f MR. CALVERLEY'S WORKS Are now issued in 4 Vols., Post. Svo., Uniformly bound. s. d. LITERARY REMAINS AND MEMOIR. (With Portrait.) 10 6 VERSES AND FLY LEAVES. (Together.) . 7 6 TRANSLATIONS 76 THEOCRITUS 70 INDIA I'nuoi s OK TIIK I'OKTISAIT M\Y P.K II\D SKPABATKLY, I'IMCK 5s. N CKolICK lir.l.l. AND SUNS. I. f THE LITERARY REMAINS OF CHARLES STUART CALVERLEY. THE LITERARY REMAINS OF CHARLES STUART CALVERLEY. WITH A MEMOIR BY WALTER J. SENDALL. WITH PORTRAIT AND ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YoKK. STREET, COVEXT GARDKN. CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL & CO. 1885. CHISWICK PRESS : C. VVHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. PREFACE. JT^HE Editor's thanks and acknowledgments are due to the Rev. Dr. Butler, to Professor J. R. Seeley, and to Mr. Walter Besant, for the in- teresting contributions included under their re- spective names in the following pages. Many others of Calverley's old friends and school- fellows have also come forward with offers of as- sistance, in the shape of information and valuable suggestions ; amongst whom should be specially mentioned Sir Robert Herbert, the Rev. H. N. Oxenham, the Rev. Charles Stanwell, Professor Lumby, and Mr. Austin Leigh. LONDON, May, 1885. CONTENTS. MEMOIR. PAGE CHAP. I. School and College .... 1 CHAP. II. Recollections . . . . . 55 CHAP. III. Calverley as a Writer .... 80 CHAP. IV. The End . . .91 POEMS. Lupus et Canis . . . . . . . 119 Hymn to the Morning {Coleridge) . . 122 Idem Latino Redditum . . . . 123 Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean, roll ! . 128 Painting ------ ^ ^ J29 Parthenonis Ruinae . . . . . 132 Australia . . . . . . . 145 Carmen Grsecum . . . . . . 150 Loca Sacra apud Hierosolymam .... 156 Song. " Faithless Swallow " "... 162 Idem Latine Redditum 163 viii CONTENTS. PAGE " John Anderson, my Jo, John " . *. . . 166 Idem Graece Redditum . . . . . 167 On Metrical Translation . . . . . 172 The JEneid of Virgil 186 " Horse Tennysonianae " . . . . . 1 93 Iliad VIII. 11. 555-65 . . . . . . 204 Sonnet ........ 206 The Bottling of the Wasp 207 A Life in the Country . . . . . . 209 April: or the New Hat ..... 212 The Cuckoo . . . , , . . 215 The Poet and the Fly . . . . . . 220 TRANSLATIONS. I. FROM HEINE 228 II. FROM J. F. CASTELLI. At Beethoven's Grave 230 III. FROM J. F. CASTELLI. At Beethoven's Funeral 232 TRANSLATIONS OF HYMNS (from the " Hymnary ") : Easter ....... 234 Easter 237 Easter .- . 239 The Transfiguration ..... 241 The Transfiguration ..... 243 Ascension ....... 245 Ascension . . . . . . . 247 Whitsuntide . . . . . 250 Whitsuntide 253 Whitsuntide 255 CONTENTS. ix PAGE Whitsuntide 259 The Vigil of Whitsuntide . . . . 261 Whitsuntide . . . . . 263 Trinity 265 S. John Baptist . . . . . . 268 Martyrs 271 Festivals of Apostles . . .' . 273 Bethany 275 De Die Judicii . . 277 CHAPTER I. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. OCARCELY had the grave closed over the head of Charles Stuart Calverley, when there began to be expressed, amongst those who had known him, a very general desire that some brief account of his character and career should be given to the world. It was thought, we may suppose, that the memory of one whose natural powers had made so extraordinary an impression upon his contempora- ries, and whose published writings had given evi- dence of so very distinct and striking an indivi- duality, should not be suffered to pass into oblivion, without some more enduring record than a para- graph in the newspapers, or an article in a magazine. I. B 2 MEMOIR. It is in the belief that this was a well-grounded sentiment, and that those who have hitherto known "C. S. C." only as a writer of polished and epi- grammatic verse, would be glad, now that he is gone, to learn something of the personality which lay behind those familiar letters, that the present task has been undertaken; and it may be per- mitted here to express a wish that the work, though truly in this case a labour of love, of delineating a character so unique, might have been committed into hands more practised than those of one, whom circumstances have long since consigned to the pursuit of avocations quite other than literary. There are, indeed, in the uneventful record of Calverley's life, scanty materials for a full and lengthened biography; all that can be attempted is to place before the reader's mind some slight sketch of the man, as he appeared in the eyes of his familiar friends; employing for this purpose such personal reminiscences as those who knew him best may be able or willing to contribute. A bright, sunny boyhood, fearless and careless ; a youth full of brilliant promise, and studded with SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 3 intellectual triumphs ; a manhood marked by no stirring incidents, no ambitious struggles, no alter- nations of failure and success darkened, alas ! in later years, and brought to an untimely close by the ravages of a fatal and insidious malady such are in brief the outlines of a career, which in itself would seem to present little that is worthy of record, and to possess but scanty claims upon the attention of the general observer. But if the inci- dents and events of his life were thus trite even to commonplace, yet his own bearing amongst them, and the physical and intellectual personality which marked each successive stage, would be found, if accurately and adequately portrayed, to present a striking and an interesting picture. From child- hood upwards there never was a time when he failed to impress in some enduring manner those amongst whom he moved. His boyhood was distinguished by feats of physical activity and daring, which almost eclipsed even his marvellous precocity of mind, and have already passed in school traditions, like the deeds of ancient heroes, into the region of myth and legend. 4 MEMOIR. At a later period, though he was still remarkable for bodily strength and agility, it was the excep- tional quality of his intellect which fascinated arid enchained his associates. And as to this, there can be but one verdict amongst all who were even slightly acquainted with him. As an intellectual organism of the rarest and subtlest fibre, he stood altogether apart from amongst his contempora- ries. And this not by virtue of any predomi- nant excellence in one or other of the acknow- ledged lines in which men of talent or genius show themselves above their fellows. Brilliant and incisive in speech sparkling with epigrams, he was still neither a great talker nor a pro- fessed wit ; capable of reasoning closely, he neither sought nor achieved reputation in debate; nor could he at any time have claimed precedence upon the score of acquired knowledge. Yet those who consorted with him derived from his conversation an impression which the most accomplished and encyclopaedic of talkers might fail to produce. I do not know how better to express this phenomenon than by describing it as due to the spontaneous SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 5 action of pure intellect. Without conscious effort, without the semblance of a desire for display, his mind appeared to act upon the matter in hand, like a solvent upon a substance. The effect of this was often as the revelation of an unknown force. A few words casually spoken became, as it were, a fiat lux, an act of creation. Let those who knew him at his best endeavour to account to themselves for the sense of power with which his conversation affected them, and they will, I think, be compelled to admit, that though his talk was often witty, always scholarly, and not seldom wise, yet what they mar- velled at in him was neither the wit nor the wisdom nor the scholarship, but the exhibition of sheer native mind. And herein, I think, to those who really knew him, will be found the all-sufficient explanation of that nameless excellence which all agree to dis- cover in his writings, and which constitutes the key-stone of his reputation. About his most trifling, as about his most serious work, there is an inimitable and indescribable something, which is neither gracefulness only, nor is it merely fini s 6 MEMOIR. or polish or refinement, while at the same time it is each and all of these, and still defies analysis as securely as the scent and hue of a flower. But whatever theory be accepted as true respect- ing the intellectual side of Calverley's character, this view of him alone will not sufficiently account for his personal ascendancy, nor for the unique place which he occupied in the estimation and in the affections of his friends. For he was fully as much and as deservedly loved as he was admired ; and if he owed the one distinction to his natural gifts of reason unalloyed, he was indebted for the other, in no less degree, to that singleness and sin- cerity which were his most conspicuous characteris- tics upon the ethical side. That he was absolutely free from all taint of littleness or doublemindedness, was manifest, it may be assumed, to the most careless observer > that he was an ardent lover of and seeker after truth for its own sake, that the windows of his soul were open to all the airs of heaven, and his heart waxen to the impress of whatsoever things are true, lovely, and of good report, was discernible by whosoever SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 7 had eyes to see behind the very ill-fitting mask of seeming recklessness and indifference, with which it sometimes pleased him to disguise himself for the mystification of the overwise ; but there was yet more in him than this, and to the few who penetrated into the inmost recesses of his nature, there was revealed a depth of tenderness, humility, and trust, the existence of which, even those who had a right to think they knew him well, might be pardoned if they never had suspected. And it is doubtless here, in these central well- springs of his being, that the true secret of his influence is to be sought. Under whatever crust of indifference or reserve, behind whatever veil of inconsistencies, wilful or unintended the beautiful real nature of the man shone or glimmered irre- pressibly, winning all hearts by the power of sympathy and truth. Endued, however, as he was, with infinite capa- cities of faith, in the matter of beliefs he was an incarnation of the principle of private judgment; and to mere dogmatic teaching, always and for ever impervious. " Unsanctified intellect," was, I 8 MEMOIR. believe, the term applied to him by a certain school at the University ; unsophisticated intellect, would, I think, more fitly have expressed the fact, if it wanted to be expressed by an epithet. An extraordinary carefulness and consideration for others was always a conspicuous characteristic in Calverley ; and he endeared himself, particularly amongst his poorer friends and neighbours, by a hundred acts of unaffected kindness. In the Somer- setshire village in which, previous to his marriage, his home life was chiefly spent, many stories are current, illustrating his active and sympathetic good-nature; and when the news of his untimely death passed like an electric shock through the circle of his acquaintance, nowhere was there awakened a feeling of sorrow more deep and true, than amongst the cottages of his old home. Let it not be for a moment supposed that by these imperfect touches I am picturing to myself, or attempting to convey to the reader, the outlines of a faultless character. Calverley had important shortcomings, of which no one was more sensible than himself; and amongst these was an infirmity SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 9 of will. It is true that he was never subjected to the bracing stimulus of poverty, and that he was without those promptings of personal ambition which might have supplied its place; still some natural deficiency must be recognized here, and it must be confessed that, had he been endowed with a strength of purpose at all commensurate with his intellectual gifts, he would certainly have achieved work more truly worthy of his genius. In his undergraduate days, though capable at times of the intensest application, he was somewhat prone to self-indulgence, and was a grievous sinner in the matter of lying late in bed. During the months when he was (or ought to have been) reading for his degree, it was the daily task of one or two faithful friends to effect his dislodgment from his couch, before the precious morning hours should be wholly lost. Upon these occasions, his chamber became the scene of a conflict, which reduced it to a condition resembling that of a ship's cabin at sea in a hurricane. He, with his sturdy frame and resolute countenance, clinging, like " Barbary's nimble son" 10 MEMOIR. " By the teeth, or tail, or eyelid," to each successive covering, as one by one they were ruthlessly torn from him, amid a storm of good-humoured objurgation, charged with exple- tives of every shape and size, ancient and modern, of which he had a perfect arsenal on hand so the battle raged until, having conscientiously removed every portable article of bed-clothing, his assailants retired victorious, only to return in half an hour and find him peacefully sleeping between the mattresses. "C. S. C." came of a good old English stock. He was born at Hartley, in Worcestershire, on the 22nd December, 1831 ; his father, then known as the Rev. Henry Blayds, removing afterwards to the Vicarage of South Stoke, near Bath. The family, who had borne the name of Blayds from the begin- ning of the century, in 1852 resumed their proper name of Calverley, under which they had flourished from before the Norman conquest in their native county of York having indeed a collateral con- nection with that Walter Calverley, the story of whose ferocious deeds, and still more ferocious SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 11 punishment, is preserved in the pages of "A York- shire Tragedy," one of the many spurious plays attributed in an uncritical age to Shakespeare, and included in some of the earliest editions of his works. It was as Blayds that Charles Stuart won his reputation at Harrow and Oxford ; at Cambridge he was known as Calverley. Upon his mother's side, Calverley belonged to a branch of the ancient and honourable family of Meade; Thomas Meade, Esq., of Chatley, in Somer- setshire, having been his maternal grandfather ; and to those who are interested in such speculations, a further examination of his ancestry, on both sides, would probably yield ample and satisfactory proofs of hereditary capacity. Having passed through the hands of more than one private tutor, and after a brief sojourn (of no more than three months' duration) at Marlborough School, Calverley entered Harrow in the autumn of 1846, and from that time forward never ceased to be an object of interest and attention to a widening circle of friends and acquaintances. He is described as a curly-haired, bright-eyed boy, with a sunny 12 MEMOIR. smile and a frank, open countenance ; a general favourite for his manliness and inexhaustible good- nature, though already, it is said, distinguished for a certain self-sufficing independence of character, which remained with him through life, keeping him always somewhat apart from his fellows, and in- ducing him, even at this early age, to stand aloof from the little cliques and coteries into which the world of school divides itself as readily and naturally as the world at large. He exhibited in an unique degree, just that mixture of insouciance, reckless daring, and brilliancy, which never fails to win the unbounded applause and admiration of every genuine schoolboy. But it is only by an eye-witness that the story of Calverley's school-days could be adequately told ; and I am fortunate in being able to lay before the reader the following sketch by Dean Butler, the late head-master of Harrow, his early companion and life-long friend : " Charles Stuart Blayds was admitted at Harrow by Dr. Vaughan on September 9th, 1846, being then within four months of completing his fifteenth SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 13 year. He was placed in the Upper Shell, the highest Form in which a new boy could then be placed. He passed rapidly through the lower Forms, which were not then very numerous, and entered the Sixth Form in January, 1848. Here he remained till the end of July, ] 850. " It is difficult to give even a tolerably clear picture of a boyhood which was unlike any other that I saw as a boy, or have had occasion to observe since. He was unlike others in the absence of certain interests as well as in the brilliant gifts which were peculiarly his own. The Sixth Form of his time was not wanting in ability and vigour. Many of us were keenly interested in the politics and literature of the day. The year 1848, especially, was no ordinary year. I can remember the Head of our House one morning in February brandishing the ' Times ' over the bannisters, and announcing that Louis Philippe had fled from Paris in disguise. Then followed in dizzy succession revolutions, ab- dications, our own 10th of April, the Italian war, and the Hungarian revolt. " Finally, at the end of the year, during the 14 MEMOIR. Christmas holidays, the two first volumes of Macaulay's History were published, and received all over the country, even by young people, with a greediness of appetite still dear to the memory of men of fifty. Wordsworth was still living. Tennyson was on the point of mounting the Laureate's Throne. Ruskin was just startling the world with the first and second volumes of ' Modern Painters/ Dickens and Thackeray were in their prime. Further, the influence of Arnold's Life, lately published, was perhaps then at its height. This book and Keble's 'Christian Year/ so widely different and yet so accordant in much of their spirit, came home to the hearts of the more thoughtful boys. " Once more, our Debating Society was a flou- rishing institution, though I own to remembering one debate on the ominous question whether it was worth while to continue it any longer ! " Now it must be confessed that in all the varied life, intellectual and religious, indicated by these books and events, Blayds had but little share. He had not a particle of cant or affectation in him, and he never pretended to be interested in either deep SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 15 intellectual problems or high moral ideals which probably rather bored him. " Though, as the sequel has proved, he possessed within himself a unique literary faculty which was destined in its way to approach perfection, he never, so far as I am aware, allowed it to peep out at school. His reading seemed hardly to extend beyond one or two favourites. A friend who saw much of him in those days confirms my own im- pression as to this. ' As for his literary tastes/ he writes, ' it always amazed me how much he seemed to know without reading, so to speak, at all. I should imagine that Virgil and Pickwick were, as you rather suggest, his favourite studies/ " But though he took but little interest in the general intellectual life of the Sixth Form, he had one gift all his own, his power of brilliant Verse composition. He was a good Latin versifier when he first joined the School; and by the time he reached the Sixth Form, his work had attained a rare finish. In his very first term in the Form one of his exercises was thought worthy to be written out in ' the Book/ a distinction greatly 16 MEMOIR. coveted, and hardly ever won so soon. Another of his earliest Sixth Form compositions seems worthy of special notice, a lively version, in the style of Horace's ' Satires/ of the old fable of ' The Dog and the Wolf/ I do not think he ever wrote again in this metre, but his version is full of verve and lightness. 1 It was, however, in September of that year, when he was still three months under seventeen, that he first showed what he could do in Latin Verse. His translation of part of Coleridge's ' Hymn to Mont Blanc ' is printed at the end of this Memoir. It may be safely said, that for vigour, richness of rhythm, and sympathy with the original, it will well bear comparison with any verses written by a boy of his age. " li is remarkable, therefore, that during his three- years in the Sixth Form he should only once, and that in his last year, have won the regular prizes for Hexameters and Alcaics.' 2 In the two previous 1 The piece will be found below, see p. 119. 2 The simplest explanation of this is likewise the most probable, namely, idleness. Both at school and college^ Calverley needed to be spurred to exert himself. It is said that one of the prizes which he did get, was only secured by SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 17 years both these prizes were won by F. Vaughan Hawkins, who was a year and a half younger than Blayds, and for two years beyond all comparison the finest scholar among his contemporary Harro- vians, though he left the School a few days after his sixteenth birthday. " In the ' Prolusiones' of 1850, his prize Hexa- meters on ' Mare Mediterranean ' end with a para- phrase of Byron's " ' Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean, roll ! ' which is full of feeling, and even eloquence.' "The extreme ease and rapidity with which he hit off his verses may be illustrated by a story sent me by his devoted friend, the Kev. H. G. Southwell. I give it in Mr. Southwell's own words : " ' You are a better judge of the following verses than I am. I once asked Blayds to convert " ' Raging beast and raging flood Alike have spared their prey " into Latin Elegiacs. We were walking towards the determined intervention of friends, who locked him into his room until the needful exercise was written. Ku. I. C 18 MEMOIR. the School. He asked me some ridiculous ques- tion, which I forget now ; but just as I was leaving him, he said, ' I think this will do : " ' Sospes uterque manet, talem quia laedere praadam Nil furor sequoreus nil valet ira ferae.' You will know whether they are sufficiently Ovidian to merit a notice. They were produced in about three minutes/ " One story not of his composition, but of his construing in school may be worth recording here. The lesson was from the beginning of the Eighth ^Eneid. After a few minutes Blayds was ' called up/ and speedily warmed to his work. We soon awoke to the fact that he was doing it beautifully, using simple but choice English quite beyond our attainment. As he went on, there was a hush of admiring sympathy, which seemed to extend to the Head Master also. He was not pulled up till he had finished the whole of the lesson, probably some sixty or seventy lines. ft His appearance in those days was one of fresh- ness and solidity. He always went by the name of ' Bull/ possibly from his having a short neck SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 19 and a flat forehead. There was a thickset look about him, and an easy, casual manner, which was very attractive. " One characteristic effusion may be mentioned, which has already found its way into print. We had just begun Russell's ' Modern Europe/ and the lesson for the day was the first Letter. During the few minutes of waiting in the lobby before school we had been laughing over some of the peculiarities of the style, but never dreamed that they were to be reproduced in the presence of the Master. "The lesson began, and after a time Blayds was 'called up/ The question was casually put, ' How did the Gothic leaders conduct themselves in Italy ? ' The answer was at once given with pitiless accuracy, with due rhyming on ' bear ' and ' parterre/ and with perfect appreciation of the central and the concluding cadences : ' They hunted the bear on the voluptuous parterre, the trim garden, and expensive pleasure-ground, where effeminacy was wont to saunter, or indolence to loll.' " Though I was at the time, as indeed for nearly 20 MEMOIR. three years, sitting next to the performer, and though I have the liveliest recollection of his tone and manner, strangely enough I cannot in the least recall how the answer was received by the ques- tioner. And yet much of the fun of the scene lies in the fact that the Master and the Pupil were, each in his own manner, two of the wittiest and most humorous men of their time, unsurpassed by any of their contemporaries in the keenest sense both of the beauty and the absurdity of words. " One friend who was sitting close to us, and who had taken part in the previous chat in the lobby, has a better memory than mine. His account is, no doubt, correct. ' I do recollect Vaughan's re- ception of " They hunted the bear." He suppressed, but did not wholly conceal, his strong disposition to burst out laughing, by resting his elbow on his desk, and passing his right hand over his mouth. Blayds had added to the effect of his recollection of the passage by affecting to be a little uncertain and hesitating about some of the words, some- times looking down, and then looking straight at Vaughan/ SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 21 " One of Blayds' most remarkable gifts was his verbal memory. Probably it largely accounted for his exquisite ear, and his power to reproduce, with a grace perhaps unequalled, the metres I do not say of Virgil and Horace, here he has been more than rivalled but of Tennyson, Browning, and most of the poets and versifiers of our day. " One story illustrative of his memory, and per- haps of his boyish character, is given me on the authority of Mr. Southwell : " ' A master, whom we will call X, 1 went into his room one night after the orthodox hour for putting lights out, and found Blayds' candle burn- ing. X, in his unemotional way, ordered Blayds to learn the First Book of the Iliad, and say it in a week's time. Immediately after X's exit from the room Blayds relit his candle, and either learnt, or, I must think, refreshed his memory by reading what he already knew, the aforesaid First Book. At any rate, after lessons were over at first school on the following morning, Blayds presented him- 1 " X " was the late Mr. Harris, for whom Calyerley enter- tained the most atH'rtionate regard. ED. 22 MEMOIR. self to X, and expressed his wish to say his task. It is recorded that a slight trace of wonder passed over X's countenance ; but he took the book, and bade Blayds go on. Tried in divers places through- out the book, he was found to have committed it all to memory, and his fault was expiated/ " If Mr. X ever learned the secret of this rapid tour de force, he had quite enough shrewdness and humour to enjoy it. " Another of Blayds' gifts was that of sketching in pen-and-ink. His caricatures were inimitable. One, which long remained in my school copy of the ' De Oratore/ and is, I hope, surviving some- where under mountains of Harrow papers, repre- sented Hannibal having just reached the top of the Alps. The great general was perched on one sharp peak of the Mont Cenis, ' chucking ' a javelin into the air, and skipping like a boy let out of school j while on a neighbouring peak might be seen the upper moiety of a panting, flustered elephant, with trunk erect, retaining just enough presence of mind to ejaculate ' Hooroar ! ' 11 No account of Blayds' Harrow days would be SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 23 even tolerably complete which left out of sight his athletic reputation. He was not, indeed, a distinguished player at cricket, or football, or racquets, though he took an active part in all these games, but his daring leaps were the wonder of the School. It may be doubted whether, even at the time, some of them did not, in Thucydidean phrase, ' win their way to the fabulous/ " One, I remember, was connected with a certain high white gate which we had to go through in our jumping parties to the Kenton brook. Blayds was said to have 'gone at' this gate in cold blood, and to have carried away some of the spikes from the top ! " Another of his jumps, which caused great amusement at the time, cannot be appreciated with- out a lively recollection of the locality. The ' Grand Plateau ' of the School Yard stands some eight feet ab ve the historic 'milling-ground/ being separated from it by a wall of about four feet high. One day, while waiting for the 4 o'clock Bill, Blayds casually went at the wall with his hands in his pockets, just touched the top with his 24 MEMOIR. foot, and alighted on his head, twelve feet below. All anxiety for his fate was soon set to rest by his reappearing in the yard, and again going at the wall, only this time with a little less insouciance. The result was an easy victory. " But his chef-d'oeuvre in audacious jumping, and that by which his name will be chiefly remembered, is his clearing the stone steps of the Old School building a space of fully twenty-one feet, if measured obliquely from top to bottom, the lowest step, however, being about nine feet below the highest. There was then one step less than at present, and the paving of the yard was not, as now, asphalte, but gravel. In the presence of the School Gustos and a group of admiring comrades, Blayds took a run from the door of the ' Governors'" Room/ and reached the bottom in safety, only just touching the last step with one of his heels. "This part of our subject may be not inap- propriately illustrated by two stories of Oxford and Cambridge days. They come to me from my old Harrow friend, Alfred Blomfield, now Bishop of Colchester, and from H. G. Southwell. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 25 " ( In Christ Church meadows/ writes the Bishop, ' there was a broad ditch, now, I think, covered, or concealed by a wall : and on the bank of this ditch grew a willow whose branches formed a Y or fork some three feet above the ground, just wide enough for a man's body to pass through. Blayds would leap over the ditch and through the fork : a feat requiring both strength and precision, and involving serious damage in case of failure. I will not be absolutely certain that I myself saw him do this, though my recollection is that I did; but I am quite certain that it was done, and I remember the spot well/ " Mr. Southwell's story is even more surprising. " ' At Cambridge/ he says, ' I remember an instance of his activity and indifference to danger. He was walking with me in Green Street ; a horse in a cart was drawn up on to the pavement, the horse being on the pavement, the cart in the street. With his cap and gown on, and his hands in his pockets, and with a very short run he cleared the, I should say, astonished steed, and alighted smiling on the other side.' 26 MEMOIR. ' ' No one can feel more than I the superficial and therefore unsatisfactory nature of the above sketch. It contains no grave touches. It may be the fault of the writer that he cannot with truth, or at least with veracity, insert any. I had a warm affection for my dear friend all through our Harrow days, and we were constantly together; but somehow grave topics did not seem to come natural to him, and we instinctively avoided them. He was always good-humoured, genial, full of fun, with something of the ' Bohemian ' in him, only tempered intel- lectually by an exquisite and severe appreciation of classical form and rhythm, and socially by great kindness of disposition and a very affectionate heart. With the graver interests of School life he did not appear to sympathize : his own life was blameless, he got into no troubles, but he was never regarded as one of the governing forces of the School. " He was a sweet-tempered and most amusing companion, with a prompt, terse, and finished wit seldom found in boys. To think of him as he was in those happy school days is to think of what is keen and bright and sunny. It was reserved for SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 27 the noontide of his life to reveal fully the treasures of delightful humour and satire that lay within him. I speak only of what came to view in its charming but unpretentious dawn." The following reminiscences by another of his earliest friends 1 may fitly close the records of his School life. " Just after he left Harrow he had a great escape, from his habit of chancing what he jumped at. He was staying at the King's Head, and went out before breakfast on to the lawn at the top of the garden. At the bottom was a hedge of some height, high enough to conceal what there might be beyond, except that it was clear there was a drop. This was quite enough for him ; he rushed at the jump, cleared the hedge, and found himself dropping into a well on the other side. With a strong effort he managed to throw himself forward, and get a clutch at the top of the well with his hands, and with great difficulty draw himself out. " The same absence of fear that he showed in this way, he also showed in all his transactions with the 1 S. Austen Leigh. 28 MEMOIR. masters. When a monitor, he was playing at stump-and-ball in his tutor's yard, and hit a ball to leg, over the road, through the drawing-room win- dow of a master who lived there. His companions were rather frightened at what had happened ; but, without a moment's hesitation, just as he was (not by any means a presentable object), he bounded on to the wall, and down the drop, into the road, and rang the front-door bell of the master's house. The said master had been startled by the appear- ance of the ball through his window, and answered the door himself. Blayds quietly asked for his ball. The master began to complain of his window being broken, and also at the state of Blayds' dress and appearance. Blayds only remarked that he was sorry he had broken his window, but that he had happened to make an uncommonly good leg hit, and he wished to have his ball back ; and he got it. " I remember one instance of his great powers of versification. He came into my room one Tuesday afternoon to ask me to go out jumping with him. I told him I could not go because I had a set of Greek Iambics that must be done that day. He SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 29 said, ' Nonsense, that won't take you long/ My answer was that it certainly would, for at present I had not arrived at understanding the English some lines of Shakespeare. He took up a pen and paper, sat himself down, and bade me read out the English. I did so, and as I read, slowly, it is true, but with hardly any stop, he wrote them down in Greek Iambics, good enough at all events quite to pass muster. " He was always a most delightful companion, never out of temper, and I need hardly say enter- taining in the extreme, and though somewhat apt to disregard school laws himself, I never remember his having in any way attempted to make me do the same. The last time I saw him was a good many years ago at the Reading Station. We had not met for years, and I only hope he was half as glad to see me as I was to see him. At all events he did not forget to make himself pleasant. My train was due in fifteen minutes ; he proposed a walk, and so entertaining was he, that I gladly missed my train, though at the cost of some inconvenience." Calverley's career at Oxford, though a failure 30 MEMOIR. for academic purposes, was distinguished by a series of tours de force, intellectual and physical, suffi- cient to have furnished forth a dozen ordinary reputations. He won the Balliol scholarship by a marvellous copy of Latin verses, written off with such rapidity as to be almost an improvisation. His exploits in the way of daring and impossible jumps were long talked of and pointed out, and their memory may perhaps still linger amongst the traditions of the place. Having, in common with the other students, to prepare a Latin theme, to be submitted on a given day at a viva voce lecture, Calverley appeared in the lecture-room provided like the rest with a neat manuscript book, the pages of which were entirely blank. He had trusted to luck, and hoped that he might escape being "put on." Luck failed him, and in due course the examiner called upon " Mr. Blayds." Whereupon he stood up and, to the amazement of those who knew the real state of the case, pro- ceeded without the least hesitation, and in calm, fluent tones, to read from his book the exercise which he had not written, and of which not a word had up to that moment been composed. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 31 Among the academic functions established at Balliol, and possibly also at other Oxford colleges, was a ceremony known as " Collections," for which Cambridge experience furnishes no equivalent. It appears to have consisted in a kind of intellectual and moral stock-taking, at which the assembled students were put through an examination upon a variety of subjects, sacred and profane, receiving praise or reprobation in accordance with their deserts. The following episode occurred during one of Calverley's appearances at " Collections," the Master (Dr. Jenkyns) officiating. Question : "And with what feelings, Mr. Blayds, ought we to regard the decalogue ? " History relates that Calverley, who had no very clear idea of what was meant by the decalogue his studies not having lain much in that direction but who had a due sense of the importance both of the occasion and of the question, made the following reply : " Master, with feelings of devotion, mingled with awe ! " " Quite right, young man, a very proper answer," exclaimed the master. It must indeed have been felt that a youth im- bued with these just and admirable sontimonts 32 MEMOIR. would guide his words with discretion, and might even be trusted never to " speak disrespectfully of the Equator." The good opinion which he thus obtained by subtlety did not, however, avail him long, and during his second year of residence his connection with Balliol and with Oxford was brought to an abrupt termination. His biographer, while chro- nicling this fact, must at the same time not fail to insist that the offences against discipline for which he justly suffered, were due to an exuberance of animal spirits rather than to any graver form of delinquency. That at this period of his career he vexed the souls of dons, and maintained a per- petual warfare with constituted authority, is to be admitted and regretted. Into most of his esca- pades, however, there entered an element of humour, which, while it does not redeem them from censure, invests them with an interest in relation to his special cast of mind. Calverley's coolness, wari- ness, and consummate dexterity of speech, rendered him at all times a dangerous opponent in an en- counter of wits ; he had, moreover, when provoked, SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 33 a knack of employing words, in themselves most artless and innocent, in such a way as to affect the other side with an uncomfortable sensation of being quizzed. Of the numerous stories current respecting his Oxford days, some of which went the round of the newspapers at the time of his death, it will be sufficient to notice one or two, the authenticity of which can be vouched for. The following incident is related rather on account of the punning verses to which it gave rise, than for its own intrinsic interest. The election to scholarships at Balliol took place upon St. Catharine's Day (November 25), and on the even- ing of the same day the newly-elected scholars received formal admission, in the college chapel, at the hands of the Master and Fellows. When Calverley's turn came to be presented to the Maste* for the purpose of taking the customary oath upon admission to the privileges of a scholar, the fact that he had quite recently been indulging in a pipe forced itself upon the attention of Dr Jenkyns, who had the strongest dislike to tobacco, 34 MEMOIR. On withdrawing from the chapel, the Master turned to the Fellows who accompanied him, and said, " Why, the young man is redolent of the weed, even now ! " It was no doubt this remark of the famous old Master of Balliol, which afterwards suggested to their unknown author the following lines, which, like the " Sic vos non vobis" of Virgil, received their first publication in the form of a mural inscription : " O freshman, running fast to seed, O scholar, redolent of weed, This motto in thy meerschaum put, The sharpest Blades will soonest cut." To which Calverley at once replied : " Your wit is tolerable, but The case you understand ill ; The Dons would like their Blayds to cut, But cannot find a handle." Dr. Jenkyns was the most conspicuous figure in the University of his day, and there was something in his somewhat pompous (though in truth most kindly) nature, which invariably struck sparks when brought into collision with this audacious and keen-witted undergraduate. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 35 The keeping of dogs in college was, it is need- less to say, strictly prohibited at Balliol, and was especially reprobated by the Master; it is almost equally needless to add that the prohibition was systematically evaded ; and one of the most incor- rigible offenders in this respect was Calverley. Meeting him one day on the way to his rooms, with a tawny nondescript treasure trotting at his heels, the Master exclaimed, " What ! another dog, Mr. Blayds ! " " Master," was the wily re- sponse, " they do tell me that some people think it is a squirrel/' This reply, while it committed the speaker to nothing, was really calculated to mystify the Master not, it may be guessed, himself a very close observer of specific dis- tinctions for the creature in question, though undoubtedly a dog, did to an inattentive eye bear no slight external resemblance to the other- named animal. He advanced at Oxford the reputation he had brought with him from Harrow, of being one of the best writers of Latin verse of his time ; the Hexameters, with which he obtained the Chan- 36 MEMOIR. cellor's prize in 1851,' still remain one of the most beautiful of his many beautiful compositions. It is customary for these prize poems to be printed and published, with the author's name and that of his college attached. When Calverley's manuscript was sent to the press, it bore, in anti- cipation of his impending doom, the following signature : CAROLUS STUART BLAYDS, 6 COLL BALLIOL. prope ejectus. It was actually so printed, and it was only through the opportune interference of one of the college tutors that it was not so given to the world . When called upon for an explanation, Calverley is said to have declared that "those tiresome printers would do anything." Calverley quitted Oxford in the beginning of 1852, and in the following October was admitted as a freshman at Christ's College, Cambridge. It was here that the present writer first became acquainted with him. He was then at the zenith of his powers, 1 Subject, Parthenonis ruince. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 37 mental and bodily. Short of stature, with a power- ful head of the Greek type, covered thickly with crisp, curling masses of dark brown hair, and closely set upon a frame whose supple joints and well-built proportions betokened both speed and endurance he presented a picture of health, strength, and activity. In disposition he was un- selfish, and generous to a fault ; without a trace of vanity or self-esteem ; somewhat reserved amongst strangers, though bearing himself at all times with a charming simplicity and frankness of demeanour ; slow to form friendships, but most loyal and con- stant to them when formed ; a faithful, affectionate, whole-hearted, thoroughly loveable human soul ; with an intellect as keen, swift, and subtle as any that ever tenanted a human body. It is not at all easy, indeed, it is hardly possible, to convey by description an adequate idea of the singular charm of his conversation. It must always be understood that though he said many good things, he was by no means an inventor and utterer of bans mots. Instead of expending itself in a succession of flashes, his wit was, as it were, a 38 MEMOIB. luminous glow, pervading and informing his entire speech, investing the thing spoken of with a novel and peculiar interest, and not seldom placing it in a vivid light, at once wholly unexpected and wholly appropriate. There was also in him a great^quick- ness both of sympathy and of apprehension, enabling him to seize upon your point of view with rapidity and precision ; and when to this is added a perfect honesty of intellect, free from any warpings of prejudice, egotism, or other pregnant source of self-mystification, the result is a set of conditions for rational intercourse of a rare and very special kind, the pervading feature of which is a whole- some atmosphere of security, an almost physical sense of comfort and bien-etre like the feeling of warmth and good cheer which those who have experienced it will acknowledge to be as attractive as it is uncommon. Cambridge discipline is, or is said to be, of a more liberal and less coercive character than that which obtains at the sister University, and Cal- verley, who moreover had gathered wisdom from experience, fell readily enough into the ways of SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 39 conformity and obedience to rules. Though not, perhaps, exactly a favourite with the older and severer type of Don, who never quite knew how to take him, he was cordially appreciated by the authorities of his own college, themselves mostly men of a younger generation than the academic petrifactions of an earlier school. At no time, indeed, during the whole of his Cambridge course, did Calverley evince the slightest inclination to embroil himself with the ruling powers ; and it is altogether a mistake to suppose that, careless as he may have been of conventionalities, he had in his nature anything of the real Bohemian. Nor was he, either then or at any other period, a mere un- profitable idler ; and if not what is usually termed a reading man that, namely, and nothing else he was emphatically a man of reading ; a genuine lover of literature, and with a considerable know- ledge of books. Composition in Latin and Greek was his favourite intellectual exercise, or, it might rather be said, recreation ; the famous " Carmen Saeculare," the translation of Milton's " Lycidas " into Latin hexa- 40 MEMOIR. meters, a beautiful version of " John Anderson " in Greek Anacreontics, and several other of his most successful efforts, dating from this period. At this time, too, he was developing that incom- parable vein of humour, that inimitable compound of serious irony and pure fun, blended with subtle and delicate banter, by which afterwards, in " Verses and Translations," and still more decisively in " Fly-leaves," he " took the town by storm/' and affected the reading world with the enjoyment of a new sensation. The Byronian stanzas in which he celebrates the praises and the works of Allsopp and of Bass, were in manuscript before he had taken his degree ; and it is curiously characteristic of his many-sided genius to note that at the very time when, with keen appreciative insight, he was penetrating the secret of Milton's majestic verse, and was reproducing those mournful, tender, or triumphant strains, in diction not less stately, and in numbers not less harmonious than the master's own he could also let his sportive fancy play in airy raillery around the same pathetic theme, depicting, in a few telling strokes of mirthful mockery SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 41 " How Lycidas was dead, and how concerned The Nymphs were when they saw his lifeless clay, And how rock told to rock the dreadful story That poor young Lyeidas was gone to glory." Amongst his humorous compositions of this date, the " Pickwick Examination Paper " has obtained a notoriety which entitles it to a passing mention. Probably no one amongst the Cambridge men of that day (excepting, perhaps, the late James Lem- priere Hammond) equalled Calverley in close and comprehensive familiarity with the writings of Dickens. The notion (conceived at first as a pure joke) of making a great living author the subject of a competitive examination, would suggest itself naturally enough to one who had all his life been winning prizes for proficiency in the lore of ancient bards and sages, some of whom, perchance, held a far lower place in his affections than did the creator of the immortal Weller. The ingenious syllabus of questions which has attracted so much attention, is not, however, interesting only as a measure of Calverley's curiously minute acquaintance with the masterpiece of Dickens ; it deserves also to be 42 MEMOIR. noticed on account of the winners of the two prizes which were offered to the successful candidates. The first prize in the competition, which was open to all members of Christ's College, was taken by Mr. Walter Besant, the second by Mr. (now Pro- fessor) Skeat. Calverley's appetite for humour, and his faculty of extracting it even from the most unpromising material, are oddly illustrated by the following " Notes," taken after he became a fellow of his college, and accidentally preserved amongst his papers: NOTES TAKEN AT COLLEGE MEETINGS. At Meeting, February '28th, 11| 2. Remarked by the Master. That no people give you so much trouble, if you try to extract money from them, as solicitors. By the Jun. Dean. Except, perhaps, parsons. By the Senior Dean. The latter possibly because they have not got the money. By Mr. A. That a ton weight is a great deal of books. By Mr. B. That it is just one o'clock. By Mr. C. That that is likely, and that in an hour it will be just two. This record of the proceedings of a learned SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 43 deliberative body is worthy of a place beside Mr. Punch's " Essence of Parliament." To the above specimen of Calverley's humour may be added the following jeu d'esprit which appeared in the columns of the " Pall Mall Gazette " in 1865, when middle class examinations were in their infancy : ' " BERRIES PROM THE TREE OP KNOWLEDGE. " ' By all means let classics be retained : as the handmaids of more useful branches of study. Value- less themselves, they may be made a vehicle to convey what is invaluable/ Thoroughly satisfied of the truth of this principle, an Oxford M.A. of eminence he took (he mentions) high botanical honours, though ' comparatively weak ' in Latin and Greek determined to test it at a recent middle- class examination. The result was a paper in Latin prose translation, of which, he admits, the candi- dates ' could make nothing/ but which he still 1 For this quotation I am indebted to a notice of Calverley which was published in the same journal a few days after his death "Pall Mall Gazette," 29 February, 1884. 44 MEMOIR. ' cannot but consider a move in the right direction.' We subjoin it; adding also the interpretation, as sent which, we may add, the words seem to us to bear, l vix aut ne vix quidem " in some places for the benefit of the mere classic. " Translate : " ' Morum te nigram juraveris : morum vero al- bam fecisti. Solvi, vixdum rubum caesium, vaccinium tuum myrtillum : teste virgine berberin circumvoli- tante, et bacca sambuci patre tuo. Dederas et cheirographum : sed atramentum oxycoccus palus- tris. Equidem non pendo unius fragarii ribes taxi baccae simile : permittam tanien omnibus chiococcum, te rubum Idaeum prorsus exstitisse : vaccinium autem, senior, die/ " ' You may swear yourself black, Berry; but you have made a mull, Berry. I paid your bill, Berry, as soon as due, Berry ; as the young woman in the bar, Berry, and your father, the elder Berry, know. I don't care a straw, Berry, for a goose, Berry, like you, Berry; but I'll let folks know, Berry, that you've made yourself a regular ass, Berry ; and whort'll Berry senior say ? ' SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 45 " The style of the Latin is more or less that of Cicero's letters; though we think we would cer- tainly have expressed some of the ideas towards the end especially in different language. We are not altogether satisfied of the rectitude of the 1 move.' Surely it is pushing the Oxford theory a little too far. We commend the English version (fragments of which seem, unaccountably, familiar to us) as a useful memoria technica to the notice of mothers and governesses/' No account of Calverley's undergraduate life at Cambridge would be complete without some allu- sion to his musical talents. He had a remarkable ear, and possessed a voice of great purity and sweetness. The musical gatherings which from time to time took place in his rooms, are amongst the pleasantest of the many pleasant memories which cluster round those cheerful and hospitable quarters. When in the mood, he would take his seat at the piano and rattle off a series of extrava- ganzas, made up for the nonce out of the popular airs and operas of the day, interspersed not unfre- 46 MEMOIR. quently with songs of his own composing ; he also possessed the rare accomplishment of being able to whistle a perfect accompaniment to the instrument. A general election which took place during Calverley's residence, and was the occasion of a memorable outbreak amongst the younger members of the University, deserves mention, although he him- self took no active part in it, on account of a stirring episode, of which his college became the scene, and which has never, so far as the present writer is aware, been chronicled in prose or verse. It would require the pen of a Thackeray and the pencil of a Leech plena leporis Hirudo to do justice to it, and it happened on this wise. The contest for the representation of the Univer- sity was keenly watched and debated in under- graduate circles, by reason chiefly of the extraor- dinary popularity enjoyed by the Liberal candidate, Mr. (now Mr. Justice) Denman. So great was the excitement, and so noisy were the demonstrations with which, in those days of open voting, the sup- porters of either party were greeted from the thronging galleries, that the Vice Chancellor (Dr. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. 47 Whewell) deemed it prudent to order the exclusion of all undergraduates from the Senate House during the hours of polling. This invasion of their ancient privileges was indignantly and violently resented by the youthful champions of Liberalism. A bon- fire was made of the hustings in front of the schools. The inti'epid and despotic Vice Chan- cellor was himself threatened, and had to be es- corted to his residence in Trinity by a strong bodyguard composed of Masters of Arts. On the morning following these events a decree was issued, directing that in every college the gates should be closed at an early hour, all persons in statu pupillari being required to keep themselves within. The effect of 'this sweeping and somewhat ill-advised measure was, that when the appointed hour arrived almost the entire undergraduate population was found to be in the streets. Forming themselves into a compact body, four or five abreast, they marched from college to college, demanding that the gates should be thrown open. In not a few instances the demand, through the undisguised sympathy of the garrison with the cause of the 48 MEMOIR. besiegers, was at once complied with. Service was proceeding within the college chapel when the wave of rebellion reached the massive oaken gates of Christ's, and thundered for admission. The sudden appearance of the college porter, pale and trembling, apprised the congregation, consisting of the fellows and a few scholars, of what was taking place. The Master stopped the service, and, put- ting himself at the head of his forces, marched in an imposing procession of some ten or twelve sur- pliced figures to the scene of action. Arrived at the inner side of the barred and bolted gate, the Master, having obtained a brief silence, proceeded to remonstrate with the insurgents, desiring, in tones of authority, to be informed whether they knew " who he was ! " This display of vigour elicited a storm of uncomplimentary replies, for, to speak truth, the late Dr. Cartmell, though in every way a most admirable Master of his college, 7 I left the other three men some five or six weeks later at Meran. Where we wandered in the inter- val I know not, but we wandered a good deal, knapsack on back and staff in hand. Sometimes we slept in huts on the mountain-side, and break- fasted off bad coffee and a dish of fried eggs; sometimes there were not enough beds to go round, and we had to toss up for those that were available ; sometimes we got wet through, and as we carried no change, we had to robe ourselves with blankets. Everywhere there was magnificent scenery, with pine forests and mountain streams ; every day there was climbing, more or loss ; every night one was dog-tired. I have vague recollec- tions of the Zillerthal, for example, and of a place called Linz or Lienz ; and of a strange place beside a lake, where there was a great hotel, and a steep hill beside it, up which Walton made us all climb before dinner. But these recollections are vague. One or two memories, however, stand out with greater clearness. The first is of a certain evening in the Zillerthal after dinner ; the now well-known singers came in, a party of half-a-dozen peasants, 68 MEMOIR. and sat down and sang to us, accompanied by the zither, the sweet Tyrolese songs which have since become so popular ; but in these days they were only known to a few ; the Tyrol was comparatively unexplored, and I think none of us had ever heard the songs before, or even so much as seen a zither. I distinctly remember Calverley's face ; you know how, when he was really pleased and interested, his expression became grave, and his features set, as if he was rapt and absorbed in .the thing which then engaged him. I have never seen him so entirely pleased and interested as on that evening. Presently, when the singers had finished, he broke out in short ejaculations, railing upon the stupidity of English people who do not teach their peasants how to play or sing. Then, because Walton had the sweetest and most musical voice possible, and Cai- verley, as you know, could take his part, we tried two or three simple English part-songs, in which Cal- verley sang second and Walton bass. I forget what they were ' Spring's Delights/ ' Care, thou canker of our joys/ ' Oh ! who will o'er the downs/ and so forth simple ditties all. .After that, Walton sang RECOLLECTIONS. 69 them a song, and Calverley followed with one, which was at that time a great favourite with him. You yourself wrote the words, to an air which he found somewhere or other. They began, ' Fare thee well, where thou art lying/ I remember the first verse only, but I have never forgotten the air, which is singularly sweet. 1 I have taught it to a good many, since, but I have never met anyone yet who knew it, or where it came from . The people were greatly 1 Respecting the air of which Besant here speaks, the fol- lowing will be read with interest. It was in the May Term of 1856 that a young man, with an accent and manner slightly foreign, was paying a visit to the University, and was fre- quently in Christ's College, where he had friends. He had a wonderful gift of sketching, which he freely exercised for our amusement, and he played and sang with a facility of execu- tion less common then than it has since become amongst educated Englishmen. This young man's name was George Du Maurier. Among his favourite songs was the well-known one of Byron's, beginning " There be none of Beauty's daughters." This he sang, without notes, to a simple and pathetic air, with which none of his hearers were acquainted. The air took Calverley's fancy, who played it afterwards from tnrmory, and the score was written down from his playing. Some verses, slight enough in themselves, but intended to give expression to the peculiar pathos of the music, were, as Besant says, composed for the occasion, and were adopted by 70 MEMOIR. pleased, not so much at the singing it was a small thing compared with their own, though Walton's voice was not one that you can hear every day but at the strange thing that any young Englishman Calverley, whose singing of them will be remembered by many, and as they have not appeared in print they may be quoted here. They were as follows : " Fare thee well ! Where thou art lying ; The clouds for ever weep, And the breezes whisper, sighing In a soft dirge and a deep. And the skies, that wont to love thee, Are a folded shroud above thee ; And the flowers, that blossom o'er thee, Are bending to adore thee, And all things fair deplore thee, Where thou art laid to sleep ! " But thy pure and gentle spirit, That could no longer stay, Doth a holy place inherit, Tn a land far, far, away. 'Neath the cypress, dark and lonely, Lies thy body buried only ; Thou hast found a home for ever There, where death no more shall sever, And the golden light fades never In the bright eternal day." W. J. S. RECOLLECTIONS. 71 should know how to sing. It was contrary to their experience; they thought that Englishmen only paid and listened. " Another day I remember. We slept in a shep- herd's hut high on the mountains ; having got there in the evening after a long climb up a steep hill, from some place which I forget. There was not much for dinner, I know, but there was something : in the morning we rose at daybreak, still stiff and tired, and found that the only thing for breakfast was a dish of eggs, fried in a tin, and some bad coffee nothing else, not even bread. We started, there- fore, for the day's work in that condition in which, according to the moralist, one ought to rise from dinner, namely, hungry. The proposed work was going to be very simple, only to cross over what was described to be a low Pass ; we thought we should probably manage it with great ease by ten o'clock or so, and get a solid breakfast then. Illusory hopes ! We started about five, and we began by losing our way, which wasted three hours or so ; then we struck the right path, as we thought, and began again. For forty days and forty nights, or thereabouts 72 MEMOIR. it seemed more to me we toiled up the steep face of the mountain over turf. Whenever I go up a mountain, I always experience exactly the same sequence of emotions. First there comes a deadly fatigue in the legs, which presently goes away of its own accord, leaving a sort of limb-sulkiness ; then follows a nightmare in which I am firmly per- suaded that I have from the beginning of all things been everlastingly going up a hill, everything else having been a dream, and that there will never be any cessation or rest from going up a hill for the future in scecula sceculorum. In the midst of this nightmare I become conscious, and it adds an in- tensity to the present suffering, that the whole misery was voluntary : I need not have gone up this hill. It was by my own deliberate choice. Why did one choose ? What madness drove one up this mountain ? I am quite certain that other people have exactly the same sensations, and hate climbing as much as I do, but they are too proud to say so. Presently, on this mountain, one became aware that the turf was covered with little drifts of snow ; then that the turf was disappearing altogether, and then RECOLLECTIONS. 73 that the snow covered everything, and that it was getting deeper. One would have liked, at this point, to sit down and go to sleep, but you cannot sit in snow up to your neck ; besides, Calverley and the other men were stalking a-head with such dis- gusting freshness and vigour. I do not know how long the ' work/ as Alpine men very feelingly call it, lasted, but we trudged on, mounting higher and higher, and the snow getting continually deeper, and it must have been long past mid-day when we stood upon the summit of our ( low ' Pass. We found afterwards, on looking at the map, that we had come the wrong way, and had climbed quite needlessly over a Pass estimated at ten thousand feet, instead of six thousand. I thought at the time, and I still think, that the true altitude must have been at least sixty thousand. I remember the scene as we stood on the ridge and gazed around, per- fectly well. Calverley, who looked as if he had not turned a hair, stood, resting his hand on his alpen- stock ; Walton, a little breathed, stood beside him ; Peile, jealous for the honour of a Westmoreland mountaineer, refused to confess himself tired ; and 74 MEMOIR. the fourth man, alas ! too far gone for pretence, unreservedly sitting on his knapsack. Around us the peaks rose, one behind the other, the summer sun upon the snow, a miracle of wonder and of beauty. Everybody, however, confessed to being hungry, and there was nothing to eat. We had with us a small flask filled with Kirschen schnapps, about half a pint, which went round once or twice. A spoonful of schnapps is not a bad thing on the top of a low Pass. This despatched, we began to descend. Some way down I feel that I am not speaking scientifically we came upon a glacier, whether a piece of a big glacier or a little one, I know not; it was dangerous, I suppose, but the going was comparatively easy, except when one had to jump a crevasse. These were fortunately narrow, but they had a cold and steely look which made one feel as if they were much broader. Pre- sently we passed across the ice and got into snow again, and after that we came upon the turf, and then the mountain stream with its rapids and its cascades, and then the pine forests, and so down, down, down, while the sun sank lower, and at last RECOLLECTIONS. 75 we hit upon a road, and presently, long after the sun had gone down, and after walking in the shadows of the evening along the dark rough track atnid the pine woods, we came to an inn where at nine o'clock we got the most heavenly meal ever served, though it consisted of nothing but veal cutlets. Fifteen hours without food made even the Tyrolese bread delicious. I was not and am not ashamed to own that I was thoroughly and completely knocked up. But Calverley did his last half-mile with as elastic a tread as his first, and as cheerful a countenance as he had shown at the beginning. One of the things which made him the most delightful com- panion in the world, was that his temper never gave way, not even under little irritations of the moment, which too often make weaker brethren use 'lan- guage/ He was never put out by any of the acci- dents of travel, by bad food, or by insufficient food, or by fatigue, or by losing the way, or by bad beds, or by anything. Possibly an ill-tempered member of the party might have disturbed his serenity, but I doubt it. "A third day. 76 MEMOIR. " This time I remember the name of the place. It was called Heiligen Blut, and there was a village church, with a bone-house at the back of it full of skulls and thigh-bones, once belonging to the rude forefathers of the hamlet. It was from this place that we were going to make our grand ascent of the Gross Glockner, the great achievement for which we had come all the way from England, an ascent which was not made after all. The Gross Glockner is a very big mountain, so big and so steep, that it is creditable to have climbed it. I had, for my own part, thoughts and ambitions concerning the Alpine Club, to be attempted after the performance of this feat. We had talked a great deal about it. Two of us certainly had never done any Alpine work before this, and in fact never seen the Alps until that year, so that we were anxious to try the perils of which we had read, the cutting of steps in the ice, the cautious steps one after the other tied together by a rope, and the passing of one night at least upon a ledge. There is always a ledge, and generally a man who walks in his sleep, but does not tumble over, though his friends are kept awake RECOLLECTIONS. 77 by their anxiety on his account. Well, I have never experienced these perils, and never slept on a ledge, and now I suppose I never shall. Certainly, when we really arrived at the foot of that moun- tain, and had our first talk with the guides, and learned what we should have to do, and how long it would take, one of us began to feel very doubtful whether the glory was worth the fatigue, and whether mountains, as a rule, do not look better from their lower slopes. But we did not attempt to go up that mountain. The summer had been very wet, and the guides decided, after talking the thing over, that they would not venture to take us. So that was settled for us, and I daresay the other men were disappointed in fact, I am quite sure they were and the only other survivor besides myself, will doubtless, if he remembers the thing at all, remember that I was not disappointed. As for the mountain itself, it was veiled in cloud during the time of our stay at Heiligen Blut. We had, however, one good view of the Peak : it was during dinner, and after a long day of rain. A German staying at the inn suddenly jumped up, left the 78 MEMOIR. I table moved, I take it, with the prophetic instinct and rushed into the open air, where we saw him, to our great astonishment, solemnly raising his hat, and bowing to the ground, as one that boweth low to King or Kaiser, shouting, ' Er ist rein ! Der Gross Glockner ist rein \' So it was, and a splendid peak it looked, with the sunshine upon it, standing out against the sky, steep and icy and inaccessible, and as one that sayeth, ' You try to climb up my sides ? You ?' Then we made the acquaintance of the parish priest of Heiligen Blut, and a very good fellow he turned out. How we began to know him and to talk with him I do not remember, but he dined with us one evening, and the next evening he invited us to his own house. We smoked pipes, drank light wine, sang songs, and had a miscel- laneous entertainment. Somebody found a zither, and some of the village girls and men came to sing, and we made a night of it, and ended with clasp- ing hands all round and crying with enthusiasm, ' Nieder mit Napoleon ! England and Deutschland ! ' at least some of us did. Well : we were very young. The next day was Friday and jour maigre. KKCOLLECTIONS. 79 His Reverence appeared, but he gave us the coldest of greetings and was absorbed in his Hours, which, like the hours of the clock, lasted all the day. " I believe this is the sum of my memories of this summer holiday. I have had a great many holidays since then, outre mer, and in many other lands, but none quite so full of brightness and happiness. It goes without saying that Calverley was always the life and soul of the party; that he was always full of wit, pleasantness, and cheerful- ness ; and that, whatever he did, or whatever he said, or in whatever company he found himself, he carried always his own fine taste and the grace and charm of manner which was peculiarly his own." CHAPTER III. CALVERLEY AS A WRITER. TT7HAT will be Calverley's permanent position in literature, is a question which must be settled by the critics. The present writer has no pretensions to determine it, and must decline to attempt the task. Satisfied as those who knew him may be, that the full depth and extent of his powers are very imperfectly manifested in his writings, it is nevertheless by these that he will be chiefly judged ; and this at least is certain, that the world will never consent to form an estimate of his merits more lowly than was his own, who was at all times as little prone to see any excellence in himself, as he was prompt and eager upon all occa- sions to recognize it in others. Assuming that all competent judges are agreed as to the superlative goodness of his classical com- CALVEBLEY AS A WRITER. 81 positions and translations, I will only observe in this place, that in all such work his professed aim and object were faithfully to represent, not the sense merely of his author, but also the form and expression. It is not sufficient, in his view, that the thoughts and ideas of the original should be re- produced, in language of itself however appropriate and idiomatic, by the copy ; this is indeed indis- pensable, but this is not enough; there must, in addition to a wholly faithful sense-rendering, be also to some extent a ?t?orfZ-rendering, and even if possible a /orw-rendering. Wherever this path is ventured upon by an unskilful or incompetent workman, it is apt to lead him down a perilous incline of merely verbal resemblance, into a bathos of doggerel and sheer nonsense ; just as, on the other hand, a given version may correctly enough represent the bare meaning of the original, and yet be in itself a mere tasteless paraphrase, of the Tate and Brady order of merit. There is also this danger of which I am reminded by a friend and former pupil of Calverley's, himself an acute scholar and an admirable translator that in working upon i. o 82 MEMOIR. the method indicated above, the ingenuity of the operator may be made too apparent, and the work show too plainly the mark of the tool. Still, I think, one sees that Calverley's method is in itself the right one ; it certainly increases, almost indefi- nitely, the translator's difficulties ; and proportion- ately enhances the merit of success. It must be understood that in speaking of form- Tendering as one of the objects aimed at in Calver- ley's translations, I am as far as possible from re- ferring to any kind of metrical imitation. Calverley totally disbelieved in all attempts to force modern language (or at all events modern English) into the mould of a classical metre ; and even where this appears to have been successfully accomplished, he denied that the result was to reproduce the rhythm (i.e., in the truest sense, the form] of ancient poetry. His views upon this subject are expressed at some length and with characteristic humour, in a paper which he contributed to the " London Stu- dent" (October, 1868). The whole article, which will be found in the Second Part of this volume, is extremely interesting, as an example of critical CALVERLEY AS A WRITER. 83 analysis ; and a perusal of it will, I think, be suffi- cient to satisfy the reader that in Calverley's opinion the business of a translator of classical poetry is to preserve as much as possible of the rhythm of his author's verses, and that this cannot be achieved by any endeavour, however successfully carried out, to imitate their scansion. 1 Calverley's own measure of success in translating upon his own method is, I venture to think, almost if not quite unrivalled, and constitutes the dis- tinctive mark of his performances in this depart- ment. The better to illustrate my meaning, I will cite two short specimens of his translation, one from Latin into English, and one from English into Latin. A very few lines will suffice, and our first example shall be the following stanza from an ode of Horace : 1 Upon the contents of this paper the late Professor Conington wrote to Calverley as follows : 'I read with great delight your paper <>n Knglish Hexa- in-'ter- and Alcaics in the ' London Student.' agreeing tho- roughly with what was said, and enjoying greatly the manner of saying it." 84 MEMOIR. " Audivere, Lyce, di mea vota, di Audivere, Lyce. Fis anus, et tamen Vis formosa videri, Ludisque et bibis iinpudens ; &c." which Calverley thus translates : " Lyce, the gods have listened to my prayer : The gods have listened, Lyce. Thou art grey, And still wouldst thou seem fair ; Still unshamed drink, and play, &c." Upon this translation it is to be observed, in the first place, that it is pitched in the precise key of the original neither higher, nor lower, nor other ; and that besides adhering closely to the meaning of the Latin, it also indicates with fidelity the swing and rhythm, not merely of the particular metre, but of the particular passage ; reproducing with wonderful exactness a certain effect of intensity and compressed denunciatory force partly the result of a skilful arrangement of words which is not more apparent in Horace's Latin than in Cal- verley's English. There is indeed in the latter nothing at all of the endeavour (ambitiously aimed at by some translators), conjecturally to represent the manner or the phrase in which Horace, had he CALVERLEY AS A WRITER. 85 been an Englishman writing in English, might have been expected to satirize the modern "Lyce;" but it is a conscientious and supremely intelligent attempt to recast in English both the sense and the form of Horace's Latin words. For our other example, we will select a single couplet from the " Lycidas : " " For we were nursed upon the self-same hill, Fed the same flock by fountain, shade, and rill." There is before the world more than one Latin version of these lines, by scholars of acknowledged reputation ; that of Calverley's is as follows : " Uno namqne jugo duo nutribamur, eosdem Pavit uterque greges ad fontem et rivulum et umbram." Without claiming for the latter any special superiority upon the ground of its perfect fidelity to the meaning, I would venture to assert that no other version that can be quoted, approaches it in the exquisite precision with which it follows the cadence and movement of Milton's stately measures. The truth is that for work of this kind Calverley was magnificently equipped, both by nature and (so to speak) by art. He was saturated with 86 MEMOIR. Virgil before he had left school; he had a most retentive memory, an inexhaustible command of language, and a faultless ear ; and holding kinship, as he did, with all forms of genius, hia imagination readily took fire at its touch, and burned with a corresponding flame. The qualifications needed in a translator who should follow the high and uncompromising stan- dard of excellence by which Calverley worked, would seem, at first sight, to be somewhat incon- sistent with those of a successful parodist, who may be regarded as a kind of pseudo-translator, in so far as what he aims at is a deliberately partial and one-sided representation of his original ; and if, as common consent appears already to have decided, Calverley is to be reckoned the first of English parodists, the reason spontaneously suggested by the view taken of him in this notice would be, that his natural powers were greater than those of any other modern writer who has cultivated this pecu- liar talent. And accordingly we find, I think, that the element which chiefly distinguishes his work of CALVERLEY AS A WRITER. 87 this class is the element of mastery and strength. " Lovers, and a Reflection," inimitable and unutter- able nonsense though it be, is an extremely power- ful piece of writing ; while of " The Cock and the Bull " I venture to say that it will stand for all time, a monument of vigorous, effective, and most justifiable satire. The first-named of these two celebrated bur- lesques is, indeed, little else beside pure fun. It is too absurd to be satire, too ridiculous even to be ridicule. If it is to be taken in the light of an admonition, it is truly a loving correction, so empty of censure, and so replete with kindly mirth, that the accomplished authoress herself, who is its object, may (and, indeed, does) enjoy it and laugh at it as heartily as all the rest of the world. What moved Calverley to the perpetration of it I do not know, but it was probably written without much pre- meditation. He has been reading (we may con- jecture) a well-known and deservedly popular volume of poems ; his sense of humour is tickled by certain seeming incoherencies of thought and expression, observable in the first poem of the 88 MEMOIR. series, called " Divided ; " he " spots " here and there, with the eye of experience, sharpened by long practice on his own account, a too palpable sacrifice of sense to the exigencies of sound ; and while he is musing upon these things, a gentle afflatus steals upon him, and the thing is done ; he thoughtfully takes up his pen, and in a moment "In moss-prankt dells which the sunbeams flatter," and all the rest of the inspired nonsense, is rattled off without an outward symptom of emotion stronger than a pensive chuckle. It is pleasant to be able to record that the cordial intercourse already subsisting between poetess and poet was in no way disturbed by the appearance of " Lovers, and a Eeflection ; " and that, to the last, the brilliant scholar and man of letters possessed a valued and appreciative friend in this variously gifted lady, with the creations of whose graceful and womanly fancy such liberties had been taken by his audacious muse. Of Calverley's parodies of Browning and the so- called mystical school, a somewhat different account must, I think, be given. He here strikes in ear- CALVERLEY AS A WRITER. 89 nest, and with a purpose. The present writer, who is himself a humble and sincere, though often a sorely puzzled, admirer of Browning, feeling at the first a little scandalized by the uncompromising directness of Calverley's attack upon " The Ring and the Book," once ventured to suggest remon- strance, and, with a view of convincing him of the error of his way, repeated to him those noble lines, beginning " lyric Love, half angel and half bird " which form the conclusion to the opening chapter of the story. Calverley said little, but his face flushed, and his eye lit up, and it was easy to see that no want of appreciation of the strength and beauty of Browning's verse had prompted his assault upon those mannerisms and obscurities of style, which he looked upon as a grave literary offence. His own clearness and, so to speak, point-blank directness of mental vision, rendered him especially impatient of all the crooked and nebulous antics and vagaries of thought or speech in which writers of the modern transcendental school are pleased to indulge ; and his parodies of this class must be regarded as a genuine and out- 90 MEMOIR. spoken expression of resentment that so much genius should seem to take so much pains to be unintelligible. I am aware that to speak of this school of writers otherwise than in terms of respect- ful panegyric, will savour of profanity in the eyes of those amongst their admirers who are not so much critics as votaries. To such it may not be amiss to suggest, that in matters of literary taste, as well as in graver matters, securus judicat ter- rarum orbis ; and that if the common sense of mankind had not long ago delivered judgment upon the affectations and extravagances of style against which Calverley's satire is directed, the word mannerism would either not have been in- vented, or would have acquired a different con- notation. See " Verses and Translations," p.17. CHAPTER IV. THE END. TN the second part of this volume will be found all that remains of interest from Calverley's pen, not included in the works already published under his name. Specimens of his really remarkable talent for drawing will also be found in the frontispiece, and here and there in other places. His readiness with the pencil was well known to his friends, whom he occasionally delighted with sketches, humorous or otherwise, in which he displayed a fertility of in- vention and a delicacy of execution such as would have done credit to a professed artist. A few of these have been reproduced in a manner to convey some idea of the originals, though failing to do full justice to the laborious minuteness of detail which was a characteristic of his work in this kind. 92 MEMOIR. These desultory gleanings will, it is hoped, be received with a welcome by his admirers, and, if they do not add much to his reputation, will, at least, be considered to be not unworthy of it. I have little more to add to this imperfect and frag- mentary sketch. To the world, the whole interest of Calverley's life consists in what he was rather than in what he achieved ; or, to put it otherwise, his writings are chiefly valuable as the expression and visible token of an unique personality. And of the more conspicuous features of his mind and character, his candour, his tolerance, and his inimit- able humour, the writings which he has left us are indeed the best and most adequate exponent. The more serious side of his nature, unsuspected, per- haps, by the majority of readers of his delightful verse, was nevertheless familiar enough to those who knew him, at all events, in his later years. " He was as light-hearted and fond of mirth," writes one, 1 "as any man who ever lived, but I never heard one word from him that was either 1 Letter from Professor T. R. Lumby. THE END. 93 irreverent, profane, or ribald, or calculated to wound the feelings of anybody. He cut his jokes (and oh, how clever they were!), but they were not at the expense of anybody or anything." " Those who had the happiness of knowing him personally," says another, " would need no literary proof that C. S. C. was far indeed from being the ' idle trifler of a passing day.' Of sacred subjects he spoke habitually with deep and unaffected reve- rence, as one who recognized the essential limita- tions of human faculties, and was content to wait in faith for the clearer vision behind the veil." One who had visited him, during Cambridge days, at his house in Somersetshire, says : " I mention thia visit, the memory of which is full of pleasure, because of the impression it left upon me of one particular kind. It was this that there never was a man more thoroughly, more truly domestic in his tastes and habits, and more likely by dispo- sition and habits to make a home bright. Years passed of which I could say little. But in 1 Letter from the Rev. H. N. Oxenham. 94 MEMOIR. 1870 I visited him in London. Days instead of years might have been the intervening time. It was plain enough that in his married life, as before in his old home, the very simplest domestic plea- sures were what he cared for most, but some of the conversation we had at this time was grave enough . I urged him, as doubtless other friends had done, to set about some work that would engross him and give his powers full play ; and I found that to be unable to find the kind of work or the special subject was a matter of real regret to him/' 1 To these sketches by intimate friends may be added, in conclusion, the following picture, for which I ain indebted to Professor J. R. Seeley : " I made Calverley's acquaintance at Cambridge in the Michaelmas Term of 1852, when we both became members of Christ's College. We were of the same year as undergraduates ; nevertheless we did not take the degree at the same time, and those who consult the Cambridge Calendar will not find our names in the same Tripos list. Calverley fol- lowed the ordinary course and took his degree in 1 Letter from the Rev. Charles Stanwell. THE END. 95 1856 ; I took mine in 1857, availing myself of a privilege which belongs or did belong to those who have entered at a bye-term. Both Calverley and I remained in the College for some time after graduating. He got his fellowship, if I remember right, in 1858 ; I got mine in 1859. We held college lectureships and took private pupils ; in fact, followed the ordinary routine of those times. "In 1861 I went to London, where I remained till 1869. I fancy Calverley stayed a little longer in Christ's ; but if so, no long time passed before he too was living in London, married and called to the Bar. Thus we were again within reach of each other, and remained so for something like eight years. Since 1869, when I returned to the Uni- \ci-ity, we only met by accident, but in 1875 we found ourselves for some weeks neighbours at Grasmere. Again we took walks together and talked over old times. Then, too, I made acquain- tance with his boys. The eldest of these, now ' called emphatically man,' presented himself to us here at Cambridge in the autumn of 1883. I 96 MEMOIR. looked forward to many more pleasant messages from my old friend, if not pleasant meetings with him, when, a few months later, the sad intelligence arrived which closed all such prospects. " I put these facts and dates together in order to show what degree of intimacy I had with Calverley. As undergraduates we lived pretty near each other, saw each other almost every day in hall and chapel and lecture-room, and contended together in exami- nations ; but for the greater part of those years we were not intimate. My circle of acquaintance lay chiefly outside Christ's, among old school-fellows or the friends of my elder brother, who when I went up had just taken his degree from Trinity. Cal- verley, on the other hand, seemed to find his set in the College. He seemed disposed to lead a quiet life. The shock he had received at Oxford had made him resolve, I suppose, to put a curb on his wilder instincts. But with his wildness some of his energy seemed to be lost. Like the cat that passes its life in dozing before the fire, he seemed to hold in abeyance and this was his characteristic ever after energies which could only find play in a wild state,. THE END. 97 a spirit which could not be tame without becoming indolent as well. But the reputation he brought with him to Cambridge, and the charm of his character, made him, as a matter of course, the centre of attraction in the College. I do not think he laid himself out for anything of the kind, but the clever fellows gathered round him and lived in his rooms, which thus became the focus of all the socia- bility of the place. At all this in the beginning I looked on from a distance ; but by the time that Calverley and I were in our third year, and began to look down upon a host of juniors, when Skeat, Sendall, Hales, Walter Besant, Peile and others had entered the College, I had approached nearer to Calverley's set and was on more familiar terms with him, though even then we were not exactly intimate. But society in a University is subject to an annual transformation. The men of 1856 were dispersed to the four winds, and Calverley, as can- didate for a Fellowship, was left behind ; then went the men of 1857, and I was left behind. Thus we were thrown together in the end first as the only representatives left of a certain college generation, i. if 08 MEMOIR. and still more afterwards as the two junior Fellows of Christ's. " Then first we became real friends. I soon felt the peculiar fascination that he exerted upon every- one. Being both alike classical men, we had a good many topics in common. We showed each other the translations we made from Greek poets ; we talked about Tennyson. We often spent the afternoons together at the racquet-court, and if we returned home too late for hall, we would dine together at his rooms or mine and afterwards spend the evening together. It was a pleasant time, and I have often thought of it since. " But it came to an end ; and when some time later we found ourselves again near enough to each other in London to renew the old intercourse, the habit was broken. It was always delightful to me to meet him, and we met not unfrequently between 1863 and 1869. I can call to mind many evenings spent in his company and some long rambles that we made together in London streets and Hampstead lanes. But the Cambridge days between 1857 and 1861 were the only period during which I lived in THE END. W unbroken intimacy with him. It was then I formed the idea of him which now lives and will always live in my mind. I took my farewell of him (unconsciously) in a long walk from Grasmere uj> Dunmail Raise in the summer of 1875 : at least, I cannot recollect that I ever saw him after that time. " When I look back I see that his character proved, when I came to know him well, more in- teresting and more uncommon than I had imagined it when I knew him but slightly. I had thought of him as only the regulation prodigy of undergra- duates, and I found him to be infinitely more than that. He was not merely one of those young fellows who can do equally well whatever they turn their hand to, but who, fortunately for more ordi- nary people, are lazy, and though they can do great things, deliberately prefer to do little things or nothing. The first rumour we heard of him described him so. His high-jump, we heard, was wonderful; he could write most amusing squibs; but if you wanted graver aptitudes, his Latin verses were almost cleverer than his comic rhymes, and he would certainly be the first or among the first men 100 MEMOIR. of his year, if only lie could be induced to take a little trouble. Now all this that we heard was perfectly true. It was not even, as in the case of nine out of ten University prodigies it is, exag- gerated. His rhymes have passed far beyond the University public, are known to thousands after twenty years, and seem likely to live as long as Praed's. His Latin verses are not only clever, but in their way quite a wonder. Nor did he break down in the Senate House, but actually main- tained his reputation for scholarship without for- feiting his reputation for laziness. And no one who knew him can doubt that he had a fund of other gifts which he had never an opportunity of using, and that he could have excited admiration in other circumstances in quite other ways. That kind of phosnix that we meet with so often in sensational novels is no doubt impossible ; such all- accomplished, invincible persons are not found in real life ; but persons do appear surprising enough to suggest these impossible imaginations, and Cal- verley was one of them. He was clever in every way ; whatever he did showed cleverness ; and at THE END. 101 one or two points he was wonderful. At the same time he was very indolent ; and an indolent man cannot, as the novelist would have us think, possess universal and accurate knowledge. Calverley, no doubt, gave the impression that if he cared to do so he could acquire almost any kind of knowledge rapidly ; but he did not care to do it, and accordingly his stock of acquired knowledge was at that time not at all remarkable. " Any one who came expecting merely to see a prodigy might for a moment be disappointed, but the next moment he would discover that he had before him something much better and more in- teresting than a prodigy. The phoenix of novelists, if he appeared in real life, would be simply a humbug, simply an ambitious pretender, keeping up with great contrivance and labour an appear- ance of more knowledge than he really had. Now there never was a man more unpretending, more unambitious than Calverley. Instead of uttering oracles, or trying to stand up to specialists on their own ground, he usually professed, with perfect simplicity, when the conversation demanded special 102 MEMOIR. knowledge, to have no such knowledge. His modesty was almost exaggerated. With a kind of humorous frankness he stood before the world, in those days, as he stands in his poems, a merry happy fellow who knows just what he has been taught at school and whom nobody will suspect of knowing more. He did know a great deal more. He had a good healthy memory, to which verses that took his fancy readily stuck ; he knew his Virgil with the same thorough familiarity with which many men of his generation knew their Tennyson. Still I do not think he had that almost morbid trick of remembering which has helped many a ' prodigy ' to keep up an appearance of universal knowledge. It was not his way to astonish the company by producing out of the store of his memory some piece of knowledge that he was not expected to possess. Nor did he give him- self much trouble even to sustain his character as a wit. The University of Cambridge in old times used to have a professional wit who was called the Tripos, from the three-legged stool so I learn from Mr. Wordsworth on which he used to sit on public occasions ; a trace of his function still appears in THE END. 103 the copy of comic verses which annually appear along with the honour lists and which being called from him Tripos verses have now transferred his name to the honour lists themselves. As Calverley wrote the best copy of Tripos verses extant, so we may say that he was in his time, in all but the three-legged stool, the Tripos of the University in the old sense of the word. He was the wit, the jester, whose jokes were repeated through the whole University and who also became, as it were, the official father of all foundling jokes. Persons, therefore, who came to his rooms came to hear jokes and to carry them away. It would not have been surprising, nay, it would have seemed almost a matter of course, if the consciousness of sustaining this part had made him somewhat arti- ficial, if there had been something studied in his conversation, if the jokes when they came had nw and then betrayed a little preparation or carried a faint smell of the midnight oil. But, again, never was there a man more free from such consciousness, such artifice, than Calverley. I should say he never asked himself the question how he appeared to his 104 MEMOIR. company or whether he was sustaining successfully his reputation as a wit. Accordingly, though good jokes were by no means wanting, yet there was no incessant scintillation ; and a visitor who had heard of him as a wit, and came to pick up good sayings, might chance to be disappointed, when he found a perfectly unaffected, rational person, who could talk for a long time without betraying anything more remarkable than that he certainly took a light- hearted view of life. " It took a longer acquaintance to recognize the humourist. Gradually through all the Latin verses, the squibs, the conversational jokes, and the practical jokes, you began to see something more than mere vivacity, namely, an original vein of humour. He took an odd, a queer view of life ; he saw every- thing in an unusual light; but he saw things really so, could not see them otherwise, and the same eccentricity which gives their flavour to his writings influenced his actions and his whole course of life in a most serious manner. " His favourite writer seemed to me to be Thackeray, and I could understand that it should THE END. 105 be so. He resembled Thackeray in having not merely a keen sense of the ridiculous, but also what I may call a comic philosophy of life. Only, this philosophy was much lighter and more fantastic in him than in Thackeray. He had the same per- ception of the pompous hollowness of the ways of men, but there was neither bitterness nor seriousness in his perception. He could not, like Thackeray, preach or moralize on the subject, nor could he even be at the trouble to produce a continuous satire. He is a caricaturist rather than a satirist. Neverthe- less his comedy has generality in it. What he finds ridiculous is not this thing or that thing, but the ways of men in general. His laughter has not merely boyish glee but elvish mockery, and his motto might be the exclamation of Puck, ' Lord ! what fools these mortals be ! ' I do not know whether the thousands who now know and quote his witty rhymes perceive this quality in them ; perhaps they will think I refine too much. But those who knew Calverley know that his humour lay actually in his character, that he is not to be called a humourist because he wrote humorously, but that he could not help writing 106 MEMOIR. humorously because he was a humourist. And evidently every poem of his harps on the same string. That boy ' whom his familiar friends call Tommy ' and who * was what nurses call a limb ' appears in all of them, though in most he has ceased to be a boy. He appears as a freshman, as a brief- less barrister with ' a distant prospect of making a fortune,' as a lover ; he has always the same ini- mitable pose, the same way of speaking. Well ! we knew this person. Many a time have I walked down Petty Cury and Regent Street with him, and noted the glee with which he entered into every- thing. In every street he seemed to see a picture by Leech. What is it Walt Whitman says ? O, all ye men and women walking about in ordinary costume, How curious you seem to me, and how I love you all ! " To Calverley they seemed curious, but also ridi- culous ! At least their airs of decorum and respecta- bility seemed to him intolerably absurd. He chafed, as he walked along, at every formal gesture, at every conventional simper, and sometimes his spleen showed itself in madcap pranks. Meanwhile he treasured up, as Leech himself might have done, THE END. 107 every grimace of roguish impudence on the face of a street urchin. " An absolute rebellion against rule, as of some wild creature or some Robin Goodfellow, is the humour of Calverley. At school he cannot put up with the masters and the lessons. They are really too absurd ! At College it is the Dons, the Chapels, the College discipline. But he enters into and enjoys much of what he ridicules. That is what makes him such a consummate parodist. He has a natural talent for language and a remarkable sense of rhythm. At school he has had to write a great many Latin *, and has been led to think much about diction and literary style. All this was much to his taste. He assimilated Virgil in a wonderful manner, and if anything among the products of human civilization seemed to him really admirable, or excited a feeling of genuine reverence, I suppose it was Virgil's poetry. But even poetry and litera- ture, however much he enjoys them, fall at last under the ban of his uncontrollable humour. When he has mastered all metrical forms, all delicacies of poetic diction, the elvish mood comes on him again. 108 MEMOIR. ' Lord ! what fools these mortals be ! ' he thinks, and sets himself to show what modern word-painting can make of the St. John's Wood omnibus, and utters a lofty apostrophe, with ' tears in the voice,' to the Beadles of the Burlington Arcade. Even Virgil i does not escape. In the Tripos verses we seem to see the divine poet gone mad, and it produces the strangest feeling to find all those inimitable, almost sacred, refinements of language so ingeniously mis- applied. "But the elvish character lay so deep in Calverley that he could not in the least control it. He was always resorting to the practical joke, as the many stories current about him testify. Nevertheless, as far as I know, his practical jokes were always of the innocent kind, and such as could injure no one but himself. Almost the first time I ever met him in society, when we were both freshmen, was at a grand gathering at the Lodge at Christ's. Many of the great Dons, the Whewells and Sedgwicks of that day, had been dining with the Master, and in the evening the drawing-room was thrown open to younger people, among whom were some undergraduates. THE END. 109 There was music, and in due time Calverley was seated at the piano giving us an Italian song. Soon a murmur passed among us undergraduates that his Italian was purely fictitious. So it was. Just as in one of his parodies, there were all the recognized forms of art, but if you listened attentively you found the song a mere string of nonsense, made up of some dozen Italian words that every Englishman knows, contralto, sotto voce, impresario, &c. This makes but a poor story, though indeed the cool assurance of the young impostor in the midst of that rather pompous assemblage was really laughable. But it affords a specimen of his practical jokes, which were only sudden outbreaks of uncontrollable mutiny against everything formal or conventional. They were perfectly harmless to other people, but they were not always harmless to himself. It was a misfortune that, with this irrepressible propensity, he had to spend so many years in an ancient College, where he was expected to conform to a routine more formal than that of ordinary life, and where, after he ceased to be an undergraduate, he found not enough of incident or occupation to reconcile 110 MEMOIR. him to the monotony. His marriage and migration to London came opportunely to rouse him out of a condition which was unprofitable, and was begin- ning to deserve the name of sloth. " In truth, the routine of a college could produce no other effect upon such a temperament. To call out the wonderful powers that were dormant in him, a more interesting mode of life, more variety and adventure, were needed. The chapel-bell stupefied him. I come back to my comparison of the cat snoozing before the fireplace. I have seen somewhere a description of La Fontaine, which represents him as nursing all his life a silent grudge against Louis XIV. and his civilization, as cherishing within him the old ' esprit gaulois ' and watching with ' sullen irony and desperate resignation ' all the pompous routine of Court, Academy, and Salon. Yet he said nothing and made himself a favourite in that artificial society ; the wild creature became a sleek, sleepy, domestic pet. Does not his epitaph betray the secret ? Jean s'en alia counne il etait venu, Mangea le fonds avec le revenu, THE END. Ill Tint les tresors chose pen necessaire. Quant d son temps, bien sut le dispenser: Deux parts en Jit, dont il soulait passer L'une d dormir, et Fautre d ne rienfaire. " Those last four lines are not inappropriate to Calverley as he was at that time. "Many of his friends have testified that his character had a serious side, of which you became aware on closer acquaintance. I can quite con- ceive this, for never was there a character more rational, more unaffected. His very humour was but a kind of sincerity, a child-like simplicity pushed to excess. His mind and imagination also were pure. It was only natural that such a character should acquire a fund of seriousness as life itself became serious, and in particular after he made his very happy marriage. But in those later days it was not my fortune to see him very often. He comes before me as he was a quarter of a century ago, light-hearted, enjoying life from the moment he rose to the moment when he went to sleep, not noisy or foolish in his mirth, but almost always mirthful. I think I never knew a man who vr*l 112 MEMOIR. such pleasant company, for he was quite free from vanity or any kind of self-consciousness, quite free also from every kind of unreasonableness or angu- larity. With all that irrepressible freedom there was nothing harsh, but the most genuine good- fellowship, and I was going to say, good temper, but the word seems poor indeed to describe that mixture of joyousness and sweetness ! "But I suspect he had also a talent for action, which was not only little known, but which remained undeveloped. His face and figure were not those of a poet or artist ; and I well remember that when, as a freshman at Christ's, I had just heard of him, and of his wonderful qualities, and tried to pick him out by guess among the faces at the freshmen's table, I went quite wrong. He looked rather like the typical English hero a solid muscular body, a face full of animal spirits, careless good-humour, and frolicsome daring. But there Avas no ambition in it, there was the misfortune ! He was a hero asleep ! If Nature commonly, where she gives powers, gives also the restless desire to use them, she had departed from her rule in this instance. THE END. 113 Only some great need would ever have drawn him from his tent. And it was his lot to saunter along the high road of life, where the cases do not arise which call for such powers as his. We boast some- times I wish I could think with justice that Englishmen spring up wherever they are wanted capable of ruling, of conquering, of mastering difficulties. One of such Englishmen, who never was wanted, I shall always suppose Calverley to have been. " As I lay down the pen, the recollection of that last walk up Dunmail Raise comes iupon me. I remember the last flash of his elvish humour. We told each other what we had been doing in a literary way. I asked him, did he ever write reviews ? He had done so occasionally, he answered. He knew an editor, who occasionally sent him new editions of classical authors for review. He had lately re- viewed an edition of Ovid's Heroides. On the line, ' Nil mihi rescribas : attamen ipse veni ! ' he had objected to attamen as evidently a false reading. Why attamen! He suspected that some term of endearment was concealed under it. He would 114 MEMOIR. suggest attagen ! ' O you duck ! come yourself.' That the e in attagen was long was no sufficient ob- jection to this conjecture; for the case here was vocative ! ( To my amazement,' he said, ' the editor actually printed all this ! ' * Lord ! what fools these mortals be ! " As the reader already knows, Calverley has been taken from us in the very prime of his man- hood. At what period were sown the seeds of that cruel and treacherous malady 1 which ultimately caused his death, can now only be matter of con- jecture. All that can be stated with certainty is, that long before the end came how long it is im- possible to say he had been suffering from its unknown and unsuspected presence. For some years his health had been gradually declining ; and though his mental powers remained almost to the last intrinsically bright and clear, and the charm of his society never ceased to delight the few of us who had opportunities of enjoying it such opportunities grew year by year rarer and 1 He died of Bright' s disease. THE END. 115 rarer, giving place to intervals of physical uneasi- ness and mental depression, which slowly led to his more and more complete withdrawal from work and from the world. When at length the hopeless and incurable character of his disorder became fully apparent, his affectionate nature busied itself almost exclusively with thoughts of those whom he was leaving behind. A few short days before his death, in a conversation with myself about the future of his boys, his mind suddenly recurring to those fields of classic lore from which it was never long absent, he exclaimed, in tones rendered more pa- thetic by an increasing difficulty of utterance, fit traij ytvoio Trarpbs tvrv\ioTipO.' In their name we may accept, and reverently repeat the aspiration embodied in this line, but we may surely also complete the prayer, by adding, "\\ w |2 TO. C O\\ airopBfiTwv' airb yap 1 t\aiptg \aivov Trvpywv (rrj>av(i)/j.a' KOV aoi tT^oCj oiS' ^/3a, KOpv9aio\' " rj/oicecr' a ^aXXotaa TO /ui) oi oXjStov Si iua TTOKO, Kairirtatv ci ovtvv /uarjj/3 iaotaifjiovos rt 'E\Xa'c> nt'itiiiir 'EXXa^ KiOapiov oyaX/ua' E?7rar', w NvfJiQav \opot, a Ttp\fsav, TTt^iXajUtv' ale /' avr/ua Auictttu, TroTa S) SaKpiHTare, Tit; ov ffi>fjinrt\- oly 2a7r^>w TTOKO, ^o*c t\aipiv 154 CARMEN GR^ECUM. ripe/ui 1 avd^ b^onropOQ juj3ari/i va/uarwv o\Saq, OTTO. ' OVK CIKOVEI wXrjv TTvot >i ntyyog ov 8wv, avaorac VTT' opOpov, tiro VVKTOC ap' oaat y' 168 John Anderson, my jo, John, When Nature first began To try her canny hand, John, Her masterwork was man. And you amang them all, John, Sae trig frae top to toe, She proved to be nae journey work, John Anderson, my jo ! John Anderson, my jo, John, Ye were my first conceit ; And ye need na think it strange, John, Tho' I ca' ye trim and neat. Though some folk say ye're auld, John, I ne'er can think ye so : Ye're aye the same kin' mon to me, John Anderson, my jo ! I John Anderson, my jo, John, We've seen our bairnies' bairns, And yet, my ain John Anderson, I'm happy in your airms : IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. 169 \ttpovpyiav TTOT OUTTW ttKfJLdlOV ' tpyov uvopag' - aatt; 170 JOHN ANDERSON, MY JO, JOHN. And sae are ye in mine, John, Fm sure ye'll ne'er say no : / v Though the days are gone that we hae seen, John Anderson, my jo ! John Anderson, my jo, John, We clamb the hill thegither, And niony a canty day, John, We've had wi' ane anither : Now we maun totter down, John ; But hand in hand we'll go, And sleep thegither at the foot, John Anderson, my jo! BURNS. IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. 171 /uaX' i \ / oi iij TO a S'j TTOT' o.Kpav TToXX' ta\o/jitv av Ka-ytu. Trf'^ov^e x/> } ) naOipirtiv, \tpoiv S' tr' Ct ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 1 (London Student, October 1868, p. 311.) O IR, A writer in a recent number 2 of this Maga- zine, laid down that there could be no true translation of a Greek or Roman poet which did not reproduce his metre ; and that this had been suc- cessfully done by the Poet Laureate and others. I venture to think, on the contrary, that what resem- blance there is between these modern experiments and their originals, is a primd facie resemblance, and vanishes upon inspection ; and that the speci- mens which the Laureate gave us, whatever may 1 This and the two following articles afford a clear exposi- sition of Calverley's views upon the subject of which he was so great a master, classical translation. ED. 2 The article here commented on will be found in the "London Student," for June, 1868, p. 749. (On Metrical Translation. By Henry Ward Fortescue.) Ei>. ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 173 be their value upon other grounds, are, as imita- tions of metre, worthless. That the likeness is not so perfect as it has been assumed to be may, perhaps, appear thus. Let us take Mr. Tennyson's alcaic stanzas the best alcaics, one may well suppose, which our language is capable of producing and consider a single line : " Calm as a mariner out in ocean." This, it will be said, is a perfectly unexceptionable English alcaic line. And such, no doubt, it is ; but does it really reproduce Horace ? If so, then, sup- posing we constructed a Latin line upon its model, we ought to have a fac simile of the normal Hora- tian line. Take Sol ut in aere lucet alto : Is this a fair sample of Horace ? It is a line which any elementary lyric-book would tell us was bad ; a line the like of which could not be found in all Horace's Odes. The same experiment might be tried on any other metre with the same result. Coleridge's verse " In the pentameter aye falling in melody back," 174 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. has been often quoted for its ingenuity and beauty, and I do not presume to question either. I only say that a/ac simile of it in Latin would be a pen- tameter so execrable, that the student of Ovid and Tibullus would hardly recognize it as a pentameter at all. The truth I take to be this : that we modern experimentalists adopt and I dare say must adopt, to make metrical composition possible at all in English not merely a different, but a diametrically opposite, principle to what our predecessors fol- lowed. We study to produce such verses as it shall be impossible to read without, at the same time, involuntarily scanning them. They are to " scan themselves," to quote Dr. Whewell's phrase ; or, as Mr. Fortescue puts it, " the words, read as they are spoken, should fall rightly into the metre/' The ancients, I contend, made it a special point that their verses should not "scan themselves," and every form of line which did so they held bad on that account. We select, in other words, for our standard precisely those lines which Horace or Ovid carefully excluded, frame verse after verse upon ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 175 their model, and call the result a reproduction of Horace's or Ovid's versification. My first proposition, as to the principle on which the moderns work, I need hardly verify. As to the second, it may of course be said, that we cannot tell how the Greek and Roman poets read their lines. We have, however, this evidence as to how they did not read them. There are in every metre certain types of line which the writers in it manifestly avoided. In an alcaic ode (for instance) such a line as I propounded just now, or a line of the forms, " Portia corpora fudit Hector," " Foeda cada- vera barbarorum." A pentameter, again, ending with a monosyllable, would not be found in all Latin literature. And so with other metres. This avoidance is a simple fact, and one for which we are bound to account in some way. Xow if we suppose they meant their verses to be read as they are scanned, there is no apparent reason I think I may say there is no conceivable reason why any one of these types of line should have been objected to. " Ausa mori mulier marito," 176 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. and " Mordet aqua taciturnus amnis " (read as accented), are rhythmically identical with foeda cadavera barbarorum, and with any other line which scans. A pentameter ending with a monosyllable is rhythmically identical with any other pentameter scanned : e.g., there is surely no difference in sound between " Sidera tangit equis," and " Sidera tan- gite quis." On that supposition, I say, all these lines, which were as a matter of fact rejected, would be perfectly admissible. And in English, where the supposition is true, they are all (as one would expect) admitted freely. I appeal to Mr. Fortescue himself whether " Beautiful, innocent, unrepining " " Crocus, anemone, tulip, iris " (which are identical in construction with two of my model bad Latin lines) would not be thought rather good than otherwise in English. As to any objection to pentameters which end with a mono- syllable, they do so almost uniformly. If, on the other hand, we adopt the supposition that the old poets (like the modern) read their verses by an accent which was so far arbitrary that ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. ]77 it was wholly independent of the scansion, and was intended partially to conceal the scansion, then one sees at once why all these lines might have been disallowed. " Ausa mori mulier marito," and "Mordet aqua taciturnus amnis" read as, rightly or wrongly, I was taught to read them at school are two different lines, and are both good because they do not carry their scansion upon their face ; and " Fortia corpora fudit Ajax '' is bad because it does. This hypothesis, and no other that I can think of, would account for the condemnation of all the lines, in what metre soever, which are actually' condemned. Why, for instance, would such a verse as be a bad iambic ? The books would of course say that it has no caesura. But why is a verse bad which has no caesura? If all verses are to be scanned in reading them, a verse without a caesura sounds just the same as a verse with any number. What appears to me to be the almost universal fallacy of metrical writers is the assumption that when you have got the scansion of a line you have i. x 178 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. got its rhythm. Mr. Fortescue speaks of " metre or rhythm " throughout as convertible terms. I deny that the rhythm of the Propria quce maribus is the same as the rhythm of the " ./Eneid." Any metre may, no doubt, as he says, be imitated in English : lines, that is, may be made in any metre which scan. Even so intricate a one as Super alta vectus Atys is, I am told, copied, and that correctly, in the Laureate's " Boadicea." " Adiitque opaca silvis redimita loca dese." " Yell'd and shriek'd between her daughters o'er a wild confederacy." " Soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, gentleman, apothecary." What the metre of the second and third may be, and how far they correspond with the first, I am not competent to say. The last I had always mis- taken for prose. However, the lines in " Andro- meda " are (most of them) undeniable hexameters : but what then ? The lines " When little Samuel woke and heard his Maker's voice, At every word He spoke, how much did he rejoice," are equally undeniable iambics : and the same claim that Mr. Kingsley has to have reproduced ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 179 the rhythm of Homer, Dr. Watts has to have re- produced that of ^Eschylus. I do not suppose that if Mr. Fortescue had to translate the " Prometheus Vinctus," he would feel obliged to represent the iambic lines by the " Little Samuel" metre, and the anapaestic ones by the metre of Owen Mere- dith's " Lucile : " but I do not see how, consistently with his principles, he could do otherwise. Perhaps I may be allowed to make some com- ments on Mr. Fortescue's own versions, to which indeed he invites criticism that is to say, on their merits as imitations. As to the first l ode, I should say that he was bound, on his own showing, to trans- late it not only into sapphics but into Horatian sap- phics. It would be no imitation of Pope's metre, for example, to write it as handled by Keats, or by Mr. Morris. Now the " dactyl in the middle/' on which Mr. Fortescue's sapphic line is made to hinge, is not, I submit, a characteristic of Horace's line. It is there, of course, but it only appears 1 The three odes, the translations of which are here criti- cized, are Hor. Lib. i. Od. ii. Lib. i. Od. xxxiv. Lib. i. Od. xiv. ED. 180 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. when you take the verse to pieces : and I confess that my despised old friend, " Sordid, unfeeling, reprobate, degraded" seems to me more Horatian than any line in the copy before me. Could Mr. Fortescue read the ode he has translated into the metre into which he has put it ? Of course he could if he scanned it all through ; and in that case I can only put my former question in a different form. Why is it that we never find in Horace such a line as Ense nudo terruit Hector arcem f In an alcaic one naturally looks to the two final lines. Of Mr. Fortescue's third lines, one seems to me (for an obvious reason) really to resemble one of Horace's : the remainder to be much less like it than Mr. Jingle's fragment, " In Imrry poste-haste for a licence." They are all exactly in the metre " My brother Jack was nine in May," if we substitute a dissyllable (" April " suppose) for the monosyllable at the end. Can Horace's third lines be read, by scanning them or otherwise, into this ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 181 metre ? Some perhaps could, such as the first in this ode ; but that is no more a fair sample of Horace's versification than " Cornua velatamm obvertimns antennarum," is a fair sample of Virgil's. Of the fourth lines, I can only say that they scan too well ; the scansion is (of course intentionally) pronounced in all of them : and consequently they are all precisely like each other, and none, to my ear, at all like Horace. As to the remaining ode, I should imagine that to a person unacquainted with Horatian metres (and it is for the benefit, I presume, of such that these translations are made) the first two lines of every stanza would appear to be lax Alexandrines, the third the metre of " When the British warrior- queen " (or of " Over rivers and mountains " occa- sionally, as in the case of the last stanza but two) ; and the fourth no recognizable metre whatsoever. One more criticism I would venture on upon a different point. I submit that " Trembled the " " Romans be " " turn the helm" (though the next word did not begin with a consonant) are not 182 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. dactyls. Surely " helm " and " realm " are as dis- tinctly long syllables as any can be. I do not mean to say that we are to conform rigorously to the Greek and Latin rules. I should admit that the second syllable of words like " disallowed," " warranted," or " organ- voiced " is short, and I think Mr. Tennyson made a false quantity when he placed " organ- voiced " where he did in the Milton alcaics. He might plead that without the aid of some actual Latin adjective such as " atlantean," or some exceptional English compound, such as " un-swan-like," for a central word, it seems im- possible to imitate the most frequently recurring form of the Horatian third line. But at least we should remember that these rules were not arbitrary ones : it was from conformity to them, or rather to the theories of musical sound which they embodied, that the Greek verse derived its character, its melody and grace; and we cannot surely ignore them utterly, as most metrical writers habitually do, without sacrificing what really, much more than the metre, constitutes the essence and the " rhythm " of the verse. A Greek line is, in fact, a succession ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 183 of vowels, separated by consonants introduced sparingly, and under such restrictions that it flows on uninterruptedly from syllable to syllable. The flow of an English line is generally choked (so to speak) by blocks of consonants thrown in ad libitum. Compare " Silenced but unconvinced, when the story was ended, the blacksmith," or, "Clasped each other's hand, and interchanged pledges of friendship," with the first line of the " Iliad." " Silenc'd but" is a dactyl, encdb a short syllable. " Interchang'd pledges" is a reproduction of pnviv eutSt. Only conceive the havoc that we should make in one of Homer's lines if we inserted here and there such encumbrances as ncdb, ngdpl, or even Mr. For- tescue's dth, nsb, &c., between two of the short vowels. Compare again a pentameter by one of the very best of our metrical writers : " Joyous knight-errant of God, thirsting for labour and strife" 184 ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. with " Impia quid dubitas Deianira mori." The Latin pentameter of which the former is really a counterpart, is this : Troius ni terrent ob cor, versat per labor et stryx. Does this bear the faintest resemblance to one of Ovid's pentameters ? I have a strong belief that any line which obeys the same laws of ( aphony as the Greeks and Romans observed such a line as " The moan of doves in immemorial elms," or as many of Mr. Kingsley's own resembles and re- minds one of their poetry far more than these con- catenations of so-called dactyls and spondees, which seem to me, even when they scan perfectly, to be not so much verses as skeletons of verses. Metre (if I may end with a metaphor) is, in my view, a sort of framework whose office it is to sup- port the verse. It is possible to train a rose or a vine upon a trellis so that, while it adheres firmly, it is still left to follow its own devices and form its own pattern over the laths, which are only seen here and there amongst the leaves and tendrils. It ON METRICAL TRANSLATION. 185 would also be possible to force every branch and spray into strict conformity with the lines of the frame, so that the outline of its squares should be the only outline visible. The former method seems to me to be the way in which Homer and Virgil, and all poets ancient or modern, whose works I am linguist enough to read, have dealt with metre ; and the latter the way it is dealt with by metrical translators. I am, Sir, yours very faithfully, C. S. CALVERLEY. THE "^ENEID" OF VIRGIL. 1 (Contributed to the " PaU Mall Gazette.") A TRANSLATOR has two main duties to con- sider his duty towards his original, and his duty towards his readers. Translators of the old school almost ignored the former consideration ; those of the new amongst whom Professor Coning- ton's "Horace," and in a less degree his "-^Eneid/' justify us in classing him on the contrary hold it paramount. Specimens of translation on the older principle may be founa of course in Pope and Dryden passim : in Lord Derby not unfrequently, as when he renders " Dulces docta modes et citharae sciena " " Skilled with transcendent art To touch the lyre and breathe harmonious lays." 1 " The ^Eneid of Virgil translated into English Verse." By John Conington, M.A. (London : Longmans and Co. 1866.) THE "^ENEID" OF VIRGIL. 187 This is Horace done into Johnsonese : or rather into that smooth commonplace which is nobody's style in particular, and Horace's least of all. Pro- bably Brady and Tate went as far as it is possible to go in this direction (though parallel instances might be easily found in Pope) in transmuting the single word " always " into " Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy." We may take that as the extreme case of the one school ; and Milton's " storms unwonted shall admire," &c. (" procellas emirabitur insolens," K. T. A.), as the extreme case of the other. Professor Conington has not, as we hinted above, dealt with Virgil quite as he dealt with Horace, for reasons which he explains in his preface. An ode of Horace, he says, is for close scrutiny, an - Kiifi'l for rapid reading. Accordingly he has not attempted to represent " the characteristic art of Virgil's language." He has not sought for equiva- lents of his words or turns of speech striving rather to be readable, like Scott, than classical, like Milton. 188 THE "^ENEID" OF VIRGIL. It may be said to this that Virgil's language is Virgil. His diction is an essential part of him ; and Milton has taken such pains to show how it may be recast in English, that we cannot help wishing Professor Conington had elected to take more hints from him than he has taken : without becoming absolutely Miltonic, which would ill accord with Scott's metre. He has followed him at times, though perhaps unconsciously ; wisely at any rate ; as where " Night invests the world." (Nox operit terras, -33n. iv. 352.) cf. "Night invests the sea." Par. Lost, i. 208. At others he has not, when he might have done so with advantage; as in ^En. v. 113: A vi i 1 1.. Paris Breviary. [70R aye shall mortals bless the day When with His Blood Christ won the way, Incarnate God, to Heaven, and passed Through its bright gates unbarred at last. We are the members, He the Head : We follow where our Prince hath led And, one with Him on earth in love, Shall share His throne in heaven above. Gone hence, His own yet deem Him near, For by His Spirit He is here : As on the head depend the parts, So rules one influence all our hearts. 246 ASCENSION. But that Day, that dreadful Day ! Whither shall sinners flee away When, armed with vengeance, He shall come Down from His throne to strike them dumb ? The just One, by the guilty called Unjust, shall see them stand appalled, Who once condemned Him, and resume His Judgeship to pronounce their doom. Man to redeem, whose due was death, Christ freely yielded up His breath : And, ah, what woe must they sustain For whom His Blood was shed in vain ! Thou Who one day our Judge shalt be, Jesu, all glory be to Thee : All glory to the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One. [317.] ASCENSION. Rector omnipotens die hodierno. HARTMANN, a Monk of St. Gall. T ORD of all power and might, Mankind redeemed, Who dost this day soar Back to those realms of light Where Thou satt'st throned before : Ere skyward Thou didst rise Thou badst Apostles to the world proclaim God's pardon, and baptize All in the Triune Name. Nor didst Thou let depart, Lord, from the holy city Thine eleven, Till poured into their heart Was that last gift of heaven. 248 ASCENSION. " Lo ! but a few days hence Ye shall no more be comfortless : I go To heaven, to send you thence One Who shall soothe your woe : " And in Samaria ye, And in Judaea and in Jerusalem, My witnesses shall be." So spake the Lord to them. He spake : and aa they gazed A cloud received Him, marvellously bright ; With wistful eyes upraised They watched Him fade from sight Behold, two men stood near Arrayed in white apparel ; and they said " Why stand ye gazing here Into the heaven overhead ? ' c This Jesus, to His Throne Who this day riseth upon God's right hand, Shall come again, His own With usurv to demand." ASCENSION. 249 God of earth, sea, sky ; Man, whom Thou madest, whom the Foe erewhile From Eden forced to fly, By craftiness and guile, And dragged him to the night Of death and darkness : and whom Thou, Lord, With Thine own Blood to light And freedom hast restored : Man yet again may win The bliss he fell from : Thou hast paid the price ; Thou bidd'st him enter in Once more to Paradise. Thou shalt return : and men Hear from Thy lips their doom or their release. Grant, we beseech Thee, then To us eternal peace. [305.] WHITSUNTIDE. Sancti Spirt tus adsit nobis gratia. KING ROBERT OF FRANCE, OR ST. NOTKER. /^1 OME, Holy Ghost, within us ; and, removing by Thy grace Every taint and tinge of evil, make our hearts Thy dwelling place. Be with us, quickening Spirit ; Thou canst pierce the deepest night : Cleanse our base imaginations, change our dark- ness into light. O Thou Holy One Who lovest wisdom always, be Thou kind, By Thy mystical anointing heal the blindness of our mind. WHITSUNTIDE. 251 Thou That purifiest all things, as none else beside Thee can, Purify the clouded eyesight, Spirit, of our inner man; That by us our Heavenly Father may at last be seen and known : For the pure in heart shall see Him, and the pure in heart alone. Fired by Thee the holy Prophets sang, of old, Messiah's birth ; By Thee fortified, Apostles bore Christ's banner o'er the earth. When God spake, and as a fabric rose up earth and sea and sky, Thou wast brooding on the waters, Blessed Spirit, fosteringly. Still at Thy command the waters bring forth life, to quicken hearts ; Still Thy sacred inspiration unto man new life imparts. 252 WHITSUNTIDE. Lord, Thou makest tongues of Babel one in worship and in speech : Truth to them who bowed to idols, mighty Master, Thou dost teach. > Therefore when we kneel before Thee hear us, gracious Spirit, hear ; Prayers are all in vain without Thee, shall not reach the Father's ear. Spirit, Who through all the ages hast instructed in Thy lore Souls of saints that felt Thy presence like a shadow hovering o'er, Dwelling now in Christ's Apostles, in a new and wondrous way, And the gift of gifts bestowing, Thou hast glorified this day. [322.] WHITSUNTIDE. Veni superne Spiritus. CHARLES COFFIN. Paris Breviary. , Spirit, from on high ; Earth awaits Thee, parched and dry : Dwell, O Lord, these souls within, Which Christ's Blood hath cleansed from sin. O redeem the pledge He gave Ere the lustrous cloud He clave : Dwell with us, no more to part, And with fire baptize each heart. For a Father lost we mourn ; Look upon us, left forlorn ; Heal our sorrows : only Thou Canst give hope ; give it now. 254 WHITSUNTIDE. Things that Christ in days of old Did from simple babes withhold, Things that they might hardly learn, Let our riper minds discern. Let the truths, which once a few Priests and Prophets dimly knew, Now be published by Thy grace Freely among every race. Let Thy holy influence draw All men to Thee ; let the Law, Once on dumb stones graven, be In our hearts writ legibly. To the Father, glory be, And the Son eternally, And the Spirit, ever One With the Father and the Son. [320.] WHITSUNTIDE. Lvxjucunda, lux insignis, ADAM OF ST. VICTOR. T\AY all jubilant, all splendid, When from heaven the Fire descended On the chosen of the Lord ! Heart is full, and tongue rejoices : Yea, our hearts invite our voices To sing praise with one accord. He Who ne'er His promise breaketh, Thus His chosen Bride retaketh, On the Pentecostal day. From the Rock, with honey teeming Once, a gracious oil is streaming j Never shall that Rock decay. Writ on stone, not preached by flamed Tongues, the Law was once proclaimed 256 WHITSUNTIDE. From the mount in all men's view : Hearts in Christ created newly, Tongues in love united truly, Here are granted to a few. the joy, the exultation Of that day when the foundation Of Christ's Holy Church was laid ! When she gave to God thanksgiving For three thousand souls, her living Firstfruits, as they kneeled and prayed ! This the two wave-loaves portended Of the Law: two peoples, blended Into one One God adore. They were twain : until united By the Stone the builders slighted, Never to be sundered more. Not in vessels that are olden Is the new wine meetly holden : Like Elisha, to the brim WHITSUNTIDE. 257 All the widow's vessels filling, Christ with sacrod dew is willing To fill all who trust in Him. Not to hearts by discord riven, Shall these sacred gifts be given Precious dew, nor oil, nor wine : Ne'er the Paraclete abideth Within hearts which sin divideth, Shutting out the light divine. Comforter, possess and cheer us ! Venom then shall not draw near us ; Hate shall flee before Thy face. There is no delight, no sweetness, Health, nor comfort, nor completeness, Where Thou dost withhold Thy grace. Oil of gladness, Lamp uplifted, Heavenly Bread, by Whom are gifted With strange power the springs and brooks ; New-create and pure, we render Thus our thanks, on whom with tender Love, not hate, the Saviour looks, i. s 258 WHITSUNTIDE. Gift, and Giver of all blessing, Evermore be we addressing Praise, with lip and heart, to Thee ! Cleanse our sins ; in Christ renew us ; And, when perfected, give to us Our eternal jubilee. [324.] WHITSUNTIDE. Audimnr : almo Spiritus. CHARLES COFFIN. Paris Breviary. T O, the Father hears our prayer : Unto failing hearts to bear All Christ promised ere He rose, Forth to-day the Spirit goes. As the Lord of Life draws nigh, Signs and wonders multiply : First through all the house there past Sounds, as of a rushing blast ; Flakes of fire fell fast, and hung, Each one like a burning tongue, In the pure thin air, and shed Lustre upon every head. 260 WHITSUNTIDE. Then the flames that lit each brow, Passing thence we know not how To their inmost spirit pour, Light and strength unknown before. Marvelling much the nations heard Preached in every tongue the word ; All that seers had e'er discerned, Told again in words that burned. On the hearers then was poured Forth the Spirit of the Lord : Thick as sheaves at harvest-tide They arose and prophesied. Praise the Father, praise the Son : Equal honour, too, be done Unto Him, Who can inspire Human hearts with flaming fire. [321.] THE VIGIL OF WHITSUNTIDE. O Christe qui nosier poll. Paris Breviary. r\ CHRIST, Who dost, our herald, rise Into the mansions of the skies : Call, lift us, whom Thou here dost see Prostrate and downcast, up to Thee. Make us to haste with purest love Unto the joys that are above, Undreamed of by the earthly mind : Faith can alone that treasure find. There, the reward of labours past, God gives His own Himself at last : Their all in all is He, to bless Their souls with perfect happiness. 262 THE VIGIL OF WHITSUNTIDE. Lord, from, high heaven this holy tide Send down Thy Spirit, Who shall guide Us, by His all-prevailing grace, To Thy most glorious dwelling-place. Jesu, for ever glorified Thou sittest by the Father's side ; All glory be to Father, Son, And Spirit, while the ages run. [318.] WHITSUNTIDE. Supreme Rector coelitum. Paris Breviary. O OVEREIGN of Heaven, Who didst prevail O'er death, and with Thy life-blood dye The path by which we hope to scale Yon starry sky : Look down in mercy from Thy throne At God's right hand, Lord, and see Us who are lingering here alone, Orphaned of Thee. Hear us, O Christ, for we were born Out of the travail of Thy soul ; When by the spear Thy side was torn To make us whole. 264 WHITSUNTIDE. Thy toils and anguish at an end, Thou wearest now a glorious crown : The hour is come ; send, Saviour, send Thy Spirit down. Jesu, glory be to Thee, To God's right hand Who didst ascend Glory to God, the One and Three World without end. [319.] TRINITY. Benedicta sit beata Trinitas. A Sequence. SARUM MISSAL. A LL blessing to the Blessed Three ! Hail, co-eternal Deity, In glory equal, Father, Son, And Spirit ; ever Three in One. Ruling o'er all things, One in Will, Three Persons, yet One Substance still : The Uncreated Unity, In Godhead One, in Persons Three. This Faith can souls from sin release, And bring them to that land of peace, Where by the bright celestial throng Is poured for aye triumphant song. 266 TRINITY. White-robed in Jesus' steps they tread, Who sits enthroned above their head ; Their day of suffering past and gone, Lo, they have put new raiment on. Let us, in whom God's grace doth glow, Pay now to God the debt we owe : So, when to this world we have died, Our place may still in heaven abide. So, peradventure, when the last Fight hath been fought and overpast, We shall behold fair mansions rise, To be our dwelling, in the skies ; Where evermore a wondrous Light Shines, inextinguishably bright : It is the Vision of the blest, The Lord Himself made manifest. Its beams on angels' breasts it throws, As on the Source from which it flows They gaze, the Form of Him Who trod Erewhile this earth, Incarnate God. TRINITY. 267 On Him they gaze with burning thirst : So shall the righteous burn, when first They see the infinite reward Assigned them by their Judge, the Lord. [336.] S. JOHN BAPTIST. Praecursor altus luminis. VENERABLE BEDE. H AIL harbinger of Morn : Thou that art this day born, And heraldest the Word with clarion voice ! Ye faithful ones, in him Behold the dawning dim Of the bright Day, and let your hearts rejoice. John ; by that chosen name To call him, Gabriel came By God's appointment from his home on high What deeds that babe should do To manhood when he grew, God sent His angel forth to testify. Yet in his mother's womb, To Him Who should illume S. JOHN BAPTIST. 269 With light the nations John his witness bore : And when he came to birth, John first proclaimed to earth That witness, and is glorious evermore. There hath none greater, none, Than Zachariah's son Ris'n among those that are of woman born ; A prophet, he may claim More than a prophet's fame ; Sublimer deeds than theirs his front adorn. Enough : can human speech Unto his glory reach, Meetly may mortals herald forth his praise, For whom, in time of old, God bade His seer unfold The mighty work ordained in after-days ? " Lo, to prepare Thy way," Did God the Father say, " Before Thy face My messenger I send, 270 S. JOHN BAPTIST. Thy coming to forerun ; As on the orient sun Doth the bright daystar morn by morn attend. " I Praise therefore God most High; Praise Him Who came to die For us, His Son That liveth evermore ; And to the Spirit raise, The Comforter, like praise, While time endureth and when time is o'er. [361.] MARTYRS. Supernae main's gaudia. ADAM OF ST. VICTOR. /CHRIST'S Church in heaven to-day Rejoiceth : and rejoice, Christ's Church on earth. We have our times of mourning and of mirth ; Their tears are wiped away. Succour Thy children, Lord, Thy Church that in this joyless valley dwells : Peopling the air, let angel sentinels Keep o'er her watch and ward. The world, the flesh, hell's powers Wage differing war around us ; aye upstart New phantom-hosts ; the sabbath of the heart, Lord, it is not ours. 272 MARTYRS. On earth we know no calm : Fear succeeds Hope, Grief banishes Delight ; In heaven they sing, and pause not day or night, T^eir never-ending psalm. happy City ! Life Is there but one long day of jubilee ! O happy citizens, for ever free From turmoil and from strife ! They wax not old, nor faint : They fear no treachery, flee before no foe ; Gladness alone doth in each bosom glow ; One joy fills every saint. The blest one whom we sing This day, now into Paradise received, Beholds His Face in Whom he has believed ; He sees, unveiled, His King. May we too find a place Among the habitations of the just, This hour of anguish over ; as our trust, O Lord, is in Thy grace. [403.] FESTIVALS OF APOSTLES. Supreme, quales, Arbiter. JEAN BAPTISTE SANTEUIL. Paris Breviary. i~\ LORD, through instruments how weak Thou workest out Thy sovereign will ! Frail earthen vessels Thou dost seek, And with Thy choicest treasure fill. And in due time the pitchers, charged With light, Thou dost in pieces dash ; And thence the light breaks forth, enlarged, As from the cloud the prisoned flash. O'er earth Thy messengers are heard ; They haste like clouds before the gale ; Fraught with the Word, the sacred Word, They pour forth thunder, lightning, hail. 274 FESTIVALS OF APOSTLES. Christ is their war-cry : at its sound Are hell's proud citadels laid low : So, while the trumpets clanged around, Fell once the walls of Jericho. Lord, let these trumpet-blasts divine From treacherous sleep awake mankind ; And let these lights, erst lit at Thine Disperse the darkness of our mind. To Thee, on Thy Apostle's day, We pay all worship, God of might : For thou hast called us that lay In darkness to Thy Glorious light. [389.] BETHANY. Intrante Christo Bethanicam domum. Paris Breviary. Bethany Christ comes, the leper's guest. Speed we then thither : Simon spreads for all The banquet : with the rest We flock to Simon's hall. While Lazarus feasts, and Martha decks the board, A box of odorous oil doth Mary take, Right costly ; to be poured Forth for her Master's sake. She bathes His feet, and wipes them with her hair ; She breaks the box, and all the oil is spilled Over His head : the air Seems with new fragrance filled. 276 BETHANY. O why do scornful hands at Mary point ? Proud was her task ; this treasure did she save, Beforehand to anoint Christ's Body for the grave. And, as His Faith is preached in every tongue, And far-off lands to His allegiance won, Still shall o'er earth be sung This deed which she hath done. Now to the Father and the Son uplift High praise for ever ; Praise, and never cease, The Spirit ; through whose gift Christ's Bride hath perfect peace. [625.] DE DIE JUDICII. 1 ( Translated almost literally into the same metre as the origi- nal, with a rhyme added to make it an English metre, from an alphabetical hymn by Thomasius, published in Archbishop Trench's " Sacred Latin Poetry") CONCERNING THE DAY OP JUDGMENT. AS a thief, who falls at midnight on his unsus- .. pecting prey, When we think not shall overtake us the Al- mighty's Judgment Day. B rief shall seem to men the pleasures that they prized in times of yore, When they know that as a moment Time hath past, and is no more. 1 This Translation is the last thing Calverley wrote for the press. It was finished a few weeks before his death, and was intended for " Good Words." Ki>. T2 278 DE DIE JUDICIL C langing over Earth's four quarters shall the sud- den trumpet-call Summon unto Christ's tribunal, dead or living, one and all : D own from highest heaven descended, shining angels hovering near, Shall the Judge in all the brightness of His majesty appear. E arth from pole to pole shall tremble, paling stars shall shrink from sight ; And the sun himself be darkened, and the round moon lose her light. Fire shall execute, unbidden, his all-righteous Lord's decree, Sky and lands in flame devouring, and the great unfathomed sea. G lorious shall the King be seated then upon His throne on high, The attendant choirs of angels standing awed and trembling by : H is elect upon His right hand shall He bid their station take ; While as goats of evil savour on His left the wicked quake. DE DIE JUDICII. 27<> " I nto heavenly mansions enter," to the first shall say the Son, " Which My Father's love prepared you ere the ages had begun ; Kindly ye did once as brethren succour in His need your Lord ; Of your kindness of aforetime take ye now the rich reward." " L ord," they shall exclaim, all joyous, " when beheld we Thee in need ? When to us didst thou for succour, thou the King most mighty, plead ?" M ark the Judge Almighty's answer : " When ye heard the poor man's plea ; Fed, clad, housed him ; lo, ye did it in your low- liness to Me." N eit to those upon His left hand the All- Just their doom shall tell : " Hence ye cursed from My presence to the fiery flames of hell ! O nee I craved your ear a beggar, and ye reviled at My hard lot ; I was sick, and ye forsook Me ; naked, and ye clothed Me not." 280 DE DIE JUDICII. P iteously shall ask the wicked : ' ' Lord, when dealt we with Thee thus ? Sick or poor, when wast Thou mocked at, most mighty King, by us ? " Q uickly shall reply the High One : " When ye scorned the beggar's cry, Lo, the man whom ye thought scorn of in your wantonness was I." R eeling back, shall then the wicked sink into the fiery glare, Where abides the worm that dies not, and the flames are quenched ne'er. Satan with his servants lieth chained those dark- some depths beneath, Where for ever must the damned weep, and wail, and gnash the teeth. T hen on wings shall mount the faithful, led by many an angel-band, To the realm of joy and gladness, to their hea- venly Father-land : U pon them in perfect brilliance Light and Peace shall shine ; from them Veiled no more shall be that City, that supreme Jerusalem : DE DIE JUDICII. 281 1 X l the King, in all the brightness of His Father's splendour decked, Face to face shall then be gazed on by the hosts of His elect. Y e beware then of the Serpent and his wiles : up- hold the weak, Heed not gold, and flee vain pleasures, if the stars ye fain would seek : Z one with Chastity's pure girdle day by day your loins, and turn, When the Master comes, to meet Him, bearing with you lamps that burn. 1 There is an apparent hiatus in the alphabet of Thomasius here, U and V, like I and J, being treated as one letter. The claim, however, of V to be a distinct letter is so far recog- nized that it begins the next line in the couplet in the original as in the translation. There is no W in Latin, and no avail- able X : so the author had to content himself with X tu *, and the translator has followed him. CHISW1CK PRESS: C. WHITTINGHAM jLND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LAXE. By C. S. CALVERLEY. Fifth Edition, Price $s. VERSES AND TRANSLATIONS. " They bear the impress of Cambridge on almost every page .... 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" It strikes us it is long since a book containing so much genuine fun, pure parody, and good-natured satire has been given to the public." CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE. " C. S. C-, to whom we are indebted for a lively volume of verse, and who is favourably known to critics as the author of ' Verses and Translations.' possesses to a certain degree the facility of Praed There is a freshness and vivacity in this little volume which makes it a very acceptable one." MORNING POST. " ' Fly Leaves ' form a not unworthy companion to the ' Verse* and Translations ' which have furnished us, and, no doubt, many of our readers, so much food for laughter." JOHN BOLL. FLY LEAVES continued. "Those who remember 'Verses and Translations,' which we are glad to see has reached a fourth edition, will welcome the appearance of the present volume. There is the playful humour and genial fun, and the art is, if possible, more perfect." PALL MALL GAZETTE. " What to do critically with the ' Fly Leaves ' of C. S. 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