THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES f DEVOTIONAL VERSES. DEVOTIONAL VERSES BY AN ANGLO-CATHOLIC. LONDON : MASTERS AND CO., 78, New Bond Street. 1888. CHISVVICK I'KESS t — C. WHITTINCHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCKUV LANE. PR ( CONTENTS. iHARITY 7 Penitence Sonnet 9 Gordon . . . . ^ 10 A Pious Prayer for the Truly Penitent . . . . 11 Inscription on Dial of Hospital at Rugby 12 Chorales for a Musical Service on Good Friday, 1885 . . . . 13 A Dream 15 Christmas Carol 16 Lines sent to a Friend on his Daughter's Marriage 17 Paraphrase on the Comfortable Words 18 Paraphrase, i S. John, ii. 8, 9 19 On being Startled in Bed while 111 by the Fall of Two Swallows down the Chimney 20 On a Stone Cross erected in a Village Churchyard 21 Collect for Ash Wednesday 22 Praphrase on the 28th Chapter of the Book of Job 23 Collect for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity 24 Perseverance 25 Oh Tu, severi religio loci 26 Translation of the foregoing Ode 27 A Prayer 29 Hymn for Holy Communion 30 6 CONTENTS. PAGE An Inscription for each of the Prayer-Books given to Three of my Grand- children 32 A Sermon in a Sonnet 34 Sonnet 35 Prayer before Communion 36 Hymns from " Lyra Eucharistica" : — Salve ! Sancta Caro Dei yj Panis Descendens Coelitus 39 Salve ! Sanguis Salvatoris 41 A Quatrain for Every Day of the Month, taken from " The Churchman's Guide to Faith and Piety " 44 CHARITY. F Faith and Hope and Charity, The greatest is the last, Abiding still eternally When Faith and Hope are past. Charity, so Scripture saith, Heaven's richest blessing wins : Tis Charity that covereth A multitude of sins. How blessed 'tis to liv^e With thy neighbour as a brother ; As God doth thee forgive, Forgiving each the other. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Some hidden fault unveiling, When tempted to make known To the world another's failing, Pause — and think upon thine own. Ere the mote thou wouldest cast From his eye, love bids thee stay Till the beam which clingeth fast To thine own be plucked away. Thine to list to every claimant. Thine to succour those in need, Thine to give the naked raiment, Those who hunger thine to feed. ^fc>^ Still but vain each hour thou livest. Every good work but a snare, Vain every gift thou givest If no Charity be there. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. PENITENCE. GOD of goodness, Thou my hope and stay While yet I hung upon my mother's breast ; Who watched the slumbers of my infant rest, And with new strength endued me day by day. In youth, in manhood, thro' my onward way In safety led, and in abundance blest With all this world can offer of its best ; In mercy spared, oft as I went astray ; No gift withheld which might affection win. What in return for such great love of Thine — What have I done ? My God, what have I been 1 I from my Father's home, where all was mine, A prodigal, still adding sin to sin, Have wandered far away to herd with swine. B TO DEVOTIONAL VERSES. GORDON. O soldier, Gordon, who the battle sought To win the bubble reputation there; No soldier, Gordon, covetous to share Fame, wealth, or honours — such he held as nought. To serve one Master was his only thought ; To follow where He led his only care ; Christ's Cross the standard he rejoiced to bear ; In faith and trust alone for Him he fought. Nor yet with warfare would his labours end ; Work for Christ's sake he still in peace renew'd, Of homeless outcasts the unwearied friend. Victor of self, and conqueror of all Those rebel passions which, if unsubdued, Lead sinners captive and the soul enthral. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. ii A PIOUS PRAYER FOR THE TRULY PENITENT. <^r^=^- ^HOU, Who beholdest all things from Thy high and heav'nly Throne, To Whom all hearts are open and all secret thoughts are known, In Whose all-holy sight the very Heavens are unclean, O, whither shall I hide me, that my guilt may not be seen ? In that most precious Blood, which can alone forgiveness win. Lord, wash me from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. Thou, Who Thy Life didst offer as a ransom for mankind. Yea, e'en for those by whom Thou wast to shame and death consign'd ; Thou Refuge of the penitent, the contrite sinner's Stay, O, cast me not in anger from Thy Presence, LORD, away. In that most precious Blood, which can alone forgiveness win, Lord, wash me from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. 12 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. How sadly now sound words to which I once gave little heed ! How grievous the remembrance now of many a nameless deed ! But, greater though the burden of my sins than I can bear, Thy Mercy aye endureth, and forbids me to despair. In that most precious Blood, which can alone forgiveness win, Lord, wash me from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. INSCRIPTION ON DIAL OF HOSPITAL AT RUGBY. HE shadows on this dial-plate display The passing hours as they complete each day. Taught by the Cross, work we ere day be o'er ; The night soon comes, when man can work no more. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 13 CHORALES FOR A MUSICAL SERVICE ON GOOD FRIDAY, 1885. AVI OUR ! whose watch in agony was kept, While parted from Thee Thy disciples slept ; O Saviour, hear us, who wast clad in scorn. With robes of purple and a crown of thorn. O Saviour, hear us. Thou whose blood was shed, The Lamb for us that was to slaughter led. The end drew nigh, within the garden where Blood-drops reveal'd His agony in prayer. " Lord ! not my will but Thine alone be done," Thus to the Father spake th' Eternal Son. Then as His steps the threatening band waylaid, Shunn'd not the kiss by which He was betray'd. Whom as our Judge we shall hereafter meet, Behold Him standing at man's judgment seat ; 14 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Of those He lov'd, none now durst near Him bide, Save only one, and Him that one denied. See Pilate yield to His accuser's cry. Not knowinsf whom he there condemn'd to die, Stripp'd of the robe He had in mockery worn, The Saviour's Cross by a Cyrenian borne. In sorrow following to the Calvary steep Jerusalem's daughters He forbade to weep : "In pity weep ye not for Me," He said, " Let tears be rather for your children shed." When on the Cross He bow'd His drooping head, There faintly uttering, " It is finished," When the Centurion, who in fear stood by, Saw the rocks riven, and the darken'd sky, " This truly was the Son of God," he cried, And gaz'd awe-stricken on the Crucified. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 15 A DREAM. ^^T^WAS in a dream that I beheld on high A cloud which hid the sunlight from my view, Which a dark veil, impenetrable, threw Between my vision and the midday sky. On it were words writ in still darker dye. Accusing words, as well my Conscience knew ; Which, as I read with fear and trembling, drew Tear-drops of shame and sorrow from mine eye. While as I strove through many a rising tear To trace those words which still my grief renewed, Lo ! a faint star did in the midst appear ! Soon took that star, as it became more bright. The semblance of my Saviour on the Rood ; Then Heaven shone forth, and all around was bright. i6 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. CHRISTMAS CAROL. OW that the blessed morn is nigh Which gave our Saviour birth, When Hallelujahs filled the sky, By angels sung to glorify His coming upon earth. Let Christ in every heart abide And every tongue employ, Cast now all worldly cares aside. Nor think on aught this Christmastide Save thankfulness and joy. And since within a manger He At Bethlehem was laid, From stain of sin although not free, To welcome Him we need not be. If penitent, afraid. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 17 As knelt the wondering shepherds there, We seek Him and adore : May this be still our earnest prayer That we His glorious kingdom share When He appears once more. While unto Thee, O Saviour dear, Our voices we upraise, Lend to our prayer a gracious ear. And deign our midnight song to hear Of thankfulness and praise. LINES SENT TO A FRIEND ON HIS DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE. AY Heaven both bride and bridegroom bless With years of health and happiness. And guide them through a life of love To one of endless bliss above. C 1 8 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. PARAPHRASE ON THE COMFORTABLE WORDS. OME all who labour and are heavy laden, All who with sin and sorrow are oppress'd, — Come ye the garb of penitents array'd in, Come ye to Christ, and He will give you rest. So loved God the world that nothing less Than His own Son it pleased Him to give, That none should perish in their sinfulness, That all in Jesus should for ever live. This a true saying is, and by mankind A saying worthy of all acceptation, That Jesus Christ Himself to death resigned That sinners might thereby obtain salvation. Whoever sinneth hath in Christ the Son An advocate the Father to appease ; Propitiation for the sinner won. In Christ the Righteous he a Saviour sees. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 19 PARAPHRASE. I S. John II., 8, 9. F we say no sin have we, As of old the Pharisee, Self-deceit then blinds our eyes, And the truth not in us lies ; But if we our hearts within Own and sorrow for our sin, God, in whom we put our trust. Ever faithful is and just To forgive and make us clean, Scarlet though our sins have been. 20 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. ON BEING STARTLED IN BED WHILE ILL, BY THE FALL OF TWO SWALLOWS DOWN THE CHIMNEY. (DOWN the flue, soot-soiled and sore, Two birds fell struggling on the floor ; E'er long, uplifting thence their head. And flutt'ring round my curtain'd bed, They in their prison's narrow bound A cleansing purgatory found ; Then through the open casement pass'd, And Heavenward spread their wings at last. So may our souls, sin-tainted, be By Christ's all-pitying hand set free. July, 1 886. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 21 ON A STONE CROSS ERECTED IN A VILLAGE CHURCHYARD. Holy Cross Day. N hallow'd ground, uplifted high, The Cross unheeded pass not by ; But humbly think on Him Who died For us thereon — the Crucified. Think on His bleeding Hands outspread. The crown of thorns that pierc'd His Head, The spear-wound, and the cleansing tide Outpour'd for sinners from His Side. Then think upon His words, and pray For Grace the mandate to obey, — " Let all who would My followers be Take up and bear the Cross with Me." 22 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. If Christians ye would be indeed, Give ever to those words good heed ; In pain or grief or earthly loss, In each and all behold your Cross ; Whate'er your trial, gladly take And bear it for your Saviour's sake ; For all who, in this life of care, Have borne the Cross, the Crown shall wear. COLLECT FOR ASH WEDNESDAY. HO hatest nothing Thou hast made, Almighty God, Thy creature aid — Thou, Whose forgiveness all may win, Who worthily lament their sin. Oh ! gracious Lord, to me impart A sorrowing and a contrite heart. That I who now my sins confess, Acknowledging my wretchedness. May, wholly cleans'd from every stain, Remission of my guilt obtain. Thro' Jesus Who for sinners died, Lord, in Thy mercy I confide. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. .23 PARAPHRASE ON THE XXVHIth CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF JOB. ,EHOLD the earth, its surface bread bestows, Floods o'er it roll and fire within it glows ; ?^^(C^ Its stones are brilliant with the sapphire's rays, And golden dust its glittering sand displays. He binds the floods, an end He sets to night, Each hidden thing He sees and brings to light. Unhid by ocean and unknown to space. Oh ! where is Knowledge, where is Wisdom's place ? Man hath it not, nor is it found on earth ; The gold of Ophir equals not its worth ; Nor changed for jewels, nor with silver bought ; To purchase wisdom gold availeth nought ; Corals nor pearls nor Ethiop's gems suffice ; More worth than rubies, far beyond all price ! Hid from the fowls, unseen by living eye, Whence then is Knowledge, where doth Wisdom lie ? 24 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. God only knows it, for from God it came When He the thunder rolled o'er paths of flame ; When rain descending fell by His decree, And winds were weighed, and measured was the sea. He then beheld it in His works displayed ; He then declared it, and to man He said : " The fear of God, lo ! Wisdom lies therein, And this is Knowledge, to depart from sin." COLLECT FOR THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. OD ! who for those that love Thee hast reserv'd until the end Such good things as the mind of man can nowise comprehend, To pour into our hearts such love Thy Spirit we implore, That, loving Thee all else above, henceforth, for evermore, To thy promises we may in all humility aspire, Which far exceed whate'er we can imagine or desire. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 25 PERSEVERANCE. NE noonday, wand'ring by the river side, I watch'd a swimmer as he strove to breast Th' opposing waters, which his strength opprest, And onward progress seemingly defied. Soon on the stream I saw him smoothly glide ; An eddying current to his limbs, distrest And spent by toil, had brought unlook'd-for rest, And bore him onward with a fav'ring tide. Whose race is Heav'nward, such is their career ; They, since the world still wars against the soul, Must with it still unceasingly contend. But truly all in faith who persevere May trust that Heaven some timely aid will send To speed them struggling onward to the goal. D 26 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. ALCAIC ODE. WRITTEN BY GRAY IN THE ALBUM OF THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE, 174I. H Tu, severi religio loci Ouocunque gandes nomine (non leve Nativa nam certe fiuenta Numen habet, veteresque sylvas ; Presentiorem et conspicimus Deum Per invias rupes, fera per juga, Clivosque praeruptos, sonantes Inter aquas, nemorumque noctem, Ouam si repostus sub trabe citrea Ful^eret auro, et Phidiaca manu) Salve vocanti rite, fesso et Da placidam juveni quietem. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 27 Quod si invidendis sedibus, et frui Fortuna sacra lege silentii Vetat volentem, me resorbeus > In medias violenta fluctus : Saltern remote des, Pater, angulo Horas senectae ducere liberas ; Tutumque vulgar! tumultu Surripias, hominumque cuds. TRANSLATION OF THE FOREGOING ODE. H THOU, the Spirit 'mid these scenes abiding, Whate'er the name by which Thy power be known (Surely no mean Divinity presiding These native streams, these ancient forests own. And here, on pathless rock and mountain height. Amid the torrents' ever-echoing roar, The headlong cliff, the woods' eternal night, We feel the Godhead's awful presence more 28 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. . % Than if refulgent 'neath the cedar beam, By Phidias wrought, His golden image rose). If meet the homage of thy vot'ry seem Give to my youth, my wearied youth, repose. But if, though willing, 'tis denied to share The vow of silence, and the peace I crave, Compelled by fate my onward course to bear, And still to struggle with the toilsome wave, At least vouchsafe me, blest with tranquil life, In age, O Father, some sequestered glen, And there seclude me, rescued from the strife Of vulgar tumult and the cares of men. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 29 A PRAYER. HOUGH many be my sins and great, O God, Thy mercy knows no end ; Forgiveness seeking ere too late, Do Thou to me Thy grace extend. «*^ Each daily penance I renew. Unaided by that gift, will fail, Though bitter tears my couch bedew ; Nor sighs nor tears will aught avail Unless, O Blessed Saviour dear, I trust alone through Thee to win The pardon Thou hast purchased here For all who turn aside from sin. 30 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. HYMN FOR HOLY COMMUNION. O His Altar we are bidden By our Saviour to partake, Of His body, veiled and hidden, In the bread, which there we break : Body, which for us extended On the Cross was nailed to die ; Rose again, and hence ascended, To be glorified on high. Likewise of that cup of blessing Which the Precious Blood contains. From His Side outpoured, — possessing Power to cleanse from all our stains. Let us, in contrition kneeling, By confession pardon win : — Words of absolution sealing The remission of our sin. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 31 Let us, ere we quit that Altar, For the Spirit's guidance pray, That our footsteps may not falter, While we tread the narrow way. Pray that in us CHRIST abiding We thro' Him new strength may gain Pray that in His love confiding. We may endless Life obtain. Then to God, Who ever liveth, Let us heart and voice uplift, Praising, thanking Him Who giveth So unspeakable a gift. Amen, 32 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. AN INSCRIPTION FOR EACH OF THE PRAYER-BOOKS GIVEN TO THREE OF MY GRANDCHILDREN. CCEPT, and daily read with care, A grandsire's gift, this book of prayer. When signed the cross upon thy brow, Here written is thy sponsor's vow ; Here holy psalm and fervent prayer In turn may thy devotion share ; Heard, when His Altar we draw near, The Saviour's loving words, are here ; Here words of hope for all are found When laid to rest in hallow'd ground. Taught by a mother's lips to pray My God to Thee in childhood's day. Taught for the love of Christ Thy Son By her all evil ways to shun. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 33 May I where she my steps would guide For ever in that path abide ; Strive still to love and to obey My Saviour more and more each day, And daily unto Him upraise My voice in prayer and songs of praise. Thanks morn and eve will I bestow On him to whom this book I owe, Beholden to it day by day For words to aid me when I pray ; — Words which the soul's devotion raise, Words of Thanksgiving and of Praise, Words which a Saviour's love reveal When we before the Altar kneel, Words which adoringly declare Our faith in His true Presence there. E 34 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. A SERMON IN A SONNET. ADDRESSED, WITH THE VICAR'S PERMISSION, TO HIS SCHOOLBOYS. OYS ! let not knowledge to that pride allure Which puffeth up and bids contentment flee ; To earn the bread we eat is God's decree, Alike He careth both for rich and poor. The toil allotted willingly endure ; The meanest task, whate'er its drudgery be, In loving patience and humility. Done for Christ's sake. His blessing will ensure. Of wisdom the beginning is to fear What God commands : those words, if duly weighed. Will gird you for the race He bids you run. He where He leads will make the pathway clear ; The monarch's sceptre and the labourer's spade Will gain alike the wage for work well done. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 35 SONNET. WRITTEN FOR THE BAZAAR IN AID OF THE SOCIETY FOR TRAINING TEACHERS FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. OW sad from childhood is the lot of those Who ne'er a mother's gentle voice have heard, Whose ear sweet music nor the song of bird Have power to waken, wrapped in dull repose. «4L^ Sad if alike forbidden to disclose Their buried thoughts ; by no endearing word A mother's heart have they to rapture stirr'd. Nor shared the joy which from her converse flows. More sad that many who have ears to hear Should still remain in stubbornness of heart Deaf to the words a loving Saviour speaks. More sad that many who might aid and cheer The stricken soul which consolation seeks, Dumb, strive no word of comfort to impart. 36 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION. RANT, Father, for Thy Son's dear sake, That, though unworthy to partake, I so may eat the Bread He gave — Bread gifted with the power to save — That, by His Body slain for me. My sinful body cleans'd may be ; That I so drink His Blood — the wine. Whose Cup o'erflows with love Divine — That, by His mercy wash'd therein, My soul be purifi'd from sin ; That I in Him and He in me Henceforth may dwell eternally. Oh ! Lord, Thy-mercy I implore For what I have been heretofore ; Oh ! may Thy grace on me descend, That what I am it may amend ; And may Thy wisdom guiding me Direct what I in future be. 1 8.^8. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 37 The three following Hymns are from " Lyra Eiicharistica.'' ■mlk^ SALVE! SANCTA CARO DEL FROM A CARLSRUHE MS. |aCRED Flesh of God, by Whom Guilty men are saved from doom, Thou didst set Thy Servants free When Thou hangedst on the Tree. From Thy side the Water spilt Wash'd and cleans'd us stain'd with guilt, Tainted with the first offence Of Adam's disobedience. Wash me in the healing flood, Sacred Body, of Thy Blood ; Cleanse Thou me from every stain, Rescue me from endless pain. Mc of thy great Goodness bless 38 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. With eternal Happiness ; By Thy Sanctity made whole, Strengthen and sustain my Soul. Make mine enemies to fall, Into friends convert them all ; King of Angels, crush their pride, And their hatred turn aside. Thou, in Whom alone we live, Unto me Thy Body give ; Me in Death's extremest hour Save by Thy Almighty Power From the Dragon's wrath, I crave, — ■ From the roaring Lion, save ; Give, with Faith and Hope unfailing, Charity, o'er all prevailing. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 39 «A^ PANIS DESCENDENS COELITUS. FROM A REICHENAN MS. READ which from above descendeth, Whence the Strength within us grows. Which to us new Life extendeth And abundant Grace bestows; May Christ be that Feast unto us Which true Nourishment imparts, And the Cup which doth renew us, Fining full of Joy our hearts. Splendour of the Light of Heaven, Whom unceasing praises greet, As at Thy Last Supper given, Give us of Thy Ilcsh to cat. 40 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Heavenly Banquet of the living, Glory in Redemption shown, Rest unto the humble giving, Make the bliss of Heaven our own. To the Memory still returning Of Thy Death for us accurst, Snatch us from the Lake of burning, Thou Who didst exclaim — I thirst. Glory, Lord, we give, adoring Thee for all Thy Blessings past ; Be Thou present, ever pouring Light on Festival and Fast. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 41 «4k^ SALVE! SANGUIS SALVATORIS. A MS. OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. AIL! Blood of CHRIST, the Saviour, Unto Whom, both night and day, Still present to the vision Of my inmost heart, I pray. Hail ! Sacred Blood, which truly Camed'st forth from out the Side Of Jesus the Anointed, In abundant Stream supplied. Hail ! Who by Thee hath washed us, — The Victim Who hath stood Upon the Cross in agony. Forth shedding Streams of Blood. F 42 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Hail ! Who to cruel scourging His mangled Body gave, God for man outpouring From His Side the healing Wave. Hail ! Thou that to the whole earth Art Safety, Health, and Aid, That art for man's Redemption The Price his Saviour paid. Hail ! Thou, that pre-ordained Life's sustenance to be, Our Enemy's destruction, Hast from Satan set us free. Hail ! Precious Blood, our Remedy To heal the wounds of sin, By the Chalice made partakers Of the saving Health therein. Hail ! for sin-tormented. To many a weary Soul Thou art the Consolation That relieves and makes it whole. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 43 Hail ! Fount of Mercy, springing Forth from God for evermore ; Although a guilty sinner, Grace and Pardon I implore, That pure I may continue, By Thee made clean again. And renewed, O Gracious Saviour, Dwell alone in Thee. Amen. 44 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. A QUATRAIN FOR EVERY DAY OF THE MOxNTH. Taken from the •' Churchman's Guide to Faith AND Piety." The First Day. Faith. AITH may be true and yet the heart deceive Vainly the lips may utter " I believe " ; What sadder proof of folly can we give, Than Christ to own and yet as heathens live ! Second Day. The End of Man. God as our end supreme we all must own, — For Him created and for Him alone; If for the goodness He bestows unfit, Still to His justice we must needs submit. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 45 Third Day. Contempt for the World. As this world's fashion, so indeed shall they, Whose hearts are with it, with it pass away ; Be from its pleasures and allurements freed, To joys which perish not alone give heed. Fourth Day. Death. The hour of death, how full of doubt and fear To those who live unmindful of it here ! To those how blessed, vv'ho the hour await Which opencth to them life's eternal gate ! Fifth Day. The Last Judgment. Dread day of doom, when every word and thought Shall, known to God, be unto judgment brought ! From stain if e'en the righteous be not clear. How then shall sinners in His sight appear.-* 46 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Sixth Day. Hell. Hell ! word of dread e'en to the Christian's ear ; Smites not that word the sinner's heart with fear ? Hell ! the chief torment of its endless pain Despair God's presence ever to regain. Seventh Day. Eternity of the Pains of Hell. Oh ! who the word Eternity can hear, Nor quail awe-stricken'd, o'erwhelm'd with fear ? Age after age still hopeless of release, From flame and torment never more to cease ! Eighth Day. Heaven. What the chief joy by saints in Heaven possest } Nor angels' song, nor chorus of the blest, But that, in God's all holy presence, there They dwell, with Him eternity to share. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 47 Ninth Day. The Presence of God. Go, ere thou sinnest, first find out the spot Where thou canst hide thee, and where God is not ; Although by man the deed may not be seen, Nought from God's eye hast thou the power to screen. Tenth Day. The Care of our Salvation. Why wealth or honour seek we to obtain } Their gain how worthless, their pursuit how vain ! To work out our salvation day by day, — For that, and that alone, need we to pray. Eleventh Day. Horror for Sin. Unhappy he, whose guilty soul has been, Justly by God, forsaken for his sin ; Still more unhappy he who heedless lives, Nor grieves nor token of repentance gives. 48 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Twelfth Day. Repe7ita7ice. Oh ! what avails it for our sins to show The outward symbols of unreal woe ! In vain we fast, in vain we sackcloth wear. Unless the contrite, broken heart be there. Thirteenth Day. Delay of Conversion. To him how precious is the present day, Who sees and owns the danger of delay ; God, Who His Son for our redemption sent, No promise made to wait //// we repent. Fourteenth Day. Human Respect. Unworthy Christians ! Such are they who fear To brave the scoffer's ridiculing sneer ; The Cross of Christ too cowardly to bear, Or kneel before it in the House of Prayer. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 49 Fifteenth Day. Diffidence in Ourselves. How, wretched man, exalted in thy pride, Presuming, dar'st thou in thyself confide ? In God alone. Who aids and cares for all, Trust, and take heed lest, standing, thou shouldst fall. Sixteenth Day. TJie Use of Divine Grace. Oh ! what avails it, if we shut the light Which God sheds on us from our thankless sight .^ For blessings present let due thanks be given, For future mercy trust the God of Heaven. Seventeenth Day. Time. A ladder, Time, by which, till life shall end, We step by step may to our home ascend ! If upwards struggling for His aid we pray, God's outstretched hand will speed our Heavenward way, G 50 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Eighteenth Day. Holy Communion. Bread by God's priest upon the altar laid, And by Christ's word His own true Body made ; The cleansing Chalice for the soul sin-stain'd ; — How oft are both dishonour'd and profan'd ! Nineteenth Day. The Sacrifice of Christ. Most blessed Saviour, Who Thyself didst give To death, that we redeem'd by Thee might live. To Whom this loving sacrifice we owe ; — What fit return can we poor sinners show ! Twentieth Day. Alms. They who Christ see not in the poor who need And seek their alms. His word but little heed ; Given in His name, alike will He requite The rich man's bounty and the widow's mite. DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 51 Twenty-First Day. Example. Remember, Christian, 'tis example still Which guides to goodness or misleads to ill ; Devoutly dwelling on each word He said, By Christ's example be thou likewise led. Twenty-Second Day. Mortification. Saith Christ, " He cannot my disciple be Who shuns the Cross borne for his sake by Me" ; Short suffering here we patiently must bear, Or pain eternal with the lost ones share. Tw^enty-Third Day. Confonnity to God's Will. If in conformity to God we tread The path He bids, we shall by Him be led ; First to His will be every step referred, Each thought, each wish, each action, and each word. 52 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Twenty-Fourth Day. Confide7ice in God. Since from the head no single hair can fall Without His knowledge who o'erruleth all, He who created will not fail to guide All those who in His guardianship confide. Twenty-Fifth Day. The Love of God. Though God's great goodness we can ne'er repay, Bound still we are His bidding to obey ; 'Tis His command that we should grace implore To love Him ever daily more and more. Twenty-Sixth Day. The Love of Christ. Christ for our sake came down from Heaven above ; What heart can dwell on such exceeding love, Nor grieve o'er that which thankless we bestow On Him to Whom we our salvation owe ! DEVOTIONAL VERSES. 53 Twenty-Seventh Day. The Love of our Neighbour. The love of God, how can it in our heart Exist, if there our neighbour hath no part ? As Christ lov'd all men, so alike must we In love united with our brethren be. Twenty-Eighth Day. Love of oitr Enemies. By Christ's example, grant us. Lord, to show Love in like measure both to friend and foe ; Breath'd not our Saviour on the cross a prayer For those whose hatred crucified Him there } Twenty-Ninth Day. Imitation of Christ. Strive we to imitate, in all we do, Our Saviour Christ, to His example true ; His steps who follow, from the narrow way. Which Heavenward tends, will ne'er be led astray. 54 DEVOTIONAL VERSES. Thirtieth Day. Fervour. To conquer sloth be thy unceasing prayer ; The victory none, save those who fight, can share ; Ask that God's goodness may to thee impart A fervent spirit and an earnest heart. CHISWICK press: — C. WHITTINGHA-'l AND CO., TOOKS COUUT, CHANCERY LANE. ■s*.* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. UC SOUTHFRN REGIONAL I IBRARY FACILITY AA 000 389 104 PR 3991 A6A58