Scale WQQ feet to an inch. AN OUTLINE MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY, INTENDED FSR THE USE OF THOSE WHO MAY DESIRE TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH THE t ELEMENTS OF THOSE SCIENCES ; ESPECIALLY OF YOUNG PERSONS. ; ILLUSTRATED BY FOUR PLATES. BY WILLIAM PHILLIPS, MEMBEE rF TI!2 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. NEW-YORK: PRINTED AND SOLD BY COLLINS AND CO. 1816. EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY PREFACE. THE motive for introducing this little volume to public notice, might seem to be wanting if it were not avowed. It is this : There is no elementary work on the subjects it embraces in our language; no book that is calculated, by its simplicity and freedom from theory, and from the shackles im- posed upon a learner by the unnecessary use of scientific terms, to invite his attention to the sci- ences of Mineralogy and Geology. It is not pretended that the following pages have any claim to originality :. all the merit that belongs to them, if indeed any should be allowed, is that of combining in a narrow compass, an out- line of sister sciences which merit a more general attention than is given to them ; in an arrange- ment as simple as the subjects will readily allow, and in language which, it is hoped, will be intel- ligible to those who may have no acquaintance with them. The form in which this outline is given, that of a division into Lectures, though not absolutely I1701S8 ir ^ PREFACE. novel, is not common. During the last winter these Lectures were delivered at the neighbour- ing village of Tottenham, in the order in which they are now printed ; but with some deficiencies supplied, and some errors corrected, that were in- cidental to hasty compilation. These Lectures were given gratuitously ; and the interest they seemed to excite, in a numerous audience, prin- cipally composed of young persons, and of both' sexes, was felt as a flattering compensation. But the form of Lectures is not adhered to on that account alone. It allows of a familiarity not inconsistent with an elementary treatise, while it affords an opportunity for useful recapitulation, that perhaps would appear objectionable in any other form ; and for occasional repetition, which, if the scientific should condescend to peruse it, may seem tiresome, but will, I have no doubt, be advantageous to the learner. In a work, by far the greater part of which is compilation, it may reasonably be expected that authorities should be quoted. That has not al- ways been done in its pages. I therefore here acknowledge my obligation, in respect to the rni- neralogical part, to Aikin's Dictionary of Chemis- try and Mineralogy; and in the geological part, to the Transactions of the Geological Society, to Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, edited by Profes- sor Jameson, to whose Geognosy I am scarcely less indebted. These works are my principal au- thorities 5 many others were occasionally consult- PREFACE. V ed, but were not made use of in a degree that seems to render their enumeration requisite. If the perusal of this little volume should tend to create in any person the desire for a knowledge of the sciences on which it treats, beyond their mere elements, it must be owned that it is dita- eult to refer the reader to works in the English language that are adapted to the use of the learner. The only means by which a knowledge of mine- ralogy can be acquired, is an acquaintance with minerals : and I have no hesitation in recom- mending those who may feel this laudable anxiety for further information, in respect to these inte- resting pursuits, to the acquirement of it by means of small collections, which may be had of one hundred varieties and upwards, with an arranged catalogue, of Mawc, 149, in the Strand, at any price between 5 and 100. One of these little collections would materially assist the progress of the learner ; more especially if accompanied by a studious attention to the Manual of Mineralogy, by Arthur Aikin, Secretary to the Geological Society. The introduction to that work, forms a valuable compendium of mineralogical informa- tion : and though the learner will meet with many terms and names that will demand explanation, it may be said to be the only work in our lan- guage that will be found of advantage to him, The study of geology should follow that of mine- ralogy. Small collections of rocks may also be obtained. A 2 fl PREFACE. The Geognosy of Jameson is altogether a sci- entific work, not well adapted to the learner; in- asmuch as a preponderating anxiety for the sup- port of a favourite theory, has caused the intro- duction of * many terms not hitherto adopted by English mineralogists ; but much useful and valuable geological information may be gleaned from it. W. P. ' London, 1815, CONTENTS MINERALOGY. Page Preliminary observations ...... I Objects of Mineralogy and Geology defined * . . 2 Of ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES .'.... 3 Of Mineral substances ; simple and compound . . 4 Explanations of the terms acid and oxide (note) . . OfAPFINITY 5 the cause of solidity in mineral bodies ... 6 the cause of crystallization or regular structure . 7 Fracture or cleavage of crystals in particular directions . Definition of the term, Primitive crystal f . . . 8 The forms of PRIMITIVE CRYSTALS .... viz. The Parallelepiped ...'... Octohedron 9 Tetrahedron 10 Hexahedral prism ..... Rhomboidal dodecahedron .. . . . n Of the internal structure of crystallized minerals . . Of measuring the angles of crystals the Goniometer . 13 Advantages of the reflecting goniometer ... 14 Of the NINE EARTHS 15 Three or four of them are metallic oxides ... 16 OfSilex Alumine 17 Zircon 18 Glucine . Yttria 19 Barytes _ Strontian , . 30 lame ... . . . , 41 Magnesia , . 23 Vlll CONTENTS MINERALOGY. Pagfe The Earths found in very different proportions . . 23 Of the two fixed ALKALIES 24 Of the Alkaline Earths .... 25 Of the Vegetable Alkali or Potash . . . Of the Mineral Alkali or Soda ...... The Alkalies have metallic bases, and are metallk oxides 26 Of the TWENTY-SEVEN METALS ... 29 Only seven metals known to the ancients . General characters of the metals ... Of the nature of metalliferous ores , . 30 Of the MALLEABLE METALS, viz. Platina . . . . . . 3* Gold ...... 3* Silver ...... 34 Mercury or Quicksilver . . 35 Lead ... . . 36 Copper .... .38 Tin ... 39 Iron ...... 40 Zinc ... 4* Palladium . . 43 Nickel . Of the BKITTLE METALS, viz. Arsenic ... 44 Antimony 45 Bismuth ...... 46 Cobalt .... . Manganese . 47 Tellurium ..... 48 Titanium ..... Tantalium . 4? Molybdena ... Tungsten 5 Chrome . Osmium } ... 51 Indium Rhodium . Uranium . Cerium 5 2 CONTENTS GEOLOGT. IX Page Of COMBUSTIBLES . .... 52. Of the two bases of Combustibles Carbon and Sulphur 53 List of Combustible substances, viz. Sulphur ..... The Diamond .....- Mineral or Carbon Charcoal . . . 54 Plumbago or Graphite . Mineral Oil (naptha and petroleum) . . J5 Bitumen Mineral or Pitch (maltha and asphalt) . 56 Coal (brown, black, and Cannel) . . 57 Blend or Kilkenny Coal, or Anthracite . jS Jet, or Pitch Coal ~ Amber ...... Mellite, or Honey stone . . . . 59 CONTENTSGEOLOGY. Of the objects of Geological inquiry . . 61 The ancients ignorant of Geology . . . 6a Geology, very modern, as a science - Hypotheses of Eurnet, Woodward, and others . . More modern theories of Bertrand, Marschall, and Jameson 64 Of the theories relating to the agency of fire and water . 68 Principal tracts of low country . . . . 71 Strata of low and level countries are horizontal . . 73 Low and level countries contain sea-shells . . Sea- shells found in hills far above the sea . . And at the foot of great chains of mountains . . 73 Here, the strata are nearly vertical Many catastrophes by the agency of water . . 74 Summits of lofty mountains contain no shells . . And are therefore termed primitive , . GEOLOGICAL POSITIONS ; . "5 Proofs that low and level countries contain organic remains 78 Strata of the Chalk basin of Paris described . 79 Strata of the Isle of Wight Chalk basin described 83 Strata of the London Chalk basin described . 84 The order of these strata is never inverted . 86 X CONTENTS CEOLOtfT. Page Proofs that catastrophes by water have been extensive . 86 Bones of the rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, abundant 88 Found only in alluvia] soil in low countries . Never in rocks .....- Account of the mammoth found in Siberia (note) Additional proofs of the ex;: uv.veness of these catastrophes 90 Rock of Gibraltar encloses bones of the antelope and mouse Bones of the ox, horse, ass, sheep, land shells, and serpents in others . . . . 91 Proofs that organic remains are found in hills . . ^96 Cliffs of the Isle of Sheppey enclose fossil fruits, and remains of animals .... Beds of oyster shells near Reading, and in France, &c. Remains of fish in Germany ... 97 Shells on the sides of Moinft JEtna . . Proofs that shells are found at the foot of chains of mountains 98 Proofs that the strata, here, are nearly vertical . . loo Rocks succeed each other in regular order . . 101 Secondary rocks known by the shells they enclose . Proofs that the summits of lofty mountains contain no shells Of the sumjnits of high mountains . . . loz The nature and position of their masses . . 103 Are in their primitive state . . . 104 COMPARATIVE HEIGHTS OF MOUNTAINS . . 105 Division of rocks into primltii>e t transition, fstz, and alluvial 108 Primitive rocks are chemical deposites, contain no or- ganic remains . . . . . Transition rocks are both chemical and mechanical de- posites, and contain organic remains . . Difference between a chemical and a mechanical depo- site (note) .....- Flcetz rocks chiefly mechanical deposites, and contain organic remains . . . .109 Alluvial rocks are mechanical deposites, and contain organic remains . . . .no Transition and flcetz, are by some termed secondary rocks Werner's classification of rocks . . . na List of Primitive rocks List of Secondary, or Transition and Floetz rocks 113 CONTENTS GEOLOGY. XI Page Werner's list of Alluvial deposites . . , 113 Section of the Brocken mountain described . . Remarks on the strata of mountains . . . 115 Order in their deposition universally prevalent . .118 Of PRIMITIVE ROCKS, viz. Granite . . . . ' |j| * ir ^ Gneiss ...... 121 Micaceous schistus . . .123 Primitive limestone . . . .134 Primitive trap . . . . .126 Serpentine . . . . ^27 Porphyry . . . , .128 Sienite . . . . . > 1^9 Topaz rock . . . . .130 Primitive flinty slate Primitive gypsum . \ , White stone . . . . . 131 Other rocks are hy some added to those called primitive Of TRANSITION, or the OLDER SECONDARY ROCKS . 133 viz. Transition limestone . . . . Transition trap ..... Greywacke ....... Transition flinty slate .... 134 Of FLTTZ, or the NEWER SECONDARY ROCKS, viz. Old red sandstone . . . , First floetz limestone . , . ~ First floetz gypsum . . , Second, or variegated sandstone . . . 136 Second flcetz gypsum . . . . Second flcetz, or shell limestone . Third sandstone ....... Rock salt formation . . , . Chalk formation ....... Flcetz trap formation ...... Independent coal formation Newest flcetz trap formation . . Of ALLUVIAI DEPOSITES .,..-.. Of organic remains in secondary rocks and alluvial deposites 138 V*It?S ..... 141 XII CONTENTS GEOLOGY. Of SALT DEPOSITES . . . . Of COAL DEPOSITES ..... 160 Of VOLCANOES ..... 166 Of the DELUGE .... i*e Of the INTERNAL STRUCTURE of the EARTH . . 18* CONCLL'jDlN OBSERVATIONS .... iS PLATES. Comparative heights of Mountains Forms of Primitive Crystals Section of the Brocken Mountain Veins in Tin Croft and Pink Mines LECTURE I. Preliminary, Observations Objects of Mineralogy and Geology de- finedElementary Substances Simple and Compound Minerals- Affinity Crystallization Structure Primitive Crystals Of the Earths -Of the Alkalies. i. HE outline of the sciences of Mineralogy and Geology, of which I am now about to endeavour to give some idea, is not intended to involve all the nicer inquiries, connected with the subject, that have been instituted by scientific men. Nor do I propose that this outline shall in any degree be dependent upon, or connected with, the many crude and almost barbarous theories of others, who long amused and even dazzled the world by the splendour of their inventions ; which ten- ded to retard, rather than to forward an inquiry into the nature of the globe we inhabit. The phenomena presented by nature, arc wor- thy of our notice ; to these your attention will be principally invited. Of the nature of the globe we comparatively know but little ; our investigations are at the best but superficial. For we know nothing but of what appears on, or alove, or of what is brought to light by the descent of the miner beneath, the general level of its surface ; but the miner rarely descends more than 1500 feet, which is little more than TTJ^dth part of the diameter of the earth. The globe has often been said to resemble in shape, an orange ; in allusion to that resemblance ; we may therefore say, that we know nothing but of the outer rind. The greater number of mineral substances arc to the generality of mankind only rude masses, divested of instruction, and equally unintelligent and unintelligible ; created only to minister to our necessities. To some, it may be even difficult to imagine how they should become the objects of a distinct science, or that after the miner has brought them to light, the naturalist should find an interest in them previously to their being subjected to the ingenuity of the artist. The sciences of Mineralogy and Geology are, however, worthy of our attention ; they will be found to perform more than they seem to promise. The more we know of them, the more of order, of design, and of contrivance we shall perceive. The power that created the whole is evident in the smallest component part of the most eleva- ted mountain. Mineralogy has for its object the study of mi- neral bodies 'm particular ; their characters, varie- ttes, forms, and combinations. Geology embraces the study of the earth in j of its plain?, hills, and mountains, and of the relative positions of the masses of which they are composed. Geology comprises the 'study of rocks in the mass ; Mineralogy, of the individual portions, or substances which, by entering into combination, form the mass. A knowledge of mineralogy is therefore essential to the geologist, and for this reason we shall begin with Mineralogy. It was anciently supposed, under the dominion of fancy and metaphysics, that all natural sub- stances were ultimately resolvable into four simple bodies, viz. air, fire, water, and earth, which hence were called the four elements. The an- cients however confessed that the precise natures of the two first, air and fire, were not known to them. They supposed most liquids to be modifi- cations of the third element, water ; and that the solid parts of the globe were attributable to the last, that is, the element they called earth. Thus, combustible bodies they supposed to contain a combustible earth, and metals a metallic earth. To modern chemistry however we are indebted for a much larger catalogue of simple or elemen- tary substances. It is now considered that there are 9 earths, 2 alkalies, 27 metals, and 2 simple substances, which may be considered as the bases of those termed Combustibles ; and these elemen- tary substances in the simple or compound state, according to the present state of our knowledge, form all the various constituent masses of the globe. A simple mineral substance* pure Gold for instance, may be described as an unorganized body, presenting an assemblage of lesser portions of the same nature, united by the agency or force of a natural law, to which I shall presently advert. Compound mineral bodies are naturally found in some instances simply aggregated, in others chemically combined. When simply aggregated, as for instance, when gold occurs in limestone, their separation may be effected mechanically, by pounding and washing : but when chemically com- bined, as when silver occurs united with sulphur, v.e must depend on the labours of the chemist for their separation. Some of the earths, the two alkalies, and some of the metals, are naturally found combined with various acids ^ * A simple mineral substance may be chemically described as a i?ub- , stance that lias wither been decomposed nor formed by art. f Atmospheric, or common air, is composed of two very different kinds of air, or gas, viz. oxygen gas, and azotic, or nitrogen gas, in the proportion of 22 of the former to 78 of the latter. Oxygen gas, being that part of common air which is essential to ani- mal life, has been also called Vital Air : oxygen gas is composed of oxy- gen united with- caloric, or the matter of heat, whence. oxygen is termed the Jar's of Vital air. When a substance is combined with a small proportion of con/gen, the compound is called an oxide: when with a larger proportion, it is called an acid, from the sour taste which most of these compounds possess; and chemists have arranged with the arids some compounds which have not been proved to contain oxygen, because their general resemblance to the acids in other respects is sufficient to warrant the opinion that the sinw- Inniy hold* in this particular also. Some of the metals are also found in combina- tion with oxygen which is the basis of vital air ; they are then termed oxides of those metals ; and in that state (to use a familiar illustration) bear the same affinity to those metals, as rust does to iron ; rust being the consequence of the ab- sorption by iron, of oxygen from atmospheric air. This chemical combination with oxygen causes metals to assume appearances quite different to the same metals in the pure state ; as for instance, the red oxide of copper, is of a ruby red colour, and frequently almost transparent, and the oxide of tin when pure, is nearly colourless and trans- parent. To show the liability of mineral bodies to become compound, it may be quoted that the ore called white silver, is composed of four metals, silver, lead, antimony, iron ; two earths, alumine and silex ; and one combustible, viz. sulphur. Water is however found to enter more or less into the composition of some mineral bodies, and it is termed the water of crystallization when these substances possess a regular structure. The law to which an allusion was just now made, as being that to which are subject the ele- mentary substances, of which the masses consti- tuting the globe are composed, is called Affinity. When Oxygen 5? coaihined vrith, the compound is termed oxide cf iro.i : Oxygea by combining with a certain proportion of carbon or cliarco^], forms an nekl, called the carbonic ?cid : which, united v:i!h . oiind mineral caller! caibonnte of limn, cf which one;>- is limestone, and another is chalk. B 2 6 This law may be said to involve in it, all those termed attraction, gravitation, magnetism, and electricity. To the law of affinity, mineral bodies owe their existence in separate and similar mas- ses ; as well as their regular crystalline forms ; and but for this important law of nature, the solid parts of the globe would only have been a chaotic mas?, instead of exhibiting, even in the oldest rocks, deposites of distinct substances frequently in regular crystalline forms. Before we proceed to consider the natures of the several simple bodies just alluded to, either sepa- rately, or as entering prominently into combina- tion in certain mineral substances, I shall invite your attention to that consequence of the law of affinity, which is termed Crystallization. It seems necessary here to introduce this part of our in- quiry, because in speaking of earthy and metalli- ferous substances, I shall present to your notice specimens, some of which exhibit those bodies in their natural crystalline forms. This subject, when considered at large, is curious and interest- ing ; its investigation, keeping pace with other rapid advances in science, has of late been digni- fied by the adaptation of geometry and algebra to its illustration. In the narrow compass of what I have undertaken, it is impossible to give more than a very limited view of the subject, but I shall endeavour to make its general outline understood, avoiding, on this, as on all other occa> sions, as much as possible, all technical or scien- tific terms. The term Crystal, is derived from the Greek Kf t/s-^AAos (Crustallos,) signifying ice, which was so called on account of the ease with which it liqui- fied. The term crystal was afterwards applied to what is now called Rock crystal, by the Roman naturalists, and supposing it, both from its trans- parency and beautiful symmetrical forms, to be only water indurated by continued frosts in the mountainous regions of the Alps. But finding that certain salts also took a prismatic form, the term crystal assumed a more general meaning, and now includes all the regular, many-sided solids, whether of earthy or metalliferous substances, presented either by nature or chemistry. There are comparatively very few substances that are. not found naturally crystallized with more or less regularity. The forms assumed by some are very numerous and highly interesting. For instance, the carbonate of lime has been found in about 300, and the oxide of tin in about 180 varieties of form : and as of both these, as well as most other substances, the crystals may be broken in particular directions, the true defi- nition of a crystal seems to be this, that it has not only a regular external figure, but also a re- gular internal structure. This structure in the crystals of several minerals, is readily exemplified by mechanical means, producing fractures, or cleavages of perfect regularity. Some, even small crystals, have been found exhibiting upwards of 150 little planes; but as most crystals can be broken in particular directions, we are enabled to trace these complicated forms through their many intermediate varieties, into one simple form, which therefore is termed the primitive crystal of that substance. The crystals of many minerals assume the same figures, and therefore are readily traced to the same primitive form. If we take into consideration the whole range of substances found in a crystallized state, the primitive forms of their crystals, numerous, varied, and compli- cated as many of them are, may be said to be com- prehended in the five following solids ; see plate 2. The Parallelepiped, Octohedron, Tetrahedron, Hexahedral prism, Rhomboklal dodecahedron. The Faralkloplpedm&ybe said to comprehend every solid contained under six parallelograms : that is, under six planes, whose bounding lines two and two are parallel with each other, and whose opposite sides are equal and parallel. Of these solids, the cube and the rhomboid are se- lected as the most common : there are also others more or less allied to these. The cube is a body of perfect proportion ; all its sides are equal all its planes are square. The primitive forms of some substances are much flatter than the cube ; of others, they are much higher : these are then fiimitwe O stats Octohtdron, jpfcxaAcdral prism Jthoriibotdal Dodecahedron termed sqvare prisms. The rhomboid differs from the cube essentially ; none of its planes are square, but they resemble each other; two of the opposed angles of each plane are more obtuse, the- other two are more acute, thfcn those of the planes of the cube. Of rhomboids there are several varie- ties; that is, the angles of their planes are more or less acute and obtuse : these rhomboids there- fore differ in aT greater or less degree from the proportions of the cube. There are some other varieties of the paTallelopiped which it does not seem essential to our present object to explain. Of the Octahedron also there are several varie- ties : three of the most obvious are selected. The regular o&ohedron, is so called, because it is a solid contained under eight planes, each of which is ja triangle equal and similar to each of the others ; and which, having all its three sides of the same length, is therefore termed an equi- lateral triangle. A line drawn from its summit to its lowest extremity or angle, is precisely of the same length PS a line from any other of its angles to its opposite angle. As the primitive crystal of some substances, is found an octahe- dron, much flatter than the regular, and therefore called an obtuse octohedron : two of the three lines, bounding each of its eight triangles, are shorter than the third. A line drawn from the summit to its lower extremity or angle is shorter than a line from any of its other angles to its op- posed angle. An octohedron is found to be the 10 primitive crystal of some substances which is much longer than the regular octahedron, and is is called acute, because its upper and lower angles are more sharp or acute than the other four angles. Two of the three lines bounding each of its eight triangles, are longer than the third ; and a line drawn from the upper to the lower extremity or angle, is much longer than one drawn from either of its other angles, to the opposed angle. Of the octahedron there are some other varie- ties, of which It does not seem now requisite to enter into an explanation. The Tetrahedron is a solid comprehended with- in four planes, each of which is a triangle equal and similar to the rest, having each of its three sides of the same length. It is the simplest of all the primitive forms. The Hexahedral prism is a solid comprehended within eight planes, which are not all similar. Its upper and lower planes, called the terminal planes, are alike, being six-sided or hexagonal : each of the sis sides being of the same length. The other six planes, which are called the lateral planes, are alike in regard to each other, and in the figure in plate 2, are each perfectly square. This is not always the case in primitive crystals ; in some, the lateral planes are much longer, in others shorter ; in either of which cases the planes would not be square, but oblong. Hexahedral prisms, as primitive crystals, are therefore of various lengths. 11 The Rhomloidal dodecahedron is a solid com- prehended within twelve planes, all of which arc perfectly alike in form ; each plane boing a rhomb, of which the four bounding lines are all equal in length, and are parallel ^two and two, forming two acute and two obtuse angles on each plane. But, certain substances are naturally found to assume two of those, which are termed primitive forms. Amoagst Vhese is the fluate of lime ; it therefore becomes a question which of the two, is the true primitive form of that substance. This question is decided by the internal structure of the crystal ; if we take a crystal of it in the form of the cube, we shall find that all its corners, termed the solid angles, may be regularly broken off, so as to produce in lieu of each of them, a regular triangular plane, and that, by pursuing this frac- ture, we shall finally arrive at a form which in fact is the regular octohedron, which therefore is proved to be the primitive form of the fluate of lime ; of which, it is also proved, that the cube is only a secondary crystal, the result of an aggre- gation of laminae on the several planes of the octohedron ; in other words, by the addition of laminae, or regular lay ers, parallel with the planes that may be obtained by mechanical cleavage. If however we take a similar crystal, that is, a cube, of common salt, we shall find that it is not the result of the same law of crystallization 5 that is, we shall find that it cannot be fractured in the same way, the corners or angles cannot be taken 12 /f, and as it can be fractured only in the direction <$ or parallel with the six faces of the cube; that solid is therefore esteemed to be the primitive form of common or rock salt. But by adding regular layers parallel with the planes obtainable by mechanical cleavage, that is, on the six planes of the cube of rock salt, we should never obtain an octohedron; accordingly rock salt is never found crystallized in the form of the octohedron. The carbonate of lime is always readily broken into Rhomboids, and no other form. The crystals of the fiuate and the carbonate of lime, and of common salt, are quoted as remark- able instances of the ease with which their natural structure affords mechanical cleavage; but, all mineral substances are not fractured with the same ease. The topaz can only be readily cleaved in one direction; and quartz or rock crystal, though sometimes it presents indications of its real structure, has never yet been regularly fractured. This diversity in the structure of crystallized bodies has not been satisfactorily explained ; we only know the fact. It has already been said that the mineralogist depends on the internal structure, for a knowledge of primitive forms ; but where the knowledge of this structure cannot be attained by mechanical means, recourse must be had to other means : analogy seems the only resource. In other words, a comparison of the external forms of such crystals as do not admit of s* mechanical cleavage, witk the external forms of the crystals that do admit of it; but this is sometimes the source of error. It may readily be supposed that the regular internal structure so observable in the crystals of many substances, would necessarily produce a regular external form. This actually exists in a degree scarcely credible by those who have not examined the subject, both in those crystals of which the internal structure is known, as well as in those of which it is not. Much attention has lately been given to ascer- tain precisely, the angles at which the various and even numerous planes of crystals meet each other For this purpose an instrument has been invented, called the goniometer, meaning the measurer of angles ; but we may conclude that its use scarcely admits of perfect accuracy ; and for this reason, the few most conversant in its use, have differed in the results obtained from the same substances. Another instrument has lately been invented by Dr. Woliaston, called the reflecting goniometer, because its use depends on the reflections to be observed upon the natural polish on the planes of crystals. This instrument has already done service to science in detecting some fallacies, arising from a reliance on the former instrument. When once the angles of the primitive crystal of any substance are accurately ascertained, the angle at which any two of its numerous planes meet, is calculated with wonderful precision by the assistance of geometry. c 14 The angles formed by the meeting of any two planes of each of the five regular solids, the cube, the regular octohedron, the tetrahedron, the hex- ahedral prism, and the rhomboidal dodecahedron, already enumerated among primitive crystals, are known, because they all are regular geometrical solids. But it has already been shown, that there exist as primitive crystals, varieties of the parallele- piped and of the octohedron, which differ from each other both in shape and measurement. As n- stances; the primitive crystal of quartz, is a rhomboid very different to that of carbonate of lime, and much more nearly approaches the cube. The primitive crystals of the oxyd of tin and of zircon, are octohedrons, differing from each other, but are much more flat than the regular octohe- dron, while the octohedron which is the primitive crystal of sulphur, is much longer and more acute. The primitive crystal of the cyanite is a four-sided and oblique prism, with rhombic terminations, while that of the sulphate of barytes is a four- sided rhomboidal prism also with rhombic termina- tions. The difficulty therefore is, to obtain the precise admeasurements of those primitive crystals, which are not regular geometrical solids. It is probable that the reflecting goniometer of Dr. Wollaston will discover, that the principal part of the calculations hitherto made, in regard to the angles of such primitive crystals, and of the numerous facets to be observed on them, (which not belonging to the primitive crystals, are JS therefore termed secondary planes,} are incorrect ; and for this reason ; this goniometer will assist in measuring the angles of crystals as small as the head of the smallest pin, if their planes be per- fectly brilliant; and it is ascertained that minute ci-ystals are always more perfectly formed than large ones. Now the calculations already alluded to are grounded upon measurements taken by the common goniometer upon large crystals, the planes of which rarely are perfectly formed and smooth : even such as have brilliant planes, and seem there- fore adapted to the use of the reflecting gonio- meter, seldom afford similar results. I shall now offer to your notice some obser- vations on those elementary substances termed simple or pure earths, which are nine in number: they are called 1. Silex 6. Barytes 2. Alumine 7. Strontian 3. Zircon 8. Lime 4. Glucine 9. Magnesia 5. Yttria All these earths agree, when free of foreign admixtures, in this one character, they are all mow-white. Although these substances by common consent are called simple or pure earths, it seems essential, in speaking of them as elementary substances, to say that chemistry, which, during the last twenty years has made amazing progress, has by the late brilliant discoveries of Sir Humphrey Davy, completely turned the tables on the ancients. They supposed that every metal had an earthy basis, whereas his experiments have decisively shown, that three if not four of the earths have a metallic basis ; that, in fact, they are not simple substances, but compounds, consisting of metallic bases united with oxygen ; and, to use the same familiar illustration as before, these four earths have the same affinity to their respective metallic bases as rust has to iron; they are metallic oxides. The four earths are those called silex, alumine, lime and barytes, but the basis of alumine is not so decidedly ascertained as the bases of the other three. Strictly therefore we ought to diminish the number of earths, by the three or four in question, and to increase the number of metals ; but, as dis- coveries, however brilliant and however well established, are rarely admitted with instantane- ous consent, these metallic oxides are still suffered to hold their places as earths. I now proceed to give some account of each earth separately, and shall offer to your inspection some specimens of substances in which they pro- minently enter into combination. The first on the list is SJLEX. This is one of those earths which the discoveries of Sir II. Davy have decidedly shown to have a metallic basis, which he has called Silicium, and being the result of a combination of oxygen with that metal, is therefore a metallic oxide. Silex, in its pure state, is not three times as heavy as water, and has neither taste nor smell. 17 As common flints are almost wholly composed of siliceous earth, it has from that circumstance received the name of Silex t which in Latin signi- fies Flint ; but this earth is found in greater purity in opal, and in quartz, or rock crystal.* Silex is probably the earth which most abundantly enters into the composition of the globe. Silex enters largely as a component part of glass, for which 'purpose the pure sand from some parts of the coast of Norfolk, and Alum Bay in the Isle of Wight, are preferred. It has never been found combined with an acid. ALUMINE has been so called from its forming the basis of common alum. When pure, it has neither taste nor smell, and is twice as heavy as water. Though one of the most extensively dif- fused substances, it is nowhere found pure ; and though a constituent part of the purest clays, it rarely forms more than one-fourth or one-third part of them ; it is however found nearly pure in the oriental. ruby and the sapphire, and in corun- dum, which are the next in hardness to the diamond/)- Alumme forms a large proportion of that valuable mineral called fullers' earth, which has that smell when breathed on, peculiar to * Quarts Is composed of i!ex, with '2 or 3 parts in the 100 of water., of JiO parts of ?iiex and 10 of water. Flint, of 97 parts of siiex, 3 of nlirniiieand oxide of iron, and 2 of - - * i'v Wr yields about US parts of alnmine, 1 of ox- il!o OI ' 'n-all portion of lime; Iho O.-knM Rufiy, 00 parts of alumihe, 7 *Hev, and soin^ oxide of iron : Corundum, about 80 parts of alumiue, 5 of sikx, and nearly 2 of oxide of iron C 2 18 clayey substances, and which forms a mineralogi- cal test of the presence of alumine. In useful purposes, alumine enters largely into the composition of bricks, pottery, and porcelain ; it is infusible. The experiments of Sir H. Davy have rendered it probable, that alumine is a metallic oxide, having a metallic basis, which he has called aluminum. ZIRCON when pure, is rough to the touch, in- sipid, and insoluble in water ; it is found combined with other substances in the hyacinth, from a brook called Expailly, in Auvergne in France ; and in the jargoon from Ceylon.* Hitherto zircon has not been put to any useful purpose ; it is about four times as heavy as water. The earth called GLUCINE obtained that name from the Greek yAwco*, signifying sweet, on account of the sweet taste by which- its salts are distin- guished. When pure, glucine is a white pow- der, soft, and somewhat unctuous to the touch, and is nearly three times the weight of water. In the natural state glucine has hitherto only been found in the beryl and the emerald ;f but neither the pure earth nor any of its salts, have hitherto been applied to any use. * The Hyacinth is composed of 70 parts of zircon, 25 of silex, and a iraoe of oxide of iron. Jargoon 66 parts of zircon, 31 of silex, and 2 of oxide of iron. f The Emerald i.s composed of about 64 parts of silex, 16 of a!u- *une, 13 of gucinc, 1 of lime, and nearly 4 of oride of chrome. 19 YTTIUA, in many of its properties and appear- ances in its pure state, bears considerable affinity to glucirie. it has the same saccharine taste, but is easily distinguished from it, inasmuch as it is nearly five times heavier than water, and by some properties discoverable only by the chemist. In the natural state, yttria occurs as a com- ponent part of a mineral substance called the gadolinite,* which is brought only from Sweden, and which was so called on account of its having been first analysed by the Swedish professor Gadolin, who named the earth yttria, because the mineral in which it was discovered, was brought from Ytterby in Sweden. BARYTES has never been found pure in the natural state, but always combined, either with the sulphuric acid forming sulphate of barytes or heavy-spar; or with the carbonic acid forming carbonate of barytes, or witherite.f Barytes and all its salts, except one, are violent and certain poisons, destroying animals by inflaming the in- testines, and are often used for the destruction of vermin. Barytes is one of the earths that have lately been discovered by Sir II. Davy to have a metallic basis. This basis, he has called Barium, * The Gadolirdte is composed of about 56 parts of yttria, with a trace of manganese, 22 of siler, 5 of glucine, 17 of oxide of iron, a small por- tion of alimiiae and rome water. f The WitheiHe Is composed of 73 parts of baryta and 22 of car- bonic acid. Heavy Spar is composed of 87 pails of barytes and 33 of sulphuric ?cid. 20 which uniting with a certain proportion of oxygen, forms barytes. STRONTIAN has never been found in a pure state. It was first brought, combined with the carbonic acid, from a place in Argyleshire called Strontian, whence the mineral obtained its familiar name of strontianite. Strontian, combined with the sulphuric acid, is found near Bristol ; thus combined, the mineral substance has obtained the name of ccelestine,* from its delicate tint of a light blue colour. The earth called strontian, either when pure or combined with the acids above mentioned, has not hitherto been applied to any use. At present therefore these combinations merely serve to form a part of a mineralogical collection. LIME has never yet been found in a pure state, but when so prepared by the chemist, is mode- rately hard, and of a hot acrid taste. It has been proved by Sir H. Davy to have a metallic basis which he calls Calcium : lime is therefore a metallic oxide. Lime naturally occurs in com- bination with the carbonic^ sulphuric, boracie,Jtuo- ric, and phosphoric acids. Lime, combined with the carbonic acid forms a mineral substance, thence termed carbonate of lirne.f A variety of this mineral is to be found in * The S'ronliam'e i cnijifcsefl of about 60 pnrt. of jtrontian, 30 of enrhonic acid nnd a little wfriwr Ca.ksiine, of 54 parts of strontian, and 48 of sulphuric acid. f Calcareous Spar, or carbonate of ihne, is composed of 57 parts of iimr, ml 43 of carbonic acid. 21 the cabinets of mineralogists, in a vast number of beautiful forms, all of which may be traced to the rhomboid, which there fore is termed the primitive crystal. Those minerals commonly called lime- stones, and chalk, and marble, are also carbonates of lime. The uses to which lime is applied, (when the carbonic acid with which it is combined, as forming chalk and limestone, is driven off by heat) are well known. The rocks on each side the Avon near Bristol, are of a peculiar kind of lime- stone, which has obtained the name of swine-stone, from its yielding when rubbed a fetid smell. This smell is attributed to the presence of bitumen, the nature of which will be mentioned among the combustibles. Lime, in combination with the -sulphuric acid, is called sulphate of lime, or familiarly gypsum.* Of this mineral the uses are very extensive. When compact, it is called alabaster, and is em- ployed by the architect for columns and other ornaments, being more easily worked than marble ; it is also turned by the lathe into cups, basins, vases, and other similar articles. When sulphate of lime or gypsum, is subjected to a certain heat, it loses what is termed its water of crystallization, and is converted into a fine powder called plaster of pans; the uses of which, when beaten up with water into a paste, for taking casts of gems and sfatues, are well known. * Gypsum is composed of about 32 parts of lime, 46 of sulphuric acid, and 2t of witur. Lime, combined with the arsenic acid, forms a mineral called Pharmacolite ;* the only species : with the boracic acid, a mineral is formed called the datholile.f Lime, combined with the jflworic acid, is called fiuate of lime. This mineral is commonly known by the name of fluor spar jj in Derbyshire, as blue John. The elegant vases and chimney ornaments turned by the lathe out of blocks of this substance, are known to almost every one ; the brown colour generally observable in these vases is obtained by exposure to heat. Fiuate of lime is extensively used in smelting the ores of copper. The mineralogist values the fiuate of lime for its abundant and beautiful variety of crystals, both in form and colour : all the forms it assumes may be traced to the regular octohedron, which there- fore is termed the primitive form of its crystal. The octohedron may be obtained from each of them, however unlike to it,by breaking it in certain directions. A variety of fluate of lime, called chlorophane, found in Siberia and Cornwall, on being exposed to the heat of a live coal, gives out a beautiful green light. * The Pharmacoliie 5s composed of about 46 parts of arsenic acid, 23 of lime, 6 ofsilex, 22 of water, and a small portion of oxide of cobalt. f The Dniholile is composed of abeut 36 parts of lime, 36 of silex, 24 of boracic acid, and 4 of water. $ Fluor Spar, or the fiuate of lime, yields by analysis about 68 parts 0f lime and 32 of fluoric acid. 23 . Lime, in combination with the phosphoric acid, forms a mineral which occurs in small crystals, called apatite* or phosphate of lime. MAGNESIA is a light earth of a perfect white- ness, and is absolutely insipid ; the slightly acrid taste occasionally to be found in the magnesia used in medicine, arises from a proportion of lime. Naturally, magnesia occurs combined with the 5o- racic acid, in the borate of magnesia, or boracite.f In the rare mineral by some called native mag- nesia, analysis has proved it to be combined with the sulphuric and carbonic acids. Magnesia is one of the least abundant substan- ces ; it does not enter into the composition of many mineral bodies, but it forms a small proportion of that substance called the soap-stone, which owes its greasy or soapy feel to magnesia. The soap- stone is largely employed in the manufactory of porcelain. "These nine earths enter, in very different pro- portions, into the composition of the globe. It is considered that silex is the most abundant of all. It forms the greatest ingredient of the oldest rocks, is largely found in others, and in * Apatite yields 55 of lime and 45 of phosphoric acid. f The Boradts is composed of about 17 parts of magnesia and 83 of the boracic acid. The Spindle. Ruby, about 85 parts of aluaiine, 9 of magnesia, of chronic acid. Asbestus, 59 parts of silex, 25 cf amnesia, 9 of iime, 3 of aluinine- The Soap-stone, of about 59 [wrt* of siiex, 30 of magnesia, 2 oxide of iron, and ti 31 waf.vr. 24 clays and soils in these, aluinine is the next in abundance : to it succeeds lime, which is less common in primitive rocks, though very plentiful in the transition and flcstz, or secondary rocks. Magnesia and barytes occur in comparatively rery small quantities. The first enters but little into the composition of rocks and soils ; the latter rarely. Strontiari, zircon, glucine, and yttria, are very sparingly found ; the first may be said to be the most common of the four, the others are only found in part,the components of a few mineral substances, some of which are occasionally enclosed in rocks ; but rarely does any one of these four earths enter into the composition of rocks or of soils. Barytes, magnesia, strontian, and lime, are never found pure ; but mostly combined with acids. We now proceed to those mineral substances termed ALKALIES, which enter into the com- position of several minerals. The term Jllkali is Arabic, and is expressive cf the acrid saline residue left in the ashes of the plant called Kali, after its combustion in the open air; and, not being volatile, was termed Fixed Alkali. FixKJ) ALKALIES are usually denominated of two kinds. The Vegetable or Potash, and the Mineral or Soda. L'otash is procured from the ashes of vegetables in general not growing con- tiguous to the sea. Soda is the basis of common salt, and is therefore found in immense quanti- ties ; it is also the principal saline residue of plants growing on the sea shore. The taste of the pure fixed alkalies, is acrid, burning, and nauseous ; they are without smell ; they have peculiar chemical properties, which it is not my province to describe ; but it is important to say that the. earths called barytes, strontian, lime, and magnesia, agree so nearly with the alkalies, in some of their chemical properties, that some chemists have given them a place among the alkalies, others have termed them alkaline earths. POTASH occurs in the natural state in the leucite, and in mica, and in several other sub- stances 5 therefore the term vegetable, as applied to potash, is not absolutely correct.* SODA is found naturally combined with the carbonic acid, forming carbonate of soda, and with the muriatic acid, forming muriate of soda or common salt.f The mineral substance called fettsteiu, yields^ by analysis, both potash and soda.J Both potash and soda are largely employed in the making of glass and soaps. When pure, they ' The Lcuciie yields, by analysis, about 54 parts of wlex, 25 of alc- arine, and 21 of potash. f The water of the ocean contains from one twenty-fifth to one- Unity-fifth of its weight of muriate of soda or common salt, which i? ':owpo*ed of 53 parts of sod^ 47 of the muriatic acid. f The Fettstdn, 44 eilex, 34 alumine, 4 oxide of iron, a pura!! r>o- - ^ion of lime, and about 1C parts of sodn ami potash.. J> are not easily distinguished from each other, but potash is the heaviest. Until lately, both po.tash and so^a were believed to be simple substances 5 but, by the experiments conducted by Sir H. Davy, with the astonishing powers of electro-chemical agency, they have both, as well as the four earths already noticed, been actually decomposed. The mode by which this was effected is highly inge- nious and interesting; the detail belongs to the r hemist. The result, however, was, that potash was found to be a combination of oxygen with a wetal, exactly resembling quicksilver in appear- ance, and which, by the discoverer, has been call- ed 1'otassium, as being the basis of potash. The result was exactly similar in regard to soda, the metallic basis of which he called Sodium. Both potash and soda, therefore, are metallic oxides. Both of the metals, Sodium and Potassium, are malleable ; in this respect, agreeing in character with iron, copper, and some other metals. The same observation that has been-made in regard to the four earths, which have metallic bases, viz. that tfceir bases properly belong to the metals, will also apply to potassium and sodium, but potash and soda still hold their rank as fixed alkalies. It is by no means improbable, that future re- searches in chemistry, will also discover the bases of the remaining five substances yet considered as earths, and that, by common consent, both the 21 earths and the fixed alkalies will be swept away, and their bases added to the catalogue of metals. The discoveries just noticed have been effected by the aid of galvanism superadded to chemistry. Galvanism, or electricity, therefore, (for a doubt of their identity scarcely exists) holds a high and important station in science. With such aid, chemical e.xperjment, conducted by such men ns Sir H. Davy, and other able chemists of the present day, may work a complete reformation in science : it is impossible even to conjecture /here discovery will stop. LECTURE II. Of the Metals -Of Combustibles. ON a former evening it was said that mineral Sodies are considered to be of four kinds, EARTHS, ALKALIES, METALS, and COMBUSTIBLES. That they are naturally found either simple oc compound ; the simple consisting of one substance alone, the compound of two or more, and that these are either mechanically or chemically com- bined. That some of the earths and metals are found combined with various acids, and some of the metals with oxygen, or the basis of vital air. It was also said that, by the aid of chemistry, nine earths had been discovered, and two fixed alkalies ; but that Sir Humphrey Davy, by the assistance of electro-chemical agency, had lately proved that three or four of those substances called pure earths, as well as both the fixed alkalies, have, in fact, metallic bases ; and that they consist of oxygen in combination with those bases. Having also, in the former evening, considered some of the properties and uses of the earths and alkalies,we shall now proceed to notice the metallic bodies, and afterwards those called combustibles-. The only metals known to the ancients were gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and mercury ; but discoveries have from time to time increased the catalogue, until it has been swelled to the number of twenty-seven, independently of those which have very lately been discovered as the bases of four of the earths and the two alkalies. Of these metals, the first eleven only have the important property of malleability, or of being sufficiently tenacious to bear the extension of their body by beating with the hammer 5 the others have by some been therefore termed brittle metals, Malleable Metals. Brittle Metals. Platina, Arsenic, Molybdena, Gold, Antimony, Tungsten, Silver, Bismuth, Chrome, Mercury, Cobalt, Osmium 3 Lead, Manganese, Iridium, Copper, Tellurium, Rhodium, Tin, Titanium, Uranium, Iron, Tantalium, Cerium. Zinc, Palladium, Nickel. A lustre is peculiar to the metals, which, there- fore, is called the metallic lustre : another remark- able property is their want of transparency when intbe mass; but, as leaf gold, held between the eye and aluminous body, transmits a green light, and silver awhile light, it seems probable that other JO *j,etalfc, ii' attenuated in the same degree, would also be translucid. In weight the metals far exceed the earths; the heaviest of the earths is only about five times heavier than water, but the lightest of the metals is more than six times heavier than water. Beat- en gold is nineteen ^irnes heavier than water ; and beaten platina, &*i heaviest of all, is twenty- three times heavier W^an water. The characters of froibility and extensibility in rrretals, is of vast impoHance to man ; for without these characters neithjr could they be freed from the earths and other impurities with which they are naturally found ; nS without these character? could they be wroughjTinto vessels for his use. Metals are beliertH^gk to be simple substances : not one of them hasYtiffierto been decomposed. The only metals th2t)as yet, have been found IB the pure or rctffuv^state, are platina, gold, silver, quicksilver, coppfer, antimony, arsenic, tel- lurium, bismuth, and i^n. But the greater part >f these are rarely fouflfi quite pure, but mostly have small proportions Bother metals intermixed. In order to illustra^rhe very brief view I am about to take of the s^ral metals, I shall offer \o your inspection sftecikiens of some of them as they are naturally ftjmra either in their simple state, (if so found) or as^fiokning those compounds which are denominated metalliferous ores. An ore is a compound of two or more metals, bi 1 of a metal in combination with oxygen; (whence If a combination Las obtained the name of a. metallic oxide ;) or a metal combined with an aciW, or with a combustible. Many ores are of so compound a nature as to consist of two or three metals united with oxygen, sulphur, one or more of the earths, and with water. I now proceed to invite your attention to the metals individually ; beginning with those which possess the qualities of fusibility, ductility, and malleability, so important to man. PLATINA is about twenty-three times heavier than water ; hitherto it has only been found in Peru, Brazil, Spain, and in the island of St. Domingo. In Peru, it is found in little flattened grains, rarely exceeding the size of a pea, accom- panied by gold, and the ores of titanium and iron ; yet it is said that Humboldt presented the King of Prussia with a mass larger than a pigeon's egg. But the grains of crude platina are not pure ; analysis has proved them to consist of platina alloyed by four other metals, osmium, iridium, rhodium, and palladium, which will here- after be noticed. The platina of Brazil is alloyed by gold and silver ; that of Spain was found in a gray silver ore. Crude platina is very difficult of fusion. Pure platina, in thin plates, is very ductile and flexible. Of late it has been formed into mirrors for reflect- ing telescopes, spoons, crucibles, and some vessels of considerable dimension for the use of the ch<> 32 mist in particular processes. So ductile isplatina^, that Dr. Wollaston has lately succeeded in draw- ing it into a wire T?-TT? P art f an mcn in dia- meter. GOLD, when pure and beaten, is about nineteen times heavier than water, is very soft, and per- fectly ductile and flexible. So great is the tenacity of gold that a piece one-tenth of an inch in diameter, will hold five hundred pounds with- out breaking ; and it is computed that a single grain of gold will cover the space of fifty-six square inches, when beaten out to its greatest extent. Gold is mostly found in the metallic form, whence, by mineralogists, it is said to occur in the native or pure state ; but it is generally alloyed by small portions of other metals, as silver, copper, &ic. It occurs in mineral veins and beds, or dis- seminated in the substance of some of the oldest mountains : it is found in Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Africa, Sumatra, Japan, Hungary, and Transyl- vania. Helms says, that when a projecting part of one of the highest mountains in Paraguay fell down, about thirty years ago, pieces of gold, weighing from two to fifty pounds each, were found in it; and that in the Vice-royalty of La Plata alone, there are thirty gold mines. Sometimes gold is crystallized in small cubes or regular octohedrons, and as these crystals cannot be broken in, any particular direction, either of those solids may be said to be tbe primitive crys- tal of gold. In veins it is generally accompanied by quartz, felspar, the ores of tin, silver, lead, and of some other metals. A great quantity of gold is obtained in grains and rounded masies in soils, evidently the ruin of rocks which contained it in its natural situation. Jn this state it has been found in Wicklow, in Ireland, and 'in Cornwall, in small quantities. A few years ago, a single specimen of gold, equal in weight to upwards of ten guineas, was found among tin in a stream work in Cornwall. On the coast of California there is a plain of fourteen leagues in extent, about fourteen inches beneath the surface of which, large lumps of gold are irre- gularly interspersed. But a still greater quantity of gold has been obtained in the form of a fine sand, from the Peruvian, Mexican, and Brazilian rivers, and from some of the African. In Europe, the Danube, the Rhine, and the Rhone, and the streams of Hungary and Transylvania, afford small quan- tities. The uses of gold are well known. Alloyed by copper, it is employed for ornamental purposes, coi'>, and plate. In English coin it was alloyed by two parts of copper to twenty-two of gold. The purple- colour used in porcelain painting is obtained from a preparation of gold. 34 SILVER, when pure, is ten times heavier than water, and is soft, opake, and flexible ; a piece $ne tenth of an inch in diameter will support two hundred and seventy pounds without breaking. Silver naturally occurs in the pure or native state ; but is sometimes alloyed by a small pro- portion of gold, sometimes of copper. It is found in fine filaments disseminated through rocks, but chiefly in veins, in primitive and secondary moun- tains, occasionally crystallized in cubes and re- gular octohedrons, and accompanied by calca- reous and other spars, iron pyrites, cobalt, and some other substances. It is found in Peru, Mexico, Saxony, Bohemia, Norway, Hungary, and England. The ores of silver are numerous ; for although it mostly occurs in the pure state, it is also found combined with gold, copper, antimony, iron, lead, bismuth, arsenic ; with the earths, silex, and alu- mine, and mineralized by the muriatic, sulphuric or carbonic acids, and by sulphur. The most common ore of lead, called the sul- phuret, mostly contains some portion of silver, but not always worth extracting. The lead from the Westmoreland and Cumberland mines, yields an average of seventeen ounces of silver to the ton of lead. The Beeralston mines in Devon- shire, yield about forty-two ounces. The richest perhaps ever known, was that found at Brunghill Moor, in Yorkshire ; which yielded two hundred and thirty ounces to the ton. 35 According to Helms, the mine of Jauricocha* in Peru, which is about three miles above the sea, contains a prodigious mass of porous brown iron-stone, half a mile long, as much broad,, and about one hundred feet in depth, which is throughout interspersed with pure silver, and a white argillaceous vein very much richer. It is asserted that Jauricocha, and the mines of the dis- trict surrounding it, have yielded forty millions of dollars in a year. It is said that, in 1750, a mass of silver was found in a mine near Freyberg, in Saxony, weigh- ing upwards of 140lbs. and another of about the same siz.e, in 1771. In the year 1748, a block of native silver and silver ore was cut out in a rich vein of silver, near Schneeberg ; Duke Albert, of Saxony, descended the mine, and used it as a din- ner table. When this huge block was smelted, it yielded 44,0001bs. of silver. We are told that Annibal received 300 pounds weight of silver, daily, from the mines near Carthagena, in Spain. The uses of silver are numerous, and for the most part obvious. In coin, silver is alloyed by one part of copper to fifteen of silver. The yellow colour used in porcelain painting is oxide of silver, MERCURY or QUICKSILVER, is thirteen times heavier than water, and is fluid in the natural temperature of the atmosphere. It mostly occurs pure (but sometimes'contains a little silver) disseminated in globules, or col- lected in the cavities of its mines, which are most commonly situated in calcarerous rocks, or indu- rated clay, or argillaceous schislus. Quicksilver mines are worked in Camiola, the Duchy of Deux-ponts, Spain, and Peru. The vein of Guancavelica, in South America, in which quicksilver* is found in the state of cinnibar, is 80 Spanish ells in extent, and is situated partly in sandstone, partly in limestone. The cinnabar is accompanied by the sulphuret of lead, calcareous spar, barytes, quartz, manganese, arsenic, &c. The quicksilver mines of Idria, in Saxony, are said to yield 100 tons annually; and those of Spain a still greater quantity. The ores of mercury are not numerous : com- bined with silver, it is called native amalgam, with sulphur and iron, cinnibar. Horn mercury is a natural combination of mercury mineralized by the sulphuric acid, and of mercury mineralized by the muriatic acid. The uses of mercury in medicine, in the arts, and in experimental philosophy, are numerous ; but its chief use is in the separation of gold and silver from their ores, by a process called amal- gamation. When amalgamated with tin, and laid on glass, it forms mirrors. LEAD, when pure, is more than eleven times heavier than water; a piece one- tenth of an inch in diameter, will hold twenty-nine pounds with- out breaking. Lead has nevsr yet been found pure in the aatural state. Its ores are numerous, and occur 37 in beds or veins in almost every mineral district in the known world, and are, perhaps, next to those of iron, the most common of metalliferous ores. Lead is found in combination with other metals, as antimony, iron, and silver ; and the two earths, silex and lirne. It is found mineralized by the carbonic, muriatic, phosphoric, arsenic, molybdiCf and chronic acids, and with oxygen, which cause it to lose every appearance and character of lead ; but many of its ores have not been analysed. The most common of the ores of lead, is by far of the greatest importance to man, because, from it are principally derived the immense quantities of lead for his use. It is called galena, or sul- phuret of lead ; by analysis it yields lead, sulphur, oxide of iron, and sometimes lime and silex; most- ly some silver. It occurs in beds or veins in primi- tive or secondary mountains, most abundantly in argillaceous schistus and secondary limestone, ac- companied by blende and calamine, the ores of zinc ; and is sometimes compact, sometimes crys- tallized in the cube or regular octohedron. It would scarcely be possible to enumerate all the valuable purposes to which lead is applied in the arts, in medicine, and in the common wants of man. Among its less obvious uses, lead is- employed to glaze pottery, and its oxide enters into the composition ef glass. Four parts of lead and one of antimony form printing types; to which, by some, is added a little copper or brass, E 38 With lia and bismuth it forms alloys mentioned in the notice of those metals. COPPER, in its pure state, is about eight times heavier than water; a wire one-tenth of an inch in diameter will support two hundred and ninety- nine pounds and a half without breaking. It is a very malleable and ductile metal, of a pale red colour, with a tinge of yellow. In the natural state it occurs very pure ; and its ores are very numerous. In both states, it is found in almost every mineral district in the world, in beds, or more commonly in veins, in primitive and secondary mountains, accompanied by seve- ral other mineral substances, as the ores of zinc, and occasionally of lead, sometimes of tin; with quartz, and fluate of lime, and calcareous spar in abundance. Native or pure copper, is not, however, found either in beds or veins in great quantities ; that of Japan and of Brazil is alloyed by gold. 'A mass of native copper is said to have been found in a valley in Brazil weighing 2666 Portuguese pounds. Wherever found, it is of various shapes, and sometimes crystallized in the cube and regu- lar octohedron. Mineralized by a certain proportion of oxygen, it forms a beautiful mineral, called the red oxide of copper, which assumes a great variety of forms, all of which may be traced into the regular octo- hedron ; with an increased proportion of oxygen, it assumes a black hue, and is mostly pulverulent. Copper is found combined with iron and arse - nic, with lime and silex, and mineralized by the phosphoric, carbonic, arsenic, or muriatic acids, which cause it to lose all metallic character and appearance. The most common copper ore of the Cornish mines is of a yellow colour, called yellow copper ore, or copper pyrites ; analysis proves it to con- sist of copper, iron, and a large proportion of sulphur. The uses of copper, in all its various states, are almost endless, and only, if at all, inferior to those of iron. Alloyed with certain proportions of zinc it forms brass, pinchbeck, tinsel, and Dutch gold., in imitation of gold leaf. With a small propor- lion of tin, copper forms bronze or bell metal ; but if the proportion of tin amount to one-third, it forms speculum metal, used for reflecting tele* scopes. With zinc and iron, it forms tutenag. In porcelain painting, the green is obtained from copper. TIN, in' its pure state, is about seven times heavier than water, but has never been found pure. In the common ore of tin mines, it is always in combination with oxygen, whence it is termed an oxide ; but analysis proves it also to contain small portions of iron and of silex. In one vein in Cornwall, an ore has been found called the bell metal ore, (from its resemblance to that metal in colour,) which consists of tin, copper, aud sulphur, together with a small portion of iron, 40 A variety of the oxide of tin, called wood tut, is found sparingly in two or three places in Corn- wall only. Tin is considered to be one of the oldest metals, because it is principally found in those rocks which, from their not containing any animal or vegetable remains, are termed primitive. It occurs disseminated in them, or in beds, but principally nn veins, accompanied by the ores of tungsten, arsetlic, iron, copper, and zinc, and with quartz, mica, fluate of lime, and some other substances. The ore of tin is also abundantly found in Cornwall, in rounded portions or grains, in what :ire termed alluvial beds; that is, in depositions which have resulted from the ruin of rocks. Tin is by no means one of the most commonly < Utilised metals. It is most abundant in Cornwall; but it is also found in Gallicia, in Spain, in Saxony, in Bohemia, in Malacca and Banca, in Asia, and in Chili, in South America. The alloys of tin with other metals, are men- tioned in treating of lead, copper, and quicksil- ver. Another will be noticed under the article bismuth. In a fine leaf, as tin foil, it is used for many purposes ; its salts are used in dying : its economical purposes are well known. IRON, when pure, is about seven times heavier than water ; it is one of the most, if not the most, universally diffused substances in nature ; it is found in all soils, and in almost every rock. 41 Iron has been said to have been found in a mine in Saxony, in the pure or native state, alloyed by small proportions of lead and copper ; but the fact has not been satisfactorily ascertained. But some masses of a substance, which by some is termed nati.e iron, have been found in differ- ent quarters of the globe ; in Bohemia, in Senegal, in South America, and in Siberia ; of the latter we have the best account. It was found by pro- fessor Pallas on the top of a mountain, on which there was a considerable bed of magnetic iron- stone, on the banks of the river Jenisei. It weigh- ed 1680 Russian pounds, and possessed some of the important characters of pure iron, as mallea- bility and flexibility, and was reported by the in- habitants of the country to have fallen from the sky. The mass found in the Vice-royalty of Peru, in South America, was described by Don Rubin de Celis : it weighed about fifteen tons ; it was compact externally, and was marked with impressions as if of hands and feet, but much lar- ger, and of the claws of birds ; internally it pre- sented many cavities : it was nearly imbedded in white clay, and the country round it was quite flat and destitute of water. Most of these masses termed native iron, (which from a current belief of their having fallen from the sky, have also obtained the names of meteoric iron) have been subjected to analysis, and in each the iron has been found alloyed with more than one-tenth of the rare metal called nickel ; which E 2 also, it is worthy oi' remark, is found, by analysis, to be a constituent part of all those stones, which, in various parts of the European Continent, in Eng- land, and in America, have been known to fall from the sky, and are therefore termed meteoric stones. The ores of iron are numerous, and are found in beds, in veins, and disseminated in rocks. It occurs combined with manganese, carbonate of lime, silex, alumine, sulphur, or oxygen : with copper, the arsenic acid, oxygen and silex, it forms a beautiful mineral crystallized in cubes of a green colour, which are often transparent ; it is called the arseniate of iron. An ore, in which iron is combined with alumine, is used in the making of what are termed red lead pencils. Plumbago, or black lead, is a natural compound of iron, with a large proportion of carbon. It would be vain to attempt the enumeration ef the uses to which iron is put by man. Steel is an artificial combination of iron with carbon. The red colour used in porcelain painting is oxide of iron. ZING, when pure, is about seven times heavies than water; its tenacity is not great ; a piece one- tenth of an inch in diameter will hold twenty-six pounds without breaking ; and being far less duc- tile than some other metals, its importance is thereby diminished. Zinc is never found pure, its ores are only three jn number, but of these some varieties are found* Zinc, as an oxide, combined with carbonic acid, forms a most abundant ore, called calamine. Zinc, as an o.iide, combined with sile;f, forms electric calamine, so termed from its becoming electric when slightly heated. Zinc, ' combined with iron, sulphur, silex, and water, forms that ore called blende ; a variety of which, on being scratch- ed, emits a phosphoric light. The ores of zinc are found in most mineral countries ; most abundantly in the transition or earlier secondary rocks, accompanied by iron pyrites, sulphuret of lead, some of the ores of silver, and by calcareous spar and quartz. Zinc is employed by the Chinese for coins : it enters into the composition of many alloys ; (see copper.) It is sometimes used in medicine, and in oil painting. PALLADIUM, is about eleven times heavier than water ; it is very malleable, and equal in hardness to bar iron. It has hitherto only been obtained by the chemist from crude plalina (see Platina,) which it greatly resembles in colour : it has never been applied to any use. NICKEL is about nine times heavier than water, and is of a yellowish white ; it is not perfectly malleable. Nickel has never been found in the pure state': its ores are few ; they have been found in mineral veins and beds in France, Spain, Bohemia, Sibe- ria, and in England sparingly ; they are generally accompanied by the ores of silver and cobalt, by 44 calcareous spar and quartz, and some other sub- stances. It is remarkable that nickel, which is one of the least abundant metals, has been found, by analysis, to enter into the composition of those stony substances which, in various parts of Europe and America, have fallen from the atmosphere ; whence they are termed meteoric stones. The uses of nickel are not numerous ; it is chiefly employed in alloys with other metals. We have now taken a slight view of the eleven metals, which have been termed perfect, on ac- count of their possessing the valuable properties of fusibility, ductility and malleability. I now pro- ceed to those which, not possessing the two latter properties, have been by some termed the brittle, or semi-metals. ARSENIC is nearly eight times heavier than ;vater, and is of a bluish white. It is found nearly pure, being alloyed only by small portions of iron and sometimes of gold or silver, only in primitive mountains, in veins, ac- companied by some ores of silver, cobalt, and lead ; by calcareous spar, fluate of lime, and quartz, and some other substances. It is princi- pally found in certain districts of Germany. Arsenic, combined* principally with iron, forms a mineral called arsenical pyrites, or mispickel ; In some of the varieties of which, silver is found, 45 This also principally occurs in veins in primitive mountains. Arsenic is found combined with twenty-five parts of sulphur, forming an ore of a red or orange colour, called realgar, and with forty- three parts of sulphur, it forms an ore of a bright lernon yellow colour, called orpiment. Realgar is said to occur principally in primitive moun- tains ; orpiment principally in flcetz or secondary mountains. Arsenic is one of the least useful metals, and though a poison, is used in medioine ; it is also used in the making of glass : orpiment is employ- ed as a paint. ANTIMONY is a compact, brittle, whitish metal, about six times heavier than water. It is found nearly pure, being alloyed only with very small portions of silver and iron. Native or pure anti- mony is found in veins in the mountains of Dau- phine, in the Hartz, ic. and in Sweden, dissemi- nated in calcareous spar. The ores of antimony are only five in number; all of which have not been analysed. In some of them, it is found combined with oxide of iron, co- bait, arsenic, silex, sulphur, oxygen. They are found principally in veins in primitive, and in transition, or the older secondary, mountains in Sweden, Saxony, France, Bohemia, England, and other mineral countries. Antimony forms alloys with other metals, and is used in the arts. It enters largely into the com- 46 position of printing types ; it is also used in medi- cine. BISMUTH is nearly 10 times heavier than water; it is of a reddish- white colour, and very brittle. It is found in the pure state somewhat alloyed by arsenic. The ores of bismuth are only two in number ; in that called sulphuret of bismuth* it is com- bined with sulphur; in the other, called bismuth ochre, it is mineralized by oxygen, and combined with small portions of oxide of iron and carbonic acid. a Native bismuth is rare, as well as its ores ; these are found in veins mostly in primitive moun- tains, accompanied by the ores of cobalt, of iron., of zinc, and sometimes of silver, and by quartz, calcareous spar, and barytes ; in Bohemia, Tran- sylvania, France, and Sweden. The sulphuret of bismuth has occurred in Cornwall. Bismuth is very little used, but it enters into the composition of some of the soft solders, and of sympathetic ink. It forms alloys with other metals. Tin and bismuth are two of the most fusible metals. The fusible-metal of Sir Isaac Newton, is composed of 8 parts of bismuth, 5 of lead, and 3 of tin ; when this is thrown into water, and heat applied, it melts a little before the water has reached the boiling point. COBALT, when pure, is about 8 times heavier than water : it is of a gray colour, with a red tinge* and has the magnetic properties of iron, 47 It is not found pure. Its ores are not numerous. In one of them from Tunaberg, in Sweden, it is combined with arsenic and sulphur, and some- what in form and colour, resembles iron pyrites. In Cornwall, it is found combined with arsenic and iron. Its other ores have not been analyzed, but cobalt seems always to be combined with arsenic. The ores of cobalt occur in veins both in primi- tive and in secondary mountains : mostly accom- panied by some of the numerous ores of copper, sometimes by native bismuth, native silver, native arsenic, and the ores of silver. Cobalt is very little used except in the arts. It is brought to this country reduced to the state of an oxide, of an intense blue colour, called zaffre, which, when melted with 3 parts of sand and 1 of potash, forms a blue glass, and when pounded very fine, is called smalts, and is then employed to give a blue tint to writing papers, and in the pre- paration of cloths, laces, linens, muslins, &ic. ; for colouring glass, and for painting blues on porce- lain. So intense is the blue of zaffre, that one grain will give a full blue to 240 grains of glass. MANGANESE is of an iron gray colour, very brittle, and seven times as heavy as water. It is never found pure. Its ores are not nume- rous. It is found combined with the oxide of iron, with sulphur, the sulphuric or carbonic acid, bary- tes, or most abundantly with oxygen, as an oxide of a brown colour or black. 46 The ores of manganese are found in various parts of the continent of Europe, and in the mine- ral districts of Britain. From the black oxide of manganese, all the oxygen gas used by the chemist is obtained, and all the oxygen entering into the composition of the oxymuriatic acid consumed in the bleache- ries of Britain, France, and Germany. The vio- let colour employ ed in porcelain painting is obtain- ed from manganese. In glass-making, it is employ- ed in the finer kinds of glass, both as a colouring material and a destroyer of colour : this applica- tion of it is ancient ; it is ment ; oned by Pliny. TELLURIUM, when pure, is about the colour uf tin. It is brittle, nearly as fusible as lead, and is six times heavier than water. It is an extremely rare metal, and is found in the iiative state, but always alloyed by other metals, principally in veins traversing SCCOL < iy rocks in Transylvania. A variety called the gray gold ore of Nagyag, has been found, by analysis, to consist of tellurium, had, gold, silver, copper, aud sulphur, It has never been made any use of. TITANIUM is so difficult of fusion, that the attempts to reduce it to a pure metallic state, have scarcely succeeded.* It is of a copper red colour. Two of its ores are said to be nearly pure o rides. In others, is found in combination with oaide of iron, manganese, and site.r. They occur sparingly a in Hungary, Transylvania, France, Britain, and North and South America. The hair-like appearances sometimes to be ob- served in crystals of quartz, are mostly crystals of titanium. An ore of titanium is found in a stream in Cornwall in black grains ; another is found in Transylvania resembling yellow sand. The only use'to which titanium has ever been put, was in the porcelain manufactory at Sevres, where it was employed to produce the rich browns in painting it. The want of uniformity in colour occasioned its disuse. TANTALIUM is a metal, having but a slight external metallic lustre ; it is dull, and almost black internally. It is extremely rare ; having hitherto only been found in Finland and Sweden. In Finland, it occurs combined with oxide of iron and of manga- nese, forming a mineral called tantalite, imbedded in quartz, in veins that traverse a red granular felspar. In Sweden, it is found in a mineral called yitrotantalite, because analysis has proved it to be principally composed of the rare earth yttrictj and the rare metal tantalium. This mine- ral occurred in a granite rock. MOLYBDENA, when pure, is of a grayish white, and in the form of brittle infusible grains. It is very rare, and has never been found pure. Combined with sulphur, it is found in veins in primitive mountains, in Norway, Sweden, Saxony, F 50 and Switzerland, accompanied by tin, wolfram, quartz, and mica. The molybdic acid has been found combined with lead, forming a mineral called molybdate *>/ lead, in Carinthia, Saxony, Hungary, and Austria, accompanied by calcareous spar, sulphuret of lead, the ores of zinc, and fluor spar. Molybdena has never been applied to any use. TUNGSTEN is a hard, brittle, granular metal, of a light steel-gray colour, and brilliant metallic lustre. It is not found pure. The oxide of tungsten, combined with lime and silex, has been sparingly found in Sweden, Bohemia, and Cornwall. The compound is call- ed tungstate of lime. Combined with oxide cf iron, manganese, and silex, it forms a mineral called tungstate of iron, or ivclfram, which occurs in most districts in which tin is found. The only use to which tungsten has hitherto been applied is in the arts, as forming, in com- bination with other substances, those red paints known by the name of lake. CHROME, is a metal of a grayish-white colour, and extremely brittle ; it is remarkable that it has never been found in the metallic form, but only in the acid state, or in that of an oxide. The chromic acid, in combination with lead, forming a compound mineral called chromate of had, has been found principally, in veins in gneiss 51 and mica-slate, in a gold mine in the Uralian. mountains, in Siberia : it is said also to have oc- curred at Annaberg, in Austria, arid at Trapettes, in Savoy. It is extremely rare. The occide of chrome, in combination with oxide of iron , alumine and silw, forms a mineral called chr ornate, of iron, which is found very plentifully in France, and ki some places in Siberia. The chromate of lead, on account of its beauti- ful red colour, has been employed in Russia as a paint. Chrome, as obtained in tke metallic state by the chemist from either of the two foregoing compounds, has not been applied to any important use : it tinges glass of a green colour. It has been ascertained that the emerald owes its beauti- ful green colour to oxide of chrome : it seems, therefore, probable, that chrome may hereafter be employed as a paint. OSMIUM, IHIDIUM, and RHODIUM, are three brittle metals which, to- gether with PALLADIUM, already noticed as a malleable metal, have, by analysis, been found in combination with PLATINA in the crude state, (see Platina.) Not one of these four metals has hitherto been applied to any use. URANIUM, is a brittle, granular, hard metal, of extremely difficult fusibility. It is remarkable that this metal has never been found in any state having a metallic appe.arance ; consequently, never in the pure state. Its ores 52 are only two ; and very rare. They have been found in Saxony, Bohemia, Norway, France, and England ; in the latter only in copper veins. Uranium is found only in combination with oxygen, forming an oxide ; or with oxygen and oxide of iron, when it is called uran-ochre. The oxide of uranium is a beautiful mineral, mostly in small thin plates of a fine green colour, and transparent: in combination with oxygen and oxide of iron, uranium forms a mineral similar in appearance to pitch ; or sometimes resembling iron-rust. No use has hitherto been made of uranium. CERIUM has hitherto only been obtained by some chemists from a mineral substance from Sweden, called the cerite, in the form of a white, yellowish, or reddish brown powder : yet, al- though cerium has never been obtained in the metallic form, it is considered from its properties to be a metal. It has not been applied to any use. We now proceed to the consideration of those mineral bodies which, from their peculiar proper- ties, are termed COMBUSTIBLES. These form, in the mineral kingdom, a class of substances by no means agreeing amongst themselves in internal or external characters, and differing essentially from the earths, the alkalies, or the metals. Combus- tibles include both the hardest and the softest of mineral substances. Most of the metals, whose properties are altered by combustion, acquire an increase of weight thereby; whereas combustible substances are sensibly diminished in weight by the same process. The product of some of them is liquid, of others ? solid ; if solid, it is insoluble in water. The mineral bases of combustible substances may be said to be only two, viz. CAIIBON and SULPHUR. Combustible substances may be comprised in the following list : Sulphur Coal Diamond Blind or Kilkenny Coal, Mineral Carbon or Anthracite Plumbago, or Graphite Jet Mineral Oil [Pitch Amber Bitumen, or Mineral Mcllite, or Honey Stone. SULPHUR, is a soft, brittle substance, of a pale yellowish colour. It is found either nearly pure, or in combination with certain metallic ores, in great abundance. It is also found both in the vegetable and animal kingdoms. The DIAMOND, which is the hardest substance in nature, was heretofore considered as an earthy or stony substance ; but it is proved beyond a doubt not to be an earthy substance. When ex- posed to a current of air, and heated to the tem- perature of melting copper, it is found to be gra- dually, but comjpfeite/^ combi&lible* By this pro- F2 54 cess, it may be wholly converted into carbonic acid, and therefore consists of pur& carbon. Diamonds are either colourless, or of a yellow- ish, bluish, yellowish green, clove brown, black brown, prussian blue, or rose red colour : they are naturally found in detached regular crystals ; their primitive form is the regular oetohedron. In India, diamonds are found in an indurated ochrey gravel. The diamond mines extend through a long tract of country, from Bengal to Cape Comorin : the chief of them are now between Golconda and Masulipatarn. Diamonds are also procured from the isle of Borneo and from Brazil, where they are found in beds of ferruginous sand. The principal use of the diamond is in orna- mental jewellery ; it is also employed by glaziers to cut glass, and by lapidaries to engrave the harder gems. MINERAL CARBON, or CHARCOAL, is grayish black. It occurs in plates or irregular pieces, in various sorts of common coal. It has a glimmer- ing, silky lustre, and a fibrous appearance, disco- vering a wood-like texture. It is somewhat hea- vier than common charcoal, and is easily reduced to ashes before the blowpipe, without either flame or smoke. PLUMBAGO, or GRAPHITE, is found in Eng- land, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, and some other countries. Plumbago is of a dark iron black, passing into steel gray ; it Las a glis- tening metallic lustre. 55 The principal use of plumbago is in the making of what are called Hack-lead pencils ; for which purpose none has yet been discovered equal to that from Borrodale, in Cumberland. Whence this mineral obtained the name of black-lead it is difficult to say, unless it was from the lead- coloured streak which it gives upon pa- per. It Iras been ascertained that lead does not enter into its composition, but that the purest plumbago consists of about 90 parts of carbon and 1 of iron. MINERAL OIL. Under this term are compre- hended two substances, naptha and petroleum ; both of which are liquid, highly inflammable, and lighter than water. Naplha is nearly colourless and transparent ; it gives out much smoke and a penetrating odour in burning. The most copious springs of naptha are on the coast of the Caspian sea. It is employed externally for strains and bruises. The Persians and Russians are said to take it as a cordial. Petroleum, at the usual temperature, is rather thicker than common tar, and has a strong, disa- greeable odour. It is principally found in coal countries, as in Colebrookdale. It is found in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, and Sweden. It is most plentifully found in Asia : round the town of Rainanghong,.in the Birman empire, there are 520 wells in full activity, into which petroleum flrjws from over coal. No water ever penetrates into lliese wells. The quantity of petroleum annually produced by them amounts to more than 400,000 hogsheads. To the inha- bitants, its uses are important; it serves instead of oil for lamps, and, mixed with earth or ashes, for fuel. BITUMEN, or MINERAL PITCH, is either elastic or compact. Elastic bitumen, is of various shades of brown. It has a slightly bituminous odour, and is about the weight of water. It burns readily with a large flame and much smoke, but melts by a gentle heat, and is thereby converted into a substance re- sembling petroleum. Hitherto it has only been found in the Odin mine, near Castleton. in Derbyshire, in a secon- dary limestone. Compact bitumen is of a brownish-black colour ; one variety may be impressed by the nail, and is called maltha ; another is very brittle, and is call- ed asphalt. They consist of carbon, earth, and bitumen. The softer variety has not been put to any use ; but the harder is used in varnishes, and is an essential part of those used by engravers. It is found on the shores of the Dead Sea, in the West Indies, and rnany^other places. x COAL. The bituminous substance called coal, though ranked among minerals because its basis is pure carbon, is now, by many, b.elieved to be of vegetable origin; because the substance 57 which lies upon the coal, is always filled with ve- getable remains ; as well as because a woodlike appearance may be traced through every species of coal, even the most compact. On the subject of coal deposites, particularly our own, it is my intention to treat more at large. Coal may be divided into three species : brown eoal, black coa^ and canncl coal. Brown coal is in. perfectly bituminous; in* all its varieties it is fibrous, and in some of them its vegetable origin is so complete, as that the re- mains of the trunks and branches of trees are visible, and almost perfect. Brown coal burns with a weak flame and disagreeable odour. It is found in horizontal strata. In England it occurs at Bovey, near Exeter, and is called Bovey coal. It is also found in other countries. Black coal, which is used for economical pur- poses, includes several varieties. It may, how- ever, generally be said to be of a black colour, having an iridescent tarnish, and a high resinous lustre. It is composed of about 60 parts of car- bon, and 4 of bitumen. It always occurs in near- ly horizontal strata, which are abundant in Dur- ham; Lancashire, Yorkshire, and in some other parts of England, and in several parts of Europe. Cannel coal is chiefly found at Wigan, in Lan- cashire, but is more or less abundant in most collieries. It is very brittle, of a shining lustre, it crackles and flies while burning, flames much, 58 and burns quickly, leaving only 3 or 4 parts in the 100 of ashes. BLIND, or KILKENNY COAL, or ANTHRACITE, is of a dark iron black, and has a bright, metallic lustre. It burns without smoke, and emits no sulphureous or bituminous odour. It consists of pure carbon, with some silex, and a small portion of oxide of iron. JET, or PITCH COAL, is generally of a velvet black ; it occurs in mass, and sometimes in the shapes of branches, with a regular woody structure. It has a brilliant, resinous lustre. It is used as fuel, but the finer and harder pieces are worked into trinkets, under the name of jet. It is found in the Prussian amber mines in detached frag- ments, and is there called black amber. AMBER is a mineral of a yellow, or reddish- brown, or of a greenish, or yellowish white colour. It is found in nodules, or rounded masses, from the size of coarse sand to that of a man's head; Ambreis found on the shores of the Baltic, of Sicily, and of the Adriatic Sea, and occasionally in the gravel beds near London. Near the sea- coast, in Prussia, there are regular mines of amber : under a stratum of sand and clay, about 20 feet thick, succeeds, a stratum of trees, 40 or 50 feet thick, half decomposed, impregnated with pyrites and bitumen, and of a blackish-brown colour. Parts of these trees are impregnated with amber, which sometimes is found in stalactites depending from them. Under the stratum of trees was 59 found pyrites, sulphate of iron, and coarse sand, in. which were rounded masses of amber. The mine is worked to the depth of 100 feet, and from the circumstances in which the amber is found, it seems plain that it originates from vegetable juices. Amber sometimes incloses insects, be- lieve'd to be of the ant species. The strong elec- tric powers of amber are generally known. Amber yields, by distillation, an acid called the succinic acid, and leaves, as the residue, an ex- tremely black, shining coal, which is employed as the basis of the finest black varnishes. When exposed to flame in the open air, amber takes fire, and burns with a yellowish flame, giving out a dense, pungent, aromatic smoke, and leaving a light, shining, black coal. The MELLTTE or HONEYSTONE is a rare mine- ral, having hitherto only been found in Thuringia, in the district of Saal, and in Switzerland. It occurs on bituminous wood, and earthy coal, and is generally accompanied by sulphur. The honeystone is softer than amber, is trans- parent, brittle, and electric, and is found crys- tallized in the octohedron. When burnt in the open air, neither smoke nor flame are observable, and it eventually acquires the colour and consistence of chalk. By analysis, it gives a peculiar acid, called the tn-iiitic add, in combination with alumine, together with small portions of iron and silex. We have now concluded the subject. What has been said was intended only to convey the elements of Mineralogy. There exists a vast multitude of mineral compounds, which it was not possible to offer to your notice in so short a space of time, and which involve many inquiries and re- searches belonging more properly perhaps to the mineralogist in his closet. It may be observed, that, although we should now have been ignorant of the existence of some of the earths and metals, but for the researches of the chemist, yet, the properties and uses of by far the greater number of those which are most useful to man, were known, and employed in his service, long before chemistry was pursued as a science. Perhaps not one half of the earths, rnetals, and combustibles, have, in any important degree, been hitherto turned to advantage. LECTURE III. Oi'the objects of Geological inquiry Hypotheses Geological populous Of the low and level parts of the Earth Of the chalk banns of Paris, of London, and of the Isle of Wight. IT was said on a former evening that the object of mineralogy is the study of mineral bodies in particular, whether simple or compound : that geology embraces the study of the globe in gene- ral, and of the various relations that the different masses of which it is constituted, bear to each other. Mineralogy may be, therefore, said to fur- nish, as it were, the alphabet to geology. The globe we inhabit is about 8000 miles in diameter, 25,000 in circumference. Its surface has two grand divisions, land and water: one- third, or thereabouts, being occupied by land, and two-thirds by water. So little was known by the ancients respecting the earth, (of its real form nnd unceasing revo- lutions they were absolutely ignorant.) that it was by them considered to Le the cei.tre <> the universe; of which, a more correct philosophy has proved it to be only t; subsidiary portion. It is not, therefore, to be WOLU* red at, tint in the pursuit of our piesc-nt object, we derive little or no benefit from the writings of ancient profane G 62 authors. In the time of Herodotus, the Greek historian, it may, however, be inferred that there existed some philosophers who imagined that the earth was round, and that it was encompassed by the sea, since the historian takes the opportunity of sneering at the opinion. Geology, or the study of the earth, may be said to be altogether modern, as a science. Until towards the end of the last century, it w 7 as little understood ; perhaps, because those sciences on which it greatly depends, chemistry and mine- ralogy, had not made any large advances towards their present state. It is no marvel, therefore, that in default of a knowledge of the sciences, and of that research by which alone we can become acquainted with the constituent masses of the globe, the activity of the human mind should attempt to account for the creation and present state of the earth by uninstructed efforts of the imagination. It may be amusing to give a short account of a few of these, broached by men calling themselves philosophers. In these hypotheses, two events only, the cre- ation and the deluge, seem to have entered into the calculations of the inventors ; as comprehend- ing all the changes to which the globe has been subjected : that is to say, each arbitrarily ascribed toitacertain primitive state, which each supposed, to be altered and modified by the effects of the deluge. In the opinion of Burnct t tb dwell in the torrid zone. It is also evident that this enormous animal u*t have been frozen up by the ice at the moment of its death. 91 At Nice and the Jntibes, the rock also contained the bones of the horse. At Corsica, the rock contains the bones of small quadrupeds, chiefly foreign to the place ; as those of one inhabiting the coldest and wildest parts of Siberia; and enormous quantities of bones, some of which resemble those of the field mouse, and others those of the water rat. In Dalmatia, the bones contained in the rock are principally like those of Gibraltar. At Concud, in Arragon, the rock contains the bones of the ox, ass, a small kind of sheep, and many land and fresh water shells. We have now, as it seems to me, satisfactorily- proved our first position to a considerable extent, viz. ' That the lowest and most level parts of the earth, consist of horizontal strata, composed of various substances, many of which contain marine productions.' LECTURE IV. Organic Remains visible in hills and on the sides of elevated mountains Strata of the Brocken mountain Summits of lofty mountains con- tain no organic remains Heights of mountains Division of rocks irita primitive, transition and flcetz (or secondary) and alluvial Their de- finitions. ON the last evening, the real objects of Geo- logical inquiry were pointed out. It was shown that these consist of the natural phenomena and facts every where discoverable ; and that without an ample and nice investigation of these, it is impossible for us ever to attain a reasonable knowledge of the earth : such a knowledge, I would say, as may be derived from some acquaint- ance with the component masses of its crust, and of their relative positions. It was also shown how incapable and absurd are the speculations of mere closet-philosophers; who, relying on their inventive powers, and on the extreme difficulty of contradicting their silly theories, indulged themselves in speculations scarcely more ridicu- lous than it would be to assert that the globe is an egg or an oyster. During the last evening also, were laid down a series of geological positions, as they may be termed, which have been found to result from the 93 truly philosophical labours of men who have in- vestigated the crust of the globe, perhaps to as great a height and to as great a depth, above and beneath the surface of the sea, as man can easily attain. These geological positions I proposed to illustrate by quoting the experience of the very men from whose labours they have resulted. The first of them, viz. * That the lowest and most level parts of the earth, when penetrated to a great depth, exhibit nothing but horizontal strata, com- posed of various substances, and containing almost all of them innumerable marine productions,' was then elucidated by the investigation of the chalk basin of Paris, and of the chalk basins of London, and of the Isle of Wight : and not only the truth of the foregoing position was made clearly to ap- pear, but also the novel and interesting facts, that in these basins there have been successive and al- ternate deposites from salt and fresh water ; which is proved by the nature of their strata, and the organic remains they respectively contain. And it was further shown that these catastrophes, so fatal to animal life, have not been partial; inas- much as they are readily and largely seen in al- most every part of the European continent, and particularly on the coasts of the Mediterranean sea. The object of our present inquiry into the nature of the constituent masses of the surface of the globe, is so extensive as not to admit of those immediate convictions of the truth of what may 34 be asserted respecting them, as might be desirable. I claim however this advantage ; I demand no assent to theory, for I will not broach a theory. I offer alone the results of inquiries among ibe facts and phenomena of nature, by men whose love of nature and of truth, has rendered their researches invaluable to science : researches amid regions always open to the investigations of the doubting or disbelieving. Amongst these men, let us re- member that we have an Humboldt r a Werner, a Saussure, and a Cuvier. What but the love of truth and of science could have induced Humboldt to traverse whole continents, or to ascend the Andes more than 18,000 feet above the level of the sea ; or Werner, the great German geologist, to bestow his life in examining the rude and mountainous regions which surrounded him, and in teaching the results of his inquiries ? What but the love of truth and of science could have led Saussure to investigate every corner of the Alps, during twenty years ; or have induced Cuvier to bestow twenty-five years of his life in the sludj of comparative anatomy and osteology, with a riew principally, if not solely, to the illustration of the nature of our globe? If from all that Humboldt, and Werner, and Saussure, and Cuvier. and many other intelligent geologists, have observed, in regard to the nature* and respective positions of the great masses form- ing the crust of the earth, we were to select such parts as would immediately come in evidence of 95 the truth of the geological positions already sub- mitted to your notice, scarcely fifty evenings would afford time sufficient for their recital. It is my object to bring the required evidence into the narrowest compass ; I shall, therefore, select only such as may suffice to attain our object ; taking care, at the same time, that it shall be of the most obvious kind that the nature of our in- quiry will permit. The positions already recited, begin with the lowest and most hid parts of the earth 5 these we have considered. We now ascend a little, that is to say, to the hills; and after a short notice of their nature, shall rise to the consideration of the masses constituting lofty mountains ; taking occa- sion, here, to present an outline of the divisions which the experience of geologists has taught them to make in rocks, as the component masses of the crust of the globe ; showing the reasons for their division into primitive, transition and floetz, (or secondary) and alluvial ; and that of each of these there are many varieties. The 2d position is, That strata containing shells are found in bills to a great height. 3d. That the shells are sometimes so nu- merous as to constitute entire strata. 4th. That shells are found in elevations far above the lei'el of the sea, and at heights to which the sea could not be raised by any existing cause. 96 5th. That these shells once lived in the sea, and were deposited by it. 6th. That shells continue to be found as we rise to the foot of great chains of mountains. These positions I purpose to consider together. The evidence of facts requisite for their support, and as proofs of their truth, need not detain us long. The cliffs of the Isle of Sheppey, bordering our own river, the Thames, do not rise to any con- siderable height above the level of the water. They have, however, long been celebrated for the numerous organic remains found in them, a list of which, was published several years ago. This list has since been enriched by a gentleman now resident at Faversham, by the addition of above 700 different species of fossil fruits, berries, and ligneous seed vessels. Among the animal remains found in these cliffs, are several varieties of the crab, the jaws of crocodiles, and lobsters nearly whole. It deserves notice that all these remains, both vegetable and animal, are entirely impreg- nated with sulphuret of iron, or pyrites. At Reading, in Berkshire, or rather in the ele- vated lands in its neighbourhood, are found con- siderable deposites of oyster-shells ; it is remark- able that many of them are entire, having both their valves united ; but the animal matter, or oyster, is perfectly decayed. These shells have not un- dergone the process of petrifaction ; they are white and extremely brittle, and readily separate into 97 laminae. At Touraine, in France, 100 miles from the sea, and about 9 feet under the surface, there is a bed of shells ** leagues long, and about 20 feet thick. According to Ulloa, there are similar deposites in Peru. Such are likewise well known to exist in almost every part of Europe. In the neighbourhood of Bath, at a rather higher ele- vation, large tracts of limestone are found, con- sisting almost wholly of shells ; which are also discoverable in great abundance in the Glouces- tershire hills, and in other parts of England. In the cliffs near Whitby, a crocodile has been found ; in those near Lyme, in Dorsetshire, their remains occur in considerable abundance ; and in the chalk cliffs of Dover, some varieties of fossil shells. Still higher, in various parts of Germany, the fos- sil remains of fish are found in hills and rocks oi various kinds of slate. I Let us, however, continue to ascend. Dolomieu found immense quantities of sea shells on the sides of Mount ^Etna, 2000 feet above the level of the sea ; and at the height of 2400 feet above the same level he found, in the mountain itself, ' regular strata of gray clay enclosing sea shells. Some of the lower hills of the Appennine chain, contain many species of shells; they contain also the fossil bones of elephants, of rhinoceroses, of the hippopotamus, of whales, and of dolphins. It is asserted by Cuvier, in regard to the shells which ^are found imbedded in some rocks, that "' A nice and scrupulous comparison of their form's. K SB of their contexture, and even of their composi- tion, cannot detect the slightest difference be- tween some of these shells, and the shells which still inhabit the sea ;' an assertion which perhaps no one, who has at all examined it, will presume to deny. Surely then, we have a right to assume that they once lived in the sea, arid that they were deposited by it ; and if deposited by it, that the sea must have been once sufficiently elevated ; since we know no other cause adequate to the deposition of rocks enclosing sea shells, and to their deposition in regular strata. And when we take into consideration that Mont Perdu, which is the highest of the Appennines, and reaches an elevation of] 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, encloses so immense a quantity of sea shells, as that some of its strata seem almost wholly com- posed of them, we shall at once assent to the po- sition that shells are found in places to which the sea could not be conveyed by any existing cause. Mont Perdu is by no means the only elevated mountain enclosing sea shells; it is, however, one of the highest ; and we may readily infer that, if a mountain of so great elevation encloses them, they will be found in the strata at the foot of great chains of mountains. According to Saussure, the Buet, a mountain which rises 10,000 feet above the level of the sea, contains no petrifactions ; but the Salenche, the Mole, and others not exceeding 7000 feet, are 99 found to enclose petrifactions, although they form a part of the same chain. The Altain chain of primitive mountains in Siberia enclose no animal remains ; but they are flanked on each side by a chain of hills which en- close marine shells. * The 7th position is, That at the foot of loft} mountains, the strata, instead of being horizon- tal, as in plains and low hills, are of various de- grees of inclination, and sometimes vertical. 8th. That, from these and other circum- stances, it is inferred that there have been suc- cessive irruptions and retreats of the sea. 9th. That as we approach the summits of lofty mountains, the remains of marine animals and shells become rare, and even wholly disap- pear. 10th. That their strata are wholly different, and contain no vestige of a living creature. 1 1 th. That their strata are, by some, consider- ed not to be precisely in the place in which they were formed. 12th. That, nevertheless, as they contain no vestige of animal remains, they are considered to be the oldest rocks, and, therefore, are called primitive. In proof that the strata, as we approach the foot af lofty mountains, are not horizontal, as in law 100 hills, I shall present to your notice the section of a mountain in the Hartz Forest, in Germany, made from the description given by Werner him- self. This mountain is called the Brocken, (see plate 3.) and rises to a considerable elevation, though it is not one of the highest mountains in Europe : but the result of the examination of its surrounding strata by Werner, is better evidence of the facts it discloses than we could perhaps obtain from any other source. The centre is of granite, which is, as it were, mantled all around by several successive and perfectly distinct strata ; the oldest next to the primitive rock; and invari- ably, each succeeding stratum, being newer than the preceding, dips lower and lower, as we depart from the primitive rock around which they are successively deposited. The nature of the several component masses of this mountain, will be fur- ther noticed when we arrive at the consideration of the mineraiogical differences existing in moun- tain rocks. The successive deposition of these strata (for that they were successive will become more appa- rent where their geological differences shall have been pointed out) may, at least in degree, be urged in proof that there have been repeated irruptions and retreats of the sea: they will more- over evince that the sea has not always deposited stony substances of the same kind, inasmuch as these deposites are distinct, and even essentially different, in theiv natures : and the strata sur- 101 rounding this mountain may tie brought in evi- dence, perfectly in agreement with numerous other observations, that the sea has observed a regular succession as to the nature of its dtposites. And, from these circumstances/it is reasonable to infer, that the sea has undergone great changes in the nature of its fluid: whence we may pre- sume that there may have been a succession of changes in the nature of the animals which inhabit it, corresponding with the changes in the chemi- cal nature of the sea. That such changes have taken place in the natures of the inhabitants of the sea, we have abundant proof. Not only do the species and even genera of the shells change with the strata, but it is generally the case that the shells of ancient strata have forms peculiar to themselves ; that these forms gradual- ly disappear ; that they are not found in the strata recently deposited, nor in the existing seas : but the more recent strata enclose some species which the most experienced eye cannot distinguish from those which now inhabit the ocean. The section of the Brockcn mountain, shows the reason for our assertion, tbat, as we approach' the summits of lofty mountains, the remains of marine animals and shells become rare, and even wholly disappear. Tt has already been stated that granite, which forms the centre and summit of this mountain, is considered to be the oldest of rocks,, because it is found underneath all others, and fre- K2 10,2 quently rises through and overtops all other the constituent masses of mountains, as well as be- cause it never contains animal remains ; granite, in like manner, constitutes the highest parts of very many mountains of different elevations throughout the globe. But it is often found that, although in some countries the sides of very lofty mountains have been covered by succeeding stra- ta to a very great height, yet, in other countries, primitive granite, of very inferior elevation, is ex- posed almost to the level of the sea without hav- ing any part of it covered by secondary deposi- tion ; and the fact seems to be that these seconda- ry depositions have greatly varied in extent and in elevation. We now come to the consideration of the sum- mits of lofty mountains which contain no vestige of a living creature, and whose stratification, if 1 it may be so called, differs from that of mountains of less elevation. The summits of lofty mountains generally con- sist of one or two, and sometimes of alternating, deposites of some of the older rocks; which, for the reasons already given, have been termed pri- mitive. Some of these rocks mostly assume one appearance ; others have mostly an appearance wholly different : I say mostly, because there are but few rocks that always assume the same ap- pearance in regard to stratification. For instance, granite, and some other of the 103 older rocks, sometimes occur in regular and near- ly horizontal strata ; sometimes have no appear- ance of regular deposition, either horizontal or inclined ; but the summits oflofty mountains, con- stituted of such rocks, seem composed of large and irregularly sized blocks, piled on each other without any appearance of order : while on the contrary, gneiss, another primitive rock, is almost invariably in horizontal strata. This diversity in appearance is very consider- ably augmented in mountains consisting of alter- nate masses of primitive compounds, which are by no means rare ; and as these rocks suffer, in different degrees, by long exposure to the action of the elements, this circumstance considerably contributes to increase the disorder of their rug- ged summits, which are described as appearing at a distance like the ruins of towers and of fortifica- tions. Whether these constituent masses are still in their original position, is a problem of no incon- siderable interest ; nor can we wonder that able geologists should differ on the subject. Cuvier, on the one hand, considers that the very appearances of their summits, are so many proofs of the violent manner in which they hare been elevated. He is of opinion that all the older strata o^ which the crust of the earth is composed, were originally in a horizontal position; and that they have been raised into their present highly inclined position, by 104 subsidencies that have taken place over the whole earth. On the other hand, Jameson (who is a rigid follower of the opinions of Werner, whence we may infer, that it is also Werner's opinion) be- lieves, that the present inclined position of these strata is, in general, their original position ; an opinion which he considers to be countenanced by the known connexion of strata, the phenomena of veins, the crystalline nature of the older rocks, and also by what he terms the great regularity in the direction of strata throughout the globe. Since, therefore, two authorities so eminent have not yet decided the point, and since their opinions are directly opposed to each other, we must be content to await and to expect an agree- ment, drawn from yet further inquiries amid the phenomena presented by the grand features of mountain rocks. But the researches and experience of many skilful geologists all unite in this : that ike strata composing ike summits of lofty mountains, contain no vestige cf animal or organic remains ; they are, therefore, considered to be in their primitive state. An approach towards these summits dis- covers that the sides are covered, or, like the Brocken mountain, mantled around to a very great elevation, by deposites enclosing sea shells and other organic remains. These are common in the lower Pyrennees, vvhoae elevation does not exceed six or seven thousand feet above the sea : 105 according to Ulloa, however, shells have been found at the height of 14,220 feet above the sea on a mountain in Peru. It is extremely difficult, it is even in most cases impossible, to ascertain the internal structure of large and elevated mountains : but if, on ascending them, it be found that their summits are crowned by certain rocks which are known never to include shells or other organic remains, and ivhich have never yet been found resting upon those rocks which do contain them; we have a right to con- clude, from analogy, that the same rock which forms the summit, composes the mountain itself, ascending from the base to the summit through the centre ; and that the masses of rock surround- ing it, even to a great elevation, were deposited after the creation of the central mountain. We may, I say, conclude this to be the case from analogy, because, in certain districts of the European continent, the operations of the miner have occasionally disclosed the fact. In various parts of Germany some mines are situated in lofty mountains. For instance, in the Krivan mountain, there is a gold mine, 6954 feet above the sea ; and in the mountains of the Tyrol, a silver mine, 7512 French feet above the same level. As we are now upon the subject of mountains, it may not be amiss here to introduce a sketch, exhibiting the comparative heights of some in various quarters of the globe, whose names a*re 106 best known to us, as most frequently occurring in the usual course of our reading : it is not in- tended to convey a representation of their actual form (see Plate 1.) To us, who live in alow arid almost level country, Skiddaw and Helvellyn are objects of wonder and admiration; but when these, or Ben Nevis, which is the highest moun- tain in Britain, are compared with the majestic elevations of the European or the American Con- tinents, they sink in our estimation into mere hil- locks ; and the great pyramid of Egypt, that won- der of ages, which is 315 feet in height, seems as nothing in point of bulk. The heights of two or three remarkable cities have been added. The highest mountain in Europe is Mont Blanc, in Switzerland, which is 15,662 feet above the sea ; but there are several of nearly the same height. The highest mountain in Asia is Petcha, or Hamar, in Chinese Tartary, which is estimated at 15,000 feet above the plains of China ; unless it be admitted, that the highest summit of the mountains of Thibet exceed it, which, according to Colonel Crauford, is about 25,000 above the sea. In Africa, the highest mountains are supposed to be those of Geesh, which are estimated at 15,050 feet above the sea. Chimborazo, the highest summit of the Andes, and the most elevated of the American continent, is 20,282 feet above the sea; but there are four- 107 teen other mountains on that continent, between 10,000 and 20,000 feet in elevation; three of which are volcanoes. Heights of Mountains, &c. feet above the ca. Britain . . Ingleborough, Yorkshire . . . 3000? Ben Lomond, Scotland . . 3048 Saddleback, Westmoreland . . . 3240 HelvelJyn, Cumberland . . . 3324 Snowdon, Wales 3456 Skiddaw, Cumberland .... 3530 Schihallien, Scotland .... 3564 Ben Nevis, Scotland .... 4350 ftaly . Vesuvius 3900 France . . Puy de Dome 5000 Puy de LanfF 6200 Plomb de Cantal .... 6300 Jamaica . . Blue Mountains ..... 7431 Germany . Lomnitz Peak 8640 Kesmark Peak " 8508 Krivan 8300 Pyrennees . Canigou 9000 Mont Perdu 11,000 Canary Islands Peak of TenerifFe , 11,424 Sicily . . JEina 10,032 Alps . . . Lake Lauzon, Mont Olan . . 6796 MontTitli* . ... . . 10,818 Schrekhorne . . . . . 13,000 Mont Rosa 15,000 Mont Blanc 15,662 America . City of Mexico " 7424 City of Quito 9000 Silver Mine of Jauricocha . . . 15,500 Tunguragao . . . . .16,170 Cotopaxi 18,600 Ohimborazo 20,282 108 We have now arrived at that branch of ow subject which may be termed Mineral Geology ; TV tiic a fiasfor itsotyect the natures and differences existing in the component mosses oj the earth. These masses are, by Werner, divided mio pri- mitive, transition, jlwtz, and alluvial. PRIMITIVE ROCKS never contain animal or ether organic remains, and are never found to alternate with, or to rest upon those rocks, which enclose animal remains. Primitive rocks are so named, because, in so far as we know, they are the oldest, and were the first formed. They have a crystalline appearance, and are, therefore, chemical deposites, principally composed of the siliceous, argillaceous,* and magnesian earths. Granite, gneiss, mica-slate, clay-slate, primitive limestone, serpentine, por- phyry, and sienite, are of this kind. Of these, granite is considered to be the oldest, and sienite the newest. To primitive rocks succeeds another class, which Werner denominates TRANSITION ROCKS ; these enclose organic remains of animals now in- habiting the seas, and are principally composed of chemical deposited ; but amongst them mechani- cal deposited first make their appearance.f * The earth called alwnine forms the basis of common alum, whence it obtained that name ; it enters largely into the composition of clays, whence it is termed the argillaceous earth, from the Latin argilla, clay. f The difference between a chemical and a mechanical deposite may be thus explained. 109 Limestone, though it sometimes occurs among primitive rocks, first appears in considerable quantity among transition rocks ; amongst which greywacke, greywacke-slate and transition lime- stone are the predominating rocks. Still newer than transition rocks, is the ex- tensive class of FLed ad'u-re to^.-'th-r very .-tror^ly. There is no regularity, it is a mere accidental or mechanical dqwxlc. L 110 Still newer is the class of ALLUVIAL ROCKS ; these contain the shells of fish now existing in the seas, and the bones of large land animals ; and are almost entirely composed of mechanical deposites. Sand, clay, loam, and brown coal, are the prin- cipal earthy masses that belong to this class. Such is the arrangement which observation has taught the experienced Werner to make in rocks. Some other geologists, however, are of opinion, that the division made by him of rocks enclosing organic remains into two classes, transition and floetz, is unnecessary : they therefore term all those rocks which contain organic remains, excepting those called alluvial, SECONDARY ROCKS. We'learn from what has preceded 1st. That the older rocks are principally com- posed of the siliceous, argillaceous,* and mag- nesian earths.f 2nd. That the primitive parts of the crust of the earth are entirely chemical productions; where- as, in the newer, we find a beginning, and in the still newer, an increasing quantity of me- chanical depositions. 3d. That limestone occurs but sparingly in the primitive, more abundantly in the transition (or older secondary.) and in the flcetz class (or newer secondary) in immense quantity. * See last note but one. f See notes to the descriptions of the nine oldest and most abundant f the primitive rocks. Ill 4th. That in the earlier deposites we meet with no bituminous or saline matters, as coal or slate, but that these occur in great quantity in the newer formations. But that part of our subject to which we are now arrived, viz. the consideration of the nature of the individual rods or compound masses, which been bought to light by the operations of the miner, or the researches of the geologist, opens to us a field of inquiry of such amazing extent, as to induce me to pause, and, for a mo- ment, -to consider the precise nature of the ob- ject we have in view. This, if I rightly understand it, seems to be the acquisition of such knowledge of the great outline of geological facts andphenomena, as the researches of men eminent in science have enabled us to attain ; avoiding, on the one hand, an attempt to enter with mineralogical exactness into the study of every geological compound, and on the other, the bare recital of a catalogue of geological names ; neither of which would afford either in- terest or instruction. In the consideration of the natures of individual rocks, are involved the remainder of our geologi- cal positions. We proceed to the 13th. That rocks which, because they con- clude no vestige of animal remains, are termed primitive, are of various kinds. 14th. That rocks enclosing animal remains are never found underneath, or supporting, those rocks which are termed primitive. 112 15th. That some primitive rocks alternate with each other ; but that granite is found be- neath all others, and frequently overtops all the rest. 16th. That rocks which include organic re- mains must have been formed after the shells they contain, and, therefure,noi bt in<$ considered primitive^ are, by some, termed secondary rocks: whence the terms used by geologists of 'primary and secondary formations. 17th. That there are many varieties of se- condary rocks, each of which has received a geological appellation. 1 8th. That there exists another class of sub- stances, not appropriately termed rocks, but which, being considered to be the debris, or ruin of rocks, by their long exposure to the action of air or water, or both, are therefore termed alluvial deposites. I shall now invite your attention to that clas- sification of rocks which the experience and ob- servations of Werner have induced him to make. PRIMITIVE ROCKS. Granite Porphyry Gneiss Sienite Micaceous schistus Topaz rock Argillaceous schistus -Quartz rock Primitive limestone Primitive flinty slatt Primitive trap Primitive gypsum Serpentine White stone 113 SECONDARY ROCKS ; or TRANSITION ROCKS. FIXETZ ROCKS. Transition limestone Old red sandstone Transition trap Floetz limestone Greywacke Floetz gypsum Transition flinty slate Variegated sandstone Second floetz gypsum Shell limestone Third sandstone Rock salt Chalk Flostz trap Coal Newest floetz trap ALLUVIAL DEPOSITES. Sand, gravel, loam, clay, wood-coal, &c. But before we proceed to examine these rocks individually, let us take some further notice of the interesting section of the Brocken Mountain, which throws much light on the subject of the relative situation of mountain masses in general. An outline of the nature of these masses will of course be comprehended in the succeeding de- scription of individual rocks. The centre of the mountain is granite, (1,) on each side reposes another primitive rock, called clay slate, (2.) which, as well as all the succeeding strata, is found entire- ly to surround the granite. The two strata L 2 114 next in succession (3, 4,) are by Werner termed transition rocks; the first being limestone, the next greywacke and greywacke-slate. The stratum resting on the latter is called by Werner, the old red sandstone, (5,) and is the oldest of what he terms the flcctz rocks ; the succeeding strata to (10,) inclusive, are also floetz rocks. On the old red sandstone reposes the Istflxtz limestone (6) ; on it the \stflatz gypsum (7) ; then succeeds the 2d or variegated sandstone (8) ; then the 2cl or newer gypsum (9) ; and lastly, the 2d limestone (10). It is essential to be noticed, that I do not pretend to give the precise extent, dimension, OF shape, of the granite forming the centre of this mountain, or of the several successive and incumbent strata; their general shape and position is all that is in- tended to be conveyed. Nor must we forget to observe that, in reality, all the strata incumbent on the granite, are less and less in elevation as they are more and more distant from it, each newer deposite being lower than that preceding it in point of age and situation. Nor must we fail to remark that these several strata, which may be supposed to stretch along through a con- siderable tract of country, would soon assume that position which determined Werner to give to the newer amongst them the term of floetz rocks; that is to say, they would be .fiat, which is the meaning of the word floetz. On the 2d limestone (10) re- poses the alluvial deposite (11) j with the precise nature and extent of this 1 am not acquainted. This section has so greatly the appearance of 115 order and of art, that it might be supposed to be the mere contrivance of some theorist to answer the particular objects of his invention : but we have no reason to suspect it. That Werner is in some sort a theorist, perhaps, can scarcely be de- nied ; but it must, at the same time, be allowed, that his great object has been to develope a grand outline of the facts presented by nature, and that his theory is wholly built upon investigations, to which the great mining and mountainous district in which he resides is particularly favourable. A Cornish miner of observation and talent, but whose education and knowledge is principally confined 4o his art; who had never read, or per- haps even heard of a theory of the earth, lately told me that on examining a certain district in Wales, he was surprised to find on the side of a mountain, strata of various kinds in regular suc- cession, and much more so to observe the same strata in the same order on the side of another mountain distant nearly 20 miles from the former. It was the more remarkable to him, because Cornwall is not a stratified country. I have selected for your inspection the section of the Brocken mountain, as being a well au- thenticated example of remarkable order in its several deposites, and because the relative position of rocks, and the order in which they succeed or cover eat h other, forms a curious and interesting part o 1 ' geological inquiry. If, however, we were to imagine that this forms a representation 116 deposites of mountain masses in the aggregate, we should err. Though granite frequently over- tops other rocks, it is, perhaps, more frequently found, that other primitive rocks rest immediately upon and above it. Granite is sometimes ob- served to alternate with gneiss, and gneiss with micaceous schistus and clay-slate. Mont Blanc, which is 15,680 feet high, and is the highest mountain in Europe, is of granite nearly to the summit ; which is, according to Saus- sure, of argillaceous schistus. It is said that in the Andes, in South America, granite has not been seen higher than 11,500 feet above the sea. A mountain called Marno, in Portugal, is granite covered by clay-slate enclosing crystals of a mi- neral called the chiastolite. The same rock en- closing the same substance, forms the summit of Skiddaw in Cumberland, probably resting also on granite. It is sometimes found that several of the primi- tive rocks rest upon the granite, and above these some of the transition or floetz rocks ; or, as they have been conjointly termed by some geologists, secondary rocks. Even alluvial matter is said to have been observed, covering the summits of ele- vated mountains. But it has been objected to the rules laid down by Werner, in regard to the relative ages and positions of rocks, as forming mountain masses, that, as his observations have been chiefly confined to the country in which he resides, it is not rea- 117 sonable to adopt the result of researches with regard to one district, as obtaining in every other country. This objection may, in srrr.e degree, he well founded. The observations of other geolo- gists in other countries may not be all in perfect accordance with the rules laid down by Werner: but this dissonance may be attributed in some measure to the yet imperfect state of the science, and to the want of precise definitions in regard to the characters of many rocks. Some, which have obtained the same appellations, are so different in appearance, that the most experienced eye alone can determine their general agreement in regard to character and composition ; while, on the other hand, certain others have obtained dif- ferent names in different countries. In this im- perfect state of geological language, the know- ledge and skill of the observer must always be had in consideration. If Werner be actually a theorist, he is one of a superior order. He has extended his researches throughout the large and important district sur- rounding him. The relative age, deduced from the relative position, internal structure and con- tents of the great masses forming that moun- tainous district, seems to have been ascertained by him with a degree of certainty that defies the application of the term theory to his results. If he merit the name of theorist at all, it seems only to be in consequence of his assertion, or supposed assertion, (for hitherto his principal discoveries 118 have been communicated only by some of his pu- pils) that the same results found to prevail universally. It is certain that researches in al- most every quarter of the globe, have tended in an astonishing degree to verify his opinions, that order in regard to deposition is universally pre- valent, and that this order is never inverted. It cannot, however, be denied, that theories built even upon researches into the phenomena pre- sented by nature, have both advantages and dis- advantages. They serve to induce research, in- quiry, and discussion ; which, when carried on with that temperate zeal which may be expected from men whose object is truth, will be sure to promote it. It were to be wished that the love of truth were thus prevalent ; much needless and intemperate warmth would be averted ; and were observers bent on this alone, as their ultimate object, science would be benefited by nicer ancj more candid geological description than can be expected from those, whose great object is the support of a favourite theory. Inquiries into the nature of the globe contribute greatly to the advance of real science ; they serve at once to amuse and to instruct, by affording ample materials for reflection ; they force upon the mind an immovable conviction that the globe it- self was called into existence by a Power, whose design and contrivance are every where manifest : a power whose immensity is unsearchable. 119 The few rocks that have been mentioned as composing the principal masses of primitive, tran- sition, and flcetz, or seconder rocks, and of allu- vial deposites, comprehend, as it were, within their catalogue, and connected with their history, a variety of other rocks so vast and so numerous, and passing'l4ie one into the other by such imper- ceptible and nice gradations, that it may truly be said their study is the business of a life. I now proceed to offer some remarks on the nature of individual rocks ; beginning with the oldest of the primitive rocks, and taking occasion to notice some of their masses, remarkable for extent and elevation, as well as the metalliferous ores which principally abound in them. GRANITE is a compound, granular, aggregated rock, composed of felspar, quartz, and mica, most- ly in distinct crystals; sometimes the one, some- times the other of these ingredients predominates, but most generally the felspar.* But granite varies in respect to its granular character, from the very large to the very small ; the large granular is considered to belong to the * Quartz, felspar, and mica, enter into the composition of granite and gneiss, the two oldest of the primitive rocks. Quartz is composed of eilex, with 2 or 3 per cent, of moisture or water. Felspar, of about 63 parts of silex, 17 of alumine, 3 of liine, 13 of potash, and 1 of oxide of iron. Mica, of about 47 parts of silex, 20 of alumiue, 13 of potash, 15 of oxide of iron, and 2 of oxide of manganese. 120 oldest formations, the small and fine grained gra- nite to the newest. Werner considers that there are three sorts of granite : the primitive ; a newer formation which traverses the primitive in veins, and the newest granite formation ; this latter always rests on some of the older primitive rocks. It sometimes contains portions of other rocks. The colour of granite is grayish white or red- dish. Granite sometimes contains other substances, as schorl, garnets, and tin ore : many metalliferous substances are found in veins that traverse it. In the great mining field of Cornwall, both copper and tin occur in veins in granite in prodi- gious quantities. When granite is exposed, it forms very high and steep cliffs ; often also it appears as lofty and precipitous summits, denominated peaks ; as is remarkably the case in Savoy, in Switzerland. It occurs, as forming mountain masses, both un'stratified and stratified ; when in the former state, it presents large irregularly shaped masses, sometimes distinct globular concretions, as in Bohemia, the Hartz, arid other places. Strati- fied granite occurs in Bohemia, Saxony, Switzer- land, the Pyrennees, the Altain opouptfeina, and in other countries. According to Jansrson, ' S'nita can only be formed by parallel seams., ^ >h have the same direction and extent throughout the mass.' 121 Granite is one of the most frequent and widely extended rocks : it forms the summits of the highest mountains in Scotland, in the Hartz, the Alps, in Bavaria, Bohemia, the Tyrol, and most countries in Europe. It forms a very consider- able portion of the Uralian and Altain chain of mountains in-Siberia in Asia. In Africa, it forms the principal constituent part of the mountains of Upper Egypt, the Atlas mountains, and of the country about the Cape of Good Hope. In North America, it is found in New- York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. In South America, it forms whole groups of the elevated Cordilleras ; and a large tract of country extending from Cape Horn,which is the southern extremity of America.' It is remarkable, that in the mountainous re- gions of Peru, especially in the environs of vol- canoes, no granite is found except in low situa- tions, at the bottoms of valleys. GNEISS is the next oldest of the primitive rocks, and like granite, it consists of felspar, quartz, and mica; it is generally so small-grained, and the mica for the most part prevails so much, that gneiss is mostly of a slaty structure. It sometimes encloses other rocks, a? granular limestone and porphyry. It contains occasion- ally beds of garnet, accompanied by lead ore and iron pyrites; and sometimes, though rarely, beds of slaty glance coal. Mountains composed of gneiss are not so stetp M 122 as those composed of granite ; their summits are usually rounded. There are few metals that do not occur in gneiss ; in which are situated the greatest part of the Saxon, Bohemian, and Salzburgian mines. Gneiss mostly reposes on granite, but is some- times incorporated in it, and sometimes alternates with it. Ben Lomond, in Scotland, and Mount Rosa, in Italy, are almost wholly composed of gneiss, as well as the middle part of the Pyrennees. It abounds in Bohemia and Silesia, in Carinthia, in the Southern Alps, the Vosges, and in Scandina- via. It occurs also in Greece ; the mine works of the ancients, in the vicinity of Athens, are situated in it ; it is found also in Russia, in several dis- tricts of South America, in the Shetland Islands, and in many parts of the main land of Scotland. MICACEOUS SCHISTUS is considered to be the next oldest of the primitive rocks. This is also called schistose mica, mica-slate, and glimmer- schieffer. This rock is composed of mica and quartz,* and like gneiss, has a slaty structure. Garnets are so commonly found in it, as to be almost considered one of its constituent parts : occasionally it contains several other substances. Micaceous schistus usually rests on gneiss, but is not commonly found on the summits of moun- tains ; nor does it often alternate with granite or * For the analyiis of mica and quart*, see note oa granit*. 123 gneiss ; but generally reposes on the latter, round the sides of the primitive mountains, forming gentle acclivities. The summit of hills composed of micaceous schistus are round. It contains some ores, as gold, iron, copper pyrites, arid cobalt, with garnets and asbestus ; but unlike gneiss, in which they occur in veins, it contains theln in beds. The most important mines of Sweden, as those of Dalecarlia and Fahlun ; those of Roraas, in Norway ; many in Hungary, Salzburg, Saxony, and Bohemia, are situated in micaceous schistus. It is found in many parts of Scotland ; the mountain Schihallien and the neighbouring coun- try, are composed of it. Humboldt observed it in great quantities in South America. ARGILLACEOUS SCHISTUS, or CLAY-SLATE, is a simple mountain rock,* and follows micaceous schistus in the great series of mountain rocks ; but it sometimes contains thin layers of quartz, or more rarely of felspar. It also contains some other mineral substances, as schorl, garnet, and hornblende ; and sometimes encloses other rocks. Geologists enumerate four varieties of this rock, * The three foraier rocks are called compound mountain rocks, be ing composed of two or three mineral substances, viz. quartz, felspar, and mien ; but argillaceous schistus is called a simple mountain rok, because it is not so compounded. It consists of two or three elementary substances, as of silex, alumine, and oxide of iron. There are several varieties of this rock, which have not been accurately analysed. 124 one of which is of roofing slate; and eight varieties of rock peculiar to the clay-slate formation; amongst which is drawing slate. The impossi- bility of noticing all these varieties will be obvious, nor does it form a part of our present object. Argillaceous schistus is one of the most metalli- ferous of the primitive rocks ; it abundantly con- tains veins and beds of tin, lead, cobalt, silver, and copper; gold, and the ore of quicksilver are said also to occur in it. It is a very widely extended rock, and sometimes forms whole mountains and chains of mountains; but not of the most elevated: they have generally a gentle acclivity. In the Highlands of Scotland, argillaceous schistus rests upon, and passes into, micaceous schistus. On the continent of Europe, it may be traced through a great extent of country ; as in Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Franconia, Bavaria, the Alps of Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, and many other districts. It occurs in Pennsylvania in North America. It is said that nearly the whole country between Potosi and Lima, in South America, is composed of it. Saussure found it on the summit of Mont Blanc. In Britain, it occurs largely in Cornwall, enclosing veins of tin and copper ; and it forms the summit of Skiddaw, in Cumberland. The famous moun- tain of Potosi, in which are situated the great silver mines, consist entirely of clay-slate. - PRIMITIVE LIMESTONE is the next in order of 125 primitive rocks. It is a simple mountain rock,* and is white, yellowish, grayish, greenish, or red- dish white. It structure is always granular. The oldest is the whitest and most granular. It sometimes encloses quartz and mica ; more rarely garnets, steatites, asbestus, and some other mineral substances. Occasionally it occurs in distinct strata 5 or in beds, sometimes short and thick, sometimes so thick as to form whole mountains. Primitive limestone is rarely found enclosed in the older rocks called gneiss and clay-slate, just described. As a rock, it contains various mineral ores in beds and veins; as those of lead, zinc, and iron, auriferous pyrites, and native gold. Whole mountains in Stiria, Carinthia, Carnio- lia, and in the Pyrennees, are composed of it ; as well as three in Switzerland 30,000 feet high. But primitive limestone in these situations, is generally in immense blocks, without any regu- larity in regard to size, dip, or direction ; it is sometimes stratified, as at Altenburg, near the lake Neuenburg, and in some parts of Scotland. * When lime is combined with the carbonic acid, the compound, when compact, is commonly called limestone ; another variety is called calcareous spar, (calx being the Latin for lime,) and mountains of lime- stone commonly called calcareous mountains. Calcareous spar ia composed of 57 parts of lime, nnd 43 of carbonic acid. Th limestone of calcareous mountains yieldi about the ?amt proportion?. M2 126 The marble of Sutherland, in Scotland, is said to be particularly valuable. The promontory of Athos, in the Archipelago, is composed of primi- tive limestone ; but the most extraordinary mass of it occurs in Spain : it is said that the moun- tain of Filabres consists of one block of white granular marble, 2000 feet high, and 3 miles in circumference, without any mixture of other earths or stones, and almost without a fissure. PRIMITIVE TRAP : the rocks belonging to this formation are numerous ; they are found in Scot- land and Germany abundantly, and in some parts of Britain. Trap is a German word, signifying a stair. The rocks of this formation are termed trap rocks, because their exposure to the elements causes them to take the form of steps or stairs : they are very numerous ; and, on that account, are less intelligible than most other primitive rocks. Primitive trap is almost wholly composed of hornblende ; which, in some varieties, is mingled with felspar, in others, with mica.* When hornblende is mixed with felspar, it sometimes contains scales of mica, and is then called greenstone-slate; which occurs in great beds and mountain masses, and in Sweden forms * Hornblende is a mineral which occurs massive occasionally, but iiiostly in crystals confusedly intersecting each other : its colour is dark green, approaching to black. It is composed of 42 parts of silex, 11 of lime, 12 of alumine, 32 of oxide of iron, and some water. For the analysis of the occasional ingredients in primitive trap, fel- spar, and mica, see note on granite. 127 ranges of hills, Primitive trap is very metalli- ferous ; celebrated mining districts in Sweden, Saxony, and Silesia, are situated in it. SERPENTINE is considered the next in order of the primitive rocks : it is a simple mountain rock.^ Serpentine sometimes encloses other substances ; and among them are asbestus, mica, and crystals of quartz and hornblende. But only one instance is known in which it is incidentally mingled in another rock : serpentine with limestone forms the precious stone denominated rerd antique. There appear to have been two or three forma- tions of serpentine. Its first appearance is occa- sionally in gneiss, the oldest of rocks except granite, and afterwards in micaceous schistus. It never occurs in very distinct strata ; but gene- rally in shapeless masses and beds. The ores of lead, silver, and copper, are found in serpentine, though not abundantly. Serpentine rarely forms mountains, but is said to form the summit of Mont Rosa, which is prin- cipally of gneiss. In beds, it occurs in Silesia, Bohemia, Saxony, and in the Scottish islands; and it forms a large tract -of country in Cornwall, of many miles in extent, in which occur veins of native copper, and some veins of the soap-stone, so abundantly used in potteries, which is some- times accompanied by asbestus. * Serpentine ii composed of about 45 parts of silex, 30 of magnesia, 15 of alumine, with icrne oxide of iron, aod water. J 128 Some varieties of serpentine are exceedingly beautiful, and are turned to purposes of ornament. At Zoblitz, in Upper Saxony, several hundred persons are employed in quarrying, cutting, turn- ing, and polishing the serpentine found in that neighbourhood; and the various articles into which it is made are carried all over Germany. PORPHYRY is the next in age of primitive rocks, and is one of the most widely extended formations. It is a compound rock, consisting of crystals of quartz or felspar, or both, imbedded in a basis which is considered to be of contemporaneous formation : this basis, in the older porphyries, is generally of hornstone or compact felspar : in the newer formations, the imbedding substance is ge- nerally of various kinds of clay.* Occasionally, porphyries contain portions of clay and agate, or chalcedony, and some other substances. Porphyry sometimes contains the ores of gold, silver, lead, tin, iron, copper, and manganese ; but these occur principally in the newer porphyries ; always in veins, never in beds. The principal mines of Hungary are situated in porphyry. Porphvry does not appear in distinct and well defined strata ; but occurs in beds of great magni- * For the analysis of the imbedded substances of porphyry, quartz, and felspar, see note on granite. It is difficult to give that of the imbedding substances which are numerous. It will suffice to say that they are pri- cipally composed of the siliceous and argillaceous earths. 129 tude, sometimes indeed forming mountain masses in -various parts of the world. It is found occasionally in Scotland and the Scottish isles. On the continent, it may be traced from Norway to the borders of the Black Sea. It appears in Sweden, Finland, the Hartz Forest, Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Salzburg, the Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, Greece, the islands of the Archipelago, Egypt, Siberia, and in North and South America. SfENiTE is the next oldest of the primitive rocks; it is less abundant than most, if not all, of the foregoing. It is compound, and consists of hornblende and felspar ; the felspar predominates : some va- rieties contain quartz and mica, and but little hornblende.* Sicnite is very nearly allied to por- phyry, and is equally metalliferous. In the island of Cyprus it affords much copper ; many of the important silver and gold mines of Hungary are situated in it. Sienite occurs in Galloway, in Scotland : on the Continent, in the Electorate of Saxony, the forest of Thuringia, (where it abounds in iron,) Upper and Lower Hungary, Transylvania, the Isle of Cyprus, arid Upper Egypt. * For the analysis of hornblende, see note on primitive trap : and for tiue analysis of fefcjxir, quartz, and mica, see that on granite. 130 According to Werner, there are yet five other primitive rocks, making in the whole fourteen : these are of far less abundant occurrence than the foregoing, and will not detain us long. ^TOPAZ ROCK is composed of quartz, topaz, schorl, and a sort of clay : it is rare, having hitherto only been found near Auerbach, in Ger- many, where it forms a mountain mass of con- siderable extent. QUARTZ ROCK is a simple mountain rock, oc- curring principally in veins and beds ; but en- closing no metallic ores of any description. Some- times it includes mica, and has then a slaty texture. Quartz occurs plentifully in certain mountains in Scotland, and in some of the Scottish isles. On the Continent, it appears in Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Bavaria, and other places. It is, however, said, that the mountain called Bultuc, one of the Altain chain, in Siberia, being 350 feet high, and 4800 broad and long, consists entirely of milk- white quartz ; which sometimes forms spires on the tops of mountains, appearing like snow. PRIMITIVE FLINTY SLATE occurs occasion- ally in beds, in some of the German and Saxon mountains, alternating in beds with clay-slate be- fore described: it occurs also in veins. But this rock is scarcely known beyond those districts. PRIMITIVE GYPSUM is perhaps the least im- portant of all primitive rocks. It has hitherto been found only in the Alps in Switzerland, where it is granular 5 but, being mixed with mica and 331 clay-slate, the rock obtains a slaty structure : this structure is never to be observed in secondary gypsum, and therefore serves as a complete dis- tinctive character. WHITE STONE : the characteristic colour of this rock is white ; it is composed of a little mica and compact felspar, and has a slaty or granular structure : sometimes it contains garnets. Hither- to it has been principally found in Saxony and Moravia : a variety of it appears in the mountains of the South of Scotland. We have now taken a cursory view of what, according to our present knowledge of the crust of the globe, are considered to be the oldest rocks. All these, though some of them be occasionally found mingled, or alternating in beds or strata with each other, are crystalline deposites, and are absolutely without any trace of organic remains, either of plants or animals : for this reason, these are supposed to be in the very state in which they were first deposited, and therefore have received the name of primitive rocks. But the fourteen rocks of which we have taken a slight view, are not, by some geologists, supposed to form the whole catalogue of primitive rocks ; jasper, hornstone, pitchstone, hornblende-slate, and puddingstone, are, by some, added to it : some of these appear to be varieties of those we have described, and the characters of the rest^do not seem to be so essentially fixed, as forming moun- 132 tain masses, as to induce me to detain you by their description. All rocks not included in the foregoing cata- logue, (with the exception of those called alluvial,) have, hy some geologists, been termed secondary, because they are found to contain more or less of organic remains : but it has been discovered that the four rocks found in immediate succession to the preceding fourteen, do not contain organic remains precisely of the same characters as the rest. For although the four rocks in question en- close some shells common to those immediately in succession to them, they also contain a variety of petrifactions, distinct in their characters, called zoophites, or those animals which are considered as forming the first link in the chain of animated beings; none of which are found in any of the succeeding rocks. In these four rocks, which contain ihe first traces of organic remains, also appear the first mechani- cal deposites; and Werner has termed them tran- sition rocks, as connecting the primitive with the newer rocks containing abundance of the remains of plants and animals ; these newer rocks he has called jflffts rocks, (the word Jiatz, meaning fat,) because the position in which they are found is more flat than that of the primitive or transition rocks ; and is frequently quite flat. It has already been remarked that some geolo- gists, who are of opinion that some of the dis- tinctions made by Werner are not necessary, class 133 all those be has named transition and flcetz, under the general term of secondary rocks. The four transition rocks are called transition limestone, transition trap, greywacke, and tran- sition flinty slate. TRANSITION LIMESTONE does not rise so high on the sides of mountains as primitive rocks ; but it occurs in mountain masses, forming precipices, and narrow and deep vallies. It is not very metalliferous. In beds, it occurs in Scotland, and in Derby- shire ; on the Continent, in the Hartz Forest, and most other mining districts. Of TRANSITION TRAP there are two varieties; one of them called amygdaloid, or, in Derbyshire, toadstene, forms immense beds with transition limestone in that county : it is found also in the mining districts in Germany. GREYWACKE is a widely distributed and im- portant rock ; it presents the first appearance of a mechanical deposite. It is described by Jameson as composed of grains of sand, connected together by a basis of clay slate. Greywacke is uncommonly productive of metal- liferous ores, both in beds and veins. Almost all the mines in the Hartz are situated in it, affording silver, copper, zinc, and lead. In Transylvania, greywacke is traversed by numerous small veins of gold. * N 134 This rock is also found in most European countries. TRANSITION FLINTY SLATE is of small im- portance ; it principally occurs in Bohemia, and in the lead hills in Scotland. To the four transition rocks just described, succeed the floetz rocks, which are twelve in number, according to Werner. It has just now been observed that the whole sixteen are fre- quently, if not commonly, denominated seconda- ry rocks. As the position of the floetz rocks is mostly flat, we may correctly imagine them to exist as twelve beds, deposited one above another : and as they all contain animal or vegetable remains, I do not propose to give a minute description of each, but shall content myself with saying that they are found in most countries; in many, in prodigious quantities. Generally speaking, they contain few metalliferous substances ; nevertheless some of them are of almost infinite value to man. The first or oldest of these is called the OLD RED SANDSTONE, which, in point of age, succeeds the transition rocks just described. On the red sandstone reposes the FIRST FLCETZ LIMESTONE ; which, in the Hartz Forest, yields copper and cobalt in veins. On the first floetz limestone lies the FIHST FLOSTZ GYPSUM ; containing, in Italy, and on the banks of the Wolga, masses of sulphur of several hundred weight. 135 On the first gypsum, rests the SECOND, or VA- RIEGATKD SANDSTONE; so called from its being marked with brown, red, and white stripes. On the variegated sandstone lies the SECOND or FLCETZ GYPSUM ; and on this, the SECOND or SHELL LIMESTONE ; remarkable for the immense quantity, as well as beauty and variety of organic remains, both of animals and plants, endued in it in various countries of Europe. On the shelly limestone rest* the THIRD S .-, - STONE, remarkable in Bohemia for the pictun scenery afforded by the numberless pillar;: pyramids, single or joined together, two or three hundred feet high, over a large tract of country at Auerbach : in the neighbourhood also, caverns and grottos appear in the same sandstone, from which issue, streams, that give rise to water-falls, and thus increase the beauty of the scene. On this, which is the third floetz sandstone, rests the ROCK SALT FORMATION. Of this ex- tensive and highly beneficial deposite, it is my in- tention to give a somewhat detailed recount, particularly of our vast deposite in Cheshire. To the rock salt formation, according to Wer- ner, succeeds the CHALK FORMATION; the earth" iness of which denotes the lateness of its origin. To the chalk succeeds that which is called the FL(ETZ TRAP FORMATION; and over it the IN- DEPENDENT COAL FORMATION. As a descrip- tion of some coal districts, particularly our own, would now occupy too much time, I purpose on a 136 future evening to give some account of this valu- able deposite. To the coal succeeds that which is by Werner termed the NEWEST FLCETZ TRAP FORMATION; which is considered by many geologists to be en- tirely of volcanic origin. These are the twelve formations, which, accord- ing to Werner, succeed each other in the order just described. By this we are not to suppose that we shall, in every place in which one of them is found, invariably find the rest : frequently many of them are wanting. In the sketch of the Broc- ken mountain, it will be noticed that the two pri- mitive rocks, gneiss and micaceous schistus, are wanting. All, therefore, that we mean to say, in pointing out their successive formations, is. that if gneiss and micaceous schistus had occurred, they would have been situated between the gra- nite and the limestone. So with the floclz rocks : if, for instance, we arrived at a bed of rock salt, we might possibly find it resting 1 on a bed of the old red sandstone, although no fewer than six beds have just been described as newer than the old red sandstone, and older than the rock salt : but had these six beds occurred, they would have been found between them ; and most probably in the order laid down. But there is still another species of deposite of which wehaveto speak, improperly classed among rocks, -which is invariably found above all other strata. I allude to ALLUVIAL DEPOSITES. 137 This class includes those substances that have been formed, and still are forming, in every quar- ter of the globe from previously existing rocks, owing to the action of air and water upon them. Alluvial deposites occur both in high and moun- tainous regions, and in flat country ; filling up hollows in one, and forming plains in the other. In mountainous countries they consist of rolled masses, principally of gravel or sand ; sometimes irregularly heaped, sometimes forming beds, and containing fragments of ores, and some kinds of precious stones. The disintegration of the surfaces of hills in some parts of Cornwall, affords an extensive illus- tration of the effects ascribed to the agency of air and water. Large deposites of tin ore, covered by the ruin of granite, are found in many places ; and have afforded rich harvests to the miner. In one of the branches of Falmouth Harbour, the miner, after damming out the water, sunk through a bed of alluvial matter fifty feet in thickness ; at the bottom of which was found a bed of rounded masses of tin ore, varying from two to ten feet in thickness ; in which occasionally were mingled small grains of gold. It may be conceived that the ruin must have been great, when it is known that the profits reaped from the undertaking, amounted to at least 50,000. At the bottom was the solid rock, on which I have walked. The diamond is found in alluvial soil in the N 2 13S East Indies and South America, as well as the topaz and the hyacinth ; and gold on the coast of California. In low and fat countries, sand, loam, clay, sul- phur, bog iron ore, and beds of gravel, are found in alluvial soil. In the loam and sand, great beds of bituminous wood sometimes occur; of which the great under- ground forest in Prussia, yielding amber in abun- dance, is a remarkable instance. The remains of plants and animals are found only in those rocks which are newer than those termed primitive, and rest upon them. Such re- mains however occur in very variable proportion, and even in some of the older secondary (or tran- sition) rocks, no vestige of them is to be seen. It has already been remarked, that in the tran- sition rocks, which rest immediately on primitive rocks, occur the remains of animals called zoo- phites, which form the first link in the chain of animated beings. These seem to be most abun- dant in transition limestone ; in which, also, corals of different species are found, approaching very nearly, in external characters, to those now grow- ing in tropical climates. In transition trap and flinty slate, no organic re- mains are to be seen. Greywacke and grey wacke slate seldom contain petrifactions ; in large tracts of country consisting of these rocks, not a trace is to be seen ; in other?, 139 some few are found, both of animals and vege- tables. The animal remains seem to be nearly the same as those found in the limestone. In greywacke it is said that the remains of animals of the serpent kind also occur : the vegetable petrifactions appear like the stems and leaves of palm trees, and of reeds. Grey vvacke slate eon- tains the remains of those remarkable corals, which are supposed to form the connexion be- tween shells and corals. The old red sandstone is the oldest of the fioelz rocks : it contains but few petrifactions, and these are principally of trunks and branches of trees, which seem to resemble those of tropical climates. The first flostz limestone comprehends three or four varieties of rocks, in each of which animal and vegetable remains are found : some of these belong both to salt and fresh water; the remains of a large amphibious animal of the genus moni- tor have also occurred, which have been describ- ed by Cuvier. All the other fiostz rocks contain abundance of animal remains, except the gypsum and trap for- mation, in whieh they are rare : several of them also enclose vegetable remains. In the second floetz limestone, are found petrified fishes of vari- ous genera and species, and fossil amphibious animals; the stems and leaves of trees, and of flowers, as of the ranunculus. In the third floetz, or shell limestone, are found, together with pro- digious quantities of shells, the fossil remains of 140 fishes and of birds. Chalk sometimes contains the teeth and bones of fishes; the remains of tor- toises and crabs also occur in it. In alluvial formations, petrifactions are distri- buted, which often are so much rounded as to show that they have suffered by attrition : the organic remains are those both of fresh and of salt water, and also of land and of amphibious animals. The shells of oysters and of muscles are plentifully found ; occasionally the teeth of sharks. In some places, the bones of the horse, the ox, and the stag occur, but differing from those of the living species; in others, the bones of elephants similar to those now inhabiting Asia and Africa, and of the rhinoceros and hippopota- mus ; in others again, the bones of several extinct species of the elephant; and of an elk, formerly an inhabitant of Ireland. LECTURE V. Of Minerr.l Veins Of Salt Deposites Of Coal Depoiites Of Volca- noes Of the Deluge Of the Internal structure of the Earth Corv- cluding Observations. - OF MINERAL VEINS. IN treating of veins, we have a two-fold object. They merit our attention in respect to the extra- ordinary circumstances which attend them in all countries in which they occur ; and also on ac- count of their being the chief mineral dcposites. But mineral deposit es are of two kinds ; for metalliferous ores are largely found in beds, as well as in veins. Mineral beds are for the most part horizontal ; and are found both in primitive and secondary countries, of various elevation. The ores of copper, iron, and lead occasionally occur together in beds in primitive mountains ; and sometimes gold and silver are intermixed with them. Cobalt, and certain ores of mercury, also occur in beds. Almost all the metalliferous ores in the great mining district of Sweden, are in beds in primitive mountains. Lead, zinc, and iron ores occur abundantly in beds ia secondary mountains. In England, some ores are found in beds; but by far the greatest mineral deposites of this country are in veins : it is uniformly the case in Cornwall. 142 A vein may be described as a fissure that has been afterwards filled up with several different substances. Hurnboldt observed a vein of calcareous spar 140 feet wide, traversing gneiss in the Alps of Switzerland. Jameson observed a vein of por- phyry-slate traversing sandstone, in the Isle of Arran, nearly 160 feet wide ; and in Scotland, veins ofpitch,stone and greenstone, from 10 to 100 feet wide. But these veins do not appear to have been what may be termed metalliferous veins ; which, for the most part, are much narrower. It is said, that in most primitive metalliferous mountains, veins extend but a few hundred fa- thoms in length, and that their width does not exceed two feet. It has also been said, that a description of the veins of Cornwall would, generally speaking, suf- fice for those of almost every other country ; and having heretofore given much attention to their actual state, I shall confine myself chiefly to them, and endeavour to give a general outline of their direction, length, depth, width, dip, and contents. But in these respects, veins have not such an uniformity, as that the history of one would be an history of the rest : almost every vein has something peculiar in it ; something to interest the geologist. The metalliferous veins of Cornwall, that is, the veins producing copper and tin, which are the chief mineral productions of that county, run in 143 the direction of nearly east and west; they may vary a few points. There are, however, other veins, that rarely contain any metallic substance, which, for the most part, run north and south. These two facts are extremely curious. Metalliferous veins may sometimes be traced along the surface of the earth, hy a certain ochre- ous or rusty appearance ; but this is not very com- mon. A vein may be said, in some sort, to resemble a deep cleft or crack in a field. This cleft, what- ever might be its depth, must, of course, have a direction under ground : either it would be quite straight down, or it would have a slanting direction beneath the surface. The veins of Cornwall scarcely ever take a di- rection quite straight down, or, in other words, quite at right angle with the horizon ; but almost always either dip, or incline away from that angle. So that the metalliferous veins which run east and west, dip or underlie either towards the north or south ; and the non-metalliferous veins, which run north and south, dip either towards the east or west. The length of no one vein in Cornwall has, as yet, been satisfactorily proved. Some of them have been traced two, or three, or even four miles 5 but no instance has occurred in which a vein has been known to stop. Nor has the miner ever yet seen the bottom of a vein. The length and depth to which veins extend, therefore, are not known. 144 There are several mines in Cornwall upwards of 1000 feet in depth from the surface, and two or three nearly, if not quite, 1300~feet deep. Metalliferous veins differ exceedingly in regard to their width. A vein containing tin ore, in a mine called Whealan Coates, was only three inches wide, but was so rich as to be worth working ; while another, in a mine called Relistian, was upwards of 30 feet wide, and was also very rich in tin. Some of the veins; containing copper in Herland mine, did not exceed 6 inches in width ; and so continued for a few fathoms, but eventually passed away east and west in mere strings, scarce- ly thicker than paper; but these veins yielded cop- per of a very rich quality. A copper vein in the next hill, varied from 12 to 24 feet in width, and was also very productive of copper. But the generality of metalliferous veins, both of tin and copper, are from one to three feet in width : and these are preferred by the miner, be- cause the ore they contain is generally less inter- mixed with other substances, than that of wider veins. Hitherto we have been speaking principally of metalliferous veins. There is yet one circum- stance, and a very important one, in regard to these,, that we must not fail to notice. These veins are not filled with metalliferous ores. Were that the case, the miner would defeat his own object; because, as veins are very numerous, the quantity of tin and copper produced by them, 115 would be so great, as that tlie price he would obtain for the ore would not defray the charges attending his operations. The ores both of cop- per and tin principally occur in quantities which, though they may extend many fathoms every way, generally occupy, in point of fact, but a small comparative^portion of the vein, and are there- fore properly enough termed bunches. A question here naturally arises. With what substances are the remaining parts of the veins filled up ? These are occupied sometimes by rocks, or by stony or earthy substances of various descriptions ; or by rubble, or refuse matter that seems to hare resulted from the ruin of some parts of the neighbouring country. The non- metalliferous parts of a vein, of whatsoever com- posed, are commonly termed, by the miner, deads, because they yield him nothing. Sometimes, however, veins are found to have large empty spaces; but this, in Cornwall, is not common. Water is very abundant in veins, particularly in those rich in tin or copper. On a large mine it is not unusual to see two or three steam en- gines, for the purpose of drawing the water. These will raise and discharge into the neigh- bouring valley, at least 1000 gallons of water every minute, night and day. The sides of metalliferous veins are generally very determinate ; and are covered by a hard dark-coloured crust, called by the miner^the walls of the vein : and there generally runs down evri-r O 146 rein, a small vein of a whitish clayey substance, which sometimes adheres to one, sometimes to the other wall. The ores of copper and the ore of tin (for of tin there is but one description of ore, while there are many of copper) do not often occur together in the same vein to any great depth beneath the surface. At about 80 or 100 feet under the surface, the first traces of copper or tin are usually found ; rarely nearer to it than 80 feet. But when at last they are found, it is not to be understood that these ores consist of one close and compact mass : on the contrary, they are generally mingled with other substances, such as lead ore, iron pyrites, the ore of zinc, accompanied by fluor spar and quartz, &c. These are in some cases loose in the rein ; in others, they are hard, and attached to one or to both sides of it. Sometimes the ores both of tin and copper are found thus circumstanced together in the same vein ; and when so found, it generally happens that all trace of tin is soon lost. If tin be first discovered, even without a trace of copper, it is not unusual, that in the course of sinking 80 or 100 feet more, all trace of it is lost, and copper only is found. The vein of course was at first called a tin vein ; but afterwards be- came only a copper vein : and many of the most productive mines in Cornwall have been exactly so circumstanced. Nevertheless, in some veins. 147 tin continues to be found to the great depth of nearly 1 000 feet beneath the surface, almost with- out a trace of copper. But if, instead of tin, copper be first discovered at the depth of 80 or 100 feet, it seldom or ever happens that tin is found below it in the same vein. In one or two of the deepest mines in the coun- ty, both copper and tin have continued down to- gether, in the same vein, to the greatest depth at which it has been seen by the miner ; sometimes one prevailing, sometimes the other. It has been stated, that the tin and copper veins run nearly east and west ; but that the veins which run nearly north and south, scarcely ever contain a trace of tin or copper : in some few instances, they have been found to contain the ores of silver, lead, cobalt, and iron ; others have produced an- timony. These north and south veins are usually filled by quartz, or a whitish or bluish clayey substance, or an ochreous substance ; and sometimes by all three. When a vein of this description meets with a vein containing tin or copper, it passes through the tin or copper vein; and sometimes, as it were, splits it into numerous little branches; the north and south vein continuing its course straight for- ward without interruption. Not only is this curious effect produced, but also another of a much more extraordinary nature. In searching for the tin or copper vein on the 14S other side of the north and south vein, it some- times cannot be found for a length of time, nor without much labour and expense : forty years have been spent in such a search. For, instead of continuing its course, instances Lave been known in which the tin or copper vein has bee'n again found 120. or even 450 feet, north or south of that part of it, on the other side of the north and south vein. North and south veins vary in width from one Inch, to ten or twelve feet ; but, whatever be their width,, they always divide tin or copper veins, ft'id generally alter their course ; or, in the lan- of the miner, kea?c them out of their course. In some parts of the mining districts of Corn- vrall, metalliferous veins are so numerous, that 'with the minor, the question is not where a vein can be found, but where he will be most likely to meet with one productive of copper or tin. Years of labour, and large sums of money, are often ex- Jjended in vain, because there is no circumstance by which he can determine, with certainty, that Lis efforts will be successful. There are many mines through which several veins of copper and tin take their course, very near to each other. If a copper vein meets with a tin vein, it is universally the case, that the copper vein passes through that of tin, and generally heaves it out of its course, greatly to the inconvenience and loss of the miner, who is often puzzled to find if again. / Plate, 4. n TIN CROFT Copper &Tw Veins in the P INK Mine 149 There are still other, and, if I may so say, sub- ordinate veins found in Cornwall. The explana- tion of their nature and effects would trespass too greatly on your time : they rarely contain any metalliferous substance, but they occasion prodi- gious vexation and expense to the miner. -* In elucidation of what has just been said of the phenomena attending the veins in Cornwall, I shall offer for your inspection a sketch of those which actually occur in two mines called Tin Croft and the Pinky (see plate 4.) Let us sup- pose that the upper square figure represents the hill in which Tin Croft mine is situated : it is not an exact representation of it, because that hill has a gentle declivity on every side ; but for the sake of familiar illustration, I have supposed it to be cut away on the north, the south, the east, and the west sides, and that the soil is taken from the surface down to the rock, in order more clearly to show the run of the several veins upon it, and their directions beneath it. All these veins are found in Tin Croft mine, in less than half a mile from north to south. The upper part of the square figure represents the field in which the mine is situated. We shall observe that there are three veins of copper, (coloured red;) three of tin, (black;) and one yielding both copper and tin, (red and black.) These veins run on the surface east ajad west, and are intersected by a vein running north and O 2 150 south (bluish) which is not metalliferous ; and we shall further observe, that the copper and tin veins were not merely intersected, but also, that the parts of them on the western side of the north and south vein, were ' heaved' out of their regu- lar course towards the south. Let us remark the downward direction of the popper and tin veins; not one of them runs straight down ; they dip or underlie more or less, either towards the north or south. Two of the copper reins intersect one of the tin veins, and pass through it, without altering its direction. It has been said, that the miner has never seen* the bottom of a vein. Three of the veins in Tin Croft seem to stop; the fact is, that the miner did not pursue these veins to so great a depth as the others ; their direction beneath where they seem to stop, is not exhibited, because it is not known. From one of the copper veins which underlies a little towards the south, two branches go off, underlying much quicker towards the north: the veins of Cornwall rarely branch off in this manner. The section of the Pink mine is a remarkable instance in proof of the assertion that copper veins meeting with those of tin always duide, and ]pas$ 'through, and mostly * heave 9 them., Let us first notice the summit of the lower square figure, (pi. 4.) which represents the run of the veins on the surface of the Pink mine ; in which there were four east and west, or metalli- 151 ferous veins, two being of copper (coloured red,) and two of tin (black.) These veins were inter- sected by a north and south vein (bluish) that was not metalliferous ; which heaved the parts of the copper and tin veins on the western side of it, more towards the north than are those parts of them on the eastern side of it. j* The tin vein ran near the southern extremity of the mine, underlying in its downward direction greatly towards the north. It will be noticed that the copper veins underlie in the contrary direction, that is, towards the south. One of them, meeting with the tin vein in its course, in- terrupted it, and 4 heaved' that part of the tin vein on the south of the point of intersection, twenty-four fathoms nearer the surface. It was afterwards found that the tin vein was again in- terrupted by another copper vein, and again heaved towards the surface 3 though only about ten fathoms : a third time it was cut through by still another copper vein, which does not appear on the surface of the mine, and again heaved, though less than before, towards the surface. There are yet some important points respecting mineral veins, on which I purpose saying a few words. I mean in regard to the probable manner in which they were formed, and by what means they were filled. They who contend that the great masses of the globe are altogether what they now are, through 152 the agency of frc, assert that veins were formed by the contractions which took place in those masses while cooling, and that they were filled from below : in other words, that the contents of veins were protruded into them from the inter- nal parts of the globe, by the agency of fire. Those who, on the contrary, contend that the great masses of the globe are what they now are through the agency of water, assert that mineral veins were originally open fissures or rents, caused by the subsiding of the great masses of the globe ; and that these fissures were filled from above, receiving into them the metals which formed a part of a great chaotic fluid. I am not now about to enter into an exami- nation of the comparative merits of these two doctrines, but shall probably hereafter say a few words on this part of the subject. I cannot, however, pass by one or two obser* vations in regard to the relative ages of veins. It has been said that copper veins, meeting in their course with those of tin, always divide and pass through them. This seems clearly to show that tin veins are the oldest, or they could not have been so divided. It has also been said that the north and south, or non-metalliferous veins, always divide the veins of copper as well as those of tin. This clearly shows that the tin and copper veins were both older than the north and south veins, or they could not have been so divided by them. 153 But other veins, not containing any metallic substance, are occasionally found ; which, as they divide and pass through every one of the fore- mentioned, are therefore of still later formation. OF SALT DEPOS1TES. IT was slated during the last evening, that de- posites of salt are principally found amongst those !i are by Werner termed the flcetz or flat rocks 5 hut which, by other geologists, are ranked among those called secondary rocks. Clay, sandstone, and gypsum, almost invariably accompany rock salt, either above or below it ; sometimes both above and below it. The countries in which large deposites of salt are found, are for the most part flat ; they do not often exceed that elevation which is termed hilly. In Germany, but few instances of the rock salt formation occur; but it is said that an uncommon- ly great deposition* of it maybe traced with little interruption, from the Black Sea nearly to the Alps. It abounds in Spain ; but is not very com- mon in Russia, or generally in northern countries. Nevertheless, there are said to be two whole mountains in Astmcan entirely composed of it. It is abundant in Persia; the isle of Orraus in the Persian Gulf almost wholly consists of rock salt. Whole mountains of it also occur in Tunis 154 and Algiers, in Africa. It is found in Ne\v South Wales ; and not long since a mountain of salt, of an immense height,was discovered near the Missouri river in America, eighty miles long and forty-five miles wide, the surface of which is barely covered with earth ; neither tree nor shrub is growing upon it. But many countries are nearly without salt. At Delhi and Agra, the capitals of Hindustan, its price is 2s. 6d. per pound : and it is said to be so scarce in the interior of that country, west of Thibet, that the natives use cakes of salt, sealed up and bearing the stamp of their prince, as money. Perhaps the most extensive deposition of rock salt in the world, occurs in Wiclitska.near Cracow in Poland, at the northern extremity of a branch of the Carpathian mountains. It has been worked as a mine since the year 1251, and its excavations are said to extend more than a league from east to west. The salt is of an iron gray colour, in which are found cubes of a pure white. This mine was visited by our countryman Wraxall ; from whose account of it some idea of its vastness may be gathered. He says, * After being let down by a rope two hundred and thirty feet,our conductors led us through galleries, which for loftiness and breadth seemed rather to resem- ble the avenues to some subterraneous palace, than passages cut in a mine : they were perfectly dry in every part, and terminated in two chapels 155 composed entirely of salt, hewn out of the solid mass. The images which adorned the altars, as well as the pillars and ornaments, were all of the same transparent material; the points and spars of which, reflecting the rays of light from the lamps which the guides held in their hands, produced an effect equally novel and beautiful. Descend- ing lower into the earth, by means of ladders, I found myself in an immense hall or^cavern of salt, many hundred feet in length, breadth, and dimen- sions, the floor and sides of which were cut with exact regularity. One thousand persons might dine in it without inconvenience, and the eye in vain attempted to define or trace its limits. No- thing could be more sublime than this vast subter- raneous apartment, illuminated by flambeaux, which faintly discovered its prodigious magnitude, and left the imagination at liberty to enlarge it indefinitely.' Hitherto we have not mentioned the deposites of salt, and the salt or brine springs, which are so abundantly found in our own country. A descrip- tion of some of these is my principal object. The chiefest are those of Droitwich, in Worcester- shire, and of Northwich, in Cheshire, which are the most productive of all. I proceed first to the brine springs at Droitwich. These springs are said to be mentioned in the Domesday Survey, which was finished in*10S7. The prevailing rock around Droitwich is a 156 brownish red sandstone, considered to be the old red sandstone of Werner. At this place the brine springs are four in number, all situated within a square furlong; and as no new pit has been sunk within the last thirty years, we have not a very accurate account of the strata through which they passed, before they ar- rived at the brine. From the account given by Dr. Nash, in his history of Worcestershire, we gather these facts : that four pits were variously sunk through from thirty to fifty-five feet of soil and rock, when they arrived at a stratum of gyp- fium, varying from 102 to 150 feet in thickness : on passing through this, they suddenly arrived at the salt brine, which, immediately on their arriving at it, rose quickly to the surface, and overflowed. In each of the pits the brine was twenty-two inches in depth : in each also it was ascertained that it was immediately resting on a bodjg of rock salt. Into this rock salt thpy bored two feet and a half, without passing through it; the brhie being their object. From this account, the principal information we gather, is, that the water of these springs is impregnated with salt,* by a body of rock salt ; and that, as the* brine rises perhaps 180 feet to the surface, and overflows, the source of these springs must be situated in much higher ground than that in which the pits are sunk. The brine is'perfectly limpid, and contains about one-third its weight of salt. 15? The quantity of brine whit-h issues from these four pits is immense. That which is u=cd, bears but a small proportion to that which runs to waste : nevertheless, the quantity of salt annually made from these four pits is about 16,000 tons; two-thirds of this are consumed in England, and pay a duty of about 320,000 per annum. The market price of the salt is 31 per ton, 30 of which is duty. We come now to the great beds of rock salt at North wich in Cheshire. These beds are known to extend one mile and a half, north-east and south-west, and are upwards of three quarters of a mile wide: there are two beds, lying one beneath the other. The strata above the upper bed, consist of gyp- sum, and of alternating beds of variously coloured marl, red, blue, and brown ; some of them are so porous, as that it has been ascertained that 360 gallons of water rise through them in a minute ; a circumstance that greatly impedes the sinking of the pits. It is remarkable, but it is well ascer- tained, that the various strata above the upper bed of rock salt contain no marine fossils. These strata are from 105 to 120 feet thick ; they repose on the first bed of salt, which is from sixty to ninety feet thick: between the first and second beds of salt lies a stratum of indurated marl, thirty- six to forty feet in thickness. So that the surface of the second or lower bed of rock salt "is about P 153 220 feet from the surface of the land. Into this second bed of salt they have sunk 132 feet, with- out having found the bottom of it. The suit of these mines is, for the most part, of a reddish hue, arising from some admixture of iron; and it is generally so hard, that the blast by gunpowder is employed in breaking it down. The lower part of the lower bed is the purest : and in it there are considerable cavities, about 16 feet in height; in which, occasionally, pillars of salt are left, six or eight yards square, which form the supports of the roof, The cavities are worked into aisles or streets ; which, when illuminated by candles fixed to the sides of the rock, give a bril- liancy of effect that is singularly striking ; and, it is said, almost appear to realize the magic palaces of the eastern poets. Some idea of the vast magnitude of the Cheshire saltdeposites may be formed, when it is mentioned that its many mines yield 16,000 tons for home consumption annually, and that 140,000 tons more are annually exported from Liverpool. We come now to the consideration of the means by which these vast formations of rock salt were deposited. It must be obvious, that all that caa be said will amount to no more than theory : a theory which presents some objections, while its basis seems reasonable in itself. The Cheshire salt beds occupy vallies sur- feuuded by bills of secondary formation; and the 159 upper surface of the upper bed of salt is about 40 feet below low-water mark at Liverpool. The numerous facts already adduced, have led us de- cidedly to adopt the belief that the sea must have stood at an elevation greatly above the general level of the earth. Is it not, therefore, reasonable to presume that these beds of salt were deposited by the sea ; and that the beds of clay lying be- tween and above them resulted from the ruin of rocks ? The arguments in support of this theory are, That the upper surface of these deposites of salt, are 40 feet under low-water mark. Tliat, in the beds of marl, it is not unusual to find fragments of the older rocks ; such as large portions of granite, showing marks of attrition. That these deposites of rock salt contain some salts, as the sulphate of soda, which also is found in the waters of the ocean. The principal argument against this theory is, that no sea shells or weeds are found above or below these beds. But, perhaps, we ought to take into considera- tion that there are beds of salt near Salzburg in Austria, which are stated by Von Buch to be 2975 feet above the sea j and that the salt mines in the Tyrol are yet higher. We have, however, heretofore produced evi- dence that the sea has been at much greater eleva- tions than this 5 and has deposited ahnfcst entire strata of sea-shells, at such elevations. IGO OF COAL DEPOSITES. Deposites of coal are not only of great import- ance, but are far more abundant and more gene- ral than they are commonly supposed to be. Coal, in greater or less quantity, and of differ- ent qualities, is found in most countries : in Hol- land, Germany, Saxony, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, China, Japan, New Holland, and in North and South America. Buffon states, that in his time there were no fewer than 400 collieries worked in France. The deepest coal mine in the Avorld is near Namur ; it is stated to be 2400 feet, or nearly half a mile, in depth. Coal is found at various elevations ; but almost all the greatest deposites are in low situations ; where it occurs in beds lying over each other, of various thicknesses, having between them one or more earthy deposites, or beds of stony matter. It is remarkable that though these beds of coal are nearly horizontal, they are not quite flat, but generally dip near the middle, where they are found thicker than at the sides ; so that a section would give the idea of the form of a boat. Both in this country and in others, coal is found at elevations much above the sea ; and at one place in France, the strata, instead of being, as is usual, nearly horizontal, are nearly vertical. I bave lately been informed that there is a con- siderable deposite of coal in the immediate 161 neighbourhood of the great silver mine of Jauri- cocha in Peru, which is about three miles above the level of the sea. But it is considered that there are three forma- tions of coal. I shall begin with the newest, on account of its being of the least importance. The newest coal formation occurs in alluvial soils. In thisr, the strata of coal are not parallel with each other ; and the earthy strata that are found with it are those of sand, clay, and gravel. The newest coal consists almost exclusively of earthy brown coal, and biturnenized wood, of which there isa considerable deposite near Exeter. The coal formation, next in point of age, occurs in that deposition to which Werner has given the name of the newest floetz trap; the result, as he conceives, of deluges. In this the coal is gene- rally covered with clay, or basalt, in which are found neither vegetable impressions nor animal remains. The strata are not so numerous as in the formation presently to be described, nor are they so perfectly parallel with each other. The chief collieries of Scotland, of the central part of France, and of Bohemia, are of this description ; these yield principally the varieties termed pitch coal and moor coal, not often slate coal. The next, or oldest, is called the independent coal formation, because the individual depositions or beds, not being connected, are independent of each other. This formation consists of extensive and remarkably parallel strata of coal, covered P % by strata of indurated clay called shale, contain- ing the impressions of vegetables, and sometimes the remains of fresh water shell-fish. The shale is always wanting in the newer deposites of coal already described, but always accompanies the oldest. The great coal deposites of our own country, are principally of this latter description ; and in some of these there are as many as twenty- beds of coal, varying in thickness from G inches to 6 or 8 feet. Between the beds or strata of coal, is one or more beds or strata of various coloured sandstone, clay, bituminous shale, or rubble stone, (called by the miners rotten stone) or argillaceous iron ore, or of secondary limestone. This for- mation of coal is also plentifully found in some of the countries already enumerated 5 and two cir- cumstances are worthy of notice. The first, that the strata occurring above and below this forma- tion, are in all countries very much alike, if not absolutely the same : the second, that although the shale, already described as lying above the coal, contains impressions of vegetables, and the remains of fresh water fish ; it is remarkable that in every country the strata of various substances which lie between the strata of coal, scarcely ever contain any vegetable impressions or organic remains. During the last evening, in speaking of what may be termed the order every where observable in the disposition of great masses which form, th^crust of the globe^ it was stated that deposites- 163 of coal are principally found resting upon secon- dary rocks : and this is proved to be the fact in respect of our own great deposites, as well as those of other countries. Our own deposites are our im mediate objects. Three extensive collieries in Flintshire in North Wales, those of Glamorganshire in South Wales, of Coalbrootedale in Shropshire, and of Kingwood near Bristol, all commence in the immediate vi- cinity of secondary limestone ; and the still more extensive deposites in the North of England, at Newcastle and Whitehaven, rest upon secondary freestone or sandstone, abundantly used as grind- stones. These two extensive collieries of Newcastle and Whitehaven, situated, the one on the north-east and the other on the north-west coast, it is now confidently believed, from the great similarity existing in their strata, form but one deposite, consisting of many strata, which extend directly across the island from one place to the other; and even far beyond each, beneath the sea. At Whitehaven the workings extend a mile under the ocean, at about 600 feet below its bottom ; and it is asserted that the quality of the coals is still improving as the miner advances in this di- rection. From this great deposite of coal alone, it is calculated that 28 millions of tons are raised an- nually ; nevertheless, it is also calculated that enough yet remains for the consumption of 1000 years to come* 164 A mere list of the strata that have been cut through to the depth of the mines at Whitehaven and Newcastle, would form a dry and uninteresting detail. In the Restoration pit in St. Antony's colliery at Newcastle, which is 810 feet deep, the miner passed through 73 strata of various substances ; of which 16 are coal. The first 6 strata of coal do not exceed 8 inches in thickness ; 2 are 1 foot thick; 6 varied from 1 foot 6 inches to 4 feet; 1 is of 6 feet ; and the thickest, which is the lowest, is of the thickness of 6 feet 6 inches. In a mine at Preston Hows at Whitehaven, which is 642 feet deep, the miner passed through 117 strata, of which 17 are of coal ; the thickest of these, which is the lowest, is 7 feet 10 inches. All that can be said upon the origin of coal must be theoretical, and perhaps very remote from the truth : it is, however, certain, that there are few, if any, varieties of coal, which do not present more or less of the texture of wood. This ap- pearance may be traced from the bitumenized wood, which still bears, though approaching in its nature to coal, the trunk, the branches, and even in some instances the very leaves of trees, through all the varieties of coal, into the most compact, slaty kind, of the oldest formation. In some, particularly from certain districts, the fibrous texture of wood is certainly remarkable ; and the greater part of those who have given their attention to the probable origin of coal ? 165 consider it to have resulted from vegetable re- mains. That there still exist great underground forests is unquestionable. That in Prussia, yielding- amber, may be quoted as an instance : and if coal be really of vegetable origin, this forest may hereafter in^part yield important service to man, in the shape of coal. The immense bridge, not less than three miles in length, now existing and still receiving additions, on the Missouri, a river in North America, and consisting wholly of the trunks of trees, stopped in their progress down that river, may furnish coal to nations after tho lapse of thousands of years. But though some varieties of coal seem unques- tionably of vegetable origin, certain others are not referable to it so decidedly : especially the slate coal of the oldest formation. This is fre- quently found in fragments of determinate shapes^ particularly in that of a four-sided rhomboidal prism, presenting angles agreeing perfectly ia measurement with those of crystals of mica. Upon the whole, it must be acknowledged that the origin of coal is yet but little understood. OP VOLCANOES. On the subject of volcanoes, so much both of lact and. of theory has been written, that it is 16$ extremely difficult to compress into a narrow compass, any satisfactory detail respecting them or their origin. Scientific writers hare divided volcanoes into two kinds : pseudo or false volcanoes ; and true volcanoes. Pseudo volcanoes usually occur in low situations, sometimes in hilly country. They are discoverable by a sensible heat, sometimes by smoke ; more seldom by flame. Sulphureous deposites and warm springs occur in their vicinity. Pseudo volcanoes are almost always situated in the independent coal formation } and are considered to be caused by the spontaneous or accidental inflammation of beds of coal. Volcanoes of this description are to be observed in Bohemia, in Scotland, in England, and many in Kamschatka. Of true volcanoes the number is considerably great. From the accounts of travellers, it appears that the whole number now in existence, most of which are occasionally in a state of activity, amounts to 193. They are thus distributed, ac- cording to Jameson, but it seems doubtful whe- ther some pseudo volcanoes are not included. Continent of Europe 1 European islands 12 Continent of Asia 8 Asiatic islands 58 African islands 8 Continent of America 87 American islands 10 167 In almost every country hills arc found, which, from their shape, and the character of the sur- rounding masses, have, hy some authors, been con- sidered as extinct volcanoes : many of these are no longer supposed to be of volcanic origin; but it is certain that in Auverge, and in some other districts in France, as well as some in Spain, the remains of volcanoes are still to be seen ; because the nature of their masses is indisputably volcanic. Volcanoes are found at almost every elevation between the level of the sea and that of Cotopaxi in South America, which is 18,880 feet above it. Indeed, in many instances, volcanoes have burst from the bottom of the sea. Not long since, a considerable island was thus formed in one night, in the great Southern ocean ; and many islands in the Archipelago, as, for instance, that called San- toniri, which is eight miles long, owe their origin to submarine volcanoes. The island of Teneriffe is about 45 miles in length, and 20 in breadth. There is an interesting and valuable memoir in the 2d vol. of the Geological Transactions,* de- scribing a vi^it to the summit of its peak, which rises to an elevation of 1 1,000 feet above the sea. It appears, that in one district of this island there are 7 cones, exhibiting no traces of culture, no appearance of vegetation; that the soil of the island is altogether volcanic; that in one vallejr there are 100 strata of lava; and that every rock and stratum in a word, the whole island, is the production of volcanic eruptions. * By the Hon. Henry Grey Bamet, M. P. Pre*. Geological Soc, 168 But our present object is with volcanoes, at being the cause of the ruin, and as forming anew, some of the constituent masses of the crust of the globe. Therefore, after some general and concise account of the nature of true volcanoes, we shall proceed to the consideration of the geological nature of one or two mountains, wherein those are situated of which we have the most authentic accounts, as of Vesuvius and jEtna; concluding our slight outline, (for it is a slight outline alone that I shall be able to present,) with such an ac- count of the probable origin of volcanoes as the researches of the scientific afford. Volcanoes have usually a conical shape, and are provided sometimes with one, sometimes with several mouths or craters. In an active state, they occasionally eject smoke, vapour, flame, glowing and melted masses, and more rarely, water. The occasional eruptions of large volcanoes are usually accompanied with earthquakes and lightning. But when a volcano ejects only smoke, it is considered to be in a state of rest. This smoke is said to be composed of steam, or watery va- pour, the muriatic and sulphureous gases; also of azote, carbonic acid, and hydrogen gas. If the smoke be black, it contains much carbonaceous matter ; when gray, or of a white colour, it is principally composed of aqueous vapour. In a greater state of activity, glowing masses 169 are ejected. These do not follow at regular pe- riods, except in one instance that will be noticed presently. They are generally accompanied by a noise, proportioned in loudness to the magnitude of the stones that are projected, and the height to which they ascend. Ashes also are occasionally thrown out in prodigious quantities. * But the most striking phenomena exhibited by volcanoes, are the flowing streams of melted mat- ter tailed lava, from their craters. These are usually preceded by earthquakes. The instance just now mentioned, as an excep- tion to the rule that the eruptions of volcanoes are not periodical, is that of Stromboli, one of the Lipari islands. According toDolomieu, the crater of Stromboli does not exceed fifty paces in diameter. This volcano is mentioned by Pliny ; and, it is said, that from time immemorial, its eruptions have taken place about every 7 or 8 minutes. 'I saw it dart,' says Dolomieu, l during the night, at regular in- tervals of 7 or 8 minutes, ignited stones, which rose to the height of more than 100 feet, forming radii a little diverging ; but of which the greater part fell into the crater, while others rolled even to the sea. Each explosion was accompanied by a burst of red flame. The stones ejected are of a lively red; and sparkle, having the effect of arti- ficial fire works. The approach of the eruptioii is not announced by any noise or dull murmur in the interior of the mountain.' 170 Vesuvius is a mountain of about 30 miles in circumference, and 3600 feet in height. The first recorded eruption is that of the year 79, which covered the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum with a shower chiefly of sand and ashes of 80 feet in depth : but as late researches beneath this bed of ashes, and even to the foundations of the houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum, have proved that their streets were paved with volcanic matter, no doubt can be entertained that Vesuvius was a vol- cano at a. much earlier period. Since the erup- tion just noticed as having happened in the year 79, thirty different eruptions of Vesuvius, of differ- ent degrees of violence, have been recorded. In 1538, a mountain, principally of sand and ashes, 3 miles in circumference, and J of a mile in height, was thrown up in one night. An eruption of great violence, but inferior in this respect to that just noticed, was particularly described by Sir William Hamilton. It occurred in 1767, and lasted, at intervals, several days and nights. Streams of lava flowed, and prodigious quantities of ashes ascended, which, it is said, fell in Manfredonia, 100 miles distant from Vesuvius, in two hours after they were projected. Vast masses of stone were likewise thrown out by this eruption, which was accompanied by earthquake and lightning; many of these masses were mea- sured by Sir William Hamilton ; the largest of them was 108 feet in circumference, and 17 in length, but there were several not much inferior ia bulk. 171 A stream of lava issued after the eruption of 1784, one mile wide and about twelve feet deep. A particular account of volcanic eruptions would prove highly interesting ; but our business with volcanoes is geological. I shall, therefore, content myself with saying, in respect to the nature of tht eruptions of ^Etna, that the project- ed matters much resemble those of Vesuvius. -Etna is above 10,000 feet high, auil is about 130 miles in circumference : it was noticed as a vol- cano by Diodorus Slculus, 450 years before the Christian era. But there is so great a difference in the nature of the substances thrown out by some of the Ame- rican volcanoes, that they merit particular notice. Several of these are situated in mountains more than 10,000 feet high, and that of Cotopaxi, which is the highest, is 18,880 feet above the sea. Ac- cording to Humboldt, these volcanoes scarcely ever throw out lava, but chiefly slag, ashes, a sub- stance resembling pumice, and vast quantities of water, with an earthy or slimy mass, which often contains vast numbers of fishes. Hence, in the accounts of the tremendous volcanic eruptions that have taken place in the province of Quito, we hear only of overflowings, or of bodies being buried in slimy mud ; never of the burnings that characterize the eruptions of some other volca- noes. When the volcano of Carguairazo fell down, on the night of the 16th July, 1698, it over- flowed a tract of country 16 or 18 square miles, 172 with slimy mud. The number of human beings destroyed was so great, that the bodies were in- terred in heaps. During the great earthquake of the 4th February, 1797, 40,000 human beings were destroyed by the water and mud that issued from the mountains. The substances ejected by pseudo volcanoes are, burnt clay, porcelain-jasper, earth-slag, co- lumnar clay, iron-stone, and polishing slate. Those ejected by true volcanoes are, granular limestone imbedding various minerals, most of them crystallized, and occasionally granite, mica- slate, greenstone, and sandstone : these substances have not undergone fusion, and frequently con- tain crystals of various substances unaltered ; pumice, obsidian or volcanic glass, slime called volcanic tuiF, sulphur, and muriate of ammonia, are, in general, in greater or less quantity, also the products of volcanic eruptions. Of the origin of volcanoes, we can only reason from the nature of the substances they present to us. Many have been of opinion that volcanic mountains are wholly the results of the matter and masses ejected during eruptions, and that the real seat of volcanoes is very deep in the earth. Of the depth at which they may be situated, we know but little : but there seerns no reason for believing that volcanic mountains, in the general, have been thrown up by the volcanoes that yet continue within them, or beneath their base. Of the actual nature of Vesuvius as a mountain, 173 we know but little : we know that it often ejects calcareous matter, and that the country all around it is calcareous : but our information in regard to ./Etna is more to the point. It has already been mentioned, that on the sides of that mountain a bed of sea shells has been discovered 2400 feet above the sea. It is therefore incredible that its whole bulk, or even that its whole surface, should be of volcanic origin, since the ruins of a temple built before our era, still stand on its side, unco- vered by volcanic matter : and from the nature of the masses composing the volcanic mountain which fell in America, geologists are perfectly as- sured that the mountain itself could not have resulted from volcanic eruptions. It has already been noticed, that no known vol- cano is seated in granite, and that granite is not to be seen near any volcano, except in very low situations. The same may be said of primitive rocks in general. One eruption of J2tna covered a space of 50 leagues in circumference, and 12 feet in thickness, with calcareous sand ; and cal- careous earth, though it forms a very large pro- portion of secondary, enters very sparingly into the composition of primitive rocks : so that some geologists are not inclined to believe that volca- noes are very deeply seated in the earth. Where fire exists we naturally believe the ex- istence of combustibles. The known combustion of sulphur and iron filings, induced many to sup- pose that volcanoes originate from the decomoo- 174 sition of vast deposites of pyrites, which are com- posed of iron and sulphur : but no spontaneous inflammation of pyrites^ias ever been observed. Werner has given his attention to the subject of the probable origin of volcanoes ; and knowing that coal has ignited spontaneously, and that there are vast beds of this substance, of which that at Liege in France, 90 feet thick, and 2 beds in Bo- hemia, one of which has been worked 90 feet deep, and the other much deeper, without reach- ing the bottom, are instances ; he is inclined to suppose, that to vast deposites of coal may be attributed the origin of volcanoes. The conse- quence of the spontaneous combustion of immense beds of coal, would be the melting of the stony beds that rest upon it. But the question arises, whence the power of raising vast masses, and of ejecting them, together with prodigious showers of sand ? The answer follows : the expansion of aqueous vapour, or steam ; and that water plen- tifully flows from many volcanoes, particularly those of America, we have already quoted suffi- cient evidence. Humboldt, who, it must be acknowledged, has Lad ample opportunity for observing the pheno- mena of volcanoes, seems to be of opinion that certain of them are very deeply seated in the earth. He says it is a remarkable fact, that the volcanoes of Mexico are ranged in a line from east to w,est, forming a parallel of great elevation. In reflecting on this fact, and comparing it with 175; his observations upon certain phenomena attend- ing Vesuvius, he is tempted to suppose that the subterraneous fire has pierced through an enor- mous crevice, which exists in the bowels of the earth, between the latitudes of 18. 59. and 19. 12f, and stretches from the Pacific to the At- lantic ocean. From the' great differences in the theories of these naturalists, we are necessarily led to a con- clusion, that as yet we have no sufficient data to enable us reasonably to account for the origin of volcanoes. OF THE DELUGE. THE traditions recorded by many persons and nations perfectly agree with the writings of Moses, and with the researches of geologists, in regard to the actual state of the surface of the globe, in this, that it has suffered a great catastrophe by water. It is alluded to by Berosus in the time of Alex- ander ; by Plato ; by the Hindus ; who, according to Sir William Jones, mention it in one of their sacred books, orvedas, nearly in the same terms, and refer it to nearly the same period as Moses ; and in the records of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, there is an allusion in the following terms : t Having raised himself to heaven, Yao bathed the feet even of the highest mountains, covered the less elevated hills, and rendered the plains impassable ;' allusions to the deluge arc 176 also said to be involved in the astronomical cal- culations of the Chaldeans. It is remarked by Cuvier that mere chance could not give so striking a resemblance between the traditions of the Assy- rians, the Hindus, and the Chinese ; who more- over attribute the origin of their respective mo- narchies to the same period of about 4000 years back. The ideas of these three nations, who have so fevv features of resemblance, or rather, who are so entirely dissimilar in language, religion, and laws, could not have so exactly agreed on this point, if it had not been founded in truth. Other and remarkable traditional evidence may be ad- duced. Acosta, in his history of the Indies, says that the Mexicans make particular mention of a deluge by which all men were drowned ; and Dr. Watson, in one of his sermons, records a reply given by an inhabitant of Otaheite to one of our circum- navigators, to a question regarding their origin : that ' a long time ago, the earth was dragged through the sea ; and their island, being broken ' off, was preserved.' ... If it be true, as stated by Don Ulloa, that, during his travels in Peru, he found shells on a mountain more than 1,4,000 feet above the level of the sea, it affords a presumptive evidence that the sea must have attained that elevation ; which is nearly equal to two-thirds the height of the most elevated points of land : and if it arose to so great a height, there seems no reason for assuming that as the 177 limit ; we may reasonably thence infer that it covered the tops of the highest mountains. There are, however, many circumstances relat- ing to the lower parts of the earth, that afford in- teresting evidence of the great catastrophe. The compact argillaceous substance called shale,which lies over the independent coal formation, is often found to enclose vegetable remains ; and it is said to exhibit, near Coalbrookedale, the impressions of gigantic ferns and reeds peculiar to the Ame- rican continent. Deposites of marine plants and animals have been found in the interior of the European and Asiatic continents, frequently in considerable abundance. In Corsica are found the remains of an animal exclusively belonging to Siberia. In the year 1771 the carcase of a rhino- ceros, an inhabitant of the torrid zone, was found on the banks of the Vilhoui. The bones of the mammoth, which is a species of the elephant, are found in three of the four quarters of the globe ; and those both of the, African and Asiatic ele- phant, have been found in many places in Eng- land : they occur likewise in Italy, France, Ger- many, and Sweden. It is worthy of remark, that, although in the two cited instances, the carcases of the animals occurred- nearly whole, entire skeletons are seldom found, but mostly separate bones, widely dispersed : and it is said that be- tween the countries now inhabited by these ani- mals, and some of those in which their bones have been discovered, there are chains of moun- tains exceeding 9000 feet in elevation. 178 All these circumstances seem to speak a lan- guage so perfectly intelligible that it cannot be misunderstood ; that since the creation of animals the world has suffered by an universal inundation; that * all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.' The manner in which this deluge was accom- plished, is a problem that has long occupied the imaginations of philosophers and naturalists. The question is this : since the tops of the highest mountains, which are about four miles above the present level of the sea, were covered with water; whence could be derived a sufficient quantity to surround, to the depth of four miles, a globe 25,000 miles in circumference. It is evident that in order to accomplish this, the rain of forty*days and nights was not sufficient; for the context says that ' all the fountains of the great deep were broken up.' What precisely is meant by the great deep, and where it was situated, still continues to be pro- blematical. Attempts at its explanation have caused the fabrication of at least fifty theories of the earth, not one of which is satisfactory. Some of these theories were briefly recounted on a former evening, as being more or less con- nected with the creation of the world. Burnet imagined that before the deluge, the earth was a mere crust, containing a vast abyss of waters ; which issuing, deluged the earth, forming mountains of the broken crust. 179 Whiston supposed the deluge to have been occasioned by a comet. But a bare recital of hypotheses so gratuitous would scarcely be amus- ing ; for in the general, there is so little agree- ment between them and the known phenomena of nature, as resulting from those laws which in point of fact constitute nature, that they are no longer deemed worthy of a place in a rational mind. Other theorists, however, bent upon a more reasonable philosophy, have looked into nature for a solution of this interesting question. Kirwan has assumed that, in addition to rain of forty days and nights, a prodigious rising took place in the waters of the great Southern Ocean, which, he sets out with saying, is the greatest collection of waters on the face of the globe; that this ocean was the great deep mentioned by Moses ; and he supposes that Noah resided on its borders, for otherwise he could not have seen that the great abyss was opened. He conceives that these waters were impelled northwards, with re- sistless impetuosity, against the continent which at that time probably united Asia with America; tearing up and sweeping away the whole of that immense tract, with the exception of those islands which still remain. Here, then, is supposed a suspension of some of the laws of nature, or how could so vast a body of waters have arisen from its natural level, und have torn up and swept away a wholf connecting continent, by what Kirwan terms its resistless 180 impetuosity. I do not propose to follow him through all the ramifications of his theory, but it may not be amiss to notice the apparent im- possibility that the ark, or the little world within it, could have sustained the horrible shocks that must have been given to it by surges equal in power, and frequent enough in repetition, to cause the destruction of a continent. Others have resorted to another theory. It is known that there is at all times a passage of elec- tric matter into the earth, or from the earth into the atmosphere ; and it is presumed that the elec- tric fluid contained in the atmosphefe,isthe agent which suspends therein the water which rises from the earth in vapour. Now they suppose that natural causes were so influenced for the sake of producing the deluge, as that the air being divested of the electric fluid, universal and amazing torrents of rain fell during forty days and nights. And it is further supposed that as the earth contained a double portion of electric fluid, which experiment has proved to possess the power of raising water upon and above the earth, that the waters contained in its fissures and caverns, and even whole oceans, were thereby raised so far above their natural eleva- tions, as to cover the tops of tli^ moun- tains. Thus has the sagacity of man (according to the present extent of his knowledge 4 ) been brought into action, in the endeavour to account for this 181 wonderful phenomenon ; and we have seen that even those who have attempted to explain it, in some sort through the agency of natural causes, have been compelled to call in aid of their theo- ries, the miraculous intervention of the Great Author of Nature. OF THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH, AND OF THE PROBABLE 'AGENT EMPLOYED IN PRODUCING THAT STRUCTURE. THE evidence produced on former evenings has satisfactorily proved, as I trust, that the researches of geologists have warranted them in making three grand features in the division of the rocks or masses which compose the crust of the globe. PRIMITIVE ROCKS : Consist only of crystalline defositcs ; Contain no organic remains ; Arc found below all other rocks ; Rise from the base through the centre, and form the summits of lofty mountains. TRANSITION AND FL these terrible events ; there seems reason to conclude that some animal! have been dest -- sudden inundations; that others lriv<- laid drv in conseouenrp of the bottoms o. the sea being suddenly elevated ; and that these 189 calamities have caused great changes in the outer crust of the globe. It seems also clear, that since these first and greater commotions, those which followed, uniformly acted at a less depth and less generally* We have seen that the researches of geologists have ascertained that of those animated beings, of which the remains are inclosed in those rocks which immediately rest upon primitive rocks, the races have become extinct ; that the newer rocks contain the remains of animals more nearly op- Broaching to, but not absolutely of the same species as those inhabiting our present seas; but that the newest contain only the remains of such animals as now exist in the seas, together with the bones of large land and amphibious animals. Every part of the globe distinctly bears the impress of these great and terrible events. The appearances of change and ruin are stamped on every feature. Change and ruin by which not a particle of the creation has been lost, but which have been repeated, and are distinctly marked by the genera and species of the organic remains they enclose. Thus, those fossils and petrifactions which heretofore were carefully collected as curiosities, now possess a value greater than as mere curiosi- ties. They are to the globe what coins are to the history of its inhabitants ; they denote the period of revolution ; the*; ascertain at least com- parative dates. If the inquiry should arise, What benefit has resulted from ruin so extensive and so general ? 190 the answer is obvious; soil and fertility. If for a moment we imagine a world composed only of those rocks which we call primitive, which bear no marks of ruin, enclose no organic remains ; we know from the nature of their component substances, that their exposure to the action of the elements during veiy many ages, would scarcely so separate and disintegrate them, as to produce a ioil capable of any considerable vege- tation ; in other words, would fit the earth to receive and to maintain an extensive and almost universal population. A large and fertile part of England is composed of the ruin of rocks to a considerable depth ; and this greatly obtains in all the most level and most fertile countries. Are we not then in degree justii^ed in assuming, that this great ruin was designed to fit and prepare the earth for the support of the numerous animal tribes that inhabit it ; most especially for MAN ; who, doubtless, from his superior intellectual en- dowments, has emphatically been termed ' the Lord of the Creation.' But our inquiries into utility need not stop here. All our researches have evinced such unquestion- able proofs of design and contrivance, that it is impossible not to see them ; and if we see them, it is or ought to be equally impossible not to ascribe them to the great Artificer of the universe. This, indeed, is the reasonable end and aim of all our inquiries, and all our philosophizing. Without mountains, what in all probability would be the earth? A swamp or a sandy desert ; m and the atmosphere a receptacle of noisome and pestilential exhalation. As conductors of the electric fluid, mountains contribute to the pro- duction of rain, which fertilizes the earth and purifies the atmosphere. They are the principal repositories of metallic ores. Their benefits, therefore, are great and extensive. . Hitherto the labours of the chemist have dis- covered 27 metals, 9 earths, 2 fixed alkalies, and the two bases of combustible bodies, sulphur and carbon : and these (although some of them may possess some characters in common) have each some peculiar to themselves, and are, therefore, termed elementary substances. It may be remark- ed that these, either in the simple or compound state, are found in quantity admirably apportioned to their utility ; and, in the same proportion, with whatsoever they maybe combined, they are gene* rally most readily and easily freed from those substances with which they are compounded. Is it possible for one moment to doubt whether all this exhibits design and contrivance for the benefit of Man? But further ; is not design manifest in regard to the depositions of salt and of coal, so essential to man ? Suppose these to have taken place be- tween the earlier rocks, or in the masses of primi- tive mountains, or any where except where we find them ; that is, just beneath the surface : they would in that case have been nearly lost to man. Can we appreciate their present benefits ? Can 192 we doubt that there was design in placing them where we find them ? But, in speaking of soil and fertility as the con- sequence of the decay and ruin every where to be observed, I omitted one important consideration ; namely, the decay of vegetables, which so essen- tially contributes to fertility, as principally com- posing what we call mould. But there is one exception to the general rule in regard to the de- cay of vegetable matter, not sufficiently noticed, as being an exception in the favour of Man ; but which demands a thought. The leaf, after it has fallen, enriches our soil ; the gardener esteems it an excellent manure ; but the tree that bore the leaf, when deprived of life, decays not until after a long period of time ; not until it has long been in the service of Man. Without wood, how should we be able to accomplish the many pur- poses to which it is turned ? Where could we find a substitute . ? This, I grant, is a digression ; but it is almost the only one I have allowed myself. I shall perhaps be excused, when it is considered, that it is adding another proof, in itself rather too ob- vious to attract much notice, to the many already adduced, that design and contrivance are every where manifest, and in every thing intended for the advantage of Man. THE END. 7 DAY USF t U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES