G. G R E G O R Y, D.'D.
The. SECOND EDITION, with confidcrable Additions.
'THE favourable reception winch this work "has ex~
perienced from the public having rendered a fecond
edition neceffary Jooner than was expefted, but lit tie time
has been afforded for new difcoveries in philojophy ; yet
the additions and alterations in this edition will be found
tonfiderable, and I flatter myfelf they will be thought im-
A very long chapter has been added on the Mechanic
Powers, and two whole chapters on the Reflexion and
Refraction 'of Light , intended to make the Jcience of
optics plain and intelligible to readers unacquainted with
Whatever of novelty has occurred in Jiience fince the
ft? -ft publication of the work has been carefully added-,
many omijjions have been Jupplied \ and by the kind at"
tention of feveralfcientific friends, Jome errors, which had
efcaped in the fir ft imprejfion, have been corrected.
Chapsl-ftreet, Bedford-row,
Feb. 1798.
IT is feldom of much confequence to be
informed concerning the circumftances
which have fuggefted any literary under-
taking. If, however, it is not a fubjeft of
curiofity to the public, it is at leaft of gra-
titude to me, that it was the perufal of your
Lordfhips two firft volumes of Chemical
Eflays, that firft convinced me of the prac-
ticability of making philofophy popular, and
induced me to project the prefent publi-
Your Lordmip will, I fear, difcover that
this is not the fum total of my obligation
to your incomparable work; but that I have
freely ufed, and almoft abufed, the liberty
your Lordmip was fo kind as to grant me
of extracting from it. In every point of
view, therefore, whatever merits the Econo-
my of Nature may be found to poiTefs, are
A 3 ultimately
ultimately to be attributed, not to the author
whofe name appears in the title page; and
I can only fatisfy my own mind by making
a public acknowledgment of my obligations,
and by fubfcribing myfelf, with the utmoft
refpecl: and fmcerity,
Ever grateful Servant,
Chapel Street,
February 1798.
THE want of a popular treatife of philofophy, one
which might ferve as a proper introduction td
natural hiftory ; to explain to general readers the. great
principles and operations of nature; to give, in a
united view, the discoveries of the moderns on thefe
, important fubjedts, firft fuggefted to me the prefent
It is now many years fince I projefted this work;
and I intended to have termed- it, "The Phiiofoph/
of Natural Hiftory." In that title I have been antir
cipated ; but my plan, though long fince announced
very amply to the public, has not yet been anticipated,
and the work is Hill as much wanted as when I firit
conceived the intention of undertaking it.
To diftinguifh certainty from conjecture is the mofl
difficult tafk of the fcholar ; a tafk which few find lei-
fure, fortitude, or attention to complete. In the pre-
fent imperfect (late of knowledge, when I fay certainty ,
I perhaps would confine the refearches of human, wildom
within too narrow limits; and probability *mny be the:
more fuitable expreflion, which muft, indeed, compre-
hend no inconfide rable portion of our difcoveries in
nature. To feparate, therefore, the probable from the
fanciful, was my firft object j and, if I was not appre-
henfive of being thought too alluming, I would add,
the ujeful from the fpeculative. I have obferved, that
in all fciences the principal difficulties arife from cer-
tain controverted and difputable points, which are of
little importance in themfelvcs, and which, as they are
not eltabliflied upon competent evidence, are not eafy
to be comprehended.
A 4 To
To expect much of novelty in the following pages,
would be to expect falfehood and abfurdity. One
man, even with the unparalleled powers of a Newton,
is able in the courfe of his life to make but few dif-
coverics of importance ; and after the toil of centuries,
it would be extraordinary if much of what is really
true was left to be difcovered. If 1 have liicceeded in
placing in a clear and perfpicuous light the obfervations
of others ; if I have collected, and arranged in a lucid
t>rder, the leading truths in the different branches of
philofophy, I have performed a great tafk ; but this I
dare not flatter myfelf 1 have been able to accomplifh.
Imperfect, however, as the work mud, I am con-
fident, ftill appear it is yet the labour of fome of the
moft valuable years of my life, with the afliftance of
fome learned and excellent friends, whofe kindnefs in
thefe inftances I (hall have prefently to acknowledge
more at large. Let thofe who may be difpofed to
complain that more has not been done, only reflect on
the difficulty of what has been effected, and I flatter
my fell* they will receive with candour an attempt, in
which not to have fucceeded would icarcely reflect
difgrace on talents fupcrior to mine.
I have endeavoured to lay open the whole book of
nature to my readers. I commence with the fii ft prin-
ciples of philofophy, the laws of matter and motion,
with an enumeration of the moft fimple or elementary
fubftanccs. I proceed from thefe to explain the nature
and phenomena of that moft active and fubtile of ele-
ir.cnts, heat or fire, which is fo intimately connected with
all other fubftances. The theory of light, and colours, fo
immediately dependant on the preceding fubject, fuc-
cecds; and this is followed by afhort treadle of electricity.
The different fpecies of airs, and the atmofpherical
phenomena, are next treated of; thefe are fucceeded
by a defcription of the earth and mineral kingdom,
and the moft remarkable phenomena conncdeu with
them, fuck as volcanoes, earthquakes, &c. The na-
.ture and compcfkion of water, with a ftiort account of
mineral waters, and of the general properties of that
fluid, occupy the next department of the work.
From thefe fubje&s I have proceeded to what is
called the vegetable "kingdom, including what is known
on the nature and theory of vegetation. The animal
economy fucceeds ; and that as little as poffible might
be wanting to complete the courfe of elementary
knowledge, I have concluded by a (ketch of the human
mind. This latter part will connect properly with my
Eflays Hiflorical and Moral, published fome years ago,
and which contain the great outlines of my fentiments
on moral and policical philofophy.
As it was my defirc to make this treatife as plain
and clear as poffible to unlearned perfons, I have to
apologize to my more fcientific readers for the occa-
fional repetition of the fame principles and obfervations.
Having been, in forne meafure, all my life engaged in
the bufmefs of educations I have feen the neceffiry of
frequently recalling the attention of young perfons to
principles already proved and eftabliihed, in order to
enable them to underftand what is to be taught. In
giving the hiftory of different fciences alfo, many fac~ts>
. and obfervadons are naturally anticipated j and yet it
becomes abfolutely neceffery to confirm, illuftrate, and
apply thefe in a more extenfive manner, in treating of
the fciences at large.
If it is afked, for whofe ufe this work is defigned ?
I anfwer, for all whofe curioiity would lead them to
take a general furvey of nature for all, in particukr,
who wifh y to underftand the elements and principles of
natural hiftory. I conceive alfo, that it will not be
unufeful to the younger ftudcnts of medicine, fince it is
intended as an eafy introduction to general fcience ; and
fince it comprehends all the fjrft principles of chemiftry
and phyfiology. V/ith the more enlightened clafs of
female readers, I cannot but flatter myfelf that the
work will be favourably received, as I really had their
entertain! nent and information principally in view in
compiling it ; and they may depend upon it, that there
is not a fmgle expreflion in the whole that can rea-
fonably oiTcnd the mofl delicate and model! car.
To Tome perfens, who, I muft obferve, have rather
more zeal than knowledge, ftudies fuch as thefe iray
appear rather inconfiftent with the clerical profeffion
and the fcicoce of theology, afcience cxtenfive enough,
I confefs, to occupy the life of a man. I might reply
by a fimple fact, that / yet have been enabled to
v$%> by tbt exft'cife of my fro/cffion^ a livelihood for myjelf
tnd family ; and it muft appear a hard cafe to confine
fhc whole attention of any man to what will not furnifh
him with the neceflaries of life ; yet the great bulk of
my previous publications (without excepting my
Effays) have been in the direct line of my profcffion.
1 do not, however, reft my apology upon this argument,
but I muft fay, that in publifhing the prefent work, J
believe I am not lefs efTentially ferving the caufe of
religion, than if I had been employed in compiling
a treatife of divinity. Next to the ftudy of the fcrip-
tures, there is none which fcems to lead the human
mind fo directly to a knowledge of its Creator, as the
ftudy of nature. In an age therefore when atheifm is
publicly profeffed by fome, and privately but fcduloufly
.difieminated by others, I cannot but hope that a work
like the prefent may have fome good effects ; and %
though I have not, like an eminent philofopher of the
clerical profefiion, termed it a phyfico- theology, the
reader will perceive that this application of v the hiftory
of nature has not been forgotten.
As I have no great caufe to be intoxicated with my
fucccfs in life , and as I am verging upon that period
when man has little to hope or fear in this world, I feel
that it is no affectation to fay, I am not extremely fo-
licitous for literary fame ; yet I will not difiemble, that
I would, if poffible, deprecate on the prcfent occafion
the feverity of criticifm, both becaufe I would wifh
my publimer to be indemnified, fince my very limited
means will net admit of publifhing on my own account ;
and becaufe I would not wifh thqfe friends who have
generoufiy afforded me affiftance in the prefent work,
to fuffer any uneafinefs from the harfhnefs of cenfure,
6 or
or by my felicitations to have >een drawn into a dif-
agreeable predicament.
It remains to do juftice to thefe friends. ce To ren-
der honour to whom honour is due j praife to whom
praife," i^ the part not only of the chriftian, but of
every honeft roan. In the optical part of this work I
have been materially aflifted by a gentleman of known
and dittingu'fhed abilities, who taught publicly for a
feries of yeatb the feveral branches of natural phi-
lofophy, but who will not permit me to make my ac-
knowledgments in a more particular manner. For,
I m; j .y fay, the whole of the animal economy, I am
indebted to my valuable and fcientific friend DC. Bel-
cher, of Maidftone, as well as for moft eficntial affift-
ance in the mineralogy and the vegetable fyftem, and
for reviling and correcting feveral other parts. It
would be impoiTible to fpecify the authors from whorn
I have extracted my materials : I have inferted re-
ferences as frequently as I could with convenience.
In fome inftances the reference was neglected in the
copying of my original notes; and in fome, the facts
were commonly known, and diffufed through a mul-
titude of authors.
CHAP. I. page i.
Of Matter. in general.
fxplaiuttion of Terms.-"- Whether all Matter is radically the fame.*
General Properties of Matter. ^~ Quantity of Matter in the ijniijerjt.
CHAP. JI. page 6.
Of Elements.
OltiKions of the Ancients. -*-New Arrangement. Enumeration tfjimpl$
SubJIancef, according to the neiy Philofopby.~-Aerial Subftances.
CHAP. III. page 10.
Of the Extenfion, Solidity, and Divifibility of Matter.
Ixtenjion the only Quality tffential to Matter. Solidity, what.- Infi-
nite Dwijibility. Animalcule imperceptible to our Senfes.-r-Extrem$
Rarity of l>ight.~~Ne r ujtonian Paradox.
CHAP. IV. page \6.
Of Attradion and Repiilfion.
fiiii Kindt sf Attraction. CokeJtonCombination~-Cryfta[lizatii>*
(xplained. Gravitation Specijic Gra-vity, what. Magnetic aet
ttraction. Repuljion.
CHAP. V. page 31.
Of Motion and Reft,
ea Theory of Motion and Reft. Yit inerti#. Laivt of
CHAP. VI. page 35.
Of Magnetifm.
Of xaturat and artificial Magnets. Magnetic Powers. Attraction^
Rekulfion. Polarity. Declination. Dipping ef the Magnetic
ion of the Magnetic Power.
C H A r.
CHAP. VII. page 5 5.
Of the Mechanic Powers.
Machines. The Lever. The Pulley. The movefile Pi-
. Of Wheels. Clockwork. Beji Mode of conJlruSing tfo
Wheels of Carriages. The Wheel And Axle. Tht Crane. Tbt
Capflan.The Crick or Jack. The inclined Plane. Motion of
Carriages up an inclined Plane, &c. The Wedge. Tbt Screw.*
The perpetual Screw.
CHAP. I. page 86.
Hiftory of the Difcoveries relative to Fire anel Heat.
Opinions of the Ancients. Of Bacon, Boyle, and Newton.-*- Of How*
terg, Sgr-atvefend) and Lemery.-^ 'Invention of the Tbermotne-ter*.-***-
Opinion of Botrbaave. Great Difcovery of Dr. Bl*cL
CHAP. II. page 93.
Of Fire (Caloric) and its Properties.
Inquiry whether Heat or Fire is a Sue/ft ance or Quality. Fire a $x$>~
fl once. Application of this Doclrim.-^ Analogy between Heatanl
Light. QbjeSions.-Properties of Fire or Caloric', Minutenejs
of Particles ; at trailed by all Bodies. Conducting Powers -of dif-
ferent Bodies, Caufe cf Fluidity. Why Heat is produced by
flacking Lime, and by certain Mixtures of cold Subjlances. Freez-
ing of Water by the Fire Side explained. Fire the moft elaStf
'* and Fllli ' iit J*"~ Ex t eriments M*ftrative of the Dodrine of
CHAT. V page 123.
Of Boiling Vapour, &c.
/ from cannon Fluids. Specific Gravity of
yapoltr.In iu'hc f Manm Dr. Black was hd in firm bis Theory
of latent Htai. Immtnfe 'Force cf Papo-ir.* Boiling. All Fluids
toil in a lefs Temperature in Vacua, than ur.cier the Preljure of the
A'.mbfpbcre. "Experiments.- Phenomena, of Boiling and "Evaporation
xplaincd.-Why Water extinguishes F!ame.~~'Sptmt6lneffus i-af era-
tion.'Pkenomena cf Deivs, Mijls, &c.
CHAP. VI. page 140.
Of Ignition and Combuftion.
Ignition, ivbaf, bo*iv produced. Burning of Phofpborus.I/tf!ammA~
t>le Air. Culinary Fires. Lamps, &c.-Why Flame afcen >.
Theory of Argand's Lamp.-BtJl Form of Grates, Stoves, (ffr.
Combuftion produced by feme Sub/lances without a Communication
with the Atmofpherc. Gtih-fotuikr, &c. Iron made to burn like
a. Candle. Spontaneous Ignition. Curious Facts. Quantity tf
Hear excited infufmg different Bodies. Scale of Heat.
CHAP. L -page 155. ^
Hiltory of Difcoverics concerning Light, &c.
Opinions cf tie Platonics. Of A;-'tjlc>le.~Of Albazen. Of Roger
Bnccn. The 'Invention -of Sptfiaeles. Trcatife efMaurclycus on Vi-
f.&n~zL'>ri* f>na Rcc/cn that the Sun's Image appears
an angular Aperture. Lifuen-
t.'jn cf the Camera Qbfcura. Conjeflures of Fletcher an the Rain-
bo-iv. Invention of the Telefcope.Suppofid to be by Zacbarias
Janfcn. Galileo.*Kefl:!> Meant of tranfmitiing Sound.
Water or folid Bodies convey it. Velocity cf Sound. Experiments
tn this Subjefi. Echoes. Whifpering Gallery.
C ii A P. XI. page 450.
Diffirtni Qpinians concerning the general Caufe of Winds. Of Genera!
'or Trade Wcudi. Of Monfoons Oj Sea and. Land Breezes.
Cattjes -of tbcfe. Variable Win/Is. Storms. Hurricanes. The
Harmattan. The Sirocco Wind. -The S ami el. Moving Pillars of
Sand. be Simoom. Whirl-winds. W at erfpouti, Tornadoes,
CHAP. XII. page 475.
Of the Heat of the Atmofphere, and Igneous Vapours.
Qbjeclf cf Meteorology as a Science. Partly anticipated. Tempera-
ture. Heat of the Earth. Effefis of the Sun's Rays on different
Mediums. ^Difference with re/pea to temperature between Land
and Water. E/etis of Clouds on the Temperature* Of Evapora-
tion. Unufual Cold, hmv produced in Summer find Winter.
Aqueous Meteors. Igneous Meteors. Fire Balls. Shooting Stars.
Ignes Fatui.
CHAP. XIII. page 496.
Of the Prognoftics of the Weather.
Jmperfefi State of this Branch of Science. Progmjtics of Wtatotrfnm
the pre-vious State cf thf Scajon.Frc;n the Undulations of the At-
mcfpbere.~-Fr6m the Barometer. F 'n m Fosrs.~Frcm Clouds. -
From Profptfis. From the Dw. From the $Jy+From the Moon.
From tbt Wind.
CHAP. XIV.~page 507.
Hijlory of derogation. Difco-very of Air Balloons by M. M. Montgal-
Jier. Firji Balloon exhibited at siiinoni '}'. Balloon filled 'with in-
.. tamable Air exhibited at Paris. Pilatit lit Rozinr ajands in a.
Balloon. Firfl Balloon exhibited in England. Afent of M. Lu-
nar Ji Voyage cf M. Bland r. JrjJ'rLs acrofs the Chan-
ntL -Unfortunate Cat ajlrophe of M. M. de Rozicr find Romain.
Mr. Baldwin's Defcr:ftion rf the Projfrrtfrom a Balloon Prin-
dples of Aerojtation. Modes cf filling Balloons. Ufe 'to which tbej
beeve been, applied.
'Explanation of Terms.- Whether all Matter i; radically ike fams.~
General Properties of Matter. Quantity of Matter in the Uni~jerfs.
THE word MATTER (maferia, which fome lexi-
cographers have derived from tnafer^ a mother)
denotes, in ics primitive fcnfe, that unexplained fome-
thing, from which all thofe things which are objects
of our fenfes are formed.-
The term 'body is fometimes Confounded with that
of matter; buc they are eflentially different t Body
(bobije) is of Saxon origin. It is explained by the
Latin words ftatura y peffits, truttcus\ and fignined the
perjcn or form of a 'man, or other creature: whence it is
plain that it ought to be confined to expfefs a fubftance
pofTeiTmg form or figure.
Subftance^ both in its etymology and application, ap-
proaches nearer to the meaning of the former of thefe
terms. It is well known to be compounded from the
Latin prepofidon Jub (under), and the verb flare (ro
Hand.) It confequenly implies that which fufports or
ftands under the different forms and appearances which
are prefented to our fenfes. It is ft ill, however, ufed
in a diftincl: and more limited fenfe than matter. It
is generally indeed ufed with the article, to fignify a
VOL. I. B diftincl:
a Suppcfed Homogeneity of Matter. [Book I.
diftin<5t or definite portion of matter; whereas matter in
the abftract implies a more confufed and general idea
of folidity and extenfion, with little or no regard to
figure, proportion, or quantity.
Thefe words are of fuch common and frequent ufe
in philofophy, that it appeared neceffary to have a
competent notion of their force and meaning, particu- .
larly in a chapter which profeffes to treat of the firft of
them : and I have generally found etymology a fafer
and eafier mode of communicating knowledge than
That the whole matter, of which this univerfe of
things is compofed, is efientially the fame, and that the
apparent differences which .fubfift in different bodies
depend altogether on the particular diftribution ordif-
pofition of the component particles, is an opinion
which has been entertained by fome philofophers of
the higheft reputation. The wonderful apparent tranf-
mutations which take place in the different proceffcs
and operations of nature do, it mud be confeffcd, ac
firft fight countenance this hypothefis. A plant will
vegetate and become a folid fubftance in the pureft
water *. The generation of ftones in the earth, the
various phenomena of petrifactions, and a multitude of
other fuels, contribute greatly, on a fair confideration,
, to diminifh the abfurdity of the alchemifts, who feem
chiefly to have refted on this hypothefis (viz. that all
matter was intrinfically the fame) their hopes of con-
verting the bafeft materials by the efforts of art into
the mod fplcndid and valuable of fubftances.
Mr. Boyle diftilled the fame water about two hun-
dred times, and at the cad of each diftillation found a
* See the Experiments of Mr. Boyle and Van Hehnont,
Book VJII. c. iii.
9 frefli
Chap, i.] Mr. Boyle's Experiments. 3
frefh depofit of earth. M. Mar^raff repeated the ex-
periment with ftill greater caution. By means of two
glafs globes, which communicated with each other, he
preferved the water while in the (late of vapour from
all contact with the air; and on repeated diflillation, a
quantity of earth of the calcareous * kind was depo-
fited at the conclufion of each procefs.
The extreme rarity and minutenefs of the particles
into which different fubftances may 'be refolved, im-
parts a ftill greater degree of probability to this hypo*
theft's ; and in general, the more any body can be di-
vided, the fimpler it appears in its component parts.
We mud however be cautious of admitting opinions,
which are not fanctioned by the direct teft of experi-
ment; and however plaufible the opinion, the accurate
obfervations of modern philofophy have fuggefled
fome objections to the homogeneity of matter, which
without further difcoveries it will not be eafy to fi-
Whatever phenomena may appear to indicate a
tranfmutation of bodies, or a change of one fubflance
into another, we have the utrnoft reafon, by the la teft
and beft experiments, to believe them merely the ef-
fect of different combinations-. Thus the converfion
of water and air into a folid fubflance, fuch as the body
of a plant, is merely an apparent converfion, for that
folid fubflance may, by an artificial procefs, be refolved
again into water and air, without any real change in
the principles or elementary particles of which thofe
fluids are compofed: and the formation of ftones, and
the phenomena of petrifactions, are accounted for upon
much eafier principles than that of 'tranfmutation* ,On
the other hand, the utmoit efforts of ohemiflry have
* Earth of lime,
B 2 never
4 No tfranjmutation of Principles. [Book!,
never been able to proceed farther in the analyfis of
bodies than to reduce them to a few principles, which
appear eflerdally different from each other, and which
have never yet been brought to a more fimple form.
Thus the matter of fire, or light, appears totally dif-
ferent from that of all other bodies; thus the acid and
alkaline principles can never be brought to exhibit: the
fame properties ; nor can even the different fpecies of
earths be converted into the fubftance of each other.
If hypothetical reafoning was to be admitted on this
occafion, it would probably appear more agreeable to
the analogy of nature, to ftippole that different fub-
ftances are formed from the different combinations of
a few fimple principles in different proportions, than
that the very oppofite qualities of fome of the rareft
and moft fubtile fluids, mould depend wholly on the
different form or modification of the extremely minute
particles which enter into their competition.
It is proper however to obfcrve, that on this fubject
there has hitherto appeared no dec: five experimental
proof on either fide. The imperfection of all human
efforts, and perhaps of the human faculties themlelves,
have hitherto confined our inveftigations to the pro-
perties of a few fubftances, the limpleft which chemi-
cal analyfis has been able to obtain, a/nd which for that
reafon are denominated ELEMENTS.
There are fome properties which are accounted
common to all matter, and which from their import-
ance will require to be feparately treated of: thefe are
The quantity of matter which is contained in the
whole univerie may probably be much lefs than com-
mon obfervation would lead us to fuppofe. The fub-
lime mathematics of Newton diftated the aftonifhing
proportion :
Chap, i.] Quantity of Matter in the Unherfe. 5
propofition : c that the whole globe of earth, nay that
* all the known bodies in the univerfe may, as far as
* we know, be compounded of no greater a portion of
f folid matter than might be reduced into a globe of
' one inch only in diameter, and even lefs*!'
* Rembijrton's Vieu- of Sir I, Newton's ]?hilofophy, 356,
[ 6 ] [Book I.
Opinions of the JncientisNew Arrangement. Enumeration of finale
SubJIances, according to the new Pbilcfophy.~ Aerial Subftances.
Earths. Metals.
WHEN we take a general farvey of nature, we
find that notwithftanding the apparent variety
of creatures, with which the univerfe abounds, every
natural body which has hitherto come within the limits
of our infpection may be reduced into a few diftinct
kinds of matter: and though we probably have not as
yet difcovered the ultimate and moft fubtile principles
of which bodies are compounded; yet we appear to be
juftified in calling the moft fimple fubftances which
we have been able to dif cover as entering into the
competition of bodies by the name of ELEMENTS.
Ariftotle, and after him moft of the ancients, admit-
ted four different elements, fire> air, earthy and water,
It is evident, in the firft place, that in this enumeration
the falts are omitted, the exiftence of which can no
more be doubted than that of any of the others. Se-
condly, it was found necefiary in the progrels of fci-
encej not only to admit a Jaline, but a fulphureous or
inflammable principle. I might add, that we are war-
ranted by no experiments, which have as yet been
;o public, in fuppofing that there exifts but one
cfition, and when it is exerted in
forming a mere union of two or more fubftances, it receives the
name of attraction of folution ovfufion, according as it is effected
either in the moift or dry way. When it takes place between
three refpedively, to the exclufion of one, it is faid to be a/.v-
glt eleSi'vt attraction, and when between two compounds, .a dou-
ble, &c.' Berg, on Elcc. Atu. i.
Chap. 4.] Suppofed fr an/mutation of Metals. 19
The fluid will, however, remain perfectly clear, the
particles being fo extremely minute, that the rays of
light will fuffer no interruption in paffing through
them. If, however, to this folmion of filver a quan-
tity of mercury or quickfilver is added, the aqua for-
tis will be attracted by the mercury, and the filver will
be precipitated, or thrown to the bottom of the veflei
in which the fluid is contained ; if, again, copper is-
added, it will affume the place of the quickfilver, and
if to this folution of copper a bright piece of iron (for
ruil would exclude the acid from coming in contact
with the metal) is introduced, the acid will imme-
diately quit the copper and feize upon the iron, a
quantity of which being diffolved in the fluid, the
cop'per will be depofited in its place on the furface of
the bar of iron *. The iron may afterwards be dif-
* ' This experiment explains to us, in a very fattsfaftory manner,
' the nature of" that tranfmutaticn of iron into copper y which travellers
' have been fo much furprized at. Agricola fpeaks of waters in
' the neighbourhood of Neivfol, in Hungary, which had the pro-
' petty of tranfmuting the iroa which was put into them into cop-
' per f - In the year 1673, our countryman, Dr. Brown, vifited a
' famous copper mine at Herrn-Grundt, about feven Englifh miles
' from Ne-ivfel; he informs us that he there fawtvvo fprings, called
' the old and new ziment, which turned iron into copper. This
' workmen fnewed him a curious cup made of this tranfmtited
' iron 4 it was gilt with gold, had a rich piece of filver ore faften-
* ed in the mickile, and the following infcription engraven on the
' outfide:
' Eifen ware icb, kupfer bin icb,
' Silver trag ich, gold bedeckt mich,
' Copper I am, but ircn was of old,
' Silver I carry, covered am with gold J,
It was even at that time, he fays, contended by fome, that there '
' was no real tranfmutation of iron into copper, but that the
f Agnc. Fof. L. ix. p. 347.
\ Brown's Travels, ed. 1687, p. 69*
C 2 * z'roent
2o Solution and Mixture. [Book I.
placed by the addition of an alkaly This fpecies of
attraction is called combination, ^ecaufe the particles
of two bodies by thofe means become fo intimately
united or combined, that they cannot be feparated but
by the addition of a third body, which has a greater
attraction for one of the component bodies that they
have for one another, and it is called elective attrac-
traction and affinity, from the fuperior tendency in
fubftances to unite with certain bodies in preference
of others. In all cafes of elective attraction it is ne-
ceffary, that at lead one of the bodies mould be in a
fluid ftate.
It is evident that all folutions muft be the effect of
an elective attraction. Byfolution I mean the difper-
fion of the particles of a folid body in a fluid in il> equal
a manner, that the compound liquor (hall be perfectly
and permanently tranfparent. In this cafe, therefore,
it is plain that the particles of the fluid muft have a
ftronger attraction for the particles of the folid body
than they have for one another. A folid body may
indeed, by mere mechanical means, be minutely dif-
perfed through a fluid, but the compound in this cafe
will be opake and muddy, and if fuffered to remain
at reft, a fediment will immediately be depofited.
Thus, if chalk or clay is incorporated with water, they
will impart to it their peculiar colour, and the fluid
ziment water, containing vitriol of copper, and meeting with
the iron, depofited its copper; and it feems as if he would have
acceded to this opinion, could he have told what became of the
iron. It is now very well underlined what becomes of the iron ;
it is taken up by the water, and remains fufpendcd in it, in the
place of the copper; io that this tranfmutation is nothing but a
change of pjace ; and as the copper is precipitated by the iron,
fo the iron might be precipitated by pot-aft, or any other fub-
ftance which has a greater affinity with the acid of vitriol than
iron, has/ Watfon's Chem. Eff. p. 234. to 2^6.
Chap. 4.] Marks of Chemical Union. 21
will be rendered in fome degree opake ; but if com-
mon fait, or blue or green vitriol is added to water,
the fluid will Hill remain perfectly tranfparent, though
tinged with the peculiar colour of the fait. The for-
mer therefore is termed a mixture, the latter zjolution.
When a fluid has received fo much of any foiid body
that it will not diflblve a particle more, it is faid to be
The marks of chemical combination in bodies have
been accurately defined by a correcl: and ingenious
philofopher. The firft is a fyecific gravity exceeding
that of the beavieft ingredients of the compound. Though
he properly obferves, it does not necefiarily follow,
that where fuch denfity is wanting a chemical union
does not exift ; fince the peculiar ftrufture of the com-
pound, which does not admit water into its vacuities,
may prevent this property from being remarked ; or a
quantity of water may enter into a competition natu-
turally heavier than water, and yet cannot be always
made fenfible.
Secondly, Tranfparency is always a mark of cne-
mical combination. Such union, however, is alfo
fometimes confident with opacity, as that effect may
fometimes arife from a mere mechanical arrange-
ment of parts, from the interpofition of fome mat-
ter not properly combined, or from too great thick-
Thirdly, Cryftallization proves that the parts have
been very minutely divided, and in general com-
bined with the menftruum (or fluid in which the bo-
dies have been difiblved). Other fubftances, how-
ever, may fometimes intrude themfelves into the cry-
ftallized bodies, though not chemically combined with
Fourthly, A difficulty of diflblving the compound
C 3 body
ft* Cryfiallizaticn. [Book I.
body in the menftruum, or fluid, which is a pro-
per folvent for one or both of the component Jub-
ilances *.
It may be proper, before the conclufion of this fec-
tion, to add a few words concerning one of the moft
curious effects of the attraction of combination, name-
ly, cryflallization. The word cryftal is derived from
cryos (froft), zndfallo (to contract) ; it was originally
confined to a particular diaphanous ftone refcinbling
clear ice, and was probably afterwards extended to all
bodies which were tranfparent, and had their particles
difpofed in a regular manner, particularly the different
fpecies of falts. It is now expreflive of that regular
order or dilpofition, in which the particles of inert
bodies arrange themfelves on pafling from a fluid to a
folid flate. This difpofition of the particles is, how-
ever, by no means the fame in all fubftances, but va-
ries almoil infinitely in different bodies. Thus com-
mon fait cryftallizes into a cubic form, falt-petre into
that of oblong pillars with fix fides, cubic nitre into
the rhomboidal form, vitriolared tartar and Glauber's
lalt into a mafs of four or fix fides. Each fpecies of
fait preferves its peculiar form however frequently the
procefs of diflblving it is repeated, and equally in the
fmalleft mafles which the microfcope renders vifible,
and in the largeft which art or nature have been able
to produce f .
* Kirwan's Mineralogy.
} ' If what has been faid relative to cryftallization be not per-
-"-Re tuition. Polarify.* Declination. Dipping of the Magnetic
Needle. Communication Magnetic Power.
* I ^ H E properties of the magnet are illuftrative of*
JL fo many principles and laws of nature, that
though, perhaps, not ftriftly in order, I have deter-
mined to introduce the fubjeft before the conclufion of
this preliminary book ; as fome occafions may fhortly
occur, when a reference to this topic may probably be
ufeful, if not abfolutely neceilaiy.
It is well known that every magnet is a ferrugineous
body, and that its attractive force is confined in a great
meafure to ferrugineous fubftances. Magnets are of
two kinds, natural and artificial. The natural mag-
n'et or loadftone *, is a bog ore of iron ; artificial mag-
nets are formed either by being touched with a natural
magnet, or by other different prccefles., which will pre-
fently be explained.
The properly magnetic ores are calciform (refem-
bling a calx or cinder) and are moflly of a dull
brownifh black j-. There are reddifli magnt ts found
in Arabia ; but mod of thofe in Europe refemble
wrought iron in colour. Their hardnefs is juft furB-
cient to afford fparks with a fteel, and they are with
difficulty attacked by a file. They differ considerably
* Load (Sax.) or leading flonc, probably from its being a guide
to mariners. Adams on Mag. p. 377.
f Kirwan's Min. and Cavallo on Magnetifm,
D 2 in
36 Natural Magnets. [Book I.
in fpecific gravity, and feem to contain, feveral fub-
ftances befides iron in their compofition, fuch as argil-
laceous and filiceous earth. Mr. Kirwan is of opi-
nion that fulphur enters into their fubftance, as the ore
fmells of it when heated red hot : probably, alfo, they
may fometimes contain nickel, as that metal, when
purified to a certain degree, acquires the properties of
the magnet.
Natural magnets are found more or lefs in almofl
every iron-mine, of different mapes, and of different
iizes. Some old writers mention magnets that would
fwim on water *; thefe were probably fome light,
fpongy, volcanic fubftances, impregnated with iron.
In Virginia there is a magnetic fand, which contains
about one half iron. Thofe magnets which have the
fineft grain poffefs the magnetic virtue in the higheft
perfection, and retain it longer than any other f.
The great and well-known properties of the mag-
:net are, ifl, its attractive power; 2dly, its polarity,
or difpofition to conform to the plane of the meridian j
^dly, the property of dipping or inclining to the earth;
and laftly, the power of communicating the magnetic
virtues to other ferrugineous bodies.
I. Magnets attract clear iron more forcibly than
any other ferrugineous body. The iron ores are at-
tracted more or lefs forcibly, in proportion as they are
impregnated with the metal, and in proportion as it
exifts in a metallic date. The force of the attraction
between a magnet and iron will^depend in a great
meafure ort the weight and form of the iron j but art
and obfervation have furnilhed us with no invariable
rule in thefe refpects.
They are in general about feven limes heavier ilun water.
f Kirwan and Cavallo.
Chap. 6.] Force of Magnetic Attr&fti on. 37
One magnet attracts another magnet in contact^
with lefs force than it attracts iron ; but the attraction
between them begins at a much greater diftance than
between the magnet and iron alone.
As iron is diffufed in greater or lefs quantities
through almoft all the different bodies of which the
univerle is compofed, it is eafy to fuppofe that the
natural bodies which are fubject to the magnetic at-
traction are very numerous. The perfect metals,
gold, fiiver, and platina, as well as lead and tin, are
however total exceptions j though their calces are a
lit le attra6ted. Animal and vegetable fubftances alfo,
though they are known to contain fmall portions of
iron, feldom exhibit any difpofition to be attracted
before combuftion * j though it is afierted that moft
fubftances may be rendered magnetic in fome degree
by being expofed to the action of fire.
Iron is attracted with different degrees of force,
according to the different modes in which it exifls,
It is, however, in no ftate quite infenfible to the
magnetic power, even in the pureft calx, or in a
ftate of folution. Soft iron is the moft fubject to a
forcible attraction ; fteel is lefs fo than iron, efpecially
when hardened, and the calces of iron in different
degrees f-
Mufchenbrock, by a feries of experiments, endea-
voured to afcertain the force with which the mag-
net attracts at different diftances. vHe fufpended a
cylindrical magnet, 2 inches long and 16 drams in
weight, to one fcale of an accurate balance, and under
it he placed a cylinder of iron of the fame ihape and
bulk. The following is the force with which it at-
tracted at different diftances, eftimated by the number
of grains in the oppofite fcale.
* Cav. on Mag. f Ibid.
D 3 At
3$ Force of Magnetic Attraction. [Book I.
At 6 inches 3 grains.
3 6."
2 9.
i 18.
In contaft 87.
This experiment would perhaps have been more,
intelligible, if it had been previoufly remarked that;
the attraction between the magnet and the iron is
always fuppofed to be mutual. If a magnet and a,
piece of iron are placed fo as to float on the furface
of water;, the magnet will approach the iron, as well
as the iron the magnet ; or if either of them are kept;
fteadv, the other will approach towards it *.
Of natural magnets the fmaller poflefs a greater at-
tractive power, in proportion to their fize, than the
larger. There have been natural magnets of not
more than 20 or 30 grains in weight, which would
lift a piece of iron forty or fifty times heavier than
themfelves ; and mention is even made of one of
about 3 grams, which lifted a weight of iron contain-
ing 746 grains, or 2.50 times its own weight f. What
is yet mure extraordinary, it not unfrequently hap-
pens, that a loadftone cut off from a large one wilt
itfelf lift a greater weight than the ftone from which it
was cut off. This circumftance may reafonably be
attributed to the heterogeneous nature of the large
loadflone ; for if we fuppofe that one part of it, viz.
that which is cut off, contains a confiderable portion
of magnetic matter, and that the remainder is impure,
of confcquence, while they remain in an united ftate,
* Adams on Magnetifra, p. 385. f Cav. on Mag. p. 36,
Chap. 6.] I&^ulfion of Magnets. 39
the impure part will rather obftruct the action of the
other *.
' The power of magnets is not at all times equally
active j they will at one time attract at a much greater
diftance than at others. To what this variation is
owing, is impofiibie to decide, while we remain fo per-
fectly ignorant as we are of the caufes of all the mag-
netic phenomena : probably it may depend upon the
temperature of the ftone, as the magnetic power is
always diminished by heat.
There is in magnets a natural power of repulfion,
as well as of attraction. Two magnetic bars, for in-
ftance, will attract each other if the two extremities
or poles, which correfpond in each, are brought
within the fphere of attraction ; but if the extremities
which do not correfpond are brought into contact,
they will be mutually repelled f. This circumftance
will be better underftood when the polarity of the
magnet has been properly explained. The power of
repulfion is fuppofed by fome experlmentalifts to be
weaker than that of attraction.
II. The fecond dlftinguifhing property of the mag-
net, is what is termed its polarity. In plain t terms,
if a magnet is placed in fuch a fituation that it. fhall
have liberty to affume that direction which is moft na-
tural to it j for inftance, if it is made to float on water
upon a piece of wood or cork, if fufpended by a (len-
der firing, or fupported by a pivot, as is the needle
in the common mariner's compafs, it will difpofe itfelf
longitudinally nearly in the plane of the meridian, that
is, one extremity towards the noith pole of the earth,
and the other towards the fouth. The two extremi-
ties which correfpond to the poles of the earth arc
* Cav. on Mag. p. 37. f Adams on Mag. p. 389.
D 4 called
40 -Polarity of Magnets. [Book I.
called the poles of the magnet : and at thefe extremi-
ties the magnetic virtues feem to exift in their great-
eft force, as a magnet will fupport a much more con-
fiderable weight near the poles than at any other
part *.
This property in the magnet has proved the bafis
of an invention the moft ufeful to navigation that hu-
man fagacity ever difcovered j as before this infallible
guide was enlifted in the fervice of the mariner, the
moft adventurous pilot did not prefume to truft him-
felf out of the fight of land ; confequently commerce
is much facilitated by the difcovery, arid fhipwreck is
a much lefs frequent calamity. It was not till the
thirteenth century that this circumftance was known.
Authors are generally agreed at prefent, that a Nea-
politan, of the name of John de Gioja, if not the in-
ventor of the mariner's compafs, was at leaft the firft
who made ufe of it in conducting vefiels in the Medi-
terranean -j-. Some ridiculous pretences have been
made by the Chinefe to the honour of this, as well as
of other European inventions j but the fables of that
barbarous people, as well as of their encomiafts, the
jefuits and infidels, are little to be regarded J.
Both the properties of attraction and repulfion have
an intimate connexion with this of polarity. Thus,
it is uniformly found to be the cafe, that in two mag-
nets an attractive force obtains between the oppo-
fite poles, and a repulfive force between the poles
of the fame denomination. If, for inftance, the north
pole of the one is brought near the north pole of the
other, a mutual repulfion will take place ; but if the
fouth pole of the one is applied to the north pole of the
other, they will be mutually attracted. And if, upon,
* Adams on Mag. p. 387. | Cav. on Mag.
J See Mr. Adams's iifiay, p. 409.
Chap. 6.] DireStiw Power of Magnets. 41
the fame principles, a magnet is cut through the axis,
the parts or fegments of the (lone, which before were
united, will now repel and avoid .each other *. If two
magnets of a fpherical form are freely fufpended,
one will conform itfelf to the other, as to the poles of
the earth. This influence of one magnet over another
is termed the directive power, and this directive power
2<5ts at a greater diftance than that of attraction. This
may be proved by placing one magnet at the bottom
of a fcale, and holding the other at the fame diftance
at which it acts in altering its direction : in this cafe
no degree of attraction will be produced f. Jf a
^quantity of iron filings are gently dufted on a magnet,
they will arrange themfelves around it in a very whim-
fical manner : this effect is only to be accounted for
from the directive power of the magnet, for the filings
by contact with the magnet afiume the magnetic vir-
tue, that is, become each of them a fmall magnet, and
arrange themfelves according to the polarity of the
original magnet J.
Neither the directive nor the attractive power of the
magnet is diminiflied by the interpofition of a foreign
body. Steel filings fcattered on a plate of metal, or
of wood, or of any body not magnetic, will be affected
by the motions of a magnet under the plate 5 and fer-
rugineous bodies are attracted with the fame eafe, and
at the fame diftance, in the vacuum of an air-pump,
as in the open air .
Natural magnets are frequently found to have more
than two poles. That is, the poles of another mag-
net of the regular form will frequently be attra&ed by
different parts of the furface. This circumftance de-
pends on the form and heterogeneous nature of thefe
* Adams on Mag. p. 444. f Cav. p. 98. { Ib.
Nicholfon's Phil. ii. p. 296. $ Enfidd's Inftit. p. 340.
42 Declination of the Compafs. [Book I.
irregular magnets : for a good loadftone is always of
an uniform texture, and has only two poles, which lie
in oppofite points of the furface, in fuch a manner,
that a line drawn from the one to the other would
pafs through the center of the magnet*. When a
magnet has more than two poles of equal ftrength,
the fupernumerary poles may be fo fituated that the
magn&t will not, in the technical language, traverfe j
in other words, it will not, when fufpended by a
thread, &c. or when floating on water, afTume the
ufual direction to the poles of the earth f.
The magnetic meridian feldom coincides with the
real meridian, but generally is found to vary a few de-
grees from the true direction of north and fouth. This
is called the declination of the compafs. The mag-
netic needle varies fometimes to the eaft, and fomc-
times to the weft ; and it varies not only in different
places, but even in the fame place at different times.
The declination at London is not the fame now as it
was a few years ago J. Nay, fome very nice obfer-
* Cav. p. 40. f Ib. p. 43.
t The following table fhews the mean declination of the needle
at different times in Paris and London.
Year. 'Paris. Year. Lsujcn.
O / Of
1580 n 30 E, 1576 11 15 E.
1610 8 o E. 1634 4 - 5 E.
, 1640 . 3 o E. '657 o o.
1666 o o. 1665 i 22 W.
1670 i 30 W, 1692 6 o W.
1700 8 12 W. 1730 10 15 W.
1728 14 o W. 1,756 15 15 W.
1771 91 45 W. 1774 i\ 16 W.
1776 21 47 W.
Near the equator, in long. 40 Eaft, the higheft variation, from
the year 1700 to 1756, was 17 i5'We(l; and theleafl i63o / W,
Chap. 6.] Suppofed Caufe of Polarity; 43
vations feem to determine that the declination varies
at different times of the day *.
The polarity of the magnet has been attempted to
be accounted for, by fuppoiing the earth a large load-
ftone, or at leaft that a mafs of ferrugineous matter,
equivalent to fuch a loadftone,. is contained within the
bowels of the earth, to which all finaller magnets muft
neceffarily conform. Attempts have alfo been made
to explain the variation or declination of the compafs
upon firnilar principles. If the mafs of ferrugineous
or magnetic matter which the earth contains is fup-
pofed to act upon all magnetic fubftances, and if this
mafs is almoft conftantly varying its pofition and
compofition by fubterraneous fires, it is not very dif-
ficult to fuppofe, that the magnetic needle will be fub-
ject to considerable variations from thefe important
movements f .
The magnetic center is the point between the two
poles, where the magnet porTeffes neither attraction
nor repulfion. If, however, a part of a magnetic bar
is broken off at either pole, the fragment will ftill be
a complete magnet, having two poles and a center,
In lat. 15 N. and long, 60 W. the variation was conftantly
5 E. In lat. 10 South, and long. 6o Q E. the variation decreaf-
ed from 17 W. to 7 15' W. In lat. 10 S. and long. 5 W. it
increafed from 2 15' to I245'W. In lat. 15 N. and long.
20 W. it increafed from 1 W. to 9 W. In the Indian feas, the
irregularities were greater, for in 1700, the Welt variations feem
to have decreafed regularly from long. 50 E. to long. 100 E.
but in 17^6 the variation decreafed fo fait, that there was Eaft va-
riation in long. 80, 85, and 90 E. and yet in long. 95 and
100 E. there was Weil variation.
In the year 1775, ^ n ^ at - 5^ i?'S. and long. 348 16' E. it
was o \6' W. In lat. 2 24' N. and long. 32 12' W. it was
o 14' 45" W. In lat. 50 6' 30" N. and long. 4 o' W. it was
?9 28 W. Enfield's Inft. Phil.
* Adams on Mag. p. 415, 416, f Nicholfon's Phil.
9 though
44 Dipping of tbe Needle. (Book I.
though it originally -might belong to a part of the
magnet which was altogether of a certain polarity *.
III. Magnets, while they attract other bodies, ap-
pear themfelves to be fubject to the attraction of the
earth ; for a magnet, or magnetic needle, when placed
fo as to be able to* act according to its native impulfe,
inclines one of iis poles a little to the earth, while the
other is proportionably elevated : this is called the
dipping of the needle, and the inclination or dipping is
found to be different in different latitudes. Near the
equator the needle affumes a pofition almoft perfectly
horizontal ; in the northern hemifphere the fouth pole
is depreffed or attracted to the earth ; and in the
fouthern latitudes the north pole of the magnet fuffen
a fimilar depreflion,
This property of the magnet is accounted For upon
die fame principle as the former, namely, by fuppof-
ing that the earth, from the quantity of ferrugmeous
matter which it contains, acts as an immenfe load-
ftone, which at its poles attracts thofe of every other
magnet fufpended above its furface. It has more
than once been repeated, that magnets attract each
other at the oppofite poles. Thus, if a fmall magnet,
or magnetic needle, is fufpended by a thread above a,
larger magnet, while its poles are at equal diftances
from the poles of che larger magnet, it will remain in a
horizontal pofition ; but if it is removed either one
way or the other, that is, if one pole of the fmaller
magnet is moved towards the contrary pole of the
larger, it will be attracted towards the perpendicular.
This is exactly illustrative of the dipping needle, which
upon the equator remains in an equilibrium, but
inclines to the perpendicular as it approaches to
Cav. 218.
Chap. 6.3 Communicated Magnetifm. 4$
the poles of the earth ; and what is (till more agree-
able to this theory is, that the dipping or inclination
of the needle is greatly increafed as it approaches
either pole.
IV. The magnetic virtue may be communicated to
any ferrugineous body.
i ft. By contact with a real magnet: and in this
way artificial magnets are in general prepared. This
property of imparting the magnetic powers is not,
however, confined to the natural magner, for artificial
magnets are capable of commtmicating it to frefli
femigineo'js bodies, and that without the leaft dimi-
nution of their own power * : and the power may in
this manner be communicated from one piece of iron
to another to infinity. A weak magnet may alfo
be rendered more powerful by the application of a
Soft iron acquires magnetifm with more eafe than
hard iron or Heel, but the virtue is not fo permanent*
Hard ileel will retain it for many years without dimi-
To make artificial magnets of extraordinary power,
fome addrefs is required. A fingle magnet cannot
communicate a greater degree of power than itfelf pof-
fefTes, but feveral magnets united will impart a power
equal to their united force f . It will eafily be ima-
gined, that the power imparted will be in proportion
to the approximation of the iron to the magnet. To
acquire a very high degree of magnetifm alfo, the
* It is faid indeed that the power of a magnet is increafed ra-
ther than dim'mifhed by communication. Cav.
f Hence it is evident, that artificial may be made much Itronger
than any catural magnets v/hatever <>&&* on Mag. 378.
46 Communicated Magnelifm. [Book t*
iron ought to remain fbme time in contact with the
There are feveral curious phenomena which attend
.communicated magnetifm. The nature of the mag-
netifm communicated will frequently depend upon the
length of the iron bar which is brought into contact with
the magnet. If, for inftance, the north pole of a mag-
net is applied to the extremity of a long bar of iron,
that extremity will of courfe acquire a contrary virtue,
and become a fouth pole j at a part of the bar, hew-
ever, not very difcant, there will be found a new north
pole ; at fome diftance again a fouth pole 3 and fo al-
ternately, till the power is totally loft j the number of
thefe fuccefiive poles depending on the ftrength of the
magnetifm, and the length of the bar. If, however,
the bar is of a moderate length, there will be only two
regular ; poles *
The polarity of .a bar of iron may be altered by
gradually moving the pole of a magnet along its fur-
face. Thus, if the north pole of a magnet is ap-
plied to that extremity of a magnetic bar of iron
which is the fouth pole, and moved gradually along,
the other (that is that which was the north) pole
of the bar will in that cafe be converted into a fouth
polef. ;
If a piece of wire which has been rendered mag-
netic is twifted, its virtue will be ftrangely interrupted
and confufed. In fome parts it will attr.ict, in others
it will repel ; and even in fome places one fide of the
wire appears to be attracted, and on the other fide re-
pelled, by the fame pole of a loadftone J. This and
other phenomena icem to indicate, that much of the
* Cav. pint i. c. 7. f Ib.
J Rees's Cyclop, art. Magnet \ and Adams on Mag. 399.
C , 6,1 rr ow fyonmay acquire Magnetic Pcibsr. 4/7
magnetic power depends upon the texture of the fub-
ftance which retiins it.
Every portion of iron is capable of retaining only
a certain degree of the magnetic virtue. If a ft ohg
magnet is applied to a frnall piece of fteel, the fteel,
while within the influence of the magnet, appears
powerfully magnetic ; but if the magnet is removed,
the power fubfides to a certain degree, which may-
be termed the point of faturation *. A number of
magnetic bars, however, may be joined together, fo
as to form an exceedingly ftrong compound mag-
net f.
idly. Iron is rendered magnetic merely by being
kept a confiderable time in a ikuation perpendicular
to the furface of the earth j and in this hemifphere
the lower extremity will be the north pole, and of
confequence the contrary effect will take place- in the
fouthern hemifphere. This phenomenon alfo is ex-
plained from the magnetifrn of the earth, which com-
municates its power to ferrugintous bodies, though by
almoft imperceptible degrees. Old iron ba?s in win-
dows, &c. are frequently found to be ftrongly mag-
netic J.
The moft advantageous fituation of the bar is how-
ever not directly perpendicular, but rather in the di-
rection of the dipping needle ; and indeed the mag-
netic virtue which it acquires feems to be in propor-
tion as it approaches that direction. Hard iron or
fteel acquires little or no magnetifrn from the earth,
on account of its greater infenfibility to the magnetic
influence ; but it is well known that iron hardens by
* Cav. 02. f Ib.
I Leewenhook mentions an iron crofs, which had acquired a
very ftrong polarity. Adams, 432.
4$ How Iron may acquire Magnetic Power. [Book I.
expofure to the atmofphere ; it has been faid, there-
fore, that bars of foft iron, which have remained for a
long time in a magnetic direction, have acquired as
ftrong a power as good natural magnets *.
A bar of iron made red hot, and left to cool, or
quenched in water in the pofition of the dipping nee-
dle, acquires a degree of magnetifm proportional to
its nature, and the circumftanccs of its cooling f.
3dly. Magnetifm may be imparted to a bar of
iron, by placing it firm in thj direction of the dipping
needle, and rubbing it hard one way wi:h a polifhed
Heel inftrument J.
4thly. Any violent percuffion will impart polarity,
and the other magnetic virtues, to a bar of iron in a
vertical pofition. A few ftrokes of a hammer will
produce this effect ; and by hitting firft one end of the
bar, and then the other, the poles may be charged.
If a long piece of wire is twifted feveral times b,.ck-
wards and forwards, and then broken off at the twifted
part, the broken end will be magnetic .
5thly. Even hard iron tools, when heated by any
briflc action, as hammering, filing, &c. acquire an
impermanent magnetilrn, and, while warm, attract
thin filings, or fmall portions of iron |i. This fact,
I am inclined to fufpect, muft depend in a great mea-
fure on the unequal texture of thole tools : if we
fuppofe them to be compofed of hard and foft par-
ticles, the latter will eafily acquire an impermanent
6thly. Apparently all the three laft- mentioned
effects depend upon precifely the fame caufe j and,
perhaps, we may add to thefe, the magnetifm which
^ Cav. f Adam?, and Cav. J Nichclfon's Phil. 292.
Adams on Mag. 444.. - || Rc-s's Cyclop, art.
Chap. 6.] How to mcreafe tbe Power of Magnets. 49
is produced by electricity. If a bar inlaid horizon-
tally to the magnetic meridian, and fubjected to the
electric fhock, whatever may be the direction in which
the {hock enters, that extremity which is pointed to-
wards the north, will be the north pole j and if the
bar (lands perpendicular, it will follow the ufual law
of communicated magnetifm, that is, in this hemi-
fphere, the end which is next to the earth will be the
north pole *. Lightning is the mod powerful of all
natural agents in producing immediate magnetifm ;
it will, in an inftaht, render* hardened free! ftrongly
magnetic, and will invert the poles of the magnetic
needle f.
One of the moft fingular properties of the magnet
is, the increafe of power which may be added to it by
gradually increafing the weight it fuftains ; and on the
other hand, it wi)l gradually, by difufe, lofe much of
its natural ftrength . If a magnet is hung up with a
weight of iron, as much as it will for the prefent fuf-
tain, by adding gradually, fuppofe a few grains daily,
it will at length acquire the power of attracting near
double the weight which it would have attracted at
firft. It is probable, however, from what was for-
merly remarked, that this power has a limit.
If a piece of iron, feme what more ponderous -than
a magnet will fufiain, is applied to the pole of the mag-
net, it is plain that on removing the hand the iron
muft fall. But if another piece of iron is held at fome
little diftance btlow the firft, the magnet will be able
to fupport it. The reaibn is, that both pieces of iron
being rendered magnetic, the fiiil piece is actually con-
verted into an artificial, magnet, by its contact with the
original, and its virtue is ihcreafed by the fecond piece
* Cav. .f Adams on Mag. 398. J Car. 25.
VOL, I. E of
$o Diminution of Magnetic Power. [Book I.
of iron, confequemly it is rendered capable of a greater
degree of attraction for the original magnet*. To
make this perfectly clear, it is necefiary to be obferv-
ed, that a piece of iron, brought within a certain dif-
tance of a magnet, becomes itfelf porTeflfed of all the
magnetic properties, and that part of the iron which
is neareft the magnet acquires a contrary polarity.
Thus, if a magnetic chain is compoied of feveral
pieces of iron, each piece is in itfelf a complete mag-
net, and they mutually ftrengthen the magnetic virtue
of each other j-, as all magnets in contact are known,
to do.
The magnetic virtue is DIMINISHED :
i ft. By dtfufe : particularly if the magnet is laid
amongft iron, or permitted to ruft. Magnets will
alfo be injured, unlefs they are kept together with the
oppofite poles correiponding, the ends being connect-
ed by pieces of iron j and they ought never to touch,
except when in this pofition. The fouth pole mould
always be employed in this hemifphere to lift iron ;
and a (trait magnet will be weakened, unlefs kept
with its fouth pole to, the north in the direction of the
magnetic needle, or downwards in that of the dip-
ping needle J.
sdly. Heat weakens the power of a magnet ; and that
high degree which is called by chemifts a white heat,
, entirely deftroys it . On this principle Mr. Canton
endeavoured to account for the daily variation of the
compafs; as fuppofing it to depend on the heating
and cooling of the magnetic fubftances within the
earth. This theory he illuftrated by the following
experiment : About E. N. E. from a compafs he
Cav. 200. f See Cav. p. 30 and 203.
Adams on Mag. 397, 44.3. . Cav. 35.
Chap. 6J] Hew the Magnetic Power is diminljhed. 5 1
placed a fmall magnet, exactly at fuch a diftance, that
the power of the magnet at the fouth pole was jtift
fufficient to keep the north end of the needle to the
N. E. point, or 45 degrees. He contrived to heat the
magnet, by putting upon it a brafs veffel, into which
he poured about two ounces of boiling water, and as
the magnet gradually heated, he obferved, during
feven or eight minutes, that the needle moved about
three quarters of a degree weftward, and became fta-
tionary at 44 f ; in nine minutes more it came back
a quarter of a degree ; but it was fome hours before it
gained its former fituation, and flood at 45 *.
jd. In general the fame means which facilitate the
communication of magnetifm to ferrugineous bodies
not magnetic, tend to deprive thofe which really are
fo of the magnetifm they have acquired. Every kind
of violent percuffion weakens the power of a magnet;
and a very ftrong magnet has been entirely deprived
of its virtue by receiving feveral fmart ftrokes with a
hammer j-. This effect appears to depend chiefly on
the derangement of the particles in the magnetic bo-
dies. TJius, if a dry glafs tube is filled with iron fil-
ings, magnetifm may be communicated to the tube by
touching it with a loadftone, exactly as if it was an
iron bar 5 but the lead agitation which difturbs the
fituation of the filings will prefently expel the magne-
tic virtue J.
4th. In the fame manner the electric ihock, which
imparts the ftrongeft virtue to iron not previoufly
magnetic, v. ill diminifh, and even deitroy, the power
of a real magnet. Electricity will alfo fometimes' in-
vert the poles of a magnet .
* Adams on Mag. 417. f lb. 443. \ Ib. 444.
5 Cav. part i. c. 7 ; and Adams on Mag. 446.
E 2 The
52 theories of Magnetifm. [Book I.
The phenomena of magnetifm (land alone among
the wonders of philofophy, unlefs we fuppofe the at-
traction of gravitation to be a fpec-ies of genera] mag-
netifm, which indifferently affects all the various bo-
dies of which this univcrfe is compofed. Certain ana-
logies have been traced, or rather imagined, between
electricity and magnetifm. Both powers are .excit-
ed by friction ; and the magnetic polarity has been
compared to the two ftates of pofitive and negative
electricity. The analogy is favoured alfo by the pofli-
bility of imparting the magnetic virtue to iron by the
electric (hock j and the Aurora Borealis, which is ge-
nerally accounted an electrical phenomenon, is fuppofed
to have fome influence on the variation of the mag-
netic needle. Thefe powers, neverthelefs, I mud
avow, appear to me effentially different. The phe-
nomena of electricity are not at all times exhibited
by electrical bodies, but merely when thofe bodies are
in a ftate of excitation. When the electrical virtue is
imparted from one body to another, the body that
imparts it lofes proportionably of its own power, but
the magnet rather increafes than diminimes its ftrength
by communication. The electric matter is vifible ;
whereas the very exiftence of a magnetic fluid is juftly
questionable ; befides that electricity, both in its na-
ture and effects, bears fo clofe an analogy to another
apparently very different power in nature, that there
can be no reafon for referring it to one with which
it appears to have a very flight, and, moft probably,
only a cafual, agreement.
The polarity of the magnet, as well as the dipping
of the needle, are in all probability mere effects of its
great property, attraction, fince they appear to be fairly
accounted for, frorfr the ftrong and peculiar attraction
which the magnet appears to have for the earth, or
Chap. 6.] Theories of^Magmtlfm. $3
rather for that immenfe mafs of ferrugineous matter
which the earth contains. The attraction of the
magnet is commonly fuppofed to depend upon the
agency of a fubtile fluid which circulates around it, en-
ters the pores of the magnet itfelf, and of all the
bodies which it attracts. I cornels that the theories
which are founded upon this hypothefis appear to me
fo deficient in the only proof that ought to be admitted
in natural philofophy, I mean actual obfervation, that
I am frill inclined to account the caufe of magnetifm
as one of the undifcovered principles of philofophy.
I am not fond of indulging the imagination in its fa-
vourite propenfity to create invifible agents in order
for the fabrication of plaufibie theories, which fome
flight and cafual experiment may mortly overturn.
We appear to^be equally ignorant of the nature of
gravitation, and of the common attraction of cohefion
and combination. It is a trite remark, that there are
certain points at which the human faculties muft flop
in all our fpeculations. This would be a dangerous
tenet, if it promoted indolence, or difcouraged our
ardour in the puriuit of natural knowledge by the
only fecure path, I mean that of experiment; but it is
a faiutary maxim when applied to the imagination, and
when it only ferves to reftrain our ardour for fabricat-
ing fyftems, which have no other end but to remove
fora moment the uneafy but ufeful fenfation of doubt
and curiofity.
I lhall not therefore incumber my work with the
detail of fyftems to which I do not feel inclined to*
afient j but for a clear, and, I think, correct, ftatement
of the moft plaufibie theories concerning" the caufc? of
magnetifm, fhall content inyfelf with referring my rea-
der to an author to whom I have many obligations,
E 3 and
54 MagnetiJ'm. [Book I.
and whofe lofs, as a friend, I can nev^r diffidently
lament j and (hall direft him to confuk the late Mr.
Adams's ingenious EfTay on this fubjedl *.
* Printed in the fame volume with his Efiay on Eleftricity.
In the lame EiTay the -reader, who wifiies to entertain himfelf with
the practical and experimental part of magnedfm, will find proper
and eafy directions.
Chap. 7-1 [ 55 ]
Sixjtmple Machines. The Lever. The Pulley. The moveahle Pul-
ley, Qf Wheels. Clockwork. Beft Mode of conducting the
Wheels of Carriages. The Wheel and Axle. The Crane. .The
Capjlan. The Crick or Jack, The inclined Plane. Motion of
Carriages up an inclined Plane, &c, The Wedge. The Screw.
The perpetual Screw.
THE fcience of mechanics may poflibly be con-
fidered as in many refpedts foreign to a work,
which, as its title implies, was intended chiefly to de-
tail and explain the operations of nature. It muft be
remembered, however, thar the adtion of the mechanic
powers is the effect of thofe laws of motion which
have been explained in a preceding chapter, and that
even fome of nature's operations can fcarcely be well
underftood, without a previous acquaintance with thofe
principles by which bodies are moved with the great-
eft facility, and by which the animal machine in para-
cular is enabled to aft.
There are fix funple machines or powers, of which
all the more complex engines are conftructed ; and
thefe are the lever, the pulley, the wheel and axle, the
inclined plane, the wedge, and the fcre-w. It has been
remarked by fome authors, that thefe fix machines
may in fa6t be refolved into two, the lever and the
inclined plane, for the pulley and the wheel and axle
may be confidered as compound levers, and the wedge
and the fcrew are only modifications of the inclined
4 I. The
56 Diferent Kfads [Book I.
I. The LEVER is of all machines the moft fimple ;
it is a bar of iron, of wood, or of any fimilar material,
by means of which a fmall force applied to one end,
aided by a. fulcrum, or prop, placed at any part be-
tween he middle and the other extremity, is capable
of overcoming or refitting a greater.
There are three kinds of levers. A lever of the
firft order is where the prop C (Plate I. fig. i.) is
placed between the moving power * A and the point
of refinance B. Upon this plan are conilrucled ba-
lances, fleelyards, and the moft ufual inftruments for
weighing, as well as the common inftruments for cut-
ting, &c. as fcifiars, pincers, (buffers, &c. ; and feveral
large but fimple machines for raifmg weights, draw-
ing watrr, and other fimilar purpofes. A lever of the
Jccond order is when the refilling force B (fig. 2.) is
placed between the power at A and the prop at C. :
and a lever of the third order is when the power at A
(fig. 3.) is placed between the weight or refiftance B
and the prop C.
Thefe may be confidered as the different kinds of
levers, and diey admit of a further diftinc~uon or fub-
divifion, according as the point of power and the
point of refiftance are rriore or lefs diftant from the
prop. For example, in the lever (fig. 4.) if the prop
is at a, the power at p, and the refinance at r, ir is
called a lever of the firft order with equal arms j if the
prop is at b y it is a lever whofe arm of power/), is to
that of the refiftance r, as two to one; and if the prop
is at c, the arm of power is to that of refiftance as
three to one $ and the fame may be applied to the
other orders. Thus if the point of power f, in a
* That which moves the lever, or adls upon it.
Chap. 7.] of Levers. 57
lever of the third order (fig. 5.) is placed at I, it is
thep a lever whofe arm of power p f is to that of re-
fiftance R, as one is to-three; for the length of the
arm of the lever is always determined by its diftance
from the prop C. But if the power P, is placed at 2,
it is then a lever whofe arm of power P, is to that of
refinance R, as two is to three.
It is the diftance of thefe forces from the prop
which determines the velocity of sheir motion, v/hich
is always in the fame proportion as the p e> orp/, the latter power
then becomes weaker in proportion as it departs from
the perpendicular direction p P.
From what has been already dated, it follows that
the power is greater, or lefs, or equal to the refiftance,
according as the diftance of the refiftance from the
prop is greater, or lefs, or equal to that of the power.
Hence in a lever of the firft order, the power may
be either greater, or lefs, or equal to the refiftance ;
in a lever of the fe'cond order, the power is always
lefs than the refiftance j and laftly, it follows that it
muft be greater in a lever of the third order : fo that
this order of lever, fo far from aiding the power as to
its abfolute force, muft, on the contrary, impede it.
Yet it is the lever of the third order which nature moft
frequently employs in the human body *. Thus when
* See Borelli de motu aninialium.
Chap. 7.] Atticn of the Human Arm. 59
we elevate a weight with the hand, this weight may be
conficlered as fixed to the arm of a lever, whofe prop
is at the elbow, and whofe length is confequently equal
to the diftance between the elbow and the weight.
But this weight is fuftained in this ftate by the action
of the mufcles, the direction of which is very oblique
to the arm of the lever, and confequently the diftance
of the moving power from the prop is much lefs than
the diftance of the weight from the fame prop. Hence
the effort of the mufcles muft in this cafe be much
greater than the weight or refiftance. To account for
this ftructure, it muft be remarked, that the nearer a
power applied to a lever is to the prop, fo much the
lefs is the fpace it a6ts in when it raifes the weight.
Now the fpace which the power had to occupy was
what Providence had moft to regard in the ftructure
of our bodies. It is on this account that he has placed
the direction of the mufcles at a fmall diftance from
the prop, but he has wifely made them ftrong in pro-
The prop of a lever may be regarded as a third
power, which keeps in equilibrio the motive force and
the refiftance, or which concurs with the one to ena-
ble it to fuftain the effort of the other.
In a lever of the firft order, the prop C (fig. 10.)
which is placed between the power D and the refift-
ance E, fupports a force equal to the abfolute weight
or effort of the two forces, when thefe forces are ap-
plied in a direction parallel to each other, and the
force exerted upon the prop C 3 is in the direction
C I parallel to that of the two forces. But if the
power I Q_(fig. ii.) and the refiftance K N are in a
direction which inclines them towards each other, the
prop L is charged with lefs than the fum total of the
two forces, and lefs in proportion as this inclination is
greater, and the force which is exerted upon the
60 -7r,v;-. [Book I.
prop L , is in the direction L M, which tends to the
point of contact M of the two forces.
It would be the fame if the powers/ and g (fig. 12.)
were in equilibrio by the inequality of their diftances
from the prop H, that is, in cafe their malTes were in
an inverfc ratio to their diltances / H and g H from
the prop. The charge upon the prop can never
be greater than the fum of the two forces, or in
other words the fum of the oppofed maiTes ; but it
would be equal to this fum if the powers were in a di-
rection parallel to each other, and it would be iefs than
this fum if the lines of direction e c , e e were inclined
towards each other, then the force upon the prop H
would be exerted in the line H I, which would tend
to the point I, where the two mafies would meet ac-
cording to th,e direction in which they act.
In levers of the fecond and third orders the prop .
fupports only a part of the 'effort of the two forces.
In other words, it acts in conjunction with the power
in levers of the fecond order, and in conjunction with
the refiftance in levers of the third order ; as when two
men carry a burden with a ftaff upon their fhoulders ;
: two men, one of whom may be regarded as the
power, and the other as the prop, only carry each a
part of the burden ; and he who is the nearell the
burden carries the greater (hurc of it, and that in pro-
portion to his nearnelsi to i:.
II. The PULLEY is a fniall wheel moveable upon its
axis, with the circumference hollowed to receive the
cord, which is attached on the one hand to the moving
power, and on the otlvr to the refitting force. The
wheel or pulley is commonly fixed in a block, or cafe,
which admits the rope or cord to pafs freely over the
circumference of the wheel, and the gorge of the pul-
VOL.1 . />. />'".
Fig. 2.
Fig. ?.
r c b
Chap. 7.] rhe Pulley., Ci
ley, that is the hollow part of the circumference which
receives the cord is generally hollowed out angularly
and not round, fo that the cord being in fome meafure
pinched or compreffed in this angle, ir will not be liable
to glide or flip in its motion.
Pullies are commonly made of wood or metal, and
always turn upon an axis. When they are made of
wood, it is better to fix the axis to the pulley, and to
let all turn together in the fpace which fu Mains the
pulley. The movement then being performed upon
a lefs furface will be lefs impeded by friction, and if
the fpace which contains the pulley becomes larger, as
it is only the lower part which can be affected, the
aperture will be lengthened, the pulley will defcend a
little, but its circular motion will not be diminiihed;
it is not fo when the pulley turns upon its center, for
then if the aperture which receives the axis enlarges,
the enlargement is frequently not equal in all its
By means of pullies burdens are elevated with
greater eafe, and in a more commodious manner than
they otherwife could be ; more commodious becaufe
the motion is continued, 'and its direction may be
changed fo as to bring the whole force which is ap-
plied to it into immediate action, for by this means a
horfe which can only exert his force in an horizontal
direction, is able to overcome a vertical refiftance.
Burdens are moved with more eafe by pullies, becaufe
a great weight may be elevated by a fmall force pro-
perly applied. The power applied to a pulley draws
in all directions without impediment, becaufe the cord
by which it acts is always a tangent * to the circum-
* A tangent is a right line drawn perpendicular from the ex-
tremity of the radius, which touches the circumference of a circle
without cutting it.
62 'Different Kinds [Book t.
ferencc of the pulley, and confequently always perpen-
dicular to the radius. The powers applied to pullies
aft more forcibly in proportion as their diftance from
the axis is greater, whether the cords rim in feveral
groves, or feveral pullies of different diameters turn
upon the fame axis ; thcfe powers therefore which
aft at the grtateft cliitance from the axis will have the
advantage over the other. Let IP, fnopofe a weight
of fix pounds to be placed at I (Plate 11. fig. i.) there
ought then to be fix pounds at H to iuibin it, be-
caufe the radii c d and c i are equal. But three
pounds placed at K will fuftain the lame weighr, be-
caufe the radius c 2 is double the radius c d- t and it
requires but two pounds in L, becaufe the radius c 3
is treble the nuiius c d.
In all thefe cafes, the pulley performs the office of a
lever of the firit order, for it may be confidered as
an affemblage of fixed levers, of which the center is
the common fulcrum. All thefe levers have equal
arms in pullies with one gorge, and they are of un-
equal arms in pullies of feveral gorges. (See fig. i.)
All thefe pullies are fixed.
It has been obfcrycd, that by means of a pulley of
many gorges (fig. i.) the actions of two unequal
powers may be rendered equal ; in the fame manner
an equilibrium or a conftant relation may be preferved
between two powers, the relative forces of which
continually change. A pulley may be ufed for this
pur^ofe, which, inllead of many concentric gorges,
has but one, but that in a fpiral form, which confe*
quently augments the diameter by degrees, according
to the proportion m which the excels of one of the
two forces augments. For example, let a pulley A
(fig. 2.) have its gorge hollowed in a fpiral form, of
which the hollow is feen at g ft b c> and the plain at
de 43 kt there be fixed in the center of this pulley a
Chap. 7.] of Patties.
barrel e or E, furnifhed with a fpring like that of a
watch. If the force of the fpring is fuch, that any
given power (a weight, for example, acting at D E)
keeps it in equilibrium; when the fpring is rolled
three or four rounds more, the fame weight acting at
g F will keep it ftill in equilibrium, if the radius E F
is lengthened in proportion to the augmentation of
force in the fpring ; what has been obferved of the
point F may be faid of all the others. Hence it fol-
lows, that thefe two pov/ers, the fpring and the weight,
will always act againft each other in a certain ratio or
proportion, even though the force of either mould be
occafionally augmented : It is upon thefe principles
that clock and watch-makers are able to calculate the
force of their fprings, weights, and pendulums, and to
adapt them with the utmcft precifion to the other
The axis c (fig. I.) of a fimple pulley can never be
charged with a greater force than that which is equal
to the fum of the two powers I and H, but it may be
fomewhat lefs. When the directions b I and i H of
two powers are parallel, that is, when the cord em-
braces half the circumference of the pulley, the axis is*
charged with a force equal to the fum of the two*
powers. But if the direction of the two powers is
oblique to each other, the axis is then charged witli a
lefs force than the fum of thofe of the two powers j
and in that cafe, the force with which the axis ii
charged is to the fum of the forces of the two powers,
as the chord of the arch embraced by the chord is to
the diameter d i ; the effort is then made upon the
axis c y in a direction which, paffing through f, tends
to the point of meeting according to the direction of
the two powers.
In all thefe cafes the force H mult be equal to the.
$4 ?be movable Pulley. [Book I,
refiftance I, in order to keep the equilibrium. Hence
it follows, that the fimplt pulley neither aids nor hin-
ders the power; it only ferves, as has already been
obfervcd, to ke^p the power in its mod advantage -
',:.;' ion, to change the direction of the motion,
li r it conftant.
'I ;,< y may aifo'Jbe confidered as a lever of
c , for it has all the properties of that
machin- when the refiftance R (fig. 3.) is attached to
the neck c i, and one of the ends of the cord which
paries under the pulley is attached to the fixed point
a> v;hile the cthf r is drawn or fuftained by the power
d: The pulley then becomes what is called a mc-je-
able pu^ky, and is elevated with the burden ; it con-
fequently is analagous to a lever of the fecond order
I e, of wnich the fulcrum or prop is at b, and is di-
vided into two equal parts b c, c e } by the direction
c I of the refiftance R ; it is on this account only
neceffary that the power d fhonld pcfTcfs half the force
of the refiftance ,R to keep it in equilibrium ; and
if the burden is elevated, the power d acts through
nvice the fpacc of that of^the refiftance R, and confe-
quently with double the velocity : For fuppofe the
center c of the pulley is carried to the point />, then
there only remains under the line d a the portion of
the cord which pafTes under the pulley ; the tv/o por-
tions b a and e d have then pafird^ above ; but b a
and e d> which mark the fpacc run through by the
power, are, taken together, double to c h, the fpace
run through by the pulley ; then the power has a
velocity double to that of the refiftance. In this cafe
the cord embraces half the circumference of the pul-
ley, and the directions of the two powers are parallel.
The arm of the lever, of power is then the diameter
e b of the pulley, that of the refiftance is only the ra-
Chap. 7.] Syjlem tf Pullies. 65
dius c b, Becaufe to keep an equilibrium, it is necef-
fary that the power fhould be to the refiftance, as the
radius is to the diameter*
But if the direction of the powers is oblique, as for
inftance, if one end of the cord is attached to the fixed
point , while the other is fuftained by the power P, it
ftiil reprefents a lever of the fecond order m /, of which
the fulcrum will be at m, and which will be divided
into two equal parts m /, i /, by the direction c I of the
refiftance. Then the power P will be to the refift-
ance R as the radius c b is to the fpace I m of the
arch embraced by the cord.
If inftead of drawing the cord upwards it is necef-
fary to draw it downwards, a fixed pulley (fig. 4.) is
placed above the moveable pulley m, which makes no
change in the effect of the power. And when the
power is not fufficient to elevate the burden, a fecond
moveable pulley is added, and another fixed one
(fig. 5.) or even a greater number, by means of which
the power has much greater effect. This fyftem of
pullies, fome moveable and fome fixed, and all em-
braced by the fame cord, is called by fome a tackle.
The fixed pullies i and 4 are fupported in the fame
neck or cafe, and the moveable pullies i and 3 by
another neck. The lower part M of the neck, which
fupports the fixed pullies, ferves as a fixed point for
one end of the cord, and it is the lower part R of the
neck which fupports the moveable pullies to which
the burden is hung.
- By means of this union of pullies, a very great
burden may be raifed by a fmall force; for ic is de-
monftrable that the force neceffary to fuftain a weight
by means of feveral pullies, is to the weight itfelf as
unity is to double the number of moveable pullies.
When the directions of the cords are parallel to each
VOL. I. F other,
66 Syftem of [Book I.
other, the powers are then (as has been before ob-
ferved) in an inverfe ratio to the velocities.
Hence it follows, that the number of pullies and
the power being given, the weight which the fyftem
of pullies is capable of fuftaining is eafily found, by
multiplying the power by double the .number of
moveable pullies. For example, fuppofe that the
power is equal to 60 pounds, and that the number of
moveable pulies is 3, 60 multipled by 6 (double the
number of 3) will be equal to 360, which is the
weight that this fyftem of pullies is .able to fuftain.
In the fame manner the number of moveable pul-
lies being given, as well as the weight which the
tackle is able to fuftain, the power is eafily found by
dividing the weight by double the number of move-
able pullies. Si?ppofe the weight equal to 800 Ib.
and the number of moveable pullies to be 4 j 800
divided by 8 (that is, by double the number of pul-
lies) gives the quotient loolbs. which is the force
neceffary to fuftain 800 Ibs. with fuch an union of
pullies *.
* ' It may be obferved, that in all contrivances by which
* power is gained, a proportional lofs is fuffered in time. If one
* man, by means of a tackle, can raiie as much weight as ten
' men could by their unafliited ftrength, he will be ten times as
* long about it.
' It is convenience alone, and not any aftnal increafe of fore?,
' which we obtain from mechanics. This may be illaftrated by
the following example :
' Suppofe a man at the top of a houfe draws up ten weights,
' one at a time, by a fingle rope, in ten minutes. Let him have a
* tackle of five lower puilies, and he will draw up the whole ten
at once with the fame eafe as he before raifed up one j but in
' ten times the time, that is, in ten minutes. Thus we fee the
* fame work is performed in the fame time, whether the tackle be
* ufcd or not; but the convenience is, that if 'the whole ten
Chap. 7.] Bullies. 67
To find the number of moveable pullies which are
neceflary to fuftain a given weight with a given power,
the weight muft be divided by the power, and then
half the quotient will be the number fought. Suppofe,
for example, the weight to be 500 Ibs. and the power
50 j the apparatus ought to have 5 moveable pullies,
for 500 divided by 50 gives 10 for the quotient, the
half of which is 5.
In all thefe cafes it has been prefumed, that the di-
rection of the cords is parallel to each other. If it is
oblique, then the burden to be fuftained is to the
power, as the fum of the fines * of the angles, which
the cords of the moveable pullies make with the ho-
rizon, is to the whole fine. It follows then, in this
cafe, that the power muft be greater than is required
in the former cafe j the direction therefore of the cords
ought if poffible to be always parallel to each other.
To prevent the friction of the ropes one againft
another, which occafions a confiderable refiftance and
wears them much, it has been found necefiary to em-
ploy in a fyftem of pullies fome of a fmaller diameter,
which is inconvenient on account of the ftiffhefs of the
rope. It is therefore better to place the pullies of
* weights be joined into one, they may be raifed with the tackle,
' chough it would be impoffible to move them by the unaffiUed
' ftrength of one man.
* Or, fuppofe, inflead of ten weights, a man draws ten buckets
' of water from the hold of a fhip in ten minutes, and that the;
' fhip being leaky, [admits an equal quantity in the fame time.
* It is propofed, that by means of a tackle, he mall raife a bucket
' ten times as capacious. With this affiltance he performs it, but
' in as long a time as he employed to draw the ten, and therefore
' is as far from gaining on the waLer in the latter cafe as in the
* former.' Nichol. Phil. vol. i. p. 74..
* The fine is the meafure of xn angle, or a right line drawn
from the extremity of one leg to that of the other.
F 2 each
6& 1'beory of [Book I.
each tackle, the upper and the lower, parallel to each
other, to place them in a common neck, and to make
them move upon an axis common to all, as in fig. 6.
all the pullies are then of equal diameters. This kind
of tackle is in common ufe, efpecially on board mips.
The ropes, however, are not exactly parallels but this
defect is inconfiderable.
In the preceding calculations the refiftance pro-
duced by friction, and that which arifes from the (tiff-
nefs and weight of the ropes are not regarded, on ac-
count of which it is neceflary to augment the power,
and to make it greater than I have fuppofed. It may
alfo happen, that in augmenting the number of pullies
thefe refiftances will be augmented fo much, that they
do more than compenfate for the augmentation of the
force which refults from the increafe of the number of
Wheels, like pullies 3 may be confidered as an afiem-
blage of levers. Of wheels there are two kinds : the
firft always turn in the fame fpace upon an axis fixed
to the center of the wheel, the .pivots of which turn
in holes or cavities which ferve as a prop: fuch are
the wheels of clocks, of mills, &c. Thefe kind of
wheels receive or tranfmit the movement by teeth, or
cogs placed round the circumference-.
Wheels of the other kind, that is, which turn upon
their circumference, have their center or axle-tree in a
direction parallel to the plane on which they move ;
fuch are the wheels of waggons, coaches, &c. They
have therefore two movements j the one, of their
center which advances in a right line, and the other,
of all their parts which perform a circular motion
round the center.
When wheels of the firft kind are put into action,
it is common to place upon the fame axle a great
Chap. 7.] Wbeek. 69
wheel and a fmall one, called a pinion, and fbmetimes
a nut, the teeth of which coincide with the teeth of
another large wheel. In large machines, trundles are
often fubftituted for pinions or nuts, and perform their
office ; thefe are cylinders or fpindles parallel to each
other, and placed circularly in two plain pieces of
wood at the top and bottom. The teeth of the wheel
then catch the fpindles of the trundle as they do the
cogs of the nut or pinion. The mechanifm is the
fame in both cafes : fo that it fuffices to examine the
manner of hooking or catching of wheels and pi-
Wheels of the firft kind, thofe whofe motion is con-
fined to the fame place, may be confidered as levers of
the firft order; the arms of which are the radii of the
wheels and nuts, and which have their prop at the axle.
Let A B C (Plate III. fig. i .) be three wheels, and a b c
their correfponding pinions or nuts. The nutj or what
is the fame thing, the cylinder a fuftains the weight P ;
the wheel A, which has the fame axle as the cylinder a,
catches the nut b ; the wheel B, which has the fame axle
as the n\Qb, catches the nut c\ the wheel C, which
has the fame axle as the nut c, is drawn at its circum-
ference by the power Qj and the whole fyftem is
in equilibrium. Here the weight P a<5bs by the radii
of the nuts ; but the power Q^acts by the radii of the
wheels. Suppofe the radii of the wheels to be four
times thofe of the nuts; and that the firft are eight
inches, and the other two inches. To preferve an
equilibrium, it is neceffary that the power fhould be
to the refiftance, as the product of the arms of the
lever of refiftance is to the product of the arms of the
lever of power, that is, in an inverfe ratio of the length
of the arms of the lever ; thefe products are found by
multiplying the one by the other, that is, the radii of
F 3 the
yo Clock-work. [Book I.
the wheels and the radii of the nuts. The firft pro-
duct will be 512; and the fecond 8, in which cafe the
power Q^ought to be to the weight P, as 8 is to 512,
or as i is to 64. Hence it follows, that to preferve
' an equilibrium, whatever is the diameter of the wheels
and of the nuts, the power is to the refiftance as the
product of the radii of the nuts is to the product of the
radii of the wheels.
It appears then that this form of machines is ca-
pable of giving a great advantage to the force or
power over the refiftance ; but this advantage is necei-
v ceffarily acquired at the expence of time or velocity;
when the machine paries from a ftate of reft to that
of motion. For there is always as much left in time
as there is gained in force, and fo reciprocally.
There is often occafion, efpecially in clock-work,
that the number of the revolutions of the wheels and
that of the nuts fhould beajpa certain proportion.
This is performed by giving a convenient number of
teeth or cogs to the wheels and nuts : as for example,
if it was required that a wheel fhould make only one
revolution while a nut fhould make four, there muft
be four times as many teeth in the wheel as there are
cogs in the nut. Suppofe ABCD (fig. 2.) to be
four wheels, the firft of which A, catches the nut b
fixed to the fecond B ; this catches the nut c fixed to
the third wheel C ; this third catches the nut 4 fixed
to the fourth D j laftly, this fourth wheel catches the
laft nut e ; now to obtain the proportion between the
number of revolutions of the firft wheel A, and the
number of revolutions of the laft nut e, multiply the
number of teeth of the wheel A, by the number of
teeth of the wheel B > this firft product by the num-
ber of teeth in the wheel C, and the fecond product
8 by
Chap. 7.] AEiion of Wheels. 71
by the number of teeth in the wheel D ; then multiply
the number of cogs of the nut If by the number of
cogs in the nut c ; this firft product by the number of
cogs in the nut d; and the fecond product, by the
number of cogs of the laft nut e : the iaft products of
the teeth of the wheels and the cogs of the nuts, will
give the proportion required.
It may then be eftablifhed as a general rule, that
the number of the revolutions of the firft wheel A, is
to the number of the revolutions of the laft nut, as the
product of the cogs of the nuts is to the product of
the teeth of the wheels. Hence it follows, that it is.
not necefiary to determine the number of cogs and
teeth which each rrut and wheel fliould have in parti-
cular ; it fuffices that the proportion of the product of
all the cogs to the product of all the teeth, (hall be
fuch as is required.
By means of this kind of wheels, the action of a
power may be tranfmitted to a diftance, the direction
of the movement may be changed, and the velocity of
the powers may be varied.
Firft, if inftead of applying the nut (fig. 3.) im-
mediately upon the wheel H, a nut D is fixed to the
other extremity of the prolonged axle as far as is ne-
ceflary, then the power which acts by the handle G
may be tranfmitted to a certain diftance by means of
the nut D fixed at the extremity of the axle.
Secondly, If this nut D catches with another wheel
E, which has teeth parallel to its axle, the movement
which will be tranfmitted to it will change the direc-
tion, and become horizontal inftead of vertical.
In fine, if the wheel E has four times as many teeth
as the nut D has cogs, fmce the nut cannot move
without the vertical wheel H, it follows that the lat-
ter muft turn four times round while the horizontal
F 4 wheel
72 Of Wheel [Book I.
wheel turns round once ; and fo on the other hand, if
this makes one revolution, the nut D and the vertical
wheel H will make four in the fame time. For in-
fiance, fuppofe that to each of the great wheels II and
E, a handle G or F is fixed, and turned by a man
once in a fecond, the velocity will be four times as
great when he turns by the handle F as if he turned
by the handle G. But it is true, that in this cafe he
inuft ufe four times the force; becaufe whatever is
gained in fcrce is loft in time ; and on the contrary,
what is gained in time is loft in force j yet ic is often
advantageous to have the liberty of choice.
As to wheels of the fecond kind, which have two
fores of motion, as thofe of carriages, the center of
which advances in a right line while the other parts
turn round it, they may be regarded as a lever of the
fecond order, the action of which is repeated as often
as there is fuppofed to be points in the circumference.
For each of thefe points is the extremity of a radius
C M (fig. 4.) fupported at one end by the ground M ;
and the other end C charged with the axle which fup-
ports the carriage is at the fame time drawn by the
power P which moves it along. So that if the plane
was perfectly level, and the circumference of the wheels
witho-ut any inequalities j if there was no friction be-
tween the axle and the nave, and if the direction of
the power conftr^ntly remained parallel to the plane,
then a fmall force would draw a very heavy carriage;
for the re/iftance which proceeds from the weight,
refts entirely upon the ground by the radius or fppke
C M, or by another fpoke which immediately fuc-
cecds. But thefe circumftances are never or very fel-
dom to be found in practice. The wheels of carriages
are frequently rounded in a coarle manner, and large
nails driven into them; the roads are uneven, or made
Chap. 7.] Carriages. 73
fo by the weight of the carriages which pafs over
them. Thefe inequalities, whether of the wheels or
of the earth, therefore caufe the wheel to be fupporred
by a radius C Q_or C N, oblique to the direction of
the power C P, or to the direction of the refiftance
C M. Then rhe weight which is fuppofed to prefs at
C refills the power which cannot make it advance but
by caufing it to rife as much as the point Q^or N is
above the point M. The power is then obliged to
fuftain part of the weight of the carriage, as if it was
placed upon an inclined plasie. When, moreover, the
circumferences roll upon furfaces perfectly folid and
level, there is indifpenfably a confiderabie friction be-
tween the axle-tree and the nave.
The little elevations and deprefTions in roads change
alfo the direction of the power. A boric placed higher
or lower, by the difpofition of the ground, inftead of
making his effort in th? line C P, parallel to the por-
tion of the plane which fupports the wheels, makes it
often by the line C S or C R, that is, obliquely to the
direction of the refiftance CM, and confequently with
difadvuntage ; for a carriage which may be moved
eafily by one horfe only upon a horizontal plane, often
requires many horfes to move it up a rifing ground.
In general, the mod advantageous mode of moving
burdens in carriages over rough and uneven ground,
as roads are for the moft part, is, according to Meflrs.
Stevin, Wallis, and Deparcieux, to draw in a rifing
line, as C R j for this purpofe it is neceffary that the
axle of the wheels fhould be a little lower than the
breads of the horfes, by which means the direction of
the power approaches more to the parallelifm of each
of the final! inclined planes which form die inequalities
of the .roads.
74 Advantage of large Wheels to Carriages. [Book I.
But if it is impOiTible to overcome thefe difficulties
entirely, they may be prevented in part by employing
large ir.ftead of fmall wheels. For it is certain, that
fmall wheels entangle themfelves more than great ones
in the ruts and hollows in roads, as may be feen by
the fig. 5, where the radius c q of the fmall wheel,
which bears againft the ground, in riling out of a hol-
low in the road, is much more oblique to the direc-
tion of the power cp than the radius C q of the great
wheel to the direction C P. As the circumference alfo
of a great wheel meafures, in rolling, more of the road
than that of the fmall one, it turns fwifter, or makes
fewer revolutions, in pafiing over a given fpace, which
faves no inconfiderable part of the friction.
III. The WHEEL and AXLE * or windlafs, one of the
fix fimple machines, is a cylinder which turns upon its
own axis, by means of which, with a fmall force, a great
burden may be elevated by a rope which wraps round
the cylinder by the aid of a handle, or by means of cogs
or bars ufed as levers, acting on the circumference.
It is the common practice to fix at one of the
extremities of the cylinder AB (fig. 6.) levers, fuch
as E, F, G, H, by means of which the cylinder is
turned upon its axis C D, while the cord which fuf-
tains the weight a, is wrapped or wound about it. It
is eafy to fee that the effect of the wheel and axle is
analogous to that of a lever of the firft order. For,
fuppofe that bg (fig. 7.) reprefents the radius of a
cylinder, and that b P reprefents the arm of a lever,
by which the power P acts : if the length of b P is to
that of bg as 3 to i, a power of 100 pounds at P,
acting in a perpendicular direction at P b, will balancq
a weight G of 300 pounds.
* By fome called the axis in peritrochio.
Plate 3
Fi. 2.
Chap. 7.] fbs Wheel and Axle. 75
Hence it follows, that to elevate a weight by means
of this machine, it is required that the power P fhould
be to the weight G, as the radius of the cylinder hg,
is to the lever h P j or, which amounts to the fame, as
the radius of the cylinder is to the radius of any wheel
or handle by which it may be turned. If in a ftate of
equilibrium the power is lefs than the weight, and that
in the proportion of the radius of the cylinder to that
of the handle which turns it, fo in a (late of motion the
power has more velocity than the weight, and that in
proportion as the radius of the handle or wheel that turns
it is to that of the cylinder. This rule fuppofes that the
power is always perpendidular to the radius by which it
acts; for the direction of the weight is always perpendi-
cular to the radius of the cylinder, fince the cord that
fuftains it is always a tangent to its circumference.
In great efforts, ' as it is necefTary that the arms of
the lever of power Ihould be very long; when there-
fore it is extremely inconvenient to make them fo, and
when to multiply the number of them would weaken
the head of the cylinder too much, it has been the
practice to unite the extremities of the radii or cogs by
a circumference, and form a kind of wheel to which
other cogs are adapted, by which it is turned by men ;
as may be feen in the wheels ufed at quarries and for
cranes (fig. 8.)
The capjtan is a real windlafs, and it differs only
in the pofition of the cylinder, which is vertical, where ^
as in the windlafs it is horizontal. The manner of a
power acting upon a refiftance or burden, by means
of a wheel and axle or windlafs, is entirely applicable
to the capftan, but the latter is more advantageous.
Capftans are often fixed in fliips, to raife anchors or
other burdens to which cables are fattened, \s hich are
rolled or coiled upon the cylinder.
76 'The Ctiftlw. [Book I.
It is eafy to perceive that the oipftan ads as a
perpetual lever of the firft or fecond order with un-
equal arms} an( i that the arm of refiftance is much
fhorter than that of the power. For the arm of the
lever by which the refiftance acls, is the radius of the
cylinder; and the arm of the lever bv which the
power acts, is the fame radius lengthened by the whole
extent of one of the crofs levers.
Ships have often two kinds of capftans on board;
that is, a double Gapftan and a fmall one. The double
one is placed upon the firft deck, and rifes about four
or five feet above the fecond deck, it is dcfigned for
the more important purpofes, as to raife the anchor,
&c. The fmall capftan. is placed upon the fecond or
third deck between the main and mizen mafts, and
ferves to work. the fails, yards, &c. on different oc-
The crick or Jack is another machine by which a
great refiftance or weight may be overcome by a fmall
force. The fimple jack confifts of a bar of iron A B
(Plate IV. fig. i.) furnilhed with teeth in one of its
faces, and moveable in a cafe C E. The teeth of the
bar A B coincide with thofe of the nut D D, which
turns upon its axis by means of the handle M N. The
action then of the nut protrudes the bar, and confe-
quently raifes the weight placed at its head A.
When the effort which each tooth of the nut makes
in D to raife the bar, is confide red as a weight ap-
plied to a lever, it is clear that the power applied to
the handle, is to that weight as the radius of the nut
is to the arm of the handle N M. Hence it may be
perceived, that by making the radius of the nut Very
fmall, in proportion to that of the handle, a very con-
fiderable weight may be raifed or moved by a mo-
Aerate force. A fmal] portable inftrument of this Kind
Chap. 7.] fhe Jack lifed by Houfe&reakers. 77
is, I underftand, commonly employed by die houfe-
breakers about the metropolis, to force open doors
or windows, or to remove locks or whatever obftruc-
tions may be oppofed to them.
IV. The INCLINED PLANE is that which forms an
angle with the plane of the horizon. This angle may
be infinitely fmall, and then it is confounded with an
horizontal line ; on the contrary, it may be a right
angle, and then the plane becomes vertical : between
thefe two extremes are comprized all the other de-
grees of inclination.
The principle on which the whole theory of the in-
clined plane is founded is this : That the time which a
roiling body takes to defcend upon an inclined plane,
is to the time in which it would defcend vertically
by its abfolute gravity from the higheft part of the
plane, in the ratio or proportion which the length of
the plane bears to its perpendicular height ; a body
therefore placed upon an inclined plane is partly fuf-
tained by the plane itfelf, and therefore a weight or
power confiderabiy inferior to that of the body is able
to fupport it in its fmiation on the plane, or even
to caufe it to afcend. On this account it is that in
making refervoirs for water, trenches in fortification,
or in clearing the earth av/ay for the foundations of
buildings, the wheelbarrows f or other vehicles em-
ployed are made to afcend upon a plank or fcaffolding,
which is placed in the direction of an inclined plane.
To render this part of the fubjcct perfectly intelli-
gible, let A C (fig. 2.) be an inclined plane, then to
fuftain the body D upon this plane, and to prevent it
from failing, it is nor nece/Tary that the weights d> d y
which retain it by means of the cords D e d, fhould be
(taken together) equal to the weight of the body D,
7 8 fbe Inclined Plane. [Book I.
but may in fact be confiderably lefs, if thefe weights
dj d t draw in the direction D e, parallel to the inclined
plane. But if thefe weights draw in the direction
D F or D E, they necefTarily lofe a part of their force,
as will appear from what has been already advanced
on the fubject of obliquity, in treating ofpullies, &c.
Hence it is evident, that the power ads to the
greateft advantage when the line of traction, or the
line in which the body is drawn, is in the direction
D e y parallel to the inclined plane. When thus fi-
tuatcd therefore, there will be an equilibrium, when
the power is to the weight of the body, as the height
of the plane is to its bafe. In other words, the me-
chanical advantage gained by the inclined plane is in
proportion as the length of the plane exceeds its
height*. Thus if a weight of four ounces is laid on
an inclined plane, the length of which is to its height
as 2 to i, it will be counterbalanced by a weight
of two ounces drawing in the line D e (fig. 2.) pa-
rallel to the plane; or if the length of the plane is to
its height as 4 to i, the body will be fuftained by one
ounce only. Hence in drawing a cart or waggon up
hill, if the power of the horfes bears the fame propor-
tion to the weight of the waggon, as the height of the
hill to its declivity, then the waggon will not run back,
and a fmall additional fcrce will enable it to advance.
V. The WEDGE, which is alfo one of the fix fimple
machines, is of a triangular form ; the thinned part
is called the point or edge, and the thicker the head or
bafe of the wedge.
The action of the wedge agrees mo(t with that of
the inclined plane. It is made ufe of to cleave, to
* Adams's Le&ures, vol. iii- p. 295.
/ raife,
Chap. 7.] Me We^t. 79
raife, or to comprefs bodies ; and to put it in action
the blow or-ihock is commonly given with a hard
body, fuch as a (ledge or hammer, though fometimes
the prefiure of a weight is employed. The refjftance
which may be overcome by means of the wedge, of-
ten depends upon the tenacity of the parts, which is
difficult to eftimatei The percuffion which puts the
wedge into action is alfo difficult to judge of by the .
effects of preflure: on this account the theory of the
wedge is not fufceptible of great precificn. But ap-
proaches may be made to precifion, by fubftituting
powers, the abfolute force of which is known, as of
weights, and then obferving what proportion there
exifts between the power and the refiftance when a
wedge is introduced.
Let us fuppofe two rollers m, n> (fig. 3.) the, one
m attached to the cord / m e, and' the other n to the
cord n i d, each bearing a weight of lolbs. _p and r>
and paffing over the pullies / and b ; and let us fup-
pofe alfo that the bafe a b of a wedge is equal to
the half of its height c h. It will then require a pref- %
{lire of 5 ibs. to keep this wedge in equiiibrio with the
fum of the two weights, which is equal to 20 Ibs,
and a little more than 5 Ibs. to fink the wedge its
whole depth c b t without making any allowance for
friction. It is evident by the conftruction, that while
the wedge is funk its whole depth c h, the two weights
^>.and r will each rife one half of i /, which is equal
to a b, the bafe of the wedge. And as it is required,
in producing an equilibrium, that the power iliould
be to the refiftance in an inverfe ratio to tne velocity,
or to the fpace through which two bodies move in the
fame time, it is clear that in this cafe, the power
rnuft be to the refiftance as 'the half of the bafe is to
the height of the wedge. The (harper the wedge i?,
8o Action and Force of the Wedge. [Book L
therefore, that is, the more acute the angle, the more
powerful is its action, and the greater the effects which
may be produced by the fame force.
If the wedge is employed to fplit or to cleave the
parts of a hard body which ftrongly adhere together,
its advantage is augmented in proportion as the wedge
is funk or driven deeper between thefe parts. For
fuppcfe two pieces of wcod/^ and / r (fig. 4.) firm-
ly connected together by the ftrong bandages p, u, x,
&c. all equal in ftrength, and which may reprefcnt
the adhcfion of the parts of a billet of wood ; the
wedge being placed between the two billets, acts in
fome meafure as by the arms//), fp of two angular
levers fp q, t pr, while the two other arms pq y pr con-
fined by the bandages, mutually fupport each other.
If then the force of the wedge exceeds a little that of
the firft bandage p, this bandage will be- broken. The
fecond bandage , though as tfrong as the firft, will
be broken more eafily by the action of the fame wedge,
becaufe then the arms of the lever by which it a6ts,
are lengthened by the quantity p u y and fo of the
ethers. It is doubdefs on this account that hard and
dry wood, ftones, glafs, and in general all bodies
which are very ftiffor inflexible, break with confider-
nble noifc, and cleave or crack upon the firft effectual
attempt to cut them.
All infr.rurnents defigned for cutting or ftabbing,
.as kr.ivrs, hatchets, fwords, punches, &c. are claflcd
with the wedge. In mort, they have at leaft two in-
clined planes, fometimes four or more, which form
among them 'an angle more or k-fs acute ; nails, pins,
and needles are alfo included in this clafs.
VI. The SCREW is the lafc of the fix fimple ma-
chines which we have to confider, and is a long cone
Chap. 7-] Male and female Screw's. 81
or cylinder A B (fig. 5.) upon the circumference of
\vhich is cut a fpiral groove or gorge CFG. The
partition C F between the rounds of the gorge is
called the thread of the fcrew ; and the diftance C G>
which there is between one thread and another, is
called the ftep or pace of the fcrew.
The thre-ad and the gorge are fitted fometimes into
a cylindrical cavity made in a piece of metal or wood*
which is fometimes called a focket, but more fre-
quently a femak fcrew, while the other is named the
male, or principal fcrew.
It is eafy to fee that the thread of a fcrew is an in-
clined plane, at the bafe of the cylinder AB (fig. 5.)
The height of this plane is the pace or fpiral of .the
fcrew, or, which is the fame thing, the diftance of one
thread from another : its bafe is the circumference of
the fcrew, and its length is eftimated by this circum-
ference and the height of the pace ; for if one of the
threads a b is developed, it will form with its pace b c 9
and its bafe, or the circumference a c of the fcrew, a
triangle a b c , and a rectangle at c, of which it is eafy
to find the fide a b, fince the two others are known, as
well as the angle at c : hence by a fcrew turning in its
focket they conftitute two inclined planes Hiding the
one upon the other.
The threads of fcrews afiume different forms ac-
cording to the materials of which they are made, or
thofe into which they are to enter, or according to" the
efforts they are defigned to make. In wooden fcrews
the thread* C, G, F, are generally angular, which add
greatly to their ftrength ; for by this form they have a
larger bafe upon the cylinder which fupports them.
This form is alfo given to the threads of thofe fmall
iron fcrews which are conical, ending almoft in a
point, and which are defigned to enter into wood, irt
, G
82 ?be Screw. [Book I.
which they form the fockets for themfclves. Drills
and gimblets may be confidered as of the fame na-
ture, the fpiral points of which enter the wood fo
much eafier in proportion as they are (harper at the
end. But with refpect to large metal fcrews which
are ufed for preffes, vices, &c. their threads are gene-
rally made fquare, in order that die friction may be in-
creafed by augmenting the furface of each thread ; for
it frequently happens that the principal effect of fcrews
arifes from the clolenefs of the friction : this form hin-
ders the- cheeks or chaps of the vice from fwerving
backwards, to which they have a natural tendency by the
re-action of the piece which they prefs between them.
Screws are ufed principally for the preffing of bo*
dies firmly againft each other, and fometimes for raif-
ing weights or burdens, or for forcing backwards or
forwards certain mattes of a determinate quantity. For
this purpofe a male and female fcrew are made ufe of,
one or the other of which ferves as a fulcrum or prop.*
Sometimes the male fcrew is fixed, while the female
fcrew is moveable ; but in both cafes the effect of the
fcrew is the fame.
When this machine is made ufe of, one of the
two pieces (the male or the female) is applied
to the refiftance which is to be overcome, and
the other ferves as a fulcrum or prop to the ma-
chine ; then by the act of turning, the focket is
made to move upon the fcrew, or the fcrew into
the focket. In fmiths' vices, for inftance, one of
the cheeks is preffed, by the action of the fcrew,
againft the other cheek ; it appears, therefore, that the
power muft move one complete round, in order to ad-
vance the refiftance one pace or fpiral of the fcrew,
that is, a quantity equal to the diftance of one thread
Chap. 7.] 9Cbe perpetual Screw. 3
from another. If the power is applied immediately
to the fcrew, the fpace it pafles through, or its quan-
tity of motion, is a c (fig. 5.) which is the meafure of
the circumference of the fcrew, and the motion of the
refiftance is meafured by c b, the width of one pace of
the fcrew. But as it is common to turn fcrews, efpe-
cially large ones, with levers or fomething equivalent,
in that cafe a c does not meafure the motive force of
the power; it is, on the contrary, meafured by the
circumference of the circle, of which the lever D E
is the radius. And as it is necefTaryj in order to main*
tain an equilibrium, that the powers mould be in the
inverfe ratio of their velocities, it may be eflablifhed
as a general rule in ufing fcrews, if we make no ac-*
count of the friction, thap the power is ta the refift-
ance as the height of the pace of the fcrew is to the
circumference which the power defcribes.
The perpetual fcrew differs in many refpecls from
that which has now been delcribed. It is a cylinder,
which always turns in the fame direction, its two ex-
tremities A and B (fig. 6.) being carried upon folid
pivots, fo that its a6tion is perpetuated, whence it
derives its name. The threads z h of this fcrew,
which are generally fquare, coincide with the teeth of
a vertical wheel C h, which carries upon its axis a rol-
ler or windlafs T with a cord, to which is fattened the
burden P, which i$ required to be elevated. A very
fmall force, therefore, applied to the handle M E is
fufikient to raife a very 'confiderable burden at P,
but it requires confiderable time, from the invariable
rule in mechanics, that whatever is gained in force is
l,ofi: in velocity.
In order to find the relation between the weight P
and the force or power Q^, it mull firft be confidered
that the weight P is counterbalanced immediately by
G 2 the
*4 ^be perpetual Screw, f Book f,
the refiftance which the thread h of the fcrew oppofes
to the tooth of the wheel, keeping the direction h g per-
pendicular to the radius C h. This thread h therefore
acls by the radius, of the wheel C b, whilft the weight
P acts by the radius of the roller or windlafs C d ; fo
that to maintain an equilibrium, the force at h fhould
be to the weight P as C d> as the radius of the roller
rs to the radius of the wheel C h. Thus the re-
lation which the weight P Ihould have to the power
QJn cafe of an equilibrium, may be expreffed in this
manner. The weight is to the power as the product
of the radius of the wheel, multiplied by the circum-
ference which the radius of the handle defcribes, is
to the product of the radius of the windlafs, multiplied
by the height of the pace of the fcrew.
The motion of the wheel being exceedingly flow in
proportion to that of the handle, it follows that a very
fmall power is capable of raifing a confiderable weight
by means of the perpetual fcrew. For example, fup-
pofe, as in fig. 8. a wheel C h t which has nine teeth,
and a fcrew which has but one thread, and which, at
each round, caufes only one toth of the wheel to pafs - t
fuppofe the circumference of the windlafs T to be
cme foot, and the circumference which the radius of
the handle E M defcribes to be five feet ; when the
wheel C h fhall have performed an entire round, the
weight P will be railed one foot, and the fpace run
through by the power Q^will be 19 times five feet or
95 feet. . The velocity of the power Q^will then be
to the velocity of the weight P as 95 is to one; con-
fequently this power, with the effort of I Ib. is capable
of railing 95 Ib. ; and if its effort equal to 30 Ib.
it would" raife 2,850105.
If the wheel C h had as many more teeth as it has,
ike radius E M of the handle were as long again,
Vol.. \.p.d4.
Plate 4
Fin. 3
Fig. 6\
Fig. 5.
Chap. 7.] Caufes which impede tbedftion of Machines. 8 5
the .fame power Q^would produce a double effect,
that is, ic would raife 5,700 Ibs.
But if, without changing the number of teeth in the
wheel C b y or the length of the radius E M of the han-
dle, another perpetual fcrew is placed upon the axis
of the wheel inftead of the windlafs T, the thread of
which fhould catch with the teeth of a fecond wheel
of the fame number of teeth with the fi ft, and to
which fhould be annexed the windlafs T, which is to
fuftain the weight P, then the fame power Qjvould
be capable of raifmg a weight 19 times as great ; in
other words, this power, intrinfically only 30 Ibs. would
be able to raife the weight of 54,150^5.
Such are the fimple machines which have been ge-
nerally confidered as the bafes of all others.
If all the materials of which machines are compofed
were perfectly hard, perfectly polifhed, and if the ropes
which are often ufed to tranfmit the motive force from
one part of the machine to another had a perfect flexi-
bility, the theory of equilibrity, of which we have
hitherto fpoken, would be fufficient to determine, in
every cafe, the force requifite to counterbalance a
given refiflance ; and this force once found, it would
be clear, that by augmenting it ever fo little, the equi-
librium would be deftroyed and the refiftance over-
come -, but the friction of furfaces one againft an-
other, and the refiftance which cords produce by being
wrapped round pullies and cylinders, necefTarily impede
the motion of machines ; and it is extremely difficult
to eftimate, with even tolerable exactnefs, the amount
of the refiftance which may in different circum- "
fauces proceed from thefe caufes,
[ 86 ] [Book II,
Opinions of the Ancients. -Of Bacon, Boyle, and Newton. Of Horn-
bergy Sgravefend, and Ltmery. Invention of the ^Thermometer.
Opinion of Boerhaave.* Great Difco-very of Dr. Black.
SO wonderful is the nature, fo extenfive is the action,
and fo formidable is the power of fire, that by
one of the moft confiderable nations of antiquity * it
was adored, as the embodied prefence of the fupreme
God : and even in countries where the adoration was
lefs palpable and direct, fomething myfterious was al-
ways attributed to this fubtile and aftonifhing ele-
ment j and the rites and myfteries of fire were cele-
brated in temples and in groves, from 'the Ihores of
the Hellefpont to the banks of the Tiber.
An opinion feems to have been prevalent among
the early phiiofophers of Greece, that fire is the only
elementary and homogenial principle in nature, and
that from its different modifications all this variety of
different bodies is produced f. This idea is ridiculed
by Lucretius, who adopts the fyftem of Epicurus: and
* The Ferfians. See Herod, Lib. II. c. 18.
f Lucret, Lib. 1. 636.
Chap, i.] Opinions of Bacon, Boyk, HomZerg, &c. 87
indeed the Epicureans, as well as the Peripatetics,
feem to have confidered fir : as a .diftinct elementary
fubftance, capable of combining with the other ele-
ments, but by no means the matter from which they
are originally generated.
The hiftory of error can afford but little inftrucftion,
otherwife volumes might be filled with the fantaftical
opinions which have been from time to time eatertain-
ed concerning the element of fire. On the revival of
letters and philofophy, our illuftrious Bacon, in a trea-
tife exprefsly written upon the fubject *, endeavours
to prove, that heat is no other than an inteftine motion
or vibration in the parts of bodies ; and he was fol-
lowed by mod of the philofophers of this kingdom,
during the laft century. The opinion of Bacon is fup-
ported by a variety of facts, which are adduced by
Mr. Boyle in a diflertation on the mechanical origin of
heat and cold j- ; nor does the fyftem appear repugnant
to the fentiments,of Newton; though he fpeaks of it
with that diffidence which is always obfcrvable in his
writings, when treating of facts not abfolutely demon-
ilrated by experiments of his own J.
Notwithftanding the reputation of the Englifh phi-
lofophy, this theory was received with great reluctance
abroad. The celebrated Homberg, Sgravefend, and
Lemery the younger, afTert, that fire is a diflinct fub-r
fiance or body, which enters into combination with,
all other bodies, pervades all bodies, and may be again
expelled from them by violent motion or compreffion,
* De Forma Calidi.
f- Mr, Boyle, howerer, though thus apparently deceived with
refpeft to the caufe of heat, in another eflay reafons juftly with re-
fpeft to its effe&s. He confidcrs ice not as the preternatural (late
of water, but water as ice preternaturally thawed by heat.
Boyle on the nat. and preleruat. State of Bodies f
I Optics, 318.349.
G 4 though
88 Invention of the Thermometer. [Book II.
though the fire is certainly not generated by fuch mo-
tion *.
One of thefe philofophers (M. Lemery) indeed car-
ried his fyftem much further, and made a very near
approach to the received doctrines of the prefent day.
He afiferted, that fire is not only contained in thofe
bodies which are inflammable, but even in water itfelf.
Jce he affirmed to be the natural ftate of water ; and
he added, that the fluidity of that fubftance is a real
fufion, like that of metals expofed to the fire, only dif-
fering as to the quantity of heat neceflary to preferve
it in fufion f.
About the commencement of the laft century in-
flrnments were firft contrived for meafuring the heat
of bodies by the degree of expanfion; and this inven-
tion ieemed to give fome colour to the hypolhefis of
the German philofophers, fince it is not very clear
how a mere increafe. of motion can increafe the ex-
tent of bodies. It was long obferved, that all bodies
are expanded by an increafe of heatj and it was evi-
dent that fluid matters were affected more than folids.
The firft fubftance therefore that was employed, was
the very expansible and elaftic fluid air; a quantity of
this fluid was inclofed within a fmall tube, with a fmall
drop of oil, or fome coloured liquor, at the top, which
ferved to fhew the expanfion which the inclofed air
underwent from the increafe of temperature. As this
thermometer, however, was open at the top, it was
alfo found to be affected by the prcffure of the ex-
ternal air ; tubes hermetically -fealed were therefore
prefently fubftituted, and the coloured liquors them-
Jelves were found to be fufficiently expanfible to mark
* The reafons in fupport of each of thcfe theories will be con-
litlercd in the following chapter.
f MQIH. de 1'Acad. Roy. 1709,
Chap. I.] DoBritie of Bcerhaave. 89
the degrees of heat Spirit of wine was employed by j
the Florentine academicians, and oil was afterwards
made ufe of by Sir Ifaac Newton, who conftituted the
points at which water freezes, and that at which the
lame fluid boils or aflumes the form of vapour, as
extreme points of his fcale of heat. Thcfe thermome-
ters were however fuperfeded, at leaft in England and
Germany, by the invention of Olaus Roemer, after-
wards improved by Fahrenheit, who fubftituted mer-
cury in the place of the other fluids which had previ-
oufly been employed in the conftruction of thermo-
The fagacious and learned Boerhaave, both by his
own experiments and by his attention to thofe of others,
contributed greatly to the elucidation of the doctrine
of heat and fire. He was a ftrenuous afierter of the
exigence of fire as a diftinct elementary fubftance.
'Expanfion or rarefaction he confiders as the uniform
fign or criterion of its exiftence in other bodies. The
production of fire from the attrition of two hard bo-
dies, as a flint and fteel, or two pieces of hard wood,
&c. he accounts for, by fuppofmg that the parts of
thefe bodies will every moment be violently compref-
fed, which will excite in them, by their re-action, a
vibratory motion, and this will neceflfarily excite and
expel the fire which exifted latent in their pores ; and
as fire is capable of being produced in this manner by
the violent attrition or motion of all bodies, he infers
that it is prelent through every part of nature ; yet,
iwice it is expelled by the attrition or vibration of the
particles, he thinks it is clear that it does not penetrate
the integrant or elementary particles of bodies, bun
. exifts only in their pores or interftices. As fire is fup-
pofed to exift in all bodies, he proves its exiftence in
air and water; and agrees in opinion with the younger
JLemery, that ice is the natural ftate of water, and that
90 Great Di/covery of Dr. Black. [Book II.
it is kept in a fluid ftate by a quantity of fire which it
abforbs. .
There is a period when the minds of men are pre-
pared for the reception, as well as for the profecution,
of great diicoveries in icience. The hints, for they are
little more, which had been afforded by thefe philo-
fophers, appear to have made little imp re (lion j and
the nature of heat, fire, and fluidity feems to have been
involved in obfcurity and contradiction, till the genius
and induftry of Dr. Black, of Edinburgh, developed
a fyftem, which explains fatisfactorily a variety of the
moil curious and difficult phenomena in nature. By
a number of nice obfervations, he was enabled to de-
termine that abfolute heat or fire was abforbed by all
bodies whatever, and that it was abforbed in greater
quantities by fluid than by folid fubftances; heat there-
fore he confidered as the caufe of fluidity. He found
further, that bodies in pafiing from a folid to a fluid
ftate abforb a quantity of heat without increafing their
temperature or fenfible heat, as manifefled by the ther-
mometer. Thus, if water with a quantity of folid ice
is let over the fire, the temperature of the water will
not be increased, but will continue at the heat of 3 2 de-
grees, the freezing point, tiil every particle of the ice is
diffolved. The reafon is, that fire or heat being ablb-
lutely neceflary to impart fluidity to any body, in pro-
portion as the ice becomes fluid the fuperfluous fire is
abforbed. In the fame manner, when the fluid is con-
verted into vapour, a quantity of abfolute heat or fire
is abforbed without any inert-ale of temperature above
the boiling or vapourific point. This difcovery Dr.
Black was led to by heating water in a clofe furnace a
confiderable degree above the boiling point ; when
on opening the veflel in which the water was confined,
he found that a fmall quantity of the fluid burft out
fuddenly in the form of vapour, and the temperature
Chap, i,] Latent Heat. 91
both of the vapour and of the remaining water im-
mediately iunk to the boiling point. It was evident
therefore that the fliperfhious heat was aoforbed by the
vap-ur, and as the quantity of water which was loft
by the procefs was not great, it followed that a confi-
derable quantity of the matter of heat or fire is necef-
fary to keep water in a (late of vapour. When any
quantity of heat is expelled from a body, in fuch a
manner as to affect our touch, it is termed, according
to Dr. Black's theory, Jenfible heat; and when it is
abforbed by any body, and exifts in combination with
that body, either in a fluid or vapourific (late, it is
termed latent heat. It is alfo evident from what has
been ftated, that the opinion of thefe later philofophers
is, that heat or fire, which has alfo been called igneous
fluid, matter of beat, and lately by the French che mills
caloric., is a diftinct fubftance or fluid, which has an at-
traction for all other fubftances; that it pervades mod
bodies ; that it is the only permanent fluid in nature,
and the caufe of fluidity in all other bodies. That
not only common fluids, fuch as water, but all elaftic
fluids, fuch as vapour and air, owe their exiftence in
that (late to the prefence of heat; and that it is fubje6t
to all the laws of attraction, and is more forcibly at-
tracted by fome bodies than by others.
The fchool of Dr. Black feems to have confidered
Jight and heat as effentially different; and Dr. Scheele,
a Swedifli philofbpher, has endeavoured to prove, that
light is formed by an union of the matter of heat with
phlogifton or the inflammable principle : but this
theory is now exploded.
Upon the theory of Dr. Black, the late ingenious
Pr. Crawford * has founded a very curious fyftem con-
* I cannot mention this truly amiable philofopher, without a
fliort tribute to his memory, though it has apparently little con-
9 1 Dr. Crawford's Theory. [Book II.
cerning the generation of heat within animal bodies,
which he confiders as derived from the air we breathe.
The air being condenfed on the lungs, the heat which
it contained in a latent ftate is abforbed and difperfed
over the animal body. But this is a fubjedl which
properly belongs to another part of the work.
jiedlion with the fubjel. No man was ever better calculated for
promoting ufeful fcience than Dr. Crawford. In him induftry and
perfeverance were eftablilhcd habits; and candour and caution
charafteriflic difpofitions. With all the advantages of a liberal
education, he united great natural fagacity, acutenefs, and inge-
nuity ; yet the laft quality was tempered by a coolncfs and collecV
ednefs of mind, which effectually prevented his too hailily acced-
ing to the rafli conclufions of plauiible theory. With all his excel-
lence as a fcientific -man, he poilefled the gentleft of tempers,, the
moft friendly heart. From his promifed revifion of this work, I
had flattered myfelf with great advantages; but what arc private
lofles compared with that of the public ! If, after having ferved his
country in a public capacity, the family of fuch a man mould be
left in indigence, to what a itate is the national fpirit reduced \
Chap. 1.1 [ 93 1
Inquiry whether Heat or Fire is a Subftance cr Quality, Fire a Sub-
Jiance. Application of this Doftrine. Analogy between Heat and
Light. Obje&ions. Properties of Fire or Caloric ; Minutenefs
if .Particles ; attraSed by all Bodies. Conducing Powers of dif-
ferent Bodies. Caufe of Fluidity. Why Heat is produced by
flacking Lime, and by certain Mixtures of cold Subftances. Freez-
ing of Water by the Fire Side explained. Fire the mojl elaftic
of all Bodies.
THE element of fire is only known by its effects;
fo fubtile and evafive indeed is this wonderful
fluid, fo various are the forms which it alfumes in the
different departments of nature which it occupies, that
its very exiftence, we have feen, has been questioned
by fome philofophers.
Heat, fay thefe theorifts, is nothing more than an
inteftine motion of the molt fubtile particles of bodies.
Fire is no other than this motion increafed to a cer-
tain degree, in other words, a body heated very hot ;
and flame is no more than ignited vapour, that is, va-
pour, the particles of which are agitated in an extra.-.
ordinary degree.
In fupport of this theory it is alledged, i. That
motion in all cafes is known to generate heat; and if
continued to a certain degree, aclual ignition will be
produced, as the friction of two pieces of wood will
6rft produce heat; and afterwards tire; and the motion
of a glafs globe upon an elaftic cufhion will caafe a
Itream of fire to be copioufly emitted, adly, Bodies
which are molt fufceptible of inteftine motion, are
readily heated, jdly, Motion always accompa-
' nies
94- Arguments to prove Fire not a Sub/lance. [Book II.
nies fire or heat, as is evident on mixing oil of tur-
pentine and vitriolic acid ; and the heat feems in mod
cafes to bear a proportion to the degree of motion or
agitation. In the boilinp; of water, and in the hiflmg
of heated iron v hen applied to a fluid, this motion is
evidently manifefted. 4thly, If the particles of any
body are. excited to a violent decree of interline mo-
tion, by attrlrion, fermentation, &c. if they do not
actually emit flames, they will yet be difpofed to catch
fire with the ucmoft facility ; as in the diftillation of
ipirits, if the head of the (till is removed, the vapours
will inftantly be converted into flame if brought into
contact with a lighted candle, or any other ignited
body. Laftly, Heated bodies receive no acceffion of
weight, which they apparently ought to do, on another
body being introduced into their pores.
Plaufible as this reafoning appears at firft fight, the
hypothefis which afllgns exiilence to the principle of
fire, as a diftinct elementary principle, is fupported by
snore numerous fads, and by more decifive reafons ;
it accounts better for all the phenomena of nature, and
even for thofe very phenomena which are adduced in
fupport of the contrary opinion.
i ft. If it is admitted, as I apprehend it muft, by
the advocates for the contrary opinion, that the inter-
nal motion or agitation, which they fay conllitutcs heat,
is not equally felt by all the component particles of
bodies, but only by the minuter and more fubtile
particles ; and that thefe particles being afterwards
thrown into a projectile (late produce the effect of
light; thefe concefllons will almoft amount to the
eftabliftmient of the principle of fire as an elementary
idly, That fire is really a fubftance, and not a qua-
lity, appears from its acting upon other fubftances, the
Chap. 2.] Arguments to prove Fire a Subftance. 95
reality of which has never been doubted. Charcoal,
in its natural ftate, contains within its pores a large
quantity of air ; but if charcoal is heated, this air is
expelled by the fire, which afiumes its place, and oc-
cupies the pores of the charcoal. The burning of
lime alfo, which deprives it of a great part of its
weight by expelling the fixable air, demonftrates that
fire, as a fubflance, enters into the pores of the lime,
and forces out thofe other fubftances which are leaft
intimately combined with it.
jdly. All the evidence of our fenfes, and many in-
dubitable experiments, prove that light, which many
fuppofe to be fire in a projectile ftate, is a fubftance.
Boerhaave concentrated the rays of the fun in a very
ftrong burning-glafs, and by throwing them upon the
needle of a compafs, the needle was put in motion by
the force of the rays, as it would have been by a bla-ft
of air, or a ftroke from fome other body. But this
experiment was purfued with Hill fuperior fuccefs, by
a late ingenious philofopher *. He conftruded an
inftrument, in the form of a fmall vane or weather-
cock. It confifted of a very thin plate of copper, of
about one inch fquare, which was attached to one of
the fineft harpfichord wires, about ten inches long.
To the middle of the wire was fixed an agate cap,
fuch as is ufed for the fmalleft mariners' compafies,
after the manner of which it was intended to turn j
and the copper plate was balanced on the other fide by
a grain of fmall fhot. The inftrument weighed ten
grains j and to prevent its being affected by the vibra-
tions of the air, it was inclofed in a glafs box. The
rays of the fun were thrown upon the plate of copper
* Mr. Mitchell. See a fuller defcription of his inftrument and
experiments, in the Phil. Tranf. and Piicftley's Opt it?, p. 387.
9<5 Caloric an elementary Subftance* [Book II*
from a concave mirror* of two feet in diameter ; in
confeqnence of which the vane or copper plate, moved
on repeated trials with a gradual motion, of about one
inch in a fecond of time. This experiment I think
a iufficient demonftration, if any demonftration was
wanted, that light at lead is a fubftance. Of the iden-
tity of light, heat, and fire, I fhall have occafion after-
wards to treat.
4thly. The electric fire affects bodies with a true
corporeal percuflion * ; and that this effect is not ow-
ing to the vibration of the air, or any medium but that
of fire itfel is proved by many experiments in vacuo,
&c. Now, if one fpecies of fire is allowed to be ma-
terial, there feems to be no reafon why we mould
deny the fame attribute to the reft.
5thly. It is not eafy to conceive how a body can be
expanded by motion alone ; and it is much more na^
tural to fuppofe, that bodies are expanded by the in-
terpofition of an extremely active and elaftic fubftance
.bet>veen their component particles.
6thly. It is well known that there can be no igni-
tion or combuftion, that is, there can be no very high
degree of heat, without a fupply of air j a candle, for
inftance, will ceafe to burn in vacuo, or in air, the
pure part of which is dcftroyed by burning or refpi--
ration. This is a fact which cannot be accounted for
on the principle that ail heat is ho other than inteftinc
motion ; but is eafily explained it we fuppofe fire a
tliftinct elementary fubftance, which is contained in
pure air, and is yielded by the air co the force of a fu-
perior attracti
ythly. Thai heat is generally accompanied by mo-
tion, is no proof that heat and motion are the fame j
- Jones's Phrfibl. Difq. p. 8j.
Chap. 2.] Caloric an elementary Principle. 97
on the contrary, nothing is mose natural than that the
entrance of an exceedingly elaftic fubftance into the
pores of another body mould excite fome degree of
inteftine motion, as well as the emiffion of the fame
fubftance, which muft occafibn fome degree of con-
traction in the particles of the body. Heat is indeed
excited by the attrition of two pieces of wood ; but
why may not the fire in that cafe be expelled from the
wood by the vibration or contraction of its fibres *,
or from the air which occafionally interpofes itfelf ? In
the fame manner a piece of lead will become hot by
hammering ; but lead, and all metals, are known to
contain a quantity of fire in a latent ftate, which indeed
occafionally caufes their expanfion or dilatation ; it
is then the more probable fuppofition, that the fire
or caloric is expelled from the lead by the hammer-
ing and contraction of the metal, and this is rendered
ftill more probable, fmce the contraction or compref-
fion of the metal in a vice will produce the fame
effect. The inftance taken from the inflammability
of the fleam of fpirituous liquors will be. perfectly ex-
plained when I fpeak of fteam or vapour ; befides
that, thefe liquors are amongft the moft inflammable
fubftances with which we are acquainted, and their
particles, being in a rarefied ftate, will be more fubject
to thofe natural forces, which in all ftates are known
to act upon them. There is no increafe of gravity
in heated bodies, becaufe of the great elafticity of ca-
loric or the matter of fire, which expands the- bodies
into which it enters, and confequently rather dimiriifhes
their fpecific gravities.
Sthly. All the other phenomena of nature are more
* If the parts of a body, containing any fluid, are made to vi-
brate ftrongly, they will in general expel a part of the fluid out of
the pores. Nickclfin, Vol. II. p. 12?,.
VOL. I. H fads factor ily
98 Experiments of Mr. Boy k and Dr. Franklin. [Book II.
iatisfactorily accounted for, on the principle that fire
is a diftind fubftance, than on that which fuppofes it a
mere quality, depending on the tremor or inteftine
motion of bodies.
Heat and light are the only means by which we
are enabled to difcover the prefence of fire, I con-
clude, therefore, that they are both effects of the fame
caufe. The rays of the fun, when concentrated to a
certain degree, produce intenfe heatj and heat, when
violently excited by attrition, &c. if the body in which
it is excited is in favourable circumftances, will gene-
rally terminate in flame, and confequendy in the emif-
jRon of light. This hypothefis receives a ftrong con-
firmation from an experiment of Mr. Boyle. He co-
loured the furface of a large tile, one half white, and
the other black : after fuiFering it to lie for fome
time, expofed to the fummer fun, he found that while
the whited part of the furface, or that part which re-
flecled back the rays of light, remained quite cool,
the black part, which imbibed them, was grown ex-
tremely hot. He occafionally left a part of the tile of
its native red ; and, after expofing the whole to the
fun, found that this part grew hotter than the whice,
but not quite fo hot as the black part. He obferves,
that rooms hung with black are not only the darkeft
but the warmeft alfo ; and a virtuofo of unfufpected
credit aflured him, that in hot climates he had feen
eggs well roafted in a fhort time, by only blacking the
fhells, and expoiing them to the fun. This fad: was
afterwards completely eftablifhed by Dr. Franklin,
who expofed feveral pieces of cloth of different co-
lours upon the furface of fnow ; he found that the
black funlc confiderably beneath the furface, confe-
quently that it imbibed a large quantity of heat,
whereas the white, which reflected the greater part of
Chap, a.] Analogy of Heat and Li git. 09
the rays of light, had imbibed fcarcely any heat what-
The only objection of any moment which has arifen
againft this doctrine is, that there exift certain bodies,
fuch as what are called the fokr phofphori, putrefcent
fubftances, and rotten wood, which emit or reflect
light, without apparently poffeffing the fmalleft quan-
tity of fenfible heat. If however we confider the ex-
treme weaknefs of the light which is emitted by thefe
fubftances, the objection will appear to have little
force. The moft concentrated moon-light, in the
focus of a concave mirror, is not more than the three
hundredth part of the intenfity of common funfhine * ;
and yet the light from thefe fubftances is not to bs
compared with that of the moon. Nay, the analogy
between heat and light receives confirmation from
thefe very fubftances ; for the property which they
poflefs of emitting light, is greatly increafed by an
accefllon of heat ; and even phofphori, in which the
light has for fome fpace of time been dormant, or in
which it is apparently exhaufted, will emit light upon
the application of heat alone f.
I conceive fire therefore, or caloric, as termed by
the French chemifts, to be the elementary principle
or caufe of heat and light. Caloric in a difengaged
ftate, or in the act of paffing from one body to another,
imprerTes our organs with the fenfe of heat ; and in a
rarefied and projectile ftate, it probably conftitutes the
matter of light. Confiftently with thefe principles, tj^e
fun may be confidered as the great fource of fire,
whence it is diftributed to all the different bodies in
our folar fyitem. On the fame ground alfo, cold is
* See a note by the ingenious translator of Fourcroy's Leftures,
Vol.1, p. 123.
f Priefiley's Optics, part iv. f. i.
H a univerfally
ioo General Properties of Fire or Caloric,. [Book II.
univerfally allowed to be a mere negative quality, and
to mean nothing more than the abfence of heat or
It appears the moil' convenient form of treating this
important fubject, firft to confider caloric or the mat-
ter of fire in its capacity of exciting heat and produc-
ing expanfion ; and fecondly, to direct our attention to
the various phenomena which it exhibits in its latent
or combined ftate, as the efficient caufe of fluidity
both in the incomprefllble and elaftic or aerial fluids.
I fhall firft enter into a brief detail of the principal
and known properties of caloric; and fhall afterwards
illuftrate thefe properties by its effects in different in-
Firft. The particles of fire appear to be more mi-
ffx/tf.than thole of any other fubftance whatever. It
penetrates all bodies with the utmoit eaie. If the
pores of a body are difpofed in right lines, fo as to
admit the paffage of fire without impeding its velo-
city, it will be tranfmitted in the ftate of light as well
as in its ordinary ftate, when it excites the fcnfation of
heat j as is the cafe with all tranfparent or diaphanous
bodies. But there is no body, however denfe, which
will not admit this elemenl to circulate through its
pores with the utmoil rapidity. A. .piece of charcoal
fcrewed up faft in a vefTel of iron will be ignited as
effectually as in the naked fire. Thole bodies which
mod completely exclude the air, are utterly unable to
refift the entrance of caloric : for a thermometer will
rile equally in the moft complete vacuum that can
be produced, as in the open ak *.
idly. The matter of fire is attracted more or lefs
by all bodies. When any heate^i body comes in con-
* See Jones's Pbyf. Difq. p. 38.
Chap. 2.] Firejuljeft to the Laws of Attraction. 1 01
tact with a cold one, the former lofes a part of its
heat, and both of them become equally warm. If
heated iron is laid upon a (lone, its heat will 'flow into
the (lone ; if thrown into water, the hear will be dif-
fufed through the water. If a number of different
fubftances, as metals, wood, wool, &c. are brought
together into a place v/here there is not a fire, if they
are of different temperatures, that is, of different de-
grees of heat, the fire will be attracted from the hot-
teft to thofe that are colder, till a perfect equilibrium
is produced, or till they have all acquired the fame
temperature, as may be proved by applying the ther-
mometer fucceffively to each of them.
It does not appear, however, that all bodies have
an equal attraction for the matter of fire. If a rod of
iron is put into the fire for a more time, the end which
is at a moderate dii'tance from the fire will almoft
burn the hand ; but a rod of wood, of the fame length
will be confumed to at the end which is in the
fire before the other end is fufficiently heated to burn
the hand. A ball of lead and a ball of wool may be
of exactly the fame temperature by the thermometer,
but they will not appear of the fame degree of heat
on applying the hand. If they are of a temperature
below that of our bodies, the lead will appear much
colder than tije wool, becaufe it attracts the heat more
rapidly from the hand; if they are of a higher tem-
perature, the lead will appear much hotter, from the
facility with which it parts with its heat. This pro-
perty in bodies is called their conducing power ; and
thofe bodies through which the element of fire moil
rapidly circulates, are called good conductors.
The power of conducting the matter of fire feems
*o depend upon the texture of bodies, that is, upon the
H 3 contact
lOi Count Rumford's Experiments. [Book II.
contact of their parts * j hence the excefllve flownefs
with which heat is communicated to bodies of a rare
and fpcngy texture. Thus flannel, wool, and feathers,
are confidered as warm coverings, not becaufe they
pofiefs more heat in themfeJves (for they ferve to pre-
ferve any cold body in a cool ilate better than other
fubftances) but becaufe they prevent the efcape of the
animal heat from our bodies. It is a well-known
fact, that ice is generally kept in ice-houfcs in ftraw
or wool, thofe fubftances, from the rarity of their parts,
preventing the entrance of the matter of heat. On
the fame principle the ground is kept warm by fnow,
that fubftance being of a foft and fpongy texture. It
is true, it will not keep the ground warmer than the
-freezing point; but that is warm, when compared
with the intenfe cold which is occafionally experienced
in moft'northern climates.
An ingenious and accurate experimentalifl has lately
endeavoured to eftimate the conducting power of dif-
ferent bodies. The conducting power of mercury he
found to be to that of water as i,coo to 313. Hence
it is plain why mercury appears fo much hotter or fo
much colder to the touch than water, at a time when
they are evidently of the fame temperature by the ther-
mometer. Common air is a much better conductor
than the Torricellian vacuum f ; its conducting power,
* This is proved by an eafy experiment:- If a cube and a
fphere of the fame metal are put upon a plane intenfely healed,
the heat will flow fader into the^cube ; and if the fame bodies are
previoufly heated, and expofed on a cold plane, the cube will ccol
f Made by filling a tube, clofed at the top, with mercury, and
emptying the upper part of the tube by immernng the lower in a
veflel filled with the fame fluid, as is the cafe in the common ba~
rometers. This is the moil perfeft vacuum we can make.
Chap. 2.] Conducing Power of different Bodies. 103
compared with that of the vacuum, is nearly as 1,000
to 605.
A moid air conducts the matter of fire with much
greater rapidity than a dry air ; but the rarity or den-
fity of the air appears to have little effect upon its
conducting power.
The proportion of the conducting power in the
different fubftances which were the objects of his ex-
periments, is as follows :
Mercury --.------- 1,000
Moift air--------- 330
Water ------- - 313
Common air, the barom. at 27 inc s 9 lines - 8o T Vy
Rarified air, - - barom. at 6 - 1 1 lines - 8o T \V
The fame, - - barom. at i - 2 - - 78
The Torricellian vacuum - - - - -55*
From the different effects of bodies upon our feel-
ings, according to their conducting powers, arifes the
distinction which philofopbers have made between
abfolute and fenfible heat. It will be remembered, that
the fenfation of hot is the entrance of caloric or heat
into our bodies, and the fenfation of cold is its depar-
ture from them f . Thefe circumftances render the
fenfes of animals a very inaccurate meafure of heat ;
efpecially if we confider further, that much will alfo
depend upon the ftate of the organ of feeling at the
particular time. Water, at the temperature of 62,
appears cold to a warm hand i but it will appear warm
* Sir Benj. Thompfon's (now Count Rumford) Experiments
on Heat. "Phil. Tranf. vol. Ixxvi.
f The fudden and unexpected application of an extremely cold
fubftanee to the human body, produces a fenfation very fimilar to
that of a hot on.
H 4 . to
. ic-4 Scnj'ulicn a bad Meafure of Temperature. [Book II.
to a hand which is of a lower temperature *. Tra-
vellers, therefore, from a warm to a cold country,
\vill have lenfations very different from thofe who tra-
vel in an oppofite direction, mould they happen to
meet, as they frequently do, in a temperate climate.
It is evident that the travellers from a cold climate,
being deprived of lefs heat than ufual, will have the
fenfation of warmth ; and the others, on the contrary,
will experience a degree of cold iufficient to excite
confiderable uneafinefs.
jdly. The matter of fire wil'Iexift in a (late of com-
bination. I do not contend for the term chemical
combination, in the ftrict and literal fenfe of the word ;
it is fnfficient if it can be proved, that caloric may exift
in bodies in a latent ftate, or in a ftate not perceptible
to our fenfes. It will be found by obfervation, that
every body which exifts contains a quantity of the
matter of fire in this fixed or neutralized ftate, diiarm-
ed of all its active, penetrating, and deftruftive quali-
ties, like an acid and an alkali in combination. If
the coldeft bodies with which we are acquainted are
condenfed or brought into a fmaller compafs, a quan-
tity of caloric will be emitted. If a piece of lead or
iron is beaten with a hammer, or compreiTed in a vice,
fo as to force it to contract its dimenfions, it has been
already remarked that a degree of fenfible heat will
i>e produced.
Fluids, from their very nature and conflitutios, con-
tain a greater quantity of caloric in a latent ftate than
. folid bodies : indeed it is now univerfally admitted,
and may be eafily proved, that the fluidity of all bo-
dies is altogether owing to the quantity of fire which
they retain in this latent or combined ftate, the elafti-
* Crawford on Animal Heat, p. 5. zd, edit.
Chap. 2,] Phenomena on flacking Urns. 105
city of which keeps their particles remote from each
other, and prevents their fixing into a folid mafs. All
bodies, therefore, in patting from a fluid to a folid ftate,
emit a quantity of fire or hear. When water is thrown
upon quick-lime, it is abforbed by the lime, and in
this ftate it is capable of retaining a much fmaller quan-
tity of caloric than in its natural ftate ; on the flacking
of lime therefore a very intenfe heat is produced, the
matter of fire which preferved the water fluid being
difengaged and detached. If fpirit of vitriol is added
to ftrong oil of turpentine, they will condenfe into a
foiid mafs, and a great quantity of heat will be fen-
fibly emitted. If water is expofed to freeze, and a
thermometer applied to it, during the act of freezing,
or parting from a fluid to a folid ftate, it will be found
feveral degrees warmer than the air which furrounds
it, which is owing to the caloric or fire emitted by that
part of the water which is converted into ice. This
effect is ftill more apparent from the condenfation of
the elaftic fluids, which, from their rarity, contain a
greater proportion of the matter of fire,.
Upon the fame principle it will be found, on the
other hand, that when any body pafles from a folid to
a fluid ftate, the adjacent bodies will be deprived of a
quantity of their natural heat. Thus if a quantity of
aqua-fortis is poured upon folid ice, the ice immedi-
ately liquifies, and an aftonifhing degree of cold is in-
ftantly produced, even by the fire -fide : this effect is
altogether owing to the quantity of caloric which is
abforbed by the congealed water reafluming its fluid
form. This experiment will ferve to explain the fact
that a thaw is generally colder than the commence-
ment of a froft. The abfbrption of the matter of fire
is further exemplified in the inftance of bodies pafling
from the ilate of a common fluid to that of vapov.r, or
106 .Evaptr Alien produces Cold. [Book II.
an elaftic fluid. If a thermometer is immerfed in
ipirit of wine, in water, or in any fluid that eafily eva-
porates, and is afterwards taken out and fufpended in
the air, the thermometer will fink two or three degrees,
though the temperature of the air and water mould be
exactly the fame j the fadt is, the linall quantity of
fluid which remains on the bulb of the thermometer
is carried off in vapour, and in that cafe the mercury
within the thermometer is deprived of a certain por-
tion of its latent fire. If the thermometer is repeat-
edly dipped in the fluid, the cold which is produced
will be confiderable. If ether, which is a very vo-
latile fluid, is applied to any part of our bodies, cold
is immediately produced ; and on the fame principle,
a man may be frozen to death in very warm weather,
by expofing him to continued evaporation ; which
may be effected by throwing repeatedly upon his body
a. quantity of ether, of fpirit of wine, or of any other
fluid which is eafily evaporable. It is a common prac-
tice in China to cool wine or other liquors by wrap-
ping the bottle in a wet doth, and hanging it up in
the fun j the water in the cloth" is gradually convert-
ed into vapour, to form which the liquor in the bottle
is deprived of its latent fire. The celebrated Muf-
chenbroek was aftonifhed at the freezing of a wet
cloth which was hung up to dry, when there was nt>
appearance of froft in the atmofphere : the folution of
the difficulty is, the temperature of the air at the time
rnuft have been within fome degrees of froft, and the
temperature of the cloth was fuddenly reduced to the
freezing point by the lofs of a part of its heat from
Let it be remembered, that in all thefe inftanoes
there is an evident acceflion or increafe of the matter
of fire thrown into the bodies which are rendered
Chap, 2.3 "Phenomena cf Evaporation. 107
fluid, and yet the temperature or obvious heat of the
fluids is not increafed, as may be proved by the ther-
mometer ; wherefore it is plain that the caloric exifts
in thefe fubftances in a latent or combined Hate.
4thly. The matter of fire is elaftic, as is proved
evidently from all its effects. There is indeed reafon
to believe that caloric is the only fluid in nature which
is permanently elaftic, and that it is the caufe of the
elaflicity of all fluids whiclt are efteemed fb.
From the elafticity of this element it refults that all
natural bodies can only retain a certain quantity of it,
without undergoing an alteration in their ftate and
form. Thus a moderate quantity of fire admitted into
a folid body expands it ; a ftifl larger quantity renders
it fluid j and if the quantity is ftill increafed, it will
be converted into vapour. But this, and all the other
properties of caloric, will be better underftood from
its effects. Let it fu.^ce to remark for the prefent,
that moft fluids may be converted into a flate of un-
ufual rarity, by the acceflion cf fire. Vapour is 1,800
times lefs dcnfe than water ; and thofe matters which
have a ftronger attraction for fire may by the fame
means be converted into fluids permanently elaftic.
The nitrous acid is wholly convertible into two fpe-
cies of air, oxygen and azote, or pure and phlogifti-
cated air ; and oils, refins, charcoal, and other inflam-
mable matters, will by the application of heat readily
the form of inflammabfc air.
[ jcS ] [Book II.
Experiments proving the exfanjlfje Force of Fire, or Caloric, //////-
Mints for meafuring Degrees of Heat. Thermometers. ~ Dr. Black's
Made of meafuring high Degrees of Heat. Mr. Wedgwood's.
CALORIC, as was intimated in the preceding
chapter, expands all bodies which it penetrates,
more or lefs, in proportion to its quantity, and to
the nature of thofe bodies. The expanfion of water,
even previous to its afiumingthe form of vapour, may
be feen in an eafy experiment. If a quantity of cold
water, contained in a clear flafk, is immerfed in a
veflel of boiling water ; as the heat enters, the water
in the flufk will be feen to rife in the neck tiil it
An iron rod a foot long being heated red hot, be-
came ^ -th longer than before; and a glafs cylinder, a
fathom long, under the fame cireumftances, gained
v ',.th in length. A metalline ring thus heated was in-
creafed T-|-^ in its diameter : and a glafs globe became
extended T A- - part by the heat of the hand only ap-
plied to its furface *.
It is a well-known practice to immerfe razors, or
any inftruments which are required to cut fmooth, in
warm water j as the whole of the metal expands, the
edge is alfo proportionably expanded, and confequently
is rendered fo much finer and fmoother.
An inftrument was invented by Mr. Jones, for mea-
furing the force of expanfion, which by the flame of a
* Boerhaave's Chem. by Shaw, Vol. I. p. 299.
Chap. 3.] Force of Exparjion-. 109
farthing candle was able to lift a weight of five hun-
dred pounds, without any afliftance from the mecha-
nical powers; and he fhews that the fame infignificant
power, namely, the flame of a fmall candle, would by
the force of expanfion overcome a weight even of five
thoufand pounds, could an inftrument be conveniently
fitted up for the experiment*. Indeed, when we
confider that the force of cohefion in metals is fb
great as to enable a gold wire of one-tenth of an inch
diameter to fupport five hundred pounds weight, and
an iron wire of the fame dimenfions to fupport one
thoufand five hundred pounds, without producing any
feparation of the parts ; what mufl be the force of fire,
which can relax and even difTolve the texture of the
firmeft metals f ?
It is a fact univerfally known, that clocks and time-
pieces in general go flower in warm weather, and falter
in cold j this effect is owing entirely to the expanfion
of the pendulum, which being lengthened by the ac-
ceflion of heat or fire in warm weather, makes a lon-
ger vibration, and confequently lofes a proportionate
quantity of time ; on the contrary, the length of the
pendulum being contracted by cold, the vibrations
will be proportionably quicker, though the quantity
of time gained or loft in a fingle vibration may be ex-
ceedingly trifling; yet as the vibrations are very often
repeated, the effect will in a courfe of time be very
confiderable. An alteration of one hundred thoufandch
part of the time of a fingle vibration, will amount to
nearly that of a whole vibration in the courfe of a
The cafes are fo numerous in philofophy and the
arts, when it is defirable to be informed of the quan-
* Jones's Phyf. Difij p. 99, ico. $ Ib. p. 98,
J Ib. p. 98.
i to Florentine Thermometer. [Book II,
tity of heat which exifts in bodies, that it foon became
an objecb of the utmoil importance, to difcover an ac-
curate method for afccrtaining it. The expanfive pro-
perty of fire was the property which moft naturally
iuggefted itfelf as likely to furnifh an eafy method of
accomplifhing this object, fince the evidence of our
fenfes affure us that, at leaft in all lower degrees of
temperature, the expanfion of bodies bears lome de-
gree of proportion to the quantity of the matter of fire
which they have imbibed.
Air, as was intimated in a preceding chapter, was
the firft fluid which was employed as a meafure of
heat and cold. A fmall tube was prepared, open at
the top, into which a quantity of coloured liquor was
introduced ; a quantity of air was left in the lower part
of the tube, below the liquor, and in proportion as this
air expanded or contracted, the heat of the furround-
ing medium was fuppofed to be increafed or diini-
nilhed. The manifeit inconvenience attending this
inftrument was, that as the upper orifice of the tube
was necefiarily left open, it was liable to be affected
by two caufes, by the natural heat of the medium, and
by the weight of the atmofphere preffing upon the li-
quor in the upper part of the tube.
The next fluid that was made ufe of was fpirit of
wine, and this, being incloied in a tube which was ex-
hauiled of air, afforded an inftrument much more per-
fect: than the former. The principal objection to this
fpecies of thermometer is, that fpirit of wine is inca-
pable of enduring any great degree either of heat or
cold, fmce it boils in vacuo at fifty-two degrees. This
thermometer is diftinguifhed by the name of the Flo-
rentine thermometer, as it was invented by fome of
the members of that academy. It was afterwards
greatly improved by the celebrated M. Reaumur, who
Chap. 3.] NewtorfsandFahrenheiCs'fhermQmeters. in
proportioned the expansibility of the liquor to the fize
of his tube, by diluting it with water, or the contrary;
the generality therefore of thermometers made with
ipirit of wine are termed Reaumur's thermometers.
Oil was employed by Sir Ifaac Newton inftead of
fpirit of wine, as being capable of a greater degree of
expanfion, fince that fluid will bear about four times
the heat of boiling water before it boils, and in gene-,
ral a very great degree of cold is required to make it
freeze. The principal objection to Newton's thermo-
meter arifes from the vifcidity of the oil, which occa-
fions it to adhere to the fides of the veflel, fo that a
confiderable quantity of the fluid being retained by the
gkfs, when the thermometer finks, it appears to fink
lower at firft than it ought to do, according to the na-
tural temperature.
Thefe thermometers, therefore, were all of them
fnperfeded by the famous invention of Olaus Roemur,
improved by Fahrenheit, who fubftituted mercury in-
ftead of the other fluids. Mercury is found to be a
more homogeneous body than any other fluid, and
more regular in its expanfions^ befides that it is ca-
pable of exhibiting a more copious fcale of both heat
and cold.
Sir Ifaac Newton, obferving that water uniformly
froze with a certain degree of cold, and as uniformly
boiled when the heat was increafed to a certain degree,
took what is called the freezing point for the com-
mencement of his fcale, and from that to the boiling
point he counted thirty four degrees, and divided his
fcale accordingly. It is evident, however, that even
in this climate we have many degrees of cold below
the freezing point. Reaumur, therefore, though 'he
commenced his fcale alfo at the freezing point, yet
admits of feveral degrees below it, and proceeds both
3 wavs
112 Graduating Thermometers. [Book II.
ways from O; the boiling point in his fcalc is at 80*
above o. The fcale of Fahrenheit begins confiderably
below the fieezing point, at that period of cold which
is produced by furrounding the bulb of the thermo-
meter v/ith a mixture of fnow or pounded ice and lal
ammoniac or fea-fah: he divided his fcale into mi-
nuter portions than either Newton or Reaumur, on
which account it is well known that the boiling point
in Fahrenheit's thermometer is at 212. Sir Ifaac New-
ton's thermometer is, I believe, now quite obfolete :
Reaumur's is dill tiled by many of the French, and
other experimentalifts. The degree of heat, however,
when noted on either of theie inftruments, may eafily
be computed, by remembering that 34 of Newton's
aiifwer to So of Reaumur, and to 21 2 of Fahrenheit ?
and that the freezing point, which is the commence-
ment of both the other fcales, is in Fahrenheit's at 32
above o. /
The graduating a mercurial, or Fahrenheit's thermo-
meter, cannot, from 'what has been obferved, be a dif-
ficult talk. The mercury muft be carefully purged
from air, as that, being a more elaftic fluid, would
.ic fome irregularity in the expanfions of the metal,
or would colled: in the upper part of the tube, which
ought to be the mod perfect vacuum that can be
formed. It is well known that what is called the Tor-
ricellian * vacuum is formed by filling a glafs tube with
mercury, and then inverting the tube in a veflel of the
lame fluid, and withdrawing it flowly till the mercury
fubfides, by which means all that part of the rube
which is above the mercury will be free from air; on
withdrawing the tube out of the mercury, it is obvious
that the orifice mult be flopped with the finger or
* From Torricelli, the inventor.
Chap. 3-] Beft^Form of thermometers. 113
fome other ftopper, to prevent the air from rufhing in.
When by thefe means a quantity of mercury is in-
cluded in a glafs tube with a fmall bulb, the glafs may-
be eafily clofed by applying an ignited 'charcoal and a
blow-pipe, fuch as the jewellers make ufe of, which
melts the glafs, and enables us to twift it round, in
fuch a manner as completely to clofe it againft the ad-
miiFion of air; and this operation is called hermetically
fealing it ?. In order to graduate the thermometer,
it muft be firft immerfed in a mixture of pounded ice
or fnow and fal ammoniac, and the point at which the
mercury fettles muft be marked as the commence- -
ment of the fcale, or o. It is next to be immerfed in
boiling water, and that point is to be marked 212,
and the intermediate part of the thermometer muft be
divided into this number of degrees.
Thermometers with final! bulbs, and proportionable
cylinders, are moft ufeful, fmce a large volume of mer-
cury requires a confiderable time to heat and cool. It
is alfo accounted a favourable circumftance when that
part of the bulb which is adjoining to the tube is rather
of a conical~form.
That the thermometer is a true meafure of heat, is
proved by fome very fatisfactory experiments. If
equal quantities of hot and cold water are mixed toge-
ther, the heat of the mixture will be nearly as the mean
heat of the two component parts f. This fact was
* It is eafy to prove whether the tube is a perfeft vacuum or
no)!, after it is hermetically fealed, by merely inverting it, and ob-
ferving whether any bubble of air remains to refill the mercury's,
falling to the botcpm of the tube.
f This experiment was originally made by Dr. Brook Taylor.
It was afterwards repeated by M. de Luc, and by Dr. Crawford ;
who, from the impofllbility of conducting the experiment without
lofs of time, found the heat of the mixture always below the arith-
metical mean. Crawford on Heat, p. 1 8, e t feq. zJ edit.
VOL. I, I alcertained
ji4 Defetts of Thermometers. [Book II.
aicertained 'by a ftill more accurate experiment of Dr.
Crawford, who contrived a method of combining the
boiling and freezing points together, and found that
the degree of heat communicated to the thermometer
was as nearly as poifible the arithmetical mean *.
It is evident, from the nature of expanfion, that
thermometers might be conflructed of folid bodies.
Metallic thermometers have indeed occafionally been
made, and graduated for different purpofes ; but their
utility is ncceffarily very limited, fince folid bodies are
expanded with much more difficulty, and in a lefs de-
gree, than fluids.
Though the mercurial thermometer is fo much
more perfect, and is capable of exhibiting much higher
degrees of heat than thofe which had been in ufe be-
fore the time of Fahrenheit ; yet as mercury boils at
600, that is, confiderably below the red heat of iron,
and as it is plain that no fluid can afford any true
meafure of heat beyond that point in which it is itfelf
converted into vapour, it is equally plain, that there
mud exifl fcveral degrees of heat which cannot pof-
fibly be exhibited by the mercurial thermometer.
Thefe degrees are very inaccurately defined by the
chemifts and artifls, according to the appearance, term-
ing them a red and white heat*, &c. To remedy the
inconveniences resulting from the want of a definite
llandard of heat above the point of boiling mercury,
leveral methods have been propofed, but there are
only two which I efteem worthy of notice.
A very eminent philofopher, who may be termed
the father of the modern doctrines concerning heat,
propofes, in order to afcertain the heat of any given
furnace, for inftance, to heat fome body (the dimen-
* Crawford on Heat, p. 47, 48.
Chap. 3 .] Mode ofmeafuring high Degrees of Heat. 1 1 5
fions of which may be eafily taken) in that furnace,
and, when heated, to plunge it into a quantity of cold
water, and multiply the degree of heat by the propor-
tion which the bulk of the water bears to that of the
body heated. Thus, if a piece of iron is taken red hot,
and thrown into a quantity of water 100 times its bulk,
when the heat which v/as concentrated in the iron is
diffufed through the whole quantity of water, it is evi-
dent that the temperature of the water thus heated,
multiplied by 100, will give the heat of the iron when
' red hot.
Another mode of afcertaining high degrees of heat
has been propofed by the late Mr. Wedgwood, who
by means of a diftinguifhing property in argillaceous^
bodies, namely, that of contracting when expofed to
fire, was enabled to conftruct a new thermometer for
, this purpofe. The fenfible contraction of earthen-
ware commences at a low red heat, and proceeds re-
gularly till the clay becomes vitrified. Mr. Wedg-
wood's thermometer, therefore, confifts of a fmall por-
tion of this clay, properly baked, and fo nicely adapt-
ed to a brafs gage, that the clay is permitted to flide
along the gage in proportion as it is contracted by the
fire. He divided his fcale, from the degree of heat at
which the clay begins to contract, to the greateft de-
gree of heat he was able to produce, into 160. By
this inflrument he found, that copper melted at 27 i
filver at 28 i gold at 32} caft iron at 130*.
[ n6 ] [Book II.
Caloric equally tkcCewfe of Expanjlcn and Fluidity. Phenomena of
Bodies faffing from -a jolid to a fluid State, and the contrary. ./-
tenfe Cold of the Southern Hemifphere explained. Dijti nation between
Expanjion and Fluidity. Experiments iUmftratwe of the Doflrine of
latent Heal,
IT was intimated that all bodies are capable of con-
taining only a limited quantity of caloric, without
undergoing an alteration in their external form j the
fame caufe which produces expanfion, being increafed
to a certain degree, produces a total d involution of the
parts of bodies, and reduces them to a fluid ftate ;
and a further increafe of the fame power renders them
volatile, or caufes them to be carried off in the form
of an elaftic fluid, fuch as air or vapour.
After what has been formerly ftated, it will be no
difficult matter to conceive the caufe of all thefe effects
to be the fame. The fubtile matter of fire, which
appears to be the only fubftartce in nature which is
permanently elaftic, or between whofe particles a na-
tural re'pulfion exifts, infmuating itfelf between the
particles of bodies, deftroys or rather counteracts the
natural power of attraction or cohefion, which impels
the particles of bodies to approach as nearly in con-
tact to each other as poflible. When a body is reduc-
ed from a folid to a fluid ftate, a quantity of caloric
or fire is abforbed from fome of the furrounding me-
dia. The nature of fluids would therefore be, per-
haps, not improperly defcribed, by fuppofing them to
confift of the very minute particles of the bodies from
Chap. 4.3 Caufe of Fluidity. nj
which they are produced kept floating in a quantity
of fire. To understand how caloric may exift in this
combined ftate, without exhibiting any of its deftructive
properties, let it be remembered, that fire, like every
other body, can be only active while in a difengaged
flate. Fire cannot excite in our organs the fenfation
of heat, unlefs it penetrates thofe organs ; if therefore
it is retained by another body by the force of a fupe-
rior attraction, it is evident it cannot affect our organs
as it would if in a (late to be attracted by them. In.
the fame manner the mineral acids (aquafortis for in-
ftance) in a difengaged ftate act with violence on al~
moft every fubftance, and corrode or ulcerate our-flefh,
when brought in contact with them ; but if united
with a body which poflefles a ftronger attraction for
them (fuch as an alkali) they will not leave that body
to act upon any other, but are perfectly difarmed of
all their noxious qualities : thus the fafe and innocent
compound falt-petre is formed from two violently
active and corrofive fubftances, a cauftic alkali, and
the nitrous acid, or aqua-fortisj and common fait
from the fame alkali, and the muriatic acid.
Every body in palling from a folid to a fluid ftate,
or from that of a common to a rarer or elaftic fluid,
abforbs a quantity of caloric or fire, and confequently
a degree of cold is always produced by the procefs ;
and on the contrary, every body in pafiing from a
fluid to a folid ftate, or from that of a rarer to that of
a denfer fluid, emits a quantity of that fire which kept
it in a ftate of fluidity ; and by this procefs, on the
other hand, . proportionable degree of fcnfible heat is
A number of phenomena, which were before un-
explained, are now clearly illuftrated by this theory.
What is calLed the freezing mixture, it is well known
J 3 cbrififts
nS Phenomena exhibited by Bodies in [Book II.
confifls of a quantity of pounded ice or fnow with
aqua-fortis, or any faline fubftance. The immenfe
cold which is fuddenly produced by this procefs, is
owing entirely to the fudden liquefaction of the ice,
in which cafe all the adjacent bodies mud fupply a
quantity of caloric or fire, which is abforbed by the
melting ice, and retained by the fluid in a latent ilate,
or ftate of combination. Cold is produced by eva-
poration, on the fame principle ; the quantity of ele-
mentary fire which is attracted by a fluid when pafilng
into a rarer (late, and which is required to form at-
mofpheres of fire round the particles of the body, fo
as to keep them fufpended in the fluid form, is ne-
ceffarily fupplied from the furrounding bodies, and
muft be attended with a degree of cold.
The fouthern hemifphere is remarkably colder than
that of the north, and even in the midfl of fummer an
exceffive degree of cold has been found in the regions
which lie near the antarctic circle. To account for
thefe phenomena, we muft probably have recourfe to
two caufes. As there is a greater extent of water in
that hemifphere, the evaporation is confiderably greater
than in that of the north ; and as the fouthern ocean
abounds with a multitude of immenfe ice iflands, the
continual melting of the ice abforbs the matter of fire
from all the circumjacent atmofphere ; and in fact we
are informed by mariners, that the cold is confiderably
increaied by the approach of one of thefe floating
mountains of ice. Partly for the fame reafon a thaw
is obferved to be much colder than a fettled froft ;
though it is alfo to be remembered, that the atmo-
fphere is always rather inclined to damp in a thaw,
and a damp air is a much more powerful conductor of
heat than a dry one.
On the contrary, when a fluid body pafTes into a.
Chap. 4.] faffing from a folid to a fluid State, 6fr. 119
folid Hate a quantity of caloric is necefiarily extricated.
The heat produced by flacking lime has fomttimes
been fo great as to fire wood ; in this cafe it has already
been (hewn, that the component particles of the water
being abforbed by the lime, the fire which held it in
fbfion is expelled. A mixture of the eflential oils
with fpirit of vitriol produces the fame effect; the
mixture forms itfelf into a folid mafs, and the fire
which, the fluids contained is fuddenly extricated. A
quantity of water will often continue fluid at fome
degrees below the freezing point, but by agitating the
water in forms fuddenly into ice, and the caloric which
the fluid contained being ft- free, the thermometer
will rife fome degrees. The air is often obferved to
be peculiarly mild during a fail of fnow ; the reafon
is, that the caloric which the water of the fnow con~
tained is difcharged by its patting into a folid Hate,
and fen fible heat is produced. The union ofacauf-
tic alkali, which contains no fixed air, with an acid,
excites great heat, in the fame manner as when water
is thrown upon quick-lime j but if the alkali is mild,
that is, if it contains a quantity of fixed air, that fub-
ftance going off in an aerial form ablbrbs the matter
of fire, which it carries off with it, and no heat is ge-
nerated *.
It was dated that expanfion and fluidity are pro-
duced by the fame caufe : -there is, however, this dif-
ference in the effects, that in expanfion there is a re-
gular increafe or extenfion of bulk, according to the
degree of heat j whereas the tranfition from a fluid to
a folid ftate, or the contrary, is fudden j and below or
nbove a particular point of temperature, a body al-
* See Dr. Higgins's excellent Experiments and Obfervation^
P- 3*9'
I 4 way*
no "Pfanmena exhibited by Bodies in [Book II.
ways remains fluid or folid. There are, it is true,
fbnje bodies which appear in an intermediate ilate of
fluidity, fuch as wax, tallow, &c. j yet even in thefe
the point at which they become fluid is a fettled point,
though the different flages of foftnefs depend upon the
degrees of heat.
In expanfion alfo the fenfible heat is increafcd in
proportion to the effect ; but it is different in fluidity j
for when bodies are arrived at the melting point, or
point of fluidity, a large, quantity of elementary fire is
abforbed, without producing any fenfible heat, or al-
tering the temperature of the body. This abibrption
of the matter of fire frequently continues a confider-
able time, according to the fupply from the adjacent
bodies. Thus, when a thaw comes on, the heat is
often far above the freezing point; and though
the ice melts flowly, it is conftantly furrounded by
air warmer than itfelf, and conftaatly imbibing the
matter of fire from it. On the other hand, if a quan-
tity of boiling water is thrown upon ice, it will im-
mediately melt : which proves that there is no diffi-
culty in feparating the particles of ice, if a fufficient
quantity of heat is fupplied : but the reafon of thefc
facts will be rendered clearer by the following expe-
If a pound of water at 32 is mixed with an equal
quantity of that fluid at 172, the temperature of the
mixture will be 102, which is the arithmetical mean
between the heat of the two fluids ; but if a pound of
ice at 32 is mixed with a pound of water at 172", the
temperature of the mixture will be 32. Hence it
appears, that in the melting of the ice one hundred
and forty degrees of heat (that is, fuclva quantity of
elementary fire as is necefTary to excite that degree
8 of
Chap, 4.] faffing from a fluid to ajcltd State, 13 c. 121
of heat) are abforbed, or reduced to a ftate of combi-
nation, fo as not to produce any effect on the thermo-
meter *.
The heat which the water abforbs in afTuming its
fluid form is again feparated by congelation, if a
pound of water at 32 is mixed with an equal quan-
tity of ice at 4, nearly one fifth of the water will be
frozen, and the temperature of the mixture will be 32.
In this experiment the ice is raifed from 4 to the
freezing point. It is therefore evident;, in this expe-
riment, that by the congelation of one-fifth of the wa-
ter a quantity of caloric is emitted fufficient to raife the
heat of the ice nearly twenty-eight degrees; by the con-
gelation therefore of ar whole pound of water 3 a quan-
tity of caloric would be detached fufficient to raife it
five times twenty-eight degrees. The caloric which
is extricated by the congelation of the water is there-
fore precifely equal to that which is abforbed by the
melting of ice f.
There were difputes in the time of Fahrenheit, con-
cerning the rarefaction of ice, whether it depended on
the air contained in it during its fluidity. He ima-
gined, that if he extracted the air from water, he could
produce an ice heavier than water. He extracted the
air therefore from fmall glafs globes filled with water.
After expofing them to an intenfe cold, they were a
long time in freezing, though cooled greatly below
the freezing point ; but upon breaking them to exa-
mine them, the air ruihed in, which, from the fudden
fhock, occafioned the water inftantly to freeze. He
afterwards found, that fimple agitation would produce
the fame effect. If water which is freed from air, and
which is perfexftly at reft, is expofed to the atmo-
fpherewhen it is colder than 32, it will frequently fink
* Crawford on Animal Heat, p. 72. f Ibid.
122 Phenomena of freezing. [Book II.
eight: or ten degrees below the freezing point, with-
out undergoing any degree of congelation ; but if the
veiTel is flightly agitated, a portion of it will imme-
diately become folid, and the mixture of ice and wa-
ter will be raifed to 32. The reafon of this increafe
of temperature in the remaining water will be evident
from the preceding experiments. By the freezing of
a part of the water, a quantity of elementary fire,
which exifled in the fluid, is expelled, by its afFuming
a folid form ; and this fire being difTufed among the
remaining water, raifes its temperature to the freez-
ing point.
Different degrees of heat are required to retain
different bodies in a fluid form. Water, mercury,
and fome other fubftance?, are kept fluid by a degree
of heat considerably below the ordinary heat of the
atmofphere ; and fo great is the degree of cold which
the latter endures, that before the experiments of Pro-
feflbr Braun, of Peterfburgh, it was not fuppofed that
it was capable of being frozen.
Chap. 5.] [ 123 ]
EJaftif Fluids diftinguijhed from common Fluids, Specific Gravity of
Vapour. In
there is no reafon to believe that the fpontaneous
evaporation depends upon any other principle than
that which has been already ftated as the caufe of the
formation of common vapour from boiling water.
The fact appears to be, that there exifts fuch an
attraction between the particles of caloric and thofe of
water, that whenever ji portion of the former in a dif-
engaged ftate meets with any of the latter, they mime"
diately unite. Hence, when water is heated beyond
the temperature of the armofpherc, it naturally yields
up a quantity of its fuperfluous fire to reftore the equi-
librium, and" this fire always carries with it a quantity
of the fluid medium in the form of vapour. When
ihcfe vapours firft afcend, they are in an invilible
{late ; and they muft be in fome degree condenicd to
enable them to reflect the folar rays, ib as to become
vifible. This frequently takes place when they reach
the higher and colder regions of the atmofphere, or if
they happen to meet with cold winds in their progrefs
thither : they then appear to us in the form of clouds.
A ftill greater degree of cone 1 .?- n&tion renders them too
heavy to be ilipported by the atmofphere, and they fall
down in the form of rain, fnow, or hail, according to.
the circumftances of their difiblution.
Agreeable to this theory is the common obfrrva-
tion, that in very cold weather vapour becomes vifi-
ble almoft as foon as it is formed : thus in froil the
breath, which is vapour from the lungs, is always vi-
fible. M. de Maupertuis faw in Lapland the warm
vapour of a room converted into fnow upon opening
the door to the external air j and in a crowded afTem-
Chap. 5.] Phenomena of Valour. . ij^
biy at Peterfburgh, the company fuffering from the
clofenefs of the room, a gentleman broke a window
for relief; the confequence of which was, that the
cold air ruining in, caufed a vifible circum agitation of
a white fnowy fubitance *.
Agreeably alfo to the fame principles it is evident,
that air is a fluid which has a fironger attraction for
the matter of fire than water, but that by means of
this infenfible evaporation the interfaces of the air, if
I may Ib exprefs myfelf, are filled with a quantity of
vapour, which being extremely rare, and being equally
difFufed, is invifible to us. If, however, a ftream of
cold air is introduced from any quarter, the caloric,
which is united with the water in the form of vapour,
will flow into the cold air to reftore the equilibrium,
and the vapour will be condenfed. The condenfa-
tion will fometimes be only fufficient 'to produce the
appearance of clouds, but at fome times it will be fuf-
ficient to caufe rain, which will fall in greater or lefler
quantities in proportion to the quantity of moifture in
the atmofphere, and the degree of cold in the con*
denfmg medium.
* Edin. Phil. Tr. Vol. I. p. 48.
Like words congcal'd in northern air."
[ 1 40 ] [Book IL
Jgnition, ivhat ; hew produced, Bunting of Phofphorus. Inflamma-
ble Air. Culinary Fires. Lamps, &c. //7y Flame a/cex-s.
y^eory of Argand's Lamp.Beji Form of Grates, Stoves, t>V.
C.cmbuftion produced by fame Subftanccs without a Communication,
n'jith the Atmofpbcre. Gun-powder, lff
146 Bodies more or lefs difpofedto Ignition. [Book II.
According to the different properties of bodies,
they are more or lefs difpofed to ignition. Iron is
ignited with great difficulty ; on the contrary, not
air, which takes place from the decompofition of the nitre. Nitre
is compofed of a fixed alkali and of nitrous acid, which is itfelf a
compound of the bafes of azote and oxygen. The ingredient firft
inflamed is the fulphur, which fets fire to the charcoal. The nitre
is equally difperfed among all the particles of combuftible matter,
and as its quantity is by much the greateft, each particle of fulphur
and charcoal is furrounded with nitre. When combuftion, there-
fore, is once excited in the mafs, the oxygen afforded by the nitre
carries it on with great rapidity. The oxygen, being withdrawn
from the azote, caufes it to aflame an aeriform ftate, and by being
attracted by the charcoal converts the latter into fixable air. The
fulphur alfo attracting fome of the oxygen, but not fufficient to
reduce it to the ftate of a fluid, is partly converted into volatile
vitriolic acid, the fmell of which is very perceptible. The gun-
powder, therefore, is in an inftant converted into three kinds of
air, which occupy the fpace of the folid matter. What remains
after combuftion is a liver of fulphur formed by the union of fome
portion of that fubftance with the fixed alkali of the nitre.
The efte&s, however, of this mixture of nitre, fulphur, and coal,
are trifling, in companion with thofe of another preparation called
fulminating powder, This is made by triturating in a hot marble
mortar, with a wooden peftle, three ounces of nitre, two ounces of
very dry fixed fait of tartar, and one ounce of flowers of fulphur,
till the whole is very accurately mixed. If a drachm of this pow-
powder is expofed to a gentle heat, in an iron ladle, it melts, and
foon after produces a detonation as loud as the report of a cannon.'
* This phenomenon, which is fo much the more aftonifhing, be-
caufe its efteft is produced without inclofmg the powder in any in-
ftrument, as is done with gunpowder, may be explained, by ob-
fcrving, I. That it does not fucceed, but by gradually heating ths
mixture, fo as to melt it. 2. That if fulminating powder is
thrown on ignited charcoal, it only detonates like nitre, but with
very little ncife. 3. That a mixture of liver of fulphur with nitre,
in the proportion of one part of the former, and two of the lat-
ter, fulminates with more rapidity, and produces as loud a report
as the composition of fulphur, nitre, and alkali : hence it appears,
that when fulminating powder is heated, liver of fulphur is formed
* before
Chap. 6.] Comluftion of Iron. 147
only the pholphorus of K.unkei, but the pyrophori,
which are made of three parts of flour, or any vege-
table matter convertible into charcoal, and one of alum,
will immediately ignite, on being expofed to the air
in the ordinary heat of our atmofphere. In this cafe
the pyrophorus, which is of a light fpongy texture,
prefents a large furface containing a quantity of in-
flammable matter to the atmofphere, and the union
of the two fubftances immediately fucceeding, the
matter of fire is emitted, and ignition takes place.
Every means, indeed, by which pure air may be
attracted and condenfed, will produce flame. It was
obferved in the preceding paragraph, that iron was
ignited with difficulty ; yet if a very fmall iron wire is
before the detonation takes place ; and this faft is fufficient to ex-
plain the whole appearance. When cryftallized nitre and liver of
fulphur are expofed to the adYion of heat, inflammable or hepatic
gas is difengaged from the latter, while the fait gives out vital
air. Now thefe two, which together are capable of producing a
ftrong inflammation, as we have obferved in the hiflory of inflam-
mable gas, are fet on fire by a portion of the fulphur. But as the
thick fluid they are obliged to pafs through prefents a oonfiderable
obftacle, and as the whole takes fire at the fame inftant, they ftrike
the air with fuch rapidity, that it refifts in the fame manner as the
chamber of a muiquet refills the expanfiort of gunpowder. A
proof of this is obfervable in the effecl: the fulminating powder has
on the ladle in which it explodes. The bottom of this veflel is
bulged outwards, and the fides bent inwards, in the fame manner
as if it had been a&ed on by a force directed perpendicularly
downwards, and laterally inwards.' Fourcrqy's Chem. v. ii. p. 388.
Gold precipitated from its folution in aqua regia by means of
rolatile alkali, conftitutes a fubftance called fulminating gold, the
effe&s of which are flill more tremendous than thofe of the pre-
ceding compofitions. An extremely fmall portion of it is fuf?.-
cient to produce alarming, and even fatal effedls ; and what ren-
ders it ftill more dangerous is, that a mere blow, or a flight degree
of fridion, are furacient to ignite it. With refpeft to the caufe of
the explofive power of this fubftance, it will be explained when I
treat of gold itfelf.
L 2 conveyed
148 Heat emitted by Condtnfaticn of Fluids. [Book II.
conveyed into a clofe bottle filled with this air, with a
fmall piece of tinder or any combiiftible matter upon
it, to which fire has been communicated, the wire will
be obferved to burn, after the other combuftible mat-
ter is confumed, with a clear and bright flame, and if
there is a large quantity of pure air, the whole of the
iron will be converted into a calx.
It has been amply demonftrated, that the conden-
fation, not only of pure air, but of every fluid, is at-
tended with the emiffion of heat or elementary fire ;
and even the partial condenfation of a fluid, or the
reduction of it from a rarer to a denfer ftate, will
produce the fame effe<5b. Thus air and vapour are
rarer fluids than water, and their condenfation into
water always produces fcnfible heatj thus fixable air
is a denfer fluid than atmofpherical or pure airj.
and when a quantity of the latter is by any procefs
converted into the former, a quantity of fuperfluous
caloric is confequently emitted. This is the cafe in
all fermenting bodies, which abforb a large quantity of
the pure ai-r of the atmofphere, and emit that denfe
acid fluid, which always hangs over their furface like a
vapour, and is univerfally known by the name of fix-
able air: and this procefs is always attended with heat,
that is, with the feparation of a quantity of elementary
fire. The accenfion or ignition of the mafs depends,
however, on the fpeedy emiiTion of the matter of fire,
that is, upon the violence of attraction between the
two fubftances which occafipns the condenfation.
When fulphur, iron -filings, and water, are mixed to-
gether snd kneaded into a pafte, the air is rapidly at-
tra&ed, and the mafs becomes fo hot as to take
fire. Play-ricks and other fermenting mafTes are fre-
quently fired by this kind of fpontaneous procefs,
Chap. .] Spontaneous Inflammation.. 149
If one of the fub fiances contains a large quantity of
the bafis of pure air, and a- ftrong general attraction
e.y.ifts between the fubftances, a fimilar effect will enfua
Thus, if aqua fords, or ftrong nitrous acid, is poured
upon oil of turpentine, the attraction between the in-
flammable part of the oil and the pure air, which the
nitrous acid contains in abundance, will be fo violent,
that the whole will be inftantaneoufly converted into
flame. The fame effect is produced from a mixture
of black wad (an ore of manganefe, containing much
oxygen or pure air) with common linfeed oil. If a
quantity of nitrated copper allb, or rhe fak which is
formed by the folution of copper in the nitrous acid,
is moiftened, and inclofed in a piece of tin-foil, the fait
melts or deliquefces, nitrous fumes are emitted, and
the mafs fuddenly burfts into a flame. This effK. is
undoubtedly occafioned by the ftrong attraction of the
tin for the nitrous acid, by which the fire is extricated
in fb rapid a manner as to produce inflammation.
The effects of fpontaneous inflammation are chiefly
feen in the mineral world ; and to this caufe is to be
attributed a variety of the mod formidable phenomena
of nature, fuch as volcanoes, earthquakes, .&c.
M. Lavoifier defcribes an apparatus for afcertaining
the quantities pf heat extricated during the combuftion
of different fubftances. This contrivance refL on the
propofition, that when a body is burnt in the center
of a hollow fphere of ice, and fupplied with air at the
temperature of -32, the quantity of ice melted from
the infide of the fphere becomes a meafure of the re-
lative quantities of heat difengaged. With this appa-
ratus, phofphorns, charcoal, and hydrogen gas, gave
the following refults :
One pound of phofphorus melted one hundred pounds
pf ice.
L One
150 Heat extri-cated in Combuftion. [Book II.
One pound of charcoal melted ninety-fix pounds,
eight ounces.
One pound of hydrogen gas melted 295105. 9 ounces,
3* drams.
As a concrete acid is formed by the combuftion of
phofphorus, it is probable that very little heat or ca-
loric remains in the acid, and, confequently, that the
above experiment gives us very nearly the whole quan-
tity of elementary fire contained in the oxygen gas.
M. Lavoifier had found, by a former experiment,
that one pound of phofphorus abforbs one pound eight
ounces of oxygen during combuftion j and fince, by
the fame operation, one hundred pounds of ice are
melted, it follows, that the quantity of caloric con-
tained in one pound of oxygen gas is capable of melt-
ing 66 Ibs. 10 ounces, 5 drams, 24 grains of ice. By
the aid of this fimple contrivance, M. Lavoifier has
been able to afccrtain, with apparent accuracy, the
quantity of caloric difengaged in mod of the common
proceffes of combuftion *.
* ' From the combuftion of phofphorus, as related in the fore-
going experiments, it appears, that one pound of phofphorus re-
quires i Ib. 8 oz. of oxygen gas for its combuftion, and that z Ibs.
9 oz. of concrete phofphoric acid are produced.
' The quantity of caloric difengaged by the combuftion of one
pound of phofphorus, exprefled by the number of pounds of ice
melted during that operation, is 100.00000.
The quantity diiengaged from each pound of oxygen, during
the combuftion of phofphorus, exprefled ,4n the fame manner,
is - - ... '- 66.66667.
The quantity difengaged during the formation of one pound of
phofphoric acid, 40.00000. The quantity remaining in each
pound of phofp'.ioric acid - - - o'.ooooo *.
* We rjere fuppofe the phofphoric acid not to contain any calo-
ric, which is not flnftly true ; but, as I have before obferved, the
quantity it really contains is probably very fmall, and we have not
given it a value, for want of a fufficient data to go upon.
Chap. 6.] Experiments on Combuftion. 15 1
In the combuftion of one pound of charcoal, 2 Ibs. 9 oz. \ gros,
10 grs. of oxygen gas are abforbed, and 3 Ibs. 9 oz. i gros, logrs.
of carbonic acid gas are formed.
Caloric, difengaged during the combuftion of one pound of char-
coal - - - - -- - - 96.50000 f .
Caloric difengaged during the combuftion of charcoal, from each
pound of oxygen gas abforbed - - 37.52823.
Caloric difengaged during the formation of one pound of car-
bonic acid gas - - v - - - - 27.02024:
Caloric retained by each pound of oxygen after the combuf-
tion ------_. 29.13844.
Caloric neceffary for fupporting one pound of carbonic acid in
theftateofgas - - - - - - 20.97969.
In the combuftion of one pound of hydrogen gas, 5 Ibs. iooz.
5 gros, 24 grs. of oxygen gas are abforbed, and 6 Ibs. looz.
5 gros, 24 grs. of water are formed.
Caloric from each Ib. of hydrogen gas ... 295.58950.
Caloric from each Ib. of oxygen gas - - - 52.16280.
Caloric difengaged during the formation of each Ib.
of water 44.33840.
Caloric retained by each Ib. of oxygen after com-
buftion with hydrogen -------- 14.50386,
Caloric retained by each Ib. of water at the tempe-
rature of Zero (32) -------- 12.32823,
' When we combine nitrous gas with oxygen gas, fo as to form
nitric or nitrous acid, a degree of heat is produced, which is much
lefs confiderable than what is evolved during the other combina-
tions of oxygen ; whence it follows that oxygen, when it becomes
fixed in nitric acid, retains a great part of th'e heat which it pof-
feffed in the ftate of gas. It is certainly poffible to determine the
quantity of caloric which is difer.gaged during the combination of
thefe two gaffes, and confequcntly to determine what quantity re-
mains after the combination takes place. The firft of thefe quan-
tities might be afcertained, by making the combination of the, two
gaffes in an apparatus furrounded by ice ; but, as the quantity of
caloric difengaged is very inconfiderable, it would be neceffary to
operate upon a large quantity of the two gaffes in a very trouble-
f All thefe relative quantities of caloric ,are exprefled by the
number of pounds of ice, and decimal parts, melted during the fe-
veral operations,
L A. feme
X$2 Heat extricated in Combtiftion. [Book I! ,
fome and complicated apparatus. By this confideration, Mr. de la
Place and I have hitherto been prevented frpm making the at-
tempt. In the mean time, the place of fuch an experiment may
be fupplied by calculations, the refults of which cannot be very far
from truth.
'. Mr. de la Place and I deflagrated a convenient quantity of
uitre and charcoal in an ice apparatus, and found that twelve
pounds of ice were melted by the deflagration of one pound of
i-.itre. We (hall fee, in the fequel, that one pound of nitre is cora-
pofed, as under, of
Pot-alh 7 oz. 6 gros 51. 84 grs. =
Dry acid 8 i 21.16 == 4700.16.
The above quantity of dry acid is compofed of
Oxygen 6 cz. $ gros 66.34 grs. 3738.34 grs.
Azote i 5 25.82 = 961.82.
* By this we find that, during the above deflagration, 2 gros i \. gr
of charcoal have fuffered combuiHon, along with 37.38.34 grs. or
6 oz. 3 gros, 66.34 grs. of ozygen. Hence, iince 12 Ibs. of ice
were melted during the combuftion, it follows, that one pound of
oxygen burnt in the fame manner would have melted 29.58320 Ibs.
of ice. To which the quantity of caloric, retained by a pound of
oxygen after combining with charcoal to form carbonic acid gas,
being added, which was already afcertained to be capable of melt-
ing 29.13844^3. of ice, we have for the total quantity of caloric
remaining in a pound of oxygen, when combined with nitrous gas
in the nitric acid 58.72164; which is the number of pounds of ice
the caloric remaining in. the oxygen in that ftate is capable of
' We have before feen that, in the ftate of oxygen gas, it con-
tained at leaft 66.66667 ; wherefore it follows that, in combining
with azote to form nitric acid, it only Icfes 7.94502. Farther ex-
periments upon this fubjeci are neceflar.y to ascertain how far the
refults of this calculation may agree with direft faft. This enor-
mous quantity of caloric retained by oxygen in its combination
into nitric acid, explains the caufe of the great difengagement of
caloric during the deflagrations of nitre; or, more ftriftly fpeaking,
upon all occafions of the decompofition of nitric acid.
' Having examined fcveral cafes of fimple combuftion, I mean
now to give a few examples of a more complex nature. One pound
of wax-taper being allowed to burn ilowly in an ice apparatus,
melted 133 Ibs. 2 oz. 53 grps of ice. According to my experi-
Chap. 6.] AScale efEeah 153
jnents in the Memoirs of the Academy for 17 $4, p. 606, one pound
pf wax- taper confifts of 13 92. i gros, 23 grs. of charcoal, and
2 oz. 6 gros, 49 grs. of hydrogen.
f By the foregoing experiments, the above
quantity of charcoal ought to melt - - 79-39390 Ibs. of ice;
and the hydrogen mould melt - 52.37605
In all 131.76995 Ibs.
* Thus, we fee the quantity of caloric difengaged, from a burn-
ing taper, is pretty exactly conformable to what was obtained by
burning fe parately a quantity of charcoal and hydjrogen, equal to
what enters into its compofition. Thefe experiments with the ta-
per were feveral times repeated, fo that I have reafon to believe
them accurate.' Lav oifieS s Chemijlry.
The firft part of this table is taken from Mr. Wedgwood's fcale,
according to his clay pyrometer, the reft is by Fahrenheit's
Extremity of the fcale of Mr. Wedgwood's ther 7 "
mcmeter 32277 240
Greateft heat of his final 1 air furnace 21877 J 6
Caft iron melts 17977 *3
Greateft heat of a common fmith's forge 1/327 125
Welding heat of iron, greateft *34 2 7 95
- - ..... , leaft 12777 90
Fine gold melts - 5237 32
Fine filver melts . 4717 28
Swedifh copper melts 4587 27
Brafs melts 3807 21
Heat by which his enamel colours are burnt
on 1857 6
Iron with a white fparkling heat 2780
Iron with a heat almoft white 2080
The heat of live coals without blowing, perhaps about 1650
Jron with a glowing red by day-light 1600
*54 Scale of Hgat. [Book IT.
Iron juft red-hot by day. light _ T ^^
Iron juft red-hot in the dark _ Iooo
Greateit heat of lead in fufion g 2O
Colours of iron arc burned oft* - _ g oo
Mercury boih, by fome placed at 600 700
Polifhed iron takes \f\ill blue ^ oo
Polifhed iron takes a purple . . 66 O
Linfeed oil boils, by fome at 600 620
Lead melts . 610
Polifhed iron takes a ftraw colour 60^
Oil of vitriol boils 5^5
Brafs takes a blue colour CQO
Bifmuth melts AQ
Tin- foil and bifmuth melt 450
Tin melts 408
Equal parts of tin and bifmuth melt * 283
Equal parts of tin, lead, and bifmuth melt - 220
Water boils 2iz
Brandy boils 190
Rectified fpirit of wine boils 175
Serum of blood and white of eggs coagulate 156
Bees-wax melts 142
Grcateft heat of water which the hand can well bear 114
Heat of the Sirocco wind at Palermo, in Sicily 112
Violent feverifh heat -! 108
Heat of the flcin of ducks, geefe, and pidgeons 106
Heat of the fkin of cats, dogs, meep, &c. 103
Heat of the human body in health 98
Heat of a hive of bees 97
Sultry weather 75
Ordinary fummer heat -r- 65
Water juft freezing, or ice juft melting 32
Milk freezes 30
Vinegar of ordinary ftrer.gth froze at 27
Strong wines froze at 20
A mixture of fnow and fait finks the thermometer to o
Greateft natural cold obferved in England 3
Weafc fpirit of wine froze 33
Mercury freezes about ^ 39
As mercury contrcfts irregularly on freezing, no cold below this
can be obferved by the -thermometers now in ufe.
Chap, i.] [ 155 3
LIGHT, &c*.
Opinions of the Platonics. -Of Arijiotle. Of Alhazen. Of Roger
Bacon. The Invention of Spectacles. Treatife ofMaurolycus on Vi-
Jton.Long and /hort Vijion. Reafon that the Sun's Image appears
round, though the Rays pafs through an angular Aperture. Ineries en Colours. Grimaldi. Gregory. Newton ; his Dif-
coveries on Cohan. On Refrangibility. Bolognian Stone. Bald-
nuin's Phojphgrus, &c. -Bradley.- Bouguer. Melville.^ T)ollanJ,
De la Motte.Dela Roger Bacon> &c. [Book III.
life of convex glafTes, both as magnifiers and as burn-
ing glafles, was not unknown to the ancients, though
the theory was not underftood. The magnifying
power of glafles, and fome other optical phenomena,
were alfo largely treated of by Alhazen, an Arabic phi-
lofopher of the twelfth century. Thefe obfervations
were followed by thofe of Roger Bacon, who demon-
ftrates by actual experiment, that a fmall fegmenr, of
a glafs globe would greatly afllft the fight of old per-
fons ; and from the hints afforded by thefe two philo-
fbphers, it is not unreafonable to conclude, that the
invention of fpectacles proceeded. Concerning the
a6bual author of this ufeful invention, we have no
certain information ; we only find, that it was gene-
rally known about the beginning of the fourteenth
In the year 1575, Maurolycus, a teacher of mathe-
matics at Meffina, publiflicd a treatife on optics, in
tina, are exadlly correfpondent to the points of the object from
which they proceed. As however, from the great degree of con-
vergence which this contrivance will produce, the pencils of light
proceeding from the extreme points of the object will be made to
crofs each other before they rench the retina, the image on the re-
tina is always inverted. (See Plate XX. fig. 39.)
19. The magnitude of the image painted on the retina will,
therefore, it is evident, depend on the greatnefs or obtufenefs of
the angle under which the rays proceeding 'from the extreme
points of the object enter the eye. For it is plain, that the more
open or obtufe the angle is, the greater is the tendency of thefe
rays to meet in a point and crofs each other : and the fooner they
crofs each other, after paffing the ctyftalline lens, the larger will be
the inverted image painted on the retina. (See Plate XX. fig. 40.)
The 'uij'ual angle, therefore, is that which is made by two right
lines drawn from the extreme points of any object to the eye ; and
on the meafure of that angle, the apparent magnitude of every
vifible object, wili depend.
20. Tne prtftn ufed by opticians is a triangular piece of fie
glafs, which has, the power of feparating the rays of light.
6 which
Chap, i.] theory ofjhort and imperfect Vifwn.
which he demonftrates, that the cryftalline humour of
die eye is a lens, which collects the rays of light pro-
ceeding from external objects, and throws them on the
retina, or optic nerve. From this principle he was
led to difcover the reafon of what are called fhort and
imperfect fight, In the one cafe, the rays converge
too foon ; in the other, they do not converge foon
enough. Hence fhort-fighted perfons are relieved by
a concave glafs, which caufes the rays to diverge in
fome degree before they enter the eye, arid renders it
more difficult for them to converge fo faft as they
would have done after entering the cryftalline hu-
mour ; hence, too, he proves that a convex lens is of
ufe to perfons who have weak, but long fight, by
caufing the rays to converge fooner, and in a greater
quantity, than would otherwife happen. He was the
firft, alib, that folved a problem, which had caufed
much perplexity in the ancient fchools, refpecting the
fun's image appearing round, though the rays that
form it are tranfmitted into a dark room through an
angular aperture. He confidered, that as the rays of
light are conftantly proceeding, in every direction,
from every part of the fun's difk *, " they muft be
crofiing each other from the extreme part of it in
every point of the aperture ; fo that every Tuch point
will be the apex of two cones, of which the bafe of the
one is the fun's difk, and that of the other his image
on the oppofite wall." The whole image, therefore,
confifts of a number of images, all of which are cir-r
cular j the image of the fun formed of thofe images
muft be circular alfo ; and it will approach .the nearer
a perfect circle, the fmaller the aperture, and the more
diftant the image.
Nearly about the fame time, Johannes Baptifta
* The face of the fun.
i6o ConjeKures on the Rainbow. [Book 111,
Porta, of Naples, invented the camera obfcura ; and
his experiments upon that inftrument convinced him
that light is a iiibftance, by the intromifiion of which
into the eye vifion is performed ; for it is proper to
mention, that before his, time the opinion was afmofl
general, that vifion depended upon what was termed
.vi/ual rays> proceeding from the eye. In this the fyf-
tem of Porta correlponds nearly with that of" Mauro-
lycus : but it ought to be remarked, that the difcove ~
ries of each of thefe two philofophers were unknown to
the other. He fhews, moreover, that a defect of light
is remedied by the dilatation of the pupil, which con-
tracts involuntarily when expofed to a ftrong light,
and opens when the light is faint and knguid.
One Fletcher, of Breflau, in 1571, endeavoured to
account for the phenomena of the rainbow, by a dou-
ble reflexion and one refraction -, but Antonio de Do-
minis, whofe treatife was published in 1611, was the
firft who came near to the true theory. He defcribes
the progrefs of the ray of light through each drop of
the falling rain ; he fhews that it enters the upper part
of the drop, where it fuffers one refraction 3 that it is
reflected once, and then refracted again, fo as to come
directly to the eye of the fpectator j why this refrac-
tion 'mould produce the different colours was referved
for Sir I. Newton to explain.
The litter end of the fixteenth century was illuftri-
ous for the invention of telefcopes. It is generally
allowed to have been cafual. That effect of refrac-
tion, which caufes the rays of light, in paffing through
a denfe medium thicker in the middle, to converge
to a point, and allb that which takes place when they
pafs through one thicker at the extremities, had been
long obferved j and the afliftance which convex and
concave glaffcs afforded to the fight had brought them
Chap; J.] Ga!iko,Kepkr>&f. xj
into common ufe. The inventor of the tele'fcope is
not certainly known. The moft probable account is,
that one Zacharias Janfen, a fpectacle maker of Mid-
dleburgh, trying the effect of a concave and convex
glafs united, found that, placed at a certain diftance
from each other, they had the. property of bringing
diftant objects apparently nearer to the eye *. Tele-
fcopes were greatly improved by Galileo, who made
one to magnify thirty-three times, and with this he^
made all his wonderful aftronomical difcoveries.
The rationale of telefcopes was, however, not ex-
plained till Kepler, who defcribed the nature and the
degree of refraction, when light parted through denfer
or rarer mediums, the furfaces of which are convex or
concave, namely, that it correfponds to the diameter
of the circle of which the convexity or concavity are
portions of arches. He fuggefted fome improvements
in the construction of telefcopes, which, however,
were left to others to put in practice.
To the Janfens we are alfo indebted for the difcovery
of the microfcopej an inftrument depending upon
exactly the fame principles as the former. In fact, it
is not improbable that the double lens was firft applied
to the obfervation of near but minute objects, and
afterwards, on the fame principles, to objects which
appeared minute on account of their diftance.
Much attention was given by Kepler to the invef-
tigation of the law of refraction ; but he was. able to
* An account which is very commonly received is, that fome
f his children playing in his fhop with fpe&acle glafles, perceiv-
ed that when they held two of thefe glafles between their fingers,
at a certain diftance from each other, the dial of the clock ap-
peared greatly magnified, but in an inverted pofition. From this
their father took the idea of adjufting two of thefe glailes on a
board, fo as to move them at pleafure.
VOL. 1. M advance
162 fycbo Brahe> &c. [Book IIL
advance no nearer the truth than the obfervation, that
when the incident ray does not make an angle of more
than thirty degrees with the perpendicular, the refract-
ed ray proceeds in an angle which is about two-thirds
of it. Many difputes arofe about the time of Kepler
(i6t>o) upon this fubject, but it appears that little was
effected by them in the caufe of truth.
Kepler was more fuccefsful in purfuing the difco-
veries of Maurolycus and B. Porta. He demonftrated
that images of external objects were formed upon the
optic nerve by the foci of rays coming from every
part of the object; he alfo obferved, that thefe images
are inverted ; but this circumilance, he fays, is recti-
fied by the mind, which, when an imprefllon is made
on the lov/er part of the retina, confiders it as made
by rays proceeding from the higher parts of the object.
Habit is fuppofed to reconcile us to this deception,
and to teach us to direct our hands to thofe parts of
objects from which the rays proceed. Tycho Brahe,
obferving the apparent diminution of the moon's difk
in folar eclipfes, imagined that there was a real dimi-
nution of the difk by the force of the fun's rays j but
Kepler faid, that the difk of the moon does not ap-
pear lefs in confequence of being unenlightened, but
rather that it appears at ether times larger than it
really is, in confequence of its being enlightened. For
pencils of rays from fnch diftant objects generally come
to their foci before they reach the retina, and confe-
quently diverge and fpread when they reach it. For
this reafon, he adds, different perfons may imagine the
difk to be of different magnitudes, according to the;
relative goodnefs of their fight.
In the fixteenth century alfo many improvements
were made in perfpective j the ingenious- device, in
particular, of the reformation of diftorted images by
2 concave
Chap. i>] Defearfes, Scheiner, csV. . 163
concave or convex fpeculums was invented, but it is
uncertain by whom.
The true law of refraction was difcovered by Snel-
lius, the mathematical profeflbr :it Leyden j but not
living to complete it, the difcovery was publimed and
explained by Profeflbr Hortenfius. Some difcoveries
of lefier imporrance were made at this time, among
others by Defcartes, who very clearly explained the
nature and caufe of the figure of the rainbow, though
he was able to give no account of the colours j he
however confidered the fmall portion of water, at which
the ray ifiues, as having the effect of a prifm, which
was known to have the property of exhibiting the
light, tranfmitted through it, coloured.
In 1625, the curious difcovery of Scheiner was pub-
lifhed at Rome, which afcertains the fact, that viiion
depends upon the images of external objects upon the
retina. For taking the eye of an animal, and cutting
away the coats of the back part, and prefenting diffe-
rent objects before it, he.difp)ayed their images diftinct-
ly painted on the naked retina or optic nerve. The
fame philofopher demonftrated by experiment, that
the pupil of the eye is enlarged in order to view re-
mote objects, and contracted when we view thofe which
are near. He fhewed, that the rays proceeding from
any object, and palling through a fmall hole in a pafte-
board, crofs one another before they enter the eye$ for
if the edge of a knife is held on the fide next the eye,
and is moved along till it in part covers the hole, it
will firft conceal from the eye that part of the object
which is fituated on the oppofite fide of the hole.
Towards the middle of the feventeenth century the
velocity of light was difcovered by fome members of
the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, particularly
Cafmi and Roemer, by obferving the eclipfes of Ju-
M 2 piter's
164 Bcyk, Grimaldi t Gregory > &c. [Book III.
piter's fatcllites. About the fame time Mr. Boyle
made ,his experiments on colours. He proved that
jfnow {lid not affect the eye by a native, but reflected
light, a circumftance which, however, at this day, we
ihould fcarcely believe was ever neceffary 10 be proved
by experiment. By admitting alfo a ray of light into
a dark room, and letting it fall on a fheet of paper, he
tiemonftrated, that white reflected much more light
than any other colour \ and to prove that white bodies
reflect the rays outwards, he adds, that common burn-
ing-glaiTes will not, for a long while, burn or difcolour
white paper j on the contrary, a concave mirror of
black marble did not reflect the rays of the fun with
near fo much power as a common concave mirror.
The fame effect was verified by a tile, one half of the
lurface of which was white, and the other black.
Some experiments were made about this time on
the difference of the refractive powers of bodies ; and
the firft advance to the great difcoveries by means of
the prifm was made by Grimaldi, who obferved, that
a beam of the fun's light, tranfmitted through a prifir,
inftead of appearing round on the oppofite wall, exhi-
bited an oblong image of the fun. Towards the clofe
of this century the reflecting telefcope was invented by
our countryman James Gregory.
The reader will foon perceive how very imperfect
all the preceding difcoveries were in comparifon with
thofe of Sir I. Newton. Before his time, little or no-
thing was 'known concerning colours; even the remark
of Grimaldi refpecting the oblong figure of the fun,
made by tranfmitting the rays through a prifm, was
unknown to our great philofopher, having been pub-
Jifhed only the year before. This, however, it appears,
was the firft circumftance which directed the attention
of Newton to the inveftigation of the theory of co-
Chap, i.] Newton's Difcoveries on Colours. 165
lours. Upon meafuring the coloured image, which
was made by the light admitted into a dark chamber
through a prifm, he found that its length was five
times greater than its breadth. So unaccountable a
circumftance induced him to try the effect of two
prifms j and he found that the light, which by the firft
prifm was diffufed into an oblong, was by the fecond
reduced to a circular form, as regularly as if it had
paffed through neither of them. After many conjec-
tures and experiments relative to the caufe of thefe
phenomena, he at length applied to them what he calls
the experimentum crucis. He took two boards, and
placed one of them clofe to the window, fo that the
light might be admitted through a fmall hole made in
it, and after paffing through a prifm might fall on the
other board, which was placed at about twelve feet
diftance, and in which there was alfo a fmall aperture, in
order that fome of the incident light might pafs through
it. Behind this hole, in the fecond board, he alfo
placed a prifm, fo that the light, after patting both the
boards, might fuffcr a fecond refraction before it
reached the wall. He then moved the firft prifm ia
fuch a manner as to make the feveral parts of the image
caft upon the fecond board pafs fucceffively through
the hole in it, that he might obferve to what places on
the wall the fecond prifm would refract them. The
confequence was, that the coloured light, which form<-
ed one end of the image, fuffercd a refraction confi-
derably greater than that at the other end ; in other
words, rays or particles of light of one colour were
found to be more refrangible than thole of another.
The true caufe, therefore, of the length of the image
was evident, fince it was proved by the experiment,
that light was not homogenial, but confided of diffe-
rent particles or rays, which were capable of different
M 3 degrees
1 66 Further Experiments of Newton. [Book III,
degrees of refrangibility, according to which they were
transmitted through the prifm to the oppofite wall.
It was further evident from thefe experiments, that as
the rays of light differ in refrangibility, fo they alfo
differ in exhibiting particular colours, fome rays pro-
ducing the colour red, others that of yellow, blue, &c.
and of thefe different-coloured rays, feparated by means
of the p:ifm according to their different degrees of re-
frnngibility, the oblong figure on the wall was com-
pofed. But to relate the great variety of experiments,
by which he demonftrated thefe principles, or the ex-
tenfive application of them, would lead me too much
into detail; let it fuffice to lay, that he applied his
principles to the fatisfaftory explanation of the colours
of natural bodies, of the rainbow, and of moft of the
phenomena of nature, where light and colour are con-
cerned ; and that almoft every thing which we at pre-
fent know upon thefe fubjec~ts was laid open by his ex-
peri men rs.
His oblervations on the different refractive powers
of different Jubilances are curious and profound ; but
chemiftry was at that period fcarcely in a ftate fuffi-
tiendy advanced to warrant all his conclufions. The
general refult is, that all bodies feem to have their re-
fractive powers proportional to their denfities, except-
ing fo far as they partake more or lefs of inflammable
or oily particles.
The difcovery of the different refrangibility of the
component rays of light fuggefted defects in the con-
flrudlion of telefcopes, which were before unthought
of, and in the creative hand of a Newton led to fome
no lefs extraordinary improvements in them. It is
evident, that fince the rays of light are of different re-
frangibilities, the more refrangible will converge to a
focus much fooner than the lefs refrangible, confe-
Chap, i.] Refleffing felefcope, &c. 167
quently that the whole beam cannot be brought to a
focus in any one point, fo that the focus of every ob-
jed-glafs will be a circular fpace of confiderable dia-
meter, namely, about one fifty- fifth of the aperture of
the telefcope. To remedy this, he adopted Gregory's
idea of a reflector, with fuch improvements as have
been the bafis of all the prefent inftruments of this
When a fcience has been carried to a certain degree
of perfection, fubfequent difcoveries are too apt to be
confidered as of little importance. The real philofo-
pher will not, however, regard the difcoveries on light
and colours, fmce the time of Newton, as unworthy his,
attention. By a mere accident, a very extraordinary
property in fome bodies of imbibing light, and after-
wards emitting it in the dark, was obferved. A Ihoe-
maker of Bolognia, being in quefl of fome chemical
fecret, calcined, among other things, fome Hones of a
particular kind, which he found at the bottom of
Mount Peterus, and cafually obferved, tha" when thefe
{tones were carried into a dark place after having been
cxpofed to the light, they poffefled a felf-illuminating
power. Accident afterwards difcovered the fame pro-
perty in other fubftances. Baldwin of Mifhia, diflblv-
ing chalk in aqua-fortis, found that the refiduum, after
diftillation, exactly refembled the Bolognian ftone in
retaining and emitting light, whence it now has the
name of Baldwin's phofphorus j and M. Du Fay ob-
ferved the fame property in all fubftances that could
be reduced to a calx by burning only, or after folution
in nitrous acid. Thefe fe&s feem to eftablifh the ma-
teriality of light.
Some very accurate calculations were made about
the year 1725 by Dr. Bradley, which afforded a more
M 4 convincing
1 6 S Bouguer and Mchille. [ Book 111.
convincing proof of the velocity of light, and the mo-
tion of the earth in its orbit. Nor muft we forget M.
Bouguer's very curious and accurate experiments for
afcerta'ming the quantity of light which was loft by
reflexion, the moft decifive of which was by admitting
into a darkened chamber two rays of light, one of
which he contrived mould be reflected, and the other-
fall direct on the oppofite wall j then by comparing
the fize of the apertures, by which the light was ad-
mitted (that through which the direct ray proceeded
being much fmaller than that through which the, re-
flected ray was fuffered to pafs, and the illumination
on the wall being equal in both) he was enabled to
form an exact eftimate of the quantity of light which
was loft. To prove the fame effect with candles, he
placed himfelf in a room perfectly dark, with a book
in his hand, and having a candle lighted in the next
room, he had it brought nearer to him till he could juft
fee the letters, which were then twenty-four feet from
the candle. He then received the light of the candle
reflected by a looking-glafs upon the book, and he
found the whole diftance of the book from the fource
of the light (including the diftance from the book to
the looking-glafs) to be only fifteen feet; whence he
concluded, that the quantity of direct light is to that
of reflected as 576 to 225 ; and fimilar methods were
purfued by him for meafuring the proportions of light
in general *.
The fpeculations of Mr. Melville, concerning the
blue fnadows which appear from opake bodies in the
morning and evening, when the atmofphere is ferene>
* See an accurate defcription of M. Bouguer's infiruments,
Hijl. tf Optics, Per. vi. f. 7.
Chap, i.] Dollond, Martin, and De la Motte. 169
are far from uninterefting. Thefe phenomena he at-
tribute's to the power which the atmofphere poflfeiTes
of reflecting the fainter and more refrangible rays of
light, the blue, violet, &c. and upon this principle he
alfo explained the blue colour of the fky, and fome
other phenomena.
The fame period produced Mr. Dollond's great im-
provement in the construction of telefcopes. It coa-
fifts in ufing three glafles of different refractive powers,
crowo and flint glafs, which correct each other. The
great difperfi6n of the rays which the flint-glafs pro-
duces, is the effect of the lead, and is in proportion to
the quantity of that metal, which is ufed irrrts ccrmpo-
fition. Mr. Martin found the refractive powers -of
different glalfes to be in proportion to their ipecific
Several difcoveries and improvements have been
made fince the time of Newton in that branch of optics
which relates more immediately to vifion; but thefe,
being rather foreign to the chief fubje6t of this chap-
ter, I fhall not detail. One difcovery only. I mail men-
tion, becaufe it not only is curious in itfel but becaufe
it led to the explanation of feveral circumftances relat-
ing to vifion. M. De la Motte, a phyfician of Dant-
zick, was endeavouring to verify an experiment of
Schemer, in which a diftant object appeared multiplied
when viewed through feveral holes made with the
point of a pin in a card, not further diftant from one
another than the diameter of the pupil of the eye; but
notwithftanding all his labour, he was unable to fuc-
ceed, till a friend happening to call upon him, he de-
fired him to make the trial, and it anfwered perfect-
ly. This friend was mcrt-fighted ; and when he ap-
plied a concave glafs clofe to the card, the object,
170 Ddaval. [Book III.
which Teemed multiplied before, now appeared but
The laft, though not lead fuccefsful adventurer in
this branch of fcience, is Mr. Delaval, who, in a paper
read before the Philofophical Society of Manchefter
in 1784, has endeavoured, with great ingenuity, to ex-
plain the permanent colours of opake bodies. The
majority of thofe philofophers, who have treated of
t and colours, h.ive, he obferves, fuppofed that cer-
t'i ' odies or furfaces reflected only one kind of rays,
a:id therefore exhibited the phenomena of colours; on
tie contrary, Mr. Delaval, by a variety of well con-
ducted experiments, evinced, that colours are exhibit-
ed, not by rerkfted^ but by tranfmitted light. This
he proved by covering coloured glaffes and other tranf-
parent coloured media, on the further furface, with
fome fubftance perfectly opake, when he found they
reflected no colour, but appeared perfectly black. He
concludes, therefore, as the fibres or bafes of all vege-
table, mineral, and animal fubftances are found, when
cleared of heterogeneous matters, to be perfectly
white, that die rays of light are in fact reflected from
thefe white particles, through coloured media, with
which they are covered ; that thefe media ferve to in-
tercept and impede certain rays in their.pafTage through
them, while, a free paflage being left to others, they
exhibit, according to thefe circumftances, different co-
lours. This he illuftrates by the fact remarked by
Dr. Halley, who, in diving deep into the fea, found
that the upper part of his hand, when extended into
the water from the diving b-11, reflected a deep red
colour, while the under part appeared perfectly green.
The conclufion is, that the more refrangible rays were
intercepted and reflected by particles contained in the
fea- water.
Chap, i.] On the Colours of Opake 'Bodies 17 $
fea- water, and were confequently reflected back by the
under part of the hand ; while the red rays,, which
were permitted to pafs through the water, were in the
fame manner reflected by the upper part of the hand,
which therefore appeared of a red rofe colour. Thofe
media> our author thinks, tranfmit coloured light with
the greateft flrength which have the ilrongefl refrac-?
tive power.
,[ 172 ] [Bock III.
C I! A P. II.
Various Opinions on the ASivn cf Light. 'Theory of a vibrating jl/e-
dium\ fuppcrted by Dcfcartes, sV. Objections to this Theory.
Light conjijis of infinitely minute Particles projected from the luminous
Body. Inquiry refpeSling the Identity cf Light and Fire. Experi-
ments of Mr. Beyle. Why Light is not always accompanied with
Heat. Velocity cf Light. Light always moves in Right Lines.
Rarity of Light. Force or Momentum of Light. Mitchell's Expe-
riment. Inquiry bo=w far the Sun's Magnitude is diminijhed ly the
Emzjfion cf Light. Light fubjeft to the ordinary Laws of Nature.
Light attradtd by the Bolognian Phofphori.Tke fame Property
ia. Diamonds, and other Precious Stones.
NUMEROUS opinions have fucceflively been
adopted concerning this wonderful fluid. It
has been fometirjnes'confkkred as a diftinct fubftance,
fqmetimes as a quality, fometimes as a caufe, fre-
quently as an effect; by fome regarded as a compound,
and by others as a fimple fubftance. Des Cartes and
other philofophers of high repute have imagined that
the fcnfation which we receive from light is to be at-
tributed entirely to the vibrations of a fubtile medium,
or fluid, which is diffufed throughout the tiniverfe^
and which is put into action by the impulfe of the fun.
In this view they confider light as analogous to found,
which is known to depend entirely on the pulfations
of the air upon the auditory nerves; and in fupport of
this opinion, it has been even lately urged'*, ift. TKat
* Sre Dr. Franklin's woiks; and Pro feller Boudoin's Memoir,
Tranji;c>lcni cf American Ace. dan*;., Ye!, i.
Chap. 2.] Objections to the Theory ofDefcartes, &c. 173
ibme diamonds, on being rubbed or chafed, are lumi-
nous in the dark. 2. That an electric fpark, not
larger, but much brighter, than the flame of a candle,
may be produced, and yet that no part of the electric
fluid is known to efcape, in fuch a cafe, to diftant
places, but the whole proceeds in the direction to which
it is deftined by the hand of the operator. Weaker
or ftronger fparks of this fluid are alfo known to differ
in colour ; the flrongeft are white and the weakeft red,
To this opinion, however, there are many prefllng
and, indeed, infurmountable objections, id, The ve-
locity of found bears a very fmall proportion to that of
light. Light travels, in the fpace of eight minutes, a
diftance in which found could not be communicated in
feventeen years; and even our fenfes may convince
us, if we attend to the explofion of gunpowder, &c.
of the alrnoft infinite velocity of the one compared
with that of the other, adly, If lightdepended alto-
gether on the vibrations jof a fluid, no folid reafon can
be affigned why this fluid fhould ceafe to vibrate in
the night, fmce the fun mud always affect forne pare
of the circumambient fluid, and produce a perpetual
day. 3dly, The artifice of candles, lamps, &c. would
be wholly unnecefiary upon this hypothefis, fmce, by
a quick motion of the hand, or of a machine contrived
for this purpofe, light might on all occafions be eafily
produced. 4thly, Would not a ray of light, admitted
through a fmall aperture, put in motion, according to
this theory, the whole fluid contained in a chamber ?
In fact, we know that light is propagated only in right
lines, whereas found, which depends upon vibration,
is propagated in every direction. 5thly, The fepara-
tion or extenfion of the rays, by means of the prifm,
can never be accounted for by the theory of a vibrat-
574 Light doss not depend on Vibration. [Book III.
ing medium. 6thly, The texture of many bodies is
actually changed by expofure to the light. The juice
of a certain fhell-fifh contracts, it is well known, a
very fine purple colour, when permitted to imbibe the
rays of the fun ; and the ftronger the light is the more
perfect the colour. Pieces of cloth wetted with this
fluid become purple, even though inclofed in glafs, if
the folar light only is admitted } but the effect is to-
tally excluded by the intervention of the thinneft plates
of metal, which exclude the light. Some of the pre-
parations of filver alfo, fuch as luna cornea, will re-
main perfectly white, if covered from the light, but
contract a dark purple colour when expofed to it j and
'even the colour of plants is derived from the light,
fmce a plant which vegetates in darknefs will be per-
fectly white. As colour is imparted by light, fo it is
alfo deftroyed by it. It muft have fallen within the
obfervation of every reader, that filks, and other fluffs
of delicate colours, are greatly by the action of
light. Experiments "have been made upon the fame
fluffs by expofmg them to both heat and moifture in
the dark, and alfo by expofmg them to the light in the
vacuum of an air pump, and it was found by all thefe
experiments, that the change of colour was to be af-
cribed to the action of light *. 7thly, With refpect
to the emiffion of light by diamonds and other ftones,
it is eafily accounted for upon other principles j and
the arguments founded upon the electric fpark not
being fenfibly diminifhed will meet with a fatisfactory*
* t Gib,
f Nicholfon's Phil. vol. i. p. 257. J Enficld's Phil. 131,
Nicholfon's Phil. vol. i, p. 25^.
Chap. 2.] Force or Momentum of Light. 181
point of the fun's flirface emits one hundred and fifty
particles of light in one fecond, we may conclude that
this will be fufficient to afford light to the eye with-
out any feeming intermiffion ; and yet, fuch is the
velocity with which light proceeds, that flill thefe
particles will be at leaft one thoufand miles diftant from
each, other *. If it was not indeed for this extreme
tenuity of the fluid, it would be impoffible that the
particles fhould pate, as we know they do, in all di-
rections without interfering with each other. In all
probability the fplendour of all vifible objects may be
in proportion to the greater or lefs number of parti-
cles, which are emitted or reflected from their furface
in a given fpace of time ; and if we even fuppofe three
hundred particles emitted fuccefnvely from the fun's
furface in a fingle fecond, ftili thefe particles will follow
each other at the immenfe diftance of above five hun-*
dred miles.
That light is, however, not deftitute of FORCE or
MOMENTUM; has been proved by the experiment of
Mr. Mitchel, already mentioned f. On that experi*
ment the following calculation is grounded. If the
inftrument weighed ten grains, and the velocity with
which it moved was one inch in a fecond, the quantity
of matter contained in the rays which fell upon the in-
ftrument in that time was equal to the twelve hundred
millioneth part of a grain j the velocity of light ex-
ceeding the velocity with which the inftrument moved
in that proportion. The light in this experiment was
collected from a furface of about three fquare feet,
which reflecting qnly half what falls upon it, the quan-
tity of matter contained in the rays of the fun incident
upon a fquare foot and half of furface is no more than
* Priellley's Optics, p. 385. t See p. 95.
N 3 one
1 8 2 Waf.e of Light from the Sun's Body. [ Book III.
one twelve hundred millioneth part of a grain. But
the denlVy of the rays of light at the furface of the
fun is greater than at the earth in the proportion of
45,000 to i. There ought therefore to ifiue from
one fquare foot of the fun's furface in one fecond
T^-s-e-s- part of a grain of matter to fupply the coh-
fumption of light j that is at the rate of a little more
than two grains a day, or about 4,752,000 grains, or
670 pounds in 6,000 years, which would have fhort-
ened the fun's diameter about ten feet, if it was form-
ed of matter of the denfity of water only *.
Thus we fee there are little grounds for any rea-
fcnable apprehenfions concerning the body of the fun
becoming exhavifted by the confumption or wafte of
the matter of light, if the immenfity of his diameter
(878,808 nglifh miles) is confidered. It is, how-
*ever, not impoffible that there are means by which the
fun jnay be enabled to receive back again a part of
that Jight or fire which he is continually emitting ; it
is not impoitible that this world, a/id the other planets,
may have a power of reflecting back a certain portion
of their light within the fphere of the fun's attraction,
or ihat the fixed ftars or funs may have fome power
of replenishing one another. After all, we have no
right to fuppofe our world, or the fyftem of which it
makes a part, defigned for an eternal duration ; its
exiftence is doubtlefs proportioned to the ends which
were intended to be accompiifhed in it ; but with
refpect to the period of it: termination, there is no
chain, of moral or phyfical reafoning which appears to
conduct to any fatisfactory conclusion.
Notwithftanding the minutenefs of the particles of
light, and the amazing velocity with which they are
* PriefUey's Optics, p'. 389.
Chap. 2.] Bohgnian Pbofphorus. 183
projected, they are found, by a variety of experiments,
to be fubject to the fame laws of ATTRACTION that'
govern all other bodies. ' On this principle the ma-
jority of phiiofophers have explained the phenomena
of the Bolognian flone, and what are called the folar
The difcovery of the Bolognian phofphorus, as re-
lated by Mr. Lemery, has already been detailed. The
property of imbibing and emitting light is not, how-
ever, confined to one fpecies, but is common to all
the varieties of that mineral, which is called ponderous
The light which they emit bears an analogy to that
which they have imbibed. In general, the illuminated
phofphorus is red ; but when a weak light has been
admitted to it, or when it has been received through
pieces of white paper, the emitted light is of a pale
white *.
It has been already remarked f, that an artificial
phofphorus may be obtained from all fubflances which
can be reduced to a calx by burning only, or by folu-
tion in the nitrous acid. Some diamonds, however, as
well as emeralds and other precious ftones, are found
to have the fame property without any chemical pre-
paration ; and a diamond has been known to retain
its virtue of emitting light, after being buried in wax
fix hours J. In fact, Beccaria has obferved, that ai-
med all natural bodies have the power of imbibing
light, and of emitting it in the dark. To metals and
water, however, he could not communicate the flighted
degree of this property - } but he found that although
water in its fluid Hate could not be made to mine
* Prieftley's Optics, p. 363, 364. | See Chap. i.
4. Prieftley's Optics, p. 367.
]Sf 4 fa
184 Diamonds, &c. imbibe Light. [Book III.
in the dark, ice and fnow had this property in a re-
cm ark able degree *.
The light which is emitted from putrid fubftances
and rotten wood, alfo that of ignes fatui, and other
fimilar meteoi-s, proceeds from a different caufe, and
will be explained in another part of this work, to
which the fubject more properly appertains.
To the principle of attraction Newton has alfo re-
ferred the molt extraordinary phenomena of light, re-
fraction and inflexion. That incomparable philofopher
has alfo fhewn that light is not only fubject to the law
of attraction, but of repulfion alfo, fince it is repelled
or reflected from certain bodies ; a property which
was long known, but was never underftood till he gave
us a fyftem, which accounts for the general operations
of nature, upon fewer and fimpler principles, yet in a
manner much more fatisfactory than any which had
preceded. But to enumerate and briefly explain thefe
general properties would extend this chapter, to an im-
proper length, and would probably in fome meafure.
tend to confufe the ftudent.
* Prieftley's Optics, p. 368, 369, 370.
Chap. 3 .] [ 185 ]
Opale Bodies do not reflet! the Whole of the Light that falls on them.
Law of Reflexion.; Reflexion from plane Surfaces. Reflexionfrcm
convex Surfaces.- From concave Surfaces. Phenomena of Reflexion
' from plane Mirrors explained. r-From convex Mirrors. From con-
cave Mirrors. -^-Prominent Image from a concave Mirror .f^-The
cylindrical Mirror^ T/ie Rectification of diftorted Figures by this
Mirror. The conical Mirror.
IT has been already intimated that the rays of light,
which proceed from any luminous body, move al-
ways in ftrait lines, unlefs this direction or motion
is changed by certain circumftances, and thefe are re-
flection, refraction, and inflexion. Of the firft of thefe
it will be proper to treat in this chapter, becaufe by
purfujng the fubject in this order, it will I conceive be
more eafily comprehended by the unfcientific reader.
A common paftime of children with a piece of glafs
oppofed to the fun, and cafting by means of it a vivid
ipot of light in various places at will, proves that the
rays of light may be reflected by certain bodies ; and
more accurate obfervation will convince us, that every-
body that is not luminous in itfelf is made vifible to
qur fenfe by reflected light.
We are not to fuppofe, however, that every opal^e
body reflects the whole of the light which falls upon
it. On the contrary, it is only a limited portion which
is regularly reflected according to the known law of
reflexion ; .another portion may be confidered as ab-
forbed by the body, or as rendered latent by feme
i86 The Angle of Reflexion [Book III.
caufe which we cannot at prefent explain, and the
quantity which is thus loft or abforbed differs accord-
ing to the nature and circumftances of the reflecting
The great law of reflexion, and which ferves to ex-
plain all its phenomena, is this, that the angle of re-
Jlexion is always equal to the angle cf incidence. It was
already intimated, that by the angle of incidence is
meant the angle made by a ray of light with a per-
pendicular to the reflecting furface at the point where
the ray falls ; and by the angle of reflexion, the angle
which the ray makes with the fame perpendicular on
the other fide *.
The angle of reflexion being thus in all cafes equal
to the angle of incidence, it is evident that the power
which caufes this reflexion is always the fame. No
furface however has hitherto been found, which has
not fome inequalities in it to be difcovered by the
microfcope, and yet thefe inequalities do not? affect the
law thus difcovered of re fleeted rays. It is therefore
uriiverfally concluded, that the power which produces
this effect in the direction of the rays acts at fome dif-
tance from the reficcting furface. Innumerable con-
jectures have been propofed to explain this pheno-
menon, but it muit be confc-ffed that even the fag.i-
cky of a Newron was unable to develope and fully
explain this reflecting power. Tie however attributes
it to the general principle of repulfion.
A ray of light falling perpendicularly on a plane
furface is reflected back exactly in the fame direction
* See note on the beginning of Chap. I. and Plate V. fig. I.
The angle of refl-jxicm \viH alfo be found equal to the angle of in-
cidence on plane furfaces, if meaiured from the ivfu-cting furface,
waich is indeed very coramcn in books of philofcpay acd tre;itiit"-
would diverge but very little at m> become after re-
flexion much more divergent at / ; and the angles of
reflexion will be found in all thefe cafes exactly equal
to the angles of incidence, if meafured from the re-
fleet ine
1 90 D cults Image in common Mirrors. [Book III.
fleeting furface produced or lengthened, as at f g
and i k.
Let now figure 8 reprefent a concave mirror form*
ed upon the fame principles as thofe which we have
been examining of the convex kind. The rays a b,
c d, which were parallel before reflexion, and which
make their angles of reflexion equal to their angles of
incidence (mealured for convenience in this figure from
the reflecting furface produced) become evidently con-
vergent at the point /j upon the fame principles in
fig. 9, the converging rays a b and c d y which would
not have united before they reached the point m> are
now after reflexion united at /, which is much nearer
the reflecting furface. In fine, the divergent rays a b
and c dm fig. 10, which would have become more di-
vergent at m, had they not been intercepted by the re-
flecting furface, become convergent after reflexion,
and are found actually to unite at o.
Mirrors are formed either of metal or of glafs,
which is plated behind with an amalgam of mercury
and tin. The latter are moft in common ufe, but
they are improper for optical inftruments, fuch as
telefcopes, &c. becaufe they commonly prefcnt two
images of rhe fame object, the one vivid and the other
faint, as may be perceived by placing the flame of a
wax taper before a common looking-glafs. The rea-
fon of this double image is, that a part of the rays arc
immediately reflected from the anterior furface of the
glafs,. and thus form the faint image, while the great-
eft part of the rays penetrating the glafs are reflected
by the amalgam, and form the vivid image.
From the principles laid down in the courfe of this
chapter, moft of .the common phenomena of reflexion
may be explained. In PLANE MIRRORS the image ap-
pears of its natural fize, and at the fame diftance be-
. 10.
Chap. 3-] Reflexion from plane Mirrors. 191
hind the glafs as the object is before it. To under-
ftand perfectly the reafon of this, it will be neceflary
to advert to the fubject of vifion as explained for-
merly in a note. It will be remembered, that by the
fpherical form of the eye, and particularly by means
of the cryilalline humour which is placed in the middle
of it, the rays of light are converged, and thofe from
the extreme points of the object crofs each other, fo as
to form an inverted image on that part of the optic
nerve which is called the retina. The apparent mag-
nitude of objects will conlequently depend upon the
fize of the inverted image, or, in other words, upon
the angle which the rays of light form, by entering
the eye from the extremities of any object.
As therefore the angle of reflexion is always equal
to the angle of incidence, it will be evident on the
infpection of Plate VI. fig. i, that the converging
rays K m, L , proceeding from the extremities of
the object K L, and falling on the mirror a b, are re-
flected to the eye at e with the fame degree of conver-
gence, and confequently will caufe the image k I to
be feen under an angle equal to that under which
the object itfelf would nave b^en feen from the point
/ without the interpolation of the mirror. The image
appears alib at a diftance behind the mirror equal to
that at which the object (lands before it. For it muft
be remembered, that objects are rendered vifible to
our eyes not by a fingle ray proceeding from every
point of an object, but that in fact pencils or aggre-
gates of divergent rays proceed from every point of
all viiible objects, which rays are again by the mecha-
nifm of the eye converged to a point on all thofe parts
of the retina whjre the image is depicted. The point
from which the rays diverge is called the focus of di-
vergent rays 3 and the point behind a reflecting furface
from which they appear to diverge is called the -vir-
i$2 $eft Pcfitionfor Lcoking-Gla/es. [fiook Ilf.
tual focus. As therefore the angle of reflexion is ex-
actly equal to the angle of incidence, it is evident,
that the virtual focus will be at the fame diftance be-
hind the mirror as the real focus is at before it. Thus
in fig. 2, the diverging rays c h will after reflexion
appear to diverge from the point g which is behind
the mirror a b, and that point for the reafons affigned
(viz. no alteration being made in the difpofition of
the rays but only in the direction) will be at an equal
diftance behind the mirror with the luminous point c
before it.
As every part of the image appears at a diftance
behind the mirror equal to that at which the object
(lands before it, and as the object K L (fig. i.) is in-
clined or out of the vertical pofition, the image k I ap-
pears aifo inclined. Hence it is evident, that to ex-
hibit objects as they are without any degree of dif-
tortion, looking-glafles mould be always hung in a
vertical pofition, that is, at right angles with the floor.
of the apartment.
It is clear, hov/ever, from what has preceded, that
-the cafe muft be very different with thofe mirrors, the
lurfaces of which are fpherical, whether convex or
concave. Of the former, it has been (hewn that their
property is to fcatter and difperfe the rays of light,
to render thofe divergent which were parallel, to di-
nrinifh the convergence of converging rays, and to
augment the divergence of thofe which diverged be-
fore. T^he firft obvious effect of thefe mirrors, there-
fore, muft be to exhibit the image of the object which
is oppofed to them fmaller thnn it is in reality. For
the angle under which the rays ftrike the eye of the
obferver, mufj: necdlarily be fmaller in proportion to
the convexity of the mirror. Suppofe, for inflance,
the objed C D, Plate VI. fig. 3, placed before the
Chap. 3.] Phenomena of convex Mirror >. 193
convex mirror a b j the two rays C e and D d> which
proceed from the extremities of the- objed, and which,
without the interpolation of the mirror, would converge
at/, are refleded lefs convergent, and unite at i t form-
ing an angle much more acute than they would other-
wife have done. The confequence, therefore, of the
vifual angle being fo much more acute is, that the
image g b is proportionably fmaller than the objed it-
The fecond effed of this difperfion t>f the rays isj
that the image appears at a lefs diftance behind the
glafs than it would have done in a plane mirror. To
underftand this effect, it is necefiary again to advert
to a principle of optics, which has been juft dated, viz.
that objects are rendered vifible not by a fingle ray of
light proceeding from every point of the objed, but that
from every minute point of the furface of every vifi-
ble objed pencils of divergent rays proceed, which are
which pro *
ceed from the extremities of the object, and -which,
without the interpofition of the mirror, would converge
at d, are reflected more converging, and unite at > j
and making an. angle greater or more obtufe than they
would otherwife have done, the image a b is confe-
quently greater than the objtct.
This image too appears 'at a greater diftance behind
the mirror than the object is at before it. The reafon
of this will appear, if we fuppofe A (Plate VII. fig. i.)
a point of any object placed nearer to the mirror than
the principal focus F, whence a pencil of divergent
rays proceeds, and falling on the mirror, are (accord-
cording to the principles before laid down) reflected
lefs divergent, and confequently have their virtual oi'
imaginary focus at a greater diftance than if the objedt
had been placed before a plain mirror.
If, on the contrary, the object is placed farther from
the mirror than the principal focus, as for inftance at e,
the rays eb^ed y being only moderately divergent, when
they come in contact with the mirror, are reflected con-
vergent, and will represent at E an image of the ob-
O 2 ject,
1 96 Prominent Image from concave Mtrrtr. [Book III.
ject. If the eye, therefore, is withdrawn to a fufHcient
diftance (to o for example) for the rays to crofs each
other, it will perceive the image at E between the
mirror and itfelf. The reafon of this depends upon
what has been already ftated. Every object is ren-
dered vifible to us by pencils of divergent rays from
every point of that object ; it therefore ceafes to be vi-
fible if thefe rays become parallel or convergent ; and
this happens when the object is not nearer to the
mirror than the principal focus. To render, there-
fore, an object thus fmmted vifible, it is neceflary that
the eye fhould recede fo far beyond the place of the
image E, as to allow the rays to crofs each other, and
meet the eye in a ftate of divergence.
The image is in this cafe always inverted. Such is
the image ba of the object A B (fig. 2.) From this
property of the concave reflector to form the image of
an object, in thefe cafes, before the reflector, many de-
ceptions have been produced, to the great furprize of
the ignorant fpectator. He is made to fee a bottle,
half full of water inverted in the air without lofing a
drop of its contents ; as he advances into a room, he
is tempted to exclaim with Macbeth, " Is this a dag-
ger that I fee before me !" and when he attempts to
grafp it, it vanifhes into the air.
A variety of fimilar appearances may be reprefent-
td, which are all produced by means of a concave
mirror, having an object before it ftrongly illuminat-
ed, care being taken that only the rays of light re-
flected from the object fhall fall upon the concave
reflector, placed in fuch a manner that the image (hall
be in the middle of the adjoining room ; or, if in the
fame room with the object and reflector, a fcreen muft
be placed fo as to prevent the fpectator from difco-
vering them. A hole is then made in the partition
4 between
Chap. 3.] 'The cylindrical Mirror. 197
between the two rooms, or in the fcreen, through
which the rays pafs, by which the image is formed.
The fpectator then, when he cafts his eyes upon the
partition of the fcreen, will, ia certain fituations, re-
ceive the rays coming through this fmall aperture.
He will fee the image formed in the air ; he will have
no idea, if not previously acquainted with optics, of
the nature of the deception j and may either be amuf-
ed, according to the inclination of his friends, with
tempting fruit, or be terrified at the fight of a ghaftly
Since it is the property of a concave mirror to caufe
thofe rays which proceed in a parallel direction to its
furface to converge to a focus, and fmce the folar jays,
from the immenfe diftance of that body, may be con-
fidered as parallel, concave mirrors prove very ufeful
burning glaffes, and the focus of parallel rays, or prin-
cipal focus," is their focus or burning point.
CYLINDRICAL MIRRORS, fuch as that reprefented
in figure 3, are employed more for the purpofe of
amuiement than of philofophy. They are called mix-
ed mirrors, becaufe they produce at the fame inftant
the effects of plain and of convex mirrors. Suppofe,
for inftance, G F (fig. 4.) to be the height of fuch a
mirror, and A E an object placed before, or rather be-
low it ; all the rays, which proceed from the points
A, B, C, D, E, falling on the furface G F of the mirror,
and reflected to the eye at O, will reprefent the images
of thefe different points at a, b, , d y , as they would
be reprefented in a plane mirror \ and with refpect to
thefe the dimenfions of the object will not be altered
in the correfponding image. But fmce the mirror is
alfo curved, if we luppofe the fpace ^, /,jy (fig. 5.)
to reprefent a part of its circumference, the rays A q, ,
L r, M s, N /, O AT, P z, F y, being reflected to the
O 3 eye
ReRif cation of diverted Figures [Book 1 II.
eye at Z, will exhibit all thefe points A, L, M, N,
&c. within the fpace af, which will in this direction
diminifh confiderably the dimenfions of the image,
according to the principles already explained in
treating of the convex mirror *. The fame will
take place with refpect to all the points of the object
which are vifible within the lines B Q^G, C R H,
D T I, E S K, concentric to the furface of the mirror.
Thefe parts muft therefore be very much extended in
the drawing or defign, if a perfect image is to be re-
prefented in the mirror. Diftorted drawings of this
kind are common in the mops of the opticians, which,
on -a cylindrical mirror being placed on the board or
drawing, difplay perfect figures. The principle of thefe
will, however, be very eafily underftood from what has
been now ftated.
The CONICAL MIRROR is reprefented in fig. 6,
and this is alfo confidered as a mixed mirror ; for, as
well as the cylindrical, it produces at once the effects
of a convex and a plane mirror. Suppofe, for inftance,
the angle C K F (fig. 7.) to reprefent this mirror,
and the lines C K, F K, two of the right lines which
compofe it. Thefe two lines would then anfwer to
two plane mirrors inclined towards each other, and
the rays proceeding from the points A, B, C, falling
on the furface at g, b, /, and reflected towards the eye
at O, would reprefent thefe points as if at the bafe
of the mirror in the oppofite order a, b, c j and the
fame obfervation will apply to the points D, E, F,
. which are reprefented at d> e, f, as well as all thofe
which are in the circles A H D, B I E, C G F. But
* Viz. by dimimlhing the convergence of rays, and confequently
reducing the fize of the image in proportion to the convexity. In
the cylindrical mirror, it muft be obferved, that it is !h the breadth
nly that this diminution takes place. *
{'/'Iff 7.
Chap. 3.] by cylindrical and conical Mirrors. 109
as there do not proceed from each point fimple rays
of light, but pencils of rays, they are modified in this
mirror upon the fame principles as in the convex
mirror, and confequently the image will appear fmaller
than the object, and nearer to the eye than in the plane
Hence it will be evident, that we may fee in the
center the image of whatever is painted on the exte-
rior circumference A H D, and the extremities of the
image will be formed from the interior circle C G F ;;
and as the curvature or convexity of the mirror is
greater towards the apex or point of the cone, it follows,
that that which is the moft extended in the object will
be the moft compreffed or concentrated in the image.
Thus the dark part of the board (Plate VIII. fig. i.)
is intended to reprefent in the mirror an ace of fpades ;
and the points a, b y , d, ,/, g, fcc. which are neareft to
the mirror, form the outer circumference of the image,
and the points i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the external cir-
cumference of the board unite in the cerrter of the
image almoft at an imperceptible point.
[ 200 ] [Book III,
O F R E F R A C T I O N.
Laws of Refraction. Degree of Refraftion which Light fujfers front
Jiffertnt Mediums." Common Phenomena of Refraction. Refraflioit
by fpherical Surfaces By convex Surfaces By concave Surfaces,
OfLenfe s. Convex Lenfes. "Concave Lenfes. Different Refran-
gibilitj of the Particles of Light. Experiment with the Prifm.
IT has been proved that light, like every known
fubftance, is fubject to the laws of attraction; it
has been intimated too, that even its propenfity to
move in a direct line is, in certain cafes, overcome by
this fuperior influence; and that the direction of the
rays of light is changed in paffing from one medium
to another. The fpace in which a ray of light moves
is called a medium, whether pure fpace, air, water,
glafs, or any other tranfparent fubftance ; and when a
ray is bent out of its natural courfe in paffing from one
medium to another, it is faid to be refrafted or broken,
probably from the broken appearance which a ftaff,
&c. exhibits when part of it is immerfed in water.
There are two circumftances eiTential to refraction ;
i ft, That the rays of light mall pafs out of on-e me-
dium into another of a different denfity, or of a greater
or lefs degree of refiftance. 2dly, That they pafs in
an oblique direction.
The denfer the refracting medium, or- that into
which the ray paffes, is, the greater will be its refract-
ing power j and of two refracting mediums of the fame
Chap. 4'] Angles of Incidence and Refra^kn. 201
denfity, that which is of an oily or inflammable nature
will have a greater refracting power than the other.
The angle of refraction depends on the obliquity of
the rays falling on the refracting furface being fnch al-
ways that the fine of the incident angle is to the fine
of the refracted angle in a given proportion.
The incident angle is the angle made by a ray of
light, and a line drawn perpendicular to the refracting
furface at the point where the light enters the furface;
and the refracted angle is the angle made by the ray
in the refracting medium with the fame perpendicular
produced. The fine of the angle is a line which ferves
to meafure the angle, being drawn from a point in
one leg perpendicular to the other.
In pafling from a rare into a denfe medium, or frora
one denfe medium into a denfer medium, a ray of
light is refracted towards the perpendicular, that is, fo
that the angle of refraction fnall be lefs than the angle
of incidence; on the contrary, in pafiing from a
denfe medium into a rare medium, or from one rare
medium into a rarer, a ray of light is refracted from
the perpendicular. Thus, in paffing from empty fpacc
into air, or any other medium whatever, the ray is
bent towards the perpendicular, and in paffing from
any other medium into pure fpace, it is bent the con-
trary way, that is, from the perpendicular ; the fame
effects will take place in paffing from air into glafs,
and from glafs into air, &c.
To render this perfectly clear, let us have recourfe
to Plate VIII. fig. 2. If a ray of light p C paries from
air into water, in the direction ^>C, perpendicular to the
plane D*/, which feparates the two mediums, it fuffers
no refraction, becaufe one of the eflentials is wanting
' to that effect, viz, the obliquity of the incidence.
3O2 Refrafting Power of different Mediums. [Book III.
But if a ray AC paffcs obliquely from air into wa-
ter, inftead of continuing its conrle in the direct line
C B, it takes the direction C a, and approaches the
perpendicular p P, in fuch a manner that the angle of
refraction PCa is lefs than its angle of incidence
$C A.
If the ray came in a more oblique direction, the re-
fraction would be ftill greater; fo that in all cafes,
where the mediums are the fame, the angle of refrac-
tion will always be found to bear a regular and con-
.ftant proportion to the angle of incidence; or, to fpeak
in technical language, the fine of incidence is to the
fine of refraction in a given ratio, and this ratio is dif-
covered by experience. Thus, when a 'ray paffcs out
of air into water, the ratio is as 4 to 3.
out of water into air, as 3 to 4.
air into glafs, as 3 to 2 *.
glafs into air, as 2 to 3.
air into diamond, as 5 to 2.
diamond into air, as 2 to 5.
The refraction of light, we have already feen, is at-
tributed by Sir Ifaac Newton to the principle of at-
traction; and perhaps one of the moft fatisfactory
proofs of this theory is the known fact, that the change
in the direction of the ray commences, not when it
comes in contact with the refracting medium, but a
little before it reaches the furface, and the incurvation
augments in proportion as' it approaches this medium.
Indeed no principle will account for the phenomenon of
light pafling more eafily, that is, more directly, through
a denfe than through a rare medium, but that of at-
* There are feme differences in the refra&ive powers of dif-
ferent glafTcs, according to the nature of the materials ; but thefe
are too minute to deferv notice in treating of general principles.
Chap. 4.] Bottom of a River feems nearer than it is. 203
traction, fmce it is found by univerfal experience, that
the attraction of all bodies is in proportion to their
In pafiing from a denfe.into a rare medium, how-
ever, there is a certain degree of obliquity at which
the refraction is changed into reflection. In other
words, a ray of light will not pafs out of a denfe into
a rare medium, if the angle of incidence exceed: a cer-
tain limit, but will be reflected back. Thus a ray of
light will not pafs out of glafs into air, if the angle of
incidence exceeds 40 1 1, or out of glafs into water,
if the angle of incidence exceeds 59 20.
As the rays of light, in pafling from a denfe medium
to a rarer, are refracted from the perpendicular, in fad!
are bent or inclined towards the eye of the fpectator, who
looks at an object in the denfer medium while Handing
at its fide, the reafon will be clear why the bottom of a
river appears to us nearer than it really is * ; and why
an oar, partly in and partly out of the water, feems
broken. Let Qj?; a (fig. 3.) reprefent an oar^ the part
m QJbeing out of, and the part ma being in the water 3
the rays diverging from a will appear to diverge from
b nearer to the furface of the water, every point in m a
will be found nearer to the furface than its real place,
and the part ma will appear to make an angle with
the part Qni. On this account alfo, a fifli in the wa-
ter appears much nearer the furface than it actually is;
and a fkilful markiman, in fbooting at it, will aim con-
fiderably below the place which it feems to occupy. t
On the fame principle a common experiment is ex-
plained. Put a Ihilling into a bafon, and walk back
from it till the fhilling is juft-obfcured by the fide of
* If the fpeftator ftands on a bank, juft about the level of the
water, it is about one-third deeper than it appears.
2O4 Real and apparent rifmg of the Sun> &JV. [Book III.
the bafon ; then by pouring water into the bafon, the
fhilling inftantly appears 5 for by what has been faid
above, the object, being now in a denier medium, is
fnade to appear nearer to its furface.
As the refraction muft in all cafes depend on the ob-
liquity of the ray, that part of any body which is moft
immerfed will feem to be moft materially altered by
the refraction. When, however, the object extends to
no great depth in the water, the figure is not materially
diftorted; but if the object is of a considerable fizc, or
extends to a great depth, thofe rays which proceed
from the more diftant extremities come in a more
oblique direction on their emergence into the air, and
they confequently fuffer a greater refraction than the
reft. Thus a ftrait leaden pipe appears near the bottom
of a deep water to be curved, and a flat bafon feems
deeper in the middle than near the fides.
To thefe laws of refraction is to be attributed the
difference between the real and the apparent rifmg of
the fun, moon, and ftars, above the horizon. The ho-
rizontal refraction is fomething more than half a de-
gree, whence the fun and moon appear above the ho-
rizon when they are entirely below it. From the ho-
rizon the refraction continually decreafes to the zenith.
Refraction is incrcafed by the denfity of the air, and
confequently it is greater in cold countries than in hotj
and it is alfo affected by the degree of cold or heat in
the fame country.
Parallel rays, if refracted, preferve thtir parallel dU
rection both in entering and in pafiing out of a refract-
ing medium, provided the two fur faces of the refract-
ing medium are parallel. The two ray*, E A, EA,
(fig. 4.) after refraction, while they approach the per-
pendiculars pp, continue parallel as before, the reafon
of which is evident on the principles already efhblilh-
VOL. i. p. 10 4-.
Fig. 2.
Chap, 4.] Qbjffts in Water magnified. 205
ed, for the ray AC, (fig 7.) on coming in contact
with the furface of the refracting medium E F, does
not continue its courfe in the {trait line C b, but being
refracted at the point of contact C, it approaches the
perpendicular P p, and comes out at a.
After coming out of the refracting medium, if we
fuppofe the furface G H parallel to E F, it ought to
proceed to B, having deviated from the perpendicular
in the fame degree in which it approached it on its firft
refraction, and thus it continues parallel to the line C B,
which is that in which it would have proceeded, if ic
had not been intercepted by the medium.
This parallelifm cannot fubfift if the two furfaces
KL, HI, (fig. 8.) are inclined, as in the figure, be-
caufe the ray entering at a y and emerging at b, the ob-
ject A will be feen from the point B at e, which is out
of its true place.
Converging rays become lefs convergent in pafling
from a rare to a denfer medium, as from air into wa-
ter ; and on the contrary, their convergence is -aug-
mented by paffing from a denfe to a rarer medium, as
from water into air, (See fig. 5.) In the fame man-
ner, diverging rays become lefs divergent in paffing
put of a rare medium into one which is denfer, and
their divergence h increafed by paffing out of a denfe
into a rarer medium. (See fig. 6.) This fact is A
necefiary confequence of the general law of refraction ;
but it will fatisfactorily explain why an object under
water appears larger to an eye above the furface than
it really is; and why all objects appear magnified feen.
through a mift ; for in all thefe cafes, the converging
rays, by which we fee the extreme points of the object,
and which during their pailage through the water, &c,
were refracted towards the perpendicular, on their
emergence into the air are made more fuddenly to
ic6 Refraction by ccr.vex Surfaces. [Book lit.
converge, and confequently thevifual angle is rendered
more obtufe.
It is evident, that when parallel rays fall upon a
SPHERICAL SURFACE, that ray only which penetrates to
the center or axis will proceed in a direct courfe, for
all the red muft neceflarily make an angle more or lefs
obtufe, in proportion to their diftance from the c^n-
ter * ; they are therefore rendered convergent or di-
vergent according to the nature of the medium on
which they are incident. If they fall on the CONVEX
SURFACE of a medium denjer than that which they leave,
as in paffing from air into glafs, they will converge, as
may be feen in Plate IX. fig. i. where that pheno-
menon is reprefented ; for the parallel rays, h /, fg,
(tig. 6.) falling in an oblique direction on the refract-
ing medium, terminated by the convex furface Ez,
they will be refracted, and will each refpectively ap-
proach the perpendiculars z'C, or gC, and will confe-
quently have a tendency to unite towards the axis
It is however proper to remark, that the point at
which they join the axis A B will be diftant from the
furface of the refracting medium in proportion as the
point on which they fall on the convex furface is dif-
tant from that axis, becaufe the more diftant that point
is, the more oblique is the incidence of the ray. Thus
the ray bi joins the axis at k j but the ray/g does not
meet it till it arrives at D.
Rays already convergent, falling on the convex fur-
face of a denfe medium, will be acted upon differently
according to circumftances.
See what was obferved on this fubjeft in the preceding
chapter, p. i8S.
Chap. 4.] Coavergijie Rajs on a convex Surface. 207
If their convergence is exactly proportioned to the
convexity of the furface, they will not fuffer any re-
fraction j (fee fig. 2.) becaufe in that cafe one of
the efTentials is wanting to refraction, viz. the obliquity
of the incidence, and each ray proceeds in a direct line
to the center of that circle, of which the convex fur-
face is an arch or fegment. For inflance, the rays ef t
and dh y (fig. 7.) which tend to unite at C, the center
of the convex furface, may be confidered as. perpendi-
cular, being the radii of the circle.
If the rays have a tendency to converge before they
reach the center of the convexity, xhey will then be.
rendered lefs convergent ; for inftead of converging to
a point at b (fig. 3.) they will converge at B. The
reafon of this is evident, for the ray ib (fig. 7.) which,
if not intercepted, would meet the axis at k, nearer the
lurface of the refracting medium than the center of con-
vexity C, being refracted towards the perpendicular or
radius dC, meets the axis only at o.
If, on the contrary, the rays have a tendency to con-
verge beyond the center of the convexity, they will
then, by the law of refraction, be rendered ftill more
convergent, as in fig. 4, where their point of union,
if not intercepted, would be c, but where, by the influ-
ence of the refraction, they are found to converge at C.
For the ray gb (fig. 7.) the tendency of which is to-
wards /, is refracted towards the perpendicular dC f
and joins the axis zip.
If diverging rays fall on the convex furface of a
denfer medium, they are always rendered lefs divergent,,
as in fig. 5.; and they may be rendered parallel, or
even convergent, according to the degree of divergence
compared with the convexity of the refracting furface,
on the principles already explained.
2C& Refraftlon by convex Surfaces. [Book III.
If rays pafs from a denfe to a rarer medium, the fur-
face of the denfe medium being convex *, in this cafe
parallel rays become convergent ; for the parallel rays
de, gi (fig. 8.) when they reach the convex furfacc
e D /', inftead of continuing their direct courfe, are re-v
fracted from the perpendiculars aC> bC, and converge
Converging rays are alfo rendered more convergent.
Thus the rays /> ni, which, without any ehange in the
medium, would have proceeded in the direction m and
0, in confequence of the refraction which they fuffer,
and which bends them from the perpendiculars a C,
b C, unite at p.
Diverging rays, if they proceed from the point C,
the center of convexity, faffer no refraction, becaufe,
for the reafons already affigned, they may be confidcr-
cd as perpendicular to the refracting furface, and con>-
fequently they are deficient in one of the caufes of re-
fraction, the obliquity of incidence.
If they proceed from a point which is nearer to the
furface than the center of convexity, fuch as r, they
will be refracted from the perpendiculars aC, &C, and
will be rendered more divergent towards x andj.
If, on the contrary, the diverging rays come from a
point, fuch as q y beyond the center of convexity, they
will be rendered lefs divergent, for inftead of going to-
wards z and z, they will be refhclcrd from the per-
pendiculars a C, b C, towards/ and h.
When rays pafs from a rare into a denfe medium,
and the furface of the denfe medium is CONCAVE, then
parallel r&ys are rendered divergent, as in Plate X. fig. i.
for the parallel rays ab, de (fig. 5.) are refracted
* The furface of the rare medium consequently being coa-
Mate n.
Chap. 4.] Refrafiion by concave Surfaces. 209
towards the perpendiculars /C and g C ; and are con-
fequently divergent.
Converging rays falling on the fame concave furface
will be rendered lefs convergent, as in fig. 2. For
the rays ab, de (fig. 6.) which would have converged
at O, if their progrefs had not been intercepted, will
be refracted towards the perpendiculars /C and g C,
and will unite only at i. If the convergence was lefs,
they might by the refraction be rendered parallel or
even divergent.
Diverging rays proceeding from the center of con-?
cavity will not fuffer any refraction, for the reafons al-
ready afligned.
If, however, diverging rays proceed from any point
nearer the refracting furface than the center of concav-
ity, they will be rendered lefs divergent, as in fig. j.
For the two diverging rays kb and ke (fig. 7.) inftead
of proceeding to d and h, are refracted towards the per-
pendiculars/C and^C.
If, on the contrary, which is the mod general cafe,
the diverging rays proceed from a point more diftant
from the furface than the center of concavity, their di-
vergence will be increafed as in fig. 4. For the di-
verging rays Ib and le (fig. 7.) which tend towards
m and n, are refracted towards the perpendiculars /C
and g C, and become more divergent than they would
otherwife have been.
When rays pafs from a denfe into a rarer medium,
and the denfe medium is terminated by a concave fur-
face, then
Parallel rays become divergent; for the parallel rays
de, gi (fig. 8.) when they reach the concave furface
e D /, inftead of continuing their courfe in the direct
lines towards /and b, proceed towards m and^>, being
VOL. I. P refracted
Convex burning Qaffes. [Book III.
refracted from the perpendiculars Ca, C, acd arc
confequently divergent.
Converging rays, if their point of convergence is pre-
cifely a,t C, the center of the concavity e D /, will not
fuffer any refraction, becaufe they are perpendiculars,
as already explained, therefore have no obliquity of in-
cidence. If, on the other hand, the rays tend to a point,'
fiich as n, nearer to the furface than the center of the
concavity C, then they are rendered more convergent,
for the rays q , r i, which naturally tend to that point,
are refracted from the perpendiculars C e, C /', and con-
verge at o, nearer the concave furface.
Laftly, if the converging rays tend to a point /, which
is beyond the center C, they are rendered lefs conver-
gent. For the rays se, //', which would naturally
unite at that point, are refracted from the perpendicu-
lars Ct, d, and unite at k 3 which is more diftant
Diverging rays in the fame circumftances are ren-
dered more divergent. For the rays E , E./, diverg-
ing from the point E, inftead of proceeding towards
and x y are refracted from the perpendiculars, and are
directed towards y and z.
From the property which all fpherical convex fur-
faces have of rendering parallel rays pafiing out of a
rarer medium convergent, glafles made in this form
are very commonly ufed as burning glafies; and as the
fun's rays, proceeding from fo vail a diftance, may be
confidered as parallel, the focus of parallel rays will of
courfe be their burning point.
A LENS is a tranfparent body of a different denfity
from the furrounding medium, and terminated by two
furfaces, either botl* fpherical, or the one plane and
tlie other fpherical, whether convex or concave. They
are therefore generally diftinguifhed by their forms,
A'O.L.J./'. MO.
Chap. 4-1 Convex Lenfes. 211
and are called plano-convex, or plano-concave; or
double convex or double concave; a lens which has
one fide convex and the other concave, is called a
menifcus, or concave- convex lens. See Plate X.
fi g- 9;
It is evident that in lenfes 'there may be almoft an
infinite variety with refpecl: to the degree of convexity
or concavity, for every convex furface is to be confi-
dered as the fegment of a circle, the diameter and ra-
dius of which may vary to almoft an infinite extent.
Hence, when opticians fpeak of the length of the ra-
dius as applied. to a lens, as for inftance, when they fay
its radius is 3 or 6 inches, they mean that the convex
furface of the glafs is -the part of a circle, the radius of
which, or half the diameter, is 3 or 6 inches.
The axis of a lens is a ftrait line drawn through the
center of its fpherical furface; and as the fpherical
fides of every lens are arches of circles, the axis of the
lens would pafs exactly through the centers of that
circle, of which its fides are. arches or fegments.
From what has been already ftated in- the former
part of this chapter, it is obvious that the certain effect
of a CONVEX LENS muft be to render parallel rays con-
vergent; to augment the convergence of converging
rays; to diminifh in like manner the divergence of di-
verging rays, and in fome cafes to make them parallel
or even convergent, according to the degree of diver-
gence, compared with the convexity of the lens. In
what is called a double convex lens, this effect will be
increafed in a duplicate proportion, fince both furfaces
will aft in the fame manner upon the rays ; and fince
it has been proved, that parallel or convergent rays
have their convergence equally augmented by being
incident on the convex furface of a denfe, or the con-
cave furface of a rare medium. Thefe gUfles then
P 2 muft
212 Magnifying Glajes. [Book lit.
mufl necefftrily have the effect of magnifying glades,
fmce by the convergence of the rays the vilual angle is
rendered more obtufe, and confequently the image
which is depicted on the retina muft be proportionably
The mode of rinding, upon mathematical principles,
the focus of parallel rays or principal focus in thefe
glades, will be explained in a fucceeding chapter!} and
it may be eaiily found, though not with equal exact-
nefs, by holding a iheet of paper before the glafs when
expofed to the rays of the fun, and obfcrving the dif-
tance of the paper from the glafs, when the luminous
fpot on the paper is very final), and when it begins to
burn ; or when the focal length does not exceed three
feet, the focus may be found by holding the lens at
fuch a diftance from the wall oppofite a window fafli,
that the image of the fafh may appear diftinct upon
the wall. The principal focus, or as it is often called
the focus, of a double convex lens is at the length
of the radius, or fernidiameter of that circle which is
formed by the convexity of cither of its furfaces.
From this property in convex Icnfes of rendering all
rays in fome degree convergent which fall upon their
furfaces, it is evident that in all fuch cafes there muft:
be a point or focus, where rays proceeding from the
.extreme point of any object muft crofs each other; and
confequently an inverted image of the object will be
exhibited at any diftance beyond that point. This
may be elucidated by a very eafy experiment, viz. by
holding a common reading or magnifying glafs be-
tween a candle and a flieet of paper fufpended on the
wall, at a proper diftance, when the image of the
candle will appear on the paper inverted j and the rea-
. fon of this is extremely clear, for it is evident that the
upper rays, after refraction, are thofe which proceeded
Chap. 4-] Concave Lenjes. 213
from the under part of the luminous body, and the un-
der rays are thofe which come from its top. The rays
are therefore only inverted, and the image remains un>-
From the fame property, convex lenfes will caufe
many rays to enter the eye which would other wife
have been fcattered or difperfed, and therefore objects
feen through them appear clearer and more fplendid,
than when viewed by the naked eye. If, however, the.
glafs is very thick, fome of the rays which enter it will
be reflected or fent back, and confequently the bril-
liancy of the image will fuffer lome diminution.
, A large object feen through a lens which is very
convex, will appear deformed ; and this proceeds from
the refraction not being equal at all points in fuch
cafes. The fame caufe operates allb to render forne
parts T>f the image indiftinct, while others are diftinct
and clear. Thus the extremities of the image feen
through a lens of a very fhort focus are commonly
confufcd and indiftinct, becaufe the refraction at the'
edges of the lens do not agree with that of the middle
parts. This defect in optical glafles* has in fome mea-
fure been remedied by the ingenious invention of Mr.
Dolland, of which we mail have afterwards to treat.
The effects of a CONCAVE LENS are directly oppofite
to thofe of the convex lens. In other words, by filch
a glafs, parallel rays are rendered divergent, converg-
ing rays have their convergence diminiihed, and di-
verging rays have their divergence augmented in pro-
portion to the concavity of the lens. Thefe glafles
then exhibit objects fmaller than they really are, for by
caufing the rays to diverge, or more properly by di-
minifhing the convergence of the rays proceeding from
the extreme points of the object, the vifual angle is
rendered more acute, and the image painted on the
P 3 retina
214 Different Refrangilility [Book III.
retina is fmaller than it would have been, had thefc
rays not been intercepted in their natural progrefs ;
and by the divergence of the rays the object is repre-
fented with lefs clearnefs than it would otherwife have
had, fince from this caufe a lefs quantity of light in
fact enters the pupil of the eye. All concave lenfes
have a negative or virtual focus, which is a point cor-
refponding with the divergence of parallel rays inci-
dent on the furface of the lens.
Light is, however, not fo fimple a fubftance as it
may be fuppofed upon fuperficially confidering its
general effects ; it is indeed found to confift of particles
which are DIFFERENTLY REFRANGIBLE, that is, fomc
of them may be refracted more than others in palling
through certain mediums, whence they are fuppofed
by philofophers to be different in fize. The common
optical inilrument, called a prifm, is a triangular piece
of glafs, through which, if a pencil or collection of
rays is made to pafs, it is found that the rays do not
proceed parallel to each other on their emergence,
but produce on an oppofite wall, or any plain furface
that receives them, an oblong fpectrum, which is va-
rioufly coloured, and it confequemly follows that fome
of the rays or particles are more refrangible than
The fpectrum thus formed is, perhaps, the moft
beautiful object which any of the experiments of phi-
lofcphy prcfent to our view. The lower part, which
confifts of the leaft refrangible rays, is of a lively red,
which, higher up, by infenfible gradations, becomes an
orange ; the orange, in the fame manner, is fucceed-
cd by a yellow -, the yellow, by a green j the green,
by a blue ; r.fter which follows a deep blue or indigo ;
and Jaftiy, a faint violet.
In the two fucceeding chapters the principles which
C hap. 4.3 ef the Rays of Light. 2 1 $
have been juft introduced to the notice of the reader
will be further explained and elucidated -, but as the
application of the general doctrines of reflection and
refraction to optical fcience can only be underftood
upon mathematical principles, I have thought it pro-
per to diftinguifh thofe chapters by the fcientific and
technical words, catoptrics and dioptrics. In the mean
time, the majority of readers will find fufficient to la-
tisfy their curiofity, and to afford them a general view
of the nature and effects of this wonderful fluid in the
preceding obfervations, and they may therefore pro-
ceed immediately to the feventh chapter, which treats
of vifion and optical glares.
[ 2i6 ] [Book III.
Places cf Image* in plane Refleftors.-^-tt'hy a Mirror only Half the
Size of an Qbjctt exhibits a perfefl Image of the Whole.- Places,
of Images made from Reflexion by fpherical Surfaces. -Mode of de-
termining the Foci of reflected Rays from fpherical Surfaces. S^xe
and Proportions of Images in fpherical Refleflors. Phenomena of
concave and convex Speculum* explained*
BY the application of mathematical principles to
the few fimple fafts with which experiment fur-
nifties us, concerning the reflexion and refraction of
light, the phenomena of vifion have been reduced to a
fcience ; and every particular which it becomes ne-
cefiary to know either with refpeft to the fimple
effects of light on the human eye, or the ufe of glafies,
may be calculated by certain rules with the minuteft
exaftnefs. This complex fcience is called OPTICS (or
the fcience of vifion) and it may be fubdivided into
two branches, called in fcientific language catoptrics
and dioptrics.
The firft of thefe relates to the theory of reflex
vifion, and fupplies us with rules, principles, and
modes of calculation, by which all the effefts refult-
ing from the reflexion of light may be determined
and explained ; and of this it will be proper to treat,
before we proceed to the other ftill more important
branch of optical fcience.
The whole of the theory of catoptrics is founded
Chap, 4.] Catoptrics. 217
upon a plain and fimple principle, which has been al-
ready explained, viz. that the angle of reflexion is al-
ways equal to the angle of incidence. Thus let Q^ a
Plate XL (fig. i,) be a point from which rays diverg-
ing fall on the reflecting furface A B, and let QJD,
QJi, be two incident rays. At D, E draw the per-
pendiculars D C, E F to A B, and make the angles
C D G, H E F equal to QJD C,. QjL R and the rays
QJD, QJ will be reflected by the furface in the di-
rections D G, E H.
The point Q^, from which the rays diverge, is
called the focus of diverging rays j and as, after re-
flexion, the rays appear to have diverged from a point
behind the furface, that point is called the focus of re-
flected rays. To find this point, produce the lines
G D, H E till they meet the perpendicular drawn
from Q^on the reflecting furface produced, if necef-
fary. Let QJVE q be this perpendicular, which G D
meets in q j then, fince QJD C is equal to GDC,
QJD M is equal to G D B, but G D B is equal to
M D q ; in the two triangles QJD M, M D ^, there
are two angles in the one equal to two angles in the
other, and one fide M D common to both, therefore
Q^M is equal to M g. The fame may be proved
alfo of the interfection of the lines H E q and Q^M q.
Therefore the focus of rays reflected by a plane fur-
face is at the fame diftance behind the furface, as the
focus of diverging rays is before it.
If, inftead of rays diverging from one point they
diverge from feveral, the correfponding foci will be
found in the fame manner. Let QJR. (fig. 2.) be a
furface, from every point of which draw perpendicu-
lars to the reflecting furface as before, and q r will be
the image of QJR, or all the rays diverging from
2 1 S Image In flam Reflefttjrs. [Book III.
QJR. will, after reflection, appear to have diverged
from q r.
Every object placed before a reflecting furface has
its correfponding image. If the object is a plane
furface, the image will alfo be a fimilar plane furface ;
if the object is a curvilinear furface, the image will
correfpond to it ; and in all cafes it is found in this
manner, by perpendiculars drawn from the object
to the reflecting furface, or the reflecting furface pro-
To fee any object, the eye muft be fo placed that
fome of the rays of light diverging from the object
juay fail upon the eye j and if, by looking upon a re-
flecting furface we fee an image, we Ihould, if our
judgment had not been corrected by experience, con-
ceive an object to be placed behind the furface from
which thefe rays diverged. Now, as an object may
be placed in fuc'h a fituation before the reflecting fur-
face that no rays can be reflected to our eyes, we
fhall not always fee an object by reflection, and the
places of the object, the fpectator, and the reflecting
furface, mufl be taken into consideration. Let QJR
be an object before the reflecting furface A B, q r its
image, as before (fig. 2.) and O the place of the fpec-
tator. Join O A, O B, and produce the lines O A,
OB indefinitely to T and P, unlefs the image lies
within the lines A T, B P the object will not be feen
by reflexion. Let/ without this fpace be the image
of F G, and join OfOg, and fmce thefe two lines do
not any where cut the reflecting furface, it is evident
that by looking on the furface we fhall not fee the ob-
ject. We fhall fee part of QJR, becaufe part of q r
lies within the fpace abovementioned, and to find the
part of QJl which is vifible by reflexion from the
point s, where O P cuts r, draw s S perpendicular
S t*
Chap-. 5 .] Refleftor Half the Size of the Otjeff. 2 T 9
to A B produced. Then the ray S B will be refiect-
ed in the direction B 0. Now join O q cutting A B
in D, and join QJ). The ray QJ) will be refleded
in tire direction D O, and the part of the object vifible
by reflexion will be feen in part of the reflecting fur-
face only D B. All the reft being fuperfluons as to
this objecl. Thus we can always find by what rays,
and by what part of a reflecting furface, an object is
feen. The limits of the fpace in which an objecl:
muft be placed to appear vifible by reflexion are, on
thefe principles, eafily determined. Join O B, O A,
and make the angles I B K, L A E equal to OBI,
O A L, then every objecl: placed within the lines B K,
A E indefinitely produced, will be vifible at O by re-
Thus, when we are placed before a looking-glafc
in a room, part of the room only is vifible -, as we
walk backwards and forwards other parts appear and
dif;ippear in fucceflion, and fome parts of the room are
never feen in the glais.
When a perfon (lands before a looking-glafs of the
fame dimenfions with himfelf, hi r . image appears to
occupy the half of it, or, in other words, a looking-
glafs of half his dimenfions is capable of mewing him
the whole of his figure. Let A B (fig. 3.) be an ob-
ject placed before the reflecting furface gb i of the
plane mirror C D -, and let the eye be at o. Let A b
be a ray of light flowing from the top A of the objecl:,
and falling upon the mirror at h : and b m be a. per-*
pendicular to the furface of the mirror at b, the ray
A b will be reflected from the mirror to the -eye at o,
making . an angle mho equal to the angle A km:
then will the top 'of the image E appear to the eye in
the direction of the reflected ray o b produced to E,
where the right line ACE, from the top of the ob-
1 20 Rtfleflor Half the Size of the ObjeH. [Book III.
jcct, cuts the right line o h E, at E. Let B i be a ray
of light proceeding from the foot of the object at B
to the mfrror at /, and n i a perpendicular to the mir-
r.or from the point /', where the ray B / falls upon it ;
this ray will be reflected in the line i o, making an
angle n i 0,, equal to the angle B in, with that perpen-
dicular, and entering the eye at o : then will the foot
F of the image appear in the direction of the reflected
ray oi, produced to F, where the right line BF cuts
die reflected ray produced to F. All the other rays
that flow from the intermediate points of the object
A B, and fall upon the mirror between b and i, will
be reflected to the eye at o ; and all the interme-
diate points of the image E F will appear to the
eye in the direction of thefe reflected rays produced.
But all the rays that flow from the object, and fall
upon the mirror above h y will be reflected back above
the eye at o j and all the rays that flow from the ob-
ject, and fall upon the mirror below /, will be re-
flected back below the eye at o : fo that none of the
r r iys that fall above , or below i, can be reflected to
the eye at o ; and the diftance between h and / is
equal to half the length of the object A B, if the cye^
or o, is in the line A B produced : for then A b will
be equal to k 0, and A h is equal to b E. Therefore
Jj E is equal to o h, and o b is one half of o E 3 and
confequently i b (from fimilar triangles) is equal to
one half of E F or A B.
In rooms where looking-glafles are placed parallel
and oppofite to each other, a perfon looking into one
fees feveral images of himfelf , for rays will be re-
flected from one glafs to the other, and each image
becomes an object to the other glafs. If, inftead of
be'.ng parallel, the glafles were placed oppofite to each
other,, but making an acute angle, there will be fe-
Plate JJ.
./'/>/. .7.
c: IF
C hap. $.] Places of Images made by Reflexion. 2 If
veral images of the fame object appearing to be placed
in a circle, whofe center is the vertex of the acute
angle, and radius the diftance of the object from that
vertex. Let M N O P, Plate XII. (fig. 4-) two fur-
faces produced, meet in b, and let QJbe an object, and
<7, c its images in the refpective glafTes. Join bq,
b Q^> and the triangles Q^a b, q a b, having twd fides
and an angle rcfpectively equal, the third fide Q is
equal to q b. So b c is equal to b Qj and in the
fame manner the images of q, and c found in the op-
pofite glaffes, will be equidiftant from b.
The places of images, made by the reflexion of the
rays of light from plane furfaces, are cafily determin-
ed: but when rays are reflected by curvilinear fur-
faces, the diffisulty of determining the place of the
image is confiderably increafed. I fhall endeavour to
fhew the manner of inveftigating this fubject in the
fimpleft cafes.
Let A B (fig. 5.) be a fpherical furface, of which C
is the center, reflecting the rays of light both on the
concave and convex fide ; and let QE, a ray of light
parallel to the radius C D, be incident on the furface
at E. After reflexion on the concave fide, the ray
will proceed in the direction E q> making the angle
y E C equal to QJE C ; but the ray Q^E reflected by
the convex furface will proceed in the direction E K,
making the angle K E I equal to the angle Q^E I.
The greater the diftance of E, the point of incidence,
is from D, the vertex of the furface, the farther will the
interfection of the reflected ray and the radius C D be
from the center of the furface. Since QJi, is parallel
to C D, the angle QJE C is equal to the angle E C q ;
therefore the angles q E C, q C E are equal to each
other, and confequently q C is equal to q E. If E is
very near to D, q D and q E will be very nearly equal
tii Places of Images. [Book HI.
each other, and the point q will then be very near -to
T, the point bifecting the radius of the fur face. The
parallel rays then falling upon the concave fu'rface 1
very near to D will converge, after reflexion, very
nearly to the point T, and that point may be confi-
de red, and is confidered, as the focus after reflexion
gf ihoie rays ; the aberration of every other ray, or the
diilance q T fhall be afterwards confidered. The pa-
rallel rays falling on the convex fide will alfo, after
reflexion,, appear to have diverged from this point T,
without any very material error. We may lay it
do-wn, therefore, as a principle, that rays falling upon
a reflecting furface will, by the concave fide, be made
to converge to a point bifecting a radius drawn pa-
rallel to them, and by the convex fide will be reflected
fo as to appear to diverge from a point bifecting the
radius drawn parallel to them.
Let now (fig. 6.) the rays diverging from a cer-
tain point be intercepted by a fpherical reflecting fur-
face, and let Q^be that point, and A B the furface of
which C is the center ; and let q E be the reflected
ray. Draw C m parallel to q E, and C ;/ parallel to
Q^E. By the principle above mentioned a ray di-
verging from the point m will, after reflexion, cut the
parallel radius Cn in #, bifecting the radius in that
point ; and, if a ray diverges from , it will, after re-
flexion, cut the parallel radius C m in m, bifecting that
radius; therefore C;;;,Cw, CT are equal. Since
the triangles Qjn C, C n q are fimilar, Qj : m C, or
C T : : C , or C T : 7; q. The nearer E is to D, the
nearer will the points m and n be to T j Q^nt will be
nearly equal to QJ, and q n to q T. Therefore the
focus of rays, after reflexion, will be found, without
very material error, by. faying, as QJT : C T : : C T
: T q. Calling therefore T the principal focu^, its
Fja. 4.
Fta, (!.
Chap. 5-] Rules for finding the Focus of fefleaed Rays. 223
diftance from the center of the furface will be a mean
proportional between its diftances from the foci of di-
Yerging and reflected rays.
In Plate XIII. fig. 7. the proportion is in the fame
manner demonftrated, by faying, that rays appearing
to diverge from w, were reflected by the furface in-
tercepting rays converging to ;/, and vice ver.fa.
The foci of diverging and reflected rays are always
on the fame fide as the principal focus. The greater
the diftance of Q_ from T, the lefs is the diftance
of q from T ; as, Q, approaches to T,-y recedes from
it j they medt together when rays are reflected by a
concave furface in the center. When the focus of
diverging rays is between the center and the princi-
pal focus, the focus of reflected rays is on the other
fide of the center. When Q^is ki T, the reflected
rays are parallel ; when QJs between T and the fur-
face, the rays appear to diverge from a point on the
other fide of the furface. When rays are reflected by
the convex furface, the focus of the reflected rays is
always between the principal focus and the furface.
Having found the focus of reflected rays for a fingle
point, we can, as before, find the fituation of the image
of any object, by confidering the object as made up
of innumerable foci of diverging rays. Let QJR.
(fig. 8.) reprefent an object before a fpherical reflector,
then join QJ3 D, and in the line QJ3 find the point
q, the focus of rays after reflexion, by the proportion
laid down in the preceding inftance. In the fame
manner find the point r, and, if neceflary, find the
correfponding foci to other points in the object Q^R,
then q r is its image. This image will be either erect
or inverted, according to the nature of the reflector,
and the pofirion of the object. Firft, if the reflector
is a fpherical concave, as in fig. 8, and the diftance of
224 CorYcfrondehce of linage with Oljetf. [BooIcIIL
the object from the furface is greater than half the ra-
dius of the reflector, the image will be inverted, and
on the fame fide of the reflector with the object. If
the diftance of the object from the reflector is lefs than
half the radius, the image will be erect, but on the
other fide of the reflector. This is feen in fig. 9,
\vhere q r reprefents an object in the fituation above-
mentioned, and QJl is its image, idly, The image
of an object before a convex fpherical reflector is al-
ways erect, as may be feen in fig. 9.
In plane reflectors images correfpond, and are fi-
milar to their objects. It is not fo in fpherical re-
flectors, by which an image is made fometimes greater,
fometimes fmaller than the object. The concave re-
flector has the power of diminifhing and magnifying.
"When the diftance of the object from the reflector is
greater than the radius, the image is always lefs than
the object, for q r : QJl : : C q : C Qj and in that
cafe C q being lefs than C Q^, q r muft be lefs than
QJR. When the object is between the center and
the principal focus, the image is greater than the ob-
ject, for now q r being the object, QJl is its image,
and C q being lefs than C Q^, the object muft be lefs
than its image. When the object is between the
principal focus and the reflector the image is greater
than the object; for fuppofing qr (fig. 9.) to be the
object, and QJl the image, q r : QJl : : T q : T Qj
bur T q being lefs than T Q^, q r muft be lefs than
QR. When an object is placed before a convex
fpherical reflector, the image is lefs than its object ;
for (fig. 9.) T Q^ being greater than T q t QJl muft
be greater than q r.
To find whether an object may be feen in a re-
factor by a fpectator in any fituation, we draw lines
from the eye to the image, and, if thefe lines are cut
by the reflecting furface, the image is vifiblc, and the
Chap. 5.] Beautiful and deformed Images. 025
part of the reflecting furface intercepted between th:fe
fines is that part which reflects the rays to the c^e.
Let O be the eye of the fpectator, Fig. 8, 9, loin O q y
O r> and produce themj if neceilary, till they cut the
reflecting furface in m and #, iiien m n is the pa^t of
the reflecting fur : ::u.e :n which the image is feen } and
the rays Qj;;> R n, refined in the direction m O, n O,
are thofe by which the extreme parts of the object are
This would be ftrictly true in all cafes, if rays pro-
seeding from an object made ^it always vifible and
clear -, but we are accuilomed from our infancy to de-
termine on the nature and pofition of objects by rays
'diverging from them. To fee, therefore, by reflected
rays, they mud appear to the eye to diverge from
the image, which will not be the cafe when the eye
is at a lefs diftance from a concave reflector than the
image. In that cafe our vifion is confufed, the image
is behind us, and we can form ito conception of it.
But this will be farther explained when I come to
treat on the nature of vifion.
Upon the principles now laid down, we fee the rea-
Jbn of thofe beautiful and deformed images made by
'objects placed before fpherical reflectors, as alfo the
changes produced in tfcem by their various pofitions
with refpect to the reflector. When a perfon is at a
greater diilance from a concave fphefical refle6tor than
the radius, he perceives an image, for in{tance> of him-
felfj much diminiihed, itanding upon its head before
the reflecting furface in the air ; as he walks towards
the center^ the image walks towards him, increafing in
magnitude j as he walks from the center to the prin-
cipal focus, his image appears confufed, and he cannot
afcertain any of its parts -, as he walks from the prin-
cipal focus, to the furface, the image is again clearly
VOL. I; Q vifible,
a 26 Ufe cf Convex Mirrors to Travellers. [Book III,
vifible, erect, greater than hjmfelf, but walking to-
wards him, and diminifhing conftantly, till both object
and image me^t together in the reflecting furface.
The pnenomena of convex fpeculums are different,
and in moft refpects oppofitc, to thofc of the concave
ipeculum. When a perfon looks in a convex fphe-
rical reflector, he fees an image of himfclf, erect, but
diminiflied As he walks towards the reflector, the.
image appears to walk towards him, oonftantly in-
creafing in magnitude, till they touch each other in
the refle&ing furface.
From this property of diminifhing objects, fpherical
reflectors are in great requeit with all lovers of pic-
turefque fcenery. Small convex reflectors are made
in the mops for the ufe of travellers, who, when fa-
tigued by ftretching the eye to alps towering on alps,
can by their mirror bring thefe fublime objects into a
narrow compafs, and gratify the fight by pictures which
xthe art of man in vain attempts to imitate.
Chap. ^.] t 227 ]
as was explained in a -preceding
Let rays diverging from a point Q^(Fig. 1 1, 12.)
after refraction, move in the medium ABCD. To a
pcrfon in this medium they will not appear to have*
Chap. 6.] Real and apparent Places of Objeffs. 229
diverged from Qj but from a point near to or farther
from him, according as the medium, in which he is, is
denfer or rarer than the medium in which the point
of diverging rays is fituated. Let QJ be an incident
ray proceeding after refraction in the direction I M,
cutting QJ) a perpendicular to the furface A B in q,
q will be the point from which the rays appear to di-
verge. In the triangle QJ q y QJ \\q\\ fine ofl^O
: fines of I QJ3 ; that is, fmce QJ3 is parallel to I P
:: fine of refra6Uon : fine of incidence. If I is very
near to O, the lines QJ, ql, will be very nearly equal
to QJD and q O, and a perfon being placed in the di-
rection QJD produced will conceive that the rays di-
verged from q, when QP : qQ :: fine of refraction :
fine of incidence.
Upon this principle we can find the actual fituation
of any object feen in a medium different from that in
which we are, or feen through different mediums.
Let Q^R (Fig. 13, 14.) be any object feen by a pcr-
Ibn in the medium ABCD. Then make QJE : ^E
and R F : r F : : fine of refraction to the fine of inci-
dence, a,nd the object will appear to be at q r nearly,
if the perfon was in the direction QJi produced. Let
O be the place of the perfon's eye in any other fitua-
tion, and join O r, O q, then the object is feen by rays
refracted within the furface mn, and Q^O, R;/O, arc
the directions nearly of the extreme rays by which the
object is vifible.
As we are accuflomed to fee objects frequently
through thin panes of glafs, it may, to prevent milap-
prehenfions on this fubject, be neceffary to fhew what
changes take place in the apparent fituation of thefe
objects from the intervention of fuch a medium.
Let ABCD (F?g. 15.) be a pane of glafs, QJ}. an
object feen through it a whofe apparent place, fo.und by
Q.3 the
4jo Place of an Olje ft feen through a Window. [Book HI.
the preceding rules, is xr> and let Qinop reprefent
the progrefs of one of the rays diverging from Q^
Then, from what has been before obferved, xp is pa-^
rallel to Qni. Therefore q m : m o : : Q^ : Qj, that
is, when m is very near to E,
qE : EF :: ,Q^ : Q# }
or, ^E: Q^q :: EF : Qjc.
But fuppofing I : R to reprefent the ratio of the fines
of incidence and refra6tion of a ray pafling into the
?E: Qj>::I : I R,
.-.EF:Q* ::I:I R;
that is, the interval between the furfaces of the pane is
to the diftance between the real and apparent places
of the object as the fine of incidence to the difference
between the fines of incidence and refraction. For
glafs this ratio- is nearly that of 3 to a ; therefore I : I
R : : 3 : i, and Q^ will be therefore one third of
E F ; if the pane of glafs is a tenth of an inch thick,
an object fren through it will not appear to be a thir-
tieth part of an inch out of its real place ; a change
which is too fmall to be taken notice of in Common
A ray paffing through a medium bound by plane
furfices inclined to each other, is bent towards the
thicker or thinner part of the medium, according as
the medium is denfer or rarer than that by which it is
furrounded, and the place in which an object will ap-
pear to be is found by a very eafy conftruction. Let
ABC (Plate XV. Fig. 16.) be a glafs prifm, QJR an
object feen through it by an obferver at O, From Q^
draw QJi perpendicular to the firft fiirface A C, and
let q be the focus of rays refracted by that furface ;
fr-.>m q draw B
Chap. 6.] EjeBs of fpberical Surfaces. 231
the focus of diverging rays falling on A B, let x be the
focus of rays after refraction found by the proportion
before laid down, or by joining H E, and drawing Qj.
Hence as before the triangles QJ?C, qpC are fimi-
lar, and the fame proportion is deduced QJT : T C : :
/C : tq.
Rays diverging from any point, and intercepted by
the convex furface of a rarer or concave furface of a
de nfer medium will by refraction, we have before feen,
be made always to diverge more. Upon the fame prin-
ciples, and in the fame manner, the effects of fpherical
furfaces on converging rays is fhewn, which are ex-
actly oppofite to thofe of diverging rays, and a learner
may profitably exercife himfelf by trying the effect on
paper on rays converging or diverging, refracted by
the convex or concave furface of different mediums.
Having thus difcovered the progrefs of rays of light
diverging from any point, and intercepted by a refract-
ing fpherical furface, we (hall find no difficulty in ac-
counting for the apparent places of objects feen in dif-
ferent mediums bounded by fpherical liirfaces.
Let QM (Plate XVII. Fig. 22.) be an object in a
glafs medium, and q the focus of refracted rays diverg-
ing from Q. > m the focus of refracted rays diverging
from M. Then q m will be the image of QM. Lee
O be the place of the fpectator, and join O q, O m,
then r s is the part of the glafs through which he fees
the object, and Qr O, M s O are the extreme rays by
which it is feen. Let a denfe medium be now bound-
ed by a convex furface, Fig. 23. and an object QJM
be at fuch a diftancc from it, that its image fhaU be
Vol. I . />.234-
Chap. 6.] Spherical refrafting Surfaces, &c. 235
qm> and the place of the fpectator O. He will fee only
part of the object correfponding to n m, and through
the part of the furface A s } and the object will appear
to him inverted.
If the eye is placed nearer the furface than the image
is, the object will appear confufed ; for the rays ftrik-
ing the eye will then be converging to a place behind
it : but as I have been rather prolix on this fubject in
the cafe of objects before reflecting mirrors, it will not
be neceflary to purfue it farther, as on the fame prin-
ciples the reader will with eafe determine the part of
an object feen in any medium, bounded by a fpherical
furface, the part of the furface through which it is feen,
and the rays by which it is feen. The truth of fome
of thefe principles may be experimentally fhewn by
objects placed in glafs. vefiels, with concave or convex
furfaces, filled with water, but as we cannot form a
medium rarer than that in which we live, the cafes of
objects placed in a rarer rrtedium muft remain efta-
blifhed on the fixed bafis of mathematical truth here
laid down. If we were indeed to rarify the air in a
hollow glafs globe, we might obferve, perhaps, the
changes made in the apparent places of an object, ac-
cording to the fucceffive degrees of rarefaction ; but
ftill the object would be feen through one medium
much denfer than the furrounding atmofphere, and be-
fore we can examine the apparent fituation of an ob-
ject placed in one medium, which is feparated from
another by a medium of a different denfity from either,
and bounded by a concave and convex furface, we muft
endeavour to account for the appearances which are
daily before our eyes, namely, the changes made in the
apparent places of objects by the interpofition of a denfe
/ubftance bounded by fpherical iurfaces,
23 6 Theory of Lenjes: [Book I II.
In the chapter which rivaled generally of refraction,
the fubject of LF.NSL . .perflcially con-
:cij the tlieory oft-. icniains now to be
invefligated, and from their great importance in the
fcience of optics, it will be ntcdfary to fpeak of them
fomewhat in dct
The different forms of lenfes have been already
mentioned; but it is necefuiry to premife, that in in-
veitigating the properties of a lens, we cdnfidcr its
thicknefs as very inconfiderable, and that in every fpe-
cies there is a poin", through whieh if a line is drawn
in any direction^ and interfered by the furfaces of the
lens, a ray refracted by one furface into this line will,
after the fecond refraction, emerge parallel to its firft
Let AI0B0 (Plate XVII. Fig. 24, 25.) reprefcnt
a convex or concave lens, the radii of whofe furfaces arc
equal, and draw C 1, ci from the centers C, c, paral-
lel to each other, and join I /. Suppofe now I / to be
a ray of light within the lens refracted by both furfaces
at I and i. Since the radii are parallel, the angfes of
incidence are equal, and confequently the angles of re-
fraction are equal, and the rcfra6ted rays muft make
equal angles with the incident ray I /, that is, they mufl
be parallel to each other. A ray, therefore, incident
on I, and proceeding in the direction I i, will, after re-
fraction at ij proceed in a direction parallel to its firft
direction. In the fame manner any other ray incident
on one furface, and proceeding in die Irne joining two
parallel radii, will, after refraction at the feccrid fur-
face, emerge parallel to its fiifV direction. But the line
joining two parallel radii will always pafs through the
fame point m; therefore all rays pafiing through this
point m will, after- refraction at the fecond furface, pro-
ceed parallel to the direction, which they had before
VOLJ . //. 236.
Fig. 23.
Chap.- 6.] Plano-convex and concave Lenfis. 23?
the firft refrafHon. This point m is the center of the
lens, and in the two cafes before us it bifects the thick-
nefs of the lens ; far fmce the triangles C I m, dm are
firnilar, C I : ci :: Cm \ cm and as C I and ci are
equal C ;;/ and cm are equal, and confequently nm and
mo are equal. If the radii' were not equal, the center
of the lens is neareft to that furface whofe radius is the
leaft, and its place may be accurately found by the
preceding oroportion.
In Plate XVIII. Fig. 26, 27. reprefent two !enfes>
the one v/i h a plane and a convex furface, the other
with a plane and a concave furface. In both cafes the
center of the lens will be at m in the fpherical furface^
for the point may be confidered as in the tangent to
the circle at m, which is parallel to A IB, therefore the
ray I / makes equal angles of incidence at the points I
and z, and confequently the angles of refraftion will bd
equal. From the proportion aifo difcovered in convex
or concave lenfes, the fame truth is evident; for as we
increafe the radius of A I B, the point m (Fig. 24, 2,5.)
approaches nearer to ; and as this radius may be in-
creafed without limit, the diftance of mn may
creafed without limit, fo that evidently the nearer the
circle approaches to a plane figure, the nearer will be
the approach of m to ;/.
Plate XVIIL Fig. 28. reprefents a lens with one
furface concave the other convex, in which cafe the
point m will be without the lens.
Having found the" center of a lens, we are next to
find its principal focus or point, from which parallel rays,
after refraclion, appear to diverge, or to which they
converge. Let AB (Plates XVIII. XIX. Fig. 2.9,
30, 31, 32; 33, 34) reprefent a lens, whofe center is E,
and the centers of the llirfa'tes R and r, and let q E G
be drawn parallel to the incident rays ; then as the di-
23 8 t-low to find tbt Focus of a Lens. [ Book 1 1 L
rections before and after refraction of a ray patting
through the center of a lens are parallel, q EG will re-
prefcnt the courfe of one of the incident rays without
fenfible crron Parallel to E G draw B R, and in B R
produced find the focus V of parallel rays incident on
the furface B ; therefore by the firft refra&ion the pa-
rallel rays are made to ftrike the fecond furface A*
converging to the point V. Join r V* Then one of
the rays, which after the firft refraction moved within
the glafs in the direction r A, will pafs through the fe-
cond furface A, without any refraction, in the direc-
tion AV, fmce r A is perpendicular to the fecond fur-
face. But E G is the courfe of another ray alfo after
the fecond refraction, and G, the point of interfection
of thefe two rays> will be the focus of the lens, near
to which all the other rays will interfect each other*
For all the rays incident on the fecond furface, con-,
verging to the point V, by what has been proved of
rays refracted by a fingle fpherical furface, will be
made to converge to a point between A and V* We
have found the point G, as above, for a double convex
lens, but the fame mode of reafoning applies to other
lenfes, and a fingle infpection of the figjre will fhew
whether the rays converge or diverge after the firft re-
With E as a center, and EG as radius, defcribe the
arc GF. Then if the direction of the parallel rays is
changed, the focus will always be in the arc GF, and
if the incident rays are parallel to rR, the ?xis of the
lens, the principal focus is in F. A double convex
and plane convex lens, we have already fecn, make pa-
rallel rays to converge; a double concave and plane
concave make them diverge. A lens with a concave
and convex furface make them converge or diverge,
according as the furfaces do or do not interfect each
VOL .'I . />. 138.
Fit/. 27.
Ft,/. /;/.
Chap. 6.] Focus cf diverging Rays. 439
other, or in general it may be faid of all thefe lenfes,
that the parallel rays converge or diverge after refrac-
tion according as the middle of the glafs is thicker or
thinner than its extremities.
Upon the fame principles alib may be found the
foci of lenfes, fuppofing them to be compofed of fub-
fiances rarer inftead of deafer than the furrounding
Having found the principal focus of a lens, we fhall
with the fame eafe find the focus of rays diverging
from a point, and intercepted by a lens, as we did
when they were intercepted by a fingle furface. Let Q
(Plate XIX. Fig. 35.) be the focus of diverging rays
incident on the lens A B, and let F, /, be the principal
foci of rays incident on the furfaces B or A, in a con-
trary direction, and let Qj reprefent an incident ray,
With E as a center, and E F radius, defcribc the arc
F G interfering Qj in G, join EG, and draw Aq pa-
rallel to E G, then with E as a center, and E/ radius,
defcribe the arc fg interjecting iq in g, and join E.
The ray QJ will be affected in the fame manner, whe-
ther it is considered as diverging from Q^or G; but
*fmce rays parallel to E G, incident on the furface B,
are by the refraction of the lens made to converge to
G, a ray diverging from G will, after the refraction of
the lens, move parallel to E G ; therefore the ray QJ
ttill be made by the lens to move in the direction Aq.
Again, if the ray was turned back, it might be confi-
dered as diverging from g, and by the lens it would be
made to move in the direction /Q^, parallel to E.
Hence we have two triangles, QJ3 E, Egy, fimijar
to each other, and QG : GE :: Eg : gq- t that is, the
nearer * is to E, the nearer will this proportion be to
that of QJF : F E : : E/ : fq t a proportion fimilar i
that which we found before with fingle furfacejs.
240 How to find the -Focus of a Sphere. [Book lit.
The points Qjmd q will be on the oppofite fides of
their refpeftive foci. The greater QF is, the lefs will
be qf, and vice verfa ; and the apparent places of ob-
jects viewed through thefe glaffes will be found in the
fame manner as with fingle furfaces. It will be fuffi-
cicnt therefore only to refer the reader to Plates XIX.
XX. Fig. 36, 37. which he will eafily undcrftand with-
out farther explanation.
The principal focus of a fphere is found with the
fame facility as that of a 'lens. Let M (Plate XX.
Fig. 38.) be the principal focus of rays incident on the
convex fufface A O, then bifed M D in I, and I will
be the principal focus of the fphere. For let the my
G A be refracted by the convex furface to B, and at.
B by the concave fufface to I, and let IB,- G A pro-
duced meet each other in K. Now iuppofe that the
ray A B within the fphere emerged at both places A
slnd B, then fihce the 4 angles of incidence C AB, C B A
are equal, the angles of refraction, and the difference
between the angles of incidence and refraction, will
be equal; therefore KAB is equal to KB A, and K A
equal to K B ; but the triangle BIM is fimilar to the
triangle K B A, therefore I B is equal to I M j and as
B approaches to D, the nearer will I B be equal to ID,-
that is, I D to I M, and confequently the principal fo-
cus will bifedt D M* or the leaft diftance of the princi-
pal focus of rays refracted by the convex furface from
the fphere.
Having thus found the principal focus of the fphere,
I mail leave the reader to find the apparent places of
objects feen through it, as the mode to be purfned has
already been fufHciently dcfcribcd, and the proportion
is fimiiar to that difcovered in the confidenmon of
Vol..! ./>. /<>.
F "J-
/%. J/.
Chap. ;.] [ 241 ]
fhe Eye defcriled as an optical InJlrument.Defefls of the Eye. Short
and weak Sight. The former remedied by double concave, and the
/after by double convex, Glaff'es. How the Faculty of feeing correSl -
ly is acquired. Apparent Magnitude depends on the Diftance ofQ{f>
jefls.Pifual Jingle. Phenomena of ViJion.^Why the d+fta**^
Parts of an horizontal Plain, and of the Sea, appear elevated.
Why a long Watt appears curved.* Why a high Tower appear!
falling to an Eye beneath, Belt of Saturn. Phenomena of Pi/ion at
tonnefted with Motion. Why the Moon appears to move in/lead of
the Clouds ivhich pafs over its Face. Why a Circle viewed ob-
liquely appears oval. How GlaJJts ajjijl the Sight.
TH E ftructure of the eye will be confidered irt
another place * ; it will be fufficient therefore at
prefent to treat it as a fimple lens, which has the
power of refracting the rays of light, incident upon itj
on the retina, whence we derive all our ideas of fight,
and by repeated experience correct the errors which
by that organ alone might have been produced. Let
A B (Plate XX. Fig.J9.) rcprefent a fection of the eye>
MN being the pupil, AqpB the retina or optic nerve
expanded over the internal furface of the eye, and let
qp be the image of QP made by the lens M N. The
action produced on the part of the retina q.p occafions
a fenfation, from which we derive by the fight our
knowledge of external objects.
Now if the lens M N was fixed, the image of two
objects at different diftances from the eye would not
fall on the retina, and therefore it is wifely provided
* Book IX. Chap. 41. Senfe of Sight,
VOL, I. R by
242 Short and long Sight. [Book III.
by our Creator, that we fhould have the power of
adapting the lens to the diftance of the objeft, fo that
its image always upon the retina. This is
the cafe with the generality of mankind j but all per-
fons have not this power j for the eyes of fome are fo
conftrufted, that the rays of light either converge too
foon or too late j that is, the image is made in fome
place between the retina and the pupil, or it would
be made behind the retina, if the retina was removed ;
hence thefe perfons cannot {ee objefts diftinctly, and
to remedy thefe defects glafies are ufed, which in the
one cafe make the rays diverge, and in the other cafe
make them converge. Thus for Ihort-fighted perfons
as they are called, double concave glafies ; for long-
fighted perfons, double convex glaffes are ufed. By
means of the concave glaffes, the rays incident on the
eye are made to diverge more ; and confequently the
eye, which before made them- converge too foon, will
now be able to form the image on the retina. By the
convex glafles the rays are made to converge, and con-
fequently the image, which would othcrwife have been
behind the retina, is now formed in its proper place
on the retina.
It is a long time, probably, before the child is able
to ufe all the mufcles by which the pupil is contracted
or expanded, fo that the image fhould fall exactly up-
on the retina, and then the ideas formed by the fight
muft be exceedingly inaccurate. At firfl all objects
will appear equally to touch the eye, and the apparent
magnitude of the objedl: will depend on the part of the
retina covered by die image. By degrees thefe ideas
are corrected, and the hands inftrucl:, after fome diffi-
cult experiments, the eye. - The child difcovers that
objects are at a diftance from its body, and that fych
as make the fame angle at the pupil are not always of
Chap. 7.] How we judge of Diftance. 243
the fame real magnitude ; hence it learns by degrees
to combine together the angle under which an object
is feen and the diftance, and, according to its future
employments in life, thefe ideas w.ill be combined to-
gether with greater or lefs accuracy. The judgment
of one perfon, accuftomed to diftant objects, will be
very correct, while a perfon employed in the nicer
works of art will be continually deceived in looking at
the fame diftant objects, and the contrary.
An object will affect us differently, I have faid, ac-
" cording to the angle under which it is feen, and its dif-
tance. In figure 40 let AB be an object viewed di-
rectly by the eye Q_R. From each extremity draw
the lines AN and B M, interfering each other in the
cryftajline humour at I. Then draw the line I K in.
the direction in which the eye is fuppofed to look at
the object. The angle A IB is then the optical or vi-
fual angle, and the line I K is called the optical axis,
becaufe it is the axis of the lens or cryftalline humour
continued to the obje6t.
The apparent magnitude of objecls then, depending
thus on the angle under which they are feen, will evi-
dently vary according to their distances. Thus dif-
ferent objects, as A B, C D, E F, the real magnitudes
of which are very unequal, may be fituated at fuch
diflances from the eye as to have their apparent mag-
nitudes all equal ; for if they are fituaj/bd at fuch dif-
tances that the rays AN, B M, mail touch the extre-
mities of each, they will then appear all under the fame
optical angle, and the diameter M N of each image on
the retina will confequently be equal.
In the fame manner objedls of equal magnitude,
fituated at unequal diftances will appear unequal. For
let A B and G H, two objects of equal fize, be placed
before the eye at different diftances I K and I S ; draw
R 2 the
244 Wh' an extended Plain appears elevated. [B ook III.
the lines G P and H O, eroding each other in I ; then
O P, the image formed by the object G H on the re-
tina, is evidently of a greater diameter than the image
M N, which reprefents the object A B ; in other words,
the object G H will appear as large a$ an object of the
diameter T V fituated at the fame place as the object
Hence it follows, that objects fituated at different
diftances, whole apparent magnitudes are equal, are to
each other as their diftances from the eye ; and by the
fame rule, equal objects fituated directly before the
eye, have their apparent magnitudes in a reciprocal
proportion to their diftances.
This laft propofition muft, however, be received with
lome allowance j for it is only applicable to very dif-
tant objects, and to thole where the fenfe is not cor~
' reeled by the judgment. For if the objects are near,
we do not judge of their magnitude according to the
vifual angle. Thus, if a man of fix feet high is feen
at the diftance of fix feet under t'he very fame angle as
a dwarf of only two feet high at the diftance of two
feet, ftill the dwarf will not appear as large as the man,
becaufe the fenfe is corrected by the judgment.
In moft cafes, however, where the diftance is confi-
dcrable the rule will be found accurate ; and as it has
its foundation in nature, moft of the phenomena of vi-
fion will be explained by having racourfe to the prin-
ciples laid down in this chapter. If the eye is placed
above a horizontal plain, the different parts of this
plain will appear elevated in proportion to their dif-
tance, till at length they will appear upon a level with
it. For in proportion as the different parts are more
diftant, the rays which proceed from them form angles
with the optical axis I K more and more acute, and at
length become almoft parallel. This is the reafon
Vol.. [./> 2 U
riff. 3 A
Chap. 7.] Why a long fir ah Wall appears curved. 245
why, if we ftand on the fea-fliore, thofe parts of the
ocean which are at a great diftance appear elevated;
for the globular form of the earth is not perceptible to
the eye, and if it was, the apparent elevation of the fea
is far greater than the arch which a fegment of the
globe would form within any diftance that our eyes are
capable of reaching.
For the fame reafon, if a number of objects are
placed on the fame plain and at {he fame height below
the eye, the more diftant will appear taller than the,
others ; and if the fame objects are placed on a fimilar
plain above the eye, the more diftant will appear the
The diftant parts of a long wall, for the fame rea-
fon, appear to a perfon who ftands near one end to
curve or incline towards him. In the fame manner the
high wall of a lofty tower, feems to a fpectator placed
directly under it to bend over him, and threaten him
with inftant deftruction. If any perfon inclined to
make the experiment, will lie down on his back in a
fituation of this defcription, at the diftance of five
or fix feet from the wall of which he contemplates
the tremendous height, he will immediately be made
fenfible of the phenomenon.
If the diftance between two objects forms an infen-
fible angle, the objects, though in reality at fome dif-
tance from each other, will appear contiguous. This
is afligned by fome aftronomers, as the reafon why the
ring or belt of Saturn appears as one mafs of light,
while they contend that it is formed from a number ot
little ftars or fatellites ranged within a certain diftance
of each other.
If the eye is carried along, as in a boat, without be-
ing fenfible of its own motion, the objects which arc
ilationary on each fide, will appear to move in a con-
R 3 trary
246 Moon fe ems io move inftead of Clouds. [Book III.
trary direction. Thus we attribute to the fun and the
other heavenly bodies, a diurnal motion, which only
affects the earth which we inhabit.
. If two or three objects at a confiderable diftance,
and on which the eye of. the fpectator is fixed, move
with equal velocity paft a third object which is at reft,
the moving objects will appear to be actually at reft,
and that which is really ftationary vnll appear in mo-
tion. Thus the clouds which pafs over the face of
the moon appear at reft, while the moon itfelf appears
to proceed rapidly along in an oppofite diiection.
This happens, bccaule the eye which is fixed upon the
clouds follows their motion mechanically, and there-
fore the moon appears to move and not the clouds, as
in the boat we do not pe/ceive its motion, but con-
ceive the banks are retiring behind us.
If the center of the pupil, that is, the optic axis is
directed along the furface of any flender object in a
perfectly right line, this line will appear only a point,
becaufe, in fact, the extremities only are vifible.
An extended and cliftant arch, viewed by an eye
which is exactly in the fame line, will appear a.s a plane
furface, becaufe all the pares appearing equally diftant,
the curvature will not be perceived.
If a circle is viewed obliquely it will appear an oval,
becaufe the diameter which is perpendicular to the eye
is fhortened ; in other words, the rays which proceed
from the extremities form an angle fo much the more
acute as the obliquity is greater ; on the contrary, the
diameter which is parallel to the eye is apparently ex-
To fee any object it has been cbferved (Fig. 39.)
that an imprelnon muft be made upon the retina ; but
to the eye, as to the other fenfes, it happens, that an
imprcflion does not always produce a lentatio.n. There
Chap. 7.] How 'very minute Oljeffs are made vijible. 247
is an angle q L,p of a determinate magnitude*, which
varies indeed in, the eyes of different perfons, but is
fuch that any object making a lefs angle in the pupil
does not produce a lenfation on the retina of fuch a
nature that a perfon can have a determinate idea of
the object. This angle is in general about half a mi-
nute of a degree ; and each perfon may difcover the
ftrength of his fight by taking an object of a determi-
nate length, and removing it to fuch a diftance that
it mail juft ceafe to be vifible, or appear only as a
point. -
When objects are beyond that diftance, they confe-
quently are invifible to us ; and if by any art we can
make them appear as if they were within this diftance,
they will then appear to us as other objects feen under
the fame angle, and at the fame diftance. The fimpleft
contrivance, where the object is either too minute or
too diftant, is to interpofe between the eye and the ob-
ject a glafs or lens, which by its magnifying power,
or, in ftill clearer terms, its power of converging the
rays of light, mall enlarge, or render more cbtule the
angle under which it is prefented to the naked eye,
and which muft of courfe proportionably enlarge the
image depicted on the retina. To find by what fort
of glafs or lens an object is to be feen at any diitance,
* If the diflance of any object from the eye is fufficiently great
for the rays to fall nearly parallel on the pupil, the name objed is
feen more enlarged and dilHndl the nearer it is brought to the eye,
becaufethe image of any object on the retiaa will be gre.v
lefs in proportion to its apparent magnitud. : when the object is
top near the eye it continues to be enlarged, but is confufed. The
leaf: diftance is about fix inches.
The eye is capable of difiinguifhing objedls that fubtend an
angle of half a minute of a degree, in which cafe the image on the
retina is lefs in breadth than the ^- r6 p.ut of an i =
object, fuppofing it fix inches difta'it 3 i-bout the Ti Vj part, of an
inch broad. And all fraaller objects are invifible to the naked eye.
R 4 we
248 Caution in the Ufe of Spettaclcs. [Book III.
\ve muft take into confideration the diftance of the ob-
jedl, and the diftance of diftinct vifion, from which it
will be eafy to find a lens of fuch a focal length as will
make the object appear at the diftance required *.
By want of attention in the choice of glaffes, a de-
fect in fight may be considerably increaied, for the eye
may be ftrrined to an accommodation with the glafs.
Short-fighted perfons, as they advance in years, are
often found to improve in fight; long-fighted perfons,
on the contrary, find their fight impaired by age. For
the convexity in the pupil of both diminifhcs with
years -j- ; in one cafe it was too great, and confequently
the dintmution was beneficial ; in the other cafe it was
already too fnnall, and the diminution muft be confe-
quently prejudicial.
* For in Plate XXI. Fig. 41, 42, the triangles Q_A 7, E g $ ,
are fimilar ; therefore,
QA : Q^? :: Eg : Ey, or
QE : CL ? :: E/ : E r ,
That is, the focal length of the glafs is equal to the reftangle un-
der thediftances of ciiitindl vil.on,and the given object divided by
the difference ''of thefe djftances.
If in the cafe of (hort-fighted perfons, the object is at fuch a dif-
tance that the rays coming from it to the eye may be confidered
as parallel, QJi and Q^ may be confulered as equal without any
material error, and the focal length of the glafs will then be equal
to the diltance of difuixft vifion.
{ This' is the genera'ly received opinion, but from fome ob-
fervations lately communicated to the world in the Philofophical
Transactions, by Dr. Hofack, there is reafon to .believe, that the
convexity and concavity are not changed, as was generally ima-
gined, but that the mufcles of the eye grow weaker, like other
mufcies, by age, and confequently are nov able, as in eaily life, to
vary the difiance bet'.vccn the retina and anterior furface of the eye,
fo as to make it coirefpond to the diilance cf the object. See
Book IX. Chap. 41.
Chap. 7.] DefeRs of Sight, how remedied.
With a fmgle glafs the defects in fight, with refpe<5t
to many objects either too near or at too great a dif-
tance, for the perfons labouring under them, are re-
medied i but there are cafes where the object is fo far
diftant or fo minute, that though its outline may reach
the eye, its parts muft ftill, even with the aid of a
fingle lens, be indiftinctly perceived. The art of man
has difcovered a remedy, in a great degree, to this im-
perfection, and by means of a combination of glaffes
has opened a wide field for his refearches into the won-
ders of nature ; he can now trace the limbs of an in-
fed invifible to the naked eye, or he can make the ce-
leftial objects appear to him as if their diftance had
been on a fudden diminifhed by mhny millions of
[ "250 ] [Book III.
Principles on which tbefg Inftrumenis are nnJiruied % -Dcft:?li. Telt-
fcope of Galileo. Micro/cope. RefleQing Telescope. Camera O-
Jcura.Magu Lantbcrn.
LE T QJP (Plate XXI. fig. 43.) reprefent a very
diftarit object, and let the rays coming from it,
before they fall upon the eye, be intercepted by two
convex lenfes, placed at a diflance from each other
equal to the fum of the focal lengths. The lens A B
is called the object-glafs, from its being oppofed to the
object ; C D the eye-glafs, from its being neareft to
the eye. Since the object is at a very great diftance,
the image made by refraction, q p, will be made at a
diflance from the object-glafs equal to its focal length,
and confeqnently the image is' diftant from the other
glafs exactly its focal length, and the rays diverging
from any point of the image will, after refraction by
the eye-glafs, move parallel to the line drawn from
that point through the center of the glafs. The pro-
grefs of the rays then, by which the object is feen, is
cafily traced. A ray P will be refracted by, the ob-
ject-glafs in the direction P A^D, and by the eye-
glafs in the direction D O parallel to p E. The angle,
therefore, urHer which the image is feen, is equal to
qF.p, ,and the angle by which the object would have
been feen by the naked eye is equal to qFp; con-
feqnently the magnitude of the object feen by the
:! eye is to its magnitude, feen through the glaftes,
C hap. 8 .] Principle of the telefcope. 2 5 1
as q F/> to q Ep, that is, as q E to q F, or as the focal
length of the eye glafs to the focal length of the object-
glafs *.
By this fimple combination of glafTes an obj eel: ap-
pears inverted 3 but this is of no confequence to altro-
* < When the diftance of the object is very confiderable, the
effects may all be referred to the fame diftance, and a telefcope
may be faid to enlarge an object jaft as many times as the angle
under which it reprefents it is greater than th:it under which it ap-
pears to the r: j .ked eye. Thus the moon appears to the naked eye
under an angle of about half a degree; confequently a telefcope
magnifies 100 times, if- it reprefents th? moon under an angle of
50 degrees ; if it magnified 200 times, it would exhibit the moon
under an angle of 100 degrees ; and the moon would appear to
occupy more than half the vifible heavens, of which the whole ex-
tent is 180 degrees.
' It is a common exprelTion, that telefcopes bring objects nearer;
but this exprefiion is equivocal, admitting of two different fignifi-
cations. The one is, that, looking through a telefcope, we efti-
mate an object to be as much nearer to us as it is magnified by
the telefcope. But I have already fhewn, that we can form no
certain eftimate of the diirance of an object but by the judgment,
and that our judgment deceives us when the objects are beyond a.
certain distance ; and in the prefent inftance, lofmg all thofe fub-
jects of comparifon on which it is founded, will deceive us more.
The other meaning applied to, the expreffion is, that the telefcope
reprefents the objects as large as they would appear if we were fo
much nearer to them : this latter meaning is more conformable to
the truth than the preceding, for the nearer we approach to an
objefl the larger is the vifual angle. When you look, however,
at a well-known object, as a man, at a great diftance, and he is
feen under a larger angle, we are led to think him fo much nearer,
when he would really appear under a greater angle; but with
refpect to objects lefs known, as the fun and moon, there can be
no eilimation of diftance.
' One principal end of telefcopes is to enlarge or multiply the
3Pgle under which objects appear to the naked eye, and they
are eftimateil according to this effect, and are faid to magnify
live, ten, or any other number of times, according to the nature
and cqnftruction of the telefcope.' Adams's Le<3. vol. ii. p. 483.
252 Principle of tbe felefcope. [Book III.
nomers, and for objects on land feveral contrivances
are ufed to rectify this appearance.
The quantity of the object vifible depends upon the
rr.riiitude of the eye-glafs. Let Ap reprefent an ex-
treme ray refracted by the object-glafs j if the e'ye-glafs
is of fuch a magnitude as to intercept it, the whole
of the object will be feen ; if the eye-glafs is too fmall
for this purpofe, join D A, C B, the extremities of
the lenfes, and the part of the image cut off by thefe
lines will mew the proportional part of the object
which is invifible.
Since the focal lengths of two lenfes are fufceptible
of any proportion whatever, it might feem that no-
thing more was necefiary than to take two lenfes of
determinate focal lengths to make us intimately ac-
quainted with the mcft diliant of the heavenly bodies;
but after a certain length the difficulty of managing
thefe glafies becomes infurmountable ; and for diftant
objects on the earth, when the magnifying power is
more than a hundred, the vapours on the earth would
render vifion obfcure.
The breadth of the object-glafs is of no confequence
as to the magnifying power, for whatever it may be,
the image will be equally formed at the diftance of
its focal length ; but the brilliancy of the image will
be increafed by the breadth, as a greater number of
rays will then diverge from every given point of the
To mnke the image appear erect, two other con-
vex lenfes are required, of equal focal lengths. The
rays emerging from the eye-glafs are intercepted by
the firft of thefe lenfes, and are made to converge to
points at the diftance of its focal length j thence they
diverge, and being intercepted by the other lens at the
diftance of its focal length, they are made to proceed
Fig. 4-2.
Chap. 8.] Re/rafting and Galilean ' fekfcope. 253
parallel to the lines drawn from each point through
the center of the lens. Thus the firft image of QJ 3
(fig. 44.) is qp y the fecond K I. The apparent mag-
nitude of the object is not changed by thefe glaJTes,
and depends, as before, on the focal lengths of the ob-
ject-glafs and lens neareft to it. The brilliancy of the
object, however, will be diminifhed, fince feveral rays
will be loft in their paflfage through the two additional
An inflrument made with glafles combined together
in this manner, and inferted in a tube, is called a
refracting telefcope ; the latter word implying, ac-
cording to its fignification in the Greek language, the
property of feeing objects at a diftance. In placing
the glafles in this tube, care muft be taken that the
axes of the lenfes coincide, or, as .it is evident from
cur principles, indiftinct vifion only will be pro-
Inliead of the two additional glafles, Galileo chang-
ed the convex eye-glafs into a concave one, by which,
as to the magnifying power, the fame effect was pro-
duced. Thus (fig. 45.) qp being the image of QJP,
by placing a double concave lens between this image
and the object-glafs, the rays converging to p ap-
pear to diverge from R, and I R, the image feen
by the eye at Q^, is made erect. In this cafe, the
nearer the eye is placed to the glafs, and the greater
the pupil, the more the object will be feen.
A microfcope, or an inflrument formed to inipect
minute objects, is conftructed exactly on the fame
principles. A globe of glafs, or double convex lens,
will, from what has been faid, anfwer the purpofe ;
or, a minute object, feen through two convex lenfes,
will be magnified in the proportion of the focal length
6 of
254 Me Microfcope. ' t [Book III.
of the objeft-glafs to that of the eye-glafs *. In all
cafes, in whatever manner we combine our glades to
* Microfcopes are conftruaed in t\vo different modes. The
one is, by the interpofition of a convex lens between the objeft
and the eye, to fender it diftinft at a lefs diftance than fix inches,
by which means its apparent magnitude increafes as the diftance
is diminilhed ; and the other is, by placing the object fo with re-
fpecl to a convex lens, that its focal image may be much greater
than itfelf, and contemplating that image inftead of the object.
The firft are called fimple or fingle microfcopes, and the latter
compound or double. The former is conftrufted in this manner :
fuppofe a fmall object fituated very near the eye, fo that the angle
of its apparent magnitude may be large; .then its image on the
retina will alfo be large ; but becaufe the pencils of rays are too
divergent to be collected into their foci on the retina, it will be
very confufed and indiftinct. Then let a convex lens be inter-
pofcd, fo that the diftance between it and the. object may be equal
to the focal length at which parallel rays would unite, and the rays
which diverge from the object, and pals through the lens, will af-
terwards proceed, and confequently enter the eye, .parallel ; they
will therefore unite, and form a diftindt image on the retina, and
the object will be clearly feen, though if removed to the diftance
of Cx inches, its fmallnefs would render it invifible. The moft
convex lenfes, having the fhorteft fecal diflance of parallel rays,
muft magnify the moft ; for they permit the object to approach
nearer the eye than thofe do which are flatter.
A drop of water is a kind of microfcope, from its convex fur-
face ; for, if a fmall hole is made in a plate of metal, or other thin
fublbmce, and carefully filled with a drop of water, fmall objects
may be feen through it very diftindl, and much magnified.
In the compound microfcope, the image is contemplated inftead
of the object ; it is of two kinds, the folar and the common dou-
ble microfcope ; in the latter, the image is viewed through a fingle
lens In the fame manner as the okjeJl in a fingle microfcope. The
folar microfcope is conftructed by placing a convex lens oppofite
a hole in a darkened chamber, and placing the object at a proper
diftarce from the lens, the pencil of light will converge to a focus
on a fcreen, and the pencil which proceeds from the other point
will converge to another locus, and the intermediate points of the
objedl will be formed into a picture, which will be as much larger
than the objedl in proportion as the diftance of the fcreen exceeds
that of the image from the lens.
Chap. 8.] . RejleBing telefcope. 25$
difcover the magnifying power, it is neceffary on 7 .y to
compare together the angles under which the object is
feen through the eye-glafs, and that under which it
would 'have been feen by the naked eye.
Inftead of lenfes only, for reafons hereafter to be
mentioned, a combination has been formed of refiect-
ing furfaces and lenfes, and from the names of the
inventors, thofe of the greateft ufe are now called the
Newtonian, Gregorian *, and Herfchelian telefcopes.
The reflecting telefcope on the Gregorian principle,
which is the mod common, as it is found to be the moft
convenient, is conftructed in the following manner.
At the bottom of the great tube (PlateXXII. fig. 46.)
T T T T is placed a large concave mirror D U V F,
whole principal focus is at *, and in the middle of
this mirror is a round hole P, oppofite to which is
placed the fmall mirror L, concave toward the great
one, and fo fixed to a ftrong wire M, that it may be
removed further from the great mirror, or nearer to
it, by means of a long fcrew in the iniide of the tube,
keeping its axis ftill in the fame line P m n with that of
the great one. Now, fince in viewing a very remote
object, we can fcarcely fee a point of it, but what is,
at lead, as broad as the great mirror, we may con-
fider the rays of each pencil, which flow from every
point of the object, to be parallel to each other, and
to cover the whole reflecting furface D U V F. But
to avoid confufion in the figure, we (hall only draw
* The difference between the Newtonian and Gregorian tele-
fcope is, that in the former the fpe&ator looks in at the fide
through an aperture upon a plane mirror, by which the rays re-
flecled from the concave mirror are reflected to the eye glafs,
whereas in the latter, the reader will fee that he looks through
the common eye-glafs, which is in general more convenient, and
therefore that is the telefcope which is. now in the moil univerfal
256* Refletfing Telefcope. [Book III.
two rays of a pencil flowing from each extremity of
the object into the great tube, and trace their pro-
grefs through all their reflexions and refractions to the
eye /at the end of the fmall tube //, which is joined
to the great one.
Let us then fuppofe the object A B to be at fuch
a diftance, that the rays C may flow from its lower
extremity B, and the rays E from its upper extre-
mity A ; then the rays C falling parallel upon the
great mirror at D, will be thence reflected converg-
ing in the direction D.G, and by croffing at I in the
principal focus of the mirror, they will form the upper
extremity. I of the inverted image I K, fimilar to the
Jower extremity B of the object A B, and patting on
to the concave mirror L (whofe focus is at n) they
will fall upon it at g, and be thence reflected, con-
verging in the direction gN, becaufe gm is longer
than g n y and paffing through the hole P in the large
mirror, they would meet fomewhere about r t and from
the lower extremity b of the erect image a b, fimilar
to the lower extremity B of the object A B. But by
pafling through the plano-convex glafs R in their way,
they form that extremity of the image at &. In the
fame manner the rays E, which come from the top of
the object A B, and fall parallel upon the great mirror
at F, are thence reflected, converging to its focus,
where they form the lower extren ity K of the invert-
ed image I K fimilar to the upper extremity A of the
object A B, and thence pafiing on to the fmall mirror
L, and falling upon it at b, they are thence| reflected
in the converging ftate h O ; and going on through
the hole P of the great mirror, they would meet fome-
where about q> and form there the upper extremity
a of the erect image a b t fimilar to the upper extre-
Chap. 8.] Reflecting Telefcope. 257
mity A of the object AB ; but by paffmg through the
convex glafs R in their way, they meet and crofs
fooner, as at a> where that point of the erect image is
formed. The like being underflood of all thofe rays
which flow from the intermediate points of the object
between A and B, and enter the tube T T, all the
intermediate points of the image between a and b will
be formed ; and the rays pafiing on from the image
through the eye- glafs S, and through a fmall hole
t in the end of the leffer tube //, they enter the eye/j
which fee* the image a b (by means of the eye-glafs)
under the large angle c e d> and magnified in length
under that angle from c to d.
In the bed reflecting telefcopes, the focus of the
fmall mirror is never coincident with the focus m of
the great one, where the firft image I K is formed,
but a little beyond it (with refpect to the eye) as at
n ; the confequence of which is, that the rays of the
pencils will not be parallel after reflexion from the
fmall mirror, but converge fo as to meet in points
about q> e, r, where they would form a larger upright
image than a b, if the glafs R was not in their way,
and this image might be viewed by means of a fingle
eye-glafs properly placed between the image and the
eye ; but then the field of view would be lefs, and
confequently not fo pleafant ; for that reafon the glafs
R is itill retained to enlarge the fcope or area of the
To find the magnifying power of this telefoope,
multiply the focal diftance of the great mirror by the
diftance of the fmall mirror from the image next the
eye, and multiply the focal diftance of the fmall mirror
by the focal diftance of jche eye-glafs j then divide the
product of the former multiplication by that of the
VOL. I, S latter,
us Dr.HerfcMsfelefcepe. [Book III.
latter, and the quotient will exprefs the magnifying
power *.
The immenfely powerful telefcopes of Dr. Herf-
chel are on a different conftruction. This afTiduous
aftronomer has made feveral fpeculums, which are fo
petfect as to bear a magnifying power of more than
fix thoufand times in diameter on a diftant object f .
The object is reflected by a mirror as in the Gregorian
telefcope, and the rays are intercepted by a lens at,
a proper diftance, fo that the obferver has his back
to the object, and looks through the lens at the mirror.
The magnifying power will in this cafe be the fame as
in the Newtonian telefcope, but there not being a fe-
cond reflect or, the brightnefs of the object viewed in
the Herfchelian is greater than that in the Newtonian
There are feveral amufing optical deceptions, which
are effected by a proper combination of plane or con-
vex glaffes. My limits will not admit the notice of
more than two of the amufing kind, namely^ the ma-
gic lanthorn and the camera obfcura. The former
is a microfcope upon the fame principles as the folar
microfcope, and may be ufed with good effect for
magnifying fmall tranfparent objects ; but in general
it is applied to the purpofe of amufement,- by calling
the fpecies or image of a fmall tranfparent painting on
glafs upon a white wall or fcreen, at a focal diftance
from the inftrument.
Let a candle or lamp C (fig. 47.) be placed in the
infide of a box, fo that the light may pafs through the
plano-convex tens N N, and ftrongly illuminate the
object OB, which is a tranfparent painting on glafs, in-
vert jd and moveable before N N, by means of a flicj-
* Fergufou's Le&ures, p. 235.
f Sec Phil. Tranf. 1784.
Fig. ft>.
ff. 49
Chap. 8.] Camera Otycura. 259
ing piece in which the glafs is fet or fixed. This il-
lumination is ftill more increafed by the reflexion of
light from a concave mirror S S, placed at the other
end of the box, that caufes the light to fail upon the
lens N N, as reprefented in the figure. Laftly, a lens
L L, fixed in a Hiding tube, is brought to the requifite
diftance from the object O B, and a large erect image
I M is formed upon the oppofite wall.
The camera obfcura has the fame relation to the
telefcope, as the folar microfcope has to the common
double microfcope, and is thus conftructed :
Let C D (fig. 48.) reprefent a darkened chamber
perforated at L, where a convex lens is fixed, the cur-
vity of which is fuch, that the focus of parallel rays
falls upon the oppofite wall. Then if A B is an ob-
ject at fuch a diftance, that the rays which proceed
from any given point of its furface to the lens L may
be efteemed parallel, an inverted picture will be formed
on the oppofite wall ; for the pencil which proceeds
from A will converge to a, and the pencil which pro-
ceeds from B will converge to b t and the interme-
diate points of the object will be depicted between
* and b *.
' * Nicholfon's Natural Philof. vol. i. p 347-
[ ft6o ] [Book III.
Errors and Incwveniencies in optical Injlrumenti from the Refraclion
of Light. Newton, while attempting to remedy thefe, difco'vers a
ne-M Property in Ligbt. Phenomena and Caufe of Colours. Achro-
matic Telefcope. The Eye an achromatic optical Inftrument. Ex-
periments on Colours. Caufe of the permanent Colour of opaht
IN the preceding chapters we have feen, that in
finding the foci, fome errors naturally arife by re-
fraction from every furface whatever, and by reflexion
from all fpherical furfaces. When parallel rays arc
refracted by a lens (as in Plate XXII. fig. 49.) the far-
ther the ray is from its center, the greater will be its
deviation from the point F which we called the focus.
This deviation M F is called the longitudinal aberra-
tion, and F N its latitudinal aberration ; and as we fee
on a piece of paper a fmall circle formed by the rays
of the fun intercepted by a convex lens, its magni-
tude depends on its radius, or the latitudinal aberra-
tion FN. This aberration depends on the aperture
of the glafs A B, and it does not increafe in the fim-
* This fubjeft has been partly anticipated in the ift and 4th
chapters of this book, in which it was neceflary to give a fuper-
ficial account of the difcoveries concerning light, and of the na-
ture of refraftion. The reader will, however, have no caufe to re-
gret a little repetition, as the fubjeft is not very clear to a learner,
and cannot be too forcibly imprcffed on the mind.
Chap. 9.] Aberration. 261
pie proportion, but the triplicate of the femi-aper-
ture*. Thus, if P V and p V reprefent the fame
glafs with different apertures P H, p E 3 the latitudi-
* Let K a, L b (Plate XXV. fig. 59.) be two parallel rays very
near to each other, incident on the concave refracting furface
A C B at a, b, it is required to find m, the interfection of the rays
after refraction. Draw E I, E H, the fines of incidence and re-
fraction ; and from the point H draw H G perpendicular to the
radius E b, and from G draw G m parallel to the incident rays,
and cutting the refracted ray /*in m, m is the point required.
For A a En a m c + ac m=:a m c-\-c E b+c If E .-. A a E
c b E~hers, confidering the errors to which they
were thus expofed by the fpherical form of their
For mgs=D G EG X Sin. GED:=E GxS.
3. li I, E.
. EH.
but S. H b E varies, as S. E b I and E b is a ccnftant quantity.
.-. mg varies as sTLT^Tj 3 , that is as JIT, 3 , that is as
Semi- aperture] 3 .
If the line mg be now fuppofed to move parallel to itfelf on the
axis C F, and to be made proportional in every place to the cub
of the femi- aperture, a curve will be formed to which the refracted
rays will be tangents, and as the adjacent rays crofs each other in
the points m, or the extremities of the ordinate ; the light in thefe
points will be ilronger than within its area ; and the curve thus
formed, which experiment mews to us in various inftanccs, i
called a cauftick.
All the rays incident on the furface b C will pafs within the
fpace mg, and consequently if the rays of the fun are refraded by
a concave furface, and received by an opake body perpendicular to
the axis at the diftance C^, a circle of light will be formed, whofe
denfity is greater at the circumference and lead at its center. But
thcugh all the refrafted rays will pafs through the area of a circle
at the d'ilance C^, whofe diameter is m /, they will, at a greater
diftance from the furface, pafs through a much fmaller circle /,
which, when it is the leaft, is called the circle of lead diffufion,
and in this circle the denfity of rays, and ccnfequently the heat,
is the greateft. In this circle the denfity of the rays will be the
greatelt in the center, and it decreafes between the center and the
circumference tout tang. A : tang. B : : S ' A - S ' B
cof. A ' col. jj.
Chap. 10.] affumes the Form of a Bow. 281
a particular colour. When the plane H M W A is
perpendicular to the horizon, the line M W is di-
rected to the vertejc of the bow, and W K is its alti-
Hence the problem is reduced to a quefticn to find two angles
whofe fines and tangents fhall be to each pther in a given ratio.
Let *:=cof. of A.
= cof. of B,
== Tan. A.
Hence the co-fine of one angle being found, its fine is given, and
from thence the fine of the other angle, fince they are in a given
ratio to each other.
Thus, according to the nature of the bow, whether primary,
fecondary, &c. the greatcft angle between the incident and emer-
gent rays is found ; but in this cafe the rays entering juft above
or below the point where the incident ray makes the greateft angle
between the incident and emergent rays muft, after emerging from
the drop, proceed nearly parallel to each other, and confequently
a number of rays of one colour will fall upon the eye, diverging
from the point where the angle between the incident and emer-
gent rays is the greateft, and produce the appearance of that co-
lour at the thus, determined height in the Ikies.
282- Secondary Rainbb'Jj. [Book III.
This altitude depends on two things, the angle be-
tween the incident and emergent- rays, and the height
of the fun above the horizon ; for fmce S M is pa-
rallel to S N, the angle S N M is equal- to N M I,
but S M H, the altitude of the fun, is equal to K M I,
therefore the altitude of the bow W M K, which is
equal to the difference between W M I and K M I,
is equal to the difference between the angles made by
the incident and emergent rays and the altitude of the
The angle between the incident and emergent rays
is different for the different colours, as was already
intimated ; for the red or leaft refrangible rays it is
equal to 42 2' j for the violet, or moft refrangible, it
is equal to 40" 17' -, confequently when the fun is
more than 42 ?! above the horizon, the red colour
cannot be feen -, when it is above 40 1 7', the violet
colour cannot be feen.
The fecondary bow, as I have faid, is made in a manner, but the fun's rays fuffer, in this cafe,
two reflections within the drop. The ray S B is de-
compounded at B and one part is refracted to A,
thence re Reeled to P, and from P reflected to W,
where it is refracted to M. The angle between the
incident and emergent rays S N M is equal as before
to N M I, and N M K, the height of the bow, is equal
to the difference between the angle made by the inci-
dent and emergent rays and the height of the fun. In
this cafe the angle S N M, for the red rays, is equal
to 50 7', and for the violet rays it is equal to 54 7";
confequently the upper part of the fecondary bow will
be feen only when the fun is above 54 7' above the
horizon, and the lower part of the bow will be fern
only when the fun is 50 7' above the horizon.
Mats 2-1.
Chap. 10.] Lunar and -Marine Bows. 483
In the fame manner innumerable bows might be
formed by a greater number of reflections within the
drops ; but as the fecondary is fo much fainter than
the primary, that all the colours in it are feldom feen,
for the fame reafon a bow made with three reflec-
tions would be fainter frill, and in general altogether
imperceptible. Since the rays of light, by various re-
flections and refractions, are thus capable of forming,
by means of drops of rain, the bows which we io fre-
quently fee in the heavens, it is evident that there will
be not only folar and lunar bows, but that many
finking appearances will be produced by drops upon
the ground, or air on the agitated furface of the water.
Thus a lunar bow will be formed by rays from the
moon affected by drops of rain, but as its light is
very faint in comparifon with that of the fun, fuch a
bow will very feldom be feen, and the colours of it,
when feen, will be faint and dim. I was once a fpee-
tator of a lunar bow, in the courfe of a pedeflrian ex-
pedition by moonlight in the autumnal feafon. The i
night was uncommonly light, though fhowery, and
the colours much more vivid than I could have con-
ceived ; indeed I have feen rainbows by day not more
confpicuotis". There were not, however, fo many co-
lours diftinguiihable as' in the folar bow.
The marine or fea bow is a phenomenon fome-
times obferved in a much agitated fea ; when the
wind, fweeping part of the tops of the waves, carries
them aloft, fo that the fun's rays, falling upon them,
are refracted, &c. as in a common fhower, and paint
the colours of the bow.
Rohault mentions coloured "bows on the grafs,
formed by the refraction of the fun's rays in the
morning dew.
284 Kaloy cr Corona. [Book III.
Dr. Langwitb, indeed, once Taw a bow lying on
the ground, the colours of which were almoft as lively
as thofe of the common rainbow. It was extended
feveral hundred yards. It was not round, but ob-
long, being, as he conceived, the portion of an hyper-
bola. The colours took up lefs fpace, and were much
more lively in trnfe parts of the bow which were
near him than in thofe which were at a diftance.
The drops of rain defcend in a globular form, and
thence we can eafily account for the effects produced
by them on the rays of light ; but in different flutes
of the air, inftead of drops of rain vapour falls to the
the earth in different forms of fleet, fnow, and hail.
In the two latter dates there cannot be a refraction of
the rays of light, but in the former ftate, when a drop
is partly in a congealed and partly in a fluid form,
. jhe rays of light v/ili be differently affected, both from
the form of the drop and its various refracting powers.
Jrlence we may expect a variety of curious appc-arances
in the heavens, and to thefe drops, in different dates,
we may attribute the formation of haios, parhelia, and
many orher phenomena, detailed in the phiiofophical
tranfactions, or in the hiftories of every country.
The HALO, or CORONA, is a luminous circle fur-
rounding the fun, the moon, a planrt, or a fixed ftar.
ItTs fometimes quite white, and fometimes coloured like
the rainbow. Tiu;fe which have been obferved round
the moon or ftars are but of a very fmall diameter ;
thofe round the fun are of different magnitudes, and
fometimes immenfely great- When coloured, the co-
lours are fainter than thofe of the rainbow, and ap-
pear in a different order, according to their fize. In
thofe which Sir Ifaac Newton o'ofervcd in 1692, the
order of 'the colours, from the infide next the fun, was
jn the innermoft, blue, white, red ; in the middle, pur-
Chap, i o.] Extraordinary Phenomena of Light. 285
pie, blue, green, yellow, pale red ; in the outermoft,
pale blue and pale red. Hugens obferved one red
.next the fun, and pale blue at the extremity. Mr.
Weidler has given an account of one yellow on the
infide and white on the outlide. In France one was
obferved, in which the order of the colours was,
white, red, blue, green, and a bright red on the out-
fide *.
Artificial coronas may be made in cold weather, by
placing a lighted candle in the midft of a cloud of
fteam ; or if a glafs window is breathed upon, and the
flame of a candle placed at fome diftance from the
window, while the operator is alfo at the diftance of
fome feet from another part of the window, the flame
will be furrounded with a coloured halo.
I was once witnefs to a very pleating phenomenon.
The full moon was partly obfcured behind the ikirt of
a very thin white cloud, which, as it grew thinner to-
wards the edge, had the full effecT: of a prifm in fepa-
rating the rays of light, and exhibited the colours of
the rainbow in their proper gradations.
When M. Bouguer was on the top of mount Pi-
chinea, in the Corclileras, he and fome gentlemen who
accompanied him, obfcrvcd a mod remarkable pheno-
menon. When the fun was juft rifing behind them,
and a white cloud was about thirty paces from them,
each of them obferved his own (hadow (and no other)
projected upon it. All the parts of the fnadow were
idiftinft, and the head was adorned with a kind of glo-
ry, confiding of three or four concentric crowns, of a
very lively colour, each exhibiting all the varieties of
the primary rainbow, and having the circle red on the
Prieftley's Hift. of Opt. p. 597.
286 Parhelia, or [Book III.
Similar to this appearance was one which occurred
to Dr. M'Fait, in Scotland. This gentleman obferved
a rainbow round his fhadow in a mid, when he was
fituated on an eminence above it. In this firuation
the whole country appeared to be immerfed in a vaft
deluge, and nothing but the tops of hills appeared here
and there above the flood ; at another time he obferved
a double range of colours round his fhadow*.
The PARHELIA, or mock funs, are the moil fplen-
did appearances of this kind. We find thefe ap-
pearances frequently adverted to by the ancientr, who
generally confidered them as formidable omens. Four
mock funs were feen at once by Scheiner at Rome,
and by Mufchenbroeck at Utrecht; and feven were
obferved by Hevelius at Sedan, in 1661 f.
. The parhelia generally appear about the fize of the
true fun, not quite fo bright, though they are faid
fbmetimes to rival their parent luminary in fplcndor.
"When there are a number of them they are not equal
to each other in brightnefs. Externally they are
tinged with colours like the rainbow. They are not
always round, and have fometimes a long fiery tail
oppofite the fun, but paler towards the extremity.
Dr. Halley obferved one with tails extending both
ways. Mr. Weidlcr faw a parhelion with one tail
pointing up and another downwards, a little crooked ;
the limb which was fartheft from the fun being of a
purple colour, the other tinged with the colours of the
rainbow J.
Coronas generally accompany parhelia, fome colour-
ed and others white. There is alfo in general a very
PrieiHey's Hift. Opt. p. 600. f l b ' ld > P- 613.
I Ibid. p. 614.
Chap. 10.] Mock Suns. 287
Jarge white circle, parallel to the horizon, which pafTes
through all the parhelia ; and, if it was entire, would
go through the center of the fun; fometimes there are
arches of fmaller circles concentric to this, and touch-
ing the coloured circles which furround the fun ; they
are alfo tinged with colours, and contain other par-
One of the molt remarkable appearances of this kind
was that which was obferved at Rome by^Scheiner, as
intimated above, and this may ferve as a fufficient in-
fiance of the parhelion.
This celebrated phenomenon is reprefented in Plate
XXV. Fig. 56. in which A is the place of the' ob-
ferver, B his zenith, C the true fun, A B a plane paf-
fing through the obferver's eye, the true fun, and the
zenith. About the fun C, there appeared two concen-
tric rings, not compleat, but diverfified with colours.
The leffer of them, D E F, was fuller, and more per-
fect ; and though it was open from D to F, yet thofe
ends were perpetually endeavouring to unite, and fome-
times they did fo. The outer of thefe rings was much
fainter, fo as fcarcely to be difcernible. It had, how-
ever, a variety of colours, but was very inconltant.
The third circle, KLMN, was very large, and en-
tirely white, pafTing through the middle of the fun, and
every where parallel to the horizon. At firll this circle
was entire ; but towards the end of the phenomenon
it was weak and ragged, fo as hardly to be perceived
from M towards N..
In the interfeclion of this circle, and the outward iris
G K I, there broke out two parhelia, or mock funs,
N and K, not quite perfect, K being rather weak, but
N ihone brighter and ftronger. The brightnefs of the
jniddle of them was fomething like that of the fun, but
288 The Parhelion. [Book III.
towards the edges they were tinged with colours Tike
thofe of the rainbow, and they were uneven and rag-
ged. The parhelion N was a little wavering, and fent
out a fpiked tail N P, of a colour fomewhat fiery, the
length of which was continually changing.
The parhelia at L and M, in the horizontal ring,
were not fo bright as the former, but were rounder,
and white, like the circle in which they were placed.
The parhelion N difappeared before K j and while M
grew fainter, K grew brighter, and vanifhed the laft of
It is to be obferved farther, that the order of the co-
lours in the circles D E F, G K N, was the lame as in
the common halo-'s, namely red next the fun, and the
diameter of the inner circle was alfo about 45 degrees ;
which is the ufual fize of a halo.
Parhelia have been feen for one, two, three, and
four hours together ; and in North America they are
faid to continue fome days, and to be vifible from fun-
rife to fun fet. When they difappear, it fometimes
rains, or fnow falls in the form of oblong fpiculas *.
Mr. Wales fays, that at Churchill, in Hudfon's Bay,
the rifing of the fun is always preceded by two long
ftreams of red light. Thefe nfe as the fan rifes; and
as they grow longer begin -to bend towards each other,
till they meet directly over the fun, forming there a
kind of parhelion or mock fun.
Thefe two ftreams of light, he fays, feem to have
their fburce in two other parhelia, which rife with the
true fun j and in the winter feafon, when the fun never
rifes above the haze or fog, which he foys is conftantly
found near ihe horizon, all thefe accompany him the
Prieftley's Hift. Opt. p. 614 to 617.
Chap. 10.] Blue Coloilr of tie Sky. 289
whole day, and fet with him in the fame manner as
they rife. Once or twice he faw a fourth parhelion
under the true fun, but this, he acids, is not com-
mon *.
The caufe of thefe is apparently the reflection of the
fun's light and image from the thick and frozen clouds
in the northern atmofphere, accompanied alfo with
fome degree of refraction. To enter upon a mathe-
matical analyfis of thefe phenomena would be only te-
dious, and very foreign to our purpofe. From what
has been faid upon this fubject it is evident, that all
the phenomena of .colours depend upon two proper-
ties of light, the refrangibiiity and reflexibility of its
The blue colour of the atmofphere has been beauti-
fully accounted for by Mr. Delaval, in the experiments
already detailed. The atmofphere he confiders as a
femi-pellucid medium, which abounds in volatile and
evaporable particles, difengaged from natural bodies
by feveral operations, as fermentation, effervefcence,
putrefaction, &c. Thefe particles differ greatly in
denfity, &c. from the air, and, as they reflect a white
light, may be confidered as fo many white particles
diffufed through the pellucid colourlefs air. In this
refpect the atmofphere is fimilar to the femi-pellucid
medium, which is formed by a mixture of arfenic with
glafs. In both thefe fubftances, whilft the white par-
tieles are rarely diffeminated through the tranfparent
medium, the lefs refrangible rays are tranfmitted
through the intervals which intercede the particles f ,
* Prieftley's Hift. Opt. p. 617. ,
f On this account, diitant mountains covered with fnow (which
it is well known reflect all the rays of the fun) appear, when the
VOL. I. U air
290 Red Colour of Morning Clouds y &c. [Book III.
but the more refrangible rays are intercepted and re-
flected by the particles, and the mixture of thofe rays
produces a blue colour.
In air, as well as in the folid femi-pellucid media,
\vhen the white particles are more denfely arranged,
the intervals which intercede them are diminifhed, and
in this Hate of the atmo.fphere a great proportion of
all the rays are reflected, fo as to produce the effect of
perfect whitenefs, or at leaft an approach towards it.
Thus, when the part of the atmofphere, which is near
the furface of the earth, is occupied by grofs vapours,
this mixture of air with aqueous or orher particles is
\vhite: fuch is the common appearance of fogs. When
fuch vapours are elevated high in the atmofphere, and
form clouds, they reflect the white light of the fun,
and appear white, whenever its incident rays fall on
them entire and undivided; and as the reflecting par-
ticles are not equally diffufed through every part of the
pellucid air, of which the atmofphere principally con-
fifts, it frequently happens that large tracts of air are
only furniftied with fuch a portion as qualify them to
reflect a blue colour, while others are fo denfely ftored
as to form clouds.
Of the red and vivid colour of the morning and
evening clouds Mr. Melville has fuggefted a caufe
upon fimilar principles, which we muft at leaft allow is
ingenious and probable. He fuppofes, as well as Mr.
Delaval, that a reparation of the rays is made in paf-
fing through the horizontal atmofphere, and that the
clouds reflect and tranfmit the fun's light, as any half
tranfparent colourlefs body would do ; for as the at-
mofphere reflects a greater quantity of blue and violet
air is thick, and [the fun nearly cppofite them, of a warmer co-
lour than they otlierwife would, and more approaching to yellow
or orange.
Chap, i o.] Green Colour of the Sea. i$\
rays than of the reft, the fun's light tranfmitted through
it inclines towards yellow, orange, or red, efpccially
when it pafles through a long tract of air ; and in this
manner the fun's horizontal light is tinctured with a
deep orange, and even red, and the colour becomes
ftill deeper after fun-fet; hence he concludes, that the
clouds, according to their different altitudes, may af-
fume all the variety of colours at fun-rifing and letting,
by barely reflecting the fun's incident light as they re-
ceive it.
The green colour of the fea may alfo be accounted
for in the fame manner. Sir Ifaac Newton, and others,
have fuppoleel that this effect was produced by the re-
flective power of the water; but that this is not the
cafe is manifeft ; for when fea water is admitted into a
reiervoir, which does not exceed a few inches in depth,
it appears pellucid aud colourlefs.
Dr. Halley, in the diving- bell *, obfcrved, that when
he was funk many fathoms deep into the fea, the up-
per part of his hand, on which the fun fhone directly
through the water, was red, and the lower part a blue-
ifh green. On thefe phenomena Mr. Delaval obferves,
that the fea water abounds with heterogeneous particles,
many of which approach fo near in denfity to the wa-
ter itfelf, that their reflective power muft be very weak,
though, as they are not quite of the lame denfity, they
ftill muft have fome degree of refle6tive power. Al-
though thefe, therefore, may be invifible when fepa-
rately viewed, yet when the forces of a great number
of fuch minute bodies are united, their action on the
rays of light becomes perceptible, fome rays being re-
flected by them, whilft others are tranfmitted through
their intervals, according to the quantity of reflective
* Newton's Opt. 1. i. Part ad.
U 2 matter
292 Opacity and Green Colour of the Sea. [Book III.
matter which the rays arrive at in the internal parts of
the water.
The opacity of the fea, caufed by the numerous re-
flections from its internal parts, is Ib confiderable, that:
it is not near fo transparent as other water ; the reflec-
tive particles, therefore, which are difperfed through
the mafs of fea water, have confequently a greater re-
flective power than thofe which are difperfed through
the atmofphere. Inftead, therefore, of reflecting a de-
licate blue, fuch as that of the fky, the fea water, by
acting upon a greater portion of the more refrangible
rays, exhibits a green colour, which we know to be a
middle colour produced by the mixture of blue rays
with fome of the lefs refrangible, as the yellow or
With refpect to the phenomena remarked by Dr.
Halley, it is eafy to conceive that the light, when (trip-
ped of all the more refrangible rays, fliould produce a
rofe colony fuch as that he obferved on the upper part
of his hand ; on the contrary, that which illuminated
the lower part of his hand confifted partly of rays re-
flected from the ground, and partly of thofe which
were reflected from the internal parts of the fea water,
which, we have feen, are chiefly blue and violet ; and
the mixture of thefe produced the greenim tinge which
the Doctor remarked *, and which common experience
mews is the predominant colour of the ocean.
* Delaval on the caufts of colours in opake bodies, vol. ii
Manch. Mem.
Chap, ii.] [ 293 ]
F.c';-:ftetf of the Doffrine of Rtflb&Htm. Nature of Inflection Neva-
ton's Experiments, Analogy between this Property and Refraftion.
- Curious Ejfecls from this Property.
f p -S HE direction of the rays" of light is changed, as
JL we have feen, in their approach to certain bo-
dies, by reflection and refraction, and confequently we
muft admit that there is fome power in thefe bodies
by which fuch effects are univerfally produced. If
reflection was produced (imply by the impinging of
particles of light on hard or elaftic bodies, or if they
were in themfclves elaftic, the fame effects would fol-
low as in the impulfe of other elaftic bodies $' but the
tingle of incidence could not be equal to the angle of re-
flection, unlefs the particles of light were perfectly elaf-
tic, or the bodies on which they impinged were perfectly
elaftic. Now we know that the bodies on which thefe
particles impinge are not perfectly elaftic, and alfo that
if the particles of light were perfectly elaftic, the dif-
fufion of light from the reflecting bodies would be very
different from its prefent appearance ; for as no body
can be perfectly poiiihed, the particles of light v/hich
are fo inconceivably fmall would be reflected back by
the inequalities on the furface in every direction; con-
fequently we are led to this concliifion, that the reflect-
ing bodies have a power which acts at fome little dif-
fance from their furfaces.
If this reafoning is allowed to be juft, it neceffarily
follows, that if a ray of light, inftead of impinging on
U 3 a body,
294 Experiment of Newton. [Book III.
a body, fhould pafs fo near to it as to be .within the
fphere of that power which the body pofiefles, it muft
necelTarily fuffer a change in its direction. Actual ex-
periments confirm the truth of ^his pofition, and to the
change in the direction of a particle of light, owing to
its nearnefs to a body, we give the name of inflec-
From one of thefe experiments, made by Sir Ifaac
Newton, the whole of this fubject will be eafily im-
derftood. At the diftance of two or three feet from
the window of a darkened room, in which was a hole
three-fourths of an inch broad, to admit the light, he
placed a black meet of pafteboard, having in the middle
a hole about a quarter of an inch fquare, and behind
the hole the blade of a (harp knife, to intercept a fmall
part of the light which would otherwife have pafied
through the hole. The planes of the pafteboard and
blade were parallel to each other, and when the pafte-
board was removed at liich a diftance from the win-
dow, as that all the light coming into the room muft
pafs through the hole in the pafteboard, he received
what came through this hole on a piece of paper two
or three feet beyond the knife, and perceived two
ftreams of faint light fhooting out both ways from the
beam of light into the fhadow. As the brightnefs of
the direct rays obfcured the fainter light, by making,
a hole in his paper he let them pafs through, and had
thus an opportunity of attending clofely to the two
ftreams, which were nearly equal in length, breadth,
and quantity of light. That part which was neareft to
the fun's direct light was pretty ftrong for the fpace of
about a quarter of an inch, decreafing gradually till it
became imperceptible, and at the edge of the knife it
fubtended an angle of about twelve or at moft four-
teen degrees.
Vol.. I .
Plate Id.
Chap. IT.] Inflexion of Light. 295
Another knife was then placed oppofite to the for-
mer, and he obferved, that when the ciiftance of their
edges was about the four hundredth part of an inch,
the ftream divided in the middle, and left a fhadow
between the two pares, which was fo dark, that all
light palling between the knives feemed to be bent
afide to one knife or the other; as the knives were
brought nearer to each other, this fhadow grew broad-
er, till upon the contact of the knives the whole light
Purfuing his obfervado'ns upon this appearance, he
perceived fringes, as they may be termed, of different
coloured light, three made on one fide by the edge of
one knife, and three on the other fide by the edge of
the other, and thence concluded, that as in refraction
the rays of light are differently acted upon, fo are they
at a diftance from bodies by inflection ; and by many
other experiments of the fame kind he fupported his
pofition, which is confirmed by all fubfequent experi-
We may naturally conclude, that from this property
-of inflection fome curious changes will be produced
in the appearances of external objects. If we take a
piece of wire of a lefs diameter than the pupil of the
eye, and place it between the eye and a diftant object,
the latter will appear magnified -(Fig. 57.) Let A be
a church fleeple, B the eye, C the wire. The rays by
which the fleeple would have been otherwife feen are
intercepted by the wire, and it is now feen by inflected
rays, which make a greater angle than the direct rays,
and confequently the fleeple will be magnified.
In nearly fhutting the eyes, and looking at a candle,
there appear rays of light extending from it in vari-
ous directions, like comets' tails -, for the light, in paf-
iing through the eye-lames, is inflected, and confe*-
U 4 * quently
296 Inflexion of Light. [Book III.
quently many feparate b^ams will be formed, diverging
from the luminous object. The power cf bodies to
inflect the rays of light pafiing near to them will pro-
duce different effects, according to the naCure of the
rays acted upon j ccnfequently a fcparation will take
place in the differently refrangible rays, and thofe
fringes, which were taken notice of by Sir Ifaac New-
ton, will appear in other objects which are feen by the
means of inflected rays. From confidering thus the
action of bodies upon light, we come to this general
conclufion, for which we are indebted to our great phi-
lofopher, that light, as well as all other matter., is acted
upon at a diftance; and that reflection, refraction, and
inflection, are owing to certain general laws in the par-
ticles of matter, which are equally neceflary for the
prefervadon of the beautiful harmony in the objects
neareft to us, as to produce by their joint action that
great law by which the greater bodies in their fyftem
are retained in their refpective orbits.
Chap, i.] [ 297 ]
Origin of the Name.- Ho-tv far Eleflricity f was known to the An-
tients.Mr. Boyle. Otto Guericke.-~Dr. Wall Mr, Hawk/bse.
Mr, Grey's Difco c ueries. M. Du Fay's. Subfequent Difcweries tf
Mr, Grey. Improvements of German Philofophers. -Ley den Phial,
Eleflrical Buttery. -Spirits fired by EleSricity conduced through
the River Thames.'. Tnv-j Species of Eleflricity dif.o*vsred.Dr.
Franklin's great Difccveries.
TH E attractive power which amber, and other
electric bodies, acquire by friction, was long
known to philofophers ; jind it is almoftunneceflary
to remark, that this branch of fcience derives its name
from Af>c7pov (electron) the Greek word for amber.
The ther electric properties were {lowly difcovered.
Mr. Boyle was the firft who had a glimpfe of the
electric light ; as he remarked, after rubbing fome
diamonds in order to give them the power of attrac-
tion, that they afforded light in the dark.
Otto Guericke, burgomailer of Madgeburg, made
an electric globe of fulphur, and by whirling it about
in a wooden frame, and rubbing it at the fame time
with his hand, he performed various electrical expe-
298 Otto Guerlcke, Wall* ,- lee. [Book IV.
riments. He ad.ied to the (lock of knowledge the
diioovery, th;i once attracted by an excited
electric v, .d by it, and not attracted again till
it had touched fome other body. Thus he was able
to keep a feather fuipended in the air over his globe
of fuiphur ; but he obferved, that if he drove i: near
a linen tiiread, or the flame of a candle, it inrhntly
recovered its propenfity (if I may ufe the exprefiion)
for approaching the globe again. The hiffin noife,
and the gleam of light which his globe afforded, both
attracted his notice.
Thefe circumftances were, however, afterwards ac-
'curately remarked by Dr. 'Wall, who, by rubbing am-
ber upon a woollen fubiiance in the dark, found alfo
that light was produced in considerable quantities, ac-
companied with a crackling noife; and what is ftill
more extraordinary, he adds, " this light and crack-
ling feems, in fome degree, to reprdent thunder and
Mr. Hawkfbee firft obferved the great electric
power of glafs. He conftructed a wooden machine,
which enabled him conveniently to put a glafs globe
in motion. He confirmed all the experiments of Dr.
Wall. He obferved, that the light emitted by the
friction of electric bodies, befides the crackling noife,
was accompanied by an acute fenfe of feeling when
applied to his hand. He fays, that, all the powers of
electricity were improved by warmth, and diminifhed
by moifture.
Hitherto the diftinction between thofe bodies which
are capable of being excited to electricity and thofe
which are only capable of receiving it from the others,
appears fcarcely to have been fufpected. About the
year 1729, this great difcovery was made by Mr.
Grey, a penfioner of the Charter- Houfe. After fome
Chap, i .] Drfcovertes of Mr. Grey. 299
fruitlefs attempts to make metals attractive by heat-
ing, rubbimg, and hammering,' he conceivl a fuf-
picion, that as a glafs tube, when rubbe4 in the dark,
communicated its light to various bodies, it might
poffibly at the fame time communicate its power of
attraction to them. In order to put this to the trial,
he provided himfelf with a tube three feer five inches
lon-g, and near an inch and one-fifth in diameter;
the ends of the tube were flopped by cork ; and he
found that when the tube was excited, a down feather
was attracted as powerfully by the cork as by the
tube itfelf. To convince himfelf more completely,
he procured a fmall ivory ball, which he fixed at firfl
to a flick of fir four inches long, which was thrufl into
the cork, and found that it attracted and repelled the
feather even with more vigour than the cork itfelf.
He afterwards fixed the bill upon long flicks, and
upon pieces of brafs and iron wire, with the fame
fuccefs; and laflly, attached it to a long piece of
packthread, and hung it from a high balcony, in which
flate he found, that by rubbing the tube the ball was
conflantly enabled to attract light bodies in the court
-His next attempt was to prove, whether this power
could be conveyed horizontally as well as perpendi-
cularly j with this view he fixed a cord to a nail which
was in one of the beams of the ceiling, and making
a loop at that end which hung down, he inferted his
packthread, with the ball which was at the end of it,
through the loop of the cord, and retired with the
tube to the other end of the room ; but in this flate
he found that his ball had totally loft the power of at-
traction. Upon mentioning his difappointed efforts
to a friend, it was fuggefted, that the cord which he
had ufed to fupport his packthread might be fo coarfe
3co Conductors and Non-Conduttors. [Book IV.
as . to intercept the electric power, and they accord-
ingly attempted to remedy this evil by employing a
(ilk ftring, which was much ftronger in proportion
than a hempen cord. With this apparatus the expe-
ment fucceeded far beyond their expectations. En-
couraged by this fuccefs, and attributing it wholly to
the finenefs of the filk, they proceeded to fupporr the
packthread, to which the ball was attached, by very
fine brafs and iron wire, but, to their utter ailonifh-
ment, found the effect exactly the fame as when they
, ufed v the hempen cord ; the electrical virtue utterly
pafted away ; while on the other hand, when the pack-
thread was fupportcd by a filken cord, they were able
to convey the electric virtue feven hundred and fixty-
five feet.
It was evident, therefore, that thefe effects depended
upon fome peculiar quality in the filk, which difablcd
it from conducting away the electrical power, as the
hempenVord and the wire had done. This, probably,
immediately led to die difcovery of other non-con-
ch icting bodies; and bair t ro/in, glq/s, &c. were pre-
iently made ufe of to infulate the bodies which were
electrified. The next obvious improvement was to
electrify feparate bodies, by placing them upon non-
conductors; and in this manner Mr. Grey and his
friend Mr. Wheeler electrified a large map, a table
cloth, &c. &c. In the latter end of the iame fism-
mer, Mr. Grey found that he could electrify a rod as
well as a packthread, without inferting any part into
his excited tube, and that it only required to be placed
Dearly in contact with the apparatus.
Mr. Grey proceeded to try the effects of electricity
upon animal bodies. lie fufpended a boy on hair
lines in a horizontal polition, and bringing the excited
tube near his feet, he found that leaf brafs was attracted
2 very
Chap, i.] Experiments of Du Fay. 30 i
very vigoroufly by the head of the boy. He found
alfo, that he could communicate electricity to fluid
bodies, by infulating them upon a cake of rofm ; and
obferved, that when an excited tube was held over a
cup of water, the water was prefently attracted, in a
conical form, towards the tube ; that the electic matter
paffed from the tube to the water with a flight flafh
and a crackling noife -, -and that the fluid fubfided with
a tremulous and waving motion.
After this period the fpirit of philofophy in this
branch was no longer confined to England. M. Du
Fay, intcndant of the French king's gardens, added to
the (lock of difcoveries. He found that all bodies,
except metallic, foft, and fluid ones, might be made
electric by firft heating them, and then rubbing them
on any fort of cloth. He alfo excepts thofe fub-
ilances which grow foft by heat, as gums, or which
diflblve in water, as glue. In purfuing Mr. Grey's
experiments with a packthread, &c. he perceived thau
they fucceeded better by wetting the line. To prove
the effects of this wonderful agent on the animal body,
he fufpended himfelf by filk cords, as Mr. Grey had
fufpended the boy, and in this fituation he obferved,
that as foon as he was electrified, if another perfon
approached him, and brought his hand, or a metal
rod, within an inch of his body, there immediately
iflircd from it one or more prickling (hoots, attended
with a fnapping noife j and he adds, that this experi-
ment occafioned a fimilar fenfation in the perfon who
placed his hand near him : in the dark he obferved,
that thefe ihappings were occafioned by fo many fparks
of fire.
Mr. Grey, on rerunning his experiments, imme-
diately concluded from that of M. Du Fay, in which
a piece of metal drew fparks from the perfon elec-
302 Ley den Phial difcovsred. [Book IV.
trificd, and fufpended on filk line.-, that if die perfon
and the metal changed places the off! ct woflld be ;he
fame. He accordingly fufpenueci a piece of metal
by filk threads near his excited tu^e^ ; he
drew fparks from it at pleafure. This was the origin
of metallic condu&ors. Mr. Grey fufpedted that Jie
electric fire might be of the iume nature with thun-
der and lightning.
To the philofophers of Germany rve are indebted
for moft of the improvers !".> in thr c!t Jtrical appa-
ratus. They revived the ule of the gio'>e, vvLkh had
been invented by Mr. Hawkfbee, which was after-
wards fuperfeded by a cylinder, and to which they im-
parted a circular motion by means of wheels, and ufed
a woollen rubber inftead of the hand. By the great
force alfo of their machines, they were able to fire
fome of the moft inflammable fubftances, fuch as
highly rectified fpirits, by the electric fpark.
But the moft lurprizing difcovery was that which
immediately followed thefe attempts, in the years
1745-6 ; I mean the method of accumulating the
electric power by the Leyden phial. M. Von Kleift,
dean of the cathedral of Carnnin, was the firfl who
found that a nail or hrafs wire, confined in an apothe-
cary's phial, and expofed to the electrifying glafs or
prime conductor, had a power of collecting the elec-
tric virtue fo as to produce the moft remarkable
effeds - s he foon found that a fmall quantity of fluid
added to it increafed the power; and fucceffive elec-
tricians found, that fluid matter, or any conducting
body confined in a glafs veflel, had this power of ac-
cumulating and condenfing (if I may ufe the expref-
fion) the electric virtue. The fliock which an elec-
trician is enabled to give by means of the Leyden
phial is well known ; and this was foon followed by
Chap, i.] Nature of the eleftric Matter. 303
another improvement, that of forming what is called
the electric battery, by increafing the number of phials,
by which means the force is proportionably increafed.
By thefe means the electric Ihock was tried upon the
brute creation, and proved fatal to many of the fmaller
animals, which appeared as if killed by lightning. By
thefe means alfo the electric matter was conveyed to
great diftances ; by the French philofophers, for near
three miles ; and by Dr. Watfon, and fome other
members of the Royal Society, it was conveyed, by
a wire, over the river Thames, and back again through
the river, and fpirits were kindled by the electric fire,
which had paffed through the river. In another expe-
riment by the fame gentleman, it was found that the
electric matter made a circuit of about four miles
almoft inftantaneoufly.
The next difcovery refpects the nature, or rather
the origin, of the eleclric matter. Dr. Watfon was
firft induced to fufpect that the gkfs tubes and globes
did not contain the electric power in themfelves, by
obferving, that upon rubbing the glafs tube while he
was (landing on cakes of wax (in order to prevent, as
he expected, any of the electric matter from difcharg-
ing itfelf through his body on the floor) the power
was fo much leffened that no lhapping could be ob-
ferved upon another perfon's touching any part of his
body j but that if a perfon not electrified held his hand
near the tube while it was rubbed, the fnapping was
very fenfibie. The event was the fame when the
globe was whirled in fimilar circumftances j for if the
man who turned the wheel, and who, together with
the machine, was fufpended upon filk, touched the
floor with one foot, the fire appeared upon the con-
ductor j but if he kept himfelf free from any commu-
nication with the floor, no fire was produced. From
304 STWy ofM. Du F [Book III.
thefe and other dccifive experiments Dr. Wat Ton con-
cludes, that thefe globes and tubes are no more than
the firit movers or determiners of the electric power.
M. Du Fay had made a diftinction of two dif-
ferent fpecies of electricity, one of which he called the
vitreous, and the other the refmous electricity ; and foon
after the difcovery of the Leyden phial, it was found,
that by coating the outfide of the phial with a conduct-
ing lubftance, which communicated by a wire with
the perfon who difcharged the phial, the fhock was
immenfely increafed ; and indeed it appeared, that the
phial could not be charged unlefs fome conducting
N lubfrance was in contact with the outfide. Dr. Frank-
lin, however, was the firft who explained thefs pheno-
mena. He fhewed that the furplus of electricity,
which was received by one of the coated furfaces of
the phial, was actually taken from the other ; and that
one was poTefTecl of lefs than its natural fhare of the
electric matter, while the other had a fuperabundance.
Thefe two different dates of bodies, with refpect to
their portion of electricity, he diftinguifhed by the
terms plus or pofitive, and minus or negative j and it
was inferred from the appearances, that bodies which
exhibited what M. Du Fay called the refinous electri-
city, were in the ftate of minus, that is, in the ftate of
attracting the electic matter from other bodies, while
thofe which were podefied of the vitreous electricity
were bodies electrified plus, or in a itate capable of
imparting electricity to other bodies. By this difco-
very Dr. Franklin was enabled no increafe the electric
power almofl: at pleafure, namely, by connecting the
outfide of one phial with the infide of another, in fuch
a manner that the fluid which was driven out of the
firft would be received by the fecond, and what was
driven out of the fecond would be received by the
' third,
Chap, i.] Dr. Franklin. 30$
third, &c. and this conftitutes what we now call an
electrical battery.
But the mofl aftonifhing difcovery which Franklin,
or I might fay any other perfon, ever made in this
branch of fcience, was the demonftration of what had
been (lightly fufpected by others, the perfect fimilarity,
or rather identity, of lightning and electricity. The
Doctor was led to this difcovery by comparing the
effects of lightning with thofe of electricity, and by re-
flecting, that if two gun- barrels electrified will ftrike at
two inches, and make a loud report, what muft be
the effect of ten thoufand acres of electrified cloud.
Not fatisfied, however, with {peculation, he conftructed
a kite with a pointed wire fixed upon it, which, during
a thunder ftorm, he contrived to fend up into an
electrical cloud. The wire in the kite attracted the
lightning from the cloud, and it defcended along the
hempen firing, and was received by a key tied to the
extremity of it, that part of the firing which he held
in his hand being of filk, that the electric virtue might
Hop when it came to the. key. At this key he charged
phials, and from the fire thus obtained he kindled
fpirits, and performed all the common electrical ex-
Dr. Franklin, after this difcovery, conftructed an
infulated rod to draw the lightning from the atmo-
fphere into his houfe, in order to enable him to make
experiments upon it ; he alfo connected with it two
bells, which gave him notice by their ringing when
his rod was electrified. This was the origin of the
metallic conductors now in general ufe.
It was afterwards difcovered by Mr. Canton, that
the pofitive and negative electricity, which were fup-
pofed to depend upon the nature of the excited body,
and therefore had obtained the namejs of refmous and
VOL. I. X vitreous,
Hiftory ofDifcoveries, &V. [Book IV.
vitreous, depended chiefly upon the nature of the fur-
face j for that a glafs tube, when the polifhed furface
was deltfoyed, exhibited proofs of negative electricity
as much as fulphur or fealing wax, and drew fparks
from the knuckle when applied to it, inftead of giving
fire from its own body ; when the tube was greafed,
and a rubber with a rough furface was applied to it,
its pofitive power was reftored, and the contrary, when
the rubber became fmooth by friction.
At this period it may not be improper to clofe my
(ketch of the difcoveries relating to electricity ; fmce
the fole object of thefe narratives, in this work, is to
conduct the reader to a more ready apprehenfion of
the fcience, it would be ufelefs to lead him into the
minutias of it before he was made properly acquainted
with the general principles.
Chap. 2.] [ 307 ]
Analogy between Caloric, or Fire, and the e leEirical Fluid. The Argu*
ments on the contrary Side. Conjectures concerning the Nature oj*
this Fluid. Means of producing elefirical Phenomena.' Condu^iors
and Non-ccnduffon.Inftruments employed in Eleftricity.
FROM the brief account, which has been given, in
the preceding chapter, of difcoveries relative to
this branch of fcience, the reader will be in a confi-
derable degree prepared to infer, that electricity is the
action of a body put in a (late to attract of repel light
bodies placed at a certain diftancej to give a flight
fenfation to the Ikin, refembling in fome meafure that
which we experience in meeting with a cobweb in the
air j to fpread an odour like the phofphorus of Kun-
kell ; to dart pencils of light from the furface, attend-
ed with a fnapping noife, on the approach of certain
fubftances ; laftly, that the body put in this flate is ca-
pable of communicating to other bodies the power o*
producing the fame effects during a certain time.
The electric power is indubitably the effect of fome
matter put in motion, either within or round the elec-
trified body, fmce if we place either our hands or face
before an excited tube of glafs, or before an infulated
conductor which is electrified, we fhall perceive ema-
nations fenfible to the touch, and if we approach
nearer, we (hall feel it diftinctly, and hear a weak noife j
in the dark we perceive fparks of vivid light, efpecially
from angular points j we fee emitted pencils of rays,
X 2 or
308 Eleftiic Matter. [Book IV.
or fmall flames of divergent flame j it is certain, there-
fore, that fome fubtile matter put in motion is alone
capable of making thefe imprefllons upon our fenfes ;
and we may conclude, that every electrified body is
cncompafTed by fome matter in motion, which is, with-
out doubt, the immediate caufe of all the electrical
phenomena, and which we term the electric matter or
Thus far, and no farther, are we warranted in af-
firming, on the only evidence to be admitted in philo-
fophy, that of experiment, fact, and obfervation. There
is, however, in man, a curiofity that prompts us to
look beyond effects, and a difpofition that leads us to
theorize, even on the moft difficult fubjects. Let us,
however, do it with diffidence and caution. What
then is this electric matter ? or whence does it derive
its origin ? It apparently proceeds not from the elec-
trified body, for that fuffers no fenfible diminution. It
depends not on any property inherent in the air of the
atmofphere, for three obvious reafons ; firft, becaufc
electrical phenomena may be produced in a ipace
from which the air has been moft carefully exhaufted.
Secondly, Becatife the electrical matter has qualities
which are not inherent in air; it penetrates certain bo-
dies impervious to air, fuch as metals j it has a fen-
fible odour j it appears itfelf inflamed ; it is capable of
inflaming other bodies, and of melting metals ; effects
which air cannot produce. Thirdly, It tranfmits its
motions with confiderably more rapidity than that of
found, which is a motion of the air the moft rapid that
we are acquainted with.
It is generally agreed, that the electric matter has
a ftrong analogy with the matter of heat and light. It
appears indeed, that nature, who is lo very ceconomi-
cnl in the production of principles, whiift (he multiplies
Chap. 2.] Its Analogy with Heat and Light. 309
their properties fo liberally, has in no cafe eftablifhed
two caufes for one effect. We may apply this remark
to the electric matter ; and the more we inquire into
the properties of the electric matter, and thofe of the
matter of heat and light, the more mall we difcover of
this analogy between them, and the more probable will
it appear, that fire, light, and electricity depend upon
the fame principle, and that they are only three dif-
ferent effects from the fame matter or efTence.
i ft. Of all the means neceffary to excite the matter
of heat, there is none more efficacious than that which
is moft neceflary to produce electricity, namely, fric-
tion, adly. As fire, or caloric, extends itfelf with
more facility in metals and humid bodies than in any
other fpecies of bodies, fo metals and water are con-
ductors of electricity in the fame manner as they are
of heat, and, in general, the fame conductors are found
equally good for both. jdly. Fire, or caloric, is the
moft elaftic of all bodies, and is confidered by moft
philofophers as the principal caufe of that repulfion
which takes place between the particles of bodies, of
which the ftrongeft inltance has already been given in
explaining the caufe of fluidity; and to a fimilar caufe
the electric repulfion may be referred. 4thly. The
pulfe and perfpiration of animals are increafed by elec-
tricity as by the actual application of heat, and the
growth of vegetables is promoted by it *. fthly. Ac-
tual ignition is produced by the electric fluid : thus it
is a common experiment to fire fpirit of wine by the
electric fpark; inflammable air is fet on fire by the
fame means in the commc-'i electrical piftol .; and even
gunpowder may be exploded by a fpark from a power-
ful conductor. 6thly. Metals are melted by electri-
* Count Rumford's experiments, Phil: Tranf. vol. IxxvL
X city,
3 TO Analogy between Light and Eleftricity. [Book IV,
eity, and moft inflammable fubflances are affc6ted by it
as by 'common fire, but in a weaker degree *. ythly.
The light emitted by the electrical apparatus has all
the properties of that which is emitted from the fun,
the compofition differing in fome refpects, according
to circumftances, as to the predominancy of certain
rays, the light in different inftances inclining to blue,
red, white, &c. according to its intenfity. Sthly. The
motion of light is exceedingly rapid, whether it is re-
flected or refracted ; in the fame manner the electric
fluid is found to move with almoft infinite velocity, for
it has been proved by experiments, that a cord twelve
hundred feet long has become inftantly electric in its
whole extent f. The Abbe Nollet has communicated
the electric mock to two hundred perfons at the fame
time, or at the lead perceptible inftant.
Notwithstanding thefe confkkrations, it muft be
confefled that there are fome facts which feem to indi-
cate that the electric fluid is not purely and fimply the
matter of heat or light unmixed with other fubflances j
for i ft, we have obferved, that the electric matter has
the property of affecting the organs of fcent, which
belongs neither to light nor heat.
2dly. It is well known alfo, that an accumulation of
the matter of fire or heat increafes the fluidity of all
* Mr. Kinnerfley made a large cafe of bottles explode at once
through a fine iron wire; the wire at firft appeared red hot, and
then fell into drops, \vhich burned themfelves into the table and
floor, and cooled in a fpherical form like fmall fhot. Artificial
lightning, from a cafe of about thirty-five bottles, will entirely de-
ftroy brafs wire of one part in three hundred and thirty of an inch.
Metals may alfo be revived by the electric fhock ; and Slg. Bec-
caria melted borax and glafs by it. Prieftley'E Hift. Eledt. vi. 34;
r343- Seeds of clubmofs (lycopodium) were fired by itj alfa
aurujn fulminans, ib. 343.
rf- Memoires de 1'Acad. des Sci. 1733, p. 247.
Chap. 2.] Difference between Heat and EkRricity. 311
bodies, and prevents them from congealing, whereas
congealed fluids may be highly charged with electri-
city i nor does it appear to have the fmalleft effect in
increafing their fluidity.
3dly. Heat fpreads in every direction, whereas the
electrical fluid may be arrefted in its progrefs by cer-
tain bodies, which, on that account, have obtained the
name of non-conductors. The Torricellian vacuum,
on the contrary, affords a ready paflage to the electric
fluid, but is a bad conductor of heat *.
4thly. Whenever the matter of heat penetrates bo-
dies, it warms as well as expands them. The electric
fluid does not produce thefe effects j bodies, however
long they may be electrified, become neither hotter to
the touch, nor more extended in dimenfions,
fthly. The fmgular property of adhering to certain
conductors, without diffufing itfelf to others, which
may be even in contact with them, fo obfervable in the
electrical fluid, is a property not common to caloric,
or elementary fire. Thus we have feen that ipirits were
fired by an electric fpark drawn by a wire through the
water of the Thames, and large pieces of iron wire
have been heated red hot, while immerfed in water, by
an electrical explofion f.
6thly. With refpect to the identity of light and
electricity, it fliould alfo be recollected, that light per-
vades glafs with the greateft facility, whereas that fub-
ftance is penetrated by the electrical fluid only in cer-
tain circumftances, and with the utmoft difficulty; if,
therefore, it (hould be admitted that the bafis of the
electric matter is radically the fame with the matter
of heat or light, it muft alfo be admitted, that it re-
* Count Rumforl's experiments above quoted,
t Jbid,
X tains
3 1 2 Means of producing Elcftruity. [Book IV.
tains fome other matter in combination with it, of the
nature of which we are as yet uninformed ; and it is
probably this combination of foreign matter which
difables it, in ordinary cafes, from penetrating glafs.
Let it, however, be carefully remembered, that this is
fpeculation and conjecture, and that we at prefent know
nothing of a certainty concerning the electrical fluid,
but fome of its effects.
Electrical phenomena are produced by friction, and
by communication. In general, bodies which electrify
the beft by friction, electrify the word by communi-
cation (except glafs in certain circumftances) and on
the contrary, fubftances which electrify the bed by
communication electrify the worft by friction. I (hall
begin with thofe experiments which gave rife to the
principal technical terms made ufe of in this fcience.
If a dry glafs tube is rubbed with a piece of dry
filk, and if light bodies, as feathers, pith balls, &c. are
prefented to it, they will be firft attracted, and then re-
pelled. The beft rubber for a fmooth glafs tube is a
piece of black or oiled filk, on which a little amalgam
has been fpread; fealing wax, rubbed with new and
foft flannel, will produce the fame effect. By this fric-
tion an agent or power is put in action, and this power
is called the electrical fluid ; a certain quantity of this
fluid is fuppofed to exift latent in all bodies, in which
ftate it makes no impreflion on our lenfes, but when
by the powers of nature or of art, this equilibrium is
dcftroyerl, and the agency of the fluid is rendered per-
ceptible to the fenfes, then thofe effects are produced
which are termed electrical, and the body is laid to be
If a homogeneous body is prefented to the excited
tube, fo as to receive electricity from it, and the elec-
Chap. 2.] Conductors and Ntn- conductors. 313
tricity remains at or near the end or part prefented,
without being communicated to the reft of the body,
it is called a non-conductor or electric ; but if, on the
contrary, the electricity is communicated to every
part, the body is called a conductor, or non-electric.
A body is faid to be infulated when it communicates
with nothing but electrics.
A conductor cannot be electrified while it commu-
nicates with the earth, either by direct contact or by
the interpofition of other conductors, becaufe the elec-
tricity is immediately conveyed away to the earth.
A mutual attraction is exerted between a body in a
ftate of electricity and all non-electric bodies, which,
if not large and heavy, wi,ll pafs rapidly through the
air to the electrified body, where they remain till they
have, by communication, acquired the fame ftate,
when they will be repelled. If aa uninfulated con-
ductor is at hand, it will attract the fmali body when
electrified, and deprive it of its electricity, fo that it
will be again attracted by the electrified body, and re-
pelled as before, and will continue to pafs and repafs
between the two, till the electric ftate is entirely de-
The following fubftances are reckoned among the
principal conductors of the electric fluid:
Stony fubftances in general,
Lime-ftone, marbles,
Oil of vitriol,
Black pyrites,
Black lead in a pencil,
All kinds of metals and ores,
The fluids .of animal bodies,
All fluids, except air and oils.
314 Conductors and Non-conduftors. [Book I\ r .
Electric bodies, or thofe fubftances which emit this
fiuid, are the following :
Amber, jet, fulphur,
Glafs, and all precious 'ftones,
All refmous compounds,
All dry animal fubftances, as filk, hair, wool,
paper. &c.
M. Achard, of Berlin, has proved by experiment,
that certain circumftances will caufe a body to conduct
electricity, which before was a non- conductor. The
principal of thefe circumftances are the degrees of
heat to which the body is fubjected. This gentleman
agrees in opinion with M. Euler, that the principal dif-
ference between conductors and non-conductors con-
fifts in the fize of the pores of the conftituent parts of
the body.
It muft be obferved, that electrics and non-electrics
are not fa ftrongly marked by nature as to be defined
with precifion j for the fame fubflance has been diffe-
rently claffed by different writers ; befides, the electric
properties of the fame fubftance vary according to
changes of circumftances j thus a piece of green wood
is a conductor, and the fame piece, after it has been
baked, becomes a non-conductor j when it is formed
into charcoal it again conducts the electric matter ; but
when reduced to afhes is impervious to it. Indeed, it
might perhaps be generally laid, that every fubftance
is in a certain degree a conductor of this fiuid, though
fome conduct it \vith much more facility than
The inftruments ufed in electricity are of five kinds ;
firfl, tubes of glafs, or cylinders of fealing wax j the
fecond confift of a fingle winch or of a multiplying
wheel, by means of which, globes, cylinders, and plates
of glafs, of fulphur, or of fealing wax, are made to
Chap. 2.] Inftwments ujed in Ekfirkity. 315
turn round , thirdly, metallic conductors, or fubftanees
charged with humidity; fourthly, electric bottles,
commonly called Leyden phials j fifthly, eledric bat-
The firft electrical machine made ufe of was a tube
of glafs, which, being electrified by friction, was then
put in a (late to communicate electricity to other bo-
dies. The beft glafs for this purpofe is the fine white
Englilh cryftal. The moil convenient dimerifions for
thefe tubes are about three feet of length, twelve or
fifteen lines of diameter, and quite a line of thicknefs.
It is of little importance whether the tube is open or
clofed at the extremities ; yet it is necefTary that the
air within fhould be in the fame ftate as that without j
for this reafon the tube fhould at lean: be open at one
end j but care muft be taken left dirt fhould be ad-
mitted into the infide, for that would confiderably im-
pede its effects. If, notwithftanding thefe precau-
tions, the tube receives either dirt or moifture, fome
dry and fine fand fhould be introduced into the infide,
and it fhould be afterwards cleaned out with fine dry
When it is intended to electrify a tube, it is only
neceffary to take the end in one hand, and to continue
to rub the tube with the other hand from one end to
the other until it affords marks of its being fufficiently
charged with the electric fluid. This friction may be
performed with the naked hand when it is dry and
clean, otherwife with a piece of brown paper, or wax-
ed taffeta. When .the tube has been rubbed in this
manner, the circumambient air being dry, if light fub-
ftanees are prefented to it, they will be firft attracted
towards it and immediately afterwards repelled.
The electric fluid may be excited in nearly a fimi-
3 1 6 Large Eleftrical Machine. [Book IV.
lar manner, by rubbing a flick of fulphur or fcaling
Thefe tubes being but fmall, the electric fluid pro-
duced by thefe means is but feeble in its effects. We
have feen that a method was contrived to turn a globe
of glafs upon its axis, by means of a machine with a
winch or multiplying wheel ; this method admitted of
a larger furface, and the friction was performed with
greater eafe, by means of a rubber being placed clofe
to the revolving globe.
To conflruct a machine fufficiently large for all the
purpofes of electrical experiments, M. Briffon directs
that the wheel RO (fee Plate XXVI. Fig. i.) fhould
be at leaft four feet in diameter, and be turned round
in a ilrong and folid frame H I C D. He directs fur-
ther, that there mould be two handles M, m, fo that
two men may be employed at once in certain cafes, to
give a fufficient friction to the globe to augment the
effects. The globe S ought to be carried round be-
tween two fmall ports N, which ought to be ib placed
that they may be drawn farther from or nearer to the
wheel, in order to admit the cord to be moved com-
modioufly whenever it is contracted or extended. It
is allb neceffary that one of thefe fmall polls mould be
moveable, that it may be placed either nearer to or
farther from the other, fo that globes of different dia-
meters may be placed in the machine; the cord of the
wheel R O mould communicate immediately with the
pulley P of the globe S.
When this machine is ufed for the purpofes of elec-
tricity, the globe S fhould be turned according to the
order of the cyphers i i 3, and its equator rubbed
with a leathern cufhion fluffed with horfe hair, this
may alfo be done by the hands when they are clean
Vol.. I . /'.j
Fig. 3
. 4.
Chap. 2.] Small Eletfrical Machine. 317
and dry. A bar of iron (AB, Fig. 2.) infulated \vith
the cords of filk j, j, is placed over the globe S,
this bar fcrves as a conductor to the electric fluid *.
A machine of a fimpler conftruction has been in-
vented in this country, and is represented in Plate
XXVII. Fig. i. In this inftrument a circular plate of
glafs is employed inftead of a globe. The plate P p,
is bored through the center, and mounted on an axis,
a a 3 of copper or hard wood, to which is fixed the
handle, a b. The axis is Supported by two vertical
polls of wood, m, n, to which are appended four
cufhions, / z, formed according to the preceding di-
rections, and which ferve by their friction to excite
the plate.
Before the plate a metal conductor, E D, is placed
horizontally, having two arms or branches, A B, alia
of metal, each terminating in a fmall globe or knob,
which may be brought within a convenient diflance
of the plate to receive the electrical fluid. The con-
ductor itfelf is infulated by two glafs pillars, F G.
The advantages of this machine are, that it may be:
made portable, and is of fo fimple a conftruction, that
any gentleman in the country, after procuring a plate
of a reafonable thicknefs from a glafs houfe, may, by
the aid of a common cabinet-maker, conftruct one
for his own ufe ; the conductor may be equally infu-
lated by rofin, wax, filk, or any other electric or non-
conducting fubftance.
This machine is, however, feeble in its operations,,
.compared with thofe constructed with globes or cy-
linders. The moil powerful, and yet the moft fim-
ple, of thefe that I have feen, are thofe defcribed by
* Briflbn, Traitc elcmentaire de Phyf. torn. iii. p. 305.
318 Elefiricd [Book IV,
my late valuable friend, Mr. Adams, in his treatife of
Fig. i. and 2, Plate XXVIII. reprefent two electrical
machines of the moft approved conftruction ; the only
difference between them is, the mechanifm by which
the cylinder is put in motion.
The cylinder of the machine, Fig. i. is turned round
by two wheels, a b, c d y which act on each other by a
catgut band, part of which is feen at e and/.
The cylinder in Fig. i. is put in motion by a fimple
winch, which is lefs complicated than that with a
multiplying wheel (Fig. 2) : as, however, both ma-
chines are fo nearly firnilar, the fame letters of refer-
ence are ufed in defcribing them both. ABC repre-
fent the bottom board of the machine, D and E the
two perpendicular fupports, which fuflain the glafs cy-
linder F G H I. The axis of the cap K paffes through
the fupport D ; on the extremity of this axis either a
fimple winch is fixed, as in Fig. i. or a pulley, as in
Fig. 2 *. The axis of the other cap runs in a fmall
hole, which is made in the top of the fupporter E.
O P is the glafs pillar to which the cufnion is fix-
ed ; T a brafs fcrew at the bottom of this pillar, which
is to regulate the preflure of the cufhion againft the
cylinder. This adjufting fcrew is peculiarly advan-
tageous : by it the operator is enabled to leffen or in-
creafe gradually the preffure of the cufhion, which it
effects in a much neater manner than it is poffible to
do when the infulating pillar is fixed on a Hiding
* Mr. Adams, in his Leftures on Nat. Philofophy, obfervcs,
that machines turned by a fimple winch are lefs liable to be out
of order than thofe which are turned by a multiplying wheel, and
may alfo be excited more powerfully. Adams's Lefi. vol. iv.
Fiq. 1.
Chap. 2.] Machines. 319
On the top of the pillar O P is a conductor, which
is conne&ed with the cufhion, and this is called the
negative conductor. In both figures this conductor
is fuppofed to be fixed clofe to the culhion, and to
lie parallel to the glafs cylinder. In Fig. i. it is
brought forwards, or placed too near the handle, in
order that more of it may be in fight, as at R S j in
Fig. a. the end R S only is feen.
Y Z (Fig. I. and 2.) reprefents the pofitive prime
conductor, or that which takes the electric fluid im- '
mediately from the cylinder, L M the glafs pillar by
which it is fupported and infulated, and V X a wooden
foot or bafe for the glafs pillar. In Fig. i. this con-
ductor is placed in a direction parallel to the glafs
cylinder ; in Fig. i. it ftands at right angles to the
cylinder : it may be placed in either pofition occa-
fionally, as is moft convenient to the operator.
Previous to relating feveral circumftances, by which
a large quantity of the electric fluid may be excited, it
may be neceflary to premife, that the refiflance of the
air feems to be leffened, or a kind of vacuum is pro-
duced, where the cufhion is in clofe contact with the
cylinder ; and that the electric matter, agreeably to
the law obferved by all other elaflic fluids, is prefied
towards that part where it finds lead refiftance } the
fame inftant, therefore, that the cylinder is feparated
from the cufhion, the fire iflues forth in abundance,
becaufe the refiftance made to it by the action of the
atmofphere is lefiened at that part : the effect which
ariles from the deftruction of the attraction or cohe-
fion between the cylinder and the cufhion is a further
proof of the truth of this hypothefis. The more per-
fect the continuity is made, and the quicker the folu-
tion of it, the greater is the quantity which will pro-
ceed from the culhion.
' To
320 How to excite more effettually [Book IV.
To excite, therefore, an electrical machine effec-
tually, we muft firft find out thofe parts of the cufhion
which are prefTed by the glafs cylinder, then the amal-
gam muft be applied to thofe parts only. The line of
contact between the cylinder and cumion muft be
made as perfect as poflible, and the fire which is col-
lected muft be prevented from efcaping. The breadth
of the cumion mould not be great, and it mould be
placed in fuch a manner that it may be eafily raifed or
In order to find the line of contact between the cy-
linder and cumion, place a line of whiting, which has
been difiblved in fpirits of wine, on the cylinder ; on
turning this round, the whiting is depofited on the
cumion, and marks thofe parts of it which bear
or rub againft the cylinder. The amalgam is to be
put, on thofe parts only which are thus marked by the
Whenever the electricity of the cylinder grows Jefs
powerful, it is eafily renewed by turning back the fiik
which lies over it, and then rubbing the cylinder with
the amalgamated leather, or by altering the prefibre
of the adjufting fcrew.
A fmall quantity of tallow placed over the amal-
gam is obferved to give more force to the electric
powers of the cylinder ; or the fame end may be
effected by rubbing the cylinder with a coarfe cloth,
which has been a little greafed, and afterwards wip-
ing the fame with a clean cloth.
As air not only refifts the emiflion of the electric
fluid, but alfo diffipates what is collected, on account
of the conducting fubftances which are floating in it,
a piece of black or oiled filk mould be placed from
the line of contact to the collecting points of the prime
Chap. 2.] Electrical Machines. 321
conductor, and thefe points fhould be placed within its
Sometimes the filk will adhere fo ftrongly to the
cylinder, when zinc amalgam is ufed, as to render ic
very difficult to turn j this may be obviated by rub-
bing a fmall quantity of aurum mufivum, or a little
whiting, over the filk, when it is wiped clean *.
There are now in ufe two kinds of amalgam : One
is made of quickfilver five parts, zinc one part, which
are melted together with a fmall quantity of bee's -
wax; the other is the aurum mufivum of the fhops.
Before either of thefe will adhere clofely to the filk it
is neceflary to greafe it, to wipe off the fuperfluous
greafe, and then fpread the amalgam.
One property of the electric fluid it will be neceflary
The following direftions of Mr. Adams, relative to exciting
the machine, will be ufeful to the experimentalift :
' To excite your machine, clean the cylinder, and wipe the
' Greafe the cylinder by turning it againft a greafy leather, till
it is uniformly obfcured. The tallow of a candle may be ufed.
' Turn the cylinder till the filk flap has wiped off fo much of
the greafe, as to render it femi-tranfparent.
' Put fome amalgam on a piece of leather, and fpread it well,
fo that it may be uniformly bright; apply this againfl the turning
cylinder, the friclion will immediately increafe, and the leather
muft not be removed until it ceafes to become greater.
' Remove the leather, and the aftion of the machine will be
very llrong.
The preffure of the cufhion cannot be too fmall, when the ex-
citation is properly made.
' The amalgam is that of Dr. Higgins, compofed of zinc and
mercury ; if a little mercury be added to melted zinc, it renders it
eafily pulverable, and more mercury may be added to the powder,
to make a very foft amalgam. It is apt to cryftallize by jepofe,
which fccms in fome meafure to be prevented by triturating it
with a fmall proportion of greafe : and it i.s always of advantage
to triturate it before ufing.'
VOL. I. Y to
3 * 2 P0/tf/ j * ttra 51 mojl forcibly. [Book IV.
to notice before the conclufion of this branch of the
lubjecl, and that is, that it is more forcibly attracted
by points than by balls or any blunt or rounded fur-
faces. This may be demonftrated by a variety of ca-fy
experiments, and may be feen by prefenting a metal
ball at a given diftance to a conductor in the act of
being charged, when it will be found that a metal
point prefented at a much greater diftance will draw
off the whole of the electrical matter from the con-
ductor. In the one cafe alfo (the point) the electri-
city goes off invifibly, and without noife ; in the other
cale there is both a flafli and a report.
With refpect to the modes employed by electricians
for the accumulation of the fluid, it will be neceffary
to confider them in a diftinct chapter j but previous
to this a few particulars muft be dated relative to
wnat tt termed pofitive and negative electricity.
Chap. 3.
DiJiinSlion in the attrafti-Tje Powers of certain EleRrics. Tbefe
Ejfefts found to depend not on the Nature of the Subftance, but the
Roughnefs or Smoothness of the Surface. Theory of Two diJtinB
Fluids, Franklin's Theory, Difficulties attending it.
IN a very early ftage of the fcicnce, we have feen,
that a diftinction was obfervcd with refpect to the
attractive and repulfive powers of certain electric bo-
dies. Thus if we electrify with the fame fubftance,
for inftance, either with excited glafs or with fealing
wax, two cork balls in an infulated flate, that is, fuf-
pended by filk lines about fix inches long, the balls
will feparate and repel each other j but if we electrify
one of the balls with glafs, and the other with fealing
wax, they will be mutually attracted. This circum-
ftance gave rife to the opinion, that two different fpe-
ci'es'of electricity exifted, and the one was termed the
vitrt'jus electricity, or that produced from glafs ; and
the other, which was produced from fealing wax, re-
fmous fubftances, and fulphur, was termed ihe refinous
Subsequent experiments ferved to mew, that in the
common ekctrical machine, the rubber exhibited the
appearances of the refmous electricity, and the cylin-
der that of the vitreous, while the former was con-
nected with. the earth. A divergent cone or brufh of
electrical light was obferved to be the obvious mark
Y 2 of
324 Theory of two Kinds of Eleftricity. [Book IT*
of the vitreous electricity, and a fingle globular mafs
of light diftinguiHied the refmous kind. The hand or
body alfo, which approached the vitreous or glafTy
fubftance, when excited, appeared to receive the mat-
ter from the electric ; but when one of the refmous
kind was excited, the electrical matter appeared to pro-
ceed from the hand or other approaching body.
Notwithftanding, however, the names by which thefe
different forms of electricity were diftinguifhed, as the
vitreous and refmous, it was at length difcovered, that
>the different phenomena depended rather upon the
furface, than upon the nature and compofition of the
electric j for a glafs tube, when the polifhed furface
was deflroyed, by being ground with emery, and be-
ing rubbed with a fmooth body, exhibited all the proofs
of the refmous electricity, as much as fulphur or feal-
ing wax ; yet afterwards, when it was greafcd and rub-
bed with a rough furface, it refumed its former pro-
perty. It feems, therefore, to be a rule, that the
imootheft of two bodies, upon friction, exhibits the
phenomena of the vitreous electricity, for baked wooden
cylinders with a fmooth rubber are refinoufly electri-
fied, but with a rubber of coarfe flannel exhibit the
appearances of the vitreous kind, and even polilhed
glafs will produce the phenomena of the rcfinous
electricity, if rubbed with the fmooth hair of a cat's
Amidft this embarraffing variety of experiments,
thofe philofophers who applied to this branch of fci-
ence, were eagerly employed in inventing theories to
account for thefe phenomena, and electricians are ftill
divided with rclpect to the caufe.
The eld theory of vitreous and refmous electricity,
or two diftinct, pofitive, and active powers, which
equally and ftronely attract and condenfe each other,
Chap.j.] Franklin 's Theory of Eleffririty. 325
has ftill its fupporters ; amongft the ableft of its de-
fenders was my late friend Mr. Adams, who, it muft
be confefied, upon this theory, has ingenioufly ac-
counted for the moft remarkable electrical pheno-
mena *.
The theory of Franklin, however, though not with-
out its defects, has more fnnpliciry, and accounts for
fads in a more eafy and more natural manner. The
principles of this diftinguiflied philofopher may be re-
folved into the following axioms :
i ft. The electric matter is one and the fame in all
bodies, and is not of two diftinct kinds.
ad. All terreflrial bodies contain a quantity of this
jd. The electric matter violently repels itfelf, but
attracts all other matter.
4th. Glafs and other fubftances, denominated elec-
trics, contain a large portion of this matter, but are
impermeable by it.
5th. Conducting fubftances are permeable-by it, and
do not conduct it merely over their furface.
6th. A body may contain a fuperfluous quantity of
the electrical fluid, when it is faid, according to this
theory, to be in a pofttive ftate, or electrified plus ; and
when it contains lefs than its proper fhare it is faid to
be negative, or electrified minus.
7. By exciting an electric, the equilibrium of the
fluid is broken, and the one body becomes overloaded
with electricity, while the other is deprived of its na-
tural fhare.
Thus, according to the Franklinean theory, that
electricity, which was before called vitreous, is now
called pofitive electricity ; and that which was termed
the refmous, is now denominated negative electricity.
* See Mr. Adams's Lectures on Nat. Phil. vol. iv.
Y 3 It
3:6 ObjeBiom to [Book IV.
Ic is evident, that it is only in paffmg from one body
to anpther, that the effects of the electrical fluid are
apparent. When all the adjacent bodies therefore are
equally charged with electricity, no effects whatever
will appear. The equilibrium mud, according to the
principles of Dr. Franklin, be deftroyed, that is, the
fluid muft be made rarer in fome one part, before any
of the phenomena will be exhibited. In that cafe the
denfe fluid rufhing in to fupply the deficiency in that
part where it is rarer, produces the flafh of light, the
crackling noife, and the other effects of electricity.
The different effects on rough and fmooth bodies,
when excited, have been previoufly remarked. The
Franklinean theory is, if a rough and fmooth body are
rubbed together, the fmooth body will generally be
electrified plus, and that with a rough uneven furface,
minus. Thus, in the ordinary operation of the com-
mon machine, the cylinder is pofitively electrified, or
plus, and the rubber negative, or minus. The redun-
dance of the pofitive electricity is fent from the cylin-
der to the prime conductor, and may be communicated
from it to any conducting body. If, however, the
prime conductor is made to communicate with the
earth, which- has a great attraction for the electrical
matter (and which, being one great mafs of conduct-
ing fubftances, will not permit the accumulation of the
fluid in a particular part) and if at the fame time the
rubber is in an infulated ftate, fupported for inftancc
by glafs or any electric, thefe effects will be reverfcd,
for the prime conductor will then be negatively elec-
trified, and the rubber will be plus or poficive.
This theory is, it muft be confeffed, not without its
difficulties, and jt is much to be feared, that we have
as yet no complete theory of electricity. The fact moil
difficult to be explained on the Franklinean fyflem is,
8 that
Chap. 3.] tie Frarikttman 'Theory. 327
that of two bodies ne'gatively electrified repelling each
other, for if the repulfisn in the cafe of pofitive elec-
tricity is caufed entirely, as there is reafon to believe
it is, by the electric matter, how mould a deficiency of
that matter produce the fame effect ? Attempts have
been made to explain the fact by having recourfe to
the electricity of the air, which (when not charged with
moifture) is certainly an electric or
fubitance, and in all cafes is an imperfect electric. The
cork balls, or other light fubftances, which are electri-
fied negatively, are therefore fuppofed to be acted
upon by the pofitive electricity of the air, which pro-
duce.s an effect adequate to their being pofitively elec-
trified. This folution, however, is not quite fatisfac-
tory; though it is perhaps unphilofophical to reject an
hypothefis, which explains fome facts greatly to our
fatisfaction, merely becaufe it has not as yet explained
every thing.
Dr. Franklin fuppofed that the electric fluid is col-
lected from the earth, and this hypothefis he fupported
by the following experiment.
Let one perfon ftand on wax (or be iniulaceci) and
rub a glafs tube, and let another perfon en wax take
the fire from the firft, they will both of them (provid-
ed they do not touch eaerr other) appear to be electri-
fied to a perfon {landing on the floor ; that is, he will
perceive a fpark on approaching either of them with
his knuckle or finger ; but if they touch each other
during the excitation of the tube, neither of them will
appear to be electrified. If they touch one another
after exciting the tube, and draw the fire as before,
there will be a ftronger fpark between therrj than was
between either of them and the perfon on the floor.
After fuch a ftrong fpark neither of them difcover &ny
Y 4 He
328 Eleftricity colkfydfrom the Earth. [B.ook IV.
He accounts for thefe appearances by fuppofmg the
electric fluid to be a common element, of which each
of the three perfons has his equal lhare before any ope-
ration is begun with the tube.
A, who (lands upon wax and rubs the tube, collects
the electrical fire from himfelf into the glafs, and his
communication with the common (lock being cut off
by the wax, his body is not again immediately fup-
B, who alfo {lands upon wax, parting his knuckle
along the tube, receives the fire which was collected
from A, and being infulated, he retains this additiona.1
To the third perfon, who Hands upon the floor, both
appear electrified; for he, having only the middle quan-
tity of electrical fire, receives a fpark on approaching
B, who has an over quantity, but gives one to A, whp
has an under quantity.
If A and B approach to touch each other, the fpark
is ftronger, becaufe the difference between them is
greater. After this touch there is no fpark between
either of them and C, becaufe the electrical fluid in all
is reduced to the original equality. If they touch while
electrifying, the equality is never deftroyed, the fire is
only circulating ; hence we fay that B is electrified por
ficivcly, A negatively *.
* Mr. Adams on Ele&ricity, p. ^3.
Chap. 4.]" [ 329 3
Theory of the Leyden Phial. Its Ufe in Ekaridty.Defcription of
the beft Apparatus of this Kind. 'The Charge rejides in the Glafs.
-Curious Experiments -with the Leyden Phial. Elecirical Battery.
Injlruftions relative to it. Experiments d y e,f, which meet
in the large ball A ; C is a hook at the bottom of the
box, by which any fubftance may be connected with
the outfide coating of the jars ; a ball, B, proceeds
from the infide, by which the circuit may be conve-
niently completed. Mr. Adams gives the following
precautions to thofe who make ufe of an electrical
battery f .
* Mr. Adams's Eflay on Eleft. p. 131. f Ibid. p. 14-;.
Chap. 4.] Elettricai Battery. 33$
The top and uncoated part of the jar mould be
kept dry and free from dud ; and after the explofion
has taken place, a wire from the hook is to be con-
nected to the ball, and left there till the battery is to
be charged again, by which means the inconveniences
arifing from the frequent refiduum of a charge will be
Every broken jar in a battery muft be taken away,
before it is poffible to charge the reft.
It has been recommended, not to difcharge a bat-
tery through a good conductor, if the circuit is not at
lead five feet long ; but it mutt be obferved, that in
proportion to the lengthening of the circuit the force
of the mock will be leffened.
Jars made of the green glafs, manufactured at New-
caftle, are laid to endure an explofion without a pro-
bability of breaking.
If the fpark from the explofion is concentrated, by
caufing it to pafs through fmall circuits of non-con-
ducting fubftances, the force of the battery will be
confiderably increafed. For this purpofe, caufe the
fpark to pafs through a hole in a plate of glafs one-
twelfth or one-fixth of an inch diameter, by which
means it will be more compact and powerful. By
wetting the part round the hole, the fpark, by con-
verting this into vapour, may be conveyed to a greater
diftance, with an increafe of rapidity, attended with a'
louder noife than common. Mr. Morgan, by at-
tending to thefe and fome other circumltances, has
melted wires, &c. by the means of fmall bottles.
If the charge of a ftrong battery is pafled through
two- or three inches of fmall wire, the latter will fome-
times appear red hor, firft at the politive fide j and
the rednefs will proceed towards the other end.
If a battery i* difcharged through a frnall fteel nee-
Experiments with Ekfirical Battety. [Book IVV
die, it will, if the charge is ftrong, communicate mag-
ncdfm to the needle.
If the difcharge of a battery pafies through a fmall
magnetic needle, it will deftroy the polarity of the nee-
dle, and fometimes invert the poles j but it is often
necefiary to repeat this feveral times.
Dr. Priefriey could melt nine inches of fmall iron
wire at the diitance of fifteen feet, but at the diftance
of twenty feet he could only make fix inches of it red
hot, fo that we may infer from this, that notwitMtand-
ing their conducting power, ftill metals refift in fome
degree the .paSage of the electric fluid, and therefore
in eftimating the conducting powers of different fub-
ftances, their length muft not be forgotten.
If a (lender wire is inclofed in a gla(s tube, and a
battery difcharged through this wire, it will be thrown
into globules of different fizes, which may be collected
from the inner ftirface of the tube ; they are often
hollow, and little more than the fcoria or drofs of the
Dr. Watfbn and fome other gentlemen made feveral
curious experiments to afcertain the diftance to which
the electric {hock might be conveyed, and the velo-
city of its motion, which were briefly mentioned in the
firft chapter. In the firft experiment, the fhock v/as
given, and fpirits fired by the electric matter which had
been conveyed through the river Thames. In another
experiment, the electric fluid was made to pafs through
a circuit of two miles, eroding the New River twice,
going over feveral gravel pits and a large field, and
afterwards conveyed through a circuit of four miles,
This motion was fo inftantaneoufly performed by the
electric fluid, that an obferver, in the middle of a cir-
cuit of two miles, felt himfelf fhocked at the fame in-
ftant that he faw the phial difcharged.
Chap. 4.] Ekftrual Bells. 33$
Notwithftanding this furprifing velocity, it is cer-
tain, hov/cver, that both fides of a charged phial may
be touched fo quickly, even by the beft conductors,
that all the electric fluid has not time to make the
circuit, and the phial will remain but half difcharged ;
and there are feveral inftances where the motion ap-
pears flow, and not eafiiy reconcileable with the amaz'-
ing velocity we have obferved in the inftance above >
indeed it is certain, that this fluid is refilled in fome
degree in its paflage through or over every fubftance. -
There is another part of an electrical apparatus,
originally of German invention, which, before the
concluflon of what may be called the mechanical
part of electricity, it will be proper to notice. It is
chiefly illuftrative of the e lectricd attraction. This
apparatus confifts of three fmail bells, fufpended from
a narrow plate of metal ; the two outermoft by chains,
and that in. the middle, from which a chain pafles to
the floor, by a fiiken firing. Two fmall knobs of
brafs are alfo hung, by fiiken firings, on each fide of
the bell in the middle, which ferve for clappers.
When this apparatus is . connected with an electrified
conductor, the outermoft bells, fufpended by the
chains, will be charged, attract the clappers, and be
ilruck by them. The ' clappers, becoming electrified
likewife, will be repelled by thefe bells, ana attracted
by the middle bell, and will difcharge themfelves upon
it by means of the chain extending to the floor. After
this they Mill be again attracted by the outermoft
bells, and thus, by (Inking the bells alternately, occa-
fion a ringing, which may be continued at pleafure.
Flalhes of light will alfo be feen in the dark between
the bells and the clappers -, and if the electricity is
ftrong, the difcharge will be made without actual con-
tact, and the ringing will ceafc.
Aftion of Ekftrophorus explained. [Book IV.
If an Apparatus of this kind is joined to one of thofe
conducting rods, erected to protect buildings from
the effects of lightning, it will ferve to give notice of
the approach and paflfage of an electrical cloud.
It is remarkable, that in certain cafes bodies elec-
trified will retain their electric power for almoft any
length of time, and on this principle a very ingenious
inftrument has been conftructed, called an electro-
phorus. This machine confifts merely of a mafs of
refinous matter, contained in a box for the conveni-
ence of carriage, and a plate of metal fitted to com-
municate with it, which is lifted by a handle of glafs^
or fome non-conducting fubftance. The refinous
mafs being rubbed with a flannel, or even with the
hand, and the plate of metal being applied to it, the
metal will become charged, and give out fparks very
freely to any conducting body ; and this property of
communicating electricity the refinous mafs will retain
for a length of time, without any frefh application
To explain thefe phenomena it will be again necef-
fary to recur to what has been faid concerning nega-
tive and pofitive electricity ; it will be necefiary alfo
to recollect, that the negative electricity was originally
termed the reftnous, beeaufe it was firft thought to be
peculiar to thofe fubftances. In the electrophorus,
therefore, the lower plate, or refinous mafs,. being ne-
gatively electrified, the matter is taken from the metal
plate, and this becoming alfo negatively electrified,
the fluid is attracted from any body which is pre-
fented to it.
Several inftruments have been invented for meafur-
ing the quantity of electricity contained in any body.
Thefe generally are formed upon the principle of the
electric attraction, and conflft of a fmall pith ball, or
Chap. 4.3 'Electrometer. 337
other light body, fufpended on a moveable arm, with
a kind of femi-dial to mark the degrees. Mr. Adams
recommends Mr. Henley's quadrant electrometer for
this purpofe, which he defcribes as follows : " It con-
fifts (Fig. 3. Plate XXVI.) of a perpendicular ftem
formed at top like a ball, and furnifhed at its lower
end with a brafs ferrule and pin, by which it may be
fixed in one of the holes of the conductor, as at Fig. 4.
or at the top of a Leyden bottle. To the upper part
of the ftem, a graduated ivory femicircle is fixed, about
the middle of which is a brafs arm or cock, to fupport
the axis of the index. The index confifts of a very
flender flick, which reaches from the center of the
graduated arch to the brafs ferrule; 'and to its lower
extremity is faftened a fmall pith ball nicely turned in
the lathe. When this electrometer is in a perpendi-
cular pofition, and not electrified, the index hangs pa-
rallel to the pillar ; but when it is electrified, the in-
dex recedes more or lefs, according to the quantity of
[ 33* ] [Book IV.
f-.f K.rwna, of Attraction and Repul/ton. Eleclrical Atmofpkerej Dif-
ferent Effefls on different SubJlances.-EUlrical Cobejton.'Experi-
'i Silk Stockings. On the Evaporation of fluids. Vegeta-
tion. Animal Perfpiration. Inflammation of Spirits. Animals
killed by Elt&ricitj. Curious Phenomena in vacua. Recapitulation
. of Principles.
H E various phenomena of electricity may, for
the fake of perfpicuity, be divided into two
clafles -, the firft of which may be included under the
general head of attraction and repulfion ; and under
the fecond may be ranged all thofe phenomena which
are accompanied with the luminous appearances, and
that effect on the animal frame which is termed the
electrical ihock. Though fome of thefe may appear
at firft to have very little analogy with the former clafs,
yt we fhall have frequent opportunities of iaferring,
that they are only neceffary effects from one common
caufe, and rather differ in their circumflances than in
their nature. The atmofpherical phenomena will de-
mand a diftinct chapter.
It follows, from what has been already ftated, that
every body electrified, whether by friction, or by com-
munication ; whether by the means of glals, or any
refinous fubfhvnce ; is furrounded by a kind of atmo-
fphere of that fluid which is called the eleclrical mat-
fehap. 5.] Elettrical Fluid. 339
The proof on which this hypothefis refts is, that
light bodies are actually lifted up, and earned to or
from the electrified body, which, the advocates of this
theory alledge, could only be effected by their being
enveloped in fome fluid medium. Thus, when the
hairs on the head of a perfon electrified (land erect, or
the fibres of a foft feather fpread out, as if to meet or
recede from the conductor, according to circumftances,
every particular hair or fibre is fuppofed to be fur-
rounded with an electrical atmofphere.
It is demonstrated by Earl Stanhope, in his inge-
nious treatife on electricity, that the denfity of the elec-
trical atmofphere diminifhes exactly in proportion to
the fquares of its diftance from the center of the elec-
trified body.
Thofe attractions and repulfions, which we have feen
take place when light bodies are brought near to elec-
trified fubftances, are, agreeably to the notion of fome
philofophersj'caufed by two currents of the electric
fluid ; the current which departs from the bodies
brought near to the electrified fubftance caufes thofe
bodies to appear to be attracted, and the current which
departs from the electrified fubftance repels them : as
thefe two effects take place in the fame inftant, it may-
be inferred that thefe two currents are fimultaneous.
A body repelled by an electrified fubftance, will be
attracted by this fubftance as loon as it has touched
any non -electric body.
An electrified, fubftance, if it is left free to move, is
attracted by a non electric body not electrified. Thus
a fmall thin "plate of metal, electrified and fufpendeii
by a thread of filk, is attracted either by a man's hand,
a piece of green wood, or by a metal rod prcfentcd
to it.
Z a All
34 Experiment on Silk Stockings. [Book IV.
All fubftances are not attracted with equal force by
electrified bodies ; in general thofe, which are in their
texture the denfeft and mod compact, are more readily
attracted and repelled, and are fubject to the influence
of electricity at a greater diftance than thofe which are
looter and more porous in their confidence. A rib-
band or thread, when waxed or gummed, becomes
more fubject to this attraction and repulfio'n than it
was in its original ftate. Of all fubftances, gold leaf
appears the moft eafily affected by electrical attrac-
Electrified bodies adhere fo clofely together, that
the circumftance has given occafion to a new term in
philofophy, and it has been called the eleftrical cohefion.
This fact was pleafantly illuftrated by fome experi-
ments on filk ftockings, communicated to the Royal
Society by Mr. Robert Symner a few years ago. Two
filk ftockings, the one black and the other white, had
been for fome time upon one leg, and were then rub-
bed with the hand, and both pulled off together j it
appears that in this cafe the two ftockings will adhere
together in fuch a manner as to require a confiderable
force to feparate them. M. Briifon, who repeated the
experiment, obferves, that after he had feparated the
white from the black flocking another phenomenon
occurred j for while he held them, one in each hand,
fufpended in the air, they fwelled and puffed up as
wide as if the leg had remained in them j when they
were brought within terror twelve inches of each other,
they rufhed precipitately upon one another, and ad-
hered forcibly together ; but this' adhefion was not fo
great as that which took place while the ftockings were
one within the other. Mr. Symner fuppofed, that the
iuccefs of this experiment depended upon the contrail
between the black and white colour ; but M. Briflbn
i , proves
Chap. 5] Evaporation increafed ly EleBricity. 341
proves this hypothecs to be without foundation, hav-
ing made the experiment by fubftituting for the black
. ftocking another of a different colour, and even a white
one ; but he confefles, that when the experiment was
made with two white filk {lockings the effects were
Electrical attraction appears not to be fo ftrong
in vacuo as in the open air. From feveral experi-
ments of Beccaria's we learn, that if the air is tho-
roughly exhaufted out of a glafs receiver, the attrac-
tion and repulfion of electrified" light bodies within
the receiver becomes languid, and .foon ceafes altoge-
Electricity augments the natural evaporation of fluids,
and efpecially of thofe fluids which are moft fubject to
evaporation of themfelvesj and it has alfo a great ef-
feet on fluids, when the vefiels containing them are
non-electrics. If a humid body, a fponge for inftance,
is placed upon a conductor pofitively electrified, the
evaporation will proceed much more rapidly, and it
will be much fooner dry, than a fimilar body differently
Dr. Prieftley alfo gives us reafon to fuppofe, that
plants, when electrified, vegetate earlier and more vi-
goroufly than thofe which have not been fubjected to
this influence.
That electricity increafes the infenfible perfpiration,
of animals, may be inferred from the circumftance that
electrified animals are always lighter than thofe which
are not.
The ftream of electrical fluid has no fenfible heat,
but even appears cold to the touch ; yet we have feen
that the more inflammable bodies, and particularly
fpirit of wine, may be ignited by it. This experiment
piay be eafily made by a fpark from a common ma-
Z chine.
34- Animals killed fry Eleflricity. [Book IV,
chine. Let a perfon infulated, and communicating
with a charged conductor, hold in his hand a quantity
of rectified fpirit in a metal fpoon. If the fpirit has
been a Iktle warmed over a candle previoufly, the ex-
periment will be more certain to fucceed. Let ano-
ther perfon then, not infulated, but communicating
with the floor, prcfent his finger to the fpirit, a fpark
wi'l immediately pafs between the fpoon and the fin-
ger, and the fpirit will be inflamed. This phenomena
might pafs for an exertion of magic in an ignorant
country, or an ignorant age.
By a fmart mock- of electricity from a charged phial,
pr a battery, fmall animals may be killed i but I have
not underftood that human art has yet been able to
conftruct a battery large enough to kill an animal
above the fize of a fheep or a dog. The immediate
or proximate caufe of the death of animals by electri-
city, or by lightning, which is natural electricity, has
not yet been afcertained. Ic was once fuppofed that
the living principle was extinguifhed by the burfting
of fome blood vcflel, from the violence of the fhock ;
but a dog, which was killed by lightning, was carefully
difiected, and none of the velTels found in the lead in-
jured. Beccaria recovered fome perfons apparently
ftruck dead by lightning; and when queftioned with
refpect to the pain or fuffering which they endured,
they only complained of an unufual numbnefs or weari-
nefs in their limbs. The flefh of animals killed by
electricity is rendered extremely tender, and is recom-
mended by Dr. Franklin as an article of luxury. It
will alfo putrify in a much fhorter time than the flefh
of thofe which are killed in any ordinary way.
The luminous effects of electricity are not precifely
the fime in vacuo as in the open air; and indeed a
Chap. 5.] Recapitulation of Principles. 343
very curious phenomenon has been produced by in-
jecting the electric light in a vacuum.
If a wire with a round end is included in an exhauft-
cd receiver, and prefented to a conductor of an elec-
trical machine, every fpark will pafs through the va-
cuum in a broad ftream of light, vifible the whole
length of the receiver, moving with regularity (unlefs
it is turned back by fome non-electric) and then di-
viding itfelf into a number of beautiful rivulets, which
are continually feparating and uniting in a pleafing
mariner. When the veflel is grafped by the hand, a
pulfation is perceived like that of an artery, and the fire
inclines towards the hand. A fmall quantity of air is,
however, neceflary to occafion the greateft luminous
The following is a recapitulation of what M. Brif-
fon confiders as fundamental principles, confirmed, he
fays, by his own experiments/ feconded by thofe of
other philofophers *.
The electric fluid is the fame in efience with that of
light and heat, but combined with a fubftance which
affects the organs of fcent.
When bodies are electrified by glafs, they furnifh
tufts or pencils of light ; but if electrified by fulphur.or
refmous fubflances, they only produce points or fparks
of light ; bodies prefented to thofe electrified by glafs
produce only luminous points, while thofe which are
prefented to bodies which are electrified by fulphur,
produce beautiful pencils or tufts of light.
To electrify bodies by communication, it is necef-
fary to infulate them j the fubftances the mod proper
for this purpofe are thofe which electrify the beft by
Traitc Element, de Phylique, Tom. iii. p. 435
Z 4
3 44 Recapitulation of Doctrines and Fafts. [ Book I V,
Glafs, though it electrifies very well by friction,
electrifies alfo by communication, even without any
preliminary preparation ; yet it is very proper to infu-
Electrical phenomena are not produced entirely from
the bodies upon which the electrifying machine acts ;
the adjacent bodies or fubftances contribute towards
their production.
The energy of the electric virtue is augmented, ii
conductors, more by an increafe of furface, than by an
augmentation of the mafs.
Electrified bodies adhere one to another, fo that they
cannot be feparated without a confiderable effort, as
was, exemplified in the cafe of two filk ftockings of va-
rious colours.
Electricity accej/srates the evaporation of liquors, and
the perfpiration of animals.
The pencils or tufts of light, whicfi are feen at the
.extremities or angles of electrified bodies, are always
compofed of divergent rays when they pafs in the air;
but if a non-eleffrif or conducting body is prefented to
them, they lofe a great deal of their divergency j their
rays fometimes become even convergent, in order that
they may approach towards that body which is more
permeable than the air ; and if they are made to pafs into
a vacuum, they will afliime the form of a large branch
of light nearly cylindrical, or in the form of a fpindle.
The fpark which fhines between two bodies is ca-
pable of fetting combuftible matters on fire.
Chap, 6.] [ 345 3
fheory of Lighning.~T>efcription of a 'Thunder Storm. Obfcr--vat'ioxs
relative to the Eleflricity of the Atmofphere. 'Melting of Metals by
the Cold Fufeon a vulgar Error. Conductors of Lightning. -How
to be fafe in a thunder Storm. -Application of Eleftricity to other
atmofpherical Phenomena. Rain. ////.- S0<;v. Meteors. *Wa-
IT no longer remains .a doubt among philofophers,
that the caufe which produces the effects of thun-
der is the fame with that which produce's the ordinary
phenomena of electricity j the refemblance between
them is indeed ib great, that we cannot believe thun-
der itfelf to be any other than a grander fpecies of
electricity, naturally excited without the feeble efforts
of human art. This fluid, probably, is diffufed through
the whole atmofphere at all times, either in a fmallcr
or greater degree, and is occafionally perceptible to our
fenfes, according to the concurrence of natural circum-
The cloud which produces the thunder and light-
ning may be confidered as a great electrified body ;
but how has the cloud acquired its electric virtue ? is
the reasonable demand of an inquifitive mind : and
to fatisfy this inquiry it will be neceffary to refer to
what has been before obferved, that this power is pro-
duced in two modes, by friction, and by commu-
pication. Bodies electrified by friction communicate
346 How Clouds hcwne eleStrifed. [Book, IV.
their virtue to other bodies which are fufceptible of it,
being infulated, and at a convenient diftance. As air,
therefore, is an idio-electric body, it is not unphilofo-
phical to fuppofe, that in ilormy weather efpecialiy,
when it is common to obferve the clouds and the wind
take contrary courfes, a part of the atmofphere 3 rufh-
ing by the other, may caufe the air to be electrified by
the friction of its own particles, or by rubbing againtl
terreflriai objects -which it meets in its parTage, or
perhaps againll the clouds themfelves. It is pro-
bable alfo, that the inflammable fubftances, which
arife and accumulate in the cloudy regions, contribute
to increafe the effects, not only of themfelves, but,
perhaps, ftill more, by the electric matter which they
carry along with them. Another circumftance, which
further inclines me to make this inference is, that
thunder florms are more frequent and tremendous
in thofe times and places, when and where we have
realbn to conclude that thefe exhalations are in the
greateft abundance in the atmofphere, as in warm fea-
fons and climates, as well as in thofe places where
the earth is filled wirji fubftances capable of furnifhing
a large quantity of thefe exhalations, and in particular
in the neighbourhood of volcanoes.
A cloud in a thunder florin may be confidered as a
great conductor, actually infulated and electrified ; and
it may be fuppofed to have the fame effect upon thofe
non- electrics which it meets with in its courfe, as our
common conductors have upon thofe which are pre--
fented to them. If a cloud of this kind meets with
another which is not electrified, or lefs ib than itfelf,
the electric matter flies off from all parts towards this
cloud ;' hence proceed flafhes of lightning, and the for-
midable report of thunder.
f Thunder
Chap. 6.] "Dffcrfytion of a Thunder Storm. 347
* Thunder ftorms/ fays Beccaria, ' generally hap-
pen when there is little or no wind, and their firft ap-
pearance is marked by one denfe cloud, or more, in-
creafing very faft in fize, and riling into the higher
regions of the air; the lower furface black, and nearly
level, but the upper finely arched, and well defined.
Many of thefe clouds feem frequently piled one upon
another, all arched in the fame manner j but they keep
continually uniting, fwelling, and extending their
' At the time of the rifing of this cloud, the at-
mofphere is generally full of a great number of fepa-
rate clouds, motionlefs, and of odd and whimfical
fhapes. All thefe, upon the appearance of the thun-
der cloud, draw towards it, and become more uniform
in their fhapes as they approach, till coming very near
the thunder cloud, their limbs mutually ftretch towards
ene another; they immediately coalefce, and together
make one uniform mafs. But fometimes the thunder
cloud will fwell, and increafe very faft, without the con-
junction of any of thefe adfcititious clouds, the vapours
of the atmofphere forming themfelves into clouds
wherever it pafles. Some of the adfcititious clouds ap-
pear like white fringes at the fkirts of the thunder
cloud, but thefe keep continually growing darker and
darker as they approach or unite with it.
f When the thunder cloud is grown to a great fize,
its lower furface is often ragged, particular parts being
detached towards the earth, but ftill connected with the
reft. Sometimes the lower furface fwells into various
large protuberances, bending uniformly towards the
earth. When the eye is under the thunder cloud,
after it is grown larger, and well formed, it is feen to
fink lower, and to darken prodigioufly, at the fame
time that a number of adfcititious clouds (the origin of
348 Phenomena of Thunder [Book IV.
which can never he perceived) are feen in a rapid mo-
tion, driving about in very uncertain directions under
it. While thefe clouds are agitated with the moft ra-
pid" motions, the rain generally falls in the greateft
plenty, and if the agitation is exceedingly great, it
commonly hails.
' While the thunder cloud is fwelling^ and extend-
ing its branches over a large tract of country, the
Jightning is feen to dart from one part of it to another,
and often to illuminate its whole mafs. When the
cloud has acquired a fufficient extent, the lightning
flrikes, between the cloud and the earth, in two oppo-
fite places, the path of the lightning lying through the
whole body of the cloud and its branches. The longer
this lightning continues, the rarer the cloud grows, and
the lefs dark is its appearance, till at length it breaks
in different places, and difplays a clear fky.'
It is the opinion of the fame author, that the clouds
ferve as conductors to convey the electric fluid from
thofe places of the earth which are overloaded with it,
to thofe which are exhaufted of it.
To prove that the earth is often positively charged
with refpect to the clouds, in one part while it is nega-
tive in another, he adverts to the fall of great quantities
of fand, and other light fubftances, which are often
carried into the air, and fcattered uniformly over a
large tract of country, when there was no wind to
effect this phenomenon, and even when there was,
they have been carried againft the wind ; he therefore
fuppofes, that thefe light bodies are raifed by a large
quantity of electrical matter hTuing out of the earth.
This comparatively rare phenomenon, he thinks,
exhibits both a perfect image and demonftratlon of
the manner in which the vapours of the atmofphere
are raifed to form thunder clouds. The lame electric
rnatter 4
Chap. 6.3 Clouds explained.
matter, wherever it iflues, attracts to it, and carries
into the higher regions of the air, the watery particles
difperfed in the atmofphere. The electric matter
afcends, being folicited by the lefs refiftance it finds
there than in the common mafs of the earth, which at
thofe times is generally very dry, and confequently
highly electric. The uniformity with which thunder
clouds fpread themfelves, and fwell into arches, muft
be owing to their being affected by fome caufe, which,
like the electric matter, diffufes itfelf uniformly where-
ever it acts, and to the refiftance they meet with in
afcending through die air.
The fame caufe, which firft railed a cloud from va-
pours difperfed in the atmofphere, draws to it thofe al-
ready formed, and continues to form new ones, till the
whole collected mafs extends fo far as to reach a part
of the earth where there is a deficiency of electric fluid ;
thither alio they will be attracted, and thus the mafs
ferves as a conductor. When the clouds are attracted
in their paffage by thofe parts of the earth, where there
is a deficiency of the fluid, thofe detached fragments
are formed, and alfo thofe uniform depending protu-
berances, which are probably the caufe of water-
f A wind always blows from the place whence a
thunder cloud proceeds, and the wind is more or lef*
violent in proportion to the fudden appearance of the
thunder cloud, the rapidity of its expanfion, and the
velocity with which the adicititious clouds join it. The
fudden condenfation of fuch a prodigious quantity of
vapour muft difplace the air, and agitate it on all
In three dates of the air, fays' the author above
quoted, I could find no electricity in it. nt. In windy
weather. . 2d. When the fky was covered with diftinct
Melting of Metals by Cold Ftifion. [Book IV;
and black clouds, which had a flow motion. 3d. In
molft weather not actually raining.
In rainy weather, without lightning, his apparatus
was always electrified a little time before the rain fell,
and during the time of rain, but ceafed a little before
the rain was over.
The higher his rods reached, or his kites flew, the
fcronger figns they gave of being electrified.
It has been intimated that the clouds are fometimes
pofitively, and fometimes negatively electrified. In the
latter cafe the lightning is fuppofed, upon the Ffankli-
nian theory, to proceed from the earth to the cloud.
The general effects of lightning are precifely the fame
with thofe of the electric fhock, only greatly magnified.
It may not be improper in this place to notice an old
error, namely, the melting of metals by what has been
called the coldfufion. The error is found to reft upon
certain ill attefted relations of fwords being melted in
the fcabbard by lightning, and money in the bag,
without injuring the fcabbard or the bag. A variety
of experiments have been accurately made to determine
the fact; the refulrs of which have been, that the thin
edge of the fword, or of the money, might have been
inftantaneoufly melted, and yet fo inftantaneoufly cool-
ed, as neither to affect the fcabbard nor the bag. A
very fmall wire will inftantly melt and inftandy cool in
the flame of a common candle.
Mr. Kinnefley inclofed a fmall wire in a goofe quill
filled with loofe grains of gunpowder, which took fire
as readily as if they had been touched by a red hot
poker ; tinder was kindled when tied to a piece of the
fame wire ; but no fuch effects could be produced with
a wire twice as large. Hence it appears, as Mr. Kin-
nefley remarks, that though the electrical matter has
no fenfible heat when in a ftate of reft, it will, in pafling
Chap. 6.] Conducing Rod*. 35*
through bodies, produce heat iti them, provided they
are proportionally fmall. Thus, in pafllng through
the fmall wire, the particles are confined to a narrower
paflage, and, crowding clofe together, act with a more
condenied force, and produce fenfible heat *
The difcovery of Dr. Franklin, which eftablifhed
the identity of lightning with the electrical fluid, fug-
gefted an invention, for which we are indebted to the
fame philofopher, for fecuring buildings from this moft
formidable enemy. The reader will perceive that I
allude to that of metallic conductors.
Suppofe Fig. 4. Plate XXVI. to reprefentthe gable
end of a houfe, fixed vertically on the horizontal board
F G ; a fquare hole is made in the gable end at b i 9 into
which a piece of wood is fixed ; a wire is inferted in
the diagonal of this little piece j two wires are alfo
fitted to the gable end ; the lower end of one wire
terminating at the upper corner of the fquare hole,
the top of the other wire is fixed to its lower corner;
the brafs ball on the wire may be taken off, in order
that the pointed end may be occafionally expofed to
receive the explofion.
Experiment. Place a jar with its knob in contact
with the conductor, connect the bottom of the jar
with the hook H, then charge the jar, and bring the
ball under the conductor, and the jar will be dif-
charged by an explofion from the conductor to the
ball of the houfe. The wires and chain being all in
connection, the fire will be conveyed to the outfide of
the jar without affecting the houfe ; but if the fquare
piece of wood Is pLiced (b that the wires are not con-
nected, but the communication cut off, the electric
fluid, in pafllng to the outfide of the bottle, will throw
* Pneftley^ Hilt, of Elecl. p. 394.
3 5 2 Conductors fo preferring Buildings. [Book IV.
out the little piece of wood to a confiderable diftance,
by the natural force of the explofion.
Unfcrew the ball, and let the point which is under-
neath be prefented to the conductor, and then you will
not be able to charge the jarj for the fharp point
draws the fire filendy from the conductor, and conveys
it to the coating on the outfide of the jar.
The prime conductor in this experiment is fup-
pofed to reprefent a thunder cloud difcharging its con-
tents on a weather-cock, or any other metal, at the
top of a building; and it may be inferred from this
experiment, that if there is a connection of metal to
conduct the electric fluid down to the earth, the
building will receive no damage j but where the con-
nection is imperfect, it will ftrike from one part to
another, and thus endanger the whole building.
Elevated conductors, applied to -buildings to fecure
them from lightning, will in this, manner difcharge the
electricity from a cloud that pafles over them, and a
greater quantity of the difcharge will pafs through a
pointed conductor, than through one which termi-
nates with a ball ; but whether the difcharge will be
made by a gradual current, or by explofion, will de-
pend upon the fuddennefs of the difcharge, on the
nearnefs and motion of the cloud, and the quantity of
the electricity contained in it. If a fmall cloud hangs
fufpended under a large one loaded with electric mat-
ter, pointed conductors on a building underneath will
receive the difcharge by explofion, in preference to
thofe terminated by balls, the fmall cloud forming an
interruption, which allows only an inftant of time for
the difcharge *.
Vifcount Mahon (now Earl Stanhope) has com-
* Mr. Adams's Effay on Eleft. p. 1 86.
Chap. 6.] tfbtjafeft Situation in a thunder Storm. 353
municated to the public, in a treatife on this fubject *,
fome effentials to be obferved in the erection of con-
ductors to buildings : he advifes, that the uyper fif-
teen or twenty inches of the -rod fhould be compofed
of copper> and not of iron, as the latter, being expofed
to the weather, will ruft, and ruft does not conduct
electricity j that the iron part of the rod fhould Jbe
painted, but not the upper part of it, becaufe paint is
no conductor He further advifes, that the upper ex-
tremity of a conducting rod Ihould not only be accu-
rately pointed and finely tapered, but that it .fhould
be extremely prominent, about ten or fifteen feet above
all the parts of the building which are the neareft it.
It may be added, that a conductor Ihould always be
carried in the earth fome feet beyond the foundation
of the building, and Ihould, if poffible, terminate in
The fafeft fituation during a thunder ftorm is the
Cellar j for when a perfon is below the furface of the
earth, the lightning muft ftrike it before it can reach
him, and will of courfe, in all probability, be expend-
ed on it. Dr. Franklin advifes perfons apprehenfive
of lightning to fit in the middle of a. room, not un-
der a metal luftre, or any other conductor, and to lay
their feet up upon another chair. It will be ftill fafer,
he adds, to lay two or three beds or mattrefles, in the
middle of the room, and folding them double> to place
the chairs upon them. A hammock fufpended by
filk cords would be an improvement upon this appa-
ratus. Perfons in fields fhould prefer the open parts
to the vicinity of trees, &c. The diftance of a thun-
der ftorm, and confequently the danger, is not difficult
to be eflimated. As light travels at the rate of
* Principles of Eleftricity, p. 205.
VOL. I. A a 72,420
3 54 Cautions againjl tie Fear of Lightning. [Book IV.
75,420 leagues in a fecond of time, its effects may be
confidered as inftantaneous within any moderate dif-
tance. Sound, on the contrary, is tranfmitted only at
the rate of 1,142 feet, or about 380 yards in a fecond.
By accurately obferving therefore the time which in-
tervenes between the flafh and the noife of thunder
which follows it, a very near calculation may be made
of its diftance, and I know no better means of remov-
ing unneceffary apprehenfions.
The fuccefs of Dr. Franklin, in afcertaining the
caufe of thunder and lightning, induced fucceeding
philofophers to apply the fame theory to the expla-
nation of the other atmofpherical phenomena. From
a number of obfervations, the indefatigable Beccaria
endeavours to account for the rifing of vapours and
the fall of rain, upon electrical principles ; and, ic
mud be confefied, that if it is not a primary agent in
thefe effects, it would be rafhnefs entirely to deny its
influence. This philofopher fuppofes, that previous
to rain a quantity of electric matter efcapes from the
earth, and in its afcent to the higher regions of the
air collects and conducts into its path a great quan-
tity of vapours. The fame caufe that collects will
condenfe them more and more, till in the places of the
neareft intervals they come almoft into contact, fo as
to form fmall drops, which, uniting with others as
they fall, come down in rain. The rain he fuppofes
to fall heavier in proportion as the electricity is more
Hail, he fuppofes to be formed in the higher regions
of air, where the cold is intenie, and where the elec-
tric matter is very copious. In thefe ' circumflances,
a great number of particles of water are brought near
together, where they are frozen, and in their defcent
collect other particles j fo that the denfity of the fub-
ftancc of the hail-ftone grows lefs and lefs from the
9 center,
Chap. 6.] Aurora Bortalls. 35$
center, this being formed firft in the higher Re-
gions, and the furface being collected in the lower.
Agreeably to this, it is obferved, that on mountains,
hail-ftones as well as drops of rain are very fmall,
there being but a fmall fpate through which they
can fall.
Clouds of fnbw differ in nothing from clouds of
tain, but iti the circumftance of the cold which freezes
trrem. Both the regular diffufion of fnow, and the
regularity of the parts of which it confifts, fiiew the
clouds of fnow to be actuated by fome uniform caufe
like electricity *.
Confident with this theory is the fact, that vapours
never rife to a great height without producing me-
teors. Almoft all volcanic eruptions are accompa-
nied with lightning. The column of vapour, which
proceeds from the bowels of a volcano, is continually
traverfed by lightning, which fometimes feems to pro-
ceed from the higher regions, fometimes from the co-
lumn itfelf. Thefe lightnings were obferved by the
younger Pliny, in the eruption which killed his uncle ;
and Sir William Hamilton has obferved them feveral
times. The aurora borealis is alfo generally fuppofed
to be electrical -, its light feems to be produced by the
electric fluid, while it is condenfed in palling in the
columns of elevated vapour f.
* Prieftiey's Hift. Elert. vol. 1.
} Mr. Adams's defcription of this meteor, in his Lectures, Is
as follows : ' The appearances of the aurora come under four dif-
ferent descriptions. ift, A horizontal light, like the morning
aurora, or break of day. 2dly, Fine, {lender, luminous beams,
Well denned, and of denfe light. Thefe often continue a quarter,
an half, or a whole minute, apparently at reft, but oftener with a
quick lateral motion. 3dly, Flaihes pointing upward, or in the
fame direction as the- beams, which they always fucceed. Thefe
are only momentary, and have no lateral motion ; but they are
A a 2 generally
356 -Water-fronts. [Book IV.
It was inti mated that water- fpouts were among the
phenomena, which fome philosophers have attempted
to explain on electrical principles. A water-fpout is a
generally repeated many times in a minute. They appear much
broader, more diffofe, and of a weaker light than the beams : they
grow gradually fainter till they difappear ; and fometrmes con-
tinue for hours, flafliing at intervals. 4thly, Arches, nearly in the
form of a rainbow : thefe, whu>n complete, go quite acrofs the
heavens, from one point of the horizon to the oppofhe point.
When an aurora happens, thefe appearances fcem to fucceed
each other in the following order : i. the faint
arches : 2. the beams ; and, 3. the fiafhes. As for the northern
horizontal light, it appears to confilt of an abundance of fiafhes, or
beams, blended together by the fuuation of the obferver.
' The beams of the aurora borea'is appear at all places to be
arches of great circles of the fphere, with the eye in the center ;
and thefe arches, if prolonged upwards, would all meet in one
' The rainbow-like arches all crofs the magnetic meridian at
right-angles. When two or more appear at once, they are con-
entric, and trnd to the call and weft ; alfo the broad arch cf the
horizontal light tends to the magnetic eaft and wed, and is bi-
.fecled by the magnetic meridian ; and when the aurora extends
ver any part of the hemifphere, whether great or final!, the line
fcparating the illuminr.ted part of the herqifphere from the clear
part, is half the circumference, of a great circle crofting the mag-
netic meridian at right-angles, and terminating in the eaft ar.d
weft : moreover, the beams, perpendicular to the hori/.on, are only
. thofe on the magnetic meridian.
' That point in the heavens to which the beams of the aurora
appear to converge, at any place, is the fame as that to which the
fouth pole of the dipping needle points at that place.
' The beams appear to rife above each other in fucceffion ; fo
..that of any two beams, that Which has the higher bafe. has alfo the
higher fummir.
Every beam appears broadcft at or near the bafe, and to grow
narrower as i afcends j fa that the continuation of the bounding
lines would meet in the common center to which the beam tends.
' The height of the rainbow-like arches of the aurora are ef!i-
mated by Mr. Dahon to be above the earth's furfacc about 150
milis.' ^(iarm's Le3ttr,s, vol. iv. p. 542.
Chap. 6".] Ajcending and defending Water-Jpouts. 357
moft formidable phenomenon, and is indeed capable
of canfing great ravages. It commonly begins by a
cloud, which appears very fmall, and which mariners
call the fquall, which augments in a little time into an
enormous cloud of a cylindrical form, pr that of a
reverfed cone, and produces a noifc like an agitated
fea, fometimes emitting thunder and lightning, and
alfo large quantities of rain or hail, furBcient to in-
undate large veffels, ovcrfet trees and houfes, and
every thing which oppofes its violent impetuofity.
Thefe water-fpouts are more frequent at fea than
by land, and failors are fo convinced of their dan-
gerous confequences, that when they perceive their
approach, they frequently endeavour to break them by
firing a cannon before they approach too near the
fhip. They have alfo been known to have committed
great devaluations by land : though, where there is no
water near, they generally aflame the harmlefs form
of a whirlwind.
In accounting for thefe phenomena upon electrical
principles, it is obferved, that the effluent matter pro-
ceeds from a body actually electrified towards one
which is not fo ; and the affluent matter proceeds from
a body not electrified towards one which is actually
fo. Thefe two currents occafion two motions anala-
gous to the electrical attraction and repulfion. If the
current of the effluent matter is more powerful than
the affluent matter, which in this cafe is compofed of
particles exhaled from the earth, the particles of va-
pours, which compofe the cloud, are attracted by this
effluent matter, and form the cylindrical column, called
the defcending water Jpcut ; if, on the contrary, the
affluent matter is the ftrongeft, it attracts a fufficient
quantity of aqueous particles to form gradually into
A a 3 a cloud,
35* Dffcription ,of [Book IV.
a cloud, and this is commonly termed the afcending
A different explanation of thcfe phenomena hat
been, however, given by other philofophers, and to this
it will be proper to advert in the fucceeding book>
which treats of the nature and properties of air *.
* Mr. Nicholfon, who has given both theories, has the follow-
ing obfervations, which greatly ftrengthen the hypothecs which.
afcribes thefe phenomena to electricity :- * It was obferved of
water-fpouts, that the convergence of winds, and their confequeut
whirling motion, was a principal caufe in producing that effeft;
but there are appearances, which caji hardly be foJved by fuppof-
ing that to be the only caufe. They often vanifh, and prefently
appear again in the fame place ; whitifh ox yellowifh flames have
fometimes been feen moving with prodigious fwiftnefs about them*
and whirlwinds are obferved to eleftrify the apparatus very ftrongly.
The time of their appearance is generally thofe months which are
peculiarly fubjeft to thunder-ftorms, and they are commonly pre-
ceded, accompanied, or followed by lightning, the previous itate of
the air being alike in both cafes. And the long eftablifhed cuf-
tom, which the failors have, of prefenting (harp fwords to difperfe
them, is no inconfiderablecircumftance in favour of the fuppofition
of their being electrical phenomena. Perhaps the afcending mo-
tion of the air, by which the whirling is produced, may be the
current known to iflue from ele&rified points, as the form of the
protuberance in the fea is fomewhat pointed; and the elcftrified
drop of water may afford confiderable light in explaining this ap-
'i vol. ii. p. 361.
Chap.;.] [ 359
Declaration of the Abbe Nollet on this Subjett. Mr. Adams an Ad-
'vacate for Medical Electricity. M-bde of Application, Difiafes
to 'which it may be applied. Apparatut mojl proper for Medical
THE declaration of Abbe Nollet, that he received
more pleafure from difcovering that the motion
of fluids in capillary tubes, and the infenfible perfpira-
tion of animated bodies, were augmented by electricity,
than from any other difcovery he had made, reflects
the higheft honour upon his character as a friend of
Mr. Adams, who was not inferior in humanity and
philanthropy to the French philofopher, ftrongly con-
tends for the medicinal effects of electricity, and brings
to aid his arguments the acknowledged property in
the electric fluid, to accelerate the vegetation of plants.
We may indeed be convinced, by a variety of experi-
ments, that the electric fluid is materially connected
with the human frame, and is continually exerting its
influence upon it. As the natural equilibrium of this
fluid is eafily deftroyed in the human body, we may
fafely infer, that any alteration in the quantity or in-
tenfity of the action of this powerful fluid, will produce
correfponding changes In the habit or health of the
body. The following experiment proves the effect of
this fluid upon organized bodies.
A a 4 Let
360 Medical [Book IV.
Let the charge of a large jar or battery pafs from
the head to the back of a moufej if the mock is fuf-
ficiently ftrong, it will kill the animal. If the dif-
charge is made in the fame manner after its death, the
fluid will pafs vifibly over the body, and not through
it; from which circumftance we may infer, that the
power or medium which tranfmitted the fhock through
the animal is loft with its life.
The late Dr. Cullen was of opinion, that electricity,
when properly applied, is one of the mod powerful
flimulants that can be employed to act upon the aer-
vous fyftem of animals.
Mr. Adams, therefore, infers, from various experi-
ments, that electricity is applicable to palfies, rheuma-
tifms, intermittents j to fpafm, obftruction, and inflam-
mation. In forgery alfo, he adds, it has considerable
effect. The gout, the fcrophuk) or king's evil, are
ranked among thofe difeafes to which this remedy is
applicable j and there is reafon to fuppofe, that in the
beginning of thefe difeafes its application has been oc-
cafionally fuccefsful.
Modern electricians have contrived various modes
for applying the electric fluid to the remedy of difeafes.
The ftream of this fluid may, without a fhock, be
made to pafs through any part of the body j it may
alfo be thrown, upon, or extracted from, any part j and
its action in each cafe may be varied, by caufing the
fluid to pafs through materials which refift its palfage
in different degrees j it may be applied to the naked
integuments, or to the (kin covered with different re-
fifling fubftancesj and its power may be rarified or
condenfed, confined to one fpot, or more diffufed, as
the difcretion of the operator may direct him.
The apparatus the mod proper for thefe medicinal
operations is, an electrical machine with an infulated
Chap. 7.] Eleftricitj. 361
cufhion, properly conftructed to afford a continued and
ftrong ftream of the electrical fluid.
The total want of experimental knowledge upon this
fubject, difables me from deciding upon the efficacy
of this remedy. Electricity is certainly a powerful
agent in nature, but its effects are tranfient, and the
cafe with which the fluid is tranfmitted through the hu-
man body will probably operate againft its producing
a permanent effect. Thus far, however, may with
truth be advanced, that it is a fafe and, eafy remedy,
and therefore mould never be omitted where there is a
chance of doing good. Medical men are, however,
the only proper judges when it ought to be applied ;
^nd it ihould be a maxim, that the fafeft and mofl in-
noxious medicines may have the moft fatal confe-
(juences in unikilful hands.
Vague Notions ?f the early Chemifis.Van Hetment.Choak and Fire
Damp. Mr. oy!e.Di/coveries of Dr. Hales. Of Dr. Black.
Of Dr. PrieJtley.Of Mr. CavendiJh.Of Lavoi/ter. Vital or
dtphlogijiicated Air dif covered by Dr. Priejlley. Composition of
Water and ofNitrout Air discovered by Mr. Cavend'ijh.
THOSE aerial fluids, which in their nature and
effects are different from the air of our atmo-
fphere, did not efcape the notice of the early chemifts;
but they paid little attention to the nature of them,
contenting themfelves with giving them a name which
meant nothing, denominating them, in general, Jpiritus
Van Helmont diftinguilhed them by the name of
gas, which he defined to be a fpirit or incoercible va-
pour, as the word gas, or rather ghoaft, in the Dutch
language, fignifies. He fuppofes the gas to have been
retained by the fubftances from which it is extracted,
in a fixed or concrete form. He afitrts, that fixty-
two pounds of charcoal contain fixty-one of gas, and
only one of earth, and attributes the fatal effects which
Chap, i.] Cboak and Fire Damp* 363
workmen experience occafionally in mines to the eman-
cipation of this fpirit. On the fame principle he ac-
counts for the eructations from the ftomach and
bowels, and for the floating of drowned bodies j and
he concludes by determining, that this gas is a fluid of
a nature quite different from that of our common air.
The exigence of two different kinds of vapour, or
elaftic fluids, had been previoufly obferved in mines
and coal-works : the one was obferved to affect ani-
mals with a fenfe of fuffocation, and to extinguifh life,
and it therefore obtained the name of the cboak-dampi
the other, from the dangerous property of catching fire
when a candle or any ignited body was brought in
contact with it, was termed the fire-damp.
A fpecimen of the tire-damp, or inflammable air,
was collected from a coal-mine of Sir James Lowther,
in Cumberland, and brought up in bladders to be ex-
hibited to the Royal Society at London, in the year
1733; and in the year 1736 Mr. John Maud pro-
cured, from the folution of iron in oil of vitriol, a
quantity of the very fame fpecies of inflammable air,
and demonftrated that the fame might be procured
from moil of the metals in certain circumftances.
The experiments of Van Helmont were greatly im-
proved upon by the fagacious Boyle. He changed
the name of gas to that of artificial air; he demon-
ftrated, that this artificial air was not always the fame;
for inftance, that the air produced by fermentation is
efientially different from that which is formed from
the explofion of gunpowder. He was, I believe, the
firft who perceived that the volume of air was di-
minifhed by the eombuftion of certain fubftances.
This laft obfervation of Mr. Boyle feems particu-
larly to have attrafted the attention of the indefatigable
Dr. Hales, and he invented inftruments for determin-
364 Dr. Hales. [Book V.
ing the quantities both of the air, which was on fomc
occafions produced, and on other occafions abforbed,
by different fubftances. Thefe experiments deferve
the attention of every philofopher, and for accuracy or
ingenuity have never been exceeded *.
Among other circumftances, which were particu-
larly remarked by Dr. Hales, was the great quantity of
air contained in the acidulated mineral waters, and to
this air he fufpected they were indebted for their fpark-
]ing and brightnefs, and fome other of their peculiar
qualities. In obferving the abforption of air by bodies
in combuftion, he faw that this abforption had its li-
mits : he remarked alfo, in fome cafes, the alternate
production and abforption of air, as for inftance in re-
fpect to the air which he produced from the burning
of nitre, which air, he obferved, was very foon di-
minifhed in bulk, though he did not perceive that
the abforption was owing to the water, which he
always ufed in his experiments. The production
of an air capable of inflammation from the diftilla-
tion of certain fubftances did not efcape his obferva-
tionj and he has advanced, that the augmentation
of weight in the metallic calces was in fome de-
gree owing to the air which they imbibed. That the
phofphorus of Homberg diminifhes the air in which
it is burned i that nitre cannot explode in vacuo ; and
that air is in general neceflary to the cryftallization of
falts, are among the fads which are noticed by this
From the uncertainty, however, of Dr. Hales and
his predeceftbrs, with rrgard to fcveral material cir-
cumftances, of which they appear to have had fome
cafual glimpfes, and from their total ignorance of others*
* See Hales's Vegetable Statics, pajjim.
Chap, i.] Dr. Black, Mr. Cavendi/b, fcfr.
the doctrine of the aerial fluids was but in a ftate of
infancy, till the decifive experiments of Dr. Black,
Mr. Cavendifh, and Dr. Prieftley, furnifhed us with a
new fyftem in this important department of natural
The firfl of rhefe philofophers obferved, that lime
and magnefia, in their mild ftate, confift of an union
of a certain aerial fluid with the earthy bafe j that this
aerial matter is actually extracted by the operation of
burning, which reduces ordinary calcareous earth to
the ftate of quick-lime; and th.;t it is afterwards re*
abforbed by the quick-lime when expofed to the air.
On this principle he was able, not only to account for
the lofs of weight by rhe burning of lime-ftone, but
to eftimate to the greateft nicety the additional weight
which it could acquire from the atmofphere. He ex-
tracted the gas, to which he gave the name of fixed
or fixable air, alfo by another procefs, namely, by dif-
folving the calcareous earth in acids; he found thaj
the caufticity of lime depended upon its violently at-
tracting from, vegetable ,and animal matter a portion of
that air of which it hacl been deprived, and that upon,
this principle he was enabled to render cauflic the al-
kaline falts.
To Mr. Cavendifh the fecond place in the order of
this hiftory belongs. He purfued th-s experiments of
Dr. Black, and afcertained the quantity of fixed air
which could be retained by the fixed and volatile al-
kalis. He accounted for the nature of acidulated
waters, by the fixable air which they contained. He
procured a fpecies of inflammable air from folutions
of iron and zinc in vitriolic acid j and he was the firft
who remarked, that a folution of copper in fpirit of
fait, inltead of yielding inflammable air, lilie that of
366 Dr. Prufty. [Book ^
iron or zinc, afforded a particular fpecies of air, which
loft its clafticity by coming in contact with water.
Dr. Prieftley commenced his philofophical career
byjbfne experiments upon fixable air; and the firft of
his communications to the public related to the im-
pregnating of water with this air, by means of chalk
and oil of vitriol, a method firft hinted by Dr. Brown-
riggof Whitehaven, and now commonly practifed irt
the imitations of the acidulated mineral waters* The
Doctor tried the power of fixnble air upon animal and
vegetable life, and found it fatal to both; and he made other valuable experiments, the fubftance of
which will be related in the chapter on fixed air*
The indefatigable mind of Dr. Prieftley was hot>
however, to be fatisfied with the inveftigation of a fmglc
object. He next turned his attention to the nature of
atmofpheric air. He obfcrved, after Dr. Hales, its
diminution by different procefTes, as. by combuftion,
&c. but differed as to the caufe. Dr. Hales fuppofed
the fpecific gravity of the air to be increafed ; but Dr*
Prieftley judged, that the denfer part of the air is pre*
cipitated, and that the remainder is actually made
lighter. The difcovery that the atmofpheric air is
purified by vegetation is alfo Dr. Prieftlcy's.
On purfuing the experiments of Mr. Cavendifli on
inflammable air, the Doctor found that it was not only
producible from iron and zinc, but from every inflam-
mable iubftancc whatever.
Dr. Prieftley difcovered the caufe that air, which
has been refpired, is fatal to animal life, to be, that it
becomes impregnated with fomething ftimulating to
the lungs, for they are affected in the fame manner ai
when expofcd to any other kind of noxious air. His
experiments on the means of reftoring falubrity to air
are highly interefting and entertaining, and afford a
Chap, i.] M. Lavoijier.
pleafing inftance of well-directed afliduity. But one
of the mod (Inking difcoveries of this phiJofbpher is,
that the nitrous air, which he procured from the fo-
lution of certain metals in the nitrous acid, had the pro-
perty of diminifhing a quantity of the pureft part of the
common air, the remainder being by this procefs ren-
dered noxious and unfit for combuftion j and upon
this principle nitrous air was for a long time received
as a teftofthe purity of the atmofphere, though it will
afterwards appear that this tell is imperfect. Dr.
Prieftley alfo purfued the laft mentioned experiment
of Mr. Cavendifh, and found that a fimple acid, or
alkali, might be made to affume the form of a per-
manently elaftic fluid; and thefe fluids he diftinguifhed
by the title of acid and alkaline airs. But to fpecify
all Dr. Prieftley's difcoveries, even in this very con-
cife manner, would greatly exceed my limits ; I muft
therefore be content with only curforily mentioning the
moft remarkable.
The publication of thefe experiments of the Englifh
philofophers excired the attention of feveral ingenious
foreigners; but the only difcoveries worthy of notice
in this place are thofe of M. Lavoifier. The experi-
ments of this philofopher, afcertaining the precife quan-
tity of water and elaftic fluid, which are contained in
flaked lime and mild alkali, alfo thofe upon the burn-
ing of.pholphorus, are the neateft and mod complete
that have ever been -publifhed. The only new <3if-
covery of any note, which we can attribute to him,
was, demonftrating that the calcination of metals is
owing to the abforption of a certain elaftic fluid ; but
he did not at firft perceive that this fluid was in any
refpect different from the fixable air produced by effer-
vefcing mixtures. In a memoir, however, which he
read after the publication of his elTays, before the
368 M.LavofJter. [Book V*
French Academy, he was of opinion, that the air which
is abforbed by the calcination of metals is common air,
but that it is of the very pureil kind, and more com-
buftible and refpirable than that in which we exift.
This opinion verges fo clofely upon the dephlogif-
ticated, vital, or empyreal air of Dr. Prieftley, that
were we not informed by good authority, that M. La-
voifier firft received from cur Englifh philofopher *
the hint of extracting air from mercurius calcinatus,
the circumftance would in fome meafure affcc~l the
priority of his claim to that great difcovery. Dr*
Prieftley confeffes, that accident, rather than a pre-
concerted plan, was his guide upon this occafion. He
had been employed in extracting air from differenc
fubftances, and in particular in the converfion of the
different acids into fluids permanency elaftic. Among
the fubftances from which he endeavoured to extract
air was calcined mercury, which afforded it in confi-
derable quantities ; and upon applying the different tefts,
he found this air of a purer nature than the common
atmofpheric air. The air which was produced from,
red precipitate was equally pure with that which was
afforded by the mercurius calcinatus per Je t A fimilar
product was procured from red and white lead, from a
variety of fubftances moiftened with fpirit of nitre ;
laftly, from common nitre itfelf, from fedative fait, and
Roman vitriol. I omit noticing a number of erroneous
opinions, which were ftarted in the infancy cf the
fcience, as my prefent bufinefs is only to trace- the flepa
by which our knowledge has been gradually improved
in this department of nature.
Dr. Prieftley continued his experiments on inflam-
mable air, and found that all the metals which yield ic
* PricRIcy on Air, voh ii. p. 36, and 320.
Chap, i.] Great Difcevery of Mr. Cavendijh.
when diflblved in acids, yielded it by means of- heac
alone i his mode of extracting it was by fubjecting the
filings of the different metals in vacuo to the action
of a burning glafs.
The next remarkable, and perhaps the moft impor-
tant difcoyery, was that of Mr. Cavendifh, which has
explained to us the nature, and compofition of water.
Mr. Cavendifh was led to this great difcovery by the
experiment of Mr. Warltire, related by Dr. Pricftley,
in which it was found, that on firing a mixture of com-
mon and inflammable air by the electric fpark, a lofs
of weight always enfued, and that the infide of the vef-
fel in which it was fired became always moid or dewy,
though ever fo carefully dried before. On repeating
the experiment, Mr. Cavendifh did not perceive the
diminution of weight which Mr. Warkire fuppofed to
take place, but the latter effect was completely exem-
plified. In profecuting the experiment, it appeared,
that it was only the pure or empyreal part, that is about
one-fourth, of the common air which was confumed,
and the water produced was perfectly taftelefs and
pure ; on mixing empyreal with inflammable air in a
due proportion, and pafllng through them an electric
fpark, the whole portion loft its elafticity, and was con-
denfed into water.
Mr. Cavendifh fmrfued his experiments with re-
markable fuccefs, to afcertain the conflituent principles
of phlogifticated air, or that which conftitures the im-
pure and unrefpirable portion of the atmofpheric air,
and by pafiing the electric fpark through common air,
and through a certain mixture of empyreal and phlo-
gifticated airs, he was able totally to condenfe the lat-
ter, and to afcertain its constituent principle to be the
fame with that of nitrous acid, with (as he then thought)
a fmall portion of inflammable matter. In this latter
VOL. I. E b opinion,
376 Cavehdijh and Lavoificf. [Book V.
opinion, however, he has fmce been corrected by La-
voifier, and other modern chemifts, who have proved
that azotic, or phlogifticated air (as it is called by the
Englifli chemifts) is no other than the bafis of the
nitrous acid *.
On thefe experiments and difcoveries the whole of
the modern fyftem of chemiftry and phyfiology is
founded ; but their importance will be more completely
proved, in treating more at large of the different fpe-
cies of air, and of the fucceeding fubjech, in thefe vo-
* In Mr. Cavendifh's Experiment, as he probably ufed air
which had been rendered impure by combuftion, fome fmall por-
tion of charcoal or other inflammable matter might be contained
in the air.
Ghap. 1.] [ 371 ]
Explanation of Terms. Reafons for the different Names ajfigned to
this Fluid. Ho-w procured. From Calces of Metals, By Pege-
iation.-. From Water. Properties of Oxygen Gas. A powerful
Agent in the Syjlem of Nature. - Ho-iv ejfential to Flame and Life.-
Various Modes provided by Nature for furnijbing a Supply of thit
IT has been already intimated that&r, fignifying
fpirit or ebullition, was a term employed by Van
Helmont, and other Dutch and German chemifts, to
clefcribe thofe elaftic fluids, which appeared in their
nature different from common or atmofpheric air.
From the preceding hiftory of fire or caloric, the
reader will be at ho lofs to underftand, that every
aeriform fluid confifls of a bafts, or matter peculiar to
itfelf combined with the matter of heat, which is in-
deed the real efficient caufe of all fluidity whatever.
The word gas has therefore been employed by the
French chemifts to denote an aeriform Auid compofed
of a certain bafis, which gives it its peculiar character,
combined with the matter of heat or fire. It will be
alfo proper to remember, that of thofe fluids which
are termed elaftic, fome are permanently elaftic, as the
aeriform fluids, others, fuch as common vapour from
water, are condenfible by coldj and that it is only
of the former kind that we have now to treat.
The fluid under our immediate confidcration was
originally termed dephlogifticated air, a name given it
Bb 2 by
37 2 Different Namts ajpgned to this Fluid. "[Book V.
by Dr. Prieflley from fuppofing it free from phlogifton
or inflammable matter ; when it was found effential to
animal life, it obtained the name of pure or vital air ;
and when it was found to contribute efientially to ig-
nition, and the other phenomena of fire, it was termed
empyreal air ; but the French chemifts, having difco-
vered that it is the fubftance which imparts the acid
character to all the mineral and vegetable acids, have
cliftinguifhed it by the name of oxygen * gas.
Oxygen, or the bafis of oxygen gas, is naturally or
artificially combined with a great variety of fubftances.
From fome of theie it may be detached by the fimple
application of heat, fince it has a remarkable attrac-
tion for the matter of fire, with which, when it unites,
-it becomes expanded, and aflumes the form of gas
or air.
The fubflances from which it may be moft eafily
f xtracted, by means of heat, are red lead, calcined
mercury, nitre, and manganefe. Dr. Prieftley ex-
.pofed a quantity of red lead in the focus of a burning
glafs twelve inches in diameter. A quantity of fixed
air, or carbonic acid gas, as it is now called, was al-
ways produced at firft ; but after that was fcparated,
the remainder was found to fupport flame, and to fuf-
tain animal life much more vigoroufly than common
air, and to have all the characters of dephlogifticated
air, or oxygen gas.
By fucceeding experiments of Dr. Prieftley and
others it however appears, that dephlogifticated or
oxygen air, may be obtained not only by means of
heat, but alto by the action of the vitriolic and nitrous
* From o|v; (oxus) " fharp or acid," and yt\i'.py.\ (ginomai)
" to beget or produce." Oxygen is then literally tke principk
'r fubftance producing acids.
VOL.1 .p. 3 7.3-
Chap. 2.] Hbw Oxygen Gas may be obtained. 373
acids upon a variety of mineral and metallic fub-
In a fmall phial AB (Plate XXIX. Fig. i.) to
the mouth of which is fixed a bent tube C D, put an
ounce of the oxid of mercury, or hydrargyrus calci-
natm ; put it to heat over the chaffing difli R; and
after the atmofpheric air, which rilled the phial, is etf-
haufted, place the extremity D of the bent tube under
a long narrow glafs verTd (Fig. 2.) filled with the-
fluid in. the pneumatic apparatus or tub (Fig. 3.) and
place this w-Tel upon the board E F above the aper-
ture c or d *.
As the mercury revives and becomes liquid, a com*
preflible, elaftic, tranfparent fluid may be obferved
to difengage itfclf, and pafs into that narrow glafs vef-
fel ; this is air of the pureft kind that we are able to
procure, namely, vital air or oxygen gas.
This kind of air may alfo be obtained by the fame
procefs, from the native oxid or calx of manganefe, or
from minium or red lead, which, it is well known, is an
oxid of lead, or lead united with oxygen.
The better to underftand thefe effects it mud be
recollected, as was obferved in the beginning of this
chapter, that this fluid is not found in thefe fubftances
in an entire Hate; they only contain the bafis of ir a
which is the oxygen \ for metals neither calcine nor
burn but in confequence of their combination with
oxygen, which by that means becomes folid, and joins
its weight with theirs. This oxygen is then expelled
by the heat or caloric, which, combining with it, caufes
it to pafs into the ftate of an elaftic fluid during this
procefs, the metal, lofmg the oxygen which had re-
duced it to the ftate of an oxid or calx, aflurfies its
Traite Elem. de Phyf. torn, ii. p. 2 j.,
B b 3 metallic
374 Means of obtaining pure y&>. [Book V,
metallic properties, and lofes the weight which it had
acquired in becoming oxidated *.
There is, however, a method by which oxygen gas
may be obtained with lefs heat and greater facility,
and it is as follows ; put fome red lead into a bottle,
together with fome good ftrong oil of vitriol, but with-
out any water. Let the red lead fill about a quarter
of the bottle, and the vitriolic acid be about the fame
quantity, or very little lefs ; then apply the bent tube
to the bottle by inferting it through a cork, and hav-
ing inverted another bottle filled with water in a bafon
about half- filled alfo with water, direct the other enc|
of the crooked tube into the bottle inverted in the
water. In this ftage of the procefs we mud obfervc,
that without heat this mixture of red lead and vitriolic
acid will not afford any oxygen air, or a very incon-
fiderable quantity ; it is necefTary, therefore, to apply
the flame of a candle or wax taper to the bottle con-
taining the ingredients, while the crooked tube opens
a communication between this bottle and that inverted
in the water. In this manner the red lead will yield
a quantity of elaftic fluid, which will pafs through the
crooked tube into the inverted bottle, and as the quan-
tity of dephlogifticated air increales in the inverted
bottle, the water in it will be feen to fubfide j this air
will not be ail pure, becaufe a confiderable quantity of
fixed air enters with it. In order to feparate the fixeci
from the pure air, the inverted bottle, when filled with
the compound pf both, muft be agitated in a bafon of
lime water, by which means the lime water will abforbj
the whole of the fixed air, and leave the dephlo?
gifticated air or oxygen gas by itfelf.
.Oxygen gas may alfo be obtained in confiderabls
* Briflbn, torn. ii. p. 25.
Chap. 2.] Purt Air by Means of Vegetatim. 375
quantities from water, efpecially from pump water,
which, when cxpofed to the fun, emits air flowly ;
but after it has remained fb for a considerable time, a
green matter adheres to the bottom and fides of the
glafs veffel in which it remained - y afterwards it emits
pure air in great quantities, and continues to do fo for
a long time after the green matter has exhibited fymp-
toms of decay by turning yellow.
Dr. Ingenhoufz rightly fuppofed this green matter
to belong to the vegetable- kingdom, and procured
pure air by putting the leaves of plants into water, and
expofing them to the fun. He obferves, that of land
vegetables the fitteft for this pnrpofe are the poifonous
plants, fuch as hyofcyamus, laurocerafus, night-fhade,
&c. But he extracted the pureft air from fome aqua^-
tic vegetables, and from turpentine trees, but efpecially
from the green matter he collected from a ftone
trough, which had been kept filled with water from 4
fpring near the high road.
While Dr. PrieflLey was engaged in a feries of ex-
periments to enable him to purify contaminated air,
he difcovered that vegetables anfwered this purpofe
moft effectually. The experiment by which he illuf-
trates his afTertion was this - } having rendered a quantity
of air very noxious, by mice breathing and dying in it,
he divided it into two receivers inverted in water, intro
ducing a fprig of mint into one of them, and keeping
the other receiver with the contaminated air in it alone.
He found, in about eight or nine days after, that the air
of the receiver, info which he had introduced the fprig
of mint, had become refpirable ; for a moufe lived
very well in this, but died immediately upon being
introduced into the other receiver, containing the con-,
taminated air alone.
B b 4 It
376 Count RumforcFs Experiments. [Book V.
It has fincc been obferved, that feveral animal lub-
ftances, as well as vegetables, have a power of fepa-
rating ck'phlogifticated air, or oxygen gas, from water,
when expofed to the action of the fun for a confider-
able time.
The ingenious Count Rumford obferved, that raw filk
has a remarkable power of producing pure air from wa-
ter. He found, that by introducing thu tv grains of this
fubftance, firft wafhed in water, into a thin glals globe
four inches and a half in diameter, having a cylindrical
neck three- fourths of an inch wide and twelve inches
long, inverting the globe in a jar filled with the fame
kind of water, and expofmg it to the action of the fun
in the window, in lefs than ten minutes the filk be-
came covered with an infinite number of air bubbles,
gradually increafmg in fize, till at the end of two
hours the filk was buoyed up, by their means, to the
top of the water. They feparated themfdves by de-
grees, and formed a collection of air in the upper part
of the globe, which, when examined by the eftablifhed
teft, appeared to be very pure. In three days he col-
lected three an,d three-fourths of a cubic inch of pure air,
into which a wax taper being introduced, that had juft
before been blown out, the wick only remaining red, it
inftantly took fire, and burned with a bright and en-
larged flame. The water in the globe had acquired
the fmell of raw filk, it loft fomt thing of its tranlpa-
rency, and aflfumed a faint grcvhifh caft.
It \vas obferved, that when this experiment was
made in the dark, only a few inconfiderab^e bubbles
were formed, which remained attached to the filk -, nor
\vas it otherwife when the glafs globe was removed
into a German (love. In the latter cafe, indeed, fome
(ingle bubbles had detached themfelves from the filk^
Chap. 2.] Pure Air from Silk, &V. 377
and afcended to the top, but the air was in too fmali
3 quantity to be either meafured or proved.
In thefe experiments it is probable that the oxygen
or pure air was extracted by an a6tual deccmpofition
of a part of the water, by means of a capillary attrac-
tion, aided by the folar influence ; and in effect the
fame philofopher was enabled to extract it, though in
a fmaller quantity, by means of a number of very
minute glafs tubes immerfed in water and expofed to
The properties or functions of this fluid are fome
of the moft important in nature ; nor, except caloric
o- heat, is there any natural agent more univerfal or
more active.
i ft. It is elTential to combuftion ; nor do we know
of any procefs by which flame can be fupported with-
out a fupply of oxygen gas, or empyreal air.
idly. In certain proportions it is abfolutely necefiary
to fuftain animal life j fo that the whole animal creation
may be faid to depend upon this fluid for their exift-
3dly. Its bafis oxygen gives the acid character to all
mineral and vegetable falts, the bafes of which are found
to be entirely infipid till combined with oxygen.
4thly. The calcination of metals is altogether effect-
ed by their union with oxygen. Thus for moft of the
mineral pigments, and a very numerous clafs of medi-
cines, we are indebted to this ufeful element.
5thly. It forms a conftituent part of that necefFary
fluid, water, which confifts of 85 parts of oxygen, and
15 of hydrogen, or the bafis of inflammable air.
Oxygen gas, or air, is more elaftic than common
air ; it exceeds it alfo in fpecific gravity, for the pro-
portion between pure and common air is as 160 to
3y3 Properties of Oxygen Gas. [BookV.
On introducing a lighted candle into pure or dephlo-
gifticated air, the flame becomes larger and brighter ;
and whenever the air is very pure, the candle burns
with a crackling noife, as if the air contained fome
combuftible matter, while the tallow or wax wades,
or is conformed, incredibly raft. When after this pro-
cefs the candle is extinguifhed, it will be found that
two-thirds of the bulk of air employed will be con-
verted into fixed air. When the fixed air is taken up
by lime water or cauftic alkali, the fmall remainder
will be as pure as before.
In common procefles, not more than one-tenth of
the air employed is converted into fixed air. It is
probable, that in thefe experiments fome diminution in,
the volume of air muft take place, from the fuperior
gravity of fixed air, and the confequent condenfation
of the other,
If live coals are introduced into a veflel filled with
dephlogifticated air, it will be found to be diminifhed
one-fourth of its quantity. When this experiment is
repeated with fulphur, the flame will become larger
and more vivid than in common air, and three-fourths
of the quantity will be loft. If a piece of phofphorus,
is put into a feven ounce meafure of this kind of air,
the mouth of the bottle being corked, and the phof-
phorus being fet on fire within it, the phial will break
in pieces, as fopn as the flame is extinguiihed., by the
prerTure of the external air.
The purity of vital air is afcertained by its degree
of diminution with nitrous air, or gas obtained from
nitrous acid, and this proccfs is to be confidered as a.
jpecies of combuftion, efpecially as a cpnfiderable de-
gree of heat is generated by it. Very great differences,
however, are perceived in this refpecl } and according
to the quantity of diminution, the air is faid to be two,
Chap. 2.] Why purs Air is eflentlal to Life. 379
three, or four times better than common air. Dr.
Prieftley mentions Tome extracted from red lead five
times as pure as common air.
Pure or oxygen air is not abibrbed by water, nor
foluble in it j but it may, as was juft intimated, be al-
moft entirely condenfed by nitrous gas, with which it
combines, as will be proved when treating of that
fluid i and this combination is foluble in water,
and forms nitrous acid} for this acicj is compofed of
the bafis of nitrous gas combined with oxygen, the,
whole being diffolved in water.
The reafon that pure air is the moft eifcntial of all
the fluids to the fupport of life is, probably, becaufe a
great quantity of heat is neceffary for this purpofe, and
becaufe this fluid contains it in great quantity, and
parts with it very freely when it meets with any fub-
jftance for which it has itfelf a (Irong attraction. But as
its bafis (oxygen) combines itfelf very eafily with the
)bafis of coal which is found in the blood and lungs, and,
during this combination, lofespart of its caloric or heat,
which goes to the fupport of life, the remainder of
the caloric and oxygen, combined with the coal, form
t,he carbonic acid gas or fixable air, which is always
found to exift in a larger quantity in air which has
been refpired, than in atmofpherical air which has
not been fubfervient to that function. Of this a very
eafy experiment affords fufficient proof j it is founded
on the property which the carbonic gas has of render-
ing lime-water turbid. A crooked tube open at both
ends is partly filled with lime-water j a perfon applies
his mouth to one end of the tube, and infpires, by
drawing the air through the lime-water contained in
it. By this the tranfparency of the lime-water is not
affe&ed ; but it becomes turbid as foon as the perfon
xpires, which is owing to the carbonic acid formed
3So Vfe of Oxygen Gas in Reftlration. [Book V.
in the lungs. It is therefore the great attraction which
exifts between the matter of coal and the bails of pure
air which renders this fluid fo proper for breathing.
The pure air which we breathe performs two functions
equally necefritry to our prefervation ; it carries off
from the blood that matter of coal, the fuperabundancc
of which would be pernicious, and the heat which this
combination depofits in the lungs repairs the continual
lofs of heat which we experience from the attraction
of furrounding bodies. According to Dr. Prieftley
and others, the bafis of oxygen gas is alfo abforbed by
the blood.
Since, therefore, a great quantity of heat is difen-
gaged from pure air in refpiration, it follows, that this
fluid muft be very pernicious to animals who breathe
this air alone for a confiderable time; and this is con-
fonant with the obfervations of phyficians, who have
attempted to cure pthifis by the refpiration of vital
The bafis of this empyreal or pure air, or oxygen,
as the French chemifts term it, is one of the confti-
tuent parts of water. It has been mentioned, that it-
is alfo the matter which gives the acid character ta.
all the acids ; fulphur, for inftance, is a very innoxious,
infipid body, till by burning, that is by abforbing oxy-
gen, it becomes vitriolic acid. "Whether the bafis of
this empyreal air is a fimple or compound fubftance,
we are unable to determine j in the prefent ftate,
however, of philofophical knowledge, we are juftifiecl
in tonfidering it as a fimple elementary body, for it
has never yet been decompofed.
If the limits of this work permitted, or if the re-
fearches of philofophers had furniihed us with fufficient
materials, it would be a mofl pleafing fpeculation to
trace the wifdom of Providence in the very ample
8 meajis
Chap. 2.] Natural Proceflesfor its Production. 381
means which he has provided for fupplying us with
this necefiary fluid. It is evident, that immenfe quan-
tities of it are, by the various procefTes of combuftion,
deftroyed, or, to fpeak more philofophically, con-
denfed, and by its union with inflammable matter
formed into water. This water is again raifed into
the atmofphere in the form of vapour $ it falls in dew
or rain upon the leaves of plants, and there, by the
genial action of the folar rays, a new dccompofition
again takes place, and every branch, every leaf, every
blade of grafs, is occupied in the beneficial function of
again impregnating the atmofphere with this Talutary
fluid. The quantities too, which are abforbed by the
calces of metals, mufl be immenfe ; but by the va-
rious procefles for the fmehing and reduction of
thefe metals, the oxygen 'is again fet free, and a frefh
fupply is produced. Even the air, which is injured
by refpiration, is doubtlefs again, by a variety of
modes, the greater part concealed from our view, pu-
rified, and rendered once more fit for ufe, fince fixed
air, in a difengaged ftate, is, comparatively fpeaking,
but a rare fubftance in nature, and fince there is rea-
fon to fuppofe that many of the carbonic bodies may
be recruited alfo by its decompofition. Ignorance of
nature is proverbially the fole fource of atheifm ; and
who can contemplate this aftonHhing revolution, this
circulation of benefits, and not fmile at the extreme
. folly of the man, who can fuppofe thefe appointments
cftablifhed without intelligence or defign.
t 382 ] tBookV,
Azotic Gas is the unrefplralle Part of the Atmofphere. HO--W p r +-
cured. Air Bladders of Fijhes filled :yr:n of the water.
It is evident that a great -quantity of fixed air is pro-
duced, when vegetable or animal fubilances (efpecially
the former) are in a ilate of vinous fermentation. In
breweries there is always a ftratum of fixed air on the
furface of the fermenting liquor, reaching as high as
the edge of the vats; and it is owing to the produc-
tion and ekfticity of fixed air, that fermenting liquors,
when put into clofe veffels, often are known to burft
them with great violence.
DF. Prieftley, in order te determine the quantity of
fixed air contained in feveral fpecies of wine, took a
glafi phial (fitted with a ground ftopple and tube) ca-
6 pable
Chap. 4.] Fixed Air may fa procured. 387
pable of containing an ounce and half meafure. This
he filled with wine, plunging it into a vefiH of water.
The whole was then put over a fire, and the water in
which the phial was plunged fuffered to boil. The end
of the tube in the itopple being placed under the
mouth of an inverted receiver, filled with quickfilver,
the heat expelled the fixed air from the wine, which;
entering into the receiver, afcended in bubbles through
the quickfilver to the top, removing in its pafTage a
part of the metal, and afiuming its place in the receiver.
The refult of the Doctor's experiment may be inte-
refting to fome readers, and to others it may at leaft
afford entertainment.
1 - oz. of Madeira produced T i- of an oz. meaf. of fked air.
Port 6 years old - ? ' T
Hock of 5 years - -^
Barrelled Claret - T L
Tockay of 16 years ^
Champagne of z years - 2 oz. meafures.
Bottled Cyder of 12 years 3 f
"Fixed air may be eafily obtained by mixing together
equal parts of brown fugar and good yeafl of beer, and
adding about twice the quantity of water. This mix-
ture being put into a phial, to which a bent tube with
a cork or ftopple may be adapted* will immediately
ferment, and yield a confiderable quantity of fixed air,
which may be received into a phial filled with quick-
filver or water.
adly. Fixed air is produced by the refpiration of
animals ; in which cafe the oxygen of the air infpired
furni fives part of its heat to the fupport of life, and
combines with the carbonaceous or coaly matter,
which is difengaged from the blood in the lungs.
3dly. From what has been previoufly ftated it is evi-
dent, that fixed air may be produced by thfc combuf-
|ion of any carbonaceous or coally matter.
C c 2 4tbly.
3$ 8 Fixed Air from calcareous Earth. [Book V.
4thly. Fixed air is alfo extricated in large quantities
by the action of acids on calcareous earth.
Fill a phial or a glafs receiver with water, and in-
vert it (in the lame manner as clefcribed in the chapter
on dephlogifticated air) in a bafon half filled v.'ith wa-
ter. Then put fome chalk or marble grofsly pow-
dered into another bottle, fo as to fill about a fourth
or fch part of it, and pour water upon it until the
chalk is covered, then add fome vitriolic acid to
it, in quantity about the fourth or fifth part of
the water, and apply a cork with a tube as before
to the bottle, fo chat the extremity of the tube may
pafs through the water of the bafon into the neck of
the other bottle which is inverted in the water. The
mixture of chalk and oil of vitriol will then begin to
cffervefce, and heat is produced, which may be felt by
applying the hand to the outfide of the veffel. Fixed
air is copioufly emitted from this mixture, and, pafTmg
through the bent tube, will proceed into the bottle in-
verted in the water, and afcend to the top of it. By
thefe means the inverted bottle may be filled with fixed
air, and being corked under water, may be removed
from the baton and kept for ufe.
5thly. Fixed air is alfo expelled in large quantities,
by the application of heat only, from lime, chalk, mag-
nefia, or alkaline bodies, in what is called their mild
ftate, oppofed to cauftic; and by the experiments
of Dr. Black it was .found that this fubftance con-
ftituted nearly one-third of the weight of thofe bodies.
The alkalies and calcareous earths have confequently
a very powerful attraction for this fluid in their cauftic
ftate ; and it is therefore eafily condenfed by agita*
tion with lime water, as has been already intimated.
This gas was long known to miners by the name of
choakdamp, fo called from its fatal fuffocating effects;
Chap. 4,] Cboak Damp. ^89
and its properties may be enumerated in few words,
ift. It extinguifhes flame, id. It is fatal to animal
life. jd. It is heavier than common air. 4th. From
its acid character it refifts putrefaclion. ^th! It ren-
ders alkalies, &c. mild. 6th. Water, under the com-
mon prefiure of the atmofphere, and at a low tempe-
rature, abforbs fomewhat more than its bulk of this
gas, and in that ftate conftitutes a weak acid rather
agreeable to the tafte, whence fixed air is a conftituent
principle in moft mineral waters ; indeed the water of
Iprings and rivers is feldom free from it. yth. It is
alfo a conftituent principle of all fermented liquors,
If a lighted wax taper is let down into a bottle filled
with fixed air, the flame will be inftantly extinguimed,
and an animal inclofed in a veflel which contains it will
immediately expire.
This fixed air will be found to be much heavier than
common air ; its fpecific gravity being to that of com-
mon air as 151 is to 100.
From the greater .weight of this gas it always falls
to the bottom of the veflel in which it is contained.
An animal (as was before obferved) introduced into a
ftratum of this air immediately expires; and it is ow-
ing to the prefence of this fluid that the Grotto del
Cani in Italy is fatal to animals whole organs of refpi-
ration are placed below the level of the mouth of that
cavern. This gas may be poured out of one veflel
into another like water, or may be poured on a can-
dle, which it will extinguifh as effectually as that fluid.
Among the moft ufeful properties of fixed air, it
has been remarked, that water 'impregnated with it
becomes a powerful antifeptic. Moft of the famous
mineral waters may be imitated by impregnating wa-
ter with fixed air, and then adding that quantity of fait
or metal, chiefly iron, which thofe mineral waters, by
C c 3 analyfis,
390 Properties of Fixed Air. [Book V.
^nalyfis, arc known to con^in. It is from this pro-
perty of preventing put:cfa6licn, that fixed air and vege-
tables, fugar, and other fubfbnces, v hich abound with
that prircipic, are fuppofed to be powerful
in putrid difrafes.
Fixable air not only preferves fruit, but m^at alfo,
from pttotefa&fGfk, and that for a very coniidcrablc
time, and even in the hotteft weather.
Chap. 5.] [ 39* ]
This Gas forms the Ba/is of Water. Prc port ion of Hydrogen and Oxy-
gen 'which enter into the Compojiticn of Water. Modes of procuring
inflammable Air.Ignes Fatui. Fire Damp in Mines. Lightejl of
all Fluids. Remarkable Prefer ties. Life in Air Balloons, 'Curious
wial Fireworks.
TO that fluid, which we term inflammable air, the
French chemifts have given the name of hydro-
gen gas, becaufe its bafis is the peculiar conftituent part
of water j but what this bafis may be in its nature,
whether fimple or compound, is at prefent unknown,
. becaufe it cannot be feparated from the heat or caloric
which gives it the aerial form, without fixing it in
another fubftance.
According to M. Lavoifier, water is compofed
of eighty-five parts of oxygen and fifteen parti of
hydrogen. This philofopher has inftructed us in
the following method of obtaining this gas by heat
only f
Let water pafs drop by drop thrbugh the barrel of
a gun, while it remains red hpt amidft burning coals j
let a crooked tube placed at the end of this iron, and
* '"f$up (hydor) " water" and ysi*o* (geinomai) " to pro-
f Briffon, torn. ii. p. 73.
C c 4 bent
395 How inflammable Air may be procured. [Book V.
bent fo that it may be patted into a glafs vefiel full of
water inverted in the pneumatic apparatus. There
will then pafs into the glafs vefiel an aeriform fluid,
which is inflammable air or hydrogen gas. In this
' procefs the water fuffvrs a decompofition, and while
the hydrogen pafles into the glafs receiver, the oxygen
unites with the fubftance of the gun barrel, and oxy-
dates or rufts its internal furf ice.
By means of acids, however, inflammable air may
be obtained in greater abundance, and with more fa-
cility. When iron, zinc, or tin, are acted upon by
diluted vitriolic, or marine acid, confiderable quanti-
ties of this gas are extricated. In this cafe alfo the
water is decompofed, as is plain from the concen-
trated vitriolic acid not anfwering the fame ends as
the diluted, either in furnifhing the air or diflblving
the iron, &c.
The apparatus for procuring this gas is the fame as
that which has been defcribed for producing fixed air,
only employing inftead of chalk, iron filings, fmall nails,
fmall pieces of iron wire, or grofsly powdered zinc. To
thefe materials fome oil of vitriol and water muft be
added, in the fame proportion as in the procefs for pro-
duping fixed air.
The electric fpark, taken in any fpecies of oil, pro-
duces hydrogen or inflammable air, this fubftance being
a coniliiuent part of all the oils. The fame may be
iaid of ether, and alcohol or fpirits of wine, which con-
tain a great proportion of hydrogen.
Mr. Cavallo informs us, that he has procured this
kind of air from the ponds about London, in the fol-
ing manner. Fill a wide--mouthed bottle with pond-
water, and keep it inverted in it; then with a ftick
ftir the mud at the bottom of the pond juft under the '
Chap. 5-1 Ignes Fatul and Fire .T)amp* 393
inverted bottle, fo Js to permit the bubbles of air
which rife to be received in the inverted bottle ; and
this air will be found Co be inflammable.
The ignes fatui are fuppofed to proceed from the
inflammable air which abounds in marfhy grounds,
and to be fet on fire by eledbric fparks.
This gas, as well as fixed air, was long known to
miners before it was noticed by philofophers ; and
among the colliers and other workmen of that clafs, it
obtained the name of the fire damp. It is, however,
feldom found pure in mines or coal works, but is gene-
rally combined with fulphureous matter, or what is
called hepatic gas, or with carbonic acid air j and this
admixture varies its fpecific gravity, and in general
renders it fomething heavier than pure inflammable
air. The fire damp generally forms a whitifh cloud
in the upper part of the mine, and appears in fome-
thing of a globular form ; from its levity it will not
mix with the atmofpheric air, unlefs fome agitation
takes place ; and it is difpofed to lodge in any little
cavity in the fuperior part or roof of the mine.
When it appears in this form, the miners generally
fet fire to it with a candk, lying at the fame time
flat on their faces to efcape the violence of the
fhock. It will not, however, take fire unlefs in
contact with atmofpheric air, for the obvious rea-
fon, that a mixture of oxygen ga$ is necefiary to
its inflammation. The danger arifes entirely from
its inflammability on the approach of any ignited body,
for when the fire damp confifts of pure inflamma-
ble air, the explofion is like that of gunpowder;
but when it is mixed with carbonic acid, it burns
with a lambent flame. The eaficft and fafeft me-
thod, therefore, of clearing the mine from this for-
midable fluid is by leading a long pipe through the
394 General Properties of [Book V.
fhaft of the mine to the afh-pit of a furnace, when
the infiammablc vapour will be conftantly attracted to
feed the fire.
Dr. Prieftley has fufftciently proved by experi-
ments, that there is no acid contained in inflammable
air. He alfo afierts that charcoal, by the heat of a
burning lens, may be almoft totally converted into
this .kind of air, but that fomc moifture is neceflary
in the procefs. The neceflity of moifture, how-
ever, to the fuccefs of this experiment, iufficiently
evinces the fallacy of the conclufion which has been
drawn from it. Perfectly pure charcoal, abftradted
from every other body, is indeftrudtible by heat.
Where, however, there is moifture there is water.
In this cafe the oxygen of the water is attracted by
the carbon, forming with it carbonic acid, and the
hydrogen, the other constituent part of water, rifes
to the top of the receiver. Pure hydrogen gas
is the lighted of all elailic fluids, its fpecific gravity
is to that of common air as 8,04 is to 100,00*.
The moft remarkable properties of this gas are,
ift. Its great inflammability, which ariles from its
propenfity to unite with oxygen and form water,
adly. Its extraordinary levity, as already noticed.
3clly. Metals are very eafily revived or reduced from
a calx or oxyd to the metalic ftate when heated in
a receiver filled with this air. This alfo arifes from
its attraction for oxygen, which in this cafe is ex-
pelled from the calx, and, uniting with the hydrogen
in the receiver, leaves the metal pure, and in its na-
tural ftate. 4thly. Plants vegetate in this fluid with-
out impairing its inflammability, fthly. Water will
imbibe about one-thirteenth of its bulk of this gas,,
* See Briffor, torn, ii, p. 77.
Chap. 5.3 Inflammable ATT, *y$
which may be again expelled by heat, and will then
be equally inflammable as before. 6thly. Hydrogen
gas, cr inflammable 'air, is fatal to animal life; in
proof of which Mr. Cavallo relates, that the Abbe
Fontana, having filled in his prefence a large bladder
with inflammable air, began to breathe it, after having
fnade a, violent expiration. The firft infpiration pro-
duced a painful oppreffion on his lungs ; the fecond
caufed him to look pale ; and the third was fcarcely
accomplifhed, when he fell on his knees through
weaknefs. Small animals are alfo killed by a very
few infpirations of this noxious fluid. 7thly. This
gas is faid to have a fmaller fhare of refractive power
than common air.
It is on account of its lightnefs that hydrogen gas
has been moft frequently employed in aeroftation.
The method of filling a balloon is only enkrging
the procefs which has been defcribed for producing
inflammable air on a fmall fcale.
Very pleafing fireworks may be made from this
gas, by filling bladders with it, and fixing brafs
cocks to them, by means of which the gas may be
difperfed into any number of glafs tubes bent in va-
rious fhapes, and with fmall . holes in various parts
of them ; then by preffing the bladders more or lefs,
as occafion may require, the gas will pafs into the
tubes, and ifTue out of the fmall holes, to which a
lighted taper may be applied; by thefe means the
air will take fire, and will continue to burn until the
courfe of it is Hopped by Ihutting the cock at the
neck of the bladder. Thefe aerial fireworks may be
made to reprefent different figures, either movable
or immovable, and may be ornamented with different
colours. The white coloured flame is produced by
hydrogen gas procured from common coal; again,
396 Pbilofopbtial Fireworks. [Book V.
by mixing an equal quantity of this air with atmofpheric
air, a flame of a blue colour will be produced ; the
pure hydrogen from metals furnifties a red flame ;
and if by breathing, fome carbonic acid gas or fixable
air is added, the flame will appear beautifully tinged
with purple *.
* See BriUbn, torn. ii. p. 81.
Chap. 6.] [ 397 ]
Nature of this Fluid. How produced. Its Properties. Rejijis Putrf-
fatlion. Abforls and condenfes pure Air. The Eudiometer.
NITROUS gas ought properly to be confidered
as an intermediate ftate of that elementary fub-
flance which is the bafis both of azotic gas and nitrous
acid. Azote, perfectly faturated with oxygen, forms
pale nitrous acid ; with a fmaller portion, it conftitutes
the ordinary orange-coloured and fuming nitrous acid;
with ftill lefs, it becomes nitrous gas j and when wholly
uncombined with oxygen, is denominated azotic gas.
In the ftate of azotic gas it is infoluble j but in pro-
portion to the quantity of oxygen with which it is
combined, its difpofition to afTume an aeriform ftate is
diminifhed, and its attra&ipn for water increafed.
* In order to produce nitrous air, put copper, brafs, or
mercury, firft into the bottle (with the fame apparatus
as for the other airs) fo as to fill about one-third of it,
then pour a quantity of water into it, fo as juft to cover
the metal filings ; and, laftly, add the nitrous acid, in
quantity about one half or one-third, according to the
ftrength which is required. Nitrous air contains, in
100 grains, 68 of oxygen, and 32 of azote.
On its relation to the nitrous acid the diftinguifliing
properties of this gas will be found to depend.
i ft. Nitrous air is as invifible and tranfparent as com-
mon air j in its fmell it refembles nitrous acid. Though
398 General Properties [Book V.
this kind of air extinguishes flame, it may, by certain
procefies, be brought to fuch a ftate. that a candle will
burn in it with an enlarged flame, and it then becomes
\vhat Dr. Prieftley calls drpblogifticated nitrous air. Its
fupporting flame in this inftance evidently depends on
the large quantity of oxygen which enters into its com-
id. When oxygen or empyreal air is added to ni-
trous air, it hnparts to it the acid character, and it be-
comes true nitrous acid. Mr. Cavendifh impregnated
fifty ounces of diftilled water with fifty-two ounce mea-
fures of nitrous air, mixed with as much common air
as was neceffary to decompound it. The water thus
impregnated was fenfibly acid, and being diftilled, the
firft runnings were very acid, and fraelt pungent: what
came next had no tafte or fmell > but the laft runnings
were very weak nitrous acid *.
3d. Of all the different fpecies of air, this feems the
moft noxious to animal life. Infects, which can bear
azotic and inflammable air, will die immediately upon
their being immerfed in this. Even fiihes will not
live in water impregnated with it.
It may fccm extraordinary that nitrous gas, which is
of fo deleterious a nature, and fo oppofite in its qualified
to common air, fhould yet fubftantially confift of the
fame principles, differing, however, in the proportions.
To remove the difficulty, it will be necefiary to recol-
lect what has been more than once intimated concern-
ing the difference between mixtxre and combination. In
fimple mixture the two bodies dill retain their own-
diftinct properties > but in chemical combination a third
fubftance is formed from the two, entirely different
from both in its nature and properties. Thus, from
Phil. Tranf. for 1784*
Chap. 6.] of Nitrous Air.
marine acid or fpirit of fait, and cauftic alkali, both ex-
tremely corrofive, is formed that innocent and whole-
fome fubftance, common fait; and from two fubftances
innoxious to the human frame, fulphur and oxygen,
vitriolic acid, or fpirit of vitriol, is formed. In com-
mon air, azote and oxygen are indeed in a ftate of mix-
ture, but they are not combined; for to make them
enter into a ftate of combination, the operation of a
flrong agent, fuch as fire from the electric fpark, is
neceffcry, and without this, azote appears to have little
or no attraction for oxygen. In the ordinary procefs
of refpiration the mixed fubftances are inhaled; and
it is probable that they are foon again feparated in this
procefs, and each differently difpofed of. In nitrous
gas, the azote and oxygen are in a ftate of chemical
combination, and it is a third fubftance different in
qualities from both ; it is, indeed, an imperfect nitrous
acid in an aerial form ; though azote, therefore, in its
fimple uncombined ftate, has no attraction for oxygen,
it is different when by combination it becomes an acid ;
it has then a ftrong attraction for that fubftance which
is ncceflary to give it the true acid character, and it will
abforb it till it arrives at what the chemifts call the
point of faturation, that is, till it is made a perfect acid - 9
and this is the reafon that it fo rapidly attracts and con-
denfes the pure air of the atmofphere.
4th. Nitrous air pofTcjfTes the property of preferving
animal fubftances from putrefaction, and of reftoring
thofe already .putrid, in a ftill greater degree than
fixed air, and on this the antifeptic power of nitre, may,
perhaps, chiefly depend. On putting two mice, the
one juft killed, the other putrid and foft, into a jar of
nitrous air, and letting them continue in it twenty-five
days, in the months of July and Auguft, there was little
or no change in the quantity of. air; both mice were
400 Eudiometer. < [Book V.
perfectly fwect; the firft quite firm, the flefh of the
fecond flill foft, but not in the leaft putrid. From thefe
experiments Dr. Prieftley recommends nitrous air as
an antifeptic. Unfortunately, however, though ani-
mal fubftances may be preferved from putrefaction for
feveral months by nitrous gas, yet they become dry,
diftorted, and ofTenfive to the palate, fo as to render
the difcovery of little public utility.
5th. The fpecific gravity of nitrous air is to that of
the atmofphereas 1195^0 1000.
6th. One of the moft remarkable properties of this
air is, that it condenfes or dlminifhcs in bulk with oxy-
gen or dephlogifticated air, by which means it becomes
a teft with rcfpect to the quantity of that pure element
contained in the atmofphere. With pure dephlogifti-
cated air the diminution is almoft to nothing, at the
fame time that nitrous acid in fome quantity is repro-
duced by the condenfation of the nitrous air j but as the
air of our atmofphere is always mixed with a confider-
able quantity of azotic or phlogifticated air, on which
nitrous air has no effect, the diminution in this cafe is
never fo confiderable. Upon this principle the eudio-
meter for meafuring the purity of air is formed.
To underfland the nature of this inflrument, let a
glafs tube (Fig. 4.) of about nine inches long, clofed at
One end, and of about three-fourths of an inch diameter,
be filled with and inverted in water; then take a phial
of about half an ounce meafure, filled with common air>
and plunging it under the water contained in the fame
bafon with the inverted tube, let that quantity of air
enter into the tube j it will then rife to the top of the
tube while the water fublldes. Let a mark be made
on the tube at the height of the water in it, to (how
how much of the tube is filled by that meafure of air.
In the fame manner inject four or five me^fures of com-
Chap. 6.]' Eudiometer. 401
mon air, marking the height of the water at every one
refpeclively. After this procefs, if three meafures of
either nitrous or common air are introduced into the
tube, they will caufe the water to fubfide to the third
mark ; but if two meafures of common air and one
meafure of nitrous air, or one meafure of the common
and two of the nitrous air, are put into the tube, they
will fill a fpace much fhort of the third mark. When
thele two kinds of air come firft in contact, a reddifh
appearance is perceived, which foon vanifhes, and the
water, which at firft nearly reached the third mark,
rifes gradually into the tube, and becomes nearly fta-^
tionary after about two or three minutes, by which it
appears, that the diminution takes place in a gradual
Nitrous air is neither foluble in water nor pofTefles
any figns of acidity ; for it has not the power of chang-
ing the blue colour of vegetables red, unlefs it is mixed
with common or dephlogifticated air, by which it ac-
quires the true acid character.
VOL. I. D d
[ 402 ] [Book V.
Mature of this Gas. Means of producing it. Its Properties. A chief
Conftituent of Sulphureous Mineral Waters. Turns Metals black.
Hoiv decompofea 1 , &c.
MGengembre, who has made an analyfis of this
kind of air, regards it as a combination of pure
hydrogen and fulphur. The moft proper method of
obtaining it is by pouring marine acid on liver of
fulphur *, which extricates it in confiderable quantities.
It is equally produced from all livers of fulphur, whe-
ther they are made with alkalis or earths. By various
experiments, however, it now feems to be afcertained,
that as hepatic gas is compofed of fulphur and hydro-
gen in certain proportions, it cannot be produced ex-
cept water is prefent, the decompofition of which af-
fords the hydrogen. Thus, if marine acid air is ap-
plied to very dry liver of fulphur, fcarcely any hepatic
gas is produced, from the defecl of humidity. Liver
of fulphur, when heated, affords hepatic gas with the
addition of mere water without acid. In this cafe alfo
the water is decompofed -, its hydrogen unites with part
of the fulphur to form hepatic gas, while the oxygen
of the water uniting with another part, produces vi-
triolic acid, and this with the alkali forms a neutral fait
which will be defcribed in treating of vitriolic falts.
A fubltance ufually formed frojn fixed alkali, or fait of tartar,
ind fulphur, combined by heat. .
Ift. He-
Chap. 7.] General Properties cfHepctic Gas. 403
i ft. Hepatic gas is very foluble in water, which ic
converts into a ftate perfectly refembling that of ful-
phureous mineral waters, ad. It detonates with vital
air when fet on fire. 3d. It is
invifible, and incondenfable by any degree of cold that
can be produced in the temperature of this earth. It
never becomes the conftituent part of any body;
though it bafes, that is, oxygen and azote, enter into
the compofition of many.
The FLUIDITY of the air is caufed by the matter of
fire or heat, which produces in it a degree of elafticity
that always tends to dilate the mafs, and preferves
the motion of its parts. If the air was not elaftic,
it might be formed into a hard body, like fnow, when
its particles are prefled forcibly together.
It is eafy to prove that air adheres, with a confider-
able degree of force, to the furface of bodies ; for when
Chap. 9-] Vague Notions of the Ancients. 417
water is put into a vefTel and heated, the ftratum of
air which adheres to the fides of the vefTel, and which
occupies a fituation between the water and the fides,
foon becomes perceptible there in the form of bubbles,
in confequence of the rarefaction which is caufed by
the heat. It becomes .fenfible in the fame manner in
a vacuum, in confequence of the dilation occalioned by
the preiTure being removed *.
The ancients knew air to be a fluid, but their im-
perfect knowledge of thofe fubftances in general, ap-
pears to have difabled them from ufmg thofe means
which the moderns have employed for drawing off
and expelling this fluid from a certain fpace. They
were, indeed,, utterly unacquainted with the fact, that
air is a ponderous fluid. They admitted that there
were two kinds of bodies in nature; heavy bodies,
fiich as {tones, metals, and in general all bodies which,
being left to themfelves, had a propensity to defcend ;
and light bodies, fuch as air, flame, vapours, &c. be-
caufc thefe bodies appeared to them to afcend fponta-
neoufly into the upper regions of the atmofphere.
They fuppofed, therefore, agreeably to this fentiment,
that air was endued with abfolute levity; and that all
the effects which the moderns attribute to the principle
of gravitation, were to be afcribed to the horror which
nature had, according to them, for a 'vacuum. It was,
therefore, a long prevailing opinion, that air was defti-
t'.ite of weight : and it is not above a hundred and
fifcy years fince phjlofophers have been convinced of
this error. The engineers of the Count de Medici,
Great Duke of Florence, having received orders to
raife fome water fifty or fixty feet by means of a com-
mon -pump, perceived, when they made the attempt,
* Brifibn, Tom. ii, p. 93.
VOL. I. E e that
4i B Erroneous Nations concerning a Vacuum. [Book V.
that water would mount only to a certain height, after
which in appeared to them, by the void fpace which
they found, that nature was reconciled to a vacuum,
or at leaft fuffered this defect without thofe terrible
effects which ancient writers had predicted from it.
This -apparent caprice, on the part of nature, was com-
municated by the engineers to Galileo, who paid fome
attention to itj though, previous to this accident, he,
as well as all others, had fatisfied himfelf with the com-
mon opinion of the horror which nature was fuppofed
to entertain for a vacuum. He was at length con-
vinced, by reiterated experiments, that water would
rife only to about thirty- two feet perpendicular in
pumps, and that the remainder of the pipe or tube, if
it was longer, would be empty. He could then no
longer retain the opinion refpecting the horror of a
vacuum, but began to conceive that this horror had
its limits, and that thefe phenomena might proceed
from a phyfical caufe very different from that to which
they had hitherto been attributed. What he had fuf-
pected, Torricelli, his difciple, proved by direct ex-
periment. He firft made it appear in the year 1645,
that a column of air, as it exilts in the atmofphere,
may be placed in equipoife with a column of another
fluid, which has the fame bafe ; at length, to avoid the
inconvenience of a long pipe, inftead of water he made
ufe of mercury. He took a glafs tube (Fig. 5.) of
about three feet in length and two or three lines diame-
ter, hermetically fealed * at one end, and open at the
other; he filled it with pure mercury, and having
(topped the orifice with his finger, he reverted the tube,
and placed the open end in a veflel full of rhe fame
tfiercury. He had no fooner removed his finger, than
the column of mercury, which was about thirty-fix
* Clofed by melting the glals, and confolidating it.
Chap. 9.} PafM's and Perrier* s Experiments. 419
inches long, was reduced to the length of about twenty-
eight inches. Now, if we compare the experiment of
Galileo with that of Torricelli, we {hall find that fluids
a<5t in counterpoife to each other, exactly in proportion
to their refpective denfities ;' and that the fame caufe
(the prefiure of the air) Which elevates water to the
height of thirty- two feet, cannot fuftain a column of
mercury above the height of twenty-eight or thirty
Pafchal added confiderably to the proofs of this
doctrine which Torricelli had afforded, and he rea-
foned in this manner: If, faid he, the air is the caufe
of this phenomenon, it is becaufe it has ponderance
and fluidity ; it muft prefs, therefore, in the fame man-
ner as liquids, and its preflure mud be greater or lefs
according to its heights and every column , of what-
ever fluid is placed in counterpoife with it, will always
be longer or fhorter in proportion to its denfity.
Hence he proceeded to prove, that a column of air
muft produce a preflure greater or lefs, and was ca-
pable of fuftaining a column of any fluid higher or
lower in proportion to its own height, and confequently
that a column of v/ater or mercury, at the bottom of
a mountain,. would rife higher in the Torricellian va-
cuum than at the fummit. M. Pafchal next pre-
vailed upon his brother-in-law, M. Perrier, who was
at Clermont in Auvergne, to make the following ex-
periment at the bafe and fummit of the mountain
known by the name of Puy de Dome.
M. Perrier fixed a tube of Torricelli's upon a perpen-
dicular plank (fee Plate XXIX. Fig. 5.) graduated into
inches and lines ; and having obferved te what height the
mercury was raifed in the tube at the foot of the moun-
tain, he found that it fell gradually in proportion as he
E e 2 afcended
420 ffo Barometer. [Book V,
afcendcd towards the fummit j and alfo, on the contrary,
that it role again in the fame proportion as he defcend-
ed : the difference was found to be three inches and one
line between the height of the mercury at the fummit
and the bafe. This experiment, fuggeited by Pafchal,
and repeated feveral times, always produced the fame
refult; whence it was concluded, that mercury was
fuftained above its level in the Torricellian tube, by
the prefTure of the atmofphere upon the rdtrvoir,
fince the mercury in the tube was obferved to fall, when
the column- of air which had the refervoir for its bafe
was diminilhed in height. Thefe experiments, in
proving incontrovertibly the weight of air, have au-
thentically reftored to this fluid a great number of na-
tural properties and effects, which were before attri-
buted to a caufe merely chimerical.
M. Pafchal afterwards repeated the lame experi-
ment with water, wine, oil, &c. and the heights of the
columns of thefe liquors were always found to be
proportional to their denfities ; an evident proof that
they were counterpoifed by a weight, which could in
thofe cafes be no other than the preffure of the air.
Many philofophers afterwards, having procured
'Torricellian tubes, placed them according to the man-
ner of M. Perrier, upon a fcale graduated into inches
and lines, and by frequent obfervations they perceived,
that the height of the mercury in the tube often varied.
They concluded, therefore, that the preffure of the
air, which was the caufe of the iufpenfion of the co-
lumn of mercury, was fome times greater and fome-
times leis, and confequently that it acted more or Jefs
forcibly upon the human frame. From thefe caufcs
and effects the idea was fuggefted, of making from 'the
Torricellian tube a new meteorological inftrumcnt, the
, fame
Chap. 9.] The Barometer. 4*1
fame which is now commonly known by the name of
a barometer *.
Air acls upon barometers in two modes, by its
weight and by its elafticity. The variation, therefore,
of the preffure upon the refervoir is produced by two
caufes, by the variation in the weight of the incumbent
air, and by that of its elafticity. The weight of air
varies according to its denfity, and its intermixture
with other fubftances which are foluble by it j its elaf-
ticity varies according to its denfity, and the quantity
of heat with which it is charged. The greater pare
of foreign fubftances which intermix with air only,
* '' To fill a barometer tube, (fays Mr. Adams) I take a clean
gjafs tube about thirty-three inches long, and pour quickfilver into
it by means of a fmall paper funnel; you obfcrve, that as the
quickfilver rifes in the tube, there are bubbles of air left behind in
ieveral parts : I continue pouring the quicklilver till it fills the tube
within about half an ipch of the top. I then apply my finger hard
and clofe upon the top of the tube, and invert it; by which means
the air that was on the top, now rifing through all the quickfilver,
gathers every bubble in its way. I revert the tube or turn it up
again, and the babble of air re-afcends, and if there are any fmall
bubbles left, carries them away; if, however, any remain, the opera-
tion muft be repealed. I now fill the tube to the top, and placing-
my finger on the open end of the tube, plunge that end into this
bafon of quickfilver; when the end of the tube is perfectly fub-
rnerged in the qaickfilver, I take my finger away, and you fee the
quickfilver remains fufpended in the tube, leaving a vacuum at top.
The column of quickfilver is about thirty inches in height; now
you will obferve that there can be no air in the fpace between the
quickfilver and the top of t>2 tube, for till the finger that clofed
the orifice in the bafon was taken away, that fpace was filled with
quickfiiver, and the quickfilver, which was thirty-three inches high,
funk in the tube, and left that fpace free from air, for no air could
get into the tube, unlefs it could force its way through the quick-
lilver in the bafon, and the thirty inches in the tube; or penetrate
through the fealed end of the tube : but as neither of thofe can be
done, it follows, that in the part of the tube which the quickfilver
leaves, there muft be a vacuum." Adams' '; Lefiures. Vol. i, p. 32.
E e 3 under
Okfervations on Barometers. [Book V.
under the form of elaftic fluids, diminish the weight of
the column of air, becaufe they are lighter than it ; but
thofe fubftances which are foluble in air augment its
denfny, and confequently its weight, in the fame man-
ner that fah diflblved in water increafes its weight and
Tiie barometer has, therefore, another property, not
lefs ufeful to philofophers than that which has been
already mentioned. It points out the changes of the
weather, efpecially when they are likely to be confi-
From the numerous obfervations and experiments,
which have been made from time to time upon baro-
meters, the feveri following propofitions have been efta-
bli/hed by M. BriiTon. " Firft, That the mean height
of mercury in France is twenty-feven French inches
and an half. Secondly, That the variations from this
height feldom exceed three inches, that is, that its leaft
elevation is twenty- fix inches, and its greateft twenty-
nine. Thirdly, That thefe variations become lefs
towards the equator, and greater in the northern cli-
mates. Fourthly, That when the mercury falls in the
barometer it announces rain or wind, or in general what
is called bad weather. Fifthly, On the contrary, when
the mercury rifes it announces fine weather. Sixthly,
That thefe predictions fail fometimes, efpecially if the
variations in the height of the mercury are very flow
and inconfiderable. Seventhly, That the predictions
are almoft infallible, when the mercury afcendsor de-
fcends confiderably in a Ihort time j as for example,
about one-third of an inch (or three or four lines) ia
the courfe of a few hours *."
Thus in relating the difcovery of the barometer, we
have feen that philoiophers were convinced that an
* Brifibu. Vol. i.
Chap. 9.] Invention of the Air Pump. 423
actual vacuum might be formed. The air-pump,
however, was not difcovered till 1654. ' For the firft
invention of this, the world is indebted to Otto Gueric,
a German ; but it was our countryman Boyle who
converted it to real ufes ; it was he who improved it,
and applied it to philofophical purpofes. In the hands
of Gueric it was a mechanical inftrument j in thofe of
Boyle it was a truly philofophical machine. By this
machine we can with cafe empty a glafs veffcl of its
air, and put what bodies into it we think fit. Thus
comparing the changes wrought upon bodies by being
kept from air, with the fames bodies when expofed to
air, we require a knowledge of the effects of that fluid
upon bodies in general.
As the air-pump is a machine very generally known,
I mall not attempt a new defcription of itj but for the
lake of thofe readers who are but little acquainted with
philofophical apparatus, take the defcription of it from
one of the moft popular writers on thefe fubjects, in
order that its conftruction may be the more eafily un-
Having put a wet leather on the plate L L (fee
Plate XXX. Fig. i.) place the large glafs veflel or re-
ceiver M with its mouth downwards upon the leather,
fo that the hole / in the plate may be within the glafs.
Then turning the handle F backward and forward, the
air will be pumped out of the receiver by the ac-
tion of the mechanifm below. As the handle F,
reprefented more at large (Fig. 2.) is turned back-
wards, it raifes the fucker or pifton de in the hollow
barrel B K by means of the toothed wheel E engrain-
ing in the toothed rack D d: and as the pifton or
fucker is leathered fo tight as to fit the barrel exactly,
no air can get between this pifton and the barrel, and
therefore all the air above d in the barrel is lifted up
E e ^. towards
4H Ctnftruftion cf the Air Pump. [Book V.
towards B, and a vacuum made in the barrel from
e to b : upon which part of the air in the glafs M
(Fig. i.) by its fpring rufhes through the hole i in the
brafs plate L L along the pipe G G, which communi-
cates with both barrels by the hollow trunk I H K,
and pufhing up the valve b (a valve is a bit of leather
that covers a hole as the flapper of a bellows, admitting
the air in, but fuffering none to go back) the air then
raifing the valve enters into the vacuity b e of the bar-
rel B K. For the air will naturally prefs into thofe
places where it is leaft refifted. All this is done by
drawing the handle towards D. Next turning the
handle forward the contrary way towards C> the pifton
de is depreffed in the barrel, and as the air which had
got into the barrel cannot be pulhed back through the
valve b, for the valve clofes like the flapper of a bel-
lows, and will not let the air back the way it came,
the air muft therefore afcend through an hole in the
piftonj and efcapes through a valve at d; and is hin-
dered by that valve from returning into the barrel
when the pifton is again raifed. At the next raifing
of the pifton, a vacuum is again made in the-fame
manner as before, between b and , upon which more
of the air which was left in the glafs receiver M gets
cut thence> and runs into the more empty barrel B K
through the valve b. The fame thing is effected with
regard to the other barrel A I, and as the handle F is
turned backwards and forwards, ir alternately raifes
and deprefles the piftons in their barrels, always raifing
one while it depreffes the other. And as there is a
vacuum nude in each barrel when its pifton is raifed,
every particle of air irr the receiver M pufiies out ano-
ther through the hole i and pipe G G into the barrels,
until at Jail the air in the glafs receiver comes to bu
fo much rarefied tha: it can no longer get through
Chap. 9.] The Air Pump. 425
the valves, and then no more can be taken our of the
receiver. Hence it appears, that there is no fuch
thing as making a perfe<5t vacuum in the receiver ; for
the air that leaves the receiver is driven out by that
which remains behind, and there muft therefore fome
portion remain behind at laft.
Such is the conftruclion and nature of the air-pump.
Some inftruments at firft contrived only for explain-
ing fcience, become at laft, by freqtrent ufe, a part of
the fcience icfelf, and demand an equal explanation.
Such is the cafe with this; and the reader muft pardon
fome prolixity in the defcription. There is a cock k
below the plate LL, which being turned lets air into
the receiver again. There is a glafs tube Imn open
at both ends, and about thirty-four inches long, the
upper end communicating with a hole in the pump
plate, and the lower end immerled in quickfilver at n in
the veffe,! N. To this tube is fitted a wooden ruler
m m, divided into inches and parts of an inch from the
bottom at #, where it is upon a level with the furface of
the quickfilver, and continued up to the top, a little
below /, to thirty or thirty-one inches. Now the
quickfilver in this tube rifes as the air is exhaufted in
the receiver, for it opens into the receiver through the
plate L L. And the more the air is exhaufted, the
more will the quickfilver rife, fo that by this means
the quantity of air pumped out of the receiver may be
very exactly meafured *.
From all the preceding facts, and efpecially from
the experiment of Torricelli, it appears, that air is a
PONDEROUS fluid ; in other words, that it pofiefTes
gravity, and its weight may be eafily afcertained.
From a large phial (or rather from a flafk, or any
glafs veflel of a globular form, for reafons that will
* Goldfnjith's Philofophy, vol. ii. p, 56.
426 Weight of Air. [Book V.
afterwards appear) to the neck of which is annexed a
itop-cock, the air may be exhaufted either by means
of the air-pump, or by filling the flafk with mer-
cury, and emptying it gradually into a veflel containing
utity of that Quid, and turning the cock before
the neck is entirely extricated, which produces a more
perfect vacuum than that made by the air-pump.
The veflel thus emptied of its air may be weighed by
a nice balance , and this done, re-admit the air by
turning the cock, when it will rufh in with confider-
able violence j and though the fiafk was balanced be-
fore, it will now become heavier, and preponderate.
The air contained in a quart flafk will by this experi-
ment be found to weigh about fourteen grains and a
To find the fpecific gravity of the air, the flafk muft
be Mired with pure water, and again weighed. The
weight of a cubic foot of pure diitilled water is about
ijOoo ounces avoirdupois, and of a cubic inch 253
grains and not quite one-fifth *. Dividing the weight
of the water contained in the flafk, therefore, by this
number of grains, will give the number of its cubic
inches ; and as this furnifhes us with the number of
cubic inches of air as well as of water, their relative
gravity is eaiiiy known. By feveral very accurate
experiments, Mr. Haukfbee fixed the fpecific gravity
of to that of water to be in proportion as i to 885.
By means of its gravity, the atmofphere preffes
with great force upon all bodies, according to the ex-
tent. of their furface. According to M. Pafchal, the
quantity of this pre fibre is not Ids than 2,232 pounds
upon every fquare foot of furface, or upwards of fif-
* 253-18 grains. Decimal arithmetic .fhould always be em-
ployed in philoibphical calculations, for the fuke of accuracy.
Chap. 9.] Preffure of Air en tie Human Body. 427
teen pounds upon every fquare inch. Computing,
therefore, the furface of a man's body at 15 iquare
feet, the whole preflure, which each pcrfon fuftains,
will be nearly equal to 3 3,480 pounds. By this enor-
mous preflure we fliould undoubtedly be crufhed in a
moment, if every part of our body was not filled with
air, or fome other elaftic fluid, the fpring of which is
fufficient to counteract the preflure. f the Atmofyhere* 43$
' It was not however at any time fuppofed, that this
calculation could be juft; for as the air is an elaf-
tic fluid, the upper parts muft expand to an immenfe
bulk, and thus render the calculation above related ex-
ceedingly erroneous. By experiments made in diffe-
rent countries, it has been found that the fpaces, which
any portion of air takes up, are reciprocally propor-
tional to the weight with which it is compreffed. Al-
lowances were therefore to be made in calculating the
height of the atmofphere. If we fuppofe the heighc
of the whole divided into innumerable equal parts, the
denfity of each of which is as its quantity, and the
weight of the whole incumbent atmofphere being alfo
as its quantity, it is evident, that the weight of the in-
cumbent air is every where as the quantity contained
in the fubjacent part, which makes a difference be-
tween the weights of each tv/o contiguous parts of air.
By a theorem in geometry, where the differences of
magnitudes are geometrically proportional to the mag-
nitudes themlelves, it appears that thefe magnitudes
are in continual arithmetical proportion j therefore, i
according to the ftippofition, the altitudes of the air,
by the addition of new parts into which it is divided,
do continually increafe in arithmetical proportion, its
denfity will be diminimed, or (which is the fame
thing) its gravity decreafed in continual geometrical
* It is now eafy, from ilrch a feries, by making two
or three barometrical obfervations, and determining
the denfity of the atmofphere at two or three different
frations, to determine its abfolute height, or its rarity
at any afiignable height. Calculations accordingly
'were made upon this plan j but it having been found
that the barometrical obfervaticns by no means cor-
relponded with the denfity which, by other experi-
F f 2 ments,
436 Computed Height [Book V,
merits, the air ought to have had, it was fufpected that
the upper parts of the atmofpherical regions were not
fubject to the fame laws with the lower ones. Philo-
fophers, therefore, had recourfe to another method for
determining the altitude of the atmofphere, viz. by a
calculation of the height from which the light of the
fun is refracted, fo as to become vifible to us before
he himfelf is feen in the heavens. By this method
it was determined, that at the height of forty-five
miles the atmofphere had no power of refraction ; and
confequently beyond that diftance was either a mere
vacuum, or the next thing to it, and not to be re-
f This theory foon became very generally received;
and the height of the atmofphere was fpoken of as fa-
miliarly as the height of a mountain, and reckoned to
be as well afcertained, if not more fo, than the heights
of mod mountains are. Very great objections, how-
ever, which have never yet been removed, arife from
the appearances of fome meteors, like large globes of
fire, not unfrequently to be feen at vaft heights above
the earth. A very remarkable one of this kind was
obferved by Dr. Halley in the month of March 1719,
whofe altitude he computed to have been between
fixty-nine and feventy-three and a half Englifti miles ;
its diameter two thoufand fight hundred yards, or up-
wards of a mile, and a half, and its velocity about
three hundred and fifty miles in a minute. Others,
apparently of the fame kind, but whofe altitude and
velocity were ftill greater, have been obferved, parti-
cularly .that very remarkable one, Auguft i8th, 1783,
whofe diftance from the earth could not be lefs than
ninety miles; and its diameter not lefs than the former,
at the fame time that its velocity was certainly not lefs
than one thoufand miles in a minute. Fire-balls, in
Chap. 9-] of the Atmofphere. 437
appearance fimilar to thefe, though vaflly inferior in
fize, have been fometimes obferved at the furface of
the earth. Of this kind, one was feen on board the
Montague, 4th November, 1749, which appeared
as big as a large millftonej it broke with a violent
f From analogical reafoning, it feems very probable
that the meteors, which appear at fuch great heights
in the air, are not efTentially different from thofe which,
like the fire-ball juft mentioned, are met with on the
furface of the earth. The perplexing circumflances
with regard to the former are, that at the great heights
above-mentioned, the atmofphere ought not to have
any denfity Jufficient to Jupport flame, or to -propagate
found; yet thefe meteors are commonly fucceeded by
one or more explofions, nay, are fometimes faid to be
accompanied with a hifllng noife as they pafs over
pur heads. The meteor of 1719 was not only very
bright, infomuch that for a fhort fpace it turned night
into day, but was attended with an explofio'n, heard
over all the ifland of Britain, occafioning a violent con-
cuffion in the atmoiphere, and feeming to (hake the
earth itfclf. That of 1783 alfo, though much higher
than the former, was fucceeded by explofions ; and,
according to the teftimony of feveral people, a hifling
noife was heard as it paffed. Dr. Halley acknow-
kdged, that he was unable to reconcile thefe circum-
ftances with the received theory of the height of the
atmofphere; as, in the regions in which this meteor
moved, the air ought to have been three hundred
thoufand times more rare than what we breathe, and
the next thing to a perfect vacuum.
f In the meteor of 1783, the difficulty is ftill
greater,' as it appears to have been twenty miles far-
ther up in the air. Dr. Halley offers a conjecture,
F f 3 indeed,
438 Suppcfed Height [Book V.
indeed, that the vaft magnitude of fuch bodies might
compenfate for the thinnefs of the medium in which
they moved j whether or not this was the cafe, cannot
indeed be afcertained, as we have fo few data to go
upon; but the greateft difficulty is to account for the
brightnefs of the light. Appearances of this kind are,
indeed, with great probability, attributed to electricity,
but the difficulty is not thus removed; though the
electrical fire pervades with great eafe the vacuum of
a common air-pump, yet it does not in that cafe ap-
pear in bright well defined fparks as in the open air,
but rather in long ftreams refembling rhe aurora bo-
realis. From forne late experiments, Mr. Morgan
concludes that the electrical fluid cannot penetrate a
perfect vacuum. If this mould be the cafe, it fhews
that the regions we fpeak of are not fuch a perfect
vacuum as can be artificially made ; but whether they
are or not, the extreme brightnefs of the light fhews
that a fluid was prefent in thofe regions, capable of
confining and condenfing the electric matter as much
as the air does at the furface of the ground -, for the
brightnefs of thefe meteors, considering their diflance,
cannot be fuppofed inferior to that of the brighteft
flames of lightning.
' It appears, therefore, that the abfolute height of
the atmofphere is not yet determined. The begin-
ning and ending of twilight, indeed, mew, that the
height at which the atrrofphere begins to refract the
fun's light is about forty- four or forty-five Englifh
miles. But this may, not improbably, be only the
height to which the aqueous vapours are carried ; for
it cannot be thought any unreafonable fuppofition, that
. light is refracted only by means of the aqueous va-
pour contained in the atmoiphere: and where this
ceafes, it is dill capable of fupporting the electric fire
Chap. 9.] cf the Atmofplert. 439
at lead as bright and ftrong as at the furface. That
it does extend much higher, is evident from the
meteors already mentioned j for all theie are un-
doubtedly carried along with the atmofphere i other-
wife that of 1783, which was feen for about a minute,
muft have been left one thoufand miles to the weft-
ward, by the earth flying out below it in it's annual
fourfe round the fun V
* Adams's keftures, vol. i, p. 52.
[ 440 ] [Bode V.
Sound cenfidered in Three Points ofView.-Caufed by a Vibration in
the Parti of Bodies. Propagated by an undulatory Motion of the
Air. Thij proved by Experiment. GlaJJes broken by an Effort of
the Voice.-*- -Elafilc Fluids 'not the only Means of tranfmitting Sound.
Water or folid Bodies convey it. Velocity of Sound. Experiments
on this Subjefi. Echoes."- Whifpering Gallery.
THERE is another property of air, which could
not fo conveniently be introduced into the pre-
ceding chapter j I mean the power of tranfmitting
Sound is produced by a vibrating motion, excited
in a fonorous body by a blow or a fhock from another
body, and the fame motion is communicated by this
fonorous body to the fluid which furrounds it, and
tranfmitted by this fluid to the ear, which is an organ
admirably adapted to receive its impreflion.
From this definition it follows, that found fhould be
confidered in three different views - 3 firft, with refpect
to the fonorous body which produces it; fecondly, as
to the medium which tranfmits it j and, thirdly, as to
the organ which receives the impreflion.
Thofe bodies are properly calltdfonorous which af-
ford a found diftinct, and of fome duration, fuch as
bells, the firings of a violin, &c. and not thofe which
caufe only a confufed noife, fuch as a ftone produces
when it falls upon a pavement. When bodies are,
ftri&ly fpeaking, fonorousj they are neceflarily elaftic,
VbL.l . /'. in
Chap. 10.] Vibrations ofjonorous Bodies. 441
as will be afterwards proved > and their found, as to
its force and duration, is proportionate to their vibra-
Suppofe, for example, the bell of a clock to be ftruck
by any folid body, a kind of undulating or tremulous
motion is imparted to the minute particles ; and this
motion may be even perceived by the hand or fingers
when applied to the bell.
To underftan4 this more completely, let us conceive
that a bell is compofed of .a feries of circular zones,
decreafing in diameter all the way to its top, each of
which may be confidered as a flat ring, compofed of
as many concentric circles as ics thicknefs will admit
of. If this ring is ftruck at the point a (Plate XXX.
Fig. 4.) the part fo ftruck tends towards g, and at the
feme time the parts b and d tend towards i and m, and
this action in thefe parts neceflarily caufes the point c
to approach towards e\ by their elaftic power, how-
ever, thefe parts prefently regain the pofition in which
they were before the bell was ftruck ; but as they re-
turn with an accelerated force, they generally go be- e
yond the point where they ought to reft. The part
a, therefore, after having returned from g to a, tends
towards /, the part c towards h, and the parts b and
d towards k and / j whence it happens that the bell, at
firft of a circular form, really becomes alternately oval
in two different directions j it follows then, that in
thofe parts where the curvature is the greateft, their
exterior points depart from each other.
The fame circumftance happens to the mufical cord
of a harp, or other ftringed inftrument, when it is
touched, for, in order to become angular, as B C D
or B E D (Fig. 5.) it is necefiary that the firing mould
!>e ftretched or lengthened, and confequently its par-
442 Cattfe of acute and grave Sbwids. [Book V.
tides be in fome meafure removed from the point of
There are then two vibrations which take place in
fbnorous bodies j the general vibration, which changes
the form of the body, and the particular vibration,
-which affects the- minute particles, in confequence of
the former. M. de la Hire has proved *, that the
found is not owing to the general vibration, but rather
to the vibration of the particles \ for whenever the two
vibrations can be feparated, it is found that the for-
mer produces no found; but when the general vibra-
tion is accompanied with a, vibration of the particles,
the latter it is that regulates the duration, the force,
and th modulation of the found: if, on the contrary,
thefc vibrations are flopped or interrupted by touch-
ing the fonorous body, the found immediately ceafes.
On this account clock-makers attach to the hammer*
which (rrikes the bell of the clock, a (hull fpring*
which elevates it again the moment it has ft ruck, ard
prevents it from remaining upon the bell, which would
conficlerably deaden or deilroy the found.
Acute founds are produced, when the vibrations of
the founding body are more frequent; grave or deep
founds, when they are lefs fo: no medium between
acqte and grave founds can be found. Sonorous bo-
dies arc faid to be in unifon when they vibrate with
the fame frequency; when one vibrates twice as fait
as the other, they differ by an octave; and other ratios*
with refpect to the quicknefs of vibration, are diflin-
guilhed by other names. Cords, which are fhort and
tightly ftr etched, produce acute founds; thofe which
are long and lax, grave founds.
The motion or vibration of bodies at a diftance
from us would not affect our fenfe of hearing without
Mem. de 1'Acad. 1716, p. 264.
Chap. 10.] How Air transmits Sound. 443
the medium of fome other body, which receives an
impulfe from this motion, and communicates the vi-
brations to our organs. Thus a hard blow upon an
anvil or upon a bell could not be heard by us, even at
a very fmall diftance, if there was not a medium be-
tween thofe objects and us capable of tranfmitting the
vibrations to our auditory nerves. Elaftic fluids are the
moft effective mediums for this purpofe, and confe-
quently the air is the moft common vehicle of found,
which is very eafily proved by ringing a bell under the
receiver of an air-pump, the found it affords being
found gradually to diminim as the air becomes ex-
haufted, till at length it ceafes to be heard at all.
That the air is capable of being agitated with great
force appears from the violent concufiions produced by
explofions of gunpowder, as well as from the power,
which fome perfons are known to poffefs, of breaking
drinking glaffes, by means of their voice, when found-
ed in unifon with the note which the glafs would have
produced when ftruck. The tremulous motion ex-
cited in the air by founding bodies has been fuppofed
analogous to the fucceffive rings which are produced
by disturbing the furface of water. This hypothe-
fis, however, was difproved by the obfervation that
founds, whether weak or loud, always travel with the
fame velocity, which does not hold true with refpedt
to the rings on the furface of water, fince thefe move
fafter or flower according to the force of the caufe
which excited them.
Every found is rendered ftronger or weaker, and may
be heard at a greater or lefs diftance, according to the
denfity* or rarity of that elaftic fluid, by which it is
* That fome degree of denfity is necefiary in a fluid, to enable,
it to convey founds, is evident from this faft, that light, which is
a fluid extremely rare, is totally d?fli:ute of this power. Tralte
$km. de Pkjfiiue, torn. ii. p. rfo.
444 Experiments on the Tranfmijfion of found. [Book V.
propagated. According to Mr. Haukfbee, who has
*made deep refearches into this branch of philofophy,
when air has acquired twice its common denfity it
tranfrnits found twice as far as common air ; whence
he reafonably concludes, that found increafes, not
only in direct proportion to the denfity of the air, but
in proportion to the fquare of this denfity.
If found was propagated in an elaftic fluid more
denfe than the air, it ^would be carried proportionably
farther. I have proved this, fays M. Briflbn *, by
putting a fonorous body into carbonic acid gas or
fixable air, the denfity of which is about one-third
more than that of atmofpherical air; the confequence
was, that at that time, and in that fituation, the found
was very confiderably increafed. For the fame rea-
fon, the drynefs of the air, which increafes its denfity,
has a confiderable effe6b in rendering found louder
and more audible. Sound is alfo much increafed by
the reverberation of the pulfes of the air from thofe
furrounding bodies againft which they ftrike, whence
it happens that mufic is fo much louder in a clofe
apartment than in the open air.
Elaftic fluids are, however, not the only medium
through which found may be tranfmittedj for it may
be propagated by means of water and other liquors,
which may be proved by immerfmg a fonorous body
in water; but it muft be obferved, that in this
cafe the found will be lefs perceptible, and will not
extend to fo great a diftancej the caufe of this dimi-
nution is, becaufe mediums for the tranfmiflion of
found fhould be elaftic, and that is a property which
water and other liquors poffefs only in a very re-i
ftrided degree.
* Elem. de Phyfique, torn, ii. p. i6|.
Chap. 10.] Velocity of Sound. 44 he, c are now acknow-
ledged to be electrical phenomena, and thefe are fre-
quently accompanied with formidable winds. Why
may not the caufe which produces thefe phendmeria
be alfo that of the winds which accompany them ? .If
electricity is the caufe of thefe winds, why may it not
be the caufe of the others j- :'
Winds are commonly divided into three clafles, viz.
general, periodical, and variable winds.
General or permanent winds blow always nearly in
the fame direction. In the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,
under the equator, the wind is almoft always eafterly ;
it blows, indeed, in this direction, on both fides of the
equator to the latitude of 28. More to the north-
ward of the equator, the wind generally blows be-
tween the north and eaft, and the farther north we
proceed, we find the wind to blow in a more northern
direction ; more to the fouthward of the equator it
blows between the fbuth and eaft, and the farther to
the fouth, the more it comes in that dire6tion.
Between the parallels of 28 and 40 fouth lat. in,
that tract which extends from 30 weft to 100 eaft'
longitude from London^ the wind is variable, but it
moft. frequently blows from between the N. W.
and S. W. fo that the outward bound Eaft India fhips
* With refpeft to the latter I entertain many doubts, at leaff
as to electricity being the proximate or efficient caufe. See the
latter part of this chapter.
f Briflbn, Truitc Elem. de Phyfique, torn, ii, p. 180.
G g 2 generally
452 frade Winds. [BookV.
-generally run down their eafting on the parallel of
36' fouth *.
Navigators have given the appellation of tradc-
winds to thefe general winds.
Thofe winds, which blow in a certain direction for
a time, and at certain dated fcafons change and blow
for an equal fpace ef time from the oppofite point of
the compafs, are called monfoons. During the months
of April, May, June, July, Auguft, and September,
the wind blows from the (buthwara over the whole
length of the Indian Oevanj viz. between the parallels
of 28 N. and 28 S. lac. and between the eaftern coaft
of Africa and the meridian which pafles through the
weftern part of Japan , but in the other months, Octo-
ber, November, December, January, February, and
March, the winds in all the northern parts of the
Indian Ocean fhift round, and blow directly contrary
to the courle they held in the former fix months.
For fome days before and after the change, there are
calms, variable winds, and tremendous dorms, with
thunder, &c.
Philofophers differ in their opinions refpecting the
caufe of thefe periodical winds ; but a moil probable
theory of the general trade-winds is, that they are oc-
-cafioned by the heat of the fun in the regions about the
equator, where the air is heated to a greater degree, and
confequently rarefied more than in thofe parts of the
globe which are nearer the poles. From this expanfion
of the air in thefe tropical regions, the denfcr air, in
higher latitudes, rufhes violently towards the equator
from both fides of the globe. By this conflux of the
denfer air, without any other circumftances intervening,
a direct northerly wind would be produced in the noi th-
* See Nicholfon's Phil. vol. ii. p. 56.
-Chap, ii.] Land and Sea Breezes. 453
crn tropic, and a fouthern one in the other tropic ;. but
as the earth's diurnal motion varies thedireft influence
of the fun over the furface of the earth, and as by that
motion this influence is communicated from eaft to
weft, an eafterly wjnd would be produced, if this in-
fluence alone prevailed. On account of the co-optra-
tion of thefe two caufes at the fame time, the trade -'
winds* blow naturally from the N. E. on the north, and
from the S. E. on the fouth of the line, throughout the
whole year; but as the fun approaches nearer the'tropic
of Cancer in our ftimrner feafon, the point towards
which thefe winds are directed will not be invariably
the fame, but they will incline more towards the north
in that feafon, and more towards the fouth in our
The Ian4 zndfea breezes in the tropical climates may
be confidcred as partial interruptions of the general
trade winds, and the caufe of thefe it is not very diffi-
cult to explain. From water being a better conductor
of heat than earth, the water is always of a more even
temperature. During the day, therefore, the land be-
comes confiderably heated, the air rarefied, and con--
fequently in the afternoon a breeze lets in from the
fea, which is lefs heated at that time than the land.
On the other hand, during the night, the earth lofes its
furplus heat, while the fea continues more even in its
temperature. Towards morning, therefore, a breeze
regularly proceeds from the land towards the ocean,
where the air is warmer, and confequently more rarefied
than on ihore.
The caufe of the mcnfoons is not (b well underflood
as that of the general trade winds j but what has been
jufl remarked, fuggefts, at lead, a probable theory
on the fubject. It is well known, that at die equator the
changes of heat and cold are occafioned by the diurnal
Gg 3 motion
454 Moyfoons tr [Book V.
motion of the earth, and that the difference between
the heat of the day and the night is almoft all that is
perceived in thole tropical regions j whereas in the
polar regions the great vipifiitudes of heat and cold
are occafioned by the annual motion of the globe,
which produces the fenfible changes of winter andfum-
tner j confequently, if the heat of the fun was the only
caufe of the variation of the winds, the changes, if
any, that would be produced by thofe means in equa-
torial regions, ought to be diurnal only, but the changes
about the pole fhould be experienced only once in fix
rnonths. As the effecls arifing from tV> heat of the
fun upon the air muft be greater at the equator than at
the poles, 1 the changes of the wind arifing from the ex-
panfion of the air by the fun's rays muft be more fteady
in equatorial than in polar regions. The incontrover-
tible evidence of navigators proves this truth, that
winds are more variable towards the poles, and more
conftant towards the equator. But in fummer, the
continual heat, even in high latitudes, comes to be fen-
fibly felt, and produces changes on the wind, which are
diftinctly perceptible. In our own cold region, the
effects of the fqn on the wind are felt during the fum-
mer months ; for while the weather in that feafon of
the year is fine, the wind generally becomes ftronger as
the time of the day advances, and dies away towards the
evening, and affumes that pleafing fcrenity fo delight-
ful to our feelings. Such are the diurnal changes of
the wind in northern climates. The annual revolution
of the fun produces ftill more fenfible effects. The
prevalence of the weftern winds during fummcr 4 we may
attribure to this caufe, -which is ftill more perceptible
in France and Spain j becaufe the continent of land to
the eaftward, being heated more than the waters of the
Atlantic Ocean, the air is drawn, during that feafon,
Chap, li.] Periodical trade Winds. 455
towards the eaft, arid confequently produces a weftern
But thefe effects are much more perceptible in
countries near the tropics than with us. For when the
fun approaches the tropic of Cancer, the foil of-Perfia,
Bengal, China, and the adjoining countries, becomes
fo much more heated than the fea to the fouthward of
thofe countries, that the current of the general trade
wind is interrupted, fo as to blow, at that fcafon, from
the fouth to the north, contrary to what it wouid do if
no land was there. But as the high mountains of
Africa, during all the year, are extremely cold, the low
countries of India, to the eaftward of it, become hotter
than Africa in iutnmer, and the air is naturajjy drawn
thence to the eaftward. From the fame caufe it fol-
lows, that the trade wind, in the Indian Ocean, from
April till October, blows in a north- eaft direction,
contrary to that of the general trade wind, in open feas,
in the fame latitude j but whenxhe fun retires towards
the tropic of Capricorn, thefe northern parts' become
cooler, and the general trade wind afllimes its natural
Having given the mod obvicus caufes of the pe-
riodical monfoons in the Indian feas, it is necefiary to
obfervr, that no monfoon takes place to the fouth-
ward of the equator, except in that part of the ocean
adjoining to New Holland. There the fame caufes
concur to produce a monfoon as in the northern tro-
pic, and fimilar appearances take place. From Octo-
ber till April the monfoon fets in from the N. W. to
S. E. oppofite to the general courfe of the trade wind
on the other fide of the line j and here aifo the general
trade wind re fumes its ufual courfe during the other
months, which conftitute the winter fcafon in thefe
regions. It may not be improper to conclude this
G g 4 account
456 Variable Winds. [Book V,
account of the tropical winds, by enumerating fome of
the principal inflexions of the monfoons.
Between the months of April and October the
wind blows conftantly from W. S. W. in all that part
of the Indian ocean which lies between Madagafcar
and Cape Commorin, and in the contrary direction
from October till April, with fome fmail variation in
different places ; but in the bay of Bengal thefe v.inds
are neither fo ftrong nor fo conftant as in the In 'ian
ocean. It muft alfo be remarked, that the S. W. winds
in thofe feas are more foutherly on the African fide,
and more wefterly on the fide of India ; but thefe va-
riations are not fo great as to be repugnant to the ge-
neral theory. The caufe of this variation is, as \vas
before intimated, that the mountainous lands of Africa
are colder than the flatter regions of Arabia and India,
confequently the wind naturally blows from thefe cold
mountains, in the fummer feafon, towards the warmer
lands of Afm, which occafions thofe inflections of the
wind to the eaftward during the fummer months.
The peninfula of India, lying fo much farther to the
fouth than the kingdoms of Arabia and Perfia, adds
greatly to this effect, becaufe the wind naturally draws
towards them, and produces that eaftcrly variation of
the monfoon which takes place in this, part of the
ocean, while the fandy deferts of Arabia draw the winds
more directly northward, near the African coaft. A
fimilar chain of reafoning will ferve to explain any
other inflexions or variations that may occur in the
perufal of books of travels, &c.
The variable winds, .which take place in thefe cli-
- rnates, depend upon different caufes ; but I am in-
clined to agree with M. Briffon in attributing them
chiefly to electricity. It is to be remembered, that
whatever deftroys the equilibrium of the air, in other
6 words.
Chap, n.] theory of Winds. 457
\vords_, any caufe which produces a fudden rarefadion
in any part of the atmoCphere, produces a current of
wind towards the part where the rarefaction takes
place > winds are, therefore, not only produced by the
earth being heated in a particular part, but by thunder
ftorms or other electrical phenomena. The rays of
the"- fun are alfo fometimes obftruded by clouds or
mifts in particular places, and one part of the world,
or even of a particular country, will confequently be
lefs heated than another ; in that cafe there will always
be a current of air from the cold to the warm region.
Befides this, the falling of rain, or other circumftances,
produce occafional alterations in the temperature ; and
whenever thefe take place in any country, they muft
be attended with wind. The great Bacon was the firft
who attempted a theory of the wind ; and it is to be
lamented that his plan has not been purfued by fuc-
ceeding philofophers. The following is a (ketch of
his general principles, with a few additions by modern .
1 At fea the winds are more regular than at land ;
for there nothing oppofes their progrefs, or alters the
fun's influence.
'The air at fea is more equable, as well as more
conftant : at land it blows in fits of force and intermif-
fion j but at fea the current is ftrong, fteady, and even.
' In general, at fea, on this fide the equator, the eaft
and north winds are moft violent and boifterous : on
the contrary, at land, the weft and Couth winds moft
frequently produce hurricanes and tempefts.
' The air is often feen to move in two contrary cur-
rents, and this almoft ever previous to thunder. The
clouds, in fuch a cafe, are feen to move one way, while
;he weathercock points another.
45$ Theory of 'Winds. [BookV.
c The winds are more violent at certain heights than
upon the plain, and the higher we afcend Jolty moun-
tains, the greater is the force of the wind, till we get
above the ordinary heights of the clouds. Above this
the fky is ufually fcrene and 'clear. The reafon is,
that the wind, at the lurface of the earth, is continually
interrupted by hiils and rifings : fo that, on the plnin,
between any two of thele, the inhabitants are in a kind
of fhelter; but when once the interpofition of fmall
hills no longer ftops the wind's courfe, it then .becomes
itrbnger, as the interruptions it meets with are fewer.
At the tops of the higher mountains its interruptions
are leaft of all ; but it does not blow with violence
there ; for its denfity is fo much diminiihed by the
height, that its force is fcarcely perceptible, and the
fform falls mid;vay below. What is commonly called
a high vvind moves at the rate of about thirty-five
miles an hour.
' A current of air al-ways augments in force in pro-
portion as the pafihge through which it runs is dimi-
nilhed. The law of this augmentation is, that the air's
force is compounded of , its fwiftnefs and denfity, and
as thefe are increafed, fo will the force-of the wind. If
any quantity of wind moves with twice the fwiftnefs of
a fimilar quantity, it will have twice its force ; but if,
at the fame time that it is twice as fwift, it moves
through twice a fmaller tube, and the fides of the canal
give no refiftanceto its motion, it will have four times
the force. This, however, is not entirely the cafe ;
for the fides of the tube give a refiftance, ancl retard
its motion, in a proportion that is not eafily calculated.
From this increafe of the wind's denfity in blowing
through narrow pafiages, it is that we fee the dorms fo
very violent that fometimes blow between two neigh-
bouring hills. It is from this, that when caugbt in
Chap, ii.] Hurricanes. 4 59
long arcades opening at one end, the wind blows with
great force along them. From this increafed dehfity
it is, that we meet with fdch cold blafts at the corners
of frreets. In fhcrt, whatever diminimes its bulk,
without taking entirely away from its motion, increafes
the vehemence of the wind. This alfo is the reafon
why the air reflected back from the fide of a mountain
is often more violent than the air which firft ftruck its
fide i for it is by this means condenfed, and its force
augmented. The countrymen and farmers have a
diftinftion which is not without its foundation ; for
they make a difference between a fwift and an heavy
florin : the fwift ftorm is loud, boifterous, and inoffen-
five; the heavy ftorm more bpiftercus and alfo more
dangerous. This fhewr- the infurEciency of thofe in-
ftrnments made for meafuring winds, by meafuring the
rapidity only with which they move*.'
It would be happy indeed for fcience and for man-
kind if thefe refearches could have been carried further.
To predict an eclipfe, fays a late writer, is an object
merely of curiofity ; to predict an approaching ftorm
would be of inconceivable benefit. What is (till un-
accomplimed with refpect to our own climate, has how-
ever been attempted with refpecl to thofe alarming
itorms which happen in the Weil-Indies, and which
are commonly denominated hurricanes.
Thefe dreadful convulfions of nature, Dr. Perkins^
of Bofton, in America, fuppofes to be caufed by fome
occasional obftruftion in the uiual and natural progrefs
of the equatorial trade winds. The reafon he aiTigns
for this conjecture is, the more than ufual calm which
commonly precedes them. Iti the natural courfe of
the trade winds, the air rifes up in the line, and pafles
*Goldfmith's Plxilofophy, vol. ii. p. 143.
460 . Defcription of [Book V.
off towards the poles, and, in the more contracted de-
grees of the higher latitudes, takes the courfe of the
weft trade winds, fo that could their afcent be pre-
vented through the whole circle of the zone, there
would be no more weft winds in thofe latitudes than in
any other. Very violent rains and cold, however, tend
to check the afcent of air out of this circle, rather
caufing it to defcend. dear clouds and vapour ge-
nerate cold and wet, while rain beats down the air j
and as -hefe prevenrthe rifing of the air out of the line,
ib they hinder its ufual progrefs from the tropics on both
fides ; hence the calms which ufually precede hur-
ricanes. Calms, in thefe tropical regions,. are caufcd
by the afcent of the air into the higher part of the at-
mofphere, inftead of its remaining near the line : the
accumulation of air above then becomes heavier by
the cold which it meets in thofe regions, and defcends
into the more rarefied region below. Thefe heavy
gales, therefore, will continue to defcend till the upper
regions are entirely exonerated *".
In Mr. Beckford's hiftory of Jamaica there is a very
detailed and ftriking account of the dreadful hurricane
which defolated the iflands in the year 1780, but it is
too long for infertion as an extract, and in an abridged
ftate .the defcription would lofe its force. ' It is in the
rainy feafon (fays Mr. Adams) principally in the month
of Auguft, that they are afiaulted by hurricanes, which
deftroy at a ftroke the labours of many years, and
proftrate the mod exalted hopes of the planter, and
that, often when he thinks himfclf out of the reach of
fortune. It is a fudden and violent ftorm of wind,
rain, thunder, and lightning, attended with a furious
fwelling of the feas, and fomecimes with an earthquake;
f Arr.cricap Phil. Tranf. vol. i.
Chap, ii.] an Hurricane. 461
in fhort, with every circumftance which the elements
can affemble, that is terrible and deftruclive. Firft,
they fee, as a prelude to the enfuing havock, whole
fields of fugar canes whirled into the air, and fcattered
over the face of the country. The ftrongeft trees of
the foreft are torn up by the roots, and driven about
like ilubble ; their wind-mills are fwept away in a
moment j their works, the fixtures, the ponderous
copper boilers, and ftills of feveral hundred weight,
are wrenched from the ground and battered to pieces ;
their houfes are no protection ; their roofs are torn off
at one blaft, whilft the rain rulhes in upon them with
irrefiftible violence.
f There are figns by which the Indians of thefe iflands
taught our planters to prognofticate the approach of
an hurricane. The hurricane comes on either in the
quarter or at the full change of the moon. If it comes
on at the full, then, at the preceding change, the fky is
troubled, the fun more red than ufual , there is a dead
calm below, and the mountain tops are free from thofe
mifts which ufually hover about them. In the caverns
of the earth, and in wells, you hear a hollow rumbling
found, like the ruihing of a great wind. At night the
flars feem much larger than ufual, and furrounded with,
a fort of burs ; the north- weft Iky has a black and me-
nacing appearance ; the fca emits a ftrong fmell, and
rifes into vail waves often without any wind. The
wind itfelf now forfakes its ufual fteady eafterly ftream,.
and fhifts about to the weft ; whenctr it fometimes,
with intermifilons, blows violently and irregularly
about two hours at a time. You have the fame figns
at the full moon : the moon herfelf is furrounded. with
a great bur, and fometimes the fun has the fame ap-
* Adams's Leftures, vol. iv. p. 540.
4#2 Tbt liar mat tan. [Book V.
The lunmttan is a very fingular wind, which blows
periodically from the interior parts of Africa towards
die Atlantic Ocean. The feafon in which it prevails
is during the months of December, January, and Fe-
bruary.; it comes on indifcrimmately at any hour of
th~ day, at any time of the tide, or at any period of
the moon, and continues fornetimes only a day or two,
fumetimes five or fix days, and it has been known to
laft fifteen and fixteen days. There are generally
three or four returns of it every feafon. It blows with
a moderate force, but not quite fo ftrong as the fea
A fog or haze is one of the peculiarities which
always accompany the harmattan. The Englifh,
French, and Portuguefe forts at Whydah, are not quite
, a quarter of a mile afunder, .yet are frequently quite
invifible to each other ; the fun, concealed the greatelt
part of the day, appears only about a few hours at
noon, and then of a mild red, exciting no painful fen-
fation on the eye. The particles which conftitute this
fog are depofited on the leaves of trees, on the fkins of
the negroes, Sec. and make them appear whitifh.
Extreme drynefs makes another extraordinary pro-
perty of this wind \ no dew falls during its continu-
ance ; vegetables are withered, and the grafs becomes
dry like hay. The natives take this opportunity to
clear the land, by fetting fire to the trees and plants
while in that dry and exhaufted (late. The drynefs is
fo extreme, that the covers of books, even clofely fhut
up in a trunk, are bent as if expofed to die fire, llouf-
hold furniture is much damaged ; the pannels of wain-
fcots fplit, and fineerecl work flies to pieces. The
joints of a well-laid floor of feafoned wood open fufE-
ciently to admit die breadth of a finger between them ;
but become as clofe as before on the ceafuig of the
Chap, ii.] f be Sirocco. 463
harmattan. The human body does not efcape the
parching effects of this wind j the eyes, noftrils, lips,
and palate, are rendered dry and uneafy ; the lips and
nofe become fore, and though the air is cool, there is
a troublefome fenfation of pricking heat on the fkin.
If the harmattan continues four or five days, the fcarf-
fkin peels off, firfc from the hands and face, artd after-
wards from the reft of the body.
Though this wind is fo fatal to vegetable life, and
occafions thefe troublefome -effects to the human fpe-
cies, it is nevertheiefs highly conducive to health -, it
flops the progrefs of epidemics, and relieves the patients
labouring under fluxes and intermittent fevers. In-
fection is not eafy at that time to be communicated,
even by inoculation. It is alfo remarkable for the
cure of ulcers and cutaneous difeafes *.
The firocco (fo called by the Italians becaufe it is
fuppofed to blow from Syria, and in the South of
France, the Levant wind) refembles in fome of its
effects the harmattan, but it differs from it in being ex-
tremely ir.falubrious. It fometimes blows for feveral
days together, to the great annoyance of the whole
vegetable and animal creation ; its medium heat is
calculated at 1 1 2 degrees j it is fatd to vegetation and
deftructive to mankind, and efpecially to flrangers ; it
depreffes the fpirits in an unufual degree ; it fufpends
the powers of digeflion, fo that rhofe who venture to
eat a heavy fupper, while this wind prevails, are com-
monly found dead in their beds the next morning, t of
what is called an indigeftion. The fick, at that afflict-
ing period, commonly fink under the prelTure of their
difeafes 3 and it is cuilomary in the morning, after this
*Dobf. Account, Phil. Trar.f. vol. Ixxi. part i.
464 tte Sirocco. [Book V.
xvind has continued a whole night, to inquire who is
dead .
* * The evil mod to be dreaded in travelling thefe regions is,
^s, the firocc, or lout') wind, which it is imagined blows
from the burning deferts of Africa, and is fcmctimes productive of
dangerous confequences to thofe who are expofed to its fury.
During the con linuance of this wind all nature appears to lan-
guifh, veg-station withers and dies, the bcafts of the n>ld droop,
the animal fpirits feem too much exhauiled to admit of the leaft
bodily exertion, and the fpring ar.d elafticity of the air appear to
be loll. The heat exceeds that of the moft fervid weather in Spain
or Malta, and is felt with peculiar violence in the city and neigh-
bourhood of Palermo.
* The fenfation occafioned by the firocc wind is very ftriking-
and wonderful. In a moment the air becomes heated to an ex-
ceffive degree, and the whole atmofphere feels as if it was in-
flamed, the pores of the body feem at once opened, and all the
fibres relaxed. During its continuance the inhabitants of Pa-
lermo (hut their doors and windows to exclude the air, and where
there are no window (hutters, wet blankets are hung on the infide
of the window, and the fervants are kept continually employed in
fprinkling the apartments with water. No creature, whofe ne-
ceflities do not compel him to the exertion, is to be feen while this
tremendous wind continues to blow, and the ftreets and avenues
of the city appear to be nearly deferted.
' The iirocc generally continues fo fhort a time in Sicily, that it
feldom produces thofe complaints which are the confequcnce of the
duration of its fcorching heats in feveral parts of Italy, though its
'violence in thofe countries is much inferior to what is felt in this
ifland. Here it feldom endures longer than thirty* fix or forty hours,
a time not fufficicnt to heat the ground, or the walls of the houfes,
in a very intenfe continued degree. It is commonly fucceeded by
the tramontane, or north wind, which in a fhort time reltores the
exhaufted powers of animal and vegetable life, and nature foon
aflumes her former appearance. The caufe of the firocc wind has
been frequently attempted to be explained, but the different hypc-
thefes are perhaps more to be admired for their ingenuity and fancy
than for being very fatisfadlorily explained. The fuperior intenfe-
nefs of this fcorching wind at Palermo, may probably be accounted
for from the fituation of that city, which is almoft furrounded by
Chap, ii.] FbeSamiel. 46$
Whether the fatal effects of the firocco depend en-
tirely upon the degree of fever, which is produced by
the extreme heat which accompanies it, or whether it
is really charged with any mephitic gas, I have never
been fufficiendy informed ; but I wiih that any intel-
ligent traveller would examine the ftate of the air by
the eudiometer, and by other tefts, during the pre-
valence of this wind. Should it be found loaded with
carbonic gas, its ill effects might eafily be obviated by
fufpending, in the different apartments, cloths dipped
in lime water; but from the prefent ftate of the evi-
dence I am difpofed to think that all its evil confe-
quences depend upon the fudden increafe of the tem-
perature only.
f An extraordinary blafting wind is felt occafionally
at Falklands Iflands. Happily its duration is fhort :
it feldom continues above twenty-four hours. It cuts
the herbage down as if fires had been made under
them j the leaves are parched up, and crumble into
duft. Fowls are feized with* cramps fo as never to
recover. Men are oppreffed with a ftopped perfpi-
ration, heavinefs at the breaft, and fore throat; but
ufually recover with care.
* But beyond all others in its dreadful effects, is the
famiel, or mortifying wind, of the deferts near Bagdad.
The camels, either by inftinct or experience, have
lofty mountains, the ravines and valleys of which are parched and
almoil burnt up in fummer. The numbeilefs fprings of warm
water muft alfo greatly increafe the heat of the air, and the practice
of burning brufh wood and heath on the neighbouring mountains,
during the warm feafon, mult undoubtedly tend to increafe the heat
of the wind in paffing over the country of Sicily, though it had
previoufly .been difarmed of part of its violence by travelling over
the fea which divides Sicily from Africa." Prefent State of Sicily
and Malta, p. i$o,.
VOL. I. Hh notice
466 We Samlel [Book V.
notice of its approach, and are fo well aware of it, that
they are faid to make an unufual noife, and cover up
their nofes in the fand. To efcape its effects, travellers
throw themftlves as clofe as poflible to the ground,
and wait till it has pafled by, which is commonly in a
few minutes. As foon as they who have life dare to
rile again, they examine how it fares with their com-
panions, by plucking at their arms or legs ; for if they
are deftroyed by the wind, their limbs are abfolutely
mortified, and will come afunder. It is faid of this
wind, that if it happens to meet with a fhower of rain
in its courfe, and blows acrofs it, it is at once deprived
of its noxious quality, and becomes mild and innocent.
It is alfo faid, that it was never known to pafs the walls
of a city V
This account of the famiel is extracted from the
travels of Mr. Ives over land to the Eaft Indies. Irs
fatal effects, if the ftatement is perfectly correct, evi-
dently proceed from a certain portion of extremely
putrid vapours with which it is charged, and I fufpect
it only happens when a ftrong wind chances to blow
over fome very putrid and ftagnant lake, which is not
far diftant ; travellers, however, are on fuch occafions
commonly in a ftate of too much alarm to note cir-
cumftances with accuracy, and too much of their ac-
counts is collected upon hear-fay evidence. This
wind, after all, may only confift of a mephitic vapour
which deftroys life "when inhaled ; and the putridity,
which is faid fo rapidly to take place, may depend
more upon the climate than the nature of the wind.
A wind or haze was obferved by Mr. Bruce, in the
courfe of his travels to difcover the fources of the
Mile, refembling the preceding in fome of its effects,
* See Adams's Leures, vol. iv. p. 541.
Chap, ii.] Moving Pillars of Sand. 467
though in others it may be thought more analogous
to the firocco. It is called by Mr. Bruce the fimoom,
and from its effects-upon the lungs, I can entertain
but little doubt, that it confifts chiefly of carbonic acid
gas in a very denfe ftate, and perhaps mixed with fome
other noxious exhalations.
In the fame defert Mr. Bruce obferved the afto-
nifhing phenomenon of moving pillars of fand *,
which are probably the effects of a number of
whirlwinds in thofe torrid regions. As the defcrip-
tion of thefe pillars is in fome degree blended with
that of the fimoom, I fhall extract the whole pafiage.
In relating the particulars of his journey acrofs a
certain part of the dcferts of Africa, Mr. Bruce ob-
ferves, c We were here at once furprifed and terri-
fied by a fight furely one of t the moft magnificent in
the world. In that vaft expanfe of defert, from weft
and to the north weft of us, we faw a number of pro-
digious pillars of fand at different diftances, at times
moving with great celerity, and at others (talking ori
with a majeftic flownefs j at intervals we thought they
were coming in a very few minutes to overwhelm us ;
and fmall quantities of fand did actually more than
once reach us. Again they would retreat fo as to be
almoft out of. fight, their tops reaching to the very
clouds. There the tops often feparated from the'
bodies j and thefe, once disjoined, difperfed in the air,
and did not appear more. Sometimes they were
broken near the middle, as if (truck with a large can-
* " So where our wide Numidian waftes extend,
Sudden th' impetuous hurricanes defcend,
Wheel through the air, in circling eddies play,
Tear up the fands, and {Veep whole plains away ,
Th'. affrighted traveller, with wild furprife,
Sees the dry defert all around him rife,
And, fmother'd in the dufty 'whirlwind, dies."
Addifon's Cato.
H h 2 non
468 Moving Pillars of Sand. [Book V.
non fhot. About noon they began to advance with
confiderable fwiftnefs upon us, the wind being very
ftrong at north. Eleven of them ranged alongfide of
us about the diftance of three miles. The greatefl
diameter of the larged appeared to me at that diftance,
as if it would meafure ten feet. They retired from us
with a wind at fouth eaft j leaving an impreflion upon
my mind to which I can give no name, though furely
one ingredient in it was fear, with a confiderable deal
of wonder and aftonilhment. It was in vain to think
of flying ; the fwifteft horfe, or faded failing (hip,
could be of no ufe to carry us out of this danger ; and
the full perfuafion of this ri vetted me as if to the fpot
where I dood, and let the camels gain on me fo much
in my date of lamenefs, that it was with fome difficulty
I could overtake them/
The fame phenomena again occurred in the courfc
of a few days. c The fame appearance of moving pil-
lars of land prefented themfelves to us this day, in form
and difpofition like thofe we had feen at Waadi Hal-
boub, only they feemed to be more in number, and lefs
in fize. They came feveral times in a direction clofe
upon us j that is, I believe, within lefs than two miles.
They began immediately after fun-rife, like a thick
wood, and almod darkened the fun : his rays fhining
through them for near an hour, gave them an appear-
ance of pillars of fire. Our people now became defpe-
rate : the Greeks (hrieked out, and faid it was the day
of judgment. Ifmael pronounced it to be hell, and the
Tucorories, that the world was on fire. I afked Idris
if ever he had before feen fuch a fight ? he faid he had
often feen them as terrible, though never worfe ; but
what he feared mod was the extreme rednefs of the air,
which was a fure prefage of the coming of the fimoom.
I begged and intreated IdrLs that he would not^ ay one
Chap, ii.] ^he Simoom. 469
word of that in the hearing of the people, for they had
already felt it at Imhanfara, in their way from Ras el
Feel to Teawa, and again at the Acaba of Gcrri,
before we came to Chendi, and they were already nearly
diftracted at the appre'henfion of rinding it here.
c At half pad four o'clock in the afternoon, we left
Waadi Del Aned, our courfe a little more to the weft-
ward than the direction of Syene. The fands which
had difappeared yefterday fcarcely (hewed themfelves
at all this day, and at a great diftance from the hori-
zon. This was, however, a comfort but of fhort du-
ration. I obferved Idris took no part in it, but only
warned me, and the fervants, that, upon the coming of
the fimoom, we mould fall upon our faces, with our
mouths upon the earth, fo as not to partake of the
outward air as . long as we could hold our breath.
We alighted at fix o'clock at a fmall rock in the
fandy ground, without trees or herbage, fo that our
camels faded all that night. This place is called
Ras el Sheah, or, by the Bimareen, El Mout, which
fignifies death, a name of bad omen.
f On the 1 6th, at half paft ten in the forenoon, we
left El Mout, {landing in the direction clofe upon
Syene. Our men, if not gay, were, however, in better
fpirits than I had feen them fince we left Gooz. One
of our Barbarins had even attempted a fong; but
Hagi Ifmael very gravely reproved him, by telling
him, that finging in fuch a fituation was a tempting
of Providence. There is, indeed, nothing more dif-
ferent than aftive and paffive courage. Hagi Ifmael
would fight, but he had not ftrength of mind to fuffer.
At eleven o'clock, while we contemplated with great
pleafure the rugged top of Chiggre, to which we
were fad approaching, and where we were to folace
oiirfelves with plenty of good water, Idris cried out,
H h 3 with
470 1'bs Simoom. [Book V.
with a loud voice, Fail upon your faces, for here is
the fimoom. I faw from the fouth-eaft a haze come,, in
colour like the purple part of the rainbow, but not fo
c.ompreffed or thick. Ic did not occupy twenty yards
in breadth, and was about twelve feet high from the
ground. It was a kind of bluih upon the air, and it
moved very rapidly, for I fcarce could turn u fall
upon the ground with my head to the northward,
when J felt the heat of its current plainly upon my
face. We all lay flat on the ground, as if dead, till
Idris told us it was blown over. The meteor, or
purple haze, which I faw, was indeed patted, but the
light air that (till blew was of heat to threaten fuffo-
cation. For my part, I found diftinctly in my breaft,
that I had imbibed a part of it ; nor was I free of an
afthmatic fenfation till I had been fome months in
Italy, at the baths of Poretta, near two years after-
wards *.' *
Whirlwinds and water-fpouts have by many philo-
fophers been conlidered as entirely electrical pheno-
mena, while others have attributed them to a different
eaufe, and accounted for them upon the principles of
hydroftatics. It is poflible, however, that there may
really be two kinds of water-fpouts, the one the effect
ef the electrical attraction as defcribed in Book iv.
c. 6. and the other caufed by a vacuum, or extreme
and fudden rarefaction of the air. The whirlwinds
which I have obferved in this country, were, I
am perfuaded, of the latter kind; at leaft whatever
was the original caufe, the circumagitation or fpiral
motion of the air muft have continued long after every
electrical power had ceafed to act.
It is well known that even a common fire produces
a kind of circulation of the air in a room, but in a
* Brace's Travels, vol. iv. p. 553, 555.
Chap, n.] Whirlwinds. 47 \
different form. It is therefore not difficult to con-
ceive, that when any part of the column of air upon
the furface of the earth or water is fuddenly rarefied,
either by electricity or any other caufe, a vacuum, at
lead comparatively to the reft of the air, will imme-
diately take place, and the circumambient air rufhing
in at once from every quarter to fill the void, a con-
flict of winds enfues, and confequently a circular mo-
tion, by which light bodies will be taken up and turned
round with confiderable velocity; this 1 violent rufhing
of the air on all fides into the vacuum then forms
what is commonly called at land a whirlwind.
When this vacuum takes place at fea, from the
nature of fluids, the water will rife to a certain height
by the prefiure of the atmofphere, as in a common
pump ; but as the vacuum is not quite perfect, the
water will be divided into drops, and as thefe va-
cuums are generally caufed by heat, it will be rarefied
when it reaches the upper regions of the atmolphere,
and affume the appearance of a cloud.
Mr. Oliver *, whofe theory I have adopted with
little variation, illuftrates the phenomenon by a very
eafy experiment. In a ftiff paper card he made a
hole juft large enough to infert a goofe quill ; after
cutting the quill off fquare at both ends, he laid the
card upon the mouth of a wine glafs, filled with water
to within a fifth or fixth part of an inch from the
lower orifice of the quill ; then applying his mouth to
the upper part, he drew the air out of the quill, and
in one draught of his breath drew in about a fpoon-
ful of water; and this he was able to repeat, the quill
remaining as before. The water, he adds, did not
afcend to his mouth in a dream, as it would have done
*' Philad. Tranf. vol. ii.
H h 4 bad
472 Red and fallow Rain. [Book V.
had the quill reached the water, but broken, and con-
fufedly mixed with the air which afcended with it.
The ufual phenomena of water-fpouts are exactly
agreeable to this theory. They appear at a diftance
like an inverted cone, or the point of a fword, which
is owing to the water rifing in large drops at the firft,
and being expanded as it afcends; and a cloud is ge-
nerally fufpended over the body of the phenomenon.
The water which is taken up is undoubtedly lalt at
the firft, but by the rarefaction in the fuperior regions,
it undergoes a kind of natural diftillation, and lofes all
the heavy faline particles with which it was charged.
Water-fpouts have been obferved at land, of which
two v~ry remarkable inftances are recorded in the
Philofophical T ran factions. Other phenomena have
been remarked, which can be explained upon thefe
principles only. Accounts have been given of red
and yellow rain, of frogs and tadpoles, and even fmall
times having been rained upon the tops of houfes.
The red and yellow rain was, I apprehend, compofed
of the blofibms of vegetables, or of infects, taken up
by one of thefe aerial tubes; and the frogs and fifhes
were probably part of the contents of lome pond, in
which the water-fpout originated, or over which it
might have paiTed in its perambulation.
The point or cone of the water-fpout is generally
oblique, depending on the force and direction of the
wind which drives it along.
Dr. Perkins, whom I had occafion to mention, when
treating of hurricanes, in a paper publiflied in the
fame volume of American Transactions, is difpofed to
adopt a different theory of water-fpouts. Captain
Melling informed him, that in a voyage from the
\Vcft India Iflands to Boflon, a water-fpout came
acrofs the Hern of the veflcl where he then was, a
Chap, ii.] Jfater-fpouts. 473
flood of water fell upon him with fuch violence as al-
moft to beat him down, and die fpout immediately
paffed off with a roaring noife into the lea. The
water from the ipout, he remarked, was perfectly
Dr. Perkins adds feveral other inftances on the
teilimony of mariners, who all affirmed, that tltey faw
the water dejcend from the cloud through the water-
fpout into the fca, contrary to the opinion of Mr.
Oliver, that it always afcends.
A whirlwind, therefore, in the opinion of Dr. Per-
kins, cannot be the caufe of a water-fpout; nor
can both of thefe phenomena proceed from the fame
caufe. A whirlwind, he fuppofes to be produced by
the afcentof the heated or rarefied air into or through
the colder regions of the atmofphere above. Now,
Dr. Arbuthnot fays, that the rarefaction of the hotteft
day renders the air but one tenth lighter than it is in
the coldcft.
This roaring noife alfo, as remarked by Captain
Melling, does not agree with the theory of the afcent
of water in the fpout, as it is not very clear why
fuch a noife fnould accompany the fimple afcent of
water *.
To determine the matter, it is to be wiihed, that
future obfervers would be careful to remark, ift. The
incipient ftate of a \vater-fpout, and in particular whe-
ther any cloud is feen hovering over the part in which it
commences j and 2dly, whether the conical part feems
gradually to defcend from the body of the cloud.
A tornado feems to partake much of the nature of
the two preceding phenomena, but is more violent
in its effects. It commences very fuddenly, feveral
* Philad. Tranf. vol. ii.
474 tornadoes... [Book V.
clouds being previoudy drawn together, when a fpout
of wind, proceeding from them, ftrikes the ground in
a round fpot of a few rods or perches diameter, in the*
courfe of the wind of the day, and proceeds thus half
a mile or a mile. The pronenefs of its defcent
makes it rebound from the earth, throwing fuch
things as are moveable before it, but fome fideways or
in a lateral direction from it. A vapour, rnift, or
rain defcends with it, by which the path of it is marked
with wet.
The gentleman, xvho furniflies the above general
defcription, gives an account of one which happened
a few years fince at Leicefter, about fifty miles from
Bofton, in New England, ' It happened in July, on a
hot day, about four o'clock in the afternoon. A few-
clouds having gathered weftward, and coming over
head, a fudden motion of their running together in a
point being obferved, immediately a fpout of wind
Struck the ground at the weft end of a houfe, and
carried it away with a negro man in it, who was
afterwards found dead in the path of it. Two men
and a woman, by the breach of the floor, fell into
the cellar; and one man was driven forcibly up into
the chimney-corner. Thefe were preferved, though
much bruifed j they were wet with a vapour or milr,
as were the remains of the floor, and the whole path
of the fpout. This wind raifed boards, timbers, &c.
A joift was found on one end, driven near three feet
into the ground. The fpout probably took it in its
elevated ftate, and drove it forcibly down. The
tornado moved with the celerity of a middling wind,
and conftantly declined in ftrengch till it em".-
Chap. 12.] [ 475 .]
CHAP. Xir.
OljeSls of Meteorology as a Science.' -Partly anticipated. Tempera-
ture. Heat of the Earth. Effetts of the Sun's Rays en different
Mediums. Difference ivitb refpeSl to Temperature between Land
and Water. Effects of Clouds on the Temperature. Of Evapora-
tion. U/iufual Cold, ho-iv produced in Summer and Winter.*.
Aqueous Meteors. Igneous Meteors. Fire Balls. Shooting Stars.
Ig-nes Fatni.
METEOROLOGY, in its mod extenfive
fenfe, would embrace a large fcope of fcience.
It includes every thing that concerns our atmofphere,
climate, temperature, vapours, fogs, dew, rain, hail,
ihow, the igneous vapours, as proceeding from in-
flammable air, and even thunder and lightning, and
all thofe phenomena which are produced by what is
termed natural electricity.
The arrangement adopted in thefe volumes, which
was the cleared that fuggefted itfelf to my mind, ne-
ceffarily excludes many of thefe fubjedts from the pre-
fent chapter. The electrical phenomena have been
already treated of, and the theory of rain, fnow, &c.
as adopted by the electrical philofophers, has been
briefly explained ; and what remains to be faid on
aqueous meteors will be more properly introduced in
the book which is dedicated to the fubject of water y
and will be better underftood when the properties of
that fluid are more fully explained. .
47 5 Temperature of tie [Book V.
The phenomena, which prefent themfelves for our
immediate confederation, will therefore be thofe which
are, ftrictly fpeaking, aerial or atmofpherical. The
temperature of the atmofphere will therefore, with
propriety, be confidered, and the igneous meteors
with which it is occafionally charged, and of which
the air appears not only to be the vehicle but the pa-
The variations of temperature which we experience
are chiefly produced in the atmofphere, at no great
diftance from the furface of the earth. This is evi-
dent from a fimple and well known fad, that the
earth, at a certain depth beneath the furface, always
preferves nearly the fame temperature, and the degree
of heat at thofe depths generally approaches the mean
annual heat of the climate. Even where there is a
communication with the external air, the earth, at the
depth of 80 or 90 feet, commonly varies but little in
its temperature; and where there is no fuch commu-
nication the variation muft be ftill more inconfiderable.
Thus the temperature of fprings does not vary with
the feafon; and thus the cave of the obfervatory at
Paris, which is about ninety feet below the pavement,
preferves the conftant temperature of about 53 de-
grees, never varying above half a degree in the coldeft
years. Van Swinden has remarked, that the moil
extreme cold, even exceeding o in Fahrenheit's fcale,
if it endures for only a few days, penetrates no fur-
ther than twenty inches, even when the ground is not
covered with fnow, and not more than ten inches when
there is a coat of fnow on the furface of the earth.
The earth may, therefore, be confidered as the great
repofitory of heat; but when its furface is rapidly
cooled, the interior parts experience a diminution of
their heat in fome meafure proportionable, as the heat
Chap. 12.] Earth and Atmofpbere. 477
is in that cafe drawn off towards the furface. Hence in
Switzerland it has been remarked, that the fnow ge-
nerally begins to melt at the bottom ; and if the heat
of the fun- is not ftrong, the fame thing may be ob-
ferved in the progrefs of a thaw in this country.
The furface of the earth is capable of receiving a
great acceffion of heat from the fun's rays. But it has
been before remarked, that light has not the fame ef-
fecl: on a tranfparent medium, for thefe mediums af-
ford a free paffage to the rays of the fun, which ap-
pear to aft only as fire, when accumulated and con-
fined within the minuteft interftices of bodies. Hence
the tops of high mountains are always, even under
the equator, covered with fnow ; and hence at a cer-
tain height, which varies in almoft every latitude, it
freezes during the night in every feafon, as was ftated
in a preceding chapter.
Heat is obferved to diminim as we afcend into 'the
atmofphere, nearly in an arithmetical proportion. In
the vicinity of Paris, lat. 48 50' the temperature of
the earth being 47, at the eflimated height of 1 1,084
feet, it was found by M. Charles, the aeroftatical ad-
venturer, to be at 21 or 11 below congelation; near
Dijon, lat. 47% on the 25th of April, the temperature
near the earth was 56, but at the height of 10,63 i
feet, it was found by M. Morveau to be 26 ; and
Lord Mulgrave, at the bottom of Hacklyt Hill, lat.
80, found the temperature of the lower air 50 j but
on the fummit of the hill, 1 503 feet, only 42.
Water refembles air in being little arTe-fled by the
paflage of the fun's rays j but the bottom of every fea
or lake, being opake, the heat is ftill capable of being
excited or collected there. Between water and earth
there is, however, this difference, that land or earth
(particularly if dry) receives heat very readily from the
47 S ' Temperature of the [Book V.
rays of the fun, but conducb it through its own fub-
ftance very flowly to any great depth j whereas water,
from its tranfparency, receives heat from light but
flowly; but the heat is diffufed through the whole
mafs with gitat rapidity. Dr. Hales relates, that in
Auguft, 1724, when the air and the furfaoe of the
earth were both at 88, a thermometer, placed at only
two inches depth in the ground, flood at 85, another
at fixteen inches at 70, and another at twenty-four
inches at 68. The two laft preferved the fame tem-
perature day and night to the end of the month, and
then only fell to 63. On the -26^1 of Odober, a ther-
mometer expofed to the air by the fame philofopher,
(lood at 35 5, but one funk two inches in the earth
was heated to 43 85, another funk fixteen inches
reached 48 8, and one at twenty-four inches 50.
He even found, that between the i ft and 21! of No-
vember, when the external air was ac 27% a thermo-
meter at twenty four inches depth ftood at 43 8; but-
from March to September, the following year,, the ex-
ternal air was much warmer than the earth at fixteen
inches or two feet ; but the fcafon was rainy, and the
evaporation being confiderable, prevented rhe earth
near the furface. from being confiderably warm.'.'d.
From thefc experiments it r*ppears, that the furface
of the earth may be confiderably heated, and yet that
the heat fhall not penetrate to any confiderable depth;
it appears alfo, that the earth parts with its heat with
difficulty to the air, and will retain its natural temp-*-
rature, which is between 40 and 50% at a very fmall
depth beneath the furface, even when the air is below
the freezing point. In water, on the contrary, the
heat is not accumulated in a particular part, but is
equally diffufed through the whole mafs, and the tem-
perature, if the furface is extenfive, will be more in
4 agreement
Chap. 12.] ' Earth and sttmofpbere. 47
agreement with that of the atmofphere than with that
of the earth. Near Marfeiiles, Dr. Raymond found
the fand frequently -heated to 160, but never found
the fea hotter than 77% and even this degree of heat ic
appeared to receive chiefly by its communication with
the'land, for on the ipth of July, 1765, he found that
part of the bay, which was next the land, heated to
74, while the middle was 72, and the entrance only
70. In winter, he obferved the earth cooled down
frequently to 14 or 15, but the fea never lower than
44 or 45.
It is by the temperature of the atmofphere that we
always judge when we term the weather cold or hot;
but the atmofphere derives the greater pat t of its heat
from its communication with land or w.iter. The ri-
gours, therefore, of the winter's cold arc tempered by
the heat imparted from the earth itfdf ; yet as the
earth parts but flowly with its heat, and as the furfacc
is found to be extremely cool, while the interior parts
arc heated to the degree of 40 or 50, and as the heat
of water is more equally diffufed, and more readily
parted with, it follows that the portion of air, which is
incumbent on the fea, will be of a warmer tempera-
ture in the extreme cold of winter than that which is
incumbent upon the land.
I (lands are more temperate than continents, becaufe
they participate more of the temperature of the fea.
With refpecl to thofe countries alfo, which border on
the ocean, thofe which lie fouth of the Tea, at leaft in
our hemifphere, will be warmer than thofe which have
the fea to the fouth of them, becaufe the winds which
would cool them in winter, if they blew over-land,
are tempered by pafling over the fea, whereas thofe
which lie north of the fea are ccokd in fummer by the
breezes that proceed from it.
480 Vegetation m ttigb Latitudes. [Book V.
Every habitable latitude muft enjoy a heat of 60
at leaft for two months in the year, in order to pro-
duce and bring to maturity corn and the other ve-
getable productions. The quicknefs with which ve-
getation proceeds in high latitudes is chiefly owing to
the long duration of the fun above the horizon during
their fummer. Dr. Halley, indeed, has proved, that,
abftracting from the intervention of fogs, mifts, and
mountains of ice, the hotted weather might take place,
even under the poles, the duration of the fun's light
compenfating for the obliquity of its direction.
Among the caufes of the changes of weather in thefe
climates, efpecially with refpect to heat or cold, we
muft account the circumftance of the air being charged
with vapour. The air, when cloudy, is capable of
receiving and retaining more of the fun's heat, than
when clear, for the obvious reafon, that a tranfparent
medium permits thofe rays to pafs through it, which
are intercepted if the medium is thicker and lefs pel-
lucid. Hence a cloudy air is frequently found warmer
than the earth, on which it is incumbent. The air is
alfo warmed by the condenfation of vapour, and hence
the origin of hail, which is rain condenfed by patting
through air which is colder than that which produced it.
A continuance, however, of cloudy or mifty weather
will intercept the fun's rays from reaching the earth,
which will therefore be prevented from receiving its
due portion of heat v The winter of the year 1783-4
was unufually fevere j and it is to be remarked, that
during feveral of the fummer months which preceded
it, where the effect of the fun's rays to heat the earth
fhould have been the greateft, the whole continent of
Europe was covered with a. kind of fog, fuppofed to
proceed from the fmoke of fome volcanoes, near
Mount Hecla, in Iceland. This fog was of a dry kind,
Chap, i:.] Caujes of Change in the ' Atmofabere. 481
and confequently the fun's rays were incapable of difTi-
pating it j and they were fo faint, that in pafling
through it, when collected in the focus of a burning
glafs, they would fcarcely kindle brown paper *.
A principal caufe of the varieties and changes of
temperature, and a moft powerful agent in producing
cold, is evaporation. On this fubject it is remarked,-
firft, that in our climates the evaporation is about four
times as great between the vernal and autumnal
equinox as in the reft of the year. idly. Other cir-
cumftances equal, it is increafed in proportion to the
difference between the temperature of the air and the
evaporating furface ; it is confequently leaft when they
are nearly of equal temperature. The former part of
this propofition muft be underflood with fome reftric-
tion; for if the air is more than 15 colder than the
evaporating furface, there is feldom any evaporation at
all, and the air will more frequently, in that cafe, de-
pofit moifture than receive it. jdly. The degree of
cold produced by evaporation is much greater when
the air is warmer than the evaporating furface, than
when the latter is the warmer of the two ; for in the firft
cafe the dilation of the vapour is increafed, and in
fecond, it is checked. The more vapour is dilated,
the more fire or heat it abforbs ; and hence it is coldtft
in an exhaufted receiver, where it abforbs moft.
Hence warm winds, as the harmattan, firocco, &c. arc
more deficcatory than cold winds. 4thly. Evaporation
is always increafed greatly by a current of air flowing
over the evaporating furface. Hence a calm day is
always warmer than one in which there is a ftror.g
wind f.
*See Dr. Franklin's Meteorological Conjectures,
f Kirwan on Climate, c. I .
VOL. I. I i From
4? 2 Statt cf WeMhcr m woody Countries. [Book V.
From thefe fads, and from what is preyioufly re-
marked on the fubjeft of evaporation in the fecond
feoolc, it is plain, that trafts of land which are covered
with trees or luxuriant vegetables are much colder
than thofe where there is a lefs furface of vegetable
nutter, fuch grounds emitting one third more vapour,
according to fome experiments of Mr. Williams, than
the fame fpaee would if actually covered with water*.
Hence too, a reafon will evidently be found for that
amazing change of climate which a country undergoes
by being cleared and cultivated. America is not the
lame country at prefent, either with refpect to tem-
perature or falubrity, as when it was covered witb
woods; and Guiana affords a ftill more remarkable
inftance. Of that country, only a part has been cleared
from wood fmce the beginning of this century ; the
heat in that part is already become exceffive ; whereas,,
in the woody parts of the fame country, the inhabitants
are obliged to light a fire every night.
It is further obferved, that the pureft fprings arc
generally found beneath the friendly fhelter of a
grove j and that in proportion as the woodlands in
any country are cleared, the watercourfes are dimi-
Hence may be inferred the neceflity of preferving
trees about thole places whence water-fprings difcharge
their currents, if it is an object to preferve them j and
alfo of improving fmall fprings, by planting trees
around them, and efpecially oaks.
And hence,- alfo, it is a fair conclufion, that in
this climate, where the cold certainly predominates,
woody fixations cannot be wholefome ; and that,
adjacent to houfes efpecially, the land Ihould be laid
* Philad. Tranf. vol. ii. p. 150.
Chap. 1 2.] Caujes of unufual Cold. 4 gj
From the whole of what has been ftated, it will
follow, that a wet fummer will generally be fucceeded
by afevere winter, becaufe the cloudinefs of the feafon
will prevent the earth from receiving a due portion of
heat, and becaufe the increafed evaporation will con-
tribute to leffen the quantity already lodged there.
Much will, however, depend upon other circumftances,
and particularly upon the courfe of the wind.
Unufual cold in fummer is produced ift. From
the long continuance of eafterly or northerly winds.
adly. From frequent and heavy rains, which are fol-
lowed by a confiderable evaporation.
jdly, JFronva long continuance of cloudy weather,
which prevents the earth from receiving a proper por-
tion of heat from the fun.
Unufual cold in winter commonly happens
i ft. From unufual cold or wet in the preceding
fummer. In January 1709, the weather was uncom-
monly cold, and it was remarked, that in the preceding
June the thermometer was near the freezing point,
and the ruin confiderable *.
adly. From the immediate effect of heavy rains,
followed by eafterly or northern winds. This ftate
of things produces cold in any feafon from the increafed
jdly. From wefterly or foutherly currents in the
\*pper regions of the atmofphere, while eaft or north
winds prevail nearer the furface of the earth.
4thly. From the arrival of Siberian or North Ame-
rican winds. It has been calculated, that wefterly
winds may arrive in a few days from America ; and if
the ocean has been previoufly cooled by northern gales,
even thefe will feem cold to us. The Siberian winds
Derham's Phyfic. Theol. L L c. 3.
I i 2 will,
434 '-nc us jMttccr.i . [ Bt
v.v 1 l, if they originate from a lower latitude, fcem to
us to come from the fouth-caft ; and it" they originate
in a higher latitude, they will appear north-eaft, be-
'caufe they will be deflected to the ibuth.
5thly. From the deicent of a fuperior flratum of the
Iphcre. This happens when a cold wind HI the
upper regions pafles o\'er a country where the I
ilrata of the atmofphere are Ipecifically lighter.
Hence a low ftate of the barometer generally pre-
cedes extraordinary cold which is produced- from this
c'aufe *.
On the ftate of the atmofphere with refpeft to hea?
and eold, and ftill more on the degree of evaporation,
all the phenomena of the aqueous meteors of rain>
hail, fnow, &c. will be found to depend ; but thcfe
will be treated of with more propriety in another part
of thefe volumes. The igneous vapours are alto con-
nected with the fame caufcs, and are in a confiderabls
degree the effects of evaporation ; but their materials
are different, as well as their effects, though, from
their evanefcent nature, they are fcarcely at prefent
fufficiently vnderftcod.
As the phenomena which are ftriclly electrical have
been already treated of, the only meteors of the igne-
ous kind, which remain to be conlidered, may be re-
duced to three claffes, viz. fire-balls, falling-ftars, and
ignes fatui.
It has been already fta ted, that the atmofphere is she
general reiervoir of thofe particles which are exhaled
from every body which is volatile, OF fubject to eva-
poration. In fpeaking of the fire damp in mines it
has been fhewn y that inflammable air will rife in large
quantities, and to a considerable height in the atrno-
* Kirwan on Climate, c. 15.
'Ohap. i :.] Ntiicns of the Ancient;. 4? 5
inhere. There are alfo ibme phofphoric matters, which
will aitb occafionally be rendered volatile, and thefe
particles are fupplied in great abundance from all pu-
trefcent jubilances, whether animal or vegetable. It
has been fhewn, that hydrogen or inflammable air rea-
dily combines with fulphur 3 and forms what is called
hepatic gas; it will afterwards appear alfo, that it will
combine with phofphorus, and the phofphorated hy-
drogen gas thus formed is remarkable for , the property
of fpontaneoufly inflaming v/hen it comes into contact
with atmofpherical air. Thus we are furnilhed with
fufficient materials f$r the formation of all the different
appearances that ; have juft been enumerated ; and
though the matter of the meteors themfelves has, for 4
the reafon affigned, jiever been chemically analized,
yet from analogy it is not diffipult to judge of their
nature and properties.
Thofe phenomena, which are clafTed together under
the general appellation of fire-balls, were divided by
the antients into feveral fpecies, according to the ex-
ternal form or appearan-ce which they afifumed. They
were alfo regarded by them in a mueh more formidible
light than they are by us, as the certain prognoltics of
great and awful events in the moral and political world.
Even the philofophic Cicero fpeaks of the t: ab oc-
cidente faces," as the certain harbingers or indications
of thole bloody Icenes which in his time ronvulfed and
defolated the Ro;r,an commoiiwealtli.
Under the geoeral name of comets^ Pliny enume-
rates .a number of thefe phenomena. . If the fire corrir
mences at one extremity of the meteor, and burns
by degrees, he terms it, from its form and appearance,
R temp, or torch ; if an extended mafs of fire pafles -lon-
gitudinally through the atmofphere, he calls it a dart j
and if its length and magnitude are confiderable, and it
J i maintains
48 6 Extraordinary Tnftances of [Book V.
maintains its ftation for any fpace of time, it is a beam ;
if the clouds feem to part, and emit a quantity of fire,
he terms it a cbafm * ; but this laft appear? t~ be, ftrictly
{peaking, an electrical phenomenon, indeed only a
ftrong and vivid flafh of lightning.
Several inftance? of thefe meteors are recorded by
the fame author. Durin 6 t r .-^p.'-l- of gladiators
exhibited by Germanicus, or ( : ^em patted rapidly
by the faces of the fpedtators at noon- day. A meteor
of that fpecies which he calls a beam, he adds, was
feen when the Lacedemonians were defeated at fea, in
that memorable engagement which loft them the em-
pire of the fea f. He alfo mentions a fanguineous kind
of meteor, a flame as red as blood, which fell from hea-
ven about the 1 07 th Olympiad, when Philip of Mace-
don was concerting his wicked plan for enflaving the
republics of Greece J, He relates, that when he was
himfelf on the watch during the night in the Roman
camp, he was a fpe Met ears [Book V,
fun itfelf. When this meteor was oblerved at Bruflels,
die moon appeared quite red, but when it was paffed,
recovered its natural light. This effect, the Doctor
remarks, muft have depended on the contrail of colour,
and Ihews how large a proportion of the blue rays
enters into that light which could even make thtfiher
moon appear to have an excefs of red. The body of
the fire-ball, even before it burft, did not appear of an
uniform brightnefs, but corvfifted of lucid and dull
parts, which were conftantly changing their refpective
pofitions, fo that the whole effect was to fome eyes
like an internal agitation or boiling of the matter. By
the beft accounts that could be procured concerning
the height of the meteor, it feems to have varied from
fifty-five to fixty miles. In thefe two laft particulars it
feems to have wonderfully correfponded with fome
other phenomena of the fame kind.
A report was heard fome time after the meteor dif-
appeared, and this report was loudeft in Lineolnfhire
and the adjacent parts, and again in the eaftern parts of
Kent ; the report we may therefore fuppofe to be the
effect of the two explofions of the body, firft over
Lineolnfhire, and afterwards when it entered the con-
tinent ; a hiding found was faid alfo to have accom-
panied the progrefs of the meteor. Judging from the
height of the meteor, its bulk is conjectured to have
been not lefs than half a mile in diameter \ and when
we confider this bulk, its velocity cannot fail to aftonifh
us, which is fuppofed" to be at the rate of more than
forty miles in the feccnd.
The other meteor, which appeared on the 4th of
October, at forty-three minutes pad fix in the evening,
was much fmaller than the former, and of a much
fhorter duration. It was firft perceived to the north-
ward, as a ftream of fire, like die common Ihooting
ftars, but large i but prefcntly burft out into that in-
8 tcnfely
Chap. 12.] eb/eruedin 1783. 491
tenfely bright bluifh flame, which is peculiar to fnch
meteors. It left behind it a dufky red ftreak of fire,
and, except this, had no tail, but was nearly globular.
After moving not lefs than ten degrees in this bright
ftate, it became fuddenly extinct without any explofion.
The height of 4he meteor muft have been between
forty and fifty miles ; and its duration was not more
than three feconds.
The Doctor is of opinion, that the general caufe of
thefe phenomena is electricity, which opinion he
grounds upon the following circumftances : ill, The
velocity of thefe meteors, in which they correlpond
with no other body in nature but the electrical fluid.
2dly, The electrical phenomt-na attending meteors,
the lambent flames, and the fparks proceeding from
them, which have fometimes damaged fhips and houfes
in the manner of lightning, and, added to thefe, the
hi/Ting found, refembling that of electricity pafllng
from a conductor. As a third argument in favour of
this hypothefis, the Doctor remarks the connection of
meteors with the northern lights. Inftances are re-
corded, where northern lights have been feen to join,
and form luminous balls, darting about with great
velocity, and even leaving a train like fire-balls. The
aurora borealis appears to occupy as high, if not a
higher, region above the furface of the earth, as may
be concluded from the very diftant countries to which
it has been vifible at the fame time. 4thly, The moft
remarkable analogy, the Doctor thinks, is the courfe
of at leaft all the larger meteors, which feems to be
conftantly from or towards the north or north-weft
quarter of the heavens. Of above forty different fire-
balls described in the Philofophical Tran factions, twenty
are fo defcribed, that it is certain their courfe was in
that direction j only three or four feem to have moved
the contrary way ; and with refpect to the remainder,
49 2 Theory of Igneous Meteors. [Book V.
jt is left doubtful, from the imperfect ftate of the re-
Notwithflanding the Doctor's ingenious arguments,
I cannot, on my own part, fubfcribc to the opinion,
that thefe phenomena are altogether electrical. The
duration of the fire-bal], the unequal confiflency of the
mafs, and feveral other points in the narration, feem
to indicate that its materials were of a lefs rare and
evanefcent nature than the electric fire. The union of
phofphorus and hydrogen in the atmofphere, will fuf-
ciently account for the inflammation of thefe mafies of
volatile matter, and their colour will depend .on the
nature of the composition, as is plain from what has
t>een faid upon the fubject of the fire-worjcs producoj
from inflammable air *.
One inftance more ,of this kind of phenomena I
(hall beg leave to mention, particularly as it differs in
many refpects from the preceding; and from its dura-
tion, and the ftrong fmell which attended the explofion,
in feems not to have been the effect of "electricity.
On board the Montague, under the command of
Admiral Chambers, in lat. 42 48'. long. 9 3'. on the
4th of November 1749, about ten minutes before
twelve, as the author, Mr. Chalmers, was taking an
observation, one of the quarter- mailers defired he
would look to the windward. On directing his eye
that way, he obferved a large ball of blue fire about
three miles diftance from them j they immediately
lowered the topfails, but it came fo faft upon them,
that before they could raife the main-tack, they ob-
ferved ''the ball rife almoft perpendicularly, and not
nbove forty or fifty yards from the main chains, when
it went off with an explofion as great as if hundreds of
cannon hr.J been difcharged at the fame time, leaving
behind it a ftrong fulphureous fineil. By this t'xplo-
* i:ec Chap. V.
' f,.jh
Chap, i i.] Fatting Stzrs. 49-5
fion the main-topmaft was (battered in pieces, and
the main mad fcnt quite down to the keel. Five
men were knocked .down, and one of them was greatly
bruifed, and fome other damage of lefs importance was
done to the (hip. Juft before the explofion, the ball
fcemed to be of the fize of a large millftone.
The fhooting or falling ftar is a common pheno-
menon, but though fo frequently obferved, the great
diftance, and the tranfient nature of thefe meteors,
added to the entire confumption of their materials *,
have hitherto fruftrate-d every attempt to afccrtain their
caufe. It is, however, reafonable to fuppofe, thac they
are intrinficaliy the fame with the larger meteors, as in
mo ft of their properties they perfectly correfpond with
them. If the larger meteors are formed from any
mixture or combination of inflammable air with phof-
phorus, or any other fubftance, the fhooting flars are
probably the fame. If, on the contrary, the larger
meteors are electrical, there is equal reafon for fuppof-
ing the fmaller ones to proceed from the fame caufe.
Some philoibphers, indeed, reprefent both as mafies of
electricity, at fo great a diftance that their angular ve-
locity is not fufficient to prevent the eye from ciifcern-
ing their fhape. There are, however, three reafons
which Operate againft this hypothefis. ift, The height
of thefe meteors is frequently above that to which
clouds afcend, and clouds are the common atmofphe-
rical conductors of electricity. idly, They do not
proceed from a cloud, as flames of lightning uniformly
do. And, jdly, There is no noife refembling that
of thunder at their firfc emiffion or appearance j the
* It is a vulgsr notion, that the fmall mafles of white jelly,
which are forneumes found in the fields, are produced from the
falling ftars, and it is called ftar jelly. This jelly, however, i.3
the excrement of the heron, bittern, or fome animal of the crane
kind, which feed on aquatic animals, and have peculiar organs of
494- W>t Igms [Book V.
noife in the large meteors only takes place when the
mafs feparates or goes off like a fky-rocket, and in
this cafe the effecl: is fimilar to that of gunpowder, or
any difploding matter.
Concerning the nature and compofition of the ignis
fatuus, or will-o'-the wifp, there is lefs difpute ; the
generality of philofophers being agreed that it is caufed
by fome volatile vapour of the phofphoric kind, pro-
bably the phofphoric hydrftgen gas. The light from
putrefcenc fubilances *, particularly putrid fifh, and
thofe fparks emitted from the fea, or fea-water when
agitated in the dark, correfpond in appearance with this
meteor. Sir Ifaac Newton defines the ignis fatuus to
be " a vapour Ihining without heat ;" and it is ufually
vifible in damp places, about dunghills, burying
grounds, and other fituations, which are likely to
abound with phofphoric matter.
A remarkable ignis fatuus was obferved by Mr.
Derham, in fome boggy ground, between two rocky
hills. He was fo fortunate as to be able to approach
it within two or three yards. It moved with a brifk
and defultory motion about a dead thiltle, till a flight
agitation of the air, occafioned, as he fuppofed, by his
near approach to it, caufed it to jump to another place j
"and as he approached, it kept flying before him.
He was near enough to fatisfy himfelf, that it could
not be the mining of glow-worms or other infects
it was one uniform body of light.
M. Beccaria mentions two of thefe luminous ap-
pearances, which were frequently obferved in the
neighbourhood of Bologna, and which emitted a light
equal to that of an ordinary faggot. Their motions
were unequal, fometimes rifmg, and fometimes fink-
ing towards the earth; fometimes totally difappearing,
* This fubjeft will be more amply treated of in the fucceeding
!?ook, under the title Phofphorus, Book VIII.
Chap. 12.] Fatuus.
though in general they continued hovering about fix
feet from the ground. They differed in fize and
figure ; and, indeed, the form of each was fluctuating,
fometimes floating like waves, and dropping fparks of
fire. He was afTured there was not a dark night in the
whole year in which they did not appear ; nor was
their appearance at all affected by the weather, whether
cold or hot, fnow or rain. They have, been known to
change their colour from red to yellow ; and generally
grew fainter as any perfon approached, vanifhing en-
tirely when the obferver came very near to them,
and appearing again at fbme diftance.
Dr. Shaw alfo defcribes a fmgular ignis fatuits?
which he faw in the Holy Land. It was fometimes
globular, or in the form of the flame of a candle j and
immediately afterwards fpread itfclf fo much, as to
involve the whole company in a pale inoffenfive light,
and then was obferved to contract itfelf again, and liid-
denly djfappear. In lefs than a minute, however, it
would become vifible as before, and run along from one
place to another j or would expand itfelf over more
than three acres of the adjacent mountains. The at-
mofphere at this time, he adds, was thick and hazy.
In a fuperftitious age we cannot wonder that thefe
phenomena have all been attributed to fupernatural
agency ; it is one of the nobkft purpofes of philofophy,
to releafe the mind from the bondage of imaginary
terrors i and by explaining the modes in which the
Divine Providence difpofes the different powers of na-
ture, to elevate our thoughts to the ctf^firft caufej to
teach us to fee " God in all, and all in God."
Imperfetl Stat-' cfthis "Branch of Science. Prognofiics of Weather front
the previous Slate of the Sea/an. From the Undulations of the At-
mofpbere. From the Barometer. From Fogs. From Chuds.*
From ProfpeBs. From the DFW. From the Sfy* From the
"From the Wind.
A METHODICAL arrangement of meteorolo-
gical phenomena, by which more certain prog-
nofticsofthe weather might be procured, is a great
defideratum in the fcale of ufeful knowledge. That
philofophers have already a confiderable acquaintance
with the nature of heat, water, and air, their numerous
and ingenious experiments {efficiently prove; but
when thefe three ingredients of nature are in a com-
pound ftate floating round our globe, and producing
all thcfe various agitations and combinations, known
under the general denomination of weather, then their
knowledge feems to be without fyftem, without cer-
tainty, and, contrary to the very end of true philofophy,
almoft without utility. From the combination of air
and water with heat, from their circulation and their
decompofitlon, ariles all that variety of weather of
which the atmofphere of all countries, and particularly
that of .iflands, is fo fufceptible.
Chap. I j.] Prognqfiics of tie Weather, 497
The atmofphere itfelfis influenced and modified by
the variations of its denfity ; by its humidity ; by the
precipitation of the aqueous particles into rain.j by
the wind; by the power of electricity; and by the
agency of heat and cold, as remarked in the preceding
Though the fcience of predicting the weather is at
prefent vague and imperfect, becaufe it is but lately
that accurate obfervations have been made on the
changes of the weather, yet from what we may collect
from the works of De Luc, De Saufifure, Marfhallj
and Kirwan, we are authorized to expect fome fuc-
cefs in thofe inquiries. But it can hardly be fuppofed
that their obfervations, in the prefent (late of fcience*
will be fufficient to form a perfect theory, till fe-
conded by thofe of fucceeding times. For this falu-
tary end it will be neceflary to make as many obfer-
vations on the different figns of the weather as pofii-
ble, fince it is only by their combination and concur-
rence, that uncertainty can be removed.-
The principal means of predicting the changes of
weather, and particularly with refpect to rain or
drought, may be reduced to feven, viz. id. From
the preceding ftate of the weather, ad. From the
undulations of the atmofphere. 3d. From the baro-
meter. 4th. From the appearance of the clouds.
5th. .From the colour of the fky. 6th. From the
wind. 7th. From the moon.
I. As the caufes of every change of weather muft
have preceded for fome time the effect, it is in general
by an attention to its previous ftate, that we are
enabled to form the moft accurate judgment of what
weather is to be in future expe&edj from a feries of
Voi. I. K k obfervations
49 s Prognoftics of [Book V.
obfervations made from 1677 to 1789, Mr. Kirwan
lays down the following rules or principles.
i ft. When there has been no ftorm before or after
the vernal equinox, the enfuing fummer is generally
dry, at leaft five times in fix.
2d. When a ftorm happens from an eafterly point
cither on the 1 9th, 2Oth, or 2 1 ft of March, the fuc-
ceeding fummer is dry, four times in five.
3d. When a ftorm arifes on the 25th, 26th, or 27th
of March, and not before, in any point, the fucceed-
ing fummer is generally dry, four times in five.
4 th. If there mould be a ftorm at S. W. or W. S. W.
on the 1 9th, 2Cth, or 22d, the fucceeding fummer is
generally wet y five times in fix.
Mr. Kirwan adds, that it rains lefs in March than
in November, in the proportion of feven to twelve.
It generally rains lefs in April than in October, in
the proportion of one to twoj lefs in May than
September, in the proportion of three to four. When
it rains plentifully in May, it generally rains but little
in September; and the contrary. A week is ac-
counted wet when it contains four wet days, or more;
a month, when it contains three wet weeks ; and a
feafon, or quarter of a year, when it contains two wet
months. He terms that a wet day in which rain falls
to the amount of one pound troy, in the fpace of a
IqOare foot.
In any given year, the probability of a dry fpring
is in the proportion of twenty-two to fix wet, and
thirteen variable. Of a wet fummer it is twenty to
fixteen dry, and five variable. Of a variable autumn,
nineteen to eleven of wet or dry. That is, out of
forty-one years the fpring in twenty-two will be dry,
&c. j and fo in proportion *.
Mem. Royal Iriih Acad. Vol. v.
II. Among
Chap, i j.] ibe Weather. 499
. II. Among the various means of prognofticating
the weather, remarked by the late Mr. 'Adams f,
one of the moft important, in his opinion, feems to
be that undulating motion, or tumult in the air, which
is excited by the heat of the fun. The humidity
raifed from the earth by the heat of the fun, is fuf-
tained in the atmofphere by its heat, and the agita-
tion of the air. Though this motion is not always
vifible to the naked eye, yet by the help of a good
telefcope it becomes eminently confpicuous; every
object appears to be in violent agitation, and the
boundary line of the fenfible horizon, which would
otherwife be clear and well defined, is waved like a
field of corn agitated by the wind, or the furface of
the fea in a frefh gale. While thefe undulations con-
tinue in the air, the vapours remain there ; but when
the fun departs, and they fubfide, thefe aqueous par-
ticles become condenfed, and defcend to the ground
during the night, and in the morning affume the ap-
pearance of dew.
III. The greateft arquifition, perhaps, that ever was
made to natural philofophy, with refpect to afcer-
taining the changes of the weather, was the difcovery
of the Barometer. The nature and ufes of this inftru-
ment have been previoufly defcribed J. It is evident,
- that when the mercury rifes in the tube, the preffure,
weight, or denfity of the air muft be augmented ; but
the relation that exifts between this preffure and the
change of weather, which does not take place feme-
times till ten or twelve hours afcerwards, ftill remains
to be explained.
The preffure of the air upon the refervoir of the
barometer proceeds in general from its weight, and
f Diflertation on the Barometer.
I See this Book, Chap. IX.
K k 2 fometime*
500 Signs of Weather [Book V.
fometimes from its elafticity. It has been proved,
that thefe two properties of air fometimes vary, and,
confequently, the preflure which they produce. When-
ever the air diflblves a great quantity of water, its
fpecific gravity is increafed ; the column of air which
refts upon the reftrvoir of the barometer becomes hea-
vier, and the mercury riles. If the folution is not per-
fect, the tranfparency of the air will be clifturbed j
hence a kind of milt will be produced, which will ge-
nerally caufe the mercury in the barometer to rife ;
but if the folution is perfect, the tranfparency of the
air will be complete, and fine weather return, as the
mercury in the barometer predicted by its afcent.
While certain caufes determine this water, which is
held in folution, to defcend into the lower region of
the atmofphere, before it is fufficiently condenfed to
be regularly formed into rain, there is another part
of it which will have previoufly arrived at the furface
of the earth. As a proof of this, it is obfervable, that
when the weather is about to change to rain, all bodies
which are impenetrable to water, fuch as bars of iron,
hard ftones, &c. are found to be moift or wet. The
column of air which prefles upon the refervoir of the
barometer, will become, therefore, lighter by the lofs
of that portion of water already arrived at the earth ;
and the barometer will defcend, and predict the rain,
which will come in a fliort time after, being formed by
the remainder of the water, which will then have had
time to be formed into regular drops *.
It muft be confeffed, that there are fome appear-
ances which feem to contradict this explanation. It
fometimes happens, that the barometer riles even
during rain, while the air difcharges itfelf of the water
which it held in folution : it alfo happens frequently,
Briflbn. Vol. i.
Chap. 13.3 from the "Barometer. 501
efpecially in the winter, that, during whole months,
every time that the mercury rifes in the barometer,
rain continues to fall ; and every time that it defcends,
fine weather returns. Still this may be reconciled to
what has been dated ; for fmce (as has been already
obferved) it is the great quantity of water ditfblved in
the air which augments its weight, if, therefore, during
rain, a new folution of water mould by any means be
effected in greater abundance than the quantity which
falls (and this we know may happen from various
caufes) the barometer will rife. If the water fo dif-
fblved remains in the lower region, this rife of the
barometer will predict a frefh fall of rain, which often
happens in fuch cafes. In fliort, if the air diffolyes 3
great quantity of water, and at the fame time cold, or
fome other caufe, mould impede that water from dif-
folving perfectly, and rifing to a great height, it will
augment the weight of the air in a proportionate de-
gree, and will caufe the barometer to rife j and in the
mean time it will be ready to be collected into drop,
and formed into rain, which will foon after take place.
"While this rain continues to fall, if there is no new
folution effected, the air will become lighter j the ba-
rometer will fall; and, notwithftanding that, it will
predict fine weather, which, according to this rule,
ought to happen. That kind of relation which appears
to fubfift between the weight of air and the change of
weather, according to circumftances, may be atrcou ited
for, therefore, in this manner. Fine weather may
happen, notwichitanding the diminution of the weight
of air, when fome other elaftic fluid, lighter than it,
becomes intermixed with it, without taking away the
tranfparency. In fhort, the elafticity of air, the force
oi' which may vary from different caufes, will Hill con-
tribute to vary its preffure. This elafticity acts fome-
K k 3 times
co i Signs of Weather [Book V.
times in conjunftion with the weight, fo as to increafe
the effect of it ; at other times it acts in a contrary
way, and may aifo diminifh, or even counterbalance,
the effect of the augmentation of weight. It follows,
then, that fine or bad weather may continue, however
high the mercury may be in the barometer j and ft ill
this does not weaken the explanation which has before
been given of this fact.
Obfervation, however, in thefe cafes is always pre-
ferable to theory ; and from long and attentive ob-
fervation, and from a careful infpection of thole of
other philofophers, Mr. Adams was enabled to lay
down the following -principles in his ufeful treatife on
this inftrument.
1. It generally happens, that, when the mercury in
the tube falls, the air being lighter, it will depofit its
vapour, and produce rain : but when it rifes, the air
being heavier, the vapours will be fupportedj and fine
weather is the ufual confequence.
2. When the mercury falls in frofty weather, either
fnow or a thaw may be expected j but if it riles in
the winter with a north or eaft wind, it generally fore-
bodes a froft.
3. It is neceflary to attend to the progrefs of the
rife and fall 3 thus, if it finks flowly, the rain may be
expected to be of fome continuance. In the fame
manner, when the mercury riles gradually, we may
be inclined to believe, that the fine weather will be
4. When the barometer is fluctuating, rifing and
falling fuddenly, the weather may be expected to be
like it, changeable.
5. When it falls very low, there will be much rain.
6. But if its fall is low and fudden, a high wind fre-
quently follows.
7. When
Chap. 13.] from the Barometer. 503
7. When an extraordinary fall of the mercury hap-
pens, without any remarkable change near at hand,
there is fo;ne probability of a ftorrn at a diftance.
8. The barometer will defcend fomecimes as an in-
dication of wind only ; nor is its rife always a certain
fign of fair weather, particularly if the wind is to the
north or the eafb.
9. A north-cad wind generally caufes the barometer
in England to rife, and it is generally lowed with a
fouth-wcd wind.
If the air in foggy weather becomes hotter by the
action of the fun alone, the fog generally diffipates,
and the air remains ferene ; but if the barometer falls,
and the change of temperature is from a fouth or fouth-
wed wind, the fog rifes and forms into clouds, and its
afcent is generally a fign of rain.
" We have," fays Mr. Adams, " at prefent no cer-
tain data from obfervations, whereby certain conclu-
fions may be formed relative to fogs, and their con-
nection with rain.'*
In winter, when the cold decreafes fuddenly, rain
may be expected , but in fummer, a fudden increafe of
heat forebodes rain.
IV. Several prognodic figns of the weather may be
collected from the various appearances of the clouds ;
when they appear to difiblve fuddenly into air, and be-
come invifible, it may be confidered as a itrong indi-
cation of fair weather ; but, on the contrary, when
they feem to form themfelves^into maficsfrom the fur-
rounding air, and to increafe in denfity and magnitude,
rain may reafunably be predicted.
Upon the approach of heavy rain every cloud rifes
larger than the preceding one, particularly when a
thunder-dorm is near, when f nail fragments of clouds
collect, and in a little time cover .the whole face of the
K.k 4 ' Iky.
504 Prognoftics from the Clouds. [Book V.
iky. Fifhermen, by this rule, frequently prognofticate
a ftorm, from a fmall point of a cloud appearing on the
vifible horizon at fea.
When the clouds appear like fleeces, deep and denfc
towards the middle, and white at the edges, with a
bright blue fky about them, either hafty fhowers of
rain, hail, or fnow, may be expected.
Mr. Jones, in his philofophical difquifitions, fays,
that he predicted a high wind forty hours before it
began, from the complexion of a fingle cloud, with
white edges, and dark diverging lines from it j after
this appearance there was a great dorm, which laded
for two days and two nights.
When the clouds, as they come forward, appear
to diverge from a point in the horizon, a wind may
be predicted, either from that or the oppofite quarter.
When the fky is covered with clouds above, and
there are fmall black fragments of clouds, like Imoke,
fly ing underneath, rain is generally near, and frequently
The mod certain fign of rain is two different cur-
rents of clouds, efpecially if the lower current flies
fad before the wind j when two fuch currents appear
in hot weather, they forebode a thunder-dorm.
The inhabitants of the Alps, when didant objects
appear didinct and well defined, and when the fky ap-
pears of a deep blue, fuppofe it a decifive fign of rain,
though no other fign of it may appear. The blue
colour of the fky in any country is certainly occafioned
' by a quantity of vapour equally diffufed through the
air at the time.
Mr. Adams obferves of the dew, that, when it ap-
pears plentifully upon the grafs after a fair day, another
fair day may be expected ; but if after fuch a fair day
there is no dew upon the ground, and no wind dirring,
6 it
Chap. 13.] Prognojtics from the Sky. 505
it is a fign that the vapours afcend, and that there will
be an accumulation above, which mud terminate in
rain. When the dew, or hoar froft, abounds at an
unufual feafon, and the barometer is low, it is in ge-
neral a fign of rain.
V. As they#y indicates the ftate of the vapours In
the atmofphere, its colour may be confidered as an index
to the weather.
When the vapours, which appear red in the even-
ing, are difperfed, the fky in the morning in general
becomes clear j but when they continue to float in the
atmofphere, the morning fky becomes red alfo, and
rain frequently follows.
When a lowring rednefs fpreads far upwards from
the horizon, whether in the morning or evening, it;
is fucceeded frequently by either rain or wind, fome-
times by both.
When a rednefs in the fky extends tov/ards the
zenith in the evening, the wind may be expecled to
proceed from the weft, or fouth-wefl, accompanied
with rain in considerable quantity. Perhaps one of the
moft certain figns of fine weather is the loftinefs of
the canopy of the fky.
As the rays of light which pafs from the fun, moon,
or ftars, to the earth, are certainly affedbed in their co-
lour by the ftate of the vapours through which they
pafs, thofe colours may be confidered as indications
of the quantity and nature of thofe vapours.
When the clouds in the eaft, about fun-rife, appear
of a gay orange colour, it is generally, and not impro-
perly, fuppofed to be a fign of rain.
VI. The firft of Roman poets, and not the laft of
natural philofophers, Virgil, obferves, that a pale moon
is a fign of rain ; that a red one forebodes wind ; and
5^6 Prognojlifs frcm the Moon. [Book V.
that when me wears her own natural whitenefs, with a
ferene fky, it is a fign of fair weather.
Mr. Jones, in his phyfiological difquifitions, fays,
that when it rains during a moon, the following change
will probably produce clear weather for a few days,
and then a continuation of jrain j but on the contrary;,
when it has been fair throughout, and it rains at the
change, the fair weather will probably be reftored
about the fourth or fifth day of the moon, and continue
as before. This gentleman adds confiderable weight
to this obfervation, by afferting, that he has rriadc hay
after thefe prognoftics for twenty years, without having
once had the mortification to fee it damaged by rain.
| muft, however, confefs, that the reafon of the
feet is not clear to my mind j and I therefore give it
iblely upon his authority, and recommend it to fu-
ture obfervers to confute or confirm it by accurate
VII. A whittling, or howling wind has been generally
efceemed almoft an infallible fign of rain.
Though thefe principles have never as yet been re-
duced to a regular fyftem j yet from obfcrving care-
fully the above prognoftics, or rather the combinations
and coincidences of them, very tolerable conjectures
may be formed of the weather which may be expected,
particularly with refpect to drought or moifiure. It
is obfervation only, however, which can enable any
man to form fuch conjectures with tolerable accuracy.
The knowledge of weather is rather a practical than
fpeculative fcience; to " difcern the face of the fky"
was an art poflefied by ruftics at a very remote period
of foeiety ; and, at this time, the judgment of a fliep-
herd or ploughman on this fubject will commonly be
found a more infallible guide than that of a philoibpher.
Chap. -14,] [ 507 ]
lliftory cf Aercftation.~Difco