LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class SCIENTIFIC PAPERS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, C. F. CLAY, MANAGER. FETTER LANE, E.G. 50, WELLINGTON STREET. ILetpjts: F. A. BROCKHAUS. eto Sorfe: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. Bombay anD Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO.. LTD. [All Rights reserved.] SCIENTIFIC PAPERS BY SIR GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN, K.C.B., F.R.S. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE PLUMIAN PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE VOLUME I OCEANIC TIDES AND LUNAR DISTURBANCE OF GRAVITY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of s4UFCKN CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1907 (JTamtrtDgc PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PBEFACE. WHEN the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press did me the honour of offering to publish a collection of my mathematical papers, I had to consider the method of arrangement which would be most con- venient. A simple chronological order has been adopted in various collections of this kind, and this plan certainly has advantages ; but an arrangement of papers according to subject may be more convenient. In the case of my own work the separation into well-defined groups of subjects was easy, and I have therefore adopted this latter method. I shall, however, give at the beginning of each volume a chronological list with a statement as to the volume in which each paper will be found. This first volume contains papers on Oceanic Tides and on an attempt to measure the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity ; the second will give my papers on Tidal Friction and on the astronomical speculations arising therefrom; the third will be devoted to papers on Figures of Equilibrium of Rotating Liquid and on cognate subjects; and the fourth will be on Periodic Orbits and on various miscellaneous subjects. Throughout corrections and additions will be marked by inclusion in square parentheses. The whole of my work on oceanic tides and the attempt made by my brother Horace and me to measure the attraction of the moon sprang from ideas initiated by Lord Kelvin, and I should wish to regard this present volume as being, in a special sense, a tribute to him. Early in my scientific career it was my good fortune to be brought into close personal relationship with Lord Kelvin. Many visits to Glasgow and to Largs have taught me to look up to him as my master, and I cannot find words to express how much I owe to his friendship and to his inspiration. 181576 VI PREFACE. The following statement gives in a few words an explanation of how the several investigations originated, and how they are connected together. Part I is devoted to the consideration of OCEANIC TIDES. The advisability of applying to the tides a method of analysis similar to that used in the Lunar and Planetary Theories was first suggested by Lord Kelvin. Reports on the Harmonic Analysis of tidal observations were drawn up by him and presented to the British Association in 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872 and 1876. As the analysis employed in those reports needed coordination and revision, a new committee consisting of Professor Adams and myself was appointed in 1882. Professor Adams left the matter very much in my hands, although I enjoyed the great benefit of his advice from time to time. The first three papers below form the first, third and fourth reports of this Committee. The second report being merely formal is not reproduced. Some paragraphs of a merely temporary interest are omitted, and a few corrections and alterations have been made by the light of subsequent experience. These papers explain the method of harmonic analysis, and its connection with the old method of hour-angles, declinations and parallaxes. The third paper shows how a tide-table may be computed from the harmonic tidal constants. The fourth paper is an Article on the Tides written for the Admiralty Scientific Manual, and is reprinted by permission of the Admiralty. It explains the method of analysing a short series of observations and the computation of an approximate tide-table. A small mistake in the Manual has been corrected. The Article would have been too long for its place of publication if it had contained the analytical reasoning on which the several rules of procedure are based, but this analysis is contained in the three preceding papers. In the fifth paper a method is devised for evaluating the harmonic constants from observations of high and low-water. The sixth paper explains the use of a sort of abacus for the harmonic analysis of hourly observations. In the seventh paper I return to the subject of the third paper, and show how a tide-table may be formed from the harmonic constants with any desirable degree of accuracy. PREFACE. Vll Next in logical order would have come two papers in which Colonel Baird and I began a systematic collection of tidal constants for several ports, but these papers are not reproduced. We did not continue our attempt, and fortunately Mr Rollin Harris has made a large collection of such results in his Manual of Tides published by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The rest of the papers in Part I are devoted to the theory of the tides. In Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy Lord Kelvin discussed the correction required to make the equilibrium theory of tides true of an ocean interrupted by continents. The eighth paper gives the numerical evaluation of this correction by Professor H. H. Turner and me. The ninth paper is an extract of paragraphs contributed to the second edition of Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, in which an attempt is made to estimate the amount of tidal yielding to which the solid earth is subject. Laplace was of opinion that the tidal oscillations of long period might be adequately represented by the equilibrium theory. But Lord Kelvin showed that a yielding of the solid earth would produce a calculable reduction of the oceanic tide according to the equilibrium theory. Accordingly it appeared that a measurement of the actual values of the tides of long period would afford a measure of the elastic yielding of the earth's mass. In this ninth paper an evaluation is made of the ranges of these tides at a number of ports; and thence an estimate is obtained of the tidal yielding of the earth. The tenth paper is on the dynamical theory of the tides, being an extract from an unpublished article on Tides for a new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; it is reproduced by the kind permission of the proprietors of that work. My article in the old edition forms the basis of this new article, but Mr Hough's important addition to that theory is now included. In the eleventh paper arguments are adduced controverting Laplace's opinion as to the adequacy of the equilibrium theory for discussing the tides of long period, and it is shown that the problem is in fact a dynamical one. Hence the evaluation of the amount of elastic yielding of the earth by means of the observed heights of these tides cannot be accepted as exact. The last paper in the first part contains the reduction of the tidal observations made by the officers of the ' Discovery ' in the course of their celebrated antarctic expedition. The volumes of scientific results of the ' Discovery ' are not yet published. VU1 PREFACE. Part II contains two papers on the LUNAR DISTURBANCE OP GRAVITY. They were reports of a Committee to the British Association on an attempt to make direct measurement of the attraction of the moon. The work was carried on at Cambridge in 1880 by my brother Horace and me, with a form of instrument of which the original idea is due to Lord Kelvin. Although the report is written in my name, it should be explained that my brother took the leading part in our experiments and designed all the mechanical appliances used. The second of these papers, the fourteenth in the volume, is principally historical, but it contains an investigation of the results which may be expected to result from the varying elastic flexure of the soil under varying superincumbent weights. The matters considered in these papers have been the subject of very many experimental investigations during the last twenty-five years, and a large bibliography of seismology would be required merely to enumerate all that has been written on them. I therefore make no attempt to furnish references, and leave the work in the form in which it appeared originally. G. H. DARWIN. September, 1907. CONTENTS. PAGE Chronological List of Papers with References to the Volumes in which they probably will be contained ..... xi PART I. OCEANIC TIDES. ART. 1. The Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations .... 1 [Report of a Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations. British Association Report for 1883, pp. 49118.] 2. On the Periods Chosen for Harmonic Analysis, and a Com- parison with the Older Methods by means of Hour-angles and Declinations 70 [Third Report of the Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations. Drawn up by Professor G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1885, pp. 3560.] 3. Datum Levels: the Treatment of a Short Series of Tidal Observations and on Tidal Prediction 97 [Report of the Committee consisting of Professor G. H. DARWIN, Sir W. THOMSON, and Major BAIRD, for the purpose of preparing instructions for the practical work of Tidal Observation ; and Fourth Report of the Committee consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations. Drawn up by G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1886, pp. 4058.] 4. A General Article on the Tides 119 [Article "Tides," Admiralty Scientific Manual (1886), pp. 5391.] 5. On the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations of High and Low Water 157 [Proceedings of the Royal Society, XLVIII. (1890), pp. 278 340.] 6. On an Apparatus for Facilitating the Reduction of Tidal Observations 216 [Proceedings of the Royal Society, LII. (1892), pp. 345389.] 7. On Tidal Prediction 258 [Bakerian Lecture, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLXXXII. (1891), A, pp. 159229.] 8. On the Correction to the Equilibrium Theory of Tides for the Continents. I. By G. H. DARWIN. II. By H. H. TURNER . 328 [Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, XL. (1886), pp. 303315.] X CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 9. Attempted Evaluation of the Rigidity of the Earth from the Tides of Long Period 340 [This is 848 of the second edition of Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy (1883). There have been some changes of notation, so as to make the investigation consistent with the other papers in this volume. Some portions have been omitted, where omissions could be made without any interference with the main result.] 10. Dynamical Theory of the Tides 347 [This contains certain sections from the article " TIDES " written in 1906 for the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, being based on the corresponding paragraphs in the original edition and on the article " TIDES " in the supplementary volumes. Reproduced by special per- mission of the Proprietors of the Enc. Brit.~\ 11. On the Dynamical Theory of the Tides of Long Period . . 366 [Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, XLI. (1886), pp. 337 342.] 12. On the Antarctic Tidal Observations of the 'Discovery' . 372 [To be published hereafter as a contribution to the scientific results of the voyage of the ' Discovery.'] PART II. THE LUNAR DISTURBANCE OF GRAVITY. 13. On an Instrument for Detecting and Measuring Small Changes in the Direction of the Force of Gravity. By G. H. DARWIN arid HORACE DARWIN 389 [Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr G. H. DARWIN, Professor Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, Professor TAIT, Professor GRANT, Dr SIEMENS, Professor PURSER, Professor G. FORBES, and Mr HORACE DARWIN, appointed for the Measurement of the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity. This Report is written in the name of G. H. DARWIN merely for the sake of verbal convenience. British Association Report for 1881, pp. 93126.] 14. The Lunar Disturbance of Gravity; Variations in the Vertical due to Elasticity of the Earth's Surface .... 430 [Second Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr G. H. DARWIN, Professor Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, Professor TAIT, Professor GRANT, Dr SIEMENS, Professor PURSER, Professor G. FORBES, and Mr HORACE DARWIN, appointed for the Measurement of the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity. Written by Mr G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1882, pp. 95119.] INDEX 461 PLATE. Abacus for the harmonic analysis of tidal observations To face 219 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PAPERS WITH REFERENCES TO THE VOLUMES IN WHICH THEY WILL PROBABLY BE CONTAINED. Probable volume in collected YEAR TITLE AND REFERENCE papers 1875 On two applications of Peaucellier's cells. London Math. Soc. Proc., IV 6, 1875, pp. 113, 114. 1875 On some proposed forms of slide-rule. London Math. Soc. Proc., 6, IV 1875, p. 113. 1875 The mechanical description of equipotential lines. London Math. Soc. IV Proc., 6, 1875, pp. 115117. 1875 On a mechanical representation of the second elliptic integral. Mes- IV senger of Math., 4, 1875, pp. 113115. 1875 On maps of the World. Phil. Mag., 50, 1875, pp. 431-444. IV 1876 On graphical interpolation and integration. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1876, IV p. 13. 1876 On the influence of geological changes on the Earth's axis of rotation. Ill Roy. Soc. Proc., 25, 1877, pp. 328332 ; Phil. Trans., 167, 1877, pp. 271312. 1876 On an oversight in the Mecanique Celeste, and on the internal densities III of the planets. Astron. Soc. Month. Not., 37, 1877, pp. 77 89. 1877 A geometrical puzzle. Messenger of Math., 6, 1877, p. 87. IV ^ 1877 A geometrical illustration of the potential of a distant centre of force. IV Messenger of Math., 6, 1877, pp. 9798. 1877 Note on the ellipticity of the Earth's strata. Messenger of Math., 6, III 1877, pp. 109, 110. 1877 On graphical interpolation and integration. Messenger of Math., 6, IV 1877, pp. 134136. 1877 On a theorem in spherical harmonic analysis. Messenger of Math., 6, IV 1877, pp. 165168. 1877 On a suggested explanation of the obliquity of planets to their orbits. II Phil. Mag., 3, 1877, pp. 188192. 1877 On fallible measures of variable quantities, and on the treatment of IV meteorological observations. Phil. Mag., 4, 1877, pp. 114. 1878 On Professor Haughton's estimate of geological time. Roy. Soc. Proc., IV 27, 1878, pp. 179183. 1878 On the bodily tides of viscous and semi-elastic spheroids, and on the II Ocean tides on a yielding nucleus. Roy. Soc. Proc., 27, 1878, pp. 419424; Phil. Trans., 170, 1879, pp. 135. Xll CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PAPERS. Probable volume YEAR TITLE AND REFERENCE ^pel 1878 On the precession of a viscous spheroid. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1878, II pp. 482485. 1879 On the precession of a viscous spheroid, and on the remote history of II the Earth. Roy. Soc. Proc., 28, 1879, pp. 184194 ; Phil. Trans., 170, 1879, pp. 447538. 1879 Problems connected with the tides of a viscous spheroid. Roy. Soc. II Proc., 28, 1879, pp. 194199 ; Phil. Trans., 170, 1879, pp. 539593. 1879 Note on Thomson's theory of the tides of an elastic sphere. Messenger II of Math., 8, 1879, pp. 2326. 1879 The determination of the secular effects of tidal friction by a graphical II method. Roy. Soc. Proc., 29, 1879, pp. 168181. 1880 On the secular changes in the elements of the orbit of a satellite II revolving about a tidally distorted planet. Roy. Soc. Proc., 30, 1880, pp. 110; Phil. Trans., 171, 1880, pp. 713891. 1880 On the analytical expressions which give the history of a fluid planet of II small viscosity, attended by a single satellite. Roy. Soc. Proc., 30, 1880, pp. 255278. 1880 On the secular effects of tidal friction. Astr. Nachr., 96, 1880, omitted col. 217222. 1881 On the tidal friction of a planet attended by several satellites, and on II the evolution of the solar system. Roy. Soc. Proc., 31, 1881, pp. 322325; Phil. Trans., 172, 1881, pp. 491535. 1881 On the stresses caused in the interior of the Earth by the weight of II continents and mountains. Phil. Trans., 173, 1883, pp. 187 230; Amer. Journ. Sci., 24, 1882, pp. 256269. 1881 (Together with Horace Darwin.) On an instrument for detecting and I measuring small changes in the direction of the force of gravity. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1881, pp. 93126; Annal. Phys. Chem., Beibl. 6, 1882, pp. 5962. 1882 On variations in the vertical due to elasticity of the Earth's surface. I Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1882, pp. 106119; Phil. Mag., 14, 1882, pp. 409427. 1882 On the method of harmonic analysis used in deducing the numerical omitted values of the tides of long period, and on a misprint in the Tidal Report for 1872. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1882, pp. 319327. 1882 A numerical estimate of the rigidity of the. Earth. Brit. Assoc. Rep., I 1882, pp. 472-474 ; 848, Thomson and Tait's Nat. Phil, second edition. 1883 Report on the Harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Brit. Assoc. I Rep., 1883, pp. 49117. 1883 On the figure of equilibrium of a planet of heterogeneous density. Ill Roy. Soc. Proc., 36, pp. 158166. 1883 On the horizontal thrust of a mass of sand. Instit. Civ. Engin. Proc., IV 71, 1883, pp. 350378. 1884 On the formation of ripple-mark in sand. Roy. Soc. Proc., 36, 1884, IV pp. 1843. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PAPERS. Xlll YEAR 1884 1885 1885 1885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1890 1891 TITLE AND REFERENCE Second Keport of the Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. Darwin and J. C. Adams, for the harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Drawn up by Professor G. H. Darwin. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1884, pp. 3335. Note on a previous paper. Roy. Soc. Proc., 38, pp. 322 328. (Jointly with Probable volume in collected papers omitted II omitted Results of the harmonic analysis of tidal observations. A. W. Baird.) Roy. Soc. Proc., 39, pp. 135207. Third Report of the Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. Darwin I and J. C. Adams, for the harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Drawn up by Professor G. H. Darwin. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1885, pp. 3560. Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor G. H. Darwin, I Sir W. Thomson, and Major Baird, for preparing instructions for the practical work of tidal observation ; and Fourth Report of the Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. Darwin and J. C. Adams, for the harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Drawn up by Professor G. H. Darwin. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1886, pp. 4058. Presidential Address. Section A, Mathematical and Physical Science. IV Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1886, pp. 511518. On the correction to the equilibrium theory of tides for the continents. I i. By G. H. Darwin, n. By H. H. Turner. Roy. Soc. Proc., 40, pp. 303315. On Jacobi's figure of equilibrium for a rotating mass of fluid. Roy. Ill Soc. Proc., 41, pp. 319336. On the dynamical theory of the tides of long period. Roy. Soc. Proc., I 41, pp. 337342. Article 'Tides.' (Admiralty) Manual of Scientific Inquiry. I On figures of equilibrium of rotating masses of fluid. Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, III pp. 359362 ; Phil. Trans., 178A, pp. 379428. Note on Mr Davison's Paper on the straining of the Earth's crust in IV cooling. Phil. Trans., 178A, pp. 242249. Article ' Tides.' Encyclopaedia Britannica. Certain sections in I On the mechanical conditions of a swarm of meteorites, and on theories IV of cosmogony. Roy. Soc. Proc., 45, pp. 3 16; Phil. Trans., 180A, pp. 169. Second series of results of the harmonic analysis of tidal observations, omitted Roy. Soc. Proc., 45, pp. 556611. Meteorites and the history of Stellar systems. Roy. Inst. Rep., Friday, omitted Jan. 25, 1889. On the harmonic analysis of tidal observations of high and low water. I Roy. Soc. Proc., 48, pp. 278340. On tidal prediction. Bakerian Lecture. Roy. Soc. Proc., 49, pp. 130 I 133; Phil. Trans., 182A, pp. 159229. XIV CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PAPERS. Probable volume in collected YEAK TITLE AND REFERENCE papers 1892 On an apparatus for facilitating the reduction of tidal observations. 1 Roy. Soc. Proc., 52, pp. 345389. 1896 On periodic orbits. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1896, pp. 708, 709. omitted 1897 Periodic orbits. Acta Mathematica, 21, pp. 101 242, also (with IV omission of certain tables of results) Mathem. Annalen, 51, pp. 523583. [by S. S. Hough. On certain discontinuities connected with periodic IV orbits. Acta Math., 24 (1901), pp. 257288.] 1899 The theory of the figure of the Earth carried to the second order of III small quantities. Roy. Astron. Soc. Month. Not., 60, pp. 82 124. 1900 Address delivered by the President, Professor G. H. Darwin, on IV presenting the Gold Medal of the Society to M. H. Poincare. Roy. Astron. Soc. Month. Not., 60, pp. 406415. 1901 Ellipsoidal harmonic analysis. Roy. Soc. Proc., 68, pp. 248252 ; III Phil. Trans., 197A, pp. 461557. 1901 On the pear-shaped figure of equilibrium of a rotating mass of liquid. Ill Roy. Soc. Proc., 69, pp. 147, 148; Phil. Trans., 198A, pp. 301331. 1902 Article ' Tides.' Encyclopaedia Britannica, supplementary volumes. Certain sections in I 1902 The stability of the pear-shaped figure of equilibrium of a rotating mass III of liquid. Roy. Soc. Proc., 71, pp. 178183; Phil. Trans., 200A, pp. 251314. 1903 On the integrals of the squares of ellipsoidal surface harmonic functions. Ill Roy. Soc. Proc., 72, p. 492; Phil. Trans., 203A, pp. 111137. 1903 The approximate determination of the form of Maclaurin's spheroid. Ill Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 4, pp. 113 133. 1903 The Eulerian nutation of the Earth's axis. Bull. Acad. Roy. de IV Belgique (Sciences), pp. 147 161. 1905 The analogy between Lesage's theory of gravitation and the repulsion IV of light. Roy. Soc. Proc., 76A, pp. 387410. 1905 Address by Professor G. H. Darwin, President. Brit. Assoc. Rep., IV 1905, pp. 332. 1906 On the figure and stability of a liquid satellite. Roy. Soc. Proc., 77A, III pp. 422425 ; Phil. Trans., 206A, pp. 161248. Unpublished Article ' Tides.' Encyclopaedia Britannica, new edition to be published hereafter (by permission of the proprietors). Certain sections in I Unpublished Article ' Bewegung der Hydrosphare ' (The Tides). Encyklo- IV padie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vi. PART I OCEANIC TIDES 1. THE HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [Report of a Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Obser- vations. British Association Report for 1883, pp. 49 118.] CONTENTS. SECT. PAGE PREFACE Account of Operations 2 1. Notation adopted in the Tidal Reports [A] Schedule of Notation . . 4 2. Development of the Equilibrium Theory of Tides, with reference to Tidal Observations Tide-generating Potential Evection Variation Equili- brium Tide [B i.] [B ii.] [B iii.] Schedules of Lunar Tides [C] Schedule of Solar Tides [D] Schedule of Speeds in Degrees per m. s. hour [E] Schedule of Theoretical Importance ....... 6 3. Tides depending on the Fourth Power of the Moon's Parallax ... 26 4. Meteorological Tides, Over-tides, and Compound Tides [F] Schedule of Over- tides [G] Schedule of Speeds arising out of Combinations [H] Schedule of Compound Tides 28 5. The Method of Reduction of Tidal Observations Definitions of A, B, R, , f, H, V+u, K Treatment of Sidereal Diurnal, and Semi-diurnal Tides, K 1} K 2 The Tide L The Tide M x 34 6. The Method of Computing the Arguments and Coefficients Formulae for Computing /, i/, | Mean Values of the Coefficients in Schedules [B] Formulae for Computing f Formulae for s, p, h, pi, N . . . . 40 7. Summary of Initial Arguments and Factors of Reduction Schedule [I] . 45 8. On the Reductions of the Published Results of Tidal Analysis [Schedule [J] omitted] 48 9. Description of the Numerical Harmonic Analysis for the Tides of Short Period Incidence of Special Hours amongst m. s. hours Schedule [K] Form for entry of Tidal Observations Choice of Special Periods ; [Schedule [L] omitted] Augmenting Factors, Schedule [M] Arrange- ment of Harmonic Analysis Schedule [N], Form for Analysis Schedule [0], Form for Evaluation of C, R, K, H 48 10. On the Harmonic Analysis for Tides of Long Period Methods of taking Daily Means Clearance from Effect of Tides of Short Period Adams' use of Tide Predictor for this end Ten final Equations for Components of Tides Schedule [P] of the Coefficients in the Ten Equations Clearance of Daily Means effected in the Final Equations, Schedule [Q] of Clearance Coefficients Treatment for Gaps in the Series of Observations . . 57 11. Method of Equivalent Multipliers for the Harmonic Analysis for the Tides of Long Period Schedule [R], Form for Reduction 66 12. Auxiliary Tables drawn up under the superintendence of Major A. W. Baird, R.E. [largely abridged, and replaced by formulae] 68 D. I. 1 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 Preface. Account of Opwations. A COMMITTEE appointed for the examination of the question of the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations practically finds itself engaged in the question of the reduction of Indian Tidal Observations; since it is only in that country that any extensive system of observation with systematic publication of results* exists. [Early in 1883] I proceeded to draw up a considerable part of this Report, had it printed, and submitted it to Major Baird f. I was not at that time aware of the extent to which Mr Roberts, of the Nautical Almanac office, co-operated in England in the tidal operations, nor did I know that he was not unfrequently taking the advice of Professor Adams. It was not until Major Baird had read what I had written, and expressed his approval of the methods suggested, that these facts came to my knowledge ; but it must be admitted that it was through my own carelessness that this was so. I then found that Professor Adams decidedly disapproved of the notation adopted, and would have preferred to throw over the notation of the old Reports \ and take a new departure. The notation of the old Reports seems to me also to be unsatisfactory, but, seeing that Major Baird and his staff were already familiar with that notation, I considered that an entire change would be impolitic, and that it was better to allow the greater part of the existing notation to stand, but to introduce modifications. The fact that Major Baird, who was actually to work the method, approved of what had been written, and had already mastered it, went far to prejudge the question, and Professor Adams agreed, after discussion, that it would on the whole be best to allow the work to go on in the lines in which it had been started. It has seemed proper to give this account of our operations in order that Professor Adams may be relieved from responsibility for the analytical methods and notation here adopted. I may state, however, that although the Report is drawn up in a form probably differing widely from that which it would have had if Professor Adams had been the author, yet he agrees with the correctness of the methods pursued. I have been in constant communication with him for the past eight months, and have received many valuable criticisms and suggestions. Mr Roberts has been supervising the printing of a new edition of the computation forms; they have undergone some modification in accordance * [This refers to the year 1883.] f [Now Colonel Baird, R.E., F.R.S., at that time the officer in charge at Poona of the Tidal Department of the Survey of India.] J [These are the Reports to the British Association for the years 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1876.] 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 3 with this Report. He has also computed certain new coefficients [Schedule Q] which are required in the reductions. The general scope of this paper is to form a manual for the reduction of tidal observations by the Harmonic Analysis inaugurated by Sir William Thomson, and carried out by the previous Committee of the British Association *. In the present Report the method of mathematical treatment differs considerably from that of Sir William Thomson f. In particular, he has followed, and extended to the diurnal tides, Laplace's method of referring each tide to the motion of an astre fictif in the heavens, and he considers that these fictitious satellites are helpful in forming a clear conception of the equilibrium theory of tides. As, however, I have found the fiction rather a hindrance than otherwise, I have ventured to depart from this method, and have connected each tide with an 'argument,' or an angle increasing uniformly with the time and giving by its hourly increase the ' speed ' of the tide. In the method of the astres fictif s, the speed is the difference between the earth's angular velocity of rotation and the motion of the fictitious satellite amongst the stars. It is a consequence of the difference in the mode of treatment, and of the fact that the elliptic tides are here developed to a higher degree of approximation, that none of the present Report is quoted from the previous ones. The Report of 1876 was not intended to be a final production, and it did not contain any complete explanation of a considerable portion of the numerical operations of the Harmonic Analysis. The present Report is intended to systematise the exposition of the theory of the harmonic analysis, to complete the methods of reduction, and to explain the whole process. A careful survey of the methods hitherto in use has brought to light a good many minor points in which improvements may be introduced, but it has seemed desirable not to disturb the system, which is in working order, more than can be helped. It has also appeared that the published results have not been arranged in a form which lends itself to a satisfactory exami- nation of the whole method. This defect will, we hope, now be remedied. The first section refers to the notation, and contains a schedule of nomen- clature by initials of the several tides under examination. The schedule is not, strictly speaking, in its proper position at the beginning, because it involves the results of subsequent analysis, but the advantage gained by having this list in a position of easy reference seems to outweigh the want of logic. * See especially the Reports for 1872 and 1876. t The present method of development is that pursued in a paper in the Phil. Trans. R.S., Part II. 1880, p. 713. [To be included in Vol. n. of these collected papers.] 12 4 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 The forms for computation are privately printed for the India Office, and are therefore inaccessible to the public*. The type has been broken up, and very few copies remain, but we shall send copies to the Libraries of the following Societies, viz. : Royal Societies, London and Edinburgh ; the Academies of Science of Dublin, Paris, Berlin, and Vienna, the Coast Survey of the United States at Washington, and the Cambridge Philosophical Society. G. H. DARWIN. 1. The Notation adopted in the Tidal Reports. In considering the notation to be adopted, much weight should be given to the fact that a large mass of analysis and computation already exists in a certain form. We have not thus got a tabula rasa to work on, but had better accept a good deal that has grown up by a process of accretion. It is certainly unfortunate that a dual system should have been adopted, in which one set of letters are derived from the Greek and another from the English. The letters 7, , derived from the obliquity of the ecliptic. In another category we have M, S, E, for the masses of the moon, sun, and earth. It is unfortunate that the letter 8 should thus be connected with the moon in a- ; but it has not been thought advisable to change the notation in this matter. In this Report the already existing notation is adhered to, as far as might be without inconvenience ; but it must be admitted that the notation is by no means satisfactory. It is a matter of great practical utility to have a symbol for indicating special tides. In the endeavour to meet this want initial letters were assigned in the former Reports to each kind of tide ; but, except in the case of M and S, for the principal ' moon ' and ' sun ' tides, the initials had no connection with the tide. Although a new system of initials might be devised which would have a direct connection with the tides to which they refer, yet it has appeared best to adhere to the old initials and to introduce certain new initials for the tides of long period and for some tides now considered for the first time. * [Other methods of effecting the computations have been devised of which one is described in a subsequent paper in this volume " On an Apparatus, Ac." The original method is still in use in India. ] 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [A.] Schedule of Notation. Initials Speed Name of Tide M, M 2 M 3 &c. y 5 Solar semi-annual MSf 2(0-^) Luni-solar synodic fortnightly MS 4y-2o--2? p. or 2MS 2y- 4 (2) * * Jl/3 = sin I sin / ] We may observe that JHf 2 is derivable from M 1 by putting ^ + |TT in place % Now for brevity let p = cos q = sin .(3) 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. Then (2) may be written J/j = jp 2 cos (% + W (a) = cos a, R = L r J L r J Then from (5) and (9) we have X 2 F 2 = p*3> ( 2v) + 2p 2 <2 2> J r (2y) 2XY= the same with Y + Z-TT for ^ (12) XZ = the same with ^ ^TT for ^ ^ (X 2 + F 2 2 2 ) = | (p 4 4p 2 g 2 + ^ 4 ) R + 2p 2 g 2 O (0) Thus when the functions , W, R are developed as a series of time- harmonics, the further development of the X-Y-Z functions consists in substitution in (12). It will now be supposed that the moon moves in an elliptic orbit, un- disturbed by the sun. The tides which arise from the lunar inequalities of the Evection and Variation will be the subject of separate treatment below. The descending node of the equator on the lunar orbit will henceforth be called ' the Intersection.' Let <7, be the moon's mean longitude measured in her orbit from the intersection, and r y the longitude of the perigee measured in the same way. It has been already defined that I is the moon's longitude in her orbit measured from the intersection. The equation of the ellipse described by the moon is r n _ (#\ -^=l+ e cos(J-O (13) 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. Hence R = 1 + | e 2 _j_ gg cos (i _ CT ^ _|_ | 6 2 cos 2(1 - OT X ) + . . . 3> (a) = R cos (21 + a) = (1 + f e 2 ) cos (21 + a) + f e [cos (3Z + a - *7,) + cos (Z + a + *7,)] } (14) + f e 2 [cos (4 + a - 2*7,) + cos (a + 2*7,)] + . . . (a) = R cos a By the theory of elliptic motion I = o-, + 2e sin (o-, - *r,) + f e 2 sin 2 (<7, - *7,) + (15) In order to expand <, ^ R in terms of <7, (which increases uniformly with the time), we require cos (21 + a) developed as far as e-; cos (3/ + a 7,), and cos (I + a + *r,), as far as e ; and only the first term of cos (4>l + a 2*7,). Substituting for I its value (15) in terms of a;, it is easy to show that cos (21 + a) = (1 - 4e 2 ) cos (2^ + a) - 2e cos ( (a) = (1 -^-e 2 ) cos (2o- / + a) \e cos ( ^ .................... (20*) cot 2 / cos 2cr / this pair of terms becomes - \ep* V{1 - 12 tan 2 7 cos 2r,+ 36 tan 4 f/} cos (2 X - an< i ^ i 8 neglected in the original paper.] 12 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 argument is % in (11), (23) (a) = cos a + $%me [cos (s - 2h + p + a) + cos (s - 2h + p - a)] ...... (24) 3> (a) = cos (2-mep* cos ( 2 X - 2 (a) = cos (20-, + a) + ^m 2 cos (2*, + 2s - 2h + a) + m 2 cos (2 4 - 4py + g 4 ) 3m 2 cos (2s - 2h) In this case also the values of the coefficients are actually considerably greater than the amounts as computed from the first terms; and regard must be paid to this, as in the case of the Evection, when the values of the coefficients in the tidal expressions are computed. According to Professor Adams, the full values of the coefficients are, in longitude '011489, and in c/r -008249. We have now obtained in (20), (26), (27), the complete expressions for the X-Y-Z functions in the shape of a series of simple time-harmonics; but they are not yet in a form in which the ordinary astronomical formulae are- applicable. Further substitutions will now be made, and we shall pass from the potential to the height of tide generated by the forces corresponding to that potential. The axes fixed in the earth may be taken to have their extremities as follows : The axis A on the equator in the meridian of the place of observation of the tides ; the axis B in the equator 90 east of A ; the axis C at the north pole. Now , r), % are the direction-cosines of the place of observation, and if X be the latitude of that place, we have = cos X, rj = 0, = sin X Thus > _ if = cos 2 X, Then writing a for the earth's radius, the expression (10) for V at the place of observation becomes V = ra \ ft cos 2 X (Z 2 - 7") + sin 2\XZ + f ( - sin 2 X) %(X* + F 2 - 2 2 )] (1 e ) The X-Y-Z functions being simple time-harmonics, the principle of forced vibrations allows us to conclude that the forces corresponding to V will generate oscillations in the ocean of the same periods and types as the terms in V, but of unknown amplitudes and phases. Now let X' 2 -|f, %:, H* 2 +IF- 2 ^ 2 ) be three functions, having respectively similar forms to those of Z 2 -F a XZ , (Z*+F'-2ff t ) (1 - e 2 ) 3 ' (1 - e 2 ) 3 (1 - e 2 ) 3 but differing from them in that the argument of each of the simple time- 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 15 harmonics has some angle subtracted from it, and that the term is multiplied by a numerical factor. Then if g be gravity, and h the height of tide at the place of observation, we must have h = [ cos 2 X ( 2 - W] + sin 2XX5S + f ( - sin 2 X) | ( 2 + B 2 ......... (28) The factor - - may be more conveniently written $ -s ( - ) a. where E is g ' JS \C/ the earth's mass. It has been so chosen that if the equilibrium theory of tides were fulfilled, with water covering the whole earth, the numerical factors in the 36-|9-5& functions would be each unity. The alterations of phase would also be zero, or, with land and sea as in reality, they might be computed by means of the five definite integrals involved in Sir William Thomson's amended equilibrium theory of tides *. The actual results of tidal analysis at any place are intended (see below, 5) to be presented in a series of terms of the form fH cos (V+ u K), where dV/dt or n, 'the speed,' is the rate of increase of the argument per unit time (say degrees per mean solar hour), and u is a constant. We require, therefore, to present all the terms of the X-|9-i2j functions as cosines with a positive sign. When, then, in these functions we meet with a negative cosine we must change its sign and add TT to the argument; as the X5S functions involve sines, we must add ^TT to arguments of the negative sines, and subtract TT from the arguments of the positive sines, and replace sines by cosines. The terms in the J ( 2 + |9 2 25%*) function require special consideration. The function of the latitude being ^ sin 2 X, it follows that when in the northern hemisphere it is high-water north of a certain critical latitude, it is low water on the opposite side of that parallel ; and the same is true of the southern hemisphere. The critical latitude is that in which sin 2 X=^, or in Thomson's amended equilibrium* theory, where sin 2 X = (1 + IE). An approximate evaluation of 3E, which depends on the distribution of land and sea, given in 848 of the second edition of Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, shows that the critical latitudes are 35 N. and S. It will be best to adopt a uniform system for the whole earth, and to regard high-tide and high-water as consentaneous in the equatorial belt, and of opposite meanings outside the critical latitudes. In this Report we conceive the function always to be written J - sin 2 X, so that outside the critical latitudes high-tide is low-water. Accordingly we must add TT to the arguments of the negative cosines (if any) which occur in the function J ( 2 + ff - 2$- 2 ). * Thomson and Tait's Nat. Phil., or the Report on Tides for 1876. [See also Paper 9 in this volume.] 16 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 In continuing the development, the X-TB-jZs functions will be written in the form appropriate to the equilibrium theory, with water covering the whole earth ; for the actual case it is only necessary to multiply by the reducing factor, and to subtract the phase alteration K. As these are un- known constants for each place, they would only occur in the development as symbols of quantities to be deduced from observation. It will be under- stood, therefore, that in the following schedules ' the argument ' is that part of the argument which is derived from theory, the true complete argument being 'the argument' K, where K is derived from observation. Following the plan suggested, and collecting results from (20), (26), (27), we have cos 2(x~ . We forestall results given below so far as to state that the mean value is to be found by putting I = &> in the ' coefficient,' and when the function of / is cos 4 ^7, sin / cos 2 |7, sin 7 sin 2 |7, sin 2 / (in B, iii.) multiplying further by cos 4 t; and where the function of 7 is sin 2 7 (in B, i.) sin 7 cos 7, 1 | sin 2 7 multiplying by 1 f sin 2 i. Thirdly, there is a column of arguments, linear functions of t, h, s, p, v, . In B, i. 2t + (2A 2i/), and in B, ii. t + (h v\ are common to all the arguments, and they are written at the top of the column of arguments. The arguments are grouped in a manner convenient for subsequent computations. Fourthly, there is a column of speeds, being the hourly increase of the arguments in the preceding column, the numerical values of which are added in a last column. Every term is indicated by the initial letter (see 1) adopted for the tide to which it corresponds, except in the case of certain unimportant terms to which no initials have been appropriated. 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 19 To write down any term : take the general coefficient ; the coefficient for the class of tides; the special coefficient, and multiply by the cosine of the argument. The result is a term in the equilibrium tide, with water covering the whole earth. The transition to the actual case by the intro- duction of a factor and a delay of phase (to be derived from observation) has been already explained. The solar tides. The expression for the tides depending on the sun may be written down at once by symmetry. The eccentricity of the solar orbit is so small, being '01679, that the elliptic tides may be omitted, excepting the larger elliptic semi-diurnal tide. The lunar schedule is to be transformed by putting s = h, p=pi, = v = 0, a- = 77, I=a), e = e l} CT = CTI . In order that the comparison of the importance of the solar tides with the lunar may be complete, the same M /a\ 3 general coefficient f-^ (-) a will be retained, and the special coefficient for M \c/ each term will be made to involve the factor TJ/T. Here T 1 = f^-g-, S being the sun's mass. With EIM = 81-5, ^ = -46035 = ^^ The schedule [C] of solar tides is given on page 23. The subsequent schedules [D] and [E] give all the tides of purely astro- nomical origin contained in the previous developments, arranged first in order of speed, and secondly in order of the magnitude of the coefficient. In schedule [E] the tides K l5 K 2 originate both from the moon and sun, but the lunar and solar parts are also entered separately. The coefficients of the evectional and variational tides are computed from the full values to those inequalities. In the schedule [E] the tides are marked which occur in the 'Tide- predicter' of the Indian Government in its present condition. 22 20 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 'S nip* o 0) o QQ 00 1 g S oS i S 1* S 2 5 g S S a TjcMOJ oo in CM m r coooco CM o~i r-i in >r * rt o^o^J* *n ooo 9682084 |i CO O 00 O5 I> 00 O5 CM CO CM CM CM CM CM CM V 9) 5 f - ^-. ^ t3 COTfCOCOO CMCM05 O ^JSPiZJS T^ Oi J> CM rH (M !> f" 1 CO T^OO O OOOOO * CO Tj< CO Oi 8^~ t-H 9 1 ^ ^ ^ S 7 + n r g >, |o j ! IB 2 o i^ 2 x H N "^ h^ T S5 a. S-s * S * S c CO -- C w 1883] * HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. to . O ^* 00 i""^ 73 . O f i O TO OS i i Tt* TO ^ CO O ** ^ a OS r-i O n r- O ^ ^ iO t~ Ij 00 Q 00 i i O i i o o o o o o o N ^ s ri Ci f- ' QO O r~ %-G 3 T* i l O CO t- c3 |^ QCJ 3^ j*^ (^) go fl . '- S CC >C CO O "^ Q Tf i i O CO CM ^* 1"~* f"* O5 ^^ *^ kQ '^ ^^ ^^ CO 11 e<3 O O r i i i i i i i r3 B O> t3 ^ ^5 ^2 l c- 1 b | Pi OQ ^ b ^ ^ j; b ^ 0) +J G 5^ *j5 $H 1 . a a} P , O 30 x^ -^-^ OQ CM !-< *JJ* ^-^ - g O tin ^H -i- i I CM 3 |3 c I A % + < >j A i .;- "3 'S -( Vt- H-4- -* CO O >O CM r It CO (M COCOiOCMCMCMr-i cl c3 O (M i l 1C r ^t* ?D CO O iC '^OOOOl^''' CM OOOOOOO S o c~^ ^ ^r <"* ^w <^ ^^ "r^ 71 ^"^ '* "G - o 'in K^ "a M(0 ' 'So -^, '* - " "^ .2 1 frt cc|d '5 1 1 '"''^ 'cc " ' ' l ~' ^^ M^M 0) ^j^ I 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ "<^j O ^ f-*iCC , t^"l * J Is ^* 1 1 <** f*q & ?* >^ 1 00 ^ ^ ^ ^j . ."a 02 O ^ CC+M o II 1 -j- ^"^ E 5 IN o S ~e ^ 8 s: 's ^ 1 03 Value of Coefficien 1 t^ CO CO rH 00 M rH i 1 rH r^ sq co M< O oo co 10 T < s (N 00 fJ rji i i (jq a A CO D O C 10 ^? O 'H H rH f-H -H O O O OH bO a o a * ^ f g + g i ^ ^ ^ S b CD CO to Tf i I CO TJ (M i ' CO 00 i i CD CN 00 "^ O5 'O CO rH O O O5 ^ Oi Ti CO 00 1 CD O O "^ T}< CO CC CO C^ H "3 B Q C b ct 1 ? 1 s CM O Tj< 00 Tt< CM C > CD -* Ot 3 t O < i 00 lO rj< ff co o co r- O5 00 TI ) CM O *f i i r C rH O CJi Tf CO f 1 If ) 1" CM f 5 |j CM O 00 00 >O -^ (> 1 O5 OO if 5 QJ oo o *o cq iC 1 oo t n CO CO O j 8 CO CO CO O5 &O M^ O5 if > -^ 95 a ) H O O O5 C3i 35 00 OC CO CO OJ CM O^l G^ O ) oo t^ r- 1 (M 0) CD ^ a I 8 b cu bXD s cu .2 o - .13 co ! fe cu cS ^ 'co cu 2 CU J3 rH m H ^ 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 25 * < o 8 8 o ' I 3 8 m i-H > CD IS I coi O ) O 3 sfi t- CD <* (N (N i I O 00 1^ t^ CD "* f 5 g OOOOOOOOOOOOC > o o fH 1 fin - ^ 1 1 1 i 1 i< a 1 3 i -3 + ^ JM g & B <" + H * J|? ? - ? < ?/ j 4 J , jM : 3 r -< ^ " 3 ^ l 9 cS OH a a; to i i 1 " c5 00 CO O? t^ ^O i* CD ^O "^ I~H CO *^ 1 ^ rH 3 I-H i-l 2 O O -2 S OO^T^COi-Hi Ir-HrHOOOC 5 O O ' S i 1 B i CO G"? t^- CO ^O CO *O ^ G^-l O^ ^* i~^ Q 3 CC % 2 = cos X ( 1 - 5 sin" X) Then, following the same procedure as before, we have for the height of tide M fa\ s a 2 #= - \-A> cos 3 X . p 6 cos 3 (v I) + cos X (1 5 sm 2 X) . p 6 cos (v l)\ * H. \f 1 r L1 ^ * V " > J-/ w / L- (35) i / Now, cos X (5 sin 2 X 1) has its maximum value when cos X = ^ V15 : o Y 15 that is to say, when X = 58 54'; thus we may write (35) h = i ^ (~T a l~ cos3 x iV (-) cos6 K cos [3* + 3 (h - v) - 3 (s - )] Is \c/ |_ \c/ + ^* cos x (1 - 5 sin 2 X) ^* (") cos 6 \I cos [ + (/i -v)-(s- )] 1 (36) In this expression observe that there is the same 'general coefficient' outside [ ] as in the previous development ; that the spherical harmonics cos 3 X, '-^r- cosX(5 sin 2 X 1) have the maximum values unity, the first at the equator and the second in latitude 58 54'. The 'speeds' of these two tides are respectively 3(7 0-) or 43 0< 4761563 per mean solar hour, and 7 0-, or 14'4920521 per mean solar hour. The coefficient of the tide 3 (7 cr), which is comparable with those in the previous schedules [B], [C], [E], is and the mean value of this function multiplied by cos 3 (v ) is '00599 ; 28 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 also the coefficient of the tide (7 7 60-0000000 S 6 1 & 6y-67 90-0000000 It will be understood that here, as elsewhere, the column of arguments only gives that part of the argument which is derived from theory, and the constant to be subtracted from the argument is derivable from observation. It is necessary to have recourse also to observation to determine whether the suggested law of variability in the magnitude of the M over-tides holds good. Compound Tides. When two waves of different speeds are propagated in the same water the vertical displacement at the surface is generally determined with sufficient accuracy by summing the displacements due to each wave separately. If, however, the height of the waves is not a small fraction of the depth of the water, the principle of superposition leads to inaccuracy, and it becomes necessary to take into consideration the squares and products of the dis- placements. It may be shown that the result of the interaction of two waves is repre- sented by introducing two simple harmonic waves, whose speeds are the sum and the difference of those of the interacting waves. When the interacting waves are tidal these two resultant waves may be called compound tides. They are found to be of considerable importance in estuaries. A compound tide being derived from the consideration of the product of displacements, we may form an index number, indicative of the probable importance of each compound tide, by multiplying together the semi-ranges of the component tides. Probably the best way of searching at any station for the compound tides, which are likely to be important, would be to take the semi-ranges of the five or six largest tides at that station and to form index numbers of importance by multiplying the semi-ranges together two and two. Since 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 31 O -s w I I C- C- b b T T CN First, let us put R = V(A 2 + B 2 ), and tan = -r- > then the tide is repre- A sented by R cos (nt ) In this form R is the semi-range of the tide in British feet, and is an angle such that /n is the time elapsing after O h of the first day until it is high -water of this particular tide. It is obvious that may have any value from O u to 360, and that the results of the analysis of successive years of observation will not be com- parable with one another, when presented in this form. Secondly, let us suppose that the results of the analysis are to be presented in a number of terms of the form f H cos ( V + u - K) Here F is a linear function of the moon's and sun's mean longitudes, the mean longitude of the moon's and sun's perigees, and the local mean solar time at the place of observation, reduced to angle at 15 per hour. F increases uniformly with the time, and its rate of increase per mean solar hour is the n of the first method, and is called the ' speed ' of the tide. It is supposed that u stands for a certain function of the longitude of the node of the lunar orbit at an epoch half a year later than O h of the first day. Strictly speaking, u should be taken as the same function of the longitude of the moon's node, varying as the node moves; but as the variation is but small in the course of a year, u may be treated as a constant and put equal to an average value for the year, which average value is taken as the true value of u at exactly mid -year. Together V+u constitutes that 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 35 function which has been tabulated as ' the argument ' in the schedules B, C, F, H. Since V+ u are together the whole argument according to the equilibrium theory of tides, with sea covering the whole earth, it follows that x/n is the lagging of the tide which arises from kinetic action, friction of the water, imperfect elasticity of the earth, and the distribution of land. It is supposed that H is the mean value in British feet of the semi-range of the particular tide in question. f is a numerical factor of augmentation or diminution, due to the variability of the obliquity of the lunar orbit. The value of f is the ratio of ' the coefficient ' in the column of coefficients of the preceding schedules to the mean value of the same term. For example, for all the solar tides f is unity, and for the principal lunar tide M 2 , f is equal to cos 4 ^//cos 4 leo cos 4 \i ; for as we shall see below, the mean value of this term has a coefficient cos 4 ^co cos 4 %i. It is obvious, then, that, if the tidal observations are consistent from year to year, H and K should come out the same from each year's reductions. It is only when the results are presented in such a form as this that it will be possible to judge whether the harmonic analysis is presenting us with satisfactory results. This mode of giving the tidal results is also essential for the use of the tide-predicting machine. We must now show how to determine H and K from R and f, It is clear that H = R/f, and the mode of determination of f from the schedules has been explained above, although the proof has been deferred. If F be the value of V at O h of the first day, then clearly --?; + - So that K = % + F + u Thus the rule for the determination of K is : Add to the value of % the value of the argument at O h of the first day. It is suggested that it will henceforth be advisable to tabulate R and f, so as to give the results of harmonic analysis in the form R cos (nt ) ; and also H and K, so as to give it in the form fH cos (V+u K), when the results will be comparable from year to year. A third method of presenting tidal results will be very valuable for the discussion of the theory of tidal oscillations, although it is doubtful whether it will at present be worth while to tabulate the results in this proposed form. This method is to substitute for the H of the second method FK, where F is the mean value of the coefficient as tabulated in the column of coefficients in the schedules for example, in the case of M 2 we should 32 36 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 have F = -| (1 |e 2 ) cos 4 ^w cos 4 ^i, and in the case of S 2 we should have F = . | cos 4 |w. When this process is carried out it will enable us to compare together the several K's corresponding to each of the three classes of tides, but not the several classes inter se. It might perhaps be advisable to proceed still further and to purify M fa\ s K of the coefficient f -^ I - j a, and of the function of the latitude, viz. cos 2 X, sin 2X, ^ f sin 2 X, as the case may be. Then we should simply be left with a numerical factor as a residuum, which would represent the augmentation above or diminution below the equilibrium value of the tide. This further reduction may, however, be left out of consideration for the present, since it is superfluous for the proper presentation of the results of harmonic analysis. For the purpose of using the tide-predicting machine the process of determining H and K from R and has simply to be reversed, with the difference that the instant of time to which the argument is to refer is O h of the first day of the new year, and we must take note of the different value of u and f for the new year. Thus supposing V l to be the value of V at O h of the first day of the year to which the predictions are to apply, and u 1} fj, the values of u and f half a year after that O h , we have R = fjM This value of R will give the proper throw of the crank of the tide-predicter, and will give the angle at which the crank is to be set. Mr Roberts states, however, that the subtraction, in the predicter of the India Office, of V l + w a from K is actually performed on the machine, one index being set at and the other at V 1 + i^. We learn also from him that one portion of the term u-^ has been systematically neglected up to the present time : namely, that part which arises in the form v or its multiples. If in the schedules above we were to write f = v throughout we should arrive at the rule by which the tide- predicter has hitherto been used. The above statement of procedure is applicable to nearly all the tides, but there are certain tides, viz. K 1? K 2 , which have their origins jointly in the tide -generating forces of the moon and sun; also the tides L and M! which are rendered complex from the fact that the tidal analysis only extends over a year. Treatment of the Sidereal Diurnal and Semi-diurnal Tides K 1} K 2 . The 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 37 expression for the whole Kj tide of luni-solar origin must, as we see from the schedules B and C, 3, be of the form M cos (t + h - far - v - K) + S cos (t + h - \TT - K) (39) f /SV S ) If now we put R = M \l + { ^ } + 2 ^ cos v\ M I \ (40) , sinv tan v ~~ cos v + S/M these two terms may be written R cos (t + h \TT v K) If // be the sun's mean longitude at O h of the first day, t + h h is equal to yt, where t is now mean solar time measured from that O h and not reduced to angle. Hence if we write = K + \ir h a + v ' (41) the two terms become R cos (7^ ) But this is the form in which the results of harmonic analysis for the total K! tide is expressed in the first method. From (41) we have In this formula h \TT is V for the solar K x tide, and v is a complex function of the longitude of the moon's node, to be computed (as explained below) from the second of (40). We must now consider the coefficient f. If M be the mean value of the lunar Kj tide, then we know that its ratio to M should according to theory be given by M _ sin / cos / M sin co cos co (1 f sin 2 *') The ratio of M to S should also according to theory be given by M _ T (1 + f e 2 ) sin I cos / S r t (1 + fe^sin co cos co We must therefore put the coefficient sv .s Mo n , S .(43) wnpi*p _ ? r ' M ~ Ya+fe 2 ) '(1-fsin 2 ;) S _ S sin co cos co (1 f sin 2 i) M M sin / cos / 38 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 f is clearly a complex function of the longitude of the moon's node to be computed as shown below. The reversal of the process of reduction for the use of the instrument for prediction is obvious. In the case of the K 2 semi-diurnal tide, if we follow exactly the same process, and put where >./' f cos M 2v + S/M /S\ 2 S j* M -.So \. So T I( M 1 _i_ 3 2\ 1 r M s " T( S sin 2 co (1 f sin 2 i) M ~M sin 2 / / (44) the argument of the K 2 tide is Zt + 2k 2z/', and f is the factor for reduction. S The numerical value of ^ both for Kj and K 2 is '46407. The Tide L. Reference to the theoretical development in 3 shows that this tide requires special treatment. In schedule B (i.) it appears that it must be proportional to cos 4 / Vl-066 - 12 tan 2 / cos 2 (p - ) v)-2(s-%) + (s-p)-R + 7r] ...... (51) where n tan E = sin 2 (p - ) co cos 2 (p ) In this expression we must deem R to form a part of the function u, for which a mean value is to be taken. This is, it must be admitted, not very satisfactory, since p increases by nearly 41 per annum. Suppose, then, that P be the longitude of the perigee at mid-year, measured from the intersection, and that we compute R from the formula T> Sm 2 ^* /K0\ tan# = i , , ^p ..................... ( 52 ) cot 2 / cos 2P Then the treatment will be the same as in all the other cases, if the argument V + u be taken as 2t + 2 (h v) 2 (s f) + (s p) R + TT. 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 39 The factor f in this case is equal to _ 12 tan 2 ^Icos 2Pj COS The Tide M,. Reference to schedule B (ii.) shows that this tide must be proportional to sin 7cos4/ V{2'307 + V435 cos 2 (p - )} v )-(s-) + Q-)>7r] ...... (52') where tan Q = '483 tan (p ). We must here deem Q to form a part of the function u, for which a mean value is to be taken ; but as in the case of the L tide, this course is not very satisfactory. If P as before denotes the longitude of the perigee at mid-year, measured from the intersection, and Q be computed from tan Q = -483 tan P ........................ (52") then the argument V + u will be , And the factor f is sin / cos 2 \I y (2-307 + T435 cos 2P| sin CD cos 2 sin 2 sin i sin a> cos N If ft be an auxiliary angle defined by tan/3 = tani cos N then cos / = cos i sec /3 cos (&> + /3) sin v sin i cosec / sin N sin (N ) = sin a> cosec / sin N The formula? (53) also lead to the rigorous formula? ...... (53) (54) (55) sin i cot cos N)} tan r _ - _ - _ - cos 2 \ i + sin i cot &> cos N - sin 2 i i cos 2 tan V = . ,, tan r cosec sin N sn tan v = i cosec &> sin N i i 2 sin 2N sin-* ft) COS ft) sm 2 co cos m sn &> cos .(53") cos J = (1 - A table of values of , y, /, for different values of N, with &> = 23 27 /- 3, i = 5 8'*8, may be computed either directly from (53) or from (55). The approximate formulae (53") will be of service hereafter. On the Mean Values of the Coefficients in Schedules [B]. In the three schedules [B] of lunar tides, ' the coefficients ' are certain functions of /, and there are certain terms in the arguments which are functions of v and . We may typify all the terms by Jcos(T + u), where J is a function of /, and u of v and . If we substitute for J and u in terms of to, i, N, and develop the result, we shall obtain a series of terms of which 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 41 the one independent of N is, say, J cos T. Then J^ is the mean value of the semi-range of the tide in question. Such a development may be carried out rigorously, but it involves a good deal of analysis to do so ; we shall therefore confine ourselves to an approximate treatment of the question, using the formulae (53") for and v. It may be proved that in no case does J involve a term with a sine of an odd multiple of N, and the formulae (54) or (55) show that in every term of sin u there will occur a sine of an odd multiple of N ; whence it follows that J sin u has mean value zero, and J l is the term independent of N in J cos u. It may also be proved that in no case does cos u involve a term in cos N, and that the terms in cos 2N are all of order i 2 ; also it appears that /always involves a term in cos N, and also terms in cos 2N of order ft. Hence to the degree of approximation adopted, Jj is equal to J cosu , where ./ is the mean value of J, and cos the mean value of cos u. In evaluating cos w from the formulae (53"), we may observe that where- ever sin 2 JV occurs it may be replaced by ^; for sin 2 JV = | cos 2N, and the cos 2N has mean value zero. The following are the values of cos u n thus determined from (53") : .. /I cos () cos 2y = 1 i 2 -T sin- G) - 2 cos ft)\ 2 (S) (e) cos v = I- $i* -v 1 sin 2 &> (f) cos 2 =1 -i 2 cot 2 The suffix indicating the mean value. Similarly the following are the J 's or mean values of J : . sin 2 Aw costul lf- l^^ J (ff) & (O sin" /. = sin' m l + f -"-f [~, . /cos 2&) 2 cos a)\~| (7 ) sm / cos 2 iy o = sin to cos 2 *&> 1 + ft'- . - --- r^ \ sin 2 a) cos-^ft>/J 42 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 / */\ T o i r o i /COS 2sm 2 ift> \l + $i* - - + -^n;- V sin 2 to sin 2 1 w (e') sin 7 cos 7 = sin &> cos to [1 + ^i 2 (cot 2 (1 f sin 2 t) ' sin o> cos 2 &> cos 4 t sin / sin 2 \I cos (2f + v) sin 7 cos / cos v sin 2 J cos 2 sin a) sin 2 ^ o> cos 4 t sin o> cos &> (1 | sin 2 t) ' sin 2 &> cos 4 \i Lastly, it is easy to show rigorously that the mean value of 1-| sin 2 / (1 - f sin 2 ) (1 - f sin 2 i) is also unity. If we write w = cos \ w cos \% - sin \u> sin ^' e iVt K = sin ^w cos \i-\- cos | w sin \i e Nl where i stands for V 1 ', and let w-j , /Cj denote the same functions with the sign of N changed, then it may be proved rigorously that cos 4 7 cos 2 (v - ) = \ (or* + nrf) sin 2 7 cos 2v = 2 (w^ 2 + TiV) sin 7 cos 2 7 cos (2 v} = ^K + HT^K! sin 7 sin 2 ^7 cos (2 + i/) = cr/c 3 sin 7 cos 7 cos i> = sin 2 7 cos 2| = 2 (r 2 2 + w, V) 1 Sm 2 7 = The proof of these formula, and the subsequent development of the functions of the -sr's and KB, constitute the rigorous proof of the formulae, of which the approximate proof has been indicated above. The analogy between the sr's and KS, and the p, q of the earlier developments of this Report, is that if i vanishes or = ro-j =p, ic = tc l = q, (See a paper in the Phil. Trans. R. 8., Part II. 1880, p. 713; to be reproduced also in Vol. II. of the present work.) This investigation justifies the statements preceding the schedules [B] as to the mean values of the coefficients. 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 43 Formula? for computing f. In the original reduction of tidal observations we want 1/f; in the use of the tide-predicter f is required. On looking through the schedules [B], we see that the following values of 1/f are required. cos 4 ^o) cos 4 %i , . sin 2 w (1 f sin 2 i) sin (1 f sin 2 i) ~ sin 7 sin 2 1 7 sin 7 cos 7 sin 2 to cos 4 1 1 ,^ (1 f sin 2 eo) (1 f sin 2 i) sin 2 / (l-fsin 2 7) And in the case of the over-tides and compound tides (schedules [F], [H]), powers and products of these quantities. A table of values of these functions for various values of 7 is given in 12. The functions (2) and (5) are required for computing f for the Kj and K 2 tides. In this list of functions let us call that numbered (2) & 2 , and that numbered (5) ^; k z and fa being the values of the reciprocal of f which would have to be applied in the cases of the K 2 and Kj tides, if the sun did not exist. On referring back to the paragraph in 5 in which the treatment of the K 2 and Kj tides is explained we see that for K 2 H = -46407 x k* M and therefore from (44) we see that for K 2 1 1-46407 x k z {1 + (0-46407 x & 2 ) 2 + 0-92814& 2 cos . sm2i/ tan2v = - ^ . _ ..^j cos 2z; + -46407^2 And for Kj the similar formulae hold with &j in place of k z , and v in place of 2v*. Tables of 1/f and v', 2v" for the Kj and K 2 tides have been formed from (56), and are given in Col. Baird's Manual of Tidal Observations. The angle 7 ranges from 18 18''5, when it is w-i, to 28 36'% when it is to + i. * This method of treating these tides is due to Professor Adams. I had proposed to divide the K tides into their lunar and solar parts. G. H. D. V (57) 44 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 Then in using these tables, we first extract / for any value of N, and afterwards find the coefficients from the subsequent tables. The coefficients for the over-tides and compound tides may be found from tables of squares and cubes and by multiplication. [Algebraic formulae for the several f s are given at the end of the present paper ; they are so simple that the auxiliary tables may be dispensed with, without much loss.] Formulae for s, p, h, p lf N. The numerical values may be deduced from the formulae given in Hansen's Tables de la Lune. The following are reduced to a more convenient epoch, and to forms appropriate to the present investigation. s = 150-0419 + [13 x 360 + 132'67900] T + 13'1764 D \ + 0-5490165# p = 240-6322 + 40-69035 T + 0-1114 D + 0-0046418 H h = 280-5287 + 360'00769 T + 0'9856 D + 0'0410686 H p, = 280-8748 + 0-01711 T + 0-000047 D N = 285-9569 - 19-34146 T - 0-0529540 D Where T is the number of Julian years of 365^ mean solar days, D the number of mean solar days, H the number of mean solar hours, after O h Greenwich mean time, January 1, 1880. From the coefficients of H we see that a- = 0-5490165, OT = 0-0046418, 77 = 0-0410686, (58) whence 7 = 15'0410686. For the purposes of using the forms for harmonic analysis of the tidal observations, these formulae may be reduced to more convenient and simpler forms. The mean values of N and p 1 are required, and for the treatment of the L and MI tides the mean value of p g, denoted by P. For determining these three quantities, we may therefore add half the coefficient of T once for all, and write N = 276'2861 - 0'05295 D - 19'34146 T] p, = 280-8833 + 0-00005 D + 0'0171ir> (59) P+=261-0 +0-111D +40-69T J where T is simply the number of years, whether there be leap-years or not 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 45 amongst them, since 1880, and D the number of days from Jan. 1, numbered as zero up to the first day of the year to be analysed. Now, suppose d to denote the number of quarter days either one, two, or three in excess of the Julian years which have elapsed since O h Jan. 1, 1880, up to O h Jan. 1 of the jear in question ; let D denote the same as before ; and let L be the East Longitude of the place of observation in hours and decimals of hours. Then for s 0) p , h , the values of s, p, h at O h of the first day, we have * = 150-0419 + 132-67900 T + 3 C> 29410 d + 13-1764 7) - 0'54902 L} p (1 = 240-6322 + 40-690357 T + 0-02785d + 0-1114 D-0'00464 L\ (60) 7/o = 280-5287 + 0'00769 T + 0-24641 d + 0-9856 D - 0'04107 L\ In these formulae T is an integer, being the excess of the year in question above 1880, and d is to be determined thus : if the excess of the year above ] 880 divided by 4 leaves remainder 3, d is 1 ; if remainder 2, it is 2 ; if remainder 1, it is 3 ; and if remainder zero, it is zero. For example for 1895, T= 15, d=l; because from O h Jan. 1, 1880 to O h Jan. 1, 1895, is 15 Julian years and a quarter day. For all dates after Feb. 28, 1900, one day's motion must be subtracted from *'o. po> h , pi, P + 1~, and one days motion added to N. The terms in L may be described as corrections for longitude. The 13 x 360 and 360 which occurred in the previous formulae for s and h are now omitted, because T is essentially an integer. If it be preferred, the values of s and N may be extracted from the Nautical Almanac, and fi is (neglecting nutation) the sidereal time reduced to angle. We may take p from a formula given by Hansen at p. 300 of the Tables de la Lune. This latter course is that which is followed in the forms for computation. 7. Summary of Initial Arguments and Factors of Reduction. The results for the various kinds of tide are scattered in various parts of the above, and it will therefore be convenient to collect them together. In order to present the results in a form convenient for computation, each argument is given by reference to any previous argument which contains the same element. In the following schedule Arg. M 2 and Fac. M 2 (for example) mean the argument and factor computed for the tide M 2 . 46 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 [I.] Schedule of Arguments at O h of the first day, and Factors for Ensuing Year. Initial Arguments. V ft + M Factors for Reduction. 1 F Si 83 S 4 zero unity p -Ao + iTr unity T -(Ao-ft) unity If, where tan Q= -483 tan P Fac. 0-7-v/d+f COS2P}* M 2 ^COS ^0) COS ^i"\ 4 2(Ao i,) 2(* ) \ COS ^/ / M 3 f Arg. M 2 (Fac. M 2 )^ M 4 2 Arg. M 2 (Fac. M 2 ) 2 M 6 3 Arg. M 2 (Fac. M 2 ) 3 M 8 4 Arg. M 2 (Fac. M 2 ) 4 K 2 2Ao-2i>" a sin 2i/ 1 -46407 V{1 + ('464 x k) 2 + -928k cos 2i/} cos 2v + '464x k sin 2 / K, u , sin i/ 1 -46407 k V{1-K'464 x /fc) 2 + -928 cos v} ^ 7 sin 2 + T Fac. M 2 4-\ / l'066-12tan 2 ^7cos2P Fac. M 2 Arg. M 2 + ( - Pa) + 2A - 2s (Ao-,)-2 ( o-|)^ sin w cos 2 ^(l-| sin 2 -*) sin 27 * [See 5 above as to a more correct value of f in this case, aud the reasons which have led to the use of the value here given.] 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. Schedule [I.] continued. 47 Initial Arguments. V + _.. Factors for Reduction. 1 f MS Arg. M 2 Fac. M 2 SMS Arg. M 4 Fac. M 4 2SM Sir Arg. M 2 Fac. M 2 MK Arg. M 2 +Arg. Kj Fac. M 2 x Fac. Kj 2MK Arg. M 4 -Arg. K x Fac. M 4 x Fac. K t MN Arg. M 2 +Arg. N Fac. M 2 x Fac. N MSf 2n--Arg. M 2 Fac. M 2 Mm Mf Sa . (*o~Po) 2 (*-) Ao (1 - 1 sin 2 a) (1 - 1 sin 2 i) 1-f sin 2 / sin 2 to cos 4 \i sin 2 / unity Ssa 2/> unity There are two tables, numbered I. and II., given at pp. 304 and 305 of the Report for 1876 of the Committee of the British Association on Tidal Observations. The columns headed e give functions which, when their signs are reversed, are the arguments at the epoch. To show the identity of these expressions with those in the above schedule [I], we must put f=-h , g = k , } = s + v- , 0=/i , *r' =p + v j-, *r=pi For the sake of symmetry these tables contain several entries which we have omitted from our schedule, because of the smallness of the tides to which they refer. The entries of the tides of long period, Nos. 3 and 4, are .given with the opposite sign from that here adopted*; thus those entries require alteration by 180 to bring them into accordance with our schedule. The following corrections have to be made in Table II. : No. 8, for 2i> read 3v, No. 15, add 4i/; Nos. 17 and 19, add 2(i/-f); Nos. 18 and 20, subtract 2 (v ). The K x , K 2 tides, Nos. 9 and 16 of both tables, are entered separately as to their lunar and solar parts. The two parts of the M a tide, Nos. 7 and 11, are entered separately. Also No. 14 only gives one part of the tide here entered as L. The reader is warned that the definition of e on p. 293 is incomplete, and incorrect for proper reference to the equilibrium theory of tides. The definition of BT' on p. 302 is incorrect. * See the passage in 2 between equations (28) and (29). 48 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 8. On the Reductions of the Published Results of Tidal Analysis. In the Tide Tables published by the Indian Government, it is stated that each tide is expressed in the form R cos (nt e), where R is the semi- range in feet, n the speed of the tide, and e//?- is the time in mean solar hours which elapses, after an epoch appropriate to the tide, until the next high-water of that tide. Tables are then given for R and e at each station for each year. The mode of tabulation is the same as that followed in the Tidal Reports of the British Association for 1872 and 1876. It is advisable that all the results should be reduced according to one system, such that the observations of the several years and the values for the several speeds of tide may be comparable inter se. In 5 it has been proposed that the tide should be recorded in the form fHcos(F+w-*) It appears from the statements in the Reports for 1872 and 1876 and from an examination of the reductions of the published results that the e of the tables is equal to K u, and that the R of the tables is equal to f H. Thus in order to reduce the published results to proper forms, comparable inter se, it is necessary to add to e the appropriate u, and to divide R by the proper f. Following this process we obtain certain corrections to the e's to obtain the 's. The values of 1/f by which the R's are to be multiplied to obtain the H's, are those given in the preceding schedule [I]. [But it does not seem worth while to reproduce the schedule of instructions for correcting these old results.] | 9. Description of the Numerical Harmonic Analysis for the Tides of Short Period. It forms no part of the plan of this Report to give an account of the instru- ments with which the tidal observations are made, or of the tide-predicting instrument. A description of the tide-gauge, which is now in general use in India and elsewhere, and of the tide-predicter, which is at the India Store Department in Lambeth, and of designs for modifications of those instruments, has been given in a paper by Sir William Thomson, read before the Institution of Civil Engineers on March 1, 1881*, and to this paper we refer the reader. Our present object is to place on record the manner in which the observations have been or are to be henceforth treated, and to give the requisite information for the subsequent use of the tide-predicting instrument. * " The Tide Gauge, Tidal Harmonic Analyser, and Tide Predicter," Proc. Inst. C. E., Vol. 45, Part in. 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 49 The tide-gauge furnishes us with a continuous graphical record of the height of the water above some known datum mark for every instant of time. It is probable that at some future time the Harmonic Analyser of Professors James and Sir William Thomson may be applied to the tide- curves. The instrument is nearly completed, and now lies in the Physical Laboratory of the University of Glasgow, but it has not yet been put into use*. The treatment of the observations which we shall describe is the numerical process used at the office of the Indian Survey at Poona, under the immediate superintendence of Major A. W. Baird, R.E. The printed forms for computation were admirably drawn up by Mr Edward Roberts, of the ' Nautical Almanac ' Office ; but they have now undergone certain small modifications in accordance with this Report. The work of computation is to a great extent carried out by native Indian computers. The results of the harmonic analysis are afterwards sent to Mr Roberts, who works out the instrumental tide-predictions for the several ports for the ensuing year. The use of that instrument requires great skill and care. The results of the tidal reductions have hitherto been presented in a somewhat chaotic form, and we believe that it is only due to Mr Roberts' knowledge of the manner in which the tidal results have been treated that they have been correctly used for prediction. It may be hoped that the use of the methods recommended in the present Report will remove some of the factitious difficulties in the use of the instrument -f. The first operation performed on the tidal record is the measurement in feet and decimals of the height of water above the datum at every mean solar hour. The period chosen for analysis is about one year, and the first measurement corresponds to noon. It has been found impracticable to make the initial noon belong to the same day at the several ports. It would seem, at first sight, preferable to take the measurements at every mean lunar hour; but the whole of the actual process in use is based on measurements taken at the mean solar hours, and a change to lunar time would involve a great deal of fresh labour and expense. If T be the period of any one of the diurnal tides, or twice the period of any one of the semi-diurnal tides, it approximates more or less nearly to 24 m. s. hours, and if we divide it into 24 equal parts, we may speak of each as a T-hour. We shall for brevity refer to mean solar time as $-time. Suppose, now, that we have two clocks, each marked with 360, or 24 hours, and that the hand of the first, or $-clock, goes round once in 24 * See Appendix, Thomson and Tait's Nat. Phil., 2nd ed. 1883. [It has not been found expedient to use this interesting instrument, and it is deposited in the Museum at South Kensington. ] t [The tide-predicter was transferred to the National Physical Laboratory in 1904. D. I. 4 50 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 $-hours, and that of the second, or T-clock, goes round once in 24 T-hours, and suppose that the two clocks are started at or O h at noon of the initial day. For the sake of distinctness, let us imagine that a T-hour is longer than an $-hour, so that the T-clock goes slower than the $-clock. The measurements of the tide-curve give us the height of water exactly at each $-hour ; and it is required from these data to determine the height of water at each T-hour. For this end we are, in fact, instructed to count T-time, but are only allowed to do so by reference to $-time, and, moreover, the time is always to be specified as an integral number of hours. Beginning, then, with O h of the first day, we shall begin counting 0, 1, 2, &c., as the T-hand comes up to its hour-marks. But as the $-hand gains on the T-hand, there will come a time when the T-hand, being exactly at the p hour-mark, the $-hand is nearly as far as p + . When, however, the T-hand has advanced to the p + 1 hour-mark, the $-hand will be a little beyond p + 1 + ^ : that is to say, a little less than half an hour before p + 2. Counting, then, in T-time by reference to $-time, we shall jump from p to p 4- 2. The counting will go on continuously for a number of hours nearly equal to %p, and then another number will be dropped, and so on throughout the whole year. If it had been the T-hand which went faster than the $-hand, it is obvious that one number would be repeated at two successive hours instead of one being dropped. We may describe each such process as a ' change.' Now, if we have a sheet marked for entry of heights of water according to T-hours from results measured at $-hours, we must enter the /^-measure- ments continuously up to p, and we then come to a ' change,' and dropping one of the ^-series, we go on again continuously until another ' change,' when another is dropped, and so on. Since a ' change ' occurs at the time when a T-hour falls almost exactly half way between two $-hours, it will be more accurate at a ' change ' to insert the two ^-entries which fall on each side of the truth. If this be done the whole of the $-series of measurements is entered on the T'-sheet. Similarly, if it be the T-hand which goes faster than the $-hand, we may leave a gap in the T-series instead of duplicating an entry. For the analysis of the T-tide there is therefore prepared a sheet arranged in rows and columns ; each row corresponds to one T-day, and the columns are marked O h , l h , ... 23 h ; the O h 's may be called T-noons. A dot is put in each space for entry, and where there is a change two dots are put if there is to be a double entry, and a bar if there is to be no entry. Black vertical lines mark the end of each $-day. These black lines will of course fall into slightly irregular diagonal lines across the page, and such lines are steeper and steeper the more nearly T-tirne approaches to $-time. They slope downwards 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 51 ^S s f* 3 O V; A a CO ^^ si t* t^ t^. i> 00 |- P ^N 'o^ M 0^ * t^ cc l^ ^ l^ cc L^ ec b- * i^ o M l^ m _ *t t^ ^ _ i> it B n t^ ec t- ec p* iO t~ cc m t- n i^ n t^ CO t- * s "* 1 n n i* I 00 O5 O -H CD CO CD t^ t- a d I* 42 52 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 from right to left if the ^-hour is longer than the $-hour, and the other way in the opposite case. The 'changes' also run diagonally, with a slope in the opposite direction to that of the black lines. We annex a diminished sample of a part of a page drawn up for the entry of the M-series of tides, in which T-time is mean lunar time. The incidence of the hours in the computation forms for the several series was determined by Mr Roberts. Since the first day is numbered 1, and the first hour O h , it follows that the hourly observation numbered 74 d ll h is the observation which completes a period of 73 d 12 h of mean solar time since the beginning; in fact, to find the period elapsed since O h of the first day we must subtract 1 from the number of the day and add one to the number of the hour. The 73 d 12 h of m. s. time, inserted at the foot of the form, is very nearly equal to 71 days of mean lunar or M-time. For each class of tide there are five pages, giving in all about 370 values for the height of the water at each of the 24 special hours ; the number of values for each hour varies slightly according as more or less ' changes ' fall into each column. The numbers entered in each column are summed on each of the five pages ; the five sets of results being summed, the results are then divided each by the proper divisor for its column, and thus is obtained the mean value for that column. In this way 24 numbers are found which give the mean height of water at each of the 24 special hours. It is obvious that if this process were continued over a very long time we should in the end extract the tide under analysis from amongst all the others, but as the process only extends over about a year, the elimination of the others is not quite complete. [The choice of appropriate periods is considered in the next paper in this volume, and I therefore omit the consideration of the forms which were in use in India in 1883.] Let us now return to our general notation, and consider the 24 mean values, each pertaining to the 24 T-hours. We suppose that all the tides excepting the T-tide are adequately eliminated, and, in fact, a computation of the necessary corrections for the absence of complete elimination, which is given in the Tidal Report of 1872, shows that this is the case. It is obvious that any one of the 24 values does not give the true height of the T-tide at that T-hour, but gives the average height of the water, as due to the T-iide, estimated over half a T-hour before and half a T-hour after that hour. We must now consider the correction necessary on this account. 1883] HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 53 Suppose we have a function h = AI cos 6 + Bj sin + A 2 cos 28 + B 2 sin 20 + . . . + A,. cos rd + B r sin r0 + . . . Then we see by integration that the function h'= A/ cos 6 + B/sin + A 2 'cos 20 + B 2 'sin 26 + . . . + A,.' cos rd + B/ sin r0 + . . . where A/ B/ _ sin a A 2 ' B 2 ' sin 2a A/ B/ sin |ra is derivable from h by substituting for the h, corresponding to any value of 6, the mean value of h estimated over the interval from 6 + a to 6 ^a. Thus when harmonic analysis is applied to the 24 jT-hourly values, the coefficients which express that oscillation which goes through its period r times in the 24 T-hours must be augmented by the factor ^rat/sin ^ra. Thus we get the following expressions for the augmenting factors for the diurnal, semi-diurnal, ter-diurnal oscillations, &c., viz. : 7'5?r . ^ OA , 15-7T / . 22"57r / . 000 OA/ p ' ISO/ ' sm 3 ' &c ....... Computing from these we find the following augmenting factors. [M.] Augmenting Factors. For A a , Bj . . . 1-00286 A, B 2 1-01152 Aj, B 3 . . . 1-02617 A 4; B 4 1-04720 A 6 , B 1-11072 A 8 , B 8 1-20920 In the reduction of the S-series of tides, the numbers treated are the actual heights of the water exactly at the $-hours, and therefore no aug- menting factor is requisite. We must now explain how the harmonic analysis, which the use of these factors presupposes, is carried out. If t denotes jf-time expressed in hours, and n is 15, we express the height h, as given by the averaging process above explained, by the formula h = A + A! cos nt + Bj sin nt + A 2 cos 2?? + B 2 sin 2nt + ... where t is 0, 1, 2... 23. 54 SCHEDULE FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. [1 M s '8 s - 1-3 .so g X) ^a rB* % 55 -2 ^ X x 00 CO ^ Q 9999 -fill Ti tt O O5 ^ iC rH CO iC CM rH CO CM rH O 9 9 -* 00 O 999 I I m O5 1C 00 I^ CO . I CM T-H O O C O O O K ^ f-3M C > o> 9 J =- > I I I O2T-HCMCMCO^CMOi ppppp999 + l a + O ^ "^ 1C CO CD rH CD ^cboCO5C51-~iCCM ire op cp O5 05 rH O5rH,-Hi--cpapcpcpcpr-pO5 CDOOOSOSOSOOI^CDiC^fiCiC 'COcpopcpoccpcocoi>'O5t- I-- CO O5 O5 O5 00 ! CD b ^f 1 -f O 1C ^> IT- 00 O5 O rH 1883] SCHEDULE FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 55 .> *s rH O 00 O "^ O rH I"~ OS 1 1 + i ip p + + ^ z to JH O) . (N O r- (M iO t- C5 05 P CD O Q CD CD O 00 O5 O o rH a rH O rH O rH 1 n 2 ^ ^. ^ II II II II t~*. n M e< O2 02 02 1 "o " GO" 02 *"* ~ s' O 00 O O O O eo ; . o ........ w rH + 1 + i i >3 S X rH rH rH 00 OS OS kO CM CM + 1 1 9 8 s O rH O rH O rH 1 n S M 91 - 1 O2* 0? 1 1 'I rH *^ ** s 1 + + 1 f (M 00 00 1 1 rH K>( > X a i CO "^ o 6 6 o c + 1 CO C^ 1 1 II 'L (N <^ y O 02 02 1 2 1 1 rH ^ .x >* O O5 00 O (M O rH CD 6 00 M a 00 Tj< a> y\ (M ti ob ob ob *s + + I-H 00 S * O 02 02 rH O2 O2 II CM ^ t^4 fl $* + 1 + ll rH ^ '- ( O2 02 1 ^x X '. I-H (1 X rH 00 00 O -Jt* O rH CO I- 6 OS CD 1 + + + + + s'3 'l 1 rH O 'l 'l *j rH I-H . I-H rH rH CM O5 Ol O3 Oi O> O3 C 00 5O X rH O rH + 1 1 *C OJ 02 >O (M O <35 O5 rH rH rH rH rH ^-^x KJ( O f-H (N ~ Ct G5 O 02 <*-. % I S 11 x^"' T 1 9 9 n _H ^|o _..._. CM CM CM 56 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [1 Then if S denotes summation of the series of 24 terms found by attributing to t its 24 values, it is obvious that A = ^Zh ; A! = -^Ji cos nt ; Bj = ^SA sin nt ; A 2 = yj^A cos 2w ; B 2 = -^^h sin 2nt ; &c., &c. Since n is 15 and is an integer, it follows that all the cosines and sines involved in these series are equal to one of the following: viz.: 0, + sin 15, + sin 30, + sin 45 C , + sin 60, + sin 75, 1. It is found convenient to denote these sines, as 0, S 1} $ 2 , S 3 , S 4 , S s , I. The multiplication of the 24 A's by the various S's, and the subsequent additions may be arranged in a very neat tabular form. We give on the last two pages the form for the reduction of the M-tides, filled in for Karachi 1880-81, but abridged by the omission of some of the decimals. The columns marked M are the multipliers appropriate for each series. The columns I. and II. contain the 24 hourly values to be submitted to analysis. The subsequent operations are sufficiently indicated by the headings to the columns, and it will be found on examination that the results are in reality the sums of the several series indicated above. We believe that this mode of arranging the harmonic analysis is due to Archibald Smith, who gives it in the Admiralty manual on the Compass. The arrangement seems to be very nearly the same as that adopted by Everett (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. 1860) in his reductions of observations on underground temperature. In most cases it is not necessary to deduce more than the tide of the speed indicated by astronomical theory, but we give the full form by which the over-tides are deducible. If we want only a diurnal tide, then the only columns necessary are I. to VII. and IX. and X. ; if only a semi-diurnal tide, the columns to be retained are I., II, III, XII, XIII, XV, XVI, XVII. The A's and B's having been thus deduced, we have R = V(A 2 -I- B 2 ). R must then be multiplied by the augmenting factors which we have already evaluated (Schedule [M]). We thus have the augmented R. Next the angle whose tangent is B/A gives f. The addition to of the appropriate V + u (see Schedule [I]) gives K, and the multiplication of R by the appropriate 1/f (see Schedule [I]) gives H. The reduction is then complete. The following is a sample of the form used. 1883] TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. 57 [O.] Form for Evaluation of , R, K, H. logB = log tan = v __ K = B 2 =~ R 3 = R = Augtn. = Augd. R = H = A form similar to [O] serves for the same purpose in the treatment of the tides of long period, to the consideration of which we now pass ; it will be seen, however, that for these tides there is no augmenting factor, and that the increase of n for 11 hours has to be added to . 10. On the Harmonic Analysis for the Tides of Long Period. For the purpose of determining these tides we have to eliminate the oscillations of water-level arising from the tides of short period. As the quickest of these tides has a period of many days, the height of mean water at one instant for each day gives sufficient data. Thus there will in a year's observations be 365 heights to be submitted to harmonic analysis. In leap- years the last day's observation must be dropped, because the treatment is adapted for analysing 365 values. To find the daily mean for any day it has hitherto been usual to take the arithmetic mean of 24 consecutive hourly values, beginning with the height at noon. This height will then apply to the middle instant of the period from O h to 23 h : that is to say, to ll h 30 m at night. We shall propose some new modes of treating the observations, and in the first of them it will probably be more convenient that the mean for the day should apply to midnight instead of to ll h 30 m . For finding a mean applicable to midnight we take the 25 consecutive heights for O h to 24 h , and add the half of the first" value to the 23 intermediate and to the half of the last and divide by 58 TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. [1 24. It would probably be sufficiently accurate if we took ^ of the sum of the 25 consecutive values, if it is found that the division of every 24th hourly value into two halves materially increases the labour of computing the daily means. The three plans for finding the daily mean are then (64) (iii)] And they will be denoted as methods (i), (ii), (iii) respectively. It does not, however, seem very desirable to use the third method. Major Baird considers that the use of method (i) is most convenient for the computers. The formation of a daily mean does not obliterate the tidal oscillations of short period, because none of the tides, excepting those of the principal solar series, have commensurable periods in mean solar time. A correction, or ' clearance of the daily mean,' has therefore to be applied for all the important tides of short period, excepting for the solar tides. Let R cos (nt ) be the expression for one of the tides of short period as evaluated by the harmonic analysis for the same year, and let a be the value of nt at any noon. Then the 25 consecutive hourly heights of water, beginning with that noon, are R cos a, R cos (n + a), R cos (2/i + a) ... R cos (23n + a), R cos (24n + a) In the method (i) of taking the daily mean it is obvious that the 'clearance' is ,, sin I2n . - , ^VR - i cos (a 4- HA? sin \ n In the method (ii) it is easily proved to be .(65) tan#/i and in method (iii) it is Gin -SJi-ij i T Olll i)~fv / , 1 \ \ ^R : j cos (a + I2n) The clearance, as written here, is additive. It was found practically in the computation for these tides that only three tides of short period exercise an appreciable effect, so that clearances for them have to be applied. These tides are the M 2 , N, tides. It was usual to compute these three clearances for every day in the year, and to correct the daily values accordingly. But in following this plan a great deal of unnecessary labour has been incurred, and when a simpler plan is followed it may perhaps be worth while to include more of the short-period tides in the clearances. 1883] TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. 59 Professor J. C. Adams suggests the use of the tide-predicting machine for the evaluation of the sum of the clearances, and if this plan is not found to inconveniently delay operations in India, it may perhaps be tried. In explaining the process we will suppose that method (i) has been followed ; if either of the other plans be adopted it will be easy to change the formulae accordingly. It is clear that Rcos(a + lljra) is the height of the tide n at ll h 30 m ; and the same is true for each such tide. Hence if we use the tide-predicter to run off a year of fictitious tides with the semi-range of each tide equal to ^j sin 12n/sm^n of its true semi-range, and with all the solar series and the annual and semi-annual tides put at zero, the height given at each ll h 30 m in the year is the sum for each day of all the clearances to be subtracted. The scale to which the ranges are set may of course be chosen so as to give the clearances to a high degree of accuracy. In the other process of clearance, which will be explained below, a single correction for each short-period tide is applied to each of the final equations, instead of to each daily mean. We next take the 365 daily means, and find their mean value. This gives the mean height of water for the year. If the daily means be un- cleared, the result cannot be sensibly vitiated. We next subtract the mean height from each of the 365 values, and find 365 quantities &h giving the daily height of water above the mean height. These quantities are to be the subject of the harmonic analysis ; and the tides chosen for evaluation are those which have been denoted above as Mm, Mf, MSf, Sa, Ssa. Let 8h A cos (a- BJ) t + B sin (cr ar) i -f C cos 2at + D sin 2crt + C' cos 2 (a- - 17) t + D' sin 2 (a - 77) t- (66) + E cos rjt + F sin rjt + G cos 2i)t + H sin fyt where tis time measured from the first ll h 30 m . Now suppose 1 1} 1 2 are the increments in 24 m. s. hours of any two of the five arguments (i sin /!* = A 2 {sin (^ + 2 ) i + sin (^ 2 ) 1} + B 2 { cos (7j + >) i + cos (7j 2 ) 1} + . . . m n -2 / f* Now let 6 (#) = A ^ ' ,1 so that We may observe that (x) = (j> (- x\ and (0) = If therefore 2 denotes summation for the 365 values from * = to i = 364, we have cos l,i = [<^> (^ + L 2 ) cos 182 (^ + I,) + (I, - I,) cos 182 (I, - I,)] A 2 + [ (li + k} sin 182 (I, + 4) - <^ (4 - 4) sin 182 (I, - 1. 2 )] B 2 + . . . sin /,t = [<^> (^ + 4) sin 182 (^ + 4) + <^> (4 - / 2 ) sin 182 (^ - i a )] A 2 + [- (4 + 4) cos 182 (^ + Z s ) + (j> (4 - 4) cos 182 (^ - Z 2 )] B a + . . . ] ......... (68) In these equations there is always one pair of terms in which 1 2 is identical with 1 1} and since (l 1 -l 1 ) = 182, and cos 182 (^ - ^) = 1, it follows that there is one term in each equation in which there is a coefficient nearly equal to 182*5. In the cosine series it will be a coefficient of an A ; in the sine series, of a B. , The following are the equations (copied from the Report for 1872*) with the coefficients inserted, as computed from these formulae, or their equivalents : * [Some small corrections have been introduced.] 1883] TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. 61 .O <*> RH I "8 00 co oo i i 5 i i CM 8 g (M CO *" T! O O O O o o o CM ^t* oo a I-H o 1 + 1 1 1 1 + + + 0-1 O CD 00 1 1 CD O 10 * 00 OS X Ip O CM CM o cc <~> '" c*3 Tf cc 1 1 CC 1 1 M 6 6 f>l 6 G) X O + + 1 + 1 * I + + + O M O5 9 r-H 1 1 O I 1 8 CM cp 1 g "* a 5ii 6 O o 6 6 6 o ^^ 6 oo O 1 + 1 1 1 I + + + + o-i o oo op ? o 00 cp CM 00 3 fN 1 1 o -u , , 4t< cc 1 1 cc CC 01 6 6 o SJiJ W X B ^H O Q + + 1 + 1 + + + 1 + o II CO r>l ^ ^ -t o iO o P X O5 00 CN CM -ha ~ iO r^ 6 6 6 1 1 CO 6 cc 6 ?j~{ } oo 6 T i . O + + + 1 + + + ' + 1 Q CO CO fM O5 t- 00 1 _ ) ^ C5 C5 i I O5 SP 1 1 CM b 6 Tt* 6 6 e0 -f CM O5 CO Tj* 00 ^ CO o O i- Ol t*- o X cc c? ?o ** oo CM O <* o Tf o TC o O + * + + + + + 1 + 1 II II II II jn 1 1 r II II II II 1 1 ^J tO ^ b ^ .^ ^b. b b CM ". B- c- 01 c- CM _C 00 o _fl c _g o "3 o '& o 02 'm OS X X X X X X X X X X | 62 CLEARANCE OF DAILY MEANS. [1 If the daily means have been cleared by the use of the tide-predicter as above described, these ten equations are to be solved by successive approxi- mation, and we are then furnished with the two component semi-amplitudes, say AU Bj of the five long-period tides. But the initial instant of time is the first ll h 30 m in the year instead of the first noon. Hence if as before we put R 2 = Aj 2 + B x 2 , and tan ^ l = ^B 1 /A l , we must, in order to reduce the results to the normal form in which noon of the first day is the initial instant of time, add to the increment of the corresponding argument for ll h 30 m , according to method (i), or for 12 hours according to methods (ii) or (iii). If, however, the daily means have not been cleared, then before solution of the final equations corrections for clearance Avill have to be applied, which we shall now proceed to evaluate. For this process we still suppose method (i) to be adopted. Let n be the speed of a short-period tide in degrees per m. s. hour, and m n 1 2 ?? let K) = 7T 1 T r- Then we have already seen that the clearance to 8/ (m + I) cos [182 (m + l) + ft] + (m - I) cos [182 (m-l) + &]} Sill OC where as before <6(a;) = A -- ........................... (69) 1 pn$a If A?i denotes the increase of the argument nt in 182 d ll h 30 m , this may now be written (n) {< (m + 1) cos [An + 1821- ?] + (m - 1} cos [Aw - 1822 - ]} If therefore R cos = A, R sin = B, so that A and B are the component semi- ranges of the tide n as immediately deduced from the harmonic analysis for the tides of short period, we have for the clearance to 2$A cos li - [^ (n) (m + l) cos (Aw + 1821) + ^ (n) (m - 1) cos (Aw - 1821)] A ) (m + l) sin (An + 1821) + ^ (n) (m - 1) sin (An - 1821)] B 1883] CLEARANCE OF DAILY MEANS. 63 In precisely the same manner we find the clearance for 28/t sin li to be - O (n) (m + sin (A/i + 1820 - ^ (0 (M ~ sin (& n ~ 182J)] A + fy (0 < (* + cos ( Aw + 182 ^) - ^ 00 < ( ~ cos ( An ~ 182 OJ B These coefficients may be written in a form more convenient for com- putation. For , " sin ap (m 6 (m + = o i / r~7\ 2 sin | (m + l) = l cos 182 (m + + i sin 182 (m I) cot (m I) ......... (70) Then let K (n, 1} = (m + l) + (m - 1)] Z ( n , l) = (in + I) - (m - 1}] . sn . r< / \ Also let & (n) cos A?i = Jr. r cos Aw = C (n) 4 sin fit ............ (72) T/T (n) sin Aw = S (n)) The functions K (n, I), Z (/<, 0> C (n), S (n) may be easily computed from (70), (71), (72). Then if we denote the additive clearance for SSA cos li by [A, n, I, cos] A + [B, n, I, cos] B and that for 2,8k sin li by [A, ?i, I, sin] A + [B, n, I, sin] B We have [A, n, I, cos] = - C On) K (n, 1} cos 182Z + S (n) Z (n, 1) sin 182^ [B, ?i, I, cos] = - S (n) K (n, cos 182Z - C (n) Z (n, 1} sin 182J [A, n, I, sin] = - S (ro) Z (n, cos 182J - C (n) K (n, I) sin 182J I ...... < ~ [B, n, I, sin] = C (w) Z (n, cos 182* - S (n) K (n, 1} sin 1821) We must remark that if \ (m + I) = 360, (??i + is equal to 182'5. This case arises when I is the tide MSf of speed 2 ( xl-0 x-9 X'8 x-7 x-6 x '5 X'4 X'3 x-2 x-1 x-0 Sum laterally . Sum of + = . cos 2 (a- 77) t = . . Sum of - change change change change change change change change change change 52 68 AUXILIARY TABLES. [1 12. AUXILIARY TABLES DRAWN UP UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MAJOR BAIRD, R.E. [Largely abridged.] Values of N (Long. Moons Ascending Node) for O h Jan. 1, G.M.T. Value at O h G.M.T. Jan. 1, 1880 = 285-956863 Motion per Julian year in 1880 = 19 "34146248 Motion for 365 days = 19 -32822387, and for 1 e% = -052954 Year N Year N 1900 259 ? 1276 1910 657395 1 239-7994 1 46-4112 2 220-4712 2 27-0830 3 201-1429 3 7-7018 4 181-8147 4 348-3736 1905 162-4335 1915 329-0454 6 143-1053 6 309-7172 7 123-7771 7 290-3360 8 104-4489 8 271-0078 9 85-0677 9 251-6795 Decrement of N since O h Jan. 1 up to midnight of certain days of the year. [Omitted.] Values of p l (Mean Long, of Solar Perigee) for O h Jan. 1. [Abridged.] Value at O h Jan. 1, 1880 = 280 '874802 Notion per Julian year =0-01710693 Motion for 365 days =0 -01709295 Motion for 1 day =0 -00004683 Year ft Year ft 1900 281 ? 2169 1910 281 ? 3879 1 2340 1 4050 2 2511 2 4221 3 2682 3 4393 4 2853 4 4564 1905 3024 5 4735 6 3195 6 4906 7 3366 7 5078 8 3537 8 5249 9 3708 9 5420 1883] AUXILIARY FORMULAE. 69 [Tables, computed by Colonel Baird, for /, v, and the factors f in terms of N the longitude of the node are here replaced by algebraic formulae, which are sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. The formulae are derived from the tables in Baird's Manual by the method of special values. The angles v, |, v', 2//' are expressible in the form A! sin N + A 2 sin 2N + A 3 sin 3N The values of the A's for the several angles are given in the following schedule : The angle A! A, A, V 12 '94 - 1-34 + 0-19 ll-87 - 1-34 +0-19 v 8-86 -0 3 -68 + 0-07 Zv" 17'74 -0-68 + 0-04 The factors f are expressible in the form f = B + Bj cos N + E, cos 2N + B 3 cos Tides for which f is applicable B B i B 2 BS M 2 , N, 2N, v, i-oofm MS, 2SM, MSf - -03733 + 00017 + -ooooi K 2 Ki 1-0241 1-0060 + 2863 + 1150 + -0083 - -0088 -0015 + 0006 0, Q 10089 + 1871 -0147 + 0014 OO 1-1027 + 6504 + 0317 -0014 J 1-0129 + 1676 -0170 + 0016 Mf 1-0429 + 4135 -0040 0000 Mm 1-0000 --1300 + 0013 0000 May 1906.] 2. ON THE PERIODS CHOSEN FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS, AND A COMPARISON WITH THE OLDER METHODS BY MEANS OF HOUR-ANGLES AND DECLINATIONS. [Third Report of the Committee, consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations. Drawn up by Professor G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1885, pp. 35 60.] I. RECORD OF WORK DURING THE PAST YEAR. A LARGE number of tidal results have been obtained by the United States Coast Survey, and reduced under the superintendence of Professor Ferrel. Although the method pursued by him has been slightly different from that of the British Association, it appears that the American results should be comparable with those at the Indian and European ports. Professor Ferrel has given an assurance that this is the case ; nevertheless, there appears to be strong internal evidence that, at some of the ports, some of the phases should be altered by 180. II. CERTAIN FACTORS AND ANGLES USED IN THE REDUCTION OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. [These are given at the end of the last Paper.] 1885] CHOICE OF PERIODS FOR ANALYSIS. 71 III. ON THE PERIODS CHOSEN FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS IN THE COMPUTATION FORMS. Before proceeding to the subject of this section, it may be remarked that it is unfortunate that the days of the year in the computation forms should have been numbered from unity upwards, instead of from zero, as in the case of the hours. It would have been preferable that the first entry should have been numbered Day 0, Hour 0, instead of Day 1, Hour 0. This may be rectified with advantage if ever a new issue of the forms is required, but the existing notation is adhered to in this section. The computation form for each tide consists of pages for entry of the hourly tide-heights, in which the entries are grouped according to rules appropriate to that tide. The forms terminate with a broken number of hours. This, as we shall now show, is erroneous, although this error may not be of much practical importance. In 9 of the Report for 1883 the following passage [omitted in the pre- ceding paper] occurs : ' The elimination of the effects of the other tides may be improved by choosing the period for analysis not exactly equal to one year. For suppose that the expression for the height of water is AjCOSMjtf + Bj sin n^t + A 2 cos w 2 + B 2 sin n 2 t (61) 'where n. 2 is nearly equal to n^, and that we wish to eliminate the r^-tide, so as to be left only with the ^-tide. ' Now, this expression is equal to [A! 4- AJ, cos (X w 2 ) t B 2 sin (% n. 2 ) t] cos nj, ' (62) -f {Bj + A 2 sin (r?i n 2 ) t + B 2 cos (^ n 2 ) t} sin n^t j 'That is to say, we may regard the tide as oscillating with a speed w 1} but with slowly varying range.' Although this is thus far correct, yet the subsequent justification of the plan according to which the computation forms have been compiled is wrong. In the column appertaining to any hour in the form we have nj a multiple of 15, if W! be a diurnal, and of 30, if n Y be a semidiurnal tide. Consider the column headed '_p-hours ' ; then nj = 15^ for diurnals, and 30* p for semidiurnals. Hence (62), quoted above, shows us that, for diurnal tides, the sum of all the entries (of which suppose there are q) in the column numbered j9-hours, is , KO f A r x is r, N /2-Tr i5\i cos 15 p {A^ + 4i cos(w! n 2 ) - +cos (n^ n 2 ) I 1 I + cos (/?! - no) ( 2 + -^ j M- ... + B [&c.] [ + sin 15^ {&c.} . . .(a) -' \ n, n, J] } 72 CHOICE OF PERIODS FOR ANALYSIS. [2 And for semidiurnal tides the arguments of all the circular functions in (a) are to be doubled. Now, we want to choose such a number of terms that the series by which A 2 and B 2 are multiplied may vanish. This is the case if the series is exactly re-entrant, and is nearly the case if nearly re-entrant. The condition is exactly satisfied for diurnal tides, if where r is either a positive or negative integer. And for semidiurnal tides, if fa w 2 ) q = 2jrr HI That is to say, fa n^)q = n^, for diurnal tides or fa nz)q ^n : r, for semidiurnal tides It is not worth while attempting to eliminate the effect of the semi- diurnal tides on the diurnal tides, and vice versa, because we cannot be more than a fraction of a day out, and on account of the incommensurability of the speeds we cannot help being wrong to that amount. S Series. Now suppose we are analysing for the S 2 tide, and wish to minimise the effect of the M 2 tide. Then ^ = 2 (7 - 77) = 2 x 15 per hour n z = 2 (7 - a) n, - w 2 = 2 (a- - 77) = 1'0158958 per hour The equation is 1-0158958? = 15r If r= 25, 9 = 369-1 3 Thus 25 periods of 2 (cr - 77) is 369'1 3 mean solar days. It follows, there- fore, that we must sum the series over 369 days in order to be as near right as possible. Now this is equally true of all the columns, and each should have 369 entries. Hence, in order to have 369 entries in each column, the S 2 computation form (as used in India) should be corrected accordingly. M Series. Now consider that we are analysing for M 2 , and wish to minimise the effect of the S 2 tide. Hence n, = 2 (7 - 7 642394 per hour To minimise the effect of M 2 , w 2 = 2720- ?ij - w 2 = o- CT = 0< 5443747 per hour 0-5443747? = 14'7642394r Ifr=13, q = 352-58 Hence we should complete the row numbered 353. There is no justification for the alternative offered in the computation forms of continuing the entries up to 369 d 3 h of mean solar time. The v Series. Here ^ = 2 7 - 3rj = 2 x 15'5079479 per hour To minimise the effect of M 2 , n 2 = 27 2J From this we have (neglecting terms in sin 4 A) the following relations : cos 4 \I = cos 2 A, sin 7 cos 2 \1 = V2 sin A cos A, sin 2 7 = 2sin 2 A cos 4 \ a) = cos 2 A /; sin &> cos 2 o> = \/2 sin &> cos CD, sin 2 o> = 2 sin 2 A, 1885] HOUR- ANGLES, DECLINATIONS, AND PARALLAXES. 81 Thus we may put cos 4 / _ cos 2 A sin 1 cos 2 \ I sin 2A \ cos 4 \ o> cos 4 \ i cos 2 A, ' sin G>cos 2 |o> cos 4 i ~ siiT2 A, sin 2 / sin 2 A An approximate formula for A and the value of A are A = 16-51 + 3H4 cos N - 0'19 cos 2N, A / = 16'36 ...... (10) The introduction of A and A, in place of / and / tan 2 A ......... (14) The left-hand side of (14) is the argument of M 2 (see Sched. B. i. 1883), and from (9) the factor of M 2 is cos 2 A/cos 2 A,. Hence, subtracting the retardation 2/i from (14) we have (>/-!* A (M 2 ) = >~ M cos [(2i/r + 4eH' - D' tan 2 A) - 2/a] COS" tA expanding approximately, cos 2 -ri .................. (15) D. i. 6 82 HOUR-ANGLES, DECLINATIONS, AND PARALLAXES. [2 We shall see later that the two latter terms of (15) are nearly annulled by terms arising from other tides, and as in the case of the sun the rates of change of parallax and declination are small, we may write by symmetry, (S 2 ) = S cos 2(^-0 ........................ (16) In all the smaller tides we may write t + h -S -(!/- |) = i|r A general formula of transformation will be required below. Thus, if cos 2x = X, sin '2x = X', cos 2 ty + a; - a) = {X + tan 2 (a - p) X'} cos 2 (-f - a) The lunar K 2 tide. From Sched. B. i, 1883, we have Lunar K, = *" cos 2 [t + A - . - *] Applying (17) with X = D, X' = D', a = K, and taking the lower sign, ci n 2 A |~ Lunar K 2 = -^ K" {D + tan 2 (K - p) D'} cos 2 (^ - ) sm -A - sin 2 (^ - /*)] ...(18) COS 2(K fJi) In the case of the sun we neglect the terms in D', for the same reasons as were assigned for the similar neglect in (16), and have /:) .................. (19) The tide N. From Schedule B. i., Report 1883, cos^/ ^^ 2 _ & _ 44 - Then (N) = tfeoB 2 [f - - M* -/>)] L-Ub ii-i Then applying (17) with X=Yl, X'=H',a v, and taking the upper sign, but writing //, v instead of v p, because this tide being slower than M 2 suffers less retardation, Pn ej2 A F (N) = - ?-N m + tan 2 (p. - v) IT} cos 2 (^ - ) cos' 2 a, cos sn 1885] HOUR- ANGLES, DECLINATIONS, AND PARALLAXES. 83 The tide L. We shall here omit the small tide of speed 2y ) - L COS 2 (-\Jr X) = COS 2A/r (JV" COS 2v L COS 2X) + sin 2i/r (JV sir 2v - L sin 2X) . . JV sin 2i> - L sin 2X _ Then writing tan 2e = -^ - ^ - ^ -- ^ ..................... (22) ^ -- ^ Lcos 2X so that e is nearly equal to v, we have /AT\ , /T\ cos 2 A ^Vcos2i/-Zcos2X rf , ,, (IS ) + (L) = r- [IT + tan 2 (/i - i/) II cos 2 (^ - e)] cos 2 A x cos 2e .-2 sec 2 (^ - i/) + Z sec 2 (X - /*)} sin 2 (^ - ^)] . . .(23) COS i- In the symmetrical term for the sun, with approximation as in (16), we get (T) + (R) = (r- J R)n / cos2(^ / -r) .... ........... (24) This terminates the semidiurnal tides which we are considering ; but before proceeding to collect the results some further transformations must be exhibited, 62 84 EXPRESSION FOR SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [2 Let us consider the function D +xD', where x is small. From (12) we see that cos 2 8 cos 2 A 2 sin 8 cos 8 d8 I) I rfl\ J. JL T sin 2 A M - (N + L)/e = ; hence the terms de- pending on rates of change of declination and parallax are small. This also shows that we were justified in neglecting the corresponding terms in the case of the sun. Also, since the faster tides are more augmented by kinetic action that the slow ones, the two functions, written above, which vanish in the equilibrium theory are normally actually positive. The formula (27) gives the complete expression for the semidiurnal tide in terms of hour- angles, declinations, and parallaxes, with the constants of the harmonic analysis. We shall now show that with rougher approximation (27) is reducible to a much simpler form. The retardation of each tide should be approximately a constant, plus a term varying with the speed. Hence all the retardations may be expressed in terms of and fi, and (T-M /e = /*+ b ^ a- 86 APPROXIMATION FOR SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [2 Also, since (22) may be written _ N sin 2 Q - v) + L sin 2 (A. - /*) ( ^~ ~ r we have, treating /u, i>, X ft, /i e as small, approximately, e = p - \ffi ( L cos 2X Also - = 3efM cos 2 A, cos 2e Then reverting to mean longitudes, and substituting the age of tide where required, we find, on neglecting the difference between K and , For the lunar declinational term, 2 tan 2 \I fM cos 2 [s - wo- - ] cos For the solar declinational term, 2 tan 2 o> S cos 2/i cos For the lunar parallactic term, BefMcos [s p ce() = S sin 2 (4 - + /x) If we compute corresponding to the time of moon's transit from the formula S sin 2 (A - tan 2 (a d)} = -= .. JB, + o cos 2 ( J. then < reduced to time at the rate of 14'49 per hour is the interval after moon's transit to high water, to a first approximation. The angle + 90, similarly reduced, gives the low waters before and after the high water, and + 180 gives another high water. The high waters and low waters are to be referred to the nearest transit of the moon. The height or depression is given to a first approximation by H = */{M * + S 2 + 2M S cos 2 O - <)} This variability in the time and height of high water, due to variability of , is called the fortnightly or semi-menstrual inequality in the height and interval. The period ( /*)/(o- rj) is called 'the age of the tide/ because 1885] CORRECTIONS TO MEAN SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. 91 this is the mean period after new and full moon before the occurrence of spring tide. 6. Corrections. The smaller terms in Schedule IV. may be regarded as inequalities in the principal terms. They are of several types. Consider a term B cos 2 (T - /3). Then 5cos 2 (T -) = 5cos 2 ( - <)cos 2 (T - 0) + sin 2 (/3 - <)sin 2(T- <) Hence the addition of such a term to H cos 2 (T - <) gives us (# + S#) cos 2 (T - - 8) where SH = B cos 2 (/3 ), 2.ffS = 5 sin 2 (/3 <) (35) Next consider a term G sin 2 (T - /A). Putting j3 = p + \ r rr, we have i TTJ" ^f " O / -JL \ O f I ^L f^ O / ,^A \ / Q^? \ Next consider a term .fe'cos 2 (T + J. - f). Putting /3 = ^- J., we have 85 = ^ cos 2 (4 - + ), 2#S(/> = -#sin 2(^1 -+<) ...(37) Lastly, consider a term ^sin2(T + .4- ^). Putting /3= -4 -f-^Tr, we have In writing down the corrections we substitute 14'498 for 8$, and introduce a factor so that the times may be given in mean solar hours and the angular velocities in degrees per hour. Change of Moon's R.A., Sched. IV. This is of type (36), and gives 2-7r fda IftQ I ,7* " I ' "'"0 ""* * V* This correction to the height is very small. Change of Sun s R.A., Sched. IV.* This is of type (38), and gives (40) * With the value of A suggested in footnote to (32) (da t /dt - A"?)] / (7 ~ <*) at high water. This is obviously very small. 92 CORRECTIONS TO MEAN SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [2 Moons Declination, Sched. IV. This is of type (35), and gives m . egPy-oM-A . 68Jj cos sm A ' ......... (41) U . xh-977 COS '*:- OS ' A -683 sin 2 ( - *) $tm's Declination, Sched. IV. This is of type (37), and gives ,,. cos 2 8, -cos 2 A 01 Krr "StfAT - ft = - 1-977 C S ' g s : n "7' A ' '317 sin Change of Moons Declination, Sched. IV. This is of type (36), and gives .> sin8cosSd8/ '683^2 M*. A "\ o/ j.\^ g^T= r-rr- jTl- ^ - - tan 2 A / sm 2 (/i - ) o-sm 2 A / rfi \cos2(-/i) K sin 8 cos 8 dS / '683^2 *,>. \\ n/ S<= l h '977 . -- : ^rt J/tan 2 A y cos2(/i o-.ff sm 2 A 7 rfi Vcos 2 (/c - /*) V Moon's Parallax, Sched. IV. This is of type (35), and gives (44) I's Parallax, Sched. IV. This is of type (37), and gives rn ~p BH = (P - 1) - - cos 2 (A - + 4 \ (45) Bt = - l h> 977 (P t - 1) -^g- sin 2 (A - %+ <\ / Change of Moons Parallax, Sched. IV. This is of type (36), and gives (46) 1885] DIURNAL TIDES. 93 The lunar corrections involving sines are small compared with those involving cosines. To evaluate these corrections we must compute r from reduced to time at 14'49 per hour. In the right ascensional terms, da/dt and a are to be expressed in degrees per hour, da/dt is the hourly change of })'s R.A. at time of ))'s transit, and dajdt is the hourly change of 0's R.A. at time of ])'s transit. Similarly, d8/dt is to be expressed in degrees, if a be in degrees. 8', P' can be found for the antecedent moments, 57'3 tan 2(* and 57 0< 3 tan 2 (/LI v)/(') = Jf ' -H S' cos ^ ff' sin (X - f ) = S' sin X (O) + (P) = H' cos (H + f* - $ ) = #' cos [^ + (a - i; ) - 2 (s - |) + TT - f ] (49) DIURNAL TIDES. Where H' = \/{M '' 2 + S'' 2 + 2M 'S' cos xY n( '-6'}= ' Sf/sin % The rate of increase of the angle ^ is twice the difference of the mean motions of the moon and sun, but it would be more correct to substitute for s and h the true longitudes of the bodies. It follows from (50) that <' has a fortnightly inequality like that of <. fy is very nearly equal to T, and where the diurnal tide is not very large we may with sufficient approximation put So that with fair approximation The synthesis of the two parts of the Kj tide has been performed in the harmonic method (Report, 1883), and we have (K x ) = i^Ki COS (t + h V^TT /Cj) Then, writing H 1 K l = K , we have (Kj) = K Q cos (T + a v \-n tfj) (52) We have next to consider what corrections to the time and height of high and low water are necessary on account of these diurnal tides. If we have a function COS i where n is nearly equal to unity, and H l is small compared with H ; its maxima and minima are determined b}^ H n sin 2 (T -<) = - -- sin (nT - j3) If T = TO be the approximate time of maximum, and T + ST the true time, then, since the mean lunar day is 24'84 hours, and the quotient when this is divided by 8?r is O h> 988, we have in mean solar hours, T = - O h -988 ^~ - sin (T And the correction to the maximum is .(53) Again if T = Tj be the approximate time of minimum, and 1\ + STj the true time, then (54) And the correction to the minimum is SH=H 1 cos(nT 1 -/3) 1885] SYNTHESIS IN HARMONIC NOTATION. 95 In the case of the correction due to (0) + (P), n is approximately 1 , and for the correction due to Kj , n is approximately 1 -f 7 0- j a 8. Direct Synthesis of the Harmonic Expression for the Tide. The scope of the preceding investigation is the establishment of the nature of the connection between the older treatment of tidal observation and the harmonic method. It appears, however, that if the results of harmonic analysis are to be applied to the numerical computation of a tide- table, then a direct synthesis of the harmonic form may be preferable to a transformation to moon's transit, declinations, and parallaxes. Semidiurnal Tides. We shall now suppose that M is the height of the M 2 tide, augmented or diminished by the factor for the particular year of observation, according to the longitude of the moon's node, and similarly K generically for the augmented or diminished height of any of the smaller tides. As before, let 2/z, 2 be the lags of M 2 , S 2 ; and 2, generically, the lag of the K tide. Let 6 = t + h-s-v + t; Then might be defined as the mean moon's hour-angle, the mean moon coinciding with the true, not at Aries, but at the intersection. Let the argument of the K tide be written generically 2 [6 + a K\. Then h. 2 = J/" cos 2 (0 - fj,) + S cos 2 [0 + s - h + v, - % - f] + K Q cos 2[0 + u-ic] ......... (55) If we write = v + and H cos 2 (/* - $) = Jf + 8 cos 2 [s - h - + /*] Hsiu 2 O - (/>) = 8 sin 2 [s - h - + p] the first two terms of (55) are united into # cos 2 (0-0) ...................... ........ (56) with fortnightly inequality of time and height defined by o/ A\_ - ......... (57) The amount of the fortnightly inequality depends to a small extent on the longitude of the moon's node, since and M are both functions of that longitude. 96 SYNTHESIS IN HARMONIC NOTATION. [2 For the K tide we have KQ cos 2 (6 -f u - K) = K cos 2 (u - K + ) cos 2 (B - 0) - K sin 2 (tt - K + <) sin 2 (0 - ) Hence S# = /f cos 2 (it K + ) ] K \ (58) S< = ~j sin 2 (?< - K + <) It is easy to find from the Nautical Almanac the exact time of mean moon's transit on any day, and then the successive additions of 12 h< 420601 or 12 h 25 14 8- 16 give the successive upper and lower transits. The successive values of 2 (s h) may be easily found by successively adding 12'618036 to the initial value at the time of the first transit of the mean moon, and (f> may be obtained from the table of the fortnightly inequality for each value of 2 (s h). The function u is slowly varying, e.g., for the K 2 tide Z*2(f-) + i(iV-i>") and the increment of argument for each 12 h< 420601 may be easily computed once for all, and added to the initial value. In the case of the diurnal tides it will probably be most convenient to apply corrections for each independently, following the same lines as those sketched out in 5. The corrections for the over- tides M 4 , S 4 , &c., and for the terdiurnal and quaterdiurnal compound tides, would also require special treatment, which may easily be devised. At ports, where the diurnal tide is nearly as large or larger than the semidiurnal, special methods will be necessary. Although the treatment in terms of mean longitudes makes the correc- tions larger than in the other method, yet it appears that the computation of a tide-table may thus be made easier, with less reference to ephemerides, and with amply sufficient accuracy. [This subject is considered hereafter in the paper (7) on 'Tidal Prediction.'] 3. DATUM LEVELS; THE TREATMENT OF A SHORT SERIES OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AND ON TIDAL PREDICTION. [Report of the Committee consisting of Professor G. H. DARWIN, Sir W. THOMSON, and Major BAIRD, for the purpose of prepar- ing instructions for the practical work of Tidal Observation; and Fourth Report of the Committee consisting of Professors G. H. DARWIN and J. C. ADAMS, for the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations. Drawn up by G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1886, pp. 40 58.] I. RECORD OF WORK DURING THE PAST YEAR. DATUM LEVELS. IN the course of the Indian tidal operations a discussion has arisen as to the determination of a datum level for tide-tables. The custom of the Admiralty is to refer the tides to ' the mean low- water mark of ordinary spring tides.' This datum has not a precise scientific meaning, but, at ports where there are but few observations, has been derived from a mean of the spring-tides available. At some of the Indian ports this datum has been found by taking the mean of all spring-tides on the tide diagram for a year, with the exception of those which occur when the moon is near perigee. The diurnal tides enter into the determination of the datum in an undefined manner. It follows that two determinations of this datum level, both equally defensible, might differ sensibly from one another. A datum level should be sufficiently low to obviate the frequent occur- rence of negative entries in a tide-table, and it should be rigorously determinable from tidal theory. It is now proposed to adopt as the datum level at any new ports in India, for which tide-tables are to be issued, a datum to be called ' the Indian spring low- water mark,' and which is to i>. i. 7 98 INDIAN LOW-WATER MARK. [3 be below mean sea-level by the sum of the mean semi-ranges of the tides M 2 , S 2 , Kj, O; or, in the notation used below, H m + H s H- H' + H below mean water mark. This datum is found to agree pretty nearly with the Admiralty datum, but is usually a few inches lower. The definition is not founded on any precise theoretical considerations, but it satisfies the conditions of a good datum, and is precisely referable to tidal theory. If, when further observations are made, it is found that the values of the several H's require correction, it is not proposed that the datum level shall be altered accordingly, but when once fixed it is to be always ad- hered to. II. ON THE TREATMENT OF A SHORT SERIES OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AND ON TIDAL PREDICTION. 1. Harmonic Analysis, Having been asked to write an article on the tides in a new edition of the Admiralty Scientific Manual [see Paper 4 below], now in the press, I thought it would be useful to show how harmonic analysis might be applied to the reduction of a short series of tidal observations, such as might be made when a ship lies for a fortnight or a month in a port. The process of harmonic analysis, as applicable to a year of continuous observation, needs some modification for a short series, and as it was not possible to explain the reasons for the rules laid down within the limits of the article, it seems desirable to place on record an explanation of the instructions given. The observations to be treated are supposed to consist of hourly obser- vations extending over a fortnight or a month. In the reduction of a long series of observations the various tides are disentangled from one another by means of an appropriate grouping of the hourly observations. When, however, the series is short, the method of grouping is not sufficient in all cases. With the amount of observation supposed to be available, a determi- nation of the elliptic tides was not possible, and it was therefore proposed to consider only the tides M 2 , S 2 , K 2 , K 1} O, P that is to say, the principal lunar, solar, and luni-solar semidiurnal tides, and the luni-solar, lunar, and solar diurnal tides. The luni-solar and solar semidiurnal tides have, how- ever, so nearly the same speed that we cannot hope for a direct separation 1886] SHORT SERIES OF OBSERVATIONS. 99 of them by the grouping of the hourly values, and we must have recourse to theory for completing the process; and the like is true of the luni- solar and solar diurnal tides. Also, the tides Kj and P have very nearly half the speed of S 2 ; hence the diurnal tides K a and P will appear together as the diurnal constituent, whilst S 2 and K 2 will appear as the semidiurnal constituent, from the harmonic analysis of the same table of entries. It thus appears that three different harmonic analyses will suffice to determine the six tides, viz. : First, an analysis for M 2 ; second, an analysis for O ; third, an analysis for S 2 , K 2 , K!, P. The rules therefore begin with instructions for drawing up three schedules, to be called M, O, S, for the entry of hourly tide-heights. Each schedule consists of twenty-four hour columns, and a number of rows for the successive days. In M and O certain squares are marked, in which two successive hourly entries are to be put. The instructions for drawing up the schedules are simply rules for preparing part of the first page of the series M, O, S of the computation forms for a year of observation. In order to minimise the vitiation of the results derived from the M sheet by the S 2 tide, and vice-versa, and similarly to minimise the vitiation of the results from the sheet by the Kj tide, it is important to choose the proper number of entries in each of the three sheets. It was shown in Section III. of the Tidal Report to the British Association for 1885 [Paper 2] how these periods were to be determined. The equation by which we find how many rows to take to minimise the effect of the S 2 tide on the M 2 tide is there shown to be 1-01589580 = 14-4920521r If r = 1, q = 14-26 ; and if r = 2, q = 28'5. For a reason similar to that given in 1885 we conclude that, in analysing about a fortnight of observation we must have 14 rows of values on the M sheet, and for a month's observation 29 rows of values. Similarly, to minimise the effect of the M 2 tide on the S 2 tide the equation is 1-0158958^ =15r If r=l, = 14-76; and if r = 2, = 29'5. Whence we must have 15 rows of values on the S sheet for a fort- night's observation, and 30 rows of values for a month's observation. These two rules are simply a statement that on the M and S sheets we are to take a period equal to the interval from spring-tide to spring- tide, or twice that period, 72 100 SHORT SERIES OF OBSERVATIONS. [3 Similarly, to minimise the effect of the Kj tide on the tide, the equation is r0980330g = 13'9430356r If r=l, 2=12-69; and if r = 2, q = 25'38. Whence we must have 13 rows of values on the O sheet for a fort- night's observation, and 25 rows for a month's observation. Lastly, to minimise the effect of the O tide on the Kj tide, the equation is l-0980330g = 15-0410686r If r = 1, q = 13-70 ; and if r = 2, q = 26'4. Hence, in using the numbers on the S sheet for determining the diurnal tides, we must use 14 rows of values for a fortnight's observation, and 26 rows for a month's observation. Thus, on the S sheet we use more rows for the semidiurnal tides than for the diurnal namely, one more for a fortnight and three more for a month. The rules for drawing up the computation forms then specify, in accordance with the above results, where the entries are to stop on the three sheets, and give directions for the dual use of the S sheet, according as it is for finding semidiurnal or diurnal tides. When the entries have been made, the twenty-four columns on each sheet are summed, and each is divided by the number of entries in the column. On the S sheet there are two sets of sums and divisions, one with and the other without the additional row or rows. The three sheets thus provide us with four sets of twenty-four mean hourly values; the M sheet corresponds with mean lunar time, the hour being 15 -=- 14'49 of a mean solar hour; both the means on the S sheet correspond with mean solar time; and the O sheet corresponds with a special time, in which the hour is 15 -=- 13'94 of a mean solar hour. The four sets of means are then submitted to harmonic analysis : the semidiurnal components are only evaluated on the M sheet; the diurnal components are evaluated from the shorter series on S, and the semidiurnal from the longer series; and the diurnal components from the O sheet. We may also evaluate the quaterdiurnal components from the M and S sheets. It might, perhaps, be useful to evaluate the diurnal component on the M sheet, for if it does not come out small it is certain that the amount of observations analysed is not sufficient to give satisfactory results. 1886] NOTATION. 101 In the article the harmonic analysis is arranged according to a rule devised by General [Sir Richard] Strachey*, which is less laborious than that usually employed, and which is sufficiently accurate for the purpose. 2. On the Notation employed. It will be convenient to collect together the definitions of the principal symbols employed in this paper. The mean semi-range and angle of lagging of each of the harmonic constituent tides have, in the Tidal Report for 1883, been denoted gene- rically by H, K ; but when several of the H's and KS occur in the same algebraic expression it is necessary to distinguish between them. The tides to which we shall refer are M 2 , S 2 , N, L, T, R, O, P, and K 2 , K x ; the H and K for the first eight of these will be distinguished by writing the suffix letters m , g> n , &c., e.g., H OT , tc m for the M 2 tide. With regard to the K tides, we may put H", K", and H', K'. Again, the factors of augmentation f (functions of longitude of moon's node), as applicable to the several tides, will be denoted thus : for M 2 , N, L, simply f; for K 2 , K 1? f", f respectively; for O, f . The K 2 , K! tides take their origin jointly from the moon and sun, and it will be necessary in computing the tide-table to separate the lunar from the solar portion of K 2 . Now, the ratio of the lunar to the solar tide-generating force is such that "683H" is the lunar portion and '31 7H" is the solar portion of H". In the Report of 1885 [Paper 2] a slightly different notation was employed for the H's and K'S, but it is easy to see how the results of that Report are to be transformed into the present notation. As in the Report of 1883 [Paper 1] we write t, h, s for local mean solar hour-angle, sun's and moon's mean longitude, and v, %, v, Zv" for functions of the longitude of moon's node depending on the intersection of the equator with the lunar orbit ; also 7 77, rj, days, 15) 29'53{ - -01945) ,_,_- 3- a= id,.7r and 1 S-lF2 == .AAASQf' also 3 ' 67 JF2 = o. Ifr I O ) V/U^oO 1 O / / The investigation then shows that K = H = 3-67 jp 2 R g cos ^ H" = - H r cos (2ho-2v fi + a) ' 3'67 Turning now to the diurnal tides, the harmonic analysis gives us 104 COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. [3 AIT ^ We then put tan d> = ^7 sm - cos f 271 , 26-571 where, for days, = ^ The investigation then shows that 13-29) - 2 ^ - "') + + .QO k D oo nrl W , ~ 3f - cos (2/i, -' + ) H * =iH ............... (7) - 27} -00391] 3-027 where, for ^ days, log ^ = ^ and These are the formula? which should have been used in the Admiralty Scientific Manual, and are used in Paper 4, as given in the present volume. There was a mistake in the Manual as published, and although pains have been taken to insert errata in as many copies as possible, it is certain that several uncorrected copies must be in circulation. It is fortunate that the mistake was such as not to make a large difference in the result.] 4. Computation of a Tide-table. Semidiurnal Tides. The computation of a tide-table from tidal constants which do not contain the elliptic tides N and L presents some difficulty, because the total neglect of these tides would make the results very considerably in error. On this account it was found necessary to use the moon's hour-angle, declination, and parallax in making the computations. We shall begin by considering only the semidiurnal tide. In the Tidal Report of 1885 [Paper 2] it was shown how the expression for this tide in the harmonic notation may be transformed so as to involve hour-angles, declinations and parallaxes, instead of mean longitudes and eccentricities of orbits. The formula (27) of the Report of 1885 for the total semidiurnal tide, when written in the notation of 2, is cos 2 ^^A" H ' cos ~ * + * cos COS tA cos 2 8' cos 2 A , + -- ^ - -683H' cos (2ilr - ") sin* A 1886] TIDE-TABLE; SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. 105 sin 3 cos 8 dS f -683H" 1 - Vsin^7 * [COB (*-.) - H - tan A 'J S g _ cos- e cos e cos 2 A dP/dzr w H M sec (/c m - ic n ) + cos 2 A ~a~ 4Mm " \ . ............ (8) H n sin /c n - H; sin where tan e = ^= ti n COS K n tii COS /Cj We shall now proceed to simplify this. In the first place, the terms depending on d8/dt and dP/dt are certainly small, and may be neglected. Then let ,, cos 2 A TT cos 2 B' cos 2 A , M = co^ Rm + - sin^A, ' <683H C S ( * ~ ^ , cos 2 A /T) , . H w cos K H HI cos KI H -- TA (* ~ 1) -cos(e K m ) cos 2 A/ ecose cos 2 8' cos 2 A H" . . COS 2 A /T)/ H n COS n H; COS KI . , , (I - M/ = H s + cos -317H" + (P - 2 sm /*, = *. ........................................................................ (9) Now observation and theory agree in showing that K" is very nearly equal to K S \ hence we are justified in substituting K S for K" in the small solar declinational term of (8) involving -317H". This being so, (8) becomes h a = M cos (2^- - A*) + M y cos (2^-^) ............... (10) In the equilibrium theory each H is proportional to the corresponding term in the harmonically developed potential. This proportionality holds nearly between tides of nearly the same speed; hence in the solar tides we may assume (see Sched. B, 1883, and note that cot 2 A, = cot 2 a>) that, 106 SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [3 and M / reduces to M - = H * + 3 (P ' - 1} H * = H * [1 + 3 (P ' - 1)] nearly Now, A, = 16'36 = 16 22', sec 2 A,= 1-086, also P, = p,, and therefore M, = r086p,cos 2 8,H g ........................... (12) In a similar way, according to the equilibrium theory, we should have ^ (H n - Hf) = H OT Although this proportionality is probably not actually very exact, yet in our supposed ignorance of the lunar elliptic tides we have to assume its truth. Also, we must assume that the two elliptic tides N and L suffer the same retardation, and therefore x n = te t = e. With these assumptions, H m + (P'-l) -cos(e- K m } = H m [l + 3(P'- 1)] = H W P e cos e mu cos 2 A , ,, , 1 hen, since . = f, and P 3 = p cos 2 A / we have M = fp'H m + ^^?^ -683H" cos ( K " - *,) nao? X P02 A U" \S\JlJ \J \J\J75 L^ S^flt-t: AJ- X // \ /I O \ 683 , sin (*" - K m ) (13) sin 2 A / Tf '683 '683 Kh _ o If we put C, = ^ = C = - . - x 57 '3 2 sin 2 A, ' 2 sm 2 A / then log d = '6344, logC 2 =2'3925 and GI, C 2 are absolute constants for all times and places. Next, if we put TT// a = CjH" cos (K" K m ), /3 = C 2 vr- sin (K" K m ) A-acos2A, B=y9cos2A (14) then obviously a, $ are absolute constants for the port, and A and B are nearly constant, for their small variability only depends on the longitude of the moon's node entering through A. Thus we have, from (9), (12), (13), (14), M = fH m + (p' - 1) f H m + (a cos 28' - A) /< = *m + (@ cos 28' B), expressed in degrees M / = l'086p / cos 2 8 / H 8 ^ =*, (15) 1886] SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. J07 where p', 8' are the values of p and 8 at a time earlier than that corresponding to -^ by 'the age' 52 h< 2 tan (K" - K m ). In the article [Paper 4 in this volume] fH TO is called R OT ; (p' 1) fH m , the parallactic correction, is called 8 t R m ; (2 cos 2S' A), the declinational correction, is called S 2 R W . Similarly, /3 cos 28' B, the declinational correction to K W , is called S^K m . Also, M, is called S. Thus, with this notation the whole semidiurnal tide is /Is = (R, H + SjRm + S 2 R, n ) COS (2>/r - K m - S 2 m) + S COS (2^, - K g ) . . .(16) The mean rate of increase of i|r is 7 ) = M -f S cos A -\ -- - x m K* + K m + 8^K m I 7-0- J = M + S cos ( A Kg + f g/c m + S 2 /c w ) Hsin(/t 0)= S sin ( A K S + f f K m + S 2 /c, rt ) ............ (19) and we have for the whole luni-solar semidiurnal tide ^ = Hcos(2^-) ........................... (20) If We put 7 + 807 = K s l$K m + we have, from (19), tan (u, d>) = ^ M + S cosx \ ..................... (21) High water occurs approximately ^-, , or Jg after moon's transit. 108 SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [3 The determination of and H may be conveniently carried out by a graphical construction. If we take O as a fixed centre, OS as an initial line, and S a point in it such that OS = S, and set off the angle AOM equal to x, and OM equal to M ; then OMS is the angle p. - , and SM is the height H. The angle x increases by 360 from spring-tide to spring-tide, and there- fore one revolution in the figure corresponds to 15 days. As a very rough approximation, M lies on a circle, but the parallactic and declinational corrections 3jR m and S 2 R m cause a considerable departure from the circle. The angle <> and the height H are also easily computed numerically. If cos x is positive, let 6 be an auxiliary angle determined by tan 2 6 = ^ r cos x M and we have tan (fju <) = sin 2 tan x, H = S cosec (/u, ) sin x If cos x is negative, let 6 be an auxiliary angle determined by sin 2 = ^f cos x M and we have tan (fj, ) = tan 2 6 tan x, H = S cosec (//- ) sin x These formulae are adapted for logarithmic computation. 5. Correction for Diurnal Tides. The tide-table has to be corrected for the effect of three diurnal tides, designated 0, K 1} P. If we write V = t -f h 2s v + 2 4- |TT V' = t + h- V '-^7T then, in accordance with Schedules B of the Report of 1883, the expres- sions for the three tides are O =f H cos(V -* ) K^f'H'cosCV'-*') P =- Hp cos [V'-*'-- (2/i -i/) + ('-*)] (22) 1886] CORRECTIONS FOR DIURNAL TIDE. 109 [The tides K x and P change their phases relatively to one another in half a year, and since P is considerably smaller than K n we may without serious error attribute to 2h a mean value for a short period such as a month. Also we may assume tc p = K. Hence if denotes the sun's mean longitude at the middle of the month (or other short period), we may with rough approximation write the expression for the P tide in the form ^ P = - H p cos [V - ' - (2 - v')] Therefore if we put sin (20 -i/) , 3f'-coB(20-iQ , n * == 3f- cos (20-0' 3cos4> and if further we write f H = R the diurnal tides, reduced to two, are] = R cos (V - K O ) K 1 + P = R'cos(V'-'-0) ..................... (23) and R', having a semi-annual inequality, must be recomputed for each month. Now, suppose that we compute V and V at the epoch, that is, at the initial noon of the period during which we wish to predict the tides, and with these values put = K O V at epoch ' = K V at epoch then the speed of V is 7-2 37 per day; and the speed of V is 7, or 15'04 per hour, or 360 0> 986 per day. Hence, if t be the mean solar time in hours on the (n + l)th day since the epoch, V - KO = 360rc + 13-94t - - 2 V + (f> - K = 36Qn + 15-04t - f + 0'986w Therefore the diurnal tide at the time t hours on the (n + l)th day is given approximately by = R cos [14t - - 25 J c x n] K 1 +P = R / cos[15t-' + l xn] ........................ (24) If we substitute for t the time of high or low water as computed simply from the semidiurnal tide, it is clear that the sum of these two expres- sions will give us the diurnal correction for height of tide at high or low water. 110 CORRECTIONS FOR DIURNAL TIDE. [3 If we consider the maximum of a function, A cos 2n (t ot) + B cos n' (t /8) where n is nearly equal to n', we see that the time of maximum is given approximately by t = a, with a correction St determined from - 2An sin (2/iSt) - n'B sin n (t - p 1 ) = 180 n'B . or ot = -; -r sin ?i ( t /3) 47T71 71.0. In this way we find the corrections to the time of high water from and Ki + P : and since ti = 7 cr, and -: = O h> 988. and = 1 for 0, 47rw n 7 0- and 1 -I for K x , we have 7 0" 8t = - O h '988 ( 1 -) sin [14t - , - 25 J x n] \ 7-07 H 8t/ = - O h '988 ( 1 + - N ) sin [15t- ?' + 1 x n] (25) \ 7 <7/ rl where H is the height of the semidiurnal high water. With sufficient approximation we may write these corrections : Bt = - l h x ? s i n [] 4t - & - 254 x n] ti H The computations are easily carried out, although the arithmetic is neces- sarily tedious. Since two places of decimals are generally sufficient for R and R', the multiplications by the sines and cosines are very easily made with a Traverse Table. The successive high and low waters follow one another on the average at 6 h 12 m ; now, 14 x 6'2 - 87, and 15 x 6'2 = 93. Hence, if we compute 14t ^ 25^ x n for the first tide on any day, the remaining values are found with sufficient approximation by adding once, twice, thrice 87; and similarly, in the case of 15t ' + 1 x n we add once, twice, thrice 93. [If the diurnal tide is the predominant one, as occurs at some places, this method of correction would of course be insufficient.] 1886] DETAILS AS TO COMPUTATION. Ill 6. Certain Details in the Computation of the Tide-table. It will be well to give some explanatory details concerning the manner of carrying out the computations. The angle A is given by 16'51 + 3 '44 cos 8 -0'19cos2S3, where S3 is the longitude of the moon's node. It is clear that A varies so slowly that it may be regarded as constant for many months, and the same is true of the factors f, f", f, f , and the small angles v, f, v, 2v". Approximate formulae for these quantities in terms of S were given at the end of the first paper in this volume, and are used in the article in the Manual [Paper 4]. To find the cube of the ratio of the sun's parallax to his mean parallax, the following rule is given : Subtract the mean parallax from the parallax, multiply the difference by 19J, read as degrees instead of seconds, look out the sine, and add 1. This rule is founded on the fact that a mean parallax 8"'85 multiplied by 19 J gives 3 x 57", and 57 is the unit angle or radian, whilst the sine of a small angle is equal to the angle in radians*. Similarly, the cube of the ratio of the moon's parallax to her mean parallax is 1+3 sin [60 (parx mean parx)] That is to say, for the moon : Subtract the mean parallax from the parallax, read as degrees instead of minutes, look out the sine, multiply by 3, and add 1. This rule depends on the fact that the moon's mean parallax in radians is ^. For the purpose of applying the corrections 8]R W , &jR m , 8 2 K m , 8 2 i, S^y, it is most convenient to compute auxiliary tables for each degree of declination of the moon and minute of her parallax, and then the actual corrections are easily applied by interpolation. These tables serve for the port as long as the longitude of the moon's node is nearly constant, or with rougher approximation for all time. The declinational and parallactic corrections to high water depend on the moon's declination and parallax at a time anterior to high water by ' the age.' Hence, in order to find these corrections we have to know the time of high water in round numbers. Each high water follows a moon's transit at the port approximately by the interval i. The Greenwich time of the moon's transit at the port is the G.M.T. of moon's transit at Greenwich, less 2 minutes for each hour of E. longitude, less the E. longi- tude in hours. Then, if we subtract from this ' the age ' and add the interval i, we find the G.M.T.'s at which we want the moon's declination and parallax. * [The mean solar parallax is now taken, in the Nautical Almanac, as 8" -80, but the rule still remains sufficiently exact.] 112 EXAMPLE OF TIDE-TABLE. [3 Thus, at Port Blair"! rn ]yr T f VA the G.M.T. at which wel = -T ' S \ - long. corr. for transit (O h '2) , , (transit at Gr.j want parx. and decl. J - E. long, of port (6 h< 2) - age of tide (32 h> 6) + mean interval (9 h> 6) = G.M.T. of Ys tr. at Gr. - 29 h> 4. Thus at Greenwich, on Feb. 1st, 1885, the moon's lower transit was at 2 h , and hence, corresponding to the lower transit at Port Blair of Feb. 1, we require the moon's parallax and declination at 21 h Jan. 30, G.M.T. The parallax at the nearest Greenwich noon or midnight is sufficiently near the truth, and therefore we take the parallax at O h Jan. 31, which is 60 /g O, and the excess above the mean is 3''0, and 1 + 3 sin 3 is T157, which is the factor p'. Actually, however, we read off the correction ^Rm and the other correc- tions S 2 R/i> & 2 i, 8 2 y straight from the auxiliary tables. 7. On Tide-tables Computed by the above Method. A great deal of arithmetical work was necessary in making trial of the rules devised above and in various modifications of them, and I must record my thanks to Mr Allnutt, who has been indefatigable in working out tide- tables for various ports, and in comparing them with official tables. The whole of the results, to which I now refer, are due to him. The following table exhibits the amount of agreement between a computed table and one obtained by the tide-predicting instrument. It must be borne in mind that the instrument is rigorous in principle, and makes use of far more ample data than are supposed to be available in our computations. The columns headed 'Indian tables' are taken from the official Indian tide-tables. The datum level, however, in those tables is 3'13 ft. below mean water mark, whereas ' Indian spring low-water mark ' is 3'55 ft. below the mean. Thus, to convert the heights given in the Indian tables to our datum 0'42 ft. or 5 ins. have been added to all the heights in the official table. A tide-table was computed for Aden for a fortnight, and the results were found to be somewhat less satisfactory than those in the following table. It must be remarked, however, that the sum of the semi-ranges of the three diurnal tides Kj , O, P is 2'340 ft. and is actually greater than the sum of the semi-ranges of the tides M 2 and S 2 , which is 2*265 ft. Thus, at some parts of some lunations the semidiurnal tide is obliterated by the diurnal tide, and there is only one high water and one low water in the day. In this case it is obvious that the approximation, by which we determine semidiurnal high and low water and apply a correction for the diurnal tides, becomes inapplic- able. In the greater part of our computed table the concordance is fairly good; but the tide-predicting instrument shows that on each of the days, 1886] EXAMPLE OF TIDE-TABLE. 113 7th and 8th February, 1885, there was only one high and low water, whereas our table, of course, gives a double tide as usual. Again, on the 9th February there is an error of 68 minutes in a high water. These discrepancies are to be expected, since the approximate method is here pushed beyond its due limits ; and for such a port as Aden special methods of numerical approxima- tion would have to be devised. TIDE-TABLE FOR PORT BLAIR, 1885. Calculated Times Indian tables Times Calculated Heights Indian tables Heights h. m. h. m. ft. ft. in. Feb. 1, H.W. 11 3 p.m. 11 4 p.m. 7'4 7 2 Feb. 2, L.W. 5 21 a.m. 518 a.m. o-o -0 2 H.W. 11 26 a.m. 11 31 a.m. 6-6 6 5 L.W. 5 28 p.m. 5 25 p.m. 0-4 H.W. 11 39 p.m. 11 43 p.m. 7-1 6 11 Feb. 3, L.W. 5 56 a.m. 5 56 a.m. 0-2 1 H.W. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. 6-4 6 3 L.W. 6 4 p.m. 6 5 p.m. 07 7 Feb. 4, H.W. 14 a.m. 20 a.m. 6-7 6 6 L.W. 6 31 a.m. 6 33 a.m. 0-5 5 H.W. 40 p.m. 48 p.m. 6-1 6 L.W. 6 42 p.m. 6 44 p.m. 1-2 1 Feb. 5, H.W. 48 a.m. 56 a.m. 6-1 5 11 L.W. 7 5 a.m. 7 9 a.m. 1-0 10 H.W. 1 18 p.m. 1 28 p.m. 5-7 5 7 L.W. 7 20 p.m. 7 25 p.m. 1-7 1 7 Feb. 6, H.W. 1 24 a.m. 1 33 a. in. 5-5 5 4 L.W. 7 41 a.m. 7 45 a.m. 1-5 1 4 H.W. 2 1 p.m. 2 10 p.m. 5-3 5 2 L.W. 8 6 p.m. 8 12 p.m. 2-2 2 1 Feb. 7, H.W. 2 4 a.m. 2 13 a.rn. 4'9 4 9 L.W. 8 23 a.m. 8 25 a.m. 1-9 1 10 H.W. 2 53 p.m. 2 57 p.m. 4-9 4 10 L.W. 9 7 p.m. 9 8 p.m. 2-7 2 6 Feb. 8, H.W. 2 58 a.m. 3 8 a.rn. 4-4 4 3 L.W. 9 20 a.m. 9 24 a.m. 2-4 2 2 H.W. 4 10p.m. 4 14 p.m. 4-7 4 7 L.W. 10 42 p.m. 10 40 p.m. 3-0 2 4 Feb. 9, H.W. 4 29 a.m. 4 40 a.m. 4-0 3 10 L.W. 10 46 a.m. 10 57 a.m. 2-6 2 6 H.W. 5 47 p.m. 5 48 p.m. 4-7 4 7 In a table computed for Amherst the agreement is not quite so good as was to be hoped ; the error in heights amounts in two cases in fifteen days to nearly a foot, and in two other cases to three-quarters of an hour in time. It may be remarked, however, that the tides are large at Amherst, having a spring range of 20 ft. and a neap range of 6 ft., that the diurnal tide is con- siderable, and that the sum of the semi-ranges of the over-tides M 4 , S 4 (which D. I. 114 EXAMPLE OF TIDE-TABLE. [3 we neglect entirely) amounts to 6 inches. It appears also that the tidal constants are somewhat abnormal, for H" = ^H S instead of H" = jj7g_H s , and further Hp = ^:gH / instead of H^jjH'. Under these circumstances it is perhaps not surprising that the discrepancies are as great as they are. Tables were also computed for Liverpool and West Hartlepool, but no correction was here applied for the diurnal tides. The results were compared with the Admiralty tide-tables for Liverpool and Sunderland. In the case of Liverpool there were four tides in a fortnight in which there was a dis- crepancy in the times amounting to 12 minutes, and four other tides in which there was a discrepancy of a foot, and one with a discrepancy of 1 ft. 2 ins. It was obvious, however, that the agreement would have been better if the correction for the diurnal tides had been applied. The spring rise of tide at Liverpool is 26 ft. In the case of Sunderland there were in a fortnight two discrepancies of 15 m., two of 14 m., two of 13 m., two of 12 m., &c. in the times, and in the heights one discrepancy of 3 ins., and four of 2 ins., &c. The spring rise at West Hartlepool is 14 ft. These two tables are quite as satisfactory as could be expected considering the approximate nature of the methods employed. Finally, in order to test the methods both of reduction and of prediction, Mr Allnutt took the harmonic constants derived from our analysis of a fortnight of hourly observation at Port Blair, from April 19 to May 2, 1880, and computed therefrom a tide-table for that same fortnight. He then, by interpolation in the observed hourly heights, determined the actual high waters and low waters during that period. The results of the comparison are exhibited in the table on next page. If our method had been perfect, of course, the errors should be every- where zero. It must be admitted that the agreement is less perfect than might have been hoped. If, however, the calculated and observed tide curves are plotted down graphically side by side, it will be seen that the errors are inconsiderable fractions of the whole intervals of time and heights under consideration. When we consider the extreme complication of tidal phenomena, together with meteorological perturbation, it is, perhaps, not reasonable to expect any better results from an admittedly approximate method, adapted for all ports, and making use of a very limited number of tidal constants. In devising these rules for reduction and prediction I could find no model to work from, 1886] EXAMPLE OF TIDE-TABLE. 115 K9$wVa92*asaasaVaaMaMS o - , , , ,+ ++ +++ ++++++1 , , , , , , , , , ll ^SSg8Sit3!S883?S833SgS3SS:3SS3ffS ^w (M W M ^ ^ ^ ^ rH ^4 ^4P- OI^^^CCrNCCOqw H d SSSSSSS&SSS8SSS9S8a98SSS8a S3 I? ..fOCM..CN(N (N r-i r-Hr-i^H(MrMi^WfMOCr-iOi lOCD O o "* 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + V + + 4- + + 4-+ 1 l i M d 2 OCOCi i O O 5 P9 i-4 t * *3 Cb CO * O f^ > OO t- 6i 00 O OS f^-O (N lCiOCOt^-COCOfM r M r MQOf>lO'*^CDOCf3 v l jH >^AieoGiA4M-i->i^i(N^'C | 9>oncD^idbaooai-"^ ^1 CO ^^ 'O CO t^* 00 O5 t^ <0 t' CO 1> l> 00 t- 00 W t- ^ CD ^ CO W W ^ ^ &I MG5(MCOOCOt^OO5'MOCO'-OfM'MCOOiO3CDfCfMO-*Tt i^ t^ ob t~ oc i> do i-- ao i~- t- cb t- cb i^ ib cb o cb o cb H ^ [ o .8^S^S8^^SSS822^2^??^^^8 a o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 4- +4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-1 l a 41 CO vO ii T-l GC O^ f^ t^* CO 1^ G^l 00 GO *~^ CD l"^~ ^^ 00 O* CO !> CO CO GO CO G^I GO ^~^ oS ^rfi^occcbo^t^ocboa>i lOi^oco^-icodq co- t-^(>iibcocbib T3 ll .^^gcss^g^&s^^ifegigg^g^s^^ss^^ is ^4ficb6ii^6:i^odoi iO5i icsfNOfC' icos the obliquity of the ecliptic ; i the inclination of the lunar orbit ; e the eccentricity of the lunar orbit ; & the longitude of the moon's node ; and A, the latitude of the port of observation ; then the term in the equilibrium tidal theory which is independent of the moon's longitude (see Schedule B, iii., Paper 1, p. 22) is M /ct\ 3 f ~v (~ I a (i ~ f si 11 " V) (1 + f^ 2 ) sm * cos * sm w cos m Jit \C I [ cos 3 -f j tan i tan co cos '2 & ] Since tan t tan = '00975, the second term is negligeable compared with the first. If we take M 1 a 1 E~81'5' c ~ 60-27 a = 21 x 10 6 feet, i = 5 8', G> = 23 28' the expression for this tide is, in British feet, - 0-0579 (^ - | sin 2 X) cos a Thus, at the poles this tide gives an oscillation of sea-level of 0"695 of an inch, or a total range of If of an inch, and at the equator it is half as great. In the Mecanique Celeste Laplace argues that all the tides of long period (such as the fortnightly tide) must conform nearly to the equilibrium law. I shall adduce arguments elsewhere* which seem to invalidate his conclusion, and to show that in these tides inertia still plays the principal part, so that the oscillations must take place nearly as though the sea were a frictionless fluid. With a tide, however, of as long a period as nineteen years Laplace's argument must hold good, and hence the equilibrium tide of which the above is the expression must represent an actual oscillation of sea-level, provided that the earth is absolutely rigid. The actual observation of the 19-yearly tide would therefore be a result of the greatest interest for deter- mining the elasticity of the earth's mass. * See Paper 11 below " On the Tides of Long Period." 1886] VARIATIONS OF MEAN SEA-LEVEL. 117 g-g T3 9 o s * I II ' s.s 60 0) *"> ' C8 a e o > w 'S -2 3 S o> "- 1 ^ a H =2 eg 23 118 VARIATIONS OF MEAN SEA-LEVEL. [3 A reduction of the observed tides of long period at a number of ports was carried out in Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, Part II.; 1883 [Paper 9 below], in the belief in the soundness of Laplace's argument with regard to those tides, and the conclusion was drawn that the earth must have an effective rigidity about as great as that of steel. The failure of Laplace's argument, however, condemns this conclusion, and precludes us from making any numerical conclusions with regard to the rigidity of the earth's mass, excepting by means of the 19-yearly tide. The results given in the Natural Philosophy merely remain, then, as generally confirmatory of Thomson's conclusion as to the great effective rigidity of the earth's mass. There are but few ports for which a sufficient mass of accurate tidal observations are accumulated to make the detection of the 19-yearly tide a possibility. Major Baird has, however, kindly supplied me with the values of the mean sea-level at Karachi for fifteen years. They are plotted out in the figure on the preceding page. The horizontal line represents the mean sea-level for the period from 1869-1883, and the sinuous curve gives the variations of mean sea-level during that period. The dotted sinuous curve gives the annual variations for a portion of the same period for Bombay. The full-line sweeping curve has ordinates proportional to cos Q , and shows the kind of curve which we ought to find if the alternations of sea-level were due to the 19-yearly tide. It is obvious at a glance that the oscillations of sea-level are not due to astronomical causes. At Karachi (lat. 24 47') the 19-yearly tide is - O ft '0138 cos ga The figure shows that the actual change of sea-level between 1870 and 1873 was nearly 0'25 feet, and this is just about nine times the range of the 19-yearly tide, viz., 0'028 feet. It is thus obvious that this tide must be entirely masked by changes of sea-level arising from meteorological causes. It seems unlikely that what is true of Karachi and Bombay is untrue at other ports, and therefore we must regard it as extremely improbable that the 19-yearly tide will ever be detected. 4 A GENERAL ARTICLE ON THE TIDES. [Article 'Tides/ Admiralty Scientific Manual (1886), pp. 53 91.] I. INTRODUCTION. THE object of the present article is to show how the best use may be made, for scientific purposes, of a short visit to any port. We refer to the article " Hydrography " [Admiralty Scientific Manual] for an account of the method of observing the tides, and shall here assume that the height of the water above some zero mark may be measured, in feet and decimals of a foot, at any time, and that the zero of the tide gauge may be referred by levelling to a bench-mark ashore. Something of the law of the tide might be discovered from hourly or half-hourly observations even through a single day and night, but to discover the law at all adequately it is necessary that the observations should embrace at least one spring tide and one neap tide. For the full use of the methods given below, the observations should be taken each hour for 360 hours, or 720 hours. A longer series must be regarded as a new set of observations, and the means must be taken of the results of the several sets. It has been usual to recommend observations of the times and heights of high and low water, but hourly observations are far preferable, the hours being reckoned according to mean time of the port. We shall, however, begin by a sketch of the treatment of .observations of high and low water, and shall then give more detailed instructions for hourly observations and the formation of a tide table. The height of the water is subject to considerable perturbation from the weather, and the most perfect tide table is one which gives the height of the water, when abstraction is made of the disturbing causes. Such a table can only be made from observations of such extent as to eliminate irregularities by averages. 120 OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH AND LOW-WATER. [4 No general rule can be given for wind disturbance, but it is often con- siderable in bays and estuaries. The water stands higher with low, and lower with high, barometer ; the amount of the effect appears to be very uncertain, the estimates varying from 7 inches to 20 inches rise of water for an inch fall of the mercury. It appears probable that the rule differs in different ports, and even in the same port with different winds. To make the most, however, of a short series of observations, it might perhaps be best to reduce each hourly tide height to a standard height of barometer at the rate of a foot of water to an inch of mercury, before undertaking the tidal reductions. In order to discover the general run of the tide in any part of the world, observations should be taken at several stations separated by 50 to 100 miles; and this is the more important if some of the stations have to be chosen in estuaries, since the tide wave takes a considerable time to run up from the open sea and changes its form in doing so. In estuaries and rivers it is important not to confuse flood and ebb with high and low water, for the water often still runs up-stream for long after the tide has turned and when the water-level is falling ; and the converse is true of ebb and low water. We refer to " Hydrography " for remarks on tidal currents and streams. II. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH AND Low WATER*. The immediate object is to connect the times and heights of high and low water (H. W. and L.W.) with the time of the moon's transit. About high and low tide the water often rises and falls irregularly, and the critical moment cannot be found from a single observation. Observations are, there- fore, to be taken every 5 or 10 minutes for half-an-hour or an hour about H.W. and L.W. The time and height of H.W. or L.W. are then to be found by graphical interpolation, i.e., take a straight line to represent time, and at the points corresponding to the observations erect perpendiculars or ordinates corresponding to the observed heights, draw a sweeping curve nearly through the tops of the ordinates, so as to obliterate minor irregularities and measure the height of the maximum or minimum ordinate, and note its incidence in the time scale ^. 9 Dr Whewell recommends that the observation should begin with half- hourly observations during 24 hours, for if there should be found to be double H.W. or L.W., or only a single tide in the 24 hours, this method will fail ; he also advises that tidal observations be referred to the moon's transit * Founded on Dr Whewell's article in a former edition of the Admiralty Scientific Manual. t A similar but less elaborate process would render hourly observations more perfect. The readings might be every 2J minutes, from five minutes before to five minutes after the hour. 1886] OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH AND LOW- WATER. 121 during their course, in order to detect irregularities in " the interval " from transit to H.W., which might cause the observations to prove useless. The object of the observations is to find " the establishment," or time of high water, on days of full and change of moon, the heights of tide at spring and neap, and " the fortnightly or semi-mensual irregularity " in the time and height. The reference of the tide to the " establishment " is not, how- ever, scientifically desirable, and it is better to determine the mean or corrected establishment, being the average interval from moon's transit to H.W. at spring tide, and "the age of the tide," being the average interval from full and change to spring tide. For these purposes the observations are conveniently treated graphically*. An equally divided horizontal scale is taken to represent the 12 hours of the clock of civil time, regulated to the time of the port or more accurately arranged always to show apparent time by being fast or slow by the equation of time ; this time scale represents the time of the clock of the moon's transit, either upper or lower. The scale is perhaps most conveniently arranged in the order V, VI, ..., XII, I, ..., IIII. Then each "interval" of time from transit to H.W. is set off as an ordinate above the corresponding time-of- clock of moon's transit. A sweeping curve is then drawn so as to pass nearly through the tops of the ordinates, cutting off minor irregularities. Next along the same ordinates are set off lengths corresponding to the height of water at each H.W. A second similar figure may also be made for the interval and height at L.W. In the curve of H.W. intervals the ordinate corresponding to XII is the vulgar " establishment," since it gives the time of H.W. at full and change of moon. That ordinate of H.W. intervals which is coincident with the greatest ordinate of H.W. heights gives the " mean establishment f." Since the moon's transit falls about 50 minutes later on each day, in setting off a fortnight's observation there will be about five days for every four hours-of-clock of moon's upper transit. Hence in these figures we may regard each division of the time scale I to II, II to III, &c. as representing 25 hours instead of one hour. Then the distance from the maximum ordinate of H.W. heights to XII, each division being estimated as 25 hours, is called " the age of the tide." From these two figures the times and heights of H.W. and L.W. may in general be predicted with fair approximation ; we find the time-of-clock of moon's upper or lower transit on the day, correct by the equation of time, * For numerical treatment, see Directions for reducing Tidal Observation*, By Staff Com- mander John Burdwood, R.N. London, 1876. J. D. Potter. Price Gd. t See Section IV. for the numerical computation of mean from vulgar establishment. 122 INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. [4 read off the corresponding heights of H.W. and L.W. from the figures ; and the intervals to H.W. and L.W. being also read off are added to the time of moon's transit, and give the times of H.W. and L.W. We shall show below how a tide table may be otherwise computed from establishment and spring rise and neap rise. At all ports, however, there is an irregularity of intervals and heights between successive tides, and in consequence of this our curves will present more or less of a zig-zag appearance. Where the zig-zag is perceptible to the eye, the curves must be smoothed by drawing them so as to bisect the zig-zags, because these "diurnal inequalities" will not present themselves similarly in the future. When, as in many equatorial ports, the diurnal tides are large, this method of tidal prediction fails, but we shall show below how the observations may then be treated scientifically. III. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE REDUCTION OF HOURLY TIDAL OBSERVATIONS, WITH AN EXAMPLE. We now suppose that the observations of the tides are taken at each hour. If the observations are only taken every two hours, or if there are gaps in the series, the hourly numbers must be filled in as indicated below. All the measurements should be positive, and if the zero of the tide gauge has been fixed too high it will be well to refer the measurement to an ideal zero 10 feet lower. The following instructions for reduction should be read along with the example. COMPUTATION FORMS. Mark three large sheets of paper with the letters M, 0, S ; divide them into squares, with 24 columns; head the columns, O h , l h , 2 h ...23 h for the several hours. On the left margin write the numbers of the days, O d , l d , 2 d , &c. Each square may be specified by its day and hour. M Sheet. Place dots in the squares of each row, as follows : O d , 14 h ; l d , 18 h ; 2 d , 23 h ; 3 d , none; 4 d , 3 h ; 5 d , 8 h ; 6 d , 12 h ; 7 d , I7 h ; 8 d , 21 h ; 9 d , none; 10 d , 2 h ; ll d , 7 h ; 12 d , ll h ; 13 d , 16 h ; (13 d is the last row required for a fortnight's observation); 14 d , 20 h ; 15 d , none; 16 d , l h ; I7 d , 5 h ; 18 d , 10 h ; 19 d , 14 h ; 20 d , 19 h ; 21 d , 23 h ; 22 d , none ; 23 d , 4 h ; 24 d , 8 h ; 25 d , 13 h ; 26 d , 17 h ; 27 d , 22 h . (27 d is the last row required for a month's observation.) Sheet. Place dots in the following squares: O d , 6 h and 19 b ; l d , 8 h and 22" ; 2 d , ll h 3 d , O h and 13 h ; 4 d , 2 h and 16 h ; 5 d , 5 h and 18 h ; 6 d , 7 h and 20 h ; 7 d , 10 h 1886] INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 123 and 23"; 8 a , 12 h ; 9 d , l h and 14 h ; 10 a , 4 h and 17 h ; ll d , 6 h and 19 h ; 12 d , 8 h and 22 h (12 BI ., B 2 B 3 v B 4 tan ci = IT- , tan C. = -r- , tan C, = -r- , tan C 4 = -r- A A A A A.] xl-2 -".3 -"-4 and R t = A! sec ^ 1 = B 1 cosec^ 1 , R 2 = A 2 sec 2 = B a cosec f 2 and so on, the formula may be written A + Rj cos (0 - &) + R 2 cos (20 - &) + R 3 cos (30 - &) + R 4 cos (40 - &) The term in R! is diurnal, that in R 2 semi-diurnal, that in R 3 ter-diurnal, that in R 4 quater-diurnal ; that is to say, they go through their changes once, twice, thrice, and four times a day. The term A gives the mean value for the day. The A's and B's are the numbers which are derived from harmonic analysis, as explained below. The same process is applicable to the tides, but with the difference that there are several kinds of days, viz. : first, the ordinary or mean solar or S day ; second, the mean lunar or M day ; and a third kind the day for which there is no name. Thus in application to the tides there are to be four harmonic analyses, two performed on the means on the S sheet, one on the means on the M sheet, and one on the means on the O sheet. The matter is simplified, however, by the fact that from the first means on S we only want A 1} B x ; from the second means on S we only want A 2 , B 2 , and A ; from the means on M we only want A 2 , B 2 ; and from the means on O we only want A,, BL The following schedule gives General [Sir Richard] Strachey's rules for harmonic analysis. Columns I. and II. contain the 24 hourly values to be analysed, and the headings to each successive column give the rules for its derivation from the preceding ones. If we only want A 1} B x the columns I. to VIII. inclusive are required ; if we only want A,, B 2 the columns I., II., and IX. to XIV. inclusive are required, and for A we require also column XV. A comparison of this complete schedule with the numerical example below will render the process intelligible. FORM FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. h- 1 S TAX - 'AX 3s s s i 1 X 'AX J JI l l puooag . . . + ' *' < i * ^ X X^ XI li ** CN || z TX JO TIX + TX . . . CO hH ( 1 I-H TIX J t:|ua do 1 } Sut^juio TIX-TX H X TX J Jf 81 ! puooag . . . li II 3 ^ ' S ' rS O II r9 O 1 X 'X -'XI g x ^' g x pq S S ^ 3 CO CO X XI J Jl^ 1 ! puooag * . 1 1 1-H I-H 1 1 TA P UB Til "S S fc * S f . oo >o 1 P IL co x- PQ 5 TA P UB Til ea S ? 55 ^ c 1 28 CO X <1 h4 'A + 'AI + TII ss'sS 3 s > Til J f ^S^rj T H 9 4' -? x 4- li O -T 5 II PQ *" x I-H n8is 'ddo qiiAv Til J f IPP!IM 2- II c T 33. I-H I-H II - T ITUIK 1! ^ ^ ^ II tuns tjf hH HH ~ %S* . . . . sjnojj 04 n -* o < or- oc a TT o? o hH seniBA AOH sanojj O I-H IN W * o ;o i-- X O t-i I-H t-H 1886] INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 127 General Rule for the Determination of and R from A and B. If A is + and B is +, is less than 90, or in 1st quadrant. If A is and B is +, lies between 90 and 180, in 2nd quadrant. If A is and B is , lies between 180 and 270, in 3rd quadrant. If A is 4- and B is , lies between 270 and 360, in 4th quadrant. If tan is numerically less than 1, compute from R = A sec ; if greater than 1, compute from R = B cosec . In certain cases mentioned below, we shall have also to augment the result R by a factor which is nearly equal to unity, as there explained. General Rule as to Angles. All angles are to be written as positive angles less than 360 ; if an angle is greater than 360, subtract 360. Certain small angles, however, determined below are to be estimated as either positive or negative (e.y., 355 will in this case be written as 5), and do not fall under this rule. The occurrence of the exception will always be noted at the time. It will often be convenient to write angles in degrees and decimals of a degree. Harmonic analysis of M. Analyse the hourly means for A 2 , B 2 . T> Find m from tan m = ^ . MH Find R m from R m = A 2 sec % m x T0115 or B. 2 cosec f m x T0115, according as tan m is numerically less or greater than 1. N.B. Log 1-01 15 = '0050. Harmonic analysis of S. Analyse the second hourly means (the longer series) for A 2 , B 2 , and for A . T> Find f g from tan f g = . 2 . -A-2 Find R 8 from R s = A, sec . or B a cosec &, according as tan & is numerically less or greater than 1. Analyse the first hourly means (the shorter series) for A 1} B!. Find ' from tan ' = ir- -n-l Find R' from R'= A x sec f ', or B! cosec ', according as tan ' is numerically less or greater than 1. 128 INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. [4 Harmonic analysis of O. Analyse the hourly means for A. 1} B x . T> Find from tan , = j 1 . **i Find R from R = A t sec x 1'0029 or B t cosec , x 1'0029, according as tan , is numerically less or greater than 1. N.B. Log 1-0029 = '001 3. ANGLES AND FACTORS FOR REDUCTION. N.A. stands for Nautical Almanac. Call local mean noon of day of the series of observations to be reduced, or of the tide table to be computed the Epoch. N.A., p. 1 : Find S3 the mean longitude of the ascending node of ])'s orbit at epoch. Find sin S3, cos S3, sin*2S3, cos 2 S3, and compute the following small angles (+ when & lies between and 180, when S3 lies between 180 and 360), and numerical factors Angles to be determined as + or v = 12-9 sin S3 - 1'3 sin 2 S3 =ll-8sinS3-l-3sm2S3 i/= 8'9 sin S3 - 0'7 sin 2 S3 2v" = 17'7 sin S3 - 0'7 sin 2 S3 f = 1 _ -037 cos S3 f = 1-006 + -115 cos S3 - '009 cos 2 S3 r actors V j f" = 1-024 + -286 cos S3 + '008 cos 2 S3 If = 1-009 + '187 cos S3 - -015 cos 2 S3 In the N.A. find the 's parx. at the middle of the fortnight or month of observation, subtract from it the 's mean parx. (see Preface to N.A.). Multiply the result by 19, and considering the product as degrees, look out the sine of the angle and add 1, the result is p t ; e.g., if 's parx. be 8"'85, and if the mean parx. be 8"'95*, we get diff. - 0"-10, and - 19' x -10 = - 1'93 = - 1 56' sin (- 1 56') = - -034, p, = 1 - '034 = -966 This is a short way of finding the cube of the ratio of 's parx. to 's mean parx. * [The sun's mean parallax is now taken as 8"'bO, but the rule remains sufficiently exact.] 1886] INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 129 Arguments at Epoch. From N.A., find )), the moon's mean longitude at epoch. From N.A. find , the sun's mean longitude at epoch, by converting sidereal time to angle at 15 per hour. The diurnal increase of J) = 13 11'. The corrections for longitude of port are subtracted for E. long, and added for W. long. The correction to J) is 0'549 for each hour of longitude, and 0'041 to for each hour of longitude. Find 2(]) ), - v, 2(0 v), i/, and compute the following "arguments at epoch," r=2(0-iO-2(})-f); V = -i/+ 270; V = - i/-2() - ) + 90 Find a mean value for for the period under reduction, by adding to seven days' motion for a fortnight's observation, or 15 days' motion for a month's observation. The motion for a day may be taken as 1, and thus we add 7 or 15 ; with this mean compute, 2 - z/; V" = 2 - 2i/'. FINAL REDUCTION. Principal Lunar Tide called M a . Let mean semi-range = H TO , and constant angle of retardation or lag = K n The angle of retardation is hereafter called the lag. Then from M sheet take R m , m , and compute H * 4- V L - L m f > ""in bwi ' ' Principal Solar Tide called S 2 , and Lunisolar Semi-diurnal Tide called K 2 *. For S 2 , let mean semi-range = H s , lag = /c s . For K 2 , let mean semi-range = H", lag = K". Find t/r, as a positive or negative angle, for a fortnight, from f'sinF" Then from S sheet take R g , ,, and compute TT 3-71 COST/r 1 TT _ // _ *. , Hg = 371^ + r cos V* = 3 : 67 Hs ' KS ~ For a month replace the 3'7l in these formulae by 3'84. * [An error in the Manual has been corrected.] 130 INSTRUCTIONS FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. [4 Lunisolar Diurnal Tide called K n and Solar Diurnal Tide called P*. For Kj, let mean semi-range = H', lag = '. For P, let mean semi-range = H p , \a,g = K p . Find , as a positive or negative angle, from sin (2 - i/) tan d> = ,5^7 , 0< ~ --- K 3f cos (2 - v) Then from S sheet take R', ", and for a fortnight compute , 3-007 cos $ I , , = 3f'-cos(2-/) R ' H * = 3 H ' K = K *=t- +< ^ H For a month replace 3'007 by 3'027 and 6'9 by 13'3. Lunar Diurnal Tide called 0. For O, let mean semi-range = H , lag = K U . Then from sheet take R , <,, and compute H- K t 4-V J-^o f t "-o boi'o Io For rough results all the diurnal tides may be omitted, unless the diurnal inequality is known to be large. Collect Results. These constants express six of the most important tides, and A gives the height of mean water mark from the zero of the tide gauge. * [An error in the Manual has been corrected.] 1886] EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. 131 PQ 3 TS CP or o CP PH 5 CP o I-H CP CP rC # 2 M X m g "o O J I fl OJ o 4}< co 4j( y CO X rj< O5 b cp * op t- 00 55 00 >b A i i OJ r- cp ip j>. p ip ^ O CD GO ^* 4p cp CD t>. >b cp >b * IO oo CO t- b i N "^ T 1 b O5 b 00 i c^ ib A O CO 00 CD ^* >b cb cb 4p >b CO r- CD rH 00 * CO cb CD CO r^ i i O5 TP J3 00 i i SP T* T 1 O t~ >o cb cb ib ib Tt< O5 B TjH CM 4j< rf< CD oo >b CD 05 CO * _c t- rH T** T* 1 T 1 -t oo O iO iO % o S* CO >o rH op CO rH CD p O5 lO b- O5 CO J3 CO rH O b- O CD CD >O T)* rf ib O O i cp CO ib O cb o CO ~ J^ CO ^3 1C i i >p (35 r-H CD CM ^f co n o >b g cp (M >o * t~ CO oo -* rH b- C rH op n * rH Cp Go CO OS eo o i i >0 05 ^ 00 05 M % (j-i >ra M (N CM Tfi M op ib CD p 4j< rH CO O5 ob CD 05 iO * i-H ^f ^1* op CD CO f"3 CO CO CO CO CO 6 r~ CM O o CO CO cp CO !> OS ^ rH l> > ' O5 (M Tj< 4f * % CO CO o - CO CM cb t^ iO J5 OS b T* 1 4t< CO cb t~ b 00 00 t~ rj< iO lO ^ >b cb co 4t< % >0 oc CD O5 00 <* CM ib l> cb t^ rH 05 * JS t~ Tt< t-H CD ^H rH >O CD CD 4j< ib CM Tt< CD O5 * 05 O rH 6 t^ r~ CD * @ t (M CO gj f-. CD CD 4t< CD 05 O CO CM * CO cb O5 b CD i 4*< u? op cp i- * r- CM X3 CD iO >b CD *f t- O Tj< ^ cb oo CO co o CM * 1 f~ ip 00 o CO rf ra >b rf <*& cb CD t- b o J^ CD O5 1^ * rH ib rH CM t~ l-H 00 Tf ja 1-1 ^ Oi CO O -^ (M "^ CO CO CO CD O O Tj< t^- O5 CM ib iO 4}< >0 do t^ CO CM b 4 ^ t- ip 1-. CD CO TP co co co ib 4j< !>. oc i> i-H h I CM CD o rH rl< oc (M oo i i h 1 (M f >b S 2 S S J 2 S > s -~>^. T3 rl< I-H S 1 00 1 1 -2 g Q 5 ^ *> 'S 05 O r2 (?5 -^13 i ' O^ (M CM O3 C , i-H (M ass* 5* PJ ^ * r, CD * 0> OS a ^ ^ ^ - ' x " 2 02 I <-fl PH 5 CC O GO - O OS OS OC 11 O CD CO Tf > (M CC fM CC O ^ C OS OS hH . 3* f 1 9 -T oo o II II II II 5 1 i ,_ ec ^ v II S J< * J^ a i< CQ -^ ^ -. *- to &o JL 32 O J^ W rt > ^H i- oo cc + oooo ' tj ^ 1 + + 1 ^N i5 i i hH sSsS OS fM 3 . rH 01 r hH CD "M CD l^ i "i ^ ' i| i i *& t& i~- -S' ^ pq <; *o> *o> K; ^ 'o *; o .w; 1^ OS CM fM + ^C J 3 cf | a | " - M 1 ' ' + TT c 5i 8 J c ^ GC CD CM l^ O5 0*1 w A 3) CP ^ Ol (N CM tM CD fM CD I- CO O fM -P CD 1- CO OS I-H I-H I-H HH 1 + + + + + + ^J + 1 1 1 1 1 hH rn H ^ & II s- ? * 11*5 O f^ CO Tf* i"H f * I"* CO Oi t^ sO 00 ^ i-^ iO CO "^ O5 (M GO CO !> O5 GO i5 tS I-H CO D 3 O CM p T)< ir co i- 00 O5 O i i CM CO w >i 03 IJ T; g 3 3 o fM OS OS CD 00 O CD OS OS * 00 fM n m 02 E 3 C* ^^ CM CO ^ *O CD t- 00 OS O I-H I-H i-H Q * i I o O 1 1886] EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. 133 M O5 CO "* X X O5 1 x p p p oc op s S t> + X C5 O5 O5 X 00 M CM Tt* X X r^ 'I' II M a 4 KH-f^ 3* ^ CO X rH O CO o 9 o cp ig CM CO ^f C5 [ "* > III 1 g H + rg X! Jl X I Hi 8 Q | pq O CO I-H cc i5 rH CO CO p op x t O5 O5 & CO X O5 O ! CO X X rH ^ *i 1 I I '1 rH 5 "-" C *^ P5 PH 2d rH *.s bp + + + t o + S* o . *-i d) bD oD TJ ai O O HIM o X 1 VI ^ CT 1 bJD ,2 hH CO X >C 2 rH 8 O O5 ^ .2 X o> ^- 1 *l 'l Ci rH *^ oq MH co - 1 ^O * O 1 O5 -., O CO t>- pa rH co : fe t S* X * CM jg 05 05 H CO O CO CO X O ~ C5 CO CM CM * J CO rH lO lO O5 ^f + II II II H II II M I-H rH fN CM CM H + 1 1 1 i 1 SP so a ' -*j o tc . ^o a t_ X X O CM CO J> M 8 SSa t iC CO X O5 CO ob 05 6 6 6 6 02-3 rH rH rH rH pq rH rH I-H CC Tj< CO lO (N I-H T^ !> CM O5 CM x x o CM co r- t^ ip CO X O5 CO i i rH 6 O5 do do t- do x O5 6 6 6 6 t 1 I-H rH i-H t^ -5 rS 5 00 g-H-2 O5 1*5 CO rH CO t'* iT5 CM O5 Op r- O5 O5 rH O5 CO O CO CO O5 CO IT 00 l>- ^ ^ CO CO CO CO X O5 O rn o rH rH w Q xo i+H O a cu I s o O 13 c 03 4 134 EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. a 3 o> Q CD .g CD H PQ i 00 J> CO CO CO CO CO CO * CM M I-H - OS CO dfr (70 CO CO CO to CO iC oo oo CO t^ CO 1-H CM ,3 c~ i i cb I-H oo ^ -^ iO ^ CD CD rH 1C O5 I-H o I-H t^ CN 1^ so 11 II !! S 5" ic f> \^> o S k> q iO O CD >C CD O iC 8 " I-H t^ oo CD W ^-2,1, - r | D g I-H . ~~ t ^O -fl 10 1 1 O i- I- 1-H o ^ >o o * (M -* CO I-H oo CO CD H J i-f-'S -* 1-1 O iO O5 O iC "# * CO rj< rt oo ic ^ I-H 1^ i -* S s X 0^ J3 en iH iO CN i i t-( CO CO CO Tfi 00 tji **T i~H 1C I-H OS CO 1-1 c txj 5 rC r)< I-H CO CN - Tj* G5 10 CO CO CM Tt< CD ^ l>- rH CO OS CO CM i < ^ t- r CO OS rC Ci CM r-H 00 O ^ "^ CO iC * OS -*f 5S ^ iC CO CO 2 rH i + r^ ^ it oo 00 O5 OS <* * Tt* Tt< >C !> 1C CD I-H CD T* 1 ii 8 M II CD iC ,4 i> -* r^ oo i^ o c ic- o t^ 1C r-H i-H 00 iO ^ iC ^ r-T .-*5 o > CM f^ Tt< s t^ rH Th QO C CO CD * (M T)H t^ I-H 00 CO CN CO .2 -^ OD 1 >> ' II 5* ^3 uS 00 CM CD ,, CD iO CD CO S 3 CM * I-H I-H OS iC CD le II fl CO I> eg *< CO 00 O CO CO g I ,d * i>> O co r-- '3 ' OS 2 II II 03 Q ^ 00 OS rH II II iio CO Tt< O 1> O CD ic o o CD -^ iC iC Tj< I-H 00 CO CO iC t$3 * o fl %> JJ O J3 ei I-H Oi 00 OS O5 O Tf Tt< * i I iC OS i i CD I-H CD ^f 2 "" 'o H cS 4! If ^3 i-H r- co r > os o TT ^^ Tt^ CO CO 1C Tl* O I-H \0 rt CO CO J& O Tt 1 os ic i i co -* CO CO CO CO * t^ ^ i M I-H OS (M T3 13 "73 "73 2? O r- 1 CM CO Sums Divisors 05 s 1886] EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. 135 -l^> , , O PH PH g rC O I O rCl CO OS rH OS O O CO * CO -* Tf 1 - OS OS 1 !> CO *O i ' O1 O rH 8 s 1 43 ?l OS "O 00 JO O rH CO CO rH CD o | 1 01 I-H O . "* c% 01 <* s - CO 4 Ol l~ OS t in o 00 rH CO i 00 rH iC ffl CO 00 00 ** CO * OS CO CD > OS T)< I-H o CD "bC 5< rH O CD "* rd r-t CD rH CO CD tfi CD O O i - 1 " O rH O rH rH 1J OS OS a ii I ii ii ii i 1 O CD CO O i - 01 CO r bo S be II rf O TT ^ j O rH OS CO in CO CD "* 00 CO 00 rH m ~ S O r-l rH O -# 00 OS * lO CD CO OS ** CO 1 sr s ,d CO O !> rH id -* -* CD CO I - I-H s 11 | m OS i-H CO CO CO in CO oo -^ OS rH CD Ci OS rH _, M ^ .f ( J3 rH m -o * -* CO CO CO Tf CO 8^ rH o m rH OB HH -^ | -* os in oo CO 01 * CO to CD co *n i 3 1 O T* T 1 G* 00 OS rH rH II II II II -d CO * O CD ,: O1 in co CD &> o o CO 1 o d bO bD I-H in co os ^ co CD ^ CO CO 00 EH J -2 i-H t OS 1> 1>- rH 00 -^ CO 1 4 -* co oo os O o: -^ -fi Tf Tfi CD CO O I-H i * ^ ^3 rH 01 V} ^J Sums Divisors so - OF THE U N! VERSITY, 136 EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. [4 PORT BLAIR, ANDAMAN ISLANDS; lat. 11 41' N., long. 92 45' E. Observation commences at epoch, O h mean time, April 19, 1880. Long. 92 45' E. = 6 h 183 E. N.A. p. 1 S3 = 280 ; sin S3 = - "985 ; sin 2 S3 =- '34 cos 8 = + '174; cos 28 =-'94 Angles. v = 12-9 sin S3 - 1'3 sin 2 S3 = - 12'26 = ll-8 sin S3 - l-3 sin 2 S3 = - 11'18 v' = 8'9 sin S3 - 0'7 sin 2 S3 = - 8'46 2//' = 17-7 sin S3 - 0'7 sin 2 S3 = - 17'36 Factors. f= 1-000- -037 cos S3 ='994 P = 1-006 + -115 cos S3 - '009 cos 2 S3 = T035 f" = 1-024 + -286 cos S3 + '008 cos 2 S3 = T066 f = 1-009 + 187 cos S3 - '015 cos 2 S3 = T056 The mean value of 's parx. for the fortnight commencing April 19 is 's parx. on April 25 = 8"'89 (N.A. 1880); mean parx. from Preface to N.A. = 8"-95 ; difference = - 0"'06 ; multiply by 19 = - 1"-16 ; change " to = - 1 10' ; sin (- 1 10') = - '020 ; p t = 1 - '020 = "980. Arguments at Epoch. D's daily motion 13 11' ; hourly O c< 55 ; ))'s motion in 6 h< 18 = 3'40 's hourly motion 0'041 ; 's motion in 6 h '18 = 0-25 N.A. (Moon's Libration) O h G.M.T. Ap. 20 D = 159 27' one day's motion = 13 11' O h G.M.T. Ap. 19 D = 146 16' = 146'27 - 6 h -18 E. long. = - 3-40 D = 142 -87 - = + 11-18 D-= 154-05 2 (}) _ f ) = 308-10 - 2 (D - ) = 51-90 1886] EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. 137 Sid 1 time O h G.M.T. Ap. 19 = l h 51 m 51 s = 27'7 = l h 51 m '85 - v = 8-5 = l h -864 270 = 270 4 sid 1 time = 932 Sum V = 306-2 O h G.M.T. Ap. 19 = 27'96 - 6 h -18 E. long. = - '25 = 27-7l - v = 39-97 -i/ = + 12-26 _2 (])-) = 51-90 + 90= 90 _ j, = 39 -97 2 ( - ) = 79 -94 -2(-)= 51-90 Sum V = 181-87 Sum V= 131-84 Compute 2 v and V" with mean values of . The reduction is to cover a fortnight, and therefore a week later than April 19 is the middle of the period, and has increased by seven days' motion or 7. April 19, = 28 2 = 70 2 = 70 a week's increase =7 i/ = + 8 2i/" = 17 mean =~35~ 2 - v = 78~ Sum V" = 87 REDUCTIONS. M 2 , Principal Lunar Semi-diurnal. From harmon. anal. f m = 147'93 _ R w , _ 2178 _ _ ft - __ + F=131-82 ^ = ^994" Sum Km = 280 K 2 , Lunisolar Semi-diurnal, and S 2 Principal Solar Semi-diurnal. f' = 1-066; ^ = -980; R s = -731 ; C. = 297-9; F'^87 3-71 cos yr '" Compute log f" = '0278 log cos F"= 8-7188 log f" cos F"= ^8-7466 f"cosF' / = + 0-056 = + 3-636 rcosF'^ 3-692 log 3-692 = -5673 138 EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. [4 logf"= -0278 log cos i/r = 9-9827 log sin V" = 9-9994 log 3'7l = -5694 colog 3-692 = 9-4327 log R s = 9-8639 colog 3-692 = 9-4327 log tan ^ = 94599 sin V" is +, therefore ^r is +, and log H g = 9'8487 ^ = + 16 5' = + 16-1 H s = -706 C.= Sum *. = 314 = K" Kj, Lunisolar Diurnal, and P >SWr Diurnal. 2 - ' = 78 ; cos (20 - i/) = + '208 ; sin (2 - i/) = + '978 f = 1-035; R' = -468; ' = 2'2; F' = 306'2 H , 3-007 cos = 9-9765 log 3-007= -4781 colog 2-897 = 9-5381 log R' = 9-6702 log H' = 9-6629 H'= -460 ; H^ = iH / = 0, Lunar Diurnal. T 7 = 181-9; f = 1-056; R = 146 ; Compute F = Co - TT = _ _ " f 1-056 ~ 1886] EXAMPLE OF REDUCTION. 139 RESULTS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS of 15 days' hourly observations at Port Blair, commencing O h , April 19, 1880. Mean of Three Years' Hourly Observation. A = 474 ft 4-740 ft. (H m = 219 ft 2-022 ft. 2 \ Km =280 278 (H s = 0-71 ft 0-968 ft. 2 j* s =314 315 (H" = 0-19 ft 0-282 ft. 2 V' =314 311 (H'-= 0-46 ft 0-397 ft. 1 K' = 334 327 H^ = 0-15 ft 0-134 ft. K P =334 326 H = 0-14 ft 0-160 ft. K =299 302 The second column is inserted for the sake of comparison, and gives the results of three years of continuous hourly observation by the Tidal Depart- ment of the Survey of India. The concordance between the two affords evidence of the utility of even so short a series of observations as a fortnight. IV. THE CONSTANTS TO BE USED IN COMPUTING A TIDE TABLE. The possibility of computing a tide table depends on the knowledge of certain tidal constants appropriate to the port. In the preceding example we have shown how these constants are derivable from a short series of observations. The constants are there presented in what is called the harmonic method, and an example is worked out below for Port Blair, with such constants as have been derived above from a fortnight of observation. The values used, however, are taken from the extended series of observations made by the Indian Survey*. The harmonic notation is, however, rather recent, and is not adopted in the tide tables of the Admiralty. We must, therefore, show how the principal constants of the harmonic method are derivable from the other * The incompleteness of the data, with which we are supposed to be working, necessitates the use of certain approximations which would not have been used if " the elliptic tides " had been evaluated. 140 TIDAL CONSTANTS FOR TIDE-TABLE. [4 notation, and thus the present method of computation will be made available, wherever anything is known of the tides. In the Admiralty tide tables the tides are specified by giving the time of high water at full and change of moon, and the rise at spring and neap. The semidiurnal constants of the harmonic method are derivable from these very easily. Spring rise is the average height between low and high water marks at spring tide ; neap rise the average height between high water-mark at neap tide and low water-mark at spring tide ; neap range is the average height between high and low water marks at neap tide. The average should be taken from a great many springs and neaps. Then H m + H s = \ spring rise H m H s = neap range H m = \ neap rise If a the age of the tide be known, it may be expressed in hours. Then reading the hours as degrees may be treated as an angle ; and if D be the ratio of the neap rise to the excess of spring rise above neap rise, we have TT D= H, If T be the time of H.W. at full and change expressed in hours, K m (in degrees) = 29 T tan" 1 yr , and K S = K m + a AJ ~r COS Ct If the age be unknown, we may take a as 36, and sin a 3 tan" 1 yc = tan l ^^ -. D + cos a 5D + 4i For example, at Dungeness, Straits of Magellan (Adm. Tide Table) H.W. at full and change is 8h. 30m. = 8 h '5; spring rise is 36 ft. to 44 ft., or say, 40 ft., neap rise is 30 ft Hence H, n + H 8 = 20 ; H, H = 15 ; therefore H s = 5, and D = ^~ = 3. The age of the tide being unknown, we assume 36 h. as a likely value, so that a = 36, and 3 j3 1 ~5 + 4~ ~19~ 6 T 33~ Again multiplying the time of H.W. at full and change by 29, we have 8-5 x 29 = 247, so that K m = 247 - 8 = 239, and Kg = 239 + 36 = 275. The diurnal inequality is complex, and it seems unnecessary to enter into details excepting in the harmonic notation. Where it is stated that the tides are " affected by diurnal inequality," it is not possible to predict the tides from the information contained in the so-called tide table. 1886] COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. 141 A tide table is first computed with reference to mean water-mark, but it is usual in navigational works to refer to " the mean level of low water of ordinary spring tides." The datum level may be taken as H m + H g + H' + H below mean water-mark, and hence to refer to the datum level we must add H, n -f H s + H' + H to both H. W. and L. W. heights. This datum has been defined for the first time in the prefaces to the Indian Tide Tables for 1887, and is called "Indian spring low-water mark." It has been chosen so as to agree as a general rule with " Low water of ordinary spring tides." Accurate agreement was out of the question, since the Admiralty datum does not appear susceptible of an exact scientific definition. In many estuaries and rivers the water rises much more rapidly than it falls, and we sometimes find a double H.W. To take account of these phenomena we should have to include, according to the schedule for Harmonic Analysis, the terms A 4 , B 4 , both from the M sheet and S sheet. It is not possible, without devoting too much space to the subject, to show how these "over-tides" are to be included in the computation of the table. It is proper to remark that in such an estuary either the H.W. or L.W., as computed by the method below, may be found considerably in error. V. THE COMPUTATION OF A TIDE TABLE. The method of computation will be explained most easily by an actual numerical example*. The computation is divided into a number of sections and schedules, each line of each schedule is independent of all the others, and thus a single tide may be computed as easily as a complete table. The numerical value of any quantity required in the computation of any column of a schedule is written at the top of the column, but outside the boundary line of the schedule. In several cases explanatory headings are also put outside the boundary line, but the process of derivation of each column from what goes before is accurately stated inside the boundary line. It will be stated below in VI. how the computations may be abridged where accuracy is not desired. TIDE TABLE FOR PORT BLAIR E. long. 6 h< 183, commencing Feb. 1, 1885. Tidal constants serving as basis of table H w = 2-022) H, = 0-968) H" = 0'282) Km = 278 j K S = 315 j K" = 310 j H' = 0-397) R p = 0-134) H = 0160) K' = 327 j KJ, = 326 } KO = 302 j * The reasoning on which the following processes are based is given in a report to the British Association, 1886. [The preceding paper in this volume.] 142 COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. [4 A. Computation of Constants for a Fortnight, commencing Feb. I, 1885. N.A. S3 = 187; sin S3 = -'122; sin 2 S3 = + '24 cos S3 = - '993 ; cos 2 S3 = + '97 Compute from the formula A = 16*51 + 3'44 cos S3 - 019 cos 2 S3 Therefore A = 16'51 - 3'416 - 0184 = 12*91 ; 2A = 25'82 = 25 49' log cos 2A = 9-9543 By the formulae in reduction III. with above value of S3 , we find y = -l-89; = -l-75; f=T037; f'=-882; f = '807 i/ = -l*22 Find mean value of 's parx. and decl. for a fortnight, beginning Feb. 1. Parx. on Feb. 10 is (N.A.) 8"'96 ; mean parx. (Pref. N.A.) 8"'85 ; diff. + 0"*11; multiply by 19J-, and read as degrees = + 213 = 2 8'; sin 2 8' = -037 ; p t = 1'037. Decl. on Feb. 8 : S,= 1450'; 2^=29 40'; cos- 3 = (1 + cos 28,)= x 1-8689 = '935 r086# cos 2 S, = -970 ; H s . = 0'968 ; r086p, cos 2 ^H, = l ft '020 = S Note that the 1*086 which occurs here is an absolute constant for all times and places. Compute " age of declinational inequality " as below : ' Age ' = 52 h *2 tan ( K " - K m \ and K" - n m = 310 - 278 = 32 Therefore ' Age ' = 52 h '2 tan 32 = 32 h< 6 The 52 h *2 which occurs here is an absolute constant for all ports. With constants, absolute for all ports, C l} C 2 (whose logarithms are given TT// below) compute a = C l H" cos (K" K m ) ; A = a cos2A ; ft = C 2 ^- sin (K" * m ) ; -H-rn. B = yS cos 2A, as follows : logC 1= *6344 log C 2 = 2-3925 log cos (K" - Km ) = 9-9284 log sin (" - Km ) = 9'7242 log H" = 9-4502 log H" = 9-4502 colog H m = 9-6942 loga= -0130 log cos 2A = 9-9543 log = 1*2611 log cos 2A = 9-9543 log A = 9-9673 A = O ft -927 log B = 1-2154 B = 16'42 1886] COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. 143 Computation of Angles determining the Position of and ]) at O h Feb. 1, 1885, Port Blair M.T. N.A. (Moon's Libration)* D Jan. 31 = 138-6 E. long. 6 h 18 1 day's motion = + 13'2 Hourly in-) > '55 crease of }) J D Feb. 1 = 151-8 D = 148-4 - = +1-8 D - = 150-2 2 (D - ) = 300-4 2D-= 59-6 - i; = 314 })-) = 60 + 90 = 90 Corr" for E. long. = - 3'4 Corr" for E. long. - 3'399 N.A. Sid 1 time at O ll j = At epoch = 312 G.M.T. Feb. 1 -*/ = +! | sid 1 time = 10'4 + 270 = - 90 Sum, O h Feb. 1=312 V = 223 C -v = +2 F = 104 2 v is to be computed with the mean value of for a fortnight ; add therefore 7 to at epoch: at epoch = 312 mean 2 = 278 motion for 1 week = 4-7 v' = + I mean = 319 2 - v' = 279 * [The moon's mean longitude is no longer to be found under the heading of ' Moon's Libration ' but is on p. 1 of the Nautical Almanac.] 144 COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. [4 Compute as follows : cos (2 -i/') = + '156; 3f = 2'646; 3f - cos (2 - v) = 2-490 sin (2 -i/) = -'988 sin (2 -i/') "988 _ 7 = ~~~ is -, and = - 21 40' = - 21'7 3 cos Compute ' = 0-397 K '= 327 logsec< = "0318 _< = +22 colog 3 = 9-5229 log 2-490= -3962 *'-= 349 log H' = 9-5988 - V = - 223 lug R' = 9-5497 K > - - V' = ' = 126 R' = 0-355 = 302 logf= -0158 logH TO = -3058 = 198 logR m = logfH OT = "3216 log 3= -4771 log3R m = -7987 R m = 2-097 Collecting constants. R m = 2 ffc -097; S = l ft '020 log3R m = '7987; 'Age' = 32 h -6 A = O ft -927; log a ='0130; R' = ft '355; R = ft '129 B = 16-42; log /3= 1-2611; ^'=126; ? = 198 Compute also 30 the mean interval i = ~ = 9 ll> 59 ; and 7 = K S - ^ x m = 27'4 1886] COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. 145 S, R', ' must be recomputed for each month, the remaining constants would serve for six months, or perhaps a year of continuous tidal com- putation. The value of R would serve for six months, but care must be taken in computing each month that be computed by reference to the first noon of the month as a new epoch. B. Parallactic Correction of Lunar Semi-diurnal Tide. The semi-range of the lunar semi-diurnal tide is R m (=2 rt- 097) and it has to be corrected for the D's parx. The parallactic correction is found by multi- plying R m by the factor p, where P = (})' s parx.) 3 -7- (])'s mean parx.) 3 The J)'s mean parx. is 57' 2", but the ))'s parx. in question must be taken at a time anterior to H.W. by the "age" (- 32 h< 6). To find p (approximately) subtract 57' 2" from the ])'s parx., substitute for ' ", look out the sine of the angle, multiply it by 3, and add 1 to the result; then p is less than 1 if the J)'s parx. is below its mean value, because the sine of a angle is , and vice versa. We begin by making a table of SiR. m (the parallactic corrections to R m ) for each 0''5 of parx. above or below the mean, to be applied + when the parx. is greater than 57', and when it is below. Tables B and C serve for all time, so long as the same tidal constants are used. B. Auxiliary Table for Parallactic Corrections, denoted by SiRm,' log3R m =-7987 I. II. III. IV. Minutes of Parx. in excess or defect above or below 57' 2" Bead Degrees for Minutes in I., and enter log sin (I.) II. + lo g 3B w Natural Number of III. 5 t E m 0-5 7-9408 8-7395 05 1 8-2419 9-0406 11 1-5 8-4179 9-2166 16 2 8-5428 9-3415 22 2-5 8-6397 9-4384 27 3 8-7188 9-5175 33 3-5 8-7857 9-5844 38 4 8-8436 9-6423 44 4-5 8-8946 9-6933 49 5 8-9403 9-7390 55 D. I. 10 146 COMPUTATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. [4 C. Declinational Correction to Lunar Semi-diurnal Tide. A declinational correction has also to be applied to R m , say 8 2 Rm5 to K m , say S 2 m ; to i, say & 2 i; to 7, say &. 2 V II 1 Q5 CO ^jt I- <*> li a -i O '-' .3 CO -K w o o o 9 p s-> o 1^ ? H ** . d pppppppppppppp + 'l il II II II II II ' + (MCNCNOlfMtNtNr^ O O O O O O ^^ ^^ ^^ o oo O rH ^H r-H I>''OC^l~-COt^'-i'^ ( l>-OOi I O i ifMfOOQO COeOiOOOiO-^-^MCCG^i IOO^^OCO oooppopooopppppppopp + + + + + + + + + + + + -f "l 'l 'l 'l 1 1 1 M IH 00 M; W P* O + +1 O + PPPppPPPPPPPP + ' 'l t35a01>'COTj asasasa^fai^asasa.. i~~*OOOOOOOOO 5"c>: "^ +11 r p 3 ^ J^ 02 02 ? q 7 H T'P < ?? : ' < ? :il ? )Q P ( ;! C( ? ) + ' 'l 'l rt M ^ I ^W (jv|(Nr^-lriHOCOOOl II 11 I 04 94 O4 + +1 I X! Co nte M . CD 01 O > X 0) j * * a *1 m * - r" 1 s 10 r-T oT oT ~ No. of B ^ a O >>'~ l <~ a -2 * H ^ Day, Date, 2*S 1~ cfl 'm ^-g SH and CH *" rfl 6 O fl S t-5 -M * H.W. or L.W. Jq *>> O rrt * 3 2 ^L, * ,2^ - 00 ^ ** HH "3 g H i^i i + Q ^ t*> 5 O o 'S *^2 w * H * w > (^^-05 0H PH M 1 "" ft. h. ft. Feb. 1. H.W. + 3-45 11-09 166 40 40 + 27 + 23 155 0. L.W. -3-41 17-24 133 -25 + 27 H.W. + 3-36 23-39 226 -25 -26 Feb. 2. L.W. -3-31 5-55 83 317 318 + '27 -24 77 1. H.W. + 3-25 11-70 51 + 23 + 28 L.W. -3-17 17-85 144 -29 + 21 Feb. 3. H.W. + 3-09 o-oo 234 236 -20 -30 L.W. -3-00 6-15 329 + 31 -19 2. H.W. + 2-91 12-31 62 + '17 + 32 L.W. -2-81 18-46 155 -33 + 15 Feb. 4. H.W. + 2-71 60 9 243 246 -15 -33 8 L.W. -2-59 6-75 339 + 34 -12 3. H.W. + 2-47 12-89 72 + 11 + 34 L.W. -2-35 19-05 165 -35 + 09 Feb. 5. H.W. + 2-23 1-20 18 252 256 -09 -35 17 L.W. -2-10 7-36 349 + 35 -07 4. H.W. + 1-98 13-52 82 + 05 + 36 L.W. -1-85 19-70 175 -36 + 03 Feb. 6. H.W. + 1-72 1-87 20 262 267 -02 -36 26 L.W. -1-59 8-06 + 36 + 00 5. H.W. + 1-47 14-24 93 -02 + 36 L.W. -1-35 20-47 186 -30 -04 Feb. 7. H.W. + 1-24 2-69 40 274 280 + 06 -35 37 L.W. -1-13 8-96 13 + 35 + 08 6. H.W. + 1-02 15-22 106 -10 + 35 L.W. - -94 21-56 199 -34 -12 Feb. 8. H.W. + '85 3-89 58 294 299 + 17 -32 54 L.W. - -81 10-33 32 + 31 + 19 7. H.W. + -77 16-77 125 -21 + 29 L.W. - -77 23-20 218 -28 -22 8. Feb. 9. H.W. + -78 5-63 84 318 326 + 30 -20 78 1886] CORRECTION FOR DIURNAL INEQUALITIES. 153 Reduction Angles on Second to "Indian which second diurnal tide depends correc- tion to heights Total correc- tion to heights Cor- rected heights Spring Low Water." Total cor- rection to time Cor- rected times ,=198 0-13 ft. = 3-55 ft. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. M 1. 2. rf *"O rH oT oT SB ^ >v 3 H _; s j +* ^ O 2 <4-t ce g o J-. c i O.I" 2^0 "^ H- 5 X 00 O hH X a 1 i i X M i5 i i 1; i X 1 5 3?6 i i-^ "-" O "01 Pj . * h^ ^. * H J fl - 00 rf pf H " X X + >t X h- 1 HH ft. h. ft. ft. ft. h. h. 155 317 + 10 -09 + 14 + 37 + 3-82 7-37 + 04 11-05 44 + 09 + 09 + 36 -16 -3-57 -02 -11 17-35 131 -09 + 10 -16 -34 + 3-02 6-57 -05 23-44 52 214 -11 -07 -31 + 16 -3-15 40 + 09 5-46 301 + '07 -11 + 17 + 30 + 3-55 7-10 + 05 11-65 28 + 12 + 06 + 27 -17 -3-34 21 -09 17-94 309 111 -05 + 12 -18 -25 + 2-84 6-39 -06 05 198 -12 -04 -23 + 19 -2-81 74 + 08 6-07 285 + 03 -13 + 19 + 20 + 3-11 6-66 + 07 12-24 12 + 13 + 03 + 18 -20 -3-01 54 -06 18-52 292 94 -01 + 13 -20 -16 + 2-55 6-10 -07 67 181 -13 -00 -12 + 21 -2-38 1-17 + 05 6-70 268 -00 -13 + 21 + '11 + 2-58 6-13 + 09 12-80 355 + 13 -01 + 08 -22 -2-57 98 -03 19-08 276 78 + 03 + 13 -22 -06 + 2-17 5-72 -10 1-30 165 -13 + 03 -04 + 22 -1-88 1-67 + 02 7-34 252 -04 -12 + 24 + 01 + 1-99 5-54 + 12 13-40 339 + 12 -02 + 01 -24 -2-09 1-46 + 01 19-69 259 61 + 06 + '11 -25 + 04 + 1-76 5-31 -14 2-01 148 -11 + 07 + 07 + 25 -1-34 2-21 -04 8-10 235 -08 -11 + 25 -10 + 1-37 4-92 +17 14-07 322 + 10 -08 -12 -26 -1-61 1-94 + 08 20-39 245 47 + 09 + 10 -25 + 15 + 1-39 4-94 -20 2-89 134 -09 + 09 + 17 + 26 - -87 2-68 -15 9-11 221 -10 -09 + 26 -20 + -82 4-37 + 25 14-97 308 + 10 -09 -'21 -24 -1-18 2-37 + 22 21-34 237 39 + 10 + 08 -24 + 27 + 1-12 4-67 -28 4-17 126 -08 + 11 + 30 + 23 - -58 2-97 -37 10-70 213 -11 -07 + 22 -32 + -45 4-00 + 29 16-48 300 + 07 -11 -33 -21 - -98 2-57 + 43 22-77 235 37 + 10 + 08 -12 + 40 + 1-18 4-73 -15 5-78 154 TIDE-TABLE. [4 K. Final Tide Table. It remains to reduce the decimals of an hour to minutes, and to change from the astronomical to the civil date at the port. It will be found more convenient to keep the heights in decimals of a foot, and not reduce to inches. The times and heights are given in XIX. and XVII. of table H. K. TIDE TABLE for Port Blair, the Heights being referred to " Indian Spring Low Water Mark." Civil Date Times of H.W. and L.W. Heights of H.W. and L.W. Civil Date Times of H.W. and L.W. Heights of H.W. and L.W. 1885 h. m. ft. 1885 h. m. ft. Feb. 1. p.m. 11 3 H.W. 7'4 Feb. 6. a.m. 1 24 H.W. 5-5 2. a.m. 5 21 L.W. -0 a.m. 7 41 L.W. 1-5 a.m. 11 26 H.W. 6-6 p.m. 2 1 H.W. 5-3 p.m. 5 28 L.W. -4 p.m. 8 6 L.W. 2-2 p.m. 11 39 H.W. 7-1 7. a.m. 2 4 H.W. 4-9 3. a.m. 5 56 L.W. -2 a.m. 8 23 L.W. 1-9 p.m. 3 H.W. 6-4 p.m. 2 53 H.W. 4-9 p.m. 6 4 L.W. -7 p.m. 9 7 L.W. 2-7 4. a.m. 14 H.W. 6-7 ,, 8. a.m. 2 58 H.W. 4-4 a.m. 6 31 L.W. -5 a.m. 9 20 L.W. 2-4 p.m. 40 H.W. 6-1 p.m. 4 10 H.W. 4-7 p.m. 6 42 L.W. 1-2 p.m. 10 42 L.W. 3-0 5. a.m. 48 H.W. 6-1 9. a.m. 4 29 H.W. 4-0 a.m. 7 5 L.W. 1-0 a.m. 10 46 L.W. 2-6 p.m. 1 18 H.W. 5-7 p.m. 5 47 H.W. 4-7 p.m. 7 20 L.W. 1-7 In the official Indian Tide Tables the tides of Port Blair are referred to a datum 3'13 ft. below mean water, that is to say 0'42 ft. higher than the datum here used. To effect a comparison then subtract 0'42 ft. from all these heights, and the concordance will be found fairly satisfactory. The Indian Tide Tables are formed by the tide-predicting instrument, by which the approximations here used are avoided, and are based on much wider data than those supposed to be here available. 1886] ABRIDGEMENT OF COMPUTATION. 155 VI. ON ABRIDGEMENTS WHICH MAY BE ADOPTED IN COMPUTING A TIDE TABLE. For navigational purposes a very rough tide table will often suffice. Such a table may be computed as follows : H OT , H s , /c m , K S , and mean establishment may be derived from spring and neap rise, age, and establishment as shown in IV. If the " age " be unknown it may be assumed as 36 h., and K S K m may be taken as 36. Then let A be the apparent time of any ))'s transit reduced to angle at 30 per hour, and we have for the height of H.W. from spring L.W. mark 2H m + H s [1 + cos (A - Kg + Km )] and for the height of L.W. from same level H s [1 COS (A Kg + ,,,,)] The time of H.W. is TJ" M.T. of ])'s tr. + mean estab. 2 h ^- sin (A K S + tc m ) H-m And the time of L.W. is 6 h. 12m. later, or half-way between two con- secutive H.W.'s computed by above rule. For example : At Port Blair H m = 2'0 ft., H g = TO ft., /c s K m = 37, mean establishment = 9 h "6; and we found M.T. of J's lower transit on Feb. 5, 1885 = 4 h. 52m. = 4 h- 9, and appt. time of transit reduced to angle at 30 per hour is 139, so that A =139. Then A-* s + * m =102; cos 102 = - 0'2 ; sin 102 = + TO H s [l + cos 102] = 0-8; 2H m = 4'0 H g [1 - cos 102] = T2 ; 2 h ^ sin 102 = 2 x x 1 = l h '0 ti m Time of H.W. = 4 h '9 + 9 h '6 - l h '0 = 13 h '5 Time of L.W. = 13 h '5 + 6 h '2 = 19 h '7 Hence H.W., Feb. 6, at 1 h. 30 m. a.m., height 4'8 ft. L.W., Feb. 6, at 7 h. 42 m. a.m., height T2 ft. It must be noticed that we are here supposed to know nothing of the diurnal tides, and the datum level being H, n + H s or 3'0 ft. below mean water is considerably higher than that used above. The results are more nearly in accordance with the complete value as found in the preceding section than would usually be the case. A graphical method of using the same data would be more accurate. The figure would be the same as that of the last section, but the m's and M's would be determined by sweeping a circle with radius H m about as centre, and OS would be taken as equal to H s 156 WORKS OF REFERENCE. [4 The further step in accuracy would be to proceed as in computation of V., but to compute auxiliary tables B. and C. for each minute of parx. and each 2 of decl. only. Table D. may be abridged by computing corrections for parx. and decl. for upper transits only, and columns XI., XII. may be omitted entirely. Table E. for lower transit may be omitted. Figure F. may be drawn for upper transits only, and the entries in G. for lower transits may be filled in by interpolation. In Table H. for diurnal tides only the first entry for each day in VI. (2) and XI. (2) need be made, and only the first two entries for each day of VII., VIII., XII., XIII., XIV., XVIII. computed. The third and fourth entries for each day of XV. and XIX. may be taken as respectively numerically equal to the first and second ones, but with the opposite signs. These abridgements would reduce the computation by nearly a half. Other abridgements will doubtless occur to the computer, but they will all involve loss of accuracy. VII. WORKS OF REFERENCE. A general account of the theory of tides will be found in most Popular Astronomies, but we are not aware of any book which gives a complete exposition of tidal theory and practice. Airy's well known article on " Tides and Waves " in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana may be referred to, but as great advances have been made since the time of its publication, it would seem preferable to refer to the article by the present writer, which is about to be contributed to the Encyclopedia Britannica*. A complete list of all papers on the tides published since the time of Newton will be found in the Bibliographie Astronomique, Houzeau and Lancaster, Brussels, 1882. For an account of the harmonic method and its connexion with the method of hour angles, &c., see the Reports to the British Association for 1883 and 1885, and 1886, for an explanation of the methods here used [Papers 1, 2, 3 above]. Tables of the harmonic tidal constants at a considerable number of ports are given in a paper by A. W. Baird and G. H. Darwin in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1885. Computation forms for the reduction of a long series of tidal observations, and copies of the British Association Report, 1883, may be purchased of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. A manual of practical tidal observation by Major A. W. Baird, R.E., will shortly be on sale by Messrs Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. * [Since this time my own Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System (Murray) has been published.] 5. ON THE HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF TIDAL OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH AND LOW WATER. [Proceedings of the Royal Society, XLVIII. (1890), pp. 278 340.] 1. Introduction. EXTENSIVE use of the tide-gauge has only been made in recent years, and by far the largest number of tidal records consist only of observations of high and low water (H. and L.W.). Such observations have usually been reduced by determining the law governing the relationship between the times and heights of H. and L. W. and the positions of the moon and sun. This method is satisfactory so long as the diurnal inequalities are small, but it becomes both complex and unsatisfactory when the diurnal inequality is large. In such cases the harmonic notation for the tide is advantageous, and as, except in the North Atlantic Ocean, the diurnal inequality is generally considerable, a proper method of evaluating the harmonic constants from H. and L.W. observations is desirable. The essential difference between the method here proposed and that followed by Laplace and his successors is that they introduced astronomical considerations from the first and applied them to each H. and L.W., whereas the positions of the sun and moon will only be required here at a single instant of time. In their method, the time of moon's transit, and hence the interval, was found for each tide ; the age of the moon, and the moon's and sun's parallaxes and declinations were also required. An extensive table from the astronomical ephemeris was thus necessary, and there still remained the classification of heights and intervals according to the age of moon, and two parallaxes, and two declinations. The classification could hardly be less laborious, and was probably less mechanical, than the sorting processes employed below. There is probably, therefore, a considerable saving of labour in the present method, and, besides, I conceive that the results are more satisfactory when expressed in the harmonic notation. 158 NOTATION. [5 My object has been to make the whole process a purely mechanical one, and, although nothing can render the reduction of tidal observations a light piece of work, I believe that it is here presented in a form which is nearly as short as possible. The analytical difficulties to be encountered in such a task are small, but the arrangement of a heavy mass of arithmetic, so as to involve a minimum of labour and therefore of expense, is by no means easy. How far I have succeeded must be left to the decision of those who will, I hope, use the methods here devised. When a question of this kind is attacked, the solution cannot be deemed complete unless the investigation is left in such a state that an ordinary trained computer is able to use it as a code of instructions by which to reduce a series of observations, without any knowledge of tidal theory. An actual numerical example is thus essential, both to test the method and to serve as instructions to a computer. The Appendix contains so much of the reduction of three months of observation at Bombay as will serve as such a code. If the series be longer than three months, or in such cases as the proper treatment of gaps in the series, it is necessary to refer back to the body of the paper for instructions. I now pass to the theoretical reasons for the rules for reduction. 2. Notation. The notation of the Report to the British Association for 1883 [Paper 1], and in use in the Indian tidal work and elsewhere, is here followed. The earth's angular velocity is denoted by 7; the hourly mean motions of the moon, sun, and lunar perigee by a, 77, nr (777, (Te\ijvtj, rpuo?) ; the mean longitudes of moon, sun, and lunar perigee by s, h, p, and the mean solar hour angle by t. The R.A. and longitude in the lunar orbit of the inter- section of the equator with the lunar orbit are v, % ; and N is the longitude of the moon's node. The several harmonic tides are denoted by arbitrarily chosen initial letters. Those with which we shall principally have to deal are Semi-diurnal. Name Initial Speed Equilibrium argument Principal lunar ... M 2 2 (7 - a) . 2t + 2 (h - v) - 2 (6- - ) solar ... S 2 2(7-77) 2t Luni-solar K 2 2y 2t+2(h-v") Larger elliptic ... N 27-80- + ^ 2t + 2(/i - v} - 2(s - ) - (s-p) Smaller ... L 27-0--^ 2t + 2(h - v) - 2 (s- ) + (s-p)+ TT 1890] GENERAL METHOD OF TREATMENT. 159 Diurnal. Name Initial Speed Equilibrium argument Luni-solar K x 7 t + (h v') \TT Lunar O y-2 g = A + jyJ Then our equations are h cos F p = ^ + FA q + GB q ) I ..................... (7) h sin Vp = B p + fA q + gB q } A similar pair of equations will result from each H. and L.W. When a series of tides is considered, we may take the mean of the equations and substitute a mean F, G, f, g. The general principle here adopted is to take the means over such periods that the mean F, G, f, g become very small. In fact, we shall, in several cases, be able to reduce them so far that these terms are negligible, and get COS simply - , 2/i . V v = J^ : but in other cases, where what is typified as r J n + 1 sin B p the p tide is a small one, whilst one or more of the tides typified as q is large, it will be necessary to find F, G, f, g. The finding of these coefficients is f*OS clearly reducible to the finding of the mean values of (V p V q ). Another useful principle may be illustrated thus : if the q tide does not differ much in speed from the p tide, we may put V q = V p + vt, where v is a small speed. Then we write h = R p cos ( V p p) + R q cos ( V p + vt g ) = COS V p {Rp COS p + R q COS (vt %q}} + sin V p {Rp sin p - R q sin (vt - q )} If we neglect v/p, the condition for maximum and minimum in conjunction with this gives h cos V p = R p cos p + R q cos (vt q ) h sin V p = R p sin % p R q sin (vt % q ) 1890] GENERAL METHOD OF TREATMENT. 161 Then taking the mean of these equations over a period beginning with = and ending when t = 'jr/v > we have (writing A p = R p cos % p , B p = R p sin cos V p = A v + \R Q cos (a n+l 2A sin V p = B p \R q sin (a 9 ) iv ~T~ J_ where X and a are certain constants, depending on the sum of a trigonometrical series. Again, if we take means from t = TTJV to t = ZTT/V, the second terms have their signs changed. Hence the difference between these two successive sums will give \R q cos(a% q ) and \R q sin (a 9 ). There will be usually two terms such as those typified by q, and we shall then have to take two other means, viz., one beginning at 7r/2v and ending at 37r/2i/, and the other beginning at 37r/2i> and ending at 57r/2z>. From the difference of these sums we get \R q sin (a % q ) and \R q cos(a g ). From these four equations the two Rq's and the two q 's are found. The solution is a little complicated in reality by the fact that it is not possible to take t = exactly at the beginning of the series, because the first tide does not occur exactly at noon, but this is a detail which will become clear below. When all the A' a and B's or R's and 's have been found, the position of the sun and moon at the epoch, found from the Nautical Almanac, and certain constants found from the Auxiliary Tables in Baird's Manual of Tidal Observations *, are required to complete the evaluation of the H's and KS. The details of the processes will become clear when we consider the various tides. It may be worth mentioning that I have almost completely evaluated the F's and G's, which give the perturbation of one tide on another, in the case considered in the Appendix. Without giving any of the details of the laborious arithmetic involved, it may suffice to say that the conclusion fully justifies the omission of all those terms, which are neglected in the computation as presented below. 4. The tides N and L. These are the two lunar elliptic tides. For the sake of brevity all the tides excepting M 2 , N, L are omitted from the analytical expressions. Since V n = V m - (a- - s , v, , f m , have been explained in the last section. 166 SOLAR AND LUN1-SOLAR SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES. [5 6. The Tides S 2 and K 2 . These are the principal solar and luni-solar semi-diurnal tides. If the tide S 2 is in the same phase as K 2 at any time, three months later they are in opposite phases. Hence, for a short series of observations, the two tides cannot be separated, and both must be considered together. It is proposed to treat a long series of observations as made up of a succession of short series ; hence I begin with a short series. For the sake of brevity all the tides excepting S 2 and K 2 are omitted from the analytical expressions. Since V"=V g + t = cos Vg {R s cos % s + R" cos i + sin V g {R s sin g - R" sin Hence, taking into account the equation which expresses that h is a maximum or minimum, and neglecting the variation of 2A or 2rjt compared with that of V 8) we have h cos V s = R s cos f g + R" cos (2^ - f ") h sin F s = R s sin g - 5" sin (2rjt - ") The mean interval between each tide and the next is 6 h> 210. Then if g be the increment of 2h in that period (so that with 2ij equal to 0'082 per hour, g is equal to 0'510), the equations corresponding to the (r + l) th tide are approximately h cos V s = R s cos g + R" cos (rg ") h sin V s = R s sin s R" sin (rgr ") Now, if P be the cube of the ratio of the sun's parallax to its mean parallax, the expression for S 2 , together with its parallactic inequality (the tides T, R of harmonic notation), is PH g cos (2t Kg). Since t is the mean solar hour angle, 2t is the same thing as V s . Hence R s = PH g , g = K S Also if P be the value of P at epoch, then for a period of two or three months we may take P = P (l + pt), where P p is equal to dP/dt. Again, if we put 7 = ^- , we have Also since the argument of the K 2 tide is 2t + 2A, - 2i/' - K", where 2i/" is a certain function of the longitude of the moon's node (tabulated by Baird), and since t = 0, h = h at epoch, it follows that 1890] SOLAR AND LUNI-SOLAR SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES. 167 Now, when the means of the equations (17) are taken for n + 1 successive tides, the latter terms become R" . (^nq "), where 7 sm v - Also, if we write .(19) ~D q - ~* ^ii oiii v g n -f 1 our equations become A s = UH S cos K a + f"XH, cos (a) - K") | B g = HH, sin K, - f'XH. sin ( - *") J ' It may be observed that O is the mean value of P during the interval embraced by the n + 1 tides. In reducing a short series of observations we have to assume what is usually nearly true, viz., that K" K S and 7 = 0'272, as would be the case in the equilibrium theory of tides. With this hypothesis, put U cos U sin = \ n f" sin ) B, a* HfCr sin (, ) from which to find H g and tc s . Lastly, *" = Kt , H" = 7 H g = 0'272 H 8 In order to minimise the disturbance due to the lunar tide M 2 , we have to make the n + 1 tides cover an exact number of semi-lunations, namely, the same period as that involved in the evaluation of M 2 . The elimination of the M 2 tide is adequate, although not so complete as the elimination of the effect of the S 2 tide on M 2 , because M 2 is nearly three times as large as S 2 . A Long Series of Observations. Suppose that there is a half year of observation, or two periods of six semi-lunations, each of which periods contains exactly the same number of tides. 168 SOLAR AND LUNI-SOLAR SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES. [5 Then each of these periods is to be reduced independently with the assumption that 7 = 0*272 and K S = K". If this assumption is found sub- sequently to be very incorrect, it might be necessary to amend these reduc- tions by multiplying \ n by H"-r- 0'272H g , and by adding K^ K" to to; but such repetition will not usually be necessary. From these reductions we get independent values of Hgcos/e g , H s sin/^ from each quarter year, and the mean of these is to be adopted, from which to compute H s and K S . It remains to evaluate H" and K". The factor f" and the angle 2i/' vary so slowly that the change may be neglected from one quarter to the next, although each quarter is supposed to have been reduced with its proper values. Let h and h ' be the sun's mean longitude at the two epochs ; they will clearly differ by nearly 90, and we put 2/? ' = 2h + TT + 28h. Hence it is clear that the value of &> in the second quarter is w + 2Bh + TT. Thus the four equations, such as (20), appertaining to the two quarters, may be written A g = HH 8 cos K, + . f "H" cos (a, - *") 7 B s = IIH 8 sin Ks - . f "H" sin ( - *") 7 A 8 '= ITH 8 cos K, - ~ . f "H" cos (co + 2Bh - K") 7 B s ' = ITH, sin K, + . f"H" sin (to + 2Sh - ") 7 where the accented symbols apply to the second quarter, and where \ n sin(n + l)<7 ACK/3 = -. ^ -. f^ = 0'656, a constant. 7 (n + l)sm^g From (21), A g -A s '-(U- IT) H g cos *. = 2 ^- l . f "H" cos Sh cos Co> + Bh - K") 7 - B g + B g ' + (TI - H') H g sin Kg = 2 ^ . f "H" cos Bh sin (ta + Bh- K") 7 From these two equations, H" and K" may be computed, and since II II' is very small, approximate values of H s cos /c s , H s sin K S suffice. 7. The Diurnal Tides K,, O, P. Amongst the diurnal tides I shall only consider Kj the luni-solar diurnal, the principal lunar diurnal, and P the principal solar diurnal tides. There is the same difficulty in separating P from Kj as in the case of K 2 and S 2 , and therefore in a short series of observations P and Kj have to be treated together. It is proposed to treat a long series of observations as made up of a succession of short series ; hence I begin with a short series. .(21) 1890] DIURNAL TIDES. 169 For the sake of brevity all the tides excepting K x , 0, P are omitted from the analytical expressions. If i Vm denotes (7 a-) t, we have V'=^7 m + at, V = \V m -at, V p = ^V m + (a-2 V )t, and h = R cos (%V m + 210. Then if e be the increment of s, and z the increment of s 2h in that period (so that with a equal to 0'5490 per hour and a 2ij equal to 0-4669 per hour, e is equal to 3'4095 and z equal to 2'8994) ; and if a, b, c denote the values of at ', at + % , (a 2rj)t- % p at the time of the first tide under consideration, the equations corresponding to the (r + l)th tide are approximately h cos ^V m = R' cos (a + re) + R cos (b + re) + R p cos (c + rz) ) h sin | V m = R sin (a + re) + R sin (b + re) R p sin (c + rz) ) If we take the mean of n + 1 successive tides, the first pair of terms will be multiplied by , \- and the last term by the similar function with J (n + l)sm^e z in place of e; also the r in the arguments must be put equal to ^n. If the (n + 2)th tide falls exactly a semi-lunar period later than the first, (n + 1) e = TT. On account of the incommensurability of the angular velocity a, this condition cannot be rigorously satisfied, but if the whole series of observations be broken up into such semi-periods, then, on the average of many such summations, it may be taken as true. Since \e is a small angle, (n+ 1) sin^e = TT, and sin(n + \)e = 1 ; hence the first factor is equal to 2/Tr. Again, O + l).z = |(w + l)e.- = i7r. ^ = 76 32' in degrees CT and (n + 1) sin^z |TT. - a * I have satisfied myself by analysis, which I do not reproduce, that on taking means this error becomes very small. 170 DIURNAL TIDES. [5 Therefore (n + 1) Again Now let and we have 2^- c (j w /-if) / ^ 7T CT 2?; 7T 7T = i 7r _ 1 i e= i 7 r-l -7048 = TT - 13'4647 - l-4497 = TT - 14'9144 a = a- 1'7048 ' 6 = b- 1-7048 7 = c-14-9144 j " ne = ^7r + a. gu .(23) .(24) Thus, if ?i + 1 is the mean number of tides in a semi-lunar period, the means of equations (22) become 7T 7T 1) S/i cos | V m = R' sin a R sin /3 X^ sin 7 2/i sin V m = - R' cos a + R cos /8 X^ cos 7 ...(25) where the summations are carried out over the first semi-lunar period, which may be designated as 1. In applying these equations to the next semi-period 2, the result is obtained by writing a + (n + l)e for a, b + (n + l)e for b, and c + (n+l)z for c; that is to say, + 7r for a, b + ir for b, and c+153'070G or c + 7r-26-9294 for c. If, therefore, we put e = 26'9294, we obtain the result from (25) by changing the signs on the left and writing 7 6 for 7. The equations for semi-periods 3, 4, 5, &c., will be alternately 4- and - on the left, and identical as regards the terms in a and ft, but with 7 2e, 7 3e, y 4e, &c., successively in place of 7. Let the observations run over m semi-lunar periods; then double the equations appertaining to periods 2, 3...(w 1), add all the m equations together, and divide by 2(m 1). The terms in R p will involve the series sin sin N sin sin , 7 + 2 (7 - e) + 2 (7 - 2e) + . . . + {7 - (m - 1) e cos ' cos v ' cos v ' cos l ' This is equal to 2 Then if we put sin \(fn 1 ) e sin - tan|e cos A, sin A (m 1) e it = . ^ T -^- , where X = 11436 (m 1) tan^e 1890] DIURNAL TIDES. our equations (25) become 171 = R' sin a R sin @ fiR p sin {7 | (ra 1) e} = R' cos a + R cos y# /u.Kp cos {7 -| (m 1) e} where 2, now denotes summation of the following kind : ...(26) Suppose the whole series of observations to be reduced covers exactly 2m + 1 quarter-lunar periods, which we denote by I, II, III, &c. First suppose that the semi-period denoted previously by 1 consists of I + II, that 2 consists of III + IV, and so on. .(27) Let t denote the time of the first tide of the series, and since noon of the first day is epoch, t cannot be more than a few hours. Let i = \e- ("^/ i (X + Y) = - f H' cos ( + *') + p m H' cos (' + i + 0) } 1890] DIURNAL TIDES. 173 Let T cos arid RO = -T r o where f is a certain function of the longitude of the moon's node, tabulated in Baird's Manual. A Long Series of Observations. Suppose that there is a half year of observation, or two periods of thirteen quarter-lunar periods, each of which contains exactly the same number of tides. Then each of these periods is to be reduced independently with the assumption that q = 0'3309 and K P = K. If this assumption be found subsequently to be very incorrect, it might be necessary to amend these reductions by adding K P K' to the value of 6, and by multiplying p m by Hp -r 0'3309H', but such repetition will not usually be necessary. From these reductions we get independent values of H' cos ', H' sin K, H cos K O , H sin K O from each quarter year, and the means of these are to be adopted from which to compute H', K, H , K O . It remains to evaluate H p and K P . The factor f ' and the angle v vary so slowly that the change from one quarter to the next may be neglected, although each quarter is supposed to have been reduced with its proper values. Let h , h ' be the values of the sun's mean longitude at the two epochs; then since the second epoch is nearly a quarter year later than the first, h ' will exceed h by about 90. Let h ' = h + ^TT + Sh, so that Bh is small. 174 DIURNAL TIDES. [5 If ' -I- 8%', p + 8 p be the values of ', p at the second epoch, we have ' + ' = - /' + v + TT + *', ' = - A + i/ + ^TT + ', and therefore Again, ^, + 8 p = /<' - \TT + K P , ^ p = h - and therefore 8 p = |TT + 8h Let * + Si, k + Bk be the values of i and & corresponding to the second epoch, and let W, X', Y', Z' be the values of those quantities in the second quarter. Then, replacing (2ra + l)e by 87'5, since that is its value when 2m + 1 is 13, we have from (33) ( W - Z') = - R cos (? + i + Si - Bh) + pRp cos e cos (p + k + 8k + Sh + 87'5) ^ (X x + Y') = - R' sin (' + { + Si - 5A) + /i,Rp cos e sin (? p + A; + SA; + 8h + 87'5) ^ (W - Z) = -R' sin (f ' + i) + /i.Rp cos Je sin (^ + k + 87'o) ^ (X + Y) =-R cos (f + i) - fjiR p cos |e cos ( p + k + 87'5) Hence i (W - Z') - i (X + Y) = R' sin I (Si - M) sin {? + i + ^ (Si - Sh)} + }j,R p cos Je cos \ (Bk + Bh) cos { p + k + k (&k + Bh) + 87-5} ...(41) cos Je cos \ (8k + Bh) sin { p + k + ^ (8k + Bh) + 87*5} In these equations R is equal to f'H' and R p is equal to H p . The terms involving R' are clearly small, and approximate values of R' and ', as derived from the first quarter, will be sufficient to compute them. Afterwards we can compute R p or H^ and % p ; then if u p denotes h + ^TT, the equilibrium argument of P at the first epoch, K P = P + u p . The values of H^, K P thus deduced ought not to differ very largely from those assumed in the two independent reductions. The same investigation serves for the evaluation of the P tide from any two sets of observations, each consisting of thirteen quarter-lunar periods, and with a small change in the analysis we need not suppose each to consist of thirteen such periods. But the two epochs must be such that sinS/i is small and cos Bh is large, or the formulas, although analytically correct, will fail in their object. 1890] DISTURBANCE DUE TO SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES. 175 8. The Disturbance of K 1} O, P due to M 2 and S 2 . It has been remarked in 7 that the diurnal tides are perturbed by the semi-diurnal. The general method has been given in 3, by which to calculate the effect on any one tide, whose increment of argument since epoch is V p and speed is p, due to a tide whose increment is V q and speed q. Since in the present instance all the diurnal tides have been consolidated into one of speed 7 0-, we have to calculate the effect of the tides whose speeds are 2(70-) and 2(7-77) on the tide whose speed is 7 0-. It follows, therefore, that the factor q/p or k q of (3) is in the first case equal to 2 (7 er)/(7 - a-) or 2, and in the second case is 2 (7 77)7(7 ~ or 2'070 ; or k m = 2, k s = 2-070. The coefficients F, G, f, g, as due to the tide M 2 of speed 2 (7 **! > * > &s In order to compute the sixteen coefficients, it is necessary to find the mean cosines and sines of the four following angles, viz.: ^V m V m , ^V m V s , and the means have to be taken in the two ways denoted S and SK These means are exactly the same in form as what the means of h cos and h sin (which had to be evaluated in S and S**) would be if all the heights were regarded as positive unity, irrespective of whether they are H.W. or L.W. Hence the same plan of computation serves here as elsewhere ; the plan is explained in the following section. By comparison of equation (7) and the definitions (31) of W, X, Y, Z in the last section, we have ...(42) The four quantities A m , B m , A s , B s are known from the evaluations of the tides M 2 and S 2 ; whence the corrections referred to in 7 are calculable. Y = &h cos \V m - {A m F m ^ + B m G m ^ + A g F s ^ +] f 176 THE METHOD OF SUMMATION. [5 9. On the Summations. It will be seen from the preceding sections that sums have to be found of the following functions : and also of , cos T7 , cos jr . cos h . V m , h . K s , h . sin sin sin cos lF cos cos Bin* "' sin^' Bin 1 * "V* ' ; It is necessary to calculate the five angles \V m , V s> \V m V g , and V m , for each tide, and the reader will easily see, by the example in the Appendix, how they may be computed with considerable rapidity, by aid of an auxiliary table A. The computation of sines and cosines and multiplication by heights, may, with sufficient accuracy, be abridged, by regarding the cosine or sine of any angle lying within a given 5 of the circumference as equal to the cosine or sine of the middle of that 5. The process then consists in the grouping of the heights according to the values of their F's (V m , V s , ^V m , as the case may be). The heights in each group are then summed. Since the L.W. heights are all negative, they are treated in a separate table, and are considered as positive until their combi- nation with the H.W. at a later stage. We shall, for the present, only speak of one of these groupings, taking it as a type of both. OOS f*OS Since . (a + 180) = . a, the eighteen groups forming the 3 rd quadrant may be thrown in with the 1 st quadrant by a mere change of sign ; and the like is true of the 4 th and 2 nd quadrants. Since cos (180 a) = cos a and sin (180 a) = sin a, it follows that we have to go through the 2 nd quadrant in reversed order, in order to fall in with the succession which holds in the 1 st quadrant, and, moreover, the cosine changes its sign, whilst the sine does not do so. Hence the following schemes will give us the eighteen groups which all have the same cosines and sines: for cosines (1 st - 3 rd ) - (2 nd - 4 th ) reversed for sines (1 st - 3 rd ) + (2 nd - 4 th ) reversed Thus, one grouping of the heights serves for both cosines and sines, and, save for the last step, the additions are the same. The combination of the H.W. and L.W. results is best made at the stage where 1 st - 3 rd and 2 nd - 4 th have been formed. 1890] THE METHOD OF SUMMATION. 177 The negative signs for the L.W. results are introduced before addition to the H.W. results, and total 1 st - 3 rd and 2 nd - 4 th are thus formed. After the eighteen cosine and sine total numbers are thus formed, they are to be multiplied by the cosines or sines of 2 30', 7 30', 12 30', ... 87 30'. COS The products are then summed so as to give "Zh , . It was noted at the beginning of this section that we also have sums of cos the form S . These sums are obviously made by entering unity in place of each height, and, of course, not treating the L.W. as negative. Thus, where the H.W. and L.W. are combined it is not necessary to change the sign of the L.W., as was done in the combination of H.W. and L.W. for These summations are considerably less laborious than the others. cos sin cos In the case of the tides M 2 and So, the division of the sums *h . by the sm total number of entries gives the required results. But for N, L, and similarly for the diurnal tides K 1} O, P, the grouping and summations have to be broken into a number of subordinate periods, which are to be operated on to form S and SK The multiplication by the eighteen mean cosines and sines is best deferred to a late stage in the computation. Thus, for example for N and L, the quarter-lunar-anomalistic periods, i, ii, iii, &c., are treated independently, and we find (1 st 3 rd ) (2 nd 4 th reversed) for each. There are thus eighteen cosine numbers and eighteen sine numbers for each of i, ii, iii, &c. We next form the sums two and two, i + ii, iii + iv, &c. ; next find the differences (i 4- ii) - (iii + iv), (v + vi) (iii + iv), &c. ; add the differences together ; then multiply by the eighteen cosines or sines of 2^, 7|, &c., and finally multiply by T-. ^. z^-, and so find Sh . J 4>(n+ l)(ra-l) sm We next go through exactly the same process, but beginning with COS ii instead of i, and so find S^ w h . . sin COS The same process applies, mutatis mutandis, for finding S and S*"" . There are two cases which merit attention in particular. The sorting of heights in quarter-lunar-anomalistic periods, according to values of V m , serves, in the first instance, for the evaluation of N and L, but it serves, secondly, to evaluate M 2 , for we then simply neglect the subdivision into quarter periods and treat the whole as one series, but stop at the end of a semi-lunation. D. i. 12 178 THE METHOD OF SUMMATION. [5 The sorting of heights in quarter-lunar periods, according to the values f ^Vm> also serves several purposes. COS We first find from it S and S^h . \V m , and secondly, by merely bill counting the entries in each group for each quarter period, instead of adding up the heights, we arrive at S and S^cos \V m , (It may be noted in passing that what is wanted, according to preceding analysis, is the sum COS of (^ Vm V m ), so that there will be a change of sign in the sine sum to sin get the desired result.) cos But, besides these, S and S* 71 ' , (%V m +V m ) can be obtained with sin sufficient accuracy from the same sorting. The angles %V m were sorted in four times eighteen groups, for each quarter-lunar period. If each angle were multiplied by three, the eighteen entries of the 1 st quadrant would be converted into three groups of six, lying in three quadrants, viz., I st , II nd , III rd ; the 2 nd quadrant is changed to IV th , I st , II nd ; the 3 rd to III rd , IV th , I st ; and the 4 th to II nd , III rd , IV th . Hence eighteen entries of 1 st 3 rd are converted into three sixes, I st III rd , II nd - IV th , - (I st - III rd ] ; and eighteen entries of 2 nd - 4 th are converted into three sixes, - {II nd - IV th }, I st - III rd , II nd - IV th . Hence a new I st III rd of six entries is made up thus : first six of former 1 st 3 rd + second six of former 2 nd 4 th third six of former 1 st 3 rd And a new II nd IV th of six entries is made up of - first six of former 2 nd - 4 th + second six of former 1 st 3 rd + third six of former 2 nd - 4 th These I st III rd and II nd -I V th may now be treated just like the other ones. Thus, without calculating |F m , we have from the former 1 st 3 rd and 2 nd 4 th the results of a fresh grouping according to values of f V m . It is true that there is a considerable loss of accuracy, because all angles within 15 are now treated as having the same sine and cosine. 1890] PARTITION INTO GROUPS. 179 10. Rules for the Partition of the Observations into Groups. It appears from the preceding investigations that it is required to divide up the observations into groups. This may be done, with all necessary accuracy, and with great convenience, by dividing the tides just as they would be divided if every H.W. followed L.W., and vice versa, at the mean interval of 6 h> 2103. Now a quarter-lunar-anomalistic period is 165 h '3272, a quarter-lunar period is 163 h< 9295, and semi-lunation is 354 h> 3670. Hence, dividing these numbers by 6 h "2103, we find that there are 26'62145 tides in a quarter- anomalistic period, 26'3964 in a quarter period, and 57'0612 in a semi- lunation. It may be remarked in passing that these results show that the n + 1 of (10), 4, is 53-243, and the n + 1 of (25), 7, is 52'793. It is, of course, impossible to have a fractional number of tides, and, therefore, we make a small multiplication table of these numbers, and take the nearest integer in each case. For example, in the case of the semi- lunations, we have 1. 57-0612 57 4. 228*2448 228 2. 114-1224 114 5. 285-3060 285 3. 171-1836 171 6. 342-3672 342 These have to be divided between H. and L.W. For the sake of con- venience, I suppose that we always begin the series with a H.W., then when the integer is odd we put in one more H.W. than L.W., and thus have the following rule : No. of serni-lunation ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. of last H.W. in the semi-lunation 29 57 86 114 143 171 No. of last L.W. in the semi-lunation 28 57 85 114 142 171 The H.W. and L.W. are here supposed to be numbered consecutively from 1 onwards in separate tables. The other rules of partition given in Appendix E are found in the same way. 11. On the Over- Tides. Observations of H. and L.W. are very inappropriate for the determination of these tides (of which the most important are M 4 , M 6 , S 4 , S 6 ), because they express the departure of the wave from the simple harmonic shape, and we are supposed to have no information as to what occurs between two tides. 12 2 180 ANNUAL AND SEMI-ANNUAL TIDES. [5 These tides make the interval from H. to L.W. longer than from L. to H.W., and there is no doubt that, assuming the existence in the expression for h of a term of the form A 2m cos2F 7n + B 2w sin 2F W , we shall get an approxima- tion to A 2wt and B^ by finding the mean of hcos2V m and A,sin2F m . But the computation of the F, G, f, g, coefficients for the perturbation of M 4 by M 2 would be essential, and thus the amount of additional computation would be very great, whereas in the analysis of continuous observation the over-tides are found almost without any additional work. I am inclined to think that it would be best to obtain hourly observations for several days at several parts of a lunation, and by some methods of interpolation to construct a typical semi-diurnal tide-wave, from which, by the ordinary methods of harmonic analysis, we could find the ratio of the heights of the over-tides to the fundamental, and the relationship of their phases. I make no attempt at such an investigation in this place. 12. On the Annual and Semi-annual Tides. These tides are frequently of much importance, so that they ought not to be neglected from a navigational point of view. It is obviously impossible to obtain any results from a series of observations of less than a year's duration. Rules for the partition of tides into months or 12 th parts of a year are given in the Appendix E. The mean of all the H. and L.W. observations for each month may be taken as the height of mean water at the middle of the month, and the 12 values for the year may be submitted to the ordinary processes of harmonic analysis for the evaluation of these two tides. We have supposed in the previous investigation that the tide heights are measured from mean sea-level, and although it is not necessary that this condition should be rigorously satisfied, it might be well, where there is a large annual tide, to refer the heights to different datum levels in the different quarters of the year. 13. On Gaps in the Series of Observations. It often happens in actual observations that a few tides are missing through some accident, or are obviously vitiated by heavy weather. Now the present method depends for its applicability on the evanescence of terms in the averages. It is true that it is rigorously applicable even for scattered observations, but if applied to such a case all the F, G, f, g coefficients have to be calculated, and, as every tide reacts on every other, the computation would be so extensive as to make the method almost impracticable. Thus, where there is a gap, observations must be fabricated (of course noting that they are fabrications) by some sort of interpolation, and even values which 1890] TABLES AND RULES FOR REDUCTION. 181 are very incorrect are better than none*. If the interpolation is extensive, it might be well to test its correctness in a few places when the reduction is done. If a whole week or fortnight be missing, and if the computer cannot find a plausible method of interpolation, I can only suggest a pre- liminary reduction from the continuous parts, and the computation of a tide table for the hiatus. Each, such case must be treated on its merits, and it is hardly possible to formulate general rules. APPENDIX. Tables and Rules of General Applicability. A. To find The following table is for finding what would be the mean moon's hour- angle, if the moon had been on the meridian at the epoch. This angle is denoted by |- V m or (7 7, 11 0> 4, &c., the changes will fall a little wrong, but they may easily be corrected by means of Crelle's table, as here shown. 182 TABLE OF (7 cr) t. lOOCOOOr-iOCCDOOOCOirsOOO ,_,, i, ,, ii ii I P H'-H I i^CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCNCMCM ip-^OOCMrHpgSGCI^Cp CM CM CM CM ! i M rH CO --H CO r-H c i i oo i i CO t-i CM I-H iO ^ 00 CM I-H O OS OS 00 !> OSWf-i iiCCSCMCbO^ OO CM CD O ^J* 00 > i iO OS CO CO "^ iO OO Tt* i t 00 O CM OS OOiOI>-~J 1 OOO'^i-HOO CM CM CM CM CM CM I-H r-HOOi-HOOi i 00 i i 00 I-H i i CM i i CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I-H I-H -* t^ r-i i(5 OS 00 1^ I-H >(5 OS >OCDTtiiCCM^i-HCOOi ' j"5 1-1 CO I-H 00 r- 1 00 I-H 00 I-H ^ "^ 00 CM CO O "^ -_ - . _ iO CM "^ I-H CM O I-H _ CM ~ CM CM CM CM CM CM I-H I-H CO ip-^MWCMr^pOlCp i i OOK5CN-*i-HCNOi iO>O OOr-H?O-HOOl 1 00 i- 1 CM I- 1 - .. CM 00 I-H CMOS,-HOO .... CM CM CM CM CM ri r-c i I 00 I-H OO I-H 00 -H OO I-H O5 i iCMi ICM O i i CM ec I i lOOSOOt- CM CM CM CN CM CM I-H ^H OOi lOOi lOOr-HOOi lOOi i CM i i CM CM CM CM iO-*OOCMi 'OOSOSOOI^- CM CM -< i i JO (M CM I-H i i pOSOpt~CpCpipTtiOOCM r--ipOSqCl^Cpip-rJ-cp ipT^oooocMrHposoor-- cpip^J-QOQOOOQCQOO5O5O5O5OOOOi ir-ii i ICMCNCNCMCOCOCOCO'*-'* i i i I r-i CO CN CO O5 CO t^ i iiCOlCOh- i CO i i CO r^-i CM i I CN "CM CM CM ~ fM CO i i CN r-H CM CM -OOC35 ii i rH I-H I-H CMCMCMCMCM CMCMCMCMCM cp o> oc = II + X^f " COS ft) U sin = \nf" sin &> where to = 2h 2v" + o^ /sun's parx. mean parxA and II = 1 + 3 \ mean parx. / the sun's parallax referred to being its value at the middle of the period under reduction. If, for example, February 14 is the middle of the period, IT is found thus: Sun's parx. Feb. 14 = 8"-95, mean parx. = 8"-85, diff. = + 0"10 Then n = l+ The period under reduction consists in this case of an exact number of semi-lunations. The following table gives \n and a n , according to the number of semi-lunations : No. of semi- lunations ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. log\ n 9-4300 9-4159 9'3920 9'3575 9'3113 9'2517 0^ 14-28 28-82 43'36 57'90 72-43 86'97 h is the sun's mean longitude at epoch, found from Nautical Almanac; and 2 1/", f" are found from Baird's Manual in the tables applicable to the tide K 2 [or from the formulae at the end of Paper 1]. C. The Tides N and L. Summations are carried out over quarter -lunar -anomalistic periods, numbered i, ii, iii, &c. Grand totals are then made in two different ways, viz. [2 (i + ii) - 2 (iii + iv)] + [2 (v + vi) - 2 (iii + iv)] + [2 (v + vi) - 2 (vii + viii)] + &c., to find S and [2 (ii + iii) - 2 (iv + v)] + [2 (vi + vii) - 2 (iv + v)] + [2 (vi + vii) - 2 (viii + ix)] -I- &c., to find S^ 1890] RULES FOR REDUCTION. 185 where, for example, 2 (i -f ii) denotes summation carried over the half period made up of i and ii. These totals are multiplied by certain mean cosines and sines (whose values are given in F), and are summed. The next process is multiplication by a factor (?r/4 (n + l)(ra 1) of 4), of which the value depends on the number of quarter-lunar-anomalistic periods under treatment. The following table gives the value of this factor : No. of 4:-lunar- anom. periods ... iii. v. vii. ix. xi. xiii. 0-02950 0-01475 0-00738 0-00492 0-00369 0-00295 The angle j is also required ; it depends on the time of the first tide under reduction. If t be the time in hours since epoch to the first tide, j=l-690-0-5444 For instance, in the example below the first tide is at 3 h 14 m of day ; this is 8 h 46 m , or 8 h -77, before epoch, so that t = - 8 h> 77 ; then j = 1-690 + 0-5444 x 877 = + 6'46 D. The Tides K,, O, P. Summations are carried out over quarter-lunar periods numbered I, II, III, &c., and totals are formed like those mentioned in C, and a factor ^ (which differs slightly from ) is required in the formation of S and SK This factor depends on the number of quarter-lunar periods under treatment, and the following table gives its value : No. of |-lunar periods ... III. V. VII. IX. XI. XIII. 0-02976 0-01488 0-00744 0-00496 0-00372 0-00298 The angles i and I are required ; they depend on the time of the first tide under reduction. If t be the time in hours of the first tide since epoch, i= 1-705-0-549 I = - 0-255 + 0-082 t For instance, in the example below we have, as shown in C, t = 8 h> 77, and i = + 6-52 I = - 0-97 It is required to compute T and ty from T cos >|r = f ' p n cos 6 T sin T/T = p n sin 6 where = 2h - v + I + 186 RULES FOR REDUCTION. [5 The period under reduction consists in this case of an exact number of quarter-lunar periods, and the following table gives the values of p n and ft n , according to the number of quarter-lunar periods : No. of J-lunar periods ... III. V. VII. IX. XI. XIII. log p n 9-5749 9-5628 9-5508 9-5303 9-5009 9-4618 fin 20-20 33'66 47-13 60-59 74-06 87-52 h is the sun's mean longitude at epoch, the formula for I is given above, and v, f ' are found from Baird's Manual in the tables applicable to the tide K! [or from the formulas at the end of Paper 1]. E. Rules for the Partition of the Observations into Groups. If the first event after epoch is a L.W., either omit it from the reductions, or let the first tide be the H.W. which precedes epoch. Thus we are to begin with a H.W.* The H.W. and L.W. are treated apart in separate tables. Each tide (H.W. or L.W., as the case may be) is numbered consecutively, from 1 onwards. The following are rules for partitfons : * This is not necessary, but it makes the statements of the subsequent rules simpler, as they have not to be given in an alternative form. 1890] RULES FOR REDUCTION. 187 : JH CO CO CD 2 G^ r-H CO HH. ^* ^* Ttl H rH rH CO M ^ ^ .rJ O Oi O5 rH O5 00 ^ ' S rH CO p2 S 2 . t- CD I CO o o S ~f * O5 " rH rH | Q-l rS rH rH CM . CO CO CD X CO CO CD . (M CN ^ CO CO S rH rH CM CM .00 o .JJ O5 OS 00 X CM CM -^ - ~ r-H rH CM t-H rH rH CN eg .r> !> CD CO rH ^ 1 rH :g" :3 o 55 ^22 r-H J3 > | - 1 -; CO CO CD rH~ 3 CO CM rt ~ ^ O5 O5 H pi oo rH ^3 ^ o> HH rH 1 1 S rQ -oo o rH O5 O5 hH >. l>- l>. 1 oo l_^ rH rH 0_i rH 5 ^o 1 d r CD co > CD CD CO " ^ =0 CD i-O f> CD CD CM ft 'S 11 uf I rH 02 cc ^ PH i.' CO CO CD .Coo o ^3 O-T ^ *o o H .2 -i3 11 H ^ 1 rH 02 ^ '< & le g - O O 1 O :3 * i< 1 oc $ CU ti 05 R t^ o rH d 3 eg i . t^ CO CO .3 CM CM r5 1 4 !> CD r5 S a) -, -i^ -^rf* o 41 rn rG r ^_ rn 5 "S Hr ff* S 5 3 1 -s .s * .2 .S .a 03 . c3 CP =? ^ fe - ^ ^ r^ S rJ ^ ^ HH h-5 '4-1 h fc_J J CO [ij ^ *o <-H 02 O3 'O j' c$ cS rll 1 d| V-l tt-l %-H <1> O O O Ci, C -? i O O O o HT * ft fc Jz; H odd |H* 188 RULES FOR REDUCTION. For M 2 and S 2 . Semi-lunations numbered 1, 2, 3, &c. No. of semi-lunation 1234 No. of last H.W. in the semi- lunation 29 57 86 114 No. of last L.W. in the semi- lunation 28 57 85 114 5 143 142 171 171 Total No. of tides up to end of each semi-lunation... 57 114 171 228 285 342 For Annual and Semi-annual Tides. Months, or -jL th parts of a year, numbered 1, 2, 3. No. of month 123 No. of last H.W. in month 59 118 176 No. of last L.W. in month 59 117 176 Total No. of tides up to the end of each month 118 235 352 No. of tides in each month 118 117 117 The epoch for the second quarter year should be 91 days after first epoch, that for the third 92 days after the second, for the fourth 91 days after the third, except in leap year, when the last should also be 92 days. There are six tides (or about thirty-seven hours) more in a quarter year than in xiii quarter-lunar-anomalistic periods; the times of these six tides (or ten tides in one of the quarters) are to be omitted from the reduction, and their heights are only required when the annual or semi-annual tides are to be found. F. Cosine and Sine Factors for all the Tides. These are the cosines and sines of 2 30', 7 30', 12 30', &c. They are as follows : Cosine and Sine Factors. Read downwards for cosines, upwards for sines. 1. 0-999 2. 0-991* 3. 0-976 4. 0-954 5. 0-924* 6. 0-887 7. 0-843 8. 0-793* 9. 0-737 r>n of S C S sin 10. 0-676 11. 0-609* 12. 0-537 13. 0-462 14. 0-383* 15. 0-301 16. 0-216 17. 0-130* 18. 0-044 COS V m and S* 77 . $V m , only the factors marked are required. 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 189 G. Increments of Arguments in Various Times. The following table gives the increments of arguments of the several tides in various periods, multiples of 360 being subtracted. This table facilitates verification of the calculation of the harmonic constants. 1 hour M 2 28-984104 S 2 30-00000 K 2 30'08214 N 28 -43973 1 day - 24 -3815 + 1 -9713 - 37 '4465 10 days + 116 '185 + 19 -713 - 14 '465 100 days + 81 -85 - 162 -87 - 144 -65 1 hour L 29'52848 K, 15-04107 O 13-94304 P 14'95893 1 day . - 11 -3165 + -9856 - 25 -3671 - -9856 10 days -113 -165 + 9 '856 + 106 '329 - 9 '856 100 days - 51 -65 + 98 '56 - 16 -71 - 98 -56 EXAMPLE. (a.) Place, Time, Datum Level, and Unit of Length. The case chosen is three months of observation (in reality the tidal predictions of the Indian Government) at Bombay, and the epoch is O h , January 1, 1887. A datum at or very near mean water-mark is taken, so that all the H.W. are positive and the L.W. negative. This datum is found by taking the mean of all the H.W. and L.W. of the original observations. In this case 99 inches was subtracted from all the tide heights. I might more advantage- ously have subtracted 102 or 103 inches, but 99 inches was chosen from considerations applicable to my earlier attempts, but which do not apply to the computation in its present form. At places where there is a large annual inequality in the height of water, it would be advisable to use a different datum for each quarter of a year. It is not, however, important that the datum should conform rigorously to mean water-mark, for even the discrepancy of 3 inches, which occurs in my example, does not materially affect the result. In recording the heights, a convenient unit of length is to be used, and it is advantageous that the H.W. and the L.W. should be expressible by two figures, so that the larger H.W. and L.W. shall fall into the eighties and nineties. The unit of length is here the inch. 190 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. [5 (b.) Times and Angles. The times of H.W., numbered consecutively, are entered in a table, as shown on p. 191. Since O h astronomical time is the epoch, the P.M. tides will come in the half days which are numbered with integrals, and the A.M. tides in the half days which fall between the integral numbers. From time to time there will be a half day with no H.W. ; this row in the table should be left blank, but there happens to be no such row in the sample shown. A computation form for times and angles might be printed, for, although the exigencies of the printer have not allowed the entries to be equally spaced in the sample below, yet the computation form might be printed with equal spaces, and the dividing lines are to be filled in by hand. The L.W. table is similar. Both H. and L.W. are to be divided into quarter-lunar-anomalistic and quarter-lunar periods, and semi-lunations, according to the rules given in E. These partitions and the numbering of the entries could not be printed, because of the occasional blank rows. The formation of %V m and of V s , by means of Table A and the rule following it, is obvious. In the subtractions and additions under the headings i V m ~ V s an d V m + V s , 360 is added or subtracted where necessary. V m is found by doubling V m . (c.) The Heights. The H.W. heights are written in columns, as shown in the column of figures on the margin of the table on the next page (with the same blanks as in the table of times and angles), and are so arranged, either on strips of paper, or by folding the paper, that the heights may be pinned to the times, bringing each height opposite to an angle on the same row with the time corresponding to that height. The heights will on one occasion have to be pinned opposite the V m column, on a second occasion opposite the V s column, and on a third occasion opposite the V m column. The L.W. heights are written in similar columns, but the minus signs should be omitted. It is well to divide the columns, or to put fiducial marks in the table for easy verification of the proper allocation of the heights with the times. Any marks suffice, but the division into quarter-anomalistic periods, as shown in the column of heights printed at the margin of the table on the next page, seems to be as good as any other. If it is proposed to evaluate the annual and semi-annual tides, it is necessary to carry on the heights beyond the times by 3 (or 5) H.W. and (Continued on p. 195) 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 191 Semi- lunations 05 Jj '5b 1 i i 03 I 0> sD ii -5 S 4.< a = ^S -S I 11 "a O bcci)eocbcoi^(yicbaC i i CO CO CM m + ^ -IN c.i icbcbi i(kocb>bobcb>hico dc COCD"*CO COCNOCCDCMOiC-* I-H CO i i CO i i (M CM O T i CO rH CO g CD CO 1^- 1^ <=<5 CD i i t- i-i CM i i CM CM M fcT Ot^r^ocoifNooocoocoxx o T i CO CD CM 1C u s H cb eo^t-^QDcbi ii>oicbcb 6s COOiit-Oi^CDr-'COQO iCCO CM i I CO i i (M CM CM rH i i i i O * CD <# I-H og 00 Tt* CD CO i I CO i i M p i-~ O5-^fib>bcoo^-4ti4tHoAHeo TJ< OiOi icocoi^cDi lOJOC'icctD o iC p >p O ^H r^-i CO CD Tt< CD id tQ 5* oo h 43 J ooooooooooooo p OlOiOSCNfNiCiOiQOTti i t- -^ O r-ii ii ii iCNrHCNCMCNtM M OOOOOOOiCiOOOOiO iC O O O O O t^ <% co co co C O O K5 o CD 1 t- O5^ib>ocjot^4j<4j4t CO t- *t 1 1 CM CM i i k< ^a a 6i cot-~o6icbcM4t | O i i CM CO * O CD i l(MCOTtiOCDi^COOiOi iCMCO * i ( ii i i i i i i CO CM i^ CO rt* CM n Oi i I CM i I HfN o rt|(M H* ^ >C Oi O i i i I CO t^ i- I 1 I 1 f-H O> O r-t Heights H.W. 55 i 23 47 19 41 19 37 26 35 37 37 52 42 66 i 50 ii 80 57 91 63 None 99 67 101 66 99 65 92 58 ii Sliii &c., &c. 192 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. g -* co O - tx, fl J O n l^ (1 O iO 2 8. I I If5 Tf 00 fO M CO 1 1 c "* fe o 1 1 o If* in 1 - -M CO * r H b CO o T S Tf to CO X a _< t*a M b fN ' OS ' ' 2 ^ c8 ( n p i o i O) . CD c ec ' 0^ * ^ Tc < T}< n .a x a 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 193 i H o CO r- CD T i b (N co CD CD (M * to rf ' lO (M ** CM CO ' g CM as . ,_, to CO # (M CO 1 b co (M CD to iO ' ' " * ' iJ> * CO (M b co '7" ' CO (M o o to CD iO f 1 ' oo i i iO b oo To o fl D. I. I, 3 -* 13 194 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. ? i co O -t^ a << fl) fcO O H oo ^> CD CD l-H l-H CO b oo 1 Tt* iO CO to JC~ Q, CM b CD CM CM 00 4O CM 1^ CD CO CD CM iO I cc * i> o i i ^ Tf O o . . . t^ 2 CO l-H CO 1-H CO 1 to to CM CD to CM CO . . CD * ^ CM ' CM CO (M CO 2 b 'b to TI CM CO CO 1C b CO b fM CO iO 10 2 CO CM CM CO ^ d Q^ ^ to 03 to S to CD . S 9 00 a o CM CM 05 a . 1 CO a c 2 b '-* b '+* . b . U3 U" <* CS a CM CM S CO CD cS r ^J iO ^s to -r to ^ ^ CO ' CM ' ' a is given in C for xiii ^-lunar-anomalistic periods. 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 197 ^ I-H ' CM 00 CD iO CM CO os O5 1 OS OS 10 ' iO l-H 10 . o co . CM CM 00 ' I-H 2 oo CO CM h4 ,_, '"s '"' B 53 CM CO 00 ; ^ CM 12 o ^ OS S t^ CM X- ^O OS OS oJ 05 **4 co o CO ^ Tf oo os oo _ E ti* 1 EH N 11 i"i^ a ^^ ^tT 1 1 1 "a CM CM \ S- CO CO J 1 r-H r-H 1 1 r^l^CM 33 CD 00 '. CM CM * CM . iO O OS iO OS ^2 oc OS I-H l-H ' oo r-H ,-H CO 00 I-H 00 iO -H tti CO l-H CO CM CM iO Tfi CM CO I-H CD CO O CO CO . CM CO ^- . r-H r-H OS . O CO " O CO co CO CM r-H . O CM o CM CM CD O 8 os . o CO OS . co . CD . l-H . CO CM CM 00 CD CD . CD r-H '-' CD . CD CM r-H CM OS CO . oo CM CO oo cc CM CS iO CD CD . CM I-H CD 1 1 ^ 1 ' . OS l-H 1 OS -t OS O ** 10 OS OS -f CD O CO O CO * 00 O CD CM 7 ' 1 H-l. Tl & -J O p K,-4 ) Total.... ) Reverse< W't-4 3 1 ^ ) Total.... ) Reverse ~ .g 1 1 3 -a c a CM CM 1 a CO CO 1 1 *-> -4^ CO ** J J 1 1 1 1 CM CM i CM g -2 CO CO 1 1 +3 +> 11 M N 198 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. oo . oo CO CM ' CO CM OS . OS I 1 1 05 O5 r-H 1 00 t i oo i i CO i 1 CO oo . o 1 oo o 1 52 iO CM CM CM CM CM CM 1 1 co co . 00 CO >O 05 co 05 CO . OS 1 05 1 co CO i 1 00 1 oo 1 OS CO OS . CD OS CD CD O5 CO 00 OS o oo OS oo oo CD CO i i OS -* OS o CM 7 ( 1 1 o CM t I r 1 . . CD CD O ' i ( T 1 CO CD OS OS OS . CM OS CN CM CM 00 CM 1 QO CM 1 CM O i t CM OS OS t- t^ '7 1 c m ;o OS CO iO O ^t< TO L-- i i o o . i i iQ !> . O CO _l_ "r . t I 1 r-t -t (M iO +1 + 1 + 1 CCfO^CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o c eg =y >fNCOiO(M -I- lOCCr-HCMCMOOTOOSCD TOCO I I I I I I I I I I I I ?O i iCOCM>-HCMOaOCO- or 0'00295. The result is SWi cos V m = - 8'38 Sines. From Table (f) of Sums, enter 18 "sine" numbers, in accordance with (h) in xiii vertical columns. Perform all the same operations as those on "cosine" numbers, save that we use sine factors, which are the same as cosine factors in inverse order, viz., beginning with 0'044 and ending with 0'999. The two results are SA sin V m = + 5-94, S*h sin V m = + 10-06 Collecting results, proceed thus : S% cos V m = + 11-38. SWi cos V m = - 8'38 S*'A sin V m = + 10-06. S% sin V m = + 5'94 Sum = + 21-44. Sum =- 2'44 Diff. = + 1-32. Diff. =-14-32 P=|sum = + 1072. R = |sum = - 1'22 Q = diff. =+ 0-66. S = i cliff. =- M6 (j.) Evaluation of M 2 (continued). From the Table (g) of Sums for M 2 enter in one vertical column 18 cosine numbers, in accordance with (h) ; multiply them by cosine factors ; add up and divide by the total number of entries for 6 semi-lunations, viz., 342. The result is A m = ^2A cos V m = - 30'58 Then enter in vertical column 18 sine numbers, in accordance with (h); multiply them by sine factors, add up, and divide by 342. The result is B, rt = ^S,h sin V m = + 38*47 (k.) Sorting according to Values of V s , and Evaluation of S 2 , K 2 . The H. and L.W. are treated in separate tables, similar in form save that the signs of the L.W. heights are omitted. The sheets of heights (c) are pinned opposite to the F s 's on the Tables of Angles (b), and the heights are entered successively into the columns corresponding to their V s 's in a table like (e), which was used for sorting according to values of V m . The sorting is carried as far as the end of 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 201 an exact multiple of a semi-lunation, in this case to the end of 6 semi- lunations. No sub-division is necessary, but for the purpose of verification it is useful to break the entries into groups of about 40. This is conveniently done by a division after each third ^-lunar-anomalistic period, so that i, ii, iii would be the first group; iv, v, vi the second; vii, viii, ix the third; and x, xi, xii, and all but the end of xiii, the last. In this case the entries fall into all the four quadrants with about equal frequency. We next sum the four times 18 columns, just as with M 2 in (g), and form 1 st - 3 rd and 2 nd 4 th , reversed, in the same way. Next we write the 18 cosine numbers, (1 st 3 rd ) (2 nd 4 th , reversed) in vertical column, multiply by cosine factors, add, and divide by the total number of entries, which is 342. Afterwards write the sine-numbers (1 st 3 rd ) + (2 nd 4 th , reversed), multiply by sine factors, add, and divide by 342. The results are A s = 2/4 cos V s = + 21-08. B s = TZh sin V s = + 3'62 (1.) Sorting according to Values of The whole process is precisely parallel to the sorting according to values of V m in (e) ; the thirteen divisions are, however, given by the quarter-lunar- periods I, II, ... XIII. The only difference lies in the substitution of the factor ^F (for XIII equal to 0'00298) for <. It is unnecessary to give an example. The results are S%cosF m =-10-50, S/4sinF m = + 8-04 sV m = + 0-40, S**A sin F m = + 3-74 (m.) Sorting o It is required to find what the sums in (1) would be if every H.W. height had been unity, and every L.W. the same both in magnitude and sign ; in fact to find S cos iF m , S^ cos F m , &c. This is done by counting the entries in the preceding sorting in (1) without regard to magnitude, taking the L.W. entries as actually positive, instead of being (as they are) negative quantities with the negative sign suppressed. Since in this case we have simply to count entries which are all treated as positive, the table of sums of H. and L.W. may be written together. The following example gives part of the work : 202 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 1 * I-H . T 1 CO CN . rH rH T 1 rH 1 CO CO CO CO CM -^ CM co . .1 rH CO I rH i-H CN p . !> CM SO S oo co to ^? i>- 00 CN CO rH CM CM Tt< 1^ C5 00 O CO + OS . . r-H . rH CM >p CD O O * CM rH OC CD rH O O + x + O> 00 .S S OJ -W i i TJI CO O5 CO O O5 CM O5 O OC CO 05 05 r^* CD co rH : " < O O O O ^^ -2 6 O X 10 OQ fe CC o " CO GC CO *O t^~ ^D 9 (M rH CM rH (M s.3 + 1 1 + 1 + C 02 ,lOrH^rH-Hr^ TT + I i ++ o HH rS S i 1 p d 5 j^I S ^hH rH +OOCDOCOOO-* +H-: + 1 +11 rH >O CM rH T I + I + I CO hH rH HH HH ^ CO O rH CD lO + + 1 +11 rH ^ O rH O rH rH i 1 P 1 | -(- | -|- CO o> a ** * 'tc o O CO CM >C CD S + 1 1 II rH O CM 1 rH rH 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 205 The remaining process is exactly like that pursued before, and the four results are Scos|F m = + 0-0347, Ssin|F m =-01830 S^ cos f V m = - 0-0479, S** sin f V m = - 0'0173 (o.) The Sorting of V m + V s and of %V m - V s . These angles have to be sorted without reference to the heights, or just as though all the heights were unity. Every entry is to be regarded as unity. The following example shows part of the sorting of $V m + V s , and 1 denotes a H.W., f a L.W. ; by this device H. and L.W. may be sorted on the same paper. We may also, if it is found convenient, put on it the sorting of V m V s by adopting, say 0, to denote a H.W. and * a L.W., each one of these four signs denoting simply unity. 206 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. ij T3 o; w t>o a c 1 s I, tip 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 207 We then proceed to count these 1's and f's just as was done with the number of entries in the sorting of ^V m , and to operate on them in the same way. The results are S cos (i V m - F s ) = - -0078, S sin ft V m - F.) = - "0060 . S*" cos (4 V m - F,) - + '0280, S*" sin (i V m - V g ) = 4- "0078 S cos(iF m + V.) = + "1244, S sin(iF m + F s ) = + '0094 S^ cos (i V m + V.} = + -0147, S*" sin ( F m + F s ) = + '0834 of F < 0) G (0 > f (f>) T (0) F ( i w) G <*"' f ( i' T) 0" ( i w) ly i 7ft , vJ m , i wl , g m , J- m , \J m , i m , ^ m , F (0) O (0) f (0) p. (0) ^ (JIT) Q (iT) f (J7T) (ijT) - 1 - A- 5 v -"i> > 1 s ' &s > * a ' A' > s ' os ' c*os These 16 coefficients are required to correct the four sums S% . ^V m , sin SHi. ^F m , for the influence of the tides M 2 and S 2 . olil -I call S% cos ^F m + corrn., W, S/t sin |F wi , + corrn., X, and the other two Y and Z. The correction to be applied to S% cos | V m to get W is TF <>A -i-G < 0) B -1- F < 0) A 4- G (0) B 1 L- 1 - m -"-m T *J W (, JJ m ' - 1 - s *! ' ** AJ((J and the correction to be applied to S% sin |- F m to get X is _ f'f (o)A , p- <)E 4-f(>A 4- P- <>B 1 L 1 *^ *** T gm JJm i J s -^s T^ &s -"sj and the two other corrections are given by symmetrical formulae with (|TT) in place of (o). COS These coefficients are computed from S and S^ of . (^ F m + F m ) and sin cos of (y F m J^g), as given in (m) (n) (o). It must be especially noticed that sin we have above in (in) computed S and S i7r of sin -|-F WI ; but -F m F m = |-F m , so that the signs of our previous results must be changed in these two cases. If we remark that k m and k s are constants found by theoretical con- siderations, that A m , B m , A s , B s , are already found, and that in the first column we are compelled to omit the affixes to the letters S, k, and the F's and G's, because they indicate various sorts of S's and k's and F's and G's in the different columns, the computations in the following table are easily followed : 208 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. QO S s** S 57r 4 = 2 4 = 2-07 4n = 2 4 = 2-07 F F r p ' m v p = r. F F ' p ' m F F ' P~ 'a iScos(iF, (l -F p ) - -0261 - -0039 -0084 + 0140 |Scos(|F m + F p ) + 0174 + 0622 + -0240 + 0074 Sum 2 -0087 + '0583 - '0324 + 0214 Diff. A - -0435 - -0661 + -0156 + 0066 fa -0174 + 1207 - -0648 + '0443 A - -0870 -1368 + 0312 + 0137 2 + A=F - -0957 - '0785 -0012 + '0351 A + 2=g - '0609 + '0546 - "0492 + 0509 *Ssin(*r m - F p ) - '0059 -0030 + -0065 + -0039 |Ssin(|F m +F p ) - -0915 + 0047 -0087 + 0417 Sum a - -0974 + 0017 -0022 + '0456 Difl 1 . 8 + -0856 - '0077 + '0152 - -0378 k(T -1948 + -0035 - '0044 + -0944 t + '1712 -0159 + -0304 - '0782 r )--0012 (G,,, iir ) - '0108 (*".**) + -0351 (G.**) - '0326 = Y (S iir Asii4F m )+ 3-74 (f m *) +'0282 (g **) - -0492 (f,**) - -0566 (g.**) +'0509 = Z Multiply by -A m = +30-58, -B m =- 38-47, -A g =-21'08, -B g =-3'53 -10-50 -2-91 -4-23 +1-66 -O'Ol =W + 8-04 +2-24 +2-36 +0'30 -0'19 + 0-40 -0-04 +0-42 -0-74 +0'12 =Y + 3-74 +0-86 +1-91 +T20 -0'18 =Z W X Y Z 10-50 8-04 0-40 3-74 2-91 2-24 0-04 0-86 4-23 2-36 042 1-91 1-66 0-30 074 1-20 o-oi 0'19 0-12 0'18 17-65 12-94 0-94 0-78 7-71 1-66 0-19 0-78 0-18 - 15-99 + 12-75 + 0-16 + 7-53 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 209 W = - 15-99 X = + 1275 Z = + 7-53 Y = + 016 W + Z = - 8-46 X + Y = -H 12-91 W-Z = - 23-52 X-Y = + 12-59 = - 4-23 (X + Y) = + 6-46 Y = + 6-30 (q.) Computation of Astronomical and other Constants. Find s , the moon's mean longitude (see Nautical Almanac), and h the sun's mean longitude (sidereal time reduced to angle) from the Nautical Almanac, and p f> the longitude of moon's perigee, from Baird's Manual*, Appendix Table XII (there called TT), at the epoch O h , January 1, 1887, Bombay mean time, in E. Longitude 4 h '855. From Baird, Tables XIV, XV, XVIII, find N the longitude of Moon's node, and /, v, % at mid-period, February 14, 1887 f [or see the Nautical Almanac and the formulae at end of Paper 1]. With the value of / find f m from XIX (1) for the tides M 2 , N, L; from XIX (3) find f for the tide O ; from XIX (8) find f ' for the tide K x ; from XIX (9) find f" for the tide K 2 ; from XX find v for the tide K x ; and from XXI find 2i/' for the tide K 2 ; [or use the formulae at the end of Paper 1]. The results are s = 359-43, h = 280'63, p = 165'36 v = 9'60, = 9-00 l/f m = 0-9709, l/f = 1-161, f' = 0-915, f " = 0-802 v = 6-30, 2i/' = ll-75 Then compute initial equilibrium arguments, in the symbol for which the subscript letters indicate the tides referred to, Um = 2(h - v )-2(s -%), Uo = (h - v )-2(s -^ + ^, u s = = 201-20, = 20-17 for K li u' = h -v t - far, for K 2 , u" = 2A - W = 184-33, = 189'51 U n = U m - (S - p ), U { = U m + (S -po) + 7T = 7-13, = 215 27 u p = -h + ^7r = 169'37 We have already shown in B the way of computing II, and II = 1'034J. * Manual for Tidal Observations, by Major Baird. Taylor and Francis, Fleet Street, 1886. f In making these reductions I have really used the value of N for July 1, 1887, because I am operating on tidal predictions made for the whole year 1887, which were doubtless made with mean N for that year. The difference is almost insensible. J As the Indian tide-predicting instrument takes no account of solar parallax, I should in reality have done better to take II as unity. But of course this consideration does not apply to real observations. D. I. 14 210 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. [5 In C and D we have shown how to compute j, i, I, and j = + 6'46, t'= + 6-52, = -0'97. By the formula in B, with ot n = 86'97 for 6 semi-lunations, tw = 2h - 2v" + a n = u" + n = 276'48 = - 83-52 By the formula in D, with @ n = 87'52 for XIII quarter-lunar periods, = 2h -v' + l + = 281-51 = - 78-49 By the formula in B, viz. : U cos = II + X ?l f " cos w U sin = \nf " sin &> With log \ n 9'2517 for 6 semi-lunations, and with the above values of n,f",: = - 7-72, (+) log U = 0-0251 By the formula in D, viz. : T cos \|r = f ' p n cos 6 T sin T/T = p n sin with logp n = 9'4618 for XIII quarter-lunar periods, and with the above values of f and 6: ^ = - 18-32, (+) log T = 9-9557 (r.) Final Evaluation of M 3 . From(j) B m = + 38-47, A m = -30'58, tari*f* **m B m is + and A m is , so that m lies in second quadrant ; whence m = TT - 51-51 = 128'49 Then H m = ^ . B m cosec f m ^m whence, on reducing from inches to feet, H m = 3-98ft. Also K m = ? m + u m = 128-49 + 201'20 = 329'69 where the value of u m is taken from (q). 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 211 (s.) Final Evaluation of N and L. Taking the values of P, Q, R, S from (i), f m H n sin ( B - f) = - P = - 10-72, f m H ? sin ( + j) = + Q = + 0'66 f m H n cos( n -j) = ~S = + 7-16, f m Hj cos (^+j) = -R = + 1-22 n - j lies in 4 th quad., & + j lies in 1 st quad. whence n -j = -56 0< 27 Then H B = ^ cosec (f n - j) x (- P) ITO whence, on reducing from inches to feet, H w = 1-04 ft. Again, since from (q) j = + 6'54, we have & = - 49'73 = 310'27, and *=? + w n = 310-27 + 7 c -13 = 317-40, where the value of u n is taken from (q). Turning to the second pair of equations, Si + j - 28-4 whence, on reducing from inches to feet, H; = Oil ft. Again, since j = + 6'5, we have & = 21'9, and KI=& + UI = 21-9 + 215-3 = 237'2 where the value of u t is taken from (q). (t.) Final Evaluation of S 2 and K 2 . From(k) B s = + 3-62, A s = + 21*08; twif, B s and A s are +, so that s lies in 1 st quadrant ; whence & = 9'7l Then H = AgSC ^ whence, with log U already found in (q) as 0'0251, and, reducing inches to feet, H s = 1-68 ft. Again KS = % s + = 9'7l - 7'72 = l-99 where the value of < is taken from (q). Lastly, H" = 0'272H S = 0'46 ft., and *" = *, = 2 The factor - 272 is an absolute constant. 142 212 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. [5 (u.) Final Evaluation of K 1} O, P. Taking the values of ( W - Z), (X + Y) from (p), TH'sin(f' + ;-t) = i(W-Z):=- 11-76 TH' cos (f + i-^r) = -$(X + Y) = - 6-47 f ' + i i|r lies in third quadrant, and ' + i-^ = 7r + 61'2 = 241'2 Then since, from (q), i/r = - 18'32, we have f + i = 222'9 ; and since from (q) i = 6-52, therefore ' = 216'4; whence K ' = % + u' = 216'4 + 184-3 = 40-7 where the value of u is taken from (q). Then H' = ? ( ^~ Z) cosec (? + i - ^) whence, with log T already found in (q) as 9'9557, and reducing from inches to feet, H' = l'24ft. Also H P = 0-331H' = 0-41, and J , = * / =41 The factor 0*331 is an absolute constant. We now have to compute L = $ (X + Y) tan |e + fH' cos (' + i) tan ^e M = | ( W - Z) tan e - f'H' sin (f + i) tan Je where logtan^e = 9'0677, an absolute constant for all times and places. With the values of f and (X + Y) and ( W - Z) given above in (q) and (p), and with the values of H' and ' + i just found, there results L = -0-410 M = --281 Now f H sin(r o -t) = We have found in (p) so that f H sin (, - i) = + 3'82 f H cos (? - i) = + 6'02 Whence i lies in the first quadrant, and o _; = 32-4 ! Then H = i [i (X - Y) + M] sec (, - 1) ^o whence, reducing from inches to feet, H, = 0-69 ft. 1890] REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. 213 Again, KO = & + u = (, - *) + i + u = 32-40 + 6'52 + 20'17 = 59'09 where the value of u is taken from (q). (v.) Final Reduction of Mean Water Mark. We subtracted 99 inches from all the heights before using them, and the mean of the heights was then + 3*51 inches. Hence mean water is 102*51 inches, or 8'54 feet above the datum of the original tidal observations. (w.) Results of Reduction. Error of present calc. in inches and Mean of 9 yrs. obs. minutes Mean water, 8'54 ft. 8-223 4 in. . (H = 3-98 ft. H-330- 4-043 330 f in. too small nil fH = 1-68 ft. 82 V = 2 1-625 3 | in. too large 2 m too slow (H = 0-46 ft. IK =2 0-405 352 | in. too large 20 m too fast JH- 1-04 ft. U = 317 0-997 313 ^ in. too large 8 m too fast jH = Oil ft. {* =237 0-088 308 \ in. too large 2 h 21 m too slow (H = 1-24 ft. 1 \K =41 1-396 45 If in. too small 16 m too slow Q (H = 0-69 ft. (K =59 0-658 48 ^ in. too large 44 m too fast (H = 0-41 ft. 1 =41 0-404 43 j 1 ^ in. too large 8 m too slow The second column is given because, if the calculation had been con- ducted by rigorous methods instead of approximately, my results should have agreed very nearly* with these. The causes of several of the discrepancies are explicable. The error of mean water mark is due to the necessity for neglecting the annual and semi-annual tides in a short series of observations. The error in phase in K 2 is a necessary incident of the shortness of the series of observations. The tide L is only about an inch in height, and accuracy of result could not be expected. * I do not know the exact values of the constants used in the Bombay Tide Table, which has been used as representing observation. 214 REDUCTION OF BOMBAY TIDES. [5 The magnitude of the error in time in the diurnal tides is rather dis- appointing, but it is clear that the length of observation has not been sufficient to disentangle the O tide from the Kj tide. It may be remarked also that an error of 1 in phase makes twice as much difference in time with the diurnal tides as with the semi-diurnal. Lastly it is probable that all these errors would have been sensibly diminished if I had subtracted 103 inches from the heights all through instead of 99, and I know that this is to some extent the case. (x.) Verification. In a calculation of this kind some gross error of principle may have been committed, such, for example, as imputing to some of the K'S a wrong sign ; and this is the kind of mistake which is easily overlooked in a mere verification of arithmetical processes. It is well, therefore, to test whether the tide heights and times are actually given by the computed constants. This is conveniently done by selecting some three or four tides from amongst those from which the reductions have been made, and it makes the calculation much shorter if we pick out cases in which it is H. or L.W. within a few minutes of noon. For example, in the present case it was L.W. on February 16 (day 46) at O h 7 m P.M., and the height was 4 ft. in. Now, if U denotes the value of any equilibrium argument whose value at the epoch, O h , January 1, was denoted in (q) by u, and if A denotes the height of mean sea-level above datum, the expression for the height of water is h = A + f m R m cos ( U m - * m ) + R g cos ( U. - *.) + f'H" cos ( U" - *") + f w H n cos ( Z7 - Kn ) + f w H, cos ( U t - Kl ) + f'H' cos ( U' - *') + f H cos (U - K O ) + H p cos (Up Kp) The time of H.W. depends on a formula involving the sines of the same angles in place of cosines. Since we have chosen cases where it is H. or L.W. at noon, the C7's exceed the us by an exact number of days' motion. The evaluation of the separate terms may be conveniently made by means of an ordinary nautical traverse table, where (neglecting the decimal point) f H is represented by the " Distance," and f H cos ( U K) is given by " Latitude," and f H sin (U K) by " Departure." If we know the time of H. or L.W. within 20 m or so, the following calculation will give the true time and height. In this case we know that there should be a L.W. at about O h of day 46. The increments of argument 1890] VERIFICATION. 215 are computed from the Table G, and the K'S are subtracted either by actual subtraction or by addition of 2?r K. M 2 Increment in 4O 1 464'7 Ditto 6 d - 146-3 K 2 N L 78-9 - 57'9 -452-7 11-8 -224-7 - 67-9 39-4 425-3 5-9 - 152-2 (see Ditto 46 d u U= U K = U K = 318-4 201-2 90-7 189-5 - 282-6 7'1 - 520-6 215-3 45-3 196-9 273-1 3-4 - 45-3 169-4 519-6 - 329-7 280-2 -2-0 - 2-0 -275-5 + 42-6 -305-3 + 122-8 242-2 - 40-7 276-5 - 59-1 124-1 - 40-7 189-9 7T + 10 - 2-0 278-2 -2 - 82 -232-9 77-53 -182-5 7T-2 201-5 7T + 22 217-4 7T+37 83-4 83 II fH V- fHsin(Ef-/c) Is 'S 'a B p . By the ordinary rules A 1 23 sin * Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie. June, July, Aug., 1894. 222 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. [6 f*f\Q Now 2 15 pt cos [(15g - ) $ - f - 12/8 (w - 1)] sin +/>) - 0} - - 120 (n - 1)] - sin - 1)] and -^ of the sum of the 24 values corresponding to = 0, 1, ..., 23 is A ^gSl'^4^!}- C S [V 115 (7 + J.) - /8) - f- 12/3 ( - D] 4 sin [15 (q + p) ft] sm L + the same with sign of p changed. This expression admits of simplification, because 12 x 15 = 180 ; making this simplification, and introducing the result into (3), we obtain In the particular case where p = q, we have ** B p will be small unless the de- nominator of one of the two terms in (4) be very small. This last case can only occur when p = q and when /3 is small. Hence, in the analysis of a term of the form under consideration, we may neglect all the harmonics except the 5 th one. Accordingly (2) and (5) are the only formula required. A case, however, which there will be occasion to use hereafter is when n = 30, q = 2, when (4) becomes A ) {sin (r + 359 **> + sin ( ^ + 3 + 359 H- "21 1 TT o/->rvO 1 h111 T BID f \UJ For the present we have to apply (5) in the two cases q I, ft = 0> 0410686 and q = 2, ft = 0'0821372 ; now the ratios of cosec to cosec (15j - i/8) in these two cases are 722 to 1 and 697 to 1. In both cases the first term of (5) is negligible compared with the second. 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 223 ^ 24>n sin i/3 Nowwrite S = ~ To^ .............................. ( 7 ) sin I2np arid (5) becomes, with sufficient exactness, If this be compared with (2), we see that when q = this formula also comprises (2). In the applications to be made ft is very small, so that _jp is approximately a function of the form cosec 6. This function increases very rapidly when 6 passes 90, but for considerable values less than 90 it only slightly exceeds unity ; for example, when 6 = 60, jp = 1'2, but when 6 = 180, jp = infinity. It follows, therefore, that if the number n of days in the series is such that 12^/3 is less than say 60, the magnitudes of A q , B q are but little diminished by division by jp; but if 12n/3 is nearly 180, A q , B q become vanishingly small. If the typical tide here considered be the principal lunar tide M a , and if the number of days be as nearly as possible an exact multiple of a semi- lunation, 12n/3 is nearly 180, and the corresponding A 2 , B 2 become very small. No number of whole days can be an exact multiple of a semi-lunation, so that A 2 , B. 2 corresponding to M 2 cannot be made to vanish completely. For the present they may be treated as negligible, and we return to this point in the next section. The above investigation shows that in the expression for the whole oscillation of sea level upon which the proposed analysis is performed all those tides may be omitted from which /3 is not very small, and also all those whose frequencies are such that the period under consideration 12n/3 is nearly 180. Since the period under consideration will be a lunation, it follows that, as far as is now material, the general expression for sea level may be written as follows, t denoting mean solar hour angle equal to 15 t : m. w., annual ............... A + H sa cos (h K sa ) semi-annual ...... + H ssa cos (2h tc ssa ) Solar tides, S 1} S 2 ......... + H$ g cos (t K$ S ) + H s cos (2t Kg) S 3 , S 4 ......... + H^g cos (4t K 2S ) + HM cos ( 6t /f^) Solar elliptic, T ............ 4- H t cos (2t h + p t K t ) R ............ + H r cos(2t + hp t + ir- K T ) Luni-solar, K 2 ............ + f"ff" cos (2t + 2k - 2v" - ") K! ............ + f'H' cos (t + h - v' - TT - *') Solar diurnal, P ......... + H p cos (t h + ^TT K P ) ............... (9) 224 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. [6 This includes all the tides whose initials are written at the head of this section. . It is now necessary to break up the year into 12 equidistant lunations of 30 days. This can be done by the omission of 5 days in ordinary years, and of 6 days in leap years. If the days of the year are numbered to 364 (365 in leap year), the twelve months are as follows : 0, O d to 29 d ; 1, 30 d to 59 d ; omit 60 d ; 2, 61 d to 90 d ; 3, 91 d to 120 d ; omit 121 d ; 4, 122 d to 151 d ; 5, 152 d to 181 d ; omit 182 d ; 6, 183 d to 212 d ; 7, 213 d to 242 d ; 8, 243 d to 272 d ; omit 273 d ; 9, 274 d to 303 d ; 10, 304 d to 333 d ; omit 334 d ; 11, 335 d to 364 d ; in leap year omit 365 d . The increments of sun's mean longitude from O d O h of month up to O h of the day numbered of each group of days or month are as follows : 0,0; 1, 30-0-431; 2, 60'124; 3, 90-0'306; 4, 120'249; 5, 150-0-182; 6, 180'373; 7, 210-0-057 ; 8, 240-0'488 ; 9, 270'068 ; 10, 300-0-364; 11, 330'191. Thus if h be the sun's mean longitude at O d O h of month 0, the sun's mean longitude at O d O h of month r is h + 30 T, with sufficient approxi- mation. Now let V with appropriate suffix denote the initial " equilibrium argu- ment " at O d O h of month 0, so that then the general expression (9) for the tide in the month r becomes A + H sa cos (ijt + V ga + 30T - K sa ) + H gsa cos (fyt + ~V ssa + 60r - Kssa ) + H s cos (15 - /c. s ) + H s cos (30 - ,) + H u cos (60 - K U ) + H 3S cos (90 - K 3S ) + H t cos [(30 - 77) t + V t - 30r - K t ] + H r COS [(30 + T;) t + V r + 30T - Kr\ + f"H" cos [(30 + 277) t + V" + 60r - K "] + i"H' cos [(15 + n)t + V' + 30r - '] + H p coa[(l5 -ti)t + V p -30r-K p ] ................................. (10) Each of these terms falls into the type cos [(I5q ft}t ^], and ft is in every case either 77, 2rj, or 0. Now, when harmonic analysis of the mean of 30 days is carried out, coefficients are introduced. 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 225 Write therefore 24 x 30 sin 77 24 x 30 sin 77 sin 72077 sin 36077 With the known value of 77, log jpj = 0-00483, log jp 2 = 0-01945 In applying the method investigated above, it will be observed that a term of any frequency 15q /3 only contributes to the harmonic constituent of order q. Then applying our general rule (8) term by term*, and observing that 359^77 = 14'76, and 719?? = 29'53, the result may be written as follows : = A + cos ( Kga - V m - 30r - 14-76) cos - 60r - 29'53) = Hi cos sin + ^ cos ( K ' _ V' - 30r - 14-76) ffi sm v -lip COS , -*Y OA i 1 A-*7G\ -;=r ( V w + 30 T + 14 7b) cos H t cos , v 1/t o.*.N. . r g + -fir . (K t - V t + 30 T + 14 -76) sm j sin cos sm " _ V" - 60r - 29'53) cos sin COS .(11) With the meaning of the term month in the present context, the sun has a mean motion of 30 per month, and each of the first five it's and iU's is a function with a constant part and with annual and semi-annual inequalities. When T has successively the 12 values 0, 1, ..., 11, we have 12 equidistant values of the ^I's and ifl's. These may be harmonically analysed for annual and semi-annual inequalities. * [The formulae in the text are devised for the case when a whole year's observations are under reduction. When a short period is being treated, such as a fortnight or a month (as in Papers 3 and 4 above), it is advisable to treat 15 or 30 days for semi-diurnal tides, but only 14 or 27 days for diurnal tides. I therefore give here, in the form of a schedule, certain numerical values which have been used in the previous papers: n (12w-)2r) logjT 2 n 0*-i)l logj, 15 30 14 -76 29 -53 00483 01945 14 27 6'8-i 13 '29 00105 00391 D. I. 1, 226 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. Suppose that the several coefficients to be determined by harmonic analysis are defined by the following equations : & (T > = A + A l cos 30V + B l sin 30r + A a cos 60r + B 2 sin 60r C Ep e cos 30r + 1 ! - ci'n 2ft at O d O h of month 0, and let m (T) = m + 6 M , and let -jp 2 denote a certain factor whose logarithm is 0'00849, and let 152 228 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. In the harmonic analysis for the M 2 tide, considered below in 6, we shall have f ff fff U-J- vn. t* Tl IJ.J. * t* Accordingly A _ -"2 ,,cos M . sin (T) = -TPo Jj 2 COS ,,, , sn + cos These values of M . sm must now be introduced into (16), but the algebraic process need not be given in detail. If we write sin 5 43'-35 C S (4 41''32) sin sin 30' 28"'6 sin 5 43'-35 C S (34 41''32) sin v (R - Q) j ~ ^ 2 sm29 29'31"-4 it follows that P = 0-01564, Q = 0-00114, R = 0-00147, S = 0-01611 SI Tl Then, when the substitution of the values of M W (T) is carried out, COS we find = cos 6 M t v io Q By the definition of 6 (r} it appears that 6 M is the increment of twice the mean moon's hour angle during the time from O d O h of month up to O d O h of month r, that is to say M = 2 (7 a-} t for the time specified. The following table gives the values of (T} and of its cosine and sine for each month : Month (r) No. of days from epoch to epoch T ** cos (r) sin 0< T > 0' 1-000 o-ooo 1 30 11 27 0-980 0-199 2 61 47 16 0-678 0-735 3 91 58 43 0-519 0-855 4 122 7T -85 28 - 0-079 0-997 5 152 7T -74 1 - 0-275 0-961 6 183 7T -38 11 - 0-786 0-618 7 213 7T -26 44 - 0-893 0-450 8 243 7T -15 18 - 0-965 0-264 9 274 7T + 20 32 - 0-937 - 0-351 10 304 7T + 31 59 - 0-848 - 0-530 11 335 7T + 67 49 - 0-378 - 0-926 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 229 If cos 6 (r} , sin (T} are regarded as quantities having annual and semi- annual inequalities, we may write cos 0v = + cd cos 30V + ft sin 30V + a 2 cos 60V + & sin 60V + . . . sin 0< T > = 70 + 71 cos 30V + Si sin 30V + 72 cos 60V + S 2 sin 60V + . . . On analysing the numerical values of cos (T] , sin (T) by the ordinary processes, I find = - 0165, 70 = + 0-273 ! = + 0-626, 7l = - 0-500 & = + 0-756, S, = + 0-642 2 =+0-159, 7 2 = -0-046 /9 2 = + 0-199, S 2 = + 0166 But in 2 the harmonic constituents of ^ 2 when analysed for annual and semi-annual inequality were denoted by E , Ej, F 1? E 2 , F 2 , and the con- stituents of 33 2 were denoted by e , e u f 1} e 2 , f 2 . Hence the ten corrections to the E's and F's are (with an easily intelligible alternative notation) SE , i, 2 = (- Pa fl , i, 2 + Q7o, i, 2) -4 2 + (Qo, i, 2 + P7o, i, 2) # 2 SF,, 2 = (- PA, , + QS:, 2 ) A, + (QA, , + PS,, 2 ) 5 2 Se , i, 2 = ( Ro, i, 2 870, j, 2 ) -4 2 + ( Sa , i, 2 + R7o, i, 2) -B 2 st;, 2 = (- R&, a - S8 lt a ) ^ 2 + (- SA, 2 + R^, 2 ) B 2 On substituting the numerical values of a, & 7, B, P, Q, R, S, I find Coeffit. of A 2 Coeffit. of B 2 SE = + 0-0029 +0-0041 Se = - 0-0042 + 0-0031 S| (E, + fj) = - 0-0109 - 0-0091 81 (E, - fj) = + 0-0006 + 0-0020 l + Fj) = - 0-0020 + 0-0000 1 -F 1 ) = + 0-0091 -0-0108 = - 0-0028 -0-0018 8 (E. 2 - f 2 ) = + 0-0002 +0-0012 S \ (e 2 + F 2 ) = - 0-0012 + 0-0001 -0-0027 Most of these corrections are negligible, but the four which affect the solar elliptic tides T, R must be included, because those tides are so small that a small error affects them sensibly. Hence we may take, with sufficient accuracy, S ( 6l - Fj)= + 0-009^ 2 - 0-0115,, S| (e, + Fj)= - 0'0024 2 Si (E, + Q = - 0-011^1 2 - 0-009&, S| (E! - f,) = + 0-0006^1, + 0-0025 2 ...... (16*) 230 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. [6 where A 2 , B 2 are the components of the M 2 derived from the reduction of that tide by the process of 6. Provision for these corrections is made in the computation forms. 4. Evaluation of A , Sa, Sj, S 2 , S 4 , S 6 , K 2 , K 15 P, when a complete year of observation is not available. It is now proposed to consider the case where the period of observation is as much as six complete months and less than a complete year. The method of the last section apparently depends on the completeness of the year, yet, with certain modifications, it may be rendered available for shorter periods. We suppose that so much of the year as is available is broken into sets of 30 days by the rules of the last section, and that the means are har- monically analysed. The results of such harmonic analysis for month (T) are given in (11) of 3, but for the purpose in hand they now admit of some simplification. It is clear that it is not worth while to evaluate the very small solar elliptic tides T and R from a short period of observation. If then, we denote by P (T) the ratio of the cube of the sun's parallax to its mean parallax at the middle of the month (T), the first three terms of the third of cos (11) may be included in the expression P (T} H S . K S . The last term of this equation really does involve the solar parallax to some extent and we may, with sufficient approximation, write the third pair of equations ns 2 I TT x I ( K " V" fiOV SQ -^ 'Vrt / \ TM,\ I **l ' K ' rt V K ' U" *"* OOI l3 2 (T) -=-P (T) ) sm j^ 2 sm Let us now consider the value of P (T) . The longitude of the solar perigee is 281 or 79, and the ratio of the sun's parallax to its mean parallax is approximately 1 + ^008(^+79), and the cube of that ratio is 1 + 3^008(^ + 79) or 1 + 00504 cos (A + 79). Now h, the sun's longitude at the middle of month (T), is h + 15 + 30r ; hence P< T > = 1 + 0-0504 cos (A, + 30r + 94) and ^rrc = 1 Thus it is easy to compute the values of 1/P (T) for the successive months, when we know h the sun's mean longitude at O d O h of the month 0. The semi-annual tide, being usually small, may be neglected in these incomplete observations, and the equations (11) now become ia o (T) = A + 5? cos ( Kga - N sa - 30r - 14-76) 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 231 . cos K + l " T" (*' - V - 30r - 14-76) sin - jp! sin XZ COS , TT on i i/l - h 7C\ + =r , (r^ Vp + oU T + 14 7o) COS - o j (17) When the series of successive values of the $Ts and 33's are harmonically analysed (by processes which we shall consider shortly) the several coefficients resulting from such analysis will be denned by & < T > = A + A, cos 30r + B l sin 30V C< ^ ' Cl | cos 30V + ?'! sin 30V E, fif'2 " -*- I Mean E 4 (T) = A t , Mean 23 4 < T) = 5 4 Mean & 6 < T > = A 6) Mean 23 6 < T ' = B 6 (18) Then the subsequent procedure as given in (13) and (14) holds good, the only difference being that we do not obtain the semi-annual and solar elliptic tides. We shall now consider the harmonic analysis of an imperfect series of values. It must be premised that each monthly value of g| 2 (T) , i3 2 =A + A &c., &c. In this case the method of least squares gives A = . Tables are given below for the formation of D , D 1} D 2 , and of the solutions of the equations according to the number of months available. 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 233 y. q . Or 1 02 1 I I I I V? 8 <> 02 * QD I GO 6 II 02* -tw I I 1 i I I V* . i I I I * o^ GO r I x ^ . S o -o S .| > 02 !"' ym 3 -3 t^ oo os o 8-0 O i i CM CO * C 234 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. Rule for finding semi-annual inequality from an incomplete series. Number of months available Coefft. of D Coefft. of Dj Coefft. of D 2 6 A = +0-167 A,j = + 0-333 B 2 = + 0-333 7 A = +0148 - 0-037 A 2 = -0-037 + 0-259 B 2 = + 0-333 8 A = +0-136 - 0-045 - 0-026 A 2 = - 0-045 + 0-253 -0-019 B 2 = -0-026 -0-019 + 0-275 9 AO= +0-123 - 0-027 - 0-047 A 2 = -0-027 + 0-228 + 0-011 B 2 = - 0-047 + 0-011 + 0-241 10 AO= +0-107 - 0-041 A 2 = + 0-182 B 2 = - 0-041 + 0-238 Rule for finding annual inequality from an incomplete series. Number of months available Coefft. of D Coefft. of Dj Coefft. of Z> 2 6 A = +0-977 - 0-326 -1-215 A! = - 0-326 + 0-442 + 0-405 B t = -1-215 + 0-405 + 1-845 7 A = +0-424 - 0-528 Ax = +0-250 B! = - 0-528 + 0-990 8 A = +0-226 + 0-062 - 0-233 A, = + 0-062 + 0-230 - 0-093 B! = - 0-233 - 0-093 + 0-552 9 A = +0-146 + 0-057 - 0-098 A, = + 0-057 + 0-230 - 0-083 B, = - 0-098 - 0-083 + 0-326 10 A = +0-110 + 0-036 - 0-036 A, = + 0-036 + 0-218 - 0-048 B, = - 0-036 - 0-048 + 0-218 We thus get the following rule for the evaluation of A , Ssa, S 1} S 2 , S 4 , S 6 , KZ, Kj, P from 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 months of observation : 1892] THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. 235 Proceed as though the year were complete and find the &'s and 33's for as many months as are available. Reduce the jH 2 > i$2 by multiplication by 1/P (T) or 1 - 0-0504 cos (A + 30 r + 94). Analyse a o (T) , &, (T) , 3$^, for annual inequality, and & 2 < T >/P (T >, t3 2 (T) /P (T) for semi-annual inequality according to the rules for reduction of incomplete series just given. Complete the reduction as in 3. These rules for reduction do not include the case of 11 months, nor the case where any month in the series is incomplete (e.g., if a fortnight's obser- vation were wanting in one of the months), because these cases may be treated thus : the ^H's and 33's return to the same value at the end of a year, and therefore the case of eleven months is the same as that of a missing month at any other part of the year. In both these cases we may interpolate the missing jTs and 33's and treat the year as complete. If three or more weeks of observation were missing they might fall so as to spoil two months, and in this case we should have an incomplete series. It is then to be recommended that the equations of least squares be formed and the equations solved. So many similar cases may arise that it does not seem worth while to solve the equations until the case arises. 5. Evaluation of A,,, S 2 , S 4 , K 2 , K,, P from a short period of observation*. If the available tidal observations only extend over a few months, it is useless to attempt the independent evaluation of those tides which we have hitherto found by means of annual and semi-annual inequalities in the monthly harmonic constants. We will suppose that 30 days of observations are available. Then when we neglect the annual tide, and the solar (meteorological) tide S 1} we have from (11) or (17), which give the analysis of 30 days, MQ = AO , fl eos ( _ V - 14-76) + C 8 <* - V y + M-76) x = PH S KS + 1 -- u a ( K " - V" - 29-53) sm JJ- 2 sm |S 4 ! = H a C S *, P = 1 + 0-0504 cos (A + 15) *J 4 j sm ' It is now necessary to assume that the P tide has the same amount of retardation as the K 1} and that the ratio of their amplitudes is the same as * [See footnote to 2 above for changes to be made in this section when only 15 days are available, and when the diurnal tides are analysed over either 27 or 14 days.] 236 THE TIDES GOVERNED BY MEAN SOLAR TIME. [6 in the equilibrium theory. We also make the like assumption with respect to the K 2 and S 2 tides. Accordingly we put H P = \H', K P = K; H" = -2-H g , K" = K S Now since V = h - TT - i/, V p = -h +%7r, V" = 2h n - 2i/" we have K P -V P + 14-76 = ' - V - 14-76 + (2/* - i/ + 29'53) + TT K " _ V" - 29'53 = KS - (2h n - 2i/' + 29'53) Therefore cos ,_ v T (*' - V - 14-76 + 2^ - v' + 29'53) I prrCOS Af"fT s COS , 00KO\ f = PH ' sin *' + ^T sin ( " s - 2/< + 2y Let us put tan * = sn . . sn - Q - . _ ," ' ..... r cos (2flo _ 2l ," + 29'53) Then a,) ^ 3f / - cos (2A - ' + 29-53) cos , x CM I*"* -- o~" ~~i - ' (/C V 14 /O 9) a3j ) jp! 3 cos sm v cos (2A - 2i/ 7 + 29'53) cos If therefore | _ -R COS ^ 2 { _ -p COS I "1 5 1 > r fl I -"2 S2 sm * 23 2 sm we have ' = ^ + V + 14'76 + 9 = K P TT, _ ll COS <> _ IT = 3f / -cos(2A - J / / +29 -53) > * Sr 77"__3_/f cos (2A - 2i/" + 29'53) ' If there be several months available it is recommended that each 30 days be treated quite independently, so that from each group of days we shall get H', K and H s , K S . Then the mean value of H'COSK' is to be taken as the final value of that function, and H ' sin K is to be treated similarly ; finally H', K are to be found. The several values of H s , K S may be treated in the 1892] THE METHOD OF GROUPING THE MEAN SOLAR DAYS. 237 same way. Of course we assume throughout that te p = K, H p = ^ H" =^H S . assumptions which are usually nearly correct. The mean value of & must be taken as giving A , but at places with a considerable annual tide it is impossible to obtain a good value of mean water mark from a short series of observations. 6. On the evaluation of the several tides by grouping of mean solar days. Let n(y %) denote the speed in degrees per m.s. hour of any one tide, n being equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Then 15/(7 - %) may be called one "special hour." Since 15/(y w) is one m.s. hour, the ratio of the m.s. to the special hour is (7 %)/(7 t}). Let one m.s. hour be equal to 1 /3 special hour, then ry 'y 8 = 1 - , special hours y-rj Let it be required to express the 12 h of any m.s. day of a series of days by reference to special time. It is clear that 12 h m.s. time will be specified by one of the 24 special hours, with something less than half a special hour added or subtracted. Having fixed the 12 h of m.s. time of a particular m.s. day in the special time scale, let us treat that m.s. day as a whole, and consider the incidence of the other 23 m.s. hours in special time. It is clear that in m.s. time we work backwards and forwards from 12 h by subtracting or adding unity, and that in special time we subtract or add 1 /3. If 12 h m.s. time be aP + a, where a lies between + special time, the following is a schedule of equivalence: Mean solar time Special time O h = (a* l h = (a* 2 h = tf h 12 h = a? + a 13 h = (**+ l h ) + (a-) 22 h = (x h + 10 h ) -f (a - 10/9) 23 h = # h In the column of special time it is supposed that 24 h is added or sub- tracted, so that the result is less than 24 h . For example, if a; is 10, the hour column of special time will run 22 h , 23 h , O h , ..., 9 h , 10 h , ll h , ..., 20 h , 21 h . 238 THE METHOD OF GROUPING THE MEAN SOLAR DAYS. If the series of days be long x will have all integral values between and 23 with equal frequency, and since a has all values between + ^ and ^ with equal frequency, the excess of the solar hour above the nearest exact special hour (which may be called the error) will have all its possible values with equal frequency. If the mean solar hours be arranged in a schedule of columns headed O h , l h , ..., 23 h of special time, each column will be subject to errors which follow the same law of frequency. A' FIG. 1. Let abscissae (fig. 1) measured from O along A'OA represent magnitude of a. Since a lies between ^, the limit of the figure is given by OA = OA' = ^. If magnitude of error (i.e. m.s. special hour), measured in special time, be represented by ordinates, a line BOB' at 45 to AOA' represents all the errors which can arise in the incidence of the m.s. 12 h in the schedule of special time. If a line 66' be drawn parallel to and above BB' by a distance ft, we have a representation of all the errors of incidence of the m.s. ll h . If a series of equidistant parallel lines be drawn above and below BB' until there are 12 above and 11 below, then the errors of all the m.s. hours are represented, the top one showing the errors of the m.s. O h and the bottom one the errors of the m.s. 23 h . Any special hour corresponds with equal frequency with each solar hour, and hence each mode of error occurs with equal frequency. It is now necessary to consider in how many ways an error of given mag- nitude can occur. If in the figure AM represents an error of given magnitude, THE METHOD OF GROUPING THE MEAN SOLAR DAYS. 239 then wherever MN cuts a diagonal line, it shows that an error may arise in one way. It is thus clear that there are no + errors greater than ^- + 12/8, and no errors greater than ^ + 11/3, and Errors of magnitude ^ + 12/3 io ^ + 11/8 may arise in 1 way I + 11/3 to | + 10/8 2 ways \ + 10/8 to I + 9/3 3 ways 10/3 to 11/8 to -( 12/3) to - 11/3 12/8) 11/8) 23 ways 24 ways 23 ways 9/8) to - 10/3) to - + 10/8) + H/3) 2 ways 1 way The frequency of error is represented graphically in fig. 2. The slope of the two staircases is drawn at 45, but any other slope would have done equally well. A frequency curve of this form is not very convenient, and, as there are many steps in the ascending and descending slopes, I substitute the frequency curve shown in fig. 3. This is clearly equivalent to the former one. In fig. 3 all the times shown in fig. 2 are converted to angle at 15 to the hour; e accordingly denotes 15/3. FIG. 2. B r Q B T30'~" ~7 6 36~' FIG. 3. 240 THE METHOD OF GROUPING THE MEAN SOLAR DAYS. [6 Now let cos n (6 x) be the observed value of a function whose true value is cos nd, and suppose that x, the error of 6, has a frequency f(x) ; then the mean value of the function deduced from many observations will be i-+oo ,-+ao I /(a;) cos n(6 x)dx-r- I / (x) dx J CD J 00 In our case f(x) is the ordinate of the frequency curve whose abscissa is x. Let OQ=A, QB = a, QB'=6, OA = a + h, OA.'=b + h; then r+oo f(x) dx = (a + b+h)h J 00 /+ I /(#) cos n (6 x) dx J oo fa ra+h = I h cos n (0 x)dx+ I (a + h x) cos n (6 x) dx JO J a fb rb+h + I h cos n (6 + x) dx + I (b + h x) cos n (6 + x) dx Jo J b 4 = cos n \9 \ (a b)] sin \nh sin \n (a + b + h) VL The algebraical steps involved in the evaluation of these four integrals and subsequent simplification are omitted. Hence the result is sin \nh sin %n (a + b + h) . , , 7 x cos n [6 - % (a - b)} (a + b + h) By reference to the figure it is clear that a + b + h=15, A = 24e, = 7^-11^6, 6 = 7^-12^, a-b = e ^ 12ne lf.n Write, then 4p n = ^ ^ --- . \. sin 12we sin ^ n and we obtain as the mean value of cos n0, when found in this way, js- cos n (6 - |e) Jfn It is obvious that if we had begun with sin nd, the argument in the result and the factor Jp w would have been the same. Accordingly, a function p/ R' cos (nd % ') would yield the result -j=- cos [n (0 e) "]. If 24 equi- Jfn distant results of this sort are submitted to harmonic analysis to find A M , B n , we shall get R' An = j=- cos (' + %ne) = R cos suppose Jjn p' B n = j=- sin (^" + ^we) = R sin suppose 1892] THE METHOD OF GROUPING THE MEAN SOLAR DAYS. p' Accordingly R = -=- , = ' + ^ne 3fn But it is required to find R', ', so that 241 Thus when the 24 observed hourly tide heights on any m.s. day are re- grouped so that the observed height at 12 h m.s. time is reputed to appertain to an exact special hour, and each of the previous and subsequent hourly values of that m.s. day are reputed to belong to previous and subsequent exact special hours; and when a long series of m.s. days are treated similarly, and when the mean heights of water at each of the 24 special hours are harmonically analysed, we shall obtain the required result by augmenting R by a factor Jp n , and by subtracting \ne from The values of jp n and of Jne will be different for each kind of tide, and the following table gives their numerical values. Table of n and ^ne. Initial of tide n log jf n IP* M, 1 0-00212 0-26 M 2 2 0-00849 0'53 M 3 3 0-01915 0-79 M 4 4 0-03416 1-05 M 6 6 0-07767 l-57 N 2 0-01361 0-82 L 2 0-00570 0-24 V 2 0-01278 0-78 O 1 0-00535 0-57 J 1 0-00225 - 0-28 Q 1 0-01149 0-90 fj, 2 0-02016 1-09 2SM 2 0-00805 - 0-49 MS 4 0-02342 0-52 X 2 0-00595 0-28 2N 2 0-02136 1-13 00 1 0-00481 - 0'53 MK 3 0-01438 0'50 2MK 3 0-02632 1-09 MN 4 0-04328 l-35 As it does not appear worth while to evaluate the tides written below the line, no use will be made of the last six results given in this table. D. i. 16 242 THE PERIODS OVER WHICH THE MEANS ARE TAKEN. [6 7. On the periods over which the means are to be taken in evaluating the tidal constants. We have considered in previous sections the treatment of the group of bides which are associated with solar time, when the period of observation is less than a year, and we have now to consider the other tides. It is important that the means be taken over such a number of days that the perturbation arising from other tides shall be minimised. The perturbation between semi-diurnal and diurnal tides is always negligible. It is therefore only necessary to consider the action of the tides M. 2 , S 2 in the case of semi-diurnal tides, and that of Kj and O for diurnal tides. It is easy to see that the influence of a disturbing tide is evanescent when the means are taken over a period such that the excess of the argument of the disturbed over that of the disturbing tide has increased through a multiple of 360. As, however, we are working with integral numbers of days, and as the speeds of tides are incommensurable, this condition cannot be exactly satisfied. From this consideration it appears that to minimise the perturbation of S 2 , 2SM, fj, by M 2 (and vice versa) we must stop at an exact multiple of a semi-lunation. To minimise the effect of M 2 on N and L, and of Kj on J and Q, we must stop at an exact multiple of a lunar anomalistic period. To minimise the effect of M 2 on v, we must stop at a multiple of the period 2?r/(o- + w 2r)). To minimise the effect of KI on 0, we must stop at an exact multiple of a semi-lunar period. For the quater-diurnal tide, MS, it is immaterial where we stop, and so it may as well be taken at a multiple of a semi-lunation. The following table (p. 243) gives the rules derived from these con- siderations. 8. On the tides of long period. The annual (Sa) and semi-annual (Ssa) tides are evaluated in the course of the work by which other important tides are found. These are the only two tides of long period which have a practical importance in respect to tidal prediction, but the luni-solar fortnightly (MSf), the lunar fortnightly (Mf), and the lunar monthly (Mm) tides have a theoretical interest. It will therefore be well to show how they may be found. The process is short, and, although it is less accurate than the laborious plan followed in the Indian reductions, it appears to give fairly good results. (Continued at foot of p. 243) 1892] THE PERIODS OVER WHICH THE MEANS ARE TAKEN. 243 Number of the last day to be included in the evaluation of the several tides for observations extending over any period up to a year. For M 2 , p, 2SM, MS. Stop with one of the following days (semi -lunations) For 0. Stop with one of the following days (semi-lunar periods) For N, L, J, Q. Stop with one of the following days (anom. periods) For v. Stop with one of the following days (periods 14 13 27 31 29 43 58 26 40 54 54 63 74+8 74 + 20 73 67 + 35 + 63 + 52 74 + 14 + 28 + 43 + 58 + 73 74+7 + 21 + 34 + 48 + 62 148 + 10 + 42 148 + 16 + 44 + 71 222+ + 31 + 63 222 + 25 + 53 148 + 13 + 28 + 43 + 58 + 72 148+ 1 + 15 + 29 + 42 + 56 + 70 296 + 21 + 53 296+ 6 + 34 + 61 222 + 13 + 28 222+ 9 + 43 + 23 + 58 + 37 + 72 + 50 + 64 296 + 13 + 28 296+ 4 + 43 + 17 + 57 + 32 + 72 + 45 + 58 + 72 For the sake of simplicity, let us consider the tide MSf. Its period is about 14 days, and therefore a day does not differ very largely from a twelfth part of the period. Accordingly, if about two days in a fortnight are rejected 162 244 THE TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. [6 by proper rules, the mean heights of water on the remaining days may be taken as representatives of twelve equidistant values of water height. I therefore go through the whole year and reject, according to proper rules, the daily sums of the 24 hourly heights corresponding to certain 69 of the days out of 369. The remaining 300 values are written consecutively into a schedule of 12 columns and 25 rows, of which each corresponds to a half lunation. The 12 columns are summed, and the sums are harmonically analysed for the first pair of harmonic components. These components have to be divided by 24 times 25, or by 600, because the daily mean water height is gV 11 f the daily sum, and there are 25 semi-lunations. In the same way the semi-lunar period is about 13 \ days, and if we erase by proper rules 45 daily sums out of 369, we are left with 324, which may be written consecutively in a schedule of 12 columns and 27 rows, of which each corresponds to a semi-lunar period. The summing and analysis is the same as in the last case, but the final division is by 24 times 27, or by 648. In this way we evaluate the luni-solar fortnightly and lunar fortnightly inequalities in the height of the water. The period of the moon is between 27 and 28 days, and if we erase appropriately about one day in eight we are left with sets of 24 values which may be taken as 24 equidistant values of the daily sums. Accordingly we erase 46 daily sums out of 358, and write the 312 which remain consecutively into a schedule of 24 columns and 13 rows, of which each corresponds to a lunar anomalistic period. The 24 columns are summed and the sums analysed for the first com- ponents. Finally, the components are to be divided by 24 times 13, or by 312. In this way the lunar monthly tide is evaluated. But the result obtained in this way is, as far as concerns the tide MSf, to some, and it may be to a large, extent fictitious. It represents, in fact, a residuum of the principal lunar tide M 2 . That this is the case will now be proved. Suppose that t Q is an integral number of days since epoch, being the time of noon on a certain day ; then the principal lunar tide M 2 on that day may be written H m cos [2 (7 - a-) (t + r) - OT ], where r is less than 24 hours. Then the daily sum for that day will be Hm Tin ( 7 - COS & ( ^ -*)* + 23 & ~ *> ~ Now since t is an integral number of days 2 (7 cos ( + ^ ^TT) + | cos 3 G> sin ^o> . 188 cos (t + h - 21 + TT '115 + A sin &) cos w . - ^ cos (t + h "boo + - cos 3 ^0) sin |ft) . '188 sin (t + h - 21 + '154 + A sin &) cos &) . -^ r^ sin (^ + ^ 4)f sin S3 3 , and cos S3 Now let c be the moon's mean distance, and let T f r 3 1+JP-? 266 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TIDE-GENERATING POTENTIAL. [7 Then as far as concerns the moon V=T?(I+P){$cQS*\(M 1 *-M a a ) + sm2\.M,M 3 } ......... (11) where M-f Mf, M^M^ are given by (10). In writing down the corresponding functions for the sun, we shall write a subscript accent to all the symbols, and accordingly V for the sun is given by V, = r,p n - (1 + P,) { cos 2 X (MJ - M/} + sin 2X . M tl M l3 ] ...... (12) where, by symmetry with (10) MJ - M/ = cos 4 ift> cos 2 (t + h - Z,) + 1 sin 2 sin i ; K tl = p".^ cos 2 X . sin 2 &> K = p 2 . sin 2X . cos 3 ^ Then remarking that approximately, we have V= rKcos 2(t + h-l) + (T + T,) K tl cos 2(t + h) + r,Kcos 2(t + h - + rK cos (t + h-2l + ITT) + (T + T,) K, cos (Z + h - TT) 1891] FORMULA FOR THE HEIGHT. 267 + rK cos (t + h-2l + + '683 (r + T,) K, cos (t + h- $TT)J V& f= cos S3 {- -rK "0372 cos 2(t + h-l) + (r + T ) K tl "283 cos 2 (S + A) + rK '188 cos(t 4 h - 21 + ITT) + (T + T,) K, "115 cos ( + h - |TT)} 4 sin S3 {+ rK "0372 sin 2(t + h-l) + (r + T,) # "308 sin 2 ( + A) - r^o '188 sin (< + A - 21 4 TT) 4 (T 4 T,) /f, 154 sin (< -f h - JT)| F P/ = P, {'317 (T + T/ ) # cos 2 (Z 4 A) 4- r,K cos 2 (< + A - 1,) + -317 (T 4 T,) ^ cos (t 4 A - ITT) 4 r t K cos ( 4 A - 2Z, 4 fri)} . . .(15) The whole tide-generating potential is then V+ V P + F a 4 Fp^ 2. Formula for the Height of Tide. If we had been going to consider the complete expression for the tide in terms of a series of simple harmonic functions of the time, it would have been necessary to substitute for I, I,, P, P t their values in terms of the mean longitudes s and A of the two bodies, and of the eccentricities e, e t of their orbits. When the potential is so expanded the principle of forced oscillations allows us to conclude that the oscillations of the sea will be of the same periods and types as the several terms of the potential, but with amplitudes and phases which can only be deduced from observation. The oscillations of the sea will not however be necessarily of the simple harmonic form, and accordingly "over-tides" of double and triple frequency have to be introduced in order to represent the motion according to Fourier's method. This is the plan pursued in the "harmonic analysis of tidal observations," and each simple harmonic oscillation is known by an arbitrarily chosen initial letter. It is found in fact, as is suggested by theory, that tides of approximately the same frequency or "speed" have amplitudes approximately proportional to their corresponding terms in the potential, and have their phases retarded by approximately the same amount. The notation of harmonic analysis will be adopted here, because it is proposed to compute the tide-table from the harmonic constants. The mean longitudes of the sun, moon, and lunar perigee are denoted by A, s, p, and their hourly changes by e sin (s p) Hence the elliptic tides are represented in the present development by 2eH w cos (2t + 2/t -3s+p- *,) + \ aeR in cos (2t + 2h,-3s+p- ,* + ) + 2eH w cos (2t + 2/t s p + TT tc m ) - f eH m cos (2t + 2k-s p + TT - m * ) In order that the first pair of these terms may give the N tide correctly we must have H n = 2eH, n cos ( - *,) + |eH m cos (K U - M K + ) = 2eH m sin (* n - /c m ) + f aeH m sin ( - M K + f ) And the condition that the second pair may give the L tide is Hj = 2eH m cos (K L - K m ) - |aeH m cos (K L - m A + Hp sin equated to zero. It is well known that sin ka. 1 k z . = 1 + s-r -sm a a+ ... k sin a 3 ! cos ka. 1 k z . - =1+ s~r sm a + cos a 2 ! Now all the p 2 's are nearly unity, the p/s nearly |, the p 4 's nearly 2. Hence to a near approximation sin pA = -*-= sin fna - * I cos p n A = cos ^??A 1 ^ ( -- 1 j sin 2 \ IV / L_ x 1 where w is 2, 1, or 4. The p's are so nearly equal to 1, |, 2 respectively, that the second terms are small. In the case of the second term of sin^A, cospjA we have the factor sin 2 A, which is equal to even when A is 90 ; also the height of the quater-diurnal tide is small. Thus, both for the diurnal and quater-diurnal tides, the second term may be neglected. In the case of the semi-diurnal terms, indeed, the correction is so small that it may certainly be neglected if A be less than 45 or 50, and without much loss of accuracy even for larger values of A. We shall in the first place neglect these second terms entirely. Now let F = SHp sin & ) r (32) G = SH 2 cos * with suffixes 2, 1, 4 for semi-diurnal, diurnal, quater-diurnal terms. The constituent terms of F, G will be written separately below, for example F s = H g p s sin ^ s . 278 TIME AND HEIGHT OF HIGH-WATER. [7 Then the equation dh/dA. = 0, leads to F 2 cos A + G 2 sin A (F 1 cos A + 2Gj sin A) + F 4 cos 2 A + G 4 sin 2 A = (33) With regard to the additional terms referred to above, the values of the semi-diurnal p's are, p m =l, p /f =l'Q38, ^=1'035, and hence p,, 2 l and p s 2 1 are both nearly equal to '072. Therefore if (33) be regarded as the fundamental equation, the additional terms may be taken into account by supposing that there are corrections to F 2 and G 2 given by SF 2 = - -012 sin 2 A . 3F 2 ) (34) 8G 2 = - -012 sin 2 A (G,, + G,) J The equation (33) may be solved thus : TJ! | Tji take tan A = T^-^-p 1 (35) Then if we put D = F 2 sin A - G 2 cos A (Fj sin \ A - 2G X cos A ) + 2 (F 4 sin 2A - G 4 cos 2A ) N = F 2 cos A + G 2 sin A + (F a cos ^A + 2Gj sin A ) + (F 4 cos 2A + ^G 4 sin 2 A ) . . .(36) and &A-* (37) " the solution of the equation (33) is A = A + SA ; and if D is the value of D when A replaces A , it is clear that 3D = D - D = SA {(F 2 cos A + G 2 sin A ) + (F, cos | A + 2G X sin |A ) os2A + iG 4 sin2A )} (38) The angle A has to be reduced to time by division by 2 (7 I). As in the case of the reduction of the mean interval i..J_^_/i + ,;^L 2 (7 - /) 2 (7 - 98 per hour, and the reciprocal of this is 345 >4+!4- Hence, if A be given in degrees, we have to multiply by '0345, or its equivalent, to find its value in hours. 1891] TIME AND HEIGHT OF HIGH-WATER. 279 If any correction be given in circular measure the reduction to time is also very simple, for 57'296 x "0345 = l h '977 = 119 m , or . (circ. meas.) = 119 m . .......... (39) 2 (7 - o-) Thus, we have for H.W., A = A + SA (40) Turning now to the expression for the height : it is expressible as the sum of three terms of the form S (H cos ^ cos />A H sin ^ sin Let A = SH cos S- then h = A 2 cos A - F 2 sin A + (A, cos A - 2F, sin A) + A 4 cos 2A - F 4 sin 2A . (41) with a correction to the height corresponding with 8 A, = - -012 sin 2 A . 3 (A,, + A,) (42) = --012sin 2 A.F 2 J In 8, 9 we shall have to consider the variations of the interval and height due to variations of semi-diurnal and diurnal A, F, G. It is clear from the preceding formulae and from (39) that SI = g- {SF 2 cos A + SG 2 sin A (SF l cos |A + 28^ sin | A)} Bh = 8A 2 cos A - SF 2 sin A + (SA l cos ^A - 2SF, sin A particular case of the application of (43) is to the computation of the corrections referred to in (34) and (42). 7. On Evanescent Tides. At certain parts of the lunation, the diurnal tides sometimes suffice to annul one H.W. and one L. W., so that there is only one tide a day, perhaps for several days running. If the inferior H.W. be watched as the condition of evanescence approaches, it will be seen to become smaller and smaller, and to occur later and later or earlier and earlier, and the adjacent L.W. undergoes similar changes. In the limit H.W. and L.W. coalesce, and in a tide diagram the coalescence appears as a point of contrary reflex ure with horizontal tangent. Beyond 280 EVANESCENT TIDES. [7 this point, the reflexure is still maintained, although the tangent is not horizontal ; finally, the tangent again becomes horizontal, and the double H.W. and L.W. again reappear. Now in the use of the method of this paper, the loss of the double tide is very inconvenient, and I therefore propose to take the point of reflexure as representing both H.W. and L.W. during evanescence. If N cannot vanish there is evanescence, and the point of reflexure is given by D = 0. The limit of the H.W. is given by N = 0, D = simul- taneously, and beyond this only D can vanish. The vanishing of D is taken to represent H.W. Accordingly, when N cannot vanish, we proceed to make D vanish thus : = F 2 sin A - G 2 cos A \ (F, sin |A - 2Gi cos |A) + 2 (F 4 sin 2 A - G 4 cos 2A) ...... (44) As a first approximation put . G 2 + G! tan A = -nr^TTp, F,- t*i Then writing E = - {F 2 cos A + G 2 sin A \ (F, cos |A + 2G, sin A ) os2A + iG 4 sin2A )} ......... (45) we have A = A 4- 8 A, where 8A = ~ .................. (46) &0 In the rest of the calculation this value of A is to be treated exactly as though it had been determined by the former method. The corrections M, N, P, Q, R, S considered in succeeding sections, however, present a difficulty. In this case, A will always be very nearly 90, and I propose to compute P, Q, S (see 8, 9) as though that were the true value of A. But the correctional terms M', N', R, defined in 8, 9, become theoreti- cally infinite, and we are therefore compelled not to compute them, and to fill up the hiatus in the manner shown in the example below. The process here suggested is a makeshift, but it is sufficient for the construction of a trustworthy tide-table, since the real occurrence at these times is a long period of nearly slack water, with or without a small maximum and minimum. 1891] PARALLACTIC CORRECTIONS. 281 8. Parallactic Corrections to Time and Height. We will first consider the parallactic correction to the mean interval ; we saw at the beginning of 6 that there is a correction to the interval due to the moon's unequal motion in longitude of * m - Pa- 2 (7 - a-) ' * 7 - a- Now according to (31) TO /2 (7 - a-) is i, the mean interval, which we will suppose expressed in hours ; also P is y^II and a/(y = m 2 , 8G 2 = n ( m a + ,G) = um, SF l = U( F+ J) = n^, 8G, = n ( G + ,G) = Urn, SA 2 = n ( m A + = n^ 2 8A 1 = n( A+ 7 A) = n^ ........................ (48) Then comparing (47) (48) with (39) and (43) we see that if R = 119 m ^ {I, cos A + m 2 sin A + (I, cos A + 2m, sin |A)| + O m> 08 . i S= [^co6A-i t flaaA(,ooe4A-2Z 1 sin4A)j ............ (49) the corrections to the interval and height are (50) = US 282 CORRECTIONS FOR LONGITUDE OF MOON'S NODE. [7 9. Corrections to Time and Height for Longitude of Moons Node. Here again, we treat the terms as corrections to A, F, G. Let c 2 = -283 Hjo,, sin^,,= -283 F,, d 2 = - -037 R m p m cos * m - -308 R aPtt cos * = - -037 G w - -296 G,, e, = - -037 H m p m 2 cos * m + '283 H,^,, 2 cos = - -037 G m + "283G ; , / 2 = -308 H,^, 2 8^,= -319F, a, = - -037 H m cos * m + -283 H,, cos = - -037 A m + -283 A,, & 2 = '308 H,, sin ^,, = -296 F,, c,= -ISSHoposin^, -f llSHj^sin*, = -188F +-115F/ = -391 Go -'297G, = '188G + -115G, /, = - -188H p 2 sin^ + 154H / ^ / 2 sin ^ = - -0905 F + '080 F, = -188 A +115A, =--391F + -297F 7 (51) A comparison with (29) then shows that SF 2 = c 2 cos 8 f d 2 sin 8 , SF t = c 1 cos S3 + d l sin & &G. 2 = e 2 cos 88 -f / 2 sin 8 , 3Gj = e l cos S3 +fi sin Q SA 2 = a 2 cos Q + b 2 sin Q, 8A X = a x cos S3 + &! sin s . . .(52) We now put AT - SM = 119 m =r {c 2 cos A + e z sin A + (c, cos A + 2c, sin N' - SN = 1 19 m i {d 2 cos A +/ 2 sin A (d, cos | A + 2/, sin P' = a 2 cos A c 2 sin A (aj cos A 2^ sin Q' = 6 2 cos A d z sin A + (h cos ^A - 2^ sin (53) The corrections to interval and height, as far as concerns the investigation up to the present point, are therefore S7 a = (M ; - SM) cos a + (N x - SN) sin a ^ Q = P'cos & +Q'sin Q (54) 1891] REFERENCE TO MOON'S TRUE TRANSIT. 283 | 10. Reference to the Moons True Transit. The intervals have been referred to the transits of a fictitious satellite whose R.A. is equal to I, and we now require corrections so as to refer to the moon's true transit. Let T, T' be the times of true and fictitious transits, and let a be the moon's R.A. Then if t denotes the mean solar hour angle at time T, t + k OL = qtr and, dropping the suffix o to I, at time T' t + h I = qjr where q is an even integer at upper, and an odd one at lower transit. If a be the value of the moon's R.A. at time T', then its value at T is a + a (T T') ; also the t + h of the first equation is equal to the t + h of the second corrected by 7 (T T'). Hence the two equations may be written t + h + cos Q ] sin 2 = 2t cot to sin Q cos 2 = 1 v = i tan &) sin 3 284 REFERENCE TO MOON'S TRUE TRANSIT. [7 Hence I - a = tan 2 f + sin ffi [ 2z tan 2 |&> cot a> cos 21 i tan |w] But 21 = 2]) + 2 - 10 = with T, the time of moon's transit. Now / is a function of ]) or of (qir + ^)/(y t]) ', hence if /(T) be the value of / for which J) = (7 77) T qn, and if / ())) be the true value of /, /()>) = / (T) -f ^ (8T + 8M cos 83 + 8N sin 83 - 7 m '69 sin ( + 74)} and similarly h($) = h (T) + J| {ST + SM cos 3 + 8N sin &3 - O h '128 sin ( + 74)} These expressions have now to be substituted in those for the height and interval ; but in the small terms 8T, W, N x , &c., we may regard }) as denoting (7 - 77) T - qir. In carrying out the substitutions preparations will be made for computation. First put SI = ^ ST = ~ x 10 m '32 sin CL J. QJ \. = (2^V(2-34)(2 m -2sine) (57) Similarly, since 2 m> 2 is 3^ hrs., we put 300 / V / Next put M" = ^ 8M = ^ x 4 m '60 sin A) (59) \ /j-/ and N" = ^= 8N = (2 ^ (2 ra -2) + (2 ^ (2 m -2 cos ) (1 - ^) (60) 286 REFERENCE TO MOON'S TRUE TRANSIT. [7 Similarly put -^) ......... (62) Lastly put i = - ( 2 ^) {3 m '85 sin (0 + 74)} .................. (63) \ CL \. 1 ft' = - ( 2 %} (O h '064 sin ( + 74)} ... . . .(64) \ CtJ./ With this notation /(D) = 7(T) + 87 + M" cos S3 + N" sin 8 4- 1 = A(T) 4- 8A + P" cos 8 + Q" sin 8 + ft These are now to be substituted in the expressions for interval and height, and in doing so we may drop the (T) after the 7 and h. I write X = 7 + 8T + i + 87 ^ = B + h + 8h ft = ft' + H S(l cos ^ sa M = M' + M", N = N' + N" P* = P' + P", Q = Q' + Q" .................. (65) Our formulae are designed to serve for any time of year and its opposite ; now since t and ft involve the sun's longitude they change their signs in six months, and we write + i, 4 ft, and it is to be understood that the upper sign is to be used for the time of year under computation and the lower for its opposite. The interval is then JE t + Mcos s +Nsin s + RII ..................... (66) and the height is |^ ft 4- P cos &3 4-Qsin Q 4- SH ..................... (67) One part of M, N, P, Q arises from a true change in the tide when the longitude of the moon's node changes, and the remainder (nearly equally large) merely depends on the reference to true instead of fictitious transit. The quantities t and ft depend partly on a portion of the equation of time and partly on the annual tide. We must now explain the computation of 2d//dT and of 2dh/dT. * This P will not be confused with the P denned in 1, which has been replaced by II. 1891] CORRECTION FOR SOLAR PARALLAX. 287 If u , MJ,...^ are cyclical values of a function, the symmetrical inter- polation formula in the neighbourhood of u m is U x+m = U m + \X (AE- 1 + A) U ( A'E where Eu m = u m+1 and AM,,, = u m+1 - u m Then when x = 0, 2 = ( AE- 1 + A) w m - or ^ _ M CtCO In the present case the first term will usually suffice, but the second term may be easily computed. In order then to compute the required differential coefficients we arrange the /'s and h's in two columns, the even entries in one column and the odd in another, and take the differences of the two columns independently of one another. 11. The Correction for Solar Parallax. The terms depending on solar parallax arise from the potential V P/ in (15), but the correction is so small that I shall omit it from the example below. It is well, however, to show how it may be computed. The only terms of importance are those in H g , H, corresponding to the tides S 2 , Kj. The variability of P / enters into the calculation in the form of corrections to A 2 , G 2 , F 2 , A n G], Fj. The sun's parallax is approximately 1 + e / cos (l t - 281 ), and hence P, = 3e, cos ( + 74) Now 3e, is '0504, and 119 m x -0504 = 6 m '0 Then, since 8F 2 it follows that gm.Q HP, = -jj- cos ( + 74) (F 8 cos A + G sin A "317 (F, cos A + 2G, sin Sh P , = -050 cos ( + 74) {A g cos A - F s sin A '317 (A, cos A - 2F ( sin These must be deemed to be corrections to t and I), since they change signs in six months. 288 LOW-WATER. [7 12. The Formulce for a Low Water Table. The formula (27), (28), (29), (30), for the height of water would (except in one detail) be applicable to L.W., but they would not be convenient, because A oscillates about TT at the L.W. which precedes the H.W. for which mean A is zero. Hence put A = 8 TT. The L.W. formulae may be made exactly similar to those for H.W. by making the heights negative, and this condition is satisfied by adding TT to all the arguments. Thus the formulae for the height may be written - 2H cos (pS + 0} where 6 = ^ + (1 - p) TT A similar change may be made in the nodal terms, but the parallactic terms require further consideration. The term cos(p OT A + m ^) changes, not only because its sign is to be changed and A is to be replaced by 8 TT, but also because, as appears in 3, m ^ changes. For H.W. - - m rj Pm*"m m m / / n /t m . * > Q.-I -i TT /TT _ i but for L.W. K m must be replaced by /c w TT wherever it is multiplied by p; hence, for L.W., p m K m - m /c must have (p m -p n )Tr or (lp n ) TT added to its previous value. Hence the term in cos (p m A 4- m ^) for H.W. corresponds in the expression for h p for L.W., to a term involving COS [p m 8 + (I - pj 7T + (I - p n ) TT + >] Since p m = 1, the required term is cos (p m 8 + m Q), where m 8 = m *>+(I-p n )7T Again the parallactic term for involves cos ( pA + ^) for H. W., and treating it in the same way, the corresponding term in - h p for L.W. is found to be cos ( pB + 0) where Q = (1 - O p) TT + (p - p q ) -rr + fi But oP=Po-g Hence 6> = ^ + (l +fi~ We have also 1891] LOW-WATER. 289 Then the L.W. formulae for depths below mean sea level are similar in form to those for H.W. for elevation above mean sea level, with 8 in place of A, and with 0's in the place of ^'s. The connection of 0's with ^'s is given in the following table. Initial Principal and nodal terms Parallactic terms M 2 K 2 S 2 o p M 4 S 4 &m &m Q H =5 // + (l-jt?J 7 r (assume /3= -6 6 = All the #'s differ from the ^'s by a small angle, or by an angle nearly equal to 90 or 180. Where the difference is small the A, G, F for L.W. will be nearly equal to those for H.W. ; where the difference is nearly 90 the A, G, F for L.W. will be nearly the same as those for H.W., a quarter year earlier or later; and where the difference is nearly 180 the A, G, F for L.W. will be nearly equal and opposite to those for H.W. Hence we may set aside the change of 90 and 180 to be satisfied by a shift of a quarter year, or by change of sign. Suppose then, that = $ + a, where a is small, and let [A], [G], [F] denote the values of L.W. A, G, F ; then, remembering that A = H cos ^, G = Hj9 2 cos ^, F = Hp sin ^ and that [A], [G], [F] are represented by similar formulae with 6 in place of ^, we have P [F] = F + p sin a A D. i. 19 290 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 The values of a are given above, and those of the ps are known ; hence it is easy to compute formulae of transition from L.W. to H.W. The rules given below in the example are derived from these formulae, but the coefficients sin a/p and p sin a are given in round numbers appropriate for computation, and are sometimes treated as zero. PART II. COMPUTATION. Remarks on the Computations. The multiplications are supposed to be done with Crelle's Bremiker's multiplication table *. The other tables required are tables of squares, natural tangents, circular measure, and a traverse table. Bottom ley's tables f are convenient for the purpose, because they give no more than is required. The nautical traverse table, such as that in Inman's tables, or in Chambers' logarithms, is used for finding such quantities as H cos^ and H sin^, for if H is "Distance," H cos^ is "Lat." and Hsin^ is "Dep.," and the position of the decimal point is determined by inspection. For the use of this table it is advantageous to have only angles with a whole number of degrees, so as to avoid cross interpolations J ; the whole calculation is therefore conducted so as to avoid broken degrees. A traverse table is commonly given for "Distances" from to 300, hence, if the "Distance" involves three digits and lies between 300 and 999, an interpolation is required, so as to use the entries between 30 and 99 ; this interpolation can easily be made by inspection. All the angles are entered so that the significant part is less than 90, by treating them as + or , with TT or 180 added where necessary. This facilitates the use of the traverse table. It is best to determine the signs of the cosines and sines independently from their numerical values, and, accordingly, in the example where "000 is entered as the value of a sine or cosine, it has a sign attached to it. I suppose the computer to be able to add up a short column of figures, where some of the entries are + and others . This is an arithmetical process not much practised, but easily acquired. The sequences of angles and of cosines and sines, which occur frequently below, appertain (except in the cases of Sa and Ssa) to values of the excess of moon's longitude over sun's (for which the symbol used is D) at intervals of 15, beginning with }) = 0, and ending with }) = 345, 24 values in all. But in the earlier part of the computation, the beginning of the sequence occurs at a different part of the column at different times of the year. Thus, * Eechsntafeln, Berlin, Georg Beimer. t Four-figure Mathematical Tables, by J. T. Bottomley, F.E.S. Macmillan. J Inman's Traverse Table is arranged so that the interpolation for a fraction of a degree is not very awkward. 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 291 a list of months is written in the margin, to show where we are to begin at any specified time of year. Strictly speaking these months are the times when the sun's longitude + 5 (for which the symbol used is ) is equal to a multiple of 30 ; thus, when is 0, we have March 15th, when is 30, April 14th, and so on, as shown in Table VI. If the number of degrees in }) be reduced to time, at the rate of 15 per hour, we have, approximately, the time of the moon's transit, and in the later stages of the computation the time of Moon's transit is made to replace }). The sequences of angles are found by adding multiples of 30, adding or subtracting multiples of 15, or adding multiples of 60 (see Table II.) to certain initial angles (see Table I.). When the sequence has been carried so far that the next addition would reproduce the first angle with TT added to it, it is unnecessary to proceed further. In the sequences of cosines and sines of such angles, when we have got to this same point, it is unnecessary to proceed further, since the remainder is the same as the beginning, with the sign changed. In subsequent stages where a constant has to be added to a sequence, the new sequence will have double as many entries as the old, the first half being formed by addition, and the second half by subtraction ; but in repeating the new sequence the signs are not to be changed. This follows immediately from what has been said of the signs of sequences. Before proceeding with the computations I give some tables and rules of general applicability to all ports. It will be best for the computer who is learning the process to pass straight to the example, and to refer back to these tables as they are required ; but I give them in the first place, because they will be wanted in the case of any other port. Tables and Rules applicable to all Ports. TABLE I. For finding the K's, the initial entries of the several sequences, for H.W. (See (26), 5.) Initials Principal and nodal terms Parallactic terms M 2 K 2 K m =P m Km-K m = Q Kg =P,K m -K, .K = i 9'llH B /H m -l 13 , , *0-*q |05 o /n K m'r.ii IT /TT i i " K = - 10 192 292 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. TABLE II. For finding the sequences of the S-'s by putting n successively equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, &c. (See (26), 5.) Initials Principal and nodal terms * Parallactic terms a- M 2 K mK K 2 K,, +30n /t K + 3Qn S 2 K s + 30n K -I5n gK \5n Kx K, + lbn ^ + 15% P K p +lbn M 4 K 2nt S 4 K 2 , + 60n Ssa K^ + GO^ Sa K M + I0n N.B. The sequence for Sa is required under conditions which differ from those of the other S-'s. TABLE III. The numerical values of the p's. (See 5.) Initials Principal and nodal terms Parallactic terms M 2 fb-1, ^ 2 =1 K 2 /> =1-038, p,,s= 1-078 ,,p = 1-076, // /? 2 = 1-158 S 2 p t =1-035, p, 2 =1-071 N p n = -981 O Po = '481, 2> 2 = -231 jo = -481--013/3- 1 , ^ 2 =-231--012^- 1 K! P, = "519, p? = -269 ,^ = 538, ^=-289 P p p = -516, jo p 2 = -266 Q p q = -462 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 293 TABLE IV. For computing corrections for reference to moon's transit, viz., 8T, SM, SN, and the sequence @. (See (55) 10.) Sequence e March - 10 + 20 April + 50 + 80 May TT - 70 TT -40 June TT 10 7T+20 July 7T + 50 7T + 80 August - 70 -40 Bepeat the sequence. 5T = h -172sm0 5M = 4 m -60 sin -4 ra -22cos6 8N = - 4 m -22 cos - 4 m -41 h. m. rn. m. March - -030 March - 0'80 March -4'16 March - 8-57 + 059 + 1-57 -3-97 -8-38 April + -132 April +3-52 April -2-71 April - 7-12 + 169 +4-53 -0-73 -5-14 May + -162 May -t- 4-32 May +1-45 May -2-96 + 111 + 2-96 + 3-23 -1-18 June +-030 June +0-80 Rep. and eh. June -0-25 -059 -1-57 -0-44 July - -132 July -3-52 July -1-70 -169 -4-53 -3-68 August --162 August -4-32 August -5-86 -111 -2-96 -7-64 The sequences for ST, SM, 8N are to be repeated without change of sign. To find the succession of values for any month we begin with the entry opposite to that month, read on down to the bottom, and then begin again at the top. For example, ST for July begins with 132, and then, after going on down to '111, it begins again at the top with '030. 294 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. TABLE V. For corrections due to part of the equation of time. (See (63) (64) 10.) The following is a table of - 3 m '85 sin (0 + 74) (which I call c), and of the same when the hour is unit of time (which I call d). N.B. 286 is the longitude of sun's perigee + 5, and 74 is its supple- ment to 360. c d - -3 m -85 sin (O+74) -O h -064 sin (0+74) m. h. March . . . -37 -062 April .... May .... June .... -3-7 -2-8 -1-1 -062 -046 -018 July .... August . . . -1-0-9 + 2-7 + 016 + 045 TABLE VI. Dates and Limits of Applicability of the Tide-Tables. Applicability by Applicability by reference to Sun's reference to Sun's Heading for G long, at Moon's Heading for long, at Moon's tide- table transit tide-table transit Sun's longitude Sun's longitude March 15 from 350 to Sept. 17 180 from 170 to 180 25 10 10 28 190 180 190 April 4 20 10 20 Oct. 8 200 190 200 14 30 20 30 18 210 200 210 25 40 30 40 28 220 210 220 May 5 50 40 50 Nov. 7 230 220 230 15 60 50 60 17 240 230 240 26 70 60 70 27 250 240 250 June 5 80 70 80 Dec. 7 260 250 260 16 90 80 90 16 270 260 270 26 100 90 100 26 280 270 280 July 7 110 100 110 Jan. 5 290 280 290 ,, 17 120 110 120 15 300 290 300 28 130 120 , 130 25 310 300 310 Aug. 7 140 130 , 140 Feb. 4 320 310 320 17 150 140 , 150 13 330 320 330 28 160 150 , 160 23 340 330 340 Sept. 7 170 160 , 170 March 5 350 340 350 This table gives the days of the year on which 0, or Sun's longitude + 5, is nearly equal to a multiple of 10. These days are used as headings to the several tide-tables. It is intended that the tables shall be used without an interpolation for the time of year, which ought strictly to be made. When 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 295 the time of a particular moon's transit, with reference to which a tide is to be calculated, falls nearly halfway between any two of the specified days, it becomes uncertain which of the two adjoining tables should be used, and the question can only be decided by reference to the Sun's longitude. A column is therefore given of the limits of applicability of the table. It would be easy, by means of a table of four columns referring to leap year, to give the Greenwich times at which the Sun's longitude is 0, 10, 20, &c., which would be accurate enough for the present purpose during some twenty-five years. VII. The Choice of a Unit of Length. In a calculation of this kind it is advantageous to reduce the number of digits as far as possible, consistently with due accuracy, and it is convenient to omit the decimal point when we deal with heights. The diurnal tides are so various at different places that no general rule can be made to depend on them. It is required to express as many of the heights as possible by two digits, and it will be best to take such a unit that much of the work shall be con- ducted with 70's and 80's, but to allow a margin and not to try to bring them into the 90's. After consideration I think it is best to take such a unit that a'H m (see below) shall be expressed by 70 or 80. Since a' is usually about 3 4 T , or say yL, then when H m is given in feet and decimals (or any other unit), we are to multiply the heights by a simple factor lying between 14x70-=- H TO and 14 x 80 -r H m . The rule therefore is: Multiply the heights by a factor lying between 1000 -=- H m and 1200 -r- H m , and omit decimals. In the example below it would have been best to multiply all the heights by 700. We should then have H m =1098, H s = 488, &c., and this would have made a'H m equal to 77. The final step in the calculation would then have been to divide all the heights by 700. In my example I have not followed this plan, and accordingly the decimal point is retained, and an unnecessary number of digits has been written. VIII. Rules for the Calculation of a L. W. Table. It will be more convenient to state these rules as part of the example for the Port of Aden, although they are of course generally applicable to all ports. 296 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. EXAMPLE OF FOKMATION OF A TIDE-TABLE. TABLE of Constants for the Port of Aden. ft. ft. M 2 \*m = 1-568 = 229 | H = -653 = 38 i, {TT rig K 8 = -697 = 248 *'{*' = 1-299 = 36 K JH,, = -201 P H = -388 I*// = 244 I K P = 33 N \Kn = -427 = 225 Q{ H - u = -151 = 42 L e = '046 = 230 Sa | H>a = -390 = 357 fH 2 , = -007 TH ,= -095 M 4 J Ssa] l*2 = 314 L K 8a = 126 {H 2j = -006 a = 3-859 S 4 K^4 <2 = 271 These are the results of four years of observation, and are the constants from which the tide-table is to be computed. Formation of Sequences (see Tables I., II., III., and 6). K, s, K, p t ,K m = 238 ^ gKra = 237 p K m = 110 JO /KTO = 119 AC , = 244 - Kg =-248 -K O =- 38 - K/ =_ 36 -10=- 10 + 95= 95 -95=- 95 167 JT,,= - 16 2T.= - 11 T7" -| o K,= - 12 P M 4 B 4 p p K m = 118 2p m K m = 458 2p 8 K m = 474 -KP-- 33 _ K _ _314 K2 = 271 + 95= 95 180 144 203 if i_ n ./Ip == 7T "t~ U IT og Jf | OQ Jl 2g 7T "t" ^O 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Sequences of Angles. 297 M 2 K 2 S 2 *j P M 4 S 4 (K^ + SO ^) (K, + 30n) (K -15) (K, + 15n) (K p + 15n) (K*J (K 2g + 60) *m */, *, *0 *i *, ^2TO ^"28 Mar. - 16 -11 Mar. 77-13 Mar. -12 Mar.7r+ 7T-36 77+23 (a const.) + 14 +19 7T-28 + 3 7T + 15 (const.) "S 77+83 April + 44 +49 April 7T - 43 April + 18 Feb. 7T+30 -37 + 74 a +79 7T 58 + 33 7T + 45 D May 77 76 53 7T-71 May 7T-73 May +48 Jan. 77 + 60 " 7T-46 ^ IT -41 OQ 7T OO + 63 7T+75 June +77 June +78 Dec. 77 + 90 + 62 -87 -75 July +47 July -72 Nov. - 60 + 32 -57 -45 Aug. +17 Aug. -42 Oct. -30 + 2 -27 -15 Semi-diurnal : A = H cos ^, G = Hp 2 cos ^, F = Up sin ^. M 2 h K, (H. = ? 697) <-.?=.> = l-568 +'684 + 732 -137 Mar. +-193 + 209 -058 A TO = G m = 1-568 3 +-659 + 705 + 234 + 195 + 211 + 051 F m =0 +'457 + 489 + 544 April + -145 + 156 + 145 (constants) 3 +-133 + 142 + 708 + 055 + 060 + 201 rt --227 -243 + 682 May -'049 - '053 + 203 *! --526 -'563 + 473 -140 -151 + 150 Repeat the sequences for K 2 and S 2 changing the signs. Add M 2 to S 2 . A, + A. o + . F M + F. 2-252 2-300 2-227 2-273 2-025 2-057 03 1-701 1-710 m ^ 1-341 1-325 " fl o 1-042 1-005 9 Q 884 836 0) ^H 909 863 a eg 51 1-111 1-079 QQ 1-435 1-426 1-795 1-811 2-094 2-131 Repeat without change. 298 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Then write out the three K 2 sequences, with the months, in extenso, each on a separate strip of paper ; place the A /7 strip opposite to the A TO + A g table, so that the month for which the sequence is required falls in the first place ; e.g., for March put + '193, for April put + '145, for May put '049, for June put '193, &c., in the first place opposite 2'252 of A TO + A. Then add the A. m + A s and A /7 tables together in a different way for each of the six months from March to August. Proceed with the G //} F 7/ strips in the same way. The next following table is formed in this way. Semi-diurnal : A 2 = A w + A,, + A,, G. 2 = G m + G,, + G g , F, = F m + F,, + F. March April &c. A-, G 2 F 2 AI G 2 F 2 o> 2-445 2-509 -195 2-397 2-456 + 008 "aj a 2-422 2-484 + 285 2-282 2-333 + 435 43 2-170 2-213 + 689 1-976 2-004 + 747 93 1-756 1-770 + 909 1-561 1-559 + 858 |l 1-292 1-272 + 885 1-148 1-116 + 740 ^ -902 854 + 623 847 794 + 422 oo ce 691 627 + 195 739 680 -008 3 714 652 -285 854 803 -435 M t 966 923 -689 1-160 1-132 -747 cS 2 1-380 1-366 -909 1-575 1-577 -858 c 1-844 1-864 -885 1-988 2-020 -740 '+3 C 2-234 2-282 -623 2-289 2-342 -422 o O Repeat without change. Diurnal: A = Hcos^, G=Hp 2 cos^, F = K, P A G F A G, F A G p F (H (H p 2 (R p /TT \ / (H/P/ (Hp (H p pp = 653) = 151) = 314) = 1-299) = 350) = 674) = 388) = 103) = 200) Mar. -636 -147 + 071 Mar. + 1-271 + 342 -140 Mar. -388 -103 ooo -577 - -133 + 148 + 1-297 + 350 + -035 -375 -100 -052 April -477 -110 + 214 April + 1-235 + "333 + 208 Feb. -336 -089 -100 -346 -080 + 266 + 1-089 + 294 + 367 -275 - -073 -141 May -191 -044 + 300 May + -869 + 234 + 501 Jan. -194 -052 -173 -023 -005 + 314 + -590 + 159 + 601 -100 -027 -193 June + 147 + 034 + 306 June + -270 + 073 + 659 Dec. 000 000 -200 + 307 + 071 + 278 - -068 -018 + 673 + 100 + 027 - -193 July + 445 + 103 + 230 July - -402 -108 + 641 Nov. + 194 + 052 -173 + 554 + 128 + 166 - -708 -191 + 565 + 275 + 073 -141 Aug. + 625 + 144 + 092 Aug. - -965 -260 + -451 Oct. + 336 + 089 -100 + 653 + 151 + 011 -1-157 -312 + 306 + 375 + 100 -052 Repeat changing signs. 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 299 Add together the and K x sequences as they stand above : + K,. A 4-A, G fG, F o+F, March + 635 + 195 -069 4- 720 + 217 + 183 April + 758 + 223 + 422 + 743 + 214 + 633 May + 678 + 190 + 801 + 567 + 154 + 915 June + 417 + 107 + 965 + 239 + 053 + 951 July + 043 -005 + 871 -154 -063 + 731 August -340 -116 + 543 -504 -161 + 317 Repeat changing signs. Write out the P sequences in extenso with the months on the margin (24 entries), each on a separate strip of paper ; place the A p strip opposite the A + A, table so that any chosen month in one agrees with that month on the other ; add the two tables together, making the first entry in the new sequence that opposite which the chosen month is written. For example the April entry in the A p sequence (completed) is '336, and this added to + '758, the April entry of A + A 7 , gives + '422, which is the initial entry in the diurnal sequence for A x corresponding to April in the following table. G p and F p are operated on in the same way. The first time the computer does this sort of work he may find it con- venient to write out the O + K x sequences in extenso, so as to see exactly how the computation runs, but it will be found with a little practice that this is unnecessary. Diurnal: A 1 = A + A, + A,,, G x =G + G, + G,, F^Fo+^ + F,. March April &c. A! GI FI A: o, F, CD + 247 + 092 -069 + 422 + 134 + 522 1 ' 'u + 345 + 117 + 131 + 368 + 114 + 685 t g + 422 + 134 + 322 + 290 + 087 + 801 -fj + 468 + 141 + 492 + 192 + 054 + 863 1 + 484 + 138 + 628 + 081 + 018 + 865 gr + 467 + 127 + 722 -036 -020 + 810 *fl o + 417 + 107 + 765 -151 -057 + 698 4B + 339 + 080 + 758 -254 -090 + 538 + 237 + 047 + 698 -340 -116 + 343 CD 3 + 121 + 010 + 590 - -404 -134 + 124 .9 -004 -027 + 443 -441 -143 -104 g -129 -061 + 265 -445 -144 -324 o 300 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 Quater-diurnal : A = Hcos&, G = H (Ipf cos ^, F = H (2/>) cos ^. M 4 4 A 2OT (H 2m =-007) <*! (4H W = -028) ^2m (2H M =-014) ^28 (H^-006) G 2 (4H 2 .p.=-026) TJ1 (2H 2A 2 4-012) -006 const. -023 const. + 008 const. j --006 a -'001 | +-005 _ Repeat << and change -024 -003 + 021 Repeat and change -005 -012 -007 Repeat and change Quater-diurnal: A 4 = A. G 4 F, -012 -047 + 003 ^ -007 -026 -004 a o -001 -002 + 001 a ooo + 001 + 013 a -005 -020 + 020 <5 -on -044 + 015 Repeat without change of sign. Semi-annual and Mean Water, (See (56), 10.) -10 = - 10 224 K gga = TT + 44 Sequence. Htr fc= 8 ^ (^ = 3 8 -859) March w+44 -068 March 3-791 April -76 + 023 April 3-882 May -17 + 091 May 3-950 Repeat and change June 3-927 July 3-836 Aug. 3-768 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 301 Annual. K sa = ~~ 5 = - 5 K, a = - 2 Sequence. H.T March _ 2 June + 88 + 8 77 -82 + 18 77 -72 April + 28 July 77 -62 + 38 77 -52 +48 77 -42 May + 58 Aug. 77 -32 + 68 77 -22 +78 77 -12 Annual Tide. H 8a cos* ga (H^-390) ft. ft. March + 390 June + -014 + 386 -054 + 371 -121 April + 344 July - -183 + 307 -240 + 261 -290 May + 207 Aug. - -331 + 146 - -362 + 081 -381 Mean Interval i, and Parallactic Correction to i. (See (31), 6 ; and (47), 8.) 30 K m= 7 '633 1 21 3Q2 ' 20 i= 7 h -900 Retaining i in hours, parallactic correction to i = + O m> 08 x i = + O m -63 N.B. O m< 08 is an absolute constant. COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Parallactic Corrections. (See SS 3, 8.) OO / 36-4 H n is greater than 8H m ; therefore a = f, a'H w = '07 H m = '110 36-4 H 9 is greater than 8H ; therefore ft = f, 'H = -07 H = -046 (N.B. When either of these inequalities is less instead of greater, put a = 1214H n /H m - 1, a'H w = '639H n - -07 H m /3=12-14H/E -|, 'H =-639H ? --07H If the N tide is unknown take a = 1, a' = ^ ; if the Q tide is unknown take = 1, /3' = T V) (Table III) O p = '481 - -013/3-' = "481 - '010 = "471 O p* = -231 - -012/8- 1 = -231 - -009 = "222 (Table I) Let 7 = the denominator is 911 x '272 1 = T48 ; the numerator is 4. Hence 7 = + 4 -r T48 = + 3 , _ Ko - Kq -013 -911H,/H -1" -?"" the denominator of the first term is 911 x '232 - 1 =111 ; the numerator is 4. Hence the first term is 4. The second term is -OlOx 229 =-2 Hence B = - 6 (See Tables I, II., III.) M 2 K, K: p n < m = 225 - K n = - 225 + y 3 0384c m = 9 K /y =-16 P,*m= 106 - K, = - 42 + 8 =- 6 + 95= 95 0192c TO = 4 K ( =-12 *=+ 3 ,,K=- 7 153 K=n- 27 ,"=- 8 N.B. My calculations were made on a principle, now abandoned, which led to slightly different values. I therefore now continue the calculation with 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Sequences of Angles. 303 M 2 LK) m * K* (,,K + 30n) /> ( K-15'n) 0* KX (,K + 15n) A + 5 March - 8 March 19 March - 8 const. + 22 7T-34 + 7 April +52 April TT 49 April +22 + 82 7T-64 +37 May IT - 68 May TT - 79 May +52 IT -88 + 86 + 67 June +71 June +82 + 56 7T-83 July +41 July - 68 + 26 7T 53 Aug. +11 Aug. TT - 38 - 4 r-23 Semi-diurnal. = a'H m cos ,A m G = a' cos a m _p m sn m S- '036 H sin ,- H ;= 4 , 22) -A = 1227 ( ,3 6 H;,%.00 8) (.H^.m, (036 H,",2 = -007) + 122 March + -007 + 122 March + -008 + 011 March- -001 const. + 006 const. + 007 const + 003 April +-004 April +-005 April +-006 + 001 + 001 + 007 May - -003 May - -003 May + -006 -006 -006 + 004 j* March + -129 March + -130 Y March + '010 + 128 + 129 + 014 April +-126 April +-127 April +-01 7 + 123 + 123 + 018 May +-119 May +-119 May + -017 + 116 + 116 + 015 June +'115 June +'114 June +-01 2 + 116 + 115 + O08 July +-118 July +'11 7 July + -005 + 121 + 121 + 004 Aug. +-125 Aug. +-125 Aug. +-005 + 128 + 128 + 007 Repeat without change. It might suffice if the parallactic correction to K^ were neglected, in which case z^ = m^ = TO A, 1 2 = m F. The labour of making the correct table is, however, inconsiderable. 304 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Diurnal : A = /3'H cos >, G = /3'H O p 2 cos *t, F = /3'H O p sin ^ ,A = '036 H, cos >, ,G = "036 H, ,p 2 cos >, ,F = "036 H, ^ sin r mi ~v h March + -008 March + -004 March + -003 + 013 + 006 + 014 April +-01 7 April +'006 April +-023 + 020 + 006 + 032 May +-021 May +-006 May +-039 + 021 + 006 + 042 June +-020 June + -005 June +-043 + 017 + 003 + 041 July + -013 July +-002 July + -035 + 009 000 + 028 Aug. + -003 Aug. - -001 Aug. +-019 -002 -003 + 009 Repeat these sequences, changing the signs. Nodal Corrections. (See (51) (52) 9.) Find by reference to preceding sequences the following nine sequences : (i.)-'0372A m , (ii.)+-283A // , (iii.) + -296F,,, (iv.) + -283F,,, (v.)-'0372G m , (vi.) - -296G,,, (vii.) - -0372G m , (viii.) + -283 G /7 , (ix.) + -319 F y/ Then the semi-diurnal sequences are as follows : a 2 is (i.) + (ii.) ; b 2 is (iii.) ; c 2 is (iv.) ; d 2 is (v.) + (vi.) ; e z is (vii.) + (viii.) ; / 2 is (ix.) 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 305 For example : 2 2- March -'003 June -'113 -003 --113 April --017 July -'099 - -042 - -074 May --072 August -'044 - '098 - -018 This, and the other semi-diurnal sequences are repeated without change of sign, and in all six of them the months run just as in this example, and denote the places at which to begin reading the sequence for the month in question. The diurnal sequences are obtained thus : Find, from preceding sequences, the twelve following (i.) + -188A , (ii.) + -115A,, (iii.)--391F , (iv.) + "297F,, (v.)+188F , (vi.) + 115F,, (vii.) + '391 G , (viii.) - -297G,, (ix.) + -188G , (x.) + -115G,, (xi.) - -0905 F , (xii.) + -080 F, Then ! is (i.) + (ii.) ; h is (iii.) -I- (iv.) ; c, is (v.) + (vi.) ; c?j is (vii.) + (viii.) ; ^ is (ix.) + (x.) ; /j is (xi.) + (xii.) For example : a,. a 1 . March +'026 June +'059 + -041 + '050 April +-052 July +'038 + '060 + -023 May +'064 August +'007 + -064 - -010 This, and the other diurnal sequences, are repeated with change of sign, and the months in all six of them run just as in this example, and denote the places at which to begin reading the sequence for the month in question. Calculation of Height, Interval, and Corrections for each Month. (See 7, 8, 9, 10.) Remarks. Each column in the following computation is arranged exactly like the first, so that it is unnecessary to repeat the letters in the successive columns. For the month of March, which serves as an example, we refer to the March sequences, and enter the twelve values of G 2 successively, in the top left-hand corners of twelve columns ; below these are entered the twelve values of G x , and the twelve values of G 4 , and on the right of the columns D. i. 20 306 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 are put the twelve values of F 2 , F 1} F 4 . A similar statement is true of all the other symbols all the way down, and all the sequences are utilised up to twelve entries in each. The divisions and multiplications may be done by Crelle's table ; A is found by a table of natural tangents, and 8A is converted into degrees by a table of circular measure or radians. It is necessary to take as an approxi- mate value of A the nearest even number of degrees. From the places where the values of A are found, the left-hand side of each column corresponds to the time of moon's transit written at the head of the column, and the right-hand side to a time of moon's transit 12 h greater than the time specified. But the whole table for any month serves for its opposite (e.g., September opposite to March), by transposing the words right and left in the preceding statement. Thus the whole computation has only to be made for six months (up to August inclusive), instead of for twelve. The diurnal terms with suffix 1, are written in the margin, with alternative signs, and the upper sign is to be used on the left, and the lower on the right of each column. Thus, in finding, for example, FjCos|A on the right we deem the Fj written at the head to have its sign changed. Thus, in the column of O h we have Fj = '069 and on the right-hand, A = -f 4 ; then the required entry, on the right-hand, for F a cos \ A is + '069 cos (+ 2) = + '069. The values of 8T, 8M, SN are extracted from the sequence of those func- tions in Table IV., and they are the same on each side of the column. The value of B is taken from the sequence of the semi-annual tide and mean water, and changes only with the month. The parallactic correction to the mean interval, i, is introduced in com- puting R. This is a constant of the port and is the same in all months. In computing the height p^, and its corrections, an approximate value of A is used, namely, the nearest even number of degrees ; this approximate A will often be the same as A . In this table it appears to me specially important that the signs of the sines and cosines should be determined independently of their numerical values. Whereas in the right-hand of column 6 h we get, as a result of a second approximation, no value of A, the conjectural value A = + 90 is adopted for the computation of P, Q, S, and values of M, N, R are not computed. The table has rows marked 81, Sh, M", N", P", Q" ; all these are derived from a subsequent table of " Corrections for reference to the Moons transit." But it appears convenient to finish off the computation on this sheet, although we have to pause in the computation in order to calculate the said table of corrections. 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. MARCH. Interval or O h 15 or I 1 ' 90 or 6 h G 2 +2-509 F 2 - -195 G! + -092 FI - -069 G 4 - -047 F 4 + -003 G 2 +G X +2-601 FJJ + F! - '264 G.J-G! +2-417 FJJ-F! - '126 + 2-484 + -285 + -117 + -131 - -026 - -004 + 2-601 + -416 + 2-367 + -154 &c. + -627 + -195 + '107 + -765 - '047 + -003 + '734 + -960 + -520 - -570 tan A - F + F i , . 102 F *~ F i + .()r )2 tan a ~ i |uz n _, i uo/i Lr 2 + IT ! 1*2 ^1 A +6 +4 - 10 - 4 -52 +48 a FgcnsAo - -194 - '195 F 2 sinA - -020 - "014 y G<,cosA +2-495 +2-503 S G 2 sinA + -262 + -175 + -281 + -284 - -050 - -020 + 2-446 +2-478 - -431 - -173 + -120 + -131 - -154 + -145 + -386 + -420 - -493 + -466 f + F 1 cosiA - -069 + -069 +F 1 sin|A - -004 + -002 i) +2G,cos^A + -184 - -184 e 2G 1 sin|A + -010 - '006 + -131 - -131 - Oil + -005 + -233 - -234 - -020 + -008 &c. + -688 - -699 - -336 - -311 + -192 - -196 - -094 - -087 13 _g CO C I X F 4 cos2A + '003 + '003 in F 4 sin2A + -001 ^ + -000 v iG 4 cos2A - '023 .| - -023 p |G 4 sin2A 8 - -005 - -003 - -004 - -004 + -ooi + -ooi - -012 - -013 + -004 + -002 - -ooi -ooo - -003 + -003 + -006 + -002 + -023 - -023 "o o 0) 1 a+8 + -068 g - -020 (+0 - -059 & + -063 \ + p - -002 -2 -000 - -150 + -111 + -111 - '123 000 - -002 373 + -597 + -594 - -786 + -022 - -023 ,a~ r < rH s Sum N + -007 + -043 - -039 - -014 + -243 - -212 lO CD -7; - '188 + '186 - '244 + -239 - -528 - -115 i i o -1-3 Hf-f) - ' 94 s - + ' 93 "/3-y -2-515 -2-517 2(/i-v) + -048 ,_, + -046 - -122 + -120 - 2-496 - 2-498 + -026 + -028 &c. - -264 - -058 - -540 - -275 - -018 + -002 SL, 3 a> 3 a Sum D - 2-561 - 2%378 -2-592 -2-350 - '822 - -331 -*^ o 8A = N /D - -003 ^ - '018 (In degrees) SA -0-2 -1-0 + -015 + -006 +0-9 +0'3 - '296 + -640 -17-0 +36'7 O A = A +SA +5-8 -| C +3-0 -9-1 -3-7 - 68-6* No H.W.* ^A -193 * -100 1 21 A 7 & A 302 . 20 A / S 4 303 -123 11 4 2-287 | 80 2 (In hours)/ + -200 r| + -104 8T - -030 H - -030 - -314 - -127 + -059 + -059 &c. -2-367 $ + -030 fl 3 C fi + '170 + -074 (Mean int.) 4 7 '900 7-900 - -255 - -068 7-900 7-900 -2-337 |-g 7-900 | XI .= 8-070 7-974 7-645 7-832 5-563 U 8 h 4 m -2 7 h 58 m> 4 (See below) 81 +0'9 +0*4 7 h 38 ra -7 7 h 49 m '9 -1-8 -0-8 ^.s 5 h 33-8 ^ +0-6 B 8 h 5 m 7h 5gm 711 37m 7h 4 9 m 5 h 34 m 02 * 202 308 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. MARCH (continued). Correction of D or O h 15 or l h &c. 90 or 6 h &c. &c. &c. a + 8 *(+) 4(X+p) Sum This correction need only be made when (In circ. meas.) 8A D is small and 8A considerable Product 8D D D = D +8D -2-56 -2*38 -2'59 -2'35 - -531* + -126* + -044* - -361* + -022* - -008* - '744* - -752* Height A 2 2-445 -F a + '195 Aj + -247 -Fj + "069 A 4 - -012 -F 4 - -003 Approx. A +6 +4 2-422 - -285 + -345 - -131 - -007 + -004 - 10 - 4 &c. &c. &c. &c. 691 - -195 + -417 - -765 - -012 - -003 - 70* None A 2 cos A 2-432 2-439 -F 2 sinA + -020 + '014 + AjCOsiA + '247 - - '247 + 2F!sm|A + -007 <~ ^ - '005 A 4 cos2A - -012 ~-^ - -012 -|F 4 sin2A - -000 *C - '000 2-385 2-416 + '050 + -020 4- -344 - -345 + -023 - -009 - -007 - -007 - -ooi - -ooo 236 + -183 -g + -342 | + -878 g + -009 i + -ooi V Sum h 2-694 .? 2'189 B 3-791 * | 3-791 2-794 2-075 3-791 3-791 1-649 3-791 c 6-485 S" 2 5-980 (See below) 8k - -004 p + -001 6-585 5-866 + -004 - -012 5-440 J - '014 o $ 6-48 5-98 6-59 5-85 5-43 Nodal correction A +6 +4 119 m -rD -46 m -50 m -10 -4 -46 m -51 m -70* +90* - 158'"* c 2 - '016 e z + -001 cj - -003 ei + -Oil + -014 + -002 + -032 + -015 + -016 - -117 + -134 + -014 c 2 cos A - '016 - -016 e 2 sinA +0 +0 C!COSA - 3 +3 + 2e,sinAA + 1 - 1 + -014 + -014 0-0 + 32 32 3 + 1 + -005 + -no + -no - -16 Sum - -018 e.SP - '014 o *-< + -043 - -017 + -209 Mult.byll9/D +0'8 g, +0'7 8M -0-8 'S fe -0-8 -2-0 +0-9 + 1-6 +1-6 - 33-0 + 0-8 SumM' 0-0 |jJ2 -0-1 (See below) M" +0-4 p +0-2 -0-4 +2-5 -0-8 -0-4 - 32-2 + 0-3 Sum M +0-4 +0'1 -1-2 +2-1 - 31-9 None 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. MARCH (continued). 309 Nodal correction (continued) or " 15 or I 1 ' 90 or 6 h d 2 --120 / 2 --019 o?! --159 /! --017 &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. o? 2 cos A / 2 sin A &c. C?!COS A A 2/isin|A Compute like M Sum Mult. byl!9/D &c. SN Sum N' &c. (See below) N" SumN &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. None &c. a 2 --003 -c 2 +'01 6 a t + -026 -Cj + -003 - -003 - -014 + 041 -O32 &c. -113 -'016 + 059 -'134 &c. 2 cos A - -003 - -003 -c 2 sinA + 2 ^ - + 1 ,cosiA +26 ^S.&p -26 + 2c,sin|A + 3 ^ - o fl - -003 - '003 + 2+1 + 41 - 41 + 6 2 - -039 -000 + 15 - 16 + 48 - 42 + 154 +-190 Sum F + -025 ft * - '028 (See below) P" - '002 g | -000 i . + -046 - '045 + -002 - -005 + 178 +-132 -006 +-005 H- 1 -5 Sum P + -023 - -028 + 048 -'050 + 172 +-137 & 2 -'017 -c? 2 +-120 &! --070 -rf, +-159 &c. &c. &c. &c. 6 2 cos A - d 2 sin A &c. bi cos ^ A + 2o?isin^A Compute like P Sum Q' &c. (See below) Q" Sum Q &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. Parallactic corrections k +-010 ?., +-130 li +-003 wi +-004 + 014 +-129 + 014 +-006 &c. + 012 +-114 + -043 + -005 &c. ? 2 cosA +-010 +-010 w 2 sinA + 14 + 9 ^co.s|A + 3 4J.2? 3 2wi 1 sin|A +0 g " - + 014 +-014 - 22 - 9 + 14 - 14 -1+0 &c. + 004 -107 + 35 - 6 &c. Sum +-027 Sjfl +-016 + 005 --009 -074 Mult. byl!9/D -1-2 *H * -0-8 Par. corr. to i +0'6 gi +0'6 -0-2 +0-5 + 0-6 +0-6 + 11-7 + 0-6 O Sum R -0-6 -0-2 + 0-4 +1-1 + 12-3 None 310 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. MARCH (continued). Parallactic corrections Q C Q h (continued) 15 or l h &c. &c. 90 or 6 h &c. &c. z 2 + -129 -Z 2 -'010 2l + -008 -^ -'003 &c. &c. &c. &c. z 2 cos A - 2 sin A &c. Compute like ZiCos^ A + 2^ sin | A &c. P and Q &c. &c. Sum S + -135 + -120 + 143 + -115 + 115 +-035 SECOND approximation. When the correction SA is large, as in the case of column 6 h , this is necessary. Column of 90 or 6 h Assume A -70 + 86 a ft I + 067 -183 + 214 -598 + 014 + 195 + 044 + 625 f c n 6 + 627 - -439 + 175 -123 -560 -529 -157 -146 \ M V P -002 -002 + 018 + 015 - -003 + 000 + -023 -003 a+S + X + p - '531 + 504 + 011 + 639 -706 -006 Sum N -016 -073 C-1 -614 -377 lff-9) l-y iQi-*) -307 -397 -040 -189 + 151 -046 Sum D -'744 -084 8A = N /D (In degrees) SA + 022 + l-4 + 87 + 50 A = A + 8A -68-6 No H. W. 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 311 It is concluded that as the correction in the second column is 50 there is no H.W. A conjectural value of A = + 90 is used above in computing P, Q, S * * There ought in strictness to be further corrections to E and $J, but they are of little importance. Thus : Further correction to K and J|J. When A is greater than (say) 50 there are further corrections [51], [Sh] computed from 012 [51] = - 2" (1 - fa) [3F 2 sin 2 A cos A + (G,, + G 8 ) sin 3 A] [dh] = - -012 [3 (A,, + A,) sin 2 A cos A -- F 2 sin 3 A] Thus in the column of 6 h on the left A= -70; then compute thus: F 2 = + -195, G 2 = + -627, A,,= + '691 3F 2 = + -585, -H m =- 1-568, -H w =- 1-568 G 2 -H m =- -941 A 2 -H m =- -877 G /y + G.= - -941 3(A 2 -H OT )=-2-631 3(A /y + A 8 ) = -2-631 By successive use of Traverse table, (G,, + G g ) sin A = + -884, 3F 2 sin A = - -550 (G,, + Gg) sin 2 A = - -831, 3F 2 sin 2 A= + -517 (G // + Gg)gin 3 A= + -781 + 3F 2 sin 2 AcosA= + -177 + -958 x - -012 Divide by D or - "752 - -0115 x2 h + -0153 + -0306 -*_ _4 [51 ]= + -030 = + l ra -8 Previous 5 = 5 h 33 m -8 Correct I = 5 h 36 m Again, by successive use of Traverse table, 3 (A,, + A,) sin A = + 2-472, - F 2 sin A = + -183 3 (A,, + A,) sin 2 A = - 2-323, - F 2 sin 2 A = - -172 3(A // + Ag)sin 2 AcosA= - -795 -F.,sin 3 A=+ -162 633 x - -012 [Sh]=+ -008 Previous ffi = 5-426 Correct = 5-43 312 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. Evanescent Tide. (See 7.) The right-hand column of 6 h leads to no H.W., and the tables of I and P^ must be completed by other formulae. The following calculation is very like the preceding one. The value A will always be nearly + 90, and in our example it is exactly + 90. The computation of M, N, R is to be omitted, and that of P, Q, S has been included in the general calculation with a conjectural A = + 90. MARCH. Evanescent Tide Evanescent Tide (continued) 90 or 6 h 90 or 6 h G 2 + -627 G! +-107 G 4 - -047 Gjj-Gj +.520 F 2 i F * Ff^fF, 1 G 2 -G t + 195 + 765 + 003 + 191 + 004 + 130-0 + 90 (In degrees) SA 7!\>A A * ) 8T Mean int. i (See below) 87 ^ + 110 + 6'3 +96-3 3-210 112 tanA " A F : +iFi I F 2 -Fi 3-322 + 030 a F 2 cos A /3 F 2 sin A y G 2 cos A 8 G 2 sin A ooo + 195 ooo + 627 3-352 7-900 e F] cos ^A f F 1 sin|A T} 2G!COsiA ,, 6 2G! sin |A O ja -541 -541 -151 -151 11-252 ll h 15 m -l + 2-5 ll h 18 X F 4 cos 2A p. F 4 sin 2A v iG 4 cos 2A p |G 4 sin 2A S o ooo + 024 ooo A 2 -691 A t +-417 A 4 -'012 A F 2 - -195 F! - -765 F 4 - -003 96 or TT - 84 I ~"9 5) i(f-*) SO*-*) '! Sum D ^ -390 A 2 cos A - F 2 sin A + A! cos iA + 2FJSU1IA A 4 cos 2 A - |F 4 sin 2A Sum h B (See below) 8h 5 - -072 .SP - -194 - -279 + 1-137 - -012 J + -001 o 5b -195 + 195 -048 -048 ('+*) a + 8 " Sum - E 1 P -692 % + -581 ^ 3-791 -173 + 627 - -012 So 4-372 + -oil + 442 -442 J3 4-38 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 313 Corrections for Reference to Moon's Transit. (See (57) (64), 10.) Of these corrections 81, Sh, M", N", P", Q" have already been used in the preceding calculation, and we have to show how they are to be computed ; we also have to compute f and ft'. From March " intervals " and " heights " we extract / and h, and arrange them in double columns the even entries in one column and the odd in another. The columns O h to ll h afford the 12 values for O h to ll h of/ and h by means of their left hand entries, and they afford the 12 values for 12 h to 23 h by means of their right hand entries. The entry for 23 h is repeated at the top and that for O h at the bottom, so that each column has 13 entries, and thus each provides 12 first differences. After finding these differences, the distinction of odd and even entries is unnecessary. The numerical factors 2'2, $, 2'34, ^, -fa, 2'34 in the legends at the top of the columns are absolute constants. The @'s are derived from the sequence in Table IV., beginning the sequence with the month treated. The values of c and d are derived from Table V., for the month named ; thus for March c is - 3 m> 7 and d is - O h> 062. The values of M", N", SJ are found in columns vii., xi., xii. of the first table, and P", Q", Bh in vii., xi., xii. in the second table. The entries opposite O h to ll h were used above on the left-hand side of columns O h to ll h , and the entries opposite 12 h to 23 h were used above on the right-hand side of the columns O h to ll h . The quantity ft' is not a final result, but after interpolated values of ft' (see below on Interpolation) have been found, we shall add to it computed values of the annual tide, so as to form ft. The arithmetical processes involved in these tables are sufficiently ex- plained by the instructions at the head of each column. 314 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. nj a o'x *** >J 00 00 IT- CO . O S < *! KS .' X 40 'S -* CO OS 00 O Oi . CO ^C g 6 AH -^ 4t< a + 1 1 1 ^ + + ? M * '* .i rH -f CM iO i~ CM rH - TTTT^ '\ 1 1 |H iC O ^ iO 00 i i i i O CO CO -J t> 1^- CN (N AH 6 og 6 AH 1 1 1 1 II X '> Jo 77 i i ^ 1 1 00 :a o cq I-H Tt< co j CM O oo oo (M (N rH O cW 1 1 1 1 O rH 1 1 ir<-j -f 00 00 (N . -* CO + : ?7T^ +7 ' ? * 4 CM Tt* 00 O + i i 7^ rH 00 rH + + rH .S *" '53 O 1> O5 C3J CO i l O O AH oq j* CM AH + 111 + + SH >r ;g h ^* ^H O O O O i l CM C 00 O o o rH ^ x := w Ot) ^^ (O I~H CM CM CM I-H . o *c TTTT^ 1 1 1 .- ti CN S J rH rH AH O o lilt Oi 1~- 1 1 I-H j 1 CO i i-i t~- CO CO O O AH + ' 1 . O O CM ^ CM 00 6 6 + 1 CO 6 + t^* O> CM CM AH 6 + + rH CO O i < CM CO OCMCOO 'CM og CM CM i :fl S^ CO l^~- "C O LC 1C * 9 ^j" 1 1 ++ 1 1 " :g i *^t* ^t i?t (^* ^O CC O 1 G^l ? "^ G^l 'i + i i J i i x O" + 1 x .j X 00 O Tt* t^ CO + + 1 1 ^ + + .d X O5 C5 00 O5 !> O5 00 CO rH rH . CD O + + 1 1 + + .a 1 ,fj CM rH rH . Tjl CD + + 1 1 ** + + iH 'I 1 * 1 ' O5 O r-H 1C OS -^f I-H CM . I>- i i O O i 1 9 =8 ++ 1 1 ++ rH : ? + CM CM CN CM O O O i i CM I-H jg O ^ 1 + 1 1 II ^ i rH rH r-H CD J O O i + i i ^7 i = i I> >C CM 1C M* CO r-H rH CM I-H . C35 O5 S I-H O I-H ^3 'l + 1 1 II *'ll O O O O rHCMlCOO^t^-* a x iC "^ C5 1>- CO O O5 Tt* CM rH .OO O rH O CM I-H o eg + + 1 1 + + H .j CO (M 00 CM . CD rH .j CM rH O CO O 1C "^ CN S "H , J, . eg , , + + 1 1 + + CO O5 i l CO *" CM CM CM CM O eg OS rH 00 OS jg CD 00 CM CO -a *aa 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 315 Additional Values of Intervals and Heights. Where the intervals change largely between one column and the next, it would add much to the accuracy if additional values were calculated. Thus, in the calculation for March further values between 75 or 5 h and 90 or 6 h , and again, between 90 or 6 h and 105 or 7 h , would be desirable. The like is true for August, where a column between 105 or 7 h and 120 or 8 h would be useful. I choose this last case for my example. If Inman's traverse table be used, interpolation may be made for 112^ without much difficulty, but I think it is better to interpolate for an even number of additional degrees, and to compute a column for 113, found by adding 8 D to 105. It is proposed then to add a new column between the 8th and 9th. We begin by interpolating in the sequences of angles. In each sequence we have to find the 8th entry for August ; then, if it is semi-diurnal, add 16 ; if diurnal add 8 for Kj and P, and subtract 8 for O ; and, if quater-diurnal, add 32. In the sequence for (*) we add 16, since it is similar to a semi- diurnal term. The calculation runs thus : K 2 s, K, P S 4 8th entry . . Add .... 7T 46 + 16 7T + 19 + 16 -88 - 8 77 + 63 + 8 7T-45 + 8 7T+83 + 32 3 7T-30 7T+35 . 7T + 84 if + 71 77-37 -75 Also Xi = 0, ^2, n = TT 36, as before. The 8th entry of is TT - 40, to which we add 16, and find = TT - 24. With this value of 8, compute ST, SM, 8N. The interpolation amongst the sequences of angles for the parallactic terms is done in the same way. With these new values, and with the former H, Hp 2 , Hp we now compute new A's, F's, G's, and are then in a position to compute a new column corresponding to 113 or 7 h 32'". In computing 81, 8h, M", N", P", Q", t, j)', column ii., for intervals, or 2dI/dT, must be put equal to 2 (/ 120 7 105 ) ; and similarly, column ii. for heights, or 2dh/dT, must be put equal to 2 (h m h 105 ). This interpolation would be especially valuable in the case of M, N, P, Q, which change abruptly. Some interpolation of the kind has been done in my example, but I do not reproduce the work. 316 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 The Calculation of a Low Water Table (referred to in general rule VII.). This may be done almost independently of the H.W. table by replacing the Sy's by B's and using the rules given in 12. The calculation may, however, be materially abridged, and I will now go over the several steps of the calculation noting the mode of transition from one case to the other. The new A, G, F will be distinguished from the old by enclosing the new ones in square parentheses. Semi-diurnal [A 2 ], [G 3 ], [F 2 ]. These sequences are derivable directly from the old ones by the rule [AJ = A 2 + F 2 , [GJ = G 2 + F 2 , [FJ = F 2 - $ (A,, + A.) Diurnal [AJ, [GJ, [FJ. The rule is here more complex : [AJ = - {A - F }, [G ] = - (G - s'_F }, [FJ = - {F + ^ A } [AJ= A,+ *F,, [GJ= G and in all these sequences shift the list of months in the margin six places downwards, so that in the O and Kj sequences March stands where June stood, and in the P sequence March stands where December stood. If it be agreed to neglect the terms involving , -fa, &c., the rule is simply to shift the months and change the signs of the O sequences; but at Aden where the diurnal tide is very large, this would lead to a sensible error. After the new sequences for 0, K 1} P have been found, they are combined to find [AJ, [GJ, [FJ just as for H.W. Quater-diurnal [A 4 ] = -A 4 , [GJ = -G 4 , [FJ=-F 4 that is to say, simply change signs. Semi-annual and Mean Water and Annual Tide, The old calculation serves again. Mean Interval and its Parallactic Correction. Here we subtract 180 from K m ; thus K m 7T = 49 &(*.-)= 1-633 2-1 1 / \ K.^7 20'3on*m~ 1T)= O/ i= 1-690 Parallactic correction = + O m< 08i = + O m< 14 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 317 It may be well to warn the computer that i may be negative, that is to say L.W. may occur on the average earlier than moon's transit. Parallactic Corrections. a, a', /3, /3' are unchanged. The rules are [ W A] = m A - T V m F, LA] [mG] = m G -fr m F, [,,G] We then compute [/ 2 ], [w 2 ], M by the same rules as before. In the diurnal terms compute by the following rules : F the list of months in the margin being shifted six places downwards, so that March stands where June stood. The values of [z^. [wj], [/J are then com- puted by the same rule as before. Nodal Corrections. We may, with sufficient accuracy, take 2 , 6 2 , c 2 , d 2 , e 2 ,/ 2 to be unchanged. Referring to the instructions for the computation of a 1} b 1} &c., the new rule may be stated thus : [oj is (ii.) - (i.), [6,] is (iv.) - (iil), [c,] is (vi.) - (v.) [dj is (viii.) - (vii.), |>i] is (x.) - (ix.), and [/,] is (xii.) - (xi.) and the list of months in the margin is pushed down six places, so that March stands where June stood. The corrections 8T, 8M, 8N remain unchanged. When the L.W. sequences have been formed the calculation follows the lines of H.W. calculation precisely, save in three respects first, in the "heights" h is to be subtracted from B , and Bh is to be then subtracted from B h, instead of the corresponding additions in the H.W. calculation ; secondly, the signs of P, Q, S are to be changed as a last step in the calculation of those quantities, in order that the corrections to the heights may be additive instead of subtractive as they would be if we left off exactly as in the case of H.W. ; thirdly, after the final table for J)' has been made, its values must be subtracted from the annual tide. The reader will easily understand the necessity for these changes when it is remarked that h, 8h, f)' have been estimated as depressions below mean water, whereas B arid the annual tide are estimated as elevations above the adopted datum ; in the result we require, of course, to estimate heights with reference to the datum. 318 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 It may be well to warn the computer that i + 1 may often be negative. It will be unnecessary to refer henceforth to L.W., since the instructions for H.W. serve also for L.W. Interpolation. The sun's longitude increased by 5 is indicated by , and the months March, April, May, &c., really mean the dates when is 0, 30, 60, &c. that is to say, about the middle of the months. The dates which, on the average, fall the nearest to these times, are given in Table VI? The 12 columns for any month, headed O h , l h , 2 h , . . . ll h contain on the left the 12 values of 5, p^, M, N, &c., corresponding to moon's transit at O h , l h , 2 h , . . . ll h , and they contain on the right the 12 values for moon's transit at 12 h , 13 h , . . . 23 h . This applies to the month named at the head of the table. But these values also appertain to the opposite month (i.e., September opposite to March, October to April, and so on) by reading the right hand entries as appertaining to O h , l h , . . . ll h , and the left to 12 h , 13 h , . . . 23 h . The same is true of l and f)' (see Corrections for reference to moon's transit), except that here the values change sign in the opposite month ; thus the values of t and ])' which we have computed for March must be taken with the opposite sign when applied for September. Now it is required to form interpolated tables for every 10 of , and in all the 18 tables (of which 6 will be originally computed and 12 inter- polated) to interpolate for every 20 m of moon's transit. These interpolations may be done graphically, and I find with millimetre- square paper a convenient scale for is 1 mm. to 1, and for time of moon's transit 15 mm. to l h . These will be set out horizontally as abscissae, and the ordinates will be time in treating 5, and height in treating f^. A convenient time scale for 3t is 30 mm. to the hour. In the case of ^ the scale must depend on the range of tide at the place for Aden (with a small range) I have found 50 mm. to the foot convenient. I will begin with interpolation for (i.e., for time of year), and will only refer to I, since |^ follows the same plan. Write March, April, May, . . . January, February, March, at 0, 30, . . . 360 mm. along a horizontal line, corresponding to the same number of degrees of . It may be well to repeat February before the first March, and April after the last March. Set off as an ordinate the left-hand entries from column O h for the six months March, April, . . . August, and from the right-hand entries of O h for the same six months set off ordinates for their opposite months, e.g., the right-hand I of O h for March, affords 5 of O h for September. Through the tops of these 1891] COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. 319 ordinates draw a smooth curve of O h .* Proceed similarly to form curves of l h , 2 h , &c., twelve in all. If the figures get confused we may have two or more, and confusion may often be avoided by drawing parts of the curve with upward or downward shift, so as to make things clear where a number of curves go through nearly the same point. We now start a fresh figure with time of moon's transit as horizontal line, and 31 as ordinate corresponding to March (or = 0). These 24 (computed) values of I, joined by a smooth curve, enable us to read off the values of J for = for every 20 m of moon's transit, i.e., on the adopted scale, at every 5 mm. of horizontal space. We now set off from the previous figure the 24 (interpolated) values of I corresponding to =10, of which the first 12 are found at "March + 10 mm." and the last 12 at " September + 10 mm." These 24 values being joined by a curve, give 5 for = 10, and for every 20 m of moon's transit. We next set off 24 values of J corresponding to = 20, of which the first 12 are found in the preceding figure at " March -f 20 mm.," and the last 12 at " September + 20 mm." These are treated the same way. The next in the series are the computed April ( = 30) 3Ps which are set off like the March ones, joined by a curve and read off to each 20 m of moon's transit. We then take 24 (interpolated) values of $ from " April + 10 mm." and " October + 10 mm.," to give 5 for = 40. The 24 from " April + 20 mm." and " October + 20 mm." afford 1 for = 50. The next is the computed May ( = 60) series, and we so pass on through six months, the last in the set being derived from "August + 20 mm." and "February + 20 mm." corresponding to = 170. * The following rule is probably known, but I do not know where it has been stated, except in a note of my own in the Messenger of Mathematics. I have found it very useful in drawing good curves. Rule for Graphical Interpolation half-way between Computed Ordinates. Draw the polygon (A) joining the tops of a number of equidistant ordinates, and draw the two polygons (B) joining the tops of alternate ordinates. Then every ordinate has marked on it an intercept or sagitta where a side of polygon (B) cuts it. On the half-way ordinates next on each side of a sagitta, set off one-fourth of the sagitta from the points where the two sides of polygon (A) cut those half-way ordiuates; the set-off is to be in the direction in which the sagitta would shoot if it were an arrow. When all the quarter sagittas are thus set off, every half-way ordinate (except the first or last of the series) has two points marked on it. The interpolated curve passes half-way between the pairs of marked points, except in the case of the first and last half-way ordinate, when it passes through the single marked points. This rule is correct to fourth differences, except in the case of the first and last ordinate, when it is correct only to third differences. In the cases in the text the computed values are cyclical, and there are therefore no first or last. By means of proportional compasses set to 4, the quarter sagittas may be set off rapidly, and the bisection of the pairs of marked points may be made by eye. 320 COMPUTATION OF TIDE-TABLE. [7 If one person reads the numbers from the figure, whilst another writes, the tabulation may be done very rapidly. The same process is applied for tabulation of the p^'s. We should, in strictness, do the same by M, N, P, Q, R, S, t, ft', but it appears unnecessary to work with so much accuracy. I have done much of the interpolation by simply writing out the com- puted values of the quantity to be tabulated in a chess-board table with blanks for the interpolated values. If sixteen squares be considered, a computed value will stand at each corner. Then a great many of the in- terpolated values may be put in by inspection of the march of the quantity in the two directions. In other parts I make a pencil curve, on millimetre- square paper, of four or five adjacent values, and pass a freehand curve through them to fill in the interpolated values ; I rub out the curve when used. It must be remembered that close accuracy in these terms would be mere pedantry. M, N are computed to the decimal of a minute, and the decimal part may be useful for drawing the pencil interpolation curves, but the result should be tabulated only to the nearest minute. Similarly the third decimal in P and Q may be dropped. The interpolation of t and f)' follows the same plan, but it must be borne in mind that these functions change sign in opposite months, and this con- sideration is important when we come to interpolate for = August -f 10, and + 20. When there is an evanescent tide (as in the case of March, 18 h ) the corrections M, N, R become infinite. As a practical solution this is absurd, and the fact is that there may or may not be a H.W. according to the values of 8 and II. Again, in other parts of this and other lunations there may be no H.W., although the tide-table predicts one. In all such cases there is a long period of four or five hours' duration of nearly slack water, and it is accordingly almost a matter of indifference whether or not a small H.W. is predicted. It would necessitate very laborious computations to make correct predictions in these cases, and the result would not be worth the labour. I have adopted, therefore, a makeshift, and have replaced H.W. by the height of water and time when the rate of change of water level is a minimum. It has been proposed above that P, Q, S shall be computed with a con- jectural A = + 90, and this is better than the plan which I actually adopted in my experimental table for Aden, of which a sample is given below*. The practical point to consider in the present instructions is the manner of treat- ment of M, N, R about the time of evanescence. I propose then that the gap in the values shall be bridged by a conjectural curve, and that the values * Thus if any one seeks to verify my table, he will not get exactly my values for P, Q, S in the neighbourhood of 18 h . 1891] TIDE-TABLE. 321 be only given in round numbers. For example, for March we have the following values of M : (16 h ) + 9 m> 3, (17 h ) + 28 m '5, (18 h ) blank, (19 h ) + 45 m -0, (20 h ) + 17 m '7, &c. By drawing a curve I conjecture + 50 m for the missing value at 18 h . A comparison with the corresponding complete curves for February and April helps us in filling the gap. After the complete table for !)' is formed we proceed to add to it the values computed in the table of the annual tide for every 10 of , and so form a table of |). For example, the first five values of f)' are '02*, - *01, '01, '01*, '00 (of which those marked * are computed), and to these we add '390, the computed annual tide for March, and obtain '37, '38, '38, 38, -39. The final results are then arranged in a table f. If the L.W. were also computed I should propose that the L.W. and H.W. should be given alternately. The following is a sample of the table computed only for H.W. at Aden: PORT of Aden ; High Water Tide-Table. Times of moon's transit for For March 15th (i.e., from sun's long. 350 to 0), and for September 17th (i.e., from sun's long. 170 to 180). The upper signs of i and f) apply to March, the lower to September March Sept. I i & *> M N B P Q S h. m. h. m. h. m m. ft. ft. m. m. m. ft. ft. ft. 12 8 5 + 4 6-49 + 37 + 9 - 1'3 + 02 -08 + 14 20 20 7 55 + 4 54 + 38 + 9 - 1-0 + 03 -08 14 40 40 46 4 57 38 - 1 + 9 - 0-6 + 04 -09 14 1 13 7 37 + 4 6-59 + '38 - 1 + 9 - 0-2 + '05 -09 14 20 20 28 + 4 60 + 39 2 + 9 + O'l + '06 -09 14 40 40 18 + 4 60 + 39 - 2 + 9 + 0-4 + 07 -09 15 &c. &c. &c. &c. &c- 17 5 8 29 + 14 4-21 + 37 + 28 -11 + 2-3 -16 -01 09 20 20 9 52 + 15 21 + 36 + 35 - 2 - 7'3 -10 -03 10 40 40 11 2 + 14 27 35 + 43 + 20 -16 -05 -05 10 18 6 11 17 + 10 4-38 + 35 + 50 + 30 -20 00 -06 09 20 20 15 + 6 53 + 34 + 54 + 25 -30 + '05 -05 08 40 40 7 + 1 71 + 33 + 50 + 20 -30 + 10 -04 06 &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. t I have found that it is convenient to cut the constituent tables into strips and paste them together again, so as to save much copying and verification. D. I. 21 322 METHOD OF .USING THE TIDE-TABLE. [7 If -or be the moon's parallax at moon's transit in minutes of arc, and S3 be the longitude of moon's node, the interval is + t + M cos 3 + N sin S3 + O - 57') R and the height is ffi + ft + P cos S3 + Q sin & + (tsr - 57') S After the table has been completed the computer should test the correct- ness of the prediction by computing two or three tides in each month, and comparing the results either with the observations from which the harmonic constants were originally derived, or with other known values of high and low water. Examples of the Use of the Table. From and after the year 1887, the datum for the tide-tables of the Indian Government for Aden has been 0'37 ft. lower than that used in my table ; as I am going to compare my results for 1889 with those of the Indian Govern- ment, 0'37 ft. will be added to my heights to make the two comparable. (A) The moon crossed the meridian at Aden on March 17th, 1889, at O h ll m , Aden M.T. Aden is in 3 h O m E. long., and therefore this is about 21 h , March 16th, G.M.T. ; whence from the Nautical Almanac we find or the moon's parallax at Aden transit was 58''2, and OT - 57' = + 1'2. The longitude of moon's node was 108, and cos 83 = '3, sin S3 = + I'O. Then referring to our table and interpolating between O h O m and O h 20 m , and taking the upper signs of t and ft, we find I + i = 8 h 4 m , f^ + ft = 6-89 ft., M = 0, N = + 9 m , R = -l m '2, P = + -03ft., Q = -'08ft., S = + '14ft. Hence M cos S3 + N sin 3 + R (r - 57) = + 8 m and P cos S3 + Q sin S3 + S (w - 57) + 0*37 = + O45 ft. Therefore the interval is 8 h 12 m , and the time of H.W. 8 h 12 m + O h ll m or 8 h 23 m p.m., March 17th ; and the height is 7'34 ft. or 7 ft. 4 in. The Indian tide-table gives as time 8 h 12 m p.m., and as height 7 ft. 4 in. (B) On September 17th, 1889, the moon crossed the meridian at 18 h 36 m , w was 54'-2 or -m - 57' = - 2'8, S3 = 98, cos &3 = - '14, sin S3 = + I'D. Interpolating in our table between 18 h 20 m and 18 h 40 m , and taking the lower signs of t and ft, we find E-i = ll h 22 m , f$- ft = 4-34, M = + 50 m , N = + 20 m , R=-30 m , P = + '10, Q = -'04, S = + '06 Hence M cos &3 + N sin 83 + R ( - 57) = + 97 m = + l h 37 m and PcosS3 + sinS3 + S 19 in 33 j 2 ft 10 in 22 5 3ft gin 23 ) 3" 11 in 20 5 It appears that where the errors of time were 56 m and 57 m the tide was very nearly evanescent, and that the two other considerable errors of time, viz., 36 m and 33 m , pertain to very small tides. It has been already pointed out that in such cases a considerable error in the time is of no importance, and it is justifiable, in testing the calculations, to set aside the nine tides in which the rise is less or equal to 19 inches. There remain 108 H.W., and the greatest error in the times amounts to only 23 minutes. In 58 cases the error is 7 minutes or less, and in 51 cases 326 COMPARISON WITH ACTUALITY. [7 it is 6 minutes or less ; as the half of 108 is 54, it follows that the probable error is a little over 6 minutes. The Indian predictions maintain their standard of excellence fairly well through the periods of approximate evanescence, but out of 116 tides there are 59 cases with time errors of 10 minutes or less; as the half of 116 is 58, the probable error is about 10 minutes. Turning now to the heights I find that both mine and the Indian predictions present 63 out of 116 H.W. with zero errors or errors of 1 inch. We may take it then that the probable error for both modes of prediction is about 1 inch. The Indian predictions have, however, the disadvantage that several errors of 5, 6, 7 inches occur. On the other hand, the 11 cases of 4 inches of error which occur in mine have a systematic character ; they are all positive (actuality the greater), and all but one affect the higher H.W. about the time when the moon's parallax is small. This defect is doubtless due to the imperfect representation of the elliptic, evectional, and variational tides inherent to my method. The slight superiority shown over the mechanical prediction must be attributed to the fact that I have used better values of the tidal constants than were available in 1883, when the Indian predictions must have been made. I learn from Colonel Hill that two independent observers reading the same tide-curve will frequently differ by 5 m and sometimes by 10 m in their estimate of the time, and by 1 and sometimes by 2 inches in the height. Accordingly, predictions which agree with a reading of a tide-curve with probable errors of 6^ m in time and 1 inch in height may claim to possess a high order of accuracy. I conclude from the preceding discussion that with good values of the tidal constants the present method leads to excellent predictions, and that they are even better than are required for nautical purposes. Discussion. It is probable that methods may be invented by which some abridgement of the computations may be made, but I am, of course, unable to suggest such improvements. The last-mentioned comparison seemed to show that but little accuracy would be lost if P, Q, were entirely omitted, and if |)' were treated as zero, so that 1) would consist simply of the annual tide. Indeed, the only advantage gained by the retention of P, Q, f)' appeared to be the avoidance of a few considerable errors in the inferior H.W. about the time of approximate evanescence. Experience must decide whether the computation and the tables may be lightened by the omission of these quantities. 1891] DISCUSSION OF METHOD. 327 The advantage gained from M and N is marked, but as these quantities arise almost entirely from the diurnal tides, I am inclined to think that, at places where the diurnal tide is not extremely large, a very fair tide-table might be made without them. The present method will probably be applied to ports of second-rate importance, where there are not sufficient data for very accurate determination of the tidal constants. In such cases it will be best to omit the computation of P, Q, \)', and to postpone that of M, N, and perhaps also of R and t, until the simple tide-table has been tested as to its adequacy for navigational purposes. At most places the annual tide is so large that f) cannot be omitted, and it is impossible to dispense with the value of S. But it is possible that it might suffice to attribute to S a constant value*, although this would certainly cause very perceptible error in the heights of the lower H.W. and higher L.W. A tide-table which only gave 5, f% ]), and a constant S would be fairly short, even if computed for every ten days in the year ; and this would be a great gain. The question of how far to go in each case must depend on a variety of circumstances. The most important consideration is, I fear, likely to be the amount of money which can be spent on computation and printing ; and after this will come the trustworthiness of the tidal constants and the degree of desirability of an accurate tide-table. My aim has been to reduce the tables to a simple form, and if, as I imagine, the mathematical capacity of an ordinary ship's captain will suffice for the use of the tables, whether in full or abridged, I have attained the principal object in view. * I may suppose the elliptic tides unknown, and I should then take S= I VH OT + -036H,,. For Aden this would give S = '129, or say ^. 8. ON THE CORRECTION TO THE EQUILIBRIUM THEORY OF TIDES FOR THE CONTINENTS. I. By G. H. DARWIN. II. By H. H. TURNER. [Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, XL. (1886), pp. 303 315.] I. IN the equilibrium theory of the tides, as worked out by Newton and Bernoulli, it is assumed that the figure of the ocean is at each instant one of equilibrium. But Sir William Thomson has pointed out that, when portions of the globe are occupied by land, the law of rise and fall of water given in the usual solution cannot be satisfied by a constant volume of water*. In Part I. of this paper Sir William Thomson's work is placed in a new light, which renders the conclusions more easily intelligible, and Part II. contains the numerical calculations necessary to apply the results to the case of the earth. If m, r, z be the moon's mass, radius vector, and zenith distance ; g mean gravity ; p the earth's mean density ; or the density of water ; a the earth's radius ; and J) the height of tide ; then, considering only the lunar influence, the solution of the equilibrium theory for an ocean-covered globe is This equilibrium law would still hold good when the ocean is interrupted by continents, if water were appropriately supplied to or exhausted from the sea as the earth rotates. * Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, 1883, 808. 1886] DARWIN, CORRECTION TO THE EQUILIBRIUM THEORY. 329 Since when water is supplied or exhausted the height of water will rise or fall everywhere to the same extent, it follows that the rise and fall of tide, according to the revised equilibrium theory, must be given by ft 3raa 1 ,,. ,n\ - = - r (cos 2 z 4) a (2) a 2 5 rr 3 l-f(r// where a is a constant all over the earth for each position of the moon relatively to the earth, but varies for different positions. Let Q be the fraction of the earth's surface which is occupied by sea ; let X be the latitude and I the longitude of any point; and let ds stand for cos \d\dl, an element of solid angle. Then we have integrated all over the oceanic area. The quantity of water which must be subtracted from the sea, so as to depress the sea level everywhere by era, is 4<7ra 3 aQ ; and the quantity required to raise it by the variable height -^- -^- is the integral of this function, taken all over the ocean. But since the volume of water must be constant, continuity demands that dWld 1 I I / o 1 \ J /Q\ a = s r=- , x . IT* I (cos 2 - A) as (6) integrated all over the ocean. On substituting this value of a in (2) we shall obtain the law of rise and fall. Now if X, I be the latitude and W. longitude of the place of observation ; h the Greenwich westward hour-angle of the moon at the time and place of observation ; and 8 the moon's declination, it is well known that cos 2 z \ = \ cos 2 A, cos 2 S cos 2 (h l) + sin 2\ sin 8 cos 8 cos (h I) + f(i-sin 2 S)(i-sm 2 \) (4) We have next to introduce (4) under the double integral sign of (3), and integrate over the ocean. To express the result conveniently, let ~ 1 1 cos 2 X cos 21 ds = cos 2 \2 cos 21 2 , ^^ 1 1 cos 2 \ sin 2lds = cos 2 \ 2 sin 21 2 ~ I sin 2\ cos Ids = sin 2\ cos 1 1} -7^ 1 1 sin 2X sin Ids = sin 2\ sin h ^VJJ ^TT^JJ f' o-v 1 /C\ sm-A - (5) the integrals being taken over the oceanic area. 330 DARWIN, CORRECTION TO THE EQUILIBRIUM THEORY. [8 These five integrals are called by Sir William Thomson gl, 33, <, 19, IE, but by introducing the five auxiliary latitudes and longitudes, X 2 , ^> ^-i, ^i. X , we shall find for the conclusions an easily intelligible physical interpretation. It may be well to observe that (5) necessarily give real values to the auxiliaries. For consider the first integral as a sample : Every element of JJ cos 2 \cos2lds is, whether positive or negative, neces- sarily numerically less than the corresponding element of 4-TrQ, and therefore, even if all the elements of the former integral were taken with the same sign, (47rQ)~ 1 //cos 2 Xcos 21 ds would be numerically less than unity, and d fortiori in the actual case it is numerically less than unity. Now using (5) in obtaining the value of //(cos 2 ^ i) ds, and substituting in (3), we have - -T- ~ 77- ^ ,-^ - = i cos 2 S [cos 2 A, cos 2 (/*. 1} cos 2 X n cos 2 (h L}] a 2^(1 - fay/a)?- 3 + sin 2S [sin X cos X cos (h 1) sin Xj cos Xj cos (h ^)] + f (-sm 2 S)(sin 2 X -sm 2 X) (6) The first term of (6) gives the semi-diurnal tide, the second the diurnal, and the third the tide of long period. The meaning of the result is clear. The latitude and longitude X 2 , L give a certain definite spot on the earth's surface which has reference to the semi- diurnal tide. Similarly \ lt ^ give another definite spot which has reference to the diurnal tide ; and X gives a definite parallel of latitude which has reference to the tide of long period. From inspection we see that at the point X 2 , 1 2 the semi-diurnal tide is evanescent, and that at the point Xa, l. 2 + 90 there is doubled tide, as com- pared with the uncorrected equilibrium theory. At the place X 1( , the diurnal tide is evanescent, and at Xj , l there is doubled diurnal tide. In the latitude X the long period tide is evanescent, and in latitude (sometimes imaginary) arc sin \/{f sin 2 X } there is doubled long period tide. Many or all of these points may fall on continents, so that the evanescence or doubling may only apply to the algebraical expressions, which are, unlike the sea, continuous over the whole globe. But now let us consider more precisely what the points are. It is obvious that the latitude and longitude X,, and L, being derived from expressions for cos 2 X2Cos2 2 and cos^sin 2/ 2 , really correspond with four points whose latitudes and longitudes are X,,/ 2 ; -X 2 , Z 2 ; X 2 , / 2 +180; - X,, Z 2 + 180 Thus there are four points of evanescent semi-diurnal tide, situated on a single great circle or meridian, in equal latitudes N. and S., and antipodal 1886] DARWIN, CORRECTION TO THE EQUILIBRIUM THEORY. 331 two and two. Corresponding to these four, there are four points of doubled semi-diurnal tide, whose latitudes and longitudes are A 2 , / 2 + 90; -X 2 , Z a + 90; X 2 , J 2 + 270; - X 2 , l a + 270 and these also are on a single great circle or meridian, at right angles to the former great circle, and are in the same latitudes N. and S. as are the places of evanescence, and are antipodal two and two. Passing now to the case of the diurnal tide we see that \ l} l t , being derived from expressions for sin2\icos^ and sin 2A 1 sini, really correspond with four points whose latitudes and longitudes are *!, li ; - \, li + 180 ; 90 - X,, I, ; - 90 + X,, I, + 180 Thus there are four points of evanescent diurnal tide, situated on a single great circle or meridian, two of them are in one quadrant in complemental latitudes, and antipodal to them are the two others. Corresponding to these four there are four points of doubled diurnal tide lying in the same great circle or meridian, and situated similarly with regard to the S. pole as are the points of evanescence with regard to the N. pole ; their latitudes and longitudes are -X 1} I,; X lf ^ + 180; - 90 +X 1} J,; 90 - X,, I, + 180 Lastly, in the case of the long period tide, it is obvious that the latitude X is either N. or S., and that there are two parallels of latitude of evanescent tide. In case siri 2 X n is less than f , or X less than 54 44', there are two parallels of latitude of doubled tide of long period in latitude arc sin \/{f ~ sin 2 X }. From a consideration of the integrals, it appears that as the continents diminish towards vanishing, the four points of evanescent and the four points of doubled semi-diurnal tide close in to the pole, two of each going to the N. pole, and two going to the S. pole ; also one of the points of evanescent and one of doubled diurnal tide go to the N. pole, a second pair of points of evanescence and of doubling go to the S. pole, a third pair of points of evan- escence and of doubling coalesce on the equator, and a fourth pair coalesce at the antipodes of the third pair ; lastly, in the case of the tides of long period the circles of evanescent tide tend to coalesce with the circles of doubled tide, in latitudes 35 16' N. and S. We are now in a position to state the results of Thomson's corrected theory by comparison with Bernoulli's theory. Consider the semi-diurnal tide on an ocean-covered globe, then at the four points on a single meridian great circle which correspond to the points of evanescence on the partially covered globe, the tide has the same height ; and at any point on the partially covered globe the semi-diurnal tide is the excess (interpreted algebraically) of the tide at the corresponding point on the ocean-covered globe above that at the four points. 332 TURNER, NUMERICAL EVALUATION. [8 A similar statement holds good for the diurnal and tides of long period. By laborious quadratures Mr Turner has evaluated in Part II. the five definite integrals on which the corrections to the equilibrium theory, as applied to the earth, depend. The values found show that the points of evanescent semi-diurnal tide are only distant about 9 from the N. and S. poles ; and that of the four points of evanescent diurnal tide two are close to the equator, one close to the N. pole, and the other close to the S. pole ; lastly, that the latitudes of evanescent tide of long period are 34 N. and S., and are thus but little affected by the land. Thus in all cases the points of evanescence are situated near the places where the tides vanish when there is no land. It follows, therefore, that the correction to the equilibrium theory for land is of no importance. G. H. D. II. For the evaluation of the five definite integrals, called by Sir William Thomson 1, 33, <2T, 19, IE, and represented in the present paper by functions of the latitudes and longitudes A , \ l} X 2 , and l l} 1 2 , respectively similar in form to the functions of the "running" latitude and longitude to be integrated, it is necessary to assume some redistribution of the land on the earth's surface, differing as little as possible from the real distribution, and yet with a coast line amenable to mathematical treatment. The integrals are to be taken over the whole ocean, but since the value of any of them taken over the whole sphere is zero, the part of any due to the sea is equal to the part due to the land with its sign changed ; and since there is less land than sea, it will be more convenient to integrate over the land, and then change the sign. Unless specially mentioned, we shall hereafter assume that the integra- tion is taken over the land. The last of the integrals has already been evaluated by Professor Darwin*, with an approximate coast line, which follows parallels of latitude and longi- tude alternately. * Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, 1883, 808 [not reproduced in this volume]. 1886] TURNER, NUMERICAL EVALUATION. His distribution of land is given in the following table : 333 N. lat. W. long. E. long. Lat. 80 to 90 20 to 50. 70 80 22 to 55: 85 to 115. 55 to 60: 90 to 110. 60 70 35 to 52 : 65 to 80 : 90 to 165. 10 to 180. 50 60 to 6 60 to 78 : 90 to 130. 10 to 140 : 155 to 160. 40 50 to 5 65 to 123. to 135. 30 40 to 8 78 to 1 20. to 120: 135 to 138. 20 30 to 15 : 80 to 82 : 97 to 110. to 118. 10 20 to 17 : 87 to 95. to 50 : 75 to 85 : 95 to 108: 122 to 125. 10 53 to 78. to 48 : 98 to 105 : 112 to 117. S. lat. W. long. E. long. to 10 37 to 80 12 to 40: 110 to 130. 10 20 37 74 12 to 38 : 45 to 50 : 126 to 144'. 20 30 45 71 15 to 33: 115 to 151. 30 40 55 73 20 to 23 : 132 to 140. 40 50 65 73 170 to 172. &(\ fin fi7 72 , HJ, 15, and Q are obtained on the two hypotheses : (1) That there is as much Antarctic land as is given in the schedule, which is, however, only taken into account in the last integral IE, and the common denominator 4-TrQ of each. (2) That there is no land between S. latitude 80 and the pole. The value of Q is given in terms of the whole surface, and represents the fraction of that surface occupied by land ; it must be remembered that the Mediterranean Sea is treated as land. Professor Darwin quotes Rigaud's estimate* as 0'266 : 1st hypothesis 2nd hypothesis l + x) - 1 sin x + 1 cos (81 + 3#) + 1 cos (4>l + 3#)] A, = 4>l + x ^ [f cos ( til + x) + | cos (21 + x) + -Jj cos (14 + 3#) + 2X = I + x i A [-^- c s (5 + a:) 6 cos ^ ( 3 + x) + f cos ^ (71 + 3ar) - 2 sin ^ (- ^ + 3#)] + ^ cos (3^ + x) cos ( I + ac)] Evaluating these integrals on this supposition, we obtain 1st hypothesis 2nd hypothesis + 0-02119 +0-02110 + 0-00778 +0-00775 -0-01890 -0-01882 + 0-03159 +0-03128 IE -0-04364 -0-03319 0-283 0-278 It will be noticed that the values of Q are exactly the same as before. From these we deduce Nature of tide 1st hypothesis 2nd hypothesis Long period lat. \, 33 29' N. 33 55' N. Diurnal I lat - X i 1 3 S. 1 3 S. long. I, 59 7 E. 58 58 E. Semi-diurnal. ,.. } j at '^ 81 22 N 81 23 N long. l z 10 5 W. 10 5 W. The agreement of these values of the quantities with the values calculated on the previous supposition is not quite so close as I anticipated, but it should be remarked that the numerators of the quantities &, i3, ) . * sin 2 / cos 2 (, - f ) and the lunar monthly tide Mm by M" //7\3 f|;(-U(-fsm 2 X)e(l-fsin 2 /)cos(s-p) But in the paper on the correction to the equilibrium theory for the continents (p. 330 of this volume) it is shown that the factor - $ sin 2 X = f ( - sin 2 X) = f (sin 2 35 16' - sin 2 X) should be replaced by f (sin 2 X sin- X). It appears further from that paper that X is 34 39' according to one hypothesis and 35 4' according to another as to the distribution of land on the earth. Hence we may with sufficient accuracy replace this factor by f sin (35 X) sin (35 + X). M /a\ 3 Thus if we write T = f - ( - , and let denote the equilibrium fortnightly -^ - tide, and /* the equilibrium monthly tide, we have = f ra (1 - f e 2 ) sin 2 / sin (35 - X) sin (35 + X) cos 2 (s - ) fj, = T ae (1 - f sin- /) sin (35 - X) sin (35 + X) cos (s - p) 1883] METHOD OF REDUCTION. 341 Thus the actual fortnightly and monthly tides must be expressed in the forms = f ra (1 - f e 2 ) sin 2 / sin (35 - X) sin (35 + X) {x cos 2 (s - % ) + y sin 2(* - f )} p = * T ae (1 - f sin 2 /) sin (35 - X) sin (35 + X) [u cos (s -p) + v sin (s -p}} 09) where ac, y, u, v are numerical coefficients. If the equilibrium theory be nearly true for the fortnightly and monthly tides, y and v will be small ; and x and u will be fractions approaching unity, in proportion as the rigidity of the earth's mass approaches infinity. If we now put a = f ra (1 - fe 2 ) sin 2 /sin (35 - X) sin (35 + X) (20) c = f roe (1 - f sin 2 /) sin (35 - X) sin (35 + \) ' and for the fortnightly tide write a * =A | ...(21) ay=B j and for the monthly tide write CM = C l ...(22) cv =D) we have = A cos 2 (s ) + B sin 2 (s f) /t = C cos (s p) + D sin (s - p) Every set of tidal observations will give equations for x, y, u,v', and the most probable values of these quantities must be determined by the method of least squares. For places north of 35 N. lat., or south of 35 S. lat. the coefficients a and c become negative. This would be inconvenient for the arithmetical operations of reduction, and therefore it is convenient to regard the co- efficients a and c as being in all cases positive, for we may suppose (X 35) to be taken for places in the northern hemisphere North of 35, and 35 X for places in the same hemisphere to the South of 35 ; and similarly for the southern hemisphere. [This is merely an artifice for avoiding the insertion of many negative signs, and it makes no difference in the result.] In collecting the results of tidal observation I have to thank Sir William Thomson, General Strachey, and Major Baird* for placing all the materials in my hands, and for giving me every facility. The observations are to be found in the British Association Reports for 1872 and 1876, and in the Tide-tables of the Indian Government. * [Now Lord Kelvin, Sir Richard Strachej', and Colonel Baird.] 342 OMISSION OF CERTAIN STATIONS. [9 The results of the harmonic analysis of the tidal observations are given altogether for 22 different ports, but of these only 14 are used here. The following are the reasons for rejecting those made at 8 out of the 22 ports. One of these stations is Cat Island in the Gulf of Mexico ; this place, in latitude 30 14' N., lies so near to the critical latitude of evanescent fortnightly and monthly tides, that considering the uncertainty in the exact value of that latitude, it is impossible to determine the proper weight which should be assigned to the observation. The result only refers to a single year, viz. 1848, and as its weight must in any case be very small, the omission can exercise scarcely any effect on the result. Another omitted station is Toulon ; this being in the Mediterranean Sea cannot exhibit the true tide of the open ocean. Another is Hanstal in the Gulf of Cutch. The result is given in an Indian Blue Book. I do not know the latitude, and General Strachey informs me that he believes the observations were only made during a few months for the purpose of determining the mean level of the sea, for the levelling operations of the great survey of India. The other omitted stations are Diamond Harbour, Fort Gloster and Kidderpore in the Hooghly estuary, and Rangoon, and Moulmein. All these are river stations, and they all exhibit long period tides of such abnormal height as to make it nearly certain that the shallowness of the water has exercised a large influence on the results. The observations higher up the Hooghly seem more abnormal than those lower down. I also learn that the tidal predictions are not found to be satisfactory at these stations. The following tables exhibit the results for the 14 remaining ports. No attempt has been made to assign weight to each year's observations according to the exact number of months over which the tidal records extend. The data for such weighting are in many cases wanting. In computing the value for a the factor 1 |e 2 was omitted, but it has been introduced finally as explained below. 1883] OBSERVATIONS AT THE SEVERAL STATIONS. 343 BRITISH AND FRENCH PORTS, NORTH OF LATITUDE 35. [Tidal Reports of Brit. Asssoc. 1872 and 1876.] o K f "^32 J \ H PLACE RAMSGATE 51 21' LIVERPOOL 53 40' WEST HARTLEPOOL 54 41' BREST 48 23' N. Latitude... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YEAR 1864 1857-8 1858-9 1859-60 1866-7 1858-9 1859-60 1860-1 1875 A B a -0112 + 0311 0439 + 0917 - '0156 0955 + O337 -0153 0946 -0015 - '0240 0905 - O346 + 0095 0416 + 0497 + 0153 0996 + '0297 + 0438 0952 + 0729 -0027 0884 - -0244 - -0959 0684 C - -0223 D - '0224 c -0332 -0153 + 0434 0302 - -1687 - -1038 O304 + 1508 -0190 0312 + 0127 + -0708 0392 - -0688 - -0299 0320 + 1347 - -0100 0328 - -0261 - -1365 0339 -0279 + 0178 0218 INDIAN PORTS. [Indian Tide Tables for 1881.] f J PLACE Latitude . . . ADEN 12 47' KURRACHEK 24 47' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 YEAR 1877-8 1879-80 1868-9 1869-70 1870-1 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 A + 0606 + 0597 + 0287 + 0421 -'0076 -0123 + 0429 + 0131 + 0460 + 0508 .6073 ] B + 0131 + 0167 - -0249 -0482 - '0342 - -0102 + -0328 + 0050 -0012 + 0406 11 a 0818 0706 0218 0248 0287 0411 0440 0456 -0459 0448 C + 0194 + 0329 - -0288 -0429 --0140 + 0281 + -0522 - -0133 + 0631 + -0722 H~ D - -0158 + 0027 - -0703 + 0035 +-0288 + 0414 + -0229 + -0565 + -0570 + 0831 a c 0268 0286 0185 0180 '0173 0153 0148 0145 0145 0147 344 OBSERVATIONS AT THE SEVERAL STATIONS. INDIAN PORTS (continued). [Indian Tide Tables for 1881-2.] PLACE OKHAPOINT AND BEYT HARBOUR BOMBAY APOLLO BUNDER KARWAR BEYPORE Latitude.. 22 28' 18 55' 14 48' 11 10' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 YEAR 1874-5 1876-7 1878-9 1879-80 1878-9 1879-80 1878-9 1879-80 A + '0529 + 0699 + O888 + 0653 + 0649 + 0699 + -1040 + O907 '18 1 B + '0459 + O121 - Ol 99 + OIOO -O168 + 0025 + O208 + O281 ^ / 3 -gT3 J |HJ a 0525 0671 0617 0565 0726 0665 0803 0735 C D + -0331 -0375 -O048 + O266 + O372 - O378 + O459 -0036 + O415 -0069 + O562 + O143 + O687 + 0072 + 0057 + O708 c 0177 0212 0220 0229 O260 0270 0287 0298 PLACE PAUMBEN PASS, Island of Ramesweram VlZAGAPATAM MADRAS PORT BLAIR, Ross ISLAND Latitude ... 9 16' 17 41' 13 4' 11 40 J' 28 29 30 31 32 33 YEAR 1878-9 1879-80 1879-80 1880-1 1880-1 1880-1 t f A 0560 0448 + O328 + O524 + O318 + O589 *^2 ** ~\ B -0010 -0043 + O1 48 -0167 + 0037 -0029 II a O835 0764 0597 0534 0626 O649 3 & C + 0579 +0279 + O194 + O468 + O304 + O195 12 D -01 13; + -0439 + 0080 + 0611 + 0260 + 0045 S c 0298 O310 O242 0253 0296 O307 Gauss's notation is adopted for the reductions*. That is to say, [A A] denotes the sum of the squares of the A's, and [Aa] the sum of the products of each A into its corresponding a. * See Gauss's works, or the Appendix to Chauvenet's Astronomy. 1883] LEAST SQUARES. 345 In computing the value of a for the fortnightly tide the factor (1 fe 2 ) which occurs therein was treated as being equal to unity; since fe 2 = '00754, it follows that the [aa], which would be found from the numbers given in the table, must be multiplied by (1 - '01508), and the [Aa] and [Ba] by (1 '00754). After introducing these correcting factors the following results were found : [aa] = '14573, [AA] = '09831, [BB] = '02576, [Aa] = '09836, [Ba] = '00291 [cc] = -02253, [CC] = '11588, [DD] = '07552, [Cc] = '01533, [Dc] = '00202 Then according to the method of least squares, the following are the most probable values of x, y, u, v. [Aa] [Ba] [Cc] [Dc] ff, - L _ nl - L _ J . = L - J q, _ L - f ~[aa]' * ISP M' M And if m be the number of observations (which in the present case is 33) the mean errors of x, y, u, v are respectively J^ /[A A] [ [aa] -[Aaf J_ /[BB] [aa] - [Ba] 2 jaa]V m-l [aa]V m-l J_ /[CC][cc]-[Ccp J_ / ccV m-l ccV _ [cc] m-l [cc] m-l The probable errors are found from the mean errors by multiplying by 6745. I thus find that x = -675 + '056, y = '020 '055, u = '680 '258, v = '090 '218 The smallness of the values of y and v is satisfactory ; for, as stated in 848 (d) of the Natural Philosophy, if the equilibrium theory were true for the two tides under discussion, they should vanish. Moreover the signs are in agreement with what they should be, if friction be a sensible cause of tidal retardation. But considering the magnitude of the probable errors, it is of course rather more likely that the non-evanescence of y and v is due to errors of observation *. If the solid earth does not yield tidally, and if the equilibrium theory is * Shortly after these computations were completed Professor Adams happened to observe a misprint in the Tidal Report for 1872. This Report gives the method employed in the reduction by harmonic analysis of the tidal observations, and the erroneous formula relates to the reduction of the tides of long period. On inquiring of Mr Roberts, who has superintended the harmonic analysis, it appears that the erroneous formula has been used throughout in the reductions. A discussion of this mistake and of its effects will be found in a paper communicated to the British Association by me in 1882. It appears that the values of the fortnightly tide are not seriously vitiated, but the monthly elliptic tide will have suffered much more. This will probably account for the large probable error which I have found for the value of the monthly tide. If a recomputatiou of all the long-period tides should be carried out, I think there is good hope that the probable error of the value of the fortnightly tide may also be reduced. 346 ELASTIC YIELDING OF THE SOLID EARTH. [9 fulfilled, x and u should each be approximately unity, and if it yields tidally they should have equal values. The very close agreement between them is probably somewhat due to chance. From this point of view it seems reason- able to combine all the observations, resulting from 66 years of observation, for both sorts of tides together. Then writing X and Y for the numerical factors by which the equilibrium values of the two components of either tide are to be multiplied in order to give the actual results, I find X = -676 -076, F= -029 "065 These results really seem to present evidence of a tidal yielding of the earth's mass, showing that it has an effective rigidity about equal to that of steel*. But this result is open to some doubt for the following reason : Taking only the Indian results (48 years in all), which are much more consistent than the English ones, I find X = -931 -056, Y = 155 "068 We thus see that the more consistent observations seem to bring out the tides more nearly to their theoretical equilibrium-values with no elastic yielding of the solid. It is to be observed however that the Indian results being confined within a narrow range of latitude give (especially when we consider the absence of minute accuracy in the evaluation of the critical latitude X ) a less searching test for the elastic yielding, than a combination of results from all latitudes. On the whole we may fairly conclude that, whilst there is some evidence of a tidal yielding of the earth's mass, that yielding is certainly small, and that the effective rigidity is at least as great as that of steel. [Postscript. It is interesting to compare this conclusion with the results obtained by Dr 0. Hecker by means of the horizontal pendulum (" Beobach- tungen an Horizontalpendeln liber die Deformation des Erdkorpers," K. Preuss. Geoddt. Inst., Neue Folge, No. 32, 1907), for he finds the deflections of the pendulum to be two-thirds as great as they would be on a rigid earth.] * It is remarkable that elastic yielding of the upper strata of the earth, in the case where the sea does not cover the whole surface, may lead to an apparent augmentation of oceanic tides at some places, situated on the coasts of continents. This subject is investigated in the Report for 1882 of the Committee of the British Association on " The Lunar Disturbance of Gravity." (Paper 14 in this volume.) It is there, however, erroneously implied that this kind of elastic yielding would cause an apparent augmentation of tide at all stations of observation. 10. DYNAMICAL THEORY OF THE TIDES. [This contains certain sections from the article " TIDES " written in 1906 for the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, being based on the cor- responding paragraphs in the original edition and on the article " TIDES " in the supplementary volumes. Reproduced by special permission of the Proprietors of the Enc. Brit.] 12. Form of Equilibrium. Consider the shape assumed by an ocean of density o- on a planet of mass M, density 8 and radius a, when acted on by disturbing forces whose potential is a solid spherical harmonic of degree i, the planet not being in rotation. If Si denotes a surface spherical harmonic of order i, such a potential is given at the point whose radius vector is p by In the case considered in an earlier section m is the moon's mass and r her distance, and i = 2, while Si becomes cos 2 (moon's z. d.) - ^ ; [in the present instance the form of the coefficient is immaterial, save that its dimensions shall be correct]. The theory of harmonic analysis tells us that the form of the ocean, when in equilibrium, must be given by the equation P = a + e i S i ................................. (2) Our problem is to evaluate 0i. We know that the external potential of a layer of matter, of depth ;$; and density be the radius vector, colatitude, and east longitude of a point with reference to an origin, a polar axis, and a zero-meridian rotating with a uniform angular velocity n from west to east. Then if R, H, 3 be the radial, colatitudinal, and longitudinal accelerations of the point, we have d 2 r fd0\* . , ,, /d V r ( -r.- 1 r sm- 01-^ + n ] J V ~ Id/ ,d0\ (dj> , V tt = - -r. (r- -r. }- r sm cos (-.- + n } r dt \ dt) \dt I 1 d f , . , a fdtf> \~1 ' a ^ r ~ sm " 9 \J*+ n l\ in dt |_ \dt j J r sin dt If the point were at rest with reference to the rotating meridian, we should have R = ri*r sin 2 0, E = n' 2 r sin cos 0, H = 0. When these con- siderations are applied to the motion of an ocean relative to a rotating planet, it is clear that these accelerations, which still remain when the ocean is at rest, are annulled by the permanent oblateness of the ocean. As then they take no part in the oscillations of the ocean, and as we are not con- sidering the figure of the planet, we may omit these terms from R and E. / (j (j) \ '^ This being so, we must replace ( -53 4- n } as it occurs in R and 5 by \dt ) Now suppose that the point whose accelerations are under consideration never moves far from its zero position, and that its displacements f , 77 sin in colatitude and longitude are very large compared with p, its radial dis- placement. Suppose further that the velocities of the point are so small * Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Vol. 189 A, pp. 201258, and Vol. 191 A, pp. 139185. 1906] EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 351 that their squares and products are negligible compared with w 3 r 2 ; then we have -j- = -jjr- , a very small quantity dt clt = r dt~ dt Since the radial velocity always remains very small, it is not necessary to concern ourselves further with the value of R, and we only require the two other components which have the approximate forms -- sn 006 (9) We have now to consider the forces by which an element of the ocean is urged in the direction of colatitude and longitude. These forces are those due to the external disturbing forces, to the pressure of the water surrounding an element of the ocean, and to the attraction of the ocean itself. If denotes the equilibrium height of the tide, it is a function of Co- latitude and longitude, and may be expanded in a series of spherical surface harmonics t;. Thus we may write the equation to the equilibrium tide in the form r = a + = a + St; Now it appears from (7) and (8) that the value of the potential, at the surface of the sphere where p = a, under which this is a figure of equi- librium, is We may use this as specifying the external disturbing force due to the known attractions of the moon and sun, so that t; may be regarded as known. But in our dynamical problem the ocean is not a figure of equilibrium. and we may denote the elevation of the surface at any moment of time by f). Then the equation to the surface may be written in the form r = a + $ = a + 2f); where f); denotes a spherical harmonic just as ; did before. The surface value of the potential of the forces which would maintain the ocean in equilibrium in the shape it has at any moment is 2 on this potential, we obtain the colatitudinal and longitudinal forces which are equal to the accelerations H and H. It follows, then, from (9) that the equations of motion are Q *, d . \ - sm cos d -j-- a -^ dt 2 dt a sin d It remains to find the equation of continuity. This may be deduced geometrically from the consideration that the volume of an element of the fluid remains constant ; but a shorter way is to derive it from the equation of continuity as it occurs in ordinary hydrodynamical investigations. If $ be a velocity potential, the equation of continuity for incompressible fluid is s d f dQ . 0* as ,\ , * a d ( . a d<& . 5 \ or j- (r 2 -j~ sin0808(b} + 80 ^Irsmtf ^ Sr8d>) dr \ dr r j d0 \ rdd r / , , , d ( 1 d<& + 8 4>^a\ r -^a ^r d \ r sin d(f> The element referred to in this equation is defined by r, 0, (f>, r + Sr, + &0, + S<. The colatitudinal and longitudinal velocities are the same for all the elementary prism defined by 0, <, + 80, + 8^>, and the sea bottom. Then j^ = ~ , ; , = sin ~ ; and, since the radial velocity rdd dt rsm0d(f> dt is dfy/dt at the surface of the ocean, where r = a + y, and is zero at the sea bottom, where r = a, we have -r- = ~A< Hence, integrating with respect to r from r = a + j to r = a, and again with respect to t from the time t to the time when f), , rj all vanish, and treating 7 and f) as small compared with a, we have f)asin0+ -^ ( 7 sin 0) + -^ (77; sin 0) = ........ '....(11) du a

+ a)\ = 2f)i = S/?i cos (2nft + S(f> + a) [ >- (13) = ^biXi cos (2nft + S(f) + a) i) = "Zbtyi sin (Znft + S(f> + a) / where ei, h i; x i} y t are functions of colatitude only, and e t -, h t are the associated functions of colatitude corresponding to the harmonic of order i and rank s. For the semi-diurnal tides 5 = 2, and / approximately unity ; for the diurnal tides 8=1, and/ approximately ; and for the tides of long period s = 0, and / is a small fraction. Substituting these values in (12), we have Then if we write m for hi - e i} and put m = iPaJg, substitution from (13) in (14) leads at once to 1 d f'^biX; + /"sin 6 cos 6 2&i?/i = -r TZ 26ftt< J J J 4m dv .AI s a^i s 2M< sin V zbiVi + T cos a 2,D<< = -. : ^ y J 4m sin 6 (15) , 7 * a*! s *M >OiVi + /cos 6 Zbi^i = : a iyi J 4m sin 6 Solving (15), we have COS u) j, 1OT \ fjf) /'sin fi */ r (16) D. i. 23 354 ZONAL OSCILLATIONS. [10 Then substituting from (16) in (14), we have I d sin dO s d0 '/ / 2 - cos 2 f dd sine sin (/ 2 - cos 2 0) (17) This is closely analogous to Laplace's equation for tidal oscillations in an ocean whose depth is only a function of latitude ; indeed the only difference is that we have followed Mr Hough in introducing the mutual attraction of the water. When Ui is found from this equation, its value substituted in (16) will give iK{ and y t . 17. Zonal Oscillations. We might treat the general harmonic oscillations first, and proceed to the zonal oscillations by putting s = 0. These waves are, however, comparatively simple, and it is well to begin with them. The zonal tides are those which Laplace describes as of the first species, and are now more usually called the tides of long period. As we shall only consider the case of an ocean of uniform depth, 7 the depth of the sea is constant. Then since in this case s = 0, our equation (17) to be satisfied by U{ or hi ei becomes a d smt> -T7 c , . /. A 2% sin = / 2 - cos 2 e This may be written d ^ 4ma and equate to zero- the coefficient in question, and obtain / 2 - 1 4-ma v (2* - 1) (2i - 3) [i (i + 1) (2t - 1) (2i + 3) C- w (22) This equation (22) is applicable for all values of i from 1 to infinity, provided that we take , E , C_i, ^_! as being zero. We shall only consider in detail the case of greatest interest, namely that of the most important of the tides generated by the attraction of the sun and 232 356 ZONAL OSCILLATIONS. [10 moon. We know that in this case the equilibrium tide is expressed by a zonal harmonic of the second order ; and therefore all the E i} excepting E z , are zero. Thus the equation (22) will not involve EI in any case excepting when i = 2. If we write for brevity j?2 "I 9 /)-iv Li = T(j~+T) + (2i-l)(2i~+3) ~ 4^ the equation (22) becomes (2* + 3)(2i + 5) ~ LiGi + (~2z-3)(2i-l) = save that when i 2, the right-hand side is -~- E 2 , a known quantity ex hypothesi. The equations naturally separate themselves into two groups, in one of which all the suffixes are even and the other odd. Since our task is to evaluate all the G's in terms of E 2 , it is obvious that all the C"s with odd suffixes must be zero, and we are left to consider only the cases where i=2, 4, 6, &c. We have said that G must be regarded as being zero ; if however we take G = -T-^- E 2 , so that C is essentially a known quantity the equation (23) has complete applicability for all even values of i from 2 upwards. The equations are O-^'+O- - ^- i ' a ' + T03 = ' &c - It would seem at first sight as if these equations would suffice to deter- mine all the G's in terms of G 2 , and that G z would remain indeterminate ; but we shall show that this is not the case. For very large values of i the general equation of condition (23) tends to assume the form _J!^ !=? _) Gi ma By writing successively i +2,i + 4i,i + 6 in this equation and taking the differences we obtain an equation from which we see that, unless Gi/C i+2 tends to become infinitely small, the equations are satisfied by G{ = G i+2 in the limit for very large values of i Hence, if Gt does not tend to zero, the later portion of the series for h tends to assume the form Gi(Pi + P{ +2 + P t - +4 ...) All the P's are equal to unity at the pole ; hence the hypothesis that G t does not tend to zero leads to 1906] ZONAL OSCILLATIONS. 357 the conclusion that the tide is of infinite height at the pole. The expansion of the height of tide is essentially convergent, and thus this hypothesis is negatived. Thus we are entitled to assume that C{ tends to zero for large values of i. Now writing for brevity we may put (23) into the form By successive applications of this formula, we may write the right-hand side in the form of a continued fraction. Jjf^U j\ . . n. in. Then we have or --(t ^i-2 Thus C t = 3.5K a C ; C, = 2 K,G - C e = 3.5 . 7 .9. 11 . 13K 2 K.K 6 C &c. If we assume that any of the higher C's, such as C u or C 16 , is of negligible smallness, all the continued fractions K%, K i} K Q &c. may be computed ; and thus we find all the C's in terms of G , which is equal to -r-^ E^ 4>ma The height of the tide is therefore given by = - E, {3 . 5 K,P, + 3 . 9 K Z K,P, + . . . } cos (2nft + a) It is however more instructive to express f) as a multiple of the equi- librium tide , which is as we know equal to E 2 P 2 cos (Znft + a). Whence we find {3 . 5K,P 2 + 3 . 5 . 7 . 9K,K,P. + 3 . 5. % The number / is a fraction such that its reciprocal is twice the number of sidereal days in the period of the tide. The greatest value of / is that appertaining to the lunar fortnightly tide (Mf in notation of Harmonic Analysis) and in this case / is in round numbers ^, or more exactly 2 = -00133. 358 ZONAL OSCILLATIONS. [10 The ratio of the density a- of sea-water to 8 the mean density of the earth is "18093 ; which value gives us b 2 = l-~ = -89144 oo The quantity m is the ratio of equatorial centrifugal force to gravity, and is equal to ^-g. Finally y/a is the depth of the ocean expressed as a fraction of the earth's radius. With these numerical values Mr Hough has applied the solution to determine the lunar fortnightly tide for oceans of various depths. Of his results we give two : First, when 7 = 7260 ft. = 1210 fathoms, which makes -^ = J*. he finds 4ana f) = ^ {'2669P 2 - *1678P 4 + '0485P 6 - '0081P 8 + '0009P 10 - -0001P 12 . . .] * If the equilibrium theory were true we should have thus we see how widely the dynamical solution differs from the equilibrium value. Secondly, when 7 = 58080 ft. = 9680 fathoms, and - = |, he finds i) = ~ {'7208P 2 - *0973P 4 + '0048P 6 - -0001P 8 ...} * From this we see that the equilibrium solution presents some sort of approximation to the dynamical one; and it is clear that the equilibrium solution would be fairly accurate for oceans which are still quite shallow when expressed as fractions of the earth's radius, although far deeper than the actual sea. The tides of long-period were not investigated by Laplace in this manner, for he was of opinion that a very small amount of friction would suffice to make the ocean assume its form of equilibrium. In the arguments which he adduced in support of this view the friction contemplated was such that the integral effect was proportional to the velocity of the water relatively to the bottom. It is probable the proportionality to the square of the velocity would have been nearer the truth, but the distinction is unimportant. The most rapid of the oscillations of this class is the lunar fortnightly tide, and the water of the ocean moves northward for a week and then southward for a week. In oscillating systems, where the resistances are proportional to the velocities, it is usual to specify the resistance by a ' modulus of decay,' namely the time in which a velocity is reduced by friction to e~ l or 1/2*78 of its initial value. Now in order that the result contemplated by Laplace may be true, the friction must be such that the 1!J06] TESSERAL OSCILLATIONS. 359 modulus of decay is short compared with the semi-period of oscillation. It seems practically certain that the friction of the ocean bed would not reduce a slow ocean current to one-third of its primitive value in a day or two. Hence we cannot accept Laplace's discussion as satisfactory, and the investi- gation which has just been given becomes necessary*. 18. Tesseral Oscillations. The oscillations which we now have to consider are those in which the form of surface is expressible by the tesseral harmonics. The results will be applicable to the diurnal and semidiurnal tides Laplace's second and third species. Q If we write a- = > the equation (17) becomes d ( sin 6 -JQ + a- cos 6 j S^-M; ( a d <7 COS V -j^ \ av + s 2 cosec^j ^biUi de s 2 - cr- cos 2 d 4 s 2 4-0.. (24) < If D be written for the operation sin -^ , the middle term may be arranged in the form crcot 9 (D + a COS 6) 26;Mi v,, . -- T ^- - - 2 biUi sin s 2 cr cos- 07 Therefore on multiplying (24) by sin 6 it becomes /r> a\ rCD + o-cos0)2&tH.i~| ^ i, , 4raa v , . ,, A /OK , (D - a cos 0) - ^b t Ui H Zjli sin 2 - . . .(25) s 2 a- cos 2 6 70- 2 We now introduce two auxiliary functions, such that 2&i(A;-e;) = 2&;^ = (D - a- cos 6} + (s" - o-' 2 cos 2 0) (26) It is easy to prove that (J5 + o- cos 0)(D-tr cos 6} = D*- s 2 + a- sin 2 + (s 2 - = (s 2 - a- 2 cos 2 0) (D + cr cos 0) + 2 + 2o- 2 sin 2 cos 6 4> (29) * [A fuller discussion of this subject is contained in Paper 11 below.] TESSERAL OSCILLATIONS. [10 The functions and are as yet indeterminate, and we may impose another condition on them. Let that condition be (D 2 - s 2 + a sin 2 (9) ^ = - 2o- 2 sin- cos (30) Then (29) may be written (D + r cos 0)26^ Substituting from this in (25), and using the second of (27), the function disappears and the equation reduces to -#-* 8in Since by (30) - ...... (32) The equations (30), (31), and (32) define and , and furnish the equation which must be satisfied. If we denote cos 6 by p the zonal harmonics are defined by d The following are three well-known properties of zonal harmonics : 1 ) P - .................. (38) 17^=0 .................. (34) If ^ sin S< ^ are the two tesseral harmonics of order * and rank s, it is also known that P- =(I _^^ ........................... (86) Let us now assume hi = ClPl ei=ElPl, ^ = ^Pl, 4> = 20lPl These must now be substituted in our three equations (30), (31), (32), and the result must be expressed by series of the P* functions. It is clear then that we have to transform into P^ functions the following functions of P*, namely 1906] TESSERAL OSCILLATIONS. 361 If we differentiate (33) s times, and express the result by means of the operator D, we find (7) 2 -s 2 )P* + t(* + l)P*sm 2 = .................. (37) Again, differentiating (34) s times and using (35), we find (i-s+l)P s i+1 -(2i+l)coseP s i + (i + s)P s i _ 1 = ......... (38) Lastly, differentiating (36) once and using (33), (35), and (38) s _ s s l l l (S By means of (37), (38), and (39) we have sin 2 r . , 2(2t Therefore the equations (30), (31), (32) give O 8 f ' / ' , 1 \ , ) TlS , O n Q } * ~^~ & T)S , * ^ "t" 1 r> f\ S ^ {-^(^+l) + a} P 4 + 2^/3, j^-j P,., + -^^^ P m j J = 2(2 - +1) 2(81-1-1) P s * i-\ s -0 Since these equations must be true identically, the coefficients of P* in each of them must vanish. Therefore a! [a - i (i + 1)} = - 2(2t-l) a i (40) 362 TESSERAL OSCILLATIONS. [10 If we eliminate the a's and /S's from the third equation (40) by means of the first two, we find + (z-l)(i-2)] L< ~ CT 2 [cr + I (i + D] + (4i 2 - 1) [cr - (l - 1) *'] [cr + i (i + 1)] [( t - + l) 2 _ s2 ] [(r + ( t - + 2)(t + 3)] [4 i (i + 1) 2 - l][cr - (i + l)(i + 2)][o- + i (t + 1)] 4ma 5) [ma all the (7's are expressed in terms of known quantities. Hence the height of tide f) is given by J) = ^hi cos (2nft + s + a) \ I ) L ^c, /0// _L oA .I \ 77 P _L cos 2) * + + ^^ -I- 364 SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [10 But the equilibrium tide t is given by e = E\Pl cos (2/i/tf + s + a) Hence we may write our result in the following form, which shows the relationship between the true dynamical tide and the equilibrium tide : A 4>ma P 2 ( 77 From a formula equivalent to this Mr Hough finds for the lunar semi- diurnal tide (9 = 2), for a sea of 1210 fathoms ( \4raa f> = \ {-10396P1 + -57998P* - '19273P;! + -03054P'...) Pg This formula shows us that at the equator the tide is 'inverted/ and has 2 '41 87 times as great a range as the equilibrium tide. For this same ocean he finds that the solar semi-diurnal tide is 'direct' at the equator, and has a range 7'9548 as great as the equilibrium tide. Now the lunar equilibrium tide is 2'2 times as great as the solar equili- brium tide, and since 2'2 x 2'4187 is only 5'3 it follows that in such an ocean the solar tides would have a range half as great again as the lunar. Further, since the lunar tides are 'inverted' and the solar 'direct,' spring- tide would occur at quarter-moon and neap-tide at full and change. We give one more example from amongst those computed by Mr Hough. In an ocean of 9680 fathoms ( -~- = 1 ) , he finds \4>ma 5 / ft = 2 {r7646PH - -06057PJ + "001447 Pj...} * At the equator the tides are 'direct' and have a range T9225 as great as the equilibrium tide. In this case the tides approximate in type to those of the equilibrium theory, although at the equator, at least, they have nearly twice the range. Our space will not permit us to give others of the remarkable conclusions reached by Mr Hough. We do not give any numerical results for the diurnal tides, for reasons which will appear from the following section. 1906] DIURNAL TIDE. 365 19. Diurnal tide approximately evanescent. The equilibrium diurnal tide is given by e = E\P\ cos (2nft + < + ) where /is approximately | and the associated function for i = 2, s= 1 is P\ = 3 sin 6 cos 6 Now the height of tide is given by f) = ^,C\P i cos (2??/ + (j) + a) and the problem is to evaluate the constants C\. If possible suppose that f) is .also expressed by a single term like that which represents , so that j) = 3(/2 sin 6 cos cos (2n/55 + 4- a) Then the differential equation (17) to be satisfied becomes ew 1 A cos 6 du u V-TX+ -^U COS 8 \ ;r- ^ + !_ ! JJ^ d -- ^'/ 7l^ 2 ^Mgin^^X /-"-cos where w is written for brevity in place of sin 6 cos 0. Now when /is rigorously equal to , it may be proved by actual differen- tiation that the expression inside { } vanishes identically, and the equation reduces to G 2 = 0. We thus find that in this case the differential equation is satisfied by zero oscillation of water level. In other words we reach Laplace's remarkable conclusion that there is no diurnal rise and fall of the tide ; there are, it is true, diurnal tidal currents, but they are so arranged that the water level remains unchanged. In reality/ is not rigorously ^ (except for the tide called K x ) and there will be a small diurnal tide. The lunar diurnal tide called has been evaluated for various depths of ocean by Mr Hough and is found always to be small. 11. ON THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF THE TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. [Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, XLI. (1886), pp. 337 342.] IN the following note an objection is raised against Laplace's method of treating these tides, and a dynamical solution of the problem, founded on a paper by Sir William Thomson, is offered. Let 0, (f> be the colatitude and longitude of a point in the ocean, let and i) sin be the displacements from its mean position of the water occupying that point at the time t, let f) be the height of the tide, and let t be the height of the tide according to the- equilibrium theory ; let n be the angular velocity of the earth's rotation, g gravity, a the earth's radius, and 7 the depth of the ocean at the point 0, . Then Laplace's equations of motion for tidal oscillations are c 2 -di) q d /t N -r| - 2n sm cos - = - ^ -^ (f) - *) dtf dt ad0^ , a d*-n a d q d ., sm -T-' + 2n cos - = ----- " - a -- (fr- dt 2 dt a sm d ^ ' And the equation of continuity is The only case which will be considered here is where the depth of the ocean is constant, and we shall only treat the oscillations of long period in which the displacements are not functions of the longitude. As the motion to be considered only involves steady oscillation, we assume = e cos (2nft + a) ^ = h cos (Znft + a) = x cos (2nft + a) [ ........................... (3) 77 = y sin (%nft + a) u = h e 1886] EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 367 Hence, by substitution in (1), we have f 2 + yfsin 9 cos 6 = -. -- , 4, becomes ' ^sM^"')- 7 d [sin0du/d0~\ we get -^f. -r a ,,., - 1 T + 4. CD 5 CO OS <"rH CM rH ^ CO OT 11 rH i I CD 10 CM 00 CD CM oT CD CM CM CM rH 00 rH X CO CO O X OS CM o CO CM CO CO 05? ^H l> o co oc O * ^ CO ^ O5 CD rH c* co rH I>- CM CM ^05 CO O5 W CM CM C5 "* T 1 iO CO rH CD CM O 05 CO O5 t^ O 00 CO oo CO g$ "- 1 CO O O5 o CM oo O ^ OS J^ CO o- CO CO O5 ^ iO CM co CO o O5 ^CO rH CD CM 05 I> CO 050 CM t- too ip l-l TO T 1 O5 CM CM Ss ^ r^ CO O !>. 9 oo O5 CM CM CM CMS * oo iO CM X CM CO 2S O5 o" 05 CM CD CM X CM CD CM CM s i i I t~- co fp o^ CM '-< CM O 00^ CM CM CO CM rH X i-H rH CD CO O5 CM 1"- O X - O5 !-" 05 05 X CM CO x l r~ 9 co X CM !> o a CM 1"- O iO X X 05 Ol ] ! rH t~ 05 ^ CO O5 "^ CO CD oo X rh ^ Oi O CD O5 - O5 CO ^ <* O5 o rH ^ O5 CM CM CM CO i-, 11 CM CO Ss CO . CM ^ > CM l-H CM CO CD *P ^ 05 S CM CO l^ g co CM b CM CM cb^ CO 00^ ' o CM ^x~ 0> y & a 73 n ' 2 ffi * w * w w w * K o * rf M M PL- o - H PQ 1907] VERIFICATION BY TIDE-PREDICTING INSTRUMENT. 381 The values of H and K are somewhat irregular from month to month, and it is therefore not permissible to adopt the mean values of H and K as representing the mean tide. I have therefore formed H cos K and H sin K, for each month and have taken the mean of each as giving the mean values of H cos K, and H sin K. It is easy to compute from these the proper mean values of H and K for each tide. The results are given in the following table : Mean values of tidal constants. Semidiurnal tides M 2 H = 1-966 inches = O164 feet * = 9-9 = 10 S 2 H = 1-142 inches = 0-095 feet K = 272-l = 272 K 2 H = -311 inches = 0-026 feet K = 272-l = 272 Diurnal tides H = 9-245 inches = 0770 feet K = 14-05 = 14 H = 3-082 inches = 0'257 feet K = 14-05 = 14 H = 9-264 inches = 0-772 feet K = 359-5 = The sum of the semi-ranges of the three diurnal tides is 21'6 inches and of the three semidiurnal tides is only 3'4 inches. This result corresponds with the fact that little trace of the semidiurnal tide is to be discovered from mere inspection of the tide curve. When tidal observations have been reduced it is always important to verify that the constants found do really represent the tidal oscillation, for in computations of such complexity it is always possible that some gross mistake of principle may have slipped in unnoticed. Such a verification is especially important in a case where the tides are found to be very abnormal, as here, and where the results from month to month are not closely consistent. I accordingly asked Mr Glazebrook to run off curves for two periods with the Indian tide-predicter at the National Physical Laboratory. The constants used were the means for the tides evaluated. It is probable that a better result would have been attained if a number of other tides, with constants assigned by theoretical considerations from analogy with the constants actually evaluated, had also been introduced ; but I did not think it was worth while to do so. Evidence will be given hereafter to shew that the smaller elliptic diurnal tides must exercise an appreciable influence. The periods chosen for the comparison were about three weeks beginning on May 12, 1902, and nearly the same time in November. It does not seem worth while to reproduce the whole of the observed and computed curves for these periods. The observed tide-curve has frequently sharp irregularities presumably produced by weather or by unperceived shifts of the ship, and the maxima are sometimes sharp peaks instead of flowing curves. However, on the whole the computed and observed curves follow one another very well, at least throughout all those portions where the diurnal tide is pronounced. Where the diurnal inequality is nearly evanescent, and the semidiurnal tide 382 PROBABLE EXPLANATION OF IRREGULARITY OF DIURNAL TIDE. [12 becomes perceptible the discordance is sometimes considerable, although even in these cases every rise and fall of the water is traceable in the computed curve. Such discordance was inevitable, for at this part of the curve all those tidal oscillations which have any importance have disappeared, and only those tides remain which are very small ; moreover most of these tides are avowedly omitted from the computed curve. I give two figures. The first (Fig. 4) shews the two curves where the diurnal tide is large, viz. from O h May 24th to O h May 25th, 1902 ; it is a rather favourable example of the general agreement referred to above. The second figure (Fig. 5) is selected because it exhibits by far the worst discord- ance which occurred in the six weeks under comparison. I conclude that the reductions are quite as good as could be expected from tide-curves which present as much irregularity as these do. It would not be possible to make a very good tide-table from the constants, but no one wants a tide-table for Ross Island. We only need sufficient accuracy to obtain an insight into the nature of the Antarctic tides, and the constants are quite sufficient for that end. When the mean heights of water at the 24 hours of mean lunar time were plotted in curves for each month, it became obvious that a pure semi- diurnal inequality did not represent the facts very closely, and that there remained also a sensible diurnal inequality. Such an inequality is given by the tide M 1} and if we neglect the minute portion of the tide Mi which depends on the terms in the tide-generating potential which vary as the fourth power of the moon's parallax, such an inequality is found to depend on the composition of two elliptic tides with speeds 7 a ta and 7 cr + nr. The genesis of this compounded tide is explained in the .report to the British Association for 1883 [Paper 1]. I accordingly thought it worth while to evaluate the Mj tide for each of the twelve months under reduction. The results come out sufficiently dis- cordant to render it impossible to assign any definite value to the tide, yet there appears to be some sort of method in the phases. Thus the phases for the twelve months come out for 1902 9, - 3, - 45, 6, - 32, 70, 12, and for 1903 6, - 159, - 179, - 42, - 10. Two of the phases, those for the 9th an'd 10th months, are very discordant, but for these months the amplitude of M a is small ; it is also very small for the 6th month with phase 70. The mean of all the other phases is such that K is pretty small, and this agrees with what is to be expected because K for the tide is small. It thus appears probable that there has been a sensible disturbance from the Mj tide of the values of the mean heights of water as arranged in mean lunar time. It should be noted that the whole amplitude of oscillation is so small that it is really surprising that this effect should be traceable at all. 1907] " ACTUALITY COMPARED WITH COMPUTED TIDE-CURVES. 383 '8 20 22 NOON FIG. 4. MIDNIGHT 14 16 IS 20 22 NOON 6 8 to MIDKIOK MAY 29'-" WAV 30' FIG. 5. 384 SEASONAL CHANGE IN LUNAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. [12 There is one feature in the results which is so singular that it is well to refer to it. If we look at the heights and phases of the M 2 -tide it will be observed that there is a progressive change both in amplitude and phase as the season of 1902 advances, and this "change is repeated in 1903. Mere inspection does not convince one of the degree of regularity, and I have therefore prepared a figure which exhibits the march of H cos K and of H sin K. The values for each month may be taken to appertain to the middle of the month, and the points surrounded by rings in Fig. 6 give the 1907] SEASONAL CHANGE IN LUNAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDE. 385 values for the season of 1902, while those marked with crosses give the values for 1903. The broken line shews conjectural curves which appear to satisfy the observations. The conjectural curves are such that (in inches) H cos K = T65 - '75 cos (rjt + 2) H sin K = '23 + "53 cos (tjt + 79) where 77 is 360 per annum and t is expressed in months. There would thus be an annual inequality in H cos K and H sin K, and their mean values, viz. 1'65 and 0'23 inches, would shew that the mean lunar semidiurnal tide is expressed by H = 1| inches, K = 8. The mean given previously as derived only from the observations was H = 2 inches, K = 10. It will be noticed that the greatest retardation occurs about midsummer, and at the same season there is a considerable decrease of amplitude. It is almost impossible to believe that the thawing of the sea could decrease the amplitude of the tide, although it might possibly increase it. It would be strange if this result, depending as it does on 12 independent observations, should arise from mere chance. Yet there is no astronomical tide which can give an annual inequality in the lunar semidiurnal tide. I note that if the observations of 1903 were pushed backward one month the whole of the observations would fall into a more perfect curve. Hence an inequality of 13 months would satisfy the conditions more perfectly than one of 12 months. There is theoretically a minute tidal inequality of long period (Laplace's first species) with a period of 14 months due to the variation of latitude ; but it is difficult to see how any perturbation of the lunar semidiurnal tide could be produced in this way. But if we have found a true physical phenomenon, the same kind of effect ought probably to be produced on all the other tides. Yet when the observations for the other tides are plotted out in the same way, the points appear to be arranged almost chaotically. It is true that some slight tendency may be perceived for an increase of amplitude towards mid- winter, but the effect is too uncertain to justify reduction to numbers. A much longer series of observations would be needed to throw a clear light on the point raised, but the result is so curious that it would not have been right to pass it by in silence. Tidal observations were made at Ross Island (called Erebus Island on the memorandum) by Dr Wilson from 2 h Jan. 11, 1904 to 8 h Jan. 13. The place of observation was some 40 or 50 miles to the northward of the winter D. i. 25 386 COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS OF JANUARY 1904. [12 station. As there seemed some reason to suspect a seasonal variability in the tides, it seemed worth while to compare with actuality a tide-curve computed with the constants derived from the winter observations. A curve was therefore run off at the National Physical Laboratory for a few days beginning with O h Jan. 11, 1904. Although the sites of the two sets of observations are not identical, comparison with actuality shews a satis- factory agreement. It is unfortunate that these observations were made just after the time when the diurnal inequality has vanished and is beginning to increase again ; for at these times the agreement is liable to be imperfect between computed and observed curves. On these grounds no surprise need be felt on account of the fact that the semidiurnal tide is somewhat more clearly marked in the observed tide-curve than in the computed one, and that the whole range of the diurnal tide on Jan. 11 was three inches greater, and on Jan. 12 about six inches (out of 28 inches) greater than appears from the computed curve. The computed and observed times of high and low water agree closely with one another. We may, on the whole, accept these summer observations as proving that our tidal constants are sub- stantially correct. The semidiurnal tides, although small, exhibit clearly another peculiarity; it is that (K of S 2 ) (K of M 2 ) exhibits a seasonal change of roughly the same character in both years. In all cases ' the age of the tide ' is negative and its mean value is about 4 days ; in other words spring-tide occurs four days before or ten days after full and change of moon. If the phases of M 2 and S 2 differed by 180 we should have neaps at full and change, and springs at half moon. This case corresponds to 'direct' lunar tide and ' inverted ' solar tide. In the actual case (K of M 2 ) - (K of S 2 ) = 370 - 272 = 98 thus the observations shew a re'sult a little nearer to this condition than to the ordinary one where springs coincide with full and change of moon. The unusual relationship between the M 2 and S 2 tides is such as to make it worth while to examine what would be the condition of affairs in an ocean of uniform depth covering the whole planet. From the few soundings which have been made it would seem that the ocean may be about 600 fathoms in depth, although further north the depth appears to be considerably greater. I have therefore taken the formulae of Mr Hough (Phil. Trans. A, 191 (1878), pp. 177, 180) and evaluated the lunar and solar semidiurnal tides for an ocean of 7260 ft. in latitudes 60, 65, 70, 75 with the following results : 1907] COMPARISON WITH TIDES OF AN OCEAN-COVERED EARTH. 387 Lunar semidiurnal tide. Latitude 60 65 H of equilibrium tide 6*052 cm. 4*324 cm. Factor of augmentation for dy- namical tide 1-932 1-496 H of dynamical tide for ocean! 11*69 cm.) 6-47 cm. 1 of 7260 ft. (direct tide) / 4iinchesJ 2 inches] Solar semidiurnal tide. 60 65 2-816 cm. 2*012 cm. Factor of augmentation for dy- namical tide . Latitude H of equilibrium tide 70 2-832 cm. 1-098 3-11 cm. 1 lj inches/ 70 1*318 cm. 75 1-622 cm. 755 1-22 cm. "I i inch j 75 0*755 cm. - 6-441 -4-390 H of dynamical tide for ocean) -18*14 cm.} -8*83 cm. of 7260 ft. (inverted tide) J 7 inches J 3^ inches - Ij inches/ inch -2-556 -1-003 -3-37 cm. ) -0-751 cm '} We thus find that in these high latitudes the solar tide is more magnified than the lunar, and is inverted. Thus in latitude 60 the solar tide is much larger than the lunar and is inverted, whereas in latitude 70 they are nearly of equal magnitude and the inversion of the solar tide still continues. For an ocean of twice the depth both the tides are direct, and they are not so much magnified. Although the Antarctic Ocean runs all round the globe it is of course unjustifiable to apply these results directly to the oscillations of the actual ocean, but they serve to shew that we have no reason to expect considerable semidiurnal tides so near to the pole, and also that the great discrepancy between the phases of M 2 and S 2 is not so surprising a fact as might appear at first sight. It is useless to carry out a similar investigation for the diurnal tides, because the variations in the depth of ocean exercise so large an influence on the result. We know in fact that for an ocean of uniform depth the Kj tide vanishes completely, and the O-tide nearly vanishes. I find that the equilibrium O-tide is 3 inches in lat. 60 and falls to 2 inches in lat. 75. Thus the amplitudes of the diurnal tides observed by the ' Discovery ' are very much larger than the equilibrium values. The Scottish Antarctic Expedition passed the winter of 1903 in S. lat. 60 44' and W. long. 44 39' at the South Orkney Islands ; they were thus nearly opposite to the station of the 'Discovery.' Their station was well adapted for determining the general character of the tides in the Antarctic Ocean. The reduction of their observations was made by Mr Selby at the National Physical Laboratory, and gave the following results : H M 2 S 2 K 2 K! P 1*522 ft. 902 ft. 245 ft. 496 ft. 166 ft. 559 ft. 172 198 198 15 15 359 252 388 COMPARISON WITH RESULTS OF SCOTTISH EXPEDITION. [12 It will be noticed that these results are quite normal, save that the S 2 -tide is rather large compared with M 2 ; and there is a well-marked diurnal in- equality. They acquire a special interest when considered in connection with the ' Discovery's ' results. We see that the semidiurnal tides are ' inverted ' but have little or no retardation ; whereas the M 2 -tide of the ' Discovery ' is small, but ' direct ' also with little retardation. We are thus led to suspect that to the northward of the latitude of the South Orkneys, where the ' Scotia ' wintered, the semidiurnal tides are inverted with small retardation ; that somewhere between the South Orkneys and near to the Antarctic Continent there is a nodal line for the M 2 -tide. There must be also a similar node for the S 2 -tide, and we may perhaps suppose that the node of the S 2 -tide is nearer to Ross Island than that of the M 2 -tide. When we turn to the diurnal tides we find an entirely different condition, for at both places the phases are virtually identical, and there seems a primd facie case for maintaining that the phase of the diurnal tide throughout the whole Antarctic Ocean is approximately the same as in the equilibrium theory. I cannot venture to offer any theory in explanation of the greater magnitude of the diurnal tide at Ross Island than at the South Orkneys. PABT II LUNAR DISTURBANCE OF GRAVITY 13. ON AN INSTRUMENT FOR DETECTING AND MEASURING SMALL CHANGES IN THE DIRECTION OF THE FORCE OF GRAVITY. By G. H. DARWIN and HORACE DARWIN. [Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr G. H. DARWIN, Professor Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, Professor TAIT, Professor GRANT, Dr SIEMENS, Professor PURSER, Professor G. FORBES, and Mr HORACE DARWIN, appointed for the Measurement of the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity. This Report is written in the name of G. H. DARWIN merely for the sake of verbal convenience. British Association Report for 1881, pp. 93 -126.] I. Account of the experiments. WE feel some difficulty as to the form which this report should take, because we are still carrying on our experiments, and have, as yet, arrived at no final results. As, however, we have done a good deal of work, and have come to conclusions of some interest, we think it better to give at once an account of our operations up to the present time, rather than to defer it to the future. In November, 1878, Sir William Thomson suggested to me that I should endeavour to investigate experimentally the lunar disturbance of gravity, and the question of the tidal yielding of the solid earth. In May, 1879, we both visited him at Glasgow, and there saw an instrument, which, although roughly put together, he believed to contain the principle by which success might perhaps be attained. The instrument was erected in the Physical Laboratory of the University of Glasgow. We are not in a position to give an accurate description of it, but the following rough details are quite sufficient. 390 DESCRIPTION OF SIR WILLIAM THOMSON'S INSTRUMENT. [13 A solid lead cylinder, weighing perhaps a pound or two, was suspended by a fine brass wire, about 5 feet in length, from the centre of the lintel or cross-beam of the solid stone gallows, which is erected there for the purpose of pendulum experiments. A spike projected a little way out of the bottom of the cylindrical weight ; a single silk fibre, several inches in length, was cemented to this spike, and the other end of the fibre was cemented to the edge of an ordinary galvanometer-mirror. A second silk fibre, of equal length, was cemented to the edge of the mirror at a point near to the attachment of the former fibre. The other end of this second fibre was then attached to a support, which was connected with the base of the stone gallows. The support was so placed that it stood very near to the spike at the bottom of the pendulum, and the mirror thus hung by the bifilar suspension of two silks, which stood exceedingly near to one another in their upper parts. The instrument was screened from draughts by paper pasted across between the two pillars of the gallows ; but at the bottom, on one side, a pane of glass was inserted, through which one could see the pendulum bob and galvanometer-mirror. It is obvious that a small displacement of the pendulum, in a direction perpendicular to the two silks, will cause the mirror to turn about a vertical axis. A lamp and slit were arranged, as in a galvanometer, for exhibiting the movement of the pendulum, by means of the beam of light reflected from the mirror. No systematic observations were made, but we looked at the instrument at various hours of the day and night, and on Sunday also, when the street and railway traffic is very small. The reflected beam of light was found to be in incessant movement, of so irregular a character that it was hardly possible to localise the mean position of the spot of light on the screen, within 5 or 6 inches. On returning to the instrument after several hours, we frequently found that the light had wandered to quite a different part of the room, and we had sometimes to search through nearly a semicircle before finding it again. Sir William Thomson showed us that, by standing some 10 feet away from the piers, and swaying from one foot to the other, in time with the free oscillations of the pendulum, quite a large oscillation of the spot of light could be produced. Subsequent experience has taught us that con- siderable precautions are necessary to avoid effects of this kind, and the stone piers at Glasgow did not seem to be well isolated from the floor, and the top of the gallows was used as a junction for a number of electric connections. The cause of the extreme irregularity of the movements of the pendulum was obscure ; and as Sir William Thomson was of opinion that the instru- 1881] DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW INSTRUMENT. 391 ment was well worthy of careful study, we determined to undertake a series of experiments at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge. We take this opportunity of recording our thanks to Lord Rayleigh* for his kindness in placing rooms at our disposal, and for his constant readiness. to help us. The pressure of other employments on both of us prevented our beginning operations immediately, and the length of time which we have now spent over these experiments is partly referable to this cause, although it is principally due to the number of difficulties to be overcome, and to the quantity of apparatus which has had to be manufactured. In order to avoid the possibility of disturbance from terrestrial mag- netism, we determined that our pendulum should be made of pure copper f. Mr Hussey Vivian kindly gave me an introduction to Messrs Elkington, of Birmingham; and, although it was quite out of their ordinary line of business, they consented to make what we required. Accordingly, they made a pair of electrolytically-deposited solid copper cylinders, 5^ inches long, and 2f inches in diameter. From their appearance, we presume that the deposition was made on to the inside of copper tubes, and we under- stand that it occupied six weeks to take place. In November, 1879, they sent us these two heavy masses of copper, and, declining any payment, courteously begged our acceptance of them. Of these two cylinders we have, as yet, only used one; but should our present endeavours lead to results of interest, we shall ultimately require both of them. Two months before the receipt of our weights, the British Association had reappointed the Committee for the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity, and had added our names thereto. Since that time, with the exception of com- pulsory intermissions, we have continued to work at this subject. My brother Horace and I have always discussed together the plan on which to proceed ; but up to the present time much the larger part of the work has consisted in devising mechanical expedients for overcoming difficulties. In this work he has borne by very far the larger share ; and the apparatus has been throughout constructed from his designs, and under his superintendence, by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. Near the corner of a stone-paved ground-floor room in the Cavendish Laboratory there stands a very solid stone gallows, similar to, but rather more massive than, the one at Glasgow. As it did not appear thoroughly free from rigid connection with the floor, we had the pavement raised all round the piers, and the earth was excavated from round the brick base- ment to the depth of about 2 feet 6 inches, until we were assured that there was no connection with the floor or walls of the room, excepting * Professor Maxwell had given us permission to use the ' pendulum room,' but we had not yet begun our operations at the time of his death. f We now think that this was probably a superfluity of precaution. 392 DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT. [13 % through the earth. The ditch, which was left round the piers, was found very useful for enabling us to carry out the somewhat delicate manipulations involved in hanging the mirror by its two silk fibres. Into the middle of the flat ends of one of our copper weights (which weighed 4797 grammes, with spec. gr. 8'91) were screwed a pair of copper plugs ; one plug was square-headed and the other pointed. Into the centre of the square plug was soldered a thin copper wire, just capable of sustaining the weight, and intended to hang the pendulum. A stout cast-iron tripod was made for the support of the pendulum. Through a hole in the centre of it there ran rather loosely a stout iron rod with a screw cut on it. A nut ran on the screw and prevented the rod from slipping through the hole. The other end of the copper wire was fixed into the end of the rod. The tripod was placed with its three legs resting near the margin of the circular hole in the centre of the lintel of the gallows. The iron rod was in the centre of the hole, and its lower end appeared about six inches below the lower face of the lintel. The pendulum hung from the rod by a wire of such length as to bring the spiked plug within a few inches of the base of the gallows. This would of course be a very bad way of hanging a pendulum which is intended to swing, but in our case the displacements of the end of the pendulum were only likely to be of a magnitude to be estimated in thousandths or even millionths of an inch, and it is certain that for such small displacements the nut from which the pendulum hung could not possibly rock on its bearings. However, in subsequent experiments we improved the arrangement by giving the nut a flange, from which there projected three small equidistant knobs, on which the nut rested. The length of the pendulum from the upper juncture with the iron rod down to the tip of the spike in the bob was 148'2 cm. An iron box was cast with three short legs, two in front and one behind; its interior dimensions were 15 x 15 x 17^ cm.; it had a tap at the back; the front face (15 x 17|) was left open, with arrangements for fixing a plate-glass face thereon. The top face (15 x 17) was pierced by a large round hole. On to this hole was cemented an ordinary earthenware 4-inch drain pipe, and on to the top of this first pipe there was cemented a second. The box was thus provided with a chimney 144 cm. high. The cubic contents of the box and chimney were about 3 gallons. The box was placed standing on the base of the gallows, with the chimney vertically underneath the round hole in the lintel. The top of the chimney nearly reached the lower face of the lintel, and the iron rod of the pendulum extended a few inches down into the chimney. The pendulum wire ran down the middle of the chimney, and the lower half of the pendulum bob 1881] DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT. 393 was visible through the open face of the iron box. The stone gallows faces towards the S.E., but we placed the box askew on the base, so that its open face was directed towards the S. The three legs of the box rested on little metal discs, each with a conical hole in it, and these discs rested on three others of a somewhat larger size. When the box was set approximately in position, we could by an arrangement of screws cause the smaller discs to slide a fraction of an inch on the larger ones, and thus exactly adjust the position of the box and chimney. A small stand, something like a retort stand, about 4 inches high, stood on a leaden base, with a short horizontal arm clamped by a screw on to the thin vertical rod. This was the ' fixed ' support for the bifilar suspension of the mirror. The stand was placed to the E. of the pendulum bob, and the horizontal arm reached out until it came very close to the spike of the pendulum. The suspension and protection from tarnishing of our mirror gave us much trouble, but it is useless to explain the various earlier methods employed, because we have now overcome these difficulties in a manner to be described later. The two cocoon fibres were fixed at a considerable distance apart on the edge of the mirror, and as they were very short they splayed out at nearly a right angle to one another. By means of this arrangement the free period of oscillation of the mirror was made very short, and we were easily able to separate the long free swing of the pendulum from the short oscillations of the mirror. The mirror was hung so that the upper ends of the silks stood within an eighth of an inch of one another, but the tip of the spike stood or T ^ of an inch higher than the fixed support. The plate-glass front of the box was then fixed on with indiarubber packing. It is obvious that a movement of the box parallel to the front from E. to W. would bring the two fibres nearer together; this operation we shall describe as sensitising the instrument. A movement of the box perpen- dicular to the front would cause the mirror to show its face parallel to the front of the box ; this operation we shall describe as centralising. As sensitising will generally decentralise, both sets of screws had to be worked alternately. The adjusting screws for moving the box did not work very well; never- theless, by a little trouble we managed to bring the two silks of the bifilar suspension very close to one another. After the instrument had been hung as above described, we tried a preliminary sensitisation, and found the pendulum to respond to a slight touch on either pier. The spot of light reflected from the mirror was very unsteady, but not nearly so much so as in the Glasgow experiment; and 394 SENSITIVENESS OF THE INSTRUMENT. [13 we were quite unable to produce any perceptible increase of agitation by stamping or swaying to and fro on the stone floor. This showed that the isolation of the pier was far more satisfactory than at Glasgow. We then filled the box and pipes with water. We had much trouble with slow leakage of the vessel, but the most serious difficulty arose from the air-bubbles which adhered to the pendulum. By using boiled water we obviated this fairly well, but we concluded that it was a great mistake to have a flat bottom to the pendulum. This mistake we have remedied in the final experiment described in the present paper. The damping effect of the water on the oscillations of the pendulum and of the mirror was very great, and although the incessant dance of the light continued, it was of much smaller amplitude, and comparatively large oscillations of the pendulum, caused by giving the piers a push, died out after two or three swings. A very slight push on the stone piers displaced the mean position of the light, but jumping and stamping on the pavement of the room produced no perceptible effect. If, however, one of us stood on the bare earth in the ditch behind, or before the massive stone pier, a very sensible deflection of the light was caused ; this we now know was caused by an elastic depression of the earth, which tilted the whole structure in one or the other direction. A pull of a few ounces, delivered horizontally on the centre of the lintel, produced a clear deflection, and when the pull was 8 Ibs., the deflection of the spot of light amounted to 45 cm. We then determined to make some rough systematic experiments. The room was darkened by shutters over all the windows, and the doors were kept closed. The paraffin lamp stood at three or four feet to the S.E. of the easterly stone pier, but the light was screened from the pier. We began our readings at 12 noon (March 15, 1880), and took eight between that time and 10.30 P.M. From 12 noon until 4 P.M. the lamp was left burning, but afterwards it was only lighted for about a minute to take each reading. At 12 the reading was 595 mm., and at 4 P.M. it was 936 mm.*; these readings, together with the intermediate ones, showed that the pendulum had been moving northwards with a nearly uniform velocity. After the lamp was put out, the pendulum moved southward, and by 10.30 P.M. was nearly in the same position as at noon. During the whole of the two following days and a part of the next we took a number of readings from 9 A.M. until 11 P.M. The observations when graphically exhibited showed a fairly regular wave, the pendulum being at the maximum of its northern excursion between 5 and 7 P.M., and probably furthest south between the same hours in the morning. But * I give the numbers as recorded in the note-book, but the readings would sometimes differ by 2 or 3 mm. within half-a-minute. The light always waves to and fro in an uncertain sort of way, so that it is impossible to assign a mean position with any certainty. 1881] MODIFICATIONS OF THE INSTRUMENT. 395 besides this wave motion, the mean position for the day travelled a good deal northward. We think that a part of this diurnal oscillation was due to the warping of the stone columns from changes of temperature. An increase of temperature on the south-east faces of the piers carried the lintel towards the north-west, and of this displacement we observed only the northerly component. The lamp produced a very rapid effect, and the diurnal change lagged some two hours behind the change in the external air. The difference between the temperatures of the S.E. and N.W. faces of the pier must have been very slight indeed. At that time, and indeed until quite recently, we attributed the whole of this diurnal oscillation to the warping of the piers, but we now feel nearly certain that it was due in great measure to a real change in the horizon. We found that warming one of the legs of the iron tripod, even by contact with the finger, produced a marked effect, and we concluded that the mode of suspension was unsatisfactory. Although we had thus learnt that changes of temperature formed the great obstacle in the way of success, there were a good many things to be learnt from the instrument as it existed at that time. After the box and pipes had been filled for some days the plate-glass front cracked quite across, and a slow leakage began to take place ; we were thus compelled to dismount the whole apparatus and to make a fresh start. It is obvious that to detect and measure displacements of the pendulum in the N. and S. direction, the azimuth of the silks by which the mirror is suspended must be E. and W., and that although any E. and W. displace- ment of the pendulum will be invisible, still such displacement will alter the sensitiveness of the instrument for the N. and S. displacements. In order to obviate this we determined to constrain the pendulum to move only in the N. and S. azimuth. Accordingly we had a T-piece about 4 inches long fixed to the end of the iron rod from which the pendulum hung. The two ends of a fine copper wire were soldered into the ends of the T-piece ; a long loop of wire was thus formed. The square-headed plug at the top of the pendulum bob was replaced by another containing a small copper wheel, which could revolve about a horizontal axis. The bearings of the wheel were open on one side. When the wheel was placed to ride on the bottom of the wire loop, and the pendulum bob hooked on to the axle of the wheel by the open bearings, we had our pendulum hanging by a bifilar suspension. The motion of the pendulum was thus constrained to take place only perpendicular to the plane of the wire loop. The iron tripod was replaced by a slate slab large enough to entirely cover the hole in the lintel of the gallows. Through the centre of the slab 396 MEASUREMENT OF THE DEFLECTIONS OF THE VERTICAL. [13 was a round hole, of about one inch in diameter, through which passed the iron rod with the T-piece at the lower end. The iron rod was supported on the slate by means of the flanged nut above referred to. There was also a straight slot, cut quite through the slab, running from the central hole to the margin. The purpose of this slot will be explained presently. In the preceding experiment we had no means of determining the abso- lute amount of displacement of the pendulum, although, of course, we knew that it must be very small. There are two methods by which the absolute displacements are determinable ; one is to cause known small displacements to the pendulum and to watch the effect on the mirror ; and the second is to cause known small horizontal forces to act on the pendulum. We have hitherto only employed the latter method, but we are rather inclined to think that the former may give better results. The following plan for producing small known horizontal forces was suggested by my brother. Suppose there be a very large and a very small pendulum hanging by wires of equal length from neighbouring points in the same horizon; and suppose the large and the small pendulum to be joined by a fibre which is a very little shorter than the distance between the points of suspension. Then each pendulum is obviously deflected a little from the vertical, but the deflection of the small pendulum varies as the mass of the larger, and that of the larger as the mass of the smaller. If ra be the mass of the small pendulum, and M that of the large one, and if a be the distance between the points of suspension, then it may be easily shown that if a be increased by a small length 8a, the increase of the linear deflection of the large pendulum is m8a/(m + M}. If I be the length of either pendulum, the angular deflection of the larger one is mSa/l (m + M), and this is the deflec- tion which would be produced by a horizontal force equal to m&a/l (m + M) of gravity. It is clear, then, that by making the inequality between the two weights m and M very great, and the displacement of the point of suspension very small, we may deflect the large pendulum by as small a quantity as we like. The theory is almost the same if the two pendulums are riot of exactly the same length, or if the length of one of them be varied. Now in our application of this principle we did not actually attach the two pendulums together, but we made the little pendulum lean up against the large one ; the theory is obviously just the same. We call the small pendulum ' the disturber,' because its use is to disturb the large pendulum by known forces. A small copper weight for the dis- turber weighed '732 grammes, and the large pendulum bob, with its pulley, weighed 4831 '5. Therefore the one was 6600 times as massive as the other. The disturber was hung by a platinum wire about y^^th of an inch in diameter, which is a good deal thinner than a fine human hair. 1881] MEASUREMENT OF THE DEFLECTIONS OF THE VERTICAL. 397 We must now explain how the disturber was suspended, and the method of moving its point of suspension. Parallel to the sides of the slot in the slate slab there was riveted a pair of brass rails, one being V-shaped and the other flat; on these rails there slid a little carriage with three legs, one of which slid on one rail, and the other two on the other. A brass rod with an eyelet-hole at the end was fixed to the centre of the carriage, and was directed downwards so that it passed through the centre of the slot. The slot was directed so that it was perpendicular to the T-piece from which the pendulum hung, and the brass rod of the little carriage was bent and of such length, that when the carriage was pushed on its rails until it was as near the centre of the slab as it would go, the eyelet-hole stood just below the T-piece, and half-way between the two wires. A micrometer screw was clamped to the slab and was arranged for making the carriage traverse known lengths on its rails, and as the wires of the pendulum were in the E. and W. plane, the carriage was caused to travel N. and S. by its micrometer screw. One end of the fine platinum wire was fastened to the eyelet, and the other (as above stated) to the small disturbing weight. The platinum wire was of such length that the disturber just reached the pulley by which the big pendulum hung. We found that by pushing the carriage up to the centre, and very slightly tilting it off one rail, we could cause the disturber weight to rest on either side of the pulley at will. If it was left on the side of the pulley remote from the disturber-carriage, it was in gear, and the traversing of the carriage on its rails would produce a small pressure of the disturber on to the side of the pulley. If it was left on the same side of the pulley as the disturber-carriage, the two pendulums were quite independent and the disturber was out of gear. On making allowance for the difference in length between the pendulum and the disturber, and for the manner in which the thrust was delivered at the top of the pendulum, but omitting the corrections for the weights of the suspending wires and for the elasticity of the copper wire, we found that one turn of the micrometer screw should displace the spike at the bottom of the pendulum through O'OOOl mm. or ^-ijVocjtli of an inch. The same displacement would be produced by an alteration in the direction of gravity with reference to the earth's surface by ^th of a second of arc. A rough computation showed that the to and fro motion of the pendulum in the N.S. azimuth, due to lunar attraction, should, if the earth be rigid, be the same as that produced by 2| turns of the micrometer screw. We now return to the other arrangements made in re-erecting the instrument. A new mirror, silvered on the face, was used, and was hung in a slightly different manner. 398 METHOD OF DAMPING THE OSCILLATIONS. [13 The fluid in which the pendulum was hung was spirits and water. The physical properties of such a mixture will be referred to later. In order to avoid air-bubbles we boiled 3^ gallons of spirits and water for three hours in vacuo, and the result appeared satisfactory in that respect. After the mirror was hung, the plate-glass front to the box was fixed and the vessel was filled by the tap in the back of the box. The disturber was not introduced until afterwards, and we then found that the pendulum responded properly to the disturbance. As the heat of a lamp in the neighbourhood of the piers exercised a large disturbance, we changed the method of observing, and read the reflec- tion of a scale with a telescope. The scale was a levelling staff divided into feet, and tenths and hundredths of a foot, laid horizontally at 15 feet from the piers, with the telescope immediately over it. Since the amount of fluid through which the light had to pass was considerable, we were forced to place a gas-flame immediately in front of the scale ; but the gas was only kept alight long enough to take a reading. After sensitising the instrument we found that the incessant dance of the image of the scale was markedly less than when the pendulum was hung in water. A touch with the finger on either pier produced deflection by bending the piers, and the instrument responded to the disturber. The vessel had been filled with fluid for some days, and we had just begun a series of readings, when the plate-glass front again cracked quite across without any previous warning. Thus ended our second attempt. In the third experiment (July and August, 1880) the arrangements were so nearly the same as those just described that we need not refer to them. The packing for the plate-glass front was formed of red lead, and this proved perfectly successful, whereas the indiarubber packing had twice failed. As we were troubled by invisible leakage and by the evaporation of the fluid, we arranged an inverted bottle, so as always to keep the chimney full. We thought that when the T-piece at the end of the shaft became exposed to the air, the pendulum became much more unsteady, but we now think it at least possible that there was merely a period of real terrestrial disturbance. From August 10 to 14 we took a series of observations from early morning until late at night. We noted the same sort of diurnal oscillatory motion as before, but the outline of the curve was far less regular. This, we think, may perhaps be explained by the necessity we were under of leaving the doors open a good deal, in order to permit the cord to pass by which Lord Rayleigh was spinning the British Association coil. Notwithstanding that the weather was sultry the warping of the stone columns must have been very slight, for a thermometer hung close to the 1881] TESTS OF SENSITIVENESS. 399 pier scarcely showed a degree of change between the day and night, and the difference of temperature of the N. and S. faces must have been a very small fraction of a degree. At that time, however, we still thought that the whole of the diurnal oscillation was due to the warping of the columns. We next tried a series of experiments to test the sensitiveness of the instrument. As above remarked the image of the scale was continually in motion, and moreover the mean reading was always shifting in either one direction or the other. At any one time it was possible to take a reading to within Y^th of a foot with certainty, and to make an estimate of the y^th of a foot, but the numbers given below are necessarily to be regarded as very rough approximations. As above stated, the gallows faced about to the S.E., and we may describe the two square piers as the E. and W. piers, and the edges of each pier by the points of the compass towards which they are directed. On August 14, 1880, my brother stood on a plank supported by the pavement of the room close to the S.W. edge of the W. pier, and, lighting a spirit lamp, held the flame for ten seconds within an inch or two of this edge of the pier. The effect was certainly produced of making the pendulum bob move northwards, but as such an effect is fused in the diurnal change then going on, the amount of effect was uncertain. He then stood similarly near the N.E. edge of the E. pier, and held the spirit flame actually licking the edge of the stone during one minute. The effect should now be opposed to the diurnal change, and it was so. Before the exposure to heat was over the reading had decreased '15 feet, and after the heat was withdrawn the recovery began to take place almost immediately. We concluded afterwards that the effect was equivalent to a change of horizon of about 0"'15. When the flame was held near but not touching the lintel for thirty seconds, the effect was obvious but scarcely measurable, even in round numbers, on account of the unsteadiness of the image. When a heated lump of brass was pushed under the iron box no effect whatever was perceived, and even when a spirit flame was held so as to lick one side of the iron box during thirty seconds, we could not be sure that there was any effect. We had expected a violent disturbance, but these experiments seemed to show that convection currents in the fluid produce remarkably little effect. When a pull of 300 grammes was delivered on to the centre of the lintel in a southward direction, we determined by several trials that the displace- ment of the reading was about '30 feet, which may be equal to about 0"'3 change of horizon, 400 TESTS OF SENSITIVENESS. [13 Two-thirds of a watering-can of water was poured into the ditch at the back of the pier. In this experiment the swelling of the ground should have an effect antagonistic to that produced by the cooling of the back face of the pier, and also to the diurnal changes then going on. The swelling of the ground certainly tilted the pier over, so that the reading was altered by '10 feet. A further dose of water seemed to have the same effect, and it took more than an hour for the piers to regain their former position. As the normal diurnal change was going on simultaneously, we do not know the length of time during which the water continued to produce an effect. On August 15 we tried a series of experiments with the disturber. When the disturber was displaced on its rails, the pendulum took a very perceptible time to take up its new position, on account of the viscosity of the fluid in which it was immersed. The diurnal changes which were going on prevented the readings from being very accordant amongst themselves, but we concluded that twenty-five turns of the screw gave between '4 and '3 feet alteration in the reading on the scale. From the masses and dimensions of the pendulum and disturber, we concluded that 1 foot of our scale corresponded with about 1" change in horizon. Taking into account the length of the pendulum, it appeared that 1 foot of our scale corresponded with y^Vtfth o f a mm displacement of the spike at the bottom of the pendulum. Now as a tenth of a foot of alteration of reading could be perceived with certainty, it followed that when the pendulum point moved through y^^th of a mm. we could certainly perceive it. During the first ten days the mean of the diurnal readings gradually increased, showing that the pendulum was moving northwards, until the reading had actually shifted 8 feet on the scale. It then became necessary to shift the scale. Between August 23 and 25 the reading had changed another foot. We then left Cambridge. On returning in October we found that this change had continued. The mirror had, however, become tarnished, and it was no longer possible to take a reading, although one could just see a gas-flame by reflection from the mirror. Whilst erecting the pendulum we had to stand on, and in front of, the piers, and to put them under various kinds of stress, and we always found that after such stress some sort of apparently abnormal changes in the piers continued for three or four hours afterwards. We were at that time at a loss to understand the reason of this long- continued change in the mean position of the pendulum, and were reluctant to believe that it indicated any real change of horizon of the whole soil ; but after having read the papers of MM. d'Abbadie and Plantamour, we now believe that such a real change was taking place. 1881] DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. 401 By this course of experiments it appeared that an instrument of the kind described may be brought to almost any degree of sensitiveness. We had seen, however, that a stone support is unfavourable, because the bad conduc- tivity of stone prevents a rapid equalisation of temperature between different parts, and even small inequalities, of temperature produce considerable warping of the stone piers. But it now seems probable that we exaggerated the amount of disturbance which may arise from this cause. A. cellar would undoubtedly be the best site for such an experiment, but unfortunately there is no such place available in the Cavendish Laboratory. Lord Rayleigh, however, placed the ' balance room ' at our disposal, and this room has a northerly aspect. There are two windows in it, high up on the north wall, and these we keep boarded up. The arrangements which we now intended to make were that the pendulum and mirror should be hung in a very confined space, and should be immersed in fluid of considerable viscosity. The boundary of that space should be made of a heat-conducting material, which should itself form the support for the pendulum. The whole instrument, including the basement, was to be immersed in water, and the basement itself was to be carefully detached from contact with the building in which it stands. By these means we hoped to damp out the short oscillations due to local tremors, but to allow the longer oscillations free to take place ; but above all we desired that changes of temperature in the instrument should take place with great slowness, and should be, as far as possible, equal all round. We removed the pavement from the centre of the room, and had a circular hole, about 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, excavated in the 'made earth,' until we got down to the undisturbed gravel, at a depth of about 2 feet 6 inches. We obtained a large cylindrical stone 2 feet 4 inches in diameter and 2 feet 6 inches in height, weighing about three-quarters of a ton. This we had intended to place on the earth in the hole, so that its upper surface should stand flush with the pavement of the room. But the excavation had been carried down a little too deep, and therefore an ordinary flat paving stone was placed on the earth, with a thin bedding of cement underneath it. The cylindrical block was placed to stand upon the paving stone, with a very thin bedding of lime and water between the two stones. The surface of the stone was then flush with the floor. We do not think that any sacrifice of stability has been made by this course. An annular trench or ditch a little less than a foot across is left round the stone. We have lately had the bottom of the ditch cemented, and the vertical sides lined with brickwork, which is kept clear of any contact with the pavement of the room. On the S. side the ditch is a little wider, and this permits us to stand in it conveniently. The bricked ditch is watertight, D. i. 26 402 DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. [13 and has a small overflow pipe into the drains. The water in the ditch stands slightly higher than the flat top of the cylindrical stone, and thus the whole basement may be kept immersed in water, and it is, presumably, at a very uniform temperature all round. Before describing the instrument itself we will explain the remaining precautions for equalisation of temperature. On the flat top of the stone stands a large barrel or tub, 5 feet 6 inches high and 1 foot 10 inches in diameter, open at both ends. The diameter of the stone is about 2 inches greater than the outside measure of the diameter of the tub, and the tub thus nearly covers the whole of the stone. The tub is well payed with pitch inside, and stands on two felt rings soaked in tar. Five large iron weights, weighing altogether nearly three-quarters of a ton, are hooked on to the upper edge of the tub, in order to make the joint between the tub and the stone watertight. Near the bottom is a plate-glass window ; when it is in position, the window faces to the S. This tub is filled with water and the instrument stands immersed therein. We had at first much trouble from the leakage of the tub, and we have to thank Mr Gordon, the assistant at the Laboratory, for his ready help in overcoming this difficulty, as well as others which were perpetually recurring. The mounting of the tub was one of the last things done before the instru- ment was ready for observation, and we must now return to the description of the instrument itself. We used the same pendulum bob as before, but we had its shape altered so that the ends both above and below were conical surfaces, whilst the central part was left cylindrical. The upper plug with its pulley is replaced by another plug bearing a short round horizontal rod, with a rounded groove cut in it. The groove stands vertically over the centre of the weight, and is designed for taking the wire of the bifilar suspension of the pendulum ; when riding on the wire the pendulum bob hangs vertically. Part of this upper plug consists of a short thin horizontal arm about an inch long. This arm is perpendicular to the plane of the groove, and when the pendulum is in position, projects northwards. Through the end of the arm is bored a fine vertical hole. This part of the apparatus is for the modified form of disturber, which we are now using. The support for the pendulum consists of a stout copper tube 2| inches in diameter inside measure, and it just admits the pendulum bob with ^th inch play all round. The tube is 3 feet 6 inches in height, and is closed at the lower end by a diaphragm, pierced in the centre by a round hole, about inch in diameter. The upper end has a ring of brass soldered on to it, and this ring has a flange to it. The upper part of the brass ring forms a short continuation f of an inch in length of the copper tube. 1881] DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. 403 The ring is only introduced as a means of fastening the flange to the copper tube. The upper edge of the brass continuation has three V notches in it at 120 apart on the circumference of the ring. A brass cap like the lid of a pill-box has an inside measure \ inch greater than the outside measure of the brass ring. The brass cap has three rods which project inwards from its circumference, and which are placed at 120 apart thereon. When the cap is placed on the brass continuation of the upper tube, the three rods rest in the three V notches, and the cap is geometrically fixed with respect to the tube. A fine screw works through the centre of the cap, and actuates an apparatus, not easy to explain without drawings, by which the cap can be slightly tilted in one azimuth. The object of tilting the cap is to enable us to sensitise the instrument by bringing the silk fibres attached to the mirror into close proximity. Into the cap are soldered the two ends of a fine brass wire ; the junctures are equidistant from the centre of the cap and on opposite sides of it ; they lie on that diameter of the cap which is perpendicular to the axis about which the tilting can be produced. When the pendulum is hung on the brass wire loop by the groove in the upper plug, the wires just clear the sides of the copper tube. It is clear that the tilting of the cap is mechanically equivalent to a shortening of one side of the wire loop and the lengthening of the other. Hence the pendulum is susceptible of a small lateral adjustment by means of the screw in the cap. To the bottom of the tube is soldered a second stout brass ring ; this ring bears on it three stout brass legs inclined at 120 to one another, all lying in a plane perpendicular to the copper tube. From the extremity of each leg to the centre of the tube is 8| inches. The last inch of each leg is hollowed out on its under surface into the form of a radial V groove. There are three detached short pieces of brass tube, each ending below in a flange with three knobs on it, and at the upper end in a screw with a rounded head. These three serve as feet for the instrument. These three feet are placed on the upper surface of our basement stone at 120 apart, estimated from the centre of the stone. The copper tube with its legs attached is set down so that the inverted V grooves in the legs rest on the rounded screw-head at the tops of the three feet, and each of the feet rests on its three knobs on the stone. The bottom of the copper tube is thus raised 5| inches above the stone. By this arrangement the copper tube is retained in position with reference to the stone, and it will be observed that no part of the apparatus is under any constraint except such as is just necessary to determine its position geometrically. 262 404 DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. [13 The screws with rounded heads which form the three feet are susceptible of small adjustments in height, and one of the three heads is capable of more delicate adjustment, for it is actuated by a fine screw, which is driven by a toothed wheel and pinion. The pinion is turned by a wooden rod, made flexible by the insertion of a Hook's joint, and the wooden rod reaches to the top of the tub, when it is mounted surrounding the instrument. The adjustable leg is to the N. of the instrument, and as the mirror faces S. we call it the ' back-leg.' When the copper support is mounted on its three legs, a rough adjustment for the verticality of the tube is made with two of the legs, and final adjustment is made by the back-leg. It is obvious that if the back-leg be raised or depressed the point of the pendulum is carried southwards or northwards, and the mirror turns accordingly. Thus the back-leg with its screw and rod affords the means of centralising the mirror. The arrangements for suspending the mirror must now be described. The lower plug in the pendulum bob is rounded and has a small hori- zontal hole through it. When the pendulum is hung this rounded plug just appears through the hole in the diaphragm at the bottom of the copper tube. A small brass box, shaped like a disk, can be screwed on to the bottom of the copper tube, in such a way that a diameter of the box forms a straight line with the axis of the copper tube. One side of the box is of plate glass, and when it is fastened in position the plate glass faces to the S. This is the mirror-box ; it is of such a size as to permit the mirror to swing about 15 in either direction from parallelism with the plate-glass front. The fixed support for the second fibre for the bifilar suspension of the mirror may be described as a very small inverted retort-stand. The vertical rod projects downwards from the underside of the diaphragm, a little to the E. of the hole in the diaphragm ; and a small horizontal arm projects from this rod, and is of such a length that its extremity reaches to near the centre of the hole. This arm has a small eyelet-hole pierced through a projection at its extremity. The mirror itself is a little larger than a shilling and is of thin plate glass; it has two holes drilled through the edge at about 60 from one another. The mirror was silvered on both sides, and then dipped into melted paraffin; the paraffin and silver were then cleaned off one side. The paraffin protects the silver from tarnishing, and the silver film seen through the glass has been found to remain perfectly bright for months, after having been immersed in fluid during that time. A piece of platinum wire about y^^th of an inch in diameter is threaded twice through each hole in opposite directions, in such a manner that with a continuous piece 1881] DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. 405 of wire (formed by tying the two ends together) a pair of short loops are formed at the edge of the mirror, over each of the two holes. When the mirror is hung from a silk fibre passing through both loops, the weight of the mirror is sufficient to pull each loop taut. A single silk fibre was threaded through the eyelet-hole at the end of the blunt point of the pendulum bob, and tied in such a way that there was no loose end projecting so as to foul the other side of the bifilar suspension. The other end of the silk fibre was knotted to a piece of sewing silk on which a needle was threaded. The pendulum was then hung from the cap by its wire loop, outside the copper tube, and the silk fibre with the sewing silk and needle attached dangled down at the bottom. The cap, with the pendulum attached thereto, was then hauled up and carefully let down into the copper tube. The sewing silk, fibre, and blunt end came out through the hole in the diaphragm. We then sewed with the needle through the two loops on the margin of the mirror, and then through the eyelet-hole in the little horizontal arm. The silk was pulled taut, and the end fastened off on to the little vertical rod, from which the horizontal arm projects. The mirror then hangs with one part of the silk attached to the pendulum bob and the other to the horizontal arm. The two parts of the silk are inclined to one another at a considerable angle, so that the free period of the mirror is short, but the upper parts of the silk stand very close to one another. The mirror-box encloses the mirror and makes the copper tube watertight. There is another part of the apparatus which has not yet been explained, namely, the disturber. This part of the instrument was in reality arranged before the mirror was hung. We shall not give a full account of the disturber, because it does not seem to work very satisfactorily. In the form of disturber which we now use the variation of horizontal thrust is produced by variation in the length of the disturbing pendulum, instead of by variation of the point of support as in the previous experiment. It is not easy to vary the point of support when the pendulum is hung in a tube which nearly fits it. The disturber weight is a small lump of copper, and it hangs by fine sewing silk. The silk is threaded through the eyelet in the horizontal arm which forms part of the upper plug of the pendulum ; thus the disturber weight is to the N. of the pendulum. The silk after passing between the wires supporting the pendulum has its other end attached to the cap at the top at a point to the S. of the centre of the cap. Thus the silk is slightly 406 DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED INSTRUMENT. [13 inclined to the plane through the wires. The arrangement for varying the length of the disturbing pendulum will not be explained in detail, but it may suffice to say that it is produced by a third weight, which we call the 'guide weight/ which may be hauled up or let down in an approximately vertical line. This guide weight determines by its position how much of the upper part of the silk of the disturber shall be cut off, so as not to form a part of the free cord by which the disturbing weight hangs. The guide weight may be raised or lowered by cords which pass through the cap. If the apparatus were to work properly a given amount of displace- ment of the guide weight should produce a calculable horizontal thrust on the pendulum. The whole of the arrangements for the disturber could be made outside the copper tube, so that the pendulum was lowered into the tube with the disturber attached thereto. After the mirror was hung and the mirror-box screwed on, a brass cap was fixed by screws on to the flange at the top of the copper tube. This cap has a tube or chimney attached to it, the top of which rises five inches above the top of the cap or lid from which the pendulum hangs. From this chimney emerges a rod attached to the screw by which the sensitising apparatus is actuated, and also the silk by which the guide weight is raised or depressed. The copper tube, with its appendages, was then filled with a boiled mixture of filtered water and spirits of wine by means of a small tap in the back of the mirror-box. The mixture was made by taking equal volumes of the two fluids; the boiling to which it was subjected will of course have somewhat disturbed the proportions. Poiseuille has shown* that a mixture of spirits and water has much greater viscosity than either pure spirits or pure water. When the mixture is by weight in the propor- tion of about seven of water to nine of spirits, the viscosity is nearly three times as great as that of pure spirits or of pure water. As the specific gravity of spirits is about '8, it follows that the mixture is to be made by taking equal volumes of the two fluids. It was on account of this remarkable fact that we chose this mixture in which to suspend the pendulum, and we observed that the unsteadiness of the mirror was markedly less than when the fluid used was simply water. The level of the fluid stood in our tubular support quite up to the top of the chimney, and thus the highest point of the pendulum itself was 5 inches below the surface. The tub was then let down over the instrument, and the weights hooked on to its edge. The plate-glass window in the tub stood on the S. opposite to the mirror-box. The tub was filled with water up to nearly the top of * Poggendorjf's Annalen, 1843, Vol. LVIII., p. 437. 1881] SENSITIVENESS OF THE INSTRUMENT. 407 the chimney, and the ditch round the stone basement was also ultimately filled with water. The whole instrument thus stood immersed from top to bottom in water. Even before the tub was filled we thought that we noticed a diminution of unsteadiness in the image of a slit reflected from the mirror. The filling of the tub exercised quite a striking effect in the increase of steadiness, and the water in the ditch again operated favourably. We met with much difficulty at first in preventing serious leakage of the tub, and as it is still not absolutely watertight, we have arranged a water-pipe to drip about once a minute into the tub. A small overflow pipe from the tub to the ditch allows a very slow dripping to go into the ditch, and thus both vessels are kept full to a constant level. We had to take this course because we found that a rise of the water in the ditch through half an inch produced a deflection of the pendulum. The ditch, it must be remembered, was a little broader on the S. side than elsewhere. In May, 1881, we took a series of observations with the light, slit and scale. The scale was about 7 feet from the tub, and in order to read it we found it convenient to kneel behind the scale on the ground. I was one day watching the light for nearly ten minutes, and being tired with kneeling on the pavement, I supported part of my weight on my hands a few inches in front of the scale. The place where my hands came was on the bare earth from which one of the paving stones had been removed. I was surprised to find quite a large change in the reading. After several trials I found that the pressure of a few pounds with one hand only was quite sufficient to produce an effect. It must be remembered that this is not a case of a small pressure delivered on the bare earth at say 7 feet distance, but it is the difference of effect produced by this pressure at 7 feet and 8 feet ; for of course the change only consisted in the change of distribution in the weight of a small portion of my body. We have, however, since shown that even this degree of sensitiveness may be exceeded. We had thought all along that it would ultimately be necessary to take our observations from outside the room, but this observation impressed it on us more than ever; for it would be impossible for an observer always to stand in exactly the same position for taking readings, and my brother and I could not take a set of readings together on account of the difference between our weights. In making preliminary arrangements for reading from outside the room we found the most convenient way of bringing the reflected image into 408 METHOD OF READING THE DEFLECTIONS. [13 the field of view of the telescope was by shifting a weight about the room. My brother stood in the room and changed his position until the image was in the field of view, and afterwards placed a heavy weight where he had been standing; after he had left the room the image was in the field of view. On the S.W. wall of the room there is a trap-door or window which opens into another room, and we determined to read from this. In order to read with a telescope the light has to undergo two reflections and twelve refractions, besides those in the telescope ; it has also to pass twice through layers of water and of the fluid mixture. In consequence of the loss of light we found it impossible to read the image of an illuminated scale, and we had to make the scale self-luminous. On the pavement to the S. of the instrument is placed a flat board on to which are fixed a pair of rails ; a carriage with three legs slides on these rails, and can be driven to and fro by a screw of ten threads to the inch. Backlash in the nut which drives the carriage is avoided by means of a spiral spring. A small gas-flame is attached to the carriage ; in front of it is a piece of red glass, the vertical edge of which is very distinctly visible in the telescope after reflection from the mirror. The red glass was intro- duced to avoid prismatic effects, which had been troublesome before. The edge of the glass was found to be a more convenient object than a line which had been engraved on the glass as a fiducial mark. The gas-flame is caused to traverse by pullies driven by cords. The cords come to the observing window, and can be worked from there. A second telescope is erected at the window, for reading certain scales attached to the traversing gear of the carriage, and we find that we can read the position of the gas-flame to within a tenth of an inch, or even less, with certainty. From the gas the ray of light enters the tub and mirror-box, is reflected by the mirror, and emerges by the same route ; it then meets a looking- glass which reflects it nearly at right angles and a little upwards, and finally enters the object-glass of the reading telescope, fixed to the sill of the observing window. When the carriage is at the right part of the scale the edge of the red glass coincides with the cross wire of the reading telescope, and the reading is taken by means of the scale telescope. Arrangements had also to be made for working the sensitiser, centraliser, and disturber from outside the room. A scaffolding was erected over the tub, but free of contact therewith, and this supported a system of worm-wheels, tangent-screws, and pullies by which the three requisite movements could be given. The junctures 1881] SENSITIVENESS OF THE INSTRUMENT. 409 with the sensitising and centralising rods were purposely made loose, because it was found at first that a slight shake to the scaffolding disturbed the pendulum. The pullies on the scaffolding are driven by cords which pass to the observing window. On the window-sill we now have two telescopes, four pullies, an arrange- ment, with a scale attached, for raising and depressing the guide weight, and a gas tap for governing the flame in the room. After the arrangements which have been described were completed we sensitised the instrument from outside the room. The arrangements worked so admirably that we could produce a quite extraordinary degree of sensi- tiveness by the alternate working of the sensitising and centralising wheels, without ever causing the image of the lamp to disappear from the field of view. This is a great improvement on the old arrangement with the stone gallows. We now found that if one of us was in the room and stood at about 16 feet to the S. of the instrument with his feet about a foot apart, and slowly shifted his weight from one foot to the other, then a distinct change was produced in the position of the mirror. This is the most remarkable proof of sensitiveness which we have yet seen, for the instrument can detect the difference between the distortion of the soil caused by a weight of 140 Ibs. placed at 16 feet and at 17 feet. We have not as yet taken any great pains to make the instrument as sensitive as possible, and we have little doubt but that we might exceed the present degree of delicacy, if it were desirable to do so. The sensitiveness now attained is, we think, only apparently greater than it was with the stone gallows, and depends on the improved optical arrangements, and the increase of steadiness due to the elimination of changes of temperature in the support. From July 21 to July 25 we took a series of readings. There was evidence of a distinct diurnal period with a maximum about noon, when the pendulum stood furthest northwards ; in the experiment with the stone gallows in 1880 the maximum northern excursion took place between 5 and 7 P.M. The path of the pendulum was interrupted by many minor zigzags, and it would sometimes reverse its motion for nearly an hour together. During the first four days the mean position of the pendulum travelled southward, and the image went off the scale three times, so that we had to recentralise it. In the night between the 24th and 25th it took an abrupt turn north- ward, and the reading was found in the morning of the 25th at nearly the opposite end of the scale. 410 VALUE OF THE SCALE OF EEADINGS. [13 On the 25th the dance of the image was greater than we had seen it at any time with the new instrument, so that we went into the room to see whether the water had fallen in the tub and had left the top of the copper tube exposed ; for on a previous occasion this had appeared to produce much unsteadiness. There was, however, no change in the state of affairs. A few days later the image was quite remarkable for its steadiness. On July 25, and again on the 27th, we tried a series of observations with the disturber, in order to determine the absolute value of the scale. The guide weight being at a known altitude in the copper tube, we took a series of six readings at intervals of a minute, and then shifting the guide weight to another known altitude, took six more in a similar manner; and so on backwards and forwards for an hour. The first movement of the guide weight produced a considerable disturb- ance of an irregular character, and the first set of readings were rejected. Afterwards there was more or less concordance between the results, but it was to be noticed there was a systematic difference between the change from ' up ' to ' down ' and ' down ' to ' up.' This may perhaps be attributed to friction between certain parts of the apparatus. We believe that on another occasion we might erect the disturber under much more favourable conditions, but we do not feel sure that it could ever be made to operate very satisfactorily. The series of readings before and after the change of the guide weight were taken in order to determine the path of the pendulum at the critical moment, but the behaviour of the pendulum is often so irregular, even within a few minutes, that the discrepancy between the several results and the apparent systematic error may be largely due to unknown changes, which took place during the minute which necessarily elapsed between the last of one set of readings and the first of the next. The image took up its new position deliberately, and it was necessary to wait until it had come to its normal position. Between the first and second sets of observations with the disturber, it had been necessary to enter the room and to recentralise the image. We do not know whether something may not have disturbed the degree of sensitiveness, but at any rate the results of the two sets of observations are very discordant*. The first set showed that one inch of movement of the gas-flame, which formed the scale, corresponds with y^th of a second of arc of change of horizon ; the second gave |th of a second to the inch. As we can see a twentieth of an inch in the scale, it follows that a change of horizon of about 0" - 005 should be distinctly visible. In this case the * See, however, the postscript at the end of this part. 1881] VALUE OF THE SCALE OF READINGS. 411 point of the pendulum moves through ^^^th of a millimetre. At present we do not think that the disturber gives more than the order of the changes of horizon which we note, but our estimate receives a general confirmation from another circumstance. From the delicacy of the gearing connected with the back-leg, we esti- mate that it is by no means difficult to raise the back-leg by a millionth of an inch. The looseness in the gearing was purposely kept so great that it requires a turn or two of the external pulley on the window-sill before the backlash is absorbed, but after this a very small fraction of a turn is sufficient to move the image in the field. We are now inclined to look to this process with the back-leg to enable us to determine the actual value of our scale, but this will require a certain amount of new apparatus, which we have not yet had time to arrange. In erecting the instrument we omitted to take certain measurements which it now appears will be necessary for the use of the back-leg as a means of determining the absolute value of our scale, but we know these measure- ments approximately from the working drawings of the instrument. Now it appears that one complete revolution of a certain tangent-screw by which the back-leg is raised should tilt the pendulum-stand through almost exactly half a second of arc, and therefore this should produce a relative displace- ment of the pendulum of the same amount. We have no doubt but that a tenth of the turn of the tangent-screw produces quite a large deflection of the image, and probably a hundredth of a turn would produce a sensible deflection. Therefore, from mere consideration of the effect of the back-leg we do not doubt but that a deflection of the pendulum through a ^th of a second of arc is distinctly visible. This affords a kind of confirmation of the somewhat unsatisfactory deductions which we draw from the operation of the disturber. Postscript. The account of our more recent experiments was written during absence from Cambridge from July 29 to August 9. In this period the gradual southerly progression of the pendulum bob, which was observed up to July 28, seems to have continued; for on August 9 the pendulum was much too far S. to permit the image of the gas-flame to come into the field of view of the telescope. On August 9 the image was recen- tralised, and on the 9th and 10th the southerly change continued ; on the llth, however, a reversal northwards again occurred. During these days the unsteadiness of the image was much greater than we have seen it at any time with the new instrument. There was some heavy rain and a good deal of wind at that time. We intend to arrange a scale for giving a numerical value to the degree of unsteadiness, but at present it is merely a matter of judgment. It seems possible that earthquakes were the cause of unsteadiness on 412 VALUE OF THE SCALE OF READINGS. [13 August 9, 10, and 11, and we shall no doubt hear whether any earthquakes have taken place on those days. After August 11 we were both again absent from Cambridge. On August 16 my brother returned, and found that the southerly progression of the pendulum bob had reasserted itself, so that the image was again far out of the field of view. After recentralising he found the image to be unusually steady. This appeared a good opportunity of trying the effect of purely local tremors. One observer therefore went into the room and, standing near the instru- ment, delivered some smart blows on the brickwork coping round the ditch, the stone pavement, the tub, and the large stone basement underneath the water. Little or no effect was produced by this. Very small movements of the body, such as leaning forward while sitting in a chair, or a shift of part of the weight from heels to toes, produced a sensible deflection, and it was not very easy for the experimenter to avoid this kind of change whilst delivering the blows. To show the sensitiveness of the instrument to steady pressure we may mention that a pressure of three fingers on the brick coping of the ditch produces a marked deflection. On August 171 returned to Cambridge, and noted, with my brother, that the image had never been nearly so steady before. The abnormal steadiness continued on the 18th. There was much rain during those days. On the afternoon of the 19th there was a high wind, and although the abnormal steadiness had ceased, still the agitation of the image was rather less than we usually observe it. The image being so steady on the 17th, we thought that a good oppor- tunity was afforded for testing the disturber. At 6.15 P.M. of that day we began the readings. The changes from ' up ' to ' down ' were made as quickly as we could, and in a quarter of an hour we secured five readings when the guide weight was ' up,' and four when it was 'down.' When a curve was drawn, with the time as abscissa, and the readings as ordinates, through the ' up's,' and similarly through the ' down's,' the curves presented similar features. This seems to show that movement of the disturber does not cause irregularities or changes, except such as it is designed to produce. The displacement of the guide weight was through 5 cm. on each occasion. The four changes from ' up ' to ' down ' showed that an inch of scale cor- responded with 0"'0897, with a mean error of 0"'0021 ; the four from 'down ' to ' up ' gave 0"'0909 to the inch, with a mean error of 0"'0042. Thus the systematic error on the previous occasions was probably only apparent. 1881] THE WORK OF PREVIOUS OBSERVERS. 413 Including all the eight changes together, we find that the value of an inch is 0"'0903 with a mean error of 0"'0030. A change in the scale reading amounting to a tenth of an inch is visible without any doubt, and even less is probably visible. Now it will give an idea of the delicacy of the instrument when we say that a tenth of an inch of our scale corresponds to a change of horizon* through an angle equal to that subtended by an inch at 384 miles. II. On the work of previous observers. In the following section we propose to give an account of the various experiments which have been made in order to detect small variations of horizon, as far as they are known to us; but it is probable that other papers of a similar kind may have escaped our notice. In a report of this kind it is useful to have references collected together, and therefore, besides giving an account of the papers which we have con- sulted, we shall requote the references contained in these papers. In Poggendorff's Annalen for 1873 there are papers by Prof. F. Zollner, which had been previously read before the Royal Saxon Society, and which are entitled " Ueber eine neue Methode zur Messung anziehender und abstossender Krafte," Vol. 150, p. 131, " Beschreibung und Anwendung des Horizon talpendels," Vol. 150, p. 134. A part of the second of these papers is translated, and the figure is reproduced in the supplementary number of the Philosophical Magazine for 1872, p. 491, in a paper " On the Origin of the Earth's Magnetism." The horizontal pendulum was independently invented by Prof. Zollner, and, notwithstanding assertions to the contrary, was probably for the first time actually realised by him ; it appears, however, that it had been twice invented before. The history of the instrument contains a curious piece of scientific fraud, of which we shall give an account below. The instrument underwent some modifications under the hands of Pro- fessor Zollner, and the two forms are described in the above papers. The principle employed is as follows : There is a very stout vertical stand, supported on three legs. At the top and bottom of the vertical shaft are fixed two projections. Attached to each projection is a fine straight steel clock spring; the springs are parallel to the vertical shaft of the stand, the one attached to the lower projection running upwards, and * We use the expression ' change of horizon ' to denote relative movement of the earth, at the place of observation, and the plumb-line. Such changes may arise either from alteration in the shape of the earth, or from displacement of the plumb-line ; our experiments do not determine which of these two really takes place. 414 ZOLLNER ON THE HORIZONTAL PENDULUM. [13 that attached to the upper one running downwards. The springs are of equal length, each being equal to half the distance between their points of attachment on the projections. The springs terminate in a pair of rings, which stand exactly opposite to one another, so that a rod may be thrust through both. A glass rod has a heavy weight attached to one end of it, and the other end is thrust through the two rings. The rings are a little separated from one another, and the glass rod stands out horizontally, with its weight at the end, and is supported by the tension of the two springs. It is obvious that if the point of attachment of the upper spring were vertically over that of the lower spring, and if the springs had no torsional elasticity, then the glass rod would be in neutral equilibrium, and would stand equally well in any azimuth. The springs being thin have but little torsional elasticity, and Professor Zollner arranges the instrument so that the one support is very nearly over the other. In consequence of this the rod and weight have but a small predilection for one azimuth more than another. The free oscillations of the horizontal pendulum could thus be made extraordinarily slow; and even a complete period of one minute could be easily attained. A very small horizontal force of course produces a large deflection of the pendulum, and a small deflection of the force of gravitation with reference to the instrument must produce a like result. He considers that by this instrument he could, in the first form of the instrument, detect a displacement of the horizon through (T'OOOSS ; in the second his estimate is 0"'001. The observation was made by means of a mirror attached to the weight, and scale and telescope. The maximum change of level due to the moon's attraction is at St Petersburg 0"'0l74, and from the sun 0"'0080 [C. A. F. Peters, Bull Acad. Imp. St Petersbourg, 1844, Vol. in., No. 14] ; and thus the instrument was amply sensitive enough to detect the lunar and solar disturbances of gravity*. * We are of opinion that M. Zollner has made a mistake in using at Leipzig Peters' results for St Petersburg. Besides this he considers the changes of the vertical to be 0"'0174 on each side of a mean position, and thus says the change is 0"-0348 altogether. Now a rough computa- tion which I have made for Cambridge shows that the maximum meridional horizontal component of gravitation, as due to lunar attraction, is 4-12 x 10~ 8 of pure gravity. This force will produce a deflection of the plumb-line of 0" - 0085, and the total amplitude of meridional oscillation will be 0" - 0170. -The maximum deflection of the plumb-line occurs when the moon's hour-angle is 45 and 135 at the place of observation. The change at Cambridge when the moon is S.E. and N.W. is 0"'0216. The deflection of the plumb-liue varies as the cosine of the latitude, and is therefore greater at Cambridge than at St Petersburg. Multiplying -0216 by sec 51 43' cos 60 we get -0174, and thus my calculation agrees with that of Peters. 1881] ZOLLNER ON THE HORIZONTAL PENDULUM. 415 Professor Zollner found, as we have done, that the readings were never the same for two successive instants. The passing of trains on the railway at a mile distant produced oscillations of the equilibrium position. He seems to have failed to detect the laws governing the longer and wider oscillations performed. Notwithstanding that he took a number of precau- tions against the effects of changes of temperature, he remarks that " the external circumstances under which the above experiments were carried out must be characterised as extremely unfavourable for this object (measuring the lunar attraction), so that the sensitiveness might be much increased in pits in the ground, provided the reaction of the glowing molten interior against the solid crust do not generate inequalities of the same order." Further on he says that if the displacements of the pendulum should be found not to agree in phase with the theoretical phase as given by the sun's position, then it might be concluded that gravitation must take a finite time to come from the sun. It appears to me that such a result would afford strong grounds for presuming the existence of frictional tides in the solid earth, and that Professor Zollner's conclusion would be quite unjustifiable. Earlier in the paper he states that he preferred to construct his instrument on a large scale, in order to avoid the disturbing effects of convection currents. We cannot but think, from our own experience, that by this course Professor Zollner lost more than he gained, for the larger the instrument the more it would necessarily be exposed in its various parts to regions of different temperature, and we have found that the warping of supports by inequalities of temperature is a most serious cause of disturbance. The instrument of which we have given a short account appears to us very interesting from its ingenuity, and the account of the attempts to use it is well worthy of attention, but we cannot think that it can ever be made to give such good results as those which may perhaps be attained by our plan or by others. The variation in the torsional elasticity of the suspending springs, due to changes of temperature, would seem likely to produce serious variations in the value of the displacements of the pendulum, and it does not seem easy to suspend such an instrument in fluid in such a manner as to kill out the effects of purely local tremors. Moreover, the whole instrument is kept permanently in a condition of great stress, and one would be inclined to suppose that the vertical stand would be slightly warped by the variation of direction in which the tensions of the springs are applied, when the pendulum bob varies its position. In a further paper in the same volume, p. 140, "Zur Geschichte des Horizontalpendels," Zollner gives the priority of invention to M. Perrot, who 416 HENGLER'S SCIENTIFIC FRAUD. [13 had described a similar instrument on March 31, 1862 (Comptes Rendus, Vol. 54, p. 728), but as far as he knows M. Perrot did not actually construct it. He also quotes an account of an "Astronomische Pendelwage," by Lorenz Hengler, published in 1832, in Vol. 43 of Dingier s Polytechn. Journ., pp. 81 92. In this paper it appears that Hengler gives the most astonishing and vague accounts of the manner in which he detected the lunar attraction with a horizontal pendulum, the points of support being the ceiling and floor of a room 16 feet high. The terrestrial rotation was also detected with a still more marvellous instrument. Zollner obviously discredits these experiments, but hesitates to charac- terise them, as they deserve, as mere fraud and invention. The university authorities at Munich state that in the years 1830-1 there was a candidate in philosophy and theology named Lorenz Hengler, of Reichenhofen, " der weder friiher noch spater zu linden ist." V At p. 150 of the same volume Professor Safafik contributes a "Beitrag zur Geschichte des Horizontalpendels." He says that the instrument takes its origin from Professor Gruithuisen, of Munich, whose name has " keinen guten Klang" in the exact sciences. This strange person, amongst other eccentricities, proposed to dig a hole quite through the earth, and proposes a catachthonic observatory. Gruithuisen says, in his Neuen Analekten fur Erd- und Himmelskunde (Munich, 1832), Vol. I., Part I. : "I believe that the oscillating balance (Schwung-wage) of a pupil of mine (named Hengeller), when constructed on a large scale, will do the best service." Some of the most interesting observations which have been made are those of M. d'Abbadie. He gave an account of his experiments in a paper, entitled " Etudes sur la verticale," Association Francaise pour I'avancement des Sciences, Congres de Bordeaux, 1872, p. 159. As this work is not very easily accessible to English readers, and as the paper itself has much interest, we give a somewhat full abstract of it. He has also published two short notes with reference to M. Plantamour's observations (noticed below), in Vol. 86, p. 1528 (1878), and Vol. 89, p. 1016 (1879), of the Comptes Rendus. We shall incorporate the substance of his remarks in these notes in our account of the original paper. When at Olinda, in Brazil, in 1837, M. d'Abbadie noticed the variations of a delicate level which took place from day to day. At the end of the two months of his stay there the changes in the E. and W. azimuth had compensated themselves, and the level was in the same condition as at first; but the change in the meridian was still progressing when he had to leave. 1881] D'ABBADIE, BOUQUET DE LA GRYE. 417 In 1842, at Gondar, in Ethiopia, and at Saqa, he noticed a similar thing. In 1852 he gave an account to the French Academy (Comptes Rendus, May, p. 712) of these observations, as well as of others, by means of levels, which were carried out in a cellar in the old castle of Audaux, Basses Pyrenees. Leverrier, he says, speaks of sudden changes taking place in the level of astronomical instruments, apparently without cause. Airy has proved that the azimuth of an instrument may change, and Hough notes, in America, capricious changes of the Nadir. Henry has collected a series of levellings and azimuths observed at Greenwich during ten years, and during eight of the same years at Cambridge (Monthly Notices R. A. S., Vol. vin., p. 134). The results with respect to these two places present a general agreement, and show that from March to September the western Y of the transit instrument falls through 2"'5, whilst it deviates at the same time 2" towards the north. Ellis has made a comparison of curves applying to Greenwich, during eight years, for level and azimuth. He shows that there is a general correspondence with the curves of the external temperature (Memoirs of the R. Ast. Soc., Vol. xxix., pp. 45 57). In the later papers M. d'Abbadie says that M. Bouquet de la Grye has observed similar disturbances of the vertical at Campbell Island, S. lat. 52 34'. M. Bouquet used a heavy pendulum governing a vertical lever, by which the angle was multiplied*. He found that the great breakers on the shore at a distance of two miles caused a deviation of the vertical of I"*!. On one occasion the vertical seems to have varied through 3"'2 in 3 hours. M. d'Abbadie also quotes Elkin, Yvon Villarceau, and Airy as having found, from astronomical observations, notable variations in latitude, amounting to from 7" to 8". As M. d'Abbadie did not consider levels to afford a satisfactory method of observation of the presumed changes of horizon, he determined to proceed in a different manner. The site of his experiments was Abbadia, in Subernoa, near Hendaye. The Atlantic was 400 metres distant, and the sea-level 62 metres below the place of observation. The subsoil was loamy rock (roche marneuse), belonging to cretaceous deposits of the south of France. Notwithstanding the steep slope of the soil, water was found at about 5 metres below the surface. * I do not find a reference to M. Bouquet in the R.S. catalogue of scientific papers. It appears from what M. d'Abbadie says that certain observations have been made with pendulums in Italy, but that it does not distinctly appear that the variations of level are simultaneous over wide areas. No reference is given as to the observers. D. i. 27 418 D'ABBADIE'S NADIRANE. [13 In this situation he had built, in 1863, a steep concrete cone, of which the external slope was ten in one (une inclinaison d'une dixieme). The concrete cone is truncated, and the flat surface at the top is 2 metres in diameter. It is pierced down the centre by a vertical hole or well 1 metre in diameter. This well extends to within half a metre of the top, at which point the concrete closes in, leaving only a hole of 12 centimetres up to the flat upper surface. From the top of the concrete down to the rock is 8 metres, and the well is continued into the rock to a further depth of 2 metres: thus from top to bottom is 10 metres. A tunnel is made to the bottom of the well in order to drain away the water, and access of the observer to the bottom is permitted by means of an underground staircase. Access can also be obtained to a point half-way between the top and bottom by means of a hole through the concrete. At this point there is a diaphragm across the well, pierced by a hole 21 centi- metres in diameter. The diaphragm seems to have been originally made in order to support a lens, but the mode of observation was afterwards changed. The diaphragm is still useful, however, for allowing the observer to stand there and sweep away cobwebs. The cone is enclosed in an external building, from the roof of which, as I understand, there hangs a platform on which the observer may stand without touching the cone ; and the two staircases leading up to the top are also isolated*. On the hole through the top of the cone is riveted a disk of brass pierced through its centre by a circular hole 21 mm. in diameter. The hole in the disk is traversed across two perpendicular diameters by fine platinum wires ; at first there were only two wires, but afterwards there were four, which were arranged so as to present the outline of a right- angled cross. The parallel wires were very close together, so that the four wires enclosed in the centre a very small square space. At the bottom of the well is put a pool of mercury. The mercury was at first in an iron basin, but the agitation of the mercury was found sometimes to be so great that no reflection was visible for an hour together. At the suggestion of Leverrier the iron basin was replaced by a shallow wooden tray with a corrugated bottom, and a good reflection was then generally obtainable. Immediately over the mercury pool there stood a lens of 10 cm. diameter and 10 metres focal length, and over the brass disk there stood a microscope with moveable micrometer wires in the eye- piece, and a position circle. The platinum wires were illuminated, and on looking through the microscope the observer saw the wires both directly and * This passage appears to me a little obscure, and I cannot quite understand the arrange- ment. 1881] D'ABBADIE'S NADIRANE. 419 by reflection. The observations were taken by measuring the azimuth and displacement of the image of the central square relatively to the real square enclosed by the wires. One division of the micrometer screw indicated a displacement of vertical of 0"'03, so that the observations were susceptible of considerable refinement. The whole of the masonry was finished in 1863, and M. d'Abbadie then allowed the structure five years to settle before he began taking observa- tions. The arrangements for observing above described were made in 1868 and 1869. In the course of a year he secured 2000 observations, and the results appear to be very strange and capricious. Throughout March, 1869, the perturbations of the mercury were so incessant that observations (taken at that time with the iron basin) were nearly impossible ; on the 29th he waited nearly an hour in vain in trying to catch the image of the wires. Two days later the mercury was perfectly tranquil. On April 6 it was much agitated, although the air and sea were calm. A tranquil surface was a rare exception. In 1870 the corrugated trough was substituted for the iron basin; and M. d'Abbadie says : "Cependant, ni le fond inegal du bain raine ni sa forme ne m'ont empeche d'observer, ce que j'appelle des ombres fuy antes. Ce sont des bandes sombres et paralleles qui traversent le champ du microscope avec plus ou moins de vitesse, et qu'on explique en attribuant au mercure des ondes tres tenues, causees par une oscillation du sol dans un seul sens. Le plus souvent ces ombres semblent courir du S.E. au N.O., approximative- ment selon 1'axe de la chaine des Pyrenees ; mais je les ai observees, le 15 Mars 1872, allant vers le S.O. A cette epoque, le mercure etait depuis le 29 fevrier, dans une agitation continuelle, comme mon aide 1'avait constate en 1869, aussi dans le mois de Mars*." He observed also, from time to time, certain oscillations of the mercury too rapid to be counted, which he calls ' tremoussements.' There were also sudden jumpings of the image from one point to another, or 'fre'tillements,' indicating a sudden change of vertical through 0"'49 to 0"*65. He observed many microscopic earthquakes, and in some cases the image was carried quite out of the field of view. He also detected the difference of vertical according to the state of the tide in the neighbouring sea ; but the change of level due to this cause was often masked by others occurring contemporaneously. * M. d'Abbadie writes to me that this phenomenon was ultimately found to result from air currents (Nov. 5, 1881). 27 2 420 PLANTAMOUR'S OBSERVATIONS WITH LEVELS. [13 From observations during the years 1867 to 1872 (with the exception of 1870) he finds that in every year but one the plumb-line deviated northwards during the latter months of the year, but in 1872 it deviated to the south. He does not give any theoretical views as to the causes of these phenomena, but remarks that his observations tend to prove that the causes of change are sometimes neither astronomical nor thermometrical. The most sudden change which he noted was on October 27, 1872, when the vertical changed by 2"'4 in six hours and a quarter. Between January 30 and March 26 of the same year the plumb-line deviated 4"'5 towards the south. We now come to the valuable observations of M. Plantamour, which we believe are still being prosecuted by him. His papers are " Sur le deplacement de la bulle des niveaux a bulle d'air," Comptes Rendus, June 24, 1878, Vol. 86, p. 1522, and " Des mouvements periodiques du sol accuses par des niveaux a bulle d'air," Comptes Rendus, December 1, 1879, Vol. 89, p. 937. The observations were made at Secheron, near Geneva, at first at the Observatory, and afterwards at M. Plantamour's house. After some pre- liminary observations, he obtained a very sensitive level and laid it on the concrete floor of a room in which the variations of temperature were very small. The azimuth of the level was E. and W., and the observations were made every hour from 9 A.M. until midnight. Figures are given of the displacement of the bubble during April 24, 25, and 26, 1878. The results indicate a diurnal oscillation of level, the E. end of the level being highest towards 5.30 P.M.; the amplitudes of the oscillations were 8"'4, 11"'2, 15"'75 during these three days. It also appeared that there was a gradual rising of the mean diurnal position of the E. end during the same time. The level was then transported to a cellar in M. Plantamour's house, when the temperature only varied by half a degree centigrade. The bubble of the level often ran quite up to one end. A new and larger level was obtained, together with the great 'chevalet de fer,' which is used by the manufacturers in testing levels. Both levels were placed E. and W., at about two metres apart. During May 3 and 4, 1878, the bubble travelled eastward without much return, and it is interesting to learn that simul- taneous observations by M. Turretini, at the Level Factory, three kilometres distant, at Plainpalais, showed a similar change. Between May 3 and 6 the level actually changed through 1 7". Up to the 19th the level still showed the eastward change. M. Plantamour remarks that the eastern pier of a transit instrument is 1881] PLANTAMOUR'S OBSERVATIONS WITH LEVELS. 421 known to rise during a part of the year, but not by an amount comparable with that observed by him, and that the diurnal variations are unknown. After further observations of a similar kind, one of the levels was arranged in the N. and S. azimuth. The same sort of diurnal oscillations, although more irregular, were observed, but the hours of maximum were not the same in the two levels. During the four days, May 24 to 28, the maximum rising of the north generally took place about noon. This is exactly the converse of what we have recently observed. In the second paper he remarks : " Dans le sens du meridien, les mouvements diurnes sont tres rares irreguliers et toujours tres faibles, le niveau en accuse parfois, quand il n'y en a point de Test a 1'ouest, et inversement, quand ces derniers sont tres prononces, on n'en aperyoit que tres rarement du sud au nord." In our experiment of March 15 to 18, 1880, we found that the pendulum stood furthest north about 6 P.M., so that at that time the S. was most elevated; and in the short series of observations during the present summer the maximum elevation of the S. took place about noon. On October 1, 1878, M. Plantamour began a new series of observations, which lasted until September 30, 1879. The levels were arranged in the two azimuths as before, and the observations were taken five times a day, namely, at 9 A.M., noon, 3, 6, and 9 P.M. The mean of these five readings he takes as the diurnal value. During October and November the eastern end of the level fell, which is exactly the converse of what happened during the spring of the same year; he concludes that the eastern end falls when the external temperature falls. When a curve of the external temperature was placed parallel with that for the level, it appeared that there was a parallelism between the two, but the curve for the level lagged behind that for temperature by a period of from one to four days. This parallelism was maintained until the end of June, 1879, when it became disturbed. From then until the beginning of September the E. rose, but in a much greater proportion than the rise of mean temperature. It must be noted that July was a cold and wet month. Although the external temperature began to fall on August 5, the E. end continued to rise until September 8. This he attributes to an accumu- lation of heat in the soil. The total amplitude of the annual oscillation from E. to W. amounted to 28"'08. 422 NYR^N'S OBSERVATIONS AT PULKOVA. [13 There was also a diurnal oscillation in this azimuth which amounted to 3"'2 on September 5. The east end appeared to be highest between 6 and 7.45 P.M., and lowest at the similar hour in the morning*. The meridional oscillations were much smaller, the total annual amplitude being only 4"'89. From December 23, 1878, until the end of April, 1879, there was a correspondence between the external temperature curve and that for N. and S. level. We have already quoted the remark on the diurnal meridional oscillations. M. Plantamour tells us that in 1856 Admiral Mouchez detected no movement of the soil by means of the levels attached to astronomical instruments. On the other hand, M. Hirsch established, by several years of observation at Neuchatel, that there was an annual oscillation of a transit instrument from E. to W., with an amplitude of 23", and an azimuthal oscillation of 75". Similar observations with the transit instrument were made at the observatory at Berne in the summer of 1879. It is to be regretted that M. Plantamour does not give us more informa- tion concerning the manner in which the iron support for the levels was protected from small changes of temperature, nor with regard to the effect of the observer's weight on the floor of the room. We have concluded that both these sources of disturbance should be carefully eliminated. Some interesting observations were made at Pulkova on a subject cognate to that on which we are writing. M. Magnus Nyren contributed, on February 28, 1878, an interesting note to the Imperial Academy of St Petersburg, entitled " Erderschiitterung beobachtet an einem feinem Niveau 1877 Mai 10+." On May 10 (April 28), 1877, at 4.16 A.M., a striking disturbance of the level on the axis of the transit was observed by M. Nyren in the observatory at Pulkova. The oscillations were watched by him for three minutes; their complete period was about 20 seconds, and their amplitude between 1"'5 and 2". At 4.35 A.M. there was no longer any disturbance. He draws attention to the fact that it afterwards appeared that one hour and fourteen minutes earlier there had been a great earthquake at Iquique. The distance from Iquique to Pulkova is 10,600 kilometres in a straight line, and 12,540 kilometres along the arc of a great circle. He does not positively connect the two phenomena together; but he observes that if the wave came through the earth from Iquique to Pulkova it must have travelled at the rate of about * It seems that M. Plantamour sent a figure to the French Academy with the paper, but no figure is given. This figure would doubtless have explained the meaning of some passages which are somewhat obscure. Thus he speaks of the minimum occurring between 6 and 7.45, but it is not clear whether minimum means E. highest or E. lowest. I interpret the passage as above, because this was the state of things in the observations recorded in the first of the two papers. There is a similar difficulty about the meridional oscillations. t Bull. Acad. St Petersb., Vol. xxiv., p. 567. 1881] OBSERVATIONS AT PULKOVA. 423 2 '4 kilometres per second. This is the speed of transmission through platinum or silver. M. Nyren thinks the wave-motion could not have been so regular as it was, if the transmission had been through the solid, and suggests that the transmission was through the fluid interior of the earth. It appears to us that this argument is hardly sound, and that it would be more just to conclude that the interior of the earth was a sensibly perfectly elastic solid ; because oscillations in molten rock would surely be more quickly killed out by internal friction than those in a solid. How- ever, M. Nyren does not lay much stress on this argument. He also draws attention to the fact that on September 20 (8), 1867, M. Wagner observed at Pulkova an oscillation of the level, with an amplitude of 3", and that seven minutes before the disturbance there had been an earth- quake at Malta. On April 4 (March 23), 1868, M. Gromadzki observed an agitation of the level, and it was afterwards found that there had been an earthquake in Turkestan five minutes before. Similar observations of disturbances had been made twice before, once by M. Wagner and once by M. Romberg ; but they had not been connected with any earthquakes at least with certainty. Dr C. W. Siemens has invented an instrument of extraordinary delicacy, which he calls an "Attraction-meter." An account of the instrument is given in an addendum to his paper " On determining the depth of the sea without the use of the sounding-line" (Phil. Trans., 1876, p. 659). We shall not give any account of this instrument, because Dr Siemens is a member of our committee, and will doubtless bring any observations he may make with it before the British Association at some future time. III. Remarks on the present state of the subject. Although our experiments are not yet concluded, it may be well to make a few remarks on the present aspects of the question, and to state shortly our intentions as to future operations. Our experiments, as far as they go, confirm the results of MM. d'Abbadie and Plantamour, and we think that there can remain little doubt that the surface of the earth is in incessant movement, with oscillations of periods extending from a fraction of a second to a year. Whether it be a purely superficial phenomenon or not, this consideration should be of importance to astronomical observers, for their instruments are necessarily placed at the surface of the earth. M. Plantamour and others have shown that there is an intimate connection between the changes of level and those of the temperature of the air; whence it follows that the 424 VARIATIONS IN PIERS OF TRANSIT INSTRUMENTS. [13 principal part of the changes must be superficial. On the other hand, M. d'Abbadie has shown that it is impossible to explain all the changes by means of changes of temperature. It would be interesting to determine whether changes of a similar kind penetrate to the bottom of mines, and Gruithuisen's suggestion of a catachthonic observatory seems worthy of attention, although he perhaps went rather far in the proposition that the observatory should be ten or fifteen miles below the earth's surface. It may appear not improbable that the surface of the soil becomes wrinkled all over, when it is swollen by increase of temperature and by rainfall. If this, however, were the case, then we should expect that instru- ments erected at a short distance apart would show discordant results. M. Plantamour, however, found that, at least during three days, there was a nearly perfect accordance between the behaviour of two sets of levels at three kilometres apart ; and during eight years there appeared to be general agreement between the changes of level of the astronomical instruments at Greenwich and Cambridge. It would be a matter of much interest to determine how far this concordance would be maintained if the instrument of observation had been as delicate as that used by M. d'Abbadie or as our pendulum. M. Plantamour speaks as though it were generally recognised that one pier of a transit circle rises during one part of the year and falls at another*. But if this be so throughout Europe, we must suppose that there is a kind of tide in the solid earth, produced by climatic changes ; the rise and fall of the central parts of continents must then amount to something considerable in vertical height, and the changes of level on the easterly and westerly coasts of a continent must be exactly opposite to one another. We are not aware that any comparison of this kind has been undertaken. The idea seems of course exceedingly improbable, but we understand it to be alleged that it is the eastern pier of transit instru- ments in Europe which rises during the warmer part of the year. Now if this be generally true for Europe, which has no easterly coast, it is not easy to see how the change can be brought about except by a swelling of the whole continent. We suggest that in the future it will be thought necessary to erect at each station a delicate instrument for the continuous observation of changes of level. Perhaps M. d'Abbadie's pool of mercury might be best for the longer inequalities, and something like our pendulum for the shorter ones ; * " Dans 1' operation au moyen de laquelle on verifie I'horizontalit6 de 1'axe d'une lunette meridienne, il parait qu'on remarque bien un leger mouvement d'exhaussement de Test pendant une partie de 1'annee, mais il n'est pas aussi considerable que celui qu'accuse mon niveau, et 1'on n'a jamais remarque, que je sache, une oscillation diurne comme celle qu'a indiqu6e le niveau dans le pavillou." Comptes Eendus, June 24, 1878, Vol. LXXXVI., p. 1525. 1881] HORACE DARWIN'S EXPERIMENT. 425 or possibly the pendulum, when used in a manner which we intend to try, might suffice for all the inequalities. At present the errors introduced by unknown inequalities of level are probably nearly eliminated by the number of observations taken; but it could not fail to diminish the probable error of each observation if a correc- tion were applied for this cause of disturbance from hour to hour, or even from minute to minute. If the changes noted by M. Plantamour are not entirely abnormal in amount, such corrections are certainly sufficient to merit attention. In our first set of experiments we found that stone piers are exceedingly sensitive to changes of temperature and to small stresses. Might it not be worth while to plate the piers of astronomical instruments with copper, and to swathe them with flannel ? We are not aware as to the extent to which care is taken as to the drainage of the soil round the piers, or as to the effect of the weight of the observer's body; but we draw attention to the effect produced by the percolation of water round the basement, and to the impossibility we have found of taking our observations in the same room with the instrument. In connection with this subject we may notice an experiment which was begun 3^ years ago by my brother Horace. The experiment was undertaken in connection with my father's investigation of the geological activity of earthworms, and the object was to determine the rate at which stones are being buried in the ground in consequence of the excavations of worms. The experiment is going on at Down, in Kent. The soil is stiff red clay, containing many flints lying over the chalk. There are two stout metal rods, one of iron and the other of copper. The ends were sharpened and they were hammered down vertically into the soil of an old grass field, and they are in contact with one another, or nearly so. When they had penetrated 8 feet 6 inches it was found very difficult to force them deeper, and it is probable that the ends are resting on a flint. The ends were then cut off about three inches above the ground. A stone was obtained like a small grindstone, with a circular hole in the middle. This stone was laid on the ground with the two metal rods appearing through the hole. Three brass V grooves are leaded into the upper surface of the stone, and a moveable tripod-stand with three rounded legs can be placed on the stone, and is, of course, geometrically fixed by the nature of its contact with the Vs. An arrangement with a micrometer screw enables the observer to take contact measurements of the position of the upper surface of the stone with regard to the rods. The stone has always continued to fall, but during the first few months the rate of fall was probably influenced by the decaying of the grass underneath it. The general falling of the stone can only be gathered from observations 426 VARIATION OF LATITUDE. [13 taken at many months apart, for it is found to be in a state of continual vertical oscillation. The measurements are so delicate that the raising of the stone produced by one or two cans full of water poured on the ground can easily be per- ceived. Between September 7 and 19, 1880, there was heavy rain, and the stone stood 1'91 mm. higher at the latter date than at the former. The effect of frost and the wet season combined is still more marked, for on January 23, 1881, the stone was 4'12 mm. higher than it had been on September 7, 1880. The prolonged drought of the present summer has had a great effect, for between May, 8 and June 29 the stone sank through 5'79 mm. The opposite .effects of drought and frost are well shown by the fact that on January 23 the stone stood 8'62 mm. higher than on June 29, 1881. The observations are uncorrected for the effect of temperature on the metal rods, but the fact that the readings from the two rods of different metals always agree very closely inter se, shows that such a correction would amount to very little. The changes produced in the height of the stone are, of course, entirely due to superficial causes ; but the amounts of the oscillations are certainly surprising, and although the basements of astronomical instruments may be very deep, they cannot entirely escape from similar oscillations*. In his address to the mathematical section at the meeting of the British Association at Glasgow in 1876, Sir William Thomson tells usf that Peters, Maxwell, Nyren, and NewcombJ have examined the observations at Pulkova, Greenwich, and Washington, in order to discover whether there is not an inequality in the latitude of the observatories having a period of about 306 days. Such an inequality must exist on account of the motion in that period of the instantaneous axis of rotation of the earth round the axis of maximum moment of inertia. The inequality was detected in the results, but the probable error was very large, and the epochs deduced by the several investigators do not agree inter se. It remains, therefore, quite uncertain whether the detection of the inequality is a reality or not. But now we ask whether it is not an essential first step in such an enquiry to make an elaborate investigation by a very delicate instrument of the systematic changes of vertical at each station of observation ? We will next attempt to analyse the merits and demerits of the various methods which have been employed for detecting small changes in the vertical. * [An account of this experiment is given in Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. LXVIII., 1901, pp. 253 261.] t B. A. Report for 1876, p. 10. For " Nysen " read " Nyren." I Peters' paper is in Bull. St Pet. Acad., 1844, p. 305, and Ast. Nach., Vol. xxn., 1845, pp. 71, 103, 119. Nyren's paper is in Mem. St Pet. Acad., Vol. xix., 1873, No. 13. With regard to Maxwell, see Thomson and Tait's Nat. Phil., 2nd edit., Part i., Vol. i. An interesting letter from Newcornb is quoted in Sir W. Thomson's address. 1881] ON THE SEVERAL ADVANTAGES OF VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS. 427 The most sensitive instrument is probably the horizontal pendulum of Professor Zollner, and its refinement might be almost indefinitely increased by the addition of the bifilar suspension of a mirror as a means of exhibiting the displacements of the pendulum bob. If this were done it might be possible to construct the instrument on a very small scale and yet to retain a very high degree of sensitiveness. We are inclined to think, however, that the variation of the torsional elasticity of the suspending springs under varying temperature presents an objection to the instrument which it would be very difficult to remove. The state of stress under which the instrument is of necessity permanently retained seems likely to be prejudicial. Next in order of sensitiveness is probably our own pendulum, embodying the suggestion of Sir William Thomson. We are scarcely in a position as yet to feel sure as to its merits, but it certainly seems to be capable of all the requisite refinement. We shall give below the ideas which our experience, up to the present time, suggest as to improvements and future observations. Although we know none of the details of M. Bouquet de la Grye's pendu- lum actuating a lever, it may be presumed to be susceptible of considerable delicacy, and it would be likely to possess the enormous advantage of giving an automatic record of its behaviour. On the other hand the lever must introduce a very unfavourable element in the friction between solids. M. d'Abbadie's method of observation by means of the pool of mercury seems on the whole to be the best which has been employed hitherto. But it has faults which leave ample fields for the use of other instruments. The construction of a well of the requisite depth must necessarily be very expen- sive, and when the structure is made of a sufficient size to give the required degree of accuracy, it is difficult to ensure the relative immobility of the cross-wires and the bottom of the well. Levels are exceedingly good from the point of view of cheapness and transportability, but the observations must always be open to some doubt on account of the possibility of the sticking of the bubble from the effects of capillarity. The justice of this criticism is confirmed by the fact that M. Plantamour found that two levels only two metres apart did not give perfectly accordant results. Levels are moreover, perhaps, scarcely sensitive enough for an examination of the smaller oscillations of level. Dr Siemens' form of level possesses ample sensibility, but is probably open to the same objections on the score of capillarity. In the case of our own experiments we think that the immersion of the whole instrument in water from top to bottom has proved an excellent precaution against the effects of change of temperature, and our experience leads us to think that much of the agitation of the pendulum in the earlier 428 TREMORS OF THE SOIL OBSERVED AT GREENWICH. [13 set of experiments was due to small variations of temperature against which we are now guarded. The sensitiveness of the instrument leaves nothing to be desired, and were such a thing as a firm foundation attainable, we could measure the horizontal component of the lunar attraction to a considerable degree of accuracy. We believe that this is the first instrument in which the viscosity of fluids has been used as a means of eliminating the effects of local tremors. In this respect we have been successful, for we find that jumping or stamping in the room itself produces no agitation of the pendu- lum, or at least none of which we can feel quite sure. We are inclined to try the effect of fluids of greater viscosity, such as glycerine, syrup of sugar, or paraffin oil. But along with such fluids we shall almost inevitably introduce air-bubbles, which it may be hard to get rid of. If a fluid of great viscosity were used, we should then only observe the oscillations of level of periods extending over perhaps a quarter to half a minute. The oscillations of shorter periods are, however, so inextricably mixed up with those produced by carriages and railway trains, that nothing would be lost by this. In connection with this point Mr Christie writes to me, that "In the old times of Greenwich Fair, some twenty years ago, when crowds of people used to run down the hill, I find the observers could not take reflection observations for two or three hours after the crowd had been turned out We do not have anything like such crowds now, even on Bank holidays, and I have not heard lately of any interference with the obser- vations." If the observers attributed the agitation of the mercury to the true cause, the elasticity of the soil must be far more perfect than is generally supposed. It would be surprising to find a mass of glass or steel continuing to vibrate for as long as two hours after the disturbance was removed. May it not be suspected that times of agitation, such as those noted by M. d'Abbadie, happened to coincide on two or three occasions with Greenwich Fair ? As the sensitiveness of our present instrument is very great, although the sensitising process has never been pushed as far as possible, we think that it will be advantageous to construct an instrument on half, or even less than half, the present scale. The heavy weights which we now have to employ will thus be reduced to one-eighth of the present amount. The erection of the instrument may thus be made an easy matter, and an easily portable and inexpensive instrument may be obtained. Our present form of instrument has several serious flaws. The image is continually travelling off the scale, the gearing both internal and external to the room for observing is necessarily complex and troublesome to erect, and lastly we have not yet succeeded in an accurate determination of the value of the scale. 1881] PLANS FOR MODIFYING THE BIFILAR PENDULUM. 429 We are in hopes of being able to overcome all these objections. We propose to have a fixed light, which may be cast into the room from the outside. This will free us from the obviously objectionable plan of having a gas-flame in the room, and at the same time will abolish the gearing for traversing the lamp on the scale. We should then abolish the disturbing pendulum and thus greatly simplify the instrument. The readings would be taken by the elevation or depression of the back-leg, until the image of the fixed light was brought to the cross-wire of the observing telescope. The ease with which the image may be governed with our present arrangements leads us to be hopeful of the proposed plan. The use of the back-leg will, of course, give all the displacements in absolute measure. The only gearings which it will be necessary to bring outside the room will be those for sensitising and for working the back-leg. The sensitising gearing, when once in order, will not have to be touched again. The objections to this plan are, that it is necessary to bring one of the supports of the instrument under very slight stresses, and that it will not be possible to take readings at small intervals of time, especially if a more viscous fluid be used*. Our intention is to proceed with our observations with the present instru- ment for some time longer, and to note whether the general behaviour of the pendulum has any intimate connection with the meteorological conditions. We intend to observe whether there is a connection between the degree of agitation of the pendulum and the occurrence of magnetic storms. M. Zollner has thrown out a suggestion for this sort of observation, but we find no notice of his having acted on it^f* We shall also test how far the operation by means of the back-leg may be made to satisfy our expectations. We have no hope of being able to observe the lunar attraction in the present site of observation, but we think it possible that we may devise a portable instrument, which shall be amply sensitive enough for such a purpose, if the bottom of a deep mine should be found to give a sufficiently invariable support for the instrument. The reader will understand that it is not easy to do justice to an incomplete apparatus, or to give a very satisfactory account of experiments still in progress; but as it is now two years since the Committee was appointed, we have thought it best to give to the British Association such an account as we can of our progress. * [Mr Horace Darwin has designed a new form of bifilar pendulum, in which the mirror itself is the bob of the pendulum. Such an instrument, with continuous photographic record, has been used at Birmingham and at Edinburgh. See Committee on Earth Tremors, B.A. Reports for 1893 and 1894.] t Phil. Mag., Dec. 1872, p. 497. 14 THE LUNAR DISTURBANCE OF GRAVITY; VARIATIONS IN THE VERTICAL DUE TO ELASTICITY OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE. [Second Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr G. H. DARWIN, Professor Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, Professor TAIT, Professor GRANT, Dr SIEMENS, Professor PURSER, Professor G. FORBES, and Mr HORACE DARWIN, appointed for the Measurement of the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity. Written by Mr G. H. DARWIN. British Association Report for 1882, pp. 95119.] SHORTLY after the meeting of the British Association last year (1881), the instrument with which my brother and I were experimenting at the Cavendish Laboratory, at Cambridge, broke down, through the snapping of the wire which supported the pendulum. A succession of unforeseen circumstances have prevented us, up to the present time, from resuming our experiments. The body of the present Report, therefore, will merely contain an account of such observations by other observers as have come to our knowledge within the past year, and it must be taken as supplementary to the second part of the Report for 1881. The Appendix, however, contains certain theoretical investigations, which appear to me to throw doubt on the utility of very minute gravitational observations. The readers of the Report for 1881 will remember that, in the course of our experiments, we were led away from the primary object of the Committee, namely, the measurement of the Lunar Disturbance of Gravity, and found ourselves compelled to investigate the slower oscillations of the soil. 1882] SEISMOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN ITALY. 431 It would be beyond the scope of the present Report to enter on the literature of seismology. But, the slower changes in the vertical having been found to be intimately connected with earthquakes, it would not have been possible, even if desirable, to eliminate all reference to seismology from the present Report. The papers which are quoted below present evidence of a very mis- cellaneous character, and therefore this Report must necessarily be rather disjointed. It has seemed best in our account of work done rather to classify together the observers than the subjects. This rule will, however, be occasionally departed from, when it may seem desirable to do so. The interesting researches in this field made during the last ten years by the Italians, are, I believe, but little known in this country, and as the accounts of their investigations are not easily accessible (there being, for example, no copy of the Bulletino, referred to below, at Cambridge), it will be well to give a tolerably full account of the results attained. I have myself only seen the Transactions for four years. The great extension which these investigations have attained in Italy has been no doubt due to the fact of the presence of active volcanos and of frequent sensible earthquakes in that country. But it is probable that many of the same phenomena occur in all countries. In 1874 the publication of the Bulletino del Vulcanismo was commenced at Rome under the editorship of Professor S. M. de Rossi, of Rome*. As the title of this publication shows, it is principally occupied with accounts of earthquakes, but the extracts made will refer almost entirely to the slower oscillations of level. I learn from the Bulletino that in 1873 Professor Timoteo Bertelli, of Florence, had published an historical account of small spontaneous movements of the pendulum, observed since the seventeenth century up to that timef. In 1874 (Anno 1 of the Bulletino) Rossi draws attention to the fact that there are periods lasting from a few days to a week or more, in which the soil is in incessant movement, followed by a comparative cessation of such movement. This he calls a ' seismic period.' In the midst or at the end of a seismic period there is frequently a sensible earthquake. At page 51 he remarks, in a review of some observations of Professor Pietro Monte (Director of the Observatory of Leghorn), that he was led to suspect that the crust of the earth is in continuous and slow movement * I am compelled to make this abstract from manuscript notes, but my papers having become somewhat disarranged, I am not absolutely certain in one or two places of the year to which the observations refer. t Bulletino Boncampayni, t. vi., Gennaio, 1873. Reprinted Via Lata, No. 2114, Borne. 432 SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ITALY. [14 during the seismic period, and that this movement is influenced by varia- tions of barometric pressure. This suspicion was, he says, confirmed by finding, in his observations of a pendulum at Rocca di Papa (of which we shall speak again below), that during the seismic period the excursions of the pendulum were mostly in the S.W. and N.E. azimuth. This is perpendicular to the volcanic fracture, which runs towards the Alban lake and the sea. The lips of the. fracture rise and fall, and there result two sets of waves along and perpendicular to the fracture. In an earthquake these waves are propagated with great velocity (the phenomenon being in fact dynamical), but during the seismic period the same class of changes takes place slowly. This view accords with observations at Velletri made by Professor D. G. Galli. With regard to the influence of barometric pressure Rossi elsewhere quotes M. Poey (October 15, 1857 ?) as having attributed the deviations of the vertical to this cause, and remarks : " Although he (Poey) gave too much weight to the baro-seismic action of large variations of atmospheric pressure, yet after very numerous obser- vations made by me in these last three years (I suppose 1871-4), I can affirm that no marked barometric depression has occurred without having been immediately preceded, accompanied, or followed by marked micro- seismic movements; but besides these there are other irregular, often considerable and instantaneous movements, which occur under high pressure. To distinguish them, I have called the first baro-seismic, and the second vulcano-seismic, movements." The reader will find a theoretical investiga- tion on this subject in the Appendix to the present Report. Rossi states (page 118, Anno 1 ?) that whilst Etna was in a condition of activity his pendulums at Rocca di Papa were extraordinarily agitated at the beginning of each barometric storm. At page 90 of the second year are given graphical illustrations of the simultaneous deflections of pendulums at Rome, Rocca di Papa, Florence, Leghorn, and Bologna. There is some appearance of concordance between them, and this shows that the agitations sometimes affect considerable tracts of land, but that the minor deflections are purely local phenomena. M. d'Abbadie, in presenting a memoir on micro-seismic movements by Father Bertelli to the French Academy, relates (Comptes Rendus, 1875, Vol. 81, p. 297) the following experiment made by Count Malvasia, as proving the independence of the disturbances of the pendulum from the tremors produced by traffic. Two batteries of artillery were marching through Bologna, and it was arranged that at 30 metres from the Palazzo Malvasia they should break into a trot. The pendulum, situated only 6 metres from the street, was observed to be unaffected by this, and continued its oscilla- tions in the E.W. azimuth. A pool of mercury was violently agitated, and it 1882] SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ITALY. 433 was concluded that the motion communicated to the ground by the artillery was exclusively vertical. At page 5 of the Bulletino for 1876 (January to May), Rossi writes a " Guida pratica per le osservazioni sismiche." This article contains a description of the instruments which have been used by the Italian observers. Bertelli used a pendulum protected from the air, with a microscope and micrometer for evaluating the oscillations. The upper part of the support of the pendulum consisted of a spiral spring, so that vertical movements of the ground could be recorded. This instrument he calls a tromo-seismometer. Professor Egidi, of Anagni, proposed to use the reflection from mercury. The object observed was to be a mark fixed on a wall, and the reflected image of the mark was to be observed with a telescope. The deviation of the vertical was to be evaluated by noting the amount of movement required to bring the cross-wires of the telescope on to the mark. This instrument has not, I think, the advantages of M. d'Abbadie's, because the light was incident at about 45 on the mercury, and thus the mark and telescope were remote from one another ; whereas in the arrangement of M. d'Abbadie the mark and microscope are close together, and only a micrometer wire in the microscope is movable. Cavalleri used ten pendulums of graduated length, and found that some- times one of the pendulums was agitated and sometimes another. Rossi observed the same with his pendulums at Rocca di Papa. It thus appears that the free period of oscillation of the pendulum is a disturbing element. In order to obviate the discrepancies which must arise in the use of various kinds of pendulums for simultaneous observations in different places, Bertelli and Rossi propose a normal 'tromometer/ of which a drawing is given. The length of the pendulum is 1^ metres, the weight 100 grammes, and it makes forty-nine free oscillations in a minute. To the bottom of the pendulum is attached a horizontal disk, on the underside of which are engraved two fine lines at right-angles to one another. These lines are observed, after total internal reflection in a glass prism placed immediately below the disk, by a horizontal microscope, furnished with a micrometer. The azimuth of the deflection of the vertical is observed by a position- circle. This paper also contains a description of the author's observatory at Rocca di Papa. It is established in a cave at 700 metres above the sea, on the external slope of the extinct Latian volcano. There is a large central pendulum hanging from the roof, and there are four others with different weights and lengths hanging in tubes cut in the native rock. Only the ends of these pendulums are visible, and they are protected by glass at the visible D. i. 28 434 SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ITALY. [14 parts. A great part of this paper is occupied with descriptions of seismo- meters, and this is outside the scope of the present Report. In presenting a pamphlet by Father Bertelli, entitled " Riassunto delle osservazioni microsismiche, &c.," to the French Academy (Comptes Rendus, 1877, Vol. 84, p. 465), M. d'Abbadie summarises Bertelli's conclusions somewhat as follows: The oscillation of the pendulum is generally parallel to valleys or chains of mountains in the neighbourhood. The oscillations are independent of local tremors, velocity and direction of wind, rain, change of temperature and atmospheric electricity. Pendulums of different lengths betray the movements of the soil in different manners, according to the agreement or disagreement of their free-periods with the period of the terrestrial vibrations. The disturbances are not strictly simultaneous in the different towns of Italy, but succeed one another at short intervals. After earthquakes the ' tromornetric ' or microseismic movements are especially apt to be in a vertical direction. They are always so when the earthquake is local, but the vertical movements are sometimes absent when the shock occurs elsewhere. Sometimes there is no movement at all, even when the shock occurs quite close at hand. The positions of the sun and moon appear to have some influence on the movements of the pendulum, but the disturbances are especially frequent when the barometer is low. The curves of ' the monthly means of the tromornetric movement ' exhibit the same forms in the various towns of Italy, even those which are distant from one another. The maximum of disturbance occurs near the winter solstice and the minimum near the summer solstice ; this agrees with Mallet's results about earthquakes. At Florence a period of earthquakes is presaged by the magnitude and frequency of pendulous movements in a vertical direction. These movements are observable at intervals and during several hours after each shock. At page 103 of the first part of the Bulletino for 1878 ?, there is a review of a work by Giulio Grablovitz, " Dell' attrazione luni-solare in rela- zione coi fenomeni mareo-sismici," Milano, Tipografia degli Ingegneri, 1877. In this work it appears that M. Grablovitz attributes a considerable part of the deviations of the vertical to bodily tides in the earth, but as he apparently enters into no computations to show the competency of this cause to produce the observed effects, it does not seem necessary to make any further comment on his views. SELSMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ITALY. 435 At page 99 of the volume for September December, 1878, Rossi writes on the use of the microphone for the purpose of observing earthquakes ("II microfono nella meteorologia endogena"). He begins by giving an account of a correspondence, beginning in 1875, between himself and Count Giovanni Mocenigo*, of Vicenza, who seems to have been very near to the discovery of the microphone. When the invention of the microphone was announced, Mocenigo and Armellini adopted it for their experiments, and. came to the conclusion that the mysterious noises which they heard arose from minute earthquakes or microsisms. Rossi then determined to undertake observations in his cavern at Rocca di Papa, with a microphone, made of silver instead of carbon, mounted on a stone beam. The sensitiveness of the instrument could be regulated, and he found that it was not much influenced by external noises. The instrument was placed 20 metres underground, and remote from houses and carriage-roads. It was protected against insects, and was wrapped up in wool. Carpet was spread on the floor of the cave to deaden the noise from particles of stone which might possibly fall. Having established his micro- phone, he waited till night and then heard noises which he says revealed 'natural telluric phenomena.' The sounds which he heard he describes as ' roarings, explosions occurring isolated or in volleys, and metallic or bell-like sounds ' [fremiti, scopii isolati o di moschetteria, e suoni metallici o di campana]. They all occurred mixed indiscriminately, and rose to maxima at irregular intervals. By artificial means he was able to cause noises which he calls ' rumbling (?) or crackling ' [rullo o crepito]. The roaring [fremito] was the only noise which he could reproduce artificially, and then only for a moment. It was done by rubbing together the conducting wires, in the same manner as the rocks must rub against one another when there is an earthquake. A mine having been exploded in a quarry at some distance, the tremors in the earth were audible in the microphone for some seconds subsequently. There was some degree of coincidence between the agitation of the pendulum-seismograph and the noises heard with the microphone. At a time when Vesuvius became active, Rocca di Papa was agitated by microsisms, and the shocks were found to be accompanied by the very same microphonic noises as before. The noises sometimes became 'intolerably loud ' ; on one occasion in the middle of the night, half an hour before a sensible earthquake. The agitation of the microphone corresponded exactly with the activity of Vesuvius. Rossi then transported his microphone to Palmieri's Vesuvian observatory, * Count Mocenigo has recently published at Vicenza a book on his observations. It is reviewed in Nature for July 6, 1882. 28-2 436 SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ITALY. [14 and worked in conjunction with him. He there found that each class of shock had its corresponding noise. The sussultorial shocks, in which I con- ceive the movement of the ground is vertically up and down, gave the volleys of musketry [i colpi di moschetteria], and the undulatory shocks gave the roarings [i fremiti]. The two classes of noises were sometimes mixed up together. Rossi makes the following remarks : " On Vesuvius I was put in the way of discovering that the simple fall and rise in the ticking which occurs with the microphone [battito del orologio unito al microfono] (a phenomenon observed by all, and remaining inexplicable to all) is a consequence of the vibration of the ground." This passage alone might perhaps lead one to sup- pose that clockwork was included in the circuit; but that this was not the case, and that ' ticking ' is merely a mode of representing a natural noise, is proved by the fact that he subsequently says that he considers the ticking to be ' a telluric phenomenon.' Rossi then took the microphone to the Solfatara of Pozzuoli, and here, although no sensible tremors were felt, the noises were so loud as to be heard simultaneously by all the people in the room. The ticking was quite masked by other natural noises. The noises at the Solfatara were imitated by placing the microphone on a vessel of boiling water. Other seismic noises were then imitated by placing the microphone on a marble slab, and scratching and tapping the under surface of it. The observations on Vesuvius led him to the conclusion that the earth- quake oscillations have sometimes fixed nodes and loops, for there were places on the mountain where no effects were observed. Hence, as he remarks, although there may sometimes be considerable agitation in an earthquake, the true centre of disturbance may be very distant. In conclusion Rossi gives a description of a good method of making a microphone. A common nail has a short piece of copper wire wound round it, and the other end of the wire is wound round a fixed metallic support The nail thus stands at the end of a weak horizontal spring ; but the nail is arranged so that it stands inclined to the horizon, instead of being vertical. The point of the nail is then put to rest on the middle of the back of a silver watch, which lies flat on a slab. The two electrodes are the handle of the watch and the metallic support. He says that this is as good as any instru- ment. The telephone is a seismological instrument, and therefore, strictly speaking, beyond the scope of this Report ; but as some details of its use have already been given, I will here quote portions of an interesting letter by Mr John Milne, of the Imperial Engineering College of Tokio, which appeared in Nature for June 8, 1882. Mr Milne writes : " In order to determine the presence of these earth-tremors, at the end of 1879 I commenced a series of experiments with a variety of apparatus, 1882] SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN JAPAN. 437 amongst which were microphones and sets of pendulum apparatus, very similar in general arrangement, but, unfortunately, not in refinement of construction, to the arrangements now being used in the Cavendish Laboratory. " The microphones were screwed on to the heads of stakes driven in the ground, at the bottom of boxed-in pits. In order to be certain that the records which these microphones gave were not due to local actions, such as birds or insects, two distinct sets of apparatus were used, one being in the middle of the lawn in the front of my house, and the other in a pit at the back of the house. The sensitiveness of these may be learnt from the fact that if a small pebble was dropped on the grass within six feet of the pit, a distinct sound was heard in the telephone, and a swing produced in the needle of the galvanometer placed in connection with these microphones. A person running or walking in the neighbourhood of the pits, had each of his steps so definitely recorded, that a Japanese neighbour, Mr Masato, who assisted me in the experiments, caused the swinging needle of his galvanometer to close an electric circuit and ring a bell, which, it is needless to say, would alarm a household. In the contrivance we have a hint as to how earth-tremors may be employed as thief-detectors. " The pendulum apparatus, one of which consisted of a 20-lb. bob of lead at the end of 20 feet of pianoforte wire provided with small galvanometer mirrors, and bifilar suspensions were also used in pairs. With this apparatus a motion of the bob relatively to the earth was magnified 1000 times, that is to say, if the spot of light which was reflected from the mirror moved a dis- tance equal to the thickness of a sixpence, this indicated there had been a relative motion of the bob to the extent of 1000th part that amount. "The great evil which everyone has to contend with in Japan when working with delicate apparatus is the actual earthquakes, which stop or alter the rate of ordinary clocks. " Another evil which had to be contended with was the wind, which shook the house in which my pendulums were supported, and I imagine the ground by the motion of some neighbouring trees. A shower of rain also was not without its effects upon the microphones. After many months of tiresome observation, and eliminating all motions which by any possibility have been produced by local influence, the general result obtained was that there were movements to be detected every day and sometimes many times per day. . . . " A great assistance to the interpretation of the various records which an earthquake gives us on our seismographs is what I may call a barricade of post-cards. At the present moment Yedo is barricaded, all the towns around for a distance of 100 miles being provided with post-cards. Everyone of them is posted with a statement of the shocks which have been felt. 438 INVESTIGATIONS AT CAMPBELL ISLAND. [14 " For the months of October and November it was found from the records of the post-cards that nearly all the shocks came from the north and passed Yedo to the south-west. When coming in contact with a high range of mountains, they were suddenly stopped, as was inferred from the fact that the towns beyond this range did not perceive that an earthquake had occurred. This fact having been obtained, the barricade of post-cards has been extended to towns lying still farther north. The result of this has been that several earthquake origins have, so to speak, been surrounded or corralled, whilst others have been traced as far as the seashore. For the latter shocks, earth- quake hunting with post-cards has had to cease, and we have solely to rely upon our instruments. Having obtained our earthquake centres, at one or more of these our tremor instruments might be erected, and it would soon be known whether an observation of earth-tremors would tell us about the com- ing of an earthquake as the cracklings of a bending do about its approaching breakage. To render these experiments more complete, and to determine the existence of a terrain tide, a gravitimeter might be established. I men- tion this because if terrain tides exist, and they are sufficiently great from a geological point of view, it would seem that they might be more pronounced and therefore easier to measure in a country like Japan, resting in a heated and perhaps plastic bed, than in a country like England, where volcanic activity has so long ceased, and the rocks are, comparatively speaking, cold and rigid, if an instrument, sufficiently delicate to detect differences in the force of gravity, in consequence of our being lifted farther from the centre of the earth every time by the terrain tide as it passed between (sic) our feet, could be established in conjunction with the experiments on earth-tremors." The only account which I have been able to find of M. Bouquet do la Grye's observations (mentioned in the last report) is contained in the Comptes Rendus for March 22, 1875, page 725. M. Bouquet writes : "... The observation of the levels of our meridian telescopes put us on the track of a curious fact. Not only is Campbell Island subject to earth- quakes, but it also exhibits movements when the great swell falls in breakers on the coast. I thought that it would be interesting to study this new phenomenon. The instrument, which was quickly put together, consisted of a steel wire supporting a weight, to which was soldered a needle ; the move- ments of the weight were amplified 240 times by means of a lever; by passing an electric current through this multiplying pendulum, which was terminated at the bottom by a small cup of amalgamated tin, regular oscilla- tions of T <^joth f a mm - cou ld be registered. I propose to repeat these observations with a pendulum of much larger amplifying power, so as to try to register the variations of the plumb-line." In a letter to me, M. d'Abbadie mentions an attempt by Brunner to improve M. Bouquet de la Grye's apparatus, but considers that the attempt was a failure. 1882] D'ABBADIE'S NADIRANE. 439 He also tells me that Delaunay directed M. Wolf to devise an apparatus for detecting small deviations of the vertical, and that the latter, without M. d'Abbadie's knowledge, adopted his rejected idea of a pendulum, about 30 metres long, bearing a prism at the end by reflection from which a scale was to be read by means of a distant small refractor. The pendulum was actually set up, but the wire went on twisting and untwisting until Delaunay's death, and no observations were made with it. Our own experience is enough to show that nothing could have been made of such an instrument. M. d'Abbadie gives further explanations of a passage in his own paper about the arrangement of the staircases for access to and observation with his Nadirane. In writing the Report of 1881 I had found the description of the arrangements difficult to understand. The woodcut below is a copy of the rough diagram that he sent me. There were three staircases : T cut in the rock ; CB to ascend from the cellar-flags CD ; and, lastly, AS to mount from the boarded ground floor, AB, to the small floor SN, which was hung from the roof. The two upper staircases did not touch the trun- cated cone of concrete anywhere. FIG. 1. Judging from this figure, I imagine that the concrete cone has an external slope of ten in one; the French expression was 'une inclinaison d'une dixieme.' M. d'Abbadie informs me that the apparently curious phenomenon of the 'ombres fuyantes,' which were observed in the reflection from the pool of 440 D'ABBADIE'S NADIRANE. [14 mercury, to which we drew attention last year, was of no significance. It arose from the currents of air caused by a candle left standing on the stair- case T cut in the rock. The light was required for pouring out the mercury, and it was left burning whilst the observation was being taken; but now that this operation is done entirely from above, the phenomenon has disappeared. In a paper entitled " Recherches sur la Verticale " (Ann. de la Soc. Sclent. de Bruxelles, 1881), M. d'Abbadie continues the account of his observations with his instrument, called by him a Nadirane. It was described in the last year's Report, and some further details have been given above. A portion of this paper refers to his old observations, and gives further important details as to the exact method of making observations, and of various modifications which have been introduced. Each complete observation consists of the following processes: measure- ment of the distance between the cross-wires and their image, (1) in the meridian, (2) in the prime vertical, (3) in the N.W. azimuth, (4) observation of barometer, (5) of thermometer, (6) of direction and force of the wind, (7) condition and movement of the image estimated with the micrometer, (8) condition of the heavens, (9) of the breakers called ' les Criquets,' which can be observed from the neighbouring room. This last is to determine whether it is possible to have a rough sea with a calm image ; a condition which has not hitherto been observed. This state- ment seems somewhat contradictory of the following : " Aucunes des variations dans les circonstances concomitantcs n'a paru se rattacher a 1'etat de 1'image qui, pendant des journees entieres, parait tantot belle, tantdt faible, et parfois meme disparait entierement, bien que ce dernier inconvenient ait ete evite en grande partie par 1'usage d'un recipient en bois a fond raine pour contenir le mercure." I presume we are to understand that the roughness of the sea and the badness of the image is the only congruence hitherto observed. M. d'Abbadie's observations on the effect of the tides will be referred to in the Appendix to this Report. He then discusses the various causes which may perhaps influence the vertical. The variations of air temperature are insufficient, because the vertical has been seen to vary 2"'4 in six hours. If the effects are to be attributed to variations in the temperature of the rock, it would be necessary to suppose that that temperature varies discontinuously, which it is difficult to admit. If it be supposed that the changes take place in the instrument itself, the like must be true of astronomical instruments. And there is no reason to admit the reality of such strange variations. Another cause, more convenient because more vague, is variation of a chemical or mechanical nature in the crust of the earth. But if this be so, 1882] D'ABBADIE'S NADIRANE. 441 why does the vertical ever return to its primitive position ? Another cause may be variation in the position of the earth's axis of rotation. The azimuthal variations in astronomical instruments, referred to by M. d'Abbadie (see a paper by Mr Henry, Vol. vm. p. 134, Month. Not. R.A.S.), are difficult to explain without having recourse to such variation in the axis of rotation. He also tells us that Ellis (Vol. xxix. 1861, p. 45, Mem. R.A.S.) has dis- cussed the Greenwich observations from 1851 to 1858. A comparison of the results obtained from two neighbouring meridian instruments seemed to show that the azimuthal variations are partly purely instrumental. M. d'Abbadie's paper contains diagrams illustrating the variations of the vertical observed with the Nadirane during nearly two years. He sums up the results as follows : " En resume le maximum d'ecart du sud au nord entre le fil et son image a ete egal a 49 U< 2 (this is 15"'94; it seems as though this should be twice the deviation of the vertical) le 30 Novembre a 8 h. 43 m. du matin. Ce meme jour, a 7h. 28m., on a lu 40 VV> 1, chiffre porte ici au tableau, et 37 V1 '6 seulement a 1 h. 32 m. du soir. Dans 1'espace de six heures la verticale a done varie de 2 VV> 5 ou 0" - 81 (as this is the deviation of the image, should not the deviation of the vertical be half as much ?). Le minimum de 1'annee, ou 3'06, fut atteint le 19 Janvier a 3h. 3m. du matin, ainsi que le 21 du meme mois a midi, bien qu'on eut observe 3*44 et 3'30 dans les matinees de ces deux jours, ainsi qu'on le voit au tableau ci-apres .... Pendant 1'annee entiere la verti- cale, consideree selon le plan du meridien, a done varie d'un angle de 12 VV> 45 ou 4"'034 .... On aura . . . . 8 XV> 3 ou 2"7 pour la plus grande variation dans le sens Est-Ouest ou Ton nivelle les tourillons des lunettes meridiennes." Towards the end M. d'Abbadie makes the excellent remark, that in dis- cussing latitudes and declinations of stars, account should be taken of the instantaneous position of the vertical at the moment of taking the observa- tion. In the Archives des Sciences, 1881, Vol. V. p. 97, M. P. Plantamour continues the account of his observations on oscillations of the soil at Secheron, near Geneva. The account of the earlier observations, which we quoted from the Comptes Rendus in our previous Report, is also contained in Vol. II. of the Archives, p. 641. The paper to which we are now referring contains a graphical reproduction of the previous series of observations, as far as concerns the daily means. The new series extends from October 1, 1879, to December 31, 1880, the disposition of the levels being the same as was described in our last Report. The observations were taken at 9 A.M. and 6 P.M., which hours are respectively a little before the diurnal minimum and maximum. The meanings of the terms maximum and minimum were somewhat obscure in the Goinptes Rendus, 442 PLANTAMOUR'S OBSERVATIONS WITH LEVELS. [14 but I now find that the right interpretation was placed on M. Plantarnour's words, for maximum means for the two levels E. end highest and S. end highest. The N.S. level seems to have behaved very similarly in the two years of observation ; the total annual amplitudes in the two years being 4"'89 and 4"'56 respectively. In both years this level followed, with some retardation, the curve of external temperature, except between April and October, when the curves appear to be inverted. The E.W. level behaved very differently in the two years. In 1879 the E. end began to fall rapidly at the end of November, and continued to fall until December 26, when the reading was 88"'7l; it rose a little early in January and then fell again, so that on January 28, 1880, the reading was - 89"'95. The amplitude of the total fall (viz. from October 4, 1879, to January 28, 1880) was 95"'80. In the preced- ing year the amplitude was only 28"'08. The E. end has never recovered its primitive position, and remains nearly 80" below its point of departure. It is difficult to believe that so enormous a variation of level is normal, and one is tempted to suspect that there is some systematic error in his mode of observation. If such oscillations as these were to take place in an astro- nomical observatory, accurate astronomical observations would be almost impossible. I have seen nothing which shows that M. Plantamour takes any special precaution with regard to the weight of the observer's body, nor is it ex- pressly stated that the observer always stands in exactly the same position, although, of course, it is probable that this is the case. It would be interest- ing, also, to learn whether any precautions have been taken for equalising the temperature of the level itself. To hold the hand in the neighbourhood of a delicate level is sufficient to quite alter the reading. In one of his letters to me M. d'Abbadie also remarks on the slow molecular changes in glass, which render levels untrustworthy for comparisons at considerable intervals of time. Although we must admire M. Plantamour's indomitable perseverance, it is to be regretted that his mode of observation is by means of levels ; and we are compelled to regard, at least provisionally, these enormous changes of level either as a local phenomenon, or as due to systematic error in his mode of observation. In the Report for 1881 we referred to some observations by Admiral Mouchez, made in 1856, on changes of level. A short paper by Admiral Mouchez on these observations will be found in the Comptes Rendus for 1878, Vol. 87, p. 665. I now find that the observations were, in fact, discussed by M. Gaillot, in a paper entitled " Sur la direction de la verticale a 1'observa- toire de Paris," at p. 684 of the same volume. The paper consists of the examination of 1077 determinations of latitude, made between 1856 and 1861, with the Gambey circle. 1882] CHANGES OF LEVEL AT THE OBSERVATORY OF PARIS. 443 M. Gaillot concludes that the variation from year to year is accidental, and that the variation of latitude in the course of the year is represented by ^n"on = + Q 20sm [360 (-95)1 [ 365-25 where t is the number of days since January 1. By a comparison of day and night observations he concludes that there is no trace of a diurnal variation. On this we may remark that, if the maximum and minimum occur at 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. (which is, roughly speaking, what we found to be the case), then the diurnal oscillation must necessarily disappear by this method of treatment. Individual observations ranged from 2"'48 above to 3"' 17 below the mean. On this he remarks : " Ceux qui savent combien 1'observation du nadir presente parfois de diffi- culte dans un observatoire situe au milieu d'une grande ville, .... ceux-la ne trouveront pas ces ecarts exageres, et ne croiront nullement avoir besoin de faire intervenir une deviation de la vertical e pour les expliquer." M. Gaillot concludes by remarks adverse to any sensible deviations of the vertical. It seems to me, however, that in the passage about the influence of the traffic of a great town, M. Gaillot begs the whole question by setting down to that disturbing influence all remarkable deviations of the vertical. Our obser- vations, and those of many others, are entirely adverse to such a conclusion. M. d'Abbadie, in a letter to me, also expresses himself as to the inconclu- sivencss of M. Gaillot's discussion. He also tells me that M. Tisserand, in his observations of latitude in Japan, found variations amounting to nearly 7" ; and when asked " How he could be so much in error," answered " That he was sure of his observations and calculations, but could not explain the cause of such variations." The following further references may perhaps be useful: Maxwell's paper on the 306-day inequality in the earth's rotation, which was mentioned in the Report of last year, is in the Trans. Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh, 1857, Vol. xxi. pp. 559-70. See also Bessel's Abhandlungen, Vol. II. p. 42, Vol. in. p. 304. In Nature for January 12, 1882 (p. 250), there is an account of the work of the Swiss Seismological Commission. The original sources appear to be a text-book on Seismology by Professor Heim, of Bern, the Annuaire of the Physical Society of Bern, and the Archives des Sciences of Geneva. I learn from M. d'Abbadie that Colonel Orff has been making systematic observations twice a day with levels at the Observatory at Munich, and that Colonel Goulier has been doing the same at Paris, with levels filled with bisulphide of carbon. 444 [14 APPENDIX. ON VARIATIONS IN THE VERTICAL DUE TO ELASTICITY OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE. By G. H. DARWIN. 1. On the Mechanical Effects of Barometric Pressure on the Earth's Surface. The remarks of Signore de Rossi, on the observed connection between barometric storms and the disturbance of the vertical, have led me to make the following investigation of the mechanical effects which are caused by variations of pressure acting on an elastic surface. The results seem to show that the direct measurement of the lunar disturbance of gravity must for ever remain impossible*. The practical question is to estimate the amount of distortion to which the upper strata of the earth's mass are subjected, when a wave of barometric depression or elevation passes over the surface. The solution of the following problem should give us such an estimate. Let an elastic solid be infinite in one direction, and be bounded in the other direction by an infinite plane. Let the surface of the plane be every- where acted on by normal pressures and tractions, which are expressible as a simple harmonic function of distances measured in some fixed direction along the plane. It is required to find the form assumed by the surface, and generally the condition of internal strain. This is clearly equivalent to the problem of finding the distortion of the earth's surface produced by parallel undulations of barometric elevation arid depression. It is but a slight objection to the correctness of a rough estimate of the kind required, that barometric disturbances do not actually occur in parallel bands, but rather in circles. And when we consider the magnitude of actual terrestrial storms, it is obvious that the curvature of the earth's surface may be safely neglected. This problem is mathematically identical with that of finding the state of stress produced in the earth by the weight of a series of parallel mountains. The solution of this problem has recently been published in a paper by me in the Philosophical Transactions (Part II. 1882, pp. 187 230t), and the solution there found may be adapted to the present case in a few lines. The problem only involves two dimensions. If the origin be taken in the mean horizontal surface, which equally divides the mountains arid valleys, and if the axis of z be horizontal and perpendicular to the mountain chains, * [This prevision has now been falsified; see p. 346.] t [To be reproduced in Vol. n. of these collected papers.] 1882] STATE OF STRESS AND STRAIN OF AN ELASTIC SOIL. 445 and if the axis of x be drawn vertically downwards, then the equation to the mountains and valleys is supposed to be , z x = h cos y 6 so that the wave-length from crest to crest of the mountain ranges is 2?r&. The solution may easily be found from the analysis of section 7 of the paper referred to. It is as follows : Let a, 7 be the displacements at the point x, z vertically downwards and horizontally (a has here the opposite sign to the a of (44)). Let w be the density of the rocks of which the mountains are composed ; g gravity ; v modulus of rigidity, then dW ry = ' dW -j- dz where W = gwh e~ xlb cos (1) From these we have at once = *)-,., z\ 7 = gwh ., . z - xe~ xlb sm r 6 da. dz qwh /, x\ _, . z = -if- 1 1 + T I e sm 7 2v \ b) bt The first of these gives the vertical displacement, the second the horizontal, and the third the inclination to the horizon of strata primitively plane. At the surface qwh , a. = ^r 6 cos .- , b = .(3) da. _ gwh . z dz 2v b * It is easy to verify that these values of a and 7, together with the value p=gwhe~ x / l 'coszlb for the hydrostatic pressure, satisfy all the conditions of the problem, by giving normal pressure gwhcoszjb at the free surface of the infinite plane, and satisfying the equations of internal equilibrium throughout the solid. I take this opportunity of remarking that the paper from which this investigation is taken contains an error, inasmuch as the hydrostatic pressure is erroneously determined in section 1. The term - W should be added to the pressure as deter- mined in (3). This adds W to the normal stresses P, Q, R throughout the paper, but leaves the difference of stresses (which was the thing to be determined) unaffected. If the reader should compare the stresses, as determined from the values of a, 7 in the text above, and from the value of p given in this note, with (38) of the paper referred to, he is warned to remember the missing term W. [The mistake, referred to, will be corrected in the reproduction of the paper.] 446 DEFLECTION OF VERTICAL DUE TO ATTRACTION. [14 Hence the maximum vertical displacement of the surface is + gwhb/Zv, and the maximum inclination of the surface to the horizon is + cosec 1" x gwh/Zv seconds of arc Before proceeding further I shall prove a very remarkable relation be- tween the slope of the surface of an elastic horizontal plane and the deflection of the plumb-line caused by the direct attraction of the weight producing that slope. This relation was pointed out to me by Sir William Thomson, when I told him of the investigation on which I was engaged ; but I am alone responsible for the proof as here given. He writes that he finds that it is not confined simply to the case where the solid is incompressible, but in this paper it will only be proved for that case. Let there be positive and negative matter distributed over the horizontal plane according to the law wh cos (z/b) ; this forms, in fact, harmonic moun- tains and valleys on the infinite plane. We require to find the potential and attraction of such a distribution of matter. Now the potential of an infinite straight line, of line-density p, at a point distant d from it, is well-known to be 2/*p log d, where p, is the attraction between unit masses at unit distance apart. Hence the potential V of the supposed distribution of matter at the point x, z, is given by I cos | log / oir, rtjt /+ / cos c t inctdt f + tc F *- L Therefore V = 27rfj,whbe~ xlb cos y If f/ be gravity, a earth's radius, and B earth's mean density, 27T/A ~^ . And F= ^ 4e -^ cos f (4) See Todhunter's Int. Gale.; Chapter on "Definite Integrals." 1882] PROPORTIONALITY OF DEFLECTION AND SLOPE. 447 The deflection of the plumb-line at any point on the surface denoted by x = 0, and z, is clearly d Vjgdz, when x = 0. Therefore, , 1 Sqwh . z the deflection = -- x -~~- sin 7 .............................. (5) g 2a6 6 But from (2) the slope for -j- , when z is zero) , is ~_ s i n . Therefore deflection bears to slope the same ratio as v/g to ^aB. This ratio is independent of the wave-length %7rb of the undulating surface, of the position of the origin, and of the azimuth in the plane of the line normal to the ridges and valleys. Therefore the proposition is true of any combination whatever of harmonic undulations, and as any inequality may be built .up of harmonic undulations, it is generally true of inequalities of any shape what- ever. Now a = 6'37 x 10 8 cm., 8 = 5|; and ^aS = 12'03 x 10 8 grammes per square centimetre. The rigidity of glass in gravitation units ranges from 1*5 x 10 8 to 2*4 x 10 8 . Therefore the slope of a very thick slab of the rigidity of glass, due to a weight placed on its surface, ranges from 8 to 5 times as much as the deflection of the plumb-line due to the attraction of that weight. Even with rigidity as great as steel (viz., about 8 x 10 8 ), the slope is 1 times as great as the deflection. A practical conclusion from this is that in observations with an artificial horizon the disturbance due to the weight of the observer's body is very far greater than that due to the attraction of his mass. This is in perfect accordance with the observations made by my brother and me with our pendulum in 1881, when we concluded that the warping of the soil by our weight when standing in the observing room was a very serious disturbance, whilst we were unable to assert positively that the attraction of weights placed near the pendulum was perceptible. It also gives emphasis to the criticisms we have made on M. Plantamour's observations namely, that he does not appear to take special precautions against the disturbance due to the weight of the observer's body. We must now consider the probable numerical values of the quantities involved in the barometric problem, and the mode of transition from the problem of the mountains to that of barometric inequalities. The modulus of rigidity in gravitation units (say grammes weight per square centimetre) is vfg. In the problem of the mountains, wh is the mass of a column of rock of one square centimetre in section and of length equal to the height of the crests of the mountains above the mean horizontal plane. In the barometric problem, wh must be taken as the mass of a column of mercury of a square centimetre in section and equal in height to a half of the maximum range of the barometer. 448 NUMERICAL VALUES TO BE USED IN THE SOLUTION. [14 This maximum range is, I believe, nearly two inches, or, let us say, 5 cm. The specific gravity of mercury is 13'6, and therefore wh = 34 grammes. The rigidity of glass is from 150 to 240 million grammes per square centimetre ; that of copper 540, and of steel 843 millions. I will take v/g = 3 x 10 8 , so that the superficial layers of the earth are assumed to be more rigid than the most rigid glass. It will be easy to adjust the results afterwards to any other assumed rigidity. w .,, gwh 5-67 648,000 5'67 with these data we have ^ = - ; also - x - - = '0117. 2v 10 s TT 10 s It seems not unreasonable to suppose that 1500 miles (2'4 x 10 s cm.) is the distance from the place where the barometer is high (the centre of the anti-cyclone) to that where it is low (the centre of the cyclone). Accord- ingly the wave-length of the barometric undulation is 4'8 x 10 s cm., and b = 4-8 x 10 8 -r- 6-28 cm., or, say, 6 = '8 x 10 8 cm. Thus, with these data, ~- b = 4'5 cm. 2v We thus see that the ground is 9 cm. higher under the barometric depression than under the elevation. If the sea had time to attain its equilibrium slope, it would stand 5 x 13'6, or 68 cm. lower under the high pressure than under the low. But as the land is itself depressed 9 cm., the sea would apparently only be depressed 59 cm. under the high barometer. It is probable that, in reality, the larger barometric inequalities do not linger quite long enough over particular areas to permit the sea to attain everywhere its due slope, and therefore the full difference of water-level can only be attained occasionally. On the other hand, the elastic compression of the ground must take place without any sensible delay. Thus it seems probable that the elastic com- pression of the ground must exercise a very sensible effect in modifying the apparent depression or elevation of the sea under high and low barometer. It does not appear absolutely chimerical that, at some future time when both tidal and barometric observations have attained to great accuracy, an estimate might thus be made of the average modulus of rigidity of the upper 500 miles of the earth's mass. Even in the present condition of barometric and tidal information, it might be interesting to make a comparison between the computed height of tide and the observed height, in connection with the distribution of baro- metric pressure. It is probable that India would be the best field for such an attempt, because the knowledge of Indian tides is more complete than that for any other part of the world. On the, other hand we shall see in the 1882] AMOUNT OF DISTORTION OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE. 449 following section that tidal observations on coast-lines of continents are liable to disturbance, so that an oceanic island would be a more favourable site. It has already been shown that the maximum apparent deflection of the plumb-line, consequent on the elastic compression of the earth, amounts to 0"0117, and this is augmented to 0"'0146, when we include the true deflec- tion due to the attraction of the air. It is worthy of remark that this result is independent of the wave-length of the barometric inequality, and thus we get rid of one of the conjectural data. Thus if we consider the two cases of high pressure to right and low to left, and of low pressure to right and high to left, we see that there will be a difference in the position of the plumb-line relatively to the earth's surface of 0"'0292. Even if the rigidity of the upper strata of the earth were as great as that of steel, there would still be a change of 0"'011. A deflection of magnitude such as 0"'03 or 0"'01 would have been easily observable with our instrument of last year, for we concluded that a change of 2^5- th of a second could be detected, when the change occurred rapidly. It was stated in our previous Report that at Cambridge the calculated amplitude of oscillation of the plumb-line due directly to lunar disturbance of gravity amounts to 0"'0216. Now as this is less than the amplitude due jointly to elastic compression and attraction, with the assumed rigidity (300 millions) of the earth's strata, and only twice the result if the rigidity be as great as that of steel, it follows almost certainly that from this cause alone the measurement of the lunar disturbance of gravity must be im- possible with any instrument on the earth's surface. Moreover the removal of the instrument to the bottom of the deepest known mine would scarcely sensibly affect the result, because the flexure of the strata at a depth so small, compared with the wave-length of barometric inequalities, is scarcely different from the flexure of tne surface. The diurnal and periodic oscillations of the vertical observed by us were many times as great as those which have just been computed, and therefore it must not be supposed that more than a fraction, say perhaps a tenth, of those oscillations was due to elastic compression of the earth. The Italian observers could scarcely, with their instruments, detect de- flections amounting to T ^jth of a second, so that the observed connection between barometric oscillation and seismic "disturbance must be of a different kind. It is not surprising that in a volcanic region the equalisation of pressure, between imprisoned fluids and the external atmosphere, should lead to earth- quakes. If there is any place on the earth's surface free from seismic forces, it might be possible (if the effect of tides as computed in the following section ix i. 29 450 RENDING OF THE COAST DUE TO THE TIDE. [14 could be eliminated) with some such instrument as ours, placed in a deep mine, to detect the existence of barometric disturbance many hundreds of miles away. It would of course for this purpose be necessary to note the positions of the sun and moon at the times of observation, and to allow for their attraction. 2. On the Disturbance of the Vertical near the Coasts of Continents due to the Rise and Fall of the Tide. Consider the folloAving problem : On an infinite horizontal plane, which bounds in one direction an infinite incompressible elastic solid, let there be drawn a series of parallel straight lines, distant I apart. Let one of these be the axis of y, let the axis of z be drawn in the plane perpendicular to the parallel lines, and let the axis of x be drawn vertically downwards through the solid. At every point of the surface of the solid, from z = to I, let a normal pressure gwh(l 2z/l) be applied; and from ^ = to I let the surface be free from forces. Let the same distribution of force be repeated over all the pairs of strips into which the surface is divided by the system of parallel straight lines. It is required to determine the strains caused by these forces. Taking the average over the whole surface there is neither pressure nor traction, since the total traction on the half-strips subject to traction is equal to the total pressure on the half-strips subject to pressure. The following is the analogy of this system with that which we wish to discuss: the strips subject to no pressure are the continents, the alternate ones are the oceans, g is gravity, w the density of water, and h the height of tide above mean water on the coast-line. We require to find the slope of the surface at every point, and the vertical displacement. It is now necessary to bring this problem within the range of the results used in the last section. In the first place, it is convenient to consider the pressures and tractions as caused by mountains and valleys whose outline is given by x h (1 22/1) from z = to I, and # = from z = to I. To utilise the analysis of the las^i section, it is necessary that the mountains and valleys should present a simple-harmonic outline. Hence the discontinuous function must be expanded by Fourier's method. Known results of that method render it unnecessary to have recourse to the theorem itself. It is known that \TT - \Q = sin 6 + \ sin 20 + $ sin 3(9 + . . . - 10 = - sin 6 + \ sin 20- % sin 30 + ... 4(1 1 ITT + B = - JC080 + S COS 30 + = COB 50+ TT 6" o* 1882] FOURIER EXPANSION FOR THE SOLUTION. 451 The upper sign being taken for values of 6 between the infinitely small positive and + TT, and the lower for values between the infinitely small nega- tive and TT. Adding these three series together we have 2 ji sin 26 + i sin 40 + ...} + -{cos + i cos 30 + i cos 56 + ...I 7T ( O 2 5 2 j equal to TT 20 from = to + TT, and equal to zero from = to TT. Hence the required expansion of the discontinuous function is (6) where = "7~ .................................... 00 ( For it vanishes from z= l to 0, and is equal to h (1 2z/l) from .z = to +1. Now looking back to the analysis of the preceding section we see that if the equation to the mountains and valleys had been oc = h sin (z/b), a would have had the same form as in (2) but of course with sine for cosine, and 7 would have changed its sign and a cosine would have stood for the sine. Applying then the solution (2) to each term of our expansion separately, and only writing down the solution for the surface at which x = 0, we have at once that 7 = 0, and qwh I (1 . n/1 1 . . n 1 . nn . a = ^~ -\-= : sin 20 + Ta sin 40 + ^ sm 60 + ... 7TV 7T [2 2 4 2 D 2 qwh 21 ( /, 1 o/i.l eA } + ^ .Jcos0+K.cos30+7-cos50 + ...^ ............... (8) TTV 7T 2 [ 3 s O 3 ) The slope of the surface is -7- or T -j^ ; thus az L av qwh 2f. /1 1. 0/1 1 r/i , /n\ * - sin 30 + ^r sin 50+...^ ............ (9) . , TTf 7T { 3 2 5 2 The formulae (8) and (9) are the required expressions for the vertical depression of the surface and for the slope. It is interesting to determine the form of surface denoted by these equa- tions. Let us suppose then that the units are so chosen that gwhlfir*v may be equal to one. Then (8) becomes 292 452 FORM OF THE DISTORTED SURFACE. [14 ... ...(11) da 2 -ja = * cos 26 + i cos 40 + . . . (W 7T When is zero or + TT, dafdO becomes infinite, which denotes that the tangent to the warped horizontal surface is vertical at these points. The verticality of these tangents will have no place in reality, because actual shores shelve, and there is not a vertical wall of water when the tide rises, as is supposed to be the case in the ideal problem. We shall, however, see that in practical numerical application, the strip of sea-shore along which the solution shows a slope of more than 1" is only a small fraction of a millimetre. Thus this departure from reality is of no importance whatever. When 9 = or + TT, 2 (1 1 1 = - x 1-052 = -670 7T being + when = 0, and when = + TT. When = + I-TT, a vanishes, and therefore midway in the ocean and on the land there are nodal lines, which always remain in the undisturbed surface, when the tide rises and falls. At these nodal lines, defined by = H, da._ 2 jl 11 rJf) ~ ^ & e "t~ ~ jTii 03 ' KB ' \ = - '3466 + -6168 = - -9634 and + -2702 Thus the slope is greater at mid-ocean than at mid-land. By assuming successively as ^TT, ^TT, ^TT, and summing arithmetically the strange series which arise, we can, on paying attention to the manner in which the signs of the series occur, obtain the values of a corresponding to 0, ^TT, + JTT, f TT, f T, ITT, ITT, |TT. The resulting values, together with the slopes as obtained above, are amply sufficient for drawing a figure, as shown annexed. The straight line is a section of the undisturbed level, the shaded part being land, and the dotted sea. The curve shows the distortion, when warped by high and low-tide as indicated. The scale of the figure is a quarter of an inch to ITT for the abscissas, and a quarter of an inch to unity for the ordinates ; it is of course an enormous exaggeration of the flexure actually possibly due to tides. 1882] FORM OF THE DISTORTED SURFACE. 453 It is interesting to note that the land regions remain very nearly flat, rotating about the nodal line, but with slight curvature near the coasts. It is this curvature, scarcely perceptible in the figure, which is of most interest for practical application. The series (8) and (9) are not convenient for practical calculation in the neighbourhood of the coast, and they must be reduced to other forms. It is easy, by writing the cosines in their exponential form, to show that cos0 + cos20 + J cos 30 + ... =-log e ( 2sin|0) ......... (13) cos0-cos20 + icos30-}-...= log e (2cos^0) ............ (14) Where the upper sign in (13) is to be taken for positive values of 6 and the lower for negative. For the small values of 0, for which alone we are at present concerned, the series (13) becomes log e ( + 6) and the lower log e 2. Taking half the difference and half the sum of the two series we have i cos 20 + 1 cos 40 +... = - i log (0)- 1 log 2 ......... (15) ... =-|log( 0) + |log2 ......... (16) Integrating (16) with regard to 0, and observing that the constant intro- duced on integration is zero, we have Sin0 + isin30 + ism50 = -i0[log(0)-l] + i01og2 ...(17) Then from (15) and (17) 2 f 1 20 + i cos 40 + ... -- \ sin + sin 30 + . . . * A cos 7T Integrating (15), and observing that the constant is zero, we have 2 ...... (19) Integrating (17) and putting in the proper constant to make the left-hand side vanish when 0=0, we have ...... (20) For purposes of practical calculation may be taken as so small that the right-hand side of (18) reduces to log( 20), and the right-hand sides of (19) and (20) to zero. 454 FORM OF THE DISTORTED SURFACE. [14 Hence by (8) and (9), we have in the neighbourhood of the coast gwh 21 fl 1 1 U = x - \\ r 3 + oi + + TTV 7T 2 [_1 3 3 3 5 J J ...(21) 1x2-1037 TT . gwh I shall now proceed to compute from the formulse (21) the depression of the surface and the slope, corresponding to such numerical data as seem most appropriate to the terrestrial oceans and continents. Considering that the tides are undoubtedly augmented by kinetic action, we shall be within the mark in taking h as the semi-range of equilibrium tide. At the equator the lunar tide has a range of about 53 cm., and the solar tide is very nearly half as much. Therefore at the spring-tides we may take h = 40 cm. It must be noticed that the highness of the tides, say 15 or 20 feet, near the coast is due to the shallowing of the water, and it would not be just to take such values as representing the tides over large areas ; w, the density of the water is, of course, unity. If we suppose it is the Atlantic Ocean and the shores of Europe with Africa, and of North and South America, which are under consideration, it is not unreasonable to take I as 3,900 miles or 6*28 x 10 s cm. Then =z x 10~ 8 Taking vjg as 3 x 10 8 , that is to say, assuming a rigidity greater than that of glass, we have for the slope in seconds of arc, at a distance z from the sea-shore 40 X - e (22) = 0"-01008(8-log 10 *) From this the following table may be computed by simple multiplica- tion : Distance from mean water-mark Slope ..... 0"-0806 ..... -0706 . . . . . -06U5 ..... -0504 ..... -0403 . . . . '0302 ..... -0202 2xl0 6 cm.= 20kilom ....... -0170 5xll) 6 cin.= 50 kilom ....... -0131 10 7 cm. = 100 kilom. -0101 1 Clll. = 1 cm. 10 cm. = 10 cm. 10* cm. = 1 metre 10 3 crn. = 10m. 10* cm. = 100 m. 10 5 cm. = 1 kilom. 10" cm. = 10 kilom. 1882] AMOUNT OF APPARENT OSCILLATION OF THE VERTICAL. 455 On considering the formula (22) it appears that z must be a very small fraction of a millimetre before the slope becomes even as great as 1'. This proves that the rounded nick in the surface, which arises from the discon- tinuity of pressure at our ideal mean water-mark, is excessively small, and the vertical displacement of the surface is sensibly the same, when measured in centimetres, on each side of the nick, in accordance with the first of (21). The result (5) of section 1 shows that, with rigidity 3 x 10 8 , the true deflection of plumb-line due to attraction of the water is a quarter of the slope. Hence an observer in a gravitational observatory at distance z from mean water-mark, would note deflections from the mean position of the vertical 1^ times as great as those computed above. And as high water changes to low, there would be oscillations of the vertical 2 times as great. We thus get the practical results in the following table : Distance of obser- Amplitude of vatory from apparent oscillation mean water-mark of the vertical 10 metres 0"'126 100m -101 1 kilom -076 10 kilom -050 20 kilom '042 50 kilorn '035 100 kilom -025 It follows, from the calculations made for tracing the curve, that halfway across the continent (that is to say, 3,142 kilometres from either coast) the slope is - - x - x '2703 seconds of arc. = 0" - 00237 ; and the range of 7T TTV apparent oscillation is 0"'006. In these calculations the width of the sea is taken as 6,283 kilometres. If the sea be narrower, then to obtain the same deflections of the plumb-line, the observatory must be moved nearer the sea in the same proportion as the sea is narrowed. If, for example, the sea were 3,142 kilometres wide, then at 10 kilometres from the coast the apparent amplitude of deflection is 0"'042. If the range of tide is greater than that here assumed (viz., 80 cm.), the results must be augmented in the same proportion. And, lastly, if the rigidity of the rock be greater or less than the assumed value (viz., 3 x 10 8 ) the part of the apparent deflection depending on slope must be diminished or increased in the inverse proportion to the change in rigidity. I think there can be little doubt that in narrow seas the tides are gene- rally much greater than those here assumed ; and it is probable that at a gravitational observatory actually on the sea-shore on the south-coast of England, apart from seismic changes, perceptible oscillations of the vertical would be noted. 456 LORD KELVIN ON THE COMPUTED ATTRACTION OF THE TIDE. [14 Sir William Thomson has made an entirely independent estimate of the probable deflection of the plumb-line at a sea-side gravitational observatory*. He estimates the attraction of a slab of water, 10 feet thick (the range of tide), 50 miles broad perpendicular to the coast, and 100 miles long parallel with the coast, on a plummet 100 yards from the low water mark, and opposite the middle of the 100 miles of length. He thinks this estimate would very roughly represent the state of things say at St Alban's Head. He finds then that the deflection of the plumb-line as high-tide changes to low would be ?oiyo