeneration. Pindf: greasiness; fatness. Pinbfik: greasy; unctuous. Pinbn : to fatten. Pionan : pioneer. PIP : pipe; tobacco pipe. Pipbn : to smoke a pipe. PIR : pyramid. Pirik : pyramidal. Piseselbl : sold out; out of print. PIT: spice. Pitik : spicy; seasoned; aromatic. Pitbn : to spice; to season with con- diments. Pitiip : pluperfect (gram.) Piun : tallow. PLA : instead of ; in lieu of ; in PLA : besides. [place of; for. PLAD : situation; place; location. PLAD: fur skin; pelt. Pladal: substitute; proxy; deputy. Pladalam : substitution ; represen- tation by proxy. Pladalo : by proxy. Pladalbn : to substitute. Pladalii : in the place of; instead of. [placing. Pladam : collocation; employment; Pladel: arranger; placer. Pladem : peltry; furriery. Pladiel : waiter; tray. Pladik: local. Pladinuniel : indicator ; sign ; notice (that designating local- ity.) Pla'db ! Give way ! Make room there ! Pladbn : to place; to set; to collo- cate; to locate. PLAF: shyness; timidity. Plank : shy; timid; wary. Plafdn : to be shy ; to shun ; to avoid. PLAG: practice; experience; doing. PLAG: exercise; practice for im- provement. Plagal : practical person. Plagam: practicing; practice. Piano-forte. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Picture -gallery. Piano-forte : pianofod. Piastre: piab. Pick : sespiniel. Pick, to: plokon; sevalon. Pick open, to : maispinon. Pick out, to : leselogOn; sespinOn. Pick over, to : sesamOn. Pick up, to : sukonletCn. Pickaxe : cop; tipalectid. Picket : militagalef; lestaf. Picking : plok. Pickle : vinigaklig. Pickle, to : melon. Pick -lock : lukik. Pictorial : maegik. Picture: mag;demag. Picture, to: demagOn. Picture-book: magabuk. Picture frame: magaflem. Picture-gallery: magagalif. PlSgam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plagbn. Pla'gam : exercising ; doing exer- cises. Plagel : practitioner. Plagel : practicer. Plagem : chrestomathy; exercise book. Plagik : practical; practiced. Pla'gik : habitual ; customary ; prac- ticed. Plagbn : to practice ; to exercise a profession; to experience. Picturesque. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Plague. Picturesque : lejonik. Pie : bastet; toed. Piece : samad; dil; diled; kOted. Piece, to : lunagon. Pier: lekoltim ; kav. Pierce, to : dugimon ; hogdn ; ntl- dlanOn; steigon. Piety: relof. Piety, to practice : reladon. Pig: smasvin. Pigeon : pejin. Pigeon-hawk : pejifaon. Pigeon-house: pejinop. Pigment: kdlonin; kolastof. Pike: pik (fish). Pilaster: lekOlUm. Pile : kiim. Pile, to : belon. Pile up, to : belon; geilon ; kumdn ; tumon; seidOn; sujtidon. Pilfer, to : tifon. Pilgrim: godatevel; relatavel. Pilgrimage: godatevam; godate- vatim; godatevtig; relatav. Pill: medinaglopil. Pillage : lapin. Pillage, to : lapinOn. Pillager: lapinel. Pillar : kolttm; lekoltim. Pillow: kujab. Pilot: nafan; oneguban. Pin : steganad. Pin, breast : blotanad. Pincers : zap; beitazap. Pinch, to : zapon. Pinching: bliitam. Pine: nad; pein; peiboad. Pine : peinik. Pine away, to: deleglifon. Pine-apple : nanad. Pinion: flitad. Pinnacle: kren; lop; tipttn. Pioneer: bUvobel; kolan; kulel ; pionan. Pioneering: bivob; btivob. Pious : relofik. Pious, to be : relon. Pipe : feif; pip; rtid. Pipe, to smoke : pipon. Piperaceous : pepik. Piping: feifam. Pique : paskanam. Pirate : lapinel. Piratical : lapinik. Pisces : sifits. Pisciculture : fitat. Pismire : fum. Pistol: smagun. Pistole : pUstab. Pit : seb. Pitch : picin. Pitch, to : picinon. Pitcher: dlinab; ken; smadlinab. Pitch-fork : fok; sigayebatok. Pitching : benotonam. Pitch-torch : picinaflamot. Pitfall : tlap. Pitiable : pidadigik ; misaladigik ; yamadigik. Pity : kelied; kolied; misalad; pid. Pity, to: koliedOn ; misaladon ; Pitying: keliedik. [pidon. Pix : godabodat. Placard: zot; monabled. Place: plad; standp; top; topop. Place, to : siadon; lenblinOn; pla- dOn; seitOn; stanOn; topon. Place before, to : biseiton ; bisia- dOn; bitopOn. Placehunter : calasteifan. Placing: pladam; siadam; topam. Plague : glupak. (-'56) Plagbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pleidon. Plagbn : to exercise ; to put in practice; to learn by practice. PLAK : experience. Plak : (the) uncommon ; (the) ex- traordinary, [ariness. Plakbf:uncommonness;exiraordin- Plakbn : to experience; to learn by experience. Plakbsbmik: unaccustomed; un- usual, [extreme. Plakiin : (the) uttermost ; (the) Plakiino : uncommonly ; extreme- ly ; in the highest degree. Plaleodik : extraordinary. PLAM : harness; equipage. Pla'mbn : to make harness. PLAN : vegetable; plant. PLAN : explanation. Planaglof: vegetation. Pla'nam : explanation; explaning. Planan : planter. Plananuluds: vegetables ; edible vegetables. Planav : botany. Planavagad: botanic garden. Planavel: botanist. Planavik : botanic. Planavbn : to botanize. Pla'nel : explainer; expounder. Planet: planet. Planetasit: sidereal system; plan- etary system. Planetik: planetary; sidereal. Planik : plant; vegetable. Pla'nik : explicable. Planil : herb; small plant. Planbn : to plant. Pla'nbn : to explain; to illustrate; ! to make clear; to expound. Pla'pod : preposition (gram.) Plas: (conj.} instead of; in lieu of. Pla's : (conj. ) besides., PlSsif: unless; except; if. PLASUD : plastic art. Plasudik: plastic; formative. PLAT: flat surface; plane; plate; Platik: flat. [lamina. Platin : platinum, Pt. (chem). Platinik : of platinum. Platbn : to flatten ; to make even ; to level. [idiot. Platokap : blockhead ; imbecile ; Platokapik : stupid ; idiotic. Platokapof: stupidity; blockhead - PLAUD : plow [edness. Plaudan: plowman. Plaudel: plow-maker. Plaudbn : to plow. PLE : for; to; in order to (before "o," otherwise "plo." PLED: play; game; sport. Pledabalunil : toy balloon. Pledacan : toys, as merchandise. Pledadin : plaything; toy. Pledaglbp : ball, to play with; base- ball, [etc.) Pledamuf : move (draughts, chess, Pledasogel : playmate; playfellow. Pledaspad : play room ; play- ground. Pledavabil : toy-wagon. Pledavobad : mechanical toy; au- tomatic musical instrumen* Pledel : player; gamester. Pleden : gaming; playing. Pledbm : playthings; articles used in a game. Pledbn : to play; to play a game. PLEID : pride; haughtiness. Pleidik : proud; haughty. Pleidon : to be proud ; to be haughty. Plain. ENGLISH-YOLAPfK. Plan. Plain : kam; plen. Plain: balik; kamik; plenik. Plainly : baliko. Plainness : balikug. Plaint : plon. Plaintiff: pozetel. Plaintive : plonik. Plait: flok; plif. Plait, to : flokon; plifOn Plaited : plifik. Plaiter: flokel. [ployeg. Plan: desan; desb't; disin; jemad; Pleit. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plim. PLEIT: vanity; arrogance; pride. Pleital : superciliousness; haughti- ness. Pleitalik : supercilious; haughty. Pleitik : vain; forward; confident; PLEK: prayer. [proud. Plekabuk: prayer-book. Plekadom : chapel. Plekasmacem : oratory. Plekel : supplicant ; devotee ; prayer. Plekbn : to pray; to pray to God. PLEM: utensil; implement. Plembn : to make utensils; imple- ments, [flat. PLEN : plain; level surface; plain; Plenamaf: area; superficies. Plenik : plain; even; flat. Plenil: facet. Plenipot : plenipotentiary. Plenbn : to level; to grade. PLEPAD : apparatus ; outfit ; equipment; preparation. Plepadam : preparation; outfitting. Plepadel : preparer; outfitter. Plepadik : prepared. Plepadon : to prepare; to arrange; to equip. Plepadot : apparatus; outfit. *Plepal: (plepad). Plesef on : to preserve; to keep. Pleso : purposely ; expressly ; pecu- liarly. Pleyads : pleiades (astron.) PLID : pleasure; satisfaction; com- placency, [isfactory. Plidik : agreeable; pleasing; sat- Plidikiino : with the greatest pleas- ure; if you please. Plidof : complaisance ; pleasing- ness. Plidb'fik: complaisant. Plidbn: to please; to gratify; to be agreeable. PLIED: praise; eulogy; glorifica tion. [confessor. Pliedal : professor of religion ; Pliedam : eulogium; praise; doxo- logy. Pliedik : praiseworthy ; laudable. Pliedlik : illustrious; glorious. Pliedbf: praiseworthiness. Pliedbn : to praise; to extol; to eu- logize, [groove; notch. Plief : fold ; furrow ; channel ; Pliefam : folding; grooving; fur- rowing; notching. Pliefalbg : paper-folder ; paper- Pliefel: folder. [knife. Plief on : to fold; to fold up. Pliem : utensil ; dish ; cooking utensils. PLIF :fold; plait; wrinkle; gather; crease. [ruffled. Plifik : in folds; wrinkled; plaited; Plifbn: to fold; to plait; to gather; to ruffle. PLIM : compliment. Plan. FNGLISH-VOLAPUK. Plate. Plan, to: bisumOn; deslitOn; disi- non; jemadOn. Plane : plat; plen; rabot; Plane, to: kumon; raboton. Plane off, to : deraboton. Plane-iron : rabotalel. Planet: planet. Planetary: planetik. Planish, to : smudon. Planishing: smud(am). Plank: boed; flul. Plank, to: boedOn. Plant : plan ; glof; keb. Plant, to : planOn. Planter: planan. Planting : planam. Plant-louse: blepuf. Plaster: gup. Plaster, to: gtipon. Plaster cast : gtipadegif. Plaster, quarry: giipop. Plasterer : giipan. Plastering : gtipen. Plastic : plastidik. Plastic art : kodakan; plastid. Plat : glunaspad. Plate : lubov; smabov; plat; btika- plat; goltidat. (258) Plimam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plo atos. Plimam : complimenting ; felici- Plimik : complimentary. [tation. Plimon : to compliment. PLIN : prince. Plina'n : principality. Plinik : princely. Plinub : princedom (the dignity). PLISEN : presence. Plisenal: presence of mind. Plisenan : one present. Plisenik: present; at hand. Pliseno : in the presence. Plisenbn : to represent; to make present. Plisenii : in the presence of. PLISIP: principle; maxim; axiom; tenet. [principal. Plisipik : fundamental; axiomatic; PLIT : comfort ; comfortableness. Plitik : comfortable; commodious. Plitiko : comfortably. Plito : with comfort; in comfort. Plitbf: comfortableness. PLIVAD : privacy; private life. Plivadan : private individual; one in private life. Plivadokal : lecturer (medical). Plivadik : private. Plivadbn : to live in privacy; to live in retirement. PLIVILEG : privilege; franchise. Plivilegam : concession; granting of privileges. [privileges. Plivilegbn : to privilege; to grant PLIVOD : necessary ; privy ; water- closet. Plivodam : defecation. Plivodamed : cathartic; purgative; laxative. PLO : for; to; in order to. PLO: excepting; besides; aside from ; outside of ; without ; beyond. Plo atos : therefor; for this; for it. Plate-glass. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Plow. Plate-glass : glataplat. Platform : logOp; skaf. Platinum : platin. Play: pled. Play, to: pledon. Play out, to : xopledon. Played: pemusigOl. Player : pledel. Play-ground : pledaspad. Playing : pleden. Playmate : pledasogel. Play-room : pledaspad. Plaything : pledadin; pledom. Plea : gitapUkat; sekusad. Plead, to: gitapukon; plovod5n. Pleading : gitapukat. Pleasant: galodik; molik; plttdik; flenik; venufulik. Pleasantry : cog. Please, to : pledOn. Pleasing plidik; leplidik; loflik; galsik; pltietik. Pleasingness : plid5f; pluet. Pleasurable : galodik. Pleasure : galod; plid; pllid; yof. Pleasure, to give : galodOn ; pli- d5n. Pleasure, with : plidiktino; galo. Pleasure-excursion : galodama- vegam. Pleasure-seeker : galodab. Pleasure-seeking : galodam. Pledge : pan ; panot. Pledge, to : panon; kedlinon. Pledget: letufil. Plenipotency : dalam. Plenipotentiary : pedalaman ; ple- nipot; vallidel. Plenitude: ful. Plentiful : liegofik. Plentifulness : liegttf. Plenty : ful; bundan. Plenty : fulo. Plethoric : bludafulik. Pliability : yilof. Pliable : yilik. Pliancy: yumOf. Plover : kibit. Plow : plaud. [ton. Plow, to : plaudon ; feiladOn ; feilo- (259) Plob. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Plovin . PLOB: capacity ; capability ; thoroughness. PLOB: prosperity; thrift. Plobeg: intercession; mediation . Plobegon : to intercede; to mediate; to beg for. Plobik: capable; thorough; solid. Plobik : prosperous; thriving. Plobo : thoroughly; solidly. Plobbn : to be capable ; to be thorough. Plobbn: to prosper; to thrive; to flourish. Plb dim : out of service; retired. PLOFED : professor. Plofedat : professorate; professor- ship. Plofedef : faculty ; corps of pro- fessors. PLOFET: prophet. Plbfetacal : prophetship ; office of prophet. Plbfetik: prophetic. Plbfetbn : to prophesy ; to foretell ; to predict. PLOG : prescription; precept; or- der; directions; ordinance. Ploeram : ) Plofamik:}P r g ramme - Plogik : prescribed; set. Ploglik : established; prescription. Plogo : according to prescription; according to directions. Plogbn : to prescribe; to direct; to order. [directions of. Plogii : in conformity with the PLOK : plucking; picking; gather- ing. Plbkbn : to pluck ; to pick ; to gather. Plokud : care; precaution; provi- dence. Plokudel: guardian; provider. Plokudik: provident ; solicitous ; careful. [providently. Plokudo : solicitously ; carefully ; Plokudbn : to provide; to care for. PLOM: plum. Plbmabim: plum-tree. Plbmik : plum-like. PLON : plaint ; complaint ; la- _ mentation; lament. PLON : complaint; suffering. Plonik: miserable ; lamentable ; plaintive. [noying. Plbnik : painful; troublesome; an- Plbnbf : trouble; distress. Plonbn : to complain; to complain of; to lament. Plonbn : to suffer from; to labor _ under. PLOP: success; successful ness. Plbpambg : probability of success. Plbpbn : to succeed; to result well. Plopiik: intercession. Plopiikel: intercessor; advocate. Plopiikbn : to intercede. Plos : therefore ; for the reason that. Plbs : for it; for that; therefor. PLOSEN : demonstration ; pre- sentation; representation. Plbsenam : exhibition; exposition. Plbsenel : demonstrator; exhibiter. Plbsenbn : to exhibit; to represent; to demonstrate. PLOTET: protest. Plotetam: protestation. Plotetbn: to protest; to raise a protest. [ceedings; minutes. PLOTOG: record; journal; pro- Plotogik : of or connected with journal or proceedings. Plotogbn : to record; to take min- PLOVIN : province. [utes of. Plowman. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Plume. Plowman: platidan. Pluck, to : piokon; slttton. Pluck out, to : seslliton. Plucking: plok; slut. Plug: koegab. Plum : pl6m. Plumage: penaklot. Plumb : diisaplum. Plumb, to : dtisaplumOn. Plumbago duplum. Plumbum : plumin. Plume : dekapen. (260) Plovinik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pluvaludik. Plovinik : provincial. Plovinim : provincialism. Plovbd : defense; advocacy. Plovbdel : advocate; defender. Plovbdbn : to defend; to advocate; to plead the cause of another. Ployeg: project; plan. Ployegil: sketch; outline. Plbyusitik : extra-judicial. Plozen : procession; column. PLU : more; more than. PL.iJ:(adv.) most; mostly; at most. PLUD: pleasure; liking; satisfac- tion, [gratifying. Pludik: agreeable ; pleasant ; Pludb: be pleased (to ). Pliiet : pleasingness ; agreeable- ness, [polite. Pliibik: pleasing ; agreeable ; Plulieg : opulence. Plulik: multiple; manifold; sever- al; plural. Pluluen : comparative degree (gram). (gram). Pluluen : superlative degree Pluliienam : comparison ; forming the comparative. Pluliienam: forming the superla- Pluliienik: comparative. [tive. Pliiliienik : superlative. Pluliienod : gradation ; enhance- ment by degrees. PLUM: lead. Plumaf : excess ; immoderation ; extravagance. [extravagant. Plumafik: excessive; immoderate; Plumaglbp : bullet; leaden bullet. Pluman : lead worker. Plumasnil : leaden seal (to be attached). Plumik : leaden ; of lead. Plumin : plumbum, Pb. (chem.) Plumlik: leaden: heavy; dull. Plumbd : superabundance; multi- tude; enormous quantity. Plumbn : to lead; to cover with lead. Plunum : plural number (gram.) Pluo : the more; all the more. Pluo gudikum : all the better. Plusuam : surplus. [sum. Plusiiam : higher price; greater PLUT : courtesy ; politeness ; ur- banity ; civility. Plu'tav : etiquette ; decorum ; punctilio. Piiitavel : teacher of etiquette; dancing master. Plutik : polite; civil; urbane; cour- teous, [i'ly- Pi u'tiko : courteously; politely; civ- Pliitbn : to be polite ; to be civil ; to be courteous. Pluvaliid: superior power; super- ior force. Pluvaludik : superior. Plumed. EXGLISH-YOLAPUK. Poetry. Plumed : penik. Plummet : dilsaplum. Plum-pudding : rosiklopin. Plum-tree : plomabim. Plunder, to : lapinon; belapinon. Plunge : lefal. Pluperfect: pittip. Plural: plunum. Plural: plulik. Plurality : modug ; modanum ; Plutonic : filabelik. ['eug. Poacher : foetel. Pocket: pok. Pocket, to : pokOn. Pocket-book : pokabuk. Pocketer : pokel. Pocket-knife : pokaneif. Pocket-money: pokamon. Pocket-size : pokafomat. Pod: jal; vead. Poem : poedat; poedot. Poesy : poed. Poet: poedal; poedan; poedel; lia- Poetaster : lupoedel; poedan. [nel. Poet-fabler: fabispoedel. Poet : c: / ,., Poetical : f P 06 ^' Poetically : poediko. Poetics : poeden. Poetry: poed; poeden. Pluun. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Podaker. Pluiin : maximum. PO : after; behind. Pb: back; backward; behind. Pba: from behind. POD : apple. Podafloled : apple blossom. Podajal : apple-paring. Podaker : apple-core. Poetry. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pork. Poetry, to write : poedon. Poignant: leltigik. Point: ptin; pttnil; lop; tip. Point, to : ptinon; tipon. Point out, to : jonOn; Itijonon. Pointed : tipik. Pointer : jonel ; pttnel ; joniel ; Poison: venod. [ptiniel. Poison, to : venodfln. Poisoned: pevenodol. Poisoning : venoden. Poisonous : venodik. Polar : povik. Polar sea: gladamel. Pole : deig; pov; rud; loboad. Police : polen. Policeman: polenel; vafan. Police-officer : polenal ; polenan ; polenel. Police-station : polenOp. Policy : luvisedug. Polish : smuf; smufet; tonal. Polish, to: seklinon; smufOn. Polished: smufik. Polisher : gleinel. Polite: galanik; pltltik; pluetik. Polite, to be: pltlton. Politely : plutiko. Politeness : pltit. Politic: luvisedik; volavisedik. Political: bolitik. Politician : bolitel. Politician, to be : bolitOn. Politics: bolit. Politics, to talk: boliton. Polka: polktim. Pollen: floplif. Polliwog : smafrog. Pollute, to : bestenOn. Polluted: bestenik. Pollutedness : stenal. Pollution: besten; stenam. Polygamy : mttmat. Polyglot : mOptikel ; polttglot. Polyglot : mopUkik. Polygon : mOgul. Polygonal : mOgulik. Polygraphic : modapenadik. Polygraphy : modapenad. Polyhedral: moflanik. Polyhedron : niOplen. Polyhistor : monolel. Pomace : lubal; luflubal. Pomade: j . , Pomatum . [ P" benovapik. Pomological : pomik. Pomology : pomav. Pomp : lumagif; magifot. Pompous : lumagifik. Pond : lulak. Ponder, to : sllenon. Ponderous : vetik. Ponderousness: vet. Poniard : dag. Poniard, to : dagOn. Pontificate papub. Pony jevalil. Pood : telsemiglam. Pool: fiv; lulakil. Poor: pttfik; dalebik. Poor, to be : pOfOn; dalebOn. Poor, to become: papofOn. Poorly: poflik. Pope : pap. Populace : popef. Popular: popik. Popularity : popof. Popularization : popikam. Populate, to: popon. Population : popam; netam. Populous: popagik. Porcelain : bOsin. Porcelain : bosinik. Porcelain worker : bosinel. Porch : biglUg. Porcupine : stigasvin. Pore : hogil. Pork : svinamit. (262) Podanuvin. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pokan. Podanuvin : sweet-cider. Podavin : cider. Pbded : starch. [starch. Pbdedbn: to starch; to stiffen with Podiliel : dividend (business). POED: poesy; poetry. Poedal: famous poet; classic poet. Poedam: poetizing; writing poetry. Poedamafav : poesy; art of poe- try; art of metrical composition. Poedan : poetaster; amateur poet. Poedel : poet. Poeden: poetics; poetry; versifica- Poedik : poetic; poetical. [tion. Poediko : poetically. Poedbn : to write poetry ; to make verses. Poedot: (a) poem. Poenem : pseudonym ; assumed name. POP : seaport; port. POF : poverty; indigence. Pbfeg : machine-tending ; occupa- tion of artisan in a manufac- Pbfegel: artisan. [tory. Pbfik : indigent; poor; needy. Pbflik: poorly; miserable. Pbflbf : indigence; misery. Pbf on : to be impoverished ; to be poor. POFUD : profit; advantage. Pofudik : profitable ; advantage- ous; useful. [ably; usefully. Pb'fudo : advantageously ; profit- Pbfiidof: profit; utility; usefulness. Pbfudbn : to profit; to be of use or advantage. Pbfudii : to the advantage of. Pogip : small-pox; variola. Pogipelbp : small-pox hospital ; pest-house. Pogipik : variolous; pox -like. Pbi : to the rear; backward. Poik : rearward ; posterior. POK : pocket; purse; pouch. POK : fault; blunder; mistake. Pokabuk: pocket-book. Pokafomat: pocket-size (size). Pokaglok : watch. Pbkalel : patient (sick person). Pokamon : pocket-money. Pokan: juggler; prestidigitateur. Porosity. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK . Post. Porosity : hogilOf. Porous : hogilik. Porridge: bill. Port: pof. Portable : polik. Portal: leyan. Portent : btimal. Porter: polel; yanan. Portfolio : map. Portiere : tapayan. Portion : dedfl; por; jigamegiv. Portion, marriage : blin ; lablin ; matagiv. Portliness : pien. Portly : pienik. Portmanteau : tavasak. Portrait: demag; mag. Portraiture : demagam. Portray, to : bepenon ; demagon ; depanOn; magOn. Portrayal : demagam. Pose, to : logimOn. Position: lecal; seit; stan; cal. Position, geographical : talaseit. Positive : tumik; lesiamik; siamik; zeladik. Positiveness : ftim; zelad. Positivism : lesiamim; lugiten. Possess, to : labedOn; labOn. Possessed : labik; pedevelol. Possession : labed; labub; lOnub. Possession, in : labik. Possession, joint : kelabed. Possession, right of : lOnagit. Possessions: lab; labem. Possessive: kimafal. Possessive : labedik. Possessor : label. Possibility: dunlof; mog; mogOf. Possible : baik; dunlik;. mOgik. Possible, to be : mogOn. Possibly: (adv.) ba; mOgiko. Post : pot; solatop. Post, to: depotOn; poton; topOn. (263) Pokaneif. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Poniton. Pokaneif: pocket-knife. Pokel : pocketer; pocket-maker. Pokik : faulty ; blundering ; mis- taken. Pokbn : to pocket. Pbkbn : to blunder; to make a mistake. POL: transportation; carriage. POL : error. Pblaklb'd : heterodoxy. Pblaklbdik : heterodox(ical). Polal : forwarder; freight contrac- tor. Polamon : expense of transporta- tion ; freight charges. Polan : transporter; freighter. Polaveit: range (of shots, etc.) Polbed : litter; stretcher. Polel: porter; carrier; bearer. POLEN : police. Polenal : higher official of police. Polenan : police official; sergeant of police. Polenel : policeman ; police officer. Polenik : police. Polenbp : police station ; station- house. Pblidukbn : to mislead; to lead astray; to lead into error. Ppliel : carrier (thing). PO'LIG : danger; hazard; peril; risk. [perilous; risky. Pbligik: dangerous ; hazardous ; Pbligbn : to endanger; to imperil; to hazard. [risk of. Pbligii : at the peril of; at the Polik: portable. Pblik : erroneous; mistaken. Pblivegam : wandering ; going Polkiim : polka. [astray. Pblodukbn : to lose one's way; to be led astray. Polbn : to carry ; to transport ; to convey; to wear; to bear. Pblbn: to be mistaken; to err; to go astray. Pblub : error; mistake. Pblubik : wrong; erroneous; mis- taken. *Pblud: loss (bbliid). *Pbliidbn: to lose (bbliidbn). Poliiglot: polyglot (mbpu'kel). POM : fruit. POM : pump. Pomav : pomology. Pomavin : cider. Pomem : fruits. Pbmem : pumping works; pump- ing machinery. *Pbmet: promise (bbmet). *Pbmeton: to promise (bbmetbn). Pomik : fruit ; pomological. Pombn : to gather fruit. Pbmbn: to pump. PON : bridge. PON : punishment; penalty. Ponabob : arch of a bridge. Pbnad : atonement ; expiation ; penance. [expiatory. Pbnadik : penitent ; repentant ; Pbnadbn : to atone for; to expiate. Pbnam : punishment; punishing. Pbnamon : fine; penalty. Ponatolad : toll; bridge-toll. Ponatiim : bridge-tower. Pbnel: punisher. Pbnik : punishable ; reprehensible; penal. Ponil : foot-bridge ; gang-plank ; gang-board, [trition; remorse. Pbnit: penitence; repentance ; con - Pbnitik : contrite; repentant; pen- itent. Pbnitbn : to repent; to regret. Postage. ENGLISH-VOI.APUK. Postal. Postage, to prepay: flanon. Postage, prepayment of : flanam. Postage stamp : fliinamak ; penedamak; potamak. Postal: potik; potlik. Postal card : potakad. Postal commission : potakomit. Postal employe: potaman. Postal institution : potastit. Postal office : potacal. Postal official : potal ; potan potel. (264) Pbnbf. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Poslogbn. Pbnbf : criminality ; punishableness. Ponbn : to bridge; to bridge over; to build a bridge. Pbnbn : to punish; to chastise. Pbnop: pronoun. Pbn potamonik : postage penalty. Poop: rump; breech; buttock. POP : people ; folk ; nation of people. POP: paper. Pbpab : paper money. Pbpacan : stationery; paper goods. Pbpacanel : stationer. Pbpadlak: paper dragon; paper- kite. Pbpafablud: paper manufactory; paper mill. Popagik : populous. Popajul: public school. Popakanit : popular song. Popam : population ; peopling. Popambd : multitude; crowd. Popapladal : representative. Popasbliig : democracy. Popav : demography. Popef: populace; people. Pbpern: papers; loose sheets of paper. Popik : popular; national. Popikam : popularization. Popikbn : to popularize. Poplik: epidemic. Popbf : nationality; popularity. Popbn : to people; to populate. Pbpbn : to paper: to wrap in paper. POR : portion; allowance; ration. Porik : partial; part. Pos: after; subsequent to. Pbsanan : patient (sick person). Pbsanik: sick; suffering. Pbsanbl : healing; curing; remedy- ing (of one who is to be cured). Posbalvoto : one after another. Posbliinbn : to furnish subsequent- Posbonedam : subsequent sub- scription. Posbu'k : reprint. Posbiikbn : to reprint. Posdun(am) : imitation. Posdunik : iminable. Posdunbn : to imitate. Posik : subsequent. Posiko: subsequently. Posilab: suffix; affix; last syllable; final syllable. Posio: as a supplement. Poskiim : after swarm ; subsequent swarm. Poslifels: posterity; descendants. Poslogam : oversight; control. Poslogel : comptroller; overseer. Poslogbn : to control; to oversee. Post-boy. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pound. Post-boy: potadttnel. Poster: lezot; monabled. Posterior : poik. Posterity: poslifels; ftidamens. Postillion: potadukel. Posting up: laflapam. Post-man : potan. Post-office : pot; potacem. Post-paid : flanik. Post-partum : emotol. Postpone, to : fezogon ; posotopon ; Postponable : pafozogik. Postponement : fezogam ; fOzogam. Postscript : pospenad. Postulant : plepadab. Postulate : flagaset. Pot: ken; skal. Potable: dlinik. Potash : kalinaxtid. Potash, caustic: filukalixiid. Potassium : kalin. Potato : potet. Potency : valttd. Potent: mekik; valtidik. Potential : mftgabid. Pot-herbs : glttned. Potsherd: jeb. Potter : skalel. Pouch : pok. Poultry: bsdem. Pound : paun; steab; paunab. (265) Poso. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Potug. Poso: afterward; thereafter; sub- sequently; after. POSOD: person; personage. Pbsodanem : given name; Christ- ian name. Pbsodef : personnel. Pbsodik : personal; individual. Pbsodbf : personality. Pbsodbn : to personify; to imper- sonify; to impersonate; to per- sonate, [off until another time. Posotopbn : to postpone ; to put Pospenad : postscript, P. S. Pospenbn : to add a postscript. Pospotbn : to mail after;-to send Postel: apostle. [after. Postelam : apostleship. Postelat : apostolate. Postelik : apostolic. Postelub : apostlehood. Postonab : final letter. POT: post; mail; post-office. POT: opportunity; occasion. Potacal : postal office. Potacem : mail-room; post-office. Potadiled : piece of mail matter. Potadin : mail matter; correspon- dence. Potadukal : postillion ; driver of a mail coach. [employe. Potadiinel : postboy ; post office Potakad: postal card; correspon- dence card. Potakomit : postal commission ; order by mail. Potal : higher postal official. Potam : situation in post office department. Potaman : postal employe. Potamak : postage stamp. Potamon : postage ; expense of postage. [mail carrier. Potan : postman ; letter carrier ; Potananam : postage rebate; reim- bursement for postage. Potapaked : mail package. Potapiik : postal language; postal phraseology. Potastajbp : mail station. Potastit : postal institution. Pbtatim : opportune time; oppor- tunity. Pbtatimik: opportune; well-timed; seasonable. [timely. Pbtatimo: opportunely; seasonably; Pbtatimbf : opportuneness; season- ableness; timeliness. Pbtek : drug-store ; pharmacy ; apothecary - shop . Pbtekacans : druggist's sundries. Pbtekadiinel : drug clerk. Pbtekav: pharmacy. Pbtekan: druggist ; apothecary ; pharmacist. Pbteken: drug business. Pbtekik : pharmaceutical. Pbtekdp: drug-store; apothecary's shop. Potel : postal clerk ; postal employed Pbtet : potato. Potidukel : postillion. Potik; postal. Pb'tik : convenient; suitable; appro- priate; apropos; occasional. POTIT : appetite; desire for food. Pbtitik : appetizing. Pbtitbn : to long for; to crave (eat- Potlik: postal; post. [ables). Pbto: conveniently; occasionally. Pbtbf : appropriateness; suitability; fitness. Pbtbfam: adaptation. Pbtbfik: appropriate; fit; suitable. Pbtbf on : to appropriate; to adapt; to fit. [mail. Potbn : to mail; to post; to send by Pb'tbn : to be fitting; to answer: to correspond with; to suit: to fit. Potonab : final letter. Pbtug : propriety ; fitness. Pound. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Pour off. Pound, by the : pauno. Pour, to : gifon. Pour into, to : ningifOn. Pour off, to: mojutOn. Pour upon, to : sugifon. Pour out, to : segifOn; sejfltOn. (266) Potii. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pbzeton. Potii : at the convenience of; on the occasion of; in the case of. Potiip : first future (gram.) Potiipb'n: to form the first future. Potlipon : to form the gerundive. PpTTJT : hunger. Potutik : hungry. Potiitdn : to hunger; to be hungry. POV: pole (geog.) Povik : polar. Pozendel : afternoon. Ppzendelo : on afternoons. POZET : litigation ; legal proce- dure; lawsuit. Pbzetam : litigation; prosecution. Pbzetel : plaintiff; litigant. Pbzetbn : to litigate; to carry on legal proceedings ; to prosecute. Pouring. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK, Preemption. Pouring: gif. Poverty : pof ; delab. Powder : ptif; pur; puin. Powder, to : puron; puinon. Power: nam; namat; valtid. Power, to have : kanCn. Power, imperial: limepub. Power, mental : nSmal. Powerful : mekadik ; valudik ; niimik. Powerful, to be : vallidon. Practicability: dunloi; lefulamof. Practicable: dunlik; golik ; lefula- Practical; plagik. [mik; vegik. Practice: plag(am); plag. Practice, to : plagon; plagon. Practiced: plagik; plagik. Practicer : plagel. Practitioner: plagel; gitiplagel. Prairie : meid ; lufel. Praise : lob; plied(am). Praise, to: lobon; pliedon. Praiseworthiness : loblOf ; pliedOf. Praiseworthy : famik; lobadigik; loblik; pliedik. Prance, to: bloton. Prawn : klafil. Pray, to : plekon. Prayer: plekel. Prayer: beg;plek; vendelaplek. Prayer-book: levitimabuk; pleka- Preach, to : predon. [buk. Preacher : predel. Preaching : predam. Preamble : bipllk; bivods. Prebendary: temal. Precaution: kaut; meslil; plokud; kautamesUl. Precede, to : bigolon; btigolon. Precedence : biigol(am); budinit. Precedent : zit. Preceding : bifik; bifoik; btifik; bUfoik; fOik. Precept : plog; tidaset. Preceptor: letidel; prazepel. Preceptory : prazepop. Precession: biigol(am). Precincts : zifastllk. Precious : divik; kostik. Preciously : kostiko. Precipice : ledib. Precipitate, to: lefalOn; tOmeton. Precipitate one's self, to : lefa- lokon. Precipitated, to be : lefalon. Precipitation : falam. Precipitous : dedibik. Precise : fumik; kuladik; voik; zeladik. Precisely: voi; zelado; eb(o); ntt. Preciseness : kuladCf. Precision : kulad. Precocious: balevisedik ; lesunik; biimadik. Precocity : lesunof. Predatory : lapinik; lapinlitik. Predecessor: bigolel; btigolel. Predecessors : btigolef. Predicate : sesag. Predict, to : btisagon; plofettfn; Prediction : bQsagam. [btiosagon. Predilection: bilof; lOfeltig; slop; bizulof. Preeminence : bizugof; masellig; budinit; steniidamug. Preeminent : sesumik . Preempt, to: nttstanon. Preemption: ntistan. (267) Prafet. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pram. Prafet: prefect. PRAM: premium; prize. Pre-exist. ENGLISH-VOLAPiJK. Pretense. Pre-exist, to : btisibinOn. Pre-existence : btlsibin. Preface : bipUk; nindugam. Prefect : prafet. Prefer, to : bizugttn. Preferable : bunk; bizugik. Preferably : bufo. Preference : bizug(am). Preference, in to : buftt. Preferred : bufik. Preferring : bizugam. Prefix: bisilab. Prehistoric: tiljenavik. Prejudge, to: lucCdatOn. Prejudice: lucOdat. Prejudice, without to: nedamu. Prejudiced: lucOdatik. Prelude : btlpled. Premature: lesunik; btimadik. Premises: foaset. Premium: pram. Premium, to award : pramOn. Pre-occupation : niludal. Prepaid : flanik. Preparation: blum(am); kufukam; mttk; plepadam; ItlmOk ; liimOkam ; llimOkat ; mOkot; kofukot. Preparatory: plepalik. Preparatory school: Itlkion. Prepare, to : kofukOa; mokttn; plepadOn. Prepared : pekofttkol ; kofukik ; plepadik. Preparer : plepadel. Preposition: plapod. Prepossession : bilof. Prepuce : biskin. Prerequisite : biistip. Prerogative : cOdlik; bugit. Prescience: bttsev; fagal. Prescribe, to: btiedOn; plogOn; fepenOn. Prescribed: plogik; ploglik. Prescript : bUedot. Prescription : plog; bded; bfledot; fepenam. Presence : plisen; lasen. Presence of mind : plisenal. Presence, in the of: plisenii. Present: atlif; patlip. Present : legivat; legivot; nutim. Present: nuik; patttpik; plisenik; sibinik; tosnalik. Present: las(o). Present, at: (adv.) nu; atUpo; nutimo. Present, to : bitopOn; daloftJn. Present, to be : lasOn. Presentable : salunsik. Presentation: bitopam; plosen. Presentiment: blesen; bttsen. Presentiment, to have : blesenon. Preserve, to : konsefOn; plesefOn. Preserves: konsefs. Preside, to: bisiedOn; cifOn. Presidency: ciftig. President : bisiedal;bisiedel; cifel. Presiding : cifam. Press: btf^; ped;pedid. Press, cylinder: tulin. Press, to : dlan6n; pedOn. Press against, to : lukidlanOn. Press close, to : letanOn. Press forward, to : lukidlanOn. Press into, to : nindlanOn. Press out, to : sepedOn. Press- cloth : pedaklof. Pressing: pedam. Pressing : pedik ; kudadinik ; dlanik. Pressure: ped; dlanUb. Prestidigiteur : pokan. Presumable: niludik. Presume, to : niludOn; ludasOn. Presume upon, to : telodokOn. Presumption: nilud; lenilud. Presupposed : bisa. Pressure : dlan; ped. Pretend, to : lukodOn; rogOn; si- mulOn. Pretended: simulik. Pretender: luplofet. Pretense: lukod; simul. (268) Pramam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Prambn. Pramam : awarding of premiums, ot prizes. Prambn : to reward ; to give a prize; to award a premium. Pretension. EXGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Procreate. Pretension : rog. Prettily: joniko. Prettiness : dekof; smajon. Pretty: dekik ; jonik ; magik ; smajOnik. [On. Prevent, to : neletOn ; viatOn ; keut- Prevention : viat(am); keut. Preventive: viatik. Preventive : viatamed. Previous : btifoik; vonik. Previous to: bU; biif; biifii. Previously : btto; fo. Prevision : btilogam. Prey upon, to: lufidon. Price : suam ; vOlad ; kost ; plu- suam. Price-current: suamalised. Price-list : suamalised; vOladalised. Prick : spinam. Prick, to : spinOn; stegOn; stigOn. Prick out, to : sespinOn. Prickle: stig. Prickly : stigik. Pride: pleid; pleit. Priest: glugel; padal; sanalel; vi- timal; vitimel; kleran. Priest, high : vitimal. Priesthood : sanalam. Priestly : sanalelik. Prim : ludekofik. Primarily: baliido; begino. Prime: lesot. Prime : gledinik. Primitive: ulbalid. Primness : ludekaf. Primordial: beginik: iilbalid. Prince: leson; regason; plin. Princedom : plinub. Princely: plinik. [son. Prince-royal: klonaleson; gelttle- Princess : jileson. Principal: komitel; lopatidel; 10- pitidel; cadtinal. Principal: gledinik; lopatik: pli- Principality : pliiuin. [sipik. Principally: gledilo; lepat(ik)o. Principle: plisip; gleplisip; glestab; stab; xiom; stabanom. Print, to: biikon. Print, out of: peseselol. Printed character : bukatonab. Printed matter : btikapenad. Printer: biikel. Printing : btik; btiken. Printing-office: btikOp. Prior: padan; prob. Prior to : btifQ. Priory: probOp; padalOp. Prison : fanQb. Prisoner: pefanan; fantiban. Privacy : klanof; plivad. Private: baan. Private: klanik; klanOfik; plivad- Privation : nelab. [ik. Privilege: codUk; plivileg; bugit. Privilege, to : plivilegon. Privileged : peplivilegik. Privity : kenol. Privy : plivod. Prize: fanot; pram; ledilod. Prize, to : divOn; ledivOn. Prized : peledivOl. Probability: luvelat; smavelat. Probable: luvelatik; niludik; sma- velatik. Probably : ba; luvelatiko; nilud- Probation: blufam. [iko. Probity : lerit; rit. Problem : sugiv. Proboscis: glumud. Proceedings: plotog; bit. Proceed ! Fa ! FalO ! Proceeds: beftid; bofad. Proceed, to : fovOn. Process : bit. Proclaim, to: pesevamon. Procession : plozed. Proclamation: pesevot; pesevam; sevok; noted. Procrastinator : fozogel. Procrastinate, to : fOzogon. j Procreate, to: palOn; fatOn. (269) Prazepel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Prob. Pra'zepel : preceptor; teacher. Prazepen : didactic instruction ; giving precepts. Prazepbp : preceptory. PRED : sermon. Predam : preaching. Predel: preacher jsermonizer; min- ister; parson. Predbn: to preach; to deliver a PROB : prior; provost, [sermon. Procreation. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Propeller. Procreation : fatam; pal(am). Procreator: fatamel. Procure, to: lujafon; lukijafon; si von; lukiblinon. Prodigal : Itixamel. Prodigal : luxamik. Prodigality : Ifixamet. Produce: flukad; paltib; beftid. Produce, to : befudon ; bitopon ; blinOn; lablinOn; vobadOn. Product: flukad; paltib; vobadttb. Production : lablin ; vobad ; voba- dub. Productive: fetik; flukik. Productiveness : fet; flukof. Proem: nindugam. Profane : netikalnan. Profane, to : sasaniikon. Profess, to: lesagon. Profession : feb; cal; lesag. Professional: calik. Professor : plofed. Professorate: ) lofedat _ Professorship : j Proffer: lof. Proffer, to: lofon. Profferable : lofik. Proficiency : skil. Proficient: skilik. Profit: poftld; lepOftid; poftidof; vob; boflid; telepoftld. Profit, to: lepOfUdon; poftidon. Profit by, to: mekon poftldik. Profitable: lepoftidik; pofttdik. Profound: dibalik; dibik; staba- Profoundness : dibal. [lik. Profundity : dibalof; stabal. Profuse: bundanik. Profusion: bundan; tumod. Prognostic: glemal. Program: plogam. Progress : mostep. Progress, to: mostepttn. Progression, arithmetical : xanU- maltien. Progressive : mostepik; slepnik. Prohibit, to : nedalon. Prohibition : nedal. Project: disin; ployeg. Project, to : desanOn ; disinOn; ployegOn. Prolapse : sefalam. : Prologue : bivods; biptlk. Prolong, to : lonedon. Prolongation : lonedam; lonedot. Prolonged : pelonedol. Promenade : spat; spataveg(am); spatOp. Promenader: spatel. Prominence: sik. Prominent : sikik. Promise : bomet. Promise, to : bometon. Promontory: kep. Promote, to: bonon; fodon. Promoter : fodel. Promotion : fod. Promulgate, to : publtigon. Prong : tuit. Pronoun: ponop. Pronounce, to : septiken. Pronounceable : seplikik ; sagik. Pronounced : pesepilkol. Pronouncer : septikel. Pronunciation : septik. Proof: blof; bluf; kanapiib; sejon. Proof, printer's : bukabluf. Prop : yttf. Prop, to: yiifon. Propagate, to: moplanon; pakfln. Propagation : pak(am). Propagator: pakel. Propel, to : mofon. Propeller : mofel. (270) Probbp. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Protestan. Probbp : priory. Protestan: protestant. Propensity. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Provoke. Propensity : khen. Proper : gidik; gitalik;10nik;voik. Proper name: nem lOnik. Properly : gidiko; voi. Property: gued; lab; labem; lOn; l5nat; lonef; lOnub; loniig. Prophecy : busag(am). Prophecy, false: luplOfetam. Prophesy, to: biisagOn; plofeton. Prophet : bUosagel; plCfet. Prophet, false : luplofet. Prophetess : jibiiosagel. Prophetic: plofetik. Prophetship : plofetacal. Prophylactic : viatamed. Propitiate, to : lekosilOn. Propitiation : lekosilam. Propitiator : lekosilel. Propitious : gonik. Proportion: dinamaf; leigamaf. Proportion, to : dinaniaiOn. Proportion, in to:dinadii; segun. Proportion, in to : (conj.J a ma; a segun. Proportional : dinamafik. Proportionally : dinamafo. Proportionate : dinamafik; leiga- mafik. Proportionately: segun dilod. Proposal: lof; mob; lofot. Propose, to: lofOn; mobon. Proposer : mobel. Proposition : lof; mob. Proprietor: labal; lOnel. Prop; iety : potug. Propulsion : mof. Prosaic : nepoedlik. Prose : nepoed. Prose : nepoedik. Prose author: nepoedan. Prosecute, to: pozetOn. Prosecution : pfizetam. Prospect : lenlog;lQkilog; selogam. Prospectus : bukadisin. Prosper, to: labOn; plObOn. Pro:perity: benug; lelab; p'Ob. Prosperous: benugik; plobik. Prostitute: jimidalel. Prosy : nepoedlik. Protect, to : jelOn; jepon; jttl5n. Protection : jel. Protection, under the of: jelu. Protector: gonel; jelan; julel. Protege: kalab. Protest: plotet; tapttk. Protest, to: lesagOn; plotetam. Protestant: protestan. Protestant : protestanik. Protestantism : protestanim. Protestation: lesagam; plotetam. Prototype: (ilmag. Protract, to : lonedOn. Protraction : lonedam. Proud : pleidik; pleitik. Proud, to be : pleidon. Prove, to : blOfOn; blufon; gitimOn; sejonOn. Proven : sejonik; peblufol. Proven, as : sejono. Provender: lunumeil. Proverb: lepuked; pet; ptikeda- Proverbial: pukedavOdik. [vod. Provide, to: blimOn; blunOn; plo- kudOn; lukijafon; mesUlOn. Provided: pebliinol. Providence : plokud. Providence, Divine : Kautal. Provident : plokudik. Provident, to be : kauton. Providently : plokudo. Provider: plokudel. Province : plovin ; lanOp. Provincial : plovinik. Provincialism : plovinim. Proving: blofam; blufam. Provision: biun(am); mestil; sti- pam; stok; befulamadflt. Provision, to: stokOn. [stipik. Provisional : l^evunik ; bttfuik ; Provisionally: bevQniko ; biifu ; stipo. Provisions: Hfamed; fidacans. Proviso : btlbekip; befulamadit. Provoke, to: koflOn; ninzunOn. (271) Protestanik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Puinbn . Protestanik : protestant. Protestanim : protestantism. Protestanbn : to become a protes- PSAM : psalm. [tant. Psamed : psalter. Psamel : psalmist. Psamik : psalm-like. Psamttn : to write psalms; to be a psalmist. Pu! Pop! Bang! Crack! PUB : appearance. PUB: publication. PUbatn : publication; edition. Piibel : publisher. Piiblig(a'n) : republic. Piibligan: republican. Publlig: public. Publiigav : publicistics. Publtigavel : publicist. Publiigik: public. Publugbn : to promulgate; to make public. Pubdn: to appear; to be published. Piibbn : to publish. PUD : discipline; correction. PUD: peace; quietness. Piidal: peacemaker; mediator. Pudel : pacifier. Pudik : disciplined ; well-behaved; modest. Pudik : peaceable; pacific ; tran- quil; peaceful. Puditiipel: disturber (of the peace). Piidb! Peace! Be still ! Pudbf: modesty; decency; virtue. Pudb'n : to discipline; to correct. Piidbn : to appease ; to pacify ; to tranquilize. Pudbp : house of correction. PUED: chastity. Puedik : chaste. PUP: louse (entom.) PUF : dust; impalpable powder. Punk : lousy. Piifik : dusty; pulverulent. Pufbn : to louse ; to rid of lice. Piifbn : to dust; to make a dust. PUG : battle; combat. Pugbn : to give battle. Puin: powder; fine powder. Puinon : to pulverize; to powder. Provoking. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Puff. Provoking: koflik. Provost : prob. Proximal : nilik. Proximity : nil. Proxy: pladal; dalam; pedalaman. Proxy, by : pladalo. Proxy-giver : diilamel. Prudence: kaut; stlen; vised. Prudent: kautik; stienik; visedik; volavisedik. Prudent, to be : kauton. Pruning-shears : putajim. Psalm : psam. Psalmist: psamel. Psalmist, to be : psamon. Psalter: psamed. Pseudonym: lanem; poenem. Psychic: lanik. Psychic-disease : tikalip. Psychologic: lanavik. Psychologist: lanavel. Psychology: lanav. Puberty : | , ... Pubescence4 helU P- Pubescent : manlik. Public : publtig. [gik. Public : manifofik ; notik ; publtt- Public speaker : ptlkal. Publication : desegiv(am); bukase- lam; ptlb(am); manifofot. Publicist : publtlgavel. Publicistics : publtigav. Publicity : manitbf. Publish, to: desegivon; manitO- fon; niinon; publtigOn; ptlbon; valon; segivotfln. Published, to be : pubon. Publisher: ptibel ; desegivel; ma- nifofel. Pudding: klopin; rosiklopin. Puddle: fiv; lulakil. Puerile : lucilik; cilnik. Puerility: luciliil. Puff: lukomed; toedil. (272) Ptik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Purbn. PUK : language; speech; tongue; dialect. Piikal : rhetorician; public speaker; Piikanolav: linguistics. [orator. Piikapok : fault, defect, of the language. Pu'kat : speech; discourse; disser- tation; oration. Piikatel : orator; speaker. Piikatidel : teacher of language. Pukatbn : to deliver an oration ; to make a speech. Pukav: philology; linguistics. Piikavan : philologist. Piikavik : philological; linguistic. Pukaviko : philologically. Piikayeg: theme; subject. Piiked : sentence; phrase; passage. Pukedam : syntax; formation of sentences. Pukedavbd : proverb; adage. Pukedavbdik : proverbial. Pukedik : sententious. Piikel: language maker; inventor of a language. Pukelik : oratorical; rhetorical. PUkik : grammatical; of language. Piiklik : speakable ; capable of being spoken. Pu'ko : grammatically. Piikbf: eloquence; oratory; fluency. Pukbfav: elocution; rhetoric. Piikbfavik : rhetorical. Piikbfik : eloquent; fluent. Pukbnko : fluently. Piikon : to speak; to talk. Piikbnabid . form of speech ; ex- pression; locution; kind of speaking. Pukbnamod : manner of speaking ; style; diction; delivery. Piikbnasal : forum ; auditorium ; hall. [logue. Ptikot : conversation ; talk ; dia- Piikotik : loquacious; talkative. Piikotbf: loquacity; talkativeness. Piikiib : phrase. Pukubav : phraseology. PUL: boy; lad. PUL : insignificance ; unimpor- tance. Pulik : boyish. Piilik : insignificant; petty; slight; unimportant. Pulil : small boy; lad. Pulit : pulley ; block and tackle. Piilbf : insignificance; triviality. Plilbnk : insignificant ; trivial ; petty. Pu'lbn : to lessen; to reduce. Puliip : boyhood (period). PUN : fist; clenched hand. PUN : point. Piinaf: bug; bed-bug. Punaflap : blow with a fist. Punakomip : pugilism; boxing. Punakomipan : pugilist; boxer. Pun el: pointer; marker. Puniel : pointer. Punik : large as a fist. Piinil: small point; dot. Piinod: punctuation. Piinbn to point; to mark; to punc- tuate. PUOD : putrefaction; rottenness. Puodik : putrefied; putrid; rotten. Puodbn: to putrefy; to rot. Pu'odbn : to cause to rot or putrefy. Puodug : putridity; rottenness. PUP: doll. PUP: marionette; puppet. PUPUN: purple color. Pupunik : purple. PUR: powder; gunpowder. PUR : subterranean excavation ; mine (milit.) Purel : sapper; miner. Purbn : to pulverize to powder. Puff. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pull. Puff, to : lukomedon. Puff-paste: meilevat milegik. Pugilism : punakomip. Pugilist : punakomipan. Pugnacious : komipflc. Pull : zug. Pull, to: zugon; dion; dtton. Pull apart, to : maispanOn. (273) Pur on. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Pustab. PUron : to sap ; to dig mines and burrows; to burrow. Pustab : pistole (a coin worth about $3.50). Pull. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Putrefy. Pull off, to: detenon. Pull open, to : maisltiton. Pull up, to : susizugon. Pully : pulit; susiOm. Pulpit : zop. Pulsate, to: pebon. Pulsation : pebaflep. Pulse : peb. Pulse-beat: pebaflep. Pulverize, to: puron; puinOn. Pulverulent : ptlfik. Pumice : bimoin. Pump : pom. Pump, to: pomon. Pumping works : Pumps: p0r Punctilio : fomlof. Punctual : kuladik. Punctuality : kuladof. Punctuate, to : ptinon. Punctuation : pllnod. Puncture : stigam. Puncture, to : spinOn; stigon. Pungency: jap. Pungent : japik. Punish, to : deponon; p6non. Punishable : ponik. Punishableness : ponik. Punisher : ponel. Punishment : pon. Punishment, capital : codadeil. Pup : smadog. Pupil : dadukab ; julan ; lenadab ; lafabab ; logamagil. Pupilage : tidlip; studflp. Puppet : pup. Puppy : smadog. Purblind : dimaloglik. Purchasable : lemik. Purchase: lem; ninlemam; ninle- mot. [maliton; ninlemon. Purchase, to: delemon ; lemon; Purchaser : leme) ; ninlemel. Purchasing : delemam; lemam. Pure: klinik; lelegik; nifalik; stt- daklinik. Purely : teo. Pureness :klin; teug. Purgation : dedukam. Purgative : plivodamed; vagiel. Purgatory : klinamop. Purge, to: dedukfln. Purification : klinam. Purify, to : klinon; nifalon. Purity: klin; leleg; nebesten; sU- daklin; vietal. Purloin, to : tifon. Purple : ptipun. Purple : pUpunik. Purport : siam. Purpose :desan;disein;disin; zeil; ledisein. Purpose, to: diseinon; disinOn. Purpose, for the of : diseinti. Purpose, to the : diseinik. Purpose, for the : (adv.) : es(o). Purposeless: nedisinik. Purposely: pleso; desino. Purse: bob; pok; sakil. Pursue, to: sukon; bosulon ; lusu- kOn; snapfln. Pursuit: stik(am); bosul. Purulent: luvunik. Purvey, to : bltinOn. Purveyor : blttnel. Pus : luvunot. Push : jok. Push, to : jokon. Push down, to: donijokon. Push up, to : susijokon. Pusher : jokel. Pusillanimity : dledal ; dledttf ; temipug. Pusillanimous: dledik; temipik. Put away, to : mopladOn ; mosia- don. Put off, to : posotopon. Put on, to : lasiadon. Put up, to : supladon. Putrefaction : puod. Putrefied : puodik. Putrefy, to: puodon; fepuodon. (274) Put. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Putu P . PUT : hedge; hedgerow. Putiip : second future (gram.) Putajim : pruning shears. Putrid. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Pyrexia. Putrid : puodik; efepuodol. Putridity : puodug. Puzzle : rat. Pygmy : smamen. Pyramid : pir. Pyramidal : pirik. Pyrexia: fifanit. C275) Q. Quack. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Quotient. Quack : lusanel. Quack medicine : lumed. uackery: lusanen. uadrangle : folagul. uadrangular : folagulik. uadrat: vadat. Quadratic : vadatik. Quadrilateral figure : folaplan . uadrillion : folion. Quadruped : folafutel; folfutiel. Quadruplicate, to : folOn. uadruplication folam. uail: kuit. Quaker: kvagan. Qualification: lonef; tiad; fagam. Qualified: lOnefik. ualitative : likflfik. uality: cad; likflf; lOnat: lOntig. uality, first : ) . uality, prime : j Quantitative : limOdOfik. Quantity : KmOdOf; m6d. Quantity, in : gletikoso. Quarrel: zan; dikod. Quarrel, to : zanOn. uarrelsome : zanik. uarrelsorneness : zanal. Quarter: foldil ; kantOp ; silSp ; tigap; yelafoldil. Quartered : foldilik. Quarter-hour: foldidtip. Quartering : lelodam. Quarterly : yelafoldilik. Quarterly: foldilo; yelafoldil(ik)o. Quartermaster : militCmel. Quartermaster-general : militO- Quarter-moon : munafoldil. [mal. Quartette : toltim. Quarto : spadafolttf, Quartz: kuad. Quartz : kuadik. Quartz deposit : kuadakum. Quartziferous : kuadilabol. Quartzose : kuadlik. Quartzy : kuadik. Quaver : tril. Quaver, to : trilOn. Queen : jireg. Queen-bee : hiejireg; jireg bienas. Queer : selednik. Queerness : tavelal. Query : sak. Quest : sllk(am). Question : sak. Question, to : bedotOn ; sakfln ; Questionable: sakik. [xamon. Questioning: xamam. Questioningly : sakolo. ueue : gOb. uick : vifik. Quick ! Fov5 ! SpidO ! VifO ! Quicken, to : belifOn. Quickness: fovug; vif. Quicksilver : kegin ; lusilef. Quiet : lestilik; takedik; stilik. Quiet ! Takedo ! Quill : penasplil. Quince : kvit. Quince: kvitik. Quince-tree : kvitabim. Quinine : kinin. Quinine : kininik. Quintal : kuin. Quintal : kuinlik. Quintessence: lebinin. Quintette: lultim. Quintillion : lulion. Quintuplicate, to: lulOn. Quire : buck. Quit, to: IttvOn. Quite: gO; vemo; lolo. Quite so : leso. Quittance : kit. Quitting-time : fintip. Quiver : tril. Quota : dilod ; lapol ; limOdikos. Quotation : zitat. Quote, to : zitatOn. Quotidian : vadelik. Quotient: dilamafluk. (276) R. Rab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ratlik. RAB : raven. RABAT : rebate ; abatement ; drawback; discount. Rabaton : to make a reduction ; to make an allowance. Rab in an : rabbin. RABOT : plane (carpenter's tool). Rabotalel: plane-iron. Rabotbn : to plane; to plane down. RAD(am): etching. Radon : to etch. RAF: radish. Rafin : paraffin. RAK: rake. Rakin : arrack. Rakb'n : to rack. RAL : claw. Ralik : having claws. Ralon : to claw; to scratch. RAN : rancidity; rankness. RAN : rennet. Ranik : rancid; rank. RAP: file; rasp. Ra'pan : filer. Rapel : file cutter. Ra'pbn : to file; to rasp. RAT: rat. RAT : riddle; enigma; conundrum; Ra'tik: enigmatic. [puzzle. Ra'tlik: decipherable; solvable. R. Rabbin. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Raise. Rabbin : rabinan. Rabble: lupop; lusog. Rabid : levutik. Rabidness : levut. Race: r5n; gon; bid; bludot; me- nabid; menasot. Race, to ; ronOn. Race-course : ronakul. Racemose : / , fi , Racemous: j" iu Racer: gonel; ronel. Racing : rSnam. Rack : rip; tomom. Raconteur: lukonel. Radiance : nid. Radiant: stalik; nidik. Radiate, to: stalon. Radiation : stalam. Radical : stam; vuliman. Radical: stabik; vulik. Radicalism : vulim. Radically : stabo; vulo. Radicle : vulil. Radish : raf. Raft: flumin. Raftsman : fluminel. Rag: luklof. Rage : vut. Rage, to be in : vuton. Raging : vutafilik. Rags: jiefs. Rail : klaut. Railroad : lelod. Railroad car: lelodavab; levab. Railroad-employe : lelodan. Railroad engine : lemuf. Railroad ticket : lelodabiliet. Railroad train : lezug. Railroading: felodageb. Railway: klautarut; lelod. Railway car : klautavab. Rain : lomib; silavat. Rain, to : lomibon; silavatOn. Rainbow: lomob. Rainbow colored : lomobakolik. Rain-water: silavat. Rainy: lOmibik. Raise, to : geilOn; ginOn; sutovOn; lukidlinon; susiblin5n. Raise up, to : suluodon. (277) Raton. VOLAPUK-ENGLISE Regason. Raton : to guess; to divine ; to de- cipher. REDAK : editing; compilation. Redakam : compiling ; editing. Redakel : editor; compiler. Redakelef : editorial staff; editor- ial corps. Redakbn : to edit; to conduct a REG : king. [periodical. Regafamul : royal family. Regan : kingdom; royal domain. Regal : ruler. Regarn : government; reign. Regamik: governmental. Regan : regiment (milit.) Regan : kingdom. Regason : prince ; prince royal ; king's son. Raisin. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Really. Raisin: rosin. Rake: rak; gliban. Rake, to : rakOn. Rake up, to : suistOrOn. Ram : omjip. Ramble: tev. Ramble, to: tevOn. Rambler : tevel. Ramification : tuigam. Rampart: daem. Rancid : ranik. Rancidity : ran. Range, mountain : belaked. Rank: cad;dinit; ked; vetlt. Rap, to : nokOn. Rapacious: lapinik; lapinlitik. Rapacity: lapinastik. Rapid: vifik. Rapidity : vif. Rapidly : vifo. Rapine : lapin. Rapture : betikal; legal; von. Rapturous : legalik. Rare : seledik. Rarely : selediko. Rarity: seled. Rascal: japan; luman. Rascality : jap. Rascally : japik ; fumanik. Rash : rup. Rash : lukinik; nestienik; tuspidik. Rashness: lukin; nesttenug. Rasp : rap. Rasp, to : rapOn. Rat : rat. Rate, to : dttvOn. Rather : bu; buf; bufumo; sunum(o). Ratification : zep; zepot. Ratifier: zepal; zepel. Ratify, to : zepOn. Ratiocination : lisal. Ration : por. Rational : lisalik. Rational, to be : lisalOn. Ravage : lertibam. Ravage, to : lertibOn. Ravel, to: sestUnOn. Raven : rab. Ravenous : lefoetik; Ravine : gur. Raving : Itipukot; lefopavut. Raving : lefopavutik. Ravishing : vonik. Raw : lliedik. Raw material : Ittedin. Rawness : llied. Ray : stal. Rayed: stalik. Razor : balineif. Reach, to: lukOmOn; rivOn. Read, to: liladOn; vodemon. Read aloud, to : bililadOn. Read off, to : deliladon. Read through, to : xoliladOn. Readable: liladik. Reader: liladel; liladal. Readiness: gudavilof; lob; vilof; lObtig. Reading: lilad(am). Ready : lObik; tavik; vilflfik; deko- fttkOl; kofUkik. Ready-wit : flapalof. Real: jenik; velatik. Realism : volekim. Realistic : volekimik. Realities : volekavs. Reality: jenOf. Realization: volek(am). Realize, to : volekOn. Really: jeno; velatiko; jenoik. (278) Regik. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Regulel. Regik : royal; regal; kingly. REGUL : regulation; standard. Regbn : to be a king; to reign; to Regulam : regulating; adjustment, govern. i Regulel: regulator; adjuster. Really. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Rectification. Really ! JenO ! VelatO ! Vo ! Realm : kinan. Reap, to: klopOn. Reared : pedadukol. Re-arrange, to : votatopOn. Rearward : poik. Reason : kod; lisal. Reason, to: lisalon. Reason, with : gido. Reason, by of: stabii. Reasonable: lisalik; gidik; nede- lidik. [gid; nedelid(of). Reasonableness: lisalOf ; gidal; Reasonably : nedelido ; gidiko ; segun lisal. Reasoner : tikel. Rebate : rabat. Rebel: sulevel; volutel. Rebel, to : sulevOn. Rebellion: sulevam; volut. Rebellious : volutik. Rebuke : blam. Rebuke, to: blamOn. Rebus : magarat. Rebut, to : tablofon. Rebuttal: tablof(am). Recall: gevok. Recall, to : deflagOn ; gevokOn ; mebon . Recant, to : nesagOn. Recantation : nesag. Recapitulate, to : blefedon ; kosu- mOn. Recapitulation : blefed; kosumam. Recede, to : detlidOn. Receipt: getazot; gegetazOt; geta- penad; kit(am); lensum ; nin- sum; kitot. Receive, to: getOn; lasumOn; len- suvnOn; ItisumOn; ninsumOn. Receiver : getel; lasumel; lasumiel. Receiving: get; lasam; ninsumam. Recent: nulik; blefobtiik. Recently: atimo; bletimo; nelone- d(ik)o; nulo; blefobuo. Receptacle : lasumiel. Reception: get; lasum. Reception-room : valadacem. Recipient : getel. Reciprocal: balvotik; rezipik. Reciprocal, to make : balvotOn. Reciprocally : balvoto; kolbalvoto. Reciprocate, to: rezipOn; kolda- nCn. Reciprocation: cenam; rezipadun. Reciprocity : balvottrf ; rezip ; re- zipOf; koldiin. Recital: konot. Recitation : deklam; tidadttp. Recite, to: deklamon; lukasagon. Reckon, to : kalon. Reckoning: kalam; kOpamakalot. Reclaim, to : gesakOn. Recluse : soalan. Recognition : lasev(am); lesevam. Recognizable : sevik. Recognize, to : lasevamOn; lesev- Recognizedly: pelasevolo. [On. Recoin, to: votamonon. Recollect, to : lememOn; memOn. Recollection: lemem; meb. Recommend, to : komedOn. Recommendation : komed(am) ; komedapenod. Recompense: mesedam. Recompense, to: masedon; mese- don; blafOn. Reconcile, to : lekosilOn. Reconciliation: lekosilam. Reconduct, to : gedukOn. Record : jenabuk; plotog. Record, to : plotogfln. Recorder: gtifel; lisedel; penadan. Recover, to : gegetftn; saunOn ; nan On. Recovery : denusaun ; geget ; saunam; nan(am). Recruit : yunsolat. Recruit, to: stiakOn; Recruiting : sttak(am). Rectangle : folagul. Rectification: velatam;menod(am). (279) Reguliel. VOLAPilK-ENGLISH. Rel. Reguliel : regulator (thing). Regulod: regulation; rule. Regulb'n : to regulate; to adjust. Reil : religious denomination. Rekel : rector. REL : religion. Rectify. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Rehearse. Rectify: velaton; menodOn. Rector: padal; rekel. Rectory: pad. Red : led. Red : ledik. Redden, to : ledon. Reddish : ledlik. Redeem, to : delivon. Redeemer : Delival. Redemption : deliv(am); gelem; Redout : ledaem. [san; selivam. Redness : led. Redress : deyuf(am). Redress, to : deyufon. Reduce, to : blefOn; lunon; pillon. Reduction, to make : rabaton. Re-echo, to: getonodon. Reed : jog; rid. Reed, weaver's : vivabled. Reed-cane : jog. Reed-stalk: jog. Reedy : ridik. Reel : gin. Reel, to : ginon. Refer to, to : ItijonOn; tefamOn. Referee: lenunodel. Reference: lujon. Referring to : lujonti. Refine, to : feinOn; kugOn; kuli- vfln; lukanelon; nifalo'n. Refined : feinik. Refinement : feinal ; kulivam ; Refiner : kuigel. [tonal. Refinery : kugop. Refining: feinam; kugam; kuig. Reflect, to: delokon; lokon; medi- ton. Reflect light, to : gestalOn. Reflect upon, to : siamon; silenon. Reflecter : beladel. Reflection: beladam; denid; duti- kam; lokam; meditof; siienam; tikam. Reflective : meditofik. Reflexive: getefamik. Reformation: votaflek(am). Refrain from, to : stOnOn. Refresh, to: flifOn; klieton. Refreshing : flifam. Refreshing : klietik. Refreshment: kliet; flifam. Refrigeration : lukalodam. Refuge: jelop. Refusal: nevil(am). Refuse : defal; deskftm; jun; seva- lem; defalin; sesamot; sevalin. Refuse, to : denesion; nevilon; no- non; nesiOn. Refutability : tablofof. Refutable : tablofik. Refutation : tablof(am). Refute, to: tablofen. Regaining: geget. Regal : regik. Regard: tef; tefod(am); sttlm. Regard, to have: tefodam; stiimOn. Regard, with to : teftt. Regard, without to: nekonsidU. Regardlessly : nekonsido; netefo- d(am)o. Regimen: diat. Regiment: regan. Region : topflf. Register : lised; rol ; zug ; lisedel; supenel. Register, to: lisedOn; supenon. Registrar: lisedel; penal. Regret: lied; pid. Regret, to: p6nit5n; pidon. Regretful : liedik. Regretting : liedol. Regular : flepik; leodik; nomoma- Regularity : nomomaf. [fik. Regularly : leodiko. Regulate, to : leodon ; nomOn ; re- gulOn. Regulating : regulam. [lod. Regulation: nomam; regul; regu- Regulator: leodel; regulel; reguhel. Rehearse, to: lukasagon. (280) Relad. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Reladik. Relad: devoutness; godliness. Reladik: devout; godly; religious. Reign. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Remunerate. Reign : regain. Reign, to : regon; solon; tlonOn. Reimburse, to : nanamon. Reimbursement: gudam; nanam; gepelam; sadamab. Reindeer : ren. Reinforce, to : fosteniidon. Reinforcement: fostenud(am). Reins : mudajainil. Reiterate, to : denuon. Reiteration: denuam; mOdukam. Reject, to: fejokon; lemojedon. Rejectable: deimik. Rejection : fejok(am); deim; nezep. Rejoice, to: galokon; yubon. Rejoiced : pegalol. Rejoicing : galam. Rejoicing : yubik. Rejoin, to : besagon. Relapse : gefal. Relapse: gefalon. Relate, to : konOn. Relate to, to: tefamon; tefon. Related : palefik; palligik. Relation: dinad; kon(am); tef. Relation, in its to: dinadu. Relationship : paliig. Relative : palefan; paltigel. Relative: tefamik; tefik. Relative to : tefamii. Relatively: tefo; spetivo. Relatives : palef; blupalef. Relator : konel. Relaxed : muflik. Release: kitam; livaptik; kitot. Release, to : kiton; livapiikon; sa- bligon. Relic : likad. Relief: relief; raudam;cenel; luyuf. Relieve, to: yufon; mudon. Religion : rel. Religious : reladik; relik. Religious, to be: relon. Relinquishable : lovegivik. Relinquishment : klem. Reliquary: likadop. Relish, to : juit6n. Reload, to: votalodOn. Reluctant: nevilik. Reluctantly : neviliko. Remain, to: blibon; geblibOn; le- blibon; stebOn. Remain away, to : moblibOn ; seo- blibon. Remain behind, to : geblibOn. i Remainder: leman; dedilot. Remaining : lemanik. Remaining, to be : palemanon. Remark: noet; noted. Remarkability: makab. Remarkable : klatik; makabik. Remarkable! Makabo! Remediable : devotlik. Remediless : nesanamik. Remedy : medinamed; deyuf(am); tamed. Remedy, secret : klanamed. Remedy, to : deyufon; devoton. Remember, to: memOn ; leme- m5n. Remembrance : lemem. Remind, to : mebon. Reminiscence : meb. Remission : dalet; delet; fegiv. Remit, to: daleton; deleton; fe- givon; IttpotOn. Remitting: fegivam. Remnant : dedilot; leman. Remodel, to : votafomOn. Remonstrance : smatapiikam. Remonstrate, to : smataptikon. Remorse : ponit. Remote: deseistik; fagik. Remotely : fagiko. Remoteness: fag; deseistug. Removal: deduk; fagam; mosu- mam; sezug. Remove, to: fetopOn; fagon; mo- sumOn; muefOn; ^pzugOn; 10- dicenOn. Remuneration : mesed. Remunerate, to :blafon;mesedon. (281) Reladbn. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Relal. Reladon : to practice piety. Relal : religious fervor. Rend. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Resaddle. Rend, to : dislitOn. Render, to : duinOn. Rendering : duin(am). Rending: dislitam. Renew, to : nulOn. Renewal : nulam. Renewed : denulik. Renewedly: denuliko. Renovate, to : nulon. Renovation : nulam. Renounce, to : fenesiOn; klemOn; fevOdOn. Renouncer : fenesiel. Renown : fam ; lobum ; lobtin. Renowned: famafulik; stimaftilik. Renowned, to make: makabOn. Rent : slit ; dislit ; fien ; kodut; kodutafien; kodtttafien. Rent : slitik. Rent, ground : kodtit. Rent, house : kodut. Rent, to : koduton ; fokodtttOn. Renter: kadutel; kodtltel. Renunciation: klemam. Repack, to : votapakon. Repair : denumokam. Repair, to : gudikon; xolunagon. Reparation : gilv. Repartee: flapalOf. Repast : lefid. Repeal, to : dejafon. Repeat, to: denuon ; fendun&n; modlikon; lukasagOn. Repeated: denuamik; denulik. Repeatedly : denuamiko ; denuli- ko. Repeater: mOdtikel. Repel, to : dejokon; demofOn Repent, to : pOnitOn. Repentance : ponit. Repentant : ponadik; ponitik. Repetition: denuam; modtikam. Replenish, to : fulOn. Replenished: fulik. Repletion : sat. Replicant : ) Replier: f g esa S el - Reply : gepuk; gesag. Reply, to : besagOn; begeplikOn; geptlkOn; gesagon. Report: lanot; lenunod; no tod; nunod; lanotot. Report, to : lanotOn; lenunodOn; nunodon. [notel. Reporter: lenunodel; nunodel; la- Repose: taked. Repose, to : takedOn. Repository : reposit. Reprehensible : ponik. Represent, to: damatanOn; pl6- senOn; plisenOn. Representation: plosen. Representative : popapiadal; de- putal;pladal. Reprieve, to : tupon. Reprimand : blam. Reprint : debuk; posblik. Reprint, to: debiikOn; posbtikOn. Reproach : leblam. Reproach, to : leblamon. Reproduce, to : palon. Reproduction : pal(am). Reproof: leblam. Reprove, to: leblamon. Republic : piiblig. Republican : publigan. Repudiable : deditlik. Repugnant : taik. Repulse, to : demofon. Repulsive : taik. Repurchase: gelem. Reputable: stimik. Reputation : codat; codatad; ma- kab; voak. [beken. Request : beg; begapenad; bek; Request, to : begOn; bekon. Require, to: demanfln; flagOn. Requirement: deman; flag. Requiring : flagam. Requisite : zestidikos. Requisite : zestldik. Requisite, to be : zestidon; Requite, to : masedon. Resaddle, to : votasaed5n. (282) Relatav. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Relbf. Relatav : pilgrimage. Relatavel : pilgrim. Relatavbn : to make a pilgrimage. Relief: relief; relievo (sculpture). Relik : religious. Relbf: piety. Rescuable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Return. Rescuable : savik. Rescue : sav. Rescue, to: savon. Rescuer : savel. Research: davestig(am); vestig. Research, to make: davestigon ; vestigOn. Researcher : davestigel. Resemblance: sum. Resemble, to: stimon. Resembling: (conj.) as. Resent, to : zunOn. Resentment : zun. [lesav. Reservation: biibekip(am); biikip; Reservation, with of: btibekipii. Reserve, to : biibekipon; bukipOn; Reservoir : vatikipOp. [lesavon. Residence: lod;lodop; stebop. Resident : lodan. Resident: lodol. Residue : lemanots. Residuum : ret. Resign, to : baseiton; klemOn. Resignation : klemam. Resin : picin; ron. Resin, mineral: talaron. Resin, violin : violivak. Resinous : ronik. Resist, to : tasteifon. Resistance: tasteif(am); tadun. Resisting: tasteifik. Resolute : sludik. Resolution : slud; sludot; sludug. Resolve, to: livon; disinOn; slu- Resound, to : tonodon. [don. Respiration : natem ; ninatem ; senatem. Respire, to : natemon. Respect : konsid; lestim; sttim; tef. [stumon. Respect, to : konsidon; stimfSn; Respect, with to : tefli. Respectability : stlimof. Respectable: stimik; stiimik; Respected: ledivik; lestimlik. Respectful : ledivodik; stilmafulik. Respectfully : stUmafuliko. Respective : tefamik; tefik. Respectively : tefo. R spiration : natem(am). Respire, to : natemOn. Respite, to : ttipOn. Resplendent: nidik. Respond, to : geptikon. Response: gepuk. Responsibility : cotof. Rest : leman ; taked. Rest, to : takedOn. Restaurant: staud. Restitution : gtiv; gegiv(am). Restless: tlepik; netakedik. Restoration : denumokam. Restore, to: gttvOn; gegivon. Restrain, to: mafikon. Restrained : mtltik; nelibik. Restraint : nelib. Result : sek; finasek; sukot. Result, to : sekOn. Resurrection: lesustan. Retail : detiil. Retail, to : dettllon. Retailer: dettilel; smatedel. Retain, to : bekipon; labekipon. Retake, to : gesumCn. Retard, to : fezogon; nevifOn. Retardation: latam. Retention : gekipam. Reticence : seil. Reticent : seilik. Retina : filadaskin. Retinue : sukef. Retire, to : setlidOn. Retirement: gezugal; stilalif. Retract, to : desagon; nesagOn. Retraction : nesag. Retreat : fug. Retreat, to : fugon. Retrogression : gestep. Return: gegiv(am); gegol; gekom; gesed; gegev. (283) Relofik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Rezipbn. Relofik : pious. Relon : to be religious; to be pious; to be devout. Ren : reindeer. Reposit : repository. RET : arrears residuum. Reum : rheumatism. Reumik : rheumatic. REVID : revision; review. Revidel : reviewer; reviser. Revidb'n : to review; to revise; to look over. REZIP : reciprocity. Rezipadun : reciprocation; recip- rocal service. Rezipik : reciprocal ; mutual. Rezipof : reciprocity; mutuality. Rezipbn : to reciprocate. Return. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Ride. Return, to : gegivon; gegolon; ge- kOmon; gesedOn; gevegon. Revaccination : denumUpam. Reveal, to: manifamon; saveadon. Revel, to : kopOn. Revelation: manifamam. Revelry: riluxam. Revenge : vindit. Revengeful : vinditik. Revengefulness : vindital. Revenue: fien; tolad; ninsumot. Reverberate, to: getonodon. Revere, to : glestimon; lestimon. Reverence : filod ; glestim(am) ; lestim(am). Reverence : ledinitel. Reverend : ledinitik ; lestimlik ; stimadigik. Reverent: lestimik. Reverential : glestimik. Reverse : tadil. Reverse, to : votaflekon. Reversed : votaflekik. Reversion: gefal. Revert, to : gefalon. Review: dusukam; kriit ; revid ; beimalek. [m6n. Review, to : kruton; revidon ; sa- Reviewed, to be : beimalekon. Reviewer: revidel. Revile, to : slanon; lublamon. Reviling : slanam. Revise, to : revidon. Revised : perevidol. Reviser : revidel. Revision : revid. Revive, to : klietOn. Reviving : klietik. Revoke, to : desagOn. Revolt : sulev; volut. Revolt, to : sulevOn. Revolution : fegonam; tul; volut; Revolutionary : volutik. [levot. Revolutionist : volutel. Revolve, to: kttlon ; tuldn ; zigo- Reward : mesed. [nOn. Reward, to: masedon; mesedon; blafon. Rewrite, to : votapenon. Rhetoric : ptikofav. Rhetorical: piikelik; pilkofavik. Rhetorician : piikal. Rheumatic : rcumik. Rheumatism : reum. Rhinocerous: nudahon. Rhodium : lodin. Rhyme : rim. Rhyme, to : rimon. Rhymer: rimel. Rhyming : lupoeden ; rimen. Rhymester : lupoedel. Rhythm : flep. Rhythmic : flepafilmik. Rhythmical : flepafiimik. Rhythmicalness : flepaflimOf. Rib : rib. Rice : leiid. Rich : liegik; liegOfik. Riches : lieg. Richly : liegiko. Richness : liegof. Rickety: falik; lumuflik. Riddle : rat. Ride : monit. Ride, to : vegon; moniton. Ride out, to : semoniton. (284) Rib. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Rodin. RIB : rib. Ribajok : nudge; blow in the ribs. Rid: reed; cane; reed-cane. Ridib: cane-brake. Ridik: reedy; tubular; containing RIF: hoop; ferrule; tire. [tubes. RIG: origin; source. Riga'd : original (not a copy). Rigadik: original. Rigal : eccentric person ; original character. Rigalik: eccentric; original. Rigel : originator ; author. Rigeliig: origin; authorship. Riget: authority. Rigik: original; aboriginal; prim- Rikaboad: areca wood. [itive. RIM : rhyme. Rimel : rhymer. Rimen : rhyming. Rimet : remittance (business). Rimb'n : to rhyme; to put into rhyme. RIP : crib; manager; rack. RIT : integrity; probity; honesty. Ritik : honest; upright; just. RIV : attainment; arrival. Rivam : attaining; reaching. Rivik : attainable. Rivbn : to attain ; to reach ; to get at; to arrive at. Rivii : to the attainment of. Ro ! Catch ! ROB(am) : friction. Rbbeh rubber. Rbbiel: rubber. Rbbbn : to rub. ROD : order (ecclesiastic). [airy. ROD : order (secular; as of chiv- Roda'l : monastic spirit. [order. Rodan : member of a religious Rodin : rhodium. Rh. (chem). Ridiculous. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Roast. Ridiculous : smilik. Riding : moniten. Rifle : bug. Rifleman : jutel. Right : det; gid; git; btigit; cOdttk. Right: detik; gidik; gitik. Right, to be : nepolfln. Right, to the of : detii. Right, on the: detiko; deto. Rightful : gidik ; gitomafik. Rightly : gidiko. Rightfully : gido. Rigid : lestifik. Rigidity : lestif. Rigorous: jalepik. Rill : blukil. Rime : frod. Rind : jal; bimaskin. Ring: lin; fmedalin. Ring, to : glokon; tonttn. Ring-finger: linafined. Ring-shaped: linik. Ring-worm : licip. Rip open, to : maiktttOn. Ripe : lemadik; madik. Ripen, to : madOn. Ripened: madik. Ripeness: mad; madug. Rise, to : xanon; datovokOn. Risible: smilik. Rising: xanam. Risk: kinam; polig; venttd. Risk, to : venudOn . Risk, at the of: pOligii. Risky: pOligik; venUdik. Rival : kosteifal. Rival : kosteifik. Rival, to : kosteifon. Rivalry: jalud; kosteifOf. Rive, to: maislitOn. River : flum. River-basin : fluman. River-bed: flumabed. River-boat: flumanaf. River-navigation : flumanaf. Rivulet: blukil. Road : veg; kul. Road-maker: kulel; siitel. Roadster : vabajeval. Roam, to : tevOn. Roar, to : dibatOnOn; levienOn; le- Roaring : gluvok. [inOn. Roast : loet. Roast, to: loetOn. (285) Rog. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Rot. ROG: arrogance; pretension; as- sumption. Rogam: arrogation. Rogik : arrogant. Rogbn : to arrogate; to assume; to pretend. ROL: roll; list; register. Rolin: roller; cylinder. Roli(na)boad : wooden roller. Rolinik : cylindrical. Rolinbn : to roll ; to cause to roll. Rblinbn: to roll; to be rolled. Roman : Roman. [or dialect). Romanik : romance (of a language Roman tik : romantic. Romik : roman. RON: resin; gum. RON : race; run; horse-race; run- Rbnakul : race-course. [ning. Ronaleiil : oil of turpentine; tur- pentine. Rbnam : racing; running. Rbnel : racer; runner. Ronik : resinous; gummy. Rb'nbn : to race; to run; to course. ROPiam): interruption. Ropbn: to interrupt. [pudding. Rosiklbpin : plum-pudding; raisin - Rosin : raisin. Rot : outstanding debt. Roasted. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Rotate. Roasted : peloetol. Roasting : loet. Roasting-jack : loetab; loeflekiel. Roasting-pig : svinil. Rob, to : lapinOn; belapinOn. Robber: lapinel; snapel. Robe : klot; talar. Robes : ledek. Robust: stenttdik. Robustness : stenlidflf. Rock : klif. Rock, to: kledOn; ntlkledOn. Rocky: klifik; stonsik. Rod: rud; staf; luplan. Rod, fishing: luplan fananuga. Rodent : tuetanim. Roe : smafit. Roebuck : smastag. Rogue: japan; luman. Roguery : jap. Role : sugiv. Roll : laibil; rol; rul; lised; tutil. Roll, to : glttpBn; rolinon; rOlinOn. Roller: rul ; glOpaboad; klopalel; rolin; rolinaboad. Roman: Roman; Romik. Romance: lekoned. Romance : romanik. Romantic : romantik. Roof: nufot; nuf; nufum; nufun. Roof, to : nuftSn. Roofed: penufol. Roofer : nufategel. Roofing: nufam. Roofing-glass : nufaglat. Roofing-slate : nufaslet. Roofing-tile: nufatein. Room: cem; spad; spadOp; top<",;>. Room, dressing: luc^em. Roominess : spadflf. Roomy: spadik. Roost: boloboad. Rooster: omgok. Root : vul; stam. Root, to : vulon. Root, to : ninvulOn. Root out, to : noisOn. Rope: jaiin; glefad; jain; lejain. Rope maker: janel. Rope-making : jainen. Rope-walk: jainOp. Rose : lol. Rosary : lelolem. Rose-bush : lolajob. Rose-color : loled. Rose-colored : ) Rose-red: j-loledik. Rosy: ) Rosemary : malep. Rose-water : lolavat. Roster: lised; rol; taib. Rot, to : fepuodttn; puodan. Rotatoria : tulanimils. Rotate, to: flekOn; tulOn;zilekOn. (286) Rbtik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Rupod. Rotik: outstanding. [standing. Rbtbn: to stand out; to be out- Ruab : rouble (coin worth about ..75 cents to 86 cents). RUB: injury; deterioration. Riibik : injurious; pernicious. Riibbn : to injure; to damage; to spoil. RUbiib : corruption; depravity. RUD: rod; perch; pole. RUD : metal tube, pipe, or con- duit (as a stovepipe). RUIN : ruin. Ruinik : ruinous. Ruinils: fragments; broken pieces. Ruinbn : to ruin ; to destroy. Ruip : eruptive disease; eruptive Ruipbn : to break out. [fever. Rujip : measles. RUL: roll; roller; window-shade Run : herring. [roller. RUP : cutaneous eruption; rash; Rupik: eruptive. [exanthem. Rupod : eruption ; breaking out. Rotation. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Rust. Rotation : flek(am) ; tul ; zilekag ; zilekam. Rotatory : tulik. Rotten: puodik; efepuodol. Rottenness: puod; puodug. Rotund : klopik. Rotundity : klop. Rouble : ruab. Rough: globik; liidik; luedik; ne- meiladik; stutik; luedalik; stii- bik. [stub. Roughness : glob ; liied ; stut ; Round : glopagon. Round: klopik; glopik. Round: linii. Round, to: glopon; klopon. Round about : (adv.} zis. Rounding : glopam. Roundness: klop. Rouse up, to : susitupon. Route : vegamaveg. Rove, to : tevOn. Rover: tevel. Row : ked. Row, to : gubttn. Rower : guban. Royal : regik. Royal family : regafamiil. Rub, to: rObon. Rubber: robel; robiel; kluin. Rubbing : robam. Rubbish : jut; sevalem. Rubidium : biclin. Rudder : gub. Rude: stutik; nemolik. Rudeness : stut. Rug: tap. Rugged: liidik; stlibik. Ruggedness: lUd;stub. Ruin : ruins; dettl. Ruin, to: ruinOn. Ruinous : ruinik. Ruins : jut; ruins. Rule: lenom; nom; regulod; sta- banom; lienastum. Rule, to: lienon; maselon; solon. Ruler : regal; solel; lienastum. Ruling: nomam. Rumble : mttr. Rummage, to : stikalon. Rump : poop. Run: rOn; gon; vifagtfn. Run, to: gonOn; kfllOn; ronOn. Run aground, to : lujolOn. Run around, to: zigonOn. Runaway, to: sagonon; saronOn. Run down : edegonOl. Run down, to : donirOnon. Run in, to : ningonOn. Run off: edegonbl. Run over, to : lovtigolon. Run too fast, to : bisespidon. Run through, to: dugonon. Runner: gonel; ronel; segonel; se- goniel. Rupture : blek; slid; blekip. Rupture, to : slidOn. Rural: lanedik. Rush : jog. Rusk: svib. Russian: rusan; rus(an)ik. Rust: lelaxud. (287) Rur. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Rutbn. RUR: dysentery; diarrhea. RUT: track; rut. RUT: nozzle; spout; tube. Rlitik : tubular ; fistular ; hollow ; cylindrical. Ruton : to leave a track. Rust. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Rye. Rust, to: lelaxlidon; ninlelaxudOn. Rustic: lanedan; lufeilan. Rustic : lanedik. Rusticity: lanedal; Itted. Rusty : lelaxiidik. Rut: rut. Ruthenium. : tenin. Rye: glon. (288) Sa. s. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sagbn. SA: with; along with; together with; simultaneously with. SAB : sand. SAB : sabre; cutlass; scimiter. Sa'baregam .: military despotism. Sabatbn : to entice out; to draw out (secret). Saben : sabre-fighting; sword-play. Sabik : sandy; sabulous. Sabligbn : to release or absolve from a vow or obligation. Sabbn : to sand. Sa'bbn : to strike, to strike with a sabre. Sabunbn : to jump out; to spring out. Sacit : undeception. SAD: expedition. Sadamab : indemnity ; reimburse- ment, [pensate. Sadambn : to indemnify; to com- Sadamot: repaired ; substitute. Sadekbn : to disfigure; to deface; to deform. Sadel: dispatcher; forwarder; clerk. Sadon : to expedite; to dispatch. Sadukam : abduction. Sadukel : Sadukiel : f Sadukbn : to abduct. Sa'diit : sardine. SAED : saddle. abductor. Saedaklof : saddle-cloth; housing. Saedel : saddler. Saeden : saddlery business. Saedbn : to saddle. SAP : hoof. Safalel : horse-shoe. Safin : morocco leather. Safinik : morocco (leather). Saflambn : to inflame ; to kindle; to catch fire. Safonbn : to gush out; to spring out (liquid). Safugbn : to escape; to fly; to get out of danger. SAG : speech ; expression ; declar- ation. Sagam : expression ; diction ; style. Sagelutbn : to disinherit. Sagik : pronounceable; expressible. SAGIT: arrow. Sagitab : bow. Sagitik : cuneiform; arrow-shaped. Sagiton : to shoot arrows. Sago : orally ; verbally; by word of mouth. Sago ! Speak ! Out with it ! Sago: even; yet; as far as. Sagolbn : to escape; to elude; to evade. Sagon : it is said. Sagbn : to say ; to speak ; to de- clare; to state; to tell. S. Sable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sacrifices Sable: zob; zobaplad. Sabre : sab. Sabulous : sabik. Sac : sak. Sacerdotal : sanalelik. Sack : sak. Sacrament : sakramed. Sacrament, to administer: sakra- Sacramental: sakramedik. [medOn. Sacramentalism: lusakramed. Sacred : sanik. Sacrifice : vitim(am); suvitimam. Sacrifice, to : vitimon. Sacrificer ; vitiman. (289) Sagonon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sanalel. Sagonbn : to run away ; to run off. Saik : together; all together; sim- ultaneous. SAIL : sail. Sajbnam : disfiguration ; mutila- tion; deformation. Sajbnbn : to disfigure; to mutilate. SAK : sack; bag; sac. SAK : question; query. Sakabid : interrogation ; interro- gatory, [mode. Sakafom : interrogative form ; Sakamal : interrogation point (?). Sakik: baggy; of sacks; of bags. Sakik : questionable; in question. Sa'kikam: unlocking; opening. Sakikon : to unlock; to open. Sakil : purse. Saklotacem : dressing-room. Saklotbn : to undress. Sa'klotbnok : to undress (one's self.) [ingly. Sakblo: interrogatively ; question- Sakbmbn : to come from ; to escape ; to come out of. Sa'kbn : to question; to interrogate; to ask. Sakramed : sacrament. Sakramedik: sacramental. Sakramedbn : to administer a sacrament. Sakrit(bp) : sacristy. Sakritan : sacristan. SAL : salt. SAL: hall; large room. Salabum : hall; place of public- Salad : salad. [assembly. Salanimam : discouragement. Sa'lanimbn : to discourage; to dis- hearten. Salaziid : hydrochloric acid ; muria- tic acid. Salik: salty; salt. Salin : salt-works; salt-mine. Salnik : saline; brackish. Salod: brine; mother-liquor (natu- Salodaban: brine-bath. [ral. Salodon : to unload. Salon : to salt. Salukikedbn : to unbolt. Sa'lun : drawing-room; large par- lor; saloon; salon. Salunsik : presentable. SAM : example; sample. Samad : copy; sample; instance; specimen ; piece. Samal : paragon. Samik : exemplary; excellent. Samo : for example; by way of ex- Samadik : sample. [ample. Samb'd ! For example ! for instance, e. g. Sambn : to examine; to inspect; to review (critically). Sarnii : as a sample of; as an ex- ample of. [tion; welfare. SAN: safety; salvation; redemp- San(an) : Saint; St. Sanal : our Savior. Sanal: holiness; sanctily. Sana'lam : sacerdotal office; priest- ly office; priesthood. Sanalek : ordination of a priest. Sanalekam : sanctification ; sacra- ment of ordination. Sanalel : priest. Sacristan. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sage. Sacristan : sakritan. Sacristy: sakrit. Sad: glumalik; lugik; luladalik. Sad, to be : lilgOn. Sadden, to: glumon. Saddle: saed. Saddle-cloth : saedaklof. Saddle-horse : monitajeval. Saddle, to : saedOn. Saddler: saedel. Saddlery: saeden. Sadness: glumal; lug; lugof; lula- Safe: lelabog; monabog; kad. [dal. Safe: pesavik; sefik. Safety : sef; san. Sagacious : japa'lik; saplik. Sagaciousness : japalOf. Sagacity: japal. Sage : sapal. Sage : saplik. (290) Sanalelik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Saplifdn. Sana'lelik : sacerdotal; priestly. Sanam : healing; curing; cure. Sa'nam(am) : exhaustion; debilita- tion, [to deliberate. Sa'na'mb'n : to enfeeble; to exhaust; Sananamik: therapeutic; sanative; curative; medicinal. Sanel : physician; doctor of medi- cine. Sanelik: medical; professional. San e von : to unnerve; to enervate. Sanik : sainted; holy; devoted to God; sacred. Sanjigam : Virgin bride of Christ; Sanikel : sainted. * [nun. Sanikb'n : to sanctify ; to hallow ; to make holy. Sankit : Sanscrit language. Sankitik : Sanscrit. Sanlik: wholesome; salutary ; sal- ubrious; beneficial. Sanlbf: salubrity; wholesomeness. Sanb! Hail to ! Health to! Sanbn : to heal; to cure. [live. Sansik : sanative; sanitory; cura- Santikal : Holy Spirit ; Holy Ghost. Sanub : sanctuary. Saniikbn : to sanctify ; to conse- crate; to hallow. SAP: wisdom; sapience. Sapal:sage; wise man; philosopher. Sapav : philosophy ; science of wisdom. Sapavel : philosopher (one learned in philosophy.) Sapavik: philosophic. Sapavbn : to philosophize. Sapel: wise man. Sapik: wise; sapient. Saplifdn : to unfold; to display; to unroll; to unfurl; to expand. Sagittarius. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sanctity. Sagittarius : sijutel. Sail : nafin; sail. Sail, to : monafon; nafftn; benafon. Sail over, to : lovenafon. Sailing : nafen. Sailor: nafel;melan. Saint : San; sanikel. Sainted : sanik. Salable: selik. Salacious: lenepuedik. Salad : salad. Salad oil : binaletil. Salary : lemesed ; stimasoled. Salary, to pay : lemesedon. Sale : sel. [dttnan. Salesman : lemaceman; selel; teda- Salesroom : lemacem. Saline : salnik. Saliva : sput. Salivary; sputik. Salmon : lagut. Salmon-trout : lagUtaut. Saloon : salun. Salt : sal. Salt :salik. Salt-mine: salin. Salt-works : salin. Salt, to : salon; fesalon. Saltation : bunam. Saltpeter : lesal. Salty : salik. Salubrious: sanlik; saunlik. Salubrity : benof; sanlof. Salutary: benofik; sanlik. Salutation : beglidam; glidam. Salute : glid. Salute, to: beglidon; glidOn. Salvage : sav. Salvation : daliv; san; sav. Salve: smiv; leuled. Same, the: ot; ot. Same, the : otik. Sample : lesam; samad; sam. Sample : samoik. Sample, to : fesmekon. Sanative: sananamik; sanik. Sanatory: sansik. Sanctification : sanalekam. Sanctify, to: sanikon; santlkon. Sanctimonious : lusanik. Sanction : zep. Sanction, to: zepon. Sanction, to refuse : nezepon. Sanctity: sunal; tikalnOf. (291) Sap(ik)o. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Saunlik. Sap(ik)o : wisely. Saplik : sagacious; sage. Sapbn : to be wise. Sapopbn : to depopulate. Saratbn: to decipher; to discover; to find out. Sarazan : Saracen. Sarazik: Saracenic. Sarolinbn : to unroll. Sa'rbnbn . to run away; to abscond; to escape. [fane. Sasanlikbn : to desecrate; to pro- Saslupbn : to slip away; to slip out; to escape. [away. Saslutbn : to tear from; to tear Sasnilbn : to unseal; to open. Sa'sod: season (at a watering place). Saspidbn : to hurry away; to has- ten away. SAT: satiety; repletion. SAT: sufficiency; satisfaction. Satam : saturation ; satiation. Satanam : unbinding; untieing. Satanbn : to unbind ; to untie. Satelam : separation ; disunion ; Satelo : asunder. [divorce. Satelbn : to separate; to disunite; to part; to divorce. Satik : satiated; sated; satisfied. Satik: sufficient; satisfactory. Satin: silk. Satinacan : silk goods; silks. S-Uinatedel: silk-merchant. Satinik : silk; silken; of silk. Satinlik : silken; silky (not of silk.) Sa'tlik : moderate; frugal; easily satisfied; contented. Satlbf : contentment ; contented- ness, [tion. Satlonam : dethronement; deposi- Satlonbn : to dethrone ; to depose. Sato : sufficiently: enough. Sato ! Enough ! That will do ! Satbn: to satisfy; to satiate; to sate; to saturate. Satbn : to be sufficient ; to be enough ; to suffice. Saumekbn : to cure; to make well. SAUN: health: well-being; sound- Saunacalan : health officer, [ness. Saunam: recovery; convalescence. Saunav : hygiene; science of the preservation of health. Saunavel: hygienist. Saunavik : hygienic; sanitary. Saunik : well; healthy; sound. Saunlik : salubrious ; healthful ; wholesome. Sanctuary. ENGLISII-VOLAPUK. Satyr. Sanctuary : sanub. Sand : sab. Sand, to: sabon; fesabOn. Sand-piper: blukit. Sandy : sabik. Sanguinolent : bludlik. Sanitary : saunavik. Sanitation : htlgenav. Sanscrit: sankit. Sanscrit : sankitik. Sap, to : pttron. Sapience: sap. Sapient : sapik. Sapper : ptirel. Saracen : sarazan. Saracenic : sarazik. Sarcasm : tipal; tutal. Sarcastic: tutalik. Sardine : sadtit. Sash : /.until. Satan: devel. Satanic : develik. Sate, to : saton. Sated: satik. Satellite : munastel. Satiate, to : saton. Satiated : satik. Satiation : satam. Satiety: sat. Satin : lesatin. Satisfaction: plid; plud; san; ko- tenof. [satik. Satisfactory : leplidik ; plidik ; Satisfied : satik. Satisfied, to be : kotenon. Satisfy, to: detuvOn; kotenamon; Saturate, to: saton. [sat"n. Saturation : satam. Saturday: veliklel; zftdel. Satyr: fotadevel. (292) Saunlikon. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sazin. Saunlikbn : to render healthful; to render wholesome; to render salubrious. Saunbn : to recover; to convalesce. SAV : salvation; rescue; salvage. SAV : concealment. Savafam: disarming. Savafbn: to disarm. Savarn : saving; deliverance. Savam : hiding; concealment. Saveadbn : to disclose; to reveal; to unveil; to uncover. Savealon : to unveil. Savel: rescuer; deliverer; savior. Savik: rescuable; savable. Savik : concealable. Savon : to save; to rescue; to de- liver. Savon : to hide; to conceal. Sa'vopled : game of hide and seek. Savug : concealment. Savugik: concealed. Savulbn : to uproot; to eradicate. Sazin : alkali. Sauce. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. School. Sauce : vait. Saucer: disbovil; disojal. Sauciness : bolot. Saucy: boledik; bolOtik. Saunter, to : goulon. Sausage : sosit; lososit. Sausage-maker : sositel. Savable: savik. Savage: foetab; foetan; nemen. Savage: foatik ; foetik . Savage, to become : foatOn. Savageness: foetof. Savant: nolel; monolel. Save, to: daspalon; lesavon; savOn; spalon. Saved: lebeatikiin; pesavik. Saving : savam; spallid. Savings : spalab. Savings-bank : spalakad ; spalastit; spalOp. [dalivel; savel. Savior : Dalival; Delival; Sanal; Savory, to be: mudOn. Saw : slitom. Saw, to : slitOmon. Saw-mill : slitomen; slitOmop. Sawyer : slitOman. Say, to : sagOn. Saying : pet. Scabbard : denavead. Scaffold : skaf. Scale : jal; jub; vatiel. Scale, to : daxanOn. Scale-beam : vatedabem; vittiebem. Scale-pan : vatedajal. Scales: kratem; seleigot. Scandal : skan. Scandalize, to : skanon. Scandalized, to be : paskanOn ; Scandalizer : skanel. [skanOn. Scandalous : skanik. Scape-grace : gliban. Scapula : jotaboin. Scar : vunod. Scare up, to : suyagon. Scarcely : tObo; no. Scarf: nokebaklof. Sea; f pin: nOkebanad. Scarlet: ledaklof. Scarlet: ledlik. Scarlet fever : ledafif. Scatter, to: disipon. Scattered : disipik. Scattering : disip(am). Scene : smastif; stifil. Scent: veged; smel(am). Scent, to : lesmelon; nudOn; sme- lamon; smelon. Scent out, to : lesmelon. Schedule : lised. Schematic: jemadik. Scheme: jemad. Schism : slitam. Scholar : nolel; julan; mOnolel. Scholarship : petidolat; petidof. Scholastic : julik. School : jul; dadukOp; stid. School, to: julOn. School, art: lekanajul. School, boarding : dadukOp ; seminad. School, commercial : tedastid ; tedatidastid; tedajul. (293) Se. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sediliel. SE: out of; from; of. SEAN : ocean. Seanik : oceanic. Seaseitb'n : to take to pieces; to lay separately. SEB: pit; hole; excavation. Sebalvoto: apart; away from each other. Sebladbn : to breath out ; to exhale. Seblibbn : to remain outside. Seboadam : clearing; thinning a Seboadot: clearing. [forest. Sebunb'n: to spring out; to jump out. Secepb'n: to thresh out; to thresh. Secbpbn : to cut out; to hew out. SED : export; exportation. Sedajaf : export trade. Sedam : shipping; export. Sedan : forwarder; exporter (on commission). Sedanam : forwarding; shipment (on commission). Sedanbn : to forward; to despatch. Sedanun : message. Sedanunel : messenger. Sedeilbn : to die out; to become extinct; to become depopulated. Sedel : exporter; shipper; sender. Sedik: exportable; transportable. Sedil(am) : distribution ; issue. Sedilel : issuer; distributor; dis- penser. Sediliel : distributor (thing)". School. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sea. School, public : sifajul. School-book : tidabuk. School-boy : julapul. School-house : juladom. School-room : tidop. School-teacher : julatidel. Schorl: tumalin. Schorlaceous : tumalinik. Science: nol; nolofjnolav. Scientific: nolik; nolavik.. Scientifically: nolo. Scientist: natavel; nolel. Scimiter : sab. Scintillate, to : stelon. Scion : gelmin; padeseitel. Scissors : jim. Scoff: kof. Scoffer : kofel. Scoff, to: kofOn; fekofon. Scold, to: lublamon. Sconce : volalitakip. Scope : dunop. Scoop : kup. Scoop up, to: dakupOn; kupon. Scorch, to: fefiledon; paxosigOn. Score : kopamakalam. Scorn : nestim. Scorpio : siskopaf. Scorpion : skopaf. Scraggy: glakik. Scramble up, to: daxenon. Scrape, to : kratOn. Scrape off, to: dekraton. Scratch : skat. ' Scratch, to : skaton; ralon; kraton. Scratch off, to : dekraton. Scratch out, to : sekraton. Scratched: skatik. Scream : luvok. Scream, to : luvokon; seluvokon. Screen : fonajtil; jiil; lejtll; sib. Screen, to : jiilon; sibon. Screen, fire : fonajtll. Screening : sibam. Screw : skub. Screw on, to : skubdn. Scriptures: bib. Scrofula : skof; skofat. Scrofulous: skofik. Scrub, to: suipon. Scrub out, to : sesuipOn. Scruple : dod. Scruples, to have : dodOn. Scull : gub. Scullion : jizesvipelil. Sculptor : fomel; kodel. Sculpture: fomen; koden. Scum : skom. Scythe : leyebaneif. Sea: mel; talamel. Sea captain : melakapan. Sea voyage : mclavegam. (294) Sedilodon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Seglofap. Sedilodon : to allot; to apportion. Sedilbn : to distribute; to issue. Sedilbp : depot; place of issue. Sedit: secretion; separation. Seditbn : to separate; to secrete. Seditot: secretion. Sedodb'n : to forward; to transmit. Sedb'n : to send; to forward; to transmit. Sedot : export; article exported. SEF : certainty; surety; safety. Sefalem : prolapse; falling out. Sefalbn : to prolapse; to fall out. Sefam : assurance ; insurance ; guaranty. Sefel: assurer; insurer; guarantor. Sefik: certain; safe; sure. Sefiko : certainly; surely; safely. Seflagbn : to call out; to challenge. Seflapbn : to strike out; to kick (horses). Seflitbn : to fly out; to fly away. Seflumbn : to flow away; to drain away. Sefo : certainly; surely. Sefbn: to secure; to insure; to as- sure; to make certain. Sefulbn : to fill to overflowing; to heap up; to fill out; to distend. Sefulot: supply. Segifbn : to pour out; to empty. Segiv : issue; distribution; expen- diture. Segivam: distribution; delivery. Segivel : distributor; disburser. Segiviel: distributor. Segivbn : to distribute; to issue; to give out; to expend; to Segivot : edition; issue. [spend. Segivotbn : to publish ; to issue printed matter. Seglenbn : to shell (grain). Seglof: excrescence; outgrowth. Seglofap : wart; papilla; nipple. Sea-faring. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Seducer. Sea-faring : melik. Seal : snil; lesnil; plumasnil. Seal, to: snilOn. Sealer: snilel. Sealing: snilam. Sealing-wax: snilaig. Sea -lion: melalein. Seaman : melari. Seamstress : jilanagel; jinagel. Seaport: pof. Search: stik(am). Search for, to : siikOn. Search out, to : lelogedon. Searchable : danotik ; dasakik ; stikik. Season: sasod; yelatim. Season, to: pitOn. Seasonability : timoug. Seasonable : letimik; potatimik; Seasonable, to be : timOn. [timoik. Seasonableness : letimOf; pOtati- m6f ; timof; timoug. Seasonably: potatimo; timo. Seasoned : pitik. Seat : sied; bam. Seat, to: siadOn; Seat before, to : bisiadOn. Seated, to be : siedon. Seclusion: deseistug; gezugal. Second: sekun (time). Second: (adj.) telid. Secrecy : klanOf; seilug. Secret : klan. Secret: klanik; klanOfik. Secretariat : dtinalat. [sekretiel. Secretary : penadan ; sekretan ; Secretary-general : lepenadan. Secrete, to: klanOfOn. Secretion: sedit; seditot. Section : dedil ; dekot ; deset ; sekiou; sttik; tabled. Section : stiikik. Secular: timlik. Secularity : timlOf. Secure : pesavik. Secure, to : sefon. Security : bligat; spon. Sediment: glusiadot. Seduce, to : fedugOn; ludugOn. Seducer: fedugel; ludugel. (295) Seglofapik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sejono. Seglofapik: warty; papillary; ver- rucous. Seglofaplik: papillose; wart-like. Segol(am): exit; departure; egress. Segolel: passer-out. Segolon: to go out; to proceed Segolot: exit. [from. Segonel: errand boy; messenger; runner; courier. Segoniel : runner; sprig; sucker. SEGUN : according to; in pro- portion to. Segun balam: according to agree- ment. Segun cal : according to rank. Segun dilod: proportionately. Segun lisal: rationally; reasonably. Segun nol obik : as far as I know. Seguno : accordingly ;consequent- Seid : staple; business. [ly. Seidon : to pile up; to stack. Seidbp : market; emporium. SEIF: sigh. Seifdn : to sigh. SEIL : taciturnity; silence; reti- cence, [reticent. Seilik: taciturn; silent; discreet; Seilb ! Silence ! Keep quiet ! Seilbf: discretion; silence. Seilbn : to be silent; to remain si- lent. Seilug : silence; discretion; secrecy. 'stb'1 I ^tuate; situated; placed. Seiston: to lie; to be lying; to be situated at. SEIT : situation; position; locali- ty; site. Seitbn : to lay; to place; to deposit. Seitop : camp; military encamp- ment. Seitb'p : depot; store; warehouse. Seitdpabuk : stock-book ; ware- house book. Seitbpik : stored; deposited. Seitopbn : to encamp; to camp. Seitbpbn : to store; to have in store. Seivbn : to become acquainted with. Sejedbn : to throw out; to throw overboard. [son. Sejedot : flotsam ; jetsam ; jetti- Sejon : demonstration ; identifica- tion; evidence; proof. Sejonik : evident; proven. Sejono: as proven; as per evidence. Seduction. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Self-control. Seduction: fedugam; ludug(am). Sedulous: dutik; dtlnazilik. Sedulousness : dlinazil. See, to: logttn; dalogon. See through, to : dulogon. Seed : sid; sov. Seed, to: sidon; sovon. Seed-field : sovafel. Seeding : sidam. Seedling : sidab. Seed-trade : sidatedam. Seeing: logam. Seek, to : sukon. Seeker : stlkel. Seem, to: jinOn. Seeming: jinik. Seemingness: jinof. Seethe, to : kugon. Segment: dekot;dekotot;sekotot. Seine : fitafilad. Seize, to : dagleip6n;desumamon. Seizing : desum(am). Seizure : dagleip. Seldom : selediko. Select, to : leselogon ; sevalon ; lesevalon; vailOn. Selected: peleselogol; pelesevalol; pesesukol. Selection : vail; vailot; sesllkam; seval(am). Selects : seslikots. Selenium : selin. Self: it; ok. Self-acting: itodunik. Self-command : itisolam. Self-complacent: lonilofik. Self-conceit: lenilud; lonilof. Self-confidence: itekonfid. Self-conscious: italik. Self-control : itisolam. (296) Sejonbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Selodamop. Sejonbn : to identify; to prove. Sejiitbn : to pour out; to empty. SEK: result; issue; consequence. Sekerbn : to shell (nuts). Sekikik : exclusive. Sekikam : exclusion. Sekiko : exclusively. Sekikbn : to exclude. Sekion : section; subdivision. Sekionacif: chief of a section or subdivision; subordinate chief. Seklautam : derailment; derailing. Seklautbn : to derail ; to run off the track. Seklik: successful ; producing a desired result. Seklinbn : to cleanup; to polish. Seklotbn : to undress; to strip. Sekbbbn : to comb out; to disen- tangle. Sekbn : to result; to ensue; to follow. Sekbt : carving; cutting out; cut- ting up. Sekbtbn : to carve; to cut out; to cut up. Sekbtot : cut; segment. Sekratbn : to scratch out; to erase. Sekretan : secretary; clerk. Sekretiel : secretary (furniture). Sekugbn : to boil out. Sekukon : to extract by boiling; to Sekukbn: to cease boiling, [decoct. Sekulivam: cultivation; education. SekulivOn : to cultivate; to give a finished education to. Sekun: second (division of time). Sekusad : excuse; apology; eva- sion; plea. Sekusadik : excusable. fpate. Sekusadbn : to excuse; to excul- SEL: sale. Selagablog : proof-sheet. [up. Selagam: hanging out; hanging Selagbn : to hangout; to hang up. Sela'got: sign; notice (thing hung Selarn : selling. [out. Selan : foreign parts; foreign country; abroad. Sela'nadins : foreign affairs. Selanan : foreigner. Selanik: foreign; exotic. Sela'no : abroad. SELED(od): curiosity; rarity. Seledik : curious; rare. Selediko : rarely; seldom. Selednab : queer fellow; singular fellow; phenomenon. Salednik: singular; peculiar; strange; odd; queer. Seledno! That is strange! Singular. Selednbf: peculiarity; character- isticalness; oddity. Selednbn : to be curious; to be surprising. Seledot : curiosity; curio. Seleigam: equalization; compensa- tion; balancing; levelling. Seleigbn: to equalize; to level; to balance; to compensate. Seleigot: balance; scales. Selel : salesman; seller; vendor. Selemufbn : to shake out. Selstikbn: to think out; to evolve. Seletbn : to let out; to give vent Selik: saleable; for sale. [to. Selin : selenium; Se; (chem). Selivam : redemption. Selodam : unloading; discharging cargo. Selodamop: wharf; landing-place; terminus. Self-denying. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Self-sacrificing. Self-denying: vitimik. Self-education: itostud. Self-instruction : itotid. Selfish : itlik; lonisiikik; taislikik; itasiikik; vilnik. Selfishly: itliko. Selfishness :lonisiik; taisttk; itasiik. Self-knowledge : itilesev. Self-love: lofok; lonilof; okalof. Self-praise : lOnilob. Self-reliance : itof. Self-reliant: itik. Self-sacrifice : vitimal. Self-sacrificing: vitimik. (297) Selodbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISII. Senatembn. Selodon: to unload; to discharge freight. Selogam: view; prospect; outlook. Selbn : to sell. Selunagbn : to mend; to patch. Selupukbn: to blab; to let out secrets. Seluvbkbn: to cry aloud ; to scream. SEM : some; somewhat, [camp. Semalekbn : to march out; to de- Sembal : a; a certain; any; some; Sembalna : sometime, [some one. Sembalos : something. [day. Semdelo: one day; on a certain Semik : certain; certain kind of. Seminad : seminary; boarding- school. Seminadel : pupil in a seminary. Seminbp : seminary. Semitan : Semite. Semitik : Semitic. Semkimik : some kind of. Semkitim : sometime. Semliko : somehow. Semofam: expulsion. Semofel : expeller. Semofiel : expeller; expulsive. Semofon : to expel; to drive out. Semonitbn : to ride out; to ride (on horseback). Semonbn : to coin ; to mint Sembp : somewhere. (money). Sembpa : from somewhere. Sembpi: to some place. Sembpo: in someplace. Semos: something; anything. Semiipo: sometime; atsome period. SEN: sensibility; feeling. Senafam:disembarcation; landing. Senafdn : to disembark; to land. Sena'l: sensibility; feeling. Senalik: sensitive; aesthetic; of fine sensibilities. Senam : sensation. Senat : senate. Senatef: senate; senators. Senatel : senator. [to breathe. Senatembn : to expire; to exhale; Self-will. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sentence. Self-will: lOnavil. Self willed : lonivilik. Sell, to : selon. Seller: selel. Selling: selam. Selvage : sim. Semblance: jin; lejin. Semen: lesid. Semi-annual: lafayelik; malamu- Semi-monthly : lafamulik. [lik. Semi-mute: lafamuedik. Seminary: dadukOp; seminad; se- minOp; tidaseminOp. Semite : semitan. Semitic : semitik. Senate : cam; senat; senatef. Senator: camel; senatel. Senators : senatef. Send, to : sedon; llipotOn; lUsedon. Send away, to : mopotOn. Send by mail, to : potOn. Send off, to : depoton; desedOn. Send with, to : kesedOn. Sender : sedel. Sending : lesedam; lUseoam. Senile : baledanik. Senility: baled. Sensation: fekam; senam; jov. Sense : siam; sien. Sense : sienik. Sense, common : kapal. Sense of honor : stimasen. Senseless : nelisalik. Sensibility: sen; sciuil. Sensible: senitlik;fekamik;kapalik; senlik; siamikjvllsedik; lisitlik. Sensible, to be: vilseclun. Sensitive: lusenik; seimlik; senik; Sensitiveness : lusenOf. [sienlik. Sensory : sienik. Sensual: sienlik; midalik. Sensuality : midal. Sensualist : yofab. Sensualize, to : sienlon. Sentence: ptiked; set; cOdat. Sentence, to : codatOn; fecOdaton. (? 9 8) Sened. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sepiib. Sened : exterior; the outer part. Senedel: externe; day-pupil; dres- ser; dispensary physician. Senedem: outworks; outer-parts. Senedik: outer; external; exterior. Senedo: externally; outside; with- out. Seneflan : outside; exterior. Senelien : outline; contour; peri- phery; perimeter. Senik : sensitive; tender. Senin : arsenicum. As. (Chem.) Seninik: arsenical. Senin vagbn: to excavate. SENIT: attention. Senitam : notice; attention. Senitik : attentive; observant. Senitiko: attentively; observantly. Senitlik: perceivable; perceptible; sensible. Senitlof: perceptibility. Senitb ! Attention ! Senitbf: attentiveness. Senitbn : to pay attention to; to notice; to observe; to attend. Senlik : sensible; perceptible; palp- able, [cate. Senoisbn : to extirpate; to eradi- Senokbn: to knock out; to beat out. Senbn; to feel; to perceive by feel- Sentab: cent. [ing. Seo : outside of; without. Seoblibbn : to remain away; to shirk; to play truant. SEP: grave; tomb; sepulchre. Sepakam : unpacking. Sepakbn : to unpack. [ture. Sepam : interment; burial; sepul- Sepamal : tombstone; headstone; mausoleum. Sepapenad : epitaph. [out. Sepedbn : to press out; to squeeze Sepenod: transcription; copy. Sepenodel : transcriber; copyist. Sepenodbn : to transcribe; to en- gross; to make a fair copy. Sepet : expression. Sepetik: expressive. Sepetbn : to express; to give words Sepik : fossil. [to. Seplan(am) : explanation; inter- pretation. Seplanel : explainer; expounder. Seplanbn: to explain; to expound; to interpret. [tomb. Sepbn : to bury; to inter; to en- Sepbp: burial place; grave, [ture. Sepiib: funeral; obsequies; sepul- Sententious. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Servants. Sententious : ptikedik. Sentiment : fek. Sentimental: fekamik. Sentiments : tikad. Separability : deditof. Separable: deditik; teilik. Separate, to: dabalon; dediton; depatOn ; depedOn ; desepon ; detlilon ; diton ; livon ; satelon ; Separately: detulo. [teilon. Separation : deliv(am); dedit; de- patam; dit(am); fagam; sate- lam; sedit; teil(am). Separator: delivel; deliviel. September: ztllul; setul. Septette: velUm. Septillion : velion. Sepulchre : sep. Sepulture: sepam; sepiib. Sequel : fov; fovot. Sequence : suk. Seraph : seraf. Seraphic: serafik. Serenade : kanitaglid. Sergeant at-arms : stafel. Series : ked. Serious: fefik. Serious, to be : fefOn. Seriously : fefo. Seriousness : fef. Sermon : pred. Sermon, to deliver : predon. Sermonizer : predel. Serpent : snek. Serpentine: snekik. Serrated: tutik. Servant: dlinan; dttnel; dflnefel. Servants: diinef; dunelef. (299) Sepiik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Setokbn. Sepiik: enunciation ; pronunciation. Sepiikad : declaration; decision; verdict. Sepiikam : articulation; enuncia- tion. Sepiikel : enunciator; pronouncer. Sepiikik: utterable; pronounceable; articulate. Sepiik on : to enunciate; to pro- nounce; to articulate; to utter. Seraf: seraph. Serafik : seraphic. Ses? Wherefrom? Whence? Sesag: allegation; predicate; statement; expression, [tion. Sesagel : one who makes an asser- Sesagb'n : to express; to state. Sesagot: statement; expression. Sesakilbn : to empty one's purse. Sesambn : to sort out; to pick over; to discard. Sesambt: culls; refuse. Sesedal: exporter. Sesed(am) : exportation; sending out; emitting. Sesedel : shipper; sender. Sesedbn : to export; to emit. Sesedot: export; emission. Seseit(am) : exposure; display. Seseitbn : to expose; to set out; to lay out; to display. [ment. Sesep(am) : exhumation; disinter- Sesepbn : to exhume; to disinter. Sesepot: disinterment. Sesiadbn : to set aside; to set out; to suspend. Seskutbn : to spurt out; to spout. Seslifdn : to slide out. Seslupbn : to escape; to get out of danger; to slip out. Sesliilbn : to tear out; to pluck out. Sespadon : to clear away; to clear. Sespanbn : to stretch out; to stretch (cloth). [cher. Sespaniel : stretcher; carpet stret- Sespinbn: to pick out; to prick Sespiniel : pick. [out. Sestiinbn : to unravel; to fray. Sesuipbn : to scrub out; to clean. Sesiik(am) : selection. Sesiikots : selects; sorts. Sesum : exception. Sesumik: exceptional; especial; pre-eminent. Sesumbn : to except; to exclude. Sesumii : with the exception of ; except; but; excepting. Sesvipbn : to sweep, brush, swab Sesvipot: sweepings. [out. SET: sentence; phrase; collection of words. Seten(am) : extension ; develop- ment; expansion. [pander. Seteniel: dilator; stretcher; ex- Setenbn : to extend; to develop; to dilate; to expand. Setev : emigration. Setevel: emigrant. Setevbn : to emigrate. [grant. Setezeilbp : destination (of emi- Setlid : egress; exit; departure. Setlidbn : toemerge; to withdraw; Setbk: exchange; barter, [to retire. Setbkadin : commodity; merchan- dise, [to trade. Setokbn: to barter; to exchange; Serve. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Settle. dtinon ; bedUnon ; botelon. Serve out, to : xodunon. Serve up, to : tabon. Service: dttn; dttnam. Service, out of: plO dun. Serviceable : dilnik. Service berry : bobal; bodabal. Servile : slafik; doglik. Serving: bediinam; dttnam. Servitude: dttneltig; slafen;laslatiig. Sesqui : balelatik. Set, to: siad6n; pladOn. Set against, to : tasiadOn. Set aside, to : mosiadOn; sesiadon. Set down, to : detopOn. Set in, to : ninsiadon. Set out, to : seseitOn; sesiadOn. Set off, to : desiadttn. Set over, to : lovesiadOn. Setup, to: supladOn; susiadon. Setting: siadam; disod. [dokOn. Settle, to: dafinon; demekOn; sia- Setopam. YULAPUK-ENGLISH. Siamagav. Setopam: exhibition; exposition. Setopel : exhibitor. Setopb'n : to exhibit ; to expose. Setopb'p : exposition ; exhibition Setovb'n : to lift up. [place. Setul : September. [to undo. Setuiilon : to unwrap; to unroll; Seii : outside ; on the outside of. Sev: knowledge; cognition ; under- standing ; acquaintance. Sevafulik : erudite ; learned. Sevagbn : to empty out. Seval : selection ; choice ; election. Sevalam : election ; selection ; choosing ; calling. Sevalef : commission ; committee ; electoral college. Sevalel : elector ; voter. Sevalem : culls ; refuse ; rubbish. Sevalem. : refuse ; waste. Sevailbn : to choose ; to select ; to Sevalot : choice. [pick out. Seva'pb'n : to exhale vapor. Seved : exteriorly; peripherally; abroad. [superficially. Sevedik : outward ; exteriorly ; Seveg: outlet; vent; expedient; subterfuge. Sevegam : driving out; drive. Sevegbn : to drive out; to take a drive. [the calibre of. Seveitb'n: to enlarge; to increase Sevel : connoisseur; expert; dilet- tante. Sevelalog : mien of a connoisseur. Sevestig(am) : investigation. Sevestigbn : to investigate ; to Sevidon : to widen. [explore. Sevik: cognizable ; recognizable. Sevobbn : to perfect; to give the finishing touches to. Sevok: exclamation; outcry ; pro- clamation, [vendor. Sevokel : crier; hawker; street Sevokbn : to exclaim; to cry out; to proclaim. Sevbn : to know ; to recognize ; to be acquainted with; to know (how). [to extirpate. Sevulbn : to uproot; to eradicate; Sexanbn: to step out; to alight. Seyilbn : to give way; to yield. Seyufdn : to help out. [cement. Seza'mon : to cement; to fill with Sezug : extraction; removal; with- drawal, [to remove. Sezugbn : to extract; to withdraw; Sezu'k : extract; abstract. Sezukbn : to abstract; to extract; to make an extract. SFAL: asphaltum; asphalt. Sfalik: asphaltic; asphaltite. Sfalnik : asphaltite. Sfalbn : to cover with asphalt. Sfin : sphinx. SI : yes. [sentence. SI AD : collocation; composition; Siadam : setting; placing; type- setting, [setter. Siadel : composer ; compositor; Siadokbn : to settle; to sit down. Siadbn : to set; to place ; to collo- Siam : affirmation, [cate; to seat. Sia'm: sense; signification; purport. Sia'mag: symbol; emblem. Siamagav : symbolism. Settle. EXGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Sexually Settle with, to : depelon. Settled : siedik. Settlement : dafin(am). Settler: kolan; kolunel. Seven : vel. Seventeen : balsevel. Sever, to : dediton; teilon. Several: plulik; teldik; modumiks. Severe: jalepik; nemeilndik. Severe, to be : jalepOn. Severity: jalep; neineilad. Sew, to : lanagon; nadon; nagon' Sewer (soer) : nagel. [teladoir Sewer : (suer) deflumot; kloakop" Sewing: nag. Sewing-machine : nagacin. Sex : gen. Sextette : malUm. Sextillion : malion. Sexton : glokan. Sexual: genik. Sexually: geniko. (301) Shabbiness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Shoe-shop. Shabbiness : smalnOf. Shabby : smalnik. Shackle: Jan. Shackle, to: janOn. Shade : jad. Shade, to: jadOn; ztijadon. Shaded : jadik. Shadow : jad. Shady : jadik. Shaft : sop. Shaft-like: sopik. Shake: tril; lemuf. Shake, to: dalemufon; lemtlfon; lumutlon; suflemufon. Shake off, to: delemufon. Shake out, to : selemufon. Shake up, to : suilemufon. Shaker : delemufiel. Shaking : lumuflik. Shako : besmahat. Shaky : falik. Shallop : jalup. Shallow ; nedibalik; nedibik. Shallowness : nedibalof. Shambles: mitop. Shame: Jem; jemod. Shame-faced : jemik. Shameful : jemodik. Shamefully: jemodiko. Shamefulness: nejemof. Shank : tigap. Shape : fOm. Shape, to : fOmOn. Shaped : fomik. Shapeless: nefOmik. Shard : jeb. Share: gellidilot; dilod; lakif. Share, to : dilidon; dilodOn. Share-holder: kedilidel; lakifan. Sharer: dilel; dilidan. Sharing : dilid. Sharing : dilidik. Shark: jak. Sharp: japik; kotik; jalepik. Sharpen, to : japon; tipon. Sharpening : japam. Sharper : japan. Sharpness: jap. Shatter, to : deblekOn. Shave, to : balibanon. Shaving: defalin; snitot. Shaving-soap : balisob. Shawl: nokebaklof. She : of. Sheaf: jif. Shear, to : jimon. Shearer: jimel. Shears: jim. Sheath : veat; denavead. Sheath, to : veatOn. Shed : vabasmadom. Shed, to: spilOn; fejtttOn. Sheep : jip. Sheep-farming : jipen. Sheepish : jipik. Sheep-rot: nimilupak. Sheet: blog. Shell: bomkan; domot; jal; vead. Shell, to: jalon; seglenOn; sekeron. Sheller: dejalel; dejaliel. Shelter :jel; jal; labot; tegOp. Shelter, to: jelon; labotOn. Shelterer: jelan. Sheltering: labotam. Shelving : supladam. Shepherd: jepan; jipan. Shield: jul; lejul. Shield, to : jiilon. Shift : luyuf; vomajit. Shilling : jiab. Shine, to : litOn; nidOn. Shine upon, to : besolon. Shining: nidik. Ship,to:fenafc)n; lilsedon; ninafOn. Shipment : canasedam; sedanam; .Shipper : sedel. [sedam. Shipping: fesed; liisedam; nafem; Ship-wreck : nafadistuk. Ship-yard : nafibumOp. Shire : gaban. Shirk, to : seoblibon. Shirt : jit. Shirt- maker: jitel. Shiver, to: flodon- dadlemOn. Shoal : nedibOp. Shock : jok. Shock, to : jokOn. Shocked, to be : skanon Shocking : skanik. Shoe : juk. Shoe-blacking: vaxin. Shoe-maker: jukel. Shoe. maker's shop : jukOp. Shoe-making : juken. Shoes, to black : vaxinOn. Shoe -shop : jukOp. (302) Siamik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sid. Siamik : affirmative; positive. Siamik : sensible; judicious. Siamiko : affirmatively; positively. Siambf : sense; judgment. Siambn : to affirm. Sia'mb'n: to meditate; to think over; to reflect upon. SiamU : in the sense of. Sibam : sifting; screening. Siban : sifter. Sibel: sieve-maker. SIB: sieve; screen. Siber: ursa major (constellation). Sibin : existence. Sibinam: existence; subsistence; support; maintenance. Sibinamdp : habitation ; shelter; abode; habitat. [istence. Sibinambn : to maintain an ex- Sibinel : individual; being; in- dividual existence. Sibinik : existing; present. Sibinbn : to exist; to be; to be at hand; to subsist. Sibinos : there is; there exists. Sibod : ambrosia. Sibbn : to sift; to bolt; to screen. SIC: siege. Sicam: besieging; siege. Sicamel : besieger. Sicambn : to besiege; to beset. SID: seed; grain; kernel. Shoot. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Side. Shoot, to : jutOn; dajutOn. Shoot away, to : fejutOn. Shooter: jutel. Shooting: jut(am); juten. Shop: lemacem; buig. Shopping : delemam. Shore : jol. Short: blefik. Short, in : blefo. Shorten, lo : blefon. Shortening : blefam. Shortly : nilikuno; sun(o). Shortness : blef. Short-sighted : blelogamik. Short-sightedness : blelogamOf. Shot: jut. Shot-gun : palgun. Shot wound: jutavun. Should: soton; (I should: sotob). Shoulder: jot. Shoulder-belt: tasteilagot; vafala- Shoulder-blade: jotabom. [got. Shout : vok(am). Shout, to: vokon. Shove, to : dlanOn; lumufOn. Shove down, to: donijokOn. Shove in, to : ninlumufOn. Shove off, to : dejokOn. Show: jov. Show, to: blofOn: jonon. Shower : lOmib; silavat. Shower, to : lOmibon; silavaton. Shower-bath : dujet. Showery : lOmibik. Shred: snitot. Shrewd : luvisedik. Shrewdness : tipal; luvisedug. Shriek : luvok. Shriek, to : luvokOn. Shrine : likadOp. [nabegina. Shrove Tuesday : fajttp; neit cu- Shrub : job; smabim. Shrub -like: jobik. Shrubbery : galafotil. Shrubby: bujadik; jobik. Shrug, to : dotilOn. Shuck : jal. Shudder, to : dadlemOn ; lejeko- Shuddering : lejek. [nok. Shun, to: plafon; vitOn. Shut, to : kikOn. Shutter, window : HtOpajOt. Shuttle : vivanafil. Shy : plafik. Shy, to be : plafOn. Shyness: plaf. Sick: maladik; pOsanik. Sick person : maladikan. Sicken, to : maladOn ; maladodOn. Sickening: maladam; maladod. Sickle : yebaneif. Sickly: maladnik; maladOfik. ; Sickly, to be : maiadoftjn. Sickness: maladof. Side : flan. Side, on the of : flanU. (303) Sidab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sikbn. Sidab : seedling. Sidam: seeding; sowing with seed. Sidatedam : seed trade. Sidbn : to seed; to impregnate. SIED : seat. Siedam: sitting. Siedambn : to be in session; to sit. Siedik: settled; established; seden- Siedbn : to sit; to be seated, [tary. Siel : affirmer; amrmant. Siem : edge; brink; border. Sien : sense (one of the five senses.) Sienik : sensory; sense. Sienlik : sensitive; sensual. Sienlon : to sensualize; to become sensual. SIF: civilian; commoner; citizen. Sifagit: citizenship. Sifajul : city school; public school. Sifaklig: civil war. [city. Sifan: townsman; inhabitant of a Sifal : mayor. Sifem: commonalty; citizens. Sink : civil; civilian. Sifits: Pisces (constellation). Sifdn : to naturalize; to enfranchise. SIG : dryness; aridity. Sigarn : desiccation. Sigayeb : hay. Sigayebafok: pitch-fork; hay -fork. Sigik: dry; dried; desiccated. Sigil : Aquila (constellation). Sigbn : to dry ; to desiccate. Sijip : Aries (constellation). Sijutel: Sagittarius (constellation). SIK : eminence; distinction; prom- inence. Sikam: distinction; discrimination. Sikapikor : Capricornus (constella- tion.) Sikik: eminent; distinguished; conspicuous; prominent. Siklaf : Cancer (constellation). Sikod(o) : therefore; hence; conse- quently, [to mark out. Sikbn : to distinguish; to signalize; Side. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Simile. Side: flanik. Side-arms : disgtln. Side-dish : lafid. Side-scene : teavol. Sidereal: planetik. Sideways, sidewise : flanived(o). Siege: sic(am). Sieve : sib; dlatasib. Sift, to : sibOn. Sifter: siban. Sifting: sibam. Sigh : seif. Sigh, to: seifon. Sight: lenlog; logad; logam. Sign: btitnal; glemal; kttp; kiipa- mal; mak; mal; vineg; plad- inuniel; selagot. Sign, to : disopenOn. Signal: filamal; militamal. Signalise, to : sikon. Signature: disopen; disopenad. Signification: malam; siam; sinif. Signify, to : malOn; sinifon. Silent, to be: seilOn; nepttkon. Signing : disopenam. Signs, to make : vinegon. Silence: seil; seilof; stil; seilug; neptlk; netonof. Silence! Paseilo! Seilo! So! Silent: seilik; nebosetik; neplikik; netonik. Silicium: sizin. Silk : satin; tafet; glesatin. Silken: satinik; satinlik. Silk -merchant : satinatedel. Silks : satinacan. Silky: satinlik. Sill : svoad . Silliness: lufased; lufasedof. Silly: lufasedik; trofik; jiprllik-, Silver: silef; silin. [lubalik. Silver : silefik. Silver, to: silefon; silinOn. Silversmith : silefan. Silver-ware : silefom. Similar: leigik; stimik. Similarity : slim . Simile : leigtid. (304) Sil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sidon. SIL: sky; canopy of heaven. Silab : syllable. Silabam : syllabication. Silabik: syllabic; syllabic. Silabob : firmament. Silabbn : to syllable; to syllabicate. Silalut: ether; that which occupies the interstices of matter and pervades all space. Silavat : rain; rain-water. Silavatbn : to rain ; to shower. Silef: silver. Silefam : silvering; silver-plating. Silefan : silversmith. Silefik: silver; of silver. Silefdm : silver ware. Silefbn : to silver; to silver plate. Silein : leo (constellation). Silik : celestial. Silin : argentum; Ag.; (chem). Silinbn : to silTer; to cover with silver. Silbp : quarter of the heavens (as North, South, East and West). SIM : hem; border; selvage; list. Simafad : fringe. Simon : to hem; to make a hem. SIMUL: dissimulation; hypoc- risy; simulation; pretense. Simulel: simulator; hypocrite. Simulik: simulated; hypocritical; feigned; pretended. Simulbn : to simulate; to play the hypocrite; to pretend; to dis- semble; to feign. SIN : sin; iniquity; guilt; trans- Sinab : mustard. [gression. Sinagbp : synagogue. Sinel : sinner; trespasser. SINIF: indication ; intimation ; signification. Siniton : to indicate; to intimate; to signify. Sinik: sinful; culpable; iniquitous; guilty; wicked. [iquity. Sinof: sinfulness; culpability; in- Sinb'n : to sin; to trespass. Siodbn : to impregnate. Simple. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sister. Simple : balik ; teik; labalik; di- Simpleton : trof. [malik. Simplicity : balikug; balikal. Simplify, to: baliikon. Simply: baliko; blefo. Simulate, to : lusanlikon; simulon. Simulated : simulik. Simulation : simul. Simulator : simulel. Simultaneity: leigtip. Simultaneous: leigilpik; saik. Simultaneously with (prep} : sa. Sin : sin ; ledeb. Sin, to : sinon. Sin of omission : nedunasin. Since : slso. Since (prep.}\ sis. Since (con/.) : bi. Sincere: kantidik; nifalik. Sincerity: kftniid; nifal. Sinew : tanap. Sinful : sinik. Sinfulness : sinof. Sing, to : kaniton. Singe, to : fefiledOn. Singer : kanitel; dekanitel. Singing: kanit; dekanitam. Single: debalik; lebalik; soalik; teik; nepematOl. Single-handed : banamik. Singleness : dabalod. Singly : dabalo; detillo; soalo. Singular : banum. Singular: banumik; lumilagnik; Sink : kloakop. [selednik. Sink, to: pendon; dison; fegolon; dieson. Sink down, to : donidison. Sink in, to : nindisOn. Sinless : nesinik. Sinner : sinel; Sip, to: Upon; slufon. Sir : sol. Sister : jiblod. (305) Sibn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Skofik. Sibn : to affirm; to answer in the affirmative. SIPID: insipidity; flatness. Sipidik : insipid; flat. SIS: since; from (time), [time. Sis adat : from this date; from the Sisag(am) : consent; assent; ac- quiescence, [acquiesce. Sisagbn: to consent; to assent; to Sisik: hitherto (up to this time). Siskopaf : Scorpio (constellation). Siso: since; hitherto; until now. SIT : system. Sitelab : Gemini (constellation). Sitik ; systematic. [getting. SlV(am): procuring; sending for; Sivated: Libra (constellation). Sivatan : Aquarius (constellation). Sivik: obtainable; maybe drawn upon. Sivilgin : Virgo (constellation). Sivin : nectar. Si von : to procure; to get from; to send for. Sixol: Taurus (constellation). Siyulib : azure; sky-blue color. Siyulibik: azure; sky-blue. Sizin : silicium; Si; (chem). SKAD: fleet; squadron; flotilla. Skadit : magpie. SKAF: scaffold; staging; platform. Skafbn : to erect a scaffold. SKAL: pot; glazed earthen pot; Skalel : potter. [queen's-ware. SKAM : vagabondage; vagrancy. Ska'mel : vagrant; vagabond ; tramp (colloq.) [a vagrant. Ska'mbn : to be a vagabond; to be SKAN : scandal. SKAN : offense; umbrage. Skanam : raising scandal. Skanel : scandalizer. Skanik : scandalous. Skanik: offensive; shocking. Ska'nbf : offensiveness; indecency. Skanbn : to cause scandal; to scandalize. [shocked. Skanbn: to be scandalized ;offended. Skat: scratch; abrasion ; excoriation. Skatlik : scratched; abraded; ex- coriated, [to abrade. Ska'ton : to scratch; to excoriate; SKIL : skill; ability; cleverness; proficiency. [ficient. Skilik: skilful; able; clever; pro- Skilo : skilfully; ably. SKIN : skin. Skinan : flayer; skinner. Skinaplasiid : skin-grafting; der moplasty. Skinaplif: wrinkle. Skinaplifik : wrinkled. Skinaplifbn : to wrinkle; to become wrinkled (skin). Skinbn : to flay; to skin. SKIT: leather; tanned skins of animals. [tannery. Skitafabllid : leather manufactory; Skital : leather manufacturer. Skitan : leather dealer. Skitel: tanner; currier. Skitik : leathern; leather. [ther. Skitlik: leathery; resembling lea- Skof: scrofula. [fula. Skofa't: scrofulous diathesis; scro- Skofik : scrofulous. Sisterly. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Skeleton. Sisterly : jiblodik. Sit, to : siedon; siedamon. Sit down, to: siadokOn. Site: seit. Sitting: siedam. Sitting-hen : kuvajigok. Situate: seistik; seistol. Situated, to be : seiston. Situation : ciil; plad; seit. Situation, vacant : calavag. Six: mal. Sixteen : balsemaL Sixty : mals. Size: big; fomat; glet; kleb. Skate : gladajuk. Skate, to: gladajukon. Skater: gladajukan. Skeleton: bomem; lOgot. Skom. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Slepo. SKOM : discount; discounting. SKOM : scum; foam; froth. Skorndn : to discount; to cash at discount. [froth. Skbmbn : to skim; to foam; to Skopaf: scorpion. Skb't: arms; armorial ensigns; escutcheon. Skbtajiil: coat of arms; escutcheon. Skbtav : heraldry. Skbtavik : heraldic. Skbtik : armorial. SKUB: screw. [screw down. Skubbn : to screw; to screw on; to SKUD : cone; ninepins. Skiidakul : bowling alley. Skiidan : bowler. Skiidik : conical; cone-shaped. Skiidbn : to play at ninepins; to bowl. SKUL: skill; dexterity; versatility. Skiilik: skilful; dextrous; versatile. SKUN: skin; pelt; hide (of ani- SKUT: syringe. [mals. Skuton: to squirt; to spurt; tospout. SLAF: slave. Slafen : slavery; enslaving; servi- Slafik: slavish; servile. [tude. Slafdn : to enslave. Slafub : slavery. SLAM: Mohammedism ; Islamism. SLAM : slime; mud; mire. Slama(nla)bel : mud volcano. Slamik: slimy; muddy. SLAN : slander; calumny, [ing. Slanam : abuse; defamation; revil- Slanam: calumniation; slander. Slanel: defamer. [traducer. Slanel : slanderer; calumniator; SLa'nik: slanderous; calumnious. Slanb.i : to defame; to revile; to abuse. [to traduce, rianb'n: to slander; to calumniate; SLEB: stairs; staircase. SLEN : tenuity; thinness; slen- derness. Slenam : attenuation ; thinning. Slenik : thin; attenuated; slender. Slenoliun : hair-line. Slenbn : 10 attenuate; to thin; to make slender. Slenb'p : clearing; place where trees have been thinned. SLEP: step;grade;degree. [of steps Slepafomik : in steps; in the form Slepaglofdn: to gradually increase. Slepik : in steps; graded. Slepnik : gradual; progressive. Slepo: gradually; by steps; step by step. Skeleton-key. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Slanting. Skeleton-key: lukik. Skepticism: dotal. Sketch: deslit ; jemad; penat; Skewer: loesped. [penatOn. Skiff: but; lunaf; smanaf. Skilful : skilik: sklilik. Skilfully: skilo. Skill: kan; skil; sktil. Skim, to : skomon. Skimmer : deskOman; deskomiel. Skin: skin; sktin; leskin. Skin, to: skinon. Skin grafting : skinaplastid. Skinner : skinan. Skip, to : bunOn. Skipper: nafel. [komip; smapug. Skirmish : lukomip ; lupug ; sma- Skirmishing: lukomip. Skulk, to : slttpon. Skulking: slttp. Skull : kapabom. Sky: sil. Sky-blue : siyulibflc. Sky light: nulalitOp. Slabber, to : fejiiton. Slack: nejalepik; zogik. Slacken, to : nevifOn. Slain : pefunik. Slain, to be : pefunOn. Slander: slan(am). Slander, to : slanon. Slanderer : slanel. Slanderous : slanik. Slanting : slobik. (37) Slepon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Slitbn. Slepon: to grade; to graduate; to cut into steps. SLET : slate. Sletanuf : slate roof. Sletik : slaty; slate. [slate. Sletbn : to slate; to cover with Sletot: slate (school furniture). SLID : explosion; rupture; burst- ing. Slidb'n : to burst; to rupture. SLIP: sliding; gliding. Slifdn: to slide; to glide. SLIM : mucus; slime. Slimam : congestion; obstruction Slimik: mucous; slimy, [by mucus. Slimbn: to congest; to obstruct by mucus. [ber. SLIP: sleep; somnolence; slum- Slipacem : bed-chamber; sleeping Slipatim: bed-time; sleeping-time. Slipel : sleeper; slumberer. Slipik : sleepy; somnolent. Slipil: short sleep; nap. Slipbn : to sleep; to slumber. Slipup: sleep; period of sleep. SLIT: slit; rent; crevice. Slitam: division; slitting; schism; laceration. Slitik : cracked; fissured; chapped; rent; lacerated. Slitbm : saw. Slitbman : sawyer. [saws. Slitbmem: saw-mill machinery; Slitbmen : saw-mill business. Slitbm on : to saw. Slitbmbp : saw-mill. Slitbn: to crack; to become fis- sured; to become lacerated ; to split. Slate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sloth. Slate : penaboed; sletot. Slate: sletik. Slate, to : sleton. Slate -roof : sletanuf. Slaty : sletik. Slaughter, to : mitanon. Slaughter-house : mitanop. Slave : slat. Slave, to: dtinelon. Slavery ; slafub; slafen. Slavish : slafik. Slay, to : funon. Slayer : funel. Hedge: | nifavab - Sleep: slip; slipup. Sleep, to : slipon. Sleep away, to : j { ,. Sleep off, to : f le Sleeper: slipel. Sleeplessness: neslip. Sleepy : slipik. Sleeve : lamavead. Sleigh : nifavab. Sleigh -ride, to take : nifavabon. Slender: lonetik; slenik. , Slenderness : lonet; slen. Sley : vivabled. Slice: koted; kotot. Slice of bread : bodadil; bodakotot. Slide : lumufiel. Slide, to : lumufon ; slifOn. Slide off, to : deslifon. Slide out, to : seslifOn. Sliding : slif. Slight: misttim. Slight: lonetik; pulik. Slightness : lonet. Slim : lonetik. Slime : slam; slim. Slimness : lonet. Slimy: slitmik; slimik. Sling : vafalagot. Slink, to: lovigolOn. Slip away, to : saslttpOn; slupOn. Slip off, to : daslifon. Slip out, to: sasltipon; sesltipon. Slit: slit; sukot. Sloop : jalup. Slope: deslopof; kliv; slob. Slope, to ; dekliv5n; slobon. Sloping: deslopik; slobik. Slopingly : slobiko. Sloth : nedut; nedutaf. (3 8 ) Slob. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Smadinad. SLOB: slope; obliquity; inclined plane; incline. Sloba'l : mental obliquity; perver- sity; crookedness. Slobik : oblique; inclined; slop- Slobiko : slopingly. [ing; slanting. Slobo : obliquely. Slobbn : to slope; to make oblique; to make inclined. SLOP: inclination; predilection. SLOP: declivity; inclination. Slopeg: appendage. Slopel : follower; disciple; votary; adherent; partisan. Slopik : desirous; inclined. Slopbn : to be a partisan of ; to "follow; to cling to; to incline. Sloven: slovenliness. Slbvenan: sloven. Slbvenik : slovenly. [elusion. SLUD: resolution; decision; con - Sludam : deliberation; resolving; decision. Sludik: determined; resolute. Sludbn: to conclude; to resolve; j to decide; to determine. Sludot : resolution; conclusion; decision. Sludug : resolution; decision of Slufon : to sip. [character. SLUP : skulking; concealment; slyness. [to slip away. Slupbn : to skulk; to steal away; SLLTT : tearing; plucking. Slu'tbn : to tear; to pluck. Smabastet: patty; pastry. Smabed : nest. Smabedbn : to nest; to build a nest. Smabel: hill; knoll; mound. Smabelik: hilly; rolling. Smabim: bush; shrub. Smabled: leaflet; codicil; supple- ment (newspaper). Smabbdil : humming-bird. Smabov : plate. Smaca'f: wornil; grub of the cock- chafer; grub. [cove. Smacem : ante-room; closet; al- Smacuk : ass foal; young ass. Smadambn : to injure; to wrong. Smadinad : trifling circumstance. Slothful. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Smite. Slothful : nedutik. Slough : fiv. Sloven : slovenan. Slovenliness : sloven. Slovenly: slovenik. Slow: nevifik; zogik. Slowly : nevifiko. Slowness : nevif(of). Slow-worm : zakaf. Sluggard : nedutan. Sluggish : nevifik. Sluggishly : nevifiko. Sluggishness : nevii(Of). Slumber : slip. Slumber, to : slipon. Slumberer: slipel. Slut : jidog. Sly: luvisedik; kafik. Slyness: ship; luvisedug. Small : smalik. Smaller, the : lun. Smaller : smalikum. Smaller : lu; smalumo. Smallness : smal. Small-pox : pogip. Smart : visen. Smart, to : visenOn. Smear, to : smivOn. Smeared : smivik. Smearer : smivel. Smell : smel; smel(am). Smell, to : nudon; smelamOn. Smell of, to : lasmelon. Smelt, to : smeton. Smelting: smet;smeten. Smelting works : smetOp. Smile : smul; smilil. Smile, to : smulon; smililfln. Smile upon, to : lasmilOn. Smirk, to : smegOn. Smirking: smeg. Smite, to: daflapOn. (39) Smadlinab. YOI.APUK-ENGLISH. Smaloted. Smadlinab: small pitcher; small mug; stone bottle. Smadog : puppy; pup. Smadom : hut; cabin. Smaf: spawn. Smafaniib: cage. Smafimod: bastion; citadel. Smafon : microphone. Smafona'd: small spring. Smafit : minnow; roe; spawn. Smafrog: tadpole; polliwog. Smagan: gosling. [mock. Smageil : eminence; knoll; hum- Smagok: chicken; chick. Smagiin : pistol. Smahat : cap. Small: little bit; trifle; morsel. Smajeval : colt; foal. Smajip : lamb. Smajon : prettiness; elegance. Smajb'nik: pretty; nice; dainty. Smakalod : coolness. Smakan: small cannon; howitzer. Smakap: microcephalus. Smakat: kitten. Smakodot : bust. Smakomip: skirmish. Smakun: heifer-calf. SMAL: smallness; diminutiveness. Smalacan: hardware; notions. Smalal; narrowmindedness. Smalam: diminution. [idity. Smalanim: faint-heartedness; tim- Smalik: small; diminutive; little. Smal(ik)um(o): smaller; less. Smalil(o): 'little. Smalnik: shabby; mean. Smalnb'f: shabbiness; meanness. Smalnbfel: stickler. Smalb'f: triviality. [ness. Smalogam: myopia; nearsighted - Smalogamik: myopic;nearsighted. Smalbn: to diminish; to make smaller. Smalos: little thing; trifle. Smaloted: small saloon. Smith. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Soap. Smith : lelel. Smoke: smok. Smoked: pesmokol. Smoke-house : smokOp; Smoke, to : mokOn. Smoker: smOkel. Smoking: smokam. Smoky : smokik. Smooth: smufik; lesmufik. Smooth, to: smudon; smufon; smtlfon. Smoothing: smud(am). Smoothing-iron: smufalel;smttnel. Smoothly: smufiko. Smoothness: smuf. Smother, to: tuafOn. Smothered, to be: tuafon. Smuggle, to: smugon. Smuggle in, to: nUsmugon. Smuggled: smugik. Smuggler: smugel. Smuggling: smug. Snail: snel. Snail-shell: snelOp. Snake: snek. Snaky: snekik. Snap: snip. Snap, to: snipOn. Snare: lesnal; tlap. Snatch away, to: moslUton. Snatch up, to: suisnapon. Sneak, to: lovigolon. Sneak away, to: molovigolOn. Sneering: kofik. Sneezing: snid(en). Snipe: snep. Snipe season : snepttp. Snout: glumud; lumud. Snow: nif; nifafal. Snow, to: nifon. Snow-flake: flog. Snowy: nifik. Snuff: tabaked. Snuff, to take: tabakedOn. Snuff-box: tabakedabok. Snuffle, to: nudon; snofon. Snuffles: snofip. So: (adv.) so; also. So as: aso. So that: sodas. Soap, cake of: sobadil. Soap, to: sobon. Smaliil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISR Smelbn. Smaliil: miniature. Smalyagel: insect hunter; bug- hunter; entomologist. Smaman: dwarf. fputian. Smamen : dwarf; pygmy; Lilli- Smanaf: skiff; canoe; gondola; Smanid: glimmer. [rowboat. Smanim: embryo. Smapianofod : upright piano. Srnapug : skirmish, small combat. Smapiik : whisper. Smaspad: angle; corner; small Smastag : roebuck. [space. Smastog : sock. Smasiif: scene (drama). Smasiit: alley; small street. Smasvin : pig. Smatapiik : objection. Smatapiikam : remonstrance; ob- jection; challenge. [strate. Smatapiikb'n : to object; to remon- Smatedel : retail dealer; shop- keeper. Smatikalen: frivolity ;frivolousness. Smatub : keg. Smaveg : path; trail. Smavelat : verisimilitude; proba- bility; likelihood. Smavelatik: probable. Smaxol : bull-calf; calf. Smaxol pinik : fatted calf. Smaxolamit: veal. Smayunel : youth; stripling. Smazigad: cigarette. S M EG : smirking. [tionately. Smegb'n: to smirk; to smile affec- SMEK : taste (sense of). Smekb'n : to taste; to discriminate by tasting. SMEL : smell; odor; perfume; effluvium; scent. Smeladin : perfumery. [smell. Smelam : smell; scent; (sense of Smelambn : to smell; to scent; to detect an odor. [an odor. Smelbn : to smell; to scent; to emit Soap. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Solidity. Soap, to cleanse with: sobOn. Soap-works: sobakukOp. Soapy: sobik. Sobriety: cunal. Sobriquet: lanem. Sociability : kopanug. Sociable : kopanik ; sogik ; kosadik. Social : sogik. [zilak. Society : klub; kopanOm; sog; Society, geographiced: taledaklub. Sock : smastog. Socket: loganinvag. Soda: natum; sod. Soda, caustic : filunatum. Sodium : natin. Sofa: nedutabed; sof. [safik. Soft : dusik; lovik; miidik; mliedik; Soft-boiled: muekuigik. Soften, to: miiedon; sofon; meila- Soften up : sumiiedon. [don. Softness : miied. Softly : loviko. Softly! dusO! Soil : glun; tail. Soil, to : stenOn. Soiled : stenik. Sojourn: blib; steb. Sojourn, to: stebOn. Solace: tlod. Solace : tlod Or,. Solar: solik. Sold out : peselol. Solder, to : soldC;.. Soldier: kligan; militel; solat;baan. Soldierly : solatik. Sole : futadisop; butadisop. Sole : lebalik. Sole, to : budisopOn. Solely (adv.): te; to. Solemn : zelik; zalik. Solemnity : zalof; zel. Solemnize, to: zalOn; zelon. ! Solicit, to : bekOn. Solicitation : bek; beken. Solicitor : lavogal. Solicitous: kudik; plokudik; tlepik. Solicitous, to be: kudOn. Solicitously : plokudo. Solicitude: kud; kuddb. Solid: fimik; famik; lelegik; stab- alik; stabik. Solidity: fim; fUmitt; leleg; stabal. (3") Smet. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Smufik. SMET: fusion; smelting. Smeten : smelting; fusing. Smetbn : to smelt; to melt; to fuse. Smetbp : smelting works. SMIF : emery. Smifaklbf : emery-cloth. Smifapbp : emery paper. SMIL: laughter. Smilel : laugher. [ridiculous. Smilik : laughable; risible; absurd; Smilil : smile. Smililbn : to smile. Smilbf: absurdity. Smilbn : to laugh. SMIV : grease; salve; ungent. Smivel : smearer; greaser; dauber. Smiven : smearing ; greasing ; daubing; anointing. Smivik; greasy; smeared. S mi von: to grease; to smear; to daub; to anoint. SMOK: smoke. Smbkagef: censer. Smbkam: incense; fumigation, smoking (meat). Smbkatabak: smoking tobacco. Smokatubil: censer. Smokel: smoker. Smokik: smoky. Smokbn: to smoke; to fume. Smbkbn: to fumigate; to burn in- cense; to dry in smoke. Smokbp: smoke house. SMOT: liquefaction by heat ; melt- Smbtbn: to melt; to liquefy, [ing. SMUD(am): leveling; smoothing; planishing. [planish. Smudbn: to level; to smooth; to SMUF:polish; smoothness, fishing Smufet : polish; gloss given by pol- Smiifiel : smoothing-iron; flat-iron; Smufik : smooth, polished, [goose. Solidness. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Sorter. Solidness: ftlmOf. Soliloquy : okoplikot; soapttkot. Solitary : soalik ; teik. Solitude : soal ; lusoalof. Solo : baltim. Soluble : dilimik. Solution: dilim; liv. Solvable: ratik. Solved : pelivol. Solvency : pelafag. Solvent : pelafagik. Sombre : glflmik. Some (indef.pron.) : an; ans. Some : anik. Some (adv.): sem. Somebody : ek. Somehow: semliko. Someone: ek; sembal. Something : bos; sembalos; semos. Sometime: semkitim;anikna; sem- balna; semtifo. Sometimes : sotim(o). Somewhat : boso ; sem. Somewhere: semOp. Somnolence : slip. Somnolent: slipik. Son : son. Song : kanit; kanitemil; kanittlm. Songs : kanitem. Son-in-law: Ittson. Sonorous : tonik; fulatonttl. Sonship : cilad. Soon : sunik. Soon: sun(o); lesun(o). Soon, as as (con/.): sosus. Sooner : sunumik. Sooner: sunum(o); bufumo; btlfu- Soonest: suntin(o); viliktino. [mo. Soot : sut. Soothe, to: sofon; stilon. Sooty : sutik. Sop, to : muilon. Soprano : balidavog. Sophism : lulisal. Sophist : lulisalel. Sore : vunik. Sorrow: glif; leglif; lied; luladal. Sorrow, to: leglifon; liedon. Sorrowful: glitik; leglifik; luladalik. Sorry: liedik. Sort: bid; sot. Sort, to: soton. Sort out, to : sesam&n. Sorter : sotel. Smufiko. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Snid(en). Smufiko : smoothly. Srnufon : to polish; to smooth. Smiifon : to iron; to smooth (cloth - SMUG : smuggling. [ing)- Smugel : smuggler. Smugik : smuggled; contraband. Smugbn : to smuggle. SMtiL : smile. Smiilbn : to smile. Sn., San : St., Saint. SNAB: buckle; clasp. SNAL: knot; loop; bow (ribbon). Snapel : footpad ; highwayman; bandit ; robber. Snapbn: to seize; to pursue (as a SNAT: honesty; integrity, [robber) Snatan : honest man. Snatik : honest. SNEK: snake; serpent. Snekafit : eel. [ster. Snekavom : fury; hag; she mon- Snekik : snaky; serpentine; undu- latory; meandering; tortuous. Sneko: spirally; meandering; to and fro. [to wind. Snekbn: to meander; to undulate; SNEL: snail. [staircase. Snelasleb: winding stairs; spiral Snelop: snail-shell. SNEP: snipe; woodcock. Snepu'p: snipe season. SNID(en): sneezing; sternutation. Sorts. EXGLISH-VOLAPUK. Spectral. Sorts : sesiikots; sotem. Sot: ludlinel. Sought : pesestikOl. Soul : Ian. Sound : ton; tonod. Sound : saunik. Sound, to : tonodOn; tonon. Sound, to make : tonon. Sounding : tonik. Soundless : netonik. Soundness: saun. Soup : sup. Soup ladle : lespun. Sour: ziidik; leztidik. Sour, to : zUdon. Source : fon ; rig. South : sulud. South : suludik. South-east: sultilefiid. Southerly : suludik. Southern : suludik. Southerner: sulUdan. Southern -wood : biedin. Southron : suludan. South-west: suluvesUd. Sovereign: solel; steab. Sow: jisvin; lusvin. Sow, to : sovOn; lovesovOn. Sower: sovel. Sowing : soven. Space : spad; spadaninof; spadop. Spacious: ninOfik; spadik. Spaciousness : spadof. Span : bof ; span. Span, to: zispanOn ; lovespanon ; Spanner : spanel. [zUspanOn. Spare : nepienik. Spare, to : spalon. Spare time : livUp. Spareness : nepien. Spark: spag. [gon; stelOn. Sparkle, to : magabon; nidOn; spa- Sparks, to emit: spagon. Sparrow : spar. Sparrow-hawk : sper. Spasm : spam. Spasmodic: spamik. Spawn : smaf; smafit. Spay, to: fekoton. Speak ! Pasago ! [xovodon. Speak, to: pUkon; sagon; vOdOn; Speak to, to: ninpUkOn; lenpUkOn. Speakable : pttkik. Speaker : pUkatel. Spear : sped ; stag. Spear, to : spedOn. Specialist : patal. Speciality: pat. Species : bid. Specific duty: vatatolad. Specimen : lesam; samad. Speckle: spek. Spectacle : jov. Spectacles : lUn. Spectator : logedel. Spectral : lutikalik. (313) Snil. YOLUTK-ENGLISH. Sobido. SNIL: seal; stamp. Snilaig: sealing wax. [seal. Snilam: sealing; closing with a Snilel: sealer. Snilb'n: to seal; to confirm by a seal; to close with a seal. [gers. SNIP: snap; crack (with the fin- Snipon: to snap the fingers. SNIT(ot): chip: shred; shaving. SNOB: knot. Snobam: knitting; netting; knot- ting; crochetting. Snobik : knotty ; knotted. Snobbn : to knot; to net; to knit. Snb'fip : snuffles; cold in the head; acute catarrh; gravedo. SO : so; thus; in this manner; also; So ! st ! silence ! keep quiet ! [as. SOAL : solitude; isolation. i Soalacan : single bill of exchange. Soalan : hermit ; recluse. Soalik: solitary; isolated; single; Soalo : singly; alone, [alone; own. Soalb'n: to isolate; to insulate. Soaplikot : soliloquy; monologue. Soasblel : autocrat; despot. Soasblug: autocracy; despotism. SOB : soap. [soap. Sobadil : cake of soap; piece of Sobikuken: soap manufacturing. Sobikukbp : soap manufactory. Sobido : as far as; as much as. Spectre. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Split. Spectre: lutikal. Speculate, to : spegalon; spegon. Speculation : speg; spegal. Speculator: spegalel; spegal. Speech : lenpttk; puk; pukat; sag; vodat. Speech, to make : plikaton. Speed : spid. Speed, to : spidon. Speed indicator : vifinuniel. Speedily : foviko; spido. Speedy : fovik; spidik. Spell : luyuf. Spell, to : tonabon. Spend, to : segivon. Spendthrift : Itixamel. Spew, to : spukOn. Spewing : spuk. Sphere: volakop; glop. Spherical : glopik. Spheroidal: glopnik. Sphinx : sfin. Spice : pit. Spice, to : pitOn. Spicy : pitik. Spider : spulaf. Spigot : tubog. Spike : spig. Spill, to : spilon; mojtttan; fejtiton. Spilling: spil. Spin, to : spulon. Spine : spin ; stig. Spinner: spulel. Spinning: spul; spulen. Spinning mill : spulop. Spinous : spinik. Spiny: spinik; stigik. Spiracle : hogil. Spirally : sneko. Spirit : lanim; tikal; spit; vinaspit. Spirit, alcoholic : lespit. Spirited: lanimik; tikalafulik; tika- Spiritedly : tikalo. [lik. Spiritlessness : dim(al). Spirits : filavin; lufilavin. Spiritual: tikalnik. Spirituality : tikalnof. Spirituous : spitik. Spirt, to : skuton. Spirt out, to : seskuton. Spit: sped; loesped. Spit, to : sputOn ; spukon. Spit, roasting : loetab. Spite : badug. Spiteful : badugik. Spittle : sput. Spleen : spenap. Spleenish : spenapipik. Splendid: lejonik; magifik; nidik. Splendid ! Jo ! MagiftJ ! Splendor: glol; magif; nid. Splenetic : splenapipik. Split : glak. Split, to : sliton. (314) Sobik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Somo. Sobik : soapy. Sobb'n : to soap ; to cleanse with SOD : but (after a negative), [soap. SOD : soda. Sodas : so that; in order that. Soelik : only. Soelikna : only once. SOF : mildness; meekness; gentle- SOF : sofa; lounge. [ness. Sofam : appeasement; pacification. Sofel: appeaser; pacifier. Sofik: mild; meek; gentle; soft. Sofdn : to soften ; to soothe ; to pacify. SOG: society; company (social). SOG: committee. Sogik: social; sociable. Sogbn : to associate; to join. Sogii : in company with; in the society of. Soif : even if; however; how so ever; notwithstanding. Spin : in as far as; inasmuch as. SOK : insect. Sbkav: entomology. Sbkik : insect. SOL : sun. SOL: Mr.; sir; master. Soladaeg : solar eclipse. Soladisam : sunset. [ing- Sblaklots: men's clothing; cloth- Sblal: Lord; the Lord ; the Lord Almighty. Sblalaplek: the Lord's prayer. Sblarn : domination. Sbla'm : office of ruler, [sunlight. Solastals : sun's rays ; sunshine; SOLAT: soldier. Solatabod: ration bread ; issue bread Solatalinkip: sutler; post trader. Solatik: soldierly. Solatbp : station; post; garrison. Solaxan : sunrise. Soldel : Sunday (baliidel). Soldbn : to solder. SOLED: pay (soldiers). Sblef : ruling class; administration. Sblefik: governmental;administra- Sblel : ruler; sovereign. [tive Solik : solar; sunny. Sblik : imperious; domineering. Sbhl: Master (title, youth). Solon : to sun ; to expose to the sun's rays. Solon : to rule; to reign; to govern. Solonedik : equally long (time). Solonedo: as long as ; so long as; Sols ^Gentlemen; Messrs, [while. SOLUD : density; closeness. Soludam : condensation; concen- tration; consolidation. Soludiel: condenser; concentrator. Soliidik : condensed ; concentrated ; dense; close; compact. Soludiko : densely; compactly. Soliidbn : to condense, to concen- trate; to consolidate. Solutik : loose (not firm). Solutiko : loosely. Solutbn : to become loose; to be- SOM : such; the like, [come slack. Sbm: just such; even such. Somik: such. Sbmik: just this kind of; just such. Somin : Osmium; Os. (chem.) Somo : in such manner; thus. Split open, to. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Spotlessness. Split open, to : maislitOn; suslitOn. Spoil, to : rubpn. Spoiled : peniidadukOl. Sponge : kluin; spog. Spongy : spogik. Sponsor : sponel; spOnel. Sponsor, to stand: sp5nOn.[nam. Sponsorship: spO n ; sp5 ntig ; spO- Spontaneity: libavil; libaviltet. Spontaneous : libavilik; itodunik. Spool : sptil. Spoon : spun. Spoon-like : spunik. Sport: pled; yagen; spot. Sportsman : yagel. Sportsman-like : yagelik. Spot: sten; top. Spot, to : stenOn. Spotless: nebestenik. Spotlessness : nebesten. (315 Sbmo. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Spanik. Sbmo: in just such manner. Somodik : so much; as much. Sombdna : so many times. Sombdnik: sooiten; as often. Somos : such a thing. SON : son. Sonemik : so called; so named. Sonik : filial; son's. Sonlil: grandson. SOP : shaft (mining). SOP: ditch; trench. Sopik: shaft-like. Sbpbn : to ditch; to dig a ditch. Sosit : sausage. Sositel : sausage maker. Sositbn : to make sausages. Sosun(o) : as soon. Sosus : as soon as. SOT: sort; kind. SOT : duty (that which one should So tarn: assorting; assortment, [do. Sotel : assorter; sorter. Sotem : assortment (things which have been assorted); sorts. Sotik: assorted. Sbtik : as in duty bound. Sotimik : occasional; sometime. Sotim(o) : occasionally; sometimes. Sotin : assortment (articles of dif- ferent kinds). Sotbn : to assort; to sort. Sbtbn : to be obliged; to be in duty bound; should; ought to. SOV : seed (the principle of pro- Sovafel : seed field. [duction. Sovel : sower. Sovem(o) : so much; to that de- Soven : sowing. [gree; so very. Sovbn : to seed; to sow; to scatter SPAD : space; room. [seed. Spada'b : space (printing). Spadafoluf : quarto (paper). Spadajbliit : octavo (paper). Spadaninbf: volume; space; bulk. Spadik : spacious; roomy. Spadbf : spaciousness; roominess. Spadbn : to evacuate; to remove; to clear away. Spadbp: space; room; locality. SPAG: spark. Spagbn: to emit sparks; to sparkle. SPAL(am) : act of sparing. SPAL: economy; frugality. Spa'lab : savings (money). Spalakad : savings-bank. Spalastit : savings-bank; savings institution. Spalel : economist; economizer. Spalik : economical; frugal. Spaliko: economically; frugally. Spalnik : parsimonious. Spalniko : parsimoniously. Spalnbf: parsimony. Spalbn : to spare; to be sparing of ; to care for. Spalbn: to economize; to save. Spalb'p : place for savings; savings- bank. ['"& Spaliid : economy; frugality; sav- SPAM: spasm; cramp; convulsion. Sparnik : spasmodic; convulsive. SPAN : short distance, or measure of time. [tension. Spanam : straining ; tension; ex- Spanel: spanner; bender. Spanik: tense; tight; taut. Spotted. ENGLIS1I-YOLAITK. Sprinkler. Spotted: bestenik; stenik. Spouse : matan. Spout : rttt. Spout, to: skutiin; seskuton. Spout up, to : sufonon. Spread : pak(am). Spread, to : pakon. Sprig: letuig; stag; segoniel. Sprightliness: vUsedal. Sprightly: boledik; viisc-diilik. Spring: bun; flolatim; fon; fonad. Spring : flolatimik. Spring, to : bunon. [aebunon. Spring out, to : sabunfin ; safonOn ; Spring up, to: fonon; susibunon; Spring-time: flolatim. Spring-water : fonavat. Sprinkler : vatiel. Spanbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Spit(in). Spanbn : to strain ; to stretch; to SPAR : asparagus. [bend. SPAR : sparrow. Spasep : esparcet (hot.). SPAT : walk; promenade. Spataveg : promenade ; public walk; public road. [ade. Spatavegam : excursion; promen- Spatel : walker; promenader. Spatin : walking cane; cane. Spatbn: to take a walk; to prom- enade; to walk. Spatbp : promenade; public place. SPED : lance; spear; spit. Spedel : lancer; Uhlan. Spedil : lancet. Spedlik : lanceolate. Spedbn : to spear; to impale. SPEG : speculation. Spega'l: speculation; abstract think- Spegam : buying for a rise. [ing. Spegalel : speculator; thinker. Spegel : speculator; trader. Spegalbn: to speculate; to consider. Spegbn : to speculate; to buy for a rise. SPEK: speckle, vein or curl of wood (as "bird's-eye maple"). SPEL: hope ; expectation . Spelam : expectation; hoping. Spelik : hoped for. Spelo : it is to be hoped. Spelbn : to hope; to hope for. Spelii : in the hope that. Spenap : spleen. Spenapip: disease of the spleen; hypochondriasis; hypochondria. Spenapipik : spleenish; spleenful; spleeny;hypochondriacal;splen- Sper : sparrow-hawk; hawk. [etic. Spetivo : respectively; relatively. Spevat : specific gravity. Spevatik : specific gravity ; of specific gravity. Spevato: according to specific grav- SPID : speed; haste; hurry, [ity. Spidavegot : rapid conveyance. Spidel : courier. Spidik : speedy; hasty; alert. Spido : speedily; hastily; in haste. Spidb ! hurry ! quick ! be quick ! Spidbn : to speed; to hasten ; to Spidiino : in greatest haste, [hurry. Spiflitaf: gad-fly. SPIG : spike; tuft; ear (of grain). Spigam : gleaning. Spigel : gleaner. Spigbn : to glean. SPIL : spilling; overflowing. Spilbn : to spill; to pour; to pour SPIN: spine; thorn, [out; to shed. Spinabujad : bramble thicket. Spinaklon : crown of thorns. Spinam : sting; prick; punctured wound. Spinik : spiny; thorny; spinous. Spinbn : to prick; to puncture. SPIR : grocery; groceries; spices. SPIT(in) : spirit; alcohol; spiritu- ous liquors. Sprout. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Stable. Sprout : gelmin. Sprout, to : gelminon; suvultilon. Sprout up, to: sugelminOn. Spur : spor. Spur, to : spOron; stigon. Spurious : nelegik. Sputter, to : sputon. Spy : lilkel; delUkel. Spy, to : deltikon; Itikon. Spy out, to : lelogedOn. Spying : luk. Spying: sukalik. Squabble : zan. Squabble, to : zanGn. Squadron: jvadan; skad; tlup. Square: folagul; vadat. Square : vadatik. Square-root : vadatavul. Squeeze, to : pedon. Squeeze out, to : desepedOn ; sepe- Squirrel : yat. [don. Squirt, to : skutOn. St.: Sn. Stab, to : dagOn. [fim(Of). Stability: laidof; stanal ; stanof ; Stable: jevalop; nimalOd; nimof. (3'7) Spitet. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Staf. Spitet : alcoholic strength. Spitik : alcoholic; spirituous. SPOD : correspondence. Spodakad : correspondence card. Spodel : correspondent. Spodbn : to correspond. SPOG : sponge. Spog : bath-sponge. Spogik : spongy. SPON : bail; security; guarantee. SPON : sponsorship. Spbnab : god-child. Spbnacil : god-child. Spbnam : bailing, [god-parents. Spb'nam : sponsorship ; office of Spbnef: god-parents. Sponel : bondsman; bailor; surety. Spbnel : sponsor; god-parent. Sponbn : to bail ; to guarantee. Spbnbn : to stand sponsor. Sponiig : god-parentship; sponsor- SPOR : spur. [ship. Spbrbn : to spur. Spot: sport; diversion; game, [ting SPUK : spewing; vomiting; spit- Spukbn: to vomit; to spew; to spit. SPUL : spinning. Spu'l : spool; bobbin. Spulaf: spider (entom.). Spulel : spinner. Spulen : spinning business. Spulin : spinning material. Spulbn : to spin. Spulbp : spinning mill. Spulun : weft; texture; woof; web. SPUN : spoon. Spunik: spoon-like; spoon-shaped. SPUT : spittle; saliva. Sputik : salivary; spittle, [sputter. Sputbn : to spit; to expectorate; to STAB : foundation ; support ; m basis; bottom. STAB : ground; cause; principle. Stabal : solidity; profundity. Stabalik: solid; profound. Stabalbn : to act thoroughly; to act radically. [om; principle. Stabanom : fundamental rule; axi- Stabanum : unit; base. Stabel : founder; establishes Stabik : thorough; solid; radical. Stabik : fundamental; proceeding from principle. Stabin : foundation. Stabo : fundamentally. Stabo: thoroughly; radically. Stabb ! fundamentally ! Stabo ! thoroughly ! [base. Stabbn : to found; to establish; to Sta'bii : by reason of; on the ground that. STAD : state ; condition; state of STA'D : stage (theatre), [health. Stadik: circumstanced; condition- Sta'dik : stage. [ed; situated. Stadbn : to fare; to be in a certain state or condition. Stadii : in a state of. STAF: staff; baton; rod. STAF: staff (milit.). Stable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Stammering. Stable: stanOfik; fimik. Stable, to be : stanofon. Stack, to: seidon; sujtidon. Staff: staf; staf; suket. Staff, general : valistaf. Stag : stag, Stage: stad; teat. Staging: skaf. Stagnation : tak. Stain : sten. Stain, to : stenOn. Stained : bestenik; stenik. Stair-case : sleb. Stair-case, winding : snelasleb. Stairs : sleb. Stake : lestaf. Stake out, to : destegon. Stale : biilebakik; vabakik. Stalk : stag. Stall : buig. Stallion : lejeval; omjeval. Stammer, to : lupuklon; stoton. Stammerer: lupiiklel; stotel. [stOt. Stammering: lupiiklam; Stafal. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stebam. Stafal : staff-bearer ; sergeant-at- Stafik : staff (milit.). [arms. STAG: stalk; blade; spear; sprig. STAG : stag; hart; deer. Stagacaf: stag-beetle. Staif: wooing; courting. Staifdn : to woo; to court. Stajbp : railroad station. Stajbp : stage station. Stajbpal: railroad agent; station STAL: ray (light), [master; agent. Stalam: radiation ;emission of rays. Stalik: rayed; radiant. Stalb'n : to emit rays ; to radiate; to be radiant. STAM: stem; trunk; stump. STAM: root; radical (of words); Stamik : bulky; stout, [word stem. STAN : standing; position. STAN : banner ; standard ; stand of colors; guidon, [constancy. Stana'l : stability ; steadfastness ; Stanalik : steadfast ; stable ; con- Stanalbp : steadfastness. [stant. Stanalbn: to be steadfast; to be firm. Sta'nan : ensign ; standard-bearer. Stanel : flag maker. Stanik : steadfast; firm. [ness. Stanbf: stability; firmness; steadi- Stanbfik : stable; firm; steady. Stanbfdn : to be stable; to be firm. Stanbn : to stand; to place in po- sition, [standpoint. Stanbp : station ; stand ; place ; STAP : stamp; imprint; impress. Sta'pam, : stamping. Sta'pbn : to stamp. STAR : starling (ornith.) Starip : cataract (disease of eye). Stat : statement (of account). STATIT : statistics. Statitel : statistician. Statitik : statistical. STATUD: statute; by-law. Statudik: statutory; statute. Statudo : statutably. Statudbn : to enact; to ordain. STAUD: restaurant; eating house. Staudan : restaurant keeper. Staudbn : to entertain ; to supply refreshments; to furnish meals. Steab: sovereign; pound sterling. STEB : sojourn; stay. Stebam: sojourning; remaining. Stamp. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Statement. Stamp : mak; snil; stap. Stamp, to : stapon. Stamp, franking : flnnamak. Stamp, postage : penedamak. Stamping : stapam. Stand : lastanam; stanOp. Stand, to : stanon. Stand near, to : nistanOn. Stand off, to : destanOn. Stand up, to : sustanon; suistanon. Standard : stan ; glestan ; lestan; Standard-bearer : stanan. [nom. Standing: stan. Standing up : sustan. Stand-point: stanop. Stannum : tinin. Stanza : lian. Staple : lekluf; seid. Star: stel. Star, evening : vendelastel. Starch: pOded. Starch, to : podedOn. Stare, to : lulogon. Starer: lulogel. Stark-naked: leniidik. Starling: star. Starry: stelik. Start: lengon. Startle, to : jekon. Startled: jeklik. Startling : jekik. Starve, to : xopOtUton. State : stad; tat; veiid. State, to : lenunOri ; sagon ; sesa- State papers : tatalepops. [gon. State, in a of: stadu. Stately: tatlik. [stat. Statement : kal ; sesag ; sesagot; (319) Stebbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Steifik. Stebbn: to sojourn; to remain; to stay. [sojourn; station. Stebbp : abode; residence; place of STED : straightness ; uprightness. Stedal : straightforwardness ; up- rightness. Stedik: straight; upright, [locution. Stedo : directly ; without circum- Stedbn : to straighten ; to set to Stef : mass; matter. [rights. Steganad : pin; common pin. Stegbn : to stick; to prick. STEIF: endeavor; effort; exertion; Steifal : candidate. [strife. Steifal: moral effort; manfulness. Steifalam : competition ; compet- itive examination. Steifalbn : to compete for. Steifam : aspiration; endeavor; Steifat : candidacy. [striving. Steifik: aspiring; assiduous; in- dustrious. Statesmanship. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Stercorine. Statesmanship : tatav. Station : stejop; solat5p; lastanam; potastajOp ; stajOp ; stajOp ; Station, to : topOn. [stanop. Stationery: pOpacan. Station-house: polenOp. Station-master : stajopal. Statistical: statitik. Statistician : statitel. Statistics : statit. Statuary : fomem. Statue: kfldot. Statute: statud. Statute: statudik. Statutory: statudik. Staunch : kaladalik. Staunchness: dulal; kaladal. Stave: tubaboad. Stay: blib; steb; yttf. Stay! stopO! Stay, to : blibOn; stebfln. Steadfast: stanalik; stanik. Steadfastness : stanal. Steadiness: ledul; stanBf. Steady : stanOfik. Steal, to: tifon; lovigolOn. Steal away, to : sltipOn; molovigo- Stealing : tif. [lOn. Steam : stem ; stom. Steam, to: stemon. Steam-boat: stemabot. Steam-engine: stemacin. Steam-heating: stemafonam. Steaming: stemik. Steam-mill: stemamtil. Steam-navigation : stemabotad ; stemanafam. Steam-power : namat. Steam-press : vifaped. Steam-ship: stemanaf. Steam-valve: stemakiek. Steamy: stemik. Steed : jeval. Steel: dttlin. Steel: dulinik. Steel, to : dlilinOn. Steel-blue : duliyulibik. Steelly: dulinadufik. Steep: dedibik; xanik. Steep, to : muilon. Steepness : xantlg. Steer, to: gubOn. Steersman : guban. Stem : stam. Stenographer: stenogafel; vifap- Stenographic : stenocafik. [enel. Stenography : stenogaf ; vifapenad. Step : slep; step; tlid; sutlid. Step, to : stepOn; tlidOn. Step by step : slepo. Step forth, to: sutlidOn. Step in, to : nUstepOn. Step lightly, to : golilOn. Step out, to: sexanon. Step-brother : lafablod. Step -child: lafacil. Step-daughter: jilafason; jiluson. Step father: lafafat; lufat. Stepmother: lafamot. lumot. Step-motherly : lumotik. Stepping: stepam. Step sister : jilafablod; jilublod. Step son : luson. Stercorine : dOnasal. (32) Steifdn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stemafdnam. Steifdn : to endeavor; to strive. Steigdn : to stick; to pierce; to cause to enter. STEIL(am): distillation. Steilel: distiller. Steildn : to distill. Steilop : distillery. Sleilot: distillate; distilled product. Stejdp : railroad depot. Stek : instrument case. STEL : star. Stelamag: constellation. Stelav : astronomy. Stelavel : astronomer. Stelavik: astronomical ; astron- Stelik : starry. [omic. Stelil : small star; asterisk. Stelb'n: to twinkle; to scintillate; STEM: steam. [to sparkle. Stemabaeg : steam dredging ma- Stemaban : steam bath. [chine. Stemabilop : steam brewery. Stemabot: steam-boat. Stemabotad: steam navigation. Stemacaf : steam-boiler; boiler. Stemacin : steam-engine. Stemafeif: steam-whistle. Stemafdnam : steam-heating. Stere. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Stop, to. Stere : ster. Stereotype : biikaplat. Sterile : nefetik. Sterility : nefet. Sterling: blufik; lelegik. Sternutation : snid(en). Stew : kopod. Steward : domakipel; jafan; govan. Stibium : timin. Stibnite : letimin. Stick: luplan. Stick, to: stegOn; stigOn; klebon. Stick on, to : suklebon. Stick to, to : tonon. Stickler : smalnOfel. Sticky : klebik. Stiff: lestifik; stifik. Stiff, to make : stiftikOn. Stiffen, to : stifukSn. Stiffness : lestif; stif. Stifle, to : tuafon. Stifled, to be : tuafon. Still: stilik; takedik. Still: deno; nog(o); ye(d); nunog. Still, to : stilon. Stillness: still. Sting: spin am; stig. Stingy: fttlik; monalik. Stink : badosmel. Stink, to : badosmelOn. Stint one's self, to : dedalebOn. Stipend : lemesed. Stipulate, to : stipon. Stipulation: stip(am). Stir : stor. Stir, to : mQfOn ; stOron. Stir up, to : mufon ; suistorOn ; su- Stirrup : boib [mufon. Stitch : mail. Stitch, to : nagOn. Stock: bludot; katad; lakif; stok; Stock, in : stokik. [ledukatad. Stock, to: lakifdn; stokfln. Stock-book : seitflpabuk. Stock-breeding: nulut; nuluten. Stock company: lakifakopanOm. Stock-holder : lakifan. Stocking : stog. Stockings, to knit : stogOn. Stock-yard: nimayad. Stoker: fonan. Stolidity: stolal. Stomach : stomag. Stomachic : stomagik. Stone : ston. Stone : stonik. Stone, to : stonOn. Stone-cutter: stonacOpan. Stone-cutting: stonacOpen. Stoner: stonan. Stone-ware : stonagef. Stony: stonik; stonlik; stonsik. Stool : stulil. Stoop, to : klivOn; lubakOn. Stop : stop; zug. Stop, to: koegOn; stopon; takon. Stemakiek. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stenudik. Stemakiek : steam-valve. Stemamiil: steam mill. Stemanaf: steamship. [tion. Stemanafam : steamship naviga- Stetnavab : steam wagon ; road engine. Stemik: steamy; steaming; steam. Stembn : to steam. Stembp : steam-chamber. STEN: stain; spot; dirt (mental). Stenal : uncleanness; pollutedness. Stenam : pollution; defilement; staining. [soiled. Stenik: stained; spotted; dirty; Stenogaf: stenography; short- hand writing, (vifapenad). Stenogafam : stenography. Stenogafel : stenographer. Stenogafik : stenographic. Stenogafdn: to write short-hand. Stenon : to stain; to spot; to tarn- ish; to soil; to defile. STENUD: strength; force. Steniidal: fortitude; strength of character. Steniidalik: strong-minded; firm. Stenudik : strong; vigorous; lusty; robust. Stoppage. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Strike upon, to. Stoppage: stopam. Stopper : koegab; koegin. Store : lemacem; magad; seitOp; stok; ciem. [seitOpOn. Store, to : magadOn; ninmagadOn; Stored: seitapik. Storehouse : canOp; stokop. Storeroom : stokasmacem. Stork : stor. Storm : tep. Storm, to : tepOn. Stormy : tepik. [konot. Story: kon; koned; lusag; stok; Story-teller : fabel; lukonel; konel. Stout: stamik. Stove: fil5p; fOn. Stove-wood: fileboad. Straggler : zogel. Straight : stedik; lestedik. Straighten, to : stedon. Straightforwardness : stedal. Straightness : sted. Strain, to : jalepOn ; spanOn ; sulon ; Strainer: sulel; suliel. [dusulOn. Straining: jalep; spanam. Strait : melanab. Strait -jacket : mutayak. Straitness: nevid. Strand, to : lujolOn. [nik. Strange: foginik; milagnik; seled- Strange, to appear : foginOn. Strangeness : nulof. Stranger : foginab; foginan. Stratagem : kaf. Stratum: jttd. Straw : stol. Straw-berry : talabal. Straw- stack : kum stolik. Streak : Hun. Streak, to : veinOn. Stream: flum; leflum. Stream, to : leflumOn. Streamer : vienastan. Street : stit. Street: stltik. Street, narrow : I . Street, small : \ lu Strength : namjstentld. [stenddon. Strengthen, to: fimOn ; namOn; Strengthening: fostenUdam. Stress: beton. [non. Stretch, to : sespanOn; spanOn; te- Stretch open, to : maispanon. Stretch out, to : sespanOn. Stretch over, to : lovespanon. Stretch up, to : susitenOn. Stretcher: sespaniel; polbed; sete- Strict : jalepik. [niel. Strictly: (adv.) voi. Strictness : jalep. Strife : dikod; steif. Strike, to : flapOn; nokon; dlefOn; Strike niflapon. [suflapOn. Strike off, to: decopOn; deflapon. Strike out, to : seflapon. Strike upon, to: suflapOn. (322) Stenudbf. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stig. Stenudbf: lustiness; robustness. Steniidbn : to strengthen ; to fortify. Stenudumug : superiority ; pre- eminence. STEP : step; advance; pace. Stepam : advancing; stepping. Stepik: by steps; gradual. Stepo : step by step. Stepb ! Keep step! Stepdn : to step; to step forward. STER : stere ( a measure of wood, equal to 35.3174 cu. feet;) kil- olitre; cubic meter. STIB : lead -pencil; pencil. STID : educational institution; school institute. Stief (am): paralysis; palsy. Stiefamel : paralytic. Stiefik : paralytic. Stiefdn : to paralyze; to palsy. STIF : stiffness; lameness. Stifam : laming ; making lame. Stifik: lame; stiff. Stifdn : to lame; to become lame. Stifu'kbn : to stiffen ; to make stiff. STIG : sting; spine; prickle; thorn. Striker. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Submerge. Striker : flapel. Striking: laflapam. String: lefad; stin. String, to: bespanOn; kedOn; sti- Strip, to : ntidon; sakloton. [nOn. Stripe : lajin. Stripling : smayunel. Strive, to : tobon; topon; steifon. Stroke : cop; flap; liun. Strong: namik; stenudik; vemik. Strong-box : monabog. Stronghold : kased; ledaem. Strong-minded : stentldalik. Strontium: stonin. Structure : bumot. Struggle, to : tObon; lesteifon. Strumpet: jimidalel. Strut, to : bloton. Stubborn: dttfugik; lestifalik;loni- vilik. Stubbornness: dufug; lestifal. Stud : jevalop. Studding-sail: nebanafin. Student : julan; lenadab; studel. Studenthood : studlip. Studied: estudik; studik. Studio: vobacem. Studious: lenadazilik; lenadik. Studiousness : studal. Study: stud; loegam; penadacem. Study, to: loegOn; studon; ntis- tudon. Stuff: stf; stof. Stuff, to : lelufulon; lufulOn. Stumble, to : lutlidon. Stun, to : leglumon. Stupefied, to become : stupOn. Stupefy, to : leglumon. Stupid: stupik; lestupik; jipalik; netipalik; platokapik; trofik. Stupid, to become: stupon. Stupidity: stup; stupal; netipal; netipalof ; platokapOf. Sturdiness : namal. Sturdy : nezadik. Stutter, to: lupiiklon; stOtOn. Stutterer: lupuklel; stotel. Stuttering: lupuklam; stot. Style: still; penestul; gliv; pukon- amod; sagam; tiad; fiam. Style, to : calanemon; tiadon. Styled : petiadol. Stylish : cadik. Subdivision : sekion. Subdue, to : yokon. Subduing : yokam. Subject: subyet; ptikayeg; kapit; Subject: lonedik. [lonedan. Subject, to : disojedon ; subyetOn. Subjection yokam. Subjective : subyetik. Subjoin, to : lagivon. Subjugate, to : yokon. Subjugation : yokam. Sublime: subimik; legidik. Sublimity: subim; subimal. Submerge, to: dieson; pendon; vatadeilOn. (323) Stigabal. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Stim. Stigabal : gooseberry. Stigam : puncture. Stigasvin : hedge-hog; porcupine. Stigel : driver ; spurrer ; goader; inciter. Stigik : spiny; prickly; thorny. Stigbn : to spur; to stick; to punc- ture; to prick; to goad; to in- STIK : embroidery. [cite. Stikalekan : art of embroidery. Stiken : embroidery business. Stikbn : to embroider, [broidery. Stikot : embroidery; piece of em- STIL : silence ; stillness ; quiet; tranquility; calm. Stila'l : tranquility (mental). Stilalif : quiet life; retirement. Stilam: tranquilization ; quieting. Stilik : still; quiet; tranquil; calm. Stilbn : to quiet; to calm; to soothe; to tranquilize; to still. STIM : honor; esteem. Submission. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Sufferance. Submission : lobed ; lelonedof. Submissive : lobedik. Submissively : lelonediko. Submissiveness : lelonedof. Submit, to : lobedon. Subordinate: onedan. Subordinate : 3nedik. Subordinate to: Onedu. Subordinately : Onedo. Subordination : oned. Suborn, to: lubeflunOn. Subpcena: codanabtld; lebevokot. Subpcena, to : lebevokOn. Subscribe, to : bonedon ; disope- nOn. Subscriber: boiiedel; aibonedel. Subscription: boned; (am); dis- open(am) ; disopenad ; pena- pomet. Subscription price : bonedasuam. Subsequent: posik. Subsequent to : (prep.) pos. Subsequently: poso; posiko. Subservient: dtinik. Subsidiary : monayufik. Subsidize, to : monaytifon. Subsidy: monayttt. Subsist, to : kositon; sibinon. Subsistence: kosit; sibinam. Substance: kop; kopin. Substance, elementary: lOmin. Substantial: stofik; binelik. . Substantive : subsat. Substantive : subsatik. Substitute: pladal ; gttvamed; sft- damot. Substitute, to : pladalOn. Substitution : pladalam. Substructure : disbum. Subterfuge : seveg. Subtle : lukrtttik. Subtlety: lulisillen; tipal. Subtract, to : dezugOn. Subtraction : dezug(am). Subterranean :disatalik; distalik. Suburb : bizif. Succeed, to : labon ; plopOn ; sukon. Succeeding: sukol. Success: pl<5p. Successful: seklik. Succession : suk. Successor: sukel. Successors : sukelef. Succor: yuf. Succory : sigep. Succumb, to: pavikodon. Such: (pron.) som; sOm. Such: (adj.) somik; sOmik; leik. Suck, to : sugOn. Suck up, to: susugon. Sucker: segoniel. Sucking pig : svinil. Suckle, to: nimalOn; su^on. Suckling : sugab. Sudden : siipitik. Suddenly : sUpito. Suddenness : slipit. Sue, to : ninkusadon; xokusadon. Suet, mutton : jipapin. Suffer, to: daliedon; liedOn; sufon; dasufOn . Suffer from, to : plonon. Sufferable: suflik. Sufferance : suf. (324) Stimab. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stomagbn. Stimab : honorarium. Stimadesid : ambition. Stimadig : venerability; estimabil- Stimadigal : (a) reverend sir. [ity. Stimadigik : venerable; reverend. Stimadin : affair of honor. Stimafulik : distinguished ; re- nowned; illustrious. Stimakluzif: cross of honor. Stimakonad : medal of honor. Stimakopanal : honorary member. Stima'l : honorableness. Stimaleyan : triumphal arch. Stimam : post of honor; office of honor. [badge of honor. Stimamal : mark of distinction; Stimarnan: estimable person. Stimamon : fee; honorarium. Stimanbmod: honorable mention. Stimasen : sense of honor. Stimasoled: salary; honorarium. Stimasiik: ambition. Stimasukik: ambitious, [honorable. Stimik : reputable ; respectable; Stimbn : to esteem; to honor. Stimli : in honor of. STIN : string (music). Stinb'n : to string. STIP : condition; stipulation. Stipabid : conditional mode (gram.) Stipam : stipulation; provision. Stipaset : hypothesis. Stipik : conditional; provisional. Stipo : conditionally provisionally. Stipbn : to stipulate; to condition. STIT: establishment; institution. Stitam : organization; establishing. Stitamel : organizer. Stitambn : to organize; toestablish. Stitel: institute!-; establisher. Stitbn: toestablish; to institute. Stb! st! whist! Stbb(ot) : barrier. [goods; stuff. STOP : material ; cloth ; dress STOP : matter ; stuff; substance; sundries; material. Stbfacan : general merchandise; sundries; notions. Stofan : dealer in materials. Stbfavel : materialist. Stbfavelik : materialistic. Stofik: material; elementary. Stbfik: material; tangible ;substan- Stbfim: materialism. [tial. Stbfin : matter; elementary matter. STOG: stocking; hose. Stogbn : to knit stockings ; to weave stockings. STOK: stock; store; provision. STOK : story; floor (building). Stokasmacem : storeroom. Stokik : in stock; on hand. Stokbn : to provision ; to lay in Stokbp : storehouse. [stock. Stoku't : codfish (dried). STOL : straw. Stolahat : straw hat. Stolal: stolidity; blockheadedness. Stolik: straw; of straw. STOM: weather. Stbm : vapor; steam. Stomableseniel : barometer. Stoma'g : stomach. Stomagam : digestion, [gastric. Stomagik: stomachic; digestive; Stomaglat : weather glass ; baro- Stomagok : weather cock, [meter. Stomagbn : to digest. Suffering. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sugaring. Suffering: lied; plOn. Suffice, to : saton. Sufficiency : sat. Sufficient : satik. Sufficient, to be : saton. Sufficiently: sato. Suffix: posilab. Suffocate, to : tuafOn. Suffocated, to be : tuafon. Sugar: jueg. Sugar, brown: fajueg. Sugar-cane: juegarid. Sugar over, to: lovejuegOn. Sugar refiner : juegel. Sugar refinery : juegenop. Sugar-coat, to: juegon. Sugared: juegik; pejuegOl. Sugaring : juegam. (325) Stomam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Stukel. Stbmam: evaporation. Stomanuf : veranda roof ; porch Stomav : meteorology. [roof. Stomik : meteorological. Stomik : vaporous; vapor. Stbmon : to vaporize ; to exhale vapor; to evaporate. STON : stone. STON : abstinence. Stonabtik : lithography. Stonabiikel : lithographer. Stonabliken : lithographing. Stonabiikik : lithographic. Stonablikbn : to lithograph. Stonacan : stoneware. Stonacopan : stone cutter. Stonacbpen : stone cutting. Stonacbpbp : stone cutting estab- lishment. Stonagef: ear then -ware; stone- ware; crockery; queen's- ware. Stonaklominrchromo-lithography. Stonaklominik : chromo - lithog- raphic. Stonakolat : stone-coal; anthracite coal. S tonal : hardhearted ness. Stbnam : abstinence. Stonan : stoner; stone thrower. Stonik: stone; stony. Stonin : Strontium (chem.) Stonip: calculous disease; lithiasis; gravel. Stonlik: petrous; stony. Stonbn: to stone; to throw stones at. Stonbn : to abstain from ; to re- frain from. Stonsik : stony; rocky; full of STOP : stop. [stones. STOP : impediment; obstacle. Stbpajuk: shoe brake; brake. Stopam : termination; suspension; interruption; close; stoppage. Stopam: blockade; obstruction; occlusion. Stopiel : brake (for a wheel). Stopb ! Halt! no further ! Stbpb ! stay ! remain ! Stopbn : to stop. Stopbn : to obstruct; to impede; to STOR : stork. [clog. STOR: agitation; stir. Storasmabed : stork's nest. Stbref: revolutionists. Stbrel : agitator. Stbren : agitation. Storpn : to agitate. STOT : stuttering; stammering. Stbtel : stutterer; stammerer. Stbtbn : to stutter; to stammer. Stii : in consideration of; with regard to. Stub : rugged ness; roughness. Stu'bik : rugged; rough. STUD: study. STUD: institution; inauguration. Studal : studiousness. [tion. Stiidam : introduction; inaugura- Studel : student. Studik : studied. Studbn : to study. [rate. Stiidbn : to institute ; to inaugu- Studu'p : pupilage ; studenthood STUK : construction. (period). STUK : district; section; territory. Stiikanol: topographical informa- tion. Stiikav: topography (as a science). Stukel : constructor. Sugary. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sulphurous Sugary: juegik. Suggestion : jon. Suit, to: poton. Suitability: potof. Suitable : diseinik; potik; potofik. Suitable, to be : lepoton. Suitably : lepoto. Suite : sukef. Suitor : matabegel; matibegel. Sulphur: svefin. Sulphuric: svefinik. Sulphuric acid : svefinazUd. Sulphurize, to:svefinon; filabelon. Sulphurous : svefinlik. (326) StUkik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sua'don. Stiikik: sectional; territorial. Stukbn : to construct. STUL: chair, [diction. STUL, : style; manner of writing; Stiilam : rhetorical expression; per- spicuity; lucidity. Stiilik : perspicuous; lucid; explicit. Stiiliko : lucidly; explicitly. Stulil : stool ; foot-stool. Stiilnik : well written ; well express- Stiilbn : to write lucidly. [ed. STUM: instrument; tool; imple- _ment. STUM : respect; esteem; regard. Stiimafulik : respectful. Stu'mafuliko: respectfully. Stumal: instrumental performer. Stiimik : respectable; estimable. Stu'mbf: respectability; dignity. Stu'mbn : to respect; to esteem; to have regard for. Stums giilela: surgical instru- ments, [atus. Stums kiemik : chemical appar- Stums stelavik : astronomical in- struments, [struments. Stums gletavik : mathematical in - STUN: astonishment; surprise. STUN : fibre. Stunamik: astonished; surprised. Stunik: astonishing; surprising. Stiinik : fibrous; fibrillary ; filament- Stiinin : fibrin. [ous. Stunol : astonishing. Stunbn : to be astonished; to won- der; to be surprised. STUP: stupidity. STUP: awkwardness; clumsiness. Stupa'l: stupidity; blockheaded- Stupalo ! bosh! nonsense! [ness. Stupel; fool; imbecile. Stiipan : clumsy fellow; awkward Stupik: stupid; foolish. [fellow. Stiipik : clumsy; awkward. Stupb : folly; nonsense. Stupbn : to become stupid ; to be- come stupefied. STUT: roughness; rudeness; harshness. STUT: industrial establishment; industrial institution. Stutal : churlishness. Stutel : churl ; clown ; rude fellow. Stutik : uncivil ; rough ; rude ; Stiitik: industrial. [churlish. SU : on; upon. SU: forth; out. SUAD(am) : conviction; convinc- SUAD(am) : persuasion. [ing- Suada'l : power of conviction. Suadbn : to convince; to convict. Sua'dbn : to persuade. Sultan. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Superficial. Sultan : lesOl. Sum : suam. Sum up, to : suamOn. Summarily : suamiko. Summary : suamik Summer: hitatim. Summit : legeil; lOp; tipiin. Summon, to: suflagOn; suvokftn; zitatOn; lebevokOn; susivokOn. Summoning: lebevokam. Summons : lebevokot; susivokot; cOdanabtid; suflag; suvok; su- Sun : sol. [sivok; zitat. Sun, to: solOn. Sunday: baludel ; soldel. Sun-glass : fileglat. Sunlight : solastals. Sunning : besolam. Sunny: solik. Sunrise : solaxan. Sunset: soladisam; vendelaled. Sun-shade : jadiel. Sun-shine : solastals. Sup, to: vendelafidOn. Superabundance: lelieg; plumo'd; Superannuated : ebaledol. [tumOd. Superb : magifik. Superb ! magift) ! Supercilious: pleitalik. Superciliousness : pleital. Superficial: neplobik; nedibalik; sevedik . (327) Siiak(am). . VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sudbn. SUak(am) : enlistment; recruiting; recruitment. Siiakon: to enlist; to recruit; toen- SUAM: sum; total; amount, [roll. SUAM : amount; price. Suamalised : price list; price cur- rent; catalogue. Suamik: summary. Suamiko: summarily. Suamo : on the whole. Suambn : to sum ; to add up. Suambn : to amount to. Suamli : amounting to ; to the amount of. Suatos : thereupon ; on this. SUBIM : sublimity. Subimal : sublimity of character. Subimik : sublime; lofty. Sublad(am) : inflation; swelling. Subladdn : to inflate; to swell. Suboladb'n : to burden ; to lay on ; to impose on. [gram). SUBSAT : noun ; substantive Subsatabid: infinitive (gram.). Subsatik : substantive. SUBYET: subject. Subyetik: subjective. Subyetbn : to subject. SUD : deafness. SUD : manners; morals. SUdaklin : morality; purity; purity of morals. Siidaklinik: moral; pure. Suda'l : obduracy. Siidal : austerity. Sudam : deafening. SUdav : ethics ; moral philosophy. Sudavel: ethologist. Sudik: deaf. Siidik : modest ; well-bred ; well- Sudlanam : obtrusion, [mannered. Sudlanam : intrusion. Sudlanel : obtruder. Sudlanel : intruder. Sudlanik : obtrusive. Sudlanik : intrusive. [ness. Sudlanbf: importunity; obtrusive- Sudlanbn: to importune; to ob- Sudlanbn : to intrude, [trucle. Siidlik : moral. Slidlbf: morality. Siidlbfav : moral science; morality. Siidod : custom; usage; habit. Sudodik : customary. Sudbf: modesty; chastity. Sudomued : deaf-muteness. Sudomuedik : deaf-mute; deaf and Sudbn : to deafen. [dumb. Superficially. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Support. Superficially: sevedo. Superficies : lOpaplen ; plenamaf. Superfluity: tumod. Superfluous : nezestldik. Superhuman: lovumenik. Superintendence : govam. Superintendent: fablttdasol. Superior: lopal; l&pan. Superior: pluvaltidik. Superior to: (prep.} 10. Superiority: bizugof; klatug; 15- pat; pluvaldd; stentldumug. Superlative: pltiltlen. Superlative: plultienik. Supernatural: lovenatik. Supernumerary : tunumik. Superscribe, to : lovepenon. [nad. Superscription: lovepenSd; supe- Superstition : loveklod; loviklod. Superstitious: loveklodik; lovi- Supervise, to : sulogOn. [klOdik. Supervision: sulog(am). Supervisor : sulogel. Supine : diseinabid. Supper: vendelafid. Supplement: labled; lagiv; neba- bled; smabled; Itlgiv; lOlot. Supplement, to : lOlOn. Suppliant: lebegik. Supplicant : plekel. Supplicate, to: begon ; dabegon; Supplication : lebeg. [lebegon. Supply : bltin(am); sefulot. Supply, to : blimftn; bliinOn. Support : stab; yllf; lenkip. Support, to : ylifon. SUdunon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Suep. Sudunon : to put forth. SUEM(am): comprehension; per- ception. Suemikl: power of comprehension ; perceptibility. Suemik: conceivable; perceivable; intelligible; comprehensible. Suemiko : intelligibly; comprehen- sibly. Suemb'f: intelligibility; compre- hensibility. Suembn : to comprehend; to per- ceive; to understand; to con- ceive. Suemot: concept, [cumspection. SUEN : discretion; prudence; cir- SUenam: reflective deliberation; thought. [spect. Suenik : discreet; prudent; circum- Suenb'n : to consider; to be circum- spect; to reflect upon; to pon- SUEP: broth; bouillon. [der. Suppose. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Sweaty. Suppose, to: ludasOn; niludon. Supposable: niludlik. Supposed: niludik. Supposing: (conj.) ludas. Supposition : nilud; ludasam. Suppress, to: negebon. Suppurate, to : luvunOn. Suppurating: luvunik. Suppuration : luvun. Surcingle : zon; zonat. Sure: sefik; zeladik; neseblibik. Surely : sefiko ; sefo ; zelado ; necito. Surety : sef; sponel. Surf-bath : ban vatalubelik. Surfeit, to : tulunuliidon. Surfeited : tusatik. Surgeon: giilel; vunasanel. Surgeon dentist: tutisanel. Surgeon general : lostafasanel. Surgery : giil. Surgery, to practice : giilOn. Surgical instruments : stums gli- Surly : murik. [lela. Surmount, to : lovon. Surname : lanem. Surname, to give : lanemon. Surpass, to: lovon; vukodon. Surplus: liigiv; Itigivot; lliyum; plusuam; tuvetot; tunum. Surprise : stun. Surprise, to: silpiton. Surprised : stunamik. Surprised, to be : stunon. Surprising: stunik. Surprising, to be : selednon. Surrender, to : lovegivOn. Surrender: lovegiv(am); lovegivot. Surround, to: ziseitOn; zumon. Survey : lovelog. Survey, to: lovelogon. Survive, to : lovelifon; lovtilifon. Survived: egeblibol. Susceptible : lusenik; venudlik. Susceptibility : lusenOf; venudlof. Susceptibly : venudliko. [dOn. Suspect, to : badiniludon; lunilu- Suspend, to : lagon; sesiadOn. Suspended, to be: lagOn. Suspense : veb. Suspension : stokam ; tak ; veb. Suspicion: badinilud; lunilud. Suspiciousness : mikonfidal. Sustain, to : ytlfOn. Sustenance : yllf. Sutler : solatalinkip. Swab : viubiel. Swab, to : viubOn. Swab out, to : sesvipttn. Swagger, to: luglopukon. Swallow up, to : feslugon ; nflslu- Swallow : sval. [gOn- Swallow, to : niislugOn. Swamp: lulak. Swan : svan. Swap, to : votatokon. Swap away, to : fetOkOn. Swarm : biekttm; ktim. Swarm, to : fumOn. Swear, to : yulon; mekOn leyulOn. Swear off, to : deyulon. Sweat: suet. Sweat, to : sueton. Sweat bath : suetaban. Sweaty : suetik. (329) Suepbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Sukel. Suepbn : to make broth, bouillon. SUET: sweat; perspiration. Suetaban : sweat - bath ; turkish bath. Suetal : professional enthusiasm. Suetik : sweaty ; covered with per- spiration. Sueton : to sweat; to perspire; to SUF : sufferance; tolerance, [exude. SUF: act (drama). Sufa'd : patience; forbearance. Sutadik : patient; forbearing. Sufado: patiently. Sufa'db! have patience! patience! Sufadb'n : to be patient; to have patience; to be forbearing. Sufafom : passive form (gram.) Sufafomik : passive (gram.) Sufal : holy martyr. Sufal: tolerance. Suf alik : tolerant. Sufalbn: to fall upon. Sufam : forbearance; toleration. Sunk: forbearing; tolerant. Sufil: scene (drama). Suflag: challenge; summons; call. Suflagel : challenger. Suflagb'n : to challenge; to sum- mon ; to cite. Suflambn : to blaze up ; to flash up; to flare up. [upon. Suflap: striking upon; beating Suflapbn : to strike upon; to drive; to strike. Suflik: sufferable; endurable. Sufo'f : tolerance; toleration. Sufdn : to tolerate, suffer, or en- dure any particular thing. Sufonbn : to bubble up ; to spout up ; to well up. Sugab : suckling; nursling, [warn. Sugalon : to awake; to arouse; to Sugelminbn : to sprout up ; to germ- inate, [ing upon. Sugif(ot) : affusion; infusion ;pour- Sugifdn : to affuse; to pour upon; to infuse. Sugiv(am) : lesson; task; problem; exercise; duty; role; part. Sugnobbn : to button up. Sugbn : to suck; to imbibe. Silgbn : to suckle; to give suck to. Suilemufdn : to shake up; to shake. Suipal : cleanliness. [clean. Suipbn : to sweep; to scrub; to Suisnapbn : to snatch up. Suisolutbn : to loosen up. Suistanbn : to stand up; to arise. Suistbnbn : to stir up; to rake up. Suixanbn :to mount up; to ascend. Suizugbn : to draw up; to hoist. Sujidbn: to pile up; to stack. Sujutbn : to heap up ; to store up; to hoard. SUK : succession; following. SUK(am) : search; quest; pursuit; Sukam : following, [investigation. Sukad : sequel ; sequence ; conse- Sukal : docility ; obedience, [quence. Siikal : curiosity. Siikalam : rummaging. Sukalik: obedient; docile. Sukalik: curious; rummaging; spy- Siikalbn : to rummage. [ing- Sukef: retinue; staff; suite. Sukel : successor. Sweep. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Swiftly. Sweep: gub. Sweep, to : suipon; svipon. Sweep out, to: sesvipon. Sweeper : svipel. Sweepings : sesvipot. Sweet: svidik; keinik. Sweeten, to : svidon; juegOn. Sweetened : pejuegol. Sweetener : svidel. Sweet-heart : jiladal; ladal; ladan. Sweetish : svidlik. Sweetly : svido. Sweet-meat: juegfl. Sweetness: kein; svid. Swell, to : svelon; subladOn. Swelling: svel(am); sublad(am). Swift: fovik; vifik. Swiftly: vifo. (330) Sukel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Suniin(o). Sukel: seeker; one who seeks. Sukelef: successors. Sukem : consequences; effects. Su'kik : searchable. Suklebbn : to paste on; to gum on; to stick on. Sukbl : following; succeeding. Sukb'n : to follow; to succeed; to pursue. Sukb'n : to look for; to seek after; to search for. [to collect. Sukonletbn : to pick up; to gather; Sukot: result; consequence. Sukbti'ot): incision; cut; slit. Sukbtbn : to make an incision; to cut open ; to dissect. Sukii : in the train of; at the heels of; in consequence of. SUL: filter. SUL : heaven; abode of angels. Su'lal : inhabitant of heaven ; angel. Sulel : filterer; strainer. Sulemufdn : to shake up. Sulev: insurrection; revolt. Sulevam : uprising; rebellion. Sulevel : insurgent; insurrectionist; demagogue; instigator; rebel. Sulevb'n : to revolt; to agitate; to stir up; to rebel. Suliblesen: ecstasy; beatitude; transport. Suliel : filter; strainer. Sulielbn: to listen; to hearken(to). Siilik: heavenly; angelic; celestial. Sulb ! for heaven's sake ! Sulodel : packer; loader. Sulodbn : to pack; to load. Sulog(am) : supervision; oversight; inspection. [spector. Sulogel: supervisor; overseer; in- Sulogbn : to supervise; to oversee; to inspect. Sulbn: to filter; to strain. SULUD : south. Suludan : southerner; southron. Suludik: southern; southerly; Suliifluks: tropical fruits, [south. Sululefu'd : southeast. Suliiod: erection; raising. Suliiodik : erect; upright. Suliiodbn : to erect; to raise up. Sulupiikbn : to talk a person into; to persuade. Suluvesud : southwest. SUM : similarity; likeness; resem- blance; analogy. SUM(am) : seizure; confiscation; capture; apprehension; taking away. [upon. Sumagbn: to draw upon ; to trace Sumalekbn : to march up; to draw Siimbot: symbol. [up. Siimik : similar; analogous; like. Sumbf: tangibility. Sumbn : to take; to seize; to take Su'mbn : to resemble. [away. Siimot: analogue. Sumii: except; with the exception of; excepting. [h'fy- Sumuedbn : to soften up; to mol- Sumufdn: to stir up; to work up. Sumutbn: to force upon. SUN(o): soon ; shortly. Suned: sound ; wide strait, (geog.) Sunik: soon. Sunbn: to expedite; to accelerate. Sunopom: early fruit. Sunumik: sooner; earlier. Sunum(o): sooner; earlier; rather. Suniin(o): soonest; earliest; first. Swiftness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Swordsman. Swiftness: fovug; vif. Swim, to: svimOn. Swimmer: svimel. Swimming: svim; svimakan. Swimming-bladder: fitablaed. Swine: svin. Swinish: svinik. Swinishness: lusvinen. Switch: letuig; lelodalajin; yilod. Switchman : yiloditopel. Sword: den; glaf; sab. Sword-blade: dein. Sword-point: denatip. Swordsman: fegel. (330 Suogin. VOI.APUK-ENGLISH. Sutovbn. Suogin: substitute. SUP: soup; bouillon. Supenad : superscription ; direc- tion; address; endorsement. Supenel : endorser; register. Supenbn : to inscribe; to mark; to register; to indorse. Siipit : suddenness. Supitik : sudden. Siipito : suddenly; all at once. Supitbn : to surprise; to take una- wares; to come upon suddenly. Supladam : setting upon; shelving. Supladbn: to put up; to set up. Sus: over; above. Susa'l : aspiration. Suseit : imposition. Suseitam : laying upon ; imposition. Suseitbn : to impose; to lay on; to Susi: up; upward. [lay upon. Susiad : head-piece ; top-piece; Susiadbn : to set up. [ornament. Susiblinbn : to bring up; to raise. SusibunOnrto jump up ;to spring up. Susiflambn : to blaze up; to kindle. Susifonbn : to bubble up; to spring up. Susiglofbn : to grow up; to attain full development. Susijedbn : to throw up ; to cast up; to toss up. Susijokbn : to push up. Susikbmab : upstart. Susikbmbn: to come up; to get up. Susikonletbn: to gather up; to col- Susikugbn : to boil up. [lect. Susiliiodiel : erector. Susimofdn : to drive up. Susibm : pulley; block and tackle. Susipolbn : to carry up. Susitenbn : to stretch up. Susitulbn : to wind up. Susitupbn : to rouse up; to excite. Susived : upward. [summons. Susivok : invocation; calling uj-; Susivokbn: to summon; to invoke. Susivokot: summons; invocation. Susizug(am): hoisting ;drawing up. Susizugbn : to hoist; to draw up. Suslitbn : to tear open ; to cleave; to split open. Susnabbn : to buckle up. Suso : up; upwards. Susb ! up ! upward ! Susoglofbn : to grow upward. Susogliig : church gallery. Susolutbn : to loosen up. Sustan(am) standing up. [stand up. Sustanbn : to arise; to get up ; to Sustikbn : to embroider upon. Susii : up. Susugbn : to suck up; to absorb. SUT: soot. SUT: street; road; highway. Sutag: syntax (gram.) Sutagik: syntactical. Su'tago : syntactically. S titan : streetwalker; "loafer". Siitel : roadmaker; street maker. Sutik: sooty; grimy. Sutil : alley; lane. Sutlid : step; tread. [open. Sutlidbn : to tread upon ; to tread Sutlidbn : to step forth; to appear. Sutopam : exhibition. Sutovam : elevation. Siitov(arn) : exhibition. Sutoviel: elevator. Sutovbn : to lift up; to pick up; to raise; to elevate. Sworn. ENGLISH-VOLAPIJK. Sympathetic. Sworn: yulik; eyulol. Sybarite: zadel. Sybaritism: IdxamlOf. Sycophant: lulobel. Syllabic : silabik. Syllabicate, to : silabon. Syllabication : silabam. Syllable, to : silabon. Syllable : silab. Symbol : siamag; sttmbot. Symbolism : siamagav. Symmetrical: leigamafik. Symmetry : leigamaf; leigOf. Sympathetic : dilsumalik. (332) Sutovon. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Svoad. Sutovon: to render conspicuous; to render prominent; to set off. Sutulbn: to unscrew; to untwist. Suii: in the direction of. Suvatiikbn : to outweigh; to coun- Suveg : on the way. [terbalitnce. Suvegam: ascension. Suvenudbn : to excite; to arouse; to work up. Suvitimam : immolation ; sacrifice. Suvok : appeal; citation; summons. Suvokbn : to call ; to invite ; to summon; to invoke. Suvokbn : to call forth. [forth. Suvuliilbn: to bud forth; to sprout Suyagbn : to chase ; to drive; to hunt. Suyagon : to scare up ; to hunt forth; to flush. SVAL: swallow. SVAN : swan. Svefin : Sulphur; S. (chem.). Svefmazud: sulphuric acid. Svefinik: sulphuric. Svefmlik : sulphurous. Svefinbn : to fumigate with sul- SVEL: tumor; swelling. [phur. Svelam: tumefaction; swelling; hypertrophy. Svelbn : to swell; to swell up; to SVIB: biscuit; rusk. [tumefy. SVID : sweetness. Svida'l : amiability. Svidam : sweetening. Svidik: sweet. Svidlik : sweetish. Svido : sweetly. Svidbn : to sweeten. SVIL: thread ; twine. Svilel : thread manufacturer. Svilen : thread -making business. Svilbn : to make thread; to twist; to twine. Svilbp : thread manufactory. SVIM : swimming. Svimabbd : aquatic bird. Svimakan : art of swimming; na- Svimel : swimmer. [tation. Svimbn : to swim. SVIN : swine; hog. Svinamit : pork. Svinapin : lard. Svlnik : swinish; hoggish. Svinil : sucking pig; roasting pig. SVIP : broom. Svipel : sweeper. Svipbn : to sweep; to use a broom. Svoad : threshold; sill. Sympathize. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Systematic. Sympathize, to : dilsumSn. Sympathizer : dilsumel. Sympathy: dilsumal; dilsumod. Synagogue : sinagop. Synoptical : lovelogik. Syntactical : siitagik. Syntactically : stitago. Syntax: siitag ; vodayumam; pti- kedam. Syringe: skut. System: sit. Systematic: sitik. (333) T. Ta. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tadun. TA : against; opposed to; adverse to; in opposition to. Taal : spirit of controversy. TAB: table. Taba'f: double-base. TABAK: tobacco. Tabakabbk: tobacco-box. Tabakavenod : nicotine. Tabakatedan : tobacconist; tobac- co dealer. Tabaked : snuff. Tabakedabbk: snuff-box. Tabakedbn : to take snuff ; to use snuff. Tabalvoto : mutually opposed. Tabel : cabinet maker; joiner. Taben : cabinet making business. Taber : tabernacle. Tabinbn : to be opposed to; to be against. TABLED: branch; division; de- partment; compartment ; sec- Tabledan : division (milit.) [tion. Tablbf(am) : refutation; rebuttal. Tablbfik : refutable; disprovable. Tablbfbf: refutability. Tablbfbn : to refute ; to rebut ; to disprove. Tabon : to serve up; to dish out. Tabiid: countermand; counter or- Tabudon : to countermand, [der. TAD(am): menace; threat. Ta'del : menacer; threatener. Ta'dik : menacing; threatening. Tadil: contrast; reverse; opposite; counterpart. [trary. Tadilo : contrariwise; on the con- Tadb ! Look out ! Look out there ! Ta'dbn : to threaten ; to menace. Tadun : resistance ; opposition. T. Tabernacle. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Tame. Tabernacle: taber. Table : tab; letab; taib. Table-cloth : letabaklof. Table-land : lOpolaned. Tablespoon : fidaspun. Table ware: letabem. Tabular : taibik. Tachygraphy : vifapenad. Taciturn : seilik; basilabik. Taciturnity: seil; basilabof. Tadpole : smafrog. Taffeta: tafet. Tag : lesupenad. Tail : gob. Tailor : teladel; n&gel. Tailor, to : teladon. Tailoring : telad; teladen. Tailor-shop: teladop. Take : fan. [sumOn. Take, to : sumon ; desumon ; da- Take away, to ; desumOn. Take measures, to : mesiilOn. Take off, to: detovOn. Take place, to : jenon; zidon; zi- Take root, to : vul5n. [ton. Take with, to : kesumon. Taker : desumel. Tale : kon; koned; konil; lusag. Talent : talen ; letalen. Talented : talenik ; letalenik. Talk : ptikot. Talk, to: piikon; vOdn. Talkative: linegik; pUkotik. Talkativeness : linegof ; pUkotof. Talker: vOdel. Tallow : pirn ; piun. Tallow, beef: bubapin; kunapim. Tallow, mutton : jipapin. Tamarind : tarn. Tame : nefoetik. (334) Tadunel. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Talabal. Tadunel: transgressor; violator; opposer. Tadundn : to contravene ; to act contrary to ; to counteract ; to oppose. Tael: adversary; opponent; anta- Taelam : opposition. [gonist. Taelef : opponents ; opposers ; op- position . Taelbf: antagonism; opposition. Taeldn : to be opposed to. TAEN: tannery. Taenad : tanbark. Taenam : tanning. Taenan : tanner. Taenazud : tannic acid. Taenin : tannin. Taenbn : to tan. Taf: tare (commerce). Tafet : taffeta; watered silk. TiG : conduct; demeanor ; deport- ment; behavior. Tagbn : to conduct, demean, be- have one's self. Taib : tabular list; table; roster. Taibik : tabular. TAIF : tariff. Taifik : dutiable; of tariff. Taifo : dutiably ; conformably to tariff. Taifb'f: dutiableness. Taifbn : to subject to tariff. Taik : contrary; opposed; adverse. Taik : repugnant; repulsive; offen- sive; distasteful; disagreeable. Tail : mould; soil; earth. Tailbik: earthy. Taim : fuller's earth; potter's clay. Taimik : cretaceous; chalky. Tain : clay; mud; loam. Tain : tar. Tainik : clayey; muddy. Taisiik : egotism: selfishness. Taisukan : egotist. Taisiikik : egotistic; selfish. TAK : stagnation; cessation; sus- pension. Taked : rest; repose. Takedal : equanimity ; placidity ; tranquillity. Takedik : quiet; still; tranquil; pa- cific. Takedo ! be quiet ! keep still ! Takedbn : to rest; to repose. Takipb'n : to hold against. Takbn : to stop; to cease; to stand still; to be at rest. Takrit: Antichrist. TAL: earth; world. Talabal: strawberry. Tan. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Task. Tan, to: taenon. Tan-bark: taenad. Tang : nebasmek. Tangibility : sumof. Tangible : stofik. Tangle, to: kofudOn. Tangled : pekof (idol. Tankard: ken. Tanner : skitan; taenan. Tannery : skitafablud ; taen. Tannic acid : taenazttd. Tannin : taenin. Tantalum : tanin. Tap, to : lablekon. Taper : litot. Tapestry: palot; tap. Tape-worm: tanaf. Tar : tain. Tar, mineral: meitain. Tarantula: taraf. Tardily: lato; nesuno. Tardiness : lat; zogof. Tardy : latik ; nesunik ; zogik. Tare: taf. Target: zeilapun. Target-shooting: juten. Tariff: taif. Tarnish, to : miotOn; stenOn. Tart : toed. Tartlet : toedil. Tart : lezttdik. Tartness : leztld. Task : lenadadil; sugiv; vob. Task, to set : sugivOn. (335) Taladil. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Talazilek. Taladil: division of the earth; grand division; continent. Taladlem: earthquake. Taladustod : agricultural industry. Talafrog: toad. Talaglbp : terrestrial globe ; mun- dane sphere ; globe. Talakop : earth ; substance of the Talal : worldly mindedness. [earth. Talaletil : petroleum ; mineral oil. Talamel: the ocean (all oceans united); sea. Talamun : ore; natural mineral. Talanab : Isthmus. Talanot : peanut; ground-nut. Talar : gown ; robe; mantle of state. Talaron : bitumen ; mineral resin. Talaseit: geographical position. Talastok : ground-floor. Talastiik : zone. Talatikal : gnome; goblin. [sy. Talav: geology; geognosy; geode- Talavak : Ozocerite ; mineral wax. Talavel: geologist. Talavik : geologic; geological. Talaxab : axis of the earth. Talazilek : circumference of the earth ; surface of the earth . Tassel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Tell fortunes, to. Tassel : kvat. Taste : gut; gilt; smek. Taste, to: fesmekon; guton; sme- Tasting : gut. [kon. Tatters : jiefs. Tattle, to : vtlpolon. Tattler: vtlpolel. Taught : petidol. Taurus : sixoil. Taut : spanik. Tax: tlip. Tax-free: netoladik. Tax collector : tlipacalel. Taxation : tlipam. Taxes, to pay : tlipOn. Tea: tied; vendelabod. Teach, to : tidon. Teachable: tidik; betidlik. Teachable, to be : betidlon. Teachableness : betidlof. Teacher: tidel ; dadukel ; letidel; prazepel; tidal. Teacher, church : letidal. Teachership : tidam. Teaching: tidacal; tid(am). Teacup : bovil. Team: bof. Teamster : vabel. Teapot : tiedaken. Tear (tare) : dislit. Tear ( te er) : dlen ; logatof. Tear, to: dion; disliton; sltiton. Tear away, to : moslttton; sasluton. Tear down, to : donisliton. Tear from, to : sasluton. Tear open, to : maislilton ; susltiton. Tear out, to : sesluton. Tearing: dislitam; slut. Tears, to shed : dlenOn. Tease, to : koflon. Teasel: vivatil. Teasing: koflik. Teat : dogazenod. Technical : kaenik. Technically : kaeniko. Technician : kaenan. Technics : kat-n. Technologic : 1 kaen avik Technological: \ kt Technology : kaenav. Tedious : boladik; lonedUpik. Tediousness : lonedtip. Teeth, to cut: tuton. Telegram: depad; telegam. Telegraph : telegafod. Telegraph, to : telegafon. Telegraph operator: telegafan. Telegrapher : telegafan. Telegraphy : telegaf. Telephone : telefonod. Telephone, to : telefonon. Telephony : telefon. Telescope: fagaglat; telesop. Telescopic : telesopik. Tell, to: konon; sagori. Tell fortunes, to : lubfiosagon. (336) Taleab. VOLAPtiK-ENGLISH. Talsik Taleab : thaler (worth about 73 Taled : geography. [cents). Taledaklub : geographical society. Taladel : geographer. Taledik : geographical. Talekluf : barb; beard. Taleklufik : barbed; bearded. Talan : sublunary creature; inhab- itant of the earth. TALEN: talent; ability; gift. Talenik: talented; able; gifted. Talik: telluric; mundane; earthly; Tali! : clod, [terrestrial; worldly. Talisalik : unreasonable ; contrary to reason. Talnik : earthen ; earthy. Talo : on earth; here below. Talsik: earthy; terrene. Teller. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Testimony. Teller : numal. Tell-tale: vtipolel. Tell tales, to : vtipolon. Telluric : talik. Tellurium : telin. Temerity : lukin. [pal. Temper: ladalod; ladalabid; tern- Temper, to: dttfbn; diilinon; ma- fiikon. Temperament: meug; tempfll. Temperance : cunal; mafof. Temperate : mafodik. Temperature : tempat. Tempering : diilinam. Tempest: letep; tep. Tempestuous: letepik ; tepik. Temple : tem; kapaflan. Temporal: timlik; ilpik. Temporarily: bevtiniko. [dulik. Temporary : beviinik; timik; ne- Tempt, to : baton; tentidon. Temptation : tenud. Tempter : tenlidel. Tempting : teniidik. Ten : bals; balsiel. Tenacious : tonik. Tenacity: ton. Tenant : dekodutel; kodutan; gue- Tend, to : tienon. [dan. Tender : lof. Tender : ladalik; meiladik; zadik. Tender, to : lofon. Tenderheartedness : meiladal; miiedal; zadal. Tenderling: mUedab. Tenderly: zadiko. Tenderness: zad; zadlof. Tendon : tanap. Tenet : plisip; xiom. Tenia : tanaf. Tenor : kilidavog; kilidavOgan. Tense : spanik. Tension: spanam. Tent : tened. Tent, to erect : tenedon. Tenuity: nefim; slen. Tepid: lavik. Terbium: tebin. Term: tup; pelttp. Terminate, to: dafinon; dejoton; joton; finOn. Terminated: efinOL Termination : dejot ; tinam ; sto- pam; jotam. Terminus: lanamop; selodamOp. Terra firma : fiman. Terrace : desiad. Terrene : talsik. Terrestrial: talik. Terrible : dlecllik; jekik. Terrified : jeklik. Terrify, to : jekon. Territorial : sttikik. Territory: sttik. Terror : jek. Terrorize, to : detlepon. Terrorizing : jekam. Tertian : teldelik. Test : bluf. Test, to: blufon; xamon; xamon. Testacea : jalaf. Testament : latavil. Testator: gelutal. Tested : peblufol. Tester : xarael. Testify, to : noelon. Testifying : noelam. Testimony : noelud. (337) Tetragon. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Thought. Tetragon : folagul. Tetter: licip. Text: vodem. Text-book: tidabuk. Texture : spulun. Thaler : taleab. Thallium : talin. Than : (conj.) ka. Than that: adas. Thank, to : danasagon; danisagon; Thankful: danik. [danOn. Thankfulness : danOf. Thanks : dan. Thanks: danO. Thanks to : danti. Thanks, to give : danasagon ; da- nisagon. Thanksgiving : danasag. Thanksworthy : danigik. That: (pron.) et; ut. That: (conj.) das; dat. That is : os binos; o. b. That time : etna. The : el; jiel. Theater : teat. Theatrical: teatik. Theatrical performance : teata- Theft : tif. [pled. Theme : plikayeg. Then: tan(o); tiem(o). Then? ibo? Thence: luka; usa. Theologian : godavel. Theological : godavik. Theology : godav. Theorem : tidaset. Theoretical : teorik. Theory : teor. Therapeutic : medinik ; sananamik. Therapeutics : mediniv. There: us; us; usit. There! Eko! Thereabouts : zuat; zuis; ztts. Thereafter : tano. Thereby : (adv.) en; das; las. Therefor : (adv.) en ; plo atos ; plos. Therefore: (adv.) also; kludo; si- kod(o). Therefore: (conj.) klu; plos. Therefrom : luka; usa. Therein : (adv.) ino; nis. Thereof: (adv.) en. Thereon : len at(os). Thereto: (adv.) en;alos. [atos. Thereupon: lenat(os); tano; su Therewith : (adv.) en; ko atos. Thermometer : vamamafiel. Thesis : penot. Thick : bigik. Thicken, to : bigon. Thicket: bigib; boadem; bujad; bujadem. Thickness : big; dumaf. Thief: tifel. Thievery : tifen. Thievish : tifik. Thigh : tigap. Thill: deig. Thimble: finedahat. Thin: nepienik; slenik. Thin, to become : nepienttn. Thin, to: slendn. Thing : din; yeg. Think, to : lentikon; tikon: cedon; niludOii. Think out, to: seletikon. Think over, to : siamon. Thinker: tikal; tikel. Thinness: nepienjslen. Thinning : slenam. Thirst : nelum. Thirst, to : neliimon. Thirst for, to : leneltimon. Thirsty: nelumik. Thirsty, to be : neltimon. Thirteen : balsekil. Thirty: kils. This : at; at ; atos. This side : ataflano. This time : atna; tosna. Thistle: til. Thither : (adv.) usi. Thitherward: (adv.) usi. Thorium : tolin. Thorn : spin; stig. Thorny: spinik; stigik. Thorough : plobik ; stabik. Thorough, to be : plobon. Thoroughly: plobo; stabo. Thoroughness : plob. Those: et. Thou : ol. Though : (adv.) deno. Though: (conj.) biye(d); do; ifi. Thought: tik; suemacl; stienam. Tambim. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tavelii. Tambim : tamarind tree. Tamed: remedy; antidote. TAN : band; bond; tie. TAN(o) : then ; hereupon ; there- upon; thereafter. [binding. Tanad : volume ; bound book ; Tanaf : tape-worm ; taenia. Tanakluzif : cross-beam ; cross-tree. Tanarn : binding; tieing. Tanamal : hyphen. Tanap : tendon; sinew; ligament. Tanaskin : conjunctiva (eye). Tanel : binder. Tanen : book-binding. Tanfad: pack-thread ; wrapping- twine; twine. Tanin : Tantalum; Ta. (chem.). Ta'no: then; thereupon; hereupon; thereafter. Tanbn : to bind; to tie ; to fasten. Tanb'p : book-bindery. Tao : otherwise ; in default of which; in the contrary case. Tabf: contrariety; adverseness. Taon: heel. TAP: carpet; rug. Tap : tapestry; drapery; hangings; paper-hanging. [ ul g- Tapam : upholstery ; paper-hang - Ta'pan : upholsterer; paper-hanger; draper. Ta'payan : portiere; curtain-door. Tapladon; to oppose ; to be op- posed to. Tapbn : to drape ; to paper. Tapu'k: contradiction; objection; opposition; protest. Tapukal : love of contradiction. Tapiikam: objection Contradiction. Tapukil: objection; exception. Tapukbnrto contradict; to oppose; Taraf : tarantula. [to gainsay. Tasiadbn : to set against; to op- pose. Tasiamik : inconsistent ; contra- dictory, [diction. Tasiambf : inconsistency ; contra- Tasteif(am): defense; resistance. Tasteifik: unyielding; resisting. Tasteifdn : to resist; to defend; to ward off. Tasteilagot : shoulder-belt; baldric. TAT: State; commonwealth. Tatalepbps : State papers ; public documents. Tatav: statesmanship, as a science. Tatelidavbg : contralto voice. Tatemon : excise. Tatop(am): contrast; opposition. Tatopbn : to place opposed; tocon- Tatopii : in contrast to. [trast. Tatos(o):on the contrary; opposed; against; to the contrary. Tauf: towel. Tau'f : bandage; dressing (surgery). Taufastof: toweling. Taiifbm. : dressings; dressing-case. Taut: trout. Tau til : troutlet; small trout. TAV: traveling; travel; journey. Ta'vabiir : agency for travelers. Tavakopanel : traveling compan- Tavam, : traveling. [ion. Tavapenod : passport. Tavasak : traveling bag; port man- teau; "gripsack"; valise. Ta'vel : traveler; passenger. Tavelal : queerness ; perverseness. Tavelik : athwart; obliquely; trans- verse; bias; oblique. [bias. Tavelikug: obliquity; obliqueness; Tavelo : diagonally ; obliquely ; transversely. [athwart. Tavelu : across; obliquely across; Thoughtful. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Thread. Thoughtful: dibalik. Thoughtfulness : dibalOf. Thoughtless : nestienik. Thoughtlessness: nestienug. Thousand: mil; milat. Thread: fad; svil; nagafad. Thread, cotton: kotinasvil. Thread, to : fadOn; ninfadrtn. (339J Tavenod. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Teladen. Tavenod: antidote; counter-poison ; Tavien : head-wind, [antagonist. Ta'vik : ready ; ready to set out. Tavbn : to travel. [knowing. Tavugik: traveled ; experienced ; TE: only; solely; merely; but. Teadanud : ballet. TEAT: theater. Teatapled : theatrical performance. Teatik : theatrical. Teavbl : side-scene ; wing ; stage- Tebin : Terbium ;Tb.(chem.). [side. TED : commerce; trade; business (mercantile). Tedadunan : commercial agent. Tedadom : store; business estab- lishment. Tedadunan : clerk; salesman. Tedagaden : market-gardening. Tedajul: commercial school. Tedal : great merchant; prominent merchant. [scale. Tedalbn : to do business on a large Tedam : merchandizing; trading. Tedan : business man; tradesman. Tedatidastid : commercial college; business college, [iness school. Tedastid : commercial school ; bus- Tedatavel : commercial traveler. Tedav : commercial science, [er. Tedel: merchant; tradesman ;deal- Tedef: merchants (as a class). Tedelef : trades-people; tradesmen; commercial class. Tedelik : mercantile; commercial. Tedem : corporation; company. Tedb'n : to be a merchant; to trade; to be engaged in trade. TEF : point of view; relation; re- gard ; respect. Tefam : consideration; reference. Tefamik : respective; relative. Tefambn : to refer to; to relate to. Tefamii: relative to; in relation to. Tefik: concerning; respective; rel- ative. Tefo : respectively; relatively. Tefod : consideration; regard; re- spect, [consideration. Tefodam : regard; appreciation; Tefodbn : to have regard for; to have respect to; to consider. Tefdn : to concern; to relate to; to pertain to. Tefii : with respect to; with regard to: respecting; regarding; re- TEG: cover; covering, [lating to. Tegam : covering. Tegamaned : mantle; cover; pre- Tegbn : to cover. [text. Tegdp : cover; shelter. Tegot : cover; lid. [solitary. Teik : mere; simple; bare; single; TEIL(am) : separation; disjunc- tion; partition. Teila'l : spirit of dissension. Teilik : separable; dissoluble. Teilbn : to separate; to part; to disjoin; to sever. TEIN : brick: tile. Teinel : brick-maker. Teinen : brick-making. Teinbn : to make brick; to make Teinbp : brick-yard. [tiles. TEK: collection; galaxy; museum; things collected. Tekam: collection; collecting; ga- thering, [make a collection. Tekbn : to collect; to gather; to TEL: two; 2. Telab: twin. Telad : tailoring; tailor's trade. Teladel: tailor. Teladen : tailoring business. Thread. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Thresh. Thread, to make : svilon. Thread manufactory: svilop. Threat: tad. Threaten, to: tadon. Threatener: tadel. Threatening : tadik. Three: kil. Thresh, to: cepOn; secepon. (34) Teladbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Telukon. Teladbn : to tailor; to sew; to Teladbp:tailor shop, [make clothing. Telaflanik: bilateral; two-sided. Telakapik: bicipital; dicephalous; two-headed; double-headed. Telakomip : duel. Telaluib : bicycle. Telam : duplication; doubling. Telapened : ad bill of exchange; second of exchange. Telapiikat : dialogue. Telaseplan : ambiguity; equivocal- ness, [cal. Telasepla'nik : ambiguous; equivo- Telaspan : team of two animals. Telavig: fortnight. Telavigik : fortnightly. Telayelik : biennial. Teldehk : tertian ; every two days. Teldik : diverse; many; several. Teldikan : many a one Teldil: half. Teldilik : dichotomous; dipartite; binomial. Telefon: telephony. Telefonod : telephone apparatus; telephone. Telefonon : to telephone. Telegaf : telegraphy. Telegafod : telegraph apparatus; telegraph. [operator. Telegafan : telegrapher; telegraph Telegafbn : to telegraph. Telegam : telegram. Telein : ticking; bedticking; tick- Telel : two; pair; couple. [en. Telelik: mated; paired; even (of numbers). Telepbfiid: clear profit; net gain. Telesop : telescope. Telesopik : telescopic. Telfutik: biped; bipedal. Telid : second ; another. Telidavbg: alto; second (music). Telidavbgbn: to sing alto. Telidlo : two by two. Teliel: brace; couple; pair. Telif: discord; dissension. Telink : discordant. Telik: doubled; two-fold. Telin : Tellurium; Te. (chem.). Telinegik : bilingual; two-tongued. Telion : billion. Telkomip : duel. Telkbtik : two-edged ;double-edged. Telmodel : day after to-morrow; two days hence (udel). Telmodelo : on day after to-mor- row ; on the second day hence. TELOD : confidence; faith. Telodik: confiding;with confidence. Telodbf: confidingness. Telodokbn: to dare; to venture; to presume upon. Telbn : to duplicate; to double; to multiply by two. [vocal. Teloseplanik : ambiguous ; equi- Teloseplanbf: ambiguity ; equi- vocalness. Telpiikik: bilingual; containing Tels : twenty, 20. [two languages. Telsagul : icosagon. Telemiglam: pood (Russian weight = 36 Ibs. av.) Telsiedik: two-seated. Telud: second; second class. Teludan : one of the second class. Tellidel: Monday; second day. Teliif: second (music). Telug: duality. Telugo : dually. Teluibik : two- wheeled. Teliikbn : to duplicate; to double; to be increased two-fold. Thresher. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Throne. Thresher : cepel. Threshing: cep(am). Thrift: plob. Thriftiness : domal. Thrive, to: plobon; paliegOn. Thriving: plobik. Throat: cav; gug. Throne : tlon. (340 Telul. YOI.APUK-ENGLISH. Tigvot. Telul: February; second month. Teliirn: duet. Telyelik : biennial. Telyesdel : day before yesterday; two days ago (edelo). [temple. TEM : cathedral; cathedral church; Temal : canon; prebendary. TEMIP: cowardice; timidity. Temipab : coward. Temipal : cowardliness. Temipik : cowardly; timid; faint- hearted; pusillanimous. Temipbn : to be afraid; to be faint- hearted; to be a coward. Temipug : faintheartedness ; pu- sillanimity. Tempal: temperament; temper. Tempat : temperature. TEN (am) : extension; expansion, dilatation. *Tenal : eternity; (tenu'p.) TEN ED: tent; pavilion. Tenedb'n to erect a tent. Tenik: extensible; ductile. Tenin : Ruthenium; Ru. (chem.) Tenon : to extend ; to stretch ; to distend. Tenu : now-a-days; for the present. TENUD : temptation. Tenudel : tempter. Tentidik : tempting. Tenudb'n : to tempt; to lead into Teniip : eternity. [temptation. Tenupam: immortalization; per- Teniipik: eternal. [petuation. Tenu'po : eternally; for eternity. Teniipbn : to immortalize. Teo : clearly; purely; completely. TEOR : theory. Teorik: theoretical. TEP: tempest; storm; tumult. Tepel : blusterer. [ultuous. Tepik : stormy; tempestuous; tum- Tepbn : to storm ; to be tempest- uous. TET : udder; (mammary gland of Tetan : milker. [animals. Teten : dairy business. Tetbn: to milk. Tetbp : milking place; dairy. Teug: pureness; genuineness. TEV : migration; ramble. Tevam : wandering; peregrination. Tevel : wanderer; rover; rambler. Tevbn: to migrate; to wander; to ramble; to rove; to roam. Teviig : peregrinations; rovings. TI : almost; nearly TI&D : title; qualification. Tiadbn : to entitle; to style. Tiaf: tiger. Tibaledik : advanced in years. Tibuk : chronicle. TID : instruction; teaching; tuition. Tidabuk: text-book; school-book; manual; hand-book. Tidacal : teaching; as a calling. Tidadup : recitation hour; lesson- Tidagik : instructive, [time; lesson. Tidal : teacher of religion ; teacher of church history; doctor of divinity. Tidal : talent for teaching. Tidam : instruction; teaching, [er. Tidam : teachership ; office of teach - Tidamed : means of instruction. Tidambn : to instruct; to inform. Tidaseminbp: seminary; normal school. Tidaset : theorem ; dogma ; precept. Tidastid: educational institution. Tidel: teacher; instructor; tutor. Tidelajul: normal school. Tidik : teachable; docile. Tidbn: to teach; to instruct. Tidbp: school-room; lecture-room; auditorium. Tidiip : term of pupilage; course of instruction. TIED : tea. Tiedaken: tea-pot. [times. Tiemik : then being; of those Tiem(o) : then; at that time; at the time. Tienbn : to tend; to conduce. Tiep : lace; point lace. TIP: theft; stealing. Tif al : kleptomania. Tifel: thief. Tifen : thievery. Tifik : thievish. Tiflin : thistle finch. Tifbn : to steal; to pilfer; to purloin. Tig: side of an angle (geom.). Tigap: thigh; shank; quarter. Tigvot: Roman (letters typog.). (34 2 ) Tijep. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tikalip. Tijep : artichoke. TIK : thought; idea; conception. Tika'd : sentiments ; disposition ; way of thinking. [thinker. Tikal : deep thinker ; profound Tikal: spirit; mind; intelligence. Tikal sanik : Holy Ghost. Tikalafulik: spirited; ingenious. Tikalal: Holy Spirit. Tikalaplag : exercise of genius; ex- ercise of talents, of ingenuity. I Tikalavotam : conversion ; change of heart. Tikalazal : Whitsuntide; Pentecost. Tikalik : in telligent ; witty ; spirited . Tikaliko: intelligently; wittily. Tikalip: psychic disease; insanity; mental disease. Through. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Titanium. Through: (prep.) da; dub; me. Throughout: genalo; leo. Throughout: (prep.) dati. Throw : jed. Throw, to : jedOn. Throw away, to : dejedon; moje- Throw away : pelemojedik. [dOn. Throw down, to : donijedon. Throw out, to : sejedon. Throw up, to : susijedOn. Throw under, to: disojedon. Thrust : jok. Thrust, to: jokon. Thumb : bigafined. Thunder: tot. Thunder, to: lustomon; totOn. Thunder-bolt : lelitastal. Thunder-clap : lelitaflap. Thunder-storm : lustom. Thursday: luludel; dodel. Thus : (adv.) also; somo. Thwart, to : vanon. Thy: olik. Ticken : telein. Ticket : ntitlidakad; lesupenad; bi- Ticking : kilin; telein. [liet; zOtil. Tickling: titQl. Tide : ban; neban. Tide-land : nebanOp. Tidiness : dekof; klinlOf. Tidy: dekik; klinlik. Tie : tan. Tie, to: tanon. Tie up, to: lefadon; ztitanon. Tied : petanol. Tieing : tanam. Tiger: tiaf. Tight : spanik. Tights: bofelaklots. Tile: tein. Till: (prep.) jtt. Till : (conj.) jus. Timber: bem; bumaboad. Timber, to cut: boadon. Timber work: bemem. Time: tim; flep; naed; peltip. Time, spare : livtip. Timeliness: letim(of); timOf. Timely: timoik; lemadik- letimik. Timely : timo. Timely, to be : timOn. Time server: lufuman. [dledik. Timid: plafik; temipik: tlepik; Timidity : dledof; plaf; temip. Timorous: dledik. Tin : tin; ttin; lelatttn; vietQn. Tin: tinik; tiinik. Tin, to : tinOn. Tin, sheet: tun. Tincture: tinat. Tine : tuit. Tinman : tunan. Tinner : tinel; tlinel. Tinning : tinam. Tinsel : goliidaskom. Tinsmith : tinel. Tint: kol. Tinted : kolik. Tinware : ttinacan. Tip: tip; tipiin; legivot. Tipped : tipik. Tippler: filavinan: kOpan. Tipple, to : filavinOn. Tire: luibajuk; rif. Tire, to: lonediipon; fenOn. Tired: fenik; klautik; perifol. Tissue : vivot. Titanium : ttttin (343) Tikalivotam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tipik. Tikalivotam : change of mind ; conversion. Tika'lnem : spiritual or religious name (of members of religious orders). [ghostly. Tikalnik : spiritual; ecclesiastical; Tikalnbf : sanctity; spirituality. Tikalo: spiritedly; with spirit. Tikam: meditation; reflection; de- Tikav : logic. [liberation. Tikavel: logician. Tikavik : logical. Tikaviko: logically. Tikel: thinker; reasoner. Tikik : imaginable; conceivable. Tikbn : to think; to meditate. Til : thistle. TIM : time. [time. Timadef: lack of time; want of Tim lematb'fazala : christmas hol- Timafom : tense (gram.) [idays. Timag : epoch; era; age; period. Timalian: chronogram, [journal. Timapenad : gazette; periodical; Timav: chronology; horology. Timavik : chro n ological . Tim dela: time of day; i.e., a.m, m. Timik: temporary. [or p.m. Timikal : computation of time. Timil: instant; moment; little while. Timilik : momentary ; instantane- ous; transitory. Timilo: instantly; in an instant. Timin : Stibium ; Antimony ; Sb. (chem.). Timlik : temporal ; secular. Timlb'f: secularity; worldliness. Timo : timely; seasonably. Timb'f : timeliness; seasonableness. Timoik : seasonable; in accordance with the spirit of the age; timely. Timb'n: to be timely; to be season - Timoug : seasonability. [able. Timsik : occasional. Timii: in the time of; at the time TIN : tin. [of. Tinam : tinning. Tinat: tincture. Tinel: tinsmith; tinner. Tinik: tin; of tin. Tinin : Stannum; Sn. (chem.). Tinbn: to tin; to tin-plate. Tibp : harrow. [tremity. TIP: tip; point; apex; vertex; ex- Tipagun : dress-coat. Tipa'l : shrewdness; subtlety ; sar- Tipaleciid : pick-axe. [casni. Tipamud : bill; beak. Tipamudbn : to bill ; to coo ; to Tipik: pointed; tipped. [caress. Tit-bit. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Tomb. Titbit: nib. Titillation : titul. Title: tiad; calanem. Title, to give : calanemOn. Titmouse: titit; yutitit. To : (prep.) al; kol; len. To : (prep., conj.) kas. Toad: talalrog. Toast : dlinapet. Toast, to : dlinapeton. Tobacco: tabak. Tobacco, smoking: smokatabak. Tobacco box: bok; tabakabok. Tobacconist: tabakatedan. To-day: adelo; tudel. Toe : finap. Together: em(o); kob(o); tugedo. Together with : (prep.) sa; kobtt. Toil: tob; vob. Toil, to: tObon;vobOn. Toilet: klUn. Token : glemal; ktlpamal; milk. Tolerable: luletik. Tolerably: ze. Tolerance: lulet; sufal; sufof. Tolerant: sufalik; sunk. Tolerate, to : Hileton; sufOn. Tolerating: luletam. Toleration : sufam. Toll : tolad; ponatolad; vegamon. Toll-free : netoladik. Tomb : sep ; lesep. (344) Tipbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISE Tomel. Tipbn: to point; to sharpen. Tipu'n: summit; pinnacle; highest point; tip. Titit : titmouse; tomtit. Titu'I : titillation; tickling. TIV : negotiation. ;Tivik: negotiable. Tivpn : to negotiate. TLAP: trap; snare; pitfall. Tlapbn : to ensnare; to entrap; to catch in a trap. Tlat : draft (an order for money). TLAT : treason ; treachery ; per- Tlatel: traitor; betrayer. [fidy. Tla'tik: treasonable; treacherous; traitorous; perfidious. Tla'tbn : to betray, [fender; grate. TLEL: trellis; grating; lattice; Tlelbn : to grate; to make a trellis; to cross-bar. TLEP : trepidation; anxiety; fear; Tlepafulik : fearful ;anxious. [fright. Tlepik : anxious; uneasy; restless; solicitous; timid; afraid. Tlepbf: anxiousness; anxiety. Tlepbn : to frighten ; to alarm ; to make uneasy; to torment. TLID : tread; step; pace. Tlidbn : to tread; to step; to walk; TLIP(ab) : tax. [to go. Tlipacal : collection of taxes ; re- ceipt of taxes. [ceiver. Tlipacalel : tax collector ; tax re- Tlipam: assessment; taxation. Tlipbn : to pay taxes ; to pay as- sessments, [fort. TLOD : consolation; solace; com- Tlodal : spiritual or religious com- forter. Tlodel : consoler ; comforter. Tlodik : consolatory; comforting. Tlodb ! Cheer up ! Be of good courage ! Tlodbn : to console; to comfort; to TLON : throne. [solace. Tlonbn : to reign ; to be enthroned ; to occupy a throne. Tlup : troop; squadron; company. Tlupbn : to troop; to flock together. TO : despite; in spite of; notwith- standing. To: only; solely; merely; entirely. TOB : trouble; pains; fatigue; toil. Tbbam : troubling; effort; pains. Tbbik: wearisome ; troublesome; laborious; difficult. Tbbo: scarcely; hardly; with diffi- Tbbbf: troublesomeness. [culty. Tbbbn : to take pains; to toil; to struggle; to strive. TOD: defiance; boldness; intrepid- ity; bravado. Todal: obstinacy; stubbornness. Todbn : to defy; to brave; to dare. Toed : tart; pie. Toedil: puff; tartlet. TOP: drop. Tbf : dew; dew-drop. Tofam : dropping; trickling. Tofik: dropped; broken into drops. Tof(ik)o: by drops; in drops. Tofbn : to drip; to trickle; to fail in drops. [dewed. Tbfon : to become dewy ; to be be- Tofonad : artesian well. TOG(o) : at once; simultaneously; conjointly; at a time. Togaf: autography. Togafiel: autograph stamp. Togafik : autographic. Tpgafot: autograph. TOK: exchange; barter, [disc. Tbkayeg : commodity; merchan- Tbkbn : to exchange; to barter; to commute; to give in exchange. TOLAD : toll; customs; duty; rev- Tola'd : inch. [enue. Toladel : customs officer; revenue officer. [ue oflfcial. Toladel: customs employe; reven- Toladik: dutiable. Toladbn : to pay duties. Toladbp : custom-house. Tblat(am) : treatment; manage- ment; usage. Tblatbn : to treat; to use. Tolin : Thorium; Th. (chem.)'. TOM : torture ; torment ; pang ; anguish; agony; pain. TOM: overturning; upsetting; in- version; tumbling. Tomal : tormenting spirit; fury. Toma't : automaton. Tomel: tormenter; torturer. (345) Tomelik. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Topet. Tomelik: tormented; tortured. TOMET: downfall; overthrow; ruin; tumble. Tometon : to overthrow; to over- turn; to precipitate; to tumble; to upset. [self; to tumble. Tbmetbnok: to precipitate one's Tomik : torturing; tormenting; agonizing ; distressing ; painful. Tomb'm : rack ; instruments of torture. Tomb'n : to torment; to torture; to TON: sound; tone. [pain. TON : toughness; tenacity. Tonab : letter; character; note. Tonabakal : algebra; computation with letters. Tonabakalik : algebraic. Tonabalien: line ; row of letters; line of a printed page. Tonabid: tone; tune; intonation; manner of speaking. Tonabik : literal. Tonabo : literally. [a word. Tonabbn : to form a word ; to spell Tonaglup: articulation; sound group. Tonaglupum : chord (music). Tonal : polish; refinement; culture. Tonal : conservatism. Tbnalik : conservative. Tbna'lim: conservatism. Tonaskin : drumhead; membrana tympani; drum. Tonaskinan : drummer. Tonatid: phonetics. TONED: ton; tun (measure of weight). Tonik: sonorous; sounding. Tbnik : tough; tenacious; ductile. Tonod: sound. Tonodav : acoustics. Tonodbn : to sound; to resound. Tonbn : to ring; to make a sound. Tbnbn : to stick to; to hold fast; to keep hold of; to adhere to. Tonii: as per; according to; by virtue of; in consequence of. Toniim : arrangement (music). TOP : spot; place; locality. TOP: effort; exertion. Topabled : local newspaper. Top am: location; placing. Topet : trumpet. Tombstone. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Tormentor. Tombstone : sepamal. To-morrow: odelo; model. To-morrow's: (m)odelik. Tompion : koegin . Toratit: titit. Ton : toned. Tone : ton; tonabid. Tongs : zap. Tongue : lineg; mudanam; puk. Tongue, to: linegon. Tongue, native : lomaplik. Tongue, wagon : deig. Tonguey : linegik. To night: aneito. Too: leigo; tu; tuvemo; i; id. Too much : tu; modik; tuik. Too much : tu; tuvemo; tuiko. Tool : stum. Tools : namunem. Tools, garden : gadOm. Tooth : tut; tuit. Tooth, to : tuton. Tooth, incisor : kotatut; beitatut. Tooth, molar : cugatut. Tooth-ache : tutadol. Toothed: tutik. Tooth-pick: tutaspin. Top: ktin; legeil; lOp; zilekot. Top, to : legeilon. Top, at the of: kttntl. Toper: kOpan; lufilavinan; ludlinel. Topical : topik. Topically: topo. Topography: stukanol; sttlkav. Torch : flamot. Torment: torn. Torment, to: tomon; detlepOn ; tie- Tormented : tomelik. [pOn. Tormenter: tomel; vexadel. Tormentor: tomel; vexadel. (346) Topetan. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Trof Topetan : trumpeter. Topik: local; topical. Topo : locally; topically. Topbf : locality; region; vicinity. Topbn: to strive; to make an ef- fort; to try. Topb'p : room; place; location. Tos(a') : nevertheless ; notwith- Tosna : this time. [standing. Tosnalik : actual; present. Tosli : in spite of; notwithstanding. TOT: thunder. Tbtbn : to thunder. TOY: lift; upheaval. Tovam : elevation ; lifting. Toviel: lever. Tovbn : to lift; to elevate. Tril : trill; shake; quiver; quaver. Trilbn : to trill; to quaver; to shake. TROF: simpleton; silly fellow. Tormina. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Transcendental. Tormina : gotopadol. Torrent: lebluk. Torrid zone : leigabazon. Tortuous: nestedik; snekik. Torture: torn. Torture, to : tomOn. Torturer : tomel. Toss : jed. Toss, to : jedon. Toss up, to : susijedon. Total: suam. Total: lolik; valugik. Totality: lol; valug. Totally: loliko; lolo. Tottering: falik. Touch, to: bemufon; namon. Touched: pemufalol. Touching : bemufam. Tough : tonik; nezadik. Toughness : ton. Tour: tUd. Tourist: tiidel. Tourmaline : tumalin. Tow: luflag. [alii. Toward: (prep.} al; al; kol; len; Towel : namaklof; tauf. Towelling : taufastof. Tower: turn. Tower, to : belon; tumon. Town : zif; zifil. Townsman: sifan;zifan. Toy : pledadin. Toy, mechanical : pledavobad. Toy, to : vanoton. Trace : veged. Trace upon, to : sumagon. Track : rut; veged; kul. Tractability : yumal; betidlof. Tractable : dugik; yumik; betidlik. Tractable, to be : betidlon. Tractableness : yumof. Trade: feb; namun; ted. Trade, to : detedon ; tedon ; setO- Trader, post : solatalinkip. [kon. Tradesman : canel; tedel. Trading: tedam. Traduce, to : slanOn. Traducer: slanel. Traffic: melak. Tragedy: lugapled. Tragical: lUgapledik. Trail: smaveg; veged. Train: dukod; zug; lezug. Train, to : domiton ; julon ; klige- Train, express : vifalezug. [Ion. Train, freight : canalezug. Train, rail-road : lezug. Train oil : blob. Train up, to: dafomOn. Trainer : dlotel. Training ; domit ; kligelam ; dlo- Trait : kaladalonug. [tarn. Traitor: tlatel. Traitorous : tlatik. Trajectory : kul. Tram-car : klautavab. Tramp : skamel. Tram-rail : klaut. Tram -way: jevalod; klautarut. Tranquil: pUdik; stilik; takedik. Tranquilization : stilam. Tranquilize, to : ptidon; stilon. Tranquility: stil;' stilal; takedal. Transcendental : lovttsienik. (347) Trofik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tubbladon. Trofik: silly; stupid. TROT: trot; trotting. Troto : at a trot. Trotb'n : to trot; to go at a trot. TU : too; too much; excessively. Tuaf on : to be smothered. Tua'f on : to choke ; to stifle ; to suffocate; to smother. Tual: exaggeration. TUB : cask ; hogshead (cylinder closed at both ends). TUB : vat ; tub; bucket (cylinder closed at one end). Tubaboad : stave. Tubad : barrel. Tubel : cooper. Tiibel : cooper. Tiiben : cooperage business. Tubil: keg; kit; firkin. Tubog: faucet; spigot. Tubbladam : over-burdening. Tuboladon : to over-burden. Transcribe. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Treasury. Transcribe, to : depenOn ; nalpe- .nOn; sepenodOn. Transcribe music, to : notllfOn. Transcriber : sepenodel. Transcript: depenad. Transcription : depenadam. Transection : dukotam. Transfer : lelet. Transfer, to : leletOn. Transference : fecen. Transfigure, to : leklQlOn. Transform, to: ceinon; votafomon. Transformation: cein(am) ; vota Transfuse, to : ningifon. [fomam. Transfusion : ningif(am). Transgress, to : viodon. Transgression: lesin; sin;viodam. Transgressor: lesinel; tadunel. Transhipment: votalodam. Transient : golenik. Transit: dugolam; lovegoled. Transition: lovegolam. [golik. Transitional, Transitive : love- Transitory: vanik; timilik. Translate, to : lovepolon. Translation: lovepol(am); lovepo- Translator : lovepolel. [lot. Transmarine : lovemelik. Transmission : lovebllinam ; nOle- dam; sedodam. Transmit, to : sedodon ; lovebli- mOn; lovegivOn; sudon; love- Transom : litopil. [blQnOn. Transparency: dulog(am)ot. Transparent : duloi^ik. [planOn. Transplant, to : lovepladon ; mo- Transport : legal; stlliblesen. Transport, to: legalOn; loveduk'm; Transportable: lovedukik. [polun. Transportation : pol. Transporter : polan. Transporting: lovedukam; polam. Transporting : legalik. Transpose, to : lovepladon. Transposition : votaflek(am). Transverse : tavelik. Transversely : tavelo. Trap : tlap. Trap, to : tlapon. Trap -door : falayan. Travel : tav. Travel, to : tavon; motavOn. Travel through, to : dutavOn. Traveled : tavugik. Traveler: motavel; tavel. Traveler, commercial : tedatavel. Traveling: mot.1v; t;iv(am); vegam. Traveling bag : tavasak. Traverse, to : dugolOn. Tray : pladiel. Treacherous : tlatik. Treachery : tliit. Tread: tlid; sutlid. Tread, to : tlidOn. Tread down, to: detlidOn. Tread upon, to : sutlidOn. Treason : letliit; tlat. Treasonable: tlatik. Treasure : div; ledivot. Treasured : divik. Treasurer: kadal. Treasury: kad. Tiibbp. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tueb. Tiibbp : cooper-shop. TUD : tour; trip. Tudel: to-day (adelo). Tiidel: tourist. [modern. Tudelik: to-day's ; of this time; Tudelo : on this day ; at present; now; now-a-days. Tudivbn : to over-rate ; to over- prize; to over-value. Tudbn : to take a trip ; to make a Tudun(am) : exaggeration, [tour. Tudunbn: to exaggerate ;to over-do. Tudtivbn : to over-estimate ; to Tueb : pannier; basket, [over-value. Treat. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Trout. Treat: lejuit. Treat, to : tolaton. Treat of, to : penotttn. Treatise : penot. Treatment : bit; tolat(am); kalam. Treaty : balam. Treble: balidavog. Treble, to : kilSn. Treble clef: viokikui. Tree: bim. Tree culture : fotam. Trefoil: kilabled; yObabled. Trellis: tie!. Tremble, to: dlemOn; dadlemftn. Trembling: dlemam. Tremor : diem. Trench: sop. Trepidation : tlep. Trespass : ledeb. Trespass, to : lesinCn; sinOn. Trespasser : sinel. Tresses : helem. Triad : kilug. Trial : bluf ; bluf(am) ; xamam. Triangle : kilagul. Triangular : kilagulik. Tribunal : cOdop. Tributary: fienik; letlipik; lOneda- Tribute : letlip; lonedagiv. Tribute, to pay : letlipon. Trick : ludun. Trickery: ciit. Trickle, to : toffln. Trickling: tofam. Trickster: ctitel. Tri-colored : kilakolik. Tricycle : kilaluib. Tried: peblufbl. Trifle: nemOd; smalos; smail. Trifle, to : vanotOn. Trifler: vanotan. Trifling : lusmalen; vanot. Trifling: nemOdik; piilik. Trill: tril. Trill, to : trilon. Trillion : kilion. Trim, to : kloetttn. Trimming: bred; klun. Trinity : kilbalod; kilug. Trinkets : galanacan. Trinomial : kilolimik. Trinomiality : kilolim5f. Trio: kilum; kildtim. Trip : tlid ; patavegam. Trip, to : golilon. Tripe : pinagot. Triphthong : kilton. Triple, to : kilukon. Triplet: kilab. Triplicate, to: kilOn; kilukOn. Tripod : kilfut. Triumph : levikod ; vikodazal. Triumph, to : levikodOn. Triumphant: levikodik. Triumpher : levikodal. Triuneness : kilbalod. Trivial: piilofik. Triviality : ptilof ; smalOf. Troop: jvadan: tlup. Troop, to: tlupOn. Tropics : hitan. Trot : trot. Trot, to : troton. Trouble: glif; tob; tup. Trouble, to: tupon. Troublesome : badlik ; boladik ; Troublesomeness: tobof. [tobik. Trough : bov. Trousers: blit; goaklots. Trout: taut. (349) Tlieb. VOLAPUK-ENGI.ISII. Turbn Tlieb fanning-mill; van. Tuef : truffle. TUET : gnawing; nibbling. Tuetanim : rodent; gnawer; nibb- Tuetbn : to gnaw; to nibble, [ler. TUF : tuft; bunch; bundle; clus- ter; clump. Tufik : tufted ; fascicular. Tiifip : typhus (fever). Tufip rupik : exanthematous typh- us; spotted fever. TUG : virtue. Tugal : person of heroic virtue. TUGED : community; partner- ship; association. Tugedik: common; joint; mutual. Tugedo : jointly ; in common ; mutually; together. Tugedof: community. Tugik : virtuous; chaste. Tuglam : hectogramme (about 3^ oz. Avoir.). Tugbf: virtuousness; chastity. Tugon : to be virtuous; to exercise virtue. Tugonbn : to run over ; to run too TUIG : twig; branch; bough, [fast. Tuigam : ramification ; branching off. Tuigem: branches; boughs; twigs. Tuigbn : to ramify ; to branch off. Tuik: too much. Tuiko : too much. Tuin : tubing. Tuit: prong; tine; tooth. Tujiim : nourish (music). Tukleilik: boisterous; too loud. TUL : turn; rotation ; revolution. Tulagel: hand-organ ;hurdy-gurdy. Tulalel : turner's chisel. Tulam : torsion; rotation; turning. Tulanim : wantonness. Tulanimik : wanton. Tulanimiko : wantonly. Tulapon:draw-bridge;turn-bridge. Tular : hectare ; 10,000 sq. metres (about 2^ acres). Tulastul: revolving chair; turning Tulato : too late. [chair. Tulel : turner. Tuliat : hectoliter (about 26^ wine Tulieg : over-richness. [gallons. Tulik : rotatory. Tulin : cylinder press. Tiilin: tulle; net-lace. Tulodam : over-loading. Tulodbn : to over-load. Tulbn : to turn ; to rotate ; to whirl; to revolve. Tulunuliidbn : to over-feed; to sur- feit (animals). TUM : hundred; 100 TtiM : tower; turret, [dred-leaved. Tumabledik : centifolious ; hun- Tumadik : over-ripe; too ripe. Tumalin : schorl; tourmaline. Tumalinik : schorlaceous. Tumet : hectometer (about 328 ft.) Tumin: Yttrium; Y. (chem.). Tumbd : superfluity ; superabun- dance ; profusion ; excess of Tumbdik : too much. [numbers. Tumbdnik : too diverse; too vari- ous; of too many kinds. Tu'mbn : to tower ; to heap up ; to pile up. Tumyelazal : centenary jubilee ; centennial jubilee. TUN : lathe-work; turning. TUN: sheet-tin; tinned iron; tin- plate. Tunacan : lathe - work ; turned Tiinacan: tin-ware. [goods. Tunad : turning-lathe. Tiinan : tin -man; tin -ware ; ped- Tunel : turner; lathe-worker, [dler. Tiinel : tinner; maker of tin-ware. Tunelabam: turning-lathe; turn- er's bench. Tunik: tin; of tin (i.e. of sheet-tin). Tunbn : to turn ; to fashion in a Tunum : surplus (number), [lathe. Tunumik : supernumerary ; sur- plus, [trouble. TUP: disturbance; perturbation; TUP : term; period; space of time; grace; delay. [peace. Tupan : agitator; disturber of the Tupbn : to disturb; to trouble. Tiipbn : to grant delay; to respite; TUR: gymnastics. [to reprieve. Turban : turban. Turel: gymnast; acrobat. Turik gymnastic; acrobatic. Turbn : to perform gymnastic exer- cises; to do acrobatic font--. (35) Turbp. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. TUtel. Turbp : gymnasium. Tusatik : surfeited; glutted; blase. | Tusdel: Tuesday (kiliidel). Tuspid: excessive haste; over-haste. | Tuspidik : over-hasty ; hasty ; rash ; [ forward. Tuspidbn : to be too hasty ; to over- hasten ; to be in too much of a TUT: tooth. [hurry. TUT: tutelage; guardianship. Tutadol: tooth-ache. Tutal : sarcasm. Tutalik: sarcastic. Tutamid : gum. Tutaspin : tooth-pick. Tutav: odontology; dentistry. Tutavel: dentist. Tiitef: guardians. Tiitefik: guardian -like; tutorial. TUtel : guardian ; tutor. Troutlet. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK Twenty. Troutlet: tautil. Truant, to play : seoblibon. Truce : vafataked. True: velatik; fiedik; jenik. True, to be: fiedOn. Truffle: lespug; tuef. Truly : jeno; velatiko; velato; levo. Truly! vO ! Trumpet : topet. Trumpeter: topetan. Trundle-bed: disbed. Trunk: bog; cet; glumud; komfed; Truss : blekipatan. [stam. Trust: konfid. Trust, to: konfidamon; leklodon; Trustful: konfidik. [lenkonfidon. Truth: velat. Truthful : velatik. Truthfulness : velatof; velatal. Try, to : blufOn ; blufOn ; guton ; Tube: rut; zuot. [tOpon; steifOn. Tub: tub; vatatlibil. Tubing : tuin. Tubular: ridik; rtttik. Tuesday : kiltidel (tusdel). Tuft : spig ; tuf ; kvat. Tufted : tufik. Tug : zug ; zuganaf. Tug, to : diion. Tuition : tid. Tulle : tulin. Tumble : lefal; tOmet. Tumble, to : tometOn; tOmetonok. Tumbler : vataglat. Tumbling : torn. Tumefaction : svelam. Tumor : svel. Tumult : boset; tep. Tumultuous : tepik. Tun : vinatoned; toned. Tune: kaniim; tonabid; melod. Tuneful : musigik. Tunes : kanitem. Tunnel: ninoveg. Turban : turban. Turbid : nekhilik. Turbidity : neklul. Turbidness : neklul. Turkish bath : suetaban. Turn : flek: tul. [glopaboadOn. Turn, to : flekon; tulon; tunon; Turn about, to : flekon; ziflekOn. Turn around, to : ziflekOn. Turn away, to : deflekonok; delo- gOn; moflekon. Turn out, to : gitimon. Turn-bridge : tulapon. Turner: tulel; tunel. Turning: tun. Turning-lathe : tunad. Turning-point : votatim. Turnip : laf. Turnip-beet : bludalaf. Turnkey : dakikel. Turnspit : loeflekel. Turpentine : ronaleiil. Turret : turn. Tutelage: tut. Tutor: dadukel; plepalel; tidel; Tutorial: tutefik. [ttttel. Twaddle : lupttkot; voden. Tweezers : zap. Twelve : balsetel. Twenty: tels. Tutik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Tuvot. Tutik: dentate; serrated; toothed; notched. Tiitin : Titanium; Ti. (chem.). Tutip : disease of the teeth. Tutisanel: dental surgeon jsurgeon- Tutod : dentition. [dentist. Tutbn : to tooth ; to cut teeth ; to Tutbp: over-exertion. [teethe. Tuiil: roll; bundle. TU V : finding; invention. TUV: discovery. Tuvab : foundling. Tuvabbp : foundling asylum. Tuvacil : foundling. Tuvat: inundation; deluge; flood. Tuvat(am): over-burdening; over- charging, [to flood. Tuvatbn : to inundate ; to deluge; Tuvatbn : to overload ; to overbur- Tuvel : finder. [den. Tuvemaf : monster ; monstrosity. Tuvemik: extraordinary; excessive; exorbitant; monstrous. Tuvemo : excessively ; too great ; too much. Tuvemof: monstrosity; hugeness; immensity. Tuvembn : to over-do; to exagger- Tuvetarn : over-weighting, [ate. Tuvetot: over-weight; surplus. Tuvik : which may be found ; findable. Tuvbn : to find; to hit upon; to stumble upon. Tuvbn : to discover. Tuvot: find; thing found. Twig. ENGLISH-YOLAPiiK. Tzar. Twig: tuig; letuig; luplan. Twilight: lulit. Twilight, to become : luliton. Twilight, evening : vendelalulit. Twin: telab. Twine : tanfad; lefad; svil. Twine, to : svilOn. Twinkle, to: stelOn. Twist, to: mizugon; svilon; zerOn. Two: tel; telel. Two by two : a tel; telidlo. Two-edged: telkotik. Two-seated: telsiedik. Two-sided: telaflanik. Two-tongued: telinegik. Two-wheeled : teluibik. Type: bukatonab; illmag. Type-setting: siadam. Type-writer: penfldacin (peniel). Typhus fever: tttfip ; tufip rupik; nevafif. Typical : maglik. Typicalness : maglof. Typographic : blikik. Typographical error : bukapok. Typography: bukav. Tyrannical : lusolanik. Tyrannize, to : lusOlanOn. Tyrannizing : lusolanam. Tyranny: lusolanam; lusfllelen. Tyrant : lusOlan ; bludesidel. Tzar : zar. (35 2 ) TJ. u. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. tino. U : or; or else (before consonants). tj : or; sooner (before consonants). Ub : across; over to this side (mo- tion hitherward). tibi : across; to the other side (mo- tion thitherward). Ud: or; or else (before vowels). tid: or; sooner (before vowels). Udelo : day after to-morrow. Udu: or else; otherwise. Uf : either (conj.). U f ud : either or . Uf : in case; if; as far as. tjjii: until. [aic. tJlbaledik : decrepit; hoary; arch- Ulbalid: primitive; primordial; primogenial. tJlbinal : primal being; Goo. U Ifat : ancestor; forefather. tilfon : primal source. U Ifot : primeval forest. tjljenavik : prehistoric. [type. TJlmag : archetype ; prototype ; tilmagik : archetypical ; orig- inal. Ulbdan: aborigine; first inhabitant. Ulodanik:aboriginal(of aborigines). tilpuk: primitive, primordial, pri- mogenial, pristine language. tJltim : primeval time. tJlvodem : original text. Ulvol : primeval world. UM(o) : greater; more; in a higher Umo u luo : more or less, [degree. UN : a; an (indefinite article, sel- dom used). UN(O) : greatest; most; in the high- est degree; mostly. Una: as long as; while. tino: within; in less time than. U. Ubiquity. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Unbounded. Ubiquity : vaplisen. Udder: tet. Ugliness: gag; nejOn. Ugly: gagik; nejOnik. Ulcer : luvun. Ulcerated : luvunik. Ultimate : latik. Ultimately : latiko; lato. Ultraism : vulim. Umbrage: paskanam; skan. Umbrella: lomijlil. Umpirage : ditacOdat. Umpire: ditactfdel; Ionian. Unable : neskiilik. Unaccented : nepebetonOl. Unacceptable : nelesumik. Unaccustomed: plakosOmik; ne- pekOsOmOl. Unadulterated : nepedobol. Unadvisable : nekonsalik. Unaffected : cilofik. Unaffectedness : natal. Unaltered : nepedevotol. Unanimity : balif; bavOgOf. Unanimous : balifik ; bavOgik ; vavOgik. Unanimously : balifo; balo. Unarmed : nevafik. Unasked : nepebegOl. Unattainable : nerivik. Unavoidable : nevitik. Unawares : nepeniludo. Unbelief: neklOd. Unbelieving : neklodik. Unbending : neblegik. Unbiassed : nepaletik. Unbind, to : detanOn; satanOn. Unbinding: satanam. Unbolt, to : salukikedOn. Unbounded ; nemiedik. (353) Unu. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Us. Unu : day after to-morrow about this time. tinil : within ; inside of (locally) ; in the space of; during. UP(o) : at times ; now and then ; from time to time. Upik : temporal. US : there. Unbutton. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Uneven. Unbutton, to : maignobon. Uncalled for : nepebevokol. Uncared for : nekudik. Unceasing : nezedik. Uncertain : nezeladik. Uncertainty: nezelad. Unchangeable : nedevotlik. Unchanged : nepedevotol. Uncharitableness : nelofad. Unchaste : nepuedik. Unchastity : nejemof; nepued. Unchangeability : nedevotlof. Uncivil : stutik. Unclarified : nekltllik. Uncle : nok; fatablod. Unclean: miotik; neklinik. Uncleanness : stenal; neklin. Unclose, to: manifokOn. Unclothe, to : nudOn. Unclothed: pesaklotol. Uncolored : nekolik. [plitik. Uncomfortable : nekovenik ; ne- Uncomfortableness: nekoven. Uncommon, the : plak. Uncommon : levemik; nekosomik. Uncommonly : levem(o);plaklltio. Uncommonness: plakof. Unconditional: nestipik. Unconditionally : nestipo. Unconquerable: nebevikodik. Unconscientious : nekonsienik. Unconscionable : nekonsienik. Unconstrained: livik; nemtttik. Unconstrainedly : nemtlto. Unconstraint : nemiitug. Unconvertible : nefecenik. Uncover, to : detegon; saveadon. Uncoverer : detegel. Unction : godaletll; leUlam; leliled- Unctuous: pinofik. [am. Uncultivated : nepekulivik. Undaunted : netemipik. Undeception : decit; sacit. Undecided : penecodatol; neslu- Under: (prep.) dis. [dik. Under: (adv ) diso. Under-clothing: disaklot. Undergo, to : daliedon. Under-graduate : bittlrel. Undergrowth : bujadem. Underneath: diso; dono. Under-officer : disofizir. Underpinning : disbum. Undershirt: disojit. Understand, to: kapalon. [sev. Understanding: balam; kapal; Undertake, to : beginamon ; begi- n5n; bisumOn; lovesumon. Undertaker : beginai. Undertaking: beginot; beginam. Undeserved: nepemelidol. Undetermined: neftlmik; pene- codatol. Undeteriorated : neperubol. Undiminished : nepesmalol. Undine : vatafeof. Undiscernible : nesevik. Undisciplined: nepudik. Undisturbed : nepetupol. Undo, to : livamekon; setutllOn. Undoubtedly : nedotiko. Undress, to: sakloton; saklotokon. Undrilled : nepeplftgol. Undulate, to : snekon. Undulatory : snekik; vatalubelfik. Undutiful : nelestimik. Uneasy : tlepik. Uneducated: nepedadukol. Unending: nefinik. Unenjoyable : ncjuitik. Unequal : neleigik. Unequally : neleigo; neleigamafo. Unequalness : neleig. Uneven: nekamik; netelik. (354) Us. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. tisit. US : just there, [therefrom. Usa : thence ; from that place ; Usi : thither; to that place. Usida: through that place. Usik: of that place; of there. Usit : even there ; that very place; there, tisit : even that very place. Unexampled. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Unnamed. Unexampled : nesamik. Unexpectedly : nepeniludo. Unfairness: negid; negidof. Unfaithful : nefiedik. Unfaithful, to be : nefiedon. Unfasten, to : detanOn. Unfavorable : nebenik ; negOnik. Unfold, to : manifokon. Unforgotten : memik. Unfortunate: nebeatik; nelabik. Unfortunately : nelabo. Unfortunately ! Leliedo ! LiedO ! Unfriendly: negudlik ; neflenik ; Unfruitful: neflukik. [neflenOfik. Ungentle : nemolik. Ungracious : nebenik. Ungrateful: nedanik. Ungratefulness : nedanof. Unguent: leuled; smiv. Unhappily : nelabo. Unhappiness: nelab. Unhappy : nelabik. Unhealthful : nesaunlik. Unhealthfulness : nesaunlof. Unhealthy : nesaunik. Unhesitatingly: nedodo. Unhindered : nepeneletol. Unhitch, to : despanon. Unicorn : bahon. Uniform : leiklot. Uniform : bafomik; leigamafik; lei- Uniform, to: leikloton. [klotik. Uniformity: bafom. Unimaginable : netikik. Unimpaired: nepesmalol. Unimpeded: nepeneletol. Unimportance: pulik; neveiitik. Unimprovable : riemenodik. Uninhabited : nepelodol. Uninjured: nepedamol; neperiibol. Unintentional: nedesanik. Uninterested : nenitedlik. Uninteresting: nenitedik. Uninterruptedly : neperopo. Union: lanafetanog; balad; fetan; Unique: lebalik. [klub; yum. Unison : leigaton. Unit: balel; stabanum. : Unite, to : baladon ; balon ; fe. tanOn; klubfln. United: baladik; balugik; pebalol. Uniting : yumam. Unity : balof; balug. [lodik. Universal: vaflanik; valemik; va- Universality: v:lflanof; valem; va- Universalize, to: valon. [lodat. Universally : genalo ; valemiko ; Universe : val. [laidofo. University: niver. Unjust: necOdik; negitik. Unjustly : negito. Unkindly : negudlik. Unkindness: nelofad. Unknot, to : desnobon. Unknown : nepesevik. Unlawful : negitlik. Unlawfulness : negitlof. Unlearn, to: felenadon. Unless: (conj.) plasif. Unlike : nesiimik. Unlikeness : nesiim. Unlimited : nepemiedik. Unload, to : delodon; selodon; sa.. Unloading: selodam. [lodOn. Unlock, to : dakikon ; sakikOn. Unlocking: dakik; sakikam. Unloving : nelOfOl. Unmannerly : globanik. Unmanly : nemanik. Unmarried: nepematol. Unmerited : nepemelid6l. Unmingled : nepemigOl. Unmixed: nemigik; nepemigol. Unnamed : nenemik. (355^ Ut. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. titikan. UT: the one- that. Ut : the very- (before relative); ; that very . tj tik : the same. titikan : the same person. Unnatural. ENGUSH-VOLAPUK. Uppermost. Unnatural : nenatik. Unnecessary : nezestidik. Unnerve, to : sanevon. Unpack, to: depakOn; sepakon. Unpeaceable : nepttdik. Unpin, to : destegon. Unpleasant : badlik; neplidik; ne- Unpleasantness : neplid. [plitik. Unpolished : Hledik. Unpracticed:nepeplagol;neplakik. Unprecedented : nen sam. Unproductive: neflukik; nefetik. Unproductiveness : nefet. Unprofitableness: nepofttdof. Unpropitious : negOnik. Unpunished: nepepOnol; neponik. Unqualified : neskolik. Unquietness : muif. Unravel, to : sesttinon. Unreal: nebinugik. Unreality : nebinugof. Unreasonable : talisalik; nelisalik. Unreasonableness; negidof. Unrecognizable : nesevik. Unrecognizedly : nepeseviko. Unrewarded : nen mesedam. Unripe : no madik. Unroll, to : sarolinon; setutilon. Unroofing : denufam. Unruly : nepudik. Unsaddle, to: desaedOn. Unsafe : nesefik. Unsaved : nebeatik. Unscrew, to : sutulon. Unseal, to : sasnilon; desnilon. Unseemly: nelepotik; nepotlik. Unselfish : vitimik. Unserviceable : negebik. Unsightliness : nejon. Unsightly : nejonik. Unskilful : neskilik. Unsociable : nekopanik. Unstable : nelaidofik. Unstudied : no estuclol. Unsuitable : nediseinik; iielepotik. Unsubstantial : nebinugik. Untalented : netalenik. Untaught: nenolelik; nepudik. Unteachable : nebetidlik. Untenable : nekipik. Unthreshed : nepecepol. Untie, to : desnobon ; detanoa ; livimekon; satanon. Untieing : satanam. Until : (prep.} JU; UjU. Until : (c'ffnj.) jQs. Until now : jlinu. Untimeliness : netimof. Untimely : netimik. Untiring : nefenik. Unto: (prep.} JQ. Untouched : nepefinedOl. Untrodden : nepekulol. Untrue: neveladelik; nevclatik. Untruth: nevelad: nevelat. Untruthful: nevelatik. Untruthfulness : neveladal. Untwist, to : sutulon. Unused : nepegebol. Unusual: nekosOmik: plakosomik. Unutterable: neseptikik. Unveil, to: savealOn; sitveadon. Unwell: lusaunik; maladOlik. Unwilling: nevilik. Unwillingly: neviliko. Unwittingly : nenolo. Unworthiness: nedig. Unworthy : nedigik. Unwrap, to : cleveadOn; setuillOn. Unyielding: tasteifik. Up : (adv.) lukisus; susi; suso. Up: (prep.} sustt. Up ! susO ! Upholsterer: tapan. Upon : su. Upper : lopik. Upper leather: lOpiskit. Uppermost: lOpikttn. 1356) Uppermost. fcNGLISH-VOLAPUK. Uttermost. Uppermost : lOplino. [sulliodik. Upright: kanlldik; ritik; stedik; Uprightness: bafet; gital; kaniid; sted; stedal. Uprising : sulevam. Uproot, to: savulOn; sevulOn. Upset, to: tOmeton. Upstart: susikOmab. Upward : (adv,} lOi; lOpoi; susi- Upward! susO ! [ved. Upwards : suso. Uranium : luin. Urban : zifik. Urbane: pltttik. Urbanity : pltit. Urchin : lupul. Ureter: luvatadugap. Urge, to : dlanOn. Urgency: dlaniib; dlan; lespid.ffik. Urgent: dlanik; lespidik; zestidO- Urgently: ledlano; zestidOfiko. Urinal: luvataglat. Urinate, to : luvatOn Urine : luvat. Urinometer: luvatamafiel. Ursa major siber. Usage : tolat(am). Use : geb. Use, to: gebOn; tfllatOn. Use up, to : xogebOn. Useful: gebik. Usefulness : gebflf; pofOdOf. User : gebel. Useless : negebik. Usual: geblik; komunik; kOsOmik. Usually: kOsOmo. Usufruct : degeb(am). Usufructuary : degebel. Usurer : luliegel. Usury : lulieg. Usury, to practice : luliegOn. Utensil: plem; pliem. Uterus : motap. Utility : gebof; pOftidOf. Utmost, the : levemtlnos. Utmost, at the : levemttno. Utopia : nelaii. Utter, to : sepUkon. Utterable : septlkik. Utterance : vOdot. Uttered : peseptikol. Uttermost : levemUnos; plakttn. (357) V. Va. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vail. VA : whether; if. [vehicle. VAB: wagon; carriage; coach; Vabajeval: carriage horse; road- ster; driving-horse. Vabalodot : wagon load. Vabaluib : wagon wheel. Vabasmadom : carriage house; wagon shed; shed. Vabasmiv : axle-grease. Vabel: driver; coachman; team- ster; wagoner. [house. Vabbp : carriage house; coach VAD : perversity; inversion. VADAT : square; quadrat. Vadatavul : square root. Vadatik : quadratic; square. Vadelik : quotidian ; daily. Va'delo : every day; daily; by day. Vadik: perverse; wrong; inverted. Vadiko : perversely; wrongly; in- versely; on the reverse. Vadbn: to pervert; to invert; to do Vaef: waffle. [wrong. Vaefalel : waffle-iron. VAET: juice. Vaetik : juicy. Vaetbf: juiciness. VAF : weapon; arms; armament. Vafalagot : shoulder belt (for side Vafam : arming. [arms); sling. Vaf am : military profession. Vafan : policeman; armed civilian. Vafataked : armistice; truce. Vafel : armorer ; armor-bearer ; esquire. Vafer.i : armor. Vafiel : armature. Vafilelan : armorer; gunsmith. Vaflanik: universal; of all sides. Vaflano : universally; on all sides. Vaflanbf: universality. Vafbn : to arm. Vaf iit : square foot. VAG : void; vacuum; vacancy; vacuity; emptiness. Vaga'l: brainlessness. Vagam : emptying; evacuation. Vagel: emptier; evacuator. Vagiel: evacuant; purgative. Vagik : empty; vacant. Vaglat : silicate of soda. Vagbdelo : every morning. Vagbn: to evacuate; to empty. Vail: selection. V. Vacancy. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Valid. Vacancy: calavag; vag. Vacant : vagik. Vacation : vakanUp. Vaccinate, to : mtipOn. Vaccination : mtlpam. Vaccine: miip. Vacillate, to : yilalOn; zogOn. Vacillation: yilal; zog. Vacuity : vag. Vacuous: lutavagik. Vacuum : vag. Vagabond: luman; skamel. Vagabondage : skam. Vagary : levim. Vagrancy: skam. Vagrant : skamel. Vagrants : lumen. Vague : nefttmik. Vagueness : neftim. Vain: pleitik; vanik; vanlik. Vainly: vanliko. Vale : nebel. Valerian : baldep. Valid : vdladlik. (358) Vailbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Valutifan. Vailbn: to select; to choose. Vailot: selection. Vait : sauce; gravy. VAK : wax; bees'-wax Va'kaf iig : wax-figure. Vakalitot: wax candle; wax taper. Vakaniip : vacation; holiday. Vakaniipbn : to enjoy a vacation; to have a holiday. Va'kel : wax-chandler. Va'kik : waxen; wax. Vakbp : wax-chandlery. VAL : universe; cosmos; world. VAL : choice; option. Vala'd: expectation; waiting. Valadacem : waiting-room; ante- room; reception-room. Valadik : expectant. [wait for. Valadbn : to expect; to await; to Valadbp : waiting- room; waiting- Valafagik : eligible, [place. Valaflano : on all sides. Valaglbp: ball-ballot; ballot. Valakinan : elective monarchy. Vala'l : anima mundi; all-pervad- ing spirit of the universe. Vala'l : fastidiousness. Valalik : fastidious. Valam : election ; choosing; choice. Valanaf : gelding; horse (bmjeval). Valaplin : elector ; prince elector (Germany). Valaplinub : electorate. ValapUked : device; motto. Valav : cosmography. Valedon : to borrow. Valeil : square mile. Valel : voter; elector. [general. Valem: universality ; things in Valemanol : encyclopedia. Valemanolik: encyclopedic. Valemik : universal; general. Valemiko : universally; generally. Valemo : in general. Valik : all ; every ; entire; whole; collective; common. Valik : eligible. Valikna : every time. Valiko: altogether; in general; col- lectively; generally ; wholly; Valikodik: general, [commonly. Valikos : everything; all. Valimet : square millimeter. Valistaf : general staff. Valnik: all kinds of ; all sorts of. Valod : generalization. Valodat : universality. Valodik: generalizing ; general; Valodbn : to generalize, [universal. Valoflano : from all sides ; on all sides. [to make common. Valbn : to universalize; to publish; Va'lbn : to elect; to choose; to vote Valbpa : from everywhere. [for. Valbpi : everywhere ; in all direc- tions. Valbpo: everywhere; anywhere. Valsiim : waltz. VALUD : walrus. VALUD : power; might; potency; Valiidal : mental power. [force. Valiidik: powerful; mighty; po- tent. Valudbn: to be powerful; to be mighty; to exercise power. Valug : totality. Valugik : total ; together. VALUT: value; equivalence. VALUT: whale. [ber. Valutapin : blubber; whale-blub- Vallitenaf : whaler. Valiitifan : whaling: whalefishing. Validate. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Vanquish. Validate, to : voladlon. Validation : voladlam. Validity : voladlof. Valise: tavasak. Valley : nebel. Valor: blavof. Valorous, to be : blavofon. Valuable: voladik. Valjje : volad; valut. Value, to : divOn ; diivOn. Valueless : nevOladik. Valve : kick. Van : tueb. Vanadium : vanin. Vane : vienastan. Vanquish, to : bevikodOn;vikodOn. (359) Vam. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vatabut. VAM : warmth; heat. Vamabasin : warming-pan. Vamaflad : hot- water bottle; chaf- Vamal : warmheartedness. [er. Vamam : warning; heating. Vamamafiel : thermometer. Vamapef : chaffern ; hot water pan. Vamaston : warming-stone ; foot- Vamel: warmer. [warmer. Vamet : square meter. Vamidugiel : heat-conductor. Vamiel : heater. Vamik: warm. Vamilmet : square kilometer. Vamin : caloric. Vambn : to warm ; to heat. Vamulik:monthly; in every month. Vamulo : monthly; every month. VAN : vanity ; perishableness. Van : credit; balance due; money due. Vanam : frustration. Vanelifi(ka)zal : all soul's day. Vanik : vain; perishable; transi- tory. Van in : vanadium. V. (chem.) Vanlik: vain; useless. Vanliko : vainly; in vain. Vanolik : omniscient. Vanbn : to frustrate; to thwart; to baffle; to make futile, [iance. Vanot : trifling; nonsense; dall- Vanotan : trifler; dallier. Vanotbn : to trifle; to toy; to dally. Vaniil : vanilla. VAP : vapor; exhalation; emana- tion; aroma; fragrance. Vapelestimbl : always respected ; ever respected. Vapik : vaporous; aromatic; frag- Vaplisen : ubiquity. [rant. Va'pbn : to exhale; to emit an odor; to be fragrant. Va'piik : universal language. Vapukik : universal language. Varud : square rod. Vasanikazal : all saint's day. Vasapik : all-wise. VAT : water. VAT : weight. Vatabasin : basin; water-basin. Vatabladot : bubble; water-bubble. Vatablit : wading trousers. Vatabbdem : aquatic birds. Vatabbv : water-trough. [da. Vatabiil : pap; water gruel; pana- Vatabumav : hydraulic engineer- Vatabut : wading-boot. [i n g- Vanilla. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Veil. Vanilla: vantil. Vanity : okalof; pleit; van. Vapor: stom; vap. Vapor, to emit: vapon. Vaporize, to: stomOn. Vaporous: stomik; vapik. Variability : devotlof. Variable: cenlik; devotlik; votlik. Variably : cenamo. Variation: cen(am); devot. Varied : cenik. Variegated : vielik. Variegation : viel. Variety : manifod. Variola : pogip. Variolous: pogipik. Various : manifodik. Varnish : glod; laig. Varnish, to : glodon; laigon. Varnisher : laigan. Vary, to: cenon; manifodOn. Vassal : dtlnan. Vat : ttib. Vault : jop; lesep; bobajop. Vault, to : bunon. Vaulted : bobik. Vaulter : bunel. Veal : smaxolamit. Vegetable: glof; keb ; plan; pla- naglof; gltined; gadaglof. Vegetable : planik. Vegetables : gadaglof ; plananti- 10ds. Vehicle : vab. Vehicles : vegotom. Veil : veal. Vatadeilbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vatopa. Vatadeilbn: to be drowned; to drown. [merge. Vatadeilbn : to drown; to sub- Vataditbp : water-shed; divide. Vatafal : water-fall. Vatafepf: water-sprite; undine. Vatafled : water-carriage; trans- portation by water. Vataflol : water-flower; water-lily. Vatafunbn : to drown. [water. Vatagik : aqueous; abounding in Vataglat : goblet; tumbler; drink- ing glass. [water-course. Vatagolbp: aqueduct; canal; drain ; Vatajigok : coot; water-hen; galli- nule. [ling can. Vataken : sprinkling pot; sprink- Vatakbl : water-color. Vatalubel : wave; billow. Vatalubelfik : wavy; undulatory. Vatam : watering; irrigation. Vatam : weighing. Vatan : waterman; water carrier. Vataneban : freshet ; deluge ; Vataplan : aquatic-plant, [flood. Vatasanbp : water cure; hydro- pathic establishment. Vatarud: water-pipe. Vatasup : water-gruel. [duty. Vatatolad: specific duty; weight- Vatatub : water-barrel ; water- Vatatiibil : water tub; tub. [cask. Vatav : hydrology. Vatav : hydraulics. Vated : equipoise; balance. Vatedabem: scale-beam. Vatedajal: scale-pan; hopper. Va'tef amo : in every respect. Vatel : water purveyor; water pro- vider; waterer. Vatem : waters. Vatesoludik: water-tight; imper- vious; water-proof. Vatidugot : aqueduct. Vatiebem : scale-beam. Vatiel : irrigator; sprinkler. Vatiel : scale; balance. Vatik : watery; aqueous. Va'tik : weighty; heavy. Vatikipbp : reservoir. Vatimafiel : water-meter. Va'timo : always; at all times; ever. Vatin : hydrogen; H. (chem.) Vatip : dropsy. Vatipik : dropsical. Vatiplafip : hydrophobia. Vatit: water-fowl. Vativated : hydrometer. [ture. Vatbf: dampness; humidity; mois- Vatbfik : damp; humid; moist. Vatbfimafiel : hygrometer. Vatbfbn : to dampen; to moisten. Vatokalam:water-cure;hydropathy. Vatbm : hydraulic machinery. Vatbn: to water; to wet; to sprinkle. Vatbn : to weigh; to weigh out. Vatbnal : weigh-master; weigher. Va'tbnamon : weighage. [place. Va'tbn bp : weigh-house; weighing- Vatbp: lavatory; wash-house. Vatopa : from everywhere ; from all directions. Veil. ENGLISH-VOLAITK. Venomous. Veil, to : vealOn. Vein : vein . Vein, to: veinon. Vellum : velipop. Velocipede: vifafut. Velocity: fovug; vif. Velvet : velin. Venal : lemik. Vendor: selel. Veneer : fuin. Veneer, to : fuinOn. Venerability : lestimof; stimadig. Venerable: lestimlik; stimadigik. Venerate, to : glestimon; lestimon. Venerating: glestimik. Veneration: dlestim; festim ; gle- stim(am); lestimam. Venesection : veimanifam. Vengeance : vindit. Venial: daletik; liv'ik. Venom. : venod. Venomous: venodik. Vatopi. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Veibabluden. Vatopi : everywhere ; in all direc- tions. Va'topo : everywhere; on all sides. Vatiibasin : wash-basin. Vatiidom : wash-house ; laundry. Vatu'kam : washing. Vatiikeb : linen; body linen. Vatiikel : washer ; launderer ; laundryman. Vatiiken : washing; laundry busi- Vatiikbn : to wash. [ness. Vatiikbn : to weigh; to have weight. Vatiik(ot): wash ; wash-clothing ; things to be washed. Vatulauk : lye; washing lye. Vatiitub : wash-tub. [woman. Vatuvom : laundress ; washer - VAUL: barking; cry of a dog. Vaulel : barker. Vaulb'n : to bark. Vavalud: omnipotence. Vavaludal : The Almighty. Vavaliidik : omnipotent. Vavigo : weekly; every week. Vavbg: unanimity. Vavbgam : agreeing unanimously. Vavbgik : unanimous; with one ac- Vaxin : shoe-blacking. [cord. Vaxinel : boot-black. Va'xinbn : to blacken boots and Vayelsik: annual; yearly, [shoes. Vayelso: annually; yearly. Vazemet : square centimeter. VE : along. VEAD : wrapper; case; envelope. Vea'd: pod; shell; hull; husk. Veadbn : to wrap ; to encase ; to envelop. Veaduk : legumes ; pulse ; (peas ; VEAL: veil. [beans, etc.). Vealbn : to veil. Veat : case; sheath; coven Veatbn : to encase; to sheathe ; to VEB : suspense; suspension, [cover. Vebbn : to hover; to be suspended ; to hang in the air; to wave. VED: origin; formation; genesis; generation. Vedon : to become ; to originate from; to grow out of; to come VEG: way; road. [of. Vegadisin : itinerary. Vegam: traveling; journeying. Vegamaveg : route; course. Vegambm : traveling outfit; trav- Vegamon : toll, [eler's equipment. Vegasuam : fare. Veged : track ; trail ; scent; foot- print; ferry; trace. Vegedan : ferry-man. Vegik : navigable; practicable. Veglik : accessible. Vegbm: means of transportation. Vegbn: to ride; to drive; to jour- ney in a vehicle. Vsgot : conveyance; carriage. Vegotan: carrier; coachman; driv- Vegotbm: vehicles. [er. Vegotbn : to drive; to take a drive. Vegii : via; by way of. VEIB : artery (blood-vessel). Veibabluden: arterial hemorrhage. Venomousness. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Verisimilitude Venomousness : venodal. Venous : veinik. Vent : seveg. Ventriloquist : dumaptlkel. Venture: ventld; kinam. [kinon. Venture, to: mekinon ; venddon; Venturesome: kinlik; ventldik. Veracity : velat; velatof. Veracious : velatik. Veranda : stomanuf. Verb: dunavod; velib. Verbal: mudik; velibik; vodik. Verbality: mudof. Verbally: mudo; sago. Verbatim : vodik. Verbiage : luvOdam. Verbose : vodagik. Verbosity : luvodam. Verdigris : kupiztld. Verification : blof; velatam. Verity, to : blofon; doktimon; vela- Verisimilitude : smavelat. [ton. (362) Veibik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vendelafidbn. Veibik : arterial. Veilbn : to avail; to be of use; to profit. Veimanif(am) : venesection. Veimanifdn : to practice venesec- tion; to bleed. VEIN : vein (blood-vessel). Veinik : venous. Veinbn : to vein; to streak. VEIT : width; calibre; distance. Veital : largeheartedness. Veitam : widening; enlargement; expansion; dilatation. Veitik: wide; ample; separate; far. Veitikumo: farther; farther away. Veito as : in as far as; as far as. Veitb'f: extensiveness. Veitbfik : extensive. Veitbn : to widen; to enlarge; to dilate; to expand. Vekbm : welcome. Vekbmb Welcome ! Vekbmbn : to welcome. VEL : seven; 7. Velagul : heptagon. VEL AT : verity; truth. VELAT: exactness; correctness; accuracy. Velatat : veracity ; truthfulness. Velatam : verification; confirm- ation. Velatam,: rectification; correction. Velatel : corrector; corrigent. Velatik : true; truthful; veracious. Velatik: exact; correct; accurate. Velatiko : truly; really. Velato : in truth; truly. Velatb ! Truly ! Really ! Velato: accurately; exactly. Velatbf : veracity; truthfulness. Velatbn : to confirm; to corrobor- ate; to verify. Velatbn: to correct; to rectify; to VELIB: verb. [adjust. Velibik : verbal ; of a verb. Velin : velvet. Velion : septillion. Velipbp : vellum-paper; vellum. Veliidel: Saturday; seventh day. Veliif: musical seventh. Velul : July; seventh month. Veliim : septette. *Velut: velvet (velin). VEM(o) : very; much; quite. Vemik : important; powerful; strong. Vemuno: in the highest degree. VEN : when; as; as when. Vendel : evening. Vendelabod : evening tea; tea. Vendelafid : supper. [of supper. Vendelafidbn : to sup; to partake Verity. ENGLISII-YOLAPUK. Viability- Verity : velat. Verities : vumaf. Vermin: glunim; lunim. Vernal : flolatimik. Verrucous : seglofapik. Versatile: sktilik. Versatility: skul. Verse : Han. Versification : lianav. Versifier: lianel. Versify, to : liandn. Vertebra: bomavir; virabom. Vertex : kaplin ; tip. Vertical: pendik; lependik. Vertically : pendiko. Very:, vem(o). Very much : leo. Vesicant: vesikamed. Vespers : vendelaplek. Vessel : gef; naf. Vest: blotaklot. Vestibule : flub; yal. Vestment: klot. Vestments : ledek. Veterinarian: nimasanel. Vex, to : favOn; vexadon. [adug. Vexation : fav; vexad(am); pavex- Vexatious: badlik; neplidik. Vexer: vexadel. Vexing : vexaden. Via : vegtt. Viability: lifafag. (363) Vendelaled. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Viatamed. Vendelaled: evening glow; sunset. ' Vendelalefid : the Lord's supper; eucharist; communion. Vendelalulit : evening twilight. Vendelaplek: vespers; evening Vendelastel: evening star, [prayer. Vendelik: evening. Vendelo: in the evening. Vendelb'n: to become evening. VENOD : poison; venom. Venodal : malignity; venomous- Venodam : poisoning. [ness. Venodik: poisonous; venomous. Venodbn : to poison; to envenom. VENTEM : inventory. Ventemik : inventory. Ventemb'n : to take an inventory ; to inventory. VENTUR: adventure. Venturel : adventurer. Ventu'rik : adventurous. VENUD : attraction ; beauty ; charm; gracefulness; grace. VENUD: chance; risk; venture; hazardous enterprise. Venudik: attractive; charming. Venlidik: venturesome; risky; haz- Venudlik : susceptible. [ardous. Venudliko: susceptibly. Venudlbf : susceptibility. Venudb'n : to attract; to charm. Veniidbn : to venture; to risk; to hazard. Venufulik : pleasant; charming. VEOT: crape. Vesdel: Wednesday (foludel). Vesikamed : vesicant; vesicatory. VESTIG : research; investigation. Vestigal : thorough investigator. Vestigam : investigation. Vestigel : investigator; researcher. Vestigbn : to investigate; to make VEStiD: west. [research. Vesudan : Occident. Vesudanik : occidental; western. Vesiidik : western; West . Vesiived : westward. Vesiivedo: westwardly. VET : gravity ; ponderousness; Vetam : weighting. [weight. Vetapun : centre of gravity. Vetik : heavy; ponderous; massive. Vetbn : to gravitate ; to weight ; to load. [prolonged sound. Vetonik: long continued sound; Veu'd : state; case; condition; cir- cumstances, [rank; weight. VEUT : importance; weigh tiness; Veiitik: important; weighty. Veiitbn : to import ; to be of con- sequence. VEXAD(am): vexation; bother. Vexadel : vexer; botherer; tormen- tor; nuisance. [ering. Vexaden : vexing; annoying; both- Vexadbn : to vex ; to bother ; to annoy; to plague. VI ! Woe ! Alas ! Viaduk : viaduct. VIAT : prevention. Viatam:hindrance;preventing. [tive Viatamed : prophylactic ; preven- Viable. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Victorious. Viable: lifafagik. Viable, to be : lifafagOn. Viaduct : viaduk. Vial : fladil. Vicar: vikar. Vicar apostolic : vikaral. Vicarage : vikaret. Vice : klim; netug. Vice-chancellor : disakanzal. Vice-consul : disakonsal. Vice-president : blabisiedal. Vice-rector: disarekel. Vice-versa : votafleko. Vicinity : nil. Vicinity, in the of : nilti. Vicious : klimik. Viciously : klimo. Victim : vitim. Victor: vikodel. Victorious : vikodik. (364) Viatik. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vilod. Viatik : preventive. Viatdn : to prevent; to hinder. VID : breadth; width; extent. Vidajotik: broad-shouldered. Vidam : amplification; broadening; widening; enlargement. Vidik: broad; wide; extensive. Vidb'n : to broaden ; to widen ; to Viebiad: white-birch. [extend. Viebod: white bread. Viebueg : white-beech. Viefidaplan : white cabbage. Viefit : white-fish. Vieglut : white heat. ; glowing - Vieglutbn : to be at a white heat. Viejeval : white horse. VIEL : variegation (of color). Vielik : variegated; motley. VIEN : wind. Vienastan : weather-cock ;weather- vane; streamer; pennant. Vienatonbm : /Eolian harp. Vienavir: whirlwind. Vienik : windy. Vienbg : albumen; white of egg. Vienbn : to blow ; to breeze ; to wind; to winnow. Viespin : whitethorn ; hawthorn. VIET: whiteness; white color. Vieta'b : Albino. Vieta'l : innocence; purity. Vietan : Albino of a black race. Vietik : white. Vietlik: whitish. Vietbn : to whiten; to make white. Victim : tinned sheet iron. VIF: swiftness; velocity ; quickness; Vifabot: clipper. [rapidity. Vifadanvid : galop (dance). | Vifafut : velocipede (telaluib). Vifagon: gallop; run. Vifalezug: express train; fast train. Vifaped : steam press. Vifapenad : short-hand writing; stenography; tachygraphy. Vifik: swift; quick; rapid; fast; fleet. Vifinuniel: speed indicator. ' Vilo : swiftly; quickly; rapidly. Vifd ! be quick ! hurry ! Vifdn : to accelerate; to hasten; to VIG : week. [expedite. Vigabled : weekly periodical. Vigadel: week-day. Vigan : hebdomadary (Rom. Cath. Vigik: weekly. [Ch.). Vikar: vicar. Vikaral : vicar apostolic. Vikaret: vicarage. VIKOD : victory. Vikodal : spirit of conquest. Vikodazal: celebration of victory; Vikodel : victor. [triumph. Vikodik : victorious. Vikodbn : to be victorious; to con- quer; to vanquish. VIL: will. Vilal : willingness; acquiescence. Vilalib: freedom of will; free moral agency. Vilam : assent; acquiescence. VILGIN: virgin; maiden. Vilginik : virginal; maidenly. ViUk : willing; glad; voluntary. Viliko : willingly; gladly; volun- tarily, [with pleasure. Vilikuno: most willingly; soonest; Vilnik: capricious; selfish; wilful. VILOD: willow. Victorious. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Villager. Victorious, to be : vikodon. Victory : vikod. Victuals: lifamed; fidot. Vie with, to: lezilon. jselogam. View: lOpologam; lenlog; lukilog; View, to: belogOn; lenlogOn. View, in of: lenlogtt. [logam. Viewing: lenlogam ; logam; luki- Vigil : zalavendel. Vigilance : galflf. Vigilant : galik. Vigor : na"mal. Vigorous :namik; nevlik; stenlidik; Vileness : badof. [nezadik. Village: pag; pagil. Villager: pagan. (365; Vilbf. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Vipabidik. Vilbf : good-will; willingness; read- Vilbfik : willing; ready. [iness. Vilbn : to will; to be willing; to de- sire; to wish; to like; to choose. Viloluplan: withe; willow twig. Vilbvok: lamentation; cry of woe. Vilbvokel : lamenter. [cries of woe. Vilbvokbn : to lament ; to utter VIM : whim; caprice; humor. Vimal : whimsicality. Vimik: whimsical; capricious. VIN : wine. VinabSl : grape. Vinabel : vineyard. Vinabledad : vine arbor. Vinaflad : wine-bottle. Vinagued : vineyard (estate). Vinakav : wine-cellar. Vinalaned : vineyard (tract). Vinalef: wine-lees; mother. Vinaluf : bunch of grapes; cluster of grapes. Vinasrnek(od): vinous flavor. Vinaspit : spirits of wine; alcohol. Vinaston: tartar; argol. Vinated : wine-trade. Vinatedal : wholesale wine-dealer. Vinatedalam : wholesale wine- dealing. Vinatedam : wine-dealing. Vinatedel: wine-dealer; wine-mer- Vinatlip : wine-tax. [chant. Vinatoned: wine-cask; tun. Vinatub : wine-barrel. Vinatiib : wine-tub. Vinavinig : wine vinegar. Vinaxiid : tartaric acid. VINDIT : revenge; vengeance. Vindital : re vengeful ness. Vinditasiik : vindictiveness. Vinditel : avenger. Vinditik: vindictive; avenging; re- Vinditbn: to avenge. [vengeful. VINEG: gesture; sign; beckoning; nod. Vinegbn: to beckon; to nod; to Vinel : wine-maker, [make signs. Vinidbbam: wine adulteration. Vinig : vinegar. Vinigakiig: gherkin; pickled cu- Vinigaziid: acetic acid, [cumber. Vinigik : acetous. Vinik : vinous; winy. Vinlik : wine-like; vinous. Vinbp: wine house; vintner's shop. VIOD(am): violation ; injury ; transgression. [transgress. Viodbn : to violate; to injure; to Viodot : injury (surgical). Viokikuf : treble clef; treble key. VIOL: violet (the flower). Violet : violet color. Violetik: violet; violet colored. Violibobbm: bow; violin bow; fid- Violin: violin. [die-stick. Violinal : master of the violin; vio- lin virtuoso. Violinan : violinist. Violinel: violin maker. Violinbn: to play the violin. Violivak : violin resin; colophony. Vibn : to wail; to moan; to lament. Vibt : bleaching. Vibtel : bleacher. Vibten : bleaching business. Vibtbn : to bleach. Vibtbp : bleachery; laundry. VIP: wish; desire. Vipabid : optative form (gram.). Vipabidik: optative (gram.) Vindictive. ENGLISH-VOLAPilK. Violently. Vindictive : vinditik. Vindictiveness : vinditasflk. Vine: lieb. Vine-dresser: lieban. Vinegar : vinig; vinavinig. Vineyard : vinabel ; vinagued ; vi- Vinous : vinlik; vinik. [nalaned. Vintage: lufam; lufiskonlet. Violate, to : viodon. Violation : viodam. Violator: tadunel. Violence : mekad. Violence, to use : mekadOn. Violent: mekOfik; jalepik;mekadik. Violent, to become : mekofon. Violently: mekado; mekofiko. (366) Vipadigik. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Voba'dik. Vipadigik: desirable. Vipam : wishing ; expressing a desire; optation. Vipik : wished for; desired. Viplik: desirable. Vipbn : to wish ; to desire. VIR : vortex; eddy; whirl. Virabom : vertebra. Virbn : to whirl ; to whirl about ; Visaf: weasel. [to eddy. Visafot : ermine. [vision. Visa'l : prophetic, supernatural VISED : prudence ;circumspection. Visedik : prudent; circumspect. Visen : pain; ache; smart; pang; hurt. [smart; to hurt. Visenbn : to pain ; to ache ; to Visin : bismuth ; Bi. (chem.). VISIT : visit. Visital : inspector ; official visitor. Visitalik : visitorial. Visitalbn : to visit officially. Visitel : visitor. Visiten : visiting. Visitbn : to visit. Viso : opposite; vis-a-vis. Visoik: opposite. Visii : opposite to; in the presence VIT: avoidance, [of; in the face of. Vitam : obviation; avoiding, [acid. VitileUl : oil of vitriol ; sulphuric VITIM : sacrifice; offering; victim. Vitimabod : host ; wafer ; euchar- Vitimal: high priest, [istic bread. Vitimal : self-sacrifice. Vitimam : immolation; sacrifice. Vitiman : sacrificer ; one who brings an offering. Vitimazib : sacramental food. Vitimel : sacrificing priest. Vitimik : unselfish; seif-denying; self-sacrificing. Vitimbf: self-sacrificingness. Vitimb'n : to sacrifice; to immolate. Vitin : vitriol; copperas. Vitbn :to avoid; to obviate; to shun. Vituel : virtuoso; adept, [an art. Vituelet : virtuosoship ; mastery of Viub : wiper; swab; mop. Viubbn : to wipe; to mop; to swab. VIUD : widowhood. Viudan : widower. Viudik : widowed. Viudbn : to be widowed ; to lose a VIV : weaving, [wife or husband. Vivabled: weaver's reed; sley. Vivaboad : yarn beam ; warp roller. Vivanafil : shuttle. Vivastul : loom. Vivatil : teasel; weaver's thistle. Vivel : weaver. Viven : weaving business. Vivenal : proprietor of a weaving business. Vivenel : manager of a weaving Vivbn : to weave. [business. Vivbp : weaver's shop. Vivot: tissue; web; textile fabric; Vivots: woven goods, [woven stuff. VO ! Indeed ! Really ! In fact ! Vb ! Indeed ! Truly ! Certainly ! VOAD : leak; hole; gap; aperture; Voadik: leaky. [orifice. Voak : good repute ; character ; fair fame; reputation. Voako : in good repute. [search. VOB: labor; toil; work; task; re- VOB : acquisition; profit; gain. Vobacem : work-room ; studi i ; laboratory; work-shop, [work. Voba'd : production; piece of work; Vobadam : action ; operation ; effect. [tive; effectual. Voba'dik : active; operative; effec- Violet. ENGLISH-VOLAPiiK. Virgin. Violet: viol; violet. Violet: violetik. Violin : violin. Violincellist : leviolinan. Violincello : leviolin; folviolin. Violinist: violinal; violinan. Viper : fipaf. Virgin : vilgin. Vobadiko. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Volad. Vobadiko: effectively; effectually. Vobadof: activity ; effectiveness ; efficiency ; efficacy, [operate. Vobaddn : to effect; to produce; to Vobadub : production ; product ; work. Vb'baglbt : professional jealousy. Vbbakik : stale; long baked. Vobamesed : wages; hire. Vobel : workman; laborer; worker; operator. Vobik : active; diligent; laborious. Vbbik: industrious; acquisitive. Vobbf: laboriousness. Vbbbf: industry. Vobbn : to work; to labor; to toil. Vbbbn : to acquire; to get; to gain; to obtain; to earn. Vobot: piece of work; job. Vobotadil : piece of work ; com- plete job. Vobuk: literary work; book. Vobuvokal : hiatus (concurrence of VOD : word. [vowels). Vbdabuk : dictionary. Vbdafom : word -form. Vbdagik : verbose; wordy; copious. Vbdal: interpreter. Vbdalon : to interpret. Vb'damal: countersign; pass-word; watch-word. Vbdaplad(am) : arrangement of words; construction, [lexicon. Vbdasbuk : vocabulary ; dictionary ; Vbdatopam : position of words ; construction. Vbdayumam : syntax ; forming sentences; construction. Vbdel : talker; gossip. Vbdem : text; letter-press. Vbdembn : to read (as follows); to be as follows. Vbden : twaddle; palaver. Vbdeutik : ancient German. Vbdik: verbatim; literal; verbal. Vodilo : on the other hand; on the other side. Vodin : wadding; padding. Vodinbn : to wad; to pad. Vodinot : wadding. Vbd kotefamik : correlative (gram.) Vbdo : word tor word ; literally. Vbdbn: to talk; to speak; to make Vbdot : speech; utterance, [words. Vofin : wolfram ; tungsten ; W. (chem.) Voflano: on the other side. Voflanu : on the other side of. VOG : voice. Vbgamusig : vocal music. Vbgik : vocal; phonetic. Vbgod : vote. Vbgodam : voting. Vbgodbn : to vote. Vbgbn : to voice; to give voice to. Voi : in reality; properly; strictly; precisely. Voik : exact; proper; precise; just. VOK : shout; call; cry. Vokab: vocable; word; articulation. Vbka'd: changed sound of a vowel; modified vowel; "a," "6," and Vokal : vowel. ["u." Vokalik : vowel; vocal. Vokam : appeal; shout; invoca- tion; summons. Vokbn: to call; to shout; to invoke. VOL: world; universe. VOL: wall; partition. Volab : worldling. Volabepenam : cosmography. Volacbdbf: final judgment of the world. VOLAD: value; worth; cost; pi ice. Virgin. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Virtuoso. Virgin : vilginik. Virgin Mary : ladal. Virgo : sivilgin. Viridity: glim. Virile : manik. Virtue : pudof; tug. Virtue, by of: kanti; namtt. Virtuoso: vituel. (368) Vbladalised. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Volik. Voladalised: priced catalogue; price-list. [money letter. Vbladapened : valuable letter; Vbladik : valuable ; costly ; dear. Voladil : part of the world. Vbladlam : validation; making val- Vbladlik : valid. [id. Vbladlbf: validity. [idate. Vbladlbn: to render valid; to val- Vbladbn : to cost; to be worth. Vbladots : industrial values. Vbladii : of the value of; worth. Volafin : end of the world. Vblaglok: wall clock; clock. Volaglbp : celestial globe. Volajen: universal history; history. Volajenik : historical. Volakaed : map of the world. Volakop: heavenly body; sphere. Volal : worldlymindedness; carnal- mindedness. Volalafab : universal alphabet. Volalik : worldlyminded; carnal- minded. Vblalitakip : bracket lamp; sconce. Volapotaklub: international pos- tal union. Volapuk: international language; language of the world; univer- sal language. [er. Volapiikabled : volapUk newspap- Volapiikaflen : friend of volapuk ; partisan of volapuk. Volapukel : inventor of volapUk; Johann Martin Schleyer. Volapukan : volupUkist; one famil- iar with volapuk. Volapiikavol: volapuk world. Volapiikbn : to make use of vola- puk; to read, write, or speak volapUk. Volasap : philosophy. Volasif: cosmopolitan. Volav: cosmology. [prudent. Volavisedik: politic ; cunning ; Volek(am) : realization. Volekavs : realities ; facts ; real things; the sciences. Volekim : realism. Volekimik : realistic. Volekbn : to realize. Volidug(am) : leading the world. Volik: worldly; mundane; univer- sal. Virtuous. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Void. Virtuous ; tugik; letugik. Virtuous, to be : tugOn. Virtuousness : tugOf. Visage: logim; logod. Vis-a-vis : viso. Viscera: linedaps. Viscid: klebik. Viscus : linedap. Visibility: logOf. Visible : dalogik; logik; lenlogedik. Visibly : dalogiko. Vision : logad; logam; visal. Visionary : fan el. Visionary: fanelik; niludalik. Visit : visit. Visit, to: visiton; visitalon. Visiting: visiten. Visiter: visital. Visitor : visitel. Visitorial : visitalik. Vista : lukilog. Visual: logamik. Visually: logamiko. Vitiate, to : badofon. Vitriol: vitin. Vitriol, oil of: vitileul. Viva! Life! Vivacious: liflik. Vivacity : boled ; dunal ; lifof. Vive ! Life ! Vivify, to : belifen. Vocable : vokab. Vocabulary: vOdasbuk. Vocal: vOgik; vokalik. Vocal music: kanit. Vocation : cal. Voice : v5g. Voice, to : vogon. Void : vag. Void : nevOladlik. (369) Volisev. VOLAPUK-ENGLISII. Vunam. Volisev : knowledge of the world. VOLUT: revolution; revolt; rebel- lion; insurrection; commotion. Volutel: revolutionist; rebel. Volutik : revolutionary; rebellious; factious. Volutbn : to incite a revolution, a VOM : woman, [revolt, a rebellion. Vomadek: female attire; feminine Vomajit : chemise. [finery. Vomajitil : chemisette. Vomakleud : convent; nunnery. Vomav : gynaecology. Vomavel : gynaecologist. Vomavik: gynaecological. Vomef: womankind. Vomik: womanly; feminine. Vombf(a'l): effeminacy, [liquated. Vbmoladik : old-fashioned ; an- Vomtil: Miss ; young lady ; un- married woman. VON : rapture; delight; ecstacy. VON(o): formerly; once; at one time. [disc. Vonagad : Garden of Eden ; para- Vonik : blissful ; ecstatic ; ravish- ing; delightful. Vbnik: former; previous; whilom; Von on; to grow old. [late. Vbnot: antiquity. Vbnotav : archaeology. Vbnotik: antique; of antiquity. VOT: change; alteration; conver- Votadugbn : to lead around, [sion. Votaflano : on the other side. Votaflek(am) : alteration; reforma- tion; transposition; inversion. Votaflekik: inverted; reversed. Votafleko : inversely; conversely; vice-versa. [around ! Votafleko ! Turn about ! Turn Votaflekbn : to invert ; to change about; to alter; to reverse. Votafomam : transformation. Votafombn : to remodel; to trans- form; to refashion, [dress. Votaklotbn : to change clothing; to Votalod(am) : transshipment. Votalodbn : to reload. Votam: changing; alteration; con- Votamonbn : to recoin. [version. Votapakbn : to repack. Votapenbn : to re-write. Votasaedbn : to resaddle. Votatim : turning-point. Votatbkbn : to swap; to exchange. Votatopbn : to place differently ; to change the order of ; to re- Votaved(o) : elsewhere, [arrange. Votavobbn : to work over. Votel: changer. [other side. Votiflano : to the other side; on the Votik : other; another. Votikan : the other one. Votikna: another time. Votiko : otherwise; differently ; else. Votikb : elsewhere. Votim : the other. Votimik: the other's; of the other. Votived(o) : elsewhere; in another direction. Votlik: changeable; variable. Votlbf : instability; fickleness ; in- constancy. Voto : otherwise ; in another case. Votbn : to alter; to change, [base. Votbp : change of place; change of Votbpo: somewhere else; elsewhere. Votospanbn : to change horses. Votu'p : change of time. Votiipo: at another time. VU ! ugh 1 Viid(am) : invitation. Vudbn : to invite. v'uimeil : flour; wheaten flour. Vuit : wheat. Viikodbn : to excel; to surpass. VUL: root. VUL: arbitrariness. Vulik : radical. VUlik : arbitrary. Vulil: radicle; rootlet. Vulim: radicalism; ultraism. Vulimel: ultraist; radical. Vulo : radically. Vulbn : to root; to take root. Viilbn : to act arbitrarily. Vuliil : vegetable germ. VUM : worm. VUM: lap; bosom. Vumaf : worms; vermes. Vumik : wormy. Vumbn: to crawl; to wriggle; to writhe like a worm. VUN : wound. Vunam : wounding. (37) Vunasanel. VOLAPiiK-ENGLISH. Vutbn. Vunasanel : surgeon. Vunik: wounded; sore. Vunod : scar; cicatrix. Vunbn : to wound; to inflict a wound. [termeddler. Viipolel: tell-tale; go-between; in- Viipolb'n : to intermeddle; to tell tales; to tattle, [sprightliness. Viisedal ; cleverness; liveliness; Viisedalik : clever; quick; lively; bright: sprightly, [er; bright. Viisedik : sensible; judicious; clev- Viisedbn : to be clever; to be sen- sible; to be bright. Viisiadam: parenthesis; placing between. Viispad: interval; interspace. Viispadii : in the interval of. Vu'siif : entre-act; interval between VUT: rage; fury; wrath. [acts. Vutafilik: enraged ; furious; raging. Vutel : ferocious man ; cruel man ; a nero; despot. Vutik : infuriated; fierce; furious. Vutiko : furiously. Vuto : in a rage; in a fury. Vuton : to be in a fury; to be in a rage. Volapuk. ENGLISH-YOLAPUK. Vulture. Volapuk: volapiik. Volapiikist: volapiikan. Volcanic : filabelik. Volcanism : filabelim. Volcano : filabel. Volume: spadaninOf ; tan ad ; yelUp. Voluntarily. 1 viliko. Voluntariness : libavil; libaviltet. Voluntary: libavilik; vilik. Volunteer: libavilel. Voluptuary yofab. Voluptuous: Itixamlik; yoflik. Vomit : lusputot. Vomit, to : lusputOn; spukOn. Vomiting: lusputam; spuk. Vortex : vir. Votary : slopel. Vote : vogod. Vote, to : valon; vOgodon. Voter : deputel; valel; sevalel. Voting : vogodam. Voucher: getapenad ; doklimil. Vow : lebomet; yul; leyul. Vow, to : lebOmetOn. Vowel : vokal; klilaton. Vowel : vokalik. Voyage : melavegam. Vulcanize, to : filabelon. Vulgar : bapik: lusvinik; komunik. Vulgarity : gaga 1 !; lusvinen. Vulgar-minded: nenobalik. Vulture : lugil. (37D w. Wabble. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Washer-woman. Wabble, to : lumuflon. Wabbling : lumuflik. Wad, to : vodinOn. Wadding: vodin; vodinot. Wading boot : vatabut. Wading trousers : vatablit. Wafer : vitimabod. Waffle: vaef. Waffle-iron: vaefalel. Wag: cogel; fasedel. Wager : ylil. Wager, to : yttlon. Wagerer: yUlel. [mesed; mesed. Wages: dUnamesed; mesedot; le- Wages, to pay : lemesedOn. Waggish: fasedik. Wagon : vab; pledavabil. Wagon -load : vabalodot. Wagon-shed: vabasmadom ;vabOp. Wagon-tongue : deig. Wagon-wheel : vabaluib. Wagtail : blukit. Wail, to : viOn. Waist-coat: blotaklot; yak. Wait, to : valadon. Wait, to for : valadon. Wait upon, to: kalon. Waiter: botel; pladiel. Waiting : valad. Waiting-room: valadacem; vala- Waitress: jibotel. [dop. Waken, to : mekon galOn. Waking: mekol galOn. Walk : gol; spat. Walk, to : golOn; spatOn. Wall: daem; mOn; vOl. Wall in, to : febumon ; femonOn ; Wall up, to femonOn.[ninmOnon. Walled : daemik. Walnut: lenOt. Walrus : valud. Waltz: valsttm. Wand: letuig. Wander, to : tevOn. Wander about, to : zipolOn. Wanderer : tevel. Wandering: tevam; pOlivegam. Want: clef; misalOf; ned; nelab. Want, to : defOn ; dofon ; nedon ; Want, for of : nelabli. [nelabon. Wanting, to be : defOn. Wanton : jimidalel. Wanton : midalik ; lenepuedik ; yuflik; tulanimik. Wanton, to be : midalOn. Wantonly : tulanimiko. War klig. War, civil : sifaklig. War, to make : bekligOn; kligOn. Ward : kalab. Wardrobe : bog. [seitOp. Weirehouse : canOp ; canamagad; Warehouse book : seitOpabuk. Warehousing : nUmagadam. Warlike : kligik. Warm : vamik. Warm, to : vamon. Warmer: vamel; vamiel. Warmheartedness: vainal. Warming-pan: bedavan.iel; vaiu- abasin. AA^arming-stone : vamaston. Warmth : vam. Warn, to : monedOn; finisagOn; kaUton; levinegon. Warning: nioiied(am); timsagam; kadt; levineg. War-office: klidUnalat. Warp, to : mizugOn. Warp-roller: vivaboad. \Varrant : lutOnOnabttd. Warrant, to : garanon. Warrior : kligan. Wart: seglofap. Wart-like : seglofapik. Warty : seglofapik. Wash: vattikot; vattikeb. Wash, to: vatiikon; lupanOn. Wash away, to : devatiikOn. \Vash out, to : devatlikon. Wash-basin : vatilbasin. Wash-house: vattidom; vatOp. Washer : vatukel. Washer-woman : vattivom. (372) Washing. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Weigher. Washing: vatuk(am); vatukeb. Wash-tub: vatiitttb. Wasp : lubien. Wasp's nest : lubienOp. Waste: sevalin; defal; nekulivop; Watch: gal; pokaglok. [defalin. Watch, to: delttkon; galonjjepon. Watch-case : glokavead. Watch crystal : glokaglat. Watched : pegalol. Watchful: galik. Watchfulness ; galaf. Watch-glass: glokaglat. Watch-house : galadom. Watching: jepam. Watch-maker: glokel. Watch-making: gloken. Watch-key: glokakik. Watchman : galan. Watch-pocket : glokapok. Watch-spring : glokapeif. Watch-word : vodamal. Water : vat. Water, to: vaton; bevatOn; dlina- Water, holy : kosekavat. [don. Water-carriage : vatafled. Water-carrier: vatan. Water-color: vatakol. Water course : vatagolOp. Water-cress : fonakred. Water-cure : banakalam; vataka- lam; vatasanOp. Water-fall : vatafal. Water-fowl : vatit; vatabOd. Water gruel : vatabiil; vatasup. Watering: dlinam; vatam. Watering-place : dlinadOp. Watering-pot: gifiel. Water-lily : vataflol. Waterman: vatan. Water-meter : vatimafiel. Water pipe : vatariid. Waters : vatem. Water-proof: vatesoltidik. Water-shed: vataditOp. Waterspout: vatablit. Water sprite : vatafeof. Water tight : vatesoltidik. Water trough : vatabov. Watery : vatik. Wave : vatalubel. Waver, to : yilalOn. Wavy: vatalubelfik. Wax: vak. Wax : vakik. Wax, mineral : talavak. Wax-chandler: vakel. Waxen : vakik. Wax-figure : vakafttg. Way: kul; veg. We : obs. Weak: fibik. Weak-eyed : dimalogik. Weakling: fibab; mtiedab. Weakness : fib; fibug ; mUedadil. Weal : benug. [dOl. ^Vealthy: labemik; liegik; pegue- Wean from, to : dekosOmon. Weapon : vaf. Wear, to : polon. Wear away, to : degebfln. Wear out, to: xogebOn; degebOn. W^eariness : fen. Wearisome : tobik. Wearisomeness : lonedof. Weary: fenik. Weary, to : lonedtipOn ; fenOn. Weasel: visaf. Weather : stom. Weather, stormy : mistom. Weather-cock: stomagok. Weather-glass : stomaglat. Weave, to : vivfln. Weaver: vivel; vivenel. Weaver's shop : vivOp. Weaving : viv; viven. Web: spulun; vivot. Wedding : mated. Wedding-day: mattip. Wedding-feast : matamazal. Wedlock: mat. Wednesday: foltldel; vesdel. Weed: lukeb; nekeb. Week : vig. Week-day: vigadel. Weekly : vigabled. Weekly : vavigo. Weekly : vigik. Weep, to: dlenOn. Weft : spulun. Weigh, to: vatOn; vatttkOn. Weigh out, to : devaton. Weighage : vatonamon. Weigher : vatonal. (373) Weigh-house. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Who. Weigh-house: vatonop. Weighing: vatam. Weight: vat; vet; vettt. Weight, to : -veton. Weightiness : vetlt. Weighting: vetam. Weighty: vatik; vetltik. Welcome : vekom. Welcome ! VekflmO ! Welcome, to : vekomon. Welfare: san; benat; benug. Well : fonad. Well, artesian : tofonad. Well! BenO! Well : saunik. Well: beno; bentlno; lebeno. Well up, to: sufonon. Well-being : benat. Well-bred: stldik. Well-done : pektikik. Well-read : eliladol modikosi. Well-to-do : labemik. Well-wishers : gonef. Wench : jilumatel. West : vesUd. West: vestldik. Westerly : vesQdik. Western : vestidanik; vesttdik. Westward : vesUved(o). Westwardly : vestlved(o). Wet: luimik. Wet, to : luimon; vaton. Wether: jtip; 6mjip. Wetness : luim. Wet-nurse : miligamot. Wetter: luimel. Whale : valut. Whale-bone: fitog. Whale fishing: valtitifan. Whaler : valtitenaf. Whaling: valtitifan. Wharf: kav; lanamop;selodamop. What? kios? kis? Whatever : aikelos. Wheat: vuit. Wheel : luib. Wheel horse : deijeval. Whelp, to : dogon. When: (adv.) kellip; kitim; kittp; When: (conj.) ven. [ktl. Whence: (adv.) kelde; kelopa; koa; kiopa; kiplada; ses. Whenever: (adv.) aikelUp ; aikitim ; aikil. Where : (adv.) kelflp ; kiOp ; ki- Whereas: (conj.) biye(d). [plad; kO. Whereby : (adv.) la kel. Wherever: (adv.) aikelOp; aikO. Wherefore? (adv.) kikod ? Wherefore : kodo. Wherefrom ? ses? Whereon : kelsu. Whereto? alki? Whereupon : (adv.) su kel(osi); Whether: (conj.) va. [kelsu. Whey : miligavat. Which : kel; kelos. Which ? kimik ? kimid ? Which? ki>? kiof? kiom? Whichever : aikel; aikelos. Whiff: blad. While : (adv.) ttna. While : (conj.) dti. Whilom: vOnik. Whilst: (adv.) d(i. Whim: vim;levim. Whimsical: levimik; vimik. Whimsical, to be : levimon. Whimsicality : vimal. Whirl : vir. Whirl, to : tulon; virOn. Whirligig : zilekot. Whirlwind: vienavir. Whiskers : cUgabalib. Whiskey: filavin. Whiskey, rye : filavin glonik. Whisper : smaplik. Whisper, to : zijotlon. Whist! St5! Whistle : feif; feifot. Whistle, steam : stemafeif. Whistle, to : feifOn. White : viet. White : vietik. White-fish: viefit. White-thorn : viespin. Whiten, to: vieton. Whiteness : viet. Whither: (adv.) kelopi; koi; kiO- Whitish : vietlik. [pi; kipladi. Whitsuntide : tikalazal. Whiz, to: zijotOn. Whizzing : zijot. Who: kel; kirn? kif? (374) Whoever. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Witticism. Whoever: aikel. Whole : lol. Whole: lolik; valik. Wholesale : lOglet(o). Wholesale, by: gletikoso. Wholesale business : lejaf. [lik. Wholesome: benofik ; san lik; saun- Wholesomeness: benOf; sanlof. Wholly : loliko; valiko. Whom ? kimi? Whooping-cough : lekog. Why? kikod? Why? lik? Wick : luzin. Wicked : lebadik; badik; sinik. Wickedly : badiko. Wickedness: bad. Wide : veitik; vidik. Widen, to : sevidOn ; veitOn ; vidOn. Widening: veitam; vidam. Widow: jiviudan. Widowed : viudik. 'Widowed, to be : viudttn. Widower : viudan. Widowhood : viud. Width : veit; vid. Wield, to : namOn. Wife : jimatel. Wig: helot. Wig-maker : helotel. Wild : foetik. Wild, to become: foeton. Wild-flower: fotaflol; felaflol. Wilding: foetab. Wildness : foetof. Wilful: lonivilik; vilnik. Wilfulness : lonavil. Wiliness: lekaf. Will: vil; latavil. Will, to: vilon. Willing: labik; vilik; vilafik. Willing, to be : vilon. Willingly : viliko. Willingness : lobttg ; lob ; vilal ; Willow : vilod. [vilOf. Wilting : deilafam. Win, to : deyUlOn; lepOfQdOn. Winch : gin. Wind : vien. Wind, to : snekOn. Wind, to : vienOn. Wind up, to : dafinOn ; susitulon. Winding stairs : snelasteb. Windlass : gin. Window : litOp. Window blind : litopajot. Window-glass : litopaglat. Window-shutter : litOpajOt. Windy: vienik; zugik. Wine : vin. Wine-cellar : vinakav. Wine dealer :vinatedal; vinatedel. Wine-house : vinOp. Wine-lees : vinalef. W^ine-maker: vinel. Wine-trade : vinated. Wing: flitad; teavOl. Winnings: lepofttd. Winnow, to : vienOn. Winter: nifatim. Wintry : nifatimik. W^ipe, to : viubOn. Wipe away, to: deneluimOn; fe- kluinOn; mosuipOn. Wiper: klinaflab; kluin; viubiel. Wiping-cloth : klinaflab. Wire: dlat; leladlat. \A^ire-edge : metalafad. Wire -grating : dlatatlel. Wire-pliers: dlatazap. Wire-rope: dlatajain. Wire-trellis: dlatatlel. Wisdom : sap. 'Wise : sapik. 'Wish : vip. Wish, to : vilOn ; vipOn ; desidOn. Wished: pevipOl; vipik. Wit: cog; cogal; fasedel; ftif. Witch : jidevel. Witchcraft : magiig. Witchcraft, to practice : magiigOn. With: (prep.) ko; ke; me; sa. Withdraw, to: detlidOn; sezugOn. Withdrawal: sezug. 'Withdrawing: detlid; fagam. Withe: viloluplan. Wither, to : paneluimOn; deilafOn. Withhold, to : bekipOn. Withholding : bekip. [inc. Within : (adv.) linedo ; nis ; ino; Within: (prep.) linedtt; flno; OnU. Without: moftt; nen; neo; nes; Witness : noel. [p'; neQ - Witticism : cogavod; fased; faf. (375) Wittily. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Writer. Wittily: tikaliko; cogiko. Wittiness: fasedal; fasedof. Witty: cogik; fasedik; fttfik; tika- Woe! Vi! [lik. Woeful : Ittgik. Wolf: ludog. Wolfish : ludogik. Wolfram : vofin. Woman : jiman; lad; vom. Womanhood: jimanOf. Womankind : vomef. Womanliness: jimanof. Womanly : jimanik; vomik. Womb : motap. Wonder : milag(am). Wonder, to : milagOn. Wonderful : milagik. Woo, to: staifOn. Wood : boad ; fot ; fotot. Wood-chuck : mam. Wood- cut : xtllogafot. Wood-cock : snep. Wood-cutter: boadan. Wood -dealer : boadatedan. Wooden : boadik. Wood-engraving : xtllogaf ; xtilog- Wooden shoe : boajuk. [afen. Wooden ware : boadacan. Woodiness : mObimug. Wood-land : fotem. Wood-louse : milafutaf. Wood-pecker : pigit. Woods : boadem ; fotem. Wood-spirit : bospitm. Woody: bimagik; boadlik; fotik. Wooer: matabegel. Woof: spulun. Wooing: staif. Wool : lain. Woolen : lainik. Woolly : lainlik. Word : vOd ; vokab. Word for word : vOdo. Word-stem : stain. Wordy : vOdagik. Work: vob; vobad; vobadtlb. Work, to : bevobOn; vobon. Work, literary : vobuk. Work over, to: votavobfln. Work up, to: sumufOn; suvenudOn. Work-basket : nagab. Worker : vobel. Working : bevobam. Work room : vobacem. Work shop : vobacem. World: tal; val; vol. Worldliness : timlof. Worldling : volab. Worldly: talik; volik. Worldly-minded : volalik. Worldly-mindedness: talal; volal. Worm : vum. Worms : vumaf. Wormwood : biedin. Wormy : vumik. Worse, the : luos; lun. Worse : lu. Worship : godedtin; leplek. Worship, to : leplekOn. Worshipper : leplekel. Worsted : kobayan. Worth : dig; vOlad. Worth : (prep.) voladtt. Worth, to be : vOladOn. Worthiness : dig. Worthless : nevOladik; noslik. Worthy: digik. Would : magOn. Wound : vun. Wound, to : vunOn. Wound, gunshot: jutavun. Wounded : vunik; pevunik. Wounding: vunam. Woven goods : vivots. Woven wire : dlatavivot. Wrap : kovad ; loveklot. Wrap, to : veadOn. Wrapper : vead ; k6v. Wrapping-twine : tanfad. Wrath : vut; zun. Wrathful: zunik. Wreath: festun; flolafestun. Wreathe, to : festunOn; lorOn. Wren : yebit. Wretched : misalik. Wriggle, to : vumOn. Wring, to: dedlanOn. Wring from, to : demtitOn. Wrinkle : plif; skinaplif. Wrinkle, to : skinaplifOn. Wrinkled : plifik ; skinaplifik. Wrinkled, to become: skinapliftJn. Write, to: penOn; penodon. Writer : gasedel; penadel; penel. (376) Writing. ENGI.ISH-VOLAPUK. Wrought. Writing : penad; pen am; penod. Writing materials : penOm. Written : penadik; pelautol; pe- Wrong : negit. [penal. Wrong : dobik; mi; negitik; pftlu- Wrong, to be : dobOn. [bik; vadik. Wrongly : vadiko; negito. Wrought: pevobol. (377) X. XAB. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Xiilogafdp. XAB : axis; axle. Xabablek: longitudinal fracture. Xababug : axle-box. Xabaflem : axle-guard. Xabakluf: linch-pin; axle-pin; key. Xabik : axial. Xaim : censorship. Xaimalbpef: censors. Xalaziid : oxalic acid. XAM : examination. Xam : investigation. Xama'b : aspirant; candidate; ap- plicant; person examined. Xamal : official examiner, [tioning. Xamam : trial; examination; ques- Xamam : testing ; investigation ; research. Xamel: investigator; tester. Xamelb'n : to cross-examine; to in- terrogate judicially, [question. Xambn : to examine ; to test ; to Xambn : to examine ; to investi- gate; to test. XAN : ascent; ascending course. Xa'nabim : ladder. Xanabimaslep : round of a lad- der; rung of a ladder. Xa'nam : ascension; rising; ascent. Xa'nod : ascent; acclivity. Xa'nik: steep; ascending. Xa'nbn : to ascend ; to climb ; to Xa'nug: steepness, [mount; to rise. Xa'num : enhancement, [gression. Xanumaluen : arithmetical pro- Xanumam : increase ; enhance- ment, [to raise. Xanumbn : to enhance; to increase; Xeinbn : to climb ; to clamber up. Xekiko: exclusively. Xenam : auction. Xenel : auctioneer. Xenon : to sell at auction. XIL: exile. Xilam : banishment. [scribe. Xilbn : to banish ; to exile ; to pro- Xiom: axiom; maxim; principle; Xobladbn: to blow out. [tenet. Xodeilbn : to die away ; to become extinct. Xodunbn : to serve (out) one's time. Xogebbn : to wear out; to use up. Xoikomip: bull -fight. Xoil: bull. [law. Xokusadbn : to sue ; to pursue at XOL : ox; bullock; male bovine. Xolal : bullhead ed ness; lubberliness. Xolembn : to buy out. Xolenadbn : to learn to the end. Xolila'dbn : to read through. Xolunagbn : to mend up; to repair. Xonbsbn: to obliterate; to efface. Xonumbn : to count out. "Xopledbn : to play out ; to finish (a game). Xopbtiiton : to famish ; to starve. Xosigbn : to dry up; to desiccate. X9vbdbn : to speak to the end ; to XtlD : oxide. [speak. Xiidbn : to oxidize. [graving. Xiilogaf: xylography ; wood en- Xiilogafot : wood cut; xylograph. Xulogafel : wood engraver. Xiilogafen :wood engraving; xylo- graphy. Xiilogafik : xylographic ; engraved on wood. Xulogafdp : wood engraving estab- lishment. X. Xylograph. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Xylography. Xylograph: xulogafot. Xylographic: xUlogafik. Xylography: xulogaf; xUlogafen. (37) Y. Ya. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Yelmil. YA : already. YAD : yard; court-yard; court. YAG: hunting; chase. Yagadog: hunting-dog; hound. Yagagased: sporting paper; pap- er devoted to sports. Yagel : hunter; sportsman, [like. Yagelik: sportsman -like; hunter- Yagen: hunting; wood-craft; sport. Yagik: in season; huntable; fit to be hunted. ^ Yagin : Cognac; brandy. Yagon: to hunt; to chase; to course. YAK : jacket; waistcoat; jerkin; YAL : hall; vestibule. [blouse. YAM : lamentation; distress; la- ment. Yamadigik : pitiable; lamentable. Yamik : lamentable ; woeful ; wretched; deplorable, [moan. Yambn: to lament; to mourn; to Yambp : vale of tears; valley of YAN : door; small gate, [misery. YAN : yarn. [keeper. Yanan : porter; door-keeper; gate- Yanul : January (balul). Yat: squirrel. YE : yet; nevertheless; however; still (before consonants). Yead: ash (tree). YEB : grass. Yebaneif: sickle; reaping hook. Yebik : grassy ; covered with grass. Yebit ; wren; hedge-sparrow. Yebbn : to graze; to feed on grass; to cut grass; to mow. YED : yet; nevertheless; however; still (before vowels). YEG: object; article; thing; sub- ject, [tive. Yegik : objective; essential; posi- Yegbn: to be under consideration; YEL : year. [to be a subject. Yelabuks: annals; chronicles. Yeladel : anniversary. Yelafoldil : quarter (of a year). Yelafoldilik : quarterly. Yelafoldil(ik)o : quarterly; by the quarter. [nual quota. Yelamon : annual assessment; an- Yelamul : month of the year. Yelapel: annuity. Yelatim : season ; time of year. Yelbalsiip : decennium. YELIB : yellow (color). Yelibep : dyer's weed. Yelibik : yellow. Yelibip: jaundice; yellows. Yeliblik : yellowish. Yeliboad : fustic. Yelibbn : to color yellow ; to make yellow. [one year old. Yelik: annual; yearly; yearling; Yelmil: millenium; thousand years. Y. Yard. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Yield. Yard : yad. Yarn : yan. Yarn-beam : vivaboad. Yarrow : kalep. Yawl : but; jalup. Year : yel. Year, this : ayelo. Yearling: bay elan. Yearling : bayelik. Yearly: yelik; yelsik; vayelsik. Yearly: yelo; a yel; vMyelso. Yeast: lef. Yeast, brewers' : bilalef. Yellow : yelib. Yellow : yelibik. Yellowish: luyelibik; yeliblik. Yellows : yelibip. Yes : si. Yesterday : adelo; yesdel; yesdelo. Yesterday's: adelik; yesdelik. Yet: (adv.) nog; ye(d). Yield, to : bevilon; yilOn; seyilOn. (379) Yelo. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Yufavom. Yelo : annually; yearly. Yelbn : to be a year. [yearly. Yelsik : every year; each year; Yeltum : century; hundred years. Yeltumik : centenary. Yelup : annual course; year's pro- duction; volume (of periodic- als) ; space of a year. Yenbg : yolk (of eggs). Yesdel(o) : yesterday (a'delo). Yi ! out of the way ! away with you! Yidin : iridium; Ir. (chem.). YIL : yieldingness. [constancy. Yilal : vacillation ; fickleness ; in- Yilalik : fickle; inconstant. Yilalbn : to vacillate; to waver. Yilik : yielding; pliable; compliant; condescending. Yilod : yielding point; (R. R.) switch. [tender. Yilo(di)topel : switchman; switch- Yilof: pliability; compliance; con- descension. Yilbn : to yield; to cede; to comply with; to give way. Yo ! let us be merry! Yb! Hurrah! Huzza! YOB : clover. Ydbabled : clover leaf; trefoil. Yodin : iodinium; I. (chem.) YOF : joy ; delight ; pleasure ; cheerfulness; glee. [ertine. Yofab: voluptuary; sensualist; lib- Yofal: cheerfulness; good-humor. Yofapled : comedy. Yofel : jovial fellow; jolly fellow. Yofik: merry; jovial; gay; cheerful; jolly; genial; festive. Yoflik : voluptuous; wanton ; lustful ; frisky. Yofo: merrily; cheerfully; jovially; gayly; gaily. [merriment. Yofdf: gayety; geniality; mirth; Yofb'n : to cheer; to cheer up; to YOKryoke. [make joyful. Yokalbg: zygoma; cheek bone. Yokam : subjugation ; subduing ; subjection; yoking. [toyoke. Yokbn : to subjugate; to subdue; Yon : the beyond ; the other world; the life to come. [other side. Yon^ over there; yonder; on the Yonir: on the other side of. Yu ! Help ! YUB: jubilation; exultation; joy. Yubik : joyful; rejoicing; exulting. Yubbn : to rejoice; to exult; to cd- Yubiip: jubilee, [ebrate a triumph. YUD: Judaism. Yudan : Jew; Israelite; Hebrew. Yuden : Jewish manners. Yudik: Jewish; Israelite, Hebrew. Yudbn : to judaize. YUF: help; aid; assistance; succor. YUF: support; prop; sustenance; maintenance ; backing ; as- sistance. Yufam: assisting; assistance. Yufaman : accoucheur ; obstetri- cian. Yufan : assistant ; mate ; aid -de- camp (milit.). [ance. Yufanedik : needy; needing assist- Yufatidel: assistant teacher. Yufavelib : auxiliary verb. Yufavom : midwife. Yielding. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Yttrium. Yielding : bevilam. Yielding : bevilik; yilik; Yieldingly : beviliko. Yieldingness: yil. Yoke: yok; bof. Yoke, to : yokon. Yolk:yenog. Yonder : yono. You: ol; ols. Young: yunik. Younger : yunikum. yumik. Youngster : yunikan. Your : olik; olsik. Yours: olikan; olsikan. Yours: aiolik. Youth (time): yun; yuntlp. Youth (person) : yunan. Youth (collective) : yunef. Youthful : yunlik. Youthfulness : yunlof; yunal. Yttrium : tumin. Yufel. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Yutitit. Yufel : assistant; helper; adjutant. Yufik: helpful; charitable; hospit- able. Yufo : with assistance; with help. Yufd ! Help ! To the rescue ! Yuf on : to help ; to aid ; to assist ; to relieve. [P r P- Yiif on : to support; to sustain ; to Yufii : with the help of ; with the aid of; by aid of. YUL: oath; vow. YUL: wager; betting; bet. Yulacbdef: jury. Yulacddbp : jury-box. Yulakopanef : sworn confedera- tion; sworn members. Yulakopanel : sworn member. Yiilel : wagerer; better. YULIB : blueness; blue color. Yulibasvel : ecchymosis ; bruise ; black and blue spot. Yulibasvelik : ecchymotic ; black Yulibik : blue; azure, [and blue. Yuliblik: bluish. Yuliboad : logwood ; Campeachy- Yulibdn : to become blue. [wood. Yulibbn : to blue ; to color blue. Yulik : sworn; on oath. Yulistog : blue-stocking. Yulo: with an oath; under oath. Yulb ! Swear to it ! On your word of honor ! Yulbn : to take an oath ; to swear Yiilon : to wager; to bet. [to. Yulul: July (velul). Yululik : July's. [concord. YUM: junction; union; meeting; YUM : alliance; connection. Yumal : acquiescence; tractability. Yumam : joining; uniting; gather- ing; disposition; arrangement. Yumam: annexation; connection. Yumik: manageable; tractable; yielding; conciliatory. Yumbf: acquiescence; tractable- ness; pliancy. Yumbn : to join; to arrange. Yiimbn : to annex; to connect. YUN : youth; adolescence. Yunal : juvenility; juvenile ardor. Yunam : rejuvenation. [minor. Yunan: youth; young person; Yuned : molting; changing the skin, hair, feathers, etc. Yunef: youth (collective noun); Yunep : juniper. [young people. Yunepabal: juniper-berry. Yunepafivin : gin; hollands. Yunepaleul : oil of juniper. Yunik: young. Yunikum: younger; junior. Yunikuman : junior; younger per - Yunlik : juvenile; youthful, [son. Yunlbf: juvenility; youthfulness. Yunbn : to rejuvenate; to make Yunsolat : recruit. [young. Yunul: June (malul). Yunulik : June's. Yuniip: time of youth; adolescence. Yupigit : nut-hatch ; nut-breaker (ornith.). [tion of justice. YUSIT: juridication; administra- Yusitan : jurist; jurisconsult. Yusitanik: juridical. Yusitik : judicial; forensic. Yut: jute. Yutal : adjutant. Yutitit : blue titmouse. (380 Za. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Zelin. ZA : about; nearly; perhaps. ZAB : oats. Zabablil : oatmeal-porridge. Z AD : delicacy; tenderness; fine- ness; subtlety. Zadal : tenderheartedness. Zadam: indulgence; over-indulg- ence, [barite. Zadel : over-indulgent person; sy- Zadel : Saturday (veliidel). Zadik : delicate; tender; fine. Zadiko : delicately ; tenderly. Zadlik : effeminate; delicate. Zadlb'f : tenderness; indulgence. Zadbn : to pamper; to over-in- dulge; to coddle; to indulge. Zaik : casual; eventual. Zakaf : blind-worm; slow-worm. ZAL: festival; holy-day; feast-day. Zaladel: festival. Zalal : festive disposition. Zalakanit : festive songs; ode. Zalaklot : holiday attire; "Sunday best." Zalapenad: holy-day writings; fes- tival essay; Christmas tales. Zalavendel: vigil ; eve of holyday. Zalik: festive; solemn; festal. Za'lb'f : festivity; solemnity. Za'lb'n: to keep a festival; to sol- Zalu'p : holiday time. [eirmize. ZAM : cement. [contention. ZAN : quarrel; dispute; squabble; Zanal : quarrelsomeness. Zanik : quarrelsome; contentious; fractious. [ to wrangle. Zanbn : to quarrel; to squabble; ZAP : forceps; nippers; tongs; pin- cers; tweezers. Zapik : forcipal; of the nature <; forceps or tweezers. Zapbn : to pinch; to nip. Zar : czar; tzar. Zasin : caesium; Cs. (chem.). ZE : nearly; about; approxitm v ly; almost; tolerable. Zeaboad : cedar (wood). Zead : cedar (tree). ZEB: barley. Zebasup : barley-soup. ZEBUM: cerebrum; brain; brains. Zedam: discontinuation; desisting. Zedon : to leave off; to desist; to put a stop to; to discontinue. Zeglam : centigramme (about ,<*-, grain). [mark. ZEIL: aim; end; purpose; goal; Zeilam: having in view; aiming at. Zeilapiin : mark; point aimed at: target. [pose. Zeilinotliko : with announced pur- Zeilon : to aim; to take aim; to aim at; to have in view. Zein : cawk. [day. ZEL : solemnity; celebration; holi- ZELAD : certainty; certitude; positiveness. [sure. Zeladik: certain; positive; precise; Zelado: certainly; precisely; surely. Zeladii : certain of. Zelal: ceremoniousness. [drams). Zeliat: centiliter (about 2^ fluid Zelik:solemn; formal; ceremonious. Zelin: cerium; Ce. (chem.). Z. Zeal. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Zinc. Zeal: zH. Zealot: zMel. Zealous : xilik. Zealous, to be : zilon. Zero: nosanum. Zinc : zik; zikin. (382) Zelbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Zidblo. Zelbn : to solemnize ; to celebrate; ZEM : lime. [to keep a holiday. Zemafbn; lime-kiln. Zemaseit : lime deposit; limestone. Zemaston : limestone. Zemavat: lime-water. Zemet : centimeter (about ^ inch). Zemik: calcareous; limy. ZEN : ashes. Zenakbl: ash-color, [gray; drab. Zenakblik: ashen ; ash-colored ; Zenam : ashing ; sprinkling with Zenbik: ashy; ash-like. [ashes. Zendel: midday; noon. Zendelafid : noon-day meal; mid- day meal; dinner. Zendelalien: noon-mark; meridian. Zendelo : at noon. Zeneit: midnight. Zeneitik: midnight. Zenfik: ashy; cineritious. ZENOD: center; middle. Zenoda : through the midst. Zenodablir : central bureau. Zenodam : centralization. Zenodaptin : center; central point. Zenodaveg : middle way; midway ; mean; medium. Zenodel: centralizer. Zenodik: central; middle. Zenodo : in the center ; in the middle; in the midst. Zenodbn : to centralize. Zenodbp : center ; central point ; headquarters. Zenodii : in the middle of ; in the centre of; in the midst of; amid. Zenbn : to burn to ashes; to strew with ashes. ["the center." Zenopalet : middle party; party of ZEP : ratification ; confirmation ; sanction. [prover. Zepal : superior confirmer ; ap- Zepam : assent; consent; approval. Zepel : ratifier ; approver ; con- firmer. Zepbn : to approve ; to ratify ; to confirm; to consent to; to sanc- Zepot : approval; ratification, [tion. Zer(am) : distortion; contortion. Zerel : contortionist. Zeremif: ceremony. Zeremifal : master of ceremonies. Zeremifem. : ceremonies. Zeremifik : ceremonious. Zerbn : to distort ; to twist out of Zestaklim : incest. [shape. Zestaklimel : one guilty of incest. Zestaklimik : incestuous. [cy. ZESUD : necessity; need; exigen- Zesudik : necessary ; needful ; re- quisite, [distress. Zesudil: embarrassment; dilemma; Zesiidikfcs : necessary thing ; ne- cessity; requisite. [need. Zesu'do : if necessary ; in case of Zeslidbf : necessariness; necessity; urgency. Zesiidbfik : necessary; urgent. Zesiidbfiko: necessarily; urgently. Zesiidbn : to be a necessity ; to be necessary ; to be obliged to; to be requisite. Zesiidiino : of greatest necessity. ZI : around; about. ZIB: food; aliment; nourishment. Zibadesidik: eager for food jhungry Zibakad : bill of fare; menu. Zibam : alimentation ; feeding ; maintenance; dieting. Zibasal(un) :dining-room; dining- Zibem : dishes; mess. [hall. Zibbn : to give to eat; to maintain; to feed ; to nourish. ZID : event; occurrence; incident. Zidik : eventful. Zidbl: occurring; eventual. Zidolo : eventually. Zinc. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Zone. Zinc : zikik. Zirconium: zonin. Zither: zut. Zither-player : zutel. Zodiac : zodiak. Zone : zon; talasttik. (383) Zidbn. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ziv. Zidbn : to happen ; to take place ; to come to pass; to occur. Zied: citron. Ziedabim : citron tree. Ziedik : citrine. Ziel: chum; associate; mate; com- Ziep: gentian. [panion; crony. ZIP: city; town. Zifan : townsman ; inhabitant of a Zifapenel: city clerk, [town. Zifasanel: city physician. Zifastiik : corporate limits ; pre- Zifel : founder of a city. [cincts. Zifik : municipal; urban. [town. Zifil : small town ; incorporated Ziflek : circumrotation ; circumvolu- tion, [around. Zifleko: turned about ; turned Ziflekbn : to turn about ; to turn Zifdn : to act municipally4|around. ZIGAD: cigar. Zigef: chicory; succory, [about. Zigolbn : to go about ; to walk Zigonam : running around ; re- volving; circumrotation. Zigonbn : to revolve ; to whirl around; to run around; to veer around. Zijot : hissing; whizzing; buzzing. Zijotlbn : to whisper; to buzz. Zijotbn : to hiss; to buzz; to whiz. ZIK: zinc. Zikik : zinc. Zikin : zinc; Zn. (chem.) Zikbmbn : to come around ; to come about. Zikb'n : to zinc; to plate with zinc. ZIL : zeal; assiduity. ZILAG : compasses. Zilagat : circulation (of blood). Zilagbn : to circulate ; to circle around; to describe a circle. Zilagbn : to hang about. ZILAK: circle; company; society. ZILAK : circuit; orbit; district; department; state, [governor. Zilakacif: department commander; Zilakik : circuit; district; depart - Zilal : emulation. [mental. ZILEK : circle; ring; circumfer- ence; orbit. Zilekot : top; whirligig, [olution. Zilekag: rotation; circulation: rev- Zilekam : circulation; rotation. Zilekik : circular; orbicular. Zilekbn : to revolve in a circle; to move in a circle; to rotate. Zilel : zealot. Zilik: zealous; assiduous; fervent. Zilin : cylinder. Zilinik : cylindrical. Zilo : out of zeal; because of zeal. Zilbf: assiduity; sedulousness. Zilbfik : assiduous; sedulous. Zilogam: circumspection; caution. Zilogamo : with circumspection. Zilogik : circumspect; cautious. Zilogiko : circumspectly ; cauti- ously. Zilbn : to be zealous; to be assidu- ous. Zim : centime (coin;aboutcent). Zin : l>enzine. Zinafam : circumnavigation. Zinafbn : to circumnavigate. Zio : around; about; round about. ZIOB : cell. Zibbap : cell; alveolus (anat.). Zibbapik: cellular; alveolar. Zibbein : cellulose. Zibbik : cellular; cell. Zibbin : celluloid. [inscription. Zipenad: circumscription; circular Zipenbn : to write around; to cir- cumscribe. Zipblbn : to wander about; to stray here and there. Ziseitbn : to place around; to surround. Zispanbn : to span; to surround with the thumb and fingers. Zistanbn: to stand about; to stand around. [elude; to embrace. Zisumbn : to comprehend ; to in- ZIT : case; event; circumstance; occurrence; precedent, [mons. Zitat : citation; quotation; sum- Zitatbn : to cite; to quote; to sum- mon. Zitbn: to ensue; to take place; to be the case; to occur as a pre- Ziug : circus. [cedent. Ziuk : lemon; lime. Ziukabim : lemon tree; lime tree. Ziukik : lemon; lime. ZIV : civil life. (384) Ziveg. VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Ziispanbn. Ziveg: circuitous way; round- about way; detour. Zivan : civilian; citizen. Z'.vet : civilization. Zivetik : civilized, t. ^. of civiliza- Ziveton : to civilize. [tion. Zivik : civil; civilian. Zivin : cider. [civilize. Zivbn : to become a civilian ; to ZO : all about; all around. ZOB : sable (fur). Zobaplad : sable skin. Zodiak : zodiac. ZQG: vacillation; hesitation; delay. ZOG(am) : neglect; omission. Zoga'l : temporizing, dallying dis- position. Zogel : straggler; dilatory person. Zbgel : negligent person. Zogik : dilatory; tardy; slow; slack; slow (time-piece). Zogbf: dilatoriness; tardiness. Zogbn : to vacillate; to hesitate; to delay; to be slow (time-piece). Zbgbn : to neglect; to omit; to lose; Zoin : benzole. [to miss. ZON : zone. [girdle. ZON : belt; girt; girth; surcingle; Zbnam : girding; belting; girthing. Zbnel: girdle maker; belt maker. Zonin : zirconium; Zr. (chem.) Zbnbn : to gird; to girdle. Zbnot: girdle; surcingle. Zonul: girdle; ribbon belt; baldric; ZQP: pulpit, [sash. ZOT: notice ; placard ; writing ; bill; bulletin; certificate. Zbtel : bill poster. Zbtil : label; ticket. [placard. Zbtbn : to post a bill ; to put up a ZU : moreover ; besides ; further - ZtJ : all about; around. [more. Zuafan : zouave. Zu at : thereabouts. Ziibim : cypress (tree). Zubudam : hedging. Ziibudot : inclosing hedge; hedge. ZUD : acid. Zu'dal : crabbedness. Ziidamafiel : acidimeter. Ztidik : acidulous; sour. Ztidin : oxygen; O. (chem.). Ziidinik : oxygenated. Ziidinon : to oxygenate. Ziidbn : to acidify ; to sour. Zuen : passion; irritation. Zuenbn : to get into a passion; to become irritated. ZUG : tug; pull; draught; train. Ziig(ot) : stop; register (organ). Zugalut: current of air; draught Zugik : windy; draughty, [of air. Zugbn : to draw; to pull; to draw out; to abstract. Zii is : hereabouts. Zujadbn : to shade; to surround ZUL : nine; 9. [with shadow. ZULAG : circular; circular letter. Zulagapenod: circular treatise; circular. [icals, etc.). Ziilagat : circulation (of period- Ziilagbn: to circulate; to be in cir- Ziilagul : nonagon. [culation. Ziilog : lamprey. Ziiloged : looking about, [around. Zulogedbn : to look about; to look Ziilul : September; ninth month. Zulyelik : nine years old. ZUM : circle; environs; enclosure; circuit; orbit. Zumbn : to surround ; to environ ; to encircle; to beset. Zumbp : neighborhood; environs. ZUN : anger; wrath; indignation; resentment. Zun(am): provocation; angering. Zuna'l: impetuosity; quick-temper. Zunam : angering; irritation. Zunik: anger; wrathful; indignant. Zuniko : angrily; indignantly. Zunbn : to be angry ; to be in a passion ; to be indignant ; to resent. [irritate. Ziinbn : to anger; to provoke; to Zuot : hollow cylinder; tube. ZtiP : adherence; following. Zupel : adherent; follower; disci- ple; partisan. Ziipelef : disciples; followers. Ziipeliig: discipleship. Zlipik : attached to. Ziipbn : to adhere to; to cleave to. Ziio : thereabouts; hereabouts. Ziispanbn : to span ;to span around. Zuu VOLAPUK-ENGLISH. Zuvegbn. Zilt: zither; lute. Ziitan : zither player. Ziitanbn : to tie around; to tie up. Ziivazlid: prussic acid; hydrocyan- ic acid. [around. Ziivegbn : to drive about ; to drive Zoological. ENGLISH-VOLAPUK. Zygoma. Zoological : nimavik. Zoological garden : nimagad. Zoology: nimav. Zouave : zuafan. Zygoma : yokalOg (386) GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS. Under the resolution of the Munich Congress, which prescribes that proper names shall retain their home orthography, names of cities and towns are usually written without change. Thus, Vienna is written in the German form Wien, Naples in the Italian form Napoli, etc. Some few names of cities are included in the list, as they may be found in earlier writings. Such names are designated by an asterisk (*). Derivatives can be easily supplied by the addition to the name of a country of the syllables an and ik. Thus : Nelij, England ; Nelijan, an Englishman; Nelijik, English. Adiamel. NEMS TALEDIK. Biisa'n. Adiamel, Adriatic Sea. Antils, Antilles islands. Apenins, Apennines mountains. Asiiran, Assyria. Allan, Atlas mountains Atlamel, Atlantic ocean (changed to Lanti- ..sean). [Tiopa'n Babaran, Barbary. Bada'n, Baden. Baltimel, Baltic Sea. Barbad, Barbadoes. Basil, Brazil. Bayan, Bavaria. Beljan, Belgium. Bengalan, Bengal. Ber m unisuls , Bermuda islands. Blagamel, Black sea. Bodanlak, Lake ot Constance. Bodugan, Portugal. Bolivan, Bolivia. Bbma'n, Bohemia. Borna'n, Borneo. Bosnan, Bosnia. Bretan, Brittany. Biisa'n, Abyssinia. Atiopan, Ethiopia, (see Abyssinia. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Bohemia. Abyssinia, Busan. Apennines (mts),Apen- Azore Islands, Zoni- Adriatic Sea, Adiamel. Africa, Fikop. [ran. Algiers (prov.), Lage- Algiers (city), Lagir. Alps (mts), Laps. Alsace, Lesasan. Altai (mts), Latain. Amazon River, Maz- onaleflum. Admiralty Islands, Na- fenisuls. America, Melop. Andalusia, Xadulusiin. Antwerp, Navep. Arabia, Raban. [ins. Arcadia, Rakadan. Argentine Republic, Ragentin. Armenia, Raman. Arragon, Ragonan. Asia, Silop. Asia Minor, Smasilop. Assyria, Asiiran. Atlantic Ocean, Lan- tisean. Attica, Tiakiin. Australia, Talup. Austria, LOstiin. suls. Baden (prov.), Badan. Balkan (mts), Hamus. Baltic Sea, Baltimel; Lefumel. Barbadoes, Barbad. Barbary, Babaran. Bavaria, Bayan Belgium, Beljan. Bengal, Bengalan. Bermuda Islands, Ber- munisuls. Black Sea, Blagamel. , Bohemia, Roman (387) Cilan. NEMS TALEDIK. Kastilyan. Cilan, Chili. Genefalak, Lake Gene- Hoenzolan, Hohenzol- Cina'n, China. Geogan, Georgia, [va. Holstan, Holstein [lern Dadanels, Dardanelles. German, Germany (an- Hondulan, Honduras. Dalmatan, Dalmatia. cient). [birge(mts.) Jaman, Champagne. Dan, Denmark. Gianabelem, Riesenge- Tlesan, Silesia. Danub, Danube River. Gletabritan, Great Bri- Jlesvi:,an, Schleswig Delfos, Delphos. Glik(an), Greece, [tain. (province). Deutian), Germany. Glu'gan, Pontifical Jotlan, Scotland. Elb, Elbe river. States ; States of the Jvaban, Suabia. Elsasan, Alsace. Church. (Africa). Jveiz(an), vSwitzerland. Eufrat, Euphrates river. Goliidajol, Gold Coast Kadalkivir, .Guadelqui- Fikop, Africa. Gor, Valley of the Jor- ver. Filan, Terra del Fuego. dan. Kadan, Acadia. Finan, Finland. Graubiindan, The Gri- Kafan, Kaffir land. Flanan, Flanders. sons (Switzerland). Kaledan, Caledonia. Flent(an), France. Grbnan, Greenland. Kalifonan, California. Franan, Franconia. Giipan, Egypt. Kamjakan, Kamtchat- Frisan, Friesland. Gvatemal, Guatemala. ka. Fru'gan, Phrygia. Gvayan, Guiana. Kanan, Canaan, Pales- Gaamel, Egean Sea. Hag, The Hague. tine, the Holy Land. Galan, Gaul. [trian). Ha'mus, Balkan (mts.) Kapever, Cape Verde. Galizan, Galicia (Aus- Hanovan, Hanover. Karpats, Carpathian Galizian, Galicia (Span- Havan, Havana. (mts.) Gay an, Achaia. [ish). Hesan, Hesse. Kaspimel, Caspian Sea. *Genef, Geneva. Hindostan, Hindostan. Kastilyan, Castile. Bolivia. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Illyria. Bolivia, Bolivan. Constantinople, Stam- Flanders, Flanan. Borneo, Bornan. bul. [dilyers. Franconia, Franan. Bosnia, Bosnan. Cordilleras (mts), Kor- France, Flent. Brazil, Basil. Corinth, Korit. Gaul, Galan. Brittany, Bretan.' Corsica, Korsan. Georgia, Geogan. California, Kalifonan. CostaRica.Kostarigan . German Ocean, NolU- Canaan, Kanan. Croatia, Koasan. Germany, 1 'cut. [mel. Cape North, Noltikep. Danube (river),Danub. Great Britain, Glcta- Cape of Good Hope, Dardanelles, Dadanels. Greece, Glik. [britiin. Spelakep. Dead Sea, Sfalamel Greenland, Gronan. Cape Verde, Kapever. Denmark, Dan. Guatemala, Gvatemal. Carpathian (mts.),Kar- East India, Lenidan. Guiana, Gvayan. pats. Ecuador, Kvadan. Hanover, Hanofan. Caspian Sea, Kaspimel Egean Sea, Gaamel. Havana, Havan. Castile, Kastilyan. Egypt, Gupan. Hesse, Hesan. Caucasus, Kaukasan. Elbe river, Elb. Hindostan, Hindostan. Caucasus (mts), Kau- England, Nelij. Holland, Nedan. kasabels. [omelop. Erzgebirge, Munalx,-!- Holstein, Holstan. Central America, Zen- Ethiopia, Tiopan. [i-m. Honduras, Hondulan. Ceylon, Zttlan. Euphrates, Eufrat. Hungary, Nugan. Chili, Cilan. Europe, Yulop. Iceland, Silan. Columbia, Koloman. Finland, Finan. Illyria, Luran. (388) Kaukasabels. NEMS TALEDIK. Noliimelop. Kaukasabels: Caucasus Lituan, Lithuania. Mora'n, Mauritania. (mts.). Liva'n, Livonia. Munabelem, Erzge- Kaukasan, Caucasus. Lombadan.Lombardy. birye. Koasan, Croatia. *Londen, London. Nadalusan, Andalusia. Koloman, Columbia. Lbstan, Austria. Nafenisuls, Admiralty Kordilyers, Cordilleras Lotan, Lorraine. islands. (mts.). Lu'ban, Lybia. Nahatan, Anhalt. Korit, Corinth. ,Luran, Illyria. Nakona, Ancona. Ko san, (Corsica. Liizan, Lycia. Naman, Anam. Kostarigan,CostaRica. ( Main, Main (river). Nasa'n, Nassau. Kvadan, Ecuador. Man, Maine. *Navep,Antwerp (Ant- Lageran, Algeria (pro- Ma'ran, Moravia. werpen). [li). vince.) Mazonaleflum, Ama- *Neapol, Naples (Nap- Lagir, Algiers (city). zon (river). Nedan, Holland, Neth Lantisean, Atlantic Medan, Media. Neil, Nile. [erlands. ocean. Mejikan, Mexico (coun- Nekar, Neckar (river). Lapa'n, Lapland. try). Nelij, England. Laps, Alps (mts.). Meklan, Mecklenburg. Nesta'n, Estland. Latain, Altai (mts ). Melop, America. Nidan, India. Ledamel, Red Sea. Mesopotan, Mesopo- Nikalaga'n, Nicaragua. Lefudan, The Orient. tamia. Noliidan, The North. Lefiimel, Baltic Sea. Moblan, Mont Blanc. Noliikep, Cape North. Leiden, Leyden. Moldavan, Moldavia. Noliimel, North Sea, Lenida'n, East India. Moluks, Molucca is- GermanOcean. [erica. Lesasan, Alsace. lands. Noliimelop.North Am- India. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Prussia. India, Xidan. Ireland, Rilan. Italy, Tal. Japan, Yapan. Java, Yat. Judea, Yuclan. Kamtchatka, Kamja- kan. [danlak. Lake Constance, Bo- Lapland, Lapan. Leyden, Leiden. Lombardy, Lombadan. Lorraine, Lotan. Maine, Man. Mauritania, Moran. Mecklenburg, Meklan. Mediterranean Sea, Zenomel. Media, Medan. [tan. Mesopotamia, Mesopo- Mexico (country), Me- jikan. Moldavia, Moldavan. Mont Blac, Moblan. Moravia, Maran. Neckar, Nekar. Netherlands, Nedan. New South Wales, Nusuelsan. [van. Newfoundland, Nutu- ; Nicaragua, Nikalagan. Nile, Neil. Normandy, Norman. North America, No- liimelop. Norway, No vegan. Nova Scotia, Nujotlan. NovaZembla, Novasan North Sea, NolUmel. Nubia, Nuban. Numidia, Numidan. Oceanica, Seanop. Orange, Oran. Otaheite, Taitan. Ottoman Empire, To- man . Paraguay, Paragan. Patagonia, Patagan. Pacific Ocean, Stilas- ean. Palatinate, Palzan. Palestine, Kanan. Palmyra, Palmiir. Pennsylvania, Pensul- Persia, Parsan. [van. Peru, Pertiitn. Phrygia, Frtigiin. Picardy, Pikardan. Piedmont, Piemotan. Poland, Polan . Pomerania, Pomeran. Portugal, Bodugan. Posen, Posan. Prague, Prag. Prussia (kingdom), Pleus. Norman. NEMS TALEDIK. Uelsan. Normk'n, Normandy. Ragona'n, Arragonia. Siop, Mt. Zion. [via. Novasan, NovaZembla Rakadan, Arcadia. Skandinan, Scandina- Novegan, Norway. Raman, Armenia. Slavonan, Sclavonia. Nuban, Nubia. Razan, Rhretic Alps. Sofalan, Sofala. Nugan, Hungary. Rilan, Ireland. Smasilop, Asia Minor. Nujotlan, Nova Scotia. Rin, Rhine (river). Spain, Spain. [Hope. *Nulorlean, New Or- Rinafal, Falls of the Spelakep,Cape of Good leans. Rhine. [Prussia. Spibela'n, Spitzbergen. Nutnidan, Numidia. Rinapleus, Rhenish Stilasean, Pacific Ocean Nurugan, Uruguay. *Rom, Rome (Roma). Stira'n, Styria. Nusuelsan, New South Romakinan, Roman Siidamel, Zuyder Zee. Wales. [land. Empire. Suliimel, South Sea. Nutuva'n, Newfound- Roman, Romagna. Suliimelop, South Am- *Nuyork, New York. Rotan, Rhone (river). erica, [of Sunda. *Nuzif, Neustadt. Ruman, Roumania. Sundamelasut, Straits Oran, Orange. Rumelan, Roumelia. Suran, Syria. Palrnlir, Palmyra. Rusan, Russia. Siitan, Scythia. Palzan, The Palatinate. Salonik, Thessalonica. Sved(an), Sweden. Paragan, Paraguay. Sangalan, St. (fallen Taitan, Otaheite. Pa'rsan, Persia. (canton in Switzer- Tal, Italy. Patagan, Patagonia. land). Talop, Australia. Pebaltats, Pebaltan, Sanluz, Santa Lucia. Tataran, Tartary. United States. Sanmoris, St. Maurice. Tats-pebalol, United Pelopan, Peloponessus. Sanmoriz, St. Moritz. States. Pensiilvan, Pennsyl- Sa'rban, Servia. Temis, Thames (river). Peruan, Peru, [vania. Sarda'n, Sardinia. Tenifan, Teneriffe. Piemotan, Piedmont. Savoyan, Savoy. Tesalan, Thessaly. Picardan, Picardy. Sax, Saxony(kingdom). Tiakan, Attica. Pleus, Prussia (king- Saxa'n, Saxony (pro- Tibetan, Thibet. dom), [vince. vince). Tiopa'n, Ethiopia. Pleusan, Prussia (pro- Seanop, Oceanica. Tirolan, (the) Tyrol. Polan, Poland. Sfalamel, Dead Sea. Toman, Ottoman Em- Pomera'n, Pomerania. Siaman, Siain. [vania. pire; Porte. Posa'n, Posen. Sibenbiigan, Transyl- Tra'ka'n, Thracia. Piirenans, Pyrenees. Sibiran, Siberia. Tripolan, Tripoli. Raban, Arabia. Sikilan, Sicily. Tiikan, Turkey. Ragentin, Argentine Silan, Iceland. Tiiran, Thuringia. Republic. Silop, Asia. Uelsan, Wales. Prussia. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Siberia. Prussia (province), Roman Empire, Ro- Saxony (prov.), Saxan. Pleusan. makinan. Scandinavia, Skandi- Pyrenees, Ptirenans. Roumania, Ruman. nan. [ Jle.-;in. Red Sea, Ledamel. Russia, Rusan. Schleswig (province), Rhine (river), Rin. San Domingo, San- Sclavonia, Slavonan. Rhone (river), Rotan. domingo. Scotland, Jotlan. (formerly Rodan). Sardinia, Sardan. Servia, Sarban. Riesengebirge (mts), Savoy, Savoyan. Siam, Siaman. Gianabelem. Saxony (kingdom), Sax Siberia, Sibiran. (39) Ukran. NEMS TALEDIK. Zulan. Ukran, Ukraine. Venesolan, Venezuela. Yapan, Japan. Umban, Umbria. Vesfalan, Westphalia. Yuda'n, Judea. Ural, Ural (nits.). Vesiidan.The Occident Yiilan, Jutland. Urian, Uri (canton in Vesuindan,West Indies Yulop, Europe. Switzerland). Vesuv, Vesuvius. Zenomel, Mediterran- Vala'n, Wallachia. Viginan, Virginia. ean Sea. Valisan, Vallais (can- *Vin, Vienna (Wien). Zenomelop, Central ton in Switzerland). Vosegs, Vosges. America. Vata'n, Vaud (canton in *Viin, Vienna (Wien). Zonisuls, Azore Islands Switzerland). Vurta'n, Wurtemberg. Zulan, Ceylon. Veixel, Vistula (river). Yaf, Java. Sicily. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Zuyder Zee. Sicily, Sikilan. Thames, Tenu's. Ural (mts), Ural. Silesia, Jlesan. Thessalonica, Salonik. Uruguay, Nurugan. Styria, Stiran. Thessaly, Tesalan. Venezuela, Venesolan. Suabia, Jvabnn. Thibet, Tibetan. Vesuvius, Vesuv. Sweden, Sved. Thracia, Trakan. Virginia, Viginan. Switzerland, Jveiz. Thuringia, Ttiran. Vistula (river), Veixel. Syria, Suran. Transylvania, Sibenbii- Vosges, Vosegs. South Sea, SulUmel. Tripoli, Tripolan. [gan. Wales, Uelsan. [dan. Spitzbergen, Spibelan. Turkey, Tukan. West Indies, Vestini- Spain, Span. Tyrol (the), Tirolan. Westphalia, Vesfalan. Tartary, Tataran. United States, Pebal- Wurtemberg, Vtirtan. Teneriffe, Tenifan. tats; Pebaltan ; Tats Yokohama, Yokoham. Terra del Fuego, Filan. PebalOl. Zuyder Zee, Sudamel. (390 LIST OF PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES. The force of a syllable when prefixed or suffixed will often be best understood by a reference to the meaning of a word which is given as an example. Words are occasionally met with in which the termination or the prefix is slightly different from that given in the Dictionary, in consequence of a few changes made by the inventor for the purpose of attaining uniformity. Thus, words designating a native of a country formerly ended in -el, and hence we still find deutel used for a German, melopel for an American, by certain writers. If not found exactly as spelled, the following directions are to be ob- served : Words not found under the prefix de- to be looked for under va- Words not found with the suffix -ad to be looked for under -el -am " " da-. va-. -ad. -an, -al, -iel. -ot. A. VOLAPUK PREFIXES. Da. A : sign of the present tense, omitted in active voice, indica- tive mood ; sign of present time : adelo. a : sign of the imperfect tense, and of past time, more particu- larly of the recent past: adelo. ai : sign of the present aorist, or frequentative, denoting con- tinuous, habitual or enduring action. Si ; sign of the imperfect aorist. Ba : contraction of "bal" one: badilo. [tn. bS : lower; nether; down: basei- bale : old; of old: baleglikik. be : intensive prefix, very much as it is often used in English; converts an intransitive verb into a transitive one : belifan. begi : beginning ; opening ; ini- tial: begitonab. bei : by; past: beimalekan. beno : well ; good ; agreeable : benosmel. bevo : (between; inter : bevo- bevii : f spad, beviinetik. bi : fore; for ; pre : bipiik. bise : in advance; ahead: bises- pidan. bive : forwards: bivedlanon. bizu : prior: bizugit. bla : vice : blabisiedal. bla' : black: blajeval. bu : pre ; before ; preceding: bugolef. bii : pre ; before ; prior: biikuliv. biinu : in ; within (locally) : bii- nulan. bu'o : former; prior: biiogoiai. Da : completion of an action; at- tainment of a puqn times a strengthening prHix, sometimes indeterminate. (39 2 ) da- VOLAPliK PREFIXES. Nu . da : completion of an action : da- blinbn. de : from; out of; away: dekefdn. (sometimes used for do') denu : re ; anew; again: denu- mbkam. des : here; this, etc.: desved. dese : out ; hence ; from here (des , and se ): desegivbn. di : destructive action ; change produced by the action : didi- lam. ~'_. -part; partial: dilapel. dis : disa : '. lower ; nether ; below ; disi : |. under. diso : do: dark (color): dogliinik. do : per : dbtum. du : through : dukbtbn. dii : hard : diigum. E : sign of the perfect tense, of completed past time. ei : sign of the perfect aorist. Fe : away; aside; off: fedugbn. fen : oft (denoting frequent re- petition) : fendunbn. fi : fixed; arrested : fistel. fla : free; prepaid : flabiliet. flu: flowing; liquid : nudulin. fo : before; previously ; anticipa- tion : fokbmbn. fo : (V. fe , supra}. fba : front; in front; fore: fbafut. Ge : back; back again: gegolbn. gi : aright : gikbmbn. gle : | great; head; arch; prin- gleo : j cipal, etc.: glekik. glu : lesser ; lower; worse : glu- mud. glu : also sometimes used as con- traction of glun, q. v. I : sign of the pluperfect tense, and of time completed before some past time : idelo. ii : sign of the pluperfect aorist. ita : ] iti : Vself: itastud; itostud. ito : ) Ji : general feminine prefix. jb : beautiful; fine, etc.: jbkblik. Ke (sometimes interchanged with ko ): con ; with; together with : kelabel. ki ? interrogative prefix : kikod ? kli : field ; war (milit.) : kli- majal. ko (sometimes interchanged with ke ): co ; con ; with; to- gether with : komatbn. kos : toward (to meet): kosgolbn. kii : cubic : kiimet. La : on; at; to; with : laklebbn. lafa : half ; step ; semi : lafa- mot. flaideb. lai : continual ; standing, etc. : le : general strengthening prefix; more; greater; larger; higher, etc.: lebijop. lei : equal; like; etc. leiklot. len : at; on; to: lenlogam. li ? j general simple interroga- lio ? j tive : limodik. lb-: ) Ibpa : V above ;upper;over: Ionian. Ibpi-: ) love : over; over to : lovejadbn. lu : depreciating diminutive; les- ser; worse; smaller; fewer, etc.: lii : to; toward; liilogbn[ludan lid. lu ik : ish : luyulibik. luk : hither: lukived. Mai : open : maikbtbn. mi : mis : migebbn. mo : away; out: mogolbn. mb : poly ; much; many : mb- pu'kik. mb ub : profusion: moflolsub. !^ a ' j much ; many ; mani- ~'\ fold; P 61y- (v. mb.) modo : ) mbdii : most . Nal : like; after, etc.: naldunbn. ne : general negative prefix :nebel. neba : branch ; side ; accessory : nebaklub. nei : net; neat; pure: neivat. ni : near : nistanbn. nil : near : nilkbmbn. nin : in; into : ningifbn. no : noble : nomeugik. Nu : (geographical prefix) new: Nujotlan. (393) VOLAPUK PREFIXES. nu : now; present, and also new : nutim and nuvin. nil : into; in : niiflumbn. O ! sign of the vocative, c : sign of the first future tense and of future time : oyelo. o: : sign of the future aorist. om : general masculine prefix : omdbk. om : emasculated : bmjeval. P : general sign of the passive. pa : sign of the present passive. pa : sign of the imperfect or past passive. pai : sign of the present aorist pal : double : palgil. [passive, pe : sign of the perfect passive, pei : sign of the perfect aorist pas- sive. pi : sign of the pluperfect passive, pii : sign of the pluperfect aorist plo : for : plokudon. [passive, plu : more (intensive) : plulieg. po :sign of the first future passive. poe--: pseud o : poenem. poi : sign of the first future aorist passive. pb bl : the gerundive. pos : past ; after; subsequent: pospenad. [passive. pu : sign of the second future pui : sign of the second future aorist passive. [salanimbn. Sa : dis ; out; from; away, etc.: se : from; out; away : seglof. : em : some; any : semiip. sene : outward; exterior : sene- seo : out : seoblibbn. [lien, si: | astronomical prefix; names sil : j of constellations : sifits. sma : diminutive; young; small; little; dwarf: smabel. smal : v. sma . [here and there. sne : undulatory ; serpentine ; so : such; so: sonemik. soa : isolated; solitary: soapiikot. sti : j honorary ; honorable : stima : j stipbsod. su : on; at; upon: sulogel. sii : forth; out : siidunbn. sui : up; at; out : suisnapbn. sun : early; soon : sunopom. sus : upward; hitherward. susi : up ; upward : susibunbn. suso : upwards; thence upwards: susoglofbn. susii : upward; thitherward. Ta : contra ; counter: tadunbn. tu : too; excessively; all too : tu- gonbn. U : sign of the second future, and of time subsequent to some fu- ture time : udelo. [aorist. ui : sign of the second future ill : primeval; primitive; antique; original; first : iilmag. Va : square : valeil (sometimes used for va) va- : every; all, etc. : va'topo. ve : along. vi : woe : viluvok. vie : white : viefit. vifa : swift; express ; last : vifa- vina -: wini- : vinaflad. [lezug. vio : how; however (relative}: viombdik. vo : other : voflano. ' former; old : vblafab. about; changed: votapa- kbn. vbno vota : voti : voto -: vii : between; inter : viispad. Xo : out; ended ; used up : xo- Yii : blue : yupigit. fdeilbn. Zi : circum ; about : ziflekbn. zii : all about; around: ziibudam. (394) VOLAPUK SUFFIXES. a : sign of the genitive singular. a: as an adverbial termination, indicates direction from. ab : names of kinds of money : doab, sentab. ab : some concrete neuter nouns. ab : personal noun : fibab, jelab. ad : indeterminate concrete noun: menad. ad ( ad and ad are frequently interchanged) : concrete neuter noun. af : zoological termination : flitaf. -af: botanical termination; names of flowers : nefdgetaf. ag : indeterminate noun: dibag. al : personage; official; superior; distinguished. al: denotes peculiar mental char- acteristic, and rarely a person distinguished by such charac- teristics, [action. am : denotes participial noun, an am : denotes an office, a position, and sometimes a second parti- cipial noun : julam. an (el was formerly used for an in many cases) : person ; one who is ; native or inhabi- tant : baledan. an : geographical termination ; names of subordinate countries, provinces, states, etc. [finap. - ap : anatomical termination : as : sign of the genitive plural. at : generally indeterminate con- crete noun. [nalat. St: ate; cy; ity: dii- av: names of sciences : lanav. av : names of arts. del: names of days of the week. dil: part; th : foldil. e : sign of the dative singular. eb: indeterminate: dadukeb. ed : indeterminate : mated. ef: collective noun ; personal: palef. eg : indeterminate : slopeg. ek : indeterminate : matek. el (formerly used in place of - an) : personal; one who does or makes something. em : collective noun ; neuter ; a collection of . [ior. en : business ; occupation ; behav- ep : botanical termination; names of plants : kaulep. es : sign of the dative plural. et : names of things, especially of foods ; sometimes indetermin- ate. ev: termination for technical poetical terms : jbnev. i: sign of the accusative singular. ip : denotes a concrete neuter noun : ridib. id : sign of the numeral adjective (ordinal) th : folid. ido : sign of the numeral adverb thly. iel: apparatus ; machine ; con- trivance ; thing which does something. ik: bik: gik s ig ns f ti 16 adjective. nik sik ikos : something ; that which is ; the . gudikos. il : denotes the diminutive: fokil. im : generally ; ism, as kato- lim; but sometimes indeterm- inate, as logim. in : generally used for the chem- ical elements, and other ele- mentary substances ; but also sometimes used indetermin- ately, as : spatin. ion : illion : kilion. ip : denotes names of diseases and diseased state : hitip. is: sign of the accusative plural. it : generally denotes names of birds, as kanerit ; but some- times used indeterminately : kapit. fmiv. iv : denotes the essentials of: bu- 1 : termination of the simple num- erals : kil. [dunlbf. Ibf : denotes an abstract quality : na: numeral adverb; times : tumna. VOLAPUK SUFFIXES. ved. o : sign of the derivative adverb. b: sign of the derivative inter- jection, [gular, I. ob : sign of the first person sin- bb: indeterminate : Ibmbb, ju- ludob. [plural, we. obs : sign of the first person od : indeterminate : dukod. od : sign of the imperative. of: sign of the third person sin- gular feminine, she. of : denotes an abstract quality or condition; ness ; ity : nibbf. [plural feminine, they. ofs : sign of the third person og: indeterminate: tubog. bg : bone. [bimoin. oin : mineralogical termination : ok : sign of reflexive verbs. - ok : denotes a need of, a neces- sity for. [gular, thou, you. ol: sign of the second person sin- bl : sign of the participle. ols : sign of the second person plural, you. om: sign of the third person non- feminine, he, it (masculine). bm: collective noun; furniture; utensils, etc. : dombm. ---oms: sign of the third person plural, they. [one. on : sign of the indefinite subject, on : sign of the infinitive. * ons : sign of the second person ; " form of courtesy." op : termination of names of con- tinents : Melop. [biikbp. op : denotes name of a locality : os : sign of the impersonal verb (see also ikos). bs : sign of the optative, [bumot. ot: concrete thing made or done: ov : sign of the conditional. -ox : sign of a form of potential with " might." bz: sign of the jussive, an un- conditional imperative. s : sign of the plural. siik : denotes a passion for ; mania : dlinisiik. [noun. t : sign of the demonstrative pro- tat: denotes a condition or qual- ity; ity. tet : denotes an abstract quality: libaviltet. tim : names of seasons, and some other nouns of time. u: sometimes used with a simple root for the formation of a second derivative preposition. ii : sign of the derivative preposi- -ub: indeterminate: pblub.ftion. lib : indeterminate : faniib. iid : termination of the names of the cardinal points of the com- pass ; also used indeterminate- ly : noeliid. iidel : days of the week. uf : used to denote a disposition, an abstract condition. iff: denotes a musical term: foliif. ug : denotes a characteristic property : fibug, binug. tig: ship; hood : flenlig, ci- liig; and also used indetermin- ately : lotiig. uk : termination of names of fruits: lamatuk. [ative : cbdiik. iik : generally to denote a prerog- iikbn : forms verbs from adjec- tives; to make . ul : termination of names of months; also used indetermin- ately : foetul. um : sign of the comparative. iim : denotes a musical composi- tion : malekiim. [adverbs. umo : sign of the comparative of un : product, of manufacture, etc. : spulun. tin : sign of the superlative. lino : sign of the superlative of adverbs. up : termination for names of plants which are not utilized ; ep for those made use of : peup, kaulep. up : termination for names of periods of time : tidiip. ut : termination for names of ma- chines : stemut. lit : termination for names of fishes, particularly for those preserved for eating : stokiit. - ved : direction toward; wards: lomived. (396) NUMERICAL DERIVATIVES. This list of the suffixes, by which are formed the derivatives of the numerals, is inserted here in order that they may be the more easily memorized and because their insertion and explanation in the body of the vocabulary would have occupied too much space. A single derivative and its signification only are given. They are arranged alphabetically, as suffixes, for convenience of consultation. ab : telab; a twin. am : folam; quadruplic*tin. an : lulsan; man fifty years old. at: kilat; this three, these three. atiko : balsetelatiko ; by dozens, by twelves. [Trinity. balod: Kilbalod; Trinity, Holy bled : kilabled ; trefoil, leaf of three parts. delik: joldelik; of eight days. dil : veldil ; one seventh, a sev- enth part. [partite. dilnik : teldilnik ; binomial, bi- dilnb'f: kildilnof; trinomiality. el : balsel; a ten. ev : folev; a quaternary rhyme. gul : velagul; heptagon, of seven angles. id: kilid; third (ordinal). ida'b : balidab; a firstling, [voice. idavbg : telidavog ; alto, alto idavb'gel : kilidavogel ; tenor singer. [bass. idavb'gon : folidavogon ; to sing idna : balsidna; the tenth time. idno: telsidno; for the twentieth time. [place, thirtiethly. ido : kilsido ; in the thirtieth idiin : balidtin ; first of all, the iel: balsiel, a ten. [very first. if: balif, unanimity. [simple. ik : kilik ; three-fold ; (balik, iko : balsiko ; in a ten-fold man- ner; (baliko, simply). An "e" is often intercalated, for the sake of euphony, between the numeral stem and the suffixes which commence with consonants, as in " balsenaliko." Those words in which an "a" is found between the stem and suffix are compound words rather than derivatives. ikug: balikug; simplicity. mul : kilamul ; quarter, period of three months. na: folna; four times. [time. nalido: telnalido; for the second nalik : kilnalik ; repeated three times. naliko : balsenaliko; ten times. nik : folnik; of four different sorts or kinds. niko : kilniko; in three different no: telno; twice. [ways. on: lulon ; to quintuplicate, to multiply by five. OS : telos; the two (things). s : vels; seventy. span : folaspan ; four-in-hand; team of four animals. ud: kilud; third class. [class. udel : baludel; pupil of the first udel: veltidel; Saturday, seventh day. [the very first of all. iido : balddo; before everything, Uf : lulttf; a musical fifth. ug: kilug; triad. ugik: balugik; united, in unity. ugo : telugo; dually. ul : balsul; October, tenth month. urn : velttm ; septette, chorus of seven voices. [composition. u'mu'f: kiltimttf ; trio, a musical yelik : telsyelik; twenty years old. (397) VOLAPUK PARTICLES. (RADICAL.) CONJUNCTIONS. at>. das. jus ni. sod. lid adas. dat. ka. nog. soif. udu. alif. deno. kas. plas. sosus. va. as. do. klu. pla'sif. tos. ven. as. du. ludas. plos. u. ye. bi. ibo. na. segun. u. yed. biye(d). ifi. nag. sis. ud. Of these "deno" is also used as an adverb; "kas" is used as a prepositional conjunction; and " segun " is also used as a preposition. PREPOSITIONS. a des. ke. neb. pie. sus. al. dis. klu. nen. plo. ta. al. do. ko. neo. plb. to. bevii. du. kol. nes. po. lino. bif. dub. kom. nestii. pos. linii. bu. edii. la. bned. sa. ve. bu. fa. len. ove. se. za. biif. fie. lo. ovi. segun. zi. da. in. Ib. ovii. seli. zii. de. ini. ma. pla. sis. dem. jii. me. pla. su. ADVERBS, including some which lack the characteristic termination. abu. denu. jiik. lik. nunog. te. ai. desnu. jiinu. lisun. ofen. ti. aikelbp. desved. kelbp. livem. bni. to. aikeliip. disived. kikod. lu. ove. tog. aikitim. don. kibp. luk. pa. tu. aikii. du. kiplad. lukim. pe. lib. aiplu. du atos. kiiip. : lukinove. pi. um. alina. em. kb. lukise. plas. un. alos. en. kob. lukisus. plos Una. also. es. kos. mo. plbs. us. ba. *falo. kii. model. plu. vo. bei. fe. la kel. nena. plli. voi. bise. fo. lai. ninved. pb. ya. bived. fd. las. nis. sikod. ze. bo. fiia. le. no. sis ada't. zis. buf. ge. lefda. no. so. zo. bu'fu. go'- leno. nog. sii. zu. da's. i. lesi. notif. sun. zu at. demiis. id. lesun. nu. tan. zu is. deno. is. levem. nil. tatos. zlis. (398) University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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