UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA BREEDING FOR EGG PRODUCTION LEWIS W. TAYLOR and I. MICHAEL LERNER BULLETIN 626 October, 1938 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Explanation of terms used in breeding 3 Historical development of methods of poultry breeding 5 Characters governing the annual egg record 8 Sexual maturity 10 Pauses 13 Persistency 16 Rate of production 17 General considerations of production characters 20 Characters affecting viability 21 Longevity 22 Disease resistance 22 Methods of measuring flock production 23 Characters governing the quality of eggs 24 Egg size 24 Egg shape 27 Egg color 27 Shell quality 28 Albumen quality 29 Hatchability 30 Breeding systems 30 Close inbreeding and line breeding 31 Outbreeding and crossbreeding 32 Grading 33 Value of breeding systems 33 Relation of genetics to poultry-breeding methods 33 Pedigree breeding 33 Pedigree records 34 Sib and progeny testing 35 Multiplication of superior stock 37 A breeding program for multipliers 39 Age of breeding stock 40 What breeding can accomplish 41 Egg production 41 Viability 43 Importance of other conditions 44 Literature cited 45 BREEDING FOR EGG PRODUCTION LEWIS W. TAYLOR 2 and I. MICHAEL LEKNER 3 The purpose of this bulletin is twofold : (1) to review the present knowl- edge of the genetics of egg-production and egg-quality characters and (2) to demonstrate what may be accomplished by the application of the principles and methods discussed in the text in bringing about rapid im- provement in egg production. For this purpose, data from the California Agricultural Experiment Station flock, as well as from literature on poultry breeding, are used. In the limited space of a bulletin, only a small part of the published work on the subject can be reviewed. Only those papers which are di- rectly drawn upon are cited. Similarly, the analysis of the Experiment Station data has necessarily been confined to the more important general considerations, with many details omitted. These data confirm in a strik- ing manner the adequacy of the progeny-test method of breeding poultry, when this method is applied to the individual characters affecting pro- duction and viability. We believe that the application of similar princi- ples should enable a poultry breeder to accomplish substantially the same type of flock improvement. The presentation of dogmatic methods of pro- cedure for pedigree breeders has purposely been avoided because con- ditions vary widely from flock to flock. Emphasis is thus laid on broad principles which may be adapted to specific circumstances found in dif- ferent flocks. However, a more definite breeding program for multipliers' flocks is advanced. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN BREEDING Inheritance of characters is based on the transmission of genes from parent to offspring. Genes are defined as the determiners of hereditary characters. They occur in pairs (with a few exceptions), one member of each pair being derived from the sire, and its mate from the dam. One member of the pair may be different from its mate, as in the case of a cross between two breeds. For example : A bird resulting from a cross between a purebred rose-combed and a single-combed bird will receive a gene for rose comb from one parent and for single comb from the other. The crossbred bird will exhibit a rose comb, since the rose-comb gene is 1 Eeceived for publication April 19, 1938. 2 Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry and Associate Poultry Husbandman in the Experiment Station. 3 Instructor in Poultry Husbandry and Junior Poultry Husbandman in the Experi- ment Station. [3] 4 University of California — Experiment Station dominant and prevents the expression of the single-comb gene, which is known as a recessive. If two such crossbred birds are mated together, in the next generation both rose- and single-combed individuals will appear in the ratio of three rose-combed birds to one single-combed bird. Of the rose-combed birds, one-third will be pure-breeding, and two-thirds will not breed true (possessing like their parents, one rose-comb gene and one single-comb gene) . The birds which possess two like genes and breed true are homozygous for this gene. In the example given, the pure-breed- ing rose-combed and the single-combed birds are homozygous for comb- shape genes. Those rose-combed birds which possess two unlike genes will not breed true and are heterozygous. Various genes are usually designated by arbitrary letters. Capital let- ters indicate the dominant condition, and small letters the recessive : the gene for rose comb, for example, is represented as B and that for single comb as r. The actual constitution of an individual with respect to these genes is known as the genotype, which is designated by the genes of which it is composed : the genotype of the single-combed bird, for example, is represented by rr, that of the pure-breeding rose-combed bird by BB, and that of the heterozygous rose-combed bird by Br. The appearance of the bird with respect to these characters is called the phenotype. In the example given, there are only two phenotypes — single-comb, to which the bird with the rr genotype belongs, and the rose- comb, to which the birds with both the BB and Br genotypes belong. The two genotypes that show the rose-comb phenotype can be distinguished only by breeding tests. If a rose-combed bird, bred to a single-combed bird gives only rose-combed offspring, then it must belong to the BB genotype, but if it gives some single-combed offspring, then it must be- long to the Br genotype. At times, when two unlike genes are present in the pair governing the expression of a character, neither gene completely suppresses the action of its mate. The case is then one of incomplete dominance. When this occurs, the mating of two such heterozygous individuals produces three phenotypes in the offspring, which correspond to the three genotypes present. In cases where characters are produced by the action of a large num- ber of genes, such are known as multiple genes. Sex-linked inheritance can probably be best explained by an example. A simple sex-linked character in poultry is the barred plumage of the Barred Plymouth Rock. When a male of this variety is crossed with a black female, all the progeny is found to be barred. In a reciprocal cross, however, when a black male is mated to a barred female, in the first gen- Bul. 626] Breeding for Egg Production 5 eration, the females are found to be black, while the males are barred. Sex-linked crosses for early sex identification are based on this principle. The reason for the behavior of the sex-linked genes lies in the fact that the male possesses a paired complement, as in the case of all other genes, while the female has only one member of a sex-linked gene pair. Thus the male genotype in the case of the pure Barred Plymouth Rock is BB, while the female genotype is B-. In the case of the black birds, the male's constitution is bb and the female's b-. In the second cross as described above, bb x B- (black male x barred female), the male progeny will be heterozygous barred (Bb) and the females will be black (5-) . HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF POULTRY BREEDING The history of the development of egg-production characters in strains of chickens goes back centuries before there was any indication of a com- mercial poultry industry. The types of fowl developed in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea were early recognized to have a greater inherent capacity for producing eggs than birds from the Orient. From these higher-producing fowl, the breeds of the Mediterranean class of chickens, which includes Leghorns, Minorcas, and Anconas, were de- veloped. During an intensive period of breed creation in the nineteenth century, fowls of the Mediterranean class were extensively used to cross with Asiatic breeds or with mongrel stocks to produce new breeds and varieties, which are found in the American and English classes of chickens. With the development of improved systems of transportation and marketing, accompanied by an increased demand for eggs for human consumption at seasons other than those of normal high egg production, an increasing importance was attached to the inherent ability of birds to lay. Under some conditions of poultry keeping, the value of a breed no longer rested entirely on its size and quality of meat, on its plumage color or pattern, or on its peculiar appearance as evidenced by structural differences in comb, feathers, or number of toes. Thus, by the middle of the nineteenth century, writers on poultry subjects began to emphasize the ability of certain breeds to lay a relatively large number of eggs. Before the end of that century, the idea of trapnesting birds in order to obtain exact records had been conceived and suitable devices to accom- plish this work had been invented. At the close of the nineteenth century, an experimental approach to the solution of problems involved in improving egg production was made by Gowell at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station on a flock of 6 University of California — Experiment Station Barred Plymouth Rocks (Pearl and Surface, 1909)/ His method of breeding involved the selection and mating of his better-producing fe- males in one line and of the poorer in another. No means of evaluating the contributions of the breeding males was employed. After a period of years, the egg production in the two lines was approximately the same. Pearl succeeded Go well and was able to improve the production of the same flock by the use of different methods of selection. He noticed that there was a close correlation between the winter and the annual produc- tion of any bird. The more eggs produced in winter, the higher was the annual record. Using winter production as a criterion of selection for mating, and analyzing his results genetically, Pearl (1912) developed his theory of the inheritance of egg production, which proposed that two pairs of genes were primarily responsible for high egg production. A few years after Pearl's work was published, Goodale (1918) intro- duced a new concept regarding the mode of inheritance of egg production obtained from studies on the Rhode Island Red flock of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Egg production was considered by him to be the final expression of the action and interaction of a number of diverse production characters. Of some ten characters first listed by Goodale, five are important in contributing to an individual's annual record. A sixth has been suggested recently. These characters may be divided into two general groups : those affecting the length of time the bird lays eggs, and rate or intensity of production when the bird is lay- ing. The first group of characters include : the time when a pullet begins to lay eggs, known as sexual maturity; the time when a hen ceases to lay at the end of the pullet year of production, known as persistency ; and the intervening nonlaying periods within the time limits of sexual maturity and persistency produced by broodiness and winter pause. Spring or sum- mer pause may be considered as another character (Lerner and Taylor, 1936) . These characters governing the length of time in production, com- bined with rate of production, determine the annual record of the hen. After the development of the idea of breaking egg production down into a number of component parts, Goodale and later Hays carried on studies to determine the method of inheritance of these characters. As a result of these studies, Hays has advanced a series of hypotheses regard- ing the number and nature of the genes that control the characters deter- mining egg production (see Jull, 1932, for a bibliography of papers on this subject) . Hays and Sanborn (1934) also have published data on the improvement in the flock egg production and the various production 4 See "Literature Cited" at the end of this paper for complete data on citations, which are referred to in the text by author and date of publication. Bui,. 626] BREEDING FOR EGG PRODUCTION 7 characters in the Massachusetts Station flock over a period of twenty years of breeding conducted by Goodale and Hays. Several other investigators have published data on improvement in egg production. Dryden (1921), by breeding from hens with high egg records, was able to increase greatly the average production in the Barred Plymouth Rock, White Leghorn, and crossbred flocks at the Oregon Agri- cultural Experiment Station. He also commented that the use of the progeny test in selection might be expected to hasten the progress to higher production averages. Asmundson (1927a, 19275, 1928) has re- ported results from six years of breeding Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, and White Leghorns for improved egg production at the University of British Columbia. The results of twenty years of mass selection of high- and low-egg-production lines at the Cornell Agricul- tural Experiment Station have been reported by Hall (1935) . Hall's con- clusion that egg production has been improved by this method of selection has been challenged by Petrov (1935) who has pointed out that, with the exception of the first four years of selection, the increase in egg produc- tion seemed to be due to improved environmental conditions, since both high and low lines improved in average egg production. During the early part of the present century, practical poultry breed- ers selected birds for mating largely on the bases of physical appearance and breed characters stressed by the Standard of Perfection. When trap- nesting and pedigree systems came into common use, strong reliance was placed on the ancestry of the individuals mated. This was soon followed by a combined consideration of the individual's performance along with its ancestry. During this period, the poultry industry began to strive for high individual records. The production of 300-egg hens became the goal of breeders. Recently, there has been a tendency to add progeny testing to the bases for selection of birds for breeding. This last step, introduced to the field of poultry breeding by Pearl, combines all of the information available from ancestry and individual records of performance with an actual test of the bird's breeding ability. This type of selection has also tended to change the emphasis from an individual basis of selection to a family basis. Not only good individuals, but good individuals from good fam- ilies, are wanted. Prom a genetic standpoint, the progeny test is based on sound princi- ples. Many good individuals with similar phenotypes are known to be genotypically dissimilar, some being homozygous and some heterozygous for different important genes controlling production characters. A good bird from a uniformly good family is likely to be homozygous for and 8 University of California — Experiment Station breed true for a greater number of desirable genes than a good individual from a poor family. The final proof of the value of a breeding bird is, then, found in the offspring, which show the various combinations of hereditary factors that the parent can actually transmit to the next gen- eration. This is especially so, since the actual number of genes involved in the inheritance of egg production is not known. Estimates vary from 8 pairs postulated by Hays and Sanborn (1934) to 200-300 suggested by Munro (1937) . Whatever the exact number may be, the phenotypes dis- played by the progeny or by the sisters of the individuals considered give a means of estimating the relative values of their genotypes. CHARACTERS GOVERNING THE ANNUAL EGG RECORD The annual record is a measure of the productivity of the individual and reflects the contributions of all egg-production characters. The ideal con- dition to strive for is the best combination of all of the desirable char- acters involved. The number and importance of the independent factors entering into the annual record can be adequately illustrated by actual trapnest records of some individuals. A number of birds may have the same annual record, but it may be conditioned by entirely different char- acters in each case. Five representative individual trapnest sheets se- lected to illustrate this point appear in figure 1. The five birds laid very nearly the same number of eggs in the thirteen calendar months begin- ning with September 1. Yet an examination of the course of egg produc- tion in these birds will show five different reasons why the figure of approximately 200 eggs in each case was not exceeded. The bird whose record is shown in figure 1, A, was a late-maturing in- dividual, not starting production until she was 305 days old. Although she laid at a high rate, the late sexual maturity limited her record for the year. Similarly, the length of time in production of the bird in figure 1, B, was limited by an early molt. She evidently was a nonpersistent bird and, though fairly early-maturing and laying with reasonable intensity, did not exceed the 200-egg mark because of early cessation of production. Figure 1, C, on the other hand, illustrates the loss of time in production during the laying year, rather than at its beginning or end as in the previously mentioned cases. This bird went into a pullet molt or, in other words, exhibited winter pause, during the months of December and Jan- uary, which limited her possibilities of attaining a high record. The case of the bird in figure 1, D, which became broody on four occa- sions during the year, also shows a similar loss of time in production. Finally, figure 1, E, shows the record of a bird that possesses most of Bul. 626] Breeding for Egg Production 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 li izuft )£l6liiei92(2IZ2l3242!2*Z7Ul93V\ kPPv • ••/' • •^ A, Leg band No. 896; hatching date Apr.10, 1934 ; age al first egg, 305 days Month l2M j (la 9 1514 i5l6m8l9202l22232<2S2fc2722U95C3l Month To Dot SEPT ZQ _L9 71 /^4 95 lie 142 Ife7 166 193 193 /// " /y ^/// 194 § Leg band No. JI8; hatching date Mar. 20,1934; age at first egg, 173 days 2fi?9ioji Mont /// //// / / '// C, Leg band No. Jl ; hatching date Mar.20,1934; age at first egg, 190 days Z3tbi789io 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 2S23 3031 Month To Date, y //// s-*yy FEB • SS/S S/S/S yys MAR S S/S ///// " I4Q 147 162 176 199 " /./ AUG /// ///// ///// S y s s/ */ yy s/s *s ss D, Leg band No.J318; hatching date Mar. 20, 1934; age at first egg, 193 days Month Totals 1 2 3 4 b 6 , a 9 12 .1 !4 IS 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 2J 2-4 25 u 27 28 2J 10 n Month To Date SEPT y y / y / y IO IO OCT / / / /> / / y y y / / • / y / 23 33 NOV / y • y S / y y y y y / / y • y y y y 19 52 DEC / y / y y y y y / / 10 62 JAN l/ / / / / y / y y / y / / / y y " y 19 81 FEB \? y y / y r y / y y y 1 1 92 MAR / y s y y * \S y y y y y * y y y y y y 19 1 1 1 APR / / / / / y y / / y y y y y y y y y y y y y / y 2