A cz A o =^= en o === C 3D ^ 3 8 ^^ = ^ = o 9 ^^— » r— 33 7 E 9 5 ^^™^~ 1 ^^^= — I 5 7 F6R RFAWNG ROOM aNIV CATALOGUE OF MUSIC IN THE LIBRARY OF CHRIST CHURCH OXFORD BY G. E. P. ARKWRIGHT WITH A PREFACE BY T. B. STRONG DEAN OF CHRIST CHURCH PART I WORKS OF ASCERTAINED AUTHORSHIP HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON EDINBURGH GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE BOMBAY 1915 OXFORD : HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY >* |36> to I I •J PREFACE THE present volume, being Part I of the Catalogue of the Library of Music at Christ Church, contains a list of all the manuscript music of which the authorship is known ; it is CORRIGENDA Page 10, line I. Beckwitk. Omit the name ' Christmas '. Page 38, line 20. Farinelli. For ' Cristiano ' read ' Giovanni Page 71, line 28. Leveridge. For ' Calista ' read ' Caligula Page 86, line 6 from bottom. Insert reference number 945. Page 124. Before line 8 from bottom, insert WHYTE or WHITE (William). repaired, unbound volumes were beautifully bound, loose sheets, of which there were a large number, were sorted and their contents identified. For some of this work we had the help of Sir John Stainer, then Professor of Music in the University. Under Professor Powell's successor, Mr. F. J. Haverfield, now Camden Professor of Ancient History, the books were rearranged and the Catalogue revised and brought up to date. It was then decided, on the proposal of the present Librarian, Mr. H. W. Blunt, to print the Catalogue as it stood, in order that musical scholars might know generally 1 I ;>h -5L c°ic^ to ) / •J PREFACE THE present volume, being Part I of the Catalogue of the Library of Music at Christ Church, contains a list of all the manuscript music of which the authorship is known ; it is not a complete list of the whole Collection. There is besides the works catalogued here a small number of works to which no author's name is appended and of which the authorship has not been traced. Any catalogue of these which should be useful would be a thematic catalogue ; it is hoped that these \ anonymous works will be catalogued thematically in a Second \ Part, which will appear in fasciculi. There is also a con- i siderable number of printed books, many of which are of great interest. There are, however, few volumes of which specimens are not to be found elsewhere, so that the need for a published catalogue is less pressing. There is an ancient manuscript catalogue which was copied in an elaborate fashion on vellum by the Rev. H. E. Havergal, M.A., formerly Chaplain, in the years 1845-7. So far as I am aware, this copy professed to be, and was, a copy and nothing else. While the late Professor York Powell occupied the office of Librarian the books were very carefully put in order. Bindings were repaired, unbound volumes were beautifully bound, loose sheets, of which there were a large number, were sorted and their contents identified. For some of this work we had the help of Sir John Stainer, then Professor of Music in the University. Under Professor Powell's successor, Mr. F. J. Haverfield, now Camden Professor of Ancient History, the books were rearranged and the Catalogue revised and brought up to date. It was then decided, on the proposal of the present Librarian, Mr. H. W. Blunt, to print the Catalogue as it stood, in order that musical scholars might know generally 1 o> CO' IV PREFACE what is to be found in the Library. At this stage the Govern- ing Body had the great good fortune of securing the services of Mr. G. E. P. Arkwright, a scholar of the first rank in music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Mr. Arkwright has gone carefully over the whole Collection and verified all the entries in the Catalogue. But this is not all. In the old Catalogues there was a very long list of anonymous works : by means of his great knowledge of the period Mr. Arkwright has succeeded in tracing the large majority of these works, and they now appear under the name of their composers. I take this opportunity of offering to Mr. Arkwright the most sincere thanks of myself and my colleagues for his invaluable help. It may not be out of place to add a few words upon the Collection itself. It represents mainly the taste and enthu- siasm of one man, H. Aldrich, Dean, 1689-17 12. Aldrich was a man of many gifts and his name is well known. It is hardly necessary to refer to his works in Logic and Theology or to his skill in architecture : we are concerned with him, at present, only as a musician. It was an age of congratulatory verses and odes. Every royal visitor and every occasion of public importance, as well as the annual Act, produced a rich crop of these compositions. Aldrich wrote the music for several of these occasions: for the Encaenia, 1672, 1674, 1675; for the entertainment of the Duke of York, 1683 (Wood's Life and Times, O.H.S., vol. ii. 248, 258, 319, iii. 52). But these were not the only occasions when music was required. There was, of course, the music of the Church ; also, under the Statutes then in operation, the Choragus was ordered to provide a weekly concert, and it is plain from Wood and Hearne that a great deal of music must have been performed in Oxford at this time. Such concerts will, no doubt, account for a large amount of the music owned by Aldrich ; but it is also plain that he was a real student of music, and collected not only for purposes of performance, but also as a connoisseur. In his will, after bequeathing his music to Christ Church, he goes on : ' I make it my request to the Dean and Chapter of the said PREFACE V Church that they will be pleased to take such care of my Prints and books of Musick that they may not be exposed to common usage nor to any man without their leave and appointment, because they are things of value in themselves and to be found in very few Libraries.' The only considerable addition to the books came from the library of Richard Goodson, organist of the Cathedral and Professor of Music in the University from 1682-1718. I have failed to discover any detailed information about this man. His period as organist coincided very largely with Aldrich's residence in Christ Church. Aldrich was Tutor and Censor, then Canon, before he became Dean in 1689. The tastes of the two men must have been in close agreement. Goodson, like Aldrich, wrote music for the Oxford Acts and for the services of the Church ; but though Aldrich in G and certain anthems are still heard here and elsewhere, Goodson's com- positions have gone out of use. Yet he would seem — if, for once, we may trust the language of an epitaph — to have had a high reputation in his day for music, and, if I am not putting too much weight upon the words of the epitaph, for personal charm : H. S. E. Ricardus Goodson Hujus Eccles: Organista Hujus Academ: Mus: Praelector Utrique Deliciae et Decus. Since the days of Goodson there has been no large addition to the Library. The interest in music prevailing in England shortly after the Restoration lasted throughout the eighteenth century, but without producing any considerable musician at Christ Church. It then passed away altogether, and for a long period of years music was regarded in higher academic circles as an eccentric if not a mischievous pursuit. This view would not lead either to the extension of the Collection, or even to the filling up of lacunae. The books have been used by various workers in the field of musical history. Dr. Burney {Hist, of Music, vol. iii, p. 66, note) speaks of the importance vi PREFACE of the Collection, and then adds : ' To these valuable books I have not only been honoured with free access by the Rev. Dean and Chapter, but allowed, in the most liberal manner, to take away many of the most curious in the col- lection out of the library, for a considerable time, in order to consult and make extracts from them at my leisure.' I may perhaps, without disrespect to Dr. Burney, venture to suggest that this liberal policy, if extensively pursued, may account for some of the gaps. Until recent years the music in this as in other Cathedrals was performed from manuscript part- books. These are now superseded by printed copies. The old Cathedral-books, which have many features of interest — especially a series of chants written before the present fixed arrangement of bars was adopted — are now deposited in the Music Library. Nearly all the works outside the period of Aldrich and the Goodsons are in these volumes. Among these is the volume containing chants throughout the month, and a number of anthems by Crotch, mainly in the hand- writing of Dr. Crotch himself. He was organist here from 1790-1807. To note all the points of interest in these books would take me far beyond the limits of a Preface. I will confine myself to quoting the note in Rogers' handwriting on the fly-sheet of MS. 21 : Ben. Rogers his booke Aug. 18 1673 • and psented me by Mr. John Playford Stationer in the Temple • London • This Score-booke was done formerly by that rare musician Mr. Orlando Gibbons and this book is of great value to a composer. The Collection throws some light on the organists of Christ Church and their achievements. It contains certain works by J. Taverner, who was master of the children in Cardinal College, and who was certainly able to play the organ. He was playing at the Evensong on February 21, 1528, when the Cardinal's Commissary arrived to inquire into the orthodoxy PREFACE vii of the College. 1 In Christ Church there was a choir consisting of .boys and men, with a master of the choristers, and the receipts for their payments appear in the Disbursement Books every quarter 2 : but there does not seem to have been an organist before the beginning of the seventeenth century : and there is no evidence of expenditure upon the organ. It is probable that the master of the choristers played the organ also. The boys have a master to teach them grammar and also music : the same person usually performs both these functions. In March, 1605, the word 'organista' occurs for the first time, and the signature attached to it is that of Leonard Major. Leonard Major signs in June, 1605, the receipt of a sum for the purchase of instruments. In 1608 Mr. W. Stonnard appears as organist for the first time, together with a blower. A setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of his appears in the Catalogue. He died in 1629, and was succeeded by Edw. Lowe. This gentleman passed through the Commonwealth. Payments for the organist and blower disappear in 1644 and 1645, the books which alone survive for this period, but in 1659 E. Lowe reappears. He held office till 1682. A considerable number of his compositions is to be found in the Library. After E. Lowe came W. Husbands, who held office till 1692. His name also is in the Catalogue, but he seems to have arranged the com- positions of other men rather than composed on his own account. Then follows Richard Goodson, the friend of Aldrich, and part-founder of the Collection ; he is succeeded in 1 718 by his son, also called Richard Goodson. The elder but not the younger is represented in the Collection. In 1 741 R. Church succeeded R. Goodson the younger, but he also seems to have left no compositions to the Cathedral. In 1776 T. Norris was appointed organist, a man with a 1 See Foxe's Acts and Monuments, ii, p. 523, ed. 1641 ; Grove's Dictionary oj Music, vol. v, p. 30, art. ' Taverner ', by G. E. P. Arkwright. 2 The Disbursement Books are kept in the Treasury. The earliest book is dated 1577. There are large gaps during the broken times of the Commonwealth, but with this exception the series is complete. via PREFACE distinguished record as a singer: one anthem and perhaps three chants represent his achievement, so far as the Collection is concerned. Then, at the age of fifteen, W. Crotch became organist of Christ Church, the most distinguished musician who had yet held the post. His avocations, besides his work in the Cathedral, were numerous, and he moved to London in 1807, still retaining the Professorship of Music. W. Cross was his successor, followed in 1825 by W. Marshall. Both were undistinguished. In 1846 came W. Corfe, son of the organist of Salisbury, who held office till 1882, and is in the recollection of many persons still living. Though a player of very limited resources and by no means a prolific composer, he was a fine musician: old-fashioned in his musical education, he learnt to understand modern music, including that of Brahms. His three successors, Dr. C. H. Lloyd (1882-92), Dr. B. Harwood (1 892-1 909), and Mr. H. G. Ley, are still with us. T. B. S. INTRODUCTION This Catalogue of the MS. music preserved in the Christ Church Library is based upon that made in 1845-7 by the Rev. H. E. Havergal. In Mr. Havergal's Catalogue, which was never printed, the works whose authors are known were arranged under an alpha- betical list of Composers. There were also four lists of anonymous compositions, (i) Sacred music with English words ; (ii) with foreign words ; (iii) Secular music with English words ; (iv) with foreign words; arranged according to the alphabetical order of their first words. The anonymous instrumental works were not catalogued at all. The alphabetical list of Composers' names has been revised and remodelled, and is now printed. But it is felt that lists of words of anonymous compositions are of very little use, and these are reserved for future volumes : it is hoped that a series of thematic catalogues may be issued, beginning with the anonymous Italian cantatas. The musical MSS. in this Library are not all of equal interest. Some of them, such as the fine Set of Part-books, 984-8 ; or the Orlando Gibbons autograph album, 21; or the Virginal Book, 11 13; are of the highest importance. Others are merely compressed Organ Parts made by nineteenth-century organists from accessible printed collec- tions, and are of little value. Dean Aldrich's own MS. copies of old English music (of which the Library contains many volumes) must not be accepted as good authorities ; for it was his practice to alter them freely, so much so that it has been thought best to catalogue many of them as ' adaptations ' under the name of Aldrich. Whenever I have found that any of the compositions catalogued have been published, I have noted the fact for purposes of identifica- tion. In many cases no doubt the printed versions may prove to differ considerably from the MS. copies. It must not be assumed that all the other works are unprinted. I have only noted those which I happen myself to have seen in print. x INTRODUCTION The principal printed collections to which I refer are the following : Arnold. Dr. Samuel Arnold's collection of Cathedral Music, edited by Edward F. Rimbault, 1842. Barnard. Selected Church Musick, 1641. Boyce and Warrens Boyce. Cathedral Music, 1760-73. Joseph Warren's Edition, 1849, contains anthems and services not found in the original edition. Burney. A General History of Music, 1776-89. Cath. Mag. The Cathedral Magazine, or Divine Harmony, 1775. Chappell. Old English Popular Music, edited by H. Ellis Wooldridge, 1893. Clifford. Divine Services and Anthems, 1663: 2nd Edition 1664. [A collection of words only.] Cope. Anthems by Eminent Composers of the English Church, edited by the Rev. W. H. Cope, 1849-51. The Fitzivilliam Virginal Book edited by W. Barclay Squire and J. A. Fuller Maitland. Goss and Turle. Services Ancient and Modern. Hawkins. A General History of the Science and Practice of Music, 1776. Jebb. The Choral Responses and Litanies of the United Church ot England and Ireland, 1847-57. Marshall. Dr. William Marshall's Collection of Cathedral Services. Motett Soc. Collection of Ancient Church Music Printed by the Motett Society. O. E. Ed. The Old English Edition, 1889-1902. Ouseley (i) Cathedral Services, 1853. (ii) Sacred compositions of Orlando Gibbons, 1873. Page. Harmonia Sacra, 1800. The Parish Choir, 1846-51. Rimbault. Cathedral Music. Squire. Purcell's Harpsichord Music, Purcell Society, 1895, edited by W. Barclay Squire. Besides these authorities, I have made free use of the books of reference, dictionaries, catalogues, histories, and musical journals, without which no work of this kind can be undertaken. I mention in particular The Dictionary of National Biography; Fosters Alumni Oxonienses; Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1904-10; Eiiner's Quellen-Lexicon, 1900-4; The King's Musick, by the Rev. H. C. De Lafontaine, 1909; A History of English Cathedral Music by John S. Bumpus; A History of English Music by Henry Davey ; Rimbaulfs Old Cheque-Book of the Chapel Royal, 1872; and his Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, 1847; Cathedral Organists by John E. West, 1899 '> Degrees in Music by C. F. Abdy Williams ; Alessandro Scarlatti by E.J. Dent, 1905; Luigi Rossi by A. Wotquenne, 1909; INTRODUCTION xi Alessandro Stradella, by H. Hess, 1906. The British Museum Catalogue of Printed Music, 19 12, and the Royal College of Music Catalogue of Printed Music, 1909 by W. Barclay Squire; The Catalogue of MS. Music in the British Museum 1906-9, by A. Hughes-Hughes; The Library of Congress Catalogue of Opera Librettos, 19 14 by O. G. T. Sonneck; The Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles, by A. Woiquenne; The Catalogue du Fonds de Musique Ancienne de la Bibliotheque Nationale by /. Ecorcheville ; The Catalogue of Music in the Fitzwilliam Museum, by/. A. Fuller Maitland and A. H Mann. The Rivista Music ale Italiana ; The Sammelbande der Inter- national Musik-Gesellschaft ; The Musical Antiquary; and Mr. F. G. Edwards's articles in the Musical Times. I have received much help in the course of preparing this Catalogue, and I have pleasure in gratefully acknowledging my obligations in particular to Mr. E. J. Dent, who put at my disposal his lists of Scarlatti's Songs and has looked out references for me, and identified music at Cambridge and at Berlin. I have also to express my indebtedness to Professor Ch. Van den Borren of the University nouvelle de Bruxelles, who has identified some music for me and advised me as to MSS. at Brussels ; to Dr. Hugo Leichtentritt, who collated some Scarlatti MSS. at Berlin ; Cav. Livi and Monsieur Andre Pirro have given me valuable help in the endeavour to identify compositions by Carissimi and by Pietro Cornet. I have consulted Mr. W. J. Lawrence also with regard to some of the seventeenth and and eighteenth century plays of which the music is found in the Library. There are some contractions used in this Catalogue which need explanation. v. = voices : 4 v. = for 4 voices. A. = Alto : T. = Tenor : B. = Bass. S. = Soprano : Tr. = Treble. V. A. = Verse Anthem : F. A. = Full Anthem. V. and Chos. = Verse and Chorus. Te D., Bte., Btus., Jub., Ky., Sctus., Glo., Mag., N. Dim., Cant. D. Mis. = Te Deum, Benedicite, Benedictus, Jubilate, Kyrie, Sanctus, Gloria, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Cantate and Deus Misereatur. Sc. = Score : Sep. = Separate parts. B. M. = British Museum. R. C. M. = Royal College of Music. G. E. P. A. ALCOCK (John). 17 15-1806. Mus. Doc. Organist of Lichfield 1749-60. Service in E mi. Published in 1753. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 41 Two Chants (the first also in 1229, without name) 1226 Thirteen Chants (2 with name, 1 1 with initials J. A.) 1229 ALDRICH (Henry). 1647-1710. D.D. Dean of Ch. Ch. 1689. Services. Service in E mi. 4 v. Bte., Jub., Ky., Creed. Score 60 The same, with ' If the Lord himself and Mag. and N. Dim. A. and B. parts only 785 Benedicite from the same (unfinished). Score 19 Service in F. 2-5 v. Te D., Jub. (two versions), Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 19 Sep. parts. (A. T. B. only) 1220-4 A. and B. Chorus parts (incomplete) 1188-9 Organ part, without Mag. and N. Dim. 1230 Service in G. 4 v. Printed c. 1690 without Sctus. and Glor. ; and in Boyce. Sctus. and Glor. in Ouseley. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Sctus., Glor., Mag., N. Dim. Score 19, 50 The same without Sctus. and Glor. Score 15 Organ parts 1225, 1228 Service in A. 4 v. Arnold. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Cant., Deus Mis. Score 19, 60 Te D. (unfinished). Score 1111 Cantate and Deus Mis. Score 15 Organ part, without Ky. and Creed 1228 Three Single Chants. 4 v. Score 48 The 1 st and 3rd of these, Organ part 1226 Another Single Chant. Organ part 1226 Anthems. All people that on earth. V. A. Adapted from Tallis. Arnold, Moteti Soc, &c. Scores 11, 16 (2 versions), 614 Sep. T. and B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 1230, 1235 2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ALDRICH (Henry)— continued. Behold in heav'n. V.A. (from Carissimi) cf. B. M. Addl. MS. 17840. Ascribed to Blow, in late hand, in 12 and 16. Score 12, 16, 614 Sep. A. T. (verse and Chos.), B. (verse and Chos.) 1220-4 Behold now praise the Lord. 5 v. (Adapted from ? Palestrina) Cope. Score 19 Organ parts 1228, 1230 Be not wroth. 5 v. Freely adapted from Byrd's Civitas sancti tui in Sacrae Can Hones, 1589. Scores 16, 614 Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1230 Blessed is the man, V. A. : probably an adaptation by Aldrich. Scores 12, 16, 614 By the waters of Babylon. 6 v. (Adaptation. Ascribed to Farrant in a late hand in 16). Cope. Score 11, 16 Four-part version. Score 614 Organ part 1230 An anonymous version, slightly different, with Gloria Patri. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Call to remembrance. 4 v. (Adapted from Farrant with added verse, O remember not.) Score 11, 16, 614 Organ 1230 Comfort ye my people. V. A. for A. T. B. and Chos. Score 19 For Sion's sake. V. A. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Score 12, 16, 614 Give ear O Lord. F. A. 4 v. (? Adaptation.) Score 11, 19 Sep. parts 521-4 Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1230 Fragment of Studies for same 1188-9 Give the king thy judgements. Bass Solo and Chos. One page of this anthem was printed by Aldrich as part of an intended publication, fol. : no place nor date 1208 Score 15, 19 God is our hope. 5 v. Page, &c. Score 19 Organ part 1230 God is our refuge. T. T. and Chos. ? Adaptation. Score 12, 16, 614 Haste thee O Lord my God. 2-6 v. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Score 16, 614 Have mercy upon me. T. Solo and Chos. Printed by Aldrich as part of an intended publication 1208 Score 19 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 3 ALDRICH (Henry) — continued. Hide not thou thy face. 5 v. (Adapted from Farrant.) Score 11, 16 Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Arranged for 4 v. Score 614 Organ part of same, as in 614 1230 Hold not thy tongue. 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's Nativitas tua.) Score 11, 614 Score, two versions 16 Organ part 1230 I am come into my garden. 2 v. (S. and B). Score initialled H. A. 18 I am well pleased. V. A. for A. T. B. and Chos. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Arnold. Score 12, 16, 614 Organ part 1226 If the Lord himself. V. A. Score 19 (In 19 a later hand has written 'Dr. Child' above this Anthem. Child's setting, however, is quite different. All the contents of 19 are by Aldrich.) A. and B. Chos. parts only 785 I look for the Lord. 5 v. Freely adapted from Tallis's Absterge Domine in Caniiones, 1575. Score 11, 16, 614 A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ 1230 Sep., differing from above (twice) 510-4 I waited patiently. Sopr. Solo and Chos. Score 15, 19 I will exalt thee. V. A. with Instruments. Score 19 Violin part 1142 I will love thee. Bass Solo and Chos. Score 19, 22 My heart is fixed. 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's Nos autem gloriari) Score 11, 16, 614 Organ part 1230 Not unto us. 4 v. (Adapted from Farrant and Lawes). A mold, &c. Score 48 Organ part 1230 O give thanks. 6 v. Printed c. 1690: Boyce, &c. Score 19 Second Treble part only 683 Organ part 1230 Fragments and sketches 1188-9 O God the King of Glory. 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's O rex gloria.) Score 11, 16, 614 Sep. parts 521-4 Sep. parts wanting Cantus 1220-4 Organ part 1230 O God thou art my God. T. Solo and Chos. Score 15, 19 O how amiable. V. A. S. S. and Chos. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Score 12, 16, 22, 614 4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ALDRICH (Henry) — continued. O Lord God of my salvation. (Adapted from Palestrina, cf. B. M. Addl. MS. 31399.) Score 48 Organ part 1230 O Lord grant the Queen. 5 v. Score 783 Organ part 1230 O Lord I bow the knees. (Altered from Mundy.) Score 16, 614 Organ part 1230 O Lord I have heard. V. A. Score 19, 22 O Lord I will praise. V. A. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Score 12, 16, 614 O Lord my God. V. A. (Altered from Bull, q. v.) Boyce. Score 16, 614 O Lord our Governor. S. Solo initialled H. A. 18 The same (with different Gloria for 4 v.) Score 19 O praise the Lord all ye heathen. 4 v. Arnold. Score 11, 15, 19 Organ parts 1230, 1235 O pray for the peace. V. A. (Adapted from Carissimi.) Score 12, 16, 614 O sing unto the Lord. S. Solo and Chos. Score 19 Out of the deep. 4 v. Boyce, &c. Score 11, 15, 19 Sep. parts, wanting Cantus 1220-4 Organ parts 1230, 1235 Praise the Lord, O ye his servants. V. A. Score 15, 19 Treble voice part without Gloria at end 1114 Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints. 4 v. Score 19 Organ part (imperfect) 1230 The eye of the Lord. F. A. 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's Jesus junxit se.) Score 11, 16 (two versions), 614 Organ part 1230 The Lord is king. S. Solo and Chos. Score 19, 22 Thy beauty O Israel. V. A. (Arranged from Wise, q. v.) Boyce. Score 614 Unto thee, O Lord. V. A. Score 15 (two versions), 19 We have a strong city. V. A. for A. T. B. and Chos. Score 19 We have heard. 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's Doctor bonus.) Arnold. Score 11, 16, 614 Organ part 1230 Who's this that comes. V. A. Score 19 Imperfect copy, beginning ' Brought me salvation ' and differing considerably from 19 15 Why art thou so vexed? 4 v. (Adapted from Palestrina's Ave Maria.) Score 11, 16, 614 Sep. parts 521-4 Sep. parts, wanting Cantus 1220-4 Organ part 1230 O bone Jesu. 4 v. (S. S. A. B.) Score initialled H. A. 18 Salvator mundi. (S. S. B.) Score initialled H. A. 18 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY ALDRICH (Henry)— continued. Secular Works. Consurge tandem lam satis somno, 1679 Revixit Io Carolus Songs for the Oxford Act. 1-4 v. With " overtures and instr. parts. Score 619 Conveniunt doctge sorores Hie sede Carolus Act Song performed in the Oxford Theatre, July 7, 1682. 6 v. With overtures and instr. parts. Sep. parts 1127 (This is probably by Aldrich, in whose writing it seems to be.) Philomela praevia temporis. 3 V. (S. S. B.) Score initialled H. A. 17 Good, good indeed. A catch on Tobacco. 4 v. (Printed in Catch that catch can, 1682) 698 O the bonny Christ Church bells 1003 Suites of short pieces in 2 parts 90-1 Nine pieces in A mi., of which 1, 6, and 9 have the name Mr. Oldridge or Alderidg; five pieces in Gmi., the last bearing the name Mr. Oldridg; four pieces in C, the 2nd and 4th by Mr. Oldredge. Papers prepared for a treatise on Music 1187 [See also under A/sop: Blow: Bull: Byrd: Farrant{R.): Goodson: Mundy : Pales irina: P seudocarissimi : Tallis : R. While : Wise.'] ALISON (Richard), fl. 1592-1606. My prime of youth, Pt. I 1 Tfeble so1q 439 The spring is past, Pt. II ) From An Howres Recreation, 1606. ALOYSIUS (Giovanni Battista Aloisi) of Bologna. Published between 1628 and 1640. Four Motets from Ccelestis Parnassus, 1628. Basso continuo only 880 Attollite portas. 4 v. Cantate Domino. 4 v. Dulcissima Christi. 4 v. Impetum inimicorum. 4 v. ALSOP (Anthony) of Ch. Ch., d. 1726, for whom see Did. Nat. Biogr. Probably author of the words only. Britannia, a song written for the Oxford Act, 1693, beginning 'Dum Mosa torpet.' 'Supposed to be adapted to music of Carissimi,' ? by Aldrich. 1-4 v. Score 619 AMBROSE (John). A 16th-century writer, known only by an instru- mental piece in B. M. Roy. MSS. Appx., No. 58. Fancy, for keyboard instrument 1034 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC AMNER (John), Mus. Bac. Organist of Ely, 1610-41. Consider all yee passers by. V. A. for 5 v. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 I am for peace. V. A. for 5 v. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 Lord in thy wrath. V. A. 5 v. Organ part . 6 My shepperd is the livinge Lorde. V. A. 6 v. Organ part 6 O magnifye the Lorde our God. V. A. Organ part 6 The king shall rejoyce. V. A. Organ part 6 ANERIO (Felice), Composer to the Papal Chapel, 1 594-1 602. The nightingale recountinge. Madrigal for 4 v. Sep. parts 1074-7 Why sitt we so deiected. (Adapted from ' Se darmi a tutte ' from Canzonette, 1586). Sep. parts 1074-7 ARNE (Thomas Augustine), Mus. Doc. 1710-78. Vain is Beauty's gaudy flow'r. A song in the oratorio Judith 1111 ARNOLD (Samuel), Mus. Doc. 1740-1802. Organist of West- minster Abbey. Single Chant 1226 ASOLA or ASULA (Giovanni Matteo), of Verona. Chapel Master at Treviso, 1578; and at Vicenza, 1581. Reioyce ye holye Martyrs. 3 v. Sep. 750-3 ASTON or ASHTON (Hugh), fl. in the early 16th century. 'Hugh Ashton's Maske,' in 4 parts, wanting Bass 979-83 Probably a composition on this ground by Whytbrooke, whose name is attached to the contra tenor part. ASTORGA (Baron Emmanuele d'). See Scar laid (Alessandro) for Cantata ' Deh per merce.' B. (J.) probably John Bannister, q. v. Ayre ; In Nomine fantasia ; Pavin (not in Alto nor Bassus Books) for Instruments. 5 parts. Sep. 473-8 Air, or perhaps 4 airs, by J. B. Violin part only. 1025-7 B. (L. G.) Three Chants 1226 BACCUSI (Hippolito), Chapel Master at Verona, 1572; and at Mantua, 1584; d. at Verona, 1609. Fly hence, ye shades of night. Canzonet. 3 v. Treble part only 742 BAILEY ( ). Double Chant 1226 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 7 BALTZAR or BALTAZAR (Thomas), c. 1630-63. Violinist. A native of Lubeck ; came to England in 1656; was in Oxford in 1658 (cf. A. Wood's Life and limes). A Set of Tunings. Two Almans and a Sarabrand. Violin part only 1125 BANISTER (John), 1630-79. 'Chief of His Majesty's Violins,' 1663. Part of the incidental music to Katherine Philips's tragedy, Pompey, 1663. Banister's name is attached to the first song only, but probably the rest is his also 350 From lasting and unclouded day. Sopr. Solo. After the 3rd Act. Proud monument of Royal Dust. Sopr. Solo. After the 4th Act. Ascend the Throne. Sopr. Solo. ) After the Then after all the blood. Chorus, Sopr. and Bass only.) 5th Act. The bread is all baked. 3 v. From D'Avenant's comedy, The Man's the Master, 1669 23 [? Begon all fruitless joys 350 This seems to be a version, much altered, of Banister's song in B.M. Addl. MS. 19759] Ten sets of Brawles, Dances, Airs, &c, for strings, of which one is called ' The Musick at the Bath ' ; and one set for trumpets. Sep. parts 1183 Airs, &c, for violin. 1st V. part only, n airs or sets 361 6 airs or sets 362 Grounds in G mi. (Tr. Tr. B.) ; F and Bjj (Tr. and B.) [formerly 1125] 1183 The G mi. Ground. 1st Tr. only 1025-7 Saraband for Harpsichord 1003 [See B (/.)] BAPTIST, or BABTIST. Probably Jean-Baptiste Lully, q.v.; though Gio. Battista Draghi, organist to Catharine of Braganza, was also known in England as Signor Baptist or Baptista. Tune for violin (violin part only), ' Mr. Baptist ' 362 Tune for violin (violin part only), ' Babtist ' 1066 Three tunes for recorder. Treble and Bass. ' Mr. Baptist.' 1118 and 1121 [See Batis.~\ BARE. Probably intended for La Barre, q. v. Corant for Harpsichord 1236 BARRETT (John), c. 1674-f. 1735. Music master at Christ's Hospital. Corant for Harpsichord 46 BARTORELLI (Benedetto). A 1 7th-century writer. Basta amor. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 947 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BASSANI (Giovanni Battista). c. 1657-1716. Born at Padua. Chapel master to the Cathedral of Ferrara. Died at Bergamo. The Motets marked * are from his Opera 8, Metri sacri red armo- nici, Bologna, 1690. The MS. 1 124 contains only short extracts, apparently chosen for purposes of study, or teaching. Advolate fideles. 2 v. S. S. 48 'Aligeri amores. Voice and Bass only 763 Alto voice only 389 1st and 2nd violins and violone, sep. 1154 *Ave verax honor. Voice and Bass only 763 *Eja tubae. Voice and Bass only 763 1 st and 2nd violin parts (loose) 1154 Esurientes venite. 2 v. S. B. 48, 1204 Gaude alma dilecta. S. S. B. extract without words 1124 *In caligine. Voice and Bass only 763 With 3 instrumental parts in score 23 1st and 2nd violin and violone parts, sep. 1154 *In hoc mundo. Voice and Bass only 763 With 2 instrumental parts in score 23 1 st and 2nd violin and violone parts, sep. 1154 In sole lucente. S. and B. without words (extract) 1124 Lsetare laetare. S. S. B. without words (extract) 1124 O donum. S. S. B. without words (extract) 1124 O sacrum. S. S. B. without words (extract) 1124 O splendida dies. 2 v. S. B. 48 *Pompae vanae. Voice and Bass only 763 1st and 2nd violin and violone parts, sep. 1154 Pulchra es arnica mea. 2 v. S. S. 48 Quando tandem sponse care. S. and B. without words (extract) 1124 *Quid arma, quid bella. Voice and Bass only 763 With 3 instrumental parts in score 23 Violone part only 690 Ride tellus gaude caelum. 2 v. S. B. 48 Sub umbra noctis. S. S. B. without words (extract) 1124 Suenturati miei pensieri. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 958 Sonata in A mi. Vo. 1 and 2, Vcello. and Basso. (The first Sonata from Suonate a due, tre instrumenti, [&c] Opera Quinta, Anversa, 1 691.) Score 3 BASSANO (Hieronymo), probably Jerome, son of Anthony Bassano or Bassani, who came to England c. 1539. Jerome appears as one of the King's Musicians, 1603-30. Four fancies in 5 parts. Sep. 716-20 BATIS. Probably for Baptist, q.v. Almaine, Coram, and Sarabant for Harpsichord, in D mi. 1177 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 9 BATTEN (Adrian). Organist of St. Paul's, ? 1624 ; d. about 1637. Morning and Evening Service in Dorian Mode. Goss and Turk, Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Organ parts 437, 438 (In 438, the Jub. is headed Benedictus, no doubt by mistake.) The same without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1227 The same. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Bass only 1012 ' Long Service.' Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Sep. parts wanting Cantus 1220-4 Preces and ' first Psalmes ' (Ps. xx) ; ' 2 d Psalmes for Easter Day ' (Ps. xxi) ; '3 d Psalmes for y e 27 of March'; '4^ Psalmes' (Ps. lxviiS ; '5th Psalmes' (Ps. cxlv); ' 6 th Psalmes for Whit- sunday ' (Ps. xlv). Bass part only 1148 Anthems. Deliver us O God. 4 v. Boyce. Sep. T. and B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 438, 1228 Haste thee O God. 4 v. Barnard, Cope. Sep. T. and B. only 1220-4 Bass part only 1012 Organ parts 437, imperfect at end ; 438 Hear my prayer. 5 v. Boyce. Organ part 1228 Hide not thou thy face. Barnard. Organ part 437 Lord we beseech thee. 4 v. Barnard. Parish Choir. Organ part 437 O Lord thou hast searched. V. A. Organ part 6 O praise the Lord. 4 v. Barnard, Boyce, &c. Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 437, 438, 1228 Out of the deep. 4 v. (not Barnard's). Bass part only 1012 When the Lord turned. 4 v. Barnard, Cope. Bass part only 1012 BATTISHILL (Jonathan). 1738-1801. Three chants " 1226 BAWDWINE (John). Perhaps the same as John Baldwin, a singing man from Windsor, who was sworn Gent, of the Chapel Royal 1598, and died 16 15. His name appears as that of the copyist of many MSS. The set of part-books, 979-83, which bear the initials I. B. stamped on the covers, may have belonged to him. Pater noster. 5 v. (?) Wanting the Tenor Book 979-83 Redime domine. 5 v. (?) Wanting the Tenor Book G79-83 A fancy in 3 parts. Wanting the Tenor Book 979-83 A fancy in 3 parts, called ' Coockow as me walked '. Wanting the Tenor Book 979-83 BECKIT or BECKET (Philip). One of the King's Musicians, 1660-78. He is named both among the Violins and the Wind Instruments. Twelve Airs, &c, in 4 parts. Treble only. 1066 io CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BECKWITH (John Christmas). 1 750-1809. Mus. Doc. Organist of Norwich Cathedral. Four Chants 1226 BENITTI (?) ( ). An unknown composer of the 17th century. Occhi belli. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 948 BENNET (John), fl. 1599-16 14. Oh God of gods. V. A. for 5 v. Sep. wanting Bass 56-60 Organ part 67 All creatures now. Madrigal. 5 v. From The Triumphs of Oriana. Score without words 33 Venus birds. Treble Solo and Bass. (Cf. B. M. Add. MS. 17786, &c.) 439 Ye restles thoughts. Two Treble parts only. From the Madrigals, 1599 740, 742 BENNET (S.). Double chant in G 1226 BEVIN (Elway). Organist of Bristol, 1589; Gent, of the Chapel Royal, 1605; from which posts he is said to have been expelled as a Papist in 1637. ' Short ' service in Dorian mode. Barnard, Boyce. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 42, 1002 Sep. parts, wanting Cantus 1220-4 The same, without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1227 The same, Te D. and Bdtus. only. Organ part 438 The same, Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, with different Mag. and N. Dim. Organ part 1001 Venite to same. Sep. parts. A. T. and B. only 1220-4 Mag. and N. Dim., ' Mr. Bevin's Gimill.' Sep. parts A. T. B. only 1220-4 Browning. 1 For instruments in 3 parts. Treble and Tenor only. 979-83 BIRCHENSHA (John), fl. 1651-72. He lived at Dublin in the service of the Earl of Kildare till 1641. He was a teacher of music in London about 1651, and wrote on the theory of music. Twelve pieces for Violin and Bass and Organ. Vo. and Bass. Sep. parts 1016-7 Organ part 781 1 A composition founded on the tune called ' Browning ' : see Chappell'* Old English Popular Music, 1893, i. 155. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY n BISHOP (John). 1665-1737. Organist of Winchester Cathedral. Service in D. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Cantate, Deus Mis. Score 42 Cantate and Deus Mis. only. Organ part 1231 Bow down thine ear. Organ part 1235 Call to remembrance. Sep. parts wanting Cantus 1220-4 Organ part 1234 O be joyful. Sep. parts wanting Cantus 1220-4 Tenor only 1219 Organ part 1234 O how amiable. Organ part 1235 BLOW (John). 1648-1708. Mus. Doc. Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal, 1674. Organist of Westminster Abbey. Services. Service in A. 4 v. Boyce. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Cant., Deus Mis. Score 22 Short score 526 Organ part 1228 Service in E mi. 4 v. Boyce (with Te D. instead of Bdte.). Bdte., Jub., Ky., Creed, Cant., and Deus Mis. Score 1* Short score 526 Jub., Cant., Deus Mis. Score (unfinished) 22 Te Deum of same service. Score 22 The same. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, instrumental parts (Vo. 1 and 2, Bass) 1203 Service in G. 3-4 v. Boyce (without Bdtus., Sctus., Glor., Cant., and Deus Mis.). Te D., Bdtus., Jub., Ky., Creed, Sctus., Glor., ' Triple Commandments ' and ' Triple Creed ' (i. e. in triple time), Cant., D. Mis., Mag., and N. Dim. Score 780 Single Chant. 4 v. Boyce 48 Single Chant 1229 Anthems and Motets. And I heard a great voice. Score 621 Short score 525 As on Euphrates. 3 v. Score 14 Behold in heaven. See under Aldrich. Christ being raised from the dead. Organ part 1233 God is our hope. 8 v. Boyce. Organ part 1* Score 1205 How art thou fallen. 2 v. Harmonia Sacra, Bk. I, 1688 Score 14, 621 How doth the city. 3 v . Score 14, 22 I beheld and lo. V. A. Harmonia Sacra, Bk. II, 1714. Boyce. Score 782 Organ part 1229 12 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BLOW (John) — continued. I said In the cutting off. V. A. with instruments. Score 621 wanting end, 628, 691 I was in the Spirit. V. A. Boyce, &c. Score 16 (An adaptation, ? by Aldrich, of ' And I heard a great voice,' q.v.) I will cry. V. A. Score 14, 22 Jesus seeing the multitude. V. A. Score 14, 22 Lord how are they increased. V. A. Warren's Boyce, &c. Score 12, 22 Short score 525 My God my soul is vexed. Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 1228, 1230 O give thanks. V. A. with instruments. Score 628 O God wherefore art. 5 v. Boyce. Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1230 O Lord I have sinned. V. A. Boyce. Score 14, 22 Save me O God. V. A. Boyce. Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1230 Sing we merrily. V. A. Page. Score 14 Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1229 The kings of Tharsis. V. A. with instruments. Score 628 The Lord hear thee. 4 v. Score 48 Organ part 1228 The Lord is my shepherd. V. A. with instruments. Score 628 Turn thee unto me. V. A. Score 14, 18, 22 Sep. parts. S. A B. only 623-6 When the Lord turned. V. A. with instruments. Score 628 When Israel came out of Egypt. Organ part 1233 Cantate Domino. 2 v. Score 14 Gloria Patri. 2 v. Score 14, 22 Gloria Patri qui creavit nos. 5 v. Score 14 In lectulo meo. 2 v. Score 14 Laudate nomen. 2 v. Score 14 Paratum cor meum. 2 v. Score 14 Post haec audivi. 2 v. Score 14 Quam diligo legem. 2 v. Score 14 Salvator mundi. 5 v. Score 14 Songs, Cantatas, &c. Arise my darken'd melancholy soul. Tenor Solo 350 Awake my lyre. David's song to Michal, by Cowley. Sopr. Solo 49 The same for Sopr. Solo with 4 part Chos. and accompaniments for Vo. 1 and 2, and Bass. Score 23 Come poetry and with you bring. Sopr. Solo and 3 part Chos. Score 350 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 13 BLOW (John) — continued. Faire nimph that to the wanton winds. Sopr. Solo ' Euridice ' and Chorus of Nymphs and Shepherds a 3. Score 23 Goe perjured man. 2 v. Sopr. and Bass with instruments. Amphion Anglicus, 1700. Score 23, 628 Vo. 1 part only 527 Hark how the cheerful wakeful cock. Dialogue between two penitents, begun by Mr. Humphreis and finish'd by Dr. John Blow. Harmonia Sacra, Bk. I, 1688 49 How I have served. Sopr. Solo 350 No Lucinda I swear. Canon (cf. B.M. Addl. MS. 30933) 1215 Peaceful is he. Sopr. Solo. Harmonia Sacra, Bk. I, 1 688 350 Philander do not. Sopr. voice only. Amphion Anglicus, 1700 389 When from the old Chaos. Sopr. Solo. Banquet of Musick, 1688 350 Why weeps Asteria. Sopr. Solo. Amphion Anglicus, 1700, and Banquet 0/ Musick, Bk. II, 1688 350 Masque, ' Venus and Adonis.' Old English Edition, 1902. Score 37 Some of the Treble voice part 1114 Fragment of chorus 1142 New Year's Song, 1682-3. 'My trembling song awake,' words by T. Flatman. Published by Dr. Mann, 1901. Score 23 Thirteen Pieces for the Harpsichord (2 Almaines, 1 Chiacone, 1 Corant, 2 Grounds (one called Morlake Ground), 1 Prelude, 1 Saraband, and 6 unnamed 1179 Two Almaines, 1 Corant, 2 Grounds, and 1 unnamed piece, for Harpsichord 1177 Prelude and 2 pieces for Harpsichord 1003 Three voluntaries (1 in C and 2 in G) 47 The first of those in G 1176 (A piece signed R. K. (? King) printed as Blow's by E. Pauer in Old English Composers for the Virginals and Harpsichord) 46 BOCCARINI (Francesco), a 17th-century writer in the service of Cardinal Mont' Alto. (Eilner.) Conto l'hore. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 998 BONONCINO. It is not stated by which member of the family the following Cantata was composed. Quando O bella. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 993 BONONCINI (Giovanni), ? Giovanni Battista, q. v. D'ogni puro candore. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 993 (cf. B.M. Add. MS. 14228.) BONONCINI (Giovanni Battista) b. ? 1672 ; still living, 1748. When Saul was King. Anthem composed for the funeral of the Duke of Marlborough, 1722. Published by Meares. Sep. parts. Treble Chorus and Viola only 69 and 72 14 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BORRI (Giovanni Battista). ' Bolognese in Roma.' 17th century. 'Messa a 4 con V.V. e Rip .' Kyrie eleison and Gloria in excelsis. Sep. parts 1085-1108 First Treble voice part only 529 Single parts. 1st Treble voice, Vo. 1 (incomplete), Vo. 2, Vcello 69, 70, 71, 73 Credo a 5. Sep. parts 1162-71 BOWMAN (Henry); published a volume of songs at Oxford in 1678. Miserere mei Deus. 1-3 v. Score 784 I'll sing of Heroes. 3 v. (T.T.B.) and Basso, from the Songs, 1678. Sep. 623-6 BOYCE (? Thomas, Mus. Bac. Oxon., 1603; or William, to whom are attributed some Fancies in R. C. M. Library, and who may be the William Boys, temporary organist of Lincoln, 1593.) If ye love me. 4 v. Short score 6 BOYCE (William). 1710-79. Mus. Doc, Organist of the Chapel Royal. I will alway give thanks. Organ part 1233 Sing unto the Lord. Organ part 1235 Single Chant in A 1229 Double Chant in B|? (or by Cooke) 1226 BRODERIPP ( ) Single Chant in G mi. 1229 BRUNO (Guil.), a 1 7th-century organist. See Eitner. Toccata for the Organ 89 BRUSTERS, elsewhere spelt Brusser, and perhaps Brewster. A 16th-century writer. In nomine in 5 parts 984-8 BRYNE (Albertus). c. 162 i-c. 1677. Organist of St. Paul's, and later of Westminster Abbey. Service in G. 4 v. Arnold. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 The same without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1225 Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Saraband and aire for Harpsichord 1177 Piece for Harpsichord 1236 BULL (John). ? 1562-1628. Mus. Doc. Gentleman and Organist of the Chapel Royal. Gresham Professor of Music, 1596. Left England 16 13. Organist at Brussels and Antwerp, where he died. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 15 BULL (John) — continued. Almighty God which by the leading of a Star. V. A. for 2 Trebles and Instruments and 5-part Chorus. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 Chorus parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 47 The same. O Lord my God. Boyce. See under Aldrich. How joyful and how glad. V. A. with Instruments and 5-part Chorus. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 In thee O Lord. ' For 2 meanes.' Organ part 1001 In nomine. 5 parts. Sep. 984-8 Prelude for the Virginal. From Parthenia 431, 1179 Eight Almaines, 2 Pavins, Dorick 3 pts., Dorick 4 pts., 2 Preludes, Walsingham, Faire and Sweet, In nomine, Miserere, and 2 unnamed pieces for the Virginal 1113 Of these the Almaines No. 77 and 88 and 109 are also in 1003 The Miserere is in 1207 (Of the pieces contained in MS. 11 13 the following are found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (edited by Maitland and Squire). Almain No. 103 is in Vol II, p. 470; there anonymous and called 'Dalling Alman'. The Prelude, No. no (a) is that in Vol. II, p. 274. 'Walsingham' is in Vol. I, p. 1. The 'In Nomine ' is in Vol. II, p. 34. The ' Miserere ', Vol. II, p. 442. The unnamed piece No. 67 is that in Vol. I, p. 138. The 'Almain' No. 109 is a setting of 'Meridian Alman', Vol. II, p. 477 : there 'Set by Giles Farnaby'.) 1 The Dutches of Brunswicks delight,' for the Virginal 431 (Fitzwilliam V. Book, II, p. 146 : there called 'The Duke of Brunswick's Alman '.) BYRD (William), c. 1542-1623. Organist of Lincoln, 1563. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1569. Services. Short Service. Barnard ; Boyce. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Sep. parts. A.T.T.B. only 1220-4 Score, without words 1002, 37 Short score, without words 525 Organ parts 437, 438, 1231 Organ part, without Bdtus., Ky., and Creed 88 Organ part. The whole with Venite 1001 Evening service. Barnard. Mag. and N. Dim. 'For a Man a lone.' Sep. parts. A. T. B. chorus parts only 1220-4 Organ part 1227 Evening service. Barnard. Mag. and N. Dim. ' Mr. Birds 3 minnoms.' Organ part 1001 i6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BYRD (William)— continued. • Mr. Birds Answers.' Preces, suffrages, &c. Printed by Jebb. Treble and Bass only 88 An incomplete copy of the same, scratched out, is in the same MS. Anthems. Those marked * are printed in Psalmes, Sonets and Songs, &c, 1588. Those marked t are printed in Songs of sundrie natures, &c, 1589. 1220-4 1001 Sep. A. T. B. only 984-8 Adapted 1* 15,47 984-8 5 v. Sep. A.T.B. Sep. Words in 2 Treble only Arise O Lord why sleepest Organ part Be not wroth. 5 v. See under Aldrich. *BIessed is he. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only Bow thine ear. 5 v. Part II of O Lord, turn thy wrath, from Civitas sancti tui, q. v. Barnard, Boyce. Score Organ parts *Care for thy soul. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only. Sep. tChrist rising 1 6 v. Sep. parts. A. T. T. B. chorus parti tChrist is risen] *Euen from the depth. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only Heare my prayer. Barnard. V. A only Organ parts Howe long shall myne enemies. Sep. A. T. B. only Organ part *How shall a young man. 5 v. *If that a sinners sighes. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only Let God arise. Bass part only *Lord in thy wrath. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only Treble and Bass My faltes O Christ. 5 v. Words in Treble only *My soule opprest. Treble and Bass only God the proud. V. A. 6 v. Sep. parts. T A. and B. (Chos.) parts only Organ part O God whom our offences. Barnard. Organ part. 1001 O Lorde howe vaine (Vpon S r Philip Sidneis dittie). 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 O Lord how longe. Treble and Bass 439 O Lord make thy servant (Elizabeth, King Charles, &c, with name altered for different reigns). 5 v. Barnard. Sep. parts 984-8 T. and B. parts only 1220-4 Short score 525 Organ parts 47, 1001 Organ part (ascribed to ' Cranford ') 1230 For 6 v. (adapted by ? Aldrich). Score 16 (twice), 37 1220-4 984-8 Chos. parts 1220-4 6, 1001 984-8 1220-4 1001 984-8 984-8 1012 984-8 439 984-8 439 (V. and Chos.). 1220-4 1001 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 17 BYRD (William)— continued. O Lord within thy tabernacle. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only 984-8 O Lord turn thy wrath. Pt. I. 5 v. Adapted from Ne irascaris, q. v. Barnard, Boyce. Score 1* Organ part 47 Prevent us O Lorde. 5 v. Barnard. Sep. 984-8 Bass only 1012 Organ part 1001 *Prostrate O Lorde. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Save me O God. Warren's Boyce. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 Score 16 Bass voice only 1012 Organ parts 1001, 1230 Sing joyfully. 6 v. Barnard, Boyce. Score (two copies) 16 Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Short score 525 Organ parts 47, 1001, 1230 Teach me O Lorde. V. A. 5 v. Barnard (3rd Ps., 2nd Preces, &c). Organ part 6 Thou God that guidest. V. A. 5 v. Barnard. Organ parts 6, 1001 Triumph with pleasant melodie. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 What unacqueinted cheerful voice. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Motets, &c. Those marked * are printed in Liber Primus Sacrarum Cantionum, 1589. Those marked f are printed in Liber Secundus Sacrarum Can- tionum, 1 59 1. N.B. — All those contained in the MSS. 979-83 are imperfect, as the Tenor Book is wanting in this set. tAfflicti pro peccatis, with 2nd part, Et eruas. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 Alleluja confitemini. 3 v. 45 tApparebit in finem. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 *Aspice domine de sede, with 2nd part, Respice domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Audivi vocem. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 Benigne fac. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 tCircumdederunt me. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 *Civitas sancti tui. Pt. II of Ne irascaris, q. v. 5 V. Sep. 984-8 Score 10 tCunctis diebus. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 De Lamentatione : Beth, Cogitavit : Teth, Defixae : Joth, Sederunt : and Jerusalem convertere. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 fDescendit de celis, with 2nd part, Et exivit. 6 v. Sep. 979-8 3 c 1 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BYRD (William)— continued. Deus in adiutorium. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 *Deus venerunt, with 2nd part, Posuerunt. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 Domine ante te. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 Domine Deus omnipotens. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 fDomine exaudi, with 2nd part, Et non intres. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 *Domine prasstolamur, with 2nd part, Veni Domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 *Domine tu jurasti. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 *Effuderunt sanguinem. Pt. Ill of Deus venerunt. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 tExurge Domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 tFac cum servo. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 *Facti sumus opprobrium. Pt. IV of Deus venerunt. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 *In resurrectione. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 tlnfelix ego, with 2nd and 3rd parts. Quid igitur and Ad te igitur. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 Triplex and Medius and Tenor of opening passage only 45 *La3tentur cceli, with 2nd part, Orietur. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 tLevemus corda. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 *Memento Domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 tMiserere mei. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 *Ne irascaris. Pt. I 979-83, 984-8 Score 10 Ne perdas. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Noctis recolitur. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Non nobis Domine. Canon (without composer's name) 89 *0 Domine adjuva. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 *0 quam gloriosum, with 2nd part, Benedictio et claritas. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 O salutaris. 6 v. Sep. 979-83 Omni tempore. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Peccavi super numerum. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Precamur sancte. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 Reges Tharsis. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus. 3 v. 45 fTribulatio proxima, with 2nd part, Contumelias et terrores. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 fTribulationes civitatis, with 2nd and 3rd parts, Timor et hebetudo and Nos enim. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 tTristitia et anxietas, with 2nd part, Sed tu Domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 tVide Domine, with 2nd part, Sed veni Domine. 5 v. Sep. 979-83 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 19 BYRD (William)— continued. Madrigals, Songs, &c Those marked * are printed in Psalmes, Sonets, and songs, &c, 1588. Those marked t are printed in Songs of sundrie natures, &c, 1589. Blame I confes. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *Come to me grief. Funeral song of Sir Philip Sidney. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *Constante Penelope. 5 v. Treble and Bass only 439 *I ioy not. Words in 1 Treble only. 5 v. Sep. 984-8 *If wemen could. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *In fields abrode. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Treble and Bass only 439 *La Verginella. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 * Lullaby, with 2nd part, Be still. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only. Sep. parts 984-8 Treble and Bass parts only 439 *My mynde to me. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Treble and Bass only 439 My little sweet darling. 5 v. Words in Treble only. Cf. B. M. Add. MSS. 17786, &c. Sep. parts 984-8 Oh golden heares. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *0 that most rare. A funeral song upon Sir Philip Sidney ; with 2nd part, For thee both kings ; and 3rd part, The doleful debt. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *Susanna faire. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 The daie delaied. a 5. (Cf. B. M. Add. MS. 31992.) Sep. parts. 984-8 *Though Amaryllis. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Treble and Bass only 439 t When I was otherwise. 5 V. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 * Where fancie fond. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 While Phebus. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *Who likes to love. 5 v. Words in 1 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 *Why do I use. 5 v. Words in 2 Treble only. Sep. 984-8 Instrumental Music. Browning. 5 parts. Sep. 984-8 In nomine. 5 parts. Sep. 984-8 A songe of tow bases. 6 parts. Sep. Wanting Tenor book 979-83 Miserere for organ 371 Galliard {sic) for Virginal 1175 If my complaintes. Variations on a song by Dowland (q. v.) for Virginal 431 Fantasia for Virginal (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, vol. ii, p. 406) 1113 ' Mr. Birds battle ' for Virginal 431 The movements are headed : — ' The souldiers sufhuns. The c 2 ao CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC BYRD (William)— continued. marche of the foote men. The march of the horse men. The Trumpetts. The Irish march. The bagpipe and the drume (two movements). The second change. The third. The fourth change. The fifte chaunge. The last chaunge. The march to the fight.' Unfinished. C. (S.). A piece for Harpsichord called The Countess of Portland's Delight. 92 Arise, shine, for thy light. Bass only 366 O God wherefore art thou absent. 2 v. Bass only 366 Turn in my Lord, turn in to me. 2 v. Treble and Bass 365 Bass only 366 C. (T.). Fantazia a 4. Sep. 423-8 CALDERI (Agostino) : a 17th-century writer. Chi non sa che sia l'amare. Aria for Sopr. Solo 954 Per far certa. Aria for Sopr. Solo 954 Resisto ma. in vano. Aria for Sopr. Solo 954 CALISTA (Lelio). A 17th-century writer, one of whose Sonatas is quoted by Purcell in his edition of Playford's Introduction to the Skill of Musik, 1694. (See Mr. Barclay Squire, Internal. Musik- gesellschaft, Sammelbdnde 1904-5, p. 557.) Bass parts of Sonatas, numbered prima to sesta 1126 Sonata in Bjj. Two movements. 2 Trebles and Basso continuo. Score 1126 Sonata nth in G. Two Trebles and Basso cont. 1126 Extracts from Sonatas in various keys 1126 (Other Sonatas in this MS. may also be by Calista.) CAMPION (Thomas). 1567-1620. Com you prettie false eyd wanton. Treble and Bass. From The Second Book of Ay res 87 Thoughe you are younge. Treble voice with Bass : from Rosseter's A Booke of Ay res, 1601 439 CAREY (Henry), c. 1690-1743. I'll range around. Treble Solo 1215 [Engraved about 1720.] CARISSIMI (Giacomo) 1604-74. Chapel master of S. Apollinare, Rome. For Anthems adapted by Aldrich from Carissimi's works, see under Aldrich. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 21 CARISSIMI (Giacomo)— continued. Masses, &c. Mass in C. 3 v. T. T. B. Score 23, 55 The same, somewhat altered, with 1 and 2 Violin parts. Score 13 Mass in C. 5 v. with verses. (Without name, but stated on the binding to be by Carissimi.) 49 Jephta : an oratorio. Score 37 Plorate filiae Israel. 6 v. from Jephta. Score 13 Judicium Salomonis. 'A solis ortu.' 1-4 v. S. S. T. B. Score 53 The same with Violin parts, ' The symphonies being not Caris- simi's but some musty Dutchman's.' Score 13 Motets. The Motets marked with an asterisk are printed in Sacri Concetti, 1675. Those with a dagger in Floridus de Sylvestris's Cantiones Sacrx, 1657 and 1663. Anima mea in aeterna dulcedine. 2 v. S. B. Score 43, 621, 1178 Sep. parts 623-6 Anima nostra. 2 v. S. S. Score 55 *Annunciate gentes. 1-5 v. Score 13, 53 Audite sancti. 3 v. S. S. B. Playford's Harmonia Sacra, Bk. II, 1693. Score 43, 53 Sep. parts 623-6 Ave dulcissime. 3 v. S. S. T. Score 13 Benedicite omnes angeli. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 13 *Cantabo Domino. 2 v. S. S. Score 13, 53 Conntebor tibi. 3 v. S. S. B. Score 13 [? Crucior in hac flamma. 2 v. A. B. Dialogue Angelus et Anima, here called lialica comp : ascribed to Carissimi in Fitz- william Mus. Cambridge Catalogue 1154] *Cum ingrederetur N. in paradisi gloriam. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 53 *The same, with words Cum reverteretur David. Score 13 *Dicite nobis. 4 v. S. S. A. T. Score 13, 53 Dixit Dominus. 1-5 v. Score 55 tDomine Deus meus. S. Solo 13, 53 *Domine quis habitabit. 3 v. S. S. T. Score 13, 53 Ego sum panis. 3 v. S. S. B. Sep. parts 688 Egredimini caelestis. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 13, 53 Exultabunt justi. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 13, 53 *Exulta, gaude filia. 2 v. S. S. Score 13 The same without the ' Noe ' at end 53 Gaudete exercitus. 3 v. S. S. B. 13, 53 Hodie Simon Petrus. 2 v. T. T. Score 13, 53 22 ' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC CARISSIMI (Giacomo) — continued. In te Domine. 3 V. A. T.B. with instruments. Score 4 Gloria Patri from the same. Score 53 *Laudemus virum. 2 v. S. S. Score 13, 53 Lucifer coelestis. Bass Solo. Playford's Harmonia Sacra, Bk. II, 1693 18, 23, 53 The same, transposed for Soprano. Voice part only 598 Militia est vita. 3 v. S. S. B. Score 13, 53 Non turbetur cor. 2 v. S. B. Sep. 688 O dulcissimum Marioe. 2 v. S. S. Score 13 O quam mirabilia. 2 v. S. S. Score 55 O quam suave. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 83 O vulnera doloris. 3 v. S. S. B. Score 13 The same for Bass voice and Basso only 48, 53 Basso only 1210 Basso only unfinished 13 Pastores dum custoditis. Sopr. Solo 13 fPrsevaluerunt in nos. 3 v. S. A. T. Also in P. Phalese's Florida Verba, Antwerp, 1661. Score 13 Quid agis cor. Sopr. Solo 13 Quis est hie. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 13, 53 *Quo tarn Isetus. 2 v. S. S. Score 13, 53 Quomodo facti sunt. 3 v. S. S. B. Score 13 Sicut erat in principio. Instr. Bass only 75 Sicut mater. 2 v. S. S. Score 55 Sicut Stella. Sopr. Solo 13 unfinished, 53 Surgamus eamus. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 13, 53 Suscitavit Dominus. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 13 *Turbabuntur impii. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 13, 53 Venite pastores. Sopr. Solo. 13 tVidi impium. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 13 Cantatas, &c. A pie d'un verde : ' Democritus et Heraclitus '. 2 v. S. S. Score 52 Alma che fai. 2 v. S. B. Score 52, 996 Almeno un pensiero. Sopr. Solo 949, 51 Amanti sentite. 2 v. S. A. 18 The same, without composer's name. Score 350 Sep. parts 623-6 Alto voice only 49 The same, attributed to Sigr. Marco. (See Cesli) 996 Ardeua in tanto. Sopr. Solo 51 Ardo lassa. Sopr. solo 998, 51 unfinished Bel tempo per me. Sopr. Solo 949, 51 Care selve beate. Bass Solo 18, 1215 Unfinished 13 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 23 CARISSIMI (Giacomo)— continued. Chi fugge d'Amor. 2 v. S. S. 52, 996 Coronata di splendori, ' Amor difeso '. 3 v. S. S. S. Score 994 Dai piu riposti. 3 V. S. S. B. Score 54,996 Score, words incomplete 622 Deh contentateui. Sopr. Solo 51 E bello l'ardire. Sopr. Solo 949, 51 E pur uuole. 2 v. S. S. 52, 996 Filli non t'amo. Sopr. Solo 949, 51 Fuggi, fuggi. Sopr. Solo 950, 51 Hor che di sirio. Sopr. Solo 357 II mondo tace. 3 v. S. S. B. Cf. Catalogue . . . de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Score 14 In superbito. Sopr. Solo 51 In un mar di pensieri. Sopr. Solo 947, 51 Io dissi. Sopr. Solo 51 Le ferite d'un cor. 3 v. S. S. T. Score 994, 996, 54 La regina. Sopr. Solo 357 Lungi omai. 2 v. S. S. Score 996, 54 Mesto in sen d'un antro. Sopr. Solo 51 Nella piu verde. Sopr. Solo 51 No no mio core. Sopr. Solo 51 Non chiede altro. Sopr. Solo 949, 51 Non piangete. 2 v. S. S. 996, 54 O la, pensieri. Bass Solo 51 O me infelice, ' Falsirena disperata', Sopr. Solo 959, 13 Occhi che. Sopr. Solo 357 Piu non ti chieggio, « Tirsi e Filli 1 . 2 v. S. S. 996, 998, 52 Presso un ruscel. Sopr. Solo. (Here attributed to Rossi, but see Wotquenne) 949 Quanto sete per me. Sopr. Solo. Cf. Catalogue . . . de la Bibl. Nationale 956 Risuegliatemi pensieri. Sopr. Solo 51 Sciolto hauean, ' I Naviganti '. 3 v. S.S.B. 377, 996, 54 Last movement only, Amanti che dite 14 Last movement only. Basso only 75 Si dia bando. Sopr. Solo 951, 51 Siam tre miseri. 3 v. S. S. S. 994 Sin che hauro. Sopr. Solo 51 Soccorretemi. Sopr. Solo. (Here attributed to Rossi, but see Wotquenne) 947 Son pur giunta. Sopr. Solo 51 Sospiro che dici. Sopr. Solo 994 Toglietemi la vita. Sopr. Solo 998 [Tronchisi pensieri. 2 v. S. B. Apparently a version of the Solo Cantata, Cat. . . . de la Bibl. Nat., printed by Riemann, Ka?itaten- Friihling 14] Un infelice. Sopr. Solo 51 24 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC CARISSIMI (Giacomo) — continued. Vaghi rai pupille. 2 v. S. S. 996, 54 Va, va, dimanda. Sopr. Solo 51 Vittoria, vittoria 17, 350 Short extracts without words. T. B. B. 1124 CARLO DEL VIOLINO, a 17th-century Italian composer. Non si tema, ' La Regina de Tunesi '. Sopr. Solo 998 Pur che lo sappi. 2 v. S. S. (here attributed to Rossi, but see Wotquenne) 996 Rido una uolta. Sopr. Solo 952, 956 CARWARDEN (John). Contributed to Playford's Court Ay res, 1655. A portrait of Christopher Simpson painted by him is in the Music School Collection. See Musical Antiquary, April 1913. Prelude, Almaine, &c. Seven pieces in 2 parts for instruments, of which the first and last have the composer's name. Treble and Bass. Sep. parts 1006-9 Eighteen Almains, Corants, &c. Bass only 1011 CASATI (Gasparo). Chapel master at Novara, 1641. Motets from Moteta una et duabus vocibus ad Organum concertata : a copy of the Antwerp edition, 1662, is in this Library. Bone Jesu. 2 v. S. or T. Scores 20, 621 Sep. parts 623-6 Magnificate caeli. 2 v. S. or T. Sep. 623-6 O dulce nomen. 2 v. S. or T. Scores 20, 621 Sep. parts 623-6 O Jesu mea vita. 2 v. T. T. Sep. 623-6 One T. part only 1178 Omnes gentes. 2 v. S. or T. Sep. 623-6 Regina caeli. 2 v. S. or T. Sep. 623-6 One S. part only 1178 Tota pulchra es. 2 v. S. or T. Scores 20, 621 Sep. 623-6 CASTRO (Jean de). Born at £vreux ; fl. 1571-96. Tell me thou man. Canzonet for 3 v. (2 copies of Sopr. 1 and 2). Sep. 739-43 CAVENDISH (Michael), fl. 1592-1601. Every bush new springinge. (Ascribed to Cavendish in B. M. Add. MS. 31811.) Treble voice with Bass 439 CECCHELLI (Carlo), fl. 1645-64. Chapel master at Rome and at Loretto. Dicite laudem. Motet a 3. A. T. B. Score 14 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 25 CESTI (Marc' Antonio), c. 1620-69. Chapel master at Florence, 1646 ; member of the Papal Choir, 1660 ; Vice-chapelmaster at Vienna, 1666. Motets. Filiae Jerusalem. 4 v. S. S. S. B. Score 83 Maria et fiumina. 2 v. S. S. Score 83 Properate mortales. Sopr. Solo 83 Cantatas, &c, all for Sopr. Solo. Bella Clori 83 Cara e dolce liberta. Printed in Pignani's Scella di Canzonette, London, 1679, as by Cesti. A version for 2 voices printed by Hawkins (iv, 94) 1776, as by Cesti. Printed as by A. Scarlatti in Thirty-six Ariettas, London, c. 1753 958 Del famoso Oriente, ' La Madre Ebrea ' 83 Del ricercar qual sorte 83 Due begl' occhi 948 Esser colpa come 947 Ferma Lachesi 83 Gia il sonno 949 Insegnatemi a morire 83 [LJanguia gia l'alba 83 Lasciatemi 83 Mancauano tormenti 949 Partiteui respiri 83 Quanlo sete 83 Quanto e dolce 947 Solingo un di Fileno 83 Vi conosco luci 948 Voi colpate 948 The following by ' Sig r . Marco ' and ' Sig r . Marc'Antonio ' may be assigned to Cesti. All' assedio. 3 v. S. S. A. ' Sig r . Marco ' 996 Amanti sentite. 2 v. S. A. ' Sig r . Marco' 996 The same, attributed to Carissimi, q. v. 18 The same, without composer's name. Scores 350, 377 Sep. parts 623-6 Alto voice only 49 Gia son morto. 2 v. S. S. ' S. Marc'Antonio ' 996 Without composer's name 377 CHAMBONNIERES (Jacques Champion de). First Harpsichord player to Louis XIV ; published 2 volumes of Harpsichord Music in 1670. The following piece is ascribed to 'Sambonier', by which name Chambonnieres seems to be intended. Corant for Harpsichord 1236 26 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC CHARD ( ). Probably George William, Mus.D., Organist of Winchester Cathedral, 1802-49. Three Chants 1226 CHILD (William). ? 1606-97. Mus. Doc. Organist of St. George's, Windsor. Evening Service in C mi. ' Flat service for verses.' Mag. and N. Dim. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Mag. unfinished. S. and B. parts only without words 22 Organ part 1227 ' Sharpe Service ' in D. 4 v. Boyce. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Sep. parts. A. T. B. only. 1220-4 Short score 525 Score 1002 Without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1227 Kyrie and Creed to Morley's sendee ; in D mi. Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Service in E mi. 4 v. Boyce. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 Short score 525 Bass part only 1012 Mag. and N. Dim. only. Tenor part 440 Service in E \?. Arnold. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1231 Service in F. 4 v. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Cant., D. Mis. Score 1002 Bass part only 1012 Cant, and D. Mis. only. Short Score 525 ' Second Service ' in G. 4 v. Bdte., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 With Venite (T. and B. only): Offertorie 'Charge them', Gloria, 8 v. (A. T. T. B. B. only.) Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Mag. and N. Dim. only. Organ parts 1225, 1228 The same Jub. with Te Deum. Organ part 1233 Cantate and D. Mis. in G. 4-5 v. Score 1002 [These appear to be all parts of the same service.] Service, ' Full/ in A mi. Ouseley. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1227 Evening Service, ' Verse,' in A mi. Mag. and N. Dim. Bass voice only 1012 Organ part 1227 Anthems, &c. Behold how good. V. A. Score 12, 1002 Sep. parts 623-6 Bass Chorus part only 1012 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 27 CHILD (William)— continued. If the Lord himselfe. 4 V. Arnold. Sep. parts, A. T. B. B. only 1220-4 1 Bass only 1012 Lord who shall dwell. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 O Lord God the heathen. F. A. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 O Lord grant the king. 4 v. With 5-part Hallelujah. Boyce. Sep. A. T. B. B. only 1220-4 Bass part only 1012 Organ part ' 1228 O pray for the peace. 4 v. Arnold. Score 1002 Short score 525 Bass part only 1012 Praise the Lord O my soule. 4 v. With the same Hallelujah as in ' O Lord grant the king'. Boyce. Score 11 Sep. parts, A. T. B. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 438, 1230 Sing we merrily. F. A. 7 v. Boyce. Sep. A. T. B. B. only 1220-4 Thou art my king. V. A. Score 12 Sep. A. T. B. Chos. and B. verse only 1220-4 Turn thou us. V. A. Sep. parts, A. T. T. B. B. only 1220-4 Ye sons of Sion. A Christmas hymn. 2 v. S. and B. 365 O bone Jesu. 4 v. S. A. T. B. Score 14 Come Hymen come. A nuptial song. 3 v. A. T. B. Sep. 747-9 CHURCH (John), 1675-1741. Gent, of the Chapel Royal, 1697; Master of the Choristers, Westminster Abbey. Service in F. 4 v. Ouseley. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 627 Single chant in C mi. 1226 CLARKE (Jeremiah), c. 1 669-1 707. Master of the Choristers at St. Paul's, 1693; Gent, of the Chapel Royal, 1700; Joint Organist of the Chapel Royal, 1 704. How long. Boyce. Organ part 1234 Chorus only to ' How long '. Organ parts 1228, 1235 I will exalt thee. Organ part 1229 I will love thee. Boyce. Score incomplete 1111 I will love thee. A thanksgiving anthem. V. A. for A. T. B., 4-part Chorus and Organ 48 The Lord is my strength. Page. ' A thanksgiving anthem, June 27, 1706/ V. A. for A. T. B., 4-part Chorus and Organ. Score 48 O Lord God of my salvation. Page. Organ part 1226 Praise the Lord O Jerusalem. Boyce. Organ part 1228 28 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC CLARKE (Jeremiah) — continued. The Lord is full of compassion. Cathedral Mag. Organ part 1235 ' All for the better.' Overture, Gavott, Hornpipe Round O, Aire, Aire, Round O, Farewell, Aire, Minuet Round O, from Manning's ' All for the better,' 1702. 4 parts in Score 3 The ' Round O ', Treble and Bass only 620 Air and Serenade for Harpsichord: both printed in A Choice Collection 0/ Ay res, 1700 46 CLARKE (John), afterwards Clarke-Whitfeld. Mus. Doc. Organist of Armagh, 1794-7; Professor of Music in the University of Cambridge. Died 1836. Six Chants 1226 COBB (John). Gent, of the Chapel Royal, 1638. Contributed to Lawes's Choice Psalmes, 1648, when he is called 'Organist of his Majesties Chappell Royall \ Two Almaines and two Corants in 3 parts. Sep. parts 379-81 COLEMAN (Charles). Mus. Doc. Chamber musician to James I ; Musician for Lute and Voices to Charles I ; Musician for Viol, 1660, and Composer in his Majesty's Private Music for Voices, 1662. Died 1664. Nine Almaines in 3 parts. Sep. 379-81 Five Almaines, four Corantos, and 'A Northern Saraband' in 3 parts, by C. C. (probably Coleman). Sep. 379-81 (Other compositions in these MSS. are probably by Coleman.) Six Almaines in 4 parts. Sep. 367-70 Fantazia in 5 parts. For Organ 1004 The same. Sep. parts for instruments 423-8, 473-8 Five fancies in 6 parts. Sep. parts 61-6 The 2nd and 5th of these 473-8 The 1st, 2nd, and 5th of these. Sep., 403-8; In Score, 2; Short Score, 436. Three Ayres, three Corantes, one Pavin, one Saraband for instru- ments. Treble only 1022 Aire, Corant, Saraband ; ' Eccho Almaine, Eccho Corranto, Eccho Sarabrand ' ; Aire, Coranto, Saraband (3 sets) ; Almaine, Coranto, Saraband (3 sets). Bass part only 1011 Piece for instruments in 3 parts, with Basso. Sep. 353-6 (The name Coleman is here prefixed to the first (only) of 45 pieces, probably all his.) COLEMAN (Mark). A 17th-century writer. Corant for Harpsichord 1236 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 29 COOKE (Henry). Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal, 1660. Died 1672. Turn thou us. V. A. Score 12, 14, 22 Verse part. Treble voice only 598 Awake my soule. The morning hymn. Sopr. Solo 49 Sleepe downy sleepe. The evening hymn. Sopr. Solo 49, 1205 (Cf. B. M. Add. MS. 33234.) As on a river's side. Sopr. Solo 49 COPERARIO or COPRARIO (John), properly Cooper. Chamber Musician to Charles I. Died 1627. Six songs from Songs 0/ Mourning : bewailing the vntimely death of Prince Henry ; 1613. Bass voice only 366 O griefe how diuers. Tis now dead night. Fortune and glory. Soe parted you. How like a golden dreame. When pale famine. Instrumental music for Strings and Organ : Fourteen Sets of 3 pieces (Fantazia, Alman and Ayre) for 1 Violin, Bass and Organ (numbered 41-82). Sep. 411-13 The same. Violin and Bass only 732 and 4 From the same, those numbered 59 to 71 with 61 and 64 inter- changed. Organ part 15 From the same. The piece numbered 59. Organ part, un- finished 422 Eight Sets of 3 pieces (Fantazia, Alman and Galliard) for 2 Violins, Bass and Organ. Sep. parts without Organ part 414-16, 732-4 Fantazias from Sets 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, and 3 of the same. Violin parts only 421 Almans and Galliards from Sets I, 2, 3 (No. 3 having a different Galliard), and 5. Violin parts only 421 Instrumental pieces in $ parts : Seven fancies. Sep. parts, wanting 1 Treble 401-2 Score 2 The 2nd, 3rd, and 6th of the same 473-8 Two fancies not in 401-2 473-8 Instrumental pieces in 4 parts : Six Fancies. Sep. 423-8 The first five of the same. Sep. 397-400 Score 2 Short score 436 Of these the 1st is sep. 473-8 One Fancy (not in above) sep. 397-400, 473-8 Score 2 Short score 436 3° CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC COrERARIO or COPRARIO (John)— continued. Instrumental pieces in j parts : Eighteen pieces, 5 of which are named ' Deh cara ', ' Corsea ', 4 Lucretia mia ', ' Rapiua ', ' Io piango '. Sep. 527-30, 1024 Of these, Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35. 3 6 > 37 are sep. 404-8 Short score 436 The same except 13 and the opening of 11. Score 2 Nos. 12, 14, 30, 31, 32. Score 21 Nos. 11 (Cresce in voi), 12, 25 (Fuga dunque la luce), 26 (O sonno), 27 (Luci beate), 33 (Voi caro), 34 (in 527-30 Corsea, called in 61-6 Crudel perche), 35 (Lucretia mia) are sep. 61-6 Nos. 24 and 37 (Io piango) are score 44 No. 14. Organ parts 67, 1004 No. 32. Organ part 1004 No. 11 (Cresce in voi) and 24. Sep. 423-8 Three pieces called ' Leno ', ' Io son ferito ', ' Dolce ben mio '. Sep. The 2 former of these. Sep. Short score ' Io son ferito.' Score Two pieces, ' Fuggi ' and ' Per far vna '. Score Sep. parts Short score ' Fuggi.' Score Instrumental pieces in 6 parts. Three fancies. Sep. The same for Organ Of these, No. 20. Sep. Score Fancy. Sep. Score 61-6 404-8 436 2 44 2 404-8 436 21 423-8 1004 404-8 2 61-6 CORELLI (Arcangelo), 1653-17 13. Rome. Born at Fusignano. Died at Sonata in B|? . Vo. 1 and 2, Bass, and Basso continuo. Sonata III, Opera terza. Score 620 Gavotte from Sonata X, Opera quarta. Vo. 1 only 1111 Gavotte from Sonata I, Opera seconda. Vo. 1 only 1111 CORKINE (William), fl. 1610-12. Prayse the Lord. F. A. for 5 v., wanting Bass 56-60 CORMACK or CORMAKE ( ). Perhaps Cormac MacDermot, Harper to Q. Elizabeth and James I. Sir John Paiton's Pauan. 3 parts. Sep. 379-81 Almaine. Bass only 1022 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 31 CORNET (Pietro). Organist at Brussels; fl. 1624. Two Fantasias for Organ (one has initials P. C. only) 89 CORREGGIO (Claudio da). See under Merulo. CORSI (Giuseppe). Chapel master at Rome, S. Maria Maggiore, 1659; S. Giovanni in Laterano, 1663. Voglio amar chi piace. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 948 COSYN (Benjamin). Organist of Dulwich College, 1622-4, and of the Charterhouse, 1626-f. 1643 (Musical Times, Dec, 1903). He is known as the owner of a Virginal Book containing com- positions by him, now in the Buckingham Palace Library. praise God in his holiness. Anthem in 5 parts, without words. Score 44 Eight pieces for Virginal, signed B. C. 1113 (These may very probably be by Cosyn.) COURTEVILLE ( ), probably Raphael or Ralph. Organist of St. James's, Westminster. Died c. 1735. Overture and 6 pieces for Strings. Tenor and Bass only 351-2 CRANFORD or CRANFORTHE (William). Contributed to Ravens- croft's Psalter, 1622. Clifford, 1663, prints words of Anthems by him. My sinfull soule. V. A. for 6 v. Bass wanting 56-60 Weepe, Brittaynes, weepe. A passion on the death of Prince Henry. 6 v. Bass wanting 56-60 Woods, rockes, and Mountaynes. Madrigal for 6 v. Bass wanting 56-60 In nomine a 5 for Instruments. 423-8 Almaine in 3 parts. Sep. 379-81 CREYGHTON (Robert), c. 1 639-1 734. D.D. Professor of Greek at Cambridge, 1662 ; Canon and Precentor of Wells, 1674. Service in B[?. 4 v. Te D., Jub., Sctus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N.Dim. Sep. parts for voices and Organ. 760 Service in Eb. 4 v. Bqyce. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Score 40 Organ parts 1229, 1232 Sanctus in F ' to King in F'. Organ part 1225 1 will arise. Anthem. 4 v. Boyce. Sep. parts for voices and organ 760 Organ part 1228 CROCE (Giovanni), c. 1 557-1609. Chapel master of St. Mark's, Venice, 1603. A collection of his sacred music with English words was published in London in 1608, under the name of Musica Sacra. 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC CROCE (Giovanni) — continued. Lord in mercy remember. 3 v. S. S. A. Sep. parts, with 2 copies of 1 and 2 Treble 739-43 Lord in thine Anger, Pt. I. 6 v. 1 f „ , . ~ , _ t« t ,1 ° r 1 r>. tt £ i from Musica Sacra, 1008. My strength euen fayles, Pt. II. 6 v.) Organ part 67 ~- _ , " . ' . t! ( tt , [ from Musica Sacra, 1608. Give me a cleane heart, Pt. II. 6 v. J ' Organ part 67 Sinne like a cunninge lurcher. Canzonet. 4 v. An adaptation to English words of ' La venenosa vista ' in Croce's 4-part Canzo- netle, Venice, 1588. Sep. parts 750-3 View my harty contrytione. 4 v. Sep. 750-3 Cinthia thy song. Madrigal for 5 v. from Yonge's Musica Trans- alpina, Book II, 1597. Score 33 CROFT (William). 1678-1727. Mus. Doc. Gentleman extra- ordinary of the Chapel Royal, 1700, and Joint Organist, 1704; Organist, 1707; Organist of Westminster Abbe)', 1708. (The works marked with an asterisk were printed in his Musica Sacra, 1724.) Service in Eb- 3-6 v. Te D., Jub., Cant., Deus Mis. Score 40 Organ part, Te D. and Jub. 1232 ; Cant, and D. Mis. 1233 Morning Service in A. 4 v. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed. Score 40 Organ part 1232 Kyrie only, Organ part 1225 Morning Service in B mi. 4-6 v. Te D. and Jub. Arnold Score 23, 40 *Burial Service. Treble voice only 69 Anthems. ♦Blessed are all they. Organ part 1234 Blessed is the people. Playford's Harmonia Sacra, Bk. II, 2nd ed., 1714. Organ parts 1232,1233 God is gone up. Boyce. Organ parts 1225, 1234 *Hear my prayer. Organ parts 1229, 1230 *I cried unto the Lord. Organ part 1233 *I will alway give thanks. Organ part 1232 *I will sing. Organ part 1235 I waited patiently. Organ part with Treble Solo 622 „ a , Organ part 1234 "Lord what love have I. Score 23 Treble voice only 683 Organ part 1235 *0 be joyful. Organ part 1233 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 33 CROFT (William)— continued. *0 Lord God of my salvation. 4-6 voices. A. and T. only 1220-4 Organ part 1233 *0 Lord grant the King. Organ parts 1229, 1230 *0 Lord I will praise thee. Organ part 1232 *0 Lord rebuke me not. Organ part 1232 *0 Lord thou hast searched me out. Organ part 1232 *Praise the Lord. Organ part 1234 *Sing praises. Organ part 1233 *Sing unto God. Organ parts 1232, 1235 *Sing unto the Lord. T. and B. Chorus parts only 1220-4 Organ part 1234 *The earth is the Lord's. Organ parts 1234, 1235 *The Lord is my strength. Organ part 1234 Thou O God. A. T. B. Chorus parts only 1220-4 Organ part 1229 *We wait for thy loving kindness. Organ part 1235 *We will rejoice. Organ part 1230 Part of the Music for the Oxford Act, July 13, 17 13 (printed in Musicus Apparatus Academicus). Bass and Alto verse of ' With noise of Cannon,' and Alto verse of ' Laurus cruentas ' j 1 and 2 Violins and Bass. Sep. 68-73 When gentle sleep. ' The Dream.' Cantata for Bass Solo 1149 Overture in G mi. for instruments, in 8 movements. 4 parts in score 620 Overture in B£ in n movements 620 (In the first of these Overtures, the name is given as ' Craft '.) CROSS ( ). Probably William Cross, born at Oxford in 1777. Succeeded Dr. Crotch as Organist of the Cathedral and University Church. Died 1825. God the protector of all. Organ part 1225 Kyrie in E. Organ part 1225 CROTCH (William). 1775-1847. Mus. Doc. Organist of Ch. Ch., 1790; Professor of Music in Oxford University, 1797. The Anthems marked with an asterisk are printed in Crotch's Ten Anthems, Respectfully Dedicated . . . To the Reverend The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, &c, c. 1798. *Be merciful. F. A. for 4 v. Autograph 1228 *God is our hope. V. A. for 2-4 v. 1226 *How dear are thy counsels. F. A. for 4 v. Autograph 1226 1 will cry unto God. V. A. for 4 v. Autograph 1226 *0 Lord God of Hosts. 4 v. Autograph 1226 *Sing we merrily. 4 v. Autograph 1226 Seventy-one Chants. Autograph 1226 Fifteen Chants, twenty-six Hymn Tunes, and one Commandment Responses. Autograph 1143 D 34 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC D. (\\\). These compositions belong to the middle of the 17th century. Eight Almaines, 1 Coranto, 2 Sarabands. In 3 parts. Sep. 379-81 DAMAN (William), here also spelt ' Demaunde '. Born in Liege. Came to England between 1561 and 1565. Died 1591. One of Queen Elizabeth's musicians. O heavenly God. Anthem for 5 v., wanting Bass 56-60 Confitebor tibi. Motet for 5 v., wanting Tenor book 979-83 Omnis caro. Motet for 6 v., wanting Tenor book 979-83 Prasdicabo laudes. Motet for 6 v., wanting Tenor book 979-83 Instrumental piece in 6 parts, wanting Tenor book 979-83 DAVY (John), of Exeter. Double Chant 1226 DEANE (William). A composer of the (?) early 17th century. Short Service for 4 v. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Organ part, with words 6 Lord in thy wrath. Organ part, with words 6 Blessed are those. Anthem for 5 v. (Verse and Chorus). Organ part, with words 6 DERING (Richard). Mus. Bac, Oxford, 16 10 ; Organist at Brussels, 1617; Organist to Queen Henrietta Maria, 1625. Died 1630. Ten Motets for 2 v. Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1662. Voice parts sep. 747-9 Ardens est cor. Beatus vir. Canite Jehovae. Ego dormio. Gaudent in caelis. Gratias tibi Deus. Justus cor suum. O bone Jesu. O Domine Jesu. Veni electa. The same (without Beatus vir and Canite Jehovae) with Basso. Sep. 878-80 Three Motets for 2 v. Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1662. Conceptio tua. Duo Seraphim, wanting Basso continuo. Sancta et immaculata. Sep. 878-80 Motet for 2 v. Printed as Dering's in Playford's Cantica Sacra, the Second Set, 1674. O crux ave. Sep. 878-80 Nine Motets for 3 v. Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1662. Sep. 747-9 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 35 DERING (Richard)— continued. Cantate Domino. Gloria Patri. Isti sunt sancti. Justus germinabit. Laetamini cum Maria. O quam suavis. Panis angelicus. Qualis est dilectus. Vulnerasti cor meum. The same, without Gloria Patri, imperfect. Sep. 878-80 Gloria Patri from the same, is also sep. 1013-5 C antic a Sacra ad ' melodiam madrigalium elaborata senis vocibus, 1618. The Basso continuo part of the whole book 1023 Jubilate Deo. Vulnerasti cor. Sancta et immaculata. Congratulamini mihi. Surge arnica mea. Hei mihi Domine. Quae est ista. Adiuro vos filiae. Virgo prudentissima. Ardens est cor meum. Quam pulchra es. Factum est silentium. Panis angelicus. O vos omnes. Cantate Domino. Quern vidistis. Veni Jesu. Paratum cor meum. Jesu decus angelicum. O crux ave. [Te laudamus] Te invocamus. Sep. parts, wanting 58-60 If sorrowe might so fully be expreste. 6 Bass Sleepe quiet Lee. 3 v. S. T. B. Sep. 747-9 The citty Cryes. 5 v., wanting Bass 56-60 Pavan in 4 parts ' for 2 Trebles '. Sep. 423-8 Three Phantasies, one Almaine, one Pavan, in 5 parts. Sep. 423-8 Of the same, those numbered 1 7 and 20 are in organ score 1004 DESGRANGES ( ). Domine quid multiplicati sunt. Sopr. Solo. 350 Usque quo Domine. Sopr. Solo. 350 DIESNER, or DISINEER (Gerhard), fl. 1661-73. Ground for Harpsichord 1177 DIOMEDE ( ). Here called 'Signior' Diomede. Eitner takes him to be Caton D., a Venetian, who went to Poland ; fl. 1606. Four instrumental pieces in 4 parts, and three in 5 parts, one of which is also ascribed to Cipriano de Rore. Also Tirsi morir ; with 2nd part, Freno Tirsi ; and 3rd part, Cosi morire, in 5 parts. Words in 1 Treble book only. Sep. 372-6 DIX (J.). Nine Chants (3 with name ; 6 initialled) d 2 1226 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC DOUGLAS, or DOWGLAS (Patrick). A 16th-century composer, here described as ' priste, scotte borne '. In convertendo, with 2nd part, Converte Domine. Motet for 5 v. Sep., wanting Tenor Book 979-83 Ubi est Abel. Motet for 5 v. Printed Musical Antiquary, Oct. 1 910. Sep., wanting Tenor Book 979-83 DOWDON (John), of the second half of the 17th century. Eight instrumental sets and pieces, of which three seem to be complete. Tr. and Bass 90-1 One other, complete, in the same MSS., initialled J. D., is probably his. Twenty-five instrumental pieces. Violin part only 361 Three instrumental pieces, and another initialled J.D. Violin part only 362 DOWLAND (John). 1563-1626. Lutenist and composer. Published between 1597 and 16 14. Two Songs from the Second Book 0/ Songs or Ayres, 1600 439 Come ye heavy stars (sic). Flow my teares, ' Lachrimae Pavan '. Three Songs from the First Book of Songes or Ayres, 1597 439 If my complaint. Now O now. Sleepe wayward thoughts. DUANTE (Leonora). Seven Symphonies in 5 parts: 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, and 12 tones. Sep. parts in one volume 429 DUETO (Antonio). Chapel master at Genoa; fl. 1583-94. Why should this worlds contentments, a 4. S. A. T. B. Sep. 750-3 DU FAUT, or DUFAULT. A lutenist in England in the second half of the 17th century. Corant for Harpsichord 1236 DUMONT (Henri). 1610-84. Chapel master to Louis XIV. Six Motets from the Motets of 168 1. Desidero te millies. 4 v. S. S. A. B. Score 83 Doleo super te. 3 v. A. T. B. 83 Duo Seraphim. 2 v. 83 Extract from the same 1124 Jesu dulcedo cordium. 3 v. A. T. B. 83 Jesu Rex admirabilis. 3 v. A. T. B. 83 O nomen Jesu. 2 v. 83 Fragment of the same 1124 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 37 DUPUIS (Thomas Sanders). 1733-96- Mus. Doc. ; Organist of the Chapel Royal. Two Chants 1226 E. (W.) ? William Ellis, q.v. These initials are stamped on the cover of n 13. Lesson for Virginal 1113 ECCLES (John). Master of the King's Musick, 1700. Died 1735. Belinda's pretty pleasing form : from ' Women will have their Wills'. Engraved by Cross, c. 1700. Treble voice only 389 I burn, my brain consumes, from ' Don Quixote', Part II. Treble voice only 580 A soldier, a sailor. Treble voice only 360 ECCLES ( ), probably John, q.v. Overture and eight pieces for strings. Tenor and Bass only 351-2 ELLIS (William). Mus. Bac, 1639. Organist of Eton, and after- wards of St. John's Coll., Oxford. A. Wood refers to the Music meetings in his house during the Commonwealth. Holy, holy. Organ part 437 O Lord our governour. Anthem for 4 v. Organ part (twice) 437 Three Almaines, 1 Corrant, 1 Serrabrand, and a piece called 1 Michaelmas Day '. Bass only 1022 Thirteen pieces for Harpsichord, viz. : 1236 Five Almaynes (one called ' Almond Marise ') ; 2 Sarabrands (one called Mouline's Sarabrand set by W. E.) ; 4 Corants ; ' The Royallist'; 'Bow Bells'. (Other pieces in this MS. are probably by Ellis.) ELWORTH ( ), probably Jeffrey Elworth or Aleworth, one of Charles IPs Violins (1674), and afterwards Musician for the Sackbuts. Died 1687. (See The King's Musick.) Two Airs for the Violin. Violin part only 362 ESTE or EAST (Michael). Mus. Bac. Master of the Choristers at Lichfield. Published between 1601 and 1638. Singe wee merily. V. A. for 6 v., with 2nd part ' Take the Psalm ', and 3rd part ' Blow up the Trumpet '. Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 When Israel came out of Egypt. V. A. for 5 v., with 2nd part, * What aileth '. Organ part 6 (Both of these Anthems were printed by the Musical Antiquarian Society, edited by Rimbault.) Four Fantazies in 5 parts 716-20 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ESTWICK (Sampson), c. 1657-1739. Of Ch. Ch., Oxford; Minor Canon, Sacrist and Succentor of St. Paul's; Rector of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, and St. Michael's, Queenhithe. Julio festas referente luces. Song for the Oxford Act, 1-4 v., with instrumental parts in Score (see Goodson, Richard) 619 O Maria, O diva. Ode to Queen Mary. 1-4 v., with Overture and instrumental parts in Score 619 EVANS or EVINS ( ) Instrumental piece in 4 parts, Vo. 1 and 2, Vo., Bass 1183 FACCHO (Agostino). Organist at Bologna, 1624, and afterwards at Vicenza. Three Motets from the Motetii, 1635 623-6 Audite celi. 3 v. S. S. B. Exurgat Deus. 3 v. S. S. B. O sacrum convivium. 3 v. S. A. B. Ave saluberrima. 4 v. from the same. Bass only 880 Questa ch' Orsola. 3 v. from Afadrigali, 1636. Sep. 623-6 FARINA (Antonio); of the 2nd half of the 17th century. Di due ciglia. Aria for Sopr. Solo 956, 958 FARINELLI (Cristiano). Violin player and composer, fl. 1680-1714. Farinelli's Ground. 1st Violin only 1183 FARMELOE (Francis). Instrumental piece, Bass only, incomplete 21 FARMER (John). Organist and Master of the Children of Christ Church, Dublin. Published between 1591-1601. Looke up sad soule. 4 v. Sep. 750-3 (An adaptation of ' O stay swete loue ' from his First Set of English Madrigals, 1599.) FARMER (Thomas). One of the King's Musicians for the Violins, 1 67 1 ; Musician in Ordinary, 1675. Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1684. Died 1688. Two Airs for the Violin. Violin part only 361 Four Airs for the Violin. Violin part only 362 Air (or perhaps Set of 3 Airs) in A ma. 1 Violin part only 1183 FARRANT (Daniel). One of the King's Musicians for the Violins, 1607-31 ; for the Lutes and Voices till 164 1. Son of Richard Farrant, q.v. Pauan upon fower notes, a 5 423-8 [Another Pavan ' Sacred Ende ' in the same MSS. has the name « Daniell' at end of Bassus, and ' T. Morley ' in Cantus Book. The latter is probably meant.] IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 39 FARRANT (John). Organist of Ely, 1566; Hereford, 1592; Salisbury, 1 598-1602. Kyrie and Creed. ' Mr. Farrant of Salisbury.' Organ part 88 Te Deum. Organ part 88 (Printed by Ouseley as by Richard Farrant.) FARRANT (? John or Richard). Benedicity, apparently in Mode XIII and not part of John Farrant's service, nor of Richard Farrant's. Organ part 88 FARRANT (Richard). Master of the Children of St. George's, Windsor; Gent, of the Chapel Royal. Died 1580. Service in Mode IX. Boyce. Te D., Bctus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Bass part only 1012 Organ part 1231 The same without Ky. and Creed ; short score 525 Mag. and N. Dim. only. Organ part 88 Call to remembrance. Anthem. 4 v. Barnard, Boyce, &c. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Tenor only 440 Organ parts 437, 438, 1001 (For Aldrich's adaptation, see Aldrich.) Hide not thou thy face. Anthem. 4 v. Barnard, Boyce, &c. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Score without words 1002 Organ parts 1001, 437 (twice), 438 (For Aldrich's adaptation, see Aldrich?) Lord for thy tender mercy's sake. Anthem. 4 v. Cathedral Magazine, &c. Sep. parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 437, 1225, 1230, 1235 (See Aldrich. ' Not unto us.') When as we sate in Babilon. V. A. Organ part 6 Ah, ah, alas ! you salt sea gods. Pt. I. ) 5 parts, for treble voice You Godds that guide. Part II. J and instruments. From a play dealing with Abradad and Panthea. Sep. parts 984-8 [? By the waters of Babylon. See Aldrich .] FA YRFAX (Robert). Mus. Doc. ; Master of the Children of St. Albans Abbey; Gent, of the Chapel Royal. Died 152 1. Ave Dei patris. Motet for 5 v. Sep. parts wanting Tenor book 979-83 FEDERICI (Francesco) of Rome : a priest who lived in the 2nd half of the 1 7th century. D'un bel ciglio. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 952 Non so se mi capite. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 952 Son troppo stretti. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 952 4 o CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) I. Son of Domenico Maria Ferabosco. Born at Bologna, 1543. Settled in England before 1562. Returned to Italy in 1578, when he entered the service of the Duke of Savoy. Died at Bologna, 1588. O remember not our oulde synnes. 6 v. By A. F., ' Senior.' Sep. parts, wanting Bass 56-60 Motets, &c. De lamentacione. 5 v. Sep., wanting Tenor book 079-83 The same complete. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Mirabile mysterium. 5 v. Sep. parts 984-8, 78-82, 463-7 Tribulationem et dolorem. 5 v. Sep. 984-8, 78-82 The following are anonymous here, but have been identified from other MSS. There are probably other works by A. F. in these MSS. Ad Dominum. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Benedic anima mea. Ps. civ. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Extendens caelum. Pt. II. 4 v. Sep. 78-82 Qui fundasti. Pt. III. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Qui emittis. Part IV. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Rigans montes. Part V. 4 v. Sep. 78-82 Saturabuntur ligna. Part VI. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Posuisti tenebras. Pt. VII. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Quam magnificata. Pt. VIII. 3 v. Sep. 78-82 Draco iste. Pt. IX. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Emittes spiritum. Pt. X. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Cantabo Domino. Pt. XL Canon per diapason et diatesseron. 6 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Cantate Domino. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Quia beneplacitum. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Conserva me. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Vias tuas. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Da pacem. 6 v. Sep. wanting Tenor book 979-83 Heu mini Domine. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Ingemuit Susanna. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Judica me Domine. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Vide humilitatem. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Miserere nostri. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Musica lseta. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Nuntium vobis. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Peccantem me. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Surge propera. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Surge propera. Pt. II. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 Madrigals. Those marked with an asterisk * are in Ferrabosco's // primo libro de Madrigali, 1587; those marked with a dagger t are in // secondo libro de Madrigali, 1587. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 41 FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) I— continued. *Cara la vita. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Chi ha cor. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 tDonna l'ardente fiamma. 5 v. Sep. 463-7 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina II, 1597.) The same, ' Lady, my flame '. Score without words 33 *Donna se voi. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1588.) *Gia fu mia. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1588.) *Godea Tirsi. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1 588.) *Mentre ti fui si grato. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Mentre ti fui si cara. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Hor pien d'alto. Pt. III. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 *Hor un laccio. Pt. IV. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 (Also printed in Morley's Collection, 1598.) * Lasso donque. Pt. V. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Ben che senza. Pt. VI. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Non fingo. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *0 crude pene. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *0 dolcissimo baccio. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1588.) *Perle rubini. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1588.) *Quanto io son. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Se pur e ver. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 tSignor la vostra. 5 v. Sep. 463-7 (Also printed in Musica Transalpina II, 1597.) The same ' Sweet lord '. Score without words 33 Tu dolce anima. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Printed in Pevernage's Harmonia Celeste, Antwerp, 1583.) Vidi pianger. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 Come dal ciel. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 (Both printed in Musica Transalpina I, 1588.) *Voi volete. 5 v. Sep. 78-82 *Vorrei lagnarmi. Pt. I. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 *S'io taccio. Pt. II. 5 v. Sep. 78-82, 463-7 (Both printed also in Morley's Collection, 1598.) In nomine. 5 v. Sep. (No. 24) 463-7 (Cf. B. M. Add. MSS. 32377 and 29427.) FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) II. Son of Alfonso I. One of the King's Musicians. He composed music for some of Ben Jonson's Masques. Buried at Greenwich, March, 1628. Fuerunt mihi lacrimae. 4 v. Sep. 463-7 The same, Tenor only 880 (This is probably by A. F. II, not I). 42 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) II— continued. Laboravi in gemitu. 5 v. Sep. Rorate creli. 3 v. S. S. B. Sep. Heare me O God a broken hart, in 5 voice and instruments The same without words, called parts. Sixteen songs from his Ayres, 1609. Come away, come away. Drowne not my teares. Fain I would. Fly from the world. I am a lover. Iff all the ages of the earth. If all these cupides now. It was no pollicie of court. Instrumental piece in 3 parts. Almaine Instrumental pieces in 4 parts. Twenty fancies. Sep. The same. Sep. The same. Score Short Score 463-7 623-6 ' Pavan ' for Treble 423-8 4 notes pavan ' 527-30 and 1024 Treble voice and Bass only 439 O eyes O mortall starres. Shall I seeke to ease my greife. Singe the nobles of his race. Unconstante loue. Why stayes the bridegroom. With what new thoughts. Younge and simple though I am. Yes weare the loues. 379-81 468-72 397-400, 517-20 2 436 Of these Nos. 1, 2, n, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 are sep. 423-8 Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19 (Organ part) are in 1004 Part of Bass (unfinished) of No. 7 67 Two Fancies (Pt. I ' Ut re mi ' ; and Pt. II) Pt. I printed in Musical Antiquary, January 191 2. Sep. 397-400, 473-8, 517-20 Score 2 Short Score 436 Fantazia. Organ Score 1004 Sep. parts 397-400 Score 2 Short Score 436 Instrumental pieces in j parts. In nomine. Sep. 404-8, 423-8, 468-72, 527-30 and 1024, 716-20 Organ 1004 Short score 436 In nomine. Sep. 404-8, 423-8, 468-72, 527-30 and 1024, 716-20 Organ 1004 Short score 436 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 43 FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) II— continued. In nomine ' 2 bases '. Sep. 404-8, 468-72, 473-8, 527-30 and 1024 Short score 436 In nomine (No. 14). Sep. 423-8 ' Douehouse Pauan.' Sep. 404-8, 423-8, 527-30 and 1024 Short Score 436 ' 4 notes Pauan.' (See ' Heare me God ' above.) Sep. 404-8, 423-8, 527-30 and 1024 Score 2 Short Score 436 Two Pavans (Nos. 32 and 35). Sep. 423-8 No. 35. Sep. 404-8, Score 2, Short Score 436 Almaine (No. 25). Sep. 423-8 Treble and Bass only 1114 Bass only 1022 Almaine (No. 36). 423-8 Sep. 404-8 Score 2 Short Score 436 (Four more Pavans and an Almaine, Nos. 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, in 423-8, perhaps by A. F. Of these No. 27 is in 404-8, 436 and 2.) Two Fancies (Pt. I ' Ut, re, mi ' ; and Pt. II : 5-part versions of the same 4-part fancies). Sep. 404-8 Score 2 'strumental pieces in 6 parts Phantazia. Sep. 404-8, 423-8, 473-8 Organ 1004 Short Score 436 Score 2 Phantazia. Sep. 61 -66, 404-8, 423-8 (twice), 473-8 Organ 1004 Short Score 436 Score 2 Fancy. Sep. 61-6, 404-8 Score 2 Short Score 436 In nomine. Sep. 61-6, 404-8, 473-8 Score 2 Short Score 436 FERRABOSCO (John). Mus.Bac. Organist of Ely 1662. Died 1682. Almond, Corant and Sarabrand for Harpsichord 1236 FERRABOSCO ( ). It is not stated to which the following should be assigned. It is probably adapted from a Madrigal. Say God should send. 4 v. Sep. 1074-7, 750-3 44 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC FERRARA (Michael de). Allman, cuntre dance (with probably Corant and Saraband). Violin part only 1066 FILIPPI (Gaspare). Chapel Master at Vicenza, 1637-53. Three Motets from Concerti Ecclesiasiici, 1637 623-6 Intuens in caelum. 3 v. A. T. B. O sacrum convivium. 3 v. A. T. B. Vidi turbam magnam. 3 v. B. B. B. FINGER (Gottfried). A native of Olmiitz in Moravia. Lived in England c. 1685-^. 1701. Instrumental piece (? Sonata). Tenor and (unfinished) Bass only 351-2 FIOCCO (Antonio, or Pietro Antonio). Born at Venice ; died at Brussels, 17 14. Vice-master of the Court Chapel at Brussels, 1696. Caeli dapes. Motet for 1-4 v. Score 48 FLORIO (Giovanni). A composer of the 16th century. Madrigals by him appear in collections from 1566 onwards. A pilgrym passinge. 3 v. S.S.A. 750-3 O what have I deserved. 3 v. S.S.A. 750-3 FONTANELLI ( ). Probably Conte Alfonso, in the service of Alfonso II d'Este ; fl. 1 586-1 608. Padre del ciel. 5 v. 510-4 FONTEI (Nicolo). Chapel master at Verona; fl. 1635-47. Et ecce sonuit, from Melodise Sacrx, 1638. 3 v. A. T. B. and Basso 623-6 FORCER (Francis), c. 1650-c. 1705. Contributed to Playford's Choyce Ay res and Dialogues, 1679, &c. Overture and eight tunes for strings. Tenor and Bass only 351-2 FORCIL ( ). Possibly a mistake for Forcer. One tune for violin. Violin part only 362 FORDE (Thomas). Musician to Henry, Prince of Wales, and later to Charles I. Published Musicke of Sundrie Kindes, 1607. Died 1648. Anthems and Sacred Music Those marked with an asterisk * seem to be imperfect, wanting instrumental parts. At night lye downe. 3 v. 736-8 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 45 FORDE (Thomas) — continued. Bowe downe thine eare. 3 v. 736-8 Forsake me not. 3 v. 736-8 Glory be to the Father. 3 v. 736-8 Goe wounded soule. 3 v. 736-8 *Hayle holy woman (verse and chorus, 3 v.) 736-8 Heare my praier. 3 v. 736-8 How sitts this citty. 3 v. 736-8 Let us with lowde. V.A. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 Miserere my maker. F. A. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 My greifs are full. 3 v. 736-8 My sinnes are like. 3 v. 736-8 O clap your hands (Pt. I), with 2nd part, He shall chuse. 3 v. 736-8 O praise the Lord. 3 v. 736-8 Praise the Lorde, oh my soule. 3 v. 736-8 *Say bould but blessed theefe. 3 v. 736-8 *Strike Lord why wilt thow. Verse and Chorus. 3 v. 736-8 Strike thou the anvill. 3 v. 736-8 Why art thou so heavy. 3 v. 736-8 *Yet if his maiestie. 3 v. 736-8 Madrigals, &c. * Are women fayre ? 3 V. 736-8 Come forth my deare. 3 v. 736-8 *Come let us enjoye. 3 v. 736-8 *Fire, fire, loe heare I burne. 3 v. 736-8 Greife, greife, keep in. 3 v. 736-8 Let not my blacknes. 3 v. 736-8 Musique devine. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 My love is like a garden. 3 v. 736-8 Now sleeps my love. 3 v. 736-8 Oh how my soule. 3 v. 736-8 Oh staye awhile. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 thou whose loue. 3 v. 736-8 Our life is nothing. 3 v. 736-8 *Sigh no more ladies. 3 v. 736-8 Still shall my hopes. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 Sweet yet cruel!. 3 v. 736-8 Tis now dead night. A passion on the death of Prince Henry. 6 v., wanting Bass 56-60 What curious face. 3 v. 736-8 What's a woman but her will. 3 v. 736-8 What greater joye. 3 v. 736-8 Whoever smelt the breath. 3 v. 736-8 Almayne for instruments. 3 parts sep. 379-81 4 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC FREE ( ), Dr. Single Chant in Bt> 1229 FREER (R. Lane). Sanctus and Kyrie in G. Organ part 1225 FRESCOBALDI (Girolamo). 1583-1644. Organist of St. Peter's, Rome. ' Partite sopra Folia ad simbolum ' for Virginal 1113 FULLER ( ). Single Chant in B£ 1226, 1229 FUSETTI (Reverendo Padre). Cum invocarem. Motet for 1-4 v., with Accompaniment for 2 Violins. Score 385 Dixit Dominus. Motet for 1-4 v., with instrumental parts and Symphonies. Score 684 Exurgite mortales. Motet for Soprano, with 5 instrumental parts. Score 388 (This is anonymous, but it evidently is part of the series 385-6-7.) In te Domine. Motet for 1-4 v., with Accompaniment for 2 Violins. Score 386 Magnificat anima for 1-4 v., with Accompaniment for 2 Violins. Score 387 GABRIELI (Giovanni). i557-?i6i2. Organist of St. Mark's, Venice. How long shall fadinge pleasure. 4 v. 1074-7, 750-3 My soule is deeply wounded. 3 v. (Two copies of 1 and 2 Treble parts) 739-43 GAGLIANO (Marco da). 1602-42. Chapel master of S. Lorenzo, Florence. Composer of the opera Dafne. Four Madrigals a 5, from the First Book of Madrigals, 1602 510-4 Filli, mentre ti bacio. L'ardente tua facella. O sonno (Pt. I). Questo [sic. ; should be Ov' e il] silentio. Madrigal from the Fifth Book of Madrigals, 1608. Su la sponda. 5 v - 510-4 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 47 GALLERANO (R. P. Leandro). Chapel Master of S. Antony, Padua; fl. 1620-8. In Domino confido. 4 v. Printed in J. Bapt. Aloysius's Coelestis Parnassus, 1628. Basso continuo only 880 GALLIARD (John Ernest), c. 1687-1749. A native of Zell, in Hanover. Came to England about 1706. The hymn of Adam and Eve {Par. Lost, Bk. V), for Sopr. and Tenor with Basso. Printed 1728. Score 77 V'cello part 73 Cupid god of pleasing anguish. Fragment of Treble voice only 960 Ghosts of ev'ry occupation 960 (Songs from Doctor Faustus or The Necromancer, Printed 1724.) GASPARINI (Francesco). 1668-1727. Chapel Master of S. John Lateran, Rome. ( E che farai. Cantata for Sopr. Solo 993 GERARDE (Derick). A 16th-century writer, many of whose works exist in MS. in the British Museum Library. Sive vigilem. Motet for 6 voices. Sep. parts, wanting Tenor book 979-83 GIBBONS (Christopher). 1615-76. Mus. Doc. Son of Orlando, q.v. Organist of Winchester Cathedral, 1638-44 ; of the Chapel Royal, and of Westminster Abbey, 1660. Above the stars. V. A. Score 14 [The organ part of a different ' Above the Stars ', ascribed to ' Christo. Gibbons ', perhaps by error 92] Ah my soule. 3 v. S. S. B. Score 14 Score and sep. Treble parts 693 God be mercyfull. V. and Chos. Scores 12, 14 How long wilt thou forget. V. A. Printed in Playford's Caniica Sacra, II, 1674. Score 12, 18 Sep. Chorus parts. A. T. B. 1220-4 Sep. 1 and 2 Treble verses and Chorus. A.T.B. 623-6 O praise the Lord. V. A. Score 12, 14 Sing unto the Lord. V. A. Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, II, 1674. Score 12, 14 Teach me O Lord. V. A. Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, II, 1674. Score 14, 22 The Lord said unto my Lord. V. A. Score 14, 22 Celebrate Dominum. 2 v. S. B. Printed in Cantica Sacra, 1674. Score 18 48 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC GIBBONS (Christopher) — continued. Gloria Patri. 3 v. Score 43, 48 Laudate Dominum. Motet 4-6 v. Score 14, 621 O bone Jesu. Motet 4 v. Score 14, 621 Instrumental Music Four sets of 3 pieces (Fantasia, Allmaine, and Galliard), for 1 Treble and 1 Bass. Sep. 414-16 Organ part 778 Organ part, incompletely written out 1180 Score with organ 8 Bass only 434 Almaine, Corant, and Saraband for 1 Treble and Bass. Sep. 414-6 Score 8 Six sets of 3 pieces (Fantasia, Allmaine, and Galliard), for 2 Trebles and Bass. Sep. 414-6 Organ part, incompletely written out 1180 Score 8, 620 Seven ' Ayres ' or short pieces for 2 Trebles and Bass. Sep. 414-6 Score 8 The same. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Sep. 1006-9 Three Fantazias for 2 Trebles and Bass. Score 21 Four pieces in G mi. (not in 414-6) ; Six in D mi. ; Four in D ma. for 2 Trebles and Bass 1006-9 Fancy a 4 (Vo. 1 and 2, Va. and Bass). Score 8 Alman and two other pieces (Nos. 7, 8, 9). Bass only 434 Two Voluntaries for Organ 15, 47, 1176 (Other pieces in these MSS. may be by him.) Piece for Organ or Harpsichord 1003 Piece for Organ or Harpsichord 1179 GIBBONS (Edward). Born c. 1570. Mus. Bac. Brother of Orlando Gibbons, q.v. Organist of King's Coll., Cambridge; Bristol Cathedral ; and Exeter Cathedral. Awake and arise. 3 v. Score 43, 48 Commandments and Creed to William Mundye's Short Service. Sep. A.; T. and B. Dec. and Cant. 1220-4 GIBBONS (Ellis). Brother of Orlando, q. v. Organist of Salisbury. Long live faire Oriana. Madrigal for 5 v. from the Triumphs of Oriana, 1601. Score without words 33 GIBBONS (Orlando). 1583-1625. Organist of the Chapel Royal and of Westminster Abbey. The MS. 21 is for the most part in his autograph. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 49 GIBBONS (Orlando)— continued. Services. Short service ' for the organs, or without for a meane '. Barnard, Boyce, &c. 4 v. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 Short score 525 Organ part (with words) 6 Organ parts 1001, 1231 Sep. parts ; A. T. B. only 1220-4 Te D., Bdtus., with Sanctus. Organ part 1225 Mag. and N. Dim. 88 Evening Service ' for verses '. Barnard, Ouseley. Score 1002 Short score 526 Organ part 1001 Sep. parts ; A. T. B. (Verse and Chos.) and T. (Chos.) 1220-4 First Preces and First Psalm, ' I will magnifie.' A., A., T. B. sep. 1220-4 Second Preces and Second Psalm, ' The eies of all.' {Barnard's ' First Preces '.) A. T. B. sep. parts 1220-4 (The Preces 1 and 2 printed in Ouseley.) Anthems. Almighty and everlasting God, mercifully looke. ' 3rd Sunday after Epiphanie.' Barnard, Boyce. Organ part 47 Bass part only 1012 Almightie God which hast given. ' For Christmas Day.' V. A. Organ part 1001 Behold I bring you. V. A . Ouseley. Sep. A. T. B., Verse and Chos., T. B. Chos. only 1220-4 Behold thou hast made. ' This Anthem was made at the Intretie of Docter Maxcie Deane of Winsor the same day sennight before his death.' V. A. Barnard, Ouseley. Printed by Aldrich as part of an intended publication. Score 12, 16, 21, 49 Single Treble Voice part with Organ 46 Fragments of voice part (Treble) 1114 Alto solo part (ornamented) with Chorus parts com- pressed 18 Sep. Chorus parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Blessed are all they. ' A Weddinge Anthem first made for my Lord of Summersett.' V. A. Ouseley. Score 21 Sep. A. T. B. Verse and Chos. ; T. B. Chos. 1220-4 Organ part 1001 Deliver us o Lord, Pt. I ) ~ . „ . ~ Blessed be the Lord, Pt. Ill R A> 4 Vt Barmrd > 0us ^ Bass voice part only 1012 E 5 o CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC GIBBONS (Orlando) —continued. Glorious and powerful God. V. A. Ouseley. Score 21 Sep. parts. A. and B., Verse and Chos. ; Tr. and Tenor Chos. 623-6 Sep. parts. B., Verse and Chos. ; A. T. B., Chos. 1220-4 Organ part 6 Grant o holy Trinity. V. A. Organ part 1001 Great King of Gods. V. A. ' This anthem was made for the Kings being in Scottland.' Ouseley 21 Hosanna. 6 v. Barnard : Boyce, &c. Score 16 Bass voice only 1012 Short score without words 525 Organ parts 47, 1001, 1230, 1234 If yee be risen. V. A. Ouseley. Organ parts 1001 (two copies, one unfinished) ; 1219 Lift up your heads. 6 v. Barnard: organ part in Ouseley. Score 16 Short score 525 Bass only 1012 Organ parts 47, 1001, 1230 Lord graunt grace. V. A. ' An Anthem for all saints day.' Ouse- ley. Score 21 Lord wee besech thee ' for ) e Annuntiation of y e Virgin Mary.' Organ part 1001 O God the King of glory. ' For Aseniion day.' Organ part 1001 O Lord in thee is all my trust. ' The Lamentation.' F. A. 5 v. Ouseley. Score 21 Oh all true fathful harts. ' A thanks Giuing for the Kings happie recoverie from a great dangerous sicknes.' V. A. Ouseley as ' O Thou the central orb '. Score 21 Out of the deepe. Organ part 1001 See the word is incarnate. V. A. 5 v. ' The words were made by Docter Goodman, De: of Rochester.' Ouseley. Score 21 Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 Sing unto the Lord. ' Anthem of 5 Voc. : was made for D or Mar- shall.' Ouseley. Score 12, 18, 21 Sep. parts. A., B. 1 and 2, Verse and Chorus; Tr. and Tenor Chorus 623-6 Sep. parts. A., B. 1 and 2, Verse and Chorus ; Tenor Chorus 1220-4 The Lord said. V. A. Sc. 12 This is the record of John. V. A. ' This Anthem was made for Dr. Laud, presedent of Sant Johns, Oxford.' Ouseley. Sc. 21 Wee praise yee o father. V. A. Ouseley. Sc. 21 Organ 1219 Sep. A. T. B., verse and chos.; Bass chorus 1220-4 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 5i GIBBONS (Orlando)— continued. Hymns from George Wither's Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch, 1623. 1. Now shall the praises. 2. Sing praises Israel. 3. Now in the Lord. 4. Thy beauty Israel. 5. Come kisse me. 6. Oh my Loue, how comely. 7. Arise thou North-winde. 8. Who 's this, that leaning. 9. Lord, I will sing. 10. O Lord of Hoastes. 11. How sad and solitary. 12. Lord, thy answere. 13. Thus Angels sung. 14. Oh all you Creatures. 15. Come Holy-Ghost. 16. A Song of Joy. 17. When one among the Twelve. Two parts in Score Bass part only The whole contents of The First Set of Madrigals, 161 2. without words The silver swan. that the learned Poets. 1 waigh not Fortune's frown, Pt. I. I tremble not, Pt. II. I see ambition, Pt. III. I faine not friendship, Pt. IV. How art thou thral'd. Farewell all joyes. Daintie fine Bird. Faire Ladies that to Love, Pt. I. 365 366 Score 21 Mongst thousands good. Pt. II. Now each flowry bancke. Lais now old. What is our life? Ah deere hart. Faire is the Rose. Nay let me weepe. Pt. I. Yet if that age. Pt. III. Nere let the Sunne. Pt. II. Trust not too much. Instrumental Music. Nine three-part Fancies from Fantazies of III parts, wanting 1st Treble. Sep. 401-2 Score 2 The same, excepting No. 3. Score 21 Sep. parts 61, 64, 66 The first six of the same. Sep. 473-8 Four of the same (Nos. 2, 3, 6, and 7), being respectively Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 6 in the engraved book 459-62 The 1 st and part of the 8th of the engraved book. Organ part 15 The 8th of the same called ' Voluntarie ' for Organ 47, 1176 Four three-part Fancies 419-21 The same, called his ' musique for the Great Dooble Basse ' 732-5 Two four-part Fancies (for the Great Double Basse) 732-5 The same, wanting 2nd Treble book 419-21 E 2 52 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC GIBBONS (Orlando)— continued. Two In nomines. a 5 423-8 The 1 st of these also in 404-8 Score 2 Short score 436 Four six-part Fantasias (or Madrigals without the words ?). The beginning of the 1st is missing. The name of Orlando Gibbons is on the 4th only. Score 21 Organ and Virginal Music. ' Whoope doe me no harme good man ' 431 Voluntarie of foure parts ; Preludium ; The Queenes Command ; A Runing fantazia 47 (Of these, ' Preludium ' and ' The Queenes Command ' were printed in Parthenia, 161 1.) The ' Preludium ' is also in 89 The ' Voluntarie of foure parts ' is also in 1176 Eight pieces for Virginal, 5 unnamed (Nos. 63, 65, 66, 68, and 72); An Aire (No. 89); Galliard (99); Allmaine (97) 1113 Of these, the ' Aire ', 89, is in 1003 The Sarabrand (sic) of Orlando Gibbons 1175 Fantazia, a 4, for Organ 1141-2 Welcom home 437 ' The crye ', Pt. I, and ' A good sawsedg ', Pt. II (probably madrigals) for keyboard instrument 67 GIBBONS ( ) ? Christopher or Orlando. Sing we merrily. Organ part 1230 GIBBS (R.), probably Richard. Organist of Norwich Cathedral, ? 1622-30. Allmaine and Corant for Virginal 1177 GILES (Nathaniel). Mus. Doc. Chorister at Magdalen Coll., Oxford, I 559-6i; Clerk there, 1577; Master of the Children of St. George's, Windsor, and of the Chapel Royal. Died 1633. Services. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., and N. Dim. ' for verses '. Barnard. Sep. A. (Dec.) T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) 1220-4 Mag. and N. Dim. of the same. Organ part 1227 Mag. and N. Dim., ' his new service for verses '. Sep. A. (Dec.) T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) 1220-4 Anthems, &c. O give thanks. F. A. Barnard. A. T. B. only. Sep. 1220-4 Organ part 1001 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 53 GILES (Nathaniel) — continued. heare my prayer Lord. V. A. Treble and Bass. Verse part only with grace notes 439 The same. Verse and Chorus. Organ part 88 Out of the deep. V. A. A. T. B. Chorus and B. Verse and Chorus. Sep. 1220-4 Vestigia mea. Motet for 5 voices 984-8 Hay nonny no, men are fooles. Song. Treble and Bass 439 GILL. Perhaps George Gill, the King's Musical Instrument Maker, 1 64 1. (See The King's Musick.) In Nomine, a 5, and In Nomine, a 6, for instruments. Sep. 473-8 GIOVANELLI (Ruggiero). Born 1560. Maestro di cappella to San Luigi de' Francesi, Rome, 1585; succeeded Palestrina at St. Peter's, 1594. Was still living 16 15. Canzonet. Why sittest thou sluggarte. 1st and 2nd Treble only 740, 742 GOLDWIN (John). Succeeded his master, Dr. Child, as Organist of St. George's, Windsor. Died 17 19. Service in F. Arnold. Te D., Jub., ' Trisagium,' Ky., Creed, Mag., and N. Dim. 94 Ascribe unto the Lord. V. A. Score 94 Behold I bring you. V. A. Score 94 Blessed be the Lord God. F. A. Organ parts 1230, 1235 Bow downe thine ear. F.A. a 5 94 Give the King thy judgements. V. A. 94 Hear mee O God. F. A. a 5 94 Organ part 1230 1 am well pleased. V. A. 94 I have set God alway before me. Boyce. V. A. Organ part 1230 I will dwell in thy tabernacle. V. A. 94 I will give thanks. V. A. 94 I will magnifie. V. A. 94 I will sing. F. A. Page. Organ parts 1230, 1235 Lord thou hast been our refuge. V. A. 94 O give thankes. V. A. 94 O Lord God of Hosts hear my prayer. V. A. 94 O Lord God of Hosts who is like. F. A. a 6 94 O Lord how glorious. Solo Treble 23 O Lord my God. V. A. 94 O praise the Lord, for it is a good thing. V. A. 94 Ponder my words. V. A. 94 Praise the Lord O my soul. V. A. 94 Praise the Lord ye servants. V. A. 94 Thy way O God is holy. V. A. 94 Unto thee have I cried. V. A. 94 Libera me Deus. Motet a 5. 94 54 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC GOODALE (Stephen). Probably Chaplain at Ch. Ch. Died 1637. See Foster's Alumni. Ayre for instruments. Bass part only 1022 GOODENOUGH (R. P.). Twenty-five Chants 1226 GOODSON (Richard), senior. 1655-17 18. Mus. B. Organist of Christ Church ; Professor of Music in the University. Most of the following appear to be his original MSS. Services and Anthems. Morning Service in C. Te D. and Jub. Verse and Chos. Score (with 3 versions of the Gloria to Jubilate) 616 Organ part 1231 Evening service in F. Cantate and D. Mis. V. and Chos. Score 1173 Single chant. 4 v. Score 48 Blessed is he. V. Anthem. Score 22 (Two copies, one inserted loose.) I am well pleased. V. Anthem. Score 1219 Not unto us. V. Anthem. Score 1219 Rejoyce in the Lord. V. Anthem. Score, with sep. Chorus parts, S. A. T. B. ; and Instr. parts, Vo. 1 and 2, Va., and Bass 1219 Songs for the Oxford Act for solo voices and Chorus, with Symphonies and Instrumental Accompaniments in score. Carminum praeses. 621 Another copy differing somewhat, 618 in which is inserted a 3rd copy (? in Aldrich's hand- writing) more nearly resembling that in 621. The name of ' Aldrich ' is written in pencil on 618 and 621 in a modern hand, but the lettering on the back of 618, ' Act Songs composed by Rich d . Goodson, sen r .,' makes it evident that he is the composer. Jam resurgit Divus. 618 O cura Divum. 618 O qui potenti. 617 Quis efficaci carmine. 618 Sacra musarum. 618 Janus did ever to thy wondring eyes. 'After the victory at Blenheim/ Score 618 Fragments of the same 616 Ormond's glory, Malbrough's arms. Score 617 Overture. ' This Overture was compos'd for an Act song, Set to music by Mr. Sampson Estwick,' probably ' Julio festas referente luces' (q.v.), which is in the same key, F. Score 618 Various instrumental pieces in B|?, perhaps a suite. Score 618 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 55 GRABU (Lewis). A French composer who seems to have come to England at the Restoration, being named as ' Master ' of the King's Musick in 1660, and 'Composer* in 1665. He died about 1687. See The King's Mustek. Air for the violin. Treble only 362 GRANDI (Alessandro), fl. 1610-37. Maestro di Cappella in Santa Maria Maggiore at Bergamo. O bone Jesu. 4 v. From II secondo libro de Motetti, 1628. Also printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1662. Sep. parts 747-9 Basso only 880 Basso (organo) part of 4-part Motetts from Grandi's printed collec- tions. 880 From II primo libro de Motetti > 1628 : Benedictus Dominus. Cantate Domino. Caro mea. Congratulemini. Hie est vere Martyr. Obaudite me. Vidi spetiosam. From II secondo libro de Motetti, 1628 : Heu mihi. Inter vestibulum. Magnum hsereditatis. O bone Jesu (see above). From 77 Quarto libro de Motetti, 1628 : Deus qui nos. Diligam te Domine. Plorabo. From II sesto libro de Motetti, 1630 : Domine in furore. (The dates given above are those of the editions of which copies are in this Library.) GRATIANI (Bonifatio). 1605-64. Maestro di Cappella to the Chiesa del Gesu and Seminario Romano at Rome. (Eilner.) The contents of MS. 7 are copied from the six books of Motetti a voce sola. (6) Ad cantus. Tr. Solo 7 (4) Allelujah, de funere. Tr. (1) Ad ccelestem Jerusalem. Solo 7, 17 Tr. Solo 7 (2) Alma redemptoris. Tr. (4) Ad laudes. Tr. Solo 7, 17 Solo 7 (5) Ad matrem. Tr. Solo 7 (4) Anima mea. Tr. Solo (6) Advenisli. Tr. Solo 7 7, 350 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ( J R ATIANI (Bonifatio)— continued. (6) Applaudite. Tr. Solo 7 (3) Aniens est. Bass Solo 7 (r) Ardetamans. Tr. Solo 7 (6) Attendite verbum. Tr. So'o 7 (,-,) Audi clementissime. Tr. Solo 7 (4) Canite filiae. Tr. Solo 7, 17 (6) Coeli cives. Tr. Solo 7 (3) Coeli duces. Tr. Solo 7 (4) Crudelis infernus. Tr. Solo 7, 17 (1) Dedit abissus. Bass Solo 7 The same, with English words, ' They that go down,' adapted by Dr. Pickering 48 (2) Diem festum. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Dilecte mi. Tr. Solo 7 (3) Dominus illuminatio. Tr. Solo 7 (5) Dum sederet beatus. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Erumpe Mariam. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Erumpite flammse. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Exulta jubila. Tr. Solo 7 (3) Florete prata. Tr. Solo 7 (6) Flos Romanarum. Tr. Solo 7 (r) Fremite, currite. Tr. Solo 7 (6) Gaude cor. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Gaude exulta. Tr. Solo 7 (1) Gaudia pastores. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Germinate campi. Tr. Solo 7 (2) Hsec est laeta. Tr. Solo 7 (1) Hodie collaetantur. Tr. Solo 7 (4) Ibat in accessos. Tr. Solo 7 (3) Jacebam. Tr. Solo 7 (' Velut palma ' and ' Venite Harmonia Sacra, Bk. II, 1693. Laboravi. Tr. Solo 7 Magnificate. Tr. Solo 7 Multiplicatae. Tr. Solo 7 O cor meum. O dulcis Jesu. O quam pulcher. Per asperos. Tr. Tr. Solo 7 Tr. Solo 7, 350 O hilaris. Tr. Solo 7 Tr. Solo 7 Solo 7, 350 Plaudite vocibus. Tr. Solo 7 Quam dilecta. Tr. Solo 7 Quam pretiosa. Tr. Solo 7 Quasi sol. Tr. Solo 7 Quicumque amat. Tr. Solo 7 Quis me territat. Tr. Solo 7 Regina cceli. Tr. Solo 7 Rorate nubes. Tr. Solo 7 Salve ccelitum. Tr. Solo 7, 17 Salve regina ( 1 ). Tr. Solo 7 Salve regina (2). Tr. Solo 7 Sinite me. Tr. Solo 7 Si quis diligit. Tr. Solo 7 Sponsa sua. Tr. Solo 7 Surge dilecte. Tr. Solo 7, 17 Surrexit pastor. Tr. Solo 7 Tormentorum ssevitiam. Tr. Solo 7 Ubi est dilectus. Tr. Solo 7 Velut palma. Tr. Solo 17 Venerat ilia dies. Tr. Solo 7 Veni gaude. Tr. Solo 7 Venite audite. Tr. Solo 7 Venite pastores. Tr. Solo 7 Vidi Luciferum. Tr. Solo 7 Volate ccelites. Tr. Solo 7 Vos qui statis. Tr. Solo 7 pastores ' are printed in Playford's ) IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 57 GRATIANI (Bonifatio)— continued. Sub umbra noctis. Bass Solo with 3 instr. parts. Score 83 The whole contents of Motetti a due e tre voci, 1667. Score 83 Venite gentes. 2 v. Surrexit Christus. 2 v. Hie est panis. 2 v. Omnes gentes. 2 v. Domine ne in furore. 3 v. Haec est vera fraternitas. 3 v. Surge veni. 3 v. Mille tormenta. 3 v. Adeste turba. 3 v. Ave millies beata. 3 v. Transeamus pastores. 3 v. Convertemini ad me. 3 v. GREENE (Maurice). 1695-1755. Mus. Doc. Organist of St. Paul's and the Chapel Royal. The following anthems are all in Forty Select Anthems in Score except ' Like as the hart '. Acquaint thyself with God. Score (unfinished) 1111 Treble voice part 1111 Organ parts 1233, 1234, 1235 Blessed are those. Organ part 1229 Hear O Lord. Organ part 1233, 1235 I will seek unto God. Organ part 1234 I will sing of thy pow'r. Organ parts 1229, 1233 Let my complaint. Organ part 1229 Like as the hart. Arnold. Organ part 1234 Lord let me know mine end. Organ part 1232 My God, my God look upon me. Organ part 1233 My soul truly waiteth. Organ part 1235 O God of my righteousness. Organ part 1234 O God thou art my God. Organ part 1232 O Lord give ear. Organ part 1229 O praise our God ye people. Organ part 1232 O sing unto the Lord. Organ part 1233 Praise the Lord O my soul. Score 22 Organ part 1234 The King shall rejoice. Organ part 1235 The Lord is my shepherd. Organ part 1234 Single chant in B[? 1226, 1229 Single chant in G 1226 The Fly. Song. Treble voice part only 1111 GREVILLE ( ). Double chant in A 1226 GUAMI (Gioseffo or Giuseppe) of Lucca. Organist to Duke Albrecht of Bavaria ; to Gian Andrea Doria at Genoa ; 2nd Organist of St. Mark's, Venice ; Organist of the Duomo at Lucca. Died 161 1. (Eilner.) Pittie my woes. Treble and Alto 740-2 58 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC HALL (Henry), c. 1655-1707. Organist of Exeter; and of Here- ford. Te Deum in Eb- 3-4 v. Arnold, &c. (See Hine ; Hayes.) Score 42 Organ part 1232 Two Chants 1229 Praise the Lord O ye servants. Organ part 1233 Fill the bowl with rosie wine. 3 v. Score. 350 Hast Charon hast, 'tis Nol. A Dialogue between Oliver and Charon. Tr., Bass, and Basso 49 Voice parts, incomplete 389 No sullen cloud. Dialogue between a Shepherd and Shepherdess, Tr. and Bass with 3 instrumental parts. Score 1212 To our arms on earth. ' A health.' Tr. and Bass 1219 While he in tryumph. ' Song to ye Queen ' (Anne). Soli and Chorus, with Overture and Instr. parts. Score 1212 Air for instruments, 2 Trebles and Bass. ' Mr/ Hall 90-1 The 1 st Tr. part of the same 362 Two tunes (Violin part only). « Mr.' Hall 361 HAMPDEN (Mrs. Elizabeth). I must complayne. Song for Treble with Bass. (2 copies, pp. 62 and 68) 439 HANDEL (George Frederick). Te Deum and Jubilate {Utrecht). Treble chos. parts 68, 69 Te Deum only, Tenor chos. part, incomplete 72 As pants the hart. Score 615 Treble chos. part 1082 Sep. parts. (Tr. and Tenor chos. ; Vo. 1 and 2 ; Cello ; Violone Grosso (incomplete) ; Hautboy ; Bassoon) 69-75 I will magnifie thee. Sep. parts. (Vo. 1 and 2, Cello, Bassi and Hautboy) 70, 71, 73-5 Hautboy part transposed 1141 Let thy hand be strengthened. Treble chos. part 69 O praise the Lord with one consent. Treble chos. part 69 O sing unto the Lord. Sep. parts. (Vo. 1 and 2, Cello, Bassi and Hautboy) 70, 71, 73-5 The King shall rejoice. Treble chos. part 69 The Lord is my light. Treble chos. part 69 Zadok the priest. Organ part 1111 Chant (from Handel) ' 1226 Acis and Galatea. Choruses with Instr. Accompts. Score 622 O the pleasure. Wretched lovers. Mourn all ye Muses. Must I my Acis ; Cease Galatea. Galatea dry thy tears (without words). IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 59 HANDEL (George Frederick) — continued. A' teneri affetti. Duetto in Otho. 2 Vo. only 71 Conosco che mi piace. Opening movement of Cantata {German Handel Soc. Instr. Cantatas, II, p. 99, which is defective in the beginning of this. See Musical Antiquary, I, 254) 96 Fra le spine. Air from Rodrigo, with Instr. Accpt. Score 96 Violin part only 527 March in Scipio. Tune only for Violin 1111 Fugue (unfinished). The Allegro from Suite IV of Suites de Pihes pour le Clavecin, 17 20) 1185 HART (James). 1647-1718. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, and Lay Vicar of Westminster Abbey. Where would coy Aminta run. Sopr. Solo 49 (Printed without composer's name as ' A new Song in the late reviv'd Play, call'd, Valentinian ', in the 5th Book of J. Playford's Choice Ay res and Songs, 1684.) HART (Philip). Organist of St. Andrew Undershaft, and St. Michael Cornhill. Died c . 1749. Sound the Trumpet. Sopr. Solo. (Welcome song for William III.) Engraved 1700 46, 580 HAYES (Philip). 1738-97. Mus. Doc. Organist of New Coll., Magdalen, and St. John's, Oxford ; Professor of Music in the University. Sanctus in A. Organ. 1225 The same in C as part of King's Service in C. Organ. 1225 Ten Chants 1226 Six Chants, 3 of which are in 1226 1229 HAYES (William). 1706-77. Mus. Doc. Organist of Worcester Cathedral, and of Magdalen Coll., Oxford ; Professor of Music in the University. Service in E[? for 3-6 v. in continuation of Hall and Hine. Printed in Hayes's Cathedral Music, 1795. Sanctus, Ky., Creed, Cant. and Deus Mis. Score 42 Cant, and D. Mis. of same. Organ Part 1232 O give thanks. Printed in Cathedral Music, 1795. Organ part 1233 Arise ye people. Two Treble parts without words. (Psalm xlvii from Hayes's Sixteen Psalms, c. 1775) 1221 HEATHCOTE (Rev. Gilbert). Two chants 1226 HELLENDAAL (Pieter), fl. 1752-80. Three chants 1226 60 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC HIGGINS ( ). Double Chant in F 1226 HILL (Roger). Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1661-73. The thirsty earth. Song for Bass voice with two Treble parts added by Edward Lowe, q. v. The original song is in Playford's Select Airs and Dialogues, Bk. II, 1669 17 HILTON (John). Mus. Bac. Organist of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Died c. 16 1 2. Faire Oriana, Madr. a 5. From The Triumphs of Oriana, 1601. Score without words 33 HILTON (John), 1599-1657. Organist of St. Margaret's, West- minster. Published Ayres or Fa La's, 1627; and Catch that catch can, 1652. The earth is the Lord's. Anthem ' for 4 Basses '. Sep. parts. A. B. B. B. B. only 1220-4 Preludium and 5 Fantazias in 3 parts. Sep. 744-6 Boy go up. 3 v. (a catch) 1114 HINE (William). 1 687-1 730. Organist of Gloucester Cathedral. Jubilate in E(? (to Hall's Te Deum, q. v. See Hayes). Arnold. Score 42 Organ 1232 Chant 1229 HINGSTON (John). Organist to Oliver Cromwell; one of Charles IPs musicians. Died 1683. Voluntarie for Organ 47, 1176 HINTON (James). Unknown. A ' John ' Hinton was organist of Newark; d. 1688. Pieces in 3 parts, for 2 Trebles, Bass and Basso. Pavan, Almaine, Corant, Sarabrand, Pavan, Ayre, Corant, Sarabrand. Sep. 1006-9 HOLLAND (William W.), 1807. < Hertford Coll.' Seven Chants 1226 HOLMES (George). Organist of Lincoln Cath. 1 704. Died 172 1. I will love thee O Lord. V. A. Score 621 HOLMES (John). Organist of Winchester Cath., and of Salisbury, 1602-10. Magnificat. ' Mr. Holmes in Gamut.' Organ part 88 O Lord of whome I do depend. V. A. Organ part 88 Pavan for instruments in 3 parts. Sep. 379-81 Fantazia for Virginal 1113 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 61 HOLMES (J.). Seven Chants 1226 HOLMES (Thomas). Sarabrand for Harpsichord 92 A piece called ' Puddinge ', initialled T. H. may also be his. HOLT ( ). ? A writer of the end of the 17th century. Eight instrumental pieces in 4 parts. 3 in G mi. ; 3 in A mi. ; 2 in D mi. Vo. 1 and 2, Va., Bass 1183 HOOPER (Edmund). Master of the Children of Westminster Abbey, 1588; Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. Died 1621. Behold it is Christ. 5 v. Barnard. Score 16 Short score without words 525 Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 6, 47, 1230 Harken ye nations. (For the 5th of November). V. A. for 6 v. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Sep. A. ; T. and B. Cant, and Dec. only 1220-4 I will magnifie thee. 5 v. Bass voice only 1012 Score 48 Organ part 1001 O God of Gods. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 The blessed Lambe. V. A. 5 V. Sep. wanting Bass 56-60 Teach me thy way. Barnard. Bass part only 1012 HUDSON (George). Musician to Charles I for Lutes and Voices ; to Charles II for violins. He appears to have been dead in 1678; see The King's Mustek. Two sets of instrumental pieces, a 2. (Treble, Bass and Tho. Bass.), (i) Almaine, Corant, Sarabrand, Country Daunce. (ii) Almaine, Corant, Sarabrand, A Frisk. Three sets of pieces, a 3. (2 Trebles, Bass and Tho. Bass), (i) Galliard, Pavan Almaine, Almaine, Corant, Corant. (ii) Pavan Almaine, Almaine, Galliard, 2 Corants, 2 Sara- brands, Passigaglia, Sarabrand. (iii) Pavan, Almaine, Ayre, unnamed piece, Corant, 2 Sara- brands, Country Daunce 1006-9 HUMFREY (Pelham). One of the Children of the Chapel Royal under Captain Cooke, 1660; Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1667; Master of the Children, 1672. Died 1674. Service in E mi. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1231 Single Chant [known as Grand] 48 and 1226 Haste thee O Lord. V. A. Score 12 Have mercy upon me. V. A. Boyce. Score 621 Hear my crying. V. A. with Instr. Symphonies. Score 628 Like as the hart. V. A. Boyce. Score 12, 22 62 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC HUMFREY (Pelham)— continued. O be joyful. V. A. Score 12 O give thanks. V. A. for with Instr. Symphonies. Score 628 O praise the Lord, laud ye. V. A. with Instr. Symphonies Score 628 The king shall rejoice. V. A. with Instr. Symphs. Score 628 Thou art my king. Boyce. V. A. with Instr. Symphs. Score 628 Songs, &c. Hark how the wakeful. ' A dialouge between 2 penitents.' ' Begun by Mr. Humphreis, and finished by Dr. John Blow.' Printed in Playford's Harmonia Sacra 49 How well does this harmonious meeting. Treble Solo and Chos. Score 43, 350 Lord I have sinn'd. Harmonia Sacra, Bk. I 40, 350 O the sad day. Sopr. Solo. Harmonia Sacra 49, 350 Wilt thou forgive the sin. Harmonia Sacra 49, 350 A poor soul sat sighing. (A parody of Humfrey's song, printed in Playford's Music al Companion, 1686) 1154 HUSBANDS (Will.). Copyist of Bass songs ' Audite me ' by Sances, and ' Dulcis amor ' in 1151 O Lord rebuke me not. An adaptation to new words of Robert White's The Lord bless us. q. v. Score 11, 16 Organ part 1230 Come Holy Ghost. T. and B. only 1220-4 INDIA (Sigismondo d'). Born at Palermo. Was in the service of the Duke of Savoy ; fl. 1606-27. In principio creavit, a 4, from Liber Primus Motectorutn, 1627. Score 48 Twenty Madrigals from // Quinio Libro de Madrigali a cinque voci, 1616. Sep. wanting Tenor book 721-4 Felice Primavera. Pt. I. Danzan le Ninfe. Pt. II. Fugg' io quel disleale Quel neo, quel vago neo. Quando quel bianco lino. Quando tra le dorate nubi. Pt. I. Riso tu. Pt. II. Ecco l'onde d'argento. Sospir che del bel petto. Amor fatto di neve. Quando mia cruda sorte. La doue sono. Madonna vdite. Cura gelata. Hoggi nacque. Soura le verdi chiome. Io mi sento morir. La giouinetta. Pt. I. E l'ombra fresca.- Pt. II. Le piu belle Citelle. INGLOTT (William). 1554-1621. Organist of Norwich Cathedral. Te Deum. Organ part 1001 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 63 ISAAK (Bat. or Bartholomew). Child of the Chapel Royal under Blow, 1674-7. See The King's Mustek. Composer of V. A. 'I will love Thee' in B. M. Add. MS. 17840. Double Chant (twice entered) 437, 1229 Single Chant 48 Single Chant 437 IVE or IVES (Simon). 1600-62. Vicar Choral of St. Paul's : con- tributed Catches, Songs, &c, to the publications of the day. Boy go down. Catch for 3 v. 1114 Sad clouds of grief. ' An Elegie on y e Death of the Renowned and worthy Gent., William Austin of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.' 3 v. Tr. Tenor, Bass. Sep. 736-8 Instrumental Music. In 3 parts. A Pauan : The Wagg ; Coranto ; Seraband. Sep. 379-81 Ten pieces for Liero Violls, one part only 727 Mris Mary Browne's Choyce, Coranto, Mris Collier's Choyce, The Choyce, Mris. Anne Forest's Choyce, The man in y e Moone, Sir Will. Owen's Choyce, All you forsaken louers, and two un- named. In 4 parts. Two Pavans 367-70 In 5 parts. Two In Nomines 716-20 . The first of these is also in 473-8 Fantazia 423-8 In 6 parts. Fancy 61-66 JACKSON (John). Organist and Vicar at Wells Cathedral, 1674-88. Two Anthems by him are printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1672. See West, Cathedral Organists. Gloria Patri. a 4 with Basso Continuo 1201 Magna et miranda. a 3 with Basso Continuo 1201 JACKSON (William), of Exeter. Double Chant 1226 JEFFERIES or JEFFREYS (George). According to Anthony Wood, steward to Lord Hatton of Kirbie, Northants, and organist to Charles I at Oxford. Erit gloria Domini. 2 v. S. and T. Score 18 (Printed in Playford's Cantica Sacra, 1674). Six Phantasias for 2 Trebles and Bass. Sep. 468-72 The first four of these also in 459-62 Sing wee merilie. F. A. 5 v. Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 30479 (Tenor only) where it is attributed to ' Mr. Jefferies '. Bass only 1012 [Heu me miseram. Dialogue of Maria et Angelus. S. B. Attributed to Jefferies in B.M. Catalogue (cf. Add. MS. 29282), but the ascription is doubtful 18] 64 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC My love is crucified. Full A. JEFFREY or JEFFREYS (Matthew). Vicar Choral of Wells. Mus. Bac. Oxford, 1593-4. If the Lord himself. V. A. a 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Lord remember David. Full A. a 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 A. T. (Dec. and Cant.), B. (Dec. and 1220-4 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 One of Charles II's Musicians. (See Out of the deep. Praise the Lord. Cant.) only Singe wee merrily V. A. V.A. . V.A. a 6. Sep. JENKINS (John). 1592-1678 The King's Mustek.) Fair Aristilla. Dialogue of Cleon and Aristilla. Incomplete, with- out Basso 736-8 See the bright light. 2 v. Treble and Bass 17 Victorious tyme. Tr. and Bass with Basso 623-6 Bass voice only 366 Wellcome pure thoughts. Tr. and Bass with Basso 623-6 Bass voice only 366 Sacred pieces for 3 voices. Sep. 736-8 And art thou greeved. A. A.B. Awake sad hart. A. A. B. Bright spark, shot. Tr. A. B. Cease my soule. A. A. B. Glorie honor powre. A. A. B. Holy and blessed Spirit. A. A.B. Mercie dear Lord. Tr. A. B. No, no, he is not gone. A. A. B. O Domine Deus. A. A. B. O nomen Jesus. A. A. B. O sacred teares. Tr. A. B. O take thy lute. A. A. B. Tell me my love. A. T. B. The shephards sing. A. A. B. Then with our trinity. Tr. A.B. Tune me O Lord. A. T. B. Vain-glorious peece. A. A. B. Instrumental Music. ' Mr. Jnckings his Belles ' for Harpsichord 1175 Instrumental pieces in 2 parts. A number of pieces for Treble and Bass, arranged in Suites, viz. : — 29 pieces in G mi : 8 in G ma : 1 5 in D mi : 6 in D ma : 9 in A mi : 9 in E mi : 1 9 in C mi : 4 in C ma : 12 in F ma : 10 in B[? ma. Score 1005 Bass part only of Almaine, Corrante, Serrabrand and Aire, all being found in 1005 1022 Forty-two pieces, Violin part only, nearly all being found in 1005. 599 Inslrumental pieces in 3 parts. A number of pieces for two Trebles and Bass arranged in Suites, viz. : 8 pieces in G mi : 6 in G ma : 1 5 in D mi, ending in D ma : 4 in D ma : 9 in A mi : 8 in E mi : 9 in C mi : 7 in C ma : 7 in F ma : 9 in B[? ma. Score 1005 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 65 JENKINS (John).— continued. Bass book of 3-part pieces, of which 59 are found in 1005 : 12 are not there. Two (Nos. 1 and 2) without name may be by Jenkins 1011 Sets of pieces a 3 for a Bass, 2 Trebles, Theorbo, and Harpsecord. 4 pieces in D mi. : 4 in D ma. : 4 in G mi. : 4 in Bb ma. : 4 in C ma. Thirteen pieces (7 in D mi. : 6 in D ma.) for Bass, 2 Trebles, Lyra Viol, and Harpsecon. Sep. 1006-9 Five Almaines for 2 Trebles and Bass. Sep. 379-81 Five Phantasias a 3. Sep. 473-8 Four sets of Fantasia, Alman and Ayre for Organ, Base viol, and Treble (Treble and Bass only). Sep. 777 and 779 Instrumental pieces in 4 parts. Twelve Fancies (the last imperfect in Bass book). Sep. 468-72 Of these, Nos. 28, 29, 30, and 31 are found sep. 397-400 Score 2 ; short score 436 Those numbered 23, 24, 27, 32 are found sep. 473-8 That numbered 34, A. and T. only, sep. 716-20 Two fancies. Sep. 473-8 Of these No. 1 8, A. and T. only, is in 716-20 One fancy. Sep. A. and T. only 716-20 Ten Aires. Sep. 517-20 Forty-nine pieces. Sep. 367-70 Instrumental pieces in 5 parts. Four Fantasias. Sep. 473-8 Of which No. 13 is also Score 2 ; Sep. 403-8 Two Pavans. Sep. 423-8 Of which the first for Organ is in 1004 Instrumental pieces in 6 parts. Four Fantasias. Sep. 423-8 of which those numbered 39 and 40, for Organ, are in 1004 and No. 24 is sep. 473-8 Two Phantasies. Sep. 473-8 A set of 4 pieces in C mi. Treble part only 1027 JOHNSON (Robert), I. A Scottish priest who fled to England before the Reformation on a charge of heresy. He is called ' peticanon of Windsore' in 979-83. Domine in virtute. 5 v. Sep., wanting Tenor Book 979-83 Laudes Deo. 2 v. Tr. and Tenor 982 Sabatum Maria. 5 v. Burney. Sep. 984-8 [After the Canto Fermo part is written ' Tallis : alias Johnson ', which may mean that the copyist was uncertain as to the author- ship, or that the Canto Fermo would serve for two settings.] F 66 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC JOHNSON (Robert), II. One of the King's Musicians for the Lute, 1604. Died, 1634. Woodes, rocks and mountains (cf. B.M. Add. MS. 1 1608). Tr. solo 87 Two Almaines and a Masque tune for Keyed Instrument 1113 (The Almaine, No. 87, p. 195, is found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, II, 159.) Air for instruments (1 and 2 Treble and Bass). Sep. 379-81 Two Airs for instruments (1 and 2 Tr., A. and B.) called 'The Temporisor ' and ' The Wittie Wanton '. Sep. 367-70 Alman for Lute 532 JONES ( ), ? John. 172 8-96. Organist of the Middle Temple, Charterhouse, and St. Paul's Cathedral. Evening Service in F. 4 v. Mag. and N. Dim. Score 762 Organ part 1229 Two Chants 1226 JONES (Robert). Mus. Bac; Lutenist; fl. 1600-14. Singe joyfully. Full Anthem. 5 v. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Four Songs from The Second Booke of Songs and Ayr es, 1601 439 Arise my thoughts (unfinished). Dreams and imaginations. Fie what a coyle. Now what is love. JUDD (Edward). ? end of 17th century. Three instrumental pieces, Tr. and Bass, one called ' The Sea- man's Dance' 90-1 (Other pieces in these books may be by Judd.) KELLY ( ). ? end of 1 7th century. One Air for Violin, treble only. 362 KELWAY (Thomas). Organist of Chichester, 1726-47. Died 1749. Evening Service in A mi. 4 v. Mag. and N. Dim. Marshall. Score 41 Organ parts 1225 and (imperfect at beginning) 1228 Evening Service in B mi. 4 v. Mag. and N. Dim. Rimbault. Score 41 Organ parts 1225, 1228 Four chants 1229 (Of these three are also in 1226. where one is attributed to Kent.) IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 67 KENT (James). 1700-76. Organist of Winchester College and Cathedral. *A11 thy works praise thee. V.A. Organ part 1235 Bow down thine ear. V. A. Organ part 1234 *Hear my prayer. V. A. Organ part 1228 *In the beginning. V.A. Organ part 1228 *Lord how are they increased. V. A. Organ part 1235 *The Lord hath prepared. V. A. Organ part 1235 The Lord is my shepherd. V. A. Organ part 1226 Psalm Tune (105th Psalm) 1235 Single Chant in G mi. (attributed in 1229 to Kelway) 1226 (* These Anthems are printed in Kent's Twelve Anthems.) KING (Charles). Mus. Baa, 1687-1748. Vicar Choral of St. Paul's. Service in C. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Arnold. Organ part 1225 Kyrie of the same. Or?an part 1231 Service in F. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Arnold. Organ part, wanting end of N. Dim. 1228 Organ part with Kyrie and Creed in F. 1225 Service in B}2. Te D., Jub., Cant., D. Mis. Arnold. Organ part 1229 Sep. voice parts. Alto (Dec), wanting beginning of Te D. ; Tenor and Bass (Dec. and Cant.) 1220-4 Single Chant in F 1226 KING (Robert). Mus. Bac. Musician in Ordinary for the Private Musick, 1680. Contributed to song books, 1684-96. Published a book of Songs for One, Two, and Three Voices. Air for Violin. Violin part only 362 Almand for Harpsichord, by ' R. K.' 46 (This is printed among Blow's works, and is probably by him. q. v.) KING (? Robert, or, perhaps, William. Born 1624. Organist of New College, Oxford. Died 1680). Tell me, O tell me, some powers. ' Mr. King.' Song. Bass only 91 The Lord is King. « Mr. King.' V. A. Cope. Organ part 437 [Out of the horrour. Ps. cxxx. Treble solo. ' Dr. Kinge ', probably author of the words only 440] KIRBYE (George). Contributed to Este's P sailer, 1592, and Triumphs of Or iana, 1601. Published Madrigals, 1597. Died 1633. Sleepe restles thoughtes. a 4. Sep. 1074-7, 750-3 Vayne worlde adiew. a 4. Sep. 750-3 f 2 68 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC KIRBYE (George) — continued. Woe is me my strength fayles. a 4. Sep. 750-3 (These are adaptations to sacred words of 'Sleep now, my Muse ', ' Farewell my love ', and ' Woe am I my heart dies ', from Kirbye's First Set 0/ English Madrigals, 1597.) KREMBERG (James). 'Musician in Ordinary to Her Majesty', i. e. Queen Anne (Eitner). Aurelia has sweet pleasing charms. ' Compos'd for 1 Bass (voice), 1 Violin or Hautbois, and a Harpsichord or Basson.' Sep. 767 Lavinia has Majestic charms. Alto Solo with figured Bass 767 Since I have seen. ' Compos'd for 1 Treble, 1 Flute or Violin, and a Harpsichord.' Sep. 1067 LA BARRE. Perhaps Joseph de la Barre, Organist in the Chapel of Louis XIV. Died 1678 (Eitner). There were other composers of the name. Corant for Harpsichord. ' Labar ' 1236 Sarabrand 1177 (See also Bare, Corant, 1236.) LAMBE ( ). ' Mr. Lambes Commandments in Bj?.' Short Score 46 LANGDON (Richard). Mus. Bac. Organist of Exeter, 1753 ; Ely, 1777; Bristol, 1778; Armagh, 1782. Died 1803. Lord thou hast been our refuge. V. A. Organ part 1225 Not unto us. V. A. Organ part 1225 O pray for the peace. V. A. Organ part 1225 LANGDON (Tobias). Priest- Vicar, and Sub-chaunter of Exeter Cathedral. Died 17 12. Three catches for 4 v. ' Churchill and Rooke,' ' Goe on great Englands Duke,' ' When a Church,' with autograph letter 1219 LANGDON ( ). Three Chants 1226 LANIERE (Nicholas). 1588-1666. Master of the Music to Charles I. One of the King's Musicians for the Lutes, 1617-42 ; and again, 1660. Amorosa pargoletta. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 17 Miser pastorella. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 17 Sweet doe not thus destroy me. 3 v. A. T. B. Score 17 Two short pieces for instruments (Tr. 1 and 2, and Bass) called 'Symphonia' 379-81 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 69 LASSUS (Orlandus). Born at Mons. Master of the Court Chapel at Munich. Died 1594. Angelus ad pastores. 5 v. Printed in Sacrx Cantiones 984-8 Dum transisset. 5 v., wanting Tenor book 979-83 Susann' vn jour. 5 v. (without words). Musica Transalpina, 1588. 984-8 Veni in hortum. 5 v. Sacrx Cantiones 984-8 (See also under Philips {Peter) for transcription for keyed instrument.) LA WES (Henry). 1595-1662. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. My song shall be. V. A. Organ part with words 46 Sep. A. T. B. Chorus and Tenor verse parts 1220-4 Organ part 437 Zadok the preist. F. A. Sep. A. T. B. parts only 1220-4 Organ part, without Symphony 437 (For ' Not unto us ', adapted by Aldrich from Zadok the Priest and Farrant's Lord for thy tender, see under Aldrich.) Twenty-four Psalms from Sandys' Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems, 1638. Treble voice and Bass 365 Bass voice 366 At dead low ebb of night. Treble Solo 350 Come lovely Phillis. Playford's Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues. Treble voice only 1114 I preethee send (cf. B. M. Add. MS. 29386). Treble voice only 1114 While I listen to thy voice. Bass only 366 LA WES (William). Elder brother of Henry. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. Killed at the siege of Chester, 1645. Let God arise. Bass Solo 18 The Lord is my light. V. A. Boyce. Score 12 Sep. A. T. B. Verse and Chos., T. and B. Chos. 1220-4 1 Psalmes for 1, 2, and 3 partes to the comon tunes.' Sep. A. T. B, 768-70 The Lamentation. O Lord in Thee. All people that on earth. Have mercy on vs Lord. Ps. lxvii. Lord in thy wrath. Ps. vi. O Lord consider. Ps. li, Pt. I. Cast me not Lord. Ps. li, Pt. II. O God my strength. Ps. xviii. The humble suite of a sinner. O Lord of whom. The Lamentation of a sinner. O Lord turn not. O God my God wherefore. Ps. xxii, Pt. I. O Lord depart not. Ps. xxii, Pt. II. All yee yt feare him. Ps. xxii, Pt. III. (Arranged for Verse with Symphonies for Organ, alternating with the common tunes for Chorus.) 7 o CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC L AWES (William) — continued. What if I die for love of thee. Dialogue. Tr. and B. (Cf. B. M. Add. MS. 1 1608) 17 Instrumental Music. 4 Greate Consorte, wherein are Sixe Setts of Musicke ', viz. 7 pieces in A mi., 6 in C ma., 7 in F ma., 6 in Bj? ma., 18 in D mi., 18 in D ma. Sep. Treble I and II, Theorbo I and II, Bass I and II 391-6 The same, called ' Royall Consorte ' 754-9 [The 'Greate Consorte in D mi., 391-6, is identical with the 'Royall Consorte', 754-9, Nos. 1-21, except that Nos. 9, 10, and 21 of 754-9 are not in 391-6. Nos. 22-40 of 754-9 are identical with the set in D ma. in 391-6, except that 754-9 has an ' Eccho', No. 32, not in 391-6. Nos. 41-6 of 754-9 are the set in A mi. of 391-6; No. 1 in 391-6 being No. 60 in 754-9 (out of its place). Nos. 47-52 are the C ma. set of 391-6, except that No. 9 of 391-6 is only part of No. 47 in 754-9. Nos. 53-9 and 61-6 of 754-9 are in the F ma. set and the Bb set of 391-6.] The same sets in D ma., D mi., A mi., and C ma., as in 754-9. The set in D mi. wants No. 2 (except in the Theorbo Book 483) and the first 3 pieces in the Bass Books 1 and 2. The set in D ma. wants No. 22 of 754-9. Sep. 479-83 One piece for 3 instruments. Sep. 379-81 Three short pieces for 4 instruments. (No. 45 wants Altus and Tenor; No. 46 wants Cantus and Tenor; No. 44 perhaps be- longs to the same set.) Sep. 367-70 Six pieces for 3 Liero Violls (1st Fantasie, Serabrand, Pauin, Al- maine, 2nd Fantasie and unnamed piece). Sep. 725-8 Organ part of 8 sets, each consisting of Fantazia, Almaine, and Ayre, headed ' Mr. Lawes his Organ-part for 2 Violins and a Bass ' 430 Organ part of Instrumental set in 2 parts 5 [The name Will. Lawes is against No. 9, which appears to be the first movement of a set in G ma. (Nos. 9, 10, 11, and 12) also found without name in 599 (Treble only). The name W. Lawes is against No. 16, a piece in D mi., and perhaps No. 15 in D mi. may also be his, as well as other pieces in the volume.] The first 12 of these pieces are Nos. 43-54; 17-20 are 55-8 (Treble only) in 599 [The pieces in 599 numbered 43-63 are probably by Lawes. No. 63 has ' William Laws ' at the end.] Two Almaines, Antick, Corrante, Serrabrand. Bass part only. 1022 Allemande for Harpsichord, ' Golden Grove ' 1003 The Corante and Saraband following are probably by W. Lawes also. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 71 LA WES (William)— continued. The Almand (The Golden Grove) and Corant to the Golden Grove (the same as occur in 1003) 1236 [The Golden Grove Almand is printed in Mustek's Handmaid 1663.] LEGRENZI (Giovanni). Born about 1625 at Clusone near Bergamo. Maestro di Cappella of St. Mark's, Venice, 1685. Died 1690. Missa a Cinque Voci con stromenti, in C ma. ' Chirie eleison ', ' Gloria in excelsis ', and ' Credo ' only. Score 1000 Songs from Eteocle e Polim'ce, 1680 945 Al suon delle trombe. (Atto 2 , Sc. 1.) Cieco ognor amante cor. (Atto 3 , Sc. 10.) Satia pur il tuo furore. (Atto i°, Sc. 21.) Su feroci miei Campioni. (Atto i°, Sc. 7.) Vibri pur di strali arma. (Atto i°, Sc. 11.) LE JEUNE (Claude). Born about 1540 at Valenciennes. 'Composi- teur de la musique de la chambre du roy ' Henri IV. Died soon after 1598. The rocke that Moyses strooke. Pt. I. 4 v. Sep. 750-3 Those streames of lyuinge water. Pt. II. The flowing streames of Jordane. Pt. III. (Adaptations to English words.) LEOPARDI (Vincenzo). Di gia dato. Sopr. Solo 950 LEVERIDGE (Richard). 1670-1758. Bass singer and song writer. Tell me Belinda, from The Lady in Fashion. Treble voice only 389 Tho' over all mankind, from Calista, 1698. Cf. B. M. Add. MS. 31993. Treble voice only 389 LOCK (Matthew). Born about 1630 at Exeter. 'Composer in the private music ', ' for the wind music ', and ' for the violin ' to Charles II. Organist to Catherine of Braganza. Died 1677. A voice came out of the throne. For two Bass voices and Basso. Printed in Playford's Harmonia Sacra, Bk. I, 1688. Score 43, 48 How doth the city. V. Anthem. Score 14 Organ part, autograph 1219 Not unto us. V. Anthem. Score 22 O be joyful (Jubilate). 'A Vers Anthem for Foure Voyces and Instruments at Pleasure.' Autograph. Score, with S. A. T. B. chos. parts, and 2 Vo., A. and B. String parts inserted loose 1188 72 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC LOCK (Matthew)— continued. O give thanks. V. A. for 3 part chos. and verse. Score 14 The same 1188-9 The same with ' Gloria ' added. Aldrich MS. 12 Sep. parts. Bass complete ; Tenor and Bass, ■ Gloria ' only 1220-4 Organ (with Gloria) 1234 Who shall seperate us. V. A. Score 22 Agnosce O Christiane. Bass Solo with Basso. Printed in Can/tea Sacra 1674. Sep. 623, 625, and 626 Bass voice only 749 All things their certayne Periods. New Year's Song for verse and chorus. Score 14 Descende ccelo. Song for the Oxford Act. For verse and chorus with Instr. parts, Vo. 1 and 2 and Basso 619 In a soft vision. Song for Tr. solo 1219 No musick like that. ' The Firstt songe In v e Empriss off Morocco.' Treble voice only 692 The groanes of ghosts. ' A masque sung by vocall musick, bee- tweene Orpheus, Pluto, Prosserpine, and one woman more, attendantt to Prossepine '. Score 692 When death shall part us. Dialogue between Thirsis and Dorinda. Treble and Tenor 49 The same for Tenor and Bass 14, 621 Instrumental Music. Almand for Harpsichord 1177 For 2 parts ; Treble & Bass. Sep. 409-10 1 1 sets ; 5 pieces in G mi. ; 3 pieces in G ma. ; 6 pieces in Bt» ma. ; 4 pieces in D mi. ; 2 pieces in D ma. ; 3 pieces in A ma. ; 3 pieces in A. mi. ; 6 pieces in F ma.; 5 pieces in C mi. ; 3 pieces in C ma. ; and 6 in E mi. For 3 parts ; 2 Trebles and Bass, with figured Bass. Score 8 6 sets : 3 pieces in C mi. ; 3 in C ma. ; 3 in E mi. ; 3 in D mi. ; 2 in D ma. ; 5 in F ma. For 4 parts. 1 Treble part only 1066 Allman, Corand, Saraband, Gavatt and Air, in D mi.; and ' Mr. Locks Braules in Gamut'. (10 pieces in G mi.; 4 in B[? ; 8 in G mi. ; 4 in G ma . Followed by a piece in F ma.) Mr. Lock's Consort. 2 Trebles, Theorbowe and Bass 772-6 (Only one Treble part ; 3 copies of Theorbo part.) 5 sets ; 5 pieces in C ma. ; 4 in D mi. ; 4 in D ma. ; 4 in G mi. (of which the last, a Saraband, is assigned to ' W. G.' as well as to Lock) ; and 4 in G ma. LOOSEMORE (? Henry). Mus. Bac. Organist of King's Coll., Cambridge. Died 1670. Or his son George, Organist of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1660-82). IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 73 LOOSEMORE (? Henry)— continued. Courant for Harpsichord 1236 O that mine eyes would melt. V.A. Short Score 46 (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 30932.) LOWE (Edward). Born at Salisbury about 16 10 ; Organist of Christ Church, Oxford, about 1630; one of the Organists of the Chapel Royal, 1660; Professor of Music at Oxford, 1662. Died 1682. If the Lord himself. V. A. Sep. S. A. T. Chos. parts ; 2 Basses, V. and Chos. 623-6 Sep. A. and T. Chos. ; 1 and 2 Bass, V. and Chos. 1220-4 O clapp your hands. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. Chos. parts ; 1 and 2 Sopr. V. and Chos. 623-6 Sep. A. T. B. Chos. ; B., Verse and Chos. 1220-4 O give thanks. V. A. Sep. S. A. Chos. ; S. T. B., V. and Chos. 623-6 Sep.A.T.B. Chos.; T. and B., V. and Chos. 1220-4 O how amiable. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. Chos. ; 2 Soprs. V. and Chos. 623-6 Sep. T., Chos. ; A., 1 B., 2 B., V. and Chos. 1220-4 Sing unto God. A. T. B., Chos. ; B., V. and Chos. 1220-4 Turn thy face face away. A. T. B., Chos. 1220-4 When the Lord turned. V. A. Sep. A. T. Chos. ; 1 and 2 S., B., V. and Chos. 623-6 Sep. A. T. B. Chos. ; B., V. and Chos. 1220-4 God prosper long. (Chevy Chase.) Set fur A. A. B. 17 Sir Eglamore. (The popular song, see Chappell.) For S. A. B. Printed in Pleasant Musical Companion, Book II, 1687 17 The thirsty earth. Setting for S. B. ; with Chos., S. S. B., of a song for Bass by « Mr. Roger Hell '. (See Hill) 17 When Death hath snatcht us. Dialogue for S. B. Score 17 Piece for Harpsichord 1177 LOYD ( ). Air for Instruments. Tr. and Bass 362 LUGGE (John). « Organist in St. Peters in Exeter.' Service. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 437 Short Service, a 4. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Organ Score, with words 6 I am the resurrection. Organ part 437 Let my complaint. V. A. for Tenor and Bass. Organ part 437 74 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC LUGGE (John) — continued. * A collection of organ pieces and voluntaries, each signed John or Jo. Lugge. They appear to be autograph copies 49 Gloria tibi trinitas (6 settings). In nomine. Miserere (Canon in the 5th). Vt re mi fa sol la. 2 Voluntaries 3 pts. (The first has passages marked ' Double ', ' Single '.) 1 Voluntarie 3 and 4 pts. An unsigned ' Christe qui lux ' in this MS. may be taken to be by Lugge. Mr. Luggs Jigg. For Harpsichord 431 LULLY (Jean-Baptiste). 1633-87. Generally known in England as Baptist or Baptista (q. v.). Cadmus et Hermionne : Tragedie (1673). Overture, chaconne and other dances, &c. Score 23 Overture, chaconne from the same. Score 1216 (An Overture, Gavot, Chaconne, and 2 other pieces, one called Les Vents, occur in both MSS. ; other pieces are not identical.) Ritournelles fromThdse'e (1675); Le Triomphe de l'Amour (1681); Perse'e (1682) with Passacaille from Pers^e. Score 1128 A collection of songs from The's^e, Voice and Bass only 95 C'estoit dans ces Jardins. Reuenez amour. Sans une aimable paix. Trop heureux qui moissonne. Pour les plus fortunes. Pretens tu que je sois. La valeur a mes yeux. Cessez charmante ^Egle. Faites grace a mon age. Doux repos. Le depit veut. Un tendre engagement. Quand on suit. N'aymons jamais. Sortez ombres. Que nos prairies. Aymons, tout nous y convie. Quel plaisir d'aymer. L'amour plaist. Ah faut il me vanger. Le plus sage s'enflame. One Violin part of 5 pieces (Baptist), including Overture and un- finished Chacon, and a Bourse pour les Egyptiens from Persde, and perhaps other pieces by Lully 1141-2 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 75 LULLY (Jean-Baptiste) — continued. Piece in Score ' Magicians ' (Baptist) 1141-2 Overture in Phae'ton (1683). Incomplete score, wanting inner parts 3 Ah pour te plaire. Treble Solo. (Sig re Battista) 17 Cessez de vous plaindre. Tr. Solo 350 Sciocca pur tutti. Tr. Solo. 17, 350 See also under Baptist or Babtisi for Violin tunes, and Batis (?) for Harpsichord music. LUPO (Joseph). An Italian who was appointed one of Queen Eliza- beth's Musicians for the Violins, Nov. 16, 1563. Died 1616. Or perhaps Thomas (q.v.) is intended. Fancy 'Alte parole' (probably a Madrigal) a 5. Organ part 67 Sep. parts (attributed to T. Lupo.) 527-30 and 1024 LUPO (Thomas). Probably the ' composer for the Violins ' to James I, 1 62 1, who held his place among the Violins till 1642. Have mercy upon me. Anthem a 5, with 2nd Part, For I know- ledge my faults. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Heare my prayer O Lord. Anthem a 5. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Out of the deepe. Anthem a 5. Sep. wanting Bass 56-60 Ay mee can love and bewty. Madrigal a 6. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Daphnis came on a somers day. Treble solo 439 Instrumental pieces in 3 parts. Fourteen Fantazias. Sep. 423-8 Of these, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 are in 401-2 (wanting 1st Violin); and Score 2 Nos. 1, 3, 11, 14 are in 459-62 Nos. 9 and 12 (2nd Violin only) are in 1027 Four Phantazias. Sep. 473-8 The same (wanting 1 Violin) 401-2 ; and Score 2 Nos. 17 and 19 (2nd Violin only) 1027 One Fancy (besides those above mentioned). 1st Violin only 1027 2nd Violin and Bass. Sep. 401-2 Score 2 Five (or possibly Six) Fancies not in the former collections. Wanting 1st Violin. Sep. 401-2 Score 2 Instrumental pieces in 4 parts. Four Fancies for Two Basses and Two Trebles 716-20 Seven Fantazias. Sep. 423-8 76 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC LUPO (Thomas) — continued. Of these, Nos. 4, 5, and 7 are in 473-8 One Phantazia (besides those above mentioned) 473-8 Instrumental pieces in 5 parts. Eight Fantazias ' for 5 Vyalls to y e Organ '. Organ 1004 Sep. parts 403-8, 423-8, 716-20 Organ 436 Nos. 1, 2, 6 (end only), 7, 8. Score 2 No. 5, 6, 8. Score 44 No. 4. Organ part 67 Nos. 1, 3, 5. Sep. 527-30 and 1024 Nos. 2 and 8. Sep. 473-8 Seven Fancies (in addition to those in 1004). Sep. 527-30 and 1024 (Some are headed ' Miserere ', ' O vos omnes,' ' Alte parole,' ' Ardo ' (parts I and II).) Of these ' Miserere ' and ' O vos omnes ' are Score 2 Organ 436 Sep. 403-8 'Alte parole' (ascribed to Joseph Lupo, q. v.). Organ part 67 No. 22 is Score 44; Organ 436 Sep. 403-6 Two Fancies (besides those in 1004). Sep. 473-8 Instrumental pieces a. 6. Four Phantazias. Sep. 403-8, 473-8 Score 2 The first of these in Score 44 Six Fantazias. Sep. 403-8, 423-8 Score 2 Of these, Nos. 33 and 35 in 423-8 are (Organ part) in 1004 No. 30 and No. 38 (short Score) are in 436 M. (D.). [Perhaps Davis Mell.] Twelve sets of Tunes, Dances, &c, for instruments. Treble only 433 MACQUE (Jean de or Giovanni di). Published between 1576 and 1613. He lived from 1586 in Naples, where he became Master of the Royal Chapel. My sweet Lais. Madr. a 5. The 23rd in Morley's Collection, 1598. Score without words 33 MALLORIE ( ). A 16th-century English writer, known by a few MS. compositions in the British Museum. Miserere a 5. (Solfa-ing song or instrumental piece, on the Plain song.) 984-8 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 77 MAMMOTT ( ). Double Chant in Bb 1143 MANYARD (John). Round, ' O follow me Tom, John, and Wilcock' 358 MARCELLO (Benedetto). 1686-1739. A Venetian of noble birth, who held several government posts ; chiefly known for his settings of Paraphrases of 50 Psalms (1724 and 1727). Hear me when I call. Ps. iv. 2 voices. Score 1226 Lord who shall dwell. Ps. xv. V. A. Score 1225 O Lord our Governor. Ps. viii. Organ part 1226 MARCO or MARC ANTONIO. See Cesti. MARENZIO (Luca). Died 1599. Veni Creator. 3 v. Tr., Tr., B. Sep. 739-43 (Probably an adaptation.) Madrigals from Madrigali a qvatro voci, 1585, fitted with English words of a moral or sacred character. Can any man in country (O bella man). Sep. 750-3, 1074-7 Frayle flesh is mortall (Tutto il dl piango). Pt. I. Sep. 750-3 Ay me our time (Lasso che pur). Pt. II. Bass only 753 How longe Lord (Madonna sua merce). Sep. 750-3 The same, ' Fair shepheards queene ' from Watson's Sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished, 1590. Score without words 33 How ofte oh Lorde (Dolci son le quadrella). Sep. 750-3 In darkesome night (Su '1 carro de la mente). Pt. I. Sep. 750-3 Drawe on bright Day (Vedi ch'egli ama). Pt. II. Sep. 750-3 O Lorde my sinnes (Menando un giorno). Sep. 750-3 O Lorde view my woefull plighte (Veggo dolce mio bene). Sep. 750-3 The same with other words, ' Oh man view but the flowers.' Sep. 750-3, 1074-7 The same, ' Farewell cruell ' from Watson's Sett of Italian Madri- galls, 1590. Score without words 33 O who reguardes (Chi vuol udir). Sep. 750-3, 1074-7 The holy Angells (Vezzosi augelli). Sep. wanting Treble 751-3 The same, ' Every singing bird ' from Watson's Sett of Italian Madrigalls. Score without words 33 Winter is ended (Zefiro toma). Pt. I. Sep. 750-3, 1074-7 The same with other words, ' Christe redemptor.' Sep. 750-3 The same with other words, ' What shall we render.' Treble only. 740 The same, ' Zephirus breathing,' from Watson's Sett of Italian Madrigalls, 1 590. Score without words 33 Quousque Domine (Ma per me lasso). Pt. II. Sep. 750-3 78 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC MARENZIO (Luca)— continued. Di pianti e di sospir. Villanella a 3, from // Quinto Libro delle Villanelk, &c, 1587. Score 55 I must depart (Io partir6). Madrigal a 5 from Musica Transalpina, 1588. Organ part without words 67 Madrigals a 5 from Watson's collection, 1590. Score without words 33 How long w^ vayne complaining (Questa di verd' herbette). Sweet hart arise (Spuntauan gia). Sweet singing Amaryllis (Cantaua la piu vaga). When I behold (Venuta era Madonna). (All from II Prim Libro de Madrigali, 1590.) Madrigals a 5 without words, for instruments. Al lume de le stelle (7th Book of 5 part Madrigals). Score 44 A mi Tirsi (7th Book). Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8 Arda pur (7th Book). Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8, 527-30 and 1024 Caro dolce (3rd Book). Score 2, organ parts 67, 436 Sep. 403-8 Che se' tu (6th Book). Score 2, organ parts 67, 436 Sep. 403-8 Deh poi ch' era (7th Book). Score 2, organ parts 67, 436 Sep. 403-8 Ma grideran (7th Book). Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8 doloroso. Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8 disaventura (7th Book). Score 44 Ond' ei di morte (6th Book). Score 2, organ parts 67, 436 Sep. 403-8 Quell' augellin (7th Book). Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8 Rimanti in pace (6th Book). Score 2, organ part 436 Sep. 403-8 Udite lagrimosi (6th Book). Organ part 67 (See also under Philips {Peter) for Keyboard Transcriptions.) MARINI (Francesco Maria). Chapel master at San Marino ; fl. 1637. Three Motets from Concerti Spiriluali, 1637. Sep. - 623-6 Anima mea. a 3 (Tr. A. B.) Magnum hsereditatis. a 3 (Tr. A. B.) O vos omnes. a 3. (A. T. B.) MARSH (J.), of Chichester. Six chants 1143 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 79 MARTINENGO (Gio. Paolo). Organist of the Cathedral of Pavia, c. 1643. Adoro te for 2 Sopranos or Tenors. Sep. 623-6 (Printed in Casati's Mote/a, 1643.) MASINI (Antonio). Maestro di Cappella at the Vatican, c. 1678. Posso parlar piu. Cantata for Soprano Solo 948 MASON' (Francesco). 16th-century writer. Instrumental piece in 4 parts 372-6 MASON (Rev. William). 1724-97. Canon of York, poet and amateur musician. Lord of all power and might. Page. Organ part 1226 Kyrie in D 1225 MELANI (Alessandro). Maestro di Cappella of S. Petronio, Bologna, 1660: S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, 1667 : S. Luigi de' Francesi, Rome, 1672 : died 1698. Te Deum laudamus for 8 voices with Instruments (1 and 2 Trombe, 1 and 2 Violini and Basso), in D ma. Score 85 MERCURE (John). Succeeded Robert Dowland as Musician for the Lutes and Voices in Ordinary, 1641 ; died before 1660. Almaine, Corant and Sarabrand for Harpsichord 1236 MERULA (Tarquinio). fi. 1615-52. Maestro di Cappella at Warsaw, Bergamo, and Cremona. Four Madrigals from Madrigali 1623. Basso only 880 Belle ha le perle. Tempesta di dolcezza. Nominativo hie et haec. Nominativo quis vel qui. The two last, score 1078 Two Madrigals a 4, from the Madrigali, 1624. Score 21 La mia Clori. Immortal Margarita (unfinished.) MERULO (Claudio), or Claudio da Correggic. 1533-1604. Organist at St. Mark's, Venice, Mantua, and Parma. Three pieces for instruments in 4 parts. Sep. 372-6 MICHAELI ( ). Perhaps Angelo Micheli, one of the Chapel of the Queen of Sweden, Upsala, 1653, who once owned the MS. 377- II tempo chi. Alto Solo. 17 80 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC MICO (Richard). A 17th-century writer of instrumental music. Fancies in 3 parts. Seven fancies. Score 2 Sep. wanting 1 Treble 401-2 The first 2 complete. Sep. 459-62 The 3rd and 4th (unfinished). Treble only 459 Fancies in 4 parts. Seventeen fancies. Sep. 353-6, 517-20 (Two others in 517-20 are probably by Mico also.) Fancies in 5 parts. Fancy headed ' Parte Seconda '. Score 2, 436 Sep. parts 403-8 Two Fantazias. Sep. 473-8 Fantazia and an In Nomine. Sep. 403-8, 527-30 and 1024 Short score 436 Pavan. Sep. 403-8, 423-8, 527-30 and 1024 Short score 436 MILTON or MELTON (John), c. 1 563-1 647. Father of the poet. If ye love me. a 4. Score, without words 44 Three fancies, a 5. Sep. 423-8 One Fancy and an In Nomine, a 6. The latter has words for 2 Treble ' If that a sinner sighs '. (This has no connexion with Milton's contribution to Leighton's Teares, 16 14.) Sep. 423-8 MISSINO (Gio. Lorenzo). Published a book of Madrigals called Tirsi Doglioso at Venice, 1615. Fifteen Madrigals without words in score, being the contents of Tirsi Doglioso ', 16 15 21 O se vedesti. Occhi belli. Occhi lumi. Occhi per me. Se Palm' e in me. Se '1 miser cor. Tirsi dolce ben (Resposta). Anima del cor mio. Arda pur sempre. Filli dolce ben (Preposta). Ite caldi sospiri. Lungi da te. (0 Donna troppo. Pt. I. S'io vivo. Pt. II. Ma se da voi. Pt. III. MOCHENI (Francesco) 'in Milano'. A 16th-century writer. La gan ba. Piece for instruments a 3 984-6 Trinitas in Unitate. Canon a 3 for instruments 987 MONFERRATO (D. Natal). Maestro di Cappella at St. Mark's, Venice : died 1685. Two Motets from Motetti Concertati, 1660, Libro primo, Opera terza. Regina cseli, for 2 Tenors. Scores 20, 621 Second Tenor part only 1178 Salve Regina for A. T. B. Score 43 Sep. 623-6 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 81 MONTEVERDE (Claudio). 1 567-1 643. Madrigals (without words) from his 3rd and 4th Books. Cor mio mentre. a 5. 4th Book. Score 21 Cor mio non mori. a 5. Fragment. 4th Book. Score 21 La piaga. a 5. 4th Book. Score 21 La tra'l sangue. a 5. 3rd Book. Score 2 Sep. 404-8, 527-30, and 1024 Short score 67, 436 Luci serene, a 5. 4th Book. Score 44 Sep. 404-8, 527-30, and 1024 Short score 436 O come gran martire. a 5. 3rd Book. Score 2 Sep. 404-8, 527-30, and 1024 Short score 67, 436 Ond'ei di morte. a 5. 3rd Book. Short score 67 Sovra tenere. a 5. 3rd Book. Score 2 Sep. 404-8 Short score 67, 436 Voi pur. a 5. 4th Book. Sep. 404-8 Short score 436 Volgea l'anima. a 5. 4th Book. Score 21 MORGAN ( ). A writer of the end of the 17th century. Overture and seven pieces for strings. Tenor and Bass only. 351-2 MORLEY (Thomas). 1557-? 1603. Mus. Bac. Services. Te D., Btus. Service for verses ' to the Organn '. Barnard. Sep. A ; T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) only 1220-4 Organ part 1001 Mag. and N. Dim. ' by minoms ' : here given as part of the above service. In Barnard as a separate Evening Service. Sep. A. ; T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) only 1220-4 Organ parts 1001, 1233 Mag. and N. Dim., printed by Barnard as part of the verse service above. Sep. A. ; T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) only 1220-4 Mag. and N. Dim. Organ part 1001 Out of the deep. V. A. Barnard. Sep. Chorus parts, A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 6, 88 Another organ part with different setting of the verse 6 Two Madrigals a 4, from Madrigalls to four e Voyces, 1594, fitted with new words of a moral character. In sinnes embraces (In dew of Roses) 1074-7 1 and 2 Sopr. only 740, 742 The stately caedare (Besides a Fountain) 750-3 82 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC MORLEY (Thomas)— continued. Canzonets a 3, from Canzonets, or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces, 2nd ed. 1606; fitted with new words of a moral character 739-43, 750-3 Angells come flyinge (Cruel you pull away). 1 and 2 Sopr. only 740 and 742 Ay mee Lord (Thirsis let some pittie). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Blow sheapheardes (Blow shepherds). 2 copies of Sopr. and Alto 739-43 Deep lamenting (Deep lamenting). 2 copies of Sopr. and Alto 739-13 Flow O my tears (Doe you not know). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Hold out my hart (Hold out my heart). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 How shall a younge man (Love learnes by laughing) 750-3 Looke up my soule (Arise, get up). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr., and of Alto (unfinished) 739-43 Love not this world (Ladie those eyes). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 My thoughts do so delight (Joy, joy doth so arise). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 O fly not (O fly not). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 O harke, oh harken (Where art thou, wanton). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Oh how my soule (Lady if I). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Oh man why doest (See, see mine owne). 2 copies of 1 Sopr. 739-43 O myne eyes (Cease myne eyes). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Remember thy maker (God morrow fair ladies). 1 and 2 Sopr. only 740 and 742 This world and all (This Love is but a wanton fit) 750-3 What bitter paynes (Now must I dye). 2 copies 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 When man is dyinge (Farewell disdainfull). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Ye charitable pitty full mynded (Say deere will you not). 2 copies of 1 and 2 Sopr. 739-43 Pa vine, ' Sacred Ende.' a 5. 423-8 [The name ' T. Morley ' in Cantus part : in Bassus ' Daniell ' (? Farrant). Morley is probably intended.] MORLEY (William). Mus. Bac; Gent, of Chapel Royal. Died i73i- Double chant in D mi. 1226 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 83 MORNINGTON (Lord). Mus. Doc. ; 1735-81. Two chants 1226 MOUNTAGUE (H.). Of the end of the 1 7th century. Three instrumental pieces, a 4 ; the last wanting Viola part. (Three other pieces here are probably his.) Sep. 1183 MUMFORD( ). c. 1700. Overture and 8 tunes for strings 351-2 Tenor and Bass parts only. MUNDY or MUNDIE (John). ' Organist of the kyngs free chappell of Windsore ', ' sonne of Wiftm. mundie of the Chappelle gentle- man '. (Notes in the Part-books, 979-83.) Mus. Bac, 1586 ; Mus. Doc, 1624. Died 1630. Motets, wanting Tenor Book. Sep. 979-83 Edes nostra, a 5. In te Domine, a 5. Sabbatum Maria, a 6. Lamentations, a 5. De Lamentatione ; Daleth, Juxta est ; Lamed, In cuius adventum. Anthems. O give thanks. V. A. Score without words 525 Score 16 Sep. parts wanting Bass 56-60 Bass voice only 1012 Organ parts 88 (twice), 1230 Verse Anthem wanting the beginning. ? O Lord our Governor begins ' Thou hast made him lower '. Organ part 6 Lightly she whipped. Madr. a 5 from the Triumphs of Oriana, 1601. Score without words 33 MUNDY or MUNDIE (William). ' Of the Queenes chapell.' Died about 1 59 1. Motets, wanting Tenor Book. Sep. 979-83 Adhsesit pavimento, a 5. Adolescentulus sum, a 6. Beatus auctor, a 5. Beatus et sanctus, a 5. Beati immaculati, a 5. Domine non est, a 6. Domine quis habitabit, a 6. Eructavit cor, a 6. Maria virgo, a 6. Memor esto, a 5. Noli emulari, a 5. Sive vigilem, a 5. The same complete 984-8 Veni creator, a 5. Videte miraculum, a 5. Vox patris, a 6 Fragments of a Magnificat 45 Et sanctum nomen. Qui fecit mihi. Sicut locutus. G 2 84 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC MUNDY or MUNDIE (William)— continued. Lord I bow the knees of my heart, a 5. Barnard. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 6, 1001 (For alteration by Aldrich, see Aldrich.) O Lorde the maker of all thing, a 4. Boyce, Barnard Score U, 16 Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ parts 6, 88, 1001, 1230 (In the Index to 16 this is ascribed to H. R. (Henry VIII): in 6 to John Mundy : in 1001 to William.) O Lord the world's Saviour, a 4. Sep. A. T.B. only 1220-4 Services (ascribed here to William Mundy). First Service. Barnard. Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Sep. A. T. B. (Dec. and Cant.) only 1220-4 Organ part without Ky. and Creed 1227 Short Service. Te D., Bdtus., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1227 Sep. parts without Mag. and N. Dim. A. T. B. (Dec. and Cant.) only 1220-4 MUTLOW (William). 1761-1832. Organist of Gloucester. Unto thee O Lord. V. A. Organ part 1225 NANINO (Giovanni Maria). Maestro di Cappella at several churches in Rome, and finally at the Sistine Chapel. Died 1607. My soule shake off. a 3. Sep., with 2 copies of 2 Treble 739-43 NARES (James). 1715-83. Mus. D. Organist of York Minster, and of the Chapel Royal. Single Chant in A 1226, 1229 NENNA (Pomponio). Published Madrigals, &c, from 1609 onwards. Died before 161 8. Ten Madrigals, in score, without words, from // Primo Libro, a 4, 1621 37 Ahi dispietata. Asciugate i belli occhi. Aure liete. La mia doglia. Madonna. O mia luce. Ripiglia Ergastp. Se gl'occhi. S'io taccio. Sospir che dal bel petto. Four Madrigals, in score, without words, from // Quinlo Libro, a 5, 1603 21 Aim' afflitta. 1 Occhi belli. Merce grido. Tu mi lasci. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 85 NICOLA ( ). Pieces for Trumpet Solo. Trumpet part only 731 NORCOME (Daniel), b. 1576. Member of the Viceregal Chapel in Brussels. With Angel's face and brightness. Madr. a 5. From The Triumphs 0/ Oriana, 1601. Score, without words 33 NORRIS (Thomas). Mus. Bac. Organist of Ch. Ch. 1776-90. Hear my prayer. V. A. Organ part 1226 NORRIS ( ). Probably Thomas, q. v. Three Single Chants 1226 NORRIS ( ). Probably William. One of the Children of the Chapel Royal till 1686; Master of the Children at Lincoln. Died c. 1 7 10. In Jewry is God known. V. A. Score 49 NOUE ( ). Perhaps Stephen or Simon Nau, both of whom were Musicians to Charles I. Corant for Harpsichord 1236 OLDRIDGE or ALDERIDG. See under Aldrich. ORME (Robert). Advice to a Composer ; ' Gentle artist '. Alto Solo with instrumental Symphonies. Score 1152 String parts (Vo. 1 and 2, Va., Bass) 1141-2 OTLEY ( ). Have mercy. Treble voice part only 598 PALESTRINA (Giovanni Pierluigi da). Died 1594. Sixteen Motets, a 4, from Motecta Fesiorum toiius anni, Liber Primus, 1571. Sep. 521-4 Dies sanctificatus. Lapidabant Stephanum. Valde honorandus. Magnum hereditatis. Tribus miraculis. Hodie Beata virgo. Ave Maria. Jesus junxit se. O Rex gloria;. Loquebantur variis. Benedicta sit. Lauda Syon. Fuit homo. Tu es pastor. Magnus sanctus. Surge propera. 86 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PALESTRINA (Giovanni Pierluigi fa)— continued. The whole contents of the 5th Book of Motetts for 5 voices, 1584. Score 10 Lsetus Hyperboream. Pt. I. O Patruo pariterque. Pt. II. Paucitas dierum. Manus tuse. Tempus est ut revertar. Nisi abiero. Domine secundum. Ave Trinitatis. Parce mihi. Pt. I. Peccavi quid faciam. Pt. II. Orietur stella. yEgypte noli fiere. Ardens est cor. Sic Deus dilexit. Surge Petre. Apparuit caro. Ecce merces. Videns secundus. Rex Melchior. Ave Regina ccelorum. Gaude gloriosa. Exultate Deo. Tribulationes civitatum. Pt. I. Peccavimus. Pt. II. Surge Sancte Dei. Pt. I. Ambula Sancte Dei. Pt. II. Salve Regina. Eia ergo. The whole contents of the Book of Madrigali Spiriiuali, a 5? !594- Score, without words, excepting the first 8 Figlio immortal. E se mai voci. Hor tu sol. Dammi scala. E se fur. Dammi vermiglia. E se '1 pensier. Eletta Mirra. Cedro gentil. Fa che con l'acque. Se amarissimo. Horto che sei. E se nel foco. Vincitrice de l'empia. Citta di Dio. Santo Altare. Tu di fortezza. Specchio che fosti. Velio di Gedeon. Novella aurora. E questo Spirto. E dal letto. Et arda ogn'hor. E tua merce. E quella certa. Anzi se foco. E con i raggi. Regina de le vergini. Alfin madre di Dio. E tu Signor. [PALLAVICINI (Carlo), fl. 1666 to 1688 in Dresden and in Venice. a writer chiefly of operas The following songs are found in the libretti of operas set by him, though it is possible that they are not his settings. Three songs from Diocletiano. The words by Matteo Noris were printed at Venice, 1675. Basta un guardo. Atto 1, sc. 4 Se mi lice baciar. Atto 1, sc. 17 Se la piaga sanar potr6. Atto 2, sc. 6. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 87 PALLAVICINI (Carlo)— continued. Two songs from Enea in Italia. The words by Bussani were printed at Venice, 1675. Chi dice mal d'Amor. Atto 2, sc. 7. Sei gentile, sei vezzoso. Atto 3, sc. 13.] PALLAVICINO (Benedetto), of Cremona. Maestro di Cappella to the Duke of Mantua, 1596-1601. Died 1612 or 1613. Madrigals from the 6th Book of 5-part Madrigals, 1600, without words. Come vivr6. Score 2 Short score 67, 436 Sep. parts 4C3-8 Cor mio. Short score 67 Sep. parts 527-30 and 1024 Era l'anima. Score 2 Short score 436 Sep. parts 403-8 O come vaneggiate. Sep. parts 527-30 and 1024 PARSONS (Robert). Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1563 ; drowned in the Trent at Newark, Jan. 1569/70. In the MS. 987 is this couplet : — Qui tantus primo Parsone in flore fuisti, Quantus in autumno ni morerere fores ! It has been doubted whether all the works ascribed to Robert Parsons are by this early writer. Motets (The Tenor Book is wanting in 979-83). Ave Maria, a 5 984-8 Credo quod Redemptor. a 6. ' Mr. Parsons of the Chapell as some doe say.' 979-83 Domine quis habitabit. a 6 979-83 Libera me Domine. a 5 979-83 Magnificat (extracts only) 45 Quia fecit mihi. a 3. Sicut erat in principio. a 4. Sicut locutus est. a 4. O bone Jesu. a 5 979-83, 984-8 O quam glorifica. a 3 45 Peccantem me. a 5 979-83 Retribue servo, a 5 979-83, 984-8 Solemnis urgebat. a 6 979-83 Services and Anthems. Deliver me. a. 6. Barnard. ' Cannon 2 in one in ye unison.' Sep. parts, wanting Bass 56-60 Bass part only 1012 Organ parts 88, 1001 88 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PARSONS (Roberl)— continued. Holy Lord God all mightie. Sep. parts. A.T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1001 How many hired servants. V. A. Organ part ; incomplete. ' Mr. Robert Parsons of Exeter. Anthem of the Prodigall Childe ' 6 Lord comfort those. A. (Verse); T. and B. (Verse and Chos.) 1220-4 Te Deum, Bdtus., Ky., and Creed. ' His excellent service.' Sep. parts A., T. and B. (Dec. and Cant.) 1220-4 Organ part without Ky. and Creed 1227 Enforced by love and feare. a 5. Treble Solo with instruments. Burney. Sep. parts 984-8 Instrumental Music Dela court, a 5. 2 settings. Sep. 984-8 Je fili. a 5. Sep. 984-8 In nomine, a 5. Sep. 984-8 A songe called ' Trumpetts.' a 6, wanting Tenor Book. Sep. 979-83 PARSONS (William). Contributed to Day's Psalter, 1563. Allmighty God whose kingdom, a 4. 'A prayer for the Kinge.' Organ part 6 (The name is given here as William, but it may be doubted which Parsons is intended.) PASQUINOor PASQUINI (Bernardo). 1637-1710. Organist of Sta. Maria Maggiore in Rome. Se l'amare. Aria for Sopr. Solo 958 PATRICK (Nathaniel). Organist of Worcester. Said to have died in 1594 (AIus. Times, Nov. 1905). Service for 4 voices. Arnold (who ascribes it to Richard Patrick). Te D., Bdtus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Scores 41, 761 Organ parts 1230, 1231 PEARS (J.) Nine Chants 1228 PECCI (Tomaso). Of Sienna; is said to have died in 1606. Madrigals a 5 from his First Book, 1602 510-14 Ahi che'l mio. Ahi che spento. Amarillide mia. Cosi in gelida. Cosi pietosa. Dolce tormento. O donna troppo. Perfidissimo volto. Se gF amorosi. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 89 PECCI (Tomaso) — continued. Madrigals a 5 from his Second Book, 161 2 510-14 Amor io parto. Che io mora. Del piu leggiadro. E pender. Ma che vita. O nelle tue. Quel neo. Sospir che del. PEERSON (Martin), c. 1 590-1 650 or 165 1. Mus. Bac. Master of the Children of St. Paul's. O Lorde in thee. V. A. Sep. parts, wanting Bass 56-60 Fantasy, a 5, for instruments. Wanting Alto and Bass. Sep. 716-20 Four Fantasies, a 6, called • Acquaintance ', ' Beauty ', ' Chowse ', ' Delicate '. Sep. 423-8 PEETERSEN (John). See under Sweelinck. PEMBRUGE ( ). Single Chant in F PEPUSCH (John Christopher). 1 667-1 752 of the Charter House, 1737. I will magnify. V. A. Organ part O praise the Lord. V. A. Organ part Two Cantatas from Six English Cantatas. Fragrant Flora ' The Spring '. Miranda. Songs in Venus and Adonis 1715 Va. and Bass) How pleasant is ranging. Ah sweet Adonis. With her alone. Cease your vain. * Wealth is but a slave. 1226, 1229 Mus. Doc. Organist 1111 1233 Vo. 1 part only 70 String parts only (Vo. 1 and 2, 70, 71, 72, 75 Cupid, Cupid, bend thy bow. Beauty now alone. (Bass only). Chirping warblers. Thus the brave. On Love what greater curse. * Not printed in Venus and Adonis. (? by Pepusch.) Sonata in F for 2 Flutes and Bass. Sep. 1141-2 PERRANDI (G.). Marco Gioseffo Perandi, Kapellmeister at Dresden. Died 1675. Laudate pueri. a 3. For 1 or 2 Trebles, Bass, and Organs 1034 PHILIPS. ' Mr. Philips of the kings privichamber.' (See Wilder, (Philip van).) 90 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PHILIPS (Peter). Brought up under Sebastian Westcott at St. Paul's. Published from 1591 onwards; Canon of Soignies and Organist of the Chapel Royal at Brussels. Said to have died 1628. Bow downe thine eare. a 6. Wanting Bass. 56-60 (Adapted from ' Cantai mentre ' in the First Book of 6-part Madrigals, 1596.) Salve Regina. a. 6. Score without words 21 Instrumental Music. Pavin, a 6. 'Deo Gratias.' Sep. 423-8 Fantazia, a. 6. Sep. 423-8 Almaine, Corrante and Serrabrand. Bass only 1022 Virginal and Organ Music. Almande 1003, 1113 Deggio dunque partire, Pt. I ; To partirb, ma il core, Pt. II ; Ma voi, Pt. Ill ; Arrangements of Luca Marenzio's Madrigals in Melodia Olymfiica, 159 1 1113 *Le Rossignol. Arrangement of Orlando di Lassos Madrigal in Musica Transalpina, 1588 1113 *Fece da voi partita. Arrangement of Philips's Madrigal in the First Book of 6-part Madrigals, 1596 1113 Benedicam Dominum. Arrangement 1113 Veni creator Spiritus for organ. By ' P. Phil.' ; probably Philips 89 * These are also found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (I, 288 and 346). PHILLIPS (Dr.). Fragment of instrumental piece 1179 PIGITT ( ). Probably Francis Piggett or Piggott, Child of the Chap. Royal, 1679; Organist of Magd. Coll., Oxford, 1686; of the Temple, 1688; Chapel Royal, 1695. Died 1704. A gigg for harpsichord 46 A March for harpsichord (printed in A Choice Collection of Ayres, 1700) 46 PICKET ( ). ? the same as Pigitt (Francis), q. v. Dialogue between ' Grumpolio and y e witch ' (imperfect) ; and Song ' Triumphant Musick ' 90-1 (Apparently inserted in a Scene of Saul and the Witch of Endor.) Dialogue between Love, Hymen, Time and Fortune. Tenor and Bass voice parts 90-1 Tenor voice part 1211 PIKE ( ). ' An Antick Tune.' Bass part only 91 Tune for instruments : Treble and Bass 90-1 POLWHELE ( ). Instrumental piece. Bass part only 1183 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 91 PORTMAN (Richard). Organist of Westminster Abbey, 1633. Service. Te D., Btus., Ky., Creed, Mag., and N. Dim. Score 1002 Bass voice only 1012 Without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1227 Mag. and N. Dim. only. Tenor only 440 Rejoyce in the Lord. V. A. Score 49 Sarabrand for Harpsichord 1177 PRATT ( ). Double Chant in D 1226 PRICE (Robert). A 17th-century writer. ' Faine I would ' for Harpsichord 1236 PRIEST (Nathaniel). Organist of Bristol in 1724. Service in F. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Score 40 Alto part only 1220 Organ part 1229 PRING ( ). Double chant in A[? 1226 PSEUDO-CARISSIMI (? = Aldrich). Si Unguis hominum for 3 Trebles. ' Jacobi Pseudocarissimi.' Score 9 PURCELL (Daniel). Organist of Magd. Coll., Oxford, 1688-95. Died 17 1 7. Brother of Henry Purcell. My God, my God. V. A. for Treble Solo and Organ accompt. Score 49 (A short Chorus is probably missing from the end.) O let my mouth. V. A. Score 49 Alas when charming Sylvia's gon. From ' The Spanish Wives '. Treble voice only; also for Harpsichord 580 In a grove's forsaken shade. From ' Amalasont '. Treble voice only 389 (Both these songs were engraved by Cross.) In spight of Despair. ' Song between Hope and Despair.' Alto and Bass. Score 1215 Love I defy thee. Cantata for Treble Solo, dated 1706/7 1146 Shepherds tune your pipes. (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 31405.) Treble voice only 360 PURCELL (Edward). 1689-17 40. Organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Son of Henry Purcell. Single Chant in G mi. 48 Single Chant in D mi. 1229 92 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PURCELL (Henry). Born 1658 or 1659. Died 1695. Services and Anthems. ' First Service in B|?.' Te D., Btus., Ky., Creed, Mag., and N. Dim. Score 38 1 Second Service in B\?.' Bdte., Jub., Cant., and D. Mis. Score 38 Te D., Btus., Cant., D. Mis. of same. Organ part 1231 Te Deum and Jubilate. Figured Bass only 440 (The Te D. and Jub. in D for St. Cecilia's Day, transposed into C.) Single Chant in A mi. Score 48 Organ 1226 and 1229 Funeral Sentences. Man that is born : In the midst of life : Thou know'st Lord. Score 22 Funeral Sentence written for Queen Mary's Funeral, a 4. Thou knowest Lord, followed by Organ part of the same, and ' The Queen's Funeral March sounded before her Chariot \ Score 794 Be merciful unto us. A. T. B., Verse and Chos. ; T. and B., Chos. only 1220-4 Early O Lord. For 1-4 voices. Score 628 In guilty night. Harmonia Sacra, Book II 23 I was glad. A. T. B., Verse and Chos. ; T. and B., Chos. only 1220-4 Organ parts 1226, 1235 I will sing unto the Lord. A. T. B., Verse and Chos. only 1220-4 Organ part 1230 My song shall be alway. Scores 22, 766 (In both written for Bass Solo, not Treble.) String parts (1 and 2 Vo., Va., Bass) 1188-9 O all ye people, a 4. Score 628 O give thanks. A. T. B., Verse and Chos. ; T. and B., Chos. only 1220-4 Score, without symphonies 1109 Organ part 1235 O God thou art my God. Organ part 1232 O God thou hast cast us out. Organ part 1230 O I'm sick of life. For 1-3 v. Score 628 O Lord our Governour. For 1-4 v. Score 628 Plung'd in the confines. 'A song' for 3 v. Score 628 Since God so tender. For 2 Tenors, Bass and Basso. Score 628 They that go down to the sea. Bass Solo and Chos. parts only 1224 Tenor Chos. part 1222 Organ part 1229 When on my sick bed. For 1-3 v. Score 628 Beati omnes. For 1-4 v. Score 628 Gloria Patri. a 4. Score 628 Jehova quam multi. For 1-5 v. Score 628 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 93 PURCELL (Henry)— continued. Odes, &c. Celebrate this Festival. Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday. Score (unfinished) to middle of ' Crown y e Altar '. 23 Separate parts (1 and 2 Treble and Bass) to end of * Kindly treat ' 468-70 Kindly treat Maria's Day. Treble Solo 23 Hail bright Cecilia. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, 1692. Score 32 Overture. Score 1186 In a deep vision's. Ode for 1-3 voices. Score 1150 Raise the voice. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day. Score 1145 Bass part (instr. and chorus) 470 Operas. Abdelazer. Overture. Score 3 Aire for Instruments (1 and 2 Treble and Bass) 363 Amphitryon. Overture. Score 3 Bonduca. Overture. Score 3 Choruses, &c. in Score 32 * Hear us great Rugwith.' ' Sing divine Andate's praise.' ' Divine Andate.' Tenor solo. ' Britons strike home.' Britons strike home. Vo. part only 363 Britons strike home, set as Harpsichord piece 46 Dioclesian. Overture. Score 3 The ' 1 st Musick'. 2 movements. Score 1125 Chaconne for Flutes in Canon. Flute parts only 1183 1 Sound Fame ' and ' Let all rehearse '. 1 and 2 Trumpet parts and Basso 468-70 Country Dance for instruments 363 Distress'd Innocence; or, The Princess of Persia. Overture. Score 3 Don Quixote. Pt. II. Genius of England. Treble Solo. Voice part only 360 Don Quixote. Pt. III. From rosie Bow'rs (opening bars of voice part only) 360 Double Dealer. Overture. Score (incomplete) 3 Hornpipe. Parts for instruments 363 Fairy Queen. Overture and Second Overture. Score 3 Hornpipe. Parts for instruments 363 O let me weep. Treble solo 363 Bass only 470 End of Violin part 469 Gordian Knot Unty'd. Overture. Score 3 94 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PURCELL (Henry)— continued. Indian Queen. Overture. Score 3 Choruses, &c., in Score 32 By ancient prophecies. If these be they. If so your goodness. We come to sing. What fiatt'ring noise. Begon curs'd Feinds. Wee the spirits. Greatness clogg'd. Cease to languish. While thus we bow. You who at the altar. All dismal sounds. I attempt from Love's sickness. Treble voice part only 580 The same for Harpsichord (unfinished) 580 Treble voice 389 I come to sing. Treble voice part only 580 The same for Harpsichord 580 Seek not to know. Treble voice, Basso and Hautboy. Score without Symphonies 363 Hautboy and Basso only, with Symphonies 469-70 Their looks are such. Treble voice part only 580 They tell us. Treble voice parts only 360, 580 Hornpipe, arranged for Harpsichord 580 King Arthur. Overture. Score 3 Come Shepherds. Vo. i and 2 and Basso parts 363 Fairest Isle. Treble only without words 1114 Shepherd leave decoying. Fragment of 1 Treble only 960 Sound a parley 363 Married Beau. Overture. Score 3 Mock Marriage. 'Twas within a furlong of Edinburgh town. Treble voice only 580 Oedipus. Choruses, &c, in Score 32 Hear ye sullen powers. Musick for awhile. Come away : and, Laius hear. Old Batchelor. Overture. Score 3 Oroonoko. Celemene pray tell me. Treble voice only 389 Princess of Persia. See Distress'd Innocence. Rival Sisters. Take not a woman's anger ill. ' Treble voice only 580 Tempest. Dear pretty youth. Treble voice parts only 580, 960 Timon of Athens. Choruses in Score 32 Who can resist ; and, Come let us agree. Overture and nine tunes. Bass only 482 Trumpet overture. Trumpet part only 1128 Tyrannick Love. Ah how sweet. Treble voice part only 580 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 95 PURCELL (Henry) — continued. Virtuous Wife. Overture. Score 3 Overture and 8 Tunes. Va. and Basso only 351-2 (The second of these is not in Ayres for the Theatre, 1697.) Thirty tunes in Score from Ayres for the Theatre, 1697 620 Songs, &c. Alas how barbarous. Duett for Treble and Bass. Score 23 (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 33234.) From silent Shades. Orph. Brit., Bk. I. Treble Solo 350 Lovely Albina. Orph. Brit., Bk. I. Treble voice part only 580 Sum up all the delights. Catch. Fragment of Bass only 358 Urge me no more. Treble Solo 350 Who can behold Florella's charms. Delicix Musicae, 1695. Treble voice only 389, 580 Instrumental Music. Overture and 8 Tunes for strings. Va. and Basso only 351-2 Twelve Sonatas of 3 parts in Score 39 (From the Set printed in 1683.) The same in Score 1174 Three 4 part Sonatas in Score 3 (Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of the Set printed in 1697.) No. 9 of the same (unfinished). Score 620 No. 10 of the same. Score 620 Fantazia of 5 parts upon one note. Score 620 (The autograph of this is B.M. Add. MS. 30930.) Harpsichord Music. Saraband from Suite V of A Choice Collection, 1696. Squire, p. 15 4e Ground in Gamut. Squire, p. 33 46 Ground in C mi. Squire, p. 39 1177 (Followed by an unnamed movement in triple time also in C mi. ? by Purcell.) Prelude, Allmand, and Corant in G. Suite III of A Choice Collection. Squire, pp. 6 to 9 1177 Lesson in A mi. Squire, p. 35 1177 Air in C. Squire, p. 33 1176, 1179 Piece in E mi., not in Squire 1179 Voluntary. Squire, p. 35 1179 (Possibly some other Harpsichord pieces in these MSS. may be Purcell's.) PURCELL (Thomas). Gent, of the Chapel Royal, 1660; died 1682. Uncle to Henry Purcell. Single chant in G. Score 48 96 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC PURCELL (Thomas) — continued. Single Chant in G mi. Ascribed to Thomas Purcell or P. Humphries 1226 Ascribed to Mr. Purcell 1229 Single chant in A 1229 PUTTI ( ). Minuet by Sig r . Putti. Violin part only 1111 PYSING (William). Perhaps the same who was Lay Clerk of Canter- bury Cathedral from as early as 1635 till his death in 1683-4. The Lord heare thee. V. A. 61-6 QUAGLIA (Giovanni Battista). Organist of Sta. Maria Maggiore, Bergamo; fl. the 2nd half of the 17th century. (Et/ner.) Laudate pueri. Motet for 3 voices, with instrumental parts. Score 1110 QUINTIANI (Lucrezio), of Cremona. A Cistercian monk of the end of the 16th century. (Ei/ner.) Two Madrigals, a 5. Dolce esca, Pt. I. ; Dolce d'ogni, Pt. II. Sep. 510-4 RADCLIFFE (John). Eight Chants 1226 RAMSAY (Robert). Mus. Bac. Organist of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1628-44. In guilty night. Dialogue for Tr. and Tenor with Basso. Score 18 RANDALL (John). 1715-99. Mus. Doc. ; Professor of Music in the University of Cambridge. Service in D. Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1227 Evening Service in G. Mag. and N. Dim. Organ part 1227 Double Chant in D 1226 RAVENSCROFT (Thomas). Mus. Bac. ; published between 1609 and 162 1. Four Anthems, a 5, wanting Bass 56-60 In Thee oh Lord. V. A. Oh let me heare. V.A. Oh wo full mines. Full. This is the day when. V. A. REDFORD (John). Organist and Master of the Children at St. Paul's in the 1st half of the 16th century. Vestri precincti. Motet a 6, wanting Tenor Book 979-83 Voluntary for Organ 1034 Organ pieces named ' Agnus ', x Miserere ' (two pieces), ' Anguelare fundamentum ', ' Veni Redemptor ' 371 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 97 REGGIO (Pietro). Born at Genoa ; settled at Oxford, 1677 ; died, 1685. He published a volume of songs in 1680, from which some of the following are taken. Miserere mei. Motet for 2 Trebles and Bass. Scores 43, 48 [The 3 following are attributed to Reggio in B.M. Catalogue (Add. MS. 31440), but the reasons are not conclusive : — Cum complerentur. a 4. Basso only 880 Jesu dulcissime. a 4. Basso only 880 Nigra sum sed formosa. a 4. Basso only 8 80 J Songs. Beyond the Art of any Cure. Treble Solo 1173 [Cast Clarissa cast that glass away. Treble Solo 1173 (Without composer's name, but in a collection of Reggio's songs, to whom it probably belongs.)] Counsel. Gently, ah gently Madam. Treble Solo: printed 1680. 1173 Gold. A mighty pain to love it is. Treble Solo : printed 1680 46 The Judgement. Wake sleeping ones. Treble Solo 1173 Wanting last page 865 Know Celia since. Treble Solo 17 Quando l'alma. For Tr. and Bass : printed 1680 17 The Swallow. Foolish Prater : printed 1680 46 ROBERTS (John). Saraband for Harpsichord 1003 Almain, unnamed piece and Jigg for Harpsichord 1177 Coranto and unnamed piece for Harpsichord 1236 ROBINSON (John). Organist of Westminster Abbey, 1727-62. Double Chant in D 1226 ROGERS (Benjamin). 1614-98. Organist of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1664-85; Mus. Doc. 1669. Service in D. JBoyce, &c. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 41 The same, with Sanctus. Bass only 1012 The same, with Sanctus. Organ parts 1225, 1231 The same, without Creed. Short Score 46 The same, without Mag. and N. Dim. Tenor only 440 Evening Service in G. Mag. and N. Dim. 1666. Printed by Rimbault under the name of Peter Rogers. Bass only 1012 Organ part 1227 Evening short service altogether in A re key. a 4. Rimbault. Autograph Score, 1684. Mag. and N. Dim. 21 Te Deum patrem colimus. a 4. ' This hymn is song every day in Magdalen College Hall, Oxon, Dinner, and Supper, throught 98 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ROGERS (Benjamin) — continued. the yeare, for the after Grace, by the Chaplains, Clerks, and Choristers there.' Autograph Score, 1685 21 Behold now praise. Boyce. Bass only 1012 Organ parts 1230, 1235 Bow down thine ear. V. A. Autograph Score, 1677, February 13. 21 How long. Cope. Bass only 1012 Organ part 1235 I beheld and lo. ' Hymnus Apocalypticus.' V. A. Autograph Score, 1678 21 I will magnify thee. V. A. Tr. 1 and 2, A. T. B., Verse and Chos. 623-5 O pray for the peace. F. A. a 4. Cope. Score 11 Bass only 1012 Organ parts 1230, 1235 O that the salvation, a 4. Cope. Autograph Score, 1684 21 Rejoice in the Lord. Bass only 1012 Teach me O Lord. Boyce. Organ part 1228 Instrumental Music. Preludium, Aire, Aire, Eccho, Saraband, ' Windsor Chase/ in D ma. (and perhaps the following, Aire, Corant, and Saraband in D ma.). Bass only 1011 Corant, Corant (La sedois), Sarabrand, unnamed piece, Corant, Sarabrand, Gigue, for Harpsichord 1236 ROGIER ( ). Onse Vader in Hemel-ryck, for Lute 1014 RORE (Cipriano de). c. 1516-65. Chapel Master of St. Mark's, Venice, and of Parma. Two fancies in 5 parts. Sep. 372-6 ROSEN MULLER (Johann). Born c. 16 19. Organist at Leipzig, 1 65 1-5. Capellmeister at Wolfenbiittel, 1674-84. Miserere mei. Motet for 3 voices with accompt. for 2 violins. Score 764 Bass voice and Organo 687 Turris fortissima. Motet for 3 Trebles, with accompt. for 2 Fagotti and Organo. Score without words 764 ROSINGRAVE (Daniel). Organist successively of Gloucester, Win- chester, Salisbury, and St. Patrick's, Dublin. Died 1727. Lord thou art become. F. Anthem for 5 voices. Score 1215 ROSSETER (Philip). Lutenist. Published A Booke o/Ayres, 1601 ; Lessons for Consort, 1609. Died 1623. Sweete come againe. Treble voice and Bass. From Ayres, 1601 439 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 99 ROSSI (Luigi). Bom at Naples. Died 1653. Motets. Domine quinque talenta. a 4. (S. S. B. B.) Score 83 Exulta, jubila. a 2. (S. S.) Score 83 Peccantem me. a 3. (T. T. T.) Score 83 Summi regis, a 2. (S. S.) Score 83 Cantatas, &c, for Treble Solo, unless otherwise stated. A chi lasso 17, 350 Adorate mie catene 947 Al far del di. a 3 (S. S. T.) 996 Amanti ardire. a 3 (S. A. B.) 377,996 Amanti piangete 951 Amor, se devo. a 2 (S. A.) 377, 996 Ancor vive una 947 Anime voi che 350, 950 A piu sventure 947 A te mio core, a 2 (S. A.) 996 C'e altra pena 948 Che sventura 949 Con incerta speranza 949 Con rauco mormorio 951 Cor dolente. a 4 (S. A. T. B.) 996 Credei col gir lontano 946 Datemi pace, a 2 (S. S.) 998 Deh perche. a3(S.A.B.) 996 Del silentio 952 (Printed in The Musical Antiquary, July 191 1.) Di desir. a 3 (S. A. B) 996 Dite o cieli. a 2 (S. and B.) 377 Dolenti pensier. a 3 (S. A. B.) 996 E che can tar 949 Erminia sventurata (here attributed to Carissimi, but see Woiquenne) 946 E si crede 951 Fanciulla son io 17 Ferma il pie 946 Filli mia 947 Fra le pene 947 Furie d'Averno 946 Gionto il fatale di 950 Hor ch'in notturna. a 3 (S. A. B.) 996 Hor che fra l'ombre. a 4 (S. S. S. B.) 996 Hor che l'oscura 946 Ho voto di non 947 II contento. a 2 (S. S.) 996 h 2 ioo CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC ROSSI (Luigi) — continued. II mio core 951 Indovinala mio core 949 Ingordo human 998 In questo duro. a 3 (S. S. B.) 996 In solitario speco 998 Languia Filen 950 La perfida 946 Lasso benche. a3(S.A.B.) 377,996 Lo piangea 948 Mai lo diro 949 Mani alteri e divine 17 Mio cor. a 3 (S. S. T.) 996 Mio core impara. a 3 (S. A. B.) 996 Mortale che pensi. a 3 (S. S. A.) 996 Nel di ch'al Padre 998 Non cantar. a 2 (S. B.) 996 Non c'e che dire 949 Non fia mai 952 Non si parli 951 Occhi ardenti 949 Occhi belli 949 O che humore 951 O cieli pieta. a 2 (S. S.) 377, 996 O dura piu 950 Ombre fuggite 950 Passati contenti 946 Pender non prima 998 Pene che volete. a 2 (S. B.) 377, 996 Piangea l'aurora. a 3 (S. S. B.) 996 Pieta spietati. a 2 (S. B.) 377 Poi che il lido 946 Poiche manco. a 2 (S. S.) 996 Porto d'ascose 951 [Presso un ruscel. See Carisstmt.~\ Pur che lo sappi. See Carlo del Violino.~\ ■ Pur e ver. a 4 (S. S. S. B.) 996 Quando io credo, a 3 (S. A. B.) 996 Querelatevi 949 Queste dure catene. a 2 (S. B.) . 996 Risolvetevi. a 2 (S. A.) 996 Se barbari 951 Se peni tuo danno 952 Si tocchi tamburro {Palazzo Incantato") 949 Si v'ingannate 949 So ben io 946 [Soccorretemi. See Carissimi.~\ Soffrirei con lieto. a 2 (S. and B.) 996 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY ror ROSSI (Luigi) — continued. Sotto l'ombra 998 Spiega un volo. a 2 (S. and B.) 996 Sulla base 951 Tanto non 951 Torna indietro 998 Tu giuri. a 2 (S. B.) 996 Tu parti core, a 3 (S. A. B.) 996 Tu sarai sempre. a 2 (S. S.) 377 Tutto cinto di ferro. ' Lo sdegno smargiasso.' 998 Udite amanti. a 3 (S. S.S.) 996 Voi mi dite 952 Vorrei scoprirti. a 2 (S. S.) 377 ROVETTA (Giovanni). Born at Venice ; Chapel Master to the Venetian Republic. Died 1668. Six Madrigals from Madrigali C oncer tail, 1629. Chi vuol haver felice. 2 Sopranos 14 Credetel voi che non sentite. a 4 (S. A. T. B.) 14 lo mi sento morir. 2 Sopranos 621 Quante volte giurai. a 3 (T. B. B.) 623-6 Si mi dicesti. a 3 (T. T. B.) 623-6 Udite amanti meraviglia. a 4 (S. A. T. B.) 14 Ten Motets from Gemma Mustcalis, 1649. Score 8 Alma Redemptoris. A. T. B. Ave Regina. T. T. B. Confitemini Domino. A. T. B. Domine in virtute. T. T. B. Dulcis Christe. A. T. B. Ego sum Resurrectio. A. T. B. Ego sum qui sum. T. T. B. O gloriosa domina. T. T. B. Regina cceli. A. T. B. Surgamus ergo. A. T. B. RUFFO (Vincenzo), of Verona. Maestro di Cappella at Verona, 1554 ; Milan, 1563; Pistoia, 1574; Milan, 1580. O who regards, a 3 (S. A. T.) 1074-7 SAMBONIER. (See Chambonnieres) SANCES (Giovanni Felice). 1600-79. Born at Rome. Kapell- meister at Vienna from 1669. Twenty Motetts from Motetti, 1638. Ardet cor meum. Sopr. Solo. Scores 43, 48, 49 Audite me divini fructus. Bass Solo. Scores 43, 48, 1151 Conditor celi. Tenor Solo. Score 49 102 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC 43 (beginning Two Sopranos. Score SANCES (Giovanni Felice) — continued. Deus in adjutorium. S. and Bass. Scores Sep. Domine ne memineris Sep. Dulcis amor. Bass Solo. Scores Judica me. Two Sopranos. Scores Sep. Lsetamini in Domino. Soprano Solo. Scores Laudemus viros. Two Tenors. Scores Magnificemus. S. S. Bass. Sep. O crux benedicta. A. T. B. Sep. O Domine guttse. A. T. B. Sep. O Jesu mi dulcissime. S. S. A. B. Sep. Bass only O quam speciosa. Alto Solo. Score Plagse Tuse. A. T. B. Sep. Psallite Domino. Two Sopranos. Sep. Quemadmodum desiderat. Alto Solo. Score Solvatur lingua. Tenor Solo. Score Tota pulchra es. Alto and Tenor. Scores Sep. Vulnerasti cor. S. and Tenor. Sep. only), 49, 1178 623-6 49, 1178 623-6 43, 48, 1151 49, 1178 623-6 43, 48, 49 49, 1178 623-6 623-6 623-6 623-6 880 49 623-6 623-6 49 49 49, 1178 623-6 623-6 SAVAGE ( ). Single Chant in C SAVERY (John). Te D. and Jub. in C. Organ and voice parts. (Tr. A. T. B and Cant.) Sep. Teach me O Lord. V.A Dec. and Cant.) Sep. 1226 Dec. 1202 Organ and voice parts. (Tr. A. T. B., 1202 SAVILE (Jeremy). Of the middle of the 17th century. Fa la, without words. Tr. and B. only 598 SAVIONI (Mario), of Rome. Singer in the Papal Choir from 1642. Published in 1660, 1676, &c. Ten Cantatas for Soprano Solo Augellin che non. Entro lo spatio. Fuora del mio Regno. II tuo sonno. Io pur ti dissi. 998 Maggio torna. Ohime Madre. Oue scorre. Se l'amar. Volete altro. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 103 SCARLATTI (Alessandro). 1659-17 25. Operas (I). Scores. II Flavio Cuniberto. Vocal and Instrumental parts. Score 989 Gerone Tiranno di Siracusa, 1692. MS. written 1693. Score 990 La Teodora Augusta. Score 991 Operas (II). Separate Songs. L'Aldimiro ovvero Favor e per Favore, 1687. Songs arranged for Soprano Solo with Basso. 955 Chi l'alma m' ha tolta (also in 954). (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 31506.) Due vaghe pupille (also in 954). (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 31506.) Io non so se potrai fingere. Printed in Thirty-six Ariettas. c- 1753- Se di Tisbe hauro la sorte. (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 31506.) Voglio amar chi mi disprezza. (Cf. B.M. Harley, 1265.) Printed in Thirty-six Arietta's. [The following are found in the libretto of L'Aldimiro, but no com- plete score of the music seems to exist with which to collate them 955 Amor vuolle cosi. Chi t'intende O nume alato. Del tuo cor tempri le pene. £ fanciullo il Dio. £ uanto crudele d'un alma. Fantasmi orribili di gelosia. Foglio lieve in cui (also in 954). Forti Heroi la cui fe sol. F11 guerriero. Impiagami, tormentami (also in 954). Piante voi. Questa destra che maestra (also in 954). Se il ciel vi concedesse. Se pena s'inventa che avanzi. Se tu credi che verace. Sentirsi lo dare e un gusto. Spade ultrici. Spirto eccelso il cui valore (also in 954). Tanto basti per farmi morire (also in 954). Tra le straggi e le contese. Un alma che amando. Un vezzo, un guardo (also in 954).] Dal Male il Bene, 1687. Songs arranged for Soprano Solo and Basso : collated with the Berlin Score. Apri le luci amanti. (Printed in Thirty-six Arietta's) 955 La gioia verace favella nel cor. (Cf. B.M. Harley, 1265) 955 104 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC SCARLATTI (Alessandro) — continued. S' Ape amante io giungo a suggere 954 (Originally Tenor Aria in B[?.) Tu ferito da miei sguardi 955 [A setting of the words ' Diro il ver ma diro poco ', found in the libretto, is not identical with the setting in the Berlin MS.] 77 Pompeo. 1683-4-8. Two Songs arranged for Soprano Solo with Basso 955 Lusingami speranza (also in 954). Tormentosa gelosia. Gli Equivoci in Amore ovvero La Rosaura 1690. Non dar piu pene O caro, arranged for Soprano Solo with Basso. (Cf. B.M. Add. MS. 31506) 954 [The following songs are found in the libretto of Flavio, 1688, but none of the music is known to exist elsewhere, with which to collate them. Nineteen Songs arranged for Soprano Solo and Basso 957 Ad altri in braccio. Al mormorio del pianto. Ardo penando. Chi l'impero ha su gPaffetti. Chi vuole innamorarsi. Cosi mi basta per non morir. E in dubbio il core s'un bacio. In amor son fortunata. In quel volto. Mio cor che sara con l'arco. Non so amar chi non mi piace. No, non viver penando. Ogni stella ch' in Ciel ruota. Partite, abbandonatemi. Risorta la speme. Scherza, ridej festeggia si. Se nel soglio io poso il pie. Spera mio cor chi sa. Vengo a voi piaggie latine.] [The following songs are found in the libretto of La Rosmene ovvero LInfedelia Fedele, 1688. Ten songs from Rosmene arranged for Soprano Solo with Basso 957 Amare e fingere di non amar. Col freddo tuo velen ritorna. Come cede la porpora all' oro. Fiumicel ch' hor presto hor lento. Lampo d'or che in istante. O quanto hai da soffrir. Perche amor vedea languire. Se misero oggetto d'affanni. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 105 SCARLATTI (Alessandro) — continued. Son ferito e tu sei quell' arciera. Spoglia esangue in marmi. Four songs from Rosmene arranged for Soprano Solo with Basso 954 Amor seconda il bel desir. Di morir gia non pauenta. Gia che Amor non fu bastante. Se versasti da tuoi lumi.] Serena/a. ' Venere, Adone, Amore.' Serenata. a 3 v. con Strom* 5 e due Trombe. Score 992 Cantatas, Ariettas, &c, for Soprano Solo. A voi che l'accendeste. {Dent) 993 Al fine b Clori amata. {Dent) 993 Aure, io son. {Dent) 993 Come potesti 993 Deh per merce. {Dent) 993 [This Cantata is elsewhere ascribed to Astorga.] Dov' e Filli 993 Lontan' dal idol mio. {Dent) 993 Reggie Paludi, addio. {Dent) 958 Tanto strano. {Dent) 993 [Cara e dolce libertk, 958, is printed as Scarlatti's in Thirty- six Arietta's, London, c. 1753. It is printed as Cesti's by Pignani in 1679 and should be assigned to him. A version of it as a Duet is printed by Hawkins, 1776 (IV, 94) as Cesti's.] SEVERO DA LUCCA (Antonio), fl. at the end of the 17th century. Cantatas for Soprano Solo. Desiri partite 956 Pensieri tacete 956 Senti pur l'alma 956 Su la spiaggia 956 Vieni 6 mia cara 954, 956 SHENTON (Richard). Cantate Domino and Deus Misereatur in D, Organ part 1231 SHEPHERD or SHEPPERDE (John). Magister Choristarum and Organist at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1542. Supplicated for the Degree of Mus. Doc. 1554. He is here called ' of the Chappelle,' an appointment not recorded elsewhere. (See 979-83.) O God be mercifull vnto us. a 4. Organ part. 6 Motets. &c. (The set 979-83 is imperfect, wanting the Tenor Book.) Adesto nunc, a 6. Sep. 979-83 Beata quoque. a 5. 979-83 io6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC SHEPHERD or SHEPPERDE (John)— continued, Beati omnes. a 5 Beatus auctor. a 8 Cetus omnes. a 5 Confitebor tibi. a 5 Cor vestrum (2 settings), a 6 Deo nostro. a 5, ' for men '. Entered twice 979-83 979-83 979-83 979-83 979-83 979-83 (As the parts are interchanged, this motet is complete.) Deus misereatur. a 5 979-83 Dilectissima. a 6 979-83 Esurientes implevit. a 5. (From a Magnificat.) Burney. Sep. 984-8 Et insulae munera offerent. a 6 979-83 Fecerunt unanimes. a 5 979-83 Funde preces. a 5 979-83 Hec dies quam. a 6 979-83 Hie nempe mundi (2 settings), a 5 979-83 Hierusalem. a 6 979-83 Ibant magi, a 6 979-83 Ignis vibrante. a 7 979-83 In perpetuum. a 5 979-83 Judica me. a 5 979-83 Laudes Deo for 2 Tenors 45 Media vita, a 6 979-83 Noctis recolitur. a 8 979-83 Procedens a throno. a 5 979-83 Procedens a throno. a 6 979-83 Quia fecit mihi. a 4. (From a Magnificat) 45 Sabbatum Maria (2 settings), a 6 979-83 Salva nos (2 settings), a 7 979-83 Scandens tribunal, a 5 979-83 Sicut erat. a 3. (Probably from Magnificat) 45 Sicut locutus. a 4. (From a Magnificat) 45 Solemnis urgebat. a 6 979-83 Sumens illud. a 6 979-83 Te celorum (2 settings), a 6 979-83 Te eternum. a 6. (From a 7> Deuni) 979-83 Tu fabricator, a 6 979-83 Tui precatus. a 6 979-83 Verbum caro. a 6 979-83 Virgo cunctas. a 6 979-83 SHERLY ( ). Pavin and Gallard for Lute SIMMES (William). Of the early 17th century. Awake fond thoughts, a 6 (wanting Bass) Rise oh my soule. V. A. a 5 (wanting Bass) Seven Phantazias. a 5 (Nos. 34-40). Sep. The last of these (No. 40) for Organ 439 56-60 56-60 716-20 67 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 107 SIMONE (Pier). Late 1 7th century. Dimmi O Ciel. Aria for Treble Solo 956 SIMPSON or SYMPSON (Christopher). A 17th-century viol player, and writer on music. Died 1669. Bass part of 26 pieces in suites, against the last of which is Mr. Sympson's name 1021 Treble part of 2 1 pieces, against the last of which is Mr. Sympson's name 1027 (Probably all are by Simpson.) Two Grounds in C for instruments. Bass and Ground only 1183 SMITH (Robert). Said to have been one of Capt. Cooke's first set of Chapel Royal boys, 1660. Words of Anthems by him are in Clifford. A Robert Smyth was Musician in Ordinary for the Lute, 1673, till his death in 1675. (See The King's Mustek.) O Time thy wings. A Dialoug between Philander, Time, and Death, a 3. Score 23 Instrumental Music. Four short pieces in B[?. Treble and Bass 90-1 Seven tunes for violin. Treble only 362 Eleven tunes (or perhaps sets of tunes). Treble only 361 Sixty-one pieces for 2 Violins and Bass, wanting 1st violin, including 50 unnamed pieces, 2 Gavots, 1 Almaine, 5 Corantoes, 1 Jigg, i Saraband, and 1 Ground 1025-7 Brawls, &c, for strings, including 1183 (i) Ground in ±j'q. (also in 1025-7) for 2 Violins and Bass, (ii) Chaconne in Bb- 1 Violin only, (iii) ' Mr. Rob. Smith's Brawls in De sol re.' 5 Tunes (3 in D ma., 2 in C ma.) for 2 Violins and Bass, (iv) Tunes ' made in Oxford '. 1 Violin only, of which 3 are in F ma. (including Minett and Jigg) and 3 in A ma. (v) ' Mr. Smith in C fa utt ', 6 tunes ; and 2 in D mi. for 1 and 2 Violins, Va., and Bass. The 2 Violin and Va. parts wanting for No. 5 in C. (vi) Four tunes in G mi. and 2 in B|? for 1 and 2 Violins, Va. and Bass. Piece for Harpsichord 1003 SMITH ( ) ? Robert. Two single Chants, a 4. Score 48 SORIANO (Francesco). Born at Rome, 1549- Chapel Master in several churches at Rome ; head of the Choir of St. Peter's, 1603. Died about 1621. Ye prysenors poore lifte up your hartes. a 3. 1074-7 SOUPER ( ). Double Chant in A 1226 108 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC SPENCER (J.) Two Double Chants 1226 SPENCER (William). His name is on the fly-leaf of 361, as owner (?). One tune for Violin. Treble only 362 Perhaps William Spencer is the ' W. Sp. ', whose name is given as composer to songs from Charles Davenant's Circe. Treble and Bass instrumental parts only 90-1 Come every Demon. Lovers who to their. [' Last night when all the Village slept ' (Bass only) may also be from Circe, and the following which have no composer's initials (Bass only) : Young Phaon. Maids in wishes. Piece without words.] SPONTANO (Bartolomeo). Probably Spontoni is intended. Chapel Master of the Cathedral of Verona. Died after 1588. O my sad soule. 2 parts only 740 and 742 SPORTONINO ? (Marc Antonio). If this name is correctly deciphered, it is otherwise unknown. Doue uai pensier. Cantata for Soprano 946 Pensier che uoi. Cantata for Soprano 951 STAGGINS (Nicholas). Mus. Doc. Master of the King's Band, 1682 ; first Professor of Music at Cambridge. Died 1 705. Two tunes for violin. Treble only 361 One tune for violin. Treble only 362 STANLEY (Charles John). Mus. Bac. Born 17 13. A distinguished blind Organist. Master of the King's Band, 1779. Died 1786. My strength. V. A. Organ part in D 1233 Fragment of opening solo transposed to F 22 STOKES (Thomas). The Stocking. Cantata, begins ' Sylvia whose eyes '. (Printed in the 1 8th century.) 1111 STONARD (William). Mus. Bac. Oxon., 1608. Organist at Christ Church. Died 1630. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D. Organ part 1227 STONE (John). ' Hye Landers March ' for Harpsichord 1175 STRABRIDGE (John). A 16th-century writer. Sabatum Maria. Motet a 5 (wanting Tenor Book) 979-83 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 109 STRADELLA (Alessandro). Born about 1645. Died 1682. Motet. Benedictus Dominus. a 2. (S. A.). Score 1206 Cantatas. Ardo, sospiro. a 2. (S. B.) 997 Chi hauesse. Soprano Solo 948 Da Filinda. Soprano Solo 948 Figli del mio cordoglio. Sopr. Solo 952 Fulmini quanto. a 2. (S.B.) 997 La ragion m'assicura. a 2. (S. B.), with Instruments. Score 48 Quando mai ui stancherete. Sopr. Solo 952 Sopra un' eccelsa. Bass solo 48 (Elsewhere called 77 Nerone. Printed by Lonsdale, edited by Molique.) STRIGGIO (Alessandro). Born at Mantua about 1535; in the service of Cosmo de' Medici at Florence. Died at Mantua in 1587. ' II Ciccalameto di Donne.' a 7 1155-61 Pt. I. Nella uaga stagion. a 4. Pt. II. Bvon giorno belle donne. a 7. Pt. III. Ho udito. a 7. Pt. IV. II Gentilhuom. a 7. Pt. V. Orsu stendiamo. a 7. From // Cicalamenio delle DoJine al Bvcato, et la Caccia di Alessandro Striggio [&c], Venice, 1567. STROGERS (Nicholas) or Strowgers. Esurientes implevit. a 3. (S. S. B.) ) . _ Sicut locutus est. a 2. (S. B.) J (Fragments of a Magnificat.) Non me vincat. a 5 984-8 Service, a 4. Barnard. Venite (Bass only), Te D., Ben., Ky., Creed, Magn., and N. Dim. Organ part 1001 Without Venite. Score, without words 1002 Organ part 6 Te D., Ben., Mag., and N. Dim. only. Organ 1227 A doleful deadly pang. Soprano Solo, with accompt. for instruments. a 5. Sep. ' 984-8 Three In Nomine's. a 5. Sep. 984-8 Two In Nomine's and a piece ' vpon ut re my fa soul la ' for Organ 871 (The name is difficult to read against the 2 In Nomine's, and is not certain.) STROUD (Charles). Born about 1705. Child of Chapel Royal; Organist of Whitehall Chapel. Died 1726. Hear my prayer O Lord. Page. A. T. B. only. Sep. 1220-4 Organ part 1229 no CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC STUBBS (Simon). A contributor to Ravenscroft's Psalter, 162 1. Father of Love, a 5. Bass wanting 56-60 SWEELINCK (Jan Pieterszoon). Born 1562. Organist at Amsterdam. Died 1 62 1. Fantasia aJs discantus super vt re mi fa sol la 1113 The end part (wanting beginning) also in 1003 (This is printed on p. 25 of the Organ music, vol. i of the Collected Works', also found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, ii. 26.) TALLIS (Thomas). ' Organiste of the queenes chappelle.' ' Mortuus est 23 Nouembris. 1585. Sepultus Grenouici in Choro Ecclesiae parochialis/ is written in 984-8. An earlier entry in the same set is : — ' Talis es et tantus Tallisi musicus, vt si fata sene auferrent musica muta foret ' ; also elsewhere : — ' Tallisius magno dignus honore senex.' Motets, &c. (The set 079-83 wants the Tenor Book. The Motets marked with an asterisk are printed in Cantiones quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur . . . 1575.) Adesto nunc, a 5. 979-83 De lamentacione. a 5 979-83 Domine quis. a 5 979-83 *Facti sunt Nazarsei. a 5 984-8 Gaude gloriosa. a 6 979-83 The 3-part opening of the same 45 Hec deum celi. a 5 979-83 Incipit lamentacio. a 5 979-83 *In manus tuas. a 5. Score (unfinished), without words 10 Laudate Dominum. a 5 979-83 Magnificat (Ft exultavit). a 5 979-83 Miraculum videte. a 6 979-83 *0 sacrum convivium. a 5 984-8 (See / call and cry.) O salutaris. a 5 984-8 Quidam fecit, a 6 979-83 *Sabbatum dum transisset. a 5 979-83 *Salvator mundi. a 5 984-8, 10 *Salvator mundi. a 5 (another) 984-8, 10 Salve intemerata. a 5 979-83 Solemnis urgebat. a 5 979-83 Tu fabricator, as 979-83 Variis Unguis, a 7 979-83 [A ' Sabbatum Maria ' is ascribed to ' Tallis alias Johnson ' in the Tenor book with the plain song part, 987. In 984 and 985, to Johnson (I), q. v.] IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY in TALLIS (Thomas) — continued. Services, &c. Morning and Evening Service. 'First Service.' a 4. Barnard, Boyce, &c. Te D., Btus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Score 1002 Short Score without words 525 Tenor voice only 440 Organ 437, 438, 1001 The same with Sanctus inserted on slips. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 The same with Sanctus. Organ parts 88, 1231 The same with Venite and Offertory Sentence, 'Not every one.' Organ 6 Sanctus of same. Organ 437 Tenor only 440 The same. Unfinished Score (beginning of Te D. only) 9 Te Deum (F). a 5. Organ part 1001 Single Chant 1226 Preces and Psalms and Responces. Barnard. Sep. A. T. B. (Cant, and Dec.) 1220-4 Bass Decani only 1148 (The Psalms are : — (1) Ps. cxix. Second Part. Wher with all shall a young man. (2) Ps. cxix. Third part. O doe well unto thy servant. (3) Ps. cxix. Fourth part. My soul cleaueth.) (The Preces and Responses are in Jebb i, 141-2.) Preces and Responses. Organ part (without inner parts) as in Lowe's Short Direction, 1 66 1 437 Preces with Venite, Responses, and Litany, a 4. Score 48 ' Mr. Thomas Tallis his Litany-service, For men.' ' No need of a second Countertenor, if there be boys to sing his part 8 notes higher.' (Jebbi, a i, 25.) Preces, Psalm tune, Responses, a 4 ; Litany, a 5. Score 9 (Jebb i, 33, 46.) Preces, Responses, Latter Suffrages and Litany. Single voice part 1015 Litany, a 5. Sep. 510-15 (Agrees in the main with 9, but not altogether.) Litany. Sep. A. (imperfect) T. B. only 1220-4 (Not in Jebb ; agrees in the main with 9, but not in Alto voice.) Litany. Organ part. 88 Anthems, &c. All people that on earth. Full Anthem. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 All people that on earth. For Aldrich's adaptation see under Aldrich. ii2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC TALLIS (Thomas) — continued. Blessed be thy name, a 5. Barnard. Organ 1001 (Adapted from Mihi autem nimis in Cantiones, 1575.) Come Holy Ghost. (Veni Creator). Parish Choir. Sep. A. and B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1229 Discumfit them O Lord, a 5. Organ 1001 (Adapted from Absterge Domine in Cantiones, I575-) I call and cry. a 5. Barnard, &c. Sep. A. (imperfect), T. B. only 1220-4 Short Score without words 525 Score 11 Organ parts 6, 15, 47, 88, 1001, 1230, 1234 (Adapted from sacrum convivium, q. v.) I look for the Lord, a 5. See under Aldrich. If ye love me. a 4. Day, 1560 and 1565, &c. Organ 6 O thou God allmightie. a 4. Organ 1001 Out from the depe. a 4. Organ 6 Teach me thy way. Organ 1001 With all our hearts, a 5. Barnard. Score 11 Short Score without words 525 Organ parts 47, 1230 (Adapted from Salvator mundi, No. I, q.v.) Instrumental. Two pieces for the Organ. ' Gloria tibi Trinitas ij parts on a rownd tyme ' ; and an unnamed piece. 371 Unnamed piece 1034 TAVERNER (John). ' Of cardinall wolsayes chappell who died at bostone and there lieth.' ' Homo memorabilis.' (Notes in 981 and 983.) Master of the Children of Cardinal College, Oxford. (N.B. — The set 979-83 is imperfect, wanting the Tenor Book.) Mass. a 6. ' Gloria tibi Trinitas ' 979-83 Te Deum. a 5. 979-83 Fragments of a Magnificat 45 Esurientes implevit. a 4. Et semini ejus, a 4. Quia fecit mihi. a 4. Sicut erat. a 3. Sicut locutus. a 3. Ave dei. a 5 979-83 Christe Jesu. a 5 979-83 Dum transisset. a 5 979-83, 984-8 Ecce mater, a 2 982 Gaude plurimum. a 5 979-83 Mater Christi. a 5 979-83 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 113 TAVERNER {John}— continued. O splendor gloriae. a 5 979-83 (The second part of this is by Dr Tye.) Sabbatum Maria, a 5 979-83 Traditum militibus. a 3 45 Instrumental Music. Quemadmodum. a 6 (without words) 979-83 In Nomine for Organ 371 TAYLER or TAILER ( ). A 16th-century writer; perhaps John Tayler, Master of the Children of Westminster, c. 1562. Christus resurgens. a 6 984-8 TAYLOR (C). Perhaps Charles, who contributed to Henry Play- ford's Theatre of Music (1685). Cantate Jehovse for 2 Sopr. and Bass. Sep. 623-6 TAYLOR (Daniel). There was a singing-man of Westminster of this name in 1625 (see The Kings Musick). Buried April 1643 {Westminster Abbey Registers). Sing wee merely. Anthem a 6. Bass part only 1219 Appollo did in musick's art. Alto voice part 1219 TAYLOR (Miss E.). Pupil of Crotch, Organist of Kingston. Seven chants 1143 TAYLOR (John). Son of Robert T., whom he succeeded as Musician for the Viols and Voices in 1637. (See The King's Musick.') Aire ; Aire, Almaine and Serrabrand in C. Bass part only 1022 TAYLOR (Robert). Musician for the Lutes and Voices to Charles I. Died 1637. (See The King's Musick.) Perhaps the same as Robert Tailour, who published Fifti Select Psalms of David 'in 1615. Goe my flocke. Treble Solo 439 I never laid me down. Treble Solo 439 Two Almaines for Three Liero Violls. Sep. 725-8 TENAGLIA (Antonio Francesco). A Florentine, who lived in Rome : see Eilner. Non diamo in barzellette. Soprano Solo 947 THORNOWITZ (Henry). Almande, Courante, Menuet, Air Amor, Air Cross, for Harpsichord 1142 1 n 4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC TOLLETT or TALLETT (perhaps Thomas). Mr. Tallett's Tunes in the Play call'd The Cheats, or the Canting Astrolleger ; for strings, a 4. Vo. 1 and 2, Va., Bass. Overture, Bore, Horn-Pipe, Scotch Tune, Aire, Entre, Jigg, Chacone. Sep. 944 (Probably John Wilson's Comedy, The Cheats, written 1662.) Mr. Tollett's Tunes, a 4. Va. and Bass parts only. (1) Overture and 6 tunes. (2) Overture and 9 tunes. Sep. 351-2 TOLLIT (George). A George Toilet contributed to Playford's Division Violin, 1685. One of the name appears among the Dublin City Music in 1669. (See Int. Mus. Ges., Sammelbande 1909-10, p. 33.) Tunes, &c, for Strings, a 4 (Vo. 1 and 2, Va., Bass) 1183 (The name or initials of George Tollit appear on the pieces numbered 10, 12, 13, 18, 30; but others are probably by him.) Ground in D for strings. Vo. 1 and Bass only 1183 TOLLIT (Thomas). This name appears in the Dublin City Music in 1669, 1678, 1688. One of the King's musicians 1693 to 1696 {The King's Mustek). Published (with John Lenton) A Consort of Mustek in three parts, 1694; and wrote Directions to play on the French Flageolet. Tunes for strings, a 4 (Vo. 1 and 2, Va. and Bass) 1183 (The Va. part is missing to No. 28, and from 31 to end.) The name or initials of Thomas Tollit appear on the pieces numbered 19, 20, 21, 22, 31, 38, 41, 50, 51, 55; but others are probably by him, as these pieces seem to be often arranged in suites.) TOMASI (Biasio), of Comachio, in the Roman States, where he was organist in 161 1 and 16 15. Motets, a 4, from Molecta, opus sextum, 1635. Basso continuo only 880 Kyrie (Lettanie B. V.). O Maria. Quasi cedrus. TOMKINS (Thomas). Mus. Bac, 1607; Organist of Worcester Cathedral and of the Chapel Royal, 1621. Died 1656. Service in C. The First Service printed in Musica Deo Sacra, 1668. Venite (T. and B. only). Sep. 1220-4 Mag. and N. Dim. Organ part 88 The same transposed into G. Te D., Btus., Mag., N. Dim., Ky., Creed. Organ part 437 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 115 TOMKINS (Thomas)— continued. Service in D. a 4. The Second Service printed in Musica Deo Sacra. Te D., Jub., Ky., Creed, Mag., and N. Dim. Score 1002 The same, without Ky. and Creed. Organ part 1227 Anthems. Those marked * are printed in Musica Deo Sacra, 1668. * Above the stars. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 *Blessed be the Lord. V. A. Sep. A. T. B (1 and 2) only 1220-4 Deere Lord of life, a 6. Sep. 61-6 It is my well beloved's voice, a 6. Treble voice part only, incomplete 62 Know you not. ' Prince Henry his Funerall Anthem.' Cantus only 61 Organ part 702 Voice parts. Treble (unfinished), 698 ; Tenor 700 2 Contra Tenor (unfinished), 704; Bass 706 *0 Lord let me know. V. A. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 *Thou art my King. V. A. Sep. A. T. B (1 and 2) only 1220-4 Organ part (2 versions) 6 Organ part 1001 *0 pray for the peace. V. A. Sep. A. T. B (1 and 2) only 1220-4 Four pieces for Virginal. Pavan, Almaine, and two unnamed pieces (59 and 61) 1113 (The Pavan is found in The Fitswilliam Virginal Book, ii, 51.) TRABATONE (Egidio). Organist of St. Vittore in Varese ; fl. 1628-38. Motets a 4 from Concerti a 2,f,e 4 Voci, Libro Secondo, 1629. Basso continuo only 880 Dicite nobis. In celis hodie. Kyrie eleison (Lit. B. V. Mariae). Lsetis nunc mentibus. Laudate Dominum. Qui habitatis. TRAVERS (John). Organist of the Chapel Royal. Died 1758. Single Chant in E 1226, 1229 TRESURE (Jonas). Five pieces for Harpsichord 1236 (1 unnamed, 2 Courants, Courant ' variola ', Ayre.) TUCKER (Rev. William). Priest and Gent, of Chapel Royal, and Minor Canon and Precentor of Westminster, 1660. Died 1679 O give thanks, a 5. Page. Short score, without words 525 Bass part only (twice entered, once ' false ') 1012 Sep. parts. A. T. B. only 1220-4 u6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC TURNER (William). 1651-1740. Chorister of Ch. Ch. Oxford; afterwards Child and Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. Mus. Doc. 1696. Thus mortals must submit. Sopr. Solo. Printed in Harmonia Sacra, 1688 350 Air (Treble and Bass, without words) 1154 Sixteen Single Chants and one Double Chant 49 (The 1 6th is the single chant in A generally given to H. Purcell.) Four Single Chants (3 of them are in 49 and one in 1229) 48 Two chants (one of which is Turner's First in 48) 1229 Two chants doubtfully ascribed to Turner 1226 (One is by Aldrich ; the other, ' alias Green ', is printed as H. Purcell's by Hullah, and in the Parish Choir.) TWIST (John). One of the Musicians in Ordinary for the Violin, 1671-87. Twelve short pieces for instruments. 1 Violin part only 1183 TYE (Christopher). Mus. Doc. Organist of Ely. Died 1572/3. Motets, &c. (The Set 979-83 is imperfect, wanting the Tenor Book.) Ad te clamamus exules. a 5 984-8 Ave caput, a 3. (Part of a longer work) 45 Cantate Domino, a 6 979-83 Et cum pro nobis. a 5. Pt. II of Taverner's Splendor gloride,q.v. 979-83 Miserere mei Deus. a 5 979-83 Omnes gentes. a 5 984-8 Peccavimus. a 7 979-83 Qusesumus omnipotens. a 6 979-83 Quia fecit mihi. a 4. (From a Magnificat) 45 Tellus flumina. a 3. (Part of a longer work) 45 Unde nostris. a 4. (From a longer work) 45 Anthems, &c. Blessed are all they, a 4. Organ part 6 nu • ^ ■ • -n. tt r a 6. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Chnste is risen. Pt. II) r ' 6 Giue almes. a 4. Organ part 88 Haste thee O God. a 4. Printed by Barnard, &c, as by Shepherd. Organ parts 6, 88 I lifte my hearte. a 5. Barnard. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 I will exalt thee. Pt. I ) „ , „ . a c - . ., T , D . TT a 4. Barnard, Sac. Score 48 Sing unto the Lord. Pt. II) ^ Organ part 1230 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 117 TYE (Christopher) — continued. God be mercifull. a 4. Barnard. Organ part 6 Save me O God. a 4. Organ part 6 To Father Sonne and Holy Ghoste. a 5. Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Instrumental Music, In Nomines, &c. Ascendo. a 5 984-8 In Nomine, a 5 984-8 Madonna, a 5 984-8 The same, for organ 371 Rubum quern, a 5 984-8 VALLET (Nicholas). A French lutenist; settled in Amsterdam about 1 6 14. Tanneken. a 2. (Instrumental piece) 1013-5 VECCHI (Orazio), of Modena. Born c. 1551. Chapel Master at Modena, 1596. Died 1605 Clorinda. Madrigal a 5. Without words. Sep. 404-8 Score 2 Short scores 67, 436 (Clorind' hai vinto, from Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro primo, 1589.) Do not tremble. Madrigal a 5, from Morley's Collection, 1598. Score without words 33 (Tremolauan le frondi, from Madrigali, 1589.) The white delightfull swanne. Madrigal a 5, from Yonge's Musica Transalpina, 1597. Score, without words 33 (II bianco e dolce cigno, from Madrigali, 1589.) VENOSA (Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of). Born in the middle of the 1 6th century ; still living in 161 3. Madrigals a 5, from the Prince of Venosa's First Four Sets of 5-part Madrigals. Sep. 510-4 (3) Ahi dispietata. (1) All' apparir. (2) Baci soaui. (1) Candida man. (1) Caro amoroso. (1) Che sentir. (3) Deh se gia. (3) Del bel de bei. (3) Dolcissimo sospiro. (4) Ecco morir6 (Pt. I). (4) Ahigiamidiscoloro(Pt.II). Madrigal a 5. Belta poi che. From the 6th Set of Madrigals a 5. Score, without words 21 (1) Hai rotto e. (3) Languisco e moro. (4) Mentre gira. h) Mentre Madonna (Pt. I). (2) Ahi troppo (Pt. II). (4) Moro e mentre (Pt. I). (4) Quando ed lui (Pt. II). (1) Non mi togl' il. (4) Questa crudele. (4) Sparge la morte. n8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC VENOSA (Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of) — continued. The Basso Continuo part of the Pr. of Venosa's 5-part Madrigals, Books I, II, and IV. Without words 880 Caro amoroso. Ma se tal'. Hai rotto, e. Se per lieve. Che sentir. In piu leggiadro. Se cosi dole' e '1. Ma s'averra. Se taccio. O com' e gran. Baci soavi. Quant ha. Madonna io. Com' esser pub. Gel' ha Madonna. Mentre Madonna. Ahi troppo. Se da si nobil. Amor pace. Si gioioso. Luci serene. Tall' hor. Io tacero. In van dunque. Che fai meco. Questa crudele. Hor ch' in gioia. O sempre crud'. Cor mio deh. Dunque non. Sparge la morte. Book I. O mio soave ardore. Sento che nel. Non e questa. Ne tien face. Candida man. Da l'odorate spoglie. E quell' Arpa. Non mai non. All' apparir. Non mi togF il. Book II. O dolce mio. Tirsi morir. Frenb Tirsi. Mentre mia. Non mirare. Questi leggiadri. Felice primavera. Danzan. Son si belle. Bell' angioletta. Book IV. Moro e mentre. Quando di lui. Mentre gira. A voi mentre. Ecco moriro. Ahi gia mi. Arde il mio cor. Se chiudete. II sol qual' hor. Volgi mia luce. VENTURI (Stefano). Published between 1592 and 1598. As Mopsus went. Madrigal a 5. From Morley's Collection, 1 Score without words 598. 33 VICARY ( ). Single Chant in A 1226 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 119 VINCENTI (Alessandro), of the second half of the 17th century. Io mi sento. Cantata a 2 for 2 Sopr. 14 Vano e il desio. Cantata a 2 for 2 Sopr. 14 (The first has the name in pencil only.) VINCENTIO ( ). This may be the ' master composer ' whom Pepys heard in London in February 1666/7. ? The same as the above. Voglio amarvi luci. Song for Sopr. 350 VIOLINO (Carlo del). See under Carlo. VITALI (Angelo), of Modena. A writer of the second half of the 17th century. Confitebor tibi. Motet for 3 v. (2 Trebles and Bass), with parts for ' 2 violini, 2 viollette, e violone '. Score 765 W. (M.) Seventeen Chants 1226 WALKLEY (here also spelt Wakeley), probably Anthony Walkley, 1672—1717. Organist of Salisbury. Service in F. Te D., Jub., Sctus., Ky., Creed, Mag., N. Dim. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1229 The same, without Sctus., Ky., and Creed. Organ 1232 WALOND (William). An Oxford organist who took his Degree of Mus. Bac. in 1757 from Ch. Ch. Or else, perhaps, the organist of Chichester, 1794-1801, died 1836, who may have been son to the former. Cantate Domino and Deus misereatur in E[?. Organ part 1228 WARD (John). Published a Set of Madrigals in 1613, dedicated to Sir Henry Fanshawe, to whose household he was attached. Anthems. How longe wilt thou forgett. V. A. a 5, Bass wanting 56-60 Let God arise. V. A. a 5 (for 2 Basses). Barnard. 2 copies, one transposed. Sep. 61-6 Sep., wanting one Bass 56-60 Sep. A. T. B. (1 and 2) only 1220-4 Organ parts 6 (unfinished), 67 Praise the Lord O my soule, O Lord. V. A. a 6 (for 2 Basses). Wanting one Bass. Sep. 56-60 120 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC WARD (John) — continued. Praise the Lord my soul and all. V. A. Ps. ciii in 5 portions ; a 3 (S. A. B.). Sep. 61-4-6 Organ parts 67, 1215 (1) Praise the Lord. (2) The Lord executeth righteousness. (3) For looke how high. (4) The daies of man. (5) The Lord hath prepared. Madrigals and Sacred Part-Songs. Cruell unkinde. a 5. Wanting Bass 56-60 Downe caytive wretch. Pt. I) _ , XT -n _. „ ■r> • ji t>. TTi a 5- Wanting Bass 56-60 Prayer is an endlesse. Pt. II) ° ° Downe in a dale, a 5. Wanting Bass 56-60 If heav'ns iust wrathe. ' Passions on the death of Sr. Hen. Fanshawe/ a 6. Wanting Bass 56-60 My breast Pie sett, a 5. Wanting Bass 56-60 No obiecte dearer. 'Passions on the death of Prince Henry.' a 6 61-6 Wanting Bass 56-60 Organ part 67 This is a joyfull, happy holy day. (On the birth of a Prince.) a 6. Wanting Bass 56-60 X^nl E S - ££}' «■ W— « Bass Instrumental Pieces. Fancies a 4. Six Fancies a 4. Sep. 459-62, 397-400 Score 2 Organ part 436 The 1 st and 2nd also in 473-8; the 5th, 4th, and 2nd are also in 517-20 ; the 6th in 423-8. Fancies a j. Eleven Fancies a 5. 468-72 Of these the 1st, 3rd, 9th, and nth are in Score in 44 The 10th is in 473-8. All but the 8th. Sep. in 404-8 ; in Score in 2 ; and Organ part 436 Fancy a 5, called ' Cor mio '. Sep. 423-8, 473-8, 404-8 Score, 2 ; Organ part 67, 436 Fancies a 6. Nine Fancies and 2 In Nomines a 6. Sep. 423-8 Of these the Fancies numbered 6, 7, 8, 10, n, and 29, and the 2 In Ncmines are also Score 2 ; sep. 404-8 Fancy No. 29 and In Nomines 12 and 13. Organ part 436 In Nomine 13. Sep. 473-8 Fancies. No. 7 and 29. Score 44 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 121 WARROCK or WARWICK (Thomas). Organist of Chapel Royal, 1625; and Musician for the Virginall up to Lady Day, 1642. I lifte myne eyes. Anthem a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Oh God of my salvation. Anthem a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 WATTON (Robert). Single Chant for Venite 437 Another Single Chant 437 WEBB (R.). Perhaps the Rev. Richard Webb, Minor Canon of St. Paul's, 1808. Two Chants 1226 WEBSTER (Maurice). Musician to James I and Charles I. Died 1635. Compositions by him are printed in Thomas Simpson's Taffel Consort, Hamburg, 162 1. An Eccho (in 3 parts) for 2 Trebles and Bass, a 3. Sep. 379-81 Another Setting of this Eccho, sep. 367-70 Pauan and 3 Almaines. a 4 367-70 WEELKES (Thomas). Mus. Bac. Organist of Winchester College and of Chichester. Died 1623. Alleluiah I heard a voyce. Salvation and glory. F. Anthem a 5. Wanting Bass 56-60 (This is often catalogued as Alleluiah, Salvation.) Gloria in excelsis Deo, synge my soule to God the Lorde. F. Anthem a 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Hosanna to the Sonne. F. A. a 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Lorde to thee. F. A. a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Oh Jonathan. F. A. a 6. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 O Lord God almightie. F. A. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Organ part 1001 O Lord grant the kinge. Barnard. Organ part 1001 Bass voice part only 1012 When David heard Pt. I J R A fi M ^ ^ Oh my sonne Absalom, Pt. II. ) Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 Te Deum and Jubilate, a 4. Organ part 437 Magnificat for Verse and Chorus. Organ part 88 The Kery and Creed. Organ part 88 122 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC WEELKES (Thomas) — continued. Fourteen Ballets and Madrigals, in 1598. Score without words Give me my heart. Say daintie dames. Phillis goe take thy pleasure. In pride of May. Now is the bridals. Sing Shepherds after me. Lady your eye. The whole contents of Weelkes's Score without words Ten Madrigals off parts. Cold winter's Ice. Now let us make. Take heere my heart. O care thou wilt (Pt. I). Hence care, thou art (Pt. II). a 5, from the collection printed 33 We shepherds sing. I love and have my love re- garded. Come clap thy hands. Pt. I. Phillis hath sworn. Pt. II. Farewell my joy. Now is my Cloris. Unto our flocks. Madrigals of 5 and 6 parts ', 1600. 33 See where the maides. Why are you Ladyes. Pt. I. Harke, harke, I heare. Pt. II. Lady the birds. As wanton birds. Ten Madrigals 0/ 6 parts. Like two proud armies. When Thoralis delights. What have the gods (Pt. I). Mee thinkes I heare (Pt. II). Three times a day. Mars in a furie. Thule the period (Pt. I), The Andalusian Merchant (Pt. II). A Sparow hauck proud. Noell, adew. From Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites (1608), here written for Single Voice 439 Fower armes, to neckes. Ha ha this world doth pass. Late in my rash accountinge. The nightingale. From Madrigals to 3, 4, j, and 6 Voyces, 1597, with new words. The greedy wretch, a 3. (Cease sorrows now.) Sep. 739, 741, 743 The worldly man. a 4. (Our country swains.) Sep. 1074-7 WELDON (John). 1676-1736. Organist of New College, Oxford. and of the Chapel Royal. Hear my crying. Boyce. Organ part 1230 In thee O Lord. Boyce. Organ parts 1230, 1234 *I will lift up mine eyes. Page. Organ part 1233 O how pleasant. Treble voice part only 683 Organ part 1235 Printed in Weldon's Divine Harmony, Six Select Anthems. IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 123 WELDON (John)— continued. tO Lord rebuke me not. Organ part 1235 *0 praise God in his holiness. Parish Choir. Organ parts, 1226 ; twice in 1230. *0 praise the Lord. Parish Choir. Organ part 1226, 1230 tThou art my portion. Organ part 1233 The wakeful nightingale. Tr. voice only. (Engraved by Cross, c. 1700) 389 'A sett of tunes' in D mi. Overture, Minuet, Almain, Corant, and Canon ' Two in one on a ground '. Sep. Instr. parts. 1 and 2 Violin, Bass 479, 480, 482 * Printed in Playford's Divine Companion, 1701. + Printed in Weldon's Divine Harmony, Six Select Anthems. WERT (Giacches de). c. 1536-96. Maestro di Cappella at Mantua. Like flowers we spring. S. and A. only 740, 742 WHYTBROOKE. A contributor to Day's Certain Notes, 1560. 1 Hugh Ashton's Maske.' a 4, wanting Bass 979-83 Probably a composition on this ground by Whytbrooke whose name is attached to the contra tenor part. WHYTE or WHITE (Robert). Organist successively of Ely, Chester, and Westminster Abbey. Died 1574. Motets. Ad te levavi. a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83 Appropinquet deprecatio. a 5. Sep. 984-8 Deus misereatur. a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83 Domine quis habitabit. Three settings, a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83 Domine non est. a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83 Domine non est. 4-part opening of the same 45 Sicut ablactatus. a 4, from the same 45 Exaudiat te. a 5. Sep. 984-8 Justus es domine. a 5 984-8 Lamentations, a 5. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 Heth : peccatum peccavit. Caph : O omnis populus. Teth : Sordes ejus. Lamed : O vos omnes. Jod : Manum suam. Mem : De excelso. Jerusalem convertere. O vos omnes. a 4. Fragment of the same 45 Lamentations, a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83 Heth : peccatum peccavit. Caph : O omnis populus. Teth : Sordes ejus. Lamed : O vos omnes. Jod : Manum suam. Mem : De excelso. Jerusalem convertere. Peccatum peccavit. a 3. Fragment of the same 45 124 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC WHYTE or WHITE (Robert)— continued. Magnificat (fragments) 45 Et sanctum nomen. a 3. Quia fecit mini, a 4. Sicut erat in principio. a 4. Sicut locutus. a 4. Manus tuae. a 5. Sep. 979-83, 984-8 Fragments of same, Manus tuae, a 3 ; Veniant mihi, a 4 45 Miserere mei. Pt. I. \ Q Cormundum. Pt. II. [ a 5 ' bep ' Porcio mea. a 5. Sep. Precamur sancte. a 5. Three settings A fourth setting Regina coeli. a 5. Sep., wanting Tenor Tota pulchra. a 6. Sep., wanting Tenor 979-83, 984-8 979-83, 984-8 979-83, 984-8 984-8 979-83 979-83 In Nomine, a 5. Ut re me fa sol la. Instrumental Music. For Organ 984-8 371 Anthems, &c. Lorde who shall dwell, a 5. Burney 984-8 O how glorious, a 5. O. E.Ed. Organ parts 88, 1001 The same adapted. Let thy mercy full ears. Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 The same adapted (probably by Aldrich). I will wash. Score 1205 O praise God in his holiness. A. ; T., 1 and 2 ; B., 1 and 2 1220-4 Organ part 1001 O Lord deliver mee. a 5 (for 2 Basses). Sep., wanting Bass 56-60 The Lorde bless us. a 5. O.E. Ed.: Barnard. 984-8 Organ 1001 The same adapted. ' O Lord rebuke me not ' (see Husbands). Scores 11, 16 Organ part 1230 Three Phantasias a 5, of which the first is called ' Diapente ' Sep. 403-8, 473-8 In score 2 The 1 st. Organ part 67, 436 Sep. 423-8 The 1st and 2nd. Sep. 716-20 The 1 st and 2nd. Organ part 1004 The 2nd and 3rd. Score 44 IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 125 WHYTE or WHITE (William). Six Phantasies, a 6. Sep. 403-8, 473-8 Score 2 Of these the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Sep. 423-8 The 1st and 6th. Sep. 61-6 Two Pavans. a 6. Sep. 423-8 The second of these. Score 44 WICKENS (J.). 6 Chants 1226 WILBYE (John). 1574-1 638. See Fellowes, The English Madrigal School, vol. vi. Twelve Madrigals from the Second Set 0/ Madrigales, 1609. Score, without words 33 Ah cannot sighes. a 6. All pleasure, a 5. Downe in a valley. Pt. I. a 5. Hard destinies. Pt. II. a 5. Draw on sweet night, a 6. Long have I made, a 6. Oft have I vowde. a 5. Stay Coridon. a 6. Sweet hony sucking bees. Pt. I. a 5. Yet sweet take heed. Pt. II. a 5. Where most my thought. Pt. I. a 6. Dispightfull thus. Pt. II. a 6. Softly, oh softly drop mine eyes (1609), a 6. Score, without words 21 Five Madrigals from the Second Set of Madrigales, 1609, with altered words. Sep. 1074-7 At mercyes throane. a 3. (As fair as morn.) Flowe oh my teares. a 3. (Flourish ye hills.) How fadinge are the pleasures, a 3. (Ah cruel Amaryllis.) O what shall I doe. Pt. I. a 3. At thy feet I fall. Pt. II. a 3. Flora when I beholde. a 4. (Lady when I behold.) From the First Set of English Madrigals, 1598. Sep. 750-3 WILDER (Philip van). Called 'Mr. Philips of the king's privi- chamber' in 979-83. Lutenist to Henry VIII and Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Edward VI. (See Grove under Phi/i/'s.) Aspice Domine. a 5. Sep., wanting Tenor Book 979-83 Pour vous aimer. Instrumental piece, a 5. Sep. 984-8 (Both these are found in B. M. Add. MS. 31390.) WILKINSON (Thomas). Early 17th century. Heare my prayer. V. A. a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Sep. A. T. B. only 1220-4 Verse part only with Basso 49 Preserve mee oh Lorde. V. A. a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 Put mee not to rebuke. V. A. a 5. Wanting Bass. Sep. 56-60 126 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC WILLIAMS ( ). Of the end of the 17th century. Overture and 8 tunes for strings. Va. and Bass parts only. Sep. 351-2 WILSON (John). 1595-1674. Mus. Doc. Professor of Music in the University of Oxford. The whole contents of Psalterium Carolinum, 1657. Treble voice with Basso 999 Lord thou hast made. Thou whose mercies. Lord thou in heaven. To thee I fly. To thee my God. Our natiue freedome. Lord those whom thou. Who vengeance. Through humane clouds. Oh my God to thee. Eternall wisdom. Thy mercy's Lord. My troubles, Lord. Lord I to thee direct. O Lord thou seest. Thou still the same. To thee my vprightness. Of peace and reason Lord. With ready joy. Lord thou who beauty. Thou Lord who by thy wise. Thou who all soules. Thou that alone art. To thee my solitary prayers. My God, my King (unfinished). Lord thou sacred unity (words only). Thou that fill'st heaven. Three Motets, a 3. Treble voice and Basso only. Score 435 Exurgat Deus. Surge arnica. Usque quo. Songs. Beauty which all men admire. Treble Solo 17 Clora's false love. Treble voice part only 365 (Printed in Playford's Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, 1652, and in Wilson's Cheerfull Ayres, 1660.) Come constant harts. Treble Solo 434 (A version printed in Cheerfull Ayres, 1660.) Fairest Theina. Treble voice only 438 Greedy lover. Treble voice only 438 (In Cheerfull Ayres, 1660.) Not roses coucht. Treble Solo 434 (A version in Cheerfull Ayres, 1660.) O faire content. Treble Solo 434 Stay, lovely boy. Treble Solo 49 (The Answer, Black maid complain not, may be by Wilson, but does not bear his name.) Take o take those lips away. Treble Solo 434 (Printed in Playford's Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, 1652.) Though your sadnes. Treble Solo 439 (Printed as Though your strangeness in Cheerfull Ayres, 1660.) When Troy towne. Bass only 366 {Cheerfull Ayres, 1660). IN CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY 127 WINTERSALL (Robert). A 17th-century writer. A number of pieces for the Virginal, of which those given below bear his name or initials. Probably many other pieces in this MS. are his. Coranto : Fantacy : ' Twitt twott Come fill the other pott ' : ' Ipswitch Loue ' : ' My loue is Lost ' : ' Now Found againe : : ' So wage my Loue ' : ' Loue is a toy ' : ' All a morde ' (i. e. Allemande) : ' The Sarabrand to all a mord ' : ' The nimble mouse': 'High Landers march': A Sarabrand: • The Mock ' : An Ayre : The Sarabrand to the Ayr : The Antick : An Ayre : A Sarabrand for Lute and Virginall : A Coranto: A Coranto for the Lute and Virginolls: The Sarabrand 'made for his Sweet Meetris susana pitts': The Sarabrand 1175 WISE (Michael). Child of the Chapel Royal under Capt. Cooke, 1660. Organist of Salisbury Cathedral; almoner and Master of the Children of St. Pauls. Killed by a blow 1687. Awake put on thy strength. V. A. Boyce. Score 12 Organ part 1226 Awake up my glory. V. A. Boyce. Score 12, 14 Sep. • 623-6 Organ part (twice) 1234 Behold how good. V. A. Counter Tenor only 598 Blessed is he. V. A. Boyce. Sep. Alto (V. and Chos.), T. and B. Chos. only 1220-4 Sep. Tr. 1 and 2. Verse and Chos. A. T. B. Chorus 623-6 I charge you O daughters, a 2 (Treble and Bass), from Playford's Caniica Sacra, 1674. Score 18 Open me the gates. V. A. Score 12 Organ part 1233 The Lord is my shepherd. V. A. Score 12 Thy beauty O Israel. V. A. Boyce (where it is said to have additions by Aldrich). Scores 12, 16, 614 Sep. 1 and 2 Tenor (V. and Chos.), B. (V. and Clios.) 1220-4 The wayes of Sion do mourn. V.A. Sep. T. (Verse and Clios.), A. and B. Chos. only 1220-4 Organ part 1234 Service in D mi.: Te D., Jub., Mag., N. Dim. Organ part 1231 Old Chiron thus preach't. a 2. (Treble and Bass) 49 (Printed in Playford's Catch thai catch can, 1682, &c.) Poor Gaily slaves, a 2. (Treble and Bass voice parts only.) 350 128 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MUSIC WITHY (Francis). Single Chant, a 4. Score 48 A large number of examples of making closes, &c, in Francis Withy's copy of Simpson's Compendium, 1667, selected from various composers. 337 WITHY or WYTHIE (John). Almaine. Bass only 1022 Phantazia. a 4, for 2 Basses 473-8 In nomine, a 5 473-8 Nineteen Fancies for 2 Basses and Organs, and one for Treble and Bass on a Ground 728-30 Instrumental piece in G mi., for Treble and Bass. By ' Mr. ' Withy. Sep. 90-1 WODSON ( ). Perhaps Thomas, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1 58 1. Miserere for Organ 371 WOODE (John). ' Batchelar of musicke.' Exurge Domine. a 5, wanting Tenor 979-83 WOODSON (Leonard). Organist of Eton College. Died about 1643. The mary gould of golden hew. Treble Solo 439 WOODCOCK ( ), probably Clement. Two instrumental pieces, a 5. Sep. 984—8 Browning. In nomine. WOODWARD (Dr.). 1 744-77.' Organist of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Double Chant in B b 1226 WYATT ( ). Come shall wee three sing this Catch. Catch. 17 ZIANI (Pietro Andrea). Of Venice. Published from 1640 onwards. Six Sonatas (a 5) for strings. Score 3 In Bb ma., G mi., E mi., F mi., A ma., F ma. Sonata in D for strings and Trumpet with Organo. Score 771 *» READING ROOfd BULI UNIVER r TV f^~ fir,- k FOR RtAWM rtUO* UNIT UCLA - Music Library ML 136 09C4 v.1 L 006 959 536 1 MUSIC LIBRARY ML 136 v.l Reference » UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 890 791 7 'i'WV'i''-':! MW'/P? RwffiiS ■•"•■■■■>■