726 C7C7 rr WHO SERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ROSTER OF Connecticut Volunteers WHO SERVED IN THE WAR BETWEEN The United States and Spain 1898-1899 ip tyt 3Ujwtant=<2?eneral THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1898 t, 7 MUSTER ROLL First Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. Mustered at Niantic, May 17-18, 1898. Field and Staff. Colonel Charles L. Burdett, . Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew G. Hammond, Major John Hickey, . Major Edward Schulze, . Captain and Adjutant Jonathan M. Wainwright, 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Arthur H. Bronson, ...... Battalion Adjutant Patrick ist J. Lieutenant and Cosgrove, ist Lieutenant and Johnson, Major and Surgeon ist Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Richard S. Griswold, ...... ist Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon John B. McCook, Chaplain Henry H. Kelsey, .... Battalion Adjutant. Frank E. Thomas F. Rockwell, Hartford. Ft. Leavenworth, Kas. So. Manchester. Hartford. Hartford. Hartford. Hartford. Hartford. Rockville. Hartford. Hartford. Hartford. Non-Commissioned Staff. Regimental Sergeant Major Edward E. Moseley, Hartford. Promoted to ist Lieutenant. Battalion Sergeant Major John D. Milne, Rockville. Battalion Sergeant Major Thomas J. Hines, Hartford. Quartermaster-Sergeant Otto Mantei, Hartford. Commissary-Sergeant Albert N. Pres- cott, Hartford. Promoted to 2d Lieu- tenant. Hospital Steward Edward C. Noonan, Hartford. Hospital Steward Lorens J. Madsen, Hartford. Hospital Steward Wm. B. L. Robert- son, Hartford. Principal Musician John U. B. Thomas. Chief Musician Thomas J. Kennedy, Gloversville, N. Y. Principal Musician Charles W. Pierce. Company A, of Hartford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 77, 1898. Captain James C. Bailey. ist Lieutenant Edwin E. Lamb. 2d Lieutenant Charles F. Wolf. ist Sergeant Frank J. Williams. Quartermaster-Sergeant George M. Rohrmayer. Sergeant Joseph R. Neddo. Sergeant George A. Roemer. Sergeant Wm. H. Leslie. Sergeant Charles Olschefskie. Corporal John G. Libutzke. Corporal Edward N. Flood. Corporal Charles S. Riley. Corporal Eugene J. Sullivan. Corporal Nick Fredrickson. Corporal Charles W. Fritzson. Musician Clinton L. Steele- 2013169 Artificer Howard Leslie. Wagoner Clinton H. Myers. Musician John W. Lehnemann. (Died of typhoid fever, September 24th.) Privates. Blake, Frank Bennett, Thomas A. Brant, Fred Brennan, Wm. J. J. Bride, Edward, East Hampton. Bush, Simon J. Becker, Frederick Bleasius, Wm. P. Buell, John A. Canales, Fred Campbell, Wm. A. Cashman, James, Meriden. Carlson, Otto Crane, Frank Claffy, Frank Coffey, James J. Daly, John J. Dolbeare, Wm. B. Dooley, Timothy Daniels, Frank D. D'Arche, Raoul. Promoted to Corporal. Fargo, Theodore C. Fuller, Jas. J. Freund, Simon Fogg, Wade H. Gaffey, Wm. F. Gallivan, Murty J. Gates, Benjamin Gropp, Frank Guckin, Thomas Green, Samuel W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Garland, Frank Hanson, Harry J. Harkins, Fred B. Herter, Louis A. Heffernan, James Hindley, George A. Holt, Rodney A. Discharged August 16, 1898, disability. Hoban, Edward A. H olden, John F. Holmes, Marion S. Iffland, Alexander Kalber, Conrad C. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kennedy, Patrick D. Promoted to Corporal. Kilmartin, John. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kilmartin, Edward J. Kostembader, Fred. Kollenz, Christian Kenefick, Thomas Lotze, Frederick McAdams, Thomas J. Miller, Richard Munsell, Wm. F. Muhleib, Wm. H. Mullaney, John J. Mills, Frank Mitchell, Wm. H. McQuillen, John J. O'Brien, Joseph F. O'Brien, Daniel J. Parker, Howard Payne, Herbert R. Pasco, Arthur J. Transferred to Band. Palmer, John, Worcester, Mass. Patton, Benj. S., So. Glastonbury. Preisner, Arnold, Jr. Ross, Fred H. Roulston, Archibald W. Ryan, James B. Rivers, Albert Roehm, Emil W. Rose, Chas. E. Roth, Henry Smith, Edmund S. Stedman, John E. Stephan, Maurice Shapiro, Samuel. Transferred to band. Steele, Henry W. Schiessl, Max Seymour, Edward S. Transferred to band. Schwerdtfeder, Henry. Transferred to band. Sullivan, John E. Tripp, Harold W. Turner, Wm. A. Vinton, Wm. O. Welles, Ralph G. Westcott, Alexander T. Promoted to Corporal. Waldo, Leon J. Wodal, John F. Young, Wm. H. Company B, of Hartford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May if, 1898. Captain John F. Moran. ist Lieutenant Frank E. Shea. 2d Lieutenant Patrick A. Farrell. ist Sergeant John J. McMahon. Quartermaster-Sergeant John F. Dahill. Sergeant John A. Barlow. Sergeant George W. Covey. Sergeant Thomas I. Crilly. Sergeant Frank H. Lee. Corporal Thomas F. Gibbons. Corporal George R. Krull. 5 Corporal Thomas F. Hogan. Corporal John T. Blake. Corporal Edward J. Cosgrove. Musician Wm. E. Missel. Musician John Sullivan, Fall River, Mass. Artificer Wm. A. Doyle. Wagoner Chas. H. Welton. Privates. Aninger, Benj. C. Abbott, Wm. H., Poquonock. Bernard, Isadore Burby, John A. Burke, Patrick J. Brust, Frank Blake, Charles L. Bogue, Phillip L., New London. Barrows, Michael Brooks, William Brennan, Michael Belisle, Tancrede Beaune, Edward P. Bennett, Lewis J., Poquonock. Coyle, Frank P. Collins, Frank W. Corrigan, John F. Transferred to Hos- pital Corps, U. S. A. Clarkin, Peter A. Cole, Henry J. Camp, George W. Cleary, Thomas Duffy, James A. Darrow, Nelson E., Guilford. Trans- ferred to band. Enlisted Co.. E, 3d C. V. I., January 6, 1899. Transferred to band, 3d C. V. I. Dougherty, John J. Devoy, Michael F., Waterbury. Degnan, James F. Eagan, John Finigan, Patrick. Promoted to Cor- poral. Ferguson, Owen J. Fox, Martin J. Foley, Daniel Flint, Houston, East Hampton. Trans- ferred to band. Fox, Oscar, Hazardville. Frost, Lannie A., Watertown. Gorman, John J. Geary, Patrick J. Gallagher, Patrick Gasser, Florent, Jr., Torrington. Hefferman, Charles C. Henson, Stephen F. Promoted to Cor- poral. Hurley, Wm. Kelly, James Kershaw, Wm. Kelley, James J. Kennedy, James Kuhn, Albert Kiely, Abraham Lewis, George Little, Harry R. Lutz, Frank G. Livingston, Wm. F. Laughlin, Robert Lynch, James Liebert, George S. Promoted to Cor- poral. Leonard, Martain C. Deserted. Maynard, Anson H. McLaughlin, John J. McLaughlin, Richard F., Waterbury. McCarthy, Thomas A. McAuliffe, James. Promoted to Cor- poral. Missel, Jacob J. Meara, Wm. F. Murray, Bernard W. Murray, Luke T. Alurphy, Michael / F. Mooney, Matthew Murphy, Patrick J. Malley, Thomas P. Nolan, Wm. F. O'Toole, Richard Payne, Frederick E. Quirk, Patrick H. Quinn, Edward W. Richard, Don C. Riordon, James I. Promoted to Cor- poral. Riedel, Rudolph C. Riordan, Michael F. Ryan, Thomas C., Meriden. Rosheck, Joseph Scanlan, Thomas J. Promoted to Cor- poral. Shannon, Owen Smith, George H. Stannard, Clarence H., Guilford. Trans- ferred to band. Stanley, Joseph T. Thompson, Walter. Promoted to Cor- poral. Williams, Frederick E. Williams, John H. Walsh, John J. Wadsworth, George N. Company C, of Rockville. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 77, 1898. Captain Martin Laubscher. 1st Lieutenant John Paul Haun. 2d Lieutenant Frederick W. Chapman. ist Sergeant James H. Barnett. Quartermaster-Sergeant Francis Mur- ray. Sergeant Charles B. Milne. Sergeant Arthur W. Gyngell. Sergeant James W. Milne. (Died September 26th.) Sergeant Albert E. Usher. Corporal William F. Schillinger. Corporal Webster Kaye. Corpora] William M. Hefferon, Elling- ton. Corporal Arthur R. Gerick. Corporal William J. Breen. Corporal Albert E. M. Profe. Musician William J. Finley. Trans- ferred to band. Musician Walter F. McCray. Artificer Henry M. Seipt. Wagoner George B. McClellan, Elling- ton. Privates. Arnold, Sylvester E. Austin, Ernest E. Aborn, George N., Ellington.. Anderson, Charles R. Beaumont, James A. Brache, Richard Breen, Frank S. Broil, Hugo Brown, Harry J. Bartlett, Albert C. Binck, Charles E., New Britain. Cahoon, Elmer W., North Coventry. Chadwick, Frank D. Champion, Richard G. Charter, Perlin L., Ellington. Charter, Wilbur F. Clift, Jesse Connors, John, 2d Cullumn, Jewett Connolly, William J. Diedering, Philip, Jr. Donovan, John, Hartford. Dowd, Frank P., Broadbrook. Einsiedel, Francis F. Farrell, James B. Fitzpatrick, Francis P. Flynn, Joseph H. Franz, Herman P. Flossback, Otto Fox, David E., Essex. Gorham, George F. Gawtrey, John E. Gross, Felix. (Died September 25th.) Grumback, Manville Golden. Thomas F., Hartford. Haun, John F., Tolland. Hecker, John J. Hewett, George A. Hewett, John A. (Disc. August nth disability. Hopf, Andrew Jackson, Squire Jones, James S. Promoted to Cor- poral. Jennings, Elijah W., Hartford. Jepson, John, Hartford. Lehmann, Robert H., Ellington. Lowell, Jason D. Ludwig, Charles F. Lutton, James H. , Lutz, Joseph H. Leaney, Martin T., Hartford. Lyons, William E., Hartford. Lynch, Thomas P. Macnamara, Matthew Mahr, Phillip J. Matthewson, Ferdinand A. Meyer, George Miller, George H. Moore, Thomas F. Murphy, John C. McLagan, Donald K. Millott, Thomas L. Manion, Frank L., Hartford. Murphy, John L., Essex. Murphy, John W., Hartford. Murphy, William C, Windsor. McCullough, Patrick J., Hartford. Nahigis, Matthew N. Norton, Francis M. Newbury, Thomas F. O'Neil, John J. Phillips, William Profe, Frederick J. A. H. Quinn, James J. Rau, Robert H. Raushenback, Charles H., Broadbrook. Regan, John. Roche, John J., Hartford. Scherwitzky, Emil R. Schmeiske, Carl C. Schmeiske, Emil W. Sharp, Ernest A. Transferred to band. Simms, Isaac Smith, John H. Stengel, Frederick W. Tracy, Henry H., Vernon Center. Wagner, Herman C. Wardner, Charles J., Ellington. Wannenger, Anthony Willis, Walter J. Winchell, Howard Company D, of New Britain. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 17, Captain Sidney M. Leonard. ist Lieutenant Louis V. Shutz. Res. ac.. to date September 28th. ad Lieutenant George B. Gifford. ist Sergeant Eugene F. Barnes. Quartermaster-Sergeant George W. Barnes. Sergeant Carl E. Thorngran. Sergeant James P. Connelly. Sergeant. Walter S. Belden, Plainville. (Died October 28th.) Sergeant George B. Pickop. Corporal Frederick G. Beh. Corporal Harry A. Norton. Corporal Samuel C. Davis. Corporal Arthur F. Mitchell. Corporal Edward J. Sheehy. Musician John J. Laverty. Musician William R. Banks, New Lon- don. Artificer Hinman L. Smith, Plainville. Wagoner Perry Strong. Privates. Abrahamson, John W. Abetz, William Adolfson, Charles D. Anderson, Charles F. Barnes, Wm. H. Birmingham, Austin A. Promoted to Corporal. Bloom, Emil G. Burns, John F. Promoted to Corporal. Carlson, Victor. Promoted to Cor- poral. Cannell, Richard. Promoted to Cor- poral. Conlin, Martin E. Curtis, Edwin S. Chichester, Burton J. Canfield, Charles V. J. Carlson, Jacob Chapman, Lorenzo B. Cosgrove, James J. Coleman. Michael Cornell, Cornelius H., New London. Casey, Thomas E., Burnside. Corbett, Edward J. Carlson, John E. Cragan, Charles A., Hartford. Degnan, Patrick J. Degnan, Charles Daly, Michael. Southington. Devitt, Patrick Donnellan, Frank P., Buckland. Trans- ferred to Company G June i, 1898. Dunbar, Eugene A., Hartford. Egan, Edward F. Finochietti, Nicholas Fritz, George J. Fritz, Jacob F. Freese, Ernest W. Fox, Ernest Frawley, James Grady, James J., Hartford. Graham, John F., Plainville. Grant, John R., Brockton, Mass. Hesse, Albert W. Higgins, Peter J. Heiderich, Ernest. Deserted. Hardy, Ernest F., Bristol. Johnson, Charles G., Plainville. Johnson, Edward T., Plainville. Jubb, James Jones, Charles J. Kennedy, George P. Krebser, Frederick, Cambridge, Vt. Keegan, Allan M. Promoted to Cor- poral. Lawton, Albert E. Larson, Laurin Lyman, Mortimer. Promoted to Cor- poral. McMahon, Peter H. McMahon, Charles W., Middletown. McCarthy, John F. McManus, Thomas A., New Londoii. May, William Mulheam, Patrick J., Burnside. McClellan, William A., East Hartford. McElrath, James B. Martin, James F. McDermott, John Newton, Ralph J. O'Connell, John O'Brien, Simon, South Glastonbury. O'Brien, William P. O'Connell. William A., Hartford. Olson, Albert O'Conner, Thomas F., Jr. Potter, Archer I., Plainville. . Parsons, Lester Palmer, Lewis B. Post, Samuel Prentise, George H. Quinn. John J., Bristol. Reed, William W. Transferred to band. Rehm, William F. Ryan, Thomas J., Berlin. Russell, Frank E., Plainville. Spindler, Philip Schmidt, William J. Strickland, George N. Promoted to Corporal. Shea, John J. Stiles, John F., Meriden. Staubly, George L., Norwich. Stanton. Daniel H. Smith, Fred B. Shine, Cornelius M. Urban. Rudolf Williams. Elmer H. Wetherill. Joseph A. Wondruska, Frank. Transferred to band. Wood. Arthur, Hartford. Company E, of New Britain. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 18, 1898. Captain Abraham L. Hauerwas. 1st Lieutenant George Arthur Hadsell, Plainville. 2d Lieutenant George M. Mycroft. ist Sergeant John E. Lynch, Meriden. Quartermaster-Sergeant William W. Bullen, Plainville. Sergeant Charles A. Anderson. Sergeant Frederick Gustafson. Sergeant Louis J. Brague. Sergeant Burton C. Morey. Corporal William J. Rice. Corporal Thomas J. Boyle. Corporal Ira B. Leonard. Corporal William T. Young. Corporal William G. Hall. Corporal Frank L. Smith. Artificer George Hoffman. Wagoner Patrick J. Whalen, Bristol. Musician Louis A. Kumm. Relieved as musician June 25, 1898. Musician Axel E. Samuelson. Privates. Anderson, Charles Anderson, Charles A. Beckett, William H. Bresnehan, Thomas Bacon, William, Hartford. Balf, Edward, Jr., Hartford. Blakesley, Charles P., Musician. Brown, George H., Hartford. Bronkie, Frederick, Manchester. Callahan, Daniel Callender, Edward T., Plainville. Clark, Alpha A. Cowles, John H., East Hartford. Coons, Charles, Bristol. Conner, Norman G., Marshallton, Pa. Connahan, Daniel J. Crowe, Luke Crowe, Luke J. Carlson, David. (Died October I5th.) Crowe, Matthew Casey, Michael J. Denn, William Donahue, John J. (Died October 22d.) Doughty, Alonzo Duprey, Frank E. Eades, John A. Promoted to Corporal. English, Charles R. Evans, Frederick, Lawrence, Mass. Fagan, Thomas F. Fagan, Franklin R. Transferred to Company I. Finley, George L. Foley, Thomas Frechette, Edmund, Florence, Mass. Griffin, Maurice E. Gillis, James Higgins, Michael J. Hulten, Emil Hoskins, Wm. V. Transferred to band. Hills, Ike T. Promoted to Corporal. Hiltbrand, Frederick W. Hotchkiss, Charles R. Holden, Benedict M., Bristol. Hubbell, Eugene B., Bristol. Kagei, Albert Kane, Cornelius F. (Died Oct. I2th.) Keith, James L. Kellerman, Emil Kennedy, John F. Kelliher, Simon J. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kinderlin, Edward Kilmurray, Michael J., Hartford. King, Charles F. King, John T. Kennedy, Thomas, Gloversville, N. Y. Transferred to band. Larson, Gustaf Lavine, Jacob A. Lgor, Adolph Lindquist, Albert Magner, John J. Promoted to Coiporal. Manning, Edward J. Transferred to band. Martin, Robert M., Hartford. Markham, Patrick J. McCarthy, James McAvay, John Merget, Richard V. Mclnerny, Matthew Messenger, Charles Moody, William Nelson, Julius Neurath, Frank A. O'Mara, Michael Osterman, Charles A. Promoted to Corporal. Packard. Joseph, Hartford. Phelps, Wilbur B. Prelle, Charles G. Prevost, Charles F. Prior, Andrew. (Died Oct. 2d.) Quinn, Frank W. Roper, Thomas J. Rourke, Thomas. Hartford. Schofield. William T. Smith, Charles H. Sperl, Adolph A. St. Jacques, Lafayette Sullivan, John Stayna, Michael Shea, John F. Sakelsky, Mike 9 Tobin, Thomas P. Wadsworth, Arthur Walsh, Michael, Southington. Westover, Frederick H. Promoted to Corporal. (Died Oct. I7th.) Young, Myron Company F, of Hartford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 77, i8g8. Captain Charles W. Newton. 1st Lieutenant George W. Ripley, East Hartford. 2d Lieutenant Frank H. Smith, ist Sergeant William H. Talcott. Quartermaster-Sergeant Frederick A. Seidler. Sergeant Herbert G. Bailey. Sergeant William C. Simmons. Sergeant Andrew B. Marshall. Sergeant Herbert A. Wiley. Corporal Frank M. Jones. Corporal Frank E. Clark. Corporal John E. Piddock. Corporal George D. Robins. Corporal Sidney W. Ackerman. Corporal Benjamin C. McKenney. Musician Thomas W. Foley. Musician Philip B. Hawk, Middletown. Artificer Charles H. Finney. Wagoner Eugene D. Miller. Privates. Arnold, Alfred C. Barton, Jason H., East Hampton. Beckwith, Julius H., Niantic. Billings, Fred H. Belcher, Gregory, New London. Bonfrey, Bayard C. Promoted to Cor- poral. Campbell, John H., New Haven. Chapman, Morton L. Carroll, Frank G. Chase, Nelson L. Colvocoresses, George M., Litchfield. Cook, Louis A., New Haven. Candee, Albert, Harwinton. Candee, Ralph, Harwinton. Campbell, Charles L. Clintsman, William D. Cornell, Arthur M. Davidson, Earl E., New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Davis, Charles E. Darling, George O., Bloomfield. Dixon, Frederick W., Waterbury. Douthwaite, Harry W. Dowen, George J., Burnside. Dresser, Wilfred H. Doherty, Charles, Jr. Embler, Ralph H. Fisher, Irving L. Promoted to Cor- poral. Fletcher, Emerson C. Flagg, Howard A., West Hartford. Promoted to Corporal. Green, Harry D. Greene, Edward C., New Haven. Gooding, Earl W. Hale, Arthur H., Rocky Hill. Hall, George R. Hawkins, Claude B., Columbia. Hollingsworth, Harry E. Holmes, Fred G., East Hartford. Horton, Thomas Hutchins, Nelson Hastings, Walter S. Howard, Fred G., Florence, Mass. Hayes, Robert C., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Joy, Harry E., Deep River. Kay, George H., Union City. Lane, Robert. Lacey, Herbert V. (Discharged May 28th.) Linsley, Ray K., Suffield. Lowennaupt, Ralph Lincoln, Robert M. Lyman, Frank W. Marsh, Frank T. Martin, Fred M. Montgomery, Edward L., South Man- chester. Montgomery, Thomas H., South Man- chester. Mountain. John S. Miller, John Miller, Robert G., West Hartford. MacEwen, Hugh C., Jr., Florence, Mass. McCook, George S. McVan, John J. Newman, James F. Norris, Louis A. (Died Oct. nth.) Obryon. Tompkins H. Owen, Ernest L. Owen, Hans C. Pettys, George J. Pearson, William T. Parker, Arthur V. Pickard, Ward W. Promoted to Cor- poral. (Discharged Sept. 8th.) Powers, Almond D. Rich, Alfred T. Richardson, Ralph R. Promoted to Corporal. Ross, Herbert A. Promoted to Cor- poral. Rice, Sanford A., Florence, Mass. 10 Reynolds, Forrest H., West Hartford. Schuler, Louis A. Sedgwick, Benjamin, Brooklyn, N. Y. Schuster, Anthony F., Rocky Hill. Shields, Thomas H., Watertown. Shortall, Thomas F., Milford, Mass. Stevens, George T., Guilford. Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps U. S. A., July i8th. Tabor, Mallery W. Thomas, Noel D. Travers, Edward S., Middletown. Vinton, Louis E., South Windsor. Walsh, Eugene T. Wilcox, Harry E. Woods, James C. Wilkes, Thomas, Jr. Wrench, George E. Yarrow, Ernest A., Middletown. Company G, of Manchester. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 77, 1898. Captain Joel M. Nichols. ist Lieutenant J. Davenport Cheney. 2d Lieutenant Lewis J. Doolittle, Hart- ford. 1st Sergeant Charles O. Lord. Quartermaster-Sergeant Alfred C. House. Sergeant Phillip Fraher. Sergeant Edmund M. Ogden. Sergeant Gustave H. Leidholdt. Sergeant Charles B. Warren. Corporal James E. Sherman. Corporal Thomas J. Scott. Corporal Harry Nelson. Corporal Seth L. Cheney. Corporal John Connelly. Jr. Corporal William F. Madden. Musician William Crawford, Jr. Musician Michael Spillane. Artificer Gordon W. Dunn. Wagoner John J. O'Neill. Hartford. Privates. Aveson. Alfred Anderson, Albert Aitken, James C. . Barry, Michael F. Birath, Gustaf Berggian, Alexander, So. Manchester Behreud, Joseph J., South Manchester. Carlson. Charles J. Clark, Louis E. Connor. Patrick. Promoted to Cor- poral. Cheney, Ward. (Discharged to accept commission as Lieut. 4th Inf. U. S. A., July 25th.) Cuff, Edward C., Hartford. Carney, John F. Chamberlain, Austin H. Colton, Archie W. Cranick, Charles A., Hartford. Donnellan, Frank P., Buckland. (Died October 20th.) Dux, Fred. Dougan, Robert B. Doolan, John J. Dougherty, Charles C., Hartford. Donahue, Patrick F. Ethridge, John B. Fraher, Daniel Fox, Andrew J. Flint, Fred C., Hartford. Finlay, John Flory, William A., South Manchester. Falknor, Clark T., Hartford. Grabofski. Charles H. Promoted to Corporal. Grabbe, Conrad H. Garland, Daniel L. Grogan, Edward, South Manchester. Harrison, Thomas Holmquist, Edward Hultman, Charles J. Hall, Wm. J. Johnson, George. Promoted to Cor- poral. Keeney, Newton C. Kerrigan, John J., Hartford. Keating, Arthur E. Lahey, John V. Lee, Samuel F., Bolton. Lindell, Uno Lombard. George, Bolton Notch. McCrea, Mark C., Hartford. Minke, Charles M. McCann, John J. Malkin, Richard L. Mullonette, Julius Moynihan, Cornelius Maxwell, Frank E. Y. McVeigh, Patrick F., So. Manchester. Mallon, Wm. J., South Manchester. McDonald, John E., Hartford. Mulligan, John. Hartford. Newberry, Henry G., Buckland. (Dis- charged Aug. 2oth, disability.) Nichols, Wm. J. Promoted to Cor- poral. Norquist, Peter L. Promoted to Cor- poral. Nelson, Carl F. Olcott, Harry E. Promoted to Cor- poral. Pohl. Fritz Popple, Thomas W. II Park, William, Suffield. Prentice, Wm. J., South Manchester. Robinson, William Ritchie, David Raineault, Leon, Collinsville. Smith, George J. Sinnamon, Edwin Sullivan, Daniel J. Sullivan, James, Buckland. Shields, Samuel Scherwitzsky, Frederick W. Seastrand, Ernest Shields, Hugh, South Manchester. Shields, David, South Manchester. Smith, Richard, Quarryville. Silow, Walfrid, Hartford. Sweeney, Frank, South Manchestef. Sullivan, Timothy, Poquonock. Taylor, Fred B. Tennent, Harry F., Hebron. Trans- ferred to band. Thompson, Joseph Tripp, Adelbert Twarz, Richard, Rockville. Veitch, James R. Transferred to band May 28th. Waddle, John Wolski, Thomas, Hartford. Westland, Alfred, South Manchester. Company H, of Hartford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, Afar f/, 1898. Captain William E. Mahoney. ist Lieutenant William A. Sparks. 2d Lieutenant James Smith. ist Sergeant Patrick J. White. Sergeant John F. Landrigan. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant. Sergeant Thomas J. Coyle. Sergeant Maurice C. Foley. Sergeant Patrick Callaghan. Corporal William M. Clark. Corporal Joseph F. Healey. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal John B. Stevens. Corporal John F. White. Corporal Phil Ensling, Jr. Musician Charles H. Wittig. Trans- ferred to band. Musician Elith N. C. Madsen. Artificer Archibald J. Roulston. Wagoner Frank A. Linsoth. Privates. Adams, Lester J., Windsor Locks. Adler, Harry S. Atchison, George Barton, Seymour B. Buckley, Jeremiah J. Baker, Matthew M. Burns, Wm. H. Bowen, Edward Brimble, Ernest W. Blicher, August W. Bailey, Philip H., Windsor Locks. Promoted to Corporal. Bosworth, Charles H. Clounan, James H. Cunningham, Thomas H. Cowles, Royal M. Clark, Julius W., Bristol. Carroll, Michael Conner, John F. Cooper, Wm. H. Duffy, Michael J. Duffy, Joseph P. Duffy, Thomas F. Driesnack, Albert M. Transferred to band. Donahue, Thomas J., Jr. Ellison, James Furlong, Thomas V. Fogarty, Cornelius J. Golden, Peter J. Gastonguay, Joseph G. Gourley, Fred F., Windsor Locks. Harper, Joseph P. Hawkins, Wallace V. Herron, Robert Hebron, Robert F. Hines, James J. Hedberg, Charles V. Hoban, John J. Hines, John B. Hines, James M. Horan, Francis. Promoted to Corporal. Johnson. Hugh M. Jones, Sala D., Middletown. Trans- ferred to band. King. George, Jr. Kelleher, William. Promoted to Cor- poral. Keena, Michael T. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kearns, James F., Jr., Burnside. Lohs, Fred W. Lyons. Philip Low. Wm. B., Jr. Lewis, Fred H. Lewis, Howard C. Loveland, Edward E.. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Mack. Herbert D. Appointed Musician. Mahoney. Wm. H. Marenholtz, Fred T. McCue, Thomas J. McCarthy. Dennis F. Promoted to Corporal. 12 McMahon, Henry P. McDonough, James P. McPherson, John McKee, James F. Mooney, James P. Mullen, Thomas F., Jr. Murphy, Edward T. Mottram, Alfred Munro, Kenneth McK. Murphy, Thomas E. Murphy, Michael D., So. Glastonbury. McGregor, John B. McGinn, Edward J. Manahan, Thomas F., Windsor Locks. Manion, Edward J. O'Flaherty, John P. Reeve, Wm. R. Reese, Wm. E. Readel, Wm. H. Raisbeck, Bertie John, Suffield. Raisbeck, Ralph, Suffield. Shields, Howard L. Sheedy, Thomas F. Selleck, Edwin H. Van Buren, Henry S. Walsh, Daniel. Promoted to Corporal. Welch, Wm. J. Wilcox, Robert. Promoted to Corporal. Watson, Wm. T. Watson, Alexander Wucherer, Julius Woodworth, Walter G. Wittig, Louis H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Wadstrum, Justus White, Richard Company I, of New Britain. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 77, 1898. Captain Charles H. Moore. ist Lieutenant William J. Rawlings. 2d Lieutenant Samuel E. Magson. ist Sergeant Jesse J. Broadbent. Quartermaster-Sergeant Ventres A. Clark. Sergeant Frank D. Clark. Sergeant Alfred H. Griswold. Sergeant Claude D. Clark. Sergeant Patrick Crowe. Corporal Harry E. Smith. Corporal Edward J. McBriarty. Corporal James P. McNeil. Corporal Reinhold Schell. Corporal Willard J. Dyson. Corporal Chester L. Wyman, Water- bury. Musician John H. Mils, Hartford. Musician Walter J. Hawthorne. Artificer Albert E. Lane, Hartford. Promoted to Corporal. Wagoner Lewis T. Bacon. Privates. Anderson, August Boquist, Martin Brown, Frank Burns, James J. Carlson, Gustaf A. Carroll, Dennis A. Cheney, George Y. C. Promoted to Corporal. Chute, Wm. F., Jr. (Died Sept. 3d.) Conley, Eugene Cooney, John L. Carlson, Carl E. Coffey, James F. Damon, Herbert H., Berlin. Dunbar, John A. Dunn, Daniel J., Hartford. Dyson, William Eagan, Thomas F. Fields, Allie D., South Glastonbury. Fitzgerald, Peter, Hartford. Flint, Edwin H., South Glastonbury. Center, Charles Gilligan, Wm. P. Guenther, Rudolph F. Goodwin, Frank D. Hansen, Hans, Hartford. Hultar, Emil. Transferred to Co. E July 6th. Hayes, Robert L. Promoted to Arti- ficer. Hebb, Morris. Promoted to Corporal. Herriander, Fred Hunt, Henry H.. So. Glastonbury. Hallen, Andrew F. Hawthorn, Walter J. Hughes, John J., Hartford. Joyce, Michael P., Terryville. Joyce, David F., Holyoke, Mass Johnson. Charles Kelley, Thomas Kalik. Micke Kienell, Fred .C. Kiernan. William Keefer, Charles C.. Bridgeport. Kilkelly, Thomas F., Holyoke, Mass. Koop. Ernest H. G. Larson, John Larson, Axel Larson, Charles O. Larson, Christie, Hartford. Lehman, Frederick Leidholdt. Henry F., Manchester Lind, Arvin Lutostauski. Peter Lutz, John Mack, John. (Deserted Sept. isth.) Magson, Joe S., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mahon, Joseph, East Hartford. Mayer, Joseph, Hartford. Merrill, Charles O., Hartford. McCabe, James, Berlin. Mulligan, James H. Discharged for disability Sept. I2th. McGrath, Frank F. Promoted to Cor- poral. Mix, Daniel McCollum, Oleon, Hartford. Nielson, Henry, Hartford. Nord, Charles, Hartford. Orton, Oliver. (Died Oct. 28th.) Pearson, Adolph, Hartford. Peterson, Alfred K., Hartford. Peterson, Andrew, Hartford. Pierson, Wilbur B., Hartford. Prendergast, James Richter, Gunther Riley, Patrick J. Reid, Matthew L., Hartford. Rosengren, John, Hartford. Ryberg, Gottfried, Hartford. Ryquist, Per J. Promoted to Corporal. Samlow, William F. Sheehan, John J. Sperry, Eugene Sproch, Andro Stevens, John E. Sullivan, Eugene, East Hartford. Sullivan, John R. Towers, Samuel E. Tryon, George W., Kensington. Veinovitch, Aimen Wells, Edwin Wilcox, Arthur H., Berlin. Promoted to Corporal. Williams, George, Hartford. Wylie, Joseph, Windsor. Zwirz, William, Hartford. Company K, of Hartford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 17, 1898. Captain Henry H. Saunders. ist Lieutenant Edward H. Waterman. 2d Lieutenant Nathaniel G. Valentine, ist Sergeant Samuel G. Huntington. Quartermaster-Sergeant Robert L. Beebe. Sergeant Richard W. DeLamater. Sergeant Henry L. Huntington. Sergeant Henry T. Holt. Sergeant John D. Bonaface. Corporal Charles A. Carroll. Corporal Francis M. Johnson. Corporal Louis Silvernail. Corporal Cyrus E. Wheeler. Corporal George K. Dwyer. Corporal Ralph B. Pierce. Musician Robert R. Ashwell. Musician Henry P. Camp. Wagoner Edward F. Ahern. Artificer Guy F. Rowland. Privates. Appleton, Frederick L. Promoted to Corporal. Barber, Wm. R. Barker, Alfred Bassett, Merton W. Barrows, Charles D. Bryant, Harry E. Brigham, William E. Brown, William H. Burwell, Francis C. Borland, Henry L. Beauchamp, George G. Brown, Dwight E., Simsbury. Burwell, Joseph Cannon, Archie L. Cadwell, Frank J. Case, Robert A. Campbell, Wm. F. Promoted to Cor- poral. Case, William O. Chamberlain, Henry H. Converse, Lawrence A. Clapp, Howard S. Denison, Frank E. Denison, Frederick R. Denniston, Minott C. Dickinson, Howard L. Dimock, Irving. (Died Sept. 2ist.) Driscoll, Clarence J. Eno, John E. Fisher, Alfred M. Fulton, Albert C. Fuller, Frank E. Fowler, Edward C., Bloomfield. Gale, Charles D., New York city. (Died Oct. 7th.) Gillette, Henry C. Gruener, Theodore. Promoted to Cor- poral. Hall, Henry H. Hatton, William H. Hynes, James P. Hayden, Edgar G. Henderson James 'D. Hollis, Eben C. Humphrey, Robert M. Judson, Edward W. Johnson, William C. Kirkley. Robert Knox, John B., Jr. Kober. Edward G. Low, William W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Landerman, Myer Marion, Otis D. Marvel, Eugene T. Malloy, Peter J. McGrath, Michael E. McKone, John J. McKee, Robert A. Morley, Reuben H. Transferred to 320! Mich. V. I., June I3th. Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Jeremiah Moran, James L. McLaughlin, James Numan, Edward P. Oviatt, Edward M. Pattison, George E. Perry, John B., West Haven. Pierce, Charles W. Transferred to band. Pierce, Martin A., Rainbow. (Died Sept. 27th.) Potter, James H. Prescott, Albert N. Mustered with N. C. Staff as Commissary-Sergeant. Pimm, Alfred B. Rathbun, Edward H. Roberts, William A. Root, Herbert E. Ripley, Herbert J. Rogers, William H. Sanderson, Edward F. Promoted to Corporal. Sandner, Anthony J., West Haven. Sarvan, Frank H. Scharper, Ernest A. Schults, Carl H. Shea, Maurice B. Sobieralski, John A. Sherman, Frederick L., West Haven. Thayer, George B. Tinkham, Charles A. Thompson, Michael J. Vibert, Robert K. Ward, Edward M. Promoted to Cor- poral. Walsh, Thomas H. Webster, Roy C. Wheelock. Paul L. Wolcott. Charles B. Wiley, Royal H. Zoller, Arthur W., West Haven. (Died Oct. 1 8th.) Company L, of Meriden. Recruited after Regiment was mustered. Mustered into the -U. S. Service, July 9, 1898. Captain Charles B. Bowen. ist Lieutenant Delbert R. Jones. 2d Lieutenant Raymond G. Keeney. Somersville. ist Sergeant Philip T. Vibert. Quartermaster-Sergeant Arthur A. Abel. Sergeant William H. Rees. Sergeant Howard H. Bartram. Sergeant Walter L. Bevins. Sergeant William H. Banner. Corporal Clifford A. Hauschild. Corporal Charles E. Wachtelhauser. Corporal Fred H. Relyea. Corporal Frederick C. Benziger, Yales- ville. Reduced to the ranks Sept. I, 1898. Corporal Thomas P. Timothy, Walling- ford. Corporal Othniel Ives. Musician Joseph G. Aichler. Musician Edwin F. Bolton, Walling- ford. Artificer Eugene W. Early. Wagoner Louis E. Coutermash. Privates. Abel, Alfred A., Hartford. Discharged Aug. nth, disability. Ammann, Louis Anthony, George H., Southington. Benson, Axel M. Bickford, Louis H. i Borchard, Ferdinand L. Bofird, Maxwell Bower, Clarence A., Yalesville. Brechlin, Charles A. Burdett, Charles S. Burr, Albert A. Promoted to Corporal. Burr, Walter W. Carlin, Philip T. Carter, Edward Collins, James F. Conraux, Anton. Transferred to band. Cooper, Arthur Cox. John J., Wallingford. Cobb, Rollo W., South Meriden.* Dainton, Frank E. Dulicke, Frank A. Dupree, Charles J. Durkin. Frank W., Bristol. Dussault. Alfred. Fletcher. John W., New Haven. Folce, Henry E. Foran, John V. Francis, John J.. Wallingford. Galvin, Thomas Gardner, Willis W. Goldstein. Louis Gollnick, Fred Goodman. Michael J. Gracey. Joseph H. Granger. Harrv C. Hiller. Wm. G. Harvey, Harry E. Hennessy, Maurice Hickey, John W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Higgins, Edward Hogan, Edward T. Hopwood, John Hourigan, James D. Hyde, William G. Jirma, Michael, Wallingford. Kaschube, Herman Kay, John Kelly, John J. Kennedy, John J., Wallingford. King, John King, Joseph R. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kline, Charles J. Knoblauch, Wm. J. Kline. August O. Lee, Wm. D. Lacoursiere, Philip F. F. Lenihan, James J. Lucchini, Arthur C. (Died Oct. 2oth.) McGoldrick, John F. McLaughlin, Edward T. Mulroney. Patrick J. Noonan, Wm. E. Numann, August O'Donnell, Charles J. Olson, Charles A. Penfield, Wm. L. Promoted to Cor- poral. Pickhardt, Frank W. Plunkett, John F. Perkins, Charles S., Jr. Promoted to Corporal. Reama, Walter S. Rogers, Eugene C. Royce, Walter H., Bristol. Runge, Julius G. Russell, Lorenzo C. Senecal, Joseph Shea, George W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Shea, Patrick J.. Norwich. Transferred from Co. A 3d. Sheehey, Anthony A., Wallingford. Shinkey, John J. Shortell, Patrick J. Siegel, Herbert J. Skinner, Leonard. Promoted to Cor- poral. Smith, Michael Stanley. Harry. Discharged Aug. i6th for disability. Stillman. Floyd W. Tighe. Thomas E. Todd, Whitney A., Yalesville. Walsh. Michael Wollschlager, Frank M. Wren, William, Middletown. Young, William G. Company M, of Danbury. (Formerly Co. G, 4th Regt. C. N. G.\ Mustered into the U- S. Service, July 14, 1898, Captain Vincent M. King, ist Lieutenant Charles Lord. 2d Lieutenant Cyrus E. Ryder. ist Sergeant Emil W. Ericson. Quartermaster-Sergeant Emil A. Ihloff. Sergeant George Nelson. Sergeant Benjamin H. Turner. Sergeant Orlando C. Kent. Sergeant Wilbur L. Pike. Corporal John C. Woolard. Corporal Charles L. Walters. Corporal Oscar E. Parks. Corporal George W. Hitchcock. Corporal Alfred Heim. Corporal Walter F. Nichols. Corporal Charles H. Miller. Corporal Robert W. Menzies. Corporal Leonard E. Smith. Corporal Charles Avery. Corporal Frank W. Stone. Corporal Martin C. Braun. Musician John L. Quinn. Musician Fred A. Claus. Artificer James Donovan. Wagoner John Kroha. Privates. Abbott, Charles Barrett, Richard M. Barnum, Howard S. Barber, Edward Bloom. Emil Brotherton, Bennett L. Brownell. Charles H. Butler, Guy H. Carson. Samuel, Bethel. Clark, Daniel J. demons, John H.. New York city. Cosgrove, John J. Cole. Frank S.. Bethel. Currid, Lawrence Davis. George E. Dorean. Dennis F.. Redding. Durbin, Charles B. Erwin, Gay. New Milford. Ferguson. Ernest Fitzpatrick. Tames H.. Bethel. Finnegan. Christopher B. 16 Ginty, James Gilmartin, Charles, Bethel. Himple, Samuel, Bethel Hunt, Dominic W., Bethel. Horton, Edward D. Hornig, August G. Hopkins, Aba J., Bethel. Horton, Wesley D. Hull, Charles Hueston, Charles W. Joyce, Howard B., Bethel. Kernick, Albert, Bethel. Kenny, Michael, Bethel. Kroha, Edward C. Larson, Charles J., Bethel. Lynch, James L. Lyons, Herbert C. Magersuppe, Henry McMahon, Martin J. McFarland, Frank P. McNamara, Michael J. McManus, Matthew L., Bethel. McNamara, John McLaughlin, Michael J. Miller, David A. Morahan, William, Hartford. Montgomery, Wm. H. Murphy, Frank Morgan, William, Bethel. Nevins, William Norman, William, Southbury. Norman, Frank J., Southbury. Oakley, Charles H. Oakley, George E. Odell, Odie Odell, Lester Osborne, Wm. H. O'Sullivan, Thomas F. Pardee, Fred C. Pawlowski, Antone Peavey, Thomas Pelletier, Louis Prout, William L. Purdy, Albert J. Purdy, Hart A. Purdy, William A. Quinn, Thomas. Transferred to band. Quinn, Martin Reagan, Michael, Bethel. Reagan, Peter, Bethel. Rosso, John R. Ryan, Michael, Bethel. Ryan, Frank X., Bethel. Sullivan, James J. Taylor, Howard J. Teller, Stephen, Bethel. Torrance, William M. Warburton, Irving, Bethel. Wakem, Paul S. Wheeler, Frank F. Wood, Robert E. Woodin, Nelson H. Young, Charles R. First Regiment Volunteer Artillery. Battery A, Light, of Branford. Mustered into the U. S. Service, Niantic, May 19, 1898. Mustered out, Oct. 25, 1898, New Haven. Captain Barlow S. Honce. ist Lieutenant William J. O'Brien. ist Lieutenant Herbert T. Weston, New Haven. 2d Lieutenant John F. Kinney. 2d Lieutenant James A. Honce, Guil- ford. ist Sergeant John W. Lynch. Quartermaster-Sergeant Edward B. Treat, New Haven. Veterinary Sergeant, William S. Clancey. Sergeant Frank V. Chappell, New Lon- don. Sergeant Thomas G. Fisher. Sergeant William D. Massey. Sergeant Alton Spencer, Guilford. Sergeant David C. Twichell, Hartford. Discharged Oct. 8th to accept ap- pointment as 2d Lieutenant Co. F, 3d C. V. I.; ist Lieutenant and Adjutant Nov. 4th. Sergeant Frank M. White, Guilford. Corporal Charles J. Anderson, Guilford. Corporal John W. Baisley. Corporal John S. Dailey, Guilford. Corporal Oliver I. Griswold, Guilford. Corporal Carleton C. Jones, New Haven. Corporal Patrick McGuire. Corporal John J. Massey. Corporal Robert A. Oughton, Guilford. John R. Paxton, Jr., New Haven. Peter W. Plass, Guilford. Corporal Harleigh Parkhurst, New Haven. Corporal Charles L. Sherwood, South- port. Corporal George F. Sanford, New Haven. Discharged Oct. 8th to ac- cept appointment as 2d Lieutenant, Co. E, 3d C. V. I. Corporal Charles M. Tilley. Corporal George C. Walsh. Farrier Frank B. Aninger, Hartford. Farrier Horace L. Carter, Harttora. Artificer Stephen H. White, Guilford. Artificer Harry E. Rogers. Saddler William N. Vaile, New Haven. Removed and made private May iQth. Musician William H. Hotchkiss, Guil- ford. Musician James E. Mathews. Wagoner Henry Hill, Guilford. Privates. Ahern, John Anderson, Elmer J., Guilford. Barton, George L., Norwich. Barnes, Charles C., Guilford. Bangs, Merwin B., New Haven. Barnett, Wm. L., New Haven. Beach, Sidney. Branford. (Died Sept. 28th.) Beecher, Norman B.. New Haven. Bell, Archibald M., New Haven. Dis- charged for disability Aug. 23d. Benner, Burnham C., New Haven. Born, Frank J., New Haven. Buist, George L.. Jr., New Haven. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 3 1 st. Bennett. Clarence O., Norwich. Birge, Nathan R., Bristol. Bissell, Arthur H.. Montclair. N. J. Bogart, John D.. New Haven. Bohan, Michael T., New Haven. Callahan, Eugene Chaipel, Clifford L. Chappell, Alfred S., New London. Cheney, Austin. New Haven. Clis-h, Harry, Norwich. Promoted to Saddler. Cowdrey, Nathaniel H., New Haven. Cruise, Richard, Guilford. Cumings, Ralph H., New Haven. Calhoun, Charles M.. Springfield, Mass. Callahan, Joseph H., New Haven. Chapman, Grenville T., Springfield, Mass. Cowan, Samuel M., Waterbury. Deegan, John Dwyer, Michael F., Ansonia. de Forest, Lee, New Haven. Doolittle, Warren J.. Mt. Carmcl. Downey, Wm. J., New Haven. Egan, Charles E., Waterbury. Egan, John J., New Haven. Fowler, Henry B., Guilford. Fuller, Frederick, Guilford. Feeter, George L, Little Falls, N. Y. Florence, Charles E., New Haven. Gause, Frederick T., New Haven. Dis- charged Aug. 26th. Greiner, Oscar H., Meriden. Dis- charged for disability Aug. 5th. Gilmore, Wm. B., Guilford. Gearns, Edward S., New Haven. Gullans, Erik Graham, Frank L., New Haven. Granger, Charles E., Waterbury. Guerin, Harold C., New Haven. Griffin, James L., New Haven. Greenberg, Michell G., New Haven. Harrison, Claud R., Guilford. Holden, Francis P., Meriden. Honce, Charles A., Guilford. How, Louis, New Haven. Howard, James L., Jr., Hartford. Hubbell, Wm. S., Jr., New Haven. Hutchins, Wm. H., New Haven. Kelly. Wm. H., Norwich. Knirfin, Arthur H. Kniffin, Clifford E. Kirkham, Charles M., Springfield, Mass. Killoy, John E.. New Haven. Ledyard, Augustus C., New Haven. Discharged to accept appointment as 2d Lieutenant 2d U. S. I. Luiskey, Nicholas, Guilford. Discharged for disability Aug. 5th. Lloyd. Charles R., Jr., New Haven, Discharged to accept appointment as 2d Lieutenant 6th U. S. Art., Bat. I. Loeb, Arthur S., New Haven. Luis, Frank, New Haven. Lyman, George E., New Haven. MacLane, Paul B., New Haven. MacMillin, Marion M., New Haven. Discharged to accept appointment as Captain and Asst. Q.-M., U. S. V., July 23d. Mannix, Dennis Marshal], Edward E., New Haven. Marshall. Samuel A.. New Haven. McCarthy, Timothy J. McGrail, Eugene J. McNamara. John T., New Haven. Mooney, Luke F., Guilford. Moore. George C.. New Haven. Moran. John. Guilford. Discharged for disability Aug. 23d. Murdock. Wm. M., New Haven. Murphy, William, Guilford. Mansfield. Thomas E.. New Haven. Miller. Charles H., Waterbury. Marlow, John H.. New Haven. Marlow, Wm. F., Fair Haven. 18 Marks, Wm. E., Waterbury. Maroney, Wm. A., New Haven. McCabe, John H.,'New Haven. McGovern, Frank J., New Haven. McMahon, Thomas, Shelton. Moran, George F., New Haven. Neef, Joseph A., Waterbury. Noonan, William F., New Haven. O'Brien, Frank A., New Haven. O'Hara, Thomas F., New Haven. Packer, Wm. S., Jr., New Haven. Page, Charles H. Parker, Charles V., New Haven. Parmelee, Cleon A., New Haven. Rafter, Edward A., New Haven. Reynolds, John J., New Haven. Reynolds, John T. Ricketts, Joseph J., New Haven. Ripley, Julien A. Rockwell, Maxwell W., New Haven. Rodden, Bernie Roberts, George, New Haven. Roesler, Edward, New Haven. Rourke, Michael H. Selin, Edward Seymour, John B., New Haven. Scanlan, Michael A. Shea, John T. Shroder, Wm. J., New Haven. Slocovich, Wm. P., New Haven. Spencer, Frederick J., Guilford. Spencer, George W., Guilford. Stannard, Frederick, Guilford. Strobel, Fritz Suiter, Charles E., New Haven. Sullivan, Daniel J., Guilford. Steele, Wm. S., Torrington. Discharged to accept appointment as 2d Lieuten- ant Co. D, 3d Regt, Sept. I2th; 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 31, 1899. Sweet, Joseph, Guilford. Sykes, Walter H., Jr., New Haven. Taylor, Charlie, Guilford. Thrall, George C, New Haven. Thompson, Clarence S., New Haven. Tichborne, Walter F. C., New Haven. Treat. Frank L., Wallingford. Trowbridge, Cecil H., Milford. Tuckerman, Julius, New Haven. Walsh, Thomas F. Watts, John M., New Haven. Wildman, Frederick J., Guilford. Wright, James T., Guilford. Wilcox, John W., Putnam. White, Thaddeus C.. Middletown. Winslow, Wm. A., New Haven. Worrall, Walter L.. New Haven. Dis- charged Sept. I4th. Wedge, Charlie. Guilford. Discharged Aug. 5th for disability. Battery B, of Bridgeport. (Formerly Co. A', 4th Regt. C. N. G. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 19, 1898. Mustered out, Dec. 20, 1898, Bridgeport. Captain Fred J. Breckbill. ist Lieutenant John A. Leonard. 2d Lieutenant Wm. A. Evans. 2d Lieutenant Wm. Baseley, New Lon- don. ist Sergeant Joseph W. Smith. Mus- tered out Oct. 27th, order Secy of War. Sergeant Charles F. Gushee. Dis- charged Nov. 2d. Sergeant Richard C. Smith. Reduced to ranks at own request May 3ist. Sergeant Charles Andres. Sergeant Horace W. Pigg, Jr. Sergeant Frederick W. Teele. Pro- moted to ist Sergeant. Sergeant George T. Eadie. Sergeant Joseph Havey. Reduced at own request July I, 1898. Sergeant Alexander Weed, Jr., Stam- ford. Sergeant Walter Smith, Danbury. Sergeant Henry B. Phillips. Sergeant Philip Powers. Sergeant George Straight. Reduced to ranks; mustered out Oct. 27th. Sergeant Edmond E. Monahan. Sergeant Thomas J. Lyons. Sergeant John Walker, Danbury. Sergeant Anson D. Barnes. Sergeant Wm. M. Skinner. Sergeant Robert B. Auld. Reduced to ranks July 20, 1898. Sergeant George F. Gammons, West Haven. Sergeant Ernest P. Leonard. Sergeant Charles F. Starr, Danbury. Reduced to ranks; mustered out Oct. 27th. Sergeant Wm. S. Coughlin. Corporal Arthur E. Chase. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Harry W. Fuller. Mustered out Oct. 27th. Corporal Edward S. Davis, Danbury. Corporal Thomas J. Gore. Corporal Wm. C. Allen. Reduced to ranks July 23d. Corporal Herbert J. Reilly. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Herbert Leid. Danbury. Corporal James A. McDonald. 19 Corporal Francis E. Hoyt. Reduced Cannon, John F. to ranks July 20th, order dept. of East. Demery, Albert V. Mustered out Oct. Corporal Charles A. Barnes, Stamford. 27th. Musician John Raycroft. Reduced to Dickinson, Charles P. Promoted to ranks; mustered out Oct. 27th. Corporal Oct. 4th. Musician Wm. H. Langlan. Reduced to Deitz, Cassius E. Promoted to Ser- ranks; mustered out Oct. 27th. geant. Mustered out Oct. 27th. Artificer Louis J. Herrmann. Promoted Donovan, John W. to Sergeant. Danick, Andrew Artificer Schuyler Hamrick. Reduced Dieringer, George W. Appointed to ranks; mustered out Oct. 27th. musician; discharged Oct. 27th. Wagoner Martin V. See, So. Norwalk. Dawson, James L., Derby. Dobson, George K., Danbury. Downs, Charles E. Privates. Ennis, James F. Feely, James E. Alvord, Fred, Stratford. Fitzgerald, Richard, South Norwalk. Alexander, Frank Furburshaw, John Alexander, James Fischer, Hugo Allan, James Faulkner, James A. Mustered out Oct. Ashton, John T. 27th. Anderson, Charles Flanagan, John P. Promoted to Ser- Abercrombie, Robert geant July nth. Adlard. James, South Wilton Fetch, Charles W. Allen, Wm. C. Godfrey, Howard N., Norwalk. Pro- Bolt, Jerome L. moted to Sergeant. Buttery, Fred. Discharged July 30th, Gerner, Frederick disability. Gleason. Michael J. Breton, Joseph W., Torrington. Guarnieri, Charles F., Norwalk. Buck, Charles O., Stratford. Ghiotto, Anthony B., South Norwalk. Bardwell, George W. Mustered out, Garrish, Henry Oct. 27th. Gilmore. Wm. G., Norwalk. Barwick, John Heaply, George E. Burton, Edward. Mustered out Oct. Hennesy, William 27th. Hutchinson. Ernest Brophy, Joseph. Mustered out Oct. Henwood, Samuel J.. Bethel. 27th. Harrington, Frank, New York city. Botwright, George Hodge, George E., Danbury. Buckingham, Albert A., Danbury. Pro- Healy, George E. moted to Corporal. Hanson. John Bowron, Frank J. Hines. Frank Brown, Robert E. Ives, Fred O. Baker, Frederick Tudson, Howard. Stratford. Bell. William, So. Wilton. Judson. Henry. Stratford. Branigan, James Judd. Ernest H. Baldwin, Albert E., So. Norwalk. Keenan, Frederick. Deserted July 8th. Blakeslee, Charles W., Stratford. Kilkenny, John. Mustered out Oct. Clancy, Patrick 27th. Connor. Charles E. Keniston. Charles E. Curtis, Howard A. Keefer, Philip S. Callahan. John H. Knapp, Albert E. Connor, Walter J. Kernan, Charles Clancy, James J. Mustered out Oct. Keating, Edward 27th. Letcher, Joseph H. Cullen, John U. Lahey, Daniel J., Danbury. Christensen, Charles R. Mustered out Lowe. Howard E., Danbury. Oct. 27th. order Secy, of War. Lynch, Robert F. Connors, John Lawler. James Cleary, Thomas F. Leppert. Charles. So. Norwalk. Cleary, James Moore. Herbert L. Callan, John Murphv. Wm. H. Cavenagh, Willis L.. Norwalk. Muth, William H. 2O Moody, Lester McCabe, Edward McClure, Henry Monaghan, Joseph. Mustered out Oct. 27th. Murphy, James Murphy, Michael J. Moss, Ernest J. Myers, William A. Mustered out Oct. 27th. Mclntyre, Frederick W. Murray, Wm. H. Munson, Hiram Murray, Charles J. McCauley, Charles C. Murtagle, Thomas McKenna, Jeremiah, New London Muller, Max W., New Britain. Makara, Edward J. McDonald, Michael Nelson, George Nichols, Andrew E. Nichols, Herbert F. O'Connor, Maurice O'Connell, John J. Ogden, James W. Promoted to Arti- ficer. Discharged at Fort Griswold, order Secy, of War, Aug. 3ist. Post, Arthur Policy, Henry S., Danbury. Phalen, Patrick J. Discharged for dis- ability July 30, Ft. Griswold. Ponshow, Julius E. Promoted to Arti- ficer. Quigley, John Regnery, Peter Regnery, Frank W. Rickel, George Rooney, Thomas W. Radcliff, John Rahm, Oscar, Cleveland. O. Reilly, Wm. Rauscher, Fred. Ramsey, James Randall, Ernest C. Mustered out Oct. 27th, order Secy, of War. Rogers, Thomas. Mustered out Oct. 27th, order Secy, of War. Roberts, Charles F. Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. A., July ist. Stagg, Harry L. Storck, Matthias Steele, Wilbur T. Smith, Daniel C. Milford. Sheehan. John T. Spall, Edward C., Stratford. Schneider, George L. Smith, Edward M., Middletown. Smith, Richard C. Stebbins. Joseph B., Hartford. Ap- pointed musician. Sanger, Geo. B. Promoted to Artificer. Sherwood, Harold Sebas, George J., Jr. Sullivan. Patrick Schroh. Jacob Stenger, Anthony, So. Norwalk. Smith, Benjamin Schwarzenberg, Bernhard Sleight, Harry Shields, Wm. E. Mustered out Oct. 27th, order Secy, of War. Smith, James J. Mustered out Oct. 27th, order Secy, of War. Strickland, Wm. A. Promoted to Cor- poral. Taylor, James H. Thompson, Albert. Promoted to Cor- poral. Thibideau, Frederick J. Tompkins, Samuel Tate, John Van Dutton, Alfred H. Vail, Everett White, Anthony S. Wolff, Charles H. Waite, Walter E. Wilcox, Howard. Promoted to Cor- poral. Battery C, of New Haven. Recruited at Xcw Haven. Mustered into the U. S. Service, May 79, i8g8. Mustered out, Oct. jf, jSgS, Ntw Haven. Captain Francis G. Beach. Mustered out Oct. loth, to accept com. as Cap- tain of Co. H, 3d Regiinent, C. V. I. ist Lieutenant Allan M. Osborn. (Died Oct. i, 1898.) 2d Lieutenant Giles Bishop, Jr., New London. Promoted to Captain. 2d Lieutenant Henry S. Terrell, \Yin- sted. Promoted to ist Lieutenant. ist Sergeant Walter G. Penfield. Pro- moted to 2d Lieutenant Sergeant Oliver A. Phelps, Walling- ford. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant. Sergeant Frank Corves. Sergeant James A. Howarth, Jr. Sergeant Vincent Pasetsk, Wallingford. Sergeant Michael G. Hoey. Sergeant Richard J. W. Emery, Tor- rington. Sergeant Hans Gronow, Winsted. Sergeant Edward B. Eames. Sergeant Franklin W. Allis. Walling- ford. 21 Sergeant George A. Hegeman. Sergeant Charles N. Burdick, New Lon- don. Sergeant Fred'k W. Schultz, Winsted. Sergeant James A. Gorman. Sergeant Peter P. Contois, Westfield. Sergeant James H. Flaherty. (Died Oct. 9, 1898.) Sergeant William Noonan. Sergeant Robert E. Broatch, Middle- town. Sergeant Wm. P. Gilligan, Meriden. Corporal Harry A. Goodale, New Lon- don. Corporal Lester E. Ferris, Stamford. Corporal Harry M. Cooke. Corporal Newtcm F. Lewis. Corporal Royal E. Penny, Southport. Corporal Arthur E. Foley, Winsted. Corporal Michael R. Clark. Reduced to ranks July 2ist. Deserted July 25th. Corporal Burton M. Welch. Artificer Charles O'Keeffe. Artificer George A. Hull. Musician Frank W. Reed. Musician Wilbur H. Bradford, Winsted. Wagoner Charles Jahuke, New York. Privates. Adams, John H. * Ball, Charles B. Bauer, George W. Bess, Charles, Wallingford. Beyer, Louis A. Blieske, Henry C. Deserted Aug. I2th. Brown, Richard J. Brown, Wm. J. Brundage, George A. Burgess, Frederick L., Torrington. Burton, Archibald A., Torrington. Barrett, James J. Beach, Alburton C.. Meriden. Beardsley, Wm. H. Brennan, Samuel A. Bromm, Andrew Buckingham, Wm. E. Buckley, Daniel M. Cadwell, Edward H. Cahn, Louis W. Campbell, Walter S., Lanesville. Casey, Edward J. Casey, James J. Casey, Wm. H. Clement, George Condon, Wm. J. Corcoran, James H. Cremin, Dennis J. Cuddy, John J. Cullinan, Stephen W. Chapman, Harold R. Clancy, John J. Coniskey, Wm. J. Cross, Joseph, Meriden. Cummings, John J. Cummings, James N. Deery, John C. Dehmer, Joseph J. Dole, Everett C. Donnelly, George H. Donnelly, John J., ist. Donnelly, John J., 2d. Donnelly, Thomas A. Daily, Martin F. Duffy, Harry Dunlay, Charles P. Deskin, Martin J. Edwards, Arthur L. Faith, Leonard P., Meriden. Finn, James L. Forsyth, James M. (Died Oct. I3th.) Funk, Edward H. Discharged for in- sanity Sept. 23d. Ferris, James Farren, Comfort S. Fitzgerald, John T. Flood, Wm. J. D. Foster, John H. Fuchko, John, Meriden. Gahan, James Gilligan, Dennis Gillon, Thomas H. Galligan, Andrew Gasser, Albert Grady, Harry P., Winsted. Hackett, Thomas Hannon, John J. Harrison, Michael R. Havens, Eugene B., Meriden. Hayes, John T., Winsted. Healy, Michael J. Healy, James S. Hickey, Patrick J. Hill, Wm. D. Hitchcock, Harry S. Hoefler, Benjamin Jones, John B. Kaiser, Charles F. Keane, Wm. H., Meriden. Kelly, Robert H. Kelly, Thomas F. Killoy, Lawrence F. Keefe, Patrick J. Kehoe, Thomas J. Kenney, Thomas Kenny, John E. Kinsella, Gerald F. Kolet, Frank, Meriden. Kramer, Win. C.. Meriden. Kuran. Riley B.. Torrington. Langshore, Harry \V. Lawler, Bernard F,, Winsted. 22 Leary, Dennis D., New London. Lockert, John E., Wallingford. Lackery, Frederick Lonergan, Michael Loventhal, Charles. Promoted to Cor- poral. Loy, Clarence W., Meriden. Lyke, Harvey Lawrence, Norman F. Leary, John J. Leonard, Francis J. Lynch, Patrick J. Maher, Cornelius Maher, Joseph M. Mahoney, Michael Marvin, Frank, New Britain. Masterson, Thomas E. Discharged, disability, July 3ist. McGrath, Richard H. McNamara, John J. Promoted to Ser- geant McKinnon, Daniel T. McLaughlin, Thomas J., Wallingford. McNeil, Bernard Meehan, William J., Torrington. Merli, Edgar A. Marshall, Robert W. Merrett, William S. Miller, Frank W., Torrington. Mulligan, Lawrence H. Murphy, Charles F., Naugatuck. Murray, Thomas A. Mutz, Hugo Morton, Edward F. McMahon, James J. Mahoney, John S. O'Connor, Charles A. O'Donnell, Thomas J. O'Hare, Raymond. Wallingford. O'Donnell, Wm. H. O'Neil, John T. Parker, Philip E. Parsons, Matthew F., Torrington. Phalen, James J. Rafter, John F. Reidy, Morris J., Winsted. Robertson, Wallace C. (Died Oct. I4th.) Reilly, Patrick H. Roos, Birger Ryan, Michael Richards, Dominick Richardson, Brodie J., Torrington. Sabins, Benjamin J. Sabins, Charles M. Schomburg, Otto, Wallingford. (Died at home Oct. 2d.) Schultz, Charles E., Winsted. Scranton, Leonard L. Scully, Andrew J. Scully, William J., Torrington. Seery, James E. Smiley, Bertram E., Torrington. Steppler, Charles G. Stickney, Herbert F. Stoddard, James C. Promoted to Ser- geant. Sullivan, John F. Sullivan, James J. Sweeney, John F. Toes, Charles H. Watson. Charles W. Welch, Merritt Wesson, John P. Willey, Joseph A. Walker, David M. Dishonorably dis- charged Aug. 22d, order dept. east. Yorke, Richard B.. New London. Young, Anthony E., Meriden. MUSTER ROLL Third Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Niantic, July 2-6, 1898. Mustered out at Savannah, Ga., March 20, Field and Staff. Colonel Augustus C. Tyler (resigned; discharged Janu- ary 31, 1899), . . . . Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Rodgers (promoted to Colonel January 31, 1899), .... Major Henry J. Thayer (resigned; mustered out Sep- tember 9th), ...... Major Gilbert L. Fitch (resigned September I9th), . First Lieutenant and Adjutant Roswell D. Trimble (promoted to Major October 3ist). First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Percy H. Morgan, Major .and Surgeon Julian La Pierre (resigned; mus- tered out September 2ist), .... First; Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Hiram B. Thomson (promoted to Major and Surgeon Sep- tember 23d), ...... First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Harry M. Lee, Assistant Surgeon John S. Blackmar (appointed Octo- ber 3d), ...... Chaplain J. Spencer Voorhees, .... New London. Washington, D. C. Putnam. Stamford. New London. Poquonock. Norwich. New London. New London. Norwich. Hartford. Non-Commissioned Staff. Company A, of New London. Sergeant-Major Richard P. Freeman, Jr., New London. Discharged Sept. 8th. Quartermaster-Sergeant James D. Copp, New London. Discharged September 8th. Chief Musician Charles H. Phillips, New London. Reduced to ranks. Principal Musician Aubrey J. Newburg, New London. Hospital Steward Clarence D. Sevin, Norwich. Hospital Steward Harry F. Thompson, New London. Hospital Steward Hubert F. Pierce, East Norwalk. Captain Henry S. Dorsey. ist Lieutenant Edward T. Drea. Re- signed Nov. 28th. 2d Lieutenant Edward H. Corcoran. ist Sergeant Frank A. McDonald. Quartermaster-Sergeant John A. Ma- lona, Waterford. Sergeant Hubert W. Ryan. Reduced to ranks. Sergeant John J. Lawless, Waterford. Promoted to ist Sergeant; promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. D. Sergeant Walter W. Philbrick. Sergeant Edward A. Lawless, Water- ford. Corporal Daniel A. Rankin. Corporal Sidney E. Morton. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Edward Pendleton. Reduced to ranks. Promoted to Corporal. Corporal John T. Sweeney. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Joseph D. Phillips, Waterford. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Edward C. Smith. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Jeremiah T. Moriarty. Re- duced to ranks. Promoted to Cor- poral. Musician Frank Joseph. Privates. Buell, Fred N., Plymouth. Promoted to Corporal. Breen, Michael E. Berardinelli, Peter S., Waterford. Dis- charged January 24th. Bivens, James M., Tarrytown, Md. Dis- charged Aug. 24th. Bunnell, Herbert, Noank. Bryan, John, Toronto, Can. Boyle, John, South Windsor. Barber, Frederick, Chester. Burr, Clayton W., Chester. Bennett, Lewis L., Shelton. Caracausa, Joseph Chapman, Edward K., Groton. Carney, Thomas Carey, Patrick J., Stonington. Pro- moted to Corporal. Crowther, Fred, Shelton. Promoted to Corporal. Coon, Willard E., Westerly, R. I. Callahan, Charles L., Hartford. Chapman, Andrew G., Norwich. Cleveland, Robert I. Cotter, John F., New Britain. Drudy, John D. Promoted to Corporal. Dunn, Daniel F. Delap, George T. Deffley, James E. Dorey, John, Hartford. Daley, Hugh, Willimantic. Dykes, James, Shelton. Doyle, Joseph M. Foley, Michael Flynn, John I., Meriden. Gillespie, Daniel J., Oswego, N. Y. Greenman, Joseph Gardineer. George W., Hartford. Pro- moted to Corporal. Greer, Benjamin Hynds, John J. Higgins, Nicholas D., Rahway, N. J. Hewie, Ralph, Hartford. Deserted Aug. 13th. Howard, William, Hartford. Howard. Joseph. Hardiman, Thomas C., Bloomfield. Holland, Arthur, Westerly. K. 1. Holland, James B., Hartford. Hansen, Gilbert A., Shelton. Jaeger, Robert H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kay, Benjamin F., Groton. Promoted to Corporal. Kempt, Frank A., Pomiret. Promoted to Corporal. Kopp, George Locke, David M., Boston, Mass. Lacey, Thomas V., New Britain. McCarthy, Robert J. Dishonorably discharged. Mead, Harry A.. Portchester, N. Y. Transferred to regimental band Sept. 28th. Mealady, Daniel J. Morgan, Charles L., Montville. McLaughlin, James H. Deserted Sept. I St. McPartland, James F., Waterbury. Martin, Frederick J., Hartford. Meehan, Michael W., New York, N. Y. Maloney, William, Derby. McMoran, Eugene O'Connell, William. Westerly, R. I. O'Rourke, Edward J. O'Rourke, Thomas. Dishonorably dis- charged. Oakley. Erastus G.. Southport. Pro- moted to Corporal. Petty, George Perrin, Frederick A. Promoted to Corporal. Powers, Wm. P., Hartford. Dishonor- ably discharged. Phair, Michael, Derby. Reagen, Mert E., Willimantic. Ap- pointed Wagoner. Rhodes, Wm. H., Wakefield, R. I. Dis- charged Aug. 24th. Ryan, John F. Rogers, Edward H., East Lyme. Sullivan, Dennis D. Sullivan. James. Dishonorably dis- charged. Sheridan, John J. Sheridan, Wm. J. Storey, Wm. J. Deserted Nov. nth. Saunders. Lyman R., Mystic. Skinner. John O. Shea, Daniel F. Sauter, John F., Norwich. Sheehan, Jeremiah, Hartford. Turk, Harry Tumeltv. Thomas Tracy. Wm. D. Promoted to Corporal. Wolverton, Walter H., Noank. Ap- pointed Artificer. Wilson, John. Wilson, Wm. Dishonorably discharged. Williard, Arthur L. Appointed Musi- cian. Weinstein, Joseph. Wright, Fred C., Pomfret. Discharged Feb. 6, 1899. Watson, Wm. L., Hartford. Dishonor- ably discharged. Woods, John E., New Britain. Waldron, James E., Wallingford. Dis- honorably discharged. Company B, of Pawcatuck. Captain Cornelius Bransfield, Westerly, R. I. rst Lieutenant John F. Murphy, Pawca- tuck. Promoted to Captain Co. L Nov. 22d. 2d Lieutenant Isaac F. Gavitt. ist Sergeant James F. Spellman. Quartermaster Sergeant Esbon H. Ga- vitt. Sergeant James J. Murphy. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. H Jan. 22d. Sergeant John J. Bentley. Sergeant Patrick W. Shea. Sergeant Michael F. O'Connell. Corporal Thomas F. 'Lenihan. Dis- charged February 13, 1899. Corporal John T. Fitzgerald. Corporal John H. Shea. Corporal Cornelius L. Shea. Corporal Joseph Herbst, Westerly, R. I. Corporal James P. McMahon. Corporal James D. Neville. Corporal Dennis F. Connell. Corporal Robert Brucher, Westerly, R. I. Died Nov. i4th. Corporal Edward W. Murphy, Westerly, R. I. Corporal John J. Donahue. Corporal James M. Lindsay. Musician John J. Cunningham. Artificer Dennis C. Brown. Wagoner James J. McCort, Stonington. Reduced to ranks. Privates. Angley, Frank J., Abington, Mass. Alves, Charles, Stonington. Ahern, Henry P., Norwich. Bramble, Louis, Shannock, R. I. De- serted. Barlow, Nathan F.. Westerly, R. I. Brucker. Frank, Westerly, R. I. Buck, Henry H. Deserted. Brightman, Frank, Stonington. Burke, James, Lewiston, Me. Dis- charged January 16, 1899. Barry, Joseph, Norwich. Brown, Juan F., Stafford Springs. Dis- charged January 29, 1899. Boles, John, Jr. Church, Walter, Stafford. Chadwick, Charles R. Appointed Mu- sician. Chadwick, James F., Westerly, R. I. Chadwick, John B., Westerly, R. I. Chadwick, Wm. F., Westerly,- R. I. Carson, Edward R., Stonington. Carey, John E. Carey, Oliver, Stafford Springs. Casey, Daniel J. Appointed Wagoner. Casey, John F. Casey, John Coleman, Thomas D., Westerly, R. I. Connell, Patrick H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Calmie, Joseph, Westerly, R. I. Clarke, Edward A., Stafford Springs. Discharged February 6, 1899. Creighton, James, Blackstone, Mass. Connor, James J., Norwich. Connors, John, Providence, R. I. Donahue, James F. Donahue, Michael E. Donahue, John F. Doran, Andrew E., Manchester. Duncan, Ernest, Stafford. Dowling, Thaddeus, Jersey Heights, N. J. Eaton, Ervin J. Ennis, John, Stonington. Farrell, John E. Fenton, Edwin H. Fallon, John, Stonington. Fairfield, David M. Transferred to band. Fogarty, William L., Norwich. Dis- honorably discharged. Griffin, John, Boston, Mass. Dishonor- ably discharged. Gilmore. Dennis, Stonington. Gould, Ezra, Monson, Mass. Promoted to Corporal. Hakes, Arlington O., Westerly, R. I. Harrington, Walter A., Providence, R. I. Holland, Bert E. Transferred to band. Jordan. Andrew A., Westerly, R. I. Discharged Feb. 7. 1899. Kinney, William, Ajhaway, R. I. Knight, Wm. B. Keegan, John H. Knowles, George E., No. Stonington. Lawton, Lewis H., Stafford. Dis- charged Aug. 8th. 26 Luck, Gussie A. Leriche, Wm. H., Westerly, R. I. Loranger, Omer, Tilton, N. H. Moriarty, John F., Westerly, R. I. Promoted to Corporal. Maxson, John W., Stonington. Dis- charged Nov. i8th, disability. McDonald, John J. McDonald, Thomas J. McGrath, Martin, Westerly, R. I. McGrath, John D. McKay, Robert. Transferred to Com- pany I. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to N. C. S. December I4th as Sergeant-Major. McQuard, James O'Gara, James P. Palmer, Henry E. Discharged Jan. 16, 1899. Preston, Roger A. Quiel, Charles, Stafford. Rabdeau, Joe, Stafford Springs. Rushlow, Josenh T. Robinson, Henry, Stonington. Roche, Patrick D. Promoted to Cor- poral. Ryan, John T.. Westerly, R. I. Shea, Daniel C. Shea, Daniel, Stonington.. Sutton, James, Stonington. Sullivan, Edward J. Sullivan, Cornelius, Westerly, R. I. Smith, Joseph Tedford, Robert, Stonington. Whalen, John J. Wilcox, Jerome A., Stonington. De- serted. Wright, Robert W., Derby. White, Thomas F., Lawrence, Mass. Vitenheimer. Albert H., Derby. Pro- moted to Sergeant-Major. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Dec. 8th. Company C, of Norwich. Captain Charles A. Hagberg. 1st Lieutenant Harry E. Comstock. 2d Lieutenant Frank Q. Smith. ist Sergeant Milo R. Waters. Quartermaster-Sergeant John Gembel. Sergeant John A. Hagberg. Promoted to ist Lieutenant, Co. B, Nov. 22d. Sergeant Charles A. Polsten. Reduced to ranks. Sergeant Edward T. Waterman. Sergeant Charles E. Ramage, Montville. Discharged Feb. 2, 1899. Corporal Charles H. Thorpe, Uncas- ville. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Wm. C. Zelze. Discharged Feb. 2, 1899. Corporal Alfred A. S. L'Heureux, Taft- ville. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Tames N. Clark, Jr. Reduced to ranks. Corporal John Hubbard. Discharged Oct. loth. Corporal Frederick W. Burton. Corporal George W. Rathbun. Dis- charged Feb. 2, 1899. Corporal Henry H. Morrill. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Charles Sabrowski. Musician Leopold A. Grzywacz. Trans- ferred to band. Privates. Audette, Elmer, Taftville. Audette, Alfred, Taftville. Aspinall, Henry Ahern, Wm. H. Bauman, John Benjamin. James H. Bliven, George L.. Lebanon. Dis- charged Sept. 6th. Barnes, Philo H., Preston. Brock, Eugene S. Chase, Waiter M. Transferred to Co. D; appointed Musician. Coffee, Walter C. Promoted to Cor- poral. Promoted to Sergeant. Casey, Daniel C. Coles, George D. B., Springfield. Mass. Corcoran, Murty, Taftville. Cox, Thomas J. Caruthers, Wm. Connell, Patrick F. Cahoon. David A. Carter. John Callahan, Denni^ Callahan. John F. Discharged Feb. 3, 1899. Carroll, Wm. F., Preston. Comstock. James H. Transferred to band. Dyrdal. Giordi Duff, Daniel. Promoted to Corporal. Durfey. Frank, Greeneville. Donahue, Patrick H. Appointed Arti- ficer. Fletcher, Wm. C. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. Fletcher, George H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Foren, John M.. Jewett City. Fitzgerald. Frederick Gambel, John, Taftville. Died Sept. i9th. Gay. James M. Gadle, George H. Appointed Wagoner. Gibson, Herbert A. Promoted to Cor- poral. Grover, Anson E., Preston. Geary, Morris F., Montville. Haselden, John W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Hughes, Joseph Hiscox, Judson L., Preston. Jack, James, Jr., Greeneville. Promoted to Corporal. Jeffers, Walter B. S., Jewett City. Pro- moted to Corporal. Kellogg, Walter J. King, Joseph W. L'Heureux, Nelson S., Taftville. Loffler, John T. Lynch, George H., Preston. Dis- charged Nov. 27, 1898. Lumsden, George R. Letendre, George, Taftville. Maguire, Wm. F. Malone, Wm. J., Taftville. McClure. Wm., Preston. McVey, Peter Merrill, Orville W., Springfield, Mass. Miner, Huburt, Greeneville. Moore. Michael M. Promoted to Cor- poral. Reduced to ranks. Morgan, James, Jr. McGill, John H., Stamford. Discharged Jan. 3, 1899. McCormick, James, Maysville, Ky. Mausmann, Andrew H., Franklin. Olsson. Ivar, Greeneville. Osborne, John C. Appointed Musi- cian. Oliver, Charles B. Perkins, Charles T. Promoted to Cor- poral. Peckham, Wm. W. Transferred to band. Pierce, Arthur W., Jewett City. Pigott, John J., Northfield. Promoted to Corporal. Pickorski, Mike Reeves, George P., Taftville. Robinson, Walter C. Appointed Mu- sician. , Rushlow, Peter Rathbun, Charles I. Transferred to band. Raphael. Robert. Montville. Sabrowski, August. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. Sellick. Frederick W. Sikorski, Albert Sikorski, John, Greeneville. Simpson. Louis E.. Franklin. Skinner. Benjamin F. Sterry. Frank E. Promoted to Cor- poral. Stark, Wm., Brattleboro, Vt. Dis- charged Jan. 30, 1899. Sullivan, Patrick, Taftville. Taft, Frank G., Glen Falls, N. Y. Thorp, Albert. Promoted to Corporal. [Thorpe, Wm. H., Montville. Promoted to Corporal. Tooker, Frederick B. Transferred to band. Turner, George A. Tylendar, Antoni Woodworth, Harvey L. Welden, Albert C. Company D, of New London. Captain David Conner, New London, ist Lieutenant Wm. H. Ryley, New London. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. 2d Lieutenant Charles P. Kirkland. Promoted to Captain Co. M, Sept. nth. ist Sergeant George Hennes. Quartermaster-Sergeant Emmett L. Crowell. Sergeant Frank L. Beckwith. Reduced to ranks. Sergeant Carlos G. Champlin. Trans- ferred to Co. H, 2d U. S. Vols. Engi- neers, Dec. 6th. Sergeant Wm. R. Chipman. Promoted to ist Sergeant. Corporal Joseph J. Carr. Reduced to ranks. Dishonorably discharged Feb. 18, 1899. Corporal Daniel B. Scoville. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Harry B. Prince. Reduced to ranks. Corporal John J. Butler. Corporal Frank J. Martin. Corporal Michael F. Hogan, North Plains. Deserted Oct. I3th. Corporal Michael C. Carey. Corporal John F. Conway. Corporal Byron W. Bemis, Shelton. Promoted to Sergeant. Musician George E. Ryley. Reduced to ranks; promoted to Corporal. Musician Charles Ormsb^. Wagoner Cassius A. Harding. Privates. Albecker, Edward, Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen, Henry, Norwich. Austin, James, Shelton. Deserted July 20th. Asselin, Joseph E. W., Webster. Mass. Transferred to Signal Corps, U. 3. V. 28 Burdick, Edwin S., Escoheag, R. I. Buck, Leon F., Stamford. Promoted to Corporal. Buchannan, John, Pomfret. Blackledge, John T., Brooklyn, N. Y. Condoff, William, New Haven. Cunningham, Robert W., New Haven. Corr, Daniel, Waterbury. Deserted Dec. 16. Culloo, Wm. F., Stamford. Conroy, James H., Stamford. Conklin, Lincoln, Stamford. Promoted to Corporal. Cullen, Henry B., Ansonia. Promoted to Sergeant. Creighton, Thomas J., Woonsocket, R. I. Dean, George, Bridgeport. Daley, Edward, Haverhill, Mass. De- serted Oct. 28th. Dutton, Joel A. Dayton, Frank E., Bridgeport. Devaney, Stephen H., Bridgeport. Dis- honorably discharged. Fleming, Wm. J., Pittsfield, Mass. Fitzpatrick, Daniel, Stamford. Gould, Everett Guile, Otis S. Garde, James, New Haven. Deserted Nov. nth. Gifford, Edward L., Derby. Discharged Dec. 29th. Gorman, Edward C, Bridgeport. Dis- charged Aug. 1 8th. Galligan, Michael J., New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Reduced to ranks. Holloway, Daniel W., New Haven. Promoted to Corporal; deserted Sept. 26th. Hagan, John J., Stamford. Promoted to Corporal. Hearns, John R., Stamford. Hedman, Charles J., Stamford. Higgins, Richard, Bridgeport. De- serted. Hickey, James. Transferred to U. S. V. Signal Corps Feb. 18, 1899. Keeney, Patrick, Philadelphia, Pa. King, Edward J., Stamford. Dishonor- ably discharged March 7th. Kane, John J., Derby. Discharged Nov. 27th. Lynch. Thomas F.. Waterbury. Lee, James T., Norwich. Discharged Aug. i8th. Monohan, John E., New Haven. Millard. Leonard D.. New Haven. Miner, Charles A. Deserted Dec. 7. .\Iaher, Thomas F., New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Martin, Edward, Stamford. Moore, Wm. P., Stamford. Mitchell, George D: New York. De- serted Sept. 1 5th. McFarland, John H., Montville. Morgan, Harry E. McMahon, Thomas H., Holyoke, Mass. Promoted to Corporal. McCann, Joseph, Bridgeport. Neff, Frank P., Waterford. O'Brien., James, New Britain. O'Neil. John E., New Haven. O'Keefe, James F.. Greenwich. Pro- moted to Corporal. O'Connor, Michael, Stamford. Preston, Wm. F., New Haven. Polskey, Joseph, Montville. Pellett, Lewis E., Scotland. PT, Joshua J., Montville. Discharged Aug. 24th. Russell, John, North Grosvenordale. Roberts, Samuel E., Stamford. Reynolds, James B., Stamford. Roberts, David, Stamford. Promoted to Corporal. Rafferty, Joseph F.. Stamford. Rinaldi, James, Stamford. Rudd, John S. Rutter, Edward V.. Lancaster, O. Rooney, John, Bridgeport. Stebbins, Charles S.. East Lyme. Stinchfield. Walter P. Stillenworth, Everett. Promoted to Corporal. Sydney, Arthur J., Greenwich. Sullivan, Peter, Stamford. Sullivan, Dennis J., Durham. Ap- pointed Artificer. Sullivan, Philip A., New Haven. Spooner. Isaac F.. Springfield, Mass. Sherry, Thomas, W r aterford. Slater. Charles E., Shelton. Promoted to Corporal. Thewlis, Thomas J., Stamford. Thompson, Linneus M. Transferred to U. S. V., Signal Corps, Jan. 14, 1899. Tobin, John E., Stamford. Terleski, John, Webster, Mass. Voos, Charles, East Bridgeport. Warner, Carl, Springfield. Deserted Aug. isth. Wilson, Arthur G.. Stamford. White, Martin, Stamford. Willey, Frank, Norwich. Wright, George H. Promoted to Cor- poral; promoted to Sergeant. Company E, of Willimantic. Captain Edward F. Flynn. Resigned October ist. ist Lieutenant James Cochrane. Pro- moted to Captain October isth. 2 9 2cl Lieutenant Michael Cronin. Re- signed Oct. 7th. 1st Sergeant William Kelley. Quartermaster-Sergeant Michael J. Murphy. Sergeant Timothy Kelley. Reduced to ranks. Sergeant James J. Sullivan. Sergeant Maurice J. Sullivan. Reduced to ranks. Sergeant Andrew Faulds. Corporal James English. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Edward F. Corrigan. Dis- charged Dec. 2oth. Corporal Michael D. Sullivan. Re- duced to ranks. Promoted to Cor- poral. Corporal John Simmons. Corporal John J. Kelly. Corporal Michael J. English. Corporal William Falvey. Corporal Frank P. Fenton. Corporal James F. Lynch. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Timothy McNamara. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Corporal Jean B. Paullins. Corporal James H. Walsh. Musician Michael J. Sullivan. Ap- pointed Wagoner. Musician George Haggerty. Privates. Ashton, Louis. Promoted to Corporal. Benway, Peter H. Bland, Charles E. Bliven, John L., Eagleville. Brown, John, Jr., Mansfield. Bump, Fred T. Promoted to Corporal. Caillonette, Octave. Promoted to Ser- geant; transferred to band. Caillonette, Eli. Deserted Oct. xoth. Cairns, John Casey, James Casey, Wm. S. Clancy, Michael Curran, Patrick Daley, James J. Darby, Fred. Discharged Sept. 8th. Davis, Fred. (Died Oct. 2;th.) Demarais, Joseph Donahue, Joseph F. Donahue, Patrick Edgarton, John B. Discharged Jan. 23, 1899. Fenton, Anson C. Fenton, James Fraser, Paul S. Gillette, Samuel Gingras. John B. Guilford, Joseph E. Goff, Willis H. Hagan, James F. Hoey, John Hoffman, Alvin C. Hussey, Daniel Hyde, Albert B. Johnstone, William. Appointed Ai'i- ficer. Joyce, Thomas King, William Lacey, George P., South Coventry. Lacroix, John. (Died Oct. loth.) Larrabee, Christopher A., Windham. Lavezzi, David Laflamme. Joseph Loomis, Herbert L. Discharged Feb. 10, 1899. Lynch, Edward J. Promoted to Cor- poral. Marra, Thomas E. Maxwell, Wm. J. Discharged Feb. 20, 1899. Maynard, Joseph McCarthy, John T. Promoted to Cor- poral. McCarthy, Jeremiah A. McCabe, Patrick, Derby. McGee, Patrick, Ansonia. Morean, Frederick H. Moriarty, Thomas F. Meigs, Clifton O., Niantic. Murphy, Edward A. Deserted Dec. 2d. Mullen, Samuel Morse, Ernest, Shelton. Moran, James Norton, Wm. J. O'Brien, John F., South Coventry. O'Keefe, Edward J. Owens, Thomas Pates, James W. R. Deserted Nov. 6th. Perry, Isaac P. Quinn, Timothy Reede, Patrick, Derby. Regan, Bernard Shea, James J. Smith, Alexander Smith, Willard. Deserted Dec. 22d. Sullivan, Jeremiah P. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. Sullivan, Jerry J. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan, James Sullivan, John F. Sullivan, James D. Promoted to Cor- poral. Sullivan. Lawrence D. Sweet, Arthur W. Sweet, Frederick A. Tully, William H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Tarrent, Joseph Teevan, Frank Whitehouse, Frank Wilcox, Edward L. Wilcox, Wells S., South Coventry. Windmiller, Everett Wood, Fred Ward, Frederick H. Appointed Arti- ficer; died Nov. 6th. Company F, of Danielson. Captain Wm. H. Hamilton. ist Lieutenant Kent A. Darbie. 2d Lieutenant Clarence E. Young. Pro- moted to ist Lieutenant, Co. H, Oct. I5th; discharged Feb. 10, 1899. ist Sergeant Frederick N. Flagg. Quartermaster-Sergeant Eddy U. G. Baker. Sergeant Wm. A. Hoyle. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant. Sergeant Wm. H. Warren. Sergeant Frank E. Young. Sergeant Philip Lockwood. Corporal Carl Anderson. Corporal Louis F. Roberts, Wauregan. Corporal Herbert H. Flagg. Corporal Andrew C. Racine, Dayville. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Alfred C. Cutler. Corporal Fred Nash. Corporal John L. Kingsbury, Ballou- ville. Reduced to ranks. Corporal James E. Harrington. Corporal Joseph A. Lapelle. Reduced to ranks. Corporal George H. Farron. Corporal Samuel N. Frink, Moosup. Corporal Fred Bowen, Sterling. Musician Clarence W. Bacon. Trans- ferred to band. Musician John Levell. Transferred to band. Wagoner Edwin Saunders, East Kill- ingly. Discharged Jan. 26th. Privates. Asselin, Oscar L., Sterling. Bailey, Gilbert A. (Died Oct. I3th.) Bates, Arthur E., Monson, Mass. Benoit, Napoleon Boirin, Adolph, Wauregan. Brooks, Clarence C., Dedham, Mass. Browne, Charles V., South Killingly. Burke, George, Wauregan. Chartrand, Dona, Shelton. Deserted Dec. 22d. Clark, John M., Ansonia. Colleran, John P.. Fall River, Mass. Condon, James, Jr., New Haven. Coogan, Patrick, Jewett City. Dis- honorably discharged Copeland, Harry B., Brooklyn. Copeland, James C., Brooklyn. Curran, John J., Dayville. Daignault, Fred L, Wauregan. Dillon, John E., Lafayette, R. I. Pro- moted to Corporal. Duke, Frank W. F. Dwyer, Martin J., Wauregan. Dis- honorably discharged. Earnshaw, Albert B., Dayville. Dis- charged Dec. I4th. Fagnant, Hector G., Hope, R. I. De- serted Oct. i3th. Ferneaf, Fred Fogal, Charles, Southbridge, Mass. Dishonorably discharged. Fournier, Domas Gaffney, Thomas. Appointed Musician. Gagnon, Frank, Auburn, Me. Ganthier, Delor, Wauregan. Appointed Artificer. Gay, Everett E., Attawaugan. Dis- charged Jan. 24th. Germain. Philip, Dayville. Gibson, Frank L, North Sterling. Pro- moted to Cprporal. Gilman, John h., Attawaugan. Golden, William, Saint Francis, Me. Greene, Hosea. Appointed Musician. Gregpire, Medas, Wauregan. Hamilton, Cassius A. Appointed Wag- oner. Head, Michael J., Jr. Hines, Charles D., North Sterling. Hughes, Daniel P., Attawaugan. Hurley, Stephen, Willimantic. De- serted Dec. 3Oth. Howard, Charles B. Irons, Lewis, Moosup. Johnson, Francis H., Plainfield. Jolly, James K., Norwich. Jordan, George W., Warwick, R. I. Deserted Dec. 22d. Kennedy, Charles A. Laramie, Bartimus J., Attawaugan. Lavell, James, Fall River, Mass. Larence, George A., Putnam. Lofgren, John, Wauregan. Promoted to Corporal. Lvman, Ernest C. Malbone, James H., Brooklyn. Pro- moted to Corporal. Marley, James,' Webster, Mass. Matthews, Elmer J., Westford. Monahan, James, Moosup. Discharged Jan. 24, 1809. Monahan, Patrick, Moosup. Discharged Jan. 28, 1809. Maynard, George, Wauregan. McDonald, George, Wauregan. McDermott, Thomas J. McGirney, Patrick, Ansonia. McKay, Robert B., Seymour. McRan, William, Wauregan. Dishonor- ably discharged. Moran, George, Ansonia. Mottram, John T., New Bedford, Mass. Deserted Aug. 6th. Morse, Albert H., Wauregan. McShane, Michael, East Killingly. Oban, Felix, Wauregan. Perkins, George H., South Killingly. Deserted Aug. 3ist. Popple, George A. Potter, Ezekiel L., Killingly. Quinn, Michael A. Discharged Jan. 27th. Rapp, Charles C. Rooney, Michael F. Deserted Oct. Roberts. Napoleon F., Wauregan. Rosebush, Hersey J. Schlitter, Ernest W., Ansonia. Sholes, Herbert E., Ballouville. Sullivan, Frank, Williamsville. Tracy, Gurdon F., Wauregan. Walker, Frederick E., Willimantic. Warren, Frank J. Watt, Robert, Cohoes, N. Y. Webster, Lester A. Discharged Feb. 3d. Wood, John, Moosup. Young, Fred, Williamsville. Deserted. Company G, of Putnam. Captain Arthur D. Mclntyre. ist Lieutenant Charles E. Richardson. 2d Lieutenant Everett M. Carver. Pro- moted to ist Lieutenant, Co. A, Dec. 9th. ist Sergeant George W. Wilbur. Quartermaster-Sergeant Wm. F. Holt. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant N. C. S. Sergeant Frank L. Main. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant. Sergeant Stephen Brady. Sergeant Clarence W. Chase. Corporal Joseph Breault. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Adin A. Harrington. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Corporal George G. Milliken. Corporal William A. Hall. Reduced to ranks. Corporal George Lamondy. Corporal Charles St. Onge. Corporal Walter R. Quinn. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Fred E. Kies. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Grant S. Hopkins. Corporal Thomas W. Duffy. Corporal Felix King. Corporal Leroy E. Tourtellotte. Musician Ralph P. Durfee. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant; trans- ferred to band as Principal Musician. Musician John B. Mayo. Artificer Carl Aug. Larson, N. Gros- venordale. Wagoner Stanley S. Watson, Pomfret. Reduced to ranks. Privates. Bailey, Elmer C. Blake, Wm. H. Benway, Peter Blanchette, Herman Brouillette, Pierre C. Burrows, Horace W. Discharged Jan. 9, 1899. Brett, James Bibeau, David, Arctic Center, R. I. Bellrose, Ulric Barnes, C. Harry, Pottsdam, N. Y. Beaudry, Harry N., Grosvenordale. Broadhurst, George E. Appointed Mu- sician. Brady, Ambrose J. Benoit, Juter. Discharged Jan. 19, 1899, disability. Beaudry. Joseph, Grosvenordale. Cautwell, James. Norwich. Connors, Wm., Webster, Mass. Corbin, Charles S., Webster, Mass. Discharged without honor, Feb. 8, 1899. Cardinal, Louis, Killingly. Cruise, Frank J., Pascoag, R. I. Pro- moted to Corporal. Cunningham, Patrick, Ashuelot, N. H. Cutter. Phineas, Nashua, N. H. Pro- moted to Corporal. Cutler, Augustus Converse, Henry L. Champeau, Albert Dion, Israel P., Webster, Mass. Duffey, James H. Debosher, Joseph Devlin, Wm. J., Gilbertville, Mass. Downs, William S. Droney, Patrick. Providence. R. I. Dumonchelle, Louis J., Webster, Mass. Five, Fred S. Fall, Willie Girade, Arthur, North Grosvenordale. Girade, Napoleon, No. Grosvenordale. (Died Aug. 29th.) Grinnell, George W. Garner, Joseph Gagne, Albert Gaudette, Arthur Hahn, George C. (Died Nov. 9th.) Kent, George M. Promoted to Cor- poral. Kozak, Anthony Loiselle, Alphonse Lamondy, Thomas LeClaire, Alfred, Killingly. Lovely, George Lowe, Charles W., So. Woodstock. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. McCoy, Wm. H. Madison, Charles W., So. Woodstock Maloney, Eugene R. Murphy, Bernard P. McGann, James E. Micotte, Charles Menard, Willie Moore, Willis E., Woodstock. Ap- pointed Wagoner. Marion, Joseph Murray, William J. Main, Walter. Ashford. Messier, Louis. Discharged March 9, 1899. O'Neil, James Ouillette, Augueste, Moosup. Plouffe, Doseithee, Webster, Mass. Transferred to band. Petsching. Charles W., Lymanville, R. I. Roberts, Charles Ryan, Edward J. Reynolds, Bartholomew, Pomfret. Pro- moted to Corporal. Rylander, John E., Pomfret. (Died Oct. 7th.) Richards. Albert. Grosveriordale. Sharpe, Harry W. Transferred to band: discharged Jan. 16, 1899. Sherman, Henry A. St. Martin, Joseph St. Martin. Stephen Smith, Charles E., So. Milford, Mass. St. Onge. Peter Staples, Lewis. Woodstock. Sutton, Robert. Uxbridge. Sweenev. Marshall Scott. Caleb M.. Hampton. Swett. Hubert N.. Pomfret. Toolan, John J. Promoted to Corporal. Terrv. Robert C. Travis Lindley M. Promoted to Cor- poral. Tremblay, Henry Young, George D., So. Woodstock. Company H, Recruited at Stonington. Captain Hadlai A. Hull, Stonington. Promoted to Major Sept. 23d; re- signed Oct. I7th. 1st Lieutenant Herbert D. Utley, New London. Resigned Oct. nth. 2d Lieutenant Walter T. Fish, Mystic. Resigned Jan. ist; mustered out Jan. 6th. ist Sergeant Willis N. Hawley, Hawley- ville. Died Nov. 19, 1898. Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles S. Francis, Newington. Sergeant Herbert Kirkpatrick, Crom- well. Discharged Jan. 24, 1899. Sergeant Charles S. Chapman, West- brook. Corporal Oscar W. Palmer, Norwich. Promoted to ist Sergeant. Corporal George M. Greene, Canter- bury. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Myron A. Maynard, Jewett City. Corporal Wilfred Prevost, Jewett City. Corporal Francis L. Driscoll, Water- bury. Discharged Oct. I2th. Corporal Albert Simmons, New Haven. Corporal Philip Isaacs, New Haven. Reduced to ranks. Corporal John J. Gilmartin, New Haven. Corporal George E. Hubbard, New Haven. Reduced to ranks. Musician Charles A. Perkins, Preston. Reduced to ranks. \Vagoner George Conrad, Norwich. Privates. Anthony, Gould R. Promoted to Cor- poral. Abby. George, North Stonington. De- serted Nov. iQth. Aldrich, Harry, State Line. Bassett, Edwin B.. Norwich. Brennan, Humphrey, Norwich. Barrett. Michael. Hartford. Beard. Fred B., Willimantic. Breslin, James, New Haven. Brotherton, George, New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Carroll, John T., Norwich. Cavanaugh. Patrick, Stonington. Conrad. John, Preston. Coughlin, David, Norwich. Cox, Thomas. Carriug, Thomas, New London. Callahan. Christopher, New London. 33 Carter, John F., Norwich. Discharged Aug. 22d. Connors. Patrick T., New Haven. Curran, James F., New Haven. Comerford, Michael, Waterbury. Coleman, Thomas, New Haven. Cairns, James, New Haven. Daniels, Richard, Stonington. Devine, Michael, Jr., Norwich. Dupois, Joseph O. O. Occum. De- serted Oct. 25th. Donahue, Michael, New Haven. Davis, John T., New Haven. Deserted Aug. i6th. Duane, John W., Danbury. Dutram, Peter, Bridgeport. Deserted Aug. I4th. Donnelly, Francis, New Haven. Dillon, John. Waterbury. Enright, James F., New Haven. Flynn, James F., New Haven. Frid, Charles, Bridgeport. Foote, Herbert M.. New Haven. Galbraith, Arthur. Norwich. Appointed Artificer. Gay, Frederick A., Norwich. Gay, William T., Norwich. Deserted Jan. 28, 1809. Glass, Harry H.. New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Gore, Thomas J., New Haven. De- serted. Greenwood, James F.. New Britain. Hoye, Frank. Danbury. Heady, Harry, Danbury. Harrison, Thomas P., Danbury. Hallesey, Wm., Norwich. Hayes, Thomas M., New Haven. Hewlitt, Charles, Lebanon. Harkins, James., Leominster, Mass. Healy, Daniel, New London. Jones, George, New Haven. Kehr, Wm.. Norwich. Kelly, John N.. Norwich. Keane, Frank, New Haven. Discharged Aug. 22d. King, Thomas, New Haven. Kennedy. Richard. Stafford Springs. Lamb, Walter H., Norwich. Promoted to Corporal. Lukoski. Joseph, Norwich. Lyons, Edward, New Haven. Lee, Wm., New Haven. Mell. Charles B.. Norwich. Mullaney. John H.. Groton. Murphy, Thomas L., Providence. R. I. McShera. John P., New Haven. Moore, Luke Morris, John S.. Danbury. Deserted Nov. 2d. Moran, Thomas J., Danbury. Meyers, Julius C, New Haven. McMahon, Thomas L., New Haven. O'Neil, Francis, Jr., New Haven. O'Rouark, John J., Albany, N. Y. De- serted Aug. I3th. Pariseau, Nelson, Glasgo. Deserted Oct. 25th. Powers, Ralph F., Norwich. Dis- charged Aug. 22d. Rourke, John, Preston. Reno, Henry, Pinconning, Mich. Sauter, John, Danbury. Deserted Sept. 2ISt. Sullivan, Patrick, Norwich. Sullivan, John, Fair Haven. Shannon, Jeremiah, Jewett City. Sparks, Ernest, Norwich. Sheehan. Daniel, Jewett City. Singer, Wm., Danielson. Deserted. Shea, Patrick J., New Haven. Slattery, James E., Milford, Mass. Ap- pointed Musician. Smidt. Emil, Bridgeport. Deserted Jan. II, 1809. Smith, George, New Haven. Deserted. Tregaskis, Hubert A., New Haven. Promoted to Corporal. Tierney, James W.. New Haven. Wallace, Wm. E., Griswold. Whipple, Frederick E., Jewett City. Appointed Musician. Winans. Frank J., Norwich. Promoted to Corporal. Wood, Eugene, Danbury. ICompany I, of New London. Captain Eugene T. Kirkland. Promoted to Major Sept. nth; Lieutenant-Col- onel, Feb. 27. 1899. ist Lieutenant Albert P. Ware. Pro- moted to Captain Sept. nth. 2d Lieutenant Carey Congdon. Pro- moted to ist Lieutenant Sept. isth. Resigned and .mustered out Dec. 4th. 2d Lieutenant Daniel Tyler Moore. Ap- pointed Sept. igth. ist Sergeant Harris Pendleton, Jr. Pro- moted to 2d Lieutenant Co. M, July 2-?d. Promoted to ist Lieutenant Co. E, Oct. isth. Quartermaster-Sergeant John T. Sher- win. Sergeant Richard B. Smith. Promoted to ist Sergeant- Sergeant Louis H. Goddard. Corporal Thomas H. Jennings. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. M. Nov. I2th. Corporal Clark S. Bishop. Promoted to Sergeant. 34 Corporal Jeremiah J. Murphy. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Corporal John H. Broadwell. Corporal John I. Stubbert. Promoted f o Sergeant. Corporal John E. Angus, Groton. Musician Harry A. Wiley. Discharged Jan. 6th. Musician Wm. M. Dunn. Privates. Allen, William H. Allen, Lucian O., Mystic. Baker, Alexander, Woonsocket, R. I. Promoted to Corporal. Baxter, John, Perryville, Mass. Dis- honorably discharged. Bennett, Patrick. Deserted Aug. iSth. Berthel, Rudolph C, New Haven. Berry, Lewis O., Montville. Bollard, George, Ansonia. Appointed Wagoner. Blake, Frederick C. Bruedly, George, Philadelphia, Pa. Blanchard, Frederick C., Norwich. Blake, Wm. F., New Haven. Breen, James, New Haven. Brobeck, Albert B utterly, Peter Callahan, Wm. F. Promoted to Cor- poral. Conners, Thomas, Attleboro, Mass. Dishonorably discharged. Crump, Richard L. Promoted to Cor- poral; discharged Dec. I7th. Carroll, Wm., New Haven. Condon, John J., New Haven. (Died Oct. I4th.) Conway, Wm. F., New Haven. Condon, Jeremiah, New Haven. Coombs, Ralph A., Liricolnville, Me. Daniels, George I., Saybrook. Degnan, Joseph M., New Hevan. Doyle, James F., New Haven. Dart, Bertie, South Lyme. Emerson, Thomas R.. New Haven. Fitzpatrick, Joseph, New Haven. . Farrell, Frank T., Norwich. Gallagher, James W., New Haven. Gernhard, Adam J., Norwich. Pro- moted to Corporal. Greene, Arthur A., Westerly, R. I. Dis- charged without honor Dec. ist. Gingrass, Frank J.. Taftville. Glennon, John T., New Haven. Gleason, Wm. J., Norwich. Gettings, Bernard A.. Watertown, N. Y. Galpin, Charles H., Shelton. Hallock, Willard H., Chester. Hayes, Stephen J. Promoted to' Cor- poral. Holmes, Jesse N., Saybrook. (Died Oct. 27th.) Holmes, Wm. I., Deep River. Hunter, John A., Jr., Norwichtown. Hanrahan, John, Norwich. Heglan, Edward S., New Haven. Hartigan, Daniel G., New Haven. James, Frederick H. Keefe, Denis, Hartford. Kelleher, Joseph P., New Haven. Dis- honorably discharged. Kelly, James F. Lock, George, New Haven. Latham, Albert, Groton. La Rose, Thomas F., Brooklyn, N. Y. Murley, Thomas J., Jr., New Haven. McKegg, Alfred R., New Haven. Mack, Edward H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Malona, Charles. Appointed Artificer. McGregor, James, Jr., Mystic. Pro- moted to Corporal. Mills, John, Waterford. Transferred to Co. C; transferred to Co. D. Mecklenburg, John J., Ansonia. Mooney, Wm. P., New Haven. Murphy, John J., New Haven. McAvoy, James, New Haven. Mahoney, Michael J., New Haven. Myers, Lee, New York city. Mulligan, Frank Manning, Thomas J., Shelton. Trans- ferred to N. C. S. Sept. 8th; trans- ferred to Co. L, Nov. I4th. McCarron, John Newberg, Harry N., Groton. Noland, Wm. H. Promoted to Cor- poral. O'Brien, Michael P., New Britain. O'Mara, John, Deep River. O'Niel, Owen, Norwich. Parsons, Waldo H. Parkinson. Joseph, Exeter, N. H. De- serted Oct. 23d. Pendleton, Lyman B. Peppin, Frederick, Taftville. Phillips. Wm. C., New Haven. Reed, Lorenzo R. Discharged Sept. 2d, disability. Reed, Winder E., Waterford. Rockwell. Walter S. Rehley. Charles, Norwich. Russell. John C., Jr.. New Haven. Pro- moted to Corporal. Seaman, Carl Simmones, Joseph, New Haven. De- serted Oct. I3th. Smith, Jesse, Groton. Promoted to Corporal. 35 Slattery, Edward P., New Haven. Tracy, George, New Haven. Walsh, William, New Britain. Ap- pointed Musician. Williams, Frank E., Groton. Williams, Thomas S. Willows, Henry L. Promoted to Cor- poral. Wolfe, David, Mystic. Wood, Edmond Wattles, Wm. M., Shelton. Company K, of Stamford. (Co. C, 4th Regiment, C. N. G.) Captain Philip W. Prior. Promoted to Major, ist Lieutenant Charles W. Bucklee. Promoted to Captain. 2d Lieutenant Frederick G. C. Smith, Greenwich. Resigned; mustered out Sept. 3d. ist Sergeant Elmer Weston. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Sept. Qth; promoted to ist Lieutenant. Quartermaster-Sergeant Edwin F. Rambo. Returned to duty from sick- ness as Sergeajit. Sergeant James W. Smith. Sergeant Andrew J. Moran, Glenbrook. Promoted to First Sergeant. Sergeant Wells Weston. Discharged Jan. 3, 1899, disability. Sergeant Benjamin Stewart. Corporal Frank B. Gurley, Glenbrook. Corporal Ira S. Palmer. Corporal Oliver J. Stewart. Discharged Dec. 23d. Corporal John A. Maher. Corporal Peter Murray. Discharged Dec. loth. Corporal Frank J. Scully. Corporal Charles C. Weideman. Musician Harvey D. Hatch. Promoted to ist Sergeant; promoted to 2d Lieu- tenant. Privates. Albert, John H., Springdale. Armstrong, Joseph P. Baynes, Ernest H. Discharged Oct. 27th. Bonnell, Joseph F. (Died Oct. 6th.) Boswell, Wm. S., Greenwich. Promoted to Corporal. Discharged Nov. 4th. Botsford, John, Jr. Britt, Gilbert A. Burk, Thomas F. Burnett, Harry, Greenwich. Burns, Edgar J. Burr, George H. Caterson, George H., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Clarke, John J. Clark, Walter T. Appointed Musician. Crawford, Henry P., Greenwich. Crissey, Henry M., Long Ridge. Cudlipp, George M. Curran, John J. Daley, James A. Devitt, John E. Dolan, Patrick, Sound Beach. Dunne, John J. Dutcher, Wm. C, Brooklyn, N. Y Eccles, Robert J. Enright, Morgan J. Fairchild, Wm. H. Finan, Michael J. Finch, Edward D. Transferred to band. Finch, Frederick O. Fitzpatrick, Francis J. Flynne, David E. Giles, Wm. A. Gill, John J. Gisborne, Frank R., Riverside. Pro- moted to Corporal. Gerard, Frank Gleason, Edward J. Greene, Frank H. Gully, Eugene W. Hitt, Alfred C. Promoted to Corporal; reduced to ranks. Hynes, John J. Appointed Musician. Hynes, Thomas Isbell, Burt Johnson, James M. Kenealy, Edward J. Kenefic, James E. Promoted to Cor- poral. Krafft, Frederick A. Kurth, Arnold Lahey, Edward J., Jr. Law, Thomas F. Lester, Edward O. Promoted to Cor- poral. Maguire, John R. Mahrt, John Malin, James F. Manning, James E. Martin, John McClellan, Frank W. McDonald, Arthur A. Mead, Seaman M., Greenwich. Miller, Herbert Mooney, Michael J. Appointed Wagoner. Moore, Thomas E. Mory, Louis, Branford. Murdock, George W. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant. Murray, Edward H. Promoted to Cor- poral. O'Connor, Terence O'Neill, James J. Paight, John H. Peck, Charles H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Peters, John J. Pierce, John T. Porter, Bert F. Appointed Artificer. Raymond, Arthur S. Raymond, Paul A. Promoted to Cor- poral. Reese, James J. Rew, Fred J. Ritch, James A. Promoted to Cor- poral. Sanborn, Irving L. Discharged Jan. 28, 1899. Scott, Elmer J., Port Chester, N. Y. Promoted to Corporal. (Died Jan. 28th.) Slaney, Oliver H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Smith, George R., Darien. Smith, Ralph J., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Robert. Transferred to -band. Sparks, John H. Stankard, John J. Talbot, Frederick, Greenwich. Thompson, George R. Tichenor, Herbert G. Toms, Leslie R. Transferred to band. Veit, Frank F. Weed, Howard F. Weed, Robert L. Worden, Harry B. Company L, of Norwalk. (Co. F, 4th Regiment, C. N. G.) Captain Reuben M. Rose. Resigned Oct. 22d. 1st Lieutenant Wm. W. Bloom. 2d Lieutenant Wm. I. Comstock. ist Sergeant John H. Smith. Reduced to ranks; dooortod Jani T ( 1899- Quartermaster-Sergeant Wm. Rauch. Promoted to ist Sergeant. Sergeant Cyrus J. Crabbe, Stamford. Discharged Oct. 22d. Sergeant Henry H. Payne. Reduced to ranks; deserted Jan. i, 1899. Sergeant John H. Chase, Kingston, N. Y. Sergeant Albert H. Buttery. Promoted to ist Sergeant; reduced to Sergeant. Corporal Milo C. Brown. Promoted to Sergeant. Corporal Arthur E. Godfrey. Dis- charged Feb. 8, 1899. Corporal Coles M. Flewellin. Corporal George C. Meehan. Pro- moted to Quartermaster-Sergeant. Corporal Ira C. Lockwood. Discharged Dec. 24th. Corporal Frank H. Webber. Corporal Frank Neugebauer, So. Nor- walk. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Howard J. Bloomer. Pro- moted to 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Nov. 1 4th. Corporal Edward Brotherton. Corporal Albert R. Scofield. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Herbert F. Tuttle. Trans- ferred to band. Musician Harry S. Richmond. Trans- ferred to band; discharged Dec. 26th. Musician Frank Eigner, Jr., South Nor- walk. Privates. Abendroth, Wm. G., South Norwalk Promoted to Corporal. Ash, George J., Bridgeport. Baker, Wm. H., Bridgeport. Deserted Oct. 2d. Burkedal, Edward Beagan, John H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Brown, Fred Buttery, Ulysses G. Britt, Matthew Bendtzen, Hans C., Westport. Brennan, David Butler, Walter A., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Black, John W., Bridgeport. Deserted Nov. nth. Castle, George C. Cahill, John J. Connors, George, Bridgeport. Crawford, James Cullen, Robert Cornell, Ernest B. Chartrand, Nelson H., Shelton. Canary, John, Bridgeport. Davis, Charles A. Durbeck, Emil. Promoted to Corporal. Donnelly, Wm. Discharged Feb. i, 1899. Dougherty, Michael J. Ellis, Royal A. Discharged Jan. 17, 1899. Ferris, James, Tarryan, N. Y. Farrell, Michael, Bridgeport. Fell, John E. Flinn, George F. Transferred to Hos- pital Corps, U. S. A. Farley, Frank, Bridgeport. Gorman, John 37 Godfrey, Frederick W. Discharged Oct. i/th. Guthrie, Wm. H. Promoted to Cor- poral. Hopson, Henry W. Promoted to Cor- poral. Hopkins, George W. Hagerty, Joseph, Bridgeport. Pro- moted to Corporal. Hall, Beekman F. Henry, Joseph F. Henry, Michael, Bridgeport. Hadley, Wm. H. Kinsella, John Keller, Joe Kemple, James, Bridgeport. Promoted to Corporal; reduced to ranks. Keogh, John J. Kearney. Henry J., Hartford. Kiley, David, Bridgeport. Landrigan, Philip J. Lovejoy, Arthur G. Law, Sanford B., Stamford. Promoted to Corporal. Lawlor,. Henry P., Waterbury. McCarthy, Daniel M., New York. Murphy, James. Deserted Sept. 8th. McGuinness, Stephen Me Garry, Thomas J. Mattmore, Bernard, Worcester, Mass. Meyers, Wm., Bridgeport. Morris, Wallace W. Noyes, Wm. T., New York. Dis- charged Feb. 2, 1899. Norman, Arthur S. O'Brien, Peter F. Promoted to Cor- poral; reduced to ranks. Oakes, John W., So. Norwalk. Osborne, Charles H. Parker, Charles E. Phillips, Warden B. Deserted March 3, 1899. Peterson. John, So. Norwalk. Peters, John P., Bridgeport. Dis- charged Feb. 3, 1899. Quigley, James J., Bridgeport. Ap- pointed Musician. Rooney. Frank P. Riley, James A. Promoted to Corporal. Ross, Thomas H.. Harbor Grace, N'f'd. Sargent, Joseph Sturm, Joseph F. Sturm, Valentine. South Norwalk. Steele, Henry, Waterbury. Appointed Wagoner. Sullivan, George L. Sheehan, Wm., South Norwalk. Shockley. Herbert F. Storey, Peter Squires, Joseph, Northampton, Mass. Smith, Thomas, Bridgeport. Tetzner, Albert. Promoted to Corporal ; promoted to Sergeant. Troy, William J. Promoted to Cor- poral. Tiffany, George B., Bridgeport. Pro- moted to Corporal. Valleau, George P., Bridgeport. Dis- charged Dec. I4th. Weyerhauser, John P. Waldorf, Harry M., Bridgeport. Ap- pointed Artificer. Young, Frank A., Bridgeport. Company M, of Winsted. (Co. I, 4th Regiment, C. N. G.) Captain George M. Grossman. Re- signed Sept. 7th. ist Lieutenant Francis S. Hubbard. 2d Lieutenant, none mustered with Co. ist Sergeant John H. Parsons. Re- duced to ranks; promoted to Cor- poral. Quartermaster-Sergeant Edward L. Whiton. Sergeant VVm. R. Walker. Sergeant Charles E. Barker. Appointed Chief Musician Regimental Band. Sergeant Christopher C. Coon, Cole- brook. Sergeant Arthur H. Dean. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Clarence B. Gillette. Re- duced to ranks. Corporal Charles Clayton. Reduced to ranks. Corporal Benjamin W. Johnson. Corporal Edward L. Lynch. Corporal John J. Simons. Corporal Orrin W. White, Torrington. Promoted to ist Sergeant; reduced to Sergeant. Corporal Martin Grossman. Corporal Robert B. Grossman. Re- duced to ranks. Corporal Reginald R. Miller. Corporal Wm. Harrington. Corporal George E. Doughty. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Corporal James T. Grady. Musician Wilbur F. Beach. Transferred to band. Musician Joseph H. Wells. Reduced to ranks. Artificer Eugene P. Searing, Torring- ton. Promoted to Corporal. Wagoner John Witzke, Torrington. Privates. Amrick, Andrew, Torrington. Amsbury, John H. Burke, James, Norwich. Bertig, Wm. F. Buck, Charles E. Beauchamp, Camille J. Bues, Lowes, Torrington. Brown, Charles B., Torrington. Ap- pointed Musician. Brennan, John M. Barnes, Harry L., Colebrook. Blythe, Walter. Promoted to Corporal. Butts, William A. Centrella, Angelo Corbette, Louis H. Caul, Samuel L., Norfolk. Curtiss, Edward J., Torrington. Crippen, Homer F., Torrington. Coons, Daniel, Torrington. Coons, Harry N., Torrington. Coons, Louis E., Torrington. Casey, Charles W., Torrington. Connole, Patrick F. Dean, Miles A. Appointed Artificer. Duplain, George E., Torrington. Donohue, John Denison, Silas E., Norwich. Dean, Miles W., Torrington. Ap- pointed Musician. Duncan, Wm., Norwich. Discharged Sept. 2ist. Donahue, Michael J. Donovan, Stephen, Torrington. Fink, Oluf, Torrington. Flamer, Emil, Torrington. Fortin, Samuel, Thompsonville. Ferencry, Julius Griffin, Walter N. Golliker, George, Torrington. Griffith, Burton D., Torrington. Pro- moted to Corporal. Gagne, Joseph A. Gisselbrecht, Eugene M., Torrington. Griswold, Grant Heglin, Samuel, Hartford. Appointed Acting Hospital Steward, N. C. S. Hine, George I., Torrington. Died Oct. 7th- Hill, Louis C. Holland, Daniel Howard, Dellaware, Norwich. Dis- charged Sept. 2ist. Hodge, Frank B. Dishonorably dis- charged. Hunt, Albert E. Transferred to band. Judd, Thomas M., Derby. Dishonorably discharged. Kimberly, Edwin N., Torrington. Kenney, John J. Kopankiauritz, Frank, Torrington. Looby, Michael, Torrington. Dis- honorably discharged. Markwait, Adolph, Torrington. Monroe, Arthur Murphy, John McGrane, James F. Murphy, Charles, Torrington. McMahon, John L., Torrington. Dis- honorably discharged. McGrath, Henry Mitchell, James E. Promoted to Ser- geant; promoted to ist Sergeant. O'Neil, Michael, Torrington. O'Connors, Daniel Padelford, Charles D. Palmer, Samuel Ryan, John, Torrington. Riley, James, Torrington. Redman, Charles F., Torrington. Pro- moted to Corporal. Reardon, Daniel, Torrington. Rathburn, John H. Stone, Clifford B. Stone, Spencer J. Spitko, Thomas, Torrington. Stickles, Clayton E., Torrington. Shea, John J. Sullivan, James, Torrington. Sykes, Wilbur H. Tuozzo, Pasquale, Torrington. Talbert, Edward, Norfolk. Dishon- orably discharged. Turner, Theodore, Norwich. Dis- charged Sept. 2ist. Tucker, Patrick, Torrington. Vibbert, Edward R., Torrington. Pro- moted to Corporal. White, Joseph A., Torrington. Wallace, James, Torrington. Williams, Walter E., Hartford. Young, Edward L. Naval* Battalion. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Niantic, June 15, 1898. Lieutenant-Commander Arthur H. Day (appointed Lieutenant, U. S. N.), .... New Haven. Lieutenant Edward V. Raynolds (appointed Lieu- tenant, U. S. N.), ..... New Haven. Ordnance Officer, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Nathaniel W. Bishop (appointed Lieutenant, Junior Grade, U. S. N.), . ... Bridgeport. Paymaster, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Frederick L. Avorill (appointed Assistant Paymaster, U. S. N.), New Haven. Non-Commissioned Staff. Chief Master-at-Arms Charles K. Hutchinson. Chief Yeoman Henry F. Punderson. First Division, of New Haven. Lieutenant Daniel M. Goodridgc, New Haven. Appointed Lieutenant (Junior Grade), U. S. N. Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Frank S. Cornwell, New Haven. Anpointed Lieutenant (Junior Grade), U. S. N. Ensign Stephen D. Baker. Appointed Ensign, U. S. N. Ensign Robert E. L. Hutchinson, New Haven. Appointed Lieutenant (Junior Grade), U. S. N. Adams, Henry T., landsman. Dis- charged Aug. 6, 1898. Allen, Walter H., seaman. Discharged June 16, 1898. Appointed Naval Cadet U. S. N. Anketelle, Arthur M., landsman. Arvine, Earless P., landsman. Applegate, Wm. A., seaman. Best, George W., seaman. Barrett, Harry A., seaman. Boemer, George F., seaman. Buzzell, Harry A., seaman. Burgess, Wm. J., ordinary seaman. Brown, Arthur H., ordinary seaman. Brown, Leslie M., landsman. Benton, Winfred W. Ball, Benjamin H. Best, Edward L., seaman. Bush, Frank W., seaman. Beach, Joseph W., seaman. Discharged Aug. 6, 1898. Clemens, Frank G. Cahill, Wm. J., ordinary seaman. Church, Ulysses G., landsman. Guff, Charles S., landsman. Carroll, George T., landsman. Doolittle, Harry W., landsman. Dusenberre, Ralph E., seaman. Dulaney, George W., seaman. Docker, Guy, landsman. Eldredge, Nathan S., ordinary seaman. Eels, J. Shepard, ordinary seaman. Fowler, Frederic C, landsman. Ferguson, George W., landsman. Filley, Walter O., ordinary seaman. Farr, Edward R., ordinary seaman. Garland, Wm. J., landsman. Discharged August 4, 1898. Gallagher, Elliot S., landsman. Heywood, Carl B., ordinary seaman. Henderson, Yandell. Appointed En- sign U. S. N. Hamlin, Edgar F., ordinary seaman. Harger, Alfred M., landsman. Hott, Frederic, landsman. Hewett, Wm. H., ordinary seaman. Huntley, Henry F., seaman. Hume, Francis S., seaman. Tsbell, John A., ordinary seaman. Jewett, Ambrose B., landsman. Judson, Theodore P., ordinary seaman. Kenyon, Albert J., seaman. Konitz, Wm. J., seaman. Kendall, Edward G., ordinary seaman. Discharged Aug. 4, 1898. Kelsey, Ernest R., ordinary seaman. Lum, Benjamin B., seaman. 40 Lee, Charles S., seaman. Burke, John F., landsman. Leonard, Harry A., landsman. Barber, Arthur W., landsman. Lyons, George, Jr., landsman. Case, Archibald L., seaman. Lewis, Edward Y., seaman. Case, Harry B., landsman, Windsor. Lautz, Louis F., landsman. Chapin, Robert D., seaman. Lounsbury, Walter W., ordinary sea- Coggeshall, Murry H., seaman. man. Cutting, Arthur S., landsman. Lee, Wm. R., landsman. Colby, George F., landsman. Murphy, John K., seaman. Dimock, Stanley K., ordinary seaman. Mason, Frank H., seaman. Discharged Aug. 6, 1898. Makepeace, Walter D., seaman. Doran, Edward J., seaman. Morris, Charles G., seaman. Drury, Henry W., ordinary seaman. Nichols, John W., landsman. Field, Francis E., seaman. Norton, Louis L., ordinary seaman. Forrest, George C, seaman. O'Brien, James M. Foster, George C., landsman. O'Keefe, John A., seaman. Franke, Paul, landsman. Peck, Clifford M., seaman. Gabrielle, Burton L., ordinary seaman. Phillips. Charles C., landsman. Gallup, Christopher M., seaman. Dis- Price, Wm. B., landsman. charged Aug. 6, 1898. Peabody, Robert S., seaman. Geer, Wm. A., landsman. Snow, Louis L.. ordinary seaman. Dis- Gillette, Frank W., ordinary seaman. charged Aug. 6, 1898. Goulet, Wm., landsman. Smyth. Nathan A., seaman. Hawley, James J., seaman. Schurig, Robert C.. seaman. Holeombe, George A., ordinary seaman. Shepard. E. Morris, landsman. Dis- Holmes, Richard J., ordinary seaman. charged Aug. 6, 1898. Huntington, Charles A., landsman. Scranton, Wm. J., landsman. Hurd, Wm. M.. ordinary seaman. Strong, Richard W.. landsman. Jackson, Edward Q., ordinary seaman. Trueland. Hiram, seaman. Kenyon. Lorenzo W., seaman. Woodford. Harry E.. landsman. Keyes, Frank R., seaman. Williams. Charles E.. ordinary seaman. Kowalcky, Frank E.. landsman. Way, Charles L., seaman. LeFever, Arthur P., landsman. Wallace. Edward D., landsman. Long, Michael C., ordinary seaman, Webb. Clarence W., seaman. Middletown. Malm, O. William, seaman. Martin, George R., ordinary seaman. Second Division, of Hartford. McCreary, Ralph W., seaman. , Miller, Guy P., seaman. Discharged Lieutenant Felton Parker. Appointed ^ ug g jg^g r .Lieutenant U. S. N Miller,' Hugh' I., seaman. Discharged Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Hermann F. A g T g^g Cuntz. Appointed Ensign. U S. N. Morgan,' Victor F., seaman. Ensign Louis F Middlebrook. Ap- Morgan, j ames H ., seaman. pointed Ensign U. S. N. Morris, Shiras, seaman. Ensign Lyman Root. Appointed En- Moses. Linwood K., landsman. sign. U. S. N. McManus, Ward, seaman. Neilson, Carl, landsman. Beers, Robert C, landsman. Noble, Edward J.. ordinary seaman. Berry, Howard, ordinary seaman. Northam, Edward T.. seaman. Dis- Bigelow, Henry W., seaman. Dis- charged Aug. 6, 1898. charged August 6, 1898. Northam, Robert C.. seaman. Di3- Baldwin, Henry F., seaman. charged Aug. 3, 1898. Bosworth. Fred E., seaman. Nutter, Harrie Y.. ordinary seaman. Baxter. George S., seaman. Pynchon. Lauriston F. L., seaman. Blakeslee. Fred G., seaman. Root, Judson B.. ordinary seaman. Bissell, Herbert G., seaman. Sanford, Harrison, ordinary seaman. Brewer, Arthur L., seaman. Saunders, Charles C., seaman. Brinley. George, seaman, Newington. Schiberdtfeger, Otto M., landsman. Brinley, John H. W.. seaman, Newing- S,coville, Albert W., Jr.. seaman. ton. Scoville. Lester H., ordinary seaman. Buck, Henry R., seaman. Scrivener, Wm. H., seaman. Seaver, Frederic A., landsman. Seymour. Freeman P., ordinary seaman. Shepherd, Forrest, seaman. Storrs, Herbert E., seaman. Talcott, Morton C., landsman. Twardoks, John F., landsman. Tregoning, Wm. C., landsman. Tinkham, George H., landsman. Uhler, Jonathan K., seaman. Welles, James D., seaman. Wilson, Louis B., seaman. Wightman, Alanson H., seaman. Wells, Richard B., seaman. Wilcox, George E., ordinary seaman. Young, Frank E., landsman. Engineer Division, of New Haven. Lieutenant Amasa Trowbridge, Chief Engineer. Appointed Passed As- sistant Engineer and Lieutenant (Junior Grade), U. S. N. Ensign Frederick C. Spencer, Assistant Engineer. Appointed Assistant En- gineer and Ensign, U. S. N. Adams, Francis M., fireman, ist class. Anderson, Fred T., fireman, ist class. Barrows, George H., fireman, 2d class. Brown, Curtis P., fireman, ist class. Clark, Percival S., fireman, ist class. Conroy, Joseph T., coal passer. Dunlea, Thomas J., Jr., coal passer. Golden, Edward, coal passer, New York city. _ Goodrich, Robert H., fireman, ist class, Ansonia. Johnson, George T., fireman, ist class. Kondrick, Georg, coal passer, Meriden. Mahoney, Dennis M., fireman, ist class. McMahon, Daniel M., fireman, ist class. Minnix, Francis I., fireman, 2d class. Noonan, Eugene T., coal passer. Parsons, Arthur L., fireman, ist class, Ansonia. Peck, Albert E., coal passer. Ryan, John P., fireman, 2d class, Hart- ford. Ryan, Timothy J., fireman, 2d class. Ryals, Edward R., fireman, 2d class. Schatz, Jacob F., fireman, 2d class, Allentown. Skelly, Henry F., fireman, 2d class. Tripp, Charles E., coal passer, Shelton. Wheeler, Lynde P., fireman, ist class. Wurts, John C., fireman, ist class. In addition to the foregoing, officers from the Connecticut National Guard were appointed in the Volunteers as follows: Colonel Lucien F. Burpee, Second Regiment, Waterbury, Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Judge Advocate, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Colonel Leonard B. Almy, Medical Director Brigade C. N. G., re- tired, Norwich, Major and Chief Surgeon, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Colonel George M. Cole, Third Regiment, New London, Lteu- tenant-Colonel Fourth Regiment U. S. V. Colonel James B. Houston, Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Thompsonville, Major and Paymaster, U. S. V. Captain Benjamin Stark, Jr., Third Regiment, New London, Quartermaster Fourth Regiment U. S. V. Captain Howard A. Giddings, Brigade Signal Officer, Hartford, Captain and Signal Officer, U. S. V., attached to staff of General Fitzhugh Lee. ist Lieutenant Wm. F. M. Rogers, 3d Sec. Signal Corps, New London, ist Lieutenant, U. S. V., Signal Corps, with Gen. Wilson at Porto Rico. ist Lieutenant Rodmond V. Beach, Battalion Adjutant, Second Regiment, New Haven, ist Lieutenant and Adjutant First Regiment U. S. V. Engineers, died at Porto Rico Sept. 28. 1898. Ex-Captain Wm. C. Dwight, Co. K, First Regiment, Hartford, Major and Paymaster U. S. V. Captain Frederick A. Hill, Co. F, Fourth Regiment, Norwalk, Major and Judge Advocate U. S. V. Lieutenant Philip E. Fairfield, commanding ist Sec. Brigade Signal Corps C. N. G.. Hartford, Sergeant-Major U. S. V. Signal Corps Battalion, died at Jack- sonville, Fla., Oct. 28, 1898. 42 The following enlisted men from the Brigade Signal Corps served in the Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers: Michael F. Owen, Hartford, promoted to Sergeant. Fred C. Morcom, Hartford, promoted to Sergeant. Samuel A. Gager, New London, promoted to Sergeant. Harry C. Platt, New London, promoted to Sergeant. Anton E. Sauter, New London, promoted to Sergeant. William Lounsbury, Bridgeport, promoted to Sergeant. Frederick A. Mackenzie, Hartford, promoted to Sergeant. Alec York Stilson, New Haven, promoted to Corporal. George C. Fuller, Bridgeport, promoted to Corporal. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. FTC'D LD-URL JUN 1 6 1995 24139 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACLITY A 001 210189 5