UC-NRLF LIBRARY REPORT OF South Dakota Libraries t908 BY Wm. H. POWERS PRESIDENT S, D. S. L. A. SCHOOL nju*M ci GIFT Library Report SOUTH DAKOTA LIBRARIES By the kindness of Wm. H. Powers, President of the South Dakota Library Association, this report on the libraries of the state is herewith submitted. 019 Library Report Blockings, S. D., October 29, 1908. SIR: I have the honor to submit to you a report upon the condition of li- braries in South Dakota, Such report is made as the result of correspondence with you and Governor Crawford. In response to a letter from me concerning the desirability of legislation providing for a report upon libraries, Governor Crawford wrote as follows : January 12, 1907. MY DEAR SIR: I do not think any legislation is necessary in the matter concerning which you write. The association of the Librarians of the State ie one which is so closely allied to the educational system of the state that it see me to me entirely proper for the Superintendent of Public Instruction to incorporate a report like the one you suggest in his biennial report. Yours sincerely, Cos I. CRAWFORD, Governor. MR. WM. H. POWERS. m As you signified your readiness to receive such report, when the governor's opinion was communicated to you, in behalf of the State Library Association I present the following information : Yours respectfully, WM. H. POWERS. Pres. S. D., S. L. A To the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Pierre, South Dakota: The South Dakota State Library Association owes its present organization to the meeting held in Sioux Falls, 1906, in conjunction with the Educational Association. The first attempt at organization dates from a meeting in May, 1904, with the Federation of 'Wpmen's Clubs. The curious may learn about this and other interesting matters in the report of the Sioux Falls meeting pub- lished by the Educational Association. In 1907 statistics were gathered and published thru the courtesy of the State Journal of Education in the October number of that Journal. Another meeting of the Association was held in Watertown, also in conjunction with the Educational Association. Because of the meeting of the American Library Association at Minnetonka in June, 1908, which it was hoped a goodly number of our librarians might attend, it was decided not to prepare a program for a meeting at Aberdeen in December, 1908. SOUTH DAKOTA LIBRARIES This report embodies statistics gathered in response to inquiries sent out to the libraries and schools. The response has not been as ready as had been ex- pected there seems to be an ingrained antipathy to the making of reports yet the information concerning all but high school libraries is fairly complete and, it is hoped, is accurate. High School libraries were included because the recent law gives to the development of libraries in the schools such impulse that the number of volumes in the high schools already far outnumbers these in the pub- iic libraries. It is to be presumed, therefore, that such libraries are at present showing a larger usefulness than other libraries can. It was with the thought of such conditions that the program for the Sioux Falls meeting was arranged; for in that program special emphasis was placed upon the library as it affected the schools. The usefulness of the school libraries in South Dakota, great as it is, would be greatly increased, so at least some of those who give their whole time to library work have thought, if the teachers could learn somethng of library methods. It is with such end in view that in many normal schools the embryo teachers are given a course of library instruction, So important is the matter that the National Educational Association recently published a pamphlet, enti- tled, Instruction in Library Administration in Normal Schools. LIBRARY REPORT !S s ! o 8 8" s IS I 8 1888 i 18 8g j |8 9) ^ ' O b- : * O : 10 : 10 : l^ I-H : 1-1 CO : CO : (N : ditures Binding & 3 ;8888888 is ; W | PQ 8 i 88 8888888888 I HJ . RARIES. 00 S O CO O CO (N 2 B] 00 d O ; ^ ui Oi r CARNE o I a. af u r d c I 1 1 ij i Mi b N i 2 a Institution ^ : : 1 j i ^ = < Q S Pk 3 II 1 c i d H| 1 M i .2 a ,a 525 O t^ g " O i O ' M M Is g lig^d ^2^ll Illlillllll 1 s 1 '* ' 'e? >S t? g ^v : ^_^ |j fe LIBRARY REPORT | \ 1-1 O * O O m eo o oo o ^ 10 w o i 3 _ O 1 o | * O g O t- O CO 8 : to <0 ,c g I P I OJ : 0 cs co w3 z o 3 H i lH 1TUTIO1 . 1 ; ^ u i ^J i i ~TOS : t>- O 5) V) "* : i ar n tn u jj* UJ 1 1 ! 5 u. 1 ^gss^s B. B o r ^S5^2g o PM T3 U PU ^3 t/3 *cS '3 UJ 5 PH < PH *^ CO CO 1 i M U a 1 yjiljl !JJ&i 2 "-* ^ o rt 2 c3 *rf *i td > 5 S Q r ^ p < ' K j_, ^ ^ M . p4 1 a a* 5 2 "'< N i il^ii j ^ H o W W fc fc a : 0... ^ CO ^ M >-< ) | C w 5^ c/i to co > INSTITUT Augustana C.... Huron College .. Dak. Wes. U Redfield C Yankton a 10 SOUTH DAKOTA LIBRARIES 11 i I U