"V. ALLENGE SHORTHAND MANUAL WRITING LESSONS COPYJRIGHT 1914, BY MALCOLM SCOUGAtE WEATHERFORD, TEXAS / CHALLENGE SHORTHAND MANUAL WRITING LESSONS \ COPYRIGHT 1914, BY MALCOLM SCOUGALE WEATHERFORD, TEXAS I ^S'-'' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/challengeshortOOscouiala WRITING LESSONS ..LiSSQN...I,,. LESSON II, fa,..^^..^.... .1.1..(J..)._ . J1a.CJl11L //a a ajiiL ILCL. ^y.:/.:,. '^■^■v^-v^ .i,.i.fer...._...^..\:/_...(: /Za _^-^ Ua...^.^.^.. /y-Ajani. J^U^,, L ^ /6a.\\im//0. J...S.a..^....:.^...>yrr...A-.- /7aALL)l\.-^ u^j.:^^ /::^ / ////ji. ^ ')') yy^ 561834 UB S£T9 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND mauiitni»ita» n »i n ia ainn n iai ia »» ai<-»* »«»»»{Ht»>gl t l|IWIia»»»i>»»»»»» l llllll»ll « III H HHHHHHHHt i FEW WORDS ABOUT TORDSIGNS, COMTRACTIONS AND KRASES During the preparation tf tkis work the writer — then a writer of Graham (Pit manic) shorthand- -seeking to abridge the very long lists of wordsigns and contrac- tions that he had nastered, prepared a list of about 900 words. Selecting a block of 1000 words from testimony, and 1000 from correspondence, and fro* news items, and from editorial work, and check- ing each 1000 words with his 900 list of wordsigns and contractions, making like tests again and again, he arrived at prac- tically the result here given, which is taken from four such checked lists now before him. These checked lists show tliat in one or more of the blocks of 1000 words, a list of about 60 words includes all that were used five or more times each; and in one or more of such selections of 1000 words, a list of 12 to 15 included all words used 2, 3, or 4 times each; and that beyond this, words of the 900 list do not furnish more than two, three, or four words in any 1000, of any English conposi- tion. This work presents lists of these frequently recurring words, and a few oth- er words less frequently used; and includes therewith some useful and easily memorized contractions and phrase signs. At the end of the Writing Lessons will be found a fuller list of word- and phrase - signs and contractions, which the student ■ay learn after the general course is com- pleted, or after actual business employment Where words of this longer list occur in the Writing Lessons, they are given the abbreviated forms, and these the student will become familiar with as they occur. The instruction given in paragraphs 31 and 32 of the Text may be ignored, because of this changed arrangement of the wordsigns A single character, denoting a word, i a wordsign. An outline consisting of more than one character, but not a full represen- tation, is a contraction. A character, or joined characters, representing two or more words, is a phrase sign. Note that one sign may be, in some in- stances, used for each of two or acre words, and the student may depend upon the fact that in each of these cases safety in read- ing has been secured. A dotted line is here used to show words to be written in first position — above the line, or in third position— through or below the line. Words to be written in the second position — resting on the line, are here written without dotted lines. In the list 31 a., all the tick word- signs are written douuward, except the ticks for "on" and "should", which are written upward. . Be very thorough with the wordsigns and contractions as you proceed with study. ihitiHtsiifi i t t ii ii)i iit i >i a *it tii i ii»»»iitiH ii i » inin HHHHHHnniti u »s»iHf B i iiiiiu if ain iti-snnn I / / / ...the; . an, and, a; ...or; ...of; ...on; .. .all;_i_but; _z^ to, he, hia;.^. should;. ..how; >. o C -^ ^ too, two, irilo; ...I, eye, high; ...is, his;^Q. as, has;.^^ first; ...house; ...we; c 3 o ^s ^ .. .with; -C_ were; ...what; 3 would; ^•'.yoar; ...years; o you, your; . 'a yours, yes. VOWEL AND COHSOhJANT'COMBIIUTIONS, AND PHRASES "The* Joined, may be indicated by a tick in the direction of ?•• or Ray; and "a, an, or and* joined, by a tick in the direction of Tee or Kay. ...or he, or the, or him; ...of the; ...I should; ...of a; ...on a; ...on the;- A he should, »iW-aiHHHKt»»l t »iHKHHHMW. may be; impossible; n ^ ^ ...i. impossibility; in, any; own; .<<. .never; ."-py?,next; .^-rv^.now; >r-T-rtnew, knew; anything; .. .V. nothing; .. .1. .New Jersey; thing; .'Vr<'.long, along; ...J. length; ?>-<<. .stfnograiihy; .>Tr. .. .stenographer; rrr^, stenographic-ally. CHALLENGE SHORTHAND .1ES.8QN..III... /M...^..l^..Z^...M..l.. ..o....=*^...^.. l^jl. :.jy /n....*-: jk. .t £ ,..ijf. 1. ^ .L...r:....: ^....^..^ if^..:....- !.....rr :.....^ Z....Z I....'.' .^. i. ^_.,M4.u..A.-.»^y.i\h./.... .i:74...^..^y_±:...^ .ocirr... ....a.4.-^j._.tzz.,.^...^....4_.:... .-•'f .>=.rf...^../. 4.1g. ..^..... ^ f >/<^ c cL^ i- -'-T ^ * -^'f A..1.1 ;;^ y-n ...-=.....t:...:z..:.. ? t- .i.-...t.-;.t.^-^/1 , .^....^....k....l:.J^...l«.:^..! ..w^ c*:?.. f *fe V-' — A....! n..../r:T^.....„ cy....L^...Jt'.....sLe... f..i ..t.....J. V-? .>-»>»... .^....zi.. i>. i.../^..z/......j....^...-._...... .ziAZl. .L..J.1: ^A. './.. LESSON V- £2..^ ■ ,4 +....-s-j,...:rr. ..r:....^..! l^^ ia...l=..:. .rr/v:./:.. Ifjl,^ ^. />J...../r:s..> •f^ '^• .^...^. WRITING LESSONS ifA. '-y- ^ 1 ■t ^J ^--^i-t 6^. ^JL^J /^l '^..^ AlA <" A -i--a.- ..../.^..z:/. .Z.-rr:i> ^^. (^ -r//..^ fez/.ja.....^.'^.'. ^■-•■/ '■ 10 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND ./.i..;..^.U....^ .^ .1...^'..^. l%.a. . C C"' J- / ■^...^...ifieqT^ c^ . J"^' . .GL^.. "^.....^......r^^ /-D / -r .c^^...At>. s.ia..^^z:. -. LESSON VII. .<5r-N. 7^^.^^:,^ Lf4..kf....t t^-.'^..\ 1/ 7J.a.-Jr:y..^.A:CAA 7Jjf.£ aa, ^ i..^. .^ i?....,<^.iC,/.y^..;i"._^. /* ,c^ ..'./. ^( 1 ZZ^... ^:./r:£: ...'d.^- ^-.*«r. )^.iJD/. i1... L.)'.J.....'C^....(2. ^^..::±,^ 7Aa, -6 J' A WRITING LESSONS 11 Z/^,...E-Q h-.-.^.jiy'....^... CLi ^. ^..J^-^..± ^r=> ,..C....:3^-._..,]:..........:t'., A 4 ^ /^^-*«-_P c~ .cirf.....^. /I ^ \ C I^..i... I.e. X/^-'^-^:^z.--^ /c. .c^....«_i....). 1. ^....L. '.£.. 1^ .'....^...^. i...:^'.n....f....^.i I. ^...^...Ll.^ /..... '.. ...c..i..^. ^ 1 K- -/■ .7... le 4...:^. '* yt " A C .^....k:. 7.f.'^.....tz...t:.:i^..i..../rj...^... ^-^ h :^-4 '-V^.-^- jT....^?...^...-. -:;ss .^.^..«;.. 12 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND LES.S.QN..JII.I.. .^.. t z.£-^. -f ^ s S-\sW: .j.A..i^.. 1. / «^ /^*- ) -^ - :;^ -1' ^ r^--^;;^ ^t^....i,. MSSQI..IX, i/ji.. C7 <■ !<*'. W....==^/..J. .t...*...li......^^..^........... •/?■ <^-/!? i-^ I ..L...4...u^^^^^^^^^^^ |)..<»-....;^.J..^.... .^..r. i. a>. Z.L//X.,..,^..,.^ J Al .y^rr^ oJ-O .-ijQ o ^ A/ 14 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND I, 7^-4 . ^^ ■/ -^■^/l d. .;■ .--^..<^. ':*;,''j>;:7 t If A. 6/:^ //•-P / J.....U.^../a.OI u ±':_,_<^, ..2Ar:....a. ^^^. ^ ....^. i f/b.--/» 71 _^., /^. •), ^ (> ^ ■--.s ' t- LESSON X. If^^/j^Jk- u "^•Z ' ^^e/'/^-t"^ .•^..^../T ./^Tii. ^/^-'^/.^.-^A, X.::^...,.,. 1 u i l//\.Lll ■■;} -p LI y L, y 1 -U •/^^.l..rk.„..'...:?': WRITING LESSONS 15 -'<^- .S....-:^...r....4-7>. *- U.II I ^ r ^ LESSOIXI,. 16 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND .. /,.,..^*.Jr:f..^....-...^J.. !rzZ'...../.t...C±'/. : :.-. LESSON. .Xll. flA...,rz.^.:^Jl£lJ... Ilia. ^Jl ./^Z^,.J?J?..CC c^c^ .c>,..^.u.u.^jA^^ ■A}^ .I^.h...^. .'^^ /Ma../> 11:1111... 'J J>- 1^ ^ l.U.a..U'1'^.l ,^...,.l...j,^/.X/. -^U/ LESSQjsl.1111, M.7ji...f .///.^. L ^ y-^4-\ ^Ca.,. ^.. QSr. ^ t..//... ^. h... WRITING LESSONS 17 ..^.sr:::^. ■) K3' .isr^s--^.. r L .^....^ 2J.. 44-i-i /Jlk....Z.£. ^ ^ ^5. ic-A •y ^•»•;f-;Kf■;t■;^•;:-*-;K^-;:■^H.-^;■-;t•^^c■-«-;f•;Hf;•-;f■»if-;Kf^<-»-;^^f^w 112 a. CLASS 2. L- and R-KOOK GIGNS AKD CONTRACTIONS. / / ; ....comply; .y?. .apply; ^. .« .applicable-ity; appear, proper; / principle-al; '■•f ./.property; . . ./.probable-y; .../.probability; ../..product; (Z-protect); ....surprise 7 V ? '\ / ' , ..surprised; / express; / expressed; H^^^^^■:}i^»^HttHHf«»^H}i^iH^i^»^Ht^ii^i1U^ti^uv^l!^it^t^t>f^H^^H^■lH^i^^Ht* 18 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND LESSON XIV. lUA^l 11/ LllA..^..±MJ:if^...... .43 h..J\....:/^....z:r.-.^ .|5> f.,,±..j^.,, y/... tA LLLa. inA.s±z..sk.....^^^ 119 a. CLASS 2. INt LER- and REL-KOOK SIGNS ....inconsiderate; ..l.unconsideredj 1 instruct-edj .^^(railroad/explore-d; ./..unexplor- ed LESSQN..XV.,. ^^■^■^c.<...^A.^.. ^^.L^pqO^c cc ,a,j^/ WRITING LESSONS 19 Z2 2^.x^..-/'f.:li5,^ ^-+-/ I11a..±^^^^^ /M^fJl.12. t •t^ .// CF^ 4W»*;f-;fiHHtlKKI<»»u Haw York ;VT-r^.New YorkCity LESSON XITI. /AI^y^llLj^ i ^"^v c L'^.JLl^ X-t> A /^ 4>- ^...L^ /^ Q-^ 20 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND jyj... h c J D C ..^....'•...^....^..^../'. ir...)i..4 ^-h ■-^■■-^ y-h/^'^- -~:X..^^f^.^.-- Ilia 1^ li'J^ .t.2-l ^..^J-M '' y. _..J 1 ^ ^...^llll .Z..C.?:i..i ^^z.,^..^. -^. -I •I'v./z./.i'.^ ^j^^^^y/ M >^-^"i/ "- LESSON XVII...... /1/^..- ^ fell -^A>^-^r^^ e^ c^ ./'^^^.C ^. 1^^.. !..o i= Ijy^ ) Zl /^ f^k- I -/ P^"" c* ^ cir Ji (^ C^ LESSONJCmi., _ .ZJ'Z<«.^.^..i....Jr.Ji.Jr. .AAy/A.^...j..,.^l I- .^.._.._^/ L3U..£/r^^.^.SA. ^^^^•^ u/ / fi:^. '^'l^ j/l '>|V^b ..-TD.. 22 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND ^^^•- /-^^ T- /i::.£k:....fc «?^..L'^ ,.::::?. J .s_>....,....>jc>..«rrrz; •:r^..iZ'....C....r'....?'.2^^ lo /£Z^. (^._^ /r^ '■■'^ ^-^ O^.. <^/-f^.^ ° ^ I • L..^../..n/s-ff..... y^. .0.4^. U.4'Aa,^J>.. ^^ rfT .k...^..^...r.....=r: : ^"Z.-k.o U ax. ' 4...Zl/.d ^ • J.^.^.r.. € WRITING LESSONS 23 149 a. CLASS 2. F-, V-, and H-nOOK WORDSIGNS AHD COimJACTIOf" ...or if, I have;... and if, and of; 6 to have; j> and have; 6 whoever; ...and what; -^ and would; .-^CTIlearn; .yC..hopeful-ly; ■ perfect; o proof, prove, Prof.; .7.ap- <^ expense; appearance; compliance; ./...appliance; ^ sxplain-ation;^before; combine; t/ been; .../.to have been; c/ often; even; ex have been; when; b one; ._jy. .whenever; .WTTwestern; ..(/..northwest; . .v<\ north we stern; a northwestern; o southwest; (o/southwe stern; . .jT. .whichever, which have; ../..which have been; .W. ..agent; w,. .agen- stween; u whatever; .....at once; .....circumstance; u twelve; . . J. .thankful-ly; ^ (. /OX !; within; V) they have; . .f. .southern; . ..l .useful-ly-ness; .be ..[..thankfulness "rrr'.careful-ly ; descriptive; conform; ,>«!i^conf irm; "tTTT.conf ormable-ly;-rT5can; TTT^question; r. . <^questionable-ly; we can; consequence; consist-ed; stency; . .Vr^ construct; construe; men;^ — :>man; human; . li.mistak- T . . ..'. .consi -ed; -ed cu? .inconsistency; inconsistent; northern; ...(^.lengthen *^if>}•>i•»*»;^^^^s;-*>.'»^K^:<•v^•»**;f-;t^.'»fi;-v'^^■^'^■a-;f•i,'-^ LESSONIIX., /S£^.^M^ c "~ji^ d:A.id^^^^ o> /TD 24 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND .zxi..c.-:n...j/ ^y/..... /JJa ^.../s^ b...cf.. __f) <^ ^^^^y 1S£!^.. J..J..A »^. inAUy-1^ ^^ ...t..^^..//:|//..kl...^/. /All. o- (L.--/. 158 a. CLASS 2. SHON- and TIV-HOOK "A'ORDSIGNS^-ftND OOFTRACTIONS ./r\ .separation; complication; /^..application; perfection; ...V.expreasionj .. 7. .suppression; . ,.y.proportion-ed; ..y.. proportionate; ../..proportionately; ..CC. opera- 7 y^ ^ ^ / ^ J C ""' itxon; . .«. .possession; ..V. .objection; . .v..objeotaYe;..v. .subjec- . position; oppos 1 P P I I /'^ tion;. .vf. .subjective; tuition; situation; W^^.eztension; condition; condi- tional; . .V. .direction; ..T. .duration; ..U. consideration; ...vtin consideration; ^i-r^.coiiclusioai correction; corrective; description; descriptive; . . >r*. construction; information; /rTj .institution. l{HHt»»;?»~SKH?iH»J»fr3MMWItiliK»iHfiW WRITING LESSONS 25 LESS.QK..X1. JIIa. O v--^^ ^,. c„4lU Z£2.^..'^...22...r:^... 9h^..»»^^;f•;Kf^Kf^Kf#»^w^ 166 a. CLASS 2. LENGTHENED STROKE wORDSIGNS AND OOHTRACTIOKS .will there, will their; all there, all their; writer; order; .. .fl. .reader; ,<, are there, are their;^,-<. . .harder; operator; . .yi. splendor; ./.. .brother; j^^. . .if there, if their, if they are; have there; ./^. . . .challenge-d; unchallenged; ..[.to their, to there; |L... .think their, think they are;.!. .the other; butheasierly;.. 4^southea8tarn;..XI may be there; be may be ihere| he may be their; in there. • any other one; .'* ; n >. i^ ..another one; no other one] »»»«»»»»»II WM W «a il iri t« W » l l» i HHH>;-:^ ^ 2. ^VA (.-■'k^ ./ nA^n.x.A./. .^, A...i.....y....L..>^. .<^....^......« f. L,...^... A ..^.. c■T■■'^■^' z^l^^...^ /':i..L j....!....^ kZ. ...d LESSON XXII.. /2./^....^....*U^......s^ .^n..L3. ^'../.. c ^lii.: ^:..:"j "'ly^. 28 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND jsr^:.. cr:...M. Li:^... ^- .^- L7.2M....r.A /11...11..-. ,C U..L 4....^,^..t3.. A A .^... ..^../^,_ji^.Crr3- 2...a... ^'J)^.l t^fl )-^- '-^x^ L'La- f --/^ ^ J: 1 2...._ A -...C u T y. 4- v: ii. ^r.. H / r^ n L7.JM.A 4 r::^...(,...;...C...._^J^.:/'..... -i ^ t ^ J<^^ J... C-^.. T' Z^. ).'J....^...., i<: ./ WRITING LESSONS 29 174 a. CLASS 2. HALF-LENGTH nOlDSISNS AND CONTRACTIONS . yr,. world, held, hold, old; ....lord. Lord, ordinary} ... .lordly, ordinarily} .... .r8peat-«d} <<^. rapid; ^'T?!.. rapidity ; v^. .repute; ^^^ .rdputation; -rtl ••heretofore) Ascertain; Pr^. .certainty; .C<'.word; ....onward; »^. .forward; ^...afterward; ^-f. .heard; (<^.were not; ...machinist; shorthand; shortened; ....put; ....operate; . . ..acoeptTftnoe-ation; /' -^ ' ^- . /. . .except-ed; ....complete, complied; . .1 . .completed; ....applied) ....appeared, particu- particularly; ../...particularity; particularize; ./..opportunity, pretty j 2 n L . .7. .practice; . .7. .practical; ./...practicable; ••/..propriety; . ^. .appropriate -d; .. .permit I 7 / ^ 1 ^ permitted; <4-> . .prompt-ed; .y2..promote-d; ••••spirit; ..^..separate; .Z, spread) •ht;.. sport; ./.. .support-ed;..hospital;/. ... .hospitable; .....hospitality; . . . .prof it-phet; . .^.prof itable-y; prophetic; perfected; «. .explained, splendid; . t/. comprehend; ....apprehend; . »V, .superintend-ed; . .somebody ; ....about; ....beauty; . . . .beautiful-ly; .;'. '•beautify; .. ..ezhib- 7 /.^ ^ ? -^ -^ ■' J. remembered; ..., ' ^ J .he don't 1 ) ....he had not; in-i-i-r.identical-ly; ... ;^accident; ..-^.establish; .^r^.establishment;.. .aston- ...•astonishment; ....is it; ./..as it, has it; ....is it not; ^>>'.has it not; ....quite; rrr. could; V7T. oared; ....cured; . .V, . .correspond-ed-ent-ence; — d count-y; ....account; • con'duct; T^rr-. .conduct'; .contact; ... .consequent- ly; TT?»-'.cannot; ....might-y; ....mightily; vTTN-r.marked; market-ed; ....immediate; immediately; ....somewhat; ^-^ ffT>. sometime; l-rT7>. day time; night time; /TV. am not, may not, amount; rT^.moTementj « rrr5vri .improvement; ."v^.nature; .Vr^. naturally, natural; .NVi hundred, under; ....is not; .S-.-'.as not, has not; ...'.undertake; .^..understand; .TV .understood; indiscriminate-ly ...indiscrimination; «rv.. investigate; .7X. intelligent; . .K. intelligence; A. interest; . ../.intelligible-lj} . .yl.intelligibility ; in writing; .C«^Si«>«jH^»»^•:^>^Hf■:^-»:^^'»jH^>^.^f»i^^^^ LESSON XXI II, ( /^ <2^ ^. ^^ ( WRITING LESSONS 31 • / A.A 1. z.. .j...\. l.A. 1_ ....<1 1±±1.^.. it / ai^ ^^ LJ / ^ ;( I ' ^ 'Z: 1 II " .C crvz. I = - . _j-'4..^.....^..j 1 _(,<„|,. .c^ ; -J-J. ,t.,.c. /2£..^ ° : 1-^.-; 1 / 1^ /^..c- "^ ^ 9' ^1 ^ ^ ZZA-l.L.y^.^,^..^ .L.ESS0N..1XIV.. /l/a L..^^^,...:.^::^..'^ o ^-^ L-^-- f-X. i/"^^^^W^^ 32 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND r^r^^ ■■^-^■■■^- ■^-^ ^• 1...1. ^....' H-,..-...- ...L..JC..^..i:.^..':".^.. w "l»-^ [^ i.-^-^- ._. » -.^..^Pn ....J,..^-...^.....^...l^....^^. ^ 1^. .}..J^rr>.....is-d (^. L!^..... T /ZJ-j?. : i....^.....^..-. °..>^ ...... •i^\./..\ .-././.^... ...^. .c.....^.'......'i /74...^.... .vrr-.....?^..^.....^^/...^....^.... .i,./:z..-n-/ - ^ Z;^ v^ .-,,^rr'.....*-L^..jC'.....<^.»?r....-:?...^ c-o J? /^...^.. '■ 4-^>/^ ^ ^ \ t/ l^ 9 J).. cA c WRITING LESSONS 33 Jr^..-,.../....La...l.-^.. ^ / ^■^-y/ /n «n nei.... U. >- LESSON XXV,. iij^M. (o.il.:^.....2.. '...^..^..^..LZ^.....^^.. ..z....,..j..........>^^.....^...a...i .[^..— ..:z. ,,#..„i..../..,:...<«^. .r=...^„ ...'....^r=....,/;?. h...^.L^. .Z^..._^..Z./.Z..^..... /• „e^. H y j^.. ...<^..... ^ .-./.. ^7 ^ Z' ./s. ) //' ) /- ///v:'.. ■>-/ ^ \ t - .vrrrr..^../^..*/ 34 CHALLENGE SHORTHAND j..^:a^. ./...I -J?, ^ ^ J ) (^ l: 4 / J ./.JAci.,..^.y^- t \_-^ ju fe [^J 1^^. /'/•... v^ „^^ ...^... ^^/ ^ ^ ¥ "f 5^ hr : vu L-^yrt-'m^ f O, 4/....>l c...^^..>, h-/ /ifji. ^'' ^' i' ^' /Z2.H( eautiony^rrf7.negotiate-df"~r: ..^negotiation; although. 36 CHALLBNaB SHORTHAND .LissQHjra:i.i.. ..Z.f.f^....=^ ■=^ 2Ma \l\l L..k.JL M2a .^ ^...2J/. j^ MJ<^...n.X^.i.::f./.. M¥.^ ^^/ %lfA.Oh'^..n 5^ MLa.sy. ^J.. 2.^...7..^....-r3...^.j^/-^ 2.01a.^...Ju. IL. 2/la,^^...ni. f i^4- / .fef ^o_ .a?. 'J^_ LESSON XVII L. ijsa...o^4. WRITING LESSON'S 37 ,.2/X«..^....^^.. IIM ^..o..L f/-- %ll..7...^.,.(f.... t ' 0% ^l.p..., ../....^...A-^ I C '^.i.^ &, L /. Qa 2 h^ ^„..tz '/. •'I 1 ^ ^ Q' ^-. ^ I ^ d -" '^ ..-rrnj.s «?rrj / (1 Sr^ ; 1 ^ ^ /L^/ U®- /' t: .g:>.- ../^. ^ J...s^. ^ G..../. / 2^ -^ ^. WRITING LESSONS 39 ^mm. .,Z..°.|.:.:^.^.>s.: f / ) I ":>« '^ .1:^. \H: BRIEF-TI and -Y ENLABGED For the purpose of wordsign making. Brief ^ may be enlarged to add another w sound, thus: ^eh C , 7.'ehweh C ; Wah -> , wuhwuh ; Enlarged Brief W, inclined in the direction of Pee or Ray, adds the sound of y, thus: Vehyeh U , Tnihyeh^ • Brief T, enlarged, adds OP y sound, thus: Yeh u , Yehyeh U ; Yuh r^ , Yuhyuh A . From these we hare the follow- ing combinations: c c ^ 3 ....we were, we would; ....with what; C were we, were with; ....what we, what were, what would; .1-J. would we; ....we yet; ....with you, with your; U were you, were your, were yet; ....what you, what your; Q would you, would youp;r^you were, you would; U yet you, yet your; L- and R-EOOIS may be applied to TICK TORDSIGNS, as follows: P 7 Z' ? ....or will; ....cf her; ....of all; ....all her, all are; T but are; P but will; r> to all he win O who are; Z' who will. ^^»^HH^ «a» »> »ll w^ ^l i >W)rl ^ «> ■g ■ l rl<« »»»^HHH^jK?iHH^-a■^H^»>■^»>-■<«K'»-■^^^^ THE IJBRARY XJNIVERSli Y OF t ALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. / Form L9 — 15m-10,'43 (BluU'J; i 1 1 ijfxr^^^^^'^f"0if r-^mMm