PRINTED BY REQUEST THE KIND OF DEMOCRACY THE NEGRO RACE EXPECTS BY WILLIAM PICKENS BALTIMORE, MD. Decoration Day, May 30, 1918 Baltimore, Md. Herald Printing Company 11 27 Druid Hill Ave. ADDRESS Democracy is the most used term in the world today. But some of its uses are abuses. Everybody says "Democracy!" But everybody has his own definition. By the extraordinary weight of the presidency of the United States many undemocratic people have had this word forced upon their lips but have net yet had the right ideal forced upon their hearts. I have heard of one woman who wondered with alarm whether "democracy" would mean that colored women would have the right to take any vacant seat or space on a street car, even if they had paid for it. That such a ques tion should be asked, shows how many different meanings men may attach to the one word DEMOCRACY. This woman doubtless be lieves in a democracy of me-and-my-kind, which is no democracy. The most autocratie and the worst caste systems could call them selves democratic by that definition. Even the Prussian junker believes in that type of democracy: he has no doubt that he and the other junkers should be free and equal in rights and privileges. Many have accepted the word DEMOCRACY merely as the current password to respectability in political thinking. The spirit of the times is demanding democracy; it is the tune of the age; it is the song to sing. But some are like that man who belonged to one of our greater political parties: after hearing convincing argu ments by the stump-speaker of the opposite party, he exclaimed: "Wa-al, that fellow has convinced my judgment, but I'll be d d if he can CHANGE MY VOTE!" It is in order, therefore, for the Negro to state clearly what he means by democracy and what he is fighting for. FIRST. Democracy in Education. This is fundamental. No other democracy is practicable unless all of the people have equal right and opportunity to develop according to their individual en- 4 dowments. There can be no real democracy between two natural groups, if one represents the extreme of ignorance and the other the best intelligence. The common public school and the state university should be the foundation stones of democracy. If men are artificially differentiated at the beginning, if we try to educate a "working class" and a "ruling class," forcing different race groups into different lines without regard to individual fitness, how can we ever hope for democracy in the other relations of these groups? Individuals will differ, but in democracy of education peoples liv ing on the same soil should not be widely diverged in their training on mere racial lines. This would be illogical, since they are to be measured by the same standards of life. Of course, a group that is to live in Florida should be differently trained from a group that is to live in Alaska; but that is geography and general environment, and not color or caste. The Negro believes in democracy of educa tion as first and fundamental: that the distinction should be made between individual talents and not between colors and castes. SECOND. Democracy in Industry. The right to work in any line lor which the individual is best prepared, and to be paid the standard wage. This is also fundamental. In the last analysis there could be very little democracy between multi-millionaires and the abject poor. There must be a more just and fair distribution of wealth in a democracy. And certainly this is not possible unless men work at the occupations for which they are endowed and best prepared. There should be no "colored" wages and no "white" wages; no "man's" wage and no "woman's" wage. Wages should be paid for the work done, measured as much as possible by its productiveness. No door of opportunity should be closed to a man on any other ground than that of his individual unfitness. The cruelest and most undemocratic thing in the world is to require of the individual man that his whole race be fit before he can be re garded as fit for a certain privilege or responsibility. That rule, strictly applied, would exclude any man of any race from any posi tion. For every man to serve where he is most able to serve is ' public economy and is to the best interest of th.e state. This lament able war that was forced upon us should make that plain t the dullest of us. Suppose that, when K this war broke out, our whole country had been like Mississippi (and I refer to geography unin- 5 vidiously), suppose our whole country had been like Mississippi, where a caste system was holding the majority of the population in the triple chains of ignorance, semi-serfdom and poverty. Our nation would be now either the unwilling prey or the golden goose for the Prussian. The long-headed thing for any state is to let every man do his best all of the time. But some people are so short-sighted that they only see what is thrust against their noses. The Negro asks American labor in the name of democracy to get rid of its color caste and industrial junkerism. THIRD. Democracy in State. A political democracy in which all are equal before the laws; where there is one standard of justice, written and unwritten; where all men and women may be citizens by the same qualifications, agreed upon and specified. We believe in this as much for South Africa as for South Carolina, and we hope that our American nation will not agree with any government, ally or enemy, that is willing to make a peace that will bind the African Negro to political slavery and exploitation. Many other evils grow put of political inequality. Discrimi nating laws are the mother of the mob spirit. The political philos opher in Washington, after publishing his opinion that a Negro by the fault of being a Negro is unfit to be a member of Congress, can not expect an ignorant white man in Tennessee to believe that the same Negro is, nevertheless, fit to have a fair and impartial trial in a Tennessee court. Ignorance is too logical for that. I disagree with the premises but I agree with the reasoning of the Tennessee- an: that if being a Negro unfits a man for holding a government office for which he is otherwise fit, it unfits the same man for claim ing a "white man's" chance in the courts. The first move therefore against mob violence and injustice in the petty courts is to wipe out discriminating laws and practices in the higher circles of gov ernment. The ignorant man in Tennessee will not rise in ideal above the intelligent man in Washington. FOURTH. Democracy without Sex-preferment. The Negro cannot consistently oppose color discrimination and support sex discrimination in democratic government. This happened to be the opinion also of the First Man of the Negro race in America, Frederick Douglass. The handicap is nothing more nor less than a presumption in the mind of the physically dominant element of 6 the universal inferiority of the weaker or subject element. It is so easy to prove that the man who is down and under, deserves to be down and under. In the first place, he is down there, isn't he? And that is three fourths of the argument to the ordinary mind; for the ordinary mind does not seek ultimate causes. The argument against the participation of colored men and of women in self-govern ment is practically one argument. Somebody spoke to the Creator about both of these classes and learned that they were "created" for inferior roles. Enfranchisement would spoil a good field-hand, or a good cook. Black men were once ignorant, women were once ignorant. Negroes had no political experience, women had no such experience. The argument forgets that people do not get ex perience on the outside. But the American Negro expects a de mocracy that will accord the right to vote to a sensible industrious woman rather than to a male tramp. FIFTH. Democracy in Church. The preachings and the prac tices of Jesus of Nazareth are perhaps the greatest influence in the production of modern democratic ideas. The Christian church is. therefore, no place for the caste spirit or for snobs. And the col ored races the world over will have even more doubt in the future than they have had in the past of the real Christianity of any church which holds out to them the prospect of being united in heaven after being separated on earth. FINALLY. The great colored races will in the future not be kinder to a sham democracy than to a "scrap-of-paper" autocracy. The private home, private right and private opinion must remain inviolate; but the commonwealth, the public places and public prop erty, must not be appropriated to the better use of any group by "Jim-Crowing" and segregating any other group. By the endow ments of God and nature there are individual "spheres"; but there are no such widely different racial "spheres". Jesus' estimate of the individual soul is the taproot of democracy, and any system which discourages the men of any race from individual achievement, is no democracy. To fix the status of a human soul on earth accord ing to the physical group in which it was born, is the gang spirit of the savage which protects its own members and outlaws all others. For real democracy the American Negro will live and die. His loyalty is always above suspicion, but his extraordinary spirit in the 7 present war is born of his faith that on the side of his country and her allies is the best hope for such democracy. And he welcomes, too, the opportunity to lift the "Negro question" out of the narrow confines of the Southern United States and make it a world ques tion. Like many other questions our domestic race question, in stead of being settled by Mississippi and South Carolina, will now seek its settlement largely on the battlefields of Europe. WM PICKENS, Morgan College. Baltimore, Md., May 30, 1918.