UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Gift of Mrs. Prank Good M>W4 / THE SONG OF MIRIAM. PRINTED BY GEORGE DANIELS; RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. AND OTHER HYMNS & VERSES Translated and Original BJ 3W. WOOLSEY STRYKER THE HEM OF HIS ROBE . . . . 43 ^^COLUMBIA . . . . . .45 l> THE MORNING STAR . . . . . 47 a PA&E THE WONDER . . 51 THE CORNERSTONE .... 52 THE EFFECTUAL DOOR . . . .54 ALTARWARD . ... 56 THE UNKNOWN GOD . . . . .60 LUTHER'S HYMN . . ... . 65 PSALM LXXX . . . . . .67 DIES IR^E, DIES ILL A .... 68 DIES IR^E, DIES ILLA (In rhythm of the Latin) . . 71 THAT GREAT DAT .... 74 THE ANNUNCIATION . . . . .76 BARTHOLDI'S LIBERTY . .77 CONSTANCY . . . .81 PASCHA . . . . . .82 UN1TAS FRATRUM . , . . .83 DONEG DIES '. . . . ; 84 REQUIEM . . '. . . .86 THE RESURRECTION . . 87 A CHILD'S MATIN :'. . . . .89 VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS . . , . 90 THE CHRIST . . . . . .92 THE SHEPHERD . . . . . 94 AGNUS DEI , . . . . .96 ALLA MARCIA . . . . . 97 A DOXOLOGY . . . . . . 99 A PILGRIM SONG . . . 100 DISCIPLESHIP . . . . . .101 BETHLEHEM 104 PAGE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST . . 106 WORSHIP ... .108 THE LAMBHERD . . . lin DECLARATION DAT . . . Ill A CHILDREN'S HYMN 113 NAZARETH . . . . 1U THE DISCIPLE'S PRAYER . . . . 116 THE NEIGHBOR . . . . 117 A TOAST . . . 118 COVENANT .' . . 119 STORMSHINE . . . 120 HEART OF MAINE .. . 122 THE VICAR . . 123 INSTALLATION HYMN . . 124 A PRAYER . . 126 MILITANCY . . 128 THE LIFE SAVER ... 130 MY REAL ESTATE . .131 DE PROFUNDIS . 133 ITHACA ... . 134 A MEMORY ' . . .135 RECESSION . * . . .136 MENDELSSOHN . . .137 A BAPTISMAL HYMN . ... 139 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES . 140 REMEMBRANCE . . . . 1J1 A COLLEGE SONG . 142 THE SONG OF MIRIAM. EXODUS xv. Ifrael ! for the Lord, your Jlrengtl), Hath triumphed glorioujly! Ifyter and horfe your fathers' God Hath thrown into the fea! The floods were parted at Thy word ^Before th' uplifted rod, *And thro the depths, as by dry land, Ihy ranfomed millions trod. Foes hot with hajle and clamoring wrath, Outjlretched their angry hands: God from His fifts the gathered winds Flung forth acrofs the fands. O'er Pharaoh's hoft the upright watts Flowed back, they fank as ftone! Lord, holy, fearful, wondrous, Thou God! and Thou alone. 10 Trembling, the nations bear ami dread The greatnefs of Thine arm. They shall be Jlill till Ifrael pafs Secure from threatened harm; Till all the purchased people pafs Up to Thy citadel, The faints' inheritance in light, Where they with Thee shall dwell. With voice of many waters, there Shall Ifrael fing again, The Lord, who triumphs glorioujly, Who evermore shall reign! 1878. OVERVIEW. THY KINGDOM COME! O Everlajling Lord! Futtfitting all the promife of Thy word. Cover with Thy majejly The Earth, as water/hods o'erfyread the fea! Let anarchy and luft and falfehood yield To figns and wonders of Thine Arm Revealed; Wide world kingdoms all be one, The kingdom of our God and Chrijl His Son. The winds Thy fandals and the tides Thy path, Smite down oppreffions with Thy rod of wrath. Everlajling righteousness "Bring in, Thou Prince, the waiting years to bless. T3id tears of joy to long-expectant eyes. 'Broader than noonday let Thy light arise. Far and wide Thy truth advance, *And take Thine uttermofl inheritance. Thine unfeen fceptre hath Thy reign begun, tAmid the candles walks the Living One: Oh! reveal Thy wondrous way, Still brighter, brighter, to Thy perfeft day! 12 Aflame from eaft to weft, where all was dark, Send Thy white lightnings hurtling to their mark. Every empire make Thee room, The Splendor of Thy gofyel banish gloom! 'Burft forth, O Bridegroom ! from Thy chambers bright, That, Time's deep shadows fwallowed up of light, Forth may ftand Thy holy Bride, Thy foul's travail att be fati&fied! Fair as the Moon, and clear as Thou her Sun, ^Apparelled in the robes her faith hath won, Thou wilt take her then and own The love nor waters quenched nor floods could drown! Long hath she waited, watched and mourned apart: arknefs and terror, doubt and tears, are o'er. [My thankful life is Thine for evermore. 1881. JEHOVAH A/7557. GOD fave our land! Be this our Jleadfa&t prayer. Thy Kingdom come with power and glory every where. Let all our souls invoke Thine awful care. God fave our land! Keep Thou our flag! Avert unholy wars. Let tears of godly jorrow cleanfe eachjlain that mars. Thro Jlripes lead upward to the brightening Jlars. God fave our land! "In God we trust." O Lord, Thine arm make bare. "By Thy pure word fmite pride, hate, lust, and lies 'that dare. Nor let Thy faithful rod our evil Spare. God fave our land! Guide them that rule ! Our blood-bought freedom keep. Let union, love, amd law, their happy harvest reap, Till in thanksgiving deep shall anfwer deep. God fave our land! Full with Thy blejfing, counfelled 'neatb Thine eye, Who ridest for our help upon the bending shy; What nation is there who hath God fo nigh? God fave our land! Let Jesus reign! and every heart confent. Of Him, by Him, for Him, be all the government. Sign with His Crofs a ranfomed continent. God fave our land! 1881. 25 LOYALTY. T TP and on, ye true three hundred ! C_y Faith is more than odds. T)o the doing ye are hidden, c/lnd the day is God's. Wake the trumpet! Shout the watchword! Lift the flaming lamp! 'Bare the /word of God and Gideon ! Truth shall rout their camp. Jericho fell down in ruin, ZMidian's hojl shall flee, Out shall Ifrael's Prince before us Thrust the enemy. Thine the caufe, O God of armies! Gird us for the fight. With the glory of the morning Whelm the hojls of night. God, that rides the fhy to help us, GOD! whofe maje/ly Clave the Sea and paved the Jordan, Pledges viftory. Yejlerday, to-day, forever, cRight shall hold the field. Everywhere the truth shall rally, Powers of darknefs yield. 1881. 26 TWILIGHT. "Der gcldnen Sonnen Licht." M. CHBISTIAN SCEITEB, (1G29-1693). THE golden Sun has now fulfilled His courfe of light and Splendor. While all the Earth to rest has Jlilled, ZMy foul, thy duty render. Step forth to Heaven's door, And fing thy carol o'er. Thine eyes and heart and mind upraife To Jesus, with thine evening praife. ^Despise not Thou the lowly chant That now, O Lord, I fing Thee; For peace my heart doth ever want, Titt I her tribute bring Thee. Tho what I bring is least, Ob, take it as my best! tAnd all I heartily intend c Di&cern, O Christ! my foul's true Friend. With Thee I take me to my couch, CMy foul to Thee commending. Thou wilt, my Shepherd, Jlumber vouch, wisely jiitt befriending. 27 / nothing fear on Earth, 5\W pain, nor Hell, nor death; For who in Jesus' arms hath lain, ^At morn, with joy shall rise again. &ow, weary frame, thy rest prepare. In holy /lumber clojing, Ye burdened eyes, shut out your care, Give all to God's dispojing: T$ut one word curtain in, "Lord Jesus, I am Thine!" So endeth all my day aright. &ow, dearejl Lord, good-night , good-night . TV. 1882. 28 THE INCARNATION. "FrotLlich. sol mein Herze springen." PAUL GEBHABDT (1606-1676) Abr. cyOYFUL shall my heart, upbringing, T Hear this night, with delight, tAll the angels Jinging. Hark! how full the choirs of glory, Far and high, thrill the fky With the Cbriftmas jlory! Forth to-day from Heaven's portal Comes a King, conquering, bringing life immortal. For thy good, O fenful creature! God's dear Child, undefiled, Wears thy human nature. Ye with heavy burdens bending, See the near door appear, To a rest unending! Enter in! the life beginning, Which, by grace, giveth peace Evermore from finning. Tr. 1882. 2 9 FORSAKE ME NOT. "Ach. Gott, verlass mich niclit." SALOMON FBANCK, (1725). OGOD! forfake me not! Thine hand to me extending, Until, in Jleady faith, [My pilgrimage is ending. Here in this vale of night, Tie Thou my glorious Light! *Be Thou my Staff and Rod, For fake me not, my God! O God! forfake me not! Teach me Thy way to ponder; -iAnd let me nevermore In Jin and folly wander. Give me the Holy Ghojl, Grant an all-conquering trujl, eep unfathomable Sea! Who can bound Thy myftery? Hitman wisdom owns her blindmfs. tAll things last their portioned day,- God's love to Eternity. TV. 1882. 37 INAUDIBLE ECHOES. T~)EST on the oars, and call! tAcrofs the water, JL V Eight times, from far and further, magic anfwers Call back and back, in clear diminuendo, e//s if were thrilled the throats of fome great organ, c Bourdon and diapason, flute and hautboy, Each chiming rank obedient to one prejfure, One throbbing heart and every pulfe responding. The weird reverberation flatters foftly One's quick conceit, to fancy, for an inflant, That granite hills and terraced wilderneffes ZMake him their centre. Such are life's fuccejfes That fense gets echo of. For as thefe fweetest ^turning peals are not the first nor loudest, 'But gain in music while the ear awaits them, Till liflening for that jufl beyond the lafl one; So, richest antiphons of word and doing eye. Tbe lowlieft gift the holy Altar Will fanclify. Wbo fashioned us, eacb use can meafure , ov ay^oowres ten me that I muft no longer pray, J- 7hat fupplication is impertinence, be bereft of fcientific fense, Who thinks to move eternal Law's array! bo beard and waked and curbed tbe fea, This feamlefs robe, that covers, not conceals. His band fujlains and fleers this enginery. His loving Spirit throbs amid these wheels. t/!nd He f aid" If thou can/I! ASK and receive; things can be to him tbat will believe." VI. Who will not crave God's grace can never fee! Who will not ftretcb tbe withered hand, mujl jlill, Tly his refufal, wait incapable! Unfaith's deep retribution aye mujl be To give delujion ftrong credulity! eAll God-forfahen were tins universe, With no right of petition! Life a curfe, With praying ftifled! (Never unbowed knee Hath found it other!) Laws, ingenious traps! Earth one huge Golgotha, one yawning grave! Were there no antidote for Jin's mishaps, 5^0 Eye to pity, and no Arm to fave! The heart knows better, and darts up its cry To the great Fatherheart enthroned on high! 6 4 Yll. Poor bird, no longer "wander from thy nejl! *By all which thankful memory doth hoard, God hath, for them that feek Him, fure reward. Straightway return, fad foul, unto thy reft! Pluck Doubling's dungeon-key from out thy breaft! Exceeding great and precious promifes, /I life's ills and death's cataftrophes, thine! What wilt thou? What is thy requeft? TSack to its felf-invented premise crush the lie, 7 hat fummoned thee to Law's idolatry! Strain not too far to hear; the word is nigh, "Lo! always, to the end, I am with thee." Lord, that I e'er could quejlion is my grief! Chrift, I believe! Help Thou mine unbelief! 1883. LUTHER'S HYMN. "Ein" feste Burg 1st unser Gott." MAETIN LUTHEB, 1529. A TOWER of Refuge is our God! ** t/l goodly ward and weapon. He 'II help us free, tho force or fraud To us may now mi&happen. Tbat old Arch-enemy Would our undoing be; Grofs might and vaft device His dreadful armor is. On Earth can none with/land Um. TSy our might could we do no more Than -vainly to have jlriven: 'But for us the right Man will war, Whom God Himfelf hath given. T)oft ask, who this can be? Cbrijl Jesus! It is HE! The Lord of Sabaoth, U^one other God, in troth. The field He holds forever. 66 For tbo fbe world with demons fwarmed, tAU minded to devour us, U^ot greatly were our fouls alarmed; They cannot overpower us. This world's dark Prince may /till Lour fullen as he will ; For he can harm us naught. 'T is paft. His doom is wrought. One word can bring his downfall! That Word, for aU they do, shall Jland, 5\jO thank to them that jeer it! Yea, on the plain He 's at our hand, Tiy His own Gift and Spirit. tAnd should they take our life, Fame, fortune, child and wife, Let them all this begin: Tlut nothing can they win, *And God gives us the kingdom. Tr. 1883. 6 7 PSALM LXXX. OTHOU Shepherd of Thine Israel, hear us!' Thou that Jofeph like a flock doft lead, From the cherubim shine forth and cheer us, Stir Thy flrength and come to help our need. Wilt Thou hear Thy people's prayer with anger,- ZMeafure them the bread and drink of tears? Vifit jlrife and fcorn upon our languor, Grant no more the grace of other years? Shall the goodly "vine that Thou didft cherish, Once that grew and shaded all the bills, TSreak and wafte and fall and burn and perish, While her ruin Thy rebuke fulfills? Turn us, Lord, again! In mercy, hearken. z/Jff our waywardness and shame forgive! Leave us not unf ought, while shadows darken: Caufe Thy face to shine, and we shall live. Look from Heaven, O God, when forrows thicken, T3y Thine hand once more our ftrengtb maintain ; We will catt Thy .name, if Thou but quicken, We wiU never leave Thy love again. 1883. 68 IES IR/E, DIES ILLAl In the rhythm of the Latin. OF WRATH, THAT DAY impending! the world in ashes ending; Tcld by Pfalm with Sybil blending. What shatt be the fwift dismaying, Wben the Judge, no more delaying, Comes! all things with ftriftnefs weighing. Shrill the trumpet blajls awaken, &ow the world-wide graves are shaken, *Ail before the throne are taken. Lo, Death's Nature's conjlernation ! While uprifeth the Creation, hiding each his judgment Jlation. Opened is the folemn writing, Wherein, everything reciting, Earth shall meet her lajl indifting. When the Judge is therefore feated, What was hid shall be repeated, A{b due vengeance go unmeted. How shall I make /application, Whom implore for mediation, When the juft fcarce have falvation? King of might that ne'er can waver, Who dojl fave the faved of favor, Save Thou me, O Mercy-Laver! Reckon, Jesus, with companion, Found for me in mortal fashion. Give me not, that day, perdition! Seeking me, Thou tired waft feated, Crucifixion's ranfom greeted; Such toil may not he defeated! O Thou Judge of juft decifion, Grant the gift of Thy remiffion Ere that day of inquifttion! e/fs a criminal appealing, Guilt my face with crimfon fealing, Spare me, God, a fuppliant kneeling. 73 Thou who Mary's grief regarded, t7\(br the robber's cry discarded, Even my hope haft rewarded. Worthlefs these my prayers afcending: 'But, Thou Good One, kindly bending, Pluck me from the fire unending! With Thy flock let place await me. From the goat-herd feparate me. With the right-hand part inflate me! While the loft have malediction, 'Driven to the flames' infliction, Call me 'neath Thy benediction! Pray I flitt, tho shame abashes iAtt my contrite heart to ashes; Care for me when doomday crashes! Oh, that day of bitter weeping, When from duft awake the fleeping! Ortan adjudged and pa/I entreaty; Wherefore, Lord, grant that one pity! TV. 1883. 74 THAT GREAT DAY. First five stanzas based upon the preceding translations. T great day of the Lord draws nigh, J- With wrath and defolation, When fwift shall break the bitter cry, Thro all Earth's habitation, *A day of trouble, cloud and gloom, Of trumpet blajl and rending tomb, The judgment of Creation. The world-wide millions, quick and dead &ow meet the lajl arraigning. The open volume wide is Spread, -A guilty fuppliant kneeling! Thou Mary's grief didjt well regard, &or didft the robber's cry discard; [My contrite foul give healing! So lift we up our hearts, O Lord; Redemption's day is nearing. We bide in Thee, we trujl Thy word, We wait for Thine appearing, Witlo boldnefs face Eternity; Tlecaufe as Thou art, fo are we; Thy love hath cajt out fearing! 1883. THE ANNUNCIATION. ONCE, in Galilee, a lowly (Maiden did dwell. Came to her a mejfage holy, Tty Gabriel. This the word the Seraph gave her, "Hail! thy Lord doth show thee favor: "But her troubled heart did quaver, What thi& might tett. Spake th' archangel, "Fear not, Mary; Thou haft found grace. Thou the Babe of God shall carry; Uplift thy face. The Moft High, with thy life blending, Forth His own Mejfiah fending, Heir of Kingdom never ending, Shall blefs thy race." Said the Virgin, "God hath Spoken In myjlery: 'But according to thy token T$e it to me." So, by power the Holy Spirit's, Came the Chrifl-child' s royal merits, So that maiden's faith inherits Earth's high degree. 1883. 77 otb trujl and comfort bring. Him/elf keeps watch unwearying. ! Alleluia ! Yea! He is the faitbfuttejl and bejl. Our fold itfelf dotb reft Witbin tbofe arms of His, Wbofe very name Compaffion is. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Tr. 1884. 96 *AGNUS an all the widening way, Where next shall burn the foreglow of the day. 727 Yet, fain to watch with tender gratitude, From out this day of rain, wbofe clouds are denfe, We fee but half thy pearled circumference. Our fad horizon ever doth intrude To break acrofs thy golden, purple-hued tAnd turquoifed qone. Thy brilliant myjlery Goes as it came. The clouds diSprinted be, eAnd the laft glimmering traces fight elude. God's quiver-full of mercies is not Spent! We caught the flash of half His chariot wheel, Who rides the Jlorms, who sj>eaks in thunder-peal, Who reigns above the fapphire firmament. Thy ravelled light completes, where naught is dark *About His throne, its interrupted arc. 1886. 122 HEART OF CMAINE. FAR in New England woods I lie In unmolefled revery, While mantled foft in Sunday grey The fober Augufl glides away. The turquoife sky is mirrored in The deeper blue of Chamberlain, Where, wide along as eye can reach, (Myfterious forejls crowd the beach. Swift as true purpofe to its home, ^Disputed but not overcome, In mufical perjijlent flow, To dream-fet Eagle Lake below, With Jilver-bubbled fwirl and flash, Whirls on the laughing Attegua&b, Thro rocky pools where alders nod, t/lnd reaches fringed with golden-rod. Far found the loons their lonely cry. The great hawk fwims, or poifetb, high, Until, wide-circling, he is flown Where clouds hori^onward are blown. Change everywhere! All paffeth by, River and fummer, bird and sky. tAs thiflle blow and shadow went, The day spends, and the mood is Spent. 1886. THE VICAR. grace is all of grace, J- Tbou (Merciful and Jujl! The light that shines in Jefus' face Is all my truft. It found me in my fin, WiU-drvven and wide ajlray, tAnd placed my periled feet within Life's narrow way, From God no more ejlranged, In Chrijl's dear blood made nigh, CMy alienage forever changed, *A child am I. Thro love's unearned releafe, Submiffive at Thy fide, Thou, Lord, my Rigbteoufnefs and Peace, CMy heart dojt guide. 1886. 12 4 INSTALLATION HYMN. ~T^ATHER, as here we bow, -L Hark to our praifes now, Hear Thou our prayer. While this new page we turn, [More of Thy grace to learn, Our fouls united yearn To blefs Thy car el Lord Chrijl, our minds uplift To covet Thy bejl gift, Unf elfish love! Great Shepherd of the sheep, Our flock and paftor keep, 'By fields and fountains deep Lead all above. O Living Spirit! rule Our hearts in this life-fchool, Its little while. Then call us home, to dwell Where each Nathanael Of one great Israel, Stands clean of guile. 725 God! glorious and Triune, Our lips and lives attune For conjlant praife. Creator, Ranfom, Guide, Guard us on every fide, tAtt that we need provide, To endlefs days. 1886. 126 .M. L'A. i 1 FormL9-25m-8,'46(9852)44 i SITY OF CALIF* " UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY PS 2959 S92s S-hryker - The son ; of Miriam , PS 2959 S92s UCLA-Young Research Library PS2959 .S92s L 009 604 328 6