THE MODERN LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, WITH THEIR SIZES, PRICES, AND PUBLISHERS. CONTAINING THE BOOKS PUBLISHED IN LONDON, AND THOSE ALTERED IN SIZE OR PRICE, SINCE THE YEAR 1800 TO OCTOBER 181 ( UNITEPSTTy r LONDON : WIIJ.IAM BENT, PAT W. 1818. [G. WooDFALL, Angel-court, Skinner-ftreet.] ^ r ^ v t^ ADVEPvTISEMENT. The Books are arranged alphabetically under each of the following heads or classes : Miscellaneous Literature Page 1 Divinity and Ecclesiastical History 12« Law and JurifS-i' . 3 Harris 3 Huod 12 I ackington 9 Ricbardion I 4 Johnjlon 5 16 6 Longman 7 Hatcbard 2 Crojby 4 6 Keatjley 15 H'allis 6 StocLdale I I Sherivood 6 6 E^erton 15 Allen 7 6 Vernor 3 6 Max70eli ij Baldwin 6 I acki.ngton 1 I Niivman 13 6 Lane 14 12 2 1 TVingrave 9 Shertoood 6 Ginger AIK—AMA Aikin's (Edm,) Effayon the Doric Order, imp. folio . Defigiis for Villas and orher Rural Buildings, 4to — (Joh.i) Lives of Seldenand Ulhcr, 8vo i-ffay on Song Writing, wi'h Songs, fmall 8vo Vocal Potlry, and New T.fTiy on Song Writing, fm. 8 vo ■ - ' ' Eflays, Literary and Mirccilatieous, 8vo England Dtrfciibed, 8vo _ - - ■ Tacitus' Trentile on Germany, and Life of AgricoLa, 8vo • "VVoodland Companion, fmall '■ Hiftory of Manchciter :ind its Environs, 4to Annals of the Reign of Litorgc ill, to 1815, 2 vol. 8vo Geograpl1ic.1l Delineations, 7, vol. fmall 8vo Letters on a Courfe of Englifli Poetry, izmo — to a Son, 2 vol. 8vo ... • (Arthur) Natural Hiltory of the Year, izmo, l>d ■ (Lucy) Epiftles on Women, fmall 4to • Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth, 2 vol. 8vo Life of Zwingle, the Swili Reformer, fmall 8vo Juvenile Correfpondence, 1 8mo, i&.^i Ainflie's (Ann M.) Letters from the Dead to the Living, i2mo (John) Comprchenfive Treatife on Land Surveying, 410 Alton's Hortus Kevvtnfis, 5 vol. 8vo Epitome of the above, fmall 8vo, I2s — with References Akenfide's Plcafures of Imagination, by Aikin, izmo Albin's (John) Hiftory of the Iflc of Vvight, 8vo Alderman and Peer, 3 vol. i2mo _ _ - Aldini's Account of Improvements in Galvanifm, 410 Aldrich's Civil Architedlure, by Smyth, 8vo Alexander and Lavinia, 1 2mo , - - - Alexis, the Tyrant of the Eaft, l2mo Alficri's (Vidtor) Memoirs, 2 vol. 8vo _ - - " Tragedies, by Lloyd, 3 vol. izmo Alfred, a Novel, 3 vol. i2mo _ , « - ■ Berkley, Memoirs of, 1 2mo . - - ■ of Normandy, 2 vol. l2mo - - - Algerine Cjptive, 2 vol. l2mo _ - - - Algernon Percy, 2 vol. 1 2mo _ - - Alicia de Lacy, 4vol. i2mo - - - - Alidia and Clond-in, 2 vol. i2mo Alin^a, or Child of Myftery, 4 vol. 1 2mo Alifon's (Arch.) Eflliys on Tafte, 2 vol. 8vo Aiken's Beauties and Defeats of the Horfe, imp. 8vo All Sorts of Lovers, 3 vol. i2mo ■• All 's Well that ends Well, 2 vol. lamo Allbut's Elements of Uftful Knowledge, I2mp, fj. bd Allen's (Cha.) Hiftory of England, i;5mo, hd Roman Hiftory, lamoj^fi^ « - , (W.) Ancient Geography, i2mo, hd Modern Geography, l2mo, bd - ' ' ■ (E.) Hiftory of England, 2 vol- l2mo, bd Alley's Judge, a Poem, l2mo, 4s 6d — fmail 8vo AUrton's Sylphs of the Seafons,and other Poems, lamo Almcira d' Aveiro, 3 vol. izmo Alphonfine, 4 vol. i2mo , - - Alphonfo, or Natural Son, 3 vol. i2mo - - - Alpine Sketches, 8vo . - - - - Alfton's Hints in Landfcape Painting, 8vo Altham and his Wife,l2mo Alton's Treatife on the Origin, &c. of Mofs Earth, 8vo Alvar and Scraphina, 2 vol. i2nio Alvc's Banksof Eflc, a Poem, l2mo Alvondown Vicarage, 2 vol. I2mo Alwin and Theodore, or Tales for Children, 3 vol. lamo Alzylia, or Trial of Virtue, 4 vol. i2mo Amabel, or Woman of Falhion, 4 vol. iimo 7 I 5 Taylor I 11 6 14 6 Leigh 10 E-oans 9 Jobnjon lO 6 - 12 BaUivin 5 9 • 2 2 Cadelt I 5 Longman 12 Johnfon 6 12 3 6 BaUivin 12 John/en 1 5 Longman 10 6 Johnfon 2 6 J Hamilton I 6 Cradock 3 3 Longman 16 7 9 R'jbinfon 15 K!ezL'man I I Cutijcll 18 Laiu J Symonds 5 Colbujn 18 I 7 loigman 13 6 Caiv thorn 4 6 Button 10 Hughes 6 Robin/on 6 Bell I 8 Longman lO 1 annier I Crojby I I ongman 18 Fuller 15 Ne _ the Foundcrsof the French Republic, a vol. lamo Court of France, 8vo . and Family of Nap. Bonaparte, 8vo 8 Lane 6 Longman I Dick la Lane 9 Longman 7 Scatcherd la Caddl 16 6 Cdburn 5 Vernor 8 Ridgivay 9 Robiiifon 4 3 13 6 Murray 9 18 Pannier 10 Cradock 10 6 Lackington a a 5 Bagfler 3 Longman 4 14 6 Miller 4 Wulker 10 6 Col burn 8 Stockdale 10 6 Gale I I Nicel I la Clark 7 Longman 3 9 Miller a Schtley 18 Lane 4 Longman 4 6 I 7 Nicol 5 Ltngman I 5 Black S WLite 12 Matbe-ws 3 6 Baldivin 10 6 Egerton a 6 10 6 Ricbardfon la Gale 3 11 5 Cuming 5 5 Longman 7 I? Baldwin a a Dtbrett 6 6 Black 18 CuJell 18 5 • Black 7 Barr 4 6 Bailey 9 Chappie 3 HaUhard 5 Caiutborn 3 6 Rivington I II 6 Longman 14 Cojhy 4 Savage la Fbillipt 10 Lindfel 10 6 Colburn ANG— ARN Angel'fi (An) Form and a Devil's Heart, 4 vol. i2mo Angelica's Lady's library, 410 . - . Angelina, 3 vol. l2mo - - . Angelion, or Wizard of Elis, 3 vol. izmo Angelo Guiccnrdini, 4 vol. izmo _ - _ Angler's Manual, i2mo - _ _ Anglo-American, or Memoirs of Capt. Gardiner, limo Anglo-Saxons, a Romance, 4 vol. i2mo Anna, or the Welfh Hcirefs, 4 vol. l2mo Edinburg, 2 vol. i2mo _ _ . Annals of Great Britain, 1760 to 1801, 3 vol. 8vo Orlingbury, 2 vol. i2mo the Poor, i2mo - _ _ Anne of Britany, 3 vol. i2mo Annual Regifter (Dodfley) 1758 to 1790, 32 vol. 8vo (Otridge, &c.) 1791 to 1817, 27 vol. 8vo • (Rivington) 1791 to 1796, 7 vol. 8vo New Series, 1801 to 1807, 7 vol. 8vo 20 14 ■ Review, i8c2 to 1808, 7 vol. royal 8vo ■ Biography and Obituary, 1816-17, 2 vol. 8vo -'^i^'- ■ Anonymous, a Periodical Paper, 2 vol. fmall 8vo Anfelmo, or Day of Trial, 4 vol. l2mo Anfter Fair, a Poem, i2mo - _ - Anftey's (Chriftopher) Poetical Works, and Life, 4to • (John) Pleader's Guide, a Poem, fmall 8vo Anthologia, a Collection of Epigrams, &c. l2mo Anti-Delphine, 2 vol. i2mo _ - _ - Antigallican, Patriotic Papers on the Threatened Invafion, 8vo Antij.icobin, or Weekly Examiner, 2 vol. 8vo Antiquarian Cabinet, lO vol. i2mo, 7I los^io vol. 8vo ■ itinerary, 7 vol. l2mo, 5I 5s — 7 vol. 8vo Antiquary, a Novel, 3 vol. i2mo _ _ - Antiquities of Athens, by Stuart and Revett, 4 vol. folio . Attica, by the Dilettanti Society, imp. folio Ionia, by the fame, 2 vol. folio York, eleph. 4to - _ , Antoni on Gunpowder, Fire-arms, and Artillery, 8vo Aphorifms for Youth, i2mo _ _ _ — from Shakfpeare, l8mo Apicius Redivivus, or the Cook's Oracle, i2mo Apollo, a Collection of Songs, i8mo, tJ - ~ Apology for the Roman Catholics of Great Britain, 8vo Appert's Art of Preferving Animal and Veget. Subftances, l2mo Appleton's (Elifabeth) Private Education, l2mo Arabian Tales, 4 vol. i2mo _ _ - ■ Nights Entertainments, by Scott, 6 vol. i2mo Ditto, with Plates, 6 vol. 8vo, 5I js — 6 vol. fm. 8vo ■ by Beaumont, 4 vol. fm. 8vo • Forfter, 4 vol. i2mo, il 4s — 5 vol. 8vo Archaeologia, 17 voi. 4to , ' -;. Archaica, Old Profc Tracts, by Brydges, 2 vol. 4to Archaiology of Wales, 3 vol. roy. 4to Archer's Statiflical Survey of Dublin County, 8vo Aretas, a Novel, 4 vol. i2mo - - Ariana and Maud, 3 vol. i2mo - - - Ariel, or Invifible Monitor, 4 vol. 12mo Ariftophanes' Comedies, 8vo - - - Ariftotle's Rhetoric, or Grounds of Oratory, l8mo by Crimmin, 8vo Armata, a Fragment, 2 parts, 8vo, each Armin's Italian Tailor and his Boy, 4to Armftrong's Obfcrvations on the Errors of Field Officers, 8vo (John) Art of Preferving Health, by Aikin, i2mo Arnold, or a Trait of Civil War, 2 vol. i2mo Arnold's Chronicle, Cuftoms of London, roy. 410 18 8 7 10 14 2 7 3 7 4 10 7 I o 8 4 4 4 6 7 I o I o 3 o o o o 1 12 8 I 25 10 10 8 8 • Newman O Hurji O NrwmaH O O Cfjlhurn 6 BagJJer O Ntivman O Lane O Neivmam O Cradock O Wtllie O Stocidali O Hatcbard 6 Cradock O O o o o o o o 6 o 6 o o 6 o O Clark O O o o Mu o o o o o o o o o 1 3 I 3 25 13 9 19 4 10 o 8 I o o o o o o o o o o I Baldivin Rivington Longman Cadell Netvman Baldivin Cadell Highley Nezuman Vernor Hatcbard Sbertvocd Longman Taylor rraj O Nicol 6 Ackerm. O Egerton O Lackington O Longman O Bagjler O Vernor O Booker O Black 6 Col lint O Robinfon O Longman O O Leigh Miller 6 Bickerjiaff Longman miliatn, Nicol Crofby Lane 6 O o o 6 o O Lackington O Longman O Stockdale 6 Murray 6 Tripbook O Egerton O Cadill O Robinfon O Longman 6 ARR—BAC Arrian's Voyage round the Eux'inc Sea, 4to •— Hiftory of Alexander, by Rookc, 2 vol. 8vo Arrivals from India, 4 vol. i2mo . - - Art of Preferving the Sight, l2ino ■ Feet, i2mo - « _ Tormenting, i2mo - . . ■ Angling in the 'I'rent, limo . Tanning and Currying Leather, l2mo ■ Bookbinding, i2nio - - Arthur, or Paftor of the Village, a Poem, 8vo . Fitzalbini, 2 vol. l2mo - - _ Mervyn, 3 vol. l2mo _ - - Arthur's Difcourfes on Theological and Literary Subjeds, 8vo Artift, a Series of Eflays in Painting, Poetry, tec. Z vol. 410 Artift's Aflirtant, or School of Science, 8vo Arundel, a Novel, Z vol. l2mo - - . Afcham's (Roger) Englifti Works, 8vo Afhe's Travels in America, i8c6, 3 vol. i2mo Commercial View and Geographical Sketch of Brafil, 8vo (John) Mafoi.ic Manudl, 8vo - - _ (Capt.) Memoirs and Confcdions, 3 vol. I2mo Aflifoxd Redlory, or Spoiled Child Reformed, i2mo Afhiey's Xenophon's Inftitution of Cyrus, 8vo ' Art of Painting and Annealing in Glafs, 410 Alhton's Tables of Per-centage on Spirits, fol. L.hd Afhworth's Introdu6tion to Plane Trigonometry, i2mo, bd Afiatic Annual Regiller, 1799 to 1810, 12 vol. 8vo Refearches, 12 vol. 410, 19I 19- — 12 vol. 8vo Supplementary to Jones' Works, Z vol. 410 Afmodeus, or Devil in London, 3 vol. i2mo ATpin's Geo-chronology of Europe, 8vo Aflaflin of St. Glcnroy, 4 vol. i2mo - - - Affociate Minftrels, i2mo _ _ - - Aftartc, a Sicilian Tale, and other Poems, i2mo Aftle's Origin and Pr.igrefs of Writing, roy. 4to Aftley's (P.) Syftem of Equeftrian Education, 8vo i (F. D.) Hints to Planter^, fm. 8vo Aftonifhment, a Romance, z vol. limo Atala, with Plates and Notes, i2mo _ - - ■■ or Hiftory of Two Lovers, i2mo . Amours of Two Savages, i2mo Athenian Letters, during the Peloponnefian War, z vol. 4to Athlin and Dunbayne, i2mo - - Atkins' EfTay on the Gravities and Strengths of -pirits, 4to Atkinfon's Pidtorclque Cottages, roy. 4to, il is— coloured Reprefcntationsof the Rudians, 3 vol. fol. Attempt to rectify the Public /.ffairs, 3 vol. 8vo Atterbury's (Bp.) Epiftoiary Corufpondcuce, S:c. 5 vol. 8vo Attree's Topography of Brighlhclmllon, i2mo Atwood's Difllrtation on Aiches, 2 parts, 410 Aubery Stanhope, 3 vol. 1 2mo - - - Aubrey, 4 vol. 1 2mo - - _ . Audltry's Companion to the Almanac, l2mo Avenger, or Sicilian Vcfpers, 3 vol. i2mo Aufrere's Travels through the Kingdom of Naples, Svo Auguftusand Mary, i2mo - . - - Aunt and Niece, 2 vol. 1 2mo - - - Aurora, or Myfterious Beauty, 2 vol. l2rrvo Auftin's Treatifc on Rhetorical Delivery, 4to Author and Two Comedians, i2mo Autumn (An) near the Rhine, 8vo _ - . Ayfcough'b (Sam.) Index to Shakfpeare's Plays, roy. Svo BACHELOR and the Married Man, 3 vol. l2mo Bachelor's Hcirefs, 3 voU lamo - - - I Cadell I fVatker I Nexvman- 6 Colhurn 6 • Ttg^ 6 U^Jhy 6 m.jra'vc 6 Crojhy 14 Payne Nrwman 12 Lane 8 ongman z z I\4urray 8 OJlcll 8 Maivman I White I Pbillipj 6 10 6 Caivtborn I Colburn 6 Hades 10 6 Pernor I Rivington I Longman 6 Johnfon 10 C a dell 8 Murray 3 3 Robmfon I 1 Hughei 10 6 Didter I Neivman 6 Conder 8 Chappie I n 6 Roive lO 6 RicbardfoK 3 Harding 9 Longman 6 Rohinfon 3 6 Ridgzuay 6 Gale 3 3 Cadell 5 6 Carpenter 5 Robin/on I 15 Gardiner 15 15 Carpenter I 7 Johnfon I 10 Nichols 7 Longman 18 Bone 15 Nczvman 18 Longman z 6 Maivman 18 Slocidale 8 Cadell 4 Jones 8 Lmne 7 Hughes a 2 Cadell 3 6 Allen 14 / ongman a 2 Stockdale 16 6 Longman IS Maldwin BAG— BAR JSachclor's Miferies, 4 Vol. ilmo - - , Journal, % vol. l2mo - - - Bacon's (Lord) Organum Scicntiarum, by Shaw, i2mo . Fables of the Ancients, with Wood Cuts, lamo Two Boi4s on Learning, by Mallet, lamo Eflays, 8vo, los 6d — 1 2010,5$ — with Wood Cuts, i2mo . and Apothegms, lamo Works, 10 vol. 8vo, 4l—r.p. - by Shaw, 12 vol. 1 2mo Badger'': (Charlotte) Admonitions to Parents, 8vo Badham's (Cha.) Juvenal, 8vo - _ - Bae,ley'i Mathematician's Afliftant, 4to Baillie's (Joanna) Milcellancois Plays, 8vo Scries of Plays, on the Paflions, 3 vol. 8vo Baily's Doctrine of Life Annuities and Afflirances, 8vo Tables for purchafing and renewing Leafes, 8vo Epitome of Univerfal Hiftory, 2 vol. 8vo Bain's (Wm.) EfTay on the Variation of the Compafs, in Ships, 8vo Account of the Battles of Quatre Bas, &c. i2mo Bainbridge's Fly Fifher's Guide, 8vo Baines' (Edw ) Wars of the French Revolution, 2 vol. 4to Baker's (John) Tenby, and other Poems, izmo .. Pi^torefque Guide through South Wales, 4 vol. 4to (Geo.) Livy, v^^ith Notes and lUuftrations, 6 vol. 8vo ■ Velleius Paterculus, 8vo . SeleiSt Idyls, from Gefliier, fmall 8vo (Wm.) Peregrinations of the Mind, fmall 8vo ■ (Henry) Univerfe, with Notes by Ciocker, i2mo ■ (J. V* .) Grammar of Moral Philofophy, i8mo, 6d Bakeweil's (Tho.) Moorland Bard, 2 vol. 12'mo (Robert) Obfervations on Wool, 8vo Introduction to Geology, 8vo - - Balance of Comfort, 3 vol. rzmo Baldwin's Political Recollcdions relative to Egypt, 8vo (Edward) Pantheon, i2mo, 6d Fables, with Plaies, I2mo, od 4s — 2 vol. I2mo, 6d Hiftory of England, l2mo, id - - Rome, i2mo, 6d (Tho.) Culture of the Pineapple, fm. 8vo Ballad Singer, 4 vol. i2mo _ _ - Bamfylde Moore Carew, i2mo, 3s — f.p. Bancroft's Philofcphy of Permanent Colours, 2 vol. ivo Life of . V alhington, 8vo Bandit Chief, 4 vol. i2mo . _ - - Bandit's Btide, 4 vol. i2mo « _ - Bankes' (Henry) Civil Hiftory of Rome, 2 vol. 8vo Banks of the Uouro, 3 vol. i2mo - - - Wye, 4 vol. l2mo Banks' (T. C.) and Extin£l Peerage, 3 v. 4to, 61 6s- — Nature of the Kingly Office, 8vo Family of Marmyun, 8vo, 18s — 4to (John) Treatife on Mills, 8vo Treatife on the Power of Machines, Sec. 8vo Bannantine's Parliamentary Retrofpec^ts, 1790 to 1801, 8vo Key to the i-ilmanac, i8mo, 6d Bannatyne's lUuftrations of S^otilh Hiftory, 8vo — Ancient Scotiih Poems, 8vo Bannockburn, a Poem, 8vo - - - Barbara Markham, 2 vol. i2mo Barbary, Hiftorical Memoirs of, i8mo Barbauld's(Mrs.) Female Speaker, izmo, hd Seleftions from the 'I'atler, Sec- 3 vol. l2mo r.p. — Ditto, 3 vol. fmall 8vo Barber's (J.T.) Tour through S.Wales, 8vo. 7s.— f.p. with Plates i- (Wm.) Farm Buildings, 4to r 4 Newman 10 6 - 5 J§nei 5 8 Payne 6 P.y. Vcr. 7 Ri-vington 6 CadcU 3 12 Janes 6 Cjdell 14 Longman 5 6 9 1 7 1 I Riibardfom I 6 I 6 Murray 5 6 Bald-win 16 Longman 2 Harper J JVbite 4 4 Symondi 3 3 Cadell 8 10 6 Longman 6 Sberivotd 3 6 Longman 5 Souter 7 Button 6 6 Harding 18 . 16 6 Nezvman 7 6 Staunton 5 6 Godwin 10 3 6 3 6 I I Rivingtoit I Newman 4 Baldzvin I 16 Cadeil 10 6 Slocidale I 2 Newman 1 2 1 4 Murray 13 6 Lane 18 Crujh:) 9 9 While 7 Sbtrtvod I 15 Caujlon 10 6 Longman 5 Ricbardfom 5 Ridgivay 2 6 Souter 15 Murray I I Longman 8 7 Ricbardfom 2 6 Gale 5 6 Bald-ivin 10 6 Jobnfon 18 I 5 C7dcll 10 6 Hardivg 8 BAR— BAT Barber's EfTay on Building in Pife, 4to Barclay's Englifh Didionary, 8vo, id - . (Mrs.) Seledl Poems for Young People, lamo Bard,or lowers of Morvin, i2mo - . _ Bardouc, or Goatherd of Mount Taurus, lamo Barcith's (Margravine of) Memoirs, a vol. 8vo Barker's (E. H.) Geographical EfTays, 8vo (Jarnes) Drama Recorded, or Lift of Plays, lamo Barlow's Columbiad, a Poem, royal 8vo . Inveftigation of the Theory of Numbers 8vo (Peter) Mathematical Diftionary, royal 8vo New Mathematical Tables, 8vo - — EfTay on the Strength of Timber, 8vo (Stephen) Hiftory of Ireland, 2 vol. 8vo Barnabee's Journal, of Four Journeys in England, i2mo Barnes' ElTay on Fate, and other Poems, izmo (Joh") Tour through France, lamo, l.bJ Tour through St. Helena, lamo Baron dc Falkcnheim, a vol. izmo Fleming, 3 vol. izmo - - ■ the Son, 3 vol. izmo of Fakonberg, 3 vol. izmo Baron's Daughter, 4 vol. izmo - - - Barons of Felfheim, 3 vol. izmo - - - Barouche Driver and his Wife, 2 vol. izmo Barozzi, or Venetian Sorccrefs, z vol. izmo Barrc's Hiftory cf the French Confulate, 8vo Rife and Fall of Bonaparte's Empire, 8vo Barrett's Magus, or Celeftial Intellieencer, 4to Lives of Alchymiftical Philofophers, 8vo (B.) Analyfis of SubUmity, Style, &c. 8vo Life of Cardinal Ximenes, 8vo (E.S.) Woman, a Poem, izmo (John) Earlier Part of the Life of Swift, 8vo Barrington's (Dnines) Poffibility of approaching the N.Pole, 8vo {B\}.) Life of Vifcount Barrington, 8vo, 6s — r.p. (Geo.) Memoirs of Botany Bay, izmo Hiftory of New South Wales, Z vol. 8vo Barrifter's EflTay on Light, Heat, and Eledricity, 8vo Barron's Le(5\ures on Belles Lettres and Logic, z vol. 8vo Barrow's (Wm.) EfTay on Education, z vol. izmo (John) Account of Lord Macartney, z vol. 4to Voyage to Cochinchina, 4to . Tiavels in China, 4to - - - . — . Southern Africa, Z vol. 4to Barry's (Geo.) Hiftory of the Orkney Iflands, 410 (James) Works, Z vol. 4to Bartell's (Edm.) Hints for Ornamented Cottages, royal 8vo Account of Cromer and its Scenery, royal 8vo Ivo fmall 8vo, tJ Bartolomeo's Voyage to the Enft Indies, 8vo Barton's (B. S.) Elements of Botany, royal 8vo, 15s — coloured . (R. C.) Adelaide of Lorraine, a Poem, izmo Bafcley's Glory of the Heavens, izmo Batchelor's Village Scenes, Poems, izmo Oithoepical Analyfis of the Englifli Language, 8vo Bates' (Ely) Rural Philofophy, 8vo Chriftian Politics, ovo _ _ - Bath,illuftrated by Engravings, with Lcttcr-prefs, royal folio a Satirical Novel, 3 vol. izmo Charadtcrs, 8vo - - - - . — '■ — and I^ondon, 4 vol. izmo Bath's (Elifabeth) Poems, izmo Battle of Largs, a Poem, i2nio - - • Barthelcmy's Travels in Italy, 8v Bartlet's Gentleman's Farriery, fi I IZ 3 4 5 9 IZ IZ 15 14 IZ 14 10 10 10 7 10 5 9 5 5 9 iz 3 7 7 I 9 3 13 IZ 3 II 5 10 8 8 5 8 I 4 3 4 7 9 9 I 6 I 5 3 6 Harding O Lcivndcs O PbiUips Neivman Siherivood Col burn Valpy Barker o Fhillip, O "JobnfuH O Rol'wfon O Taylor O Shi'rivoed O Harding O O Darton O Kichardfo* O Lane O O Nrwman O Lane O H'.rjl O Holmes 6 NeiumaR 6 Hvrjl 6 Badcock O LackingicH O Murray O Booker 6 Colburn O RiiingtoH O Allman O Payne 6 Symonds O Sherwood O Underiu. O Longman O RivingtoH O Cadell 6 6 o 6 o 6 o o Longman Cadell Taylor Robin/on O pyingrave O Vernor O Jibnfon O Lloyd Rivington Vernor Longman Miller O Sherwood O IP'ilkie O Newman O Highley BAT— BEA Battle of Flodden, a Poem, izmo - - _ Talavem, a Poem, 8vo - - - Waterloo, with Details, &c. 2 vol. 8vo Ditto, and 34 Etchings, z vol. 8vo, 2I 103 — 410 Battles of the Danube and Barrofn, 8vo BaufTet's (Bifhop) Life of Aichbifliop i'enelon, 2 vol. 8vo Bawden's (Ambrofe) Treatife on Dry Rot, 8vo Baxter's (iho.) Egyptian, &c. ColUime, imp. 8vo, l6s — roy. 4to Bayfield's (Mrs.) Fugitive Poems, l2mo Bayles' Sorrows of Eliza, fma!l ovo Bayley's (Peter) Poems, fm.iU 8vo - . - (Catharine) Vacation Evenings, 3 vol. I2mo Beatfon's Naval and Military Memoirs, 1727 to 1783, 6 v. 8vo Regilter of the Parliamtrnt, l7o8 to 1807, 3 vol. 8vo Political Index to the Hillories of England, Sec. 3 v. 8vo (Alex.) 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Also the Explanation of many Words and Things in the Bible, which are not generally understood. By Peter Oliver, LL. D. late his Majesty's Chief Justice of Massachusset's Bay, New Eng- land. A new Edition, corrected. SOME THOUGHTS CONCERNING A PROPER METHOD of studying Divinity. I'y William Wotton, D. D. A new Edi- tion, with Notes. CALILA AND DIMNAj or the Fables of Bidpai. TranshUed from the Arabic, by the Rev. Wyndham Knatchbull, A. M. Fellow of All Souls' College, and Rector of Wcstbere in the County of V: FAMILY PRAYER BOOK. Early in the emmin^ Spring ivill be published^ DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, ro THE MOST REVEREND THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, PART I. On Royal and Medium Paper, 4to, similar to the FAMILY BIBLE, (to be CONTINUED PERIODICALLY^) OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, &c. WITH NOTES, EXPLANATORY, PRACTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, SELECTED PRINCIPALLY I- ROM THE MOST EMINENT >\ RITERS QF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, liY THE REV. RICHARD MANT, D. D. HECTOR OF ST. liOTOLPIl's, lUSHOPSGATE, AND OF EAST HORBLKY, surrey; AM) nOMKSTR'K CHAPLAIN TO HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. TTM rwr.RSXTY I ..SITV O. CAU.OKNIA UBKAKV This book isDUt^^^giggg R£C uiB. NOV 2 ^ 1979 22Jan5i^|r OCT 1 8 1951 OCT 1 n 195' QLT 1 1 1951 '(5 +1 OCT 2 5 1951 OCl 2 5 1351 '-''•,' r, 1951 LD ai-ioo" .12;«(A2012s'l6)«20 '^oo7(4> THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES