THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES INDEX OF NAMES. Gary, Alexander ->7 Case, John A Til C'avenagh, Edward .. " "oc Armstrong, 1 rancis E 32 Clarke, Robert ... Armstrong John ,9 Clements, James M.!! Arnold, Richard 5 26 30 Coburn, Thomas P Asbury George 24 Cogan, William.....' """33 Ayres, Robert . 15 33 Cofwell, James . . . Ayres, Ronieyn B 12 Comfort John W ' Connelly, Thomas. ". B 'Content, Gustav ~13 jCouway, Edward 21 Backholder, William .. ^J-oogan Nicholas .l'.'.'.'.'.'.'."u Baldey . George ' o ^, k ' James 8 Baldwin, T. A " "!/J ' J? 3' Bander, Ben jamiu. . "07 ^P el '. Charles L .23 1 arbour, C. C "27 J^' 01 C(>ran . James U, Partels, Ferdinand . . "07 X S f ,, ' ?* mea 33 r ashtrash, Joseph " w Costello, John 4 Jeckwith. A ..... -"^ Courtney, 51. L 24 Bennett, Frank T 1 T Cou S m 'y, Francis oye, Patrick.. , ^usiu, james Bradford. Ge..rge. ...'.'.'."."" 5 Butter, Major Brooks, Martin 2)1 Brown, Isaac Brown, JohnS '.'-'-"-"".""." 5' Dougherty, William E... C jDowd, Denis '"21 i Do wnie, Edward . . . . ." ." ! Calnll, Erlward 26 Dunn, James. " " , (.allahan, Jlichael 01 i ( ami)beli, Francis.'.'. "' ' " i f of E M W?A Of XAMXX. Fa'iey, Patrick 33 Jackson, Wesley '. 24 Farley, James 7 25 Johnson, Baxter 19 Fa^tleband, John 15 j Johnson. Gregory 33 I'ortnno. J. (J 13 3J|Joice, Henry . . .' rt l'n\, James 5;Joucs, Charles E 16 Fnielilicli, John 26 Jones, Elizabeth 19 Fr;i/.ee. Benjamin F 19 Jones, Thomas 21 Fromui, Ileury 13 Jones, Peter 19 G X GalLi n-han, John A ... ... 21 ! Kaysei-, Willi.i.n 2 ) GhMTett, Sidney W 18,J e |- ler > *\ Garvin, Thomas 21 ve I'-.v. Micluel 29 & Garv, Daniel 33 Kelm, Samnel f>j Geriach.Carl 24 Kenuedy, Peter 19 ( , , , M , Frederick 22 |>} U B. J <'n ^ Gibbs. Samuel -29 *?' Jl , : ' V ': V 24 Gilbert, C.C 193 Klrfmser, 1 redenck 4 Gir ml A 2') KinpiH-ubcr-ier, bergeant S3 Golden. .,., Koerper E-on A a Gm.drich. Harrv H 19 33 Kobwe, Ludwig : 19 Gorman, Daniel 7 25 ' j>". I ,-. < '" 14 Gotlieb, Charles 21 K >' le . ^ llhiliu 29 Gould, Charles ... 8 T Graham, William M 461428 ^ Grant, Joseph ^3 T Grav, James 29 Lamenstein JnlUrt 5 (Jra'v. John 32 ^I'l'". 1 ^ '",'i" 11 -j 33 Green, Fivderick II 2 , Leadthani Michael It -Jl Greatt, Jerome B 22 Lc?ary, John 2:1 Grittin, James 14 ' i' !": ' 32 ' McKlwee, Hugh 5 Hoelcke, U iMam 2, McCJuire, James 4 Hopn. James ^i McKuisht, Arthur 13 Holt, Walter B 32 McL-iujihlin, Michael ... ... 23 Helton. John 1!) McMahon. James el Hong, Robert........ 27 McNamara, Matthew.'. 19 Howard ChariM L ;> Madison. James 29 Howe, Uriah.... Matey, Edward is Howe, Charles H 3 M Jutland, Matthew 28 Hllnt . L - <; M , Marvin, Orin A 21 Mellen, H. B 24 27 I Miller, James "> Miller. Leonard 14 Irwine, James 26 Miller. Henry Hi IM>K\. OFNAXS8. 3 Milton. Henry P 21 Rice. Frank, 19 Mitchell, Edward 31 i Rich, Bur, ui'gli (5 Mitchell, Philip 5 Rtohfti'ds, Lawrence -J ) Mix Captain 23[Ri l 'ner, Peter W 27 Moth'.t, Charles W 13 2i|R ; ley, John i!l Mohlmau, Henry 23i Kitc'hey. Joseph C 6 14 Moloney, Jolin 21 Roach. Henry 33 Montaihe, Alexander 27 Ro'oy, George W SI Morgan, John 27) Roche Pairick, 19 Morrisey, James - 8 Ron sear, Lovell H 9 Moroney. 1'. H 2 Rowley. William 21 29 Mower, Joseph A 24 2tJ 29;Rummell, Fivucis A 4 Moyer, Lonis 15 Munn, Edward 14 S Murphy, Patrick William 8 Murphy, John 2 i Sainler, JohnW ii Murphy, Mrs. lohn 2JjS:iuve, Emauuel ,...8 Murray, Patrick 6 1 Shay, Charles 5 Murray, Hugh 33 1 Shea, John 14 27 My ran. , Freed woman 19iSheeli n. John : 21 Shevid..n. Joh i 2ti N ! Short, Corporal 2(> Smith, Petev 5 Nash, Mollie 19 Smith, Patrick 8 Neill, Thomas H 2 Smith, William 19 33 Nelson. William 27 i Smith, Sergeuni 26 Nelson, Stuffen 27 S >. nginberg. Hiram 21 Noble, John . , .3 I i Stafford, William F 27 Nolen. Isaac iOjStauslmvy, H. E 19 31 33 Norris, Samuel .24 27'Steno. Jacob 1!) Norris. Private 24 'Sterling, William H 21 ! Stevens. Henry 23 O 'Stevenson, Francis 10 Strauser. Daniel 33 ( )'B^ i.en. JoU .1 29 Sturgeon, Sheldon 7 O'Douu -11, John 23 Sullivan, Michael 5 U'Keefe, Dau'el 14 Sullivan, Hugh 5 O'Malioiiey. Johii 8 Sweeny. Alexander 16 O'Neill, Michael 32 Sykes, George :... 14 1023 O'Toole. Thoma 14 Offle> . R. H 21i T Ow, Plac'du 29 Owen. Henry C 23 Tandy, John J 2.1 Temple, Robert ...I P Thomas, Ben 33 Thompson, George 23 TV e, Har let 19 Thompson, David 33 Parker, Max 19|Todd, J. W 2 Payne, John A 19 Tolson, Robert L 19 Pay tan, Benjamin II Tompkins, C. H 2 Peter Geor;;e 14 Towle, George F 33 Pi rce. Brevet Major 8 Tyson, John in Pierce, F E 21 j Pilling. Joiin 29^ TJ Por-maiJ. George 4J Prior. James 8:Ulshe, Jacob . . 23 Proctor. Willirm H 14 1 Purcell, J. H 28 V Q, Vauavery, Edgar 2t> 1 Van Cla4burg, Theodore 24 (juiiiii, C-a :le; 21 Viall, George E 28 Viele, C. D ...29 B Radetzki. G. H 10 Rai h, (,'harle 33] Warren, Henry 33 Ranciolnh, J. F 2 Watson. Janied 14 Ray, Jame H 6 ! Wayne, Richard 14 Reynolds. J. J. 1 j Welch. Frederick 14 Reynolds, John 8'Weimer, Amos 16 I.VDEX OF XAMK.S. Weissinan, Adolph 4 Weldou. William 4 14 Well*, Joseph 19 Wenie, Thomas M 19 West, Edward White, Thomas 32 Wilhizer, Lewis 33 Wilkie. Charles 31 Williamson, E. K 19 Williams, Mr 19 Westerman. John 28 Willis, George 19 Wetmore. Oliver, Jr 23 Wilson, John B 31 Wntzel, Henry 24 Wilson, William II Weeeler, William 29 Wintship, Mr 24 White, Richard 8 Wood, William H. .. .21 23 24 27 28 29 White, George "W 24 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. .1 rkansas. Sub-District of, to be known as the District of Arkansas 1 District of, the Chief of Staff Corps in the, to report to the Chief of Staff, Department of Louisiana, supplies on hand 1 Reports and returns of the, to be made to Headquarters, Department of Louisiana. 1 State of, to form part of the Depart- ment of Louisiana 1 Hoards of Survey. Instructions in re- gard to, tor the information and guid- ance of officers serving in the Depart- ment of Louisiana. (Circular 1, Au- gust 12, 1868) Courts Martial. General. Convened at Greenville, La., proceedings of, pub- lished 4 6 14 32 Convened at Little Rock, Arkansas, " proceedings of, published 5 26 30 i Convened at Jackson Barracks, Lou- isiana, proceedings of, published.. 21 23 24 27 28 29 Convened at Ship Island. Mississippi, proceedings of, published 24 26 29 Convenedat NewOrlenns, Louisiana, proceedings of, published 28 Convened at Camden, Arkansas, pro- ceedings of, published 31 33 Convened at Little Rock, Arkansas^- dissolved 5 Convened at Greenville, Louisiana, dissolved 14 Convened at Baton Rouge, Louisi- ana, dissolved 23 Convened at New Orleans, Louisi- ana, dissolved 28 Convened at Jackson Barracks, Lou- isiana, dissolved 29 Convened at Ship Island, Mississippi, dissolved 29 Convened at Camden, Arkansas, dis- solved 33 Convened at Fort Smith, Arkansas, j Court Martial, Garrison. Convened at proceedings of, published.. 13 20 2231 j Greenville, Louisiana, proceedings of, published 7 Convened at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, proceedings of, published 14 16 33 Convened at Little Rock. Arkansas, proceedings of, published 8 Convened at the post of Washington, Convened at the post of Fort Smith, / Arkansas, proceedings of published, Arkansas, proceedings of, published / ...19 30 ...15 18 IX HEX OF SUBJECTS. Oath to be administered to Recorder of - 7-23 Court Martial, Regimental. Convened at Fort Jackson. Louisiana, proceed- ings of, published 11 ference of the military with the civil authorities Department of, command relinquish- ed _ ,, Department of, command assun, Oath to be administered to Recorder 7 25 Oathstobe administered to the Record or of Garrison or Regimental Court Civil Authorities. Instructions to com- manding officers of districts, posts, Martial iiia, relinquished. Of the Department of Louisiana as- sumed ' Fifth Military District. The command the, consisting of the State of 1 exas, transferred I General Orders. Extract of No 78 Headquarters of the Army Adju- tant General's Office, September 21 1868, published 17 Inspector General. Acting Assistant, Department of Louisiana, appointed 12 Inspector General'* Department. In- structions for officers serving in the published. (Circular No. '.^October 5, 1868) Louisiana. State of, to form part of the Department of Louisiana. .' i District of, reports and returns of ), to be made to Headquarters, De- partment of Louisiana . i Department of, announces the Staff of the Commanding General 2 On duty in the Inspector General's Deiurtment, Department of Louisi ana, publishes instructions for (C/Y CMlorS, October 5, 1868 ) Department of to consist of the ^States of Louisiana and Arkansas. . 1 Department of, gives instructions for lie government of officers command- ing detachments, districts. &c fcwnfe pertaining to the District of -Lexas to be transferred i Kcorders of Regimental or Garrison Courts Martial, oaths to be adminis. tered to the 7 .,- Relinquished command of the Dein-f meut of Louisiana . .; Returns of troops in the District of -Arkansas, to be made to Headquar- ters, Department of Louisiana. . 1 Rcyimental Courts Martial. (See Court < Martial, Regimental.) Revoked. General Orders A r o. 7 current series, except that portion which re- quires that the order appointing -i Regimental or Garrison Court Mar- tial shall state that it was imprac- ticable to convene a Field Officer's sentences of Garrison Court Martial in the cases of Privates Daniel Goi - man Company G, James Farley and FT C f k f llrownin & Companv K iirst Infantry, remitted. ....... ^r, bhenffs, defines their official relation with military commanders, (cirf lar, September 1, 1868.) Staff of the Commanding General. D. paitmei.t of Louisiana, announced - IXDEX OF SUBJECTS. of, District of Arkansas, to report to the Chiefs of Staff, Depart- inriit of Louisiana, supplies on hand. 1 let. Amount and condition of, y in the District of Arkansas, to be re- S liortod to the Chiefs of Staff, De- partinent of Louisiana 1 Texa*. District of, records pertaining to the, to be transferred to Head- quarters, Fifth Military District . 1 Troops to render assistance to the civil authorities, in case of disturbances and insurrections in the Department of Louisiana 3 Assistance of the, us poxgc ?ontitiri^H^jg||^^M Lieut., U. S. A., Acting A8|M^^H *<''.. : v HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OP LOUISIANA, GES *i?o. ( 8! U>ltH8 } New Orleans, La., Sept. 15, 1863. I. Before a Garrison Court Martial which convened at Little Rock, Arkansas, by virtue of Special Orders No. 127, current series, Headquarters, Post of Little Rock, and of which Brevet Major A. H. Andrews, Twenty-eighth Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Private EMANLELSAUVE, Company I, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHABGK. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the Unit id States fju:- dollar* of h'n monthly pay for one month." 2. Private JAMES McMAHON, Company 1, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARUK IST." Absence without leave." CHARGE 2 D. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." PLE. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE "To forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 3. Private PATRICK BOYLE, Company A, T Jirenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit one dollar of his monthly pay for one month." 4. Private JAMES HOGAN, Company A, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. " PI.E\. " Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth. " o. Lance Corporal CHARLES EWALD, Light Battery G, Fifth Ar- tillery. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth. " 6. Private FBA\CIS COUGHKY, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States four dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth." 7. Private RICHARD WHITE, Company A, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and military disci .line." PLEA. "Xot Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth." 8. Corporal FRANCIS H. DAILEY, Company B, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States six dollars of his monthly pay for one month/' 9. Private GEORGE EGLEY, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military dis- cipline." PLEA. "Not Guilty." FJNDING. " Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month. " 10. Private JOHN O'MAHONEY, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military dis- cipline." PLEA. " Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth.'' 11. Private JOHN REYNOLDS, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. " Absence without leave." PLEA "Guilty." FINDING. " Guiltj 7 . " SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 12. Private JAMES MORKISEY, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. " Guilty.'' FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one month. " 13. Private PATKICK SMITH, Company A, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE IST. "Absence without leave." CHARGE 2o. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." PLEA. " Not Guilty. " FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States his pay for one month, except the just dues of the laundress; and to be confined at hard labor for one mouth, excepting the first fourteen days, which shall be in solitary confinement on bread and water." 14. PATRICK WILLIAM MURPHY, Company I, Twenty-eighth In- fantry . CHARGE IST. " Absence without leave." CHARGE 2o. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING." Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay for one month. " 15. Private GEORGE "W. HAKNEY, Company I, Twenty-eighth In- fautry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLKA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCK. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 1G. Private CHARLES GOULD, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. " Guilty." FINDING. ' ' Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 17. Private JOHN COYLE, Company I, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLKA. ' Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to toe United States two dollars of his monthly pay for one mouth." 18. Private HENHY JOICE, Company I, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. " Absence without leave." PLEA. " Guilty." FINDING. "Guiltv. " SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 19. Corporal HENBY BURKE, Company A, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHABGE. " Neglect of duty in violation of the Forty-fourth Ar- ticle of War." PLEA." Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 20. Private THOMAS P. COBUBN, Company B, Twenty- eighth In- fantry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. " Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States three dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 21. Corporal WILLIAM BYRNES, Company B, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHABGE IST. "Absence without leave ." CHABGE 2o. " Neglect of duty." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United btates three dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 22. Private DAVID McCAN, Compauy B, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. "Guilty. " FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month. " 23. Private JAMES PRIOR, Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." PLEA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." "But in consideration of the statement of the accused, which statement the Court believes to be true, as to his condition, the Court attach no criminality to the act, and do therefore acquit him. " 24. Private JAMES COOK, Compauy C, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." 1'ijiA. "Guilty." FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay tor one month ." II. The proceedings and findings in these cases having been ap- proved by the authority which convened the Court, and the sen- tences confirmed and ordered to be duly executed, the records were forwarded to the Department Commander lor his supervision in compliance with Paragraph 898, Revised Regulations. The records are found to be fatally defective in not showing that the Recorder was sworu as such. As has been heretofore affirmed in General Orders, the Recorder of a Garrison or Regimental Court Martial is required to take two oaths in presence of the accused one as a member of the Court, which is administered by himself, and another a.s- Recorder, which is administered by the senior member, the latter being the same oath as that which is prescribed for the Judge Advocate of a General Court Martial. Therecords are further fatally defective in that the " decision and orders" of the reviewing officer upon the findings and sentence are not endorsed thereon. It is insufficient for him to record at the end of the proceedings simply his approval of them. Such approval does not include the findings or the sentence. In but four cases do the records show the names of the members present at the triaJ . It is observed from the records that "Brevet Major Pierce, Cap- tain, Twenty-eighth Infantry, " was detailed by his surname alone to replace an officer relieved from duty on the Court. This manner of issuing orders is in violation of the customs of the service and un- der some circumstances would be sufficient cause for disapproving the proceedings. The proceedings in the foregoing cases are set aside and the sen- tences will not be executed. BY COMMAND OF BUKVET MAJOU GENERAL K. C. BUCHANAX : NEILL,, / > r, Twentieth Infant Acting Ass c. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GENERAL OunEiJs ? v- .-> , r ' o NO. 9. s -"p* Orleans, La., Sept. 15, 18G8. In obedience to Paragraph 4, General Orders No. 55, Headquarters of the Army, dated Washington, D. C., July 28, 18(58, the under- ::iishes command of the Department of Louisiana a a. {'. S. Army. Sec. Lieut., Thirty-sovorith Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GEXERAL OUUERS ) , r ~ , No. 10. 5 New Orleans, La., Sept. 15, 1868. I. Iu obedience to Paragraph 4, General Orders No. 55, Head- quarters of the Army, dated Washington, D. 0. , July 28, 1868, the undersigned hereby assumes command of the Department of Louisiana. II. The Staff of the Department will remain as at present organ- ized. OFFICIAL : LOVELL H. BreveMajorGenetal, TJ. S. Army, jwnmanding Department. PC. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Iiif., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. '\\ HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OP LOUISIANA, GENERAL ORDERS J New Or i eans> La ^ Sep t. 18, 1868. I. Before a Regimental Court Martial which convened at Fort Jackson, La., by virtue of Paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 22, cur- rent series, Headquarters, Thirty-ninth Infantry, and of which Cap- tain Frank T. Bennett, Thirty-ninth Infantry, is President, were ar- raigned and tried: 1. Private WILLIAM WILSON, Company G, Thirty-ninth Infantry. CHAKGE. -"Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.'' PLEA. "Not Guilty." FINDING." Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit fourteen dollars of his pay, and to be con- fined for twenty days, fifteen of which at hard labor and five days on bread and water." 2. Private BENJAMIN PAYTON, Company G, Thirty-ninth Infantry. CHAKGE. "Absence without leave." PLEA. '' Guilty. " FINDING. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to tne United States five dollars of his monthly pay, and to be reprimanded in the presence of his company by the commanding officer of the same." II. The proceedings aiid findings in these cases having been ap- proved by the authority which convened the Court, and the senten- ces confirmed and ordered to be duly executed, the records were forwarded to the Department Commander for his supervision, in compliance with Paragraph 898, Revised Regulations. At the dates these cases were tried August 27th and September 3d, 18(i8 it was practicable to detail a Field Officer as a Court, one being present at the post. This fact renders the trials by a Regi- mental Court an illegal proceeding. " The latter Court (Regimental or Garrison) can now be held only in cases where it is impracticable to detail a Fithl Officer < s a Court in the Regiment." [Digest of the opinions of the Judge Advocate General, page 173.] There is no authority for prolonging the existence of a Court for mouths there being no business before it as has been done in this instance. When a Court has completed the business referred to it, it should be dissolved and others organized, as the exigencies of the service require. The proceedings are set aside, and the sentences will not be ex- ecuted. BY COMMAND OF BKKVET MAJOR GENERAL LJLKoussEAU: I. NEILL, |U. S. A., . Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GENERAL ORDERS ? -\r /-\ i T o No. 12. j -MW Orleans, La., Sept. 23, 1868. Brevet Major General Romeyn B. Ayres, Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-eighth Infantry, is hereby announced and assigned to duty as Acting Assistant Inspector General, Department of Louisiana. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Br COMMAND OF BHEV^P-JHAJOR GENERAL L. H. ROUSSEAU: NEILL, f, Twentieth Infantry ,/Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. A., OFFICIAL: / / Acting Assist :c. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUAKTERS, DEPAETMENT OF LOUISIANA, GENERAL ORDERS j N&w Orlean ^ jr^ gept 34, 1868. I. Before a General Court Martial vfhich convened at Fort Smith, Arkansas, by virtue of Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 17, current series, from these Headquarters, and of which Lieutenant Colonel Pinckuey Lugenbeel, Nineteenth Infantry, is President, were ar- raigned and tried : 1. Private HENKT FKOJIM, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Violation of the Forty -sixth Article of War sleeping on post." Specification. " In this, that he, Private Henry Fromm, H Corripa- uy. Nineteenth Infantry, having been duly mounted as a member" of the post guard, and posted as a sentinel on post No. 7, at post hospi- tal, was found sleeping on his post by Second Lieutenant J. C. For- tune, Officer of the Day. All this, at or near Fort Smith , Arkansas, be- tween the hours of one and two o'clock, A. M., on or about the Fourth day of September, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification^ " Not Guilty." To the Change. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification" Guilty." Of the Cnarge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard with an iron ball weighing twenty-four pounds attached to his left leg, by a chain three and one-half feet in length, until the Eighth day of March, 1669, and to forfeit to the United 'States ten dollars per month of his uiocthly pay tor six mouths, from the Eighth day of Septem- ber, 1808." 2. Private GUSTAV CONTENT, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. " Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War sleeping 011 post." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Gustav Content, E Compa- ny, Nineteenth lufautry, having been duly mounted as a member of the post guard, and posted as a sentinel on post No. 3, at Post Black- smith shop, was found sleeping on his post by the Corporal of the guard. All this, at cr near Fort Smith, Arkansas, between the hours of two and three o'clock, A. M., on or about the Fourth day of Sep- tember, 18G8." PLEA. To ihz Specification. " Guilty." To (he Charge. "Guilty." FiNiiiNG. Of the Specification. ' ' Guilty. " Of the C'kartje. "Guilty" SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard with au iron ball weighing twenty-four pounds attached to his left leg, by a chain three and one-half feet in length un^il the Eighth day of March, 1869, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per mouth of his monthly pay for six months, from the Eighth clay of September, 1868." 3 . Private MATTHEW LEIS, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Matthew Leis, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry, did take, steal and carry away from the quarters of company Quartermaster Sergeant Arthur McKnight, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry, certain money, to- wit: the sum of thirty dollars, and did appropriate the same to his own use, said thii ty dollars, being the company fund of H Company, Nine- teenth Infantry, and at the time in charge of the said company Quartermaster Sergeant, Arthur McKnight, H Company, Nineteenth Infantry. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., between the hours of 11 o'clock, P. M., of the First and 8 o'clock, A. M., of the Second days of August, 1863." I'LE \.~To 'he Si>ei'.ific dton. "Guilty." To ike Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification "Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SKNTENCE. " To be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States, with the loss of all pay and allowances except the just dues of the laundress, and to be confined at hard labor in such military prison as the Commanding General may designate, for the period of one year. " II. The proceedings and findings in the foregoing cases are ap- proved. Upon the recommendation of a majority of the members of the Court, based upon the previous good conduct of the accused, so much of the sentences in the cases of Privates Henry Fromm, Company H, and Gustav Content, Company E, Nineteenth Infan- try, as provides that they wear a ball and chain is remitted, and the period of confinement and stoppage of pay is reduced to three months from the Eighth day of September, 1868. As thus miti- gated the sentences will be duly executed. The sentence in the case of Private Matthew Leis, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry, is confirmed and will be duly executed. The military prison at Little Eock, Ark., is designated as the place of confinement. BY COMMAND OF BUF.VKT MAJOK GENEKAL L. II. KOUSSKAU: ,H. NEIIX, 'luXJop/Twentieth Infaiitr/TBrQvctl^i^iiliur General, U. S OFFICIAL:/' / Acting Ass fee. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U.S. A. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMEIS T T OF LOUISIANA, ORDERS | New Orleans, La., Sept. 25, 1868. I. Before a General Court Martial which convened at Baton Rouge, La., by virtue of Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 115, dated Headquarters, Fifth Military District, New Orleans, La., May 26, 1868, and of which Brevet Major General George Sykes, Colonel, Twentieth Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Private THOMAS O'TooLE, Company E, Twentieth Infantry. CHAKGE. " Violation of the Forty-fifth Article of War." Specification." In this, that Private Thomas O'Toole, Company E, Twentieth Infantry, having been regularly detailed as a member of the guard, and duly mounted as such, did become so much intoxi- cated as to render him incapable of performing guard duty. This at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on or about the Eighteenth day of July, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge." Guilty." SENTENCE. "To carry a knapsack weighing twenty-five pounds eight hours a day, between reveille and retreat, for the period of two months, under charge of the guard, and when not so occupied between those hours to be kept at hard labor. " 2. Private GEOHGE PETERS, Company I, Twentieth Infantry. CHARGE. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification. "In this, that Private George Peters, Cbmpany I, Twentieth Infantry, did without cause or provocation maljeicrfisly throw a bayonet at Private Frederick VVeich, Company I, Twentieth Infantry, thereby inflicting a wound imperilling the life of said Private Frederick Weich. This at Lake Providence. Carroll Parish, State of Louisiana, on or about the Twenty-second day of July, 1868." PI.EA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." lo the Charge "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Lharye. " Guilty. ' SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay per mouth, for four mouths, and to cany a knapsack weighing thirty pounds every other two hours, from reveille to re- treat, in charge of the guard, for twenty days." 3. Private JAMES WATSON, Company A, Twentieth Infantry. CHABGE IST. "Desertion." Specification. "In this, that the said Private James Watson, Company A, Twentieth Infantry, having been duly enlisted in the service of the United States, did desert the same on the Twentieth day of July, 1868, and did remain absent until the Twenty-first day of July, 1868, when he was apprehended at the Crescent Hoiise, in the city of Baton Rouge, La., by First Sergeant James Griffiu, Company A, Twentieth Infantry, and returned to this post. This at Baton Rouge, La., on the dates above specified." CHARGE 2o. " Theft, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. " In this, that the said Private James Watson, Company A, Twentieth Infantry, did steal from members of his company various articles of value, to-wit: one valise and two pairs shoes. This at Baton Rouge, La., on or about the Twentieth duy of July, 1868." PJLEA. To the Specification to First Charge. "Not Guilty." To (he First Charge. "Not Guilty." PLEA.- To the Specification to Second Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification to First Oharge. "Guilty," except the words "did desert" substituting the words "was absent from." Of the First Charge. "Not Guilty, but Guilty of ab- sence without leave." Of the Specification to Second Ciiarge. " Not Guilty." Of the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit twelve dollars of his monthly pay per month for two months. " 4. Private WELLINGTON G. McBuENEY, Company A, Twentieth Infantry. CAEGE IST. "Desertion." Specification. "In this, that the said Private Wellington G. McBur- ney, Company A, Twentieth Infantry, having been duly enlisted into the service of the United States, did desert the same on the Twentieth day of July, 1868, and did remain absent until the Twenty-first day ot July, 1868, when he was apprehended at the Crescent House, in the city of Baton Rouge, La." CHARGE 2o. "Theft, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification. "In this, that the said Private Wellington G. Mc- Burney, Company A, Twentieth Infantry, did steal from members of his company, various articles of value, to-wit: one valise, two pairs shoes. This ut Baton Rouge, La., on the Twentieth day of July, 1868." 3 PLEA. To the Specification to First Charge. "Not Guilty." To the First Charge. " Not Guilty." To the Specification to Second Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. " Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification to first Charge. " Guilty, except the words ' did desert ' substituting therefor the words, was absent from." Of the First Charge. "Not Guilty, but Guilty of ab- sence without leave." Of the Specification lo Second Charge. "Not Guilty." Of ihe Second Charge. "Not Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit twelve dollars of his monthly pay per mouth for two months." II. Before a General Court Martial which convened at Green- \ilie, Louisiana, by virtue of Paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 157, dated Headquarters, Fitth Military District, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 16, 1868, and" of which Brevet Brigadier General W. M. Gra- ham, Captain, First Artillery, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Corporal Lons KUHN, Company F, First lulautry. CHAKGK IST. "Robbery, to the prejudice of good order and mil- itary discipline." Specification. "In this, that Corporal Louis Kuhn (then private,) of Company F, First Infantry, did, on or about the Seventeenth day of January, 1868, at Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, in conjunction with Private Joseph C. ilitchey, Company F, First Infantry, feloni- ously and violently, take, steal, carry away and appropriate to his own use the sum of five dollars, legal currency of the United States, the property of, and from the person, and against the will of Private William H: Proctor." CHARGE 2o. "Larceny, to the prejudice of good order and mil- itary discipline." Specifica/ion. "In this, that Corporal Louis Kuhn, Company F, First Infantry, at Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, on or about the Twenty-fourth day of May, 1808, did, in conjunction with Private Joseph C. Kitchey of Company F, First Infantry, feloniously take, steal, carry away and appropriate to his own use the sum of twenty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents, legal currency of the United States, ihe property of Private Daniel O'Keefe of Company F, First Infantry. This while the said Private Daniel O'Keefe was asleep in his bunk. " PLEA. To the Specification of the First Charge. " Not Guilty." To the First Charge "Not Guilty." To Ih9 Spieifioiiio t'of Second C/iirge." Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING.- Gf the Specification of the First Charge. ' Guilty, ex- cept so much as charges him with committing an assault." Of the First Charge. "Guilty." Of the Specification of the Second Charge." Guilty." Of the Second Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States all pay that may be or may become due him; to be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States; then to be confined at hard labor at such place as the Commanding General may designate for the period c two years." 2. Private LEONABD MILLEB, Light Battery K, First Artillery. CHARGE," Sleeping on post." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Leonard Miller, Lighl Battery K, First Artillery, being a member of the Battery K, First Artillery, and being a member of the Battery Guard, duly niountec at Sedgwick Barracks, Louisiana, on the Twelfth day of July 1868, and having been duly posted as a sentinel, did lie down aud sleep, and did remain in that condition until awakened by the Buttery Offi- cer of the Day. This at or near Greenville, Louisiana, July 13, 1868, between the hours ot 1, A. M. and 2, A. M. PLEA. To the Specification." Guilty." To the Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification." Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay for six months, and to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the same period." 3. Private JOHN SHEA, Company K, First Infantry. CHAKGE. "Highly insubordinate conduct, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification.-" In this, that Private John Shea, Company K, First Infentry, did assault with a knife, strike at aud cut, with intent t. kill, Private Michael Leadtham, of Company K, at or about 4 o'clock, P. M., on the Twenty-eighth day of July, 1868. This at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, Louisiana, on or about the above date. " PLEA. (Not recorded.) FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty, except the words 'as- sault,' 'strike at' and ' with intent to kill.' " Of the Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE." To forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay per month for the period of six months, aud to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the same period." 4. Sergeant CHABLES DEXGAS, Company G, First Infantry. CHARGE. "Knowingly and wrongfully disposing of Government property, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. '' Specification Ftrst. "In this, that he, Sergeant Charles Dengas, Company G, First Infantry, while on duty at the New Orleans Mil- itary Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, did take and carry away from the said military prison, articles of subsistence, to-wit: flour, ba- con, pork, shoulders, &c., the same Having been drawn by First Lieutenant Daniel F. Callinan, First Infantry, commanding the prison, for the sub; istence of the guard and prisoners of the said prison, and wrongfully sell or otherwise dispose of the same. All this at New Orleans, Louisiana, during the months of April, May, June and July, 18(38." Specification. Second. In this that the said Sergeant Charles Dengas, Company G, First Infantry, while on duty at the military prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, did take prisoners out of their cells at night, contrary to the rules and regulations of said prison, for the purpose of carrying away therefrom articles of subsistence stores, to-wit: flour, bacon, shoulders, &c., which the said Sergeant Charles Dengas, Company G, Hrst Infantry, wrongfully disposed of. All this at New Orleans, Louisiana, during the months of May, June and July, 1808." PLEA. To the First Specification. "Not guilty." To the Second Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Chanje. "Not Guilty. " , 4 FINDING. Of the First Specification. " Guilty, excepting the words knowingly and wrongfully." Of the Second Specification. " Guilty, excepting the words wrongfully disposed ot the same." Of Lie Uharye.- " Not guilty." " And the Court does therefore acquit him." 5. Private HICHAKD WAYNE, Company K, First Infantry. CHAKGE. "Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification." In this, that he, Private Kichard Wayne, Company K, First Infantry, after being duly posted as sentinel No. 1, at the bat- talion guard house, and being instructed not to permit any prison- ers to leave the guard house without a sentinel accompanying them, did suffer two prisoners, Private William Welden, Company 13, and Private Edward Munn, Company A, to escape from said guard house. This, at Greenville, La., on or about the sixteenth of August, between the hours of eight and nine o'clock, P. M.' : PLEA. To the Specification. " Not guilty. " To the Ckanje. "Not Guilty." F/NDINO. Of the Specification. "Not Guilty. " Of the Charge." Not Guilty." " And the. Court does therefore acquit him." IIL The proceedings and findings in the cases of Private Thomas (j'Toole, Company E, Twentieth Infantry, " George Peters, " I, " " " James Watson, " A, " " " Wellington G. McBurney, " Twentieth Infantry, are approved. The sentences are confirmed, and will be duly exe- cuted. The proceedings, fi ndings and acquittal in the case of Private Richard Wayne, Company K, First Infantry, are approved. He will be released from confinement and restored to duty. The proceedings in the case of Private John Shea, Company K, First Infantry, are disapproved, for the reason that the record does not show that the accused was allowed to plead. The Commanding General is loath to believe that the Court refused to accord this right to the prisoner, but is rather of the opinion that the Judge Advo- cate neglected to record this important proceeding of the trial. He will be released from confinement and restored to duty. The proceedings in the case of Sergeant Charles Deugas, Com- pany G, First Infantry, are disapproved. The officer who preferred the charges was a member of the Court, and at the proper time was, for that reason, objected to by the accused, The Court overruled the objection, and the record does not show that the challenged member stated that he had no knowledge of the facts of the case, or that he had signed the charges by direction of his superior officer. Had there been a sentence this proceeding would have been fatal to its validity. " One who signs the charges is prima facie an accuser, and may be rejected as a member of the Court, on challenge. But when the officer who subscribed the charges, stated to the court that he had no knowledge of the facts of the case, and that his name had been appended by order of his superior officer, held that his be- ing allowed to sit as a member, though objected to, did not affect the validity of the proceedings." (Digest of ihe (>}ji-u confined at hard labor at .such military prison as the Commanding General may designate for three years. " 3. Private AMOS WEIMER, Company I, Twentieth Infantry. CHARGE. " Desertion." Specification . "In this, that he, Private Amos Weimer, Com- pany I, Twentieth Infantry, having been duly enlisted as a soldier in the United States Army, did desert the same service from Mon- roe, Ouachita Parish, La., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of April, 1867, and did remain absent therefrom, until on or about the Seventh day of August. 1868, when he was apprehended near Lake Providence, Can-oil Parish, La. Thirty dollars paid for his appre- hension. " PLEA. To the Specification. " Guilty." To the Chanje." Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To have his head shaved and be dishonorably dis- charged and drummed out of the service of the United States; to forfeit all pay and allowances that are now or may become due him; to be indelibly marked on the left hip with the letter ' D ' three inches long; and to be confined at hard labor at such military pris- on as the Commanding General may designate for three years. " 4. Private ALEXANDER SWEENEY, Company I. Twentieth Infantry. CHAHGE IST. "Desertion." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Alexander Sweeney, Coo'.pany I, Twentieth Infantry, having been duly enlisted as a sol- dier in the United States Army, did desert the said service at Lake Providence, Carroll Parish, La., on the Seventh day of August, 1868, and did remain absent therefrom, until apprehended near Lake Providence, Carroll Parish, La., on the Eighth day of August, 1868." CHARGE 2o. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification, "In this, that he, Private Alexander Sweeney, Com- pany I, Twentieth Infantry, did sell, barter, or exchange lor civilian's clothing, one flannel blouse, one pair of trousers, one forage cap, the property of the United States. This, at Lake Providence, Car- roll Parish, La., on or about the Eighth day of August, 1868." PLKA. To the Spr^fiwHonqf First 6Vm;e. "Guilty." To the First Chnrnr. " Guilty." To the Specific'dion of Second Charge. " Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. '' Not G'.'iltj." 3 FADING. Of the, Specification io First Charge. "Guilty." Of the First Charge. "Guilty 1 ' * Of the Specification to Second Charge. "Guilty." Of the Second Cnarge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To have his head shaved, and be dishonorably dis- charged and drummed out of the service of the United Stages ;*to for- feit all pay and allowances now due or that may become du$ him ; to be indelibly marked on the left hip with the letter 'D,' three inches long; and to be ( onfined at hard labor at such military prison as the Commanding Ge^ral majfc designate for three years." 5. Private JOHN HtirEy, Company I, Twentieth Infantry. CHARGE. " Desertion." > ptciftcation. " In this, that he, Private John Henry, Company I, Twentieth Infantry, having been duly enlisted as a soldier in the service of the United States, did d sert said service at Monroe, La., on or about August 24, 1867, and did remain absent until appre- hended at Yicksburg, Miss., ou or about September 5th, 1868. Thirty dollars paid for his apprehension " PLEA. To the Specification. " Guilty." To the Cha-ge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty. " Of the Clung" "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To huvt< his head shaved and to be dishonorably dis- charged and drummed :>ut of the service of the United States; to forfeit all pay and allowances now due or that may become due him; to be indelibly marked on the left hip with the letter 'D,' three inches long; and to be c >nfined at hard labor at such military prison as the Commanding General may designate for three years." 6. Private HENEY MILLER, Company E, Twentieth Infantry. CHARGE "Desertioi.." Specification. " In this, that hu, the said Henry Miller, a duly en- listed soldier in the service of the United Ftates, did desert the same at Camp Grant, Va. , August 2d, 1 866, and did remain absent until apprehended at Lynchburg, Va., on or about April 17th, 1868, Thirty dollars reward paid for his apprehension. PI.EA. To the Specification. "Guilty." To the Charge. " G uilty . ' ' FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the CJiarge. ""Guilty." SENTENCE. ' To have his head shaved and be dishonorably dis- charged and drummed out of the service of the United States; to forfeit all pay and allowances now due, or that may become due him; to be indelibly marked on the left hip with the letter 'D,' three inches long; and to be confined at hard labor at such military prison as the Commanding General may designate for three years." II. The proceedings and findings in the foregoing cases are ap- proved. The sentences are confirmed, and will be duly executed. Ship Island, Miss., is designated as the place of confinement. BY CoiiMANiJ OF BHUVET MAJOR GENERAL L. H. ROUSSEAU : LOS. H. NEIKL, 3or, Twentieth Infantry. Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. A., OFFICIAL i^ / Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 'Sec. Lieut., Thirty-s-venth Inf.,Bvt. i'rst Lieut Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, ENEKAI. OR:EKS | New Orleans, La., Oct. 7, 1868. I. The following extract from General Orders No. 78, Headquar- ters of the Army, Adjutant General's office, of date September 21, 1868, is published from these Headquarters for the information and action of officers of this command: " Department Commanders will report to the Adjutant General of the Army with a view to their being brought before a Retiring Board, the cases of all officers in their Departments who are incapacitated for active service. " Habitual intemperance, frequenting gambling houses, and other vicious habits which disqualify an officer for the proper discharge of active military, duties, or make him habitually neglectful ; and in general, any cause which in the opinion of the Department Commander renders an officer palpably in- efficient and unfit for the military service, will be regarded as proper subjects for the consideration and report of the Retiring Board. "The report of the Department Commander in each case should contain a specific statement of facts and the names of witnesses to prove them." II. All officers, belonging to regiments and detachments serving in the Department of Louisiana, who may be affected by the above order, will be reported to these Headquarters, through the Head- quarters of Districts, by the commanding officers of such regi- ments or detached companies; these reports t ) be accompanied by a specific statement of facts, in each case, and the names of wit- nesses in proof. BY COMMAND OF BUEVF.T MAJOH GICNEKAL L. H. ROUSSEAU: FHOS. H. NETLL, Twentieth Infantry, BreWt Brigadier General, U,. S. A., OFFICIAL:/ , ' Acting Assistant Adjutant General. ;. Lieut., Thirty -seventh Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OP LOUISIANA, Orleans, La., Oct. 7, 1868. Before a Garrison Court Martial which convened at the post of Fort Smith, Arkansas, of which Brevet Major Thomas Cummings, Captain, Nineteenth Infantry, is President, was arraigned and tried Quartermaster Sergeant Sidney W. Garratt, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry. The accused was sentenced "to be reduced to the ranks as a private sentinel; and to forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month." The record was'forwurded by the reviewing officer to the Department Commander for his supervision, in compliance with Paragraph 898, Revised Regulations. The absurdity of the first part of this sentence has-been hereto- fore remarked upon in General Orders, and the Commanding Gen- eral trusts that such an one will not again come before him for confirmation. Re lucid to the ,) a Gar- rison or Regimental Court cannot sentence a non-commissioned officer to be reduced where the effect of such sentence will be to deprive him of more than one mouth's pay. The record in all such cases, therefore, must be accompanied by evidence showing the date of expiration of the soldier's enlistment. In the present case, if the accused had longer than three months and three-quarters to serve, the sentence would be illegal, since it would result in his forfeiture of more than twenty dollars his pay per mouth at the date of his reduction. So much of the sentence in the case of Quartermaster Sergeant Garratt as provides that he be reduced to the ranks is, for the foregoing reasons, disapproved, and will not be executed. BY COMMAND OF BKKVKT MAJOK GEXEUAL L. H. ROUSSEAU: H. NELLL, )r, Twentieth InfantiA', Breve\ Brigadier General, U. S. A., OFFICIAL:/' / Actiuir At :c. Lieut., Thirty-seventh luf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant Gem-nil. HEADQUAKTERS, DEPARTMENT OP LOUISIANA, GENE No!"?9 KUEUS l New Orleans, La., Oct. 12, 1868. 1. Betore u General Court Martial which convened at the post of Washington, Arkansas, by virtue of Paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 7, current series, from these Headquarters, and of which Brevet Colonel C. C. Gilbert, Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-eighth Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Musician JOHN G. HENDEK, Company K, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHARGE IST. " Absence without leave." Specification. "In this, that he, Musician John G. Render, Com- pany K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did, without proper authority, absent himself from his company and post at retreat roll-call, on June 27th, 1868. This at or near Washington, Arkansas, on or about June 27th, 18l>8.' : CHARGE 2o. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification Fird. "In this, that he, Musician John G. Heuder, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did run along the streets of Washington, Arkansas, \vith a club in his hand, and did knock down what .freedmen he met, to-wit: Anthony, at E. K. Williamson's, Frank llice and Isaac Nolen, without any just cause or provocation whatever; and did use the most obscene language on the public streets and in public houses, to-wit: He called one Mr. Williams, a citizen clerk iu Max Parker's store, ' a damned lying ;' this in presence of a great many' citizens. All this at or near Wash- ington, Arkansas, on or about the Twenty-seventh day of June, 18(58." Specification Second. -"In this, that he, Musician John G, llender, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did go into the auction room of Max Parker, and did interrupt the sale by bidding on articles; and when they were knocked down to him, he would and did tell the auctioneer to ' ,' and did behave himself in a most drunken, disorderly and disgraceful manner. All this at or near Washington, Arkansas, on or about the Twenty-seventh day of June, 1868." PLKA. To Hie Specification of First Charge" Guilty." To the First Charge "Guilty." To the First Specification of Second Churye -"Not Guilty." To the Second Specification of Second C'harye "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge "Not Guilty." . Of the Specification of First Charge "Guilty." Of the First Charge "Guilty." Of the First Specifica'ion of Second Charge' ' Not Guilty. " Of the Second Specification of Second Charge "Guilty, except the words, ' and when they were knocked down to him lie would and did tell the auctioneer to .' " Of the Second Charge " Guilty. 1 ' SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for five mouths." 2. Private PATRICK BCBNS, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHAEGE IST. "Absence without leave." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Patrick Burns, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being regularly detailed on duty with the wood party, did, without proper authority, absent himself irorn the same from the morning of the 24th of June, 1868, to the even- ing of the 25th of June, 1868. All this at or near Washington, Arkansas, on or about the Twenty- fifth clay of June, 1868.'' CHABGE 2o. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline. ' ' Specification First. "In this, that he, I'rivate Patrick Burns, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did go to the house of Elizabeth Jones, a freedwoman, situated in the woods near the camp of a de- tachment of the Twenty-eighth Infantry, and by force and violence try to ravish the said Elizabeth Jones and Harriet Page, freedwomen. All this at or near Washington, Arkansas, on or about June 24th, 1868." Specification Second. "In this, that he, Private Patrick Burns, Company F, Twtuty-eighth Infantry, did enter the house known as the old freedmen's hospital, and did assault therein a certain freed- woman named Mollie Nash, and did beat, kick and choke her in a severe and brutal manner. All this at or near Washington, Arkan- sas, on or about the Twenty-fourth day of June, 1868." FLEA. To ihe Specification of First Charge " Noi, Guilty. " To the First Charge "Not Guilty." To (lie First Specification of Second C/iirge" Not Guilty. " 1o the Second Specification of Second Charge ' ' Not Guilty. ' ' To the Second CJiurge "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification of First C'hcrge "Guilty." Of the First Charge "Guilty." Of the First Specification of Second Chary "Guilty, except the words, ' the said Elizabeth Jones and.' " Of the Second Specification of Second Cfiarge " Guilty." Of the Second Charge " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor at sue- h place as the Commanding General may direct for the period of one month; and forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay for five months." 3. Private GEOKGE WILLIS, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE "Absent without proper authority." Specification. "In this, that he, Private George Willis 1 , Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being duly detailed in the Quartermas- ter's Department, did absent himself from work and from the garri- son the greater part of the afternoon of the Fourteenth day of August, 1SG8, without proper authority. All this at or near Washington, Arkansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868." PI.EA. To the Specification "Not Guilty." To I heCharge "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification " Guilty/' Of the Charge' ' Guilty. " SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 4. Private JOHN A. CASE, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." Specification. " In this, that he, Private John A. Case, Company F, Twenty -eighth Infantry, having reported to Acting Assistant Surgeon D. J. Evans, U. S. Army, and being ordered by said Act- ing Assistant Surgeon Evans, to take a do-e of salts, he, Private John A. Case, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did take said dose of salts from the table or counter where it had been prepared for him, walked to the door, threw the salts on the ground, returned the glass to the counter and walked out of the door, at the same time remarking 'you can't get any of your damned salts down me,' or words to that effect. All this at the post hospital at Washington, Arkansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To Ike Specification" Guilt}'. " To (lie Cl.arye "Guilty. 1 ' FINDING. Of ihe Specification "Guilty, except the words 'from the Garrison.' " Of ihe Charge " Guilty. " SENTENCE. " To forfeit five dollars per month of his monthly pay for four months. " 5. Private LUUWIG KOHNE, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE IST. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification. " In this, that he, Private Ludwig Kohne, Compa- ny F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being regularly detailed in the Quar- termaster's Department as bricklayer, and being specially ordered by Lieutenant Thos. M. Wenie, Twenty-eighth Infantry, Acting Assistant Quartermaster, to work on a chimney on the bake-house at this post, did fail to do so, but went away and stayed until arrested by the guard sent after him. All this at or near Washington, Ar- kansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868. " CHARGE 2D. "Disobedience of orders." ^l>ecification. "In this, that he, Private Ludwig Kohne, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being regularly detailed and put on duty in the Quartermaster's Department as bricklayer, and hav- ing been met loafing around the streets of Washington, Arkansas, was specially ordered by Lieutenant Thos. M. Wenie, Twenty- eighth Infantry, Acting Assistant Quartermaster he bt-iug in the execution of his legitimate duty at the time to go to camp, and go to work on a chimney of the bake-house at this post, that he was in a very great hurry with, did fail to obey, but stayed away all day until he was arrested by a guard sent after him. All this on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 18G8." PLKA. To the Specification of First Lltunje "Not Guilty." To ike First Charye." Not Guilty." To the Specification of the Second c'/iarye. "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the t-'pecijicatiun of Firtt Chanje. "Guilty, except the words 'did remain away until arrested by the guard.' " Of the tir< Charge." Guilty." Of the Specification of Second Ch'inje. " Not Guilty.'' Of the Second Ch-ircje. " Not Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars per mouth of his monthly pay for six months." 6. Private PETEII KE. \NEDY, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. "Disobedience of orders. " Specification. "In this, that he, said Private Peter Kennedy, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did after having been duly cautioned in company orders, published, not to enter the company kitchen enter the same without proper authority, and in violation of the lawful commands of his company commander. This, at Washington, Ark., on or about the Fifteenth day ot July, 1868." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Not Guilty." Of the Charge. "Not Guilty." "And does therefore acquit him." 7. Private PATRICK KOCHE, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHAEGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. In this, that he, Private Patrick Hot-he, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being duly detailed and placed upon duty as cook's police in the kitchen of Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did become so drunk as to be totally unfit to perform his duties as such. This, at the post of Washington, Ark., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. " Guilty." To the Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Chat g?.' ' Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To forfeit five dollars of his pay." 8. Private O. C. GUXDERSON, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGK. "Absence without proper authority." Specification. In this, that he, Private O. C. Gundersoii, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, was absent from his quarters without proper authority, between the hours of ten o'clock and twelve o'clock, P. M., when the Officer of the Day made his rounds. All this, at or near Washington, Ark., on the night of August 2oth, 18G8. PLEA. To the Specification. "Guilty." To the 0/iargs." Guilty.',' FINDING. Lf the Specification. " Guilty. " Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit five dollars of his pay." 9. Private JOHN HOLTON, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CH.VHGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification First. " In this, that he, Private John Holton, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did become drunk and disorderly in the barracks of his company. ' Specifi'Xdion Second. "In this, that he, Private John Holton, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did maliciously destroy the property of Myran freedwornan. All this, in the barracks of Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry s at the post of Washington, Ark., on or about the Twenty-ninth day of August, 18j8." PLEA. To the First Specificjtion. "Guilty." To the Second Specification. " guilty. " To the Cha-ge. "Guilty." FINHING. Of the Fir*t Specification. "Guilty." Of the Second Specification. "Guilty." . Of the Charge." Guilty. " SENTENCK. "To forfeit five dollars of his pay for two months." 10. Artificer BERNARD LOCKHARD, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification. 'In this, that he, Artificer Bernard Lockhard, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, having been turned over to Ser- geant Jacob Steno, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, by First Sergeant Harry H. Goodrich, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, to police the ground around the officers' quarters and barracks of his company, did fail to do so, and at'.er being told several times by Sergeant Steno to come out of the company quarters, and police around the quarters of his company officers, did say ' I am going to stay here,' and ' I will rather go to the guard-house than sweep,' or words to that effect. This, at the post of Washington, Ark., at police call, on or about the Twenty-ninth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification.- " Guilty.'* 'lothe Charge." Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the. Charge." Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit five dollars of his monthly pay for three months. " 11. Private WILLIAM SMITH, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE IST. "Absence without leave." Specification. " In this, that he, Private William Smith, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did absent himself, without permission, from the hospital, he being, at the time, convalescent from malarial disease. This, at or near Washington, Ark., on or about the Four- teenth day of August, 1868." CHARGE 2d. " Disobedience of orders." Specification. "In this, that he, Private William Smith, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did become drunk, contrary to the written rules and regulations for the government of the hospital. This, at or near Washington, Ark., between the hours of eight, A. M., and two, P. M., on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification to First Charge. "Guilty." To the First Charge. " Guilty." To the Specification lo Second Charge. " Guilty." To the Stcond Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification to First Charge. " Guilty." 'Of the First Charge. " Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Charge. " Guilty." Of the Sxotid Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit five dollars of his monthly pay for five months." 12. Private BAXTER JOHNSON, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE IST. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline." Specification. " In this, that he, Private Baxter Johnson, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did become drunk and disordely while in the town of Washington, Ark., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of June, 18'j8." CHAR<;E 2D. " Disobedience of orders." Specifi alion. " Jn this, that he, Private Baxter Jchnson, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did, after being ordered to camp by Brevet Major H. E. Stausbury, Captain, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, refuse to obey said orders, and did remain in town. This, at Washington, Ark., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of June, 1868." PLEA. To the Spedfif/ition of First Chirge. "Not Guilty." To the First Charge." Not Guilty." To the Specification of Second Charge. " Not Guilt}'." To the Sxond Ckarye. ' Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification io First Charge. " Guilty." Of the tirsl Cliarge.' 1 Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Charge. " Guilty." Of the St ond Cliarqe. " Gu;lty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay for six months. '' 1IJ. Artificer JOHN TYSON, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHAUUE. "Violation of the Forty-second Article of War." Specification. " In this, that he, the said Artificer John Tyson, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did lie out of his quarters with- out proper authority, between the hours of tattoo, on the Sixteenth, and reveille, on the Seventeenth day of August, 1868. This, at the post of Washington, Ark." I'LEA. To the Specification. " Guilty." To Hie Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States five dollars of his pay." 14. Private JOHN AKMSTUONG, Company F, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military disci;, line." Specification. " In this, that he, the said Private John Armstrong, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, having been regularly detailed for and placed on duty in the Quartermaster's Department, at Wash- ington, Ark., did go away from his work, get very drunk, and stayed away all day, and nr-til arrested aud brought back by a guard sent after him. All this, at or near Washington, Ark. , on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the dpeciftoalior. " Guilty." To the Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of ihe Specification " Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States live dollars of his pay. " 15. Private PATRICK McD. NNELL, Gompauy 11, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHAEGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " {specification First. " In this, that he, Private Patrick McDonnell, Company H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being a prisoner in the post guard house, did, while in a state of intoxication when oidered by the Corporal of the Guard, (Gustavus Grottjohann, company H, Twenty-eighth Infantry,) to fall out with other prisoners for retreat roll-call refuse to obey said order, uud did use disrespectlul and violent language to said Corporal Grottjohanu, he being at the time in the execution of his duty. This near Caiuden, Arkansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 18(58." Specification Second. "In this, that he, Private Patrick McLounell, Company H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did forcibly resist Sergeant Peter Jones, Company G, Twenty-eighth Infantry, and Corpora! Gustavus Grottjohann, Company H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, when in the execution of their duty as members of the guard, attempting to execute the orders of Second Lieutenant G. H. lladetzki, Twenty- eighth Infantry, Officer of the Day, ai.d did assault and strike with a log of wood, the said Sergeant Jones and Corporal Grottjohann, continuing to use very boisterous and disrespectful language to them, and conducting himself in a most violent manner until restrained by the guard. This near Camden, Arkansas, on or about the Four- teenth day of August, 1868." Specification Third. " In this, that he, Private Patrick McDonnell, Company, H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, alter promoting the Sergeant of the Guard, (Peter Jones, Company G, Twent) -eighth Infantry,) if untied, to conduct himself quietly, did, on being untied, rush to the gun-rack, seize a gun therefrom, and did attack the guard with said gun. This at or near Camden, Arkansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the First Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Second Specification. " Not Guilty." To tJie Third Specification. ''Not Guilty." To the Ctiarye. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the First Specification. "Guilty."' Of the Second Specification. "Guilty, except the words ' Sergeant Jones and. ' " Of the Third Specification. " Guilty, except the words ' did attack the guard with said gun.'" Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay for ten months." 16. Private FRANCIS STEVENSON, Company H. Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHARGE IST. "Violation of the Fiftieth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Francis Stevenson, Com- pany H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being regularly detailed and mounted as a member of the post guard, at Camdeu, Arkansas, did leave said guard without urgent necessity, or leave from his supe- rior officer. All this, at camp near Camden, Arkansas, on or about the Ninth day of August, 1868. " CHABGE 2o. "Absence without leave." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Francis Stevenson, Com- pany H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did, without permission from pro- per authority, absent himself from his guard and camp, from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 12 o'clock, Noon, and from 1 o'clock, P. M., until 3:30 P. M., of the Ninth day of August, 1868. All this at camp, near Camdeu, Arkansas." CHARGE 3o. "Worthlessness, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. " In this, that he, Private Francis Stevenson, Com- pany H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, has, by the use of intoxicating drinks, become utterly worthless as a soldier in the Army of the United States." CHARGE 4iH. "Conduct to the prejudice of good orderaud mil- itary discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Francis Stevenson, Com- pany H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, has, by the excessive use of in- toxicating drinks, at various times rendered himself unfit for the performance 01 his duties as a soldier, and has rendered necessary his confinement in the guard house at his company station, on the following occasions, viz: From November 3 to November 22, 1867; from March 19 to March 28, 1868; on May 17, 1868; from June 24 to June 28, 1868; from July 2 to July 16, 1868, and from August 9 to August 20, 1863, and is at present in confinement. This at post of Little Rock, Arkansas, and post of Camden, Arkansas, on or about the dates above specified." PLEA. To the Specification to the Firt-.t Charge. "Not Guilty." To the First Charge." Not Guilty." To the SpecificatiO'i to Sacond Charge. ''Not Guilty." Tc the Second Chnige. "Not Guilty." Tu the Si^cification to Third Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Third Charge. " Not Guilty." 10 To the Specification of Fourth Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Fourth Chirge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification of First Charge. "Guilty." Of the First Charge. "Guilty" Of the Specification of Second Charge. "Guilty, except the words ' ironi 9 o'clock, A. M., until 12 o'clock, Noon."' Of the Second Cnarge. " Guilty." Of the Spcc'fic ttion of Tuird Charge. "Not Guilty." Of the Third Charge. ' Not Guilty." Of the Specification of Fourth Charge. "Not Guilty." Of the Fourth Charge "Not Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit twelve dollars of his monthly pay during the balance of his term of bis enlistment." 17. Sergeant ROBERT L. TOLSON, Company K, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHARGE. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Sergeant Robert L. Tolson, Com- pany K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did falsely report to Lieutenant John A. Payne, Twenty-eighth Infantry, Post Adjutant, that the de- tail from Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, ordered to go with him on detached service to Spoonville, Arkansas, was picked with the intention of sending the poorest men of the company, or words to that eifect. This, at the post of Washington, Arkansas, on or about the Thirty-first day of August, 1868." PI.EA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit five dollars of his monthly pay per mouth for four months." 18. Private JOSEPH WELLS, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. " Conduct t'o the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private Joseph Wells, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, he being regularly detailed and placed oa duty in the Quartermaster's Department as carpenter, and having been ordered to go to work on the roof of the bake-house at this post, failed to do so, but went away without leave, and stayed away until arrested by a guard sent after him. This, at or near Washing- ton, Arkansas, on or about the Fourteenth day of August, 18G8." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To Hit Chn-rye. " Xot Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty."' Of the Charge. "Guilty." 11 SENTENCE. " To forfeit ten dollars per niouth of his monthly pay for two mouths." 19. Private EPHEAIM B. MAPLES, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHARGE. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specific ition. "lu this, that he, Private Ephraim B. Maples, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did, while he was a member of the guard at this post, allow the following named prisoners, viz: Musician Matthew McNamara, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, Private James Corcoran, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, and Private James Dunn, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, while they were to work under his charge, to get whiskey, and did lay down his rifle and sit down and drink whiskey with them; and did allow the said prisoners to get drunk, so that they got fighting; and when spoken to about it by Private John Riley, Company F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did tell him ' to go to hell, and mind his own business." All this at or near Washington, Ark., on or about the Thirty-first day of August, 1868." PLEA. -To the Specification. " Not Guilty." To (he Charge. ' Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. 'Guilty. " SENTENCE. " To forfeit five dollars per month of his monthly pay for the period of twelve months." 20. Sergeant CHARLES E. BCUT, Company F, Twenty-eighth In- fantry. CHARGE IST. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Sergeant Charles E. Burt, Com- pany F, Twenty-eightn Infantry, did report at the quarters of his company commander, Brevet Major Howard E. Stansbury, Captain, Twenty-eighth Infantry, in a state of intoxication. Tuis at the post of Washington, Ark., on or about the Fourth day of September, 1868. " CHARGE 2o. "Neglect of duty." Specification. "In this, that he, Sergeant Charles E. Burt, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Infantry, being on duty as Quartermaster Sergeant of his company, and required to make out the returns of his department, did fail to make out the returns of clothing, camp n.iid garrison equipage, for the month of August, 1868, in the time re- quired by regulations. This at the post of Washington, Ark., on or about the mouth of September, 1868." PLEA. To ihe Specification to Fust Charge. "Not Guilty." To ihe First Charge. "Not Guilty." To the tipecificilion to Second Charge. - "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." 1-2 FINDING. Of the 8pec : ficalion of First Chary?. ' ' Guilty. " Of the First Charge. " Guilty." Of ike Specification of Secoi.d Oiarrje. "Guilty, except tlae words, 'although several times cautioned to do so.' :> Of the Sscond Cliarye. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be reduced to the ranks, and to forfeit five dollars per month of his monthly pay for five months." '21. Private BKNJA.MIN F. FBAZEE, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry. CHABGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specific-ition. "In this, that he, Private Benjamin F. Frazee, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, did become drunk and dis- orderly, and did disturb the public peace. This in the town of Washington, Ark., on or about July 25th, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Ch' "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Not Guilty." Of the Charge. "Not Guilty." "And does therefore acquit him." II. The proceedings and findings in the cases of Musician John G. Hender, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, Private Patrick Burns, " F, " " " George Willis, " " " ' " John A. Case, " " " Ludwig Kohne, " " " " " Patrick Roche, " " " " " 0. C. Gunderson, " K, " " JohnHolton, " F, " " Artificer Bernard Lockhard, Private William Smith, " " " " " Baxter Johnson, " " " " Artificer John Tyson, " li " " Private John Armstrong', " " " Patrick McDonnell, " H, " " Sergeant Robert L. Tolson, " K, " " Private Joseph Wells, " " " " " Ephraim B. Maples, " F, " " are approved. The sentences are confirmed and will be duly execu- ted. Private Burns will be confined in charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving. 13 The proceedings, findings and acquittal in the case of Private Benjamin Frazee, Company K, Twenty-eighth Infantry, are approved. He will be released from confinement and restored to duty. The proceedings in the case of Private Peter Kennedy, Company F, Twenty- eighth Infantry, are disapproved, for the reason that it " does not appear that the accused was allowed to plead. The find- ings and acquittal are approved. He will be released from confine- ment and restored to duty. The proceedings iu the case of Private Francis Stevenson, Com- pany H, Twenty-eighth Infantry, are disapproved, on account of variance in the name of the accused as appearing in the record. In the specification it is Steve/tson, in the sentence Steveson. The third charge in this case " worth lessness" does not strictly name an offenoe under the Ninety-ninth or any other Article of War. A soldier may properly be tried under the Ninety-ninth Article for a course of conducl such as the specification to this charge describes which results in rendering him utterly worthless ; and it is with that only he should be charged. He will be released from confine- ment and restored to duty. The proceedings in the case of Sergeant Charles E. Burt, Com- pany F, Twenty-eighth Iniantvy, are approved. The findings upon, the first charge and its specifications are approved; upon the second charge and its specifications they are disapproved. The accused was charged with neglect of duty, in that he failed to make the returns of clothing, camp and garrison equipage for the company within the time required by Army Kegulations. The Commanding General is greatly surprised that the Court viewed this charge in the manner indicated by its finding. These returns are required of the commissioned officer commanding the company, and no enlisted man can properly be held responsible for them. The company commander can unquestionably require any soldier of his company to perform the clerical labor involved, and if disobeyed should insti- tute proceedings against him under the Ninth Article of War; but the attempt to hold him responsible for the performance of a duty required solely of the company commander, displays a gross misapprehension of the duties of such commander on the part of both himself and the Court. The sentence is confirmed and will be duly executed. OMMAND OF EKEVET MAJOK GKXEUAL L. H. EOIJSSKAU: NEILL, twentieth Infantry, Bt-ovet Bridhlier General, U. S. OFFICIAL : / / Acting Assistant AcTTSLiut General. t. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf.,Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GESK *-* DEK8 5 Neu > Orleans, La., Oct. 15, 1868. I. Before a General Court Martial which convened at Fort Smith, Arkansas, by virtue of Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 17, current series, from these Headquarters, and of which Lieutenant Colonel Piiiekuey Lugenbeel, Nineteenth Infantry, is President, were ar- raigned and tried: 1. Artificer CHARLLS W. MotriTT, Company K, Nineteenth In- fantry. CHAUGE. " Violation of the Forty -fifth Article of War drunken- ness on duty." Specification. "In this, that he, Artificer Charles W. Moffitt, Company K, Nineteenth Infantry, did appear in an intoxicated con- dition on dress parade, on the evening of September 8th, 186d, which rendered him incapable to stand in the ranks. This at Fort ouuih, Arkansas, on or about the date above specified." PLEA. To the Specification. "Guilty." To the Ukai ge. " G uilty. ' ' FINDING. Of the Specification. ' Guilty." Of the Charye. ' ' Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the period of three months from September llth, 1868." 2. Private WILLIAM KAYSEK, Company G, Nineteenth Infantry. CHAKGE. ' ' Desertion. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private William Kayser, Com- pany G, Nineteenth Infantry, did desert the service of the United States from the post of Dover, Arkansas, on or about the Twenty- third day of July, ] 867, and did remain absent until apprehended near Lewisburg, Arkansas, on or about the Nineteenth day of July, 1868. All this at Dover, Arkansas, on or about the Twenty-third day of July, 1867." PLEA. To the Specification. " Guilty.'" 'lo the Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States, with loss of all pay and allowances, now due or to become due, except the just dues of the laundress; and to be confined in such penitentiary as the Commanding General may des- ignate, until May 1st, 1870." 3. Private PATRICK LYNCH, Company K, Nineteenth Infantry. CHABGB. "Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War sleeping on post. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private Patrick Lynch, Company K, Nineteenth Infantry, being a member of the guard mounted at Fort Smith, Arkanf as, and having been duly posted as a sentinel on post No. 7, on the Twenty-fifth of July, 1868, did wilfully neglect his duty by sleeping on post, and was found so asleep by First Lieu- tenant Oliver Wetmore, Jr. , Nineteenth Infantry, Officer of the Day, between the hours of 4 and 5, A. M., on the Twenty-sixth of July, 1868. All this on or about the time and dates above specified at Fort Smith, Arkansas." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge." Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification." Guilty." Of the Charqe." Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the < r uard with an iron ball weighing twenty-four pounds attached to his left leg by a chain three and one-half feet in length, for the period of six months, from the Fourteenth day of September 1863; and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for the same time. " 4. Private CHARLES MATNEY, Company F, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice ot good order and military discipline." Specification First. "In this, that he, Private Charles Matney, Company F, Nineteenth Infantry, having been duly detailed fin- guard, did absent himself from guard mounting on the morning of the Twenty-seventh day of August, 1868." Spedfiatiiftn Second. "In this, that he, Private Charles Matney, Company F, Nineteenth Infantry, did absent himself without per- mission from competent authority, from his company quarters and the Gairison at Fort Smith, Ark , from about 6 o'clock, A. M., on the Twenty-seventh day of August, until about 4 o'clock, A. M. of the Thirtieth day of August, 1868, at which time he returned to camp in such a state of intoxication as to be unfit for the performance of any duty. " Specification Third. "In this, that he, Private Charles M.itney, Company F, Nineteenth Infantry, has, from the constant and excess- ive use of intoxicating liquors, become an incorrigible ilrunkard, necessitating his confinement in the post guard house during the period of one year, from August 28th to August 30th," 1867, from September 27th to September 30th, 1867, from May 8th to May 10th, 1868, from May tOth to May 22d, 1868, from August 19th to August 22d, 1868, and Irom August 30th to September 1st, 1868. All this at or near Fort Smith, Arkansas." 3 PLEA. To the First Specification. " Guilty." To the Second Specification. "Guilty." To the Third Specification. " Guilty to all, excepting the words ' become an incorrigible drunkard, necessitating' and sub- stituting for the word 'necessitating,' the word 'necessitated.'" To the Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the First Specification. " Guilty." Of the Second Specification. " Guilty." Of the Third Specification. "Guilty, except the words 'become an incorrigible drunkard, necessitating,' and substituting tor the word ' necessitating ' the word 'necessitated.'" Of (he "Guilty." SENTENCK. "To be confined at hard labor in charge ox the guard for the period of three months, from September 14th, 1868, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay per month during the same time." 5. Private JOHN MUKPHY, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry. CHAKGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Private John Murphy, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry, did beat, strike and kick, his wife, Mrs. John Murphy, a laundress of E, Company, Nineteenth Infajitry, iu a shameful and outrageous manner, bruising and cutting her per- son, BO as to render her unfit to perform her duties as laundress of the company. This, at her quarters on the government reservation at Fort Smith, Ark., on the morning of September 3d, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Wtarjjs. "Not Guilty." FIMJINU. (// the Specification. " Guilty. " Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the uard for three mouths from September loth, 1868." 6. Private Louis Doss, Company G, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Sprcificat'on. "In this, that he, Private Louis Doss, Company G, Niui-teenth Infantry, did take and steal from the office safe belong- ing to Captain T. A. Baldwin, Nineteenth Infantry, monies to the amount of fifty dollars belonging to Artificer Martin Brooks, Com- pany G. Nineteenth Infantry, who had deposited said money with Captain T. A. Baldwin, Nineteenth Infantry, tor s;ife keeping, and did appropriate said money to his own private use. All this at Fort Smith, Ark., on or about September 5th, 18b8." PLEA. To the Sp^iification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Charye. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard \vith a ball and chain attached to his left leg until the Fifteenth day of September, 1869, and to forfeit ten dollars of his pay per month for six months i'roru March loth, 1809." 7. Private LAWKENCE RICHAUIS, Company D, Nineteenth In- fantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline. " ^p'ifii:>. "Guilty." Of the Sicond Specification. "Guilty." Of the Third Sp-cificaHon. "Guilty." Of the Chary e. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States all pay and allowances now due or to become due, excepting the just dues of the laundress, and to be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States." 8. Private JOHN BOLINGEB, Company K, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War sleeping on post. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private John Bolinger, K Compa- ny, Nineteenth Infantry, having been regularly detailed and posted as a member of the post guard on the Twenty-first instant, was found sleeping on post by the Corporal of the guard. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., on or about the Twenty -first day of Sep- tember, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. " Not Guilty." To the Charge." Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification " Guilty." Of the C,'iai 19> I. Before a General Gourt Martial which convened at Jackson Barracks, La., by virtue of Paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 33, cur- rent series, from these Headquarters, and of which Lieutenant Col- onel William H. Wood, First Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Private JOHN A. GALLAGHAN, Company B, First Infantry. CHAKGE IST. " Violation of the Forty-fifth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that he, Private John A. Gallaghan, Com- pany B, First Infantry, having been duly detailed as a member of the guard, was found drunk on his guard. This at New Orleans, La , on or about September 12th, 1868." CHABGE 2 a "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification First. "In this, that he, Private John A Gallaghan, - Company B, First Infantry, did, while under the influence of intox- icating liquors, conduct himself in a very boisterous and disgraceful manner. This at New Orleans, La., on the Twelfth day of Septem- ber, 1868, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, P. M." Specification Second. "In this, that he, Private John A. G-allaghan, Company B, First Infantry, after beicg taken in charge by the guard for his disorderly conduct, and ordered by his company com^ mander, Captain William H. Sterling, First Infantry, to be confined, did resist the guard until overpowered by the same. This, at New Orleans, La., on the Twelfth day of September. 1868, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, P. M." PLEA. To the Specification of First Charge. " Guilty." To the First Charge. "Guilty." To the First Specification of Second C'hirge. " Guilty." To the Second Specification of Second Charge. ' ' Guilty. " To the Second Charge. "Guilty." FiNDfNG. Of the Specification of First Charge. " Guilty. " Of the Fiist Charge. "Guilty." Of the First Specifica'ion of Second Charge. ' ' Guilty." Of the Second Specification of Second Charge." Guilty. " Of the Second Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for six mouths, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for the same period. " 2. Wagoner JOHN J. TANDY, Company B, First Infantry. CHARGE IST. " Violation of the Forty-fifth Article of War. " Specification. "In this, that he, Wagoner John J. Tandy, Com- pany B, First Infantry, was found drunk, while on duty with his company, doing gnard duty at the T J. S. Mint, in the city of New Orleans, La., during the night of the Twelfth and Thirteenth of September, 1868. This at New Orleans, La." CHARGE 2D. " Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline." Specification First. " In this, that he, Wagoner John J. Tandy, Company B, First Infantry, was drunk and disorderly, while with his company on board of the steamer ' Ella Morse, ' en route from New Orleans, to Jackson Barracks, La., between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, A. M., on the Thirteenth of September, 1868." Specification Second. "In this, that he, AVagoner John J. Tandy, Company B, First Infantry, after being ordered by the Sergeant of the Guard Sergeant Frederick H. Green, Company B, First Infan- try to give up his arms to Private Charles Quinu, Company B, First Infantry, a member of the guard, did reply, ' I'll be it I give my musket to any man as long as I have sixty rounds of ammu- nition about me, ' or words to that effect. This on board of the steam- er ' Ella Morse,' en route from New Orleans to Jackson Barracks, La. , between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, A. M. , on the Thirteenth of September, 1868." Specificaton 77m d. "In this, that he, Wagoner John J. Tandy, Company B, First Infantry, after being ordered by First Lieutenant F. E. Pierce, First Infantry, to deliver his arms to the Sergeant of the Guard Serseant Frederick H. Green, Company B, First In- fantry did refuse to do so and did resist the guard until disarmed by force. This on board the steamer 'Ella Morse,' en route from New Orleans to Jackson Barracks, La., between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, A. M., on the Thirteenth of September, 1868." PLKA. To the Specification of Firxl Cliarge " Guilty. " To ike First Charge. " Guilty." To the First Specification of Second Charge. " Guilty." To the Second Specification of Second Charge. ' Not Guilty. " To the Third Specification of Second Charge. " Guilty." To theStcond Charge. " Guilty.'' FINDING. Of the Spec fication of First Charg\ "Guilty." Of the Urst Charge." Guilty." Of the First Sptdfication <>f Second Charge. " Guilty." Of the Second Specificatioji of Second Charge. "Guilty, with the exception of the words ' the Sergeant of the Guard Ser- geant Frederick H. Green, of Company B, First Infantry 'and sub- stitutiug therefor, ' Private Charles Quiiin, Company B, First Infan- try, member of the guard. ' " Of the Tuird Specification of Seco . " Disobedience of orders." Spscijica'ion First. "In this, that ho, Private Charles Gotlieb, Company K, First Infantry, being seen ia the town of Amite, Lu., by his commanding officer, Brevet Major 11. H. Offley, Captain, First Infantry, on the morning of September 5th, 1868, and having been ordered by his commanding officer. Brevet Major R. H. Offley, Captain, First Infantry, to come to him, the said Brevet Major R. H. Offlay, did fail to comply with said order, but continued to pro- ceed on his way through the town of A mite, La. This nt or near post ot Amite, La., on or about the dates above specified." 8 ^ecific-ilion Second. " In this, that he, Private Charles Gotlieb. Company E, First Infantry, did, after a file of the guard had b.-.-n ordered by Brevet -Major II. H. Offley, Captain, First Infantry, to arrest him, and after being ordered by Brevet Major R. H. Offk-y. Captain, First Infantry, to halt, did fail to comply with said order, but attempted to escape from said file of the guard by running, and did continue to run until caught by Sergeant Orin A. Marvin, Company E, First Infantry, in charge of said file of the guard, and brought back to his company quarters. All this at or near post of Amite, La., on or about the dates above specified." CHABGE 3D. " Violation of the Forty-fourth Article of War." Specificition. "In this, that he, Private Charles Gotlieb, Com- pany E, First Infantry, having bean regularly and properly detailed on the evening of September 4th, 1868, as a member of the guard to be mounted at the post of Amite, La., on the morning of Sep- tember 5th, 1868, did fail to appear at the place fixed for parade <>i said guard. This at or near post of Amite, La., on or about the dates above specified. " PLEA. To the Specification to First Chirge. "Guilty." To thi First Cha'ge. "Guilty." To the First Specification to Sicond Charge. " Not < ruilty. " To the Sxond Spedfii- ttion to Sxond Charge. ' ' Not Guiit v. " Tc the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Specification to Third Charge. " Guilty." To the Third Clvirg'." Guilty.' FINDING. Of the Specification of Fint Charge. "Guilty." Of Vie First Charge." Guilty." Of the First Specification to Second Charge. "Guilty." Of' i he Second Specification to Second Charge. "Guilty." Of the Sicond Charge. "Guilty." Of the Specification to Third Chirge. " Guilty." OftJie Third Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the period of five months, and to forfeit to the United States twelve dollars per mouth of his monthly pay for the saun- period." 7. Private MICHAEL LEADTHAM, Company K, First Infantry. CHARGE. " Violation of the Fiftieth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that Private Michael Leadtham, Compa- ny K, First Infantry, having been regularly detailed as a member of the guard at Headquarters, Diparttnent of Louisiana, on duty from 7:30, P. M., on the Ninth of September, 1868, until 7:30, P. M., on the Tenth of September, 18G8, did, without urgent necessity, or leave from his superior offioar, quit said gu irdat 10:30 o'clock, P. M. , ou the Ninth of September, 1808, and did remain absent until about 7 o'clock, P. M. , on the Tenth of September, 1868. This at New Orleans, L:i , ou or about the above dates. " PL.EA. To the Specification. "Guilty." To thi Chary,'. " Guilty. " FINDING. Of lite Specification. "Guilty. " Of the Uiarijc. "Guilty." SKNTENCK. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for three months, and to forteit ten dollars per month of his mouth- iy pay for the same period.'' 8. Musician DENIS UOWD, Company A, First Infantry. CHA.IUJK. " Conduct prejudicial to good order and military dis- cipline. " Specified 1 , ion First. " lathis, that Musician DanisDowd, Company A, First Infantry, did absent himself from dress parade and guard mounting without permission Irotn proper authority. This at Sedg- wick Barracks, Greenville, La., ou or about the Twenty -fourth day of August, 1868." Specification Second. "In this, that Musician Denis Dowd, Com- pany A, First Infantry, having been ordered confined in the post guard house by Second Lieutenant George W. Itoby, First Infantry, Post Adjutant, did resist Sergeant Thomas Garviu, Company C, First Infantry, (the said fcergeant Thomas Garvin being at the time in the execution of his office, ) by striking and knocking him, the said Ser- geant Thomas Garvin down. This at Sedgwick Barracks, Green- vilie, La., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1868." Specification Third. "In this, that Musician Denis Dowd, Compa- ny A, First Infantry, having been ordered confined in the post guard house by Second Lieutenant George W. Roby, First Infantry, Post Adjutant, did resist Sergeant Thomas Garvin, Company C, First Infantry, (the said Sergeant Thomas Garvin being at the time in the execution of his office,) and did say in words or figures 'you , I will get even with you.' This at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on or about the Twenty-fourth day of \ugust, 1868." PLEA. To the First Specification.--" Guilty." To the Second Specification. -"Not Gnilty." To the Third Specified' ion.'- Not Guilty." To the Charge." Guilty." FINDING. Of the First Specification. " Gnilty." Of the Second Specific'ititm . " Not Guilt}'. " Of the Third Specification " Guilty, excepting the words Of the Cftanye "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be coufined at hard labor m charge of the guard for the period of three mouths, and to forfeit to the United States twelve dollars per month of his monthly pay for the same period." 9. Private CHARLES LINDER, Company F, First Infantry. CHABGE. ''Desertion." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Charles Liiuler, Company F, First Infantry, having been duly enlisted in the service of the United States, did desert the same at Jackson Barracks, La., on or about the Sixth day of August, 18(57, and did remain absent until apprehended at New Orleans, La , September loth, 1868. Thirty dollars paid for his apprehension. All this on the dates and at tin; places above mentioned." PLEA. To the Specification." Guilty." To Uie Charg . "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Ck'irye. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit all pay and allowances that are now due or that may become due him ; to be iudelhbly marked with a letter 'D' one and a half inches in length on his left hip, and three days afterwards to be dishonorably discharged and drummed out of the service in presence of the command to which he belongs; and then to be confined ut hard labor for the period ot three years at such place as the Commanding General may direct, wearing a baU'weigh- ing twenty-four pounds attached to his left leg by a chain three feet in length." 10. Musician EDWABD CONWAY, Company A, First Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military dis- cipline." SpecificaliO'i First. " In this, that Musician Edward Conway, Company A, First Infantry, did absent himself from dress parade and guard mounting without permission from proper authority. This at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on or about the Twen- ty-fourth day of August, 1868." Specification Second. " In this, that Musician Edward Conway, Company A, First Infantry, having been ordered confined in the post guard house by Second Lieutenant George W. lioby, First In- fantry, Post Adjutant, did resist Sergeant Thomas Garviu, Company 9 C, First Infantry, (tbe said Sergeant Thomas Gnrviti being at the time in the execution of his office,) by striking ami knocking him, the said Sergeant Thomas Garvin, down. This at Sedgwick Bar- racks, Greenville, La., on or about the Twenty- fourth day of August , 1868." Specification- Third. "In this that Musician Edward Conway, Company A, First Infantry, having been ordered confined in the post guard house by Second Lieutenant George W. Roby, First In- fantry, Post Adjutant, did resist Sergeant Thomas Garvin, Company C, First Infantry, (the said Sergeant Thomas Garvin being at the time in the execution of his office,) and did say in words or figures to-wit: 'You , I will get even with yon.' - This at Sedg- wick Barracks, Greenvilie, La., on or about the Twenty- fourth day . of August, 1868." PLEA. 7b the First Specification." Guilt}-." To the Second Specifi&tfion. "Not Guilty." To the. Third Specification. "Sot Guilty." To the Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the first Specifiottior. "Guilty." Of the Second Specification. "Guilty, with the cxcqition of the words ' and knocking ' and ' down.' " Of the Third Specification. " Guilty, with the excep- tion of the words ' , I will get even with you.' " Of the Cliarge "Guilty." SENTENCE. -'To be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the period of five mouths." 11. Private JAMES DOLAN, Light Battery K, First Artillery. CHABGE. " Drunkenness on duty, to the prejudice of good or- der and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that Private James Dolan, laght Battery K, First Artillery, having been duly detailed for guard duty, did be- come so drunk as to be unable to properly perform said duty. All this at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on or about the Twelfth day of August, 1868." PLEA. To the ftyecifieulion," Not Guilty." To the Charge. " Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Xot Guilty." Of the Charge. "Not Guilty." '' And the Court does therefore acquit him. ' 12. Private JOHN BOMAS, Company C, First Infantry. CHARGE. "Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. " In this, that Private John Bomas, Company C, First Infantry, being a member of the post guard, mounted at Sedg- 10 wick Barracks, Greenville, La,. , on the morning of the Eighth Sep- tember, 1868, and having been regularly assigned to post No. 6, a su- pernumerary posi, did, while in charge of three prisoners, at or about 8, A. M., on the morning of the Ninth September, 18G8, allow them to purchase or procure a bottle or bottles of whisky and convey the same into the prison room of the guard house. This at Greenville, La., on or about the Ninth day of September, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. " Not Guilty." To the Ch-irge."Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Not Guilty." Of the Chartje. "Not Guilty." "And the Court does therefore acquit him." 13. Private THOMAS JONES, Company C, First Infantry. CHARGE." Violation of the Forty-fifth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Thoines Jones, Company C, First Infantry, being a member of the guard stationed at Green- ville, La. , did become drunk, so much so, as to be utterly incapable of performing his duties as a member of said guard. This at Greenville, La., on or about the Eleventh day of September, 1868." PLEA. To ike Specification. ' ' Guilty. ' ' To the Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Charge." Guilty. " SENTENCE. "To be confined at har.i labor in charge of the guard for the period of four months." II. The proceedings and findings in the foregoing cases are ap- proved. The sentences in the cases of- Musician Denis Dowd, Company A, First Infantry, " Edward Conway, " " " " Private John A. Gallaghan, Company B, First Infantry, Wagoner John J. Tandy, " " " " Private Thomas Jones, " C, " " John Bornas, '' " " " Charles Gotlieb, " E, " " " John Moloney, " " " " " Hiram Spanginberg, " " " " " William Loton, " F, " " ' ' Michael Leadtham, " K, " " " James Bolan, Light Battery K, First Artillery, are con- firmed and will be duly executed. In the cases of Wagoner Tandy and Private Lotou, Ship Island, Miss., is designated as the place of confinement. 11 Upon the recommendation to clemency by the Court so much of the sentence in the case of Private Linder as provides that he "be indellibly marked with a letter ' D,' one and one-half inches in length on his left hip, and that he be confined at hard labor for the period of three years at such place as the Commanding General may direct, wearing a ball weighing twenty-four pounds attached to his left leg by a chain three feet in length," is remitted. The re- mainder is confirmed and will be duly executed upon receipt of this order at the post where he may be serving. BY COMMAND OF BKEVET MAJOR GENERAL L. H. KOUSSBAU : H. NEILL, Ma^jdr, Twentieth Infantry/ Brevet BVigadier General, U. S. A., OFFICIAL/ ,' / , - Acting Assistant Admtant General. Se/ Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf., Bvt. FirsFLieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GENERAL ORDERS j New Orleans, La., Oct. 24, 1868. I. Before a General Court Martial which convened at Fort Smith, Arkansas, by virtue of Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 17, current series, from these Headquarters, of which Lieutenant Colonel Pinck- iiey Lugenbeel, Nineteenth Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Corporal SAMUEL B. HENDERSON, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE IST. " Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Corporal Samuel B. Henderson, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry, after being duly detailed and mounted as non-commissioned officer in charge of the regular post guard, mounted at the post of Dover, Ark. , on the morning of the Twenty-third day of July, 1868, did allow the sentinels on post to quit their post, lay aside their arms, and sit on a chair in the entry of the guard house, while he, the said Corporal Samuel B. Hender- son, sat in the said entry engaged in playing cards with the enlisted men belonging to the guard. All this at Dover, Ark., on or about the Twenty-third day of July, 1868." CHARGE 2o. " Neglect of duty." Specification "In this, that he, the said Corporal Samuel B. Henderson, Compauy I, Nineteenth Infantry, after having been duly detailed and mounted as non-commissioned officer in charge of the regular post guard at the post of Dover, Ark , on the morning of the Twenty-third day of July, 1868, and being the only non-commis- sioned officer mounted with said guard, did fail, refuse and neglect to accompany the relief when going round for the purpose of re- lieving the sentinels, but did allow said relief to go round unaccom- panied by any non-commissioned officer, and relieve themselves at their own pleasure. This while he, the said Corporal Samuel B. Henderson, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry, Corporal of the guard, sat in the entry of the guard house, engaged in playing cards with members of the guard. All this at Dover, Ark., on or about the I' Twenty-third day of July, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification to First Charge. "Guilty, except the words, ' engaged in playing cards with members of the guard. ' " To the First Charge." Guilty." To the Specification to Second Charge." Guilty, except the words, ' engaged in playing cards with the enlisted men belonging to the guard. ' " 'lo the Second Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of tni Specification lo First Charge. " Guilty." Of the First Charge.' 1 Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Cliaige. "Guilty." Of the Second Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be reduced to the ranks as a private sentinel; to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for three mouths, and to forfeit to the United Sta tes ten dollars of his pay per mouth for the same period. " 2. Private DENIS CABROLL, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Disobedience of orders." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Denis Carroll. Company E, Nineteenth Infantry, after hearing the following order published to the company, (E, Nineteenth Infantry,) viz: ' HEADQUAHTEKS, FORT SMITH, AUK., September 26th, 1868. ' CIRCULAK. All officers and men of this command are hereby prohibited from leaving the military reservation of this post from retreat this evening until reveille to-morrow morning. ' By order of Lieutenant Colonel P. Lugenbeel, Nineteenth Infantry: (Signed,) -J.G. LEEFE, First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Nineteenth Infantry, Brevet Captain, U. S. Army, Post Adjutant. did wilfully disobey said order, and did leave the military reserva- tion of the post and remain absent until arrested by a patrol. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark. , on or about tiie Twenty-sixth day of September, 1868. " PLEA. To the Specification. " Guilty." To the Charge." Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States all pay and allow- ances now due or to become due, except the just dues of the laun- dress; to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard until the Twenty-fourth day of May, 1869, and at the expiration of that time to be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States." 3. Private WILIJAM GOLDEN, Company A, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE. "Disobedience of orders." Specification. "In this, that he, Private William Golden, Com- pany A, Nineteenth Infantry, did wilfully disobey a positive order of his commanding officer. Lieutenant Colonel Piuckiiey Lugenbeel, 3 Nineteenth Infantry, that no officer or enlisted man belonging to the garrison of Fort Smith, should be absent after retreat on Saturday, September 26th, 1868. All this at Fort Smith, Ark., on or about September 26th, 1868." Pi^Ei. To th? Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specific iti >. "Guilty. " Of the Charge. " Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit to the United States all pay and allow- ances now due or to become due, except the just dues of the laun- dress, and to be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States." 4. Private FREDERICK GEUST, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry. CIIAUUE IST. " Disobedience of orders." Specification, "la this, that he, Private Frederick Gerst, E Com- pany, Nineteenth Infantry, al'ier hearing the following order pub- lished to the company, (E, Nineteenth Infantry), viz: 'HlCADCJUAUTKKS, FoKT SMITH, AKK., September, 26th, 18G8. ' All officers and men of this command are hereby prohibited from leaving the military reservation of this post from retreat this evening, until reveille to-morrow morning. ' By order of Lieutenant Colonel P. Lugenbeel, Nineteenth Infantry. (Signed,) ' J. G. LEEFE, First Lieutenant anil Adjutant, Nineteenth Infantry, Brevet Captain, U. S. Army, Post Adjutant.' did wilfully disobey said order, and did leave the military reserva- tion of the post, and remain absent until arrested by a patrol. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., on or about the Twenty-sixth day day ol September, 1868. " CHAKGE 2D. "Habitual drunkenness and general worthlessness as a soldier." Specification. " In this, that lu>, Private Frederick Gerst, E Com- pany, Nineteenth Infantry, has, from the habitual use of intoxica- ting liquors, rendered himself unreliable and worthless as a soldier, and dangerous to the lives of men of his company. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., from December 4th, 1867, until September 26th, 1868." PL.EA. To the Specification to First Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Specification to Second Charge. "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification 10 First Charge. " Guilty." Of the First Charge. "Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Charge. " Guilty, except the words, 'and dangerous to the lives of men of his company.' " Of the Second Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States all pay and allow- ances now due or to become due, except the just dues of the laun- dress, and to be dishonorably discharged the military service of the United States." 5. Private JEROME B. GBEOTT, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry. CHARGE IST. " Drunkenness on duty, in violation of the Forty- fifth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Jerome B. GreoU, Com- pany E, Nineteenth Infantrj-, being on police duty, did become so drunk as to unfit him for the performance of his duties. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., on or about the Twenty -third day of Ssp- tember,1868." CHARGE 2o. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline." Specification. "In this, that he, Private Jerome B. Gre;-tt, Com- pany E, Nineteenth Infantry, having been ordered by Sergeant George Edwards, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry, to go away from the guard, did refuse to do so, and did reply ' I guess you will not hurt anybody,' or words to that effect. All this at or near Fort Smith, Ark., on or about the Twenty-third day of September, 18G8." PLEA. To the, Specification to First Clvirge. "Not Guilty." To tin First Cliargs. "Not Guilty." To the Specification to Second Churqe. '' Guilty." To the Si and Charye. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification to First Ch.rge. "Not Guilty." Of the First Charge. "Not Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Clinrje. "Guilty." Of the Stcond Charqe. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor in charge of the < uard for the period of two mouths lr.>rn the Second day of October, 18G8, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ol his pay per mouth for the same time." II. The proceeediugs and findings in the cases of Corporal Samuel B. Henderson, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry. Private Denis Carroll, . " E, " " " Jerome B. Greott, " " " " " William Golden, " A, " " are approved. The sentence in the case of Private William Golden, Company A, Nineteenth Infantry, is confirmed and will be duly ex- ecuted. In the case of Corporal Henderson, so much of the sentence as provides that he be " reduced to the ranks as a private sentinel," is disapproved. The remainder is confirmed and will be duly executed. la accordance with the recommendation of the Court, the sen- tence in the case of Private Carroll is mitigated to " confinement at hard labor in charge of the guard until the Thirty- first day of De- cember, 1868, and forfeiture of ten dollars per month of his pay for the period of three months." In the case of Private Jerome B. Greott, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry, the sentence is disapproved for the reason that the Court has improperly attempted to fix the date at which the confinement shall commeuce before force and effect had been given to the sen- tence by the approval of the reviewing officer. He will be released from confinement and restored to duty. The proceedings and findings in the case of Private Frederick Gerst, Company E, Nineteenth Infantry, upou the first charge and its specification, are approved. Upon the second charge and its speci- fication they are disapproved, for the reason that no offence is named by the charge. The specification to the second charge would properly have supported a charge under the Ninety -ninth Ar- ticle. The sentence is confirmed and will be duly executed. BY COMMAND OF BUBVRT MAJOR GICNEUAL L. H. ROUSSEAU: NEILL, Twentieth Infantry Acting Ass ygadier General, U. S. A., tant General. c. Lieut., Thirty-wreath Inf., Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, GENERAI, ORDERS | New Orleans, La., Oct. 26, 1868. I. Before a General C'juvi Martial which convened at Jackson Barracks, La., by virtue of Paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 33, cr~- rent series, from thes3 Hea"" juirters, of which Lieutenant Col- onel. William H. Wood, First Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Sergeant JOHN KING, Company I, First Infantry. ^IIARGK. "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military <3 ; s- cipliue." Specification First. "In this, that S3rgeant John King, Company I, First Infantry, having bsen duly and regularly detailed as Ser- geant of the guard, stationed over the magazine at Jackson Barracks, La., for the purpose of protecting and preserving the same, d : d \i Ithdraw, or cause, or permit to be withdrawn, without proper authority, the sentinel posted immediately over the entrance to the said magazine, without replacing him by another sentinel, and without taking any measures to do so, thus exposing the stores cor- tained within the said magazine, to the possibility of destruction or theft, to th3 prejudice of good ordsr and military discipline. Th's on or about the night of October 1st, 1868, between the hours of twelve and two o'clock. " Specificotiian Second. " In this, that Sergeant John King, Com- pany I, First Infantry, having withdrawn, or caused or permitted to be withdrawn, the sentinel stationed over the entrance to the magf - zine at Jackson Barracks, La., did permit the said sentinel, to- gether with all the other members of the guard, to retire to the guard house, a distance of one hundred and fifty yards, more or less, from the said magazine, and lie down, with the evident purpose of go- ing to sleep, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. This OH or about the night of October 1st, 1868, between the hours of twelve and two o'clock." Specification Third. "la. this, that Sergeant John King, Com- pany I, First Infantry, having been regularly detailed and placed on duty as Sergeant of the magazine guard at Jackson Barracks, La. , and having permitted the said guard all to lie down within the guard house, with the apparent purpose of sleeping, did, when the said gaard was visited by the Officer of the Day, First Lieutenant Wil- liam E. Dougherty, First Infantry, present himself before the guard house, to the Officer of the Day, without his shoes, and when ordered by the Officer of the Day to proceed to the main guard house, within the garrison, did say, 'wait for the other sentinel who is on post, or words of similar import, with the evident intention of deceiving the Officer of the Day, he, the said Sergeant John King, well know- ing that no sentinel was on post from his guard. This on or about the night of October 1st, 1868, between twelve and two o'clock." . PLEA. To the First Specification. " Not Guilty." To IheSte.nd Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Third Specification. ''Guilty, except the words, ' having permitted the said guard to lie down,' and the words, ' he, the said Sergeant John King, well knowing that no sentinel was on post from his guard.' " To the Cft-irje. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the First bpecifiaation. " Guilty." Of the Second Specification . " Guilty. '' Of the Third Specification. " Guilty." Of the Uiarqf. ' ' Guilty. " SENTENCE. ' To be reduced to theguvde of a private. The Court is thus lenient in consideration of the previous good conduct of the accused, as shown by the testimony in his case." 2. Private JOSEPH GUANT, Company A, First Infantry. CHAUGE. "Violation of the Forty-fifth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that Private Joseph Grant, Company A, First Infantry, having been duly and regularly detailed a member of the guard, and mounted at Headquarters, Department of Louis- iana, did become so drunk as to render him unfit to perform the du- ties of a sentinel. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the Tenth day of September, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FIND. NO. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of the Chanje. "Guilty." SKNTENCK. " To be confined at bald labor in charge of the guard for the period of three months. " 3. Private HENRY STEVENS, Company C, First Infantry. CHARGE. " Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that Private Henry Stevens, Company C, First Infantry, being a member of the guard, mounted at Sedgwick, Barracks, Greenville, La., on the evening of August 21st, 1888, and being duly posted as a sentinel at, or about half-past two o'clock, A, &!., on the following day, did fall asleep on his post, in which con- dition he was found at or about four o'clock, A. M., August 2'2d, 1868. Ail this at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., en or about the above given dates." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge, " Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Spenificalion. " Not Guilty. " Of the Charge. "Not Guilty." "And the Court does therefore acquit him." 4. Private HENKY MOLHMAN, Company C, First lufaiitry. CHAEGE. "Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War." Specification. " In this, that Private Henry Molhmau, Company C, First Infantry, being a member of the guard mounted at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on the evening of August .\o. Of the Specificatioftto First Chary. "Guilty." Of the Zirst Qiarge." Guilty." Of the Specification to Second Charge. " Guilty." Of the Second Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To forfeit all pay and allowances now due or that may become due him; to be dishonorably discharged and drummed out of the service of the United States; to be indelibly marked on the left hip with the letter ' D,' three laches long, and to be con- fined at hard labor at such military prison us the Commanding Gen- eral may designate for the period of tares years." 4. Private SAMUEL KCLM, Company B, Twentieth Infantry. CHAEGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military divjipliue. " Specification Find. " In this, that he, Private Samuel Kelm, B Company, Twentieth Infantry, was drunk and disorderly in the camp of his company, 13, Twentieth Infantry, near Alexandria, La., on or about the Fourteenth day of September, 1868." Specification Second "In this, that he, Private Samuel Kelm, B Company, Twentieth Infantry, while in a state of iui:ox.' cation, did strike with his fist Corporal Henry C. Owen, B Company, Twentieth Infantry, on or abont the Fourteenth day of September, 1868, at the camp of B Company, Twentieth Infantry, near Alexandria, La., he, the said Coi-poiv.l Henry C. Owen, B Company, Twentieth Infantry, being at the time in the execution of his office." PLEA. To the First Specification. " Guilty." To the Second Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Cha'ge. "Guilty." ' FINDING. Of the first Specification." Guilty." Of the Second Specification. " Guilty, except the word 'fist,' substituting therefor the word 'hand.'" Of the Charge "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit to the United States twelve dollars of his monthly pay per month for three months; and to'carry a knap- sack weighing twenty-five pounds from eight o'clock, A. M., to five o'clock, P. M. , daily, with an interval of half an hour for each meal, for the same period. " 5. Private M) CHAEL HcLA TJGHLIN, Company E, Twentieth Infantry. CHABGE. " Sleeping on post in violation of the Forty-sixth Ar- ticle of War." Specification. " In this, that he, Private Michael McLaughlin, Company E, Twentieth Infantry, being a member of the guard, and duly posted as a sentinel, did sleep on post. This at the United States Barracks, at or near Baton Rouge, La., at or about ten o'clock, A. M., September 15th, 1868." PLEA. To ihe Sptcification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Gliarge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To forfeit twelve dollais of his pay per month for six months; and to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard, with a ball and chain on his left leg, for the same period. " G. Private JOHN LEABY, Company E, Fourth Cavalry. CHARGE. ' ' Desertion. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private John Leary, Company E, Fourth Cavalry, having been duly enlisted into the service of the United States, by Captain Mix, November 21st, ^1865, did desert the same on or about the Eighteenth day of May, 1866, at or uear Vic- toria, Texas, and remain absent until arrested in New Orleans, La., May2d, 1868." PLEA. To the Specification." Guilty." To (he Charge. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. " Guilty." Of ihe Chirge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. " To have his head shaved and be dishonorably dis- charged and drummed out of the service of the United Stales; to forfeit all pay and allowances that are now or may become due him ; to be indelibly marked on the leit hip with the letter ' D, ' three inches long; and to be confined at hard labor at such military prison as the Commanding General may designate for three years. " 7. Private JOHN O'DONNELL, Company H, Twentieth Infantry. GHAKGE. "Desertion." Specification. " In this, that he, Private John O'Donnell, Company H, Twentieth Infantry, a duly enlisted soldier in the service of the United States, did desert said service at Shreveport, La., on or about the Twenty-ninth day of July, 1868, and did remain absent until the First day of August, 1868, when he was returned under guard, having surrendered himself to the military authorities at Marshall, Texas. " I'LEA. Toike Specification. '-Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of ike Specification. " Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be dishonorably discharged and drummed out of the service of the United States; to forfeit all pay and al- lowances that are now or may become due him; to be indel- ibly marked on the left hip with the letter 'D,' three inches long; and to be confined at hard labor at such military prison as the Com- manding General may designate for three years." 8. Private JACOB UI.SHE, Company D, Twentieth Infantry. CHAUGE. " Desertion." Spec-flea' ion. "Iiithis, that he Private Jacob Ulshe, Company D, Twentieth Infantry, a duly enlisted soldier in the service of the United States, did desert his company and post at Shreveport, La., on the Tenth day of August, 1868, and did remain absent until the Fourteenth day of August, 1868, when he was returned under guard of the city police, having been apprehended by the city police, in or near Shreveport, La. Vouchers issued for payment of reward for apprehension." PI.E*. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification.. ' Guilty, except the word ' desert,' substituting therefor the word ' leave." Of the Chary e. "Not Guilty, but guilty of absence without leave. " SENTENCE. " To refund the expenses incurred by his apprehen- sion, and to forfeit fifteen dollars of his monthly pay for one month." 9. Private GEOKGE THOMPSON, Company D, Twentieth Infantry. CHARGE. " Desertion. " Specification. "In this, that he, Private George Thompson, Com- pany D, Twentieth Infantry, a duly enlisted soldier in the service of the United States, did desert his company and post at Shreveport, La., on the* Tenth day of August, 1868, and did remain absent until the Fourteenth day of August, 1868, when he was returned ucder guard of the city police, having beeii apprehended by the city po- lice, in or near Shreveport, La. Vouchers issued for payment of reward for apprehension." PLEA. Toihe Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge." Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty, except the word ' desert,' substituting therefor the word ' leave.' " Of the Charge. "Not Guilty, but guilty of absence without leave." SENTENCE. " To refund the expenses incurred by his apprehen- sion, and to fifteen dollars of his monthly pay lor one mouth.'' III. The proceedings and findings in the foregoing cases are ap- proved. The sentences in the cases of Sergeant John King, Company I, First Infantry, Private Joseph Grant, " A, -i- " Henry Mohlman, " C, " " Samuel Kelin, " B, Twentieth Infantry, " Fritz Haber, " G, " " Michael Mangem, " E, Fourth Cavalry, " John Leary, " E, " Robt. D. Davidson, " " " are confirmed and will-be duly executed. In the cases of Privates Fritz Haber, Com- pany G, Twentieth Infantry, John Leary and Robert D. Davidson, Company E, Fourth Cavalry, Ship Island, Miss., is designated as the place of confinement. Private Henry Stevens, Company C, First Infantry, having been acquitted, will be released and restored to duty. Upon the recommendation to clemency by the Court, so much of the sentence in the case of Private John O'Douneli, Company H, Twentieth Infantry, as provides that he be confined, is remitted. The remainder is confirmed and will be duly executed. Upon a similar recommendation in the case of Private Michael McLaughlin, Company E, Twentieth Infantry, the sentence is miti- gated to a forfeiture of six dollars per month of his pay for six months. He will be released and restored to duty. In the cases of Privates Jacob Ulshe, Company D, Twentieth In- fantry, and George Thompson, Company D, Twentieth Infantry, so much of the sentences as provides that they refund the expenses incurred for their apprehension as deserters, is remitted . The re- mainder is confirmed and will be duly executed. "Where certain men, returned to their regiments as deserters, were thereupon tried by court martial, acquitted of desertion, and 9 found guilty o( absence without leave only held, that a stoppage against their pay for the amount of certain charges, incurred in apprehend- ing them as being deserters, would be without legal sanction; they being, upon such acquittal, liable to none of the consequences resulting by operation of law from the commission or conviction of the specific crime of desertion. That the government, upon imper- fect evidence of the facts, may have allowed and paid these expenses to the officer making the arrest, constitutes no reason for requiring their payment of the soldier after he has been judicially pronounced not guilty of the charge upon which he was apprehended." (See Digest of the opinions of the Judge Advocate Central, page 3* ! 3, sec. 4. ) IV. The General Court Martial instituted by Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 115, dated Headquarters, Fifth Military District, New Orleans, La., May 26th, 18C8, of which Brevet Major General George Sykes, Colonel, Twentieth Infantry, is President, is dissolved. BY COMMAND OF BUBVET MAJOK GKXEIUI, L. II. ROUSSEAU: 3. H. NEILL, jj6r, Twentieth Infantfy, Brevct/Brigadier General, TT/Y5. A., Acting A^sistaiTTftiTjrttaiit General. 6. Lieut., Thirty-seventh Inf.,Bvt. First Lieut., U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF LOUISIANA, New Or te<* n *> L "-, Oct. 30, 1868. 1. Before u General Court Martial which couveiied at Ship Islaiid, Miss. , by virtue of Paragraph 3, Special Orders No . 46, current se- ries, from these Headquarters, of which Brevet Major General Joseph A. Mower, Colonel, Thirty-ninth Infantry, is President, were ar- raigned and tried: 1 Private JOHN HARLING, Company B, Thirty-ninth Infantry. CHARGE. " Sleeping on post." 8picif. cation. "In this, that Private John Harling, Company B, Thirty-ninth Infantry, having been duly posted as a sentinel, was found sleeping on his post, when visited by the Officer of the Day, Brevet Major M. L. Courtney, First Lieutenant, Thirty- ninth Infan- try. Tins at Ship Island, Miss. , on or about the Twenty-third day of August, 1868, between the hours cf four and six o'clock, A. M." I'LEA. Tut lie Specific,' ition. " Not Guilty." To tlft Charge. "Not Guilty." FiN.'ixcj. Of the Specified ion. "Guilty.'' Of Ike Chirge. "Guilty.'' SENTENCE. '' To be confined at hard labor at the post where his c.uiipany is serving, for the period of two mouths, and to forfeit to the United States, ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for the .same period.'' 2. Private WESLEY JACKSON, Company H, Thirty-ninth Infantry. CH.UHJE. "Sleeping on post." Specification. "In this, that Private Wesley Jackson, Company II, Thirty-ninth Infautry, having been duly posted as a sentinel, was found sleeping on his post, when visited by the Officer of the Day, Brevet Major M L. Courtney, First Lieutenant, Thirty-ninth Infan- try. This at Ship Island, Miss., on or about the Twenty-third day of August, 1868, between the hours of four and six o'clock, A. M." PLEA. To the Specification. " Not Guilty. !: To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. " Guilty/' SENTENCE. " To be confined at hard labor at the post where his company may be serving for the period of two months, and to for- feit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for the same period." II. Before n General Court Martial which convened at Jackson Barracks, La., by virtue of Paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 33, cur- rent series, from these Headquarters, of which Lieutenant Colonel William H. Wood, First Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried: 1. Sergeant GEORGE W. WHITE, Company K, First Infantry. CHARGE. " Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. "In this, that Sergeant George W. White, Company K, First Infantry, having been duly detailed as such, and at the time being Sergeant of the guard mounted at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., did allow Privates Noiris, of the Second Infantry, and Bodell, of the Fifteenth Infantry general prisoners to escap- from the guard house at Sedgwick Barracks. This at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on or about the Twenty-sixth day of August, 18C8." PLEA. To the Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Charge. " Not Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Not Guilty. " Of the Ch'inje. "Not Guilty, and the Court does there- fore acquit him." 2. Private RODY Cox, Company C, First Infantry. CHANGE " Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and militiry discipline " Sp'C'fi-fition. "In this, that Private Rody Cox, Company C, First Infantry, hiving been duly detailed and mounted as a memlR'i of the guard, on the evening of the Twenty -sixth of August, IStlS, and while on post as a sentinel of such guard at post No. 1. did allow Privates Norris, of the Second Infantry, and Bodell. of the Fifteenth Infantry general prisoners to escape from the guard house under his charge. This at Sedgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., on the Twenty-sixth of August, 1868." PLEA.. To the Specification. " Not Guilty." To the Charge. "Not Guilty." FINDING. OftheSpecific'ititn. " Not Guilty." Oj the Chargr. " Not Guilty, and the Court does there- fore acquit him." 3. Private CARL GERLACH, Company G, First Infantry. CHARGE. " Violation of the Forty-sixth Article of War." Specification. "In this, that Private Carl Gerlach, Company G, First Infantry, having been regularly detailed for guard, and posted as a sentinel on post No. 5, in charge of a general prisoner under sentence, and sick in the post hospital, was found by the Officer of the Day, between the hours of 12:30 and 1:30, A. M., on 3 the Eleventh of October, 18(58, asleep on his post. This at Seclg- wick Barracks, Greenville, La., on or about the elate above stated." PLEA. To ike Specification. "Guilty." Toih: Cha-g?. "Guilty." FINDING. Of the Specification. "Guilty." Of the Charge. "Guilty." SENTENCE. "To be confined ut h;ird labor in charge of the guard for the period of three months, and to forfeit ten dollars of his month y pay per mouth for the sains period." 4. Private JOHN KISE, Company G, Sixth Cavalry. CHARGE IST. "Absence without leave." Sp cificat ion First. " In this, that Private John Kise, Company G, Sixth Cavalry, did, without proper authority, absent himself from the quarters ol his company on the Twenty first day of September, 1808, and did remain absent till the Twenty-second day of Septem- ber, 18(58, when he returned. This at New Orleans, La/' Spvcificillon Second. "In r,his, that Private John Kise, Company G, Sixth Cavalry, did, without proper authority, absent himself from the quarters of his company on the First day of October, 1808, and remained absent until the Third day oi October, 18G8, when he was arrested by a non-cominissioiied officer detailed for the purpose. Tliis at New Orleans, La.' 1 CHARGE 2i>. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.'' SpedjvMtlfm. "In this, that Private John Kise, Company G, Sixth Cavalry, while under charge of a guard awaiting trial, did escape and absent himself from said guard ou the Fifth day of Oc- tober, 18G8, and did remain absent till the Eighth day of October, IStiS, when he was arrested by First Lieutenant Henry B. Melleu, Sixth Cavalry, and brought into camp. This at New Orleans, La." FLEA. To ike First SpscMaition to First Chary?. "Guilty." To the Second Specifi :al ion 10 First Churt/e. "Guilty." T<> she First Clvirge. '-Guilty." To the Specification to Second Charge. ''Guilty." To the /S; ond Charge. " Guilty." FINDING. Of the Fint Sp^cficnli -n to First Charge. "Guilty." Of i he Second Specification to First Charge. "Guilty." Of the First Cka>fjf." Guilty." Of the Specific'ition to Second Cliarye. "Guilty." Of the Second Gltarije. "Guilty. " SENTENCE. " To forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay per month for the period of three months, and to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the same period. " 5. Private SAMUEL NOKUIS, Light Battery K, First Artillery. CHARGE " Neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specification. " In this, that Private Samuel Norris, Light Bat- tery K, First Artillery, having been placed upon extra duty as an Assistant Engineer in the Quartermaster's Department, at Seilgwick Barracks, Greenville, La., and having been ordered by Fiist Lieu- tenant George Asbury, First Artillery, Acting Assistant Quarter- master, post of New Orleans, La., to occupy at night the engineer's office, (a frame building contiguous to the government dock and the government steam engine house, at Greenville, La.,) and to act as a watchman there at night over all public property for which he, the said First Lieutenant George Asbury, First Artillery, was responsi- ble as Post Quartermaster, in that immediate vicinity, in shape of the steam engine, the government dock and the fixtures thereto belonging, did neglect the said duty, and did allow a certain quantity of the copper supply pipe sixty feet, more or less attached to the* government dock, and valued at live hundred dollars more or less to be stolen therefrom. This at or near Sedgwick Barracks, Givim- ville, La., on or about the Seventeenth and Eighteenth of July, 18CX, between the hours of retreat and reveille ." PI-EA. To tue Specification. "Nut Guilty." TV tite Charge. "Not Guilty.'" FINDING. Of the Specification. "Not Guilty." Of the Charye. ' ' Not Guilty, and the Court does there- lore acquit him. '' 6. Private THE >DORE VA.V CfcASBOBU, Company A, First Infantry. CHARGE. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. " Specification First. ''In this, thnt Private Theodore Van Clas- burg, Company A, First Infantry, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Battery K, First Artillery, did feloniously enter the United States Bakery of the post of New Orleans, La., and did steal, take and carry away therefrom one barrel of Hour, the property of the United States, for which he, Private Theodore Van Clasburg, Company A, First Infantry, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Battery K, First Artillery, did receive a certain amount of money, which he appropriated to his or their own use. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the. Twenty-sixth dny of June, 1868." Specification Second. " In this, that Private Theodore Van Clas- burg, Company A, First Infantry, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Battery K, First Artillery, did feloniously enter the United States Bakery of the post of New Orleans, La., and steal, take and carry away therefrom one barrel of flour, the property of the United States, for which he, Private Theodore Van Clasburg, Company A, First Infantry, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Battery K, First Artillery, did receive a certain amount of money which he wrongfully appropriated to his or their own use. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the First day of May, 1868." Specification 2 hird. "In this, that Private Theodore Van Clas- burg, Company A, First Infantry, while on duty at the United .States Bakery of the post of Xew Orleans, Lu., did feloniously steal, take and cause to be carried away two wagon loads of wood, the property of the United States, which he wrongfully appropriated to his own use. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the Twenty- eighth day of May, 1868." Specified! to i F.iurlk. "In this, that Private Theodore Van Clas- burg. Company A, First Infantry, while in charge of the Post Ba- kery at New Orleans, I. a., did without proper authority, sell to one Mr. Wiutship, two wagon loads of wood, he Private Theodore Van Clasburg, knowing the same to U^the property of the United States, and did deceive in payment therefor, a sum of money, which he Private Theodore Van Clasburg, Company A, First Infantry, appro- printed to his own use. 'Ibis at New Orleans, La., on or about the Twt-nt;. -fifth day of May, 1808." Sp&iijiettiio-t Fif-h. ''In this, that Private Theodore Van Clas- burg, Company A, First Infantry, while in charge of the Post Ba- kery of New Orleans, La., did, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Liglit Battery K, First Artillery, and without proper author- ity, sell to one Henry Wentzel, one barrel of flour, he, Private Tlu'odor<3 Van Clasburg, knowing the same to be the property of the United States, and did receive in payment therefor a sum of money, which he, Private Theo'.l.jre Van Olasburg, ( Company A, First Infantry, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Bat- tery K, First Artillery, did appropriate to his or their own use. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the Twenty-sixth day of June, 1868.'' Specified/ ion Wxih. "In this, that Private Theodore Van Clas- burg, Company A, First Infantry, while in charge of the Post Ba- kery of New Orleans, La., did in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse. Light Battery K, First Artillery, sell to one Weudelin Heider, one.barrel of flour, he, Private Theodore Van Clasburg, knowing the same to be the property of the United States, and did receive in payment therefor a sum of money, which he, Private Theodore Van Clasburg, in conjunction with Private Peter Hesse, Light Bat- tery K, First Artillery, appropriated to his or their own use. This at New Orleans, La., on or about the First day of May, 1868." . To the First Specification. " Not Guilty." To tlie Second Specification. " Not Guilty." To the Third Specification. " Not Guilty.'' To the. Fourth Specification. "Not Guilty." To the Fifth Specification. " Not Guilty." To the Sixth Specification. " Not Guilty.'' To Hi". Char