d IF" CHRIST STILLS THE TEMPEST ANTON DIETRICH Peace. Be still. St. Mark iv : 39. LEE IfU naw SAN FRA : COMPOSED BY LEE WASHINGTON things are written, . , ^M believing mlg^t ba name. c . -, , St. Jo^n xx : 31. PAUL ELDER r COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK Copyright, 1907 by PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY The Tomoye Press A CKNO WLEDGMENT To the many friends whose generous coopera- tion has made this book possible, to those who have contributed original material and those who have given permission to reprint matter that has already found favor in other publica- tions, grateful acknowledgment is extended. M97460 for letter tfyan men and women, friends 'Gtyat are dust, tfyou^l) dear in our |0 and pain, 72Vre t^e books t^eir cunning l)ands ^ave penned, depart, but tfye books remain ; t^ese tl)ev speak to us wfyat was best t^e loving ^eart and t^e noble mind ; tfyeir lo^al souls possessed Belongs forever to all mankind ! miustrations Christ Stills the Tempest Frontispiece. Anton Dietrich Persepolis Facing page 20 Briton Riviere, A. R. A. The Disciples Peter and John Hastening to the Sepulchre the Morning of the Resurrection . " " 36 Eugene Bumand Easter Morning " "60 Axel Enders Repose After the Flight to Egypt . . . . "84 B. Plockhorst The Youthful Christ Embracing St. John . . " "108 Guido Reni Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us " "132 Anton Dietrich Daniel's Answer to the King " " 1 56 Briton Riviere, A. R. A. The Arrival of the Shepherds " "188 H. Lerolle One is witl) t^e TCor6 as a thousand 3 3 Jeter ill : $ K Know I3t)at all new for you cups of gol6 TUU6 biQl) will) TLove an& plenty* Tor 'tis wit^ years As 'tis witl) you ^l)ere is no ol&, ^>l)ere is no new TCove is at sixty at twenty* [11 Secon6 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look and a new earth, wherein dwelleth Peter iij . , 3. It is a comely fashion to be glad ! Joy is the grace we say to God. Jean Ingelow. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed away ; behold, all things are become new. Corinthians v: 1 7. Pile three hundred and sixty-five panes of trans- parent glass one upon the other and try to look through them. Nothing but inky blackness. Take from off the pile one pane, look through it and all is clear. Thus, as we face the new year with its days piled one upon the other, all is darkness. Each morning if we take off from the pile of days that one which comes first, we are enabled to see our duties clearly and live out our responsibilities faithfully. We cannot live the second day before the first or more than one day at a time. I. Q. M. [2] The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Proverbs xi: 25. Follow, with rev'rent steps, the great example Of Him whose holy work was doing good : So shall the wide earth seem our Father's temple, Each loving life a psalm of gratitude. Whittier. I saw a new heaven and a new earth. Revelation xxi : 1 . He who is in perfedt accord with divine Love may hear sounds which nobody else hears, may see visions which nobody else sees, himself creat- ing a new heaven and a new earth, made new by the presence and power of Love in his own thought. Clarence A. Phillips. [3] Sixty For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans viii: 2. Hark, to the message from on high ! Free from the law of pain and sin, Free from all claims of error's lie, Free to find heaven now! within!! A. G. F. He commanded us to preach. ^ cts x . 42 Fewer sermons and a practical endeavor to make use of the little that is known is what the world needs. The understanding of a single verse of Scripture, bearing fruits in healing and blessing, is far more praiseworthy and useful than simply a literal knowledge of whole chapters of the Holy Word. Those who can quote the Scripture flu- ently, or tell in flowery language what the Truth is, yet fail to demonstrate it, at least in part, are not following this rule of "preaching." Jesus taught His religion by demonstration, not by words. His adlions were more powerful than His sermons in influencing the people to accept His Divine message. "He healed the people and then told them to go and do likewise." William Leander Post. [4] Kanuar? TEigfytl) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. The world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. IJohnii: 15,17. Blessed are they that do His commandments, In Heaven they shall find rest ; Their happiness comes from plains above, From realms of the happy and blest. Clarence A. Phillips. * I have loved thee with an everlasting love ; therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah xxxi : 3. Love is the greatest thing that God can give us, for Himself is Love; and it is the greatest thing we can give to God, for it will also give ourselves, and carry with it all that is ours. The apostles call it the bond of perfection ; it is the old, and it is the new ; it is the great commandment, and it is all the commandments ; for it is the fulfilling of the law - Jeremy Taylor. [5] * *^* AH things are your's; * * * ye are Christ's ; and Christ is God's. I Corinthians iii : 21, 23. And God is within and around me; All good is forever divine. To all who seek it is given, It comes by a law divine. Selected # omnpotent Revelation xix : 6. There is no power apart from God. We have the highest authority for this blessed assertion. Stuart. 16] Thy sun shall no more go down : : for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light. Isaiah Ix: 20. O Love ! O Life ! our faith and sight - Thy presence maketh one: As, through transfigured clouds of white, We trace the noon-day sun. John G. Whittier. Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three ; and the greatest of these is love. Follow after love. I Corinthians xiii: 13; xiv: 1. (R. V.) Love is always building up. It puts some line of beauty on every life it touches. Selected. [7] My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will I diredt my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalms v: 3. Prayer is the heart's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. J. Montgomery. All the earth shall be filled with glory of the Lord. Numbers xiv: 21. God's love runneth faster than our feet to meet us stealing back to Him and peace, and kisses dumb our shame, and makes the whole world take on a roseate hue that baffles a Raphael's art. E.A. [8] 3anuar? Sixteentt) For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs xxiii: 7. Think truly, and thy thoughts Shall the world's famine feed ; Speak truly, and each word of thine Shall be a fruitful seed ; Live truly, and thy life shall be A great and noble creed. Horatius Bonar. 3anuaq> Seventeenth And who is he that will harm you, if ye be fol- lowers of that which is good? j p eter {{{. 13. Giving the tender compassionate word in return for pitiless reproach; forgiving our enemies and praying for those who seem to be without justice or mercy ; the overcoming of all sense of hate and the mesmeric influence of distrust and discord, and arising into the pure atmosphere of Spirit and newness of life. This is being " a follower of that which is good." Maiy R James> [9] If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. St. John xv : 7. In God's eternal mind I live, And in His Life 1 move; In brighest light-divine I rest, The light of Infinite Love; Where God is all, and governs all, All power and presence He, All science, wisdom, health and strength, No other Truth can be. Alice Adams Russell. Wait on the Lord : be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord - Psalms xxvii: 14. Almighty God, grant me Thy grace to be faith- ful in adlion, and not anxious about success. My only concern is to do Thy will and to lose myself in Thee, when engaged in duty. Fenelon. [10] * * * And to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Arts xx: 35. Give time, give thoughts, give deeds, give self, Give prayers, give tears, and give thyself. Give, give; be always giving, Who gives not, is not living. The more we give, the more we live. Selected. 3anuar? twenty- first Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation ii : 1 0. Let it be our happiness this day to add to the happiness of those around us, to comfort some sorrow, to relieve some want, to add some strength to our neighbor's virtue. William E channing. [11] If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. j j ohn iv: | 2 . Just a message of love today, This is the word I come to say, In grateful joy, from my heart it flows, 'Tis a message of Truth with love it glows. Juliette Mink. That the righteousness of the law might be ful- filled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans viii : 4. The reading of the Scriptures is not only the appointed and necessary means of discovering to us our weaknesses, our sins, and our need of grace, but it is an exercise which, once become a habit, exalts the mental faculties, gives food to the noblest thinking, and steadies the spirit as no philosophy of the masters could do. William Leander Post. [12] For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. St Matthew vi: 32. Yes, leave it with Him. You're more dear to His heart, You will know, Than the lilies that bloom, Or the flowers that start 'Neath the snow. Whatever you need, if you ask it in prayer, You can leave it with Him, for you are His care ; You, you know. Selected. Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou reignest over all ; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. { chronicles xxix : 1 2. If thou desirest true contrition of heart, enter into thy secret chamber and shut out the tumults of the world, as it is written, "Commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be still." In silence and stillness a religious soul advan- tageth itself, and learneth the mysteries of Holy Scriptures. Thomas & Kempis . ' [13] Thou wilt keep him in perfedl peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee - Isaiah xxvi: 3. Just to trust Him, that is all ! Then the day will surely be Peaceful, whatsoe'er befall, Bright and blessed, calm and free. Frances R. Havergal. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst ; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. St j ohn iv . ]4 O this life-giving fountain of Christ, Truth! It flows into the dark places of sin, and "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow." It flows through the fevered breast; and the flushed cheek and trembling body grow peace- ful and strong. When everything goes wrong, cares oppress and fears abound, turn to this foun- tain, drink of its promises, and its healing waters will wash you of all your cares and fears. Elizabeth C. Wickersham. [14] The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Psalms Jav ^. 7 Rejoice in the Lord, He is tenderly leading Each step that His wisdom requires thee to take ; And He will supply all the strength thou art needing, He loveth forever and will not forsake. Selected. Return to thine own house, and show how great things God hath done unto thee. St. Luke viii : 39. Are you seeking to be your best to those nearest to you? If not, you may be quite sure you are missing some of life's purest joy and highest ser- vice - Selected. [15] Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I com- mand you. St. John xv : 14. Thou must be true thyself If thou the truth wouldst teach ; Thy soul must overflow if thou Another's soul wouldst reach; It needs the overflow of heart To give the lips full speech. Horatius Bonar. 3anuatY I3t)irtY- first Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend. g t TQ^ xv . 13 The way to have a friend is to be one. Elbert Hubbard. [16] will give unto tfyee tfye Keys of tfye King- dom of Ijeaven. $t 5llattewxvi: 19. tfyatlf craved belonged to me, l)eld tl)e gifts an6 Tf tfye Key ; yet If crie6, 'Hfow I)ar6 t^e fate Z3l)at bi6s me work an6 weep an& wait things wfyicl) make life wort^ tl)e living, rob t^e giver in tfye giving ! little Jo?, a little weatt^ Z3l)e nee6 of toil, abundant l)ealtl); chance to 60, a chance to be'- tljen U looked and found tfye key : in my fyeart "3 carried it, fashioned, formed to fit lock of (Bod's great reservoir l) l)eld t^e things 3 fyungered for* key wasTCove pure gold acrust glittering gems of fait^ and trust. 1ft fits all doors, it turns all locks, 1ft leads tfye way tfyrougfy walls and rocks ; 1ft lifts all bolts, unbars tfye gate, ^2Vnd sfyows us w^ere TCife's treasures wait. 0^ ! are tfyere b^sb^ 5 ^r f e ^^ would press, SeekTCove, t^e key to all success/' [17] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it Was very good. Genesis i: 26, 31. Man is the image of Spirit and Light; Dust hath neither mind nor might. A. G. F. And I work. St. John v: 17. Treading divinely the path the Holy Nazarine hath made for us is to serve, and this is "my Father's business." Reflecting at all times and sea- sons the one altogether lovely who made man in His own image is to love, and this is "my Father's business." Maiy R James ' [18] But let patience have her perfedl work, that ye may be perfedt and entire, wanting nothing. James i : 4. Let me ever have Thy peace, That my patience may endure ; Then my anxious care shall cease, For Thy promises are sure. J. P. Strother. To know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with the fulness of God - Ephesiansiii: 19. The best thing we ean do infinitely the best; indeed, the only thing, that men may receive the truth is to be ourselves true. Beyond all doing of good is the being good ; for he that is good not only does good things, but all that he does is good. George MacDonald. [19] Sixty Yea, though 1 walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms xxiii: 4. Yea! the dark valley where I tread, No evil will I fear; Thy rod and staff dispel my dread ; I feel thee near. Goodness and mercy all my days My constant song shall be, Till heavenly anthems fill with praise Eternity. Q R TFebruar? Seventy Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. . . . Let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of fait * 1 ' Galatiansvi: 2,10. "Better living; kinder living; gentler words; more patience toward the unthankful and the evil ; more sunshine in the home; brighter faces at breakfast; more jokes and fewer complaints at dinner ; more sympathy with the small troubles of childhood ; more tolerance for the people who do not like us; more conscientiousness in the per- formance of small tasks. These are the little bur- dens we can lighten. They make life worth while." [20] PERSEPOLIS BRITON RIVIERE, A. R. A. When mortals flee, in fear, their temples from, God's creatures, tranquilly, to worship come." And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son - St. Johnxiv: 13. I look to Thee in every need, And never look in vain, I feel Thy touch, eternal Love, And all is well again ; The thought of Thee is mightier far Than sin and pain and sorrow are. Samuel Longfellow. Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God. I Corinthians vii : 20, 24. Do your best loyally and cheerfully, and suffer yourself to feel no anxiety or fear. Your times are in God's hands. He has assigned you your place. He will diredt your paths. He will accept your efforts if they be faithful. Selected. [21] JFcbruar? We then that are strong ought to bear the in- firmities of the weak and not to please ourselves. Romans xv : 1 . We should know that the feet are always free To follow where duty leads; That the hands are able to work for Truth And copy the Master's deeds; That no ears are deaf ; that no eyes are blind ; But that all may hear and see The wonders wrought by the great Truth Power Which is setting God's children free. Annie L. Fisher. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. St Luke ix . 62- The child of God does not look backward to gain fresh energy. His energy is the energy of hope, and not of retrospection. He presses for- ward: his glance is ever onward. He anticipates revelations of God ever more and more glorious. Stopford A. Brooke. [22] For the \veapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of Strong holds. U Corinthians x: 4. The weapons which your hands have found Are those which heaven itself has wrought Life, Truth and Love ; your battle-ground The free, broad field of Thought. John G. Whittier. If ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Romans viii : 1 3. For immediately, as soon as thou givest thyself to God from thy whole heart and seekest not this nor that, according to thine own pleasure or will, but settlest thyself wholly in Him, thou shalt find thyself united to Him and at peace; for nothing can afford so sweet a relish, nothing can be so delightful as the good pleasure of the Divine Will. Thomas a Kempis. [23] And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. St. Matthew iv: 23. Follow with reverent steps the great example Of Him whose holy work was "doing good"; So shall the wide earth seem our Father's temple, Each living life a psalm of gratitude. John G. Whittier. For we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. IJohniv: 16. God is your Father; love Him. Man is your brother; love him. * * * One thing is needful, He said. It is Love. Stopford A Brooke [24] Ye call me Master and Lord : and ye say well ; for so lam. Stjohnxiii: 13. He is with thee ! Thine own Master, Leading, loving without end, Brightening joy and lightening sorrow, All today, yet more tomorrow, King and Saviour, Lord and Friend. Frances R. Havergal. ^ebruar? Let him deny himself. St Mark viii: 34 Little self-denials, little honesties, little passing words of sympathy, little nameless adts of kind- ness, little silent victories over favorite temptation these are the silent threads of gold which, when woven together, gleam out so brightly in the pat- tern of life that God approves. Canon Farrar [25] Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust Psalms xl: 4. His arm lies soft round the lilies, Their care is only to be, Ah, hushed by the tender lesson, My God, let me trust in Thee. Selected. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him ; I will be with him in trouble ; I will deliver him, and honour him. Psalms xci . , 5 God gave us the reflection of His Infinite Being, which arms us with resolution and strength. Noth- ing can be good that does not proceed from God, the giver of all good. So let us strive to become wholly spiritual and let the mortal or material man sink back into its native nothingness. B. S. Josselyn. [26] Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. St. Matthew v: 7. An arm of aid to the weak ; A friendly hand to the friendless ; Kind words, so short to speak, But whose echo is endless. The world is wide, these things are small, They might be nothing, but they are all. R. M. Milnes. - first Let us become spiritual, a perfedt temple of God. Apocrypha. The ideal life is only man's normal life, as we shall some day know it. Ralph Waldo Emerson. [27] The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of my life ; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms xxvii . , 'Tis on His strength that I rely, And doubts and fears at once defy; So happy, so content am I, "Alone, yet not alone." Selected And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation xxii : 1 . A good deed done is not a thing completed and finished; a good thing done is nothing less than an endless series of good deeds set in motion. Elmo. [28] The Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the works of thine hands, there- fore thou shalt surely rejoice. Deuteronomy xvi : 15. Walk with your God along the road, your strength He will renew; Wait on the everlasting God, and He will work with you. Ye shall not faint, ye shall not fail, made in the Spirit strong, Each task divine you still shall hail, and blend it with a song. T H Gill TFfcbruar? ^went?- fifty The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way. Psalms xxxvii: 23. It seems impossible not to give some thought to the future, and without doubt one of the most im- portant things in this line is to note that the suc- cess, prosperity, the general welfare of the future depends largely, if not exclusively, on our taking good care of the present. Alfred Farlow> [29] Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to James iv: 8. The seeds of Truth are well worth the sowing, When God may be had by simply the knowing. A. G. F. What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Deuteronomy x : 12. There is no such thing as "striking an average" in obedience. The requirement is to "walk in all His ways." That we walk in some of them is no excuse for turning from the rest. We are apt to forget this. Because we do well in some respedts, we relax a little in others, and think no harm of it. But "these ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone." Every requirement of God binds every one of us in every thing. J. K. Wilson. [30] Yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over past. Psalms Ivii : 1 . In the time of trouble, let us trust the Lord, Finding hope and courage in His precious word, For we know the promise has for ages stood Unto them who love Him, "all things work for good." In the time of trouble, there are words of love, Softly, sweetly whispered by the Holy dove ; Then we learn the secret of His peace untold, Then we see the treasures of His grace unfold. E. E. Hewett. [31] * * * When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. St. Matthew vi : 6. " Search ye for God with all your heart," And ye shall find His peace. Seek Him with humble, strong desire, If to His Love ye would aspire ; And as the prophet-bards of old Oft hear His message sweet, So when ye search with all your heart, And prostrate at His feet, Looking with silent trusting prayer To know the upward way, His Truth shall break in light divine And on your waiting faces shine. His voice of Love shall speak the word, " My peace 1 give." Alice A< Russe lL [32] tfye "3fing sl)all answer an6 say unto ttyem, Verily Tf say unto you, Tfnasmucl) as ye fyave 6one it unto one of tfye least of tfyese my brethren, ?& bave 6one it unto me. St ^attw xxv: 40. T)o not try to surpass your brother; give fyim your ^an6. ^^ere is always room for you an6 your success, no matter tyow ^igl) ^e climbs. Tix your eyes upon tfye goal, not upon tfye seeming compet- itor. ^totfying can Keep you out, or crow6 you out, of your place; for your place is in your "Jatfyer's ^ouse, an& tfyere is no struggling nor crowding tfyere. ^our Ia66er is rigbt-tbinking. Tfow many rounds can you ascen6 wl)ile standing upon tfyc fingers of your brother? (Bive l)im your ljan&. Iff you b^ve to climb wit!) one fyan6 for awhile, because t^e ot^er is given to l)fclpU*S some one else, you will lose nothing ; for you can 60 infinitely more witfy one I)an6 an& <5o6's ^elp, t^an you could 60 w ten I)an6s if you forgot Tfim an& your brother. [33] Secon6 For if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you. St. Matthew vi : 14. Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love Fit us for perfedt rest above; And help us, this and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. John Keble. : I have loved thee with an everlasting love : therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn tliee - Jeremiah xxxi: 3. The battles which we already have on hand demand all our thought, attention, ingenuity, and effort, and when they are properly provided for there is little time and opportunity left for tomor- row's cares. For the evil or burden of today - that which is necessary to be combated and over- come today is sufficient, said Jesus. It is a suffi- cient undertaking for our strength, a sufficient task for our duty. Alfred Farlow- [34] They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fat- ness of thy house ; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. Psalms xxxvi : 8. He always wins who sides with God, To him no chance is lost ; God's will is sweetest to him when It triumphs at his cost. Frederick W. Faber. He that is faithful in that which is least is faith- ful also in much. St. Luke xvi: 10. Looking across the prairie one can see just so far when the horizon cuts off the view. As one advances, the horizon moves on, and one can see still farther. No individual will ever be able to see farther than he can now perceive, except in proportion as he advances beyond his present position. Alfred [35] Sixty Take therefore no thought for the morrow : for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself - St. Matthew vi: 34. What thou shalt today provide, Let me as a child receive; What tomorrow may betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave; Tis enough that thou wilt care. Why should I the burden bear? Selected. If a kingdom be divided against itself, that king- dom cannot stand. i^ e JCoLlo. 'The kingdom of God is within you." This solves the problem: Individual righteousness - right thinking and right adting reflected in the mental mirror of daily duty, will fill the whole earth "as the waters cover the sea," and the com- mon Fatherhood of God, and the universal brother- hood of man, be recognized. William S. Campbell. [36] THE DISCIPLES PETER AND JOHN HASTENING TO THE SEPULCHRE THE MORNING OF THE RESURRECTION EUGENE BURNAND " Haste, haste thee on, I fain would see If proven is all prophecy." The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor ; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recover- ing of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. St. Luke iv: 18. He healeth the broken-hearted, He cheereth the weary and weak, And out of their doubts and troubles He lifteth the soul of the meek. Ida L. Reed. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins * I Peter iv: 8. If the mind is kept busy with the innumerable goo d things in the world in nature and in human- ity it will enrich itself and it "will help to create a current of influence that will lift the family, the neighborhood, the community into a sweeter, saner, healthier, happier state and thus exert a saving influence upon the world. Selected. [37] God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. I John v: 11. Lose sight of time by gaining knowledge of God. Selected. For thou art my hope, O Lord God : thou art my trust from my youth. Psalms Ixxi: 5. Let us simply trust His word ; We shall find Him ever true ; This be each day's firm resolve What He bids us, will we do. Cecilia Havergal. [38] Mlarcl) Owe no man any thing, but to love one another : for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans xiii: 8. Every professed disciple of Jesus should seek to become a center of spiritual influence and power. This can only be accomplished through absolute surrender and obedience to the Divine Will. Selected. How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Psalms Jaxri . 7 Thou shalt not complain of the weather. God controls the winds and waves. Thou shalt have no fear concerning thy food and thy drink. " Fear hath torment, and kills." Thou shalt not dwell in the body and its sensations. Live in the spirit. 'The soul knows not deformity or pain." Selected. [39] Mlarcl) Fear God and keep his commandments : for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes xii : 13. 'Tis not my task to criticise my brother, And watch his progress with a jealous eye ; To envy the possessions of another, And let my flowers of promise droop and die. Annie L. Fisher. Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. Psalms Ixxxix: 33. The love of God that shines out of the pages of the divine Word assures us that we have always another chance. Rev j R Miller [40] Mlarcl) Sixteentl) Clothe thyself with cheerfulness, which has always favour with the Lord, and thou shalt re- joice in it. For every cheerful man does well ; and relishes those things that are good, and despises sadness. Apocrypha. The inner side of every cloud is Bright and shining; 1, therefore, turn my clouds about, And always wear them inside out To show the lining! Sele<5ted. Trust in the Lord ; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms xxxvii: 5. Try it for a day, I beseech you, to preserve yourself in an easy and cheerful frame of mind. Compare the day in which you have rooted out the weed of dissatisfaction with that on which you have allowed it to grow up, and you will find your heart open to every good motive, your life strengthened, and your breast armed with a pano- ply against every trick of fate; truly you will wonder at your own improvement. Richter. [41] And \vhither I go ye know, and the way ye know - Stjohnxiv: 4. Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life, Grant us that Way to know, That Truth to keep, that Life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. George W. Doane. Godliness with contentment is great gain. I Timothy vi : 6. Every day is a fresh beginning, Every morn is the world made new. You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here is a beautiful hope for you, A hope for me and a hope for you. Sarah Chancy Woolsey. [42] Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. j j ohn iii: 2 2. I need not leave the jostling world, Or wait till daily tasks are o'er, To fold my hands in secret prayer Within the close-shut closet door. When I have banished wayward thoughts, Of sinful works the fruitful seed, When folly wins my ear no more, The closet door is shut indeed. Harriet McEwen Kimball. Mtarcl) twenty- first Watch and pray. St Matthew xxvi: 41. He who prays in Christ's name must pray Christ's prayer : " Not my will, but thine, be done." Alexander Maclaren. [43] Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world : he that f olloweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life - Stjohnviii: 12. Press on ! dear traveler, press on ! I am the Way, the Truth, the Life ; It is the straight and narrow way That leads to that eternal day, That turns the darkness into light. Though tasks are sore, be not cast down. J. H. Bell. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. Psalms cxlv: 18. Be Thou, O Rock of Ages, nigh ! So shall each murmuring thought be gone ; And grief and fear and care shall fly, As clouds before the midday sun. Selected. [44] I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah xli: 13. Hold fast to His hand, draw it ever to you, Though the nails that pierced His, pierce thine own through and through. A Q p For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers. IPeteriii: 12. He will take care of you ! All through the year, Crowning each day with His kindness and love, Sending you blessings And shielding from fear, Leading you on to His bright home above. Frances R. Havergal. [45] * * * This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, * I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians iii: 13, 14. Chase back the shadows, gray and old, Of the dead ages from our way, And let our hopeful eyes behold The dawn of Thy millennial day. John G. Whittier. If any man's work abide which he hath builded thereupon, he shall receive a reward. I Corinthians iii : 1 4. To rest satisfied with any attainment is to con- tradidt the deepest law of life, for the Lord of life himself found none but perpetual struggle. If we are not always rising on stepping-stones of our dead selves to higher things, we are not living our life. Rev. W.R. Inge. [46] Then shall thy light break forth as the morn- ing, and thine health shall spring forth speedily ; and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. Isaiah Iviii : 8. Softly there comes to those who list, Driving away the pain, A voice that speaks of Love divine, The Christ-Truth come again, Bringing the rest that knows no fear, The calm that follows strife; An abiding sense of Christ's dear love, The consciousness of Life. Alice A. Russell. If any man offend not in word, the same is a erfedt man, and able also to bridle the whole od y- Jamesiii:2. Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward things we are. To be is the great thing. Chapin [47] This is my rest forever : here will I dwell : for I have desired it. Psalms cxxxii: ,4 Resting in the love of Jesus, sweetly resting every day, Anchored on the Rock of Ages, till the shadows flee away, I can hear the surges treading up and down life's stony beach, But upon the sure foundation, I am far beyond their reach. Here is everlasting comfort, here is found the sweetest peace, Here I shall abide in patience, till life's storms forever cease. R L Cornish. Thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee fraid - Jobxi: 19. Thou shalt lie down and rest in peace. " Under- neath are everlasting arms." Selected. [48] I ^pril Tirst , wfyat manner of love tfye ~2Fatl)er Ijatl) bestowed upon us* tfyat we should be called tfye sons f ^as purged us free from all sin, witl) our Mlaster we enter in fol? of Tfolies, wl)ere TCove reigns supreme, Remember no longer HEartfy's troubled dream will "3Ke call us ? Surely none Know, TKis ways are wisest, and 'tis better so ; wfyen we've meekly passed under tfye rod, Know we'll be called tfye children of [49] .April Secon6 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. St. John x : 1 4. Down in the pleasant pastures, beside the waters still, Behold, tne Shepherd leadeth His little flock at j.wffl; Gently, oh gently guiding the way His sheep must , g Still onward to the fountains where the living waters flow. Anna shipton * The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. Psalms xxiii : 1 . Abandon yourself to His care and guidance, as a sheep in the care of a shepherd, and trust Him utterly, no matter though you may seem to your- self to be in the very midst of a desert, with nothing green about you, inwardly or outwardly, and may think you will have to make a long journey before you can get into the green pastures. Our Shepherd will turn that very place where you are into green pastures, for He has power to make the desert rejoice and blossom as a rose. H. W. S. [50] Ye are all the children of the light, and the children of the day : we are not of the night, nor of darkness. , Jhessalonians v : 5. I only know that God is right, And that the children of the light Shall tread the darkness under foot. John G. Whittier. And when he sowed, some seeds fell * * * into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold. St Matthew xiii: 4, 8. It is a law of the harvest that we reap more than we sow. Then how careful ought we to be of the seed we are sowing day by day, if we would reap a rich harvest of golden grain for the Master. Selected. [51] Sixty In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand. Ecclesiastes xi : 6. Let us watch awhile the sowers, Let us mark their tiny grain, Scattered oft in doubt and trembling, Sown in weakness or in pain ; Then let Faith, with radiant finger, Lift the veil from unseen things, Where the golden sheaves are bending, And the harvest anthem rings. Frances R. Havergal. I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. Psalms xliii : 5. Thou shalt not be in bondage to weakness or doubt. "He is the health of thy countenance. His trust shall be thy shield and thy buckler." Thou shalt not be afraid to go wherever duty calls. "He giveth His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." Selected. [52] Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have thine. St. Luke xv : 31. We need not carry a burdened heart, Filled with fear for the coming day, And let a murmur of discontent Take the place of a song of praise. Our Father knoweth our daily need Of shelter and rest and food, And we need not fear that the hand of Love Will fail to supply all good. Annie L. Fisher. Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. St. John ix: 31. Every sincere wish and prayer for goodness, every earnest attempt to fulfil difficult duty, is sure to help us on our spiritual progress, either diredtly or indiredtly. James Free man Clark. [53] April I3entl) Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews iv: 16. Ever outward, ever onward, Widening spheres of thought we send ; Ever upward, ever Godward, Then, let each thought trend ; Ever in, and deeper inward, Speed the Truth's clear, searching ray, Till we wake in our perfection, Like to Him who marked the "Way." W. B. T. Then they willingly received Him into the ship : and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went. St. John vi: 21. Thou shalt not worry over thyself or thy friends. 'Trust in Him and He will give thee thy heart's desire -" Selected. [54] &1 log fern* Pray without ceasing. j Thessalonians v : 1 7. Let the bright light of love and of trust fill thy thought, Giving fear, doubt and evil no share, For Heaven is thine now if in faith it is sought With never ceasing prayer; Then, when through Truth thou hast found the way, God will commune with thee all the day. Louis H. Owen. Into thine hand I commit my spirit. Psalms xxxi : 5. Are you full of peace? Pray! Prayer will pre- serve it to you. Are you tempted? Pray! Prayer will sustain you. Have you fallen ? Pray ! Prayer will raise you. Are you discouraged? Pray! Prayer will re- assure and comfort you. Selected. [55] .April JFourteentl) And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. l John y . , 5 God is Good ; and good are they Who lovingly, unceasing pray; Aught but good how can I be Since God is naught but good to me? Selected. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. II Peter iii: 14. It has been well said that no man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when to- morrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear. Never load yourselves so, my friends. If you find yourselves so loaded, at least remember this : it is your own doing, not God's. He begs you to leave the future to Him, and mind the present. George MacDonald. [56] Sixteenth God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. St. John iv : 24. Knowledge and zeal and gifts and talk, Unless combined with faith and love, And witnessed by a gospel walk, Will not a true profession prove. Selected. Seventeenth And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. St John viii . 32 . One cannot theorize his way into the kingdom of God. One cannot work out his own salvation by simply learning what he ought to do. One reaches heaven by actually taking the steps which Truth points out. Hence we should take time to consider how much of right enters into our life as well as to seek new ideas. We should grieve more when we are not using the understanding we already have than because of a lack of it. Alfred Farlow. [57] Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Romans xiv : 1 9. Thrice blest whose lives are faithful prayers, Whose loves in higher love endure : What souls possess themselves so pure, Or is there blessedness like theirs? Alfred Tennyson. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation xxii: 13. 'Thoushalt not despise any living thing. 'All is from God and God is all.' [58] April Owenttetl) And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habi- tation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting- Places. Isaiah xxxii: 18. No pidture to my aid I call, I shape no image in my prayer; 1 only know in Him is all Of life, light, beauty everywhere, Eternal goodness here and there ! John G. Whittier. T^Vpril twenty-first If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. St. John xiv : 23. Therefore love. Without distinction, without calculation, without procrastination, love. Henry Drummond. [59] God is love, and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God. ! j ohn iv: ]6> Love, the greatest thing we say, Thou art great to those who pray. Love, we praise thee, Love Divine, That thou dost our hearts incline. May our dwelling thus in thee Be through all eternity. Isabella R Keyes . * * * I am the bright and morning star. Revelation xxii : 1 6. Thou shalt not "pollute the morning" with doleful face. "In His presence is fulness of joy." Selected. [60] EASTER MORNING AXEL ENDERS He is risen ! Christ, Truth, is risen ! The stone has been rolled away, And the Light of Truth Triumphant Ushers in the first Easter Day." . r & .April twenty- fourtl) The heavens declare the glory of God ; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Psalms xix : 1 . * Whatever the weather may be," says he, * Whatever the weather may be, It's the songs ye sing, an' the smiles ye wear, That's a-makin' the sun shine everywhere." James Whitcomb Riley. Z3went?-fiftl) When thou art converted, strengthen thy breth- ren - St. Luke xxii : 32. Each man finds his highest spiritual develop- ment, not by working out his own salvation alone and for himself, but by losing the thought of self in the thought of others. This is the Christian life ; this is the faith by which men are saved. President Hadley of Yale University. [61] Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. Isaiah lix: 1. Thy hand alone, O changeless Truth, Can vanquish all earth's hate and pain, And bless the earth with Thy millennium of love. William Bradford Dickson. Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah vi: 16. God's purpose for each one of us is forever established, and He guides us by paths we know not of, into the desired heaven. When we call to Him in times of trial and persecution, and ask for guidance, should we not be ready to follow wher- ever He may lead; though it be not in accord with our human opinions? His desire is that we should all know Him "from the least, unto the greatest" ; and such a knowledge means our resur- redlion from all mortal beliefs, and the radiation, through reflection, of that "perfedt love which casteth out fear," and which is ever blessing us more abundantly than we can ask or think. William Leander Post. [62] I have been young, and now am old ; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalms Lo, I am with you alway, from lips divine we hear, Falling like distant music, when life seems cold and drear; Lo, I am with you alway, 'tis love's divine refrain, Softly its tones we echo and faith grows bright again. O words with joy replete, Shedding the light of glory around the mercy seat ; Lifting the souls that falter beneath their weight of woe, Into the sunny pastures, where peaceful waters flow - Fanny J. Crosby. He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Psalms xxxiii: 5. Love is unending and ceaseless as God's own eternal life, even so far as he imparts it to his believing creatures. It continues in eternity as an eternal essence and life in God. j} r [63] Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath : there is none Deuteronomy iv: 39. Today I ask that Love will guide My every step whate'er betide. Today I yearn to save just one, By pointing only to the Son. Today I pray that I may love ! Reflecting light, from Christ above. Today I know that God is good, He gives me raiment, shelter, food. Today I thank Love for the light That shines so clear, so pure, so bright. Juliette Mink. [64] Mta? Jlrst (Tast tfyy brea6 upon tfye waters: for tfyou sfyalt fin& it after many 6ays. TEcclcsiasUs xi: I. Over tfye field wl)en t^e 6ay is fair, ^>l)e sower scatters tfye see6 abroad, Sta^s not to mark wfyere it falls, fyis care !&ut to leave it witfy fyis (Bo6 sen&etfy tfye rain an6 tfye sun's brigfyt rays, a fyun6re6fol6 in tfye fyarvest So a Kin&l? wor6 an6 a Kin6l? 6ee6, 6one an6 spoken in time of nee6, a true, pure fyeart to a brotfyer astray, TConel? an6 fainting on life's fyigfywa?* last in tfye fyarvest of years are foun6 only kin6 wor6s an6 6ee6s aboun6. ^3. TFullerton. [65] Second And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Revelation xxi : 1 . My human eye can never measure The pearly gates beyond the sea; I only know that heaven's within me, And there to dwell thro' eternity. Clarence A. Phillips. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Psalms xci . ]0 Here is a promise Love has taught, "No evil can pollute thy thought;" Oh, join, ye nations, in the telling, For what is "thought" if not our dwelling? A. G. F. [66] And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflidted soul, then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon Isaiah Iviii: 10. I count this thing to be grandly true, That a noble deed is a step toward God, Lifting the soul from the common sod To purer air and broader view. Selected Deliver us from evil. St Matthew vi: ,3. It is not well for us to be delivered instantly from every trial. It takes many a struggle with self-will, appetite and passion before its stony crust is broken, and the sweet influences of love and purity are seen and acknowledged in their cleans- ing power. Elizabeth C. Wickersham. [67] Sixty It shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve. Isaiah xiv . 3 O Love, thy sovereign aid impart, To save me from low-thoughted care ; Chase this self-will through all my heart, Through all its latent mazes there. Make me thy duteous child, that I Ceaseless may Abba, Father, cry. Selected. Seventy If any man will do his will he shall know of the dodtrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. Stjohnvii: 17. My only desire is to know the truth; my only fear, to cling to error. George Eliot [68] The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, De- stroy them. Deuteronomy xxxiii: 27. Love divine, with arms outspreading, bars the door 'gainst sin, Opening wide when weary mortals seek to enter in, Leading them with gentle chiding on the upward way, Step by step, through error's missiles, toward the endless day. Alice A> Russe i L Rest in the Lord. Psalms xxxvii : 7. 'The everlasting arms." I think of that when- ever rest is sweet. " A T D Whitney . [69] Oentl) For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing. * * So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin. Romans vii: 18, 25. Not only around our infancy Doth heaven with all its splendors lie; Daily, with souls that cringe and plot, We Sinais climb and know it not. James Russell Lowell. My God shall supply all your need. Philippians iv: 19. MIND supplies, satisfies, sanctifies ! C. Bayley. [70] welftl) This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. St j ohn xv: , 2 . The sweetest flowers that ever grow are flowers of Love, Nurtured and cared for by a hand, held from above. These flowers are adts of kindness which, the more we wear, Will never fade, but ever grow more sweet and Jessamine Glessner Childs. I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee. II Corinthians vi : 2. And He fills the great earth, and all upon it, with this unseen force of His love, that never for- gets or exhausts itself, so that everywhere we may lie down in His bosom, and be comforted. A. T. D. Whitney. [71] The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. Psalms xxiii : 1 . O Shepherd of the universe, Forever guiding with the law of Love Thy countless flock of marching worlds, Thou art my Shepherd too, For 'tis Thy hand alone Which guards and guides and feeds and folds, Yea, heals and saves, Earth's lost and suffering sheep. William Bradford Dickson. Fear thou not ; for I am with thee : be not dis- mayed ; for I am thy God ; I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah xli: 10. Matter and hate can never usurp the lordship of spirit and love. Selected. [72] But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. I Thessalonians v : 8. Tomorrow has a gem of beauteous ray For you, for me ; but somewhere in today Lies precious gold, which we must seek and win, Dear friend ! to set tomorrow's jewel in. D. E. Jackson. Sevctttccittl) As thy days so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy xxxiii : 25. All the opportunities for right living which we use as our own shall be filled with heavenly love. Selected. [73] It was meet that we should make merry, and be 8 lad - St. Luke xv : 32. But gossip often results from want of wide in- William W. Story. terests - Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eye- lids look straight before thee. p rov erbs iv: 25. So live today that, when tomorrow comes, Thou shalt not cloud the sun with vain regret; But let thy hand and heart commit those deeds That love for man and faith in God beget. Osgood Elliott. [74] But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. j ames iH . , 7 God's spirit falls on me as dewdrops on a rose If I but like a rose my heart to Him unclose. In all eternity no tone can be so sweet As where man's heart with God in unison doth beat Harriet H. Smith. - first Consider the lilies how they grow-. St. Matthew vi: 28. How tenderly nature nurses her children ! The dewdrop that falls upon the thirsty flower is pure from the heavens above. Harriet R SmitL [75] I will not leave you comfortless : I will come to Stjohnxiv: 18. When no kind earthly friend is near With gentle words my heart to cheer, Still am I with my Saviour dear, "Alone, yet not alone." Selected. / am with you alway. St Matthew J[X ^. 20 . They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts. Sir Philip Sidney . [76] twenty- Mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. Psalms xli: 9. Thou shalt not criticise thy neighbor. He is God's child and entitled to thy love. Selected. That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him : for he is thy life and the length of thy days. Deuteronomy xxx: 20. Be patient, diligent and humble, studying each day, nay hour, to attain to loftier ideals, ready when called, and fitted to serve. Then with grate- ful heart shalt thou remember the stripes that seemed severe: but all were needed, to clear away all that obscured, defaced, or blurred, that the Christ in thee might be revealed. Juliette Mink. [77] + Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. Ecclesiastesix: 10. Never allow thyself to think or believe that environment or circumstances can prevent the accomplishment of the Father's plan for thee. Juliette Mink. Let your communication be, Yea, yea ; Nay, nay : for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil - St. Matthew v: 37. O words, how empty you may be, If you've no Light to bring to me ; May nothing from this pen e'er fall, Save Truth in answer to some call. A. G. F. [78] shall know me, from the least to the greatest. Hebrews viii: 11. It matters not how wide the space, What miles or minutes doth them part; Nor time nor leagues of land or sea Can keep God's message from each heart. A. G. F. By love serve one another. Galatians v: 13. Love has not only a beauty of its own, but a power of beautifying other objedts, of refreshing unrefreshed things. George Ma theson. [79] Work out your own salvation. Philippians ii : 12. A trusting heart, a yearning eye, can win their way above; If mountains can be moved by faith, is there less power in love ? Frederick William Faber. For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our law giver, the Lord is our king ; he will save us. Isaiah xxxiii: 22. Just as God leads me, I would go ; I would not ask to choose my way. Lampertus. [80] Tor of hiro> an& through h im * ai *& to hint* are all Romans xi : 36. 3Zty <5o6 is omnipresent, best, TCife an6 TCove an6 ^ruth an& rest. 5lty 3feaven is the present hour ; Tor now "3 use TCove's mighty power, ask, affirm, then wait, an& we n know the ^ruth and we are free. can disturb, <5o6 is my peace every breath new joys increase. "3 am not sick <5o6 is my health: Tf am not poor <&o6 is my wealth : "3 am not grieved <&o6 is my joy ; T2Vbun6ant, full, without alloy. Since Moulton. [86] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Al- mighty. Psalms xci: I. In the stronghold of God's power, Where no foe can come, Safe within that mighty fortress I would make my home. Round about the towering bulwarks Error's forces roar; But the walls of Truth surround me : Love doth guard the door. Alice A. Russell. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. St. Matthew vi : 34. Jesus said, " Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." A great many worry needlessly because of their limited foresight. Alfred Farlow. [87] His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord ! St. Matthew xxv : 23. Let no evil way be cherished, Lord, But let truth, flowing in from Thee, Re-form and fashion my daily life Into love and humility. Then lead in the everlasting way Where the blessed Jesus trod ; May I find Thy services my own true life, And have but One Mind One God. Annie L. Fisher. Take therefore no thought for the morrow. St. Matthew vi : 34. Speed the day, O God, when Thy ways shall be our ways, and Thy righteousness our righteous- ness - Elizabeth C. Wickersham. [88] 3une Sixteenth God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Timothy i: 7. We cast behind fear, sin, and death ; With Thee we seek the things above ; Our inmost soul Thy spirit breathe, Of power, of calmness, and of love. William Bradford Dickson. 3une As for God his way is perfedt II Samuel xxii : 3 1 Courtesy is said to be love in little things, and the one secret of politeness is to love. Love can- not behave itself unseemly. Hemy Drummon a. [89] Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. I Corinthians xir 27. The Holy Supper is kept, indeed, In whatso we share with another's need ; Not what we give, but what we share For the gift without the giver is bare. James Russell Lowell. 3vute Mineteentl) Give us this day our daily bread. St. Matthew vi : 11. The material bread that we eat from day to day is not the real bread; for the real bread of life is the body of Christ, and we eat of this bread as we do the will of God. j R Mosley. [90] The Lord recompense thy work. . Out of work, heart-sick and discouraged, This message was sent unto me: "Mind is the only employer Let self go and you shall see That work is divine expression (Though you may not quite grasp the sense Of these phrases so quaintly fashioned), And Love is the sole recompense." A. G. F. 3 vine ^?went- first Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? St. Luke ii: 49. Proving our faith in Divine Mind, the one perfedl Principle, unlimited and eternal ; absolute consecration of thought, word and deed : the con- stant sacrifice of sense and self, and the realization of our oneness with God with no power apart from Him, is to know, and this is "my Father's business. ' Mary H . James. [91] Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Psalms Ixviii : 19. No longer forward nor behind I look in hope or fear ; But grateful, take the good 1 find, The best of now and here. John G. Whittier. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us : and we ought to lay down our lives for our brethren. j j k n - . ] 5 The only sure way to pradlise what you preach is to preach only what you practise. Talking and not living the Truth has been the mistake of ages, and the opposite practise will bring in the millen- nium. No tumult or error can drown the echo of a good deed, while drowsiness often hampers the value of a learned sermon. William Le ander Post. [92] - fourtl) * * * For the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be forever, and my right- eousness shall not be abolished. Isaiah li : 6. All which is real now remaineth, And fadeth never; The hand which upholds it now sustaineth The soul forever. j ohn a whittier. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed ; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. Isaiah liv: 10. Where shall we find the enduring reality for which the highest human aspiration has ever striven the reality that is not of yesterday, nor of today, but that is eternal ? Where, indeed, but in the saving grace of infinite Love? Apprehen- sion of this message is the New Birth. It reveals the "secret place of the Most High," wherein if man abide he may say of the Lord, " He is my refuge and my fortress." And thus is discovered the reality which bringeth salvation. Thomas F. Dawson. [93] 6y Dog ism I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. HI j k n 4 If true to God, and God is Love, Then true to Love deduce we then ; "Be true" means, true to God above, To self, and to our fellowmen. Selected. Who is so great a God as our God ? Psalms Ixxvii : 1 3. As our God is great, so does He give greatly, bounteously. His returns to those who trust, never doubting, are neither meager nor temporary; God's gifts are as lavish and perpetual as the im- partial sunshine. His plenty knows no limitation nor stoppage other than our lack of trust. As He gives greatly, so should we expedt greatly, receive greatly, live greatly ! Edith Brownell. [94] TJunc Keep yourselves in the love of God. Jude21 What Love Divine does not permit Does not exist at all; For Love is God and God is Mind, And Mind is All in All. Selected. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold Psalms cxxxix: 9,10. me - God is Life and God is everywhere, but only as one learns man's true relation to the Father can he grasp the significance of the Psalmist's words and realize that no matter how far one travels he cannot get beyond the reach of God's guiding hand nor go where Life is not. Life is without beginning and without end. Emma s> Mi ii er . [95] In the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month : and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. R ev elation xxii: 2. There are many figurative expressions in the Scriptures which include the word "medicine," but they point to an implicit dependence upon God as a means of health and harmony. It is not unlikely that the good Samaritan poured in oil and wine, as stated in the story related by Jesus. Perhaps these were considered proper remedies at that age, but Jesus, who referred to this al)y altar, my TCord divine, .Accept my gift tfyis day for 3esus' sake. K fyave no Jewels to adorn ~&\ft sfyrine, an^ world-fame sacrifice to make, ^ere 3 bring within mj trembling )is will of mine a tying tfyat seemet^ small only ^^ou, 6ear TCor6, canst understand Hfow, w^enK ?tel& I3^ee t^is, If yi&lb m? alU Tit ^as been wet witl) tears and dimmed will) sigfys, (Tlenc^ed in m? grasp till beauty it fyad none: Mow from ^>l)? footstool, wl)ere it vanquished lies, prayer ascendetl) : 5llay ^l)y will be done, 'Dake it, O TFatfyer, ere my courage fail, ^ZVnd merge it so in 'Dljine own will t^at e'en Iff in some desperate fyour my cry prevail 'Gljou give back my gift, it may fyave been So changed, so purified, so fair fyave grown, So one wit^ ^Ijee, so filled wit^ peace divine, 3 may not know or feel it as my own, gaining back my will, may find it "D^ine, Selected. [97] Second He that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. St. Matthew xiii: 23. Oh, do not bar your mind Against the light of Good ; But open wide, let in the Word, And Truth will be your food. Selected. - Which indeed is the least of all seeds : but when it is grown, it is the greatest. St Matthew xiii: 32. He does not need to transplant us into different fields, but right where we are, with just the cir- cumstances that surround us. He makes His sun to shine and His dew to fall upon us, and trans- forms the very things that were before our greatest hindrances, into the chief est and most blessed means of our growth. H W S [98] ourtl) Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. Ephesians iv: 31. Yet that silver shuttle's prone to slip, Guard well thy thought, thy tongue, thy lip ! A. G. F. I will establish his kingdom forever, if he be constant. j Chronicles xxviii: 7. Beware lest we become inconstant ! such a one is never happy; his time is spent in sighing. Let us ac5l as becomes God's children today and the tomorrow will be a glorious eternity of happiness, usefulness and infinite capacity. g g [99] Sixty : Behold, now is the accepted time; be- hold, now is the day of salvation. II Corinthians vi : 2. You ask me for the golden time, I bid you seize the hour, And fill it full of earnest work While yet you have the power. Today the golden time of joy Beneath the household eaves, Today the royal time for work, For bringing in the sheaves. Margaret E. Sangster. Well done I St Matthew xxv : 2 1 . Christ's call to special service comes to us when we are engaged in the faithful discharge of our ordinary work. This is a lesson written large across the page of Scripture. The man who thinks his present work beneath him, will never rise above it. In this may be found the reason why some of us have never been called to any notable service for the Master. We have not been faithful in the few things, and therefore the Lord cannot make us ruler over many things. George H. C. Macgregor. [100] O ye simple, understand wisdom : and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Proverbs viii: 5. 'Tis mine to know the Father is beside me; To feel his loving touch and hear His voice; 'Tis mine to heed the Wisdom that would guide me, And ever in His presence to rejoice. Thus, only, can I live the life of Heaven; Thus find my place within the plan divine, By living love, as love to me is given, And letting Heaven's radiance through me Annie L. Fisher. 3ul? Thy gentleness hath made me great. II Samuel xxii: 36. Nothing is so strong as gentleness, Nothing so gentle as strength. Francis de Sales. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Lamentations iii: 40. O empty us of self, the world and sin, And then in all Thy fulness enter in. C E. J. Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. g t These are the words of Christ, by which we are taught to imitate His life and manners, if we would be truly enlightened, and be delivered from all blindness of heart. The dodtrine of Christ ex- ceedeth all the dodlrines of holy men; and he that hath the Spirit, will find therein hidden manna. But it falleth out that many, albeit they often hear the Gospel of Christ, are yet but little affedted, because they have not the Spirit of Christ. Who- soever then would fully and feelingly understand the words of Christ, must endeavor to conform his life wholly to the life of Christ. Thomas a Kempis. [102] Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. Psalms xci : 3. As the bird flies home to its nest, When the hunter seeks his prey, O child of God, to thy Father haste, From the tempter's snare away ! Under his wings thy defense shall be, He with his feathers will cover thee. Fanny J. Crosby. Ye are my friends. St John xv: |4 There is no preservative, no antiseptic, nothing that keeps one's heart young, like love, like sym- pathy, like giving one's self with enthusiasm to some worthy thing or cause. John Burroughs. [103] Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. St. Matthew xxii : 37. O Love, how cheering is Thy ray ! All pain before Thy presence flies ; Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away, Where'er Thy healing beams arise. O Father, nothing may I see, Nothing desire, or seek, but thee. P. Gerhardt. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms xvi : 11. I believe God is just as near us as we want Him to be, and we are just as good as we really want to be. All the joy, all the peace, all the courage, strength and love there is in the universe is for us here and now to have and enjoy; and the doing it indeed constitutes the joyous life. Edward Everet Norwood. [104] Sixteenth And Ephraim said, Yet I am become rich, I have found me out substance. Hoseaxii: 8. Peace, troubled soul, thou needst not fear; Thy great provider still is near; Who fed thee last will feed thee still. Be calm, and sink into His will. Selected. 3ul? Seventeen!:!) But I have called you friends : for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. St. John xv: 15. Friendship is a spiritual thing. It is independent of Matter, or Space, or Time. * The beauty of Friendship is its infinity. ! : Friendship is the nearest thing we know to what religion is. God is Love. And to make religion akin to Friendship is simply to give it the highest expression conceiv- able by man. Henry Drummond. [105] If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. I John i : 6. Though in the quiet walks of life My work may ever be, Help me, O Father, still to live ^ The way that pleaseth Thee. To give, how humble tho' it be, In love my very best, Willing the Master's way to tread, Leaving to him the rest. Alice A. Russell. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. St. John x: 10. The keynote of all Jesus' preaching was, "I came that ye might have life, and have it more abundantly." It was not a future life to which he invited us, but a present one. This present is to be taken and used. Its use shall fit us for what- ever may be the details of the coming years. So then it is for us to live that each day shall be one of the eternal days. Seledled. [1061 * * * Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure; whatsoever things are lovely, * * think on these things. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Philippiansiv: 8,7. Whene'er a noble deed is wrought, Whene'er is spoke a noble thought, Our souls in glad surprise, To higher levels rise. Henry W. Longfellow. - first There hath not failed one word of all his good promises. IKingsviii: 56. Let one but try the simple process of making any one of the Master's promises his own, or in Christ's name resolve upon some exalted attain- ment, great or small, and behold the miracle of Divine Love the appearing of an angelic pres- ence there, with peace and healing in its wings. Arthur L. Hitchcock. [107] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Stjohnviii: 36. God made all His creatures free; Life itself is liberty; God ordained no other bands Than united hearts and hands. So shall all our slavery cease, All God's children dwell in peace, And the new-born earth record Love, and Love alone is Lord. J. Montgomery. And who then is willing to consecrate his ser- vice this day unto the Lord ? , chronicles xxix : 5. Go ; do your duty, and in the end it must come out into the light, strong in the strength which it won in its life and struggle in the dark. Phillips Brooks. [108] THE YOUTHFUL CHRIST EMBRACING ST. JOHN GUIDO RENI " Thou art my friend ; to my precepts be true ; For I Am The Truth which is now taught by you." L< Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God - St. Matthew v: 8. If we will strive to be pure and true, To each of us there will come an hour When the tree of life will burst into flower And rain at our feet a glorious shower Of something grander than ever we knew. Selected. Go ye, and learn what that meaneth. St. Matthew ix: 13. The progressive order of arrangement of the Beatitudes, as presented by him who spake as never man spake, is worthy of study. Universal evil lies in the pathway. Hence comes the experi- ence known as "persecution for righteousness' sake," coupled with the call for rejoicing. With each step there is the unqualified promise of re- warcl - Mary B. Campbell. [109] Great peace have they \vhich love thy law : and nothing shall offend them. Psalms cxix: 165. If peace be in the heart, The wildest winter storm is full of solemn beauty, The midnight lightning-flash best shows the path of duty. Each living creature tells some new and joyous story ; The very trees and stones all catch a ray of glory. C. F. Richardson. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. St. Matthew vi: 33. Then, from this mountain-top of spiritual exal- tation, go back into the valley, and with a clarified vision knowing that the world of Spirit is now and here meekly, cheerfully, earnestly, faithfully, seek this kingdom of God, knowing, from your revelation in the mount, that all these other things shall be added unto you. William S. Campbell. [HO] I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety. Psalms iv: 8. Enfolded in Thy Love divine, In peace 1 lay me down and sleep, And know no ill can e'er draw near, Nor any anxious thought of fear, For Thou, O Lord, Thy watch doth keep. Thus safely held in arms divine God's perfedt peace shall e'er be mine. Alice A. Russell. Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof. St Matthew xii: 36 . Every right adtion and every true thought sets the seal of its beauty on person and face. Ruskin. [ill] 3uly Ye are of God, little children, and have over- come them : because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. j j j in iv . 4 Where Christ our Lord abideth We know no thought of care. With heavenly might environed There is no sense of fear. In His sweet presence serving, And toiling by His light, We keep the path of promise The triumph of the right. John Franklin Crowell. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. I Peter v: 6. Humility is like a tree, whose root, when it sets deepest in the earth, rises higher, and spreads fairer, and stands surer and lasts longer, and every step of its descent is like a rib of iron. B. P. Taylor. [112] August JFlrst 3 sljall not want. "psalm* xxtll : I. , leave^it wify Hfirn, tlje lilies all 60 ; ,-And tfyey grow. Stow in tl)e rain, an6 ttye? ^row in t^e $?cs, t()e? grow. grow in tfye darkness all ^i6 in ttye nig^t, gtow in fye sunshine revealed by tfye lig^t: Still tl)eY grow. ask not jour planting, tl)e? need not jour care, ^ZVs tl)e? grow. dropped down in tfye valley* t^e field anywhere, ^^ere t^ey grow. grow in t^eir beauty arrayed in pure w grow clothed in glory by fyeaven's own Sweetly grow. grasses are clothed and tfye ravens are fed TFVom Iffis store. you w^o are loved, and guarded and led, Kfow mucl) more TKe clothe you and feed you and give you IKis care. leave it witb 3fim ; TKe fyas everywhere store. [113] .August Secon6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. St. Johnxiv: 6. One Way there is we all must go, One Life and Truth we all must know; One Perfect Model pure and sweet, One Shining Light to guide our feet. One Christ who came this Truth to show, One Father with us here below. At one with Him, one's life must be Filled with His Love, His Purity. Alice A. Russell. August Z3l)ir6 Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. St. Mark viii : 34. There is but one way that leads to the true life, and that is by following the example of the Mas- ter, and trying each day to live more as He lived. He was ever as one with the Father. So we, by realizing our oneness with the Infinite, come into closer relation to God who is also our Father. Following so far as we can in the way Christ taught, we shall grow more like Him, and daily manifest more of the perfect man which he ex- pressed. Alice A . R usse lL .August But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. II Peter iii: 8. Of all that was and is to come, The present holds the Mind and Cause ; And God lives in eternal laws, And here, today, upholds His throne. C. H. B. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. St. Johnxiv: 20. Struggle diligently against your impatience, and strive to be amiable and gentle, in season and out of season, toward every one, however much they vex and annoy you, and be sure God will bless your efforts. Selected. [115] Sixty But this 1 say, he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bounti- fully shall reap also bountifully. II Corinthians ix: 6. Sow, sow, sow, Ever keep on sowing; God will cause the seed to grow Faster than your knowing. Selected. He hath made everything beautiful in his time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes iii : 11. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful. Welcome it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower, and thank Him for it who is the fountain of all loveliness, and drink it simply and earnestly with all your eyes: it is a charmed draught, a cup of blessing. Charles Kingsley. [116] Syllogisms .August Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. II Corinthians xiii : 11. In God's eternal Mind I live, And in His Life 1 move; In brightest light divine I rest, The light of Infinite Love ; Where God is all and governs all, All power and presence He, All science, wisdom, health and strength, No other Truth can be. Alice A. Russell. Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law,* * * that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thougoest. Joshua i: 7. If we have caught the Christ-spirit, and under- stand his message, we know that consecration means that our every thought and our every adt, whether beneath the glare of publicity or within the secret chambers of seclusion, be in harmony with truth. j. H. H. [117] August And his truth endureth to all generations. Psalms c : 5. Get but the Truth once uttered, and 'tis like A star newborn that drops into its place, And which, once circling in its placid round, Not all the tumult of the earth can shake. James Russell Lowell. Who will render to every man according to his deeds - Romans ii: 6. This is the time to exercise the faith counted to Abraham for righteousness. Because 1 love thee, 1 would lead thee on, and still on, to deeper, larger living. I would have thy real strength re- vealed to thee the infinity of which thou canst never know, save opportunity to test in the exer- cise of it be given thee. Selected. [118] August Z3welftl) On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. St Matthew xxii: 40. Love reigneth ! let the earth rejoice ! Let sin and sorrow cease. Truth has revealed God's love for man, And on the earth is peace, For Love enthroned within the thought Must rule the daily life. Hearts filled with love for God and man Can find no room for strife. Annie L. Fisher. ^ Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this : To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. Jamesi: 27 . The final test of religion * * * is not religious- ness, but love; not what I have done, not what I have believed, not what I have achieved, but how I have discharged the common charities of life. Henry Drummond. [119] Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one, in the spirit of meekness: considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Galatians vi : 1 . If I may offer unto Thee, O Love Divine, A life illumed with loving thought, A common daily life so full of God-like deeds That all the vibrant chords Within my brother's heart Shall tremble with the tender touch of Soul, Then shall I fill that destiny divine Which Wisdom framed for all her little ones Before the world was formed, When man was sandlified by Thy dear love. William Bradford Dickson. August He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Isaiah xl: 29. Do the duty which lies nearest thee, which thou knottiest to be a duty. Thy second duty will already become clearer. Thomas Carlyle. [120] Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatiansvi: 2. O brother man ! fold to thy heart thy brother ; Where pity dwells, the peace of God is there ; To worship rightly is to love each other, Each smile a hymn, each kindly word a prayer. John G. Whittier. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. St Matthew v: 16. God has not given us vast learning to solve all the problems, or unfailing wisdom to diredl all the wanderings of our brothers' lives; but He has given to every one of us the power to be spiritual, and by our spirituality to lift and enlarge and en- lighten the lives we touch. Phillips Brooks [121] Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James iv : 17. Lose this day loitering, 'twill be the same old story Tomorrow, and the next more dilatory; Each indecision brings its own delays, And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest ? Seize this very minute. Wliat you can do, or think you can, begin it Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Only engage, and then the mind grows heated ; Begin it, and the work will be completed. Selected. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. p rov erbs iii : 1 3. The happiness of men depends on no creed and no book; it depends on the dominion of truth, which is the Redeemer and Saviour, the Messiah and the King of Glory. Rabbi wise. [122] .August In all their affliction he was afflidted, and the angel of his presence saved them : in his love and in his pity he redeemed them ; and he bare them and carried them all the days of old. Isaiah Ixiii: 9. So trusting in His tender care, As Shepherd of our fold, We know He bears and carries us As in the days of old. In all our griefs His pity saves, His love our sorrow heals, The angel of His presence still The Father's care reveals. Alice A. Russell. August Z3went?- first Every good gift and every perfedt gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. j ames j. 17. God in His love for His children will never fail us if we trust in Him. However dark the day may seem, the "Angel of His presence" will save us and show us the way into the light of His peace. Alice A. Russell. [123] Lord, teach us to pray. St Luke xi . , The man is praying who doth press with might Out of his darkness into God's own light. Selected. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for thou art with me. Psalms xxiii: 4. God is Life, then if Life is with me what is " the valley of the shadow of death," which has so darkened our lives? Why, it is nothing but the belief, the supposition and the fear that Life is not with me, but the Truth can dispel that shadow and fill the valley with the radiance of Spirit that Light which is the Life of men. Truth is omnipotent and has set us free. Emma S. Miller. [124] They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, " Be of good courage." Isaiah xli : 6. My duty is to live that each tomorrow Shall find me farther on my heavenly road ; To cheer and bless some fellow man in sorrow ; To help some weary brother bear his load. To do each day that duty which lies nearest, Whether the work to do be great or small, Making that deed which blesses some one, dearest, Because God sees, and knows, and loves us all. Annie L. Fisher. twenty- fiftt) The work of righteousness shall be peace ; and the effedt of righteousness quietness and assurance. Isaiah xxxii: 17. The blessed shall hear no vain words, but only the word of peace. Koran [125] ^August If thou desire wisdom, keep the command ments, and the Lord shall give her unto thee. Apocrypha. There is no wisdom other Than His to govern man. There is no wealth or treasure His love doth not contain. And by the sure dominion Of love that worketh good, He giveth rest and plenty To the tired multitude. Selected. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth : the poor also, and him that hath no helper. Psalms Ixxii : 1 2. Give alms with a cheerful heart and counte- nance, "not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver ; " and therefore give quickly when the power is in thy hand, and the need is thy neighbor, and thy neighbor at the door. He gives twice that relieves speedily. j ere my Taylor. [126] .August Great peace have they that love thy law ; and nothing shall offend them. Psalms cxix: 165. Peace is the fruit of conquered sin, The Spirit's flame that burns within ; The reign of Love within the mind, The joy that comes of sense resigned. Selected. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall St. Luke vi: 21. Happiness is a sunbeam which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray; nay, when it strikes on a kindred heart, like the converged light on a mirror, it re- flects itself with redoubled brightness. Happiness is not perfected till it is shared. j ane p or t e r. [127] August Z3l)irttetl) I have loved you : continue ye in my love. St. John xv : 9. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians ii : 5. Since all that's best And sweet and pure that in you rest Is Mind above. For when God thought of something true, His angels came straightway to you- The "you" I love. A Q p Z3J)irt?-first Thou shalt have good success. Joshua i: 8. Success is not what your brother nor your neigh- bor thinks it should be. Success is like the king- dom of heaven ; no human being can earn it for you. Success is gained by constant, persistent, conscientious, contented, cheerful endeavor, and by everlastingly grinding away at the thing which lies nearest. A. G. F. [128] September Jfyrst TDarkness sfyall cover tfye eartl), and gross dark- ness tye people. -j sala ^ lx: 2 . Mlortals l)ave drifted so far away from a depend- ence upon spiritual power tfyat tfyey fyave almost ceased to even try in tfyis line and fyave almost en- tirely resigned themselves to tfye custom of working without any expectation of divine aid. Z3l)e superior advantage of correct teaching is ttjat its ideal is perfect, "ft can be readily seen tfyat a sculp- tor wl)0 chisels away without paving a definite and perfect mental concept of tfyat wl)icl) fye expects to produce from ^is block of marble, would never be able to make anything but random carving. So builders of character, tfyose wfyo are striving to con- form to tfye divine requirements, must fyave in mind a definite understanding of <5od and teaching of 3esus. "'Gfyis is life eternal, that tfyey mig^t know t, t^e only true <&od and Uesus (Tfyrist, wl)om n bast sent/' :2Ufr*6 TFarlow. [129] September Second Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak : and he will shew you things to come. Stjohnxvi: 13. Truth needs no champion, In everlasting soul its strength abides ; From nature's heart its mighty pulses leap, In nature's veins its strength undying tides. Eff ulgent, glorious Truth ! ^ So full of life and light to us below ; Enter our minds and cast all error out, Lifting us up from fear, God's love to know. Selected. September ^?fyir6 Make me to understand the way of thy pre- cepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works. Psalms cxix: 27. The Spirit only can teach. Ralph Waldo Emerson. [130] September Jfiourtl) : Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Revelation xv: 3. Thy will, Almighty Father, Thine And Thine alone be ever done; For Thou art Life and Truth and Love, The great, eternal holy One. Refledlors, we of all Thou art, Of all the sunshine of Thy love ; No life from Thee we know apart, But peace, on earth, of heaven above. Selected. September TFiftl) Buy the truth and sell it not : also wisdom and instruction and understanding. Prover b s xxiii: 2 3. Of all the duties, the love of Truth, with faith and constancy in it, ranks first and highest. Truth is God. To love God and to love Truth are one and the same. Silvio Pellica [131] September Sixtl) By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life. Proverbs xxii: 4. Leave what to do and what to spare To the inspiring moment's care, Nor ask for payment Of fame or gold, but just to wear Unspotted raiment. James Russell Lowell. September Seventy To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the para- dise of God. Revelation ii: 7. Humility is perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted, vexed, irritable or sore, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and shut the door. Selected. [132] I are riches, x LORD, HAVE MERCY UPON US to spare ANTON DIETRICH ! will, be thou clean. St. Matthew viii : 3. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. By permission of the Berlin Photographic Co., N. Y. jam September Seventy urn that overcome of :* of life, which of God. hav oufale :ed, irritable or sore to me, to feel n< is to be at rest when no hen I am blamed or despise* a blessed home in myself where I ca shut tl r. ed. n 32 1 September HEio^tl) Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation ; on Thee do I wait all the day. Psalms xxv: 5. Lead me gently, Love Divine, Through this maze of mortal strife; Let thy brightness round me shine, Breathe in me Thy perfedt Life. M. C S. W. September ^lintl) And though 1 bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. I Corinthians xiii : 3. The basis of service perhaps it would be better to say, the incentive to service must be love, else service degenerates into servility. Such was the Master's incentive to serving his fellow men, and such must be ours. With love to spur us on the task of helping others becomes not a burden, but a pleasure; the most menial task be- comes easy, perhaps a positive delight. It is not drudgery to serve one we love. Seledled. [133] September Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands. Psalms viii . 6 Love claims dominion is man's right, His heritage, eternal might, Subduing all unlike His plan, Restoring perfect, God-like man. Eugenie Paul Jefferson. September TEleventty Thou hast put all things under his feet. Psalms viii: 6. It all lies with ourselves whether we recognize the real or the unreal claims, whether we allow sense or Soul to govern, and if we are wise we will admit but one claim, that of God, the only Creator who claims man, perfedt, normal, natural and good His own likeness. Eugenie Paul Jefferson. [134] September And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun ; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever. Revelation xxii : 5. Can there be hate, can there be night, Where Love's the way, and God the light? Can there be aught but joy and peace, Where gladness reigns and sorrows cease? Can there be loss, or great or small, Where God is All and in His All ? A G p September ^tyirteentl) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of Strong holds. Corinthians x : 4. Let us ever remember that our interest is in concord, not conflict, and that our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war. Our earnest prayer is that God will graciously vouchsafe prosperity, happiness, and peace to all our neighbors, and like blessings to all the peoples and powers of earth. William M cKinley. [135] September JFourteentt) If God be for us, who can be against us ? Romans viii : 3 1 . My shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I lack. Anna L. Waring. September T^ifteent^ And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from thy hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve. Isaiah xiv : 3. So it is in our daily life. As we cease looking through a glass darkly, and see men as trees walk- ing, we learn we are not changing things so much as our wrong concept of things ; and the fear over- come, the limitations and forecasting eliminated, the glories of God and His manifold blessings will appear to our gaze, and we then know they were always there, hiding from our hitherto blinded e y es * Edward Everet Norwood. [136] September Sixteenth Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwell- eth righteousness. n Peter iii: ]3 " Seek ye first the kingdom of God," And know that it is within ; And man as God's likeness ever reflects The good that is only from Him. Thus we receive the new heaven and earth, And live in its beautiful Light, He tells us this in His promise divine, Oh, surely He'll guide us aright. Clarence A. Phillips. September Seventeenth Seek ye the kingdom of God. g t L u k e xii , 3] We should not forget that "the kingdom of heaven is within " ; that it is the state and affec- tions of the soul, the answer of a good conscience, the sense of harmony with God, a condition of time as well as of eternity. John G Whittier . [137] September HEigfyt Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you. St Matthew xxv: 34. Always ready to forgive, Watching, praying; love, and live. Isabella B. Keyes. September ^tineteentl) Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee. Job xxii : 2 1 . It is plain that if we are obedient servants of the carnal mind, we shall reap the fruits thereof; but if obedient servants to the true God, we shall reap the fruits of peace. In almost every command given to us through the inspired word of the Bible comes the promise of peace. By keeping our faces to the light and knowing, as Paul knew, that " to be spiritually minded is life and peace," we reach the goal. Mary B Campbell. [138] September Owentietl) Be ye therefore perfetf. St Matthew v: 48 . Thus I strive on till, for reward one hears Your voice, like ring of silver bell, Call out to me across the years, 'Well done, well done." A Q p September ^?went?~ first If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. Psalms cxxxix: 8. God is Love, therefore the three little words of the text, " Thou art there," contain joy and freedom for millions of trembling hearts, for they explain away in a wonderful way that horrid place of tor- ment and destrudion by telling us, Infinite Love fills even that place. There is no room for another presence or power. Emma s> Millen [139] September I was an hungered and ye gave me meat : I was thirsty and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in. St Matthew xxv: 35. Not what we give, but what we share For the gift without the giver is bare ; Who gives himself with his alms feeds three, Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me. James Russell Lowell. September T3went?-tl)ir6 In all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee. Exodus xx : 24. Do not think it wasted time to submit yourself to any influence which may bring upon you any noble feeling. Ruskin. [140] September Teach me to do thy will ; for thou art my God : thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of up- rightness. Psalms cxliii: 10. Flow onward, ever onward flow, O stream of universal Good ! Delicious all Thy motions grow As more and more we see and know Of thy profound beatitude. A. Southwick. September Z3wentY- fifty This is the day which the Lord hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. p sa lms cxviii: 24. I have no sympathy with those who are always bewailing " the good old times." My dear sir, the good new times, thank God, are a great deal better; and they are going to be a great deal better still. Mark Guy Pearse. [141] September Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. St Mark xiii . 3 , Blest, kind words of Jesus : 'Take ye away the stone." Can those who follow his teachings Believe they are ever alone? May we daily and hourly be striving The stone from our thought to remove, That God's glory may ever be filling Our hearts with His Infinite Love. Isabella B. Keyes. September ^>went?-seventl) Delight thyself also in the Lord : and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms xxxvii : 4. Would you obtain enduring riches and sub- stance? Then leave your mortal sense of self. Then, with your clearer perception, observe that even now, above, around, beneath, is unlimited substance the substance of things not seen by mortal vision the substance that endures. Seledted. [142] September I will be his Father, and he shall be my son : and 1 will not take my mercy away from him. I Chronicles xvii: 13. The sunlight of His gracious words, So kind and true and tender, Dispelling all the mists of earth, Revealing man's celestial birth, Still in our mem'ries linger. Edward Everet Norwood. September ^?went?-nitttl) The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary. Isaiah 1- 4. O for a voice of power to arouse the human spirit from its death in animality, to quicken it with a fit consciousness of its own nature, to lift it to an adequate comprehension of the purposes for which the sublime thoughts of God, of duty, of disinterested love of heaven are opened within ! William E. Channing. [143] September Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalms cxix: 105. Not alone through the desert waste, With staff in hand, we go in haste ; The presence of men may not be found, The presence of God is all around. I cannot see Him, but day by day He goeth before me on the Way, To seek for me, wherever I'm sent, A place whereon I may pitch my tent. Anna Warner. [144] f\* Q ^N ^nS October JFlrst Jfottyer on ttye unjust. : sendetty rain on ttye just and St ittatew v: 45. jpeacefull?, gentl?, quietly, it comes in ttye n to refresl) t^e 6rooping blossom. Tft waits not until "tfye flower fa6et^ " an6 tfyc "nigl)t is far spent/' but comes in tfye evening fyour. "3t comes, merci- full^ after tfye ^eat of t^e 6a? to revive an6 strengthen tfye ten6er plant, t^at it ma? ?iel& abun- 6antly its fruit of bu6 an6 blossom. Without par- tiality t^e gift of love, it falls on tlje common thistle as ten6erl? as on tfye perfect rose. So tfye pure loving tl)oug^t, tfye gentle rebuke, t^e patient, quiet effort an6 encouragement, ma? revive fyope, strengthen courage, an6 lift up " t^e feeble Knees." ^feven power itself ^atl) not one- Ijalf t^e mig^t of gentleness." Wfyile t^e sljarp re- buke, tfye thoughtless con6emnation causes tfye wear? ^eart to turn awa? in sorrow an6 bitterness, as tfye driving storm would crus^ t^e fragile flower. 4 ^ea, Tf ^ave Iove6 t^ee witty an everlasting love; therefore, witty loving kindness tyave H drawn ttyee." Tfarrlct 3f. [145] October Secon6 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation. Exodus xv: 2. "Tis what I know of Thee, my Lord and God, That fills my soul with peace, and my life with song; Thou art my health, my joy, my staff and rod; Leaning on Thee, in weakness I am strong. Horatius Bonar. October Z3l)ir6 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged ; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again. St Matthew vii: 1 , 2. How much trouble he avoids who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only to what he does himself, that it may be just and pure ! Marcus Aurelius. [146] October JFourtl) My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will 1 diredt my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalms v: 3. jin the day with God! He is thy sun and day, He is the radiance of thy dawn, To Him address thy lay. Thy first transaction be With God Himself above ; So shall thy business prosper well, And all thy day be love. Horatius Bonar. October TFiffy He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms xci: 1. We must mal^e time to be alone with God. The closet and the shut door are indispensable. We must escape the din of the world to become accustomed to the accents of the still small voice. Like David, we must sit before the Lord. F. B. Meyer. [147] October Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. St. Matthew vi: 33. Work thou for pleasure, Paint or sing or carve The thing thou lovest- Though thou seem to starve. Who works for Glory misses oft the goal, Who works for money coins his very soul. Work for the truth's sake, then, and it may be That all these things shall be added unto thee. Selected. October Seventy Be not slothful. Hebrews vi : 1 2. No true work since the world began was ever wasted; no true life since the world began has ever failed. Samuel Smith Harris. [148] October TEigM Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life : and they are they which testify of me - St. John v: 39. We search the world for Truth ; we cull The good, the pure, the beautiful, From graven stone and written scroll, From all the old flower-fields of the soul : And, weary seekers of the best, We come back laden from our quest, To find that all the sages said Is in the Book our mother read. John G. Whittier. October ^lintl) Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. St John viii . 32 . As the heaven of Light and Love continues to shine, it dissolves all seeming obstructions, and man will be seen in the full reflection of the one Creating Mind Life, Truth, and Love. Elizabeth Earl Jones. [149] October Oentfy What are these which are arrayed in white robes, and whence came they? Revelation vii : 13. Who are these in bright array, Whose robes are pure and white? They're God's own children, full of joy, Walking in His Light. Clarence A. Phillips. October HEleventl) Blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart. Psalms cxix: 2. These are they who by pressing onward to the mark of their high calling have reached the prom- ised land which is overflowing with milk and honey. These are they who, like Paul, have fought a good fight, have finished their course, have kept the faith, and in so doing, have won the crown of righteousness in heaven. Clarence A. Phillips. [150] October Owelffy Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before his presence with singing. Psalms c : 2. The sweetest of joys can never be known Till man has felt divine Love Thrill through his heart, make better his ways, And lift him to plains high above. Clarence A. Phillips. October Z3l)irteentl) Your joy no man taketh from you. St. John xvi : 22. And in realizing this we listen to sweet music entranced ; we live and move and have our being in the midst of all that is true, all that is pure, all that is good, yea, in God Himself. What does it all mean but a consciousness* blossoming into harmony, into beauty, into glory? Clarence A. Phillips. [151] And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah xxix : 1 3. Let not him who seeks * * * Cease until he finds, and When he finds he shall be Astonished ; astonished he shall reach The kingdom, and having reached the kingdom he shall rest. Selected. October IFifteentl) The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel xi: 32. A man may sometimes think that he is standing alone, but in truth no man ever stands alone. If he stands bravely for right and principle, God is with him, though there may be none other. Selected. [152] October Sixteentl) Who will render to every man according to his deeds. Romans ii: 6. Step by step lifts bad to good, Without halting, without rest, Lifting Better up to Best, Planting seeds of knowledge pure, Through earth to ripen, through heaven endure. Ralpll Wa y Emerson. October Seventeenth Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes xii : 15. To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection and the seed-plot of all other virtues. j onn [153] October The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy xxxiii: 27. The All-enfolding, the All-upholding, Folds and upholds he not Thee, me, himself? Arches not there the sky above us? Lies not beneath us firm the earth ? And rises not on us, shining Friendly, the everlasting stars ? Goethe. October ^tincteentl) Put all sadness far from thee ; for it is the sister of doubting and of anger. Apocrypha. It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his helper is omnipotent. Jeremy Taylor. [154] October ^>wentietl) Let the words of my mouth and the medita- tions of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalms xix : 1 4. Help me, O God, to daily rise above The claims of so-called death, disease and sin, To keep my thoughts within Thy realm of love, And listen for the "still small voice" within. Help me to lay aside all thought of self, "T lo o humble be, to love my fellow man; O keep me free from insincerity, And I will do for Thee the best 1 can. Jane Grey Syrne. October 15 went?* first Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. Romans xiv: 1. How carefully we should guard our thoughts in regard to our fellow- man! The safest way is to look upon our fellow man as the "image and like- ness of God"; from this standpoint we can daily expedt to see our highest ideals realized, and there will be nothing to condemn or harshly judge, for we will know that all that is unlike God is unreal and forms no part of Him. j ane Grey Syme [155] October Whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are n him. IJohnii: 5. A Love that casteth out all fear; A Love that causeth ne'er a tear; A Love that makes wholly free, This is the Love that keepeth me. This heavenly truth, that all is good, Gives health and strength, and daily food ; And good, and only good, we see In every creature, bond and free. Selected. Octob er Ye shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. St. John xvi : 32. Ah, human comfort! None but God is great enough for loneliness. Margaret Preston. [156] DANIEL'S ANSWER TO THE KING BRITON RIVIERE, A. R. A. O King, live forever ! Know that my God is true ; He who hath closed the lion's mouth can do much more for you. 13 wen m not October God give you all a heart to serve him, and to do his will, with a good courage and a willing mind. II Maccabees i : 2, 3. Ye humble souls, in every strait, On God with sacred courage wait; His hand will lift and strength afford ; Oh, ever wait upon the Lord ! Selected. October twenty- fiftt) For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves : it is the gift of God. Ephesians ii : 8. He that taketh his own cares upon himself loads himself in vain with an uneasy burden. The fear of what may come, expectation of what will come, desire of what will not come, and inability of redressing all these, must needs breed him con- tinual torment. I will cast my cares upon God; He hath bidden me ; He will redress them. Bishop Hall. [157] October 15went?-sixtl) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. St. Matthew vii : 2 1 . Thy kingdom come, O God ! Thy rule, O Christ, begin! Break with Thine iron rod The tyrannies of sin ! Selected. October ^?weitt?-scvcntl) And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Ephesians ii: 1. When one desires to be holy, and knowing that it is God's will as well as his that he should be, throws himself on that will of God and clings to it with eager hands, certain that it must carry him to success, for him there is no fear. He is as sure to reach the prize he seeks as the patient stars are to be led of God around their shining orbits. Phillips Brooks. [158] October O taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalms xxxiv: 8. Our times of greatest pleasure are when we have won some higher peak of difficulty, trodden underfoot some evil, and felt, day by day, so sure a growth of moral strength within us that we can- not conceive of an end of growth. Stopford A. Brooke. Octobe Thou son of man, be not afraid. Ezekiel ii : 6. And "being afraid" is just what the sons of men are doing, but not so the sons of God ! Stuart. [159] October Z3l)irtietl) A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pidtures of silver. Proverbs xxv : 11 . If aught good thou canst not say Of thy brother, foe, or friend, Take thou, then, the silent way, Lest in word thou shouldst offend. Selected. October Z3I)irt?- first After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. Jeremiah xxxi : 33. To be gentle, meek, patient, loving, kind, to strive for more of light, * * to learn the way ; to be strong and brave, obedient, true. A soldier with the armor on, awake! and at our post; a sentinel stand ; and not allow the foe to pass the threshold of our thought, but ever contemplating truth, rejedl the false and welcome in the true. Thus shall we grow like pattern in the mount, and help redeem a world asleep and bound. Juliette Mink. [160] A November Jirst not, little flock ; for it is your Taker's 3006 pleasure to give you tfye kingdom. Sh TLuke xii: 32. Tear not, little flock ; 'tis your Tatter's 3006 pleasure ^>o give you tfye kingdom in limitless measure. Taint not on tfye way ; for in Cove is your life your fortress, whatever tfye darkness an6 strife. limits t^e kingdom wfyicl) TCove gives to you, Save tfye measures you've fashioned or fashion anew ; Tor limits are known to tfye infinite never, infinite tove is tfye <5iver forever. TJf Tears gather round you in shadowy legions, "3inow t^ey come never from TCove's l) a PP? regions ; TKnow tljey are Talse^oods unworthy your seeing t^e children of TCove and immortal in being. Our Tears are tfye progeny Talsefyoods bestow; Z3l)ey cannot torment us so long as we know TCove's "Kingdom is ours, standing ever on guard* Taitfyful porters wfyo watcfy tl)at ^^oug^t's portals are barred. Clarence ^V, u 5 Kirk. [161] ^tovcntbcT ,SCORO Behold my servants shall sing for joy of heart. Isaiah Ixv : 1 4. Take joy home, And make a place in thy great heart for her, And give her time to grow, and cherish her ! Then will she come and often sing to thee. Jean Ingelow. He brought forth his people with joy. Psalms cv : 43. To recognize one's blessings of health, love, in- tellect, beauty, influence ; to be grateful for and to make the best use of them, is to cultivate joy. * Life is mainly what we ourselves make it. "God giveth joy, full, many-sided, deep and rich," and we can take it, to our comfort, or leave it, to our great loss. Barbara Yechton. [162] Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keeps my saying, he shall never see death. St. John viii : 5 1 . "Tis Truth that ever helps us on, And frees us from the ban. 'Tis blessed Love, and Love alone, That sets the captive free; 'Tis God, the Principle divine, Who rules eternity, clarence A. Phillips. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them ; that they may be one, even as we are one : I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one. St John xvii: 22> 23 In describing the life of spiritual blessedness, of man's oneness with the Father, even the in- spired writers are lost in wonder, love and praise. It is ineffable splendor, it is unutterable joy, it is fragrance and music and color and light blended in glorious confusion of imagery. Our Master teaches that. Clarence A phillips [163] Movember Sixty He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Proverbs xxv: 28. How happy is he born and taught, That serveth not another's will ! Whose armor is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill ! This man is freed from servile bands, Of hope to rise, or fear to fall : Lord of himself, though not of land ; And having nothing, yet hath all. Wotton. jioveiriber Seventy He that overcometh * * * will I give power over the nations. Revelation ii : 26. In the Bible praise is given, not to the strong man who " taketh a city," but to the stronger man who "ruleth his own spirit." "In the supremacy of self-control," says Herbert Spencer, " consists one of the perfections of the ideal man." Samuel Smiles. [164] Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth. j oshua xxiv . ]4 Lord, search my thoughts, and try my ways, And make my soul sincere; Then shall I stand before thy face, And find acceptance there ! Selected ^lovember ^tintl) Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those that love him. I Corinthians ii: 9. One needs to be a poet rather than a critic in dealing with a theme that is associated with the fragrance of flowers, the inspiration of music and art, the majesty of royalty and the dazzling radi- ance of precious stones. If human speech can scarcely compass the glories of earth and sea and sky, it is not strange that human speech should be inadequate in describing the glories of infinite Love - Clarence A. Phillips. [165] O come, let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our maker. p sa i msxcv: 5. To have but one will, and to know that God's will is Supreme, leads us in the footsteps of the Master, and helps us to manifest the Love which is ever present. Closing our eyes more and more to the claims of physical sense; listening less and less to the suggestions of material law and personal ambition, we open our minds to know more of God's will, which can bring only what is for our best good. If we realize that when we truly do His will, we can override the waves of error, and rise unto the sure knowledge of His Love, then we can bend to what seems the "chastening rod," knowing that it is uplifting and guiding us into the under- standing of His Infinite Peace. Alice A Russe ll. Call upon me, and I will answer thee. Jeremiah xxxiii : 3. Prayer, not only in the morning watch, but prayer sent voiceless from the heart from hour to hour, makes life hallowed, wakeful and calm. Stopford A. Brooke. [166] November And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Revelation xxii : 1 7. Come to this fount which flows for all, Come and accept the gracious call; Jesus, who came the Way to show, Has said that all, the Way may know. Isabella B. Keyes. November ^fyirteetttl) Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the de- sire of every living thing. Psalms cxly . , 6 We have all longed to be great. We have thought that greatness consisted only in a few great deeds such as are usually attributed to heroes; but Christ teaches here that true great- ness consists in the sum total of little ats of kind- ness. No architect ever built a great cathedral with one large, unbroken piece of stone, for all cathedrals are constructed with many bricks and many broken pieces of stone. So you and I will find that the sum total of the little deeds that we have performed through the years will constitute a more glorious life than any of the great deeds of the most famous heroes. John Lloyd Lee [167] But one thing is needful : and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. St. Luke x: 42. May we all learn to choose that part, As Mary did with all her heart ; And daily live in consciousness Of need supplied in righteousness. That God is bountiful supply, No question ask, or dare deny His daily presence, power and grace In every adt, in every place. So may the fulness of His joy Be yours and mine without alloy; To the whole earth the call resound, And peace and love and truth abound. Isabella B. Keyes. JiovciTtbcT went?- first The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed. Psalms ix: 9. Could we ask for a more complete shield and buckler ? William Leander Post. [171] November Owent?-sccon6 When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? Jobxxxiv: 29. Seldom can the heart be lonely, If it seek a lonelier still Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of love to fill. Frances R. Havergal. Let your conversation be without covetousness ; and be content with such things as ye have : for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake t " ee - Hebrews xiii: 5. Realizing that God is the source of all supply, we can rest content in the present, feeling sure that His infinite wisdom will give us whatever it is right for us to have. Leaning on His sure promises and turning to Love that never has failed us, and never will fail, we can rest content, knowing that our help is near. We need never fear for an instant that the love and care which feeds the sparrows and watches over the lilies as they grow, will desert us in our need. Surely as God's children we can be certain of Him as our " ever present help," and trust in His love and watchful care. Alice A . RusselL [172] ^tovcmbcr Owent^-fourl!) I will be glad and rejoice in thee. Psalms ix: 2. I sit within my room, and joy to find That Thou who always lov'st art with me here, That I am never left by Thee behind, But by thyself Thou keep'st me ever near, For Thou thyself, with all a Father's care, Where'er I turn art ever with me there. Jones Very. ^lovember twenty- fifty Sing and rejoice, : for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. Zechariah ii : 10. I will enjoy all things in God, and God in all things; nothing in itself: so shall my joys neither change nor perish. For, however the things them- selves alter or fade, yet He, in whom they are mine, is ever like Himself, constant and everlasting. Bishop Hall. [173] November With men it is impossible, but not with God. St. Markx: 27. One seed contains another seed, And that a third, and so for evermore; And promise of as great a deed Lies folded in the deed that went before. James Russell Lowell. As long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. H Chronicles xxvi: 5. It requires all sorts of people to compose a mor- tal world, and one can find them on every hand. On the other hand, it requires but one kind to comprise the spiritual kingdom, and they don't seem so easy to find. But they are here, and if we keep looking, we'll find, and add ourselves to the number. So if the search is glorious, the being found worthy is "rather glorious," and it brings a peace and joy that human sense knows nothing of, neither indeed can know, for it is born of the Father. Edward Everet Norwood. [174] There is gold and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Proverbs xx : 15. Let knowledge grow from more to more, But more of reverence in us dwell ; That mind and soul, according well, May make one music as before, But vaster. Alfred Tennyson . November Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. St John vii . 24 Life is not a diamond, but a seed with possibil- ities of endless growth. j R [175] November Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. St Matthew xxviii: 20. When darkness for a season seems To hide the light whose steady beams Are shining still, though not a ray Is seen, and help seems far away, When loneliness and doubt beset Our faith, and life becomes regret, Then, dear friend, know that in this hour Our God is near, and with His power His mighty hand with loving sweep Rolls back the memories that weep Until the "still small voice" that said In olden time, " Be not afraid," Is heard again, and speaks to thee, "Thou art my child, abide in Me." Selected. [176] ^December JFtrst tfye fearers of tfye law are Just before (Bod, but tfye doers of t^e law styall be iu5tifie6. Romans U: 13. answer comes to tfyose w^o pray ^An6 i6l? staa6 wait for stones to roll awa? ^\l (5o6's comman6 ; will not break tfye binding cor6s ipon us Iai6 Iff we 6epen6 on plea6ing words 60 not ai&, I)an6s are i6le, words are vain ^o move tfye stone ; aiding angel would disdain ^o work alone ; l)e wfyo prayetl), and is strong Hn faitl) and need, toilet!) earnestly, ere long will succeed* Selected. [177] ^December Second For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord : walk as children of light. Ephesians v : 8. There's a little splash of sunshine and a little spot of shade Always somewhere near; The wise bask in the sunshine, but the foolish choose the shade - The wise are gay and happy, on the foolish sor- row's laid, And the fault's their own, I fear. For the little splash of sunshine and the little spot of shade Are here for joint consumption, for comparison are made ; We're all meant to be happy not too foolish nor too staid, And the right dose to be taken is some sunshine mixed with shade. Stanley Dark The Lord is my deliverer. u Samuel xxii : 2. Always there is a black spot in our sunshine ; it is the shadow of ourselves. Thomas Carlyle. [178] Except ye : become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. St. Matthew xviii : 3. That blessed mood In which the burden of the mystery, In which the heavy and the weary weight Of all this unintelligible world Is lightened. j ohn R Willis> December Tiftl) A little child shall lead them. Isaiah ii : 6. Jesus taught that the fragrant qualities of the faith of a little child are to be regained, re-estab- lished on the foundation of spiritual understanding, and bloom yet more abundantly in the mature life, until every Christian shall be known as the children of God. j ohn B . Wini8 . [179] ^December Sixtl) * * * Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy. St. Luke xvii : 2 1 ; Romans xiv : 1 7. The kingdom of heaven's within me, 'Tis neither meat nor drink, I know ; Of a truth, " There can be no night there " Where Love casts the Infinite glow. A. G. F. ^December Seventy Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him ; but ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. St xv: Opening our thoughts to the "Spirit of Truth" and letting the divine Presence lift our lives out of the daily struggle for existence, we realize more and more of the health and strength which that Spirit alone can give. Awakening to the abiding consciousness of Spirit as Truth and Love, we rise above the old weariness and press on toward higher things, trying ever to express more and more of that Christ Truth which the Master came to teach. So striving we have love for all mankind, and God's peace dwelleth with us. Alice A. Russell. [180] And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians iv: 32. Speak gently : 'tis a little thing, Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy that it may bring, Eternity shall tell. Selected. And give you all a heart to serve him, and to do his will, with a good courage and a willing mind - Apocrypha. An old proverb says: " A little wood will heat my little oven; why, then, should I mourn be- cause all the woods are not mine?" It is even so. All the truth in the divine Mind, all the goodness, love and joy in the universe, belongs to every child of God, and he possesses at all times the God- given right to claim it as his own ; and this is true riches. For the Father hath said, "Son, thou art ever with me; and all that I have is thine." Edward Everet Norwood. [181] ^December Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. Isaiah xxxv: 6. Oh, walk with God ! and thou shalt find How He can charm thy way, And lead thee with a quiet mind Into His perfedl day. His love shall cheer like the dew That bathes the drooping flower; That love is every morning new, Nor fails at evening's hour. Arthur C. Coxe. December For his merciful kindness is great toward us. Psalms cxvii : 2. the best of everything, think the best of everybody, hope the best for yourself, and give to all, all Love. Charles Dickens. [182] ^December Owclftl) And become useful to one another, good- hearted, gracious, as God also was gracious to you in Christ. (Ferrar Fenton) Ephesians iv: 32. It was only a glad "good morning," As she passed along the way ; But it spread the morning's glory Over the live-long day. Carlotta Perry. ^December 15!)irteentl) They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall run, and not be weary: they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah xl: 31. When we can realize the great truth that God is our only strength and our sure deliverer from every form of error, we can rest upon this sustain- ing power, and, bending our human will to the Divine, can know that He will never fail us. Let us therefore lean with confidence on the "strong arm of the Lord," knowing that God's strength is unfailing, and will deliver us and help us when we lean with trusting hearts on His "mighty arm." Alice A. Russell. [183] Submit yourselves, therefore, to God : resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James iv: 7. Be what thou seemest ; live thy creed ; Hold up to earth the torch divine ; Be what thou prayest to be made ; Let the great Master's steps be thine. Sow love, and taste its fruitage pure ; Sow peace, and reap its harvest bright; Sow sunbeams on the rock and moor, And find a harvest-home of light. Horatius Bonar. ^December ~3Fiftecittl) The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. St Luke xviii . 27. I have learnt to view such things differently now, thank God. I have learnt that to the pure all things are pure. Charles K ingsley. [184] December And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation xxi : 23. Thou art, O God, the life and light Of all this wondrous world we see; Its glow by day, its smiles by night, Are but reflections caught from Thee: Where'er we turn, Thy glories shine ; And all things fair and bright are Thine. Moore. ^December And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfedtness. Colossians iii : 1 4. In giving to God whether of service or money remember that what you give is worth only what the motive behind it is worth. Selected. [185] ^December The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust ; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalms xviii . 2 . Thy will I love, O Lord, my strength, My rock, my tower, my high defence; Thy mighty arm shall be my trust, For I have found salvation thence. Selected. The eyes of all wait upon thee. Psalms cxlv : 1 5. A cold firebrand and a burning lamp started out one day to see what they could find. The firebrand came back and wrote in its journal that the whole world was dark. It did not find a place, wherever it went, in which there was light. Every- where was darkness. The lamp, when it came back, wrote in its journal, " Wherever I went it was light." What was the difference? The lamp carried light with it, and when it went abroad it illumined everything about it. The dead firebrand carried no light, and it found none where it went. Henry Ward Beecher. [186] ^December Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto ou: not as the world giveth, give 1 unto you. et not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. St. Johnxiv: 27. Rest for a while in that peaceful place, And know that all love is thine ; Repose in the sunshine of God's grace And feel the presence divine Then, when thy mind from self is free, Listen, and God will talk t thee. Louis H. Owen. December ^wcut?- first Peace, be still. St. Mark iv: 39. Christ's peace is not a superficial peace to be put on as an outside garment, nor is it a result obtained through the gratification of worldly de- sires and ambitions. It is an attainment vouch- safed only to those who through tribulations have become overcomers by doing His will. Selected. [187] December * * * And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. St Matthew ii: 9. That star still shines, The light of Truth, To guide most tenderly thy youth; Not to a manger near the kine, Nor yet to Bethlehem's holy shrine, But to a throne of purest white Within thy heart on Christmas night. Juliette Mink. There was no room for them in the inn. St. Luke ii: 7. All around, crowding and clamoring for recog- nition, and room, are carnal thoughts, human desires. But sweet, undefiled and holy, lies the young child; and none but the truly wise may enter and reverently offer gifts, the gold of puri- fied thought; the frankincense of a consecrated life; the myrrh, rare perfume, exhaled by love. Now in- deed are we fitted for service, pointing ever to the Star, that leads human thought away from self and materialism, to the source of Life, back to our nativity to God. Juliette Mink [188] . [< hey saw in the me and stood over THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHEPHERDS H. LEROLLE " ' Where is our King ? ' the frightened shepherds say, Whilst wondrous Light turns darkness into day." the kine, *s holy shrir white Christmas nig ik. mbcr Owem >om for them in the inn. St. Luk All a nition, ar> desires. But young child enter and rever fied thought; th the myrrh, rare j deed are we fitted f Star, that leads hu and materialism, to nativity, to G unoring og- thoug! luman md holy, lies the the truly wise may gold of puri- secrated life; i by love. Now in- ^ pointing ever to the ught away from self ce of Life, back to our Juliette Mink. [188] ^December ^weitt?- fourtt) When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Colossians iii: 4. Oh ! Bethlehem babe, in manger born, At dawning of the Christmas morn,- Dear Bethlehem babe, with reverence deep, Would we e'en now anoint thy feet. We may, and ne'er go o'er the sea To consecrate our lives to thee ; For in the humblest thought on earth The Christ ideal blooms into birth. Juliette Mink. ^December ^? went?- fifty Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. St. Luke ii: 10. This was the first angelic word The startled shepherds heard "Fear not!" Beloved, it comes to you, A celestial message sweet and true, As true for you as it was for them In the lonely fields of Bethlehem ; As sweet today as it was that night, When the glory dazzled their mortal sight. Frances R. Havergal. [189] ^December Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. St Luke ii: ] 4 Joy bells in my heart are ringing today, To Thee! my refuge fortress and stay. For the blessings bestowed all through the year, For the presence of Love that casts out fear; For the wonderful proofs of thy tender care, More precious to me than gems most rare ; For every lesson learned by the way, Each as I need, day by day, That a fuller knowledge of Christ has been gained, Through more of the spiritual sense attained. Juliette Mink. December ^wanty-seventl) He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be St. Matthew xxvi: 42. To extend one hand to God for help while holding on to some material, human agency, is to pray in vain ; but to give up all, and turn to divine Love as our only deliverer, fulfils the first great Commandment and makes us worthy to receive the bestowals of divine Wisdom. Amadeus C. Peter. [190] Owo t^e onl^ wise (5o6 our Saviour, be glor? an6 majesty dominion an6 power, bot^ now an& ever. *^\men. 24, 25 [194] to Arts iii: 6 83; x: 424; xx:35 11. Apocrypha 27, 41,85, 126, 154, 181. I Chronicles xvii : 13 1 43 ; xxviii: 7 99; xxix: 5 108;xxix: 1213. II Chronicles xxvi : 5 1 74. Colossians iii : 4 1 89 ; iii : 14 185. I Corinthians ii : 9 1 65 ; iii : 14 46; iii: 21, 23 6; vii: 20, 24 21 ; x:3,4- 85;xi: 27 90; xiii: 3 133; xiii: 13 7(R. V.); xiv: I 7(R. V.). II Corinthians iii: 5 171 ; v: 17 2; vi: 2 71 ; vi: 2100; ix:6 116; x:4 23; x: 4 135; xiii: 11117. Daniel xi: 32 152. Deuteronomy iv : 39 64; x: 12 30; xvi: 15 29; xxx : 20 77; xxxiii: 25 73; xxxiii: 27 69; xxxiii: 27 154. Ecclesiastes iii : II 116; ix: 1078; xi: 165; xi:6 52; xii: 13 40; ^xii: 15153. Ephesians ii : 1 1 58 ; ii : 8157; iii: 19 19; iv: 3199; iv:32 181; iv: 32 183; v: 8 178. Quotations Exodus xv: 2 146; xx: 24140. Ezekielii:6 159. Galatians v : 13 79 ; vi : 1 120; vi:2 121; vi: ^2, 1020. Genesis i : 26, 31 18; xxiv : 12 84. Hebrews iv: 16 54; vi\ 12148; viii: 1173; xiii: 5 172. Hosea xii : 8 1 05. Isaiah ii : 6 1 79 ; xiv : 3 68 ; xiv : 3 136; xxvi : 314; xxxii: 17125; xxxii: 18 59; xxxiii: 22 80;xxxv:6 182; xl:29 120;xl:3l 183; xii: 6 125; xii: 10 72; xii: 13 45; I: 4143; Ii: 693; liv: 10 93;lviii: 8 47;lviii: 1067; lix: 162; lx:2 129; Ix: 207; lxiii:9 123; Ixv: 14162; Ixvi: 13193. James i: 4 19;i:l7 123; i: 27119; iii: 2 47; iii: 1775; iv:7 184; iv: 8 30; iv: 17122. Jeremiah vi: 16 62; xxix: 13152; xxxi:3 5; xxxi: 3 34; xxxi: 33 160; xxxiii: 3 166. Jobxi: 1948; xxii: 21 138; xxxiv: 29172. [197] I John i: 6 106;ii:5 156; ii: 15, 175; iii: 149; iii: 16 92; iii: 22 43; iv:4 112; iv: 1212; iv: 1624; iv: 1660; v: 1138; v: 15 56. Ill John 4 94. _ Joshua i:7 117; i:8 128; i:9 168; xxiv: 14165. Jude21 95;24, 25 194. IKingsviii: 56107. Lamentations iii: 40 102. II Maccabees i : 2,3157. Numbers xiv : 21 8. I Peter iii: 12 45; iii: 13 9; iv:8 37; v: 6112. II Peter iii: 8 1 ; iii: 8 115; iii: 13 2; iii: 13 137; iii: 14 56. Philippians ii: 5 128; ii: 1280; iii: 13, 14 46; iv:8, 7 107; iv: 19 70. Proverbs iii: 13 122; iv: 25 74; viii:5 101 ;xi: 25 3; xiv: 6 84; xiv: 1282; xx: 15175; xxii:4 132;xxiii: 7 9; xxiii : 23 131; xxv : 1 1 160; xxv: 28 164. Psalms iv: 8111; v: 3 8; v: 3 147; viii: 6 134; ix:2 173; ix: 9 171; xvi: 11104; xviii: 2 186; xix: I 61 ; xix: 14155; xxiii: 150; Psalms Continued xxiii : 1 72 ; xxiii : 1 1 13; xxiii: 4 20; xxiii: 4124; xxv: 5 133; xxvii : 1 28 ; xxvii : 1 4 10; xxviii: 7 1 5 ; xxxi: 5 55; xxxiii: 5 63; xxxiv: 8 1 59; xxxvi: 739; xxxvi: 8 35; xxxvii: 4 1 42 ; xxxvii : 5 41 ; xxxvii: 7 69; xxxvii: 23 29; xxxvii: 2563; xl:4 26; xli: 9 77;xliii:5 52; Ivii: 1 3l;lxviii: 1992; Ixxi: 538; Ixxii: 12 126;lxxvii: 1394; Ixxxix: 33 40;xci: 1 87; xci: 1 147;xci:3 103;xci: 1066; xci: 15 26; xcv:6 166; c:2 151; c:5 118; cv: 43 162; cviii:4 82 ; cxvii : 2 1 82; cxviii: 24 141;cxix:2 150; cxix : 27 1 30 ; cxix : 105144; cxix: 165 110; cxix: 165127; cxxxii: 14 48; cxxxix: 8139; cxxxix: 9, 10 95;cxliii: 10141; cxlv: 15 186;cxlv: 15191; cxlv : 16 1 67 ; cxlv: 1844. Revelation ii: 7 132; ii: 10 11; ii: 26 164; vii: 13150; xv:3 131; [198] Revelation Continued xv:3 191; xix:6 6; xxi: 1 3; xxi: 1 66; xxi: 23 185; xxii: 1 28; xxii: 296; xxii: 5135; xxii: 13 58; xxii: 16 60; xxii: 17 167. Romans ii: 6 118; ii: 6 153; ii: 13177; vii: 18, 2570; viii: 24; viii: 412; viii: 13 23; viii: 31 136; xi:36 81; xii:9 169; xii: 9 170;xiii:8 39;xiv: 1155; xiv: 17180; xiv: 1958; xv:l 22. Ruthii: 1291. II Samuel xxii: 2 178; xxii: 3189; xxii: 36 101. St. John iv: 1414; iv: 2457; v: 17 18; v: 39149; vi:21 54; vii: 17 68; vii: 24 175; viii: 12 44; viii: 29 170; viii: 32 57; viii: 32149; viii: 36 108; viii: 51 163; ix: 3153; x: 10106; x: 1450; xiii: 13 25; xiv: 4 42; xiv: 6 1 14; xiv: 13 21;xiv:15 86; xiv: 17180; xiv: 18 76; xiv: 20115; xiv: 23 59; xiv: 27 187; xv:5 86; xv: 710; St. John Continued xv:9 128;xv:12 71 xv:13 16; xv: 1416 xv: 14103; xv: 15 105; xvi: 13130; xvi: 22151; xvi: 32 156; xvii: 22,23163. St. Luke ii: 7 188; ii: 10189; ii: 14190; ii:49 91; iv: 18 37; vi:21 127; viii: 39 15;ix:62 22; x: 42 168; xi: 1 124; xi: 35 102; xii: 31 137; xii: 32 161; xv:31 53; xv:32 74; xvi: 1035; xvii: 21 180; xviii : 27 1 84 ; xxii : 32 61; xxii: 42 97. St. Mark iii: 2436; iv: 39 187; viii: 34 114; viii: 34 25; x: 27 174; xiii: 31 142. St. Matthew i: 23 192; ii: 9188; iv:23 24; v: 7 27; v:8 109; v: 16121; v: 3778; v 45_|45; vi:6 32; vi: 1190; vi: 1367; vi: 1434; vi:28 75; vi: 3213; vi:33 110;vi 33148; vi: 3436; vi: 34 87; vi: 34 88; vi:48 139; vii: 1,2 146; vii: 21 158; ix: 13109; xii: 36 111; xiii: 4, 8 51 ; xiii: 23 [199] St. Matthew Continued 98; xiii: 32 98;xiii: 43 83; xvi: 1917; xviii: 3 179; xxii: 37 104; xxii: 40 119; xxv: 21100; xxv: 23 88; xxv: 34138; xxv: 35 140; xxv: 40 33; xxvi: 4143; xxvi: 42 190; St. Matthew Continued xxviii : 20 76 ; xxviii : 20 176. I Thessalonians iii: 12 169; v: 5 51; v: 8- 73 ; v: 1755. I Timothy vi : 6 42. II Timothy i: 7 89. Zechariahii: 10173. [200] to .Authors A., E., 8. Adams, Vera E., 171. Aurelius, Marcus, 146. B., C. H., 115. Bayley, C., 70. Beecher, Henry Ward, 186. Bell, J. H, 44. Bonar, Horatius, 9, 16, 146, 147, 184. Bradley, Sara E., 1 70. Brooke, Stopford A., 22, 24, 159, 166. Brooks, Phillips, 108, 121, 158. Brownell, Edith, 94. Burroughs, John, 103. Buskirk, Clarence A., 161. C,S. E., 85. Campbell, Mary B, 109,138. Campbell, William S., 36, 110. Carlyle, Thomas, 120, 178. Channing, William E., 1 1 , . 143. Chapin, 47. Childs, Jessamine G., 7 1 . Clark, James Freeman, 53. Cornish, F. L., 48. Coxe, Arthur C, 182. Crosby, Fanny J., 63, 1 03. Crowell, John Franklin, 1 1 2. Dark, Stanley, 1 78. Dawson, Thomas F., 93. De Sales, Francis, 101. Dickens, Charles, 182. Dickson, William Bradford, 62,72,85,89, 120, 191. Doane, George W., 42. Drummond, Henry, 59, 89, ^ 105, 119. Edmunds, Ledie H., 83. Eliot, George, 68. Elliott, Osgood, 74. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 27, 130, 153. Elmo, 28. F., A.G., 1,4, 18,30,45,66, 78,79,91,99, 128, 135, 139, 180. Faber, Frederick W., 35, 80. Farlow, Alfred, 29, 34, 35, ^ 57,87,96, 129. Farrar, Canon, 25. Fenelon, 10. Fisher, Annie L., 22, 40, 53, 88,101, 119, 125, 192. Fullerton, J., 65. Gerhardt, P., 104. Gill, T. H., 29. Goethe, 154. H.,J. H., 117. Hadley, President, of Yale University, 6 1 . Hall, Bishop, 157, 173. Harris, Samuel Smith, 148. Havergal, Cecilia, 38. Havergal, Frances R., 14, 25, 45,52, 172, 189. Hewett, E. E., 31. Hitchcock, Arthur L, 107. [201] Hubbard, Elbert, 16. Inge, Rev. W.R.,46. Ingelow, Jean, 2, 1 62. .,CE.,102. ackson, D. E., 73. ames, Mary R, 9, 18,91. efferson, Eugenie Paul, 1 34. ones, Elizabeth Earl, 1 49. osselyn,B.S.,26,84,99. eble, John, 34. Kempis, Thomas a, 1 3, 23, 102. Keyes, Isabella B., 60, 138, w 142,167,168. Kimball, Harriet McEwen, 43. Kingsley, Charles, 1 1 6, 1 84. Kling, Dr., 63. Koran, 125. Lampertus, 80. Larcorn, Lucy, 1 69. Lee, John Lloyd, 1 67. Locke, John, 153. Longfellow, Henry W., 107. Longfellow, Samuel, 2 1 . Lowell, James Russell, 70, 90,118,132,140,174. MacDonald, George, 1 9, 56. Macgregor, George H. C., 100. Maclaren, Alexander, 43. Matheson, George, 79. McKenzie, William P. (Heartsease Hymns), 193. McKinley, William, 135. Meyer, F. B., 147. Miller, Emma S., 95, 124, 139. Miller, Rev. J.R., 40, 175. Milnes,R.M.,27. Mink, Juliette M., 12,64,77, 78,160,188,189,190. Montgomery, ]., 8, 1 08. Moore, 185. Mosley, J. R., 90. Moulton, Ida Q. (I.Q. M.), 2, 86. Norwood, Edward Everet, 49, 104, 136, 143, 174, 181. Owen, Louis H., 55, 187. Pearse, Mark Guy, 141. Pellico, Silvio, 131. Perry, Carlotta, 183. Peter, Amadeus C., 190. Phillips, Clarence A., 3, 5, 66,137,150,151,163, 165,191. Porter, Jane, 1 27. Post, William Leander, 4, 12,62,92,171. Preston, Margaret J., 84, 1 56. R.,G.,20. Reed, Ida L., 37. Richardson, C. F., 1 1 0. Richter,41. Riley, James Whitcomb, 6 1 . Ruskin, John, 111, 140, 168. Russell, Alice A., 10,32,47, 69,86,87,106,111,114, 117,123,166,172,180, 183. S., H. W., 50, 98. Sangster, Margaret E., 1 00. Selected, 6, 7, 11,13, 15, 17, 20,21,26,28,36,37,38, 39,41,44 ,48,51,52,54, [202] Selected Continued 55,56,57,58,60,67,68, 72,73,76,77,81,82,83, 94,95,97,98,105,106, 109,115,116,118,122, 124,126,127,130,131, 132,133,142, 148,152, 156,157,158,160,165, 176,177,181,185,186, 187. Shipton, Anna, 50. Sidney, Sir Philip, 76. Smiles, Samuel, 164. Smith, Harriet R, 75, 145. Southwick, A., 141. Story, William W., 74. Strother, J. P., 19. Stuart, 6, 1 59. Syme, Jane Grey, 1 55. T., W. B., 54. Taylor, B. P., 112. Taylor, Jeremy, 5, 1 26, 1 54. Tennyson, Alfred, 58, 1 75. Unknown, 113. Very, Jones, 1 73. W., M.S. C, 133. Waring, Anna L., 1 36. Warner, Anna, 1 44. Watts, Isaac, 82. Whitney, A. T. D., 69, 71. Whittier, John G., 3, 7, 23, 24,46,51,59,92,93, 121, 137, 149. Wickersham, Elizabeth C., 14,67,88, 169, 170. Willis, John B., 1 79. Wilson, J. K., 30. Wise, Rabbi, 122. Woolsey, Sarah Chancy, 42. Wotton, 164. Yates, Katherine M., 33. Yechton, Barbara, 162. [203] HERE ENDS SYLLOGISMS BEING A BOOK OF REASONS FOR EVERY DAY COMPILED BY LEE WASHINGTON THE TYPOGRAPHY DESIGNED BY J. H. NASH PUBLISHED BY PAUL ELDER & COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO & NEW YORK & PRINTED FOR THEM BY THE TOMOYE PRESS NEW YORK CITY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED & SEVEN U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES