Manuscripts Incunables Woodcut Books and Books from Early Presses MAGGS BROS 34 8 35, Conduit Street New Bond St, London, W, GIFT OF FRONTISPIECE. THE MIXIATURE OF " HEAVFN " FROM " LE C XVth Century French Manuscript. See Item No. 28. No. 395 1920 Manuscripts, Incunables, Woodcut Books AND Books from Early Presses Selected from the Stock of LMAGGS BROS. (B. D. MAGG5, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE 8 RARE BOOKS, PRINTS 8 AUTOGRAPHS 34 r 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, W. Telegraphic & Ca/6 CLEMENS V (Papa). Constitutiones. LATIN MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM OF THE LATE XlVth CEN^ TURY containing the Constitutions of Pope Clemens V. at the Council of Vienne (1311) confirmed and published by Pope John XXII. The last page and a list of the Constitutions at the end of the manuscript are in a different hand, long lines, 24 lines to a page. 8vo, calf. XlVth Century. 6 6s } MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 27 COLLECTANEA. LATIN MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON VELLUM BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE, at the end of the fourteenth century, containing eight treatises. INITIALS PAINTED RED AND BLUE, long lines, 22 to a full page. 8vo, calf. XIV. Century. 10 10s Contents : (1) St. Isidore. Two books of soliloquies. (2) Directions to a priert for dealing with penftents ami other parishioners, beginning with a quotation from St. Chrysostomus. (3) St. Augustine. Do conflictu vitiorum et virtutum. (4) De signifies tione Passic.nis Saivatori?, explaining certain observances in Holy Week. (5) Disciplina bona. (6) Instruction to a priest for dealing with penitents; and at end of the instruction, a form of absolution from excomniunieatfxwi. (7) St. Augustine. De occnpatione bcna. (8) The Constitutions of Archbishop Peccham. 28 LE CORDIAL. MANUSCRIPT IN FRENCH. WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE ON VELLUM. DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARTS. THE FIRST TREATS OF COR- PORAL DEATH, THE SECOND OF THE LAST JUDGMENT. THE THIRD OF ETERNAL HELL, AND THE FOURTH OF THE JOYS OF PARADISE. WITH TWO MINIATURES, ONE OF HEAVEN, AND THE OTHER OF HELL. THE MINIATURE OF HEAVEN REMINDS ONE VERY MUCH OF PAINTINGS BY BOTTICELLI AND THE EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL. THE MINIATURE OF HELL, IX WHICH THE PRINCE OF DARK- NESS IS SEEN CONSIGNING GROUPS OF UNHAPPY VICTIMS TO THE JAWS OF THE DEVOURING MONSTER, IS IN THE STYLE ADOPTED BY BLAKE. 4to, full levart morocco, inside gold dentelles. gilt edges, by Petit, successor de Simier. XVth Century (a few pages missing). (SEE ILLUSTRATION, FRONTISPIECE). 120 PLATE I MINIATURES FROM " COSTUMES OF THE TIME OF JAMES I." Album with 35 Miniatures. See? Item No. 29. PLATE II. iIXIATURES FROM " COSTUMES OF THE TlMfc OF J.AMES I Album with 35 Miniatures. See Item No. 29. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 9 29 COSTUMES OF THE TIME OF JAMES I. SERIES OF 35 ROYAL MILITARY COURT AND CIVIL COSTUMES POINTED PROBABLY BY AN ITALIAN ARTIST OF THE TIME OF JAMES I. ON PAPER IN GOLD AND COLOURS. Mounted in an album. Oblong folio, morocco. (SEE ILLUSTRATIONS, PLATES No. I AND II.). 110 No. 1. The French. King. Xos. -2 and 4. Maid of Honour at the French King's Court. No. 3. French Courtier. No. 5. James I. No. 6. A British Beefeater. No. 7. A Royal Page. No. 8. A British Courtier. No. 9. The French King. No. 10. The French Queen. No. 11. A French Princess. No. 12. A French Cardinal. No. 13. A Lady of the Court. No. 14. An English Peer. Nos. 15 and 16. Nobleman at, the Papal Court. Nos. 17 and 18. A Lady. No. 19. A Hungarian Archer. No. 20. A Knight and a Lady. No. 21. A Knight in Armour, boar ing a Shield. No. 22. A Noble Lady in Black. No. 23. A Knight and a Lady out walking. No. 24. Noblemen and Ladies in a Carriage (the panels open). No. 25. Watchman and his Dog. No. 26. The Citizen and his Wife riding postillionwisp. 17o. 27. Countrywoman riding horse fitted with basket?. No. 28. Noble Lady being carried in Sedan oh air fitted between two Horses (panels open). No. 29. A Love Scene between a noble Italian beneath a tree in the country. No. 30. A Carousel Scene in an Inn (charmicngly coloured convivial scene). No. 31. Two (Noblemen and two ladies playing cards while servant is bringing in gaily coloured food. No. 32. Noblemen on horseback, -with his attendants. No. 33. Italian Councillor on horseback. No. 34. Hungarian Noble on Horseback. No. 35. Two nobles riding one horse, with their attendants in front. So CYPRIANUS (S Caecilius). Opera. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM AND PAPER (ITALIAN, XVth CEN- TURY). 22Q LEAVES, OF WHICH 72 ARE VELLUM (llj by 8* ir\ches\ BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN IN ROMANO-GOTHIC CHARACTERS, 33 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH NUMEROUS LARGE ORNAMENTAL INITIALS PAINTED IN COLOURS ON GROUND OF BURNISHED GOLD. MARGINAL ELONGATIONS COMPOSED OF PEN-DRAWN SCROLLS AND TENDRILS DECORATED WITH LEAVES AND DOTS (Continued over) io MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Cyprianus (S. Caedlius) continued. OF BURNISHED GOLD. AT END ARE TWO LEAVES OF TABLE WITH THE INITIAL LETTERS PAINTED IN GOLD AND BLUE ALTERNATELY, WITH VERY RICH TEXTUAL ORNAMENT IN THE SAME COLOURS. 4to, contemporary binding of sheep. XV. Century. 31 10s *** A beautiful specimen of Italian calligraphy in peiff-ct preservation. The eminent Latin Father, Saint Cyprian, was probably born .it Carthage about 200 A.D. He vras famous for his learning, eloquence and ascutio zeal and his writings afford valuable information on the views and discipline of the early Church. HOSPITAL RECORDS, 1581-5. 31 ST. DENYS. Compte que rend Catherine Goguer veufve de feu Guillaume Duval, Appothicaire de Messieurs de Samct Denys, Prieur et Couvent dudict lieu, de toutes les receptes tant en medecines que Chirugien dudict lieux pour les malades de J.a dicte Abbaye commencent le XI Aoust 1581. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. Small folio, calf. 30 This curious and interesting record relating to the Abl>ey of St. Denis contains the names of the various patients, the dat?s on Avhich they were treated, and the per- scriptions, during the years 1581 to 1585. It is signed by Goquer, L. Thibault, Doc-teur en la Faculte of Persian poets, FIRDUSI, is one of the great works of the world's literature. It comprises one hundred and twenty thousand verses in Persian, and was finished after thirty years' continuous work on the 23rd of February 985 A.D. at the age of seventy. It comprises the space of three thousand years and it is almost impossible to give a layman an idea of the vastness of the scale on which Firdusi worked. Mahrnoud of r Miazna, the ruling- monarch of the day, persuaded Firduisi to undertake thisi gigantic tasik by the promise of a piece of gold for each pair of verses. After spending thirty years in composing this vast poem which gives the finest idea of the national wars of the Tartars and Persians, Firdusi was rewarded by 60,000 pieces of silver instead of the promised gold pieces. The money was brought fo the poet at the moment that he was leaving the public baths. Piqued at the monarch's failure to keep his promise, Firdausi gave away his gift to the servants at the bath and the door-keepers. The poet composed a particularly virulent satiro on Mahmoud, and gave it to the king's secretary, asking him to present it to him when he saw him plunged in one (Continued over) 14 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Firdusi continued. of his habitual fits of melancholy. Immediately after handing the parcel of vitriolic verses, the poet disatp-peaxed and went to Bagdad, where he composed some verses in eulogy iof the vizier of the Khalif , /being as well acquainted with the niceties; of Arabic as of Persian. The vizier gave him an apartment in hib palace and tho Prince of the Faithful presented him with the 60,000 pieces of gold that had been promised him by Mahmoud. A threatening letter from Mahmoud arrived soon at Bagdad and forced the Khalif to ask Firdusi to lea\v> his town in view of Mahmoud/s military renown. On the point of leaving Bagdad, where his reception had been so hospitable, for Yemen, Firdusi heard that old friends had made his peace with Mahmoud. He returned to his native town, but a few days after his arrival while walking with a child who recited verses from the SHAH NAMEH to him, the old man felt weak, and died after a few hours. In 1020 A.D. while his coffin was being carried out of the town, the humble procession was stopped by a caravan of richly laden camels bringing sixty thousand pieces of gold from Mahmoud. The present was offered to his daughter who refused it with tihe words, " Firdusi's daughter does not need the presents of Kings/' The money was then used to erect a magnificent tomb. The Epic of Kings has been the favourite book for illustration by the artists of Persia. The adventures of the invincible Persian hero Rustem, and his combats with men and spirits, are well depicted in the manuscript Lefore us. 36 FIRDUSI. Shahnameh.. (The Epic of Kings). MANUSCRIPT OF THE MOST FAMOUS LITERARY MONUMENT OF PERSIA, WRITTEN IN PERSIAN, IN FOUR COLUMNS IN RED AND BLACK, WITH 30 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES DEPICTING THE ADVENTURES OF THE HERO, RUSTEM. DATED A.D. 1612. Small folio, original Persian binding of embossed leather. 37 10s 37 FIRDUSI. Shahnameh, or Epic of Kings. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN IN 1748. WITH 83 FINELY ILLUMINATED MINIATURES AND FINE ILLUM- INATED ANVVANS (BOOK HEADINGS). Small folio, original Oriental binding of leather. 42 38 GUILLAUME D'AUXERRE. Summa Magistri Willeimi Altissiodoren- sis super sententias Petri Lombaroi. Commentary by Guillaume d'Auxerre (died 1230) on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. MANUSCRIPT ON FINE VELLUM OF THE END OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. CAPITALS IN RED AND BLUE. 2 COLUMNS (683 leaves). 4to, calf. 21 Some of the contents : Purgatory by Fire; Day of Judgement; On the twelve fruits of the Spirit. On the glorification of the whole Body. Whether the Resurrection of the Body is natural. On the Discord between Greeks and Latins concerning the Eucharist. On the Effects of Contrition. On works of Satisfaction, ete MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 15 ELEVENTH-TWELFTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT. 39 HIERONYMUSfS.) Tractatus in Matthaeum. MANUSCRIPT ON STOUT VELLUM, XI.-XII. CENTURY (172 LEAVES, 9 by 6J INCHES). FINELY WRITTEN BY A GERMAN SCRIBE IN SEMI-ROMAN LETTERS, LONG LINES, 24 TO A FULL PAGE, GREEK QUOTA- TIONS' IN GREEK, PAINTED INITIAL TO EACH BOOK. Thick small 4to, thick boarded crimson morocco extra, inside den- telles, by R. De Coverley, in fine stale. Saec. XI. -XII. 63 * * * AN IMPORTANT OODEX. The Scribe Bertolfus ha:s written his name in an inscription ,at end: " Indignus alumnus Sancte Marie NOMINE BERTOLFUS mo- (nachus) scripsit hunc Codicem optans a domino per hoc ve/niam pecioaminum suoram." On the last page there is a letter from an unnamed " Babbgensis. code, humil. minis- ter," (evidently from his tone of authority, the Bishop of Bamberg) to " B. Geng. Abbati," in which he refers to his own condition of bondage (servitum), and while he asks for his prayers, orders him not to think " de naonte commutando/' This is written in the same hand as the rest of the book. 40 HIERONYMUS (S.) (Vita et Obitus ex ejus potissimum script is congesta; insunt Exhorta- tiones ejusdem necnon Epistolae SS. Eusebii, Augustini et Cyrilli; sequimtur Prologi S. Hieronymi in libros Bibliorum etc.) MANUSCRIPT ON FINE VELLUM, XVth CENTURY (85 leaves 8} by 6 inches), WRITTEN IN VERY NEAT ROMAN LETTERS, LONG LINES, 28 TO A FULL PAGE, RED RUBRICS, BLUE PAINTED INITIALS BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE (the Epistle of Augustine to Cyril on folio 4to appears to be unfinished and four blank leaves follow). Small 4to, blue morocco with blind and gilt ornaments, g. e., by Thompson {Paris}. XVth Century. 42 A very beautiful Manuscript of typical Italian beauty and neatness of calligraphy. 41 HORAE. Horae B. V. M. ad usum romanum, cum Calendaiio, etc. (Franco-Flemish XVth Century.) A CHARMING ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 235 LEAVES (s-i by 2j), WRITTEN IN NEAT SEMI-ROMAN LETTERS, LONG LINES, 16 TO A FULL PAGE, CALENDAR IN RED AND BROWN, RED RUBRICS, NUMEROUS SMALL ILLUMINATED INITIALS, AND PEN-LETTERS IN RED AND BLUE, SOME WITH MARGINAL DECORATIONS. 14 VERY FINE SMALL ARCHED MINIATURES (if bv ij in.), BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED WITH BORDERS OF RICH FLOREATE SCROLLS, NATURAL FLOWERS, FRUITS, ETC. fCVm -firm oA 16 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. H orae continued. THE OPPOSITE PAGE TO EACH MINIATURE HAS BORDERS OF A SIMILAR CHARACTER. i6mo. boarded velvet (blue}, ivith clasps of silver gilt repoussee work SAEC. XV. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. V.). 275 The miniatures are as follows : (1) The Crucifixion. (2) The Descent of the Holy Ghost. (3) The Infancy of the Virgin. (4) The Annunciation. (5) The Visitation. (6) The Birth of Jesus. (7) The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. (8> The Adoration of the Magi. (9) The Circumcision. (10) The Slaughter of the Innocents. (11) The Descent into Egypt. (12) The Coronation of the Virgin. (13) David composing Psalms. (14) The Office of the Dead. 42 HORAE BEATAE VIRCINIS, cum Calendario. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, ABOUT 1470, BY A FRENCH SCRIBE ON VELLUM, EVERY PAGE IS SURROUNDED BY A BORDER OF ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTS, COMPRISING LEAVES, BIRDS, STRANGE ANIMALS, FLOWERS, FRUITS, BUNCHES OF GRAPES, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, ETC. WITH ii FULL-PAGE MINIATURES AND 24 SMALL MINIA- TURES. Royal Svo. In a beautiful contemporary binding of brown morocco, the sides entirely covered ivith -panels of festoons of ferns and laurel, roses, etc., back richly gilt, g. e., preserved -in full morocco case. (France, about 1470.) (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VI.). 250 List of Contents : 24 small miniatures within ornamental borders in the calendar, 12 of which represent the signs of the Zodiac and 12 Domestic occupations. LABGE MINIATURES (FULL PAGE). .1. St. John writing his Gospel on the Island. At the back view of the mainland, with churches, towers, bridges, &c., and in the far distance is a delicate blue view of the hills on which the sheep are pasturing. 2 & 3. Double page miniature of the Annunciation, each figure occupying nearly the whole of the page, the Virgin draped in a pale pink gown is kneeling before a large gilt priedieu, at the back a golden arras, while in the far background a long tapestry of blue embroidt-red with gold is seen. On the right is the Angel, draped in light green and mauve. 4. Anne and the Virgin. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 17 Horae Beatae Yirginis continued 5. The Birth in the Manger. 6. The Annunciation to the Shepherds 7. Adoration of the Magi. 8. Presentation in the Temple. 9. King TJavid on Horseback, meeting Abigail. (A very unut-ual subject, /beautifully carried out). 10. Dives and Lazarus. ' Very unusual subject, in which tKe lich man is shown "in a fine 'blue gown trimmed with fur, ihds wife is sitting on his left in a gown of talue cloth, with has attendants ato the '.back, while Lazarus is just coming in at the door, taking his hat off to them. The whole of the surroundings and dress is entirely medieval and not biblical. 11. Adoration of the Virgin. The lady, previous owner of the book kneeling in front of the Virgin. 42a HORAE BEATAE MARIAE YIRGINIS. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VLLI UM (FRENCH XVth CENTURY) ON no LEAVES, NEATLY -WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, 23 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH 12 ELABO- RATELY ILLUMINATED PAGES OF CALENDAR, WITH 2 REMARK- ABLE MINIATURES ON EACH PAGE, AND ONE FULL-PAGE MINIA- TURE OF THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MANUSCRIPT. EVERY PAGE IS EMBELLISHED WITH A LARGE AND ELABO- RATE BORDER ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, AND AT END ARE SOME SMALL MINIATURES OF SAINTS. THE CALENDAR IS WRITTEN IN GOLD, BLUE AND RFD. SEVERAL HUNDRED INITIAL LETTERS IN GOLD AND COLOURS. 8vo, red velvet. XVth Century. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VII.). 250 43 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE YIRGINIS, secundum usum Rcmanum. cum Calendario. A FINELY EXECUTED MANUSCRIPT ON 125 LEAVES OF VELLUM BY A PARISIAN SCRIBE. EMBELLISHED WITH AN UNUSUALLY LARGE NUMBER OF FINE AND DELIGHTFUL MINIATURE PAINTINGS IN GOLD AND COLOURS, 15 LARGE SIZE, FULL PAGE; 17 SMALLER SQUARE MINIATURES OF SINGULAR CHARM IN THE TEXT, IN ALL 32, BESIDES HUNDREDS OF SMALL PAINTED INITIALS AND TER- MINAL ORNAMENTS. 8vo, bound in brown morocco, gold and blind tooled ornamental (Continued over) \8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginia continued. design on sides y ornaments in centre and outer angles, gilt ai:d blind tooled -panels at back, g. e. y by Zaehnsdorf. Late XVth Century. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VIII.). 200 A perfect specimen of fine Parisian miniature painting, from the Library and with the bookplate, of X'colas Joseph Foucault, the famous Parisian collector, who was made Councillor of State by Louis XTV, born 1643, died in 1721. The large miniatures are : (1) St. John writing his Gospel. (2) Jesus praying in the Gaiden. (3) The Annunciation. (4) The Virgin and St. Anne. (5) The Crucifixion. (6) Descent of the Holy Ghost. (7) Jesus in the Manger. (8) The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. (9) The Adoration of the Magi. (10) The Circumcision. (11) Flight into Egypt. (12) Coronation of the Virgin. \13) David playing on the harp in the midst of his Courtiers. (Very fine). (14) David on the dung-hill in his old age. (Very fine). (15) The Trinity. The small miniatures, which are charming and delicately painted by a sympathetic- artist, are : (1) St. Luke. (2) St. Matthew. (3) St. Mark. (4) The Virgin and Child. (Very fine). (5) The Virgin and Jesus Crucified. (6) St. Michael. (7) The Holy Shepherd. (8) St. John. (9) Saints Peter and Paul. (10) St. James. (11) St. Sebastian's Martyrdom. (Very fine). (12) St. Nicholas and the three little lx>ys that had been salted by a butcher. (13) St. Anne and the Virgin. <14) St. Mary Magdalen. (15) St. Catherine (16) St. Margaret. (17) St. Genevieve. 44 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRCINIS, cum Galendario. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON 82 LEAVES OE VELLUM EOR THE USE OE THE DIOCESE OF TAREXTAISF. (FRENCH SAVOY), GOTHIC CHARACTERS, 38 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. CALENDAR IN RED AND BLACK, RUNNING TITLES I\ r RED. WITH 17 LARGE ARCHED MINIATURES IN A VERY CURIOUS STYLE (PECULIAR TO FRENCH SAVOY), WITHIN FULL BORDERS MAGGS BROS., 34 ot 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 19 Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis continued. COMPOSED OF NATURAL FLOWERS, FOLIAGE AND FRUIT, BIRDS, ANIMALS AND GROTESQUES INTRODUCED, MOSTLY WITH SOLID GOLD GROUNDS; 42 SMALL MINIATURES, AND NUMEROUS ORNA- MENTAL INITIALS ON DIAPERED COLOURED GROUNDS. 8vo, Old French -pale brown morocco gilt, corner and centre ornaments of olive leaf sprays, cherubs at corners, monogram of the letters C. N. G. in centre of each cover, intervening spaces -powdered with small orna- ments, g. e. XVth Century. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. IX.). 135 The large miniatures represent : (1) St. John, the Evangelist. (2) Jesus praying in the Garden. (3) The Annunciation. (4) The Visitation. (5) The Nativity. (6) The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. (7) Adoration of the Magi. (8) The Circumcision. (9) Slaughter of the Innocents. (10) Flight into Egypt. (11) The Crucifixion. (12) Descent of the Holy Ghost. (13) David in Prayer. (14) The three Hiving and the three dead men. (15) Office of the Dead. (16) The Trinity. (17) Mary with the Body of Jesus. The 42 small miniatures depict scenes in the life of Jesus, the Passion, Male and Female Saints, Subjects from the Scriptures, etc. 45 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS cum Calendario. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT, WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, ON 138 LEAVES OF VELLUM (4! by 3 inches), WRITTEN IN LETTERS BATARDES, 17 LINES TO A PAGE. WITH 13 ARCHED MINIATURES RICHLY PAINTE6 AND ILLUM- INATED IN COLOURS AND GOLD SURROUNDED BY FINE ORNA- MENTAL ILLUMINATED BORDERS, WITH NUMEROUS SMALL INITIALS ON BLUE AND RED GROUNDS. Small 8vo\ XVlth Century brown calf , beautifully tooled in gold to a fine Lyonese design, gilt back, g. e. (France, XVth Century.) 85 The miniatures represent : (1) The Annunciation. (2) Anne and the Virgin (3) The Crucifixion. ''Continued over) MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis continued. (4) The Holy Ghost. (5) The Birth of Jesus in the Manger. (6) The Annunciation to the Shepherds. (7) The Adoration of the Magi. (8) Presentation in the Temple. (9) Flight into Egypt. (10) Coronation of the Virgin. (.11) King David, the Psalmist. (12) Job and his friends. (13) Martyrdom of iSt. Sebastian. 46 HORAE B. V. MARIAE cum Calendario. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (FRENCH XVth (TN- TURYX 155 leaves (5* by 3! inches), NEATLY WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, i$ LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH n LARGE MINIATURES WITHIN FULL BORDERS OF FLOREATE SCROLLS WITH FLQWERS AND FRUIT INTRODUCED, RICHLY PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. WITH 13 SMALL MINIATURES OF THE VIRGIN, THE FOUR EVANGELISTS AND VARIOUS SAINTS, WITH THREE-QUARTER BORDERS IN EACH CASE. THE CALENDAR IS WRITTEN IN GOLD BLUE AND RFD, SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF INITIAL LETTERS PAINTED IN GOLD, BURNISHED, ON PEN-DECORATED GROUNDS OF BLUE AND RED, TEXTUAL ORNAMENTS ON STRAP-WORK AND SMALL OVALS 8vo, old red morocco gilt, scroll and line borders, g. e. XVth Century. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. X.). 85 The name " Brunet de Montforan 1687 " is written in margin of first page. 47 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRCINIS, cum Calendario. A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT, BY A FLEMISH SCRIBE, ON 1 66 LEAVES OF VELLUM WITH MANY ORNAMENTAL INITIALS, AND EMBELLISHED WITH 15 FINELY EXECUTED MINIATURE PAINTINGS IN GOLD AND COLOURS, WITH DIAPERED BACKGROUNDS OF GOLD, BLUE AND RED: THE BORDERS ROUND SOME OF THE PAGES INTRODUCING GRO- TESQUES, AND FIGURES OF MEN AND ANIMALS. Thick small 8vo, full vellum. XVth Century. 78 A very good example of a Flemish Manuscript, the Illuminated Paintings being of considerable merit. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 21 48 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRCIN1S. FRENCH BOOK OF HOURS BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE ON 89 LEAVES OF VELLUM, EVERY PAGE CON- TAINING A BEAUTIFUL BORDER IN GOLD AND COLOURS AND 12 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES AND 25 SMALL MINIATURES. 8vo, contemporary wkite calf binding, richly gill on sides and back, g. e. Paris. XVth Century (about 1470). 65 From the Library of the Spanish Marques lyAngeja. List of Contents : 24 Small Miniatures in the Calendar, of which half represent the Signs of the Zodiac, the other half domestic occupation, and on small miniature, Anne and the Virgin. LARGE MINIATURES (FULL PAGE). (1) St. John writing his Gospel. (2J The Annunciation. (3) The Birth in the Manger. (4) The Annunciation to the Shepherds. (5) The Presentation in the Temple. (6) The Flight into Egypt, (7) The Coronation of the Virgin. 18) The Crucifixion. (9) The Outpouring of the Holy Ghost. (10) King Da.vid, the Psalmist. (11) The Office of the Dead. (12) The Adoration of the Virgin (the lady to whom this book originally belonged is shown kneeling in prayer). 49 HORACE. Opera. Virgil. Bucolica and Georgica. Persius. Satires. Statius. Thebaid. INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON 218 LEAVES OF VELLUM, 29 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, INITIALS IN RED, RUBRI- CATED. 8vo. Medici binding of leather over, oak boards, blind tooled. (Early XVth Century.) 75 An early manuscript full of variants. The Horace cnly wants 16 lines to make the text quite perfect. At the end of the Statius there are four lines not found in any of the printed editions. At the end are a few pages of poetical matter, some written on palimpsest leaves. 50 ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPT. MANUSCRIPT IN ICELANDIC CONTAINING, I. SPECULUM REGALE, II. ENGELSK MEMORIAL. (A translation from the Dutch translation of the Tragicum Theatrum.) Folio, original lim-p vellum. XVIIth Century. 10 10S 22 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 51 INTRODUCTIO AD CEOCRAPHIAM; De Sphaera, etc. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT CLEARLY WRITTEN, .103 pp. Small 8vo. original calf. (At end " Finis Geographia, datae anno Domini 1690."') 10s 6d 52 JAMI. Jusuf and Zuleikha. A MAGNIFICENT MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN IN RED AND BLACK IN TWO COLUMNS TO THE PAGE, SURROUNDED BY BORDERS OF GOLD AND RED, OF ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT LITERARY WORKS OF PERSIA. WITH 5 MAGNIFICENT MINIATURES. TYPICAL OF THE FINEST PERSIAN ART, AND SHOWING A VERY DISTINCT MONGOL TYPE, ILLUMINATED IN GOLD, RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, CARMINE, PINK, ETC. Royal 8vo, original Persian binding. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XL). 52 10s * * * The Manuscript is in excellent condition, and the Miniatures are of exceptional quality. 53 JEMAL-ED DIN NIZAM!. The Khamsah or five Treasures. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT CONTAINING THfc MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES (MORAL POEM), WITH TALES AND FABLES, THE LOVES OF CHOSROES AND THE BEAUTIFUL SHIRIN, THE LOVES OF LEILA AND MAJNUN, THE HAFT PAIGAR (THE SEVEN FIGURES), THE ROMANTIC HISTORIES OF THE KING BARAMGUR, AND THE SEVEN PRINCESSES, AND FINALLY THE ISCANDAR NAMAH (THE HISTORY OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT). THESE FIVE POEMS FORM ALTOGETHER ABOUT 28,000 D1STICHS. THE MANUSCRIPT IS WRITTEN IN FOUR COLUMNS AND CON- TAINS 34 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES. IT IS DATED 1579 A.D. Small folio. In the original Persian, most elaborately tooled and gilt binding, beautifully gilt back, with a leather doublure. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XII.). 350 The miniatures are as follows : 1. Dancing before the King. 2. A Banquet at Court. 3. Magnificent full page ornamentation in gold and colours. 4. Ditto. 5. Family Scene in the Desert. The baby is being fed. 6. The King giving audience. 7. Full page ornamentation in gold and colours. 8. Ditto. 9. A Lion Fight. 10. The Baoiquet in the Harem. 11. Luncheon in the Harem. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 23 Jernal-ed Din Nizami continued. 12. Dancing in the Harem. 13. Music in the Harem. 14. At Home in the Harem. 15. A Scene in the Harem. 16. A Concert in the Harem. 17. Public execution, a man suspended by heels in the open, being stoned. 18. Ghosroes on horseback, perceives for the first time the 'beautiful Shirin, in tihe midst of a beautiful landscape. 19. A Polo match to the accompaniment of a band. 20. A Visit in the Desert, mountain goats and gazelles in the distance. 21. A Scene in the Harem. 22. Illuminated Sarlows. 23. Ditto. 24. Very picturesque scene at school, 15 boys in various stages of being taught and caned. Very unusual miniature. The master is represented a giant in stature as well as intellect. 25. The King in a drunken frolic, falls off his couch. Amazement of the ladies of the Harem, some of whom bite off their thumbs in their astonishment. 26. The Golden Age, in which Gazelles, Tigers. Lions, Rabbits, Panthers, Donkeys, Boars, etc., live in peace and harmony. 27. Two illuminated Sarlows. 28. Ditto. 29. A Scene at Court. 30. A Fierce Fight and a King's Death. 31 Two illuminated Sarlows. 32. Ditto. 33. Alexander's Pavillion in the Forest. 34. A great Banquet at Court. (Double page). A MAGNIFICENT MANUSCRIPT OF THE KORAN. 54 KORAN. MOST HANDSOMELY WRITTEN IN GOLD INK WITH MOST ELABORATE ORNAMENTATION A'l SIDES AND WITH LARGE MARGINS, EVERY PAGE OF THE TEXT BEING SURROUNDED BY LINES IN GREEN, GOLD, RED AND BLUE, VERY HANDSOMELY ILLUMINATED FRONT PAGES, ELABORATE ILLUMINATIONS TO THE CHAPTER HEADINGS, ETC. WRITTEN PROBABLY IN THE XVth BUT CERTAINLY NOT LATER THAN THE EARLY XVIth CENTURY. Small folio, stamped oriental binding, with sunk decorations of em- bossed leather ', gilt edges. XVth or ear]y XVIth Century. 52 10s * * * At one time this Manuscript was the property of the Very lEeverend Dean of Yt.rk. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO FIND A MORE HANDSOME COPY OF THE SACRED BOOK OF ISLAM. 24 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 35 KORAN. In Arabic. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT WITH NUMEROUS ORNAMENTATIONS IN COLOURS AND GOLD ON NEARLY EV'IRY PAGE AND WITH THICK GOLD LINE ORNAMENTATION ROUND EVERY PAGE OF TENT, THE HEADINGS OF VARIOUS CHAPTERS BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IN BLUE, GOLD, WHITE, PINK, GREEN, AND OTHER COLOURS. THE TWO FRONT PAGES TAN- WANS) ARE MOST BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IX GOLD, BLUE, PINK, BLACK, ETC. 8vo, original ornamental binding of leather with embossed gold orna- mentations (XVllth Century}. 18 18s 56 KORAN. In Arabic. MOST HANDSOMELY WRITTEN IN BLACK AND RED, MANY PAGES SURROUNDED BY BORDERS Royal 8vo, original ornamental binding of red calf with flat. XVIIIth Century. '10 103 FIFTEENTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT. 57 LACTANTIUS. Advercus gentiles Institutionum. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, WRITTEN IN NEAT ROMAN LETTERS ON i?o LEAVES 'i i inches by 7* inches), BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE, LONG 'LINES 30 TO A FULL PAGE. WITH THREE INITIALS ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS (THE FIRST IN THE WHITE VINE STYLE;. Folio, green vellum, gilt lines on sides, gilt devicz of lion rampant in fine -panels on back, g. e. XV th Century. 25 A very handsome manuscript in beautiful condition. Spaces are left for the Greek words, but the Latin translation is written over them by the original scribe. LE BRUT, or Chronicle of England. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON VELLUM BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. LONG LINES. 4to, calf. XlVth Century. 50 Although labelled at back Tiringham's Chronicle, this manuscript is a French version of Le Brut similar to that in the British Museum. t'Cotton MS. Domitian A.X folios 12-87). The first part of this manuscript corresponds very closely to the English version of the Brut which was published in 1906 by the Early English Text Society (Original Series 131), but the narrative is much condensed in the latter part which is written in a different hand. Our manuscript however contains details relating -to PLATE III. .DIONISII ftREQPAOITEATrf 'ENIENSISEPISCOPIEf r DISCIPVL!| BEATIPAVU [APOSTOLI DECELESTIHl ^RARCHIAPERAMBROSI MONACVM FLOK ,ENTINVMEXORQ INLATlNVTRAD\i CTO DlONYSiUS, t>E HlERARCHIA. Italian Manuscript an Veilum (XVth Centnry). (Illustration, reduced, shows title, which is superbly illuminated in letters of gold with border of green and gold ) See Item No. 33, PLATE IV. Miniature from FIRDUST'S SH.-VH-XAMEH. Persian Manuscript dated A.B. 1622, with 96 large Miniatures. See Item Xo. 35. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 25 Le Brut continued. Richard I/s Crusade to the Holy Land and the Scotch Laws of Edward III/s reign which are not mentioned in the English Version. The Chronicle begins with the legendary aocoi;nt of the Advent of Brutus, son of Aeneas, to England. " En la noble cite de graunt Troie/' It contains other legen- dary matter on the early Kings of England, including King Arthur, and ends with the sack of Haddington Fair in 1333. The fly-leaves are (portions of the court-roll of some manor or perhaps of presentments at some Assize. On the first of these are threa lines in Latin, perhaps a charm, then a note in French that in 1106 was found Our Lord's Cloak in the Monastery at Argenteil and in October of that year the sign of the Cross was seen in the moon, also that in 1159 the Abbey of .Sybbeton (Sibton Co. Suffolk) was founded. In the same hand there follows a memorial (or prayer) of St. Appollonia, tf very profitable for toothache." On the blank side of the last fly leaf there is a note in a Fifteenth Century Scotch hand of the marriages of English Kings from Hen^y I. to Richard II. 59 LECTIONARIUM FRATRUM MIHORUM SANCTI FRANCISG8. A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE, IN LARGE LETTERS, DOUBLE COLUMNS ON 258 LEAVES (14 by loi inches). THE OPENING PAGE ADORNED WITH A LARGE MINIATURE OF ST. FRANCIS, AND THE TEXT SURROUNDED WITH A FLORAL BORDER IN GOLD AND COLOURS; AT FOOT ARE THREE CIRCLES, THE CENTRE ONE OF ARMORIAL BEARINGS, THE OTHER TWO OF AN HOURGLASS. NUMEROUS INITIAL LETTERS IN RED AND BLUE, AND HEAD- INGS IN RED. Thick folio, original oak boards covered ivith X\ 7 Illth Century leather. Circa 1450/2. 36 * * * This Service Book comprises : Lectiona.ry (containing the lections read in the office) of Franciscan-Roman use : the Proiprium Sanctorum throughout the year (Saturninus Catherine), followed by the Commune Sanctorum. The lection commemorating the Franciscan martyrs Berardus (" BeirnairduiS ") and his companions (16 January, canonized 1481) is inserted at the foot of the page : Boiiaventura (canonized 1482) is omitted and the lections for Ber- nardino (canonized 1450) are put at the end, instead of in their proper place (20 May), and his Translation (28 May, 1472) is omitted. The date may therefore be taken to be 1450-1472, and probably soon after the earlier date. The prominence given to Anthony of Padua, Justina, and Prosdocimiis suggests Padua as the place of origin : and this is supported by the style of -script and decoration, and also by the spelling Ambroxius, Blaxius. Unidentified arms (barry of 6 sa. and a.r., over all a bend OT.) on the first page. 26 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 60 LIBER AMICORUM. With original water-colour drawings. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LIBER AMICORUM BELONGING TO A POLISH NOBLEMAN, CONTAINING NUMEROUS AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTIONS OF HIS FRIENDS (POLES, ITALIANS, SPANIARDS, AUSTRIANS). WITH 55 EXQUISITELY EXECUTED WATER-COLOUR DRAW- INGS ON VELLUM AND PAPER OF 72 COATS OF ARMS, SCENES OF TOWNS, COSTUMES, AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. Oblong 8vo, sheepskin. XVTIth Century. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No XIII.). " 105 Among the more important water-colour drawings are 'the following: 1. On Velluin. Miniature representing a battle in classical times between cavalry and infantry, exquisitely executed in black and, colours; at back, a burning town. 2. On vellum. Emblematic painting- illustrating the quotation " Ardua per Princeps gloria, vadit Her," men dressed in, various garbs are endeavouring to scale a cliff, on the top of which is Glory. 3. On vellum, water-colour drawing, showing Fortune standing, on a winged globe and travelling from shore to shore across a stormy ocean. At back, a shipwreck, and a ship sailing peacefully. 4. On vellum. Emblematic water-colour drawing, illustrating the quotation " after rain comes sunshine." On right a shipwreck, on left a cavalier and his lady dancing to the strains of a full orchestra. In the background a deer hunt. 5. On vellum. Exquisitely executed water-colour plan of Rome. 8. On vellum. Pretty plan and view of Messina, with the ships arriving in the harbour. 7. On vellum. Plan of the City of Valletta, $. On paper. A married lady of Sienna and a noble lady of the same town. 9. On pamper. A Heart from which Leaves are growing, on an Altar. 10. On vellum. Symbolic water-colour drawing illustrating the power of love. Two elegantly attired ladies with ruffs, seated in an arbour, manipulating a net, in order to caitch well-dressed cavaliers who are sftting in a tree by showing nine ladies' heads in cages (a kind of super-man-mo use-trap). 11. On paper. Four noble ladies, in charming XVIIth Century costume. 12. On paper. A Citizen's Wife, in picturesque XVIIth Century costume. 13. On paper. Very much overdressed lady, with crinoline and ruff. 14. On vellum. Execution in front of an Italian church, with picturesque and gaily attired crowd, most interesting min'a-ture with very gay colours. 13. On paper. Venetian gondola, with two gaily attired gondoliers, with movable paper side, which on be'Jig lifted up reveals a gaily dressed cavalier in pink kissing a lady attired in light blue. 16. On paper. Emblematic drawing in water-colours showing a cavalier in green on horseback (with three dogs) pursuing and shooting at a flaming heart, which is held by a female centaur. 17. On vellum. Water-colour drawing, showing heroes descending from a ship and fighting fire-breathing (bulls, in quest of the Golden Fleece. 18. On paper. Three ladies in Bourgeois dress. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 27 View of a town at back. Liber Amicorum continued. 19. On paper. Three daintily attired ladles. 20. On vellum. Plan of the town of Palma. 21. On vellum. Statue of a rider mounted on a pedestal. 22. On vellum. Plan of the City of Milan. 23. On vellum. View of the harbour of Naples, with many ships riding at anchor. 24. On vellum. Fortune on a winged globe traversing the Ocean. A shipwreck in the distance. On the right a gaily dressed Cavalier is shown as the puppet of Cupid,, who is pulling the strings from a cliff. A grave jackdaw and an old man are about to warn the Cavalier. The old man is dressed in red slippers, and wears a very curious cap and dressing gown. 25. On vellum. Bird's eye view of the City of Florence. 26. On vellum. Fine miniature of a warship " Galeone," the^guns are seen ready to fire, sailors are climbing aloft, a bugler is seen ready to blow, men at arms a;re standing with hallibards in the poop, the Galleon bears the banner of the city of Venice (the Lion of St. Mark). 27. On vellum. Charming prospect of the City of Vienna. With many riders in the foreground. 28. On vellum. 29. On vellum. 30. On vellum, foreground. 31. On vellum. Andromeda chained to tine rock, being rescued by Perseus, who mounted on a winged horse is killing the dragon. 32. On vellum. Florentine cardinal, Florentine lady, priest in the habit of St. Stephan. The Doge of Venice, a .Sea General. A cavalier and noble Senator in their official dress. The Doge'h Wife and a Venetian noble lady. A Venetian married Jady and a Venetian damsel. A Venetian courtizan Stage coach on the Toad. View of the harbour of the City of Genoa. A Square in an Italian City. Eight gaily attired cavaliers in the On paper. On paper. On 'paper. On paper. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. On paper. A Venetian damsel, when she is about to marry. at home. 38. On paper. A Venetian courtizan in costume, elaborately dressed, with movable- paper flap showing that she is walking on a kind of stilts, wearing page's dress, with gold embroidered breeches, blue stocking and shoes; amd a Venetian noble. 39. On paper. A Paduan married lady and a Paduan noble lady. 40. On paper. A Paduan artizan's wifo and a Paduan peasant woman bringing ducks- and fowls to market. "41. On paper. Double page miniature, showing the Pope's procession. The Pope is- being carried in state on his chair, accompanied by many churchmen, etc. 42. On paper. Eoman noble lady and Eoman widow. 43. On paper. Roman peasant women and Eoman peasant. 44. On paper. The Viceroy of Naples and a Neapolitan captain attended by his page.. 45. On paper. Neapolitan Princess and Neapolitan married lady or young girl. 46. On paper. Neapolitan courtizan and Neapolitan peasant woman bringing eggs to- market. (Continued over) 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Liber Amicorum continued. 47. On paper. Neapolitan Sedan chair being carried between two mules, with movable paper side showing a nobleman with large hat and ruff seated in state in the red lined chair. 48. On paper. Neapolitan Sedan chair being carried by two footmen showing a noble lady seated inside in the green lined chair. 49. On paper. Grand master of the Order of Malta and a Priest of the Order of Malta. 50. On paper. A Maltese lady and a Maltese married lady. 51. On paper. A Maltese Courtizan at home and a Maltese Nun. 52. On paper. A Maltese Courtizan in the street and a Moorish servant. 53. On .paper. Procession of the endowered young: jprls in Florence. 54. On paper. The Doge of Genoa when he receives a crown. 55. On paper. A Genoese noble lady and her " Servitore." 61 LOCICA ET MORALIS; Ad majorem Dei gloriam Compendium Logicae, M.S. on 491 pp. Gomentarius in Opera Moralia Aristothelis. MS. ON ABOUT 500 pp.; TOGETHER THE TWO MANUSCRIPTS IN A CLEAR HAND OF THE XVIlth CENTURY. Folio, original calf, 1676. 3 3s With MS. title " Logica etiam Moralds. T. Dillon, anno Domini 1676." This T. Dillon is probably Thomas Dillon, Jesuit, who was Professor of Humanities at Cad'z 1640-1676. <>2 LORRAINE (Cardinal). Sermo Domini cum Sophonia Habitus qui Patrem quidem Chusi avum autem Ccdoiiam, etc. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, ON PURE WHITE VELLUM (47 leaves 5! by 4 in.); WITH 6 FINELY ILLUMINATED CAPITALS WITHIN RULED GOLD BORDERS. Small Svo, old calf : , in the finest preservation. Saec. XVI. 6 15s The original Manuscript, with dedication; " Clarissimo Princdpi Joanni a Lotharingia Cardinali Joannes Sallineus, S.P.D." Card : nial Lorraine was Minister to Francis I. and Henry II. The Calligraphy of this volume is similar to that of Nicholas Jarry. 63 LUCAN. Pharsalia. A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN LATIN MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER ri34 LEAVES), 2; LONG LINES TO A PAGE, INITIALS IN RED, WxTH NUMEROUS MANUSCRIPT NOTES IN THE MARGINS. 4to, oak boards, half bound, with leather stamped in blind and clasp. XVth Century. 12 12s At end of manuscript is a note " Ego Bernard.nus transcripsi." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 29 WRITTEN BY THE PRIORESS OF THE ABBEY OF PARE, NEAR LOUVAIN, WITH INSCRIPTION AND DATE. 64 MATUTINALE PREMONSTRATENSE. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (FRENCH, XVth CENT.) 334 LEAVES (;f BY 5$ INCHES), WRT1TEN IN SMALL GOTHIC CHARACTERS, 31 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. ADORNED WITH SEVERAL LARGE ORNAMENTAL INITIALS IN GOLD AND COLOURS, SOME WITH FULL BORDERS OF ELABO- RATE PEN-DRAWN SCROLLS, GROTESQUE ANIMALS, ETC., THE FULL BORDERS ON THE FIRST PAGE CONTAIN IN ADDITION SMALL FIGURES OF A RABBIT, FOX, UNICORN, LION AND STAG - PAINTED IN GOLD, TWO GREYHOUNDS IN BROWN AND GREY WITH GILT COLLARS, AND TWO PEACOCKS IN BLUE, RED AND GOLD; OTHER LARGE INITIALS APPEAR IN RED AND BLUE WITH ELABORATE PEN-DECORATIONS, HUNDREDS OF SMALL CAPITALS PAINTED IN BLUE OR RED. Thick 8vo, old calf, gilt device on both .covers of lily of the valley sprays, surrounded by the inscription " Bibliothecae Parchensis" XVth Century. 35 * * * This Manuscript contains tlie Offices and Services of the Breviary for Matins only, except the hymnary which gives the hymns for vespers and compline. Written for a bouse of cannonesses prcfoably affiliated to the Abbey of Pare, near Louvain, by the hand (Propriis maiiibus) of the Prioress, as appears from an in- scription towards the end of the volume. " Mera ex caritate. Featiuis diebus (vacant!) tempore liber hie scriptum exstat, quare vendi non licet, n medicine, as follows: A treatise on plasters; Extracts or notes on the Hellebore, the bite of the mad dog, etc.; A short list of cataplasms, plasters, syrups, antidotes, and Galcnus de morsu rabidi cams. Directions for a three days' fast, followed by prayers to obtain certain graces, and by the Sortes Apostolica; a short list of lotions and unguents; Proloyus et commentum Alexandri super Aphorismos Hippocrntis (leaves 14-78); Liber Alexandri (a lisi of (Continued over). 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Medicinae Tractatus Varii coxtixned. medicaments and cures for various ailments, probably by Alexander Trallianus, and with contemporary interesting marginal notes by a different hand), leaves 78-95; Ratio ponderum vel mensurarum diversarum medicinarum. Medical receipts for various ailments; Oratio ad dispensandam medicinam; Galeni de pulsu et urinis, et Prognostica (leaves 101-3); OE1BASII DE HERBA'RUM VIETU- TIBUS (leaves 103-20), Dynamedia Hippocraiis (leaves 121-28); De passionibus sin- gulis (an enumeration of various maladies with a list of potions); De signis ponderum 'secundum graecos (leaf 130); Liber Oribasii ad Eustadium f ilium suum (leaves 131-40); Liber Oribasii ad Eunapium Euporistam (leaves (140-146). Two letters of Hippocrates to his Mecenas and to King Antigonus; Ratio sphaerae Pythagorae philosophi, quam Apallonius descripsit, de egris, sive vita sive mors eis futura fuerit, etc. (leaf 148); Liber Consiantini de cirurgiis (Leaves 149-59); ALPHABETUM HERBABUM GRAECE ET LATINE (leaves 161-68); EPISTOLA GALIENI IN ANTIBALLOMENON FOLLOWED BY THE LIST OF MEDICINES AND HEKBS WITH THEIR SUBSTITUTES (leaves 168-9); A HERBARY FROM GALEIN AND OTHERS; Philaretus de pulsibus (leaves 177-79); Curatio Elephan- tiosorum (leaf 179); Prognostica Hippocratis (leaves 180-85), etc. The last 5 leaves contain an account of three miraclets operated by the Virgin; and the first line of the hymn Ave Mari Stella, the Venite exultemus, the Christmas hymn Laudes Deo dicam, and the Sanctus, all with musical notation by neums. It ia of great interest to note that the date of the manusoript can be assigned pretty accurately between the years 1100 and 1150; for on the verso of leaf 148 is given a list of Popes beginning with Alexander II. and ending with Eugenius III. (1061-1153). But the note referring to Eugenius III. (1145-53) is in different ink and hand, thus showing it had been added by another person and at a somewhat later date, while all the previous ones are by the same haind. XIIlTH CENTURY ROMANCE MANUSCRIPT, WITH ILLUMINATIONS. 66 MERLIN AND ARTHUR. Le Roman de Merlin. A MOST IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT OF THE XHIth CENTURY, WRITTEN IN FRENCH BY AN ANGLO-NORMAN SCRIBE ON 203 LEAVES (406 PAGES^ OF VELLUM, GOTHIC LETTERS, 2 COLUMNS* TO THE PAGE. THE FIRST PAGE IS ADORNED WITH A LARGE MINIATURE PAINTING IN GOLD AND COLOURS (size 6* by 3^ inches), THE FIRST INITIAL HAS A STRAP ORNAMENT WHICH EXTENDS ALONG THE BOTTOM OF PAGE AND IS ADORNED WITH QUAINT FULL- LENGTH FIGURES PLAYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THERE ARE ALSO 13 OTHER MINIATURES, DEPICTING INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF MERLIN, ARTHUR, AND THE ROUND TABLE KNIGHTS. AT EACH PAGE WHERE A MINIATURE OCCURS THE FIRST INITIAL LETTER HAS A STRAP ELONGATION, AND THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE IS ADORNED WITH QUAINT FULL- LENGTH FIGURES OF MEN AND WOMEN ANIMALS, GROTES- fUES, ETC. Folio, old calf. Circa I2QO. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XIV.). 1,050 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 31 Merlin and Arthur continued. * * * Of all the Ancient Romances, that of Merlin, King: Arthur and the Kn?,ghts of the Round Table stands out p re-em intently. Very few early Manuscripts are in existence, and the present one is undoubtedly one of the most important, not only for the texflbut on account of the Miniatures with which it is adorned. To Geoffrey of Mominouth (who lived cfrca 1150-1200) is ascribed the Authorship of the Merlin Prophecies : " One of the most extraordinary works of art that the Middle Ages ever succeeded in producing. Of mythical tales and curious legends there wias certainly no lack in those days, but the fabrication of a long consecutive history, to fill up a gup or form a prelude to the authentic annals of a nation was something altogether new. Yet the story was so wonderfully told, the invention was so admirable, and the marvels related appealed so strongly to the imagination, that the world for ages after seems to have been at a loss what to make of it." The present Manuscript i<5 evidently the Romance as compiled by Robert de Borron, who founded his work on Geoffrey oif Monanoutih. The great French Prose Romance which he created, became very popular, and Sir Thomas Malory borrowed much from it for liia " Morte D'Arthur." This Manuscript is nearly contemporary with Robert de Borrori. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT WITH DRAWINGS. 67 MORLAND (Chevalier). Elevation des Eaux par Toute Sorte de Machines, reduite a la mesure au poids et a la Balance, par le Chevalier Morland. THIS MANUSCRIPT IS BEAUTIFULLY DRAWN, AND CONTAINS A LARGE NUMBER OF DIAGRAMS, 4to, bound in XVIIIth Century French crimson morocco, full gilt backs (by Derome] 1681-2. 10 10s It also contains " Table du poids de Feau de la Thamise purifiee proche du Chateau de Windsor," and " De la Riviere de Seyne proche du Chateau St. Germain, et passant dans Paris le 22 Mars, 1691." MANUSCRIPT WITH CHAIN BINDING. OS NICOLAS DE LYRA. Postilla. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. Folio, XV th Century binding of oak boards cohered ivith pigskin, 10 brass bosses on sides, -plain back, elongated -pieces of leather at top and bottom of back in order to protect the leaves from dust, ivith staple and chain composed of three long and one round link, which were used in the old days to chain this vahiable manuscript to its original monastic home. (XVth Century.) 35 12 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 69 NOTARIAL COPSES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS relating to Councils; Ecclesiastical Privileges, etc. Ordinances of the Provincial Synod of Barre. (Manuscript, 21 11.) (16 ), Acta Concilii Provincialis Remensis (in Gaiha), (II. 11.) (15 ); AND. OTHER DOCUMENTS, IN ALL 60 11. IN VARIOUS ITALIAN HANDS WITH NOTARIAL S1GNA1URES, WRITTEN BY VARIOUS HANDS AT DIFFERENT DATES ON SUBJECTS RELATING TO COUNCILS, ETC. Sm. folio, original Venetian binding cf oak boards and stamped ornamental brown morocco with metal bosses and 1 our clasps (well pre- served^ with an old Italian Archbishop' s ex libris in cover. Saec. XVI-XVII. 10 105 Fine specimen of early XVIIth Century Venetian binding. MANUSCRIPT WITH THE SCRIBE'S NAME AND DATE. 70 OVID! US. Fastorum libri sex. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER (90 11. 11} by ;.V in.), VERY FINELY WRITTEN IN ROMAN LETTERS, LONG LINES! 29 to a full page. (At end) " explicit feliciter per me RAPHAELEM DE PREDANIGRA in-:ime Scte. Agathe cremone MCCCCLXXXI. Die prime mensis marcii hora quarta et vigesima." Small foJio, modern calf . . 8 15s *** Manuscripts bearing the name and domicile of the Scribe and date are very uncommon. 71 (PASSIO JESU CHRISTI, etc.) (Dutch XV-XYL Century). " Hier begint dz weer de avotmael os here." DUTCH MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER (ino 11., 5* by 34 in.), WRIT TEN IN GOTHIC LETTERS, LONG LINES, 18 TO A FULL PAGE, RED RUBRICS. Small 8vo, contemporary Netherlands binding of oak boards and leather, with stamps of " The Image of Pity,'* roses and Fleurs de Lys, and legend (worn), with leather and metal clasps. Saec. XV. -XVI. 6 6s THE SAMARITAN PENTATEUCH. 72 PENTATEUCH. Manuscript of the Samaritan Pentateuch Genesis, Excdue, Leviticus Numbers, Deuteronomy). SAMARITAN MANUSCRIPT OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, WRITTEN ON SYRIAN WHITE PAPER, IN BLACK, IN THE ORIGINAL ANCIENT SAMARITAN CHARACTERS. Small folio, original Samaritan binding of leather with flap. XlXth Century. 21 * * * This Manuscript was bought from the Samaritan High Priest in 1913. The Samaritans, who lived at Xablus, to the numbr of 450, the site of ancient Samaria, are said to have been totally wiped out by the Turks during the recent war. PLATE V. i PLATE VI. Miniature from HORAE. French Manuscript lue oloak playing the bells, and carrier pigeon above, illustrative of the verse : " Exult in the Lord Who is our help, give glorv to the God of Jacob." <8) The Lord said to My Lord, " Sit on my r^ht "hand." * * * These Miniatures are all on burmshed gold backgrounds. A REMARKABLE SPECIMEN OF ITALIAN BINDING. 77 PSALTERIUM DAYIDIS. (Begins with the Te Deum, followed by some of the Psalms : and ending with some prayers in Italian by the Ven. Bede.) MANUSCRIPT OF THE; XVth CENTURY ON PAPER (90 11., q by 3| inches), WITH CAPITALS IN BLUE AND RED Small 8vo ) in a remarkable specimen of early Italian binding. Calf, gilt ornamental back, sides covered with rich gilt panel ornaments, out- side border of fLoreate scrolls, -panel of four corner ornaments connected by a mask, in each of which is a sitting dog\ centre full-length figure of a Saint, with a iLower vase on either side, and the letters " D.P.C.A ," gilt gau-ffred edges. XVth Century. 25 78 PSALTERIUM, CUM ORATIONIBUS, LITANIIS SANCTORUM, ETC., CUM CALENDARIO. MANUSCRIPT IN DUTCH, WRITTEN ON VELLUM BY A DUTCH SCRIBE (XVth CENTURY). 245 LEAVES, ;i by 4f inches, WRITTEN IN GOTHIC LETTERS. LONG LINES, 20 TO A FULL PAGE, CALENDAR IN LATIN IN RED AND BLACK, RED RUBRICS, PAINTED CAPITALS IN BLUE AND RED, MANY LARGE ORNAMENTAL PEN-LETTERS, WITH MARGINAL DECORATION. Small 4to, contemporary Netherlands binding of oak boards and leather, with stamped centre oval panels, representing the Holy Limb with Cross and Banner , with four circular stamps of the emblems of the four Evangelists and the Legend " Siet. Dat. Gods. Dat. Opbuert. Die. Son den. Des Werelts." With bent metal clasps, rebacked but fresh (Weale, No. 294). 34 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 35 79 RECUEIL DE DIFFERENTES PIECES DE POESIE. A MOST EXTENSIVE AND INTERESTING COLLECTION OF POETRY, BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, COMPRISING UPWARDS OF 200 SEPARATE PIECES OF FRENCH POETRY; 518 pp. RULED WITH RED LINES, " EX LIBRIS ARMAND, CHEVALIER" ON TITLE. 4to, full contemporary calf , full gilt back, red edges. XVIIIth Century. 6 15s 80 RED EL (Frederick Francis, of Breslau). Love Songs and Emblems (in Dutch). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, ILLUSTRATED WITH 148 OLD EN- GRAVINGS CHIEFLY OF THE DUTCH SCHOOL, MANY OF AN EMBLEMATIC NATURE, AND FOUR CONTEMPORARY WATER- COLOUR DRAWINGS, ONE OF THE AUTHOR KNEELING IN HIS ROOM, HANDSOMELY PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS; AND ANOTHER, A LARGE FOLDING ONE, OF THE AUTHOR HAND- SOMELY DRESSED PRESENTING A FLAMING HEART TO A YOUNG LADY, SURROUNDED BY CUPIDS BEARING THE INITIALS OF THE YOUNG LADY ABOVE HER HEAD, VERY PRETTILY EXECUTED IN COLOURS. 4to, original calf. 1651. 8 10s 81 REFORMATIONSORDNUNC, Neue, und Recht des Landes und Koitig- reichs Bohem, auss Bohemischer in die Teutsche Sprach transferirt. GERMAN MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER DATED 1572. Folio, original stamped leather, back re-paired with a large -piece of vellum. 5 5s A translation into German of the Constitution and Laws of the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1564. 82 RITUS Admittendi Virgines ad Habitum, Recipiendi Novitias act Profes- sionem & Tradendi Velamina Jam Prof ess is Secundum Moniales S. Lau- rentii Venetiarum, quos Reverendissima D.D. Caeotlia Cornelio, Abba- tissa, Expurgare, Instaurare et Rescribere Fecit. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (66 pp., 9 by 6* ins.), BEAUTI- FULLY WRITTEN IN LARGE ROMAN LETTERS, RED AND BLACK, WITHIN GILT BORDERS. 4to, contemporary Venetian binding of red morocco, sides most elaborately gold tooled with figures, floral designs, stars, etc. Venice, 1700. 14 14s 36 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 83 SEDULII POETAE CATHOLICI PASCHALE CARMEN. A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT OF- THE XVth CENTURY, BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE, ON VELLUM (81 pp.) WITH HEADINGS AND SIDE NOTES IN RED. 8vo, handsomely bound in full pig-skin U'ith blind tooled ornaments on the sides by the Guild of W 'omen Binders. Colophon at end reads " Finis Cantici : Sedulii poetae catholici pas- calis carminis liber quartus et ultimus feliciter nnit, Decimo Aprilis MCCCCLV." 12 12S Caelius Sedulius, a Roman poet and Christian of the 5th century, was the author of " Mirabilia Divinorurn," being portions of the history of the Bible in hexameter verse; a "Hymnus" in praise of Christ, and other similar works. Early MSS. of his writings rarely come into the market. 84 SENECA. Tragedies in Latin. CAREFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (a few leaves missing) OF THE WHOLE OF SENECA'S TRAGEDIES. Folio, wooden boards, covered with -pigskin {modern). Italy, XVth Century. 18 18s Manuscripts of Seneca are very rare, this manuscript contains very many initial letters in red and many useful glosses and commentaries. It has not been used for any edition of Seneca's tragedies. 85 SERMONES. LATIN MANUSCRIPT OF THE EAFLY THIRTEENTH CENTURY WRITTEN ON FINE VELLUM BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE. 8vo, calf. XHIth Century. 10 10s * * * Contents : <1) Commentary on various passages in the Gospels; incomplete, beginning in the middle of a sentence. <(2) Sermons on the Sunday Epistles and Gospels for the whole year. A marginal note at tile top says " Paris (iensis) super epistolas et evaoigelia dorninicaliuin totius anni. v This is in a later hand; apparently Guillelmus Parisiensis (Guillaume Perault) is intended. This collection is not the same a,s in the MSS. of the British Museum Royal MSS. 8 D. X. and 8 E. XI. also attributed to him. <3) Portion of a Sermon or treatise on the Passion, etc., beginning at the end of a sentence: " usque adventum et si parum est.'' {4) Portions of sermons or homilres. (a) On Romans XV. 4. Quecunque enim scrij>ta sunt, ad nostram doctrinain scripta sunt. (b) On St. Benedict, (c) On the Annunciation of our Lady. (d) On St. Dominicus. (5) Sermones of Nicholas de Aquaevilla of the Friars Minors, viz., Sermones from the first Sunday in Advent to the third Sunday in Lent. Begins: " Dicite, filii Syon, ecce Rex, etc. Primo videamus/' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 37 Sermones continued. (6) A form of release from excommunication i'or striking a clerk issued by Friar Nicholas Levalet of the Friars Preachers on the authority of the Prince Bishop of Bayeux (? Philip de Harcourt, Bishop from 1143-1164). This document is not dated. (7) Portion of commentaries or sermons on various passages in the Gospels. (8) Another similar set of commentaries. (9) St. Bonaventura on the Epistles and Grospfels of the Sundays and Festivals of the whole year. In the middle of these is a short discoiTrse in another hand on the text " sanctlficavit tabernaculum suum Altissimus " and two blank leaves. (10) Chi the back of the last leaf and continued to the fly leaf at the end is a short tractate on " the glorified body " after death. Their e are here some unintelligible scribblings of persons' names. (a) Alan . . . anno milesimo ... x ... Churcaston (? Church Aston Co. Salop). (b) Guillelmus . . . Thison primus maritu.9. Guillelmus de Alveto secundus. Joanna filia Petri Leqnaner." 86 STATUTA ANCLI/E. MANUSCRIPT OF THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES, WRITTEN ON VELLUM. 324 pp., IN OLD FRENCH AND LATIN. WITH ORNAMENTAL CAPITALS IN RED AND BLUE. Small 4to, vellum. Saec. XIV.-XV. 25 The first portion of tins valuable Manuscript was written in the Fourteenth Century. The lafter part chiefly relates to the Reigns of Hen,ry IV". and VI. It appears from the Inscriptions occurring in various parts of the volume that it belonged in early times to Thomas Bouryng, " uinus Jus-tic. Domini Regis," John atte Style, Stephen Horsswell, and others. 87 STATUTA ANCLI/E tempo re Edwardi II!., Regis Anglias et aliorum. MANUSCRIPT OF THE BEGINNING OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY, WRITTEN IN OLD FRENCH AND I ATIN, ON VELLUM (188 leaves, 3$ by 2* inches), WITH NUMEROUS COLOURED CAPITALS, IN GOOD PRESERVATION. I2mo, vellum. XlVth Century. 5 15s In addition to the Statuta Magiiae Cartae, de Marleters, de Foresta, tlie MSS. oomtains also the statuta de Merton, Westminster, de Gloucester, etc., etc. 88 STATUTA ANCLI/E. MANUSCRIPT OF THE EARLY PART OF i HE FOURTEENTH CENTURY ON VELLUM. WRITTEN IN LATIN AND OLD FRENCH. I2mo, calf. XlVth Century. 5 5s The manuscript con tain-si Magna Carta, the Cartae de Foresta, de Merlon, Marleberge, Westmonasterio, Gloucestria, Wynton, etc. With the " VISITS Franoplegii," " Prero- giativa Regis," Composicio Monete, Magna Assis-a, Dies Communes in Banco, and many other pieces of great interest for the study of the Constitutional History of EnglaJid. 38 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPT. 89 SUDRHATS. Eya Saga, etc. ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER ON ABOUT 200 PAGES. 4to, cloth. (Iceland, 18 . .). 6 6s THE FAMOUS LIVES OF THE CAESARS. QO SUETONIUS. Lives of the 12 Caesars. (In Latin) BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT BY AN ITALIAN HAND ON 158 LEAVES OF VELLUM, WRITTEN IN NEAT ROMAN CHAR- ACTE'RS, 34 LONG LINES TO A PAGE RUNNING TITLES AND MARGINAL REFERENCES IN RED. WITH 6 LARGE ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTAL INITIALS, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IN THE ITALIAN MANNER, OF INTERLACED WHITE VINE STEMS ON COLOURED GROUND HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. TEXT ON FIRST PAGE OF WORK IS SURROUNDED BY BORDERS, WITH THE SFORZA ARMS (rubbed) AT FOOT. Folio old red sheep, back gilt, g. e. (Italian, XVth Century). 125 A very handsome manuscript, manuscripts of the lives of the Caesars by Suetonius are rarely met with. gi TERENCE. Comedies. (In Latin) BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM ON 178 LEAVES, 23 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH 2 INITIALS ILLU- MINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS ON A BACKGROUND OF BUR- NISHED GOLD, OTHER INITIALS IN ORNAMENTAL PEN WORK IN RED AND BLUE. 8vo, oak boards, covered ivith leather , rebacked, the leather having been painted with copper paint (enclosed in morocco pull-off case). Italy, XVth Century. 31 10s 92 TERENCE. Opera. (The Comedies in Latin.) NEATLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON 96 LEAVES OF PAPER, 33 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, HEADINGS IN RED. Folio, original bindings of oak boards and half leather stamped in blind, and clasp at bottom. XlVth Century. 21 93 VIRGIL. Opera. (In Latin). MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON 200 LEAVES OF VELLUM IN A NEAT ROMAN HAND BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE, 29 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, INITIALS IN GOLD ON A BACKGROUND OF BLUE OR RED. Small folio, calf. (Italy, XVth Century). 31 10s Tnig manuscript wants the 8th, 9th and 10th Eclogues, the beginning of the first book of the Georgics, and nearly all the 12th book of the Aeneid. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 3Q 94 VIRGIL. Aeneid. (In Latin.) MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON 166 LEAVES OF PAPER IN A VERY NEAT HAND, 30 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. INITIAL LETTER ON THE FIRST PAGE IN RED AND BLUE, WITH ORNAMENTAL PEN WORK, AND OTHER FINE INITIAL LETTERS THROUGHOUT THE TEXT IN RED AND BLUE. Folio, half bound. XVth Century. 21 Several leaves repaired. 95 VIRGIL. Georgics and Aeneid. MANUSCRIPT ON 180 LEAVES OF PAPER CAREFULLY WRITTEN, LONG LINES, SOME MANUSCRIPT NOTES IN THE MARGIN (the last two leaves repaired). Folio, calf gilt, plain line borders on sides. 1 5th Century. 15 15s On the last page are the words " Scriptus per me Anton: um de (Floribus?) " q6 VIRGIL. Bucolica and Ceorgica. NEATLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON 81 LEAVES OF PAPER, 19 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, HEADINGS AND INITIALS IN RED, RUBRICATED. Svo, russia. XVth Century. 16 16s On the last page is a note " Jacobi Philipus seripsit." 97 WILLIAM DE PACULA and WALTER PARKER. Oculus Sacerdotis. LATIN MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE ON 1 08 LEAVES OF VELLUM, CLOSELY WRITTEN IN DOUBLE COLUMNS, WITH CAPITALS IN RED AND BLUE. Folio, original calf binding blind stamped. XVth Century. 14 14s William de Pagnla was Vicar of Wmkfield in Windsor Forest. The work contains the following four parts: 1. Prima. 2. Dextera. 3. De Igiiorantza Sacexdotum. 4. Liber Qui Vocatur Via Vel Dicta Salutis. Three leaves of a fine old English Service book (manuscript) for SaTum use are bound up with the book. 40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART II. INCUNABLES. FEINTED AT PADUA. 98 A BANG (Petrus de). Tractatus de venenis. Ace. Arnoldus de Villanova de arte cognos- cendi venena. Valastus de Tarenta. De Epidemia et peste. BLACK LETTER, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WOODCUT INITIALS. 4to, half calf. Padua, Math. Cerdonis de Windischgretz, 1487 18 18s Hain-Copinger 12. Proctor 6826. Pellechet 10. No copy in Harvard College Library. Only three copies in America. In \additiooi to the tractate " Of poisons " "by Petrus de Afoaiio, tliis unusual book contains a -work on poisons by Arnoldus de Villanova, the great alchemist, and a tractate " Epidemia et ( peste " by Valastus de Tarenta, physician to the King of France. The printer (a Slav) came from Windisch^ratz; in Lower Styria and while in Padua printed the above book for the use o* Medical Students. FIRST EDITION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EARLY PRINTED BOOK ON ARCHITECTURE. QQ ALBERTI (Leone Battista). De re aedificatoria. Edited by Angelus Politianus with a preface dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici. ROMAN LETTER, 34 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. EDITIO PRINCEPS. Folio, calf. Florence, Nicholas Laurentius Alamannus Vratislav, 1485. 42 Hain-Copinger 419. Proctor 6131. Pellechet 266 FIRST EDITION. Fine sound copy of an Important book. ioo ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De Adhaerendo Deo. Nudato intellectu et affectu et ultima et suprema perfectione hominis quantum possibile est. 34 LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH ORNAMENTAL BORDER IN WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE, ROMAN LETTERS. Folio, half bound. Ulm, Johannes Zainer, 1474. 18 18s Hain *429. Proctor 2501. British Museum Catalogue I.E. 9123. Very fine copy with capital letters rubricated and the head lines to the various chapters underlined in red. Uncut copy. PLATE VII. Page of the Calendar from HORAE. French Manuscript (XVth Century), with 25 Miniatures. See Item No. 42A. PLATE VIII. :.-,- *^ A MlNIATIRK FROM HoRAE BfiATAE MARIAE VlRGIXIS. Illuminated Parisian MS. witfli 32 Myratures (XVth Century). See Item No 43 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 41 joi ANDREAS (J.). Arbor Consanguinitatis et Affinitatis, etc. FINELY PRINTED IN BLACK LETTER, 34 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH- OUT MARKS. 3 REMARKABLE FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS OF AFFINITIES. Small folio, handsomely bound in fidl crushed brown morocco extra, by Riviere. Nuremberg, Friederich Creussner (1488). 10 10s Hain *1038. Copinger I., p. 25. Schreiber V., No. 3289. NOT IN PELLECHET, THEREFORE NO COPIES IN FRENCH PUBLIC LIBRARIES. NOT IN PROCTOR, THEREFORE NOT IN BRITISH MUSEUM OR BODLEIAN LIBRARY. " Woodcuts 1 and 2 (trees erf consanguinity) are in the form of a natural tree with branches, leaves and roots: No. 3 is a plain diagram of circles and connecting baoids. The blocks are probably much earlier than tihe present edition; they seem to be the same as in Creussiier's earliest edition, c. 1474 (Schreiber 3271) : the third cut first appeared, c. 1476 (Schreiber 3278). Several copies of the cuts appeared at Strassburg, Leipzig, Augsburg, Memmiugem, Venice 1483 (Iscdorus), Caen 1510 (Coutumes), etc," Catalogue of a collection of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray. MRST BOOK PRINTED AT CHIAVASSO. 102 ANGEL US (Carletti) de Clavasio. Summa angelica de casibus conscientiac. Praecedit epistola Hier. Tornieli Novariensis. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMS, 55 LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, calf. Chiavasso, Jacobinus de Suigo de Sancto German, 1486. 16 16s Hain-Coppinger 5382. Proctor 7323. THIS IS THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT CHIAVASSO IN ITALY. Fine copy of a rare book. 103 ANTONINUS (Antonino Forciglioni, Archbishop of Florence; Saint). Somma della Arcivescovo Antonino omnis mortalium cura. ROMAN LETTERS, 84 LEAVES, WITHOUT SIGNATURES (a8-K8, 1.4), LONG LINES, 28 TO A FULL PAGE, WITHOUT FOLIATION OR CATCH-WORDS. 4to, crushed red morocco extra, gilt y g. e. Without place, date or printer's name. (Firenze ? Printer of Benignus, dialectica ; about. 1487-90). 13 13s NOT IN HAIN NOB PROCTOR. A few leaves slightly stained, otherwise a very fine copy. WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO FIND ANY TRACK OF THE ABOVE WORK IN ANY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 104 ARETINUS (Leonardus). Historia del Pcpolo Florentine, trad in lingua toscana da Donato Acciaioli. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES, 41 LINES TO A PAGE, WITH SIGNATURES, BUT WITHOUT FOLIATION, CATCH-WORDS, OR HEADLINES. Venice, Jacomo de Rossi, Gallo (Jaques le Rouge de Chablis), Feb- ruary 1 2th, 14/6. POCCIO (G. Franc.). Historia Fiorentina trad, in lingua toscana da Jaccpo sua Figliuolo. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES, 41 LINES TO A PAGE, WITH SIGNATURES, BUT WITHOUT FOLIATION, CATCH-V/ORDS, OR HEADLINES. Venice, Jacomo de Rossi, March 8th, 1476. The two bound in I vo]ume. Folio, morocco, broad gilt border with crowns, etc., zvithin scroll border ivith grotesque heads of beasts, flowers, thistles, etc., full gilt back, gilt inside borders, joints, silk linings, g. e., by Morley. 25 I. Hain-Copinger *15C2. Proctor 4242. Pellechet 1115. Monoeaux I., p. 71. Editiion Princeps (211 leaves only, should be 217). II. Hain-Copinger *13172. Proctor 4243. Edition Princeps. BOTH COPIES HAVE FINE LARGE MARGINS AND ARE SPLENDID EXAMPLES OF VENETIAN PRINTING. A few margins wormed. 105 ARETIO (Angelus de). Tractatus de Testamentis. WITH A LARGE ORNAMENTAL INITIAL ON THE FIRST PAGE, PAINTED IN RED AND YELLOW. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 6; LINES TO A PAGE. Folio, vellum, with crest in gold on sides. Venice, A. de Calabriis, 1488. 10 10s Hain *1619. Pellechet 1159. No copy in the British Museum or Bodleian Library. A particularly clean, fine and large copy with especially ample margins. 106 AUCTORES VETUSTISSIMI (Myrsiiius Lecbius, de origine Italiae et Turrenoram. M. Porcius Cato, de origine gentium et urbium Italicarum. Archilochus, de temporibus. Metasthenes, de Judicio Temporum et Annalium Persarum. Philonis, Breviarum de Temporibus. Antoninus Pius. Itinerarium. Berosus. Manethon, etc.). ROMAN LETTER, 29 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus, I4g8. (Not in Hain. Co-pinger 724. Proctor *552/.) MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 43 Auctcres Vetustissimi continued. PAUSANIAS HISTORIDUS. Domitius Galderinus e Craeco traduxit, Atticac descriptio. ROMAN LETTER, 31 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to. (Hain 12526. Proctor 5613.) POMPONIUS LAGTUS. Romanae Historiae Compendium ab interitu Gordiani junioris usque ad Justinum Ell. ROMAN LETTER, 28 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON LAST PAGE. 4to. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus, 1500. (Hain ^9831. Proctor *553/.) SOLINUS. De memoralibus mundi. ROMAN LETTER, 39-40 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to. Venice (Gulielmus of Piancerreto, called Anima mea), 1493. (Hain * 14881. Proctor *z t n6. An uncommon press , of which only n specimens are quoted by Proctor.} Four works in I volume. 4to, russta gilt. 14 14s 10; AUCUSTINUS (Saint). De Civitate Dei. ROMAN LETTER, 50 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, THE FIRST PAGE IN THE TEXT WITH A FINELY ILLUMINATED BORDER IN GOLD AND COLOURS OF AN ITALIAN WHITE VINE PATTERN EXTENDING ALONG TWO OF THE MAR- GINS. HEADINGS IN RED AND SMALLER INITIALS IN RED AND BLUE ALTER- NATELY. Folio, Russia (morocco back}. Venice, Johannes and Vindelinus de Spira, 14/0. 45 Hain *2048. Pr.octor 4019. A few of the margins slightly stained, otherwise a fin*, sound copy. " John of Speier had begun work at Venice im 1469 with an edition of 100 copies of Cicero's Epistolae Fa.mdliares (no fewer than four of which are now in the British Museum). A second edition was at once put in hand, and a much larger work, Pliny's Historia Nafcuralis, also aippeared in the siame year. John's death, while he was eng-aged on the Augustine, relieved Venice from the effects of an error of judgment on the part of the Senate, which had granted him an exclusive pri- vilege for printing in Venice for five years. His brother, however, poured out books as furiously as if the monopoly still continued, and at the end of the five years )had to give up his business and work for other mem." A. W. Pollard, Catalogue of Italian books in Dyson Perrin's collection. 44 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 108 AUCUSTINUS (S.) De Civitate Dei. BLACK LETTER (2 TYPES), DOUBLE COLUMNS, 46 LINES, 306 LEAVES IN- CLUDING 4 BLANKS, CAPITALS PAINTED IN RED AND BLUE. Small folio, bound in modern wooden boards covered with a leather back in the antique style. Venice, Nicolas Jenson, 2nd October, 1475. 28 Hain *2051. Proctor 4096. Pellechet 1550. Bishop Grott/s Copy. A few stained leaves, otherwise in excellent state with, wide margins. " A fine example of a book in Jen^on's small gothic type, which he began to use in 1474 to cheapen printing by saving space. This is sometimes quoted as the first book in which it occurs, but an Officium Beatae Vlrglnis Mariac of 1474, Gratian's Decretum completed 28 June, 1474, and the Decretals of Gregory IX. completed 1 March 1475, contain this type. Mr. Horatio Brown, in " The Venetian Printing Press./' notes that Audifredi wrongly reproaches Jenson for having 1 introduced gothic characters into Italy, asserting that Vindelinus de Si>:,ra in his edition of the Qumdrageisimiale of R6be>rtus de Licio of 1473 " appears to have been the first pa-inter in Italy to make u&e of gothic character." Vindelinus, however, had begun using- it the previous year in the Repetitiones dis- putationes et tractatus variorum doctoruan, and even then as not the first printer in Italy to do so, as the type used in some of" the (-arliest books of Ulrich Han at Rome in 1*68 is a larjfe gothic. Jenson's contemporaries were far from thinking his use of g'othic discreditable to him. It is from a letter printed at the end of his gothic .type Decretals of 1475 that we learn that Pope Sixtus IV. had conferred on him the title of Count Palatine and other privileges, and ]\lr. Brown prints a note from a. copy of the Decretum Gra.ft.ani of 1474 in which the owner, Felino Sandei, records that he had obtained it from the brothers of Sancta Maria Noua de Urbe in exchange for a beautifully bound edition by de Tortfs, and bound copies of the Decretal? and Clementines, because he found Jenson 's types clearer and better fitted -to old eyes (" quonia.m caracteres iitterarum Nicola i Jensoni?, quibus hoc Decretum impressum est, aptiores clarioresque et senilibus oculis conirnodiores expertus sum "). It may be noted that the roman majuscules used in the head-lines of this De Civitate Dei were not used in any other book recorded by Proctor. Although this was cer- tainliy 'produced as a cheap edition Jenson followed his predecessors in printing the rubrics twice over." Catalogue of the Dyson Perrins' Collection. A VERY FINE COPY. 109 AUCUSTINUS(S.). De Civitate Dei. WITH LARGE WOODCUT OF ST. AUGUSTIN AND THE CITIES OF GOD AND SATAN ON THE REVERSE OF TITLE. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, RUBRICATED, AND WITH PEN INTIALS IN RED AND BLUE. Folio, stamped calf, re backed. Basel, Joliann Amerbach, 1489. 8 8s Hain 2064. British Museum Catalogue I.B. 37314. "Amerbach and Petri gave copies of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 45 no AUCUSTINUS (S .). De Trinitate. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 54 LINES, RUBRICATED, AND A I-RO- FUSION OF PEN CAPITALS IN RED AND BLUE. AUCUSTINUS (S.). De Civitate Dei, cum Com men to. WITH LARGE WOODCUT ON F. IB OF S. AUGUSTIN AND THE CITIES OF GOD AND SATAN (COLOURED BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND). BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, RUBRICATED, AND WITH PEN INITIALS, IN RED AND BLUE. The 2 Works in I vol. Folio, calf. Basel, Johann Amerbach, 1489. 10 10s Hain 2037 and 2064. British Museum Catalogue I.E., 37313 and 37314. " Amerbach and Petri gave copies of these books to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489." in AUGUSTINUS (Sanctus). De vita Christiana. De dogmatibus Christianis. BLACK LETTER, 27 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. SPACES FOR INITIAL LETTERS. CAPITALS SUPPLIED IN RED. 4to, calf , uncut. (Cologne, Bartholomaeus de Unkel, 1482?) 15 15S Hain *2097. Proctor 1146. Vouillieme '202. B.M. Catalogue, I.A. 3957. 112 AUCUSTINUS (S.). Opera Omnia: Librorum divi Aurelii Augustini quos edidit cathe- cuminus. 1 1 vols. in 9. Ex officina nostra, Basileae anno a natali Chris- tiano 1506. Aurelii Augustini Prima (Secunda et tertia). Quinquagena, Basil, anno 1497. Epitome Omnium Operum divi Aurelii Augustini, Episcopi Hipponensis. Coloniae, 1549. Together 1 1 vols. Folio, original oak boards, covered with stamped leather (carefully mended where necessary^. 1497-1549. 7 12s 6d Originally in the library of a Carthusian Monastery. Most of the vols. bear the old inscription, " Liber domus Ca>stri Marie prope Dulmaaiia Ord. CaTthusdanorum." THERE is A VERY PINE LARGE WOODCUT AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF VOL. VII., WHICH CONTAINS THE DE CIVITATE DEI. 46 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VV. PRINTED BY JENSON, 1472. 113 AULUS GELLIUS. Noctes Atticae. ROMAN LETTER, 40 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITHOUT MARKS, GREEK PRINTING IS FREELY USED THROUGHOUT, THOUGH ON THE LAST LEAF SOME BLANK SPACES OCCUR. ^ RUBRICATED WITH PAINTED INITIALS. Folio, Early binding of oak boards and -pigskin stamped with the lion, the Virgin Mary, the Agnus Dei, the martyrdom of St. Sebastian, the Annunciation, gilt gauffered edges, ivitk bosses. Venice, Nicolas Jenson, 1472. 150 Hain 7519. Proctor 4084 Bibliographers are not decided as to the priority of this edition of Aulus Gellius by Jenson or of the second Roman edition. MAGNIFICENT COPY IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING. 114 BARBERIIS (Philippus de). Opuscula de discordantia inter Eusebium, H Jeremy mum et Augus- tinum). WITH 2Q VERY CURIOUS CUTS ENGRAVED ON METAL, ROMAN LETTER, 27 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. 4to, calf, gilt back. Rome, Joannes Philippi de Lignamine. 14^81 [-1482]. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVI.). 63 Hain-Copinger 24,55. Procter 3961. Pellechet 1843. At end a portion of Hain-Copinger 1405S, Proctor 7338 has been bound in together with a few pages of manuscript. " The printer of this book was a native of Messina, who became papal physician to Sixtus IV. He printed some forty books in the years 1470-6, and then ceased work for some time, possibly because the death of the Pope obliged him to leave Rome to escape the numerous enemies to whom he alludes in* the dedication of the ' Chromdoa Summorum pontificum/ which he edited and printed in 1474. In 1481 he resumed printing, but only issued two books in addition to this. Filippo de' Barbieri, a Dominican and an inquisitor, was a contemporary, and, like his printer, a Sicilian. "" The bibliographical puzzle which this book presents has recently been cleared up by the discovery that there are two issues identical as regards 52 of their leaves, in- cluding that which gives the register and colophon. The earlier issue consisted of only 70 leaves, of which the first two were added after the book was printed, while the other nine quires agree with the register. *' Either to meet the competition of Rie=singer's edition (published in 1482) or because his fellow countryman and kinsman the author supplied him with additional copy, Lignamine must have determined to enlarge the book almost as soon a.s it was issued. The 12 woodcuts of the Silyls wore replaced by new ones, and each is now followed by a cut of a prophet, and the double series of 24 woodcuts by pictures of Christ, John Baptist, the Virgin adoring the Holy Child, and Plato . ." A. W. Pollard (Catalogue of Italian Books in Dyson Perrin's Collection). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 47 115 BARTHOLGMAEUS ANCLICUS. De proprietatibus rerutn. BLACK LETTER (wants title), DOUBLE COLUMNS, 50 LINES TO A HJLL COLUMN, WITH SIGNATURES, CAPITALS SUPPLIED IN RED AND BLUE ALTER- NATELY, FIRST LEAF OF TABLE DEFECTIVE, SMALL HOLES IN LAST TWO LEAVES. Folio, original stamped leather over wooden beards (repaired}, re- mains of clasps. Without place or printer's name. (Heidelberg, early anonymous group of inctmables ? printer of Lindel- bach, ? Printed for Jakob Kobel ?) 2ist May, 1488. 9 9s Ham *2507. Proctor 3130. British Museum Catalogue I.B. 2915. " The types agree wTOi those of Knobloehtzer, but the book is very unlike the rest of his work at Heidelberg and its ascription remains somewhat doubtful." (Note in E.M. Catalogue.) This is the first "Encyclopaedia Britannica," and has remained justly famous. A cursory glance at the " Table " will show how -varied the contents are; of Angels (20 Chapters); of Names (21 Chapters); of Man (24 Chapters); of the properties of the Body (chiefly medical) (11 Chapters); of the disposition of the Limbs (66 Chap- ters); of Diseases (70 Chapters); of Celestial Bodies (45 Chapters) ; of Times and Seasons (33 Chapters); of the Air and Weather (16 Chapters); of Birds (38 Chapters); of Waters and Seas- (26 Chapters) ; of the Earth and its Parts (56 Chapters) ; of the Provinces (Geography) (175 Chapters); of Precious Stones (104 Chapters); of Trees and Plants (197 Chapters); of Animals (115 Chapters); of Colours, Smells and Liquids (146 Chapters). The last division also includes musical instruments, which is treated after eggs and measures. An exceedingly quaint volume. Shakespeare is said to have derived much of his general information from a later English translation of this great work. 116 BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS DE MEDIOLANO. Interrogator! urn sive Confessionale perutile. BLACK LETTER, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK WITH RUBRICATIONS. Small 4to, Contemporary binding of oak boards, covered with stamped leather, with small stamps in diagonal compartments, rosettes and trefoils, original manuscript, title label on upper cover (back damaged}. Without place, date or printer's name. (Milan, L. Pachel et U. Scin- zenzeler, 1480.) 7 15s Ham 2485. Proctor 5929. 117 BARTOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI (Zamberto) Isolario. FIRST EDITION, BLACK LETTER, 56 LEAVES, LONG LINES, CONTAINING 49 REMARKABLE FULL AND DOUBLE PAGE WOODCUT MAPS OF THE ISLANDS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, COLOURED BY A COMTEMPORARY HAND. 4to, crimson morocco, t. e. g. (Continued orer) 48 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Bartolommeo da li Sonetti (Zamberto)- -continued. Without place, date or printer's name. (Gulielmus of Piancerreto, called Anime mia, not before 1477 nor after 1485.) [SOLD] Not seen by Hain, 2538 and 14890. Proctor 5107. Small worm holes in a few leaves, first leaves stained and several maps shaved at head, a few leaves repaired. AN EXCEEDINGLY BARE AND VALUABLE BOOK, BOTH ON ACCOUNT OF ITS BEING AN EARLY SPECIMEN OP POETRY IN ITALIAN AND AS THE EARLIEST ATLAS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN. The date should be before 1485, as the elaborate cryptogram at the beginning gives the name of the then reigning Doge (Giovanno Mocenigo), whose period was from 1477 to 1485 : according to Dibdin (Aedes Althorp II., No. 1305), the book was published about 1477. Panizzi (Bibliotheca Grenvilliana) thought it appeared from 1478 to 1485. Both may be correct according to the cryptogram. BRFXET EMPHASISED THE EXCESSIVE RARITY OF THE BOOK. 118 BASIN (Bernard). Tractatus exquisitissimus de magicis artibus et magnorum male- ficus per Mag 1st rum Bernardum Basini Canonicum Caesar augustanen- sem in suis vesperis compilatus. WITH FINE WOODCUT, PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TFILE. BLACK LETTER, 34 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. 4to, boards. Paris, Antoine Caillaut (1405 ?). 10 10s Hain *2703 (wdio had not .seen the title page) with the fine woodcut printer^ device). Proctor 7967. Not in the British Museum. IIQ BAYSIO (Guido de). Rosarium Deere tor um. WITH -HERBORT'S LARGE PRINTER'S DEVICE IN RED AT END (this has! been mended and a few other pages at end). Folio, half bound. Venice. Johannes Herbort (for John of Cologne & Company), 1481. 4 4s Hain *2717. Proctor 4677. Tall and sound copy. Wants leaf A.I. DIARY OF AN ARMY SURGEON PRINTED BY ALDUS IN 1496 120 BENEDETTI (Alexander), Paeantius. Diaria de bello Caroline. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, -polished brown levant morocco , inside dentellcs, g. e. y by Hardy. Venice (Aldus Manutius), 1496. 21 Hain-Copinger *805. Brunet, "Volume tres rare." Dibdin. Bibl. Spenceriana. Supp. p. 312; "I CONSIDER THIS TO BE AMONG THE MOST INTRINSICALLY VALUABLE AS WELL AS RARE AND BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES FROM THE AI.DINE PRESS . . the first printed account of the War of Charles VIII. of France in Italy in 1496 ... in two parts; on the battle of the Taro and on the siege of Novara." It is based on the Authentic diary of an eye witness Alexander Benedictns Paeantius who was attached as an army surgeon to the Venetian troops who fought against Charles VIII. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 49 ON THE DIETETIC VALUE OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES, PRINTED AT BOLOGNE 1477. 121 8ENEDICTUS de NURSIA. De conservatione sanitatis. Tadeus de Florentia de regimine sani- tatis secundum quattuor anni. ROMAN LETTER, 21 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, halt vellum. Bologna, Dominions de Lapis, impensis Sigismundi de Libris, Hain-Copinger *11920. Proctor 6536. Important early medical work (with full mar- gins) treating among other things of the dietetic value of foods and beverages. Four copies only in America according to Census. Not in Harvard College Library. A few worm holes. 122 BERNARDINUS. Sermones de caritate sive de evangelio aeterno. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 54 LINES. Folio, morocco, blind tooled. (Basel, Johanoi Amerbach, about 1489.) 9 Ham *2827. Proctor 7631. British Museum Catalogue, I.E. 37464. Pellechet 2079. A LEAF FROM THE MAZARINE BIBLE. 123 BIBLIA LATINA. A GENUINE LEAF PRINTED ON PAPER. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 42 LINES. Folio. (Mayence, Johann Gutenberg, 1455,) 42 Hain 3031. British Museum Catalogue I.C. 55. The leaf contains Daniel 11, 39-13, 40. Part of the leaf has been closely shaved. The Hoe copy complete sold for $50,000 (.10,000). The Mazarine Bible was the first important work to be printed with movable types in Europe, and is at the same time the first edition of the Latin Bible. 124 BIBLIA LATINA. BLACK LETTER. 2 COLUMNS, 51 LINES TO A PAGE. CAPITALS AND INITIAL-STROKES SUPPLIED IN RED. Folio, yellow morocco -with gilt and blind tooled line borders, gilt backs, r. e., by L eight on. Nuremberg. Anton Koberger, loth November, 1478. 21 Hain-CopLnger *3069. Proctor 1989 British Museum Catalogue I.C. 7180. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OP THE EoUliTH EDITION OF THE KOBERGER BIBLE. The Hoe Copy brought $200. 50 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 125 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. FINELY PRINTED IN BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. ADORNED WITH 98 LARGE INITIAL LETTERS ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, THE FIRST INITIAL BEING ESPECIALLY FINE AND WITH A BORDER ALONG INNER MARGIN, AND MANY HUNDREDS OF SMALLER LETTERS IN RED AND BLUE. Thick small folio, vellum. Venice, Johannes Herbort de Seligstadt, 1483. 16 16s Hain 3090. Proctor 4691. IN CONTEMPORARY STAMPED PIGSKIN BINDING I25A BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WITH NUMEROUS LARGE AND SMALL INITIALS, PAINTED IN RED AND BLUE, LARGE MARGINAL FLORKATE DECORATION AND ORNAMENTAL INITIAL ON THE FIRST PAGE OF EACH VOLUME. 2 vols., folio, contemporary stamped pigskin over wooden boards, silver centre -pieces and corner -pieces, and silver clasps and pegs for fastening with a silver chain. (Basel, Johann of Amerbach), 1481. 52 tOS Hain *3081. Proctor 7560. TWO MAGNIFICENT VOLUMES IN THE OLD MONASTIC BINDING FROM THE CARTHUSIAN MONASTERY OF BUXHEiLM IN BAVARIA. 126 BIEL (Gabriel.). Sermones de Feetivitatibus gloriose virginis Marie. Sermones de Sanctis. BLACK LETTER, TWO COLUMNS, CAPITALS IN RED. 4to. A very fine copy in its Original Monastic Binding of Oak Boards, covered with Stamped Pigskin. The upper cover adorned with 15 large and 8 small diamond shape Panels, each containing a lion ram- pant and 1 1 small circular floral stamps. J'he back cover with 4 large circular Stamps of an open rose, original leather and metal clasps. Without place, date or printer's name. (Tubingen, Johann Otmar, 1409.) 7 10s * * Hain-Coipinger *3184. British Museum Catalogue, LA. 14824. Does not contain De Fest. Christi, which is also lacking in copy in Bodleian Library. 127 BOIARDO (Matteo Maria). Scnnetti e Canzone. ROMAN LETTER, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE WITH HANDSOME WOODCUTS AND FINE PRINTER'S MARK ON LAST LEAF. 4to, crushed brown morocco, by Zaehnsdorf. Reggio d 'Emilia, Francesco Mazalo, 1499 31 10s Hain. 3433 (not seen "by Hain). Not in Pelleehet. No copy in any of the French Libraries. Editio Princeps of the Sonnets of Boiardo, the famous author of the " Orlando Tnnamorato." No copy in U.S. of America, according to the Census. MAGGS iBROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 51 PRINTED IN THE SPANISH MONASTERY OF MONTSERRAT. 128 BONAVENTURA (Saint). Incendium amor is alias regimen conscientiae vet tons vitae. BLACK LETTER, 27 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WOODCUT INITIALS, WITH VERY INTERESTING FULL-PAGE WOODCUT ON THE REVERSE OF TITLE OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ON THE CONVENT MOUNTAIN OF MONTSERRAT. I2mo, crushed morocco, gilt line borders on sides , inside dentclies, g- e - Montserrat, por Juan Luschner, May 27, 1499. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVII.). 110 Haebler 66. Hain 3500. FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS OF THE MONASTERY OP MONTSERRAT IT APPEARS, THAT 800 COPIES ONLY WERE PRINTED OF THIS LITTLE BOOK. ONLY 10 SPANISH AND PORTUGDESE LIBRARIES ARE KNOWN TO POSSESS COPIES. ACCORDING TO HAEBLER THERE ARE NO COPIES KNOWN OUTSIDE SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. PRINTED IN THE SPANISH MONASTERY OF MONTSERRAT. 129 80NAYENTURA (Saint). Meditationes. BLACK LETTER, 27 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WOODCUT INITIALS, WITH VERY INTERESTING PRINTER'S MARK OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ,'THE PRINTER'S MARK OF THE CONVENT OF MONTSFRRAT). Small Svo, crushed levant morocco, gilt line borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Montserrat, por Juan Luschner, April 16. 1499. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVII.). 135 Haebler 69. Hain 3556. FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS OF THE MONASTERY OF MONTSERRAT IT APPEARS, THAT 600 COPIES ONLY WERE PRINTED OF THIS LITTLE BOOK. ONLY 6 SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LIBRARIES ARE KNOWN TO POSSESS COPIES. ACCORDING TO HAEBLER THERE is ONLY ONE COPY KNOWN OUTSIDE SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, NAMELY, IN THE BlBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALS IN PARIS. ISO BONAVENTURA (S .). Opuscula parva. Prima Pars. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 52 LINES TO A FACE. WITH A KULL PAGE WOODCUT OF JESUS CRUCIFIED ON THE TREE WITH A BISHOP AND A MONK BELOW. RUBRICATED, RED PAINTED INITIALS. Small thick, folio, original German binding of oak boards, lined, stamped floral ornaments in frames, with author' s name in large got hie letters above (worn and back damaged]. Without printer's name. Strassburg (printer of 1483 Jordanus de Ouedlinburg), i8th Decem- ber, 1495. 11 11s (Continiued o^er) 52 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Londuit Street, London, W. Bonaverstura (S.) continued. Hain-Copinger 3468 (1). Proctor 639. British Museum Catalogue, I. A. 2069. On the bkmk leaf at end of the volume is a poem written in German of 12 lines, thus addressed, " Yereret meyneni gutten fereimde Otto Meydinger zu Halle MDXXVII. Hatinus Luther/' VERY FINE COPY IN PERFECT CONDITION ov A SCARCE BOOK. PRINTED AT TURIN. 131 BUCELLANUS (Bonifacius). F lores artis notariatus. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, calf antique, Turin, Jacobinus Suigus of Sangermano and Nicolas de Benedictis, a Catalan, October i6th, 1492. 42 Not *m. Ham. Copinger 1372. Not in Pellechet. Proctor 7221. No copy in any French Library. No copy in U.S. of America, according tlo the Census. TUEIN INCUNABULA ARE UNUSUAL. The British Museum only possesses five books from this press. 132 BURIDAN (Jean). Sophismata. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 43 LINES TO A PAGE. WITH DENIS ROCE'S WOODCUT DEVICE BELOW TITLE, LARGE INTERESTING' WOODCUT ON LAST PAGE. Small 4to, old calf. Paris, G. Lambert, about 1500. 15 15s Not in Hain. Proctor 8296. A little book of extraordinary rarity not mentioned by Brunet. Buridan's Sophismata was a famous book used in all the universities. Among the " Sophismata " taught by Buridan are the following quaint conceits which students were asked to prove (OT disprove), " Tu es asinus (Thou a.rt an ass)''; " Homo est a-sinus (Man is an Ass) " ; ''' Album erit nigruin (Wh'.te is Black) " ; " Iste canis est pater tuus (This dog is thy fathea-) " ; " Tu credis te esse asiaiuin (Thou thinkest thou art an ass)"; etc. 133 CARACCIOLUS (Robertus), de Licio. Opus quadragesimale quod de poenitentia dictum est. BLACK LETTER, 35 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, THE FIRST INITIAL ILLUMINATED, INITIAL LETTERS IN RED. Folio, 'pigskin binding O'uer boards, blind stamped, XV th century original binding. (Strassburg, printer of Henricus Ariminensis, not after 1473.) 25 Hain-Copinger *4418. Proctor 303. British Museum Catalogue, I.B. 829. Pellechet 3239. According to a manuscript note in a copy in the Co'lmar Library (see Pellechet) the book was printed in 1473. OUR COPY IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AND IS PRINTED ON BEAUTIFUL THICK PAPER. A FINER SPECIMEN OF A FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOK, IN ITS ORIGINAL BINDING, CAN HARDLY BE IMAGINED. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 53 134 CENSORINUS. De die Natali, etc. Tabula Cebetis per Ludovicum Odaxium e graeco conversa; Plutar- chus de Invidia & Odio : Basilii Oratio de Invidia per Nicolaum Perottum traducta. Basilii Epistola de Vita solitaria ad Gregorium Nazanzenum per Franciscum Filelphum e graeco traducta. ROMAN LETTERS, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. GREEK TYPE USED FOR QUOTATIONS. 4 to. (Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus, about 1500.) Hain *4846. Proctor 5540. APICIU8. De re Coquinaria. Suetonius Tranquillus, de Grammaticis. Suetonius Tranquillus, de claris Rhetoribus. ROMAN LETTERS, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH HANDSOME WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS. 4to. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus (about 1500). Hain *1282. Proctor 5539. CORNELIUS NEPOS. Aemilii Probi Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae. ROMAN LETTERS, 29 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, HEADINGS. WITH HANDSOME WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS. 4to. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus (about 1500). Hain 5732. Proctor 5538. DATUS (Augustinus.) Elegantiolae. ROMAN LETTERS, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH DELIGHTFUL VENETIAN WOODCUT AND BORDER ON FIRST PAGE AND DEVICE ON LAST PAGE. 4to. Venice, Joannes de Tridino alias Tacuinus, 1495. The four works in I volume. 4to, old red morocco , festoon borders on sides > gilt back, g. e. 26 Not in Hain. Four rare pieces in a pleasing old red morocco binding. 135 CLEMENS V. PAPA. Constitutiones. A GENUINE LEAF PRINTED ON VELLUM FROM THIS RARE BOOK. Folio. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 1467. - 6 6s 54 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. THE FIRST EDITION. 136 GOLONNA (Francesco de). Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. ROMAN LETTER, 38 TO 39 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH ALL THE WONDERFUL WOODCUTS AND WITH THE LEAF OF ERRATA. Folio, original vellum binding. Venice, Aldus, December, 1499. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVIIL). 250 Hain 5501. Proctor 5574. Essling 1198. " The Strife of Love in a Dream, as its Elizabethan! translator prettily rendered tihe title of the Hypnerotomachia, is an archaeological love-story, perhaps with Antiquity itself, as its heroine, and with much more attention bestowed on the sights which she displays to her lover than on the progress of his suit. Poliphilo, ' the Lover of Polia,' falls asleep, and in his dream, to quote the preface, ' sees many antiquities, worthy of memory, in all their details, and describes them in appropriate terms with elegant style/ and not only describes them but gives their measurements. Polia takes him to the palace of Queen Eleuterylida and to see the triumphs or festivals of Jove and his earthly loves, of Bacchus and Vertumnus and Pomona, and the feast of the garden god, Priapus. She persuades him to enter a ruined tomple, where she is frightened by a vision of hell. Then Cupid carries off the lovers in a boat rowed by six nymphs. They come to the island Cytherea and see all its wonders, and the grave -of Adonis, where they are told of the festival in his .honour. Polia recounts her history to the iiymphs aoid the story of her love, with an incidental reference to the building of Treviso and the fortunes of the Lelii. Attacked by the plague, she had devoted herself to Diana; Poliphilo had found her in the temple a,nd told her what he suffered for her love. Terrified by a sight of the vengeance of Cupid on cruel maids, she bad consoled him, whereupon they were driven from the temple, made their plaint to the priestess of Venus, and were united by the goddess. At this point the dream ends, and Poliphilo, saddened by the envious day, brings his Hypnerotomachia to an end, dating it at Treviso on May Day, 1467. " In he summary on 3a we are told that five nym/phs are the five senses, Queen Eleuteryb'.da is Free Will, and a labyrinthine garden stands for human life. It IP unlikely that this allegory goes very deep; it may have been dragged in merely to avoid ecclesiastical censure. It is perhaps equally unlikely that Polia (who is once called Lucretia) was a real lady of Treviso, who entered a real convent after the plague which visited the city in 1464 and 1466, though she hag been identified with Hippolita Lelio, niece of the ruling bishop. POLTAM FRATEE FRANCISCUS COLUMXA PEEAMAVIT is the tale told by the initial letters of the successive chapters, but Fra Francesco Colonra had been a Dominican since 1455, and wtas now a teacher of rhetoric, and if he had an archaeological bishop it is more pro- bable that he was romancing of his love for antiquity than of the bishop's niece. In 1471 he joined the convent of SS. Giovanni e Paolo at Venice, is found at Padua two years later, became sacristan of his convent in 1500, was granted a pittance of firewood, bread, and wine in 1521 in consequence of his age and infirmities, and dies in 1527. When his romance was published, at the expense of the jurisconsult Lionardo Crasso, in 1499, Colonna was already 66; at the time of his death he was about 94. Of Crasso, his publisher, little is known. Tn 1508 he calls himself a ' prothonotorius apostolicus' in petitioning for a. renewed privilege for the book. This he cites as ' Polifillo vulgar, opera molto utile et f ructuosa de grandissima elegantia/ and explains that ' per li tempi e disturbi de guerra ' it had not been possible to export it, and that nearly the whole edition, on which he had spent ' assai centenera de ducati,' was still unsold. In 1508 the Venetian book-trade had MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 Colonna (Francesco de) continued. indeed recently passed through a bad time, but the financial faflure of the book was perhaps equally due to the ' res una in eo niiranda ' on which Crasso had touched in his dedication to Duke Guido, that while written in Italian it could not be understood without a knowledge of Greek and Latin (' quod cum nostrati lingua loquatur, non minus ad euru cognoscendum opus sit graeoa et romana quam tusca et uernacula 0, the Greek, it may be said, being of a somewhat peculiar kind. " As regards the authorship of the wonderful illustrations, the signature .b. on the third has led to their being attributed to numerous celebrated artists, but dt is now fairly well recognized that celebrated artists in Italy did niot concern them- selves with bookwork, and that .b. is probably the signature of a woodcutters' workshop. Attempts to make a list of other books illustrated by the same hand are baffled by the dual personality which has to be dealt with. The present writer is inclined to doubt whether the same designer and the same iLlu-strator worked together in any other book." A. W. Pollard, in Catalogue of Italian Books in the Dyson Pel-Tin's Collection. THE FIRST EDITION. 137 COLONNA (Francesco de). Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Another Copy. ROMAN LETTER, 38 TO 39 LONG LINES TO A FULL I-AGE, WITH ALL THE WONDERFUL WOODCUTS. Folio, old calf. Venis, Aldus, December, 1499 (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVIII.). 140 Ham *5501. Proctor 5574. Essling 1198. Wanting the leaf of Errata. A few pages stained. EARLY MEDICAL WORK PRINTED AT PAVIA. 138 GONGOREGIO (Johannes de). Opus de aegrttudinibus particularibus, flos florum vccatus. Rdd. Johannes de Romagnano et Lazarus Datarus. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 48 LINES TO A PAGE, 2 PARTS .IN i VOLUME. Folio, wooden boards. Pavia, Antonius Carcanus, 1485. 21 Ham-Copinger *5615. Proctor 7056. A fine copy with broad marghis. ANTONIUS CARCANUS WAS THE SECOND PRINTER IN PAVIA. 130 CYRILLUS(S.). Speculum sapiencie beati Cirilli episcopi alias quadripartibus apolo- feticus vocatus; In cuius quidem proverbiis omnis et totius Sapiencie peculum claret. BLACK LETTER, 34 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITHOUT SIGNATURES, TEXT RUBRICATED, WITH RED PAINTED INITIALS. Small folio, half russia. (Basel, M. Wenssler, about 1475.) 12 12s Hain *5903. Proctor 7468. British Museum Catalogue, I.E. 37057. 56 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ONLY FOUR COPIES KNOWN OF THIS SEVILLE INCUNABLE. 140 DE GUI (Pedro). De Differentia. Metaphysica. Formalitates. ROMAN LETTER, 28 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH MAGNIFICENT PRINTER'S MARK OF STANISLAUS POLONUS ON LAST LEAF. 2 vols., 4to, morocco , with fully gilt panelled borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e.> by Miguel Rius. Sevilla, Stanislaus Polonus, May 20 to June 22, 1500. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XIX.)." 175 Haebler 198. Hain 8147, 8151 to 8153. HAEBLER CALLS THIS A BOOK OF THE EXTREMES! RARITY (LIBRO DE SUMA RAREZA) ; AND BECAUSE OP THIS EXTREME RARITY IT HAS NOT BFEN PROPERLY DESCRIBED. UP TO A SHORT TIME AGO THE ONLY COPY KNOWN WAS IN THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY AT PfiRPIGNAN. Haebler devotes a page in the first part of his Bibliography to a description of this book. In the second part of his Bibliography, published in 1917, he again devotes nearly a page to describing the book fully. IN ADDITION TO THE PERPIGNAN COPY ONLY THREE OTHERS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED, OF WHICH TWO ARE IN SPAIN AND ONE IN THE BlBLIO- THECA CASANATENESE, ROME. PRINTED IN SEVILLA IN 1491. 141 DEZA (Diego de). In defensiones S. Thornae, BLACK LETTER, 32 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH INTERESTING PRINTER'S MARK ON LAST LEAF, OF M. UNGUT AND STANISLAUS POLONUS. 4to, original vellum binding. Sevilla, M. Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, Feb. 4, 1491. 75 Haebler 203. Hain-Copinger 8040. ONLY six SPANISH AND PORTUGESE LIBRARIES ARE KNOWN TO POSSESS COPIES. ACCORDING TO HAEBLER THE ONLY COPIES OUTRIDE SPAIN ARE IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM LIBRARY, AND IN THE NATIONAL LIBRARY, AT FLORENCE. PRINTED IN SEVILLA IN 1496. 142 DIAZ DE MONTALVO (Alfonso). Repertorium. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 45 AND 54 LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH INTERESTING PRINTER'S MARK ON LAST LEAF OF UNGUT AND STANIS- LAUS POLONUS. Folio, crushed blue morocco with elaborate gilt borders on sides t in- side dentelles, g. e., by Migul 'Rius. Sevilla, M. Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, Feb. 9, 1496. 75 Haebler 212. Hain-Copinger 11563. ONLY EIGHT SPANISH LIBRARIES ARE KNOWN TO POSSESS COPIES. ACCORDING TO HAEBLER THE ONLY COPIES OUTSIDE SPAIN ARE IN THE BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALS, PARIS. AND IN THE CZARTORISKI LIBRARY IN CRACOW. PLATE IX. MINIATURE FROM " HORAE BEATAE VIRGINIS/' XVth Ceii'tury Manuscript with 17 large Miniatures for the use of the Diocese of Tarentaise (French Savoy). See Item No. 14. PLATE X. Ml\IATURE FROM HORAE B.V.M. CUM CALEXDARIO. Illuminated Manuscript, with 26 Miniatures (XVth Century). See Item No. 16. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 57 FIRST BOOK PRINTED BY WILLIAM SCHONBERGER AT MESSINA (SICILY\ 143 DIGTYS CRETENSIS ET DARES PHRYCIUS. Historia Belli Trojani. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, FINE WOODCUT INITIALS AND FINE WOODCUT PRINTER'S MARK ON LAST LEAF. 4to, vellum. Messina, Wilhelm Schonberger of Frankfort, 2Oth May, 1498. 42 Hain-Copinger *6157. Proctor *6939. An interesting specimen of early printing in Messina (in Sicily), where this was the first book printed by WJlhelm Schonberger. Only two .Messina printed books in the British Museum, none in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. FIRST ITALIAN EDITION. 144 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Libro de la vita de Philosophi e delle loro elegantiseime sententie. Extracta da D. Lahertio et da altri antiquissimi auctori. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES, 26 TO A PAGE. 4to, Italian vellum. Venice, Bernardinus Celerius de Luere, 1480. 13 13s Hain-Copinger *6206. Proctor 4603. FIRST EDITION. THIS FIRST ITALIAN EDITION is EXCESSIVELY EARE. 145 DONATUS (Aelius). Questiones super Donatum minorem. FULL BLACK LETTER, 45 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH FINE LARGE WOODCUT INITIAL P, THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN. 4to, boards. (Basel, M. Furter about 1400). 12 12s Hain *13635. Proctor 7744. B.M. Catalogue I.A. 37827. This Latfn Grammar is very scarce as so many were destroyed by perpetual use m Grammar Schools. 146 ENGELBERTUS CULTIFIGIS (Prater). Epistola brevis ac perutilis de Symonia vitanda in receptione novi- ciorum et noviciaram ad Religionem. BLACK LETTER, RUBRICATED, INITIALS FAINTED IN RED, LONG LINES, 39 TO A FULL PAGE, 8 LL. THE LAST BLANK. Small 4to, half calf. Louvain, Johannes de Westfalia, 1470. 7 10s Campibell *513 (described erroneously). Proctor 9266. The second part of " Cultincis Epistola dictatoria Jurium " (see Hain, 5350). This part is very rare, and wanting in the Hague copy. 58 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 147 EPISTOLAE DIYERSORUM PHILOSOPHORUM ORATORUM RHE- TORUM SEX ET VINCENTI. (In Greek.) 26 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. 2 vols., 4to, full red morocco , with device of anchor in gold on sides, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1499. 14 14s Ham *6659. Proctor 5569. EDITIO PRIXCEPS. The two parts are seldom found united. Very handsome copy. 148 ESOPUS CRECUS PER LAURENTIUM VALLENSEM TRADUGTUS. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, RUBRICATED. WITH A FINE FULL-PAGE WOODCUT ON THE VERSO OF THE LAST LEAF. 4to, morocco, g. e., by ~Riviere. Daventer, Jacobus de Breda (1500). 8 8s Hain 321 (not seen, by Hain). Campbell 32. 149 ESOPUS MORALISATUS CUM BONO COMMENTO. Item textus de novo emendatus cum glosa interliniali. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, RUBRICATED. 4to, vellum. Daventer, Jacobus de Breda, 1500. 18 18s Hain-Copinger 319. Not :n the British Museum or Bodleian Library. i4Qa EUSEBIUS. Chrcmccn a S. Hieronymo latine versum et ab eo Prospero Britan- nico et Matthaeo Palmerio continuatum. ROMAN CHARACTERS, 35 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. Folio, original limp vellum. (Milan, Philippus de Lavagna, about 14/0.) 14 14s Hain 6716. Proctor 5851. VERY FINE LARGE COPY WITH FULL MARGINS 150 EXEMPLA sacrae scripturae ex utroque testamento secimdum ordinem litterarum collecta. BLACK LETTER, 35 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH SIGNATURES, RUBRICATED IN RED AND BLUE. 4to, pur-pie morocco, blind tooled, gilt lettering. Paris, Ulrich Gering, 1478. 15 15s Hain *6765. Proctor 7860. This is the second edition with date. Large copy. Thi.9 "book was printed only nine years after the introduction of printing into Paris by Gering, Crantz and Friburger. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 5$ i Si FICINUS (Marsilius). Liber de sole. ROMAN LETTER, 26 AND 27 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE AT END. 4to, crimson morocco, g. e., by Riviere. Florence, A. Miscomini, 1493. 14 14s llain *7079. Proctor 6166. An excellent copy, dedicated to Pietro di Medici. At end is a 3 j page list of the books written and translated by Marsilius Ficinus. An interesting Renaissance tractate on the Sun from, very point of view, astrono- mical, physical, theological, philosophical and allegorical. 152 GAFURIUS (Franc, Gafori, Franchino). Theorica Mustoe. ROMAN LETTER. 38 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH SIGNATURES, WITHOUT FOLIATION, RUNNING TITLES OR CATCHWORDS, MUSICAL EXAMPLES PRINTED FROM WOOD BLOCKS, WOODCUT DIAGRAMS, TWO FULL- PAGE VERY CURIOUS WOODCUTS BY W. LE SlGNERRE OF ROUEN, ONE ON TITLE, REPRESENTING A CLERIC, SEATED PLAYING AN ORGAN, THE OTHER (on b. 6) IN FOUR COMPARTMENTS, ILLUSTRATING THE DISCOVERY OF MUSICAL TONES, AND SHOWING A MAN PLAYING " THE MUSICAL GLASSES," IN THE SHAPE OF TUMBLERS FILLED WITH WATER. Folio, vellum, blind stamped ornament. Milan, Philip Mantegatius, dictus Cassanius, impensis Joannis Fetri de Lomacio, 1492. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XX.). 52 10s Hain-Copinger 7406. Proctor 6055. Weckerlin, p. 12*. This is a fine copy of the second and revised edition. A few leaves slightly wormed. The author of this rare treatise on music, born at Lodi in 1441, the son of a soldier of Bergamo, became a priest and studied the theory of inuisic with a Carmelite Monk and ^ taught at Monfr'cello a.nd at Bergamo. Louis Sforza established a school of music at Milan for his sake and made him th* conductor of the cathedrial orchestra. He died in 1525 after a long life devoted to music. The interesting woodcut on page (b. 6) is thus described by Weckerlin : "Au- chapitre ' De equisitione et inventione musicarum consonantiarum ' on trouve une planche giravee sur bois, fort curieuse; elle e&t drvisee en quatre parties et a pour objet de representer les inventions et les experiences de Pythagore sur Fendume. sur des cloches, sur des -verses, sur des cordes tendmes par differents poids et enfin sur les noseanx, dans lesquelles soufflent deux experimenteurs; la naivite du dessin a rarement ete plus grotesque que dans ces figures. La voluime a pour titre un orgue representant le systeme des gammes de Guido." 153 GACUINUS (R .). De origine et gestis Franco rum per quam utile compendium. ROMAN LETTER, 52 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, PRINTER'S DEVICE AT (Continued over) 60 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Caguinus (R.) continued. END, WITH SIGNATURES AND HEADLINES. Folio, old half calf. Lyons, M. Johannes Trechsel Alemannus et accuratione Jodoci Badii Ascensii, 1497. 8 8s Hain *7412. Proctor 8614. Pelleohet 4971. J. Badius Ascensius was the corrector of this edition. The book is replete with curious particulars relating to English History. 154 CACUIN (R.). De variis vite humane incommcdis elegia. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES, 20 TO A FULL PAGE. 4to. (Paris, for D. Gerlier, 149-.) 2 10s Hain *7423. Not in Proctor. On title is the following advertisement : " Hanc in via Sancti Jacobi ad signum capitis divi Dyoor'ssi venalem reperiee." PRINTED IN THE SPANISH MONASTERY OF MONTSERRAT. 155 CERARDUS de ZUTPHANIA. Tractatus de spiritual! ascensione. BLACK LETTER, 26 TO 27 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITH VERY INTERESTING FULL-PAGE WOODCUT ON THE LAST LEAF OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ON THE CONVENT MOUNTAIN OF MONTSERRAT. Small 8vo, crushed levant morocco, gilt Line borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Montserrat, por Juan Luschner, May 16, 1499. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVII.). 125 Haebler 292. Hain 16297. FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS OF THE MONASTERY OF MONSERRAT IT APPEARS, THAT 810 COPIES ONLY WERE PRINTED OP THIS LITTLE BOOK. THE ONLY COPIES KNOWN ARE TO BE FOUND IN SPANISH LIBRARIES; IN ALL ONLY 10 SPANISH LIBRARIES ARE KNOWN TO POSSESS COPIES. 356 CERSON (Joannes). De simplificatione. [With other tracts.] BLACK LETTER, RUBRICATED, PAINTED RED INITIALS, 27 LINES. Two AND FOUR LINE SPACES LEFT FOR CAPITALS, SOME WITH GUIDE-LETTERS. Small 4to, boards. With place, date or printer's name. (Cologne, Ulrich Zel, about 1472.) 6 10s Hain *7681. Proctor 873. British Museum Catalogue LA. 2916. Voullieme 499. * * * On folio 59b occurs a reference to Books publicly burnt at Paris. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 61 157 CRECORIUS IX. Deere tales. THE OPENING PAGE is ADORNED WITH TWO CURIOUS DRAWINGS IN RED, BLUE AND GREEN, OF FLOWERS AND BIRD. LARGE ORNAMENTAL GOTHIC INITIAL IN RED, BLUE AND GREEN. AT THE HEAD OF THE THREE OTHER BOOKS A SIMILAR DRAWING OCCURS. CAPITALS THROUGHOUT IN RED IN ORNAMENTAL BLACK LETTER. DOUBLE COLUMNS, 78 LINES OF COMMENTARY SURROUNDING THE TEXT. SPACES LEFT FOR CAPITALS. Thick folio, original oak boards covered with leather. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, I4th July, 1482. 7 10s Hain *8014. British Museum Catalogue I.E. 7289. 1.53 CRECORBUS MAGNUS (S.). Liber pastoralis divi Cregorii pape: In sole aureo vici Sorbonici Parr- hisiis venalis habetur. (Colophon] .... Parrhisiis Impressum per Udalricu gering, & Magistru Berchtoldu renbolt socioru. Finem habuit die. xviii. Julii. Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo noriagesijiio octavo. ROMAN LETTER (TITLE IN GOTHIC), LONG LINES, 37 TO A FULL P^GE, REMBOLT'S DEVICE IN BLACK ON TITLE. Expositio beati Cregorii pape super Cantlca canticorum. In sole atneo vici Sorbonici Parisiis nuper impressa. (Colophon as above) " decima- sexta. Mensis Januarii.'' ROMAN LETTER, 30 LL. PRINTER'S DEVICE (AS ABOVE). Together in I volume. Small 4to, Old French morocco, gilt flortate back, line sides , inside dentelles, g. e. (Derome). Paris, Ulrich Gering, third press, with B. Rembolt, 1498-9. 14 14s I. Hain 7989. Proctor 8307. No copy in the British Museum Library. II. Hain 7939. Proctor 8309. No copy in tlie Bodleian Library. 159 HAEDUS (Petrus). De amoris generibus. ROMAN LETTER, 25 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITHOUT SIGNS. Small 4to, crimson morocco, blind and gilt, g. e. Treviso, Gerardus Lisa (Va.nder Leyden) de Flandria, 1492. 18 18s Hain *8343. Proctor 6507. Fine copy of the first edition of this curious -work by Pexter Capretto -which was composed in order to enlighten his nephew, who was a student at the University of Padua, on the danger oi' love. 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 160 HENRICUS DE CORINCHEM. De superstitiosis quibusdem casibus. De celebratione festorum. Chrysostomi homilia de cruce et latrone. BLACK LETTER, 31 LONG LINES TO A FCLL PAGE, WITHOUT MARKS. Small folio, new vellum. Without place, date, or printer's name. (Blaubeuern, Conrad Mancz, J/]//.) 18 18s Hain *7809. Proctor 2654. B.M. Catalogue I.B. 10116. A rare specimen of the first and only fifteenth century printer in the little town of Blaubeuern in Wurtembe-rg. Only one dated book appears to have been printed by him. 161 HENRICUS DE HERPF. Sermcnes de tempore et de sanctis. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 48 LINES AND HEAD-LINES. WITH PETER DRACH'S PRINTER'S DEVICE ON LAST PAGE. ORNAMENTAL PEN CAPITALS IN RED. MANY LETTERS TOUCHED UP IN RED. Bound in 2 volumes. Folio, calf antique blind stamped. Speier, Peter Drach, 1484. 10 10s Hain-Copinger *8527. Proctor 2353. British Museum Catalogue I.B. 8540. A VERY RARE ixcuxABLE PRINTED AT SPEIEB i:j THE PALATINATE. Contains many contemporary manuscript notes. PINE COPY. 162 HEMMERLIN (Felix). Qpuscula et Tractatus. BLACK LETTER, 47 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE AND HEADLINES, SPACES LEFT FOR CAPITALS, WITH FINE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF FELIX HEMMERLIN WALKING IN THE COUNTRY, CARRYING A BOOK IN HIS RIGHT HAND AND A LITTLE HAMMER (A PLAY UPON THE AUTHOR'S NAME), / BEES ARE BUZZING ROUND HIS HEAD. Folio, bound in niger morocco, with blind tooled XVth Century -pattern on covers and back by L eight on. (Strassburg, J. Gruninger? about 1497.) 15 15s Hain *8424. British Museum Catalogue I.B. 2562. Fine copy with both blank pages. Verses by Sebastian Brandt on verso of titte are dated "Ex Basilia Idibus Augusti 1497." Gnxningeir's 88 type appears in this book in the larger text type, but tihe rest is unidentified. 163 HEROLT (Joannes). Sermcnes Discipuli de tempore per circulum anni (et Commune Sanc- torum eiusdem discipuii . BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 36 LINES, 522 LEAVES, WITHOUT MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 63 Herolt (Joannes) continued. MARKS BUT WITH CATCHWORDS, RUBRICATED, RED PAINTED CAPITALS (SOME LL. SLIGHTLY WORMED). Thick small folio, modern boards. Cologne (Ulrich Zel), 1478. 18 18s Hain 8470. Not in Proctor, therefore no copy in the British Museum Library or in the Bodleian Library. From Dr. Klosz's Library. * * * These Sermons were the source of some of Chaucer's stories, and are referred to by Warton and Douce. 164 HEROLT (Joannes). Sermones super epistolas dominicales. BLACK LETTER. 2 COLUMNS. Folio. Strassburg, impensis Johannis Reynard i ^alias Gruninger) PARATUS. Sermones Parati de tempore et de Sanctis. BLACK LETTER, 2 COLUMNS. 51 LINES AND HEAD LINE TO THE PAG*. Folio. Strassburg, Martin Flach, undated. The two works in one volume. Folio, original binding of wooden boards, half covered with leather repaired ivith a vellum back. 10 10s A. Not in Hairi, nor in British Museum Library. B. Hain, 12398. British Museum Catalogue I.B., 2273. 165 HORAE B, V. M. Ad usum Romanum cum Calendario. (Colophon} Ces presentes heures, a lusaige de Rome, furent achievees le VIIII jour de Novembre. par Thielman Kerver, pour Gilles Remade, libraire demourant a Paris, sur le pont Sainct Michel, a lenseigne de la Licorne. PRINTED ON VELLUM. BLACK LETTER. 1 8 LARGE WOODCUTS (INCLUDING THE " ANATOMICAL MAN ") WITH WOODCUT BORDERS ROUND THESE PAGES, AND 49 SMALL WOODCUT ILLUS- TRATIONS THE FIRST AND LAST PAGE OCCUPIED WITH KERVER' S FINE DEVICE ALL UNCOLOURED. INITIAL LETTERS AND PARAGRAPH MARKS THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME IN RED AND BLUE AND HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. 8vo, Old French morocco, g. e. Paris, Thielman Kerver pour Gilles Remacle (Almanac pour XXIIII An), 1497-1520. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXL). 52 10s A SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF A FRENCH BOOK OP HOURS. 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1 66 HORATIUS. Artis Poeticae Inetitutio. BLACK LETTER, 24 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. 4to, half vellum. Daventer, R. Paffroet, about 1477. 16 16s Not in Hain or Proctor. Campbell 996. Excellent copy with broad margins. A VERY RARE BOOK, WHICH WAS USED AS A SCHOOL . BOOK, AND THEREFORE WAS WONT TO DISAPPEAR VERY RAPIDLY. 167 HORATIUS. Opera cum Christopher! Landini Florentini interpretationibus. Folio, dark green levant morocco, with blind and gilt tooling on sides, inside dentelles, gilt ornaments on back, g. e., by Lor Lie. Venice, Bernardinus de Tridino, 1486. 25 Hain *8884. MAGNIFICENT COPY WITH FULL MARGINS FROM THE LIBRARY OF FIRMIN-DIDOT. Three tiny worm-holes. This is the first of the two editions of Horace with Landinus* commentary published by Bernardinus de Tridino. FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF HORACE A:ND THE FIRST EDITION PRINTED IN GERMANY. 168 HORATIUS. Opera. Cum quibusdem annotationibus imaginibusque pulchemmis aptisque ad Odarum concentus et sententias (Jacobi Locher Philomusi). 3 COLUMNS, 24 LINES (TEXT) TO A PAGE, WITH WOODCUT OF LOCHER AT HIS DESK ON TITLE AND I 56 FINE WOODCUTS THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME, MOST OF WHICH ARE COMPOSITE. Folio, calf blind tooled, ?. e. Strassburg, Johann Griininger, March 12, 1498. 22 10s Hai/n-Copinger *8898. Proctor 485. Schreiber 424-0. Pellechet (Lyon) 345. THIS EDITION, WHICH WAS PUBLISHED BY JACOB LOCHER, MAY BE COUNTED AS AN EDITIO PRINCEPS, AS IT WAS NOT PUBLISHED AFTER PRINTED TEXTS, BUT AFTER MANUSCRIPTS THAT WERE FOUND IN GERMANY. IT is THE FIRST EDITION OF HORACE PUBLISHED IN GERMANY. The illustrations are of great interest. Especially noteworthy are (1) the woodcut on the second leaf repre- senting the nine Muses, Calliope enthroned crowns the poet Horace kneeling before her (worm hole in last few pages). (2) Horace before Maecenas. (3) The murder of Julius Caesar by Brutus and Cassius. AN EXCESSIVELY RARE SPANISH INCUNABLE PRINTED AT SALAMANCA. ONLY THREE COPIES KNOWN. i6g HUGO A SANCTO CARO. Speculum ecclesiae cum tractatulo Adolphi O.F.P. de sacramentis. BLACK LETTER, 34 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, vellum, g. e. Salamanca, second gothic group, i6th March, 1495. 105 Haebler 318 (5). Unknown to Eain-Copinger, Proctor and all other bibliographers. Hitherto unknown inclinable of which a copy was recently discovered by Sr. Ernst PLATE XI. A MINIATURE FROM JAMI'S " JUSUF AND ZULEIKA (JOSEPH AND POTIPHAR'S WIFE") XVIth Century Persian Manuscript with 5 large Minfatures. See Item No. 52. PLATE XII. " A SCHOOL SCENE ix PERSIA." Miniature (greatly reduced) from a Persian MS. Jemal-Ed Nizami's dated A.I). 1579. With 34 lange Miniatures. See Item No. 53. Khamsah, MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 65 Hugo a Sancto Caro continued. in the Provincial Library at Caoeres. Another copy is reported to exist in tihe Biblioteca Vittorio Emmanuele at Eome. The copy we are offering for sale is the third known copy. No copy in the British Museum or Bodleian libraries and no copy in the U.S. of America. 170 HUMBERTUS DE ROMANIS. Ausfegung iiber den gantzen Prediger Orden, liber Sankt Augustins regel, die er geschriben hat den closterfrawen, mit etlicher eingetragner ler, etc. BLACK- LETTER RUBRICATED, PAINTED RED CAPITATS. CAPITAL SPACES. THE HEAD-LINES GIVE THE NUMBERS OF THE CHAPTERS, AS WELL AS THE FOLIATION. Folio, contemporary German binding of oak boards and pigskin, with stamped panels of ( large florcate ornaments in compartments, within borders representing stag hunts, original metal clasps with long narrow catches. Without place, date, or printer's name. (Ulm, Conrad Dinckmut, about 1488.) 12 12s Hain, *9030. Proctor, 2579. British Museum Catalogue I.B., 9397. ONLY ONE OTHER COPY KNOWN. 171 INFANTE (El doctor). Forma libeilandi. BLACK LETTER, 48 LONG LINES TO A PAGE WITH FINE LARGE WOOD- CUT ON TITLE, AND FINE PRINTER'S MARK ON THE LAS1 PAGE. Folio, full morocco, g. e., by Riviere. Sevilla, Stanislao Polono, 1500. 55 Haebler (324) wr:tes desc.rilbing the present copy which wants three leaves " THIS is THE ONLY COPY KNOWN OF THIS BOOK (EXCEPT THE ONE IN THE LIBRARY OF THE KlNG OF SPAIN IN THE PALACE OF THE ESCORIAL). IT WAS IN THE POSSESSION OF DON MARIANO MURILLO IN THE YEAR 1898. THE BOOK HAS NEVER BEEN DESCRIBED BEFORE, AND HAS NOT EVEN BEEN MENTIONED BY ANY BIBLIOGRAPHERS. WITH THE FAMOUS " WORLD MAP " OF 1472. 172 ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS. Etymologiarum libri XX. ROMAN LETTER, LONG LINES, 38 TO A FULL PAGE, CAPITALS PAINTED IN RED. WITH 3 FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS, ONE IN THE SHAPE OF A SPIDER (FOLDED), AND THE FAMOUS " WORLD MAP " (Augsburg), Gunther Zainer, 19 November, 1472. (Contiiraett vrejr) 66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Isidorus Hispalensis continued. De Responsione mundi et astrorum orciinatione. ROMAN LETTER. LONG LINES, 38 TO A FULL PAGE, CAPITALS SUPPLIED IN RED. WITH 7 WOODCUTS. Augsburg, Gunther Zainer, 7 December, 1472. The 2 works in one volume, folio, calf gilt, r. e. 52 10s I. Ham, *9273. Proctor, 1532. Schreiber, 4266. B.M. Catalogue I.E. 5433. This is said by Hain to be the first book printed in Roman letters in Germany with a date. At end of the volume is a contemporary MS note. " In the year of our Lord 1473, at the festival of St. Margaret, 1 bought this book for 2 florins. G-eorgius Ruoh, sacerdos." II. Hain, *9302. Proctor, 1533. Schreiber, 4268. Blank margins at end mended. The 7 woodcuts are intended to elucidate tho system of the universe. 1. The parity of the months. 5. The Universe and Man. 2. The principles of the times. 6. The seven Planets. 3. The four Seasons. 7. Meteorology. 4. The four Elements. 173 ISiDORUS. De summo bono. WITH WOODCUT TITLE f WHITE LETTERS ON BLACK GROUND, EDGED WITH RED). 28 LINES AND HEADLINE, BLACK LETTER, SPACES LEFT FOR CAPITALS. SIGNATURES AT END OF LAST LINE OF TEXT. CAPITALS AND PARAGRAPH MARKS SUPPLIED IN RLD. I2mo, boards. Cologne, Johann Landen (1406-1497?). 4 10S Hain, *9283. Vouillieme, 705. British Museum Catalogue I.A., 5138. Proctor, 1480. " A Summary of Theology on the Divine Attributes or Virtues and Vices." 174 JOHANNES DE HEES. Itinerarius Johannis de Hese presbyteria Jherusalem describens dis- positiones terrarum insularum, montium, & aquarum, ac etiam quedam mirabilia et pericula per diversas partes mundi contingentia lucidissime enarrans. Tractatus de decem nationibus et sectis Christianorum. Epistola Johannis Soldani ad Pium Papam secundum. Epistola respon- soria ejusdem Pii Pape ad Soldanum. joannis Presbyteri maximi Indorum et Ethiopum Christianorum Imperatoris et Patriarche Epistola ad Emanuelem Rhome gubernatorem de ritu et moribus Indorum deque ejus potentia, divitiis et excellent] a. Tractatus pulcherrimus de situ et dispositione regionum et insularum totius Indie necnon de rerum nnra- bilium ac gentium diversitate BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, 36 TO A FULL PAGE, 22 LEAVES (LAST BLANK) WITH SIGNATURES, TEXT RUBRICATED. SPACES LEFT FOR CAPITALS. 4to, half calf. Without place, date, or printer's name. 'Cologne, Cornelis de Zieri- kzee, about 1495.) 10 10s Hain, *8535. Voullieme, 544. British Museum Catalogue LA., 5206. AN BARE EDITION OF WHICH IT IS SAID ONLY ONE OTHER COPY IS IN EXISTENCE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 67 175 JOHANNES DE TAMBACO of Alsace, Professor of Theology at Prague. Consolatio Theologiae. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, 44 TO A FULL PAGE, CAPITALS SUPPLIED IN RED, WITHOUT MARKS. Folio, original binding of wooden boards covered with white leather t 10 brass bosses, small circular stamp with shield, and initials F. P. H. P. one clasp and remains of second. Without place, date or printer's name. (Speier, Georgius de Spira) (George Reyser with Tohann Beckenhub ? 1477 ?) 21 First Edition. Hain, *15236. Proctor, 838. British Museum I.B , 943. From the Ratisbon Dominican Convent Library. According to Deschamps, col. 27, the above is perhaps the first book printed at Eidh- stadt, Hain attributed it to Strassburg, but we have followed the British Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 454. " Dambach, from which tbe author took his name is near Strassburg, and Johannes (born 1288) was a Dominican of Strassburg 1 until his appointment in 1347 to a lectureship at Prague. He died in 1372." FIRST LATIN EDITION WITH A DATE. 176 JOSEPHUS. Historia de Antiquitate et de Bello Judaico Libri VII. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 50 LINES TO A PAGE, WITH LARGE ORNAMENTAL LETTER ON FIRST PAGE, WITH BLUE, GREEN, RED AND GOLD (A PART REPAIRED AFFECTING THE TEXT), OTHER INITIALS WITH PEN ORNA- MENTATION, THE SMALLER CAPITALS IN RED. MANUSCRIPT NOTES ON SOME MARGINS (SEVERAL LEAVES REPAIRED AND STAINED AND TWO WORM HOLES). Folio, brown morocco, g. e. Augsburg, Johami Schiissler, 28 June-23 August, 1470. 100 Hain, *9451. Proctor, 1589. FIRST LATIN EDITION WITH THE DATE. This copy is a duplicate from the Munich State Library and originally belonged to the Augustine Monastery at Munich in 1606. With the exception of the trifling defects mentioned above, this copy of Josephus is in splendid preservation. " Schiissler's first dated book is the Josephus, of which the first part was finished on 28 June 1470, the second on the following 23 August." B.M. Catalogue I.C., 5612-3. " In the De Antiquitate two kinds of paper are mainly used, one watermarked with a pair of scales, the other with a D and cross, and the printer has taken* great care to use the D. paper for the inside sheets of each quire and the scales paper only for the outer (or occasionally the outer and second) sheet. In the De Judaico Bello no scales paper is used/' PRINTED AT ROME ABOUT 1460. 177 JUSTINUS. Epitoma in Trogi Pompei historias. ROMAN LETTER, 29-34, BUT GENERALLY 32 LONG LINES TO A FULL (Continued over) 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. JustinuS continued. PAGE. SPACES LEFf FOR CAPITAL LETTERS WITH ARMORIAL CREST DRAWN IN PEN AND INK AT FOOT OF TITLE PAGE. Folio, vellum. Rome, Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus), about 1469. 52 10s Hain-Copdnger, 9646. Proctor, 3343. British Museum Catalogue I.E., 17249. This copy contains the last blank leaf, -which is not in the British Museum copy. Ulrich Han was a nat:ve of Ingolstadt and a citizen of Vienna and was also known as " Barbatus " (the Man with a Beard). According to the British Museum Catalogue the Justinus is to be placed after April 1469 and before October 1470 and is placed among the " Early Books " of Hain. "This book ha-s been placed at the head of the books printed with type 113R. because the variations in the measurements suggest an early experimental stage of the type," B.M. Catalogue. 178 LACTANTIUS. Opera Omnia. PRINTED IN ROMAN LETTERS WITH GREEK QUOTATIONS IN GREEK LETTERS, LONG LINES, 37 TO A FULL PAGE. INITIALS PAINTED IN RED -*ND BLUE, AND TEXT RUBRICATED. Folio, contemporary binding (repaired) of oak boards covered with leather, with small stamps of fleur-de-lis, qua trefoils, roses, and legend "I. J. R. Fortlivit" (?) Venice, Johartn of Cologne and Johann Manthen of Gerresheim, 1478. 1616$ Hain, *9814. Proctor, 4332. No copy in the Bodloian Library. 179 LEO MAGNUS [(S.). papa.]. Sermoni, di lingua Latina in Toscana trarlocti da Philippo di Bartho- meo Corsini. ROMAN LETTER, 33 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, WITHOUT SIGNA- TURES, CATCHWORDS OR HEAD LINES, THE LEAVES ARE FOLIATED IN LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER IN ROMAN TYPE (VERY UNUSUAL). Folio, original wooden boards with leather back. Florence (Antonio Miscomini), 1482. 12 12s Hain, *10016. Proctor, 6147. First Edition of the Italian Translation. Some leaves slightly browned but a fine large copj ic crisp original condition. 180 LEONARDUS (Matthaei) De Utino. Sermcnes aurei de Sanctis. FINELY PRINTED IN BLACK LETTER. RUBRICATED, AND WITH A PRO- FUSION OF PEN INITIALS IN RED AND BLUE. Thick folio, original oaken boards, covered with stamped calf, the sides containing ornamental border, surrounding centre Panels, consisting MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 6g Leonardus (Matthaei) continued. of Scroll ornamentations, figures of Monkeys, Griffins, Lions, etc., of various designs : clasps. Without place or printer's name. (Cologne, Ulrich Zell), 1473. 34 FINE COPY OF THIS EAEE EDITION, AND REMARKABLE FOR ITS DECORATIVE BINDING. " This is the only large folio volume, printed in his smallest type, which I have seen from the press of Ulrie Zell. " It is rather a typographical curiosity, and exhibits a fine specimen of regular and skilful printing " (Dibdin). Hain, *16128. Proctor, 881. No copy in the British Museum Library. 181 LOCHER (J.). Carmen de S. Catherina. ROMAN LETTER, 30 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. WITH AN INTERESTING WOODCUT OF THE SAINT ON TITLE WITH BORDERS. 4to, half calf. Basel, J. Bergmann de Olpe, 1406. 8 8s Hain, *10164. Proctor, 7773. B.M. Catalogue I A., 37931. ONLY FOUR COPIES KNOWN OF THIS BARCELONA INCUNABLE. 182 LULLUS (Raymundus). Proverbia. BLACK LETTER, 35 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE. 4to, crushed crimson morocco with gilt panelled borders on sides, gilt -panelled back, inside dentelles, g. e. Barcelona, por Pedro Michael, May 10, 1493. 185 Haebler, 383. Hain, 10325. OF THIS VERY RARE BOOK ONLY TWO COPIES ARE KNOWN IN SPANISH PUBLIC LIBRARIES (BOTH IN BARCELONA), AND TWO IN PRIVATE SPANISH LIBRARIES, OP WHICH THIS MAY BE ONE. 183 MAGNUS (Jacobus) (Legrand of Paris). Sophologium Michael! episcopr Altissiodor. (Auxerre) dicatum. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 36 LINES TO A PAGE, SIGNATURES AND RUNNING HEADLINES, WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT INITIALS AND LARGE WOODCUT PRINTER'S DEVICE OF JEHAN DE VlNGLE OF LYONS ON THE TITLE PAGE. 8vo, half morocco. Lyons, Jean de Vingle, July 26, 1485. 6 6s Ham-Cop inger, 10479. In our copy there is no leaf after the colophon containing an additional printer's mark as described by Copinger. 70 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 184 MARTIAL. Epigrammata cum commentariis Dom Chalderini et G. Merulae, ROMAN LETTER, WITH ORNAMENTAL INITIALS, THE LARGE ONES COPIED FROM RATDOLT'S. Folio, original limp vellum. Venice, B. de Zanis, 1493. 12 12s Ham, *10823. Proctor, 5330. Fine copy with Last blank. 185 MATTHAEUS, ORD. PRAEDIC. Tractatus super Naviculam S. Ursulac. BLACK LETTER, RUBRICATED, DOUKLE COLUMNS OF 38 LINES. IHE FIRST LEAF IS OCCUPIED BY A FULL-LEAF WOODCUT OF S. URSULA'S BOAI, THE MAST IN THE FORM OF A CRUCIFIX, IN THE CENTRE OF THE BOAT IS THE COMMUNION TABLE WITH THE SAINT AND OTHERS STANDING ROUND. Small 4to, full brown morocco extra, t. e. g. (S.N., Strassburg, FGruninger or PKistler, about 1500.) 21 10s FlRST AND PROBABLY ONLY EDITION IN LATIN. St. Ursula is the patroness of young girls, particularly school girls and of all women who devote themselves especially to the care and education of their own sex. "Not in Hain. Copinger III., 5909, quoted from " Mus. Nat. Hung. No. 786," which copy wanted the first leaf. The. same copy is cited by Schreiber, 5403, but assigned to the press of B. Kis-tler about 1497 (see below). Presumably the same as Proctor, 10337, who places it among unidentified presses at Strassburg, about 1505 (?) notir j that the type is very like the 6th Hiipfiiff's, but there differences; resemb\s Gran's type 5, fig. 45. We may remark that in measurement (71 mm.) and appearances the type is similai to Griininger's No. 12 (British Muvseuni Catalogue, pi. XI., 71A), but there are a few caps, from another fount. The woodcut also seems to be by one of the artist em- ployed by that printer. The first page in the present book is occupied by a full-size cut, 159 x 110 mm., verso blank; this leaf probably unrecorded. The subject is S. Ursula's boat (Navicula, Schifiiein), in which one sees the Saint, holding an arroAV, the Virgin and Child, Kin-g David, a pope, king, bishop, and other taints, the siteeirsonan a monk, probably the author of the tract; an hour glass behind him. In the centre of the boat is the Communion ta.ble. Above is the mast in the form of a crucifix, against the sail being angels with the emblems of the Passion. On left is an angel with lamp, on right, a priest making the elevafr'on, wifn a soul delivered from Purgatory- In foreground are persons picking up loaves and others embarking. The same cut is said by Schreiber to be in "Kistler's 1497 German ed. mentioned below, and no doubt it is on that account that the present edition is assigned to the same press. Cf. the single cuts described by Schreiber II. 1709-12, and reproduction of one in Huth, Cat. Engr. 1910, p. 9. " During the latter part of the Middle Ages there grew up a curious custom of found- ing- confraternities or guilds in Germany, and especially along the Rhine and in Swabda, for men and women, called ' The Skiffs of S. Ursula,' These skiffs existed under the direction of monks, generally Carthusians, who served as captain, mate, and pilot of the <=everal boats. The form of admission to the skiff was very simple. The candidate had to recite the Lord's Prayer and the Angelic Salutation thrice before a crucifix, kneeling, with outstretched arms; and every Friday he had to say MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 71 Matthaeus, ord. Praedic. continued. the Lord's Prayer sitting, standing, or walking, as be liked, and lie was to undertake to recite certain psalms, omo. Cologne, Martin de Werden, 1507. Richardus. De Sancto Victore. De Duodecim patriarchis. I2mo. Strassburg, J. Knoblauch, 1516. The 4 parts in I vol. I2mo, original wooden boards covered with pigskin. 10 10s 33; DON PEDRO DE CASTILLA. Coronica del Rey Don Pedro de Cast ilia, nuevamente impress a y emendada. WITH FINE FULL-PAGE WOODCUT ON THE TITLE PAGE OF DON PEDRO IN FULL ARMOUR MOUNTED ON HORSEBACK, AND ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIALS. DOUBLE COLUMNS, BLACK LETTER. Folio, original vellum. Sevilla, Juan Cronberger, 1542. 9 9s A FINE COPY OP A VERY RARE SPANISH ROMANCE OF CHIVALRY. 338 CORTONESE (R. V.). Accurata? e succinta descrizione topografica delle lAntichita de Roma. ILLUSTRATED WITH 96 ENGRAVINGS. 2 vols. in i , 4to, old calf. Rome, 1763. 1 5s 114 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, 'London, W. FIRST EDITION OF A BOOK OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE FOR THE HISTORY OF NAVIGATION. 339 CORTES (Martin). Breve Compendio de la Sphera y de la arte de navegar. Con nuevos instrument os y reglas exemplincado con muy subtiles demonstraciones. WITH LARGE WOODCUT COAT OF ARMS OF CHARLES V. ON TITLE, FINE WOODCUT OF THE AUTHOR DEMONSTRATING, AND HIS COAT OF ARMS ON BACK OF TITLE, NUMEROUS WOODCUT INITIALS, 26 INTERESTING WOOD- CUTS, OF WHICH FOUR ARE MOVABLE DIAGRAMS. Folio, half calf, with arms of Caracena on sides. Sevilla, Anton Alvarez, 1551. 63 A VERY FIXE COPY OP AN EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE BOOK. FIRST EDITION. ACCORDING TO BRUNEI THIS BOOK IN THE ORIGINAL SPANISH TEXT is EVEN- RARER THAN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION WHICH WAS MADE BY ElCHARD EDEN AND PUBLISHED IN LONDON BY JAGGE IN 1561. 340 COSTUME. 40 BAVARIAN COSTUMES, MAGNIFICENT LITHOGRAPHS IN COLOURS, REPRESENTING PEASANT SCENES, OLD TIME PROCESSIONS, OLD DANCES IN INNS, AND FOLK CUSTOMS, MOUNTAIN SCENES, ETC., BY LlPOWSKI. Folio, boards. Munich, 1830. 20 341 COSTUMI Dl ROMA E DEI CONTORNI. WITH CHARMING COLOURED COSTUMES OF 'ROMAN CITIZENS AND OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE CAMPAGNA, AFTER MOCHETTI AND BERTINI. Small 8vo, original boards. Rome, 1846. 15S 342 [CROMWELL (Oliver)]. CAND (Ludovici de). Parallelum Olivae, nee non Olivarii Serenissimi, Celsissimi, Potentis- simique Angliae, Scotiae, Hyberniaeque, Dei Gratia Protectoris, etc. FINE ENGRAVED TITLE, EMBLEMATIC PLATE OF AN OLIVE TREE, OVAL PORTRAIT OF CROMWELL, ALSO AN EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT, IN FULL ARMOUR OF CROMWELL, ALL ENGRAVED BY FAITHORNE. Folio, full calf gilt. London, 1656. 6 6s 343 CURA CLERICALIS. GOTHIC LETTER, WITH FINE WOODCUT (REPEATED ON LAST LEAF). I2mo, half calf by R. Petit. Cologne, Retro minores, 1504. 9 9$ THIS SCARCE LITTLE HANDBOOK FOR THE CLERGY WAS PRINTED BI A C-ONVEXT PRESS, WHICH WORKED AT COLOGNE FROM 1501-1504, " RETRO MlNORES," BEHIND THE FRANCISCAN CONVENT., MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 115 344 DE BRY (T.). Icones Quinquaginta Virorum Illustrium Doctrina & eruditione prae- stantium ad vivum emctae, cum eorum vitis descriptis a Jan. J. Boissardo. WITH 200 FINELY ENGRAVED OVAL PORTRAITS, WITHIN ORNAMENTAL BORDERS, BY DE BRY. 4 vols. in 2. Small 4to, original vellum. Francofort, 1597-99. FlNB COPY OF THE RARE FlRST EDITION. INCLUDES THE FINE PORTRAIT OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, WITH A BIOGRAPHY EXTENDING TO 23 PAGES. 345 DE GULTU VINEE DOMINI. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WITH FINE PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE, AND FINE WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS. 8vo, boards. Paris, Udalricus Geering and Bertholdus R em-bolt, 1508. 2 2s 346 DEFINICIONES de la Orden y Cavalleria de Calatrava, conforme al Capi- tulo general celebrado en Madrid, ano de 1652. Segunda impression recha de orden de Su Magestad. TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. FULL-PAGE PORTRAIT OF KING FERDINAND VI. ENGRAVED BY THOMAS A PRIETO, MADRID, 1749, AND FULL-PAGE PORTRAIT OF KING PHILIP IV., ALSO ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. Folio, original vellum. Madrid, 1748. 1 10s On title-page following contemporary inscription, " Este libro perteneu al Marques de Vilunna, cavalero professo de esta Orden y Cavalleria/' 347 DELLA BELLA (Stephano). Diverses Exercices de Cavallerie. Agreable diversite de figures. Diverses Tetes et Figures. 51 PLATES AFTER DELLA BELLA, ENGRAVED BY ISRAEL. In 2 vols. Oblong I2mo, half calf. Paris (1642-50). 6 6s 348 DESCARTES. Opera Philosophica, viz., Meditationes de Prima Philosophia, Prin- cipia Philosophiae, Dissertatio de Methodo, Tractatus de Passionibus Animae. NUMEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS OF IMPLEMENTS, DIAGRAMS, ETC. Small 4to, original calf. Amsterdam, 1664. 15s Few slight wormholes in blank margins. n6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 349 DESCARTES (Renatus); Epistolae partim ab Auctore Latino Sanncne conscriptae partim ex Galileo translatae in quibus omnis generis quaestiones Philcsophicae tractantur & explicantur plurimae difficultates quae in reliquis ejus cperibus occurrunt. NUMEROUS ENGRAVED DIAGRAMS OF MACHINERY, ETC. Both parts in I vol., small thick 4to, original calf gilt. London, 1668. 1 6s 350 DESTRUCTION de Hierusalem avec le jugement de Pylate; qui comenca ou temps de Nero empereur; quarante ans apres la mort de nostre seigneur Jesuchrist. PRINTED IN GOTHIC LETTERS ON 4 LEAVES. ON WHICH :s A SKRIES OP 23 SPIRITED V/OODCUTS, WITH 3 OR 4 LINES OF DESCRIPTION BENEATH EACH, WITHIN ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDERS WITH HUNTING SCENIC AXD GROTESQUES. Small 8vo, full morocco gilt extra, g. e. absque Nota (Paris, c. 1500). (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXVIL). 25 * * * AX EXTREMELY CURIOUS AND INTERESTING EARLY WOOBCUT BOOK OF THE GREATEST RARITY. Several Editions are described by Brunei, but apparently not the above. IT is A SURVIVAL OF THE EARLIER. " BlBLIA PAUPERTTM." 351 DE YRIES (S.). De Doorlughtige Weereid. WITH COLOURED COATS OF ARMS EMBLAZONED IN COLOURS OF EM- PERORS, KINGS, PRINCES, AND COUNTS, AND STATES, AND CITIES OF THE WHOLE WORLD. 3 vols., 8vo, original vellum. Amsterdam, 1700. 3 3s 352 DICTIONARIUM PAUPERUM. Omnibus praedicatoribus verbi divini necessarius in quo multum succincte continentur materie seu sermones sin- gulis f estivitatibus totius anni tarn de tempore quam de sanctis accomo dende. WITH FINE WOODCUTS ON VERSE OF TITLE AND LAST PAGE. I2mo, wooden boards, covered witk finely stamped leather. Cologne, Retro Minores, 1504. 5 5s THIS LITTLE BOOK IS A COMPILATION WHICH WAS DESTINED TO PROVIDE SERMONS TO THE POOR CLERGY FOR EVERY OCCASION OF THE YEAR, BOTH ON SUNDAYS AND ON FESTIVALS. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 117 353 DIOPHANTI ALEXANDRINI. Rerum Arithmeticarum Libri Sex, Liber de Numeris Polygonis. A. Guil. Xylandro Latine redditum & Commontariis explanatum. Folio. Basel, 1575. Notitia cum Orientis turn Occidentis ultra Arcadii Honoriique Caesarum Tempora. Praecedit Alciati De Magistratibus civilibusque ac militaribus officiis. Descriptio urbis Romae, quae suib titulo Pub. Vic- toris, circumfertur; & altera urbis Constantmopolitanae incerto autore, nunquam antehac typis excusa. De rebus bellicis ad Theodosium incerto autore, Disputatio Adriani Aug. & Epicteti philosophi. WITH NUMEROUS INTERESTING WOODCUTS OF OLD ROMAN BOOKS, BINDINGS, SCROLLS, PIPES, STATUES, PAINTINGS, TOWNS, ARCHITEC- TURE, ETC. Folio. Basel, Froben, 1552. The 2 parts in I volume. Folio, calf. 3 3s 354 DOHME (Dr. R.). Kunst und Kunstler, Spaniens, Frankreichs und Englands bis gegen das ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts unter mitwirkung von J. Beaving- ton-Atkinson, J. Janitsch, H. Lucke, C. A. Regnet, J. E. Wessely, Deut- schlands und der Niederlande, Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, etc., etc. 105 MONOGRAMS ON ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PAINTERS BY VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS, EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED WITH A GREAT NUMBER OF ENGRAVINGS AFTER THEIR MOST CELEBRATED WORKS. AND PORTRAITS OF THE PAINTERS. 6 vols., 4to, half maroon morocco, full gilt backs, uncut, t. e. g. Leipzig, 1877. 4 15s 355 DURER (Albert). Passio Domini nostri. 12 SUPERB WOODCUTS OF THE GREAT PASSION. Folio, bound in full morocco by Riviere. Nuremberg [H. Holzel], 1511. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXVIII.)- 125 Dodgson I., 6. 262 (5). Bartsch, 4-11, 14, 13, 12, 15. Proctor, 11011. A FIXE COPY OF O*E OF THE WORLD'S MASTERPIECES. TITLE HAS THE LATIN TEXT, ALL THE OTHER WOODCUTS ARE EARLY PROOFS BEFORE THE LATIN TEXT. Slight repair to title. u8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 356 DURER (Albert). De Symmetria partium humanorum corporum Libri quatuor e Ger- manica lingua in Latinam versi. WITH FOLDING PLATES AND NUMEROUS VERY BEAUTIFUL WOODCUTS OF THE HUMAN BODY OF MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AFTER ALBERT DURER. Folio, full mottled calf, gilt edges. Paris, Charles Perier, 1557. 5 5S A FINE COPY OF DURER'S WORK ON THE SYMMETRY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 357 DURER (Albert). " The Little Passion." 36 WOODCUTS OF THE PASSION BY ALBERT DURER. Oblong 4to, half bound. Venice, n.d., but about 1599. 10 10s THESE WOODCUTS ARE PRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL WOOD BLOCKS THAT WERE USED FOR THE " LITTLE PASSION " OF 1509-10. IN DISTINCTION TO THE FAMOUS EDITION THAT WAS PUBLISHED BY DANIEL BISSUCCIO AT VENICE 1612, WITH THE VERSES IN " OTTAVA RIMA " OF MAURITIO MORO PRINTED ON THE VERSO OF EACH WOODCUT, THE WOODCUTS DESCRIBED ABOVE ARE PRINTED ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY AND CONTAIN NO TEXT ON THK BACK. THEY APPEAR TO BE SOME KIND OF PROOFS AND FORM THUS A VERY RARE STATE. This volume comes from the Yemeniz Collection. Below each woodcut is a line (in an old hand in Latin) of Biblical Quotation in manu- script. 358 DURER (Albert). Epicedion in funere Albert! Dureri Nurenbergensis, aetatis suae Pic- torum omnium facile principis dictum. Somnium de eodem. Epitaphia et alia quaedam Helio Eobano Hesse Authore. De eodem. Monodia Thomae Venatorii et Epitaphia duo. (Funeral Poems, etc., on the death of Albert Durer.) WOODCUT BORDER ON TITLE. Wittenberg, 1543. Reformatio Ecclesiae Coronensis (Kronstadt in Trannsylvania) ac totius Barcensis Provinciae cum praefatione Philippi Melanthon. I2mo. Wittenberg, 1543. The two works bound in I vol. I2mo, full morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. Arms on sides. 6 18s 359 DURER. Collection of 109 finely executed photographs size of the originals of the more celebrated engravings and original drawings by Albert Durer. From the collection of the late William Burgess, A.R.A. Mounted in an album. Folio, half bound. 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. IIQ 360 ELEGIDA et Poematia Epidictica, una cum ad vivum expressis Personarum iconibus. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAITS AND COATS OF ARMS. I2mo, red morocco, gilt line borders on sides, gilt back, inside den- telles, g. e., by Belz-Niedree. Upsala, 1631. 7 10s 361 ENGRAVINGS. Suite of 12 engravings entitled " Diversa Animalia " engraved by J. Vischer after Berghem. Suite of 17 engravings engraved by Peter De Laer. Rome, 1636. The two suites in I volume. Folio, calf. 6 6s BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSIONS WITH FULL MARGINS. 362 EQUICOLA (Mario). Ljbro di Natura d'Amore. TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER. Small 8vo. In its original V cnetian binding of brown morocco, with gilt ornamental borders and centre ornament, a full-length figure of Fortune upon a dolphin and gold lettering " Se Amico Emmi il Dolor, che Polei Farmi " and on reverse cover " L. de na Damor indissolubile." Vinegia, 1526. 17 17s 363 ERASMUS (D.). Querela Pacis undique gentium ejectae profligataeque A u tore Erasmo Roterodamo. Ejusdem in genere consolatorio de Morte Decla- matio. TITLE WITHIN SPLENDID ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER/ and Valen- tin Schumann's device at end. 4to, boards. Leipzig, Valentin Schumann, 1518. 2 2s NOT IN PROCTOR. RARE. 364 ERASMUS. Precatio Domnica in septem portiones distributa. WITH 8 VERY FINE WOODCUTS AFTER HOLBEIN AND PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE. I2mo, neat calf, g. e. Basel, Froben, about 1523. 5 5s Original edition, with the 8 very fine woodcuts after Holbein. Fine clean copy, but some notes on fore edge cut into. 120 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. GARDENS AND FOUNTAINS OF ROME, ETC 365 FALDA. Le Fontana di Roma nelle Piazze e luoghi public! della citta con li loro Prcspetti come sono al Presente. WITH NUMEROUS PLATES, SOME FOLDING, OF THE FOUNTAINS AND PROSPECTS OF THE ClTY OF ROME IN THE XVllTH CENTURY. 4 parts in 2 vols., oblong folio. Rome, 1691. 6 6s 366 FALDA. Le Fontane di Roma nelle Piazzi, e luoghi publici della Citta, con li loro Prospetti, come sono al Presente, disegnate, et mtagliate da Gio. Battista Falda. Le Fontane del Ciardino Estence in Tivoli, con li loro prospetti, e vedute della Cascata del nume aniene disegnate et intagliate da Gio. F. Ven- turini. The 4 parts complete, WITH THE TITLE-PAGES AND 103 FINELY EN- GRAVED PLATES. Oblong folio, original calf gilt. Roma, G. de Rossi, 1691. 5 18s 367 FALDA (G. B.). Le fontane di Roma nelle Piazze, e luoghi publici della citta con li loro prospetti come sono al presente. ID/ VERY FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES BY FALDA AND VENTURINI. 4 parts in I volume. Oblong folio, half calf. Rome, 1691. 3 3s A charming book of delightful engraving's of the fountains of Rome and the many curi5us nooks of the City or suburbs in -which they were situated. 368 FALDA ;G. B.). Le Fontane, ne Palazzi, e ne Giardini di Roma. The four parts complete. UPWARDS OF 100 LARGE COPPERPLATES BY FALDA AND VENTURINI, OF THE FOUNTAINS AND ELABORATE GARDENS OF ROME, FRASCATI, AND TIVOLI. Folio, half morocco. Rome, about 1679. 3 3s 369 FERRARIUS Q. B.). De Florum Cultura. Libri IV. WITH MANY INTERESTING FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF FLOWERS AND GARDENS AND FLORAL SCFNES. 4to, original vellum. Rome, 1633. 7 10s PLATE XXL jDmim faUia mea apet fee* oe we it) abnrfojiutfj meati) int?b mfncab abiii nanbnti) mcfeftina zf a patri et fifio rt fpitftui fancto* " THE ANNUNCIATION." Woodcut from Horae ad usum Eomjannra, printed on Vellum. Paris, T. K^erver, 1497. See Ttem No. 165. PLATE XXII. Woodcut (reduced) from VALLA, DE ELEGA.-:TIA LINGUAE LATIKAE. (Spam about 1490). See Item No. 220. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 121 370 FERRER (A. de Valdecebro). Covierno General Moral y Politico Hallado en las fieras y animates Sylvestres Sacado de sus naturales virtuclcs y prodriedades. MANY CURIOUS WOODCUTS OF ANIMALS. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid (1728). 18s FROM THE LIBRARY OF MONSEIGNEUR DE BEAUVAIS, ARCHBISHOP OF NARBONNE. 371 FIALETTI (Odoardo). Degli habiti dslle Religion! Con le Armi e breve Descrittion Sore. WITH 74 ENGRAVED PLATES OF TEXT AND LETTER PRESS AND TITLE. Royal 8vo, contemporary black morocco, with the arms on sides of Monseigneur de Beauvais, Archeveque de Narbonne. Venice, a Instanza di Marco Sadeler, 1626. 4 4s 372 FIASCHI (Cesar). Trascte de fa Maniere de BIEN EMBRIDER, MANIER, et FERRER LES CHEYAUX, avec les figures des mors de bride tours & maniemens & fers qui y sont prop res. Faict en langage Italien et nagueres tourne en Frangois (par F. de Prouane). NUMEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS OF DIAGRAMS, HORSES' BITS, SHOES, ETC. FIRST EDITION. 4to, original calf, joints cracked. Paris, 1564. 2 10S 373 FIASCHI (Cesare). Trattato del Modo dell' Imbrigliare, Maneggiare, & Ferrare Gavalli. Con alcuni Discorsi sopra la natura di Cayalli, con disegni di Briglie, Maneggi, & di Cavalieri a cavallo, & de' Ferri d'esso. NUMEROUS FINE WOODCUTS OF BRIDLES, BITS, HORSESHOES, ETC., ALSO 2 LARGE CUTS OF THE INTERIOR OF A FORGE. 8vo, original vellum. Vinegia(i565). 3 3s 374 F LORES (Henrique). Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas, Historia Genealogica de la Casa Real de Cast ilia, y de Icon. Todos los Infantas; trages de las Reynas en Estampas; y nuevo aspecta ed la Historia de Rspana. WITH 20 ENGRAVED PLATES, OF WHICH 10 ARE PORTRAITS OF THE QUEENS OF SPAIN, AND MANY CHARMING VIGNETTES. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Madrid, 1761. 1 1s 122 MAGGS BROS., 34 Si 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 375 FOLENCO (Theophilo). Merlini Cocalii, poetae Mantuani macaronicorum poemata, nunc recens accurate recognita cum figuris locis suis appositis. WITH MANY CURIOUS FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS. 8vo, Old French red morocco gilt, g. e. Venice, Joannes Variscus, et socii, 1561. 1 10s 376 FOLENGO (T.). Opus Merlini Cocalii Poetae Mantuani Macaronicorum. WITH PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR IN MEZZOTINT AND NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED VIGNETTES. I2mo, original vellum. Amsterdam, 1692. 18s REFORMATION IN SWITZERLAND. 377 FORM und gestalt wie der kinder tauff, Des barren Nachtmal, vnd der Kranckenheymsuchung jetz zii Basel von etliche Predicanten gehalte werden. Die Warheyt bleybt ewig. BLACK LETTER, TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER (MARGINS RE- PAIRED). I2mo, crushed blue morocco extra, inside dent dies, g. e., by W. Pratt. (No place, but Basel), 1526. 12 12s See Panzer, p. 443. Very rare little Swiss work containing the form of Baptism and Communion Service. The author of this Agenda has remained unknown. 378 FRANCK VAN WORD (Sebastian). Die Gulden Arcke Waer in de keern ende baste hoostspruken der Heyliger Serif t, etc., etc. BLACK LETTER, 2 COLUMNS, WITH TITLE PAGE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, AND LARGE WOODCUT. Folio. Holland, 1560. Dat Wereltboeck spiegel ende Beeltenisse des gheheelen Aertbodems. WITH TITLE PAGE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, DOUBLE COLUMNS, BLACK LETTER. Holland, 1562. The 2 parts in I vol. Wooden boards covered with contemporary stamps of Justitia, Prudentia, Lucretia, Vanitas, Suavitas, etc. 5 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 123 379 FRANCO (Battisti). Delia Nobilta del disegno. WITH 75 PLATES ENGRAVED BY PALMA AND FRANCO. Mounted in an Album. Folio, crimson contemporary morocco, with fine borders on sides, fully gilt back, g. e, Venice, 1611. 15 15s The* work is dedicated to J. B. Duval, the secretary of the King of France. The plates comprise studies of the ears, eyes, mouth, and nose, numerous plates of the physionnomy, the hands, feet and limbs, and nudes, and triumphal scenes, animals, etc. 380 FRECOSO (Antonio Phileremo). Opera Nova, institulata Cerva Biancha, corretta novamente. WOODCUT OF HUNTING ON TITLE. Venetia, Nicolo Zopino de Aristotile, 1525. Dialogo di Fortuna, nuovamente stampato. FINE WOODCUT OF FORTUNE ON TITLE, AND WOODCUT DEVICE AT END. Vinegia, per Nicolo d' Aristotile, detto Zoppino, 1531. Opera Nuova .... laquel tratta de doi Philosophi, cioe de Democrito & Heraclito. WOODCUT OF THE TWO PHILOSOPHERS ON TITLE. Vinegia, per Agostino di Bendoni, 1542. Together bound in one volume. 8vo, vellum. 4 10s 381 FRiZON (Gemma). Les Principes d' Astronomic et Cosmographie, avec 1'usage du Globe; plus est adjouste T usage de I'anneau Astronomic, et 1' exposition de la Mappemonde; mis en langue Frangois par Claude de Boissiere. NUMEROUS WOODCUTS AND DIAGRAMS. Small 8vo, original vellum. Paris, 1556. 1 10s THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FAMOUS HERBAL. 382 FUCHS. Historia Stirpium. FIRST EDITION, WITH DEVICE OF THE HOLLY TREE USED BY ISEN- GRIN ON VERSO, FULL LENGTH PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR AT THE AGE OF 41 . WITH 512 FIGURES OF PLANTS MOST CAREFULLY DRAWN AND OUT- LINED WITH VERY LITTLE SHADING, ALL RENDERED WITH THE GREATEST (Continued over) 124 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Fuchs continued. FIDELITY TO NATURE, ALL THE FULL SIZE OF PAGE, \VITH 2 OR 3 EXCEP- TIONS AND CAREFULLY COLOURED BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND. THEY HAVE THE LATIN AND GERMAN NAMES IN TYPE WITH THE BLOCK. Folio, original binding of brown calf, rebacked with large brown corner and centre -pieces. Basle, Michael Isengrin, 1542. 45 FIRST EDITION OF ONE OF THE FINEST HERBALS. It is " quite a new departure to give portraits of the artists engaged on the work; occasionally but very seldom before this time the illustrators of books were mentioned (the earliest seem to be Eeuwich 1486 and Wolgemut 1493), but the name of the woodcutter occurs still less frequently and as to a portrait we do not remember another instance. Albert Meyer is represented in the present book as making designs of the plants 011 paper with a pen or brush while Fuellmaurer appears to be copying another drawing on to a woodblock. A small knife lies on the table, but this may be merely for mending pens and not for woodcutting, both the portraits of the woodcutter and the illus- trators are coloured." Catalogue of the German books :"n the Collection of C. Fairfax Murray. 383 CALTHERUS or CUALTHERUS [de Castellione] (Philippe), Bishop of Lille. Alexandreidcs libri X. WITH LARGE WOODCUT OF ALEXANDER OF MACEDON (THE GREAT) ON THE TITLE PAGE, FULL-PAGE WOODCUT OF ARMS OF ALBERT COUNT PALA- TINATE OF THE RHINE, AND NUMEROUS WOODCUT INITIALS. cSvo, old English green morocco gilt, dentelles on sides, g. e. Ingolstadt, Weissenhorn, 1541. 3 15s Edited by Oswald von Eck, with additional notes by Sebastian Link. See Brunet. A PRETTY LITTLE VOLUME OF GREAT RARITY. 384 CAR! BAY (Estevan de). Illustraciones genealogicas de los Catholicos Reyes de las Espanas y de los Christianissimos de Francia, y de los Emperadores de Constanti- nopla, hasta el Catholico Rey muestro Senor Don Philipe el II. ye sus serenissimos hijos. WITH VERY FINE FULL-PAGE ENGRAVED COPPERPLATE PORTRAIT OF PRINCE PHILIP, SON OF PHILIP II., ENGRAVED BY PETRUS FERRET AND A FIXE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR ON THE LAST PAGE AND MANY WOODCUTS OF COATS OF ARMS AND GENEALOGICAL TABLES. Folio, full calf extra by Bedford, g. e. Madrid, Luis Sanchez, 1596. 14 14s VERY FIXE COPY OF A RARE BOOK. Salva, 3557. " The only edition of the book." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 125. 385 CARRUGGI (P. Raffaele). Storia della Arte Christiana nei PRIMI OTTO SECOLI DELIA CHIESE; corredata della Collezione di Tutti i Monument! di Pittura e Scultura. 500 LARGE FINE PLATES CONTAINING EXAMPLES OF CEILING AND WALL PAINTINGS, SEPULCHRAL PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES, FRESCOES, MOSAICS, ETC., MANY TAKEN FROM THE CATACOMBS, ETC. 6 vols., folio, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Prato, 1873-81. 12 12s IMPORTANT EARLY MEDICAL BOOK. 386 GAZIUS (Antonius). Florida Corona que ad Sanitatis hominum oonservationem ac Longe- vam Vitam Perducendam sunt per necesraria Continens. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. WITH FINE WOODCUT ON TITLE. Folio, original boards covered with stamped pigskin. Lyons, Per Gilbertum Devilliers Impensis Bartollomei Trot, 1514. 21 387 CEILER VON KEISERSPERC (Joannes). Doctor Keiserpergs Passion des Herren Jesu. Fiirgeben in stiickes weiss eins siiszen Lebkuchen. Neulich usz dem Latyn in tiitsche Sprach Transveriert durch Johannem Adelphum Physi- cum von Strassburg. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WITH 43 WOODCUTS (OF WHICH 36 ARE DIFFERENT), 14 ARE FULL PAGE (MANY WOODCUTS OF THE PASSION), AND MANY ORNAMENTAL CAPITALS. Folio, morocco gilt, wreaths on sides inside borders, g. on m. e. by Lor tic. Strassburg, J. Griininger, 1514. 31 10s FINE COPY FROM THE DlDOT COLLECTION. Panzer, Annallen I., 351. Weller, 827. Dacheux, Les plus anciens eorits de Geiler, p. cxxix. Kristeller, 97. Schmidt, Griinliiger, 141. Not in Proctor. There is no copy MI the British Museum Library nor in the Bodleian Library. 388 CEILER VON KEISERBERC (Joannes). Navicula sive Speculu Fatuoru, Jacobo Othero collecta. Compen- diosa Vitae eiusdem descriptio per Beatum Rhenanum. BLACK LETTER, WOODCUT ON TITLE. Small 4to, contemporary binding of oak boards and leather, ivith stamped centre -panels, the upper side representing the I mags, of Pity, (Continued over) 126 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Ceiter von Keiserberg (Joannes) continued. with legend-. " O Vos O nines qui Transits per Viam," etc., the lower side a figure of St. Francis, with legend: " Ego Enim Stigmata Dm," etc., within borders of foliage and rosettes (back mended], stamps in good state (not in Weale). Without place or printer's name. (At end) Vale ex Argen. Ill Idus Februarii Anno 1510. 10 10s * * * THIS WORK BY DR. J CANNES GEILER IS A SATIRE AGAINST THE MANNERS OF HIS TIME, AND ESPECIALLY AGAINST THE ABUSES OF THE ROMAN CHURCH. 3SQ GEILER VON KEISERSBERC. Nauicula penitentie. Per excellentissimum sacre Pagine doctorem Joannem Keyserspergium Argentinensium Concionatorem Predicata. A Jacobo Othero Collecta. Ecce ascendimus hierosolimarn. WITH TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. WITH LARGE WOODCUT REPRESENTING A SHIP ON WHICH A MAN IS SPEAKING, SIGNED H. B. Folio, half vellum (modern}. Augsburg, Johannis Otmar, 1511. 15 15s Amuther, 863. FIRST EDITION OF THIS INTERESTING BOOK WITH A SPLENDID WOODCUT ON THE TITLE. 3QO GEILER VON KEISERSBERC (Joannes). Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum, Jacobo Othero collecta. Com- pendiosa Vitae ejusdem descriptio per Beatum Rhenanum. BLACK LETTER, WOODCUT ON TITLE AND 113 FINE WOODCUTS FROM: THE FIRST EDITION OF BRANT'S SHIP OF FOOLS IN GOOD IMPRESSION. Small 4to, old stamped binding (re-paired^). Strassburg, 1511. 15 15s This work by Dr. Johannes Geiler is a satire on the manners of his time (" The Ship of Fools '") and especially against the Abuses of the Roman Church. Proctor, 9995. Kristeller, *623. Schmidt, Sohiissler, 48. Panzer VI 54, 232. Dacheux, Le plus anciens ecrits de Geiler v. CXV. No. 50. 301 CENCENBACH (Pamphilus). Yon drien Christen. Dem Romischeii Christen. Dem Bohemschen Christen. Dem Thiirckischen Christen. BLACK LETTER, LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE, WITH BORDERS REPEATED ON VERSO, WOODCUT BORDERS TO EACH PAGE. 4to, uncut. (Basel, P. Gengenbach, about 1515). 14 14s A MOST INTERESTING TRACT SATIRISING THE CONDITIONS OF THE TIME. Accompanied by a partial English Translation ?n Manuscript. No mention of Luther, though Zwingli seem alluded to in. page 1. The " Turkish Christian "* is only a "blind." The habits of the so-called Turkish Christians are far more like those of the Moravian than the Greek Church. It reminds one of the books dated from Constantinople because they were even too free for Parisian typographers to father. But this was perhaps the only safe way to allude to the coming order of things. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 127 392 CEORCIEVIZ v'Bartholemaeus) De Afflictione Tarn Captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viven- tium Christianorum, cum nguris res clare exprimentibus; additis non- nullis vocabulis, Dominica oratione, Angelica salutatione, Symbolo Apostolorn lingue Sclavonicae, cu interpretatione Latina libellus. WITH 7 HALF-PAGE WOODCUTS OF TURKISH CRUELTIES TO THE CHRISTIANS, AND A FULL-PAGE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR ON REVERSE OF LAST LEAF (ONE OR TWO HEADLINES CUT BY BINDER). I2mo. half calf. Antwerp, typis Copenii, 1544. 7 10s THE AUTHOR WAS A HUNGARIAN, WHO AS A CHILD WAS TAKEN PRISONER BY THE TURKS, AND LIVED IN TURKEY AS A SLAVE FOR THIRTY YEARS, SUFFERING TERRIBLE HARDSHIPS. HE EVENTUALLY ESCAPED, AND DIED IN ROME IN 1560. At the end of this little volume is a Turkish and Latin Vocabulary, also the Lord's Prayer, the Salutatio Angelicas and the Symbolo Apostolorum in Sclavonic and Ljatin. They are especially curious and interesting, being among the earliest printed specimens of the language. 393 CEORCIEVITZ (Bartholemaeus). De engine Imperil Turcorum eorumque administrations & discipline, brevia quaedem capita notationis loco collecta, Cui Libellus de Tur- corum moribus adjectus est cum praefatione D. Philippi Melanthonis. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT HEADS OF TURKISH EMPERORS AND SOLDIERS. 8vo, modern vellum. Wittemberg, 1560. 10 10s BRUNET DOES NOT MENTION THIS LITTLE BOOK BY A HUNGARIAN OR CROAT AUTHOR ON THE " MANNERS OP THE TURKS AND THE ORIGIN AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE TURKISH EMPIRE," WHICH IS ADORNED WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF QUAINT LITTLE WOODCUTS. 394 GEORCIEVITZ (Bartholemaeus). De Turcarum moribus Epitome. Ex variis aeditionibus adauctum opus, et linguae Turcicae principiis locupletatum. WITH MANY CHARMING HALF-PAGE WOODCUTS. I2mo, original vellum. Paris, Jerome Marnef, 1568. 5 10s This work is divided as follows : De Turoarum ritu et Caermoniis. De militia.. De agricultura. A Turkish Grammar (20 pages). De afflictione tarn oaptivorum quain sub tributo viventium Christianorum, etc. 395 GERSON (Johannes). Opusculum tripertitium ejusdem de preceptis decalogi; de conies- sione et de arte moriendi. WITH FINE WOODCUT ON TITLE. Svo, vellum extra, lettered on sides, with ornamental centre piece. (Paris), L. Enguelart, without date. 4 4s A CHOICE COPY OP A BOOK FROM THE PRESS OF A LITTLE KNOWN PlRIS PRINTER PRODUCED IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE 16TH CENTURY, PROBABLY ABOUT 1505. 128 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, .'London, W. 396 CH1RARDELLI (Cornelio). Cefalogia Fkoncmica, WITH MANY CURIOUS WOODCUTS OF PHYSIOGNOMY. I2mo, original vellum. Bologna, 1574. 15s 397 GILBERT [(Dr. William) of Colchester.] De Magnate, Tractatus sive physiologia nova de Magnate magneticisque corpori- bus et magno magnete tellure; omnia recognita, emendatius quam ante in lucem edita opera W. Loch man. WITH MANY WOODCUTS AND FOLDING COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS. 4to, original calf. Sedan, 1633. 14 14s A FIXE COPY. According to Lalande, Kepler derived some of his ideas on attraction and celestial physics from the London edition of 1600. " Gilbert, famed for his learning, depth in philosophy and admirable skill in chemistry, became one of the College of Physicians in London, and physician in ordinary to Queen Elizabeth, -who had so high a value for him that she allowed him an annual pension to encourage his studies/' Ant. A. Wood. 3Q8 CIORCI (Federico). Del Mcdo di Conoscere i buoni Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, di farli, di governali & medicarli. WITH CURIOUS WOODCUTS OF HAWKS, FALCONS. I2mo. Milan, 1645. CARCANO (Francesco). Dell Arte del Strucciero. Con il modo di conoscere, e medicare Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, e tutti gli Uccelli di rapina. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF HUNTING BIRDS, FALCONS, ETC. I2mo. Milan, 1645. MANZINI (Cesare). Ammaestramenti per Allevare pascere, & curare gli uccelli. Li quali s'ingabbiano ad uso di cantare. WITH CURIOUS WOODCUTS OF SINGING BIRDS, BOTH FREE AND IN CAGES. I2mo. Milan, 1645. Together in I volume. I2mo, calf, with arms on back. 6 6S PLATE XXIII. oeoni oe Villciu Title-page from VILIENA, DOZE TRABAJOS DE ERCULES. Burgos, 1499. See Horn No. 23-i. PLATE XXIV. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 129 399 GIOVANNI (Tito). I quattro libri deiia Gaccia con la Demostratione de luoghi de greci et latini Scrittori et con la tradottione della Sfera di Proelo. WITH LARGE WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE AND MANY FINE WOODCUTS OF HUNTING SCENES, WOODCUT INITIALS AND ORNAMENTS. Small 4to, half bound. Venice, Gabriel Giolito, 1556. 2 15s FIRST EDITION. The Sphere of Proclus is not in this copy. 400 CLAREANUS (H. L.). Bcdecachordcn. Tractatus de cantionum musicarum modis. WITH MUSICAL NOTES. Folio, polished calf extra, inside dentelles, g. ., by F. Bedford. Basel, Henry Petri, 1547. 16 16s SUPERB COPY OP AN -IMPORTANT BOOK. Containing 89 chants with and without th>e texts, for 2, 3 and 4 voices by such composers as Ant. Brumel, Nic. Craen, Sixt Dietrich, Adam de Fulde, Dam a Goa?, H. Isaac, Josequin, L'.stenius, Joan Mouton, Paulua Wuest, etc. 401 COLTZ (Hubert). Emperatorum Imagines. Vivae omnium fere Imperatorum Imagines a C. Julio Caesare usque ad Carolum V et Ferdinandum ex antiquis Veterum numismatis adumbratae necnon eorundem Vitae, Acta, Mores, Virtutes, Vitia, suis coloribus his- torico Penicillo delineatae. WITH WOODCUT TITLE AND NUMEROUS FINE LARGE WOODCUT MEDAL- LION HEADS, PRINTED IN COLOURS, EXECUTED IN THE CHIARO-OBSCURO MANNER. Folio, XVIIItk century French brown morocco, gilt line borders , g. e. Antwerp, 1557. 16 16s This work is dedicated to Philip King of Spain, France, England, etc. A FINE COPY OP THE FIRST EDITION OF ONE OF THE EARLIEST AND MOST REMARKABLE ATTEMPTS AT COLOUR PRINTING. " Ornamental title-page in black, white, drab and greenish yellow, with small portrait of Goltia above. In text are 133 large medallions, about 180 mm. in diameter, printed in black, drab, brown, and white (chiaroscuro). The colours varying in each example. The last of all is a large oval medallion representing Philip II. and Maximilian 11. clasping hands/' " These illustrations are remarkable as one of the earliest processes of chiaroscuro printing in which a combination of etched plates and wood-blocks was used : the blocks are said to have been cut by Josse (or Joseph) Gietleughen of Courtrai." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 402 GOMEZ MIEDES (Bernardino). La historia de muy alto e invencible Rey Don Jayme de Aragon, primero deste nombre llamado el Conquistador. WITH WOODCUT COAT OF ARMS ON TITLE AND FINE FULL-PAGE PORTRAIT OF KING JAMES I. OF ARAGON IN HIS ROBES AND CROWN. Folio, full russia y g. e. Valencia, Pedro de Huete, 1584. 10 10s Salva No. 2966. " The author states that, he has himself not only translated the book from his own Latin original (published two years previously, and not containing the portrait), but has added so much and made so many improvements that this is practically a new book and may be termed the original edition." According to Brunet the Latin version is rare, but the Spanish edition of 1584 is infinitely rarer. 403 GRAPHAEUS (Corn). Spectaculorum in susceptione Philippi Hisp. Prin-Divi Caroli Y. Caes. An. 1549. CHIEFLY ITALIC LETTER, LONG LINES. WITH 29 WOODCUTS BY PIETER COECKE. Folio, limp vellum. Antwerp, Pierre Coeck d'Alost by Gilles van Diest, June, 1550. 10 10s The Prince Charles (Don Carlos), grandson of Charles V., whose entry into the City of Antwerp- was celebrated in a Latin, Flemish and French edition, was an unhappy and sthort lived prince " whose melancholy history and untimely death have been the subject of poetry and romance/' He was born in 1545 and died in 1568, and is said to have been poisoned by his father Philip II. There are 29 large woodcut illustrations by Pieter Coeck, including one of the famous giant of Antwerp who lived in remote times on the banks of the Scheldt, where the city now stands, and demanded of all traders who passed that way the toll of half their goods or as an alternative the sacrifice of one of their 'hands. This legend accounts for the appearance of the hands in the Antwerp arms. The statue, designed by Pieter Coeck, is probably still in existence. It was restored in 1863 and made its annual progress through the streets of Antwerp in the procession of the Kermesse. Pieter Coeck was born at Aelst in 1502, and married a second time about 1548, and had a daughter, who became the wife of Pieter Breughel. 404 GRATIUS (Ortuinus). Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum ac Fugiendarum. In quo primum contmetur Concilium Basiliense; non illud, qucd in magno Concilio volu- mine vulgo circumfertur, sed quod Aeneas Syluius (qui postea Pius II. est appellatus) & eidem Concilio praesens interfuit, ndeliter, & eleganter conscripsit. FIXE ENGRAVED TITLE IN COMPARTMENTS, DATED 1531, AND NUME- ROUS FIGURED INITIALS. Folio, -polished calf extra, inside dentelles t g. e. (F. Bedford). (No place) (Coloniae), 1535. 19 19s It was against Ortuinus Gratius, the compiler of this volume, that the work entitled " Epistolae Obscurorum Virornm " was principally directed. A fine copy of a work of great interest. Among the contents are : De origine potentia ac tyrannide Turcarum ad Henricum VIII, Angliae regem Lon- MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 131 Gratius (Ortuinus) continued. doni, A.R. episcopo Viennensi purblice habita. Epistola Johannis Fabri, de bello Turcis inferendo. I.F. Pici Mirandulae ad Leonem X Pontificem maximum, de reformendis moribus oratio . De reforrmatione Laicorum et Principura, De reforraat?'one reJigionum ac religiosorum. De reformatione ecclesiae per Petrum de Aliaco. Vita, Hildebrandi. Petitione/s Bohjoeinorum propositae in Basiliensi Concilio, etc., etc. 405 CRECORIUS MAGNUS (S.). Secundus Dyalogorum liber de vita ac miraculis beatissimi Benedict!. Ejusdem Almi Patris Nostri Benedicti Regula. Speculum Remardi Abbatis Casinensis de his ad que in professione obligatur 'Monachus. TITLE PAGE PRINTED THROUGHOUT IN RED, PRINTER'S MARK IN RED ON TITLE-PAGE, MANY SENTENCES PRINTED IN RED AND WITH MANY DELIGHT- FUL ITALIAN WOODCUTS, WOODCUT BORDERS AND INITIALS, MANY FULL PAGE. I2mo, original Italian brown morocco gilt , with gilt -panel borders on sides, fleurons, and /. H . S. on sides, gauffred edges, and leather clasp in fine state of -preservation. Venice, Lucantonius de Giunta, 1555. 10 10s A delightful tiny volume with, charming illustrations in a delicate original finding. 406 GREGORIUS (Papa) Homelie quadraginta beati Gregorii de diversis lecticnibus evangelli. WITH FINE PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE PAGE, FINE WOODCUT OF POPE GREGORY I. ON VERSO OF TITLE PAGE. Paris, U. Gering and B. Rembolt, 1508. CONSTITUTIONES BENEDICTI DUODEGIMI AD MONACHOS MICROS, ETC. WITH FINE PRINTER'S DEVICE OF GILLES DE GOURMONT ON BACK OF TITLE. CURIOUS WOODCUT DEVICE. VERY FINE INITIAL LETTERS. Paris, Gilles de Gourmont, 1517. BONIFACIUS DE LEVA. Viatice Excursiones de nonnullis hominum viciis. WITH FINE WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. Paris, Jean Petit, 1515. The 3 works in I vol., 4to, contemporary stamped binding, with clasps. Paris, 1508-1517. 5 5s 132 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PRINTED ON VELLUM. 40; GRECORIUS TURONENSIS. Opera. Adonis Vienensis episcopi coramentarii. PRINTED ON VELLUM THROUGHOUT, ROMAN LETTER, 46 LONG LINES TO A FULL PAGE, FINE WOODCUT TITLE, WITH THE PRINTER'S DEVICE OF JEAN PETIT, AND ILLUMINATED INITIAL IN GOLD AND COLOURS ON THE VERSO, FINELY PAINTED INITIAL IN BLUE ON A BACKGROUND OF GOLD, WITH A FLORAL DESIGN IN VARIOUS COLOURS ON THE FIRST LEAF OF THE TEXT, RUBRICATED THROUGHOUT. Folio, calf, with arms on sides (3 crows}, g. e. Paris, In aedibus Ascensianis, 1522. 150 PROBABLY UNIQUE COPY FEIN-TEH ON VELLUM OF AX UNCOMMON BOOK. 408 GRISONI or CRISONE (Federico). Ortiini di cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le nature Je' Cavalli, emen- dare i vitii loro, et ammaestrargli per Fuso della guerra & commodita de gli huomini. WITH WOODCUTS AND PRINTER'S DEVICE. 8vo, contemporary English calf, the sides covered with an interlacing design of strapwork and arabesques in gold o'utline^ partly filled in ^vith white, green, blue and lilac enamel, the centre occupied by an escutcheon ornament, gilt gauffred edges t bound by T . Berthelet perhaps for the Earl of Leicester. Venice, V. Valgrisi, 1551. 63 THE BINDING AND THE BOOK ARE IN FINE STATE. THIS IS THE FIRST VENICE EDITION. 409 CROTIUS(Hugo). Syntagna Arateorum; opus poeticae et astronomiae studiosis utilissimum. WITH FINE PRINTER'S DEVICE ON THE TITLE AND NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. The book contains much Hebiew, Arabic and Greek type. Small folio, old yellow morocco with the arms of J. A. de Thou (second arms incorporating those of his first wife]. Antwerp, Plantin, 1600. 7 7s 410 GUERICKE (Otto de). Experimenta Neva 'ut vocantur). Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatio .... quibus. accesserunt simul certa quaedam De Aeris Pondere MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 133 Cuericke (Otto de) continued. circa Terram; de Virtutibus Mundanis, et Syetemate Mundi Planetario; etc. ENGRAVED TITLE, FINE PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR (2 ADDITIONAL ONES OF HIM ALSO INSERTED LOOSELY). NUMEROUS CURIOUS PLATES OF EXPERIMENTS WITH VARIOUS PNEU- MATIC MACHINES. Folio, original calf. Amsterdam, 1672. 4 193 411 CUICHARD (Claude;. Funerailles et diverses manieres d'ensevelir des Rcmmains Crecs, & autres nations tants anciennes que modernes. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER, AND FINE WOODCUTS AND INITIALS. Royal 8vo, calf, gilt lines on sides, with the crowned arms on back of the Dauphin and the Lamb, emblematical of tkc. order of the Golden Fleece, g. e. Lyons, Jean de Tournes, 1581. 5 15s 412 CUIEN (Jean). Livre d'Ouvrages de Joiiaillsrie, invente et grave par Jean Guien. Joiiaillr. a Londres. 6 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES, CONTAINING ABOUT 40 DESIGNS FOR JEWELLERS, INCLUDING A RICHLY DESIGNED TITLE-PAGE. Oblong 4to, new boards, uncut. London, F. Vivares, 1762. 6 15s 413 CUILLERMUS, Bishop of Paris. PcstfiHa super EpistcJas et EvangeSia de tempore et de sanctis et pro defunotis. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. WITH MORE THAN 50 FINE AND VERY QUAINT WOODCUTS WHICH REPRE- SENT EPISODES IN THE LIFE OF JESUS. Svo, brown morocco, gilt lines on sides and back, g. e., by F. Bedford. (Basel, Michael Furter, about 1505.) 16 16s A CHOICE SPECIMEN OP EARLY TYPOGEAPHY AND EARLY WOODCUTS. A few blank margins restored. 414 HAUTHAL (Dr. F.). Ceschiohte dsr Sachsisehen Armee in wort und bild. ILLUSTRATED WITH 61 LARGE AND FINELY COLOURED LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES OF THE COSTUMES OF THE VARIOUS REGIMENTS OF GERMANY, 1730 TO 1859, BY J. G. BACH. Folio, original half morocco. Leipzig, 1859. 7 18S 134 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 415 HAYTHON. Liber Historiarum partius Orientis, sive passagium terrae sanctae, Haythono, Ordinis Praemonstratensis Authore, scriptus anno Redemptoris nostri M.CCC. TITLE WITH ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER. Small 4to, crushed brown morocco gilt, g. e., by F. Bedford. Haganoae per lohann Sec. (erium), 1529. 12 12s * * * FIRST EDITION OF THE LATIN VERSION OF THE TRAVELS OF THIS EARLY VOYAGER, AND EXCESSIVELY RARE. " The travels of Hay ton into the Holy Land and his history of Asia" is one of the most valuable accounts of the East. 416 HEDENDAACSCHE CEZICTEN. Net Verheerlykt Nederland of Kabinet van Steden, Stolen, Poorten. Tegenwoodigen Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden. UPWARDS OF 30x3 ENGRAVINGS, OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL CHURCHES, CASTLES, LANDMARKS, AND BUILDINGS OF INTEREST IN HOLLAND. 3 vols. in 2, 4to, half calf. Amsterdam, 1745. 4 4s 417 HENDSCHEL (Albert). Lose Blatter. Photographirt von Theodor Huth. 25 HUMOROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, PHOTOGR \PHIC REPRODUCTIONS FROM THE ORIGINALS 4to, half morocco, g. e. Frankfort-a-M., 1882. 18s 418 HERBARIUM, Arborum, Fruticum, Frumentorum ac Leguminum, Animalium praeterea terrestrium, volatilium et aquatilium aliorumque quorum in Medicinis usus est, Simplicium Imagines, ad vivum depictae, cum nomenclaturis. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF ANIMALS, BIRDS, FISH, INSECTS, MON- STERS, TREES, FRUITS, HERBS, ETC. (MANY COLOURED). 4to. Frankfort, Egenolph, 1546. Viellerley wunderbarlicher thier des erdtrichs. WITH NUMEROUS AND VERY QUAINT WOODCUTS OF EXTRAORDINARY ANIMALS. 4to. Frankfort, Cyriacus Jacobi zum Bart, 1546. The 2 works in I vol. Original calf gilt. 18 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 135 419 HERO. Gli Artificiosi e Curiosi moti Spiritali di He rone. Tradotti da M. Gio B. Aleotti. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF AUTOMATA. 4to, half bound. Bologna, 1647. 1 5s AN ATTACK ON WITCHES. 420 HOCHSTRAT (Jacobus). Ad Reueredissimu dnm dnm Philippu sancte ecclesie Coloniensis archiepm. Tractat magistralis declarans q' grauiter peccet querentes auxiliu a maleficis, compilat ab eximio sacre theologie pfessore artiu magistra necno heretice puitatis inquisitore rogro Jacobo hoechstrassen ordinis Predicate cuentus Coloniensis. GOTHIC LETTER, LONG LINES (8 II.), FULL -PAGE WOODCUT OF A MASTER AND HIS SCHOLARS ON REVERSE OF LAST LEAF. Small 4to, -polished calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e., by Ramage. [Colophon] Consummatum est presens opusculu apud fratres Predica- tores per Regente Studii qui supra in Sancta ciuitate Coloniensi sub anno salutis Millesimo Quingentesimo decimo circa dominicam prima Quadrage- sime. Impressum Colonie per Martinum de werdena (1510). 13 13s The author of this treatise was one of the Cologne theologians against whom the satire of the " Eipistolse Obscuroruim Viroxnm " was directed "by Eeuchlin, who had been attacked by them for his advocacy of interest in the Talmud. Among his friends were Melanchthon, Picus Mirandola, Brant, Aldus Manutius, etc. THE BOOK ITSELF IS AN ATTACK ON WITCHES AND WITCHCRAFT AND ON THOSE WHO CONSULT WITCHES. 421 HOEC DE BRAGKENAU (Wendelin). Metitagra sive tractatus excellens de causis preservativis regimine et cura morbi Gallici (ut galli dicunt Neapolitani). WITH TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER. BLACK LETTER. 8vo, original calf. Lyons, Earth. Trot, 1529. 8 8s THE FIRST FRENCH EDITION OF THIS BOOK ON SYPHILIS. A FINE COPY. 422 HOLBEIN (Hans). Imagines de Morte et Epigrammata, e Gallico idiomate a Georgio Aemylio in Latinum translata. His acceserunt Medicma Animae, tarn iis (Continued ovex) 136 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Holbein ^Hans) continued. qui firma quam qui ad versa corporis valetudine praediti sunt, maxime necessaria. Ratio consolandi ob morbi gravitatem periculose decum- bentes, etc. WITH THE 41 VERY FINE WOODCUTS OF HOLBEIN'S FAMOUS DANCE OF DEATH. Small Svo, morocco, gold and blind tooled on sides, g. e. Lyons, 1542. 35 A FIXE COPY. This is the Second Edition of the original cuts of the Dance of Death, but is the First Edition of the Latin translation (by George Aemylius) of the original French verses. 423 HOLBEIN (H.). Imagines Mortis, His accesserunt, Epigrammata, e Callico idiomate a Ceorgio Aemylio in latinum translate. Et Erasmi Roterod. liber. De praeparatione sd Mortem. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE AND THE FINE WOODCUTS OF HOL- BEIN'S DANCE OF DEATH. 8vo, black more ceo, gilt edges by Niedree. Cologne, the heirs of Arnold Birckmarm, 1555. 10 10s 424 HOLLAR (Wenceslaus). Theatrum Mulierum. Sive Varietas atq Differentia Habitnum Foeminei Sexus, diversorum Europae Nationum; hodierno Tempore vulgo in usu. THE COMPLETE SET OF 48 FINE ETCHINGS, AND TITLE. Original impressions. Small oblong 4to, bound by Bedford in full crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, g. e. London, 1643. 14 14s A VERY FIXE SET OF THESE COSTUMES OF EUROPEAN WOMEN. 425 HOLLAR (W.). Muscarum Scarabeorum Vermiumque Varie Figure et Formae. COMPLETE SET OF FINE IMPRESSIONS OF 12 PLATES OF BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS, NEATLY MOUNTED IN A VOLUME. 8vo, green morocco, gilt borders on sides, back gilt, g. e., by Mackenzie, Antwerp, 1646. 5 5s PLATE XXV. BIBLICAEHL STORIAE, ARTIFI* ciofifiimfs picSuris effi* . Per Sebtldwni Ecbem Viftorem FrancoforteH. en/ S3urcfjbcn wolberiimtcn 5ebdb ju Woodcut Title Border from BEHAM (H. S.) BIBLICAB HISTORIAE, Francfort on tlie Maine, 1540. See Item No. 277. PLATE XXVI. I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 137 PRINTED ON VELLUM. 426 HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINS CUM CALENDARIO. Heures a lusaige de Rome tout au long sans ries requerir. Avec les figures de la Vie de I'homme et la destruction le Hierusalem. BLACK LETTER, PRINTED ON VELLUM THROUGHOUT, TEXT WITHIN BORDERS OF WOODCUTS, REPRESENTING SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF JESUS, SCRIPTURAL SUBJECTS, DANCES OF DEATH, SIEGE OF JERUSALEM, RURAL AND HUNTING SCENES, WITH 22 LARGE WOODCUTS, INCLUDING THE LARGE DEVICE OF THE PUBLISHER HARDOUYN ON FIRST PAGE AND A FIGURE OF THE ANATOMICAL MAN, ALL PAINTED OVER IN RICH COLOURS AND ILLUMINATED (A FEW SLIGHTLY RUBBED), HUNDREDS OF INITIALS PAINTED IN GOLD ON COLOURED GROUND, AND 2Q SMALL CUTS IN THE TEXT OF MALE AND FEMALE SAINTS, ETC., PAINTED OVER IN GOLD AND COLOURS. Royal 8vo, old binding of red velvet, linings and end, leaves of -pale blue ^uatered silk, g. e., tooled with diagonal lines. (Without place or date, Paris, printed by Guillaume Anabat for Har- douyn, about 1507.) (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXIX.). 150 A large, fine copy of a rare book of Hours. . 42; HORATIUS. In Horatium Dionycii Lambini Commentariis. Sixth Edition revised with additional notes by Henry Estienne. WITH WOODCUT BORDERS, AND VIGNETTES. Folio, original vellum. Orleans, Pierre de la Roviere, 1605. 1 10s 428 HORATiUS FLAGCUS. Opera omnia a P. G. Chabotio explicate, nunc a I. lac. Grassero emendata. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE BY M. MERIAN AND FINS WOODCUT INITIALS. Folio, original calf . Colon. Munatianae, Apud Ludovicum Reoem, 1615. 1 5s 429 HORATIUS. Opera. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, CULS DE LAMPE AND ENTETES. Folio, calf. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1642. 10S THICK PAPER, PRINTED IN URGE FINE TYPE. 138 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PINE'S HORACE. 430 HORACE. Opera. ENGRAVED THROUGHOUT, EACH PAGE CONTAINING A BEAUTIFUL CLASSICAL VIGNETTE OR TAIL PIECE. Very fine copy of the First or " Post Est " Issue. 2 vols., 8vo, bound by Riviere in full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Londini, /Eneis Tabulis Incidit Johannes Pine, 1733-7. 16 16s 431 HORACE. Satyrarum Libri I. Satyra V. WITH 17 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES, ILLUSTRATING SCENES FROM HORACE. Folio, original vellum. Rome. De Romanis, 1816. 2 2s PRINTED IN THE STILE OF BODONI. 432 HUTTEN OJlrich von). Outis. Nemo. ROMAN LETTER, 28 LONG LINES TO A PAGE (WITH GREEK). TITLE CUT ON THE BLOCK IN A PANEL AT THE TOP OF A LARGE FINE FULL-PAGE WOODCUT OF A BEARDED MAN IN ROMAN MILITARY COSTUME BY WEIDITZ. AT BACK THE BOAT OF ULYSSES (MARKED VL) WITH POLY- PHEMUS ON CLIFF AT LEFT, ON EACH SIDE ARE VARIOUS OBJECTS SUCH AS 'A JUG, LADLE, SPECTACLES, BOOK, BACKGAMMON BOARD, COUNTERS, CARDS, LUTE, AXE. Small 4to, new green morocco. Augsburg, J. Miller (1518). 15 Probably First Edition. Not in Proctor. Dodgson II., p. 140 (1.) 433 HUTTEN (Ulrich de). Ad Carolum Imperatorem, aduersus intentatam sibi a Romanistis vim & injuriam conquestio. Ejusdem alia ad Principes, ac viros Gennaniae, de eadem re con- questio. Ejusdem ad Albertum Brandepurgensem & Friderichum Saxonum Ducem, Principes Eiectores, aliaeque ad alios Epistolae. Jacta est Alea. WITH FULL-PAGE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF ULRICH DE HUTTEN ON THE LAST PAGE. 4to, boards. Without place, date or printer's name, after 1520. 2 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 139 434 HYGINUS. De Mundi et Sphere ac Utriusque Partium Declaratione cum Planetis et Variis Signis Historiatis. WITH FINE LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE, NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC AND THE PLANETS, ETC. 4to, half vellum. Venice, Sessa, 1512. 4108 435 INDACINE (Joannes de). Die Kunst tier Chiromantzey ucs Besehung der Hend. Physiognomey uss Anblick des Menschens. Nattirlichen Astrologey nach dem Lauff der Sonnen. Complexion eins yegklichen Menchens. Natiirlichen Ynfliissz der Planeten. Der Zwoelff Zeichen Angesychten. Ettliche Canones zu Erkantniiss der Menschen Kranckheiten solicher weiss vormals nye beschriben oder gedruckt. \VlTH VERY FINE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR AND MANY OTHER WOODCUTS. Folio, full calf gilt by Riviere & Son. Strassburg, Johann Schott, 1523. 6 10s FIRST GERMAN EDITION. FINE COPY. 436 INITIALS. ALBUM CONTAINING 418 FINE WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS (INCLUDING MANY BY HOLBEIN) FROM PRINTED BOOKS A.D. 1516-1530, CHIEFLY FROM THE PRESSES OF FROBEN, CRITANDER, AND OTHER BASEL PRINTERS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED A FEW WOODCUT PRINTER'S DEVICES AND OTHER ILLUS- TRATIONS (1498-1530). 4to, calf. 4 4s THE -COLLECTION WAS FORMED BY THE WELL-KNOWN CONNOISSEUR FREDERICK HENDRIKS. EARLY BARCELONA PRESS 43; JACOBUS DE VALENTIA. In libros psalmorum David. GOTHIC LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WOODCUT INITIALS, WITH FINE FULL-PAGE SPANISH WOODCUT WITH FINE SPANISH BORDERS AND COAT OF ARMS. Folio, unbound in -padded case. Barcelona, Nicolas Spindeler, 1506. 28 10s A few leaves slightly wormed. 140 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 438 (JEAN D'ARRAS). Die Histori Od' Ceschicht von de Edeln un schonen Melusina. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, 32 TO A FULL PAGE, WITH 67 SPIRITED GERMAN OUTLINE WOODCUTS IN THE TEXT, INCLUDING ONE ON TITLE. Small 4to, oaken boards and white leather. Strassburg, Johannes Knobloch, 1516. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXX.). 42 FlXE COPY, EXTREMELY RARE. NOT ix BRUNET, PANZER, WEI.LER OR PROCTOR. The old legend of the beauteous MeLusina comes from France. The popular tale pleased the Duo de Be^ry so much that he commissioned Jehan d'Arras to make a prose novel of it during the years 1387-1394. A few years later the Troubadour Couldrette composed a poem " Mellusigne " at the wish of Comte Jean de Partheuay. This verscon -was used by the Swiss author Thuring von Ringoltingen of Berne to make a translation in the year 1456 for the Markgraf Rudolf von Hoohberg. The printed editions of the Chapbook have used this translation which is more paraphrased than literally translated from the French original as Ringoltingen mentions in h: preface. The <=ftyle of R-ingoltingen's translation is very remarkable and it has been said by Schorbaoh in his monograph, " Die Historic von der schonen Melusine " that Ringoltingen is one of the best writers of German, and the German language owe> to him more than is generally known. His Melusine is one of the best German popular Chapbooks, which has received the applause of the German people to this very day. 439 JOACHIM (Abbas). Interpretatio praeclara in Hieremiam Prophetam (sancto dictante spiritu) ad haec usque tempera minime prosoecta in dies magis perspicua net. ROMAN LETTER, TITLE WITHIN FINE WOODCUT BORDER AND IN COM- PARTMENTS, WITH FINE AND INTERESTING WOODCUTS, WOODCUT INITIALS AND DEVICE. 4to. crimson morocco, g. e., by Broca. Venice, Bernard Benalius, 1525. 6 6s A FIXE COPY. THE ABBOT JOACHIM WAS SURNAMED " THE GREAT PROPHET," AND, TO JUDGE BY THE NUMBER OF PROPHECIES CONTAINED IN* TTTIS WORK, HE MUST HAVE BEEN VERY BUSY. THE LAST PROPHECY IS " THAT THE EMPIRE OF CONSTANTINOPLE SHALL REVERT TO THE GREEKS/' - 440 JOHANNES DE SACROBUSTO. Sphera Yolgare Novamente tradotta con molte notande addition! di Geometria, Cosmographia, Arte Navigatoria et Stereometria, etc. TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER, NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS IN THE TEXT, INCLUDING A MAP, IN WHICH THE WORD " AMERICA " APPEARS. Small 4to. full levant morocco gilt, t. e. g. Venice, B. Zanetti, 1537. 5 5s Blank margin of one leaf mended. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 141 441 JOHANNES DE SACROBUSTO. Sphaera. Addita sunt quaedam ad explanationem eorum quae in Sphera dicimtur facientia. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT DIAGRAMS, 8vo, beards. Venice, 1554. 2 2 442 JOHANNES DE SACROBUSTO. Sphaera addita sunt quaedam ad explanaticnem eorum quae in Sphaera dicuntur facientia. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT DIAGRAMS. I2mo, original limp vellum. Venice, Sessa, 1587. 2 2s 443 JOHANNES DE SAGROBUSTO. C. Glavii in Sphaeram Joannis de Sacro Bcsco Commentariis. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT DIAGRAMS. 4to, original limp vellum. Venice, 1591. 1 1 S 444 JOHANNES DE TURRECREMATA. Questiones Spiritual is Evangeliorum de Tempore et de Sanctis. DOUBLE COLUMNS, BLACK LETTER, WITH NUMEROUS SMALL WOOD- CUTS, FINE WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE. Svo, original vellum. Lyons, Jean de Vingle, 1509. 3 3s 445 KIRCHER (A.). China Monumentis Necnon Variis Naturae et Artis Spectaculis Alia- rumque Rerum Memorabilium Argumentis Illustrata. ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, PORTRAIT, LARGE FOLDING MAP, AND NUME- ROUS OTHER PLATES. Folio, vellum.. Amstelodami, 1667. 4 4$ 446 KIRGHNER (P. Chr.). Judisches Ceremoniel Oder Beschreibung derjenigen Cebraiiche welche die Juden bey alien Fest-Tagen, im Gebet, bey der Beschneidung, bey Hochzeiten etc. in acht zu nehmen pflegen. WITH 28 COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS, MANY FOLDING. 4to, original vellum. Niirnberg, 1724. 2 2s 142 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PANORAMA OF CONSTANTINOPLE, 1533. 447 KOECK (Peter). Journey to Constantinople. A SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY PETER KOECK, JOINED TO- GETHER AND FORMING ONE LONG PANORAMA ;' MEASURING 15 FEET BY 12 INCHES) OF A CARAVAN TRAVERSING THE COUNTRY OUTSIDE CONSTANTI- NOPLE AND ITS ARRIVAL INTO THAT ClTY. Folded to oblong folio, and -preserved in a buckram lettered port- folio. (1533.) 42 448 KOECK (Peter). Description de la Court du Grand Jure, Solimans faisant son sejour en Constantinople, avec la maniere des Vestemens de ceux de sa Suite. A SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY PETER 1COECK, JOINED TO- GETHER AND FORMING OND LONG PANORAMA (MEASURING 6J FEET BY 15 INCHES) WITH DESCRIPTIONS IN FRENCH. Folded to folio, and preserved in a buckram lettered portfolio. (1533.) 42 The Artist Peter Koeck was born at Aalst in 1502. He -settled at Cona-tantincxpLe, where he painted scenes of Turkish life. He died in Brussels in 1550. 449 KRAUSS (J. U.). Tapisseries du Roy ou sont Representez !es Quatre Elemens et les Quatre Saiscns, avec les Devises qui les Accompagnent et leur explica- tion. ILLUSTRATED WITH A SERIES OF 8 LARGE AND FINE DOUBLE-PAGE PLATES OF CLASSICAL DESIGNS, EACH SURROUNDED WITH AN ELABORATELY- DESIGNED BORDER OF FLOWERS, FRUIT, MILITARY EMBLEMS, MUSIC, HUS- BANDRY, MEDALLION VIEWS, AND OTHER DEVICES; ALSO NUMEROUS LARGE AND FINE EMBLEMATIC ENGRAVINGS IN THE TEXT, AND 3 ENGRAVED TITLES, WITH EMBLEMATIC BORDERS. (Text in French and German.) Folio, boards. Augsburg, 1687. 6 10s 450 KUCLER (F.). Ceschichte des Friedrichs des Crossen, Gezeichnet von Adolph Menzel. FRONTISPIECE AND NUMEROUS VIGNETTES. Royal 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimson morocco gilt, g. e. Leipzig, 1842. 4 10s * * * A Presentation Copy from H.R.H. the Princess William Marianne of Prussia to Duke of Sutherland 1842. On the last fly leaf two autograph notes about the Princess by Duke of Sutherland. MAGGS BROS., 3< & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 143 451 KURLANDER (F. A. von). Lustspiele oder Dramatischer Almanach fur das Jahr 1819. Ninth year. WITH 6 COLOURED PLATES. I2mo, boards, Leipzig, 1819. 10s M 453 LACUNA (Daniel Israel Lopez). Espejo Fiel de Vidas que Contions Les Psaltaes de David (on ~\ 7 erso). Obra Devota, Util, y Deleytable. En Londres con Licencia da los Sesores del Mahamad, y aprovacion del Senor Haham, Ano 5480 (1720). VIGNETTE ON TITLE PAGE, CURIOUS SYMBOLICAL FRONTISPIECE, AND PLATES ENGRAVED BY ABM. LOPES DE OLIVE1RA. 4to, Spanish morocco. (London, 1720). 12 AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE COPY OP ONE OF THE BAREST WORKS OF ONE OF THE BEST J UDAEO-SfANISH POETS. 454 LABOR A VAREA. Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum Calamo Delineatus; hoc est, Auctorum fere omnium qui de Europae, Asiae, Africae, et Americae Reg- nis, Provinciis, Populis, Civitatibus, Oppidis, Arcibus, Maribus, Insulis, Montibus, Flumuiibus, Fodinis, Balneis publicis Hortis, et de Aliis tam super quam subtus Terram Locis, cum anno loco et forma editionis eorum, uberrimus elenchus. ILLUSTRATED WITH A GREAT NUMBER OF VIEWS OF THE CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE WORLD, JVTAPS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, COSTUMES OF VARIOUS NATIONS, ETC. 2 vols., small folio, original full vellum neat. Padua, 1713. 3 3s Includes small maps of North and South America, Jamaica, etc. 455 LAZZARI (Antonio). Nuova Raccolta ctelle Principal! Vedute cleila R. Citta di Venezia. 12 BEAUTIFUL COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. Oblong folio, original binding. Venezia, 1831. 5 10s The views com/prise : Piazza S. Marco. Ponte di Eialto. La gran Piazza. T. R. Arsenale. Piazzetta di S. Marco. Eegratta in volta del Canal Grande. Torre delFOrologiio. Feste antiehe delF ultimo Gdovedi di Molo e Riva degli Schiavoni. Carnoivale. Ponte della Paglia e Prigioni. La Gita del Bucintoro al Lido col Doge. Dogana di Mare, e Chiesa. Basilica di San Marco (loose plate). 144 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 456 LE BRUN. Livre de Portraitures pour ceux qui commencent a dessiner. SUITE OF 17 FINELY ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF EYES, EARS, FACES, FEET, HANDS, LEGS, ARMS, HEADS (OF MEN AND ANIMALS). Folio, calf. Paris. 5 5s Five plates are devoted to the comparison! of the heads of men and animals in a very curious way. 45; LE MAIRE (Jean). Les Illustrations de Caule et Singularitez de Troye, avec les deux Epitres de 1'Amant Verd. Le Second Livre Le tiers Livre, intitule de France Orientalle et Occidentale. Le Traictie de la difference des scismes et cles Concilles de 1'Eglise. La vraie hystoire du Prince Syach Ysmail, dit Sophy. L'epistre du Roy a Hector de Troye. BLACK LETTER, WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS AND PRINTER'S DEVICES (SOME COLOURED). [.to, -polished calf. ^aris, de Marnef, 1521. 18 18s 458 LE POIS (Ant.). Discours cur les Medalles et Craveures antiques, principalement Romaines. WITH WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE, FINE PORTRAIT AND PLATES OF MEDALS BY P. WOERIOT DE BOUZEY (SIGNED) AND SOME FINE LARGE WOODCUTS. 4to, French XVIIIth Century dark red morocco, gilt fioreate back, g- e. Paris, M. Patisson, au logis de Robert Estienne, 1579. 7 7s In excellent condition. Brunet. " Ouvrage curieux et assez recherche : parmi les figures gravees sur hois, imprimees avec le texte, la plus remarquable est un Priape place au verso de la page 146. Cette planche est quelquefois grattee ou meme d'echiree/' This plate is in perfect condition. 459 LESLY (John). De Origine Moribus & rebus gestis Scotorum. E quibus septem veterum Scotorum res in primis memorabilen con- tractius, reliqui vere tres posteriorum Regum ad nostra tempora His- toriam. Necessit nova & accurata Regionius & Insularum Scotiae cum vera ijusden topographia Tabula descriptio. ILLUSTRATED WITH 11 GENEALOGICAL PLATES, WITH PORTRAITS, IN- CLUDING THOSE OF QUEEN MARY OF SCOTS AND HER SON JAMES. 4to, original calf. Romae 1578 nunc donuo recus 1675. 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 145 460 LIVY. Historiae Romanae Decades (German Version) Romsche History uss T. Livio. iBLACK LETTER, 50 LONG LINES TO A PAGE, WITH 214 LARGE GERMAN WOODCUTS BY SCHAUFFELEIN AND BURGKMAIR AND ORNAMENTAL INITIALS. Julius den erst Rbmich Keiser von s-einem Kriege, erstmals usz dem Latin in Tutsch bracht und neu getruckt. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES, WITH THE INSERTED LEAVES IN SIGNA- TURE A. AND V., WITH WOODCUT ON TITLE AND NUMEROUS WOODCUTS IN TEXT. 2 vols. in I, folio, XVJth Century original blind stam-ped -pigskin covering oaken boards^ with clasps. Strassburg, Johann fReinhardt, alias') Griininger, 1507. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXI.). 35 A LARGE COPY OP 2 BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES WITE LARGE WOODCUTS REPRESENTING BATTLES AND OTHER SCENES IN ROMAN HISTORY. THE EPISTLE TO THE EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN is AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT IN THE HISTORY OF PRINTING, AS IT STATES THAT THE ART WAS INVENTED BY GuTEN- BERG IN MAYENCE IN THE YEAR 1450 A.D. THE FIRST COMPLETE EDITION. 461 LIYY. Historia cum Fieri Epitome Indies copiosc et Annotatis in Libros VII. Belli Maced. (With prefaces of Ulrich Hutten and Erasmus). WITH WOODCUT TITLE IN COMPARTMENTS AND NUMEROUS LARGE ORNAMENTAL INITIAL LETTERS AND OTHER ORNAMENTS AFTER THE DESIGN OF HOLBEIN. Thick folio, calf. Mayence, John Schoeffer, November, 1518 to 1519. 21 THIS IS THE FIRST COMPLETE EDITION OF LlVY RANKING AMONG THE VERY RAREST OF EDITIONES PRINCIPES. This edition was edited, carefully revised and collated "by Carbachius with the printed editions from which he found the manuscript to vary in 2,000 places. The preface of Erasmus is also very curious, as, although a Dutchman, he claims for Mayenjce the invention of printing. The very valuable manuscript which was written " LongoBar die-is litteris " is now lost from which this edition is .printed. This copy is quite complete as issued in 1518, and has the additional title and some leaves which were added in 1519. From the Sutherland Library, Blenheim Palace. 462 LONICER (Nicolas). Erste (und Ander) Theil des Hoffhaltung Des Turckischen Keysers und Othomanischen Reichsbeschreibung, darinn nicht allein der Tiircken Empter, Beuelchs und Kriegsleuthen, Gewalt Dienst Besoldung und Nam- men, so in dem Turckischen hoff sein, biszher unbekannt angezeigt, etc. NUMEROUS FINE WOODCUTS. Folio, original vellum. Basel, Sebastian Henrichpetri, 1578. 5 5s 146 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 463 LOTARIUS. Em Scheme Warhaftige Hystory von Keiser Karolus sun genant Loher oder Lotarius wie er verbant Ward siben iar usz dem Kunigreich und Wie er sich die selbig zeit so ritterlich bruchte, das er zuletst Roms- cher Keiser, und im uszgeschniten Ward. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. WITH LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE AND 36 FINE SPIRITED WOODCUTS IN THE TEXT, AND NUMEROUS ORNA- MENTAL INITIALS. Folio, full brown morocco extra, g. ., by Bedford. Strassburg, Johannes Grieninger, 1514. 28 FIXE COPY. "BRUNEI SPEAKS OF THE BOOK AS ' EXTRAORDIXAIREMEXT RARE.' PANZER ALSO TESTIFIES TO THE RARITY OF THE VOLUME IN HIS ' ANNALFTN DER AELTERN DEUTSCHEN LlTTERATUR/ AND KNEW OF IT ONLY IN TIME TO PLACE IT IN THR SUPPLEMENT TO HIS WORK." Hllth. 464 LUCIFER. Epistola Luciferi ad malos principes Ecclesiasticos Parisiis primum jmpressa, etc. (At end) C. Celtis poete Carmen elegans de diversis et inutilibus Studiis et inanibus curis mortalium. BLACK LETTER (5 LL.). WOODCUT OF THE MOUTH OF HELL ON THE TITLE. Small 4to, boards, covered with two leaves of old MS. on vellum. Without place, date, or printer's name. (Vienna, 1507). 4 4s 465 LUCIFER. Ain grosser Preisz co der Fiirst der hellen genant Lucifer yetzt den gaystlichen als Bapst, Bischoff, Cardinel und dergieychen zu weysst und empeiit, etc. GOTHIC LETTER, 31 LONG LINES TO A PAGE. WITH LARGE WOODCUT OF LUCIFER DELIVERING AN EPISTLE TO POPE LEO XI, SOMEWHAT IN BURGHMAIR'S STYLE. 4to, half morocco. (Augsburg? Melchior Rammirtger, about 1520). 8 8s Not in Proctor or Mutber. Panzer D.A. 1242. 466 LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA. Le Grant Vita Christ! translate de latin^en francoys. (Par Frere Guillaume Lemenand de TOrdre de Sainct francoys a La request du Prince Monseigneur le Due de Bourbon, Connect able de France). WITH 2 FULL PAGE WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS CONTAINING 6 WOOD- CUTS WITHIN A BEADED WOODCUT BORDER AND MANY IMPORTANT SMALL MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 147 Ludolphus de Saxonia continued. WOODCUTS ON NEARLY EVERY PAGE. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, 53 LINES TO A FULL PAGE. Folio, crimson levant morocco, inside dentelles, g. e,, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Paris, Par Guillaume de Bossozet pour Ambroise Girault, about 1535. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXII.). 75 THIS IS THE IDENTICAL AND ONLY COPY MENTIONED BY B^UNET, WHICH IS APPARENTLY THE ONLY ONE KNOWN. A MAGNIFICENT VOLUME IN PERFECT CONDITION. 46; LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIAE. Vita Jesu Christi. Sancte Anne virginis vita. Divi Joachim vir- ginis laudes. Tabule multiplices Evangeliorum tarn dominicalium quam festorum. WITH TITLE PAGE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH FINE BORDERS SURROUNDING THE TITLE PAGE ON WHICH IS THE PRINTER'S MARK. FINE WOODCUT OF THE CRUCIFIXION ON VERSO OF TITLE. FINE FULL PAGE, AND OTHER WOODCUTS AND NUMEROUS WOODCUT INITIALS, DRAWN BY A CLEVER FRENCH ARTIST. Folio, original wooden boards , covered with -pigskin, blind stamped. Lyons, Martin Buillon, 1519. 3 10s Magnificent volume, beautifully printed with very interesting series of woodcut initials, and many fine full page woodcuts, in the original binding. ENGRAVINGS OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 468 LUIKEN (J. & K.). Spiegel van het Menselyk Bedryf. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND IOO FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF TRADES, BENEATH EACH PLATE ARE DUTCH VERSES. 4to, original vellum. Amsterdam, 1704. 5 5s THE FAMOUS SERMON AGAINST USURY. 469 LUTHER (Martin). Eyn Sermon von den Wucher. BLACK LETTER, LONG LINES. WITH A REMARKABLE WOODCUT OF A JEW, FULL LENGTH, BALDHEADED, WITH LONG BEARD, AND HORN SPECTACLES, DRESSED IN A SHORT COAT WITH HIS THUMBS STUCK IN A CURIOUS MONEY-BELT, AN OPEN BOOK IS LYING ON A DESK, WITH THE WORDS "BETZALL, ODDER GIB ZlNSZ " (" PAY OR GIVE INTEREST"). 4to, vellum, ties. Wittenberg, Johan Griinenberg, 1519 (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No.' XXXIII. ). 25 Not in Proctor. FIRST EDITION OP EXCESSIVE RARITY. THIS EDITION WITH THE REMARKABLE LARGE WOODCUT is APPARENTLY UNKNOWN. We have been unable to tra^e another copy. The cut was not used in later editions of this sermon. 148 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 470 LUTHER. Der gut frum Lutherisah Pfaffen Narr hayss ich: der mich kaufft, der lesse mich. BLACK LETTER, WITH LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE AFTER THAT OF THE " BOOK-COLLECTOR " IN THE " SHIP OF FOOLS." 4to, new vellum. N.D. about 1525. 9 9s FIRST EDITION. 471 LUTHER (Martin). A Collection of Seven Rare Pieces by Martin Luther, bound together in I vol. Small 4to, full dark blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, lettered on\ back " Luther. Kleine Exegetische Schriften." 1525-1534. 10 10s I. Dat Benedictus odder wyssagynge des hylligen Zacharie, dorcli D. Mart. Luther gepredicket. FIXE WOODCUT TITLE BY CRANACH. Wirtemberg, 1525. II. Der Hundert und Syben und z^vantzigst Psalm, ausgelegt, an die Christen zum Riigen in Liffland. Martinus Luther Ecclesiastes. ORNAMENTAL BORDER TO TITLE. Wittemberg, 1525. III. Der Prophet Habacuc ausgelegt durch Mart. Luther. FINE PICTORIAL WOODCUT TITLE BY HANS CRANACH. 1526. H . Der Hundert und eilffte Psalm ausgelegt durch D. Martin Luther. ORNAMENTAL BORDER. Wittemberg, 1530. V. Der LXV. Psalm, durch D. Mart. Luth., zu Dessau, fur den Furstem zu Anhalt gepredigt. FINE PICTORIAL TITLE BV GEO. LEMBERGER. Wittemberg, 1534. VI. Auslegung D. Mart. Luthers, ober das Lied Mose am Zwey und Dreiss>igsten Cap. Dutero. FINE WOODCUT TITLE BY LFCAS CRANACH. Wittemberg, 1532. VII. Das XV. Capital der Ersten Epistel S. Pauli an die Corinther, gepredigt und ausgelegt dureh D Mar. Luth. VERY FINE ENGRAVED TITLE. Wittemfoerg, 1534. 472 LUTHER. Histcria de Vita et Actis Reverendiss Viri D. Mart. Lutheri Verae Theologie Doctoris bonande conscripta a Philippo Melanthone. WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF LUTHER ON TITLE. I2mo, full blue morocco, g. e. Witebergae, 1549. 1 10s 473 LUTHER (M.). Tessaradecas Consolatoria pro Laborantibus et Oneratis Martini Lutheri Augusti. Wittenbergene. TITLE WITHIN VERY FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, STRIPED GROUND, AT FOOT, THREE SAINTS, OUR LADY ON LEFT AT FOOT. 4to, boards. Leipzig, Melchior Lotter, the Elder, 1520. 3 3s Proctor, 11561. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 149 474 LUTHER (M.). De captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae, Praeludium Martini Lutheri. TITLE WITHIN FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, BRAZEN SERPENT DEVICE AT FOOT, AND THE ARMS OF WITTENBERG AT TOP. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, without place or printer's name ^Melchior Lotter, 1520). 2 15s Proctor, 11916. 475 LUTHER (M.). in Epistolam Paul! ad Calatas F. Martini Lutheri Augustiniani Com' mentarius. TITLE WITHIN BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED WOODCUT BORDER AND VERY FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS. 4to, boards. Without place or printer's name, 1520. 2 2s NOT IN PROCTOR. Several pages wormed. 476 LUTHER (M.). De votis mcnasticis Martini Lutheri Judicium, TITLE WITHIN ORNAMENTAL ARCHED WOODCUT BORDER, ON THE RIGHT THE FIGURE OF A NUN READING HER BREVIARY, ON THE LEFT A COWLED MONK LEANING ON A CRUTCH, BY LUCAS CRANACH. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, without printer's name (J. Gruneberg), 1521. 2 10s FIRST EDITION. Kuczinski, 1524. Not known to Dommer and Knaake. 477 LUTHER (M.). De abroganda missa Privata Martini Luiheri Senlentia, TITLE WITHIN SPLENDID ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER. 4to, boards. W 7 ittenberg, without printer's name, January, 1522. 2 2s 478 LUTHER (M.). Exempel Einen Rechten Christlichen Bfschoff zu Weihen. Geschc- hen zur Neunburg Anno 1542, 20 January. TITLE WITHIN CHARMING ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER. ABOVE ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS, TO RIGHT AND LEFT OF TITLE DELIGHTFUL VIEWS OF CASTLES, VILLAGES AND CITIES PERCHED ON A BEETLING CRAG OR AT THE FOOT OF UNDULATING HILLS. BELOW DAVID KILLING GOLIATH WITH HIS OWN SWORD. GOLIATH IS LYING PRONE, CLAD IN HEAVY ARMOUR, BY LUCAS CRANACH WITH HIS MONOGRAM. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, Nickel Schirlentz, 1542. 3 3s Kuczynsli, 1809. ISO MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 479 LUTHER (M.). Vier Predigten des Ehrwirdigen Herrn D. Martini Luthers, zu Eisle- ben vor seinem Abschied aus diesem Leben gethan. TITLE WITHIN PRETTY ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, CHERUBS BLOWING TRUMPETS AT SIDES, AT FOOT OF DESIGN, A LARGE BEAR IS CLUMSILY SCRATCHING ITS NOSE WITH ITS BACK PAW. WITH LARGE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIAL LETTERS. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, Hans I.ufft, 1546. 2 2s 480 LUTHER (M.). Ein Sermon uber den herrlichen Spruch Joannes am v. Suchet in der Schrifft. TITLE WITHIN FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS AT SIDES AND HEAD, AT FOOT, PANEL WITH HERCULES AND THE LION IN FOREGROUND, BEHIND DELIGHTFUL VIEW OF A CASTLED TOWN PERCHED ON THE SUMMIT OF A WOODED HILL, REMINISCENT OF DURER'S STYLE. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1546. 2 10s 481 [LUTHER.] Epitaphium des Ehrwirdigen Herrn und Vaters, Martini Luthers, der Heiligen Schrifft Doctoris, und des reinen wahren Evangeiions tre- wen Lerhers und Predigers. MEDALLION WOODCUT OF LUTHER ON TITLE, FULL-PAGE WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF ELECTOR OF SAXONY ON VERSO OF TITLE, FULL-PAGE WOOD- CUT OF LUTHER ON VERSO OF A2 RHYMED GERMAN VERSES ON THE LIFK AND DEATH OF MARTIN LUTHER BY AN ANONYMOUS AUTHOR. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1546. 2 2s 482 [LUTHER-] Vcm Ghristlichen Abscheid aus diesem todiichen Leben des Ehrwir- digen Herren D. Martini Lutheri, Bericht. Durch D. Justum Jonam, M. Michaelem Celium, und ander die dabey gewesen, Kurtz zusammen gezogen. WOODCUT MEDALLION OF LUTHER ON TITLE. 4to, boards. Zwickau, Wolff Meyerpeck, 1546. 2 10s AN ACCOUNT OF THE LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH OF MARTIN LUTHER, WHICH IS OF INTEREST ALSO FROM THE MEDICAL POINT OF VIEW. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 151 483 LYCOSTHENES (Conrad). Prodigiorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon. Quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum et operation em, acciderunt. WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOODCUTS OF THE STRANGE EVENTS THAT HAVE HAPPENED FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD TO THE YEAR 1557, OF THE STRANGE MONSTERS THAT HAVE BEEN BORN , ETC. Folio, sealskin. Basel, Henricus Petrus, 1 557. 15 15s THIS IS ONE OP THK MO^T EXTRAORDINARY BOOKS EVER PUBLISHED. THERE IS HARDLY A PAGE THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN FROM ONE TO THREE WOODCUTS OF THE MOST WEIRD NATURE. Storms, queer birds, monstrous pigs, Siamese twins, winged dragons, queer bats, gigantic cattle, strange signs in the skies, amazing horses, and queer types of men are portrayed in over 670 pages. 484 MACROBIUS(A. T.). In somnium Scipicnis explanatio Saturnaliorum libri VII; Censorinus de die natali, additis ex vetusto exemplari noimullis, quae desideratantur (cum praefatione Donati veronensis). ITALIC LETTER, ALDINE ANCHOR ON TITLE AND AT END. WITH WOOD- CUT DIAGRAMS AND INTERESTING WOODCUT MAP. Svo, French red morocco , full gilt back, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1528. 3 10s GOOD COPY WITH THE THREE BLANK LEAVES. The early woodcut map is of great interest. On it are shown the following: "Britannia, Thila, Gallia, TBspania, Italia, Aphr:oa, Gaeta, Aedopia Perusta, Armenia, India, Mare Rubium, Alveus Oceani, Temperata Antipodum nobis incognita, frigida. 485 MANZINI (Cesare). Ammaestramenti per AHevare, pascere, & curare gli Uccelli. ILLUSTRATED WITH g CURIOUS W T OODCUTS OF SINGING BIRDS. I2mo, vellum. Milan, 1645. 2 2s 486 MARIE DE MEDICI. Medicea Hcspes sive Descriptio Publicae Gratulatianis qua Serenis- simam, Augustissimamque Reginam, Mariam de Medicis excepit Sena- tus Populusque Amstelodamensis Auctore Gaspare Barlaeo. WITH PORTRAIT OF MARIE DE MEDICI, AND NUMEROUS PLATES ILLUS- TRATIVE OF HER PROGRESS AND RECEPTION IN AMSTERDAM. Folio, original calf , with arms en sides. Amsterdam, Bleau, 1628. 7 15s 152 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 48; MARIESCHI (Michael). Magnificentiores Selectioresque urbis Venetiarum Prospectus quos clim Marieschi Venetus Pictor et Architectus depinxit. WITH i; FULL-PAGE FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES AFTER AND BY MARIE- SCHI AND ENGRAVED TITLE. Oblong folio, contemporary morocco, festooned borders on sides, with the arms of a cardinal on both sides. Venice, 1641. 16 16s 488 MAROT (Daniel, Architect to King William III.). Manefiecke Carcsse van syn Majesteyt van Groot Bretagnie gemaekt in de Haegh de 20 July, 1698.' 6 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES SHOWING THE ORNAMENTAL DETAILS OF THE STATE COACH MADE AT THE HAGUE FOR WILLIAM III. OF ENGLAND, " INVENTE ET GRAVE PAR D. MAROT, ARCHITECT DU ROY GUILLAUME IIlME, AVEC PRIVILEGE DES ETATS GENERAUX." Oblong 4to, new boards. 1698. 3 15s 489 MARQUEZ (Joseph Micheli). Tesora Militar de Cavaileria. Antiguo y moderno, modo de amar, Cavalleros y professar, segum las ceremonias qualquier Orden Militar. Regia debaxo la qual militan; Orige que t-uier, y a que nn; De Oue Potifi.ce fueron aproudas; y conces- siones que han tenido, assi Imperiales como Reales; Const itucioiies q guar- dan desde el Emperador Constantino el Magno primer Legislador; Insig- nias, y abito de casa una; Maestres y Encomiendas que tienen, y las que oy luzen, etc., etc. CONTAINS SOME QUAINT WOODCUTS. Folio, vellum. Madrid, For Diego Deaz de la Barrera, 1642. 2 2s 490 MEDER (I.). Parabola filii glutonis profusi atque prodigi. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE AND AT END, INITIALS IN THE CRIBLE MANNER. Small Svo, brown crushed morocco extra gilt, t. e. g., by Riviere. Paris, J. Barbier for J. Petit, J. Frellon and F. Regnault, 1511. 3 3s A RARE BOOK ON THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SOX. PLATE XXVII. urm C Has ego crudclcs homo pro tc pcrfcro ptagas Atqjmco inorbos ("anguine euro tuos. Vubcribufqj mcis tua vulncra.mortccj} mortem Tollo dcusipro tc plafmatc factus homo. 1'uqi ingratc mihirpungis mca ftigmata culpf* Sarpc tuis.noxa vapulo fatpc tua. Sat tanta olim tormeiua Tub hofle Title-page to DCBEB. TIIE GREAT PASSION. Nuremberg, 1511 See Item No. 355. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 153 WITH THE EXCESSIVELY RARE MAP OF THE DISCOVERIES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS IN AMERICA. 491 MARTYR (Peter), of Anghiera. Opera, scilicet legationis babylonicae libri tres; Oceani decas; Car- mina, Janus, Inachus, Pluto furens, et reliqua poemata, hymni et epigram- mata; cura flLVii Ant. Nebrissensis. WITH THE EXTRAORDINARY RARE MAP OF I HE DISCOVERIES OF CHRIS- TOPHER COLUMBUS IN AMERICA. Folio, Spanish calf , with the arms of Caracena. Sevilla, Jacobus Crumberger, 1511. FIRST EDITION. Harrisse 66. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXIV.}. 250 THE " NEWLY DISCOVERED WORLD " COVERS THE ENTIRE MAP, AND ON THE VERSO, AN EPISTLE ADDRESSED TO CARDINAL XlMENEZ AND AN EXTRA PAGE OF TEXT. ONLY A FEW COPIES CONTAIN THESE TWO ADDITIONAL LEAVES. The estimation in which Peter Martyr was held as an historian is shown by tihe fact that in a period of a hundred years his works were published in Spain, Italy, France and England. An Italian by birth, ne went :n 1487 to the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. He served in their armies during two campaigns, was ordained a priest afterward, and bcame tutor to thedr children. He was at one time an Ambassador, and Later on a Privy Counsellor. Few men have had a wider range of occupation and experience. Soldier, schoolmaster, ambassador, statesman, priest, historian, and a gossiping man of letters, he touched humanity at nearly every point. He de- lighted in the society of great men and was on the most frank and intimate terms with them. To use an expression of his own, he fed with his learning the studious youth of Spain. He was the contemporary of Columbus and Yespicius, and was tihe first to publish a popular a-coount of the results of their voyages and of the pecu- liarities of the natives of the New World. This, the first of his historical writings, contains only the first decade, which was republished, together with the second and third at Alcala, in 1516. Its importance is equalled by its rarity. Harissee c:.tes but one copy ia U.S. of America. It is deserving, in every respect, of the regard of scholars and bibliophiles. As the colophon states, it was printed " with the greatest care." It contains the chart which is usually wanting, and wihiah is remarkably correct for the period. Nothing equal to it appeared for a long time after. 492 MATTHiOLUS. Goftimentaril. In libros sex. P. Dioscorides de Medica Materia. WITH NUMEROUS FINE WOODCUTS OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS, FISH, ETC. Folia, wooden boards, covered with leather. Venice, 1558. 5 5s 493 MELZO (F. L.). Regale Militari del Cavalier Melzo, sopra il Governo e Servito della Cavalleria. ILLUSTRATED WITH 16 LARGE DOUBLE-PAGE AND FOLDING PLATES OF (Continued over) 154 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W Melzo (F. L.) continued. BATTLES, SIEGES, MILITARY EVOLUTIONS, MARCHES, ETC., AND FINE FRONTISPIECE OF MILITARY FIGURES, ETC. Folio, handsomely bound by Hardy in full crushed crimson morocco su-per extra) -panel sides, arms in centre , inside dentelles, gilt and marbled leaves. Antwerp, 1611. 3 10s VERY FINE TALL CO?Y. 404 MENNENIUS (Franciscus). Militarium ordinum origines, statuta, symbola et insignia, icombus, additis genuinis. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF THE ARMS OF THE DIFFERENT MILITARY ORDERS. 4to, old calf, gilt line borders on sides, with the arms of ] . A. de Thou (third arms, incorporating those of his second wife]. Macerata, 1623. 6 6s 495 METELLI (Agostino). Freggi dell Architettura. WITH 40 FINE ENGRAVINGS OF ARCHITECTURAL FRIESES. Folio, calf. Bologno, 1645. 6 6s .496 METHODIUS (Sanctus). Methodius Primus Olimpiade et postea Tyri civitatum Episcopus sub Diocleciano Imperatore in Calcide civitate (que Nigropontum appelatur ut divus scribit Hieronimus Martyrio) coronatur : qui cum eruditissimus esset vir multa edidit documenta et presertim de Mundi Creatione eidem in carcere revelata . passus fuit quartadecima Kalendas Octobris. GOTHIC LETTER, WITH 6 1 QUAINT AND CURIOUS WOODCUTS. Small 4to, full vellum, Basilee, per Michaelem Furter opera et vigilantia Sebastiani Brant, 1516. 14 14S *** This, collection of Prophecies enjoyed an immense popularity in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. They were wrongly ascribed to St. Methodius, Bishop of Patara, who died in the 4th century. It is considered that the more probable author was Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople in 1240. The woodcuts illustrate the various events mentioned in the prophecies. On the title- page occurs a large woodcut of the author, in pr?-son, receiving the revelations from an, angel; other events illustrated include : Conflicts between Christians and Turks, Gog and Magog, Necromancers, Turks and Sara-cens, the Eecovery of Jerusalem, the' Seven-Headed and Ten-Horned Monster, the Taking of Constantinople by the Turks, etc., etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 4Q7 MEURSIUS (Joannes). Athenae Batavae sive de urbe Leidensi et acarlemia, virisque claris qui utramque ingenio suo atque scriptis illustrarunt. WITH NUMEROUS FINE PORTRAITS, MAPS, AND SCENES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF THE CITY OF LEYDEN. 4to, original vellum. Ley den, apud A. Clouquim et Elsevirios, 1625. 1 1s 498 MIRABILIA ROME. WITH FINE WOODCUT ON TITLE AND TEN OTHER WOODCUTS (MANY FULL PAGE). Rome, Marcellus Silber, 1512. Questo sonno le Statione de la Chiesie de Roma; con le sue Indul- gentie per tutto lo Anno. WITH WOODCUT OF THE PAPAL ARMS ON TITLE AND ONE FULL-PAGE WOODCUT. Without date, place or printer's name. 'Rome, Marcellus Silber, about 1512). Modus Confitendi. WITH FINE WOODCUT OF A SINNER CONFESSING TO A MONK WITH GUAR- DIAN ANGEL STANDING BEHIND HIM AND THE EVIL SPIRIT SLOWLY RETREAT- ING FROM HIM IN THE AIR. Interrogations sive doctrine quibus quilibet sacerdos debet inteiro- gare suum confitentem. Conjuratio malignorum spirituum in corporibus hcminum existen- tium prout in sancto Petro. Orationes sancte Brigitte cum Oratione sancti Augustini. FINE WOODCUT OF ST. BRIGITTA IN PRAYER BEFORE CRUCIFIX, ON THE TITLE PAGE AND A FINE WOODCUT OF ST. AUGUSTINE. Without date, place or printer's name. (Rome, Marcellus Silber, about 1512.) Divisiones decem nationum totius christianitatis. Tabula Christiana religionis valde utilis et neccssaria cuiiibet chrie- tiano quam omnes scire tenentur. These eight tracts seem all to have been printed by Marcellus Silber at Rome about the year 1512, and are adorned with charming woodcuts. Bound in I volume. Small 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges , by Trautz-Bauzonnet. 16 16s IS6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 499 MIRAB1LIAROMAE. In isto cpusculo dicitur quo modo Remulus et Remus nati sunt et educati, etc. WITH MANY FINE WOODCUTS. I2mo, crushed crimson morocco extra, g. t-., by Leighton. Rome, Joan. Besicken, 1504. 10 10S A VERY CHARMING COPY OF ONE OF THE EARLIEST GUIDE BOOKS TO THF. CITY OF ROME, ILLUSTRATED WITH A NUMBER OF DELIGHTFULLY PRIMITIVE WOODCUTS. 500 MISSALE PATAYIENSE, cum additionibus Benedict ionum, Cereorum, Cinerum, Palmarum, Ignis Paschalis, etc. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS, FINELY PRINTED IN BLACK AND RED, 33 LINES AND HEAD-LINE. WITH HUNDREDS OF SMALL WOODCUTS OF SCRIPTURAL SUBJECTS AND PICTORIAL CAPITALS. Small thick 4to, full vellum. Venice, Petrus Lichtenstein, for Lucas Alantse, bookseller of Vienna, 1522. 20 THE 6 LEAVES OF THE CANON ARE PRINTED IN A LARGE TYPE, ON VELLUM. AND THE FIXE FULL PAGE WOODCUT OP THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE HISTORIATED INITIAL FACING HAVE BEEN FINELY ILLUMI- NATED IN COLOURS AND GOLD BY A CONTEMPORARY ARTJST. THE LARGE AND FINE DEVICE OF THE PRINTER, IN RED AND BLACK, OCCURS ON THE VERSO OF THE LAST PAGE. 501 MISSALE ROMANUM. (In nne) Missale juxta morem Romane ecclesiae . . . impensis Lucantonii de Giunta Florentini . . . anno 1508 iii calendas Junii . . alma Venetiarum urbe. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH A FINE COLOURED FULL-PAGE CANON WOODCUT OF THE CRUCIFIXION, 14 FULL-PAGE COLOURED WOODCUT FRAMED BORDERS SURROUNDING FINE COLOURED WOODCUTS, AND OVER 500 FINE LARGE AND SMALL COLOURED WOODCUTS IN THE TEXT, WITH MANY MUSIC NOTES PRINTED IN BLACK ON RED LINFS. Folio, original binding of oak boards covered with leather stamped with various devices and flowers, zvith finely chased brass corner -pieces and brass bosses in the centre of each cover. Venice, Giunta, 1508. 25 A VERY FINE EXAMPLE OF A GlUNTA MlSSAI ACCORDING TO THE ROMAN ElTE. THIS SUPERB MISSAL IS REMARKABLE FOR THE NUMBER OF VENETIAN WOCDCl'TS WHICH ORNAMENT IT. IN ADDITION THERE ARE A LARGE Nl'MBER OF SMALLER COLOURED WOODCUT BORDERS TO SOME OF THE LARGER WOODCUTS. Some folios slightly worm eaten. Leaf A. 8 (last leaf of the Tabula) missing. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 157 502 MISSALE ROMANUM. Novissime Ordine quondam novo impressum in quo ceiebrans minime orationum varietats implicari poterit. WITH MANY FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS AND NUMEROUS WOODCUT BORDERS AND WOODCUT INITIALS. FINELY PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, DOUBLE COLUMNS. WITH MANY SQUARE MUSIC NOTES, PRINTED IN BLACK ON FOUR RED LINES. 4to, contemporary calf, rebacked. Venice, Peter Liechtenstein, 1535. 8 8s 503 MISSALE SARUM. Missale ad Consuetudinem insignis Ecclesiae Sarum una cum dicte Ecclesiae institutis consuetudinibusqz nuper elimatissime mipressum, additis plurimis que in ceteris desideruntur (cum Calendario) " Fortuna opes auferre no animu potest." PRINTED IN GOTHIC LETTERS, RED AND BLACK, DOUBLE COLUMNS, WITH MUSICAL NOTES, THE CANON IN LARGER LETTERS, AND WITH 2 LEAVES PRINTED ON VELLUM (I.E., THE LEAF CONTAINING THE FULL-PAGE WOOD- CUT OF THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE FOLLOWING LEAF), DEVICE OF FALCONS AND TREES ON TITLE, LARGE AND SMALL CUTS OF THE PASSION, SAINTS, ETC., IN THE TEXT AND ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIALS, SOME PAGES WITH LARGE CUTS AND BORDERS. (Wants the last two or three leaves at end, finishing with Hll, " Missa de Sancto Anthonio," and a wormhole in first few leaves, touching text). Folio, old calf. In Alma Parisiorum Academia anno domini Virtutum conditorisqz. Mundi Millesimo quingentesimo decimo die vero decimo Kalendas Mensis Apnlis, 1.510. 25 TALL COPY. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE ISSUE OF THE SARUM MlSSAL. 504 MiSSALE SARUM. DOUBLE COLUMNS, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED WOODCUT S, AND ORNAMENTAL INITIAL LETTERS. 8vo, calf. Paris, Wolff gang Hopyl, 1515. 21 Wanting 1 the preliminary leaves. 505 MOZELLANUS (Nicolaus Clemens Trelaeus). Austrasiae Reges et Duces Epigrammalis. WITH UPWARDS OF 60 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS BY PlERRE WOERIOT, OF KINGS AND DUKES. Small 4to, full polished calf, gilt back. Cologne, 1591. 3 15s I $8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 3$; Conduit Street, London, W. 506 MORCHEN fFilippo). Raccolta delle Cose piu notabili veduto da! Cavaliers Wild Scull e dal Signor de la Hire nel lor famoso viaggio dalla Terra alia Luna die sono spiegate nella sotria di detto viaggio descritta dal' istesso Wild Scull nell 'ordine seguente, e designate dal detto Signer de la Hire. Esposte in nove rami incisi appresso Filippo Morghen Fiorentino. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE, SHOWING THE CAVALIER WILD SCULL AND SlGNOR DE LA HIRE DESCENDING FROM THEIR FLYING MACHINE IN THE MOON, AND INTRODUCING THEMSELVES JO ITS INHABITANTS, WITH g FURTHER ENGRAVINGS. Oblong folio, half morocco, by Riviere. (Naples, XVIIIth Century.) (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXV.). 52 10s FIRST STATE, see BRUEL, " Histoire Aeronautique par Us Monuments Feints," where a reproduction of the title in the second state is shown. The remarkable plates show the following : 1. An Inhabitant of the Moon mounted on a Winged-Serpent, fighting a Porcupine. 2. A New Machine to cut from head to foot strange wild beasts. 3. The coaches which are used in the Moon and which are propelled by sails, a go- between an aeroplane and a motor car. 4. The manner of navigation by means of bellows (and steam) in that Planet. 5. The manner of transporting goods on rafts drawn by Steam Bellows (kind of steam tug). 6. Water melon used for fishing purposes (a kind of steam trawler). 7. Water melon, which serves as a dwelling house, to protect the inhabitants of the moon from wild beasts. 8. Boat which has as sails the wings of a gigantic bird. (The bird is chained to the masts and to a perch and is kept in good temper by being fed with gigantic snails, a quantity of which are kept on board, while others are being towed behind.) 9. Blouse boats, on which the inhabitants of the Moon live, showing at the same time the new manner of calling birds by the sounds of a drum. (A new version of Dilly, Dilly, come to be killed.) On the title page the work is dedicated to His Excellence Sir William Hamilton, His Britannic Majesty's Envoy at the Court of Naples. 507 MORSSHEIM (Johan von). Spiegel des Regiments in der Fursten hofe, da Frau Untrewe gewal- tig ist. A VERY RARE AND INTERESTING POETICAL PIECE OF 1 6 LEAVES, THE TITLE PRINTED WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER OP GROTESQUE AND FOLIAGE, AND THE TEXT ILLUSTRATED WITH 1 8 INTERESTING SMALL WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Small 4to, full vellum neat. Oppenheim, 1515. 8 8s FINI Corr. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 159 508 MUNSTER (Sebastian). Compositio Horologiorum in Piano Muro Truncis Anulo Conconcauo, cylindro & uarijs quadrantibus, cum signorum zodiaci & diuersarum horarum inscriptionibus. WITH WOODCUTS ON TITLE AND MANY WOODCUT FIGURES THROUGHOUT THE BOOK REFERRING TO SUN DIALS AND OTHER MEANS OF MARKING THE TIME. 4to, vellum. Basel, 1531. 6 6s 509 NAN US (Dominicus). Polyanthea. Opus suavissimis floribus exornatum. WITH A FINE VENETIAN WOODCUT ON TITLE REPRESENTING THE VIRGIN AND CHILD SEATED IN A BOWER OF FLOWERS RECEIVING THE ADORATION OF POPE, KING, CARDINAL, BISHOP, ETC., AND MANV ORNAMENTAL WOOD- CUT INITIALS. Folio, half cloth. Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein of Cologne, i 7th February, 1507. 4 4s With many Greek quotations. The Polyanthea is arranged alphabetically and con- tains a selection of illustrative sentences and extracts from the Bible, the Saints, Philosophers, Historians and Poets, " both Greek and Latin as well as from Dante and Petrarch." AN UNCOMMON BOOK. 510 NEPOS (CORNELIUS) cle Vita excellentium Imperatorum, Ex recogni- tione. Steph. And. Phillippe. ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND HEAD AND TAIL PIECES. French binding of the second half of the XV Tilth century, bound for Ch. Nicolas Le Clerc de Les Seville Seigneur de St. Leu. Olive, morocco , gold lines on sides, full gilt back, and with the arms of Ch. Nicolas Le Clerc in gold in centre. Paris, Barbou, 1754. 5 5s 511 NEUDORFFER (Antonius). Schreib Kunst. Das Erste Theil. ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE AND NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, SOME FOLD- ING, OF LETTERS AND ALPHABETS. Nuremberg, 1601. Das Ander Theil. ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE AND A LARGE NUMBER OF VERY RICH SPECI- MENS OF ORNAMENTAL WRITINGS. Nuremberg, 1631. Appendix. ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, UPWARDS OF 90 PAGES OF RICH ORNAMENTAL SPECIMENS OF WRITING, INITIAL LETTERS. Nuremberg, 1631. Together in one volume, small 4to, original vellum. 14 14s 160 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 512 NOTARIAT und Rhetoric Teutsch, wes einem Xotarien, Redner oder Schreiber, aller Practic, Handlung und Commission etc., zuversehen sei. WITH FIXE WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE REPRESENTING THE COURTS OF JUSTICE AND A NOTARY'S OFFICE. BLACK LETTER. Folio, wooden boards, half covered with leather. Francfort, Christian Egenolph, 1546. 18s 513 NOYIDIUS. Ambrosii Noviddi Fracci Ferentinatis sacrorum fastorum libri XII cum romanis ccnsuetudinibus per totum annum, suisque causis ac stellis et numinum nostrorum introductionibus. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. 4to, contemporary brown morocco binding with arms on sides and blind tooling in panels, g. e. Rome, Antonius Bladus, 1547. 2 10s THIS FIRST EDITION IS EXCEEDINGLY BAKE. NoVIDirS WROTE HIS CHRISTIAN" FASTI IN IMITATION- OP OVID'S PAGAN FASTI. THE ABOVE POEM is INTERESTING FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF SEVERAL USAGES WHICH ARE PECULIAR TO THE CHURCH OF 514 NOYUM TESTAMENTUM PER ERASMUM NOVISSIME RECOCNITUM. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED WOODCUTS, AND ORNAMENTAL INITIAL LETTERS. !2mo, original calf. Antwerp, Guilielmus, Montanus, July, 1542. 3 15s 515 OFFICE DE LA VIERCE MARIE, a I' Usage de I'Egiise Catholique,, Apos- tolique, & Romaine. avec les Vigiles Pseaumes graduels, Penitentiaux et plusieurs prieres & Oraisons. PRINTED IN LARGE RED AND BLACK TYPE, WITH FULL-PAGE PLATES. Thick 4to, old red morocco, full gilt backs, g.e. Paris, 1586. 2 2s 516 OFFICIUM B. Marie Virginis Nuper Reformatum <& Pii V. Pont. Max. juscu editum. Cum Indulgentiis et Calendario Gregoriano. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FULL-PAGE PLATES. 4to. green morocco, contemporary tooling of laurel branches, arabesques and floral ornaments, festooned panels and borders on sides, fully gilt back {slightly repaired], g. e. Venice, 1619. 14 14s "REMARKABLE SPECIMEN OF EARLY ITALIAN- XVIIlTH CENTURY BINDING. PLATE XXIX. Miniature from " HORAE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS," Paris, Hardouyn, 1507. See Item No. 426. PLATE XXX. Woodcut from VILI.ENA, DOZF: TRAB^JOS DR EIICULES. Burgos, 1499. See item No. 23 1. " THE NYMPH MELUSIXA." Woodcut from Jean d'Arras. Histori von Melusina. Strassburg, 1516. See Item No. 438. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 161 517 OLAUS MAGNUS. Historia delle genti et delta natura delle cose settentrionafi. Nova- mente tradotta in lingua Toscana. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, AND THE FAMOUS COPPERPLATE ENGRAV- ING OF THE MAP OF SCANDINAVIA AND NORTHERN EUROPE. Folio, half vellum (modern}. Venice, Giunti, 1565. 21 Excellent copy of a fine book. The first Italian Translation of Olaus Magnus. 518 OLIVIERO (Ant. Francesco). La Alamanna. ENGRAVED TITLE CONTAINING EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V., AND VERY NUMEROUS, FINELY EXECUTED WOODCUTS, MANY OF THEM FULL PAGE, OF BATTLES, SIEGES, ETC. 2 vols. in I, thick small 4to, -full morocco gilt, Veriet, 1567. 7 15s PERPETUAL MOTION. 519 ORFFYREO. Triumphans Perpetuum Mobile Orffyreanum. Omnibus Summis Orbis Universi Principibus Magistratibus & Statibus debita cum Submissione Venale propositum, una cum variis ejusdem effectibus per Authentica testimonia connrmatum ab ejusdem Inventore Orffyreo. (In Latin and German.) WITH FOUR FOLDING WOODCUTS. Small 4to, full -polished calf. Cassel, 1719. 2 10s 520 GROTESQUE ORNAMENT. A SERIES OF 19 PLATES OF GROTESQUE ORNA- MENTS SUITABLE FOR WALL PANELS, IN WHICH CHERUBS, BIRDS AND VERY AMUSING DEMONS ARE SHOWN PERFORMING QUAINT TRICKS. Mounted in an album. Folio, calf. XVIIth Century. 6 10s 521 ORNAMENTS. 50 PLATES OF VASES BY DIFFERENT ARTISTS AND ENGRAVED AT DIFFERENT DATES. One suite is dated 1552, another 1531, 1533, 1530, 1582. Another suite engraved by Albert after the designs of Polydorus de Caravagio is dated 1582. At the end is a series of 5 designs of vases after and by Lepautre. Mounted in an album. Folio, calf. 4 4s 522 ORNAMENTS. SUITE OF 16 ENGRAVINGS DESIGNED BY Rosso, THE FLORENTINE ARTIST, BEING GROTESQUES AND OTHER DESIGNS FOR PANELS. Large paper. Folio, calf. XVIth Century. 4 10s 162 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 523 ORNAMENT. COLLECTION OF UPWARDS OF 80 OLD ENGRAVINGS OF ORNA- MENT. Designed by Simonin, Le Blond, Poilly, Ducerceau, Mart, Cail- louet, Oppenord, etc., including Chased Parts of Rifles, Daggers, a Variety of Iron Gates, Railings, " Dessin de Balcon," Chandeliers, Can- delabra, Lustres, Tables, and various other Ornamentations. Mounted in large folio vol. Old calf. V.Y. 20 524 ORTELIUS(A.). Aurei Saeculi imago sive Cermanorum veterum vite, Mores, ritus. et religio, iconibus delineata. TEN VIGNETTE ENGRAVINGS WITH LATIN TEXT BENEATH. 4to, old wrappers. Antwerp, Ph. Galle, 1596. 1 1s 525 OSSEQUENTE (Giulio). De Prodigii. Polidore Virgilio de Prodigii Libri. Per Damiano Maraffi. fatti Toscani. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF STRANGE HAPPENINGS, MIRACLES, PORTENTS, ETC. 8vo, XVIIIth century citron morocco , sides gilt, gilt back, g. e. Lyons, Jean de Tournes, 1554. 4 4s 526 OVID. Le Metamorfosi Di Ovidio, Ridotte da Gio. Andrea dall' Anguillara in ottaua rima; E di nuouo da esso riuedute, & corrette. Con 1'Annotatiom di M. Gioseppe Horologgi, et Con gli Argomenti di M. Francesco Turchi. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. I2mo, morocco, g. e., by Bedford. Venice, 1587, 1 5s Two leaves 155 to 156 supplied in a remarkably fine pen facsimile. 527 OVID. Las Transformaciones en lengua Ecpanola repartidas en quinze libros, con las Allegorias al fin dellos y sus figuras para provecho de los Artifices. WITH NUMEROUS SPIRITED WOODCUTS. 8vo, red morocco, line tooled double with green morocco, gilt orna- mental borders, joints, g. e., by Thompson (Paris}. Antwerp, 1595. 10 10s 3?INE COPY OF A BARE EDITION. MAGGS iBROS., 34 & 3*, Conduit Street, London, W. 163 528 PALMIERI (L.). Perfette Regole et Modi di Cavalcare due con somma chiarezza si mostra e con facilita s'insegna come si post ridurre ogni Gavallo alia in- tiera perfettione. Venice, 1625. SCACCO (F.). Trattato di Mescalzia ne quail si contengono tutte le Infermita de Cavalli cosi interior! come esteriori & li segn! da cotioscerle & ie cure con potioni & untioni & sanguigne per essi Cavalli, Padua, 1628. FIASCHI (C.) Trattato dell' Imbrigliare Atteggiare & Per rare Cavaili ne' qua! a sono tutte le Figure, a proposito delle Briglie degli Atteggiamenti e de Ferri. Padua, 1628. Together, ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS OB HORSES AND HORSES' BITS. 3 vols. in I, small 4to, original vellum. 1 1s 529 PASSE (Crispin de). Lumen Picturae et Delineationis. WITH 120 FINELY ENGRAVED FULL-PAGE PLATES OF DESIGN, MODELS OF MEN AND WOMEN, ANIMALS, ETC., BY CRISPIN DE PASSE. Folio, half calf. Amsterdam, F. De Witt (1610?). 7 7s 530 PASSERINI. Nuove Inventione Ornamenti d'Architettura e d'lntagli divers! Utili ad Argentieri Intagliatori Ricamatori et altri P rotes sori delle Buone Arti del Disegno. WITH 32 MAGNIFICENT LARGE ETCHINGS BY PHILIP PASSERINI OF ORNAMENTS FOR CRADLES, COACHES, BEDSTEADS, CARTOUCHES, WHEELS, PANELS, ALTAR PIECES, ORGAN CASES , PULPITS, CANDLESTICKS, RELI- QUARIES, ETC. Oblong folio, calf. Rome, 1698. 18 18s 531 PASSERINI (Filippo). Another Copy. Large oblong folio, half calf, uncut. Roma, 1698. 12 12s 164 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 532 PEREZ DE GUZMAN (Hernan). Mar de Istorias. BLACK LETTER, WITH WOODCUT BORDERS. Folio, half -morocco. Valladolid, Diego de Gumiel, 1512. 10 10s Salva No. 2772. FIRST EDITION. " LIBRO' DE BSTRAORDINARIA RAREZA." The Editors of the Croniea de Don Juan II. -which was printed in Valencia. 1779, mention the fact that they received anonymously some note^ on that Chronicle and that the Mar de Istorias was mentioned in them, and mentioned that the book was so rare that it tad only been possible to find the title in the index of one of the Valladolid book- shops. Even Brunet does not know of this edition. Last leaf (codophon) in facsimile and a few margins restored. 533 FERRET (J.). Architecture et Perspectiva des Fortifications et Artifices. ILLUSTRATED WITH A SERIES OF 29 LARGE PLATES, INCLUDING TITLE ENGRAVED IN LINE BY THEODORE DE BRY. Small folio, original calf. Francfort, 1602. 2 7s 6d 534 PFEFFERKORN (Johannes). Libellus de Judaica confessione sive Sabbato afflictionis per Jchanem Pfefferkorn factum ex judeo christianum nuper editus. BLACK LETTER, 14 LEAVES, LONG LINES. WITH FOUR REMARKABLE FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS. 4to, calf gilt, g. e. y by F. Bedford. Cologne, Johannes Landen, 1508. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXVI.)- 25 EDITIO PRINCEPS IN LATIN. Proctor, 10491. Booking, Vol. VH., No. III., 1 (page 61). WOODCUT No. 1 REPRESENTS THE SERVICE OF THE JEWISH NEW YEAR (1st of Tishri) IN A MEDIAEVAL SYNAGOGUE AT COLOGNE. No. 2 REPRESENTS THE SYMBOLICAL CASTING AWAY OF SlN ON THE BANFS OF THE ElVER. SO. 3 REPRESENTS SYMBOLICAL CASTING AWAY OF SLN ON THE EVE OF THE DAS OF ATONEMENT, RITUAL BATHS, ETC., PRELIMINARY TO THAT FAST. NO. 4 REPRESENTS THE THREEFOLD BLESSING OF THE PRIESTS, ETC., ON THE DAY OF ATONEMENT DURING THE SYNAGOGUE SERVICE. THE WHOLE BOOK, WRITTEN BY A CONVERT, IS A BITTER MOCKERY OF THE JEWISH TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS AND RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES DURING THE NEW YEAR, DURING THE " TEN DAYS OF PENITENCE," AND ON THE DAY OF ATONEMFNT. OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. MILITARY COSTUMES. 535 PIANO di Reforma e di Organizzazione della Milizia Provinciate Pontificia decretato. Li. 8. Maggio 1823. WITH 4 LARGE FULL-LENGTH COLOURED PLATES OF PAPAL MILITARY UNIFORM AND 3 PLATES OF THE COLOURS. Folio, green morocco, gilt border on sides. Rome, 1823. 3 10s PRESENTATION COPY TO PRINCE CARDINAL MGNSALVI, PAPAL SECRETARY OF STATE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 165 536 PIERRE DE PROVENCE. Histoire de Pierre de Provence et tie la Belle Maguelonne. WITH LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE AND THREE OTHER WOODCUTS. 8vo, brown morocco plain, inside dentelles, g. e. Troyes, chez P. Gamier (1720). 4 4s Scarce French Chap-book. A few head-lines cut into. One of the most famous of all the famous Romances of Chivalry. 53; PILLEMENT (Jean) Fieurec Baroques, inventees et dessinees, par Jean Pillement, Pre- mier Peintre du Roy de Pologne. 6 FINE PLATES OF IRREGULAR FLORAL DESIGNS, ENGRAVED BY HESS AFTER PILLEMENT. 4to, new boards. Paris, chez Leviez, N.D. {circa 1770). 3 15s 538 PI NELL! (Bartolomeo). Raccolta di No 100 Soggetti Li Piu Rimarchevoli dell' Istoria Romana inventati ed ingisi. Illustrata da Fulvia Bertocchi, 100 outline -plates. Oblong folio, half calf. Rome, 1821. 10s 6d 539 PINELLI (B.). Raccolta di Costumi Antichi incisi ad acqua forte da A.M. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND IOO FINELY ENGRAVED ETCHINGS OF ANTIQUE COSTUME, INCLUDING AMERICAN, MEXICAN, PERSIAN, ROMAN, GREEK, ETC. 8vo, half calf. Bologna, 1830. 15s 540 PISCATOR (N. J.). Theatrum Biblicum hoc est Historiae Sacrae veteris et Novl Testa- menti Tabulis Aenels expressae. WITH NUMEROUS PLATES. 2 vols. , oblong folio, calf re backed. 1650. 2 2s From the Library of the celebrated Earl of Chesterfield. 541 PISO (G.). De Indiae Utriusque re Natural! et Medica. ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE AND MANY HUNDRED WOODCUTS OF PLANTS, BIRDS, FISH, AND ANIMALS. Thick folio, calf. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1658. 3 10s 1 66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street^ London, W. 542 PLATINA. Delle Yite de'Pontefici tradotto in lingua volgare ... si des- crivono le vite di tutti i Pontenci & tutte le guerre & altre cose notabile fatte nel mondo da Cristo al di'oggi. WITH A LARGE WOODCUT ON THE BACK OF THE TITLE. 8vo, brown calf gilt, g. e., with the arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de Longey, 1491-1513. Venice, 1552. 5 5s 543 PLATINA. Historia de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum. A Jesu Christo usque ad Paulum II. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, AND WOODCUT PORTRAITS OF THE POPE. 4to, original wooden boards, covered with -pigskin, blind tooled. Cologne, 1600. 1 1s 544 [PLENARIUM.] Boek des h. Ewangelii, Profecien und Epistelen. (In Low German.) DOUBLE COLUMNS, BLACK LETTER. .WITH 56 VERY CURIOUS WOODCUTS. Folio, original binding oi boards covered with thick -pigskin. Lubeck, S. Arndes, 1509. 15 15s THIS is A VERY BABE BOOK. It wants two or three preliminary leaves. Some leaves at end are a little clam aged. 545 PLENARIUM ODER EWANGELIJ BUCK: Summer vnd Winter teyl, durch dz gantz iar in eine ieden Sontag, von der zeyt, vn vo den Heilige. BLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS OF 48 LINES.' TITLE IN RED AND BLACK LETTER WITHIN A. BORDER WITH URS GRAF'S MONOGRAM, WITH FULL-PAGE CUT OF THE CRUCIFIXION ON VERSO. 5 LARGE WOODCUTS BY SCHAUFELEIN (2 COLOURED), ALSO 52 SMALLER ONES BY HIM, AND ANOTHER SMALL SET BY URS GRAF, ORNAMENTAL WOOD- CUT, INITIALS, ETC. Folio, original wooden boards and stamped -pigskin. Basel, Adam Petri, 24th March, 1514. 15 15s * * * The First of A. Pet.ri's Four Editions. "There are five large cuts by Hans Schaufelein. There is also a pretty set of 52 cuts (making with repeats 55) by Sohaufelein. A smaller series of cuts by another hand numbers with repeats 35. A still smaller series with repeats 39 in number most signed U.J. (Urs Graf). Many small ornamental initials. The Plenarium consists of the German translation of the Epistles and Gospels, together with a gloss for the understanding of the layman without Latin, as explained in the Preface to the Book. The present edition is a new compilation and may be the first in German. It is really a translation of the entire Missal with the Psalms, Collects, etc., and a new Gloss, interspersed with various stories or " examples " from the Lines of the Saints, etc/' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 167 546 PLENARIUM. Das Plenarium Oder Ewangely Buoch : Summer und Winterteyl durch das gantz iar, etc. TITLE IN RED AND BLACK, WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER BY URS GRAF, WITH MS. MONOGRAM, TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS FINE WOODCUTS IN THE TEXT BY HANS SCHAUFELIN, AND L T RS GRAF, INCLUDING LARGE CUTS OF CHRIST UPON THE CROSS, THE NATIVITY, ADORATION OF THE MAGI, THE RESURRECTION, AND THE ASCENSION, BEARING THE MONOGRAMS OF HANS SCHAUFELIN AND THE ENGRAVER, HANS FURTENBACH. Folio, vellum. Basel, Petri von Langendorff, 1516. 5 15s Slightly wormed at beginniixg and end, also some leaves a trifle defective. 547 POCCIO. Florentini Oratoris clarissimi; ac secretarii apostolici historiae con- vivales disceptativae Orationes Invectivae Epistolae Descriptiones quae- dam; et Faceciarum Liber. TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK AND ENCLOSED IN A WOODCUT BORDER IN THE STYLE OF URS GRAF (A VINE ON WHICH A MONKEY AND A NUMBER OF CHERUBS ARE CLIMBING ABOUT). WITH VERY FINE WOODCUT INITIALS. Folio, vellum (modern}. Strassburg, Johannes Knoblouch, 1510. 15 15s FIRST EDITION OF THIS CURIOUS BOOK OP POGGIO'S. SEE CATALOGUE COVER FOR REPRODUCTION OF TITLE WOODCUT. 548 POLYBIUS. Les cinq premiers livres des Histoies de Poly be avec . . . Ex- traitz . . . Aultre foys tradiutz & mis en lumiere par Loys Maigret & depuis reveuz. WITH WOODCUTS AND A PLAN OF THE ROMAN CAMP. 8vo, brown calf gilt, g. e., with the arms on the sides of Guillaume du Bellay, Seigneur de L on gey, 1491-1553. Paris, 1552. 5 5s 549 POMTIFSGALE ROMANUM. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK WITH FINE WOODCUT BORDER TO THE TITLE, NUMEROUS WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS, MANY OF THEM FULL PAGE, WITH MANY MUSIC NOTES PRINTED IN BLACK ON 4 RED LINES, SOME WHOLE , PAGES BEING PRINTED IN RED. Folio, calf. Venice, Junta, 1544. 7 10s REMARKABLY PINE EXAMPLE OP THE JUNTA PRESS, INTERESTING BECAUSE OF us BEING FEINTED IN RED AND BLACK, AND BECAUSE OF ITS MUSICAL NOTATION. A prelf.minary leaf (F.6) missing. 168 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 550 PONTIFICALS ROMANUM CLEMENTIS VII PRIMUM, mine denuo Ur- bani VIII auctoritate recognitum. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH ENGRAVED TITLE AND NUMEROUS FINE COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS. 3 parts in I vol., folio, calf. Paris, 1664. 2 10s The large and interesting engravings are illustrative of the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church in which the Pope took part and which were the only occasions on which a Pontificale was in use. Brunet especially mentions the above as a good edition and mentions the fact that all the old editions of the Pontificale Roman um from the 1520 edition on are sought for especially on account of the fine engravings with which they are illustrated. 551 PORCACCHI (T.). L'lsole piu famose de Monde. ILLUSTRATED WITH A LONG SERIES OF THE PRINCIPAL ISLANDS OF THE WORLD, ETC. Large Paper Copy, folio, full vellum. Padua, 1620. 13 16s Includes onaps of JAMAICA, CUBA, M^PPEMONDB, etc. 552 POSTILLAE MAIORIES. cum questionibus. Postillae maiores totius anni oia cue alie antea impresse continebat cpmprendentes, nuc instaurate sunt arlditis plerisq marginalibus, addi- tionibus, etc. GOTHIC LETTERS, DOUBLE COLUMNS. TITLE IN RED AND BLACK WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER, WITH PIERRE BAILLI'S DEVICE (THE DEVICE REPEATED ON VERSO OF LAST LEAF). NUMEROUS SMALL FIGURED WOODCUTS AND FINE ORNAMENTAL INITIALS. Small folio, contemporary binding of oak hoards and leather, with a stamped panel of a Tudor rose^ supported by a Dragon and Greyhound on upfe? cover and a crowned double-headed spread-eagle on the under, with borders of animals and foliage, and a rose in each corner. Lyons, O. Petrus Bailli, 1526. 31 10s A VERY INTERESTING BINDING, A LITTLE RESTORED, BUT FINE CONDITION. THE TUDOR ROSE, WITH SUPPORTERS, is THE ROYAL EMBLEM USED BY KING HENRY VIII. 553 PSALTERIUM DAVIDICUM. BLACK LETTER. FIRST PAGE WITH LARGE WOODCUT OF DAVID SLAY- ING GOLIATH AND TITLE "PSALTERIUM" IN RED ABOVE, REVERSE OF TITLE OCCUPIED WITH THE SAME WOODCUT. Square I2mo, old calf. Trajecti, Johannes Bernardi, 1526. 4 4s PLATE XXXI. PLATE XXXII. Woodcut (greatly reduced) from LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, " Le Grant Vita Clirfsti, Paris, .Ambrodse Girault, about 1535. (See Item Xo. 466.) MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 169 THE FIRST PRINTED BIOGRAPHY OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. 554 PSALTERIUM, Hebreum, Grecu, Arabicu et Chaldeu cu tribus latinis iterptationibus et glossis. FOLIO, TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK (LATIN, HEBREW, GREEK AND ARABIC), WITHIN A MAGNIFICENT WOODCUT BORDER. A very fine Copy from the Theodore Williams Library, bound by Charles Lewis in full dark blue morocco, g. e. Genoa, 1516. 14 14s * * * The First Polyglot Psalter, and remarkable for containing a long biography of Columbus and an account of the Discovery of America. This is contained in a note by the Editor, Aug. Giustiniani to Psalm XVI IT., verse 4, " Efc in fines nmndi " (Unto the Ends of the World). It is further of great importance, as this Biography is the earliest printed one of the celebrated Navigator. 555 PSALTER1UM ROMANUM. luxta Grciinem Breviarii Restituti, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini. Cum Calendario Gregoriano. BLACK LETTER, FINELY PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. FULL-PAGE WOODCUT OF DAVID, FACING PAGE ONE. Small 8vo, vellum. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1583. 2 10s * * * Pope Gregory XIII. ordained that the year 1582 should consist of 355 days only, in order to correct the calendar. The next year (1583, the date of this book) the Gregorian Calendar came into use. In the front of this volume is the new calendar with a table for working it out to the year 1621. A PINE COPY. 556 PTQIEMAEUS (Claudius). Geographicae Enarrationis libri octo. Ex Bilibaldi Pirckeimberi tralatione ad graeca & prisca exemplaria a Michaele Villanovo (Serveto) secundo recogniti & locis innumeris denuo castigati. WITH 50 FINE DOUBLE WOODCUT MAPS (INCLUDING AMERICA) AND NUMEROUS ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIALS, DEVICE ON TITLE. Folio, original vellum. Vienne (en Dauphine) Gaspard Trechsel for Hugo a Porta at Lyons, 1541- 21 FlNE LARGE COPY OF VERY SCARCE EDITION OF PlOLEMY^S FINE MAPS OF THE WORLD, MANY COPIES OF WHICH WERE SUPPRESSED BECAFSE OF THE EDITORSHIP OF MlCHAEL SfiRVETUS. i;o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 557 PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Geographia universalis, vetus et nova complectens Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini ennarationis libros VIII. Quorum primus nova translatione Pirekheimheri & accessione commentarioli illustrior qtiam hactenus fuerit redditus est Religui cum graeco & alijs uetustis exemplaribus collati in innnitis fere locis castigatiores facti sunt. WITH PORTRAIT OF PTOLOMY ON BACK OF TITLE, AND 54 FOLDING WOODCUT MAPS AND MANY OTHER WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS, THERE BEING A WOODCUT BORDER ON THE FRONT LEAF OF EVERY DOUBLE MAP. Folio, vellum. Basle, Henricus Petrus, 1545. 31 10s A fine copy of this unusual edition of Ptolemy. 558 PAGEMAKER (A.). BROUEIRUS VAN NIDEK M. , Kabinet van NederlamJsche en Kleefsche Outheden, Geopent Opge- heldert en Wydlopigh Beschreven in Steden, Borpen, Sloten, Kerken, Poorten en Andere Voorname Stads-en Langebouwen. 300 VERSCHENDE PRINTTAFEREELEN VERTOONT DOOR ABRAHAM RADE- MAKER. 6 vols., 410, vellum. Amsterdam, 1727. 4 10s Comprising 300 plates of Castles, Churches, Euins, etc., of Holland, with descriptive text, also a manuscript description to each plate, written in a clear bold hand. 559 RAIMONDI (Eugenic). Delle Caccie. Libri Quattro. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF HUNTING SCENES. 4to, half calf. Venice, 1630. 7 15s Excellent copy of a rare Italian book on all the different kinds of hunting. 560 RAPHAEL. Recueil des Grotesques de Raphael peintes dans les ioges du Vatican a Rome, dessignees et gravees par F. de la Guertiere. 17 PLATES, BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED. Folio, calf. Paris, Le Blond (about 1700). 5 10s 561 RITUALE ROMANUM URBANI VIII PONT MAX JUSSU EDITUM, Illyrica Lingua. WITH MUSIC PRINTED IN BLACK ON RED LINES, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, AND A LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE. 4to, vellum. Rome, 1640. 5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 171 AN EXCESSIVELY RARE PLAY BY A DUTCH CONTEMPORARY OF SHAKESPEARE WITH SONNET AND VERSES IN ENGLISH. 562 RODENBURCH (Theodore). Melibea Treur-bly-eynde-spel, Eerste deel (Tweede ende derdeX GOTHIC AND ROMAN LETTERS, WOODCUT ON EACH TITLE, AND A FULL PAGE CUT OF A CRUCIFIX IN THE MIDST OF FOLIAGE, IN PART I. The three parts in I vol., small 4to, new vellum. t'Amstelredam, Voor Jan Evertz. Cloppen burch, Boeckvercooper, mde Vergulden Bybel, 1618. 21 * * * The author of this play appears to have been, anxious to dis-play his knowledge of languages, and has accordingly introduced passages in English, French, Spanish, and Italian. At p. 22 of the 2nd part occurs the following curious plagiarism from the 68th Sonnet of Sir P. Sidney's " Astrophel and Stella " : " Melibe the onely planet of my light, World of my wealt/h, & heau'n of my delight, Chief good, where to my hope doth only aspire, Light of my life, and life of my desire." Etc. * At the commencement of the iirst part are a number of sonnets, one of them in English, commencing: " Sweet England DOW wel maist thou swel in pride. Since best wits think it fit for to adimire Whence duch man takes your natural attire. And words, no words but heavenly graces slid, The new Parnassus, where the Muses bid." Etc. 563 ROMANCES ANTICUOS. A COLLECTION OF 100 CHAP-BOOK ROMANCES IN VERSE, AND MOSTLY WITH WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS. PRINTED AT MADRID, VALLADOLID, VALENCIA SARAGOSSA, MALAGA, CORDOVA, SEVILLE, MURCIA, ETC. Bound in one volume, small 4to, mottled calf extra, uncut, t. e. g. 1721-1820. 21 * * * Ballad Poetry has always been the most popular form of composition in Spain from the earliest times. Ticknor in his History of Spanish Literature remarks : " Besides what the Spanish ballads possess different from the (popular poetry of the rest of Europe, they exhibit, as no others exhibit it, that nationality which is the truest element of such poetry everywhere. They seem, indeed, a-s we read them, to be often little more than the great traits of the old Spanish character brought out v by the force of ipoetical enthusiasm : so that, if their nationality were taken away from them, they would cease to exist. This, in its turn, has preserved them down to the present day, and will continue to preserve them hereafter." 564 ROMBERCH DE KYRSPE. Congestorium artificiose Memoriae. . Omnium de Memoriae Pre- ceptiones aggregation complectens. (Continued over) 172 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Romberch de Kyrspe continued, WITH MANY WOODCUTS OF OBJECTS, ALPHABETS, AND EMBLEMATIC SUBJECTS. Venice, Sessa, 1533. PETRUS RAYENAAS. Foenix. Venice, etc., 1533. RYFF (G. H.). De Memoriae Artificial!. WITHOUT PLATES. The three works in one volume, morocco, g. e. 1541. 12 12s These three \rorks on Artificial Memory or " Pelmanigm/' as it is called to-day, are very rare. The third was either printed at Strassburg or at Rostock. 565 ROSSI (G. J.). II Nuovo Teatro delie fabriche, et edificii in prospettiva di Roma Moderna. Le Fcntane de Roma. TOGETHER, UPWARDS OF 160 OBLONG PLATES OF ROME. 6 vols., oblong 4to, boards. 1665. 5 5s 566 ROTHMANN. Chiromantiae Theorica Pratica Concordantia genethliaca, Vetustis novitate addita. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. 4to, calf. Erphordiae, 1595. 5 5s 567 RUSCONI (G. A.). Delia Archittetura. ENGRAVED TITLE, NUMEROUS FINE \VOODCUTS. Small folio, vellum. Venice, 1590. 4 4s 568 SACRARUM CAEREMONIARUM SIVE RITUUM ECGLESIASTICORUM. S. Rom. Ecclesiae. Libri tres. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED WOODCUTS ILLUSTRATING THE CEREMONIES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, MANY HEADINGS AND INITIALS PRINTED IN BLACK AND RED, WITH PRINTER'S MARK IN RED ON TITLE AND LAST LEAF. 4to, old green morocco, three-line fillet borders on sides, g. e., with the arms of J. A. de Thou (first arms} on sides. Venice, apud Juntas, 1582. 9 9s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 173 569 SADELER (Egidius). The 12 Caesars and their Wives, beautifully engraved by Egidius Sadeler after Titian. Mounted in I vol., folio, calf. XVIIth Century. 3 3s 570 SADELER (Aegidius). Theatrum morum. Artliche Gesprach der Thier mit wahren His- torien den Menschen zur Lehr. BLACK LETTER. WITH TITLE AND 139 FINE VIGNETTES ENGRAVED ON COPPER FROM SADELER' s DESIGNS. Small 4to, calf gilt, g. e. Prag, Paul Sesse, 1608. 10 10s A VERY FINE COPY OP A BARB BOOK OP ANIMAL FABLES WITH FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE ENGRAVINGS. MANY OP THE PLATES REPRESENT INTERESTING HUNTING SCENES. 571 SAL AS (Giuseppe Antonio Gonzalez). Nueva Idea de la Tragedia Antigua, o illustradon ultima al libro Singular de Poetica de Aristotales. WITH FRONTISPIECE AND PLATES AFTER CARNICERO ENGRAVED BY FABREGAT. 2 vols., Svo, -polished marbled calf, gilt back, inside dentelles. Madrid, 1778. 1 10s 572 SALAZAR (Pedro de). Gronica de el Gran Cardenal de Espana, Don Pedro Goncalez de Mendoca. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF THE CARDINAL, GENEALOGICAL TABLE, AND FINELY ENGRAVED PLATE OF HIS COAT OF ARMS. Folio, crimson morocco, gilt back, g. e. Toledo, 1625. 5 5s 573 SALAZARO (Demetrio). Studi sui Monumenti della Meridionale dal IV<> al XIII<> Secolo. 48 LARGE PLATES OF FRESCOES, MOSAICS, SCULPTURES, SACRED FIGURES, INTERIORS, ETC., FROM CATACOMBS, CATHEDRALS, CHURCHES, ETC., OF VARIOUS CITIES OF ITALY, MOSTLY COLOURED. 2 vols., large folio, new half maroon morocco gilt, uncut, i. e. g. Napoli, 1871. 7 73 174 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 574 SALLUST. La Conjuration de Catilina y La Cuerra de Jugurta per Cayo Salus- tio, Crispo. WITH MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT, 7 PLATES AND A MAP, ENGRAVED BY CARMONA, MONFORT, ETC., AND MANY VIGNETTES, AND BEAUTIFULLY EN- GRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND CUL-DE-LAMPE. Folio, contemporary calf, inside dentelles, g. e. Madrid, Ibarra, 1772. 3 3s LARGE PAPER COPY OP THIS MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED AND ILLUSTRATED COPY OF SALLUST IN SPANISH. 575 SANCTORUM. In festivitate Coronae spinarum do mini ncstrii Jesu Christ! Ad ves- peras. BLACK LETTER, RED AND BLACK. FINE WOODCUT ON A. i, AND SMALLER CUT IN TEXT. Brixiae apud Ludouicum Sabiensem. 1563. Officium Sanctissimi Patris Nostri Benedict!. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. WOODCUT ON TITLE. Brixiae, apud Sabbios. 1624. Together bound in one vol., small 8vo, boards. 1 15s 576 SANSOVINO (F.). Cento Novelie Scelte da piu Nobili Scrittori delfa lingua volgare. WITH NUMEROUS CHARMING WOODCUTS, MANY OF THEM INTERIORS AND SCENES OF CONTEMPORARY LIFE IN IlALY. WITH FINE HEADPIECES, AND WOODCUT INITIALS. Royal 8vo, XVIIIth Century green morocco, gilt back, gilt borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Venice, 1566. 14 14s " Edition rare que Ton prefere en France a cell-es de 1561, 1562, et 1563." Fine clean copy. 577 SARD! (G ) Libro delle Historic Ferraresi, con una nuova agguinta del medesimo autore aguintmi di piu quattro Libri del Sig. dottore Faustini sino alia devolutione del Ducato di Ferrara alia Santa Sede. NUMEROUS FULL-PAGE COPPERPLATE PORTRAITS OF THE DUKES OF FERRARA, ETC., NEARLY FULL-LENGTH. Small 4to, full original calf gilt. Ferrara, 1646. 14s MAGGS iBROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 175 578 SAXOFERRATO (De Bartoli) Tractatus de Fluminibus. Ab H. Butrigario mine in lucem prodit. WITH PORTRAIT AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS, FINE PRINTER'S MARK AT END. 4to, original limp vellum. Bologna, 1576. 2 2s 579 SCALICERI DALLA FRATTA (Camilo). La Nobilta deil' Asino di atta balippa dal Peru, Riformata da Griff- agno delli Impacci, et accresciuta di molte cose curiose degni d'agni Asinina lode, etc. (2 Parts.) ENGRAVED TITLE AND ITALIAN WOODCUTS, A DOUBLE PLATE OF THE WASHING OF THE Ass BY K. MANDERUS, AND 7 DOUBLE PLATES AT END AFTER ANT. FRANCKEN BY PHILIP GALLE (INSERTED). Small 4to, straight-grain red morocco, elegantly tooled, pur-pie damask doublures, g. e. Venice, Barezzo Barezzi, 1 599. 6 6s VERY RARE. A VERY CURIOUS ITALIAN JEU D'ESPRIT IN PRAISE OP DONKEYS, ASCRIBING EVERY POSSIBLE VIRTUE TO ASSES AND QUOTING EVERY REFERENCE TO THEIR VIRTUES FROM CLASSICAL AND MHDI^EVAL WRITERS, EVEN THEIR MUSICAL TALENT IS DULY CELEBRATED. THEIR HONESTY, LOVE OF PEACE, DIPLOMACY, NOBILITY OF CHARACTER, VOICE, RAPIDITY OF GAIT, PATIENCE, AND KNOW- LEDGE OF ASTRONOMY ARE FITTINGLY MENTIONED. 580 SCAPPI (B., Private Cook to Pope Pius V.). Opera, ristampata conaggiunte. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF KITCHENS, KITCHEN UTENSILS, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, SAUCEPANS, COOK'S UNIFORMS, GRILLS AND ALL POSSIBLE THINGS THAT ARE USED IN COOKING, AND FINE ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR. 4to, old calf, with the arms of ] . A. de Thou (third arms incorporat- ing those of his second wife} Venice, 1604-1605. 21 581 SCHENCK (Jacobus). Der Spruch Job. Ill (Also hat Gott die Welt Celiebet) etc. TITLE WITHIN FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, NUDE FIGURE OF A MAN AND WOMAN AT EITHER SIDE OF BORDER, ORNAMENTAL SCROLLWORK AT TOP AND BOTTOM. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, Nickel Schirlentz, 1541. 1 10s 176 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, Ldndon, W. AUSTRIAN MILITARY COSTUME. 582 SCHEMA ALLER UNIFORM DER KAISERL. Kcnigi, Kr legs voel kern. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE AND 137 COLOURED PLATEo OF THE AUSTRIAN INFANTRY, GERMAN REGIMENTS.. HUNGARIAN REGIMENTS, CAVALRY (CARABINEERS, CUIRASSIERS, DRAGOONS, LIGHT CAVALRY, HUSSARS), ARTILLERY REGIMENTS, ETC. 8vo, citron morocco, inside dentelles. Vienna, Artaria, 1792. 12 12s REYNARD, THE Fox. 583 SCHOPPER (Hartmann). Opus Poeticum cte Admirabili Fallacia et Astutia Vulpeculae Reinikes. WITH NUMEROUS QUAINT WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ADVEN- TURES OF REYNARD, THE Fox. I2mo, original calf. Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1567. 2 2s 584 SCHOPPER (Hartmann). Speculum vitae aulicae. De admirabili fallacia et astutia vulpeculae Reinikes nunc primum ex idiomate germanico latinitate donati adjectis elegantissimis iconibus veras omnium apologcrum animaliumque species ad vivum adumbrantibus. WITH 56 REMARKABLE WOODCUTS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORIES OF REYNARD THE Fox BY JOST AMMAN. I2mo, morocco, back gilt, g. e. Francfort on the Maine, 1595. 1 16s Andresen I., page 352. Goedeke II., 112. 585 SCHUBLER (J. J.). Wercke. 21 DIVISIONS, EACH CONTAINING 6 PLATES (126 PLATES IN ALL), CON- TAINING VERY FINE ORNAMENTAL DESIGNS, INCLUDING GOLD WORK, CABINETS, ARCHITECTURE, WRITING TABLES. CIOCKS, CHAIRS, TABLES, SUMMER HOUSES, FOUNTAINS, EMBLEMATICAL ORNAMENTS, ORGAN PIPES, ALTARS, CASEMENT WINDOWS, IRONWORK GATEWAYS, CHIMNEY PIECES, ETC. Folio, full vellum. Augspurg, J. Wolff (about 1700). 8 8s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 177 586 SCHYN (EL) and MAATSCHQEN (G.). GesehJeelenss dier Christenen Wefke in de Vereenigde de Neder- landen onder de Protestanten Mennoniten, genaamd worden; In welke, benevens derzelver Oorsprong, Voortgang; bedenclaag schen Staat, en Belydenisse des Geloofs, etc. ILLUSTRATED WITH 30 FINE OVAL PORTRAITS, AND 4 FOLDING PLATES, ENGRAVED BY FOLKEMA, PHILLIPS, ETC. 3 vols., thick I2mo, original calf. Amsterdam, 1743-45. 2 2s 587 SCRiPTORES REI RUSTICAE VETERES LATIN!, Cato, Varro, Colu- mella, Palladius, Vegetius de Mulo-Medicina, etc. Curante I. M. Gesnero. WITH FRONTISPIECE AND ENGRAVED PLATES. 2 vols. , 4to, original vellum. Lipsiae, 1735. 1 103 588 SCRIVERIUS. Principes Holandiae Zelandiae et Frisiae et 863 usque ad Philippum Hispaniarum Regem. WITH 38 FULL-PAGE PORTRAITS OF THE RULERS OF HOLLAND AFTER TITIAN, ETC. Folio, boards. Harlem, 1650. 5 5S A MAGNIFICENT SERIES OF NEARLY LIFE-SIZE PORTRAITS. 589 S1LVESTRE. Collection of the views of the Castles of France 3 etc., etc., by Silvestre. Oblong folio, half calf: Paris, chez Israel, about 1658. 9 10s 5QO SMIDS (L.). Romanorum Imperatomm Pinacotheca sine duodecim Imperatorum Simulacra Elogiis Numismatibus & Historia Suetoniana. ILLUSTRATED WITH A SERIES OF 12 FINE PORTRAITS OF THE ROMAN EMPERORS, WITH SCENES AND BUILDINGS IN BACKGROUNDS AFTER J. STRADANUS, ALSO 12 PLATES CONTAINING 144 ENGRAVINGS OF ROMAN COINS AND MEDALS, ENGRAVED TITLE AND EMBLEMATIC PLATE. Small 4to, original calf. Amsterdam, 1699. 2 2s With time old bookplate of Sir R. Abdy, Bart., of Albyns, Essex. 178 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 5Qi SOLINUS. De memorabilibliS Muntii. Diligenter annotatus & indici alphabe- tico prenotatis. WITH JEAN PETIT' s FINE WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE. Svo, half bound. Paris, Jean Petit (1503). 3 3s 592 SOLINUS. Rerum toto Orbe Memorabilium thesaurus. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis. WITH THE FAMOUS FOLDING WOODCUT MAP. Folio, original vellum. Basel, 1538. 3 3s 593 SPANCENBERC (Johaim). Von den Worten Christi, Matthej XIII. " Lasset es Beides mit einander auffwachssen bis zu der Erndte. TITLE WITHIN FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT BORDER, ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS AT SIDES AND HEAD; BELOW PANEL, HERCULES AND THE LlON IN FOREGROUND, BEHIND DELIGHTFUL VIEW OF A CASTLE AND TOWN PERCHED ON THE TOP OF A WOODED HILL, REMINISCENT OF DURER'S STYLE. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1541. 2 10s 594 SPANCENBERC (J.). Postilla Evangelia et Epistolae quae Dominions & Festis diebus in Ecclesijs Dei proponuntur. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS BY H. S. BEHAM. Small Svo, half morocco. Frankfort, Egenolph, 1550. 12s 6d PRINTED FOR SALE IN LONDON 1510. 595 SPECULUM SPIRITUAL! UM: in quo no solum de vita activa et cotem- plativa . Additur insuper et opusculum Ricardi Hampole de emedatione vite : ac de regula bene vivendi. Venale habet Londonie apud bibliopolas in cimiterio Scti Pauli ad signu scissime ac idividue trinitatis. WOODCUT ON TITLE AND 3 OTHER CUTS AND LAST LEAF OCCUPIED WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 179 Speculum Spiritualium continued. 4to, fine copy in contemporary binding of oak boards covered with leather , metal centre ornaments and corner pieces and clasps. (Colophon) Explicit tractatus . . . Opera predicta in alma Pari- soru academia per Wolff gangu Hopylium sunt impressa : sumptibus et ex- pensis honesti viri Guilhelmi brettoii civis London Anno dni millesimo quingentesimo decimo (1510). 27 10S * * * AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE VOLTIME, DESCRIBED BY AMES AND ALSO BY HAZLITT, BUT NEITHER HAD SEEN A PERFECT COPY (v/ITH THE FINAL LEAF WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE). THE FORMER STATED " IT DOUBTLESS HAD ANOTHER LEAF, PERHAPS WITH A CUT, OR THE PRINTER'S DEVICE." THIS COPY, HOWEVER, POSSESSES THIS FINAL LEAF. THE BOOK WAS PRINTED IN PARIS FOR THE LONDON BOOKSELLER, HENRY PEFWELL, OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, AT THE EXPENSE OF WILLIAM BRETTON, A MERCHANT OF LONDON, WHO ENCOURAGED THE PRINTING OF BOOKS FOR THE USE OF ENGLAND. HE BORE THE CHARACTER OF A FAITHFUL AND HONEST MAN AS APPEARS IN THE COLOPHON OF THE PRESENT VOLUME. 5Q6 SPIRITO (Lorenzo). Bock of Fortune in Spanish. 28 leaves (should be 38). WITH 12 WOODCUT PORTRAITS OF CLASSICAL AND SCRIPTURAL KINGS ARRANGED FOUR TO THE PAGE, FOLLOWED BY 1 6 PAGES, IN WHICH THE TEXT IS INTERSPERSED WITH NUMEROUS SMALL WOOD- CUTS OF DICE ARRANGED IN VARIOUS SEQUENCES, IN THE CENTRE OF EACH PAGE BEING WOODCUTS REPRESENTING A UNICORN, A DRAGON, A BULL, A TWO-TAILED MERMAID, A LION, A STAG, A COCKATRICE, A WYVERN, ETC. THE NEXT 14 PAGES ARE WITH A FUJ.L-PAGE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT FRAME WITH A METAL BORDER AT FOOT CONTAINING FIGURES OF CHERUBS, ETC. WITHIN THE FRAME THE TEXT is ARRANGED CIRCULAR-FASHION AS WHEELS OF FORTUNE WITH WOODCUTS IN THE CENTRE OF EACH FOR SATURN, JUPITER, MARS, VENUS, LUNA, WITH THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC; THE FOLLOWING PAGES HAVE WOODCUTS OF THE PROPHETS NOAH, JONAS, MOSES, BALAAM, TOBIAS, ADAM, METHUSALEM, T-^COB, EZECHIEL AND OTHERS. Folio, crushed morocco^ two-line fillet in gold round edges y panel back, inside dentelles, by Lloyd. No place, date or printer, but Spain about 1500. 12 12s UNKNOWN SPANISH BOOK. Not in Hain, Haeibler, Brunet, Salva, Gallards, Catalogue of Hoe Library, or any other of the usual bibliographers. The woodcuts are of great interest. Some margins restored. 59; SPONTONI (Cavalier Giro). Attioni de f Re dell' Ungaria; dall' anno 368. LARGE FOLDING GENEALOGICAL TREE, AND WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Folio, original calf. Bologna, 1602. 12s 6d i8o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. WITH NUMEROUS INTERIORS SHOWING THE HOMES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. 598 STEINMEYER (Vincent). Newe Kunstliche Figuren . . . von Albrecht Diirer, Hanss Hol- bein, Hanss Sebaldt Bohem, Hanss Scheuslin, etc. BLACK LETTER. TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH 350 LARGE WOODCUTS OF VARIOUS SIZES, ONE ON EACH PAGE, SOME ARE MUCH LARGER THAN THE REST, NECESSITATING A LARGE PAPER WHICH HAS BEEN FOLDED. Oblong 4to, calf. Frankfurt, I. N. Stoltzenberger for V. Steinmeyers, 1519-1620. 21 "Preface to the art-loving and judicious reader, refers to the illustrations of the Petrarcvh as being by an artist whose name had been forgotten. This is the first mention of the Petrarch illustrator (Hans Weiditz) as a definite artist. There is also a memoir of Diirer, giving the date of his birth as 21 May, 1471, Tuesday, his father a Hungarian goldsmith and his mother Barbara Hellerin of Xiirnberg, apprenticed to Wolgemuth in 1486, etc. The blocks represent the stock of illustra- tions in the hands of the publisher Steinmeyer, the earliest of them (apart from a few odd ones from various sources) originating with Grimm and Wirsung of Ausburg r 1520, passing with others successively through the hands of H. Sterner of Augsburg and then Egenolff and Feyrabend, both of Frankfurt. The majority of the cuts, to* the number of 307, are by Hans Weiditz, the unknown, " Petrarch Master " referred to in the Preface. These cuts are full of interesting detail regarding the manners and customs of the period, but are too numerous to particularise. A few might be mentioned; System of memorising, Chess, backgammon and nine men's morris; lapidary's shop with machinery; others show painters, sculptors, metal workers; a library: a scriptorium; a necromancer; alchemists' laboratory; prisons; the trial of the three sons by shooting father's corpse with arrows, the incident refers to Solo- mon awarding a disputed estate to the son who refuses to shoot, man with diseased skin attended in public bath; dentist operating, his poster with the imperial arms; surgical operations; condemning and burning books. There are no specimens of Durer or Holbein in the volume, and the fact of tihem being mentioned on the page may be regarded as a publisher's dodge." Catalogue of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray. 599 STIMMER (Tobias). Neue KiinstSiche Figuren Biblischer Historian Cruntlich yon Tobia Slimmer gerissen und zu Cotsforchtiger Ergetzung andaechtiger hert- zen, mit artigen Reimen begriffen durch J. F G. M. BLACK LETTER, WITH FINE WOODCUT BORDER TO TITLE PAGE AND 170 FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS WITHIN WOODCUT BORDERS. Small 4to, calf. Basel, Thomas Gwarin, 1576. 31 10s Supplt. to Brunet, IJ. 656; " Le Manuel ne cite de ce recueil precieux que 1'edition latine de 1590; celle-ci contient les premieres epreuves." Title in German gothic, within architectural border with figure? of Goliath and David,- tlhree chembs at foot holding the emUems Faith, Tlope and Charity. Signed by the engraver X.F. with knife. Stimmer's monogrram T.S. is just below the letterpress. Verso of title blank. Xext four leave? (*) 2-5, occupied by the Dedii cation to Philip lyudwig graf of Hanau & Rineck. etc. This is signed " Johan Fieehart genant Menzer," and dated Strasburg, 1 Apl., 1576. On sig. (*) 5 he commends Stimmer's MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 181 Stimmer (Tobias) continued. cuts, and further that he was asked by the p\iblisher to add verses to them. In this he Ava.s aided by his brother^in-la.w, Bermhart Jobin, who also helped in the cutting 1 of the blocks and in the printing " so solche F:guren zum schneiden und trucken helfen f'a.rtigen"; seo also Passavant, Le Peintre Graveur, IV. 330-3. The 6th leaf is blank. Each of the following pages (A-X 5 vo.) is occupied by a finely executed cut, c. 60 x 83 mm., within a full-page border of architectural design with figures and emblems. Below each are German verses. The cuts on C.4 (Jacob and his Sheep, Gen. XXIX.) is signed with the engraver's monogram C.H.S. (and knife), probably Hans Christoph Stimmer, see Passavant, III. 459, the cut on E.I vo. (Joseph and his Brethren, Gen. XLIII.) is signed with monograms T.S. (T. Stimmer) and B.I (in appearance, B.V.) B. Jobin, as above. There are 170 cuts in all. Two of the borders (as fwell as that on the title which appears several t:.mes) are signed N.F. " Catalogue of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray." 600 STRADA (Jacobus de). Imperatorum Romanorum omnium cricntaiium et ociden tali urn verus- sunae imagines ex antiquis numismatis quam fidelissime delineatae addita cuj usque vitae descriptione ex Thesauro Jacob i stradae et Per- brevi Elogio Uniuscujusque Carmine quod casi Epitome est Historiae ad Juvandam Memoriam. WITH VERY LARGE FINE WOODCUTS OF THE CAESARS SURROUNDED BY ORNAMENTAL ARCHITECTURAL BORDERS AND MANY FINE WOODCUT ORNA- MENTAL ORNAMENTS, THE TEXT BEING SURROUNDED BY VERY HANDSOME WOODCUT BORDERS, COMPOSED OF CLUSTERS OF FRUIT VINE, CHERUBS' HEADS AND CUPIDS. THE LAST EMPEROR DEPICTED is THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. Folio, calf. Zurich, Andreas Gesner, 1559. 25 The above book contains fine impressions of the 118 large woodcut portraits by R. Wyssenbach from the designs of J. R. Manuel Deutsch, and the very fine series of 150 vignettes of Moorish and Damascene designs for gold and silversmiths by Peter Floetner. 60 1 STRADA. Epitome thesauri antiquitatum hoc est impp Rom orientalium et ocidentalium Iconum ex antiquis numismatibus quam fidelissime delinia- tarum ex Musaeo Jacobi de Strada Mantuani antiquariae. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT REPRODUCTIONS OF ROMAN COINS AND MEDALS AND FINE PRINTERS' MARK ON TITLE PAGE. Small folio, old crimson morocco, gilt line borders on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. Lyons, 1553. 6 6s 182 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 602 STUMPFF (Johann). Keyser Heinrychs des Vierdten, Hertzogen zu Francken und am Rhyn fiinfftzigjarige Historia, von seinem Laben und Thaaten. BLACK LETTER, WITH 105 FINE GERMAN WOODCUTS BY HANS ASPER, THE MONOGRAMMISTS HV AND VS (VlRGIL SOLIS ?). Folio, calf. Zurich, C. Froschauer, 1556. 3 10s RARE FIRST EDITION OF THE HISTORY OF THE EMPEROR HENRY IV. WHO STOOD WITH BARB FEET, FASTING AT CANOSSA IX HUMILIATION BEFORE POPE GREGORY IN 1077 AFTER HIS EXCOM- MUNICATION. 603 STUMPFF (Johann). Another Copy. Boards. 3 3s 604 SUETONIUS. Vitae XII Caesarum. Cum Commentariis Ph. Beroaldi et M. A. Sabellici. WOODCUT ON TITLE AND 72 FINE WOODCUTS, INCLUDING ONE (RE- PEATED) WOODCUT SHOWING THE BIRTH OF JULIUS CAESAR BY THE CAESA- REAN OPERATION, TOGETHER WITH ORNAMENTAL INITIALS. Folio, vellum. Venice, P. Pincius, 1510. 5 5s * * * A VERY DESIRABLE COPY OF SUETONIUS' LlVES OF THE 12 CAESARS. THE WOODCUTS ARE FROM 15TH CENTURY BLOCKS OF VERY FINE STYLE. MANY OF THEM ARE CLEARLY THE WORK OF THE SAME ARTIST AS THOSE IN THE MALLERMI BIBLE OF VENICE, 1490. HAMBURG CRIES. 605 SUHR. Der Ausruf in Hamburg vorgestelit in 120 Colorirten Blaettern. Il8 COLOURED PLATES (should be 1 20). 4to, half bound. Hamburg, 1808. 21 606 SWEERTIUS(F.). XII Caesarum Romano rum Imagines e numismatibus expressae et historica narratione illustratae. ENGRAVED TITLE AND A SERIES OF 12 MEDALLION HEADS OF THE ROMAN EMPERORS, EACH WITHIN AN ELABORATE WIDE BORDER OF EMBLEMATIC DESIGNS OF FLOWERS, FRUIT, ANIMALS, BIRDS, HUMAN FIGURES ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. Small 4to, full green levant morocco extra, gold lines, t. e. g. y fine copy. Antwerpiae, 1603. 3 3s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 183 607 TARCA (Pietro). Cento e cinquanta favole, tratte da diversi autori antichi, e ridotte in versi, e rime. WITH MANY TINY, VERY CHARMING WOODCUTS. Venice, Giovanni Chrigero, 1569. FRECOSO (Antonio Philaremo). Cerva Bianca novamente corretta et ristampata, WITH FINE ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIALS. Venice, Francesco Rampazetto, 1566. ARCEKTI (Agostino). Lo Sfortunato. Favola Pastorale. (Acted at Ferrara in 1567, with music by Alfonso dalla Vivola). WITH ORNAMENTAL WOODCUT INITIALS. Venice, Gabriel de Ferrari, 1568. The three in I volume. I2mo. Full morocco, gilt fleurons on sides, %. e., by Fixon. 4 10s 608 TENGLER (Ulrich). Der Layen Spiegel von rechtmassigen Ordnungen in Burgerlichen und peinlichen Regimenten. GOTHIC LETTER, WITH 28 FINE FULL-PACE WOODCUTS (INCLUDING A DOUBLE PAGE OF TORTURES AND EXECUTIONS), SIGNED H. F. (HANS FRANK ?). Folio, boards. Augsburg, H. Otmar, 1509. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXVIL). 21 FIEST EDITION. A few blank margins mended. THE WOODCUTS ARE OP GREAT VALUE FOR THE HISTORY OP JUDICIAL PROCEDURE AND THE EXECUTION OP JUDICIAL PUNISHMENTS. WE SEE MEN BEING LED OUT TO EXECUTION AND READ OP PUNISHMENTS THAT COULD HARDLY BE SURPASSED FOR SHEER CRUELTY AND BRUTALITY. 609 TERENTIUS CUM QUINQUE COMMENTIS. ROMAN LETTER, THE TEXT SURROUNDED BY THE COMMENTARY, FINE FULL-PAGE WOODCUT ON THE TITLE; AND A FINE WOODCUT OF TERENCE AND HIS COMMENTATORS, GlJIDO, DONATUS, CALPHURNIUS, AND ASCEN- sius; WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE. BELOW NINE LINES OF VERSE IN EXPLANA- TION OF THE SIGNS USED IN THE TEXT TO INDICATE THE DIFFERENT COM- MENTATORS. Folio, blue morocco , g. e., by Riviere. Milan, I. Legnano, 1506. 10 10S A few pages stained. 1 84 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 610 TERENTIUS CUM QUINQUE COMMENTIS; viz. Donati; Guidonis; Cal- phur; Ascensii et Servii. DOUBLE COLUMNS, 70 LINES, HEAD-LINE AND MARGINALIA. ROMAN LETTERS. WITH WOODCUT ON TITLE PAGE, FINE LARGE WOODCUT FRONTISPIECE AXD ABOUT 50 WOODCUTS, ILLUSTRATING THE PLAYS. Folio, half calf. Venice, Georgius de Rusconibus, 23rd March, 1521. 5 10S Ax INTERESTING EDITION OF THE PLAYS OF TERENCE WITH FIVE COMMENTARIES AND WITH AMUSING AND DELIGHTFULLY DESIGNED VENETIAN WOODCUTS IN THE STYLE OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS TO BE FOUND IN THE MANUSCRIPT EDITIONS OF THE PLAYS OF TERENCE. THE LARGE WOODCUT OF TERENCE LECTURING TO HIS six COMMENTATORS is FEOM THE EDITION OF 1497. 611 TERENTIUS CUM COMENTARIIS. (Donati et Guidonis Juvenalis J. B. Ascensii Taurapis Melchinensis P. Malleoli Zendelacensis, Joannis Brixiensis). WITH FINE WOODCUT BORDER ROUND TITLE PAGE, NUMEROUS WOOD- CUT INITIALS, AND WOODCUTS ILLUSTRATING SCENES FROM THE PLAYS. 4to, calf. Lyons, J. David alias Lamouche, 1529. 6 10s 612 THERAMO (Jacobus de). Belial (in Dutch). Een rechtelick ghedinghe tusschen Belyal den helschen procureur als claghere aen dat een deel. ende jesu cristo hemelsche god. antwoerdere aent ander deel Op dat Ihesus die belle ende dye helsche vorsten rechte- lick verstoert ende berooft heeft, etc. BLACK LETTER, 42 LINES TO A PAGE. ILLUSTRATED WITH A FULL-PAGE WOODCUT REPRESENTING THE FALL OF LUCIFER, TEMPTATION OF EVL, NOAH'S ARK, THE PASSAGE THROUGH THE RED SEA, ETC., AND 70 OTHERS, BESIDES ORNAMENTAL INITIALS THROUGH- OUT. Small folio, green crushed levant morocco extra, g. e. y by Riviere. Antwerp, H. Eckert, 25th September, 1516. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXVIII. }. 31 10s * * * FINE COPY. THE DUTCH EDITION WAS FIRST PRINTED AT HAARLEM IN 1484. Title sligiitly mended. THIS FAMOUS BOOK HAS AS ITS OBJECT THE INCULCATING OF A SYSTEM OF LAW, OR A KNOWLEDGE OF THE RULES OF EVIDENCE, ETC., FOE THOSE DESTINED TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION. THE MACHINERY EMPLOYED IS SUFFICIENTLY NOVEL AND DARING. BELIAL REPRESENTS LUCIFER, AND MOSES REPRESENTS JESUS. THESE COLLOCUTORS ARE BROUGHT BEFORE SOLOMON AND OTHERS, WHO SIT AS JUDGES IN THB CAUSE, THB CHIEF JUSTICE SEEMS TO BE SOLOMON HIMSELF. THE SUBJECT PROPOUNDED IS THE REDEMPTION OF MAN. PLATE XXXIII. Titlepage of LUTHER" EYN SERMON VON DEN WUCHBE," 1519. See Item N T o. 469. 1 86 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Trota [(Ambroxcis), Judge at Merseburg] continued. WITH IQ VERY CURIOUS WOODCUTS OF THE MARKS USED BY GANGS OF PROFESSIONAL MURDERERS AND INCENDIARIES IN GERMANY. 4to, half bound. Merseburg, 1540. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXIX.)- 18 18s Of excessive rarity. With descriptions of the personalia of the criminals. " Opuscule incoiinu a Bechstein qui a publie des documents paieils du milieu du 16ieme siede " (Graesse, Treser des livres rares). Not mentioned by Ave-Lallement. The marks engrraved are possibly of cabbalistic origin but bear a great resemblance to Chinese Archaic writing 1 . 617 UFFIZjO della Settimana Santa con Osservazioni dell' Abate Alessandro Mazzinelli. ILLUSTRATED WITH A SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS BY PASSARO. 8vo. A very beautiful specimen of Italian Binding, contemporary calf, the sides decorated with a very handsome floral design interlaced with arabesques, an oval panel in centre of each side with the instruments of the Passion, with gold rays shooting from same, the back figured with other instruments of the Passion (hammer ; ladder, nails, spear, scourge, cord , etc.}, gilt leaves ornamented with painted decorations. Rome, 1742. 10 18s * * * From the Library of Cardinal Quaglia. 18 [URSULA S.] Passio sive Historia XI. milium Virginum. BLACK LETTER, 38 LINES TO A PAGE. LARGE WOODCUT ON TITLE OF S. URSULA WITH BOOK, STANDING BY A TREE WITH TWO ARROWS (THE EMBLEMS OF HER MARTYRDOM), WOODCUT DEVICE AT END. Small 4to, olive morocco extra, g. e., by Chambolle-Duru. (S.N., Coin, ? J. Koelhoff, about 1502.) 1G 10s Apparently the only mention of this edition is that in Burger's Index (1902), p. 459, from Kloss's Catal. 3701. The only indication of the press is Koelhoff's device at end. As the present type seems not to be one of those used by the Koelhoff s, and as the device has been slightly altered, it would seem ae if this -book was really printed by the younger Koelhoff 's successor, that is in 1502, or soon after. 619 USURY. Hie kempt ein Belie rlein zu einom reichen Burger von der giild, den wucher betreffen, so kumpt ein Pfaff auch darzu und dar nach ein munch, gar kurtzweylich zu lesen. WITH FINE SPIRITED GERMAN WOODCUT ON TITLE OF A PEASANT COMING TO A USURER. 4to, vellum (modern}. n.p.n.d. (about 1505). 6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 187 620 VAENIUS (Otho). Historia de Ics Stete Infantes de Lara. WITH 40 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES, ILLUSTRATING THE STORY OF THE. SEVEN SONS OF LARA. Small oblong folio^ (Contemporary calf. Antwerp, Philip Lisaert, 1612. 1 10s EARLY SPANISH CHRONICLE. 621 VALERA (Diego de). La corcnioa de Espana abreuiada por mandado de la muy poderosa Senora dna Isabel Reyna de Castilla, etc. TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, BELOW SPANISH ARMS WITHIN ORNAMENTAL BORDERS, GOTHIC LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. WITH 35 HALF-LENGTH WOODCUT FIGURES OF KINGS. Folio, original limp vellum. Sevilla, Juan Cromberger, 1542-3. 6 6s A few leaves stained. A very rare chronicle of the early history of Sipain. 22 VALERIUS (Joannes). A SERIES OF 10 COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS, WITH 2 LINES OF DUTCH: VERSE BELOW EACH. REPRESENTING THE POSTURES OF JOHN VALERIUS, AN ACROBATIC PERFORMER OF THE MIDDLE OF THE XVIlTH CENTURY, WHO WAS- BORN WITHOUT ARMS. Small 4to, calf extra, inside dentelles, g. ). WITH THE LARGE WOODCUT AND DIAGRAMS AT END. Small 8vo, -vellum neat. Vinegia, nelle Case d'Aldo, 1515. 14 14s SECOND EDITION OF THE ALDINE DANTE. Very tail and clean copy. 691 Demosthenes. Cinque Oration! di Demosthene, et una di Eschine, tradotte di lingua Greca in Italiana, secondo la uerita de'sentimenti. Small 8vo, original ivrappers. Venice, Aldus, 1557. 1 1s 692 Dio. Vitae ex Dione; Neruae et Trajani, atque Adriani Caesarum, Georgio Merula interprete. Aelius Spartiani et alii ab Joanne Baptista Egnatio Veneto diligen- tissime castigati. Heliogabali Principis ad meretrices elegant issima oration. Ejusdem Jo. B. Egnatii de Caesaribus libri tres a Dictatore Caesare ad Constan- tinum Palaeologum, hinc a Carolo Magno ad Maximilianum Caesarem. Ejusdem in Spartiani, Lampridiique vitas et reliquorum annotationes. Aristidis Smyrnaei oratio de laudibus urbis Romae a Scipione Carteromacho in latinum versa. Conflagratio Vesevi mentis ex Dione. Georgio Merula interprete. 8vo, old Venetian brown morocco, with blind stamped arabesque borders with the head of a Roman Emperor in centres , lettered on upper cover. Venice, in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri; mensc Augusti, 1519. 7 15s FlNE COPY IN A WELL-PRESERVED BINDING. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 205 Aldine Press continued. 693 Dolce (M. Ludovico). Didone, Tragedia. Small 8vo, boards. Venice, in casa de 1 figlivoli di Aldo, I 547. 1 10s Epistelae Diversorum Philosophorum (in Greek). Venice, Aldus, 1499. See No. 147. 694 Florilegium. Floritegtum Diversorum Epigrammatum in Septem Libros, Graece. Ruled in red. 8vo, full brown levant morocco with Seillihe arms in gold on sides, g. e. Venice, Aldus, November, 1503. 6 15s FINE COPY. FIRST ALDINB EDITION. 695 Florilegium Diversorum Epigrammatum in Septem Libros (in Greek). WITH THE ALDINE DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Venice, Aldus, January, 1521. 6 6s 696 Cellius (Aulus). Noctium Atticarum libri undeviginti (ex recensione J. B. Egnatii). ITALIC LETTER, ANCHOR ON TITLE AND AT END. 8vo, French red morocco gilt, full gilt back, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1515. 4 4s A few leaves at the beginning slightly stained and a few small worm-holes in blank margins, otherwise a fine copy., The former of the two Aldine editions of this date, with the misprint ie duerniorem " oa last leaf. fig/ Cellius (Aulus). Another copy. Half red morocco gilt. 4 4s 6gS Horatius. Poemata. 8vo, original Italian dark red morocco, gilt arabesque ~ borders and ornaments, gilt and tooled edges, silk ties, back re-paired. Venice, Aldus (30) Mar. 1509. Fine copy (160 by 96) with blanks. 30 SECOND ALDINE EDITION, ALMOST AS RARE AS THE FIRST OP 1501. Dedicated to Jaffredus Carolus, vice-chancellor to the Senate; of Milan, in which Aldus acknowledges the assistance given him when imprisoned during 1 the war of 1506. This book and the Sallust of the same year were the last produced by Aldus- before the interval of 1510-11. 206 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Aldine Press continued. 699 Justinus. Trogi Pompei externae Historiae in compendium ab Justine redactae. Externorum imperatorum vitae authore Aemvlio Probo Small 8vo, contemporary reddish calf gilt, m. e. Venice, Aldus, 1522. 6 6s 700 Justinus. Another copy. Half vellum. 3 3s WITH BOOKPLATE BY DURER. 701 Juvenal and Persius. WITH THE ALDINE DEVICE ON TITLE PAGE. Venice, Aldus, 1501. Catullus Tibullus Aurelius Cornelius Callus. 8vo. Basel, 1530. 10108 The 2 books in 1 vol. STAMPED CALF BINDING WITH METAL CORNER PIECE (WORN) WITH DURER'S FAMOUS BOOK-PLATE OF HANS POEMER PASTED IN THE FRONT COVER (FROM THE KLOSS LIBRARY). 702 Lactantius. Divinarum Instituticnum Libri VII. De Ira Dei. De Opificio Dei. Epitome in libros suos liber acephalos. Phoenix Carmen de Dominici resurrectione. Venice, Aldus, April, 1515. TERTULLIANUS. Apologeticus. Venice, Aldus, April, 1515. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, XVIIIth century crimson morocco, -floral festoons on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. 3 3s 703 Lactantius (L. C.). Opera varia et Tertulliani apologeticus adversus gentes. ITALIC LETTER, ANCHOR DEVICE ON TITLE AND AT END. 8vo, red morocco, full gilt back, broad gilt ornamental borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Venice, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Soceri, 1515. 7 15S 704 Lactantius. Another Copy. Calf. 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 207 Aldine Press continued. 705 Lettere Volgari, di Diversi Nobilissimi Huomini Et Eccellentissimi Ingegni, Scritte in Diversi Materie. 2 vols. in one, original vellum binding. Venice, Figliulo di Aldo, 1 544. 18s 706 Lettere Volgare di dlversi nobilissimi huomini et eccellentissimi ingegni, scritte in diverse materie. 2 vols. in one. Small 8vo, boards. Venice, In casa de'Figliuoli di Aldo, 1545. 15s 707 Lettere Volgare di diversi nobilissimi huomini, etc. Small 8vo, brown morocco , with Longuepierre 1 s device. Venice, Aldus, 1554. 4 10s 708 Lettere V cigars. Another Copy. Original vellum. 10s 6d 709 Lettere Volgari di Diversi Nobilissimi Huomini et Excellentissimi Ingegni, Scritte in Diverse Materie. Nuouamente ristampate, & in piu luoghi corrette. Libro Primo (1548) et Libro Secundo (1549). In one vol., small 8vo, original vellum. Venice, In casa de'Figiuli di Aldo, 1548-9. 10s 6d 710 Lettere Volgari. di Diversi Nobilissimi Huomini et Eccellentissimi Ingegni, Scritte in diverse materie. Con la giunta del Terzo Libro. 3 parts in i. Small 8vo, original limp vellum. V enice, Aldus, 1564. 15s In this edition the name of Valdes, the Unitarian, is suppressed. It is given in the edition of 1554. Also the letters of Bishop Vergerio, of which there are 10 in the edition of 1554, axe all suppressed in this edition. Also 4 letters of FlainiDius and 1 of Pietro Aretino, which are published in the edition of 1566. 711 Libri de Re Rustica M. Catonis. Terentii Varronis Columnillae Palladii, etc. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE. 8vo, vellum. Venice, Aldus, May, 1514. 2 10s 208 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,. London, W Aldine Press continued. 712 Liburnio (Nicolo). Le Occorrenze Humane. Small 8vo, original vellum. Venice, in Casa de'Figlivoli di Aldo, 1546. 3 3s MAGNIFICENT COPY IN ORIGINAL ALDINE BINDING. 713 Lucian. Dialogi et alia Multa Opera (in GreekY WITH THE ALDINE DEVICE ON TITLE PAGE ^.ND LAST PAGE. Folio, original Aldine binding of brown morocco, with gilt line borders on sides, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1522. 21 MAGNIFICENT COPT. Macrobius. Venice, Aldus, 1528. See No. 484. 714 Manutius (Paulus). Epistolarum Pauli Manutii Libri V. Quincto nuper addito. Ejusdem quae praefationes appellantur. 8vo, full calf. Venice, Aldus, 1561. 1 5s THIS EDITION CONTAINS MATTER WHICH WAS SUPPRESSED IN LATEE EDITIONS. 715 Manutius (Paulus). Epistolarum libri X (sic) duobus nuper additis. Ejusdem quae prae- fationes appellantur. Small 8vo, original vellum. Venice, In aedibus Manutianis, 1571. 1 5s 716 Manutius (Paulus). Epistolarum libri XI uno nuper addito. Eiusdem quae prefationes appellantur. 8vo, vellum. Venice, in Aedibus Manutianis, 1573. 1 5s 717 Manutius (Paulus). Epistolarum Libri XII. Uno nuper addito. Eiusdem quae praefa- tiones appellantur. Small 8vo, half morocco. Venice, apud Alduni, 1580. 1 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 209 Aldine Press continued. 718 Musaeus. Musaei cpusculum de Herone et Leandro (Graece et Latine). Orphei Argonautica, ejusdem Hymni, Orpheus de Lapidibus (Graece). Small 8vo, fine copy in old English red morocco extra. Venice, Aldus, 1517. 4 4s 719 Musaeus. Another Copy. Half morocco. 2 15s 720 Ovidius. Fastorum libri VI. De tristibus iibri V. De Ponto libri IV. (Edidit Aldus Romanus). 8vp, old red morocco gilt, g. e. Without plate, date, or printer's name. (Lyons, 1503). 2 10s LYONS COUNTERFEIT OF THE ALDINB EDITION OF 1502. IN FINE CONDITION. Renouard No. 13. 721 Pausanias. Opera. (In Greek). Folio, original calf > rebacked. Venice, Aldus, 1516. 5 5s Bare first edition of Pausanias as published by the Aldine Press. A few stains. 722 Pliny. C. Plinii Secundi Novocomensis Epistolarum Libri X. Small 8vo, original vellum. Venetiis in Aedib. Aldi, et Andreae Asulani, 1518. 1 15s 723 Plinius (C. Secundus). Naturalis Historiae, Secunda Pars. 3 vols. Small 8vo, stamped leather. Venice, in aedibus haeredum Aldi, et :\ndreae Asulani Soceri, 1536. 3 10s 724 Poetae Ghristiani. Prudentii Poetae Opera (Hymni diumarum rerum; Liber de divini- tate, in quo hym.nus de trinitate, Tragoedia de passione Romani martyris; Cantica; &c., &c.). (Graece et Latine.) FINELY PRINTED. Small 4to, full morocco. Venice, Aldus, 1501. 3 3s 210 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, Condon, W. A f dine Press continued. 725 Pontanus. Opera. WITH ALDINE WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE AND THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE FAMOUS FRENCH HISTORIAN J. A. DE THOU ON THE LAST PAGE. 8vo, XVIlIth century red morocco binding^ gilt lines on sides, inside dentelles , g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1513. 7 15s 726 Pontanus. Opera. THE COMPLETE ALDINE EDITION. 3 vols. Svo, finely bound in full -pig-skin, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1518-1519. 215$ 727 Priscian. Crammatici Caesarienses Libri omnes. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE 8vo, original limp vellum. Venice, Aldus, May, 1527. 2 2s 728 (Ramberti, Benedetto.) Libri tre delte COSE DE TURCHI. Nel primo si descriue il uiaggia da Venetia a Costantinopoli : Nel secondo, la Porta, cipe la corte de Soltan Soleymano : Nel terzo il modo del reggere il stato & imperio suo. Venice, Aldus, 1539. FIRST EDITION. DIALOGS di AMORE, composti per Leone medico, di Natione Hebreo, et dipoi fatto christiano. (SECOND EDITION.) Bound in one volume, post Svo, original vellum. Venice, Aldus, 1541. 3 3s 729 Sal lust. De conjuratione Catilinae, etc. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE. 8vo, half bound. Venice, Aldus, January, 1521. 1 1s A better edition than that of 1509. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 211 A I (line Press continued. 730 Seneca (L. A.). Tragoediae. ALDINE DEVICE AT BEGINNING AND END. 8vo, full contemporary morocco, blind tooling on sides (repaired}. Venice, October, 1517. 4 10s 731 Seneca (L. A.). Naturalium Quaestionum libri VII, Matthaei Fortunati in eosdem libros annotationes. Index Rerum notatu dignarum. Small 4to, old calf gilt. Venice, Aldus, February, 1522. 2 10s 732 Silius Italicus. De bello Punico secundo libri XVII. ITALIC LF:TTER, ANCHOR ON TITLE AND AT END. 8vo, French red morocco gilt, full gilt back, g. e. Venice, Aldus, 1523. 3 3s * * * THE ONLY ALDINE EDITION. A FINE COPY IN A PERFECT BINDING. 733 Silius Italicus. Another copy. Original vellum binding. 2 10s 734 Statius. Sylvarum. Libri V. Thebaidos Libri XII Acilledos II. WITH PRINTER'S DEVICE ON LAST LEAF. 8vo, crimson morocco, inside dentelles, g. e., by Cape. Venice, Aldus, 1502. 4 4s FIBST ALDINE EDITION. 735 Statius. Another Copy. Original vellum. 1 10s * * * FIRST ALDINE EDITION. 736 Tacitus. Exacta cura recognitus et emendatus. Cppiosus index rerum, loco- rum et person arum, de quibus in his libris agitur. Varia lectio, in cake operis impressa. 8vo, original vellum. Venetiis, in aedibus haeredum Aldi Manutii Romani, et Andreae Asulani Soceri, 1534. 3 10s 212 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. Aldine Press continued. 737 Ulioa (Alfonso), Vita dell 1 Imperator Carlo V. Con 1'aggionta di molte cose utili all' Histona, che altre impressioni mancavano nella quale si compredono le cose piu notabili, accorse al suo tempo, incorninciando dall' anno M.D. innno al MDLX. Small 4to, original vellum binding. In Venetia, Dalla Bottegha d'Aldo (1575). 2 2s AMERICANA. 738 Antiquititates Americanae sive scrip tores septentrionales re rum Ante- Col umbianarum in America. Samling af de i Nordens Olds Krifter in deholdte Efterretninger om de Jamie Nordboers opdagelsesreisei til America fra ic til 14 Aarhundrede ed. Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium . WITH MANY REPRODUCTIONS OF ANCIENT MSS. AND OTHER FACSIMILES. Thick 4to, original wrappers. Copenhagen, 1837. &^ 3s Very interesting collection of facts, referring to the Discovery of America by the Norse- men before Columbus. 739 Bartolachi (J. I.). Opusculo Cuadalupano. Annunciado en la Gazeta de Mexico (Tom. I. No. 53)- FRONTISPIECE AND TWO ILLUSTRATIONS. 4to, full calf gilt, with the coat of arms of John W. de Kay, Sire of Coucy, on front in gilt. Mexico, 1790. 5 5s An account of the wonderful apparition of the image of the Virgin. 740 Berkelius (A.)- Cenuina Stephani Byzantini de Urbilius et Populis Fragmenta. Lati- nam interpretationem & animadversiones adjecit. Accedit Hannonis Carthaginerisium Regis Periplus. Graece Sz Latine. Lugduni in Batavi, Apud Danielem a Gaesbeeck, 1674. Horn (C.) De Originibus Americanis. Libri Quatuor. Hagae Comitis. Sump- tibus Adriani Vlacq. 1652. Two works in I volume. Small thick 8vo, vellum. 1 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 213 Americana continued. " THE FIRST MAP OF THE WORLD WITH ' AMERICA.' " 741 Gamers (Joannis). In C. Jul. Solini Polyhistoria enarrationes. Additus ejusdem Gamer- tis index. WITH TITLE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER, MAP, FINE INITIALS, AND 2 PRINTER'S MARKS. Folio, stamped calf over oak boards. Vienna, Joannis Singrenius, 1520. 85 Harrisse 103. VERY SCARCE WITH THE RARE MAP OP APIAN WHICH is NEARLY ALWAYS WANTING. " AMERICA " is USED TO DENOTE THE NEW WORLD ON A MAP FOR THE FIRST TIME. On it is the following inscription: "A 1497, hac terra cum adiacetib. insulis inueta est per Col urn-bum Januenseon ex mandate regis castelle AMEiRJCA provincial A FINE COPY. 742 Cieca de Leon (Pedro de). La Chronica del Peru. WITH OVER 30 WOODCUTS ILLUSTRATING THE CONQUEST OF SOUTH AMERICA AND THE HABITS OF THE INDIANS. Small 8vo, -polished calf, back gilt by Szmier, relieur du Roi, g. e. Antwerp, En casa de Martin Nucio, 1554 11 11s A FINE COPY OF THIS RARE AND IMPORTANT WORK ON THE HISTORY AND CONQUEST OF PERU. THB WOODCUTS ARE EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING, ONE OF THEM BEING A VIEW OF THE CELEBRATED MINES OF POTOSI, OTHERS SHOW THE DEVIL BUSILY OCCUPIED IN J?CFTH AMERICAN AFFAIRS. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 743 Dantiny (Don Marcella). Dialogos Familiars de ia Agricultura Yndiana entre un Yrlandes Catholico y un Escoces Protetante donde se encuentra la piedra filosophal, y medicina unibersal de el contagio o enfermedad que los Espanoles pade- cen en su comercio de las Yndias, etc. Written in two parts on 622 pp. Folio, original calf. 1746. 10103 The first portion of this manuscript gives an account of the sufferings of the Spaniards during their commercial intercourse with the Indians. The second part with the Exchequer and the revenues from the various source, such as Tobacco, Minerals, Wool, etc., etc. 744 Giuseppe di S. Teresa. Istoria delle Guerre del Regne del Brasile accadute tra la Corona di Portugalle e la Republica di Olanda. WITH MAP AND MANY FINE ENGRAVINGS, MANY FOLDING. 2 parts in one volume, folio, mottled calf , with two-line gold fillets on sides and ornaments at inner angles , and the large arms on sides of Charles Stuart (the Old Pretender} and of Clementina Sobieski. Rome, 1698. 42 With the bookplate of Horace Walpole. 214 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit btreet, London, W. Americana continued. 745 Giuseppe (S.)- Istoria Delle Guerre del Regno de Brasile. Accadute tra la Corona di Portogalle e la Republica di Olanda. ENGRAVED TITLE, 2 PORTRAITS AND 23 LARGE FOLDING MAPS. 2 parts in I vol., small folio, old red more ceo, gilt lines, y. e. Rome, 1698. 10 10s A very fine copy of one of the rarest of the works relating to Brazil. 746 Martyr (Peter), Anglerius. De Rebus Oceania's et Novo Orbe, decades tres, Eiusdem, De Baby- lonica legatione, libri ul. De Rebus yEthiopicis, Indicis, busitanicis & Hispanicis, opuscula queda Historica doctissima, quae hodie non facile alibi reperiimtur, Damiani A Goes Equitis Lusitani. 8vo, old mottled calf, rebacked. Cologne, Ger. Calenius, 1574. 3 10s Martyr. Opera. Sevilla, 1511. First Edition. With the map of the dis- coveries of Christopher Columbus. (See Item No. 491). RARE AMERICANUM IN EXTRAORDINARY BINDING. 747 (Maximilianus Transylvanus). Boemus (Johannes). Omnium Gentium Mores Leges, & Ritus, accessit libellus de regioni- bus septentrionalibus ex Jacobo Zieglero preterea epistola Maximilian t Transylvani ad R. Cardmalem Saltzburgensem de Moluccis Insulis et aliis pluribus mirandis. WITH WOODCUT DEVICE ON LAST PAGE AND WOODCUT INITIALS. 8vo, contemporary brown calf, with fi-ne Plaque, showing a figure of Faith on a monument and the following words: " Quoniam in me Spira- vit liber abo ium -protegam ium quo, etc., Psal QO," in a -panel round the Plaque. Round the figure itself are the following words : " Spes caritas Fides. In te Domine Speravi non confundar in Elernum in Justitia tua liber a me et eripe me. Psal. 70." The design is signed I. P. The same Plaque is on both sides (joints mended}. Antwerp, Joannis Steelsius, 1542. 25 Harrisse Additions 136. " This work was first published in 1520 and frequently re- printed, but it is only the present edition that contains the Epistle of Maximilianus Transylvanus which described the voyage of Magellan." Another work has been bound up with this. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 215 Americana continued. 748 Montezuma. Arbol Cenealogico de Montezuma, Emperador di Mejico. A MANUSCRIPT GENEALOGICAL TREE, DRAWN BY A NATIVE, IN CRUDE COLOURS FROM THE ORIGINAL IN THE MUSEO NlEGICO, ON A ROLL 1 8 ft. by I ft. 10 ins. Circa 1820. 5 5s THIS EXTRAORDINARY GENEALOGICAL TREE OF THE FAMOUS MONTEZUMA, EMPEROR OF MEXICO, IS ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT WITH UPWARDS OF 100 QUAINT PORTRAITS OF THE MOST RENOWNED KINGS AND PERSONS IN EARLY MEXICAN HISTORY, DRESSED IN THE STRANGE COSTUMES OF THE TIME, WITH COATS OF ARMS, ETC. At the head of the roll are drawings of Don Melchora, Dn. Augustin, Da. Juana Batista de Mendoza, and others, below which are the arms of Spain. THE FIRST MENTION OF FLORIDA. 749 Nunez (Alvar). La relacion y comentarios del governador Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca 3 de lo acaescido en las dos jornados que hizo a las Indias. WITH FINE WOODCUT COAT OF ARMS ON TITLE PAGE AND NUMEROUS WOODCUT INITIALS THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME. 4to, original lim-p vellum. Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1555. 85 AN EXCESSIVELY RARE BOOK : in 2 parts. The first, which is attributed to Nunez himself, is entitled " Naufragios de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca." The second, entitled " Commentaries de Alvar Nunez Cabeca de vaca adelantado y governador dela pro- vincia del Rio dela Plata," was Avritten by Peter Fernandez, the secretary of Nunez, while Nunez was in prison. This volume contains the original relation of the expedition led. by Alvar Nunez from Tampa Bay to the Village of Corazones in Sonora. In this rare book Florida is mentioned for the first time, which was discovered by this hardy navigator. " The Expedition, consisting of five vessels, with abour 600 men, set sail from San Lucar de Barrameda in 1527; para conquistar y goveirnar las provinces que estan desde el rao de las Palmas hasta el cabo dela Florida, las quales son en tierra firme. The writer was one of the 3 survivors." (Three Hundred Notable Books added to the Library of the British Museum). WILLIAM PENN'S OWN COPY, PRESENTED TO HIM BY THE TRANSLATOR. 750 Perm (William). (No CROSS, No CROWN, TRANSLATED INTO DUTCH.) Zonder Kruys Ceen Kroon, of eene Verhandeling der Natuure en Tucht van het heylig Kruyse Christi door William Perm, Gouverneur en Eygenvar van Pensyl- vania, en't nederdytsch gebracht door Win". Sewel. (Continued over) 216 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. Americana continued. Penn (William) continued. Thick small Svo, original calf, with " W. P." in gold on side. Amsterdam, 1687. 25 WILLIAM PENN'S COPY, WITH HIS INITIALS ON THE FRONT COVER, AND THE FOLLOWING LONG PRE- SENTATION INSCRIPTION ON FLT-LEAF BY Wit. SEWEL, THE TRANSLATOR : " Amieo suo Charissimo Guiljelmo Penn hnjus Tractatus Author! ipsum hunc libellum Belgico Idromate a se donatum, sincerissdme Amoris specimen quidem exiguum Ahimo tamen benevolo. " Guiljelmus Seveiius. Arnstelodamo 1687." 751 Planta (Franciscus), Mauritiados Libri XII: Rerum a Joanne Mauritio, Comite Nassaviae in Occidental! , India gestarum descriptio poetica. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF THE COUNT OF NASSAU, AND NUMEROUS MAGNIFICENT MAPS AND PLATES (MANY LARGE FOLDING). Folio, original vellum. Leyden, J. Maire, 1647. 9 9s THE FIRST PRINTED STATEMENT THAT VESPUCIUS HAD CALLED THE NEWLY DISCOVERED CONTINENT BY HIS OWN NAME. 752 Sehoener (Johannes). Opusculum Ceographicum ex diversorum hbris ac cartis summa cura et diligentia collectum accomodatum ad recenter elaboratum ab eodem globum descriptionis terrenae. WITH FIVE WOODCUTS OF GLOBES, ETC. 4to, full levant morocco by Riviere. {Nuremberg, 1533.) 75 Harrisse 178. Leclerc 536. OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. As FAR AS WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TRACE, NO COPY OF THIS BOOK HAS APPEARED FOR SALF. FOR 23 YEARS. THE BOOK is OF GREAT VALUE FOR THE EARLY GEOGRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHY OF AMERICA. There are three chapters, " De regionibus extra Ptolemaeum." " De insults circa Asiam ac Jndiam ct novas regiones hujus tcrtiae crbis partis," " Brasiliae novae terrae anno- tatio," :. Regia Via Crucis. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES. 8vo, dark blue morocco , g. e. Antwerp, 1728. 1 Is 893 Helicon Boemo-Hercynius in quo Novem Applausibus coronatur Neo-Rex Boemiae Lepoldus. 20 CURIOUSLY ENGRAVED PAGES OF TEXT AND EMBLEMS REFERRING TO THE CORONATION OF LEOPOLD AS KING OF BOHEMIA, AND FINE PORTRAIT. 4to, cloth. Prague, 1656. 2 10s 8g4 Hensbergh (V.). Miracula et Beneficia S.S. Rosario Virginia Matris Devotis. (Text in Dutch, with Latin verses beneath the plate?.) WITH 1 5 MAGNIFICENTLY ENGRAVED PLA FES, RELATING TO THE ROSARY AND MIRACLES PERFORMED BY IT, ENGRAVED BY THEODORE DE GALLE. Small 4to, original vellum. Antwerp, Plantin, 1610. 3 3s 895 Hertzens-Einbildungen, Die Geistliche, in 500 Biblischen Figur-Spriichen vorgestellt. WITH 500 CURIOUS EMBLEMATIC ENGRAVINGS FOUNDED ON BIBLICAL VERSES. 2 parts in I vol., oblong folio, half bound. Augsburg, J. C. Leopold, about 1700. 1 10s THE ABOVE WORK IS SOMETIMES DESCRIBED AS THE HIEROGLYPHIC BlBLE. 246 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Emblems continued. 896 Horatius. Horati! Emblemata. Imaginibus in aes incisis Notisque illustrata Studio Othonis Vaeni. WITH NUMEROUS FULL-PAGE EMBLEMATIC ENGRAVINGS ILLUSTRATING THE POEMS OF HORACE, AND PORTRAIT OF HORACE ON THE TITLE PAGE. 4to, cloth, original calf. Antwerp, 1612. 2 10s FlXE COPY OF AN INTERESTING BOOK. THE FIRST SPANISH EMBLEM BOOK PRINTED IN SPAIN. 897 Horozco y Covarruvias (Juan). Emblemas Morales, Primera Edicion. NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF EMBLEMS WITH ARCHITECTURAL BORDERS. Small 4to, original Spanish calf, with blind stam-ped arabesque orna- ments, gilt fleurons, the sacred monogram and crowned M. in centres. Segovia, Juan de la Cuesta, 1589. 21 * * * THE FIRST EBITION OP A VERY BABE SPANISH BOOK OF EMBLEMS THE WOODCUT ON TITLE WAS USED BY STIRLING-MAXWELL IN HIS " ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN/' The work contains three books and 100 devices. Mr. Green stated that this was the first of the Emblem books to be printed in Spain. (It is a curious fact that the Colophon bears the date 1589 whilst the title bears the date 1591). 898 Horozco y Covarruvias (Juan), Another Copy. Original vellum. 7 78 899 Horozco y Covarruvias (Juan). Emblemas Morales. WITH MANY INTERESTING WOODCUTS CF EMBLEMS WITH ARCHITEC- TURAL BORDERS. Small 4to, morocco, g. e. Madrid, Luis Sanchez, 1610. 6 6s EXCELLENT COPY OP A VERY RARE SPANISH BOOK OF EMBLEMS. Blank bottom of title mended. goo Houbraken. Stichtelyke Zinnebeelden Cepast op Deugden en Ondeugden, In 57 Tafereelen. Vertoont door A. Houbraken met de Bygedichten van Juffr. Gezine Brit. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, VIGNETTE ON TITLE, AND $? EMBLEMATIC PLATES, BY HOUBRAKEN. 8vo, Dutch calf , gilt borders on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. Amsterdam, 1723. 1 1s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 24; Emblems continued. 901 Hugo (Hermann). Pia Desideria Emblematis Elegiis & affeotibus SS. Patrum illustrate, ENGRAVED TITLE, DEDICATORY ARMS OF URBAN VIII AND 46 COPPER- PLATE ENGRAVINGS OF EMBLEMS BY BOLSWERT. THE FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, full calf gilt, g. e. Antwerp, 1624. 2 2s 902 Hugo (H.) Pia Desideria Emblemates sculpsit Chris tophorus a Sichem pro. P. I. P. WOODCUT TITLE, DEDICATORY ARMS OF URBAN VIII, 46 EMBLEMS EN- GRAVED ON WOOD BY SICHEM, AND 1 5 BRILLIANT TAIL PIECES IN OVAL. Small 8vo, half calf. Antwerp, 16.28. 1 10s * * * A VERY PRETTY EDITION, THE TV1L PIECES ARE ESPECIALLY INTERESTING BEING DESIGNS A3 USED FOR JEWELLERY, ETC., AND APPARENTLY FROM SlLVER PLATES. 903 Hugo (H.). Pia Desideria Lib. III. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. I2mo, original vellum. Antwerp, 1659. 15s 904 Kysell (M.). Icones Biblicae Veteris et Novi Testaments. WITH 243 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. 4to, calf. Augsburg, 1679. 1 5s 905 Kysell. Ovidii Metamorphosis. An tag gegeben durch Melchioren Kyseil. WITH 99 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES, ILLUSTRATING THE METAMORPHOSES OF OVID. Oblong 8vo, half morocco. Augsburg, 1 68 1. 4 10s 906 Leclerc (Sebastien). Godtvrugitige Almanach of Lof-Cedachtenis der Heyligen. Deoor Jan Goeree. WITH 365 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES, PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER. 4to, half bound. Amsterdam, 1730. 3 3s 248 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street ,< London, W. Emblems continued. 907 Les effects divers de I'amour divin et humain, richernent exprimez par petits emblemes tirez des SS. Ecritures et des S.S. Peres et illustrez par vers Frangois, Espagnols et Flamands. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. 2 parts in I , small 8vo, original calf. Antwerp, 1655-1670. 15s qoS Luiken (Joannes). Yonken der Liefde Jezus Van net Cod begeerende Zieten-Vuur. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EM- BLEMATIC PLATES. 8vo, boards. Amsterdam, 1741. 10s 6d 909 Maccius (Paul), Emblemata cum Privileges, SERIES OF CHARMINGLY ETCHED EMBLEMATIC ENGRAVINGS, WITH LATIN AND ITALIAN VERSES. Small 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt dentelles on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. Bologna, 1628. 3 3s The engravings are chiefly due to the following artists. Coriolano, Olivero Gatti, and Augristino Parisino. QIO Neugebauer (Salomon). Selectorum Symbolorum Heroicorum Centuria Gemina Enotata atque enodata. WITH 200 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMS. 1 2 mo, original vellum. Frankfort, 1619. 1 5s QII Oraeus (Henricus). Yiridarium Hieroglyphico Morale. In quo virtutes et Vitia atque mores secundum tres ordines Hierachicos, Ecclesiasticum, Politicum, Economicum, Explicantur. WITH 88 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF EMBLEMS. 4to, morocco. Frankfort, 1619. 1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 249 Emblems continued. 912 Paradin (Claude). Les Devises Heroiques de Paradin, Gabriel Symeon & autres auc- teurs. WITH NUMEROUS EMBLEMATIC WOODCUTS THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME. i6mo, original vellum gilt^ hearing the initials A. V. D., the date 1604, and the words " Dieu inon a-ppuy." Antwerp, 1563. 5 5s AN INTERESTING COPY, WHICH HAS BEEN USED AS A " LlBEB AMICOBUM " AND CONTAINS MANY AUTOGRAPH ENTRIES DATING PROM 1594 TO 1607, ALSO SEVERAL DRAWINGS IN COLOUR, CHIEFLY OP AN EMBLEMATICAL NATURE. 913 Redel (A. 0.)- Annus Symbolicus Emblematice et Versu Leonino Quemcunque Statum Hominum incitans, Ad Animum Pie recreandum. 3/6 EMBLEMATIC DESIGNS ON 48 PLATES AND TITLE. Small oblong 4to, boards. Augsburg, about 1650. 2 2s 914 Rollenhagen (C.). Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum . . . studis singular! undique conquisitus . . . venustis inventionibus auctus, additis car- minibus, illustratus. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND 2OO EMBLEMS BY CRISPIN DE PASSE. 2 vols. in I, 4to, half calf. Colonae and Utrecht, 1611-13. 6 15s FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE 200 BEAUTIFUL PLATES (Wants end oif dedication in Volume 2). 915 Sadeler. Symbola Divina et Humana Pontificum Imperatorum Regum, WITH 60 ENGRAVED PLATES OF EMBLEMS OF DIFFERENT KINGS AND- EMPERORS. Symbola varia diversorum Principum Sacrosanct! Ecclesiae et Imperil Romani. WITH NUMEROUS PLATES OF THE EMBLEMS OF THE CARDINALS, ETC.> OF THE ROMAN CHURCH. Symbola varia diversorum Principum. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE AND LARGE PLATES OF SYMBOLS. The three parts inj vol., WITH ELABORATE ENGRAVED TITLES BY SADE- LER AND 1 50 LARGE PLATES CONTAINING ABOUT QOO CIRCULAR ENGRAVINGS' OF EMBLEMS. Folio, original calf. Frankfort, 1642. 1 5s 250 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Emblems continued. gi6 Sadeler. Theatrum Morum. NUMEROUS EMBLEMATIC WOODCUTS, BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED BY AEGEDIUS SADELER, MOUNTED IN AN ALBUM. Royal 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt festoons on sides , fully gilt, inside dentelles, g. e. (About 1640.) 2 12s6d QI/ Sambucus (J.). Emblemata. Cum aliquot nummis antiqui operis. ITALIC LETTER. WITH 167 FINELY CUT EMBLEMS (MOSTLY SCENES AND HUMAN FIGURES) (BESIDES THE TITLE AND THE PORTRAIT) WITHIN ORNA- MENTAL BORDERS, AND 46 LARGE MEDALLIONS AT END. 8vo, original calf with gilt centre ornament (rebacked). Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1564. 3 3s FIRST EDITION. SEE GREEN'S " SHAKESPEARE AND THE EMBLEM WRITERS/' giS Schoonhcvius (Florentius). Emblemata Schoonhovii, partim Moralia partim etiam Civilia. Cum Latiori eorundem ejusdem Auctoris interpretatione. ENGRAVED TITLE, PORTRAIT AND 74 COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS OF EMBLEMS. THE FIRST EDITION. Small 4to. original vellum binding. Gouda, 1618. 2 10s 919 Solorzano (Joannes de). Emblemata Regio Politica in centuriam Unam Redacta et commen- tariis illustrata. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE AND IOO FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMS. Folio, original limp vellum. Madrid, 1653. 3 3s 920 Spinniker (Adrian). Leersaame Zinnebeelden. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, VIGNETTE ON TITLE, AND 50 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. Haarlem, 1756. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 251 Emblems continued. Spinniker (Adrian) continued. Yervolg der Leerzaame Sinnebeelden, Spiegel der Boetvaardigheid en Genade en Eenige Stichtelyke Gezangen. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND NUMEROUS FINELY EN- GRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. Haarlem, 1758. Together 2 vols., 4to, original vellum. Haarlem, 1756-1758. 1 10s Q2i Yaenius (Otho). Amorum Emblemata Figuris Aeneis Incisa. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMS, IN EACH OF WHICH A CUPID FIGURES. Oblong 8vo, original vellum. Antwerp, Venalia apud Auctorem, 1608. 2 10s AN EXCELLENT COPY OF THIS PRIVATELY PUBLISHED BOOK, WHICH CONTAINS FRENCH DESCRIPTIONS IN VERSE TO EVERY EMBLEM. Q22 Yaenius (0.). Amoris Divini Emblemata. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. 4to, calf. Antwerp, Plantin, 1660. 1 5s 923 Valentinus (J. $.) Sacri Rcsarii Virginis Mariae ab Haereticorum Calumniis defensio una cum Mysteriis et Bullis Romanorum Pontsficum. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF EMBLEMS AND SCENES: FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT. 4to, boards. Rome, 1584. 1 10s 924 Vigifiae Rhetorum et Somnia Poetarum Symbolice et Emblematice Ex- pressa, Et in Universitati Salisburgensi Publice Avffixa. Anno 1681. WITH 83 FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMATIC PLATES. Small 8vo, original calf. Salzburg, 1681. 1 1*. 925 Yonder Ketten (J. M.). Apelles Symbolicus Exhibens seriem amplfssimam Symbolorum. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMS. 2 vols. in I, 8vo, original vellum or half calf. Amsterdam, 1699. " 18S: 252 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. FENCING. Cirard (P. J. F.). Traite des Armes. WITH FRONTISPIECE AND 1 16 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF DRUMMERS, FENCERS, PIKEMEN, ETC., ETC. Oblong folio, contemporary calf. The Hague, chez Pierre de Hondt, 1740. 12 12s A MAGNIFICENT FENCING BOOK. FISHING. 927 Oppianus. Poetae sive de Piscibus Libri quinque e graeco traducti ad Antonium Imperatorem. Plinius (C.). Secundi Natural is Historiae libri duo, in altero uero de Medicinis ex aquatilibus sive piscibus. Pauli item Jorii de Piscibus liber unus. Hos non contemnendos authores Johannes Caesarius. Small 4to, vellum. Argentorati, 1534. 1 1s g28 Placaat op de Yisscherye in de Rivieren, Meeren, en Binnewateren deyer Provincie. 6 pp., square Svo, new boards, uncut. Utrecht, 1764. 1 1S FRENCH. 929 Almanach des Gourmands, servant de guide dans les moyens de faire excellente chere. WITH FRONTISPIECE TO EACH VOLUME. 8 vols. , small 8vo, contemporary marbled calf. p aris, 1810-1812. 3 3s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 253 French continued. Q3o Beaumont (Madame le Prince de). Le Magazin des Enfants ou Dialogues d'une sage Couvernante avec ses E loves. WITH CURIOUS PLATES. 4 parts in 2 vols. , 1 2mo, original calf. Paris, 1 8 10. 7s 6d f Q3 1 Bien-Aime (Jules). Mes Premiers Ballons. Etrennes a 1'Enfance. Dedies aux Enfans de M. le Comte de Las Cases, Chambellan de S. M. I'Empereur et Roi. WITH 2 FINELY ENGRAVED COLOURED FRONTISPIECES. 2 vols., I2mo, contemporary calf, gilt borders on sides, gilt backs, Paris, 1813. 2 10s 932 Blanchard (P.)- Les Accidents de I'Enfance. Presentes dans de Petits Historiettes Propres a detourner les Enfans des actions qui leur seraient nuisibles. WITH NUMEROUS VER* QUAINT. ILLUSTRATIONS OF ACCIDENTS HAPPENING TO CHILDREN. I2mo, contemporary calf. Paris, 1816. 10s 6d 933 Bouilly (J. N.). Gonseil a Ma Fille. WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS AFTER CHASSELAT BY MAUDUIT. 2 vols. , 8vo, contemporary calf, back gilt. Paris, about 1816. 15s 934 Butler. Hudibras Poeme, ecrit dans le terns des Troubles D'Angleterre. Et traduit en vers Francois (par lean Townley), avec des remarques (par Henri Larcher), et des figures (iN ENGLISH AND FRENCH). WITH PORTRAITS OF BUTLER AND TOWNLEY AND 14 GROTESQUE PLATES AFTER HOGARTH (MOSTLY FOLDING). 3 vols. , 1 2mo, calf, backs richly gilt, inside dentelles. Londres (Paris), 1757. 5 5s Only 200 copies were printed of this edition. 254 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. French continued. 935 Calvin (John). Commentaires sur le Prophete Isaie avec la table, tant des passages que des sentences. Small thick folio, rough calf. Geneve, par Adam & Jean Riveriz freres, 1552. 1 16s First Edition, with a Ion? dedicatory Epistle from Calvin to Edward VI. of England. 936 Camper. Dissertation physique sur les differences reelles que presentent les traits du visage chez les hcmmes de diff erents pays et de diff erents ages; sur le beau qui caracterise les statues antiques et les pierres gravees. WITH PLATES. 4to, half calf. Utrecht, 1791. 10s 6d 937 Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France. Nouveile edition illustree d'apres les dessins de MM. E. de Beaumont, Daubigny, Dubouloz, E. Girauci, Meissonier, Pascal, Staal, Steinheil et Trimolet, graves par les Meilleurs artistes. WITH EVERY PAGE ENGRAVED. 3 vols. in i, 8vo, half morocco, g. e. Paris, 1848. 2 10s Spotted. 938 Le Chevallier Chevignard. La Manufacture de Porcelaine de Sevres. Histoire, Organisation, Ateliers, Musee Ceramique, Repertoire des Marques et Monogrammes d'Artistes. WITH 128 ILLUSTRATIONS. Svo, cloth. Paris, 1908. 6s 939 Contes Des Fees. Choisis par Mesdames Elise Voiart et Amable Tastu. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF THE MOST CHARMING DESCRIPTION. BY THE BEST FRENCH ARTISTS OF THE TIME, INCLUDING GRANDVILLE, ETC. 6 vols., small 4to, old morocco. Paris, 1836-1838. 1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 255 French continued. 940 Corneille. Theatre de P. Comeille aevc des cotrmentaires et autres morceaux interessants. Nouvelle edition augmentee. WITH 34 PLATES AFTER GRAVELOT, ENGRAVED BY BAQUOY, FLIPART, LEMIRE, LEMPEREUR, DE LONGUEIL, PREVOBT, AND RADIGUES, WITHIN BORDERS DESIGNED BY GRAVELOT HIMSELF. 8 vols., 4to, old calf (rebacked). Geneva, 1774. 12 12s Tn this edition the beautiful borders to the plates, designed by Gravelot, a,p>pear for the first time. 941 Decremps. Codicille de Jerome Sharp, Professeur de Physique Amusante. Ou Ton trouve parmi plusieurs tours, dont il n'est point parle dans son testa- ment, divers recreations relatives aux sciences et aux beaux arts pour servir de troisieme suite de la magie blanche- devoilee. WITH 64 ILLUSTRATIONS. 8vo, original wrappers. Liege, 1793. 2 2s 942 Decremps. Les Petites A ventures de Jerome Sharp, Professeur de Physique Amusante. Ouvrage contenant autant de tours ingenieux que de legons utiles, avec quelques petits portraits a la maniere noire. WITH 18 ILLUSTRATIONS. 8vo, original wrappers. Brussels and Paris, 1789. 2 12s 6d 943 Delille (Jacques). La Conversation. Poeme. WITH THREE PLATES AFTER GlRODET, TAUNAY, AND LEROY, ENGRAVED BY LAUGIER, BAQUOY, PONCE. 8vo, contemporary calf. Paris , Michaud ,1812. 1 5s 944 Delia Casa (Giovanni). Le Galathee, Faict nouvellement en Italien & Francois pour 1'utilite de ceux qui se delectent en Tune & 1'autre langue, & sont curieux de scavoir toutes choses honnestes. IN FRENCH AND ITALIAN. I2mo, original calf. Lyons, 1584. 3 3s 256 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. French continued. 945 De La Popeliniere. L'Histoire des Histoires avec Hdee de I'histoire accomplie Plus le Dessein de I'histoire nouvelle des Franpois et pour Avant-jeu La Refu- tation de la Descente des fugitifs de Troye aux Palus Meotides Italic, Germanic. Gaules et autres pays. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1599. 946 Diderot. Les bijoux indiscrets. WITH FRONTISPIECE AND 6 UNSIGNED PLATES. 2 vols., T2mo, contemporary French calf, backs gilt. Au MONOMOTAPA. (Paris, 1748). 21 FIRST EDITION. 947 ERASTUS. Histoire Pitoyable du Prince Erastus, ills de Diocletien. tra- duite d'ltalien en Francois. DEVICE ON TITLE. i6mo, original limp vellum. Paris, G. du Pre, 15/3. 8 8s ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR FRENCH ROMANCES OF THE XVIlfl CENTURY. 948 Finarensis (David). L 5 Epitome de la Vraye Astrologie et dc la reprouvee auquel est traite du franc arbitre, de predestination, prescience, providence des- tinee, etc. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1547. 3 3s 949 France (Anatole). Le Parti Noir. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904. 10s 6cf FIRST EDITION. 950 France (Anatole). Le Genie Latin. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Lemiere, 1913. 1 1s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 257 French continued. 95 1 France (Anatole). Sur la voie glorieuse. WITH WOODCUT AND FACSIMILE OF FRANCE'S HANDWRITING. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1915. 10s 6d FIRST EDITION. QS2 Froumenteau (Nicolas). Le Cabinet du Roy de France, dans lequel il y a trois perles pre- cieuses d' inestimable valeur par le moyen desquelles sa Majeste s'en va le premier Monarque du Monde. Small thick 8vo, full contemporary French red morocco, full gilt back, gilt leaves. (Paris), 1581. 1 10s 953 Cillis. Pangyrique de Jeanne d'Arc, Prononce dans la Cathedrale d'Or- leans, 8 Mai, 1857. WITH PLATE. 8vo, original wrappers. Orleans, 1857. 5s 954 Cottis (A.)- Contes a ma Petite Niece. Suivie de Paresse et Travail, Precipita- tion et Lenteur par Miss Edgeworth. WITH 6 PLATES. In 2 vols., I2mo, contemporary calf, back gilt. Paris, 1821. 10s 6d 955 Grimm (Baron de) and Diderot. Correspondence Litteraire, philosophique et critique, adressee a un souverain d'Allemagne depuis 1753 jusq 'en 1790, et supplement. WITH PORTRAIT. 17 vols., 8vo, full vellum, gilt festoon borders on sides, fully gilt back. Paris, 1813-1814. [SOLD.] FINE SET IN PINE BINDINGS. 2 $8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. French continued. 956 Henault. Nouvel Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire de France, contenant les evenemens de notre histoire depuis Clovis jusqu'a la mort de Louis XIV . . Nouvelle editions Augmentee . . . WITH FLEURON ON THE TITLE (REPEATED), A CHARMING PORTRAIT OF QUEEN MARIE LECZINSKA ENGRAVED BY GAUCHER AFTER NATTIER, IN THE ENGRAVED VIGNETTE OF THE DEDICATION, 3 VIGNETTES AFTER COCHIN EN- GRA "ED BY MOREAU, 3 ORNAMENTED LETTERS BY CHEDEL, 30 CULS-DE- LAMPi, BY MOREAU, AND A LARGE PAGE CUL-DE-LAMPE AT THE^END OF THE RJIGN OF Louis XIV. 2 vols., 4to, contemporary red morocco t three-line fillet border on ' 'e$. richly gill back, inside dentelles, g. e. aris, de 1' imprimerie de Prault, 1768. 5 5s 957 La Bmyere. ,os caracteres ou les moeurs de ce siecle, suivis du discours a L'Aca- me, et de la trad uct ion de Theophraste. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS AND MANY ADDITIONAL PLATES PRINTED APAN PAPER. Svo, half morocco, gilt back. Pans, Belin-Leprieur, 1845. 18s Richly illustrated edition. 958 L?, ioahefoucauld. Maximes et reflexions morales. I2mo, contemporary French crimson morocco, gilt line border on '-> 7 es. inside dentelles, watered silk inside guards, g. e. Paris, de Timprimerie de Monsieur (1/80). 1 Charming copy in contemporary morocco. Q5Q u /aysonniere (Cuillaume de). Sourdine Royate, sonnant la boute-selle, I'a cheval, et a 1'Estandart, i la Noblesse Catholique de France pour le secours de nostre Roy, tres Chrestien, Charles IX. (avec Idylie, De la Modestie & vertueuse Amite d'un gentil homme non courtizan envers sa maitresse). In verse. Small Svo, blue morocco extra with broad dentelles on sides and the famous " bird " tools of Baron Pichon, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e., by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1569. 10 10s SCTBRB COPT OP A VERT RASE PAMPHLET FROM BARON PIGEON'S FAMOUS PRIVATE LIBRARY IN A SPLENDIDLY PRESERVED BINDING, BY CHAMBOLLE-DURU. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 259 French continued. g6o Lavater. L'Art de Connaitre les Hommes sur leurs Attitudes leurs Jestes et leurs Demarches. WITH 32 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES (UNCOLOURED) . I2mo, contemporary calf. Paris, 1813. 18S Copies of this book with the plates uncoloured are very rare. LYONNESE BINDING. 96 1 L6on Hebreu. Philosophic d' Amour de M. Leon Hebreu traduicte d'ltalien en Fran- pcys par le Seigneur du Pare Champenois. WITH WOODCUT BORDER ON TITLE, TEXT RULED IN RED. 8vo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of the second half of the XVIth Century of brown calf, the sides decorated with a very handsome geo- metrical design, interlaced with arabesques, -partly stained black, lined with gold, the interspaces being powdered with gold dots, gilt back^ gauffred gilt edges. Lyons, 1551. 65 A PINE SPECIMEN OF'LYONNESE BINDING, UNRBSTORED WITH AN INTERESTING BOOK INSIDE. 762 Le Petit (Jean- Francois), Greffier de Bethune. Sonets des grands exploicts victorieux de hault et puissant seigneur Maurice, prince d'Orange, Comte de Nassau, etc. 4to, calf', gilt back. No place, 1597. 3 3s 963 Le Talleur (Cuillaume). L'Histoire et Cronique de Normendie. Rouen, 1568. Nagerel (Jean). Description du pays et duche de Normendie. Ex trait de la Cronique de Normendie, non encores imprimee. WITH LARGE FOLDING WOODCUT PLAN OF THE TOWN OF ROUEN, SHOW- ING WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHURCHES, ETC., ARE TO BE FOUND. Rouen, 1568. 2 parts in I vol., 8vo, green morocco, blind stamped, inside dentelles, g. e., by C. Smith, with his ticket. Rouen, 1568. 3 3s 260 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. French continued. 964 Livy. Les Concions et Harengues de Tite Live, nouvellement traduictes en Frangois (par J. De Amelin). Thick small 8vo, fine clean copy in original calf gilt. Paris, de Timprimerie de Michel de Vascosan, 1554. 3 3s 965 Lauzun (Due de). Memo ires du Due de Lauzuru Edition complete precedee d'une etude sur Lauzun et ses memoires par Georges d'Heylli. With the -plate in four states, engraved by De Malval. One of I $ copies printed on "papier de Chine"'; with the covers bound in at end. Folio, vellum, t. e. g. Paris, 1880. 3 3s Scandalous memoirs that causpd much sensation Avhen they first appeared with the full names of the Duke's conquests. g66 Marin (Paul). L' Art Militaire dans la premiere rnoitie du quinzieme siecle. Jeanne d'Arc. Tacticien et Strategiste. 4 vols. , 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1889-1890. 15S 967 Martial de Paris, dit d'Auvergne. Aresta Amorum, cum erudita Benedicti Curtii Symphoriani explana- tione. Small 4to, original calf gilt. Lugduni, 1533. 4 4s A VERY CURIOUS AXD SCARCE BOOK OF LoTEfi's LAW R-EVPHTS, ONE OP THE MOST SINGULAB JEUX D'ESPRIT OF THE MlDDLE AGES. Brunet says of it : " Les Arrets d'amour sous des questions de droit et de procedure, acoomodees a la matiere des amours; ce n'etait qu'un cadre imagine pour consigner les formes de la procedure et les principes au droit, et pour les mettre a la portee des gens du monde, en les appliquant a des especes fictives et galantes." Etc. The cases are given in French, the commentary in Latin. 968 Martial de Paris, dit d'Auvergne. Droictz nouveaux publiez de par Messieurs les Senateurs du Temple de Cuipido, sur lestat et police Damour pour avoir entendu le different de plusieurs amoureux et amour eu ses. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 261 French continued. Martial de Paris, dit d'Auvergne continued WITH WOODCUT VIGNETTE ON PAGE AND NUMEROUS WOODCUTS THROUGHOUT THE TEXT, 34 LINES TO A FULL PAGE. I2mo, original calf. 1541. 15 15s Extraordinary collection of edicts " modelled on the form of the- Courts of Love of tihe 12th 14th centuries, which were obsolete by the 15th, in spite of efforts to revive them. The author was born about 1420 at Paris and died in 1508." Although some people imagine that this book which bears the title of "Aresta Arnorum," is a legal work it is really a very amusing production whioh only adopts a legal form. The following are headings of some decrees (there are 52 in all). " A lover bears plaint against his lady saying that she kissed him so roughly that she made his nose bleed." " A young lady complains of her husband because he does not suffer her to wear hat and coat in the new fashion." " Law suit against a young damsel for having refused a kiss from a young man at a dance; she was summoned before the ecclesiastical court of love and how she was excommunicated as she did not appear and how she finished her days in sadness and was buried without consecrated ground/' " A decree forbidding all pastrymakers and cooks to put up their stalls nea,r churches in order that the smoke imay not prevent young men from seeing the lady they love." "A sentence given against a lover who gave his lady two smacks on her cheek because she put green grass down his back, and his punishment as a warning to all others who would like to do the same in a similar case/' 969 Moliere. Oeuvres de Moliere, avec des remarques grammaticales, des aver- tissemens et des observations sur chaque piece. Par M. Bret. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. 8 vols., 8vo, contemporary calf, festoon borders on sides, gilt back. Paris, par la Compagnie des Libraries Associes, 1805. 5 5s 970 Monstrelet. Les Chroniques d'Enguerran de Monstrelet. Contenans les cruelles guerres ciuilles entre les maison d' Orleans & de Bourgongne, 1' occupation de Paris & de Normandie par les Aeglois, Texpulsion d'iceux, & autres choses memorables aduenues de son temps en ce Royaume, & pays estranges. Three vols. bound in one. Thick folio, contemporary calf. Paris, Laurent Sonnius, 1596. 5 5s 262 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. French continued. Q/I Montenay (Georgette de). Livre d'armoiries en signe de Fraternite, cent comparaisons de vertus et emblesmes chrestiens, agencees et ornees de belles figures gravees en cuivre, premierement, descritte en Frangois, mais a present mis en vers Latins, Espagnols, Italiens, Allemans, Anglois et Flamands. WITH PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHORESS AND NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED EMBLEMS. 8vo, stamped contemporary binding bearing data 1625. Frankfort, Jean Car. Vnckel, 1619. 3 3s Belonged to Christopher Lucius, Rector of the School of Heilbroun in Wurtemberg. Brunet, " Edition presque ineonnue." No titta. The book has been used as a liber amicorum to contain the autographs of the late ov.ner's friends (in 1627). Stained. Dedicated to Jeanne d'Albret, Reine de Navarre. The names include Lucas Osiander, Chancellor of the University of Tubingen. 072 P . . . (Cabrielle de). Les Soirees de la Jeune Lodoiska ou Recreations Anecdotiques et Morales des Jeunes Demoiselles. WITH 6 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES. I2mo, original calf, gilt back. Paris, 1819. 7s 6d 973 Pascal (Blaise). Pensees Fragments et lettres, publics pour ia premiere fois. Con- formement aux manuscrits originaux en grande partie inedits par M. Pros- per Faugere. WITH PORTRAIT. 2 vols., 8vo, crimson morocco, gill line borders on sides, fully gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1844. 5 5s FlNB COPY OP THE BEST EDITION. 974 Plato. Le Phedon de Platon Traittant de I'immortalite de Tame, presents au Roy treschrestien Henry II. de ce nom, a son retour d'Allemagne. Le dixieme liure de la Republique, en ce qu'il parle de rimmortalite, & des loiers & supplices eternelz. Deux passages du mesme autheur a ce propos. Tun du Phedre, Tautre du Gorgias. La remonstrance que feit Cyrus Roy des Perses a ses enfans & amys un peu au paravant que rendre 1'esprit, prise de 1'huitiesme liure de son institution escritte par Xenophon. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 263 French continued. Plato continued. Le tout traduit de Grec en Francois avec 1' exposition des lieux plus obscurs & difftciles par Loys le Roy, dit Regius. 4to, calf. Paris, 1553. 4 4s From the Earl of Chesterfield's Library. FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR THOMAS WOTTON, TH.F " ENGLISH GROLIER." 975 Plato. Le Timee de Platon traittant de la Nature du Monde, & de 1'Home, & de ce qui concerne universelement tant Fame que le corps desdeux; translate de grec en francois, avec T exposition des lieux plus obscurs & difficiles par Loys le Roy. 4to. Bound for Sir Thomas Wotton in light brown leather , the sides covered with delicately interlaced black lines edged with gold and with arabesque foliage tooled in gold, in the centre of the design on both covers the arms of Sir Thomas We tton are stamped in silver (the back carefully restored}. Paris, de rimprimerie de Michel de Vascosan, 1551. 210 * * * A REMARKABLY FINE AND GENTTINE SPECIMEN, FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE GREAT ENGLISH BOOK COLLECTOR, SIR THOMAS WOTTON (1521-1589) WHO is STYLED " THE ENGLISH GROLIER." His Library (or the greater portion) passed into the Chesterfield Family, through the marriage of Catherine (eldest daughter and coheiress of Thomas, Lord Wotton) with Sir Henry Stanhope. The Chesterfield Library was recently sold, this volume being one of the books. Sir Thomas Wotton was the son of Sir Edward Wotton, treasurer of Calais, who was nominated by Henry VIII. as one of his executors. Thomas Wotton was in December 1547 em ployed 'in conveying treasure to h:s father at Calais and in 1551, on the death of nis father, succeeded to his estates. In July 1573 he entertained Queen Elizabeth, at Boughton Malherbe. He was a person of "great learning, religion and wealth " and a patron of learning and protestantism. 076 Present d'une Soeur a son Frere, et d'un Frere a sa Soeur. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE AND NUMEROUS CHARMING ILLUSTRATIONS. T2mo, contemporary calf. Paris, about 1816. 7s 6d BINDING FROM THE LIBRARY OF KING OTTO OF GREECE. 977 Quelques faits Historiques et Veritiers Concernans La Province de Maina a dater du 1769. Faits qui se rattachent principalement a Zanatakis Capetanakis Gregorakis et a sa famille. 8vo, leather gilt, gilt back, g. e., with the arms of King Otto of Greece on sides and initial O . Athens, 1859. 4 10s 204 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. French continued. 978 Rabelais (Francois). Les Oeuvres de M. Francois Rabelais, Docteur em Medecine. Aug- mentees de la vie de 1'Auteur et de quelques Remarques sur sa vie et sur 1'histoire. Avec 1'explication de tous les mots difficiles. Et la Clef nouvel- lement augment ee. 2 vols., I2mo, contemporary red morocco, gilt -panelled borders on sides, -fully gilt backs, g. e. (Leyden, Elzevier), 1691. 12 12s A CHARMING RABELAIS i>* PERFECT CONDITION. 979 Racine. Oeuvres de Jean Racine avec des Commentaires par Monsieur Luneau de Bois Jermain. WITH ONE PORTRAIT AFTER SANTARRE ENGRAVED AFTER BOUCHER AND 12 PLATES AFTER GRAVELOT ENGRAVED BY DUCLOS, FL1PART, LEMIRE, LEM- PEREUR, LEVASSEUR, NEE, PROVOST, ROUSSEAU ET SIMONET. 7 vols., 8vo, contemporary French marbled calf, gilt lines on sides, inside dentelles, fully gilt back, g. e. Paris, 1768. 15 15s ONE OF THE BEST OF THE RACINE EDITIONS. gSo (Richelieu.) Le Clerc (Jean). Vie D'Armand Jean Cardinal Due de Richelieu. Principal Ministre d'Estat sous Louis XIII. Roi de France & de Navarre. Seconde Edition revue and augmentee par 1'Auteur. 2 vols. , Svo, contemporary calf , gilt backs with the arms on sides of De Thou (first arms}, used by a later possessor after ] . A. De Thou's death. A Cologne, 1696. 6 6s gSi Saint Celais. Oeuvres Poetiques. Svo, calf (rebacked}. Lyons, Antoine de Harsy, 1574. 5 5s 982 Sperat (De S.)< Le Miroire de la Jeunesse, ou le Jeune Age Instruit par ses propres Erreurs et ses Propres Virtues. WITH Q CHARMING PLATES. I2mo, contemporary calf. Paris, 1825. 7s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 265 French continued. 983 Tibulle. Elegies de Tibule avec des notes et des recherches de mythclcgie, d'histoire et de philosophie; suivies des Baisers, de Jean Second, traduc- tion nouvelle addressee du donjon de Vincennes, par Mirabeau Paine a Sophie de Ruffey, avec 14 figures. WITH PORTRAIT OF MIRABEAU AFTER BOREL ENGRAVED BY VOYSARD, PORTRAIT AFTER BOREL ENGRAVED BY ELI.UIN. AND 13 PLATES, OF WHICH 12 AFTER BOREL ARE ENGRAVED BY ELLUIN, AND ONE AFTER MARILLIER, ENGRAVED BY DUPREEL. 3 vols., 8vo, contemporary green morocco, joints, in\side dentelles, g> e - Tours and Paris, 1/95. 4 10s 984 Torquemada (Anthony). Hexameron, ou six journees, contenans plusieurs doctes discours sur aucuns poincts difficiles en diverses sciences, avec maintes histoires notables et non encores ouies Mis en Francois par Gabriel Chappuis. I2mo, old calf, gilt (rebacked}. Paris, Philippes Brachom'er, 1583. 3 3s 985 Traite de I'Etat Honnete des Chrestlens en leur accoustrement, Geneva, 1580. Tertullian. Deux traitez. L'un des Parures & Ornemens; Tautre des Habits & accoustremens des femmes Chrestiennes. Geneva, 1580. Traite* des Causes. Auquel est amplement resolue la question a savoir s'il est permis aux Chrestiens de danser. (DEDICATED TO HENRY IV. OF FRANCE BY THE MINISTERS OF THE REFORMED FRENCH CHURCHES.) (Geneva), 1580. The 3 works in I vol. 8vo, calf. 3 3s 986 Valla (Laurentius). Sur la donation de Constantin Empereur. LETTRES BATARDES, 27 LONG LINES TO A FITIL PAGE, WOODCUT INITIALS. 4to, calf, gilt. (Paris, about 1528.) 10 10s MOST OP THE EDITIONS WERE PLACED ON THE " INDEX," AND COPIES DESTROYED. No FRENCH TRANSLATION IS RECORDED BY BRUNET, OR IN THE SUPPLEMENT. 206 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,, London, W. French continued. 987 Yidel (Louis). Histoire de la vie du Connestabie de Lesdiguieres, contenant toutes ses actions, depuis sa naissance, jusques a sa mort. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. Folio, old calf, gilt back, with the arms on sides of J . A. de Thou {third arms incorporating those of his second wife], used by his son. Pans, 1638. 5 5s 988 Vosmaer. Rembrandt Harmens Van Rijn. Sa Vie et ses Oeuvres. WITH FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, half morocco. The Hague, 1868. 10s 6d 989 Rousseau (J. J.). Oeuvres de M. Rousseau de Geneve, Nouvelle edition, revue, cor- rigee et augmentee de plusieurs morceaux qui n'avaient point encore paru. WITH NUMEROUS PLATES. II vols. , I2mo, contemporary calf. Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1/69. 2 2s For Further French Books see our Catalogue No. 303, "French Literature and Armorial Bindings," 920 Nos. GERMAN. 990 Ambach (Melchior). Prediger zu Franckfurdt am Mayn. Von Tantzen, Urtheil, auss Heiliger Schrifft, unnd den alten Christ- lichenn Lerern. Item Warhafftige .\ntwort, und Bericht, auff Jacob Ratzen zur Newenstadt, falsche Schmach und Schandtschrifften. 4to, boards. Frankfurdt am Mayn, Hermann Giilffench, 1545. 2 2s A curious tract directed against drinking, "financing" and the "sin of dancing;" the author brings a number of arguments against the prevailing love of modern dances which he brands as immodest. 991 Bugenhagen (Johann). Eine Christliche Predigt liber der Leich und Begrebnis des Ehrwir- digen D. Martini Luthers. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1546. 1 1s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 267 German continued. 992 Catechissmus Oder Christlicher underricht Wie der in Kirchen vund Schu- len der Churfurstlichen Pfaltz getrieben wirdt. Sampt den Kirchen Cere- monien und Gebetten. BLACK LETTER Small 8vo, contemporary stamped binding. Heydelberg, 1576. 2 2s 993 " Choix de Prieres." Blank Volume in the Shape of a Cross (7 inches high). German binding of the late XVIIIth or early XIX ' th century of needlework on canvas, edged with a gilt embossed leather border, leather back, gilt edges. 5 53 A VERY CURIOUS AND UNUSUAL SPECIMEN OF BINDING. 994 Eterian (Hugo). Ein Christ I iche und gruendliche Unterricht von Wideraufferstehung der Todten, Yerdeudscht. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1540. 1 1s 995 Franck (Sebastian), Sprichwoerter aller Nationel unnd Sprachen groeste vernunfft unnd Kluegheyt Inn Lustig Hoeflich Teuetsch Aussgefeget. BLACK LETTER. 2 parts in I, 8vo, wooden boards covered with blind stamped leather. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Egenolf, 1541. 4 4s ONE OF THE BAREST AND MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTIONS OF GERMAN PROVERBS AND LATIN PROVERBS. 996 Frederichs (Johans). Leichpredigt aus dem CXXVI Psalm. Zur Erinnerung was des gebornen Kurfuersten zu Sachsen, etc., sampt einer vermanung zur Danck- sagung zur Buss und zum Gebet durch Justum Menuum, 1554. Ein Ander Leichpredigte ueber die Leiche unsers seligen Churfurstens zu Sachssen, 1553. Stigel (J.). Warhafftiger Bericht Wie Der Durchlauchtigst Furst Herzog Johan Friedrich, 1554. Vier Trostpredigten liber den Leichen de? Khurfursten zu Sachsen HerzogenJ. Fridrichen, 1554. Leichpredigte Des Durchleurchtigsten und hochgebornen fursten und herrn Herzogen und Kurst zu Sachssen, 1553. In I vol., small 4to, fidl blue morocco , gilt leaves. 3 3s 268 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,. London, W. German continued. 997 Goethe. Schriften. 8 vols. in 4. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES. Small 8vo, original half calf. Leipzig, Goeschen, 1/90. 6 6s VOL. VII CONTAINS " FAUST, EIN FKAGMENT." 998 Goethe. Neue Schriften. WITH PLATES. 6 vols., small 8vo, original half calf. [Berlin, linger, 1792. 5 10s CONTAINING THE FIRST EDITION OF " WILHELM MEISTER'S LEHRJAHRE." 999 Goethe. Saemmtliche Werke. Vollstaendige neugeordnete Ausgabe. 30 vols., 8vo, half calf , gilt backs, t. e. g. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1857. 12 12s FINE SET OF, THE BEST EDITION. 1000 Goethe. Wilheim Meisters Lehrjahre; ein Roman. WITH FOLDING PLATES OF MUSIC. 4 vols., I2mo, original boards. Berlin, 1795. [SOLD.] i oo i Goethe Gedenkblatter an Goethe. Collection of 9 Fine Plates on India paper, being Portraits of Goethe and his Family. TOGETHER WITH FACSIMILE LETTER OF GOETHE. 4to, original binding. Frankfurt am Main, 1846. 2 10s The Portraits in this volume are as follows : Goethe's Grosmutter. Goethe's Grosvater. Goethe's Mutter. Goethe's Vater. Goethe at 27 years of age. Goethe Bust Portrait. Goethe at 37 years of age. Goethe at 80 years of age. And a series of 4 silhouette portraits on one sheet, of GOETHE'S Mother, and three of himself at various periods. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 269 German continued. 1002 Heinemann (W.) Goethe's Faust in England und Amerika. Bibliogr aphis che Zu- samimen stellun g . 8vo, original wrappers. Berlin, 1886. 3s 6d " AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF DECEIT." 1003 Honn (Georg Paul). Betrugs Lexicon, worinnen die meisten Betrugereyen in alien Stun- den nebst denen darwider guten Theils dienenden Mitteln entdecket; Fortgesetztes Betrugs Lexicon. In i vol., 8vo, old vellum. Coburg, 1/30. 1 Is 1004 Hosius (S.). Von dem Hellen, diser Zeit von Vileri hoch gerumbten Klaren und offenbaren wort Gottes; ain erleutterung unnd Warmings Schrift. Small 4to, contemporary binding of stamped calf, an outer border of scroll ivork, large centre panel of the same design, within a border, en- closing figures of Saints, etc. Ingolstadt, 1559. 9 9s 1005 Koenigl Cross Britannisch. Staats (Calender, 1787. 8vo, King George III.'s copy, in a contemporary binding of boards covered with white silk, silver wire, floral decorations on sides, with the King's monogram and crown in spangles and needlework and silver on upper cover and an oval ornamental design of coloured silks on the lower side. Lauenberg, 1787. 6 10s Enclosed in a red morocco case, which also bears the King's monogram and crown. 1006 [Luther.] Zwo troestliche Predigt, Ueber der Leich, D. Doct: Martini Luther zu Eissfeben den XIX und XX Februarii gethan. Durch D. Doct. Justum Jonam; M. Michaelem Celium. 4to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1546. 1 Is 270 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. German continued. 1007 [Luther]. Aurifaber (Joannes). Auslegung etzlicher Trostsp ruche, so der Ehrwirdige Herr, Doctor Martinus Luther, inn seiner lieben Herrn, und guten Freunden Bibeln und Postillen, mit eiginer Handt (zu seinem Codechtniss) geschrieben. 4to, boards. Erfurt, 1547. 2 2s A LiST OF SAIIXGS AND TEXTS THAT LUTHER WEOTE IN THE BIBLES AND RELIGIOUS BOOKS THAT BELONGED TO HIS FRIENDS. 1008 Luther (M.)= Etliche schoene Trcstschrifften des Ehrwirdigen Herrn Doctoris Mar- tini Lutheri, so er an den Fuersten und Herrn Hertzog Johannes, Chur* fuersten zu Sachsen, und an andere seine Herrn und gute Freunde gethan. TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. 4tOj boards. Erfurt, Wollfgang Sthuermer, 1547. 1 10s 1009 Melancthon (Philip). Oratio iiber der Leich des Ehrwirdigen Herrn D. Martini Luthers. Verdeudscht aus dem Latin durch D. Caspar Creutziger. 4to, boards. Zwickau, Wolff Meyerpeck, 1546. 1 10s i QIC Menius (Justus). Eine troestliche Predigt iiber der Leich und Begrebnis des Ehrwirdi- gen Herrn Friderichen Mecums, Pfarrherrn und Superattendenten zu Goth a. 4 to, boards. Wittenberg, George Rhaw, 1546. 10s 6d 10 1 1 Needlework Binding. Psalter Cebetsweis. BLACK LETTER. TITLE IN RED AND BLACK, WITHIN A WOODCUT BORDER, SMALL CIRCULAR CUT BELOW, COLOURED, TEXT WITHIN BORDERS. 8vo, Contemporary Needlework: Binding brown velvet, with centre panel on both sides, of raised arabesque design worked wool or silk, with gold and silver ord and gimp, outer border of flowers and silver gimp scrolls, back divided into panels, with tulips in gilt cord, edges gilt and gauffred. Wittenberg, 1591. 15 15s * * * A FINELY PRESERVED AXD UNUSUAL SPECIMEN OF XVIT1I CfiNTUEY NEEDLEWORK BlNDIXG. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 271 German continued. 1012 Rudhart (G. T.). Thomas Moras. Aus den Quell en bearbeitet. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. Svo, original boards. Nuremberg, 1829. 8s 6d 1013 Schiller. Saemmtliche Werke. WITH PLATES. 12 vols. , Svo, half morocco. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1835. 2 10s 1014 Schiller. Saemmtliche Werke. WITH PORTRAIT. 10 vols., Svo, half morocco. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1844. 2 2s 1015 Swinburne (A. C.). Chastelard, ein Trauerspiel von Swinburne, ins deutsche uebertragen von Walther Unus. FIRST EDITION. Svo, wrappers , uncut. Berlin, 1908. 10s 6d Presentation Copy to Watts Dunton, with the following inscription : "To the Author of Aylwin. To the best friend of Mr. A. Swinburne, Mr. Theodore Watts-Dunton, Charlottenburg, 21st June, 190S." 1016 Zschokke (Heinrich). Ausgewaehlte NoveSlen und Dichtungen. THIRD EDITION. 8 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt back. Aarau, 1836. 18s GREEK. 1017 Aelianus (Claudius). Opera Omnia. (GREEK AND LATIN.) Cura Gesneri. Folio, original vellum. Zurich, Gessner, 1556. 1 15s Editio Princeps. 372 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Greek continued. 1 01 8 Anacreon. Odae ab Henrico Stephano luce & Latinitate nunc primum donatae. (!N GREEK AND LATIN.) 4to, French crimson morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt back, g. e. Paris, Henri Estienne, 1554. 5 5s 1019 Anacreon. (In Greek and Latin.) Studio J. Barnes. WITH PORTRAIT OF J. BARNES, PROFESSOR OF GREEK AT CAMBRIDGE, PORTRAIT OF MARLBOROUGH AND ANACREON, B^ WHITE. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, contemporary English straight -grained yellow morocco, gilt floreate back, gilt lined sides, with festooned borders, inside borders, joints, g. e. (Roger Payne}. Cambridge, 1705. 16 16s VEST FINE COPY ON THICK PAPER WITH BKILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PORTRAITS. 1020 Anacreon. Carmina: Accedunt selecta quaedam e Lyricorurn reliquis. Editio secunda emendatior. (In Greek.) I2mo, old red morocco, gilt, g. e., by Kalthoebe?, with his ticket. Strassburg, 1786. 18s 102 1 Aristotles. Opera. (In Greek.) With a preface, and edited by Erasmus. 2 vols. in i, folio, calf. Basel, 1531. 2 10s With a prefatory letter from Erasmus to John More, son of Sir Thomas More. 1022 Aristotle. De poetica liber (in Greek) ex versione Theodori Goulstoni lectionis varietatem e codd IV. Bibliothecae Mediceae verborum mdicem & obser- vationes suas adjunxit T. Winstanley. Royal 8vo, blue morocco extra ivith gilt line borders on sides, orna- ments and gold lines on back, inside tooling^ g. e. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1780. 1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 273 reek continued. 1023 Arsenius. Praeclara dicta Philosophorum, Imperarorum, Oratorumque, et Poe- tarum, ab Arsenio Archiepiscopo Monembasiae collecta (graece). 8vo, crushed brown morocco extra, antique style., g. e., by W. Pratt. Romae in Gymnasio Mediceo (1520?). FINE COPY, AND VERY RARELY FOUND COMPLETE. 7 15S * * * This book being dedicated to Leo X., it was obviously printed before the death of that Pontiff, which occurred in 1521. The types are identical with those used in the " Questiones Homericae " of Porphyry printed at Rome in 1518. 1024 Athenaeus. Deipnosophistarum libri XV. I. Casaubonus recensuit auxitque. Addita Jacobi Dalechampii Cadomensis Latina interpretatio. (IN GREEK AND LATIN.) Folio, crimson morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of /. A. de Thou {second Arms incorporating those of his first wife), g. e. (Heidelberg and Lyons.) Jerome Commelin, 1598. 14 14s 1025 Book of Common Prayer (in Greek) Edited by Duport. 8vo, blue morocco, -panel sides, g. e. Cambridge, 1665. 1 10s Fine copy in old morocco. 1026 Budaeus (William). Commentarii Linguae Graecae. WITH FINE PRINTER'S DEVICE ON THE TITLE PAGE. Folio, contemporary English stamped binding, -probably by John Reynes. The -panelled border contains the Arms of England, crown, portcullis, etc. Cologne, 1530. 6 18s 2027 [Byzantinae historiae scriptores varii.] Ph. Labbe de historiae byzantinae scriptoribus publicandis protrep- ticon. Excerpta de legationibus. Eclogae historian] m de rebus byzan- tinis. Theophylacti Simocattae historiarum libri VIII. edente C. A. Fabroto. S. Nicephori breviarium histor. edente D. Petavio. 5 parts in I vol., folio, calf. Paris, E typographia regia, 1647-8. 1 10s 274 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Creek continued. 1028 Callimachi Hymni. Epigrammata et Fragmenta. Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione Theo. J. Graevii. Cum Commentarius, et Annotationes. WITH ENGRAVED PLATES. LARGE PAPER COPY. 2 vols., royal 8vo, in a handsome French bind- ing of the XV Hit h century, of blue morocco extra, with broad floral border, gold tooled on sides, full gilt backs, elaborate inside dentelle, silk end leaves, g. e. Ultra jecti, 1697. 6 10s * * * A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN FROM COUNT MACCARTHY's COLLECTION. 1 029 Casaubon (Isaac). Animadversionum in Athenaei Dipnosophistas libri XV. Nunc primum in Luce editum. Folio, old crimson morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, with the Arms of ]. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife}, g. e. Lyons, Antoine de Harsy, 1600. 15 15s 1030 Demetrius Pepanus. Opera Omnia. (!N LATIN AND GREEK, EDITED BY BERNARD STEPHANOPOLUS . ) 2 vols., 4to, original vellum. Rome, 1781. 15s 1031 Dio Cassius. Dionis Romanorum Historiarum libri XXIII a XXXVI ad LVIII usque (GRAECE). EDITIO PRINCEPS. Folio, original calf , rebacked. Lutetiae, ex ofncina Rob. Stepham, 1548. (Title margined.) 2 10s A LARGE PAPETl COPY. 1032 Diogenes Laertius. De Vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt libri X. In quibus plurimi loci integritati sue ex multis vetustis codicibus restituuntur, etc. Cum annotationibus Henrici Stephani. (IN GREEK AND LATIN). 8vo, original pigskin blind stamped (with Arms on sides'}. Paris, Henri Estienne, 1570. 1 Is MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 275 Greek continued. 1033 Epictetus. Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Tabula- (IN GREEK AND LATIN). WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE AND LARGE FOLDING PLATE. Svq, vellum gilt. Delft, 1683. 2 18s Robert Browning's copy with his autograph on title. 1034 Epiphanius. Liber de vitis prophetarum, Graece, repurgatus a J. Zehnero. 4to, green morocco, ^-line -fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife), g- e> Schleusingen, Sumtibus Thomae Schuereri, typis Sebastiani Sch- muccii, 1612. 9 9s ACCORDING TO FALKENSTEIN THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT SCHLEUSINGEN is DATED 1609. 1035 Heliodorus. Aethiopicorum Libri X. Jo. Bordelotius emendavit supplevit ac iibros decem Animadversionum adjecit. LATIN AND GREEK IN PARALLEL COLUMNS Small 8vo, red morocco, g. e. Paris, 1619. 18s 1036 Hesiod. Hesiodi quaecumque exstant Graece & Latine ex recensione J. Clerici. WITH FRONTISPIECE. Svo, very fine copy bound in French, full red morocco extra y with gilt lines, borders on sides, ivith ornaments at outer angles , by Cape. Amsterdam, 1 701. 2 5s 1037 Homer. Opera Omnia. Edited by J. A. Ernesti. 5 vols., Svo, full polished calf gilt t m. e. Glasgow, 1814. 1 5s 276 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Creek continued. FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR THOMAS WOTTON "THE ENGLISH GROLIER." 1038 Homer. Odysseae. Ilias. 2 vols., small 8vo, bound for Sir Thomas Wotton in black calf , the sides covered with delicately interlaced brown lines edged with gold and with arabesque ornament, at top and bottom of each side appears the date of binding " 1552," gilt leaves (backs carefully restored}. Lugduni, 1541. 75 1039 Justinus (S.). Philosopher & Martyr. Opera (IN GREEK) ex Bibliotheca Regia. Folio, old straight-grain morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, Robert Estienne, 1551. 6 6s FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY, tiny hole in last leaf mended. A BOOK THAT is TYPOGRAPHICALLY WELL WORTHY OF ITS ILLUSTRIOUS PRINTER. Justin was born at Nablus in Palestine in the 2nd century. Justin describes in the above book various systems of pagan philosophy and his relations to them. After- leaving the Stoics he went first to a Peripatetic, then to a Pythagorean and finally he became a Platonist, which he remained even after having become a convert to- Christianity. He was one of the earliest and ablest of Christian apologists though it seems that he retained his philosopher's cloak throughout his life and went a-bout discussing Religion with any that would stop to talk to him. " Justin defended Christians, not Christianity." 1040 Longinus (Dionysus). De Sublimitate Libel lus, cum praefatione de Vita & Scriptis Notis, Indicibus, & Variis Lectionibus. [GRAECE>. 8vo, English Binding of the second half of the XVlllth Century by Roger Payne, full crimson morocco extra, gilt floral back, gilt lines on sides, with corner fleurons, g. e. Oxford, 1718. 18 18s From the Beckford Library. 1041 Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiae, Gr. et Lat., cum notis Hug Grotii et Jo. Clerici. 8vo, fi-ne copy in old French citron morocco extra, g. e. Amsterdam, 1709. 14$ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 277 Greek continued. 1042 Niger (Stephanus). Dialcgus, quo quicquid in graecarum literarum penetralibus recon- ditum, quod ad historiae veritatem, ad fabnlarum oblect amenta, ad eruditionis famam conferre quoquo modo possit, in communem studio- sorum utilitatem summa cum diligentia congestum, in lucum propagatur his acoedunt Philostrati heroica ab eq (Nigro) tarn ad amussin latinitati donata tit dubium reliquerit, praestantior ne graeco sit latinus Philostratus. 2 parts in I. ROMAN LETTER, WITH PASSAGES IN GREEK, INITIALS PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, RULED IN RED. Small folio, modern binding of wooden boards, sides and back entirely covered with gold, elaborately tooled with arabesque scrolls, etc., background doited, French Arms (gold lilies on blue ground] in centre of upper cover and crowned F in lower, embossed metal clasps with sala- mander device, metal bosses with crowned F , tooled and -painted edges, by Hague. Mediolani in officina Minutiana, 1517. 34 FINE LARGE COPY AND A SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF MODERN BINDING. A VERY FINE EXAMPLE OF HAGUE'S WORK. Dr. Parr according: to Brunei, Catalogue p. 315 said of this book " Livre excellent et tres rare, qui conserve encore une haute reputation." THE BOOK IS DEDICATED TO JEAN GROL1ER, WHOSE COPY OF THIS BOOK IS PRESERVED IN THE Gl&EN- VILLE COLLECTION AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 1043 Novum Testa men turn Craecum. (New Testament in Greek). WITH FRONTISPIECE. 32010, green morocco, g. e. Londpn, Pickering, 1828. 10s 6d 1044 Orphei quae vulgo dicuntur Argonautic-a, Ex libris scriptis et coniecturis virorum doctorum suisque aucta et emendata interpretatus est J. G. Schnieder (Gr. et Lat.}. 8vo, full contemporary blue morocco, gilt back, gold borders on sides, gilt leaves, FINE COPY. Jenae, 1803. 15s Thick paper copy, only 5 or 6 printed. 1045 Pindari Carmina cum Lectionis Varietate et Adnotationibus. Iterum Curavit Chr. Gottl. Heyne. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Lipsiae, 1817. 15s 278 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Greek continued. 1046 Plutarch. Mcralia Opuscula multis muldarum milibus expurgata. (In Greek). WITH PRINTER'S MARK ON TITLE AND LAST PAGE. Folio, original binding with Arms on sides, and letter H on back. Basle, Froben, 1542. 5 5s A VERY FINE COPY IN ITS ORIGINAL BINDING. 1047 Polybius. Historiarum quidquid Superest. Recensuit J. Schweighaeuser. (!N GREEK). g vols. in 10. 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g., by Clarke and Bedford. Leipzig, 1789. 4 10s 1048 Themistius. Themistii orationes XIX Craece ac Latine editae. (!N GREEK AND LATIN). 4to, old brown calf , ^2-line fillet border on sides, with the. Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (third arms incorporating those of his second wife]. Pans, 1618. 5 5s 1049 Theognidis, Phocylidis, Pythagorae, Solonis, aliorumque Veterum poemata gnomica. Latina versione et Annotatibus illustrata. (IN GREEK AND LATIN). I2mo, old red morocco, gilt back, g. e. (Paris, Estienne), 1569. 10s 1050 Thecgnidis Megarensis Sententiae: Phocylidis Poema Admonitorium; Pythagorae Aurea Carmina; Gr. et Lat. curante A. M. Bandinio. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, very handsomely bound by J . Clarke in full morocco extra, gilt leaves (from ike Theodore, Williams' Library}. Florence, 1766. 12s 6d 105 1 Thucydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo, WITH NOTES AND CHRONO- LOGICAL TABLES, MAP, ETC., TO WHICH is PREFIXED A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR BY FRANCISCUS GOELLER. 2 vols., 8vo, full contemporary morocco, gilt borders. Lipsiae, 1826. 2 10s * ** From the Library of Lucien Bonaparte with Presentation Inscription, " A Napoleon L.B. Donne par sa cousine Mile. Juliette Florence, ler Janvier, 1828." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 279 HUNTING. 1052 Natalis Comitis (Noel le Comte). Mythologiae, sive explications Fabularum, libri decem; Euisdem libri IIII de Venatione. . . . Thick small 8vo, a very handsome co-py in contemporary French bind- ing of full morocco^ the sides and back seme with fleitr-de-lys, gilt edges Coloniae Allorbrogum, 1612. 10 10s * * * The poem on tbe Chase occupies 61 pages. 1053 Opianus. De Venatione Libri IV. (In Greek). Paris, 1549. Opianus. De Venatione J. Bodino interprete. Paris, Michael Vascosan, 1555. 2 works in I vol. 4to, calf. Paris, 1549-55. 1 10s Some headlines cut into. 1054 Rtdinger (J. .) Abbildung der Jagtbaren Thiere mit derselben angefugten Lahrten und Spuhren, Wandel, Sange, Abspriinge, Wendungen, Widergangen, Flucht, und auderer Zeichen mehr mit vielem Fleisz, zeit und Miihe nach der Natur gezeichnet, samt einer Erklarung daruber. COMPLETE SET, COMPRISING THE TITLE, WITH ENGRAVING OF BLOOD- HOUND IN LEASH, 20 LARGE AND REMARKABLY FINE COPPERPLATE ENGRAV- INGS, MOSTLY OF BIG GAME, REPRESENTED IN THEIR LAIRS (AND HAVING BELOW EACH), ILLUSTRATIONS OF THEIR FOOTPRINTS, AND 3 LARGE PLATES OF THE SPOORS OF VARIOUS WILD ANIMALS. ALL VERY FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Royal folio, handsomely bound by Hardy-Mennil in full morocco gilt (with Arms of the Marquis de M or nay on the sidesj. Augspurg, 1740. 38 A fine set of Sporting Plates rarely found in good condition. The subjects include the Lion, Tiger, Bear, Stag, Boar, Fallow Deer, Wolf, Roebuck, Lynx, Steinbuck, Fox, Otter, etc., all depicted in their natural surroundings. :28o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. JRELAND. 105 5 Carve (Thomas). Itinerarium T. Carve Tipperariensis Sacellani maioris In fortissima juxta & NobiiissJme Legione. Colonelli D. Walteri Deveroux sub Sac. Caesar Majestate stipendia merentis cum Historia facti Butleri Gordon, Lesly & aliorum. I2mo, morocco , richly gilt on sides and back, g. e. Mayence, 1639. 1 10s A very rare account of an Irish soldier of fortune in Germany during the 30 years* war. 1056 St. Patrick. Le Voyage du pays Sainct Patrix auquei lieu on voit les Peines de Purgatoire et aussi les Joyes de Paradis; reimpression textuelle (de d'edition de 1506) augmentee d'une notice Bibliographique. I2mo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. Geneve, chez J. Gay et fils, 1867. 10s 6d Only 104 copies printed. 1057 St. Patrick. Het Wonderlyk Leven van den Crooten Heyiigen Patricius Patriarch Van I Hand, Met de Vreezelyke en Wonderlyke Historic van het Vage- vuer van den Zelven Heyiigen. CRUDE WOODCUT FRONTISPIECE. I2mo, unbound. Overschelde, about 1800. 10s 6d 1058 Respublica, sive Status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. I2mo, original calf. Leyden, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1627. 5s 1059 Booth (David). Analecta Sacra nova et mira, de rebvs catholicorvm in Hibernia. Pro fide & Religione gestis, Diuisa tres partes. Quarum I. Continet semestrem gravaminum relationem, secunda hac editione nouis adauctam additamentis, & Notis illustratam. II. Paroenesin ad Martyres designates. III. Processum martyrialem quorudam fidei pugilum. Collectore & Relatore T.N. philadelpho. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 28r_ Ireland continued. Rooth (David) continued. The three parts in I vol., thick 8vo, full crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e., by F. Bedford. Coloniae apud Stephanum Rolinum, 1617-19. 12 12s- The Author was David Kooth or Both, Roman Catholic Bishop of Ossory, born in Kilkenny in 1573. Two dedications are prefixed to the first part of has "Analecta Sacra " one to the- Emperor and other orthodox princes, the other to the Prince of Wales, afterwards ; Charles I. "as the possible halcyon during whose tender years King James might be induced to give peace to the Church." The second part was dedicated to Cornelius O'Devany. The entire work remains as an impeachment of English ecclesiastical policy in Ireland* under'' Elizabeth and James I. An answer was published in 1624 by Thomas Ryves.. ITALIAN. 1060 Albergati (Fabio). Trattato del modo di Ridurre a Pace Le Inimicitie Private. Royal Svo, original vellum. Bergamo, 1587. 1 1$: A CURIOUS WORK AGAINST DUELS. 1 06 1 Alcantara (Pietro de). Trattato dell'Oratione e Meditatione. I2mo, old French red morocco , sides tooled all over, with the Arms- of Pope Clement X., in the centre, gilt back, g. e. Rome.. 16/1. 10 10s PRESENTATION COPT TO THE POPE, TO WHOM THE BOOK is DEDICATED IN THE PREFACE. 1062 Alfieri (Vittorio). Tragedie Scette corredate di argomenti con annotazioni, da Giam- battista Rolandi. 2 vols., I2mo, full calf. Londra, 1821. 2 10s A. C. SWINBURNE'S COPY. A PRESENT PROM HIS MOTHER AFTER HIS FIRST YEAR AT ETON, WITH INSCRIPTION BY HER IN EACH VOLUME : " Algernon C. Swinburne from his affec.- Mother, 3. H. S., August, 1850." It is interesting to note that the poet was trained by his mother from his earliest years, in the French and Italian languages. In 1852 he won the Second Prince Consort Prize, and in 1853 the First Prizes for French and Italian. 282 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Italian continued. 1063 Alunno (Francesco). Le osservationi sopra il Petrarca. Svo, brown calf gilt, g. e.., with the Arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de L on gey, 1491-1553. Venice, 1550. 5 5s ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 1064 Amato (Domenico). I Ccstumi e le Usanze de' Creci. ITALIAN MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER OF THE XVIlTH CENTURY. Thick folio, half bound. 5 5s This (original and unpublished?) manuscript treats of the religious customs, theatres, national and political economy of ancient Greeks in a very interesting way. 1065 Appianus, Alexandrinus. Delia guerre civili de Romani tradotto da M. Alesandro Braccio, Svo, brown calf gilt, g. c., with the Arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de Longey, Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael, 1491-1553. 5 5s Guillaume Du Bellay, soldier and diplomat, one of the most celebrated Frenchmen of the XVIth Century, was made Viceroy of Piedmont in 1537 by King Francis I. of France and was ' f the most excellent captain of his time.*' He became Ambassador to England, Italy and Germany. MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF VENETIAN BINDING. 1066 Aretino (Leonard). Aquila Volante, libro intitolato Acjuila Volante, di latino nella volgar lingua: dal Magninco et eloquentissimo messer Leonardo Aretino, tra- dotto. Small Svo, contemporary Venetian binding of calf, the sides most elaborately tooled in gold to a grolieresque geometrical pattern of inter- laced bands and arabesques , the centre of front cover having in gold the letters P.P.P. AL.P.M. B.ET., and on back cover D.ANT.G., gilt back and gilt gauffred edges. Venice, 1537. 85 IN REMARKABLY SOUND CONDITION. * * * On the title-page is the neat Autograph Signature of a former celebrated owner, " J. Ballesdens," the Secretary of Chancellor Seguiar and noted bibliophile, whose library was sold in 1677. BALLESDENS WAS ONE OP THE MOST CELEBRATED OF BIBLIOPHILES WHO FOLLOWED GROLIER AND, INDEED, POSSESSED MANY EXAMPLES FROM THE LATTER^S LIBRARY. IT IS THEREFORE, MORE THAN LIKELY THAT THIS PRESBNT VOLUME WAS ONE WHICH HE OBTAINED FROM THAT SOURCE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 283 Italian continued. 1067 Ariosto (Lodovico). Orlando furioso. WITH PORTRAITS. 5 vols. , 8vo, full vellum. Milan, 1812-1814. 2 2s 1068 Aristophanes. Le comedie tradutte in lingua commune d' Italia per Bartolomio & Pietro Rositini de Prat'Alboino. Svo, brown calf gilt, g. e., with the Arms on sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de L on gey, 1491-1553. Venice, 1545. 5 5s 1069 Aristotle. L'Ethica tradotta in lingua vulgare fiorentina et comentata per Ber- nardo Segni. TITLE PAGE WITHIN WOODCUT BORDER. 8vo, brown calf gilt, g. e., with the Arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de Longey, 1491-1553. Venice, 1551. 5 5s 1070 Bandello. Novelle. 9 vols., Svo, neat calf, gilt back. London, 1791. 3 15s Printed on bluish paper. 1071 Bartholomeo da It Scnnetti (Zamberto). Dolotechne, comedia. 4to, calf , g. e. (Bauzonnef}. Venice, Joannes da Tridino, 1504. 10 10s FIRST EDITION OP THIS UNCOMMON COMEDY. 1072 Basta (Giorgio). II Cover no deIJa Gavalleria leggiera. 4to, green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of /. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife}, g. e. Frankfurt, 1612. 9 9s AN INTERESTING WORK ON LlGHT CAVALRY. 2&4 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Italian continued. FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR THOMAS WOTTON, " THE ENGLISH GROLIER." 1073 Bembo (Peter). Rerum venetarum Historiae libri XI I. Royal 8vo, bound for Sir Thomas Wotton in light brown leather^ the sides covered with delicately interlaced black lines edged with gold and with arabesque foliage tooled in gold, and some spaces sprinkled with gold dots, gilt leaves (back carefully restored}. In centre, in panels formed by the arabesque, appears the date (probably of binding) 1552. Lutetiae (Paris), 1551. 105 1074 Bembo (Card. P.). Gli Asolani (colle Rime, etc.). PRINTED IN ITALICS. Small 8vo, contemporary Venetian black morocco, sides covered with semis of rosettes, with the lion of St. Mark in centre of upper cover and " Asola et Rime del Bembo " on under cover. Vinegia, Comin de Trino, 1540. 8 10s 1075 Berni (Francesco). Opere Burlesche Di M. F. Berni di M. Gio della Casa del Varchi, del Mauro, di M. Bino, del Molza, del Dolce, e del Firenzuola, Ricorretto, e con diligenza ristampate. 3 vols., 8vo, original vellum. Londra (really printed in Florence), 1723. 1 10s 1076 Bertcldo con Bertoldino e Cacasenno. In Ottava Rima con Argomenti, Allegoric. WITH FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, original vellum. Venice, 1739. 10s Sd 1077 Boccaccio. Decamerone. WITH PORTRAIT. 4 vols. , 8vo, yellow morocco. London, 1789. 1 16s Printed on bluish paper. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 285 Italian continued. 1078 Boccalin? (Trajano). DC Ragguagli di Parnaso. 2 vols., 4to, old green morocco , with Arms on sides cf ] . A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife}, g. e. Venice, 1612-1613. 15 15s 1079 Bojardo Ed Ariosto. Orlando innamorato di Bojardo Orlando Furioso di Ariosto; With an Essay on the Romantic Narrative Poetry of the Italians; Memoirs, and Notes by Antonio Panizzi. g vols., 8vo, neat calf, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. y by F. Bedford. London, 1830-1834. 5 5s A very fine set. ROBERT BROWNING'S COPY. 1080 Burchelati. II Ritratto del Vistroso, Gia Tremendo, Hor Venerando Colle Di San Zenone Sul Trivigiano. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, original vellum. Venice, 1625. 5 5s Eo-bert Browning's copy, with* his autograph on title. On page 64, a manuscript note referring to Sordello, also notes on fly leaf at end and a verse in Greek on fly leaf. 1 08 1 Bussato (Marco). Giardino di Agricoltura. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS OF PLANTS, GARDENS, ETC., GARDENING TOOLS. 4to, original vellum. Venice, 1599. 7 10s The whole art of gardening is treated in this volume, as well as fishing, and all other pastimes of the country. 1082 Capaccio (Cuil. Cesare). La Mergellina. Egloghe Piscatorie di Giulio Cesare Capaccio Napolitano. Nuoua- mente posta in luce. I2mo, contemporary vellum. Venice, Heredi di Melchior Sessa, 1598. 1 1s 286 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. I talian continued. 1083 Carrafa (S. Cian.). Dell'historie del regno di Napoli. Parte prima. 4to, red morocco, three-line -fillet border on sides, with the Arms of J . A. de Thou on sides (second Arms incorporating those of his first wife), g. e. Naples, 1572. 12 12s 1084 Casa de Nobili Venetian!. OFFICI DELLA SERMA. SICRIA. Di VENETIA, dl dentro. AN ITALIAN MANUSCRIPT OF THE XVlTH CENTURY. WITH IQ7 EMBLAZONED COATS OF ARMS. I2mo, original binding. 6 6s 1085 Castillio (Bonaventura). Callcrum insubrum antiquae sedes. Milan, 1541. Loffredo (Serrante). Le Antichita di Pozzuolo et Luoghi Convicini. Naples, 1570. Mylaeus (C.). De primordiis clarissirnae urbis Lugduni. Lions, Gryghius, 1545. The three books in one vol., 4 to, crimson morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, ivith the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (second Arms incorporating those of his first wife}. 10 10s 1086 Catena (Girolamo). Vita del Cloriosissimo Papa Pio Quinto. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. 4to, brown calf with Arms on sides of J. A. de. Thou {second Arms incorporating those of his first wife}. Rome, 1586. 4 4s A FINE COPY WITH A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF THE FRONTISPIECE WHICH CONTAINS THE PORTRAIT OF POPE Pius V. AT THE END ARE A NVMBER OF INTERESTING LETTERS RELATING TO ENGLAND. 1087 Cento Novelle. Libro di Novelle, et di Bel Parlar Gentile. Xel qual si contengono Cento Xovelle altrauolta mandata fuori da Messer Carlo Gualteruzzi da Fano. Di nuovo Ricorrette. Con aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine. Et con una dicharatione d'alcune delle voci piu antiche. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 287 Italian continued. Cento NovellO continued. 4to, brown morocco extra beautifully tooled witk a semis of heraldic lilies, wreaths and sprays in the centre and at the four corners on each side by Riviere , g. e. Florence, Giunti, 1572. 9 9s A VERY FINE COPY IN A SUPERB MODERN ENGLISH BINDING OF EXQUISITE TASTE. 1088 Cervantes. Le luminose Ceste di Don Chisciotte disegnate ed incise da Fran- cesco Novelli in 33 TavoKj con Spiegazioni. WITH 33 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES TO ILLUSTRATE THE STORY OF DON QUIXOTE. LARGE PAPER. ONE OF 102 COPIES ON SPECIAL PAPER. 8vo : half calf. Venice, 1819. 4 4s 1089 Cervantes. L'lngegnoso Cittandino Don Chisciotte del la Mancia. WITH A SERIES OF 32 ETCHINGS BY AND AFTER NOVELLI. 8 vols., I2mo, vellum, gilt. Venice, 1818. [SOLD.] 1090 Cevolt (Mario). L'Ormondo. Tragedia. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, contemporary white vellum, with gilt ornaments on sides, and vvith gilt Arms of Cardinal Camillo Pamfilio on sides, to whom the book is dedicated. Rome, 1650. 3 10s PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE BENEDICT XIV. 1091 Compendio istorico-cronologico della Vita, e miracoli del B. Guiseppe Calasanzio, fondatore de' Cher. Reg. Ppv. della Madre di Dio delle Scuole Pie, scritto dal Padre Vincenzio Talenti. Small 8vo. Pope Benedict XlVth's Copy, in contemporary red morocco, the sides entirely occupied with the large Arms in gold of the Pope, gilt back, g. e. Rome, 1748. 16 16s * * * Benedict XIV. was one of the most learned, prudent and respectable pontiffs who has ever lived. He founded academies at Rome, built a number of public edifices and was a munificent patron of learning and the arts. 288 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Italian continued. 1092 Gentile (Luca). Historia Delia Cose Occorse Nel Regno D'inghilterra in materia del Duca di Notomberlan dopo la morte di Odoardo Vi. I2mo, old calf. Venice, 1558. 12s 6(f 1093 Cromaziano (Agatopisto). Istoria Critica e filosophica del Suicidio Regionato. 8vo, contemporary Italian binding, calf , sides covered with elaborate gold ornaments, a Cardinal* s Arms in centre g. e. Lucca, V. Giuntini, 1761. 2 10s 1094 Dante. Vccabolario Portatile. Per agevolare la lettura degli Autori Italiani ed in specie di Dante. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE BY MOREAU LE JEUNE. Small 8vo, French red morocco, gilt back, g. e. Paris, Prault, 1768. 2 2s 1095 Dante. G. G. Warren, Lord Vernon. Le Prime Quattro Edizioni della Divina Commedia Letteralmente Ris- tampate. Folio, half bound. London, 1858. 2 10s Presentation Copy from the Editor. SET OF ITALIAN CLASSICS. 1096 Dante. Divina Comoedia corretta dal P. Baldassarre Lombard!. 3 vols. Rome, 1820. Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata. 2 vols. Florence, 1824. Baccaccio. Decameron. 4 vols. in 2. Florence, 1825. Petrarcha. Rime. 2 vols. Rome, 1821 to 1822. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 289 Italian continued. Ariosto. Orlando Furioso & Rime. 5 vols. Florence, 1821 to 1822. Nardini. Roma Antiqua. WITH NUMEROUS MAPS AND PLATES. 4 vols. Rome, 1818 to 1820. Together 18 vols., royal 8vo, full contemporary vellum, gilt backs, zvith coloured labels for title. Fine uniform set, red edges. [SOLD] 1097 Dante. Divina Comoedia. 2 vols., 32mo. Petrarch. Rime. WITH FRONTISPIECE. Tasso. Cerusalemme Liberata. The 4 vols., mauve morocco, inside dentelles, g. e., in a case. London, Pickering, 1822. 4 15s 1098 Dante. La Divina Commedia Ricorretta sopra quattro dei ptu Autorevoli Testi a Penna da Carlo Witte. WITH PORTRAIT. 4to, half morocco, t. e. ?. 'Berlin, 1862. 1 14s 1099 Dante. La Commedia. II Testo Wittiano Riveduto da Paget Toynbee. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900. 5s 6d 1 1 oo Dante. La Divina Commedia. ILLUSTRAIED WITH A SERIES OF 38 OUTLINE PLATES. 3 vols. in 2, 4to, contemporary full crimson morocco, gold border and centre, ornament on sides, gilt backs, g. e. Penig, 1804. 3 3s 2go MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ^ Italian continued. 1 1 01 Dante. La Divina Commedia gia riddotta a miglior lezione dagli accademici delta Crusca. WITH PORTRAIT. 4 vols., 8vo, full vellum , -panel backs. Livorno, 1806-1813. [SOLD] 1 1 02 [Dante]. II Ccdice Cassinese Delia Divina Commedia, per la Prima Volta Letteralmente Messo a Stampa per Cura del Monaci Benedettini della Badia di Monte Cassino. PORTRAIT AND 7 PLATES OF FACSIMILES, Folio, half maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Privately Printed. Tipografia di Monte Cassino, 1865. 1 16s 1103 [Dante]. Imola (Benevenuti de Rambaldis de). Comentum Super Dantis Aldigherij Corr.oediam, mine primum in- tegre in lucem editum sumptibus Guilielmi Warren Vernon curante Jacobo Philoppo Lacaita. Photogravure views. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, original cloth^ uncut. Florence, 1887. 2 15s 1104 [Dante]. Krauss (F. X.). Dante. Sein Leben und sein Werk, sein Verhaitniss zur Kunst und zur Politik. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS (MANY FULL-PACzE) OF PORTRAITS OF DANTE, AND SCENES FROAI HIS WRITINGS. Thick imp. 8vo, half dark maroon levant morocco extra, full gilt back, with 4 oval inlays of blue morocco, gilt edges. Berlin, 1897. 2 2s FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE GREGORY XVI. 1105 Delle Lodi del sommo Pontefice Gregorio XVI. Orazione scritta da Gia- cinto Cantalamessa Carboni. W r ITH FRONTISPIECE. 4to. Pope Gregory XVlth's copy, bound in limp silk, the Arms of the Pope in centre of each side, worked in coloured silks and gold thread, a double border of gold thread and spangles around the sides. Ascoli, 1832. ' 7 7s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 291 Italian continued. 1 1 06 Domenichi (Ludovico). Faoetie, Motte et Burli di diversi Signori. Small 4to, contemporary limp vellum. Venice, 1581. 4 4s From the Library of Sir Francis Fust, with his large and small book plates, later in the possession of Richard Codrington and S. T. Coleridge with their autographs. 1107 Equicola (Mario). Libro di Natura d' A more, di Nuovo Ristampatc e corretto da M. Lodovico Dolce. I2mo, vellum. Venice > 1554. "^S iioS Erizzo (Sebastiano). Trattato dell' istrumento et via inventrice degli antiche. WITH FINE WOODCUT BORDER. 4to, original vellum., with Arms on sides of J . A . de Thou (first Arms}. Venice, 1554. 10 10s FROM THE LIBRARY OF HENRY STUART, CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, BROTHER OF THE CHEVALIER, CHARLES EDWARD STUART. 1 109 Esercizio divoto per La Novena o Tricfuo del Clorioso Mar tire Sant Emidio Primo Vescovo della citta di Ascoli. Protettore Singolarissimo contro de' Terremoti. Coll 'aggiunta di alcuni Orazioni emcadssime contre de Terremoti. 8vo, contemporary Italian red morocco, sides richly gilt, with the large Arms of Henry Stuart, Cardinal Archbishop of York, brother of the Chevalier, Charles Edward Stuart. Macerata, 1781. 15 15s With a s:'gned autograph note as to the authenticity of the volume by the Hector of the Scots College at Rome. 1 1 10 Eutropius. L'Historie de Le Vite et Fatti de Tutti 01' Imperatori Romani, Nuo- vamente Tradotte Di Latino in Lengua Italiana. Vinegia. per Mich. Tramezzino, 1544. Vita di duocfeci Imperatori descritta per Suetonio nuovamente tra- dotta in Voigare. Venice, Venturino di Rofnnelli, I52Q. Together in I volume. Small 8vo, contemporary Venetian brown morocco , with elegant gilt- tooled ornamental scroll frame sides, gilt, gauifred edges. 10 10s * * * A FINE SPECIMEN OF EARLY XVI-ra CENTURY VENETIAN BINDING. 292 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Italian continued. i in Foglietta (Uberto). Delle Cose della Republica di Geneva. Small 8vo, contemporary Italian binding of morocco, the sides elabo- rately tooled in gold. In centre of eack cover is a figure of Diana holding boiv, quiver of arrows slung over her back, seated on a stag, surrounded with a broad decorative border. Milan, 1575. 7 15s 1 1 12 Calanti (G. M.). Nove discorsi e Panegirico deila Madonna della Salute. 8vo, rich Italian crimson morocco binding, sides almost entirely covered with rich floral ornamentation and zvith apparently the Arms of the Princess " Donna Ippolita Buoncompagni" gilt back, g. e. Macerata, 1780. 14 14s 1113 Cuazzo (Marco). Historic di tutti le cose degne di memorie qual del anno 1524 sino a questo presente SOno OCCOrso nella Italia, nella Provenza, nella Franza, nella Piccardia, nella Inghilterra . . . ed altri luoglii, cosi per serra come per mare, col nome di molti huomini scientati. WOODCUT PORTRAIT. Small 4to, a very fine copy in its original Italian binding of full morocco, the sides covered with an interlaced design in gold, enclosing the title of the book, the edges gaufres. Venet., 1540. 25 On pp. 103-104 is a notice of Francisco Pizarro, nel Peru. In same volume is " Commentarii di M. Galeazzo Capella delle cose fatte per la Restitu- tiome di Francesco Sforza, secondo Duca di Milano." Venet. 1535. The binding is in excellent condition, and is a example of early Italian workmanship. 1114 Guevara (Antonio de). Lettere. 2 vols., 8vo, fine copy in contemporary brown Venetian morocco, gilt line borders, letters in gold on the upper covers, g. e. Venice, 1646-47. 12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 293 Italian continued. GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1115 Cuiccardini (F.)> La Historia d'ltalia. Dell' Historia d'ltalia gli ultimi quattro libri lion piu stampati. 2 vols. , 4to, contemporary Venetian binding of brown morocco, ivith richly tooled arabesques on sides and back in the style of the bindings done for Groher and Majoli. (slightly repaired). Venice, 1564 to 1565. 42 1 1 1 6 Justinus. Justino Histcrico clarissimo nelle Historie di Trogo Pompeo. Nuo- vamente in lingua Toscana tradottc 8vo, broivn calf gilt, g. e,, with the Arms on sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de Longey, Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael. I49I-I553- Venice, 1542. 5 5s 1117 Le vite dei diece Imperatori incommmciando dal fine di Suetonio neila lingua italiana tradutte per Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano. 8vo, brown calf gilt, g. e., ivith the Arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay, Seigneur de L on gey, 1491-1553. Venice, 1544. 5 5s 1 1 1 8 Manzi (G.)- Discorso di Guelielmo Manzi sopra gli spettacoli, le Feste, ed il lusso degl' Italiani. Nel Secolo XIV. Con note ed illustrazioni. WITH FOLDING PLATE. 8vo, original wrappers. Rome, 1818. 7s 6d 1119 Manzoni. Studit di Bibliografia Analitica. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. 3 parts in I vol., royal 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Bologna, 1881 to 1882. 15s 294 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Italian continued. 1120 Metastasio. Poesie del Signer Abbate Pietro Metastasio. PORTRAIT. 6 vols., I2mo, a -pretty copy in full contemporary French calf gilt, gilt leaves. Paris, 17/3. 16s 6d 1 1 21 Mutio (C.)- Historia de fatti di Federico di Montefeltro, Duca d'Urbino. WITH ENGRAVED VIGNETTE ON TITLE. 4to, old French crimson morocco, three-line fillet border on side, g. e., with Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife). Venice, 1605. 14 14s Bound up with the above is the history of Francesco Maria, fourth Duke of Urbino. 1 1 22 Nicetas. Historia degli imperatori Creci, descritta da Nicetas Accominato Da Chone; di quali seguonp dove lascia il Zonara dal 1117 al 1203. a questi sono aggiunti gli Annali degli Imperatori di Constantinopoli con 1'Historia delli parti dell' Oriente scritta da Haithone parente del Re d'Armenia. Tradotti in lingua Italiana da Joseppe Horologgi. 4 to, calf. Venice, 1562. 10s 6d FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE CLEMENT XL 1123 Onorio (M. R. P. Fr.). La sublime Contemplazione, e sicura pace in Christo Giesu Croce- fisso. Thick small 8vo. Pope Clement Xltk's copy, contemporary red morocco, the sides entirely occupied with the Pope's Arms in gold, gilt back, g. e. Rome, 1700. 21 *** Clement XI. was elected Pope in 1700. He assisted the Young Pretender in his attempt to obtain the British Crown in 1715, and after his failure received him with regal honours at Rome. In 1713 he raised a great commotion among the French religionists by the famous Bull Vnifjeniius which condemned one hundred and one propositions of a book written by Pere Quefeael on Grace and Predestination. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 295 Italian continued. 1 1 24 Petrarch. II Petrarcha can I'espositione d'Allesandro VellutuJlo e con piu utili cose in diversi luoghi cJi quella novissimaniente da lui aggiunte. ITALIC LETTER. 8vo, original Italian white calf binding^ with elaborate geometrical design on sides in blind. Venice, Bernard de Vidali, 1532. 14 14s The third edition of this renowned commentary, and one of the best according to Brunet. A few pages a little stained and the binding slightly worn. On the sides are " Doratea Caprara," the name of the lady for whom the book was bound in the early XVIth Century. From the Ch. Fairfax Murray Library. 1125 Petrarch. Sonetti Canzoni e Triomphi con la Spositione di Bernardino DanieSlo da Lucca. TITLE WITHIN FINELY ENGRAVED WOODCUT BORDER. Royal 8vo. Venice, 1553. II Petrarca con I'esposition di M. Alessandro Yelutello. Roval 8vo. Venice, 1579. The 2 works in I vol., royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. 2 10s i i25a Petrarch. Le Rime del Petrarca brevemente sposte per Lcdovico Castelvetro. 4to, original vellum, with two-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, with the first Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou. Basel, 1582. 16 16s THIS COPY IS PRINTED ON FINER AND THICKER PAPER THAN THE ORDINARY ONES. DE THOU WAS REMARKABLE FOR THE BEAUTY AND CHOICE OF HIS COPIES. 1 1 26 Petrarch. Le Rime; riscontrate co i Testi a penma della Libreria Estense, e co i fragmenti del' Originale d'esso Poeta; s'aggiungono le Considerazioni d'Aless. Tassoni, le annotazioni di Muzio e le osservazioni di Muratori. 4to, fine copy from the Lamoignoy Library , bound in old French citron morocco gilt, g. e. Venezia, 1727. 1 5s 296 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. I talian continued. 1127 Petrarch. Rime. WITH PORTRAIT. 32mo, violet morocco, g. e. London, Pickering, 1822. 10s 6d 1128 Petrarch (F.). Le Rime di Messer Francesco Petrarco Publicate Da A. Buttura. PORTRAIT. 3 vols., 32mo, full contemporary vellum, gilt back. Parigi, i'829. 7s 6d 1 1 29 Piccolomini ( Alessandro). Copiosissima parafrase nel primo libro della retorica d'Aristotele. 4to, original vellum, 2-line border on sides, gill back, with the Arms of J. A. de Thou on sides (first Arms}, g. e. Venice, 1565. 10 10s 1130 Pini (E.). Memoria Mineralogica sulla Montagna e sui Contorni di S. Cottardo. Svo, original binding. Milan, 1783. 7s 6d 1131 Polidori (G.). Saggio di Novelle e Favole. 64mo, half calf. London, 1798. 9s 6d 1132 Polienus Macedonicus. Stratagemi dell'Arte della Guerra dalla Greca nella volgar lingua Italiana tradotti da M. Nicolo Mutoni. 8vo, brozvn caU gilt, g. +'., with the Arms on the sides of Guillaume Du Bellay , Seigneur de L on gey , Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael, I4QI-I553- Venice, 1551. 5 5s Guillaume Du Bellay, soldier and diplomat, one of the most celebrated Frenchmen of the XVIth Century was made Viceroy of Piedmont in 1537 by King Francis I. of France and was ac * tollendam cpinionum dissensionem, & consensum verae religionis nrmandum, inter Episcppos & alios eruditos atque pios viros conuenerat : Regia similiter authoritate promulgati. Small 8vo, calf, antique style. Excusum Londini, apud Reginaldum Wolfium. Regiae Maiestatis in Latinis Typographum, Anno Domini, M.D.LIJ1. (1553). 9 10s * * * FIRST EDITION OF KING EDWARD THE SIXTH'S CATECHISM IN LATIN. Two issues appeared in 1553; one having the 42 Articles numbered in the margins; the other (the present issue) without numbers and having the Colophon on a sepa-rate leaf, as described by Ames (Typog. Antiq., Ed. Dibdhi, Vol. 4, pp. 19-20, 36, 38). 308 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued, BOUND BY ROGER PAYNE. 1 183 Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii Opera. ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, bound by Roger Payne in full russia, gold lines, graceful floral corner ornaments, outer corner ornament uf a harp, gilt back, leather joints, g. e. London, 1715. 8 8s * A fine and characteristic Specimen by this binder, in fne condition but back sl: in contemporary morocco* with his Arms in gold, as Pope, in centre of each cover, border decorated with gold stars and corner pieces , g. e. Lucae, 1665. 12 12s * * * Clement X. became Pope in 1670 at the agre of 80. He possessed one of the finest libraries of his time, famous for its binding's. Very few books from his library are, however, known, bearing his Arms as Pope, like the above,-^alinost all carry his Cardinal's arms, and " Guigard " could only give illustrations as such. 1 193 Douza (James a Noortwyck). Epigrammata, Satyra, Elegia Silvae. WITH ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. Antwerp, 1579 Betoland (R.). Hodveporium. Lutetiae, 1575. In I vol. Small 8vo, contemporary full calf. From the library of the famous " Wizard " Earl of 'Northumberland, with his Arms on the slides. 10 10s HENRY PERCY, THE NINTH EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND, EARNED HIS SOBRIQUET OF THE " WIZARD " BY HIS SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS. STAMPED BINDING. 1194 Eckius (Johannis). Homiliarum; tomus tertius; qui est peculiariter de Sanctis. Thick small Svo, original binding with stamps repeated on each cover of a narroiv architectural panel having on one side a representation of S. John, the Evangelist standing holding a palm branch and a chalice with on each side a tree growing on a grassy hillock', on the other side S. Anne seated on a flamboyant Gothic throne on the footpace, in front the Madonna with the infant Jesus. Anno MDXXXIIII. 28 A fine exaonple from the libraries of W. H. Oorfield and George Dunn. The stam-ps are identical with Weale No. 375, -where they occur on a book in the Cathedral Library, Tournay MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 311 Latin continued. 1195 Erasmus (D.). Adagiorum Chi Hades juxta locos communes digestae. Folio, bound for Sir Charles Somerset, Standard Bearer of the Pen- sioners to Queen Elizabeth, black calf, gilt panelled sides, gilt stamped corner and central ornaments in inner -panel, with C. S. 1604 in centres, and in outer panel at top " Charls Somersett " on upper cover and motto on lower " Mutare nel Timer e sperno" gilt ornaments and title on back. (Paris), Sumptibus Andriae Wecheli, Claudii Marnii & Jo. Aubrii, 1.599- 42 A SPLENDIDLY PRESERVED PIECE OF FIN 3 BINDING. 1 1 96 Erasmus. Precationes aliquot, quibus accessit, simplex modus orandi. Lyons, Gryphius, 1546. Eschius (Nicholas). Exercitia quadempia. Antwerp, Plantin, 1569. Bullinger (H.). Pastor conformatus. Frankfurt, 1613. 3 books in I vol., I2mo, old green morocco, three-line, fillet border on sides, g. e., with the Arms on sides of J . A. de Thou (an unusual variety of the first Arms not figured in Guigard}. 10 10s 1197 Ernest (J. A.), Praefationes & Notae ad Ciceronis Operum omnium) editionem majorem Pars Posterior. 8vo, Rev. T. William's copy, purple morocco double, with crest on sides, g. e., by J. Clarke. Halae, 1807. 4 4s 1198 Fielesacus (J.). Quadragesima sive de prisco et vario ritu observatae apud Chris- tianas Gentes quadragesimae. Paris, 1600. Paroecia sive de paroeciarum et paroecorum origine, necnon de missa paroeciali audienda. Paris, 1 60 1. Voter is ecclesiae Callicanea querela. Paris, 1603. 3 works in I vol., 8vo, old French green morocco, with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second with his Arms on the sides. 5 10s 312 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1 199 Fisher (Payne), Poet Laureate to Oliver Cromwell. Deus et Rex; Rex, et Episcopus. Cramen ad Clerum A nuperis Lon- dini Flammis ereptum. 8vo, calf. London, about 1666. 1 5s Containing poems in French, including poems by Pierre De Cardonnel. 1200 Florus (L.). Bellorum Romanorum libri quattuor ex vetustissimo exemplari Ncvissime recogniti. WITH CONTEMPORARY MS. NOTES ON THE MARGINS. Small 4to, half old calf. Vienna, 1511. 2 15s BOUND BY ROGER PAYNE. 1 20 1 Fragmenta Poetarum Veterum Latinorum, Quorum Opera Non Extant: Ennii ; Accii, Lucilii, Laberii, Pacuvii, Afranii, Naevii, Caecilii, etc. Small 8vo, English binding of the second half of the XV lilt h century by Roger Payne, full crimson morocco extra, gilt back, gilt lines and floral ornamentations on sides, g. e. Paris, Henri Estienne, 1564. 9 10s 1202 Pronto (M. C.). Opera Inedita, cum Epistulis item ineditis Antonirii Pii, M. Aurelii, L. Veri et Appiani, nee non aliorum veterum Fragmentis; cum Comment. Angelus Maius. BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ON VELLUM PAPER. The two parts in I vol., thick 8vo, very handsomely bound in full contemporary green morocco gilt, gilt leaves. Milan, 1815. 14s FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE INNOCENT XI. 1203 Callicius (Aug.). Vita et Gesta Yen. Servi Dei Alexandri Savlii. 4to, Pope Innocent Xltk's copy , contemporary morocco, the Pope 's Arms in gold in centre of each side, a crowned eagle in each angle and gold border round sides, crowned eagles on back, g. e. Rome, 1661. 12 12s * * * Pope Innocent XI. was elected in 1676. His pontificate was signalized by a remarkaWe contest with Louis XIV. of France in MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 313 Latin continued, Callicius (Aug.) continued. relation to the regale and the privileges or exemptions of foreign ambassadors at Borne. The Pope wished fco abolish the usage which rendered the ambassador's palaoe, with the adjacent premises, an asylum for malefactors, etc., inaccessible to the officers of Justice. Louis XIV,, in 1687 sent his ambassador Lavardfjn with orders to maintain his rights, and with an armed retinue of eight hundred men. The Pope persisted, and excommunicated La.vardin, who returned wathout effecting his object. It seems that th? enmity to Louis induced the Pope to favour the English in resist- ance to Jaimes II., and some one remarked that the peace of Europe would be pro- moted if James would become a Protestant and the Pope a Catholic." 1204 Cherus (Ranutius). Delitiae C. C. Italprum Poetarum, Huins superiorisque aevi illus- trium, collectore Ranutius Gherus. 2 vols., bound in 6 vols., I2mo, full contemporary blue morocco extra, full gilt lines on sides, g. e. Frankfurt, 1608. 2 2s i2O4a Cower (!.) Pcema Quod Dicitur Vox Clamantis necnon Chronica Tn'partita. Edited with preface by H. O. Coxe. Thick 4to, original half morocco, uncut London, 1850. 2 2s 1205 Grotius (H.)- Dicta Poetarum quae apud J. Stobaeum exstant. Emendata et Latino Carmine reddita ab Hugone Grotio. Accesserunt Plutarchi et Basilii Magni de usu Graecorum Poetarum libelli. Royal 8vo, morocco, back richly gilt, g. c. Paris, 1623. 1 16s 1206 Herp (Prater Henrict). Speculum Aureutn De Preceptis divine legis. iBLACK LETTER, DOUBLE COLUMNS. Small thick 4to, old oak boards covered ivith leather stamped with figures and emblems (rebacked}. Strassburg, Joannes Knoblock, 1520. 2 10s FINE COPY. Blank margin of first leaf repaired. 314 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1207 Hincmar. Epistolae ex M. S. membranaceo cod. bibliothecae ecclesiae spiren- sis descriptae et nunc primum excusae cum notis J. Busaei. 4to, old French green morocco, -panel back, with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou (second Arms incorporating those of his first wife}. Mayence, 1602. 6 6s In addition to the letters of Archbishop Hinomar of Rheims the book contains the Constitutions of Charlemagne and the life of St. Wigberrcht. 1208 Historiae Romanae Epitomae. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. I2mo, old red morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt back, g. e. Amsterdam, Janson, 1625. 4 4s From the Library of Robert and Elizabeth Browning, with their names on title im the autograph of the latter. 1209 Holkot (Robert). Moralitates Robert! Olchot Verbum Dei evangelizantibus per Utiles cum Aliquibus additicnibus de novo in eas interpositis. BLACK LETTER. I2mo ( morocco, g. e. Venice, 1514. 5 5s 1 2 10 Homer. I lias. Latino Carmine reddita Helio Eobano Hesso interprete. I2mo, original French binding, richly tooled, and enamelled arabes- ques, gilt back, g. e. (slightly re-paired}. Paris, 1550. 16 16s CHARMING FRENCH BINDING IN VERY GOOD STATE OF PRESERVATION. 12 1 1 Hora tius. Poemata ex antiquis CCdd, & certis observationibus emendavit, variasque scriptorum & impressorum lectiones adjecit. Alexander Cuningamius. WITH FRONTISPIECE ENGRAVED BY BERNARD PlCART. Royal Svo, full marbled calf, g. e. The Hague, Thomasius Jonsonius, 1721. 2 10s Fine large paper "copy of a rare edition, which is famous for its Anti-Bentleian tendency MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 315 Latin continued. 1212 Horatius. Poemata scholiis sive annotationibus, instar Commentarii illustrata a Joanne Bond. Editio Nova. 8vo, original French calf, g. e. Orleans, Couret de Villeneuve, 1/67. 14s 1213 Horatius. Opera. WITH THE FINE PLATES AFTER GRAVELOT. ETC. 4to, marbled calf , gill back, three-line 'fillet border on sides , inside- dentelles, g. e. Birmingham, Baskerville. 17/0. 15 15s 1214 Horatius. Opera. WITH PORTRAIT. 641110, old red morocco , g. e. London, Pickering, 1820. 12s 6d' PICKERING'S DIAMOND EDITION. 1215 Horatius. Opera. WITH PORTRAIT. 64010, crimson morocco, gilt line border on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g., uncut, by damage. London, Pickering, 1824. 1 6s Large paper copy uncftt. 1216 Horace. Opera. WITH FRONTISPIECE. 32mo, green morocco, g. e, London, Pickering, 1824. 7s 6d 1217 Horace. Opera. Cum novo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Small 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt ornaments on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Didot, 1855. 1 10s FINK COPY. DIDOT'S FINELY PRINTED MINUTURE TYPE 316 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1218 Horace. Horazens Satiren, aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt, und mit Ein- leitungen und erlauternden Anmerkungen versehen von C. M. Wieland. 2 vols. in I, 8vo, full calf gilt. Leipzig, 1819. 6s 1219 Horace, Juvenal and Persius. Opera. 3 parts in I vol., I2mo, crimson morocco, gilt lines on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e., by F. Bedford. Paris, Robert Estienne, 1613-1616. 1 10s 1 2 20 Horatius. Recensuit atque interpretatus est I. C. Orellius. Addita varietate lectionis Codicum Bentleianorum Bernensium IV. Sangallensis et Turi- censis. Editio Tertia emendata et aucta curavit To. Georgius Baiterus. 2 vols., 8vo, full polished culf gilt, g. e. Zurich, 1850. 1 10s WITH THE ARMS OF KING FRANCIS I. OF FRANCE. 1221 In hoc Opere Continentur totius philosophic naturails Paraphrales; hoc ordine digestae. Introductio in libros physiocorum. Octo Physicorum Aristotelis; paraphrasis. Quatuor de Coelo & Mundo copletorum para- phrasis. Duoru de generatione & corruptioe; paraphrasis. Quatuor Meteorum copletoru; paraphrasis. Introductio in libros de Anima. Trium de Anima completorum; paraphrasis. Libri de Sensu & Sensato; para- phrasis. Libri de Somno & Vigilia; paraphrasis. Libri de Longitudine & Breuitate vitae; paraphrasis. Dialogi insuper ad Physicoru tu faci- lium turn difficilium intelligentiam introductorii; duo. Introductio Meta- physica. Dialogiquatuor ad Metaphysicoru intelligentiam introductorii. 8vo, wooden boards, covered luith brown calf, the sides are blind tooled in -panels, surrounded by two borders, the exterior containing the crowned F , the Salamander, and Stars, Ermine, and Fleur-de-Lys , all crowned. The inner border consists of elaborate scroll work. Paris, 1521. 63 A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF A BINDING WITH THE ARMS OF KlNG FRANCIS I. OF FRANCE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 317 Latin continued. 1222 Juvena! and Persius. Opera. 8vo, vellum. (Lyons, n.d.) 2 2s One of the well-known Lyoms counterfeits of the Aldus editions. 1223 Juvenal et Persius. Satyrae. I2mo, calf. London, J. Brindley, 1744. 8s 6d 1224 Juvenalis Satirae. Persii Flacci Satirae sex. BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED AT THE CHISWICK PRESS, EACH PAGE WITHIN A RED ORNAMENTAL BORDER. 4to, morocco gilt. London, Chiswick Press, 1845. 18s 1225 Linacre (Thomas). De Emendata Structura Latins Sermonis. Small 4to, in its very interesting contemporary Netherland binding of calf, with, stamped on each cover, a three panel design. I. St. John Baptist preaching, with listeners in front and in centre a dog. II. St Michael in a suit of plate armour standing on prostrate figure of Satan. III. A piper and four dancing figures (similar in treatment to Beham's " Wedding Dancers "). Basel, 1530. 20 THOMAS LINACRE (DIED 1524) WAS A FAMOUS PHYSICIAN AND LATIN SCHOLAR, AND WAS MAINLY INSTRUMENTAL IN FOUNDING THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. Hfi WAS A FELLOW OF ALL SOULS. OXFORD, AND BECAME TUTOR TO THE PRINCESS MARY. 1226 Lucan. Pharsalia. WITH NOTES BY HUGO GROTIUS AND THOMAS F\RNABY. I2mo, crimson morocco, ivith Arms on sides, g. e. Amsterdam, John Blaeuw, 1643. 2 10s 318 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1227 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. Lugduni, Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. Q. Hcratius Flaccus. Opera, etc. Lugduni, Apud Seb. Gryphium, I 547. Bound in I vol., i6mo, old full red morocco, g. e. 2 2s A VERY DESIRABLE COPY IN A NEAT MOROCCO BINDING. FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE SIXTUS V. 1228 Marsilius (M. Ant.). Columnae Bononiensis J.C. Archiepiscopi. Salernitani Hydragio- logia sive De Aqua Benedicta. 4to, Pope Sixtus V.'s Copy, in contemporary morocco, the Arms in gold on side of the Pope, gold borders to sides, g. e. Rome, 1586. 14 14s * * * SlXTUS V. WAS ELECTED IN 1585. IT IS REPORTED THAT BEFORE HIS ELECTION, HE SIMULATED THE INFIRMITIES OF OLD AGE SO ART- FULLY THAT THE CARDINALS THOUGHT HE HAD NOT LONG TO LIVE, BUT AS SOON AS HE BECAME POPE HE THREW AWAY HIS CRUTCH AND ASTONISHED THEM BY HIS VIGOUR. AS A RULER HE WAS DISTINGUISHED FOR HIS ENERGY AND MUNIFICENT SPIRIT; HE CONSTRUCTED THE VATICAN LIBRARY, THE OBELISK IN THE PIAZZV OF SAINT PETER'S CHURCH, THE GREAT AQUEDUCT CALLED BY HIS NAME, AND OTHER MAGNIFICENT PUBLIC WORKS. 1229 Menander. De generae demonstrative nunc primum e Greco in Latinum trans- lati. Venice, 1558. Alexandri Sophistae. De figuris sententiarum ac elocutionum. Venice, 1557. Two works in I vol., 8vo, old French red. morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. (with the Arms on sides of J . A. de Thou, second Arms incorporating those of his first wife). 10 10s 1230 Mone. Lateinisch Hymnen des Mittelalters aus HSS herausgegeben und erklart von F. J. Mone. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Freiburg, 1853. 3 3s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 319 Latin continued. 1231 More (Sir Thomas). Lucubrationes ab innumeris Mendis repurgatae. Utopiae libri II. Progymnasmata. Epigrammata. Ex Luciano conversa quaedam. De- clamatio Lucianicae respondens. Epistolae quibus additae sunt duae alio- rum Epistolae, de vita, moribus & morte Mori. WITH FINE PORTRAIT OF MORE INSERTED. 8vo, calf antique , g. e., by Benedict (with his ticket}. Basel, 1563. 5 10s A FINE COPY OF A SCARCE EDITION. 1232 Morus (Thomas). Utopia a Mendis vindicata. 32mo, original calf. Oxford, 1663. 18S COLLECTION OF NEW YEAR GREETINGS BY MORELLUS, PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN PARIS. 1233 Morellus (F.). S. Anthelmi Prisci occidentalium saxonum episcopi moncsticha Graece reddita et notis illustrata, Paris, 1603. Votum. Anni tertii seculi novi ad S. S. Triada. Paris, 1603. Yota. Anneas, ad Ann. 1599. Paris, 1599. Ausonii. Burdegal 1 . Ephemerias id est totius diei negotium. Paris, 1598. Aurea. Christianorum distichorum et parabol salomonis synopsis, e Flori- dis H. Seguier. Paris i 1604. Five works in Latin and Greek type, in one vol., Svo, French green morocco, with the Arms of J. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife). Paris, 1599-1604. 10 10s 320 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. A MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF FRENCH STAMPED BINDING. 1234 Nevizanus (Jo.). Silva Nuptialis bonis referta non modicis. (in qua ex questione an sit utiie nubere plurime quotidiane questiones in practica occurrentes hactenus non examinate, etc.). BLACK LETTER, TITLE IN RED AND BLACK WITH Jo. KERVER'S DEVICE, REPEATED AT END. 8vo, French contemporary stamped bro^un calf, the upper cover having a centre panel with S. John Baptist preaching to five persons, the margins containing figures of the Diety y Virgin and Child. S. James, David and Bathsheba, and a Tower; on the under cover are four panels containing figures of SS. Katherine, Barbara, Nicholas, and John Evan- gelist. Paris, industria Magistri Petri Vidove Impensis Joannis Kerver, 1521. (Preserved in a levant morocco case.) 115 See Weale, Nos. 109 and 512, but without the legends. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN FRON THE LAMPORT HALL LIBRARY USED AS END PAPERS ARE FOUR LEAVES OF AN EARLY ENGLISH BLACK LETTER WORK ON ASTROLOGY. 1235 Occteve (Thos.). De Regimine Principum. A Poem written in the Reign of Henry IV. Edited with Preface by Thos Wright. 4to, original half morocco, uncut. London, 1860. 1 15s 1236 Ochino (Bernard). Diologi XXX. De Messia; de rebus variis, de Trinitate. Svo, fine specimen of XVIth Century stamped binding, wooden boards, covered with finely stamped binding, dated 1559, with stamps of Lucrece, etc. Basel, 1563. 3 3s MAGNIFICENT BINDING FROM THE BORGHESE LIBRARY. 1237 Onuphrius Panuinius. Romanonim Principum et eorum quorum Maxima in Italia Imperia fueruntc Libri IV. De Cpmittiis Imperatoriis. In quo Universa Im- peratorum eligendorum ratio ab Augusto Caesare usque ad imperatorum Carolum V. explicatur. Item Imperii Romani divisio in occidentale & Orientale cum alterius excidio e iusque per Carolum Magnum et Othonem Augustos restitutio. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 321 Latin continued. Onuphrius Panuinius continued. Folio, green morocco, with fine festooned borders on sides, the Bor- ghese dragon at each corner and the bach and the large Borghese Arms in the middle of each side. g. e. (contemporary Italian binding of the XVlth Century-). "Basel, 1558. 75 With the Borghese Library stamp on the title-page. FROM THE LIBRARY OF POPE INNOCENT XII. 1238 Oratio cie Spirit us adventu ad Sanotiss. D.N. Urbanum VIII. Small 4to, Po-pc Innocent Xllth's Copy, in contemporary morocco, the centre of sides occupied with the large Arms in gold of the Pope, surrounded with a dentelle border , corner fleurons and outside dentelle border. Rome, 1633. 10 10s * * * Pope Inno Animadversiones act Graecos Auctores, viz , Diodorus Siculus, Dio, Chrysostomus, Cassius, Lysias, Plutarch, Thucydides, Herodotus, Aristides, Polybius. 4 vols., small Svo, contemporary French red morocco, full gilt backs, g. e. Lipsiae, 1757. 2 2s 1266 Rodericus Zamorensis. Speculum Yite Humanae in quo discutiuntur comoda et incomoda. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1522. Bonaventure (St.). Speculum Discipline Sancti Bonaventure ad Novictos. Paris, Jehan Petit (WITH HIS FINE DEVICE IN OLD COLOURING), 1504. Johannis Yiterbiensis. Tractatus de Futuris Christianorum Triumphis in Saracenos. Paris, n.d. (about 1510). Virga Directionis Ecclesiasticorum. Paris, Jehan Frailon, n.d. (about 1510). All printed in Black Letters. Together in vol. Small Svo, original vellum binding. 4 4s 328 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street^ London, W. Latin continued. 1267 Rodulphinus (A.)- Allegations. Folio, Italian binding of the second half of the XVIIth Century, bound for Cardinal Pamphilio, red morocco gilt, broad tooled borders on sides, with fan ornaments in the corner and the Arms of the Cardinal in centre , gilt lining paper, g. e. Bononiae, 1693. 5 5s Trie DEDICATION COPY TO CARDINAL PAMPHILIO, \VTTII COPPERPLATE ENGRAVING OF HIS ARMS (a few leaves stained). 1268 Ross (Alexander). Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados Libri XIII. In quibus omnia qua de Domino nostro J. Christo in utroq; testarnento, vel dicta vel praedicta sunt, altisona divini Maronis tuba suavissime decantatur. FINELY ENGRAVED TITLE BY MARSHALL Small 8vo, original vellum. London, Typis Johannis Legate, 1638. 18s 1269 Rupertus Abbas Tuitiensis. De Divinis Officiis, libri XII. 8vo, contemporary binding of brown leather, with two centre stamped panels, that on the upper cover representing St. Roche as a pilgrim, with angel and dog with legend, " Sancte Roche Ora," and the under one that of St. John Baptist preaching to the people, surrounded by borders of floral scrolls interspersed with roses, back slightly damaged, otherwise in excellent state {see Weale, R. 401, B. qi). Paris, 1526. 15 15s 1270 Sadoletus (<).). Interpretatio in psalmum " Miserere mei Deus " (XCIII). 8vo, original vellum, with the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (first Arms], g. e. Lyons, Gryphius, 1537. 5 5s 4 1271 Sallust et Florus. Opera. 4to, marbled calf , gilt back, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. 4 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 329 Latin continued. 1272 Sal lust. Opera. Omnia. Ad Editionem Cortn cum Ediliombus Havercampi et G. Antonii Collatam. Svo, green morocco, gilt borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e., leather joints, bound by Roger Payne. London, Apud T. & T. Payne, 1/89. 5 5s LARGE PAPER COPY. 1273 Sallust. Another Copy. Green morocco, g. e., leather joints (Roger Payne]. 3 18s 1274 Sallust. Another Copy. Red morocco gilt, gilt back, g. e. (Roger Payne). 2 10s 1275 Sallust and Florus. Works (in Latin). 8vo, marbled calf, back gilt (modern). Birmingham, Baskerville, 1774. 1 10s ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS PRINTED FROM STEREOTYPE PLATES. 1276 Sallust. Belli Catilininarii et Jugurthini Historiae. red morocco. Edinburgh, Gulielmus Ged, Aurifaber Edinensis, non Typis mobilili- bus, ut vulgo fieri solet, sed Tabellis seu Laminis fusis, cxcudebat, 1844. 18S 1277 Scoglius (J. H.). A primordio ecclessae historia cum chronologia ab orbe condito ad A.D. M.D.C.X.L. 4to, old calf , three-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, with the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (first Arms), used by his eldest son. Rome, 1642. 5 5s 330 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W Latin continued. 1278 Seneca. Opera ex L. Lipsi emendatione. WITH FRONTISPIECE. 2 vols., I2mo, old call ', two-line border on sides, g. e., with the Arms on sides of J . A. de Thou (first Arms'). Amsterdam, G. J. Cresius, 1628. 7 10s 1279 Silius Italicus. Opus de Secundo Bello Punico. ITALIC LETTER. 8vo, straight- grained red morocco gilt, g. e. (by Bozerian aine] (Heber copy}. Lyons, Bartholomew Troth, 1514. 2 5s The only Lyonnese counterfeit edition, but anticipating the only genuine Aldine edition of 1523. 1280 Simon de Montf art's Chronicle. Preclara francorum facinora varie ue ipsorum certamina; pluribus in locis tam contra orthodoxe tidei quam ipsius gallice gentis hostes non impigre gesta quicquid item digni memoratu in ipso christianissimo francie populo potu it contingere; ab anno domini millesimo ducentesimo; ad annum eius de m do mini millesimum CCCXI. quo templarij e medio to Uuntur ab illustrissimo in quern principe mentis auq fortis comite dum vineret christi athleta fortissimo ac rei bellice pertissimo accuratissime recollecta; hoc historiali nusquam tamen viso claudunurtepitomate. E.d. 8vo, half calf. (Paris about 1510.) 15 15s VERY RARE VOLUME KNOWN UNDER THE NAME OF CHRONICLE OF SIMON DE MONTFORT. THIS CHRONICLE EXTENDS FROM THE YEAR 1200 TO 1311, THE PERIOD OF THE CONDEMNATION OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, AND CONTAINS A RELATION OF THE WARS OF CRUSADES AGAINST THE ALBIGENSES. IT is GENERALLY ATTRIBUTED TO PETER V., BISHOP OF LODEVE IN 1312. HOW- EVER, A NOTE IN THIS COPY ATTRIBUTES THIS BOOK TO BERNARD GuiDO. THE HISTORY HAS ALSO BEEN PARTLY PUBLISHED UNDER THE NAME OF WlLLIAM DE PuY-LAURANT. THE ABOVE COPY BEARS THE SIGNATURE ON THE TITI.E-PAGE AND AT THE END OF THE FAMOUS XVlTH CENTURY PAMPHLETEER MAILLARD, WHO IS WELL KNOWN AS THE AUTHOR OF THE " FLEUR-DE-LYS " " L'ANTI- ESPAGNOL " AND OTHER POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. There is a slight tear in the top margins of leaves 2 and 3 without touching the text. A few unimportant worm holes. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 331 Latin continued. 1281 St. Afbans. De incliti et gloriosi prctomartyris Anglic Albani Ccnversicne pas- sione translation et miraculorum choruscatione. BLACK LETTER. 4to, boards. (Cologne, Martin of Werden, 1502.) 4 10s Proctor 10503. THIS EXTREMELY RARE LIFE OF THE ENGLISH SAINT AND PROTOMARTYR ST. ALBAN IS DEDICATED TO KlNG HENRY VIII. OF ENGLAND BY THE ABBOT AND MONK OF THE MONASTERY OF ST. PANTALEON IN COLOGNE. 1282 Statius. Opera. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. , I2mo, old red morocco, gilt borders on sides , gilt back, g. e. Amsterdam, Jansson, 1624. 4 4s FROM THE LIBRARY OF ROBERT AND ELIZABETH BROWNING, WITH THEIR NAMES ON TITLE IN THB AUTOGRAPH OF THE LATTER. 1283 Stockwocd (John). Prcgymnasma Scholasticum. Hoc est, Epigrammatum Graecorum, ex Anthologia selectorum ab He. Stephano. Opera & industria Johannis Stockwoodi, Scholae Tunbrig- dieneis olim Ludimagistri. Graeca praeterea sunt omnia per lineas inter- lineares Latinis expressa typis, ad faciliorem eorundem lectionem, in studiosae juventutis gratiam. 8vo, contemporary calf. London, Adam Islip, 1597. 1 AN EARLY SCHOOL BOOK AS USED IN TUNBRIDGE SCHOOL. 1284 Tacitus. Libri quinque noviter invent! atque cum reliquis ejus operibus editi (cura Phil. Beroaldi). Folio, old stamped calf (rebacked]. Rome, Stephen Guilleret de Lorraine, 1515. 10 10s " Cette edition precieuse est mise au rang des iditif.ns princeps, parce qu'elle est la premiere qui contieniLe les cinq premiers livres des Annales." Brunet. THIS RARE EDITION IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE REAL " EDITIO PfilNCEPS " OF TACITUS, BECAUSE PREVIOUS EDITIONS ONLY CONTAINED THE LAST SIX BOOKS OF THE ANNALS. 332 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1285 Terence. Comoediae. Royal 8vo, red morocco, sides elaboratly covered with festooned borders ', and centrepieces of birds, crowns, etc., etc., fully gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Dublin, E Typographia Academiae, 1/4$. 10 10s FlXE SPECIMEN*. 1286 Terence. Comoediae. 4to, marbled calf , gilt back, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g.e. Birmingham, Baskerville, 17/2. 4 10s 1287 Terence. Comoediae. WITH PORTRAIT. 64mo, original cloth. ongi i, Pi London, Pickering, 1822. 6s 6d HENRY VIII. BINDING. 1288 Thomaeus (N. Lecnieus). De varia historia Libri III nuper in lucem editi. WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE AND AT END. 4to, original binding of wooden boards and brown calf, by Henri Jacobi, Bookseller and Binder, stamped with panels on front side; the Tudor rose between two scrolls held by angels, inscribed " Hec rosa vir- tutis," etc., at foot the binder's trade mark and initials H . I. on end side; large Arms of England (Henry I 7 ///.) quartered with France, supporting a dragon and hound, with initials H.I. Upper cover a little wormed, and one wcrn-hole in lower cover, other- wise in fine original state. Basel, Froben, 1531. 42 1289 Valerius Maximus. Dictorum Factorumque memorabilium Libri IX. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding, z> brown morocco, the sides and back covered with gilt tooling, Arms in centre, finely gilt back, g. e., and the follozving names on the sides-. f: M. Alphcnsus Palavicinus" " Vicensius Costaguta." Lyons, 1613. 8 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 333 Latin continued. 1290 Valerius Maximus. Opera (in Latin). 8vo, calf, back gilt. Leyden, 1670. 8s 6d 1 29 1 Veterum Aliquot Galliae Theologorum Scripta. 4to, old French green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. t ivith the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (first Arms). Paris, 1586. 10 10s 1292 Vidaeus (Marcus Hieronymus). Poemata quae extant omnia quibus nunc primum adjiciuntur ejus- dem Dialogi De Reipublicae Dignitate. 2 vols. in I vol., 8vo, old red morocco, broad gilt borders on sides carefully tooled, with thorns, acorns and roses, gilt back, tooled on inside edges, g. e. London, 1/32. - 7 10s A SPLENDIDLY PRESERVED PIECE OP ENGLISH BINDING. 1293 Vincent (Saint), Lerinensis. Ad versus prophanas haeresaon novationes. Edmundi Campinai ration es deoem. Cologne, 1600. Tertullian. De praescriptionibus ad versus haereticos. Cologne, 1599. The two works in I vol., I2mo, old green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e., with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou [first Arms, a variety not figured in Guigard). 9 9s STAMPED BINDING. 1294 Virgil. Lamberti Hortensii Montfortii Enarrationes in sex priores libros Aeneidos Vergilianae. Folio, calf, with stamps of Justitia, Satzsfactio, Peccatum, etc., etc. (re paired'). Basel, Henry Petrus & John Oporinus, 1559. 1 16s 334 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Latin continued. 1295 Virgil. Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 4to, most handsomely bound in full morocco extra, gilt back and sides, g. e. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1757. 10 10s 1296 Virgil. Opera. WlTK PORTRAIT. 32mo, crimson morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. London, Pickering, 1821. 18s 1297 Virgil. Another Copy. Green morocco, g. e. London, Pickering, 1821. 10s 6d 1298 Virgil. Another Copy. Old morocco, g. e. London, Pickering, 1821. 1 16s 1299 Virgil. Bucolica, Ceorgica et Aeneis* ex editione P. Burmanni THE CELEBRATED FOULIS EDITION, FINELY PRINTED IN LARGE TYPE. 2 vols. in I, folio, original calf, rebacked and gilt. Glasgow, Foulis, 1778. 1 16s 1300 Virgil. Bucolicorum, Georgicorum, et AeneicJos. Cum accurata simul & fideli Beruii Mauri Honorati expositione. Large 8vo, stamped calf. ' Bas3eae, apud Joan Valderum, 1534. 1 5s Clean copy. 1301 Virgil (Polyctor). Adagiorum Opus per Autorem quarto jam recognitum. Joannis Chrysostomi de perfecto monacho, maloque principe Polydore interprete. 8vo, stamped binding. Basel, 1541. 2 10s With interesting book plate of 1715 on back of title. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 335 Latin continued. 1302 Vives (J. L.). De Officio Mariti. Vives (J. L.). De Institution; foeminae Christiane ad Inclytam D. Catherinam His- panam Angliae. WITH FINE WOODCUT PRINTER'S DEVICE. 2 vols. in 1 , 8vo, original vellum, with ornamental stamp on sides. Basel, 1538. 4 4s THESE ARE THE TWO BEST KNOWN PEDAGOGICAL WORKS OF THE SPANISH HUMANIST, WHO WAS THEN LIVING IN BRUGES, OWING TO HIS BANISHMENT FRO.H THE COURT OF HENRY VIII. INSIDE THR COVER THERE is A MANT SCRIPT NOTE OF A PREVIOUS OWNER, H. G. VON BERLICHINOBN. ON THE FLY-LEAF IS THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF PHILLIPUS HASSIAE LANDGRAFIUS (PHILLIP III. OF HESSEN, WHO REIGNED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XVIlTH CENTURY, AND WHO WAS THH PROUD POSSESSOR OF A FAMOUS LIBRARY). 1303 Vocabularius Perutilis utriusqz juris tarn ciuilis & canonici. Unacum tractatu de modo studendi in utroqz iure. Cum nominibus omnium scribentium in iure. BLACK LETTER, WITH PETIT' s DEVICE ON TITLE. Small 4to, contemporary stamped calf (rebacked and mended). Paris, Printed by Pierre le Dru for Jehan Petit, 23 June, 1501. 3 3s 1304 Wai! is (John). Cramatica Linguae Anglicanae cui Praefigitur de loquela; sive de soriorum omnium loquelarium formatione; Tractatus gramatico-Physicus. WITH PORTRAIT. 8vo, red calf, gilt. Brand Holliss' copy with his emblematic design on the binding. London, 1765. 15s 1305 Way (Albert). Promptorium Parvulorum Sive Clericorum, Dictionarius. Anglo- Latinus Princips, Auctore Fratre Galfrido Grummatico Dicto, ed ordine fratrum predicatorum, North folciensi, circa AD. MCCCCXL Editum. Albertus Way. Small 4to, calf. London, Soc. Camdenensis, 1865. 1 5s 336 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. LAW. 1306 Bardus (Antonius). Tractatus de Tempore Utili et Continue ad appellandum & prose- quendum; ac de continuatione Dominii, & possessionis de una in alteram personam. Venice, 1563. Tractatus Criminales qui nunc primum in lucem prcdeunt. De Fama, Thome de Piperata. De Brachio implorando per judicem ecclesias- ticum a judice seculari, & e contra, Martini de Fano. De Inquisitionibus ad interpretationem. 1. si uacantia. C. de bonis uacantibus lib. x. Angeli de ubaldis. De Quaestionibus, Antonii de Canario. De Syndicatu officialium, Antonii Rondinelli. The two works in I vol. , 1 2mo, half calf. Venice, 1563. 10s6d 1307 Dynus. De Regulis Juris. Preclarus et insignis tractatus allegabilis et quo- tidianus de regulis juris excel lentissimi juris utriusq professoris dni Dyni de muxello, &c. TITLE IN RED AND BLACK WITHIN AN ORNAMENTAL BORDER. 8vo, in its original binding of oak boards covered with leather, with remarkably fine stamps of Saint Katherine, and another Saint surrounded by the legend " Virgo Sancta Katherina Grecie Gema " in Gothic letters (very carefully and appropriately rebacked by Riviere}, 1525. 18 18s A FINE EXAMPLE, THE STAMPS BEING VERY SHARP AND HEIGHT The volume was successively in the libiaries of Blenheim Palace, Lord Ainherst, and George Dunn. IT IS REMARKABLE THAT THOUGH THE TWO STAMPS OX EACH COVER ARE IDENTICAL SUBJECTS THEY ABE FROM DIFFERENT BLOCKS, EACH SHOWING VARIATIONS. BEAUTIFUL SCOTCH BINDING. 1308 Harries (G. M.). . Disputatio Juridica, De Publiciana in Rem Actione. Quam, favente numine, ex Auctoritate clarissimi ac consultissimi viri D. Robert] Blair de Avontoun. Small 4to, Scotch binding of the commencement of the XlXth cen- tury , full crimson morocco, the sides most elaborately tooled in gold with ornamental floral devices introducing the thistle, etc., in the centre of each side is a full-length figure of Liberty enclosed by an oval floral wreath, Edinburgh, 1802. 6 6s Prom the Library of the Earl of Galloway. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 337 Law continued. CONTEMPORARY GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1309 Justinian. Institutionum seu Elementorum. Libri HIT. I2mo, in a contemporary binding of Grolier design, br own. calf , the sides adorned with gold tooling of interlaced bands, gilt edges. In centre of each cover appears a small Coat of Arms, consisting of a shield carry- ing three boars' heads. On the front cover in letters of gold is also the title of the book, " Insti. Index Pan dect," and on the back cover the motto " Resana Fruiscio" (Lyons), 1551. 31 10s * * * The sides in excellent condition, the back slightly repaired. On the title-page is the name of an early owner : "Ex biblioth. C. Caroli, Parisiensis." GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1310 Justinian. Codicis Principis ex Repetita Praelectione Libri XII. 2 vols., I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of brown calf wjth elaborate ornamental borders on sides, and the ivords " Codi Pars Prima Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back, g. e. (slightly repaired), in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1551. 42 GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1311 Justinian. Novellarum Constitutionum Justiniani Principis quae extant et ut extant VOlurtten. Gregorio Haloandro interprete. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of brown calf , with elaborate ornamental borders on sides, and the words " Novel. Ccnstitu. Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back, g. e. (slightly repaired], in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1551. 12 12s 1312 Justinian. Pandectarum Juris Civilis. Pars Prima et Secunda. 2 vols., I2mo. Lyons, 1551. Contemporary binding of a Grolier pattern, brown calf, the sides adorned with gold tooling of interlaced bands, gilt edges. (Continued over) 338 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, ^London, W. Law continued. Justinian continued. In centre of each side appears a small Coat of Arms, consisting of a shield carrying three boars 1 heads. On the front cover in letters of gold is the title of the book, " Pandect Juris Pars Prima " (" Pars Secunda " on vol. 2). On the back cover the motto " Resana Fruiscio" 43 A FIXE SPECIMEN OF A CONTEMPORARY LYONNESE BINDING IN THE EXACT STYLE OP THOSE MADE AT THE PERIOD FOR GfiOLIEB, WHO WAS HIMSELF A NATIVE OF LYONS. THE SIDES ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, THE BACK HAS BEEN SLIGHTLY REPAIRED. On the title-page of each volume is a nearly contemporary signature: "Ex biblioth; C. Caroli. Paris/' GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1313 Justinian. Pandectarum Juris civilis, Pars Tertia. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of broivn calf, with elaborate ornamental borders on sides and the words " Pand. Jur. Pars Tertia. Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back, g. e. (slightly repaired], in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1550. 12 12s GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1314 Justinian. Pandectarum Juris civilis, Pars Qumta. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of brown calf, with elaborate ornamental borders on sides and the words " Pand. ]ur. Pars Quinta. Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back, g. e. (slightly repaired], in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1551. 12 12s GROLIERESQUE BINDING. 1315 Justinian. Pandectarum Juris civilis, Pars Sexta. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of brown calf, with elaborate ornamental borders on sides and the words " Pand. Jur. Pars Sexta. Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back y g. e. (slightly repaired], in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1551. 12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 339 Law continued. GROLTERESQUE BINDING. 1316 Justinian. Pandectarum Juris civilis, Pars Septima. I2mo, contemporary Lyonnese binding of broiun calf, with elaborate ornamental borders on sides, and the words " Pand. Jur. Pars Septima. Re Sana Frui Scio," gilt back, g. e. (slightly repaired],' in full levant morocco case, velvet linings. Lyons, 1551. 12 12s 1317 Leges Longobardorum cum glossis Da Caroli de Tocco cum Capitulari Carol! Magni regis Francorum, etc. Svo, original vellum. Venice, Sessa, 1537. 1 1318 Robertas (J.). Notarum iibri III. ad Jacobi Cujasii Mercatoris notatorum libros. 4to, original vellum, with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou (first Arms}. Orleans, 1582. 9 9s AN INTERESTING WORK ON COMMERCIAL LAW. MATHEMATICS. 1319 Cfavius (Christopher). Operum Mathematicorum, (Comment in Euclidem Theodosium; Geometrica Practica; Arith- metica Practica; Algebra; Comment in Sphaeram Joannis de Sacro Bosco; Astrolabium; Gnomonices; Fabrica et usus Instrumenti Horologiorum; Horologiorum nova descriptio; Romani Calendarii a Gregorio XIII. resti- tuti explicatio, &c. COMPLETE SET, 5 vols., folio, original calf gilt. Mayence, 161 1-12. 3 10s CHRISTOPHER CLAVIUS WAS BORN AT BAMBERG IN 1537, AND WAS ONE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MATHEMATICIANS OP HIS TIME. HE WAS EMPLOYED IN 1581 BY POPE GREGORY XIII. TO REFORM THS CALENDAR. 340 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Mathematics continued. 1320 Euclid. Elementorum Geometricorum libri XV cum expositione Theonis in priores XI!!, Campani in omnes et Hypsiclis Alexandrini in duos pos- tremos. His adjecta sunt Phaenomena, Catoptrica, & Optica, deinde Pro- theoria Marini & Data. WITH DIAGRAMS. Folio. Basiliae, apud Johannem Hervagium, 1537. With an introduction by Philip Melancthon. Archimedes. Opera quae exstant graece & Latine adjecta Eutocii in eosdem Archimedis libros ccmmentaria item Craece & Latine nunquam antea excusa. WITH DIAGRAMS. Folio. Basileae, Joannes Hernagicis. 1544. Two parts. FIRST EDITION, The Greek portion only. Three works in I vol., original vellum. Fine copies. 4 4s 1321 Galileo (G.). Discorsi e Dimcstrazione Matematiche, intorno a due nuove scunze attenenti alia Mecanica & i Novimenti Locali con una Appendice del centro di gravita d'alcuni Solidi. NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original calf. Leyden, 1638. 1 15s 1322 Galileo. Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo Matematico Supremo dello studio di Padova, E. Pisa, E. Filosofo, e Matematico primario del Serenissimo Gran Duca di Toscana. Dove ne i congressi di quattro giornate si dis- cprre sopra i due inassimi Sistemi del Mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano. WITH DIAGRAMS. Florence, 1710. Lettera del Signor Galileo Galilei Accademico Linceo scritta alia Gran duchessa di Toscana. Florence, 1710. 2 vols. in I, small 4to, original vellum. 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 341 Mathematics continued. 1323 Mersenne. Cogitata Mathematical In quibus tarn naturae quam artis effectus admirandi certissimis demonstrationibus explicantur. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, DIAGRAMS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Thick 4to, original vellum. Paris, 1644. 1 5s THE ABOVE WORK CONTAINS THE HYDRAULIC PHENOMENA, ART OF NAVIGATION, HARMONY, MECHANICAL PHENOMENA, BALLISTIC PHENOMENA, ELRMENTS OP EUCLID, COSMOGRAPHIA, OPTICS, ETC. 1324 Peletier (Jaques). De I' Usage de Ceometrie. NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS, Paris, 1573. Merliers (Jean de). L' Usage du Quarre Ceometrique ampiement descrit et demcnstre. NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. Paris, 1573. In I vol., small 4to. Fine co -pies in original vellum. 2 10s 1325 Scala (Giovanni). Ceometria Prattica. Sopra le tavole de Giovanni Pomodoro. WITH NUMEROUS FULL-PAGE PLATES. Folio, calf. Rome, 1603. 1 1326 Schott (Caspar). Mathesis Caesarea sive Amussis Ferdinandea, Scholiis & Iconismis aucta. WITH NUMEROUS FOLDING PLATES, AND FINE ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF THE ARCHDUKE CHARLES JOSEPH. 4to, original wooden boards, covered ivith-stam-ped -pigskin, clas-ps. Wurzburg, 1762. 18s The above work is chiefly occupied with mathematical problems, most of them relat- ing: to the military art. 1327 Wallis (John). Opera Mathematica. WITH NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS. Folio, original vellum. Oxford, Sheldonian Theatre, 1699. 2 10s 342 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Mathematics continued. 1328 Welper(E.). Elementa Ceometrica in Usum Ceometriae studiosorum. WITH 32 ENGRAVED PLATES. 4to, original limp vellum. Strassburg, Printed by and for the Author, 1630. 15s MEDICINE. 1329 Bartholinus (Caspar). G on trover si ae anatomicae. Thick small 8vo, original vellum. Goslar, 1631. 1 Is 1330 Catalogus Medicamentorum chymica praeparatorum, addito etiam prae- parationis modo et USU. LATIN MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN IN ENGLAND (XVIlTH CENTURY) ON PAPER. 410, original calf. 2 2s 1331 Champier. Rosa Callica aggregatoris Lugdunesis dcmini Symphoriani Cham- perij omnibus sanitatem affectantibus utilis, & necessaria. WOODCUT ON TITLE. Svo, contemporary Netherlandish binding of stamped calf (back re- paired), each side divided into four panels, two of which have the mar- ginal legend (interrupted at each angle by a quatrefoil] : ' ' Deus Det Nobis Suam pacem et Post Morte vitani eternam amen." And the other two panels, the legend : " Deus dedit Deus Abstulit Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum." The inner portion is divided into two vertical comport- ments, each occupied by a branch of foliage and fruit, enclosing within its curves four animals facing those in the other compartment. Paris, Badius Ascensius, 1514. 17 17s 1332 Dioscorides. Opera quae extant omnia ex nova interpretatione J. A. Saraceni, Lugdunaei, Medici. (In Greek and Latin ) WITH PORTRAITS. 2 vols. in one, folio, citron morocco, with the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (second Arms incorporating those of his first wife]. Sumtibus Haeridum A. Wecheli, C. Marnii et Joan Aubrii, 1598 6 10s THE BEST EDITION. MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 343 Medicine continued. 1333 Ficino (Marsilio). De le tre Vita,, cive". A qual guisa si pcssone le persona letterate mantenere in sanita. Per anal guisa si possa Thuomo prolungare la vita, &c. Venetia, per M. Tramez/ino, 1548. Galeno delli Mezzi che si possone Senere per Conservarsi la Sanita, Venet., 1549. Opera utilissima di Arnaldo di Villa Nuova di conservare la Sanita, Venetia, 1549. In i vol. Thick small 8vo, most handsomely bound in its contemporary Vene- tian morocco lettered along the back " Mars Ficino et Galeno ," the sides completely covered with rich elaborate gold tooled ornaments, two lions rampant and initials L.P, in centre, diagonal frame, the edges gilt and gaufre,it)$>-g. 27 10s A FINE EXAMPLE OF EARLY VENETIAN BINDING IN UNUSUALLY GOOD PRESERVATION. 1334 Fiora Yanti (Leonardo). Delia Fisica. WITH WOODCUT PORTRAIT. 8vo, original vellum. Venice, Sessa, 1582. 2 10s This curious little book contains chapters on the creation of the elements and of the creation of man, a new antidotario, in which many remedies hitherto unknown are taught, an account of different infirmities, and some very important tractates on alchemy, including Latin and Spanish verses on that subject. 1335 Calenus (Claudius). Vita Claudii Calenii per Joannem Martinum medicum collecta. 4to, contemporary brown morocco, sides richly tooled , gilt back, g. e. f with Arms on sides {painted} Naples, 1577. 26 MAGNIFICENT BINDING. 1336 Galen. De Facile Parabilibus Liber. De Theriaca. De Antidotis. De Adum- Brata Figura Empirica. I2mo, contemporary leather binding, covered ivith elaborate tooling in gold and enamel in different colours (Grcller patter ti], fully gilt orna- mental back, gilt tooled edges to an elaborate floral pattern. Lyons, 1560. 52 10s THI BINDING IS IN EXCELLENT PRESERVATION. 344 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street^ London, W. Medicine continued. 1337 Laurentius (Andreas). Discursus philosophicus & medicis de Melancholia et Catarrho, in quo de eorum differentiis, causis, signis et curandi ratione accurate disseri- tur. A Joanne Theodoro ex Andrea Laurentii libello Latio adscriptus. ENGRAVED TITLE BY R. GUSTOS. Small 8vo, brown morocco, with antique gilt ornaments , t. e. g. y others uncut, by F. Bedford. Augsburg, 1620. 5 5s Fine copy of a scarce book, which is remarkable for the close resemblance which the title bears to that of Burton's famous " Anatomy of Melancholy," which was first published in the year following this. THE HISTORY OF THE FAMOUS Swiss FASTING GIRL. 1338 Lentulus (P.). Historia admiranda de prodigiosa Appolloniae Schreierae, in egro Bernensi inedia. WITH POETRAIT OF APPOLLONIA SCHREIER, FASTING. 4to, French green morocco, with the Arms on sides of J . A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife']. Berne, 1604. 10 10s WITH A LONG NOTE BY DE THOU ON A PAGE AT THE EM) OP THE BOOK. I.33Q Maceroni (Orazio). Sopra il Yajuolo Vaccine Rinvenuto in Alcune Yacche Suizzere Esis- tenti Nel Nostro Territorio. 8vo, 13 pp., unbound. Rome, 1834. 7s 6d 1340 Mayo (John). Opera cmnia medico physica. WITH ENGRAVED PORTRAIT AND PLATES, INCLUDING ONE OF A WATER SPOUT. 8vo, vellum. The Hague, 1681. 1 1s Contents : I. De Sal-Nitro and Spiritu nitro-aereo. II. De Respiratione. III. De Respiratione foetus in utero and ovo. IV. De Motu Musculari et spiritibus animalibus. V. De Rachitide. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 345 Medicine continued. 1341 Marco (Pedro Pascual). Reglas que se deben tener preserves para la exacta aplicacion de los Bragueros Elasticos trabajados con toda perfeccion en esta corte. 8vo, neiu boards. Madrid, 1829. 15s 1342 Pratensis (D. J.). De Cerebrt morbis. I2mo, fine copy in the original vellum. Basel, 1589. 15s 1343 Ravestein (Adrian). Lexicon Medicum Craeco-Latinum, a Bartholomaeo Castello men- xanense inchoatum. Thick I2mo, original calf. Rotterdam, 1651. 6s 1344 Reynolds- Highmcre (William). De Frigoris in Corpus Humanum Potestate. Royal 8vo, Scotch binding of green, most elaborate gilt sides- of floral ornaments , gilt baskets, birds, and tadiani suns, gilt back, in- side dentelles, g. e. Edinburgh, 1778. 10 10s A MOST ELABORATE AND UNUSUAL EXAMPLE OF SCOTCH BINDING IN GOOD TASTE. 1345 Riolanus (Joannes). Vniversae Medicinae Compendium. I2mo, original vellum. Paris, 1826. 15s 1346 Sorapan (Juan). Medicina Espanola contenida en Proverbios Vulgares de nuestra Lengua Muy Provechosa para todo genero de estados para Philosophos y Medicos para Theologos y Juristas para e! bueno regimiento de la salud y mas larga vida. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE BY HUYLAN. 4to, marbled calf, back gilt. Madrid, 1616. 10 10s A REMARKABLE WORK WHICH INVESTIGATES ALL SPANISH PROVERBS FROM THE MEDICAL POINT OF VIEW. AT THE END OF THE VOLUME THERE IS A COMPLETE INDEX OF THE PROVERBS. THE BOOK IS INTERESTING AS IT ATTEMPTS TO INVESTIGATE THE SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION OF POPULAR MEDICINP AS EXEMPLIFIED IN SPANISH PROVERBS CURRENT AT THE TIME. 346 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Medicine continued. 1347 Wierus (J.). De ira morbo, ejusdem curatione philosophica, medica et theologica. I2mo, original vellum, with the Arms on sides Jt f. A. de Thou (first Arms). Basle, Oporinus, 1577. 10 10s WITH THE BOOK-PLAT! OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAEN. MUSIC. 1348 Meibcmius (M.). Antiquae Musicae Auctores Septem Craece et Latine Meibomius Restituit ac Notis Explica. WITH NUMEROUS FOLDING TABLES. 2 vols. in I, 4to, original vellum. Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1652. 3 3s 1349 Praetorius (Michael). Hymnodia Sionia Gontinens hymnos sacros XXIV. anniversaries selectos, in ecclesia usitatos per harmoniam, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, et 8. vocibus concinn. Altus. WITH FINE WOODCUT BORDER OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND CHOIRS ROUND THE TITLE PAGE. Wolfenbuettel, 1611. (EitnerVIII. 47.) Praetorius. Megalynodia Sicnia continens canticum. Magnificat 5, 6, et 8 voc super Ut Re Mi Fa sol la et quidam madrigalia ac mctectas. Altus. Wol f enbuettel, 1 6 1 1 . Praetorius. Eulogidia Sionia continens cantiones sacras, utpote Benedicamus diversa, cantica, completorii, Regma coeli et Salve reginam. etc., per harmoniam 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, et 8 voc. Altus. Wolfenbuettel, 1611. Praetorius. Missodia Sionia continens Cantiones sacras ad officium quod vocant summum, ante meridiem in ecclesia usitatas, per harmoniam 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, et 8 vocibus concinnatas. Altus. 4to. Wolfenbuettel, 1611. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 347 Music continued. Praetorius. Musarum Sioniar. Motectae et Psalrm Latirn 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 1 6, vocum Choro & Organis accomodatae. Altus. Nuremberg, 1607. 5 works in I vol., 4to, original vellum binding with A.ltus stamped on side. 9 9s VERY RARE COLLECTION OF 5 BOOKS OF SACRED MUSIC FOR ALTO, CHOIR AND ORGAN. OCCULT. 1351 Aletophilus Sincerus. Via ad Transmutationem Metallorum, fideliter aperta. Norimbergae, 1742. Gfass (C. P.). Exercitatio Anatomico-Physiologico-Medica de Admirando San- guinis Circuits, omnis Solidae ac Rationales, Medicmae vero Fundamento, etc. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1736. 2 vols. in I, small 4to, contemporary vellum. 1736-42. t 1352 Del Rio (Martinus). Disquisitionum Magicarum libri VI. Thick 4to, contemporary English calf. May ence, 1617. 3 3s Title slightly defective and mounted, a few margins strengthened. ONE OF THE MOST THOROUGH WORKS DEVOTED TO MAGIC AND MAGICAL PRACTICES. The author relates plea- santly of witches and warlocks, superstitious Hexagons, Natural or Physical magic,, magic signet rings, amulets, alchemy, artificial gold, etc. 1353 Del Rio (Martinus). Disquisitionum Magicarum libri VI. Thick 4to, contemporary calf. Cologne, 1633. 3 348 ^AGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Occult continued. 1354 Erastus (T.). Repetitio disputationis de lamiis seu strigibus. . Basel (1577). Mciitcr (U.)- De lamiis et Pythonicis, Paris, 1561. Two works in i vol., 8vo, original vellum, two-line fillet border on sides, g. e., with the. Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (first Arms). 10 10s 1355 Gerosa (Francesco). La Magia Trasformatrlce dell 'huomo a miglior stato. Nel qual siragiona del Trino Hondo della felicita humana, natural Magia & Medi- cinal chimia. Royal 8vo, original wrappers. Bergamo, 161 1. 2 2s Slightly stained. 1356 Klettenberg (Jos. Hect. von). Alchymia denudata revisa et aucta dass durch die Experienz beglaubte Wunder der Natur nebist Beschreibung der unweit Zwickau gefundenen Coldischen Bande, etc. Two parts in I vol., 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1723-1727. 1 5s 1357 Knoll (F.). Unterhaltende Naturwunder: Aeolus-Hoehlen, Donnerdampfe, Gewasser, Wunderbare Salz, Griechisches Feuer, Trubelgewasser, etc. Both parts 8vo, boards. Erfurt,. 1 7 86-8. 6s THE GREATEST WORK ON " KABBALAH." 1358 Knorr ab Roesenroth. Kabbala Denudata Seu Doctrina Hebraeorum transoendentalis et Metaphysica atque Theologica opus. WITH FRONTISPIECE AND PLATES. 3 vols., 4to, original vellum. Sulzbach and Frankfort, 1677-1684. 21 VERY RARE WORK ox KABBALISM WHICH is RARELY FOUND COMPLETE. THIS COPY BELONGED TO THE FAMOUS DOELLINGER. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 349 Occult continued. 1359 Marcolini (F.) Giardino dei Pensieri. Composta L'Anno 1550. Ristampato nel 1784. WITH FINE PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ON NEARLY EVERY PAGE. Folio, original vellum. n.p. 1784. 4 4s The book is used for answering questions such as the following: If the lady is loned by her lover. If the lady's hick is bad or good. If her husband will be faithful. If it is good for a lady to take a lover. Similar questions for men, ladies, and both together. 1360 Musaeum Hermeticum Reformatum et Amplificatum, omnes sophospagy- ricae artis discipulos ndelissime erudiens, quo pacto Summa ilia veraque II \PIDIS PHILOSOPHICAE Medicina, etc., continens Tractatus Chimicos XXI, etc. VERY NUMEROUS CURIOUS COPPERPLATES. Thick 4to, original calf. Francofurti, 1678. 3 7s 6d Includes the follou-iny treatises: Valentino, De Magno Lapide; Lambsprinck, De Lapide Philosophico, Flamelli SuiDmarium Philosophicum ; Madathanus Areum Seculum Redivivum; Novum Lumen Ohemicum; Meieri, SubtiLio Allegoria su/per Secreta Chymicae; Metal lorum Metamorphosis, etc., etc. FROM MADAME DE POMPADOUR'S LIBR\RY. 1361 Palingenius (M.)> Zodiacus Vitae. ENGRAVED TITLE. 8vo, con-temporary French calf, gold lines on sides, and Arms of Madame de Pompadour in centre of covers^ r. e. Rotterdam, 1722. 7 10s 1 362 Pezel (Christopher). Precepta genethliaca sive de prognosticandis hominum nativata- tivus. WITH FINELY ENGRAVED BORDER ON TITLE PAGE AND MANY CURIOUS DIAGRAMS. Frankfort (1607). Gamerarius (J. R.). Horarum natalium centuria una, inqua scientiae astrologicae veritas ostenditur. WITH 100 DIAGRAMS OF AN ASTROLOGICAL NATURE. Frankfurt, 1607. (Continued over) 350 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street^ London, W. Occult continued. Pezel (Christopher) continued. Bachmair (0. H.) and F. Pirchinger, Astrologia sacra, an fas sit homini Christiano de rebus occultis ex astris judicium ferre. Ingolstadt, 1615. The 3 works in I vol., 4to, French green morocco, g. e., ^vith the Arm's on sides of J. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife}. 10 10s 1363 Philostratus. Historiae de vita Appollonii Tyranei libri VIII, A Rhinuccino Floren- tine interprete. Eusebius contra Hieroclem qui Tyraneum Christo con- ferre conatus est, Zenobio Acciolo interprete. Omnia haec ad Graecam veritatem diligenter castigata. ITALIC LETTER. Stout i6mo, contemporary French brown morocco, gilt frame sides with thistle at corners, and central wreaths, g. e. Paris, B. Prevost for P. Beguin, 1555. 5 10s 1364 Schett (Caspar). Physica Curiosa sive Mirabilia Naturae et Artis. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE-PAGES AND NUMEROUS (VERY CURIOUS IN MAN if CASES) FOLDING PLATES. 2 vols., 4to, original wooden boards, covered with stamped pigskin, clasps. Wurzburg, 1662. 4 10s THE 12 BOOKS INTO WHICH THIS GREAT WORK is DIVIDED DEAL WITH ANGELS, DEMONS, SPECTRES, MONSTERS, MIRACLES, STRANGE ANIMALS, METEORS, ETC. THE PICTURES OF THE MOON CALF, THE MONSTROUS COCK, AND THE WINGED EAGLE- DRAGON, AND OTHER STRANGE ANIMALS ARE VERY ENTER- TAINING. 1365 Vanini (J. C.). Amphitheatrum aeternae Proyidentiae divino-magicum, Christiano- physicum, necnon astrologo-catholicum. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt ornamental borders on sides with birds, flowers, etc., gilt ornamental backs with flowers, stars, dots, etc., g. e Lyons, Antoine de Harsy, 1615. 4 4s Barely found in an old morocco binding-. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 351 Occult continued. 1366 Vanini (J. C.)- De admirandis naturae Reginae Deaeque mortalium Arcanis. WOODCUT DEVICE ON TITLE. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt ornamental borders on sides, with birds, flowers, etc., gilt backs with flowers, stars, dots, etc., g. e. Paris, Adrien Perier, 1616. 2 10s Rarely found in an old morocco binding PHILOSOPHY. 1367 Bacon (Francis). Sylva Sylvarum sive Historia Natural is et Nova Atlantis. i8mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1661. 1 Is FIRST EDITION OF THE. "NOVUM ORGANUM." 1368 Bacon (Francis). Francisci de Verulamlo, Summi Angliae Cancellarii Instauratio Magna. FINE ENGRAVED TITLE OF A SHIP IN FULL SAIL BETWEEN TWO PILLARS. Small folio, original vellum. London, apud Johannem Bilhum, 1620. 42 THE EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE FlHST EDITION OF THE FAMOUS " NOVUM OBGANUM." " In character of expression this great work retained much of that aphoristic method found in the ' Essays/ and some of his later works. In substance it contained tihe Meditations and Thoughts of many anxfous years. It fully explains Ms philosophic reasoning founded on the new Inductive method, and was prepared throughout with great care. ... It was, indeed, the study of his life, and one has little dou/bt but that the full accomplishment of the ' Installation was a greater am/bition in his life than the dign:">ty of Chancellorship and the Great Seal/ " (Dr. Steeves.) 1369 Boethius. De Consplatione Philosophiae, libri quinque, recens. emend, edidit Johan. Eremita. FRONTISPIECE. Thick I2mo, a fine co-py in full dark red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1783. 10s 6d 13/0 Cozzandus (Leonard). De Magisterio Antiquorum Philosophorum Libri VI. I2mo, calf. Cologne 1684. 16s 352 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Philosophy continued. 1371 Spinoza. Tractatus Theclogico-Politicus Continens Dissertationes aliquot, Quibus ostenditur Libertatem Philosophandi non tantum salva Pietate, Reipublicae Pace posse concedi; sed eandem nisi cum Pace Reipub^cae, ipsaque Pietate tolli non posse. 4 to, original vellum. Hamburg, 1670. 8 8s THE FIRST EDITION OF SPINOZA'S MOST IMPORTANT PHILOSOPHICAL WORK, TO WHICH HE OWES HIS UNDYING FAME. PLANTIN PRESS. 1372 Aeschyli. Tragoediae VII. in quibus praeter infinita menda sublate . . . opera Gulielmi Canteri. I2mo, old black morocco, g. e. Antwerp, Christopher Plantm, 1580. 3 3s 1373 Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Editionis, cum sclioliis plurimum auctis et emendatis Toannis Marianae et Notationibus Emanuelis Sa. Societatis Jesu Sacer- dotum. ELABORATELY ENGRAVED TITLE PAGES. 2 vols. , folio, original vellum binding. Antwerp, Plantm, 1624. 2 10s 1374 Canones et Decreta Sacrosancti et Oecumen ici Coneilii Tridentini, cum annotationibus Jo. Sotealli & Horatii Lutii. 8vo, contemporary Netherlands binding of oak boards and leather, with centre -panels containing winged figures of Fortune and Justice, within f lore ate borders, clasps (well preserved}. Antwerp, Plantin, I 596. 4 4s 1375 Cavantus (Batholomeus). Enchiridion seu Manuale Episcoporum Pro Decretis in Visitatione & Synodo de quacumque re condenis. 2 parts in I vol., 4to, calf. Antwerp, Plantin, 1651. 1 Is MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 353 Plantin Press continued. 1376 Officia Nova in Breviario Romano ex Mandate Rom. Pontt. AlexandH VI!, dementis IX et X, Innocentii XI, Alexandri VIII, Inoiocentii XII, nee non S. D. N. dementis Papae XI Apposita. 8vo, contemporary blue morocco , full gilt back, gold borders on sides, g. e. Antwerp, Plantin, 1714. 2 2s Fine Copy. With 16 supplementary " Offices " at end. 1377 Officiuru E. Mariae Virginis. Nuper Reformatum Pii V. jussu editum. Ad instar Breviarii Romani sub Urbano VIII. recogniti. Accedunt Psalmi, etc. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, WITH MA.NY FINE ENGRAVINGS. I2mo, shagreen binding, with silver corner pieces, centre pieces, and silver clasps. Antwerp, Plantin, 1655. 7 10s REPRODUCTION OF MSS. 1378 Alfonso X. Lapidario del Rey Don Alfonso X. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FAMOUS ILLUMINATED XIIlTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT IN COLOURS, \\ITH INTRODUCTION AND REPRINT OF THE TEXT IN SPANISH AT END OF VOLUME. Folio, half bound. Madrid, 1881. 2 10s A REMARKABLE REPRODUCTION OF THE FAMOUS ORIGINAL ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT WHICH DEALS WITH THE QUALITIES OF STONES. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPT. 1379 Budge (E. A. Wallis). The Lives of Maba Seyon ami Cabra Krestos. The Ethiopia Texts, edited, with an English Translation and a Chapter on the Illustrations of Ethiopia MSS. } by E. A. W. Budge. C)2 COLOURED PLATES AND 33 ILLUSTRATIONS. Thick 4to, maroon morocco, covered with blind tooling, marbled fore and under edges, t. e. g. London, 1898. 5 5s TfllS REMARKABLE VOLUME IS PRINTED FRCM A VELLUM MANUSCRIPT AND CAREFULLY EXECUTED, ON THICK VELLUM PAPER, FROM THE OR GINAL IN LADY MfiUx'S COLLECTION ; THE COLOURED PLATES, PAINTED EARLY IN TEE XVII. CENTURY, ARE REMARKABLE FOR THE VARIETY OF SUBJECTS WHICH THEY HELP TO EXPLAIN, AND ARE CAREFULLY REPRODUCED; AND THE BINDING IS A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. 354 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Reproduction Of MSS. continued. 1380 El Tratado de Ajedrez ordenado por mandado del Rey D. Alonso el Sabio en el ano 1283. Codice de la Real Biblioteca del Escorial. REPRODUCTION COMPLETA EN 194 LAMINAS FOTOTIPICAS. 2 vols. , folio, in cloth portfolios. Leipzig, 1913. 10 10s EXCELLENT REPRODUCTION OF ONE OF THE FINEST ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS DEALING WITH CHESS. 1381 Maximilian I. Freydal, des Kaisers Maximilian I. Turmere und Mummereien Herausgegeben mit Allerhochster Genehmigung Seiner Majestat des Kaisers Franz Joseph I. unter der leitung des K. K. Oberstkammerers, Feldzeugmeisters Franz Graf en Fclliot de Crenneville von Quirin von Leitner. ILLUSTRATED WITH 255 FINELY REPRODUCED PHOTOGRAVURE PLATES OF TOURNAMENTS, PAGEANTS, ETC., FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut , /. e. g. Wien, 1880-2. 21 1382 Midolle (J.)- Alphabet de Lettres Initiates Historique, avec Bordures et Fleurons d'apres le 14 et 15 Siecles. A SERIES OF 24 LARGE AND FINELY ILLUMINATED PLATES, EACH CON- TAINING A FINE ORNAMENTAL INITIAL, BESIDES OTHER TEXT, AND ELABO- RATE BORDERS, EXECUTED IN VARIOUS COLOURS AND HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD AND SILVER. Folio, half morocco, g. e . Gand, about 1850. 3 15s ROMAN CATHOLIC. WITH THE ARMS OF H. B. STUART, CARDINAL OF YORK. 1383 Breviarium Romanum. Cum Psalterio Proprio et Officiis Sanctorum ad Usum Cleri Basilicae Vaticanae dementis X. Auctoritate editum. Pars Hyemalis. 8vo, contemporary Italian red morocco, -full gilt floreate back and rich floral borders, with the Arms of Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal of York, youngest son of the Old Pretender and last of the Stuarts, g. e. Urbini, 1740. 45 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London W. 355 Roman Catholic continued. PAPAL BULL AGAINST THE RUSSIANS, 1506. 1384 Bui la Plenissime Verne Remissions et Indulges tie Sacratissimi, etc. A BULL OF INDULGENCE GRANTED BY POPE JULIUS II, IN 1506, TO ALL THOSE WHO SHOULD ASSIST IN PERSON, OR IN PURSE, IN RESISTING THE HERETICAL AND SCHISMATIC RUSSIANS. A LARGE BROADSHEET (LATIN TEXT), MEASURING 561 BY 435 MM. 12 12s * * * THIS INDULGENCE WAS MADE IN FAVOUR OP THE KING OF POLAND, WHO IN THE FOLLOWING YEAR DEFEATED THE RUSSIANS, UNDER CzAR BASILIU3, AND SLEW THIRTY THOUSAND OP THEM. ROMAN BINDING. 1385 Ghantal (Jeanne Francoise Fremiot, Dame tie). Sacra Ritum Congregations Card. Othoboni Cebensen. Beatifica- tionis et Canonizationis Ven. Servae Dei J. F. Fremoit de Chantal Positio super puncto probationum, etc. Small folio, contemporary Roman calf, broad and richly gilt borders with interlaced strapwork^ similar to the Roman bindings done for Henry Benedict Stuart, Card. York. Rome, 1737. 10 10s 1386 Collectarium sacri ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum auctoritate apostolica approbation et R. Patris Fr. Joannis Thomae de Boscadors ejusdem ordinis General is Magistri jussu editutn. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, AND MUSICAL NOTATION. 4to, red velvet binding with leather and brass clasps ^ curious brass rosettes in corners and centre of sides , g. c. Rome, 1757. 2 10s AT END ARE FOURTEEN PAGES OP PRINTED AND MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS INTENDED FOR SAINTS ' DAYS, MANY OF THIS PRINTED ADDITIONS ARE UNDOLBTEDLY ONLY PRESERVED TN THIS SINGLE VOLUME. 1387 Muratori (L. A.). Liturgia Romana VettlS. Tria Sacramentaria Complectens. Leon- ianum, Gelasianum et Antiquum Gregorianum. Accedunt Missale Gothi- cum, Missale Francorum, etc. WITH TITLE PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, AND FACSIMILES OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT. 2 vols., folio, original vellum. Venice, 1748. 3 3s 356 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, Lx>ndon, W. Roman Catholic continued. ENGLISH PAPAL INDULGENCE, 1520. 1388 Papal Indulgence. Leo X. Plenary Indulgence. Prater Philippus Mulart Decretorum Doctor sacri et apostolici Hos- pitalis sancti Spiritus in Saxia de urbe Romana ac totius eiusde ordinis ad regna Anglie, Ibernia, etc., generalis comissarius & Vicarius ta auctori- tate apl'ica qz hospitalis et ordinis pdictor specialiter deputat3 Universis et singulis nras psentes testimonials Iras intuetibus facimus. Quod sanctissimus in xpo pr et dns noster dns Leo divina providecia papa * Datu Anno salutis nostre, M. CCCC.X.X. /I52O/. Visum est presens confessionale p me Walterum Stone Legum doctorem. Impressum per me Richardum Fakes (London), 1520. PRINTED IN OBLONG FORM ON ONE si DA OF A SINGLE LEAF OF PAPER, WHICH IS 10 BY /J INCHES IN DIMENSION. I HE TEXT (39 LONG LINES, BLACK LETTER) IS SURROUNDED BY A FLORAL WOODCUT BORDER. 31 10S * * * THIS SINGLE LEAF IS A FORM OF INDULGENCE GRANTED TO SUCH AS SHOULD BECOME MEMBERS OF THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AT ROME. IT WAS ISSUED BY PHILIP MULART, THE PAPAL COMMISSARY IN ENGLAND AND IRELAND, AND GRANTED TO ALL BENEFACTORS CERTAIN SPECIFIED PRIVILEGES They might choose their own confessors who once in their lifetime could give theon absolution for any offences other than those reserved to the Apostolic See. They were not to be denied ecclesiastical burial as one of the confraternity. Certain vows, as those of special pilgrimages, m:gfht be commuted for other works of piety. On their death-beds the priest could graint them plenary remission of all sins, if they were confessed and contrite, and ordinary remission as often as required. The Ser- vice of Commendation of the Departed would be performed for them as if they had been professed members. At the end are the liturgical forms of absolution, botih in ordinary and special cases, and " in articulo mortis." OF THESE LETTERS PRINTED BY RlCHARD FAQUES, THERE ARE ISSUES DATED 1519 AND 1520. THE BRITISH MUSEUM POSSESSES ONE DATED 1519, AND THE BODLEIAN HAS TWO OF THE SAME YEAS WHICH DIFFER FROM EACH OTHER. THE BODLEIAN POSSESSES ALSO A 1520 ISSUE, WHICH WAS PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY A FEW YEARS AGO AT THE TERCENTENARY CELEBRATIONS, BY THE AUTHORITIES OF THE ROYAL LIBRARY OF COPEN- HAGEN. KICHARD FAQUES WAS AT WORK FROM 1509 TO 1530, ISSUING ABOUT TWENTY-FOUR DIFFERENT BOOKS. FOR SOME REASON ALMOST EVERYTHING HE PRINTED IS OF THE GREATEST RARITY, QUITE ONE HALF OF HIS PRODUCTIONS BEING KNOWN ONLY FROM SINGLE COPIES OR FRAGMENTS. 1389 Rubeis (J.)- Narratio Mortis in Odium fictei Londini in Anglia illatae Mauro Scotto, Ord S. Benedict!. WITH ENGRAVED ARMS ON TITLE PAGE. Small 4to, original limp vellum. Rome, 1657. *1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 357 Roman Catholic continued. 1 390 Sarum Breviary. Portiforum seu Breviarium ad usum ecclesie Sariburiensis . . . (at end) Pars Hyemalis tarn de tepore quam/ de Sanctis Portiforii ad in- signis ecclesie usum Sarisburien/ sis : finit feliciter. GOTHIC LETTER, PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. Small 8vo, fine copy in the original calf binding. Parrisiis, Joannes le Blanc pro Guillelmo Merlin. 1556. 25 * * * THE TEXT OF THE BREVIARY IS PRECEDED BY THE PSALTER AND LESSONS OF THE SALISBURY USE. THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS EXCESSIVELY RARE. IN DICKINSON'S LIST ONLY ONE COPY is RECORDED, THAT PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF CAIUS COLLEGE. 1391 Sarum Manual. Sacra Institutio Baptizandi. Matrimomum Celebrandi, Infirmos Ungendi Mortuos Sepeliendi, ac alii nonnulii Ritus Ecclesiastici Juxta usum insignis Ecclesia Sarisburiensis. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK. Small 4to, original vellum. Duaci, 1604. 15 15s * * * VERY RARE. Portions of the Baptism and Marriage Services are in English. THE DOUAY EDITIONS OF THE MANUAL (OF WHICH NONE APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN PRINTED AFTER 1610) WERE CARRIED INTO ENGL4ND BY DISGUISED PRIESTS AND SELDOM ESCAPED DESTRUCTION WHEN THEIR OWNERS WERE CAUGHT OR HUNTED. HENCE THEY ARE COMPARATIVELY MORE RARE THAN EVEN THOSE OF QUEEN MARY'S TIME. In fact this book was still more obnoxious to the authorities than even the " Missale Patrvum " printed at tine same time. The " Idolatrous Ceremonies " which the disguised priests us-ed to perform with the help of this work, were the most dangerous and detested portions of their la.bour. 1392 Turrianus (F.). De una ecclesia Catholica in terris visibili et cte Episcopo ejus Ponti- fice Romano, contra secundas cavillationes Antoriii Sadeelis, Lutheran!. 4to, original vellum, two-line fillet border on sides y g. e., with the Arms on sides of J . A. de Thou (first Arms}. Ingolstadt, 1583. 10 10s SCANDINAVIA. ICELANDIC SAGAS. 1393 Biskupa Sogur gefnar ut af Hinu Islenzka Bokmentafelagi. 2 vols., half morocco. Copenhagen, 1856. 1 5s 3S8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Scandinavia continued. 1394 Faersyinga Saga Oder Geschichte der Bewohner der Faroer im Islandis* chen Crundtext mit Faroischer, Danischer mid Deutscher Ubersetzung. Herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. WITH MAP AND FACSIMILE. Royal 8vo, half calf. Copenhagen, 1833. 1 15s 1395 Fornaldar Sbgur Nordrlanda eptir Comlum Handritum utgefnar af C. C. Rafn. 4 vols., 8vo, half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt. Kaupmannahofn, 1829-30. 2 10s Comprises: The Konungs Kraka; Volsunga Saga; Saga "Ragaars Konungs Lodbrokar; Hervarar Saga; Saga af Halfi ; Fridtfoofs Saga; Orvar-Odds Saga; Hromundarsaga ; Saga Gaoitreks konuDgs; Saga Hrolfs Gautrekssonar ; Gaungu Hrolfs Saga; etc., etc. 1396 Islendinga Sogur udgivne efter Gamle Haandskrifter af det Konejlige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 2 vols., half morocco. Copenhagen, 1843-1847. 1 15s 1397 Josephus. (In Danish). Jodekronicke tilsammenskreffven aff den helligo Scrifft oc Josepho. Aff Jacob Jacobssen Loesemesier udi Othensse. Svo, wooden boards^ stamped binding. Copenhagen, Henrich AValdkirch, 1603. && 10s FINE COPT IN CONTEMPORARY DANISH STAMPEJ) BINDING. 1398 Magnus (Olaus). Historiae Septentrionalium gentium breviarium. Libri 22. Editio nova. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. I2mo, original vellum, ivith red morocco inset at back, gilt. Leiden, 1645. 2 2s 1399 N ' ia!s Saga. Historia Niali et Filiorum, Latina Reddita, cum Adjecta Chronologia variis Textus Tslandici Lectionibus, Earumque crisi, nee non Glossario et Indice. 4to, half morocco. Copenhagen, 1809. 1 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 359 Scandinavia continued. 1400 Orkneyinga Saga sive Historia Orcadensium A Prima Orcadum per Nor- vegos Occupatione ad exitum seculi duodecimi. Saga Hms Helga Mag- nusar Eyia Jarls sive Vita Sancti Magni Insularum Comitis. Cum Ver- sione Latine edidit Jonas Joneus. 4to, half calf, gilt back. Copenhagen, 1780. 1 5s 1401 Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu ok Skaild-Rafni, sive Gunnlaugi Ver- milinguis & Rafnis Poetae Vita. 4to, half calf. Copenhagen, 1775. 2 2s 1402 Saxo-Grammaticus. Kistoriae Danicae Libri XVI. WITH THE NOTES OF S. JOANNIS STEPHANQS. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, WOODCUTS, ORNAMENTAL INITIALS. 2 vols. in i, folio, half morocco, g. e. Sorae, 1644-5. 7 10s FlNE COPY OF A RARE EARLY HISTORY OP DENMARK, WHICH CONTAINS MANY RCNES, AND REPRO- DUCTIONS OP OLD RUNIC MONUMENTS. NORWEGIAN COSTUMES. 1403 Toensberg (Chr.). Norske Fclke Livsbilleder. AFTER THE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS OF ADOLF TIDEMAND. WITH 12 LARGE PLATES PRINTED IN COLOUR (LITHOGRAPHS). Oblong folio, cloth. Christiania, 1854. *1 5s SHAKESPEARE. 1404 Barallot y Falguera (D. Celestino). Shakespeare y Moratin ante la Fosa y traduccion Gatalana de un cuadro de Shakespeare. 23 pp., royal 8vo, original wrappers. Barcelona, 1896. 7s 6d 360 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Shakespeare continued. 1405 Hamlet. Tragedia de Guillermo Shakespeare. Traducida e ilustrada con la Vida del Autor y Notas Criticas por Inarco Celenio P. A. WTH FRONTISPIECE. 4to, half bound> uncut. Madrid, 1/98. 5 5s THIS IS THE FIRST EDITION" OF THE TRANSLATION OF HAMLET INTO SPANISH BY MORATIN. PRINTED ON THICK PAPER. 1406 (Midsummer Night's Dream.) Illustration y Defensa de la Fabula de Piramo y Tisbe. Compuesta por D. Luis de Gongora y Argote, escrivalas Christoval de Salazar Mar- dones. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1636. 6 6s CURIOUS BOOK RELATING TO THE FABLE OF Pl'RAMUS AND THISBE MADE FAMOUS BY SHAKESPEARE'S MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. Stained at end. 1407 Romeo y Julieta. Tragedia en Cinco Actos. Traducida del Frances. 4to. Barcelona, 1820. 2 2s 1408 Cinthio (Cicvan Battista Giraldi). Hecatommithi over Cento Novelle. 2 vols. in i, royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. Venice, 1584. ' 3 3s FINE COPY OF THESE INTERESTING STORIES, WHICH WERE THE FOUNDA1ION OF MANY OF SHAKE- SPEARE'S PLAYS. 1409 Montemayor. La Diana. Small 8vo, original vellum. Madrid, 1622. 2 10s This well-known book inspired Shakespeare's Midsummer-Night's Dream. 1410 Rolli (Paolo), Delle Ode d'Anacreonte teio Traduzzione. WITH ANACREON'S AND ROLLI 's PORTRAITS. 8vo, original calf. Londra, 1739. 5 5s The first edition of an exceedingly rare hook. On pages 96 to 99, Paolo Rolli translates the grreat soliloquy from Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2, rendering Shakespeare's origfEjal 32 verses into 39 ItaJian verses. He made this attempt on account of the rendering published by Voltaire of the same verses in his Letters on the English Nation. Tfolli's rendering begins : " Essere o no, la gran Questione e questa : " and ends : " Lor Corrente, e d'Azz ; on perdono il Nome." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 361 SPANISH. 1411 Alba (Duque de Berwick y de). Correspondencia de Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida, Embajador en Allemania, Flandes e Inglaterra (1496-1509). WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND REPRODUCTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS. Folio, calf, gilt. Madrid, 1907. 1 Is Presentation copy to the Duchess of Sutherland. 1412 Amadis de Gaula. Aventuras del invencible caballero andante, reim- preso segun el testo de la mas, apreciable edicion. WITH 62 LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES BY URBANO LOPEZ. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, half bound. Madrid, 1838. 18s 1413 Aranda (Joan de). Lugares Comunes de Ccnceptos, Dichcs y Sentencias, en diversas materias. Small 4to, full calf gilt, Arms on sides. Sevilla, 1595. 2 2s GIBRALTAR. 1414 De Ayala (Don Ignacio Lopez). Historia de Gibraltar. FOLDING VIEW OF GIBRALTAR. Small 4to, contemporary mottled calf, gilt back. Madrid, 1782. 7s 6d 1415 Boscan (J.). Las Obras y algunas de Carcilasso de la Vega, repartidas en quatro libros. ROMAN LETTER. Small 8vo, crushed green morocco, gilt, gilt back, inside dentelles, gilt and marbled edges by Niedree. Antwerp, En casa de Martin Nucio, n.d. (about 1545). 5 5s Probably the same edition that Salva mentions under No. 474, but this title differs from his, e.g., Envers for Anvers. 1416 Calderon (P.). Las Gomedias corregidas por J. J. Keil. WITH PORTRAIT. 4 vols. , 8vo, half vellnm, backs richly gilt. Leipzig, 1827. 158 362 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Spanish continued. 1417 Caicteron (Don Pedro). Comedias Escogidas. Small 8vo, original cloth. Londres, 1837. 2 2s " * * R. H. HORNE'S COPT, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH ON TITLE, AND A LARGE NUMBER OF MS. NOTES IN HIS HAND THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME. DOM QUIXOTE, 1605. 1418 Cervantes. Ei fngenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha Compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saauedra. Small 8vo, a fine copy in its original vellum binding. Impresso con licencia en Valensia en casa de Pedro Patricio, Mey 1605. A costa de luseppe Ferrer Mercader de libros, delante la Dispu- tacion. 63 * * * EXCESSIVELY RARE. ISSUED THE SAME YEAR AS THE ACCEPTED FIRST EDITION, ^ND DESCRIBED BY SALVA AS OF EQUAL RARITY WITH THE FlRST EDITION. 1419 Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel). L. Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. Edicion en rninia- tura. WITH PORTRAIT, FINE PLATES, AND MAP OF DON QUIXOTE'S TRAVELS. Small 8vo, green morocco, ivith -fine floral designs on inside guards by Charles Lewis, with clasps, g. e. Paris, Didot, 1827. 8 15s PRINTED IN DIDOT'S DIAMOND TYPE. 1420 Cervantes. Comedias y Entremeses con una Dissertacion, o Prologo sobre las Comedias de Espana. 2 vols., 4to, marbled calf. Madrid, 1749. * 3 10s 1421 Cespedes y Meneses (Concalo). Primera Parte de la Historia de D. Felippe el II 1 1 Rey de las Espanas. Folio, calf, with Arms on sides. Lisbon, 1631. 5 5s 1422 Dantisco (Lucas Cratian). Calateo Espanol Anadido El Destierro de Ignorancia, que es Quater- nario de Avisos Convenientes a esta nuestro Galateo y la Vida del Lazar- il o de Tormes, Castigado. 12 mo, original vellum. Barcelona, 1796. 10s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 363 Spanish continued. 1423 Docampc (Florian) and Morales (Ambrosio). Coronica Generate de Espana. WITH WOODCUT ARMS ON TITLE PAGE. 5 vols. in 4, folio, Russia gilt, with Anns on sides. Medina del Campo, 1553, Alcala, 1574 to 1586. 5 5s COMPLETE SET OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK WITH THE CONTINUATION (BUT WITH THE FOLLOWING DEFEAT; Volume I. A. 2, wanting. Volume II. O.3, and O.6, supplied in manuscript. Volume III. No title, C.7. wanting. A few headlines shaved). 1424 Garcia de la Lena (Cecilio). Conversaciones Historicas Malaguenas, o Materiales de Noticias Seguras para formar la Historia Civil, Natural y Eclesiastica de la M. I. Ciudad de Malaga. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half bound. Malaga, 1789. 2 2s 1425 Gonzalez de Legaria (Juan). Aqiii se contiene vna Obra nueua, graciosa y mvy gustosa para reyr, y passar tiempo. De vn cuento que le passo a vn Soldado con vn Gato, porque le lleuaua la comida, y porque le lleuo vna libra de atun de yjada, y amenazandole. Contrahecho al Romance de Zayde, juntamente con la respuesta q dio el Gato al Author, con vn villancico que las gatas le dan. Compuesto agora nueuamente por Juan Gongalez de Legaria, natural de Viana Este ano de (1)608 (4 leaves). IN VERSE, CRUDE CUT ON TITLE. Small 4 to, vellum. (No place), 1608. 8 8s * * * SALVA DESCRIBES AN EDITION OP THIS WORK, FUT OP A MUCH LATER DATE, BEING PRINTED AT MADRID IN^1G42. THESE SPANISH EARLY SONGS ARE OP GREAT RARITY. BENEATH THE TITLE is A RUD"E WOODCUT OP A MONKEY PLAYING THE VIOLIN. Salva remarks " Gonzalez de Legaria no la logrado, unhigan en la Bibliotheca de Nic. Antonio, in vio sa folleto el Sr. D. A. Duran." 1426 Gracian (Lorenzo). Obras. 2 vols., 4to, original vellum. Barcelona, 1748. 1 10s The volSj, contain El Criticon, El Oraculo j TTeroe, La Agudeza y Arte de Ingenio, El discrete, El Politico, Don Fernando el Catholico, y Meditacdones varias. In the " Agudeza " is to be found the origin of Hans Andersen's Tale of " The Emperor's New Clothes/' 364 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 55, Conduit Street, London, W. Spanish continued. 1427 Guevara (A. de). Epistolas Familiares va toda este epistolario al Estilo y Romance da Marco Aurelio porque el Autor estodo uno y aora nueuamente se ha anadido sui uida. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1673. 14* 1428 Inquisition. Auto Da Fe. Relacion del Avto de Fe, qve Celebre el Santo Tribu- nal de la Inquisition de la Ciuciad de Valladolid en 22 de lunio de 1636. Small 4to, half calf gilt. Con licentia en la impr-eta del Reyne. 4 10s * * * A VERY RARE TRACT, CONSISTING o? 4 PP. IN VERSE, LISTING THE OFFENDERS, THEIR CEIMBS AGAINST THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THEIR SENTENCES. 1429 Kalendario. Manual y Guia de Forasteros en Madrid, Para el anno de 1795. WITH ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE, PORTRAIT OF CHARLES IV. OF SPAIN AFTER GOYA ENGRAVED BY CARMONA, AN ENGRAVED MAP OF SPAIN AFTER LOPEZ. I2mo, original Spanish binding of crimson morocco, richly gilt borders on sides with the Royal Arms of Stain, gilt back, g. e. Madrid, 1795. 1 10s 1430 Le Sage. A venturas de Gil Bias de Santillana Robadas a Espana, y adoptadas en Francia Por Monsieur Le Sage, Restituidas a su Patria y a su lengua Nativa Por un Espanol Zeloso que no suere se Burlen de su Nacion. 4 vols., 8vo, oirginal calf, backs gilt. Valencia, 1788-1789. 3 3s VERY CURIOUS WORK WHICH CLAIMS THE HISTORY OP GIL BLAS TO BE ORIGINALLY SPANISH. 1431 Lopez (Alpnso). Nobiliario genealogico de los Reyes y Titulos de Espana. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUT COATS OF ARMS AND GENEALOGICAL TREES. Folio, old calf , tivo-line fillet border on sides, -panel back, with Arms on sides of /. A. de Thou (third Arms incorporating those of his second wife] . Madrid, 1622. 9 9s 1432 Lozano (Christoval). Soledades Dela Vida y Desenganos de el Mundo. Novelas Exem- plares. 4to, original limp vellum. Barcelona, 1722. 1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 365 Spanish continued. 1433 Mexia (Pedro). Silva de Varia Lecion agora ultimamente emendada y de la quarta parte anadida. Small thick 8vo, Spanish calf, full gilt back. Anveres, 1603. 1 8s 1434 Montengon (Pedro). Eudoxia Hija de Belisario. 8vo, original wrappers. Madrid, 1793. 10s 6d 1435 Oliver of Castile. La Historia de los min Nobles y Vaiientes Caballeros, Oliveros de Castilla, y Artus de Algarve, y de sus maravillosas y grandes hazanas; compuesta por el bachiller Pedro de la Floresta. I2mo, a very beautiful copy from the library of Baron Scilliere, most handsomely bound by Belz Niedree in full dark green crushed levant morocco extra (with Arms on the sides}. Madrid (circa 1650). 4 43 1436 Petrarch. Los Sonetos y Canciones del Poeta Francisco Petrarcha, que tra- duzia Henrique Garces de lengiia Thoscana en Castellana. 4to, half bound. Madrid, 1591. 12 12s 1437 Proverbios y sentencias de Lucio Anneo Seneca, y de Don Ynizo Lopez de Mendoca, Marques de Santillana. Glosados por el Doctor Pedro Diaz de Toledo. 8vo, straight grained light brown morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere. Antwerp, 1552. 9 9s THIS EDITION APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO SALVA ONLY THROUGH THE MENTION MADE OF IT BY SANCHEZ AND SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY EDITION WITH THE COMMENTARY OF PEDRO DE DIAZ. THESE PROVERBS ARE NEITHER RHYMED NOR GLOSSED BUT ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AS THEY WERE GATHERED FROM THE UPS OF THE COMMON PEOPLE, OR AS THE COLLECTOR SAYS FROM THE OLD WOMEN IN THEIR CHIMNEY CORNER. A FINE COPY OF A SCARCE BOOK. 1438 Quevedo Villegas (Francisco). El Parnasso espahol, monte en dos cumbres. Poesias. 4to, original vellum. Lisboa, 1652. 2 2s THE BOOK BEARS THE AUTOGRAPH OF ABRAHAM FRANCO, A WELL KNOWN SPANISH JEW WHO LIVED IN CONSTANTINOPLE, AND ALSO A LIBRARY STAMP BEARING HIS INITIALS ON THE TITLE PAGE. ON A BLANK PAGE ARE MSlS. ACCOUNTS OF JOURNEYS TO LONDON AND INDIA : THE WRITER WAS RECEIVED BY KlNG CHARLES II. IN 1660. SOME OTHER MS. NOTES REFERRING TO 80LBS. OF COCOA ETC. SEEM TO BK IN FRANCO'S WRITING. 366 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Spanish continued. 1439 Quevedo. Ei Parnasso Espanol y Musas Castellanas. Corregidas por el Doctor Amuso Cultifragio. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1660. 1 10s 1440 ReboUedo (Bernardino de). Ocios. WITH PORTRAIT AFTER MORENO. 4 vols., 8vo, -polished calf ', gilt backs. Madrid, 1778. 3 10s 1441 Risco (Manuel). La Castilla, y el Mas Famoso Castellano. Discurso Sobre el Sitio, Nombre, Extension, Gobierno, y Condado de la Antigua Castilla. His- tor'a del Celebre Castellano Rodrigo Diaz, Llamado Vulgarmente El Cid Campeador. Royal 8vo, half bound Madrid, 1792. 10s 6d 1442 Rizo (Juan Pablo Martyr). El Romulo. i6mo, original vellum. Madrid, 1633. 1 10s A CURIOUS LIFE OF KoMULUS, KlNG OF ROME. 1443 Roiz (Pedro). Libro de Reloges Solares. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. 4to ; original limp vellum. Valencia, 1575. 5 5s At end of the book a Spanish manuscript with many diagrams is bound up on the same subject as the book. 1444 Sarmiento (Martin). Memorias Para la Historia de la Poesia y Poetas Espanoles. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1775. 15s DEDICATED TO TEE DUKE OF MEDINA SIDONIA, WHOSE TITLES FILL 15 LINES OF THE DEDICATION PAGE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 36? Spanish continued. 1445 Tortoles (A. S.). El Entretenido. Primera Parte. Repartido en Catorze noches, desde la de la vispera de Navidad, hasta la del dia de los Reyes. Cele- bradas en Metafora de Academias de Verso, y Prosa, en que se obstentan varios Assumptos, muy provechosos, y entretenidos. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1715. 10s 6d All published, some margins wormed. 1446 Ubeda (Francisco de). Libre de Entretenimiento de la Picara Justina, en el quad debano de graciosos discursos, se encierran provechosos avisos. VERY CURIOUS ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. 8vo, original vellum. Bruxellas, 1608. 4 4s "ROMAN UN PEU LIBRE, FAIT A I/IMITATION DU GUZMAN D'ALFARACHE. IL PASSE P-HTR CON- STANT QU' ANDRE PEREZ, REIIGIEUX DOMINICAIN, EN EST I.E VERITABLE AUTEUR." (Brunet). 1447 Villaviciosa (Joseph de). La Mosquea, poetica inventiva en octava rima. WITH PORTRAIT AFTER CARNECERO ENGRAVED BY MORENO. 8vo, morocco, back gilt. Madrid, 1777. 1 1s 1448 Yillegas (Estevan Manuel de). Las Eroticas y Traducion de Boecio. WITH FRONTISPIECES BY CARMONA. 2 vols., 8vo, -polished calf > backs gilt. Madrid, 1774. 2 10s FROM NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY AT ST. HELENA. i448a Yillegas (Estaban Manuel). Las ercticas y traduccidn de Boecio: Tcrno I. PORTRAIT AND ENGRAVED TITLE-PAGE. Small 8vo, original boards. Madrid, 1774. 4 4s FROM THE LIBRARY OF NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA. WITH THE AUTOGRAPH OF SIR HUDSON LOWE. 1449 Villegas (Francisco de Quevedo). Historia de la Vida del Buscon, Llamado Don Pablos; Exemplo de Vagamundos, y espejo de Tacanos. 8vo, half bound. En Ruan, A costa de Carlos Osmont, 1629. 1 Is 368 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Spanish continued. 1450 Virgil. Eclogas. Obras de Public Virgilio Maron. Concordada. En latin artificial, en latin natural, en lingua Castellana, de prossa y en notas latinas. For el Lie. Abdias Joseph, natural de Cedillo. Tomo primero de las Eclogas. Con Priuilegio. En Madrid, por Domingo Garcia Morras. Ana de 1660. Vendese en casa de lulian Hernandez, en laca He de la paz en la casa de los Leones. I2mo, half red morocco, m. e. Madrid, 1660. 10s 6d 1451 Vitoria (Baltasar). Del Teatro de los Dioses de la Centilidad. 2 vols., small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1673. 1 16s SWITZERLAND. 1452 Cuillimannus (Franciscus). De Rebus Helvetiorum, sivi antiquitatam libri V. 4to, crimson morocco, ihree-line -fillet border on sides, with the Arms of J . A. de Thou\second Arms incorporating those of his first wife], g. e. ' Fribourg (in Switzerland), M. W. Maess, 1598. 10 10s W. MAESS WAS A PARTNER OF THE FIRST PRINTER (ABRAHAM GEMPERLIX) AT FRIBOCRG IN SWITZERLAND WHERE THE FIRST BOOK WAS PRINTED IN 1583. 1453 Schmidt (S.). Monurnenta Aventicensia, 1750, 1751 et 1752 Eruta delineavit et notis illustravit. CAREFULLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT ON 42 LEAVES OF PAPER, WITH NUMEROUS DRAWINGS OF ROMAN ANTIQUES FOUND AT AVANCHES IN THE CANTON OF VAUD IN SWITZERLAND. 1 10s TECHNOLOGY. 1454 Cuidotti (Alberto). Metodo Facile per Formare Qualunque sia Sorta Di Vernici, della Cina, e del Giappone. Oltre a che Innumerabili, ed Utilissimi Secrete. WITH 2 FOLDING PLATES. 8vo, original boards. Rimini, 1784. 1 IS Among the secrets is one to make a tooth powder. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 369 Technology continued. 1455 II Telegrafo Ossia Descrizione della Machina nuovamente Ritrovata in Parigi per Trasmettere in Brevisssmo tempo a grandt distanze qualunqe notizia. Con Figure rappresentanti la Medesima in quiete, ed in moto. Estratta DalT Edizione Tedesca di Vienna. WITH CURIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS. 8vo, original wrappers. n.p.n.d. (about 1795). 1 5s 1456 Kunkel (J.). Volistaendige Classmacherkunst nebst emem Anhang von den Perlen und Edelsteinen. WITH PORTRAIT AND NUMEROUS PLATES OF GLASS MANUFACTURE. 4to, half vellum. Nuremberg, 1/56. 1 16s 1457 Leupold (Jacob). Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum torn! duo. Schau-Platz der Wasser-Kunste, Bestehend . . . meist aller erfundenen Machinen die Wasser da durch in die Hobe zu triben, oder aus der Tieffe zu erheben, etc 107 FULL-PAGE ENGRAVINGS OF HYDRAULIC MACHINES (2 EXTRA PLATES INSERTED). Folio, 2 vols. in I, boards. Leipzig, Christoph. Zunkel, 1724-5. 4 4s 1458 Polenus (J.). Miscellanea. I. De Barometris, & Thermometris. II. Machinae Aritmeticae, ej usque usus Descriptio. III. De Sectionibus Conicus Paralle- lorum in Horologiis Solaribus Tractatus. WITH 9 FOLDING PLATES. 4to, half morocco. Venice, 1709. 3 3s 1459 Schctt (Caspar). Mechanica Hydraulico Pneumatica. WITH NUMEROUS FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES OF MACHINES, AUTOMATA, AND OTHER CURIOSITIES SET IN MOTION BY WATER POWER. 4to, original vellum. Wurzberg. 1657. 1 Is 3/0 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Technology continued. 1460 [Sundials.] B. L. Horologium Sciotericorum Erstlich werdend gelehrt uffryssen die vier Hauptsonnen-Uhren ohne einiche Verenderung dess Circkels ussgenommen was das Fundament anlangt. Darnach wie man durch diss Niuv Instrument ufryssen mage mit allein gemalte vier Haupt- sonder allerley sort Sonnen-uhren. WITH SEVERAL FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES. 4to, half morocco. Zurich, 1604. 1 10s 1461 Sundials. Graff en riedt (H. R. von). Compendium Sciotericorum; Beschreibung wie Man die vier Haupt Sonnen-Uhren verzeichnnen soll-uie die 12 Himmelischen zeichen darm auff /.ureissen und zu tragen seind, sampt Beschreibung dess Mond Uhrlins. 4to, half morocco , /. e. g. Bern, 1617. 1 6s 1462 [Sundials.] Mut (Gerhard), Watchmaker in Francfort. Beschreibung einer Astronomisch Geographischen Kunst Bewe- gung welche durch Umbtreibung der Erden und zweyen Himmels-Liech- tern der Sonnen und dess Monden die denen Stern-Kundigern so benannte erst und andere Bewegung der Lange und Breite nach deutlich zeiget. WITH A PLATE. 4to, half morocco, t. e. g. Nuremberg, 1673. 1 10s 1463 [Sundials.] Ritter (M. Franciscus). Sonnenspiegels Anderer Theil. Beschreibung wie man durch Huelf siehen schoener Kupfferstueck allerley Stunden sowohl auch der Sonnen- zeichen und Hoehe, die Festtaege, zu welcher Zeit es fast an alien Orten der gantzen Welt sey durch der Sonnen Schatten erlernen soil, etc. Wie man allerley Sonnen-Uhren verfertigen soil. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. 4to, half morocco, t. e. g. Nuremberg, about 1670. 1 10s 1464 [Sundials.] Uffenbach (Philip). Bericht & Erklaerung zweyer beygelegten Kunstlicher Kupfferstuec- ken Oder Zeiteweiser der Sonnen uber die gantze Welt. WITH TWO FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES, ON ONE OF WHICH " AMERICA " IS SHOWN. 4to. half morocco, /. e. g. Francfort, 1598. , 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 371 TURKEY. 1465 Chronicorum Turcicorum, in quibus Turcorum Origo, Principes, Impera- tores, Bella, Praelia, Caedes, Victoriae, et Mahometicae religionis Instituta &c. ace. Narratio de Baiazethis nliorum Seditionibus, &c., &c. WOODCUTS. Folio, original calf, with Arms on sides. Francfort, 1578. 4 10s Goto/bains Lanicer's Account of the Origin and Emperors of the Turks, and of the Laws and Religion of the Mahomedans as well ag an Epitome of Turkish History. M. Barletus, Life and History of Sounder berg. T. M. Stella, On the Devastation of Hungary. Leonard of Chios, On the Capture of Constantinople. Sabellicus, The Battle on the Soncis between Turks and Venetians, and a number of other historians on the Turks and their in Europe. 1466 Guspinian (Joannes). De Turcarum engine, religione, ac immanissima eorum in Chris- tianos tyrannide; deque viis per quas Christiani Principes Turcas pro- fligare et invadere facile possent. Leyden, Jo. Maire, 16^4. Voet (Paul). De Duellis licitis et illicitis. Utrecht, 1646. 1'he two works bound in I volume. I2mo, original calf. 18s 1467 Dovsa (Georg). Itinere suo Constantinopolitano. Accesserunt veteres Inscriptiones. Post 8vo, boards. 1 5s 1468 Mahomed. Machumutis eiusque successorum vitae dcctrina ac ipse Alcoran, quo velut authenico legum divinarum codice Agareni et Turcae, aliisque Christo adversantes populi reguntur. Ex arabica lingua in Latinan trans- ferri curavit, etc., studio T. Bibliandri. Folio, original vellum, two-line fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of ] . A. de Thou (first Arms), g. e. Zurich, 1550. 15 15s THE WORK CONTAINS IN ADDITION TO A TRANSLATION OP THE KORAN CONFUTATIONS BY MELANCTHON, A PREFACE BY MARTIN LUTHER, A HISTORY OF THE TURKS ETC. 1469 Menavino (D. A.). \ Costumi, et la Vite de Turchi. Tradotte per M. Lodovico Dome- nichi. Post 8vo, vellum. Florence, 1551. 2 2s 372 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit treet, London, W. Turkey continued. 1470 Postcl (Cuillaume). Des Histoires Orientales et principalement des Turkes ou Turchikes et Schitiques cu Tartaresques et Aultres qui en sent descendues. Oeuvre pour la tierce fois augmente. i6mo, green levant morocco extra, g. e. y by Pratt, Miller Arms in gold on sides. Paris, H. de Marnef, 1575. 6 6s THE ABOVE CONTAINS MUCH ADDITIONAL MATTER AND INCLUDES AN INTERESTING TURKISH VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. (471 Radzivil (N. C.). Jercsolymitana Peregrinatio. ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE. Folio, boards. Antwerp, 1614. 2 18s 1472 Reiazione del Baiiaggio di Constantinople del Cavalier AloTse Contarini dal 1636 sin I'anno 1640. Cuarra fra Turchi e Persian! 1587 di Cio Micheli. Diario del N. H. Aloise Mclin. Genblhomme invitto a Constantinople 1668. CLEARLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT in 6 vols. , 4to, boards. 1603-1668. 10 10s COLLECTION OF THE WRITINGS OF VARIOUS ITALIAN HISTORIANS, RELATING TO CONSTANTINOPLE, AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. 1473 Smith (Thomas). Epistcla de moribus ac institutis Turcarum cui annectitur brevis Con- stantihcpcieos notitia. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, original calf. Oxford, 1674. 16s WINE. 1474 Baccius (Andreas). De natural! vino rum historia, de vims Italiae et de Galliae, Hispaniae et de totius Europae yinis et de qmni Vinorum usu. Conviviis Antiquorum, De factitiis & cerirsiis, de Rheni. WITH ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE. Folio, original vellum. Rome, Nicolas Mutius, 1596. 2 2s Brnnet: " Onvrage rare & recherche/' A VERITABLE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WINE AND BEER AS KNOWN IN ANCIENT TIMES AND THE MIDDLE AGES. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW .. BEC.CIR- JAM25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Manuscripts Incunables Woodcut Books Books from Early Presses MAGGS BROS 34 8 35, Conduit Street New Bond St. London, W.