UC-NRtF $B 307 075 >• S/^ ^V <a>s "' •Jj i ni m u iSmeM^MieA <S><S><8>^$><Sx5>$>(^ <$><8>€x^=<$><e>€^^ THE Modern Business Speller INCLUDING PRONUNCIATION AND MEANING OF MORE THAN 3,000 DIFFERENT WORDS AND RULES OF SPELLING PRECEDED BY AN ORTHOEPY FOR USE IN BUSINESS COLLEGES, ACADEMIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS BY D. D. MAYNE, PRINCIPAL OF MINNESOTA STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. LYONS & CARNAHAN CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. Copyright 1901 by Powers & Lyons. ^ EDUCATION uES% TO TEACHERS. In the preparation of this book, three principles have been kept always in mind: First, The habit of distinct and accurate pronunciation differentiates the educated from the uneducated, the schol- arly from the illiterate. In acquiring this habit, one will be greatly aided by a mastery of the principles of pro- nunciation set forth in the first pages of this book, under the heading Orthoepy. Accurate pronunciation is of the first importance in learning to spell. Our language is unphonetic to a slight degree only. The pronunciation is an index to the spell- ing of a great majority of words, and every exercise in spelling is, of necessity, an exercise in pronunciation also. For this reason, the exercises in this book have the words divided into syllables and m-arked diacritically, thus asso- ciating the correct spelling with the correct pronunciation. Second, Experiments have proved that most people are ^^eye minded^^ rather than ^^ear minded,^' that visual percepts are retained longer and are recalled and repro- duced more easily, more vividly and more accurately than are auditory percepts. For this reason, the words in this book are given in the first column just as they appear in print, not marked diacritically nor divided into syllables, and the learner's first percept of a word is a mental picture of the word obtained through the eye. In spelling the word afterwards, he merely recalls and reproduces this mental picture. 54 I U I 5 For reasons already stated, the same words are given in a second column divided into syllables and marked diacritically. Obviously the first column is to be studied for spelling only, the second for pronunciation only. The second column is set at some distance from the first in order that there may be no confusion of the two sets of percepts. Third. A person needs to know the spelling of every word he uses. If he does not know the meaning of a word he can not possibly use it. It is therefore a waste of time to learn the spelling of a word of which the meaning is unknown. The spelling, the pronunciation, and the meaning and use of a word must be taught in conjunction each with the others. They must not, nay they can not, be taught separately. To this end the pupil should be required to consult the dictionary every day for the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning and use of a certain number of words. It is not sufficient for the teacher to suggest that this work be done. He must require the pupil to perform it thoroughly and regularly. In this way, the pupil will acquire the dictionary habit and grow every day more accurate in spelling and in pro- nunciation and more elegant in diction. The dictionary habit increases one's vocabulary and makes one a more intelligent man or woman. The Author. ORTHOEPY Ortlioepy [ortho = straight; epy = speech] is the art of correct pronunciation. STAXDAED OF PEONUNCIATIOl^ The standard of correct pronunciation is the usage of the best speakers in different parts of the English-speaking world. Students often suppose that the author of a dic- tionary fixes the pronunciation of a word. This is a mis- understanding of the true purpose of a dictionary. A dictionary merely records what, after careful investigation, is found to be the pronunciation of a majority of the best educated speakers. When no one way of pronouncing a word is generally followed, the dictionary gives two pro- nunciations, either of which is allowable. As the pronun- ciation of words is constantly changing, it is advisable to consult the latest editions of the dictionaries for authority in pronunciation. IMPOETANCE OF THE SUBJECT The importance of good pronunciation and clear articula- tion can hardly be overestimated. ^^Thy speech bewrayeth thee'' is the sentence pronounced against many an ambi- tious person struggling for a position in life. Since pro- 1 ^V I ]/'\ », / ORTHOEPY Ti'uiimtiQti^is. largely a matter of imitation, it will often show one's environment. Students should notice carefully the speech of cultivated people and of educated platform speakers, and should strive to reach their standard. It is not in the pronunciation of difficult words that one shows lack of real culture so much as in the slovenly habit of eliding syllables or the final letter of common words and of substituting one vowel sound for another in words of one syllable, such as wus for ivas; git for get; fur for for, etc^ ELEMEXTAEY SOUNDS There are forty-four elementary sounds in the English language. By a proper combination of these elementary sounds the words of the language are made. THE ALPHABET IMPEEFECT If the alphabet were perfect, there would be one char- acter for each sound, and but one. The English alphabet contains only twenty-six characters, so that extra duties must be put upon some of the characters — e.g,, a has eight sounds. The twenty-six characters are not economically used, for some of them are superfluous, as ^ = lew, x = Tcs, etc. This imperfection leads to the necessity of indicating the pronunciation of words by diacritical marks in order to denote the true value of any character. CLASSIFICATION OF OEAL ELEMENTS The elementary sounds are either vowel sounds or con- sonant sounds. The vowel sounds, or vowels, are made by the vocal cords, ORTHOEPY /3 and are but slightly modified by the organs bf'sfzAetJi.: :TW letters a, e, U o, u, w, and y represent all the vowels in the language. The consonant sounds, or consonants, are sounds made by the organs of speech other than the vocal cords. Vowels Character Name of Sound Name of Diacritical Mark Equivalent Key Words a Long a Macron Q ale, fate, chaos ^ Short a Breve Sm, fat, accept a Long Italian Two dots above far, father, ah a Short Italian One dot above ask, grass, America a Long Broad Two dots under all, awe, swarm a Short Broad One dot under 6 what, was, quality a Modified by r Double macron e care, share, parent t Long shortened Detached bar senate, preface a Obscure ^ Italic fin(a)], inf(a)nt e Long e Macron i eve, mete, serene e Short e Breve 6nd, met, efface e Modified by r Double macron a th^re, hgir, where e Modified by r Wave u fern, her, infer e Like a Macron below a prey, obey, feign t Long shortened Detached bar create, serene e Obscure ^ Italic rec(e)nt, nov(e)l I Long i Macron y Ice, time, bind Short I Breve y ill, pin, pity Like e Two dots above e machine, pique Modified by r Wave e fir, bird Long shortened Detached bar idea, tribunal 1 In this work the obscure sounds of a and e are inclosed in parentheses to distinguish them from the silent letters which are not inclosed. A* * I ORTHOEPY Vowels (Continued) Character Name of Sound Name of Diacritical Mark Equivalent Key Words 6 Long Macron old, note, over 6 Short Breve odd, not, occur 6 Modified by r Double Macron 6rb, lord, order Long broad Two dots under OO ooze, who, tomb 9 Short broad One dot under u; o6 wolf, bosom 6 Like u One dot above u some other t Long shortened Detached bar obey, propose u Long u Macron use, pure, tiine ii Short u Breve 6 up, tiib, submit t Modified by r Double macron urn, burn, furl H Long broad Two dots under rude, intrude U Short broad One dot under o; 6o full, put, push t Long shortened Detached bar unite, humane Diphthongs A diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds in one utterance or syllable. It may be represented to the eye by two letters or by one. There are six diphthongs in the English language, represented in the words ice, out, oil, ale, old, use. I = ie, a = ae, o = oe. Digraphs A digraph is a combination of two letters to represent one sound, as ai in said, ph in phonic. ORTHOEPY \,^ ]\ I V 5 TrIGRAPHS \ , . /\ ,\ J ^ * \ ^' ; A trigraph is a combination of three letters to represent one sound or diphthong, as tea in adieu, eaii in beau, sch in schist. Consonants Character Name of Sound Name of Dia- critical Mark Equivalent Key Word g g Hard . Soft Hard Soft Bar Cedilla Bar Cedilla k s J €at, €all 9ell, vige get, begin gem, engine Definitions and Classifications The sounds in the language may be classified according to the special organs used in making or in modifying them. A lingual is a consonant sound formed by the aid of the tongue, as th in thing. A palatal is a sound produced by the aid of the palate, as k in king, A labial is a sound produced by the aid of the lips, as p in pin. A sub-vocal is a tone of the voice greatly modified or interrupted by the organs of speech, as b in boj/. An aspirate is a mere breathing, more or less modified by the organs of speech, as h in hat; wh in ivhat. Cognates are those pairs of consonant sounds, one sub- vocal and one aspirate, which are produced with the organs of speech in the same, or very nearly the same, position. In the following table cognates are on the same line. ORTHOEPY i . . fitJB-V.OCALS Aspirates Character Key Equivalent Character Key Equivalent b ball P pull d do t time ed, th g get k h kill hut c, ch, gh, q 3 jet g ch chin 1 lid m muff n not n single ng r rub a this th thin V vain f fall ph w woe wh who ? e^ist gz y yet z buzz ^ s son 9 z(h) azure si, zi sh shoot ch, c, ce, ci, si, ti, sch Digraphs €h chorus t)h sylph X = ks 5h Qhaise sh shoot q = kw dg edge fh that gh ghastly th thin ng sing wh what SYLLABICATION A Syllable is a word or a part of a word uttered with one impulse of the voice. The vowel is the unit of each syllable. It may or may not have consonants with it. ORTHOEPY .; 7 Syllabication is the separating of a word i'ato its sylldbl^s. It is a great aid in the pronunciation of a long or unfamiliar word to separate it into its syllables. It is an aid also in spelling. Bules for Syllabication, There are two general rules which have been followed in dividing words into syllables. First, the word is divided so as to give ease and smooth- ness of utterance; and, second, the origin or deriva- tion of the word is respected in separating it into its syllables. Under the first general rule a few specific rules may be given. (a) C and g can not end a syllable; as, ra-ging, not rag-ing ; enti-cing, not entic-ing. (b) X and r, preceded by d or e, can not begin a syllable ; as, vex-ation, par-ent, aver-age, (c) When a single consonant comes between two vowels, it is usually joined to the following vowel; SiS, fa-vor, worter. Note. — There are many exceptions to the above rules, a full list of which may be obtained in the " Guide to Pronunciation," in Webster's International Dictionary. Accent. — Accent is stress laid on one or more syllables in a word to distinguish them from the others. Accent is of two kinds : Primary, where the full force of the voice is given ; and Secondary, where less stress is given than is indicated by the primary accent, but more than is given to the other syllables of the word; as, su'perintejid'- ent. The syllable " tend '' has the primary accent, and the syllable " su ^' has the secondary accent. § V i V\ *.c' ORTHOEPY EuLE 1. Words of two syllables have but one accent. Amen smd fortnight are exceptions. Note. — Avoid pronouncing words of two syllables with equal stress. Rule 2. Some words change their accent when the office of the word in the sentence changes. The accent usually falls on the last syllable when the word is used as a verb^ and on the next to the last when it is used as a noun or as an adjective. Contest' is a verb; contest, a noun. Rules for G and g, C and g are soft (marked q and g ; that is, c has the sound of s, and g has the sound of g in gin) before e, i, or y. They are hard (marked c and g) in all other cases. Note — This is one of the most important rules in pronunciation and in spelling. There are but few exceptions to this rule. Rule for x, X, unmarked, has the sound of hs in all cases except when beginning a word ; as, Xerxes, ^, marked with detached bar, has the sound of gz) as in exalt, exist. Rules for Vowels in Unaccented Syllables. EuLE 1. When an unaccented syllable ends in a consonant its vowel, if single, has its regular short sound. E-ULE 2. When a vowel constitutes or ends an unaccented syllable, it has the regular long sound shortened (marked as in so-ci'e-ty, e-vent'). The following are exceptions : a, which has its short Italian sound (as in A-mer'i-ca), and i and y, which usually have their short sounds (as in di-rect', van'i-tp). ORTHOEPY . , 9 EuLE 3. When an unaccented syllable ^nd3/in sileiit ,ev its vowel has the regular long sound j as, dedH-cate, tel'e-sC'Ope, ' etc. Note. — The rule for i has so many exceptions that it is well to depend entirely on the dictionary for the pronunciation of this vowel in unaccented syllables. Note. — "The most marked difference between unreiined and re- fined speech, between boorishness and elegance of pronunciation, con- sists in the management of the unaccented syllables. Here it is that vocalization and articulation are both liable to be defective, smothered and bungling instead of clear, clean-cut, and ready. Increased ele- gance and effectiveness of speech will amply repay even protracted and painful self -discipline in this direction." — Albert Salisbury. Model for Analysis. -Gau-^d'sian, — This is a word of three syllables, accented on the second syllable. (7, in the first syllable, has its hard sound, and is marked with a bar through it. EuLE. C has its soft sound before e, ?', or y, and its hard sound in all other cases. Au is a diphthong and has the sound of long broad a. C, in the second syllable, has its hard sound according to the rule just quoted. A has its regular long sound. In the last syllable, the combination si has the sound of sh. The a has its regular short sound slightly obscured. EuLE 1. When an unaccented syllable ends in a conso- nant, its vowel, if single, has its regular short sound slightly obscured — indicated by writing the letter in Italic. Look up the following words in the dictionary, mark each word carefully, and analyze fully, according to the model given above: — 10 P';' ; ;/ ; ' , / ORTHOEPY li , iciyiUEatiph 1 bronchitis 2 banana . 2 calliope 3 obligatory 3 chastisement 4 incomparable 4 February 5 chimera 5 isolate 6 orthoepy- 6 Italic 7 abdomen 7 peremptory 8 albumen 8 precedence 9 allopathy 9 precedent 10 aspirant 10 squalor 1 communicative 1 virulently ■ 2, telephone 2 porcelain 3 isotherm 3 recitative 4 garrulous 4 pronunciation 5 respiratory 5 sagacious 6 gladiolus 6 reparable 7 lamentable 7 sacrifice 8 truculent 8 enervate 9 combatant 9 acoustics 10 exemplary iU raillery MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 11 LESSOIST I 1 precede precede' 2 brawny brawn'y 3 rescue rescue 4 tepid 5 lyceum 6 fragile 7 expense 8 numskull 9 villain 10 protrude 11 balmy tep'id ly ce'um fragile ex pens^ num'skull viriain protrudg' bata'y 12 extreme extreme' 13 alert 14 firkin 15 alias 16 sanguine 17 trivial 18 isolate 19 accrue 20 resin alSrtr fir'kin a'liSs san'guine triv'i(a)l i'so late or is ae erue' res'in To go before in time, place, etc. Having large, strong muscles. To free from any confinement or evil. ' Moderately w^arm (used with refer- ence to liquids) A place for instruction by lectures ; a literary society. Easily broken or destroyed. Outlay; cost. A dolt or dunce. One guilty of crimes ; a scamp. To project or stick out. Aromatic; soothing (used with reference to the air). At the utmost point or edge ; outer- most. Watchful; vigilant. A measure holding a quarter of a barrel. Otherwise called; an assumed name. Of the color of blood ; arde«it ; lively. Commonplace; ordinary; trifling. To place by itself or alone. To increase ; to arise as a result. A yellowish, solid, inflammable substance exuded from trees. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 deficit 22 illicit 23 usury 24 opulent 25 coupon 12 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON II 1 clinker ellnk'er Slag which forms in stoves and furnaces. 2 iota io'ta A very small quantity ; particle. 3 tacit ta9'it Silent; reserved; implied but not expressed. 4 acme ae'me The top or highest point ; crisis. 5 dispraise dis praise' To censure ; to blame ; to withdraw praise from. 6 lenient le'ni(e)nt Mild; merciful. 7 realm realm Kingdom; department; domain. 8 domicile dotn'i 9ile An abode; residence. 9 revere re vere' To regard with respect mingled with awfi. 10 parallel par' (a)l lei Running side by side; at all points equidistant. 11 truly tru'iy In agreement with fact ; sincerely. 12 garish gar'ish Showy; daazling» 13 agile ag'ile Active ; quick ; ready to move. 14 demur de mur' To scruple or object. 15 gratis gra'tis Freely; without cost. 16 allow al low- To grant or yield ; to permit. 17 lapel la pel' Part of a garment turned back. 18 pillar pil'l(a)r A support, column, or post. 19 vacuum vae'u um Space entirely devoid of matter. 20 jaunt jaunt A short journey. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 naive 22 nucleus 23 chute 24 allege 25 debit When in doubt, consult the Dictionary. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 18 LESSON III 1 alien al'ien (yen) Foreign ; not belonging to the same country. 2 instill in still' To pour in drop by drop; to infuse slowly. 3 frigid frig'id Cold ; of low temperature. 4 phrase phrase A brief expression ; a preposition with its accompanying noun. 5 alms alms A gift of charity. 6 deaf deaf or deaf Wanting the sense of hearing. 7 respite res'pite A putting off ; postponement. 8 zenith ze'nith Point in the heavens directly over- head. 9 repel re pel' To drive back. 10 cordial eor'di(a)l Hearty; affectionate. (j(a)l) 11 blur blur To obscure ; to make indistinct. 12 ostracize os'tra^ize To banish from society; to exile by popular vote. 13 zealot zeal'ot An enthusiast ; a fanatical partisan. 14 forfeit for'feit A fine ; penalty. 15 roam roam To go from place to place. 16 neutral neu'tr(a)l Not engaged on either side ; indif- ferent. 17 scarce se§Lvqe Not plentiful ; rare. 18 ecstasy ee'stasy Excessive joy or enthusiasm. 19 weird weird Supernatural; wild. 20 ivory i'vo rj- The hard white substance consti- tuting the tusks of elephants. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 variegate 22 renegade 23 impugn 24 caustic 25 bazar 14 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSO]^ IV 1 mobile mo'bile Easily moved ; changing in expres- sion. 2 suavity suav'i ty Agreeableness. 3 dotage do'tage Feebleness of mind caused by old age. 4 valise va rise' A traveling bag. 5 aisle aisle Passageway between rows of seats. 6 visible vis'i h\e Capable of being seen ; apparent. 7 variety va ri'e ty Diversity ; an assortment. 8 nullify nul'li fy To make void; to cancel; to de- prive of force. 9 perjure per'jure To cause to make oath knowingly to falsehood. 10 urbane ur bane' Courteous in manner ; refined. 11 basin ba'sin A hollow vessel, dish, or pool. 12 leisure lei'gure Freedom from occupation ; vacant time. 13 occasion oe ea'sion (zhiin) A timely chance ; incident. 14 elicit e li9'it To draw out ; to bring to light. 15 florid flor'id Flushed with red; bright in color. 16 error er'ror Inaccuracy ; a mistake. 17 lucre lu'ere Profit ; riches. 18 zodiac zo'di ae An imaginary belt in the heavens in which is the sun's path. 19 acute a eute' Sharp at the end ; pointed. 20 clothe clothe To dress. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 oscillate 22 copious 23 sachet 24 irrigate 25 emanate MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 16 LESSOK V 1 census ^en'siis Official enumeration of population. 2 malady mal'a dy A lingering disorder ; sickness. 3 notary no'ta ry An officer who attests legal docu- ments. 4 quire quire Twenty-four sheets of paper. 5 caucus eaw'ciis A political meeting at which candi- dates are nominated. 6 absolute ab'so lute Unconditional ; complete in itself. 7 deleble del'e ble Capable of being blotted out or erased. 8 sizzle siz'zle To make a hissing sound as of something frying. 9 cupola €u'p6 la A small structure on top of a dome. 10 axle ax'le The pin on which a wheel revolves. 11 squalor squa'ldr Foulness. 12 discern dis cern' (zern) To see and identify by noting differences. 13 unique unique' Without an equal. 14 obtuse 6b tusc' Not pointed or acute ; blunt. 15 docile d6(;'ile Easily managed. 16 impetus im'pe tus Momentum ; impulse. 17 epoch ep'oeh A period of time marked by an important event. 18 aroma aro'ma The fragrant quality of plants. 19 agent ag(e)nt One having power to act for another. 20 edible ed'ible Fit to be eaten. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 heinous 23 acoustics 25 sinecure 22 requiem 24 panacea 16 1 copyright 2 atrocity MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON VI a tr69'i ty 3 subsidiary sub sid'i a ry 4 salient sa'li (e)nt 5 hospitable hos'pitable 6 merino me ri'no 7 perimeter perim'eter 8 parochial pa ro'ehi (a)l 9 estimable es'tim a bk 10 foreman fore'man 11 intersperse in'ter spersg' 12 heifer heffer 13 architect ar'ehi tect 14 incubus in'eti biis 15 gauze gauze 16 sediment sed'i m(e)nt 17 lacquer lae'quer 18 mollify mol'li fy 19 filigree fil'i gree 20 gnarled gnsLvled Right for one to publish a work. Extreme cruelty; great wicked- ness. One who furnishes aid. Shooting out or up ; prominent. Kind to strangers. A fine wool fabric. Outer boundary of a body or figure. Pertaining to a parish. Worthy of regard. Chief of a set of hands. To set here and there among other things. A young cow. One skilled in. building. Oppressive burden. Thin, transparent cloth. Matter which settles to the bot- tom. A solution for varnishing metals. To make tender ; to calm. Ornamental work of gold or silver wire. Knotted ; used of wood. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 mnemonics 21 resuscitate 22 suzerainty 23 vitriol 24 quarantine MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 17 LESSON VII 1 fraternal 2 consequence 3 conspicuous 4 dialect 5 exterminate 6 tournament 7 benediction 8 bigotry 9 acrobat 10 piteous 11 scaffold 12 hypothesis 13 malignant 14 equinoctial 15 tortoise 16 monograph 17 pedestal 18 permanent 19 acquaintance 20 reciprocate frater'n(a)l con'se quenc^e con spie'1 dl'a lect ex ter'mi nate tpMr'nam(e)nt ben'e die'tion big'ot rj" ae'ro bat pit'e ous scaffold hy poth'e sis malig'n(a)nt e'qTiino€'ti(a)l tdr'toise mon'o graph ped'es t(a)l per'man(e)nt ae qnainV (a)n<^e re 9ip'ro eate Pertaining to brethren. That which is produced by a cause. Open to the view. Speech characterized by local peculiarities. To drive away ; to root out. A contest of skill for champion- ship. A blessing. Narrow-mindedness. One who practices daring gym- nastic feats. Sorrowful; doleful. A temporary staging. Theory assumed for the purpose of argument. Bent on evil. Pertaining to the time of equal days and nights. A reptile having a hard shell. Written account of a single thing. Part on which an upright work stands. Continuing in the same state. Familiar or intimate knowledge. To give and return mutually Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 solicitor 23 mignonette 25 decapitate 22 supremacy 24 casualty 18 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON VIII 1 idea tde'a Mental image of a visible object. 2 fuel fu'el Anything which feeds fire. 3 gorilla go ril'la A large ape. 4 police p6 Viqe' A body of civil officers. 5 congeal eon geaV To thicken or freeze. 6 wretch wretch A miserable person. 7 similar sim'il(a)r Having a general likeness. 8 ascend as 9eiid' To move upward. 9 gnaw gnsiiv To wear away with the teeth. 10 violin vi'6 lin' A musical instrument played with a bow. 11 betroth be troth' To contract for marriage. 12 regal re'g(a)l Pertaining to a king. 13 thistle this7k Prickly plant of several families. 14 cashier cash ief One in charge of the money of a business. 15 probable prob'a h\e Likely ; giving ground for belief. 16 trowel trow'el Tool for spreading mortar; a gardener's tool. 17 torpor tor'por Numbness. 18 valiant val'i(a)nt Courageous. 19 divorce di vorcje' Legal dissolution of a marriage contract. 20 cruet eru'et Small bottle to hold vinegar, oil, etc. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 retrospect 21 silhouette 22 boomerang 23 ambassador 24 benefactor MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 19 LESSON IX 1 bristle 2 secretary 3 parcel 4 admiral 5 propel 6 asparagus 7 cancer 8 opportunity 9 dandruff 10 chasm 11 dissect 12 gallon 13 doxology 14 celebrate 15 pronunciation 16 anonymous 17 ingenious 18 stem 19 exhaust 20 parquet bris'tle (s'l) see're ta ry par'^el ad'mi r(a)l pro pel' as par'a gus ean'^er op'por tu'ni ty dan'druif e^as'm dis sect' gal'loh dox oro gy (^eVe brate pro niin'<^i a'tion a non^y motis in gen^ious (yus) stern ex hmst' parquet' (ka) Short, stiff hair. One employed to write or- ders, letters, etc. A bundle. Naval officer of the highest rank. To drive forward. A garden vegetable. An eating tumor. Fit or convenient time. A scurf on the head. A deep opening or breach. To cut in pieces. Measure of four quarts. A hymn of praise to God. To observe duly. An uttering with articula- tion. Of unknown authorship. Skillful to invent; of curi- ous design. Severe; strict. To use up; to drain oft completely. Body of seats in a theater nearest the orchestra. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 phonograph 23 misdemeanor 25 indefatigable 22 stereotype 24 contemporaneous 20 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON X 1 glimmer glim'mer 2 parody p3,r'6dy 3 purchase pur'chase 4 submission sub mis'sion 5 lawn lawn 6 vegetable yeg'e ta ble 7 honor ^on'or 8 intimate in'ti mate 9 extinct ex tinet' 10 dismiss dis miss' 11 wiry wir'y 12 buxom bux'om 13 epistle e pis'de 14 wallet wal'let 15 scorch scorch 16 rural ru'r(a)l 17 brawl brawl 18 slay slay 19 satin sat'in 20 acre a'ere (ker) A faint, unsteady light. A burlesque on the works of an author. To buy for a price. A yielding to power or authority. Ground covered with short grass. A plant cultivated for food. Esteem paid for worth ; a token of respect. To suggest' indirectly; familiar, confidential. Without force; without a sur- vivor. To send away. Made of wire, sinewy ; tough. Having health and comeliness; frolicsome. A letter; written communication. Pocketbook for money. To burn; to parch. Pertaining to the country. A noisy quarrel. To kill. Glossy silk cloth. "* Piece of land containing 160 square rods. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 hominy 22 scraggy 23 mutation 24 revenue 25 mucilage MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 21 LESSON XI 1 oasis o'a sis Fertile spot in a desert. 2 huffy huff'y Easily offended ; characterized by petulance. 3 penult pe'niilt Next to the last syllable of a word. 4 inquest in'quest Judicial inquiry concerning a civil or criminal matter. 5 furlough fm'lough Leave of absence from army. 6 genius gen'ius- Distinguished mental superiority. 7 sulphur suFphur A chemical element. 8 salad sal'(a)d A preparation of vegetables. 9 poplar pop'lar A rapidly growing tree of several species. 10 minimum min'i miim The least quantity. 11 maximum raax'i mum 'The greatest quantity. 12 anecdote an'ee dote A short story. 13 fallow fal'loM; Land left untilled. 14 jovial jo'vi(a)l Gay; mirth-inspiring. 15 congenial €011 gen'i(a)l Partaking of the same nature. 16 assault as sawlt' A violent attack. 17 abridge a bridge' To make shorter; to condense. 18 impeach im peach' To charge with a crime ; to call in question. 19 porous p5r'ous Full of pores; permeable by liquids. 20 knoll knoU A little round hill. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 severance 22 uncurbed 23 elusion 24 consummate 25 tubular 22 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XII 1 privilege pdv'i lege A peculiar benefit or favor. 2 laudable lawd'a ble Praiseworthy ; worthy of mendation. com- 3 hygiene hy'giene Science of preserving health. 4 chagrin 9ha grin' Vexation; mortification. 5 apparel ap parcel External clothing. 6 durable du'ra ble Not changeable; lasting. 7 ruflSian ruf'fi(a)n A brutal follow. 8 rinse rinse To wash lightly. 9 benzine ben'zine A liquid used for cleaning fabrics. soiled 10 singular sin'gu l^r One ; rarely equaled. 11 pulsate puFsate To throb; to beat. 12 spurious spu'ri ous Not genuine; not proceeding the true source. from 13 definite defi nite Precise; exact. 14 shackle shae'kle To fetter; to chain. 15 disdain dis dam' A feeling of contempt and aversion. 16 blonde blonde ^ A person of fair complexion; light hair and blue eyes. , with 17 delusion de lu'sion Deception; error. 18 fertile fer'tile Fruitful; productive. 19 enhance en haiKje' To advance; to increase. 20 cheat cheat To deceive ; to defraud. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 clothes 22 hoUday 23 meander 24 neuter 25 fallacious MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 23 LESSON XIII 1 malice mal'l(^e Enmity of heart. 2 onyx o'nj-x or on'; yx A kind of stone in layers of different colors. 3 condense con dense' To make or become more close. 4 tawdry tat:;'dry Cheap and gaudy. 5 dais da'Is A platform slightly raised above the floor. 6 hovel hov'el A small, mean house; a hut. 7 menace men'a^e To threaten. . 8 futile fu'tile Of no importance ; useless. 9 supple sup'ple Easily bent; flexible. 10 exaggerate 1 e J ag'^er slU J To enlarge beyond the truth. 11 splurge splurge To make a great display. 12 slough slou^A A hole full of mire. 13 defiance defi'(a)n9e A disposition to resist ; contempt of opposition. 14 cuticle cu'ti cle The outer skin or epidermis. 15 courier cow'ri er A bearer of dispatches. 16 torture tor'ture Extreme pain ; torment. 17 competent com'pe tent Answering to all requirements. 18 tenant ten'(a)nt One holding property belonging to another. 19 satire sat'ire Keenness of remark; sarcasm. 20 comity com'ity Mildness of manner. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 diphthong 23 separate 25 trespass 22 embezzle 24 yeoman 1 Notice the two g*a. 24 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XIV 1 purloin purloin' 2 recumbent re€um'b(e)nt 3 sardine sar dine' 4 domineer dom'i neer' 5 variable va' liable 6 troublous troWbus 7 smuggle smug'gle 8 various va'ri ous 9 scrub seriib 10 particle par'ti e\e 11 effigy effigy 12 regale re gale' 13 paltry partly 14 valid val'id 15 tendril ten'dril 16 murky murk'y 17 whiff whiff 18 dizzy diz'zy 19 pagan pa'g(a)n 20 ravel rav'el To steal. Leaning; reclining. Small herring preserved in olive oil. To tyrannize ; to rule insolently or arbitrarily. Changeable; unsteady. Causing anxiety or sorrow. To import or export without pay- ing duty. ^ Different; several. To rub hard, as to clean ; to scour. Minute portion of matter. Likeness or representation of a person. To feast. Mean; trifling. Having legal force. Slender branch of a plant attaching it to a supporting body. Dark; obscure. A puff ; slight gust. Giddy; confused. A worshiper of false gods. To undo the texture of; to disen- tangle. Words to be looked up in ttie dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 feminine 21 salutary 22 hydrant 23 merino 24 evidence MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 25 LESSON XV EuLES OF Spelling Words ending in e, silent, retain the e before a suffix beginning with a consonant. polite excite change hire whole 6 hate 7 fierce 8 pale 9 noise 10 amuse politely excitement changeling hireling wholesome hateful fierceness paleness noiseless amusement IJl defense 12 rude 13 measure 14 disgrace 15 trouble 16 retire 17 home 18 move 19 large 20 gentle The following are exceptions: — 21 judge judgment 24 whole 22 argue argument 25 awe 23 acknowledge acknowledgment defenseless rudeness measurement disgraceful troublesome retirement homeward movement largely gentleness wholly awful LESSON XVI EuLES OF Spelling (Continued) Words ending with a single e, silent, regularly drop the e before a suffix beginning with a vowel. 1 engage engaging 5 college collegiate 2 embrace embracing 6 abate abating 3 admire admirable 7 delude deluded 4 recite recital 8 arise arising 26 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 9 explore exploring 15 desire desirable 10 compare comparable 16 sense sensible 11 cure curable 17 believe believing 12 force forcible 18 fame famous 13 balance balancing 19 prove proving 14 escape escaped 20 realize realizing The following are exceptions: — - 21 courage courageous 24 trace traceable 22 service serviceable 25 peace peaceable 23 dye dyeing LESSON XVII Rules of Spelling (Continued) Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant change the y to t and add es to form the plural. Form the plural of the following nouns : — 1 agency a'gen 9y 14 vacancy va'ean cy 2 story sto'ry 15 salary sal'a ry 3 lily liFy 16 colony eoFo ny 4 gallery gal'ler y 17 fairy iki'vy 5 eddy ed'dy 18 faculty fac'ul ty 6 gravy gra'vy 19 peony pe'o ny 7 library li'bra ry 20 tragedy trag'e dy 8 copy cop'y 21 trophy troph'y 9 baby ba'by 22 study stiid'y 10 remedy rem'e dy 23 facility fa 9il'i ty 11 cavity eav'i ty 24 comedy eom'e dy 12 prophecy proph'e cy 25 mystery mys'ter y 13 army ar'mv MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 27 LESSON XVIII EuLES op^ Spelling {Continued) Monosyllables, or words accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant on adding a termination beginning with a vowel. 1 admit admitted 14 forgot forgotten 2 clan clannish 15 man manned 3 occur occurrence 16 infer inferred 4 hot hotter 17 bag baggage 5 plan planning 18 hat hatter 6 wit witty 19 rot rotten 7 begin beginning 20 submit submitted 8 trod trodden 21 tap tapping* 9 forbid forbidden 22 drop dropped 10 quit quitted 23 beg begging 11 thin thinnest 24 prefer ^ preference 12 abet abetting 25 refer reference 13 allot allotted LESSON XIX Rules of Spelling (Continued) Words not accented on the last syllable, or when the final con- sonant is preceded by two vowels, or by another consonant, do not double the final consonant on adding a suffix. 1 answer answerable 6 stand standing 2 fear fearing 7 need needy 3 entail entailed 8 daub dauber 4 profit profitable 9 covet coveted 5 revel reveling 10 toil toiling i If the accent changes, the rule does not hold good. 28 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 11 profess professed 12 sail sailing 13 limit limiting 14 design designer 15 clear clearing 16 finish finished 17' neglect neglected 18 quarrel quarreler 21 metal metallic The following are exceptions : - 19 humbug humbugged 20 periwig periwigged Many words ending in /, preceded by a single vowel, may or may not double the Z, under this rule. 22 barreling 23 disheveled 24 imperiled 25 traveling LESSON XX Rules of Spelling {Continued) Words ending in e, silent, retain the e before a suffix beginning with a consonant. 1 inverse 2 bereave 3 elope 4 loose 5 settle 6 bale 7 atone 8 time 9 arrange 10 impure inversely bereavement elopement loosely settlement baleful atonement timely arrangement impureness The following are exceptions : — 20 due duly 21 lodge lodgment 22 acknowledge acknowledgment 11 manage 12 immense 13 achieve 14 passive 15 agree' 16 serene 17 obstinate 18 exquisite 19 deface 23 abridge 24 wise 25 nurse management immensely achievement passively agreement serenely obstinately exquisitely defacement abridgment wisdom nursling MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 29 LESSON XXI 1 occupy oe'eu py To take or hold possession of. 2 chore chore A small job. 3 notice iio'ti9e To observe ; to heed. 4 language lan'guagg Human speech. 5 speculate spee'u late To theorize; to purchase with ex- pectation of advance in value. 6 decorate dee'6 rate To adorn. 7 eighth eighth (atth) One of eight equal divisions. 8 await a wait' To expect ; to watch for. 9 jealousy jearous y Intolerant of rivalry. 10 bargain bar'gain (gen) An agreement; a purchase; a mutual pledge. 11 ability a biFi ty Power to perform. 12 urge urge To force onward ; to insist. 13 waist waist Part of the human body. 14 goad goad To prick ; to urge forward. 15 focus fo'eus Place where rays of light meet, and at which image is formed. 16 vinegar vin'e g(a)r A sour liquid used as a relish. 17 obscure 6b seure' Covered over; remote from ob- servation. 18 nape nape The back part of the neck. 19 frail frail Easily broken ; delicate^. 20 huzza huz za' A shout of joy. Words to be looked up in the Dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 barometer 21 illegible 22 divinity 23 mercantile 24 masculine 30 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXII Rules of Spelling {Continued) Words ending with a single e, silent, regularly drop the e before a suffix beginning with a vowel. 1 bride bridal 7 sale salable 2 freeze freezing 8 pledge pledging 3 come coming 9 blame blamable 4 shape shaping 10 write writing 6 deplore deplorable 11 remove removing 6 fleece fleecy 12 drive driving The e is retained in the following words, to prevent doubt as to pronunciation, or to distinguish them from other words. 13 marriage marriageable 20 hoe hoeing 14 charge chargeable ^ 21 shoe shoeing 15 change changeable 22 springe springeiiig 16 outrage outrageous 23 tinge tingeing 17 dye dyeing 24 singe singeing 18 mile mileage 25 swinge swingeing 19 toe toeing LESSO]N XXIII Rules of Spelling (Continued) In derivatives formed by adding a termination beginning with e, {, or y to words ending in c, the letter k is inserted after the c in order that the latter may not be inaccurately pronounced like s before the following vowel. 1 colic colicky 4 frolic frolicking 2 traffic trafficked 5 physic physicked 3 zinc zincky MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 31 The derivatives of the word gas are written with but one ». 6 gaseous 7 gaseity 8 gasify 9 gasiform Exceptions to the rule. 10 gassed 11 gassing 12 gassy Derivatives formed by adding one or more syllables to words ending in a double consonant commonly retain both consonants. 13 ebb ebbing 20 stiff stiffness 14 fell fellable 21 odd oddly 15 will willful 22 full fullness 16 skill skillful 23 enroll enrollment 17 impress impressible 24 inthrall inthrallment 18 null nullity 25 success successful 19 dull dullness LESSON XXIV Rules of Spelling (Concluded) The plural of nouns regularly ends in 5, but when in pronunciation with the last sound of the word, < the plural. 1 chief chiefs 12 bush s cannot unite es is added for bushes 2 path paths 13 witness witnesses S canto cantos 14 blush blushes 4 woe woes 15 actress actresses 5 clavr claws 16 walrus walruses 6 bubble bubbles 17 mattress mattresses 7 neighbor neighbors 18 bulrush bulrushes 8 cluster clusters 19 isthmus isthmuses 9 pa3nnent 10 lunch 11 chorus payments lunches choruses 20 church 21 grass 22 match churches grasses matches 32 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER To express the plural of a letter, figure, or any character or sign, or of a word mentioned without regard to its meaning, s with the apostrophe is added. — o's, why's, two 6's in ebb. LESSON XXV Review Lesson based on Rules for Spelling. 1 bereavement 26 hireling 51 pledging 76 mileage 2 occurrence 27 metallic 52 wholly 77 gasiform 3 bridal 28 enrollment 53 preference 78 defacement 4 politely 29 disgraceful 54 stiffness 79 forcible 5 agencies 30 abridgment 55 neglected 80 elopement 6 collegiate 31 trodden 56 comedies 81 rudeness 7 answerable 32 successful 57 gassy 82 tingeing 8 libraries 33 serviceable 58 excitement 83 salaries 9 zincky 34 largely 59 ebbing 84 timely 10 amusement 35 sensible 60 kidnaped 85 submitted 11 immensely 36 wholesome 61 admitted 86 disheveled 12 reference 37 remedies 62 hoeing 87 fleecy 13 facilities 38 achievements 63 impressible 88 professed 14 humbugged 39 abetting 64 passively 89 prophecies 15 believing 40 comparable 65 quitted 90 truly 16 blamable 41 baggage 66 atonement 91 gluey 17 troublesome 42 coveted 67 chargeable 92 begging 18 gaseous 43 beginning 68 duly 93 baleful 19 peaceable 44 argument 69 oddly 94 deluded 20 removing 45 salable 70 judgment 95 mysteries 21 curable 46 coming 71 exquisitely 96 obstinately 22 inversely 47 frolicking 72 preference 97 colicky 23 nullity 48 acknowledgment 73 inferred 98 awful 24 famous 49 rotten 74 cavities 99 recital 25 dyeing 50 trafficked 75 fullness 100 outrageous MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 38 LESSON XXVI 1 mufae muffle 2 awry a wry' 3 by-law by-'law 4 cancel €an'9el 5 psalm ps'dlm 6 propagate prop' a gate 7 spherical spher'i e(a)l 8 vowel vow'el 9 doze doze 10 abscond ab seond' 11 balsam bal's(a)m 12 tariff tar'ifE 13 laurel la?/'rel 14 vault vault 15 fragrant fra'gr(a)nt 16 browse browse 17 snore snore 18 oyster oys'ter 19 anneal an neal' 20 vehicle ve'hi ele To wrap closely; to envelop. Turned or twisted to one side. A local or subordinate law. To obliterate ; to annul. A sacred song. To extend; to spread. Globular. A sound made with vocal organs open. To sleep lightly. To steal away to avoid a legal process. A species of fir tree. Duties charged by the government on goods exported or imported. An evergreen shrub, having aro- matic leaves. A leap or a bound. Sweet of smell. To feed on tender branches. To breathe with a harsh voice, in sleep. An edible bivalve mollusk. To heat (glass, etc.) and cool slowly to toughen it. A means of conveyance. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 plausible 22 innocent 23 eccentric 24 ennoble 25 engross 34 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXVll 1 scuttle seut'tle A coal hod; a small square opening. 2 medicine med'i 9ine A remedy for the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease. 3 edifice ed'i hc^e A building ; elegant structure. 4 specialty spe'ci(a)l ty Object of particular attention. 5 symposium sym po'si um A group of essays on one topic. 6 knapsack Arnap'sack A portable case to hold a soldier's or traveler's clothing. 7 obsolete ob'so lete No longer in use. 8 bulletin bul'le tin An official report or announcement. 9 urchin ur'chin A roguish child. 10 adversary ad'versary One opposed; a foe. 1 1 hyena hy e'na An animal related to the dog. 12 vogue Yogue Fashion at any particular time. 13 hiccough hie'cough (cup) A spasmodic inspiration producing a sudden sound. 14 opera op'era Musical drama. 15 helmet hel'met Defensive covering for the head. ^^ joggle jog'gle To shake slightly; to slip out of place. 17 bayou bay'ow An inlet from a lake. 18 hemorrhage hem'or r^age Discharge of blood from the blood vessels. 19 stirrup stir'rup A case to support a horseman's foot. 20 egoism e'go i§'m Excessive love of one's self. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 corduroy 22 requisite 23 compliance 24 subpoena 25 disfranchise MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 35 LESSON XXVIII 1 credulous ered'u lous 2 charter char'ter 3 suicide su'i 9ide 4 colleague eoVleague 5 breadth breadth 6 sugar sug'ar (sh-) 7 plural pla'r(a)l 8 knob ^11 6b 9 juice jmc^e 10 ache aehe 11 stitch stitch 12 preach preach 13 nickel nick'el 14 burial bur'i(a)I(ber-) 15 crevice erev'i^e 16 canoe ea noe' 17 neigh neigh 18 worthy wor'thy (wur) 19 elegy el'e gy 20 giant gi'(a)nt Apt to believe on slight evidence. A document granting privileges. The taking of one's own life volun- tarily. An associate in employment. Distance from side to side. A sweet vegetable substance used to season and preserve food. Designating two or more. A handle, as of a door or drawer. The watery part of any substance. Continued pain, as distinguished from spasmodic pain. Single pass of a needle in sewing. To urge by public teaching. A bright, silver-white, metallic ele- ment, hard and malleable. The depositing of anything in the earth. A narrow crack. A light boat propelled by paddles. Cry of a horse. Having excellent qualities. A plaintive poem. A man of extraordinary stature. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 determine 21 niche 22 rascally 23 parasol 24 bayonet 36 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXIX 1 volatile voFa tile Subject to evaporation; easily af- fected. 2 sequel se'quel Continuation; effect. 3 memoir mem'oir(-w6r) An account composed from mem- ory. An artificial passage underground. 4 tunnel tun 'n el 5 charade 9ha rade' An enigma based on a word. 6 quarry quar^ry Place where stone is taken from the earth. 7 veneer ve neer' To overlay with a thin layer of wood. 8 sluice slm^e A floodgate for regulating a stream. 9 suburb sub'urb The outlying part of a town. 10 sanctum sane'tum Sacred place ; place of retreat. 11 sumach su'inaeh (or shu'; 1 A shrub used in tanning. 12 lozenge loz'enge A small cake of sugar and starch. 13 dilemma dilem'ma A vexatious predicament. 14 ransom ran'som Payment for freedom. 15 reward re ward' Compensation for services. 16 pivot piv'ot A pin on which a body turns. 17 nervous nerv'ous Having vigor of mind ; having weak nerves. 18 finis fi'nis An end. 19 arctic are'tie Northern; frigid. 20 oval o'v(a)l Shaped like an egg. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 tuition 22 abolish 23 arable 24 hilarity 25 battalion MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 37 LESSON XXX 1 cleanly 2 cistern 3 dirge 4 serene 5 query 6 fracas 7 medium 8 trestle 9 suffer 10 earnest 11 frolic 12 doleful 13 lucid 14 arsenic 15 gourd elean'ly (^is'terii dirge se reiie' que'ry fra'e(a)s me'di um tves'tle suffer ear'nest frol'ie dole'ful lu'^id iir'se nie gowrd 16 carnal €'ar'n(a)l 17 ravine ra vine' 18 spiral spi'r(a)l 19 rectify ree'ti fy 20 chisel chig'el Pure ; habitually clean. A reservoir or tank. A funeral hymn. Calm ; undisturbed. A question to be answered; a doubt. An uproar ; noisy quarrel. Having a middle position or degree. Framework supporting a bridge, track of a railway, etc. To endure pain ; to undergo. Eager to obtain or do ; ardent. Gayety; a merrymaking. Full of grief ; melancholy. Shining; clear. A chemical element resembling a metal, and an active poison. A fleshy, many seeded fruit, as the pumpkin, melon, etc. Pertaining to the body ; w^orldly. Deep and narrow hollow. Winding, like the thread of a screw. To make right; to amend; to re- fine by repeated distillation. A tool for shaping stone, metal, etc. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 diocese 21 anguish 22 superb 23 confiscate 24 colossal 38 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLEK LESSON XXXI 1 cerement (jere'ment A shroud. 2 manacle man 'a e\e A handcuff; shackle for the hand or wrist. 3 condiment eon'di m(6)nt Seasoning for food. 4 succotash sue'eo tash Corn and beans boiled together. 5 porridge pov'ihfge Thin pudding made by boiling vegetables, etc., in niilk. 6 executor ex ee'u tor One appointed to carry out a will. 7 obedient obe'di (e)nt Submissive to command. 8 indispensable ill dis pen'sa ble Absolutely necessary. 9 tomato to ma'to A aommon plant and its fruit. 10 holocaust horo eawst Loss of many lives by fire. 11 fortunate for'tu nate Receiving some unexpected good. A skin disease. 12 saltrheum salt'r^6'um 13 invisible in vis'i b\e Incapable of being seen. 14 compulsory €0111 pul'so ry Necessary ; obligatory. 15 fetlock fet'lock Part of the leg of a horse. 16 morocco mo roe'eo A fine leather prepared from goatskin. 17 portable port'a b\e Capable of being carried. 18 seldom sel'dom Rarely ; not often. 19 satellite sat'el lite A small planet revolving around another. 20 educate ed'u eate To develop and cultivate. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 crumple ' 23 electrotype 25 obstacle 22 carpenter 24 challenge 1 In unaccented syllables 6 has the sound either of u (tip) or of e (ever). MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 39 LESSON XXXII 1 positive 2 summary 3 accommodate 4 porpoise 5 responsible 6 communicate 7 rhetoric 8 wheelbarrow 9 practical 10 pneumatic 11 espy 12 forty 1 13 ninety^ 14 pecuniary 15 dimension 16 romance 17 cumulative 18 alkali 19 stiletto 20 vignette pos'i live sum'ma ry ae eoiii'mo date por'poise re spon'si ble €oin mu'iii eaie rheVo vie wheel'bar row prae'ti e(a)l pneu. mat'ie espf for'ty nine' t J- pe cuu'ia ry di men'sion ro manege' eu'mti la tive al'ka li sti let' to vl gnette\vm y&t) Definitely laid down; certain. Reduced into few words. To furnish with something desired. A marine animal, allied to the dolphin. Accountable. To impart ; to make known. Art of composition. A light vehicle rolled by one person. Useful, — distinguished from ideal, or theoretical. Fitted to contain air. To catch sight of. Four times ten. Nine times ten. Relating to money. Extent; scope. Any wonderful tale. Forming a mass. Soda ash ; potash, etc. A slender dagger. Small picture in a book. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 vitreous 22 restaurant 23 phlegmatic 24 addendum 25 trousseau 1 Note carefully the spelling of these words 40 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXXIII 1 morsel 2 correction 3 dormitory 4 preoccupy 5 extirpate 6 premium m6r'sel eor ree'tion dor'mi to ry pre oe'eu py ex'tir pate pre'mi um 7 masquerade mas'quer ade' 8 glazier 9 recurrence 10 decalogue 11 phenomenon 12 greyhound 13 accomplice 14 capacious 15 contemptible 16 beginner 17 manufacture 18 fa9ade 19 transgress 20 participle gla'zier (zi=:zh) re eur' renege dee'a \6giie phe noiii'e non greyhound ae €6m'pli(j!e ea pa'cious con tempt'i h\e be gin'n(€)r man'u fae'ture fa 9ade' trans gress' par'ti 91 pie A small quantity. A making right what was wrong. A building containing sleeping rooms. To take possession of before another. To root out. Prize to be won in a competi- tion. An assembly of persons wear- ing masks. One who sets glass. A coming back. The Ten Commandments. Extraordinary occurrence. A slender, graceful dog. An associate in a crime. Able to contain much. Deserving disdain. One who starts. The making of wares by hand or machinery. Front of a building. To overstep a rule. A word like both a verb and a Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 tomahawk 23 apparition 25 indomitable 22 tete-a-tete 24 reservoir MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 41 LESSON XXXIV 1 remnant 2 preparation 3 russet 4 exhibit 5 Italic 6 flourish 7 foreign 8 whimsical 9 island 10 unruffled 11 especial 12 relieve 13 fidelity 14 bachelor 15 peculiar 16 sentence 17 perspire 18 telegram 19 conquer 20 scabbard rem'n(a)nt prep a ra'tion rus'set ex ^ib'it 1 tal'ic flour'ish whim'si e(a)l is'](a)nd un ruffled es pe'cial re lieve' fi del'i ty bach'e lor peeul'iar (yer) sen' t (6)1196 per spire' tel'e gram con'quer S€ab'b(a)rd Small portion yet left. A making ready. Of a reddish brown color. To hold forth to view. A type whose letters slope to- ward the right. To grow luxuriantly. Not native to a certain country. Queer; fantastical. A tract of land surrounded by water. Not agitated ; tranquil. Distinguished among others of the same kind. To release from duty; to aid or deliver. Faithfulness ; loyalty. A man who has not been mar- ried. Unusual ; particular. Expression of a thought in words. To sweat. A message sent by telegragh. To gain by force. Case for the blade of a sword. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 hieroglyphic 22 hirsute 23 assassin 24 furious 25 curvature 42 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXXV 1 suffocate stiff 6 eate 2 predicament pre die'a ment 3 egotism e'go tis'm 4 destroy de stroy' 5 enviable eii'vi a bl<? 6 equitable eq'ui ta h\e 7 disastrous dis as'trous 8 quadrille qua drille' 9 glycerine gly9'er iiie 10 chord €^drd 11 cord cord 12 solid sol'id 13 sorrel sor'rel 14 bivouac blv'oM ac 15 loss 16ss 16 lose lp§e 17 beau beau (bo) 18 beaux beaux (bo§) 19 sponge sponge 20 esquire es quire' To stifle ; to smother. Trying position or condition. Showing self-conceit. To break up and demolish. Fitted to excite covetousness. Fair; impartial; according tc natural right or justice. Harmful; unfortunate. A dance for four couples. Sweet, sticky liquid from fat. A harmonms combination of tones. A string or small rope. Not hollow ; compact. One of various plants having sour juice. The watch of a whole army by night. Waste; injury; something lost. To part with unintentionally. A lover. Plural of beau, A marine animal growth, which imbibes and holds water. A title of office and courtesy. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 memorable 21 omelet 22 oleomargarine 23 affectation 24 fundamental MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 43 LESSON XXXVI 1 palpable pal'pa bk Pereeptible to the touch. 2 balustrade bal'us trade Row of balusters topped by a rail. 3 balcony bal'eo nf A gallery. 4 baluster bal'us ter Small column used as a sup- port for a railing. 5 appliance appli'(a)n9e A thing used as a means to an end. 6 enunciate e nun 'elate To make distinctly audible. 7 constellation con stel la'tion A cluster of fixed stars. 8 equestrian e ques'tri(a)n Pertaining to horsemanship. 9 chronometer ehro nom'e ter A very exact portable time- keeper. 10 emancipate e man'9i pate To free from the power of another. 11 gazette ga zette' An official newspaper. 12 discourteous dis eour'te ous Wanting in good manners. 13 lading lad'ing Freight; cargo. 14 faucet faw'^et Fixture to draw liquid from pipes, casks, etc. 15 couple eou'ple A pair. 16 affiliate af f il i ate To adopt as a son ; to ally. 17 convivial eon viv'i (a)l Festive; social. 18 serenade ser'e nade' Music in the open air at night. 19 harmonize hisir'mo nize To be or to make agreeable in action or feeling. 20 discrepancy diS€rep'(a)n9y Difference; variance. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 eleemosynary 23 avoi rdupois 25 exemplary VJ2 exchequer 24 juvenile 44 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XXXVII As far as ; up to. From vie, meaning to contend. To take something offered or sent. A raised bank of earth. Excessive ; extravagant. Regular occupation. Orderly arrangement of the divisions of time. Governed by the rules of right and wrong. One instructed by another. Capable of being divided. Watchful; v\rary. Of great v^^orth. That which attests or proves. To hinder from freedom of thought and action. Wrong done and suffered. To recall knowledge of. Full of pleasantry; playful. Opinion held in opposition to an established doctrine. Well-bred ; polite. A small book, not bound. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 laboratory 23 necessary 25 apprentice 1 untUi un til' 2 vying vy'ing 3 receive re (^eive* 4 terrace tev'Y3L(^e 5 exorbitant ex6r'bit(a)nt 6 business bu§i'ness (bi§) 7 calendar eal'en d(a)r 8 conscientious eon shi en'tious 9 disciple dis 9i'ple 10 divisible di vis'i ble 11 vigilant vig'il(a)nt 12 excellent ex'^el l(e)nt 13 warrant war'r(a)nt 14 embarrass embar'r(a)ss 15 grievance grieY\a)n(^e 16 recollect ree 61 lect' 17 humorous hu'mor ous(mer) 18 heresy her'e sy 19 courteous eour'te oiis 20 pamphlet pam'phlet 22 persuade 24 possible 1 Notice only one I. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 45 LESSON XXXVIII Words of similar pronunciation, but of different spelling and Something assigned to be learned. To reduce or diminish. First in importance ; the stock of a company. A government house. Strong cloth used for tents, sails, etc. To search thoroughly ; to solicit. Anything. To be bound in duty. Shore washed by the waves. A tree bearing an edible nut. To unite by stitches. To scatter seed upon the earth. Water falling from the clouds. Royal authority. ^ A firearm for discharging heavy shot. A law or rule. Weight by which to weigh precious stones. A plant of which the root is used. A small seedless raisin. A body of fluid moving in one direction. A woolen twilled cloth. A rolling swell of water. A calm waiting for something due. Those under medical treatment. meanmg. 1 lesson 1 lessen les'son less'en capital 2 eap'i t(a)l capitol eap'i tol 3 canvas can'v(a)s canvass can'v(a)ss f aught 4 i ought Siught (awt) r beach beech beach beech 6 sew sow so SOIV 7 ■ rain reign rain reign i cannon 1 canon ean'non ean'on carat ear'at 9^ carrot ear'rot currant 10 i current €ur'r(a)nt €ur'r(e)nt j^ j serge surge serge surge f patience 12 pa'tien^e , patients pa'tients (ti = sh) 46 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLEP 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 f accidence ae'c^i d(e)n9e The inflection of words. I accidents ae'c^i d(e)nts Chance events; mishaps. f ceiling c^eiVing The overhead lining of a room. [ sealing seal'ing Making fast ; marking with a stamp. core core The heart or inner part of a thing. corps eOrps A body of men. f horse horse A common animal. \ hoarse hoarse Harsh; discordant. f peace peac^e A state of quiet ; harmony. I piece pie^e A portion. [ brake brake A mechanism for retarding motion. 1 break break To divide violently, j beat beat To strike repeatedly ; to pound. [ beet beet A plant, of which the root is eaten, f bough hough An arm of a tree. 1 bow bow An inclination of the head. Words to be looked up in Dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 22 f complement I compliment j principal \ principle 23 f mustard mustered f populous [ populace 25 adherence adherents LESSOR XXXIX Words of similar pronunciation, but of different spelling and meaning. demean de mean' To debase ; to lower. demesne de mesne' A manor house and its land. holy holy Sacred ; pure in heart. ^ wholly w^hol'iy In a complete manner. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 47 indict in diet' I indite in dite' 4 1 cygnet 9yg'net signet sig'net ^ j steal [ steel steal steel g| their there their there 1 caller t collar eall'er collar serf serf 8- surf surf g| taper tapir ta'per ta'pir J fsleave sleeve sleave sleeve f tarrier 1 terrier tar'ri er ter'ri er stare , stair stare staa- ^f prince [ prints prin9e prints j night ^^ 1 knight ni^r^t ^ni^^t tpeel peal peel r cymbal 16-1 , , symbol 9ym'b(a)l sym'bol To charge with a crime in due form of law. To write ; to dictate. A young swan. A seal. To commit theft. A metal used in tools, weapons, etc. Possessive case of pronoun they. In or at that place. One who summons. Something worn around the neck. One bound to work on a certain estate. Sea waves breaking on the shore. A small wax candle. A piglike animal. Silk not yet twisted. Part of a garment. One who loiters. A small dog. To gaze at. A series of steps (commonly in plural). A king's son. Marks by impression. Time from sunset to sunrise. A title. A loud sound of bells or cannon. To strip off the skin or bark. Musical instrument of brass. Visible representation of an idea. 48 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 17 18 19 20 saver sa'ver One who rescues. savor sa'vor Taste; flavor. consonance eon'so n(a)n(^e Accord of sounds. consonants con'so n (a) nts Articulate sounds obstructed by vocal organs. Capable of being penetrated, ( passable pass'a ble [ passible pas'si ble f flour flour \ flower flow'er traveled, etc. Capable of feeling. Finely ground meal of grain. The bloom of a plant. Words to be looked up in Dictionary, marked, and defined. 2^ r allowed ^^ r borough I burrow I aloud 25 j veracity \ voracity 22 j f acclamation acclimation 2^1 eruption \ irruption LESSON XL similar pronunciation, but of different spelling and Of inferior quality ; rude. Line of progress. A grain. Appearing in successive parts. Followed or pursued Innocent ; simple in design. Son or daughter of an uncle or aunt. To deceive. Close ; heavy Plural of dent, — a hollow depres- sion. Words of similar pronu meaning. r coarse \ course coarse course J cereal 9e're (a)l 1 serial se'ri (a)l j chased \ chaste chased chaste 4 ' cousin c6w§'m cozen eoz'en 5 dense dense , dents dents MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 49 7 8 9 cue €ue A hint; straight rod used in billiards. I queue queue A tail-like appendage of hair. faun fawn A sylvan deity. fawn fawn A young deer. eyelet eye'let A small opening. islet is'let A small island, f gamble gam'ble To play for money. [ gambol gambol A skipping about in frolic. f troop troop A body of soldiers. I troupe trpwpe A company of actors. f wave wave To move one way and the other. \ waive waive To give up claim to. f seine seine A large fishing-net. I sane sane Rational. [ wade wade To walk through water. \ weighed weighed Examined by the balance. f wean wean To deprive by degrees. [ ween ' ween To think or fancy. whirl whirl To turn rapidly. whorl whorl (-u) The fly of a spindle. ware ware Articles of merchandise. wear wear To carry upon the person. f scene s^ene An exhibition or view. [ seen seen Past form of the verb see. ( nice ni^e Exact or finely discriminated. I gneiss gneiss A crystalline rock, f assent as sent' Agreement. [ ascent as 9ent' A rising ; motion upward. ' leak leak A letting in or out of a fluid. leek leek A kind of onion. 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 50 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER Words to be looked up in Dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 rough 2^ ruff plum 23 j^^^ plumb " \ poll ' 24 j^''^'^ 2dI^^^''^ \ pensile \ purl LESSON XLI 1 gracious gra'cious Abounding in mercy. 2 compete eom pete' To contend emulously. 3 abhorrence ab h6r'r(e)n9e Extreme dislike. 4 plateau plateau' (to) An elevated plain. 5 plenteous plen'te ous Sufficient for every purpose. 6 ludicrous lu'di erous Laughable. 7 melodious me lo'di ous Agreeable to the ear. 8 caricature ear'i ea ture A picture in which the fea- tures are exaggerated. 9 escheat es cheat' Reversion of real property to the state. 10 approval approv'(a)l Sanction. 11 windlass wind'l(a)ss Machine for raising weights. 12 erratum er ra'tum A mistake in writing or printing. 13 thorough thor'oM^^ Complete ; perfect. 14 inference in'fer (e)n(;e That which is implied. 15 conflagration con fla gra'tion A fire on a great scale. 16 periodical pe'ri6d'i€(a)l Happening regularly at stated times. 17 excessive ex 9ess'ive Overmuch ; undue. 18 comrade com'rade A mate ; companion. 19 equivalent equiv'al(e)nt Equal in worth, value, etc. 20 sacrifice sae'rifice (c = z) To make an offering of. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined, 21 pestilence 23 irretrievable 25 obesity 22 tropical 24 reprehensible MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 61 LESSON XLII 1 caboose ea boose' A car used on freight trains for brakemen, workmen, etc. 2 shrivel shriv'el To draw into wrinkles. 3 leopard leop'ard A large spotted animal. 4 commission com mis'sion (shiin) Instructions how to execute a trust. 5 hypnotism hyp'no ti§'m An artificial sleep. 6 calculate eal'eii late To plan ; to think. 7 ingratitude in grat'i tude Unthankfulness. 8 apposition ap'posi'tion A putting things side by side. 9 imperative 1111 per' a live Expressing command. 10 attachment attach'm(e)iit Close adherence or affection. 11 abundance a bun'd(a)n9e Overflowing fullness. 12 tantalize taii'ta lize To tease by a prospect never realized. 13 satirize sat'ir ize To censure with sarcasm. 14 excrescence ex €res'9en9e Something growing in an ab- normal manner. 15 propensity pro pen'si ty Natural inclination. 16 unanimous u nan'i mous Being of one mind. 17 transcend tran sceiid' To rise above. 18 preemption pre emp'tion Right of purchasing before others. 19 legatee leg'atee' One who receives a bequest. 20 anodyne an'6 dyne A medicine to allay pain; any- thing soothing. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 paregoric 21 macaroni 22 rhinoceros 23 cadaverous 24 rheumatism 52 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XLIII 1 atmosphere at'mos phere 2 superintendent su'per in tend'- (e)nt 3 appearance ap pear'(a)n9e 4 terminate ter'mi nate ^ 5 acclimate aeeli'mate 6 dissemble 7 paralysis 8 analogy 9 vernacular 10 parlance 11 vindictive 12 recompense 13 ejaculation 14 desperado 15 hydropathy 16 superfluous 17 financier 18 reluctance 19 expiration 20 isinglass dis sem'ble pa ral'y sis a naro gy ver nae'ti lar p*ar'l(a)n9e vin die'tive ree'om pense e jae u la'tion des'per a'do hy drop'a thy su per'flu ous fin an 9^er' re lue't(a)n9e ex pi ra'tion i's in glass The aeriform fluid surround- ;ing the earth. One having oversight of something. A coming into sight. To put an end to. To inure to a climate different from that which is natural. To feign. Loss of voluntary motion of the body. A resemblance of relations. Belonging to the country of one's birth. Conversation. Revengeful. To render an equivalent to. Word uttered by sudden im- pulse. A reckless, furious man. Water-cure. More than is sufficient. One skilled in money matters. Unwillingness. The breathing out air from the lungs. Popular name for mica. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 parachute 22 longevity 23 aristocracy 24 ignominy 25 consistency MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 53 LESSON XLIV 1 synagogue syn'a gogue 2 religion vi-e lig'ion 3 larynx lar'ynx 4 adequate ad'e qnate 5 ' worsted worst' ed 6 haunt ha?/iit 7 candor ean'dor 8 vengeance venge' {a)u(}e decorum de eo'riim 10 dissipate dis'si pate 11 decisive de 91'sive 12 gentility gen til'i ty 13 suspension sus peii'sion 14 rancor ran'eor 15 laudanum law'da num 16 antenna an ten'na 17 caramel ear'a mel 18 collapse €61 lapse' 19 chrysalis ehrys'a lis 20 monotonous mo not'o nous Jewish house of worship. Outward form by which men rec6gnize a god or gods. The upper end of the windpipe. Equal to some requirement. Well-twisted wool yarn. A place of frequent resort. Frankness; sincerity. Punishment inflicted in return for injury. Propriety of conduct. To be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure. Able to decide a question ; final. Qualities appropriate to those well born. Temporary delay or interruption. The deepest spite. Tincture of opium, used medici- nally. The feeler of an insect. A kind of candy. To fall together suddenly. Form through which an insect passes. Continued with dull uniformity. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 firmament 23 hallucination 25 commensurate 22 preposterous 24 kleptomania 64 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XLV 1 commendable com me;id'a ble Fit to be praised. 2 league league An alliance to accomplish a purpose. 3 pedagogue ped'a gogwe A schoolmaster. 4 demagogue dem'agogMe A leader of the rabble. 5 appraiser ap pra/s'gr One who estimates value of property. 6 animosity an'i mos'i ty Energetic dislike. 7 catechism €at'e ehis'm Form of instruction by ques- tions and answers. 8 seminary sem'inary Place of education. 9 cemetery 9em'e ter y A graveyard. 10 miscellaneous inis'^el la' ne ous Mixed, consisting of several things. 11 commodious corn mo'di ous Adapted to its use or to neces- sities ; roomy. 12 concussion eoneus'sion Agitation ; shock. 13 blaspheme bias pheiiie' To speak of with impious ir- reverence. 14 haggard hag'gard (gerd) Wasted by want or suffering. 15 asylum a sy'liim A place of refuge or retreat. 16 chronicle ehron'i e\e Historical account of events in order of time. 17 equipage eq'ui page Furniture or outfit ; retinue. 18 affidavit af f 1 da'vit A sworn statement in writing. 19 anatomy a nat'6 my Science of the structure of organic bodies. 20 amicable am'ieable Friendly ; peaceable. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 complacency 23 residuary 25 quinine 22 inaugurate 24 synthesis MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 55 LESSON XLVI 1 criterion 2 assiduous 3 acrimonious 4 versatile 5 arrear 6 hazard 7 repartee 8 residue 9 buoyant 10 aquiline 11 relevant 12 buttress 13 cuneiform 14 version 15 assuage 16 anomaly 17 nuisance 18 civilly 19 tangible 20 monetary eri te'ri on as sid'ti ous ae'rimo'nious ver'sa tile ar rear' haz'ard rep ar tee' res'i due bMoy'(a)nt aq'ui line rel'e v(a)nt but' tress eti iie'i form ver'sion (zhun) as suage' a nom'aly nui's(a)n9e 9iv'il If tan'gi ble mon'e ta rf Standard of judging. Constant in application or at- tention. Sharp or severe. Many sided, easily changed. Something behind in payment. An uncertain result. A smart, ready, and witty reply. That which remains after part is taken. Tending to float. Belonging to, or like an eagle ; hooked. Bearing upon the case in hand. Anything which supports or strengthens. Wedge-shaped. A translating from one lan- guage to another. To soften or allay (pain, heat, or grief). Deviation from the common rule. That which is oifensive or noxious. Politely. Perceptible to the touch. Pertaining to money. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 oxidize 22 exhilarate 23 sagacious 24 malleable 25 siphon 66 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON XLVII 1 variance 2 effervesce 3 paucity 4 miniature 5 mischievous 6 paralyze 7 initiatory 8 definitive 9 ellipsis 10 equalize 11 Calvary 12 reminiscence 13 isosceles 14 apologize 15 metaphor 16 silesia 17 facetious 18 catalpa 19 chamois 20 minuend va'ri (a)u(;e ef fer ves^e' paM'9i ty min'i a ttire mis'chie vous par'a lyze in i'ti a to ry (sM) de fin'i live el lip'sis e'qu(a)lize -GaFva ry reml nis'9(e)n9e i s6s'9e les a pol'o gize met'a phor si le'sia (si = sh) fa9e'tious(shus) €a tal pa min'ii end Change of condition ; quarrel. To bubble and hiss. Scarcity; fewness. A very small portrait. Causing vexation. To affect with palsy. Suitable for a beginning; in- troducing by instruction. Positive ; unconditional. Omission ; a figure which omits words obviously understood. To make even or uniform. Place of Christ's crucifixion. A recalling past experience. Having two equal sides — said of a triangle. To express regret for a fault. A figure of speech — compar- ing objects. A thin coarse cloth. Given to wit and good humor. A genus of American and East Indian trees. A small antelope. The number from which an- other is subtracted. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 innovate 22 meerschaum 23 falsetto 24 extenuate 25 peremptory MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 67 Words of the f present I present ^ ( absent I absent f conduct [ conduct f presage I presage f compress [ compress n j accent 1 accent .^ j complot I complot g I entrance 1 entrance ^ I progress 1 progress refuse refuse r reprint 10 11 12 [ reprint I conflict 1 conflict ^ f suffix [ suffix LESSON XLVIII same spelling, but differently accented. pre sent' To offer for acquaintance ; to de- liver. pres'(e)nt Being at hand; instant; a gift. ab sent' To take one's self away. ab's(e)nt Being away from a place. conduct' To lead; to guide. eon'duet Deportment. pre sage' To foreknow or to predict. pre'sage Foreknowledge. com press' To force into narrower space. eom'press A pad used to cover wounds. ae (^enV To emphasize. ae'Qent Superior force of voice on one syl- lable. com plot' To conspire. com 'plot A plotting or planning together. en trance' To charm. en'tr(a)n9e A passage or door. pro gress' To advance. prog'ress A moving forward. re fiise' To decline to do or grant. refuse Waste matter. re print' To print a new edition of any work. re'print A second edition of any work. eon fliet' To be in opposition. con'fliet A strife for the mastery. suf fix' To annex at the end. suffix Letter or syllable added to a word. 68 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 14- 15 16 17 f convert convert minute minute concert concert prelude 18 prelude prefix prefix f convict 1 convict ^^ f escort [ escort €011 vgrt' To change from one condition to another. €5n'vert One changed from one belief to another. mi nute' Very small. min'ute (it) A point of time; sixty seconds. eon 9ert' To plan together. ■eon'^grt Harmony; a musical entertainment. pre lude' To introduce with a prefatory per- formance. pre'Iude Preface; introductory part. pre fix' To put or fix before. pre'fix Syllable placed before a word. eon Viet' To pronounce guilty of crime. eon'vict One declared guilty of a crime. es eort' To accompany or attend. es'edrt A guard from place to place. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 augment augment 221 essay [ essay 23 24 J compound I compound extract extract f attribute 1 attribute LESSON XLIX Words of the same spelling, but differently accented. Lying on the back ; listless. ( supme \ supine , J contrast 1 contrast su pine' sii'pine eon trast' eon'trast A Latin verbal noun. To place in opposition. Exhibition of dissimilarity. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 69 ( converse \ converse , f forecast [ forecast I digest [ digest perfume perfume ^ r object I object ( insult H 6 [ insult [ subject \ subject ^^ r upstart ( upstart survey survey J torment 9 11 12 13 14 15 [ torment abstract abstract transfer transfer gallant gallant jg I export 17 I export j alternate I alternate eon verse' eon'verse fore east' fore 'east di gest' di'gest per fume' pgr'fume 6b jeet' ob'jeet in suit' in'sult sub jeet' sub'ject up start' up'start sur vey' sur've?/ tor ment' tor'ment ab straet* ab'stract trans fer' trans'fer gal lant' gal'l(a)nt ex port' ex'port al ter'nate al'ter nate / To hold intimate intercourse. Turned about. To foresee. Predetermination . To prepare food for assimilation. A summary. To scent. Fragrance. To oppose. Something visible or tangible. To abuse. Gross abuse offered to another. To bring under control. Matter ; theme ; topic. To spring up suddenly. One suddenly raised to prominence. To inspect ; to oversee. A general viev^. To put to extreme pain or anguish. Extreme pain. To separate ; to take secretly. A summary or an epitome. To make over the control of ; to give. Removal of a thing from one spot to another. A gay fashionable man. Noble in bearing or spirit. To send abroad. Product sent from a country. A substitute. To interchange regularly. 6Q MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 18 19 20^ project project contract contract f increase increase project' proj'eet eon tract' eon'tract in erease' in'erease Words to be looked up in import import permit 21 22 23 permit 24 To shoot forward. Anything devised. To shorten or lessen. Legal agreement concerning an act. To make or become greater. Addition or enlargement. the dictionary, marked, and defined. invalid invalid record record 25 transport transport LESSON L 1 familiar fa mil'iar (yer) Closely acquainted or intimate. 2 substantial siib stan'tial Of good material ; strong. 3 dormant d6r'm(a)nt Sleeping; not in action or ex- ercise. 4 embroider em broid'er To ornament with needlework. 5 Elysium E ly'gium (sh) The fabled Paradise of souls after death. 6 eulogy eu'logy Speech in commendation of a person. 7 pepsin pep'sin Substance secreted by the stom- achs of animals. 8 pendulum pen'du lum A body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and fro. 9 sergeant sar'ge(a)nt A non-commissioned military officer. 10 creditor cred'i tor One to whom money is due. 11 lethargy leth'argy Profound sleep; morbid drowsi- MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 61 12 aggravate 13 ambulance 14 immortal 15 axiom 16 brickkiln 17 hoax ag'gra vate To make worse or more severe. am'bu l(a)n9e A wagon to convey injured per- sons to hospitals. imm6r't(a)l Imperishable; lasting forever. ax'i 6m A self-evident and necessary truth. brick'kiln A furnace in which bricks are baked. hoax A deception or mockery for mis- chief. 18 intricacy In'tr! ea 9y ' The being entangled or involved. 19 invincible in vin'^i h\e Incapable of being subdued. 20 affright af ivighi' Sudden and great terror. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 scallop 23 detriment 25 nitrogen 22 boulevard 24 cylinder LESSON LI 1 dissipation 2 audience ' 3 ostensible 4 prevalent 5 amenable 6 rectitude 7 inclement 8 fountain 9 pavilion 10 mirth 11 accouter 12 verify dis si pa'tion aw'di (e)n9e OS ten'si h\e prev'al(e)nt a me'na h\e ree'ti tude inelem'(e)nt foun'tain pa vil'ion mirth ac cpw'ter ver'i fy Wasted living; waste of time. An assembly of hearers. Shown; professed. AVidespread. Liable to be brought to account. Righteousness of principle or prac- tice. Unmerciful; rough. Source; origin. Temporary tent or building. Fun; frolic. To furnish with dress or equip- ments. To prove to be true. 62 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 13 delirious 14 month de lir'i ous Deranged by disease. month One of the twelve divisions of the year. sas'safras An aromatic tree of the Laurel family. ex'e evate To denounce evil against. 15 sassafras 16 execrate 17 gayety 18 gorgeous 19 recipient 20 fractious gaz/'e ty Jollity; mirth. ' goY^geous Showy; magnificent, re cip'i (e)nt One who takes something offered, f rac'tious Cslms)Cross ; un ruly. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 assets 22 egregious 23 bourgeois 25 capricious 24 postscript LESSON LII 1 arithmetician 2 proprietor 3 tremendous 4 elocution 5 pyrotechnics 6 audacious 7 illustrious 8 presentiment 9 conservatory 10 corpulent 11 rigging 12 superscribe 13 subscribe a rith'me ti'cian (shun) pro pri'e tor tre men'doiis el 6 eii'tion pyr 6 teeh'nies aw da'cious il lus'tri ous pre sen'ti m(e)nt con serv'a to ry eor'pu 1(e) nt rig'ging su pgr scribe' sub scribe' One skilled in the science of numbers. One having a title to anything. Terrible; horrible. Oratorical delivery. Manufacture and use of fire- works. Daring; adventurous. Characterized by greatness ; noted. Previous opinion; foreboding. Greenhouse for tender plants. Very fat. Ropes, chains, etc., of a ship. To write on the top surface of. To sign with one's own hand. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 63 14 amphibioas am phib'I ous Able to live both on land and in water. 15 presumption pre sump'tion Belief upon incomplete proof. 16 odor o'dor Any smell. 17 whistle whisrie To make a shrilKsharp sound. 18 circus (jir'eus An arena for feats of horse- manship, etc. 19 incessant in9es's(a)nt Continuing without interrup- tion. 20 ridiculous ri die'u lous Laughable; absurd. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defin-ed. 21 laryngitis 23 semaphore 25 sacrilegious 22 saccharine 24 italicize LESSON LIII 1 concession 2 ^circumference 3 doughnut 4 indefinite 5 immaculate 6 intolerant 7 stenography 8 substitute 9 chemical 10 deficient 11 treachery 12 miserable 13 signature 14 amiable eon (jes'sion 9ir cum'fer(e)n9e dow^r^'niit in def i nite im mae'u late in tol'er (a)nt ste nog'ra phy sub'sti tute ehem'i e(a)l de f i'cient treach'er y mis'er a ble sig'na tme a'miabW That which is granted. Line encompassing a circular figure. A small cake fried in lard. Not precise ; vague. Spotless; pure. Not charitable to others'opin* ions, etc. Art of writing in shorthand. One who acts for another. Pertaining to chemistry. Wanting; lacking. Violation of faith. Very unhappy. Name of a person written with his own hand. Lovable; kind-hearted. 64 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 15 indelible in del'i ble That which cannot be erased. 16 originate rigl nate To cause to exist. 17 combustible eom bus'ti h\e A substance liable to take fire. 18 incipient in 9ip'i ent Beginning to be. 19 sphinx sphinx A fabulous monster. 20 dishabille dis'AabiUe' Careless toilet. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 parenthesis 23 hypocrite 25 judicious 22 lilliputian 24 gratuitous LESSON LIV 1 derision de ri'sion (shun) Scorn ; contempt. 2 summons siim'mons Call by authority to attend to some duty. 3 fortnight fort'ni^^t' Space of two weeks. 4 mischief mis'chief Harm ; trouble or vexation. 5 guitar gui far' A stringed musical instrument. 6 substance sub'st(a)n9e The most important element in anything; matter. 7 mortal m6ft(a)l Subject to death. 8 destitute des'ti tute In a condition of want. 9 complete com plete' With no part lacking. 10 sluggard slug'g(a)rd One habitually lazy or inactive. 11 industrious in dus'tri ous Habitually busy. 12 swath swath Whole sweep of a scythe or ma- chine. 13 bier bter A frame for carrying a corpse. 14 multitude mul'tl tude Great number of persons or things. 15 gymnastics gym nas'ties Athletic exercise. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 65 16 encircle en 9ir'ele To surround or inclose. 17 actual ae'tu (a)\ Existing in reality. 18 difficult difficult Hard to do or to make. 19 exterior ex te'ri or On the outside. 20 recreate rec're ate To refresh after toil or anxiety. Words t@ be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 technical 23 prodigal 2« fumigate 22 preliminary 24 contaminate j LESSON LV 1 tyranny tyr'an iiy Cruel government or dis- cipline. 2 obloquy ob'lo quy Reproach ; slander. 3 pacify pa9'i fy To appease or to calm. 4 ancestor an'^es tor A forefather. 5 naturalize nat'ur(a)lize To become as if native. 6 campaign cam paf^n' The time an army keeps the field. 7 daisy dai'sy A plant and its flower. 8 citizen 9it'i z(e)n Inhabitant of city or nation. 9 degenerate de gen'er ate To grow meaner, or of a lower type. 10 conciliate con 9iri ate To win over from a state of hostility. 11 appurtenance ap pur'ten(a)n (^e An accessory. 12 politics pol'i ties Regulation of a nation or state. 13 extemporaneous 14 catastrophe eatas'trophe ex tem'po ra'ne ous Uttered on the spur of the moment. A final event, usually dis- astrous. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 15 disappoint 16 wigwam 17 condescend dis ap point' To defeat of expeelation, or hope. wig'wam An Indian eabin or hut. eon'de s^end' Toaccommodateone*sself to an inferior. 18 compendium eompen'dium An abridgment; summary. 19 wrinkle 2/;rin'kle A small crease or furrow. 20 droll droll Fitted to provoke laughter. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 erroneous 23 congratulate 25 experience 22 conjugal 24 tempestuous LESSON LVI 1 chivalry 9hiv'(a)l ry Dignity, usages, and manners of knighthood. 2 nauseate uaw'seate(she) To sicken; to disgust. 3 novice n6v'i9e A beginner. 4 sapphire sapph'ire A precious stone. 5 agate ag'ate Un crystallized quartz presenting various colors. 6 gossip gos'sip Idle talk. 7 ballast bal'](a)st Anything that gives steadiness and security. 8 gondolier gon'do 1/er' Rower of a gondola. 9 gondola gon'do la A kind of boat used on canals of Venice. 10 cleat eleat A strip of wood for fastening. 11 witticism wit'ti ^is'm A droll saying. 12 pomace pom'a^g Substance of apples, crushed by grinding. 13 pumice puni'i9(? A substance used for polishing. 14 bowl boM?! A vessel to hold liquids. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 67 15 Uzard liz'ard 16 bran bran 17 future fu'ture 18 arc are 19 depth depth 20 pistol pis'tol A four-footed reptile. The broken coat of the grain. Time to come. A portion of a curved line. Measurement downward from the surface. A firearm to be fired with one hand. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 jurisdiction 23 illustrate 25 applaud 22 irrepressible 24 epilepsy LESSON LVII 1 apology a pol'6 gy A defense of what appears to be wrong, 2 stagnant stag'n(a)iit Impure from want of motion. 3 avidity a vid'i ty Greed ; strong appetite. 4 portico por'ti eo A covered porch. 5 instigate in'stigate To urge forward; to incite. 6 provender pro v 'en der Dry food for domestic animals. 7 lyre lyrg A stringed instrument of music. 8 crease crease ' A mark made by folding. 9 idiot id'i 6t One lacking intellectual powers. 10 fury f u'ry Violent excitement ; wrath. 11 appall appall' To depress or discourage with fear. 12 forceps for 9eps A pair of pinchers. 13 syndicate syn'di eate Association authorized to do businesai 14 specie spe'cie (-shi) Coin ; hard money. 15 arsenal ■ar'sen(a)l A magazine of arms. 16 beguile be guile' To relieve the weariness of. 17 feign fei^n ' To pretend. 68 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 18 sieve sieve Utensil for separating fine from coarse. 19 cynic ^yn'ie Ascorner; a snarler. 20 bullion bul'lion (yun) Uncoined gold or silver in the mass. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 adage 22 opiate 23 larceny 24 minion 25 aqueous LESSON LVIII To reproach ; to jeer at. Usefulness; service. A catlike animal. An abrupt change of mind. Several ; sundry. General course of conduct. To boil. Prudence in managing affairs. An iron block. Bundle of stalks and ears of grain. A covering for the shoulders. Difficulty; fuss. To break a contract or rule. High-sounding words. The science of human duty. Top; summit. To impel a boat with one oar over the stern. A sharp, shrill cry. Without skill or grace ; awkward. Without animation. in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 23 prosecute 24 dubious 25 skittish 1 taunt tawnt 2 utility u til'i ty 3 lynx lynx 4 caprice ea pri9e' 5 divers di'vers 6 career ea reer' 7 seethe seetiie 8 policy pol'i^y 9 anvil an^il 10 sheaf sheaf 11 shawl shawl 12 ado ado' 13 infringe in fringe' 14 bombast bom' bast 15 ethics eth'ies 16 apex a'pex 17 scull scull 18 scream scream 19 clumsy clum'sy 20 languid laii'guid W^ords to be looked up 21 fresco 22 cartage MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 69 LESSON LIX 1 tamable tam'a h\e Capable of being tamed. 2 hybrid hy'brid Mongrel ; of mixed kinds. 3 coerce eo ei^e' To restrain by force. 4 monopoly mo nop'o ly Exclusive privilege of selling a com- modity or of trading in some market. 5 wrangle wTSLii'gle A noisy quarrel. 6 seizure sei'zure (zh) Sudden and violent grasp. 7 inquiry m quir'y Search for truth or knowledge. 8 schedule sehed'uk List or inventory. 9 adjacent adja'9(e)nt Lying near; neighboring. 10 abstruse ab struse' Difficult to comprehend. 11 contingent con tin'g(e)nt An event which may or may not happen. 12 impostor im pos'tor One who deceives others. 13 suit suit Endeavor to gain an end by legal process or otherwise. 14 creek creek A small stream. 15 cough cough (kaf) Violent expulsion of air from the chest. 16 breve breve A mark (") to denote a ^ort vowel. 17 client €li'(6)nt One who gives his cause to a legal adviser. 18 scheme scheme Planof something to be done; design; project. 19 usage iis'age Customary procedure. 20 fought fou^^t Past form of Jight. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 routine 22 zigzag 23 rosary 24 treatise 25 sizable 70 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON LX 1 naphtha naph'tha 2 horde horde 3 cyclone (^j'elone 4 lacerate la^'er ate 5 pompous p6mp'(>us 6 fathom fath'om 7 verity ver'i ty 8 reissue re is'sue 9 criticise ^ erit'i (^\se 10 hyphen hy'pheii 11 proffer proffer 12 smirch smirch 13 secular see'ii lar 14 rummage riim'mage 15 phase phase 16 exotic ex ol'ie 17 tyrant tfr(a)rit 18 sterile ster'ile 19 budget budg'et 20 gnash ^nash Rock oil, or crude petroleam. A wandering troop ; a tribe of a no- madic people. A storm, rotating around calm center. To tear ; to mangle. Stately ; showy with grandeur. A measure of length containing 6 feet. That which is true ; reality. To issue a second time. To examine and judge. A mark (-) to connect a divided word. To offer for acceptance. To smear with something which stains. Pertaining to this world, or to things not spiritual. To search thoroughly by turning things over. That which is exhibited to the eye. Introduced from abroad. An absolute ruler; cruel master. Producing no crop ; barren. A bag with its contents. To grind the teeth as in anger or pain. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 poignant 22 ledger 23 poultice 24 lattice 25 calumny 1 Do not use z. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 71 LESSON LXI 1 multiplicity miirti pli^i t^ The being manifold or vari- ous. 2 correspondence eor're sp6nd'(e)n9eIntercoarse by letters. 3 bait bait Food used in catching fish. 4 talent tsLV(€)nt * Intellectual ability. 5 crystal €rys't(a)l Form which a substance takes upon solidifying. 6 captain eap'tain A head, or chief officer. 7 deign dei^n To condescend to give or bestow. 8 fickle fle'klc Of changeable mind or pur- pose. 9 iron i'ron (urn) A common metal. 10 pustule pus'ttile A pimple containing pus. 11 conveyance eon yey'(a)n(^e A vehicle. 12 university ti'niver'sity An institution where higher branches are taught. 13 hosiery ho'sier f (si = zh) Stockings, in general. 14 catarrh ea tarr^' Cold in the head. 15 provision pro vf sion Measure taken beforehand. 16 applicant ap'pli€(a)nt One who makes request. 17 bounteous boun'te ous Disposed to give freely. 18 nausea naw'she a Sickness of the stomach. 19 accountant aeeount'(a)nt One who keeps accounts. 20 martyr mar'tyr One put to death for his faith. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 incongruous 21 spermaceti 22 sedentary 23 segregate 24 connoisseur 72 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON LXII 1 reconcile ree'on <^ile 2 impassable im pass'a ble 3 vendue ven due' 4 carbine ear' bine 5 pshaw pshsiw 6 frontier fron'tier 7 mosquito mos qui'to 8 castile soap eas'tile soap 9 symmetry sym'me try 10 eel eel 11 obey 6 be/ 12 strait stra/t 13 straight stmight 14 nostril nos'tril 15 moral m6r'(a) 16 depot de'pof 17 alas alas' 18 jamb jam& 19 jam jam 20 bacon ba'eon To cause to be friendly again. Not admitting a passage. An auction. A short musket or rifle. An exclamation of contempt. That part of country facing an un- settled region. A blood-sucking insect. Soap made of olive oil and soda. Due proportion of parts. An elongated, snakelike fish of many species. To comply with the orders of. A narrow pass; strict. Right in a mathematical sense. One of the channels through the nose. Pertaining to the duties of life, right and wrong, etc. A railroad station ; a storehouse. An exclamation of pity. Vertical side of a door. To press into a tight position ; to crush or bruise. Pork salted and smoked. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 clairvoyance 22 vaccinate 23 censure 24 immersion 25 perpetrate MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 73 LESSON LXIII "Words often confused in spelling, pronunciation, or meaning. ' addition ad di'tion \ edition e di'tion 2- ' celery- salary cabal ^el'er y saVa ry ea bal' 3 ' cable ea'ble f auricle [ oracle aw'ri e\e or'aele f affect af feet' ^ 1 effect ef feet' emigrate em'i grate 6 immigrate ini'mi grate r statue stat'ue ^ [ statute stat'tite g 1 advice \ advise ad vi9e' ad vise' f ant aunt ant aunt ^^1 ferule t ferrule fer'ule fer'r(w)le f border •1 bor'der [ boarder board'er 1 o centuries ^en'tti ries LJ sentries sen'tries Increase ; anything joined. Number of copies of a work issued. A plant whose blanched stalks are eaten. Wages ; pay for service. A number of persons united in a plot. A strong rope or chain. The external ear. Answer of a god concerning the future. To act upon; to influence. Operation; result. To remove from one couittry to another. To come into a country to live. Sculptured likeness of a being. A legislative act intended as a Jaw. An opinion offered ; counsel. To give notice to; to inform. A small insect. The sister of one's father or mother. A stick with which to punish children. Metal cap on top of canes, tools, etc. Outer part or edge of anything. One living at another's house for pay. Plural of century — one hundred years. Soldiers on guard. 74 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER j access \ excess pillow pillar f subtle I subtile f rout I route ^ f desert I dessert adapt . adept formally formerly I baron 1 barren 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 ae'9ess A coming to ; approach. ex ^ess' A going beyond limits. i^iVlow Something to support the head. pil'lar A column, or post. subt'ie Sly or artful in design. sub'tile Thin; rare. rout A tumultuous crowd. route Course traveled ; road or path. des'ert A wilderness. des serf Last course at dinner. a dapt' To make suitable. a dept' One well versed in anything. form' (a) 1 ly In a precise manner. f or'mer ly In time past. bar'on A title of i^obility. bar'r(e)n Unproductive. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined I accede J disburse J surplus 1 exceed \ disperse " [ surplice f annals f burst annuals I bust LESSON LXIV Words often confused in spelling, pronunciation, or meaning. facts acts Things which are done. lax ax A sharp-edged tool for chopping. censor ^en'sor One given to fault-finding. censer 9en'ser Vessel in which incense is ^urned. cease (}ease To come to an end. seize seize To grasp. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 76 'white white The color of pure snow. 4, 1 wigl^ wi^At An elf. ^ f tour 5 tower tour A journey. tow'er A lofty building, higher than its diameter. f skeptic [ septic skep'tie A doubter. sep'tie Promoting decay. 1 ■ of of (V) Preposition, — from; concerning. off off Adverb, — away ; from. « . vary va'ry To alter or change. • very yex'f True ; in a high degree. 9. venal ve'n(a)l Capable of being bought. venial ve'ni (a)l Excusable, capable of being for- 10 11 12 given. to to Preposition, denoting motion toward. , too too More than enough ; also. meddler med'dler One who interferes. medlar med'l(a)r An apple-like fruit eaten when its decay begins. ' accept ae ^ept' To receive with approval. except ex 9ept' To exclude. I palate paFate Roof of the mouth ; taste. [ palette pal'ette A small oval board on which to , mix paints. ' missal mis's(a)l Roman Catholic mass book. missile mis'sile Weapon thrown, f affable af'fa h\e Easy to be spoken to. i effable effa ble Utterable. allusion al lii'sion Indirect reference. illusian il lu'sion An unreal image presented to the mind. H 15 16 76 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER f which which Pronoun, — the one that. 17 i [ witch witch An old woman supposed to be a sorcerer. f critic erit'ie One skilled in judging. \ critique ci i tique'(tik) The analysis of a subject. sooth sooth Truth; reality. soothe soothe To comfort. either ei' or ei'ther One of two. ether either Supposed matter above the air. 18 19 20 "Words to he looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. dual f raisin duel I reason (peasant f veracious pheasant \ voracious 21 22 J ordinance 1 ordnance LESSON LXV 1 insidious in sid'i ous 2 scoundrel seoun'drel 3 aspirant aspir'(a)nt 4 crucible cru'9i ble 5 gesture ges'ture 6 quarrel quar'rel 7 antiquated an'ti qua'ted 8 geology ge ol'o gy 9 gigantic gigan'tie 10 junior jun'ior 11 timorous tim'or ous 12 mutiny mu'ti ny Lying in wait ; sly. Worthless fellow. One who seeks a high position. A pot for melting metals, ores, etc. A motion expressing feeling. Angry dispute. Grown old ; obsolete. Science which treats of the struc- ture of minerals of the globe. Of extraordinary size. Younger. Fearful of danger. Insurrection against authority. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 77 Done for sport. Carrying weight ; serious. Dug out of the earth. One who goes or comes to see. Broken down with age. Broken in intellect ; deranged. Of a kind disposition. A wide-mouthed jug. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 allegiance 23 comparative 25 nocturnal 22 contagion 24 partisan 13 waggish wag'gish 14 important im p6r't(a)nt 15 fossil fos'sil 16 visitor vig'it or 17 decrepit de erep'it 18 crazy era'zy 19 benign be ni^n' 20 pitcher pifch'gr LESSON LXVI 1 spontaneous spon ta'ne ous 2 obsequies ob'se quies 3 delinquent de lin'qu(g)nt 4 vicissitude vi 918 'si tude 5 camphor eam'phor 6 gazetteer gaz'et teer' 7 diminutive di min'u tive '8 perennial per en'ni(a)l 9 zephyr zeph'yr 10 virtual vir'tu(a)l 11 prosel3rte pros'e lytg 12 buoyancy huoy'(a)n 9y 13 suffrage siif'frage Acting by internal impulse. Ceremonies pertaining to burial. One who neglects his duty. Irregular change. Aromatic gum from an Indian tree. A geographical dictionary. Below the average size. Continuing through the year. Soft, gentle breeze. Being in essence or effect. A new convert to some opinion. Specific lightness ; vivacity. Vote; assent. 78 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER M euchre 15 endogenous eu'ehre en dog'e nous 16 designation des'ig na'tion 17 encouragement en eour'age- m(e)nt 18 indigenous in dig'e nous A game at cards. Increasing by internal growth. Selection for a purpose. Incitement to action or practice. Living naturally in a coun- try or climate. Capable of being bent. To decay or rot. 19 pliable pli'able 20 putrefy pu'trefy "Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 cauliflower 21 sarsaparilla 22 merchantable 23 hydrogen 24 fascination LESSOIST LXVII 1 infection 2 economize 3 easel 4 brocade 5 intellect 6 efficacy 7 helve 8 allay 9 chaise 10 frugally 11 baffle 12 awning 13 bruise 14 feud in fec'tion e con'omize ea'sel bro cade' in'telleet ^ ef f i ea ^y helve al la?/' (^haise fiu'g(a)l ly baffle ai^n'ing brui§e feud A prevailing disease ; epidemic. To manage with prudence or care. Frame to hold a picture. Cloth v^^ith a raised woven figure. The faculty of understanding. Virtue; force. The handle of an ax. To make quiet. A two- wheeled carriage. Sparingly. To elude ; to foil. A roof-like cover of cloth. To injure a part without breaking the skin. A quarrel ; a dispute. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 79 Intermittent fever. One in charge of buildings, offices, etc. Ready in invention or execution. To punish without forms of law. Edges of a roof overhanging the walls. To talk idly ; to tell tales. Words to be looked up in tbe dictionary, marked and defined. 21 pellmell 22 havoc 23 diligence 24 etiquette 25 corporal 15 ague a'gtie 16 janitor jan'i tor 17 adroit a droit' 18 lynch lynch 19 eaves eaves 20 tattle tat'tle LESSON LXVIII 1 immoral im mor'(a)l 2 feudal f€u'd(a)l 3 anaesthetic an aes thet'ie 4 embassy em'b(a)s sy 5 recognize ree'og nize 6 compromise eom'pro mise 7 hemisphere hem'i sphere 8 ambition am bi'tion 9 sanitary san'i ta ry 10 mercenary mer'9e na ry 11 frenzy fren'zy 12 listen lis'^e'n 13 orange or'ange (eng) 14 fiend f^end 15 descend de scend' Inconsistent with what is right. Embracing tenures by military service. That which produces insensibility to pain. Public message to a foreign court. To acknowledge acquaintance with. An agreement in which mutual concessions are made. Half a globe. Desire for honors, powers, etc. Pertaining to health. Acting for reward ; sordid. Violent mental agitation. To hearken. A tree, and its fruit enclosed in a leathery rind. An implacable foe. To come or go down. 80 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 16 obviate ob'viate 17 monarch mon'are^ 18 cautious eaw'tious 19 filial fil'i(a)l 20 science s(^V(e)n(}e Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 nihilism 23 scurrilous 25 infernal 22 particular 24 philosophy To make unnecessary. A sole or supreme ruler. Prudent; discreet. Related as a child. Ascertained facts. LESSON LXIX 1 fatal 2 liar 3 gewgaw 4 punctual 5 nicotine 6 discriminate 7 pickerel 8 subterranean ^ fclarionet (clarinet 10 civilize 11 niece 12 nephew 13 ghoul 14 repetition 15 literary fa't(a)l li'ar gew'gaw pune'tu (a)l iiie'o tine dis erim'i nate pick'er el sub'ter ra'ne an elar i o net' elar'i net 9iv'i lize iieph'ew ghoul rep'eti'tion lifer a ry 16 difference differ (€)n(^e Causing death or destruction. One who knowingly utters false- hood. A showy trifle. On time ; prompt. The active principle of the tobacco plant. To distinguish. A fresh-water fish. Underground. A musical reed instrument. To reclaim from a savage state. Daughter of a brother or sister. Son of a brother or sister. An Oriental demon. Recital from memory. Pertaining to letters or to learned men. State or measure of being unlike. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER ren'net 81 17 rennet ren'net Inner membrane of a calf's stomach. 18 billion bil'Zion (yon) One thousand millions. 19 suspense suspense' Uncertain, with anxiety. 20 carbuncle car'bunele A beautiful gem; a kind of tumor. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined, 25 conducive 21 electioneer 22 interlineation 23 kaleidoscope 24 terrestrial LESSON LXX 1 envelop en vel'op To wrap up in. 2 develop de vel'op To unfold gradually. 3 liquor liq'wor Any liquid substance. 4 whirlwind whirPwind Violent windstorm. 5 hurricane hur'ri cane A violent storm. 6 rue rue Bitterness; grief. 7 proceed pro (^eed' To move or go forward or onward. 8 assailant as sa/P(a)nt One who makes a violent at- tack. 9 freight freight Cargo. 10 brutal bru't(a)l Savage; cruel. 11 onion on'ion (yon) A plant with a strong-flavored bulb. 12 patrol patrol' To traverse and guard a dis- trict. 13 anxiety an xi'e ty Solicitude respecting some un- certain event. 14 mayor msiy'or The chief magistrate of a city. 15 zealous zeaVous Ardent in behalf of an object. 82 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 16 dignity dig'nity Elevation of mind or character. 17 accessible ae9ess'ible Approachable. 18 puzzle puz'zle Something which perplexes. 19 clique clique (klek) A narrow circle of persons associated for a common purpose. 20 happily hap'piiy Contentedly; fortunately. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 epilogue . 23 confession 25 Puritan 22 deliberate 24 interpret 1 dexterous 2 aghast 3 banquet 4 prosody 5 syntax 6 etymology 7 carcass 8 susceptible 9 protege 10 avenue 11 spigot 12 preceptor 13 humanity 14 melancholy 15 aggrieve LESSON LXXI dex'ter ous Ready ; skillful. aghast' Struck with horror, ban'quet A feast. pros'o dy The science which teaches of the quantity of syllables, etc. syn'tax Fit arrangement of words in sentences. et'y mol'o gf Science of words, their origin, and changes of form and meaning. ear'e(a)ss A dead body. sus 9ep'ti h\e Readily acted upon. (pro'tazha') One under the care and pro- tection of another. av'e ntie A broad street. spig'ot Peg to stop the vent in a cask. pre ^ep'tor One who teaches. / hti man'i ty Mankind collectively. mel'an ehol'y Depression of spirits. ag grieve' To give pain to. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER A compound tincture mv medi- cine. One morally lost. Compacted; heavy. Not erect or perpendicular. A child bereaved of one or both parents. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. ^1 enough 22 adjourn 23 ferocious 24 impetuous 25 vertebra 16 elixir e lix'ir 17 reprobate rep'ro bate 18 massive mkss'ive 19 oblique oblik' 20 orphan 6r'ph(a)n LESSON LXXII 1 lettuce let'tu9e (tis) 2 champagne 9ham pa^ne' 3 simplicity Sim pli^'i ty 4 mutual mu'tu (a)l 5 intercede in ter 9ede' 6 assignment assi^n'm(e)nt 7 adversity ad ver'si ty 8 disparage dis par'age 9 harangue ha YSingue' 10 attorney at tor'n^y (tur) 11 convalescent con'va les'9(e)nt 12 maturity ma tu'ri ty 13 satchel sa^ch'el 14 conspiracy con spir'a 9y 15 prompt piomjot 16 cashmere cash 'mere A plant, whose leaves are eaten. A sparkling kind of wine. Plainness ; artlessness. Interchanged ; common. To act between parties as a mediator. Legal transfer of title or in- terest. Misfortune ; calamity. To undervalue. An address to a multitude. One legally appointed to do business for another. Recovering health and strength. Ripeness ; completeness. A handbag. Combination for an evil pur- pose. Done or rendered immediately. A rich woolen material. 84 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 17 element el'em(€)nt One of the simplest parts of which anything consists. 18 radius ra'di us A line drawn from the center to the circumference of a circle. 19 surname sur'name Family name. 20 gaiter gat'ter A covering for the ankle and instep. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 energy 22 certificate 23 abdicate 24 academy 25 brogue LESSON LXXIII Synon' ^MS 1 abrupt rugged precipitous craggy 2 absurd foolish nonsensical irrational 3 unmerciful relentless callous cruel 4 vivid active lively sprightly 5 clever apt smart able 6 covetousness stinginess avarice parsimony 7 crestfallen discouraged depressed dejected 8 wonted usual habitual frequent 9 debate discuss contest dispute 10 denote imply signify indicate 11 lament mourn bewail bemoan 12 derange confuse displace disorder 13 desolation gloom sadness misery 14 timidity coyness diffidence bashfulness 15 disease ailment complaint illness 16 drag draw pull haul 17 droop decline fail languish MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 85 silent taciturn speechless gain obtain acquire hubbub commotion disturbance 18 dumb 19 earn 20 uproar Look up three synonyms for each of the following : — 21 elevate 23 employment 25 visionary 22 embolden 24 engagement LESSON LXXIV Synonyms 1 enlarge expand magnify amplify 2 entice allure coax decoy 3 impure foul filthy unclean 4 erudition learning scholarship lore 5 flaw blemish imperfection defect 6 evening dusk twilight nightfall 7 irritate provoke exasperate nettle 8 zero cipher naught nothing 9 expedite quicken hurry hasten 10 extend protract dilate prolong 11 exuberant full liberal lavish 12 fable tale novel myth 13 family tribe race lineage 14 feeling affection sensibility emotion 15 flashy gay airy jaunty 16 garb dress habit attire 17 mild bland humane kind 18 grief distress sorrow regret 19 guilty culpable sinful criminal 20 annoy weary fatigue jade 86 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER Look up three synonyms for each of the following : — 21 haughty 23 intermission 25 incompatible 22 heartbroken 24 intrinsic LESSON LXXV Synonyms 1 ingenuous honest frank candid 2 intrepid brave daring dauntless 3 umpire referee arbiter arbitrator 4 legible fair readable plain 5 turbid roily muddy unsettled 6 office duty trust service 7 paint depict portray sketch 8 peevish captious cross fretful 9 peril venture risk danger 10 postpone procrastinate defer delay 11 quiver shake tremble shiver 12 rebate discount reduction drawback 13 perpetual constant continuous unceasing 14 regard concern esteem respect 15 ponder consider muse reflect 16 ramble range wander rove 17 settle adjust establish regulate 18 surly morose touchy cynical 19 ugly homely unsightly ordinary 20 yoke link chain tie Look up three synonyms for each of the following : — 21 reparation 23 seclusion 25 urbanity 22 retrenchment 24 trepidation MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 87 LESSOJST LXXVI 1 clergyman eler'gy m(a)n An ordained minister. 2 quicksand quick'sand Sand readily yielding to pres- sure. 3 workshop wdrk'shop (wurk) Place where any handiwork is carried on. 4 hoarhound 5 pressman 6 postoffice 7 postmaster 8 heirloom 9 headland 10 copper-plate 11 counterpane 12 court-plaster 13 without 14 almshouse 15 horseback 16 yearbook 17 commonwealth 18 woodcut 19 townsman 20 toothache hoar'hound press'm(a)n post'of fi^e post^mas ter heir^loom head'land eop'per-plate eoun'ter pane eowrt'-plas ter without' a/m's'house horse' back year' book eom'mon wealth wood'eut town§'m(a)n tooth'aehe A plant with bitter taste. One who manages a printing- press. Place where mail is received and distributed. One in charge of a postoffice. A chattel which has been in a family for generations. A cape; promontory. Engraved plate of copper. A coverlet for a bed. Sticking plaster made of silk. On or at the outside of. A poorhouse. State of being mounted on a horse. Summary of the statistics of a year. People of a state. An engraving on wood. One of the same town with another. Pain in the teeth. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 sweepstakes 23 paymaster 25 tombstone 22 typewriter 24 horse-radish 88 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 1 workman 2 corncob 3 harum-scarum 4 woe-begone 5 crow's-foot 6 shortlived 7 typesetter 8 washout 9 sunshine 10 sweetmeat 11 townsfolk 12 trademark 13 watchman 14 livelong 15 drawing-room 16 courtyard 17 housewife 18 ill-natured 19 deaf-mute 20 bookcase LESSON LXXVII w6rk'ni(rt)n (wurk) A laborer. eorn'eob The axis on which kernels of Indian corn grow. har'um-sear'um Wild; rash. woe'-be gone erows'-foot shdrt'lived type'set ter wash'out sUn'shine sweet' meat towns'f5/k trade' mark wa<ch'm(a)n live'long draw'ing-room eowrt'yard house'wife ill-na'ttired deaf-mute' book'ease Beset with grief. Plural, — wrinkles around the eyes. Not living long. One who sets type; a com- positor. The washing away of the bed of a road. Direct rays of the sun. Fruit preserved with sugar; candy. People of a town. A distinguishing mark. One who guards buildings, streets, etc. Whole; entire; used of time. A room for receiving company. An inclosure attached to a house. Mistress of a family. Of habitual bad temper. One deaf and dumb. A case to hold books. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 quick-witted 23 iceberg 25 countinghouse 22 countersign 24 countryman MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 89 LESSON LXXVIII 1 convenient eon ven'i(e)nt (ySnt) Adapted to use ; handy. 2 customer eus'tom er One who regularly buys of a trader. 3 sacrament sae'ram(6)nt A religious ordinance. 4 delegate del'e gate One sent to represent another. 5 accuracy ae'eu ra ^y Conforming to truth or rule. 6 appease ap pease' To quiet. 7 negligent neg'lig(e)nt Careless; heedless. 8 gouge gonge To scoop out. 9 diadem di'a dem A crown. 10 diamond di'a mond A precious stone much worn ; the hardest substance known. 11 conundrum conun'drum A riddle based upon resemblance be- tween things unlike. pre'cious(ci=sii) Costly; highly esteemed, tem'po r(a)l Pertaining to time or this world. 12 precious 13 temporal 14 alcohol 15 embalm 16 recruit 17 parade 18 demeanor 19 surface 20 mortar at'co hoi Pure or highly rectified spirits. em ba/m' To prepare a dead body that it may not decay. re eruit' To repair by fresh supplies. pa rade' A formal display ; an imposing pro- cession. de mean'or Behavior. sur'fa9e The exterior part of anything having length and breadth. mor'tar A vessel in which substances are pounded. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 burlesque 21 orchestra 22 morganatic 23 celebrity 24 synopsis 90 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON LXXIX 1 discommode dis'eom mode' To put to inconvenience. 2 homestead home'stead Seat of a family. 3 extraordinary ex traor'di nk ry Not usual; rare. 4 landau Ian 'daw A four-wheeled cohered vehicle. 5 rockaway rock'a wa^ A light four-wheeled car- riage. 6 panorama pan 6 ra'ma Picture representing events. 7 monogram mon'ogram A character composed of amanuensis jar a mau'u eu'sis jar interwoven letters. One who writes what an- other dictates. To sound discordantly; a shock. 10 cede 9ede To yield or surrender. 11 gallop gal'lop The run of a horse. 12 giggle gig'gle To laugh in a silly manner. 13 salmon sa/m'on A food fish of northern climates. 14 heretic her'e tic One who holds contrary to established doctrine. 15 heroine her'6 ine A woman of brave spirit. 16 gable ga'ble The triangular end of a house. 17 gabble gab'ble To talk fast; to jabber. 18 desultory des'iil to ry Rambling; immethodical. 19 autocrat aw'to erat An absolute sovereign. 20 melodeon me lo'de on A small reed organ. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 simultaneous 23 mahogany 25 convalesce 22 barouche 24 negotiable MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 91 LESSON LXXX 1 useful use'iul Full of profit ; of use. 2 pastern pas'tern Part of the foot of a horvse. 3 eminent em'i n(e)nt Being above others by merit or talent. 4 superstition sti'per sti'tion Belief in omens. 6 harness hardness Equipment of a horse for drawing a wagon. 6 foible foi'bl^ Failing; weakness. 7 bosom bpg'om The breast. 8 embellisii em bel'lish To decorate. 9 parson par'son Rector of a church. 10 paroxysm par'ox y§m Sudden and violent emo- tion. 11 scoop seoop A large ladle. 12 museum mil se'um A collection of curiosities. 13 imminent im'mi n(e)nt Threatening to occur at once. 14 intelligence intel'lig(€)n9e Capacity to know or under- stand. 15 affront af front' To treat with marked in- civility. 16 spinal spi'n(a)l Pertaining to the backbone. 17 abyss a byss' An unfathomed depth. 18 eke eke To piece out by a scanty addition. 19 scum seum Impurities rising to the surface of a liquid. 20 rumor ru'mor A popular report. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 terminus 23 promenade 25 cessation 22 controversy 24 obituary 92 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSOK LXXXI 1 croup croup An inflammatory affection of the throat. 2 flannel flan'nel A soft woolen cloth. 3 surety sure'ty Ground of confidence. 4 qualify qual'ify To make such as is required. 5 recede re (^ede'. To move back. 6 teetotaler teeto't(a)ler One pledged to entire ab- stinence from intoxicat- ing drinks. 7 pretty pret'ty (prit) Pleasing by delicacy or grace. 8 unwarrantable un war'r(a)nt a ble Not justifiable. 9 barbarian barba'ri (a)n An uncivilized man. 10 apparent ap par'(e)nt Capable of being seen. 11 peddle ped'dle To travel about to retail goods. 12 recuperate re eu'per ate To recover health. 13 centennial (^en ten'iii (a)l Relating to the 100th anni- versary. 14 annuity an nu'i ty Yearly allowance of money. 15 cholera ehol'er a A disease affecting the in- testinal tract. 16 chilblain chil'blam A swelling on the foot caused by cold. 17 sturgeon stur'geon A large fish. 18 replete re pletg' Filled completely. 19 geometry ge om'e try Science of the magnitudes 20 crony ero'ny of space. An intimate companion. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 abscess 23 stentorian 25 bronchitis 22 rosette 24 promissory MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 93 LESSON LXXXII 1 perforate per'forate 2 clerical 3 residence 4 diversion 5 filibuster 6 induct 7 enthusiasm 8 inebriate 9 bequeath 10 generous 11 influential 12 interrupt 13 admonition 14 cultivator 15 expedition 16 notorious 17 cayenne 18 authorize 19 contrary 20 nursery eler'i c(a)l res'i d(e)n9e diver' sion (shiin) fil'i bus ter in duet' eii tliu'si as'in in e'bri ate be queatii' gen'er ous in'flti en 'tial in ter rupt' ad' mo ni'tion eul'ti va tor ex pe di'tion no to'ri ous ea?/ enne' ^ii'ihoY iz6 eon'tra ry nurs'er-y To bore through ; to penetrate the surface of. Relating to a clerk or clergyman. Place where one dwells. A turning aside from any subject. A lawless military adventurer. To put in possession of office. Ardent zeal ; ^ impassioned emo- tion ; ecstasy. An habitual drunkard. To give or leave by will. Noble; openhanded. Effective. To break into or between ; to break the monotony of. Gentle reproof; warning. Implement used to loosen the earth. An excursion for a valuable end. Generally known and talked of. A kind of pungent red pepper. To clothe with legal power; to furnish a ground for. Opposite; adverse. Room for the care of children. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 privateer 22 remittance 23 hackney 24 forbearance 25 fabulous 94 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON LXXXIII Antonyms 1 utterly partly 11 uncivil accomplished 2 urgent unimportant 12 mental physical 3 natural artificial 13 humility grandeur 4 thick slender 14 endless limited 5 sobriety intemperance 15 strength weakness 6 modesty vanity 16 death resurrection 7 silly sedate 17 conjecture demonstration 8 pollute purify 18 circumspect imprudent 9 cleanse vitiate 19 artful simple pristine modern 20 banish recall Look up antonyms for the following : — 21 accumulate 22 apply 23 wariness 24 vulgar 25 tempest LESSON LXXXIV 1 despicable des'pleable 2 duplicate du'plieate 3 misinterpret mis'in ter'pret 4 ascertain as'9er tarn' 5 introductory in'tro duc'to ry 6 vicinity 7 vicious 8 perceive 9 sumptuous 10 palliate VI 9in'i ty vi'cious (shiis) per ^eive' sump'tu ous pal'li ate Deserving to be despised. Twofold ; a copy. To understand in a wrong sense. To learn for a certainty. Serving to preface something else. The being near or not remote. Characterized by vice or de- fects. To see, hear, or feel. Involving large expense. To reduce in violence. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 95 11 momentous 12 abstinence 13 muscular 14 complexion 15 legitimate 16 commissary 17 excruciate 18 scrutinize 19 enterprise 20 transient mo men'toiis Of consequence. ab'sti n(e)n9e The depriving one's self of some indulgence. mus'eu lar (ler) Brawny; well furnished with muscles. com plex'ion Color of the skin of the face, le git'i mate Accordant with law. eom'nilssary An officer who provides food for troops. ex eru'9i ate (shi) To inflict agonizing pain upon. seru'ti nize To examine with critical at- tention. en'tgr pri§tf Something undertaken. tran'sient (shiint) Not permanent or lasting. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 ignominious 21 magisterial 22 directory 23 complaisant 24 circuitous LESSON LXXXV 1 audible au'di bk Capable of being heard. 2 limpid lim'pid Clear or transparent. 3 aggressive ag gres'sive Unjustly attacking. 4 taxidermy tax'i der mf The mounting skins of animals so as to show their natural appear- ance. 5 tribune trib'une An ancient Roman magistrate. 6 democracy de moc'ra 9y Government in which power is exercised by the people. 7 altitude al't! tude Space extended upward. 8 obnoxious obnox'ious Blameworthy; odious. 9 permeate pgr'me ate To pass through the pores of. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 10 chastisement chas'tlseni(e)nt Punishment. 11 credential ere den^tial That which gives title to eonfi- (sh(a)i) dence. 12 nourish nour'ish To feed and cause to grow. 13 predominate pre dom'i nate To be superior in number, strength, etc. To set aside and put another in place of. Capriciously fretful. A large extent or tract of land. Devout; religious. A woman who seeks admiration. A plant of the violet kind. Office and dignity of the pope. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 pathetic 23 luxuriant 25 irritable 22 domino 24 inveterate 14 supersede su'per sede' 15 petulant pet'ul(a)nt 16 territory ter'ritory 17 pious pi'ous 18 coquette eo quette' 19 pansy pan'sy 20 papacy pa'pa9y LESSON LXXXVI 1 creation ere a'tion 2 wrist t^jrist 3 transom tran'som 4 indivisible in di vis'l h]e 5 courtesy eour'te sy 6 emaciate e ma'9i ate (st 7 hearth hearth 8 juggle jiig'gle 9 prepare pre pare' An original work of art or of the imagination. Joint between hand and arm. Crossbar in a window over a door. Incapable of being separated. An act of civility, kindness, or favor. To make or become lean. Floor of a fireplace. To play tricks by sleight of hand. To fit or qualify for a particular purpose. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 97 10 character 11 abbess 12 circumflex 13 inefficient 14 effort 15 chronic 16 barbarous 17 abolition 18 annular 19 accustom 20 encompass ehar'ae ter ab'bess ^Tr'eum flex in'ef fi'cient ef'fort (shunt) ehion'ie bar'ba rous ab'6 li'tion an'nu lar (ler) ae eiis'tom en e6m'p(a)s5 Estimate put upon a person or thing. A female superior of a nunnery. An accent placed on syllables. Incapable of eifective action. Exertion of strength, physical or mental. Continuing for a long time. Uncivilized; inhuman. Utter destruction. Pertaining to a ring. To make familiar by use. To go round so as to surround. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 denominate 21 unprejudiced 22 genealogy 23 evaporate 24 irresolute 1 crescent 2 bombazine 3 orthodox 4 fluctuate 5 enumerate 6 hydraulics 7 extinguish 8 suspicion 9 gallantry 10 gesticulate 11 palatable LESSON LXXXVII €res'9(e)nt Anythingshaped like the new moon. bom'ba zine^ A twilled dress fabric. or'tho dox Sound in opinion or doctrine. flue'tu ate To move as a wave. e nu'mer ate To mention one by one. by draw'lies Science of fluids in motion. ex tin'guish To quench ; to put out. siis pi'cion (shun) Suggestion ; mistrust. gari(a)nt ry Civility to ladies. ges tie'u late To make gestures or use postures. pal' a ta h\e Agreeable to the taste. 98 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 12 poison porson Something producing morbid or deadly effect. To multiply. A remark or criticism. To stop or pause. To pronounce judicial sentence against. A clumsy workman. A dead body. Wanting vigor ; weak. To cause to disappear ; to destroy. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 tenement 23 militia 25 sanctify 13 reduplicate re du'pli cate 14 comment c6m'm(e)nt 15 hesitate heg'i tate 16 condemn con demn' 17 cobbler cob'blgr 18 corpse cdrpse 19 feeble iee'hle 20 efface ef f a9e' 22 inflammation 24 pungent LESSON LXXXVIII 1 umbrella 2 expletive 3 guerrilla 4 decease 5 describe 6 synonym um brel'Ia ex'ple tive gwer ril'Ia de crease' de scribe' syn'o nym 7 stupendous stu pen'dous 8 excellence ex'9ell(e)n9e 9 incapable inca'pabk 10 primitive prim'i tive time. 11 biennial bi en'ni(a)l Happening once in two years. Screen to shelter from sun or rain. A word not necessary to the sense. Irregular warfare. Departure from life. To represent by words or signs. One of two or more words, equiva- lents of each other. Astonishing in magnitude or eleva- tion. Exalted merit. Wanting in ability. Original; pertaining to a former MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 99 12 receptacle re ^ep'ta ele Place to receive things. 13 miner min'gr One who digs into the earth for ore or metal. 14 beauteous beaii'te ous Pleasing to the mind or eye. 15 trachea tra'che a The windpipe. 16 justice jus'ti9e Merited reward or punishment. 17 envious en'vi ous Maliciously grudging. 18 sausage saw'sage Highly seasoned minced meat. 19 knuckle Arnue'kle Joint of a finger. 20 stalwart stal'wart Brave; strong. Words to be looked up In the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 menagerie 21 penurious 22 consequential 23 professor 24 fricassee 1 currency 2 credence 3 percussion 4 chaplain 5 gimlet 6 society 7 homeopathy 8 allopathy 9 eclat 10 chloroform 11 impromptu 12 vestige LESSON LXXXIX eiir'ren ^y That which is in circulation. eYe'd(e)n(}e That which gives a claim to belief. per eus'sion (shun) Forcible or noisy collision. chap'kin A clergyman attached to the army or navy. gimQet A small tool for boring holes. so 91 'e ty Fellowship ; company. ho'meop'athy Theory that disease is cured by remedies producing effects simi- lar to the disease. al lop'a thy Ordinary practice of medicine. e ela^ Brilliancy of success or effort. ehlo'ro form A common anaesthetic. im promp'tH Without previous study. ves'tige Sign left by something no longer present. 100 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER sub'sequ(e)nt Succeeding; following. An artisan. Natural condition of a person. Inflammation of the pleura. Liquid for drinking. A great wave or surge of the sea. Readiness. Crime of violating sacred things. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 preponderance 23 irreparable 25 macadamize 22 raspberry 24 lithograph 13 subsequent siib'sequ( 14 mechanic me chan'i< 15 physique phj sik' 16 pleurisy pleu'risy 17 beverage bev'er age 18 billow bil'low^ 19 alacrity a lae'ri ty 20 sacrilege s^e'ri leg^ LESSON XG 1 lieu lieu Place; used only in phrase "in lieu of." 2 ooze ooze To leak out slowly. 3 clamor elam'or A great outcry. 4 harass har'(a)ss To fatigue; to worry. 5 funnel fun 'n el A passage for a flowing substance. 6 adagio a da'gio A slow movement in music. 7 tact tact Nice perception of what is required. 8 myrrh myrrA (mer) A gum resin of aromatic odor. 9 mince min^e To chop fine. 10 conceit eon ^e/t' Vanity; idea. 11 albeit al be'it Even though ;- notwithstanding. 12 volley voPley A flight of missiles. 13 recipe re9'i pe Prescription for making some preparation. 14 recess re9ess' Intermission. 15 shabby shab'by -Torn or worn to rags. 16 awful Siw'hil Frightful ; exceedingly bad. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 101 17 annul an nuP To reduce to nothing. 18 parry par'ry To ward off ; to evade. 19 ballad bal'l(a)d A narrative poem. 20 convene eon vene' To collect ; to assemble. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 revelry 22 parable 23 vassal 24 cherub 25 normal LESSON XCI 1 levity lev'i if Lack of gravity and earnestness. 2 welfare w el 'fare Happiness ; prosperity. 3 litigate lit'i gat€ To contest in law. 4 install m stall' To set in a seat. 5 flaccid flae'9id Yielding to pressure. 6 extol ex tol' To elevate by praise. 7 felony fel'6 ny A crime punishable by death or imprisonment. 8 lexicon lex'i eon A dictionary. 9 homicide hom'i 9ide The killing of one human being by another. 10 anemone a nem'6 ne A genus of plants of the Crowfoot family. 11 convulse eon viilse' To contract violently or irregularly. 12 almond a^'mond A tree, native of the Mediterranean region. 13 skein skein A knot of yarn, thread, etc. 14 facsimile fae sim'i le An exact copy. 15 weevil wee'v/1 A kind of beetle. 16 rancid ran'^id Having a musty smell or taste. 17 azure az'ure The clear blue color of the sky. 18 solace sol'a9e Comfort in grief; relief. 102 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 19 fissure fis'sure A cleft or crack. 20 emery - em'gry A fine substance used for polishing. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined^. 21 integral 22 vacillate 23 spinach 24 ballot 25 neuralgia LESSON XCII 1 instinct in'stinet The natural impulse guiding an animal to action. 2 despair de spair' To give up hope. 3 manuscript man'u script Written by the hand. 4 massacre mas'sa ere To kill indiscriminately without necessity. 5 regiment reg'i ment A body of troops commanded by a colonel. 6 inimitable in im'i table Matchless. 7 mattress mat' tress A bed stuffed with hair, moss, etc. 8 total to't(a)l Not divided; whole. 9 unveil tin ve^l' To disclose. 10 momentum mo men'tiim Impetus. 11 antipathy antip'athy Contrariety of feeling. 12 inconsistent in'eon sist'ent At variance; contradictory. 13 tolerate tol'erate To suffer to be or to be done, without hindrance. 14 partition par ti'tion Separating boundary. 15 evidence ev'id(e)n9e Ground of belief. 16 tenacious te na'cious (shus) Holding fast. 17 session ses'sion (shun) Time or term during which a council meets for daily busi- ness. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 103 18 statistics statis'ties Classified facts respecting con- ditions of affairs. 19 siege siege A continued attempt to gain possession. 20 sympathy sym'pathy - Feeling corresponding to that which another feels. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 promiscuous 23 dissyllable 25 burglary 22 orthoepy 24 fuchsia LESSON XCIII Mark the words in this exercise according to your idea of the pronunciation ; then make correction by looking up each word in the dictionary. An Exercise in Pronunciation Several decades ago a robust desperado designated his dishonest intention of directing his efforts against the domicile of a patriotic dominie. During his leisure hours he divulged his ominous plans to his favorite coadjutor. First,they were to attack the culinary department, for from the kitchen often floated the aroma of chicken broth and sausage. The robber's confidant, upon obtaining the dessert, poured over it some tomato sauce and took it to the granary where a Caucasian suffering from bronchitis was engrossed in forgetting his misery. LESSON XCIV 1 customary eus'tom a ry Habitual. 2 secede se9ede' To withd associati 3 thraldom thraPdom Condition of bondage. 2 secede se9ede' To withdraw from fellowship or association. 104 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 4 baptism bap^tis'm A religious ordinance. 5 grammar gram 'mar Science of language. 6 martin mar 'tin A kind of swallow. 7 marten mar'ten A fur-bearing animal. 8 apostle ^pos'de One sent forth. 9 committee com m it' tee A body of persons appointed to at- tend to any business. 10 opossum 6 pos'sum An American quadruped. 11 acquittal ae quit't(a)l A deliverance from the charge of an offense. 12 municipal muni'9ip(a)l Pertaining to a city or corporation. 13 saltcellar salt'9el lar Table vessel for holding salt. 14 inconstant in €6n'st(a)nt Not stable or uniform. 15 desirous de sir'ous Wishing for something. 16 strength strength Power to resist force. 17 fuzz fiizz Fine, light particles. 18 resume re sume' To enter upon, or take up again. 19 relapse re lapse' To slip or slide back. 20 doctrine doe'trine A teaching; principle of faith. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 apoplexy 23 avaricious 25 buzzard 22 liability 24 implicit LESSON XCV 1 re-echo re-ech'6 To reverberate again. 2 crimson erim'son Of a deep red color. 3 inconceivable in'e6D^e^v 'able Not capable of being understood. 4 derrick der'riek A frame for hoisting heavy weights. 5 herring her'rXng A small fish. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 105 6 strychnine strych'iiine 7 waltz waits 8 reputable rep'u ta bk 9 itinerant itin'er(a)nt 10 muscle mus'^le 11 oration 6 ra'tion 12 declamation dee' la rna'tion 13 gaunt gawnt 14 merriment mer'ii m(g)nt 15 engineer en'giueer' 16 coroner eor'ongr 17 plumber plumJ'er 18 phaeton pha'eton 19 inanimate In an'i mate 20 symphony sym'pho ny A poison. A revolving dance, also the music for it. Held in esteem. Passing about a country. A bodily organ whose contrac- tions produce motion. An elaborate discourse, delivered in public. A speech with great rhetorical display. Lean; meager. Joyousness ; cheerfulness. An engine driver. One charged to inquire into the cause of a mysterious death. One who furnishes and fits gas and water pipes. A four-wheeled, open carriage. Lifeless ; dull. Harmony of sounds, agreeable to the ear. Words to be looked up In the dictionary, marked, and defined. 25 implement 21 geography 22 tarlatan 23 peninsula 24 anniversary LESso:^r xcvi 1 infallible In fal'li h\e Not liable to fail or disappoint. 2 rascal ras'e(a)l A mean, trickish fellow. 3 sovereign sov'er eign Supreme or highest in power. 4 conscience €6n'sci(e)n9€ Sense of right or wrong. (sh^ns) 106 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 5 peculate pee'u late To appropriate (public property) to one's own use. 6 terrible ter'ri ble Fitted to excite dread. 7 awkward awk'ward Clumsy ; not easily managed. 8 initiate in I'ti ate To admit into a secret order. (tl=shi) 9 depreciate de pre'^i ate To undervalue. 10 fiery fi'gry Fierce; spirited. 11 stomach st6m'(a)€h Principal organ of digestion. 12 biblical bib'li €(a)l Relating to the Scriptures. 13 choose choo§e To select ; to decide. 14 chosen cho'§en Selected from a number. 15 mortify mdr'tl fy To corrupt ; to humble. 16 jostle jos'/le To run against and shake. 17 rebuff re biiff' Unexpected repulse. 18 scourge scourge A lash used to inflict punishment. 19 lacteal lae'te (a)l Pertaining to or like milk. 20 aphthong aph 'thong Silent letter or letters in a word. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 cremation 23 devastate 25 benevolence 22 sycamore 24 avalanche LESSON XCVII 1 prejudice prej'u d][9e Judgment formed without ex- amination. 2 miracle mir'a ele A wonderful thing. 3 narrative nar'rative Recital; story. 4 gauge gawge A standard of dimensions or distance. 5 vertical ver'ti e(a)l Perpendicular to the horizon. 6 victuals vict'M(a)l§ Food for human beings. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 107 7 delicious de li'cious (s 8 essence es's (6)1196 9 February 1 Feb'ru a ry 10 pitiable pit'iable 11 column eoVumn 12 credible ered'l bk 13 gelatine gePa tine 14 banana ba na'na 15 bicycle bi'9y ele 16 icicle i'91 ele 17 rhubarb r^u'barb 18 trammel tram'mel 19 terse tgrse 20 quorum quo'rum de li'cious (shus) Affording exquisite pleasure. Constituent qualities of an ob- ject. Second month of the year. Deserving compassion. Set of lines in a book not ex- tending across the page. Worthy of belief. Jelly obtained by boiling animal tissues. A plant of which the fruit is eaten. A two-wheeled velocipede pro- pelled by treadles. A pendant mass of ice. A plant used in cookery. Whatever impedes activity. Concise; compact. Such a number of members of a body as may transact busi- Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 prologue 22 mutilate 23 nebulous 24 monitor 25 refugee LESSON XCVIII 1 inveigle 2 meddle 3 factitious 4 absence In vee'glc med'dltf f ae ti'tious (shus) ab's(e)n9e To lead astray as if blind. To interfere with another's property. Made by art. • A being away; want. I Frequently misspelled " Febuary.** 108 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 5 mortise mdr'tise A hole cut in wood for a tenon. 6 brevity brev'! ty Contraction into few words. 7 thermometer ther mom'e ter Instrument for measuring tem- perature. 8 discipline dis'9i pline Education ; training. 9 fictitious fie ti'tious (shiis) Not genuine. 10 hypocrisy hy poe'ri sf A feigning to be what one is not. 11 souvenir sou v(e) nir' A memento or keepsake. 12 tally-ho tal'ly-ho A huntsman's cry to urge on his hounds. 13 felicity fe li9'i ty Happiness. 14 tenet ten'et Opinion which one holds as true. 15 cartridge eax'tridge Case containing the charge for a gun. 16 Te Deum Te De'iim An ancient Christian hymn. 17 soliloquy solil'oqiiy A talking to one's self. 18 feature fea'ture The appearance of a person. 19 classical elas'si e(a)l Belonging to the highest rank of literature. 20 lucrative lu'era tive Profitable. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 bludgeon 23 beneficial 25 pinnacle 22 inoculate 24 typhus LESSON XCIX 1 queen queen The female sovereign of a king- dom. 2 avoid a void' To keep away from ; to shun. 3 tease teage To vex by petty requests. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 109 4 inseparable 5 pursue 6 precise 7 purpose 8 propose 9 raiment 10 velocity 11 sinew 12 opium 13 usurp 14 yonder 15 auspicious 16 beseech 17 dollar 18 compel 19 promise 20 ghost in sep'a ra h\e pur sue' pre ^ise' pur'pose pro po§e' YSLi'm(e)nt ve 169'i ty sin'ew o'pi um u surp' yori'der aws pi'cious be seech' dol'lar com pel' prom'ise g^ost Incapable of being disjoined. To follow in order to overtake. Strictly adhering to rule. Aim of any plan or exertion. To offer for consideration. Clothing in general. Quickness of motion. A tendon. Juice of the white poppy. To seize by force and without right. At a distance, but within view. Having good omens. To ask earnestly for. 100 cents. To drive or urge irresistibly. To engage to do or refrain from doing. Spirit of a deceased person. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 illiterate 23 observant 25 messenger 22 awfuHy 24 obscurity LESSON C 1 intoxicate In tox'i eate To make drunk. 2 hideous hid'e ous Frightful or offensive to eye or ear. 3 scrutiny seru'ti nf Minute inspection. 4 conference eon'fer {e)n(^e interchange of views. iia MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 5 tactics tae'ties Science of moving and handling military forces. 6 encourage en eom'sige To help forward ; to stimulate. 7 prolix pro lix' Extending to a great length. 8 weather weath'er State of the atmosphere. 9 fraudulent frawd'ul(e)nt Dishonest. 10 defaulter de fawlt'er One who fails to perform or pay. 11 decipher de9l'pher To translate from secret charac- ters into intelligible terms. A gift of property by will. Severe reproof. Elevation of manner or style. One who assists in navigating ships. 16 renovate ren'o vate To make new again. 17 serious se'ri ous Grave in manner or disposition. 18 arrogant ar'r6g(a)nt Assuming undue importance. 19 opaque 6 paque' Impervious to rays of light. 20 perdition per di'tion Entire destruction ; niin. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 imitate 23 circular 25 rendezvous 12 legacy leg'a9y 13 reprimand rep'ri mand 14 majesty maj'esty 15 mariner mar'i ngr 22 benefit 24 precocious LESSON CI Mark the words in this exercise according to your idea of the pronunciation ; then make correction by looking up each word in the Dicfeionary. An Exercise in Pronunciation Onee upon a time a company composed of a senile, splenetic colonel, a disputative financier, and a sacrilegious Malay, purchased MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 111 a calliope and resolved to go to the frontier to make a raid on the commissariat. They procured some dynamite and carbines pre- cedent to starting ; according to precedent, they planned to take the fort without asking permission, and after doing so, were much chagrined to find there nothing but iodine and prussic acid. As they departed they heard some Indians playing on flageolets and Jew's-harps, and as they feared the bowie knives that might be near, they left their property in an isolated spot, and concealed 'them- selves in a dilapidated hovel, hoping that they would not be harassed. The next morning they found the debris of their calliope. LESSON CII 1 plagiarism pla'gm ris'm Stealing from another's writings. 2 furnace fur^na^e Place inclosing a fire for heating. 3 spectator spec ta'tor One who looks on. 4 cataract eat'a raet A waterfall ; a disease of the eye. 5 attempt at tempt' To try. 6 pertinent perain(e)nt Belonging to the subject in hand. 7 rarefy rar'e fy To become less dense. 8 rarity rar'i ty Thinness. 9 bulwark buPwark That which fortifies. 10 hymn hymn A song of praise. 11 idolize i'dol ize To worship an image of a deity. 12 pippin pip'pin An apple from a tree raised from seed. 113 senate sen 'ate Assembly having highest legisla- tive functions. 14 passage pas'sage Way ; road ; corridor. 15 gawky gawk'y Foolish and clumsy. 16 discreet dis creet' Prudent. 17 hillock hill'ock A small mound or hill. 18 wheeze whegze To breathe hard. 112 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 19 shoal sh5al 20 barrier bar'i 1 gr An obstacle. A place of shallow water in a lake or sea. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 weasel 22 notarial 23 phonic 24 apostate 25 wainscot LESSON cm 1 diurnal diur'n(a)l Daily. 2 humorist hu'mor ist One full of humor ; a wag. 3 eclectic ee lee'tie Selecting; choosing the best. 4 jeopardy- jeop'ard y Exposure to death or injury. 5 athlete ath'lete One trained to contest in games of physical strength. 6 suffice suf fice'(-fiz) To be enough. 7 angular an'gii lar Sharp-cornered ; pointed. 8 prestige pres'tige Influence derived from character or reputation. 9 penance pen'(a)n9e Suffering inflicted for sin. 10 charity- char'i ty Love ; act of kindness. 11 saucy saw'9y Showing impudence. 12 naughty naw^^'ty Disobedient. 13 chowder chow'der A stew made of clams or other fish. 14 jaundice jawn'di9e A disease causing yellowness of the skin. 15 veteran vet'er (a)n One long exercised in any service. 16 veterinary vet^grKnary Pertaining to the healing of domestic animals. 17 reticent ret'i 9(^)nt Uncommunicative. 18 anachronism an aeA'ro nis'm A misplacing in the order of time. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 113 19 ammonia 20 quadruped am mo'ni a quad'ru ped Spirits of hartshorn. A four-footed animal. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 diagnosis 23 insinuate 25 riifraff 22 pharmacy 24 rehearse LESSON CIV 1 meridian me rid'i (a)n 2 grotesque 3 necessity 4 fratricide 6 squirrel 6 liniment 7 scandal 8 concise 9 eclipse 10 granary 11 strategy 12 slight gro tesque' ne (^es'si ty frat'ri ^ide squir'rel lin'l m(e)nt sean'd(a)l con 9ise' e elipse' gran 'a ry strat'e gy sU^^t 13 cocoa eo'eoa 14 coffee eof'fee 15 horizontal hor'i zon't(a)l 16 chink chink 17 dropsy diop'sy Highest point attained by the sun daily. Fantastic. That which is unavoidable. Murder of one's brother, A small rodent animal with bushy tail. A soft preparation for the skin. Reproach for what is considered wrong. Expressing much in few words. Darkening of the sun or moon. Storehouse for grain. Science of military command. Not decidedly marked ; unimpor- tant. Preparation from seeds of a species of palm. Drink made from roasted berry of coffee tree. Parallel to the horizon. A small cleft or fissure. Unnatural collection of fluid in the body. 114 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 18 decision d$ ^i'sion (shun) Determination. 19 pecan pe ean' A species of hickory. 20 diary di'a ry A register of daily events. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 enamel 22 chenille 23 gravity 24 chocolate 25 mackerel 1 wriggle wrlgfgle LESSOK CV To move to and fro with writhing motion. 2 undeceive un^de ^eive' To free from mistake. 3 wield w/eld To control ; to manage ; to use with freedom. 4 foretell fore telF To predict ; to prophesy. 5 nascent nas'9(e)nt Beginning to exist or grow. 6 jocund joe'iind Merry; lively. 7 damage dam'age Injury or harm. 8 insipid in sip'id Tasteless. 9 sylvan syPv(a)n Forestlike; rural. 10 toilet toi'let Mode of dressing ; attire. 11 embryo em'bry o Germ of a plant in the seed. 12 obvious ob'vi ous Easily seen, apparent. 13 cambric eam'brle A fine fabric of linen or cotton. 14 perfidy per'fldj- Treachery; faithlessness. 15 acquiesce ac'quies9e' To rest satisfied ; to accept tacitly. 16 placid pla9'id Tranquil ; quiet. 17 precipice prec^'i pi(^e A headlong steep ; a cliif. 18 dispense dispense' Todealout in portions; to distribute. 19 flippant flip'p(a)nt Voluble ; pert. 20 orchard dr'chard (cherd) Inclosure containing fruit trees. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 115 Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 tradition 23 saleratus 25 cornice 22 orthography 24 obeisance LESSON CVI 1 pyramid pyr'amid 2 purview 3 gallows 4 lassitude 5 hogshead 6 transpire 7 maniac 8 luscious 9 diffident 10 braggart 11 incense 12 knead 13 uniform 14 fabric 15 esculent 16 impious 17 shriek 18 knack 19 maintain 20 ligament Words to be 21 inertia 22 clemency A solid body standing on any base except a circle, and tapenng to a point. pur'view Limit or sphere of authority. gaVlows Frame on which criminals are hanged. las'si tiide Weariness ; languor. liogs'head A measure of 63 gallons. tran spire^ To happen. ma'ni ae Raving with madness. liis'cious (shiis) Sweet ; delicious. dif fi d(e)nt Wanting confidence. brag'gart (ggrt) A boaster. in 9euse' To inflame with anger. A:nead To press into a mass. u'ni form Having always the same form or manner. fab'ric Structure of anything ; w^oven cloth. es'eu l(e)nt Suitable for food. iiu'pi oils Wanting in reverence for the Su- preme Being ; irreligious. shr/ek Sharp outcry or scream. I'nack Skill ; dexterity. main tsiin' To hold and defend. li^^'a m(e)nt The membrane connecting the bones. looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 23 fulsome 25 liquidate 24 molasses 116 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESsoisr evil 1 coalesce €o'a les9e' To grow together. 2 memorize mem'6 rize To learn by heart. 3 desiccate des'is eate To preserve by drying. 4 celibacy 96 lib'a 97 Bachelorship; bound by vows not to marry. 5 colander €61' (a) n der Utensil used for a strainer. 6 grimace gri ma9e' A distortion of the countenance. 7 lien Ken A legal claim ; a charge upon prop- erty for a debt. 8 radiant ra'di (a)iit Emitting rays ol light or heat. 9 surprise ^ sur prise' A coming upon, or taking, un- awares. 10 pauper paw'pSr One dependent on charitjr. 11 arduous ar'du olis Attended wdth great labor. 12 cavern eav'ern A deep hollow in the earth. 13 excavate ex'ea vate To hollow out. 14 intricate in'trieate Entangled; involved. 15 resolute res'o lute Having a decided purpose. 16 comprise com prise' To include. 17 dough dough Paste of bread. 18 artist art'ist One who practices a liberal art ; a painter, sculptor, etc. 19 soprano so pra'no The highest vocal register. 20 inveigh in veigh' To declaim or rail against. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 ascetic 23 prospectus 25 irascible 22 pernicious 24 consummate 1 Commonly misspelled " siipprise." MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 117 LESSON CVIII 1 evolution ev'6 lu'tion 2 vapor va'por (per) 3 commute eom mute' An unfolding ; development. A substance in the gaseous state. To put something else in place of ; to pay m gross. 4 sleight sleight An artful trick. 5 piazza pi az'za A veranda. 6 butter biit'ter An oily substance obtained from cream. 7 angel an'gel A celestial being. 8 treason trert'son Disloyalty to one's government. 9 gratify grat'i fy To please. 10 bolster bol'ster A long pillow ; part of wagon to hold the box ; to support. 11 opinion 6 pin'ion ^ A judgment ; a notion. 12 ratify rat'i fy To approve. 13 morbid mor'bid Not sound ; sickly. 14 morphine mor'phine A narcotic used to allay pain. 15 crucify cru'^i fy To kill by nailing to a cross. 16 oifertory offer to ry Anthem sung while the offering is received. 17 exercise ex'er^ise 18 weapon weap'on 19 planet plan'et 20 skull skiill Habitual activity; exertion for training or improvement. Something to fight with. A celestial body revolving about the sun. Skeleton of the head. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 hydrophobia 22 calligraphy 23 evangelist 24 geranium 25 typography 118 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CIX 1 berth berth Place for sleeping in a ship or car. 2 transmission trans niis'sion The act of sending. 3 horror hor'ror ^^''^> Emotion of fear and detesta- tion. 4 rogue logue A vagabond ; one pleasantly niischievons. 5 kiln-dry kl\n'-drj' To dry in a kiln. 6 comma eoin'ma A mark [,] of punctuation. 7 disappear dis'ap pear' To vanish. 8 righteous ri^^^'eous (chus) Free from wrong or sin. 9 specimen spe^'i m(6)n A sample. 10 endeavor en deov'or (gr) To strive to achieve. 11 formidable f or'mi da bk Impressing dread ; exciting fear. 12 evasion e va'sion (zhiin) An avoiding. 13 eatable eat'a bl« Fit for food. 14 brief bnef Short; condensed. 15 hammock ham'mock A swinging bed supported by cords at the ends. 16 alder al'dgr A tree growing in naoist land, the wood used by turners. 17 carton ear 'ton A pasteboard box. 18 cartoon ear toon' A large pictorial sketch ; a cari- cature. 19 illegal ille'g(a)l Not according to law. 20 pedal ped'(a)l A lever, acted on by the foot. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 aphorism 22 sophistry 23 deleterious 24 discretion 25 crochet MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 119 1 cycle 2 interfere 3 errand 4 trapeze 5 stampede 6 glossary 7 plantain 8 mammoth 9 fagot 10 beacon 11 possess 12 vanilla 13 ladder 14 minor 15 askew 16 capsize 17 finite 18 relic 19 mercury LESSON CX 9y'ele A long period of time. Xn'terfere' To come in collision; to inter- pose. er'r(nf)iid A message or commission. trapeze' A swing used by gymnasts, slam pedg' Sudden flight as of animals in panic. glos'sa ry A dictionary of a work ; a collec- tion of explanations of words. plan 'tarn A low herb ; a common weed. mam'nioth Immense ; gigantic ; an extinct elephant. f^g'ot A bundle of sticks. befl'con A signal or mark as a 'guide; a signal fire. pos gesvs' To have and to hold. va nil'la An aromatic bean, yielding an extract. lad'der A frame forming steps. mi'nor One under legal age. a skew' (-sku) Oblique or obliquely ; awry. cap size' To upset or overturn. Having a limit. That which remains ; a memorial. f i'nite rel'ie mer'cti ry 20 antidote an'tiddttf A metallic element used in ther- mometers. A remedy to counteract poison. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 colloquy 23 prodigy 25 pharynx 22 epithet 23 prodigy 24 loathe 120 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXI 1 roster 2 chintz 3 wizard 4 faUible 5 exploit 6 orchid ros'tgr chints wlz'ard fal'li hie ex ploit' or'ehid 7 exonerate ex on'er ate 8 guidance guid'(a)i\(^e 9 transit trans' it 10 eligible el'i gi h\e 11 precisely pre (^Ise'ly 12 rind rind 13 uncouth iin epwth' 14 requite re quite' 15 duteous du'te ous 16 imbecile im'be 9iie 17 falcon fa/'eon 18 satyr sa'tyr 19 fiance fran'9e' 20 rhyme r^yme A roll of officers, companies, etc. Printed cotton cloth, often glazed. A magician ; a wise man. Liable to fail or err. A deed ; a noble achievement. A genus of plants growing from tubers and having showy flowers. To discharge from duty or obliga- tion. A leading ; governmento Passage through or over. Proper to be chosen. Exactly. External covering of fruit, trees, etc. Strange ; awkward. To return an equivalent. Controlled by a sense of respect; dutiful. Destitute of strength ; feeble minded. A bird sometimes trained to pursue game. A mythological deity , part man and part goat. A betrothed man. A w^ord answering in sound to another. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 python 23 garrulous 25 dungeon 22 supervise 24 ht)magG MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 121 LESSON CXII 1 dearth dearth 2 onerous on'ei" ous 3 shuttle shut'tk 4 myriad niyr'i (a)d 5 infinite iii'fi nite 6 cinder 9111 ^der 7 assess as sess' 8 stupefy stu'pe fy 9 misspell mis spelF 10 bevel bev'el 11 luncheon luiich'eon 12 license te'9ense 13 quinsy quin'sy 14 utensil titen'sil 15 radical rad'i€(a)l 16 easy eas'y 17 prairie prai'rie 18 flimsy flim'sy 19 negative iieg'ative 20 porcelain por'^e lain Scarcity which renders dear. Burdensome. A weaver's instrument. An indefinitely large number. Unlimited in time or space. Small piece of partly burned coal. To value for taxation. To make torpid or stupid. To spell incorrectly. Slope of a surface ; an instrument for making a slanting surface. Food taken not at a regular meal. Liberty given to do or forbear any act. Inflammation of the throat. Implement ; that which is used. Pertaining to the root ; funda- mental. Free from pain ; not difficult. Tract of level or rolling land. Weak ; limp ; without reason or plausibility. Not positive ; contradictory term. Fine earthenware, called also china. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 nonpareil 22 bureau 23 pneumonia 24 brunette 25 licarice 122 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXIII 1 cannibal 2 stencil eSn'ni b(a)l sten'9il 3 fugitive f ug'i tive Human being that eats human flesh. A thin sheet of metal with letters which are copied by a marking brush. One who flees from pursuit, service, etc. Bound in law or equity. Insane. Vividly described; pertaining to painting.or drawing. zh) A blending together. Pleasantry or slight satire. Frame of lattice-work. A small flag. Proper ceremony ; modesty. A tag indicating contents, owner- ship, etc. Helping; assisting. Not governed by rules. To give up unresistingly. An Indian baby. Inclined to love. Extreme strain of mind ; intense strain. Unpoetical ; dull. To occupy the same place. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 contour 23 orifice 25 equivocal 22 verbatim 24 pantomime 4 liable li'a bk 5 lunatic lu'na tie 6 graphic graph 'ie 7 fusion fu'sion (si = 8 raillery 9 trellis raiPler y trel'lis 10 pennant 11 decency 12 label pen'n(a)nt de'9en ^y la'bel 13 auxiliary 14 arbitrary 15 succumb aux il'ia rj- (m=ya) ar'bitrary sue eumb' 16 papoose pa poose' 17 amorous am'6 roiis 18 tension ten'sion 19 prosaic 20 coincide pro sa'ie eo'in cide' MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 123 LESSON CXIV 1 culinary €u'li na ry Relating to cookery. 2 disseize dis seize' To dispossess wrongfully. 3 demy de my' A paper of particular sizes. 4 partner part'uer Associate; companion. 5 isthmus is^y^'inus Strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land. 6 disguise dis guise' To hide by a false show. 7 cranium €ia'ni urn The skull. 8 scholar seh6l'(a)r One who attends a school ; a learned person. 9 disrespect . dis 're speet' Want of reverence ; disesteem ; discourtesy. 10 sanction sane'tion (shun) To ratify ; to confirm. 11 moreover mor^ oN^er In addition ; likewise. 12 magnanimous mag nan'i mous Honorable ; not selfish. 13 monosyllable mon'o syllable A word of one syllable. 14 inhospitable in hos'pi ta bk Affording no shelter. 15 re-imburse re'im burse' To replace what has been taken. 16 subordinate siib or'di nate Inferior in order, nature, etc. 17 gosling gos'ling A young goose. 18. milliner mil'li ner Dealer in women's hats; one who makes or trims wonten's hats. 19 apothecary a poth'e €a ry A druggist. 20 chameleon ehk me'le oii A lizard-like reptile capable of changing its color. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 umbrageous 23 malachite 25 vermilion 22 archipelago 24 colporteur 124 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON cxy - Geographical Terms 1 Peking Pe kin^r', or Pe king' i 2 Manila ManiPa2 3 Filipino Filipi'no 4 Yangtse Kiang Yang'tse Ki ang' 5 Philippines PhiPlp pineg 6 Bolivia Bo liv'i a 7 Boer Boer 8 Jerusalem Je ru'sa lem 9 Delaware Del 'a ware 10 Porto Rico Por'to Ri'co 11 Winnipeg Wiii'ni peg 12 Havana Ha van 'a 13 Transvaal Trans vaar 14 Hawaii Ha wai'i 15 Manchuria Man chur'i a 16 Caucasus Caw'ea sus 17 Oneida 6 nei'da 18 Joliet Jo'li et 19 Labrador Lab'ra dor' 20 Berlin Ber'lin. Ber len' (Gar.) 21 Siberia Si be'ri a 22 Keokuk Ke'okuk 23 Dubuque Du biiqne' 24 Shanghai Shang haV 25 Thibet TM bet' Note. — Many names of places have a local pronunciation or one in ac- cord with the language of the locality. The usual English pronunciation is given here. 1 The first in Illinois, the second in China. 2 Vowels in unaccented syllables often have obscure sounds marked with an inverted breve. The mark is not used in this work. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 126 LESSON OXVI 1 Louisiana 2 Wyoming 3 Tennessee 4 Massachusetts 5 Maryland 6 Mississippi 7 Kentucky 8 Minnesota 9 Nevada 10 New Hampshire 11 Illinois 12 Idaho 13 Virginia 14 Wisconsin 15 Montana 16 Nebraska 17 Georgia 18 Michigan 19 Connecticut 20 Arizona 21 California 22 Arkansas 23 Alabama 24 Florida 25 Colorado Low i §i a'na ^ Wy o'ming Ten'nes see' Mas'sa chu'setts Mar'y l(a)iid (Mer) Mis' sis sip'pi Ken tuck'y Minn'e so'ta Ne va'da New Hamp'shlre 11 li nois' 2 I'daho Vir gin'i a Wis eon 'sin Mon t'a'na Ne bras'ka 6e6r'gi a Mi9h'i g(a)n ■Gon nect'i eut Ar i zo'na Califdr'nia Ar'kan sas * Al a ba'ma Flor'ida CoFo ra'dc 1 Note the accent. 2 Note the 5 is silent. * Note the accent and final silent a. 126 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLEB LESSON CXVII 1 Monticello 2 Omaha 3 Philadelphia 4 Menominee^ 5 Oshkosh 6 Marseilles 7 Mackinac 8 Muskegon 9 Annapolis 10 Schenectady 11 Cincinnati 12 Chautauqua 13 Chesapeake 14 Vincennes 15 Ypsilanti 16 Valparaiso 17 Adirondack 18 San Francisco 19 Manitowoc 20 Kalamazoo 21 Pueblo 22 SanteFfe 28 Allegheny 24 Sacramento 25 Indianapolis M6n tl <jgl'15 O'raaha Phil'aderphXa M(e) nom'i nee Osh'kSsh Mar seilleg' MSck'i nac Mils ke'gon An nap'6 lis Sehe nee'ta dy Cln'9in na'ti2 Ch(a)u taw'qua Ches'apeake • Vin 9enne§' tpsilan't! Val pa raVsd Ad ! ron'dSck S5n Fran9!s'e5 Man 1 to w6e Kal a ma zoo' Pueb'lo(u = w) San'ta Fe' Al'le ghe'nf SSe ra mSn't^ In di (a)n ftp'o lis > This city is in Michigan. The Wisconsin city is Menomonie. • Do not give a the short sound. * Note that the word has three syllables. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 127 LESSON cxvm Abbreviations 1 Amount Amt. 2 Advertisement Ad. 3 Anonymous Anon. 4 Assistant Asst. 5 Balance Bal. 6 Bachelor of Laws LL.B. 1 (Legum Baccalaureus) 7 Bachelor of Arts A.B. or B.A. (Artium Baccalaureus) 8 Commission Com. 2 9 Civil Engineer C.E. 10 Charged Ch'gd 11 Creditor Cr. 12 Days Db. 13 Debtor Dr. 14 Deputy Dep. 15 Draft Dft 16 Expenses Exp. 17 Example Ex. 18 Exchange Exch. 19 Forward F'w'd 20 Free on board F.O.B. Words for which Abbreviations are to be looked up. 21 For example 23 Genesis 25 Hundred 22 First-class 24 Gentlemen 1 The initial letter is doubled to indicate the plural. ^ This may also stand for commissioner, committee, commodore, com- mander, etc. 128 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXIX 1 Insurance Ins. 2 It does not follow Non seq. (Non sequitur) 3 I owe you L 0. U. 4 Lieutenant Lieut. 5 Manuscript Ms. or MS. 1 6 Master of Arts A.M. orM.A.« 7 Merchandise Mdse. 8 Notary Public N.P. 9 Per cent % 10 Pounds lbs. 11 Payment pay't 12 Quarter qr. or Qr.» 13 Recording Secretary Rec. Sec. 14 Right Honorable Rt. Hon. 15 Secretary of Legation Sec. Leg. 16 Seller's option s. 0. or S. 0. 17 That is i. e. (Id est) 18 United States Mail U.S.M.* 19 United States Navy U.S.N.* 20 Territory Ter._ Look up Abbreviations for the following : — 21 Zoology 23 Way-bill 25 Year of our Lord 22 Sales-book 24 Which was to be proved 1 The plural of this is MSS. 2 A degree conferred by educational institutions. 8 Stands also for quire and farthing. ■* Stands for United States Marine also. 6U. S. A. stands for United States Army, also for United States of America. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 129 1 proxy 2 intestate 3 lessee lessee' 4 mortgage mort'gage 5 guarantee gwar'antee' 6 jury ju'ry 7 plaintiff plam'tiff LESSON CXX Legal Terms prSx'y in tes'tate One authorized to act for another. Without having made a valid will. One to whom a contract for renting is given. Conveyance of property as secu- rity for debt. Promise to answer for another's payment ; to warrant. A body of men sworn to render a verdict. . One who begins legal action against another. 8 defendant de fend'(a)nt One required to make answer in legal action. 9 hypothecate hy poth'e cate To pledge for the security of 10 comptroller eomptroFler mp= n 11 guardian 12 chattels 13 alienor 14 quitclaim 15 jointure gM*ard'i(a)n (jhat'tels aFien or' ie=y(e) quit'claim join'turc 16 indenture Inden'tur^ 17 option one's creditors. A public official who examines accounts. One in legal charge of a person. Legal term for movable property. One who transfers property. Giving up that to which one has a right. An estate settled on a wife, which she is to enjoy after her husband's decease. A mutual legal agreement. op'tion (shun) Right to buy or sell at a certain time for a given price. 130 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 18 assign as si^n' To transfer to another. 19 codicil eod'i 9!! A clause added to a wilL 20 malfeasance malfea's(a)n9e An illegal deed. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 assessment 23 defalcation 25 defeasance 22 mandamus 24 easement LESSON CXXI Electrical Terms 1 ohm o^m Standard unit of electrical re- sistance. 2 volt volt Standard unit of electro-motive force. 3 ampere ampere' Unit of current in electrical measurements. 4 motor mo 'tor Machine by which electricity does work. 5 battery bat'tery Apparatus for generating elec- tricity. 6 galvanometer gal'va nom'e tSr Instrument for measuring elec- tricity. 7 electroscope e lec'tro scope Instrument for detecting pres- ence of electricity. 8 insulator in'stilator Something to interrupt pas- sage of electricity from an object to the earth. 9 conductor c5n duet'or Substance capable of trans- mitting electricity. 10 armature ar'ma tiire A piece of iron to connect the poles of a magnet. 11 commutator eom'mti ta'tor Apparatus to change direction of a current. MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 131 12 dynamo dy'na mo A machine producing electric- ity. 13 magneto mS,g net' o A device for inducing currents. 14 magnet mag'net Steel or iron which has mag- netic properties. 15 incandescence in'can des^q(e)n(}e Glowing whiteness produced by heat. 16 meter me'ter Instrument for measuring. 17 transformer trans form'er Coils wound so as to increase or decrease voltage. 18 cell 9ell Jar to hold exciting fluid of a battery 19 circuit 9ir'ewit The path of an electric current. 20 electro-magnet e lee'tro-mag'net A magnet made by current of electricity. Words to be looked up in the dictionary, marked, and defined. 21 alternator 23 condenser 25 oxidation 22 shunt 24 induction 1 deleble 2 cupola 3 heinous 4 statue 5 subtile 6 formally 7 annuals 8 presage 9 augment 10 guardian LESSON CXXII Review Lesson 11 codicil 12 dynamo 13 condenser 14 circuit 15 erudition 16 exuberant 17 intrinsic 18 incompatible 19 culpable 20 amplify 21 cipher 22 dormitory 23 reservoir 24 recurrence 25 indomitable 26 extirpate 27 diffidence 28 covetousness 29 precipitous 30 parsimony 132 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 31 taciturn 32 visionary 33 procrastinate 84 ingenuous 35 referee 36 roily 37 captious 38 continuous 39 reparation 40 trepidation 41 urbanity 42 pristine 43 resurrection 44 wariness 45 modesty 46 accumulate 47 decalogue 48 venial 49 critique 50 ether 61 pheasant 52 voracious 53 ordnance 54 skeptic 1 privilege 2 apparel 3 rinse 4 laudable 55 perpetual 56 retrenchment 57 arbitrator 58 converse 59 upstart 60 invalid 61 alternate 62 gallant 63 emaciate 64 annular 65 denominate 66 encompass 67 genealogy 68 abolition 69 hydraulics 70 palatable 71 chronic 72 inefficient 73 illicit 74 sanguine 75 barbarous 76 effable 77 cynical LESSON CXXIII Review Lesson 5 hygiene 6 chagrin 7 exaggerate 8 diphthong 78 legible 79 preoccupy 80 reservoir 81 lineage 82 haughty 83 oxidation 84 intestate 85 centuries 86 mobile 87 visible 88 neutral 89 transient 90 palliate 91 legitimate 92 sumptuous 93 perceive 94 scrutinize 95 complaisant 96 despicable 97 supersede 98 coquette 99 audible 100 irritable 9 revenue 10 column 11 parody 12 elusion MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 133 13 consummate 14 onerous 15 stupefy 16 nonpareil 17 licorice 18 sieve 19 minion 20 adage 21 dubious 22 feign 23 treatise 24 abstruse 25 seizure 26 criticise 27 naphtha 28 calumny 29 arable 30 colossal 31 anguish 32 arsenic 33 scheme 34 coerce 35 veneer 36 hiccough 37 corduroy 88 obsolete 89 grammar 40 requisite 41 subpoena 42 elegy 43 colleague 44 suicide 45 niche 46 effigy 47 salutary 48 variable 49 psalm 50 plausible 51 granary 52 ecstasy 53 inveigle 54 factitious 55 soliloquy 56 souvenir 57 discipline 58 credible 59 bicycle 60 icicle 61 prologue 62 refugee 63 emanate 64 February 65 catechism 66 asylum 67 quinine 68 equipage 69 cuneiform 70 siphon 71 anomaly 72 residuary 73 silesia 74 chamois 75 isosceles 76 facetious 77 lethargy 78 cylinder 79 nitrogen 80 gayety 81 egregious 82 verify 83 recipient 84 italicize 85 amphibious 86 quadrille 87 parallel 88 esquire 89 equitable 90 indelible 91 obloquy 92 epilepsy C3 martyr 94 until 95 vying 96 consensus 97 valleys 98 fiery 99 gauge 100 weird 134 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 1 abscess 2 recede 3 annuity 4 promissory 6 cayenne 6 hackney 7 privateer 8 enthusiasm 9 convalesce 10 amanuensis 11 salmon 12 desultory 13 foible 14 paroxysm 15 abyss 16 obituary . 17 cessation 18 townsfolk 19 deaf-mute 20 delegate 21 convenient 22 embalm 23 synopsis 24 recruit 25 assailant 26 epilogue 27 envelop LESSON CXXIV Review Lesson 28 aggrieve 29 aghast 30 vertebra 31 melancholy 32 ratify 33 oifertory 34 crucify 35 exercise 36 crochet 37 kiln-dry 38 specimen 39 aphorism 40 discretion 41 intercede 42 disparage 43 cashmere 44 element 45 harangue 46 champagne 47 heirloom 48 almshouse 49 hoarhound 50 tombstone 51 anaesthetic 52 scurrilous 53 philosophy 64 nihilism 55 mercenary 56 feudal 57 conducive 58 fricassee 59 pleurisy 60 sacrilege 61 impromptu 62 emery 63 anemone 64 vacillate 65 etiquette 66 myrrh 67 parable 68 annul 69 colloquy 70 pharynx 71 eligible 72 falcon 73 python 74 supervise 75 rarefy 76 phonic 77 rarity 78 apostate 79 jeopardy 80 prestige 81 diagnosis MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 135 82 necessity- SB strategy 84 chenille 85 decision 86 perfidy 87 surprise 88 ascetic 89 auspicious 90 rendezvous 91 symphony 92 dissyllable 93 massacre 94 siege 95 hirsute 96 avalanche 97 inanimate 98 derrick 99 muscle 100 promiscuoua ADDITIONAL EXERCISES WORDS FREQUENTLY USED IN DIFFERENT TRADES AND PROFESSIONS LESSON CXXY Groceries 18 marmalade 19 paraffine 20 chimneys 21 pineapple 22 filberts 23 indigo 24 cauliflower 25 catsup 26 gherkins 27 caraway 28 gasoline 29 spaghetti 30 chocolate 31 cabbage 32 horseradish 33 cocoanut 34 herring 1 raisins 2 apricots 3 cucumbers 4 cranberries 5 kerosene 6 macaroni 7 peppermint 8 sorghum 9 mackerel 10 oysters 11 sardines 12 allspice 13 pearline 14 molasses 15 pumpkins 16 vanilla 17 salmon 35 preserves 36 quinces 37 almonds 38 biscuit 39 mustard 40 anchovies 41 mucilage 42 nutmegs 43 salmon 44 honey 45 potatoes 46 ginger 47 cinnamon 48 beeswax 49 currants 60 chowchow 136 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXXVI Architectural Terms 1 abutment 18 peristyle 35 elevation 2 corrugated 19 aisle 36 lacquered 3 dovetail 20 boudoir 37 mosaic 4 faucet 21 girders 38 nave 5 gargoyle 22 escutcheon 39 frieze 6 girders 23 joists 40 conservatory 7 mantel 24 corridor 41 brackets 8 newel 25 cornice 42 caisson 9 jambs 26 gymnasium 43 apse 10 coping 27 parquetry , 44 alcove 11 buttress 28 plumb 45 entablature 12 panel 29 colonnade 46 niche 13 trellis 30 chamfered 47 monastery 14 amphitheater 31 bas-relief 48 lintel 15 veneer 32 auditorium 49 lattice 16 tessellated 33 gallery 60 minaret 17 veranda 34 lavatory LESSON CXXVII ^ Lumber 1 casings ' 10 lathe 18 poplar 2 basswood 11 Cottonwood 19 walnut 3 chestnut 12 flooring 20 shingles 4 culls 13 cedar 21 pickets 5 cypress 14 butts 22 ceiling 6 tapering 15 birch 23 grooved 7 mahogany 16 beveled 24 quartered 8 logging 17 hickory 25 veneer 9 crossgrained MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 137 LESSON CXXVIII Medical Terms 1 adenoid 18 febrile 35 laryngitis 2 paralysis 19 eczema 36 sensory 3 membrane 20 cartilage 37 appendicitis 4 narcotic 21 bacteriology 38 lineament 5 ulceration 22 gangrene 39 inoculation 6 neuralgia 23 lymphatic 40 laceration 7 hemorrhage 24 incision 41 afferent 8 malignant 25 jugular 42 efferent 9 typhoid 26 eustachian 43 thoracic 10 peritonitis 27 osseous 44 transfusion 11 catarrhal 28 paroxysm 45 cerebral 12 astigmatism 29 medicinal 46 amputation 13 microbe 30 sporadic 47 ciliary 14 epilepsy 31 diagnosis 48 synovial 15 lethargy 32 capillary 49 pathological 16 diphtheria 33 anaemia 50 serum 17 tuberculosis 34 axillary LESSON CXXIX Insurance Terms 1 policy 10 implements 18 endowment 2 accomplice 11 fraudulent 19 deposit 3 forfeiture 12 appraisal 20 beneficiary 4 accumulation 13 cancellation 21 equitable 5 maintenance 14 assignee 22 prudential 6 litigation 15 breakage 23 mortuary 7 immunity 16 dissolution 24 inflammable 8 dividend 17 equity 25 contributory 9 annuity 138 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXXX Dry Goods 1 mohair 18 fichu 35 toweling 2 alpaca 19 honiton 36 cashmere 3 Valenciennes 20 jaconet 37 cassimere 4 tarletan 21 delaine 38 surah 5 suede 22 denims 39 overalls 6 poplin 23 cambric 40 pique 7 pongee 24 chambray 41 remnants 8 nankeen 25 balbriggan 42 pajamas 9 gingham 26 hosiery 43 mackintosh 10 taffeta 27 organdie 44 handkerchiefs 11 veiling 28 ruching 45 crinoline 12 umbrellas 29 parasols 46 cr^pon 13 percale 30 jean 47 sateen 14 galloon 31 zephyr 48 brocade 15 doilies 32 fustian 49 chiffon 16 chenille 33 dimity 50 cor<luroy 17 applique 34 cheviot LESSON CXXXI Drug Technicalities 1 acetic 10 caoutchouc 18 pepsin 2 calcium 11 camphor 19 licorice 3 sulphur 12 magnesia 20 caffein 4 calomel 13 iodine 21 aconite 5 carbolic 14 essence 22 ammonia 6 alcohol 15 laudanum 23 benzine 7 boracic 16 potash * 24 antiseptic 8 calcium 17 quinine 25 vaseline 9 sarsaparilla MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER 139 LESSON CXXXII Hardware 1 wrenches 18 dynamite 35 canisters 2 emery 19 cartridges 36 perambulators 3 ferules 20 corkscrews 37 canteen 4 crowbars 21 compasses 38 adze 5 castors 22 calipers 39 andirons 6 muskets 23 balances 40 pulley 7 jute 24 thermometers 41 chandelier 8 padlocks 25 scissors 42 anchors 9 refrigerators 26 gimlets 43 trowels 10 griddles 27 skimmers 44 scabbards 11 forceps 28 wringers 45 transom 12 handcuffs 29 spittoons 46 trigger 13 galvanized 30 tubing 47 enamel 14 perforated 31 ventilators 48 revolver 15 levers 32 stretchers 49 rifle 16 barometers 33 scroll-saws 50 protractors 17 chisels 34 caliber LESSON CXXXIII Railroad Terms 1 accommodation 10 perishable 18 preferred 2 baggage 11 concession 19 engineer 3 arrival 12 duplicate 20 equalize 4 passenger 13 collision 21 locomotive 5 interchangeable 14 differential 22 tariff 6 merchandise 15 certificate 23 vestibuled 7 emigrant 16 damages 24 voucher 8 specifications 17 schedule 25 claimants 9 tonnage 140 MODERN BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON CXXXIV !Names of Cities 1 Buffalo 2 Milwaukee 3 Louisville 4 Worcester 5 Syracuse 6 Los Angeles 7 Memphis 8 Albany 9 Duluth 10 Des Moines 11 Galveston 12 New Orleans 13 Pittsburg 14 Reading 15 Tacoma 16 Wilkesbarre 17 Topeka 18 Savannah 19 Peoria 20 Rochester 21 Low^ell 22 Honolulu 23 Hoboken 24 Mobile 25 Seattle 26 Baton Rouge 27 Boise City 28 Brooklyn 29 St. Louis 30 Butte 31 Charleston 32 Dallas 33 Chattanooga 34 Cheyenne 35 Quincy 36 Gloucester 37 Raleigh 38 Terre Haute 39 Scranton 40 Columbus 41 St. Joseph 42 Eau Claire 43 Fort Wayne 44 Bangor 45 Pensacola 46 Moline 47 Saginaw 48 Fond du Lac 49 Detroit 60 Portland VB 36546 54ITH5 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY iiSiiik^ m^ flill^