* *'' ' -.--.i* -':" flK.^ V WWk/n* vV " >> ^ UCSB LIBKAKY. LIFE AND WRITINGS MIGUEL DE CERVANTES. ' / / // THE MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDliA. WITH iLiterarg anti fBststoriral IIustrations AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED BY SPANISH BIOGRAPHERS AND OTHER EDITORS OF HIS WORKS. BY THOMAS ROSCOE, ESQ. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THOMAS TEGG, 73, CHEAPSIDE. BCCCXXXIX. LONDON : BRADBURY AND F.VANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PACK Ancient and noble family of Cervantes Its origin Mili- tary services Birth and baptism of Cervantes Want of dates Neglect of his con temporaries His education Early poetic taste His preceptors Anecdotes Fondness for the drama Early opinions of him Juvenile essays Studies at Sdrauutea Dramatic representations at Alcala and Madrid Introduction to Cardinal Aquaviva Accompanies him to Rome Description of his tour Residence in Rome Enters the Spanish army Sails with the fleet Battle of Lepanto His heroic conduct Receives three wounds Is taken to Medina Eulogised by Don John of Austria Recovers and rejoins the army In the regiment of Figueroa Goes upon new expeditions His naval service described by him- self I CHAPTER II. Sails with the expedition from Palermo Attack of Tunis Flight of the Moors Gallant conduct of Cervantes Re- turn of Don John to Italy Cervantes winters with his regi- ment at Cerdena Sails with Marcello Doria to Genoa Proceeds with his regiment to Sicily Visits the principal cities of Italy Descriptions in his writings Studies the Italian poets The use he made of them His delicate satire Envied and depreciated Gains the esteem of his commanders Distinguishes himself Obtains leave to re- turn to Spain Sets sail with his brother Rodrigo Attacked and captured by an Algerine squadron Brave defence Carried to Algiers Cruel treatment Forms a plan to vi CONTENTS. PAGE escape Abandoned by his guide Is re-cnptured His second attempt Adventures and sufferings Takes the re- sponsibility upon himself Threatened by the Dey Curious anecdotes A Spanish renegade Conduct of Cervantes Renews his attempt to escape . . . .If! CHAPTER III. Cervantes communicates his design to other captives His plan is matured Betrayed to the Dey Blanco de Paz Mag- nanimous conduct of Cervantes Refuses to abandon his fellow-captives Is brought before the Dey Threatened with death Refuses to name his coadjutors Treated with extreme rigour His plotting genius dreaded by the Dey Sufferings of the captives Dearth in Algiers The Duke de Sesa interests himself for Cervantes Solicitude and efforts of his relatives Petition to Philip II. It is granted Renewed attempts to obtain the amount of his ransom Society of the Redemption Father Gill Cervantes placed on board a vessel bound for Constantinople Is ransomed And set at liberty Compassion for his fellow-captives Noble example Religious duties And resignation His numerous frieuds Documents and certificates of witnesses Interesting depositions Cervantes sails for Spain . 37 CHAPTKR IV. .Cervantes returns to the army Supposed to re-enter his old "regiment Campaign of Portugal Sails from Lisbon Ex- pedition toTerceira Junction of the Spanish fleets Battle and victory off Terceira Serves with his brother Rodrigo in the new attack Gallant exploit Conquest of the neigh- bouring islands; Addresses complimentary lines to the famous Santa Cruz Long services of Cervantes under his flag Reception in Portugal His interesting descriptions of the country Liaison with a Portuguese lady His natural daughter Residence in Mostagan^Sent with letters from the Governor to King Philip Garrison duty Composition of his Galatea Description of the heroine Taken from real life Critical opinions Analysis of it Anecdotes Marriage of Cervantes Resides at Esquivias Literary occupations Compositions Formation of Academies Be- cc.nics a member Residence at the Court . 52 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. PAGF Dramatic compositions of Cervantes Introduces moral and allegorical personages Number of his plays Reform of the Spanish Theatre Prepares the way for Lope cle Vega His embarrassing situation Is made a Commissioner of the Commissariat Department Removes to Seville His inade- quate income Sends a memorial to the King Favourably entertained Singular allusion to his blighted prospects His great exertions and perseverance Frequent journeys In- teresting incidents His satiric vein Applied to moral uses Origin of his amusing Episode in Don Quixote Diffi- culties encountered in his enjoyment Solemn festival Monks of Saragossa Literary contest Enters the lists Gains the first prize Returns to Seville. . . .67 CHAPTER VI. Early dramatic efforts Opinions of Cervantes Progress of the art in Spain Curious retrospect Lope de Rueda His dramatic equipments A travelling stage Spanish authors and actors A canon of Toledo A censorship Ideas of Cervantes Strictures of M. Sismondi Extracts Speci- mens translated His dramatic genius How to be esti- mated His dramas The Numantia Description and analysis Specimens Peculiar characteristics Elevated character Grand sentiment Eloquent and powerful ap- peals Its progress, development, and final struggles Devoted patriotism Genius and conduct of Scipio Re- duces the city by famine Its destruction by the inhabitants Self-sacrifices Its fall Effects on a Spanish audience Its classical character Old Greek spirit Concentred in- terest and unity . . . . .81 CHAPTER VII. Other dramatic works Life in Algiers Circumstances in which it originated Los Banos de Argel Various adven- tures Allegorical personages Analysis Specimens and translations The slave-market Pathetic and startling' scenes Society of the Redemption The drama Opinions of Cervantes His judgment Extensive reading Famili- " CONTENTS. PACK arity with and imitation of the Ancients Noble qualities of the drama as conceived by Cervantes Freedom from affectation and conventional gallantry Unable to establish a reform Prevailing taste of the day Triumphant Lope de Vega and Cervantes both yield toil . .104 CUAPTER VIII. Attack of Cadiz by the English Calls forth the satirical genius of Cervantes His happy irony Story of the Espanola Inylesa New difficulties, owing to the treachery of an acquaintance Compromised with the agents of government Called to Madrid Residence there Death of Philip II. Grand solemnities Strange commotion, and battle of the priests Celebrated by Cervantes in a burlesque sonnet Idiom of the country people Residence in Seville Agent to people of rank Familiar acquaintance with the customs and manners of the people Origin of his novels Their character and object Andalusian tone of his wit and satire Mixing with the people Foundation of his Don Quixote His commission in La Mancha Doubts enter- tained Visit to Valladolid Supposed imprisonment Tra- dition, anecdotes, and reflections Composition of Don Quixote Its reception Criticisms and discussions Models His ideas of romance on new principles . .115 CHAPTER IX. Transitory effects of the death of Philip II. Reflections upon arbitrary government Its fatal influence on the fortunes of Cervantes The victim of evil times and circumstance ' of a despotic court Don Quixote Its cool recpetion Gradual progress Rapid sale and universal fame Opinions of M. Sismondi Requisites for its perusal Object of the work Its spirit, plot, characters Ancient and modern models Mixed nature Real views of Cervantes To en- tertain, reform, and instruct Specimens Anedotes Ori- ginal idea Power of imagination Its vivid representations Lasting impressions Vigour of description Vast know- ledge and learning Variety of the episodes Their charm and pathos Powerful contrasts Dignity ,riclincss Beauty and exquisite polish of style . . . . 1 39 CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE Astonishing success of his new work Envy and malignity of his contemporaries Lope de Vega Attempts made to excite enmity between them Calumnies and falsehoods employed Birth of Philip IV. Count de Lerma's embassy to Eng- land Splendid banquets Singular fatality Depositions of Cervantes and his family relative to the affair Informa- tion of his residence and family thus obtained Anecdotes The -works of Hurtado de Mendoza Academical meetings His connexions and friendships Ungrateful return Heartlessness of men of rank Academy of the Selvage Its members Poems composed by Cervantes. . .156 CHAPTER XI. Cervantes devotes himself to literary compositions Corrects his former productions, and prepares them for the press HJB novels and tales Interwoven with his great work Boccaccio How far imitated by Cervantes Why entitled Exemplares Noble objects he had in view Tales of witchcraft, and diablerie Dangerous test of merit Curi- ous instance of hallucination Various characters of the novels How natural and well-supported Examination of their merits Accused of not being the author of them Forms a new era in the popular fiction of Spain Imitated by Lope de Vega Richness and beauty of the language . 173 CHAPTER XII. Continuation of the Novelas Exemplares Opinions Ana- lysis Specimens and translations La Gitanilla Charac- ters Peculiarities of the Gitanos Sketches Peculiarities of climate El Amante Liberal Characters and adven- tures Historical allusions Power of the Corsairs Singu- lar historic incidents Story of Rinconete and Cortadillo Characteristics of vagabond life Religion of thieves Regu- lar establishment Singular priesthood The Spanish-Eng- lish lady Admirable pictures of the country Customs and manners of the people . . . . . 1 87 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. PACK Characteristics of novel writing Its former and present pecu- liarities The test of time Increased popularity of Cer- vantes High opinion expressed by his rivals Tacit admis- sion of Cervantes' merit by Lope de Vega Opposed to a vicious popularity, or vulgar fame Extended the same high sentiment to the drama His views of the drama State of the Spanish stage Its extravagance Bad taste And de- pravity Example -Base proceedings of the Licentiate Avellaneda Violent party spirit excited Moderation and magnanimity of Cervantes Extreme bitterness and enmity of his rival Mystery in which it is enveloped Silence of his contemporaries on the subject Improvement of the Spanish language by Cervantes . . . .198 CHAPTER XIV. Literary productions The Viaye al Parnaso Complains of the neglect of his friends of men of rank the court the country for M-hich he bled The Adjunta al Parnaso Fresh disappointments Injustice of the Spanish theatre He composes new plays Maligned and persecuted Re- vises his comedies Dedicates them to the Count de Lemos Their cold reception Characteristics of the drama of that period Examination of the various subjects treated by Cer- vantes His contemporary, Lope de Vega " Justus Poeti- cas " Second part of Don Quixote Humorous picture of his rival Pleasant dialogue Delicate feeling of Cervantes Contrasted with his rival His style Charged with Italianisms by his enemies His purity and harmony of style His works translated and published in other countries . 212 CHAPTER XV. Popularity of Don Quixote Neglect of men of letters Curious anecdote Compliment to Cervantes Numerous editions of Don Quixote Fame of the author Ariosto Tasso Critical remarks Violence and injustice of other writers Monsieur Sorel A bold English critic El Escu- dero Obregon Character of its author His crafty and cavilling spirit towards Cervantes Want of consistency and merit in hs own work . 231 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. PAGE New romance of Cervantes Unpublished during his life His own estimate of it By native critics By foreigners Bold and imaginative character Strange ideas of the North Wonderful adventures The marvellous Grand extra- vagances Humorous incidents New method of travelling Specimens of diablerie Numerous episodes Ironical treatment of his own story Effect of age, and influence of Catholic priests Superstitious feelings productive of into- lerance Injustice towards the Moriscoes Bad effects of their banishment Touching lament Adventures of the hero and heroine Odd notions of heroic morality . 243 CHAPTER XV11. Envy and ingratitude of Figueroa Unjust and unprovoked attacks upon Cervantes Strange conduct of the Argeu- solas Try to poison the minds of his patrons Noble cha- racter of the Count de Lemos Of Sandoval y Rojas Their m uniticence Protect Cervantes Interesting facts Parti- culars relating to the second part of Don Quixote Analysis Episodes The hero Character of Sancho Dedication to the Count Persiles and Sigismunda Observations and analysis Illness of Cervantes Tries a change of air Amusing ad ventures Becomes worse Fondness for litera- ture to the last Corrects his works Writes to his patron His noble expressions His death Summary of his character and merits . . . .254 APPENDIX . . . . .275 THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OK MIGUEL DE CERVANTES. CHAPTER I. Ancient and noble family of Cervanles Its origin Military ser- vices Birth and baptism of Cervantes Want of dates Neglect of his contemporaries His education Early poetic taste His preceptors Anecdotes Fondness for the drama Early opinions of him Juvenile essays Studies at Salamanca Dramatic re- presentations at Alcala and Madrid Introduction to Cardinal Aquaviva Accompanies him to Rome Descriptions of his tour Residence in Rome Enters the Spanish army Sails with the fleet Battle of Lepanto His heroic conduct Receives three wounds Is taken to Messina Eulogised by Don John of Austria Recovers and rejoins the army In the regiment of Figueroa Goes upon new expeditions His naval service de- scribed by himself. THE noble family of the Cervantes was, it appears, first settled in Galicia, from whence it removed to Castile, spreading through that province its numer- ous branches. Its origin was adorned by the most memorable actions and signal victories for which it received the distinguished approbation of its sove- reigns ; and it figures in the pages of Spanish history for more than five centuries with such splendour, that 2 LIFE AND WRITINGS if we may believe the learned marquess of Mondejar, it has no occasion to envy the most august houses of Europe. Some descendants of this numerous race accom- panied the King Don Fernando in his conquest of Baeza and Seville, and shared in the spoils of that expedition ; and others of the name, who emulated the actions of their ancestors, were amongst the con- querors of the new world, where they established themselves and flourished. Another kindred branch are descended from Juan de Cervantes, a man of dis- tinction and corregidor of Ossuna, where he acquired by his noble qualities the respect of the natives of that place. He had a son, Rodrigo de Cervantes, who intermarried in the year 1540 with Donna Leo- nora de Cortinos, a lady 'of noble birth, and a native, as it appears, of the town of Barrajos. The issue of this marriage were Donna Andrea and Donna Ltmisu Roderigo and Miguel. Miguel de Cervantes, who was the younger son of this noble but reduced family, was born in Alcala de Henares, 1 and baptised in the parish church of Santa Maria la Mayor on the ninth day of October, 1547 ; a fact which is now most satisfactorily established, and which consequently for ever destroys the pretensions of Madrid, Seville, Lu- cena, Toledo, Esquerios, Alcazar de San Juan and Consuegra, which cities had long contended for the honour of giving birth to so illustrious a person. But there is still, unfortunately, room for them to contest the honour of possessing his tomb ; the traveller and the pilgrim of the world know not yet where to pay their devotions to the relics of Cervantes more sacred for the nobleness and greatness of his character. One of the virtuous few who season human kind, and redeem humanity in our eyes, he showed us that OF CERVANTES. 3 the life of an author is not necessarily confined to the influence of his works ; that his actions are not bounded l>y his writings, though these have been thought to constitute the most valuable of his actions ; and that the man ought never to be lost sight of in the author or the artist. It is that which adorns through all time the names of Da Vinci, of Michael Angelo, of Camoens, of Dante, 3Iilton, and Cervantes, which gives them clearness, distinctness, and identity through the mists of time, stamping upon them that true- nobility of imperishable mind, which must pre- serve them fresh and immortal in the memory of posterity. Cervantes was illustrious as a man, before he was known as a writer ; he was signalised by his courage, his virtues, and his trials, long before he wrote his best book. His own life was a series of adventures sufficient to interest us without his fame ; possessing the same charm, the same moral force, which surprises and delights us in his works. It was impossible for contemporary biography to describe a man whose high qualities were not appreciated, whose character was not understood ; and it is for this reason that we have to lament the want of those full and rich materials which the writers of Spain were then so industriously engaged in collecting to illustrate the lives of their kings, and the annals of their inquisitions. It seems most probable, however, that Cervantes received the first rudiments of his education in his native place, and amongst his own kindred; more particularly as at this time Alcalu was celebrated for its cultivation of science and literature, and was also the resort of many distinguished men. 2 Neverthe- less, nothing can with certainty be averred on this point ; and all that we know is, that from his most tender years Cervantes manifested a decided iuelina- B2 4 LIFE AND WRITINGS tion to poetry and to works of invention and imitation, and a lively curiosity which led him to read the idle ballads of the streets. He discovered, too, an affection for the theatre, where he attended the re- presentations of the pieces of the celebrated poet and noted performer Lope de Rueda, although his tender years did not then permit him fully to appreciate the quality of his verses. He however retained them in his memory to a more mature age, when he bestowed on them their due meed of praise. Some authors, as D. Nicolas Antonio, believe that Cervantes joined in the representation of these pieces in Seville, of which city Lope de Rueda was a native, and have even inferred that he was himself born in that city: 3 but allowing that this eminent performer was present with his company in Segovia in 1558, on occasion of the solemn festival which was held there on the removal of divine worship from the old to the new cathedral, where the resort of persons was the greatest ever known in Castile, all Spain assist- ing at it, as Colmenares assures us ; and knowing equally well that during three years Lope and his company continued their performances at Madrid and other cities of Castile (where he saw the famous Antonio Perez before he became secretary to Philip II.), it seems most natural to conclude that Cer- vantes, though only eleven years of age, might be present at these plays in Segovia, or Madrid, or in the neighbouring town of Alcala, where Rueda per- formed on occcasion of other festivities and solem- nities until the year 1567, in which he died. We know with greater certainty that Cervantes studied grammar and the belles-lettres with the learned Juan Lopez de Hoyos, a respectable ecclesiastic, and a native of Madrid. This person being charged with OF CERVANTES. 5 the arrangement of the histories, allegories, emblems and inscriptions, which were directed to be placed in the church of the Descalzas Reales in celebration of the magnificent obsequies of the Queen Donna Isabel de Valois in that town, on the 24th day of October 1568, employed his scholars in these compositions. Some of these were in Latin and others in Castilian. Amongst these scholars Cervantes was one of the most distinguished, as is recorded by the same Juan Lopez, in the account he published of the last illness, death, and funeral of the princess, speaking of him repeatedly as " his most favourite and much loved scholar," and inserting with especial mention of his name a sonnet and four redondillos, in which in striking language he apostrophises the deceased queen in a Castilian couplet, describing the suddenness with which she was snatched away by death, and an elegy in tercetos, finely conceived and composed in an ele- gant style (in the opinion of his master), and dedi- cated to the cardinal D. Diego de Espinosa, president of the council and inquisitor-general. * The common opinion has been, that it was at Ma- drid that Cervantes prosecuted his studies with Juan Lopez ; but considering that Lopez did not obtain the chair of grammar and belles-lettres in that city until the 29th of January, 1568, when Cervantes was already more than twenty years of age, it is most natural to conclude that his instructions were ante- rior to this period, and that either as a private master, or out of Madrid, he had taught his celebrated scho- lar, so far as to call him with propriety his disciple, after he had been only eight months presiding in the before-mentioned chair a conjecture that admits of entire confirmation, it being certain that Cervantes, as he has himself informed us, studied two years 6 LIFE AND WRITINGS in Salamanca and matriculated in that university, and resided in the Calle de los Moros. 5 From this arose the accuracy with which he painted the customs and peculiar manners of that city ; as is particularly evident from the Second Part of Don Quixote, and in the Tale of the Licenciado Vidriera, and the Tla Fingida. At all events the singular expressions of his master Lopez, and the fact of his having selected Cervantes from amongst his other scholars to write the above-mentioned elegy, prove how much he surpassed all his contemporaries in genius. 6 The applause which attended these first essays, the example of the poets of the day, and his frequenting the theatre, tended to confirm his passion for the drama (which became remodelled in his hands), and excited him to the composition of his Fileria, a sort of pastoral poem, and of some sonnets, rhymes, and romances, which he mentions in his Viage al Par- nasso. These productions placed him in the first rank of the poets of Spain, before the period of his cap- tivity in Algiers. 7 The death of the queen occurred on the third of October, 1568. When her obsequies were cele- brated at the end of that month, Cervantes was in Madrid. At that time there came from Rome Julio Aquaviva of Aragon, son of the duke of Atri, sent by Pope Pius V. to condole with Philip II. on the death of the Prince Don Carlos, who died on the 24th July preceding ; and probably to require some apology to the ecclesiastics, to whom it is believed lii< ministers at Milan had given some offence. Both these commissions must have been far from agree- able, if not offensive, to the king at this conjuncture. The mysterious cause of the imprisonment of the OF CERVANTES. 7 prince, the severity of his father in refusing to lend an ear to the many applications made in his favour by several cities and by sovereign princes, the prohi- bition that no one should express condolement to him upon this event, as was announced to the nuncio of the pope, the premature death of the prince in prison, and the recent and melancholy decease of the queen ; were appalling events, which excited public curiosity, and led to much discussion amongst the people, always prone to suspicion and to question the actions of their rulers. All these circumstances rendered the first commis- sion of the legate odious and ill-timed. The second commission was no less so, from the king obstinately defending what he deemed his rights, against the pretensions of the Roman court to the Spanish domi- nions in Italy. In confirmation of this displeasure a passport was expedited to the legate of his holiness, from Aranjuez, on the 2nd day of December of the same year, 1568, to return to Italy by Aragon and Valencia before the expiration of sixty days. In consequence of this proceeding he was doubtless created cardinal in Rome on the 17th of May, 1570. On the occasion of the ambassador of Spain at that court, D. Juan de Zuniga, annoxmcing to Philip II. the arrival of Aquaviva, 8 he stated among ether matters, that that prelate was highly esteemed for his love of letters ; and Mateo Alcman doubtless refers to him, when he says he lived in the palace of a certain dignitary of the Church, sent by Pius V. to negotiate with Philip on affairs of the Church, adding that this legate was greatly attached to men of learn- ing, and extended his friendship to them, entertaining them familiarly at his table, carrying them in his carriage when he went into public, honouring them LIFE AND WRITINGS in every possible way, and delighting to discuss with them questions of politics, science, and letters. As Cervantes informs us that he served in Rome as a chamberlain, it may be presumed, when we consider the character of Aquaviva as a patron of letters, that finding himself in Madrid when the funeral of the queen took place, and at the time that Cer- vantes dedicated his elegy to the Cardinal Espinosa, this nobleman might be struck by his genius and penetration ; and probably compassionating his narrow fortune, admitted him into his family, and invited him to accompany him to Italy, a journey which the young Spanish nobility frequently took at that time with a view of embracing the service of the pope and the cardinals, as was the case with Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Don Francisco Pacheco, and others, 9 They thus prosecuted their studies in Rome, and occasionally obtained through this chan- nel the most wealthy and elevated dignities in the Church. Sometimes, too, they might have been in- stigated by a desire to see the world, and to try their fortune in arms, a path which if less strewed with riches, was still the road to fame and renown at this palmy epoch of the Spanish empire. 10 Such might be the motives which influenced Cer- vantes to leave his native country for a time. We henceforth find him describing in the countries through which he travelled not only the varied and enchant- ing varieties of scenery, but also the peculiar customs of the inhabitants. He beheld with admiration the rich and beautiful city of Valencia, its delightful sub- urbs, the charms and engaging manners of its women, and its graceful language, with which the Portu- guese alone can compete for sweetness and agreeable- ness. On the principality of Catalonia he made more OF CERVANTES. extensive and particular observations, as appears from many of his notes, describing and justly censuring the levies and bands of soldiers which the principal gentry employed in the gratification of their private revenge, remarking the severity of punishments, and noticing the most distinguished families of the country, their party, their influence, and manners ; now describing the well-known road of Barcelona so dangerous for shipping, and the city, as the school of chivalry, the queen of all beautiful cities, the pride of Spain, the dread of her neighbouring enemies, the paragon of loyalty, the protectress of strangers, and faithful in her friendships ; and finally summing up the character of the Catalonians by saying, that they are passionate and warlike, peaceful and agreeable, and in bravery and honour exceeded by no people in the universe. With equal felicity he describes the route to Italy, through the southern provinces of France, affording grounds for surmise that he had made that journey on this occasion with Monsignor Aquaviva ; for as we find some of these descriptions in the Galatea, which was the first work he pub- lished after his captivity and his service in Portugal and the Terceira islands, we may infer that it could be only at that time he had an opportunity of ac- quiring an accurate knowledge of the geography, history, and manners of the principality and of those countries, which he displays in his works at a more advanced period of life. Cervantes must have remained only a short time in this domestic service, as he enrolled himself in the following year as a common soldier in the Spanish army 11 then stationed in Italy; embracing thence- forth a nobler profession, and one more consonant to his birth and connexions ; since the exercise of 10 LIFE AND WRITINGS arms (to use his own expression), although it raises all persons, yet more particularly becomes those that are noble-minded and well born. It was not long before he found a theatre on which he might display his martial spirit. The Grand Turk, Selim II., breaking the treaty which he had formed with the republic of Venice, suddenly invaded, at a time of profound peace, the island of Cyprus. The Vene- tians on this event implored assistance from the various princes of Christendom, particularly from the Pontiff, Pius V. That pontiff, with the greatest alacrity, placed his galleys under the command of Marc Antonio Colonna, duke of Paliano, and uniting w r ith those of Spain and Venice, they assembled in the winter of 1570 in the Levant, to check the pro- gress of the enemy ; but in consequence of the dis- sensions and indecision of the confederate commanders, the Turks were enabled to take Nicosia by assault, and extend their conquests ; and the combined fleet allowing the favourable season to escape for the suc- couring of Cyprus, was diminished by tempests, and compelled to retire to their respective ports. Among the forty-nine galleys, which tinder the command of Juan Andrea Doria assembled at Otranto with Colonna, agreeably to the orders of Philip II., were included twenty of the squadron of Naples, sent by the marquess of Santa Cruz, and the whole had been reinforced by five thousand Spanish soldiers and two thousand Italians. Among these troops was the company of the famous Captain Diego de Urbina, a native of Gua- dalajara, which belonged to the regiment of Don Miguel de Moncada, and in this company it was that Miguel de Cervantes volunteered as a common sol- dier. 12 In this station he made the campaign of the OF CERVANTi:-. 11 summer Tinder the orders of Colonna, embarking pro- bably in one of the galleys of the squadron from Na- ples, in which city, on its return, he spent the winter, whilst the armament was repairing and refitting for the service of the following year. The Roman court, far from being dismayed by its late misfortunes, now formed with nndiminished zeal a confederacy of the principal powers of Europe against the Turks, concluding on the 20th day of May, 1571, the famotis league between his holiness the pope, the King of Spain, and the republic of Venice, and naming as generalissimo of the united force by land and sea, Don Juan of Austria, natural son of Charles V. The enlistment of troops, the supplies of ammunition and provisions, and the means of war, were forwarded by religious zeal ; and the spirit of military glory which displayed itself, was further excited by the presence of a numerous army, and its illustrious commanders. Don Juan of Austria had scarcely received his ap- pointment of generalissimo, when he proceeded with the utmost despatch to Madrid, and uniting in Bar- celona the distinguished regiments of Don Lope de Figueroa and of Don Miguel de Moncada, which had given signal proofs of their valour and military skill in the war of Granada, he set sail with them from that part for Italy, and arrived at Genoa on the 26th day of June with forty-seven galleys. Moncada was commissioned to rouse the Venetians to co-operate with spirit in an enterprise which they had them- selves provoked ; encouraging them with the pro- spect of a happy result, which the dissensions of the former year had prevented. During this time those two regiments were completed at Naples by soldiers who were serving in the fleet ; and it was then that 12 LIFE AND WRITINGS the company of Urbina, in which Cervantes served, was united to the regiment to which it belonged. The united land and sea forces of the allied powers then assembled at Messina, and diligently prepared themselves for the campaign ; and the troops were distributed in the several ships of war, placing in the galleys of Juan Andrea Doria, then in the service of Spain, two old companies, two others of the regiment of Moncada, that of Urbina and that of Rodrigo de Mora, each composed of two hundred men. By this arrangement Cervantes, with his captain and company, were allotted to the galley the Marquesa de Juau Andrea, commanded by Francisco Sancto Pietro ; and as on going to sea on the 15th of Sep- tember, with the intention of engaging the Ottoman fleet, the combined force was formed into three divisions, the Marquesa was assigned to the third squadron, which formed the left wing of the battle, the command of which was given to Augustin Barba- ligo, purveyor-general of Venice. After succouring Corfu, and seeking the fleet of the enemy, they dis- covered it on the morning of the 7th of October, towards the entrance of Lepanto. Being compelled from his situation to engage immediately, Barbarigo began the attack a little after mid-day; and the battle soon becoming general and obstinate, terminated at night with the most glorious victory that the Christian arms everachieved. 13 Cervantes being at this moment sick of the ague, his captain and comrades endea- voured to dissuade him from taking a part in the approaching action, and advised him to remain in quiet in the cabin of his ship, but, warmed with military ardour, he indignantly asked, What would be thought of him, if he should desert his post at such a time ? and declared that he should prefer death OF CERVANTES. 13 bravely fighting for God and his King, to preserving life on such ignoble terms. He then earnestly en- treated his captain to place him in the hottest part of the battle ; and the captain indulging him, gave him a post in his vessel, with twelve soldiers, where they fought with such heroism, that the Christians in his galley killed five hundred Turks, slew the gover- nor of Alexandria, and captured the royal standard of Egypt. In this fierce contest Cervantes received three arquebuss wounds, two in the breast, and the other in the left hand, which remained maimed and lame ever afterwards. By his bravery and valour, how- ever, he contributed to the glory of that day, the 7th of October, 1571, a day for ever memorable for the signal victory gained by the Christian powers over the Turks. Of his share in this action he made honourable boast during the rest of his life, showing in proof of his distinguished bravery the scars of his wounds received in " the most memorable of all occasions past, present, and to come" " wounds that show like stars, lighting us on our way to heaven and to fame." He thus chose rather to share the dangers and glories of this day with loss of limb, than to excuse himself from illness, " since it is better for a soldier to be found dead on the field of battle, than to save his life by an abandonment of duty." On the night which succeeded to this glorious day, the victorious fleet retired to the port of Pi'tela, to attend to the repair of the ships, and to minister to the wants and comforts of the men. The bad state of Cervantes' health at this time retarded the healing of his wounds, but he had the honourable satisfaction of being visited on the following day by Don Juan of Austria, who came to thank the soldiers for their 14 LIFE AXD WRITINGS valour, succouring the wounded, and bestowing on such as had distinguished themselves three escudos each, above their ordinary pay. This prince was desirous of improving the advantages of his victory by blocking up the Turks fn the Dardanelles, and possessing himself of the castles of Lepanto and Santa 31 aria, wintering for this object in Corfu with the Venetians ; but the very advanced season of the year, the want of victuals, and also of men, the number of sick and wounded, and the commands of his brother, compelled him to return to Messina, where he arrived on the 31st of October, and was received with every demonstration of joy so glorious a triumph deserved, as were soon afterwards Marc Antonio Colonna in Rome, and the marquis of Santa Cruz at Naples. A hospital was prepared in Messina for the reception of the wounded, where Cervantes disembarked with his comrades. The condition of these meritorious men immediately attracted the attention of Don Juan of Austria, who not only generously gave thirty thousand ducats for their relief, but frequently visited them himself, and reiterated his thanks to those who had distinguished themselves in the late action. He moreover directed Gregorio Lopez, the surgeon-general of the army, and the king's physician (who had been physician to Charles V.), to attend personally to the cure of the wounded ; and these brave men, so worthy of their general's regard, were thus treated with the most tender care. The greater part of them were soon restored to health, and were able to take a share in the public and solemn rejoicings with which the city of Messina celebrated this memorable victory, making its grate- ful acknowledgments to the young champion who had achieved it. OF CERVANTES. 15 The prince remained in Sicily agreeably to the wishes of his brother; and, to provide for the better order of the fleet, he sent a portion of it to various parts of Italy for the winter ; he also despatched some foreign ships and troops, and assigned a station to the Spaniards in Naples and Sicily, ordering to the southern part of that island the regiment of Moncada. It seems certain that Cervantes remained at Messina for the healing of his wounds, for Don Juan of Austria sent to succour him there on the 1 5th and 24th of January, and on the 9th and 17th of March, 1572, remitting him money for the pay of the fleet, and for secret and extraordinary expenses, in consideration of his services, and to complete the cure of his wounds. His health being re-established, Cervantes received three additional escudos monthly, in the regiment of Don Lope de Figueroa, and in the company which had signalised itself, which was doubtless that of Ponce de Leon. It was in- tended to complete the regiment of Moncada with four thousand men from the garrison of Naples ; but although Don Juan of Austria proposed this, and gave Moncada leave tp go to Spain, it seems certain that the object was given up, and that the general continued his services in the following year. This signal success animated the confederate powers for fresh enterprise, and the court of Rome occupied itself forthwith in making arrangements with the other powers for another campaign, and by fervent exhortations of its legates induced the Christian powers to enter into a new confederacy. Selim, on his part, increased his fleet, and engaged the king of France to divert the attention of Philip II., by attack in g his dominions in Flanders and Italy, and he also succeeded in separating the Venetians from 16 LIFE AND WRITINGS the league. Don Juan of Austria was now ordered to assist the allies with his forces, and to remain in Sicily to protect the coasts of that island. The operations for the spring of 1572 were impeded, amongst other things, by differences between the courts of Rome and Florence, and the death of Pius V. At length Colonna departed for the Levant on the 6th day of June, and Don Juan of Austria rendered him effectual assistance by his ships loaded with victuals and ammunition, and with the thirty- six galleys of the marquis of Santa Cruz, which transported a large body of troops to Corfu. Among these was the Spanish infantry regiment of Moncada, and two companies of that of Don Lope de Figueroa, which were embarked from the southern side of Sicily. At this island the Roman commander assembled and reviewed all the forces under his command. He then embarked them, and pursued the Turkish fleet, which avoided a general action, and availed itself of every opportunity of escaping into port. The apprehensions of Philip were now allayed by the success of his arms in Flanders, and paying less attention to the views of the French court, and satisfied of the friendly intentions of the new pon- tiff, he ordered his brother to the Levant, leaving John Andrea Doria in Sicily with forty galleys, and a correspondent number of troops. In order to unite the fleet of the allies, the gene- ralissimo directed his course on the 9th of August to Corfu, where he found neither Colonna, nor any tidings of him. Displeased with this event, which deprived him of the best part of the season, he desired him to make all haste, and join him on the last day of the month. He then prepared his ships, and took to sea on the 8th day of September, with the in- OF CERVANTES. 17 tention of advantageously 1 attacking the Turks, whose force was divided between Xavarino and Modon. lie would have surprised them in this situation on the morning of the 16th, if a mistake of the pilot in the roadstead had not given them time to avoid the danger, and unite their force in the latter port, where they fortified themselves. Don John of Austria here wished to attack them, but was prevented by the counsels and opposition of his generals, and con- sented at last to join the Venetians in their attack on Xavarino, though it was an enterprise from which much was not to be expected. He was not deceived in this surmise, for although under the command of Alessandro Farnese, they were compelled to abandon the enterprise after the lapse of some days, and to embark the troops and artillery under favour of the uight, and under the protection of the fleet. Spite of these disappointments, Don John was de- sirous of attacking the enemy in harbour, as they refused to give him battle in the open sea ; but, surrendering his own opinion to that of others, and seeing the season so far advanced, he decided on the allies retiring to their several homes, and he himself en- tered Messina with the Spanish fleet at the beginning of November. They took measures for passing the winter here, and disembarked the Spanish regiments of Naples and Sicily. They appointed quarters to the regiment of Don Lope de Figueroa, which was in the pay of the fleet, and then filling up that of Moneada, they re-formed and completed it with the soldiers of the former regiment. We may conclude from this narrative, that whilst Moneada wintered in the southern part of Sicily, Cervantes remained in Messina for the cure of his wounds, until the end of April, 1572, when he passed into the regiment of 18 LIFE AND WRITINGS Don Lope de Figueroa, which was at Corfu on board the galleys of the Marquis of Santa Cruz, and that he was in the battle of the Levant when Colonna com- manded, and in the enterprise of Navarino, since he afterwards joined the prince generalissimo. This he states in his memorial, and several circumstances strengthen the supposition ; and to this may be added the minute description, in his tale of the Cautivo, of the events of this battle, and the well-founded assertion, in his dedication of the Galatea, that he had followed for several years the standard of Marc Antonio Colonna. CHAPTER II. Sails with the expedition from Palermo Attnck of Tunis Flight of the Moors Gallant conduct of Cervantes Return of Don John to Italy Cervantes winters with his regiment at Cerdefia Sails with Marcello Doria to OJenon Proceeds with his regiment to Sicily Visits the principal cities of Italy Descriptions in his writings Studies the Italian poets The use he made of them Hi* delicate satire Envied and depre- ciated Gains the esteem of his commanders Distinguishes himself Obtains leave to return to Spain Sets sail with his brother Rodrigo Attacked and captured by an Algcrine squad- ron Brave defence Carried to Algiers Cruel treatment Forms a plan to escape Abandoned by his guide Is re-captured His second attempt Adventures and sufferings Takes the responsibility on himself Threatened by the Dey Curious anecdotes A Spanish renegade Conduct of Cervantes Re- news his attempt to escape. THE winter was passed in making active prepa- rations. In the spring of 1572, at which time Philip II. intended to repair to Corfu with three hundred galleys of his own, the Venetians, for the purpose of dissimulation, prepared at the same time a large OP CERVANTES. 19 force of foot soldiers for their ships, as they were secretly negotiating a peace with Constantinople through the French ambassador. This treaty was finally concluded at the end of March, and they then separated themselves from the league. This so far disgusted the confederates, that they deter- mined to abandon the Levant, and turn their forces against Algiers, and the Prince Don John decided upon sailing against Tunis, an enterprise which Philip II. adopted, though for causes very different to those of his brother. Philip flattered himself with obtaining the sovereignty of Algiers, agreeably to the promise of the Pope and the wishes of his own court ; whilst Don John's object was to de- throne Aluch-Ali, to restore Muley Mahomet, and to dismantle the fortresses : thus getting rid of the Christian tribute, and depriving the corsairs of this their favourite stronghold. The whole spring passed away in these prepa- rations, and it was now the 24th of September when the expedition, with twenty thousand soldiers, set sail from Palermo, and with these the regiment in which Cervantes served. The whole force disembarked at the Goleta, on the 8th and 9th of October ; and as the Turks in the garrison and the Moors in Tunis hastily abandoned the city and the fortress, Don John of Austria ordered the Marquis of Santa Cruz to take possession of them with the prudence and caution which circumstances dictated. For this purpose he removed from the garrison of the Goleta two thou- sand five hundred veteran troops, which he replaced by as many new soldiers, among which were four companies of the regiment of Figueroa, who, to use the expression of Vanderhamen, " made the earth tremble with their muskets ;" and as all were well c2 20 LIFE AND WRITINGS acquainted with the country, and commanded by a brave and experienced captain, they disembarked with amazing despatch and success. Instead of demolishing the fortifications, agreeably to the orders of the King, and the advice of the Duke de Sesa and Marcello Doria, Don John endeavoured to assure his conquest, constructing in the Estaho a fort capable of containing eight thousand men in garrison, and occupying Yiserta, which surrendered of its own accord. This being sufficiently matured, he left a considerable number of troops for the defence of these places, returned to Sicily at the beginning of November, and made his arrangements for the winter season, giving orders for the refreshment of his men and the repair of the fleet. He then sent to Cerdena the four companies commanded by Figueroa, that they might at the same time attend to the de- fence of that island, and extend their aid to the other garrisons in Africa when requisite. Cervantes not only states in his memorial that he was in the expe- dition to Tunis, a fact confirmed by several of his fellow-soldiers, who asserted that they had seen him serving there, and commended his bravery, but that he was also one of the division who sallied forth with the Marquis de Santa Cruz from the garrison of the Goleta to take possession of Tunis and its castle. Cervantes himself, and his father, have left us a notice of his services on both these occasions ; and this is confirmed by the extreme accuracy with which, in the before-mentioned novel, he has related the success- ful events of this day. Don John of Austria had received permission to return to Spain, and he solicited in Rome, by means of his secretary, Juan de Escovedo, the mediation of the Pope to obtain from the King the sovereignty of OF CERVANTES. 21 Tunis. But on his journey he found at Gaeta fresh orders to pass into Lombardy, and there to await the pacification of the troubles which had broken out at Genoa. Directing his course to the port of Especia at the close of April, 1574, he there found Doria, who with fourteen galleys had brought from Cerdena the Spanish infantry of Figueroa, which he conducted to the coast of Genoa to await the immediate orders of that prince. The latter complained of the delay which had occurred in his absence with regard to the armaments in Naples and Sicily, when he learnt that in the month of July the Turks had arrived with numerous forces to reconquer Tunis and the Goleta. To prevent this misfortune he despatched succour to the viceroys of these states, under the command of Don Juan de Cardona and Don Bernardino de Velasco, with which, and the abandonment of Viserta, they managed to preserve their fortresses for some time, though attacked by a powerful army. Don John was now aware of the error of not dismantling these places in the previous year ; and believing he could, notwithstanding, remedy the evils he apprehended, he embarked at Especia with the infantry of Don Garcia de Mendoza, that of Figueroa, and some Italian troops, and sailed for Naples and Messina, where he put in order some vessels that had been there repaired. Impatient of the delay which this misfortune had occasioned, he resolved to embark and conduct in per- son the requisite assistance, and for this purpose he reinforced his ships with the best soldiers from the regiments of Don Pedro de Padillar and Don Lope de Figueroa. He then put to sea, resolved to succour thebesiegedat all risks ; but the storms and hurricanes rendered his efforts fruitless, having been nigh perish- 22 LIFE AND WRITINGS ing, and obliged to save himself by taking refuge in the ports of Sicily. In the meanwhile the Goleta, which had been hitherto considered impregnable, was taken by assault after a long siege, and a well-sustained and vigorous defence, as was also Tunis after twenty days, the victors entering over the ruins of the ramparts, which were thrown down by the violence of the mines, and the fortress oftheEstaho was in consequence reduced to capitulation. This unfortunate intelligence reached Don John when he had repaired his ships, and was persisting in his intentions, and about to set sail from Trepana. Extremely chagrined to see his exertions fruitless, his hopes destroyed, and his reputation compromised, he returned to Naples on the 29th of September, leaving at Palermo, in the charge of the Duke of Sesa, the care of the armada, and the regiment of Figueroa, with the intention not only of protecting the coast of that kingdom, but also to recruit the losses he had sustained in his troops. For this purpose the Duke judged it best to fix his abode at the maritime towns, and to strengthen the army of Sicily. This division was in the interim commanded by Don Martin de Argote, Don Lope de Figueroa having obtained leave to go to Spain for the re- establishment of his health. He prosecuted hia journey at the same time as Don John of Austria, who solicited of his brother on this occasion the appointment of Lieutenant of all Italy, with the treatment of an infante of Castile ; but Philip II., suspicious of his views, and jealous of his own repu- tation, always endeavoured to limit or thwart his pretensions, and thus conceded the first request, but delayed the other to a future period. The prince then OF CERVANTES. 23 returned to Naples in June, 1575, to occupy himself in the preparations of the fleet at Genoa, it having been reported that the Turks were this summer intending to visit the Mediterranean with a large force. From the course of these events we may conclude that from the end of 1573 to the beginning of May of the following year, Cervantes was with his regiment in garrison, and passed the winter in the island of Cerdena, and that from thence he sailed to Genoa in theships of Marcello Doria, to await in Lombardy the orders of Don John of Austria, who, at the beginning of August, when he sailed from Spain, took with him that regiment to Naples and Majorca, and reinforced with his best soldiers the ships with which he had intended to succour the Goleta ; that after that oc- currence Cervantes waited with the same regiment in Sicily the orders of the Duke of Sesa, when he incor- porated his regiment with the forces of that country in the absence of his master of the camp ; and that the prince Don John, on his return to Naples on the 18th of June, 1575, gave leave a little time afterwards to Cervantes to return to his native country, after so long an absence, and so long continued meritorious services. In the course of these various campaigns Cervantes had an opportunity of visiting most of the magnifi- cent and delightful cities of Italy and Sicily, as Genoa, Lucca, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Messina, Ancona, Venice, Ferrara, Parma, Piacenza and Milan, of which he has left us such enchanting descriptions in his writings. Italy had now been for more than a century the centre of the arts, and of that literature, the inestimable remains of which had been saved by the Greeks who had fled from the East on the taking 24 LIFE AND WRITINGS of Constantinople. The Spaniards, who were then in possession of many of the states of Italy, either from the union of the sovereign houses of Arragon and Castile, or from the memorable conquests of the " grand captain" and other illustrious commanders, maintained a frequent communication with the Italians ; and the natives of Spain frequently visited Rome, in the prospect of obtaining benefices or ecclesiastical dignities, or in order to receive their education in the University of Bologna, founded exclusively for the Spaniards by the illustrious cardinal Albornoz. Some were on service with the military that formed the garrisons in various places, or with the armies employed there on service ; some followed the career of jurisprudence, or political life, and repaired to seek office or employment under the patronage of the viceroys. On the other hand, many Italians, anxious to visit the Spanish coast, and to pay their respects to their sovereign, or in the pursuit of wealth and prosecution of their commercial pursuits, were made denizens of Spain ; and in this way the beneficial influence of Italy was felt. It was thus that Christobal de Mesa, having for his tutor during six years the famous Torquato Tasso, finished with him the education he had commenced in Spain under Pacheco, Medina, and Brocense ; and thus Francisco de Figueroa, Andrez Rey de Artieda, called Artemidoro, and Christobal de Viruez, who served in the country, acquired that refinement of taste, that elegance and amenity, peculiar to the schools of Dante and Petrarca. It was hence that Bartolomeo de Argensola, the Dr. Mira de Amescua, and Suavez de Figueroa, learned to adorn their native tongue with new graces ; and it was hence that Cer- vantes, applying himself to the study of the Italian OF CERVANTES. . 25 poets and writers, and devoting himself to an inter- course with them for more than six years, acquired that store of learning and erudition, of which he has availed himself so lavishly in his writings. It must be confessed that his language is some- times redolent of the climate of Italy, but we may at the same time observe that many of the most classical authors of Spain, at this time, enriched the Castilian tongue from the same quarter, and that many passages which were taken by the poets from Ariosto, were introduced with all the grace and beauty of original compositions ; but he did not on this account lose sight of the classical writers of antiquity, whose works he constantly studied, as the models and examples of true taste in literature, as may be seen in the imitations he has left us of Apuleius, Heliodorus, and of Horace and Virgil, without too servilely following their footsteps. On the contrary he boldly emulates their flight, striking out new paths in the world of imagination, and discovering mines of the richest genius. These he seized on for his own fame and the instruction and delight of mankind, possess- ing an elevation of mind and energy of character which he derived rather from his intercourse with learned men, and an intimate knowledge of the world, more than from the barren perusal of books, or the abstract and subtle studies of the schools. But these eminent qualities were viewed with in- difference at a time when, for persons who made any claim to distinction, it was requisite to obtain the honours of a university, or to pass through the studies which were denominated the higher faculties. Such an education, with many abuses inherent in these studies, as well as the contention for literary rank and emolument, could not escape the delicate satire of 26 LIFE AND WRITINGS Cervantes and other eminent writers of that age. Many of his rivals, too, vain of their pompous titles, gained at so little cost, looked down on him with affected contempt, and depreciated him as deficient in such qualifications, applying to him the epithet of " a dull genius," as mentioned by the historian Don Tomas Tamayo de Vargas ; having before bestowed it on the Marquis of Santillana, on Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, on Philip de Comines, on Don Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, onRodrigo Mendez de Silva, and others who did not stand in need of university distinctions, to be mentioned with commendation by one of the most eminent authors of Spain, as Don Alonso Nunez de Castro. Such was the eventful life of Cervantes " whilst fighting," to use his own language, " under the con- quering banners of that thunderbolt of war, Charleg V." But finding that his distinguished services met with no corresponding remuneration, and suffering from the effects of his wounds and fatigues, he ob- tained leave of Don John of Austria to go to Spain to solicit the recompense he so justly merited. For this purpose the Prince gave him the warmest letters of recommendation to the King, entreating his ma- jesty to confer on him a company in the regiments then raising in Spain for service in Italy, as a reward for his bravery, his signal and acknowledged services. Don Carlos de Aragon, Duke of Sesa and Terranova, and Viceroy of Sicily, also wrote to the King and to his ministers in the strongest language, in favour of a soldier as unfortunate as meritorious, who had ob- tained by his gallantry and pleasing manners the esteem of his commanders and fellow-soldiers. Having thus prepared for his departure, and with hopes so flattering and well-founded, Cervantes embarked at OP CERVANTES. 27 Naples in a Spanish galley called " el Sol" in com- pany with his brother Rodrigo de Cervantes, who had also served in the past campaigns, with Pero Diez Carillo de Quesada, governor of the Golcta, and afterwards general of artillery, and also with several officers of high rank and distinction, at that time returning to their native country. But whilst at sea on the 26th day of September, 1575, they were met by a squadron from Algiers, under the command of Arnauti Mami, and the Span- ish galley was immediately attacked by three of the corsair ships, particularly by one of twenty-two oars commanded by the captain Dali Mami, a Greek renegade, who was named El Cojo. After sustaining a combat, as obstinate as unequal, in which Cervantes distinguished himself by his valour, they were com- pelled to surrender to a superior force, and were car- ried to Algiers in triumph, all being made slaves that were found in the vessel. Cervantes himself fell to the share of the captain Dali Mami, who gained a valu- able prize in his captive. It is highly probable that he alludes to this event in the fifth book of the Galatea, when he describes the combat sustained by the ship which carried Timbrio to Spain from Italy with the same Arnauti Mami, who was the com- mander of the squadron which captured him. '* When Dali Mami, the master of Cervantes, disco- vered the letters of recommendation which he carried from Don John of Austria and the Duke of Sesa, he imagined him to be one of the principal noblemen of Spain, and a person of the first quality and dis- tinction, and hoping to realize a large sum of money by his ransom, 15 for his greater security he loaded him with irons, and placed a guard over him, and by a course of severe and cruel treatment endeavoured 28 LIFE AND WRITINGS to compel him to interest bis relatives and friends in his redemption. Such was the custom of these barbarians, and such the artifices which their avarice and covetousness sug- gested to tbem to augment the ransom, and to induce their wretched captives to solicit their friends and country for their release ; or to force them by their sufferings to abandon their faith, and enter upon a dissolute course of life : for tbose who turned rene- gados were invested with commands and dignities, and were even raised above the natives of the country, on whom they wreaked their revenge and private resentments, But Cervantes rejected all their offers with disdain, and, inspired with a generous ardour, nobly resolved to attempt his own liberation and that of many of his fellow-sufferers, particularly Don Francisco de Menescs, who was captain in the Goleta, Don Bel- tran del Salto y de Castilla, taken prisoner in that fortress, the ensigns Rios and Gabriel de Castaiieda, the sergeant Navarrete, a gentleman of the name of Osorio, and many more. With this object he took a Moor into his confidence, to serve them as a guide, and to conduct them by land to Oran, not aware that before this he had betrayed some Spanish cap- tives. On commencing their journey they were on the first day abandoned by the Moor, and were com- pelled to retrace their steps to Algiers. Here they were subjected afresh to the cruel usage of their masters and owners ; in particular Cervantes, who for this attempt at escape was loaded with heavier chains, and consigned to a more severe confinement. Besides the two attempts which he made, and which liaedo relates in his history, Cervantes makes mention of two others in his play of the " Trato dc Argel," in which OF CERVANTES. 29 he has doubtless copied from life some of the events and accidents of this first and unfortunate attempt to escape from captivity. About this time in the year 1576 some friends of Cervantes, his fellow-captives, obtained their free- dom, and amongst others the ensign Gabriel de Cas- taheda, by whom he wrote to his relations represent- ing his own deplorable situation, and that of his brother. This was more than sufficient to excite the compassion and paternal regard of a father, in en- deavouring to procure the means of liberation for his unfortunate sons, both gallant soldiers ; and Rodrigo de Cervantes for this purpose mortgaged the whole patri- mony of his family, his own estate, and the marriage portions of his two daughters, thus reducing himself almost to a state of destitution. When Cervantes received this supply, he endea- voured to negotiate his redemption -with Dali Mami, but this man had formed so high an opinion of the consequence of Cervantes that his avarice became insatiable ; and the sum offered appeared in his eyes contemptible, 16 and he refused therefore to enter into fresh negotiations. All prospect of his own release having thus vanished, Cervantes treated for and effected the liberation of his brother Rodrigo, in Au- gust 1577, enjoining him as soon as he reached Spain to despatch from Valencia, or from Majorca or Ivica, an armed vessel, which might approach the coast of Algiers upon an appointed signal, and thus liberate and convey Cervantes himself and the other Christian captives to Spain. In order to enter on this plan with more security and confidence, Don Antonio de Toledo, of the house of the dukes of Alba, and Fran- cisco de Valencia, a native of Zamora, both knights of the order of S. Juan, and at this time captives in 30 LIFE AMD WRITINGS Algiers, gave letters to the viceroys of that province and those islands, intreating them to assist in de- spatching the vessel, and to aid in every way this daring enterprise. Cervantes had now for some time meditated on the plan of escape, and the means of bringing it to a favourable result. To the east of Algiers, about three miles distant from the sea, the Alcalde Azan, a Greek renegado, possessed a garden, which wag cultivated by a Christian slave called Juan, a native of Navarre. This man, at the request of Cervantes, had concealed in a cave in the most retired part of the garden several Christian captives ; in February, 1577, others were added to them ; so that at the time Rodrigo Cervantes departed to Spain there were fourteen or fifteen captives concealed in this place, all gentlemen of rank, the chief part Spaniards, and three from Majorca. One cannot imagine how Cer- vantes, without being detected by his master, could establish this little subterranean republic, providing for the subsistence of the inmates, and securing them against discovery; but the truth of the incidents, and the long time during which he supported his friends, are proofs of his great sagacity and judgment. By the hopes of sharing in their liberation, he engaged the same gardener to serve as a sentinel and guard, so that no one could approach the garden unknown to them, and he also secured the services of another captive called El Dorador (the gilder), a native of Melilla, who when young had abandoned his faith, but to which he was now restored. Cervantes cm- ployed this man to purchase victuals, and to convey them secretly to the cave, from which no one ever ven- tured out, except under cover of the night. Cervantes, having now assembled all the Christian captives OF CERVANTES. 31 whose delivery he was attempting, in order to be nearer the place of their embarkation, fled from the house of his master. lie took leave of his friend and confidant D. Antonio de Sosa, entreating him to follow, which he was not able to do from his infirmi- ties, and then took refuge in the same cave with his friends, on the 20th of September of this year. A brigantine was now with all possible haste de- spatched from the coast of Valencia, or, as P. Haedo relates, from Majorca, under the command of one Viana, who had himself escaped from slavery, and who was a brave and active sailor, and well ac- quainted with the coast of Barbary. He set sail at the latter end of September, and arrived at Algiers on the 28th day of the same month ; keeping at a distance from the shore for fear of a discovery. He lay-to at night at the nearest point of land to the garden, and despatched a messenger to inform the Christian captives of his arrival. At this moment some Moors happened to be near in a fishing-boat, or in the road, and descried the Christian bark in the twilight, and gave the alarm with so much noise and tumult, that the persons who had come in the boat threw themselves into the sea ; and although a little time afterwards they again attempted to ap- proach the coast, they were not less frustrated, and they unfortunately fell into the hands of the Moors. The enterprise thus became entirely disconcerted. 17 Cervantes, meanwhile, and his companions, had borne with resignation the privations and sufferings arising from the dampness and darkness of their abode ; consoling one another with the pleasing pro-, spect of regaining their liberty, which, as one of the most precious gifts of Heaven, could alone recompense them for so many sufferings ; " and for which, as for 32 LIFE AND WRITINGS our honour," said Cervantes, " we ought to risk life itself, slavery being the greatest evil that can fall to the lot of man." But fortune, who counteracted all their plans, at last deprived them of any further hope, in a manner the most extraordinary and unlocked for. The Spaniard, El Dorador, to whom Cervantes had en- trusted the completion of his enterprise, proved a consummate hypocrite, and now resolved to abjure the Christian faith ; and with this design he presented himself on the last day of September before the Dey, Azan, manifesting his vile intention, and in order to ingratiate himself he communicated the secret of the concealment of the captives, the situation of the cave, and the ingenuity Cervantes had displayed in the whole affair. The Dey, overjoyed at this informa- tion, and seeing a most favourable opportunity of gratifying his avarice by " appropriating these slaves to himself," agreeably to the custom of Algiers, imme- diately directed the commander of his guard to take with him eight or ten Turks on horseback, and twenty-four foot soldiers with their firelocks and cutlasses, and some with lances, and to repair to the garden of the Alcalde Azan, the infonner serving them as a guide, and there to secure the Christian captives in the garden. This armed troop instantly departed, and soon afterwards entered the garden and surrounded the cave. In midst of the consternation caused by this event, Cervantes had onlytimeto entreat his companions in adversity to throw all the blamo of the attempt on him, hoping by this generous pro- ceeding to save his friends. Whilst the Turks and Moorish soldiers were secur- ing the captives whom they there found concealed, Cervantes, commanding the attention of the troops, OF CERVANTES. 33 declared with the utmost coolness that none of those unhappy men were to blame in the affair, for that he himself had persuaded them to fly and conceal them- selves ; and then he narrated his whole plan. The Turks, surprised at this noble and chivalrous confes- sion, by which he might risk his life, or subject him- self to the most cruel treatment, despatched a mes- senger on horseback, to inform the Dey of \vhat had passed, and what Cervantes had represented. The Dey returned for answer that all the captives except Cervantes should be incarcerated in the Bath, and that Cervantes should be conducted to the presence of the Dey. They then manacled him, and con- ducted him on foot, while in the course of his march he suffered from the soldiers and mob of Algiers every possible insult and indignity. He was then carried before Azan, the Dey, before whom he underwent a rigid examination. The Dey at first used every degree of flattery and cunning which his interest suggested, and afterwards the most dreadful threats of torments and death that cruelty could invent, in order to induce him to dis- cover who were the real contrivers of this affair. The Dey was strongly persuaded that one of the principal was the R. P. Fr. Jorze Olivar, commen- dador of Valencia, of the order of Merced, and agent for the crown of Aragon for the redemption of slaves in Algiers, either because the Dorador had asserted that he had favoured the escape of the captives, or because his avarice sought for the pretext of an oc- casion to criminate this ecclesiastic, and force from him a considerable sum of money. 18 The Padre Olivar the same day informed Don Antonio de Sosa, an ecclesiastic of gr '/ 1 1 Virgen nucstra seiiora, which was published in 1587. At the beginning of the previous year, 1586, Lopez Maldonado published his Cancionero, and amongst many other classical poets who honoured that work with their encomiums, we may include Cervantes, who extolled it in a sonnet and some quin- tillas, which are to be found in the first pages. He also honoured with another sonnet the Filosofia Cor- tesana Moralhada, of his friend Alonso de Bahos, which was also commended by Ercilla, and published in 1587. Vicente de Espinel had already written his Casu de la Memoria, although it was not printed until 1591. In this work a place among the most celebrated poets is allotted to Cervantes, whom he praises for his constancy in adversity, and alludes to his suf- ferings in captivity, which could not abate the fervour and vigour of his genius. Espinel had made honour- able mention of Cervantes in his Canto C'aliope, and from that time the foundations weiv laid for that solid and lasting friendship which ever afterwards united them, and of which Cervantes makes mention in the last year of his life. This growing taste for litera- ture, particularly in the cultivation of poetry, at this period, led to the formation of academies in many of the principal cities of Italy. These were established and encouraged by many noble and distinguished persons, among whom we may name the marquis of Pcscara, the founder of the academy at Pavia. This example was followed in Spain, in the reign of Charles V., and amongst the most celebrated acade- mies that added a lustre to that splendid court was the one which Herman Cortes held in his house. This was frequentedby men of the highest cultivation and genius, of whose meetings and discussions some F 66 LIFE AND WRITINGS valuable memorials remain. But these assemblies in Spain were not of long continuance, and disappeared with their founders, whilst in Italy their numbers increased with the cultivation of letters, to which indeed they themselves contributed. This success stimulated a man of rank at court, of a fine genius and attached to poetry, to found in the year 1585, an academy in imitation of those in Italy, to which the most distinguished poets and men of letters in Madrid might resort, and whom he received at his house with the utmost liberality and courtesy. The ministers of the king and the nobility honoured it with their presence, attended the discussions, and applauded the poetical compositions which were there recited. By one of their statutes the members of this academy were bound to drop their own names and adopt some other appellation as their choice ; and with this view, Lupercio Leonardo de Argensola, in the buoyancy of youth, adopted that of Barbara, in allusion to Donna Mariana Barbara de Albion, whose hand he at that time sought in marriage, as he made known in the pleasant reply he gave to the academy, when they en- quired the reason of his assuming so singular a name. It is highly probable that Cervantes was one of the members of this academy, as well from his merit and reputation, now revived by the publication of his Galatea, as from his friendship with the other academicians, and his experience of the utility of similar societies in Italy, and from having especially mentioned the Academy Imitatoria of Madrid, in one of his novels. From these circumstances we may conclude that Cervantes' general abode was at tho court, and that he did not reside at Esquivias, except probably at such times as he was called thither by the exigencies of his household affairs. OP CERVANTES. 67 CHAPTER V. Dramatic compositions of Cervantes Introduces moral and allego- rical personages Number of his plays Reform of the Spanish Theatre Prepares the \vay for Lope de Vega His embarrassing situation Is made a Commissioner of the Commissariat De- partment Removes to Seville His inadequate income Sends a memorial to the King Favourably entertained Singular al- lusion to his blighted prospects His great exertions and perse- verance Frequent journeys Interesting incidents His satiric vein Applied to moral uses Origin of his amusing Episode in Don Quixote Difficulties encountered in his employment So- lemn festival Monks of Saragossa Literary contest Enters the lists Gains the first prize Returns to Seville. IT was at this time that Cervantes introduced, with general applause, at the theatre of the court, the Tra- tos de Argel, the Numancia, the Batalla Naval, and other dramas of his composition ; in which he ven- tured, as he says, to attempt some improvements that were well received, but which we must pre- sently examine with impartiality. The Spanish stage until this time had only witnessed the compositions of the players themselves, written with entire sim- plicity, without plot or interest, and performed without any theatrical decoration, in the manner of eclogues, dialogues, or colloquies, as some of them were called. But a new and improved era awaited the drama, from the hands of M. Fervara Perez de Oli- va, Geronimo Bermudez, and particularly Juan de la Cueva,Christol>al de Virvez, JuandeMalara, and some other celebrated dramatic poets. Cervantes, whose passion for poetry, and especially for the drama, dis- played itself from his infancy, and whose own singu- lar adventures supplied so many materials of interest, F2 68 LIFE AND WRITINGS now presented his plays to the public. These were highly applauded for the variety and novelty of the plot, and a style more popular and agreeable than that of Cueva or Virves, and attracted a greater number of partisans : particularly as those authors, not having published their plays, were better known in Seville and Valencia, where they resided, than at Madrid. Cervantes boasts of having been the first to introduce on the stage moral or allegorical per- sonages, as he mentions in his Trato de Argel, in his Numancia, and in his Casa de los Zelos, and also as being the first to reduce the drama to three acts from five, of which they before consisted, as is seen in his Batalla Naval. Even when we accord to these im- provements all the merit which the author claims, We cannot consider them as entirely original, because there is no doubt that the moral drama was already known in the fifteenth century, when it was intro- duced by the celebrated Don Enrique de Aragon, marquis of Villena ; and Alonso de Vega afterwards repeated it in his play of the Duquesa de la Rosa, pub- lished in 1560, besides Juan de Malara, who, accord- ing to Rodrigo Caro, was also the first who in Spain composed a play all in verse for the stage. As to the shortening of the acts, which has been adopted by all the dramatic wTiters, some ascribe it to Chria- tobal de Virves, others to Micer Andres Rey de Ar- tieda, and some persons at that time attributed it to Juan de la Cueva, as he himself mentions in his Arte Poetica. But Cervantes may with justice boast of having composed at this period twenty or thirty plays, which were all performed with success, particularly La Gran Turquesca, La Batalla Nar'al, La Jeru- salem, La Amaranta o la del Mayo, El Basque OF CEUVANTl.s. 69 Amorow, La Unica y la Bizarra Ars'nula ; but the one which drew the greatest applause was the play called La CoHfttm, which, it is said, was admirably adapted for representation, and deserves a place among the best comedies that had at that time appeared. This popularity, however, was not very durable, for the stage has its times and seasons, and now the wonder of his age, the great Lope de Vega, suddenly appeared to rule the stage like a despotic sovereign. He soon subjected to his sway all the dramatic- writers of his country, crowding the stage with his own successful and well-planned dramas, and, according to the expression of Cervantes himself, he eclipsed not only those whom he had seen attain a just cele- brity, but all other authors that had preceded him. From this period they lost their old estimation in the opinion of the players and audience, and arc con- sidered only by literary men as precursors of therestora- tion of the Spanish theatre. and as preparing the way for Lopede Vega. Cervantes acknowledged and in- genuously confessed this at the close of his life, when his plays were no longer called for, nor any found to applaud them ; attributing this change to the improvement the drama had experienced from the number of new and more accomplished writers. It was not only his attachment to the muse, and the love of fame, the meed of popular applause, which induced Cervantes at this time to compose his dramas, and entertain the public with his plays ; he had another and a stronger inducement, the supplying his own necessities, and providing for the support of his family. His situation became daily more em- barrassing ; he now saw himself surrounded with the cares which matrimony brings along with it, and with the maintenance of his sisters and daughter ; 70 LIFE AND WRITINGS he saw his merits and services disregarded without the probability of any recompense, now found him- self at upwards of forty years of age, maimed in his left hand, and little qualified under such cir- cumstances to attempt any fresh career, or aspire to an employment that might afford him a suitable competence. In the hopes, however, of a more certain occupa- tion, he abandoned his pen and the stage early in 1588, and removed to Seville on the occasion of Antonio de Guevara being appointed commissary- general of the armadas and fleets of the Indies, with great privileges and prerogatives. Among these was the right of appointing four commissioners to aid him in the discharge of this vast business, the apply- ing with care and economy the treasures of the king in the purchase of provisions and other necessaries from various persons in the provinces. One of the commissioners whom Guevara named on this occasion was Cervantes, who immediately offered as his sureties, before the notary Pedro Gomez, the licen- tiate Juan de Nava Cabeza de Vaca, and Luis Mar- molejo, both residing near Seville. lie immediately entered on the duties of his new office, for under the date of the fifteenth, the commissary -general for- warded him his appointment, which he retained until the 2nd of April, 1589, purchasing in Ecija large quantities of oil and corn, for which he disbursed two thousand nine hundred ducats. Such was the cause of the removal of Cervantes to Andalusia, whilst his brother Rodrigo was still serving as ensign in the armies of Flanders. Other circumstances, too, might have induced Cervantes to remove to Seville. The illustrious family of the Cervantes y Saavedras, which had pro- OF CERVANTES. 7 1 duccd men alike eminent in letters and in arms, and from which he derived his descent, and with whom he had maintained a friendly intercourse, was resident there. In addition to which, Seville was at that time the most opulent and populous city of Spain, and the emporium of the riches and commerce of the new world. She was also distinguished for the cultivation of science, and the encouragement of the fine arts ; and w r as with justice, to use the words of Cervantes, con- sidered the protectress of the poor, and refuge of the unfortunate, beneath whose kindly shade he might expect to meet with that independence and comfort which he sought for in vain amidst the dissipation and bustle of a court, and the empty flattery of nobles and courtiers. Cervantes was thus compelled by his poverty to embrace this precarioiis and subaltern occupation, regarding it, doubtless, as a stepping-stone to some better appointment, or as well adapted to promote his views with regard to any vacant employment in the Indies, and in order to prosecute his claims with more support and advantage. "With this view, in May, 1590, he addressed to the king a memorial, in which, after reciting his unrequited services for a period of twenty-two years, he supplicated his majesty to bestow on him some one or other of the three vacant appointments in the Indies, as the auditorship of the kingdom of Granada, that of the galleys of Carthagena, the government of the province Soconusco, in Guatemala, and a magis- tracy in the city de la Paz, with any of which he should be satisfied ; and so continue so serve his majesty, as was his desire, to the close of bis life, as his ancestors had done before him. The adoption of this course plainly proves the situation of Cervantes 72 LIFE AND WRITINGS when, to use his own words, he had recourse to that which all the wretched in that city (Seville) applied themselves to transport themselves to the Indies, the last harbour and refuge of those who despair of their fortunes in Spain. The king, on the 21st of the same month, referred this petition to the president of the council of the Indies ; and by a decree dated at Madrid, on the 6th of June, and confirmed by Dr. Nunez Mor- quecho, it was ordered that the petition of Cervantes should be taken into consideration. He would doubtless, on this, leave no means untried to avail himself of the favourable disposition manifested towards him ; and we may still further presume, agreeably to what he himself hints at, in a general manner, in his Viagc al Parnasso (alluding, no doubt, to his latter employments), that he could not mature his plans, and obtain a place suitable to his station in life, in consequence of the persecutions occasioned by some imprudence or other, which blighted the opening prospect which his relenting fortune seemed to present. In the hope of bettering his condition, he continued in the employ of the purveyor, Pedro de Isunza, during the years 1591 and 1592, purchas- ing provisions for the galleys of Spain, in the towns of Teba, Ardales, Martos, Linares, Aguilar, Mon- turque, Arjona, Porcuna, Marmalejo, Estepa, Ped- rera, Lopera, Arjonilla, Las Navas, Yillanueva del Arzobispo, Begijar, Alcandete, and Alora. His accounts, and those of his assistants, Nicolas Benito, Antonio Caballero, and Diego Lopez Delgadillo, were certified and presented in Seville on the 28th of April, 1598, with the greatest regularity, and an acquittance granted, and an order for his salary of one hundred and two thousand maravedis, corre- OF CERVANTES. 73 spending to three thousand reales vcllon , or about 100. In the discharge of these and similar commissions he became intimately acquainted with the people of Andalusia, whose modes of life, manners, and the most interesting particulars, he describes as an eye- witness ; availing himself at the same time of many objects and incidents that afforded materials for the exercise of his fine satirical humour and wit, and deducing from these a just and rational moral, directed to the improvement, the cultivation, and civilisation of man. W<> may trace this feature particularly in his description of the mode of life of the vagabond race that assembled at the tunny fisheries, in Zahara ; of the gypsies and Moors dwelling in Granada and its neighbourhood ; of the fables and talcs related in Montilla, respecting the incantations and transform- ations of the witch Camacha, and her crew, and in similar passages. "NVe may here too, with propriety, allude to an event which occurred at this time and caused a con- siderable sensation in that province, and which, inge- niously disguised in Don Quixote, afforded Cervantes materials and colouring for an amusing adventure. About the close of the year 1591 there died in the convent of Ubeda, of a contagious fever, S. Juan de la Cruz. The extreme attachment which Donna Anna de Mercado and her brother D. Luis de Mercado, of the royal council, then residing in Madrid, felt for the convent of Segovia, which was founded by them, induced them to remove thither, at every risk, the re- mains of this saint, without reflecting on the opposition which the city of Ubeda might make to such ameasure. They procured, for this purpose, the permission of the vicar-general of the Carmelites, and ordered a 74 LIFE AND WRITINGS person in their confidence, under the title of alguazil of the court, to appear before the prior of the' con- vent of Ubeda, and obtain the disintcrincnt of the body, and remove it to Segovia with the greatest secrecy and despatch. The person thus employed entered the city in the night, and delivered his de- spatches to the prelate, who proceeded to open tho sepulchre whilst the monks were asleep. It was now nine months since his interment, and they found the body so incorrupt, fresh, and entire, and indued with such a surprising fragrance, that they suspended at that time its translation, covering it with chalk and earth that they might more easily recognise it. After a lapse of eight or nine months, and towards the middle of 1593, the alguazil returned to Madrid upon the same mission ; and now finding the body more dry, though still retaining its fragrant odour, he placed it in his portmanteau in order to avoid detec- tion, and departed from the convent to the city with his guards and companions w r hile all was wrapt in sleep. To avoid discovery they forsook the great road to Madrid, and pursued their journey through the most unfrequented paths and heaths in the darkness and silence of night. The story tells, that when this pious theft was being accomplished, a monk of the convent was roused from his sleep by a loud voice saying " Arise forthwith, for plunderers are carrying off the body of your saint, Fr. Juan de la Cruz," that the monk immediately arose and repaired to the church, and there found the door guarded by the prior, who com- manded him to observe silence. Just before the alguazil arrived at the town of Martos, it is said there suddenly appeared on a little hill at the road side, the figure of a man, who called out with a loud OF CERVANTES. 75 voice " Whither are you carrying off the body of the saint ? Restore it to the tomb," which struck such terror and affright into the alguazil and his companions, that their hair stood on end. Afterwards?, as they were crossing a wild heath, the figure of a man suddenly stood before them, and asked what they were conveying ; they informed him they must not divulge their business ; but he per- sisted so pertinaciously in his curiosity, that they were determined to offer him money to get rid of him when he suddenly vanished from their eyes. They now continued their journey without further interrup- tion to Madrid and Segovia ; and the conductor after- wards deposed that a brilliant light was seen to accom- pany the portmanteau, that contained the relics of the saint, a great part of the way. Th6 terror of the per- sons employed in this singular and pious robbery, with the apparition and extraordinary events attending it, supplied an ample theme of wonder and gossip to the Andalusians, being so well suited to their inquisitive character, which was increased by the contest which now arose between the cities of Ubeda and Segovia, from the abstraction of such an inestimable treasure. Scarcely had the theft transpired in Ubeda, when its town council resolved to apply to the pope, demanding the restitution of the body of the saint, and for this purpose appealed to Clement VIII., against the city of Segovia. The city entered on its defence through the medium of D. Luis de Mercado and his sister. His holiness having heard the several parties, ordered the body to be restored to Ubeda, and commissioned the execution of this order by a brief of the 15th Sept. 1596, addressed to the bishop of Jaen, D. Bernardo de Rojas, and to Dr. Lope de Molina, treasurer of the college of Ubeda. But when 76 LIFE AND WRITINGS the issue of this singular and expensive litigation was made known in Spain, some persons of high rank who were zealous friends of the Church, fearing dis- agreeable consequences might attend it, interposed their good offices, and effected an amicable arrange- ment, by which one half of the body of the saint was left to the city of Ubeda, thus satisfying the devout scruples of both the contending parties. This cir- cumstance, in all probability, is the original of the adventure of the " Cuerpo muerto" which Cervantes relates in the nineteenth chapter of the first part of Don Quixote. He happened to be about this time in Andalusia, where he would hear those events narrated with all the wit and humour peculiar to the natives of that province. It was of course requisite 1 for him to adapt the narrative to the circumstances of his story. The course of the journey through bye- ways, and under the cover of night, the lights which the surpliced bearers observed attending the body, the translation to Segovia from Baeza (which is now Ubeda, and where the saint for some time resided), his death from pestilence, the appearance of the ghosts to Sancho, and some "bad spirits of the lower world," to Don Quixote, the terror and con- sternation which this vision threw them into, the squire trembling like quicksilver, and his master's hair standing on end on his head, the detention of the whole retinue, by a loud voice enquiring who they were, whence they came, and whither they were going, and what they were conveying on that bier or litter ; his describing this adventure as a true occurrence, and, above all, Don Quixote thinking himself excommunicated for having meddled with the affairs of the Church, when he did not think he was dealing with priests or the Church, but ghosts OF CERVANTES. 77 and evil spirits of the other world, and recollecting in his justification the adventure of the Cid when in the church of St. Peter, he overturned and broke to pieces the chair of the king of France, not enduring that he should possess a higher place than the king of Castile, for which action he was excommunicated by the pope, although he pardoned him on promise of his being more moderate in future. According to the ancient romances, all these are circumstances so analogous and conformable to the event which occurred on the removal of the remains of this favourite saint, that there is little doubt, Cervantes took from hence, with little variation, the colours to adorn the picture, in which he directed his fine genius, his keen and delicate satire, and his pleasant and well-timed irony, against the bewildered imaginations of the heroes of chivalry. It is very probable that Cervantes became acquainted with this and similar romantic events, in the exer- cise of his commissions amongst the people of the kingdom of Granada, particularly in that in which Philip II. entrusted him with, to collect the customs and duties owing to his revenue. For the purpose of giving an account of his commission he repaired to Madrid, where, on the 1st July 1594, he presented to the licentiate Diego de Tamayo, the acting corregidor, a report which commences " I, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, an inhabitant of the town oFEsquivias, and a resident at this court, declare that I am bound for the due collection of the amount assigned to me by the auditors of his majesty's exchequer, having 2,459,989 maravcdi* which are owing on the customs and duties in the kingdom of Granada, and on other alVairs of his majesty, am bound" and so forth ; and concludes by proposing D. Francisco Suarez Gasco, 78 LIFE AND WRITINGS a native of Tarancon, as a surety for the faithful dis- charge of the trust confided to him ; and having pro- duced as vouchers, Augustin de Cetina, collector to his majesty, D. Gabriel Suarez Gasco, brother of D. Francisco, and of the same vicinage, and Juan de Valera, a native of Belinchon, all resident at the court, the same declared on oath on the following day, that the above Francisco was possessed of much more than the 4000 ducats for which he became surety for Cervantes. Although the council of auditorship approved of these sureties, the collector, Enrique de Araiz, insisted on larger ones ; but Cervantes presented a memorial praying that those he then offered might be held sufficient, and that he might be despatched. The tribunal acceded to his prayer on the 21st of August under the bond of the 4000 ducats, binding also Cervantes and bis wife for the greater security. Indeed, by a writing dated in Madrid on the same day, the 21st, both husband and wife became bound in person and property for the good and sufficient accounting of all sums to be received under the com- mission. After giving these sureties, Cervantes had to apply for the royal chart or order which had passed on the 13th of the then month of August, though accom- panied with the date of the 23rd, and which autho- rised him to depart with full powers to collect the public money owing in the several towns of the kingdom of Granada, agreeably to particulars, and amounting in the whole to 2,557,029 maravedis. On the ninth day of September following, he exhi- bited in Baza the royal schedule in presence of the alcalde mayor, and the accountant, Cristobal Mingues, with the assistance of the collector of revenue : OF CERVANTES. 79 and proceeding as commanded, he took an account from the treasury of the receipt of the rates and cus- toms, corresponding to that year, which with the taxes for the town of Zujar, and the salary of Cer- vantes for six days, amounted to sixteen reales vellon for each person. From thence he proceeded to Gra- nada, agreeably to the other royal order of the 29th of November, which begins " A vos Miguel de Cer- Vantes," &c. From thence he went to Velez-malaga, where he immediately produced his commission, when the collector of customs, Francisco Lopez de Vitoria, engaged to pay a certain part in Seville, and the rest in hand ; and giving a letter of exchange for 4000 reales on Malaga, on the 2 1 st of the same month of November, in which city Cervantes remained some days, having written from thence to the king under date of the 17th, stating what he had mentioned 7 O in another letter (doubtless that of the 8th October), that he could not receive the moneys of Granada, Motril, Salobnna, and Almunecar ; and adding, among other things, that from the collector in Baza, Guadix, Agiiela de Granada, and Loja, he would remit good bills to Madrid, and that there only re- mained to collect the proportion of Honda ; but in order to finish his commission, and to remit the rest of the money to its destination, he required an extension of twenty days to communicate with the city of Malaga. His letter of the 17th November, directed to his majesty, through the hands of Juan de Velasco, secretary of the council of land-revenue, was received in Madrid on the 28th, and it is to be inferred that it hastened the despatch of the royal order, already cited, of the 29th, in which, allowing for the delay, he was ordered to collect immediately what was due. Ho 80 LIFE AXD WRITINGS had scarcely received this answer when he had to re- pair to Honda, where, on the 9th of December, he received from the collector of duties, Juan Rodriguez Cerero, 429,848 maravedis, agreeable to the account given on that day by the collector of rents, Sebastian de Montalvan ; and on the 1 5th of the same month he was already in Seville, from whence, under that date, he rendered an account of the amount received from Malaga by Francisco Lopez de Vitoria. It was at this time that the pope, Clement Till., at the solicitation of the king of Poland, consented to the canonization of St. Jacinto; on which memorable occasion the Dominican monks of Saragossa held a solemn festival for somedays,and proclaimed aliterary contest throughout the whole kingdom of .Aragon, which was also communicated to the principal cities of the Peninsula, and in particular to the universities of Salamanca and Alcala. In the second contest a redondilla was proposed in praise of the saint, with prizes of three spoons of silver for the best poem, for the next best two yards of dark coloured taffeta silk, and for the third a gold time-piece. The productions which were intended to aspire to these and other rewards, were ordered to be entered before the 29th day of April, 1595, for on the next day the solemnities ended. The judges being already appointed for the examination of the verses, which were to be read publicly in the church of the same convent, Cervantes entered the lists for the second contest ; and on the second day of May, immediately after vespers, the poems delivered in jvere recited, and amongst others that of Cervantes, to which the first prize was assigned; which, without flattering him, evinced the wretched productions of his com- petitors. When the judges pronounced in verse the OF CERVANTES. 81 sentence on Sunday the 7th of the same month, they directed that the poet, like another Apollo or son of Latona, should repair to his maternal Delos in Seville, to receive the crown of merit, commending his subtle and refined genius, which had already drawn upon him the applause of an admiring world. A narra- tive of these solemnities, compiled by Geronimo Mart el, a citizen of Saragossa, afterwards historian of the city of Aragon, was published in that city by Lorenzo Robles, in the year 1595. Like another Apollo, then, the hero of the day having carried off the prize from lists rather less dan- gerous than Lepanto or Tunis, returned to enjoy his famous triumphs in the bosom of his maternal Delos; in short he hastened back to his agency business in Seville. CHAPTER VI. Early diamatic efforts Opinions of Cervantes Progress of Ihe an in Spain Curious retrospect Lope tie Rueda His dramatic equipments A. travelling stage Spanish authors and actors A canon of Toledo A censorship Ideas of Cervantes Strictures of M.Sismondi Extracts Specimens translated His dramatic genius IIo\v to be estimated His dramas The Numantiu Description am) analysis Specimens Peculiar characteristics Elevated character Grand sentiment Eloquent and powerful appeals Its progress, development, and final struggles De- voted patriotism Genius and conduct of Scipio Reduces the city by famine Its destruction by the inhabitants Self-sacri- fices Its fall Effects upon a Spanish audience Its classical character Old Greek spirit Concentred interest and unitv. THE comic powers which Cervantes afterwards manifested in his Don Quixote, seemed eminently to qualify him for dramatic attempts. We have 82 LIFE AND WHITINGS already seen that his first literary compositions were of this class, but although he had considerable success in this career, he likewise experienced no few mortifications. He did not at that time conceive that his dramatic talent was proportioned to the superi- ority which heafterwards manifested in other branches. Thus, when compared with Lope de Vega, his dramas are but few in number. This might, perhaps, have afforded a reason for commencing our notice of the Spanish theatre, by examining the works of Lope before those of Cervantes, had we not wished to present to the reader, from the mouth of Cervantes himself, a history of the early progress of the dra- matic art in Spain. The following extract is taken from the preface to his comedies : " I must entreat your pardon, dear reader, if you should see me in this prologue a little overstepping accustomed modesty. Some time since, I happened to find myself in company with a few friends who were discoursing about comedies, and other matters relating thereto ; and they treated this subject with so much subtlety and refinement, that they appeared to me almost to approach perfection. They spoke of the man who was the first in Spain to free the drama from its swathing bands, and to clothe it with pomp and magnificence. As the oldest of the com- pany, I remarked that I had frequently heard the great Lope de Rueda recite, a poet equally celebrated as a man and as a scholar. Pie was born at Seville, and was by trade a gold-beater. As a pastoral poet he had great merit, and in that species of composition no one before or since his time has surpassed him. Although I could not judge of the excellence of his poems, for I was then but a child, yet some of them still remain in my memory, and recalling these at a OP CERVANTES. 83 riper age, they appear to me to be worthy of their reputation. In the time of this celebrated Spaniard, all the apparatus of a dramatist and a manager was contained in a bag, and consisted of four white cloaks bordered with gilt leather, for shepherds, four beards and wigs, and four crooks, more or less. The drama- were mere dialogues, or eclogues, between two or three shepherds and a shepherdess ; and these con- versations were enlivened and prolonged by two or three interludes, in which negresses were introduced as confederates, or go-betweens; and occasionally some clowns and Biscayans madetheirappearance. At this time there was no scenery, there were no combat- between Moors and Christians, on horseback and on foot; no trap-doors by which figures might appear to rise out of the earth. The stage was merely com- posed of four square blocks of wood, upon which rested five or six planks, so as to elevate the actors a foot or two above the ground. No angels or spirits descended in clouds from heaven. The sole ornament of the theatre was an old curtain, supported at both ends by strings, which separated the dressing-room from the audience. At the back were placed the musicians, who sung, without any guitar, some ancient ballad. " Lope de Rueda at last died, and on account of his celebrity and excellence, was buried between the two choirs in the great church of Cordova, where he 1 ies in the same plaee where that renowned madman. Luis Lopez, is interred. Xaharro, a native of Toledo, succeeded Lope de Rueda. He attained a great celebrity, more especially in his representations of a busy, meddling poltroon. Naharro added something to the scenic decorations, and changed the bag in which the wardrobe was contained, for trunks and G2 84 LIFE AND WRITINGS portmanteaus. He introduced the music upon the stage, which had formerly been placed in the back- ground ; and he took away the actors' beards ; for, until his time, no actor dared to appear without a false beard. He, on the contrary, wished alibis actors to appear undisguised, with the exception of those who represented old men, or changed their charac- ters, lie was a great inventor ; he invented scenes, clouds, thunder, lightning, challenges and combats, but nothing of this kind was carried to the perfection which at this day we behold, (and it is here that I must trespass upon my modesty,) until the time when the theatre of Madrid exhibited the Captives of Algiers, which is my own composition, Numantia and the Naval Engagement. It was then that I made an attempt to reduce the comedies of five acts into three, and I was the first to represent the phan- toms of the imagination, and the hidden thoughts of the soul, by introducing figures of them upon the stage, with the universal applause of the spectators. I composed during this period from twenty to thirty dramas, all of which were represented without a single cucumber, or orange, or any other missile usually aimed' at bad comedians, being flung at the actors' heads. They proceeded through their parts without hisses, without confusion, and without clamour. I was at length occupied with other matters, and I laid down my pen and forsook the drama. In the mean- time appeared that prodigy, Lope de Vega, who immediately assumed the dramatic crown. He reduced under his dominion all the farce writers, and filled the world with excellent and well combined comedies, of which he wrote so many, that they could not be comprised in ten thousand pages. AVhat is no less surprising, he himself saw them all repre- OP CERVANTES. 85 sented, or was credibly assured that they had been so. All his rivals together have not written a moiety of what lie himself achieved alone. Notwithstanding this, as God grants not all things to every one, the labours of Dr. Ramon, who was the most laborious writer after the great Lope, have been much esteemed. "The ingenious plots of the licentiate Miguel San- chez, and the gravity of Dr. Mira de Amescua, have likewise met with applause, which has also been granted to the wisdom and prodigious power of invention of the canon Tarraga, to the sweetness of Guillen de Castro, to the refinement of Aguilar, to the sonorous pomp and grandeur of the comedies of Luis Yelez de Guevara, to the polished wit of Don Antonio de Galarza, whose dramas are written in a provincial dialect ; and lastly, to the love plots of Gaspard de Avila ; for these, as well as some others, assisted the great Lope in the creation of the Spanish drama." Such, then, was the first age of the Spanish drama ; and, if we may believe Schlegel and Boutterwtk, dramatic poetry never assumed in Spain more than two different characters. They consider the first age, that of Cervantes and Lope de Vega, as one of barbarian grandeur ; the second, that of Cal- deron, as the perfection of romance. They scarcely concede the title of poets to those writers who, in the last century, abandoned the example of their prede- cessors, to become subject to the theatrical laws of the French. "We do not share in the admiration which the German writers profess for the romantic theatre of Spain ; while on the other hand, we are not inclined to despise a branch of literature to which we owe productions like those of the great Corneille. But as it is our object to enable the reader to judge for himself, we shall present a few specimens of 86 LIFE AND "WRITINGS the dramatic power of Cervantes, such as may afford some idea of his peculiar merits and defects. The foregoing extract from the preface to his comedies, as we have seen, represents the Spanish drama as still in a state of uncultivated barbarism, even after the middle of the sixteenth century. If we compare these pastoral dialogues, diversified with indecent interludes, with the comedies of Ariosto and Machiavclli, or with the tragedies of Trissino and Itucellai, it must be acknowledged that the Italians were at least half a century before the Spaniards in all the mechanical parts of the dramatic art. In Italy, indeed, it must be remembered that men of the highest genius, seconded by the munificence of their princes, attempted to revive the dramatic representa- tions of the ancients; whilst in Spain the art, still in a rude state, could boast mere adventurers and pre- tenders, who recited their own dramas, frequently without committing them to writing, and without any other object than that of amusing the populace, and rendering the representation a source of profit to themselves. It would seem as if Cervantes himself was not quite sure whether he had written twenty or thirty comedies. Those published by him in his old age, are not the same which were represented upon the stage, and which, with the exception of a very few, have been lost. This very dissimilar origin has im- pressed an indelible character on the dramas of the two countries. The Italian dramatists wrote to please the learned, the Spanish to please the people. The former, influenced by an imitation of the ancients, while they possessed more method, refine- ment, and taste, manifested something of a pedantic spirit, and servilely adopted the rules of composition by which the ancients were governed. The latter, on OF CERVANTES. <^7 the contrary, recognised no rule but that of conform- ing themselves to the spirit of the nation, and to the taste of the populace. Their dramas, therefore, ex- hibited more vigour and more nature, and were more in harmony with the spirit of the people for whom they were composed, than the productions of the Italian dramatists. By their absolute neglect, how- ever, of the ancients, these writers deprived them- selves of all the advantages of experience, and the dramatic art amongst them was, consequently, as inferior to that of the Greeks, as the population of Madrid and Seville, from whom the laws of the drama emanated, were inferior in point of intelligence, taste, and polish, to the people of Athens, where every citizen received some degree of education. The conclusion of the sixteenth, and the com- mencement of the seventeenth century, was a very learned epoch. The Spanish scholars of this period becoming disciples of the classical authors, upheld, witli as much fervour as La Harpe and Marmontel, among the French, the poetical system of Aristotle, and the rules of the three unities. The dramatic writers, while they recognised the authority of these rules, neglected to act upon them, for they were com- pelled to follow the taste of the public. None of them were acquainted with the nature of -the inde- pendence which they possessed, or of that system of romantic poetry which has been only in our own days developed by the Germans. On the contrary, the Spanish dramatists confessed, in a curious manner, the superiority of the laws which they neglected. Lope de Vega, in some verses addressed to the academy of poetry at Madrid, exculpates himself from this charge in the following 'manner : " I write a play ! Then, ere I pen a line, Under six locks and keys let me confine 88 LIFE AND WRITINGS All rules of art. Next, Plautus, 'tis thy doom, And Terence then, to quit forthwith the room, Lest ye upbraid me. Books can speak, though dumb, And tell unwelcome truths. By other laws I write, laid down by those who seek applause From vulgar mouths : what then ? the vulgar pay ; They love a fool, and let them have their way."* Cervantes, in the first part of his Don Quixote, introduces a canon of Toledo, who, after blaming the Spaniards with some asperity, for having perpetually violated the laws of the dramatic art, regrets that the government has not established a censor for the drama, who might have power to prevent the repre- sentation of pieces, not only when they are injurious to morals, but likewise when they offend against the laws of classical poetry. The censor would be sufficiently ridiculous, who shoxilcl maintain upon the stage the three unities of Aristotle ; and those authors have a strange idea of authority, who imagine that a censor must possess a more just and correct taste than the public, and that a king can bestow upon his favourite the power of discriminating between the good and the bad in literature, while the academies of the learned, and the assemblies of the ignorant, have not yet been able to agree on the subject of abstract beauty and excellence ;t if, how- ever, the magistrate thus proposed by Cervantes had been instituted, and had he been, though it be a most improbable supposition, inaccessible to intrigue, to favour, and to prejudice, he would in all proba- bility have forbidden the representation of the dramas of Cervantes, since they are by no means constructed upon those classical mles, the neglect of which the poet so deeply regrets. The tragedy of * Arte nucvo de hr.cer coir.eilias en cstc tievnpp. Lope de Vega. f Literature of the South of Europe, by M. cle Sismondi. OF CERVANTES. 89 Numantia, and the comedy of Life in Algiers, are the only two which have been preserved out of twenty or thirty dramas written in 1582, soon after the author's release from captivity. Those which he published in 1615, were never represented, and therefore merit less attention ; though it is from the preface to the latter that we have drawn the history of the dramatic art already presented to the reader. When Cervantes speaks of this work in his old age, his simplicity and gaiety have in them something touching ; for it is evident that he was suffering inward mortification more severe in proportion as his circumstances rendered success so desirable to him. " Some years since," he observes, " I returned to the ancient occupation of my leisure hours ; and imagining that the age had not passed away in which I used to hear the sound of praise, I again began to write comedies. The birds, however, had flown from their nest. I could find no manager to ask for my plays, though they knew that I had written them. I threw them, therefore, into the corner of a trunk, and condemned them to eternal obscurity. A bookseller then told me that he would have bought them from me, had he not been told by a celebrated author that much dependence might be placed upon my prose, but none upon my poetry. To say the truth, this information mortified me much. I said to myself, Cervantes, I am certainly either changed, or the world, contrary to its custom, has become much wiser, for in past time I used to meet with praise. I read my comedies anew, together with some interludes which I had placed with them. I found that they were not so bad, but that they might pass from what this author called darkness, 90 LIFE AND WRITINGS into what others might perhaps term noon -day. I was angry, and sold them to the bookseller who has now printed them. They have paid me tolerably ; and I have pocketed my money with pleasure, and without troubling myself about the opinions of the actors ; I was willing to make them as excellent as I could, and if, dear reader, thou findest any thing in them good, I pray thee when thou meetest any other calumniator, to tell him to amend his manners, and not to judge so severely, since, after all, the plays contain not any incongruities, or striking faults." These are reasons why we should ask the same kind of indulgence towards the dramas of Cervantes, which the author himself entreats from his readers. In order to be just towards him, we must commence by rejecting all our theatrical prepossessions, remem- bering that he wrote before any of those authors whom we regard as the legislators of the drama, upon a different system, and with another object in view. Let us consider his dramas as a series of pictures, all connected by the chain of historical in- terest, though varying in subject. In some he has endeavoured to excite the noblest sentiments of the heart : in his Ntimantia, patriotism ; in his Life in Algiers, zeal for the redemption of captives. Such are the only unities for which we must seek in his dramas. Let us abandon ourselves to his eloquence, without endeavouring to resist the feelings of terror, or of pity, which he so powerfully awakens ; and let us forget, as far as possible, those rules which our own dramatists obey, but which to him are entirely inapplicable. When we analyse even the models of antiquity, we do not apply to all of them rules equally severe. We do not forget that ^Eschylus, like Cervantes, was in the van of his art. Perhaps, OF CERVANTES. 91 if we compared the Xtunantia with the Persians, or with the Prometheus, many points of resemblance between these two celebrated authors would strike us. "NVc should probably find that in the grandeur of the incidents, in the depth of feeling, in the nature and language of the allegorical personages introduced upon the stag.;-, and lastly, in the patriotic sentiments of the compositions, the oldest of the Spanish dra- matists has approached nearer to the most ancient of the Greek tragedians, than any voluntary imitation could have accomplished. There is a strong feeling of patriotism manifested by Cervantes in his Nnmantla. He has taken as the subject of his tragedy the destruction of a city which valiantly opposed the Romans, and whose inhabit- ants, rather than surrender themselves to the enemy, preferred perishing beneath the ruins of their bonus, slaughtering one another, and precipitating themselves into the flames. This terrible subject is not one which would be considered at the present day as suitable to the purposes of the drama. It is too extensive, too public, too little adapted to the display of individual passions, and of those motives which operate upon persons, and not upon nations. A cer- tain degree of admiration, however, cannot be refused to this poetical attempt of Cervantes, which seems like an expiatory sacrifice offered up to the manes of a great city. The tragedy opens with a dialogue between Scipio and Jugxirtha. This scene, like the greatest part of the drama, is composed in the ottave rime of the heroic Italian verse. In a few scenes only, in which the dialogue is more lively, is the Spanish redondilla of four trochees, rhymed in quatrains, employed. Cervantes has never made use of the assonants which 92 LIFE AND WRITINGS by later writers were almost constantly adopted for the dialogues. Scipio declares to Jugnrtha tlie repugnance which he feels to continue a war which has already cost the Roman people so much hlood, and in which he has at the same time to contend against the obstinate valour of the enemy, and the want of discipline which his own army betrays. He then gives orders for all the troops to be assembled, that by haranguing them he may recall them to a sense of their duty. The novelty of these dramatic representations is curiously manifested in the stage directions, which Cervantes has added to his dramas. Thus, in one scene it is said : " Here enter as many soldiers as the stage will hold, and Caius Marius with them ; tliey must be armed in the ancient fashion, without muskets. Scipio, ascending a little rock upon the stage, gazes on the soldiery before he addresses them." The harangue, however, is too long to be given entire, and indeed too long for representation. It is, however, full of elevated feeling and martial eloquence. He thus re- minds them of the contrast between themselves and the hardy, plain -clad veterans of the old school : Well, by your pride of feature, noble friends, And splendour of your martial decorations, I recognise in you the sons of Rome ; Yea, brave and valiant sons ! But, by your hands, Fair and effeminate, by the glossy show Of your smooth faces, rather should I deem you Of Britain born, or Belgium. You yourselves, By your neglect, your reckless disregard Of all your duties, you yourselves have raised Your foe, already vanquished, from the ground, And wronged at once your valour and your fame. Behold these walls that yet unshaken st'ind Firm as tie rocks on which thry rest ! these walls Bear shameful witness to your weak attempts, OF CERVANTES. 93 That boast of nothing Roman, but the name. What ! when the whole world trembles and bows down Before the name of Rome, will you alone Betray her claims to empire, and eclipse Her universal glories here in Spain ?" Scipio then directs various reforms. He orders the "women to be removed, and that nothing shall be introduced into the army which can be productive of luxury and effeminacy ; and he then expresses his confidence that, as soon as discipline is re-established within the camp, it will be an easy task to vanquish the handful of Spaniards who have shut themselves up within the walls of Xumantia. Caius Marius answers in the name of the rest, and promises that the soldiers shall show themselves true Romans, and submit cheerfully to the most rigorous discipline. Two Xumantian ambassadors now present them- selves before the general and the army. They declare that it was to the severity, avarice, and injustice, of the generals who had hitherto commanded in Spain, the revolt of Xumantia was to be attributed ; that the arrival of Scipio, with whose virtues they are acquainted and in whom they place the fullest con- fidence, had induced them to sue, as they now did, as ardently for peace as they had before courageously sustained the war. Scipio, however, demands a higher satisfaction for the insults offered to the majesty of the Roman people. He refuses all over- tures for peace, and dismisses the ambassadors with an exhortation to look well to their defence. He then informs his brother that instead of exposing his army in fresh engagements and moistening the soil of Spain with Roman blood, he has determined to siirround Xumantia with a deep fosse and to reduce the place by famine. He therefore orders the army to commence the circumvallations. 94 LIFE AND WRITINGS In the second scene (and between each scene some time is supposed to have elapsed) Spain is introduced in the figure of a woman crowned with towers, and bearing in her hand a castle, as a symbol of those castles from which are derived the name and arms of Castile. She invokes the mercy and favour of Heaven, and complains bitterly of her state of perpetual bondage. She has seen her riches alternately the prey of the Phoenician and of the Greek ; and her most valiant sons divided amongst themselves, coin- bating with one another, when they should have united their arms against the common enemy : Numantia only, careless of her blood, Has dared to draw her shining sword and strike For that old liberty she long has cherished. But now, oh grief! her time of doom is near ; Her fatal hour approaches, and her life Is waning to its close; but her bright fame Shall still survive, and, like the Phoenix, burst More glorious from her ashes. The circumvallation being now accomplished, the Numantians have to contend against hunger, without any opportunity of engaging with the enemy. One side of the city is washed by the Douro ; and the Spaniards, therefore, address themselves to that river, beseeching him to favour the people of Xumantia, and to swell his waters so as to prevent the Romans from erecting towers and machines on its banks. The Douro, followed by three tributary streams, advances upon the stage, and declares that he has made the greatest efforts to remove the Romans from the walls of Numantia, but in vain ; that the fatal hour has arrived, and that the only consolation he has left is derived from Proteus, who has revealed to him the future glories reserved for the Spaniards, and the humiliations to which the Romans are destined. lie OF CERVANTKs. 95 predicts tlie victories of Attila, and tlie conquests of the Goths, which are to renovate Spain ; the title of Most Catholic," which will be bestowed upon her kings ; and lastly, the glory of Philip II., who will unite the territories of Portugal to the two kingdoms of Spain. In the second act the Xumantians are seen assem- bled in council. Theogenes inquires of his coun- trymen by what means they can escape from the cruel vengeance of their enemies, who, without daring to combat with them, have reduced them to perish by hunger. Corabino proposes that an offer shall be made to the Romans to decide the fate of the two nations by single combat ; and that if this is refused, they should try the effect of a sortie through the fosse, and attempt to open a passage through the enemy. Others present support this proposition, and at the same time describe their despair and the suf- ferings which they endure from famine. They like- wise propose sacrifices to appease the gods and auguries to ascertain their wishes. The scenes in the dramas of Cervantes are as dis- tinct as the acts. They seem intended in the ^V- mantia to exhibit the sentiments and ideas of a whole people, under the various aspects of public affairs. To accomplish this design, we are sometimes intro- duced into the assemblies of the nobles ; at others, simple citizens appear upon the stage, and, occa- sionally, allegorical personages come forward. The second scene of this act is between two Xumantian soldiers, Morandro and Leoneio ; the former, the lover of Lira, a young maiden of Xumantia, was on the eve of marriage when the nuptials were deferred on account of the war and the public misfortunes. Leoneio accuses him of forgetting, in his passion for 96 LIFE AND WRITINGS his mistress, the dangers of his country. Leoncio thus replies to his companion : Never did love teach lover cowardice ! Have I e'er been a truant from my post To visit her I love ? Have I e'er closed My eyes in slumber when my captain watched ? Have I e'er failed when duty called on me Because my heart was filled with her sweet image ? If, then, these things be not objected to me, Why will you blame me for my passionate love ? The dialogue is interrupted by the arrival of the people and the priests, with the victim and the incense for the sacrifice to Jupiter. As the priests proceed with the sacrificial ceremonies, the most terrible pre- sages present themselves. The torches will not light ; the smoke curls towards the west, and the invoca- tions are answered with thunder. It is curious to remark the expedients by which the author proposes to imitate thunder, and which, like Gibber, who was so proud of his receipt for making it, he might fairly claim for his own. " Here," says he, " a noise must be made -by rolling a barrel full of stones, and fire- works must be let off." In the air, eagles are seen pouncing upon vultures and tearing them in their talons. At last the victim is carried away by an infernal spirit, at the moment when it is about to be slain. Marquino, a magician, then endeavours in his turn to discover the will of Heaven by enchant- ment. He approaches a tomb where, three hours previously, a young Nuinantian had been buried who had died of hunger, and he invokes his spirit from the infernal regions. His address to the spirits of darkness is singularly poetical. He speaks in that commanding style, and at the same time with that contempt and anger, with which the poets have gifted those magicians who have not allowed themselves to OF CERVANTES. 97 become the slaves of Lucifer. The tomb opens ; the dead rises, but moves not. Marquino, by fresh enchantment, bestows animation and compels the body to speak. The corpse announces that ^wiman- tia will neither be the conqueror nor the conquered ; but that her citizens shall destroy one another. The corpse then sinks again into the tomb, and Marquino in despair stabs himself and falls into the same grave. The third act again brings us into the Roman camp; Scipio congratulates himself on having reduced Nu- mantia to the last extremities, without finding it necessary to expose his soldiers. In the meantime a solitary trumpet is heard from within the Avails. Corabino then appears with a white flag in his hands. lie proposes to terminate the quarrel by single com- bat, on condition that if the Numantian champion is vanquished, the gates of the city shall be opened ; if on the contrary, the Roman combatant is overcome, that the siege shall be raised. At the same time he flatters the Romans, by assuring them that from the valour of their champions they may count upon a victory. Seipio rejects with ridicule a proposal which would place him on equal terms with the enemy, at a time when he is assured of the conquest. Corabino, left alone on the walls, overwhelms the Romans with vituperation. They, however, hear him not, and he retires. The next scene represents the interior of Numantia. The council of war is assembled, and Theogencs, having given an account of the failure of the sacrifices of the enchantment, and of the challenge, proposes again to make a sally. The warriors dread the opposition of their wives, whom they will be compelled to abandon. The women, informed of the proposed sortie, crowd around the council-chamber with their infants in H 98 LIFE AND their amis, and each, in eloquent language, demands to share the fortunes of her husband : What is it that you wish, brave warriors ! Have, then, your sorrowful fancies worked on you To fly us and forsake us ? Do ye think To leave the virgins of Numantia A spoil to arrogant Romans, and your sons, Your free-horn sons, in bondage to the foe ? Were it not better that your own right hand At once should take the life which ye have given ? Would you then feed the Roman avarice ? Would you then suffer them in unjust pride To triumph over us, while with foreign hands They pillage all our mansions ? * * * * If you are well-resolved to attempt the sortie, Then take us with you. It will be life to us To perish by your sides. Nor will ye thus Shorten our way to death, for famine ever Threatens to cut the thread of life in twain. Another woman then presents herself and her children before the senators of Numantia, and thus speaks : Oh, children of most desolate mothers, why, Why speak ye not, and why with moving tears Do ye not supplicate your cruel sires Not to desert you ? Doth it not suffice That terrible famine should oppress your lives But must you also prove the bitterness Of Roman rigour. Tell them that ye were Begotten free, free born, and that your mothers, Your wretched mothers, nursed you still in freedom. And tell them if our fate so adverse is, They who have given you life should take it back. Oh walls ! if ye can speak, exclaim aloud, A thousand times repeat Numantians ! Numantians ! liberty ! After several of the women have spoken, Theo- genes answers their complaints with great tenderness. OP CERVANTES. 99 lie swears that they shall not be abandoned by their husbands, but that, living or dying, they shall still be protected. Lastly, he endeavours to persuade the Numantians to adopt a still more desperate course, and not to leave within the walls of Xuman- tia a single relic of their persons or their property to adorn the triumphs of their enemies. He proposes that in the middle of the great square of the city a pile should be raised, upon which the citizens should themselves cast all their riches, and that to mitigate for a few hours at least the hunger which consumes them, the Roman prisoners should be slain and eaten by the soldiery. The people immediately adopt this frightful resolution, and separate in order to put it into execution. Mbrandro and Lira remain upon the stage, and a terrific scene, of love struggling with famine, succeeds. Lira, to the passionate ex- clamations of her lover, only answers that her brother had died of hunger the preceding day ; that on that very day her mother had perished, and that she her- self is on the verge of death. Morandro determines to penetrate into the Roman camp in search of food to prolong the life of his mistress. Leoncio, his friend, notwithstanding his remonstrances, resolves to accompany him, and the two friends impatiently expect the friendly shades of night that will afford them an opportunity to make their attempt. Two of the citizens now announce that the pile is on fire, and that the inhabitants are eagerly heaping upon it all the remains of their property. Men, loaded with burthens of rich and precious articles, are seen passing over the stage towards the pile. One of the Numantians then declares, that as soon as their riches are consumed, the women, the chil- dren, and the old men will be massacred by the ii 2 100 LIFE AND WRITINGS soldiers to save them from the bands of the con- querors. A Xumantian mother is then introduced, leading by. the hand her little son, who bears a va- luable packet. She holds an infant to her breast : Mother. Oh life, most cruel and most hard to bear ! Oh agony most deep and terrible ! Boy. Mother ! will no one give a little morsel Of bread for all these riches ! Mother. No, my son, No bread, nor aught to nourish thee, my child. Boy. Must I then die of hunger ? Mother, mother, I ask one morsel only, nothing more. Mother. My child, what pain thou givest me ! Boy. Do you not Wish for it then ! Motker. I wish for it, but know not Where I may seek it. Boy. Why not buy it, mother ? If not, I'll buy it for myself, and give To the first man I meet, even all these riches Aye, for one single morsel of dry bread, My hunger pains me so. Mother (to her infant). And thou, poor creature, Why cling'st thou to my breast ? Dost thou not know That in my aching breast despair has changed The milky stream to blood ? Tear off my flesh, And so content their hunger, for my arms Are weak, aud can no longer clasp thee to me. Son of my soul, with what can I sustain thee ? Even of my wasted flesh, there scarce remains Enough to satisfy thy craving hunger. Oh hunger, hunger ! terrible and fierce, With what most cruel pangs thou tak'st my life ! Oh war, what death dost thou prepare for me ? Boy. My mother 1 let us hasten to the place We seek, for walking seems to make me worse. Mother. My child, the house is near us, where at length Upon the burning pile thou may'st lay down The burthen that thou bearest. "Were it not for its stern truth, and sterner reality too widely spread, we might almost repent of hav- OF CERVANTES, 101 ing introduced a scene so fiercely terrible, and so full of cruel suffering. It is the dungeon of Ugolino opened to the public, and rendered tenfold more appalling by its far-extended desolation. The cala- mity, with its baneful wings overspreading a whole rity, exhibits famine contending with every species of the most gentle as well as the most passionate feelings. It is because sufferings like these have really existed, because the very name of war recalls them to our minds, that such scenes ought not, per- haps, to be brought before the eye. The misfortunes of CEdipus have passed away ; the feast of Thyestes will never again be celebrated ; but who can say that in some city exposed to the horrors of a siege, some nameless mother may not, like the Numantian matron, be nourishing her infant with blood instead of milk, struggling against the excess of suffering which human nature was not formed to support ? If, indeed, we could succour or save her, it would be weakness to fear the shock which so frightful a pic- ture produces ; but if eloquence or poetry be em- ployed without object to give effect to such descrip- tions, how can we experience any pleasure in emotions which border on so dreadful a reality ? At the commencement of the fourth act the alarm is sounded in the Roman camp, and Scipio demands the cause of the tumult ? He learns that two Xumantians have broken through the barriers, and, after killing several soldiers, have carried off some biscuit from a cart ; that one of them again passed the wall and gained the city, but that the other had been slain. In the following scene we find Morandro again entering Xumantia wounded and bleeding. He is weeping over his friend's fate, and the bread which he is carrying to Lira is moistened with his tears. 102 LIFE AND WRITINGS lie lays before her this last offering of his affection, and expires at her feet. Lira refuses to touch the sustenance which has been so dearly bought ; while her little brother seeks refuge in her arms, and dies. A soldier now appears upon the stage pursuing a woman, whom he is endeavouring to kill, for an order has been issued from the senate of Numantia that all the women should be put to the sword. He, however, refuses to slay Lira, and bears along with him to the funeral pile the two bodies which lay before her. War, famine, and pestilence now appear, and dis- pute for the ruins of Nunlantia. This description of the calamities which the city has suffered is cold, when compared with the preceding frightful scenes. Theogenes then passes over the scene with his wife, his two sons, and his daughter, conducting them to the pile where they are to die. He informs them that they are to perish by his own hand, and his children submit to their fate. Two youths, Yeria- tus and Servius, flying before the soldiers, cross the stage ; the first endeavours to reach a tower which will afford him a refuge, but the latter, being over- come by famine, can proceed no farther. Theogenes, who has despatched his wife and children, returns and beseeches a citizen to put him to death ; the two, however, determine to fight near the pile upon which the survivor is to cast himself. The Romans, havino- remarked the stillness which reigns in Numantia, Caitis Marius mounts upon the wall by a ladder, and is shocked to see the city one lake of blood, and the streets filled with the dead. Scipio fears that this universal massacre will deprive him of all the honour of a triumph. If a single Numantian cap- tive could be found alive to be chained to his car, OF CERVANTES. 103 that honour would be his ; but Caius Marius and JiiLiurtha, wlio have traversed all the streets, have met with nothing but gore and corpses. At last, however, they discover Yiriatus, the young man who has taken refuge at the top of the tower. Scipio addresses him. and iuvites him, with kind words and promises, to deliver himself up. Viriatus rejects these offers with indignation. He is unwilling to survive his country ; and, after heaping curses upon the Romans, he throws himself headlong from the tower, and falls lifeless at the feet of Seipio. Re- nown, with a trumpet in her hand, terminates the tragedy, by promising eternal glory to the Xuman- tian-. 77'f Xumantiti was represented several times in the earlier part of the life of Cervantes, whilst the nation was still warm with the enthusiasm which the victories of Charles V. had produced ; and whilst the reverses, which they began to experience under Philip II. made them doubly resolute not to stain their ancient glories. We may imagine the effect which the S>d)i iiitemporaries, that it was the place of his birth. And the intimate knowledge which he shows of the streets, alleys, and suburbs of that town ; of the manners and mode of life of the Sevillians, their foibles, and the gossiping tales most prevalent among its credulous populace, prove that he must have re- OF CERVANTES. 121 sided there for a considerable tiino. It was hence, too. he derived the subjects for some of his tales, as he found there the noted robbers Rincontt? y Cor- todWo, whose adventures occurred in the year 1569 ; f>r it was about this time, agreeably to the testimony of D. Luis Zapota, that there existed a brotherhood or society of the most desperate and daring character in Spain, who had formed a regular ainl established system of robbery, attended with great risk to per- sonal security, and setting justice and public autho- rity at defiance, as is shown by Cervantes. In his tale of the Ztloto Extrcmeno, he exemplifies the bad effects of severity in a husband, the evil consequences of licentiousness and indolence in t!. the selfish artifices of a crafty and jealous duenna. The two tales, the one La Tia Fingida*, which has remained unpublished to our own times, and ti. the Curiofo Impertinent*, and perhaps some .it hers, were written during his resident- B J.le. when they were read in manuscript and highly appreciated by the lovers, of letters ; and through this channel the three first were placed in the hands of the licen- D. Francisco Porras de la Camara, prebendary of that church, who included them in a collection which he formed, in the year 1606, of various works of his own and others, for the entertainment of the Archbishop D. Fernando Nino de Guevara, who beguiled with them his summer siestas in Um- brete. But this mode of life, which enabled Cervantes to form such an intimate knowledge of the idle and giddy population of Seville, did not prevent his cul- tivating the friendship and enjoying the company of the most illustrious m.-n of genius, who had their residence there at that time. One of these was 122 LIFE AND WRITINGS Francisco Pacbeco, the celebrated painter and poet, whose studio was the common resort of .strangers and the most celebrated persons of Seville, and whose great love for letters indxiced him to paint the por- traits of one hundred and seventy persons, among whom are found one hundred of the highest eminence. It is known that Cervantes was one of these, and that he was also painted by D. Juan de Jauregui, also a famous painter and poet of Seville ; and there are substantial grounds for believing that that writer was on an intimate and friendly footing with Pacheco, and that he was one of those who frequented his academy. The same may be presumed with regard to the accomplished and celebrated poet Fernando de Herrera, who died about this time, and whose memory Cervantes honoured with a sonnet, which has been preserved but not published. Whoever examines the works of Cervantes with a critical eye, bearing in mind his peculiar character and the events of his life, will be easily convinced that his intimate connexion with the Andalusians, their keen and appropriate wit, their jests, and ludi- crous national customs, were so consonant to his genius, and ministered so much to his fertile imagi- nation, that we may be assured that it was here that he formed the picture and the colours which afterwards rendered his pencil immortal, and so remarkable in that native grace, that delicate satire, that unrivalled humour, which secures an ever new delight to his works which were written subsequently to his re- sidence in Andalusia. An opinion has generally prevailed that Cervantes departed from Seville for La Mancha, with a com- mission that occasioned him great perplexity and persecution, and which ended in his being thrown OF CERVANTES. 123 into jail, where it is supposed he wrote the first part of his Don Quixote ; but allowing its full value to the ground on whieh this tradition is founded and yet retained in this province, we may be allowed to investigate the matter more thoroughly. At the time of rendering his accounts, at the be- ginning of 1603, to the proper tribunal, the collector of Baza, Gaspar Osorio de Tejeda, presented for his discharge a paper of payment, which Cervantes gave him, when in 1594 he was commissioned to collect the arrears of revenue owing in that city and the neighbourhood. At the sight of this document the tribunal, on the fourteenth day of January, 1603, in- quired from the auditors of accounts whether or not Cervantes had rendered an account of his commission, and discharged the balance due upon it. The audi- tors in their reply, given in Valladolid, imder the date of the 24th of the same month, replied, that although the money remitted by him to the general treasury agreed with the balance due, viz., 2600 reals, agreeably to the amount in the royal schedule of the 13th of August, 1594, yet he had rendered no account of the specific sum collected in each depart- ment; and in order to effect this, directions were sent to P. Bernabe de Pedroso, purveyor-general of the fleet, to release Cervantes from his prison in Seville, upon his giving sureties to appear within a certain time, and that up to that period he had not appeared. A few days after this information Cervantes must have arrived at Valladolid, where he was on the 8th of February, with his family, since it appears that his sister, Dona Andrea, was occupied in the service of his Excellency D. Pedro de Toledo Osorio, the fifth marquis of Villa Franca, who was just returned from his expedition to Algiers, and among his 124 LIFE AND WRITINGS accounts are some papers in the handwriting of Cervantes. It was now intimated to him that he might remain at liberty, his debt being so small ; and this he afterwards satisfied, residing in the court the remainder of his life, in the presence of the tri- bunal which had so much harassed him. What most contributes to this belief is, the tran- quillity of mind which Cervantes always exhibited, supported as he was by a consciousness of his inno- cence and upright conduct. Don Gregorio Mayans sagaciously remarks, that when Cervantes makes ex- press mention of his being confined in prison, and of his having in that situation planned his Don Quixote, his offence could not have been of an ignominious nature, and this conjecture is confirmed by the silence his rivals and enemies have observed on this occasion, not even mentioning the circumstance or attaching any calumny to it. These misfortunes in the life of Cervantes are very similar to those that befell the celebrated poet Luis Camoens,whom in addition to his calamities some peo- ple, in a spirit of malevolence, accuse of malversation in the public moneys while he presided over the collection of the revenue at Macao, stating that he was prosecuted and imprisoned on that account ; but his integrity was vindicated, and the calumny of his enemies overthrown, and he was about to quit his prison, when a gentleman from Goa detained him for a debt of two hundred cruzados ; the viceroy, however, generously tendered his protection to Camoens, who was thus enabled to live unmolested during the remainder of his sojourn in that country. Cervantes, although he lived thenceforth in freedom, was still subject to persecution. He owed his tran- quillity of mind to the conscious feeling of an hon- OF CERVANTES. 125 ourable integrity, and his subsistence to the fruits of his industry and his genius, and to the kind consi- deration which some of his friends and some persons of rank showed to his merit and his misfortunes. From the end of the year 1598 the documents we possess afford no matter for the next four years in the life of Cervantes. In this period we may perhaps place the occurrences in La 31 ancha, as such a tradition is still prevalent there, and it being certain that he pos- sessed tiesof kindred and relationship with many distin- guished families in that province. Some affirm, that being commissioned to collect the arrears of duties in theneighbourhoodof Argamasilla, which were owingto the grand prior of St. Juan, he was assaulted and thrown into prison. Others suppose that this imprisonment arose from a commission that had been entrusted to him relative to the manufacture of saltpetre and gunpowder, in the same town, the preparation of which was injurious to the waters of the Guadiana, which the neighbouring people used for the purpose of irrigation. There also exists another tradition that this incarceration happened in Toboso, in consequence of a severe jest on a female, which gave offence to her relations and friends. But the most remarkable fact is, that in Argamasilla there has been regularly trans- mitted down from father to son a story, that in a house in that city, called De Medrano, was the prison in which Cervantes was confined for a long time ; when he was so ill-treated, and in such a destitute condition, that he was obliged to have recourse to his uncle, Don Juan Bernabe de Saavedra, then living at Alcazar de S. Juan, and to solicit his succour and sup- port. In the commencement of his letter he describes himself as being in a most wretched condition " I am 126 LIFE AND WRITINGS worn out," he says, "by long day sand miserable nights of confinement in this dungeon of a prison." But this document, which is said to have been preserved to our own days, has disappeared in such a way that the most anxious inquiry and research to trace it have been vain and ineffectual. If we were to give credit to this tradition, we might conjecture that Cervantes being at liberty to proceed to Madrid, left Seville in 1599, or soon after- wards, and stopt at La Mancha, under the protection of his friends ; and that the long silence of his judges, and the suspension of judicial proceedings, gave room to believe that he was discharged from his employ- ments, and that proceedings against him had ceased. To this belief other contemporary events contributed, as the change of government, since the death of Philip II., the removal of the court to Valladolid, the confused state of the accounts of the revenue from tribunals being created by the ordinances of Pardo, in 1593, until the necessity of simplifying the system of administration reduced them to one, by the orders of Lerma, on the 26th day of October, 1602, the result of which was the removal of proceedings against all from whom any balance was due. . The promptitude with which Cervantes presented himself at Valladolid, agreeably to the order of the auditor of accounts, issued on the 24th of January, 1603, leads us to suppose that he resided within a few days' journey of that place, as he could not have arrived in so short a time, if he had been then living in Andalusia ; and all this leads to a probability that he remained in La Mancha, since we cannot doubt that he resided there for a long period, especially in Argamasilla, which he makes the native land of his " ingenioso hidalgo" taking an opportunity of ridi- OP CERVANTES. 127 culing in it the empty pretensions of its inhabitants to titles of nobility and gentility, when the requisite means to support such title were wanting ; a passion that occasioned amongst them disastrous quarrels, and scandalous brawls, and the decay of the population, as several writers of that period have mentioned. And, as a last reason, we may adduce his accuracy in the topographical description of La Mancha, his knowledge of its antiquities, its customs, and mari- ners. The particulars, too, which he relates of the lakes of Ruidera, the course of the Guadiana, the cave of Montesinos, the situation of the fulling-mills, Puerto- Lapice, and other parts of the country, included in the itineracy of Don Quixote, afford us strong evi- dence of his residence in La Mancha, although we are ignorant of the time and motives that have induced him to fix on that country as the native soil of his chivalrous hero, and the scene of most of his adven- tures. When Cervantes removed to Valladolid, the court had been established there for two years, and the change of persons and influence had dissipated the memory of the services of the veteran soldiers. His recent persecution, and the alteration at this time in the system of the royal revenue, and the tri- bunal of general auditorship, had an unfavourable influence also on the claims of Cervantes, whose absence for so many years had reduced the number of his acquaintance, deprived him of his friends, and obliterated the esteem which he merited. The duke of Lerma, "the Atlas of the monarchy," as one author calls him, was the ruler of the will of the sovereign, was the arbitrary disposer of all places, and held the fortunes of all Spaniards in his hands : 128 LIFE AND WRITINGS a favourite without knowledge or'experience, flatter- ing and effeminate, of uncultivated mind, as Quevedo remarks, imperious with others, and domineering through the craftiness and subtlety of his servants ; fond of show and splendour, but of indiscreet pro- fusion and reprehensible prodigality ; whose selection of servants to the state was governed by political faction, or the undue influence of friendship or relationship. Hence it happened that merit and talent, and virtue, were neglected, not without the regret and censure of the good. The Padre Sepulveda, who wrote at that time an account of occurrences in the Escurial, laments with patriotic zeal and just indignation the manner in which so many famous captains and brave soldiers were doomed to obscurity and neglect ; men who had devoted their whole lives to the service of the king, who had shared in the most celebrated actions, exposing themselves a thousand times to death for their country, and bearing the marks of honourable wounds, not only remained neglected without any recompense, but beheld at the same time men with- out either merit or service loaded with honours, solely through theinfluence they accidentally obtained with ministers, or courtiers. Equally remarkable was the contempt and neglect with which letters, and those who cultivated them with so much glory and utility to the nation, were treated, forgotten and deprived of patronage ; as we learn from the severe re- marks of Juan de Mariana, and of Bartolomeo Leonardo de Argensola, Christobal de Mesa, and Cervantes himself, and the regrets of other eminent writers. Cervantes, we may presume, afterwards found it necessary to present himself to this powerful minister, to make known his services, his merits, and his misfor- OF CERVANTES. 129 tunes, imploring his protection to enable him to obtain some means of alleviating the anxieties of age in the bosom of his family. But the duke of Lerrna, ignorant of his eminent qualities as a soldier and a man of letters, and with an imperfect knowledge of the persecutions he had suffered, received him with disregard and disdain, as some writers of that age have assured us. Thus bitterly undeceived, Cervantes found the gates barred against his hopes, and, abandoning all further thoughts of prosecuting his claims, he turned to other quarters to seek his subsistence ; at one time employing himself in various agencies and commis- sions, at another planning or composing some new work, or polishing those already written, and pre- paring them for the public eye. Neglected with so much ingratitude by the country he had so long served, or sharing the small degree of favour he could obtain, through his pieces, from some few who more justly appreciated his merits, Cervantes passed the rest of his life comparatively poor and slighted, in the midst of the splendour of the great, remarkable for the patient wisdom and resignation which dis- tinguished his conduct in this last period, though he sometimes imparted to the bosom of friendship his complaints of the Duke's treatment. If, sometimes, from the impulse of his genius, he mingled in his writings some satirical allusions, in revenge for the injustice and insensibility with which he was treated, his prudence, and the delicate manner in which these allusions were veiled, saved him from the resentment of a powerful and despotic individual, of whom, on the other hand, he always spoke in his works with that respect and consideration which prudence dictated as due to those who enjoyed the 130 LIFE AM) WRITINGS confidence of their sovereign, and who held in their hands the welfare of millions, and the happiness or misery of many generations. The unfortunate state in which Cervantes was placed by the disappointment of all his expectations, made him anxious to accelerate the publication of his Don Quixote, in the hopes that judicious and impar- tial readers, by a perusal of this work, might satisfy themselves of the elevation and amenity of his genius, and recalling to mind, by the Tale of the Captive, the sufferings of his earlier days, might view his fate with compassion, and at the same time excite in the public mind feelings of just indignation against the injustice and indifference with which he had been treated. In addition to this, the perusal of books of chivalry was not so peculiar to the lower orders, as not to be equally shared by persons of loftier rank, as the courtiers and nobility. Among these, too, were to be found some who wrote and published the most absurd romances, as the history of the prince Don Policisce de Boncia, composed by Don Juan de Silva y Toledo, senor de Canada Hermosa, and pub- lished in the year 1602. Thus it was not surprising that Cervantes, fearing that themaliceorscrutinyof hisreaders might discover pome allusions which might be applied to persons of elevated character, or who were respected for their influence and authority, should endeavour to avoid the consequence of such resentment, by previously enlightening the reader, in the prudent verses of Ur- ganda la desconocida, that it w T as wise not to meddle with such particulars, nor to attack the conduct of others by dangerous and untimely jests, especially of persons whose houses are of glass, and who seek for protection and interest. OP CERVANTES. 131 With a view to the same object he endeavoured to find a patron of noble birth, of high character, and a love of letters, whose favour might accord to his romance of Don Quixote a greater degree of con- sideration and attention. The individual he thought most deserving of this compliment, and the mo~t likely to aid his views, was Don Alonso Lopez de Zuiiiga y Sotomayor, seventh Duke of Bejar, not only for the strong attachment he showed to literature, but also for his encouragement of the fine arts, as well as for his illustrious descent from the house of Navarre, and his generous reception of men of letters. The favours he had conferred on these, determined Cervantes to dedicate to him this felicitous and traiiscendant effort of his genius. He had applied for the royal license on the 26th of September, 1604, and having obtained this about the middle of De- cember, lie proceeded to its publication at the beginning of the following year. If the tradition be true which Don Vicente de los Rios relates, the object of Cervantes, in this choice of a patron, was not merely to obtain the means of printing and publishing his work. He feared lest persons of cultivated minds might disregard a title- page announcing the adventures of a knight-errant, and that general readers might not properly appreciate it, when they did not meet with the striking inci- dents to which they were accustomed in books of chivalry, and might not thus penetrate the refined and delicate satire which it contained. This objec- tion he thought would be obviated, if his work bore on its front the recommendation of the illus- trious name of a person, who, according to a con- temporary, deserved to have been born a Maecenas in the age of Augustus. K2 132 LIFE AND WRITINGS The same tradition informs us, that when the Duke was made acquainted with the real design of the romance of Don Quixote, he refused to accept the dedication, and that Cervantes humbly bowed to his decision, but earnestly entreated him to hear a chapter of it read. This stratagem, it is said, succeeded to its fullest extent ; for such was the unexpected enter- tainment and delight it awoke in the hearers, that they insisted on the whole of it being read, and loaded it with unqualified approbation and praise. The Duke, on this, relaxed in the repugnancehehad shown, and cheerfully accepted the dedication which he had before treated with contumely. But it would still seem that this general applause could not soften the asperity of an ecclesiastic, who ruled in the house of the Duke, as he not only attempted to depreciate the work and discredit its aiithor, but instigated the Duke to withdraw the kind reception with which he had honoured him, and in so far, that he ultimately treated him with neglect. It was doubtless owing to this circumstance, that Cervantes never afterwards dedicated to him any of his future works. The conduct of this ecclesiastic is probably alluded to in the second part of Don Quixote, in the person of the chaplain whom he describes in the house of the nobleman who enter- tained Don Quixote. It is said that the public at first received the romance of Don Quixote with extreme indifference, as it was from its title the object of the derision and contempt of the half learned. Cervantes, perceiving that his work was read only by those who did not understand it, and that those who were capable of appreciating its merits, disregarded it, endeavoured to excite the attention of the world at large by pub- OF CERVAXTES. 133 lishing tlic Bn.l\ an anonymous, but talented production, in which he criticises Don Quixote, and a.->erts that it is written in the spirit of satire, abound- ing with instruction and entertainment, and composed with the laudable design of banishing the pernicious reading of books of chivalry ; and that the personages introduced, though of pure invention, were not after all so imaginary, but that they might claim a degree of relationship with the character and actions of Charles the Fifth, and the paladins of his court, as well as other persons who held some of the highest dignities under the monarchy. The persons who were thus induced, through curiosity, to peruse Don Quixote, could not but acknowledge its singular merits, and perceive the charm of its festive and graceful style ; and by this means Cervantes gave to his design all the effect he had designed, or wished for. 24 But whatever degree of credibility may be attached to these circumstances founded on a tradition which has been attempted to be refuted by Pellicer, it is beyond a doubt that Cervantes himself, convinced of the just severity with which the chivalrous romances had been written against by many accomplished and learned Spaniards, as Luis Yives, Melchior Cano, Alejo Yenegas, Pedro Mexia, Alonso de Ulloa, Luis de Granada, Benito Arias Montano, Pedro Malon de Chaide, author of the dialogue on languages, and many others, was led to satirize these books with the intention of destroying the authority and influence they everywhere possessed over the minds of the vulgar. The purport of the prologue of Cer- vantes, seemed, in the opinion of Pellicer, to obviate the necessity of making known the object of the work ; but on the other hand we cannot doubt of its 134 LIFE AND WRITINGS having appeared; a person so well known for sincerity and truth as Don Antonio Rnidiaz, having, as he assures us, himself seen it. We must conclude therefore that Cervantes did not intend merely to manifest, by this little work, the principal object of his romance, which indeed he had already declared without reserve in his prologue, but to raise the veil of some allusion to recent events and well-known persons, and to excite the curiosity of his readers and lead them to the admiration of his genius without compromising the author. Under this persuasion Ave may believe he published this little piece anonymously, and confined it to a small impression, as was the case with other contemporary writings whose authors wished to speak the truth, but without making their names known. As we are ignorant whether the Buscajne ap- peared at the same time as Don Quixote or came out some time afterwards, we cannot decide on the influ- ence it might have in contributing to that general applause which the author mentions in the second part. So great, however, was the popularity of this romance, that at least four editions appeared in 1605, the year in which it was first published ; and it soon spread through France, Italy, Portugal, and Flanders. It is very possible that the readers of that day, catch- ing the many delicate and satirical allusions scat- tered through this work, to recent events and well- known personages, might derive greater pleasure from the perusal than we can at the present time, when the revolutions of time have enveloped in obscurity many incidents and events, to which we cannot now apply the satire and irony, nor appreciate so exactly their true merit, not being acquainted with the facts on which they are founded. However certain and OF CERVANTES. 135 positive these reflections may be, they cannot, how- ever, authorise or support the extravagant opinion widely spread in Spain and other countries, that Cervantes intended to portray in his Don Quixote the emperor, Charles the Fifth, and his minister the Duke of Lerma; much less that lie made his work the channel of a satire on his own country in order to ridicule the Spanish nobility, who he imagined were carried away by an absurd spirit of chivalry. From this imputation, in many respects injurious to Cervantes, he was vindicated by Don Vicente de los liios, who proved, with singular erudition and admi- rable acuteness, that the spirit of chivalry was com- mon to all Europe, and not peculiar to .Spain alone, of which Cervantes could not be ignorant, nor was it his intention to depreciate the genius of his country ; and the opinion of Lope de Vega is correct, that in this description of writing the Spaniards have always held a high station, as, in point of invention, no other nation of the world has excelled them. But with regard to the persons whom Cervantes is supposed to have held up to ridicule, the simple perusal of Don Quixote is sufficient to show us that the character and manners of his hero, and the nature and quality of his adventures and exploits, are all adopted from chivalrous romances which he proposed as subjects of ridicule ; for, as Pellicer judiciously observes, Don Quixote de la Mancha i.s a true Amadis de Gaul, painted in burlesque ; to which we may subjoin, with Don Diego de Torres, ' that in the range of the humorous epic it is impossible to find anything to equal the charm of this romance, nor could a more bitter satire be produced against the absurdities of knight-errantry. Cervantes, too, like a great master, has added to his picture many strokes 136 LIFE AND WRITINGS and incidents -related of other kniohts-errant, real and feigned, in order to render the portrait of his hero more perfect and appropriate, and the traits of his madness and extravagance more .probable." But as at the same time the variety and proba- bility of the adventures, episodes, and incidents of this romance afford an ample field for censuring the views and prejudices of society, he endeavoured to effect this object with a commendable zeal and a direct pleasantry, with allusion to real events and personages. The curiosity and interest becoming thus greater, the remedy was more efficacious and the cure more prompt, without, however, openly wound- ing the self-love of those who imagined themselves reprimanded, by the graceful tone and chivalrous air with which the reproof was tempered. From this ingenious mode of censure adopted by Cervantes arose the expression of extracts could convey an idea of the adventures at the inn which Don Quixote ima- gined was an enchanted castle, and where Sancho was thrown in a blanket. It is only in the work itself that we can enjoy the wit of the fine contrast between the gravity, the measured language, and the manner of Don Quixote, and the ignorance and vul- garity of Sauclio. It must be left to the power of the narrative its -If, to the interest and charm of the whole, blending the liveliness of imagination which results from variety of adventures, -with the liveliness of wit which displays itself in the delineation of cha- racter, to rivet the attention of the reader to such a book. This is shown by the indifference of those who have perused and relished it, to the best extracts which could be taken from it, and much is also lost without some acquaintance with the language, and witli the cu>toms and manners of the hero's country. Another, and not the least striking feature in the composition of Don Quixote, is the continual contrast preserved between what has been called the poetical and the prosaic spirit. The imagination, the emo- tions, all the most generous qualities and impulses, tend to elevate Don Quixote in our eyes. Men of noble minds, we know, both before and since the age of the hero, made it the object of their lives to defend the weak, to aid the oppressed, to be the champions of justice and innocence. Like Don Quixote, too, they everywhere discovered the image of those vir- tues which they worshipped. They believed that disinterestedness, nobility, courage, and chivalry, were still in existence. Without calculating upon their own powers, they still exerted themsel-ves for the welfare of the ungrateful, aud sacrificed them- 144 LIFE AND WRITINGS selves to laws and principles, by many considered altogether illusory. The devotion of heroism, indeed, and the trials of virtue, are among the noblest and most exemplary themes in the history of man.* They present the best subjects for the highest species of poetry, which is for the most part little more than the representation of grand and disinterested feelings. The same character, however, which excites our admiration when beheld from an elevated situation, becomes almost ridiculous when viewed from the level of the earth. We know that there is no more fertile source of entertainment than error, in other words, blunders and mistakes. These, which abound in the adventures of the hero, by producing the most comic juxta-positions, and what may be truly termed witty incidents, which speak for themselves, abound throughout the narration ; for a man w r ho sees nothing around him but what is heroic or chivalrous, must assuredly give frequent occasion for the play of strange combinations, odd situations, and novel events. Next to such pleasant mistakes are those contrasts still more productive, perhaps, of risible effects, for nothing can be more singularly contrasted than the poetry and the prose of life ; the romance of the imagination, and the petty details of everyday occurrence ; the valour and the great appetite of the hero ; the palace of Armida and an inn j the en- chanted princesses and Maritorna. It is from these considerations that some persons, in the opinion of M. Sismondi, have thought Don Quixote one of the most melancholy books that was ever written, and it is so far true, that the ground- work and moral of the romance are, in point of fact, * M. Sismondi, " Literature of the South of Europe," vol. iii., pp. 325,345,350. OF CERVANTI.s. 145 of a mournful character. In the unlucky adventures of his hero, Cervantes lias, in some measure, exhibited the variety of noble feelings, and the illusions of an heroic mind. In Don Quixote we behold a perfectly gentlemanly and accomplished man, who is, notwith- standing, the object of continual ridicule, a man brave beyond all that history could boast of, who confronts the most terrific, not only of mortal, but of supernatural terrors ; whose high sense of honour will not permit him to hesitate a single moment in performing his smallest promise's, or to deviate in the slightest degree from strict truth. Disinterested also as brave, he combats only for virtue ; and when he is anxious to possess a kingdom, it is for the purpose of conferring it upon his faithful squire. He is at once the most faithful and most respectful of lovers, the most humane of warriors, the kindest master, the most redoubtable and perfect of cavaliers : with a taste as refined as his intellect is richly stored and cultivated, he must be allowed to surpass in good- ness, in loyalty, and in valour, all the Amadises, and the Orlandos, whom he had proposed for his model. His most generous enterprises, however, are rewarded only with hard knocks and tumbles ; while his love of glory brings everybody around him into some serious scrape. The giants with whom he combats so manfully, turn out to be windmills ; the ladies whom he frees from the power of enchanters, are simple women, going upon their own affairs, and whom he almost frightens to death. The men. in particular, he treats very cavalierly, and, in the idea of redressing their wrongs and injuries, generally leaves behind him some impressive mark of his favour. It is on this account that the bachelor Lopez remarks with proper feeling : " I do not precisely 146 LIFE AND WRITINGS comprehend your method of redressing people's wrongs ; for, in my own case, you have made me crooked when I was straight enough before ; you have broken my leg, and it will never be set right all the days of my life ; nor, for the life of me, can I understand how you can repair injuries, for that which I have received from you will never be re- paired by you. It was the most unlucky adventure that ever befell me, when I fell in with you in search of your adventures."* The conclusion, therefore, to which we must come, after a perusal of Don Quixote, is the one no doubt feelingly entertained by the bachelor, that a high degree of enthusiasm is prejudicial, not only to the individual who is actuated by it, and who is deter- mined, without asking leave, to sacrifice himself to the good of others ; but it is equally dangerous to society, the rules of which it infringes, puts people at variance with its spirit and its institutions, and produces strange and often ludicrous results. Although a work, as it has been before observed, which treated this subject seriously and logically, would be as melancholy as degrading to humanity, yet a satire, written without bitterness, may still be a gay and sprightly production, because it is clear that not only the aiithor of the ridicule, but those against whom it is levelled, are themselves suscep- tible of high and generous feelings. It is, indeed, amongst such personages that we frequently trace strong resemblances to the knight of La Mancha, a truth more honourable, perhaps, to their hearts than to their judgment ; but that it is a fact, the frequent occasions upon which we apply, and hear the knight's name applied, to numerous designs and undertakings, * Book ill., c. ix. OF CERVANTES. 147 private as well as public, is a convincing proof that there is at least nothing improbable, or unnatural, in such a character. It has been even remarked* that there was a sort of knight-errantry in that of Cer- vantes himself, and indisputablv so in the spirit of his actions and adventures while a captive. It was the love of honour and fame which in part drove him to abandon his quiet studies, and the calm enjoy- ments of home, to fight against the enemies of his country ; which impelled him to volunteer again and again into the ranks, though his previous services had remained unrequited ; though he had lost the use of an arm, and in his own person presented a memorial of the noblest military achievement, which arrested the increasing power of the Crescent, when it threatened all Europe. It was the same which excited the dauntless bravery and persevering efforts of the captive at Algiers, which extorted the respect of the Moors, which, after he had received extreme unction, with the certainty that he could not survive beyond the next Sunday, enabled him to behold death with that gay and tranquil mind which dictated the noble words in his last preface ; and in his letter to the Count de Lemos, and in some of his latter writings, traces of resemblance are to be perceived between himself and the undeceived hero, who becomes conscious of the vanity of glory, and the illusion of that career of ambition which was always impeded by misfortune, t If it be true, moreover, that u to ridicule one's self implies the highest effort of good taste," we think we see much in Cervantes to display the ridicule which might attach even to his M. Sisniomli. t See The Labours of 1'ersiles am! Sig'sinunda. 148 LIKE AM) WRITINGS most generous efforts. Every enthusiastic mind, like his, readily joins in pleasantry which does not spare the individual himself, nor that which he most loves and respects, if, at the same time, it docs not degrade him. This original idea in the Don Quixote, this contrast between the heroic and the vulgar world, and this happy raillery of enthusiasm, were not, however, the only objects which Cervantes had in view. There is one more particularly apparent, and of more direct application, but which, at this time of day. appears to be wholly lost sight of. We must always recol- lect that the literature of Spain, at the moment when Don Quixote first appeared, was overrun with books of chivalry, for the most part wretched compositions; ajid such was their influence, that not only was the national taste perverted, but its spirit was mis- applied. Doubtless, this chivalric mythology con- tributed to impress upon the imagination ideas of morality and honour, and in so far to produce a bene- ficial effect on the character of modern nations. Love was purified by this spirit of romance ; and it is pro- bably to the authors of Lancelot, of Amadis, and of Orlando, that we owe that high feeling and gallantry which distinguish modern European nations from the people of antiquity, as well as that homage towards women, and that respect, bordering upon adoration, with which the Greeks were perfectly unacquainted. Briseis, Andromache, and Penelope, humbly and timidly resign themselves to the arms of their con- querors, at once their mistresses and their slaves. Good faith, in modern times, became the handmaid of force, and dishonour was then, for the first time, attached to falsehood, which, though looked upon as immoral by the ancients, was never considered to be OF CERVAXIT-. 149 shameful. The sentiment of honour was connected with our very existence ; disgrace was rendered worse than death ; and, to conclude, courage, was made a necessary quality, not only to the soldier, but to man in every rank of society. But if the genuine romances of chivalry had so happy an influence on national manners, the imita- tions of them were no less fatal to the public taste. The imagination, when it has no foundation of realitv upon which to rest, and no reference to the congruity of things, is a quality not only frequent, but even vulgar. There have been, it is true, a few nations or a few ages to which it has been denied, but when it do 's exist, it is endemic throughout a whole nation. The Spaniards, the Prove^als, and the Arabians, have all their own peculiar cast of imagination, which is distinguishable in every individual, from the poet to the peasant. If this imagination is not confided to the direction of rules, it is astonishing to observe the number and variety of the extravagances into which writers are hurried. In the examination, for instance, of Don Quixote's library by the curate and the barber, they cite the names of hundreds of the old romances of chivalry, which Cervantes condemns to the flames. It does not appear that the fault, even of the worst, was that they were destitute of imagination. There was imagination in Esplaudian, in the continuation of Amadis of Gaul, in the Amadis of Greece, and hi- de -d in all the Amadises. There wa.s imagination in Florismart of Hircania, in Palmerin d'Oliva, and in Palmerin of England ; for all these books were rich iw enchantments, and giants, and battles, in extraor- dinary amours and marvellous adventures. In the field through which the romance writers might 150 LIFE AND WRITINGS wander without encountering a single object, it was always in their power to tread a new path. Many of them, however, did not submit to be guided by nature, who ought to be our mistress even in works of fiction. The consequence is, that we continually meet with causes disproportioned to the effects, cha- racters without unity, incidents without connexion, and a spirit of exaggeration which, at a first view, seems to be the result of the imagination, but which in fact chills it, and by its absurdity disgusts the reader. There is thus no probability in these com- positions ; not only not the probability of nature, which we do not look for, but not even the probabi- lity of fiction. Even in prodigies and fairy tales, a certain truth, consistency, and probability, must be preserved, without which miracles cease to be extra- ordinary, and impossibilities themselves to keep us awake. The facility of inventing these productions, and the certainty of such strange adventures becoming popu- lar, opened the field of literature to a crowd of inferior writers, unacquainted with all that an author ought to know, and more especially with everything which tends to form a graceful style. The Spaniards, al- ready addicted to far-fetched and antithetical expres- sions, and imitating in this the taste of the Africans and of the Arabians, passionately devoted themselves to a puerile play upon words, and to that tortured and inflated style which seems to be the result of a diseased imagination, and which, where it is con- sidered to be a perfection, is in the power of the meanest intellect. This is the style which Cervantes touches upon in his Feliciano de Sylvia : " The rea- son of the unreasonableness which you impute to my reason, so weakens my reason, that it is with reason OF CERVAN'ii:-. 151 that I complain of your beauty ;" and again, " Tlie high heavens which divinely fortify your divinity by their stars, and which make you merit the mercy which your greatness merits." Whilst the fashionable writers thus overthrew all the rules of probability, of taste, and of composition, the multiplicity of the books of chivalry had the worst influence on the feelings and judgment of the readers. The Spaniards began, both in conversation and in action, to esteem nothing so fine as bombast and inflation. They devoted themselves, almost en- tirely, to the perusal of those empty authors who excited the imagination without engaging the other faculties or feelings of the mind. History, when compared with these extravagant fictions of the brain, was considered dull and tiresome. They lost all re- lish for truth, and that lively sense of it by which it is distinguished wherever it is found. They became anxious that their historians should mingle in their gravest narratives, and even in the annals of their own country, circumstances only worthy of figuring in old women's tales. Of this the General Chronicle of Spain, by Francis de Guevara, bishop of Monte- nedo, affords sufficient evidence. The romances of chivalry were, it is true, the inventions of men of an elevated character, and they inspired a taste for noble sentiments ; but of all books, these are the last to afford real entertainment or instruction. Strangers as the authors were to the world, it is impossible to apply any of the matter which we there meet with to the concerns of real life ; or if we do so, it is at the risk of violating all propriety and correctness of feel- ing and opinion. It was, therefore, a useful and patriotic design in Cervantes, to exhibit, as he has done in Don Quixote, 152 LIFE AND WRITINGS the abuse of the books of chivalry, and to overwhelm those romances, the creations of a diseased imagin- ation, which delight in portraying characters and describing actions which could never have existed. In this attempt Cervantes was completely successful; and the old romances fell before the lance of Don Quixote. It was in vain for subsequent writers to contend against so witty and ingenious a satire, and to expose themselves to the chance of finding that they had been caricatured before they made their appearance. It would be very desirable if, in every style of composition, after we have once secured the masterpieces, we could thus place a barrier against the crowd of succeeding imitators. O The vigorous talents which Cervantes possessed are powerfully manifested in his comic productions, in which we never find him trespassing, as he him- self declares, against religion, law, or morals. The character of Sancho Panza offers an admirable con- trast to that of his master. The one is full of poetry, the other of prose. In Sancho are displayed all the qualities of common life, under the influence of a corrupt priesthood, and a more vicious government ; a combination of sensuality, gluttony, idleness, cow- ardice, vain boasting, egotism, and cunning all of these mingled with some degree of native worth, fidelity, and even shrewd sense and good-nature. Cervantes was fully sensible that he could not bring into the foreground any odious character, mor pecially in a comic romance. In spite of all his hits at them, it is evident that he wishes both Don Quixote and his squire to be on good terms with the reader; and though he has invariably placed the two characters in contrast, he has not given virtuous qua- lities only to the one, and vice to the other. Whilst OF CERVANTES. 153 the amusing madness of Don Quixote consists in pursuing too far that lofty philosophy which is the offspring of exalted mind!-;, Sancho errs no less in taking for his guide that practical and calculating philosophy, on which the proverbs of all nations are founded. Both poetry and prose are thus turned into derision ; and if enthusiasm suffers in the person of the knight, egotism does not escape in that of the squire. The general plot of the Don Quixote, and the chain of incidents which it contains, may truly be con- sidered prodigal of wit and imagination. The pro- vince of the imagination is to create. If it were admissible to make a profane application of the words of the Evangelist, the imagination represents the things which are not, as the things which are ; and indeed the objects which have been once presented to us by a powerful imagination, remain impressed upon the memory as though they possessed an actual exist- ence. Their form, their qualities, their habitudes, are so marked out and determined ; they have been so clearly exhibited to the eye of the mind, they have so palpably assumed their place in the creation, and they form so distinct a link in the general chain of being, that we could with greater facility deny ex- istence to real objects, than to these creatures of our imagination. Thus Don Quixote and Sancho, the Governante, and the Curate, have become indelibly imprinted upon our memory and our fancy, and their distinct and perfect pictures can never be removed. In the same way we are made familiar with La Mancha and the solitudes of the Sierra Morena. Spain lies stretched, as it were, before our eyes. The manners, customs, and spirit of its inhabitants, are painted in this faithful mirror. "NVe derive a more 154 LIFE AND WRITINGS accurate knowledge of this singular nation from the pages of Don Quixote, than from the narratives and observations of the most inquisitive traveller. Cervantes, however, did not devote his mind to gaiety and wit alone. If his principal hero was not calculated to excite dramatic interest, he has yet proved, by the episodes which he has introduced into his romance, that he was able to excite a livelier in- terest by the exhibition of tender and passionate sen- timents, and the ingenious disposition of romantic incidents. The different stories of the shepherdess Marcella, of Cardenio, of the Captive, and of the Curious Impertinent, form almost half the work. These episodes are infinitely varied, both in the na- ture of the incidents, in character, and in language. They may, perhaps, be blamed for some degree of tediousness at the commencement, and for an occa- sional pedantry in the opening narrative and the dia- logue. As soon, however, as the situation of the characters becomes animated, they immediately rise and develop themselves, and the language becomes proportionally pathetic. The tale of the Curious Im- pertinent, which is, perhaps, more faulty than any of the others, terminates in the most touching manner. The style of Cervantes, in his Don Quixote, pos- sesses an inimitable beauty which no translation can approach. It exhibits the nobleness, the candour, and the simplicity of the ancient romances of chivalry, together with a liveliness of colouring, a precision of expression, and a harmony in its periods, which have never been equalled by any other Spanish writer. The few passages in which Don Quixote harangues his auditors, have gained great celebrity by their oratorical beauty. Such, for example, are his obser- vations on the marvels of the age of gold, which he OF CERVANTES. 155 addresses to the shepherds who are offering him nuts. In this happy dialogue the language of Don Quixote is lofty and sustained : it has all the gran- deur and the grace of antiquity. His words, like his person, seem always surrounded with cuirass and morion ; and this style becomes more amusing when contrasted with the plebeian language of Sancho Panza. He promises the latter the government of an island, which he always denominates, according to the ancient language of the romance writers, in>t>i?'i, and not Isla. Sancho, who repeats the word with much emphasis, does not exactly comprehend its meaning ; and the mysterious language which his master employs raises his expectation in propor- tion to his ignorance. The most extensive learning, and an intellect at once various and refined, are exhibited in the Don Quixote. It was the casket which Cervantes delighted to store with all his most ingenious thoughts. The art of criticism appears to have occupied a great share of his attention. This obser- vation will apply to many authors; and, indeed, the art of composition is a subject to which every writer ought to devote the most mature reflection. The examination of the library of Don Quixote by the Curate, furnishes us with a little treatise on Spanish literature, full of refinement and correct judgment ; but this is not the only occasion on which the sub- ject is introduced. The prologue, and many of the discourses of Don Quixote, or of the other characters introduced, abound in critical remarks, sometimes serious, sometimes playful, but always correct, novel, and interesting. It was, doubtless, in order to obtain pardon for the severity with which he had treated others, that he was by no means sparing 156 LIFE AND WRITINGS upon himself. In the library of Don Quixote the Curate asks the Barber, " What is the book placed side by side with the Cancionero Maldonado ?" " It is the Galatea of Miguel de Cervantes," replied the, Barber. " This Cervantes has loner been my friend," rejoined the Curate, " and I know he has much more to do with misfortunes than with poetry. His book does indeed display a little power of invention ; it aims at something, but it reaches nothing. We must wait for the second part which he promises ; who knows whether, when it is corrected, the author may not obtain the mercy which we are now compelled to refuse him ?"* CHAPTER X. Astonishing success of his new work Envy and malignity of his contemporaries Lope de Vega Attempts made to excite enmity between them Calumnies and falsehoods employed Birth of Philip IV Count de Leriua's embassy to England Splendid banquets Singular fatality Depositions of Cervantes and his family relative to the affair Information of his residence and family thus obtained Anecdotes The works of Hiirtado do Mendoza Academical meetings His connexions and friend- ships Ungrateful return Hearilessm-ss of men of rank Academy of the Selvage Its members Poems composed by Cervantes. THE universal applause with which Don Quixote was received, was followed by the persecution of the author, from the malevolence and envy of some writers who thought themselves included in the censures and reprehensions of that work. The authors of chival- rous romances and their idle swarm of readers saw * Literature of the South pf Europe, by M. Sismondi, iii., pp. 326-34R. OF CF.RVANTES. 157 themselves the subjects of its graceful irony ; several poets, too, found themselves anathematized in the humorous scrutiny of the library of Don Quixote, and several dramatic writers reprehended inihe judi- cious colloquy of the canon of Toledo. At this time, too, the passionate admirers of Lope de ^"ega, astonished at the prodigious fertility of his genius, and loading him with insensate applause, abandoned the patli of reason and nature, openly setting at defiance the rules and precepts dictated by the great masters of antiquity, Aristotle and Horace. From these sources arose the numberless criticisms and attacks on the romance of Don Quixote, as well as on its author ; and of this class was the malicious and spiritless sonnet, possessing neither point nor talent, which appeared in a paper at Valladolid, and of which mention is made in the ,1 tljun fa al Parn I nijH'rfnti'ni,' from Ariosto, where, in his Orlando Furioso, he tells us of a knight who had espoused a lady of honour, beauty, and discretion, with whom he lived in happiness for several years. As he was desirous to prove the virtue of his consort, the witch Mclisa advised him to leave her to the free enjoy- ment of her own will, and that then by his drinking out of a vessel of gold, adorned with precious stones, and filled with generous wine, he could ascertain whether or not she had been faithful to him; for if she had been so, he would be able to drink the whole wine without shedding a particle ; but if not, the liquor would all be spilled without a drop entering his mouth. The knight's impatient curiosity led him to adopt the advice of the sorceress; and on applying his lips to the cup he met with the punish- ment due to his jealousy, all the wine being spilled on his breast ; for which reason Rinaldo refused to expose himself to so fearful a trial, when the same knight proposed it to him at a feast, contenting him- > li with the good opinion he already entertained of his wife. It is highly probable that Cervantes, who was a passionate admirer of Ariosto, adopted from this fiction the idea of his tale, so perfect in its plot, its language, and description of the passions ; and the 178 LIFK AND WHITINGS moral lesson, conveyed in the punishment which falls on Camilla, is a warning to shun temptation, and to resist the first movements of a violent and disho- nourable passion. AVe have already made mention of the Tales he wrote in Seville that of Rinconete y Cortadillo, famous thieves of that city, whose adventures hap- pened in the year 1569 ; and that of the Z<'l /,'.. meno, the story of which is founded in fact, and is supposed to have happened about the year 1570. The tale of the Tin FhtyiJa is, according to Cer- vantes, also a true story, which occurred in Sala- manca in the year 1575 ; and although composed with the air of lightness, and the graceful and comic humour so characteristic of Cervantes, and with the design of showing the unfortunate fate of women, who, listening to their passions when young, apply themselves in their old age to corrupt youth by their counsels and services, he determined not to publish it among the rest, either through delicacy, as he said, or because his final object was to inculcate good morals. It does not appear from the incidents of the story so exemplary as the others, the judgment which Cervantes passed on the Cel'xtina being applicable to this tale, that it was an excellent work, in his opinion, if it had less earthly alloy. From the tenor of this tale, and that of the Licenciado Vulricra, and some passages in others of the series, we learn that Cervantes resided and studied at Salamanca for a considerable space of time. There are not wanting judicious critics, who assure us that Cervantes intended to ridicule the madness and extravagance of the noted Gaspar Barthio, who was born in Austria, in the year 1587, and manifested from his infancy an extraordinary precocity, and a OP CERVANTES. 179 wonderful memory. lie studied and distinguished himself in various academics and universities of Germany, and travelled through England, Holland, France, Italy, and Spain, acquiring a perfect know- ledge of the living languages, and deriving informa- tion from his intercourse with the learned, wherever he met with them. On his return to Germany he fixed his residence at Leipsic, renouncing every employment, in order to devote himself more entirely to his studies. His predilection for the Spanish language, and the high opinion he entertained of its works of genius and amusement, induced him to translate into Latin the tragi-comedy of Ceh'stina, which he calls a divine work ; the J liana Enamorada of Gil Polo ; and in mentioning a translation of the Porno J)i(1ascal<> of Pietro Aretino, he assures us he preferred the Castilian version to the original. This extreme application and devotion to the reading of Spanish novels, at last turned the head of Barthio, and he lived for ten years under the hallu- cination that he was made of glass. The facility with which, in the midst of his passion for these amatory and even licentious works, he turned to translate and comment upon many ascetic and theo- logical authors, especially those of the middle ages, and the contradictions and absurdities of his opinions upon some of the Latin classics, as Statins. Claudian, and Silius Italicns, prove the perversion of his judg- ment, at the same time that they afford a proof of his immense erudition and extensive reading. It is highly probable that, when in Spain, he formed an intimacy with Cervantes ; and, in fact, the rare genius, the wonderful abilities, and great acquire- ments of the licentiate Vidriera, when only a few years old; his journeys through Italy, Flanders, and 180 LIFE AND -WRITINGS other countries ; his retired and abstracted habits, attending more to his books than to any other amuse- ment ; and lastly, his madness and extravagance, undoubtedly prove the learned and crazy Ger- man to have been the original whence IVrvamvs dr.'\v hi* picture with such truth and success in this tale. It was written after the court had removed to Valladolid, and he exercised his discretion and judgment in mingling with its incidents a general censure on the vices and abuses then prevalent in the government of the country. Of equal learning and utility was the />/"/ between the dogs Cipion and Berganza, which is, in reality, an excellent apologue, and a severe invective against all the superstitions and prejudices of the low educated then prevalent in Spain, though mingled with the more elevated political and moral maxims. " A satire," says Mayans, " in which, imitating Lu- cilius and Horace, he chastises persons with a severe though refined severity." " An .admirable criticism," adds Florian, ' ; full of truth and grace ; where Spanish customs are painted to the life, with all the genius of Cervantes: from which circumstance it ob- tained the approbation of Huet, one of the most learned men that France has produced." Cervantes wrote this tale only a little time before its publication. In it he gives an exact picture of the life and habits of the Moors, and the injury caused to Spain by their remaining in that country, and recommends their ex- pulsion as the only remedy ; a measure which was, in fact, afterwards enforced in the year 1609 and 1614. The story of the alchymist, who was shut up in the hospital of Valladolid, and pretended to extract silver and gold from the baser metals, and even from stones, was derived from athcn recent incident. There appeared OP CERVANTES. 181 in Madrid, in the year 1609, one Lorenzo Ferrer Maldonado, who gave himself the title of captain, and announced, among other wonders, that he had possessed himself of some of the greatest secrets of nature, such as deciphering Solomon's seal, by which he was enabled to discover, and bring to perfection, the true stone, sought for in vain by the alchymists through a long course of ages, and promising to con- vert into gold the basest metals. Some simple and covetous persons, led astray by these magnificent pro- mises, assisted him with a sufficient capital, and a house to commence his labours in ; but after holding them in play for more than two years, and continu- ally announcing the moment of success, though, as he stated, a long time was required for the transmu- tation of the metals, he siuldenly disappeared from Madrid, thus repaying by his flight those who had encouraged and promoted his scheme. Some time afterwards, he was apprehended and examined before the chancery of Granada, on a charge of having forged some seals and public documents. The mathematician, also, his companion in the hospital, who was employed twenty-two years in seeking for i\\ejixed point, found his prototype at this time. The high reward offered by the Spanish government for the discovery of the longitude, attracted the cupidity of numerous adventurers and projectors, and amongst others, Dr. Juan Arias de Loyola, in 1603, and Luis de Fonseca Contino, in 1605, pretended to have made the discovery; but the claims of the latter were preferred to those of Arias, no doubt through the influence of his coun- tryman, Juan Bautiste Labana, and six thousand ducats of perpetual rent were offered to him, if the trial answered to the truth and accuracy of his statement. 182 LIFE AND WRITINGS After many delays and arrangements, they com- menced in 1610 several experiments, in voyages to America and Asia ; but these did not realise the ex- pectations of the projector, Avho having in this manner incurred considerable expenses for more than eight years, suddenly disappeared from Madrid; while Arias remained there for more than thirty years, presenting memorials, and thro wing discredit on all other competitors who p\it in claims for the reward. Another more remarkable event, while it ascer- tains the epoch of this tale, displays at the same time the good sense and intelligence of Cervantes in combating errors, in proportion to their greater influ- ence on society. The pernicious credulity prevalent at that time, and the propensity to indulge in en- chantments, divinations, fortune-telling, witchcraft, transformations, and wonders of this kind, which derived their origin from the Moors, a race naturally superstitious, and from the idle study of judicial astrology, had rooted themselves in the minds of all classes of people, through want of education, and religious principle ; so much so, that the writings of many learned men, such as the erudite Pedro Ciruelo, had not been able to check these vices, to change public opinion, or to ameliorate manners. Cervantes had ridiculed with much pleasantry and very opportunely these superstitions in various pas- sages in Don Quixote, and also in the Licenciadt Vidriera, where, by the advice of a Moorish woman, they administered some charms to force his will, he showed that there were no herbs in the world, enchantments, or words, which could force are solved and rational man. In the Coloquio de los Perros, he treats more at large, and with more naivete, of the tricks and OF CERVANTES. 183 cheateries of the hags and witches ; narrating the story, as of his own time, of Cumacha de Montilla, one of the most famous disc-Spies of the old Cahizares. lie shows the folly of such preposterous tales and illusions, in the relation this woman makes of the deeds and doings of her mistress, her confections and ointments, her voyages and adventures, her trans- formations and wicked deeds ; and how she could not close her days without visiting the Moorish dni; the festivities, and merry-makings, in which they indulged themselves in their nocturnal revels of Zugarramurdi in the valley of Baztan, which ended in some of these persons being brought to justice, by the tribunal of the Inquisition of Logrofio, in the year 1610. We are told of the horrid and loath- some figure which the old hag, Canizares, presented, when in the midst of her ecstasies and raptures, she seized on and threw one of the dogs into the court of the botue, while she and La Montilla were sen- tenced to be publicly whipped by the hands of the hangman. Others of their companions suffered confinement in theinquisition,when their cheateries were madeknown, in order to expose such hypocrites to public execra- tion, and to convince the people that the witch, Ca- macha, was an infamous impostor, and La Canizares a cheat, a thief, and a swindler, when even the do^s would not acknowledge her as their mother as she pretended. This propensity in placing belief in tales, asiex- travagant as indecent, to the prejudice of relig ous principles, for some time found support in the cre- dulity of various persons of rank and authority ; and for this reason, when Cervantes, protected by the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, Inquisitor-general, 184 LIFE AND AVRITINGS endeavoured to eradicate these pernicious ideas by tin 1 weapons of satire and ridicule, the learned Pedro de Valencia addressed to that illustrious prelate a dis- course respecting the stories of the witches, where, in a clear and rational manner, he demonstrated the cheatery and falsehood of those absurdities, the dan- ger of publishing and giving them to the world, and the mischief and bad example they produced. The other tales of Cervantes are not the less to be commended for their morality and good feeling. Florian was of opinion that the tale entitled La Fucrza de la Sangre possesses greater interest, and is better conducted than the others of Cervantes ; the story of which he assures us was founded in truth, and that Rodulfo and Leocadia, the principal actors in it, were persons of illustrious descent, leading a happy life in Toledo. He attributes equal truth to the story of the Espanola Inylesa, which, as far as we can judge from the narrative, appears to have been written about the year 1611. He also wrote at that time the Gitanilla, although he inserted in it a romance composed in Valladolid, on occasion of the Queen Donna Margarete visiting the church of San Llorente, describing allegorically the various persons of her suite. In that of the Amante Liberal he re- lates, under fictitious names, some of his own adven- tures ; as he lias done in others, and particularly in that of the Capitan Cautivo, in which he doubtless alludes to D. SuarezdeFigueroa, when speaking on some occa- sion of the Novelas al MSO, and of the qualities and morality of his compositions, he sarcastically says, " There is no doubt that he has commemorated his own adventures, casting a lustre on his own low con- O dition, and giving unbounded praise to his imagina- tion and talents, for as the cloth was in his own OF CERVANTES. 185 hands, he could easily apply the shears in whatever direction his taste dictated." ( >ther pel-sons, with a criticism more impartial and judicious, have remarked a certain want of dignity and interest in the arguments of the novels, and some inequality in them ; though this arises more .from the variety and natural description of the in- cidents which he relates, and the inclination and humour of the readers, or rather their ignorance of the customs he describes, than from a dearth of ingenuity and felicity in the author, as the events arc all probable and well imagined. The reserve of Leonisa in the Annntli' Lihcrnl, says a modern critic, differs from the engaging ease of manner of Prcciosa in the (iitmiUla ; one may observe a different style in the language of Lothario and Anselnio, in the ;. ///'//,///,. to that of the Monipodio and his companions, in /i !<>, i/<-/c y Cortadillo : in short, they are natural and agreeable pictures of the man- ners of the day. From hence proceeded, not only the propriety, but the ohanntng variety in the va- rious characters he delineated ; and we see that he was equally alive to the vices and prejudices of the plebeian and vulgar, as to those of the highest and most cultivated classes ; and that his graphic pencil was employed in the portraits of both the one and the other, persuaded as he was, that information and good education was the best mode of effecting the happiness and respectability of society at large. \Ve find in his tales rich eloquence of sentiment clothed in beautiful language. They abound in pas- sionate and strong expressions ; numerous light traits of character, and pictures of extreme feeling and beauty ; and finally, in the description of the pas- sions, in the sweetness of his descriptions, in his 186 LIFK AND WRITINGS argument so well supported, it seems as if this author was desirous of showing the richness and aptitude of the Castilian tongue, with a view to promote its cultivation, generalise its application, and use, and justify the high reputation which it enjoyed at this time throughout the whole world. In the face of such eminent qualities, and of such high authority, and the universal esteem in which the Tales of Cervantes have been held since their publication, there are some writers of latter times who, with much effrontery, and without giving us any proofs of their own genius, or adding to the common stock of knowledge, assert, with little feeling and ex- treme levity, that Cervantes was not the real author of these works, as they were known to the public many years before he published them ; thus thinking that they gave proofs of their penetration and in- dustry in detecting the plagiarism. In order to silence these calumnious and super- ficial critics, we need only look at the testimony of Juan Gaitan de Vozmediano, where in the prologue to the translation of the first part of the Hundred Tales of Cinthio, published in Toledo, in 1590, he says, "This class of books have hitherto been little read in Spain, as they have not met with a trans- lator from the Italian and French ; but the time is coming when they will be more admired here, and this may incite us to attempt that which has never yet been done here, the writing of novels ; in which, whenever it takes place, Spain will certainly excel, particularly in this happy age of letters." It will be conclusive, too, to hear Cervantes himself, when he says in his Viage al Paynaso, that in his Tales he had opened a new path for the extension and <>t;i- blishment of his country's language in its purity ; OF CERVANTES. 187 and when with greater confidence he says in his prologue, " I am myself the first who composed Tales in the Castilian tongue ; for the numerous Spanish Tales which have hitherto been published, have been all translated from foreign tongues ; but these are wholly my own, iiL'itluT imitated nor derived from others ; they are the offspring of my brain ; my pen brought them forth, and they are now flourishing and admired in print." Knowing, as we do, the candour, the good faith, and the ingenuousness of Cervantes, his prolific fancy, and his admirable style, we cannot possibly doubt of his having been the author of these productions ; nor can we think it necessary further to vindicate the greatest genius Spain has produced, from the misrepre- sentations of ignorance, and the shafts of malevolence. CHAPTER XII. Continuation of the Novelas Exemplares Opinions Analysis Specimens and translations La Gitanilla Characters Pecu- liarities of the Gitanos Sketches Peculiarities -of climate El Amante Liberal Characters and adventures Historical allu- sions Power of the Corsairs Singular historic incidents Story of Rinconcte and Cortadillo Characteristics of vagabond life Religion of thieves Regular establishment Singular priesthood The Spanish- English lady Admirable pictures of the country Customs and manners of the people. CERVANTES was eminently gifted with the narra- tive talent, a quality which seems to be intimately connected with dramatic powers, since, in order to possess it, an author must be capable of understand- ing and adhering to the unity of his narrative. That 188 LIFE AND WRITINGS xmity is the central point to which all the other por- tions of the work have reference, and upon which they all depend. The episodes are thus connected with the main action, and never fatigue the mind ; the plot excites the attention ; and the catastrophe clears away all the mysteries at once. It is more- over requisite, as in the dramatic art, to be capable of giving the colours of truth and nature to every object, and the appearance of completeness and pro- bability to every character ; to bring events before the reader by words, as the dramatist does by action ; to say exactly what ought to be said, and nothing further. It is in fact this talent that has conferred upon Cervantes his immortality. His most cele- brated works are those romances in which the rich- ness of his invention is relieved by the charms of his style, and by his happy art of arranging the incidents and bringing them before the eye of the reader. We have already spoken of Don Quixote, which merited a separate examination; but we must content ourselves with bestowing less time on the pastoral romance of Galatea ; on that of PersUcs and Stffitmunda ; and on the collection of little tales which Cervantes has called his Exemplary Norel*. In giving an idea of the literature of a country, it seems proper to detail all the works of celebrated authors, and to pass rapidly over those who have not attained the first rank. By studying the former we are enabled to observe not only the intellectual progress of the nation, but like- wise its peculiar taste and spirit, and frequently (.-veil the manners and history of the people. It is much more agreeable to contemplate the Castilians as they are painted in the works of Cervantes, than to attempt a picture of our own, which must necessarily be less faithful than the native delineation. OF CEHVANTES. 189 Cervantes had readied his sixty-fifth year when lie published, under the name of E.i\')il]*, his twelve beautiful tales, already mentioned, which, though they have been translated into several Ian a re not very generally k nown . This species of composition was, before the time of Cervantes, unknown in modern literature ; for he did not take Boccaccio and the Italian novelists as his models, any more than Marmontel has done in his Cont<:< Mni-ii/i.r. These tales are, in fart, little romances ; in which love is delicately introduced, and where the adventures serve as a vehicle for pas- sionate sentiments. The first novel is entitled La (rihtnil/a, or the Gipsy-girl, and contains an interesting picture of that race of people, who were formerly spread over all Europe, though they nowhere submitted them- selves to the laws of society. About the middle of the fourteenth century this wandering race first appeared in Europe, and were, by some, considered to be a caste of Farias who had escaped from India, and were called indifferently Egyptians and Bohe- mians. From that period down to the present day, tlu'V have continued to wander through the various countries of Europe, subsisting by petty thefts, by levying contributions upon the superstitious, or by the share which they often took in festivals. T'lirv have now almost entirely disappeared from many of the nations of the Continent. The rigorous police of France, Italy, and Germany, does not suffer the * There is an English translation of the Exemplary Novels, by Shelton, which was repnblished in 1742. Anew translation, iij two volumes, appeared in London in 1822. The extract from the (;i]i*y-girl, given in the text, has been transcribed from these volumes. 190 LIFE AND WRITINGS existence of a race of vagabonds who pay no regard to the rights of property and despise the laws. Then are still, however, numbers of these people to be found in England, where the legislature formerly sanctioned such cruel enactments against them that it was found wholly impracticable to put them into execution. Many likewise still exist in Russia, and some in Spain, where the mildness of the climate and the wild features of the country are highly favourable to that unconfined and wandering life, for which the Bohemians seem to have derived a taste from the Eastern nations. The description of the commu- nity which they formed in the time of Cervantes is more curious, from the circumstance of their numbers at that period being greater, and their liberty more complete, than at any subsequent time ; while the superstition of the people afforded them a readier support. Their manners, their laws, and their cha- racters, were consequently at that period developed with much more truth and simplicity. The heroine of the first tale, who is called Preciosa, accompanied by three young girls of about fifteen years of age, like herself, frequents the streets of Madrid, under the superintendence of an old woman, for the purpose of amusing the public in the coffee- houses, and other places of resort, by dancing to the sound of the tambourine, which she sometimes accom- panies by songs and verses, occasionally of her own extemporaneous composition, or else obtained from poets who were employed by the gipsies. The noble- men used to invite them into their houses, that they might have the pleasure of seeing them dance, and the ladies, in order to have their fortunes told them. Preciosa, who was modest and much respected, yet possessed that vivacity of mien, and that gaiety and OF C'EKV ANTES. 191 promptitude of repartee, which so remarkably dis- tinguished her race. Even in religious festivals she would appear and chaunt songs in honour of the saints and the Virgin. In all probability, this apparent devotion of the gipsies, who never take any part in public worship, protected them in .Spain where they were called l/t&riffioiMf .Y"> -'/.> from the anim- adversions of the inquisition. The delicacy and beauty of 1'reeiosa gained the heart of a cavalier, not more distinguished by his fortune than by his figure; but she refused to accept his hand unless he consented to pass a probation of two years by residing amongst the gipsies, and partaking all their adventures and modes of life. The address of one of the oldest gip- tli cavalier, who assumes the name of Andres, is remarkable for that purity and elegance of language, and for that eloquence of diction and expression, which are peculiar to Cervantes : " "We. appropriate to you the companionship of this young girl, who is the flower anil ornament of all the gipsies to be found throughout Spain. She is now virtuously placed within your own power, to consider her either as your wife, or as your mistress. Examine her thoroughly, weigh maturely whether she is pleasing to you ; find out whether she lias any defect ; and should you fancy that you are not calculated for each other, throw your eyes around upon all the other gipsy-girls, and you shall have the object most pleas- ing to your taste. But we warn you, that when you have made your choice, yon cannot retract, and must be contented with your fate. No one dares to encroach upon hisneighbour.and hence we are shielded from the torments of jealousy. Adultery is never com- mitted amongst us ; for if, in any instance, our wives or our mistresses are detected in infrin^incr our laws, 3 O 192 LIFE AND WRITINGS we inflict punishment with the utmost severity. You must also be apprised, that we 1 never have resort to courts of justice ; we have our own jurisdiction.-, execute judgment ourselves ; we are both judges and executioners ; and after regular condemnation, we get rid of the parties by burying them in the wood- lands and deserts, and no persons whatever, not even their parents, can obtain information of them, or bring us to account for their deaths. It is the dread of this summary jurisdiction that preserves chastity within its natural bounds ; and thence it is, as I have already stated, that we live in perfect tranquillity on this score, so dreadfully mischievous and annoying in other societies. There are few things which wo possess that we do not possess in common; but wives and mistresses are a sacred exception. AW command the whole universe, the fields, the fruits, the herbage, the forests, the mountains, the rivers and the foun- tains, the stars and all the elements of nature. Early accustomed to hardships, we can scarcely be said to be sufferers ; we sleep as soundly and comfortably upon the ground as upon beds of down ; and the parched skin of our bodies is to us equal to a coat of mail, impenetrable to the inclemency of the weather. Insensible to grief, the most cruel torture does not afflict us, and under whatever form they make us encounter death, we do not shrink even to the change of colour. We have learned to despise death. W make no distinction between the affirmative and the negative, when we find it absolutely necessary to our purpose. We are often martyrs ; but we never turn informers. We sing, though loaded with chains in the darkest dungeon ; and our lips are hermetically sealed under all the severe inflictions of the rack. The great and undisguised object of our profession, OF CERVANTES. 193 is furtively to seize the property of others, and appro- priate it to our own use; thereby invariably imitating the plausible, but perfidious example, of the generality of mankind, under one mask or other, in which, however, we have no occasion to court witnesses to instruct us. In the day, we employ ourselves in insignificant, amusing, trifling matters ; but we devote the night and its accommodating darkness to the great object of our professional combination. The brilliancy of glory, the etiquette of honour, and the pride of ambition, form no obstacles to us, as they do in other fraternities. Hence we are exempt 1'rom that base, cowardly, and infamous servitude, which degrades the illustrious unhappy voluntarily into slaves." Such was the singular race of people, who lived the life of the uncultivated savage in the midst of society ; who preserved manners, a language, and probably a religion of their own, maintaining their independence in Spain, England, and Russia, for nearly five hundred years. It may be supposed that the Gi}>$>/-fi'n'l terminates like every other romance the heroine of which is of low birth. Preciosa is discovered to be the daughter of a noble lady, and on her real rank being ascertained, she is married to her lover. The second novel, which is entitled ihe Liberal Loner, contains the adventures of some Christians who have been reduced to slavery by the Turks. Cervantes lived in the time of the famous corsairs, Barbarossa and Dragut. The Ottoman and Barbary fleets then claimed the dominion of the Mediterranean, and had IHLII long accustomed, in conjunction with the fleets of the French and their allies, annually to ravage the shores of Italy and Spain. No one could be 194 LIFE AND WRITINGS assured of living in safety. The Moors, running their light vessels in-shore, used to rush sword in hand into the gardens and houses which adjoined the sea ; generally attending more closely to the seizing of captives than the acquisition of plunder, from a conviction that the wealthy individuals whom they thus carried into Barbary, and shut up in the slave-yards, or condemned to the hardest labour, would gladly purchase redemption, even at the ex- pense of their whole fortune. In this state of terror, during the reigns of Charles V. and his successors, did the people live who dwelt upon the shores of the Mediterranean sea. Sicily and the kingdom of Naples, not being the residence of their sovereign, were more particularly exposed to the cruelties of the Barbary powers. They were, in fact, without a marine, without a garrison, without resources for defence, in short, without any other than a vexati- ous vice-regal government, which oppressed without protecting them. It was in their gardens, near Trapani, in Sicily, that the liberal lover and his mis- tress Leonisa, were made captives. They meet each other again at Nicosa, in Cyprus, two years after the taking of that city in 1571 ; and their adven- tures possess the double merit of romantic interest and great fidelity of character and description. Cer- vantes, who had fought in the wars of Cyprus and the Greek seas, and who, during his captivity, had become well acquainted with the Mussulmans and with the condition of their Christian slaves, lias given to his Eastern tales a great appearance of historical truth. The imagination cannot feign a more cruel moral infliction, than that to which a man of a culti- vated mind is subjected when he falls, together with all the objects of his fondest affection, into the hands of OP CERVANTES. 195 a barbarian master. The adventures, therefore, of corsairs and their captives, are all of them singularly romantic. At one period the French, the Italian, and the Spanish writers borrowed all their plots from this source. The public, however, soon became fatigued with the same unvarying fictions. Truth alone possesses the essence of variety ; and the ima- gination, unnourished by truth, is compelled to copy itself. Every picture of captivity which Cervantes has presented to us is an original, for he painted from the memory of his own sufferings. The other descriptions of this kind appear to be merely cast from this first model. Romance writers "should not be permitted to introduce the corsairs of Algiers into their tales, unless, like Cervantes, they have been themselves inmates of the slave-yard. The third, entitled Rinconctc and Cortadillo, is of another class, though completely Spanish. It is in the Picaresco style, of which the author of La^a- rillo -EngUsh Lady, it is true, shows that Cervantes was much more imperfectly acquainted with the heretics than with the Moors. The Licentiate of Glass, and the Dialogue of the tico Dogs of the Hospital of the Reszirrection, are satirical pieces, displaying much wit and incident. The Beautiful Char-woman resembles a love-romance ; and the Jealous Man <>f Estrcmadura is distin- guished by the excellence of its characters, by its plot, and by the skill with which the catastrophe is 198 LIFE AND WRITINGS brought about. We have in this tale an example of the prodigious power of music over the Moors. An African slave, whose fidelity has resisted every temptation, cannot be persuaded to be unfaithful to his trust, except by the hope of being taught to play upon the guitar, and to chaunt ballads like the pre- tended blind man who every evening rouses him to ecstacy by his music. The novels of Cervantes, like Don Quixote, lead us into Spain, and open to us the houses and the hearts of her inhabitants; while their infinite variety proves how completely their author was master of every shade of sentiment and every touch of feeling.* CHAPTER XIII. Characteristics of novel writing Its former and present peculiari- ties. The test of time Increased popularity of Cervantes High opinion expressed by his rivals Tacit admission of Cer- vantes' merit hy Lope de Vega Opposed to a vicious popu- larity, or vulgar fame Extended the same high sentiment to the drama His views of the drama State of the Spanish stage Its extravagance Bad taste And depravity Example Base proceedings of the Licentiate Avellancda Violent party spirit excited Moderation and magnanimity of Cervantes Extreme bitterness and enmity of his rival Mystery in which it is enveloped Silence of his contemporaries on the subject Im- provement of the Spanish language by Cervantes. THE constant fluctuation of customs and manners must influence at all times the composition and cha- racter of novels, and being drawn from the passing scenes of life, there are persons who, forgetful of these circumstances, prefer modern compositions to * Literature of the South of Europe, by M. Sismoudi, iii., pp. 392-40G. OF CERVANTKS. 199 those of Cervantes ; but if they will take the trouble to analyse the one and the other, they will discover, that in the disposition and plot of the fable, in pro- priety of character, the expression of the passions, grace and elegance of style, and appropriate reflec- tions, Cervantes is superior. For in his works we see nature represented with all the truth and all the variety of incident inseparable from human life, while in other writers we find elaborate artifice, and studied affectation. Hence it happens that these early Spanish tales, even after the lapse of two centuries, are now read with relish and interest by persons of culti- vated minds, and that writers of the highest credit, considering them the most correct of Cervantes' works, justify the preference they have received, as fine specimens of genius and eloquence, and as chefs- d'a'uvrc of their kind. More rivals of Cervantes, who had been roused by the publication of the first part of Don Quixote, and were jealous of the protection shown him by the Count de Lemos, and the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, Don Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas, dis- covered openly their enmity and malice, when they saw the universal applause with which his tales were received ; and in order to justify their proceedings, they pretended to take up the defence of Lope de Vega, at that time enjoying a degree of popular favour un- exampled in the world of letters. They affected to consider that he had just cause of complaint against Cervantes, for his judicious censure on the Spanish put into the mouth of the canon 6f Toledo. Cervantes does not here require any other testi- mony to his justice and moderation than the confes- sion of Lope de Vega himself, who, defending him- self from the charges which were made against him 200 LIFE AND WRITINGS for the new course he followed in his dramatic com- positions, openly acknowledges in 1602, three years before the publication of Don Quixote, the many de- fects and inconsistencies, of his comedies, his extra- vagant and voluntary abandonment of all the ac- knowledged rules of art, the neglect of the examples of Plautus and Terence, and the discredit he should suffer on that account with foreign nations; consi- dering himself so much the more culpable than others, as he not only opposed the principles of the most venerable names of antiquity, but adopted a vicious style, in order to accommodate himself to the corrupt taste of the vulgar, and to insure a sale for his works ; and he then spoke of himself in terms which courtesy and urbanity would forbid others to use towards him. It was thus that Cervantes, treating of the Spanish stage in a style of judicious criticism, declared how prejudicial it was for the drama to become mere saleable merchandise, as authors were thus compelled to conform to the taste of the players who purchased their works : and as he could not undeceive himself as to the influence which Lope had in supporting such a corruption of public taste, he thus proceeds to ani- madvert on his plays, though without naming their author : " And that this is the case, we may con<- clude from the infinite number of comedies which have been produced by a writer of the happiest genius in all this realm, and which possess such life, such grace, such elegant diction, such excellent plots, such weighty sentences, and finally, are so rich in elocu- tion and grandeur of style, as to have filled the world with his fame ; but in accommodating himself to the taste of the players, he has not carried them all to that pitch of perfection which was within his reach." OF CERVANTES. 201 Here we see with what feeling and delicacy he pointed out the defects of many of the plays of this celebrated writer, knowing that they are more pre- judicial when they are accompanied by great talents, supported by a reputation so popular and so extra- ordinary, as that enjoyed by Lope at this time. It was thus the great philosopher and critic Diony- sius Longinus acted, in respect to Plato and Homer; and the same excellent style of criticism, adopted by him in his notice of the Dialogues of Plato, is dis- played by Cervantes, if we may believe the accom- plished and erudite Garces. He observed the same degree of circumspection in his remarks on the other comic poets ; in a way that whoever reads his cen- sures with impartiality will find reason to regard them as an excuse or apology for Lope, rather than a satire, with which he has been charged. But the extravagances of this prolific writer, and the faults of his dramatic writings, were treated with much more severity by Cristoval de Mera, Mica Andrez Rey de Artieda, D. Esteban flannel de Villegas, Cristoval Suarez de Figueroa, and above all, and more openly, by Pedro de Torres Ramila, professor of theology and teacher of grammar, in Alcala de Henares, whose Spongia, published in Paris, in 1617, depreciates the merit of several au- thors of high reputation, and amongst others of Lope de Vega ; expressing a caustic and injurious opinion of his works, and their influence on manners. This attack was so acutely felt by the passionate admirers of Lope, that they unanimously raised their voice to defend him with zeal and courage, and loaded him with extraordinary praises, particularly Don Fran- cisco Lopez de Aguilar, presbitary and knight of the order of St. Juan, and Alonso Sanchez, professor of 202 LIFE AND WRITINGS Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldaic, in the university of AI- cala, in a work which they published, with the title of Expostulatio Spongice, and an Ajipcntliv, where they endeavoured to resent the wrongs heaped on him by the pens of these insolent rivals and calum- niators. In order to comprehend the whole justice of the censure passed by Cervantes on Lope de Vega, and his good temper and moderation, it will be ne- cessary to advert to the state of the Spanish stage at that time, and for this purpose no testimony can be more free from suspicion, nor of higher authority, than that of D. Suarez de Figueroa, who was then living, and who says : " The writers of plays of the present day are wholly ignorant, or appear to be, of the principles of their art ; excusing themselves by asserting that they are obliged to conform to the prevailing taste of the public, who, they say, find the more regular plots, as those of Plautus and Terence, tedious and wearisome. Thus to gratify a vicious taste, these pieces are divested of all learning, and morality, and care of language, in a manner that persons may attend them for three or four hours without deriving any im- provement from them at last. There is no persuad- ing these modern writers that, in order to emulate the ancients, they ought to inculcate pure morals, and teach the art of living wisely and well, as is the part of a good dramatist, not unaccompanied with passages of wit and humour. But on the contrary, most of the comic writers evince a poor and con- tracted genius ; each choosing his subject according to his own taste, and executing it without either rule or design. Thus persons, scarcely able to road, aspire to write plays ; as for example, the tailor of Toledo, and the sack-clothman of Seville, and other OF CERVANTES. 203 low and wretched pretenders like these. The result of this has been the production of a race of low comedies, filled with indecent dialogue and the poorest attempts at wit, and abounding in inconsistencies and impro- babilities. All respect towards the female sex is disregarded ; a mere licentious freedom reigns throughout, sufficient to outrage a respectable audi- ence. The most absurd thing is, that there are per- sons who seek to create a fresh interest by a new style, and introduce in all the comedies a person under the name of a poet, in whose person they very consistently comprise all possible faults and misfor- tunes." If such was the depravity of the stage, and its consequences so injurious, we cannot sufficiently admire the sagacity and skill with which Cervantes censures without offending any particular individual, although justly lamenting that the good name of Lope was borrowed to authorise and protect these scandalous irregularities, which, from his genius and unbounded popularity, he was, perhaps, the only person who could remedy and correct. The testimonies of respect which Cervantes thus manifested towards Lope de Vega, were not feigned; for in his Canto de Caliopelie has bestowed upon him the highest commendations ; and he afterwards re- peated them with the greatest sincerity, in the sonnet which he inserted in the opening of the Dragontea, in the Viar/e al Parnaso, in the interlude of the Guanla Cuidadosa, in the prologue to his Comedias, and in many places in his Don Quixote, where, giving the lie to all who attributed to him malice or ill will, he says that they are wholly deceived, for of such a man (speaking of Lope) he adores the genius, and admires his works, and his commendable labours. 204 LIFE AND WRITINGS And Lope, alive to this praise, generously reciprocates it, making honourable mention of Cervantes in his Dorotea, and in La Novela Prirnera ; and comme- morates his merit also after his death, in the Laurel de Apolo. it being very evident that they both cordially united in the cultivation and improvement of letters, and the correction of abuses, with that noble and candid emulation, as in the classic age of gold, and animating each other, and exchanging those friendly expostulations and admonitions which are requisite for the advancement of literature. These facts suffi- ciently prove how remote from the mind of Cervantes were those miserable passions and resentments with which some evil-disposed persons have charged him, who would measure the nobility and dignity of great minds by the littleness and baseness of their own hearts. Of this class there existed at that time a writer of plays, who, wounded and chagrined at having been included in Cervantes' general censure of the stage, and swelling with envy and anger at the great name and credit which the latter had obtained, and having the audacity to identify himself with Lope, presented himself in the lists, although under a false name, country, and profession, and had the hardihood to publish a continuation of the romance of Don Quixote, while its legitimate author was not only living, buthad already written and announced the appearance of the second part, in the prologue to his tales. Such was the profligate audacity of this writer, who, vinder the assumed name of the licentiate Alonso Fernandez de Avellaneda, pretending to be a native of Tordesillas, published in Tarragona, about the middle of the year 1614, a continuation, or second OF CERVANTES.. 205 part of Don Quixote, in the preface to which he pretends to mark out the limits of prudence and urbanity, venting the malice engendered in his heart, and insulting the grey hairs and well-earned fame of Cervantes, whom he designates as a lame, envious, reckless grumbler, and an incarcerated delinquent. Thus putting his sickle, in an unprincipled manner, into another's harvest, he threatens to deprive Cer- vantes of the profits of his second part, which he was then on the point of publishing ; while the malignant libeller never considered, as Cervantes well observed, that in order to compose histories and books, of whatever kind they may be, it is requisite to possess a sound judgment, and a matured understanding ; and that it requires no common genius to write with elegance. In whatever light we view this pro- logue, we cannot help denouncing it as an infamous libel, deserving the severest vengeance of the law. "When this medley of contemptuous reproaches reached the hands of Cervantes, at the head of an insipid and indecent production, the second part of Don Quixote was already far advanced, and he mentions it in his fifty-ninth chapter, but with remarkable delicacy in relation to his personal wrongs, and with extreme humour and grace when he touches on the literary defects of his rival ; treating with generous disdain the imputations which he had made, as demonstrating the perversity of his rival's mind, or ridiculing his ignorance and want of talent. It was in the power of Cervantes to have with- drawn the mask, and to have delivered over this culprit to public indignation, but his natural mode- ration of temper, and other considerations, prevented him. At the same time he offered himself to the 206 LIFE AND WHITINGS conflict with a genuine openness and frankness. When we draw a parallel between Cervantes and Avellaneda on this occasion, we cannot but remark the noble generosity and decorum of the one, and the meanness and malignity of the other; as on a comparison also of the two works, the genius, eru- dition, and grace of Cervantes are strongly contrasted with the pedantry, insipidity, and dulness of Avel- laneda. It was only the universal celebrity and acknow- ledged merit of Cervantes, that could have excited any curiosity respecting the real person hidden under the assumed name of Avellaneda; for he would certainly have soon disappeared, together with his work, if Cervantes had overlooked his conduct, and had made no mention of his wretched adversary ; but the desire to vindicate his own reputation, and to ridicule his rival, was the cause of perpetuating his memory in the same work which bore his, own fame to distant generations; and in proportion as the reputation of his own works is extended, the curiosity increases to learn who the pigmy was, who thus dared to measure himself with the Atlas of Spanish literature. It could be nothing else, if we examine the matter fairly, than a love of novelty, which led M. Le Sage to publish in Paris, in 1704, the Don Quixote of Avellaneda, translated into French, in a very elegant and pleasing style ; but in order to escape the dis- gust which its insipidity and disagreeable qualities were sure to occasion, he took the liberty of altering the original, purifying it from many dull, as well as indecent passages, and adding many engaging tales and episodes of his own ; for although, according to the French critics, Le Sage possessed little invention OF CERVANTES. 207 of his own, hewas yet endowed with a singular talent for embellishing and perfecting the ideas of others, and in this manner making them his own : as he did with the Diablo Cojuelo, of Luis Vekz de Guevara, and with other Spanish tales ; thus eluding the difficulty he found in conforming to the original, either from their inimitable humour and burlesque style, or from want of expression in the French language. These changes so far improved the work of Avel- laneda as to entitle it to some share of public esteem ; but those who were ignorant of the liberties taken by the translator, and believed it to be a faithful and correct version, blindly praised Avellaneda, consider- ing him exempt from the faults they found in Cer- vantes, and assuring us that the latter had imitated and copied the second part of Avellaneda, and re- proaching him, at the same time, with the injustice with which, impelled by anger and resentment, he had treated his competitor. This was the opinion expressed by the author of the Diario de los Sabios, and also by Dr. Diego de Torres, and others, all judging of Avellaneda from the French translation only, censuring the neglect of the Spaniards who were insensible to the interest of the story, as if, although its style was not very correct, it was valuable for the many beauties of invention which it contained and the corresponding harmony of the narration. The verdict of persons of such high reputation attracted to his party others not less distinguished in the republic of letters, and more especially Don Bias de Navarre, who, disguising himself under the name of Don Isidro Perales y Torres, who was an ecclesiastical friend of his, republished in Madrid, in 1732 the Don Quixote of Avellaneda with a dedica- tion, which he also wrote under an assumed name, 208 LIFE AND WRITINGS ascribing it to a friend of his, who enjoyed a benefice in the parish church of Aliaga, and requiring from the friendship of Don Augustin de Montiano an opinion equally favourable of this writer. With such a parade of encomiums and panegyrics, Avellaneda appeared in the eighteenth century, as if to revenge himself for the contemptuous neglect he had experienced in the age in which he lived ; but with all this he could not impose on persons of clear judgment, and thus only enjoyed a short-lived and superficial popularity; while the book, which had been difficult to meet with, lost this barren attraction as soon as it became known, and criticism and good taste soon consigned it to the sepulchre in which it had so long remained undisturbed. However, the fame and reputation of Cervantes have given rise to much curiosity in our own time, and led to a new edition of the work of Avellaneda, though the licen- tious narrative and tales which it contained, are omit- ted ; but without in the remotest manner injuring the delightful Don Quixote of his noble rival, whose fame has traversed the habitable globe. The silence of contemporary writers, or the caution with which the few who speak of Avellaneda men- tion him in his own age, is, in reality, some reflection on the levity and presumption of those, who, a hundred years after him, began to lavish praises which were never merited. The lapse of time and the diffi- culty of ascertaining the real truth, have stimulated the curiosity and diligence of some literary men to inquire who the disguised Avellaneda was ; and although we are too far removed to treat this question with accuracy, we may yet with propriety state what others have done in the prosecution of this question. When Nicolas Antonio makes mention of this dull OP CERVANTES. 209 novelist in his B'Mioteca, he openly states the little esteem in which he was held, and the inferiority of his genius to that of Cervantes. Mayans corroborates this censure, for, inclining to find something myste- rious ia the expressions of Cervantes, he judged, from some passage in the prologue to the second part of Don Quixote, that his enemy was a man of rank, and for this reason he did not venture to give his name ; but vacillating in his judgment, he afterwards thinks that he might purposely conceal it, that he might not extend the fame of a mean and despicable person. AVith more correct judgment and greater proba- bility, P. Murillo conjectures, in his Geografia His- torica, that he was an ecclesiastic ; and Pellicer, who laboured with great pains to further this investigation, not only supports this opinion, but adds further, that he was a monk of the order of Predicadores. This is confirmed in part by many of the incidents and passages in his work of Don Quixote the partiality with whii-h he alludes to the peculiar manners of that order, the zeal to promote its interests, the exact description of its ceremonies and religious practices, and an evident scholastic and theological knowledge, supported by texts and authorities from the holy fathers. It is equally probable that this masked Zoilus was a writer of comedies, and was included in the general censure that Cervantes makes of him in his Don Quixote, and in his Viage al Parnaso, when he calls on Lope de A T ega to aid his cause ; and it appears also that he was present at two controver- sies which we find announced in Zaragoza in 1(314, on the elucidation of ten enigmas which were circulated in that city ; and although, from the allusions the judges make in their sentences to various passages of the Quixote, it is ascertained that he was a com- p 210 LIFE AND WRITINGS petitor, yet sufficient light is not afforded to say decid- edly which of the many poets who are there named was the feigned Avellaneda. When we reflect on what has heen stated, and the proof we have of his real country, we may conclude that the circumspection and moderation of Cervantes towards his rival, pro- ceeded from the support and protection that this person found in the interest and authority of the confessor of the King, Fr. Luis de Aliaga, a monk of the same order and a native of Zaragoza, who pos- sessed great influence at court in all public affairs ; but who, it is said, behaved with signal ingrati- tude towards his benefactor the duke of Lerma. His manners too, were so gross and disorderly, that they excited the complaint of many persons, the censure of contemporary writers, and ultimately led to the de- privation of his dignities on the accession of Philip IV. It was not extraordinary, therefore, that Cervantes, under these circumstances, finding himself absent from his protector the count de Lemos, who was sur- rounded by the Argensolas, also Aragonians, that might very much influence his situation, should prefer concealing the name and rank of his adversary, out of respect to his station, profession, and connexions, to making known that name, and holding him up to public shame, and gratifying his own just indignation; well knowing, as he says in his tales, that cowards and persons of base minds become bold and insolent when they are protected, and more prone to offend those who excel them. But we have evidence of his being a native of Aragon and not of Tordesillas, as supposed, for Cervantes has not only stated this fact on several occasions, but it is further confirmed in an indisputable manner by Avellaneda's language and style, and the use of certain words and modes of expression peculiar to that province, and which he OF CERVAXTES. 211 either did not or could not avoid, as other more cele- brated Aragonese of that age did, especially the two brothers the Argensolas, of whom Lope de Vega said, that they were sent from Aragon to instruct our poets in the Castilian tongue. TheCastilian language indeed began about this time to lose that dignity and elegance which it had acquired in the last century ; and one great cause of its decay and corruption was the infinite number of poets who, without any other principle than their own caprice, or any other guide than their own distempered imagination, profaned the temple of the muses, sub- stituting artful refinements of language for dignified expression, and the ostentation of extravagant meta- phors and a Latinised phraseology for the elegance and perspicuity of the pure Castilian idiom. This contagion spread rapidly even among men of the first genius of that age, and found in the vulgar a welcome and applause as extraordinary as general. To oppose a mound to this evil torrent Cervantes composed his Viage alPamato, in imitation of a work of this kind published in Italy, by Cesar Caporali, a native of Perugia, and who resembled Cervantes not only in his keen and festive wit, but also in his unfortunate life. Cervantes in this work gives the meed of praise to all poets deserving of it, assigning them the rank they were entitled to in Parnassus, and banish- ing thence the multitude of corruptors of the noble Cas- tilian language, some of whom might be said to write in Latin and others in Arabic. But as Cervantes, besides his attachment to letters, considered himself not undeserving from his genius of occupying a dis- tinguished place among the poets of his country, but even was on the other hand comparatively poor and necessitous, ere he had reached the last stage of life, P 212 LIFE AND WRITINGS he availed himself of this opportunity to desire Mercury to acquaint Apollo with his military and literary labours, and how ill they had heen rewarded by those who ought to have remembered him, es- teeming himself a poet, as Rios well observes, in the service of the gods, in order that the favour of them might atone for the injustice and insensibility of mankind. CHAPTER XIV. Literary productions The Viage al Parnaso Complains of the neglect of his friends of men of rank the court the country for which he hied The Adjunta al Parnaso Fresh disap- pointments Injustice of the Spanish theatre He composes new plays Maligned and persecuted Revises his comedies Dedi- cates them to the Count dc Lemos Their cold reception Characteristics of the drama of that period Examination of the various subjects treated by Cervantes His contemporary, Lope de Vega "Justus Poeticas " Second part of Don Quixote- Humorous picture of his rival Pleasant dialogue Delicate feeling of Cervantes Contrasted with his rival His style Charged with Italianisms by his enemies His purity and har- mony of style His works translated and published in other countries. CERVANTES set a high value on the Viage al Par- naso, which, in fact, is more to be commended for its conception and design, than its style and language. In this piece he gives full scope to the feelings of his heart, and openly avows his extreme poverty and destitution, sets forth his merits as a soldier and as an author, complains of the neglect and forgetfulness of his former friends, the indifference of his noble patrons, and the perverse obstinacy of his evil star. The justice of his complaints is here not less remark- able than the temper and moderation with which he OP CERVANTES. 213 enforces them. It was perhaps for these reasons, or from the fear he had that this new work might not be well received by the count de Lemos, that he re- solved to dedicate it to Don Rodrigo de Tapia, knight of the order of Santiago, who in his youth had cultivated letters with assiduity and success. It was about three years before his death, that Cervantes produced this singular work, more particu- larly devoted to criticism and literary satire. It was composed in terze rime, in eight cantos, of about three hundred verses each, and entitled Viage al Parnaso, or " A Journey to Parnassus." Cervantes is farther represented as being wearied with a state of poverty, and ambitious of obtaining the name of a poet, while he modestly asserts, at the same time, that Heaven has refused him the requisite talents ; but, hoping for the best, he sets out on foot from Madrid to Carthagena. " A white loaf," he says, " and a few pieces of cheese which I placed in my wallet, were all my provisions for the journey ; a weight not too heavy for a pedes- trian traveller. Adieu, said I to my humble habi- tation ; adieu, Madrid ! Adieu, ye meadows and fountains from whence flow nectar and ambrosia ! Adieu, too, society! where, for one truly happy man, we find a thousand pretenders to happiness ! Adieu, agreeable, but deceitful residence. Adieu, theatres, honoured by well praised ignorance ; where, day after day, a thousand absurdities are repeated !" Upon his arrival at Carthagena the poet is re- minded, by a view of the sea, of the glorious exploits of Don John of Austria, under whom lie had served. While he is seeking for a vessel, he sees a light boat approach, propelled both by sails and oars, to the sound of the most harmonious musical instruments. Mercury, with his winged feet, and his caduceus in 214 LIFE AND WRITINGS his hand, invites the poetical pilgrim in the most courteous manner to embark for Parnassus, whither Apollo, it seems, had already summoned his faithful poets ; for it was full time to protect himself, by their assistance, against the terrible invasion of bad taste. At the same time he requests him to inspect the extraordinary construction of the vessel into which he had just entered. From prow to poop he found it composed entirely of verses, the various styles of which are ingeniously represented by the different purposes to which they are applied. The spars were made of long and melancholy elegies ; the mast of a prolix song; and the other parts of the vessel were formedin a similar manner. Mercury next pre- sents to Cervantes a formidable catalogue of Spanish poets,andasks his advice as to the propriety of admit- ting or rejecting each individual. This question gives Cervantes an opportunity of characterising the con- temporary poets in a few brief verses, which, at the present day, are exceedingly obscure. It is often very difficult to determine whether his praises are ironical or sincere. The poets now arrive (as if by enchantment) and crowd into the vessel; but a terrible storm soon whistles about their ears. Many marvellous adventures succeed ; and the mar- vellous is always mingled with a touch of the satiri- cal. The names introduced are all of them of un- known personages ; the production is in many parts obscure ; and, whatever the trip may have produced to the poets, to the reader it is often not a little fatiguing. A few passages, indeed, notwithstanding the frequent satirical allusions which are scattered through them, still display many poetical charms. The opening of the third canto may be adduced as an instance : OP CERVANTES. 215 " Smooth gliding verses are its oars; by these Impell'd, the royal galley, fast and light, Wore her clear course o'er unresisting seas ; With white sails spread to the extremest height Of the tall mast. Of the most delicate thought, Woven by Jove himself, in colours bright The various tissue of those sails was wrought. Soft winds upon the poop with amorous force, Breathed sweetly all, as if they only sought To waft that bark on her majestic course. The syrens sport around her as she holds Her rapid voyage through the waters hoarse, Which, like some suowy garment's flowing folds, Roll to and fro ; and on the expanse of green, Bright azure tints the dazzled eye beholds. Upon the deck the passengers are seen In converse. These discuss the art of verse, Arduous and nice; those sing ; and all between, Others the dictates of the muse rehearse." Cervantes pleads his own cause before Apollo, and sets forth the merits of his different works with a degree of pride which has sometimes been cen- sured. But who will not forgive the proud feeling of conscious superiority, which sustains genius when sinking under the pressure of misfortune? Who will insist upon humility in a man who, whilst he formed the glory of his age, found himself, in old age and in sickness, but little removed from poverty ? "Was it not just that Cervantes, to whom his country had denied all recompense, should appropriate to himself that glory which he felt he had so truly merited ?* As a continuation to this work, which appeared at the clor?e of 1614, he published the Adjunta al Parnaso, a dialogue in prose, in which he represents, with much freedom of grace and style, a conversation * M. Sismondi. Literature of the South, &c., vol. iii. pp. 340, 344. 216 LIFE AND WRITINGS which he had had with a new poet, who brought st paper for the god Apollo, containing a list of ordinances and privileges for the Spanish poets. The object of this little work seems to have been the same as that of the Viage al Parnaso, but he was here more desirous to make his comedies known, and to publish his complaints of the comedians, who, holding his plays cheap, neither asked for them nor bought them. Some had in former times been represented with general applause, and others he thought might obtain popularity from their novelty, if not from their merit, as they were not yet known to the public. This neglect of the players wounded the self-love of Cervantes in so lively a manner, that in this dialogue he declares his intention of publishing his plays, that the public might form a dispassionate opinion on their merits. But, in prosecuting the object of his wishes, he exposed himself to fresh disappointments ; for, ima- gining that his plays still enjoyed popularity, he composed some new comedies, but was unable to procure their representation. This disgusted him so much, that he threw them into a chest, and con- demned them to perpetual oblivion. But compelled by poverty, and anxious to derive assistance from every quarter, he offered them for sale soon after to Juan de Villaroel. This person ingenuously con- fessed to him that he should have cheerfully pur- chased them, had not an author of celebrity just said to him that as to Cervantes the world might expect much from his prose, but nothing from his poetry. He was extremely mortified by this answer, from the desire he had always felt of maintaining his fame as a poet, and under this heavy disappointment he deter- mined to re vise his comedies and interludes, which were OF CERVANTES. 217 in his opinion not undeserving of publication. With this view he renewed his treaty with the bookseller Villaroel, with whom he ultimately agreed for the sale of them. In pursuance of this agreement, he published in September 1615, eight comedies, and as many interludes, with a handsome dedication to the Count de Lemos, and a prologue as sensible as learned, and highly valuable for a detailed history it contains of the Spanish stage. But the public received these works with indif- ference, and the players did not adopt them. This, indeed, was not to be wondered at, as Lope de i had at this time inundated the stage with his popular productions, and many other agreeable and successful writers seconded him in supporting a style of writing which had obtained general applause. Cervantes was aware of this, and confessed it with frankness and sincerity in his prologue ; and it was this circumstance, or the advice of his friends, that led him to view his compositions in their true light. At the same time he asserts that they are neither tasteless nor immoral, that the verse was what was required for this class of works, and the language appropriate to the characters ; but that, to gratify the taste of a fastidious public, and to show his know- ledge of the laws of dramatic poetry, he proposed to correct all his faults in a comedy he was then writ- ing, called el Engano a los ojos (which never saw the light). This would have been a desirable result, as it would have enabled us to jndge whether Cer- vantes, when he found out his defects, had possessed discernment and judgment sufficient to correct them. It is thus that we sometimes see the observation con- firmed, that there are many men of ability in specu- lative theories, who are totally deficient in a disposi- 218 LIFE AND WRITINGS tion and aptitude requisite for the application of them to practice, and some have undertaken to defend or acquit Cervantes of some absurd errors in his comedies, by excuses as singular as inconsi- derate. This was the case with D. Bias Xasarre, who, after having published with undeserved eulo- gium the Don Quixote of Avellaneda, reprinted also, in 1749, the comedies and interludes of Cervantes, in order, as he says, to rescue them from the oblivion in which they lay, while the other works of the same author occupied the attention of all civilised nations. It is his opinion that Cervantes composed these plays with the intention of ridiculing the comedies of his own time, intentionally writing them in bad taste to lash and burlesque the defective and absurd pieces which were introduced on the stage ; and by this means correcting the depraved taste and immoralities of the scene, in the same manner as he wrote Don Quixote in order to ridicule the absurd writers of knight-errantry. The Abate Lampillas asserts also, by way of justifying Cervantes, that the male- volence of the printers led them to publish, with his name and prologue, these extravagant come- dies, which were adapted to the depraved taste of the vulgar, and that they suppressed those which were in reality his compositions, substituting others for them. No stronger proof can be given of the irregu- larity of these dramas, than the strange subterfuges with which their apologists pretend to defend and exculpate them. A single glance at the Spanish drama of the time will convince us that the defects of the comedies of Cervantes were common to all, or the greater part, of those that were then represented, yet were such as Cervantes considered as excellent, OP CERVANTES. 219 and composed agreeably to the strictest rules of art. These were performed with the most unqualified applause for many years, as La Isabela, La Fills y la Alejandro,, of Argensola, La Ingratltud Vtngada, of Lope de Vega ; the Mcrcader Amante, of Gaspar de Avila, and the Enemiga Favorable of the Canon Fran- cisco Tarrega. All these abound with faults and improprieties, which have now rendered them insuf- ferable; and the Trato de Argel, and the Numantla, which we have seen lately published, which Cer- vantes acknowledged as his, and which he thought so well worthy of the stage, in spite of the absurdities we now notice in them, confirm us in the opinion that those equally belong to him which were pub- lished in 1615, as, indeed, he acknowledges in his dedication and prologue ; and that it was the change of manners and the greater delicacy and refinement in the public taste, that reprobated and condemned the numerous pieces which, twenty or thirty years before, the public had received with eagerness, and wel- comed with such unbounded applause ; for we find Cervantes mentioned as an author among other cele- brated men who had advanced the Spanish drama, by Agustin de Rojas, in his Viage Entretcnido, and by Dr. Suarez de Figueroa, in his Plaza Universal. A greater degree of merit is due to the entremises or interludes of Cervantes; short dramas or dialogues, jocose and burlesque, which were usually performed between the acts of the play, to render the whole performance more attractive. These were at first simple eclogues, but, as the stage improved, they acquired more dignity and ornament. Kings, queens, and persons of rank, were introduced into them by Juan de la Cueva, and he was followed by Cervantes and others. It then became the custom 220 LIFE AND WRITINGS to call the ancient comedies entremises, while the art was in its origin, the scene and characters being laid in low life, as Lope de Vega informs us. Such were the interludes at the beginning of the 17th century, and many years afterwards, until the moderns, with a more extended and complicated plot, adulterated the original simplicity of the piece ; and even these were not wanting in merit, especially the pieces of Ramon de la Cruz. There prevailed undeniably in these old interludes such well- seasoned jests, so much humour and truth in the low and ridiculous characters, such naivete of manners and simplicity of language, that they have always commanded the attention of an enlight- ened public, as is evident from the collection made of them at different periods. Cervantes composed some of this class ; but he only published eight among his comedies. They exhibit his singular faculty of representing every species of character and custom, and are a proof of his natural and masterly talent for dialogue ; his fine and delicate touch in painting the ridiculous and extravagant, with wit, amenity, and inimitable grace. A modern writer, not without good reason, laments that with such ample requisites Cervantes did not expose on the stage the social vices and follies of his own age and nation, in which path he would probably have equalled Moliere. M. Florian, who has formed a just estimate of this species of literature, asserts that these entremises of Cervantes are superior to his come- dies ; that they possess a vein of rich comic humour, though some of them are too free ; but that they are admirable productions : above all, the one entitled La Cueva de Salamanca, in imitation of which the French wrote their Enchanted Soldier, and the Table of OP CERVANTES. 221 Wonden, which afforded materials to the celebrated Piron for an opera called the false Prodigy, though much inferior to its original. Thus, Lope de Vega composed, in 1598, his play of Los Cautiros de Argel, .borrowing the story and inci- dents, and even some of the scenes and expressions, from the Trato de Argel, which Cervantes had written many years before. Cervantes too, introduced in his cntremises several subjects he had before touched on in his works, as, the incidents in the house of Monipodio, the adventures of the jealous Canizares, and of Roque Guinart ; and he left for publication others not less pleasing and attractive, as that of the Halladores, which was published in Seville in 16:24. Some have also thought that Cervantes composed some auto* MKfYMMMAUM, and have attributed to him the one entitled las Cortes de la Mucrt\ of which he speaks in the ninth chapter of the second part of Don Quixote, but hitherto we have not met with any proof for this conjecture. Among the institutions most deserving of com- mendation which were established at this period, for the reward of talent, we may mention the assemblies called Justas poeticsa (literary contests). These were of long standing among the Spaniards, and were established, it should seem, in imitation of those jousts and tournaments where the young nobility of Castile displayed their gallantry and courage. Literary men found, in these contests, a means of distinguishing themselves by an honourable competi- tion ; and thus contributed, by their productions, to render such meetings popular. One of these meet- ings was celebrated in Madrid in the year 1614, on occasion of the pope, Paul V., beatifying Santa Teresa de Jesus ; when the Latin and Spanish compositions 222 LIFE AND WRITINGS were directed to be sent to the Procurator-general of the bare-footed Carmelites. The tribunal of criticism was assembled in the large chapel, amidst an audience as numerous as dis- tinguished. Lope de Vega himself was one of the judges, and he opened the meeting with a speech and a discourse in praise of Santa Teresa, with such grace of language and such propriety of action, such per- suasion, such reasoning, and so much passionate tenderness, as to produce a sensation of delight in the minds of all present ; and in conclusion, after the performance of some excellent music, he recited in a fine voice the verses he had prepared for the occasion. Eight contests were then announced to the public, and in the third three prizes were offered to those who, with the most erudition and greatest elegance of style, should compose a Castilian cancion, in the lyric measure, on the " divine ecstacy" of the saint, in the manner of those of Garcilaso el dulce lamcnlar de dos pastores, so that it should not exceed seven stanzas. The most distinguished poets of Spain crowded to this assembly, and among others Miguel de Cervantes, with a cancion, so elegant and so strictly conform- able to the laws prescribed for this contest, that it merited and obtained a place amongst the most select in the narrative which F. Diego de S. Josef wrote of this festival, which was published in Madrid in 1615. Juan Yague de Salas had at this time finished his poem, or tragic epic, as he called it, of the celebrated and unfortunate lovers, Diego Juan Martinez de Marcilla and Isabel de Segura, commonly called The Lovers of Teruel ; and being very desirous of making it a perfect work, he not only submitted it to all the principal poets of Spain, but to all persons of science OP CERVANTES. 223 and professors of arts. Among these critics we find Lope de' Vega, Geronimo de Salas Barbadillo, Miguel de Cervantes, and others, whose names are preserved in the sonnets affixed to the work, in commendation of it, as if to propitiate, by their authority, the good- will and applause of the public. It appears that Yague de Salas obtained the royal privilege for print- ing this work in 1615, but it was not published until the middle of the following year, 1616, after the death of Cervantes. These occasional proofs of his attachment to poetry, and the compliments he bestowed on deserving men of letters, did not withdraw his attention from the composition of works more instructive and engaging, and of greater extent. The principal of these, and that on which his reputation latterly reposed, was the second part of Don Quixote, promised in the year ] 604, and announced as ready for publication in 1613. This second part of Don Quixote was anti- cipated by an anonymous and unprincipled author, with an intention of destroying at one blow the genius and fame of Cervantes. Cervantes was on the point of finishing his work when Avellaneda anticipated him ; but this incident, which surprised and harassed him much, acted also on him as a powerful stimulus to finish his work with all possible despatch, and we find he had concluded it at the beginning of 1615, and was then soliciting a licence for the printing of it ; but it was delayed by his care and correction until the end of October. In dedicating his Cvmcdias to the count de Lemos in the previous month, he says : " Don Quixote has just put on his boots and spurs, in his second part, to set out to kiss the feet of your Excellency : I believe he will arrive somewhat out of sorts, for in 224 LIFE AND WRITINGS Zaragoza they waylaid and maltreated him," &c., &c., terms which denote not only the just resent- ment of Cervantes, but also the contemptible opinion that he from that time formed of the work of his impertinent calumniator. It is no wonder that he should thus feel himself in- jured, and we cannot but admire the generosity and prudence with which hegovernedhisproceedings after- wards. To the insolent calumnies of his rivalhe opposed the good sense and urbanity so conspicuous in his pro- logue, which may serve as a model of literary dispu- tation, and the ingenious and humorous inventions which he interweaved with the adventures of his hero, alluding to the apocryphal history of the disguised Aragonian. But nothing could be more well-timed than the apology which he makes for himself and Don Quixote, in his dedication to the count de Lemos, where, speaking of the anxiety with which his book was expected, he explains himself in these terms : " I am pressed on all sides, by persons who are in haste to get rid of the disrelish and nausea occasioned by another Don Quixote, who, in a fictitious second part, has been running his course under a feigned name ; and the most urgent entreaties have come to me from the great emperor of China ; for, about a month since, he sent me a letter requesting, or rather supplicating me, that I would send him my Don Quixote, as he was about to found a college for the cultivation of the Castilian tongue, and the book he had appointed to be read there was the History of Don Quixote. "At the same time he informed me he meant to appoint me rector of the college. I then inquired from the ambassador of his majesty, if he had brought any aid or subsidy. He replied, his majesty had not OP CERVANTES. 225 thought of it. ' Then,' said I, ' my friend, you may return to China at your leisure, for my health would not allow me to undertake so long a journey; for, licsides being infirm, I am sadly in want of money; and talk as you will of your emperors and kings, there is the great and good count de Lemos in Naples, who, in spite of your colleges and your titles, will support and protect me, and heap more favours on me than I could ask or desire.' " The object of this petition was not only to call to the count's recollection the destitution he was suffer- ing, by addressing to his benefactor and Maecenas these expressions of his gratitude and acknowledgment for the liberality with which he at all times succoured him, but also to support the reputation of his work, and vindicate it from the malicious and unjust censure of his enemies. The principal charge brought against him by Avellaneda was, that his style or idiom was vulgar, and that he made an ostentatious display of synonymes. Cervantes, who did not con- sider it decorous to enter into an open controversy, chose rather to place the elegance and purity of his language in contrast with the rudeness and vulgarity of that of Avellaneda, under a plea that the most remote countries were anxiously expecting his work, that in it they might study the Castilian tongue, u- the most proper text-book for that purpose ; an opinion confirmed by the lapse of two centuries, by the unanimous voice of the Spanish nation, and the high authority of the Academy of Spain. It had, in fact, been the constant aim of Cervantes from his youth, to cultivate and improve his native tongue. He endeavoured to demonstrate that it had more variety, facility, and abundance, than the world prenerally allowed, and congratulated himself with Q 226 LIFE AND WRITINGS the happy result he found on comparing the style of the Galatea with that of Don Quixote and his No- relas : a decision which is confirmed by those accom- plished and judicious critics who have analysed the language and style of our classic author. The learned D. Gregorio Garces especially de- serves honourable mention, when, in pointing out the source of the vigour and elegance of the Castilian idiom, he discovers in Cervantes qualities so eminent, that he assures us that it is lie, of all others, who has done the most to enrich it, and that he possesses singular talents for such a task. In this work he has shown the indefatigable skill and diligence of Cervantes in intro- ducing many words to adorn his country's speech, until this time slender and confined, from the objection many persons had to employ it in their works, and from the too great fear of admitting new words, with- out regarding the precept of Horace, as Arias Mon- tano observes. He then remarks how much Cer- vantes contributed to enrich the language by pure Latin words of the Augustan age, thus adding equally to its dignity and perspicuity. He also notices the propriety of these words in expressing things simply and vividly, satisfying the understanding, and pre- senting objects in their natural light, agreeably to their essence, qualities, and circumstances. He admires also that rich vein which consists, not only in an abundance of words, but in that peculiar mode of varying in a natural and opportune manner the same expression, affording additional amenity and grace to composition. And finally, he praises his sagacity in the use of old and new words, conform- able to the rules of Quintilian. Cervantes, in thus enriching his native language, would interweave a foreign word, either as being more expressive, or an- OP CERVANTES. 227 swering to the current of his rapid and lively imagi- nation, and the example of other ingenious writers, such as Perez de Castillo, Mendoza, Ercilla, Coloma, and others. We may allege, as a proof of his circum- spection on this point, the pleasant reproof which Don Quixote makes on visiting the printing-house at Barcelona, of the abuse of the translators there, and that of some incautious and conceited young men, who, after travelling in Italy, afterwards interlarded their style with a number of Italian phrases. lie sometimes adopted obsolete words for the sake of grace and expression, as Cicero and Terence have done in Latin ; but with such propriety, as shows his desire to amuse the reader, and lead him to despise the old romances where such words are to be found. He, nevertheless, placed these words at the side of the new, selecting those that had preserved their spirit, grace and expression, and which a learned author has adopted as an improvement in style. The ^ of Cervantes was on this account remarkable for it< purity, harmony, facility, energy, and propriety, such as gave it an indisputable right to be placed among the first models of the Castilian tongue. Those who have with so much captiousncss and fastidiousness charged Cervantes with the use of Italianisms, and some expressions which do not carry all the purity and delicacy which a more cc r- rect taste and the refinement of manners require, do not reflect that, until the close of the fifteenth century, the only source of improvement for the Castilian had been from the Latin, and some remains of Arabic in the southern provinces ; but after the reign of the Catholic sovereigns, and durimj the whole of the sixteenth century, the dominion in Italy and Flanders, and the frequent communication Q2 228 LIFE AND WRITINGS with those countries, naturalised in Spain many words and phrases which now form a valuable part of the staple of its language. The author of the Dialogo de las Lenguas wished, in the time of Charles V., that a number of Italian words which he mentions, as manejar, comodo, disehar, discurn>\ entrc- tener,facilitar, and others, should be introduced into the Spanish for the want it had of them, and his desires were some years afterwards fulfilled, when fluelo was introduced for dcsafio, centinela, mochihi, estrada, diquc, marisco, and an infinite number of others, by don Geronimo de Urrea, don Diego de Mendoza, Ercilla, Coloma, Suarez de Figueroa, Cris- tobal de Rojas, and other accomplished writers. And as to the purity, decorum, and dignity of words, it is acknowledged that they augment or diminish in proportion to the greater or less delicacy of the ear, the refinement of manners, the extension and popularity they have acquired, and also the expression which is assigned to them in conversation and familiar dis- course, though they may not have possessed this meaning originally, either in their composition or signification. The natural and ingenious words and expressions of Berseo and of Arcipreste de Hlta, which paint the pure and simple manners of their age, have now changed their meaning, and we no longer use them in the same sense ; and some words of Granada, Siguenza, Ribadeneira, and others of the good old time, we now rank as vulgar, low, and indelicate, though many of the old writers found in them all that dignity, grace, and propriety, which they have now lost by the refinement of taste and revolutions of time. Reflections like these, directed by philosophy and a judicious discrimination, ought. always to attend a just criticism. OF CERVANTES. 229 The malignant hostility of Avellaneda failed in its effects, and the pretended embassy to Cervantes seemed the more opportune when the Life of Don Quixote was looked for on all sides with the greatest anxiety, and when there actually arrived at Madrid, at the beginning of the same year, 1615, an ambas- sador from. the king of Japan, requesting that mis- sionaries might be sent to preach the Gospel to his subjects ; on which occasion an Indian of rank, whom that monarch had sent as a witness and proof of his sincerity, was baptised in the royal chapel with extraordinary ceremony in the presence of Philip III. Xor was the parallel less true at an epoch in which the Castilian tongue was held in universal esteem, which indeed it had acquired from the glorious extension of the Spanish empire in both worlds in the preceding century, and from the vast erudition of its learned men. The Spanish language was at this time spoken at the courts of Vienna, Bavaria, Brussels, Naples, and Milan ; all the world took a pride in cultivating it, and it was thought almost a disgrace to be ignorant of it. The ties of relationship between the princes of Austria and the house of Bourbon in France, ex- tended still further the feelings of friendship, of com- merce, and interest, between the two countries, and gave so much lustre to the language which was the channel of communication, that, according to Cer- vantes, almost every person in that kingdom thought themselves bound to learn Spanish ; and in Paris it was spoken by a great part of the court, and by persons who had never travelled in Spain, according to the evidence of Ambrosio de Salazar. On this account the most able masters were established there, who thus contributed to extend the language, while 230 LIFE AND WRITINGS Spanish authors of celebrity were eagerly sought after and read. And it was not uncommon to see the classical writers of this Augustan age in the houses of Frenchmen. Teacher's of Spanish, also, frequently published in several countries Spanish poems, having translated into Spanish the best works of France and other countries. This was the cause that so many Spanish books were printed in Germany, England, France, and Italy ; and that the Spaniards held the same sway over the theatres of Europe as they did over public affairs. We are informed by a French writer, that the companies of players, exercising their talents in Paris and other cities, spread abroad the beauties and excellences of Spain's great dramatists, which being soon afterwards remodelled in the hands of Moliere, Corneille, and other men of genius, became the delight of the civilised world, and the triumph of letters, as far as regards the repre- sentation of character, the delineation of the passions, and the correction of the vices and extravagances of mankind. Cervantes, too, 'had the pleasure of seeing his novel of the Curioso Impertinente published in Paris, and afterwards translated there for the instruction of those who were studying Spanish ; and he learnt the great estimation in which his Galatea, his other works, and the second part of Don Quixote, were held in foreign countries, while he himself was living in his own country destitute and forsaken. These cir- cumstances give more reality to the allegory which he makes use of in his dedication, in which he gives vent to his complaints, but at the same time with such delicacy and discretion, that, without offence to any particular individual, it was capable of being applied to those who, from their elevated stations OP CERVANTES. 231 an,l their opulence, were the natural protectors of letters, but who regarded with coldness and disdain, instead of applauding and reviving, that sublime- hut neglected genius, who had rendered his country illustrious, and his productions indissolubly connected with its glory. CHAPTER XV. Popularity of Don Quixote Neglect of men of letters Curious anecdote Compliment to Cervantes Numerous editions of Don Quixote Fame of the author Ariosto Tasso Critical re- marks Violence and injustice of oilier writers Monsieur Sorel A bold English critic El Escudcro Obregon Character of its author His crafty and cavilling spirit towards Cervantes Want of consistency and merit in his own work. THERE were many writers of that age, who la- mented the indifference of the court, and its neglect of men of letters. A proof of it occurred, which re- lated peculiarly to Cervantes, and which he at onetime thought of relating in the parable before mentioned. As Philip the Third was one afternoon standing in a balcony of his palace, in Madrid, he observed a student on the banks of the river Manzanares, with a book in his hand, the reading of which was every now and then interrupted by his striking his forehead in an ecstacy of laughter and delight. The king earnestly regarding him, instinctively recognised the cause of his extravagant conduct, and exclaimed, " Yon student is either mad, or reading Don Quixote." The attendants, eager to satisfy the curiosity of the king, ran to the spot, and found that the scholar was in the midst of the delightful romance of Cer- vantes, but none of the courtiers took this opportunity of mentioning its author to the king, unmindful of 232 LIFE AND WRITINGS the poverty in which he lived, loaded with infirmities and misfortunes ; and thus the happiest occasion that ever occurred of obtaining for him a pension, or affording him relief, was overlooked. We may, perhaps, attribute to this anecdote the manner in which he speaks of the emperor of China, preferring to his praises and compliments the benefi- cence and effective liberality of the count de Lemos, whose noble character and affection for letters led him not only to encourage them, but to honour and succour with his generous aid those who assiduously cultivated them. Whilst Cervantes experienced this contumely and neglect on the part of his o wn countrymen, andhis ri vals pursued him with rancour, he was the first object of attention to all foreigners who visited Madrid. They remarked him as he passed along the streets, and sought every means and opportunity of being intro- duced to his acquaintance and friendship. Francisco Marquez de Torres, chaplain, and master of the pages to the archbishop of Toledo, who licensed the second part of Don Quixote, has preserved to us an irrefra- gable proof of the honour in which Cervantes was held : " But a very different feeling " (he says, in his approbation of the 27th of February, 1615) " has been manifested towards the works of Miguel de Cervantes, as well by his own countrymen as by foreigners, for they throng, as to a sight, to see the author of these works, which, for their good sense and morality, as well as for their suavity and bland- ness of style, have been received by Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and Flanders, with general applause." He relates, as a fact, that on the 23rd of February of that year, 1615, " accompanying my master, the illustrious senor Don Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas, OP CERVANTES. 233 cardinal archbishop of Toledo, to return the visit of the ambassador of France, who had come to nego- tiate on a contract of marriage between France and .Spain, many Frenchmen of the archbishop's train, as well courtiers as private gentlemen and friends *f letters, applied to me and the other chaplains of my lord cardinal, to ascertain the works then most in repute, and happening to mention this, which I had just licensed, they had scarcely heard the name of Cervantes, when one of -them pronounced a great encomium on him, and spoke of the high admiration that prevailed in France and the neighbouring coun- tries of his Galatea, which some had almost by heart, his first part of Don Quixote, and his Tales. 1'hey were so warm in their admiration of him, that they intreated me to carry them to see him, as they had the most longing desire to be acquainted with him. They inquired from me his age, his profession, and every minute particular of his life. Being obliged to tell them that he was old, a soldier, a gentleman . by birth, and poor, one of them replied, * AVhy is such a man not adopted by Spain, and supported at the public expense ? ' Another gentleman wittily exclaimed in reply, ' If poverty compels Cervantes to write, I hope he will never know abundance, for his poverty thus enriches the world.' These marked expressions displayed the urbanity and good taste of the speaker, conveyed a delicate compliment to Cer- vantes, and a severe, though silent, invective against the indifference with which the court regarded the man of genius who had obtained for Spain such repu- tation and glory in the world of letters." The result of this general and unbounded admira- tion was seen in the multiplication of editions of the works of Cervantes, in the original language, and in 234 LIFE AND WRITINGS translations, in foreign countries. " There have been," says Don Quixote, " thirty thousand volumes of the history of my adventures published, and there will be thirty thousand more, if Heaven is favourable." I declare," he had said before, "that at this day there are printed more than twelve thousand books of this history, without mentioning Portugal, Barce- lona, and Valencia, where they have printed it, and there is a report, too, that it has been published in Antwerp ; and it seems to me that there soon will not be a nation or tongue where it is not translated." This prophecy of Cervantes was verified in a manner beyond his hopes, for a very few years after there appeared two editions in Venice, from the Italian translation of Lorenzo Franciosini, a native of Florence. The French, too, who hastened to translate it, count at this day nine or ten different versions. In England, for the English were at all times passionate admirers of Cervantes, and set a just value on his works, since the year 1620 there have been produced ten different translations, as Shelton, Gayton. Ward, Jarvis, Smollett, Ozell, Motteux, Wilmont, Durfey, and J. Philips ; and all these, excellent in their way, were followed by a diligent and learned commentator, Dr. Bowie. In Germany they have published, in modern times, besides two translations, the one by Ticck, and the other by Soltau, which is the most valuable for its accuracy, a gnat variety of critical and other works upon the subject. Portugal, Hol- land, and other countries, have also naturalised it : and it is to be remarked that, in many countries, being sensible how much the vigour of expression is lost in translating such a work from the original, they have multiplied editions in Spanish, illustrating OP CERVANTES. 235 them with notes, commentaries, and treatises, and ornamenting them with choice engravings. The edition by Tonson, published in London in 1738, with such care and magnificence, deserves par- ticular notice in this place. It was printed in four volumes, in quarto, and contained tho first life of Cervantes tha-t had appeared, which was written by Don Gregorio Mayans and Siscar, at the instance of Lord Carteret ; also that published, as before men- tioned, by Bowie, in Salisbury and London, in 178 1, in six volumes, large 4to ; containing in the two last volumes annotations on the work, and various indexes, among which is a most copious one of all the words in the book, in the manner of the Lest editions of the Latin classics ; also that which in the year 1 b04 was published in Berlin, by Louis Ideler, professor of astronomy in the royal academy of sciences there, in six volumes, large 8vo, and dedicated to Frederick Augustus AVolf, professor of poetry and eloquence in the university of Halle, in which, with a view of giving a correct text of Don Quixote, and facilitating the understanding of it to strangers, he chose for his model the edition of Pellicer, inserting his preliminary discourse, his new life of Cervantes, and the notes to the work ; omitting some digressions and particulars interesting only to Spaniards, and substituting others from Bowie ; with numerous explanations of words, phrases, and difficult proverbs, with the corresponding terms in German and French. Another edition of Don Quixote was published in Bordeaux the same year, in four volumes 8vo, being an exact copy of the one which appeared in so cor- rect and beautiful a form from the Royal press of Madrid, a few years before. Also that published in Paris, in 1814, in seven volumes, which followed the 236 LIFE AND WRITINGS text of the edition of the Academy, uniting a life of Cervantes and an analysis and chronological plan of Don Quixote, written by Rios, with the notes and remarks of Pellicer; and finally the public papers have announced a new edition of the English trans- lation of Jarvis by Mr. Belfour, adorned with magni- ficent plates, illustrated with notes, historical, critical, and literary, as well on the text as on the life of Cer- vantes, and on the state of manners and literature in the age in which he flourished. The fame of Cervantes, so extended and well sup- ported, has been further confirmed by the A-erdict of the most distinguished men of letters. The learned Peter Daniel Huet declared Cervantes worthy of a place among the first men of genius in Spain. Rapin attested his admiration of Don Quixote by an exquisite satire, superior to anything of the kind in later times. M. Guyot de Pitaval, in his Causes Celelrcs, proposes to the judicial authorities of France the judgment and verdict of Sancho in his government as models in case of extraordinary occurrences, and calls Don Quixote the first work of fiction in the world. The accom- plished St. Evremont declared, that of all the books he had read, he wished to be the author of none so much as Don Quixote, and that he had never ceased admiring how Cervantes had contrived to gain im- mortality from the march of a madman and a clown. The judicious Abbe du Bos observes, that all nations have their peculiar fables and heroes of romance, and that those of Tasso and Ariosto are not so well known in France or in Italy as those of the Astrea, and less known to the Italians than the French ; and assures us that the romance of Don Quixote alone has the glory of being-equally known to strangers and to the countrymen of the wonderful OF CERVANTES. 237 Spaniard who first conceived and gave it to the world. The author of Eloise called the writer of Don Quixote inimitable, and preferred it to all works of imagina- tion. The French translator, M. Florian, asserts that Cervantes is perhaps the only man that by a story, as original as ingenious, compels his readers to follow his footsteps, not only without ennui or uneasi- uo-. but with admiration and delight. The author of 1'Esprit des Lois, the celebrated Montesquieu, even when he treats the nation with marked injustice, cannot deny the merit of Don Quixote, asserting that it is the only good book in Spain ; an assertion as false as it is honourable to Cervantes. The poet Butler, in his burlesque and satirical poem of Hudibras ; the distinguished authors of this cultivated nation, Pope, Arbuthnot, and Swift, in the Life of Martinus Scriblerus, which they conjointly wrote to satirize pedantry in literature and science ; the French writer, Pierre Carlet de Marivaux, in his work of Les Folies Romanesques, ou II Don Qinchotte MoJerne, the author of the Oufle, and the author of Don Quixote a Paris ; M. de Vissieux, in el nuero Don QuLcote, and in Spain the humorous author of Friar Gei'iimd^ the author of the Quixote of Castile, and many others of these and other nations, have all proposed to themselves the ingenioso liidalgo (/> l<> Mancha as their model, and have all laboured, though not with equal success, to imitate his life, his adven- tures, and his style. The judicious Justo van Efen, of Holland, recommends this work to be placed in the hands of youth, in order to foster the genius and cultivate the judgment by the eloquence of its style and the agreeable variety of its adventures, for its admirable merit, and wise reflections on manners, for the treasury it contains of judicious censure and 238 LIFE AND WRITINGS excellent advice, and especially for the wit with which it is flavoured. Finally, several public bodies have honoured Don Quixote, by expressing their intention of illustrating it, as well for its chronology and geography, as for its many allusions to persons and historical events. We must not here forget to make mention of a resolution passed by the Academy of Sciences, In- scriptions, Literature, and the Fine Arts, of Troyes, in Champagne, about the middle of the past century, by which one of their body was appointed to traVel into Spain, for the purpose of ascertaining all 'the particulars attending the death of the Pastor Crisos- tomo, and the place of his interment, and of e"hdea- vouring at the same time to collect further information to illustrate Don Quixote, to regulate the itinerary of his expeditions, and to form a chronological table of his adventures, in order to prepare a French trans- lation more exact than any at that time published, and an edition superior to all antecedent Ones, for its correctness and magnificence. The earnest intentions of these men df letters were as commendable as their simplicity and credulity were excessive, in believing in the existence of per- sons who had their origin only in the prolific fancy of Cervantes, and in the reality 'of many actions which were merely ideal or allegorical. They did not reflect, as the learned Huet had done, in his Essay on the origin of this class of novels, relative to the idea that Cervantes adopted, in supposing the- original of his romance to have been in Arabic. Being deceived by this stratagem of Cervantes, the academicians of Troyes persuaded themselves that this work actually existed in Arabic among the manuscripts of the library of the Escurial, and they OF CERVANTES. 239 directed their envoy to compare it with the transla- tion of Cervantes, thinking that from this careful examination, and the publication of the original, much light would be thrown on the subject, and a great benefit be conferred on literature. But in the midst of these commendations and testimonies to the merit of Don Quixote, and the universal applause of ages, there have not been want- ing some harsh critics, who, magnifying its defects, have attempted to lessen its favour, and check the current of applause. " But I would beg of these censurers," says Cervantes himself, "to be more com- passionate and more scrupulous in detecting the spots on the bright sun at which they murmur ; " and he suggests, " that those spots that appear so dark in their eyes, might, in fact, increase the beauty of the object where they are found." In the year 1647, Mons. Sorel published in France a work, entitled Lc. Bcryer Extravagant, with the design of ridiculing books of chivalry, as well in prose as verse, describing the work of Cervantes as full of inconsistencies, as he would prove by the adventures in the house of the Duke and the government of Sancho Panza; where too the curate, and the bachelor Samson Carrasco, leave their village homes to follow Don Quixote ; and in the episodes, of the judgment passed on the writers of romance; with other reflec- tions not less frivolous, and many absurd and repre- hensible remarks; in which he clearly discovers the spirit of a writer, who, carried away by his imagina- tion, criticised and abused his model, with the same petulance and audacity with which he directed his pen against Homer, Virgil, Ariosto, Tasso, Rousseau, and others; without reflecting that the mere circum- stance of placing Cervantes in such high company, 240 LIFE AND WRITINGS was an acknowledgment of that great original merit, which, passing from age to age with enthusiasm and admiration, assured him an ever-during name among all generations of men. From the attacks of an English critic of much the same character as the last mentioned one, Cervantes was defended by the author of a periodical published in Paris, for the year 1 737. This critic, after attacking Bayle, Locke, Mallebranche, the Spectator of Addison, and other authors and books of equal reputation, undertakes to condemn Don Quixote, although he acknowledges the difficulty of passing judgment on a work which had already established itself in the public favour. He pretends to detect inconsistencies and impi'obabilities in the various inci- dents of this romance, as that of the Biscayan, the Benedictines, the galley-slaves, and Dorothea ; and prolixity in the tales of Marcela, Zoraida, the " Curioso Impertinente," and in that of Cardenio, though nothing has been better conceived or related more gracefully ; and, finally, he so magnifies the defects which Cervantes himself indeed acknow- ledged that he attempts to contravene the general opinion of his possessing an accurate taste, and con- cedes to him only an agreeable and prolific imagina- tion, without either correctness of taste or solidity of judgment. It is to be remarked that this criticism is confined to the first part of Don Quixote, and it bears so great a resemblance to that of Avellaneda, that we may almost svispect the English critic of having thence derived his principal charges, as the before-mentioned champion of Cervantes suggests. This person adds, that in order to repel such charges it is necessary to confront them with the work thus accused. All readers of sense and good taste will OF CERVANTES. 241 there meet with such inimitable beauty, such grace of style, such graphic delineation, and propriety of character, that these blemishes, so fastidious-ly repre- sented by malevolence, will disappear, and the sur- prise and delight characteristic of the beautiful and sublime, in works of imagination, will he the best apology for the Spanish novelist. "NVi- cannot wonder that some foreigners, to gratify their self-love, should speak thus of Cervantes, when even the contemporary writers of his own country, who ought to name him with delight and affec- tion, far from showing such manly conduct, endea- voured to discredit and injure his fame, although with the timidity and dissimulation that distinguish conduct so perfidious. None of these dared to appear openly in the field ; and we may easily imagine that the evil motives which inspired the envenomed rage of Avellaneda, spread also among other literary men, jealous of the public applause Cer- vantes had acquired by his works, and of the honours and distinctions which he met with at the hands of his illustrious patrons, and of which they found it so difficult to obtain a share. This, in the opinion of Pelliccr, was the cause of the invective with which Vicente Espinel attempted to lessen the merit of Don Quixote, in order to elevate his own Escudero ^l HI-COB de Obregon, which he published in 1618. This writer had eulogised Cervantes in his youth, had afterwards treated him familiarly in society and at public meetings, had been favourably noticed by him, and they had both equally shared the friendship of the Cardinal of Toledo, and had obtained from his munificence a pension to alleviate the weight of old age and poverty. Hence might be derived the emu- lation that some pretended to discover in the dedica- R 242 LIFE AND "WRITINGS tion of that work, and in many passages of the pro- logue, which he endeavoured to support with the opinion of the friends he consulted, one of whom was Hortensio Felix Paravicino, and who in his license, no doubt spoke the opinion of himself and others, asserting that of all books of general entertainment, that of the Escudero Olregon was one that best deserved to be published ; " for, of writings of this nature," he adds, " it seems to me the best our country possesses ;". though this author, as well as his fellow critics, had seen and read the second part of Don Quixote when it was published two years before. The character and genius of Espinel were confessedly those of a crafty and cavilling critic, as Cervantes indicates in his Viage al Parnaso, and it is not improbable that at the same time that he declares he was one of his oldest and most faithful friands, he directed his shafts against the work of Cer- vantes; while the others joined in a verdict which must seem as violent as iinjust in the impartial eyes of posterity ; for however deserving of approbation the Life of the Escudero Obregon may be, it wants the essential requisites of invention, sense, and beauty of style, that have made Don Quixote a classical work amon all cultivated nations. OP CERVANTES. 243 CHAPTER XVI. New romance of Cervantes Unpublished during his life His own estimate of it By native critics By foreigners Bold and ima- ginative character Strange ideas of the North Wonderful ad- ventures The marvellous Grand extravagances Humorous incidents New method of travelling Specimen* of diablerie Numerous episodes Ironical treatment of his own story Effect of ace, and influence of Catholic priests Superstitious feelings productive of intolerance Injustice towards the AlorUcoes Bad effects of their banishment Touching lament Adventures of the hero and heroine Odd notions of heroic morality. WE have already had occasion to observe, that shortly before his death, Cervantes was employed upon a work, the dedication to which he composed after he had received extreme nnction. It is entitled The Sufferings of 'PcrsilesandSigismunda, a Northern Story ; and to this work, more than to any other of his literary labours, did he attach his hopes of fame. The judgment of the Spanish critics has placed this production by the side of Don Quixote, and above all the author's other works ; but a foreigner will not, we should imagine, concede to it so much merit. It is the offspring of a rich, but at the same time of a wandering imagination, which confines itself within no bounds of the possible or the probable, and which is not sufficiently founded on reality. Cervantes, who was so correct and elegant a painter of all that fell within the sphere of his observation, has been pleased to place the scene of his last talc in a world with which he had no acquaintance. lie had tra- versed Greece, Italy, Spain, and Barbary ; he was at home in every part of the south. He has, how- R2 244 LIFE AND WRITINGS ever, entitled this romance a northern story, and his complete ignorance of the north, in which his scene is laid, and which he imagines to be a land of bar- barians, anthropophagi, pagans, and enchanters, is not a little singular. Don Quixote often promises Sancho Panza the kingdoms of Denmark and Sopra- bisa ; but Cervantes, in fact, knew little more of these countries than his amusing knight. The king of Denmark and the king of Danea are both intro- duced, though Denmark and Danea are the same country. " One half of the isles of that country," he says, " are savage, deserted, and covered with eternal snows ; the other is inhabited by corsairs, who slay men for the purpose of eating their hearts, and make women prisoners, in order to elect from amongst them a queen." The Poles, the Norwegians, the Irish, and the English, are all introduced in their turns, and represented as possessing manners no less extraordinary, and a mode of life no less fantastic ; nor is the scene laid in that remote antiquity, the obscurity of which might admit of such fables. The heroes of the romance are the contemporaries of Cervantes ; and some of them are the soldiers of Charles V., who were marched with him into Flan- ders or Germany, and who afterwards wandered into these terrible northern and desert countries. The hero of the romance, Persiles, is the second son of the King of Iceland, and his mistress, Sigis- munda, is the daughter and heiress of the queen of Fricsland, a country which has escaped frem the chart, but which is now supposed to have been the Feroe islands, where the very veracious travellers of the fifteenth century have placed many of their adventures. Sigismunda had been betrothed to Maximin, the brother of Persiles, whose savage and OF CERVANTES. 245 rude manners were little calculated to captivate the heart of the sweetest, the most beautiful, and the most perfect of women. The two lovers make their escape at the same time, with the intention of tra- velling together on a pilgrimage to Rome; no doubt for the purpose of obtaining from the Pope a dispen- sation from Sigismunda's engagements. Persiles assumes the name of Periander, and Sigismunda that of Auristela ; and during the whole of the romance they appear under these names ; they pass as brother and sister, and the secret of their birth and history, with which we have commenced our account of the novel, is not disclosed until the termination of the work. Their peregrinations through the north are contained in the first volume ; through the south in. the second. Exposed to more dangers than would be amply sufficient for ten reasonable romances; captured by savages and recaptured ; on the point of being roasted and eaten ; shipwrecked innumerable times; separated and reunited; attacked by assas- sins, by poison, and by sorcery, and at the same time robbing all they met of their hearts, they run greater risks from the love they inspire than could be occasioned by hatred itself. The ravishers, how- ever, who dispute for them, combat so fiercely amongst themselves, that they are all slain. In this manner perish all the inhabitants of the barbarous isle, where a whole nation of pirates are consumed in the flames which they have themselves lighted. On another occasion, all the sailors of a vessel fight until none are left ; but this was necessary, that our travellers might have a fit conveyance. This ro- mance is, indeed, a singularly bloody one. Besides those who perish by wholesale, the numbers of those who either die or kill themselves, would almost fill 246 LIFE AND WRITINGS the ranks of an army. The history of the hero and the heroine is interspersed with a thousand episodes. Before they arrive at the end of their journey they collect a numerous caravan, each member of which in turn recites his adventures. These are always, of course, most extraordinary, and manifest great fertility of invention. Many of them are amusing, but it appears to me that nothing is more fatiguing than the marvellous ; and that there is never so great a similarity as between productions which resemble nothing else in natiire. Cervantes, in this novel, has fallen into many of the errors which he so humor- ously exposed in Don Quixote. We cannot suppose that in Don Belianis, or in Felix Mars of Hircania, more extravagance is to be found than in these vo- lumes. The style of the ancient romance writers, it is true, did not possess so much elegance and purity. Amongst the episodes, there is one which appears to us very interesting, less on account of its own merits, than because it reminds us of an amusing tale of one of our celebrated contemporaries. Persiles in the barbarous isle discovers, amongst the pirates of the Baltic, a man who is called Rutilio de Sienna, who is a dancing master, like Monsieur Violis amongst the Iroquois. In his own country he had entrapped one of his scholars, and had been imprisoned prepara- tory to his suffering a capital punishment. A witch, however, who, it appears, had fallen in love with him, opened the doors of his prison, and she spread a mantle on the ground before him. " She then desired me to place my foot upon it and to be of good courage, but for a moment to omit my devotions. I immediately saw that this was a bad beginning, and I perceived that her object was to convey me through the air. Although, like a good Christian, I held all OF CERVANTES. 247 sorcery in contempt, yet the fear of death in this instance made me resolve to obey her. I placed my foot in the middle of the mantle, and she also. At the same time she muttered some words which I could not understand, and the mantle began to ascend. I felt so terribly afraid, that there was not a single saint in the calendar whom, in my heart, I did not invoke. The enchantress doubtless perceived my terror, and divined my prayers, for she again com- manded me to abstain from them. ' Wretch that I am !' exclaimed I, ' what good can I hope for, if I am prevented asking it from God, from whom proceeds all good ?' At last I shut my eyes, and suffered the devils to convey me whither they would, for such are the only post-horses with which witches travel. After having been carried through the air for four hours, or a little more, as I should suppose, I found myself at the close of the day in an unknown country. " As soon as the mantle touched the ground, my companion said to me, ' Friend Rutilio, you have arrived at a place where the whole human race can- not harm you.' As she spoke these words, she em- braced me with very little reserve. I repelled her with all my strength, and perceived that she had taken the figure of a wolf. The sight froze my senses. However, as often happens in great dangers, when the very hopelessness of escape gives us desperate strength, I seized a hanger which I had by my side, and with unspeakable fury plunged it into the breast of what appeared to me to be a wolf, but which, as it fell, lost that terrific shape. The enchantress, bathed in her blood, lay stretched at my feet. " Consider, sirs, that I was in a country perfectly unknown to me, and without a single person to guide me. I waited for many hours the return of day, 248 LIFE AND WRITINGS but still it appeared not, and in the horizon there was no sign which announced the approaching sun. I quitted the corpse which excited in my heart so much fear and terror, and minutely examined the appear- ance of the heavens. I observed the motion of the stars, and from the course which they pursued, I imagined that it should have been day. As I stood in this state of confusion, I heard the voice of people approaching the spot where I was. I advanced towards them, and demanded, in Tuscan, in what country I might be. One of them answered in Italian, ' This country is Norway ; but who are you, who question us in a language so little known ?' ' I am,' said I, ' a wretch who, in attempting to escape from death, have fallen into his hands,' and in a few words I related to them my journey, and the death of the enchantress. He who had spoken, appeared to pity me, and said, ' You ought, my good friend, to be very thankful to Heaven, which has delivered you from out of the power of wicked sorcerers, of whom there are many in these northern parts. It is said, indeed, that they transform themselves into he-wolves and she -wolves, for there are enchanters of both sexes. I know not how this can be, and as a Christian and a catholic, I do not believe it, notwith- standing experience demonstrates the contrary. It may, indeed, be said, that these transformations are the illusions of the devil, who, by God's permission, thus punishes the sins of this evil generation.' I then asked him the hour, as the night appeared to me very long, and the day came not. He replied, that in these remote regions the year was divided into four portions. There were three months of perfect night, during which the sun never appeared above the horizon ; three months of day-break, which were OP CERVANTES. 249 neither day nor night; three months of uninterrupted daylight, during which the sun never set ; and lastly, three months of twilight : that the season was then the morning twilight, so that it was useless to look for the appearance of day. He added, that I must postpone until the perfect day my prospect of return- ing home ; but that then Tcssels would sail with merchandise to England, France and Spain. He inquired whether 1 was acquainted with any occu- pation by which I could support myself till my return to my own country. I replied that I was a dancing-master, very skilful in the saltatory art, as well as in the nimble use of my fingers. Upon this, my new friend beganto laugh most heartily, and assured me that these occupations, or duties, as I called them, were not in fashion in Norway, or in the neighbour- ing countries." Rutilio's host, who was the great- grandson of an Italian, taught him to work as a goldsmith. He afterwards made a voyage for com- mercial purposes, and was taken by pirates, and carried to the Barbarous Isle, where he remained until all the inhabitants were destroyed in a tumult, when he escaped, together with Persilcs and Sigis- munda. In this episode we recognise the pen of the author of Don Quixote. The insignificance of the hero, and the greatness of the incidents are here as pleasantly contrasted, as in Don Quixote are the dignity of the hero and the petty nature of the incidents. His humorous spirit, however, and this ironical style of treating his own story, only manifest themselves occasionally in the work, which, in its serious marvellousness, is often fatiguing. In perusing the latter works of Cervantes, the idea has more than once struck us that we could trace the 250 LIFE AND WRITINGS progress which superstition was making in Spain, under its more imbecile sovereigns ; and the influence which it was acquiring over the mind of an old man surrounded by priests, whose object it was to render him as intolerant and cruel as themselves. In his novel of Rinconete and Cortadillo, Cervantes makes a skilful and delicate attack upon the superstitions of his country ; and a similar spirit is observable in his Don Quixote. The episode of Ricoto the Moor, the countryman of Sancho Panza, who relates the suffer- ings of the Moors, forthemost part professed Christians, on their banishment from Spain, is highly touching. " The punishment of exile," says he, " which some esteem light and humane, is to us the most terrible of all. Wherever we roam, we lament Spain ; for there were we born, and that is our native country. No where have we found the asylum which our misfortunes merited. In Barbary, and in every part of Africa, where we had hoped to meet with a friendly reception, an abiding-place, and kind treatment, we have been more injured and more outraged than elsewhere. We knew not the benefits which we possessed until we lost them. The desire which we almost all of us feel to return into Spain is so great, that the greater part amongst us who like me under- stand the language, and they are not few, have returned into this country, leaving their wives and children without support. It is now only that we feel by experience how devoted is that love of our country which we formerly used to hear spoken of." With whatever reserve the established authorities are alluded to in this story, and in the equally affect- ing story of his daughter Ricota, it is impossible that it should not excite a deep interest for so many un- OF CERVANTES. 251 fortunate beings, who, aggrieved in their religion, oppressed by the laws no less than by individual tyranny, had been driven with their wives and their children, to the number of six hundred thousand, from a country where they had been established for more than eight centuries ; a country which owed to them its agriculture, its commerce, its prosperity, and no inconsiderable part of its literature. In Persiles and Sigismunda there is a Moorish adventure, the time of which is laid near the period of their expulsion from Spain. But in this place, Cer- vantes endeavours to render the Mussulmans odious, and to justify the cruel law which had been put in execution against them. The heroes of the romance arrive with a caravan at a Moorish village in the kingdom of Valencia, situated about a league distant from the sea. The Moors hasten to welcome them ; offering their houses, and displaying the most obliging hospitality. The travellers at length yield to these entreaties, and take up their lodging with the richest Moor in the village. Scarcely, however, had they retired to repose, when the daughter of their host secretly apprises them, that they have been thus pressingly invited in order that they might be en- trapped on board a Barbary fleet which would arrive in the night, for the purpose of transporting the in- habitants of the village and all their riches to the short-s of Africa; and that their host hoped by making them prisoners to procure a large ransom. The tra- vellers, in consequence of this intelligence, take refuge in the church, where they fortify themselves ; and in the night the inhabitants of the village having burned their dwellings, set sail for Africa. Cervantes, on this occasion, speaks in the person of a Christian Moor : " Happy youth ! prudent King, go on, and 252 LIFE AND WRITINGS execute this generous decree of banishment ; fear not that the country will be deserted and uninhabited. Hesitate not to exile even those who have received baptism ; considerations like these ought not to im- pede your progress, for experience has shown how vain they are. In a little while the land will be repeopled with new Christians, but of the ancient race. It will recover its fertility, and attain a higher prosperity than it now possesses. If the lord should not have vassals so numerous and so humble, yet those who remain will be faithful catholics. With them the roads will be secure, peace will reign, and our property will be no longer exposed to the attacks of these robbers." This work leads us to hazard another remark on the character of the Spanish nation. The hero and heroine are represented as patterns of perfection. They are young, beautiful, brave, generous, and de- voted to one another, beyond any thing which human nature can be supposed to attain ; yet with all these rare qualities, they are addicted to falsehood, as though it were their professional business, far beyond the ordinary tales of travellers. Upon every occasion, and before they can possibly know whether the false- hood will be useful or prejudicial to them, they make it their invariable rule to say the thing which is not in direct violation of the truth. If any one ask them a simple question, they are sure to deceive him ; if any one confides in them, they deceive him ; if any one asks their advice, they deceive him ; and those who are most attached to them, are most surely the objects of this dissimulation. Arnaldo, of Denmark, a noble and generous prince, is from beginning to end made the wretched victim of Sigismunda's dupli- city. Sinforosa is no less cruelly deceived by Persiles. OF CERVANTI>. 253 Policarpo,whohad shown them great hospitality, loses his kingdom by the crooked policy and operation of their artifices. Every untruth, however, proving successful, the personal interest of the hero is supposed to justify the measure ; and what would to our eyes appear an act of base dissimulation, is represented by Cervantes as an effort of happy prudence. AVe are well aware that foreigners, who have tra- velled in Spain, and merchants who have traded with the Castilians, unanimously praise their good faith and honesty. Such authorities must be believed. Nothing is more common than to calumniate a people who are separated from us by their language and their manners ; and those virtues must indeed be real, which can triumph over all our national prejudices. The literature of Spain, nevcrth eless, does not strengthen our confidence in the good faith of the Castilians ; not only is dissimulation crowned with success in their comedies, their romances, and their descriptions of national manners, but that quality absolutely receives greater honour than candour. In the writers of the northern nations we discover an air of sincerity and frankness, and an openness of heart, which we may look for in vain among the Spanish authors. Their history bears a stronger testimony even than their literature to the truth of this accusation, which hangs over all the people of the south, and induces a suspicion of want of faith, which their sense of honour, their religion, and the system of morality current amongst them, would seem to justify. No history is sullied by more instances of perfidy than that of Spain. No government has ever made so light of its oaths and its most sacred engagements. From the reign of Ferdinand the Catholic, to the time of the administration of Cardinal Alberoni, every 254 LIFE AND WRITINGS war, every public treaty, every relation between the government and the people, is marked by the most odious treachery. Their astute policy, however, gained the admiration of the world, and they con- trived to separate truth from honour.* CHAPTER XVII. WDScI vuuuila HIIU unniYolo AH MUSS ui v^t i van Lea i i iva