LU >- LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class 15%5 /ffff B 4 Cfte gpuSot jfacgtmtle Ceyta [By JOHN HEYWOOD?] ['535?] Issued for Subseribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII Bt 1£n*L 0f <§mttenm anti i&obtlttg [By JOHN HEYWOOD?] It is a matter of uneertainty, more than doubtful indeed aeeord- ing to some authorities, as to whether this dialogue ean rightly be attributed to John Heywood. It must at present suffice to say that reeently discovered doeuments and facts tend somewhat to strengthen the supposition in favour of the attributed authorship, andto lessen the weight of the arguments drawn from differences of style and the like. John Heywood was a far more versatile man and of superior soeial standing than has been generally supposed (see " The Four PP "). The example from whieh this facsimile is taken is in the British Museum (Press-mark e.40, i. 16), and the Gatalogue says li (The Philosopher) [By J. Heywood?] . . . [London 1535]." Another eopy is in the Bodleian (Ashmole) Library. The portrait of John Heywood is pasted on a blankfly- leaf opposite the title-page of the original. Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the Manuseript Department of the British Museum, after eomparing this facsimile with the original eopy, says, " The reproduetion is exceedingly good but for one fault in printing, viz., excess of heaviness and ' muzziness. y This nowhere amounts to aetual misrepresen- tation even of a single letter, sofar as I eould see, but it does less than justice to the usually elear and good printing of original." JOHN S. FARMER. 182221 ^ OF THF. UNIVERSITY OF »£*UFO r "~~ — ' [ / / f[©f <&mtylnt8 an* i^ob^lptt. % irpaloae bettoen t^e Mwet^mt $e ftnp0i)t anO tf>e plotoman uptyutpno; tobo fe a berep #en= tplman $ tei)a is a Boble man anO Joto men 0ntlO eome to aufto?pte / eontptliO (n inaner of an en= te?tttbe toitb Otne^s! tops $ geuts aOOpO t&e&to tamauemerppaupmeantiOuport. * Cfje marc|)aunt © un)at a gret uielti) anO protpe^te gt is to anp reme tobere marebauntes be 5>autncT rre lpbetf e anu entereours au"0 ail marr&aunOpte to eotiep to anO fto OTpeb ripng; ^ &atte bteti anti tf>e berep Crt tOunO 9tautDe?ebpgottanmanpatbeufanopoton& , SBt)erfOre noto be eaute of mp g&ete rpebes Ci)aroutrjjotut tbte lano tu euerp plaee Ooubtles 3 am magnptpeO anO gretlp regaropO 3n0 for a unue anO noble man ettempo ebeimpgpt iMaiuer ma$)atmt 3 oere pou rpglrt toell 38ut noto in prefumpfion me tbpnu pe ereell €a eall poun"elf noble tn pretenee fjere 3f tops men unoto tm)at pour auneeuours toere , 3ntiaftobatgreteuoc!tOefcertOttipebe gour faOpr toas but a blaelte tmptb perOe ittarri). f ambp fpr tobat tljan tobat be pott 3 prap pou &npgbt f itta$ § am a gentplman f tooiO pe ttnoto 8nO map OtTpenti perelp b. C. marit lano 8nb 3 am fure all t&at pe baue in &anti ©f perelp rent is not too$) b. marttps: iH C $ut 3 toolti tbou ttnetoia fOr all tbp urakHps 3 am able to bpe nott) all tbe lano Cfjat tbott batt anO pap for it out i %i4 fr u iH cabpc|) ^ fjaue got bp mpn oton labour anb tott i J?et ajt ttoubut a e&orle anb 37 baue a tkoni Cbou tbulbttt eopare tottb me a gentplman bom C anbp tobat eallptt tbou a gentplman tel me € i*tarp 3J eall ttjem gentplmen tbat be Eorn to grete lantips bp tnbe?ptaunce 9s mpn auneettours bp eotpnuaunee rpatte fjab tbts b. C. pere of tof;om noto g 3m Detenotb anti eommpn Ipnpallp ^erpnee tlje fame name anto armps alfo Cbat tbep bare tbts b. C. pe?e agoo iflpn auneettours alfo baue euer be ILorDps Dinpgbtes anb tn ctjete atUtorpte eaptepns tn t&e toarr anb gottemejs 9ta0 alfo tn tpmeof peate gret rttlers 3nD tbpn toere neuer but artpfpce?s 9s fmptb f maton? earpenta^s or toeuars 4 3U tbat ts tretotb 31 topl not benpe noto get % am more gentplman born rban tbou J?or 3f eall bpm a gentplman tbat gentttlp Dotb gpf unto ot&er men loupnglp g>ucb tbtng as be batb of bps oton pper 33ut be tf;at tahttb ougf)t atoap from a notber <3nD Uotb gpf bpm no tbpng agapn tberfore ©totrbt to be eallpo a cbojle euermore 3Sut mpn auneettours batte gtrTpn altoep €o tbpu auneeilours fucb tbpng as tbep 38p tbetr labotus Dto tretolp get anD topn JFor mpn auneettottrs btlDtD bototts tobe^etn Cbpne auneettours baue baD tbetr Dtoellpng plaee 3lfo mpu auneettours batte maDe tolts Co all maner qaftt men belongpng 2xHberbp clotf)ts anb euejp otf;er tbpng £Hbere of tbpn auntettottrs neDe fjaue t)aO Witb tfje fame tolps batte etter be mabe g>o mpn auneettours baue gpran tl;etr labours €uer to cdfort anD f)elp tbpn auncefiott?s i 3f Denp tbat euer tbauneettours of tbpne DtD etter gtTto t|je attneettours of mpne at anp tpme anp tbpng ereept tbat tfjep <0afe fome tobat tbertor otber toa^e or monep C iHe areptpters tooll tell anD euerp otbeet^png fCrjat io neteuarp eo uwnnps eouerpng 3no aU ot^ee t^pngis tt>at uien oa » toeee 30 al toepinaDebptbeartptpeer 3 graunt tt?at trje acrpf peeto oo inake it 23ut be eaule eomenlp ebep tjaue IpteU topt <25entpunen ttjac i)am lanopo * Dompnpon £>f all f ucf/ rprtje0 t>auc moft pouel^on f or reafon toplleuer it u)uiD 10 be topfc men to baue folpo m eaptpupte S&atpao for \oyt « lubteU muenepoti jgpneaunteftour0toptbtt)me mapmaftecSjJtfo» #or tfjougt) mpfaDer toere a ftnptf> tobat tban pet toao l)e a metueiouo qup6 topttpo man 3nD eouD toorfc ao toeU for trpo pt 30 anp m djis lanD bfpng tuat aet 3nDDeupfettetetaupon0 m trjpnge8t!jat bt ma&e e&ateuerpmantobpetrpo toare toasgteD 3nD earue $ graue m pron * Ue(e 23ottj 3mage *lettero metuelouAp toele 3nD tbee on tep golD * gptt it aiio fpncit pureaoanpgouMmptiHouDDo ^9p gtauntfaDet alfo toao a mafon £H geete toptao anpln tbrotegwm 3no eouD bpiD a caftcll * tour tp§i)t teelt 3 n totrpei) fomc of ttjp kpnnpt inen ns ui oo DtoeU totieremaperpttrrpgtitgooDinalonrp tortfj -rmtnagpo (tatutps terougtjt rurpoulrp y grete g?aunDfaDpt io teuo a toeuer €>f tootlpn parn * of ott)cr gere 3nD maDe meruelouo pleaunmt toortuo to be t)olD 7Lmvn Dpan f?lk t clo$ of goID 311 fuctj tttbteU tgpngio ao3 t>«ue ret)erfp& lo* fl9pneaunceftour0bptt)cpr toptttoeouD toork *to 3nD ao f or tljpne aunrettouro 3 fenoi£ho tijp»g <€bci eouD Do bi ttjetr totttto toortfj of ptaifpng &ut bie oeeupt * toad euer mo# gntrt) rOpngtoao mpn aunccttou?0maDe befo?e 3nDtboudttjfeannceftour0tjautg ttjoccupattori tf>f fuct; tt^mgto torougtit bi tie oearton / m ot&et tnen oug&tul: not be p#j>feD t !jerfo?e J6ut t!je prapfe ougnt to be gpuen euer mo?c fCo ttje artj>fj>cer mty bj> ^0 tupt 3t Deuj>f j>d anD fo conj>ttglj> torouggt tt t«t)eref ore j>f tf|oa ttv tyae toj>t | polef?> 25e t^e t^pngC pettepnpng to gentrp n atmeettouro maj>neuerc6paretoj>ti)tmnc jf 0? tyepr aetC proue t^etn toj>f er ttjan ttwtte 3Fo? tbpn Dj>D neuer no tbpng tn ttjej>c Days £oncernj>ng qupft topt tbat toao toortt)j> prapo 3fe pea ^tntsIetoD 3auell3toolDtnoulmetotfttt ^imaunceftout0bauetjaDmpretoj>feDome(tto# e&an tl; ptte ^aue lyaD 1 eouD Do alf *®wvtbvm* tUat tbpneeouD neuer do tfor tn tbe eontrep at reuronoattD f?>fe <€&ep baue be eleete to be luttyee 3inD for t^ej>er toptanD grete Dpfcreu"i>ott (&\)zv U« we 3iugg?D ano Donne eorreeeyott 5flppon tt)pne auneettouro artj>f?cer0 C^at ^aue maDe falf e toarpo « ben D pueyuer» 3Uto i;olpc f r to tnapntej>n euerj> $ rnge n toeitl) ptej>mntg CJ)cj> fcroebenalfottttpmeof toarr 53ot!j mtbpo lanDfcott)ercoatrep0farc 3Dufe|>8-itlcDcr8of tl^ebole armp 3nD bp tbette toj>ttts * toatly poiyep ^tuD? t orecaft | Dtlygent trauaj>le J5auc toon many a grete frlo $ bataple 3no t^yneauneettouro tl;at toere ttjete toere tteuer able to bere Q)?ID no? fpere 3uiD toereneuerbuttolDyaro (tpponers Moi neuer tjao toptoome to be rule?0 3Sut becauf e trom autteettouro ^aue euer be fe>l>f etete $ topfe trjej> baue ljaD auetorpte 0av napt^j>ncauttceftour0 eam neuer au (CoauctorptefortopfDomepncppalI . $01 ttjoug# foe toere toife pet fomc or tlje agapti !5abfmaUDtfcrea"tottl|>tj>tltoj>to?bra?tt 33ut beeaiite of tbetong eStpnuattttee €>ftbe?>rgretepotlcu"ton0 bpetit)erptaunce 25ptbefolpft)tnaneroftbetoorlDetoefee :f 0? tbateauleeiier ifytv t)aue baD auetortte # 3tnD 3 fep tyat goo* reaf on agrety to it jfo?t^oug^faDcr^atteno gteteto# —"S # C^c fone t^atis to?fe©ulD neuer tlje moee £o(ety?0lanDo?auctori»cetyerfore ,..,.., Soity tl&t bj> ftuDp Dj>lj>gens* paj>« <£rcte lanopso^poMyonsDott) attayn $j>o otone ipte to to tyoete * to \m $o; to tabe tye trute of tyo merj> te Eeafon toolDe tt)ecforetf)atafter &j>0lpfe $?s^j>r8beforeftraungersI)aueptogatyfe 3nD tt)t cotj>nuaunce of fucl) pouWono £0aftj>#nobletnen*gentpll eonoyepons 3InD ttyv tot)os bloDe (jacl) long cont?nueD %% gentj>lmen f oti)ej> tyulD be i)onoueeD 3nD fo tn j>n auneettourolong tpme ^aue tt <£retepoul>ffj>onereanDinauctotj>te C!)ercfore eontyDer j>ngmj> geete lj>nage %V DloDe mpnoble bj?rti)anff parentage CI;ouartnotabietocompare w me $ Ottyer ia gent ylneonor in nobplpte e^eret^e ploumaneoautbintoit&al&ort tol)i>p in^0 ^ano (t i'pe^ aof olotoit^ #lofo. C0o1oIjerei8bi>bbj>Ubabbpaclj>tcecciatte5 3(jaroneuerof fofoii>u>a tnatter 2Sutbpgo0Dj>8boDj>toipefcetI)e troti* 3 atn better rban o tt;ec o f pou bottye 3fe Sltoaunt&ankerDeebotieero tttf}en8cotm>ftcljott> 1£ ^arpfolru^peuj>u)DaiDeuenfcoui)>/pioto ^oto faj>ft toolDpft anj> tijyng tt)ereitfaU $) l>etttar?>tbouiebj)>DDj>UaFn*ruDratfeatt 3t is f or rbe fuil j>il beieaipng Co gturb anj> gentj>ltncns talb^np; & C^entj>Imen j>e gentj4 tnen^ab berj>ng #utj>ouru)one in j>ourboiotnefo?toerj>ng 3accomptinj>feifbj>goDDv8boDp 25etter tban j>ou botOe anb more toorttyp * aiuaunt knaue get t&e out of t&egate 4D? 3 u)alliaj>tnpttoorDeottt&j> pate P Ci)atu)aU3proue3tnafeegoDauoto $eucrmbetteetj>me&aueatt&enoto iBtDerberateos «P $oto&olDett)j>!)anDfelotojtt)eprap ftoDtet*j>ntofat3u>iUtot&efej? P> f>pbnauefaj>^atcanftfej» *p 2oiDet()j>l)anD3ipeaj>t^e(tcomn0 nare 3amamatc&aun*(fttomanoftoaw 2±. r~ £ Cbouartnothoncft3telltt)eplavnIv Co ;nakcanv ouarrel !jere fo CoDavniv I ^opturbourc5munvcacvon # l&ere pe mav fe fvrs bv goDD vs paApon Ctoo prouoe rolrs mafec a erai&png atno tohen it comvtt) to popnt Dare do no tt)pn % 4Duc eomwtg ln>Dcr l our entent ys nottofycjfttbutbvfoavof ar$umcnt £ucrv man to Gjeto t) v s oppmpon Co fee lubo coudc tyeto ttje beft reaf on Co ptoue h. vm fe(Tnoble * moft gcnrvlman 25 v goD aU ttje'reaf ons (ptb ve began Cljatvcl)auemaDcthccofbe nottoortJ)a Bp C$ o fvt 3 pra V tlje t^an tell me tot)? Cf urftao toucfn>ngnoblenca3fa? Ctjeris notpet of poubotb, DvD ;pue orla* £>nvofvouractvstDb^rtvtljatvc >< £>t)ulDe in reaf on j>ue pou noble to be C?tgerbvDcfcrucanvmanerpravfvng 36 ut att ttje eftect of pour argu vog Co proue ponr nobtenes toas but onlp 4Df tije DeDD vs I actf of vout aunee&r? 3WDof theaet" tbat pour auneettours DiD betoee ye ar ttie nobler neuer tbe more CSstouchvngmvfclf3farcm^ecomBtfon 1D f ae noble DeDps as he f)ath anp Oone f o? 3am * haue ben one of tt)c d)eualct> 3&t tbe eomaunDement of mp ptvncc euee reDp 3lnDcucrvtvmc of toatr bauebe eaptapn %vto leoer of a .35 . men or ttoavne 3lnD 16 Oors j tjames fpcreanD (beiD Iteue 3opDVD my boDp in eucrv f ettw C&ecefflf of mplanDvs baue fbcnDe lpbctau> 3nDfceptagrctc!joufe eontpnutiUp 3tnDI)Olptoponpu^ ttjeuvs (ibipbersaltoep Co ttje grete tranqavlvtc of mv eonttap 3nD vou tnaitter ma?rhaut topl neuet tafee labout *Ercept it bcfor pour ;pffetanD lueoute a&toto* 4r>o to go to noto maftcr marebaunt Ct)creisareafontljatgvuvwvmiataunt 3 tto to more tt)an vou ean anftoete toell m 0aVJ topsppupd) *cuDe **afc *jauettj 3 ean mafce an anttoere f o tttbttanepaU? l^ettonotb^tofvoutsableto tepl? L 3lfrboucanftanftoere mpreaton do ^tjatran3toctlDoo.p. ehengoto folcgoto 3 Cap tt|c eompn Uigli o 1 e uer p lano 3Tnfcte of marehaunrDrie Dottj prpneppallp ftaitD 4Fottf oure eomoDireesbe brrerpD eor nouyt;t jn to tlrange lanDt s anD no rprbes broughr ©pDrr thertore / toe ftjulD roiue t o beggat p 3lnDalImenDrrt?rn rorpfiniitrferp * Cbe toe nobie tnaeehaunets ebat tn rbts reame be tnr^ita grere toetth ro rbpstanD do toe toe btrer our toarrs t br tbeprs gooD ehepe 3nD brpng rhem fjj»Dcr rbar grere ,pftet 3nD pleauire Daplp romrrh to tbts regron Coo all tnaner people tbat t;erc Do toott tfo?thcrmore pe fcc toetl td roureepes Cbat of ftrarnge tanDts rhe romoDrrees toe baue fuclj neoe o f tbem rhat be rr/ere yijrt$c tobreh inen muft neoes naue tohen tt;cp be tebe tohrrhin thrsreame ean not toetl groto iDur totrer ts ro rolDe * not hote 3 no m tt our tohreb tt,rngts toe ft)ulDe lrf e tn mpfcrp 3nDofttrinesforlaUof rbeai toelbulDi ore 3nD 3 IpeitDe nir ftuDi * labour rontpnuallp «no eaure fucb tbrngts to totne hrDer earlp 1°?^ f wnf ort of tnps lano * c5men toeirh 1«? J° f 5 C ^ ^ S retc ^ner * belrb. 3np for fudj nobie Deors rcafon torlt than 5S? r ^ *5 t0 * fau * D a »° bte i»«i < 3no notber of pou both tbat bere no to be ** 3n noWc ^uiaracroiiiparcx6ine ^ Sy^^^^SoDDesboDrtoelloit f fonetbatbatbbuttrttrUtort JnftoercmconetoorDcfurft jp«r tbe tobar ts ttjc nobicft thyuge rbar ran be^ tobae fatft thou tberro tht fetf iet fce p 2Hftf 9* l ? w # t( > n s in ** lp&topfe $ tlnwge t&at ljatlj moft neoe 36rt)ctt)yng tt}attsmofttorectjeD £>o fun?cpencr 10 euer nobtenes 3nD neeetrpteis euet tmed)j>Dne0 SlnD tje tbat batt> more neDe of tbat t^yng ^o? tbe ptrruaepon of b?s ipupng Ctjcn t;ts fclo to !jarfj bts teloto muft neDf be 23 j» tt)ps fame reafon tnore noble tijan^e * to^tdjan.0.b?>t!)eramereafontt,puitl)lo pebebuteaptpuT I torednsbotb ttoo % nD b p tlje fame reaton #ue 3 tyatt /o bottj pou ft>ulDe Dte 0; lyue tn neeeulte 3f pe ^ao not eotort ft belp of me 3nDa8fo?routr>nedotI)*coftlparfli? 3 eannot Cee totji pe ougtjt 0? mai £all po ur fetf noble beeaute pe toete tt toljidj toas maDe bi ottjer menis tabour (t tott 3taD alf >>ouc Dt tteate Drtntus (t btanD 3&i ottjer menis labonrs te tnaDeto pleafanD (Ct;eref ore mapttet !nardjawnt noto to pow 3 (et 3cannotfeebutiamabIetmai %,jt topt^ont yoti o?powt purueaunee ■< ' 5L?uc toptyout pou or pout puruepaunee fo? of f ooe * elorb 3 tpue fttiitaunct j©f mp felf t o?ipffmg neeeuarp 3nD no to ftr knpgtp to pou 3 fep plapnlp 3feenott&atpecananptyptigDo tfo?tbecompntocUo?oug#tongpno;thetto 2But eo) inan bepng in auetorpte j0aupng totttnap do ttao toeliaape (€t)ctt ore ro ipett ttoto of neeeupte Cbct io notbeeot pou bott) but pe be 3n more neDe tban j ttprtore 3 fep ptaprt 3ammorenobiet&anot$erofpou ttoapn ^o to n)at 18 a f oipil; reaton fo god ttte (aue $ oj bp tOe tame reaum tyou toolDpa haue £ueri beatpOTy * oebet rouie ttian € be more noble of birty tt)an a tnan foi tnan ^att; more neDe otbooeip eouerpno: C^ntbcpt>auefQjt&epneoeno rbinoe iCfcbeaffcmefcrr*altoat^fl«n ^beruTo'Mtoo^etteto bepetbmbobwatn ^foult0fet^a*foeue;tt?tn« ^ »tnatu^ljanjbt9^pe?coue»ng mueman&unleit to&u^iobornaUnakpn ■^nptyertore fcfbulDbet&anmotttorecto>D e^arpno maneamnakea better reatOn Jor ttwt ie a tute 9 a treto eotlut'pon ^or tf a e^ito toben tje ts turft born tocrcnotljoip#coucrpDi)etoereione lom *£&™* u Wt*1Wtommma oeu pctbeai0>uepotoertot)etp tt)em tetf toell € » oeouDerpngmanaboDpmoeDe 3bcat0ino?enobte»mantno3etorecbj>D |ccaufe£et)at<)mOeof inanpmo tbpnL ^nbeats^ueto^pottbeperlSa^ 3lfo mantnua Daplplabour* ftoett Co getbptn fuapnaunceasDrptw *tnete Cbe grotonD t)emuft Opg*tWbeaXll j o;b^DeanDmete tnoboDito M ? £wpt0fruti0anDl)e?bi0noiiji Drtumtrt,, doe«c#manb?teafott of t)j>sboDj» 3s more toreetyyD * tn itiore in pi'er v Cban bettT be /pet ttus nor to j>tt)ftanD png s©an ts mott noble of ereaturr ipuyng 0ot bpbps booy for trjat ts impoeent J5ut bj»(jps tbule bej>ng fo ereellent 5forbFteaConof bps fouleintj»Uectm 4e f nbDe toptt) att otber beuY alpue 3|nt) eopellptt) all ottyer bettt s tyar be 2S|» I) ps toit to releue bts neeettpte ( J5ut bettis baue no topt ttjcm relf to DefcnDc ^oreanget no tnore trjangoDbati> t^etn feno f o? tase anj» bett tyat toerprb beer 3no Do etyp tt of bare a gapns topnter Cbat bett barb no tnaner of polery» Co get otber couerjmg fo t i ljj»8 bobp M eiotu nor fitpns nor ljatb no topt Co put tt bppon (nmt tbaugb one batte ntaDe i f ^or ean bj»lD no boufc nor HpnDpl no tm re 33utj>etainanl)atr)toptjbnDerftanDpng jfo? to belp tnmt felf tn euerp fuefj tl)j>ug £>o tnan f o? t)ts foulc tntelleetuah" 3s tnott noblecrcatu?c of bettts aU m e^^a t is a berej> gooD | p?eguanC r eafo o yettne tt)j»nbitb tbou maKitt a Degrettton jf?otn tbe argument ttjac toe furft began totnrb toas to pue tobo toa3 tnott gent jH;nan tobpet) toe Dtfputj>D 3 toolo tl)ou ljaDDift (^ro ne$ tfocpoucbabdpngpoinp$fblfftTmc8 iliai» bj> fent tnari» 3 toyll not Do fo jf o? 3 ran noto to trje merttet goo 3nD fo;an batpenpas mueb greue bj» 3s tyall eott tne in our toton a pen j» 3nD J tell rrjc plapttlp tf out attj> bott 3 baipenpi ts as toett f auiD as tott e^trato f oe an balpeny tberin is no toatt Carptottf)t)satornleel)appstl)oumatt & «t^ 3Bj> our aeguapntaunee noto f)eje o;et more Cf)an lf)Ott gatt'et tottf) tf)p eart t|)ts monpt& brfore p f[g>tralofort|)tcouncelltortieafart Crototfi g topll crpf up mp ploto or cajt SnO foloto tf)p folflf) appttpte anti numOe Jl3aj> 3f am not pet C o mao nor Co blpnU JFor tobeh 3 am at mp eart or ploto 3 am more me$er tf)an otoer of pou 3 toolo not ebaunge mp lpf nor mp IpApno; jFor ia be mane a grete lorOe or a apng Cf)ere t's no fop nor pleaut^e tn tf)fe toorlo (jere 38ut f)pll belp fpll anti maue pot* ci)ere 3Se tt prpnee lo?0e genttlman or tmaue tyit ts all tf)e top tl)at be?e f)e ean f)aue 3But tf)efe eottetous anO ambt'etous torete&es Cfjep fet tf)ere mpnOps m bonoure ano rpcf)es &o mucf) tf)at tfjep be neuer eontent &o t&ep lpf euer tn papn anti to?ment 3But a man tfjat ean tf)te meanps tpnO Co f)aue fobe ano rloti^ ano a merp mpnOe 3nO to Oefpre no more tf)an i& neoefull Cpat is m tf)fe toouTie tf)e lpf mofl topf ult ^f)tcf) lpfe tn tf)fe toorlOe no man ujall acqutre C(U fje tubOeto f)ts tnfacfat oefpre M €3rfeetoellO)ouf)a£(acurflappCt)toft C&en pf tfjou toplt Oepart 3f prap tf)e prt Come appn tof)en tbp burnes ts tioo #> C^ortof)atmtentnotoC|)ttl03ro0fO iW C JFor toe toill m otore olbe argument profebe ©abo dmlbe be eatlpo a gentptman tntietie 8mo toe tootoe be glaOe to fje?e t&p reafon P € 3( toplt eome agapn uppon a eonOtewn Cf)at pe topU toapt uppon me botf) ttoapn 9n0 be not out of tf>e toap tof)en 3 eome appn & C^etopUnotbefarrf)ens p.tben3rtotlnotfaple i*i C STf)en 3f prap t&e let not tf)t pmu"e quafle P CJlof)e?et£(mpfpno;ernototruflmetoell 5 totll eome agapn pf g &aue mp bele JFor bp goO 3f prompee pou one tjnmo; 3 am as treto of mp toojOe as tfje mpno; Ettt tf 3 tpuoe pou not f>eje tfjen bp mp trougb ^fl)allcaUpouoppenlpfalfeunaupsbotf) i« C2Tf)ouCf)altfpnOeustretotneuerptbpnff ^ C3ftf))>nttfo/erceptlpenffan0flelpnff u €fcen far toeU for a f eafon a Oeto C j)en fere pe toeU botb J oa$e (ap as treto 3s fOme tba t be tpetie tn netopte iH tueli noto i)e ts gone goti fpeeo toell f)ts pte 3But tuf)at u)aU toe Oo noto t'pe meane fea(On fe let tts tatte noto f ome rec?eatpon 9rio eome agapn I;ere ano iteep our popntment 4» lOoto tbtito % am rpgbt toeU tontent 2tat* (n tfje meapn tople gooo lort) of t&p grate preferue all ti)t people &e?e m tin's plaee amen JTmisprtmepartu5 H&etun&apais ebepiouman P &ere 3f map toallt anb toanOer to ano tio But 3T (e not t|)em to&peb 3T toolti tpelte to 4H |9esbprot)ef)eietoebebot|)ttoapn Co tojom tbou OpOpfl promps to mete &ere agapn Co Opfpute t&e auettpon t|)at toe began to&pr!) of us eouO proue bpm mofl gentplman fe C&ouCrpOefit&ouba?&pflourargttmentesaU P (OOpti^not&ergoonnortubAanepaU JJbr t|)p (Olpu) anO ppupfl) opppnpon toas beeaute of t&e gjete Oompnpon ©f t|)e lanOts anO rentts to&er to t&ou toatl bo?e to&peb tbpn aunteflours bati long tpme betOre C&ou tbpnttpA tl)p (elf a gentplman to be Stnt ttat (0 a folpfl) reaton (emprl) ne JFor toljen atram Oolf an"0 eue (pan tof)o toas tben a gentplman 3Sut tijen tam rije e&tul anO geOerpO gooO ant) tber began furfl t|je gentpll blooo 3nO 3F tbpnk berelp pe oo beleue e&at toe tam aU of aoam anO eue Cfcen to tpelte bp reatOn grete pouMons iHake no gentpltnen but gentpl eontipepons Ct)at ts rl)e eaute anO befl reafon tobp #ne ujulti be eaUpb a gentptman trulp anti fortbe;mor marfc toell rtns reafon tben 3ff a mants auneettours batte be gentplmen 3nO be^teous anO gooo to eommpn toell Cbat ougbt to be reputpti neuer atreU ^a t&e p?apfe of tibe t&ploe tof)pt|) Hott) refttte 1 &ud) gooD tgDptpons d t&e eotrnr p t fc 5©ut tie ougijt to be Dpfprapfpo tbe more 35ccaufe bpsauneettours ljatlj metoto ijym be f oee 3preceDentofgentpine8(tUerteto tolj*clj gooD erample ijc Dottye uot mfetti $ o? tije gentplnes of i)P6bloDe elerp 3n &pm Doty Deeap * brtttlp Dpe j&o^et^tbfptt)coDptpon8t)erteous PC&ou$t&atbpsaunceftourstt»ece npepous £>ugtjtnot to beDpfp?apfpD $etf ore 25ut ougljt to be^onoepo # prapfpD rtje tnore * ret me tbpn&pt& morefano?tyulDebegpftYn (Co ljvm toijpdj ps of noble blooD $ bpn $ (€^eripftboutopitioke&onoureDtobe 25e caufe oftf?p bloD rtjcn matk toett » fee Cbe uplpft beggae rt>at gortj bp tbe oote >0aD pe not boty onegoD * ereature pe ram of one f urft ftofc * #genpe 2&ot&ofaDam(jeuepett>pUttot Denpe Clje beggar * tf?ou ioer botb Dototles £onfepupD (tborn mfplrtj o prouD of rtjc pr bprrtj rtjat aU tfjepr lpffps toolo gpf tyem to noiabour nor lernpng toljpcij brougfjt $em to mpferoMe enDpng e^attnpouerte tocedjrDlpDrb Dpe m fallpn to r&ett itfcmgpD rtjerfore rultype 5>o 3 f ep berteto $ gooD edopepons tban 38 tyat to&pct> makpr& tlje betp gentplmait 3nD rtjouglj rtjc faoyr mapbequedj to tjps fott $fe rprtjcs bps ianD (t bps poueupon pet map&enot^gpfnorbeQuet$ 3Unto ijpm tn no topfe atter bps Dety j0ps berteto nor ^ps gentpl eoDpepons CIjep ean not Dcfa tto as ortjer poffimpons 3ino pf rtjou topit bea gentpltnan neDps • eboumuttt^breberteuiiegentpUDeDpsi 3b u^pDefprementbenprapfeeuermore ®t t&eaetis of rt>epr auneetrours Done berots £ ^neraufe^erofpsforIaftoeiewpng #4. <5ftepefepuenot r&ereafo*iof t&e ttjpug % not!jet ts be caufe tljer be manp Cfcat eall tl^em Celf gentplmen intoortbp *»^rcl? lpfe boluptuoudp (tbettpalt 3nDDonogooDmt!)eU)oriDutaU gut lpfe in prpDe noutii I bnrt>rp&pne$ 3toD be eaule tfjep &aue no maner gooDneo $or,pperte nortmetomr&etnto&erbp 3np man tyulDe ttipnb rbetn anp prapte toorthp <£&erfore tbep fefee ror tomenDaepon ^>ft^eactCt^att^epraunfeftour8baueDone £0 Cben 3 merueUmen Defpre to betallpD d>f t&e bloDe of tfcra t&arerteUpD 3tt toortol p &onour ao fepngf * emgours totyere Cbme toere tpranttt fome toere eoouetouro 3nDfetoDefpretobecattpDof tbeptWoD Wjpc& baue ben eallpD 3utt me betteous $ gooD JtoD bfpo mDpaetent 3uftpce«equpte Wienesabtrpneno o? toptfuU pouerte & ?f3flW&teUtbetl)ebetepcauferreto 3t to beeaute t^ep loue no Cud) beeteto to&p$ berteto $ gentpU toDpepono u)uID be )Ungptigtogenrplmenof,pperte 3fe 3fgcntrIc6DpQ'onsbcttjecaufcIo Cfcentopll3compate tot$boti) pou ttoa dfo?3fwueDfpDcuctgcntpIIinanct 3tnDfo baue mpnauneettottrs rbat beforetoer€ f or furft o t all to&en r&ys toorloe began Xongattert^ertoerebutfetopeopleti)ao ■ S&tn fyaDfuffpcpentof euerptbpng topty oute gret labour f oj f ooe I clotfjpng 3U t^mg toae tn tdmpnamong r/)em ooutleo ^utaf tertoaroe toben people Dpo increft 3trj man to roerete |p pleaOtre * bolupte 4>f gooor tt lanDes DefprpD #perte toereof grete ftrpf « oebate DpD arpfe W fueb as ttiie aueetlours toere ebat toeretopfe IdtD ftuot to mabe iatoo toito tfjepeop(e mpg^tbe 7Lpffpng to' geDpr tn peafe % tonpte 3no agapns erant ps altoep DerenDpa tentto0pfctj}cmjjtofc&e,pffet > Compng of thepe fenDf tohpeh thep DpD get 3o f orn uueil * fucb tljpngf ao tf)ep toan 25utafteetoben thatcopnofmonepbcgan Cl;cp ebaugi D thote (euenute tt toe# eotent (€o gpfc ttjci n m inonep an anpell eeut £>o f or tbepr gooO et bei teous eoDpepons Cbepcamfurttto laof d poueupons & o poueupono began | toere f urtt f o unD aapponagooD $ reronablegrouno 2Bp goggr ftoete bobp tbou tpttt faJfdp ^Upoueluonobegan turtt of rprannp ^or tobeu peoplebegan rortt to enerett mmmtm tbem teu?atl to UDpineo 3tnD toolDnot labour but eabe bp bpolenee (€hat otber men gat bplabour * Dplpgenee Cban tbep tb^at labourpD toere fapne to gpfe Chem et of tbepr getttngt mpeao to Ipte $>} euX for theprlanUis inonep a porepon S>o polTeupono began bpertorepon 3tno tob^Ote&ertorrponerB ljaD oppreupD Ct>elabourpngpeopIctb / ant^eporoepnpD atnDmaDelatooineruelouettrapte* haro Chat ; tbepr beprf ropght iniop it afteru>arO »o thelato of inberptaunee toaomrtt begon tobpeb isa thpngagapnsaU gooD reafon Cbattmpmbecptaunceint&e toorlO tyulo be 5bati0au>unefull oppnpon lempthine jfor toben 3 ^aue labourpo (t bp grete ttuop ®at t purcijepfpD lanDpo trulp 3tisgooD rcafontbjit J bauelpberte £reUCtoIettbemDefcenDIpnpaIlp Co mpebplD o; cofpn of mpbloo mott npe Si?? 1 ?'*""" muft mo ?* *« iooo ttms ^ewufefomucbgooDt^erofi0jJceDwig %™ v l n ™t ^M°MuWoMDomae «^iSP^WbetoDtobpohepre ^etopiibplDtberon (*t*lanDi.nproto 3nDaUbarrap^outiDbtTtigtotpuip;e ^ ^OamenDt^eb^toapeotb^beWabout J 3nD Do manp orf)et gooD DeDts tto ootot # o? tge $kt of !)ps &eprps $at tyalbe atnD f or tljc eompn toeltl) of l)is eountee tol)tcl) tt)pitgf wrelp &e tooiD ineuee intenb pf fljeIanDflmlDnotto &pst)epre DeTeenD $ C$p $ p reaton no notypr ttjpng is tnent 23uta gooD DeDe bpponan pueUiutent totjen tnen f oe loue o; prpb Do fud) gooD DeDio <€be Dpuell tt)erfore fl)aU qupt tbe tyep? meDps * to!)PDergoDortfjeDeupUqupttbemtI)erforc 3s noto to our purpote neuer tt* more ^o? tl^epr tnpnor #tntemt no tnantan tell 25ut touebpng m t)crptaunre tty* J toot toeU ^ud)gooDeotnptf)ti)erof*DapIiDOtt)gcoto p 5frap mpd) 3U eomptt) ti)erof J tyaU proue l)0to dfo? ttjefe men H)atbe of grer poueOpons ^Unto tbepr Wod baue fuel) aneeepons pfanplanDIpfeetl)cmtt)at!pett)npett>m OX rl)epr pore negnbors tyey topU Dtttr op t^ent ^rbpertortimanpetyeptoplitbemeompeU Cbe lanD f or !)a!f tt)e toottt) to tbetn to tell 3inDtol)entt)epIakemonep tbeptopl altoep £uerbototo » neuer topUpng to pap 3nDtol)end)eyu^UDpepefeet!)eirpicnic f eto ot rt)etu baue remoro o f c5 fpens Co tnake anpmaner rettptuepon €>f anpIattD fo torongroUpgorton tt f®!)ou!)aflCpofccforcagapnogentplmcn 2Sut toljat i epft tt)ou of ittarctjaunD( rtjcn $ fl&anp be gooo ano toorfl)ipf ul alfo 3nD manp etytrteable dcdib t!)ep Do ^5plD c!)urc!)p9 9 atnenD tf)c !)pe toape ^aUe a!tnpo!)otofp8 t !)dp manp Deeaps 25 ut fomc be eouetous & f uU fa!f elp <£ct tbepr gooDisbp Dp&ept * bfurp 3nDtol)cnti)ep!)iiuea.^.n4nt!)eptcotcr0 Cftep toptt w^pr f uttee ttjepc nepg&ber» Co tterue for ^unger (t eoID $ to Dpe £> ? tt)eptopUgpfctot)elptl)cmapenp 3nD pet more ouer tot)rn anp of t&em be ^romotpo to rule o? auetorpte (Cl)cpDpCDapnaUIcrnpnglato»rcaCbn -".•■;• 3nD 3uggc aU bp topU * aflfeccpon $& (CijouactbutarapicrtofpefceCoCor« aaapne gentplmen (imate&aumt euermore Srnot plototnen * ettjet ttjat Drpte tye eart 3nD fuctj rutUeall tetotos as ttjou art . -Ms Sretos * ipte as bpepouup allo #ggcntpltnenof lanD( *inarcljauntf Do 5» pc0t^tstjpllcpncartec0almoftrc^on |touenottierc6fcpensnocDeuocpon J or brpbe I ttele euerp ttjpng tfjcp topU 3fttjep map Ceccetlp eome t^runtpil 3WD as f o? p?aper * Dpupne terupee (Hiipylo ue ttjem m no tnaner topie ^or neupr toolDe labour nor toortt Do 3!f neDe of Ipttpug Droie tfjcm not ttjecto r> pecgentvimcn*toerpc^marcl|auntCtt)atbe 5Ufc inpeb more bpee $ tmqupte 4B to^pt^pnkpttaUinarcljauntr'ftgentplmcnnoucl)t # ^p3fepnotCottetisnotmpttjougt}t 31 am not pet fo f olpu) uor fo tnao #0? 3 tmoto manp gooD tfjougo fomc be baD yet Come topU lutter Dpa Dett( bnpapD tobe 3tnD Dpe anD 3cogD tjps Coule rattje r tijan tjc topU anp of fjps lanDtmpnpu) anD empapre Ctjat OwlD atter ljps Dettj eotue to tjps tjepre 3no tome ot tfjem 1 prouo be ot cijepre bloD 3lnD bfc Dnatl DertetoanD 000 ipipU gooD #utgpfe alitoepre mpnDpsano tDepre ttuop Co oppeete tye pore people bp tprranp 3nD fomc of tijem ttjpntt rfjps for a turete yt is ttje mott fjonour to ttjem tijat eanbe (Co be abie f or to Doo ertorepon 3in0 to tiupneaptt tt topttjout punpepon £ 23tgoggrsftDctboDttt)ouartaaarttbnaue ^obie tnen ano gentpimen fo to Depeaue # toijattbouprouoQorc(ofoietof;aDofttt|ouimaue 31 troto ttjou tooiDttt a gooD btotoe or ttoo tjaue toptfjagooDofjppUofcctotectjttjccurtei> 3fe 3Lttantbeggcripfenaue3ttjeDcfpe # tolj4ttoplttboutoagebatteUbp*b?noto iCt;at fljatl 3 proue ttrapgtjt 3 matte goD auotoe £ttjtcberberateos ijp »epe tije peaee matters tjolD pour tjaDps f r uja me Co inalie tbps bcfpncs pe be gretdp to blame i>ctoptlDpfturballr^s&olecoinpanp P ^apmarptttsawulctomafecrfjcmmtrr ±^ Co toalke fuclja prouDe foo(ete butfport tgae »j> eobbps boDj> toere not f or toorblj> tyame 3 OulD euttbptTety o?euXfeetbj>berteblooe Ait &olo j>ourtogpourtoorDt0bmotl»mg gooo tocIofet>i*tftby0ietoj>Daltercacj>on fl9 yeb gooD paurme anD reerea eyon # toljytolwtbetterpaIlrtnebercanfttl)ouhaue (€l)cnto bereoneto eall an othrrbnaue % nD fee f urtj a prouo f oole toaik j>d tf a tobvp 3D ®ut3!ouettnottberforeof(el^rp TLeue tbj>0brablynganDtf gooDargument (€w $e tnatter t&at 10 no&eouenyent iFta j> 3 to pU trye it boto f euer (>e toj>U 23e it rttoorDpo o?DeDC3toj»lIanftoere^m ttpH tfo;be gx>Dj>fbe topUnotbeegtent Co beeoeluDpD bj>gooD argument 3toj>ll c0duD&j>m one toaj> 0? tljar3igoo 4Dr j tyaU $ut tt on bj>0 pate t&at tyatt 1 Doo * Ct>ote fpefej>ft lyk a derh tbat batg lpttj>U toj>t toben a cafe te put j>f be ean nottople te 25 p no manerreafon tbatbe canlej> Cben toj>UbcanftocreInnnt^j>0 toj>fe (t fcj> 25 etoare to!ja t j>e fej> fvr noto 3aDuj>f e v u jPo; it io treafon 0; berj>fj> tbat j>e (peh noto Co tbententto rebubeb?m opjntlj> 2&ef ore rbe tmlernj>D people ttjat OanD t&erbj> 3nDj>ffccannocotouroffucbtbj>ngf?nD * Ct?cn toj>U &e ner ano cljafe in \m «nrnD 3nD ealt otot fbme letoD toorDf of quarelj>ng Co tom tbe gole tnatter to d) j>D j>ng t f pgtyyng 3nD fo D01T tyou noto lj>fec one tbat toere mao ^aF3too!Dtboubnetoiftt^oufo!j>u)laD 3amnottjetutaD norDronbenj>et $ 0; tnj>n opppnpon 3 f;a ue toeU $uyt> 1 1 25 j> fttbttancj>att reafon anD argutnent Cuat enuerytaunee 10 not conuenj>ent 3nD ft)etoj>D better rcafono tban ttjoo eantt doo fc #aj> ttjj> rcafons tnaj> (bonebeanOoereD tmto 4Fo;goDDefcnDe tbatetrateo ofenberjtaunce £>ljulD be DyttroyeD f o?bj> tba t gooD o;Dj>naunre <2>cnt j>lmcn of lanoeo tmDoutpDl? »;pnge bp tbcp?c^plD^nf ultbonourabl? d>ome put to tb> f eoie to lerne cdnj>nge (Co inflruct t^e peop!c io bertuoue Ipupnge ^ ^r £>otne maDe to be aetyte itt marrpaU Debf 3ble to DcfcnD tne latto toben neDe ts 3mo the r uttpeaii people tbat baue no lanD ;&uchtbvngCbenotabletota&etnhanD tobertore yf toe fl)ulD oy&roy enberytaunee toe u)ulDe oyttroy allgooo rule anD oroynaunee 2&ut Cuch tnen as haue geet rentf anD lanDf 3nD no ettate but terme of tbeyr lyuys 3lnD euery rbpug tberon toytl noryu) anD faue $oi tbe geete ^ele &loue tbat rhey onty baue ^otbeemnyntoelthottbeyreontrey 3nD fo? goD (atte lo thcfc people be they Chatbc toortby to haue poueuyoos 3nDfucbpcople of toertuoufe eonoyeyons 3nD no nothee u)ulD be eholyn gouetnoues (tthettbulD rjauciaDfto tnamtaintbetrhwours Ccrme of theyr lyuys as long astb/ey tahe payn :fo t :tfaecdmyn toeltbtbysisgooDreaeonplayn &o tbat noman otogbt to baue any lanD aSut f ueh as be apt anD baue ehatge m banD $ o? the eomyn toelth as pryneys ano tulers ^y(U)oppr curat( preeOersattD teebets 3uggco utynyaersanDothee otryeers Chat ottye eomyn toeitb be ereeuters 3no baiyant men of the ebyualrp <€hat bebounDe to Detenoe tf;c peopleDayly ^ucbmenasbeapttoallCucbthyngC S>bulD bauelanDt to mayntayne ttjeye lyfryngf £>o enberytaunee is not befemynge Co let tbem haue lanDC tbat ea Do no Cuch thing Mo}3 rbyn& tt notretonabienotber ^>ne man to lyf bylabour of an notbee f o? yeb man is borne to labour truly %9 a byrDe is to fle ttatuealty 3&o? a tnan ougbt not to oauefueh lyberte Co lcfelanDC tobysebylD toher by tbatbe s>ball lutt fo?to iyte inflouttj * gloten? CotttpellyD to do nougbt but lyfe boluptuouClv Cbere iealtoay gooD remeDy foj tbat Cbat ts to eompeli rbettt to Do f om tobat s>o that yeb nuin bauyng enberytaunee mue fome auetoryte ano gouernaunee toberein be u)ulDe ta&e payne ano betwte* Co eon&rapn bpm toefcbeto 3Delnes ^ $ C^en^05refeitn>fd5cf^u!iyfofotoofl)tt V $>f t tptnes ttjepftjulD rule ttjat ijaue Ipttpll topt *Dr DtfpotyD to be prouo | eouetous ® t to lpf e after ttjepr luttts tooluptuous totjtctj pf fuctj tnen baD aucto?pte fl£anp ttjpnoX no Dotote tnps orDerpD tyutD be to^ere 3uftr« tyuiD be/ttjere toolD be tpranttp b^ere peae u)u!d be toarr Debat (tenup £>o ttytt ts no gooD reafon ttjat 3 ean fe - Co prouettjatanpentjerptauncefl)ulDbe * pes ttjat u)all 3 proue bp gooD auetorpte jf 0? reoe tn ttje bpWe anD tbou $alt trjerin fce <5oD fapD to abratjam tibi Dabo eerratn tjancet temtne tuo tt&pctj te as t nueb to fap to erpounDe pt teeto 3ftallgpfctcj?slanDtotfjcanDtbpttpfcto $cte is a gooD p?oue ttjat tt toas goDoes topU. Cl}at3b?aIjaanDIjtsbIoDea)ulDeconttnctt> ftpl 3spofteffyoners anDtjauctt)egouernauncc .€) f tbat lanDe as ttjepr p?op?e enberptaunee <€tjou anftoereft me noto euen Ipke a f ole 3sfome of t^eeetonoe t4arfte0tcjat go to CcoIe toben one puttettj to ttjetn a ttibtpll qucttpon £) f pb0 o^opbp to be p?ou pDe bp reaf on tof)ant{jcp{jauealltbcp?toj*te8ftreafott fpenDc amD ean not tell boto tfjep? parte to DetenDe Ctjanti)cp topllaleogefomeaucto?pte s$>i ttjelatoes 0? elles of Deuj>nite totjictje in no topfe men tnaj> Den j>e 3nD yet j>c mtotoe toell ttjat of pbvlo50ptjp Ctjcp?pncrphsoftrontrarrantbe ©nto ttje tierp groum>f of Deupntte ^02t1jepbrl050pljcr8agrerjeretnt0 4BuoD muDus fuit femper ab eterno « v 3nD Deupnps quoD 'tn pnneimo otm ereauit Deus tert am et eetutn 35ut ttjou D pDeft p?ompfe opent j> euen no to £)nelpbptwtucallreafontop?oueIjoto Cbat enberptaunee ougtjt fo? to be tjaD *D €23 j> gogges boDp fp?s 3 tjolDe j>ou bott)e tnaD ft be Iptte f ome tooman ttjat 3 Imotoe toell totjenttjeptoolDeanprnattertmto amantell Ctjep topll tell. ^r.talys bp ttje toap jl5o^pngetopurpofetottjetnatterttjattbep •» ■ ' I ■ % fcpD f u rft tn tenD to ttU anD Dedare 3WD tn lpbe inaner noto bottj pe &o fare iFo? pe Dpfputc no to \ot)vttptv en$ecptau!tce 23c a ref ottable typng oe a gooD oropnaunee tolipeli ts a inattee no ttjpng gtepnpnp; Co tpe qucftpou ntoupoat tge begpnnpttg ^or tt>e qucftpon toas tol^pet^ of oe aU ttjcc £ouD ptoue Opin telte moft gentplman to be % b toucIjpng rbat toe ljaue au fpoke $ t'apo M tnatt (oe t;ps ptas muebas ean belapD ^ 3Bap3^auepcttea{onslaftio^tbp3ca« pue inp f etf e of bs ali mott gentpttnan a&tyn notljcc of pou botti ean oopoe bp ceafon anf toet tne tt5ps Qort claufc je not getpll edDpepons tip moft prieppaU t aufe Co inake one to be a gentpiman * iaaraDucntuccttinapbetott)battt)an BaDuencuceqDa ^apstyall jme t$at bp eramplesmanpon iTo? imiQ>tur niattptt; one'a wulptpon d&rametto be gooograuiareon 3nD alfo geotnptrp a gooo geometrpepon StnDe&oripty eonopepons a enoeie fo? to be 3tno fo of enerp ott;cr cftate * Degre 3no U)tjerc gentptt eonopepons be eoueles 3nanp pfon rtjccets gentpUnes Cijan as toeete to inahptt; a gooD man £>o gentpl eonbpepons a gentpltnan i& 3U tl>otc popntt 1 tbpnu mutt neDps graOtpbbe totiat argupe uiore tberot f orttj let bs (ee & ^o to fcpft rt#n to prpoe torattj * enup * Cbrp be nougt;t mwtt j ttjpnfe berelp * tobattsiiifUcncspacpcns*cbarpte * €uerpctjonca gentptl * gooD ,pme tobat ts e ouetous * ipbeealpre f\ TE ^? 000 * °^r nougtit f or furete f t»batts0lotenpOon)(Hecl;crp & J^bcnougt;t alt uibo ean ri>atDenp ^ tot-ataoftpncnsgooD betpneo % ehattpte 1 ^"«us^gempii^perrtestbepbe P «>ptbpebaucgraap.pDttjps 3U>Mpeoucplawt 3 aat a gentplman fo is notte ot pou Smm *utllforp^Depourwpiiietu)etop^^t pebe ■• r jfot )tt or j>c toj>ll neuee be eontent ereept tfjat ?e ifrtue tfee f yneft eloty (t (j>lfce for to toere SDf orpent roloueo (taU your gere £>o coftlp/pourl)ouij>0 gj>it giorj>ouflj> 3o tbougt) j>e toolD ttteein pour felfDc?fj? ^e eour t euermore gooof lanOC » rent totjat fo euer j>e get pet neuer eontettt tora tt)f ull j>c be mo u vd to anger anon 3nD enuvou0Dj>fDaj>nj>ngeuerj>matt 3tttD ao fortne naiti rontent altoep toj*b a pore rotage (t f ptttple arap 3 Dpf Dapn no man (t yet parpentlp Can fufter to be taltpD bttaue ano notangrp £>ouitvinc 3 taU&pm tmaue agapn tnbatt 3nD totten i \)am (apD iu y anger ts paft pe ttaue j>our beDD j>s fo pleafauttt (t fofr toberetn j>e eafe j>our felf to long anD to oft tol;pd) ttt tknt) pour boDyes fo tenoerto be Cbat ye ran not enDure labour lj*eme to ptt) no maner tourfe f oDe j>e toj>tt be fcDe 25 ut tortt) plcafanD topnpo t tnott tofjptcfl breDe to prti flctt) t fpfl) mott Dplprate ft fat 3tt f rutf * ^prteo tbat tan be gat 3nD mt)cn pt I)auc baD luet) pleafaunt refcccj>on8 fe toeoo m 02 maj>De 3f u)e totne tn tbe toar> u)e tyalbe auapD (Ctjou ttett eaiaoerouts rborte f or i tl)f ft of trott) Cf)ou bfptt fj>rb t j>re more tben to: botlt ^aj> bj» rott&r'boDp 3 ufe no fprt) lj>fe foj 3 am rontent to j>tfj blatt mauD mj> topfe Croto pe p 3 eare f 02 ttjcfe ntf e prouDe priitt j>0 Ctjefe pattrD popagaps tbat bolD bp ttjetr ct)pnnt 3ino loKe fo unotert p ao tobo ia j> rt)cp tooID ^aueeuerj>matooo tfcetntyat Dott)ti)embctiolD Co te man f or aU fpd) ttenereall toertt ^3gooDt0tl)cfoulca8tl)cfaj>cetntt)CDerfe # Ct)oufapGtreto/Drafci6gooD3nougt)forftopne |3 j>ct tbou anttoet eft to no ref on of mpne £ Ct)j> reafon0 all er gl)t toell anttoeee 3 eatt f 0? 3 fep tt be eoinett) a noble matt r^ol)aucrj>ct)apBelItclott)j>ng 3nD gooDlj> l)oufj>0 of rottlp bj1Dj>og anot&atpr&manarrorDpngtottpooegr* • L \ Be tmotopn from otber anO tobat tbep be JFor pf fucf) roAlp tbpnge tor?e not maOe toork (Or pore peple eouO neuer be baOe anO manp tOlfee tban AmlO fall to ^Oplnes tobptb ts tbe moOer of topte and tojettbpOnes $> pe but 3 Oelpte noo f ur|) banptete toorlOlp 5 Oetpte notber tn flotb nor glotenp 3 Opg anO Oelte $ labour fOr mp Ipbpng jQeuer pOpll but tOmetobat euer Oopng 3Daplp 3J ren anO 50 beje (toete $ (topnfc 3 ete broun tyeOe anO Orpnk (mall Orpnk ^ , edntent to r t outs meat tobat (0 euer tt be (0 ft guettrb tbe bunger tt ttuTptptb me Cbe(e popntes 3f u(e tobptb 3F baue rebertpo noto SBeltot tbete getttpl tonOptpons 3 ptap pott ifl 3Ff tbou u(e tbem tteOe tompeUptb tbe tberto JFor tf tbou eottOtU baroit tbou toolO otber totte Oo . p tobat3FtoolOOaotbenpefannotteU 3ft ts not to purpote but tbps 31 toot toell &ptb rbat 3 ufe mp lpfe tn f ueb gooO maner tobptb (urb gentpU tonOptpons erpttpO bere iHore tban pe botb Oo OpU eontpnupng 3no (ptb tbat gentpll eonOptpons! ts tbe tbpng Co matte a gentplman rbe eaute prpneppall tobe^tn 3 b(e mp ltfr moft of bs aU topo tan bp anp rea(on Oenp tban 3But tbat 3F am of us aU mofl gentptoian fe 3f n (eptb pf tbou be gentplman tbertOre Cbou art a gentplman agapnt tbp topU full (ore ffl ^ptb 3 (e be AaOptb tn bts otott totatt (0 toeU Cbat oppnpon toe tball neuer erpeU JFtom bpm bp no argument nor rea(0n Cber(0re noto (Or a IptpU (eaton ilet bs Oept from bpm 3 bolO tt beti Cben toe tball baue to* bpm (ome refl fe 3tagretbertof0rtaton(aptbtbts eontra be?bo(as nolt totenOere berbts eontenO nor argu neuer (n no matter to l bpm tbat ts full of too#s ano tlatter M toberefoje (Or a (ea(on let us botb oept fe 3 am agretO tberto to< aU mpn bart P tobpttrstbantopllpetieptUbegon M pe tbat toe topll fa?etoel (Or a (ea(0n JF or to tar# bere lenger toe (ee no grete eaute Ct ereant C ti Ci)en fare pe toell as mpfe as ttoo Oatops arto 3f prap goo rentie pou fud) g?ace boti) ttoapn Co be Oark eoeiteoioe or pe eome agapn ii3oto rnaAers t&ep be boti) gone atoap Ci)e?efor e one tooroe noto fjarlie mbat % fe j? toee fee toeU noto by ulapne erptenee to&en a man ts fet tn a topUfuU ereOens 311 to fortefpe bps omne oppnpon Sf goo bpm felft t&an toolb toptt) f)pm reaton 3fn eft"eft tt u)aU no more auaple Cban to' a tobpp to Orpfc a f n aple Cf)erfOre no remebp ts tbat % ean fee JFor puell men t&at be fn auttorpte 3But let tbem alone tpll goo topU fenb 3 tpme tpll our gouernoms map tnteno of all enormptes t&e retOrmaepon Stato brtng (n t&epr &anbts t&e roo of eo^eeepon 2ta0 tt>e retormpng of tmurpes t&em telf tee Stau topU fap geptelp tiws tt iball be JFor ero?tacpons teebpngano pe&pg &eflpng ano raplpng t&ep meno no tbpng JFor t&e amenbement of tbe toop ts not m me isor all tbe grete arguments tbat me tbre ij)aue mabe fptb toe retonpD bere to geOpr £>o not puaple t|)e toepg&t of a tetber JFor tbe belppng of anp tijpng r&at ts amps me ean not belp tt t&en fptb tt fo ts g mpU let tie toorlD toagg $ |)ome topU 3 goo S2taD Drpf tbe p lotogb as 3 toas toont to oo 3nD prape goo fenb us peas 3 topl no ferr meU Cf)erfOre maflejs all noto fare pe toeU l£rtc miles | mereator ttnum tntrant fe j0otobpmptrotb3amglaBt!)at!)et0gon & gtaDtOamlbpttoetetepntgoim 3 tmru not a e&orll tbps feupn pe^ §sft>m fO euru" reatOns as ije f>atf> Oone bere jFor tj)e mapntenaunee of bps opppnpon pet ^e ^ps bpffeupb fOr aU bps reaton JFor tt i s neeettarp tbat rule^s be Co baue pottepons to mapntapn tl)epr tiegre ano t])Ofe fem to Orpfe t&e multptube all of tl;e otber people to labour to f all JFor pf u)e rulers Orof tbem not t^e^ta C|)e peple moUi be pDpll | notbpng 000 Stao mofl reaton ts tbat gouemaunee g>ftttlO eome to f tteb rule^ bp tnberptaunee iRatber tban to baue tbem cbofe bp eleeepon mt tpmpst bp 0?eOe meOe antj affecepon ifflen of eupll confcpens tbat grete tpratmte be EeOe 0U1 ewnpelps the proue pe fljaU fee <3no tbougt) tbep batte grete topt anti lempng . f0etwpratffltbepbetberoftbepferenotbpnjj S3otber goO nor man but euermore flpU to c out eauneeU or atiupfe foloto tbepr oton topU asut tbep tbat bp fabe#taunce rulers be ebaugbtbepbattenagretelernpngpettoete pet mattptb r&em tnore fe?efull $ better eotent Co tOloto topfe mens eottneell anO aOuptement 3nO fptb tbat pt batb ben fo long eotpnnpti ©nberptou^s to iaue rule ano f0 long utpti anti rbat tbep baue ruleti bp as Opftreffpon 8s tbe otber tbat baue be cbofe bp eleeepon 3Jrf tbat ortie j of rule bp fucceffpon of bloOe M ttlti be opttropO tt ttntlo Ooo burte $ no poo iW CI)at reaton ts fo jj?ete no man eantiebarr I3euertbeles tbat eburtlpu) urtaue tbat ca*ter atter bps fOnb opppnpon tbpnttptb tbus $pmfelfe more gentplman tban us & 2toutbermbelp^f0rbperptenstoefee Cbat gentpll eoopepons mott eotnenlp be 3m tbetn rbat be of noble blobe borne JFor tatte .rr. ca?ters tobpeb neuer toere betOrne 3quapntpO let r&em be to gpOer Calte .rr. urapnge pnrplmen m Ipue maner Cbefe eimrlpu) earters f tiare toeU tap topll not agre to gpOer f uant one Oap to'out ebptipnet qttarjellpna; orfpgi)tpng pebone topll uele from ot&er anO be ppupnu; 3nO Arpte tobpeb of tbem at tbe f Itot fl>U pap lefl 3nO rnOeuer tiem tobo ean plap tbe Itnaue bett 35ut tbefe gentplmen % toarant pou topll fiU0p tobo ean fl)eto to otber moflrujtefp 9nO of tbepr gentplnes topU pter to pap JFor rbe otber anO fi)eto tobat pleaturs tbep map §>o touebpng gentplnes 3 fap fujelp iWen of grete bprtb bfe tt mofl eompnlp M ebere ean be no truer taptng nor tentenee 9tntJ tbe caufe tbe^of toe fee bp erpienee JFor t&efe pore tojetef>e0 m f>aue no tf>pncr iWufl benpprOp; cfmrlpu) anOtpaprpner 38ut gentplmm be taug|)t ta 6e Ipberall SnO fo t&ep map be fOr t|>ep f)aue tof}ere to' a u fe antiastou^pgnoblenes^ata^ument tof)pef) tt> plotoman maoe late nmjrf) eupOent Cf)at gentplmen borne to lanD mufl neOps be iFor fuffpencp of mofl nobplpte JFcr betyOe goOOp0 gpfts of graee j of nature 80 topt anO booelp ffrpgf) pet tfjep be fu?e ©f otber rpe&es as of lanO anO rent Co attopo neOe fo toep be more ttuTpepent of t&em felf tfjan otiier oore peoole Douttes Cf)en pf neOe of ff?auncj;e beloe caufe torecf)pOne0 9n& fuffptaun0 be caufe torecjjpOne0 ffl 3 better ?eafon no man ean Oeupfe 3no pet fartt)er % tfnmfc lpnetopfe &etf)at f)atf) grete fjabottnOaneeof rpcf)e0 *Rap bte lpbe?alpte anO uentplnes ariO alto tt t0 euer neeeuarp Cf>at fome lpfe tn toeltf) anU tome tn mpferp 9taD let etmrllps bable anO fap tobat tf>ep toptt £ft f>atf) ben fo euer ano topll be to 8pU JFor ft ts almpoAtp a;oOOp0 purueaunee topte men of tolps to baue t|j>e gotiematmee ano t&ep tf>at rule toeU3f befeecf) 3feeftt &enD tbem gooO lpft $ lons to eontpneto 9toten. %ty ^Dtiofop!)cr pe fofe|apns aU Optrrete 5 ereetlent BetOre tof)om tf)ps Oplo s t&etopo i)atl) be Coucbpfi ttj, papnts bp toep of argument JFurff ttdbat t s gentplnes J tobat nobplpte 2to0 tof)o u)uloe be cf)Ofe to f>pe auttorpte Cf>ps qtteupons tfjep be fo bpe ano tOtteU JFeto Oare plumt to Bpnpne t&em toeu ■ ^ , C?et 3 tbpnbtwlb unber pour eoreeepons ^ <€tje ttjpng ti^t mafcptlj a gentplmanto be psbut bcrteti> * gentpUeonDpepons Mwk astoelt m poee meri,of t tpmps foe Ce 'as m men of greteDpett) 02 tjpc Degre 3nDalfo upetouo (tebutlptuTeoDpepons *$ap be tn men born to grete pofleft"pons ; camDforttjer as toue^png nobpipte petftanDpttjmnctjpt:it&pnisDoutles m fuffpcpencpe reaf on do# agre 25ut Ityat tttffpfauncemafcpng nobienes ^ 4©uft neopsbe anertD untogooones $01 fuffpfauns is not tbe caufe pepneppall i€tjatgoDtjt0noblebutijp0gooDnc0U)ptfjaU , C§>o oeetue ts euer t&e tfjpngpepncppall Ctjatgentpine0jnobIene0Dotfjtnfue Cfjen tt;efc ljeDpo rulers * gouernours att £>l)m eotne tfjerto be eaute of tljcpr Dertue #nD tn auetoepte tijep oug&t no teontpnue *5rcepc tfjep be gooD men Dpf etete * topfe 3BnD*;ciucaloue*5dconto3uu?ce Ctoljecrore fouecepnsalI ttjactjere prcfcnt be $riom marfte toeU ttjefe eeai'ons tjere brougtjt in, 2dotJjagapns men of ljpeit of loUiDegre iTor t$ps intmt o'Wp to tebufcef pit tforttjcbefttocpttjatt0fo;onetobegpti <€o eoueet ttje people bp eroetaepon p'0 to gtoiaDe ttjem bp naturaU rcafo n €f 02 totjcn tfjat a manbp tjps otonereattm 3uggpttj tjpm fctf e for to otao . Ctjat gruDgpty lyt eoitpens * gpffptJj eopuntpoti ^ntony0tjcrtetocautetjpmainenD a&ut fucb blpnD beftC t&at topl not tntetiD, <€o fjcre no gooDeouneell ndrreaCon iJPugtjt bp*e la to to tjaue tyarp eoreeepon C25utttjcn^fttjclatosbenot OnTpepent totjpctj tjaue be maDeA otoepnpD beforc <€o gpfe tljer f ore roopgne ponptyment <€tjc prpneps & gouernours be bounD euermore Co eaute neto tatos to be maDe tljectore ^LnD to put f uclj men tttauetorpte Cfjat gooD men 3 uft » mDpoerent be «I23ur becaufe ttjat men of nature euermore ,#ttcaple * f olotopng ftnf ualpt* 1 . yt te impolTrblem a mamr trjer rote fo} mv goueenouts tliat be m auerotyte $t ell trmrs^utt $ inornmnt to be £trepr t!jcr be brpDctpn.t tbetto eompellrD #r fome ttrapt latoe ror ttyrin DcurfrD C3 s c()u8 trjat no man fmij tome oeupye Jbut eetrarn rerro * tban to be mnoupD tettt&t tobrle bounD to attenD Drlrgenttp Stob rf t)e oflfenD * furclr proupD fep# outany tauour tlpt lje be pourI)rwjrD ^ottbeponrrTrmunt ofa 3ugco;oft>cet feotb more gooD rljan of ttjoutanfc otljec C'3nD bnrrtl tyat fut& ot Det o be Deurfr& ^uWtauncratI?/anD put in ereeueron Xobe n tuer to fee tbe ttiorlD a n .euOeD 002 of rfjc gret tro fcijcfcs ttye tetonnaeion 3&ut ttjer ttjat bebounDe to fee trje tt)mgf Done 3 P?a? 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