BANCROFT LIBRARY Price 10 Cents. SPEECH OF THE HON. W. H. SEWAKD, THE ADMISSION OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE SUBJECT OF SLAVEKT; 1 DELIVERED IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1850. BOSTON: REDDING & COMPANY. 1850. SPEECH OF THE HON. W. H. SEWARD, ON THE ADMISSION OP CALIFORNIA, AND THE SUBJECT OP SLAVERY; DELIVERED IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, isso. BOSTON: REDDING & COMPANY 1850. n X BOSTON PRINTERS' PROTECTIVE UNION. nin . SPEECH, Mr. SEWARD having the floor, rose and said : Mr. PRESIDENT : Four years ago, California, scarcely inhabited and quite unexplored, was unknown even to our usually immoderate desires, except by a harbor, capacious and tranquil, which only statesmen then foresaw would be useful in the Oriental commerce of a far distant if not merely chimerical future. A year ago, California was a mere military dependency of our own, and we were celebrating, with enthusiasm and unanimity, its acquisition, with its new ly discovered but yet untold and untouched mineral wealth, as the most aus picious of many and unparalleled achievements. To-day, California is a State, more populous than the least, and richer than several of the greatest of our thirty States. This same California, thus rich and populous, is here asking admission into the Union, and finds us debating the dissolution of the Union itself. No wonder if we are perplexed with ever changing embarrassments ; no wonder if we are appalled by ever increasing responsibilities ! No wonder if we are bewildered by the ever augmenting magnitude and rapidity of national vicissitudes ! SHALL CALIFORNIA BE 'RECEIVED ? For myself, upon my individual judgment and conscience, I answer, Yes ! For myself, as an instructed Representative of one of the States, of that one, even, of the States which is t soonest and longest to be pressed into com mercial and political rivalry by the new Commonwealth, I answer, Yes ! Let California come in. Every new State, whether she comes from the east or from the west, coming from whatever part of the continent she may, is always welcome. But California, that comes from the clime where the West dies away into ihe rising East California, which bounds at once the Empire and the Continent, California, the youthful Queen of the Pacific, in her robes of Freedom, gorgeously inlaid with gold, is doubly welcome. And now, I inquire, FIRST, Why should California be rejected ? All the objections are founded only in the circumstances of her coming, and in the organic law which she presents for our confirmation. First, California comes unceremoniously, without a preliminary consent of Congress, and therefore by usurpation. This allegation, I think, is not quite true at least not quite true in spirit. California is not here of her own pure volition. We tore California violently from her place in the confederation of Mexican States, and stipulated by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, that the Territory should be admitted, by States, into the American Union as speedily as possible. But the letter of the objection still holds ; California did come without a pre liminary consent by Congress to form a Constitution. But Michigan and other States presented themselves in the same unauthorized way, and Congress waived the irregularity, and sanctioned the usurpation. California pleads these precedents. Is not the plea sufficient ? But it has been said by the Hon. Senator from South Carolina, (Mr. Cal- houn) that the ordinance of 1787 secured to Michigan the right to become a State when she should have sixty thousand inhabitants. Owing to some neg- lect Congress delayed to take the census ; and this is said in palliation of the irre gularity in the case of Michigan. But California, as has been seen, had a treaty, and Congress, instead of giving her the customary territorial govern ment, as they did to Michigan, failed to do either, and thus practically refused both, and so abandoned the new community, under most unpropitious circum stances, to anarchy. California then made a Constitution for herself; but not unnecessarily and presumptuously, as did Michigan. She made a Constitution for herself, and came here under the law the paramount law of self-preser vation. I think she stands justified. Indeed, California is more than justified. She was a Colony a military Colony, All Colonies, especially military Colonies, are incongruous with our political system, and they are equally open to corruption and exposed to op pression. They are therefore not more unfortunate in their own proper con dition than fruitful in dangers to the parent Democracy. California, then, acted wisely and well in establishing self-government. She deserves not re buke, but praise and approbation. Nor does this objection come with a good grace from those who offer it. If California were now content to receive only a Territorial Charter, we could not agree to grant it without an inhibition of Slavery, which in that case, be ing a federal act of federal authority, would render the attitude of California as a Territory even more offensive to those who now repel her than she is as a State with the same inhibition in the Constitution of her own voluntary choice. The second objection is, that California has assigned her own boundaries, without the previous authority of Congress. But she was left to organize her self, without any boundaries fixed by previous law, or by prescription. She was obliged, therefore, to assume boundaries, since without boundaries she must have remained unorganized. A third objection is, that California is too large. I answer: first, there is no common standard of the size of States. California, though greater than many, is less than one of the States. Second, California, if too large, may be divided with her own consent, and that is all the security we have for reducing the mag nitude and averting the preponderance of Texas. Thirdly, the boundaries of California seem not at all unnatural. The Territory circumscribed is alto gether contiguous and compact. Fourth, the boundaries are convenient. They embrace only inhabited portions of the country, commercially connected with the port of San Francisco. No one has pretended to offer boundaries more in harmony with the physical outlines of the region concerned, or more con venient for civil administration. But to draw closer to the question. What shall be the boundaries of a new State, concerns, first, the State herself, (and California of course is content.) Secondly, adjacent communities. Orgeon does not complain of encroachment, and there is no other adjacent community to complain. Thirdly, the other States of the Union. The larger the Pacific States, the smaller will be their rela tive power in the Senate. All the States now here are Atlantic States and In land States ; and surely they may well indulge California in the largest liberty of boundaries. The fourth objection to the admission of California is, that no previous cen sus had been taken and no laws prescribing the qualification of Suffrage, and the Apportionment of Representatives in Convention, existed. I answer, Cali fornia was left to act abinitio. She must begin some time without a census and without such laws. The Pilgrim Fathers began in the same way on board the May-Flower : and since it is objected that some of the electors in Califor nia may have been aliens, I add that all the Pilgrim Fathers were aliens and strangers to the Commonwealth of Plymouth. Again, the objection may well be received if the Constitution of California is satisfactory first, to herself, and secondly, to the United States. As re gards the first of these, not a murmur of discontent has followed California to this place ; and as to ourselves, we confine our inquiries about the Constitution with a view to four things : First, the boundaries assumed ; and I have con- sidered that point in this case already. Second, that the domain in this State is secured to us ; and it is admitted that this has been done, properly done. Third, that the Constitution shall be Republican, and not aristocratic or monarchical. In this case the only objection is that the Constitution, inasmuch as it inhibits Slavery, is altogether too Republican. Fourth, that the Representation claimed shall be just and equal. No one denies that the population of Califor nia is sufficient to demand two Representatives on the federal basis ; and secondly, a new census is at hand, and the error, if there be one, will be im mediately corrected. The fifth objection is, that California comes under Executive influences first, in her coming as a Free State, and second, in her coming at all. The first charge rests on suspicion only is peremptorily denied, and the denial is not controverted by proofs. I dismiss it altogether. The second is true to the extent that the present President advised the People of California that, hav ing been left without any civil government, under the military supervision of the Executive, without any authority of law whatever, the adoption of a Con stitution subject to the approval of Congress would be regarded favorably by the President. Only a year ago it was complained that the exercise of the military power to maintain law and order in California was a fearful innovation ; but now the wind has changed, and blows even stronger from the opposite quarter. May this Republic never have a President commit a more serious or more danger- pus usurpation of power than the act of the present eminent Chief Magistrate in endeavoring to induce the legislative authorities to relieve him from the exercise of military power, by establishing civil institutions regulated by law, in distant provinces. Rome would have been standing this day if she had had such Generals and such Magistrates. But the objection, whether true in .part or even in the whole, is immaterial. The question is not what moved California to impress any particular feature in her Constitution, nor even what induced her to adopt a constitution at all ; but it is whether, since she has adopted a Constitution, she shall be admitted into the Union. I have now reviewed all the objections raised against the admission of California. It is seen that they have no foundation in the law of nature and of nations. Nor are they founded in the Constitution, for the Constitution pre scribes no form or manner of proceeding in the admission of. new States, but leaves the whole to the discretion of Congress. A Cong^ss may admit new States." The objections are all merely formal and technical. They rest on precedents which have not always, nor even genen*rty> been observed. But it is said that we ought now to establish P&& precedent for the future ; I answer, it is too late to seize this occasion &* that purpose, the irregularity complained of being unavoidable. The eation should have been exercised, first, when Texas was annexed ; second when we wa^ed war against Mexico ; or third, when we ratified the treaty **' Guadalupe Hidalgo. Again : we may establish precedents at pleasure, ^ur successors will exercise their pleasure about following them, just as e have done in such cases. Third: States, Nations, and Empires are aj^ to be peculiarly capricious, not only as to the time, but even as to the winner of their being born, and as to their subsequent political chano-es. T^ey are not accustomed to conform to precedents. California sprung om the head of the nation, not only complete in propor tions and fully anned, but ripe for affiliation with its members. I proceed now to state my reasons for the opinion that California ought to be admitted. The population of the United States consists of native Caucasian origin, and exotics of the same derivation. The native mass rapidly assimi lates to itself and absorbs the exotic, and these therefore constitute one homogeneous people. The African race, bond and free, and the aborigines, savage and civilized, being incapable of such assimilation and absorption, remain distinct, and, owing to their peculiar condition, constitute inferior masses, and may be regarded as accidental, if not disturbing political forces. The ruling homogeneous family was planted at first on the Atlantic shore, *1 6 and, following an obvious law, is seen continually and rapidly spreading itself westward year by year, subduing the wilderness and the prairie, and thus extending this great political community, which, as fast as it advances, breaks into distinct States for municipal purposes only> while the whole constitutes one entire contiguous and compact nation. Well-established rules of political arithmetic enable us to say that the ag gregate population of the nation now is 22 millions; that 10 years hence it will" be 30 millions, 20 years hence 38 millions, 30 years hence 50 millions, 40 years hence 64 millions, 50 years hence 80 millions, and 100 years hence 200 millions ! But the advance of population on the Pacific will far exceed what occurred on the Atlantic coast, while emigration even here is outstrip ping the calculation on which these estimates are based. There are silver and gold in the mountains and ravines of California. The granite of New Eng land is barren. Allowing due consideration to the increasing density of our population, we are safe in assuming that long before this mass shall have attained the maxi mum of numbers indicated, the entire width of our possessions, from the At lantic to the Pacific Ocean, will be covered by it and be brought into social maturity and complete political organization. The question now arises, Shall this one great People, having a common ori gin, a common language, a common religion, common sentiments, interests, sympathies, and hopes, remain one political State, one Nation, one Republic ? or shall it be broken into two conflicting and probably hostile Nations or Re publics ? There cannot ultimately be more than two ; for the habit of associa tion is already formed, as the interests of mutual intercourse are forming, and the central portions, if they cannot all command access to both oceans, will not be obstructed in their approaches to that one which offers the greatest facilities to their commerce. Shall the American people, then, be divided ? Before deciding on this ques tion, let us consider our position, our power, and capabilities. The world con tains no seat of empire so magnificent as this, which, while it embraces all the varying climates of the temperate zone, and is traversed by wide expanding lakes and long branching rivers, offers supplies on the Atlantic shore to the overcrowded nations of Europe, while on the Pacific coast it intercepts the commerce of Vhe Indies. The nation thus situated, and enjoying forest, min eral, and agricultural resources unequalled, if they are endowed also with moral energies adequate to the achievement of great enterprise, and favored with a government adapted to their character and condition, must command the empire of _ the seas, wVJ c h alone is real empire. We think that we may claim to have inherited physic*] and intellectual vigor, courage, invention, and enterprise, and the systems of ^lucation prevailing among us open to all the stores of human science and art. The Old World and the Past were allotted by Providence to the pupilage of mankind, under the hard discipline of arbitrary power quelling the violence of human passion. The New World and ik e Future seem to have been ap pointed for the maturity of mankind, with the Development of self-government, operating in obedience to reason and judgment We have thoroughly tried our moral system of Democratic Federal Government, with its complex yet harmonious and effective combination of distinct local tJective agencies for the conduct of domestic affairs, and its common central elective agencies for the regulation of internal interests, and of intercourse with foK>5j deliberating for the Commonwealth just as our fathers deliberated in establishing the institutions we enjoy. Whatever supe riority there is in our condition and hopes over those of any other " kingdom" or 16 " estate" is due to the fortunate circumstance that our ancestors did not leave things to take their chance, but that they added amplitude and greatness to our Commonwealth, by introducing such ordinances, constitutions, and cus toms as were wise. We, in our time, have succeeded to the same responsibilities, and we cannot approach the duty before us wisely or justly, except we raise ourselves to the great consideration of how we can most certainly sow greatness to our poster ity and successors. And now the simple, bold, and awful question, which pre sents isself to us, is this : Shall we, who are founding institutions, social and political, for countless millions, shall we who know by experience the wise and the just, and are free to choose them, and to reject the erroneous and the unjust, shall we establish human bondage, or permit it by our sufferance to be established ? Sir, our fathers would not have hesitated an hour. They found slavery existing here, and they left it only because they could not re move it. There is not only no free State which would now establish it, but there is no slave State which, if it had but the free alternative, as we now have, would have founded slavery. Indeed, our revolutionary predecessors had precisely the same question before them, in establishing an organic law under which the States of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa have since come into the Union ; and they solemnly repudiated and excluded Slav ery from those States forever. I confess that the most alarming evidence of our degeneracy which has yet been given, is found in the fact that we even de bate such a question. Sir, there is no Christian nation that, free to choose as we are, would establish Slavery. I speak on due consideration, because Britain, France, and Mexico have abolished Slavery, and all other European States are preparing to abolish it as rapidly as they can. We cannot establish Slavery, because there are certain elements of the security, welfare, and greatness of nations, which we all admit, or ought to admit and require, as essential ; and these are the security of natural rights, the diffusion of knowledge, and the freedom of industry. Slavery is incom patible with all of these ; and just in proportion to the extent that it prevails and controls in any republican State, just to that extent it subverts the principle of Democracy, and converts the State into an aristocracy or despotism. I will not offend sensibilities by drawing my proof from the Slave States existing among ourselves, but I will draw them from the greatest of the European Slave States. The population of Russia, in Europe, in 1844, was 54,251,000. Of these were serfs, 53,500,000 ; the residue, nobles, clergy, merchants, &c., 751,000. The imperial government abandons the control over the fifty-three and a half millions to their owners, and the residue, in cluded in the 751,000, are thus a privileged clan or aristocracy. If ever the government interferes at all with the serfs, who are the only laboring population, it is by edicts, designed to abridge the opportunities of education, and thus continue their debasement. What was the origin of this system ? Conquest ; in which thu captivity of the conquered was made perpetual and hereditary. This, it seems to me, is identical with American Slavery, only at one and the same time exaggerated by the greater disproportion between the privileged classes and the slaves in their respective numbers, and yet relieved of the unhappiest feature of American Slavery the distinction of castes. What but this renders Russia at once the most arbitrary despotism, and the most barbarous State in Europe ? And what is its effect but industry comparatively profitless, and sedition not occasional and partial, but chronic and pervading the empire ? With Massachusetts and Ohio among us, shall we pass by their free and beneficent examples, and select our institutions from the dominions of the Czar ? I cannot stop to debate lo'ng with those who maintain that Slavery is in itself practically economical and humane. I might be content with saying that there are some axioms in political science that a statesman or a founder 17 of States may adopt, especially in the Congress of the United States, and that among these axioms are these : That all men are created equal, and have inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the choice of pursuits of happiness ; That knowledge promotes virtue, and righteousness exaltcth a nation ; That Freedom is preferable to Slavery, and that democratic governments, when they can be maintained by acquiescence without force, are preferable to institutions exercising arbitrary and irresponsible power. It remains only to say, on this part of the subject, that Slavery, being in congruous and repugnant, is dangerous to the safety of the State. The con servative principle of the State is the security of the voluntary acquiescence of the people. That acquiescence is obtained by universal suffrage, which demands, of course, equality of knowledge and property, as far as that is practically attainable without injustice or oppression. This argument is sustained by our own experience. There is no danger menacing the Union, there never has been any that would have menaced it, had Slavery had no shelter beneath its protection. If Slavery, confined as it now is, threatens the invasion of the Constitution, how can we enlarge its boundaries and in crease its influence without increasing the danger already existing ? Whether, then, I regard merely the welfare of the future inhabitants of the new Territories, or the security and welfare of the whole people of the United States, or the welfare of the whole family, of mankind, I cannot consent to introduce Slavery into any part of this continent which is now exempt from what seems to me to be so great an evil. These are my reasons for declining to compromise the questions relating to Slavery as a condition of the admission of California. In acting upon an occasion so grave as this, a respectful consideration is due to the arguments, founded on extraneous considerations, of Senators who counsel a course different from that which I have preferred. The first of these arguments is, that Congress has no power to legislate on the subject of Slavery within the Territories. Sir, Congress has power to admit new States ; and since Congress may admit, it follows that Congress may reject new States. The discretion of Congress in admitting is absolute, ex cept that, when admitted, the State must be a republican State, and must be a State, that is, it shall have the Constitutional powers of a State. But the greater includes the less ; we may impose conditions not inconsistent with those fundamental powers. Boundaries are such ; the reservation of the pub lic domain is such ; the right to divide is such ; the ordinance excluding Slavery is such a condition. The organization of territory is auxiliary or pre liminary. It is the inchoate, initiative act of admission, and is performed under the clause granting the power necessary to execute the express powers of the Constitution. This power comes from the treaty -making power also, and I think it is well traced to the power to make needful rules and regula tions concerning the public domain. But the power is here to be exercised, however derived ; and the right to regulate property, to administer justice in regard to property, is assumed in every territorial charter. If we have power to legislate concerning property, we have concerning personal rights. Free dom is a personal right. The Constitution does not sanction property in man, and Congress, being the supreme legislature, has the same right in regard to property and rights in Territories that the States would have if organized. It is insisted further that the inhibition is unnecessary. And here I have to regret the loss of able and distinguished Senators who go with us for the admission of California. Especially do I regret the separa tion from us of the able and distinguished Senator from Missouri (Mr. Benton). When that Senator announced that he should not sustain the Proviso of Free dom, I was induced to exclaim, Cur in theatrum, Cato severe yenisti, An ideo.tantum veneraS ut exires. But that distinguished Senator is crowning a life of eminent public service by *2 18 bringing the first State of the Pacific into the Union, and, grateful to him for that, I freely leave to him to determine for himself what weight he will give to the cause of human freedom in his action on so grave an occasion. The argument is that the Proviso is unnecessary. I answer, then there can be no error in insisting upon it. But why is it unnecessary ? It is said, first, by reason of the climate. If this be so, why do not the representatives of the Slave States yield the Proviso ? They deny that climate prevents the intro duction of Slavery. Now, I will leave nothing to contingency. But in truth, I think the argument is against the proposition. Is there any climate where Slavery has not existed ? It has prevailed all over Europe, from sunny Italy to bleak England, and is existing now, stronger than in any other land, in ice bound Russia. But it will be replied that this is not African Slavery. I rejoin, that only makes the case the stronger. If this vigorous Saxon race of ours was reduced to Slavery while it retained the courage of semi-barbarism, in its own high northern latitude, what security does climate afford against the transplantation of the more gentle, more docile, and already enslaved and debased African, to the genial clime of New Mexico and California ? Sir, there is no climate uncongenial to Slavery. It is true it is less productive than free labor in many northern countries ; but so it is less productive than free white labor in even tropical climates. Labor is in quick demand in all new countries. Slave labor is cheaper than free labor, and will go first into new regions ; and wherever it goes it brings labor into dishonor, and therefore free white labor avoids competition with it. Sir, I might rely on climate, if I had not been born in a land where Slavery existed, and that land was all north of the 40th par allel of latitude, and if I did not know the struggle that it has cost, and which is yet going on, to get complete relief from the institution and its baleful con sequences. But, Sir, it is said that Slavery is prevented by the laws of God from enter ing into the Territory from which we propose to inhibit it. I will look into that matter a little more closely. I wish, then, with the utmost respect to ask Senators whether the Ordinance of 1787 was necessary or not ? That Ordi nance has been the subject of too many eulogiums to be now pronounced a vague and idle thing. That Ordinance carried the prohibition of Slavery quite up to the 49th deg. of north latitude, and yet AVC are now told that we can trust the laws of God without any ordinance to exclude Slavery as far down as 36 deg. 30 min. Unfortunately, too, the Ordinance of 1787 began on the 37th parallel of north latitude, so that there is no part of the Territory which it covered, in which Slavery, according to the present theory, was not excluded by the law of God. I know no better authority as to the laws of God on this subject than one from whom I have already had occasion to quote with some freedom. And it is the opinion of Montesquieu that it is only the indolence of mankind, and not the climate, which causes the introduction of Slavery any where. There is no climate where slavery is necessary ; there is none where it cannot be established, if the customs and laws permit. I shall dwell only very briefly on the argument derived from the Mexican laws. The proposition that those laws must remain in force until altered by laws of our own is satisfactory ; and so is the proposition that those Mexican laws abolished and continue to prohibit slavery ; and still I deem an enact ment by ourselves wise and even necessary. Both of the propositions I have stated are denied with just as much confi dence by Southern statesmen and jurists as they are affirmed by those of the Free States. The population of the new Territories is rapidly becoming an American one, to whom the Mexican code will seem a foreign one, entitled to little deference or obedience. Slavery has never obtained anywhere by ex press legislative authority, but always by trampling down laws higher than any mere municipal laws the law of nature and of nations. There can be no oppression in superadding the sanction of Congress to the authority which is so weak and so vehemently questioned. And there is some possibility, if not 19 a probability, that the institution might obtain a foothold surreptitiously, if It should not be absolutely forbidden by our own authority. What is insisted upon, therefore, is not a mere abstraction or a mere senti ment, as is contended by those who concur with us as to admitting California, but would waive the Proviso. And what is conclusive on the subject is, that it is conceded on all hands that the effect of insisting on it prevents the exten sion of Slavery into the region to which it is proposed to apply it. Again, it is insisted that the diffusion of Slavery does not increase its evils. The argu ment seems to me merely specious and quite unsound. . And this brings me to the great and all-absorbing argument that the Union is in danger of being dissolved, and that it can only be saved by compromise. I do not overlook the fact that the entire delegation from the Slave States, although they differ in the details of compromise proposed, and perhaps also upon the exact circumstances of the crisis, seem to concur in the momentous warning. Nor do I doubt at all the patriotic devotion to the Union which is expressed by those from whom this warning proceeds. And yet, Sir, although these warnings have been uttered with impassioned solemnity in my hearing, every day for near three months, my confidence in the Union remains un shaken. I think they are to be received with no inconsiderable distrust, because they are uttered under the influence of a controlling interest to be secured, a paramount object to be gained, and that is, an equilibrium of power in the Republic. I think they are to be received with even more dis trust, because, with the most profound respect, they are uttered under an obviously high excitement ; nor is that excitement an unnatural one. It is a law of our nature, that the passions disturb the reason and judgment just in proportion to the importance of the occasion and the consequent necessity for calmness and candor. I think they are to be distrusted, because there is a diversity of opinion in regard to the nature and operation of this excitement. The Senators from some States say that it has brought all parties in that region into unanimity. The Senator from Kentucky says that the danger lies in the violence of the party spirit, and refers us to the difficulties which at tended the organization of the House of Representatives. Sir, in my humble judgment, it is not the fierce conflict of parties that we are seeing and hearing ; but, on the contrary, it is the agony of distracted parties ; a convulsion resulting from the too narrow foundations of both and of all parties, foundations laid in compromises of natural justice and of human liberty. A question a moral question transcending the too narrow creeds of parties has arisen. The public conscience expands with it, and the green withes of party associations give way and break arid fall off from it. No, Sir, it is not the State that is dying of the fever of party spirit. It is merely a para lysis of parties, premonitory of their restoration with the new elements of health and vigor imbibed from that spirit of the age which is so justly called progress. Nor is the evil that of unlicensed, irregular, and turbulent faction: We are told that twenty legislatures are in session burning like furnaces, heating and inflaming the popular passions. But those twenty legislatures are Constitutional furnaces. They are performing their customary functions, imparting healthful heat and vitality, while within their Constitutional jurisdiction. If they rage beyond its limits, the popular passions of this country are not at all, I think, in danger of being inflamed to excess. No, Sir, let none of those fires be extin guished. Forever let them burn and blaze. They are neither ominous meteors nor baleful comets ; but planets; and bright and intense as their heat may be, it is their native temperature, and they must still obey the law which by attrac tion toward the centre holds them in their spheres. I see nothing in that conflict between the Southern and the Northern States, or between their representative bodies, which seems to be on all sides of me assumed. Not a word of menace, not a word of anger, not an intemperate word, has been uttered in any Northern legislature. They firmly but calmly assert their convictions, but at the same time they assert their unqualified pur- 20 pose to submit to the common arbiter, and for weal or woe abide the fortunes of the Union. What if there be less of moderation in the legislatures of the South. It only indicates on which side the balance is inclining, and that the decision of the government is near at hand. 1 argue with those who say that there can he no peaceful dissolution no dissolution of the Union by the secession of States, but that disunion, dissolution, happen when it may, will and must be revolution. I discover no omens of revolution. The predictions of the political astrolo gers do not argue as to time or manner in which it is to occur. According to the authority of the Hon. Senator from Alabama, (Mr. Clemens,) the event has already happened, and the Union is now in ruins. According to the horoscope of the Hon. Senator from Mississippi, (Mr. Foote,) it was to take place on a day already past. According to the Hon. and distinguished Senator from South Carolina, (Mr. Calhoun,) it is not to be immediate, but to be developed by time. [Mr. FOOTE here interposed and disowned the construction which had been put upon his remarks, and made further explanations.] Mr. SEWAKD I am very happy to have given the Senator an opportunity to correct the erroneous impression which the remark which I have referred to had made. Now the Hon. Senator will do me the justice to allow that I am at liberty to subtract one prediction form the political almanac, and so the pre dictions lose so much of importance. I see no omens of revolution. What are the omens to which our attention is directed ? I see nothing but a broad difference of opinion here, and the excitement consequent upon it. I have observed that revolutions which begin in the palace seldom go be yond the palace walls, and these affect only the dynasty which reigns there. This revolution, if I understand it, began here in the Senate a year ago, when the Representatives from Southern States assembled here and addressed their constituents on what was called the aggressions of the Northern States. No revolution was designed at that time, and all that has happened since is the return to Congress of legislative resolutions, which seem to me to be conven tional responses to the address which emanated from the capital. Sir, in any condition of society there can be no revolution without a cause an adequate cause. What cause exists here ? We are admitting a new State, but there is nothing new in that we have already admitted seventeen before. But it is said that the Slave States are in danger of losing political power by the admission of the new State. Well, Sir, is there anything new in that ? The SUve States have always been losing political power, and they always will be while they have any to lose. At first twelve of the thirteen States were Slave States. Now only fifteen of the thirty are Slave States. Moreover, the change is constitutionally made, and the government was con structed so as to permit changes of the balance of power, in obedience to changes of the forces of the body politic. DANTON used to say, " It 's all well while the people cry DANTON and ROBESPIERRE, but woe for me if ever the people learn to say, ROBESPIERRE and DANTON ! " That is all of it, Sir. The people have been accustomed to say, the South and North they are beginning now to say, the North and the South. Sir, those who would alarm us with the terrors of revolution have not well considered the structure of this government and the organization of its forces. It is a Democracy of property and persons, with a fair approximation toward Universal Education, and operating by means of Universal Suffrage. The constituent members of this Democracy are the only persons who could subvert it ; and they are not the citizens of a metropolis, like Paris, or of a region subjected to the influences of a metropolis, like France, but they are husbandmen dispersed over this broad land, on the mountain, and on the plain, and on the prairie, from the Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. And this people are now, while we are discuss ing their imaginary danger, at peace and in their happy homes, and as un- 21 concerned and even as uninformed of their peril as they are of events occur ring in the moon. Nor have the alarmists made due allowance in their calculations for the influence of conservative reaction strong in any govern ment, and irresistible in a rural Republic operating by universal suffrage. That principle of reaction is due to the force of the habits of acquiescence and loyalty among people. No man better understood this principle than MACHIAVELLI, who has told us in regard to factions that " no safe reliance can be placed in the force of Nature and the bravery of words except it be corroborated by custom." Do the alarmists remember that this government has stood sixty years already without exacting one drop of blood that this government has stood sixty years, and treason is an obsolete crime? That day I trust is far off when the fountains of popular contentment shall be broken up but whenever it shall come it will bring forth a higher illustration than has ever yet been given of the excellence of the Democratic system. For then it will be seen how calmly, how firmly, how nobly a great people can act in preserving their Constitution, when " Love of Country moveth, Example teacheth, Company comfbrteth, Emulation quickencth, and Glory exalteth." When the founders of the new Republic of the South come to draw over the face of this empire, along or between its parallels of latitude or longitude, their ominous lines of dismemberment, soon to be broadly and deeply shaded with fraternal blood, they may come to the discovery then, if not before, that the national and even the political connections of the region embraced for bids such a partition ; that its passable divisions are not northern and southern at all, but eastern and western, Atlantic and Pacific, and that nature and commerce have allied indissolubly for weal and woe the seceders, and those from whom they are to be separated ; that while they would rush into a civil war to restore an imaginary equilibrium between the Northern States and the Southern States, that a new equilibrium had taken its place, in which all those States are on the one side and the boundless West was on the other. Sir, when the founders of the new Republic of the South come to trace those fearful lines, they will indicate what portions of the continent are to be broken off from their connection with the Atlantic through the St. Lawrence, the Hudson, the Delaware, the Potomac, and the Mississippi ; what portion of this people are to be denied the use of the lakes, the railroads, and the canals, now constituting common and customary avenues of travel, trade, and social intercourse ; what families and kindred are to be separated, and converted into enemies, and what States are to be the scenes of perpetual border war fare, aggravated by interminable horrors of interminable insurrection. When those portentous lines shall be drawn, they will disclose what portion of this people is to retain the army and the navy, and the flag of so many victories ; and, on the other hand, what portion of this people is to be subjected to new and ruinous imposts, direct taxes, and forced loans and conscriptions, to main tain an opposing army and opposing navy, and the new and hateful banner of sedition. Then the projectors of the new Republic of the South will meet the question and they may well prepare now to answer it " What is all this for ? what intolerable wrong, what unfraternal injustice, has rendered these calamities unavoidable ? what gain will this unnatural revolution bring to us ?" The answer will be " All this is done to secure the institution of African Slavery." And then, if not before, the question will be discussed, What is this insti tution of slavery, that it should cause these unparalleled sacrifices, and these disastrous afflictions? And this will be the answer. When the Spaniards, few in number, discovered the western Indies and the adjacent continental America, they needed labor to draw forth from its virgin stores some speedy return to the cupidity of the court and bankers of Madrid ; they enslaved the indolent, inoffensive, and confiding natives, who perished by thousands, and even by millions, under that new and unnatural bondage. A humane eccle siastic advised the substitution of Africans reduced to captivity in their native wars, and a pious Princess adopted the suggestion, with a dispensation from 22 the Head of the Church, granted on the ground of the prescriptive right of the Christian to enslave the heathen to effect his conversion. The colonists of North America, innocent in their unconsciousness of wrong, encouraged the slave traffic, and thus the labor of subduing their territory devolved chiefly upon the African race. A happy conjunction brought on an awakening of the conscience of mankind to the injustice of slavery, simultaneously with the independence of the colonies. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania wel comed and embraced the spirit of universal emancipation ; renouncing luxury, they secured influence and empire. But the States of the South, misled by a new and profitable cultivation, elected to maintain and perpetuate Slavery, and thus, choosing luxury, they lost power and empire. When this answer shall be given, it will appear that the question of dis solving the Union is a complex question that it embraces the fearful issue whether the Union shall stand, and Slavery, under the steady, peaceful action of moral, social, and political causes, be removed by gradual voluntary effort and compensation, or whether the Union shall be dissolved, and civil wars en sue, bringing on violent but complete and immediate emancipation. We are now arrived at that stage of our national progress when that crisis can be foreseen, when we must foresee it. It is directly before us. Its shadow is upon us. It darkens the legislative halls, the temples of worship, and the home and the hearth. Every question, political, civil, or ecclesiastical, how ever foreign to the subject, Slavery brings up, Slavery is an incident, and the incident supplants the principal question. We hear of nothing but Slavery, and we can talk of nothing but Slavery. And now it seems to me that all our difficulties, embarrassments, and dangers arise not out of unlawful perversions of the question of Slavery, as some suppose, but out of the want of moral cour age to meet this question of emancipation as we ought. Consequently we hear on one side, demands absurd, indeed, but yet unceasing for an imme diate and unconditional abolition of Slavery, as if any power except the peo ple of the Slave States could abolish it, and as if they could be moved to abol ish it by merely sounding the trumpet violently and proclaiming emancipa tion, while the institution was interwoven with all their social and political interests, constitutions, and customs. On the other hand, our statesmen say that Slavery has always existed, and for aught they know, or can do, it always must exist, God permitting it, and He only can indicate the way to remove it ; as if the Supreme Creator, af ter giving us the instructions of his providence and revelation for the illumi nation of our minds and consciences, did not leave us in all human transac tions, with due invocations of his Holy Spirit, to seek out his will, and execute it for ourselves. Here, then, is the point of my separation from both of these parties. I feel assured that Slavery will give way, and must give way, to the salutary instruc tions of economy, and to the ripening influences of humanity, that emanci pation is inevitable, and is near, that it may be hastened or hindered, and that whether it be peaceful or violent depends upon the government, whether it be hastened or hindered, that all measures which justify Slavery or extend it, tend to the consummation of violence, all that check its extension and abate its strength, tend to its peaceful extirpation. But I will adopt now none but lawful, Constitutional, and peaceful means to secure even that end ; and none such can I or will I forego. Nor do I know any important or responsible body that proposes to do more than this. No Free State claims to extend its legislation into a Free State. None claims that Congress shall usurp power to abolish slavery in the slave States. None claims that any violent, unconstitutional, or unlawful measures shall be resorted to. And on the other hand, if we offer no scheme or plan for the adoption of the Slave States, with the assent or co-operation of Con gress, it is only because the Slave States are unwilling as yet to receive such suggestions, or even' to entertain the question of emancipation in any State. But, Sir, I will take this occasion to say, that while I cannot agree with the 23 Hon. Senator from Massachusetts in proposing to devote $80,000,000 to re move the free colored population from the Slave States, and thus, as it appears to me, fortify Slavery, there is no reasonable limit to which I am not willing to go in applying the national treasures to effect the peaceful voluntary removal of Slavery itself. I have thus endeavored to show that there is not now, and is not likely to occur, any adequate cause for revolution in regard to Slavery. But you reply that, nevertheless, you must have guaranties. And the first one 'is for the surrender of fugitives from labor. That guaranty you cannot have, as I have already shown, because you cannot roll back the tide of social progress. 'You must be content with what you have. If you wage war against us, yon can, at most, only conquer us, and then all you can get will be a treaty, and that you have already. But you insist on a guaranty against the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia, or war. Well, when you shall have de clared war against us, what shall hinder us from immediately decreeing that Slavery shall cease within the national capital ? You say that you will not submit to the exclusion of slaves from the new Territories. What will you gain by resistance ? Liberty follows the sword, although her sway is one of peace and beneficence. Can you propagate Slavery, then, by the sword ? You insist that you cannot submit to the freedom with which Slavery is dis cussed in the Free States. Will war a war for Slavery crush or even mod erate that discussion ? No, Sir, that discussion will not cease. War would only inflame it to a greater height. It is a part of the eternal conflict between truth and error, between mind and physical force, tlie con flict of man against the obstacles which oppose his way to an ultimate and glo rious destiny. It will go on until you shall terminate it in the only way in which any State or nation has terminated it, by yielding to it yielding in your own time and in your own manner, indeed, but nevertheless yielding to the progress of emancipation. You will do this sooner or later, whatever may be your opinions now ; be cause nations which were prudent and humane, and wise as you are, have done so already. Sir, the Slave States have no reason to fear that this inevitable change will go too far or too fast for their safety or welfare. It cannot well go too fast or too far, if the only alternative of it is a war of races. But it cannot go too fast. Slavery has a reliable and accommodating ally in a party in the Free States which, though it claims to be and doubtless is, in many respects, a party of progress, finds its sole security for its political power in the support and aid of Slavery in the Slave States. Of course I do not in clude in that party those who are now co-operating in maintaining the cause of Freedom against Slavery. I am not of this party of progress in the North which lends its support to Slavery. But it is only just and candid that I should be a witness to their fidelity to the interests of Slavery. Slavery has, moreover, a more natural alliance with the aristocracy of the North and with the aristo cracy of Europe. So long as slavery shall possess the cotton fields, the sugar fields, and the rice fields of the world, so long will commerce and capital yield its toleration and sympathy. Emancipation is a democratic revolution. It is capital that arrests all democratic revolutions. It was capital that in a single year rolled back the tide of revolution on the base of the Carpathian Mountains, across the Danube and the Rhine, into the streets of Paris. It is capital that is rapidly rolling back the throne of Napoleon into the chambers of the Tuilleries. Slavery has a guaranty still stronger than these in the prejudices of caste and color, which induce even large majorities in all the Free States to regard sympathy with the slave as an act of unmanly humiliation and self-abasement. Although philosophy meekly expresses her distrust of the asserted natural superiority of the white race, and confidently denies that such a superiority, if justly claimed, could give a title to oppression, there remains one more 24 guaranty one that has seldom failed you, and will seldom fail you hereafter. New States cling in closer reliance than the older ones to the federal power. The concentration of the slave power enables you for long periods to control the federal government, with the aid of the new States. I do not know the sentiments of the Representatives of California ; but my word for it, if they should be admitted on this floor to-day against your most obstinate opposition, they would, on all questions really affecting your interests, be found at your side. With these allies and aids to break the force of emancipation, there will be no disunion and no secession. I do not say that there may not be dis turbance, though I do not apprehend even that. Absolute regularity and or der in administration have not yet been established in any government, and unbroken popular tranquillity has not yet been attained in even the most ad vanced condition of human society. The machinery of our system is necessarily complex. A pivot may fall out here a lever may be displaced there but the machinery will soon recover its regularity, and move on just as before, with even better adaptation and adjustment to overcome new obstructions. There are many well-disposed persons who are' alarmed at the occurrence of any such disturbance. The failure of a legislative body to organize is, to their apprehension, a fear ful omen, and an extra Constitutional assemblage to consult upon public af fairs is with them cause for desperation. Even Senators speak of the Union as if it existed only by consent, and, as it seems to be implied, by the assent of the Legislatures of the States. On the contrary, the Union was not found ed in voluntary choice, nor does it exist by voluntary consent. A Union was proposed to the Colonies by FRANKLIN and others, in 1 754 : but such was their aversion to an abridgment of their own importance re spectively, that it was rejected even under the pressure of a disastrous invasion by France. A Union of choice was proposed to the Colonies in 1775 ; but so strong was their opposition that they went through the War of Independence without having established more than a mere Council of Confederation. But with Independence came enlarged interests of agriculture, absolutely new interests of manufactures, interests of commerce, of fisheries, of naviga tion, of a common domain, common debts, of common revenues and taxation, of the administration of justice, of public defence, of public honor, in short, in terests of common nationality and sovereignty ; interests which at last com pelled the adoption of a more perfect Union a national government. The genius, talent, and learning of HAMILTON, of JAY, of MADISON, sur passing, perhaps, the intellectual power ever excited before for the establish ment of a government, combined with the serene but mighty influence of WASHINGTON, were only sufficient to secure the- reluctant adoption of the Constitution that is now the object of all our affections and of the hopes of mankind. No wonder that the conflicts in which that Constitution was born, and the almost desponding solemnity of WASHINGTON in his Farewell Ad dress, impressed his countrymen and mankind with a profound distrust of its perpetuity ! No wonder that while the murmurs of that day are yet ringing in our ears, we have cherished that distrust with pious reverence as a nation al and patriotic sentiment. But it is time to prevent abuses of that sentiment. It is time to shake off that fear, for fear is always weakness. It is time to remember that govern ment, even when it arises by chance or accident, and is administered capricious ly and oppressively, is ever the strongest of all human institutions, surviving many social and ecclesiastical changes and convulsions, and that this govern ment of ours has all the inherent strength common to governments, and ad ded to them is the solidity and firmness derived from broader and deeper foundations in natural justice, and from a better civil adaptation to promote the welfare and happiness of mankind. The Union, the creation of necessities physical, moral, so?,ml, and political, endures by virtue of the same necessities, and thssa necessities are stronger 25 than when it was produced, and by the greater amplitude of territory now covered by it ; stronger by the six-fold increase of the society living under its beneficent protection ; stronger by the augmentation ten thousand times of the fields, the workshops, the mines, and the ships of that society, of its pro ductions of the sea, of the plough, of the loom, and of the anvil, in their con stant circle of internal and international exchanges ; stronger in the long rivers penetrating regions before unknown; stronger in all the artificial roads, canals, and other channels and avenues essential not only to trade but to defence; stronger in steam navigation, in steam locomotion on the land, and in telegraph communications, unknown when the Constitution was adopt ed ; stronger in the freedom and in the growing empire of the seas ; stronger in the element of national honor in all lands, and stronger than all in the now settled habits of veneration and affection for institutions so stupendous and useful. The Union, then, IS, not merely because that men choose that it shall be, but because some government must exist here, and no other government than this can. If it should be dashed to atoms by the whirlwind, the lightning, or the earthquake to-day, it would rise again in all its just and magnificent pro portions to-morrow. I have heard somewhat here, and almost for the first time in my life, of divided allegiance of allegiance to the South and to the Union of allegiance to States severally, and to the Union. Sir, if sympathies with State emulation and pride of achievement could be allowed to raise up another sovereign to divide the allegiance of a citizen of the United States, I might recognize the claims of the State to which by birth and gratitude I belong to the State of Hamilton and Jay, of Schuyler, of the Clintons and of Fulton the State which, with less than 200 miles of natural navigation connected with the ocean, has, by her own enterprise, secured to herself the commerce of the continent, and is steadily advancing to the command of the commerce of the world. But for all this, I know only one country and one sovereign the United States of America and the American People. And such as my allegiance is, is the loyalty of every other citizen of the United States. As I speak he will speak when his time arrives ; he knows no other country and no other sovereign ; he has life, liberty, property, and precious affections, and hopes for himself and for his posterity, treasured up in the ark of the Union ; he knows as well and feels as strongly as I do, that this government is his own government ; that he is a part of it ; that it was established for him, and that it is maintained by him ; that it is the only truly wise, just, free, and equal government that has ever existed ; that no other government could be so wise, just, free, and equal ; that it is safer and more beneficent than any which time or change could bring into its place. You may tell me, Sir, that although all this may be true, yet, that the trial of faction has not yet been made. Sir, if the trial of faction has not been made, it has not been because that faction has not always existed, and has not always menaced a trial, but because faction could find no fulcrum on which to place the lever to subvert the Union, as it can find no fulcrum now, and in this is my confidence. I would not rashly provoke this trial, but I will not suffer a fear which I have not to make me compromise one sentiment, one principle of truth or justice, to avert a danger that all experience teaches me is purely chimerical. Let those, then, who distrust the Union make com promises to save it. I shall not impeach their wisdom, as I certainly cannot their patriotism ; but indulging no such apprehensions myself, I shall vote for the admission of California, directly, without conditions, without qualification, and without compromise. For the vindication of that vote I look: not to the verdict of the passing hour, disturbed as the public mind now is by conflicting interests and passions, but to that period, happily not far distant, when the vast regions over which we are now legislating shall have received their des tined inhabitants. 26 While looking forward to that day, its countless generations seem to me to be rising up and passing in dim and shadowy review before us. And the voice comes forth from their reviewed ranks, saying, " Waste your treasures, and your armies, if you \vill, raze your fortifications to the ground, sink your navies into the sea, transmit to us even a dishonored name, if you must ; but the soil that you hold in trust for us, give it to us free ; you found it free, and conquered it to extend a better and surer freedom over it. Whatever choice you have made for yourselves, let us have no partial freedom, let us all be free, let the reversion of our broad domain descend to us uniucumbered and free from the calamities and the sorrows of human bondage." POPULAB, WORKS OF FICTION PUBLISHED BY REDDING & CO., 8 State Street, Boston. 7HB OAXTONS i A FAMILY PICTURE. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 37$ IOLAND OASHEL. By CHARLES LEVER. With Illustrations 60 'ELHAM; OR, TUB ADVENTURES OF A GENTLE MAN. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON . . 25 RAPHAEL i on, PAGES FROM THE BOOK OF LIFE AT TWENTY. By A. DE LAMART1NE . 'HE DISOWNED. By E. BULWER LYTTON 25 'HE MIDNIGHT SUN: A PILGRIMAGE. By Mii BREMER. Translated by MARY HOWITT HREE SISTERS AND THREE FOR- TUNES i OR, ROSB, BLANCHE, AND VIOLET. By G. H. LEWES, Esq 85 IEVEREUX. By Sir E. BUL^VER LYTTON . 25 'HE DISCIPLINE OF LIF.k> j OH, ISABEL DEN- ISON, A COUKTBY NEIGHBORHOOD, AND TUB MOAT 25 'HE BANKER'S WIFE. By Mrs. GORE . 12J HIRTY YEARS SINCE 5 OH, THE RUINED FAMILY. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. . . .25 AUL CLIFFORD. By E. BULWER LYTTON 25 IARY BARTON: A TALK OF MANCHESTER LIFE 25 'HE LITTLE SAVAGE. By Capt. MARRY AT 'HE HISTORY OF PENDENNIS, HIS FOR TUNES AND MISFORTUNES, HIS FRIENDS AND HIS URKATEST ENEMY. By W. M. THACKERAY. With Illustrations 'HE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTERS. LIFE IN SWEUBN. By Miss BREMER. Translated by MARY HOWITT 12 IUGENE ARAM. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 25 HE GREAT HOGGARTY DIAMOND. By W. M. THACKERAY 25 UNA. LIFE IN SWEDEN. By Miss BREMER. Translated by MARY HOWITT . . . . KJ 'HE IMAGE OF HIS FATHER : A TALE OF A YOUNG MONKEY. By the Brothers MAYHEW 50 'HE FORGERY: A TALE. By G. P. R. JAMES 25 'HE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 25 T. PATRICK'S EVE. By CHARLES LEVER 06$ 'HE NEIGHBORS: A TALE OF EVERY-DAY LIKK. By Miss BREMER 12 1DWARD VERNON MY COUSIN'S STORY. By E. V. CHILttE 50 'HE CZARINA A HISTORICAL ROMANCE OF THB COURT OF RUSSIA. By Mrs. HOFLAND 25 'HE FALSE HEIR. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. 12* ,'HE BACHELOR OF THE ALBANY. By the Author of the " Falcon Family" . . . 37 L WHIM, AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq 25 IIENZI, THE LAST OF THE TRIBUNES. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 25 COWRIE ; OR, THE KINO'S PLOT. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq 25 lELF-DEVOTION j OR, THE HISTORY OF KATH- KKINE RANDOLPH. By Miss CAMPBELL . . 25 ,IFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK OF THE MILL, COMMONLY CALLKD LORD OTH- MILL J CREATED, FOR HIS EMINENT SERVICES, * ' ''* BARON WALDKCK, AND KNIGHT OF KITCOTTIB: FIRESIDE STORY. By W HOWITT . . 1*} HAROLD, THE LAST OF THE SAXON KINGS. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON .... 60 BROTHERS AND SISTERS : A TALB OF Do- MESTIC LIFE. By Miss BREMER. Translated from the Original Unpublished Manuscript, by MARY HOWITT 2f THE NABOB AT HOME; OR, THB RETURN FROM INDIA 35 THE LOST SHIP; OR, THE ATLANTIC STEAM ER. By Captain NEALE 25 THE HAUNTED MAN AND THB GHOST'S BARGAIN : A FANCY FOB CHRISTMAS- TIMS. By CHARLES DICKENS 06$ HOME INFLUENCE : A TALB FOR MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. By GRACE AGUILAR . T ERNEST MALTRAVERS. By Sir K BUL WER LYTTON 95 ALICE ; OR, THE MYSTERIES : A SEQUEL TO " ERN EST MALTRAVERS." ByE. BULWER LYTTON 25 SELF-CONTROL. By MARY BRUNTON . . 25 THE HOME ; OR, FAMILY CARES AND FAMILY JOYS. By Miss BREMER 131 SIR THEODORE BROUGHTON, OB.LAUBBL WATER. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. . . .86 VANITY FAIR: A NOYEL WITHOUT A HBRO; BEING PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES OF ENGLISH SOCIETY. By W. M. THACKERAY . . 91 00 THE LAST OF THE FAIRIES: A CHRIST MAS TALE. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. . . 124 THE PEASANT AND HIS LANDLORD. By the Baroness KNORRING. Translated by MARY HOWITT 50 THE LAST OF THE BARONS. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 25 JANE EYRE, AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Edited by CURRER BELL .... . 25 MIDSUMMER EVE: A FAIRY TALE OF. LOVE. By Mrs. S. C. HALL 25 THE PILGRIMS OF THE RHINE. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON 124 THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL. By ACTON BELL 50 FOREST DAYS : A ROMANCE OF OLD TIMES. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq 124 WUTHERING HEIGHTS. By ELLIS BELL . 50 ADAM BROWN, THE MERCHANT. By HORACE SMITH 124 ANGELA. By Mrs. MARSH 75 THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW FOREST. By Captain MAKRYAT ... . 37J MARY GROVER; OR, THE TRUSTING WIFE A DOMESTIC TEMPERANCE TALE. By CHARLES BURDETT . . 30 THE BIRTHRIGHT. By Mrs. GORE . . 12* NEW SKETCHES OF EVERY-DAY LIFE : A DIARY ; also, STRIFE AND PEACE. By MJM BREMER. Translated by MARY HOWITT . 12$ ARABELLA STUART : A ROMANCE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. . . .12$ THE UNLOVED ONE : A DSMESTIC STORY. By Mrs. HOFLAND 1*J ARTHUR. By EUGENE SUE. Translated by P F. CHRISTIN, Esq ** NOW AND THEN. By SAMUEI WAJWEN fO MARGARET GRAHAM. By ft I >