UC-NRLF 3M 437 ' A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI BASED ON THE OBSERVATIONS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY CIRCULAR NO. 23. BULLETIN NO. I. OP THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, UKBANA, ILLINOIS. BY G. W. I MYERS, DIRECTOR. CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, at tljc JSmbrvsitB 1898. ASTRONOMY LIBRARY A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE OP THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. PROFESSOR PICKERING has shown in Harvard College Observatory Circular No. 23, that U Pegasi no longer deserves the distinction of being considered the variable of shortest known period. Contrary to the usual form of contestant, in the present instance, the disputant for pre-eminence in this particular is not a newly discovered variable of shorter period than any hitherto known, but is the variable a> Centauri 19, discovered by Baily some time since and found to have the period 7 A ll m . Manifestly, therefore, U Pegasi, whose period has until recently been regarded as lying between 3\0 and 5 h .6, has been turned down the list, not because of the exces- sive shortness of the period of some other star. The reason for the change lies in the fact that the inequality of brightness of the alternate minima of U Pegasi escaped detection, until Professor Pickering's discussion revealed it last winter. His observations, published in the form of a light curve and reproduced in substance in Plate I. accompanying this paper, showed the most probable period based upon all preceding observations to be about 4 A .5 ; but that, in view of the failure of former observers to recognize the difference of brightness of the minima, this period should be doubled. Applying a slight correction to the double value, shown to be justified by more recent observations, he states, as the best value for the period-length of this star 8* 59 m 41*. The mean value of the brightness at the two approximately equal maxima is 9.30 ; at the secondary minimum, the brightness is 9 m .75, and at the primary it is 9 m .90. The plate referred to gives the observations on such a scale that one division in the ordinates corresponds to 0.1 magnitude and, in the abscissas, to half an hour. The above mentioned circular states that the total number of settings here represented is 2784 and that the time of observation, including rests, is 30 hours. Each dot in the plate represents 80 settings, the dots being formed by the method of overlapping means. The least difference of stellar brightness of whose existence the eye can be certain, being about 0.1 of a magnitude, and the difference of brightness between the primary and secondary minima, as stated in the Circular, lying so near this limit, i. e. = 0.15 of a magnitude, there would seem to be just cause for suspicion that this apparent difference has arisen from the rather large accidental errors always attaching to photometric observations. In view of the almost uniformly high degree of excellence attained in the past by Professor Pickering's forms of photometer, it cannot be denied that the results of photometric measures are on the whole to be ascribed a far higher measure of accuracy than belongs to photometric estimates. A recent personal study of /3 Lyrae's light variation made with one of Professor Pickering's polarization photometers removes from the writer's mind the last vestige of doubt as to the certainty of the existence of this difference of brightness at the minima. But whatever doubt may have existed for a time as to its reality, it would seem that the following statements of Professor Pickering in the Ap. J. for March of this year, ought to dispel it quite effectually. "Twelve observations, each consisting of sixteen settings, were made when the star was within twenty minutes of its primary minimum. ffi'753275 A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CUUVE Deriving from each of these, by means of the light curve, the magnitude of this minimum, we obtain on Oct. 18, 1897, 9.89, 9.94, and 9.96; on Dec. 30, 9.90, 9.95, and 9.93; on Jan. 1, 1898, 9.93, 9.86, and 9.85 ; on Jan. 5, 9.85, and on Jan. 7, 9.86 and 9.88. Mean of all = 9.90 ; greatest value = 9.96 ; least value = 9.85 and average deviation = 0.035. Similarly, fourteen observations were taken within twenty minutes of the secondary minimum with the results on Oct. 18, 1897, 9.75 and 9.71 ; on Oct. 29, 9.74, 9.69, 9.70 and 9.70 ; on Dec. 28, 9.78, 9.77, 9.76 and 9.80; on Jan. 3, 1898, 9.77, 9.77, 9.74 and 9.78. Mean of all = 9.75 ; greatest value = 9.80 ; least value = 9.69, and average deviation =. 0.029." The probable errors would, of course, be smaller than the " average deviations." Obviously, average deviations, probable errors, and the like, mean nothing at all here, or they mean that an error in the great- est value of the primary minimum large enough to make it equal to even the least value at the secondary cannot be entertained as a probability, since it would mean the commission of a systematic error nearly twice as great as the average deviation and more than twice as great as the probable error. The chances against this would be a little worse than 1 to 5.2. The inter- nal evidence of the observations is, it would seem, quite conclusive in favor of the reality of the discrepancy. The statements just quoted show, moreover, that especial attention was directed to the point in question, and it seems therefore scarcely reasonable to suspect that, under such circumstances, an error of 0.15 of a magnitude could elude certain detection and confirmation. Assuming the reality of this difference, the light curve appears to be susceptible of treatment by essentially the same method as that adapted and used by the writer in his recent discussion of Beta Lyrae's light curve entitled : UNTERSUCHUNGEN DEBEB DEN LICHTWECHSEL DBS STERNES /3 LYRAE, Muenchen, 1896. It is the purpose of this Bulletin to present the results and an out- line of the method used in a recent study of U Pegasi, based essentially upon the observations of Pickering's Circular No. 23, and by the method 'more fully developed in the foregoing disser- tation. The fundamental hypothesis underlying the whole discussion is that the light curve of U Pegasi is capable of being explained on the satellite theory. ECCENTRICITY. The uncertainty in the instants of maximum brightness as indicated by the light curve of Plate I., obviously precludes the possibility of deriving an approximate value of the orbital eccentricity of the component from the chief epochs of light variation, as was done with /3 Lyrae. One may readily convince himself by considerations adduced below, however, that this eccentricity must be quite small. Assuming the light fluctuations to be due to the mutual eclipses of two unequally bright bodies, we should have the chief epochs occurring when the relative posi- tions of the components are as indicated in the subjoined figure. That the bodies are unequally bright, follows at once from the consideration that at Min. I. the brightness of the star is reduced by 41 per cent of its maximum brightness, and at Min. II. by only 31 per cent ; unless the orbital eccen- tricity is assumed quite large. It will now be shown that the latter cannot be the case. Assuming also provisionally, that both bodies are spheres, a lower limit for the eclipse- tVIHIMUM Jl. OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. 3 duration at Min. I. can bo easily obtained from the observational curve given in Fig. 1. A little reflection will make it clear tbat the shorter the eclipse-duration be taken, the larger will be the corresponding distance between centres of the components. If, then, we assume that the eclipse has not begun until the light curve has fallen quite appreciably and that it has ended shortly before the curve ceases to rise, we shall obtain a value for the duration of the eclipse, at all events short enough, perhaps too short, and the corresponding value of the distance of cen- tres must be at all events great enough perhaps too great. Proceeding thus, I obtain 3*.3 for the interval shorter than which the eclipse-duration at Min. I. cannot be. The corresponding value of the distance between centres may then be regarded as fixing a superior limit for this orbital element. Calling the radius of the larger component unity and of the smaller , the radius vector of the true orbit, r, one-half the distance between the nearest points of the positions of the com- panions at the beginning and end of the eclipse, x, and for this roughly approximate purpose, assuming e to be zero, we have from the figure : CPC' > 3.3 fji = 132 (p = Zir/P = 360/9 = 40) Hence, CP D > 66 and r < (x + K ) esc 66 < 1.0946 (x + K ) But since x ^ 1 and K < 1, we shall have r ^ 2.189 times the radius of the larger com- panion. So small a distance of centres relative to the dimensions of the primary, coupled with a large orbital eccentricity, would be highly improbable theoretically in any case, and assuming distinct duplicity, would be a physical impossibility on any other hypothesis than that the extent of the secondary is quite inconsiderable compared with that of the primary. The approximately equal fall of brightness at the minima, together with the similarity of form of the light curve in the neighborhood of these two chief epochs, argues strongly for the view that the form and dimensions of the companions cannot be widely different, and this latter view is still further supported by the fact that the relative brightness of the components is found later, independently of any hypothesis regarding the ratio of the radii, to be about 0.8. It may therefore be assumed as a first approximation that e = 0, and we shall now proceed to determine the value of the ratio of the brightness of the companions and to fix the limits within which the ratio of the radii must be comprised. We shall then undertake to find the most probable value of this latter ratio by direct reference to the light curve of the star- CIRCULAR ORBITAL ELEMENTS AND LIGHT RATIO OF THE COMPONENTS OF U PEGASI. The chief epochs of the light curve shall be designated in order from left to right in Figure 1 as Min. I., Max. I., Min. II. and Max. II. From the curve Max. I. is seen to have a brightness of 9.32 magnitude and Max. II. of 9.34 magnitude, so that the mean value 9 m .33 has been used throughout the discussion for the brightness at both the maxima. For the brightness at Min. I., the value 9.90 magnitude has been used and for Min. II., 9.75 magnitude. Reducing these differences in stellar magnitudes at the chief epochs of variability to their equivalent light ratios, by the aid of Pogson's scale, we obtain: Brightness at Min. II. Brightness at Min. I. Brightness at Mean Max. Brightness at Min. 1. A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE Ectaining the nomenclature of the foregoing paragraph, calling the light ratio of the com- ponents X and the portion of the discs common to both bodies at the middle of the eclipses a, the preceding equations give the following : 1 + 2 X - a K 2 X (1) - = c K (2) - = m. 2 If it be thought desirable to include the possibility of a flattening of the discs, we may assume, as a means of making a first approximation to the general effect of such deformation, that the bodies are similar ellipsoids of revolution and designate by q, the common ratio of the semi-major to the semi-minor axis, whereupon equation (2) must be replaced by i j. if \ /n \ ' K ** (2a) q = m (Conf. Ap. J. Vol. VII., p. 13, where a 2 should be stricken from the numerator of (e).) From (1) and (2 a) we find readily aK 2 X and a K!! whence, dividing, we get (5) X = (m-cq)/(m-q). Neglecting the flattening provisionally, i.e., putting q 1, (5) gives, when the foregoing values of c and m are substituted, X = 0.7865. From (3) and (1), we obtain m m co . a- K* m q m q and (4) gives a m q = m K 2 X Since now, a K 2 and 1 + K 2 X are essentially positive, being quantities of light, this latter relation shows that m must be greater than q. Consequently, G) m da m q is also a positive magnitude. (l//c 2 ) and a therefore, increase and decrease together, so that the maximum value of a corresponds to the maximum value of (l/ 2 ). If now, K 2 ^ 1, then a < 1 (from geometrical considerations), and it follows from (6) that, , or K* > K" m q c q But if, K" > 1, we may put a < (also for geometrical reasons), OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. We have from (6), and hence, m m q m cq m cq Summing up both contingencies into a single condition, there results : (?) From this, we have also, and finally, cq m cq cq m cq m -*-- \d Substituting now the former values of m and c, we obtain q > 0.787. It does not therefore appear to be necessary to assume the existence of a flattening for U Pegasi, such as was shown to be necessary in my Dissertation on Beta Lyrae, p. 30, for the latter star. Taking again the value of q as unity, and substituting in (7) we find : 0.6014 < K S < 1.845, or 0.7755 < K < 1.358. The following test values distributed linearly over this interval were, therefore, selected for criteria to an approximation to : 0.80, 0.85, 1.00, 1.15 and 1.35, and for each of these values a light curve was computed by the method and with the results given below. Using the portion of the light curve lying within 1.5 hours before and after Min. I., and the notation (v, Fig. 3) and equations developed in my dissertation and published in the Ap. J. for Jan., 1898, 1 have to compute the values of M and H from the data furnished by the Hght curve and then for K. < 1, to solve the transcendental equations : and for > 1, M = + K 2 <{>" - K sin (<" + H = K? ' + K sin (<#>' M = + K H = ! - - K sn ( " + K SlU for < and <" and when K = 1, (9 a) M 2 < K sin 2 < = 2 < sin 2 < (H being here zero). These solutions may be made most conveniently by means of tables giving the values of M and H for suitably chosen values of < and ', from which approximate values of < and <' may be interpolated, which may then be corrected by the following differential formulae : (10) S 1, we shall have to use instead of the latter, 8/7 (11) 2 K tg ' sin ($ <') If it be desired to assume a value of q a little greater than unity, it will then be necessary to compute X from equation (5) above. Differentiating (5) with respect to q, I obtain d A. _ in (1 + c) ~ = ~, 77' (I q (m qY an essentially negative magnitude. X and q therefore change against each other, so that an increase in q will necessitate a decrease in X. Again designating the maximum value of K 2 by K 2 and the minimum by k 2 we have m q cq and K i = m c q Differentiating these with respect to q, we find, Ct rC VYIi dq c q 2 and d q = + m (m The former of these differential coefficients is essentially negative, and the latter is essen- tially positive. An augmentation of q will therefore depress the minor and elevate the major limit of K 2 ; and to be able to include a value of q somewhat larger than unity, values of M and If were also computed for K = 0.70. The table of computed M's and H's is given here. AUXILIARY TABLES FOR INTERPOLATING APPROXIMATE VALUES OF AND ". <(> for K <1 or "for/c>l K = 0.70 K = 0.80 K = 0.85 K= 1.15 K = 1.35 M H M n M n M H M n o / 00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 00 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 00 0.0005 0.0001 0.0006 0.0001 0.0005 0.0003 0.0007 0.0001 0.0009 0.0001 6 00 0.0018 0.0007 0.0017 0.0005 0.0017 0.0003 0.0022 0.0003 0.0031 0.0010 8 00 0.0043 0.0009 0.0040 0.0006 0.0038 0.0005 0.0051 0.0007 0.0077 0.0014 10 00 0.0086 0.0013 0.0080 0.0009 0.0077 0.0008 0.0100 0.0008 0.0152 0.0021 12 00 0.0148 0.0029 0.0137 0.0017 0.0133 0.0014 0.0171 0.0013 0.0261 0.0041 14 00 0.0319 0.0044 0.0216 0.0025 0.0210 0.0018 . 0.0274 0.0019 0.0414 O.OOG8 16 00 0.0353 0.0065 0.0325 0.0037 0.0314 0.0026 0.0405 0.0026 0.0618 0.0090 18 00 0.0503 0.0093 0.0461 0.0054 0.0444 0.0038 0.0577 0.0038 0.0880 0.0148 20 00 0.0690 0.0136 0.0631 0.0076 0.0610 0.0056 0.0792 0.0062 0.1207 0.0201 22 00 0.0933 0.0202 0.0838 0.0104 0.0805 0.0072 0.1050 0.0082 0.1607 0.0274 24 00 0.1195 0.0247 0.1087 0.0142 0.1043 0.0096 0.1306 0.0107 0.2086 0.0300 26 00 0.1522 0.0328 0.1378 0.0184 0.1320 0.0126 0.1735 0.0129 0.2648 0.0473 28 00 0.1908 0.0422 0.1715 0.0231 0.1644 0.0161 0.2137 0.0175 0.3112 0.0613 30 00 0.2344 0.0542 0.2104 0.0293 0.2014 0.0280 0.2020 0.0228 0.4079 0.0779 32 00 0.2876 0.0693 0.2549 0.0367 0.2433 0.0251 0.3163 0.0281 0.4959 0.0983 34 00 0.3307 0.0710 0.3053 0.0458 0.2906 0.0309 0.4022 0.0343 0.5969 0.1240 36 00 0.4176 0.1120 0.3621 0.0555 0.3436 0.0381 0.4457 0.0425 0.7116 0.1548 38 00 0.4998 0.1438 0.4055 0.0696 0.4024 0.0465 0.5222 0.0518 0.8447 0.1972 40 00 0.5977 0.1863 0.4968 0.0853 0.4679 0.0569 0.6059 0.0022 0.9942 0.2446 OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. <(> for K <1 or 1 K 0.70 K = 0.80 K = 0.85 K = l.K K 1.36 M H M H M H M H M B o / 42 00 0.7218 0.2503 0.5772 0.1047 0.5397 0.0681 0.6984 0.0752 1.1765 0.3103 43 00 0.8028 0.2994 1.2694 0.3591 43 30 0.8460 0.3328 44 00 0.9281 0.3818 0.6658 0.1296 0.6162 0.0858 0.7996 0.0908 1.3790 0.4010 44 20 0.9797 0.4388 44 26 1.0297 0.4783 45 00 1.5036 0.4638 46 00 0.7666 0.1600 0.7066 0.1002 0.9103 0.1087 1.6499 0.5445 47 00 0.8229 0.1731 1.8417 0.6700 47 30 1.9983 0.7763 47 48 2.1843 0.9573 48 00 0.8810 0.1999 0.8028 0.1217 1.0308 0.1303 49 00 0.9488 0.2288 50 00 1.0215 0.2009 0.9094 0.1490 1.1641 0.1578 _ 51 00 __ 1.1055 0.3032 51 30 1.1534 0.3301 . 52 00 _ 1.2082 0.3632 1.0290 0.1842 1.3129 0.1929 52 30 1.2726 0.4083 53 00 1.3736 0.4847 53 8.7 1.4531 0.5575 54 00 1.1675 0.2480 1.4749 0.2376 56 00 1.3320 0.3044 1.6574 0.2991 57 00 1.4389 0.3728 57 30 1.5066 0.4060 58 00 1.5992 0.4734 1.8764 0.3874 58 12.7 1.7040 0.5666 58 30 1.9414 0.4192 _ 59 00 2.0187 0.4567 59 30 2.0970 0.5050 __ CO 00 2.2032 0.5786 60 25 ~~ 2.3976 0.7439 The table gives the values of M and ff, of course, only up to sin *, or to ' = sin -> according as ^ 1. The expression for AT when K = 1 is so simple as to render the use of an auxiliary table un- necessary, and this case has therefore not been included in the foregoing lists. M and H are connected with the observations by means of the relations : (12) M = TT (1 + K 2 X) (1 - /) and H = IT K a - * (1 + * 2 A.) (1 - J), where J is obtained from the light curve by subtracting the ordinate of the curve for any given instant from the mean ordinate for the maxima, calling this difference A(r and substituting in the equation : log J = 0.04 A G (\G being in tenths of a magnitude). The values of M and H, on the various hypotheses for K and for the times preceding and following Min. I. given in the first column, are tabulated here. A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE VALUES OF M AND H COMPUTED FROM THE LIGHT CURVE FOR THE EPOCHS t. t K = 0.80 K = 0.85 K = 1.00 K=115 K = 1.35 Jt H M H M H M H M H h. -1.50 0.1624 1.8482 0.1694 2.1004 0.1930 2.9486 0.2203 3.9345 0.2628 5.4628 -1.25 0.3910 1.6196 0.4077 1.8621 0.4625 2.6771 0.5303 3.6245 0.6325 5.0931 -1.00 0.6903 1.3203 0.7200 1.5498 0.8201 2.3215 0.9364 3.2184 1.1168 4.G088 -0.75 1.0671 0.9435 1.1129 0.1569 1.2677 1.8739 1.4476 2.7072 1.7264 3.9992 -0.50 1.4496 0.5610 1.5118 0.7580 1.7221 1.4195 1.9664 2.1884 2.3452 3.3804 -0.25 1.8458 0.1648 1.9250 0.3448 2.1927 0.9489 2.5038 2.6510 2.9861 2.7395 -0.12| 1.9067 0.1039 1.9885 0.2813 2.2650 0.8766 2.5864 1.5684 3.0847 2.6409 0.00 1.9326 0.0780 2.0156 0.2542 2.2959 0.8457 2.6216 1.5332 3.1267 2.5989 + 0.12 1.8986 0.1120 1.9801 0.2897 2.2555 0.8861 2.5755 1.5793 3.0727 2.6529 + 0.25 1.7192 0.2914 1.7930 0.4768 2.0423 1.0993 2.3321 1.8227 2.7814 2.9442 + 0.50 1.2380 0.7726 1.2912 0.9786 1.4708 1.6708 1.6794 2.4754 2.0030 3.7226 + 0.75 0.8358 1.1758 0.8716 1.3982 0.9928 2.1488 1.1337 3.0211 1.3521 4.3735 + 1.00 0.5383 1.4623 0.5614 1.7084 0.6395 2.5021 0.7302 3.4246 0.8708 4.8548 + 1.25 0.2748 1.7258 0.2866 1.9832 0.3265 2.8151 0.3728 3.7820 0.4446 5.2810 + 1.50 -0.0642 1.9464 0.0670 2.2028 0.0763 3.0653 0.0871 4.0677 0.1039 5.6217 (13) The distance of centres, r, is seen from the accompanying figure to be given by * 8ln *" p = sin where sin = K sin #> and = 180. The figure relates only to the case in which K <1 and " <90, but the modifications necessary to adapt it to the cases where K >1 and " <90, are so obvious, that they may be left to the reader. Assuming now a circular orbit, and denoting by a and ft + -, the longitude in the 2t apparent orbit and the true anomaly in the real orbit respectively, both counted from the node, and calling r and p the radii vectorcs in the true and apparent orbits, we may write, p cos a = r sin ft and tg a = cos i cot /?, p a = r 2 sin 2 J3 + r 2 cos 2 i cos 2 /?. whence, (14) Calling, for brevity, (14 a) x = r 2 and y = r 2 cos 2 i = x cos 2 i, and we then have the following simple relation between the various magnitudes ; (15) p 2 = x sin* ft + y cos 2 ft. (ft = p. t 40 t, t in hours from Min. I.), which holds for all cases except when the smaller disc is projected wholly upon the larger at the epoch of Min. I. The solution of equations (8), (9) and (9a) for the five hypothetical values of K gave the results here tabulated. OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. 9 TABULATED VALUES OF AND p. t K =: D.80 K D.85 K LOO K = 1.15 K =z 1.36 <*> P * P * P W P $H P o / / / / / -1.50 27 30.3 1.5403 28 18.5 1.5440 30 40.0 1.7202 28 17.0 1.8510 25 56.0 2.0210 -1.25 36 56.0 1.3276 38 10.4 1.3697 41 46.5 1.4916 38 12.5 1.6066 34 39.0 1.7515 -1.00 44 30.5 1.0987 46 17.5 1.1381 51 25.5 1.2472 46 26.6 1.3449 41 15.0 1.4710 -0.75 50 33.0 0.8440 53 16.0 0.8813 60 45.0 0.9774 53 43.0 1.0557 46 26.2 1.1379 -0.50 53 8.0 0.6012 57 32.1 0.6397 68 43.0 0.7260 58 40.3 0.7848 36 18.0 0.5558 -0.25 46 12.6 0.3482 56 44.0 0.3951 76 8.5 0.4790 45 51.0 0.2360 47 35.0 0.8292 -0.12 41 52.0 0.3038 55 28.6 6.3577 77 14.0 0.4420 51 47.3 0.2833 47 46.2 0.8805 0.00 39 8.0 0.2841 54 44.0 0.3411 77 42.0 0.4260 53 29.0 0.3024 47 47.2 0.8897 + 0.12 42 40.0 0.3101 55 40.0 0.3626 77 5.5 0.4474 51 10.3 0.2771 47 45.4 0.8726 + 0.25 50 45.2 0.4321 58 1.4 0.4745 73 50.0 0.5568 60 21.8 0.6006 46 28.8 0.7254 + 0.50 52 13.0 0.7342 55 33.3 0.7718 64 26.3 0.8630 56 14.0 0.9326 47 33.3 0.9982 + 0.75 47 13.6 0.9969 49 19.0 1.0356 55 16.1 1.1394 49 33.3 1.2298 43 45.5 1.3331 + 1.00 41 4.3 1.1781 42 34.0 1.2512 46 54.4 1.3664 42 39.0 1.4729 38 23.0 1.6037 + 1.25 32 49.0 1.4288 30 50.2 1.4729 36 51.0 1.6004 33 50.0 1.7226 30 52.0 1.8803 + 1.50 20 40.0 1.7093 22 18.1 1.8518 20 40.0 1.9909 19 1.0 2.2309 A comparison of the values of p on the last two hypotheses for K, shows at once that these values of K need not be further considered, since the values of p in both cases fall for a time, reach a minimum before Min. I., rise to a maximum value about the time t = 0, fall to a second minimum value, and then rise continuously ; and since p denotes the radius vector of the apparent orbit, which latter must be an ellipse, obviously such a variation of it must be impossible. The value of K, i.e., the radius of the darker body cannot, therefore, have either of these latter values. Substituting the values of p for the first three assumptions for K in equation (15) above, we shall have the following 15 observation equations : OBSERVATION EQUATIONS. (e = 0.80 K = 085 K=1.00 r yx for K = 0.80, K = 0.85, K 1.00 ( 1) 0.7500 a; + 0.2500 y =2.3725 ; =2.3839; =2.9588 1.4915 1.7764 2.0207 ( 2) 0.5868 +0.4132 =1.7625 ; =1.8761 ; =2.2249 1.7561 1.8052 1.9543 ( 3) 0.4132 -t 0.5868 =1.2071 ; =1.2953; =1.5555 1.7281 1.7776 1.9270 ( 4) 0.2500 +0.7500 =0.7123 ; =0.7767 ; =0.9553 1.6411 1.6878 1.8358 ( 5) 0.1170 +0.8830 =0.3614; =0.4092 ; =0.5271 1.6746 1.7274 1.8767 ( 6) 0.0302 +0.9698 =0.1213; =0.1561; =0.2294 1.1693 1.1693 1.2300 ( 7) 0.0076 +0.9924 =0.0923 ; =0.1279; =0.1954 1.2670 1.2825 1.4142 ( 8) 0.0000 +1.0000 =0.0807 ; =0.1163; =0.1815 1.4545 1.4554 1.6264 ( 9) 0.0076 +0.9924 =0.0962 ; =0.1315; =0.2002 2.0176 2.0610 2.2410 (10) 0.0302 +0.9698 =0.1867; =0.2252 ; =0.3100 2.0303 1.0893 2.2417 (11) 0.1170 +0.8830 =0.5390 ; =0.5957 ; =0.7448 1.8277 1.9393 2.1018 (12) 0.2500 +0.7500 =0.9938 ; =1.0727 ; =1.2982 1.6723 1.8275 1.9780 (13) 0.4132 +0.5868 =1.3879; =1.5655; =1.8670 1.8966 1.8992 2.0524 (14) 0.5868 +0.4132 =2.0415; =2.1694; =2.5613 2.0184 2.1772 (15) 0.7500 +0.2500 ^^ ~ =2.9217; =3.4292 10 A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE Each pair of these equations furnishes a value for both x and /, and from the rcsulls of their solution the values of r and cos 2 i may be obtained with the help of (14a). The assumption of a circular form of the orbit requires that the different values of r and of cos 2 z, on the correct hypothesis for K, shall all be approximately equal. The values for r obtained by solving (1) and (2), (2) and (3), (3) and (4), etc., in succession for the various values of K are tabulated in the last three columns of the foregoing table. The mean values and probable errors for each of the assumptions for K are : for K = 0.80, r = 1.6636 0.0485 ; for K = 0.85, r = 1.7512 0.0494, and for * = 1.00, r = 1.9341 0.0535. The indi- vidual determinations of cos 2 i are not given here, but the corresponding means and probable errors are, for the respective cases : cos 2 * = +0.0275 0.0069; = +0.0482 0.0072; = +0.0547 0.0074. The difference of the probable errors is not great in any case, but both r and cos 2 i agree in their testimony favoring the smallest value of K as being the most probable. Assuming this value of K however, a physical peculiarity, though not an impossibility, is met in the circumstance that the most probable distance of centres (1.6634) is considerably less than the sum of the radii (=1.8), i. e., the masses must interpenetrate, and consequently form a single body (Poincard's apiod). The probable errors not differing by enough to enable them to pronounce with sufficient emphasis for any one of the hypotheses, it seemed desirable to approach the problem also in- directly to see whether the conclusions will be the same as those given by this direct solution. That the foregoing discussion, however, indicates conclusively that the correct value of K is smaller than 0.85, there can be no doubt. INDIRECT SOLUTION. The mode of procedure here is to read from the light curve for suitably chosen epochs, the instantaneous brightnesses in stellar magnitudes, to form the differences between these brightnesses and the maximum brightness, to convert these differences, by means of the Pogson scale, into their equivalent light ratios, to compare these ratios with the corresponding ratios, computed from certain assumed elements, and finally, after finding sufficiently close approximations to the correct values of the elements, to adjust these differences in the sense computation minus observation, by the method of Least Squares. Letting J' and J" denote the instantaneous brightnesses in the neighborhood of Min. I. and Min. II. respectively, and M 1 , H', M", and If", the corresponding values of the M and // defined by equations (12), it will be seen by referring to my article on Beta Lyrae, in the January Astrophysical Journal, that (10 -** and hence, there is an obvious advantage in adjusting 1 J 1 and 1 J"" instead of J' and J". The former quantities were therefore used throughout the reductions. The equations for computing M', or M 1 ' are : ( (a) jS = 40 t. (b) p = r \/sm 2 ft + cos 2 i cos 2 /3. If = i' is near - , t' is small and (c)o r -v/sin 2 8 + i n cos 2 B. If i' = o, p = r sin /3. (17) (d) cos = 1 + p 2 - >c 2 2 P (e) sin ' = - sin <. (/) M 1 , or M" - < + /< 2 " - K sin (< + <") = < + 2 " - p sin OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. 11 These, together with (16), determine 1 /' and 1 J" from the light curve. The value of cos 2 i as found above, was small, and as a first approximation i was taken -, or i' = 90 t = 0. To neglect the effect of orbital eccentricity requires Min. II. to fall at the middle point of the period. Disregarding provisionally the slight displacement of this chief epoch from the middle point, taking ordinates equidistant from Min. I. and Min. II. before and after these epochs, forming the means for each epoch separately and computing the corresponding values of 1 J' and 1 J", the results here tabulated were obtained. t Minimum T. Minimum II. i-j'. \-j". Before. After. Mean. Before. After. Mean. 1.50 9.32 9.34 9.33 9.36 9.35 9.35 0.0228 0.0000 1.25 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.41 9.40 9.40 0.0742 0.0362 1.00 9.42 9.44 9.43 9.50 9.47 9.48 0.1330 0.0896 0.75 9.51 9.53 9.52 9.61 9.55 9.58 0.2072 0.1606 0.50 9.62 9.64 9.63 9.73 9.67 9.70 0.2901 0.2380 0.25 9.72 9.72 9.72 9.84 9.84 9.84 0.3749 0.3018 0.00 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.90 9.90 9.90 0.4084 0.3208 The results of this table are shown graphically on Plate II. The values of M' and M" for various assumptions for K both greater and less than the minimum value given above (0.7755) were computed from formula (16). For values of K less than 0.7755, it was of course necessary to assume a flattening of the discs and nyi _ ft ft to compute X from the formula X = - , ( + K 2 <" p' sin <, p' = - p and - = A/sin 8 /3 + + K 2 " - P ' sin <, where P' = (I//) p and (I//) = Vsin 2 ft + q 2 cos 2 /?, I rcdu we find, n' 2 + K 2 1 1 + p' 2 K 2 p' 2 1 and reducing by means of cos " =- , cos < = and cos (< + ") = ' dM= (1 - p' cos ) d + K 2 d" + 2 * <" d K - sin . dp', K cos " , . /cosrf>" sin d>"\ 7 cos d> dp' and dd>" = [ - --- ) dK --- dp' p' sin \p' tan < p 1 ) p 1 sin p sin which give, after some simplifications, dM= 2 " K d - 2 sin dp'. But dp 1 = j. dp+p d ^j, where p = r \Xsin 2 /3 + i" cos 2 ^ for small values of 9 = -x i. Differentiating and substituting we obtain finally, (A) dM=2 K dK-fidr- Qdq-Sdi 1 * in which p sin r Jl = 2 ^r~ ; Q = 1q pf cos 2 ft sin < ; and I = - sin cos 2 /3 esc ft. Computing the coefficients 2 K <", R, Q, and Jwith the values q = 1.02, X = 0.7748, = 0.7785, r = 1.7816, and i' o, for the epochs used in the foregoing tables, the following six observation equations were obtained : 0.9154 dk - 0.7517 dr - 0.3403 dq - 0.2232 di 13 -0.0607 = 1.2387 -0.8591 - 0.6383 -0.5389 -0.0274 = 1.5827 -0.8616 -0.9019 -1.0897 + 0.0018 = 1.9702 -0.7537 -1.0031 -2.0139 + 0.0244 = 2.4611 -0.5420 -0.8119 -3.6442 + 0.0113 = 3.4477 -0.2205 -0.3762 -6.3170 -0.0533 = These were rendered homogeneous by putting dk = 0.2901*; dr = 1.1606 y; dq = 0.9969s; di' a = 0.1583 w, and v = 0.0607. The equations then were : 0.2655 as - 0.8724 y -0.33923 - 0.0353 w - 1.0000 v = 0.3593 -0.9971 -0.6363 -0.0855 -0.4514 = 0.4591 -1.0000 -0.8991 -0.1725 + 0.0297 = 0.5715 -0.8747 -1.0000 -0.3188 + 0.4020 = 0.7138 -0.6290 -0.8094 -0.5769 + 0.1862 = 1.0000 -0.2529 -0.3750 -1.0000 -0.8781 = 14 A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE These resulted in the following Normal Equations: + 2.2467* - 2.2508 y -2.2557s -1.7l33o - 0.9296 i/=0 -2.2508 +3.9800 +3.3081 +1.1833 +1.04(32 = -2.2557 +3.3081 +3.1241 +1.3822 +0.3763 = -1.7133 +1.1833 +1.3822 +1.4727 +0.7113 =0 The solution of these normals gave x = -0.302; y = +0.056; z = -0.183; and w = -0.194 and hence, dx = -0.087; dr = +0.064; dq = -0.183; and di' 2 = i n = -0.031. Inasmuch as an imaginary value of i 1 (= d i') can have no physical significance, the d i' 2 can only be put equal to zero, and the equations solved on this hypothesis gave, d = -0.088; dr = -0.125; and dq = -0.170. The assumed value of q was 1.02, and consequently the maximum allowable negative value for d q = 0.02, a magnitude considerably smaller than that resulting from the Least Square solution. Another important contravention of the physical conditions involved in the problem is that die and dq should be of unlike signs. This can be readily shown. We have seen above that K a > m ~ g . Taking the least value of * 2 consistent with physical conditions, viz., 2 = , cq dJ m C 3 and differentiating it, we obtain - = . an essentially negative magnitude. The latter d q 2ci. "_ To /. "U 1.50 m. 9.35 m. 9.36 m. -0.01 m. 9.34 m. 9.36 m. -0.02 1.25 9.41 9.41 0.00 9.37 9.39 -0.02 1.00 9.48 9.48 0.00 9.43 9.45 -0.02 .75 9.58 9.58 0.00 9.52 9.52 0.00 .50 9.70 9.72 0.02 9.62 9.62 0.00 .25 9.84 9.87 0.03 9.72 9.73 -0.01 .00 9.90 9.90 0.00 9.75 9.75 0.00 Average Deviations = 0.009 = 0.01 16 A STUDY OF THE LIGHT CURVE OF THE VARIABLE STAR U PEGASI. Figure 4 illustrates the geometrical relations prevailing in the system, on the hypothesis of separation of discs. The resemblance to /3 Lyrac is quite apparent, though there is an essential difference in that, with the latter star, the smaller component is the brighter, while with U Pegasi the reverse is the case. FIG. 4. THE SYSTKM OF U PEGASI. In conclusion, the writer would thank Dean Ricker of this University and Professor Pickering of Harvard College Observatory for valuable assistance rendered during the prose- cution of this inquiry : the former, by the loan of a computing machine, without which the laborious computations involved in this paper could hardly have been made during the progress of regular University work; and the latter, by granting the writer every possible means of acquainting himself personally with the working methods and of forming an idea of the attainable accuracy of the polarizing photometer. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., August, 1808. o; s w *i T ' .''